diff options
authorcvs2svn <>2007-05-24 16:12:24 +0000
committercvs2svn <>2007-05-24 16:12:24 +0000
commitab6a9e97ac1fd3601b9427d8dde3e7f432278e92 (patch)
parentd1d50c78ab5592e27e6f1dc9657dc4c8eb8fdc9e (diff)
15 files changed, 0 insertions, 1525 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/file/.cvsignore b/contrib/file/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index d89921897ae6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/file/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/contrib/file/Magdir/bFLT b/contrib/file/Magdir/bFLT
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e288d130b07..000000000000
--- a/contrib/file/Magdir/bFLT
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# bFLT: file(1) magic for BFLT uclinux binary files
-# From Philippe De Muyter <>
-0 string bFLT BFLT executable
->4 belong x - version %ld
->4 belong 4
->>36 belong&0x1 0x1 ram
->>36 belong&0x2 0x2 gotpic
->>36 belong&0x4 0x4 gzip
->>36 belong&0x8 0x8 gzdata
diff --git a/contrib/file/Magdir/chi b/contrib/file/Magdir/chi
deleted file mode 100644
index ee450f555881..000000000000
--- a/contrib/file/Magdir/chi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# chi: file(1) magic for ChiWriter files
-0 string \\1cw\ ChiWriter file
->5 string >\0 version %s
-0 string \\1cw ChiWriter file
diff --git a/contrib/file/Magdir/cvs b/contrib/file/Magdir/cvs
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ce9a1a54a7f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/file/Magdir/cvs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# file(1) magic for cvs(1) files
-# From Hendrik Scholz <>
-0 string /1\ :pserver: cvs password text file
diff --git a/contrib/file/Magdir/hdf b/contrib/file/Magdir/hdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 10a21b642571..000000000000
--- a/contrib/file/Magdir/hdf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# Hierarchical Data Format, used to facilitate scientific data exchange
-# specifications at
-0 belong 0x0e031301 Hierarchical Data Format (version 4) data
-0 string \211HDF\r\n\032 Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) data
diff --git a/contrib/file/Magdir/impulse b/contrib/file/Magdir/impulse
deleted file mode 100644
index 64c14c3012d6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/file/Magdir/impulse
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# impulse tracker: file(1) magic for Impulse Tracker data files
-# From <>
-# These are the /etc/magic entries to decode modules, instruments, and
-# samples in Impulse Tracker's native format.
-0 string IMPS Impulse Tracker Sample
->18 byte &2 16 bit
->18 byte ^2 8 bit
->18 byte &4 stereo
->18 byte ^4 mono
-0 string IMPI Impulse Tracker Instrument
->28 leshort !0 ITv%x
->30 byte !0 %d samples
-0 string IMPM Impulse Tracker Module
->40 leshort !0 compatible w/ITv%x
->42 leshort !0 created w/ITv%x
diff --git a/contrib/file/Magdir/wordperfect b/contrib/file/Magdir/wordperfect
deleted file mode 100644
index c77ac8d1b888..000000000000
--- a/contrib/file/Magdir/wordperfect
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-#WordPerfect type files Version 1.6 - PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE
-0 string \377WPC\020\000\000\000\022\012\001\001\000\000\000\000 (WP) loadable text
->15 byte 0 Optimized for Intel
->15 byte 1 Optimized for Non-Intel
-1 string WPC (Corel/WP)
->8 short 257 WordPerfect macro
->8 short 258 WordPerfect help file
->8 short 259 WordPerfect keyboard file
->8 short 266 WordPerfect document
->8 short 267 WordPerfect dictionary
->8 short 268 WordPerfect thesaurus
->8 short 269 WordPerfect block
->8 short 270 WordPerfect rectangular block
->8 short 271 WordPerfect column block
->8 short 272 WordPerfect printer data
->8 short 275 WordPerfect printer data
->8 short 276 WordPerfect driver resource data
->8 short 279 WordPerfect hyphenation code
->8 short 280 WordPerfect hyphenation data
->8 short 281 WordPerfect macro resource data
->8 short 283 WordPerfect hyphenation lex
->8 short 285 WordPerfect wordlist
->8 short 286 WordPerfect equation resource data
->8 short 289 WordPerfect spell rules
->8 short 290 WordPerfect dictionary rules
->8 short 295 WordPerfect spell rules (Microlytics)
->8 short 299 WordPerfect settings file
->8 short 301 WordPerfect 4.2 document
->8 short 325 WordPerfect dialog file
->8 short 332 WordPerfect button bar
->8 short 513 Shell macro
->8 short 522 Shell definition
->8 short 769 Notebook macro
->8 short 770 Notebook help file
->8 short 771 Notebook keyboard file
->8 short 778 Notebook definition
->8 short 1026 Calculator help file
->8 short 1538 Calendar help file
->8 short 1546 Calendar data file
->8 short 1793 Editor macro
->8 short 1794 Editor help file
->8 short 1795 Editor keyboard file
->8 short 1817 Editor macro resource file
->8 short 2049 Macro editor macro
->8 short 2050 Macro editor help file
->8 short 2051 Macro editor keyboard file
->8 short 2305 PlanPerfect macro
->8 short 2306 PlanPerfect help file
->8 short 2307 PlanPerfect keyboard file
->8 short 2314 PlanPerfect worksheet
->8 short 2319 PlanPerfect printer definition
->8 short 2322 PlanPerfect graphic definition
->8 short 2323 PlanPerfect data
->8 short 2324 PlanPerfect temporary printer
->8 short 2329 PlanPerfect macro resource data
->8 byte 11 Mail
->8 short 2818 help file
->8 short 2821 distribution list
->8 short 2826 out box
->8 short 2827 in box
->8 short 2836 users archived mailbox
->8 short 2837 archived message database
->8 short 2838 archived attachments
->8 short 3083 Printer temporary file
->8 short 3330 Scheduler help file
->8 short 3338 Scheduler in file
->8 short 3339 Scheduler out file
->8 short 3594 GroupWise settings file
->8 short 3601 GroupWise directory services
->8 short 3627 GroupWise settings file
->8 short 4362 Terminal resource data
->8 short 4363 Terminal resource data
->8 short 4395 Terminal resource data
->8 short 4619 GUI loadable text
->8 short 4620 graphics resource data
->8 short 4621 printer settings file
->8 short 4622 port definition file
->8 short 4623 print queue parameters
->8 short 4624 compressed file
->8 short 5130 Network service msg file
->8 short 5131 Network service msg file
->8 short 5132 Async gateway login msg
->8 short 5134 GroupWise message file
->8 short 7956 GroupWise admin domain database
->8 short 7957 GroupWise admin host database
->8 short 7959 GroupWise admin remote host database
->8 short 7960 GroupWise admin ADS deferment data file
->8 short 8458 IntelliTAG (SGML) compiled DTD
->8 long 18219264 WordPerfect graphic image (1.0)
->8 long 18219520 WordPerfect graphic image (2.0)
-#end of WordPerfect type files Version 1.6 - PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE
diff --git a/contrib/file/Makefile.std b/contrib/file/Makefile.std
deleted file mode 100644
index ff2a9b5ddc92..000000000000
--- a/contrib/file/Makefile.std
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for file(1) cmd.
-# Copyright (c) Ian F. Darwin 86/09/01 - see LEGAL.NOTICE.
-# @(#)$Id: Makefile.std,v 1.17 2003/02/27 20:47:45 christos Exp $
-# This software is not subject to any license of the American Telephone
-# and Telegraph Company or of the Regents of the University of California.
-# Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose on
-# any computer system, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject
-# to the following restrictions:
-# 1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of this
-# software, no matter how awful, even if they arise from flaws in it.
-# 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by
-# explicit claim or by omission. Since few users ever read sources,
-# credits must appear in the documentation.
-# 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
-# misrepresented as being the original software. Since few users
-# ever read sources, credits must appear in the documentation.
-# 4. This notice may not be removed or altered.
-VERSION = 3.41
-SHELL = /bin/sh
-#MAGIC = /etc/magic
-MAGIC = /usr/local/etc/magic
-DEFS = -DMAGIC='"$(MAGIC)"' -DBUILTIN_ELF # -Dvoid=int
-CC = cc
-COPTS = -O -g # newer compilers allow both; else drop -O
-# For truly antique environments, use this for (dummy) include files:
-COPTS = -O # -Ilocalinc
-LDFLAGS = $(COPTS) # -Bstatic # older gdb couldn't handle shared libs
-SHAR = bundle
-OFILE = /usr/bin/file # old or distributed version, for comparison
-# Where new binary lives; typically /usr/local (BSD), /usr/lbin (USG).
-BINDIR = /usr/local/bin
-# For installing our man pages;
-# MANCxxx is manual section for Commands, MANFxxx is section for file formats.
-# MANxDIR is directory names; MANxEXT is the filename extention. Usual values:
-# Variable V7 4BSD Sys V
-# MANCDIR /usr/man/man1 /usr/man/man1 /usr/man/u_man/man1
-# MANFDIR /usr/man/man5 /usr/man/man5 /usr/man/u_man/man4
-# MANCEXT 1 1 1
-# MANFEXT 5 5 4
-# --- possible alternative for 4BSD ---
-# MANCDIR /usr/local/man/man1
-# or
-# MANCDIR /usr/man/manl
-# --- possible alternative for USG ---
-# MANCDIR /usr/man/local/man1
-MANCDIR = /usr/local/man/man1
-MANFDIR = /usr/local/man/man4
-# There are no system-dependant configuration options (except maybe CFLAGS).
-# Uncomment any of these that is missing from your "standard" library.
-LOCALSRCS = # localsrc/getopt.c localsrc/strtol.c \
-# localsrc/strtok.c localsrc/strchr.c
-LOCALOBJS = # localsrc/getopt.o localsrc/strtol.o \
-# localsrc/strtok.o localsrc/strchr.o
-# These are not compiled in unless you use -Ilocalinc, but
-# are not commented out as "make dist" &c use them.
-LOCALINC = # localinc/*.h localinc/sys/*.h
-SRCS = file.c apprentice.c fsmagic.c softmagic.c ascmagic.c \
- compress.c is_tar.c readelf.c \
- print.c $(LOCALSRCS) $(LOCALINC)
-OBJS = file.o apprentice.o fsmagic.o softmagic.o ascmagic.o \
- compress.o is_tar.o readelf.o \
- print.o $(LOCALOBJS)
-HDRS = file.h names.h patchlevel.h readelf.h tar.h
-AUTOSRC=configure install-sh
- Makefile.std magic2mime $(AUTOSRC) \
- Localstuff Header
-ALLMAGIC = Magdir/[a-z]*
-all: file magic file.${MANCEXT} magic.${MANFEXT}
-TESTFILES = * tst/*
-try: all $(OFILE)
- cd tst; $(MAKE)
- time $(OFILE) $(TESTFILES) >/tmp/t1 # can't use ./magic
- time ./file -m ./magic $(TESTFILES) >/tmp/t2
- -diff -b /tmp/t[12]
- what ./file >lastnocore
-file: $(OBJS)
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $@
-lint: $(SRCS)
- lint -ha $(DEFS) $(SRCS) | tee $@
-magic: Localstuff Header Magdir
- cat Header Localstuff Magdir/[a-z] > $@
-ascmagic.o: names.h
-compress.o apprentice.o ascmagic.o file.o fsmagic.o print.o softmagic.o: file.h
-install: file magic
- cp file $(BINDIR)/file
- cp magic $(MAGIC)
- file.${MANCEXT} magic.${MANFEXT}
- cp file.${MANCEXT} $(MANCDIR)/file.$(MANCEXT)
- cp magic.${MANFEXT} $(MANFDIR)/magic.$(MANFEXT)
- rm -f *.o core file magic lint dist.* MANIFEST \
- magic.${MANFEXT} file.${MANCEXT} \
- config.h config.status config.cache config.log
- cd tst; $(MAKE) clean
-magic.${MANFEXT} : Makefile
- @rm -f $@
- sed -e s@__CSECTION__@${MANCEXT}@g \
- -e s@__FSECTION__@${MANFEXT}@g \
- -e s@__VERSION__@${VERSION}@g \
- -e s@__MAGIC__@${MAGIC}@g > $@
-file.${MANCEXT} : Makefile
- @rm -f $@
- sed -e s@__CSECTION__@${MANCEXT}@g \
- -e s@__FSECTION__@${MANFEXT}@g \
- -e s@__VERSION__@${VERSION}@g \
- -e s@__MAGIC__@${MAGIC}@g > $@
-send: dist
- ftp ftp.cs
-dist: dist.src dist.magic
- @echo Now check this patchlevel!
- ident patchlevel.h
-dist.src: $(ALLSRC) MANIFEST
-# Some versions of shar can't handle a single file from
-# a subdirectory, so we manually insert mkdir as needed.
-# The point is to exclude all the generable targets in tst.
- (echo mkdir localinc localinc/sys localsrc tst; \
-rcsdiff: $(ALLSRC)
- rcsdiff -q RCS/*
- ident $(ALLSRC) > MANIFEST
-dist.magic: Magdir
-# As above, but to exclude Magdir/RCS from being shipped.
- (echo mkdir Magdir; $(SHAR) $(ALLMAGIC)) >$@
- -rm -fr file-${VERSION}
- -mkdir file-${VERSION} file-${VERSION}/Magdir
- ln $(ALLSRC) file-${VERSION}
- ln ${ALLMAGIC} file-${VERSION}/Magdir
- tar cvf file-${VERSION}.tar file-${VERSION}
- -rm -fr file-${VERSION}
diff --git a/contrib/file/PORTING b/contrib/file/PORTING
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1..000000000000
--- a/contrib/file/PORTING
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/file/acconfig.h b/contrib/file/acconfig.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e6293daf5c09..000000000000
--- a/contrib/file/acconfig.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* Autoheader needs me */
-#undef PACKAGE
-/* Autoheader needs me */
-#undef VERSION
-/* Define if builtin ELF support is enabled. */
-/* Define if ELF core file support is enabled. */
-#undef ELFCORE
-/* Define if the `long long' type works. */
-/* Define if we have "tm_zone" in "struct tm". */
-#undef HAVE_TM_ZONE
-/* Define if we have a global "char * []" "tzname" variable. */
-/* Define if we have "tm_isdst" in "struct tm". */
-/* Define if we have a global "int" variable "daylight". */
-/* Define if we have a mkstemp */
-/* Define to `unsigned char' if standard headers don't define. */
-#undef uint8_t
-/* Define to `unsigned short' if standard headers don't define. */
-#undef uint16_t
-/* Define to `unsigned int' if standard headers don't define. */
-#undef uint32_t
-/* Define to `unsigned long long', if available, or `unsigned long', if
- standard headers don't define. */
-#undef uint64_t
-/* Define to `int' if standard headers don't define. */
-#undef int32_t
-/* FIXME: These have to be added manually because autoheader doesn't know
-/* The number of bytes in a uint8_t. */
-#define SIZEOF_UINT8_T 0
-/* The number of bytes in a uint16_t. */
-#define SIZEOF_UINT16_T 0
-/* The number of bytes in a uint32_t. */
-#define SIZEOF_UINT32_T 0
-/* The number of bytes in a uint64_t. */
-#define SIZEOF_UINT64_T 0
diff --git a/contrib/file/ b/contrib/file/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a8cc0afeecd..000000000000
--- a/contrib/file/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
-.TH FILE __CSECTION__ "Copyright but distributable"
-.\" $Id:,v 1.57 2005/08/18 15:18:22 christos Exp $
-\- determine file type
-.B file
-.B \-bchikLnNprsvz
-.B \-f
-.I namefile
-.B \-F
-.I separator
-.B \-m
-.I magicfiles
-.I file
-.B file
-.B -C
-.B \-m
-magicfile ]
-This manual page documents version __VERSION__ of the
-.B file
-.B File
-tests each argument in an attempt to classify it.
-There are three sets of tests, performed in this order:
-filesystem tests, magic number tests, and language tests.
-.I first
-test that succeeds causes the file type to be printed.
-The type printed will usually contain one of the words
-.B text
-(the file contains only
-printing characters and a few common control
-characters and is probably safe to read on an
-.B executable
-(the file contains the result of compiling a program
-in a form understandable to some \s-1UNIX\s0 kernel or another),
-.B data
-meaning anything else (data is usually `binary' or non-printable).
-Exceptions are well-known file formats (core files, tar archives)
-that are known to contain binary data.
-When modifying the file
-.I __MAGIC__
-or the program itself,
-.B "preserve these keywords" .
-People depend on knowing that all the readable files in a directory
-have the word ``text'' printed.
-Don't do as Berkeley did and change ``shell commands text''
-to ``shell script''.
-Note that the file
-.I __MAGIC__
-is built mechanically from a large number of small files in
-the subdirectory
-.I Magdir
-in the source distribution of this program.
-The filesystem tests are based on examining the return from a
-.BR stat (2)
-system call.
-The program checks to see if the file is empty,
-or if it's some sort of special file.
-Any known file types appropriate to the system you are running on
-(sockets, symbolic links, or named pipes (FIFOs) on those systems that
-implement them)
-are intuited if they are defined in
-the system header file
-.IR <sys/stat.h> .
-The magic number tests are used to check for files with data in
-particular fixed formats.
-The canonical example of this is a binary executable (compiled program)
-.I a.out
-file, whose format is defined in
-.I a.out.h
-and possibly
-.I exec.h
-in the standard include directory.
-These files have a `magic number' stored in a particular place
-near the beginning of the file that tells the \s-1UNIX\s0 operating system
-that the file is a binary executable, and which of several types thereof.
-The concept of `magic number' has been applied by extension to data files.
-Any file with some invariant identifier at a small fixed
-offset into the file can usually be described in this way.
-The information identifying these files is read from the compiled
-magic file
-.I __MAGIC__.mgc ,
-.I __MAGIC__
-if the compile file does not exist. In addition
-.B file
-will look in
-.I $HOME/.magic.mgc ,
-.I $HOME/.magic
-for magic entries.
-If a file does not match any of the entries in the magic file,
-it is examined to see if it seems to be a text file.
-ASCII, ISO-8859-x, non-ISO 8-bit extended-ASCII character sets
-(such as those used on Macintosh and IBM PC systems),
-UTF-8-encoded Unicode, UTF-16-encoded Unicode, and EBCDIC
-character sets can be distinguished by the different
-ranges and sequences of bytes that constitute printable text
-in each set.
-If a file passes any of these tests, its character set is reported.
-ASCII, ISO-8859-x, UTF-8, and extended-ASCII files are identified
-as ``text'' because they will be mostly readable on nearly any terminal;
-UTF-16 and EBCDIC are only ``character data'' because, while
-they contain text, it is text that will require translation
-before it can be read.
-In addition,
-.B file
-will attempt to determine other characteristics of text-type files.
-If the lines of a file are terminated by CR, CRLF, or NEL, instead
-of the Unix-standard LF, this will be reported.
-Files that contain embedded escape sequences or overstriking
-will also be identified.
-.B file
-has determined the character set used in a text-type file,
-it will
-attempt to determine in what language the file is written.
-The language tests look for particular strings (cf
-.IR names.h )
-that can appear anywhere in the first few blocks of a file.
-For example, the keyword
-.B .br
-indicates that the file is most likely a
-.BR troff (1)
-input file, just as the keyword
-.B struct
-indicates a C program.
-These tests are less reliable than the previous
-two groups, so they are performed last.
-The language test routines also test for some miscellany
-(such as
-.BR tar (1)
-Any file that cannot be identified as having been written
-in any of the character sets listed above is simply said to be ``data''.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-b, \-\-brief"
-Do not prepend filenames to output lines (brief mode).
-.TP 8
-.B "\-c, \-\-checking\-printout"
-Cause a checking printout of the parsed form of the magic file.
-This is usually used in conjunction with
-.B \-m
-to debug a new magic file before installing it.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-C, \-\-compile"
-Write a magic.mgc output file that contains a pre-parsed version of
-.TP 8
-.BI "\-f, \-\-files\-from" " namefile"
-Read the names of the files to be examined from
-.I namefile
-(one per line)
-before the argument list.
-.I namefile
-or at least one filename argument must be present;
-to test the standard input, use ``\-'' as a filename argument.
-.TP 8
-.BI "\-F, \-\-separator" " separator"
-Use the specified string as the separator between the filename and the
-file result returned. Defaults to ``:''.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-h, \-\-no-dereference"
-option causes symlinks not to be followed
-(on systems that support symbolic links). This is the default if the
-environment variable
-is not defined.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-i, \-\-mime"
-Causes the file command to output mime type strings rather than the more
-traditional human readable ones. Thus it may say
-``text/plain; charset=us-ascii''
-than ``ASCII text''.
-In order for this option to work, file changes the way
-it handles files recognised by the command itself (such as many of the
-text file types, directories etc), and makes use of an alternative
-``magic'' file.
-(See ``FILES'' section, below).
-.TP 8
-.B "\-k, \-\-keep\-going"
-Don't stop at the first match, keep going.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-L, \-\-dereference"
-option causes symlinks to be followed, as the like-named option in
-.BR ls (1)
-(on systems that support symbolic links).
-This is the default if the environment variable
-is defined.
-.TP 8
-.BI "\-m, \-\-magic\-file" " list"
-Specify an alternate list of files containing magic numbers.
-This can be a single file, or a colon-separated list of files.
-If a compiled magic file is found alongside, it will be used instead.
-With the \-i or \-\-mime option, the program adds ".mime" to each file name.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-n, \-\-no\-buffer"
-Force stdout to be flushed after checking each file.
-This is only useful if checking a list of files.
-It is intended to be used by programs that want filetype output from a pipe.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-N, \-\-no\-pad"
-Don't pad filenames so that they align in the output.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-p, \-\-preserve\-date"
-On systems that support
-.BR utime (2)
-.BR utimes(2),
-attempt to preserve the access time of files analyzed, to pretend that
-.BR file (2)
-never read them.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-r, \-\-raw"
-Don't translate unprintable characters to \eooo.
-.B file
-translates unprintable characters to their octal representation.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-s, \-\-special\-files"
-.B file
-only attempts to read and determine the type of argument files which
-.BR stat (2)
-reports are ordinary files.
-This prevents problems, because reading special files may have peculiar
-Specifying the
-.BR \-s
-option causes
-.B file
-to also read argument files which are block or character special files.
-This is useful for determining the filesystem types of the data in raw
-disk partitions, which are block special files.
-This option also causes
-.B file
-to disregard the file size as reported by
-.BR stat (2)
-since on some systems it reports a zero size for raw disk partitions.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-v, \-\-version"
-Print the version of the program and exit.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-z, \-\-uncompress"
-Try to look inside compressed files.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-\-help"
-Print a help message and exit.
-.I __MAGIC__.mgc
-Default compiled list of magic numbers
-.I __MAGIC__
-Default list of magic numbers
-.I __MAGIC__.mime.mgc
-Default compiled list of magic numbers, used to output mime types when
-the -i option is specified.
-.I __MAGIC__.mime
-Default list of magic numbers, used to output mime types when the -i option
-is specified.
-The environment variable
-can be used to set the default magic number file name.
-If that variable is set, then
-.B file
-will not attempt to open
-.B $HOME/.magic .
-.B file
-adds ".mime" and/or ".mgc" to the value of this variable as appropriate.
-The environment variable
-controls (on systems that support symbolic links), if
-.B file
-will attempt to follow symlinks or not. If set, then
-.B file
-follows symlink, otherwise it does not. This is also controlled
-by the
-.B L
-.B h
-.BR magic (__FSECTION__)
-\- description of magic file format.
-.BR strings (1), " od" (1), " hexdump(1)"
-\- tools for examining non-textfiles.
-This program is believed to exceed the System V Interface Definition
-of FILE(CMD), as near as one can determine from the vague language
-contained therein.
-Its behaviour is mostly compatible with the System V program of the same name.
-This version knows more magic, however, so it will produce
-different (albeit more accurate) output in many cases.
-The one significant difference
-between this version and System V
-is that this version treats any white space
-as a delimiter, so that spaces in pattern strings must be escaped.
-For example,
->10 string language impress\ (imPRESS data)
-in an existing magic file would have to be changed to
->10 string language\e impress (imPRESS data)
-In addition, in this version, if a pattern string contains a backslash,
-it must be escaped.
-For example
-0 string \ebegindata Andrew Toolkit document
-in an existing magic file would have to be changed to
-0 string \e\ebegindata Andrew Toolkit document
-SunOS releases 3.2 and later from Sun Microsystems include a
-.BR file (1)
-command derived from the System V one, but with some extensions.
-My version differs from Sun's only in minor ways.
-It includes the extension of the `&' operator, used as,
-for example,
->16 long&0x7fffffff >0 not stripped
-The magic file entries have been collected from various sources,
-mainly USENET, and contributed by various authors.
-Christos Zoulas (address below) will collect additional
-or corrected magic file entries.
-A consolidation of magic file entries
-will be distributed periodically.
-The order of entries in the magic file is significant.
-Depending on what system you are using, the order that
-they are put together may be incorrect.
-If your old
-.B file
-command uses a magic file,
-keep the old magic file around for comparison purposes
-(rename it to
-.IR __MAGIC__.orig ).
-$ file file.c file /dev/{wd0a,hda}
-file.c: C program text
-file: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV),
- dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
-/dev/wd0a: block special (0/0)
-/dev/hda: block special (3/0)
-$ file -s /dev/wd0{b,d}
-/dev/wd0b: data
-/dev/wd0d: x86 boot sector
-$ file -s /dev/hda{,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
-/dev/hda: x86 boot sector
-/dev/hda1: Linux/i386 ext2 filesystem
-/dev/hda2: x86 boot sector
-/dev/hda3: x86 boot sector, extended partition table
-/dev/hda4: Linux/i386 ext2 filesystem
-/dev/hda5: Linux/i386 swap file
-/dev/hda6: Linux/i386 swap file
-/dev/hda7: Linux/i386 swap file
-/dev/hda8: Linux/i386 swap file
-/dev/hda9: empty
-/dev/hda10: empty
-$ file -i file.c file /dev/{wd0a,hda}
-file.c: text/x-c
-file: application/x-executable, dynamically linked (uses shared libs),
-not stripped
-/dev/hda: application/x-not-regular-file
-/dev/wd0a: application/x-not-regular-file
-There has been a
-.B file
-command in every \s-1UNIX\s0 since at least Research Version 4
-(man page dated November, 1973).
-The System V version introduced one significant major change:
-the external list of magic number types.
-This slowed the program down slightly but made it a lot more flexible.
-This program, based on the System V version,
-was written by Ian Darwin <>
-without looking at anybody else's source code.
-John Gilmore revised the code extensively, making it better than
-the first version.
-Geoff Collyer found several inadequacies
-and provided some magic file entries.
-Contributions by the `&' operator by Rob McMahon,, 1989.
-Guy Harris,, made many changes from 1993 to the present.
-Primary development and maintenance from 1990 to the present by
-Christos Zoulas (
-Altered by Chris Lowth,, 2000:
-Handle the ``-i'' option to output mime type strings and using an alternative
-magic file and internal logic.
-Altered by Eric Fischer (, July, 2000,
-to identify character codes and attempt to identify the languages
-of non-ASCII files.
-The list of contributors to the "Magdir" directory (source for the
-.I __MAGIC__
-file) is too long to include here.
-You know who you are; thank you.
-Copyright (c) Ian F. Darwin, Toronto, Canada, 1986-1999.
-Covered by the standard Berkeley Software Distribution copyright; see the file
-LEGAL.NOTICE in the source distribution.
-The files
-.I tar.h
-.I is_tar.c
-were written by John Gilmore from his public-domain
-.B tar
-program, and are not covered by the above license.
-There must be a better way to automate the construction of the Magic
-file from all the glop in magdir.
-What is it?
-Better yet, the magic file should be compiled into binary (say,
-.BR ndbm (3)
-or, better yet, fixed-length
-strings for use in heterogenous network environments) for faster startup.
-Then the program would run as fast as the Version 7 program of the same name,
-with the flexibility of the System V version.
-.B File
-uses several algorithms that favor speed over accuracy,
-thus it can be misled about the contents of
-The support for
-files (primarily for programming languages)
-is simplistic, inefficient and requires recompilation to update.
-There should be an ``else'' clause to follow a series of continuation lines.
-The magic file and keywords should have regular expression support.
-Their use of
-as a field delimiter is ugly and makes
-it hard to edit the files, but is entrenched.
-It might be advisable to allow upper-case letters in keywords
-for e.g.,
-.BR troff (1)
-commands vs man page macros.
-Regular expression support would make this easy.
-The program doesn't grok \s-2FORTRAN\s0.
-It should be able to figure \s-2FORTRAN\s0 by seeing some keywords which
-appear indented at the start of line.
-Regular expression support would make this easy.
-The list of keywords in
-.I ascmagic
-probably belongs in the Magic file.
-This could be done by using some keyword like `*' for the offset value.
-Another optimisation would be to sort
-the magic file so that we can just run down all the
-tests for the first byte, first word, first long, etc, once we
-have fetched it.
-Complain about conflicts in the magic file entries.
-Make a rule that the magic entries sort based on file offset rather
-than position within the magic file?
-The program should provide a way to give an estimate
-of ``how good'' a guess is.
-We end up removing guesses (e.g. ``From '' as first 5 chars of file) because
-they are not as good as other guesses (e.g. ``Newsgroups:'' versus
-Still, if the others don't pan out, it should be possible to use the
-first guess.
-This program is slower than some vendors' file commands.
-The new support for multiple character codes makes it even slower.
-This manual page, and particularly this section, is too long.
-You can obtain the original author's latest version by anonymous FTP
-in the directory
-.I /pub/file/file-X.YZ.tar.gz
diff --git a/contrib/file/ b/contrib/file/
deleted file mode 100644
index f9808f9cdd6f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/file/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-.\" Copyright (c) Christos Zoulas 2003.
-.\" All Rights Reserved.
-.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-.\" are met:
-.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-.\" notice immediately at the beginning of the file, without modification,
-.\" this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.
-.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.Dd March 22, 2003
-.Dt MAGIC 3
-.Nm magic_open ,
-.Nm magic_close ,
-.Nm magic_error ,
-.Nm magic_file ,
-.Nm magic_buffer ,
-.Nm magic_setflags ,
-.Nm magic_check ,
-.Nm magic_compile ,
-.Nm magic_load
-.Nd Magic number recognition library.
-.Lb libmagic
-.In magic.h
-.Ft magic_t
-.Fn magic_open "int flags"
-.Ft void
-.Fn magic_close "magic_t cookie"
-.Ft const char *
-.Fn magic_error "magic_t cookie"
-.Ft int
-.Fn magic_errno "magic_t cookie"
-.Ft const char *
-.Fn magic_file "magic_t cookie, const char *filename"
-.Ft const char *
-.Fn magic_buffer "magic_t cookie, const void *buffer, size_t length"
-.Ft int
-.Fn magic_setflags "magic_t cookie, int flags"
-.Ft int
-.Fn magic_check "magic_t cookie, const char *filename"
-.Ft int
-.Fn magic_compile "magic_t cookie, const char *filename"
-.Ft int
-.Fn magic_load "magic_t cookie, const char *filename"
-These functions
-operate on the magic database file
-which is described
-.Xr magic __FSECTION__ .
-The function
-.Fn magic_open
-creates a magic cookie pointer and returns it. It returns NULL if
-there was an error allocating the magic cookie. The
-.Ar flags
-argument specifies how the other magic functions should behave:
-.Bl -tag -width MAGIC_COMPRESS
-No special handling.
-Print debugging messages to stderr.
-If the file queried is a symlink, follow it.
-If the file is compressed, unpack it and look at the contents.
-If the file is a block or character special device, then open the device
-and try to look in its contents.
-Return a mime string, instead of a textual description.
-Return all matches, not just the first.
-Check the magic database for consistency and print warnings to stderr.
-On systems that support
-.Xr utime 2
-.Xr utimes 2 ,
-attempt to preserve the access time of files analyzed.
-Don't translate unprintable characters to a \eooo octal representation.
-Treat operating system errors while trying to open files and follow symlinks
-as real errors, instead of printing them in the magic buffer.
-.Fn magic_close
-function closes the
-.Xr magic __FSECTION__
-database and deallocates any resources used.
-.Fn magic_error
-function returns a textual explanation of the last error, or NULL if there was
-no error.
-.Fn magic_errno
-function returns the last operating system error number (
-.Xr errno 3 )
-that was encountered by a system call.
-.Fn magic_file
-function returns a textual description of the contents of the
-.Ar filename
-argument, or NULL if an error occurred.
-If the
-.Ar filename
-is NULL, then stdin is used.
-.Fn magic_buffer
-function returns a textual description of the contents of the
-.Ar buffer
-argument with
-.Ar length
-bytes size.
-.Fn magic_setflags
-function, sets the
-.Ar flags
-described above.
-.Fn magic_check
-function can be used to check the validity of entries in the colon
-separated database files passed in as
-.Ar filename ,
-or NULL for the default database. It returns 0 on success and -1 on
-.Fn magic_compile
-function can be used to compile the the colon
-separated list of database files passed in as
-.Ar filename ,
-or NULL for the default database. It returns 0 on success and -1 on
-failure. The compiled files created are named from the
-.Xr basename 1
-of each file argument with ".mgc" appended to it.
-.Fn magic_load
-function must be used to load the the colon
-separated list of database files passed in as
-.Ar filename ,
-or NULL for the default database file
-before any magic queries can performed.
-The default database file is named by the MAGIC environment variable. If
-that variable is not set, the default database file name is __MAGIC__.
-.Fn magic_load
-adds ".mime" and/or ".mgc" to the database filename as appropriate.
-The function
-.Fn magic_open
-returns a magic cookie on success and NULL on failure setting errno to
-an appropriate value. It will set errno to EINVAL if an unsupported
-value for flags was given.
-.Fn magic_load ,
-.Fn magic_compile ,
-.Fn magic_check
-functions return 0 on success and -1 on failure.
-.Fn magic_file ,
-.Fn magic_buffer
-functions return a string on success and NULL on failure. The
-.Fn magic_error
-function returns a textual description of the errors of the above
-functions, or NULL if there was no error.
-.Fn magic_setflags
-returns -1 on systems that don't support
-.Xr utime 2 ,
-.Xr utimes 2
-is set.
-.Bl -tag -width __MAGIC__.mime.mgc -compact
-.It Pa __MAGIC__.mime
-The non-compiled default magic mime database.
-.It Pa __MAGIC__.mime.mgc
-The compiled default magic mime database.
-.It Pa __MAGIC__
-The non-compiled default magic database.
-.It Pa __MAGIC__.mgc
-The compiled default magic database.
-.Xr file __CSECTION__ ,
-.Xr magic __FSECTION__
-Måns Rullgård Initial libmagic implementation,
-and configuration.
-Christos Zoulas API cleanup, error code and allocation handling.
diff --git a/contrib/file/ b/contrib/file/
deleted file mode 100644
index 73b6a3dd7d95..000000000000
--- a/contrib/file/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-.TH MAGIC __FSECTION__ "Public Domain"
-.\" install as magic.4 on USG, magic.5 on V7 or Berkeley systems.
-magic \- file command's magic number file
-This manual page documents the format of the magic file as
-used by the
-.BR file (__CSECTION__)
-command, version __VERSION__.
-.BR file
-command identifies the type of a file using,
-among other tests,
-a test for whether the file begins with a certain
-.IR "magic number" .
-The file
-.I __MAGIC__
-specifies what magic numbers are to be tested for,
-what message to print if a particular magic number is found,
-and additional information to extract from the file.
-Each line of the file specifies a test to be performed.
-A test compares the data starting at a particular offset
-in the file with a 1-byte, 2-byte, or 4-byte numeric value or
-a string.
-If the test succeeds, a message is printed.
-The line consists of the following fields:
-.IP offset \w'message'u+2n
-A number specifying the offset, in bytes, into the file of the data
-which is to be tested.
-.IP type
-The type of the data to be tested.
-The possible values are:
-.IP byte \w'message'u+2n
-A one-byte value.
-.IP short
-A two-byte value (on most systems) in this machine's native byte order.
-.IP long
-A four-byte value (on most systems) in this machine's native byte order.
-.IP string
-A string of bytes.
-The string type specification can be optionally followed
-by /[Bbc]*.
-The ``B'' flag compacts whitespace in the target, which must
-contain at least one whitespace character.
-If the magic has
-.I n
-consecutive blanks, the target needs at least
-.I n
-consecutive blanks to match.
-The ``b'' flag treats every blank in the target as an optional blank.
-Finally the ``c'' flag, specifies case insensitive matching: lowercase
-characters in the magic match both lower and upper case characters in the
-targer, whereas upper case characters in the magic, only much uppercase
-characters in the target.
-.IP pstring
-A pascal style string where the first byte is interpreted as the an
-unsigned length. The string is not NUL terminated.
-.IP date
-A four-byte value interpreted as a UNIX date.
-.IP ldate
-A four-byte value interpreted as a UNIX-style date, but interpreted as
-local time rather than UTC.
-.IP beshort
-A two-byte value (on most systems) in big-endian byte order.
-.IP belong
-A four-byte value (on most systems) in big-endian byte order.
-.IP bedate
-A four-byte value (on most systems) in big-endian byte order,
-interpreted as a Unix date.
-.IP beldate
-A four-byte value (on most systems) in big-endian byte order,
-interpreted as a UNIX-style date, but interpreted as local time rather
-than UTC.
-.IP bestring16
-A two-byte unicode (UCS16) string in big-endian byte order.
-.IP leshort
-A two-byte value (on most systems) in little-endian byte order.
-.IP lelong
-A four-byte value (on most systems) in little-endian byte order.
-.IP ledate
-A four-byte value (on most systems) in little-endian byte order,
-interpreted as a UNIX date.
-.IP leldate
-A four-byte value (on most systems) in little-endian byte order,
-interpreted as a UNIX-style date, but interpreted as local time rather
-than UTC.
-.IP lestring16
-A two-byte unicode (UCS16) string in little-endian byte order.
-.IP melong
-A four-byte value (on most systems) in middle-endian (PDP-11) byte order.
-.IP medate
-A four-byte value (on most systems) in middle-endian (PDP-11) byte order,
-interpreted as a UNIX date.
-.IP meldate
-A four-byte value (on most systems) in middle-endian (PDP-11) byte order,
-interpreted as a UNIX-style date, but interpreted as local time rather
-than UTC.
-.IP regex
-A regular expression match in extended POSIX regular expression syntax
-(much like egrep).
-The type specification can be optionally followed by
-.B /c
-for case-insensitive matches.
-The regular expression is always
-tested against the first
-.B N
-lines, where
-.B N
-is the given offset, thus it
-is only useful for (single-byte encoded) text.
-.B ^
-.B $
-will match the beginning and end of individual lines, respectively,
-not beginning and end of file.
-.IP search
-A literal string search starting at the given offset. It must be followed by
-.B /<number>
-which specifies how many matches shall be attempted (the range).
-This is suitable for searching larger binary expressions with variable
-offsets, using
-.B \e
-escapes for special characters.
-The numeric types may optionally be followed by
-.B &
-and a numeric value,
-to specify that the value is to be AND'ed with the
-numeric value before any comparisons are done.
-Prepending a
-.B u
-to the type indicates that ordered comparisons should be unsigned.
-.IP test
-The value to be compared with the value from the file.
-If the type is
-numeric, this value
-is specified in C form; if it is a string, it is specified as a C string
-with the usual escapes permitted (e.g. \en for new-line).
-Numeric values
-may be preceded by a character indicating the operation to be performed.
-It may be
-.BR = ,
-to specify that the value from the file must equal the specified value,
-.BR < ,
-to specify that the value from the file must be less than the specified
-.BR > ,
-to specify that the value from the file must be greater than the specified
-.BR & ,
-to specify that the value from the file must have set all of the bits
-that are set in the specified value,
-.BR ^ ,
-to specify that the value from the file must have clear any of the bits
-that are set in the specified value, or
-.BR ~ ,
-the value specified after is negated before tested.
-.BR x ,
-to specify that any value will match.
-If the character is omitted, it is assumed to be
-.BR = .
-For all tests except
-.B string
-.B regex,
-.BR !
-specifies that the line matches if the test does
-.B not
-Numeric values are specified in C form; e.g.
-.B 13
-is decimal,
-.B 013
-is octal, and
-.B 0x13
-is hexadecimal.
-For string values, the byte string from the
-file must match the specified byte string.
-The operators
-.BR = ,
-.B <
-.B >
-(but not
-.BR & )
-can be applied to strings.
-The length used for matching is that of the string argument
-in the magic file.
-This means that a line can match any string, and
-then presumably print that string, by doing
-.B >\e0
-(because all strings are greater than the null string).
-.IP message
-The message to be printed if the comparison succeeds. If the string
-contains a
-.BR printf (3)
-format specification, the value from the file (with any specified masking
-performed) is printed using the message as the format string.
-Some file formats contain additional information which is to be printed
-along with the file type or need additional tests to determine the true
-file type.
-These additional tests are introduced by one or more
-.B >
-characters preceding the offset.
-The number of
-.B >
-on the line indicates the level of the test; a line with no
-.B >
-at the beginning is considered to be at level 0.
-Tests are arranged in a tree-like hierarchy:
-If a the test on a line at level
-.IB n
-succeeds, all following tests at level
-.IB n+1
-are performed, and the messages printed if the tests succeed, untile a line
-with level
-.IB n
-(or less) appears.
-For more complex files, one can use empty messages to get just the
-"if/then" effect, in the following way:
- 0 string MZ
- >0x18 leshort <0x40 MS-DOS executable
- >0x18 leshort >0x3f extended PC executable (e.g., MS Windows)
-Offsets do not need to be constant, but can also be read from the file
-being examined.
-If the first character following the last
-.B >
-is a
-.B (
-then the string after the parenthesis is interpreted as an indirect offset.
-That means that the number after the parenthesis is used as an offset in
-the file.
-The value at that offset is read, and is used again as an offset
-in the file.
-Indirect offsets are of the form:
-.BI (( x [.[bslBSL]][+\-][ y ]).
-The value of
-.I x
-is used as an offset in the file. A byte, short or long is read at that offset
-depending on the
-.B [bslBSLm]
-type specifier.
-The capitalized types interpret the number as a big endian
-value, whereas the small letter versions interpret the number as a little
-endian value;
-.B m
-type interprets the number as a middle endian (PDP-11) value.
-To that number the value of
-.I y
-is added and the result is used as an offset in the file.
-The default type if one is not specified is long.
-That way variable length structures can be examined:
- # MS Windows executables are also valid MS-DOS executables
- 0 string MZ
- >0x18 leshort <0x40 MZ executable (MS-DOS)
- # skip the whole block below if it is not an extended executable
- >0x18 leshort >0x3f
- >>(0x3c.l) string PE\e0\e0 PE executable (MS-Windows)
- >>(0x3c.l) string LX\e0\e0 LX executable (OS/2)
-This strategy of examining has one drawback: You must make sure that
-you eventually print something, or users may get empty output (like, when
-there is neither PE\e0\e0 nor LE\e0\e0 in the above example)
-If this indirect offset cannot be used as-is, there are simple calculations
-possible: appending
-.BI [+-*/%&|^]<number>
-inside parentheses allows one to modify
-the value read from the file before it is used as an offset:
- # MS Windows executables are also valid MS-DOS executables
- 0 string MZ
- # sometimes, the value at 0x18 is less that 0x40 but there's still an
- # extended executable, simply appended to the file
- >0x18 leshort <0x40
- >>(4.s*512) leshort 0x014c COFF executable (MS-DOS, DJGPP)
- >>(4.s*512) leshort !0x014c MZ executable (MS-DOS)
-Sometimes you do not know the exact offset as this depends on the length or
-position (when indirection was used before) of preceding fields. You can
-specify an offset relative to the end of the last uplevel field using
-.BI &
-as a prefix to the offset:
- 0 string MZ
- >0x18 leshort >0x3f
- >>(0x3c.l) string PE\e0\e0 PE executable (MS-Windows)
- # immediately following the PE signature is the CPU type
- >>>&0 leshort 0x14c for Intel 80386
- >>>&0 leshort 0x184 for DEC Alpha
-Indirect and relative offsets can be combined:
- 0 string MZ
- >0x18 leshort <0x40
- >>(4.s*512) leshort !0x014c MZ executable (MS-DOS)
- # if it's not COFF, go back 512 bytes and add the offset taken
- # from byte 2/3, which is yet another way of finding the start
- # of the extended executable
- >>>&(2.s-514) string LE LE executable (MS Windows VxD driver)
-Or the other way around:
- 0 string MZ
- >0x18 leshort >0x3f
- >>(0x3c.l) string LE\e0\e0 LE executable (MS-Windows)
- # at offset 0x80 (-4, since relative offsets start at the end
- # of the uplevel match) inside the LE header, we find the absolute
- # offset to the code area, where we look for a specific signature
- >>>(&0x7c.l+0x26) string UPX \eb, UPX compressed
-Or even both!
- 0 string MZ
- >0x18 leshort >0x3f
- >>(0x3c.l) string LE\e0\e0 LE executable (MS-Windows)
- # at offset 0x58 inside the LE header, we find the relative offset
- # to a data area where we look for a specific signature
- >>>&(&0x54.l-3) string UNACE \eb, ACE self-extracting archive
-Finally, if you have to deal with offset/length pairs in your file, even the
-second value in a parenthesed expression can be taken from the file itself,
-using another set of parentheses. Note that this additional indirect offset
-is always relative to the start of the main indirect offset.
- 0 string MZ
- >0x18 leshort >0x3f
- >>(0x3c.l) string PE\e0\e0 PE executable (MS-Windows)
- # search for the PE section called ".idata"...
- >>>&0xf4 search/0x140 .idata
- # ...and go to the end of it, calculated from start+length;
- # these are located 14 and 10 bytes after the section name
- >>>>(&0xe.l+(-4)) string PK\e3\e4 \eb, ZIP self-extracting archive
-The formats
-.IR long ,
-.IR belong ,
-.IR lelong ,
-.IR melong ,
-.IR short ,
-.IR beshort ,
-.IR leshort ,
-.IR date ,
-.IR bedate ,
-.IR medate ,
-.IR ledate ,
-.IR beldate ,
-.IR leldate ,
-.I meldate
-are system-dependent; perhaps they should be specified as a number
-of bytes (2B, 4B, etc),
-since the files being recognized typically come from
-a system on which the lengths are invariant.
-.BR file (__CSECTION__)
-\- the command that reads this file.
-.\" From: guy@sun.uucp (Guy Harris)
-.\" Newsgroups: net.bugs.usg
-.\" Subject: /etc/magic's format isn't well documented
-.\" Message-ID: <2752@sun.uucp>
-.\" Date: 3 Sep 85 08:19:07 GMT
-.\" Organization: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-.\" Lines: 136
-.\" Here's a manual page for the format accepted by the "file" made by adding
-.\" the changes I posted to the S5R2 version.
-.\" Modified for Ian Darwin's version of the file command.
-.\" @(#)$Id:,v 1.30 2006/02/19 18:16:03 christos Exp $
diff --git a/contrib/file/missing b/contrib/file/missing
deleted file mode 100755
index e69de29bb2d1..000000000000
--- a/contrib/file/missing
+++ /dev/null
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9788f70238c9..000000000000
--- a/contrib/file/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@