path: root/release/sparc64
diff options
authorYoshihiro Takahashi <>2020-07-28 10:58:37 +0000
committerYoshihiro Takahashi <>2020-07-28 10:58:37 +0000
commit8f11c997150d17d72a801874bd486aad1ef7c239 (patch)
tree6146be3af20a48c2d14aa933faea9785df928090 /release/sparc64
parent7413ae0ee548a888e3a62f8d5c8332302fad9fc1 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'release/sparc64')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/release/sparc64/ b/release/sparc64/
deleted file mode 100644
index 80894096f01e..000000000000
--- a/release/sparc64/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-# Module:
-# Author: Jordan K Hubbard
-# Date: 22 June 2001
-# $FreeBSD$
-# This script is used by release/Makefile to build the (optional) ISO images
-# for a FreeBSD release. It is considered architecture dependent since each
-# platform has a slightly unique way of making bootable CDs. This script
-# is also allowed to generate any number of images since that is more of
-# publishing decision than anything else.
-# Usage:
-# [-b] image-label image-name base-bits-dir [extra-bits-dir]
-# Where -b is passed if the ISO image should be made "bootable" by
-# whatever standards this architecture supports (may be unsupported),
-# image-label is the ISO image label, image-name is the filename of the
-# resulting ISO image, base-bits-dir contains the image contents and
-# extra-bits-dir, if provided, contains additional files to be merged
-# into base-bits-dir as part of making the image.
-set -e
-if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then
- echo "Usage: $0 [-b] image-label image-name base-bits-dir [extra-bits-dir]" > /dev/stderr
- exit 1
-case "$1" in
--b) BOPT="$1"; shift ;;
-LABEL=`echo "$1" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`; shift
-NAME="$1"; shift
-# Create an ISO image
-publisher="The FreeBSD Project."
-echo "/dev/iso9660/$LABEL / cd9660 ro 0 0" > "$BASEBITSDIR/etc/fstab"
-makefs -t cd9660 -o rockridge -o label="$LABEL" -o publisher="$publisher" "$NAME.tmp" "$@"
-rm -f "$BASEBITSDIR/etc/fstab"
-if [ "$BOPT" != "-b" ]; then
- mv "$NAME.tmp" "$NAME"
- exit 0
-TMPIMGDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/bootfs.XXXXXXXX` || exit 1
-# Create a boot filesystem
-mkdir -p "$BOOTFSDIR/boot"
-cp -p "$BASEBITSDIR/boot/loader" "$BOOTFSDIR/boot"
-makefs -t ffs -B be -M 512k "$BOOTFSIMG" "$BOOTFSDIR"
-dd if="$BASEBITSDIR/boot/boot1" of="$BOOTFSIMG" bs=512 conv=notrunc,sync
-# Create a boot ISO image
-: ${CYLSIZE:=640}
-ISOSIZE=$(stat -f %z "$NAME.tmp")
-ISOBLKS=$((($ISOSIZE + 511) / 512))
-BOOTFSSIZE=$(stat -f %z "$BOOTFSIMG")
-BOOTFSBLKS=$((($BOOTFSSIZE + 511) / 512))
-dd if="$NAME.tmp" of="$NAME" bs="${CYLSIZE}b" conv=notrunc,sync
-dd if="$BOOTFSIMG" of="$NAME" bs="${CYLSIZE}b" seek=$ISOCYLS conv=notrunc,sync
-# The number of alternative cylinders is always 2.
-dd if=/dev/zero of="$NAME" bs="${CYLSIZE}b" seek=$ENDCYL count=2 conv=notrunc,sync
-rm -rf "$NAME.tmp" "$TMPIMGDIR"
-# Write VTOC8 label to boot ISO image
-MD=`mdconfig -a -t vnode -S 512 -y 1 -x "$CYLSIZE" -f "$NAME"`
-gpart create -s VTOC8 $MD
-# !4: usr, for ISO image part
-gpart add -i 1 -s "$(($ISOCYLS * $CYLSIZE * 512))b" -t \!4 $MD
-# !2: root, for bootfs part.
-gpart add -i 6 -s "$(($BOOTFSCYLS * $CYLSIZE * 512))b" -t \!2 $MD
-mdconfig -d -u ${MD#md}
diff --git a/release/sparc64/sparc64.conf b/release/sparc64/sparc64.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index c0579eaadb4b..000000000000
--- a/release/sparc64/sparc64.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# $FreeBSD$
-# Configuration file for release/ to build sparc64/sparc64.