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diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/COPYING b/contrib/gdb/bfd/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index a43ea2126fb6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ b/contrib/gdb/bfd/
deleted file mode 100644
index e531cf85dc58..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1090 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile template for Configure for the BFD library.
-# Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# Written by Cygnus Support.
-# This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-VPATH = @srcdir@
-srcdir = @srcdir@
-prefix = @prefix@
-program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
-exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
-bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
-libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
-datadir = $(prefix)/lib
-mandir = $(prefix)/man
-man1dir = $(mandir)/man1
-man2dir = $(mandir)/man2
-man3dir = $(mandir)/man3
-man4dir = $(mandir)/man4
-man5dir = $(mandir)/man5
-man6dir = $(mandir)/man6
-man7dir = $(mandir)/man7
-man8dir = $(mandir)/man8
-man9dir = $(mandir)/man9
-infodir = $(prefix)/info
-includedir = $(prefix)/include
-oldincludedir =
-docdir = doc
-SHELL = /bin/sh
-AR = @AR@
-AR_FLAGS = rc
-CC = @CC@
-MAKEINFO = makeinfo
-SONAME = lib`echo $(SHLIB) | sed -e 's/^lib//' | sed '$(program_transform_name)'`
-INCDIR = $(srcdir)/../include
-CSEARCH = -I. -I$(srcdir) -I$(INCDIR)
-DEP = mkdep
-SUBDIRS = doc
-TARGETLIB = libbfd.a
-# bfd.h goes here, for now
-BFD_H = bfd.h
-# Some of these files should be in BFD*_BACKENDS below, but some programs
-# won't link without them. So, in order for some of the minimal-bfd
-# hacks to work, they're also included here for now.
-# gdb: elf.o
-# objdump: elf.o
-# Also, Jim Kingdon notes:
-# Writing S-records should be included in all (or at least most)
-# *-*-coff, *-*-aout, etc., configurations, because people will want to
-# be able to use objcopy to create S-records. (S-records are not useful
-# for the debugger, so if you are downloading things as S-records you
-# need two copies of the executable, one to download and one for the
-# debugger).
- archive.o archures.o bfd.o cache.o coffgen.o corefile.o \
- format.o init.o libbfd.o opncls.o reloc.o \
- section.o syms.o targets.o hash.o linker.o \
- elf.o srec.o binary.o tekhex.o ihex.o stab-syms.o
- archive.c archures.c bfd.c cache.c coffgen.c corefile.c \
- format.c init.c libbfd.c opncls.c reloc.c \
- section.c syms.c targets.c hash.c linker.c \
- elf.c srec.c binary.c tekhex.c ihex.c stab-syms.c
-# This list is alphabetized to make it easier to keep in sync
-# with the decls and initializer in archures.c.
- cpu-a29k.o \
- cpu-alpha.o \
- cpu-arm.o \
- cpu-h8300.o \
- cpu-h8500.o \
- cpu-hppa.o \
- cpu-i386.o \
- cpu-i860.o \
- cpu-i960.o \
- cpu-m68k.o \
- cpu-m88k.o \
- cpu-mips.o \
- cpu-ns32k.o \
- cpu-powerpc.o \
- cpu-rs6000.o \
- cpu-sh.o \
- cpu-sparc.o \
- cpu-vax.o \
- cpu-we32k.o \
- cpu-w65.o \
- cpu-z8k.o
- cpu-a29k.c \
- cpu-alpha.c \
- cpu-arm.c \
- cpu-h8300.c \
- cpu-h8500.c \
- cpu-hppa.c \
- cpu-i386.c \
- cpu-i860.c \
- cpu-i960.c \
- cpu-m68k.c \
- cpu-m88k.c \
- cpu-mips.c \
- cpu-ns32k.c \
- cpu-powerpc.c \
- cpu-rs6000.c \
- cpu-sh.c \
- cpu-sparc.c \
- cpu-vax.c \
- cpu-we32k.c \
- cpu-w65.c \
- cpu-z8k.c
-# The .o files needed by all of the 32 bit vectors that are configured into
-# target_vector in targets.c if configured with --enable-targets=all.
- aout-adobe.o \
- aout-ns32k.o \
- aout0.o \
- aout32.o \
- bout.o \
- cf-i386lynx.o \
- cf-m68klynx.o \
- cf-sparclynx.o \
- coff-a29k.o \
- coff-apollo.o \
- coff-arm.o \
- coff-aux.o \
- coff-h8300.o \
- coff-h8500.o \
- coff-i386.o \
- coff-go32.o \
- coff-i860.o \
- coff-i960.o \
- coff-m68k.o \
- coff-m88k.o \
- coff-mips.o \
- coff-pmac.o \
- coff-rs6000.o \
- coff-sh.o \
- coff-sparc.o \
- coff-u68k.o \
- coff-we32k.o \
- coff-w65.o \
- coff-z8k.o \
- cofflink.o \
- ecoff.o \
- ecofflink.o \
- elf32-gen.o \
- elf32-hppa.o \
- elf32-i386.o \
- elf32-i860.o \
- elf32-m68k.o \
- elf32-m88k.o \
- elf32-mips.o \
- elf32-ppc.o \
- elf32-sparc.o \
- elf32.o \
- elflink.o \
- hp300hpux.o \
- som.o \
- i386aout.o \
- i386bsd.o \
- i386freebsd.o \
- i386linux.o \
- i386lynx.o \
- i386msdos.o \
- i386netbsd.o \
- i386mach3.o \
- i386os9k.o \
- ieee.o \
- m68klinux.o \
- m68klynx.o \
- m68knetbsd.o \
- m88kmach3.o \
- mipsbsd.o \
- newsos3.o \
- nlm.o \
- nlm32-i386.o \
- nlm32-sparc.o \
- nlm32-ppc.o \
- nlm32.o \
- ns32knetbsd.o \
- oasys.o \
- pc532-mach.o \
- pe-arm.o \
- pei-arm.o \
- pe-i386.o \
- pei-i386.o \
- pe-ppc.o \
- pei-ppc.o \
- reloc16.o \
- sparclynx.o \
- sparcnetbsd.o \
- sunos.o \
- tekhex.o \
- versados.o \
- xcofflink.o
- aout-adobe.c \
- aout-ns32k.c \
- aout0.c \
- aout32.c \
- bout.c \
- cf-i386lynx.c \
- cf-m68klynx.c \
- cf-sparclynx.c \
- coff-a29k.c \
- coff-apollo.c \
- coff-arm.c \
- coff-aux.c \
- coff-h8300.c \
- coff-h8500.c \
- coff-i386.c \
- coff-i860.c \
- coff-go32.c \
- coff-i960.c \
- coff-m68k.c \
- coff-m88k.c \
- coff-mips.c \
- coff-pmac.c \
- coff-rs6000.c \
- coff-sh.c \
- coff-sparc.c \
- coff-u68k.c \
- coff-we32k.c \
- coff-w65.c \
- coff-z8k.c \
- cofflink.c \
- ecoff.c \
- ecofflink.c \
- elf32-gen.c \
- elf32-hppa.c \
- elf32-i386.c \
- elf32-i860.c \
- elf32-m68k.c \
- elf32-m88k.c \
- elf32-mips.c \
- elf32-ppc.c \
- elf32-sparc.c \
- elf32.c \
- elflink.c \
- hp300hpux.c \
- som.c \
- i386aout.c \
- i386bsd.c \
- i386freebsd.c \
- i386linux.c \
- i386lynx.c \
- i386msdos.c \
- i386netbsd.c \
- i386mach3.c \
- i386os9k.c \
- ieee.c \
- m68klinux.c \
- m68klynx.c \
- m68knetbsd.c \
- m88kmach3.c \
- mipsbsd.c \
- newsos3.c \
- nlm.c \
- nlm32-i386.c \
- nlm32-sparc.c \
- nlm32-ppc.c \
- nlm32.c \
- ns32knetbsd.c \
- oasys.c \
- pc532-mach.c \
- pe-arm.c \
- pei-arm.c \
- pe-i386.c \
- pei-i386.c \
- pe-ppc.c \
- pei-ppc.c \
- reloc16.c \
- sparclynx.c \
- sparcnetbsd.c \
- sunos.c \
- tekhex.c \
- versados.c \
- xcofflink.c
-# The .o files needed by all of the 64 bit vectors that are configured into
-# target_vector in targets.c if configured with --enable-targets=all
-# and --enable-64-bit-bfd.
- aout64.o \
- coff-alpha.o \
- demo64.o \
- elf64-gen.o \
- elf64-sparc.o \
- elf64.o \
- nlm32-alpha.o \
- nlm64.o
- aout64.c \
- coff-alpha.c \
- demo64.c \
- elf64-gen.c \
- elf64-sparc.c \
- elf64.c \
- nlm32-alpha.c \
- nlm64.c
- aix386-core.o \
- hpux-core.o \
- irix-core.o \
- lynx-core.o \
- osf-core.o \
- trad-core.o \
- cisco-core.o
- aix386-core.c \
- hpux-core.c \
- irix-core.c \
- lynx-core.c \
- osf-core.c \
- trad-core.c \
- cisco-core.c
-# These are defined by
-WORDSIZE = @wordsize@
-ALL_BACKENDS = @all_backends@
-BFD_BACKENDS = @bfd_backends@
-BFD_MACHINES = @bfd_machines@
-TDEFAULTS = @tdefaults@
- "prefix=$(prefix)" \
- "exec_prefix=$(exec_prefix)" \
- "against=$(against)" \
- "AR=$(AR)" \
- "CC=$(CC)" \
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $(CC) -c $(PICFLAG) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< -o pic/$@; \
- else true; fi
- $(CC) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $<
-bfd_libs_here =
-all_machines_here =
-bfd32_backends_here =
-core_files_here =
-configs_not_included_in_all_targets_option_here =
-# C source files that correspond to .o's.
- i386dynix.c hp300bsd.c
-HFILES = aout-target.h aoutf1.h aoutx.h coffcode.h \
- coffswap.h ecoffswap.h elf32-hppa.h elf32-target.h elf64-target.h \
- elfcode.h hppa_stubs.h libaout.h libbfd.h \
- libcoff.h libecoff.h elf-bfd.h libhppa.h libieee.h libnlm.h \
- liboasys.h nlm-target.h nlmcode.h som.h genlink.h netbsd.h
-all: Makefile $(ALLLIBS) @PICLIST@
- @$(MAKE) subdir_do DO=all "DODIRS=$(SUBDIRS)" $(FLAGS_TO_PASS)
-.PHONY: check installcheck
- @echo No testsuites exist for the BFD library. Nothing to check.
- @echo No testsuites exist for the BFD library. Nothing to check.
-info dvi : force
- @$(MAKE) subdir_do DO=$@ "DODIRS=$(SUBDIRS)" $(FLAGS_TO_PASS)
- @$(MAKE) subdir_do DO=clean-info "DODIRS=$(SUBDIRS)" $(FLAGS_TO_PASS)
-install-info: force
- @$(MAKE) subdir_do DO=install-info "DODIRS=$(SUBDIRS)" $(FLAGS_TO_PASS)
-diststuff: info
-# Various kinds of .o files to put in libbfd.a:
-# BFD_LIBS Generic routines, always needed.
-# BFD_BACKENDS Routines the configured targets need.
-# BFD_MACHINES Architecture-specific routines the configured targets need.
-# COREFILE Core file routines for a native configuration
-stamp-ofiles: Makefile
- rm -f tofiles
- f=""; \
- for i in $(OFILES) ; do \
- case " $$f " in \
- *" $$i "*) ;; \
- *) f="$$f $$i" ;; \
- esac ; \
- done ; \
- echo $$f > tofiles
- $(srcdir)/../move-if-change tofiles ofiles
- touch stamp-ofiles
-ofiles: stamp-ofiles ; @true
-$(TARGETLIB): $(OFILES) ofiles
- rm -f $(TARGETLIB)
- @echo ofiles = `cat ofiles`
- $(AR) $(AR_FLAGS) $(TARGETLIB) `cat ofiles`
-stamp-piclist: ofiles
- rm -f tpiclist
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- sed -e 's,\([^ ][^ ]*\),pic/\1,g' ofiles > tpiclist; \
- else \
- cp ofiles tpiclist; \
- fi
- $(srcdir)/../move-if-change tpiclist piclist
- touch stamp-piclist
-piclist: stamp-piclist ; @true
-$(SHLIB): stamp-picdir $(OFILES) piclist
- rm -f $(SHLIB)
- $(SHLIB_CC) $(SHLIB_CFLAGS) -o $(SHLIB) `cat piclist`
-# We make a link from to for linking, and
-# also a link from for running.
- ts=lib`echo $(SHLIB) | sed -e 's/^lib//' | sed -e '$(program_transform_name)'`; \
- if [ "$$ts" != "$(SHLIB)" ]; then \
- rm -f $$ts; \
- ln -sf $(SHLIB) $$ts; \
- else true; fi
- rm -f $(SHLINK)
- ln -sf $(SHLIB) $(SHLINK)
-# This target creates as a symlink to
-# It is used on SunOS, which does not have SONAME.
-stamp-tshlink: $(SHLIB)
- tf=lib`echo $(SHLIB) | sed -e 's/^lib//' | sed '$(program_transform_name)'`; \
- if [ "$$tf" != "$(SHLIB)" ]; then \
- rm -f $$tf; \
- ln -sf $(SHLIB) $$tf; \
- else true; fi
- touch stamp-tshlink
-# When compiling archures.c and targets.c, supply the default target
-# info from configure.
-targets.o: targets.c Makefile
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $(CC) -c $(PICFLAG) $(TDEFAULTS) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(srcdir)/targets.c -o pic/targets.o; \
- else true; fi
- $(CC) -c $(TDEFAULTS) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(srcdir)/targets.c
-archures.o: archures.c Makefile
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $(CC) -c $(PICFLAG) $(TDEFAULTS) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(srcdir)/archures.c -o pic/archures.o; \
- else true; fi
- $(CC) -c $(TDEFAULTS) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(srcdir)/archures.c
-elf32-target.h : elfxx-target.h
- rm -f elf32-target.h
- sed -e s/NN/32/g < $(srcdir)/elfxx-target.h >
- mv -f elf32-target.h
-elf64-target.h : elfxx-target.h
- rm -f elf64-target.h
- sed -e s/NN/64/g < $(srcdir)/elfxx-target.h >
- mv -f elf64-target.h
-subdir_do: force
- @for i in $(DODIRS); do \
- if [ -d ./$$i ] ; then \
- if (cd ./$$i; \
- $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(DO)) ; then true ; \
- else exit 1 ; fi ; \
- else true ; fi ; \
- done
-tags etags: TAGS
-TAGS: force
- etags $(INCDIR)/*.h $(srcdir)/*.h $(srcdir)/*.c
- rm -f *.o *~ core *.E *.p *.ip aout-params.h gen-aout config.log \
- pic/*.o
-do_clean: do_mostlyclean
- rm -f libbfd.a TAGS bfd.h stmp-bfd.h ofiles stamp-ofiles \
- elf32-target.h elf64-target.h $(SHLIB) $(SHLINK) \
- piclist stamp-piclist
-do_distclean: do_clean
- rm -f Makefile config.status config.cache config.h stamp-h
- rm -rf pic stamp-picdir
-do_maintainer_clean: do_distclean
- rm -f $(srcdir)/bfd-in2.h $(srcdir)/libbfd.h $(srcdir)/libcoff.h
-mostlyclean: do_mostlyclean
- $(MAKE) subdir_do DO=mostlyclean "DODIRS=$(SUBDIRS)" $(FLAGS_TO_PASS)
-clean: do_clean
- $(MAKE) subdir_do DO=clean "DODIRS=$(SUBDIRS)" $(FLAGS_TO_PASS)
- $(MAKE) subdir_do DO=distclean "DODIRS=$(SUBDIRS)" $(FLAGS_TO_PASS)
- $(MAKE) do_distclean
-clobber maintainer-clean realclean:
- @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use;"
- @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
- $(MAKE) subdir_do DO=maintainer-clean "DODIRS=$(SUBDIRS)" $(FLAGS_TO_PASS)
- $(MAKE) do_maintainer_clean
-BFD_H_DEPS= $(INCDIR)/ansidecl.h $(INCDIR)/obstack.h
-LOCAL_H_DEPS= libbfd.h sysdep.h config.h
-# Get around a Sun Make bug in SunOS 4.1.1 with VPATH
-cpu-z8k.o: cpu-z8k.c
-cpu-h8500.o: cpu-h8500.c
-cpu-we32k.o: cpu-we32k.c
- #suppress 65 on bfd_map_over_sections
- #suppress 66 on bfd_map_over_sections
- #suppress 67 on bfd_map_over_sections
- #suppress 68 on bfd_map_over_sections
- #suppress 69 on bfd_map_over_sections
- #suppress 70 on bfd_map_over_sections
- #suppress 110 in bfd_map_over_sections
- #suppress 112 in bfd_map_over_sections
- #suppress 530
- #suppress 590 in swap_exec_header
- #suppress 590 in _bfd_dummy_core_file_matches_executable_p
- #suppress 590 in bfd_dont_truncate_arname
- #suppress 590 on ignore
- #suppress 590 on abfd
- #setopt load_flags $(CFLAGS)
- #load $(CFILES)
-# 'VERSION' file must be present and contain a string of the form "x.y"
-ver960.c: FORCE
- rm -f ver960.c
- echo "char ${TARG}_ver[]= \"${TARG} `cat VERSION`, `date`\";" > ver960.c
-# This target should be invoked before building a new release.
-# 'VERSION' file must be present and contain a string of the form "x.y"
- @V=`cat VERSION` ; \
- MAJ=`sed 's/\..*//' VERSION` ; \
- MIN=`sed 's/.*\.//' VERSION` ; \
- V=$$MAJ.`expr $$MIN + 1` ; \
- rm -f VERSION ; \
- echo $$V >VERSION ; \
- echo Version $$V
-# Dummy target to force execution of dependent targets.
-install: $(ALLLIBS)
- for f in $(ALLLIBS); do \
- if [ "$$f" = "stamp-tshlink" ]; then \
- continue; \
- fi; \
- tf=lib`echo $$f | sed -e 's/^lib//' | sed '$(program_transform_name)'`; \
- rm -f $(libdir)/$$tf; \
- if [ "$$f" = "$(SHLINK)" ]; then \
- ts=lib`echo $(SHLIB) | sed -e 's/^lib//' | sed '$(program_transform_name)'`; \
- ln -sf $$ts $(libdir)/$$tf; \
- elif [ "$$f" = "$(SHLIB)" ]; then \
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$f $(libdir)/$$tf; \
- else \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(libdir)/$$tf; \
- $(RANLIB) $(libdir)/$$tf; \
- chmod a-x $(libdir)/$$tf; \
- fi; \
- done
-# Install BFD include file, and others that it needs. Install them
-# both in GCC's include directory, and in the system include dir
-# if configured as $(oldincludedir) -- which it usually isnt.
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(BFD_H) $(includedir)/bfd.h
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(INCDIR)/ansidecl.h $(includedir)/ansidecl.h
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h $(includedir)/bfdlink.h
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(INCDIR)/obstack.h $(includedir)/obstack.h
- -if test -z "$(oldincludedir)"; then true; else \
- test -d $(oldincludedir) || mkdir $(oldincludedir); \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(BFD_H) $(oldincludedir)/bfd.h; \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(INCDIR)/ansidecl.h $(oldincludedir)/ansidecl.h; \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h $(oldincludedir)/bfdlink.h; \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(INCDIR)/obstack.h $(oldincludedir)/obstack.h; \
- $(MAKE) subdir_do DO=install "DODIRS=$(SUBDIRS)" $(FLAGS_TO_PASS); \
- fi
-Makefile: config.status
- CONFIG_FILES=Makefile CONFIG_HEADERS= $(SHELL) ./config.status
-config.h: stamp-h ; @true
-stamp-h: config.status
- CONFIG_FILES= $(SHELL) ./config.status
-config.status: configure config.bfd
- $(SHELL) config.status --recheck
-# Have to get rid of .dep1 here so that "$?" later includes all of $(CFILES).
-.dep: dep.sed $(CFILES) $(HFILES) bfd.h
- rm -f .dep1
- $(MAKE) DEP=$(DEP) .dep1
- sed -f dep.sed <.dep1 >.dep
-# This rule really wants a mkdep that runs "gcc -MM".
-# The NetBSD mkdep overwrites any existing file contents, and doesn't insert
-# the "DO NOT DELETE" line.
-# Other mkdep versions require a file that already exists, and do insert it.
-# Hence the weirdness....
-.dep1: $(CFILES)
- rm -f .dep2 .dep2a
- echo '# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- mkdep uses it.' > .dep2
- echo > .dep2a
- $(DEP) -f .dep2a $(ALL_CFLAGS) $?
- sed -e '/DO NOT DELETE/d' -e '/^$$/d' < .dep2a >> .dep2
- rm -f .dep2a
- $(srcdir)/../move-if-change .dep2 .dep1
-dep.sed: dep-in.sed config.status
- sed <$(srcdir)/dep-in.sed >dep.sed \
- -e 's!@BFD_H@!$(BFD_H)!' \
- -e 's!@INCDIR@!$(INCDIR)!' \
- -e 's!@SRCDIR@!$(srcdir)!'
-dep: .dep
- sed -e '/^..DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE/,$$d' < Makefile > tmp-Makefile
- cat .dep >> tmp-Makefile
- $(srcdir)/../move-if-change tmp-Makefile Makefile
-dep-in: .dep
- sed -e '/^..DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE/,$$d' < $(srcdir)/ >
- cat .dep >>
- $(srcdir)/../move-if-change $(srcdir)/
-host-aout.o: Makefile
-# The following program can be used to generate a simple config file
-# which can be folded into an h-XXX file for a new host, with some editing.
-aout-params.h: gen-aout
- ./gen-aout host > aout-params.h
-gen-aout: $(srcdir)/gen-aout.c Makefile
- $(CC) -o gen-aout $(CFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) $(srcdir)/gen-aout.c
-BFDIN_H= $(srcdir)/bfd-in2.h
-$(BFD_H): stmp-bfd.h ; @true
-stmp-bfd.h : $(srcdir)/bfd-in2.h Makefile
- rm -f bfd.h-new
- sed -e 's/@WORDSIZE@/$(WORDSIZE)/' \
- -e "s/@VERSION@/`cat $(srcdir)/VERSION`/" \
- -e 's/@BFD_HOST_64BIT_LONG@/@HOST_64BIT_LONG@/' \
- < $(srcdir)/bfd-in2.h \
- > bfd.h-new
- $(srcdir)/../move-if-change bfd.h-new $(BFD_H)
- touch stmp-bfd.h
-# Could really use a "copy-if-change"...
- (cd $(docdir); $(MAKE) protos $(FLAGS_TO_PASS))
- cp $(docdir)/bfd.h bfd-in2.h-new
- $(srcdir)/../move-if-change bfd-in2.h-new $(srcdir)/bfd-in2.h
- cp $(docdir)/libbfd.h libbfd.h-new
- $(srcdir)/../move-if-change libbfd.h-new $(srcdir)/libbfd.h
- cp $(docdir)/libcoff.h libcoff.h-new
- $(srcdir)/../move-if-change libcoff.h-new $(srcdir)/libcoff.h
-# The rules for the generated header files are here so that people can
-# type `make bfd-in2.h' if they remove it. They are not run by default.
- (cd $(docdir); $(MAKE) bfd.h $(FLAGS_TO_PASS))
- cp $(docdir)/bfd.h bfd-in2.h-new
- $(srcdir)/../move-if-change bfd-in2.h-new $(srcdir)/bfd-in2.h
- (cd $(docdir); $(MAKE) libbfd.h $(FLAGS_TO_PASS))
- cp $(docdir)/libbfd.h libbfd.h-new
- $(srcdir)/../move-if-change libbfd.h-new $(srcdir)/libbfd.h
- (cd $(docdir); $(MAKE) libcoff.h $(FLAGS_TO_PASS))
- cp $(docdir)/libcoff.h libcoff.h-new
- $(srcdir)/../move-if-change libcoff.h-new $(srcdir)/libcoff.h
- (cd $(docdir); $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS))
- (cd $(docdir); $(MAKE) bfd.dvi $(FLAGS_TO_PASS))
- (cd $(docdir); $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS))
-$(OFILES): stamp-picdir
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ] && [ ! -d pic ]; then \
- mkdir pic; \
- else true; fi
- touch stamp-picdir
-# What appears below is generated by a hacked mkdep using gcc -MM.
-# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- mkdep uses it.
-archive.o: archive.c $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h $(INCDIR)/aout/ranlib.h
-archures.o: archures.c
-bfd.o: bfd.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/sym.h libcoff.h libecoff.h $(INCDIR)/coff/ecoff.h \
- elf-bfd.h $(INCDIR)/elf/common.h $(INCDIR)/elf/internal.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/external.h
-cache.o: cache.c
-coffgen.o: coffgen.c $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h libcoff.h \
- $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h
-corefile.o: corefile.c
-format.o: format.c
-init.o: init.c
-libbfd.o: libbfd.c
-opncls.o: opncls.c
-reloc.o: reloc.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h
-section.o: section.c
-syms.o: syms.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def
-targets.o: targets.c
-hash.o: hash.c
-linker.o: linker.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h genlink.h
-elf.o: elf.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h elf-bfd.h $(INCDIR)/elf/common.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/internal.h $(INCDIR)/elf/external.h
-srec.o: srec.c $(INCDIR)/libiberty.h
-binary.o: binary.c
-tekhex.o: tekhex.c $(INCDIR)/libiberty.h
-ihex.o: ihex.c $(INCDIR)/libiberty.h
-stab-syms.o: stab-syms.c libaout.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def
-cpu-a29k.o: cpu-a29k.c
-cpu-alpha.o: cpu-alpha.c
-cpu-arm.o: cpu-arm.c
-cpu-h8300.o: cpu-h8300.c
-cpu-h8500.o: cpu-h8500.c
-cpu-hppa.o: cpu-hppa.c
-cpu-i386.o: cpu-i386.c
-cpu-i860.o: cpu-i860.c
-cpu-i960.o: cpu-i960.c
-cpu-m68k.o: cpu-m68k.c
-cpu-m88k.o: cpu-m88k.c
-cpu-mips.o: cpu-mips.c
-cpu-ns32k.o: cpu-ns32k.c
-cpu-powerpc.o: cpu-powerpc.c
-cpu-rs6000.o: cpu-rs6000.c
-cpu-sh.o: cpu-sh.c
-cpu-sparc.o: cpu-sparc.c
-cpu-vax.o: cpu-vax.c
-cpu-we32k.o: cpu-we32k.c
-cpu-w65.o: cpu-w65.c
-cpu-z8k.o: cpu-z8k.c
-aout-adobe.o: aout-adobe.c $(INCDIR)/aout/adobe.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def libaout.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h
-aout-ns32k.o: aout-ns32k.c $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h \
- libaout.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h
-aout0.o: aout0.c aoutf1.h $(INCDIR)/aout/sun4.h libaout.h \
- $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h aout-target.h
-aout32.o: aout32.c aoutx.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h libaout.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h
-bout.o: bout.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h genlink.h $(INCDIR)/bout.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def libaout.h
-cf-i386lynx.o: cf-i386lynx.c coff-i386.c $(INCDIR)/coff/i386.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- coffcode.h coffswap.h
-cf-m68klynx.o: cf-m68klynx.c coff-m68k.c $(INCDIR)/coff/m68k.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- coffcode.h coffswap.h
-cf-sparclynx.o: cf-sparclynx.c coff-sparc.c $(INCDIR)/coff/sparc.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-a29k.o: coff-a29k.c $(INCDIR)/coff/a29k.h $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-apollo.o: coff-apollo.c $(INCDIR)/coff/apollo.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-arm.o: coff-arm.c $(INCDIR)/coff/arm.h $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-aux.o: coff-aux.c $(INCDIR)/coff/aux-coff.h $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/m68k.h coff-m68k.c libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-h8300.o: coff-h8300.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h $(INCDIR)/coff/h8300.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h libcoff.h coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-h8500.o: coff-h8500.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h $(INCDIR)/coff/h8500.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h libcoff.h coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-i386.o: coff-i386.c $(INCDIR)/coff/i386.h $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-i860.o: coff-i860.c $(INCDIR)/coff/i860.h $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-go32.o: coff-go32.c coff-i386.c $(INCDIR)/coff/i386.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-i960.o: coff-i960.c $(INCDIR)/coff/i960.h $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-m68k.o: coff-m68k.c $(INCDIR)/coff/m68k.h $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-m88k.o: coff-m88k.c $(INCDIR)/coff/m88k.h $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-mips.o: coff-mips.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/sym.h $(INCDIR)/coff/symconst.h $(INCDIR)/coff/ecoff.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/mips.h libcoff.h libecoff.h coffswap.h \
- ecoffswap.h
-coff-pmac.o: coff-pmac.c coff-rs6000.c $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/rs6000.h libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-rs6000.o: coff-rs6000.c $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/rs6000.h libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-sh.o: coff-sh.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h $(INCDIR)/coff/sh.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h libcoff.h coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-sparc.o: coff-sparc.c $(INCDIR)/coff/sparc.h $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-u68k.o: coff-u68k.c coff-m68k.c $(INCDIR)/coff/m68k.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-we32k.o: coff-we32k.c $(INCDIR)/coff/we32k.h $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-w65.o: coff-w65.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h $(INCDIR)/coff/w65.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h libcoff.h coffcode.h coffswap.h
-coff-z8k.o: coff-z8k.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h $(INCDIR)/coff/z8k.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h libcoff.h coffcode.h coffswap.h
-cofflink.o: cofflink.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- libcoff.h
-ecoff.o: ecoff.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/ranlib.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def \
- libaout.h $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/sym.h $(INCDIR)/coff/symconst.h $(INCDIR)/coff/ecoff.h \
- libcoff.h libecoff.h
-ecofflink.o: ecofflink.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h $(INCDIR)/coff/sym.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/symconst.h $(INCDIR)/coff/ecoff.h
-elf32-gen.o: elf32-gen.c elf-bfd.h $(INCDIR)/elf/common.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/internal.h $(INCDIR)/elf/external.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- elf32-target.h
-elf32-hppa.o: elf32-hppa.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h elf-bfd.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/common.h $(INCDIR)/elf/internal.h $(INCDIR)/elf/external.h \
- elf32-hppa.h libhppa.h $(INCDIR)/elf/hppa.h hppa_stubs.h \
- elf32-target.h
-elf32-i386.o: elf32-i386.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h elf-bfd.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/common.h $(INCDIR)/elf/internal.h $(INCDIR)/elf/external.h \
- elf32-target.h
-elf32-i860.o: elf32-i860.c elf-bfd.h $(INCDIR)/elf/common.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/internal.h $(INCDIR)/elf/external.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- elf32-target.h
-elf32-m68k.o: elf32-m68k.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h elf-bfd.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/common.h $(INCDIR)/elf/internal.h $(INCDIR)/elf/external.h \
- elf32-target.h
-elf32-m88k.o: elf32-m88k.c elf-bfd.h $(INCDIR)/elf/common.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/internal.h $(INCDIR)/elf/external.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- elf32-target.h
-elf32-mips.o: elf32-mips.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h genlink.h \
- elf-bfd.h $(INCDIR)/elf/common.h $(INCDIR)/elf/internal.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/external.h $(INCDIR)/elf/mips.h $(INCDIR)/coff/sym.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/symconst.h $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/ecoff.h $(INCDIR)/coff/mips.h ecoffswap.h \
- elf32-target.h
-elf32-ppc.o: elf32-ppc.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h elf-bfd.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/common.h $(INCDIR)/elf/internal.h $(INCDIR)/elf/external.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/ppc.h elf32-target.h
-elf32-sparc.o: elf32-sparc.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h elf-bfd.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/common.h $(INCDIR)/elf/internal.h $(INCDIR)/elf/external.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/sparc.h elf32-target.h
-elf32.o: elf32.c elfcode.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h elf-bfd.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/common.h $(INCDIR)/elf/internal.h $(INCDIR)/elf/external.h \
- elfcore.h elflink.h
-elflink.o: elflink.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h elf-bfd.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/common.h $(INCDIR)/elf/internal.h $(INCDIR)/elf/external.h
-hp300hpux.o: hp300hpux.c $(INCDIR)/aout/hp300hpux.h \
- aoutx.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h libaout.h $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h \
- aout-target.h
-som.o: som.c
-i386aout.o: i386aout.c libaout.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- aout-target.h $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h
-i386bsd.o: i386bsd.c libaout.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- aout-target.h $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h
-i386freebsd.o: i386freebsd.c freebsd.h libaout.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- aout-target.h $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h
-i386linux.o: i386linux.c $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h libaout.h \
- $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h aout-target.h
-i386lynx.o: i386lynx.c libaout.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h aout-target.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h
-i386msdos.o: i386msdos.c libaout.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h
-i386netbsd.o: i386netbsd.c netbsd.h libaout.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- aout-target.h $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h
-i386mach3.o: i386mach3.c $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h libaout.h \
- $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h aout-target.h
-i386os9k.o: i386os9k.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h libaout.h \
- $(INCDIR)/os9k.h
-ieee.o: ieee.c $(INCDIR)/ieee.h libieee.h
-m68klinux.o: m68klinux.c $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h libaout.h \
- $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h aout-target.h
-m68klynx.o: m68klynx.c libaout.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h aout-target.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h
-m68knetbsd.o: m68knetbsd.c netbsd.h libaout.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- aout-target.h $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h
-m88kmach3.o: m88kmach3.c libaout.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- aout-target.h $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h
-mipsbsd.o: mipsbsd.c libaout.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- aout-target.h $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h
-newsos3.o: newsos3.c $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h libaout.h \
- $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h aout-target.h
-nlm.o: nlm.c libnlm.h $(INCDIR)/nlm/common.h $(INCDIR)/nlm/internal.h \
- $(INCDIR)/nlm/external.h
-nlm32-i386.o: nlm32-i386.c $(INCDIR)/nlm/i386-ext.h \
- libnlm.h $(INCDIR)/nlm/common.h $(INCDIR)/nlm/internal.h \
- $(INCDIR)/nlm/external.h nlmswap.h nlm-target.h
-nlm32-sparc.o: nlm32-sparc.c $(INCDIR)/nlm/sparc32-ext.h \
- libnlm.h $(INCDIR)/nlm/common.h $(INCDIR)/nlm/internal.h \
- $(INCDIR)/nlm/external.h nlmswap.h nlm-target.h
-nlm32-ppc.o: nlm32-ppc.c $(INCDIR)/nlm/ppc-ext.h libnlm.h \
- $(INCDIR)/nlm/common.h $(INCDIR)/nlm/internal.h $(INCDIR)/nlm/external.h \
- nlmswap.h nlm-target.h
-nlm32.o: nlm32.c nlmcode.h libnlm.h $(INCDIR)/nlm/common.h \
- $(INCDIR)/nlm/internal.h $(INCDIR)/nlm/external.h
-ns32knetbsd.o: ns32knetbsd.c netbsd.h libaout.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- aout-target.h $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h
-oasys.o: oasys.c $(INCDIR)/oasys.h liboasys.h
-pc532-mach.o: pc532-mach.c libaout.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h aout-target.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h
-pe-arm.o: pe-arm.c coff-arm.c $(INCDIR)/coff/arm.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h $(INCDIR)/coff/pe.h libcoff.h \
- $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h coffcode.h peicode.h
-pei-arm.o: pei-arm.c coff-arm.c $(INCDIR)/coff/arm.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h $(INCDIR)/coff/pe.h libcoff.h \
- $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h coffcode.h peicode.h
-pe-i386.o: pe-i386.c coff-i386.c $(INCDIR)/coff/i386.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h $(INCDIR)/coff/pe.h libcoff.h \
- $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h coffcode.h peicode.h
-pei-i386.o: pei-i386.c coff-i386.c $(INCDIR)/coff/i386.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h $(INCDIR)/coff/pe.h libcoff.h \
- $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h coffcode.h peicode.h
-pe-ppc.o: pe-ppc.c coff-ppc.c $(INCDIR)/coff/powerpc.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h $(INCDIR)/coff/pe.h libcoff.h \
- $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h coffcode.h peicode.h
-pei-ppc.o: pei-ppc.c coff-ppc.c $(INCDIR)/coff/powerpc.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h $(INCDIR)/coff/pe.h libcoff.h \
- $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h coffcode.h peicode.h
-reloc16.o: reloc16.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h genlink.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h libcoff.h
-sparclynx.o: sparclynx.c $(INCDIR)/aout/sun4.h libaout.h \
- $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h aout-target.h
-sparcnetbsd.o: sparcnetbsd.c netbsd.h libaout.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- aout-target.h $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h
-sunos.o: sunos.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h libaout.h aoutf1.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/sun4.h $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h aout-target.h
-versados.o: versados.c $(INCDIR)/libiberty.h
-xcofflink.o: xcofflink.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- libcoff.h
-aout64.o: aout64.c aoutx.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h libaout.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h
-coff-alpha.o: coff-alpha.c $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/sym.h $(INCDIR)/coff/symconst.h $(INCDIR)/coff/ecoff.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/alpha.h $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h libcoff.h \
- libecoff.h coffswap.h ecoffswap.h
-demo64.o: demo64.c aoutf1.h $(INCDIR)/aout/sun4.h libaout.h \
- $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h aout-target.h
-elf64-gen.o: elf64-gen.c elf-bfd.h $(INCDIR)/elf/common.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/internal.h $(INCDIR)/elf/external.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- elf64-target.h
-elf64-sparc.o: elf64-sparc.c elf-bfd.h $(INCDIR)/elf/common.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/internal.h $(INCDIR)/elf/external.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/sparc.h elf64-target.h
-elf64.o: elf64.c elfcode.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h elf-bfd.h \
- $(INCDIR)/elf/common.h $(INCDIR)/elf/internal.h $(INCDIR)/elf/external.h \
- elfcore.h elflink.h
-nlm32-alpha.o: nlm32-alpha.c $(INCDIR)/nlm/alpha-ext.h \
- libnlm.h $(INCDIR)/nlm/common.h $(INCDIR)/nlm/internal.h \
- $(INCDIR)/nlm/external.h nlmswap.h nlm-target.h
-nlm64.o: nlm64.c nlmcode.h libnlm.h $(INCDIR)/nlm/common.h \
- $(INCDIR)/nlm/internal.h $(INCDIR)/nlm/external.h
-aix386-core.o: aix386-core.c $(INCDIR)/coff/i386.h \
- $(INCDIR)/coff/internal.h libcoff.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h
-hpux-core.o: hpux-core.c
-irix-core.o: irix-core.c
-lynx-core.o: lynx-core.c
-osf-core.o: osf-core.c
-trad-core.o: trad-core.c libaout.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h
-cisco-core.o: cisco-core.c
-i386dynix.o: i386dynix.c $(INCDIR)/aout/dynix3.h aoutx.h \
- $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h libaout.h $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h \
- aout-target.h
-hp300bsd.o: hp300bsd.c libaout.h $(INCDIR)/bfdlink.h \
- aout-target.h $(INCDIR)/aout/aout64.h $(INCDIR)/aout/stab_gnu.h \
- $(INCDIR)/aout/stab.def $(INCDIR)/aout/ar.h
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/PORTING b/contrib/gdb/bfd/PORTING
deleted file mode 100644
index c8bfd77b96ff..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/PORTING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- Preliminary Notes on Porting BFD
- --------------------------------
-The 'host' is the system a tool runs *on*.
-The 'target' is the system a tool runs *for*, i.e.
-a tool can read/write the binaries of the target.
-Porting to a new host
-Pick a name for your host. Call that <host>.
-(<host> might be sun4, ...)
-Create a file hosts/<host>.mh.
-Porting to a new target
-Pick a name for your target. Call that <target>.
-Call the name for your CPU architecture <cpu>.
-You need to create <target>.c and config/<target>.mt,
-and add a case for it to a case statements in bfd/ and
-bfd/config.bfd, which associates each canonical host type with a BFD
-host type (used as the base of the makefile fragment names), and to the
-table in bfd/ which associates each target vector with
-the .o files it uses.
-config/<target>.mt is a Makefile fragment.
-The following is usually enough:
-See the list of cpu types in archures.c, or "ls cpu-*.c".
-If your architecture is new, you need to add it to the tables
-in bfd/archures.c, opcodes/, and binutils/objdump.c.
-For more information about .mt and .mh files, see config/README.
-The file <target>.c is the hard part. It implements the
-bfd_target <target>_vec, which includes pointers to
-functions that do the actual <target>-specific methods.
-Porting to a <target> that uses the a.out binary format
-In this case, the include file aout-target.h probaby does most
-of what you need. The program gen-aout generates <target>.c for
-you automatically for many a.out systems. Do:
- make gen-aout
- ./gen-aout <target> > <target>.c
-(This only works if you are building on the target ("native").
-If you must make a cross-port from scratch, copy the most
-similar existing file that includes aout-target.h, and fix what is wrong.)
-Check the parameters in <target>.c, and fix anything that is wrong.
-(Also let us know about it; perhaps we can improve gen-aout.c.)
- Should be defined if <target> is big-endian.
- See discussion in ../include/aout/aout64.h.
- Number of bytes per word. (Usually 4 but can be 8.)
- Number of bits per word. (Usually 32, but can be 64.)
- Define if the extry point (start address of an
- executable program) can be 0x0.
- The address of the start of the text segemnt in
- virtual memory. Normally, the same as the entry point.
- Usually, the same as the TARGET_PAGE_SIZE.
- Alignment needed for the data segment.
- The name of the target, for run-time lookups.
- Usually "a.out-<target>"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/TODO b/contrib/gdb/bfd/TODO
deleted file mode 100644
index 08a3641b1ade..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Things that still need to be done: -*- Text -*-
- o - A source of space lossage is that all the target-dependent code
- is in a single bfd_target structure. Hence all the code for
- *writing* object files is still pulled into all the applications
- that only care about *reading* (gdb, nm, objdump), while gas has
- to carry along all the unneded baggage for reading objects. And
- so on. This would be a substantial change, and the payoff would
- not all that great (essentially none if bfd is used as a shared
- library).
- o - The storage needed by BFD data structures is also larger than strictly
- needed. This may be difficult to do much about.
- o - implement bfd_abort, which should close the bfd but not alter the
- filesystem.
- o - update the bfd doc; write a how-to-write-a-backend doc, take out
- the stupid quips and fill in all the blanks.
- o - upgrade the reloc handling as per Steve's suggestion.
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/VERSION b/contrib/gdb/bfd/VERSION
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ddf6b5ad1a6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/VERSION
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/acconfig.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/acconfig.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 647798cbe9f0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/acconfig.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-/* Whether malloc must be declared even if <stdlib.h> is included. */
-/* Whether free must be declared even if <stdlib.h> is included. */
-/* Do we need to use the b modifier when opening binary files? */
-/* Name of host specific header file to include in trad-core.c. */
-/* Define only if <sys/procfs.h> is available *and* it defines prstatus_t. */
-/* Do we really want to use mmap if it's available? */
-#undef USE_MMAP
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aclocal.m4 b/contrib/gdb/bfd/aclocal.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f5027e48589..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aclocal.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-dnl See whether we need to use fopen-bin.h rather than fopen-same.h.
-case "${host}" in
-i[345]86-*-msdos* | i[345]86-*-go32* | *-*-cygwin32)
-dnl Get a default for CC_FOR_BUILD to put into Makefile.
-[# Put a plausible default for CC_FOR_BUILD in Makefile.
-if test -z "$CC_FOR_BUILD"; then
- if test "x$cross_compiling" = "xno"; then
- else
- fi
-dnl See whether we need a declaration for a function.
-[AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $1 must be declared])
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-[char *(*pfn) = (char *(*)) $1],
-bfd_cv_decl_needed_$1=no, bfd_cv_decl_needed_$1=yes)])
-if test $bfd_cv_decl_needed_$1 = yes; then
- bfd_tr_decl=NEED_DECLARATION_`echo $1 | tr 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'`
- AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED($bfd_tr_decl)
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aix386-core.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/aix386-core.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 21ec9a6d4313..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aix386-core.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for AIX on PS/2 core files.
- This was based on trad-core.c, which was written by John Gilmore of
- Cygnus Support.
- Copyright 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Minh Tran-Le <TRANLE@INTELLICORP.COM>.
- Converted to back end form by Ian Lance Taylor <>.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "coff/i386.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#if defined (_AIX) && defined (_I386)
-#define NOCHECKS /* this is for coredump.h */
-#define _h_USER /* avoid including user.h from coredump.h */
-#include <uinfo.h>
-#include <sys/i386/coredump.h>
-#endif /* _AIX && _I386 */
-/* maybe this could work on some other i386 but I have not tried it
- * mtranle@paris - Tue Sep 24 12:49:35 1991
- */
-#ifndef COR_MAGIC
-# define COR_MAGIC "core"
-/* need this cast because ptr is really void * */
-#define core_hdr(bfd) \
- (((bfd->tdata.trad_core_data))->hdr)
-#define core_section(bfd,n) \
- (((bfd)->tdata.trad_core_data)->sections[n])
-#define core_regsec(bfd) \
- (((bfd)->tdata.trad_core_data)->reg_section)
-#define core_reg2sec(bfd) \
- (((bfd)->tdata.trad_core_data)->reg2_section)
-/* These are stored in the bfd's tdata */
-struct trad_core_struct {
- struct corehdr *hdr; /* core file header */
- asection *reg_section;
- asection *reg2_section;
- asection *sections[MAX_CORE_SEGS];
-static const bfd_target *
-aix386_core_file_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- int i,n;
- unsigned char longbuf[4]; /* Raw bytes of various header fields */
- int core_size = sizeof (struct corehdr);
- struct corehdr *core;
- struct mergem {
- struct trad_core_struct coredata;
- struct corehdr internal_core;
- } *mergem;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR)longbuf, 1, sizeof (longbuf), abfd) != sizeof (longbuf))
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- if (strncmp(longbuf,COR_MAGIC,4)) return 0;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, 0L, false) < 0) return 0;
- mergem = (struct mergem *)bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct mergem));
- if (mergem == NULL)
- return 0;
- core = &mergem->internal_core;
- if ((bfd_read ((PTR) core, 1, core_size, abfd)) != core_size)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- bfd_release (abfd, (char *)mergem);
- return 0;
- }
- set_tdata (abfd, &mergem->coredata);
- core_hdr (abfd) = core;
- /* create the sections. This is raunchy, but bfd_close wants to reclaim
- them */
- core_regsec (abfd) = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
- if (core_regsec (abfd) == NULL)
- {
- loser:
- bfd_release (abfd, (char *)mergem);
- return 0;
- }
- core_reg2sec (abfd) = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
- if (core_reg2sec (abfd) == NULL)
- {
- loser1:
- bfd_release (abfd, core_regsec (abfd));
- goto loser;
- }
- for (i=0, n=0 ; (i < MAX_CORE_SEGS) && (core->cd_segs[i].cs_type) ; i++)
- {
- if (core->cd_segs[i].cs_offset == 0)
- continue;
- core_section (abfd,n) =
- (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
- if (core_section (abfd,n) == NULL)
- {
- int j;
- if (n > 0)
- {
- for (j=0; j < n; j++)
- bfd_release (abfd, core_section(abfd, j));
- }
- bfd_release (abfd, (char *)mergem);
- goto loser1;
- }
- switch (core->cd_segs[i].cs_type)
- {
- core_section (abfd, n)->name = ".data";
- core_section (abfd, n)->flags = (SEC_ALLOC + SEC_LOAD +
- break;
- core_section (abfd, n)->name = ".stack";
- core_section (abfd, n)->flags = (SEC_ALLOC + SEC_LOAD +
- break;
- core_section (abfd, n)->name = ".libdata";
- core_section (abfd, n)->flags = (SEC_ALLOC + SEC_HAS_CONTENTS);
- break;
- core_section (abfd, n)->name = ".writeable";
- core_section (abfd, n)->flags = (SEC_ALLOC + SEC_HAS_CONTENTS);
- break;
- case COR_TYPE_MSC:
- core_section (abfd, n)->name = ".misc";
- core_section (abfd, n)->flags = (SEC_ALLOC + SEC_HAS_CONTENTS);
- break;
- default:
- core_section (abfd, n)->name = ".unknown";
- core_section (abfd, n)->flags = (SEC_ALLOC + SEC_HAS_CONTENTS);
- break;
- }
- core_section (abfd, n)->_raw_size = core->cd_segs[i].cs_len;
- core_section (abfd, n)->vma = core->cd_segs[i].cs_address;
- core_section (abfd, n)->filepos = core->cd_segs[i].cs_offset;
- core_section (abfd, n)->alignment_power = 2;
- core_section (abfd, n)->next = NULL;
- if (n > 0)
- core_section (abfd, (n-1))->next = core_section (abfd, n);
- abfd->section_count = ++n;
- }
- core_regsec (abfd)->name = ".reg";
- core_reg2sec (abfd)->name = ".reg2";
- core_regsec (abfd)->flags = SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- core_reg2sec (abfd)->flags = SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- core_regsec (abfd)->_raw_size = sizeof(core->cd_regs);
- core_reg2sec (abfd)->_raw_size = sizeof(core->cd_fpregs);
- core_regsec (abfd)->vma = -1;
- core_reg2sec (abfd)->vma = -1;
- /* We'll access the regs afresh in the core file, like any section: */
- core_regsec (abfd)->filepos = (file_ptr)offsetof(struct corehdr,cd_regs[0]);
- core_reg2sec (abfd)->filepos = (file_ptr)offsetof(struct corehdr,
- cd_fpregs);
- /* add the 2 reg fake sections to abfd */
- abfd->section_count += 2;
- abfd->sections = core_regsec (abfd);
- core_regsec (abfd)->next = core_reg2sec (abfd);
- core_reg2sec (abfd)->next = core_section (abfd, 0);
- return abfd->xvec;
-static char *
-aix386_core_file_failing_command (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return core_hdr (abfd)->cd_comm;
-static int
-aix386_core_file_failing_signal (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return core_hdr (abfd)->cd_cursig;
-static boolean
-aix386_core_file_matches_executable_p (core_bfd, exec_bfd)
- bfd *core_bfd;
- bfd *exec_bfd;
- return true; /* FIXME, We have no way of telling at this
- point */
-/* If somebody calls any byte-swapping routines, shoot them. */
- abort(); /* This way doesn't require any declaration for ANSI to fuck up */
-#define NO_GET ((PROTO(bfd_vma, (*), ( const bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-#define NO_GETS ((PROTO(bfd_signed_vma, (*), (const bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-#define NO_PUT ((PROTO(void, (*), (bfd_vma, bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-const bfd_target aix386_core_vec =
- {
- "aix386-core",
- bfd_target_unknown_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target byte order */
- BFD_ENDIANG_BIG, /* target headers byte order */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* leading underscore */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- NO_GET, NO_GETS, NO_PUT, /* data */
- NO_GET, NO_GETS, NO_PUT, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, _bfd_dummy_target,
- _bfd_dummy_target, aix386_core_file_p},
- {bfd_false, bfd_false, /* bfd_create_object */
- bfd_false, bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, bfd_false, /* bfd_write_contents */
- bfd_false, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_SYMBOLS (_bfd_nosymbols),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS (_bfd_norelocs),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (_bfd_nolink),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout-adobe.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout-adobe.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 36d230de9e8a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout-adobe.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for a.out.adobe binaries.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support. Based on bout.c.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "aout/adobe.h"
-#include "aout/stab_gnu.h"
-#include "libaout.h" /* BFD a.out internal data structures */
-extern const bfd_target a_out_adobe_vec; /* Forward decl */
-static const bfd_target *aout_adobe_callback PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern boolean aout_32_slurp_symbol_table PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-extern boolean aout_32_write_syms PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static void aout_adobe_write_section PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, sec_ptr sect));
-/* Swaps the information in an executable header taken from a raw byte
- stream memory image, into the internal exec_header structure. */
-void aout_adobe_swap_exec_header_in
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct external_exec *raw_bytes,
- struct internal_exec *execp));
-aout_adobe_swap_exec_header_in (abfd, raw_bytes, execp)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec *raw_bytes;
- struct internal_exec *execp;
- struct external_exec *bytes = (struct external_exec *)raw_bytes;
- /* Now fill in fields in the execp, from the bytes in the raw data. */
- execp->a_info = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, bytes->e_info);
- execp->a_text = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_text);
- execp->a_data = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_data);
- execp->a_bss = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_bss);
- execp->a_syms = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_syms);
- execp->a_entry = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_entry);
- execp->a_trsize = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_trsize);
- execp->a_drsize = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_drsize);
-/* Swaps the information in an internal exec header structure into the
- supplied buffer ready for writing to disk. */
-PROTO(void, aout_adobe_swap_exec_header_out,
- (bfd *abfd,
- struct internal_exec *execp,
- struct external_exec *raw_bytes));
-aout_adobe_swap_exec_header_out (abfd, execp, raw_bytes)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_exec *execp;
- struct external_exec *raw_bytes;
- struct external_exec *bytes = (struct external_exec *)raw_bytes;
- /* Now fill in fields in the raw data, from the fields in the exec struct. */
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, execp->a_info , bytes->e_info);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_text , bytes->e_text);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_data , bytes->e_data);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_bss , bytes->e_bss);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_syms , bytes->e_syms);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_entry , bytes->e_entry);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_trsize, bytes->e_trsize);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_drsize, bytes->e_drsize);
-static const bfd_target *
-aout_adobe_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_exec anexec;
- struct external_exec exec_bytes;
- char *targ;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) &exec_bytes, 1, EXEC_BYTES_SIZE, abfd)
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- anexec.a_info = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, exec_bytes.e_info);
- /* Normally we just compare for the magic number.
- However, a bunch of Adobe tools aren't fixed up yet; they generate
- files using ZMAGIC(!).
- If the environment variable GNUTARGET is set to "a.out.adobe", we will
- take just about any a.out file as an Adobe a.out file. FIXME! */
- if (N_BADMAG (anexec)) {
- extern char *getenv ();
- targ = getenv ("GNUTARGET");
- if (targ && !strcmp (targ,
- ; /* Just continue anyway, if specifically set to this format */
- else
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- aout_adobe_swap_exec_header_in (abfd, &exec_bytes, &anexec);
- return aout_32_some_aout_object_p (abfd, &anexec, aout_adobe_callback);
-/* Finish up the opening of a b.out file for reading. Fill in all the
- fields that are not handled by common code. */
-static const bfd_target *
-aout_adobe_callback (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- asection *sect;
- struct external_segdesc ext[1];
- char *section_name;
- char try_again[30]; /* name and number */
- char *newname;
- int trynum;
- flagword flags;
- /* Architecture and machine type -- unknown in this format. */
- bfd_set_arch_mach(abfd, bfd_arch_unknown, 0);
- /* The positions of the string table and symbol table. */
- obj_str_filepos (abfd) = N_STROFF (*execp);
- obj_sym_filepos (abfd) = N_SYMOFF (*execp);
- /* Suck up the section information from the file, one section at a time. */
- for (;;) {
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) ext, 1, sizeof (*ext), abfd) != sizeof (*ext)) {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- switch (ext->e_type[0]) {
- case N_TEXT:
- section_name = ".text";
- break;
- case N_DATA:
- section_name = ".data";
- break;
- case N_BSS:
- section_name = ".bss";
- break;
- case 0:
- goto no_more_sections;
- default:
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: Unknown section type in a.out.adobe file: %x\n",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), ext->e_type[0]);
- goto no_more_sections;
- }
- /* First one is called ".text" or whatever; subsequent ones are
- ".text1", ".text2", ... */
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_error);
- sect = bfd_make_section (abfd, section_name);
- trynum = 0;
- while (!sect) {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_no_error)
- return 0; /* Some other error -- slide into the sunset */
- sprintf (try_again, "%s%d", section_name, ++trynum);
- sect = bfd_make_section (abfd, try_again);
- }
- /* Fix the name, if it is a sprintf'd name. */
- if (sect->name == try_again) {
- newname = (char *) bfd_zalloc(abfd, strlen (sect->name));
- if (newname == NULL)
- return 0;
- strcpy (newname, sect->name);
- sect->name = newname;
- }
- /* Now set the section's attributes. */
- bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, sect, flags);
- sect->_raw_size = ((ext->e_size[0] << 8) /* Assumed big-endian */
- | ext->e_size[1] << 8)
- | ext->e_size[2];
- sect->_cooked_size = sect->_raw_size;
- sect->vma = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, ext->e_virtbase);
- sect->filepos = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, ext->e_filebase);
- /* FIXME XXX alignment? */
- /* Set relocation information for first section of each type. */
- if (trynum == 0) switch (ext->e_type[0]) {
- case N_TEXT:
- sect->rel_filepos = N_TRELOFF (*execp);
- sect->reloc_count = execp->a_trsize;
- break;
- case N_DATA:
- sect->rel_filepos = N_DRELOFF (*execp);
- sect->reloc_count = execp->a_drsize;
- break;
- }
- }
- adata(abfd).reloc_entry_size = sizeof (struct reloc_std_external);
- adata(abfd).symbol_entry_size = sizeof (struct external_nlist);
- adata(abfd).page_size = 1; /* Not applicable. */
- adata(abfd).segment_size = 1; /* Not applicable. */
- adata(abfd).exec_bytes_size = EXEC_BYTES_SIZE;
- return abfd->xvec;
-struct bout_data_struct {
- struct aoutdata a;
- struct internal_exec e;
-static boolean
-aout_adobe_mkobject (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bout_data_struct *rawptr;
- rawptr = (struct bout_data_struct *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct bout_data_struct));
- if (rawptr == NULL)
- return false;
- abfd->tdata.bout_data = rawptr;
- exec_hdr (abfd) = &rawptr->e;
- adata(abfd).reloc_entry_size = sizeof (struct reloc_std_external);
- adata(abfd).symbol_entry_size = sizeof (struct external_nlist);
- adata(abfd).page_size = 1; /* Not applicable. */
- adata(abfd).segment_size = 1; /* Not applicable. */
- adata(abfd).exec_bytes_size = EXEC_BYTES_SIZE;
- return true;
-static boolean
-aout_adobe_write_object_contents (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec swapped_hdr;
- static struct external_segdesc sentinel[1]; /* Initialized to zero */
- asection *sect;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_info = ZMAGIC;
- /* Calculate text size as total of text sections, etc. */
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_text = 0;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_data = 0;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_bss = 0;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_trsize = 0;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_drsize = 0;
- for (sect = abfd->sections; sect; sect = sect->next) {
- if (sect->flags & SEC_CODE) {
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_text += sect->_raw_size;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_trsize += sect->reloc_count *
- sizeof (struct reloc_std_external);
- } else if (sect->flags & SEC_DATA) {
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_data += sect->_raw_size;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_drsize += sect->reloc_count *
- sizeof (struct reloc_std_external);
- } else if (sect->flags & SEC_ALLOC && !(sect->flags & SEC_LOAD)) {
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_bss += sect->_raw_size;
- }
- }
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_syms = bfd_get_symcount (abfd)
- * sizeof (struct external_nlist);
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_entry = bfd_get_start_address (abfd);
- aout_adobe_swap_exec_header_out (abfd, exec_hdr (abfd), &swapped_hdr);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_write ((PTR) &swapped_hdr, 1, EXEC_BYTES_SIZE, abfd)
- return false;
- /* Now write out the section information. Text first, data next, rest
- afterward. */
- for (sect = abfd->sections; sect; sect = sect->next) {
- if (sect->flags & SEC_CODE) {
- aout_adobe_write_section (abfd, sect);
- }
- }
- for (sect = abfd->sections; sect; sect = sect->next) {
- if (sect->flags & SEC_DATA) {
- aout_adobe_write_section (abfd, sect);
- }
- }
- for (sect = abfd->sections; sect; sect = sect->next) {
- if (!(sect->flags & (SEC_CODE|SEC_DATA))) {
- aout_adobe_write_section (abfd, sect);
- }
- }
- /* Write final `sentinel` section header (with type of 0). */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) sentinel, 1, sizeof (*sentinel), abfd)
- != sizeof (*sentinel))
- return false;
- /* Now write out reloc info, followed by syms and strings */
- if (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) != 0)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(N_SYMOFF(*exec_hdr(abfd))), SEEK_SET)
- != 0)
- return false;
- if (! aout_32_write_syms (abfd))
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(N_TRELOFF(*exec_hdr(abfd))), SEEK_SET)
- != 0)
- return false;
- for (sect = abfd->sections; sect; sect = sect->next) {
- if (sect->flags & SEC_CODE) {
- if (!aout_32_squirt_out_relocs (abfd, sect))
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(N_DRELOFF(*exec_hdr(abfd))), SEEK_SET)
- != 0)
- return false;
- for (sect = abfd->sections; sect; sect = sect->next) {
- if (sect->flags & SEC_DATA) {
- if (!aout_32_squirt_out_relocs (abfd, sect))
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-static void
-aout_adobe_write_section (abfd, sect)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr sect;
- /* FIXME XXX */
-static boolean
-aout_adobe_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- file_ptr section_start;
- sec_ptr sect;
- if (abfd->output_has_begun == false) { /* set by bfd.c handler */
- /* Assign file offsets to sections. Text sections are first, and
- are contiguous. Then data sections. Everything else at the end. */
- section_start = N_TXTOFF (ignore<-->me);
- for (sect = abfd->sections; sect; sect = sect->next) {
- if (sect->flags & SEC_CODE) {
- sect->filepos = section_start;
- /* FIXME: Round to alignment */
- section_start += sect->_raw_size;
- }
- }
- for (sect = abfd->sections; sect; sect = sect->next) {
- if (sect->flags & SEC_DATA) {
- sect->filepos = section_start;
- /* FIXME: Round to alignment */
- section_start += sect->_raw_size;
- }
- }
- for (sect = abfd->sections; sect; sect = sect->next) {
- if (sect->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS &&
- !(sect->flags & (SEC_CODE|SEC_DATA))) {
- sect->filepos = section_start;
- /* FIXME: Round to alignment */
- section_start += sect->_raw_size;
- }
- }
- }
- /* regardless, once we know what we're doing, we might as well get going */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, section->filepos + offset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- if (count != 0) {
- return (bfd_write ((PTR)location, 1, count, abfd) == count) ?true:false;
- }
- return true;
-static boolean
-aout_adobe_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine)
- bfd *abfd;
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- unsigned long machine;
- if (! bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine))
- return false;
- if (arch == bfd_arch_unknown
- || arch == bfd_arch_m68k)
- return true;
- return false;
-static int
-aout_adobe_sizeof_headers (ignore_abfd, ignore)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- boolean ignore;
- return sizeof(struct internal_exec);
-/* Build the transfer vector for Adobe A.Out files. */
-#define aout_32_close_and_cleanup aout_32_bfd_free_cached_info
-#define aout_32_bfd_make_debug_symbol \
- ((asymbol *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, void *, unsigned long))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
-#define aout_32_bfd_reloc_type_lookup \
- ((reloc_howto_type *(*) \
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_reloc_code_real_type))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
-#define aout_32_set_arch_mach aout_adobe_set_arch_mach
-#define aout_32_set_section_contents aout_adobe_set_section_contents
-#define aout_32_sizeof_headers aout_adobe_sizeof_headers
-#define aout_32_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define aout_32_get_section_contents_in_window _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
-#define aout_32_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
-#define aout_32_bfd_link_hash_table_create \
- _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
-#define aout_32_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
-#define aout_32_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
-#define aout_32_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
-const bfd_target a_out_adobe_vec =
- "a.out.adobe", /* name */
- bfd_target_aout_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* data byte order is unknown (big assumed) */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* hdr byte order is big */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- /* section flags */
- '_', /* symbol leading char */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, aout_adobe_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, aout_adobe_mkobject, /* bfd_set_format */
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive, bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, aout_adobe_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_bsd),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (aout_32),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout-arm.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout-arm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 978664a48aaf..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout-arm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for raw ARM a.out binaries.
- Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by Richard Earnshaw (
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define N_TXTADDR(x) \
- ((N_MAGIC(x) == NMAGIC) ? 0x8000 : \
- (N_MAGIC(x) != ZMAGIC) ? 0 : \
- (N_SHARED_LIB(x)) ? ((x).a_entry & ~(TARGET_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) : \
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR 0x8000
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 0x8000
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_arm
-#define MY(OP) CAT(aoutarm_,OP)
-#define N_BADMAG(x) ((((x).a_info & ~007200) != ZMAGIC) && \
- (((x).a_info & ~006000) != OMAGIC) && \
- ((x).a_info != NMAGIC))
-#define N_MAGIC(x) ((x).a_info & ~07200)
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "assert.h"
-#define MYARM(OP) CAT(aoutarm_,OP)
-reloc_howto_type *MYARM(bfd_reloc_type_lookup)
- PARAMS((bfd *, bfd_reloc_code_real_type));
-static boolean MYARM(write_object_contents) PARAMS((bfd *));
-/* Avoid multiple defininitions from aoutx if supporting standarad a.out
- as well as our own. */
-#define NAME(x,y) CAT3(aoutarm,_32_,y)
-#define MY_bfd_reloc_type_lookup aoutarm_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
-#include "libaout.h"
-#include "aout/aout64.h"
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-MY(fix_pcrel_26_done) PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR,
- asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-MY(fix_pcrel_26) PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR,
- asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static void MY(swap_std_reloc_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct reloc_std_external *,
- arelent *, asymbol **,
- bfd_size_type));
-void MY(swap_std_reloc_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *,
- struct reloc_std_external *));
-reloc_howto_type MY(howto_table)[] =
- /* type rs size bsz pcrel bitpos ovrf sf name part_inpl readmask setmask
- pcdone */
- HOWTO (0, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "8", true,
- 0x000000ff, 0x000000ff, false),
- HOWTO (1, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "16", true,
- 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO (2, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "32", true,
- 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, false),
- HOWTO (3, 2, 2, 26, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, MY(fix_pcrel_26),
- "ARM26", true, 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff, true),
- HOWTO (4, 0, 0, 8, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0, "DISP8", true,
- 0x000000ff, 0x000000ff, true),
- HOWTO (5, 0, 1, 16, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0, "DISP16", true,
- 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, true),
- HOWTO (6, 0, 2, 32, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0, "DISP32", true,
- 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, true),
- HOWTO (7, 2, 2, 26, false, 0, complain_overflow_signed,
- MY(fix_pcrel_26_done), "ARM26D", true, 0x0, 0x0,
- false),
- {-1},
- HOWTO (9, 0, -1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "NEG16", true,
- 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO (10, 0, -2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "NEG32", true,
- 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, false)
-#define RELOC_ARM_BITS_NEG_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x08)
-#define RELOC_ARM_BITS_NEG_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x10)
-reloc_howto_type *
-MY(reloc_howto)(abfd, rel, r_index, r_extern, r_pcrel)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct reloc_std_external *rel;
- int *r_index;
- int *r_extern;
- int *r_pcrel;
- unsigned int r_length;
- unsigned int r_pcrel_done;
- unsigned int r_neg;
- int index;
- *r_pcrel = 0;
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- {
- *r_index = ((rel->r_index[0] << 16)
- | (rel->r_index[1] << 8)
- | rel->r_index[2]);
- *r_extern = (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_BIG));
- r_pcrel_done = (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_BIG));
- r_neg = (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_ARM_BITS_NEG_BIG));
- r_length = ((rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_BIG)
- }
- else
- {
- *r_index = ((rel->r_index[2] << 16)
- | (rel->r_index[1] << 8)
- | rel->r_index[0]);
- *r_extern = (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE));
- r_pcrel_done = (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_LITTLE));
- r_neg = (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_ARM_BITS_NEG_LITTLE));
- r_length = ((rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_LITTLE)
- }
- index = r_length + 4 * r_pcrel_done + 8 * r_neg;
- if (index == 3)
- *r_pcrel = 1;
- return MY(howto_table) + index;
-#define MY_reloc_howto(BFD, REL, IN, EX, PC) \
- MY(reloc_howto) (BFD, REL, &IN, &EX, &PC)
-MY(put_reloc)(abfd, r_extern, r_index, value, howto, reloc)
- bfd *abfd;
- int r_extern;
- int r_index;
- long value;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- struct reloc_std_external *reloc;
- unsigned int r_length;
- int r_pcrel;
- int r_neg;
- PUT_WORD (abfd, value, reloc->r_address);
- r_length = howto->size ; /* Size as a power of two */
- /* Special case for branch relocations. */
- if (howto->type == 3 || howto->type == 7)
- r_length = 3;
- r_pcrel = howto->type & 4; /* PC Relative done? */
- r_neg = howto->type & 8; /* Negative relocation */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- {
- reloc->r_index[0] = r_index >> 16;
- reloc->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- reloc->r_index[2] = r_index;
- reloc->r_type[0] =
- ((r_extern ? RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_BIG : 0)
- | (r_pcrel ? RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_BIG : 0)
- | (r_neg ? RELOC_ARM_BITS_NEG_BIG : 0)
- | (r_length << RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_SH_BIG));
- }
- else
- {
- reloc->r_index[2] = r_index >> 16;
- reloc->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- reloc->r_index[0] = r_index;
- reloc->r_type[0] =
- ((r_extern ? RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE : 0)
- | (r_pcrel ? RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_LITTLE : 0)
- | (r_neg ? RELOC_ARM_BITS_NEG_LITTLE : 0)
- }
-#define MY_put_reloc(BFD, EXT, IDX, VAL, HOWTO, RELOC) \
- MY(put_reloc)(BFD, EXT, IDX, VAL, HOWTO, RELOC)
-MY(relocatable_reloc)(howto, abfd, reloc, amount, r_addr)
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- bfd *abfd;
- struct reloc_std_external *reloc;
- bfd_vma *amount;
- bfd_vma r_addr;
- if (howto->type == 3)
- {
- if (reloc->r_type[0]
- & (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd)
- {
- /* The reloc is still external, so don't modify anything. */
- *amount = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- *amount -= r_addr;
- /* Change the r_pcrel value -- on the ARM, this bit is set once the
- relocation is done. */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- reloc->r_type[0] |= RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_BIG;
- else
- reloc->r_type[0] |= RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_LITTLE;
- }
- }
- else if (howto->type == 7)
- *amount = 0;
-#define MY_relocatable_reloc(HOW, BFD, REL, AMOUNT, ADDR) \
- MY(relocatable_reloc)(HOW, BFD, REL, &(AMOUNT), ADDR)
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-MY(fix_pcrel_26_done) (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section,
- output_bfd, error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- /* This is dead simple at present. */
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-MY(fix_pcrel_26) (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section,
- output_bfd, error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_size_type addr = reloc_entry->address;
- long target = bfd_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- bfd_reloc_status_type flag = bfd_reloc_ok;
- /* If this is an undefined symbol, return error */
- if (symbol->section == &bfd_und_section
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_WEAK) == 0)
- return output_bfd ? bfd_reloc_ok : bfd_reloc_undefined;
- /* If the sections are different, and we are doing a partial relocation,
- just ignore it for now. */
- if (symbol->section->name != input_section->name
- && output_bfd != (bfd *)NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- relocation = (target & 0x00ffffff) << 2;
- relocation = (relocation ^ 0x02000000) - 0x02000000; /* Sign extend */
- relocation += symbol->value;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_section->vma;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_offset;
- relocation += reloc_entry->addend;
- relocation -= input_section->output_section->vma;
- relocation -= input_section->output_offset;
- relocation -= addr;
- if (relocation & 3)
- return bfd_reloc_overflow;
- /* Check for overflow */
- if (relocation & 0x02000000)
- {
- if ((relocation & ~0x03ffffff) != ~0x03ffffff)
- flag = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- }
- else if (relocation & ~0x03ffffff)
- flag = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- target &= ~0x00ffffff;
- target |= (relocation >> 2) & 0x00ffffff;
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, target, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- /* Now the ARM magic... Change the reloc type so that it is marked as done.
- Strictly this is only necessary if we are doing a partial relocation. */
- reloc_entry->howto = &MY(howto_table)[7];
- return flag;
-reloc_howto_type *
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
-#define ASTD(i,j) case i: return &MY(howto_table)[j]
- if (code == BFD_RELOC_CTOR)
- switch (bfd_get_arch_info (abfd)->bits_per_address)
- {
- case 32:
- code = BFD_RELOC_32;
- break;
- default: return (CONST struct reloc_howto_struct *) 0;
- }
- switch (code)
- {
- ASTD (BFD_RELOC_16, 1);
- ASTD (BFD_RELOC_32, 2);
- default: return (CONST struct reloc_howto_struct *) 0;
- }
-#define MY_swap_std_reloc_in MY(swap_std_reloc_in)
-#define MY_swap_std_reloc_out MY(swap_std_reloc_out)
-#define MY_get_section_contents _bfd_generic_get_section_contents
-/* #define MY_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create */
-/* #define MY_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols */
-/* #define MY_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link */
-#include "aoutx.h"
-static void
-MY_swap_std_reloc_in (abfd, bytes, cache_ptr, symbols, symcount)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct reloc_std_external *bytes;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- bfd_size_type symcount;
- int r_index;
- int r_extern;
- unsigned int r_length;
- int r_pcrel;
- struct aoutdata *su = &(abfd->tdata.aout_data->a);
- cache_ptr->address = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, bytes->r_address);
- cache_ptr->howto = MY_reloc_howto (abfd, bytes, r_index, r_extern, r_pcrel);
-MY_swap_std_reloc_out (abfd, g, natptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *g;
- struct reloc_std_external *natptr;
- int r_index;
- asymbol *sym = *(g->sym_ptr_ptr);
- int r_extern;
- int r_length;
- int r_pcrel;
- int r_neg = 0; /* Negative relocs use the BASEREL bit. */
- asection *output_section = sym->section->output_section;
- PUT_WORD(abfd, g->address, natptr->r_address);
- r_length = g->howto->size ; /* Size as a power of two */
- if (r_length < 0)
- {
- r_length = -r_length;
- r_neg = 1;
- }
- r_pcrel = (int) g->howto->pc_relative; /* Relative to PC? */
- /* For RISC iX, in pc-relative relocs the r_pcrel bit means that the
- relocation has been done already (Only for the 26-bit one I think)???!!!
- */
- if (g->howto->type == 3)
- {
- r_length = 3;
- r_pcrel = 0;
- }
- else if (g->howto->type == 7)
- {
- r_length = 3;
- r_pcrel = 1;
- }
-#if 0
- /* For a standard reloc, the addend is in the object file. */
- r_addend = g->addend + (*(g->sym_ptr_ptr))->section->output_section->vma;
- /* name was clobbered by aout_write_syms to be symbol index */
- /* If this relocation is relative to a symbol then set the
- r_index to the symbols index, and the r_extern bit.
- Absolute symbols can come in in two ways, either as an offset
- from the abs section, or as a symbol which has an abs value.
- check for that here
- */
- if (bfd_is_com_section (output_section)
- || output_section == &bfd_abs_section
- || output_section == &bfd_und_section)
- {
- if (bfd_abs_section.symbol == sym)
- {
- /* Whoops, looked like an abs symbol, but is really an offset
- from the abs section */
- r_index = 0;
- r_extern = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Fill in symbol */
- r_extern = 1;
- r_index = (*(g->sym_ptr_ptr))->KEEPIT;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Just an ordinary section */
- r_extern = 0;
- r_index = output_section->target_index;
- }
- /* now the fun stuff */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- {
- natptr->r_index[0] = r_index >> 16;
- natptr->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- natptr->r_index[2] = r_index;
- natptr->r_type[0] =
- ( (r_extern ? RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_BIG: 0)
- | (r_pcrel ? RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_BIG: 0)
- | (r_neg ? RELOC_ARM_BITS_NEG_BIG: 0)
- | (r_length << RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_SH_BIG));
- }
- else
- {
- natptr->r_index[2] = r_index >> 16;
- natptr->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- natptr->r_index[0] = r_index;
- natptr->r_type[0] =
- ( (r_extern ? RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE: 0)
- | (r_pcrel ? RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_LITTLE: 0)
- | (r_neg ? RELOC_ARM_BITS_NEG_LITTLE: 0)
- }
-#define MY_BFD_TARGET
-#include "aout-target.h"
-const bfd_target aout_arm_little_vec =
- "a.out-arm-little", /* name */
- bfd_target_aout_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* target byte order (little) */
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* target headers byte order (little) */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- MY_symbol_leading_char,
- AR_PAD_CHAR, /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, MY_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, MY_core_file_p},
- {bfd_false, MY_mkobject, /* bfd_set_format */
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive, bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, MY_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- (PTR) MY_backend_data,
-const bfd_target aout_arm_big_vec =
- "a.out-arm-big", /* name */
- bfd_target_aout_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target byte order (big) */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target headers byte order (big) */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- MY_symbol_leading_char,
- AR_PAD_CHAR, /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, MY_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, MY_core_file_p},
- {bfd_false, MY_mkobject, /* bfd_set_format */
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive, bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, MY_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- (PTR) MY_backend_data,
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout-encap.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout-encap.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c25f9037dce0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout-encap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for a.out files encapsulated with COFF headers.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#if 0
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR 0
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include <sysdep.h>
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include <aout/aout64.h>
-#include "aout/stab_gnu.h"
-#include "aout/ar.h"
-#include "libaout.h" /* BFD a.out internal data structures */
-const bfd_target *encap_real_callback ();
-const bfd_target *
-encap_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned char magicbuf[4]; /* Raw bytes of magic number from file */
- unsigned long magic; /* Swapped magic number */
- short coff_magic;
- struct external_exec exec_bytes;
- struct internal_exec exec;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR)magicbuf, 1, sizeof (magicbuf), abfd) !=
- sizeof (magicbuf))
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- coff_magic = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, magicbuf);
- if (coff_magic != COFF_MAGIC)
- return 0; /* Not an encap coff file */
- __header_offset_temp==COFF_MAGIC ? sizeof(struct coffheader) : 0)
- (fseek ((f), HEADER_OFFSET((f)), 1))
- magic = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, magicbuf);
- if (N_BADMAG (*((struct internal_exec *) &magic))) return 0;
- struct external_exec exec_bytes;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) &exec_bytes, 1, EXEC_BYTES_SIZE, abfd)
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- NAME(aout,swap_exec_header_in)(abfd, &exec_bytes, &exec);
- return aout_32_some_aout_object_p (abfd, &exec, encap_realcallback);
-/* Finish up the reading of a encapsulated-coff a.out file header */
-const bfd_target *
-encap_real_callback (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- MY(callback)(abfd, execp);
- /* If we have a coff header, it can give us better values for
- text_start and exec_data_start. This is particularly useful
- for remote debugging of embedded systems. */
- if (N_FLAGS(exec_aouthdr) & N_FLAGS_COFF_ENCAPSULATE)
- {
- struct coffheader ch;
- int val;
- val = lseek (execchan, -(sizeof (AOUTHDR) + sizeof (ch)), 1);
- if (val == -1)
- perror_with_name (filename);
- val = myread (execchan, &ch, sizeof (ch));
- if (val < 0)
- perror_with_name (filename);
- text_start = ch.text_start;
- exec_data_start = ch.data_start;
- } else
- {
- text_start =
- IS_OBJECT_FILE (exec_aouthdr) ? 0 : N_TXTADDR (exec_aouthdr);
- exec_data_start = IS_OBJECT_FILE (exec_aouthdr)
- ? exec_aouthdr.a_text : N_DATADDR (exec_aouthdr);
- }
- /* Determine the architecture and machine type of the object file. */
- bfd_default_set_arch_mach(abfd, bfd_arch_m68k, 0); /* FIXME */
- return abfd->xvec;
-/* Write an object file in Encapsulated COFF format.
- Section contents have already been written. We write the
- file header, symbols, and relocation. */
-encap_write_object_contents (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_size_type data_pad = 0;
- struct external_exec exec_bytes;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
-/****** FIXME: Fragments from the old GNU LD program for dealing with
- encap coff. */
-struct coffheader coffheader;
-int need_coff_header;
- /* Determine whether to count the header as part of
- the text size, and initialize the text size accordingly.
- This depends on the kind of system and on the output format selected. */
- N_SET_MAGIC (outheader, magic);
- text_size = sizeof (struct exec);
- if (relocatable_output == 0 && file_table[0].just_syms_flag == 0)
- {
- need_coff_header = 1;
- /* set this flag now, since it will change the values of N_TXTOFF, etc */
- N_SET_FLAGS (outheader, aout_backend_info (abfd)->exec_hdr_flags);
- text_size += sizeof (struct coffheader);
- }
- if (need_coff_header)
- {
- /* We are encapsulating BSD format within COFF format. */
- struct coffscn *tp, *dp, *bp;
- tp = &coffheader.scns[0];
- dp = &coffheader.scns[1];
- bp = &coffheader.scns[2];
- strcpy (tp->s_name, ".text");
- tp->s_paddr = text_start;
- tp->s_vaddr = text_start;
- tp->s_size = text_size;
- tp->s_scnptr = sizeof (struct coffheader) + sizeof (struct exec);
- tp->s_relptr = 0;
- tp->s_lnnoptr = 0;
- tp->s_nreloc = 0;
- tp->s_nlnno = 0;
- tp->s_flags = 0x20;
- strcpy (dp->s_name, ".data");
- dp->s_paddr = data_start;
- dp->s_vaddr = data_start;
- dp->s_size = data_size;
- dp->s_scnptr = tp->s_scnptr + tp->s_size;
- dp->s_relptr = 0;
- dp->s_lnnoptr = 0;
- dp->s_nreloc = 0;
- dp->s_nlnno = 0;
- dp->s_flags = 0x40;
- strcpy (bp->s_name, ".bss");
- bp->s_paddr = dp->s_vaddr + dp->s_size;
- bp->s_vaddr = bp->s_paddr;
- bp->s_size = bss_size;
- bp->s_scnptr = 0;
- bp->s_relptr = 0;
- bp->s_lnnoptr = 0;
- bp->s_nreloc = 0;
- bp->s_nlnno = 0;
- bp->s_flags = 0x80;
- coffheader.f_magic = COFF_MAGIC;
- coffheader.f_nscns = 3;
- /* store an unlikely time so programs can
- * tell that there is a bsd header
- */
- coffheader.f_timdat = 1;
- coffheader.f_symptr = 0;
- coffheader.f_nsyms = 0;
- coffheader.f_opthdr = 28;
- coffheader.f_flags = 0x103;
- /* aouthdr */
- coffheader.magic = ZMAGIC;
- coffheader.vstamp = 0;
- coffheader.tsize = tp->s_size;
- coffheader.dsize = dp->s_size;
- coffheader.bsize = bp->s_size;
- coffheader.entry = outheader.a_entry;
- coffheader.text_start = tp->s_vaddr;
- coffheader.data_start = dp->s_vaddr;
- }
- if (need_coff_header)
- mywrite (&coffheader, sizeof coffheader, 1, outdesc);
- padfile (N_TXTOFF (outheader) - sizeof outheader, outdesc);
- text_size -= N_TXTOFF (outheader);
- WRITE_HEADERS(abfd, execp);
- return true;
-#define MY_write_object_content encap_write_object_contents
-#define MY_object_p encap_object_p
-#define MY_exec_hdr_flags N_FLAGS_COFF_ENCAPSULATE
-#include "aout-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout-ns32k.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout-ns32k.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 269e053fe5ac..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout-ns32k.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for ns32k a.out-ish binaries.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by Ian Dall (
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "aout/aout64.h"
-#define MYNS(OP) CAT(ns32kaout_,OP)
-reloc_howto_type *
- PARAMS((bfd *abfd AND
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code));
- PARAMS((bfd *abfd));
-/* Avoid multiple definitions from aoutx if supporting standard a.out format(s)
- * as well as this one
- */
-#define NAME(x,y) CAT3(ns32kaout,_32_,y)
-void bfd_ns32k_arch PARAMS ((void));
-long ns32k_get_displacement PARAMS ((bfd_byte *buffer, long offset, long size));
-int ns32k_put_displacement PARAMS ((long value, bfd_byte *buffer, long offset, long size));
-long ns32k_get_immediate PARAMS ((bfd_byte *buffer, long offset, long size));
-int ns32k_put_immediate PARAMS ((long value, bfd_byte *buffer, long offset, long size));
- ns32k_reloc_disp PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, arelent *reloc_entry,
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *input_section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error_message));
- ns32k_reloc_imm PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc_entry,
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *input_section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error_message));
- ns32k_final_link_relocate PARAMS ((reloc_howto_type *howto,
- bfd *input_bfd,
- asection *input_section,
- bfd_byte *contents,
- bfd_vma address,
- bfd_vma value,
- bfd_vma addend ));
- ns32k_relocate_contents PARAMS ((reloc_howto_type *howto,
- bfd *input_bfd,
- bfd_vma relocation,
- bfd_byte *location));
-#include "libaout.h"
-#define MY(OP) MYNS(OP)
-#define MY_swap_std_reloc_in MY(swap_std_reloc_in)
-#define MY_swap_std_reloc_out MY(swap_std_reloc_out)
-static void
-MY_swap_std_reloc_in PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct reloc_std_external *bytes,
- arelent *cache_ptr, asymbol **symbols,
- bfd_size_type symcount));
-static void
-MY_swap_std_reloc_out PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, arelent *g,
- struct reloc_std_external *natptr));
-/* The ns32k series is ah, unusual, when it comes to relocation.
- * There are three storage methods for relocateable objects. There
- * are displacements, immediate operands and ordinary twos complement
- * data. Of these, only the last fits into the standard relocation
- * scheme. Immediate operands are stored huffman encoded and
- * immediate operands are stored big endian (where as the natural byte
- * order is little endian for this achitecture).
- * Note that the ns32k displacement storage method is orthogonal to
- * whether the relocation is pc relative or not. The "displacement"
- * storage scheme is used for essentially all address constants. The
- * displacement can be relative to zero (absolute displacement),
- * relative to the pc (pc relative), the stack pointer, the frame
- * pointer, the static base register and general purpose register etc.
- * For example:
- *
- * sym1: .long . # pc relative 2's complement
- * sym1: .long foo # 2's complement not pc relative
- *
- * self: movd @self, r0 # pc relative displacement
- * movd foo, r0 # non pc relative displacement
- *
- * self: movd self, r0 # pc relative immediate
- * movd foo, r0 # non pc relative immediate
- *
- * In addition, for historical reasons the encoding of the relocation types
- * in the a.out format relocation entries is such that even the relocation
- * methods which are standard are not encoded the standard way.
- *
- */
-reloc_howto_type MY(howto_table)[] =
-/* ns32k immediate operands */
-HOWTO(BFD_RELOC_NS32K_IMM_8, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, true,
- ns32k_reloc_imm, "NS32K_IMM_8",
- true, 0x000000ff,0x000000ff, false),
-HOWTO(BFD_RELOC_NS32K_IMM_16, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, true,
- ns32k_reloc_imm, "NS32K_IMM_16",
- true, 0x0000ffff,0x0000ffff, false),
-HOWTO(BFD_RELOC_NS32K_IMM_32, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, true,
- ns32k_reloc_imm, "NS32K_IMM_32",
- true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
-HOWTO(BFD_RELOC_NS32K_IMM_8_PCREL, 0, 0, 8, true, 0, false,
- ns32k_reloc_imm, "PCREL_NS32K_IMM_8",
- true, 0x000000ff, 0x000000ff, false),
-HOWTO(BFD_RELOC_NS32K_IMM_16_PCREL, 0, 1, 16, true, 0, false,
- ns32k_reloc_imm, "PCREL_NS32K_IMM_16",
- true, 0x0000ffff,0x0000ffff, false),
-HOWTO(BFD_RELOC_NS32K_IMM_32_PCREL, 0, 2, 32, true, 0, false,
- ns32k_reloc_imm, "PCREL_NS32K_IMM_32",
- true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
-/* ns32k displacements */
-HOWTO(BFD_RELOC_NS32K_DISP_8, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, true,
- ns32k_reloc_disp, "NS32K_DISP_8",
- true, 0x000000ff,0x000000ff, false),
-HOWTO(BFD_RELOC_NS32K_DISP_16, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, true,
- ns32k_reloc_disp, "NS32K_DISP_16",
- true, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false),
-HOWTO(BFD_RELOC_NS32K_DISP_32, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, true,
- ns32k_reloc_disp, "NS32K_DISP_32",
- true, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, false),
-HOWTO(BFD_RELOC_NS32K_DISP_8_PCREL, 0, 0, 8, true, 0, false,
- ns32k_reloc_disp, "PCREL_NS32K_DISP_8",
- true, 0x000000ff,0x000000ff, false),
-HOWTO(BFD_RELOC_NS32K_DISP_16_PCREL, 0, 1, 16, true, 0, false,
- ns32k_reloc_disp, "PCREL_NS32K_DISP_16",
- true, 0x0000ffff,0x0000ffff, false),
-HOWTO(BFD_RELOC_NS32K_DISP_32_PCREL, 0, 2, 32, true, 0, false,
- ns32k_reloc_disp, "PCREL_NS32K_DISP_32",
- true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
-/* Normal 2's complement */
-HOWTO(BFD_RELOC_8, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,
- "8", true, 0x000000ff,0x000000ff, false),
-HOWTO(BFD_RELOC_16, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,
- "16", true, 0x0000ffff,0x0000ffff, false),
-HOWTO(BFD_RELOC_32, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,
- "32", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
-HOWTO(BFD_RELOC_8_PCREL, 0, 0, 8, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0,
- "PCREL_8", true, 0x000000ff,0x000000ff, false),
-HOWTO(BFD_RELOC_16_PCREL, 0, 1, 16, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0,
- "PCREL_16", true, 0x0000ffff,0x0000ffff, false),
-HOWTO(BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL, 0, 2, 32, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0,
- "PCREL_32", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
-#define CTOR_TABLE_RELOC_HOWTO(BFD) (MY(howto_table) + 14)
-reloc_howto_type *
-MY(reloc_howto)(abfd, rel, r_index, r_extern, r_pcrel)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct reloc_std_external *rel;
- int *r_index;
- int *r_extern;
- int *r_pcrel;
- unsigned int r_length;
- int r_ns32k_type;
-/* BFD_ASSERT(bfd_header_little_endian (abfd)); */
- *r_index = ((rel->r_index[2] << 16)
- | (rel->r_index[1] << 8)
- | rel->r_index[0] );
- *r_extern = (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE));
- *r_pcrel = (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_LITTLE));
- r_length = ((rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_LITTLE)
- r_ns32k_type = ((rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_NS32K_TYPE_LITTLE)
- return (MY(howto_table) + r_length + 3 * (*r_pcrel) + 6 * r_ns32k_type);
-#define MY_reloc_howto(BFD,REL,IN,EX,PC) MY(reloc_howto)(BFD, REL, &IN, &EX, &PC)
-MY(put_reloc)(abfd, r_extern, r_index, value, howto, reloc)
- bfd *abfd;
- int r_extern;
- int r_index;
- long value;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- struct reloc_std_external *reloc;
- unsigned int r_length;
- int r_pcrel;
- int r_ns32k_type;
- PUT_WORD (abfd, value, reloc->r_address);
- r_length = howto->size ; /* Size as a power of two */
- r_pcrel = (int) howto->pc_relative; /* Relative to PC? */
- r_ns32k_type = (howto - MY(howto_table) )/6;
-/* BFD_ASSERT (bfd_header_little_endian (abfd)); */
- reloc->r_index[2] = r_index >> 16;
- reloc->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- reloc->r_index[0] = r_index;
- reloc->r_type[0] =
- | (r_ns32k_type << RELOC_STD_BITS_NS32K_TYPE_SH_LITTLE);
-#define MY_put_reloc(BFD, EXT, IDX, VAL, HOWTO, RELOC) \
- MY(put_reloc)(BFD, EXT, IDX, VAL, HOWTO, RELOC)
-#define STAT_FOR_EXEC
-#define MY_final_link_relocate ns32k_final_link_relocate
-#define MY_relocate_contents ns32k_relocate_contents
-#include <aoutx.h>
-reloc_howto_type *
- MY(bfd_reloc_type_lookup)(abfd,code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
-#define ENTRY(i,j) case i: return &MY(howto_table)[j]
- int ext = obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) == RELOC_EXT_SIZE;
- BFD_ASSERT(ext == 0);
- if (code == BFD_RELOC_CTOR)
- switch (bfd_get_arch_info (abfd)->bits_per_address)
- {
- case 32:
- code = BFD_RELOC_32;
- break;
- }
- switch (code)
- {
- ENTRY(BFD_RELOC_16, 13);
- ENTRY(BFD_RELOC_32, 14);
- default: return (reloc_howto_type *) NULL;
- }
-#undef ENTRY
-static void
-MY_swap_std_reloc_in (abfd, bytes, cache_ptr, symbols, symcount)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct reloc_std_external *bytes;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- bfd_size_type symcount;
- int r_index;
- int r_extern;
- int r_pcrel;
- struct aoutdata *su = &(abfd->tdata.aout_data->a);
- cache_ptr->address = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, bytes->r_address);
- /* now the fun stuff */
- cache_ptr->howto = MY_reloc_howto(abfd, bytes, r_index, r_extern, r_pcrel);
-static void
-MY_swap_std_reloc_out (abfd, g, natptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *g;
- struct reloc_std_external *natptr;
- int r_index;
- asymbol *sym = *(g->sym_ptr_ptr);
- int r_extern;
- unsigned int r_addend;
- asection *output_section = sym->section->output_section;
- r_addend = g->addend + (*(g->sym_ptr_ptr))->section->output_section->vma;
- /* name was clobbered by aout_write_syms to be symbol index */
- /* If this relocation is relative to a symbol then set the
- r_index to the symbols index, and the r_extern bit.
- Absolute symbols can come in in two ways, either as an offset
- from the abs section, or as a symbol which has an abs value.
- Check for that here. */
- if (bfd_is_com_section (output_section)
- || output_section == &bfd_abs_section
- || output_section == &bfd_und_section)
- {
- if (bfd_abs_section.symbol == sym)
- {
- /* Whoops, looked like an abs symbol, but is really an offset
- from the abs section */
- r_index = 0;
- r_extern = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Fill in symbol */
- r_extern = 1;
-#undef KEEPIT
-#define KEEPIT udata.i
- r_index = (*(g->sym_ptr_ptr))->KEEPIT;
-#undef KEEPIT
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Just an ordinary section */
- r_extern = 0;
- r_index = output_section->target_index;
- }
- MY_put_reloc (abfd, r_extern, r_index, g->address, g->howto, natptr);
-ns32k_relocate_contents (howto, input_bfd, relocation, location)
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_byte *location;
- int r_ns32k_type = (howto - MY(howto_table)) / 6;
- long (*get_data)();
- int (*put_data)();
- switch (r_ns32k_type)
- {
- case 0:
- get_data = ns32k_get_immediate;
- put_data = ns32k_put_immediate;
- break;
- case 1:
- get_data = ns32k_get_displacement;
- put_data = ns32k_put_displacement;
- break;
- case 2:
- return _bfd_relocate_contents (howto, input_bfd, relocation,
- location);
- break;
- }
- return do_ns32k_reloc_contents (howto, input_bfd, relocation,
- location, get_data, put_data);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout-target.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout-target.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6711a714a571..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout-target.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,607 +0,0 @@
-/* Define a target vector and some small routines for a variant of a.out.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "aout/aout64.h"
-#include "aout/stab_gnu.h"
-#include "aout/ar.h"
-/*#include "libaout.h"*/
-extern reloc_howto_type * NAME(aout,reloc_type_lookup) ();
-/* Set parameters about this a.out file that are machine-dependent.
- This routine is called from some_aout_object_p just before it returns. */
-#ifndef MY_callback
-static const bfd_target *
-MY(callback) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- unsigned int arch_align_power;
- unsigned long arch_align;
- /* Calculate the file positions of the parts of a newly read aout header */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->_raw_size = N_TXTSIZE(*execp);
- /* The virtual memory addresses of the sections */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->vma = N_TXTADDR(*execp);
- obj_datasec (abfd)->vma = N_DATADDR(*execp);
- obj_bsssec (abfd)->vma = N_BSSADDR(*execp);
- obj_textsec (abfd)->lma = obj_textsec (abfd)->vma;
- obj_datasec (abfd)->lma = obj_datasec (abfd)->vma;
- obj_bsssec (abfd)->lma = obj_bsssec (abfd)->vma;
- /* The file offsets of the sections */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->filepos = N_TXTOFF (*execp);
- obj_datasec (abfd)->filepos = N_DATOFF (*execp);
- /* The file offsets of the relocation info */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->rel_filepos = N_TRELOFF(*execp);
- obj_datasec (abfd)->rel_filepos = N_DRELOFF(*execp);
- /* The file offsets of the string table and symbol table. */
- obj_sym_filepos (abfd) = N_SYMOFF (*execp);
- obj_str_filepos (abfd) = N_STROFF (*execp);
- /* Determine the architecture and machine type of the object file. */
- SET_ARCH_MACH(abfd, *execp);
- bfd_default_set_arch_mach(abfd, DEFAULT_ARCH, 0);
- /* Now that we know the architecture, set the alignments of the
- sections. This is normally done by NAME(aout,new_section_hook),
- but when the initial sections were created the architecture had
- not yet been set. However, for backward compatibility, we don't
- set the alignment power any higher than as required by the size
- of the section. */
- arch_align_power = bfd_get_arch_info (abfd)->section_align_power;
- arch_align = 1 << arch_align_power;
- if ((BFD_ALIGN (obj_textsec (abfd)->_raw_size, arch_align)
- == obj_textsec (abfd)->_raw_size)
- && (BFD_ALIGN (obj_datasec (abfd)->_raw_size, arch_align)
- == obj_datasec (abfd)->_raw_size)
- && (BFD_ALIGN (obj_bsssec (abfd)->_raw_size, arch_align)
- == obj_bsssec (abfd)->_raw_size))
- {
- obj_textsec (abfd)->alignment_power = arch_align_power;
- obj_datasec (abfd)->alignment_power = arch_align_power;
- obj_bsssec (abfd)->alignment_power = arch_align_power;
- }
- /* Don't set sizes now -- can't be sure until we know arch & mach.
- Sizes get set in set_sizes callback, later. */
-#if 0
- adata(abfd).page_size = TARGET_PAGE_SIZE;
- adata(abfd).segment_size = SEGMENT_SIZE;
- adata(abfd).segment_size = TARGET_PAGE_SIZE;
- adata(abfd).exec_bytes_size = EXEC_BYTES_SIZE;
- return abfd->xvec;
-#ifndef MY_object_p
-/* Finish up the reading of an a.out file header */
-static const bfd_target *
-MY(object_p) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec exec_bytes; /* Raw exec header from file */
- struct internal_exec exec; /* Cleaned-up exec header */
- const bfd_target *target;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) &exec_bytes, 1, EXEC_BYTES_SIZE, abfd)
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
-#ifdef SWAP_MAGIC
- exec.a_info = SWAP_MAGIC (exec_bytes.e_info);
- exec.a_info = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, exec_bytes.e_info);
-#endif /* SWAP_MAGIC */
- if (N_BADMAG (exec)) return 0;
- if (!(MACHTYPE_OK (N_MACHTYPE (exec)))) return 0;
- NAME(aout,swap_exec_header_in)(abfd, &exec_bytes, &exec);
-#ifdef SWAP_MAGIC
- /* swap_exec_header_in read in a_info with the wrong byte order */
- exec.a_info = SWAP_MAGIC (exec_bytes.e_info);
-#endif /* SWAP_MAGIC */
- target = NAME(aout,some_aout_object_p) (abfd, &exec, MY(callback));
- /* The NEWSOS3 entry-point is/was 0, which (amongst other lossage)
- * means that it isn't obvious if EXEC_P should be set.
- * All of the following must be true for an executable:
- * There must be no relocations, the bfd can be neither an
- * archive nor an archive element, and the file must be executable. */
- if (exec.a_trsize + exec.a_drsize == 0
- && bfd_get_format(abfd) == bfd_object && abfd->my_archive == NULL)
- {
- struct stat buf;
-#ifndef S_IXUSR
-#define S_IXUSR 0100 /* Execute by owner. */
- if (stat(abfd->filename, &buf) == 0 && (buf.st_mode & S_IXUSR))
- abfd->flags |= EXEC_P;
- }
-#endif /* ENTRY_CAN_BE_ZERO */
- return target;
-#define MY_object_p MY(object_p)
-#ifndef MY_mkobject
-static boolean
-MY(mkobject) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (NAME(aout,mkobject)(abfd) == false)
- return false;
-#if 0 /* Sizes get set in set_sizes callback, later, after we know
- the architecture and machine. */
- adata(abfd).page_size = TARGET_PAGE_SIZE;
- adata(abfd).segment_size = SEGMENT_SIZE;
- adata(abfd).segment_size = TARGET_PAGE_SIZE;
- adata(abfd).exec_bytes_size = EXEC_BYTES_SIZE;
- return true;
-#define MY_mkobject MY(mkobject)
-#ifndef MY_bfd_copy_private_section_data
-/* Copy private section data. This actually does nothing with the
- sections. It copies the subformat field. We copy it here, because
- we need to know whether this is a QMAGIC file before we set the
- section contents, and copy_private_bfd_data is not called until
- after the section contents have been set. */
-static boolean
-MY_bfd_copy_private_section_data (ibfd, isec, obfd, osec)
- bfd *ibfd;
- asection *isec;
- bfd *obfd;
- asection *osec;
- if (bfd_get_flavour (obfd) == bfd_target_aout_flavour)
- obj_aout_subformat (obfd) = obj_aout_subformat (ibfd);
- return true;
-/* Write an object file.
- Section contents have already been written. We write the
- file header, symbols, and relocation. */
-#ifndef MY_write_object_contents
-static boolean
-MY(write_object_contents) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec exec_bytes;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- WRITE_HEADERS(abfd, execp);
- return true;
-#define MY_write_object_contents MY(write_object_contents)
-#ifndef MY_set_sizes
-static boolean
-MY(set_sizes) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- adata(abfd).page_size = TARGET_PAGE_SIZE;
- adata(abfd).segment_size = SEGMENT_SIZE;
- adata(abfd).segment_size = TARGET_PAGE_SIZE;
- adata(abfd).zmagic_disk_block_size = ZMAGIC_DISK_BLOCK_SIZE;
- adata(abfd).zmagic_disk_block_size = TARGET_PAGE_SIZE;
- adata(abfd).exec_bytes_size = EXEC_BYTES_SIZE;
- return true;
-#define MY_set_sizes MY(set_sizes)
-#ifndef MY_exec_hdr_flags
-#define MY_exec_hdr_flags 0
-#ifndef MY_backend_data
-#ifndef MY_zmagic_contiguous
-#define MY_zmagic_contiguous 0
-#ifndef MY_text_includes_header
-#define MY_text_includes_header 0
-#ifndef MY_exec_header_not_counted
-#define MY_exec_header_not_counted 0
-#ifndef MY_add_dynamic_symbols
-#define MY_add_dynamic_symbols 0
-#ifndef MY_add_one_symbol
-#define MY_add_one_symbol 0
-#ifndef MY_link_dynamic_object
-#define MY_link_dynamic_object 0
-#ifndef MY_write_dynamic_symbol
-#define MY_write_dynamic_symbol 0
-#ifndef MY_check_dynamic_reloc
-#define MY_check_dynamic_reloc 0
-#ifndef MY_finish_dynamic_link
-#define MY_finish_dynamic_link 0
-static CONST struct aout_backend_data MY(backend_data) = {
- MY_zmagic_contiguous,
- MY_text_includes_header,
- MY_exec_hdr_flags,
- 0, /* text vma? */
- MY_set_sizes,
- MY_exec_header_not_counted,
- MY_add_dynamic_symbols,
- MY_add_one_symbol,
- MY_link_dynamic_object,
- MY_write_dynamic_symbol,
- MY_check_dynamic_reloc,
- MY_finish_dynamic_link
-#define MY_backend_data &MY(backend_data)
-#ifndef MY_final_link_callback
-/* Callback for the final_link routine to set the section offsets. */
-static void MY_final_link_callback
- PARAMS ((bfd *, file_ptr *, file_ptr *, file_ptr *));
-static void
-MY_final_link_callback (abfd, ptreloff, pdreloff, psymoff)
- bfd *abfd;
- file_ptr *ptreloff;
- file_ptr *pdreloff;
- file_ptr *psymoff;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- *ptreloff = N_TRELOFF (*execp);
- *pdreloff = N_DRELOFF (*execp);
- *psymoff = N_SYMOFF (*execp);
-#ifndef MY_bfd_final_link
-/* Final link routine. We need to use a call back to get the correct
- offsets in the output file. */
-static boolean
-MY_bfd_final_link (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- return NAME(aout,final_link) (abfd, info, MY_final_link_callback);
-/* We assume BFD generic archive files. */
-#ifndef MY_openr_next_archived_file
-#define MY_openr_next_archived_file bfd_generic_openr_next_archived_file
-#ifndef MY_get_elt_at_index
-#define MY_get_elt_at_index _bfd_generic_get_elt_at_index
-#ifndef MY_generic_stat_arch_elt
-#define MY_generic_stat_arch_elt bfd_generic_stat_arch_elt
-#ifndef MY_slurp_armap
-#define MY_slurp_armap bfd_slurp_bsd_armap
-#ifndef MY_slurp_extended_name_table
-#define MY_slurp_extended_name_table _bfd_slurp_extended_name_table
-#ifndef MY_construct_extended_name_table
-#define MY_construct_extended_name_table \
- _bfd_archive_bsd_construct_extended_name_table
-#ifndef MY_write_armap
-#define MY_write_armap bsd_write_armap
-#ifndef MY_read_ar_hdr
-#define MY_read_ar_hdr _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr
-#ifndef MY_truncate_arname
-#define MY_truncate_arname bfd_bsd_truncate_arname
-#ifndef MY_update_armap_timestamp
-#define MY_update_armap_timestamp _bfd_archive_bsd_update_armap_timestamp
-/* No core file defined here -- configure in trad-core.c separately. */
-#ifndef MY_core_file_failing_command
-#define MY_core_file_failing_command _bfd_nocore_core_file_failing_command
-#ifndef MY_core_file_failing_signal
-#define MY_core_file_failing_signal _bfd_nocore_core_file_failing_signal
-#ifndef MY_core_file_matches_executable_p
-#define MY_core_file_matches_executable_p \
- _bfd_nocore_core_file_matches_executable_p
-#ifndef MY_core_file_p
-#define MY_core_file_p _bfd_dummy_target
-#ifndef MY_bfd_debug_info_start
-#define MY_bfd_debug_info_start bfd_void
-#ifndef MY_bfd_debug_info_end
-#define MY_bfd_debug_info_end bfd_void
-#ifndef MY_bfd_debug_info_accumulate
-#define MY_bfd_debug_info_accumulate \
- (void (*) PARAMS ((bfd*, struct sec *))) bfd_void
-#ifndef MY_core_file_failing_command
-#define MY_core_file_failing_command NAME(aout,core_file_failing_command)
-#ifndef MY_core_file_failing_signal
-#define MY_core_file_failing_signal NAME(aout,core_file_failing_signal)
-#ifndef MY_core_file_matches_executable_p
-#define MY_core_file_matches_executable_p NAME(aout,core_file_matches_executable_p)
-#ifndef MY_set_section_contents
-#define MY_set_section_contents NAME(aout,set_section_contents)
-#ifndef MY_get_section_contents
-#define MY_get_section_contents NAME(aout,get_section_contents)
-#ifndef MY_get_section_contents_in_window
-#define MY_get_section_contents_in_window _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
-#ifndef MY_new_section_hook
-#define MY_new_section_hook NAME(aout,new_section_hook)
-#ifndef MY_get_symtab_upper_bound
-#define MY_get_symtab_upper_bound NAME(aout,get_symtab_upper_bound)
-#ifndef MY_get_symtab
-#define MY_get_symtab NAME(aout,get_symtab)
-#ifndef MY_get_reloc_upper_bound
-#define MY_get_reloc_upper_bound NAME(aout,get_reloc_upper_bound)
-#ifndef MY_canonicalize_reloc
-#define MY_canonicalize_reloc NAME(aout,canonicalize_reloc)
-#ifndef MY_make_empty_symbol
-#define MY_make_empty_symbol NAME(aout,make_empty_symbol)
-#ifndef MY_print_symbol
-#define MY_print_symbol NAME(aout,print_symbol)
-#ifndef MY_get_symbol_info
-#define MY_get_symbol_info NAME(aout,get_symbol_info)
-#ifndef MY_get_lineno
-#define MY_get_lineno NAME(aout,get_lineno)
-#ifndef MY_set_arch_mach
-#define MY_set_arch_mach NAME(aout,set_arch_mach)
-#ifndef MY_find_nearest_line
-#define MY_find_nearest_line NAME(aout,find_nearest_line)
-#ifndef MY_sizeof_headers
-#define MY_sizeof_headers NAME(aout,sizeof_headers)
-#ifndef MY_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define MY_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
-#ifndef MY_bfd_relax_section
-#define MY_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
-#ifndef MY_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
-#define MY_bfd_reloc_type_lookup NAME(aout,reloc_type_lookup)
-#ifndef MY_bfd_make_debug_symbol
-#define MY_bfd_make_debug_symbol 0
-#ifndef MY_read_minisymbols
-#define MY_read_minisymbols NAME(aout,read_minisymbols)
-#ifndef MY_minisymbol_to_symbol
-#define MY_minisymbol_to_symbol NAME(aout,minisymbol_to_symbol)
-#ifndef MY_bfd_link_hash_table_create
-#define MY_bfd_link_hash_table_create NAME(aout,link_hash_table_create)
-#ifndef MY_bfd_link_add_symbols
-#define MY_bfd_link_add_symbols NAME(aout,link_add_symbols)
-#ifndef MY_bfd_link_split_section
-#define MY_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
-#ifndef MY_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data
-#define MY_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data _bfd_generic_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data
-#ifndef MY_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data
-#define MY_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data _bfd_generic_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data
-#ifndef MY_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data
-#define MY_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data _bfd_generic_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data
-#ifndef MY_bfd_print_private_bfd_data
-#define MY_bfd_print_private_bfd_data _bfd_generic_bfd_print_private_bfd_data
-#ifndef MY_bfd_set_private_flags
-#define MY_bfd_set_private_flags _bfd_generic_bfd_set_private_flags
-#ifndef MY_bfd_is_local_label
-#define MY_bfd_is_local_label bfd_generic_is_local_label
-#ifndef MY_bfd_free_cached_info
-#define MY_bfd_free_cached_info NAME(aout,bfd_free_cached_info)
-#ifndef MY_close_and_cleanup
-#define MY_close_and_cleanup MY_bfd_free_cached_info
-#ifndef MY_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound
-#define MY_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound \
- _bfd_nodynamic_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound
-#ifndef MY_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab
-#define MY_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab \
- _bfd_nodynamic_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab
-#ifndef MY_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound
-#define MY_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound \
- _bfd_nodynamic_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound
-#ifndef MY_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc
-#define MY_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc \
- _bfd_nodynamic_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc
-/* Aout symbols normally have leading underscores */
-#ifndef MY_symbol_leading_char
-#define MY_symbol_leading_char '_'
-/* Aout archives normally use spaces for padding */
-#ifndef AR_PAD_CHAR
-#define AR_PAD_CHAR ' '
-#ifndef MY_BFD_TARGET
-const bfd_target MY(vec) =
- TARGETNAME, /* name */
- bfd_target_aout_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target byte order (big) */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target headers byte order (big) */
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* target byte order (little) */
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* target headers byte order (little) */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- MY_symbol_leading_char,
- AR_PAD_CHAR, /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, MY_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, MY_core_file_p},
- {bfd_false, MY_mkobject, /* bfd_set_format */
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive, bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, MY_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- (PTR) MY_backend_data,
-#endif /* MY_BFD_TARGET */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout0.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout0.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bc7ae0f67f8..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout0.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD backend for SunOS style a.out with flags set to 0
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-zero-big"
-#define MY(OP) CAT(aout0_big_,OP)
-#include "bfd.h"
-#define MY_exec_hdr_flags 0
-#define MACHTYPE_OK(mtype) \
- ((mtype) == M_UNKNOWN || (mtype) == M_68010 || (mtype) == M_68020)
-/* Include the usual a.out support. */
-#include "aoutf1.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout32.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout32.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bfc40b46303b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout32.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for 32-bit a.out files.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define ARCH_SIZE 32
-#include "aoutx.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout64.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout64.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 84036c885a29..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aout64.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for 64-bit a.out files.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define ARCH_SIZE 64
-/* aoutx.h requires definitions for BMAGIC and QMAGIC. */
-#ifndef BMAGIC
-#define BMAGIC 0
-#ifndef QMAGIC
-#define QMAGIC 0
-#include "aoutx.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aoutf1.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/aoutf1.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 690d528b5c44..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aoutf1.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,788 +0,0 @@
-/* A.out "format 1" file handling code for BFD.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "aout/sun4.h"
-#include "libaout.h" /* BFD a.out internal data structures */
-#include "aout/aout64.h"
-#include "aout/stab_gnu.h"
-#include "aout/ar.h"
-/* This is needed to reject a NewsOS file, e.g. in
- gdb/testsuite/gdb.t10/crossload.exp. <>
- I needed to add M_UNKNOWN to recognize a 68000 object, so this will
- probably no longer reject a NewsOS object. <>. */
-#ifndef MACHTYPE_OK
-#define MACHTYPE_OK(mtype) \
- (((mtype) == M_SPARC && bfd_lookup_arch (bfd_arch_sparc, 0) != NULL) \
- || (((mtype) == M_UNKNOWN || (mtype) == M_68010 || (mtype) == M_68020) \
- && bfd_lookup_arch (bfd_arch_m68k, 0) != NULL))
-The file @code{aoutf1.h} contains the code for BFD's
-a.out back end. Control over the generated back end is given by these
-two preprocessor names:
-@table @code
-@item ARCH_SIZE
-This value should be either 32 or 64, depending upon the size of an
-int in the target format. It changes the sizes of the structs which
-perform the memory/disk mapping of structures.
-The 64 bit backend may only be used if the host compiler supports 64
-ints (eg long long with gcc), by defining the name @code{BFD_HOST_64_BIT} in @code{bfd.h}.
-With this name defined, @emph{all} bfd operations are performed with 64bit
-arithmetic, not just those to a 64bit target.
-The name put into the target vector.
-@end table
-static void
-#if ARCH_SIZE == 64
- (abfd, machtype)
- bfd *abfd;
- int machtype;
- /* Determine the architecture and machine type of the object file. */
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- long machine;
- switch (machtype)
- {
- case M_UNKNOWN:
- /* Some Sun3s make magic numbers without cpu types in them, so
- we'll default to the 68000. */
- arch = bfd_arch_m68k;
- machine = 68000;
- break;
- case M_68010:
- case M_HP200:
- arch = bfd_arch_m68k;
- machine = 68010;
- break;
- case M_68020:
- case M_HP300:
- arch = bfd_arch_m68k;
- machine = 68020;
- break;
- case M_SPARC:
- arch = bfd_arch_sparc;
- machine = 0;
- break;
- case M_386:
- case M_386_DYNIX:
- arch = bfd_arch_i386;
- machine = 0;
- break;
- case M_29K:
- arch = bfd_arch_a29k;
- machine = 0;
- break;
- case M_HPUX:
- arch = bfd_arch_m68k;
- machine = 0;
- break;
- default:
- arch = bfd_arch_obscure;
- machine = 0;
- break;
- }
- bfd_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine);
- NAME(sunos,set_arch_mach)(ABFD, N_MACHTYPE (EXEC)); \
- choose_reloc_size(ABFD);
-/* Determine the size of a relocation entry, based on the architecture */
-static void
-choose_reloc_size (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- switch (bfd_get_arch (abfd))
- {
- case bfd_arch_sparc:
- case bfd_arch_a29k:
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_EXT_SIZE;
- break;
- default:
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- break;
- }
-/* Write an object file in SunOS format.
- Section contents have already been written. We write the
- file header, symbols, and relocation. */
-static boolean
-#if ARCH_SIZE == 64
- (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec exec_bytes;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- /* Magic number, maestro, please! */
- switch (bfd_get_arch (abfd))
- {
- case bfd_arch_m68k:
- switch (bfd_get_mach (abfd))
- {
- case 68000:
- break;
- case 68010:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE (*execp, M_68010);
- break;
- default:
- case 68020:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE (*execp, M_68020);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case bfd_arch_sparc:
- break;
- case bfd_arch_i386:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE (*execp, M_386);
- break;
- case bfd_arch_a29k:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE (*execp, M_29K);
- break;
- default:
- }
- choose_reloc_size (abfd);
- N_SET_FLAGS (*execp, aout_backend_info (abfd)->exec_hdr_flags);
- N_SET_DYNAMIC (*execp, bfd_get_file_flags (abfd) & DYNAMIC);
- WRITE_HEADERS (abfd, execp);
- return true;
-/* core files */
-#define CORE_MAGIC 0x080456
-#define CORE_NAMELEN 16
-/* The core structure is taken from the Sun documentation.
- Unfortunately, they don't document the FPA structure, or at least I
- can't find it easily. Fortunately the core header contains its own
- length. So this shouldn't cause problems, except for c_ucode, which
- so far we don't use but is easy to find with a little arithmetic. */
-/* But the reg structure can be gotten from the SPARC processor handbook.
- This really should be in a GNU include file though so that gdb can use
- the same info. */
-struct regs
- int r_psr;
- int r_pc;
- int r_npc;
- int r_y;
- int r_g1;
- int r_g2;
- int r_g3;
- int r_g4;
- int r_g5;
- int r_g6;
- int r_g7;
- int r_o0;
- int r_o1;
- int r_o2;
- int r_o3;
- int r_o4;
- int r_o5;
- int r_o6;
- int r_o7;
-/* Taken from Sun documentation: */
-/* FIXME: It's worse than we expect. This struct contains TWO substructs
- neither of whose size we know, WITH STUFF IN BETWEEN THEM! We can't
- even portably access the stuff in between! */
-struct external_sparc_core
- {
- int c_magic; /* Corefile magic number */
- int c_len; /* Sizeof (struct core) */
-#define SPARC_CORE_LEN 432
- int c_regs[19]; /* General purpose registers -- MACHDEP SIZE */
- struct external_exec c_aouthdr; /* A.out header */
- int c_signo; /* Killing signal, if any */
- int c_tsize; /* Text size (bytes) */
- int c_dsize; /* Data size (bytes) */
- int c_ssize; /* Stack size (bytes) */
- char c_cmdname[CORE_NAMELEN + 1]; /* Command name */
- double fp_stuff[1]; /* external FPU state (size unknown by us) */
- /* The type "double" is critical here, for alignment.
- SunOS declares a struct here, but the struct's alignment
- is double since it contains doubles. */
- int c_ucode; /* Exception no. from u_code */
- /* (this member is not accessible by name since we don't
- portably know the size of fp_stuff.) */
- };
-/* Core files generated by the BCP (the part of Solaris which allows
- it to run SunOS4 a.out files). */
-struct external_solaris_bcp_core
- {
- int c_magic; /* Corefile magic number */
- int c_len; /* Sizeof (struct core) */
- int c_regs[19]; /* General purpose registers -- MACHDEP SIZE */
- int c_exdata_vp; /* exdata structure */
- int c_exdata_tsize;
- int c_exdata_dsize;
- int c_exdata_bsize;
- int c_exdata_lsize;
- int c_exdata_nshlibs;
- short c_exdata_mach;
- short c_exdata_mag;
- int c_exdata_toffset;
- int c_exdata_doffset;
- int c_exdata_loffset;
- int c_exdata_txtorg;
- int c_exdata_datorg;
- int c_exdata_entloc;
- int c_signo; /* Killing signal, if any */
- int c_tsize; /* Text size (bytes) */
- int c_dsize; /* Data size (bytes) */
- int c_ssize; /* Stack size (bytes) */
- char c_cmdname[CORE_NAMELEN + 1]; /* Command name */
- double fp_stuff[1]; /* external FPU state (size unknown by us) */
- /* The type "double" is critical here, for alignment.
- SunOS declares a struct here, but the struct's alignment
- is double since it contains doubles. */
- int c_ucode; /* Exception no. from u_code */
- /* (this member is not accessible by name since we don't
- portably know the size of fp_stuff.) */
- };
-struct external_sun3_core
- {
- int c_magic; /* Corefile magic number */
- int c_len; /* Sizeof (struct core) */
-#define SUN3_CORE_LEN 826 /* As of SunOS 4.1.1 */
- int c_regs[18]; /* General purpose registers -- MACHDEP SIZE */
- struct external_exec c_aouthdr; /* A.out header */
- int c_signo; /* Killing signal, if any */
- int c_tsize; /* Text size (bytes) */
- int c_dsize; /* Data size (bytes) */
- int c_ssize; /* Stack size (bytes) */
- char c_cmdname[CORE_NAMELEN + 1]; /* Command name */
- double fp_stuff[1]; /* external FPU state (size unknown by us) */
- /* The type "double" is critical here, for alignment.
- SunOS declares a struct here, but the struct's alignment
- is double since it contains doubles. */
- int c_ucode; /* Exception no. from u_code */
- /* (this member is not accessible by name since we don't
- portably know the size of fp_stuff.) */
- };
-struct internal_sunos_core
- {
- int c_magic; /* Corefile magic number */
- int c_len; /* Sizeof (struct core) */
- long c_regs_pos; /* file offset of General purpose registers */
- int c_regs_size; /* size of General purpose registers */
- struct internal_exec c_aouthdr; /* A.out header */
- int c_signo; /* Killing signal, if any */
- int c_tsize; /* Text size (bytes) */
- int c_dsize; /* Data size (bytes) */
- bfd_vma c_data_addr; /* Data start (address) */
- int c_ssize; /* Stack size (bytes) */
- bfd_vma c_stacktop; /* Stack top (address) */
- char c_cmdname[CORE_NAMELEN + 1]; /* Command name */
- long fp_stuff_pos; /* file offset of external FPU state (regs) */
- int fp_stuff_size; /* Size of it */
- int c_ucode; /* Exception no. from u_code */
- };
-/* byte-swap in the Sun-3 core structure */
-static void
-swapcore_sun3 (abfd, ext, intcore)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *ext;
- struct internal_sunos_core *intcore;
- struct external_sun3_core *extcore = (struct external_sun3_core *) ext;
- intcore->c_magic = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_magic);
- intcore->c_len = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_len);
- intcore->c_regs_pos = (long) (((struct external_sun3_core *) 0)->c_regs);
- intcore->c_regs_size = sizeof (extcore->c_regs);
-#if ARCH_SIZE == 64
- aout_64_swap_exec_header_in
- aout_32_swap_exec_header_in
- (abfd, &extcore->c_aouthdr, &intcore->c_aouthdr);
- intcore->c_signo = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_signo);
- intcore->c_tsize = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_tsize);
- intcore->c_dsize = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_dsize);
- intcore->c_data_addr = N_DATADDR (intcore->c_aouthdr);
- intcore->c_ssize = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_ssize);
- memcpy (intcore->c_cmdname, extcore->c_cmdname, sizeof (intcore->c_cmdname));
- intcore->fp_stuff_pos = (long) (((struct external_sun3_core *) 0)->fp_stuff);
- /* FP stuff takes up whole rest of struct, except c_ucode. */
- intcore->fp_stuff_size = intcore->c_len - (sizeof extcore->c_ucode) -
- (file_ptr) (((struct external_sun3_core *) 0)->fp_stuff);
- /* Ucode is the last thing in the struct -- just before the end */
- intcore->c_ucode =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd,
- intcore->c_len - sizeof (extcore->c_ucode) + (unsigned char *) extcore);
- intcore->c_stacktop = 0x0E000000; /* By experimentation */
-/* byte-swap in the Sparc core structure */
-static void
-swapcore_sparc (abfd, ext, intcore)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *ext;
- struct internal_sunos_core *intcore;
- struct external_sparc_core *extcore = (struct external_sparc_core *) ext;
- intcore->c_magic = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_magic);
- intcore->c_len = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_len);
- intcore->c_regs_pos = (long) (((struct external_sparc_core *) 0)->c_regs);
- intcore->c_regs_size = sizeof (extcore->c_regs);
-#if ARCH_SIZE == 64
- aout_64_swap_exec_header_in
- aout_32_swap_exec_header_in
- (abfd, &extcore->c_aouthdr, &intcore->c_aouthdr);
- intcore->c_signo = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_signo);
- intcore->c_tsize = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_tsize);
- intcore->c_dsize = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_dsize);
- intcore->c_data_addr = N_DATADDR (intcore->c_aouthdr);
- intcore->c_ssize = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_ssize);
- memcpy (intcore->c_cmdname, extcore->c_cmdname, sizeof (intcore->c_cmdname));
- intcore->fp_stuff_pos = (long) (((struct external_sparc_core *) 0)->fp_stuff);
- /* FP stuff takes up whole rest of struct, except c_ucode. */
- intcore->fp_stuff_size = intcore->c_len - (sizeof extcore->c_ucode) -
- (file_ptr) (((struct external_sparc_core *) 0)->fp_stuff);
- /* Ucode is the last thing in the struct -- just before the end */
- intcore->c_ucode =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd,
- intcore->c_len - sizeof (extcore->c_ucode) + (unsigned char *) extcore);
- /* Supposedly the user stack grows downward from the bottom of kernel memory.
- Presuming that this remains true, this definition will work. */
- /* Now sun has provided us with another challenge. The value is different
- for sparc2 and sparc10 (both running SunOS 4.1.3). We pick one or
- the other based on the current value of the stack pointer. This
- loses (a) if the stack pointer has been clobbered, or (b) if the stack
- is larger than 128 megabytes.
- It's times like these you're glad they're switching to ELF.
- Note that using include files or nlist on /vmunix would be wrong,
- because we want the value for this core file, no matter what kind of
- machine we were compiled on or are running on. */
-#define SPARC_USRSTACK_SPARC2 ((bfd_vma)0xf8000000)
-#define SPARC_USRSTACK_SPARC10 ((bfd_vma)0xf0000000)
- {
- bfd_vma sp = bfd_h_get_32
- (abfd, (unsigned char *) &((struct regs *) &extcore->c_regs[0])->r_o6);
- intcore->c_stacktop = SPARC_USRSTACK_SPARC10;
- else
- intcore->c_stacktop = SPARC_USRSTACK_SPARC2;
- }
-/* byte-swap in the Solaris BCP core structure */
-static void
-swapcore_solaris_bcp (abfd, ext, intcore)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *ext;
- struct internal_sunos_core *intcore;
- struct external_solaris_bcp_core *extcore =
- (struct external_solaris_bcp_core *) ext;
- intcore->c_magic = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_magic);
- intcore->c_len = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_len);
- intcore->c_regs_pos = (long) (((struct external_solaris_bcp_core *) 0)->c_regs);
- intcore->c_regs_size = sizeof (extcore->c_regs);
- /* The Solaris BCP exdata structure does not contain an a_syms field,
- so we are unable to synthesize an internal exec header.
- Luckily we are able to figure out the start address of the data section,
- which is the only thing needed from the internal exec header,
- from the exdata structure.
- As of Solaris 2.3, BCP core files for statically linked executables
- are buggy. The exdata structure is not properly filled in, and
- the data section is written from address zero instead of the data
- start address. */
- memset ((PTR) &intcore->c_aouthdr, 0, sizeof (struct internal_exec));
- intcore->c_data_addr =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_exdata_datorg);
- intcore->c_signo = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_signo);
- intcore->c_tsize = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_tsize);
- intcore->c_dsize = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_dsize);
- intcore->c_ssize = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &extcore->c_ssize);
- memcpy (intcore->c_cmdname, extcore->c_cmdname, sizeof (intcore->c_cmdname));
- intcore->fp_stuff_pos =
- (long) (((struct external_solaris_bcp_core *) 0)->fp_stuff);
- /* FP stuff takes up whole rest of struct, except c_ucode. */
- intcore->fp_stuff_size = intcore->c_len - (sizeof extcore->c_ucode) -
- (file_ptr) (((struct external_solaris_bcp_core *) 0)->fp_stuff);
- /* Ucode is the last thing in the struct -- just before the end */
- intcore->c_ucode =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd,
- intcore->c_len - sizeof (extcore->c_ucode) + (unsigned char *) extcore);
- /* Supposedly the user stack grows downward from the bottom of kernel memory.
- Presuming that this remains true, this definition will work. */
- /* Now sun has provided us with another challenge. The value is different
- for sparc2 and sparc10 (both running SunOS 4.1.3). We pick one or
- the other based on the current value of the stack pointer. This
- loses (a) if the stack pointer has been clobbered, or (b) if the stack
- is larger than 128 megabytes.
- It's times like these you're glad they're switching to ELF.
- Note that using include files or nlist on /vmunix would be wrong,
- because we want the value for this core file, no matter what kind of
- machine we were compiled on or are running on. */
-#define SPARC_USRSTACK_SPARC2 ((bfd_vma)0xf8000000)
-#define SPARC_USRSTACK_SPARC10 ((bfd_vma)0xf0000000)
- {
- bfd_vma sp = bfd_h_get_32
- (abfd, (unsigned char *) &((struct regs *) &extcore->c_regs[0])->r_o6);
- intcore->c_stacktop = SPARC_USRSTACK_SPARC10;
- else
- intcore->c_stacktop = SPARC_USRSTACK_SPARC2;
- }
-/* need this cast because ptr is really void * */
-#define core_hdr(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.sun_core_data)
-#define core_datasec(bfd) (core_hdr(bfd)->data_section)
-#define core_stacksec(bfd) (core_hdr(bfd)->stack_section)
-#define core_regsec(bfd) (core_hdr(bfd)->reg_section)
-#define core_reg2sec(bfd) (core_hdr(bfd)->reg2_section)
-/* These are stored in the bfd's tdata */
-struct sun_core_struct
- struct internal_sunos_core *hdr; /* core file header */
- asection *data_section;
- asection *stack_section;
- asection *reg_section;
- asection *reg2_section;
-static const bfd_target *
-sunos4_core_file_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned char longbuf[4]; /* Raw bytes of various header fields */
- bfd_size_type core_size;
- unsigned long core_mag;
- struct internal_sunos_core *core;
- char *extcore;
- struct mergem
- {
- struct sun_core_struct suncoredata;
- struct internal_sunos_core internal_sunos_core;
- char external_core[1];
- }
- *mergem;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) longbuf, 1, sizeof (longbuf), abfd) !=
- sizeof (longbuf))
- return 0;
- core_mag = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, longbuf);
- if (core_mag != CORE_MAGIC)
- return 0;
- /* SunOS core headers can vary in length; second word is size; */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) longbuf, 1, sizeof (longbuf), abfd) !=
- sizeof (longbuf))
- return 0;
- core_size = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, longbuf);
- /* Sanity check */
- if (core_size > 20000)
- return 0;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) < 0)
- return 0;
- mergem = (struct mergem *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, core_size + sizeof (struct mergem));
- if (mergem == NULL)
- return 0;
- extcore = mergem->external_core;
- if ((bfd_read ((PTR) extcore, 1, core_size, abfd)) != core_size)
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, (char *) mergem);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Validate that it's a core file we know how to handle, due to sun
- botching the positioning of registers and other fields in a machine
- dependent way. */
- core = &mergem->internal_sunos_core;
- switch (core_size)
- {
- swapcore_sparc (abfd, extcore, core);
- break;
- case SUN3_CORE_LEN:
- swapcore_sun3 (abfd, extcore, core);
- break;
- swapcore_solaris_bcp (abfd, extcore, core);
- break;
- default:
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call); /* FIXME */
- bfd_release (abfd, (char *) mergem);
- return 0;
- }
- abfd->tdata.sun_core_data = &mergem->suncoredata;
- abfd->tdata.sun_core_data->hdr = core;
- /* create the sections. This is raunchy, but bfd_close wants to reclaim
- them */
- core_stacksec (abfd) = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
- if (core_stacksec (abfd) == NULL)
- {
- loser:
- bfd_release (abfd, (char *) mergem);
- return 0;
- }
- core_datasec (abfd) = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
- if (core_datasec (abfd) == NULL)
- {
- loser1:
- bfd_release (abfd, core_stacksec (abfd));
- goto loser;
- }
- core_regsec (abfd) = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
- if (core_regsec (abfd) == NULL)
- {
- loser2:
- bfd_release (abfd, core_datasec (abfd));
- goto loser1;
- }
- core_reg2sec (abfd) = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
- if (core_reg2sec (abfd) == NULL)
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, core_regsec (abfd));
- goto loser2;
- }
- core_stacksec (abfd)->name = ".stack";
- core_datasec (abfd)->name = ".data";
- core_regsec (abfd)->name = ".reg";
- core_reg2sec (abfd)->name = ".reg2";
- core_stacksec (abfd)->flags = SEC_ALLOC + SEC_LOAD + SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- core_datasec (abfd)->flags = SEC_ALLOC + SEC_LOAD + SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- core_regsec (abfd)->flags = SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- core_reg2sec (abfd)->flags = SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- core_stacksec (abfd)->_raw_size = core->c_ssize;
- core_datasec (abfd)->_raw_size = core->c_dsize;
- core_regsec (abfd)->_raw_size = core->c_regs_size;
- core_reg2sec (abfd)->_raw_size = core->fp_stuff_size;
- core_stacksec (abfd)->vma = (core->c_stacktop - core->c_ssize);
- core_datasec (abfd)->vma = core->c_data_addr;
- core_regsec (abfd)->vma = 0;
- core_reg2sec (abfd)->vma = 0;
- core_stacksec (abfd)->filepos = core->c_len + core->c_dsize;
- core_datasec (abfd)->filepos = core->c_len;
- /* We'll access the regs afresh in the core file, like any section: */
- core_regsec (abfd)->filepos = (file_ptr) core->c_regs_pos;
- core_reg2sec (abfd)->filepos = (file_ptr) core->fp_stuff_pos;
- /* Align to word at least */
- core_stacksec (abfd)->alignment_power = 2;
- core_datasec (abfd)->alignment_power = 2;
- core_regsec (abfd)->alignment_power = 2;
- core_reg2sec (abfd)->alignment_power = 2;
- abfd->sections = core_stacksec (abfd);
- core_stacksec (abfd)->next = core_datasec (abfd);
- core_datasec (abfd)->next = core_regsec (abfd);
- core_regsec (abfd)->next = core_reg2sec (abfd);
- abfd->section_count = 4;
- return abfd->xvec;
-static char *
-sunos4_core_file_failing_command (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return core_hdr (abfd)->hdr->c_cmdname;
-static int
-sunos4_core_file_failing_signal (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return core_hdr (abfd)->hdr->c_signo;
-static boolean
-sunos4_core_file_matches_executable_p (core_bfd, exec_bfd)
- bfd *core_bfd;
- bfd *exec_bfd;
- if (core_bfd->xvec != exec_bfd->xvec)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- return false;
- }
- /* Solaris core files do not include an aouthdr. */
- if ((core_hdr (core_bfd)->hdr)->c_len == SOLARIS_BCP_CORE_LEN)
- return true;
- return (memcmp ((char *) &((core_hdr (core_bfd)->hdr)->c_aouthdr),
- (char *) exec_hdr (exec_bfd),
- sizeof (struct internal_exec)) == 0) ? true : false;
-#define MY_set_sizes sunos4_set_sizes
-static boolean
-sunos4_set_sizes (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- switch (bfd_get_arch (abfd))
- {
- default:
- return false;
- case bfd_arch_sparc:
- adata (abfd).page_size = 0x2000;
- adata (abfd).segment_size = 0x2000;
- adata (abfd).exec_bytes_size = EXEC_BYTES_SIZE;
- return true;
- case bfd_arch_m68k:
- adata (abfd).page_size = 0x2000;
- adata (abfd).segment_size = 0x20000;
- adata (abfd).exec_bytes_size = EXEC_BYTES_SIZE;
- return true;
- }
-/* We default to setting the toolversion field to 1, as is required by
- SunOS. */
-#ifndef MY_exec_hdr_flags
-#define MY_exec_hdr_flags 1
-#ifndef MY_add_dynamic_symbols
-#define MY_add_dynamic_symbols 0
-#ifndef MY_add_one_symbol
-#define MY_add_one_symbol 0
-#ifndef MY_link_dynamic_object
-#define MY_link_dynamic_object 0
-#ifndef MY_write_dynamic_symbol
-#define MY_write_dynamic_symbol 0
-#ifndef MY_check_dynamic_reloc
-#define MY_check_dynamic_reloc 0
-#ifndef MY_finish_dynamic_link
-#define MY_finish_dynamic_link 0
-static CONST struct aout_backend_data sunos4_aout_backend =
- 0, /* zmagic files are not contiguous */
- 1, /* text includes header */
- MY_exec_hdr_flags,
- 0, /* default text vma */
- sunos4_set_sizes,
- 0, /* header is counted in zmagic text */
- MY_add_dynamic_symbols,
- MY_add_one_symbol,
- MY_link_dynamic_object,
- MY_write_dynamic_symbol,
- MY_check_dynamic_reloc,
- MY_finish_dynamic_link
-#define MY_core_file_failing_command sunos4_core_file_failing_command
-#define MY_core_file_failing_signal sunos4_core_file_failing_signal
-#define MY_core_file_matches_executable_p sunos4_core_file_matches_executable_p
-#define MY_bfd_debug_info_start bfd_void
-#define MY_bfd_debug_info_end bfd_void
-#define MY_bfd_debug_info_accumulate \
- (void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct sec *))) bfd_void
-#define MY_core_file_p sunos4_core_file_p
-#define MY_write_object_contents NAME(aout,sunos4_write_object_contents)
-#define MY_backend_data &sunos4_aout_backend
-#include "aout-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aoutx.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/aoutx.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b04943e028b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/aoutx.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5525 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD semi-generic back-end for a.out binaries.
- Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- a.out backends
- BFD supports a number of different flavours of a.out format,
- though the major differences are only the sizes of the
- structures on disk, and the shape of the relocation
- information.
- The support is split into a basic support file @file{aoutx.h}
- and other files which derive functions from the base. One
- derivation file is @file{aoutf1.h} (for a.out flavour 1), and
- adds to the basic a.out functions support for sun3, sun4, 386
- and 29k a.out files, to create a target jump vector for a
- specific target.
- This information is further split out into more specific files
- for each machine, including @file{sunos.c} for sun3 and sun4,
- @file{newsos3.c} for the Sony NEWS, and @file{demo64.c} for a
- demonstration of a 64 bit a.out format.
- The base file @file{aoutx.h} defines general mechanisms for
- reading and writing records to and from disk and various
- other methods which BFD requires. It is included by
- @file{aout32.c} and @file{aout64.c} to form the names
- <<aout_32_swap_exec_header_in>>, <<aout_64_swap_exec_header_in>>, etc.
- As an example, this is what goes on to make the back end for a
- sun4, from @file{aout32.c}:
-| #define ARCH_SIZE 32
-| #include "aoutx.h"
- Which exports names:
-| ...
-| aout_32_canonicalize_reloc
-| aout_32_find_nearest_line
-| aout_32_get_lineno
-| aout_32_get_reloc_upper_bound
-| ...
- from @file{sunos.c}:
-| #define TARGET_NAME "a.out-sunos-big"
-| #define VECNAME sunos_big_vec
-| #include "aoutf1.h"
- requires all the names from @file{aout32.c}, and produces the jump vector
-| sunos_big_vec
- The file @file{host-aout.c} is a special case. It is for a large set
- of hosts that use ``more or less standard'' a.out files, and
- for which cross-debugging is not interesting. It uses the
- standard 32-bit a.out support routines, but determines the
- file offsets and addresses of the text, data, and BSS
- sections, the machine architecture and machine type, and the
- entry point address, in a host-dependent manner. Once these
- values have been determined, generic code is used to handle
- the object file.
- When porting it to run on a new system, you must supply:
-| HOST_MACHINE_ARCH (optional)
- in the file @file{../include/sys/h-@var{XXX}.h} (for your host). These
- values, plus the structures and macros defined in @file{a.out.h} on
- your host system, will produce a BFD target that will access
- ordinary a.out files on your host. To configure a new machine
- to use @file{host-aout.c}, specify:
-| TDEFAULTS = -DDEFAULT_VECTOR=host_aout_big_vec
-| TDEPFILES= host-aout.o trad-core.o
- in the @file{config/@var{XXX}.mt} file, and modify @file{}
- to use the
- @file{@var{XXX}.mt} file (by setting "<<bfd_target=XXX>>") when your
- configuration is selected.
-/* Some assumptions:
- * Any BFD with D_PAGED set is ZMAGIC, and vice versa.
- Doesn't matter what the setting of WP_TEXT is on output, but it'll
- get set on input.
- * Any BFD with D_PAGED clear and WP_TEXT set is NMAGIC.
- * Any BFD with both flags clear is OMAGIC.
- (Just want to make these explicit, so the conditions tested in this
- file make sense if you're more familiar with a.out than with BFD.) */
-#define KEEPIT udata.i
-#include <string.h> /* For strchr and friends */
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include <sysdep.h>
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libaout.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "aout/aout64.h"
-#include "aout/stab_gnu.h"
-#include "aout/ar.h"
-static boolean aout_get_external_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean translate_from_native_sym_flags
- PARAMS ((bfd *, aout_symbol_type *));
-static boolean translate_to_native_sym_flags
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, struct external_nlist *));
- Relocations
- The file @file{aoutx.h} provides for both the @emph{standard}
- and @emph{extended} forms of a.out relocation records.
- The standard records contain only an
- address, a symbol index, and a type field. The extended records
- (used on 29ks and sparcs) also have a full integer for an
- addend.
-#define CTOR_TABLE_RELOC_HOWTO(BFD) ((obj_reloc_entry_size(BFD) == RELOC_EXT_SIZE \
- ? howto_table_ext : howto_table_std) \
-#ifndef MY_swap_std_reloc_in
-#define MY_swap_std_reloc_in NAME(aout,swap_std_reloc_in)
-#ifndef MY_swap_std_reloc_out
-#define MY_swap_std_reloc_out NAME(aout,swap_std_reloc_out)
-#ifndef MY_final_link_relocate
-#define MY_final_link_relocate _bfd_final_link_relocate
-#ifndef MY_relocate_contents
-#define MY_relocate_contents _bfd_relocate_contents
-#define howto_table_ext NAME(aout,ext_howto_table)
-#define howto_table_std NAME(aout,std_howto_table)
-reloc_howto_type howto_table_ext[] =
- /* type rs size bsz pcrel bitpos ovrf sf name part_inpl readmask setmask pcdone */
- HOWTO(RELOC_8, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"8", false, 0,0x000000ff, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_16, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"16", false, 0,0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_32, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"32", false, 0,0xffffffff, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_DISP8, 0, 0, 8, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed,0,"DISP8", false, 0,0x000000ff, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_DISP16, 0, 1, 16, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed,0,"DISP16", false, 0,0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_DISP32, 0, 2, 32, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed,0,"DISP32", false, 0,0xffffffff, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_WDISP30,2, 2, 30, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed,0,"WDISP30", false, 0,0x3fffffff, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_WDISP22,2, 2, 22, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed,0,"WDISP22", false, 0,0x003fffff, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_HI22, 10, 2, 22, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"HI22", false, 0,0x003fffff, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_22, 0, 2, 22, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"22", false, 0,0x003fffff, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_13, 0, 2, 13, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"13", false, 0,0x00001fff, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_LO10, 0, 2, 10, false, 0, complain_overflow_dont,0,"LO10", false, 0,0x000003ff, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_SFA_BASE,0, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"SFA_BASE", false, 0,0xffffffff, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_SFA_OFF13,0,2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"SFA_OFF13",false, 0,0xffffffff, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_BASE10, 0, 2, 10, false, 0, complain_overflow_dont,0,"BASE10", false, 0,0x000003ff, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_BASE13, 0, 2, 13, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"BASE13", false, 0,0x00001fff, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_BASE22, 10, 2, 22, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"BASE22", false, 0,0x003fffff, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_PC10, 0, 2, 10, true, 0, complain_overflow_dont,0,"PC10", false, 0,0x000003ff, true),
- HOWTO(RELOC_PC22, 10, 2, 22, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed,0,"PC22", false, 0,0x003fffff, true),
- HOWTO(RELOC_JMP_TBL,2, 2, 30, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed,0,"JMP_TBL", false, 0,0x3fffffff, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_SEGOFF16,0, 2, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"SEGOFF16", false, 0,0x00000000, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_GLOB_DAT,0, 2, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"GLOB_DAT", false, 0,0x00000000, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_JMP_SLOT,0, 2, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"JMP_SLOT", false, 0,0x00000000, false),
- HOWTO(RELOC_RELATIVE,0, 2, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"RELATIVE", false, 0,0x00000000, false),
-/* Convert standard reloc records to "arelent" format (incl byte swap). */
-reloc_howto_type howto_table_std[] = {
- /* type rs size bsz pcrel bitpos ovrf sf name part_inpl readmask setmask pcdone */
-HOWTO( 0, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"8", true, 0x000000ff,0x000000ff, false),
-HOWTO( 1, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"16", true, 0x0000ffff,0x0000ffff, false),
-HOWTO( 2, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"32", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
-HOWTO( 3, 0, 4, 64, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"64", true, 0xdeaddead,0xdeaddead, false),
-HOWTO( 4, 0, 0, 8, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0,"DISP8", true, 0x000000ff,0x000000ff, false),
-HOWTO( 5, 0, 1, 16, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0,"DISP16", true, 0x0000ffff,0x0000ffff, false),
-HOWTO( 6, 0, 2, 32, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0,"DISP32", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
-HOWTO( 7, 0, 4, 64, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0,"DISP64", true, 0xfeedface,0xfeedface, false),
-HOWTO( 8, 0, 2, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"GOT_REL", false, 0,0x00000000, false),
-HOWTO( 9, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"BASE16", false,0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
-HOWTO(10, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"BASE32", false,0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
-{ -1 },
-{ -1 },
-{ -1 },
-{ -1 },
-{ -1 },
- HOWTO(16, 0, 2, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"JMP_TABLE", false, 0,0x00000000, false),
-{ -1 },
-{ -1 },
-{ -1 },
-{ -1 },
-{ -1 },
-{ -1 },
-{ -1 },
-{ -1 }, { -1 }, { -1 }, { -1 }, { -1 }, { -1 }, { -1 }, { -1 },
- HOWTO(32, 0, 2, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"RELATIVE", false, 0,0x00000000, false),
-{ -1 },
-{ -1 },
-{ -1 },
-{ -1 },
-{ -1 },
-{ -1 },
-{ -1 },
- HOWTO(40, 0, 2, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"BASEREL", false, 0,0x00000000, false),
-#define TABLE_SIZE(TABLE) (sizeof(TABLE)/sizeof(TABLE[0]))
-reloc_howto_type *
-NAME(aout,reloc_type_lookup) (abfd,code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
-#define EXT(i,j) case i: return &howto_table_ext[j]
-#define STD(i,j) case i: return &howto_table_std[j]
- int ext = obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) == RELOC_EXT_SIZE;
- if (code == BFD_RELOC_CTOR)
- switch (bfd_get_arch_info (abfd)->bits_per_address)
- {
- case 32:
- code = BFD_RELOC_32;
- break;
- case 64:
- code = BFD_RELOC_64;
- break;
- }
- if (ext)
- switch (code)
- {
- EXT (BFD_RELOC_32, 2);
- EXT (BFD_RELOC_HI22, 8);
- EXT (BFD_RELOC_LO10, 11);
- default: return (reloc_howto_type *) NULL;
- }
- else
- /* std relocs */
- switch (code)
- {
- STD (BFD_RELOC_16, 1);
- STD (BFD_RELOC_32, 2);
- default: return (reloc_howto_type *) NULL;
- }
- Internal entry points
- @file{aoutx.h} exports several routines for accessing the
- contents of an a.out file, which are gathered and exported in
- turn by various format specific files (eg sunos.c).
- aout_@var{size}_swap_exec_header_in
- void aout_@var{size}_swap_exec_header_in,
- (bfd *abfd,
- struct external_exec *raw_bytes,
- struct internal_exec *execp);
- Swap the information in an executable header @var{raw_bytes} taken
- from a raw byte stream memory image into the internal exec header
- structure @var{execp}.
-#ifndef NAME_swap_exec_header_in
-NAME(aout,swap_exec_header_in) (abfd, raw_bytes, execp)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec *raw_bytes;
- struct internal_exec *execp;
- struct external_exec *bytes = (struct external_exec *)raw_bytes;
- /* The internal_exec structure has some fields that are unused in this
- configuration (IE for i960), so ensure that all such uninitialized
- fields are zero'd out. There are places where two of these structs
- are memcmp'd, and thus the contents do matter. */
- memset ((PTR) execp, 0, sizeof (struct internal_exec));
- /* Now fill in fields in the execp, from the bytes in the raw data. */
- execp->a_info = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, bytes->e_info);
- execp->a_text = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_text);
- execp->a_data = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_data);
- execp->a_bss = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_bss);
- execp->a_syms = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_syms);
- execp->a_entry = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_entry);
- execp->a_trsize = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_trsize);
- execp->a_drsize = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_drsize);
-#define NAME_swap_exec_header_in NAME(aout,swap_exec_header_in)
- aout_@var{size}_swap_exec_header_out
- void aout_@var{size}_swap_exec_header_out
- (bfd *abfd,
- struct internal_exec *execp,
- struct external_exec *raw_bytes);
- Swap the information in an internal exec header structure
- @var{execp} into the buffer @var{raw_bytes} ready for writing to disk.
-NAME(aout,swap_exec_header_out) (abfd, execp, raw_bytes)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_exec *execp;
- struct external_exec *raw_bytes;
- struct external_exec *bytes = (struct external_exec *)raw_bytes;
- /* Now fill in fields in the raw data, from the fields in the exec struct. */
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, execp->a_info , bytes->e_info);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_text , bytes->e_text);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_data , bytes->e_data);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_bss , bytes->e_bss);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_syms , bytes->e_syms);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_entry , bytes->e_entry);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_trsize, bytes->e_trsize);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_drsize, bytes->e_drsize);
-/* Make all the section for an a.out file. */
-NAME(aout,make_sections) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (obj_textsec (abfd) == (asection *) NULL
- && bfd_make_section (abfd, ".text") == (asection *) NULL)
- return false;
- if (obj_datasec (abfd) == (asection *) NULL
- && bfd_make_section (abfd, ".data") == (asection *) NULL)
- return false;
- if (obj_bsssec (abfd) == (asection *) NULL
- && bfd_make_section (abfd, ".bss") == (asection *) NULL)
- return false;
- return true;
- aout_@var{size}_some_aout_object_p
- const bfd_target *aout_@var{size}_some_aout_object_p
- (bfd *abfd,
- const bfd_target *(*callback_to_real_object_p)());
- Some a.out variant thinks that the file open in @var{abfd}
- checking is an a.out file. Do some more checking, and set up
- for access if it really is. Call back to the calling
- environment's "finish up" function just before returning, to
- handle any last-minute setup.
-const bfd_target *
-NAME(aout,some_aout_object_p) (abfd, execp, callback_to_real_object_p)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_exec *execp;
- const bfd_target *(*callback_to_real_object_p) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- struct aout_data_struct *rawptr, *oldrawptr;
- const bfd_target *result;
- rawptr = (struct aout_data_struct *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct aout_data_struct ));
- if (rawptr == NULL)
- return 0;
- oldrawptr = abfd->tdata.aout_data;
- abfd->tdata.aout_data = rawptr;
- /* Copy the contents of the old tdata struct.
- In particular, we want the subformat, since for hpux it was set in
- hp300hpux.c:swap_exec_header_in and will be used in
- hp300hpux.c:callback. */
- if (oldrawptr != NULL)
- *abfd->tdata.aout_data = *oldrawptr;
- abfd->tdata.aout_data->a.hdr = &rawptr->e;
- *(abfd->tdata.aout_data->a.hdr) = *execp; /* Copy in the internal_exec struct */
- execp = abfd->tdata.aout_data->a.hdr;
- /* Set the file flags */
- abfd->flags = NO_FLAGS;
- if (execp->a_drsize || execp->a_trsize)
- abfd->flags |= HAS_RELOC;
- /* Setting of EXEC_P has been deferred to the bottom of this function */
- if (execp->a_syms)
- if (N_DYNAMIC(*execp))
- abfd->flags |= DYNAMIC;
- if (N_MAGIC (*execp) == ZMAGIC)
- {
- abfd->flags |= D_PAGED | WP_TEXT;
- adata (abfd).magic = z_magic;
- }
- else if (N_MAGIC (*execp) == QMAGIC)
- {
- abfd->flags |= D_PAGED | WP_TEXT;
- adata (abfd).magic = z_magic;
- adata (abfd).subformat = q_magic_format;
- }
- else if (N_MAGIC (*execp) == NMAGIC)
- {
- abfd->flags |= WP_TEXT;
- adata (abfd).magic = n_magic;
- }
- else if (N_MAGIC (*execp) == OMAGIC
- || N_MAGIC (*execp) == BMAGIC)
- adata (abfd).magic = o_magic;
- else
- {
- /* Should have been checked with N_BADMAG before this routine
- was called. */
- abort ();
- }
- bfd_get_start_address (abfd) = execp->a_entry;
- obj_aout_symbols (abfd) = (aout_symbol_type *)NULL;
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd) = execp->a_syms / sizeof (struct external_nlist);
- /* The default relocation entry size is that of traditional V7 Unix. */
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- /* The default symbol entry size is that of traditional Unix. */
- obj_symbol_entry_size (abfd) = EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE;
-#ifdef USE_MMAP
- bfd_init_window (&obj_aout_sym_window (abfd));
- bfd_init_window (&obj_aout_string_window (abfd));
- obj_aout_external_syms (abfd) = NULL;
- obj_aout_external_strings (abfd) = NULL;
- obj_aout_sym_hashes (abfd) = NULL;
- if (! NAME(aout,make_sections) (abfd))
- return NULL;
- obj_datasec (abfd)->_raw_size = execp->a_data;
- obj_bsssec (abfd)->_raw_size = execp->a_bss;
- obj_textsec (abfd)->flags =
- (execp->a_trsize != 0
- obj_datasec (abfd)->flags =
- (execp->a_drsize != 0
- obj_bsssec (abfd)->flags = SEC_ALLOC;
- /* The common code can't fill in these things because they depend
- on either the start address of the text segment, the rounding
- up of virtual addresses between segments, or the starting file
- position of the text segment -- all of which varies among different
- versions of a.out. */
- /* Call back to the format-dependent code to fill in the rest of the
- fields and do any further cleanup. Things that should be filled
- in by the callback: */
- struct exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- obj_textsec (abfd)->size = N_TXTSIZE(*execp);
- obj_textsec (abfd)->raw_size = N_TXTSIZE(*execp);
- /* data and bss are already filled in since they're so standard */
- /* The virtual memory addresses of the sections */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->vma = N_TXTADDR(*execp);
- obj_datasec (abfd)->vma = N_DATADDR(*execp);
- obj_bsssec (abfd)->vma = N_BSSADDR(*execp);
- /* The file offsets of the sections */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->filepos = N_TXTOFF(*execp);
- obj_datasec (abfd)->filepos = N_DATOFF(*execp);
- /* The file offsets of the relocation info */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->rel_filepos = N_TRELOFF(*execp);
- obj_datasec (abfd)->rel_filepos = N_DRELOFF(*execp);
- /* The file offsets of the string table and symbol table. */
- obj_str_filepos (abfd) = N_STROFF (*execp);
- obj_sym_filepos (abfd) = N_SYMOFF (*execp);
- /* Determine the architecture and machine type of the object file. */
- switch (N_MACHTYPE (*exec_hdr (abfd))) {
- default:
- abfd->obj_arch = bfd_arch_obscure;
- break;
- }
- adata(abfd)->page_size = TARGET_PAGE_SIZE;
- adata(abfd)->segment_size = SEGMENT_SIZE;
- adata(abfd)->exec_bytes_size = EXEC_BYTES_SIZE;
- return abfd->xvec;
- /* The architecture is encoded in various ways in various a.out variants,
- or is not encoded at all in some of them. The relocation size depends
- on the architecture and the a.out variant. Finally, the return value
- is the bfd_target vector in use. If an error occurs, return zero and
- set bfd_error to the appropriate error code.
- Formats such as b.out, which have additional fields in the a.out
- header, should cope with them in this callback as well. */
-#endif /* DOCUMENTATION */
- result = (*callback_to_real_object_p)(abfd);
- /* Now that the segment addresses have been worked out, take a better
- guess at whether the file is executable. If the entry point
- is within the text segment, assume it is. (This makes files
- executable even if their entry point address is 0, as long as
- their text starts at zero.). */
- if ((execp->a_entry >= obj_textsec(abfd)->vma) &&
- (execp->a_entry < obj_textsec(abfd)->vma + obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size))
- abfd->flags |= EXEC_P;
- else
- {
- struct stat stat_buf;
- /* The original heuristic doesn't work in some important cases.
- The a.out file has no information about the text start
- address. For files (like kernels) linked to non-standard
- addresses (ld -Ttext nnn) the entry point may not be between
- the default text start (obj_textsec(abfd)->vma) and
- (obj_textsec(abfd)->vma) + text size. This is not just a mach
- issue. Many kernels are loaded at non standard addresses. */
- if (abfd->iostream != NULL
- && (abfd->flags & BFD_IN_MEMORY) == 0
- && (fstat(fileno((FILE *) (abfd->iostream)), &stat_buf) == 0)
- && ((stat_buf.st_mode & 0111) != 0))
- abfd->flags |= EXEC_P;
- }
-#endif /* STAT_FOR_EXEC */
- if (result)
- {
-#if 0 /* These should be set correctly anyways. */
- abfd->sections = obj_textsec (abfd);
- obj_textsec (abfd)->next = obj_datasec (abfd);
- obj_datasec (abfd)->next = obj_bsssec (abfd);
- }
- else
- {
- free (rawptr);
- abfd->tdata.aout_data = oldrawptr;
- }
- return result;
- aout_@var{size}_mkobject
- boolean aout_@var{size}_mkobject, (bfd *abfd);
- Initialize BFD @var{abfd} for use with a.out files.
-NAME(aout,mkobject) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct aout_data_struct *rawptr;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- /* Use an intermediate variable for clarity */
- rawptr = (struct aout_data_struct *)bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct aout_data_struct ));
- if (rawptr == NULL)
- return false;
- abfd->tdata.aout_data = rawptr;
- exec_hdr (abfd) = &(rawptr->e);
- obj_textsec (abfd) = (asection *)NULL;
- obj_datasec (abfd) = (asection *)NULL;
- obj_bsssec (abfd) = (asection *)NULL;
- return true;
- aout_@var{size}_machine_type
- enum machine_type aout_@var{size}_machine_type
- (enum bfd_architecture arch,
- unsigned long machine));
- Keep track of machine architecture and machine type for
- a.out's. Return the <<machine_type>> for a particular
- architecture and machine, or <<M_UNKNOWN>> if that exact architecture
- and machine can't be represented in a.out format.
- If the architecture is understood, machine type 0 (default)
- is always understood.
-enum machine_type
-NAME(aout,machine_type) (arch, machine, unknown)
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- unsigned long machine;
- boolean *unknown;
- enum machine_type arch_flags;
- arch_flags = M_UNKNOWN;
- *unknown = true;
- switch (arch) {
- case bfd_arch_sparc:
- if (machine == 0
- || machine == bfd_mach_sparc
- || machine == bfd_mach_sparc_v9)
- arch_flags = M_SPARC;
- break;
- case bfd_arch_m68k:
- switch (machine) {
- case 0: arch_flags = M_68010; break;
- case 68000: arch_flags = M_UNKNOWN; *unknown = false; break;
- case 68010: arch_flags = M_68010; break;
- case 68020: arch_flags = M_68020; break;
- default: arch_flags = M_UNKNOWN; break;
- }
- break;
- case bfd_arch_i386:
- if (machine == 0) arch_flags = M_386;
- break;
- case bfd_arch_a29k:
- if (machine == 0) arch_flags = M_29K;
- break;
- case bfd_arch_arm:
- if (machine == 0) arch_flags = M_ARM;
- break;
- case bfd_arch_mips:
- switch (machine) {
- case 0:
- case 2000:
- case 3000: arch_flags = M_MIPS1; break;
- case 4000: /* mips3 */
- case 4400:
- case 8000: /* mips4 */
- /* real mips2: */
- case 6000: arch_flags = M_MIPS2; break;
- default: arch_flags = M_UNKNOWN; break;
- }
- break;
- case bfd_arch_ns32k:
- switch (machine) {
- case 0: arch_flags = M_NS32532; break;
- case 32032: arch_flags = M_NS32032; break;
- case 32532: arch_flags = M_NS32532; break;
- default: arch_flags = M_UNKNOWN; break;
- }
- break;
- case bfd_arch_vax:
- *unknown = false;
- break;
- default:
- arch_flags = M_UNKNOWN;
- }
- if (arch_flags != M_UNKNOWN)
- *unknown = false;
- return arch_flags;
- aout_@var{size}_set_arch_mach
- boolean aout_@var{size}_set_arch_mach,
- (bfd *,
- enum bfd_architecture arch,
- unsigned long machine));
- Set the architecture and the machine of the BFD @var{abfd} to the
- values @var{arch} and @var{machine}. Verify that @var{abfd}'s format
- can support the architecture required.
-NAME(aout,set_arch_mach) (abfd, arch, machine)
- bfd *abfd;
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- unsigned long machine;
- if (! bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine))
- return false;
- if (arch != bfd_arch_unknown)
- {
- boolean unknown;
- NAME(aout,machine_type) (arch, machine, &unknown);
- if (unknown)
- return false;
- }
- /* Determine the size of a relocation entry */
- switch (arch) {
- case bfd_arch_sparc:
- case bfd_arch_a29k:
- case bfd_arch_mips:
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_EXT_SIZE;
- break;
- default:
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- break;
- }
- return (*aout_backend_info(abfd)->set_sizes) (abfd);
-static void
-adjust_o_magic (abfd, execp)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_exec *execp;
- file_ptr pos = adata (abfd).exec_bytes_size;
- bfd_vma vma = 0;
- int pad = 0;
- /* Text. */
- obj_textsec(abfd)->filepos = pos;
- if (!obj_textsec(abfd)->user_set_vma)
- obj_textsec(abfd)->vma = vma;
- else
- vma = obj_textsec(abfd)->vma;
- pos += obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size;
- vma += obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size;
- /* Data. */
- if (!obj_datasec(abfd)->user_set_vma)
- {
-#if 0 /* ?? Does alignment in the file image really matter? */
- pad = align_power (vma, obj_datasec(abfd)->alignment_power) - vma;
- obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size += pad;
- pos += pad;
- vma += pad;
- obj_datasec(abfd)->vma = vma;
- }
- else
- vma = obj_datasec(abfd)->vma;
- obj_datasec(abfd)->filepos = pos;
- pos += obj_datasec(abfd)->_raw_size;
- vma += obj_datasec(abfd)->_raw_size;
- /* BSS. */
- if (!obj_bsssec(abfd)->user_set_vma)
- {
-#if 0
- pad = align_power (vma, obj_bsssec(abfd)->alignment_power) - vma;
- obj_datasec(abfd)->_raw_size += pad;
- pos += pad;
- vma += pad;
- obj_bsssec(abfd)->vma = vma;
- }
- else
- {
- /* The VMA of the .bss section is set by the the VMA of the
- .data section plus the size of the .data section. We may
- need to add padding bytes to make this true. */
- pad = obj_bsssec (abfd)->vma - vma;
- if (pad > 0)
- {
- obj_datasec (abfd)->_raw_size += pad;
- pos += pad;
- }
- }
- obj_bsssec(abfd)->filepos = pos;
- /* Fix up the exec header. */
- execp->a_text = obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size;
- execp->a_data = obj_datasec(abfd)->_raw_size;
- execp->a_bss = obj_bsssec(abfd)->_raw_size;
- N_SET_MAGIC (*execp, OMAGIC);
-static void
-adjust_z_magic (abfd, execp)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_exec *execp;
- bfd_size_type data_pad, text_pad;
- file_ptr text_end;
- CONST struct aout_backend_data *abdp;
- int ztih; /* Nonzero if text includes exec header. */
- abdp = aout_backend_info (abfd);
- /* Text. */
- ztih = (abdp != NULL
- && (abdp->text_includes_header
- || obj_aout_subformat (abfd) == q_magic_format));
- obj_textsec(abfd)->filepos = (ztih
- ? adata(abfd).exec_bytes_size
- : adata(abfd).zmagic_disk_block_size);
- if (! obj_textsec(abfd)->user_set_vma)
- {
- /* ?? Do we really need to check for relocs here? */
- obj_textsec(abfd)->vma = ((abfd->flags & HAS_RELOC)
- ? 0
- : (ztih
- ? (abdp->default_text_vma
- + adata(abfd).exec_bytes_size)
- : abdp->default_text_vma));
- text_pad = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* The .text section is being loaded at an unusual address. We
- may need to pad it such that the .data section starts at a page
- boundary. */
- if (ztih)
- text_pad = ((obj_textsec (abfd)->filepos - obj_textsec (abfd)->vma)
- & (adata (abfd).page_size - 1));
- else
- text_pad = ((- obj_textsec (abfd)->vma)
- & (adata (abfd).page_size - 1));
- }
- /* Find start of data. */
- if (ztih)
- {
- text_end = obj_textsec (abfd)->filepos + obj_textsec (abfd)->_raw_size;
- text_pad += BFD_ALIGN (text_end, adata (abfd).page_size) - text_end;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Note that if page_size == zmagic_disk_block_size, then
- filepos == page_size, and this case is the same as the ztih
- case. */
- text_end = obj_textsec (abfd)->_raw_size;
- text_pad += BFD_ALIGN (text_end, adata (abfd).page_size) - text_end;
- text_end += obj_textsec (abfd)->filepos;
- }
- obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size += text_pad;
- text_end += text_pad;
- /* Data. */
- if (!obj_datasec(abfd)->user_set_vma)
- {
- bfd_vma vma;
- vma = obj_textsec(abfd)->vma + obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size;
- obj_datasec(abfd)->vma = BFD_ALIGN (vma, adata(abfd).segment_size);
- }
- if (abdp && abdp->zmagic_mapped_contiguous)
- {
- text_pad = (obj_datasec(abfd)->vma
- - obj_textsec(abfd)->vma
- - obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size);
- obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size += text_pad;
- }
- obj_datasec(abfd)->filepos = (obj_textsec(abfd)->filepos
- + obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size);
- /* Fix up exec header while we're at it. */
- execp->a_text = obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size;
- if (ztih && (!abdp || (abdp && !abdp->exec_header_not_counted)))
- execp->a_text += adata(abfd).exec_bytes_size;
- if (obj_aout_subformat (abfd) == q_magic_format)
- N_SET_MAGIC (*execp, QMAGIC);
- else
- N_SET_MAGIC (*execp, ZMAGIC);
- /* Spec says data section should be rounded up to page boundary. */
- obj_datasec(abfd)->_raw_size
- = align_power (obj_datasec(abfd)->_raw_size,
- obj_bsssec(abfd)->alignment_power);
- execp->a_data = BFD_ALIGN (obj_datasec(abfd)->_raw_size,
- adata(abfd).page_size);
- data_pad = execp->a_data - obj_datasec(abfd)->_raw_size;
- /* BSS. */
- if (!obj_bsssec(abfd)->user_set_vma)
- obj_bsssec(abfd)->vma = (obj_datasec(abfd)->vma
- + obj_datasec(abfd)->_raw_size);
- /* If the BSS immediately follows the data section and extra space
- in the page is left after the data section, fudge data
- in the header so that the bss section looks smaller by that
- amount. We'll start the bss section there, and lie to the OS.
- (Note that a linker script, as well as the above assignment,
- could have explicitly set the BSS vma to immediately follow
- the data section.) */
- if (align_power (obj_bsssec(abfd)->vma, obj_bsssec(abfd)->alignment_power)
- == obj_datasec(abfd)->vma + obj_datasec(abfd)->_raw_size)
- execp->a_bss = (data_pad > obj_bsssec(abfd)->_raw_size) ? 0 :
- obj_bsssec(abfd)->_raw_size - data_pad;
- else
- execp->a_bss = obj_bsssec(abfd)->_raw_size;
-static void
-adjust_n_magic (abfd, execp)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_exec *execp;
- file_ptr pos = adata(abfd).exec_bytes_size;
- bfd_vma vma = 0;
- int pad;
- /* Text. */
- obj_textsec(abfd)->filepos = pos;
- if (!obj_textsec(abfd)->user_set_vma)
- obj_textsec(abfd)->vma = vma;
- else
- vma = obj_textsec(abfd)->vma;
- pos += obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size;
- vma += obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size;
- /* Data. */
- obj_datasec(abfd)->filepos = pos;
- if (!obj_datasec(abfd)->user_set_vma)
- obj_datasec(abfd)->vma = BFD_ALIGN (vma, adata(abfd).segment_size);
- vma = obj_datasec(abfd)->vma;
- /* Since BSS follows data immediately, see if it needs alignment. */
- vma += obj_datasec(abfd)->_raw_size;
- pad = align_power (vma, obj_bsssec(abfd)->alignment_power) - vma;
- obj_datasec(abfd)->_raw_size += pad;
- pos += obj_datasec(abfd)->_raw_size;
- /* BSS. */
- if (!obj_bsssec(abfd)->user_set_vma)
- obj_bsssec(abfd)->vma = vma;
- else
- vma = obj_bsssec(abfd)->vma;
- /* Fix up exec header. */
- execp->a_text = obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size;
- execp->a_data = obj_datasec(abfd)->_raw_size;
- execp->a_bss = obj_bsssec(abfd)->_raw_size;
- N_SET_MAGIC (*execp, NMAGIC);
-NAME(aout,adjust_sizes_and_vmas) (abfd, text_size, text_end)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_size_type *text_size;
- file_ptr *text_end;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- if (! NAME(aout,make_sections) (abfd))
- return false;
- if (adata(abfd).magic != undecided_magic)
- return true;
- obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size =
- align_power(obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size,
- obj_textsec(abfd)->alignment_power);
- *text_size = obj_textsec (abfd)->_raw_size;
- /* Rule (heuristic) for when to pad to a new page. Note that there
- are (at least) two ways demand-paged (ZMAGIC) files have been
- handled. Most Berkeley-based systems start the text segment at
- (TARGET_PAGE_SIZE). However, newer versions of SUNOS start the text
- segment right after the exec header; the latter is counted in the
- text segment size, and is paged in by the kernel with the rest of
- the text. */
- /* This perhaps isn't the right way to do this, but made it simpler for me
- to understand enough to implement it. Better would probably be to go
- right from BFD flags to alignment/positioning characteristics. But the
- old code was sloppy enough about handling the flags, and had enough
- other magic, that it was a little hard for me to understand. I think
- I understand it better now, but I haven't time to do the cleanup this
- minute. */
- if (abfd->flags & D_PAGED)
- /* Whether or not WP_TEXT is set -- let D_PAGED override. */
- adata(abfd).magic = z_magic;
- else if (abfd->flags & WP_TEXT)
- adata(abfd).magic = n_magic;
- else
- adata(abfd).magic = o_magic;
-#ifdef BFD_AOUT_DEBUG /* requires gcc2 */
-#if __GNUC__ >= 2
- fprintf (stderr, "%s text=<%x,%x,%x> data=<%x,%x,%x> bss=<%x,%x,%x>\n",
- ({ char *str;
- switch (adata(abfd).magic) {
- case n_magic: str = "NMAGIC"; break;
- case o_magic: str = "OMAGIC"; break;
- case z_magic: str = "ZMAGIC"; break;
- default: abort ();
- }
- str;
- }),
- obj_textsec(abfd)->vma, obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size,
- obj_textsec(abfd)->alignment_power,
- obj_datasec(abfd)->vma, obj_datasec(abfd)->_raw_size,
- obj_datasec(abfd)->alignment_power,
- obj_bsssec(abfd)->vma, obj_bsssec(abfd)->_raw_size,
- obj_bsssec(abfd)->alignment_power);
- switch (adata(abfd).magic)
- {
- case o_magic:
- adjust_o_magic (abfd, execp);
- break;
- case z_magic:
- adjust_z_magic (abfd, execp);
- break;
- case n_magic:
- adjust_n_magic (abfd, execp);
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- fprintf (stderr, " text=<%x,%x,%x> data=<%x,%x,%x> bss=<%x,%x>\n",
- obj_textsec(abfd)->vma, obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size,
- obj_textsec(abfd)->filepos,
- obj_datasec(abfd)->vma, obj_datasec(abfd)->_raw_size,
- obj_datasec(abfd)->filepos,
- obj_bsssec(abfd)->vma, obj_bsssec(abfd)->_raw_size);
- return true;
- aout_@var{size}_new_section_hook
- boolean aout_@var{size}_new_section_hook,
- (bfd *abfd,
- asection *newsect));
- Called by the BFD in response to a @code{bfd_make_section}
- request.
-NAME(aout,new_section_hook) (abfd, newsect)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *newsect;
- /* align to double at least */
- newsect->alignment_power = bfd_get_arch_info(abfd)->section_align_power;
- if (bfd_get_format (abfd) == bfd_object)
- {
- if (obj_textsec(abfd) == NULL && !strcmp(newsect->name, ".text")) {
- obj_textsec(abfd)= newsect;
- newsect->target_index = N_TEXT;
- return true;
- }
- if (obj_datasec(abfd) == NULL && !strcmp(newsect->name, ".data")) {
- obj_datasec(abfd) = newsect;
- newsect->target_index = N_DATA;
- return true;
- }
- if (obj_bsssec(abfd) == NULL && !strcmp(newsect->name, ".bss")) {
- obj_bsssec(abfd) = newsect;
- newsect->target_index = N_BSS;
- return true;
- }
- }
- /* We allow more than three sections internally */
- return true;
-NAME(aout,set_section_contents) (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- file_ptr text_end;
- bfd_size_type text_size;
- if (! abfd->output_has_begun)
- {
- if (! NAME(aout,adjust_sizes_and_vmas) (abfd, &text_size, &text_end))
- return false;
- }
- if (section == obj_bsssec (abfd))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_contents);
- return false;
- }
- if (section != obj_textsec (abfd)
- && section != obj_datasec (abfd))
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: can not represent section `%s' in a.out object file format",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), bfd_get_section_name (abfd, section));
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_nonrepresentable_section);
- return false;
- }
- if (count != 0)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, section->filepos + offset, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_write (location, 1, count, abfd) != count)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Read the external symbols from an a.out file. */
-static boolean
-aout_get_external_symbols (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (obj_aout_external_syms (abfd) == (struct external_nlist *) NULL)
- {
- bfd_size_type count;
- struct external_nlist *syms;
- count = exec_hdr (abfd)->a_syms / EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE;
-#ifdef USE_MMAP
- if (bfd_get_file_window (abfd,
- obj_sym_filepos (abfd), exec_hdr (abfd)->a_syms,
- &obj_aout_sym_window (abfd), true) == false)
- return false;
- syms = (struct external_nlist *) obj_aout_sym_window (abfd).data;
- /* We allocate using malloc to make the values easy to free
- later on. If we put them on the obstack it might not be
- possible to free them. */
- syms = ((struct external_nlist *)
- bfd_malloc ((size_t) count * EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE));
- if (syms == (struct external_nlist *) NULL && count != 0)
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, obj_sym_filepos (abfd), SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_read (syms, 1, exec_hdr (abfd)->a_syms, abfd)
- != exec_hdr (abfd)->a_syms))
- {
- free (syms);
- return false;
- }
- obj_aout_external_syms (abfd) = syms;
- obj_aout_external_sym_count (abfd) = count;
- }
- if (obj_aout_external_strings (abfd) == NULL
- && exec_hdr (abfd)->a_syms != 0)
- {
- unsigned char string_chars[BYTES_IN_WORD];
- bfd_size_type stringsize;
- char *strings;
- /* Get the size of the strings. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, obj_str_filepos (abfd), SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_read ((PTR) string_chars, BYTES_IN_WORD, 1, abfd)
- return false;
- stringsize = GET_WORD (abfd, string_chars);
-#ifdef USE_MMAP
- if (bfd_get_file_window (abfd, obj_str_filepos (abfd), stringsize,
- &obj_aout_string_window (abfd), true) == false)
- return false;
- strings = (char *) obj_aout_string_window (abfd).data;
- strings = (char *) bfd_malloc ((size_t) stringsize + 1);
- if (strings == NULL)
- return false;
- /* Skip space for the string count in the buffer for convenience
- when using indexes. */
- if (bfd_read (strings + BYTES_IN_WORD, 1, stringsize - BYTES_IN_WORD,
- abfd)
- != stringsize - BYTES_IN_WORD)
- {
- free (strings);
- return false;
- }
- /* Ensure that a zero index yields an empty string. */
- strings[0] = '\0';
- strings[stringsize - 1] = 0;
- obj_aout_external_strings (abfd) = strings;
- obj_aout_external_string_size (abfd) = stringsize;
- }
- return true;
-/* Translate an a.out symbol into a BFD symbol. The desc, other, type
- and symbol->value fields of CACHE_PTR will be set from the a.out
- nlist structure. This function is responsible for setting
- symbol->flags and symbol->section, and adjusting symbol->value. */
-static boolean
-translate_from_native_sym_flags (abfd, cache_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- aout_symbol_type *cache_ptr;
- flagword visible;
- if ((cache_ptr->type & N_STAB) != 0
- || cache_ptr->type == N_FN)
- {
- asection *sec;
- /* This is a debugging symbol. */
- cache_ptr->symbol.flags = BSF_DEBUGGING;
- /* Work out the symbol section. */
- switch (cache_ptr->type & N_TYPE)
- {
- case N_TEXT:
- case N_FN:
- sec = obj_textsec (abfd);
- break;
- case N_DATA:
- sec = obj_datasec (abfd);
- break;
- case N_BSS:
- sec = obj_bsssec (abfd);
- break;
- default:
- case N_ABS:
- sec = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- break;
- }
- cache_ptr->symbol.section = sec;
- cache_ptr->symbol.value -= sec->vma;
- return true;
- }
- /* Get the default visibility. This does not apply to all types, so
- we just hold it in a local variable to use if wanted. */
- if ((cache_ptr->type & N_EXT) == 0)
- visible = BSF_LOCAL;
- else
- visible = BSF_GLOBAL;
- switch (cache_ptr->type)
- {
- default:
- case N_ABS: case N_ABS | N_EXT:
- cache_ptr->symbol.section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- cache_ptr->symbol.flags = visible;
- break;
- case N_UNDF | N_EXT:
- if (cache_ptr->symbol.value != 0)
- {
- /* This is a common symbol. */
- cache_ptr->symbol.flags = BSF_GLOBAL;
- cache_ptr->symbol.section = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- }
- else
- {
- cache_ptr->symbol.flags = 0;
- cache_ptr->symbol.section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- }
- break;
- case N_TEXT: case N_TEXT | N_EXT:
- cache_ptr->symbol.section = obj_textsec (abfd);
- cache_ptr->symbol.value -= cache_ptr->symbol.section->vma;
- cache_ptr->symbol.flags = visible;
- break;
- /* N_SETV symbols used to represent set vectors placed in the
- data section. They are no longer generated. Theoretically,
- it was possible to extract the entries and combine them with
- new ones, although I don't know if that was ever actually
- done. Unless that feature is restored, treat them as data
- symbols. */
- case N_SETV: case N_SETV | N_EXT:
- case N_DATA: case N_DATA | N_EXT:
- cache_ptr->symbol.section = obj_datasec (abfd);
- cache_ptr->symbol.value -= cache_ptr->symbol.section->vma;
- cache_ptr->symbol.flags = visible;
- break;
- case N_BSS: case N_BSS | N_EXT:
- cache_ptr->symbol.section = obj_bsssec (abfd);
- cache_ptr->symbol.value -= cache_ptr->symbol.section->vma;
- cache_ptr->symbol.flags = visible;
- break;
- case N_SETA: case N_SETA | N_EXT:
- case N_SETT: case N_SETT | N_EXT:
- case N_SETD: case N_SETD | N_EXT:
- case N_SETB: case N_SETB | N_EXT:
- {
- asection *section;
- arelent_chain *reloc;
- asection *into_section;
- /* This is a set symbol. The name of the symbol is the name
- of the set (e.g., __CTOR_LIST__). The value of the symbol
- is the value to add to the set. We create a section with
- the same name as the symbol, and add a reloc to insert the
- appropriate value into the section.
- This action is actually obsolete; it used to make the
- linker do the right thing, but the linker no longer uses
- this function. */
- section = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, cache_ptr->;
- if (section == NULL)
- {
- char *copy;
- copy = bfd_alloc (abfd, strlen (cache_ptr-> + 1);
- if (copy == NULL)
- return false;
- strcpy (copy, cache_ptr->;
- section = bfd_make_section (abfd, copy);
- if (section == NULL)
- return false;
- }
- reloc = (arelent_chain *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (arelent_chain));
- if (reloc == NULL)
- return false;
- /* Build a relocation entry for the constructor. */
- switch (cache_ptr->type & N_TYPE)
- {
- case N_SETA:
- into_section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- cache_ptr->type = N_ABS;
- break;
- case N_SETT:
- into_section = obj_textsec (abfd);
- cache_ptr->type = N_TEXT;
- break;
- case N_SETD:
- into_section = obj_datasec (abfd);
- cache_ptr->type = N_DATA;
- break;
- case N_SETB:
- into_section = obj_bsssec (abfd);
- cache_ptr->type = N_BSS;
- break;
- }
- /* Build a relocation pointing into the constructor section
- pointing at the symbol in the set vector specified. */
- reloc->relent.addend = cache_ptr->symbol.value;
- cache_ptr->symbol.section = into_section;
- reloc->relent.sym_ptr_ptr = into_section->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- /* We modify the symbol to belong to a section depending upon
- the name of the symbol, and add to the size of the section
- to contain a pointer to the symbol. Build a reloc entry to
- relocate to this symbol attached to this section. */
- section->flags = SEC_CONSTRUCTOR | SEC_RELOC;
- section->reloc_count++;
- section->alignment_power = 2;
- reloc->next = section->constructor_chain;
- section->constructor_chain = reloc;
- reloc->relent.address = section->_raw_size;
- section->_raw_size += BYTES_IN_WORD;
- reloc->relent.howto = CTOR_TABLE_RELOC_HOWTO(abfd);
- cache_ptr->symbol.flags |= BSF_CONSTRUCTOR;
- }
- break;
- case N_WARNING:
- /* This symbol is the text of a warning message. The next
- symbol is the symbol to associate the warning with. If a
- reference is made to that symbol, a warning is issued. */
- cache_ptr->symbol.flags = BSF_DEBUGGING | BSF_WARNING;
- cache_ptr->symbol.section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- break;
- case N_INDR: case N_INDR | N_EXT:
- /* An indirect symbol. This consists of two symbols in a row.
- The first symbol is the name of the indirection. The second
- symbol is the name of the target. A reference to the first
- symbol becomes a reference to the second. */
- cache_ptr->symbol.flags = BSF_DEBUGGING | BSF_INDIRECT | visible;
- cache_ptr->symbol.section = bfd_ind_section_ptr;
- break;
- case N_WEAKU:
- cache_ptr->symbol.section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- cache_ptr->symbol.flags = BSF_WEAK;
- break;
- case N_WEAKA:
- cache_ptr->symbol.section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- cache_ptr->symbol.flags = BSF_WEAK;
- break;
- case N_WEAKT:
- cache_ptr->symbol.section = obj_textsec (abfd);
- cache_ptr->symbol.value -= cache_ptr->symbol.section->vma;
- cache_ptr->symbol.flags = BSF_WEAK;
- break;
- case N_WEAKD:
- cache_ptr->symbol.section = obj_datasec (abfd);
- cache_ptr->symbol.value -= cache_ptr->symbol.section->vma;
- cache_ptr->symbol.flags = BSF_WEAK;
- break;
- case N_WEAKB:
- cache_ptr->symbol.section = obj_bsssec (abfd);
- cache_ptr->symbol.value -= cache_ptr->symbol.section->vma;
- cache_ptr->symbol.flags = BSF_WEAK;
- break;
- }
- return true;
-/* Set the fields of SYM_POINTER according to CACHE_PTR. */
-static boolean
-translate_to_native_sym_flags (abfd, cache_ptr, sym_pointer)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *cache_ptr;
- struct external_nlist *sym_pointer;
- bfd_vma value = cache_ptr->value;
- asection *sec;
- bfd_vma off;
- /* Mask out any existing type bits in case copying from one section
- to another. */
- sym_pointer->e_type[0] &= ~N_TYPE;
- sec = bfd_get_section (cache_ptr);
- off = 0;
- if (sec == NULL)
- {
- /* This case occurs, e.g., for the *DEBUG* section of a COFF
- file. */
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: can not represent section `%s' in a.out object file format",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec));
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_nonrepresentable_section);
- return false;
- }
- if (sec->output_section != NULL)
- {
- off = sec->output_offset;
- sec = sec->output_section;
- }
- if (bfd_is_abs_section (sec))
- sym_pointer->e_type[0] |= N_ABS;
- else if (sec == obj_textsec (abfd))
- sym_pointer->e_type[0] |= N_TEXT;
- else if (sec == obj_datasec (abfd))
- sym_pointer->e_type[0] |= N_DATA;
- else if (sec == obj_bsssec (abfd))
- sym_pointer->e_type[0] |= N_BSS;
- else if (bfd_is_und_section (sec))
- sym_pointer->e_type[0] = N_UNDF | N_EXT;
- else if (bfd_is_ind_section (sec))
- sym_pointer->e_type[0] = N_INDR;
- else if (bfd_is_com_section (sec))
- sym_pointer->e_type[0] = N_UNDF | N_EXT;
- else
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: can not represent section `%s' in a.out object file format",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec));
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_nonrepresentable_section);
- return false;
- }
- /* Turn the symbol from section relative to absolute again */
- value += sec->vma + off;
- if ((cache_ptr->flags & BSF_WARNING) != 0)
- sym_pointer->e_type[0] = N_WARNING;
- if ((cache_ptr->flags & BSF_DEBUGGING) != 0)
- sym_pointer->e_type[0] = ((aout_symbol_type *) cache_ptr)->type;
- else if ((cache_ptr->flags & BSF_GLOBAL) != 0)
- sym_pointer->e_type[0] |= N_EXT;
- if ((cache_ptr->flags & BSF_CONSTRUCTOR) != 0)
- {
- int type = ((aout_symbol_type *) cache_ptr)->type;
- switch (type)
- {
- case N_ABS: type = N_SETA; break;
- case N_TEXT: type = N_SETT; break;
- case N_DATA: type = N_SETD; break;
- case N_BSS: type = N_SETB; break;
- }
- sym_pointer->e_type[0] = type;
- }
- if ((cache_ptr->flags & BSF_WEAK) != 0)
- {
- int type;
- switch (sym_pointer->e_type[0] & N_TYPE)
- {
- default:
- case N_ABS: type = N_WEAKA; break;
- case N_TEXT: type = N_WEAKT; break;
- case N_DATA: type = N_WEAKD; break;
- case N_BSS: type = N_WEAKB; break;
- case N_UNDF: type = N_WEAKU; break;
- }
- sym_pointer->e_type[0] = type;
- }
- PUT_WORD(abfd, value, sym_pointer->e_value);
- return true;
-/* Native-level interface to symbols. */
-asymbol *
-NAME(aout,make_empty_symbol) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- aout_symbol_type *new =
- (aout_symbol_type *)bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (aout_symbol_type));
- if (!new)
- return NULL;
- new->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- return &new->symbol;
-/* Translate a set of internal symbols into external symbols. */
-NAME(aout,translate_symbol_table) (abfd, in, ext, count, str, strsize, dynamic)
- bfd *abfd;
- aout_symbol_type *in;
- struct external_nlist *ext;
- bfd_size_type count;
- char *str;
- bfd_size_type strsize;
- boolean dynamic;
- struct external_nlist *ext_end;
- ext_end = ext + count;
- for (; ext < ext_end; ext++, in++)
- {
- bfd_vma x;
- x = GET_WORD (abfd, ext->e_strx);
- in->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- /* For the normal symbols, the zero index points at the number
- of bytes in the string table but is to be interpreted as the
- null string. For the dynamic symbols, the number of bytes in
- the string table is stored in the __DYNAMIC structure and the
- zero index points at an actual string. */
- if (x == 0 && ! dynamic)
- in-> = "";
- else if (x < strsize)
- in-> = str + x;
- else
- return false;
- in->symbol.value = GET_SWORD (abfd, ext->e_value);
- in->desc = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, ext->e_desc);
- in->other = bfd_h_get_8 (abfd, ext->e_other);
- in->type = bfd_h_get_8 (abfd, ext->e_type);
- in->symbol.udata.p = NULL;
- if (! translate_from_native_sym_flags (abfd, in))
- return false;
- if (dynamic)
- in->symbol.flags |= BSF_DYNAMIC;
- }
- return true;
-/* We read the symbols into a buffer, which is discarded when this
- function exits. We read the strings into a buffer large enough to
- hold them all plus all the cached symbol entries. */
-NAME(aout,slurp_symbol_table) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_nlist *old_external_syms;
- aout_symbol_type *cached;
- size_t cached_size;
- /* If there's no work to be done, don't do any */
- if (obj_aout_symbols (abfd) != (aout_symbol_type *) NULL)
- return true;
- old_external_syms = obj_aout_external_syms (abfd);
- if (! aout_get_external_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- cached_size = (obj_aout_external_sym_count (abfd)
- * sizeof (aout_symbol_type));
- cached = (aout_symbol_type *) bfd_malloc (cached_size);
- if (cached == NULL && cached_size != 0)
- return false;
- if (cached_size != 0)
- memset (cached, 0, cached_size);
- /* Convert from external symbol information to internal. */
- if (! (NAME(aout,translate_symbol_table)
- (abfd, cached,
- obj_aout_external_syms (abfd),
- obj_aout_external_sym_count (abfd),
- obj_aout_external_strings (abfd),
- obj_aout_external_string_size (abfd),
- false)))
- {
- free (cached);
- return false;
- }
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd) = obj_aout_external_sym_count (abfd);
- obj_aout_symbols (abfd) = cached;
- /* It is very likely that anybody who calls this function will not
- want the external symbol information, so if it was allocated
- because of our call to aout_get_external_symbols, we free it up
- right away to save space. */
- if (old_external_syms == (struct external_nlist *) NULL
- && obj_aout_external_syms (abfd) != (struct external_nlist *) NULL)
- {
-#ifdef USE_MMAP
- bfd_free_window (&obj_aout_sym_window (abfd));
- free (obj_aout_external_syms (abfd));
- obj_aout_external_syms (abfd) = NULL;
- }
- return true;
-/* We use a hash table when writing out symbols so that we only write
- out a particular string once. This helps particularly when the
- linker writes out stabs debugging entries, because each different
- contributing object file tends to have many duplicate stabs
- strings.
- This hash table code breaks dbx on SunOS 4.1.3, so we don't do it
-static bfd_size_type add_to_stringtab
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_strtab_hash *, const char *, boolean));
-static boolean emit_stringtab PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_strtab_hash *));
-/* Get the index of a string in a strtab, adding it if it is not
- already present. */
-static INLINE bfd_size_type
-add_to_stringtab (abfd, tab, str, copy)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *tab;
- const char *str;
- boolean copy;
- boolean hash;
- bfd_size_type index;
- /* An index of 0 always means the empty string. */
- if (str == 0 || *str == '\0')
- return 0;
- /* Don't hash if BFD_TRADITIONAL_FORMAT is set, because SunOS dbx
- doesn't understand a hashed string table. */
- hash = true;
- if ((abfd->flags & BFD_TRADITIONAL_FORMAT) != 0)
- hash = false;
- index = _bfd_stringtab_add (tab, str, hash, copy);
- if (index != (bfd_size_type) -1)
- {
- /* Add BYTES_IN_WORD to the return value to account for the
- space taken up by the string table size. */
- index += BYTES_IN_WORD;
- }
- return index;
-/* Write out a strtab. ABFD is already at the right location in the
- file. */
-static boolean
-emit_stringtab (abfd, tab)
- register bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *tab;
- bfd_byte buffer[BYTES_IN_WORD];
- /* The string table starts with the size. */
- PUT_WORD (abfd, _bfd_stringtab_size (tab) + BYTES_IN_WORD, buffer);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) buffer, 1, BYTES_IN_WORD, abfd) != BYTES_IN_WORD)
- return false;
- return _bfd_stringtab_emit (abfd, tab);
-NAME(aout,write_syms) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int count ;
- asymbol **generic = bfd_get_outsymbols (abfd);
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *strtab;
- strtab = _bfd_stringtab_init ();
- if (strtab == NULL)
- return false;
- for (count = 0; count < bfd_get_symcount (abfd); count++)
- {
- asymbol *g = generic[count];
- bfd_size_type indx;
- struct external_nlist nsp;
- indx = add_to_stringtab (abfd, strtab, g->name, false);
- if (indx == (bfd_size_type) -1)
- goto error_return;
- PUT_WORD (abfd, indx, (bfd_byte *) nsp.e_strx);
- if (bfd_asymbol_flavour(g) == abfd->xvec->flavour)
- {
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, aout_symbol(g)->desc, nsp.e_desc);
- bfd_h_put_8(abfd, aout_symbol(g)->other, nsp.e_other);
- bfd_h_put_8(abfd, aout_symbol(g)->type, nsp.e_type);
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd,0, nsp.e_desc);
- bfd_h_put_8(abfd, 0, nsp.e_other);
- bfd_h_put_8(abfd, 0, nsp.e_type);
- }
- if (! translate_to_native_sym_flags (abfd, g, &nsp))
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_write((PTR)&nsp,1,EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE, abfd)
- goto error_return;
- /* NB: `KEEPIT' currently overlays `udata.p', so set this only
- here, at the end. */
- g->KEEPIT = count;
- }
- if (! emit_stringtab (abfd, strtab))
- goto error_return;
- _bfd_stringtab_free (strtab);
- return true;
- _bfd_stringtab_free (strtab);
- return false;
-NAME(aout,get_symtab) (abfd, location)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **location;
- unsigned int counter = 0;
- aout_symbol_type *symbase;
- if (!NAME(aout,slurp_symbol_table)(abfd))
- return -1;
- for (symbase = obj_aout_symbols(abfd); counter++ < bfd_get_symcount (abfd);)
- *(location++) = (asymbol *)( symbase++);
- *location++ =0;
- return bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
-/* Standard reloc stuff */
-/* Output standard relocation information to a file in target byte order. */
-NAME(aout,swap_std_reloc_out) (abfd, g, natptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *g;
- struct reloc_std_external *natptr;
- int r_index;
- asymbol *sym = *(g->sym_ptr_ptr);
- int r_extern;
- unsigned int r_length;
- int r_pcrel;
- int r_baserel, r_jmptable, r_relative;
- asection *output_section = sym->section->output_section;
- PUT_WORD(abfd, g->address, natptr->r_address);
- r_length = g->howto->size ; /* Size as a power of two */
- r_pcrel = (int) g->howto->pc_relative; /* Relative to PC? */
- /* XXX This relies on relocs coming from a.out files. */
- r_baserel = (g->howto->type & 8) != 0;
- r_jmptable = (g->howto->type & 16) != 0;
- r_relative = (g->howto->type & 32) != 0;
-#if 0
- /* For a standard reloc, the addend is in the object file. */
- r_addend = g->addend + (*(g->sym_ptr_ptr))->section->output_section->vma;
- /* name was clobbered by aout_write_syms to be symbol index */
- /* If this relocation is relative to a symbol then set the
- r_index to the symbols index, and the r_extern bit.
- Absolute symbols can come in in two ways, either as an offset
- from the abs section, or as a symbol which has an abs value.
- check for that here
- */
- if (bfd_is_com_section (output_section)
- || bfd_is_abs_section (output_section)
- || bfd_is_und_section (output_section))
- {
- if (bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol == sym)
- {
- /* Whoops, looked like an abs symbol, but is really an offset
- from the abs section */
- r_index = 0;
- r_extern = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Fill in symbol */
- r_extern = 1;
- r_index = (*(g->sym_ptr_ptr))->KEEPIT;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Just an ordinary section */
- r_extern = 0;
- r_index = output_section->target_index;
- }
- /* now the fun stuff */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd)) {
- natptr->r_index[0] = r_index >> 16;
- natptr->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- natptr->r_index[2] = r_index;
- natptr->r_type[0] =
- (r_extern? RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_BIG: 0)
- | (r_pcrel? RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_BIG: 0)
- | (r_baserel? RELOC_STD_BITS_BASEREL_BIG: 0)
- | (r_jmptable? RELOC_STD_BITS_JMPTABLE_BIG: 0)
- | (r_relative? RELOC_STD_BITS_RELATIVE_BIG: 0)
- | (r_length << RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_SH_BIG);
- } else {
- natptr->r_index[2] = r_index >> 16;
- natptr->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- natptr->r_index[0] = r_index;
- natptr->r_type[0] =
- }
-/* Extended stuff */
-/* Output extended relocation information to a file in target byte order. */
-NAME(aout,swap_ext_reloc_out) (abfd, g, natptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *g;
- register struct reloc_ext_external *natptr;
- int r_index;
- int r_extern;
- unsigned int r_type;
- unsigned int r_addend;
- asymbol *sym = *(g->sym_ptr_ptr);
- asection *output_section = sym->section->output_section;
- PUT_WORD (abfd, g->address, natptr->r_address);
- r_type = (unsigned int) g->howto->type;
- r_addend = g->addend;
- if ((sym->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) != 0)
- r_addend += (*(g->sym_ptr_ptr))->section->output_section->vma;
- /* If this relocation is relative to a symbol then set the
- r_index to the symbols index, and the r_extern bit.
- Absolute symbols can come in in two ways, either as an offset
- from the abs section, or as a symbol which has an abs value.
- check for that here. */
- if (bfd_is_abs_section (bfd_get_section (sym)))
- {
- r_extern = 0;
- r_index = 0;
- }
- else if ((sym->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) == 0)
- {
- if (bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (sym))
- || (sym->flags & BSF_GLOBAL) != 0)
- r_extern = 1;
- else
- r_extern = 0;
- r_index = (*(g->sym_ptr_ptr))->KEEPIT;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Just an ordinary section */
- r_extern = 0;
- r_index = output_section->target_index;
- }
- /* now the fun stuff */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd)) {
- natptr->r_index[0] = r_index >> 16;
- natptr->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- natptr->r_index[2] = r_index;
- natptr->r_type[0] =
- ((r_extern? RELOC_EXT_BITS_EXTERN_BIG: 0)
- | (r_type << RELOC_EXT_BITS_TYPE_SH_BIG));
- } else {
- natptr->r_index[2] = r_index >> 16;
- natptr->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- natptr->r_index[0] = r_index;
- natptr->r_type[0] =
- }
- PUT_WORD (abfd, r_addend, natptr->r_addend);
-/* BFD deals internally with all things based from the section they're
- in. so, something in 10 bytes into a text section with a base of
- 50 would have a symbol (.text+10) and know .text vma was 50.
- Aout keeps all it's symbols based from zero, so the symbol would
- contain 60. This macro subs the base of each section from the value
- to give the true offset from the section */
-#define MOVE_ADDRESS(ad) \
- if (r_extern) { \
- /* undefined symbol */ \
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = symbols + r_index; \
- cache_ptr->addend = ad; \
- } else { \
- /* defined, section relative. replace symbol with pointer to \
- symbol which points to section */ \
- switch (r_index) { \
- case N_TEXT: \
- case N_TEXT | N_EXT: \
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = obj_textsec(abfd)->symbol_ptr_ptr; \
- cache_ptr->addend = ad - su->textsec->vma; \
- break; \
- case N_DATA: \
- case N_DATA | N_EXT: \
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = obj_datasec(abfd)->symbol_ptr_ptr; \
- cache_ptr->addend = ad - su->datasec->vma; \
- break; \
- case N_BSS: \
- case N_BSS | N_EXT: \
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = obj_bsssec(abfd)->symbol_ptr_ptr; \
- cache_ptr->addend = ad - su->bsssec->vma; \
- break; \
- default: \
- case N_ABS: \
- case N_ABS | N_EXT: \
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr; \
- cache_ptr->addend = ad; \
- break; \
- } \
- } \
-NAME(aout,swap_ext_reloc_in) (abfd, bytes, cache_ptr, symbols, symcount)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct reloc_ext_external *bytes;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- bfd_size_type symcount;
- unsigned int r_index;
- int r_extern;
- unsigned int r_type;
- struct aoutdata *su = &(abfd->tdata.aout_data->a);
- cache_ptr->address = (GET_SWORD (abfd, bytes->r_address));
- /* now the fun stuff */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd)) {
- r_index = (bytes->r_index[0] << 16)
- | (bytes->r_index[1] << 8)
- | bytes->r_index[2];
- r_extern = (0 != (bytes->r_type[0] & RELOC_EXT_BITS_EXTERN_BIG));
- r_type = (bytes->r_type[0] & RELOC_EXT_BITS_TYPE_BIG)
- } else {
- r_index = (bytes->r_index[2] << 16)
- | (bytes->r_index[1] << 8)
- | bytes->r_index[0];
- r_extern = (0 != (bytes->r_type[0] & RELOC_EXT_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE));
- r_type = (bytes->r_type[0] & RELOC_EXT_BITS_TYPE_LITTLE)
- }
- cache_ptr->howto = howto_table_ext + r_type;
- /* Base relative relocs are always against the symbol table,
- regardless of the setting of r_extern. r_extern just reflects
- whether the symbol the reloc is against is local or global. */
- if (r_type == RELOC_BASE10
- || r_type == RELOC_BASE13
- || r_type == RELOC_BASE22)
- r_extern = 1;
- if (r_extern && r_index > symcount)
- {
- /* We could arrange to return an error, but it might be useful
- to see the file even if it is bad. */
- r_extern = 0;
- r_index = N_ABS;
- }
- MOVE_ADDRESS(GET_SWORD(abfd, bytes->r_addend));
-NAME(aout,swap_std_reloc_in) (abfd, bytes, cache_ptr, symbols, symcount)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct reloc_std_external *bytes;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- bfd_size_type symcount;
- unsigned int r_index;
- int r_extern;
- unsigned int r_length;
- int r_pcrel;
- int r_baserel, r_jmptable, r_relative;
- struct aoutdata *su = &(abfd->tdata.aout_data->a);
- unsigned int howto_idx;
- cache_ptr->address = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, bytes->r_address);
- /* now the fun stuff */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd)) {
- r_index = (bytes->r_index[0] << 16)
- | (bytes->r_index[1] << 8)
- | bytes->r_index[2];
- r_extern = (0 != (bytes->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_BIG));
- r_pcrel = (0 != (bytes->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_BIG));
- r_baserel = (0 != (bytes->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_BASEREL_BIG));
- r_jmptable= (0 != (bytes->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_JMPTABLE_BIG));
- r_relative= (0 != (bytes->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_RELATIVE_BIG));
- r_length = (bytes->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_BIG)
- } else {
- r_index = (bytes->r_index[2] << 16)
- | (bytes->r_index[1] << 8)
- | bytes->r_index[0];
- r_extern = (0 != (bytes->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE));
- r_pcrel = (0 != (bytes->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_LITTLE));
- r_baserel = (0 != (bytes->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_BASEREL_LITTLE));
- r_jmptable= (0 != (bytes->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_JMPTABLE_LITTLE));
- r_relative= (0 != (bytes->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_RELATIVE_LITTLE));
- r_length = (bytes->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_LITTLE)
- }
- howto_idx = r_length + 4 * r_pcrel + 8 * r_baserel
- + 16 * r_jmptable + 32 * r_relative;
- BFD_ASSERT (howto_idx < TABLE_SIZE (howto_table_std));
- cache_ptr->howto = howto_table_std + howto_idx;
- BFD_ASSERT (cache_ptr->howto->type != (unsigned int) -1);
- /* Base relative relocs are always against the symbol table,
- regardless of the setting of r_extern. r_extern just reflects
- whether the symbol the reloc is against is local or global. */
- if (r_baserel)
- r_extern = 1;
- if (r_extern && r_index > symcount)
- {
- /* We could arrange to return an error, but it might be useful
- to see the file even if it is bad. */
- r_extern = 0;
- r_index = N_ABS;
- }
-/* Read and swap the relocs for a section. */
-NAME(aout,slurp_reloc_table) (abfd, asect, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr asect;
- asymbol **symbols;
- unsigned int count;
- bfd_size_type reloc_size;
- PTR relocs;
- arelent *reloc_cache;
- size_t each_size;
- unsigned int counter = 0;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- if (asect->relocation)
- return true;
- if (asect->flags & SEC_CONSTRUCTOR)
- return true;
- if (asect == obj_datasec (abfd))
- reloc_size = exec_hdr(abfd)->a_drsize;
- else if (asect == obj_textsec (abfd))
- reloc_size = exec_hdr(abfd)->a_trsize;
- else if (asect == obj_bsssec (abfd))
- reloc_size = 0;
- else
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, asect->rel_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- each_size = obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd);
- count = reloc_size / each_size;
- reloc_cache = (arelent *) bfd_malloc ((size_t) (count * sizeof (arelent)));
- if (reloc_cache == NULL && count != 0)
- return false;
- memset (reloc_cache, 0, count * sizeof (arelent));
- relocs = bfd_malloc ((size_t) reloc_size);
- if (relocs == NULL && reloc_size != 0)
- {
- free (reloc_cache);
- return false;
- }
- if (bfd_read (relocs, 1, reloc_size, abfd) != reloc_size)
- {
- free (relocs);
- free (reloc_cache);
- return false;
- }
- cache_ptr = reloc_cache;
- if (each_size == RELOC_EXT_SIZE)
- {
- register struct reloc_ext_external *rptr =
- (struct reloc_ext_external *) relocs;
- for (; counter < count; counter++, rptr++, cache_ptr++)
- NAME(aout,swap_ext_reloc_in) (abfd, rptr, cache_ptr, symbols,
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd));
- }
- else
- {
- register struct reloc_std_external *rptr =
- (struct reloc_std_external *) relocs;
- for (; counter < count; counter++, rptr++, cache_ptr++)
- MY_swap_std_reloc_in (abfd, rptr, cache_ptr, symbols,
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd));
- }
- free (relocs);
- asect->relocation = reloc_cache;
- asect->reloc_count = cache_ptr - reloc_cache;
- return true;
-/* Write out a relocation section into an object file. */
-NAME(aout,squirt_out_relocs) (abfd, section)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- arelent **generic;
- unsigned char *native, *natptr;
- size_t each_size;
- unsigned int count = section->reloc_count;
- size_t natsize;
- if (count == 0) return true;
- each_size = obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd);
- natsize = each_size * count;
- native = (unsigned char *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, natsize);
- if (!native)
- return false;
- generic = section->orelocation;
- if (each_size == RELOC_EXT_SIZE)
- {
- for (natptr = native;
- count != 0;
- --count, natptr += each_size, ++generic)
- NAME(aout,swap_ext_reloc_out) (abfd, *generic, (struct reloc_ext_external *)natptr);
- }
- else
- {
- for (natptr = native;
- count != 0;
- --count, natptr += each_size, ++generic)
- MY_swap_std_reloc_out(abfd, *generic, (struct reloc_std_external *)natptr);
- }
- if ( bfd_write ((PTR) native, 1, natsize, abfd) != natsize) {
- bfd_release(abfd, native);
- return false;
- }
- bfd_release (abfd, native);
- return true;
-/* This is stupid. This function should be a boolean predicate */
-NAME(aout,canonicalize_reloc) (abfd, section, relptr, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- arelent **relptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- arelent *tblptr = section->relocation;
- unsigned int count;
- if (section == obj_bsssec (abfd))
- {
- *relptr = NULL;
- return 0;
- }
- if (!(tblptr || NAME(aout,slurp_reloc_table)(abfd, section, symbols)))
- return -1;
- if (section->flags & SEC_CONSTRUCTOR) {
- arelent_chain *chain = section->constructor_chain;
- for (count = 0; count < section->reloc_count; count ++) {
- *relptr ++ = &chain->relent;
- chain = chain->next;
- }
- }
- else {
- tblptr = section->relocation;
- for (count = 0; count++ < section->reloc_count;)
- {
- *relptr++ = tblptr++;
- }
- }
- *relptr = 0;
- return section->reloc_count;
-NAME(aout,get_reloc_upper_bound) (abfd, asect)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr asect;
- if (bfd_get_format (abfd) != bfd_object) {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return -1;
- }
- if (asect->flags & SEC_CONSTRUCTOR) {
- return (sizeof (arelent *) * (asect->reloc_count+1));
- }
- if (asect == obj_datasec (abfd))
- return (sizeof (arelent *)
- * ((exec_hdr(abfd)->a_drsize / obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd))
- + 1));
- if (asect == obj_textsec (abfd))
- return (sizeof (arelent *)
- * ((exec_hdr(abfd)->a_trsize / obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd))
- + 1));
- if (asect == obj_bsssec (abfd))
- return sizeof (arelent *);
- if (asect == obj_bsssec (abfd))
- return 0;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return -1;
-NAME(aout,get_symtab_upper_bound) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (!NAME(aout,slurp_symbol_table)(abfd))
- return -1;
- return (bfd_get_symcount (abfd)+1) * (sizeof (aout_symbol_type *));
- alent *
-NAME(aout,get_lineno) (ignore_abfd, ignore_symbol)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- asymbol *ignore_symbol;
-return (alent *)NULL;
-NAME(aout,get_symbol_info) (ignore_abfd, symbol, ret)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- symbol_info *ret;
- bfd_symbol_info (symbol, ret);
- if (ret->type == '?')
- {
- int type_code = aout_symbol(symbol)->type & 0xff;
- const char *stab_name = bfd_get_stab_name (type_code);
- static char buf[10];
- if (stab_name == NULL)
- {
- sprintf(buf, "(%d)", type_code);
- stab_name = buf;
- }
- ret->type = '-';
- ret->stab_type = type_code;
- ret->stab_other = (unsigned)(aout_symbol(symbol)->other & 0xff);
- ret->stab_desc = (unsigned)(aout_symbol(symbol)->desc & 0xffff);
- ret->stab_name = stab_name;
- }
-NAME(aout,print_symbol) (ignore_abfd, afile, symbol, how)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- PTR afile;
- asymbol *symbol;
- bfd_print_symbol_type how;
- FILE *file = (FILE *)afile;
- switch (how) {
- case bfd_print_symbol_name:
- if (symbol->name)
- fprintf(file,"%s", symbol->name);
- break;
- case bfd_print_symbol_more:
- fprintf(file,"%4x %2x %2x",(unsigned)(aout_symbol(symbol)->desc & 0xffff),
- (unsigned)(aout_symbol(symbol)->other & 0xff),
- (unsigned)(aout_symbol(symbol)->type));
- break;
- case bfd_print_symbol_all:
- {
- CONST char *section_name = symbol->section->name;
- bfd_print_symbol_vandf((PTR)file,symbol);
- fprintf(file," %-5s %04x %02x %02x",
- section_name,
- (unsigned)(aout_symbol(symbol)->desc & 0xffff),
- (unsigned)(aout_symbol(symbol)->other & 0xff),
- (unsigned)(aout_symbol(symbol)->type & 0xff));
- if (symbol->name)
- fprintf(file," %s", symbol->name);
- }
- break;
- }
-/* If we don't have to allocate more than 1MB to hold the generic
- symbols, we use the generic minisymbol methord: it's faster, since
- it only translates the symbols once, not multiple times. */
-#define MINISYM_THRESHOLD (1000000 / sizeof (asymbol))
-/* Read minisymbols. For minisymbols, we use the unmodified a.out
- symbols. The minisymbol_to_symbol function translates these into
- BFD asymbol structures. */
-NAME(aout,read_minisymbols) (abfd, dynamic, minisymsp, sizep)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean dynamic;
- PTR *minisymsp;
- unsigned int *sizep;
- if (dynamic)
- {
- /* We could handle the dynamic symbols here as well, but it's
- easier to hand them off. */
- return _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols (abfd, dynamic, minisymsp, sizep);
- }
- if (! aout_get_external_symbols (abfd))
- return -1;
- if (obj_aout_external_sym_count (abfd) < MINISYM_THRESHOLD)
- return _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols (abfd, dynamic, minisymsp, sizep);
- *minisymsp = (PTR) obj_aout_external_syms (abfd);
- /* By passing the external symbols back from this routine, we are
- giving up control over the memory block. Clear
- obj_aout_external_syms, so that we do not try to free it
- ourselves. */
- obj_aout_external_syms (abfd) = NULL;
- return obj_aout_external_sym_count (abfd);
-/* Convert a minisymbol to a BFD asymbol. A minisymbol is just an
- unmodified a.out symbol. The SYM argument is a structure returned
- by bfd_make_empty_symbol, which we fill in here. */
-asymbol *
-NAME(aout,minisymbol_to_symbol) (abfd, dynamic, minisym, sym)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean dynamic;
- const PTR minisym;
- asymbol *sym;
- if (dynamic
- || obj_aout_external_sym_count (abfd) < MINISYM_THRESHOLD)
- return _bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol (abfd, dynamic, minisym, sym);
- memset (sym, 0, sizeof (aout_symbol_type));
- /* We call translate_symbol_table to translate a single symbol. */
- if (! (NAME(aout,translate_symbol_table)
- (abfd,
- (aout_symbol_type *) sym,
- (struct external_nlist *) minisym,
- (bfd_size_type) 1,
- obj_aout_external_strings (abfd),
- obj_aout_external_string_size (abfd),
- false)))
- return NULL;
- return sym;
- provided a BFD, a section and an offset into the section, calculate
- and return the name of the source file and the line nearest to the
- wanted location.
- (abfd, section, symbols, offset, filename_ptr, functionname_ptr, line_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- asymbol **symbols;
- bfd_vma offset;
- CONST char **filename_ptr;
- CONST char **functionname_ptr;
- unsigned int *line_ptr;
- /* Run down the file looking for the filename, function and linenumber */
- asymbol **p;
- CONST char *directory_name = NULL;
- CONST char *main_file_name = NULL;
- CONST char *current_file_name = NULL;
- CONST char *line_file_name = NULL; /* Value of current_file_name at line number. */
- bfd_vma low_line_vma = 0;
- bfd_vma low_func_vma = 0;
- asymbol *func = 0;
- size_t filelen, funclen;
- char *buf;
- *filename_ptr = abfd->filename;
- *functionname_ptr = 0;
- *line_ptr = 0;
- if (symbols != (asymbol **)NULL) {
- for (p = symbols; *p; p++) {
- aout_symbol_type *q = (aout_symbol_type *)(*p);
- next:
- switch (q->type){
- case N_SO:
- main_file_name = current_file_name = q->;
- /* Look ahead to next symbol to check if that too is an N_SO. */
- p++;
- if (*p == NULL)
- break;
- q = (aout_symbol_type *)(*p);
- if (q->type != (int)N_SO)
- goto next;
- /* Found a second N_SO First is directory; second is filename. */
- directory_name = current_file_name;
- main_file_name = current_file_name = q->;
- if (obj_textsec(abfd) != section)
- goto done;
- break;
- case N_SOL:
- current_file_name = q->;
- break;
- case N_SLINE:
- case N_DSLINE:
- case N_BSLINE:
- /* We'll keep this if it resolves nearer than the one we have
- already. */
- if (q->symbol.value >= low_line_vma
- && q->symbol.value <= offset)
- {
- *line_ptr = q->desc;
- low_line_vma = q->symbol.value;
- line_file_name = current_file_name;
- }
- break;
- case N_FUN:
- {
- /* We'll keep this if it is nearer than the one we have already */
- if (q->symbol.value >= low_func_vma &&
- q->symbol.value <= offset) {
- low_func_vma = q->symbol.value;
- func = (asymbol *)q;
- }
- else if (q->symbol.value > offset)
- goto done;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- done:
- if (*line_ptr != 0)
- main_file_name = line_file_name;
- if (main_file_name == NULL
- || main_file_name[0] == '/'
- || directory_name == NULL)
- filelen = 0;
- else
- filelen = strlen (directory_name) + strlen (main_file_name);
- if (func == NULL)
- funclen = 0;
- else
- funclen = strlen (bfd_asymbol_name (func));
- if (adata (abfd).line_buf != NULL)
- free (adata (abfd).line_buf);
- if (filelen + funclen == 0)
- adata (abfd).line_buf = buf = NULL;
- else
- {
- buf = (char *) bfd_malloc (filelen + funclen + 2);
- adata (abfd).line_buf = buf;
- if (buf == NULL)
- return false;
- }
- if (main_file_name != NULL)
- {
- if (main_file_name[0] == '/' || directory_name == NULL)
- *filename_ptr = main_file_name;
- else
- {
- sprintf (buf, "%s%s", directory_name, main_file_name);
- *filename_ptr = buf;
- buf += filelen + 1;
- }
- }
- if (func)
- {
- const char *function = func->name;
- char *p;
- /* The caller expects a symbol name. We actually have a
- function name, without the leading underscore. Put the
- underscore back in, so that the caller gets a symbol name. */
- if (bfd_get_symbol_leading_char (abfd) == '\0')
- strcpy (buf, function);
- else
- {
- buf[0] = bfd_get_symbol_leading_char (abfd);
- strcpy (buf + 1, function);
- }
- /* Have to remove : stuff */
- p = strchr (buf, ':');
- if (p != NULL)
- *p = '\0';
- *functionname_ptr = buf;
- }
- return true;
-NAME(aout,sizeof_headers) (abfd, execable)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean execable;
- return adata(abfd).exec_bytes_size;
-/* Free all information we have cached for this BFD. We can always
- read it again later if we need it. */
-NAME(aout,bfd_free_cached_info) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *o;
- if (bfd_get_format (abfd) != bfd_object)
- return true;
-#define BFCI_FREE(x) if (x != NULL) { free (x); x = NULL; }
- BFCI_FREE (obj_aout_symbols (abfd));
-#ifdef USE_MMAP
- obj_aout_external_syms (abfd) = 0;
- bfd_free_window (&obj_aout_sym_window (abfd));
- bfd_free_window (&obj_aout_string_window (abfd));
- obj_aout_external_strings (abfd) = 0;
- BFCI_FREE (obj_aout_external_syms (abfd));
- BFCI_FREE (obj_aout_external_strings (abfd));
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != (asection *) NULL; o = o->next)
- BFCI_FREE (o->relocation);
-#undef BFCI_FREE
- return true;
-/* a.out link code. */
-static boolean aout_link_add_object_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean aout_link_check_archive_element
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *));
-static boolean aout_link_free_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean aout_link_check_ar_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *pneeded));
-static boolean aout_link_add_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-/* Routine to create an entry in an a.out link hash table. */
-struct bfd_hash_entry *
-NAME(aout,link_hash_newfunc) (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct aout_link_hash_entry *ret = (struct aout_link_hash_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == (struct aout_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ret = ((struct aout_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table, sizeof (struct aout_link_hash_entry)));
- if (ret == (struct aout_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct aout_link_hash_entry *)
- _bfd_link_hash_newfunc ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret,
- table, string));
- if (ret)
- {
- /* Set local fields. */
- ret->written = false;
- ret->indx = -1;
- }
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Initialize an a.out link hash table. */
-NAME(aout,link_hash_table_init) (table, abfd, newfunc)
- struct aout_link_hash_table *table;
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*newfunc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *));
- return _bfd_link_hash_table_init (&table->root, abfd, newfunc);
-/* Create an a.out link hash table. */
-struct bfd_link_hash_table *
-NAME(aout,link_hash_table_create) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct aout_link_hash_table *ret;
- ret = ((struct aout_link_hash_table *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct aout_link_hash_table)));
- if (ret == NULL)
- return (struct bfd_link_hash_table *) NULL;
- if (! NAME(aout,link_hash_table_init) (ret, abfd,
- NAME(aout,link_hash_newfunc)))
- {
- free (ret);
- return (struct bfd_link_hash_table *) NULL;
- }
- return &ret->root;
-/* Given an a.out BFD, add symbols to the global hash table as
- appropriate. */
-NAME(aout,link_add_symbols) (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- switch (bfd_get_format (abfd))
- {
- case bfd_object:
- return aout_link_add_object_symbols (abfd, info);
- case bfd_archive:
- return _bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols
- (abfd, info, aout_link_check_archive_element);
- default:
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return false;
- }
-/* Add symbols from an a.out object file. */
-static boolean
-aout_link_add_object_symbols (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- if (! aout_get_external_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- if (! aout_link_add_symbols (abfd, info))
- return false;
- if (! info->keep_memory)
- {
- if (! aout_link_free_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Check a single archive element to see if we need to include it in
- the link. *PNEEDED is set according to whether this element is
- needed in the link or not. This is called from
- _bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols. */
-static boolean
-aout_link_check_archive_element (abfd, info, pneeded)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean *pneeded;
- if (! aout_get_external_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- if (! aout_link_check_ar_symbols (abfd, info, pneeded))
- return false;
- if (*pneeded)
- {
- if (! aout_link_add_symbols (abfd, info))
- return false;
- }
- if (! info->keep_memory || ! *pneeded)
- {
- if (! aout_link_free_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Free up the internal symbols read from an a.out file. */
-static boolean
-aout_link_free_symbols (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (obj_aout_external_syms (abfd) != (struct external_nlist *) NULL)
- {
-#ifdef USE_MMAP
- bfd_free_window (&obj_aout_sym_window (abfd));
- free ((PTR) obj_aout_external_syms (abfd));
- obj_aout_external_syms (abfd) = (struct external_nlist *) NULL;
- }
- if (obj_aout_external_strings (abfd) != (char *) NULL)
- {
-#ifdef USE_MMAP
- bfd_free_window (&obj_aout_string_window (abfd));
- free ((PTR) obj_aout_external_strings (abfd));
- obj_aout_external_strings (abfd) = (char *) NULL;
- }
- return true;
-/* Look through the internal symbols to see if this object file should
- be included in the link. We should include this object file if it
- defines any symbols which are currently undefined. If this object
- file defines a common symbol, then we may adjust the size of the
- known symbol but we do not include the object file in the link
- (unless there is some other reason to include it). */
-static boolean
-aout_link_check_ar_symbols (abfd, info, pneeded)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean *pneeded;
- register struct external_nlist *p;
- struct external_nlist *pend;
- char *strings;
- *pneeded = false;
- /* Look through all the symbols. */
- p = obj_aout_external_syms (abfd);
- pend = p + obj_aout_external_sym_count (abfd);
- strings = obj_aout_external_strings (abfd);
- for (; p < pend; p++)
- {
- int type = bfd_h_get_8 (abfd, p->e_type);
- const char *name;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- /* Ignore symbols that are not externally visible. This is an
- optimization only, as we check the type more thoroughly
- below. */
- if (((type & N_EXT) == 0
- || (type & N_STAB) != 0
- || type == N_FN)
- && type != N_WEAKA
- && type != N_WEAKT
- && type != N_WEAKD
- && type != N_WEAKB)
- {
- if (type == N_WARNING
- || type == N_INDR)
- ++p;
- continue;
- }
- name = strings + GET_WORD (abfd, p->e_strx);
- h = bfd_link_hash_lookup (info->hash, name, false, false, true);
- /* We are only interested in symbols that are currently
- undefined or common. */
- if (h == (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- || (h->type != bfd_link_hash_undefined
- && h->type != bfd_link_hash_common))
- {
- if (type == (N_INDR | N_EXT))
- ++p;
- continue;
- }
- if (type == (N_TEXT | N_EXT)
- || type == (N_DATA | N_EXT)
- || type == (N_BSS | N_EXT)
- || type == (N_ABS | N_EXT)
- || type == (N_INDR | N_EXT))
- {
- /* This object file defines this symbol. We must link it
- in. This is true regardless of whether the current
- definition of the symbol is undefined or common. If the
- current definition is common, we have a case in which we
- have already seen an object file including
- int a;
- and this object file from the archive includes
- int a = 5;
- In such a case we must include this object file.
- FIXME: The SunOS 4.1.3 linker will pull in the archive
- element if the symbol is defined in the .data section,
- but not if it is defined in the .text section. That
- seems a bit crazy to me, and I haven't implemented it.
- However, it might be correct. */
- if (! (*info->callbacks->add_archive_element) (info, abfd, name))
- return false;
- *pneeded = true;
- return true;
- }
- if (type == (N_UNDF | N_EXT))
- {
- bfd_vma value;
- value = GET_WORD (abfd, p->e_value);
- if (value != 0)
- {
- /* This symbol is common in the object from the archive
- file. */
- if (h->type == bfd_link_hash_undefined)
- {
- bfd *symbfd;
- unsigned int power;
- symbfd = h->u.undef.abfd;
- if (symbfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- {
- /* This symbol was created as undefined from
- outside BFD. We assume that we should link
- in the object file. This is done for the -u
- option in the linker. */
- if (! (*info->callbacks->add_archive_element) (info,
- abfd,
- name))
- return false;
- *pneeded = true;
- return true;
- }
- /* Turn the current link symbol into a common
- symbol. It is already on the undefs list. */
- h->type = bfd_link_hash_common;
- h->u.c.p = ((struct bfd_link_hash_common_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (&info->hash->table,
- sizeof (struct bfd_link_hash_common_entry)));
- if (h->u.c.p == NULL)
- return false;
- h->u.c.size = value;
- /* FIXME: This isn't quite right. The maximum
- alignment of a common symbol should be set by the
- architecture of the output file, not of the input
- file. */
- power = bfd_log2 (value);
- if (power > bfd_get_arch_info (abfd)->section_align_power)
- power = bfd_get_arch_info (abfd)->section_align_power;
- h->u.c.p->alignment_power = power;
- h->u.c.p->section = bfd_make_section_old_way (symbfd,
- "COMMON");
- }
- else
- {
- /* Adjust the size of the common symbol if
- necessary. */
- if (value > h->u.c.size)
- h->u.c.size = value;
- }
- }
- }
- if (type == N_WEAKA
- || type == N_WEAKT
- || type == N_WEAKD
- || type == N_WEAKB)
- {
- /* This symbol is weak but defined. We must pull it in if
- the current link symbol is undefined, but we don't want
- it if the current link symbol is common. */
- if (h->type == bfd_link_hash_undefined)
- {
- if (! (*info->callbacks->add_archive_element) (info, abfd, name))
- return false;
- *pneeded = true;
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- /* We do not need this object file. */
- return true;
-/* Add all symbols from an object file to the hash table. */
-static boolean
-aout_link_add_symbols (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean (*add_one_symbol) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *,
- const char *, flagword, asection *,
- bfd_vma, const char *, boolean,
- boolean,
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry **));
- struct external_nlist *syms;
- bfd_size_type sym_count;
- char *strings;
- boolean copy;
- struct aout_link_hash_entry **sym_hash;
- register struct external_nlist *p;
- struct external_nlist *pend;
- syms = obj_aout_external_syms (abfd);
- sym_count = obj_aout_external_sym_count (abfd);
- strings = obj_aout_external_strings (abfd);
- if (info->keep_memory)
- copy = false;
- else
- copy = true;
- if ((abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0
- && aout_backend_info (abfd)->add_dynamic_symbols != NULL)
- {
- if (! ((*aout_backend_info (abfd)->add_dynamic_symbols)
- (abfd, info, &syms, &sym_count, &strings)))
- return false;
- }
- /* We keep a list of the linker hash table entries that correspond
- to particular symbols. We could just look them up in the hash
- table, but keeping the list is more efficient. Perhaps this
- should be conditional on info->keep_memory. */
- sym_hash = ((struct aout_link_hash_entry **)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- ((size_t) sym_count
- * sizeof (struct aout_link_hash_entry *))));
- if (sym_hash == NULL && sym_count != 0)
- return false;
- obj_aout_sym_hashes (abfd) = sym_hash;
- add_one_symbol = aout_backend_info (abfd)->add_one_symbol;
- if (add_one_symbol == NULL)
- add_one_symbol = _bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol;
- p = syms;
- pend = p + sym_count;
- for (; p < pend; p++, sym_hash++)
- {
- int type;
- const char *name;
- bfd_vma value;
- asection *section;
- flagword flags;
- const char *string;
- *sym_hash = NULL;
- type = bfd_h_get_8 (abfd, p->e_type);
- /* Ignore debugging symbols. */
- if ((type & N_STAB) != 0)
- continue;
- name = strings + GET_WORD (abfd, p->e_strx);
- value = GET_WORD (abfd, p->e_value);
- flags = BSF_GLOBAL;
- string = NULL;
- switch (type)
- {
- default:
- abort ();
- case N_UNDF:
- case N_ABS:
- case N_TEXT:
- case N_DATA:
- case N_BSS:
- case N_FN_SEQ:
- case N_COMM:
- case N_SETV:
- case N_FN:
- /* Ignore symbols that are not externally visible. */
- continue;
- case N_INDR:
- /* Ignore local indirect symbol. */
- ++p;
- ++sym_hash;
- continue;
- case N_UNDF | N_EXT:
- if (value == 0)
- {
- section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- flags = 0;
- }
- else
- section = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- break;
- case N_ABS | N_EXT:
- section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- break;
- case N_TEXT | N_EXT:
- section = obj_textsec (abfd);
- value -= bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, section);
- break;
- case N_DATA | N_EXT:
- case N_SETV | N_EXT:
- /* Treat N_SETV symbols as N_DATA symbol; see comment in
- translate_from_native_sym_flags. */
- section = obj_datasec (abfd);
- value -= bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, section);
- break;
- case N_BSS | N_EXT:
- section = obj_bsssec (abfd);
- value -= bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, section);
- break;
- case N_INDR | N_EXT:
- /* An indirect symbol. The next symbol is the symbol
- which this one really is. */
- BFD_ASSERT (p + 1 < pend);
- ++p;
- string = strings + GET_WORD (abfd, p->e_strx);
- section = bfd_ind_section_ptr;
- flags |= BSF_INDIRECT;
- break;
- case N_COMM | N_EXT:
- section = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- break;
- case N_SETA: case N_SETA | N_EXT:
- section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- break;
- case N_SETT: case N_SETT | N_EXT:
- section = obj_textsec (abfd);
- value -= bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, section);
- break;
- case N_SETD: case N_SETD | N_EXT:
- section = obj_datasec (abfd);
- value -= bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, section);
- break;
- case N_SETB: case N_SETB | N_EXT:
- section = obj_bsssec (abfd);
- value -= bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, section);
- break;
- case N_WARNING:
- /* A warning symbol. The next symbol is the one to warn
- about. */
- BFD_ASSERT (p + 1 < pend);
- ++p;
- string = name;
- name = strings + GET_WORD (abfd, p->e_strx);
- section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- flags |= BSF_WARNING;
- break;
- case N_WEAKU:
- section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- flags = BSF_WEAK;
- break;
- case N_WEAKA:
- section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- flags = BSF_WEAK;
- break;
- case N_WEAKT:
- section = obj_textsec (abfd);
- value -= bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, section);
- flags = BSF_WEAK;
- break;
- case N_WEAKD:
- section = obj_datasec (abfd);
- value -= bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, section);
- flags = BSF_WEAK;
- break;
- case N_WEAKB:
- section = obj_bsssec (abfd);
- value -= bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, section);
- flags = BSF_WEAK;
- break;
- }
- if (! ((*add_one_symbol)
- (info, abfd, name, flags, section, value, string, copy, false,
- (struct bfd_link_hash_entry **) sym_hash)))
- return false;
- /* Restrict the maximum alignment of a common symbol based on
- the architecture, since a.out has no way to represent
- alignment requirements of a section in a .o file. FIXME:
- This isn't quite right: it should use the architecture of the
- output file, not the input files. */
- if ((*sym_hash)->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common
- && ((*sym_hash)->root.u.c.p->alignment_power >
- bfd_get_arch_info (abfd)->section_align_power))
- (*sym_hash)->root.u.c.p->alignment_power =
- bfd_get_arch_info (abfd)->section_align_power;
- /* If this is a set symbol, and we are not building sets, then
- it is possible for the hash entry to not have been set. In
- such a case, treat the symbol as not globally defined. */
- if ((*sym_hash)->root.type == bfd_link_hash_new)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT ((flags & BSF_CONSTRUCTOR) != 0);
- *sym_hash = NULL;
- }
- if (type == (N_INDR | N_EXT) || type == N_WARNING)
- ++sym_hash;
- }
- return true;
-/* A hash table used for header files with N_BINCL entries. */
-struct aout_link_includes_table
- struct bfd_hash_table root;
-/* A linked list of totals that we have found for a particular header
- file. */
-struct aout_link_includes_totals
- struct aout_link_includes_totals *next;
- bfd_vma total;
-/* An entry in the header file hash table. */
-struct aout_link_includes_entry
- struct bfd_hash_entry root;
- /* List of totals we have found for this file. */
- struct aout_link_includes_totals *totals;
-/* Look up an entry in an the header file hash table. */
-#define aout_link_includes_lookup(table, string, create, copy) \
- ((struct aout_link_includes_entry *) \
- bfd_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), (copy)))
-/* During the final link step we need to pass around a bunch of
- information, so we do it in an instance of this structure. */
-struct aout_final_link_info
- /* General link information. */
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- /* Output bfd. */
- bfd *output_bfd;
- /* Reloc file positions. */
- file_ptr treloff, dreloff;
- /* File position of symbols. */
- file_ptr symoff;
- /* String table. */
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *strtab;
- /* Header file hash table. */
- struct aout_link_includes_table includes;
- /* A buffer large enough to hold the contents of any section. */
- bfd_byte *contents;
- /* A buffer large enough to hold the relocs of any section. */
- PTR relocs;
- /* A buffer large enough to hold the symbol map of any input BFD. */
- int *symbol_map;
- /* A buffer large enough to hold output symbols of any input BFD. */
- struct external_nlist *output_syms;
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *aout_link_includes_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
-static boolean aout_link_input_bfd
- PARAMS ((struct aout_final_link_info *, bfd *input_bfd));
-static boolean aout_link_write_symbols
- PARAMS ((struct aout_final_link_info *, bfd *input_bfd));
-static boolean aout_link_write_other_symbol
- PARAMS ((struct aout_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
-static boolean aout_link_input_section
- PARAMS ((struct aout_final_link_info *, bfd *input_bfd,
- asection *input_section, file_ptr *reloff_ptr,
- bfd_size_type rel_size));
-static boolean aout_link_input_section_std
- PARAMS ((struct aout_final_link_info *, bfd *input_bfd,
- asection *input_section, struct reloc_std_external *,
- bfd_size_type rel_size, bfd_byte *contents));
-static boolean aout_link_input_section_ext
- PARAMS ((struct aout_final_link_info *, bfd *input_bfd,
- asection *input_section, struct reloc_ext_external *,
- bfd_size_type rel_size, bfd_byte *contents));
-static INLINE asection *aout_reloc_index_to_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, int));
-static boolean aout_link_reloc_link_order
- PARAMS ((struct aout_final_link_info *, asection *,
- struct bfd_link_order *));
-/* The function to create a new entry in the header file hash table. */
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *
-aout_link_includes_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct aout_link_includes_entry *ret =
- (struct aout_link_includes_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == (struct aout_link_includes_entry *) NULL)
- ret = ((struct aout_link_includes_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table,
- sizeof (struct aout_link_includes_entry)));
- if (ret == (struct aout_link_includes_entry *) NULL)
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct aout_link_includes_entry *)
- bfd_hash_newfunc ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret, table, string));
- if (ret)
- {
- /* Set local fields. */
- ret->totals = NULL;
- }
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Do the final link step. This is called on the output BFD. The
- INFO structure should point to a list of BFDs linked through the
- link_next field which can be used to find each BFD which takes part
- in the output. Also, each section in ABFD should point to a list
- of bfd_link_order structures which list all the input sections for
- the output section. */
-NAME(aout,final_link) (abfd, info, callback)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- void (*callback) PARAMS ((bfd *, file_ptr *, file_ptr *, file_ptr *));
- struct aout_final_link_info aout_info;
- boolean includes_hash_initialized = false;
- register bfd *sub;
- bfd_size_type trsize, drsize;
- size_t max_contents_size;
- size_t max_relocs_size;
- size_t max_sym_count;
- bfd_size_type text_size;
- file_ptr text_end;
- register struct bfd_link_order *p;
- asection *o;
- boolean have_link_order_relocs;
- if (info->shared)
- abfd->flags |= DYNAMIC;
- = info;
- aout_info.output_bfd = abfd;
- aout_info.contents = NULL;
- aout_info.relocs = NULL;
- aout_info.symbol_map = NULL;
- aout_info.output_syms = NULL;
- if (! bfd_hash_table_init_n (&aout_info.includes.root,
- aout_link_includes_newfunc,
- 251))
- goto error_return;
- includes_hash_initialized = true;
- /* Figure out the largest section size. Also, if generating
- relocateable output, count the relocs. */
- trsize = 0;
- drsize = 0;
- max_contents_size = 0;
- max_relocs_size = 0;
- max_sym_count = 0;
- for (sub = info->input_bfds; sub != NULL; sub = sub->link_next)
- {
- size_t sz;
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- if (bfd_get_flavour (sub) == bfd_target_aout_flavour)
- {
- trsize += exec_hdr (sub)->a_trsize;
- drsize += exec_hdr (sub)->a_drsize;
- }
- else
- {
- /* FIXME: We need to identify the .text and .data sections
- and call get_reloc_upper_bound and canonicalize_reloc to
- work out the number of relocs needed, and then multiply
- by the reloc size. */
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: relocateable link from %s to %s not supported",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd),
- sub->xvec->name, abfd->xvec->name);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- if (bfd_get_flavour (sub) == bfd_target_aout_flavour)
- {
- sz = bfd_section_size (sub, obj_textsec (sub));
- if (sz > max_contents_size)
- max_contents_size = sz;
- sz = bfd_section_size (sub, obj_datasec (sub));
- if (sz > max_contents_size)
- max_contents_size = sz;
- sz = exec_hdr (sub)->a_trsize;
- if (sz > max_relocs_size)
- max_relocs_size = sz;
- sz = exec_hdr (sub)->a_drsize;
- if (sz > max_relocs_size)
- max_relocs_size = sz;
- sz = obj_aout_external_sym_count (sub);
- if (sz > max_sym_count)
- max_sym_count = sz;
- }
- }
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- if (obj_textsec (abfd) != (asection *) NULL)
- trsize += (_bfd_count_link_order_relocs (obj_textsec (abfd)
- ->link_order_head)
- * obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd));
- if (obj_datasec (abfd) != (asection *) NULL)
- drsize += (_bfd_count_link_order_relocs (obj_datasec (abfd)
- ->link_order_head)
- * obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd));
- }
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_trsize = trsize;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_drsize = drsize;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_entry = bfd_get_start_address (abfd);
- /* Adjust the section sizes and vmas according to the magic number.
- This sets a_text, a_data and a_bss in the exec_hdr and sets the
- filepos for each section. */
- if (! NAME(aout,adjust_sizes_and_vmas) (abfd, &text_size, &text_end))
- goto error_return;
- /* The relocation and symbol file positions differ among a.out
- targets. We are passed a callback routine from the backend
- specific code to handle this.
- FIXME: At this point we do not know how much space the symbol
- table will require. This will not work for any (nonstandard)
- a.out target that needs to know the symbol table size before it
- can compute the relocation file positions. This may or may not
- be the case for the hp300hpux target, for example. */
- (*callback) (abfd, &aout_info.treloff, &aout_info.dreloff,
- &aout_info.symoff);
- obj_textsec (abfd)->rel_filepos = aout_info.treloff;
- obj_datasec (abfd)->rel_filepos = aout_info.dreloff;
- obj_sym_filepos (abfd) = aout_info.symoff;
- /* We keep a count of the symbols as we output them. */
- obj_aout_external_sym_count (abfd) = 0;
- /* We accumulate the string table as we write out the symbols. */
- aout_info.strtab = _bfd_stringtab_init ();
- if (aout_info.strtab == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- /* Allocate buffers to hold section contents and relocs. */
- aout_info.contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (max_contents_size);
- aout_info.relocs = (PTR) bfd_malloc (max_relocs_size);
- aout_info.symbol_map = (int *) bfd_malloc (max_sym_count * sizeof (int *));
- aout_info.output_syms = ((struct external_nlist *)
- bfd_malloc ((max_sym_count + 1)
- * sizeof (struct external_nlist)));
- if ((aout_info.contents == NULL && max_contents_size != 0)
- || (aout_info.relocs == NULL && max_relocs_size != 0)
- || (aout_info.symbol_map == NULL && max_sym_count != 0)
- || aout_info.output_syms == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- /* If we have a symbol named __DYNAMIC, force it out now. This is
- required by SunOS. Doing this here rather than in sunos.c is a
- hack, but it's easier than exporting everything which would be
- needed. */
- {
- struct aout_link_hash_entry *h;
- h = aout_link_hash_lookup (aout_hash_table (info), "__DYNAMIC",
- false, false, false);
- if (h != NULL)
- aout_link_write_other_symbol (h, &aout_info);
- }
- /* The most time efficient way to do the link would be to read all
- the input object files into memory and then sort out the
- information into the output file. Unfortunately, that will
- probably use too much memory. Another method would be to step
- through everything that composes the text section and write it
- out, and then everything that composes the data section and write
- it out, and then write out the relocs, and then write out the
- symbols. Unfortunately, that requires reading stuff from each
- input file several times, and we will not be able to keep all the
- input files open simultaneously, and reopening them will be slow.
- What we do is basically process one input file at a time. We do
- everything we need to do with an input file once--copy over the
- section contents, handle the relocation information, and write
- out the symbols--and then we throw away the information we read
- from it. This approach requires a lot of lseeks of the output
- file, which is unfortunate but still faster than reopening a lot
- of files.
- We use the output_has_begun field of the input BFDs to see
- whether we have already handled it. */
- for (sub = info->input_bfds; sub != (bfd *) NULL; sub = sub->link_next)
- sub->output_has_begun = false;
- have_link_order_relocs = false;
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != (asection *) NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- for (p = o->link_order_head;
- p != (struct bfd_link_order *) NULL;
- p = p->next)
- {
- if (p->type == bfd_indirect_link_order
- && (bfd_get_flavour (p->u.indirect.section->owner)
- == bfd_target_aout_flavour))
- {
- bfd *input_bfd;
- input_bfd = p->u.indirect.section->owner;
- if (! input_bfd->output_has_begun)
- {
- if (! aout_link_input_bfd (&aout_info, input_bfd))
- goto error_return;
- input_bfd->output_has_begun = true;
- }
- }
- else if (p->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- || p->type == bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order)
- {
- /* These are handled below. */
- have_link_order_relocs = true;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! _bfd_default_link_order (abfd, info, o, p))
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Write out any symbols that we have not already written out. */
- aout_link_hash_traverse (aout_hash_table (info),
- aout_link_write_other_symbol,
- (PTR) &aout_info);
- /* Now handle any relocs we were asked to create by the linker.
- These did not come from any input file. We must do these after
- we have written out all the symbols, so that we know the symbol
- indices to use. */
- if (have_link_order_relocs)
- {
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != (asection *) NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- for (p = o->link_order_head;
- p != (struct bfd_link_order *) NULL;
- p = p->next)
- {
- if (p->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- || p->type == bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order)
- {
- if (! aout_link_reloc_link_order (&aout_info, o, p))
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (aout_info.contents != NULL)
- {
- free (aout_info.contents);
- aout_info.contents = NULL;
- }
- if (aout_info.relocs != NULL)
- {
- free (aout_info.relocs);
- aout_info.relocs = NULL;
- }
- if (aout_info.symbol_map != NULL)
- {
- free (aout_info.symbol_map);
- aout_info.symbol_map = NULL;
- }
- if (aout_info.output_syms != NULL)
- {
- free (aout_info.output_syms);
- aout_info.output_syms = NULL;
- }
- if (includes_hash_initialized)
- {
- bfd_hash_table_free (&aout_info.includes.root);
- includes_hash_initialized = false;
- }
- /* Finish up any dynamic linking we may be doing. */
- if (aout_backend_info (abfd)->finish_dynamic_link != NULL)
- {
- if (! (*aout_backend_info (abfd)->finish_dynamic_link) (abfd, info))
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* Update the header information. */
- abfd->symcount = obj_aout_external_sym_count (abfd);
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_syms = abfd->symcount * EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE;
- obj_str_filepos (abfd) = obj_sym_filepos (abfd) + exec_hdr (abfd)->a_syms;
- obj_textsec (abfd)->reloc_count =
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_trsize / obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd);
- obj_datasec (abfd)->reloc_count =
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_drsize / obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd);
- /* Write out the string table. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, obj_str_filepos (abfd), SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto error_return;
- return emit_stringtab (abfd, aout_info.strtab);
- error_return:
- if (aout_info.contents != NULL)
- free (aout_info.contents);
- if (aout_info.relocs != NULL)
- free (aout_info.relocs);
- if (aout_info.symbol_map != NULL)
- free (aout_info.symbol_map);
- if (aout_info.output_syms != NULL)
- free (aout_info.output_syms);
- if (includes_hash_initialized)
- bfd_hash_table_free (&aout_info.includes.root);
- return false;
-/* Link an a.out input BFD into the output file. */
-static boolean
-aout_link_input_bfd (finfo, input_bfd)
- struct aout_final_link_info *finfo;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- bfd_size_type sym_count;
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_get_format (input_bfd) == bfd_object);
- /* If this is a dynamic object, it may need special handling. */
- if ((input_bfd->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0
- && aout_backend_info (input_bfd)->link_dynamic_object != NULL)
- {
- return ((*aout_backend_info (input_bfd)->link_dynamic_object)
- (finfo->info, input_bfd));
- }
- /* Get the symbols. We probably have them already, unless
- finfo->info->keep_memory is false. */
- if (! aout_get_external_symbols (input_bfd))
- return false;
- sym_count = obj_aout_external_sym_count (input_bfd);
- /* Write out the symbols and get a map of the new indices. The map
- is placed into finfo->symbol_map. */
- if (! aout_link_write_symbols (finfo, input_bfd))
- return false;
- /* Relocate and write out the sections. These functions use the
- symbol map created by aout_link_write_symbols. */
- if (! aout_link_input_section (finfo, input_bfd,
- obj_textsec (input_bfd),
- &finfo->treloff,
- exec_hdr (input_bfd)->a_trsize)
- || ! aout_link_input_section (finfo, input_bfd,
- obj_datasec (input_bfd),
- &finfo->dreloff,
- exec_hdr (input_bfd)->a_drsize))
- return false;
- /* If we are not keeping memory, we don't need the symbols any
- longer. We still need them if we are keeping memory, because the
- strings in the hash table point into them. */
- if (! finfo->info->keep_memory)
- {
- if (! aout_link_free_symbols (input_bfd))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Adjust and write out the symbols for an a.out file. Set the new
- symbol indices into a symbol_map. */
-static boolean
-aout_link_write_symbols (finfo, input_bfd)
- struct aout_final_link_info *finfo;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- bfd_size_type sym_count;
- char *strings;
- enum bfd_link_strip strip;
- enum bfd_link_discard discard;
- struct external_nlist *outsym;
- bfd_size_type strtab_index;
- register struct external_nlist *sym;
- struct external_nlist *sym_end;
- struct aout_link_hash_entry **sym_hash;
- int *symbol_map;
- boolean pass;
- boolean skip_next;
- output_bfd = finfo->output_bfd;
- sym_count = obj_aout_external_sym_count (input_bfd);
- strings = obj_aout_external_strings (input_bfd);
- strip = finfo->info->strip;
- discard = finfo->info->discard;
- outsym = finfo->output_syms;
- /* First write out a symbol for this object file, unless we are
- discarding such symbols. */
- if (strip != strip_all
- && (strip != strip_some
- || bfd_hash_lookup (finfo->info->keep_hash, input_bfd->filename,
- false, false) != NULL)
- && discard != discard_all)
- {
- bfd_h_put_8 (output_bfd, N_TEXT, outsym->e_type);
- bfd_h_put_8 (output_bfd, 0, outsym->e_other);
- bfd_h_put_16 (output_bfd, (bfd_vma) 0, outsym->e_desc);
- strtab_index = add_to_stringtab (output_bfd, finfo->strtab,
- input_bfd->filename, false);
- if (strtab_index == (bfd_size_type) -1)
- return false;
- PUT_WORD (output_bfd, strtab_index, outsym->e_strx);
- PUT_WORD (output_bfd,
- (bfd_get_section_vma (output_bfd,
- obj_textsec (input_bfd)->output_section)
- + obj_textsec (input_bfd)->output_offset),
- outsym->e_value);
- ++obj_aout_external_sym_count (output_bfd);
- ++outsym;
- }
- pass = false;
- skip_next = false;
- sym = obj_aout_external_syms (input_bfd);
- sym_end = sym + sym_count;
- sym_hash = obj_aout_sym_hashes (input_bfd);
- symbol_map = finfo->symbol_map;
- memset (symbol_map, 0, sym_count * sizeof *symbol_map);
- for (; sym < sym_end; sym++, sym_hash++, symbol_map++)
- {
- const char *name;
- int type;
- struct aout_link_hash_entry *h;
- boolean skip;
- asection *symsec;
- bfd_vma val = 0;
- boolean copy;
- /* We set *symbol_map to 0 above for all symbols. If it has
- already been set to -1 for this symbol, it means that we are
- discarding it because it appears in a duplicate header file.
- See the N_BINCL code below. */
- if (*symbol_map == -1)
- continue;
- /* Initialize *symbol_map to -1, which means that the symbol was
- not copied into the output file. We will change it later if
- we do copy the symbol over. */
- *symbol_map = -1;
- type = bfd_h_get_8 (input_bfd, sym->e_type);
- name = strings + GET_WORD (input_bfd, sym->e_strx);
- h = NULL;
- if (pass)
- {
- /* Pass this symbol through. It is the target of an
- indirect or warning symbol. */
- val = GET_WORD (input_bfd, sym->e_value);
- pass = false;
- }
- else if (skip_next)
- {
- /* Skip this symbol, which is the target of an indirect
- symbol that we have changed to no longer be an indirect
- symbol. */
- skip_next = false;
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- struct aout_link_hash_entry *hresolve;
- /* We have saved the hash table entry for this symbol, if
- there is one. Note that we could just look it up again
- in the hash table, provided we first check that it is an
- external symbol. */
- h = *sym_hash;
- /* Use the name from the hash table, in case the symbol was
- wrapped. */
- if (h != NULL)
- name = h->root.root.string;
- /* If this is an indirect or warning symbol, then change
- hresolve to the base symbol. We also change *sym_hash so
- that the relocation routines relocate against the real
- symbol. */
- hresolve = h;
- if (h != (struct aout_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_warning))
- {
- hresolve = (struct aout_link_hash_entry *) h->;
- while (hresolve->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect
- || hresolve->root.type == bfd_link_hash_warning)
- hresolve = ((struct aout_link_hash_entry *)
- hresolve->;
- *sym_hash = hresolve;
- }
- /* If the symbol has already been written out, skip it. */
- if (h != (struct aout_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_warning
- && h->written)
- {
- if ((type & N_TYPE) == N_INDR
- || type == N_WARNING)
- skip_next = true;
- *symbol_map = h->indx;
- continue;
- }
- /* See if we are stripping this symbol. */
- skip = false;
- switch (strip)
- {
- case strip_none:
- break;
- case strip_debugger:
- if ((type & N_STAB) != 0)
- skip = true;
- break;
- case strip_some:
- if (bfd_hash_lookup (finfo->info->keep_hash, name, false, false)
- == NULL)
- skip = true;
- break;
- case strip_all:
- skip = true;
- break;
- }
- if (skip)
- {
- if (h != (struct aout_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- h->written = true;
- continue;
- }
- /* Get the value of the symbol. */
- if ((type & N_TYPE) == N_TEXT
- || type == N_WEAKT)
- symsec = obj_textsec (input_bfd);
- else if ((type & N_TYPE) == N_DATA
- || type == N_WEAKD)
- symsec = obj_datasec (input_bfd);
- else if ((type & N_TYPE) == N_BSS
- || type == N_WEAKB)
- symsec = obj_bsssec (input_bfd);
- else if ((type & N_TYPE) == N_ABS
- || type == N_WEAKA)
- symsec = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- else if (((type & N_TYPE) == N_INDR
- && (hresolve == (struct aout_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- || (hresolve->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined
- && hresolve->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak
- && hresolve->root.type != bfd_link_hash_common)))
- || type == N_WARNING)
- {
- /* Pass the next symbol through unchanged. The
- condition above for indirect symbols is so that if
- the indirect symbol was defined, we output it with
- the correct definition so the debugger will
- understand it. */
- pass = true;
- val = GET_WORD (input_bfd, sym->e_value);
- symsec = NULL;
- }
- else if ((type & N_STAB) != 0)
- {
- val = GET_WORD (input_bfd, sym->e_value);
- symsec = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- /* If we get here with an indirect symbol, it means that
- we are outputting it with a real definition. In such
- a case we do not want to output the next symbol,
- which is the target of the indirection. */
- if ((type & N_TYPE) == N_INDR)
- skip_next = true;
- symsec = NULL;
- /* We need to get the value from the hash table. We use
- hresolve so that if we have defined an indirect
- symbol we output the final definition. */
- if (h == (struct aout_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- {
- switch (type & N_TYPE)
- {
- case N_SETT:
- symsec = obj_textsec (input_bfd);
- break;
- case N_SETD:
- symsec = obj_datasec (input_bfd);
- break;
- case N_SETB:
- symsec = obj_bsssec (input_bfd);
- break;
- case N_SETA:
- symsec = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- break;
- default:
- val = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- else if (hresolve->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || hresolve->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- asection *input_section;
- asection *output_section;
- /* This case usually means a common symbol which was
- turned into a defined symbol. */
- input_section = hresolve->root.u.def.section;
- output_section = input_section->output_section;
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_is_abs_section (output_section)
- || output_section->owner == output_bfd);
- val = (hresolve->root.u.def.value
- + bfd_get_section_vma (output_bfd, output_section)
- + input_section->output_offset);
- /* Get the correct type based on the section. If
- this is a constructed set, force it to be
- globally visible. */
- if (type == N_SETT
- || type == N_SETD
- || type == N_SETB
- || type == N_SETA)
- type |= N_EXT;
- type &=~ N_TYPE;
- if (output_section == obj_textsec (output_bfd))
- type |= (hresolve->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- ? N_TEXT
- : N_WEAKT);
- else if (output_section == obj_datasec (output_bfd))
- type |= (hresolve->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- ? N_DATA
- : N_WEAKD);
- else if (output_section == obj_bsssec (output_bfd))
- type |= (hresolve->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- ? N_BSS
- : N_WEAKB);
- else
- type |= (hresolve->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- ? N_ABS
- : N_WEAKA);
- }
- else if (hresolve->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common)
- val = hresolve->root.u.c.size;
- else if (hresolve->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- {
- val = 0;
- type = N_WEAKU;
- }
- else
- val = 0;
- }
- if (symsec != (asection *) NULL)
- val = (symsec->output_section->vma
- + symsec->output_offset
- + (GET_WORD (input_bfd, sym->e_value)
- - symsec->vma));
- /* If this is a global symbol set the written flag, and if
- it is a local symbol see if we should discard it. */
- if (h != (struct aout_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- {
- h->written = true;
- h->indx = obj_aout_external_sym_count (output_bfd);
- }
- else if ((type & N_TYPE) != N_SETT
- && (type & N_TYPE) != N_SETD
- && (type & N_TYPE) != N_SETB
- && (type & N_TYPE) != N_SETA)
- {
- switch (discard)
- {
- case discard_none:
- break;
- case discard_l:
- if (*name == *finfo->info->lprefix
- && (finfo->info->lprefix_len == 1
- || strncmp (name, finfo->info->lprefix,
- finfo->info->lprefix_len) == 0))
- skip = true;
- break;
- case discard_all:
- skip = true;
- break;
- }
- if (skip)
- {
- pass = false;
- continue;
- }
- }
- /* An N_BINCL symbol indicates the start of the stabs
- entries for a header file. We need to scan ahead to the
- next N_EINCL symbol, ignoring nesting, adding up all the
- characters in the symbol names, not including the file
- numbers in types (the first number after an open
- parenthesis). */
- if (type == N_BINCL)
- {
- struct external_nlist *incl_sym;
- int nest;
- struct aout_link_includes_entry *incl_entry;
- struct aout_link_includes_totals *t;
- val = 0;
- nest = 0;
- for (incl_sym = sym + 1; incl_sym < sym_end; incl_sym++)
- {
- int incl_type;
- incl_type = bfd_h_get_8 (input_bfd, incl_sym->e_type);
- if (incl_type == N_EINCL)
- {
- if (nest == 0)
- break;
- --nest;
- }
- else if (incl_type == N_BINCL)
- ++nest;
- else if (nest == 0)
- {
- const char *s;
- s = strings + GET_WORD (input_bfd, incl_sym->e_strx);
- for (; *s != '\0'; s++)
- {
- val += *s;
- if (*s == '(')
- {
- /* Skip the file number. */
- ++s;
- while (isdigit ((unsigned char) *s))
- ++s;
- --s;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* If we have already included a header file with the
- same value, then replace this one with an N_EXCL
- symbol. */
- copy = ! finfo->info->keep_memory;
- incl_entry = aout_link_includes_lookup (&finfo->includes,
- name, true, copy);
- if (incl_entry == NULL)
- return false;
- for (t = incl_entry->totals; t != NULL; t = t->next)
- if (t->total == val)
- break;
- if (t == NULL)
- {
- /* This is the first time we have seen this header
- file with this set of stabs strings. */
- t = ((struct aout_link_includes_totals *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (&finfo->includes.root,
- sizeof *t));
- if (t == NULL)
- return false;
- t->total = val;
- t->next = incl_entry->totals;
- incl_entry->totals = t;
- }
- else
- {
- int *incl_map;
- /* This is a duplicate header file. We must change
- it to be an N_EXCL entry, and mark all the
- included symbols to prevent outputting them. */
- type = N_EXCL;
- nest = 0;
- for (incl_sym = sym + 1, incl_map = symbol_map + 1;
- incl_sym < sym_end;
- incl_sym++, incl_map++)
- {
- int incl_type;
- incl_type = bfd_h_get_8 (input_bfd, incl_sym->e_type);
- if (incl_type == N_EINCL)
- {
- if (nest == 0)
- {
- *incl_map = -1;
- break;
- }
- --nest;
- }
- else if (incl_type == N_BINCL)
- ++nest;
- else if (nest == 0)
- *incl_map = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Copy this symbol into the list of symbols we are going to
- write out. */
- bfd_h_put_8 (output_bfd, type, outsym->e_type);
- bfd_h_put_8 (output_bfd, bfd_h_get_8 (input_bfd, sym->e_other),
- outsym->e_other);
- bfd_h_put_16 (output_bfd, bfd_h_get_16 (input_bfd, sym->e_desc),
- outsym->e_desc);
- copy = false;
- if (! finfo->info->keep_memory)
- {
- /* name points into a string table which we are going to
- free. If there is a hash table entry, use that string.
- Otherwise, copy name into memory. */
- if (h != (struct aout_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- name = h->root.root.string;
- else
- copy = true;
- }
- strtab_index = add_to_stringtab (output_bfd, finfo->strtab,
- name, copy);
- if (strtab_index == (bfd_size_type) -1)
- return false;
- PUT_WORD (output_bfd, strtab_index, outsym->e_strx);
- PUT_WORD (output_bfd, val, outsym->e_value);
- *symbol_map = obj_aout_external_sym_count (output_bfd);
- ++obj_aout_external_sym_count (output_bfd);
- ++outsym;
- }
- /* Write out the output symbols we have just constructed. */
- if (outsym > finfo->output_syms)
- {
- bfd_size_type outsym_count;
- if (bfd_seek (output_bfd, finfo->symoff, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- outsym_count = outsym - finfo->output_syms;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) finfo->output_syms,
- (bfd_size_type) EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE,
- (bfd_size_type) outsym_count, output_bfd)
- != outsym_count * EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE)
- return false;
- finfo->symoff += outsym_count * EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE;
- }
- return true;
-/* Write out a symbol that was not associated with an a.out input
- object. */
-static boolean
-aout_link_write_other_symbol (h, data)
- struct aout_link_hash_entry *h;
- PTR data;
- struct aout_final_link_info *finfo = (struct aout_final_link_info *) data;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- int type;
- bfd_vma val;
- struct external_nlist outsym;
- bfd_size_type indx;
- output_bfd = finfo->output_bfd;
- if (aout_backend_info (output_bfd)->write_dynamic_symbol != NULL)
- {
- if (! ((*aout_backend_info (output_bfd)->write_dynamic_symbol)
- (output_bfd, finfo->info, h)))
- {
- /* FIXME: No way to handle errors. */
- abort ();
- }
- }
- if (h->written)
- return true;
- h->written = true;
- /* An indx of -2 means the symbol must be written. */
- if (h->indx != -2
- && (finfo->info->strip == strip_all
- || (finfo->info->strip == strip_some
- && bfd_hash_lookup (finfo->info->keep_hash, h->root.root.string,
- false, false) == NULL)))
- return true;
- switch (h->root.type)
- {
- default:
- abort ();
- /* Avoid variable not initialized warnings. */
- return true;
- case bfd_link_hash_new:
- /* This can happen for set symbols when sets are not being
- built. */
- return true;
- case bfd_link_hash_undefined:
- type = N_UNDF | N_EXT;
- val = 0;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_defined:
- case bfd_link_hash_defweak:
- {
- asection *sec;
- sec = h->root.u.def.section->output_section;
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_is_abs_section (sec)
- || sec->owner == output_bfd);
- if (sec == obj_textsec (output_bfd))
- type = h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined ? N_TEXT : N_WEAKT;
- else if (sec == obj_datasec (output_bfd))
- type = h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined ? N_DATA : N_WEAKD;
- else if (sec == obj_bsssec (output_bfd))
- type = h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined ? N_BSS : N_WEAKB;
- else
- type = h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined ? N_ABS : N_WEAKA;
- type |= N_EXT;
- val = (h->root.u.def.value
- + sec->vma
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_offset);
- }
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_common:
- type = N_UNDF | N_EXT;
- val = h->root.u.c.size;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_undefweak:
- type = N_WEAKU;
- val = 0;
- case bfd_link_hash_indirect:
- case bfd_link_hash_warning:
- /* FIXME: Ignore these for now. The circumstances under which
- they should be written out are not clear to me. */
- return true;
- }
- bfd_h_put_8 (output_bfd, type, outsym.e_type);
- bfd_h_put_8 (output_bfd, 0, outsym.e_other);
- bfd_h_put_16 (output_bfd, 0, outsym.e_desc);
- indx = add_to_stringtab (output_bfd, finfo->strtab, h->root.root.string,
- false);
- if (indx == (bfd_size_type) -1)
- {
- /* FIXME: No way to handle errors. */
- abort ();
- }
- PUT_WORD (output_bfd, indx, outsym.e_strx);
- PUT_WORD (output_bfd, val, outsym.e_value);
- if (bfd_seek (output_bfd, finfo->symoff, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_write ((PTR) &outsym, (bfd_size_type) EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE,
- (bfd_size_type) 1, output_bfd) != EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE)
- {
- /* FIXME: No way to handle errors. */
- abort ();
- }
- finfo->symoff += EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE;
- h->indx = obj_aout_external_sym_count (output_bfd);
- ++obj_aout_external_sym_count (output_bfd);
- return true;
-/* Link an a.out section into the output file. */
-static boolean
-aout_link_input_section (finfo, input_bfd, input_section, reloff_ptr,
- rel_size)
- struct aout_final_link_info *finfo;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- file_ptr *reloff_ptr;
- bfd_size_type rel_size;
- bfd_size_type input_size;
- PTR relocs;
- /* Get the section contents. */
- input_size = bfd_section_size (input_bfd, input_section);
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (input_bfd, input_section,
- (PTR) finfo->contents,
- (file_ptr) 0, input_size))
- return false;
- /* Read in the relocs if we haven't already done it. */
- if (aout_section_data (input_section) != NULL
- && aout_section_data (input_section)->relocs != NULL)
- relocs = aout_section_data (input_section)->relocs;
- else
- {
- relocs = finfo->relocs;
- if (rel_size > 0)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (input_bfd, input_section->rel_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read (relocs, 1, rel_size, input_bfd) != rel_size)
- return false;
- }
- }
- /* Relocate the section contents. */
- if (obj_reloc_entry_size (input_bfd) == RELOC_STD_SIZE)
- {
- if (! aout_link_input_section_std (finfo, input_bfd, input_section,
- (struct reloc_std_external *) relocs,
- rel_size, finfo->contents))
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! aout_link_input_section_ext (finfo, input_bfd, input_section,
- (struct reloc_ext_external *) relocs,
- rel_size, finfo->contents))
- return false;
- }
- /* Write out the section contents. */
- if (! bfd_set_section_contents (finfo->output_bfd,
- input_section->output_section,
- (PTR) finfo->contents,
- input_section->output_offset,
- input_size))
- return false;
- /* If we are producing relocateable output, the relocs were
- modified, and we now write them out. */
- if (finfo->info->relocateable && rel_size > 0)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (finfo->output_bfd, *reloff_ptr, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- if (bfd_write (relocs, (bfd_size_type) 1, rel_size, finfo->output_bfd)
- != rel_size)
- return false;
- *reloff_ptr += rel_size;
- /* Assert that the relocs have not run into the symbols, and
- that if these are the text relocs they have not run into the
- data relocs. */
- BFD_ASSERT (*reloff_ptr <= obj_sym_filepos (finfo->output_bfd)
- && (reloff_ptr != &finfo->treloff
- || (*reloff_ptr
- <= obj_datasec (finfo->output_bfd)->rel_filepos)));
- }
- return true;
-/* Get the section corresponding to a reloc index. */
-static INLINE asection *
-aout_reloc_index_to_section (abfd, indx)
- bfd *abfd;
- int indx;
- switch (indx & N_TYPE)
- {
- case N_TEXT:
- return obj_textsec (abfd);
- case N_DATA:
- return obj_datasec (abfd);
- case N_BSS:
- return obj_bsssec (abfd);
- case N_ABS:
- case N_UNDF:
- return bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
-/* Relocate an a.out section using standard a.out relocs. */
-static boolean
-aout_link_input_section_std (finfo, input_bfd, input_section, relocs,
- rel_size, contents)
- struct aout_final_link_info *finfo;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- struct reloc_std_external *relocs;
- bfd_size_type rel_size;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- boolean (*check_dynamic_reloc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *,
- bfd *, asection *,
- struct aout_link_hash_entry *,
- PTR, bfd_byte *, boolean *,
- bfd_vma *));
- bfd *output_bfd;
- boolean relocateable;
- struct external_nlist *syms;
- char *strings;
- struct aout_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- int *symbol_map;
- bfd_size_type reloc_count;
- register struct reloc_std_external *rel;
- struct reloc_std_external *rel_end;
- output_bfd = finfo->output_bfd;
- check_dynamic_reloc = aout_backend_info (output_bfd)->check_dynamic_reloc;
- BFD_ASSERT (obj_reloc_entry_size (input_bfd) == RELOC_STD_SIZE);
- BFD_ASSERT (input_bfd->xvec->header_byteorder
- == output_bfd->xvec->header_byteorder);
- relocateable = finfo->info->relocateable;
- syms = obj_aout_external_syms (input_bfd);
- strings = obj_aout_external_strings (input_bfd);
- sym_hashes = obj_aout_sym_hashes (input_bfd);
- symbol_map = finfo->symbol_map;
- reloc_count = rel_size / RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- rel = relocs;
- rel_end = rel + reloc_count;
- for (; rel < rel_end; rel++)
- {
- bfd_vma r_addr;
- int r_index;
- int r_extern;
- int r_pcrel;
- int r_baserel = 0;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- struct aout_link_hash_entry *h = NULL;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_reloc_status_type r;
- r_addr = GET_SWORD (input_bfd, rel->r_address);
-#ifdef MY_reloc_howto
- howto = MY_reloc_howto(input_bfd, rel, r_index, r_extern, r_pcrel);
- {
- int r_jmptable;
- int r_relative;
- int r_length;
- unsigned int howto_idx;
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (input_bfd))
- {
- r_index = ((rel->r_index[0] << 16)
- | (rel->r_index[1] << 8)
- | rel->r_index[2]);
- r_extern = (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_BIG));
- r_pcrel = (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_BIG));
- r_baserel = (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_BASEREL_BIG));
- r_jmptable= (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_JMPTABLE_BIG));
- r_relative= (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_RELATIVE_BIG));
- r_length = ((rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_BIG)
- }
- else
- {
- r_index = ((rel->r_index[2] << 16)
- | (rel->r_index[1] << 8)
- | rel->r_index[0]);
- r_extern = (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE));
- r_pcrel = (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_LITTLE));
- r_baserel = (0 != (rel->r_type[0]
- r_jmptable= (0 != (rel->r_type[0]
- r_relative= (0 != (rel->r_type[0]
- r_length = ((rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_LITTLE)
- }
- howto_idx = (r_length + 4 * r_pcrel + 8 * r_baserel
- + 16 * r_jmptable + 32 * r_relative);
- BFD_ASSERT (howto_idx < TABLE_SIZE (howto_table_std));
- howto = howto_table_std + howto_idx;
- }
- if (relocateable)
- {
- /* We are generating a relocateable output file, and must
- modify the reloc accordingly. */
- if (r_extern)
- {
- /* If we know the symbol this relocation is against,
- convert it into a relocation against a section. This
- is what the native linker does. */
- h = sym_hashes[r_index];
- if (h != (struct aout_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak))
- {
- asection *output_section;
- /* Change the r_extern value. */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (output_bfd))
- rel->r_type[0] &=~ RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_BIG;
- else
- rel->r_type[0] &=~ RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE;
- /* Compute a new r_index. */
- output_section = h->root.u.def.section->output_section;
- if (output_section == obj_textsec (output_bfd))
- r_index = N_TEXT;
- else if (output_section == obj_datasec (output_bfd))
- r_index = N_DATA;
- else if (output_section == obj_bsssec (output_bfd))
- r_index = N_BSS;
- else
- r_index = N_ABS;
- /* Add the symbol value and the section VMA to the
- addend stored in the contents. */
- relocation = (h->root.u.def.value
- + output_section->vma
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_offset);
- }
- else
- {
- /* We must change r_index according to the symbol
- map. */
- r_index = symbol_map[r_index];
- if (r_index == -1)
- {
- if (h != NULL)
- {
- /* We decided to strip this symbol, but it
- turns out that we can't. Note that we
- lose the other and desc information here.
- I don't think that will ever matter for a
- global symbol. */
- if (h->indx < 0)
- {
- h->indx = -2;
- h->written = false;
- if (! aout_link_write_other_symbol (h,
- (PTR) finfo))
- return false;
- }
- r_index = h->indx;
- }
- else
- {
- const char *name;
- name = strings + GET_WORD (input_bfd,
- syms[r_index].e_strx);
- if (! ((*finfo->info->callbacks->unattached_reloc)
- (finfo->info, name, input_bfd, input_section,
- r_addr)))
- return false;
- r_index = 0;
- }
- }
- relocation = 0;
- }
- /* Write out the new r_index value. */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (output_bfd))
- {
- rel->r_index[0] = r_index >> 16;
- rel->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- rel->r_index[2] = r_index;
- }
- else
- {
- rel->r_index[2] = r_index >> 16;
- rel->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- rel->r_index[0] = r_index;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- asection *section;
- /* This is a relocation against a section. We must
- adjust by the amount that the section moved. */
- section = aout_reloc_index_to_section (input_bfd, r_index);
- relocation = (section->output_section->vma
- + section->output_offset
- - section->vma);
- }
- /* Change the address of the relocation. */
- PUT_WORD (output_bfd,
- r_addr + input_section->output_offset,
- rel->r_address);
- /* Adjust a PC relative relocation by removing the reference
- to the original address in the section and including the
- reference to the new address. */
- if (r_pcrel)
- relocation -= (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset
- - input_section->vma);
-#ifdef MY_relocatable_reloc
- MY_relocatable_reloc (howto, output_bfd, rel, relocation, r_addr);
- if (relocation == 0)
- r = bfd_reloc_ok;
- else
- r = MY_relocate_contents (howto,
- input_bfd, relocation,
- contents + r_addr);
- }
- else
- {
- boolean hundef;
- /* We are generating an executable, and must do a full
- relocation. */
- hundef = false;
- if (r_extern)
- {
- h = sym_hashes[r_index];
- if (h != (struct aout_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak))
- {
- relocation = (h->root.u.def.value
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_offset);
- }
- else if (h != (struct aout_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- relocation = 0;
- else
- {
- hundef = true;
- relocation = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- asection *section;
- section = aout_reloc_index_to_section (input_bfd, r_index);
- relocation = (section->output_section->vma
- + section->output_offset
- - section->vma);
- if (r_pcrel)
- relocation += input_section->vma;
- }
- if (check_dynamic_reloc != NULL)
- {
- boolean skip;
- if (! ((*check_dynamic_reloc)
- (finfo->info, input_bfd, input_section, h,
- (PTR) rel, contents, &skip, &relocation)))
- return false;
- if (skip)
- continue;
- }
- /* Now warn if a global symbol is undefined. We could not
- do this earlier, because check_dynamic_reloc might want
- to skip this reloc. */
- if (hundef && ! finfo->info->shared && ! r_baserel)
- {
- const char *name;
- if (h != NULL)
- name = h->root.root.string;
- else
- name = strings + GET_WORD (input_bfd, syms[r_index].e_strx);
- if (! ((*finfo->info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (finfo->info, name, input_bfd, input_section, r_addr)))
- return false;
- }
- r = MY_final_link_relocate (howto,
- input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, r_addr, relocation,
- (bfd_vma) 0);
- }
- if (r != bfd_reloc_ok)
- {
- switch (r)
- {
- default:
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- {
- const char *name;
- if (r_extern)
- name = strings + GET_WORD (input_bfd,
- syms[r_index].e_strx);
- else
- {
- asection *s;
- s = aout_reloc_index_to_section (input_bfd, r_index);
- name = bfd_section_name (input_bfd, s);
- }
- if (! ((*finfo->info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (finfo->info, name, howto->name,
- (bfd_vma) 0, input_bfd, input_section, r_addr)))
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Relocate an a.out section using extended a.out relocs. */
-static boolean
-aout_link_input_section_ext (finfo, input_bfd, input_section, relocs,
- rel_size, contents)
- struct aout_final_link_info *finfo;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- struct reloc_ext_external *relocs;
- bfd_size_type rel_size;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- boolean (*check_dynamic_reloc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *,
- bfd *, asection *,
- struct aout_link_hash_entry *,
- PTR, bfd_byte *, boolean *,
- bfd_vma *));
- bfd *output_bfd;
- boolean relocateable;
- struct external_nlist *syms;
- char *strings;
- struct aout_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- int *symbol_map;
- bfd_size_type reloc_count;
- register struct reloc_ext_external *rel;
- struct reloc_ext_external *rel_end;
- output_bfd = finfo->output_bfd;
- check_dynamic_reloc = aout_backend_info (output_bfd)->check_dynamic_reloc;
- BFD_ASSERT (obj_reloc_entry_size (input_bfd) == RELOC_EXT_SIZE);
- BFD_ASSERT (input_bfd->xvec->header_byteorder
- == output_bfd->xvec->header_byteorder);
- relocateable = finfo->info->relocateable;
- syms = obj_aout_external_syms (input_bfd);
- strings = obj_aout_external_strings (input_bfd);
- sym_hashes = obj_aout_sym_hashes (input_bfd);
- symbol_map = finfo->symbol_map;
- reloc_count = rel_size / RELOC_EXT_SIZE;
- rel = relocs;
- rel_end = rel + reloc_count;
- for (; rel < rel_end; rel++)
- {
- bfd_vma r_addr;
- int r_index;
- int r_extern;
- unsigned int r_type;
- bfd_vma r_addend;
- struct aout_link_hash_entry *h = NULL;
- asection *r_section = NULL;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- r_addr = GET_SWORD (input_bfd, rel->r_address);
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (input_bfd))
- {
- r_index = ((rel->r_index[0] << 16)
- | (rel->r_index[1] << 8)
- | rel->r_index[2]);
- r_extern = (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_EXT_BITS_EXTERN_BIG));
- r_type = ((rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_EXT_BITS_TYPE_BIG)
- }
- else
- {
- r_index = ((rel->r_index[2] << 16)
- | (rel->r_index[1] << 8)
- | rel->r_index[0]);
- r_extern = (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_EXT_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE));
- r_type = ((rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_EXT_BITS_TYPE_LITTLE)
- }
- r_addend = GET_SWORD (input_bfd, rel->r_addend);
- BFD_ASSERT (r_type < TABLE_SIZE (howto_table_ext));
- if (relocateable)
- {
- /* We are generating a relocateable output file, and must
- modify the reloc accordingly. */
- if (r_extern)
- {
- /* If we know the symbol this relocation is against,
- convert it into a relocation against a section. This
- is what the native linker does. */
- h = sym_hashes[r_index];
- if (h != (struct aout_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak))
- {
- asection *output_section;
- /* Change the r_extern value. */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (output_bfd))
- rel->r_type[0] &=~ RELOC_EXT_BITS_EXTERN_BIG;
- else
- rel->r_type[0] &=~ RELOC_EXT_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE;
- /* Compute a new r_index. */
- output_section = h->root.u.def.section->output_section;
- if (output_section == obj_textsec (output_bfd))
- r_index = N_TEXT;
- else if (output_section == obj_datasec (output_bfd))
- r_index = N_DATA;
- else if (output_section == obj_bsssec (output_bfd))
- r_index = N_BSS;
- else
- r_index = N_ABS;
- /* Add the symbol value and the section VMA to the
- addend. */
- relocation = (h->root.u.def.value
- + output_section->vma
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_offset);
- /* Now RELOCATION is the VMA of the final
- destination. If this is a PC relative reloc,
- then ADDEND is the negative of the source VMA.
- We want to set ADDEND to the difference between
- the destination VMA and the source VMA, which
- means we must adjust RELOCATION by the change in
- the source VMA. This is done below. */
- }
- else
- {
- /* We must change r_index according to the symbol
- map. */
- r_index = symbol_map[r_index];
- if (r_index == -1)
- {
- if (h != NULL)
- {
- /* We decided to strip this symbol, but it
- turns out that we can't. Note that we
- lose the other and desc information here.
- I don't think that will ever matter for a
- global symbol. */
- if (h->indx < 0)
- {
- h->indx = -2;
- h->written = false;
- if (! aout_link_write_other_symbol (h,
- (PTR) finfo))
- return false;
- }
- r_index = h->indx;
- }
- else
- {
- const char *name;
- name = strings + GET_WORD (input_bfd,
- syms[r_index].e_strx);
- if (! ((*finfo->info->callbacks->unattached_reloc)
- (finfo->info, name, input_bfd, input_section,
- r_addr)))
- return false;
- r_index = 0;
- }
- }
- relocation = 0;
- /* If this is a PC relative reloc, then the addend
- is the negative of the source VMA. We must
- adjust it by the change in the source VMA. This
- is done below. */
- }
- /* Write out the new r_index value. */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (output_bfd))
- {
- rel->r_index[0] = r_index >> 16;
- rel->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- rel->r_index[2] = r_index;
- }
- else
- {
- rel->r_index[2] = r_index >> 16;
- rel->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- rel->r_index[0] = r_index;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is a relocation against a section. We must
- adjust by the amount that the section moved. */
- r_section = aout_reloc_index_to_section (input_bfd, r_index);
- relocation = (r_section->output_section->vma
- + r_section->output_offset
- - r_section->vma);
- /* If this is a PC relative reloc, then the addend is
- the difference in VMA between the destination and the
- source. We have just adjusted for the change in VMA
- of the destination, so we must also adjust by the
- change in VMA of the source. This is done below. */
- }
- /* As described above, we must always adjust a PC relative
- reloc by the change in VMA of the source. */
- if (howto_table_ext[r_type].pc_relative)
- relocation -= (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset
- - input_section->vma);
- /* Change the addend if necessary. */
- if (relocation != 0)
- PUT_WORD (output_bfd, r_addend + relocation, rel->r_addend);
- /* Change the address of the relocation. */
- PUT_WORD (output_bfd,
- r_addr + input_section->output_offset,
- rel->r_address);
- }
- else
- {
- boolean hundef;
- bfd_reloc_status_type r;
- /* We are generating an executable, and must do a full
- relocation. */
- hundef = false;
- if (r_extern)
- {
- h = sym_hashes[r_index];
- if (h != (struct aout_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak))
- {
- relocation = (h->root.u.def.value
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_offset);
- }
- else if (h != (struct aout_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- relocation = 0;
- else
- {
- hundef = true;
- relocation = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (r_type == RELOC_BASE10
- || r_type == RELOC_BASE13
- || r_type == RELOC_BASE22)
- {
- struct external_nlist *sym;
- int type;
- /* For base relative relocs, r_index is always an index
- into the symbol table, even if r_extern is 0. */
- sym = syms + r_index;
- type = bfd_h_get_8 (input_bfd, sym->e_type);
- if ((type & N_TYPE) == N_TEXT
- || type == N_WEAKT)
- r_section = obj_textsec (input_bfd);
- else if ((type & N_TYPE) == N_DATA
- || type == N_WEAKD)
- r_section = obj_datasec (input_bfd);
- else if ((type & N_TYPE) == N_BSS
- || type == N_WEAKB)
- r_section = obj_bsssec (input_bfd);
- else if ((type & N_TYPE) == N_ABS
- || type == N_WEAKA)
- r_section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- else
- abort ();
- relocation = (r_section->output_section->vma
- + r_section->output_offset
- + (GET_WORD (input_bfd, sym->e_value)
- - r_section->vma));
- }
- else
- {
- r_section = aout_reloc_index_to_section (input_bfd, r_index);
- /* If this is a PC relative reloc, then R_ADDEND is the
- difference between the two vmas, or
- old_dest_sec + old_dest_off - (old_src_sec + old_src_off)
- where
- old_dest_sec == section->vma
- and
- old_src_sec == input_section->vma
- and
- old_src_off == r_addr
- _bfd_final_link_relocate expects RELOCATION +
- R_ADDEND to be the VMA of the destination minus
- r_addr (the minus r_addr is because this relocation
- is not pcrel_offset, which is a bit confusing and
- should, perhaps, be changed), or
- new_dest_sec
- where
- new_dest_sec == output_section->vma + output_offset
- We arrange for this to happen by setting RELOCATION to
- new_dest_sec + old_src_sec - old_dest_sec
- If this is not a PC relative reloc, then R_ADDEND is
- simply the VMA of the destination, so we set
- RELOCATION to the change in the destination VMA, or
- new_dest_sec - old_dest_sec
- */
- relocation = (r_section->output_section->vma
- + r_section->output_offset
- - r_section->vma);
- if (howto_table_ext[r_type].pc_relative)
- relocation += input_section->vma;
- }
- if (check_dynamic_reloc != NULL)
- {
- boolean skip;
- if (! ((*check_dynamic_reloc)
- (finfo->info, input_bfd, input_section, h,
- (PTR) rel, contents, &skip, &relocation)))
- return false;
- if (skip)
- continue;
- }
- /* Now warn if a global symbol is undefined. We could not
- do this earlier, because check_dynamic_reloc might want
- to skip this reloc. */
- if (hundef
- && ! finfo->info->shared
- && r_type != RELOC_BASE10
- && r_type != RELOC_BASE13
- && r_type != RELOC_BASE22)
- {
- const char *name;
- if (h != NULL)
- name = h->root.root.string;
- else
- name = strings + GET_WORD (input_bfd, syms[r_index].e_strx);
- if (! ((*finfo->info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (finfo->info, name, input_bfd, input_section, r_addr)))
- return false;
- }
- r = MY_final_link_relocate (howto_table_ext + r_type,
- input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, r_addr, relocation,
- r_addend);
- if (r != bfd_reloc_ok)
- {
- switch (r)
- {
- default:
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- {
- const char *name;
- if (r_extern
- || r_type == RELOC_BASE10
- || r_type == RELOC_BASE13
- || r_type == RELOC_BASE22)
- name = strings + GET_WORD (input_bfd,
- syms[r_index].e_strx);
- else
- {
- asection *s;
- s = aout_reloc_index_to_section (input_bfd, r_index);
- name = bfd_section_name (input_bfd, s);
- }
- if (! ((*finfo->info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (finfo->info, name, howto_table_ext[r_type].name,
- r_addend, input_bfd, input_section, r_addr)))
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Handle a link order which is supposed to generate a reloc. */
-static boolean
-aout_link_reloc_link_order (finfo, o, p)
- struct aout_final_link_info *finfo;
- asection *o;
- struct bfd_link_order *p;
- struct bfd_link_order_reloc *pr;
- int r_index;
- int r_extern;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- file_ptr *reloff_ptr;
- struct reloc_std_external srel;
- struct reloc_ext_external erel;
- PTR rel_ptr;
- pr = p->u.reloc.p;
- if (p->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order)
- {
- r_extern = 0;
- if (bfd_is_abs_section (pr->u.section))
- r_index = N_ABS | N_EXT;
- else
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (pr->u.section->owner == finfo->output_bfd);
- r_index = pr->u.section->target_index;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- struct aout_link_hash_entry *h;
- BFD_ASSERT (p->type == bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order);
- r_extern = 1;
- h = ((struct aout_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup (finfo->output_bfd, finfo->info,
- pr->, false, false, true));
- if (h != (struct aout_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && h->indx >= 0)
- r_index = h->indx;
- else if (h != NULL)
- {
- /* We decided to strip this symbol, but it turns out that we
- can't. Note that we lose the other and desc information
- here. I don't think that will ever matter for a global
- symbol. */
- h->indx = -2;
- h->written = false;
- if (! aout_link_write_other_symbol (h, (PTR) finfo))
- return false;
- r_index = h->indx;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! ((*finfo->info->callbacks->unattached_reloc)
- (finfo->info, pr->, (bfd *) NULL,
- (asection *) NULL, (bfd_vma) 0)))
- return false;
- r_index = 0;
- }
- }
- howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (finfo->output_bfd, pr->reloc);
- if (howto == 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- if (o == obj_textsec (finfo->output_bfd))
- reloff_ptr = &finfo->treloff;
- else if (o == obj_datasec (finfo->output_bfd))
- reloff_ptr = &finfo->dreloff;
- else
- abort ();
- if (obj_reloc_entry_size (finfo->output_bfd) == RELOC_STD_SIZE)
- {
-#ifdef MY_put_reloc
- MY_put_reloc(finfo->output_bfd, r_extern, r_index, p->offset, howto,
- &srel);
- {
- int r_pcrel;
- int r_baserel;
- int r_jmptable;
- int r_relative;
- int r_length;
- r_pcrel = howto->pc_relative;
- r_baserel = (howto->type & 8) != 0;
- r_jmptable = (howto->type & 16) != 0;
- r_relative = (howto->type & 32) != 0;
- r_length = howto->size;
- PUT_WORD (finfo->output_bfd, p->offset, srel.r_address);
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (finfo->output_bfd))
- {
- srel.r_index[0] = r_index >> 16;
- srel.r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- srel.r_index[2] = r_index;
- srel.r_type[0] =
- ((r_extern ? RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_BIG : 0)
- | (r_pcrel ? RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_BIG : 0)
- | (r_baserel ? RELOC_STD_BITS_BASEREL_BIG : 0)
- | (r_jmptable ? RELOC_STD_BITS_JMPTABLE_BIG : 0)
- | (r_relative ? RELOC_STD_BITS_RELATIVE_BIG : 0)
- | (r_length << RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_SH_BIG));
- }
- else
- {
- srel.r_index[2] = r_index >> 16;
- srel.r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- srel.r_index[0] = r_index;
- srel.r_type[0] =
- ((r_extern ? RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE : 0)
- | (r_pcrel ? RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_LITTLE : 0)
- | (r_baserel ? RELOC_STD_BITS_BASEREL_LITTLE : 0)
- | (r_jmptable ? RELOC_STD_BITS_JMPTABLE_LITTLE : 0)
- | (r_relative ? RELOC_STD_BITS_RELATIVE_LITTLE : 0)
- }
- }
- rel_ptr = (PTR) &srel;
- /* We have to write the addend into the object file, since
- standard a.out relocs are in place. It would be more
- reliable if we had the current contents of the file here,
- rather than assuming zeroes, but we can't read the file since
- it was opened using bfd_openw. */
- if (pr->addend != 0)
- {
- bfd_size_type size;
- bfd_reloc_status_type r;
- bfd_byte *buf;
- boolean ok;
- size = bfd_get_reloc_size (howto);
- buf = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zmalloc (size);
- if (buf == (bfd_byte *) NULL)
- return false;
- r = MY_relocate_contents (howto, finfo->output_bfd,
- pr->addend, buf);
- switch (r)
- {
- case bfd_reloc_ok:
- break;
- default:
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- if (! ((*finfo->info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (finfo->info,
- (p->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- ? bfd_section_name (finfo->output_bfd,
- pr->u.section)
- : pr->,
- howto->name, pr->addend, (bfd *) NULL,
- (asection *) NULL, (bfd_vma) 0)))
- {
- free (buf);
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- ok = bfd_set_section_contents (finfo->output_bfd, o,
- (PTR) buf,
- (file_ptr) p->offset,
- size);
- free (buf);
- if (! ok)
- return false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- PUT_WORD (finfo->output_bfd, p->offset, erel.r_address);
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (finfo->output_bfd))
- {
- erel.r_index[0] = r_index >> 16;
- erel.r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- erel.r_index[2] = r_index;
- erel.r_type[0] =
- ((r_extern ? RELOC_EXT_BITS_EXTERN_BIG : 0)
- | (howto->type << RELOC_EXT_BITS_TYPE_SH_BIG));
- }
- else
- {
- erel.r_index[2] = r_index >> 16;
- erel.r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- erel.r_index[0] = r_index;
- erel.r_type[0] =
- | (howto->type << RELOC_EXT_BITS_TYPE_SH_LITTLE);
- }
- PUT_WORD (finfo->output_bfd, pr->addend, erel.r_addend);
- rel_ptr = (PTR) &erel;
- }
- if (bfd_seek (finfo->output_bfd, *reloff_ptr, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_write (rel_ptr, (bfd_size_type) 1,
- obj_reloc_entry_size (finfo->output_bfd),
- finfo->output_bfd)
- != obj_reloc_entry_size (finfo->output_bfd)))
- return false;
- *reloff_ptr += obj_reloc_entry_size (finfo->output_bfd);
- /* Assert that the relocs have not run into the symbols, and that n
- the text relocs have not run into the data relocs. */
- BFD_ASSERT (*reloff_ptr <= obj_sym_filepos (finfo->output_bfd)
- && (reloff_ptr != &finfo->treloff
- || (*reloff_ptr
- <= obj_datasec (finfo->output_bfd)->rel_filepos)));
- return true;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/archive.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/archive.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 248b9181e75e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/archive.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2094 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for archive files (libraries).
- Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support. Mostly Gumby Henkel-Wallace's fault.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-@setfilename archive-info
- Archives
- An archive (or library) is just another BFD. It has a symbol
- table, although there's not much a user program will do with it.
- The big difference between an archive BFD and an ordinary BFD
- is that the archive doesn't have sections. Instead it has a
- chain of BFDs that are considered its contents. These BFDs can
- be manipulated like any other. The BFDs contained in an
- archive opened for reading will all be opened for reading. You
- may put either input or output BFDs into an archive opened for
- output; they will be handled correctly when the archive is closed.
- Use <<bfd_openr_next_archived_file>> to step through
- the contents of an archive opened for input. You don't
- have to read the entire archive if you don't want
- to! Read it until you find what you want.
- Archive contents of output BFDs are chained through the
- <<next>> pointer in a BFD. The first one is findable through
- the <<archive_head>> slot of the archive. Set it with
- <<bfd_set_archive_head>> (q.v.). A given BFD may be in only one
- open output archive at a time.
- As expected, the BFD archive code is more general than the
- archive code of any given environment. BFD archives may
- contain files of different formats (e.g., a.out and coff) and
- even different architectures. You may even place archives
- recursively into archives!
- This can cause unexpected confusion, since some archive
- formats are more expressive than others. For instance, Intel
- COFF archives can preserve long filenames; SunOS a.out archives
- cannot. If you move a file from the first to the second
- format and back again, the filename may be truncated.
- Likewise, different a.out environments have different
- conventions as to how they truncate filenames, whether they
- preserve directory names in filenames, etc. When
- interoperating with native tools, be sure your files are
- homogeneous.
- Beware: most of these formats do not react well to the
- presence of spaces in filenames. We do the best we can, but
- can't always handle this case due to restrictions in the format of
- archives. Many Unix utilities are braindead in regards to
- spaces and such in filenames anyway, so this shouldn't be much
- of a restriction.
- Archives are supported in BFD in <<archive.c>>.
-/* Assumes:
- o - all archive elements start on an even boundary, newline padded;
- o - all arch headers are char *;
- o - all arch headers are the same size (across architectures).
-/* Some formats provide a way to cram a long filename into the short
- (16 chars) space provided by a BSD archive. The trick is: make a
- special "file" in the front of the archive, sort of like the SYMDEF
- entry. If the filename is too long to fit, put it in the extended
- name table, and use its index as the filename. To prevent
- confusion prepend the index with a space. This means you can't
- have filenames that start with a space, but then again, many Unix
- utilities can't handle that anyway.
- This scheme unfortunately requires that you stand on your head in
- order to write an archive since you need to put a magic file at the
- front, and need to touch every entry to do so. C'est la vie.
- We support two variants of this idea:
- The SVR4 format (extended name table is named "//"),
- and an extended pseudo-BSD variant (extended name table is named
- "ARFILENAMES/"). The origin of the latter format is uncertain.
- BSD 4.4 uses a third scheme: It writes a long filename
- directly after the header. This allows 'ar q' to work.
- We currently can read BSD 4.4 archives, but not write them.
-/* Summary of archive member names:
- Symbol table (must be first):
- "__.SYMDEF " - Symbol table, Berkeley style, produced by ranlib.
- "/ " - Symbol table, system 5 style.
- Long name table (must be before regular file members):
- "// " - Long name table, System 5 R4 style.
- "ARFILENAMES/ " - Long name table, non-standard extended BSD (not BSD 4.4).
- Regular file members with short names:
- "filename.o/ " - Regular file, System 5 style (embedded spaces ok).
- "filename.o " - Regular file, Berkeley style (no embedded spaces).
- Regular files with long names (or embedded spaces, for BSD variants):
- "/18 " - SVR4 style, name at offset 18 in name table.
- "#1/23 " - Long name (or embedded paces) 23 characters long,
- BSD 4.4 style, full name follows header.
- Implemented for reading, not writing.
- " 18 " - Long name 18 characters long, extended pseudo-BSD.
- */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "aout/ar.h"
-#include "aout/ranlib.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h> /* For memchr, strrchr and friends */
-#include <ctype.h>
-#ifndef errno
-extern int errno;
-#ifdef GNU960
-#define BFD_GNU960_ARMAG(abfd) (BFD_COFF_FILE_P((abfd)) ? ARMAG : ARMAGB)
-/* Can't define this in hosts/foo.h, because (e.g. in gprof) the hosts file
- is included, then obstack.h, which thinks if offsetof is defined, it
- doesn't need to include stddef.h. */
-/* Define offsetof for those systems which lack it */
-#if !defined (offsetof)
-#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((unsigned long) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)
-/* We keep a cache of archive filepointers to archive elements to
- speed up searching the archive by filepos. We only add an entry to
- the cache when we actually read one. We also don't sort the cache;
- it's generally short enough to search linearly.
- Note that the pointers here point to the front of the ar_hdr, not
- to the front of the contents!
-struct ar_cache
- file_ptr ptr;
- bfd *arelt;
- struct ar_cache *next;
-#define ar_padchar(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->ar_pad_char)
-#define ar_maxnamelen(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->ar_max_namelen)
-#define arch_eltdata(bfd) ((struct areltdata *)((bfd)->arelt_data))
-#define arch_hdr(bfd) ((struct ar_hdr *)arch_eltdata(bfd)->arch_header)
-static char *get_extended_arelt_filename PARAMS ((bfd *arch,
- const char *name));
-static boolean do_slurp_bsd_armap PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-static boolean do_slurp_coff_armap PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-static const char *normalize PARAMS ((bfd *, const char *file));
-static struct areltdata *bfd_ar_hdr_from_filesystem PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- const char *));
-_bfd_generic_mkarchive (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- abfd->tdata.aout_ar_data = ((struct artdata *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct artdata)));
- if (bfd_ardata (abfd) == NULL)
- return false;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->cache = NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->archive_head = NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->symdefs = NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->extended_names = NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->tdata = NULL;
- return true;
- bfd_get_next_mapent
- symindex bfd_get_next_mapent(bfd *abfd, symindex previous, carsym **sym);
- Step through archive @var{abfd}'s symbol table (if it
- has one). Successively update @var{sym} with the next symbol's
- information, returning that symbol's (internal) index into the
- symbol table.
- Supply <<BFD_NO_MORE_SYMBOLS>> as the @var{previous} entry to get
- the first one; returns <<BFD_NO_MORE_SYMBOLS>> when you've already
- got the last one.
- A <<carsym>> is a canonical archive symbol. The only
- user-visible element is its name, a null-terminated string.
-bfd_get_next_mapent (abfd, prev, entry)
- bfd *abfd;
- symindex prev;
- carsym **entry;
- if (!bfd_has_map (abfd))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- }
- if (prev == BFD_NO_MORE_SYMBOLS)
- prev = 0;
- else
- ++prev;
- if (prev >= bfd_ardata (abfd)->symdef_count)
- *entry = (bfd_ardata (abfd)->symdefs + prev);
- return prev;
-/* To be called by backends only */
-bfd *
-_bfd_create_empty_archive_element_shell (obfd)
- bfd *obfd;
- return _bfd_new_bfd_contained_in (obfd);
- bfd_set_archive_head
- boolean bfd_set_archive_head(bfd *output, bfd *new_head);
- Set the head of the chain of
- BFDs contained in the archive @var{output} to @var{new_head}.
-bfd_set_archive_head (output_archive, new_head)
- bfd *output_archive;
- bfd *new_head;
- output_archive->archive_head = new_head;
- return true;
-bfd *
-_bfd_look_for_bfd_in_cache (arch_bfd, filepos)
- bfd *arch_bfd;
- file_ptr filepos;
- struct ar_cache *current;
- for (current = bfd_ardata (arch_bfd)->cache; current != NULL;
- current = current->next)
- if (current->ptr == filepos)
- return current->arelt;
- return NULL;
-/* Kind of stupid to call cons for each one, but we don't do too many */
-_bfd_add_bfd_to_archive_cache (arch_bfd, filepos, new_elt)
- bfd *arch_bfd, *new_elt;
- file_ptr filepos;
- struct ar_cache *new_cache = ((struct ar_cache *)
- bfd_zalloc (arch_bfd,
- sizeof (struct ar_cache)));
- if (new_cache == NULL)
- return false;
- new_cache->ptr = filepos;
- new_cache->arelt = new_elt;
- new_cache->next = (struct ar_cache *) NULL;
- if (bfd_ardata (arch_bfd)->cache == NULL)
- bfd_ardata (arch_bfd)->cache = new_cache;
- else
- {
- struct ar_cache *current = bfd_ardata (arch_bfd)->cache;
- while (current->next != NULL)
- current = current->next;
- current->next = new_cache;
- }
- return true;
-/* The name begins with space. Hence the rest of the name is an index into
- the string table. */
-static char *
-get_extended_arelt_filename (arch, name)
- bfd *arch;
- const char *name;
- unsigned long index = 0;
- /* Should extract string so that I can guarantee not to overflow into
- the next region, but I'm too lazy. */
- errno = 0;
- /* Skip first char, which is '/' in SVR4 or ' ' in some other variants. */
- index = strtol (name + 1, NULL, 10);
- if (errno != 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_malformed_archive);
- return NULL;
- }
- return bfd_ardata (arch)->extended_names + index;
-/* This functions reads an arch header and returns an areltdata pointer, or
- NULL on error.
- Presumes the file pointer is already in the right place (ie pointing
- to the ar_hdr in the file). Moves the file pointer; on success it
- should be pointing to the front of the file contents; on failure it
- could have been moved arbitrarily.
-_bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr_mag (abfd, (const char *) NULL);
-/* Alpha ECOFF uses an optional different ARFMAG value, so we have a
- variant of _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr which accepts a magic string. */
-_bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr_mag (abfd, mag)
- bfd *abfd;
- const char *mag;
- struct ar_hdr hdr;
- char *hdrp = (char *) &hdr;
- unsigned int parsed_size;
- struct areltdata *ared;
- char *filename = NULL;
- unsigned int namelen = 0;
- unsigned int allocsize = sizeof (struct areltdata) + sizeof (struct ar_hdr);
- char *allocptr = 0;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) hdrp, 1, sizeof (struct ar_hdr), abfd)
- != sizeof (struct ar_hdr))
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_more_archived_files);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (strncmp (hdr.ar_fmag, ARFMAG, 2) != 0
- && (mag == NULL
- || strncmp (hdr.ar_fmag, mag, 2) != 0))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_malformed_archive);
- return NULL;
- }
- errno = 0;
- parsed_size = strtol (hdr.ar_size, NULL, 10);
- if (errno != 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_malformed_archive);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Extract the filename from the archive - there are two ways to
- specify an extendend name table, either the first char of the
- name is a space, or it's a slash. */
- if ((hdr.ar_name[0] == '/'
- || (hdr.ar_name[0] == ' '
- && memchr (hdr.ar_name, '/', ar_maxnamelen (abfd)) == NULL))
- && bfd_ardata (abfd)->extended_names != NULL)
- {
- filename = get_extended_arelt_filename (abfd, hdr.ar_name);
- if (filename == NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_malformed_archive);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- /* BSD4.4-style long filename.
- Only implemented for reading, so far! */
- else if (hdr.ar_name[0] == '#' && hdr.ar_name[1] == '1'
- && hdr.ar_name[2] == '/' && isdigit (hdr.ar_name[3]))
- {
- /* BSD-4.4 extended name */
- namelen = atoi (&hdr.ar_name[3]);
- allocsize += namelen + 1;
- parsed_size -= namelen;
- allocptr = bfd_zalloc (abfd, allocsize);
- if (allocptr == NULL)
- return NULL;
- filename = (allocptr
- + sizeof (struct areltdata)
- + sizeof (struct ar_hdr));
- if (bfd_read (filename, 1, namelen, abfd) != namelen)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_more_archived_files);
- return NULL;
- }
- filename[namelen] = '\0';
- }
- else
- {
- /* We judge the end of the name by looking for '/' or ' '.
- Note: The SYSV format (terminated by '/') allows embedded
- spaces, so only look for ' ' if we don't find '/'. */
- namelen = 0;
- while (hdr.ar_name[namelen] != '\0' &&
- hdr.ar_name[namelen] != '/')
- {
- namelen++;
- if (namelen == (unsigned) ar_maxnamelen (abfd))
- {
- namelen = 0;
- while (hdr.ar_name[namelen] != ' '
- && namelen < (unsigned) ar_maxnamelen (abfd))
- namelen++;
- break;
- }
- }
- allocsize += namelen + 1;
- }
- if (!allocptr)
- {
- allocptr = bfd_zalloc (abfd, allocsize);
- if (allocptr == NULL)
- return NULL;
- }
- ared = (struct areltdata *) allocptr;
- ared->arch_header = allocptr + sizeof (struct areltdata);
- memcpy ((char *) ared->arch_header, (char *) &hdr, sizeof (struct ar_hdr));
- ared->parsed_size = parsed_size;
- if (filename != NULL)
- ared->filename = filename;
- else
- {
- ared->filename = allocptr + (sizeof (struct areltdata) +
- sizeof (struct ar_hdr));
- if (namelen)
- memcpy (ared->filename, hdr.ar_name, namelen);
- ared->filename[namelen] = '\0';
- }
- return (PTR) ared;
-/* This is an internal function; it's mainly used when indexing
- through the archive symbol table, but also used to get the next
- element, since it handles the bookkeeping so nicely for us. */
-bfd *
-_bfd_get_elt_at_filepos (archive, filepos)
- bfd *archive;
- file_ptr filepos;
- struct areltdata *new_areldata;
- bfd *n_nfd;
- n_nfd = _bfd_look_for_bfd_in_cache (archive, filepos);
- if (n_nfd)
- return n_nfd;
- if (0 > bfd_seek (archive, filepos, SEEK_SET))
- return NULL;
- if ((new_areldata = (struct areltdata *) _bfd_read_ar_hdr (archive)) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- n_nfd = _bfd_create_empty_archive_element_shell (archive);
- if (n_nfd == NULL)
- {
- bfd_release (archive, (PTR) new_areldata);
- return NULL;
- }
- n_nfd->origin = bfd_tell (archive);
- n_nfd->arelt_data = (PTR) new_areldata;
- n_nfd->filename = new_areldata->filename;
- if (_bfd_add_bfd_to_archive_cache (archive, filepos, n_nfd))
- return n_nfd;
- /* huh? */
- bfd_release (archive, (PTR) n_nfd);
- bfd_release (archive, (PTR) new_areldata);
- return NULL;
-/* Return the BFD which is referenced by the symbol in ABFD indexed by
- INDEX. INDEX should have been returned by bfd_get_next_mapent. */
-bfd *
-_bfd_generic_get_elt_at_index (abfd, index)
- bfd *abfd;
- symindex index;
- carsym *entry;
- entry = bfd_ardata (abfd)->symdefs + index;
- return _bfd_get_elt_at_filepos (abfd, entry->file_offset);
- bfd_openr_next_archived_file
- bfd *bfd_openr_next_archived_file(bfd *archive, bfd *previous);
- Provided a BFD, @var{archive}, containing an archive and NULL, open
- an input BFD on the first contained element and returns that.
- Subsequent calls should pass
- the archive and the previous return value to return a created
- BFD to the next contained element. NULL is returned when there
- are no more.
-bfd *
-bfd_openr_next_archived_file (archive, last_file)
- bfd *archive;
- bfd *last_file;
- if ((bfd_get_format (archive) != bfd_archive) ||
- (archive->direction == write_direction))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return NULL;
- }
- return BFD_SEND (archive,
- openr_next_archived_file,
- (archive,
- last_file));
-bfd *
-bfd_generic_openr_next_archived_file (archive, last_file)
- bfd *archive;
- bfd *last_file;
- file_ptr filestart;
- if (!last_file)
- filestart = bfd_ardata (archive)->first_file_filepos;
- else
- {
- unsigned int size = arelt_size (last_file);
- /* Pad to an even boundary...
- Note that last_file->origin can be odd in the case of
- BSD-4.4-style element with a long odd size. */
- filestart = last_file->origin + size;
- filestart += filestart % 2;
- }
- return _bfd_get_elt_at_filepos (archive, filestart);
-const bfd_target *
-bfd_generic_archive_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct artdata *tdata_hold;
- char armag[SARMAG + 1];
- tdata_hold = abfd->tdata.aout_ar_data;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) armag, 1, SARMAG, abfd) != SARMAG)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
-#ifdef GNU960
- if (strncmp (armag, BFD_GNU960_ARMAG (abfd), SARMAG) != 0)
- return 0;
- if (strncmp (armag, ARMAG, SARMAG) != 0 &&
- strncmp (armag, ARMAGB, SARMAG) != 0)
- return 0;
- /* We are setting bfd_ardata(abfd) here, but since bfd_ardata
- involves a cast, we can't do it as the left operand of assignment. */
- abfd->tdata.aout_ar_data = ((struct artdata *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct artdata)));
- if (bfd_ardata (abfd) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->first_file_filepos = SARMAG;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->cache = NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->archive_head = NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->symdefs = NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->extended_names = NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->tdata = NULL;
- if (!BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_slurp_armap, (abfd)))
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, bfd_ardata (abfd));
- abfd->tdata.aout_ar_data = tdata_hold;
- return NULL;
- }
- if (!BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_slurp_extended_name_table, (abfd)))
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, bfd_ardata (abfd));
- abfd->tdata.aout_ar_data = tdata_hold;
- return NULL;
- }
- if (bfd_has_map (abfd))
- {
- bfd *first;
- /* This archive has a map, so we may presume that the contents
- are object files. Make sure that if the first file in the
- archive can be recognized as an object file, it is for this
- target. If not, assume that this is the wrong format. If
- the first file is not an object file, somebody is doing
- something weird, and we permit it so that ar -t will work.
- This is done because any normal format will recognize any
- normal archive, regardless of the format of the object files.
- We do accept an empty archive. */
- first = bfd_openr_next_archived_file (abfd, (bfd *) NULL);
- if (first != NULL)
- {
- boolean fail;
- first->target_defaulted = false;
- fail = false;
- if (bfd_check_format (first, bfd_object)
- && first->xvec != abfd->xvec)
- {
- (void) bfd_close (first);
- bfd_release (abfd, bfd_ardata (abfd));
- abfd->tdata.aout_ar_data = tdata_hold;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* We ought to close first here, but we can't, because we
- have no way to remove it from the archive cache. FIXME. */
- }
- }
- return abfd->xvec;
-/* Some constants for a 32 bit BSD archive structure. We do not
- support 64 bit archives presently; so far as I know, none actually
- exist. Supporting them would require changing these constants, and
- changing some bfd_h_get_32 to bfd_h_get_64. */
-/* The size of an external symdef structure. */
-#define BSD_SYMDEF_SIZE 8
-/* The offset from the start of a symdef structure to the file offset. */
-/* The size of the symdef count. */
-/* The size of the string count. */
-/* Returns false on error, true otherwise */
-static boolean
-do_slurp_bsd_armap (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct areltdata *mapdata;
- unsigned int counter;
- bfd_byte *raw_armap, *rbase;
- struct artdata *ardata = bfd_ardata (abfd);
- char *stringbase;
- unsigned int parsed_size;
- carsym *set;
- mapdata = (struct areltdata *) _bfd_read_ar_hdr (abfd);
- if (mapdata == NULL)
- return false;
- parsed_size = mapdata->parsed_size;
- bfd_release (abfd, (PTR) mapdata); /* Don't need it any more. */
- raw_armap = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, parsed_size);
- if (raw_armap == (bfd_byte *) NULL)
- return false;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) raw_armap, 1, parsed_size, abfd) != parsed_size)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_malformed_archive);
- byebye:
- bfd_release (abfd, (PTR) raw_armap);
- return false;
- }
- ardata->symdef_count = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, raw_armap) / BSD_SYMDEF_SIZE;
- if (ardata->symdef_count * BSD_SYMDEF_SIZE >
- parsed_size - BSD_SYMDEF_COUNT_SIZE)
- {
- /* Probably we're using the wrong byte ordering. */
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- goto byebye;
- }
- ardata->cache = 0;
- rbase = raw_armap + BSD_SYMDEF_COUNT_SIZE;
- stringbase = ((char *) rbase
- + ardata->symdef_count * BSD_SYMDEF_SIZE
- ardata->symdefs = (carsym *) bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (ardata->symdef_count
- * sizeof (carsym)));
- if (!ardata->symdefs)
- return false;
- for (counter = 0, set = ardata->symdefs;
- counter < ardata->symdef_count;
- counter++, set++, rbase += BSD_SYMDEF_SIZE)
- {
- set->name = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, rbase) + stringbase;
- set->file_offset = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, rbase + BSD_SYMDEF_OFFSET_SIZE);
- }
- ardata->first_file_filepos = bfd_tell (abfd);
- /* Pad to an even boundary if you have to */
- ardata->first_file_filepos += (ardata->first_file_filepos) % 2;
- /* FIXME, we should provide some way to free raw_ardata when
- we are done using the strings from it. For now, it seems
- to be allocated on an obstack anyway... */
- bfd_has_map (abfd) = true;
- return true;
-/* Returns false on error, true otherwise */
-static boolean
-do_slurp_coff_armap (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct areltdata *mapdata;
- int *raw_armap, *rawptr;
- struct artdata *ardata = bfd_ardata (abfd);
- char *stringbase;
- unsigned int stringsize;
- unsigned int parsed_size;
- carsym *carsyms;
- unsigned int nsymz; /* Number of symbols in armap. */
- bfd_vma (*swap) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
- char int_buf[sizeof (long)];
- unsigned int carsym_size, ptrsize, i;
- mapdata = (struct areltdata *) _bfd_read_ar_hdr (abfd);
- if (mapdata == NULL)
- return false;
- parsed_size = mapdata->parsed_size;
- bfd_release (abfd, (PTR) mapdata); /* Don't need it any more. */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) int_buf, 1, 4, abfd) != 4)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_malformed_archive);
- return false;
- }
- /* It seems that all numeric information in a coff archive is always
- in big endian format, nomatter the host or target. */
- swap = bfd_getb32;
- nsymz = bfd_getb32 ((PTR) int_buf);
- stringsize = parsed_size - (4 * nsymz) - 4;
-#if 1
- /* ... except that some archive formats are broken, and it may be our
- fault - the i960 little endian coff sometimes has big and sometimes
- little, because our tools changed. Here's a horrible hack to clean
- up the crap. */
- if (stringsize > 0xfffff)
- {
- /* This looks dangerous, let's do it the other way around */
- nsymz = bfd_getl32 ((PTR) int_buf);
- stringsize = parsed_size - (4 * nsymz) - 4;
- swap = bfd_getl32;
- }
- /* The coff armap must be read sequentially. So we construct a
- bsd-style one in core all at once, for simplicity. */
- carsym_size = (nsymz * sizeof (carsym));
- ptrsize = (4 * nsymz);
- ardata->symdefs = (carsym *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, carsym_size + stringsize + 1);
- if (ardata->symdefs == NULL)
- return false;
- carsyms = ardata->symdefs;
- stringbase = ((char *) ardata->symdefs) + carsym_size;
- /* Allocate and read in the raw offsets. */
- raw_armap = (int *) bfd_alloc (abfd, ptrsize);
- if (raw_armap == NULL)
- goto release_symdefs;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) raw_armap, 1, ptrsize, abfd) != ptrsize
- || bfd_read ((PTR) stringbase, 1, stringsize, abfd) != stringsize)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_malformed_archive);
- goto release_raw_armap;
- }
- /* OK, build the carsyms */
- for (i = 0; i < nsymz; i++)
- {
- rawptr = raw_armap + i;
- carsyms->file_offset = swap ((PTR) rawptr);
- carsyms->name = stringbase;
- stringbase += strlen (stringbase) + 1;
- carsyms++;
- }
- *stringbase = 0;
- ardata->symdef_count = nsymz;
- ardata->first_file_filepos = bfd_tell (abfd);
- /* Pad to an even boundary if you have to */
- ardata->first_file_filepos += (ardata->first_file_filepos) % 2;
- bfd_has_map (abfd) = true;
- bfd_release (abfd, (PTR) raw_armap);
- /* Check for a second archive header (as used by PE) */
- {
- struct areltdata *tmp;
- bfd_seek (abfd, ardata->first_file_filepos, SEEK_SET);
- tmp = (struct areltdata *) _bfd_read_ar_hdr (abfd);
- if (tmp != NULL)
- {
- if (tmp->arch_header[0] == '/'
- && tmp->arch_header[1] == ' ')
- {
- ardata->first_file_filepos +=
- (tmp->parsed_size + sizeof(struct ar_hdr) + 1) & ~1;
- }
- bfd_release (abfd, tmp);
- }
- }
- return true;
- bfd_release (abfd, (PTR) raw_armap);
- bfd_release (abfd, (PTR) (ardata)->symdefs);
- return false;
-/* This routine can handle either coff-style or bsd-style armaps.
- Returns false on error, true otherwise */
-bfd_slurp_armap (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- char nextname[17];
- int i = bfd_read ((PTR) nextname, 1, 16, abfd);
- if (i == 0)
- return true;
- if (i != 16)
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) - 16, SEEK_CUR) != 0)
- return false;
- if (!strncmp (nextname, "__.SYMDEF ", 16)
- || !strncmp (nextname, "__.SYMDEF/ ", 16)) /* old Linux archives */
- return do_slurp_bsd_armap (abfd);
- else if (!strncmp (nextname, "/ ", 16))
- return do_slurp_coff_armap (abfd);
- bfd_has_map (abfd) = false;
- return true;
-/* Returns false on error, true otherwise */
-/* flavor 2 of a bsd armap, similar to bfd_slurp_bsd_armap except the
- header is in a slightly different order and the map name is '/'.
- This flavour is used by hp300hpux. */
-bfd_slurp_bsd_armap_f2 (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct areltdata *mapdata;
- char nextname[17];
- unsigned int counter;
- bfd_byte *raw_armap, *rbase;
- struct artdata *ardata = bfd_ardata (abfd);
- char *stringbase;
- unsigned int stringsize;
- carsym *set;
- int i = bfd_read ((PTR) nextname, 1, 16, abfd);
- if (i == 0)
- return true;
- if (i != 16)
- return false;
- /* The archive has at least 16 bytes in it */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, -16L, SEEK_CUR) != 0)
- return false;
- if (!strncmp (nextname, "__.SYMDEF ", 16)
- || !strncmp (nextname, "__.SYMDEF/ ", 16)) /* old Linux archives */
- return do_slurp_bsd_armap (abfd);
- if (strncmp (nextname, "/ ", 16))
- {
- bfd_has_map (abfd) = false;
- return true;
- }
- mapdata = (struct areltdata *) _bfd_read_ar_hdr (abfd);
- if (mapdata == NULL)
- return false;
- raw_armap = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, mapdata->parsed_size);
- if (raw_armap == NULL)
- {
- byebye:
- bfd_release (abfd, (PTR) mapdata);
- return false;
- }
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) raw_armap, 1, mapdata->parsed_size, abfd) !=
- mapdata->parsed_size)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_malformed_archive);
- byebyebye:
- bfd_release (abfd, (PTR) raw_armap);
- goto byebye;
- }
- ardata->symdef_count = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (PTR) raw_armap);
- if (ardata->symdef_count * BSD_SYMDEF_SIZE
- > mapdata->parsed_size - HPUX_SYMDEF_COUNT_SIZE)
- {
- /* Probably we're using the wrong byte ordering. */
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- goto byebyebye;
- }
- ardata->cache = 0;
- stringsize = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, raw_armap + HPUX_SYMDEF_COUNT_SIZE);
- /* skip sym count and string sz */
- stringbase = ((char *) raw_armap
- rbase = (bfd_byte *) stringbase + stringsize;
- ardata->symdefs = (carsym *) bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (ardata->symdef_count
- if (!ardata->symdefs)
- return false;
- for (counter = 0, set = ardata->symdefs;
- counter < ardata->symdef_count;
- counter++, set++, rbase += BSD_SYMDEF_SIZE)
- {
- set->name = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, rbase) + stringbase;
- set->file_offset = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, rbase + BSD_SYMDEF_OFFSET_SIZE);
- }
- ardata->first_file_filepos = bfd_tell (abfd);
- /* Pad to an even boundary if you have to */
- ardata->first_file_filepos += (ardata->first_file_filepos) % 2;
- /* FIXME, we should provide some way to free raw_ardata when
- we are done using the strings from it. For now, it seems
- to be allocated on an obstack anyway... */
- bfd_has_map (abfd) = true;
- return true;
-/** Extended name table.
- Normally archives support only 14-character filenames.
- Intel has extended the format: longer names are stored in a special
- element (the first in the archive, or second if there is an armap);
- the name in the ar_hdr is replaced by <space><index into filename
- element>. Index is the P.R. of an int (decimal). Data General have
- extended the format by using the prefix // for the special element */
-/* Returns false on error, true otherwise */
-_bfd_slurp_extended_name_table (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- char nextname[17];
- struct areltdata *namedata;
- /* FIXME: Formatting sucks here, and in case of failure of BFD_READ,
- we probably don't want to return true. */
- bfd_seek (abfd, bfd_ardata (abfd)->first_file_filepos, SEEK_SET);
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) nextname, 1, 16, abfd) == 16)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) - 16, SEEK_CUR) != 0)
- return false;
- if (strncmp (nextname, "ARFILENAMES/ ", 16) != 0 &&
- strncmp (nextname, "// ", 16) != 0)
- {
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->extended_names = NULL;
- return true;
- }
- namedata = (struct areltdata *) _bfd_read_ar_hdr (abfd);
- if (namedata == NULL)
- return false;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->extended_names =
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, namedata->parsed_size);
- if (bfd_ardata (abfd)->extended_names == NULL)
- {
- byebye:
- bfd_release (abfd, (PTR) namedata);
- return false;
- }
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) bfd_ardata (abfd)->extended_names, 1,
- namedata->parsed_size, abfd) != namedata->parsed_size)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_malformed_archive);
- bfd_release (abfd, (PTR) (bfd_ardata (abfd)->extended_names));
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->extended_names = NULL;
- goto byebye;
- }
- /* Since the archive is supposed to be printable if it contains
- text, the entries in the list are newline-padded, not null
- padded. In SVR4-style archives, the names also have a
- trailing '/'. DOS/NT created archive often have \ in them
- We'll fix all problems here.. */
- {
- char *temp = bfd_ardata (abfd)->extended_names;
- char *limit = temp + namedata->parsed_size;
- for (; temp < limit; ++temp) {
- if (*temp == '\012')
- temp[temp[-1] == '/' ? -1 : 0] = '\0';
- if (*temp == '\\')
- *temp = '/';
- }
- }
- /* Pad to an even boundary if you have to */
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->first_file_filepos = bfd_tell (abfd);
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->first_file_filepos +=
- (bfd_ardata (abfd)->first_file_filepos) % 2;
- /* FIXME, we can't release namedata here because it was allocated
- below extended_names on the obstack... */
- /* bfd_release (abfd, namedata); */
- }
- return true;
-#ifdef VMS
-/* Return a copy of the stuff in the filename between any :]> and a
- semicolon */
-static const char *
-normalize (abfd, file)
- bfd *abfd;
- const char *file;
- CONST char *first;
- CONST char *last;
- char *copy;
- first = file + strlen (file) - 1;
- last = first + 1;
- while (first != file)
- {
- if (*first == ';')
- last = first;
- if (*first == ':' || *first == ']' || *first == '>')
- {
- first++;
- break;
- }
- first--;
- }
- copy = (char *) bfd_alloc (abfd, last - first + 1);
- if (copy == NULL)
- return NULL;
- memcpy (copy, first, last - first);
- copy[last - first] = 0;
- return copy;
-static const char *
-normalize (abfd, file)
- bfd *abfd;
- const char *file;
- const char *filename = strrchr (file, '/');
- if (filename != (char *) NULL)
- filename++;
- else
- filename = file;
- return filename;
-/* Build a BFD style extended name table. */
-_bfd_archive_bsd_construct_extended_name_table (abfd, tabloc, tablen, name)
- bfd *abfd;
- char **tabloc;
- bfd_size_type *tablen;
- const char **name;
- *name = "ARFILENAMES/";
- return _bfd_construct_extended_name_table (abfd, false, tabloc, tablen);
-/* Build an SVR4 style extended name table. */
-_bfd_archive_coff_construct_extended_name_table (abfd, tabloc, tablen, name)
- bfd *abfd;
- char **tabloc;
- bfd_size_type *tablen;
- const char **name;
- *name = "//";
- return _bfd_construct_extended_name_table (abfd, true, tabloc, tablen);
-/* Follows archive_head and produces an extended name table if
- necessary. Returns (in tabloc) a pointer to an extended name
- table, and in tablen the length of the table. If it makes an entry
- it clobbers the filename so that the element may be written without
- further massage. Returns true if it ran successfully, false if
- something went wrong. A successful return may still involve a
- zero-length tablen! */
-_bfd_construct_extended_name_table (abfd, trailing_slash, tabloc, tablen)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean trailing_slash;
- char **tabloc;
- bfd_size_type *tablen;
- unsigned int maxname = abfd->xvec->ar_max_namelen;
- unsigned int total_namelen = 0;
- bfd *current;
- char *strptr;
- *tablen = 0;
- /* Figure out how long the table should be */
- for (current = abfd->archive_head; current != NULL; current = current->next)
- {
- const char *normal;
- unsigned int thislen;
- normal = normalize (current, current->filename);
- if (normal == NULL)
- return false;
- thislen = strlen (normal);
- if (thislen > maxname
- && (bfd_get_file_flags (abfd) & BFD_TRADITIONAL_FORMAT) != 0)
- thislen = maxname;
- if (thislen > maxname)
- {
- /* Add one to leave room for \n. */
- total_namelen += thislen + 1;
- if (trailing_slash)
- {
- /* Leave room for trailing slash. */
- ++total_namelen;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- struct ar_hdr *hdr = arch_hdr (current);
- if (strncmp (normal, hdr->ar_name, thislen) != 0
- || (thislen < sizeof hdr->ar_name
- && hdr->ar_name[thislen] != ar_padchar (current)))
- {
- /* Must have been using extended format even though it
- didn't need to. Fix it to use normal format. */
- memcpy (hdr->ar_name, normal, thislen);
- if (thislen < maxname
- || (thislen == maxname && thislen < sizeof hdr->ar_name))
- hdr->ar_name[thislen] = ar_padchar (current);
- }
- }
- }
- if (total_namelen == 0)
- return true;
- *tabloc = bfd_zalloc (abfd, total_namelen);
- if (*tabloc == NULL)
- return false;
- *tablen = total_namelen;
- strptr = *tabloc;
- for (current = abfd->archive_head; current != NULL; current =
- current->next)
- {
- const char *normal;
- unsigned int thislen;
- normal = normalize (current, current->filename);
- if (normal == NULL)
- return false;
- thislen = strlen (normal);
- if (thislen > maxname)
- {
- /* Works for now; may need to be re-engineered if we
- encounter an oddball archive format and want to
- generalise this hack. */
- struct ar_hdr *hdr = arch_hdr (current);
- strcpy (strptr, normal);
- if (! trailing_slash)
- strptr[thislen] = '\012';
- else
- {
- strptr[thislen] = '/';
- strptr[thislen + 1] = '\012';
- }
- hdr->ar_name[0] = ar_padchar (current);
- /* We know there will always be enough room (one of the few
- cases where you may safely use sprintf). */
- sprintf ((hdr->ar_name) + 1, "%-d", (unsigned) (strptr - *tabloc));
- /* Kinda Kludgy. We should just use the returned value of
- sprintf but not all implementations get this right */
- {
- char *temp = hdr->ar_name + 2;
- for (; temp < hdr->ar_name + maxname; temp++)
- if (*temp == '\0')
- *temp = ' ';
- }
- strptr += thislen + 1;
- if (trailing_slash)
- ++strptr;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/** A couple of functions for creating ar_hdrs */
-/* Takes a filename, returns an arelt_data for it, or NULL if it can't
- make one. The filename must refer to a filename in the filesystem.
- The filename field of the ar_hdr will NOT be initialized */
-static struct areltdata *
-bfd_ar_hdr_from_filesystem (abfd, filename)
- bfd *abfd;
- const char *filename;
- struct stat status;
- struct areltdata *ared;
- struct ar_hdr *hdr;
- char *temp, *temp1;
- if (stat (filename, &status) != 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- return NULL;
- }
- ared = (struct areltdata *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct ar_hdr) +
- sizeof (struct areltdata));
- if (ared == NULL)
- return NULL;
- hdr = (struct ar_hdr *) (((char *) ared) + sizeof (struct areltdata));
- /* ar headers are space padded, not null padded! */
- memset ((PTR) hdr, ' ', sizeof (struct ar_hdr));
- strncpy (hdr->ar_fmag, ARFMAG, 2);
- /* Goddamned sprintf doesn't permit MAXIMUM field lengths */
- sprintf ((hdr->ar_date), "%-12ld", (long) status.st_mtime);
- sprintf ((hdr->ar_uid), "%ld", (long) status.st_uid);
- sprintf ((hdr->ar_gid), "%ld", (long) status.st_gid);
- sprintf ((hdr->ar_mode), "%-8o", (unsigned int) status.st_mode);
- sprintf ((hdr->ar_size), "%-10ld", (long) status.st_size);
- /* Correct for a lossage in sprintf whereby it null-terminates. I cannot
- understand how these C losers could design such a ramshackle bunch of
- IO operations */
- temp = (char *) hdr;
- temp1 = temp + sizeof (struct ar_hdr) - 2;
- for (; temp < temp1; temp++)
- {
- if (*temp == '\0')
- *temp = ' ';
- }
- strncpy (hdr->ar_fmag, ARFMAG, 2);
- ared->parsed_size = status.st_size;
- ared->arch_header = (char *) hdr;
- return ared;
-/* This is magic required by the "ar" program. Since it's
- undocumented, it's undocumented. You may think that it would take
- a strong stomach to write this, and it does, but it takes even a
- stronger stomach to try to code around such a thing! */
-struct ar_hdr *
-bfd_special_undocumented_glue (abfd, filename)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *filename;
- struct areltdata *ar_elt = bfd_ar_hdr_from_filesystem (abfd, filename);
- if (ar_elt == NULL)
- return NULL;
- return (struct ar_hdr *) ar_elt->arch_header;
-/* Analogous to stat call */
-bfd_generic_stat_arch_elt (abfd, buf)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct stat *buf;
- struct ar_hdr *hdr;
- char *aloser;
- if (abfd->arelt_data == NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return -1;
- }
- hdr = arch_hdr (abfd);
-#define foo(arelt, stelt, size) \
- buf->stelt = strtol (hdr->arelt, &aloser, size); \
- if (aloser == hdr->arelt) return -1;
- foo (ar_date, st_mtime, 10);
- foo (ar_uid, st_uid, 10);
- foo (ar_gid, st_gid, 10);
- foo (ar_mode, st_mode, 8);
- buf->st_size = arch_eltdata (abfd)->parsed_size;
- return 0;
-bfd_dont_truncate_arname (abfd, pathname, arhdr)
- bfd *abfd;
- CONST char *pathname;
- char *arhdr;
- /* FIXME: This interacts unpleasantly with ar's quick-append option.
- Fortunately ic960 users will never use that option. Fixing this
- is very hard; fortunately I know how to do it and will do so once
- intel's release is out the door. */
- struct ar_hdr *hdr = (struct ar_hdr *) arhdr;
- size_t length;
- const char *filename;
- size_t maxlen = ar_maxnamelen (abfd);
- if ((bfd_get_file_flags (abfd) & BFD_TRADITIONAL_FORMAT) != 0)
- {
- bfd_bsd_truncate_arname (abfd, pathname, arhdr);
- return;
- }
- filename = normalize (abfd, pathname);
- if (filename == NULL)
- {
- /* FIXME */
- abort ();
- }
- length = strlen (filename);
- if (length <= maxlen)
- memcpy (hdr->ar_name, filename, length);
- /* Add the padding character if there is room for it. */
- if (length < maxlen
- || (length == maxlen && length < sizeof hdr->ar_name))
- (hdr->ar_name)[length] = ar_padchar (abfd);
-bfd_bsd_truncate_arname (abfd, pathname, arhdr)
- bfd *abfd;
- CONST char *pathname;
- char *arhdr;
- struct ar_hdr *hdr = (struct ar_hdr *) arhdr;
- int length;
- CONST char *filename = strrchr (pathname, '/');
- int maxlen = ar_maxnamelen (abfd);
- if (filename == NULL)
- filename = pathname;
- else
- ++filename;
- length = strlen (filename);
- if (length <= maxlen)
- memcpy (hdr->ar_name, filename, length);
- else
- {
- /* pathname: meet procrustes */
- memcpy (hdr->ar_name, filename, maxlen);
- length = maxlen;
- }
- if (length < maxlen)
- (hdr->ar_name)[length] = ar_padchar (abfd);
-/* Store name into ar header. Truncates the name to fit.
- 1> strip pathname to be just the basename.
- 2> if it's short enuf to fit, stuff it in.
- 3> If it doesn't end with .o, truncate it to fit
- 4> truncate it before the .o, append .o, stuff THAT in. */
-/* This is what gnu ar does. It's better but incompatible with the
- bsd ar. */
-bfd_gnu_truncate_arname (abfd, pathname, arhdr)
- bfd *abfd;
- CONST char *pathname;
- char *arhdr;
- struct ar_hdr *hdr = (struct ar_hdr *) arhdr;
- int length;
- CONST char *filename = strrchr (pathname, '/');
- int maxlen = ar_maxnamelen (abfd);
- if (filename == NULL)
- filename = pathname;
- else
- ++filename;
- length = strlen (filename);
- if (length <= maxlen)
- memcpy (hdr->ar_name, filename, length);
- else
- { /* pathname: meet procrustes */
- memcpy (hdr->ar_name, filename, maxlen);
- if ((filename[length - 2] == '.') && (filename[length - 1] == 'o'))
- {
- hdr->ar_name[maxlen - 2] = '.';
- hdr->ar_name[maxlen - 1] = 'o';
- }
- length = maxlen;
- }
- if (length < 16)
- (hdr->ar_name)[length] = ar_padchar (abfd);
-/* The BFD is open for write and has its format set to bfd_archive */
-_bfd_write_archive_contents (arch)
- bfd *arch;
- bfd *current;
- char *etable = NULL;
- bfd_size_type elength = 0;
- const char *ename = NULL;
- boolean makemap = bfd_has_map (arch);
- boolean hasobjects = false; /* if no .o's, don't bother to make a map */
- bfd_size_type wrote;
- unsigned int i;
- int tries;
- /* Verify the viability of all entries; if any of them live in the
- filesystem (as opposed to living in an archive open for input)
- then construct a fresh ar_hdr for them. */
- for (current = arch->archive_head; current; current = current->next)
- {
- if (bfd_write_p (current))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- if (!current->arelt_data)
- {
- current->arelt_data =
- (PTR) bfd_ar_hdr_from_filesystem (arch, current->filename);
- if (!current->arelt_data)
- return false;
- /* Put in the file name */
- BFD_SEND (arch, _bfd_truncate_arname, (arch,
- current->filename,
- (char *) arch_hdr (current)));
- }
- if (makemap && ! hasobjects)
- { /* don't bother if we won't make a map! */
- if ((bfd_check_format (current, bfd_object))
-#if 0 /* FIXME -- these are not set correctly */
- && ((bfd_get_file_flags (current) & HAS_SYMS))
- )
- hasobjects = true;
- }
- }
- if (!BFD_SEND (arch, _bfd_construct_extended_name_table,
- (arch, &etable, &elength, &ename)))
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (arch, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
-#ifdef GNU960
- wrote = bfd_write (BFD_GNU960_ARMAG (arch), 1, SARMAG, arch);
- wrote = bfd_write (ARMAG, 1, SARMAG, arch);
- if (wrote != SARMAG)
- return false;
- if (makemap && hasobjects)
- {
- if (_bfd_compute_and_write_armap (arch, elength) != true)
- return false;
- }
- if (elength != 0)
- {
- struct ar_hdr hdr;
- memset ((char *) (&hdr), 0, sizeof (struct ar_hdr));
- strcpy (hdr.ar_name, ename);
- /* Round size up to even number in archive header. */
- sprintf (&(hdr.ar_size[0]), "%-10d",
- (int) ((elength + 1) & ~1));
- strncpy (hdr.ar_fmag, ARFMAG, 2);
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (struct ar_hdr); i++)
- if (((char *) (&hdr))[i] == '\0')
- (((char *) (&hdr))[i]) = ' ';
- if ((bfd_write ((char *) &hdr, 1, sizeof (struct ar_hdr), arch)
- != sizeof (struct ar_hdr))
- || bfd_write (etable, 1, elength, arch) != elength)
- return false;
- if ((elength % 2) == 1)
- {
- if (bfd_write ("\012", 1, 1, arch) != 1)
- return false;
- }
- }
- for (current = arch->archive_head; current; current = current->next)
- {
- char buffer[DEFAULT_BUFFERSIZE];
- unsigned int remaining = arelt_size (current);
- struct ar_hdr *hdr = arch_hdr (current);
- /* write ar header */
- if (bfd_write ((char *) hdr, 1, sizeof (*hdr), arch) != sizeof (*hdr))
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (current, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- while (remaining)
- {
- unsigned int amt = DEFAULT_BUFFERSIZE;
- if (amt > remaining)
- amt = remaining;
- errno = 0;
- if (bfd_read (buffer, amt, 1, current) != amt)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_malformed_archive);
- return false;
- }
- if (bfd_write (buffer, amt, 1, arch) != amt)
- return false;
- remaining -= amt;
- }
- if ((arelt_size (current) % 2) == 1)
- {
- if (bfd_write ("\012", 1, 1, arch) != 1)
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (makemap && hasobjects)
- {
- /* Verify the timestamp in the archive file. If it would not be
- accepted by the linker, rewrite it until it would be. If
- anything odd happens, break out and just return. (The
- Berkeley linker checks the timestamp and refuses to read the
- table-of-contents if it is >60 seconds less than the file's
- modified-time. That painful hack requires this painful hack. */
- tries = 1;
- do
- {
- if (bfd_update_armap_timestamp (arch))
- break;
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("Warning: writing archive was slow: rewriting timestamp\n");
- }
- while (++tries < 6);
- }
- return true;
-/* Note that the namidx for the first symbol is 0 */
-_bfd_compute_and_write_armap (arch, elength)
- bfd *arch;
- unsigned int elength;
- char *first_name = NULL;
- bfd *current;
- file_ptr elt_no = 0;
- struct orl *map = NULL;
- int orl_max = 1024; /* fine initial default */
- int orl_count = 0;
- int stridx = 0; /* string index */
- asymbol **syms = NULL;
- long syms_max = 0;
- boolean ret;
- /* Dunno if this is the best place for this info... */
- if (elength != 0)
- elength += sizeof (struct ar_hdr);
- elength += elength % 2;
- map = (struct orl *) bfd_malloc (orl_max * sizeof (struct orl));
- if (map == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- /* We put the symbol names on the arch obstack, and then discard
- them when done. */
- first_name = bfd_alloc (arch, 1);
- if (first_name == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- /* Drop all the files called __.SYMDEF, we're going to make our
- own */
- while (arch->archive_head &&
- strcmp (arch->archive_head->filename, "__.SYMDEF") == 0)
- arch->archive_head = arch->archive_head->next;
- /* Map over each element */
- for (current = arch->archive_head;
- current != (bfd *) NULL;
- current = current->next, elt_no++)
- {
- if ((bfd_check_format (current, bfd_object) == true)
- && ((bfd_get_file_flags (current) & HAS_SYMS)))
- {
- long storage;
- long symcount;
- long src_count;
- storage = bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound (current);
- if (storage < 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (storage != 0)
- {
- if (storage > syms_max)
- {
- if (syms_max > 0)
- free (syms);
- syms_max = storage;
- syms = (asymbol **) bfd_malloc ((size_t) syms_max);
- if (syms == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- }
- symcount = bfd_canonicalize_symtab (current, syms);
- if (symcount < 0)
- goto error_return;
- /* Now map over all the symbols, picking out the ones we want */
- for (src_count = 0; src_count < symcount; src_count++)
- {
- flagword flags = (syms[src_count])->flags;
- asection *sec = syms[src_count]->section;
- if ((flags & BSF_GLOBAL ||
- flags & BSF_WEAK ||
- flags & BSF_INDIRECT ||
- bfd_is_com_section (sec))
- && ! bfd_is_und_section (sec))
- {
- size_t namelen;
- struct orl *new_map;
- /* This symbol will go into the archive header */
- if (orl_count == orl_max)
- {
- orl_max *= 2;
- new_map =
- ((struct orl *)
- bfd_realloc (map, orl_max * sizeof (struct orl)));
- if (new_map == (struct orl *) NULL)
- goto error_return;
- map = new_map;
- }
- namelen = strlen (syms[src_count]->name);
- map[orl_count].name = ((char **)
- bfd_alloc (arch,
- sizeof (char *)));
- if (map[orl_count].name == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- *(map[orl_count].name) = bfd_alloc (arch, namelen + 1);
- if (*(map[orl_count].name) == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- strcpy (*(map[orl_count].name), syms[src_count]->name);
- (map[orl_count]).pos = (file_ptr) current;
- (map[orl_count]).namidx = stridx;
- stridx += namelen + 1;
- ++orl_count;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Now ask the BFD to free up any cached information, so we
- don't fill all of memory with symbol tables. */
- if (! bfd_free_cached_info (current))
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- /* OK, now we have collected all the data, let's write them out */
- ret = BFD_SEND (arch, write_armap,
- (arch, elength, map, orl_count, stridx));
- if (syms_max > 0)
- free (syms);
- if (map != NULL)
- free (map);
- if (first_name != NULL)
- bfd_release (arch, first_name);
- return ret;
- error_return:
- if (syms_max > 0)
- free (syms);
- if (map != NULL)
- free (map);
- if (first_name != NULL)
- bfd_release (arch, first_name);
- return false;
-bsd_write_armap (arch, elength, map, orl_count, stridx)
- bfd *arch;
- unsigned int elength;
- struct orl *map;
- unsigned int orl_count;
- int stridx;
- int padit = stridx & 1;
- unsigned int ranlibsize = orl_count * BSD_SYMDEF_SIZE;
- unsigned int stringsize = stridx + padit;
- /* Include 8 bytes to store ranlibsize and stringsize in output. */
- unsigned int mapsize = ranlibsize + stringsize + 8;
- file_ptr firstreal;
- bfd *current = arch->archive_head;
- bfd *last_elt = current; /* last element arch seen */
- bfd_byte temp[4];
- unsigned int count;
- struct ar_hdr hdr;
- struct stat statbuf;
- unsigned int i;
- firstreal = mapsize + elength + sizeof (struct ar_hdr) + SARMAG;
- stat (arch->filename, &statbuf);
- memset ((char *) (&hdr), 0, sizeof (struct ar_hdr));
- sprintf (hdr.ar_name, RANLIBMAG);
- /* Remember the timestamp, to keep it holy. But fudge it a little. */
- bfd_ardata (arch)->armap_timestamp = statbuf.st_mtime + ARMAP_TIME_OFFSET;
- bfd_ardata (arch)->armap_datepos = (SARMAG
- + offsetof (struct ar_hdr, ar_date[0]));
- sprintf (hdr.ar_date, "%ld", bfd_ardata (arch)->armap_timestamp);
- sprintf (hdr.ar_uid, "%ld", (long) getuid ());
- sprintf (hdr.ar_gid, "%ld", (long) getgid ());
- sprintf (hdr.ar_size, "%-10d", (int) mapsize);
- strncpy (hdr.ar_fmag, ARFMAG, 2);
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (struct ar_hdr); i++)
- if (((char *) (&hdr))[i] == '\0')
- (((char *) (&hdr))[i]) = ' ';
- if (bfd_write ((char *) &hdr, 1, sizeof (struct ar_hdr), arch)
- != sizeof (struct ar_hdr))
- return false;
- bfd_h_put_32 (arch, (bfd_vma) ranlibsize, temp);
- if (bfd_write (temp, 1, sizeof (temp), arch) != sizeof (temp))
- return false;
- for (count = 0; count < orl_count; count++)
- {
- bfd_byte buf[BSD_SYMDEF_SIZE];
- if (((bfd *) (map[count]).pos) != last_elt)
- {
- do
- {
- firstreal += arelt_size (current) + sizeof (struct ar_hdr);
- firstreal += firstreal % 2;
- current = current->next;
- }
- while (current != (bfd *) (map[count]).pos);
- } /* if new archive element */
- last_elt = current;
- bfd_h_put_32 (arch, map[count].namidx, buf);
- bfd_h_put_32 (arch, firstreal, buf + BSD_SYMDEF_OFFSET_SIZE);
- if (bfd_write (buf, BSD_SYMDEF_SIZE, 1, arch) != BSD_SYMDEF_SIZE)
- return false;
- }
- /* now write the strings themselves */
- bfd_h_put_32 (arch, stringsize, temp);
- if (bfd_write (temp, 1, sizeof (temp), arch) != sizeof (temp))
- return false;
- for (count = 0; count < orl_count; count++)
- {
- size_t len = strlen (*map[count].name) + 1;
- if (bfd_write (*map[count].name, 1, len, arch) != len)
- return false;
- }
- /* The spec sez this should be a newline. But in order to be
- bug-compatible for sun's ar we use a null. */
- if (padit)
- {
- if (bfd_write ("", 1, 1, arch) != 1)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* At the end of archive file handling, update the timestamp in the
- file, so the linker will accept it.
- Return true if the timestamp was OK, or an unusual problem happened.
- Return false if we updated the timestamp. */
-_bfd_archive_bsd_update_armap_timestamp (arch)
- bfd *arch;
- struct stat archstat;
- struct ar_hdr hdr;
- unsigned int i;
- /* Flush writes, get last-write timestamp from file, and compare it
- to the timestamp IN the file. */
- bfd_flush (arch);
- if (bfd_stat (arch, &archstat) == -1)
- {
- perror ("Reading archive file mod timestamp");
- return true; /* Can't read mod time for some reason */
- }
- if (archstat.st_mtime <= bfd_ardata (arch)->armap_timestamp)
- return true; /* OK by the linker's rules */
- /* Update the timestamp. */
- bfd_ardata (arch)->armap_timestamp = archstat.st_mtime + ARMAP_TIME_OFFSET;
- /* Prepare an ASCII version suitable for writing. */
- memset (hdr.ar_date, 0, sizeof (hdr.ar_date));
- sprintf (hdr.ar_date, "%ld", bfd_ardata (arch)->armap_timestamp);
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (hdr.ar_date); i++)
- if (hdr.ar_date[i] == '\0')
- (hdr.ar_date)[i] = ' ';
- /* Write it into the file. */
- bfd_ardata (arch)->armap_datepos = (SARMAG
- + offsetof (struct ar_hdr, ar_date[0]));
- if (bfd_seek (arch, bfd_ardata (arch)->armap_datepos, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_write (hdr.ar_date, sizeof (hdr.ar_date), 1, arch)
- != sizeof (hdr.ar_date)))
- {
- /* FIXME: bfd can't call perror. */
- perror ("Writing updated armap timestamp");
- return true; /* Some error while writing */
- }
- return false; /* We updated the timestamp successfully. */
-/* A coff armap looks like :
- struct ar_hdr with name = '/'
- number of symbols
- offset of file for symbol 0
- offset of file for symbol 1
- offset of file for symbol n-1
- symbol name 0
- symbol name 1
- symbol name n-1
-coff_write_armap (arch, elength, map, symbol_count, stridx)
- bfd *arch;
- unsigned int elength;
- struct orl *map;
- unsigned int symbol_count;
- int stridx;
- /* The size of the ranlib is the number of exported symbols in the
- archive * the number of bytes in a int, + an int for the count */
- unsigned int ranlibsize = (symbol_count * 4) + 4;
- unsigned int stringsize = stridx;
- unsigned int mapsize = stringsize + ranlibsize;
- file_ptr archive_member_file_ptr;
- bfd *current = arch->archive_head;
- unsigned int count;
- struct ar_hdr hdr;
- unsigned int i;
- int padit = mapsize & 1;
- if (padit)
- mapsize++;
- /* work out where the first object file will go in the archive */
- archive_member_file_ptr = (mapsize
- + elength
- + sizeof (struct ar_hdr)
- + SARMAG);
- memset ((char *) (&hdr), 0, sizeof (struct ar_hdr));
- hdr.ar_name[0] = '/';
- sprintf (hdr.ar_size, "%-10d", (int) mapsize);
- sprintf (hdr.ar_date, "%ld", (long) time (NULL));
- /* This, at least, is what Intel coff sets the values to.: */
- sprintf ((hdr.ar_uid), "%d", 0);
- sprintf ((hdr.ar_gid), "%d", 0);
- sprintf ((hdr.ar_mode), "%-7o", (unsigned) 0);
- strncpy (hdr.ar_fmag, ARFMAG, 2);
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (struct ar_hdr); i++)
- if (((char *) (&hdr))[i] == '\0')
- (((char *) (&hdr))[i]) = ' ';
- /* Write the ar header for this item and the number of symbols */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &hdr, 1, sizeof (struct ar_hdr), arch)
- != sizeof (struct ar_hdr))
- return false;
- bfd_write_bigendian_4byte_int (arch, symbol_count);
- /* Two passes, first write the file offsets for each symbol -
- remembering that each offset is on a two byte boundary. */
- /* Write out the file offset for the file associated with each
- symbol, and remember to keep the offsets padded out. */
- current = arch->archive_head;
- count = 0;
- while (current != (bfd *) NULL && count < symbol_count)
- {
- /* For each symbol which is used defined in this object, write out
- the object file's address in the archive */
- while (((bfd *) (map[count]).pos) == current)
- {
- bfd_write_bigendian_4byte_int (arch, archive_member_file_ptr);
- count++;
- }
- /* Add size of this archive entry */
- archive_member_file_ptr += (arelt_size (current)
- + sizeof (struct ar_hdr));
- /* remember aboout the even alignment */
- archive_member_file_ptr += archive_member_file_ptr % 2;
- current = current->next;
- }
- /* now write the strings themselves */
- for (count = 0; count < symbol_count; count++)
- {
- size_t len = strlen (*map[count].name) + 1;
- if (bfd_write (*map[count].name, 1, len, arch) != len)
- return false;
- }
- /* The spec sez this should be a newline. But in order to be
- bug-compatible for arc960 we use a null. */
- if (padit)
- {
- if (bfd_write ("", 1, 1, arch) != 1)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/archures.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/archures.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1db8bc24b86f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/archures.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,720 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD library support routines for architectures.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Hacked by John Gilmore and Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
- Architectures
- BFD keeps one atom in a BFD describing the
- architecture of the data attached to the BFD: a pointer to a
- <<bfd_arch_info_type>>.
- Pointers to structures can be requested independently of a BFD
- so that an architecture's information can be interrogated
- without access to an open BFD.
- The architecture information is provided by each architecture package.
- The set of default architectures is selected by the macro
- <<SELECT_ARCHITECTURES>>. This is normally set up in the
- @file{config/@var{target}.mt} file of your choice. If the name is not
- defined, then all the architectures supported are included.
- When BFD starts up, all the architectures are called with an
- initialize method. It is up to the architecture back end to
- insert as many items into the list of architectures as it wants to;
- generally this would be one for each machine and one for the
- default case (an item with a machine field of 0).
- BFD's idea of an architecture is implemented in @file{archures.c}.
- bfd_architecture
- This enum gives the object file's CPU architecture, in a
- global sense---i.e., what processor family does it belong to?
- Another field indicates which processor within
- the family is in use. The machine gives a number which
- distinguishes different versions of the architecture,
- containing, for example, 2 and 3 for Intel i960 KA and i960 KB,
- and 68020 and 68030 for Motorola 68020 and 68030.
-.enum bfd_architecture
-. bfd_arch_unknown, {* File arch not known *}
-. bfd_arch_obscure, {* Arch known, not one of these *}
-. bfd_arch_m68k, {* Motorola 68xxx *}
-. bfd_arch_vax, {* DEC Vax *}
-. bfd_arch_i960, {* Intel 960 *}
-. {* The order of the following is important.
-. lower number indicates a machine type that
-. only accepts a subset of the instructions
-. available to machines with higher numbers.
-. The exception is the "ca", which is
-. incompatible with all other machines except
-. "core". *}
-.#define bfd_mach_i960_core 1
-.#define bfd_mach_i960_ka_sa 2
-.#define bfd_mach_i960_kb_sb 3
-.#define bfd_mach_i960_mc 4
-.#define bfd_mach_i960_xa 5
-.#define bfd_mach_i960_ca 6
-.#define bfd_mach_i960_jx 7
-.#define bfd_mach_i960_hx 8
-. bfd_arch_a29k, {* AMD 29000 *}
-. bfd_arch_sparc, {* SPARC *}
-.#define bfd_mach_sparc 1
-.{* The difference between v8plus and v9 is that v9 is a true 64 bit env. *}
-.#define bfd_mach_sparc_v8plus 2
-.#define bfd_mach_sparc_v8plusa 3 {* with ultrasparc add'ns *}
-.#define bfd_mach_sparc_v9 4
-.#define bfd_mach_sparc_v9a 5 {* with ultrasparc add'ns *}
-.{* Nonzero if MACH has the v9 instruction set. *}
-.#define bfd_mach_sparc_v9_p(mach) ((mach) != bfd_mach_sparc)
-. bfd_arch_mips, {* MIPS Rxxxx *}
-. bfd_arch_i386, {* Intel 386 *}
-. bfd_arch_we32k, {* AT&T WE32xxx *}
-. bfd_arch_tahoe, {* CCI/Harris Tahoe *}
-. bfd_arch_i860, {* Intel 860 *}
-. bfd_arch_romp, {* IBM ROMP PC/RT *}
-. bfd_arch_alliant, {* Alliant *}
-. bfd_arch_convex, {* Convex *}
-. bfd_arch_m88k, {* Motorola 88xxx *}
-. bfd_arch_pyramid, {* Pyramid Technology *}
-. bfd_arch_h8300, {* Hitachi H8/300 *}
-.#define bfd_mach_h8300 1
-.#define bfd_mach_h8300h 2
-. bfd_arch_powerpc, {* PowerPC *}
-. bfd_arch_rs6000, {* IBM RS/6000 *}
-. bfd_arch_hppa, {* HP PA RISC *}
-. bfd_arch_z8k, {* Zilog Z8000 *}
-.#define bfd_mach_z8001 1
-.#define bfd_mach_z8002 2
-. bfd_arch_h8500, {* Hitachi H8/500 *}
-. bfd_arch_sh, {* Hitachi SH *}
-. bfd_arch_alpha, {* Dec Alpha *}
-. bfd_arch_arm, {* Advanced Risc Machines ARM *}
-. bfd_arch_ns32k, {* National Semiconductors ns32000 *}
-. bfd_arch_w65, {* WDC 65816 *}
-. bfd_arch_last
-. };
- bfd_arch_info
- This structure contains information on architectures for use
- within BFD.
-.typedef struct bfd_arch_info
-. int bits_per_word;
-. int bits_per_address;
-. int bits_per_byte;
-. enum bfd_architecture arch;
-. unsigned long mach;
-. const char *arch_name;
-. const char *printable_name;
-. unsigned int section_align_power;
-. {* true if this is the default machine for the architecture *}
-. boolean the_default;
-. const struct bfd_arch_info * (*compatible)
-. PARAMS ((const struct bfd_arch_info *a,
-. const struct bfd_arch_info *b));
-. boolean (*scan) PARAMS ((const struct bfd_arch_info *, const char *));
-. const struct bfd_arch_info *next;
-.} bfd_arch_info_type;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_a29k_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_alpha_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_arm_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_h8300_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_h8500_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_hppa_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_i386_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_i860_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_i960_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_m68k_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_m88k_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_mips_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_powerpc_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_rs6000_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_sh_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_sparc_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_vax_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_we32k_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_z8k_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_ns32k_arch;
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_w65_arch;
-static const bfd_arch_info_type * const bfd_archures_list[] =
- &bfd_a29k_arch,
- &bfd_alpha_arch,
- &bfd_arm_arch,
- &bfd_h8300_arch,
- &bfd_h8500_arch,
- &bfd_hppa_arch,
- &bfd_i386_arch,
- &bfd_i860_arch,
- &bfd_i960_arch,
- &bfd_m68k_arch,
- &bfd_m88k_arch,
- &bfd_mips_arch,
- &bfd_powerpc_arch,
- &bfd_rs6000_arch,
- &bfd_sh_arch,
- &bfd_sparc_arch,
- &bfd_vax_arch,
- &bfd_we32k_arch,
- &bfd_z8k_arch,
- &bfd_ns32k_arch,
- &bfd_w65_arch,
- 0
- bfd_printable_name
- const char *bfd_printable_name(bfd *abfd);
- Return a printable string representing the architecture and machine
- from the pointer to the architecture info structure.
-const char *
-bfd_printable_name (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return abfd->arch_info->printable_name;
- bfd_scan_arch
- const bfd_arch_info_type *bfd_scan_arch(const char *string);
- Figure out if BFD supports any cpu which could be described with
- the name @var{string}. Return a pointer to an <<arch_info>>
- structure if a machine is found, otherwise NULL.
-const bfd_arch_info_type *
-bfd_scan_arch (string)
- const char *string;
- const bfd_arch_info_type * const *app, *ap;
- /* Look through all the installed architectures */
- for (app = bfd_archures_list; *app != NULL; app++)
- {
- for (ap = *app; ap != NULL; ap = ap->next)
- {
- if (ap->scan (ap, string))
- return ap;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- bfd_arch_get_compatible
- const bfd_arch_info_type *bfd_arch_get_compatible(
- const bfd *abfd,
- const bfd *bbfd);
- Determine whether two BFDs'
- architectures and machine types are compatible. Calculates
- the lowest common denominator between the two architectures
- and machine types implied by the BFDs and returns a pointer to
- an <<arch_info>> structure describing the compatible machine.
-const bfd_arch_info_type *
-bfd_arch_get_compatible (abfd, bbfd)
- const bfd *abfd;
- const bfd *bbfd;
- /* If either architecture is unknown, then all we can do is assume
- the user knows what he's doing. */
- if (abfd->arch_info->arch == bfd_arch_unknown)
- return bbfd->arch_info;
- if (bbfd->arch_info->arch == bfd_arch_unknown)
- return abfd->arch_info;
- /* Otherwise architecture-specific code has to decide. */
- return abfd->arch_info->compatible (abfd->arch_info, bbfd->arch_info);
- bfd_default_arch_struct
- The <<bfd_default_arch_struct>> is an item of
- <<bfd_arch_info_type>> which has been initialized to a fairly
- generic state. A BFD starts life by pointing to this
- structure, until the correct back end has determined the real
- architecture of the file.
-.extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_default_arch_struct;
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_default_arch_struct =
- 32,32,8,bfd_arch_unknown,0,"unknown","unknown",2,true,
- bfd_default_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan,
- 0,
- bfd_set_arch_info
- void bfd_set_arch_info(bfd *abfd, const bfd_arch_info_type *arg);
- Set the architecture info of @var{abfd} to @var{arg}.
-bfd_set_arch_info (abfd, arg)
- bfd *abfd;
- const bfd_arch_info_type *arg;
- abfd->arch_info = arg;
- bfd_default_set_arch_mach
- boolean bfd_default_set_arch_mach(bfd *abfd,
- enum bfd_architecture arch,
- unsigned long mach);
- Set the architecture and machine type in BFD @var{abfd}
- to @var{arch} and @var{mach}. Find the correct
- pointer to a structure and insert it into the <<arch_info>>
- pointer.
-bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, mach)
- bfd *abfd;
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- unsigned long mach;
- const bfd_arch_info_type * const *app, *ap;
- for (app = bfd_archures_list; *app != NULL; app++)
- {
- for (ap = *app; ap != NULL; ap = ap->next)
- {
- if (ap->arch == arch
- && (ap->mach == mach
- || (mach == 0 && ap->the_default)))
- {
- abfd->arch_info = ap;
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- abfd->arch_info = &bfd_default_arch_struct;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- bfd_get_arch
- enum bfd_architecture bfd_get_arch(bfd *abfd);
- Return the enumerated type which describes the BFD @var{abfd}'s
- architecture.
-enum bfd_architecture
-bfd_get_arch (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return abfd->arch_info->arch;
- bfd_get_mach
- unsigned long bfd_get_mach(bfd *abfd);
- Return the long type which describes the BFD @var{abfd}'s
- machine.
-unsigned long
-bfd_get_mach (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return abfd->arch_info->mach;
- bfd_arch_bits_per_byte
- unsigned int bfd_arch_bits_per_byte(bfd *abfd);
- Return the number of bits in one of the BFD @var{abfd}'s
- architecture's bytes.
-unsigned int
-bfd_arch_bits_per_byte (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return abfd->arch_info->bits_per_byte;
- bfd_arch_bits_per_address
- unsigned int bfd_arch_bits_per_address(bfd *abfd);
- Return the number of bits in one of the BFD @var{abfd}'s
- architecture's addresses.
-unsigned int
-bfd_arch_bits_per_address (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return abfd->arch_info->bits_per_address;
- bfd_default_compatible
- const bfd_arch_info_type *bfd_default_compatible
- (const bfd_arch_info_type *a,
- const bfd_arch_info_type *b);
- The default function for testing for compatibility.
-const bfd_arch_info_type *
-bfd_default_compatible (a,b)
- const bfd_arch_info_type *a;
- const bfd_arch_info_type *b;
- if (a->arch != b->arch)
- return NULL;
- if (a->mach > b->mach)
- return a;
- if (b->mach > a->mach)
- return b;
- return a;
- bfd_default_scan
- boolean bfd_default_scan(const struct bfd_arch_info *info, const char *string);
- The default function for working out whether this is an
- architecture hit and a machine hit.
-bfd_default_scan (info, string)
- const struct bfd_arch_info *info;
- const char *string;
- const char *ptr_src;
- const char *ptr_tst;
- unsigned long number;
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- /* First test for an exact match */
- if (strcmp (string, info->printable_name) == 0)
- return true;
- /* See how much of the supplied string matches with the
- architecture, eg the string m68k:68020 would match the 68k entry
- up to the :, then we get left with the machine number */
- for (ptr_src = string, ptr_tst = info->arch_name;
- *ptr_src && *ptr_tst;
- ptr_src++, ptr_tst++)
- {
- if (*ptr_src != *ptr_tst) break;
- }
- /* Chewed up as much of the architecture as will match, skip any
- colons */
- if (*ptr_src == ':')
- ptr_src++;
- if (*ptr_src == 0)
- {
- /* nothing more, then only keep this one if it is the default
- machine for this architecture */
- return info->the_default;
- }
- number = 0;
- while (isdigit(*ptr_src))
- {
- number = number * 10 + *ptr_src - '0';
- ptr_src++;
- }
- switch (number)
- {
- case 65:
- arch = bfd_arch_w65;
- break;
- case 300:
- arch = bfd_arch_h8300;
- break;
- case 500:
- arch = bfd_arch_h8500;
- break;
- case 68010:
- case 68020:
- case 68030:
- case 68040:
- case 68332:
- case 68050:
- case 68000:
- arch = bfd_arch_m68k;
- break;
- case 386:
- case 80386:
- case 486:
- case 80486:
- arch = bfd_arch_i386;
- break;
- case 29000:
- arch = bfd_arch_a29k;
- break;
- case 8000:
- arch = bfd_arch_z8k;
- break;
- case 32000:
- arch = bfd_arch_we32k;
- break;
- case 860:
- case 80860:
- arch = bfd_arch_i860;
- break;
- case 960:
- case 80960:
- arch = bfd_arch_i960;
- break;
- case 2000:
- case 3000:
- case 4000:
- case 4400:
- arch = bfd_arch_mips;
- break;
- case 6000:
- arch = bfd_arch_rs6000;
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- if (arch != info->arch)
- return false;
- if (number != info->mach)
- return false;
- return true;
- bfd_get_arch_info
- const bfd_arch_info_type * bfd_get_arch_info(bfd *abfd);
- Return the architecture info struct in @var{abfd}.
-const bfd_arch_info_type *
-bfd_get_arch_info (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return abfd->arch_info;
- bfd_lookup_arch
- const bfd_arch_info_type *bfd_lookup_arch
- (enum bfd_architecture
- arch,
- unsigned long machine);
- Look for the architecure info structure which matches the
- arguments @var{arch} and @var{machine}. A machine of 0 matches the
- machine/architecture structure which marks itself as the
- default.
-const bfd_arch_info_type *
-bfd_lookup_arch (arch, machine)
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- unsigned long machine;
- const bfd_arch_info_type * const *app, *ap;
- for (app = bfd_archures_list; *app != NULL; app++)
- {
- for (ap = *app; ap != NULL; ap = ap->next)
- {
- if (ap->arch == arch
- && (ap->mach == machine
- || (machine == 0 && ap->the_default)))
- return ap;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- bfd_printable_arch_mach
- const char *bfd_printable_arch_mach
- (enum bfd_architecture arch, unsigned long machine);
- Return a printable string representing the architecture and
- machine type.
- This routine is depreciated.
-const char *
-bfd_printable_arch_mach (arch, machine)
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- unsigned long machine;
- const bfd_arch_info_type *ap = bfd_lookup_arch (arch, machine);
- if (ap)
- return ap->printable_name;
- return "UNKNOWN!";
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/bfd-in.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/bfd-in.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d2912396551a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/bfd-in.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,668 +0,0 @@
-/* Main header file for the bfd library -- portable access to object files.
- Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by Cygnus Support.
-** NOTE: bfd.h and bfd-in2.h are GENERATED files. Don't change them;
-** instead, change bfd-in.h or the other BFD source files processed to
-** generate these files.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* bfd.h -- The only header file required by users of the bfd library
-The bfd.h file is generated from bfd-in.h and various .c files; if you
-change it, your changes will probably be lost.
-All the prototypes and definitions following the comment "THE FOLLOWING
-IS EXTRACTED FROM THE SOURCE" are extracted from the source files for
-BFD. If you change it, someone oneday will extract it from the source
-again, and your changes will be lost. To save yourself from this bind,
-change the definitions in the source in the bfd directory. Type "make
-docs" and then "make headers" in that directory, and magically this file
-will change to reflect your changes.
-If you don't have the tools to perform the extraction, then you are
-safe from someone on your system trampling over your header files.
-You should still maintain the equivalence between the source and this
-file though; every change you make to the .c file should be reflected
-here. */
-#ifndef __BFD_H_SEEN__
-#define __BFD_H_SEEN__
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-/* These two lines get substitutions done by commands in */
-#if BFD_ARCH_SIZE >= 64
-#define BFD64
-#ifndef INLINE
-#if __GNUC__ >= 2
-#define INLINE __inline__
-#define INLINE
-/* forward declaration */
-typedef struct _bfd bfd;
-/* To squelch erroneous compiler warnings ("illegal pointer
- combination") from the SVR3 compiler, we would like to typedef
- boolean to int (it doesn't like functions which return boolean.
- Making sure they are never implicitly declared to return int
- doesn't seem to help). But this file is not configured based on
- the host. */
-/* General rules: functions which are boolean return true on success
- and false on failure (unless they're a predicate). -- bfd.doc */
-/* I'm sure this is going to break something and someone is going to
- force me to change it. */
-/* typedef enum boolean {false, true} boolean; */
-/* Yup, SVR4 has a "typedef enum boolean" in <sys/types.h> -fnf */
-/* It gets worse if the host also defines a true/false enum... -sts */
-/* And even worse if your compiler has built-in boolean types... -law */
-#if defined (__GNUG__) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ > 5)
-#ifdef MPW
-/* Pre-emptive strike - get the file with the enum. */
-#include <Types.h>
-#endif /* MPW */
-typedef enum bfd_boolean {false, true} boolean;
-/* Use enum names that will appear nowhere else. */
-typedef enum bfd_boolean {bfd_fffalse, bfd_tttrue} boolean;
-/* A pointer to a position in a file. */
-/* FIXME: This should be using off_t from <sys/types.h>.
- For now, try to avoid breaking stuff by not including <sys/types.h> here.
- This will break on systems with 64-bit file offsets (e.g. 4.4BSD).
- Probably the best long-term answer is to avoid using file_ptr AND off_t
- in this header file, and to handle this in the BFD implementation
- rather than in its interface. */
-/* typedef off_t file_ptr; */
-typedef long int file_ptr;
-/* Support for different sizes of target format ints and addresses.
- If the type `long' is at least 64 bits, BFD_HOST_64BIT_LONG will be
- set to 1 above. Otherwise, if gcc is being used, this code will
- use gcc's "long long" type. Otherwise, the compilation will fail
- if 64-bit targets are requested. */
-#ifdef BFD64
-#ifndef BFD_HOST_64_BIT
-#define BFD_HOST_64_BIT long
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define BFD_HOST_64_BIT long long
-#endif /* defined (__GNUC__) */
-#endif /* ! BFD_HOST_64BIT_LONG */
-#endif /* ! defined (BFD_HOST_64_BIT) */
-typedef unsigned BFD_HOST_64_BIT bfd_vma;
-typedef BFD_HOST_64_BIT bfd_signed_vma;
-typedef unsigned BFD_HOST_64_BIT bfd_size_type;
-typedef unsigned BFD_HOST_64_BIT symvalue;
-#ifndef fprintf_vma
-#define sprintf_vma(s,x) sprintf (s, "%016lx", x)
-#define fprintf_vma(f,x) fprintf (f, "%016lx", x)
-#define _bfd_int64_low(x) ((unsigned long) (((x) & 0xffffffff)))
-#define _bfd_int64_high(x) ((unsigned long) (((x) >> 32) & 0xffffffff))
-#define fprintf_vma(s,x) \
- fprintf ((s), "%08lx%08lx", _bfd_int64_high (x), _bfd_int64_low (x))
-#define sprintf_vma(s,x) \
- sprintf ((s), "%08lx%08lx", _bfd_int64_high (x), _bfd_int64_low (x))
-#else /* not BFD64 */
-/* Represent a target address. Also used as a generic unsigned type
- which is guaranteed to be big enough to hold any arithmetic types
- we need to deal with. */
-typedef unsigned long bfd_vma;
-/* A generic signed type which is guaranteed to be big enough to hold any
- arithmetic types we need to deal with. Can be assumed to be compatible
- with bfd_vma in the same way that signed and unsigned ints are compatible
- (as parameters, in assignment, etc). */
-typedef long bfd_signed_vma;
-typedef unsigned long symvalue;
-typedef unsigned long bfd_size_type;
-/* Print a bfd_vma x on stream s. */
-#define fprintf_vma(s,x) fprintf(s, "%08lx", x)
-#define sprintf_vma(s,x) sprintf(s, "%08lx", x)
-#endif /* not BFD64 */
-#define printf_vma(x) fprintf_vma(stdout,x)
-typedef unsigned int flagword; /* 32 bits of flags */
-typedef unsigned char bfd_byte;
-/** File formats */
-typedef enum bfd_format {
- bfd_unknown = 0, /* file format is unknown */
- bfd_object, /* linker/assember/compiler output */
- bfd_archive, /* object archive file */
- bfd_core, /* core dump */
- bfd_type_end} /* marks the end; don't use it! */
- bfd_format;
-/* Values that may appear in the flags field of a BFD. These also
- appear in the object_flags field of the bfd_target structure, where
- they indicate the set of flags used by that backend (not all flags
- are meaningful for all object file formats) (FIXME: at the moment,
- the object_flags values have mostly just been copied from backend
- to another, and are not necessarily correct). */
-/* No flags. */
-#define NO_FLAGS 0x00
-/* BFD contains relocation entries. */
-#define HAS_RELOC 0x01
-/* BFD is directly executable. */
-#define EXEC_P 0x02
-/* BFD has line number information (basically used for F_LNNO in a
- COFF header). */
-#define HAS_LINENO 0x04
-/* BFD has debugging information. */
-#define HAS_DEBUG 0x08
-/* BFD has symbols. */
-#define HAS_SYMS 0x10
-/* BFD has local symbols (basically used for F_LSYMS in a COFF
- header). */
-#define HAS_LOCALS 0x20
-/* BFD is a dynamic object. */
-#define DYNAMIC 0x40
-/* Text section is write protected (if D_PAGED is not set, this is
- like an a.out NMAGIC file) (the linker sets this by default, but
- clears it for -r or -N). */
-#define WP_TEXT 0x80
-/* BFD is dynamically paged (this is like an a.out ZMAGIC file) (the
- linker sets this by default, but clears it for -r or -n or -N). */
-#define D_PAGED 0x100
-/* BFD is relaxable (this means that bfd_relax_section may be able to
- do something) (sometimes bfd_relax_section can do something even if
- this is not set). */
-#define BFD_IS_RELAXABLE 0x200
-/* This may be set before writing out a BFD to request using a
- traditional format. For example, this is used to request that when
- writing out an a.out object the symbols not be hashed to eliminate
- duplicates. */
-/* This flag indicates that the BFD contents are actually cached in
- memory. If this is set, iostream points to a bfd_in_memory struct. */
-#define BFD_IN_MEMORY 0x800
-/* symbols and relocation */
-/* A count of carsyms (canonical archive symbols). */
-typedef unsigned long symindex;
-/* How to perform a relocation. */
-typedef const struct reloc_howto_struct reloc_howto_type;
-#define BFD_NO_MORE_SYMBOLS ((symindex) ~0)
-/* General purpose part of a symbol X;
- target specific parts are in libcoff.h, libaout.h, etc. */
-#define bfd_get_section(x) ((x)->section)
-#define bfd_get_output_section(x) ((x)->section->output_section)
-#define bfd_set_section(x,y) ((x)->section) = (y)
-#define bfd_asymbol_base(x) ((x)->section->vma)
-#define bfd_asymbol_value(x) (bfd_asymbol_base(x) + (x)->value)
-#define bfd_asymbol_name(x) ((x)->name)
-/*Perhaps future: #define bfd_asymbol_bfd(x) ((x)->section->owner)*/
-#define bfd_asymbol_bfd(x) ((x)->the_bfd)
-#define bfd_asymbol_flavour(x) (bfd_asymbol_bfd(x)->xvec->flavour)
-/* A canonical archive symbol. */
-/* This is a type pun with struct ranlib on purpose! */
-typedef struct carsym {
- char *name;
- file_ptr file_offset; /* look here to find the file */
-} carsym; /* to make these you call a carsymogen */
-/* Used in generating armaps (archive tables of contents).
- Perhaps just a forward definition would do? */
-struct orl { /* output ranlib */
- char **name; /* symbol name */
- file_ptr pos; /* bfd* or file position */
- int namidx; /* index into string table */
-/* Linenumber stuff */
-typedef struct lineno_cache_entry {
- unsigned int line_number; /* Linenumber from start of function*/
- union {
- struct symbol_cache_entry *sym; /* Function name */
- unsigned long offset; /* Offset into section */
- } u;
-} alent;
-/* object and core file sections */
-#define align_power(addr, align) \
- ( ((addr) + ((1<<(align))-1)) & (-1 << (align)))
-typedef struct sec *sec_ptr;
-#define bfd_get_section_name(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->name + 0)
-#define bfd_get_section_vma(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->vma + 0)
-#define bfd_get_section_alignment(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->alignment_power + 0)
-#define bfd_section_name(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->name)
-#define bfd_section_size(bfd, ptr) (bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc(ptr))
-#define bfd_section_vma(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->vma)
-#define bfd_section_alignment(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->alignment_power)
-#define bfd_get_section_flags(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->flags + 0)
-#define bfd_get_section_userdata(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->userdata)
-#define bfd_is_com_section(ptr) (((ptr)->flags & SEC_IS_COMMON) != 0)
-#define bfd_set_section_vma(bfd, ptr, val) (((ptr)->vma = (ptr)->lma= (val)), ((ptr)->user_set_vma = (boolean)true), true)
-#define bfd_set_section_alignment(bfd, ptr, val) (((ptr)->alignment_power = (val)),true)
-#define bfd_set_section_userdata(bfd, ptr, val) (((ptr)->userdata = (val)),true)
-typedef struct stat stat_type;
-typedef enum bfd_print_symbol
- bfd_print_symbol_name,
- bfd_print_symbol_more,
- bfd_print_symbol_all
-} bfd_print_symbol_type;
-/* Information about a symbol that nm needs. */
-typedef struct _symbol_info
- symvalue value;
- char type;
- CONST char *name; /* Symbol name. */
- unsigned char stab_type; /* Stab type. */
- char stab_other; /* Stab other. */
- short stab_desc; /* Stab desc. */
- CONST char *stab_name; /* String for stab type. */
-} symbol_info;
-/* Get the name of a stabs type code. */
-extern const char *bfd_get_stab_name PARAMS ((int));
-/* Hash table routines. There is no way to free up a hash table. */
-/* An element in the hash table. Most uses will actually use a larger
- structure, and an instance of this will be the first field. */
-struct bfd_hash_entry
- /* Next entry for this hash code. */
- struct bfd_hash_entry *next;
- /* String being hashed. */
- const char *string;
- /* Hash code. This is the full hash code, not the index into the
- table. */
- unsigned long hash;
-/* A hash table. */
-struct bfd_hash_table
- /* The hash array. */
- struct bfd_hash_entry **table;
- /* The number of slots in the hash table. */
- unsigned int size;
- /* A function used to create new elements in the hash table. The
- first entry is itself a pointer to an element. When this
- function is first invoked, this pointer will be NULL. However,
- having the pointer permits a hierarchy of method functions to be
- built each of which calls the function in the superclass. Thus
- each function should be written to allocate a new block of memory
- only if the argument is NULL. */
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*newfunc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *));
- /* An obstack for this hash table. */
- struct obstack memory;
-/* Initialize a hash table. */
-extern boolean bfd_hash_table_init
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *,
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *)));
-/* Initialize a hash table specifying a size. */
-extern boolean bfd_hash_table_init_n
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *,
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *),
- unsigned int size));
-/* Free up a hash table. */
-extern void bfd_hash_table_free PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *));
-/* Look up a string in a hash table. If CREATE is true, a new entry
- will be created for this string if one does not already exist. The
- COPY argument must be true if this routine should copy the string
- into newly allocated memory when adding an entry. */
-extern struct bfd_hash_entry *bfd_hash_lookup
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *, boolean create,
- boolean copy));
-/* Replace an entry in a hash table. */
-extern void bfd_hash_replace
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *, struct bfd_hash_entry *old,
- struct bfd_hash_entry *nw));
-/* Base method for creating a hash table entry. */
-extern struct bfd_hash_entry *bfd_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *));
-/* Grab some space for a hash table entry. */
-extern PTR bfd_hash_allocate PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *,
- unsigned int));
-/* Traverse a hash table in a random order, calling a function on each
- element. If the function returns false, the traversal stops. The
- INFO argument is passed to the function. */
-extern void bfd_hash_traverse PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *,
- boolean (*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- PTR),
- PTR info));
-/* Semi-portable string concatenation in cpp.
- The CAT4 hack is to avoid a problem with some strict ANSI C preprocessors.
- The problem is, "32_" is not a valid preprocessing token, and we don't
- want extra underscores (e.g., "nlm_32_"). The XCAT2 macro will cause the
- inner CAT macros to be evaluated first, producing still-valid pp-tokens.
- Then the final concatenation can be done. (Sigh.) */
-#ifndef CAT
-#ifdef SABER
-#define CAT(a,b) a##b
-#define CAT3(a,b,c) a##b##c
-#define CAT4(a,b,c,d) a##b##c##d
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(ALMOST_STDC)
-#define CAT(a,b) a##b
-#define CAT3(a,b,c) a##b##c
-#define XCAT2(a,b) CAT(a,b)
-#define CAT4(a,b,c,d) XCAT2(CAT(a,b),CAT(c,d))
-#define CAT(a,b) a/**/b
-#define CAT3(a,b,c) a/**/b/**/c
-#define CAT4(a,b,c,d) a/**/b/**/c/**/d
-#define COFF_SWAP_TABLE (PTR) &bfd_coff_std_swap_table
-/* User program access to BFD facilities */
-/* Direct I/O routines, for programs which know more about the object
- file than BFD does. Use higher level routines if possible. */
-extern bfd_size_type bfd_read
- PARAMS ((PTR, bfd_size_type size, bfd_size_type nitems, bfd *abfd));
-extern bfd_size_type bfd_write
- PARAMS ((const PTR, bfd_size_type size, bfd_size_type nitems, bfd *abfd));
-extern int bfd_seek PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, file_ptr fp, int direction));
-extern long bfd_tell PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-extern int bfd_flush PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-extern int bfd_stat PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct stat *));
-/* Cast from const char * to char * so that caller can assign to
- a char * without a warning. */
-#define bfd_get_filename(abfd) ((char *) (abfd)->filename)
-#define bfd_get_cacheable(abfd) ((abfd)->cacheable)
-#define bfd_get_format(abfd) ((abfd)->format)
-#define bfd_get_target(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->name)
-#define bfd_get_flavour(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->flavour)
-#define bfd_big_endian(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->byteorder == BFD_ENDIAN_BIG)
-#define bfd_little_endian(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->byteorder == BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE)
-#define bfd_header_big_endian(abfd) \
- ((abfd)->xvec->header_byteorder == BFD_ENDIAN_BIG)
-#define bfd_header_little_endian(abfd) \
- ((abfd)->xvec->header_byteorder == BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE)
-#define bfd_get_file_flags(abfd) ((abfd)->flags)
-#define bfd_applicable_file_flags(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->object_flags)
-#define bfd_applicable_section_flags(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->section_flags)
-#define bfd_my_archive(abfd) ((abfd)->my_archive)
-#define bfd_has_map(abfd) ((abfd)->has_armap)
-#define bfd_valid_reloc_types(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->valid_reloc_types)
-#define bfd_usrdata(abfd) ((abfd)->usrdata)
-#define bfd_get_start_address(abfd) ((abfd)->start_address)
-#define bfd_get_symcount(abfd) ((abfd)->symcount)
-#define bfd_get_outsymbols(abfd) ((abfd)->outsymbols)
-#define bfd_count_sections(abfd) ((abfd)->section_count)
-#define bfd_get_symbol_leading_char(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->symbol_leading_char)
-#define bfd_set_cacheable(abfd,bool) (((abfd)->cacheable = (boolean)(bool)), true)
-extern boolean bfd_record_phdr
- PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned long, boolean, flagword, boolean, bfd_vma,
- boolean, boolean, unsigned int, struct sec **));
-/* Byte swapping routines. */
-bfd_vma bfd_getb64 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_vma bfd_getl64 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_signed_vma bfd_getb_signed_64 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_signed_vma bfd_getl_signed_64 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_vma bfd_getb32 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_vma bfd_getl32 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_signed_vma bfd_getb_signed_32 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_signed_vma bfd_getl_signed_32 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_vma bfd_getb16 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_vma bfd_getl16 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_signed_vma bfd_getb_signed_16 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_signed_vma bfd_getl_signed_16 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-void bfd_putb64 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
-void bfd_putl64 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
-void bfd_putb32 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
-void bfd_putl32 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
-void bfd_putb16 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
-void bfd_putl16 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
-/* Externally visible ECOFF routines. */
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(ALMOST_STDC)
-struct ecoff_debug_info;
-struct ecoff_debug_swap;
-struct ecoff_extr;
-struct symbol_cache_entry;
-struct bfd_link_info;
-struct bfd_link_hash_entry;
-extern bfd_vma bfd_ecoff_get_gp_value PARAMS ((bfd * abfd));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_set_gp_value PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, bfd_vma gp_value));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_set_regmasks
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, unsigned long gprmask, unsigned long fprmask,
- unsigned long *cprmask));
-extern PTR bfd_ecoff_debug_init
- PARAMS ((bfd *output_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap,
- struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern void bfd_ecoff_debug_free
- PARAMS ((PTR handle, bfd *output_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap,
- struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_debug_accumulate
- PARAMS ((PTR handle, bfd *output_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap,
- bfd *input_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *input_debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *input_swap,
- struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_debug_accumulate_other
- PARAMS ((PTR handle, bfd *output_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap, bfd *input_bfd,
- struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_debug_externals
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap,
- boolean relocateable,
- boolean (*get_extr) (struct symbol_cache_entry *,
- struct ecoff_extr *),
- void (*set_index) (struct symbol_cache_entry *,
- bfd_size_type)));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_debug_one_external
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap,
- const char *name, struct ecoff_extr *esym));
-extern bfd_size_type bfd_ecoff_debug_size
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_write_debug
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap, file_ptr where));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_write_accumulated_debug
- PARAMS ((PTR handle, bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap,
- struct bfd_link_info *info, file_ptr where));
-extern boolean bfd_mips_ecoff_create_embedded_relocs
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct sec *, struct sec *,
- char **));
-/* Externally visible ELF routines. */
-struct bfd_link_needed_list
- struct bfd_link_needed_list *next;
- bfd *by;
- const char *name;
-extern boolean bfd_elf32_record_link_assignment
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *, boolean));
-extern boolean bfd_elf64_record_link_assignment
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *, boolean));
-extern struct bfd_link_needed_list *bfd_elf_get_needed_list
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean bfd_elf32_size_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const char *, const char *, boolean,
- struct bfd_link_info *, struct sec **));
-extern boolean bfd_elf64_size_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const char *, const char *, boolean,
- struct bfd_link_info *, struct sec **));
-extern void bfd_elf_set_dt_needed_name PARAMS ((bfd *, const char *));
-extern const char *bfd_elf_get_dt_soname PARAMS ((bfd *));
-/* SunOS shared library support routines for the linker. */
-extern struct bfd_link_needed_list *bfd_sunos_get_needed_list
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean bfd_sunos_record_link_assignment
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *));
-extern boolean bfd_sunos_size_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct sec **, struct sec **,
- struct sec **));
-/* Linux shared library support routines for the linker. */
-extern boolean bfd_i386linux_size_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean bfd_m68klinux_size_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-/* mmap hacks */
-struct _bfd_window_internal;
-typedef struct _bfd_window_internal bfd_window_internal;
-typedef struct _bfd_window {
- /* What the user asked for. */
- PTR data;
- bfd_size_type size;
- /* The actual window used by BFD. Small user-requested read-only
- regions sharing a page may share a single window into the object
- file. Read-write versions shouldn't until I've fixed things to
- keep track of which portions have been claimed by the
- application; don't want to give the same region back when the
- application wants two writable copies! */
- struct _bfd_window_internal *i;
-} bfd_window;
-extern void bfd_init_window PARAMS ((bfd_window *));
-extern void bfd_free_window PARAMS ((bfd_window *));
-extern boolean bfd_get_file_window
- PARAMS ((bfd *, file_ptr, bfd_size_type, bfd_window *, boolean));
-/* XCOFF support routines for the linker. */
-extern boolean bfd_xcoff_link_record_set
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_hash_entry *,
- bfd_size_type));
-extern boolean bfd_xcoff_import_symbol
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_hash_entry *,
- bfd_vma, const char *, const char *, const char *));
-extern boolean bfd_xcoff_export_symbol
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_hash_entry *,
- boolean));
-extern boolean bfd_xcoff_link_count_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *));
-extern boolean bfd_xcoff_record_link_assignment
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *));
-extern boolean bfd_xcoff_size_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *, const char *,
- unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, boolean,
- int, boolean, boolean, struct sec **));
-/* And more from the source. */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/bfd-in2.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/bfd-in2.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d238d5afa4a0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/bfd-in2.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2479 +0,0 @@
-/* Main header file for the bfd library -- portable access to object files.
- Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by Cygnus Support.
-** NOTE: bfd.h and bfd-in2.h are GENERATED files. Don't change them;
-** instead, change bfd-in.h or the other BFD source files processed to
-** generate these files.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* bfd.h -- The only header file required by users of the bfd library
-The bfd.h file is generated from bfd-in.h and various .c files; if you
-change it, your changes will probably be lost.
-All the prototypes and definitions following the comment "THE FOLLOWING
-IS EXTRACTED FROM THE SOURCE" are extracted from the source files for
-BFD. If you change it, someone oneday will extract it from the source
-again, and your changes will be lost. To save yourself from this bind,
-change the definitions in the source in the bfd directory. Type "make
-docs" and then "make headers" in that directory, and magically this file
-will change to reflect your changes.
-If you don't have the tools to perform the extraction, then you are
-safe from someone on your system trampling over your header files.
-You should still maintain the equivalence between the source and this
-file though; every change you make to the .c file should be reflected
-here. */
-#ifndef __BFD_H_SEEN__
-#define __BFD_H_SEEN__
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-/* These two lines get substitutions done by commands in */
-#if BFD_ARCH_SIZE >= 64
-#define BFD64
-#ifndef INLINE
-#if __GNUC__ >= 2
-#define INLINE __inline__
-#define INLINE
-/* forward declaration */
-typedef struct _bfd bfd;
-/* To squelch erroneous compiler warnings ("illegal pointer
- combination") from the SVR3 compiler, we would like to typedef
- boolean to int (it doesn't like functions which return boolean.
- Making sure they are never implicitly declared to return int
- doesn't seem to help). But this file is not configured based on
- the host. */
-/* General rules: functions which are boolean return true on success
- and false on failure (unless they're a predicate). -- bfd.doc */
-/* I'm sure this is going to break something and someone is going to
- force me to change it. */
-/* typedef enum boolean {false, true} boolean; */
-/* Yup, SVR4 has a "typedef enum boolean" in <sys/types.h> -fnf */
-/* It gets worse if the host also defines a true/false enum... -sts */
-/* And even worse if your compiler has built-in boolean types... -law */
-#if defined (__GNUG__) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ > 5)
-#ifdef MPW
-/* Pre-emptive strike - get the file with the enum. */
-#include <Types.h>
-#endif /* MPW */
-typedef enum bfd_boolean {false, true} boolean;
-/* Use enum names that will appear nowhere else. */
-typedef enum bfd_boolean {bfd_fffalse, bfd_tttrue} boolean;
-/* A pointer to a position in a file. */
-/* FIXME: This should be using off_t from <sys/types.h>.
- For now, try to avoid breaking stuff by not including <sys/types.h> here.
- This will break on systems with 64-bit file offsets (e.g. 4.4BSD).
- Probably the best long-term answer is to avoid using file_ptr AND off_t
- in this header file, and to handle this in the BFD implementation
- rather than in its interface. */
-/* typedef off_t file_ptr; */
-typedef long int file_ptr;
-/* Support for different sizes of target format ints and addresses.
- If the type `long' is at least 64 bits, BFD_HOST_64BIT_LONG will be
- set to 1 above. Otherwise, if gcc is being used, this code will
- use gcc's "long long" type. Otherwise, the compilation will fail
- if 64-bit targets are requested. */
-#ifdef BFD64
-#ifndef BFD_HOST_64_BIT
-#define BFD_HOST_64_BIT long
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define BFD_HOST_64_BIT long long
-#endif /* defined (__GNUC__) */
-#endif /* ! BFD_HOST_64BIT_LONG */
-#endif /* ! defined (BFD_HOST_64_BIT) */
-typedef unsigned BFD_HOST_64_BIT bfd_vma;
-typedef BFD_HOST_64_BIT bfd_signed_vma;
-typedef unsigned BFD_HOST_64_BIT bfd_size_type;
-typedef unsigned BFD_HOST_64_BIT symvalue;
-#ifndef fprintf_vma
-#define sprintf_vma(s,x) sprintf (s, "%016lx", x)
-#define fprintf_vma(f,x) fprintf (f, "%016lx", x)
-#define _bfd_int64_low(x) ((unsigned long) (((x) & 0xffffffff)))
-#define _bfd_int64_high(x) ((unsigned long) (((x) >> 32) & 0xffffffff))
-#define fprintf_vma(s,x) \
- fprintf ((s), "%08lx%08lx", _bfd_int64_high (x), _bfd_int64_low (x))
-#define sprintf_vma(s,x) \
- sprintf ((s), "%08lx%08lx", _bfd_int64_high (x), _bfd_int64_low (x))
-#else /* not BFD64 */
-/* Represent a target address. Also used as a generic unsigned type
- which is guaranteed to be big enough to hold any arithmetic types
- we need to deal with. */
-typedef unsigned long bfd_vma;
-/* A generic signed type which is guaranteed to be big enough to hold any
- arithmetic types we need to deal with. Can be assumed to be compatible
- with bfd_vma in the same way that signed and unsigned ints are compatible
- (as parameters, in assignment, etc). */
-typedef long bfd_signed_vma;
-typedef unsigned long symvalue;
-typedef unsigned long bfd_size_type;
-/* Print a bfd_vma x on stream s. */
-#define fprintf_vma(s,x) fprintf(s, "%08lx", x)
-#define sprintf_vma(s,x) sprintf(s, "%08lx", x)
-#endif /* not BFD64 */
-#define printf_vma(x) fprintf_vma(stdout,x)
-typedef unsigned int flagword; /* 32 bits of flags */
-typedef unsigned char bfd_byte;
-/** File formats */
-typedef enum bfd_format {
- bfd_unknown = 0, /* file format is unknown */
- bfd_object, /* linker/assember/compiler output */
- bfd_archive, /* object archive file */
- bfd_core, /* core dump */
- bfd_type_end} /* marks the end; don't use it! */
- bfd_format;
-/* Values that may appear in the flags field of a BFD. These also
- appear in the object_flags field of the bfd_target structure, where
- they indicate the set of flags used by that backend (not all flags
- are meaningful for all object file formats) (FIXME: at the moment,
- the object_flags values have mostly just been copied from backend
- to another, and are not necessarily correct). */
-/* No flags. */
-#define NO_FLAGS 0x00
-/* BFD contains relocation entries. */
-#define HAS_RELOC 0x01
-/* BFD is directly executable. */
-#define EXEC_P 0x02
-/* BFD has line number information (basically used for F_LNNO in a
- COFF header). */
-#define HAS_LINENO 0x04
-/* BFD has debugging information. */
-#define HAS_DEBUG 0x08
-/* BFD has symbols. */
-#define HAS_SYMS 0x10
-/* BFD has local symbols (basically used for F_LSYMS in a COFF
- header). */
-#define HAS_LOCALS 0x20
-/* BFD is a dynamic object. */
-#define DYNAMIC 0x40
-/* Text section is write protected (if D_PAGED is not set, this is
- like an a.out NMAGIC file) (the linker sets this by default, but
- clears it for -r or -N). */
-#define WP_TEXT 0x80
-/* BFD is dynamically paged (this is like an a.out ZMAGIC file) (the
- linker sets this by default, but clears it for -r or -n or -N). */
-#define D_PAGED 0x100
-/* BFD is relaxable (this means that bfd_relax_section may be able to
- do something) (sometimes bfd_relax_section can do something even if
- this is not set). */
-#define BFD_IS_RELAXABLE 0x200
-/* This may be set before writing out a BFD to request using a
- traditional format. For example, this is used to request that when
- writing out an a.out object the symbols not be hashed to eliminate
- duplicates. */
-/* This flag indicates that the BFD contents are actually cached in
- memory. If this is set, iostream points to a bfd_in_memory struct. */
-#define BFD_IN_MEMORY 0x800
-/* symbols and relocation */
-/* A count of carsyms (canonical archive symbols). */
-typedef unsigned long symindex;
-/* How to perform a relocation. */
-typedef const struct reloc_howto_struct reloc_howto_type;
-#define BFD_NO_MORE_SYMBOLS ((symindex) ~0)
-/* General purpose part of a symbol X;
- target specific parts are in libcoff.h, libaout.h, etc. */
-#define bfd_get_section(x) ((x)->section)
-#define bfd_get_output_section(x) ((x)->section->output_section)
-#define bfd_set_section(x,y) ((x)->section) = (y)
-#define bfd_asymbol_base(x) ((x)->section->vma)
-#define bfd_asymbol_value(x) (bfd_asymbol_base(x) + (x)->value)
-#define bfd_asymbol_name(x) ((x)->name)
-/*Perhaps future: #define bfd_asymbol_bfd(x) ((x)->section->owner)*/
-#define bfd_asymbol_bfd(x) ((x)->the_bfd)
-#define bfd_asymbol_flavour(x) (bfd_asymbol_bfd(x)->xvec->flavour)
-/* A canonical archive symbol. */
-/* This is a type pun with struct ranlib on purpose! */
-typedef struct carsym {
- char *name;
- file_ptr file_offset; /* look here to find the file */
-} carsym; /* to make these you call a carsymogen */
-/* Used in generating armaps (archive tables of contents).
- Perhaps just a forward definition would do? */
-struct orl { /* output ranlib */
- char **name; /* symbol name */
- file_ptr pos; /* bfd* or file position */
- int namidx; /* index into string table */
-/* Linenumber stuff */
-typedef struct lineno_cache_entry {
- unsigned int line_number; /* Linenumber from start of function*/
- union {
- struct symbol_cache_entry *sym; /* Function name */
- unsigned long offset; /* Offset into section */
- } u;
-} alent;
-/* object and core file sections */
-#define align_power(addr, align) \
- ( ((addr) + ((1<<(align))-1)) & (-1 << (align)))
-typedef struct sec *sec_ptr;
-#define bfd_get_section_name(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->name + 0)
-#define bfd_get_section_vma(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->vma + 0)
-#define bfd_get_section_alignment(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->alignment_power + 0)
-#define bfd_section_name(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->name)
-#define bfd_section_size(bfd, ptr) (bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc(ptr))
-#define bfd_section_vma(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->vma)
-#define bfd_section_alignment(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->alignment_power)
-#define bfd_get_section_flags(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->flags + 0)
-#define bfd_get_section_userdata(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->userdata)
-#define bfd_is_com_section(ptr) (((ptr)->flags & SEC_IS_COMMON) != 0)
-#define bfd_set_section_vma(bfd, ptr, val) (((ptr)->vma = (ptr)->lma= (val)), ((ptr)->user_set_vma = (boolean)true), true)
-#define bfd_set_section_alignment(bfd, ptr, val) (((ptr)->alignment_power = (val)),true)
-#define bfd_set_section_userdata(bfd, ptr, val) (((ptr)->userdata = (val)),true)
-typedef struct stat stat_type;
-typedef enum bfd_print_symbol
- bfd_print_symbol_name,
- bfd_print_symbol_more,
- bfd_print_symbol_all
-} bfd_print_symbol_type;
-/* Information about a symbol that nm needs. */
-typedef struct _symbol_info
- symvalue value;
- char type;
- CONST char *name; /* Symbol name. */
- unsigned char stab_type; /* Stab type. */
- char stab_other; /* Stab other. */
- short stab_desc; /* Stab desc. */
- CONST char *stab_name; /* String for stab type. */
-} symbol_info;
-/* Get the name of a stabs type code. */
-extern const char *bfd_get_stab_name PARAMS ((int));
-/* Hash table routines. There is no way to free up a hash table. */
-/* An element in the hash table. Most uses will actually use a larger
- structure, and an instance of this will be the first field. */
-struct bfd_hash_entry
- /* Next entry for this hash code. */
- struct bfd_hash_entry *next;
- /* String being hashed. */
- const char *string;
- /* Hash code. This is the full hash code, not the index into the
- table. */
- unsigned long hash;
-/* A hash table. */
-struct bfd_hash_table
- /* The hash array. */
- struct bfd_hash_entry **table;
- /* The number of slots in the hash table. */
- unsigned int size;
- /* A function used to create new elements in the hash table. The
- first entry is itself a pointer to an element. When this
- function is first invoked, this pointer will be NULL. However,
- having the pointer permits a hierarchy of method functions to be
- built each of which calls the function in the superclass. Thus
- each function should be written to allocate a new block of memory
- only if the argument is NULL. */
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*newfunc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *));
- /* An obstack for this hash table. */
- struct obstack memory;
-/* Initialize a hash table. */
-extern boolean bfd_hash_table_init
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *,
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *)));
-/* Initialize a hash table specifying a size. */
-extern boolean bfd_hash_table_init_n
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *,
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *),
- unsigned int size));
-/* Free up a hash table. */
-extern void bfd_hash_table_free PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *));
-/* Look up a string in a hash table. If CREATE is true, a new entry
- will be created for this string if one does not already exist. The
- COPY argument must be true if this routine should copy the string
- into newly allocated memory when adding an entry. */
-extern struct bfd_hash_entry *bfd_hash_lookup
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *, boolean create,
- boolean copy));
-/* Replace an entry in a hash table. */
-extern void bfd_hash_replace
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *, struct bfd_hash_entry *old,
- struct bfd_hash_entry *nw));
-/* Base method for creating a hash table entry. */
-extern struct bfd_hash_entry *bfd_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *));
-/* Grab some space for a hash table entry. */
-extern PTR bfd_hash_allocate PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *,
- unsigned int));
-/* Traverse a hash table in a random order, calling a function on each
- element. If the function returns false, the traversal stops. The
- INFO argument is passed to the function. */
-extern void bfd_hash_traverse PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *,
- boolean (*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- PTR),
- PTR info));
-/* Semi-portable string concatenation in cpp.
- The CAT4 hack is to avoid a problem with some strict ANSI C preprocessors.
- The problem is, "32_" is not a valid preprocessing token, and we don't
- want extra underscores (e.g., "nlm_32_"). The XCAT2 macro will cause the
- inner CAT macros to be evaluated first, producing still-valid pp-tokens.
- Then the final concatenation can be done. (Sigh.) */
-#ifndef CAT
-#ifdef SABER
-#define CAT(a,b) a##b
-#define CAT3(a,b,c) a##b##c
-#define CAT4(a,b,c,d) a##b##c##d
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(ALMOST_STDC)
-#define CAT(a,b) a##b
-#define CAT3(a,b,c) a##b##c
-#define XCAT2(a,b) CAT(a,b)
-#define CAT4(a,b,c,d) XCAT2(CAT(a,b),CAT(c,d))
-#define CAT(a,b) a/**/b
-#define CAT3(a,b,c) a/**/b/**/c
-#define CAT4(a,b,c,d) a/**/b/**/c/**/d
-#define COFF_SWAP_TABLE (PTR) &bfd_coff_std_swap_table
-/* User program access to BFD facilities */
-/* Direct I/O routines, for programs which know more about the object
- file than BFD does. Use higher level routines if possible. */
-extern bfd_size_type bfd_read
- PARAMS ((PTR, bfd_size_type size, bfd_size_type nitems, bfd *abfd));
-extern bfd_size_type bfd_write
- PARAMS ((const PTR, bfd_size_type size, bfd_size_type nitems, bfd *abfd));
-extern int bfd_seek PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, file_ptr fp, int direction));
-extern long bfd_tell PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-extern int bfd_flush PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-extern int bfd_stat PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct stat *));
-/* Cast from const char * to char * so that caller can assign to
- a char * without a warning. */
-#define bfd_get_filename(abfd) ((char *) (abfd)->filename)
-#define bfd_get_cacheable(abfd) ((abfd)->cacheable)
-#define bfd_get_format(abfd) ((abfd)->format)
-#define bfd_get_target(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->name)
-#define bfd_get_flavour(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->flavour)
-#define bfd_big_endian(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->byteorder == BFD_ENDIAN_BIG)
-#define bfd_little_endian(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->byteorder == BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE)
-#define bfd_header_big_endian(abfd) \
- ((abfd)->xvec->header_byteorder == BFD_ENDIAN_BIG)
-#define bfd_header_little_endian(abfd) \
- ((abfd)->xvec->header_byteorder == BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE)
-#define bfd_get_file_flags(abfd) ((abfd)->flags)
-#define bfd_applicable_file_flags(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->object_flags)
-#define bfd_applicable_section_flags(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->section_flags)
-#define bfd_my_archive(abfd) ((abfd)->my_archive)
-#define bfd_has_map(abfd) ((abfd)->has_armap)
-#define bfd_valid_reloc_types(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->valid_reloc_types)
-#define bfd_usrdata(abfd) ((abfd)->usrdata)
-#define bfd_get_start_address(abfd) ((abfd)->start_address)
-#define bfd_get_symcount(abfd) ((abfd)->symcount)
-#define bfd_get_outsymbols(abfd) ((abfd)->outsymbols)
-#define bfd_count_sections(abfd) ((abfd)->section_count)
-#define bfd_get_symbol_leading_char(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->symbol_leading_char)
-#define bfd_set_cacheable(abfd,bool) (((abfd)->cacheable = (boolean)(bool)), true)
-extern boolean bfd_record_phdr
- PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned long, boolean, flagword, boolean, bfd_vma,
- boolean, boolean, unsigned int, struct sec **));
-/* Byte swapping routines. */
-bfd_vma bfd_getb64 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_vma bfd_getl64 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_signed_vma bfd_getb_signed_64 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_signed_vma bfd_getl_signed_64 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_vma bfd_getb32 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_vma bfd_getl32 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_signed_vma bfd_getb_signed_32 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_signed_vma bfd_getl_signed_32 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_vma bfd_getb16 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_vma bfd_getl16 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_signed_vma bfd_getb_signed_16 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_signed_vma bfd_getl_signed_16 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-void bfd_putb64 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
-void bfd_putl64 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
-void bfd_putb32 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
-void bfd_putl32 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
-void bfd_putb16 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
-void bfd_putl16 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
-/* Externally visible ECOFF routines. */
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(ALMOST_STDC)
-struct ecoff_debug_info;
-struct ecoff_debug_swap;
-struct ecoff_extr;
-struct symbol_cache_entry;
-struct bfd_link_info;
-struct bfd_link_hash_entry;
-extern bfd_vma bfd_ecoff_get_gp_value PARAMS ((bfd * abfd));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_set_gp_value PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, bfd_vma gp_value));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_set_regmasks
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, unsigned long gprmask, unsigned long fprmask,
- unsigned long *cprmask));
-extern PTR bfd_ecoff_debug_init
- PARAMS ((bfd *output_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap,
- struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern void bfd_ecoff_debug_free
- PARAMS ((PTR handle, bfd *output_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap,
- struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_debug_accumulate
- PARAMS ((PTR handle, bfd *output_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap,
- bfd *input_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *input_debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *input_swap,
- struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_debug_accumulate_other
- PARAMS ((PTR handle, bfd *output_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap, bfd *input_bfd,
- struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_debug_externals
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap,
- boolean relocateable,
- boolean (*get_extr) (struct symbol_cache_entry *,
- struct ecoff_extr *),
- void (*set_index) (struct symbol_cache_entry *,
- bfd_size_type)));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_debug_one_external
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap,
- const char *name, struct ecoff_extr *esym));
-extern bfd_size_type bfd_ecoff_debug_size
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_write_debug
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap, file_ptr where));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_write_accumulated_debug
- PARAMS ((PTR handle, bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap,
- struct bfd_link_info *info, file_ptr where));
-extern boolean bfd_mips_ecoff_create_embedded_relocs
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct sec *, struct sec *,
- char **));
-/* Externally visible ELF routines. */
-struct bfd_link_needed_list
- struct bfd_link_needed_list *next;
- bfd *by;
- const char *name;
-extern boolean bfd_elf32_record_link_assignment
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *, boolean));
-extern boolean bfd_elf64_record_link_assignment
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *, boolean));
-extern struct bfd_link_needed_list *bfd_elf_get_needed_list
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean bfd_elf32_size_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const char *, const char *, boolean,
- struct bfd_link_info *, struct sec **));
-extern boolean bfd_elf64_size_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const char *, const char *, boolean,
- struct bfd_link_info *, struct sec **));
-extern void bfd_elf_set_dt_needed_name PARAMS ((bfd *, const char *));
-extern const char *bfd_elf_get_dt_soname PARAMS ((bfd *));
-/* SunOS shared library support routines for the linker. */
-extern struct bfd_link_needed_list *bfd_sunos_get_needed_list
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean bfd_sunos_record_link_assignment
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *));
-extern boolean bfd_sunos_size_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct sec **, struct sec **,
- struct sec **));
-/* Linux shared library support routines for the linker. */
-extern boolean bfd_i386linux_size_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean bfd_m68klinux_size_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-/* mmap hacks */
-struct _bfd_window_internal;
-typedef struct _bfd_window_internal bfd_window_internal;
-typedef struct _bfd_window {
- /* What the user asked for. */
- PTR data;
- bfd_size_type size;
- /* The actual window used by BFD. Small user-requested read-only
- regions sharing a page may share a single window into the object
- file. Read-write versions shouldn't until I've fixed things to
- keep track of which portions have been claimed by the
- application; don't want to give the same region back when the
- application wants two writable copies! */
- struct _bfd_window_internal *i;
-} bfd_window;
-extern void bfd_init_window PARAMS ((bfd_window *));
-extern void bfd_free_window PARAMS ((bfd_window *));
-extern boolean bfd_get_file_window
- PARAMS ((bfd *, file_ptr, bfd_size_type, bfd_window *, boolean));
-/* XCOFF support routines for the linker. */
-extern boolean bfd_xcoff_link_record_set
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_hash_entry *,
- bfd_size_type));
-extern boolean bfd_xcoff_import_symbol
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_hash_entry *,
- bfd_vma, const char *, const char *, const char *));
-extern boolean bfd_xcoff_export_symbol
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_hash_entry *,
- boolean));
-extern boolean bfd_xcoff_link_count_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *));
-extern boolean bfd_xcoff_record_link_assignment
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *));
-extern boolean bfd_xcoff_size_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *, const char *,
- unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, boolean,
- int, boolean, boolean, struct sec **));
-/* And more from the source. */
-bfd_init PARAMS ((void));
-bfd *
-bfd_openr PARAMS ((CONST char *filename, CONST char *target));
-bfd *
-bfd_fdopenr PARAMS ((CONST char *filename, CONST char *target, int fd));
-bfd *
-bfd_openstreamr PARAMS (());
-bfd *
-bfd_openw PARAMS ((CONST char *filename, CONST char *target));
-bfd_close PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-bfd_close_all_done PARAMS ((bfd *));
-bfd_alloc_size PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-bfd *
-bfd_create PARAMS ((CONST char *filename, bfd *templ));
- /* Byte swapping macros for user section data. */
-#define bfd_put_8(abfd, val, ptr) \
- (*((unsigned char *)(ptr)) = (unsigned char)(val))
-#define bfd_put_signed_8 \
- bfd_put_8
-#define bfd_get_8(abfd, ptr) \
- (*(unsigned char *)(ptr))
-#define bfd_get_signed_8(abfd, ptr) \
- ((*(unsigned char *)(ptr) ^ 0x80) - 0x80)
-#define bfd_put_16(abfd, val, ptr) \
- BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_putx16, ((val),(ptr)))
-#define bfd_put_signed_16 \
- bfd_put_16
-#define bfd_get_16(abfd, ptr) \
- BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_getx16, (ptr))
-#define bfd_get_signed_16(abfd, ptr) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, bfd_getx_signed_16, (ptr))
-#define bfd_put_32(abfd, val, ptr) \
- BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_putx32, ((val),(ptr)))
-#define bfd_put_signed_32 \
- bfd_put_32
-#define bfd_get_32(abfd, ptr) \
- BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_getx32, (ptr))
-#define bfd_get_signed_32(abfd, ptr) \
- BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_getx_signed_32, (ptr))
-#define bfd_put_64(abfd, val, ptr) \
- BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_putx64, ((val), (ptr)))
-#define bfd_put_signed_64 \
- bfd_put_64
-#define bfd_get_64(abfd, ptr) \
- BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_getx64, (ptr))
-#define bfd_get_signed_64(abfd, ptr) \
- BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_getx_signed_64, (ptr))
- /* Byte swapping macros for file header data. */
-#define bfd_h_put_8(abfd, val, ptr) \
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, val, ptr)
-#define bfd_h_put_signed_8(abfd, val, ptr) \
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, val, ptr)
-#define bfd_h_get_8(abfd, ptr) \
- bfd_get_8 (abfd, ptr)
-#define bfd_h_get_signed_8(abfd, ptr) \
- bfd_get_signed_8 (abfd, ptr)
-#define bfd_h_put_16(abfd, val, ptr) \
- BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_putx16,(val,ptr))
-#define bfd_h_put_signed_16 \
- bfd_h_put_16
-#define bfd_h_get_16(abfd, ptr) \
- BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_getx16,(ptr))
-#define bfd_h_get_signed_16(abfd, ptr) \
- BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_getx_signed_16, (ptr))
-#define bfd_h_put_32(abfd, val, ptr) \
- BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_putx32,(val,ptr))
-#define bfd_h_put_signed_32 \
- bfd_h_put_32
-#define bfd_h_get_32(abfd, ptr) \
- BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_getx32,(ptr))
-#define bfd_h_get_signed_32(abfd, ptr) \
- BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_getx_signed_32, (ptr))
-#define bfd_h_put_64(abfd, val, ptr) \
- BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_putx64,(val, ptr))
-#define bfd_h_put_signed_64 \
- bfd_h_put_64
-#define bfd_h_get_64(abfd, ptr) \
- BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_getx64,(ptr))
-#define bfd_h_get_signed_64(abfd, ptr) \
- BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_getx_signed_64, (ptr))
-typedef struct sec
- /* The name of the section; the name isn't a copy, the pointer is
- the same as that passed to bfd_make_section. */
- CONST char *name;
- /* Which section is it; 0..nth. */
- int index;
- /* The next section in the list belonging to the BFD, or NULL. */
- struct sec *next;
- /* The field flags contains attributes of the section. Some
- flags are read in from the object file, and some are
- synthesized from other information. */
- flagword flags;
-#define SEC_NO_FLAGS 0x000
- /* Tells the OS to allocate space for this section when loading.
- This is clear for a section containing debug information
- only. */
-#define SEC_ALLOC 0x001
- /* Tells the OS to load the section from the file when loading.
- This is clear for a .bss section. */
-#define SEC_LOAD 0x002
- /* The section contains data still to be relocated, so there is
- some relocation information too. */
-#define SEC_RELOC 0x004
-#if 0 /* Obsolete ? */
-#define SEC_BALIGN 0x008
- /* A signal to the OS that the section contains read only
- data. */
-#define SEC_READONLY 0x010
- /* The section contains code only. */
-#define SEC_CODE 0x020
- /* The section contains data only. */
-#define SEC_DATA 0x040
- /* The section will reside in ROM. */
-#define SEC_ROM 0x080
- /* The section contains constructor information. This section
- type is used by the linker to create lists of constructors and
- destructors used by <<g++>>. When a back end sees a symbol
- which should be used in a constructor list, it creates a new
- section for the type of name (e.g., <<__CTOR_LIST__>>), attaches
- the symbol to it, and builds a relocation. To build the lists
- of constructors, all the linker has to do is catenate all the
- sections called <<__CTOR_LIST__>> and relocate the data
- contained within - exactly the operations it would peform on
- standard data. */
-#define SEC_CONSTRUCTOR 0x100
- /* The section is a constuctor, and should be placed at the
- end of the text, data, or bss section(?). */
-#define SEC_CONSTRUCTOR_TEXT 0x1100
-#define SEC_CONSTRUCTOR_DATA 0x2100
-#define SEC_CONSTRUCTOR_BSS 0x3100
- /* The section has contents - a data section could be
- <<SEC_ALLOC>> | <<SEC_HAS_CONTENTS>>; a debug section could be
-#define SEC_HAS_CONTENTS 0x200
- /* An instruction to the linker to not output the section
- even if it has information which would normally be written. */
-#define SEC_NEVER_LOAD 0x400
- /* The section is a COFF shared library section. This flag is
- only for the linker. If this type of section appears in
- the input file, the linker must copy it to the output file
- without changing the vma or size. FIXME: Although this
- was originally intended to be general, it really is COFF
- specific (and the flag was renamed to indicate this). It
- might be cleaner to have some more general mechanism to
- allow the back end to control what the linker does with
- sections. */
- /* The section is a common section (symbols may be defined
- multiple times, the value of a symbol is the amount of
- space it requires, and the largest symbol value is the one
- used). Most targets have exactly one of these (which we
- translate to bfd_com_section_ptr), but ECOFF has two. */
-#define SEC_IS_COMMON 0x8000
- /* The section contains only debugging information. For
- example, this is set for ELF .debug and .stab sections.
- strip tests this flag to see if a section can be
- discarded. */
-#define SEC_DEBUGGING 0x10000
- /* The contents of this section are held in memory pointed to
- by the contents field. This is checked by
- bfd_get_section_contents, and the data is retrieved from
- memory if appropriate. */
-#define SEC_IN_MEMORY 0x20000
- /* The contents of this section are to be excluded by the
- linker for executable and shared objects unless those
- objects are to be further relocated. */
-#define SEC_EXCLUDE 0x40000
- /* The contents of this section are to be sorted by the
- based on the address specified in the associated symbol
- table. */
-#define SEC_SORT_ENTRIES 0x80000
- /* End of section flags. */
- /* The virtual memory address of the section - where it will be
- at run time. The symbols are relocated against this. The
- user_set_vma flag is maintained by bfd; if it's not set, the
- backend can assign addresses (for example, in <<a.out>>, where
- the default address for <<.data>> is dependent on the specific
- target and various flags). */
- bfd_vma vma;
- boolean user_set_vma;
- /* The load address of the section - where it would be in a
- rom image; really only used for writing section header
- information. */
- bfd_vma lma;
- /* The size of the section in bytes, as it will be output.
- contains a value even if the section has no contents (e.g., the
- size of <<.bss>>). This will be filled in after relocation */
- bfd_size_type _cooked_size;
- /* The original size on disk of the section, in bytes. Normally this
- value is the same as the size, but if some relaxing has
- been done, then this value will be bigger. */
- bfd_size_type _raw_size;
- /* If this section is going to be output, then this value is the
- offset into the output section of the first byte in the input
- section. E.g., if this was going to start at the 100th byte in
- the output section, this value would be 100. */
- bfd_vma output_offset;
- /* The output section through which to map on output. */
- struct sec *output_section;
- /* The alignment requirement of the section, as an exponent of 2 -
- e.g., 3 aligns to 2^3 (or 8). */
- unsigned int alignment_power;
- /* If an input section, a pointer to a vector of relocation
- records for the data in this section. */
- struct reloc_cache_entry *relocation;
- /* If an output section, a pointer to a vector of pointers to
- relocation records for the data in this section. */
- struct reloc_cache_entry **orelocation;
- /* The number of relocation records in one of the above */
- unsigned reloc_count;
- /* Information below is back end specific - and not always used
- or updated. */
- /* File position of section data */
- file_ptr filepos;
- /* File position of relocation info */
- file_ptr rel_filepos;
- /* File position of line data */
- file_ptr line_filepos;
- /* Pointer to data for applications */
- PTR userdata;
- /* If the SEC_IN_MEMORY flag is set, this points to the actual
- contents. */
- unsigned char *contents;
- /* Attached line number information */
- alent *lineno;
- /* Number of line number records */
- unsigned int lineno_count;
- /* When a section is being output, this value changes as more
- linenumbers are written out */
- file_ptr moving_line_filepos;
- /* What the section number is in the target world */
- int target_index;
- PTR used_by_bfd;
- /* If this is a constructor section then here is a list of the
- relocations created to relocate items within it. */
- struct relent_chain *constructor_chain;
- /* The BFD which owns the section. */
- bfd *owner;
- boolean reloc_done;
- /* A symbol which points at this section only */
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol;
- struct symbol_cache_entry **symbol_ptr_ptr;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order_head;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order_tail;
-} asection ;
- /* These sections are global, and are managed by BFD. The application
- and target back end are not permitted to change the values in
- these sections. New code should use the section_ptr macros rather
- than referring directly to the const sections. The const sections
- may eventually vanish. */
- /* the absolute section */
-extern const asection bfd_abs_section;
-#define bfd_abs_section_ptr ((asection *) &bfd_abs_section)
-#define bfd_is_abs_section(sec) ((sec) == bfd_abs_section_ptr)
- /* Pointer to the undefined section */
-extern const asection bfd_und_section;
-#define bfd_und_section_ptr ((asection *) &bfd_und_section)
-#define bfd_is_und_section(sec) ((sec) == bfd_und_section_ptr)
- /* Pointer to the common section */
-extern const asection bfd_com_section;
-#define bfd_com_section_ptr ((asection *) &bfd_com_section)
- /* Pointer to the indirect section */
-extern const asection bfd_ind_section;
-#define bfd_ind_section_ptr ((asection *) &bfd_ind_section)
-#define bfd_is_ind_section(sec) ((sec) == bfd_ind_section_ptr)
-extern const struct symbol_cache_entry * const bfd_abs_symbol;
-extern const struct symbol_cache_entry * const bfd_com_symbol;
-extern const struct symbol_cache_entry * const bfd_und_symbol;
-extern const struct symbol_cache_entry * const bfd_ind_symbol;
-#define bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc(section) \
- (section->reloc_done ? (abort(),1): (section)->_raw_size)
-#define bfd_get_section_size_after_reloc(section) \
- ((section->reloc_done) ? (section)->_cooked_size: (abort(),1))
-asection *
-bfd_get_section_by_name PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, CONST char *name));
-asection *
-bfd_make_section_old_way PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, CONST char *name));
-asection *
-bfd_make_section_anyway PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, CONST char *name));
-asection *
-bfd_make_section PARAMS ((bfd *, CONST char *name));
-bfd_set_section_flags PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *sec, flagword flags));
-bfd_map_over_sections PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- void (*func)(bfd *abfd,
- asection *sect,
- PTR obj),
- PTR obj));
-bfd_set_section_size PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *sec, bfd_size_type val));
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- asection *section,
- PTR data,
- file_ptr offset,
- bfd_size_type count));
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *section, PTR location,
- file_ptr offset, bfd_size_type count));
-bfd_copy_private_section_data PARAMS ((bfd *ibfd, asection *isec, bfd *obfd, asection *osec));
-#define bfd_copy_private_section_data(ibfd, isection, obfd, osection) \
- BFD_SEND (ibfd, _bfd_copy_private_section_data, \
- (ibfd, isection, obfd, osection))
-enum bfd_architecture
- bfd_arch_unknown, /* File arch not known */
- bfd_arch_obscure, /* Arch known, not one of these */
- bfd_arch_m68k, /* Motorola 68xxx */
- bfd_arch_vax, /* DEC Vax */
- bfd_arch_i960, /* Intel 960 */
- /* The order of the following is important.
- lower number indicates a machine type that
- only accepts a subset of the instructions
- available to machines with higher numbers.
- The exception is the "ca", which is
- incompatible with all other machines except
- "core". */
-#define bfd_mach_i960_core 1
-#define bfd_mach_i960_ka_sa 2
-#define bfd_mach_i960_kb_sb 3
-#define bfd_mach_i960_mc 4
-#define bfd_mach_i960_xa 5
-#define bfd_mach_i960_ca 6
-#define bfd_mach_i960_jx 7
-#define bfd_mach_i960_hx 8
- bfd_arch_a29k, /* AMD 29000 */
- bfd_arch_sparc, /* SPARC */
-#define bfd_mach_sparc 1
- /* The difference between v8plus and v9 is that v9 is a true 64 bit env. */
-#define bfd_mach_sparc_v8plus 2
-#define bfd_mach_sparc_v8plusa 3 /* with ultrasparc add'ns */
-#define bfd_mach_sparc_v9 4
-#define bfd_mach_sparc_v9a 5 /* with ultrasparc add'ns */
- /* Nonzero if MACH has the v9 instruction set. */
-#define bfd_mach_sparc_v9_p(mach) ((mach) != bfd_mach_sparc)
- bfd_arch_mips, /* MIPS Rxxxx */
- bfd_arch_i386, /* Intel 386 */
- bfd_arch_we32k, /* AT&T WE32xxx */
- bfd_arch_tahoe, /* CCI/Harris Tahoe */
- bfd_arch_i860, /* Intel 860 */
- bfd_arch_romp, /* IBM ROMP PC/RT */
- bfd_arch_alliant, /* Alliant */
- bfd_arch_convex, /* Convex */
- bfd_arch_m88k, /* Motorola 88xxx */
- bfd_arch_pyramid, /* Pyramid Technology */
- bfd_arch_h8300, /* Hitachi H8/300 */
-#define bfd_mach_h8300 1
-#define bfd_mach_h8300h 2
- bfd_arch_powerpc, /* PowerPC */
- bfd_arch_rs6000, /* IBM RS/6000 */
- bfd_arch_hppa, /* HP PA RISC */
- bfd_arch_z8k, /* Zilog Z8000 */
-#define bfd_mach_z8001 1
-#define bfd_mach_z8002 2
- bfd_arch_h8500, /* Hitachi H8/500 */
- bfd_arch_sh, /* Hitachi SH */
- bfd_arch_alpha, /* Dec Alpha */
- bfd_arch_arm, /* Advanced Risc Machines ARM */
- bfd_arch_ns32k, /* National Semiconductors ns32000 */
- bfd_arch_w65, /* WDC 65816 */
- bfd_arch_last
- };
-typedef struct bfd_arch_info
- int bits_per_word;
- int bits_per_address;
- int bits_per_byte;
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- unsigned long mach;
- const char *arch_name;
- const char *printable_name;
- unsigned int section_align_power;
- /* true if this is the default machine for the architecture */
- boolean the_default;
- const struct bfd_arch_info * (*compatible)
- PARAMS ((const struct bfd_arch_info *a,
- const struct bfd_arch_info *b));
- boolean (*scan) PARAMS ((const struct bfd_arch_info *, const char *));
- const struct bfd_arch_info *next;
-} bfd_arch_info_type;
-const char *
-bfd_printable_name PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-const bfd_arch_info_type *
-bfd_scan_arch PARAMS ((const char *string));
-const bfd_arch_info_type *
-bfd_arch_get_compatible PARAMS ((
- const bfd *abfd,
- const bfd *bbfd));
-bfd_set_arch_info PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, const bfd_arch_info_type *arg));
-enum bfd_architecture
-bfd_get_arch PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-unsigned long
-bfd_get_mach PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-unsigned int
-bfd_arch_bits_per_byte PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-unsigned int
-bfd_arch_bits_per_address PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-const bfd_arch_info_type *
-bfd_get_arch_info PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-const bfd_arch_info_type *
- PARAMS ((enum bfd_architecture
- arch,
- unsigned long machine));
-const char *
- PARAMS ((enum bfd_architecture arch, unsigned long machine));
-typedef enum bfd_reloc_status
- /* No errors detected */
- bfd_reloc_ok,
- /* The relocation was performed, but there was an overflow. */
- bfd_reloc_overflow,
- /* The address to relocate was not within the section supplied. */
- bfd_reloc_outofrange,
- /* Used by special functions */
- bfd_reloc_continue,
- /* Unsupported relocation size requested. */
- bfd_reloc_notsupported,
- /* Unused */
- bfd_reloc_other,
- /* The symbol to relocate against was undefined. */
- bfd_reloc_undefined,
- /* The relocation was performed, but may not be ok - presently
- generated only when linking i960 coff files with i960 b.out
- symbols. If this type is returned, the error_message argument
- to bfd_perform_relocation will be set. */
- bfd_reloc_dangerous
- }
- bfd_reloc_status_type;
-typedef struct reloc_cache_entry
- /* A pointer into the canonical table of pointers */
- struct symbol_cache_entry **sym_ptr_ptr;
- /* offset in section */
- bfd_size_type address;
- /* addend for relocation value */
- bfd_vma addend;
- /* Pointer to how to perform the required relocation */
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
-} arelent;
-enum complain_overflow
- /* Do not complain on overflow. */
- complain_overflow_dont,
- /* Complain if the bitfield overflows, whether it is considered
- as signed or unsigned. */
- complain_overflow_bitfield,
- /* Complain if the value overflows when considered as signed
- number. */
- complain_overflow_signed,
- /* Complain if the value overflows when considered as an
- unsigned number. */
- complain_overflow_unsigned
-struct reloc_howto_struct
- /* The type field has mainly a documetary use - the back end can
- do what it wants with it, though normally the back end's
- external idea of what a reloc number is stored
- in this field. For example, a PC relative word relocation
- in a coff environment has the type 023 - because that's
- what the outside world calls a R_PCRWORD reloc. */
- unsigned int type;
- /* The value the final relocation is shifted right by. This drops
- unwanted data from the relocation. */
- unsigned int rightshift;
- /* The size of the item to be relocated. This is *not* a
- power-of-two measure. To get the number of bytes operated
- on by a type of relocation, use bfd_get_reloc_size. */
- int size;
- /* The number of bits in the item to be relocated. This is used
- when doing overflow checking. */
- unsigned int bitsize;
- /* Notes that the relocation is relative to the location in the
- data section of the addend. The relocation function will
- subtract from the relocation value the address of the location
- being relocated. */
- boolean pc_relative;
- /* The bit position of the reloc value in the destination.
- The relocated value is left shifted by this amount. */
- unsigned int bitpos;
- /* What type of overflow error should be checked for when
- relocating. */
- enum complain_overflow complain_on_overflow;
- /* If this field is non null, then the supplied function is
- called rather than the normal function. This allows really
- strange relocation methods to be accomodated (e.g., i960 callj
- instructions). */
- bfd_reloc_status_type (*special_function)
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc_entry,
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *input_section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error_message));
- /* The textual name of the relocation type. */
- char *name;
- /* When performing a partial link, some formats must modify the
- relocations rather than the data - this flag signals this.*/
- boolean partial_inplace;
- /* The src_mask selects which parts of the read in data
- are to be used in the relocation sum. E.g., if this was an 8 bit
- bit of data which we read and relocated, this would be
- 0x000000ff. When we have relocs which have an addend, such as
- sun4 extended relocs, the value in the offset part of a
- relocating field is garbage so we never use it. In this case
- the mask would be 0x00000000. */
- bfd_vma src_mask;
- /* The dst_mask selects which parts of the instruction are replaced
- into the instruction. In most cases src_mask == dst_mask,
- except in the above special case, where dst_mask would be
- 0x000000ff, and src_mask would be 0x00000000. */
- bfd_vma dst_mask;
- /* When some formats create PC relative instructions, they leave
- the value of the pc of the place being relocated in the offset
- slot of the instruction, so that a PC relative relocation can
- be made just by adding in an ordinary offset (e.g., sun3 a.out).
- Some formats leave the displacement part of an instruction
- empty (e.g., m88k bcs); this flag signals the fact.*/
- boolean pcrel_offset;
-#define NEWHOWTO( FUNCTION, NAME,SIZE,REL,IN) HOWTO(0,0,SIZE,0,REL,0,complain_overflow_dont,FUNCTION, NAME,false,0,0,IN)
-#define HOWTO_PREPARE(relocation, symbol) \
- { \
- if (symbol != (asymbol *)NULL) { \
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section)) { \
- relocation = 0; \
- } \
- else { \
- relocation = symbol->value; \
- } \
- } \
-bfd_get_reloc_size PARAMS ((reloc_howto_type *));
-typedef struct relent_chain {
- arelent relent;
- struct relent_chain *next;
-} arelent_chain;
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc_entry,
- PTR data,
- asection *input_section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error_message));
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc_entry,
- PTR data, bfd_vma data_start,
- asection *input_section,
- char **error_message));
-enum bfd_reloc_code_real {
- _dummy_first_bfd_reloc_code_real,
-/* Basic absolute relocations of N bits. */
-/* PC-relative relocations. Sometimes these are relative to the address
-of the relocation itself; sometimes they are relative to the start of
-the section containing the relocation. It depends on the specific target.
-The 24-bit relocation is used in some Intel 960 configurations. */
-/* For ELF. */
-/* Relocations used by 68K ELF. */
-/* Linkage-table relative. */
-/* Absolute 8-bit relocation, but used to form an address like 0xFFnn. */
-/* These PC-relative relocations are stored as word displacements --
-i.e., byte displacements shifted right two bits. The 30-bit word
-displacement (<<32_PCREL_S2>> -- 32 bits, shifted 2) is used on the
-SPARC. (SPARC tools generally refer to this as <<WDISP30>>.) The
-signed 16-bit displacement is used on the MIPS, and the 23-bit
-displacement is used on the Alpha. */
-/* High 22 bits and low 10 bits of 32-bit value, placed into lower bits of
-the target word. These are used on the SPARC. */
-/* For systems that allocate a Global Pointer register, these are
-displacements off that register. These relocation types are
-handled specially, because the value the register will have is
-decided relatively late. */
-/* Reloc types used for i960/b.out. */
-/* SPARC ELF relocations. There is probably some overlap with other
-relocation types already defined. */
-/* I think these are specific to SPARC a.out (e.g., Sun 4). */
-/* Some relocations we're using for SPARC V9 -- subject to change. */
-/* Alpha ECOFF relocations. Some of these treat the symbol or "addend"
-in some special way.
-For GPDISP_HI16 ("gpdisp") relocations, the symbol is ignored when
-writing; when reading, it will be the absolute section symbol. The
-addend is the displacement in bytes of the "lda" instruction from
-the "ldah" instruction (which is at the address of this reloc). */
-/* For GPDISP_LO16 ("ignore") relocations, the symbol is handled as
-with GPDISP_HI16 relocs. The addend is ignored when writing the
-relocations out, and is filled in with the file's GP value on
-reading, for convenience. */
-/* The Alpha LITERAL/LITUSE relocs are produced by a symbol reference;
-the assembler turns it into a LDQ instruction to load the address of
-the symbol, and then fills in a register in the real instruction.
-The LITERAL reloc, at the LDQ instruction, refers to the .lita
-section symbol. The addend is ignored when writing, but is filled
-in with the file's GP value on reading, for convenience, as with the
-GPDISP_LO16 reloc.
-The LITUSE reloc, on the instruction using the loaded address, gives
-information to the linker that it might be able to use to optimize
-away some literal section references. The symbol is ignored (read
-as the absolute section symbol), and the "addend" indicates the type
-of instruction using the register:
-1 - "memory" fmt insn
-2 - byte-manipulation (byte offset reg)
-3 - jsr (target of branch)
-The GNU linker currently doesn't do any of this optimizing. */
-/* The HINT relocation indicates a value that should be filled into the
-"hint" field of a jmp/jsr/ret instruction, for possible branch-
-prediction logic which may be provided on some processors. */
-/* Bits 27..2 of the relocation address shifted right 2 bits;
-simple reloc otherwise. */
-/* High 16 bits of 32-bit value; simple reloc. */
-/* High 16 bits of 32-bit value but the low 16 bits will be sign
-extended and added to form the final result. If the low 16
-bits form a negative number, we need to add one to the high value
-to compensate for the borrow when the low bits are added. */
-/* Low 16 bits. */
-/* Like BFD_RELOC_HI16_S, but PC relative. */
-/* Like BFD_RELOC_LO16, but PC relative. */
-/* Relocation relative to the global pointer. */
-/* Relocation against a MIPS literal section. */
-/* MIPS ELF relocations. */
-/* i386/elf relocations */
- BFD_RELOC_386_GOT32,
- BFD_RELOC_386_PLT32,
-/* ns32k relocations */
-/* Power(rs6000) and PowerPC relocations. */
-/* The type of reloc used to build a contructor table - at the moment
-probably a 32 bit wide absolute relocation, but the target can choose.
-It generally does map to one of the other relocation types. */
-/* ARM 26 bit pc-relative branch. The lowest two bits must be zero and are
-not stored in the instruction. */
-/* These relocs are only used within the ARM assembler. They are not
-(at present) written to any object files. */
-typedef enum bfd_reloc_code_real bfd_reloc_code_real_type;
-reloc_howto_type *
-bfd_reloc_type_lookup PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, bfd_reloc_code_real_type code));
-const char *
-bfd_get_reloc_code_name PARAMS ((bfd_reloc_code_real_type code));
-typedef struct symbol_cache_entry
- /* A pointer to the BFD which owns the symbol. This information
- is necessary so that a back end can work out what additional
- information (invisible to the application writer) is carried
- with the symbol.
- This field is *almost* redundant, since you can use section->owner
- instead, except that some symbols point to the global sections
- bfd_{abs,com,und}_section. This could be fixed by making
- these globals be per-bfd (or per-target-flavor). FIXME. */
- struct _bfd *the_bfd; /* Use bfd_asymbol_bfd(sym) to access this field. */
- /* The text of the symbol. The name is left alone, and not copied; the
- application may not alter it. */
- CONST char *name;
- /* The value of the symbol. This really should be a union of a
- numeric value with a pointer, since some flags indicate that
- a pointer to another symbol is stored here. */
- symvalue value;
- /* Attributes of a symbol: */
-#define BSF_NO_FLAGS 0x00
- /* The symbol has local scope; <<static>> in <<C>>. The value
- is the offset into the section of the data. */
-#define BSF_LOCAL 0x01
- /* The symbol has global scope; initialized data in <<C>>. The
- value is the offset into the section of the data. */
-#define BSF_GLOBAL 0x02
- /* The symbol has global scope and is exported. The value is
- the offset into the section of the data. */
-#define BSF_EXPORT BSF_GLOBAL /* no real difference */
- /* A normal C symbol would be one of:
- <<BSF_GLOBAL>> */
- /* The symbol is a debugging record. The value has an arbitary
- meaning. */
-#define BSF_DEBUGGING 0x08
- /* The symbol denotes a function entry point. Used in ELF,
- perhaps others someday. */
-#define BSF_FUNCTION 0x10
- /* Used by the linker. */
-#define BSF_KEEP 0x20
-#define BSF_KEEP_G 0x40
- /* A weak global symbol, overridable without warnings by
- a regular global symbol of the same name. */
-#define BSF_WEAK 0x80
- /* This symbol was created to point to a section, e.g. ELF's
- STT_SECTION symbols. */
-#define BSF_SECTION_SYM 0x100
- /* The symbol used to be a common symbol, but now it is
- allocated. */
-#define BSF_OLD_COMMON 0x200
- /* The default value for common data. */
- /* In some files the type of a symbol sometimes alters its
- location in an output file - ie in coff a <<ISFCN>> symbol
- which is also <<C_EXT>> symbol appears where it was
- declared and not at the end of a section. This bit is set
- by the target BFD part to convey this information. */
-#define BSF_NOT_AT_END 0x400
- /* Signal that the symbol is the label of constructor section. */
-#define BSF_CONSTRUCTOR 0x800
- /* Signal that the symbol is a warning symbol. The name is a
- warning. The name of the next symbol is the one to warn about;
- if a reference is made to a symbol with the same name as the next
- symbol, a warning is issued by the linker. */
-#define BSF_WARNING 0x1000
- /* Signal that the symbol is indirect. This symbol is an indirect
- pointer to the symbol with the same name as the next symbol. */
-#define BSF_INDIRECT 0x2000
- /* BSF_FILE marks symbols that contain a file name. This is used
- for ELF STT_FILE symbols. */
-#define BSF_FILE 0x4000
- /* Symbol is from dynamic linking information. */
-#define BSF_DYNAMIC 0x8000
- /* The symbol denotes a data object. Used in ELF, and perhaps
- others someday. */
-#define BSF_OBJECT 0x10000
- flagword flags;
- /* A pointer to the section to which this symbol is
- relative. This will always be non NULL, there are special
- sections for undefined and absolute symbols. */
- struct sec *section;
- /* Back end special data. */
- union
- {
- PTR p;
- bfd_vma i;
- } udata;
-} asymbol;
-#define bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound(abfd) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound, (abfd))
-bfd_is_local_label PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asymbol *sym));
-#define bfd_is_local_label(abfd, sym) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_is_local_label,(abfd, sym))
-#define bfd_canonicalize_symtab(abfd, location) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_canonicalize_symtab,\
- (abfd, location))
-bfd_set_symtab PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asymbol **location, unsigned int count));
-bfd_print_symbol_vandf PARAMS ((PTR file, asymbol *symbol));
-#define bfd_make_empty_symbol(abfd) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_make_empty_symbol, (abfd))
-#define bfd_make_debug_symbol(abfd,ptr,size) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_make_debug_symbol, (abfd, ptr, size))
-bfd_decode_symclass PARAMS ((asymbol *symbol));
-bfd_symbol_info PARAMS ((asymbol *symbol, symbol_info *ret));
-bfd_copy_private_symbol_data PARAMS ((bfd *ibfd, asymbol *isym, bfd *obfd, asymbol *osym));
-#define bfd_copy_private_symbol_data(ibfd, isymbol, obfd, osymbol) \
- BFD_SEND (ibfd, _bfd_copy_private_symbol_data, \
- (ibfd, isymbol, obfd, osymbol))
-struct _bfd
- /* The filename the application opened the BFD with. */
- CONST char *filename;
- /* A pointer to the target jump table. */
- const struct bfd_target *xvec;
- /* To avoid dragging too many header files into every file that
- includes `<<bfd.h>>', IOSTREAM has been declared as a "char
- *", and MTIME as a "long". Their correct types, to which they
- are cast when used, are "FILE *" and "time_t". The iostream
- is the result of an fopen on the filename. However, if the
- BFD_IN_MEMORY flag is set, then iostream is actually a pointer
- to a bfd_in_memory struct. */
- PTR iostream;
- /* Is the file descriptor being cached? That is, can it be closed as
- needed, and re-opened when accessed later? */
- boolean cacheable;
- /* Marks whether there was a default target specified when the
- BFD was opened. This is used to select which matching algorithm
- to use to choose the back end. */
- boolean target_defaulted;
- /* The caching routines use these to maintain a
- least-recently-used list of BFDs */
- struct _bfd *lru_prev, *lru_next;
- /* When a file is closed by the caching routines, BFD retains
- state information on the file here: */
- file_ptr where;
- /* and here: (``once'' means at least once) */
- boolean opened_once;
- /* Set if we have a locally maintained mtime value, rather than
- getting it from the file each time: */
- boolean mtime_set;
- /* File modified time, if mtime_set is true: */
- long mtime;
- /* Reserved for an unimplemented file locking extension.*/
- int ifd;
- /* The format which belongs to the BFD. (object, core, etc.) */
- bfd_format format;
- /* The direction the BFD was opened with*/
- enum bfd_direction {no_direction = 0,
- read_direction = 1,
- write_direction = 2,
- both_direction = 3} direction;
- /* Format_specific flags*/
- flagword flags;
- /* Currently my_archive is tested before adding origin to
- anything. I believe that this can become always an add of
- origin, with origin set to 0 for non archive files. */
- file_ptr origin;
- /* Remember when output has begun, to stop strange things
- from happening. */
- boolean output_has_begun;
- /* Pointer to linked list of sections*/
- struct sec *sections;
- /* The number of sections */
- unsigned int section_count;
- /* Stuff only useful for object files:
- The start address. */
- bfd_vma start_address;
- /* Used for input and output*/
- unsigned int symcount;
- /* Symbol table for output BFD (with symcount entries) */
- struct symbol_cache_entry **outsymbols;
- /* Pointer to structure which contains architecture information*/
- const struct bfd_arch_info *arch_info;
- /* Stuff only useful for archives:*/
- PTR arelt_data;
- struct _bfd *my_archive; /* The containing archive BFD. */
- struct _bfd *next; /* The next BFD in the archive. */
- struct _bfd *archive_head; /* The first BFD in the archive. */
- boolean has_armap;
- /* A chain of BFD structures involved in a link. */
- struct _bfd *link_next;
- /* A field used by _bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols. This will
- be used only for archive elements. */
- int archive_pass;
- /* Used by the back end to hold private data. */
- union
- {
- struct aout_data_struct *aout_data;
- struct artdata *aout_ar_data;
- struct _oasys_data *oasys_obj_data;
- struct _oasys_ar_data *oasys_ar_data;
- struct coff_tdata *coff_obj_data;
- struct pe_tdata *pe_obj_data;
- struct xcoff_tdata *xcoff_obj_data;
- struct ecoff_tdata *ecoff_obj_data;
- struct ieee_data_struct *ieee_data;
- struct ieee_ar_data_struct *ieee_ar_data;
- struct srec_data_struct *srec_data;
- struct ihex_data_struct *ihex_data;
- struct tekhex_data_struct *tekhex_data;
- struct elf_obj_tdata *elf_obj_data;
- struct nlm_obj_tdata *nlm_obj_data;
- struct bout_data_struct *bout_data;
- struct sun_core_struct *sun_core_data;
- struct trad_core_struct *trad_core_data;
- struct som_data_struct *som_data;
- struct hpux_core_struct *hpux_core_data;
- struct hppabsd_core_struct *hppabsd_core_data;
- struct sgi_core_struct *sgi_core_data;
- struct lynx_core_struct *lynx_core_data;
- struct osf_core_struct *osf_core_data;
- struct cisco_core_struct *cisco_core_data;
- struct versados_data_struct *versados_data;
- struct netbsd_core_struct *netbsd_core_data;
- PTR any;
- } tdata;
- /* Used by the application to hold private data*/
- PTR usrdata;
- /* Where all the allocated stuff under this BFD goes */
- struct obstack memory;
-typedef enum bfd_error
- bfd_error_no_error = 0,
- bfd_error_system_call,
- bfd_error_invalid_target,
- bfd_error_wrong_format,
- bfd_error_invalid_operation,
- bfd_error_no_memory,
- bfd_error_no_symbols,
- bfd_error_no_armap,
- bfd_error_no_more_archived_files,
- bfd_error_malformed_archive,
- bfd_error_file_not_recognized,
- bfd_error_file_ambiguously_recognized,
- bfd_error_no_contents,
- bfd_error_nonrepresentable_section,
- bfd_error_no_debug_section,
- bfd_error_bad_value,
- bfd_error_file_truncated,
- bfd_error_file_too_big,
- bfd_error_invalid_error_code
-} bfd_error_type;
-bfd_get_error PARAMS ((void));
-bfd_set_error PARAMS ((bfd_error_type error_tag));
-CONST char *
-bfd_errmsg PARAMS ((bfd_error_type error_tag));
-bfd_perror PARAMS ((CONST char *message));
-typedef void (*bfd_error_handler_type) PARAMS ((const char *, ...));
-bfd_set_error_handler PARAMS ((bfd_error_handler_type));
-bfd_set_error_program_name PARAMS ((const char *));
-bfd_get_reloc_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *sect));
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- asection *sec,
- arelent **loc,
- asymbol **syms));
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *sec, arelent **rel, unsigned int count)
- );
-bfd_set_file_flags PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, flagword flags));
-bfd_set_start_address PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, bfd_vma vma));
-bfd_get_mtime PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-bfd_get_size PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-bfd_get_gp_size PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-bfd_set_gp_size PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, int i));
-bfd_scan_vma PARAMS ((CONST char *string, CONST char **end, int base));
-bfd_copy_private_bfd_data PARAMS ((bfd *ibfd, bfd *obfd));
-#define bfd_copy_private_bfd_data(ibfd, obfd) \
- BFD_SEND (ibfd, _bfd_copy_private_bfd_data, \
- (ibfd, obfd))
-bfd_merge_private_bfd_data PARAMS ((bfd *ibfd, bfd *obfd));
-#define bfd_merge_private_bfd_data(ibfd, obfd) \
- BFD_SEND (ibfd, _bfd_merge_private_bfd_data, \
- (ibfd, obfd))
-bfd_set_private_flags PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, flagword flags));
-#define bfd_set_private_flags(abfd, flags) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_set_private_flags, \
- (abfd, flags))
-#define bfd_sizeof_headers(abfd, reloc) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_sizeof_headers, (abfd, reloc))
-#define bfd_find_nearest_line(abfd, sec, syms, off, file, func, line) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_find_nearest_line, (abfd, sec, syms, off, file, func, line))
- /* Do these three do anything useful at all, for any back end? */
-#define bfd_debug_info_start(abfd) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_debug_info_start, (abfd))
-#define bfd_debug_info_end(abfd) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_debug_info_end, (abfd))
-#define bfd_debug_info_accumulate(abfd, section) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_debug_info_accumulate, (abfd, section))
-#define bfd_stat_arch_elt(abfd, stat) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_stat_arch_elt,(abfd, stat))
-#define bfd_update_armap_timestamp(abfd) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_update_armap_timestamp, (abfd))
-#define bfd_set_arch_mach(abfd, arch, mach)\
- BFD_SEND ( abfd, _bfd_set_arch_mach, (abfd, arch, mach))
-#define bfd_relax_section(abfd, section, link_info, again) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_relax_section, (abfd, section, link_info, again))
-#define bfd_link_hash_table_create(abfd) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_link_hash_table_create, (abfd))
-#define bfd_link_add_symbols(abfd, info) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_link_add_symbols, (abfd, info))
-#define bfd_final_link(abfd, info) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_final_link, (abfd, info))
-#define bfd_free_cached_info(abfd) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_free_cached_info, (abfd))
-#define bfd_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound(abfd) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound, (abfd))
-#define bfd_print_private_bfd_data(abfd, file)\
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_print_private_bfd_data, (abfd, file))
-#define bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab(abfd, asymbols) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab, (abfd, asymbols))
-#define bfd_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound(abfd) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound, (abfd))
-#define bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc(abfd, arels, asyms) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc, (abfd, arels, asyms))
-extern bfd_byte *bfd_get_relocated_section_contents
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *,
- struct bfd_link_order *, bfd_byte *,
- boolean, asymbol **));
-bfd_get_next_mapent PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, symindex previous, carsym **sym));
-bfd_set_archive_head PARAMS ((bfd *output, bfd *new_head));
-bfd *
-bfd_openr_next_archived_file PARAMS ((bfd *archive, bfd *previous));
-CONST char *
-bfd_core_file_failing_command PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-bfd_core_file_failing_signal PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
- PARAMS ((bfd *core_bfd, bfd *exec_bfd));
-#define BFD_SEND(bfd, message, arglist) \
- ((*((bfd)->xvec->message)) arglist)
-#undef BFD_SEND
-#define BFD_SEND(bfd, message, arglist) \
- (((bfd) && (bfd)->xvec && (bfd)->xvec->message) ? \
- ((*((bfd)->xvec->message)) arglist) : \
- (bfd_assert (__FILE__,__LINE__), NULL))
-#define BFD_SEND_FMT(bfd, message, arglist) \
- (((bfd)->xvec->message[(int)((bfd)->format)]) arglist)
-#undef BFD_SEND_FMT
-#define BFD_SEND_FMT(bfd, message, arglist) \
- (((bfd) && (bfd)->xvec && (bfd)->xvec->message) ? \
- (((bfd)->xvec->message[(int)((bfd)->format)]) arglist) : \
- (bfd_assert (__FILE__,__LINE__), NULL))
-enum bfd_flavour {
- bfd_target_unknown_flavour,
- bfd_target_aout_flavour,
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- bfd_target_ecoff_flavour,
- bfd_target_elf_flavour,
- bfd_target_ieee_flavour,
- bfd_target_nlm_flavour,
- bfd_target_oasys_flavour,
- bfd_target_tekhex_flavour,
- bfd_target_srec_flavour,
- bfd_target_ihex_flavour,
- bfd_target_som_flavour,
- bfd_target_os9k_flavour,
- bfd_target_versados_flavour,
- bfd_target_msdos_flavour
- /* Forward declaration. */
-typedef struct bfd_link_info _bfd_link_info;
-typedef struct bfd_target
- char *name;
- enum bfd_flavour flavour;
- enum bfd_endian byteorder;
- enum bfd_endian header_byteorder;
- flagword object_flags;
- flagword section_flags;
- char symbol_leading_char;
- char ar_pad_char;
- unsigned short ar_max_namelen;
- bfd_vma (*bfd_getx64) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
- bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_getx_signed_64) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
- void (*bfd_putx64) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
- bfd_vma (*bfd_getx32) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
- bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_getx_signed_32) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
- void (*bfd_putx32) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
- bfd_vma (*bfd_getx16) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
- bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_getx_signed_16) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
- void (*bfd_putx16) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
- bfd_vma (*bfd_h_getx64) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
- bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_h_getx_signed_64) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
- void (*bfd_h_putx64) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
- bfd_vma (*bfd_h_getx32) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
- bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_h_getx_signed_32) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
- void (*bfd_h_putx32) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
- bfd_vma (*bfd_h_getx16) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
- bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_h_getx_signed_16) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
- void (*bfd_h_putx16) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
- const struct bfd_target *(*_bfd_check_format[bfd_type_end]) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- boolean (*_bfd_set_format[bfd_type_end]) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- boolean (*_bfd_write_contents[bfd_type_end]) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- /* Generic entry points. */
- /* Called when the BFD is being closed to do any necessary cleanup. */
- boolean (*_close_and_cleanup) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- /* Ask the BFD to free all cached information. */
- boolean (*_bfd_free_cached_info) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- /* Called when a new section is created. */
- boolean (*_new_section_hook) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr));
- /* Read the contents of a section. */
- boolean (*_bfd_get_section_contents) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, PTR,
- file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
- boolean (*_bfd_get_section_contents_in_window)
- PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, bfd_window *,
- file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
- /* Entry points to copy private data. */
- /* Called to copy BFD general private data from one object file
- to another. */
- boolean (*_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
- /* Called to merge BFD general private data from one object file
- to a common output file when linking. */
- boolean (*_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
- /* Called to copy BFD private section data from one object file
- to another. */
- boolean (*_bfd_copy_private_section_data) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr,
- bfd *, sec_ptr));
- /* Called to copy BFD private symbol data from one symbol
- to another. */
- boolean (*_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *,
- bfd *, asymbol *));
- /* Called to set private backend flags */
- boolean (*_bfd_set_private_flags) PARAMS ((bfd *, flagword));
- /* Called to print private BFD data */
- boolean (*_bfd_print_private_bfd_data) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR));
- /* Core file entry points. */
- char * (*_core_file_failing_command) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- int (*_core_file_failing_signal) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- boolean (*_core_file_matches_executable_p) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
- /* Archive entry points. */
- boolean (*_bfd_slurp_armap) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- boolean (*_bfd_slurp_extended_name_table) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- boolean (*_bfd_construct_extended_name_table)
- PARAMS ((bfd *, char **, bfd_size_type *, const char **));
- void (*_bfd_truncate_arname) PARAMS ((bfd *, CONST char *, char *));
- boolean (*write_armap) PARAMS ((bfd *arch,
- unsigned int elength,
- struct orl *map,
- unsigned int orl_count,
- int stridx));
- PTR (*_bfd_read_ar_hdr_fn) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- bfd * (*openr_next_archived_file) PARAMS ((bfd *arch, bfd *prev));
-#define bfd_get_elt_at_index(b,i) BFD_SEND(b, _bfd_get_elt_at_index, (b,i))
- bfd * (*_bfd_get_elt_at_index) PARAMS ((bfd *, symindex));
- int (*_bfd_stat_arch_elt) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct stat *));
- boolean (*_bfd_update_armap_timestamp) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- /* Entry points used for symbols. */
- long (*_bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- long (*_bfd_canonicalize_symtab) PARAMS ((bfd *,
- struct symbol_cache_entry **));
- struct symbol_cache_entry *
- (*_bfd_make_empty_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- void (*_bfd_print_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR,
- struct symbol_cache_entry *,
- bfd_print_symbol_type));
-#define bfd_print_symbol(b,p,s,e) BFD_SEND(b, _bfd_print_symbol, (b,p,s,e))
- void (*_bfd_get_symbol_info) PARAMS ((bfd *,
- struct symbol_cache_entry *,
- symbol_info *));
-#define bfd_get_symbol_info(b,p,e) BFD_SEND(b, _bfd_get_symbol_info, (b,p,e))
- boolean (*_bfd_is_local_label) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
- alent * (*_get_lineno) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct symbol_cache_entry *));
- boolean (*_bfd_find_nearest_line) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- struct sec *section, struct symbol_cache_entry **symbols,
- bfd_vma offset, CONST char **file, CONST char **func,
- unsigned int *line));
- /* Back-door to allow format-aware applications to create debug symbols
- while using BFD for everything else. Currently used by the assembler
- when creating COFF files. */
- asymbol * (*_bfd_make_debug_symbol) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- void *ptr,
- unsigned long size));
-#define bfd_read_minisymbols(b, d, m, s) \
- BFD_SEND (b, _read_minisymbols, (b, d, m, s))
- long (*_read_minisymbols) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, PTR *,
- unsigned int *));
-#define bfd_minisymbol_to_symbol(b, d, m, f) \
- BFD_SEND (b, _minisymbol_to_symbol, (b, d, m, f))
- asymbol *(*_minisymbol_to_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, const PTR,
- asymbol *));
- /* Routines for relocs. */
- long (*_get_reloc_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr));
- long (*_bfd_canonicalize_reloc) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, arelent **,
- struct symbol_cache_entry **));
- /* See documentation on reloc types. */
- reloc_howto_type *
- (*reloc_type_lookup) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code));
- /* Routines used when writing an object file. */
- boolean (*_bfd_set_arch_mach) PARAMS ((bfd *, enum bfd_architecture,
- unsigned long));
- boolean (*_bfd_set_section_contents) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, PTR,
- file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
- /* Routines used by the linker. */
- int (*_bfd_sizeof_headers) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean));
- bfd_byte * (*_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents) PARAMS ((bfd *,
- struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_order *,
- bfd_byte *data, boolean relocateable,
- struct symbol_cache_entry **));
- boolean (*_bfd_relax_section) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct sec *,
- struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *again));
- /* Create a hash table for the linker. Different backends store
- different information in this table. */
- struct bfd_link_hash_table *(*_bfd_link_hash_table_create) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- /* Add symbols from this object file into the hash table. */
- boolean (*_bfd_link_add_symbols) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
- /* Do a link based on the link_order structures attached to each
- section of the BFD. */
- boolean (*_bfd_final_link) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
- /* Should this section be split up into smaller pieces during linking. */
- boolean (*_bfd_link_split_section) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct sec *));
- /* Routines to handle dynamic symbols and relocs. */
- /* Get the amount of memory required to hold the dynamic symbols. */
- long (*_bfd_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- /* Read in the dynamic symbols. */
- long (*_bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab)
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct symbol_cache_entry **));
- /* Get the amount of memory required to hold the dynamic relocs. */
- long (*_bfd_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- /* Read in the dynamic relocs. */
- long (*_bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc)
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent **, struct symbol_cache_entry **));
- PTR backend_data;
-} bfd_target;
-const bfd_target *
-bfd_find_target PARAMS ((CONST char *target_name, bfd *abfd));
-const char **
-bfd_target_list PARAMS ((void));
-bfd_check_format PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, bfd_format format));
-bfd_check_format_matches PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, bfd_format format, char ***matching));
-bfd_set_format PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, bfd_format format));
-CONST char *
-bfd_format_string PARAMS ((bfd_format format));
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/bfd.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/bfd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 10ec67efaa6f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/bfd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1144 +0,0 @@
-/* Generic BFD library interface and support routines.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- <<typedef bfd>>
- A BFD has type <<bfd>>; objects of this type are the
- cornerstone of any application using BFD. Using BFD
- consists of making references though the BFD and to data in the BFD.
- Here is the structure that defines the type <<bfd>>. It
- contains the major data about the file and pointers
- to the rest of the data.
-.struct _bfd
-. {* The filename the application opened the BFD with. *}
-. CONST char *filename;
-. {* A pointer to the target jump table. *}
-. const struct bfd_target *xvec;
-. {* To avoid dragging too many header files into every file that
-. includes `<<bfd.h>>', IOSTREAM has been declared as a "char
-. *", and MTIME as a "long". Their correct types, to which they
-. are cast when used, are "FILE *" and "time_t". The iostream
-. is the result of an fopen on the filename. However, if the
-. BFD_IN_MEMORY flag is set, then iostream is actually a pointer
-. to a bfd_in_memory struct. *}
-. PTR iostream;
-. {* Is the file descriptor being cached? That is, can it be closed as
-. needed, and re-opened when accessed later? *}
-. boolean cacheable;
-. {* Marks whether there was a default target specified when the
-. BFD was opened. This is used to select which matching algorithm
-. to use to choose the back end. *}
-. boolean target_defaulted;
-. {* The caching routines use these to maintain a
-. least-recently-used list of BFDs *}
-. struct _bfd *lru_prev, *lru_next;
-. {* When a file is closed by the caching routines, BFD retains
-. state information on the file here: *}
-. file_ptr where;
-. {* and here: (``once'' means at least once) *}
-. boolean opened_once;
-. {* Set if we have a locally maintained mtime value, rather than
-. getting it from the file each time: *}
-. boolean mtime_set;
-. {* File modified time, if mtime_set is true: *}
-. long mtime;
-. {* Reserved for an unimplemented file locking extension.*}
-. int ifd;
-. {* The format which belongs to the BFD. (object, core, etc.) *}
-. bfd_format format;
-. {* The direction the BFD was opened with*}
-. enum bfd_direction {no_direction = 0,
-. read_direction = 1,
-. write_direction = 2,
-. both_direction = 3} direction;
-. {* Format_specific flags*}
-. flagword flags;
-. {* Currently my_archive is tested before adding origin to
-. anything. I believe that this can become always an add of
-. origin, with origin set to 0 for non archive files. *}
-. file_ptr origin;
-. {* Remember when output has begun, to stop strange things
-. from happening. *}
-. boolean output_has_begun;
-. {* Pointer to linked list of sections*}
-. struct sec *sections;
-. {* The number of sections *}
-. unsigned int section_count;
-. {* Stuff only useful for object files:
-. The start address. *}
-. bfd_vma start_address;
-. {* Used for input and output*}
-. unsigned int symcount;
-. {* Symbol table for output BFD (with symcount entries) *}
-. struct symbol_cache_entry **outsymbols;
-. {* Pointer to structure which contains architecture information*}
-. const struct bfd_arch_info *arch_info;
-. {* Stuff only useful for archives:*}
-. PTR arelt_data;
-. struct _bfd *my_archive; {* The containing archive BFD. *}
-. struct _bfd *next; {* The next BFD in the archive. *}
-. struct _bfd *archive_head; {* The first BFD in the archive. *}
-. boolean has_armap;
-. {* A chain of BFD structures involved in a link. *}
-. struct _bfd *link_next;
-. {* A field used by _bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols. This will
-. be used only for archive elements. *}
-. int archive_pass;
-. {* Used by the back end to hold private data. *}
-. union
-. {
-. struct aout_data_struct *aout_data;
-. struct artdata *aout_ar_data;
-. struct _oasys_data *oasys_obj_data;
-. struct _oasys_ar_data *oasys_ar_data;
-. struct coff_tdata *coff_obj_data;
-. struct pe_tdata *pe_obj_data;
-. struct xcoff_tdata *xcoff_obj_data;
-. struct ecoff_tdata *ecoff_obj_data;
-. struct ieee_data_struct *ieee_data;
-. struct ieee_ar_data_struct *ieee_ar_data;
-. struct srec_data_struct *srec_data;
-. struct ihex_data_struct *ihex_data;
-. struct tekhex_data_struct *tekhex_data;
-. struct elf_obj_tdata *elf_obj_data;
-. struct nlm_obj_tdata *nlm_obj_data;
-. struct bout_data_struct *bout_data;
-. struct sun_core_struct *sun_core_data;
-. struct trad_core_struct *trad_core_data;
-. struct som_data_struct *som_data;
-. struct hpux_core_struct *hpux_core_data;
-. struct hppabsd_core_struct *hppabsd_core_data;
-. struct sgi_core_struct *sgi_core_data;
-. struct lynx_core_struct *lynx_core_data;
-. struct osf_core_struct *osf_core_data;
-. struct cisco_core_struct *cisco_core_data;
-. struct versados_data_struct *versados_data;
-. struct netbsd_core_struct *netbsd_core_data;
-. PTR any;
-. } tdata;
-. {* Used by the application to hold private data*}
-. PTR usrdata;
-. {* Where all the allocated stuff under this BFD goes *}
-. struct obstack memory;
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "coff/sym.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-#include "libecoff.h"
-#undef obj_symbols
-#include "elf-bfd.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-/* provide storage for subsystem, stack and heap data which may have been
- passed in on the command line. Ld puts this data into a bfd_link_info
- struct which ultimately gets passed in to the bfd. When it arrives, copy
- it to the following struct so that the data will be available in coffcode.h
- where it is needed. The typedef's used are defined in bfd.h */
- Error reporting
- Most BFD functions return nonzero on success (check their
- individual documentation for precise semantics). On an error,
- they call <<bfd_set_error>> to set an error condition that callers
- can check by calling <<bfd_get_error>>.
- If that returns <<bfd_error_system_call>>, then check
- <<errno>>.
- The easiest way to report a BFD error to the user is to
- use <<bfd_perror>>.
- Type <<bfd_error_type>>
- The values returned by <<bfd_get_error>> are defined by the
- enumerated type <<bfd_error_type>>.
-.typedef enum bfd_error
-. bfd_error_no_error = 0,
-. bfd_error_system_call,
-. bfd_error_invalid_target,
-. bfd_error_wrong_format,
-. bfd_error_invalid_operation,
-. bfd_error_no_memory,
-. bfd_error_no_symbols,
-. bfd_error_no_armap,
-. bfd_error_no_more_archived_files,
-. bfd_error_malformed_archive,
-. bfd_error_file_not_recognized,
-. bfd_error_file_ambiguously_recognized,
-. bfd_error_no_contents,
-. bfd_error_nonrepresentable_section,
-. bfd_error_no_debug_section,
-. bfd_error_bad_value,
-. bfd_error_file_truncated,
-. bfd_error_file_too_big,
-. bfd_error_invalid_error_code
-.} bfd_error_type;
-#undef strerror
-extern char *strerror();
-static bfd_error_type bfd_error = bfd_error_no_error;
-CONST char *CONST bfd_errmsgs[] = {
- "No error",
- "System call error",
- "Invalid bfd target",
- "File in wrong format",
- "Invalid operation",
- "Memory exhausted",
- "No symbols",
- "Archive has no index; run ranlib to add one",
- "No more archived files",
- "Malformed archive",
- "File format not recognized",
- "File format is ambiguous",
- "Section has no contents",
- "Nonrepresentable section on output",
- "Symbol needs debug section which does not exist",
- "Bad value",
- "File truncated",
- "File too big",
- "#<Invalid error code>"
- };
- bfd_get_error
- bfd_error_type bfd_get_error (void);
- Return the current BFD error condition.
-bfd_get_error ()
- return bfd_error;
- bfd_set_error
- void bfd_set_error (bfd_error_type error_tag);
- Set the BFD error condition to be @var{error_tag}.
-bfd_set_error (error_tag)
- bfd_error_type error_tag;
- bfd_error = error_tag;
- bfd_errmsg
- CONST char *bfd_errmsg (bfd_error_type error_tag);
- Return a string describing the error @var{error_tag}, or
- the system error if @var{error_tag} is <<bfd_error_system_call>>.
-CONST char *
-bfd_errmsg (error_tag)
- bfd_error_type error_tag;
-#ifndef errno
- extern int errno;
- if (error_tag == bfd_error_system_call)
- {
- const char *errmsg;
- errmsg = strerror (errno);
- if (errmsg == NULL)
- {
- static char buf[32];
- sprintf (buf, "Error %d", errno);
- errmsg = buf;
- }
- return errmsg;
- }
- if ((((int)error_tag <(int) bfd_error_no_error) ||
- ((int)error_tag > (int)bfd_error_invalid_error_code)))
- error_tag = bfd_error_invalid_error_code;/* sanity check */
- return bfd_errmsgs [(int)error_tag];
- bfd_perror
- void bfd_perror (CONST char *message);
- Print to the standard error stream a string describing the
- last BFD error that occurred, or the last system error if
- the last BFD error was a system call failure. If @var{message}
- is non-NULL and non-empty, the error string printed is preceded
- by @var{message}, a colon, and a space. It is followed by a newline.
-bfd_perror (message)
- CONST char *message;
- if (bfd_get_error () == bfd_error_system_call)
- perror((char *)message); /* must be system error then... */
- else {
- if (message == NULL || *message == '\0')
- fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", bfd_errmsg (bfd_get_error ()));
- else
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s\n", message, bfd_errmsg (bfd_get_error ()));
- }
- BFD error handler
- Some BFD functions want to print messages describing the
- problem. They call a BFD error handler function. This
- function may be overriden by the program.
- The BFD error handler acts like printf.
-.typedef void (*bfd_error_handler_type) PARAMS ((const char *, ...));
-/* The program name used when printing BFD error messages. */
-static const char *_bfd_error_program_name;
-/* This is the default routine to handle BFD error messages. */
-static void _bfd_default_error_handler PARAMS ((const char *s, ...));
-static void
-_bfd_default_error_handler (const char *s, ...)
- va_list p;
- if (_bfd_error_program_name != NULL)
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", _bfd_error_program_name);
- va_start (p, s);
- vfprintf (stderr, s, p);
- va_end (p);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
-#else /* ! defined (ANSI_PROTOTYPES) */
-static void _bfd_default_error_handler ();
-static void
-_bfd_default_error_handler (va_alist)
- va_dcl
- va_list p;
- const char *s;
- if (_bfd_error_program_name != NULL)
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", _bfd_error_program_name);
- va_start (p);
- s = va_arg (p, const char *);
- vfprintf (stderr, s, p);
- va_end (p);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
-#endif /* ! defined (ANSI_PROTOTYPES) */
-/* This is a function pointer to the routine which should handle BFD
- error messages. It is called when a BFD routine encounters an
- error for which it wants to print a message. Going through a
- function pointer permits a program linked against BFD to intercept
- the messages and deal with them itself. */
-bfd_error_handler_type _bfd_error_handler = _bfd_default_error_handler;
- bfd_set_error_handler
- bfd_error_handler_type bfd_set_error_handler (bfd_error_handler_type);
- Set the BFD error handler function. Returns the previous
- function.
-bfd_set_error_handler (pnew)
- bfd_error_handler_type pnew;
- bfd_error_handler_type pold;
- pold = _bfd_error_handler;
- _bfd_error_handler = pnew;
- return pold;
- bfd_set_error_program_name
- void bfd_set_error_program_name (const char *);
- Set the program name to use when printing a BFD error. This
- is printed before the error message followed by a colon and
- space. The string must not be changed after it is passed to
- this function.
-bfd_set_error_program_name (name)
- const char *name;
- _bfd_error_program_name = name;
- Symbols
- bfd_get_reloc_upper_bound
- long bfd_get_reloc_upper_bound(bfd *abfd, asection *sect);
- Return the number of bytes required to store the
- relocation information associated with section @var{sect}
- attached to bfd @var{abfd}. If an error occurs, return -1.
-bfd_get_reloc_upper_bound (abfd, asect)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr asect;
- if (abfd->format != bfd_object) {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return -1;
- }
- return BFD_SEND (abfd, _get_reloc_upper_bound, (abfd, asect));
- bfd_canonicalize_reloc
- long bfd_canonicalize_reloc
- (bfd *abfd,
- asection *sec,
- arelent **loc,
- asymbol **syms);
- Call the back end associated with the open BFD
- @var{abfd} and translate the external form of the relocation
- information attached to @var{sec} into the internal canonical
- form. Place the table into memory at @var{loc}, which has
- been preallocated, usually by a call to
- <<bfd_get_reloc_upper_bound>>. Returns the number of relocs, or
- -1 on error.
- The @var{syms} table is also needed for horrible internal magic
- reasons.
-bfd_canonicalize_reloc (abfd, asect, location, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr asect;
- arelent **location;
- asymbol **symbols;
- if (abfd->format != bfd_object) {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return -1;
- }
- return BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_canonicalize_reloc,
- (abfd, asect, location, symbols));
- bfd_set_reloc
- void bfd_set_reloc
- (bfd *abfd, asection *sec, arelent **rel, unsigned int count)
- Set the relocation pointer and count within
- section @var{sec} to the values @var{rel} and @var{count}.
- The argument @var{abfd} is ignored.
-bfd_set_reloc (ignore_abfd, asect, location, count)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- sec_ptr asect;
- arelent **location;
- unsigned int count;
- asect->orelocation = location;
- asect->reloc_count = count;
- bfd_set_file_flags
- boolean bfd_set_file_flags(bfd *abfd, flagword flags);
- Set the flag word in the BFD @var{abfd} to the value @var{flags}.
- Possible errors are:
- o <<bfd_error_wrong_format>> - The target bfd was not of object format.
- o <<bfd_error_invalid_operation>> - The target bfd was open for reading.
- o <<bfd_error_invalid_operation>> -
- The flag word contained a bit which was not applicable to the
- type of file. E.g., an attempt was made to set the <<D_PAGED>> bit
- on a BFD format which does not support demand paging.
-bfd_set_file_flags (abfd, flags)
- bfd *abfd;
- flagword flags;
- if (abfd->format != bfd_object) {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return false;
- }
- if (bfd_read_p (abfd)) {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- bfd_get_file_flags (abfd) = flags;
- if ((flags & bfd_applicable_file_flags (abfd)) != flags) {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
-return true;
-bfd_assert (file, line)
- const char *file;
- int line;
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("bfd assertion fail %s:%d", file, line);
- bfd_set_start_address
- boolean bfd_set_start_address(bfd *abfd, bfd_vma vma);
- Make @var{vma} the entry point of output BFD @var{abfd}.
- Returns <<true>> on success, <<false>> otherwise.
-bfd_set_start_address(abfd, vma)
-bfd *abfd;
-bfd_vma vma;
- abfd->start_address = vma;
- return true;
- bfd_get_mtime
- long bfd_get_mtime(bfd *abfd);
- Return the file modification time (as read from the file system, or
- from the archive header for archive members).
-bfd_get_mtime (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- FILE *fp;
- struct stat buf;
- if (abfd->mtime_set)
- return abfd->mtime;
- fp = bfd_cache_lookup (abfd);
- if (0 != fstat (fileno (fp), &buf))
- return 0;
- abfd->mtime = buf.st_mtime; /* Save value in case anyone wants it */
- return buf.st_mtime;
- bfd_get_size
- long bfd_get_size(bfd *abfd);
- Return the file size (as read from file system) for the file
- associated with BFD @var{abfd}.
- The initial motivation for, and use of, this routine is not
- so we can get the exact size of the object the BFD applies to, since
- that might not be generally possible (archive members for example).
- It would be ideal if someone could eventually modify
- it so that such results were guaranteed.
- Instead, we want to ask questions like "is this NNN byte sized
- object I'm about to try read from file offset YYY reasonable?"
- As as example of where we might do this, some object formats
- use string tables for which the first <<sizeof(long)>> bytes of the
- table contain the size of the table itself, including the size bytes.
- If an application tries to read what it thinks is one of these
- string tables, without some way to validate the size, and for
- some reason the size is wrong (byte swapping error, wrong location
- for the string table, etc.), the only clue is likely to be a read
- error when it tries to read the table, or a "virtual memory
- exhausted" error when it tries to allocate 15 bazillon bytes
- of space for the 15 bazillon byte table it is about to read.
- This function at least allows us to answer the quesion, "is the
- size reasonable?".
-bfd_get_size (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- FILE *fp;
- struct stat buf;
- if ((abfd->flags & BFD_IN_MEMORY) != 0)
- return ((struct bfd_in_memory *) abfd->iostream)->size;
- fp = bfd_cache_lookup (abfd);
- if (0 != fstat (fileno (fp), &buf))
- return 0;
- return buf.st_size;
- bfd_get_gp_size
- int bfd_get_gp_size(bfd *abfd);
- Return the maximum size of objects to be optimized using the GP
- register under MIPS ECOFF. This is typically set by the <<-G>>
- argument to the compiler, assembler or linker.
-bfd_get_gp_size (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (abfd->format == bfd_object)
- {
- if (abfd->xvec->flavour == bfd_target_ecoff_flavour)
- return ecoff_data (abfd)->gp_size;
- else if (abfd->xvec->flavour == bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- return elf_gp_size (abfd);
- }
- return 0;
- bfd_set_gp_size
- void bfd_set_gp_size(bfd *abfd, int i);
- Set the maximum size of objects to be optimized using the GP
- register under ECOFF or MIPS ELF. This is typically set by
- the <<-G>> argument to the compiler, assembler or linker.
-bfd_set_gp_size (abfd, i)
- bfd *abfd;
- int i;
- /* Don't try to set GP size on an archive or core file! */
- if (abfd->format != bfd_object)
- return;
- if (abfd->xvec->flavour == bfd_target_ecoff_flavour)
- ecoff_data (abfd)->gp_size = i;
- else if (abfd->xvec->flavour == bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- elf_gp_size (abfd) = i;
-/* Get the GP value. This is an internal function used by some of the
- relocation special_function routines on targets which support a GP
- register. */
-_bfd_get_gp_value (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (abfd->format == bfd_object)
- {
- if (abfd->xvec->flavour == bfd_target_ecoff_flavour)
- return ecoff_data (abfd)->gp;
- else if (abfd->xvec->flavour == bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- return elf_gp (abfd);
- }
- return 0;
-/* Set the GP value. */
-_bfd_set_gp_value (abfd, v)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_vma v;
- if (abfd->format != bfd_object)
- return;
- if (abfd->xvec->flavour == bfd_target_ecoff_flavour)
- ecoff_data (abfd)->gp = v;
- else if (abfd->xvec->flavour == bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- elf_gp (abfd) = v;
- bfd_scan_vma
- bfd_vma bfd_scan_vma(CONST char *string, CONST char **end, int base);
- Convert, like <<strtoul>>, a numerical expression
- @var{string} into a <<bfd_vma>> integer, and return that integer.
- (Though without as many bells and whistles as <<strtoul>>.)
- The expression is assumed to be unsigned (i.e., positive).
- If given a @var{base}, it is used as the base for conversion.
- A base of 0 causes the function to interpret the string
- in hex if a leading "0x" or "0X" is found, otherwise
- in octal if a leading zero is found, otherwise in decimal.
- Overflow is not detected.
-bfd_scan_vma (string, end, base)
- CONST char *string;
- CONST char **end;
- int base;
- bfd_vma value;
- int digit;
- /* Let the host do it if possible. */
- if (sizeof(bfd_vma) <= sizeof(unsigned long))
- return (bfd_vma) strtoul (string, (char **) end, base);
- /* A negative base makes no sense, and we only need to go as high as hex. */
- if ((base < 0) || (base > 16))
- return (bfd_vma) 0;
- if (base == 0)
- {
- if (string[0] == '0')
- {
- if ((string[1] == 'x') || (string[1] == 'X'))
- base = 16;
- /* XXX should we also allow "0b" or "0B" to set base to 2? */
- else
- base = 8;
- }
- else
- base = 10;
- }
- if ((base == 16) &&
- (string[0] == '0') && ((string[1] == 'x') || (string[1] == 'X')))
- string += 2;
- /* XXX should we also skip over "0b" or "0B" if base is 2? */
-/* Speed could be improved with a table like hex_value[] in gas. */
-#define HEX_VALUE(c) \
- (isxdigit(c) ? \
- (isdigit(c) ? \
- (c - '0') : \
- (10 + c - (islower(c) ? 'a' : 'A'))) : \
- 42)
- for (value = 0; (digit = HEX_VALUE(*string)) < base; string++)
- {
- value = value * base + digit;
- }
- if (end)
- *end = string;
- return value;
- bfd_copy_private_bfd_data
- boolean bfd_copy_private_bfd_data(bfd *ibfd, bfd *obfd);
- Copy private BFD information from the BFD @var{ibfd} to the
- the BFD @var{obfd}. Return <<true>> on success, <<false>> on error.
- Possible error returns are:
- o <<bfd_error_no_memory>> -
- Not enough memory exists to create private data for @var{obfd}.
-.#define bfd_copy_private_bfd_data(ibfd, obfd) \
-. BFD_SEND (ibfd, _bfd_copy_private_bfd_data, \
-. (ibfd, obfd))
- bfd_merge_private_bfd_data
- boolean bfd_merge_private_bfd_data(bfd *ibfd, bfd *obfd);
- Merge private BFD information from the BFD @var{ibfd} to the
- the output file BFD @var{obfd} when linking. Return <<true>>
- on success, <<false>> on error. Possible error returns are:
- o <<bfd_error_no_memory>> -
- Not enough memory exists to create private data for @var{obfd}.
-.#define bfd_merge_private_bfd_data(ibfd, obfd) \
-. BFD_SEND (ibfd, _bfd_merge_private_bfd_data, \
-. (ibfd, obfd))
- bfd_set_private_flags
- boolean bfd_set_private_flags(bfd *abfd, flagword flags);
- Set private BFD flag information in the BFD @var{abfd}.
- Return <<true>> on success, <<false>> on error. Possible error
- returns are:
- o <<bfd_error_no_memory>> -
- Not enough memory exists to create private data for @var{obfd}.
-.#define bfd_set_private_flags(abfd, flags) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_set_private_flags, \
-. (abfd, flags))
- stuff
- Stuff which should be documented:
-.#define bfd_sizeof_headers(abfd, reloc) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_sizeof_headers, (abfd, reloc))
-.#define bfd_find_nearest_line(abfd, sec, syms, off, file, func, line) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_find_nearest_line, (abfd, sec, syms, off, file, func, line))
-. {* Do these three do anything useful at all, for any back end? *}
-.#define bfd_debug_info_start(abfd) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_debug_info_start, (abfd))
-.#define bfd_debug_info_end(abfd) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_debug_info_end, (abfd))
-.#define bfd_debug_info_accumulate(abfd, section) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_debug_info_accumulate, (abfd, section))
-.#define bfd_stat_arch_elt(abfd, stat) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_stat_arch_elt,(abfd, stat))
-.#define bfd_update_armap_timestamp(abfd) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_update_armap_timestamp, (abfd))
-.#define bfd_set_arch_mach(abfd, arch, mach)\
-. BFD_SEND ( abfd, _bfd_set_arch_mach, (abfd, arch, mach))
-.#define bfd_relax_section(abfd, section, link_info, again) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_relax_section, (abfd, section, link_info, again))
-.#define bfd_link_hash_table_create(abfd) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_link_hash_table_create, (abfd))
-.#define bfd_link_add_symbols(abfd, info) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_link_add_symbols, (abfd, info))
-.#define bfd_final_link(abfd, info) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_final_link, (abfd, info))
-.#define bfd_free_cached_info(abfd) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_free_cached_info, (abfd))
-.#define bfd_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound(abfd) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound, (abfd))
-.#define bfd_print_private_bfd_data(abfd, file)\
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_print_private_bfd_data, (abfd, file))
-.#define bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab(abfd, asymbols) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab, (abfd, asymbols))
-.#define bfd_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound(abfd) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound, (abfd))
-.#define bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc(abfd, arels, asyms) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc, (abfd, arels, asyms))
-.extern bfd_byte *bfd_get_relocated_section_contents
-. PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *,
-. struct bfd_link_order *, bfd_byte *,
-. boolean, asymbol **));
-bfd_byte *
-bfd_get_relocated_section_contents (abfd, link_info, link_order, data,
- relocateable, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- bfd_byte *data;
- boolean relocateable;
- asymbol **symbols;
- bfd *abfd2;
- bfd_byte *(*fn) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *,
- struct bfd_link_order *, bfd_byte *, boolean,
- asymbol **));
- if (link_order->type == bfd_indirect_link_order)
- {
- abfd2 = link_order->u.indirect.section->owner;
- if (abfd2 == 0)
- abfd2 = abfd;
- }
- else
- abfd2 = abfd;
- fn = abfd2->xvec->_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents;
- return (*fn) (abfd, link_info, link_order, data, relocateable, symbols);
-/* Record information about an ELF program header. */
-bfd_record_phdr (abfd, type, flags_valid, flags, at_valid, at,
- includes_filehdr, includes_phdrs, count, secs)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned long type;
- boolean flags_valid;
- flagword flags;
- boolean at_valid;
- bfd_vma at;
- boolean includes_filehdr;
- boolean includes_phdrs;
- unsigned int count;
- asection **secs;
- struct elf_segment_map *m, **pm;
- if (bfd_get_flavour (abfd) != bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- return true;
- m = ((struct elf_segment_map *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (sizeof (struct elf_segment_map)
- + (count - 1) * sizeof (asection *))));
- if (m == NULL)
- return false;
- m->next = NULL;
- m->p_type = type;
- m->p_flags = flags;
- m->p_paddr = at;
- m->p_flags_valid = flags_valid;
- m->p_paddr_valid = at_valid;
- m->includes_filehdr = includes_filehdr;
- m->includes_phdrs = includes_phdrs;
- m->count = count;
- if (count > 0)
- memcpy (m->sections, secs, count * sizeof (asection *));
- for (pm = &elf_tdata (abfd)->segment_map; *pm != NULL; pm = &(*pm)->next)
- ;
- *pm = m;
- return true;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/binary.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/binary.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a480e464e96b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/binary.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for binary objects.
- Copyright 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support, <>
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This is a BFD backend which may be used to write binary objects.
- It may only be used for output, not input. The intention is that
- this may be used as an output format for objcopy in order to
- generate raw binary data.
- This is very simple. The only complication is that the real data
- will start at some address X, and in some cases we will not want to
- include X zeroes just to get to that point. Since the start
- address is not meaningful for this object file format, we use it
- instead to indicate the number of zeroes to skip at the start of
- the file. objcopy cooperates by specially setting the start
- address to zero by default. */
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-/* Any bfd we create by reading a binary file has three symbols:
- a start symbol, an end symbol, and an absolute length symbol. */
-#define BIN_SYMS 3
-static boolean binary_mkobject PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static const bfd_target *binary_object_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean binary_get_section_contents
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR, file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-static long binary_get_symtab_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static char *mangle_name PARAMS ((bfd *, char *));
-static long binary_get_symtab PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **));
-static asymbol *binary_make_empty_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static void binary_get_symbol_info PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, symbol_info *));
-static boolean binary_set_section_contents
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR, file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-static int binary_sizeof_headers PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean));
-/* Create a binary object. Invoked via bfd_set_format. */
-static boolean
-binary_mkobject (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return true;
-/* Any file may be considered to be a binary file, provided the target
- was not defaulted. That is, it must be explicitly specified as
- being binary. */
-static const bfd_target *
-binary_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct stat statbuf;
- asection *sec;
- if (abfd->target_defaulted)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- abfd->symcount = BIN_SYMS;
- /* Find the file size. */
- if (bfd_stat (abfd, &statbuf) < 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* One data section. */
- sec = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".data");
- if (sec == NULL)
- return NULL;
- sec->vma = 0;
- sec->_raw_size = statbuf.st_size;
- sec->filepos = 0;
- abfd->tdata.any = (PTR) sec;
- return abfd->xvec;
-#define binary_close_and_cleanup _bfd_generic_close_and_cleanup
-#define binary_bfd_free_cached_info _bfd_generic_bfd_free_cached_info
-#define binary_new_section_hook _bfd_generic_new_section_hook
-/* Get contents of the only section. */
-static boolean
-binary_get_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, offset, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read (location, 1, count, abfd) != count)
- return false;
- return true;
-/* Return the amount of memory needed to read the symbol table. */
-static long
-binary_get_symtab_upper_bound (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return (BIN_SYMS + 1) * sizeof (asymbol *);
-/* Create a symbol name based on the bfd's filename. */
-static char *
-mangle_name (abfd, suffix)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *suffix;
- int size;
- char *buf;
- char *p;
- size = (strlen (bfd_get_filename (abfd))
- + strlen (suffix)
- + sizeof "_binary__");
- buf = (char *) bfd_alloc (abfd, size);
- if (buf == NULL)
- return "";
- sprintf (buf, "_binary_%s_%s", bfd_get_filename (abfd), suffix);
- /* Change any non-alphanumeric characters to underscores. */
- for (p = buf; *p; p++)
- if (! isalnum (*p))
- *p = '_';
- return buf;
-/* Return the symbol table. */
-static long
-binary_get_symtab (abfd, alocation)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **alocation;
- asection *sec = (asection *) abfd->tdata.any;
- asymbol *syms;
- unsigned int i;
- syms = (asymbol *) bfd_alloc (abfd, BIN_SYMS * sizeof (asymbol));
- if (syms == NULL)
- return false;
- /* Start symbol. */
- syms[0].the_bfd = abfd;
- syms[0].name = mangle_name (abfd, "start");
- syms[0].value = 0;
- syms[0].flags = BSF_GLOBAL;
- syms[0].section = sec;
- syms[0].udata.p = NULL;
- /* End symbol. */
- syms[1].the_bfd = abfd;
- syms[1].name = mangle_name (abfd, "end");
- syms[1].value = sec->_raw_size;
- syms[1].flags = BSF_GLOBAL;
- syms[1].section = sec;
- syms[1].udata.p = NULL;
- /* Size symbol. */
- syms[2].the_bfd = abfd;
- syms[2].name = mangle_name (abfd, "size");
- syms[2].value = sec->_raw_size;
- syms[2].flags = BSF_GLOBAL;
- syms[2].section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- syms[2].udata.p = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < BIN_SYMS; i++)
- *alocation++ = syms++;
- *alocation = NULL;
- return BIN_SYMS;
-/* Make an empty symbol. */
-static asymbol *
-binary_make_empty_symbol (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return (asymbol *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (asymbol));
-#define binary_print_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_print_symbol
-/* Get information about a symbol. */
-static void
-binary_get_symbol_info (ignore_abfd, symbol, ret)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- symbol_info *ret;
- bfd_symbol_info (symbol, ret);
-#define binary_bfd_is_local_label bfd_generic_is_local_label
-#define binary_get_lineno _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno
-#define binary_find_nearest_line _bfd_nosymbols_find_nearest_line
-#define binary_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
-#define binary_read_minisymbols _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols
-#define binary_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol
-#define binary_get_reloc_upper_bound \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *))) bfd_0l)
-#define binary_canonicalize_reloc \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent **, asymbol **))) bfd_0l)
-#define binary_bfd_reloc_type_lookup _bfd_norelocs_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
-/* Set the architecture of a binary file. */
-#define binary_set_arch_mach _bfd_generic_set_arch_mach
-/* Write section contents of a binary file. */
-static boolean
-binary_set_section_contents (abfd, sec, data, offset, size)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- PTR data;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type size;
- if (! abfd->output_has_begun)
- {
- bfd_vma low;
- asection *s;
- /* The lowest section VMA sets the virtual address of the start
- of the file. We use the set the file position of all the
- sections. */
- low = abfd->sections->vma;
- for (s = abfd->sections->next; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- if (s->vma < low)
- low = s->vma;
- for (s = abfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- s->filepos = s->vma - low;
- abfd->output_has_begun = true;
- }
- return _bfd_generic_set_section_contents (abfd, sec, data, offset, size);
-/* No space is required for header information. */
-static int
-binary_sizeof_headers (abfd, exec)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean exec;
- return 0;
-#define binary_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define binary_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
-#define binary_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
-#define binary_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
-#define binary_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
-#define binary_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
-#define binary_get_section_contents_in_window \
- _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
-const bfd_target binary_vec =
- "binary", /* name */
- bfd_target_unknown_flavour, /* flavour */
- BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* byteorder */
- BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* header_byteorder */
- EXEC_P, /* object_flags */
- | SEC_ROM | SEC_HAS_CONTENTS), /* section_flags */
- 0, /* symbol_leading_char */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- { /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- binary_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- },
- { /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false,
- binary_mkobject,
- bfd_false,
- bfd_false,
- },
- { /* bfd_write_contents */
- bfd_false,
- bfd_true,
- bfd_false,
- bfd_false,
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/bout.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/bout.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9da4b825b02a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/bout.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1471 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Intel 960 b.out binaries.
- Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "genlink.h"
-#include "bout.h"
-#include "aout/stab_gnu.h"
-#include "libaout.h" /* BFD a.out internal data structures */
-static int aligncode PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *input_section,
- arelent *r, unsigned int shrink));
-static void perform_slip PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, unsigned int slip,
- asection *input_section, bfd_vma value));
-static boolean b_out_squirt_out_relocs PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *section));
-static const bfd_target *b_out_callback PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type calljx_callback
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, arelent *, PTR src, PTR dst,
- asection *));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type callj_callback
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, arelent *, PTR data,
- unsigned int srcidx, unsigned int dstidx, asection *, boolean));
-static bfd_vma get_value PARAMS ((arelent *, struct bfd_link_info *,
- asection *));
-static int abs32code PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent *,
- unsigned int, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean b_out_bfd_relax_section PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *,
- struct bfd_link_info *,
- boolean *));
-static bfd_byte *b_out_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_order *,
- bfd_byte *, boolean, asymbol **));
-/* Swaps the information in an executable header taken from a raw byte
- stream memory image, into the internal exec_header structure. */
-bout_swap_exec_header_in (abfd, raw_bytes, execp)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec *raw_bytes;
- struct internal_exec *execp;
- struct external_exec *bytes = (struct external_exec *)raw_bytes;
- /* Now fill in fields in the execp, from the bytes in the raw data. */
- execp->a_info = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, bytes->e_info);
- execp->a_text = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_text);
- execp->a_data = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_data);
- execp->a_bss = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_bss);
- execp->a_syms = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_syms);
- execp->a_entry = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_entry);
- execp->a_trsize = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_trsize);
- execp->a_drsize = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_drsize);
- execp->a_tload = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_tload);
- execp->a_dload = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_dload);
- execp->a_talign = bytes->e_talign[0];
- execp->a_dalign = bytes->e_dalign[0];
- execp->a_balign = bytes->e_balign[0];
- execp->a_relaxable = bytes->e_relaxable[0];
-/* Swaps the information in an internal exec header structure into the
- supplied buffer ready for writing to disk. */
-PROTO(void, bout_swap_exec_header_out,
- (bfd *abfd,
- struct internal_exec *execp,
- struct external_exec *raw_bytes));
-bout_swap_exec_header_out (abfd, execp, raw_bytes)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_exec *execp;
- struct external_exec *raw_bytes;
- struct external_exec *bytes = (struct external_exec *)raw_bytes;
- /* Now fill in fields in the raw data, from the fields in the exec struct. */
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, execp->a_info , bytes->e_info);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_text , bytes->e_text);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_data , bytes->e_data);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_bss , bytes->e_bss);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_syms , bytes->e_syms);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_entry , bytes->e_entry);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_trsize, bytes->e_trsize);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_drsize, bytes->e_drsize);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_tload , bytes->e_tload);
- PUT_WORD (abfd, execp->a_dload , bytes->e_dload);
- bytes->e_talign[0] = execp->a_talign;
- bytes->e_dalign[0] = execp->a_dalign;
- bytes->e_balign[0] = execp->a_balign;
- bytes->e_relaxable[0] = execp->a_relaxable;
-static const bfd_target *
-b_out_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_exec anexec;
- struct external_exec exec_bytes;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) &exec_bytes, 1, EXEC_BYTES_SIZE, abfd)
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- anexec.a_info = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, exec_bytes.e_info);
- if (N_BADMAG (anexec)) {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- bout_swap_exec_header_in (abfd, &exec_bytes, &anexec);
- return aout_32_some_aout_object_p (abfd, &anexec, b_out_callback);
-/* Finish up the opening of a b.out file for reading. Fill in all the
- fields that are not handled by common code. */
-static const bfd_target *
-b_out_callback (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- unsigned long bss_start;
- /* Architecture and machine type */
- bfd_set_arch_mach(abfd,
- bfd_arch_i960, /* B.out only used on i960 */
- bfd_mach_i960_core /* Default */
- );
- /* The positions of the string table and symbol table. */
- obj_str_filepos (abfd) = N_STROFF (*execp);
- obj_sym_filepos (abfd) = N_SYMOFF (*execp);
- /* The alignments of the sections */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->alignment_power = execp->a_talign;
- obj_datasec (abfd)->alignment_power = execp->a_dalign;
- obj_bsssec (abfd)->alignment_power = execp->a_balign;
- /* The starting addresses of the sections. */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->vma = execp->a_tload;
- obj_datasec (abfd)->vma = execp->a_dload;
- /* And reload the sizes, since the aout module zaps them */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->_raw_size = execp->a_text;
- bss_start = execp->a_dload + execp->a_data; /* BSS = end of data section */
- obj_bsssec (abfd)->vma = align_power (bss_start, execp->a_balign);
- /* The file positions of the sections */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->filepos = N_TXTOFF(*execp);
- obj_datasec (abfd)->filepos = N_DATOFF(*execp);
- /* The file positions of the relocation info */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->rel_filepos = N_TROFF(*execp);
- obj_datasec (abfd)->rel_filepos = N_DROFF(*execp);
- adata(abfd).page_size = 1; /* Not applicable. */
- adata(abfd).segment_size = 1; /* Not applicable. */
- adata(abfd).exec_bytes_size = EXEC_BYTES_SIZE;
- if (execp->a_relaxable)
- abfd->flags |= BFD_IS_RELAXABLE;
- return abfd->xvec;
-struct bout_data_struct {
- struct aoutdata a;
- struct internal_exec e;
-static boolean
-b_out_mkobject (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bout_data_struct *rawptr;
- rawptr = (struct bout_data_struct *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct bout_data_struct));
- if (rawptr == NULL)
- return false;
- abfd->tdata.bout_data = rawptr;
- exec_hdr (abfd) = &rawptr->e;
- obj_textsec (abfd) = (asection *)NULL;
- obj_datasec (abfd) = (asection *)NULL;
- obj_bsssec (abfd) = (asection *)NULL;
- return true;
-static boolean
-b_out_write_object_contents (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec swapped_hdr;
- if (! aout_32_make_sections (abfd))
- return false;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_info = BMAGIC;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_text = obj_textsec (abfd)->_raw_size;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_data = obj_datasec (abfd)->_raw_size;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_bss = obj_bsssec (abfd)->_raw_size;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_syms = bfd_get_symcount (abfd) * sizeof (struct nlist);
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_entry = bfd_get_start_address (abfd);
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_trsize = ((obj_textsec (abfd)->reloc_count) *
- sizeof (struct relocation_info));
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_drsize = ((obj_datasec (abfd)->reloc_count) *
- sizeof (struct relocation_info));
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_talign = obj_textsec (abfd)->alignment_power;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_dalign = obj_datasec (abfd)->alignment_power;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_balign = obj_bsssec (abfd)->alignment_power;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_tload = obj_textsec (abfd)->vma;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_dload = obj_datasec (abfd)->vma;
- bout_swap_exec_header_out (abfd, exec_hdr (abfd), &swapped_hdr);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_write ((PTR) &swapped_hdr, 1, EXEC_BYTES_SIZE, abfd)
- return false;
- /* Now write out reloc info, followed by syms and strings */
- if (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) != 0)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(N_SYMOFF(*exec_hdr(abfd))), SEEK_SET)
- != 0)
- return false;
- if (! aout_32_write_syms (abfd))
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(N_TROFF(*exec_hdr(abfd))), SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- if (!b_out_squirt_out_relocs (abfd, obj_textsec (abfd))) return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(N_DROFF(*exec_hdr(abfd))), SEEK_SET)
- != 0)
- return false;
- if (!b_out_squirt_out_relocs (abfd, obj_datasec (abfd))) return false;
- }
- return true;
-/** Some reloc hackery */
-#define CALLS 0x66003800 /* Template for 'calls' instruction */
-#define BAL 0x0b000000 /* Template for 'bal' instruction */
-#define BALX 0x85000000 /* Template for 'balx' instruction */
-#define BAL_MASK 0x00ffffff
-#define CALL 0x09000000
-#define PCREL13_MASK 0x1fff
-#define output_addr(sec) ((sec)->output_offset+(sec)->output_section->vma)
-/* Magic to turn callx into calljx */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-calljx_callback (abfd, link_info, reloc_entry, src, dst, input_section)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- PTR src;
- PTR dst;
- asection *input_section;
- int word = bfd_get_32 (abfd, src);
- asymbol *symbol_in = *(reloc_entry->sym_ptr_ptr);
- aout_symbol_type *symbol = aout_symbol (symbol_in);
- bfd_vma value;
- value = get_value (reloc_entry, link_info, input_section);
- if (IS_CALLNAME (symbol->other))
- {
- aout_symbol_type *balsym = symbol+1;
- int inst = bfd_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src-4);
- /* The next symbol should be an N_BALNAME */
- BFD_ASSERT (IS_BALNAME (balsym->other));
- inst &= BAL_MASK;
- inst |= BALX;
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, inst, (bfd_byte *) dst-4);
- symbol = balsym;
- value = (symbol->symbol.value
- + output_addr (symbol->symbol.section));
- }
- word += value + reloc_entry->addend;
- bfd_put_32(abfd, word, dst);
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-/* Magic to turn call into callj */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-callj_callback (abfd, link_info, reloc_entry, data, srcidx, dstidx,
- input_section, shrinking)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- PTR data;
- unsigned int srcidx;
- unsigned int dstidx;
- asection *input_section;
- boolean shrinking;
- int word = bfd_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + srcidx);
- asymbol *symbol_in = *(reloc_entry->sym_ptr_ptr);
- aout_symbol_type *symbol = aout_symbol (symbol_in);
- bfd_vma value;
- value = get_value (reloc_entry, link_info, input_section);
- if (IS_OTHER(symbol->other))
- {
- /* Call to a system procedure - replace code with system
- procedure number. */
- word = CALLS | (symbol->other - 1);
- }
- else if (IS_CALLNAME(symbol->other))
- {
- aout_symbol_type *balsym = symbol+1;
- /* The next symbol should be an N_BALNAME. */
- BFD_ASSERT(IS_BALNAME(balsym->other));
- /* We are calling a leaf, so replace the call instruction with a
- bal. */
- word = BAL | ((word
- + output_addr (balsym->symbol.section)
- + balsym->symbol.value + reloc_entry->addend
- - dstidx
- - output_addr (input_section))
- & BAL_MASK);
- }
- else if ((symbol->symbol.flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) != 0)
- {
- /* A callj against a symbol in the same section is a fully
- resolved relative call. We don't need to do anything here.
- If the symbol is not in the same section, I'm not sure what
- to do; fortunately, this case will probably never arise. */
- BFD_ASSERT (! shrinking);
- BFD_ASSERT (symbol->symbol.section == input_section);
- }
- else
- {
- word = CALL | (((word & BAL_MASK)
- + value
- + reloc_entry->addend
- - (shrinking ? dstidx : 0)
- - output_addr (input_section))
- & BAL_MASK);
- }
- bfd_put_32(abfd, word, (bfd_byte *) data + dstidx);
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-/* type rshift size bitsize pcrel bitpos absolute overflow check*/
-#define ABS32CODE 0
-#define ABS32CODE_SHRUNK 1
-#define PCREL24 2
-#define CALLJ 3
-#define ABS32 4
-#define PCREL13 5
-#define ABS32_WAS_RELAXABLE 2
-#define ALIGNER 10
-#define ALIGNDONE 11
-static reloc_howto_type howto_reloc_callj =
-HOWTO(CALLJ, 0, 2, 24, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0,"callj", true, 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff,false);
-static reloc_howto_type howto_reloc_abs32 =
-HOWTO(ABS32, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"abs32", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff,false);
-static reloc_howto_type howto_reloc_pcrel24 =
-HOWTO(PCREL24, 0, 2, 24, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed,0,"pcrel24", true, 0x00ffffff,0x00ffffff,false);
-static reloc_howto_type howto_reloc_pcrel13 =
-HOWTO(PCREL13, 0, 2, 13, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed,0,"pcrel13", true, 0x00001fff,0x00001fff,false);
-static reloc_howto_type howto_reloc_abs32codeshrunk =
-HOWTO(ABS32CODE_SHRUNK, 0, 2, 24, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0,"callx->callj", true, 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff,false);
-static reloc_howto_type howto_reloc_abs32code =
-HOWTO(ABS32CODE, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"callx", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff,false);
-static reloc_howto_type howto_align_table[] = {
- HOWTO (ALIGNER, 0, 0x1, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_dont, 0, "align16", false, 0, 0, false),
- HOWTO (ALIGNER, 0, 0x3, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_dont, 0, "align32", false, 0, 0, false),
- HOWTO (ALIGNER, 0, 0x7, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_dont, 0, "align64", false, 0, 0, false),
- HOWTO (ALIGNER, 0, 0xf, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_dont, 0, "align128", false, 0, 0, false),
-static reloc_howto_type howto_done_align_table[] = {
- HOWTO (ALIGNDONE, 0x1, 0x1, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_dont, 0, "donealign16", false, 0, 0, false),
- HOWTO (ALIGNDONE, 0x3, 0x3, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_dont, 0, "donealign32", false, 0, 0, false),
- HOWTO (ALIGNDONE, 0x7, 0x7, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_dont, 0, "donealign64", false, 0, 0, false),
- HOWTO (ALIGNDONE, 0xf, 0xf, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_dont, 0, "donealign128", false, 0, 0, false),
-static reloc_howto_type *
-b_out_bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- switch (code)
- {
- default:
- return 0;
- case BFD_RELOC_I960_CALLJ:
- return &howto_reloc_callj;
- case BFD_RELOC_32:
- return &howto_reloc_abs32;
- case BFD_RELOC_24_PCREL:
- return &howto_reloc_pcrel24;
- }
-/* Allocate enough room for all the reloc entries, plus pointers to them all */
-static boolean
-b_out_slurp_reloc_table (abfd, asect, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr asect;
- asymbol **symbols;
- register struct relocation_info *rptr;
- unsigned int counter ;
- arelent *cache_ptr ;
- int extern_mask, pcrel_mask, callj_mask, length_shift;
- int incode_mask;
- int size_mask;
- bfd_vma prev_addr = 0;
- unsigned int count;
- size_t reloc_size;
- struct relocation_info *relocs;
- arelent *reloc_cache;
- if (asect->relocation)
- return true;
- if (!aout_32_slurp_symbol_table (abfd))
- return false;
- if (asect == obj_datasec (abfd)) {
- reloc_size = exec_hdr(abfd)->a_drsize;
- goto doit;
- }
- if (asect == obj_textsec (abfd)) {
- reloc_size = exec_hdr(abfd)->a_trsize;
- goto doit;
- }
- if (asect == obj_bsssec (abfd)) {
- reloc_size = 0;
- goto doit;
- }
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- doit:
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(asect->rel_filepos), SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- count = reloc_size / sizeof (struct relocation_info);
- relocs = (struct relocation_info *) bfd_malloc (reloc_size);
- if (!relocs && reloc_size != 0)
- return false;
- reloc_cache = (arelent *) bfd_malloc ((count+1) * sizeof (arelent));
- if (!reloc_cache) {
- if (relocs != NULL)
- free ((char*)relocs);
- return false;
- }
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) relocs, 1, reloc_size, abfd) != reloc_size) {
- free (reloc_cache);
- if (relocs != NULL)
- free (relocs);
- return false;
- }
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd)) {
- /* big-endian bit field allocation order */
- pcrel_mask = 0x80;
- extern_mask = 0x10;
- incode_mask = 0x08;
- callj_mask = 0x02;
- size_mask = 0x20;
- length_shift = 5;
- } else {
- /* little-endian bit field allocation order */
- pcrel_mask = 0x01;
- extern_mask = 0x08;
- incode_mask = 0x10;
- callj_mask = 0x40;
- size_mask = 0x02;
- length_shift = 1;
- }
- for (rptr = relocs, cache_ptr = reloc_cache, counter = 0;
- counter < count;
- counter++, rptr++, cache_ptr++)
- {
- unsigned char *raw = (unsigned char *)rptr;
- unsigned int symnum;
- cache_ptr->address = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, raw + 0);
- cache_ptr->howto = 0;
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- {
- symnum = (raw[4] << 16) | (raw[5] << 8) | raw[6];
- }
- else
- {
- symnum = (raw[6] << 16) | (raw[5] << 8) | raw[4];
- }
- if (raw[7] & extern_mask)
- {
- /* if this is set then the r_index is a index into the symbol table;
- * if the bit is not set then r_index contains a section map.
- * we either fill in the sym entry with a pointer to the symbol,
- * or point to the correct section
- */
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = symbols + symnum;
- cache_ptr->addend = 0;
- } else
- {
- /* in a.out symbols are relative to the beginning of the
- * file rather than sections ?
- * (look in translate_from_native_sym_flags)
- * the reloc entry addend has added to it the offset into the
- * file of the data, so subtract the base to make the reloc
- * section relative */
- int s;
- {
- /* sign-extend symnum from 24 bits to whatever host uses */
- s = symnum;
- if (s & (1 << 23))
- s |= (~0) << 24;
- }
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = (asymbol **)NULL;
- switch (s)
- {
- case N_TEXT:
- case N_TEXT | N_EXT:
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = obj_textsec(abfd)->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- cache_ptr->addend = - obj_textsec(abfd)->vma;
- break;
- case N_DATA:
- case N_DATA | N_EXT:
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = obj_datasec(abfd)->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- cache_ptr->addend = - obj_datasec(abfd)->vma;
- break;
- case N_BSS:
- case N_BSS | N_EXT:
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = obj_bsssec(abfd)->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- cache_ptr->addend = - obj_bsssec(abfd)->vma;
- break;
- case N_ABS:
- case N_ABS | N_EXT:
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = obj_bsssec(abfd)->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- cache_ptr->addend = 0;
- break;
- case -2: /* .align */
- if (raw[7] & pcrel_mask)
- {
- cache_ptr->howto = &howto_align_table[(raw[7] >> length_shift) & 3];
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- }
- else
- {
- /* .org? */
- abort ();
- }
- cache_ptr->addend = 0;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- /* the i960 only has a few relocation types:
- abs 32-bit and pcrel 24bit. except for callj's! */
- if (cache_ptr->howto != 0)
- ;
- else if (raw[7] & callj_mask)
- {
- cache_ptr->howto = &howto_reloc_callj;
- }
- else if ( raw[7] & pcrel_mask)
- {
- if (raw[7] & size_mask)
- cache_ptr->howto = &howto_reloc_pcrel13;
- else
- cache_ptr->howto = &howto_reloc_pcrel24;
- }
- else
- {
- if (raw[7] & incode_mask)
- {
- cache_ptr->howto = &howto_reloc_abs32code;
- }
- else
- {
- cache_ptr->howto = &howto_reloc_abs32;
- }
- }
- if (cache_ptr->address < prev_addr)
- {
- /* Ouch! this reloc is out of order, insert into the right place
- */
- arelent tmp;
- arelent *cursor = cache_ptr-1;
- bfd_vma stop = cache_ptr->address;
- tmp = *cache_ptr;
- while (cursor->address > stop && cursor >= reloc_cache)
- {
- cursor[1] = cursor[0];
- cursor--;
- }
- cursor[1] = tmp;
- }
- else
- {
- prev_addr = cache_ptr->address;
- }
- }
- if (relocs != NULL)
- free (relocs);
- asect->relocation = reloc_cache;
- asect->reloc_count = count;
- return true;
-static boolean
-b_out_squirt_out_relocs (abfd, section)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- arelent **generic;
- int r_extern = 0;
- int r_idx;
- int incode_mask;
- int len_1;
- unsigned int count = section->reloc_count;
- struct relocation_info *native, *natptr;
- size_t natsize = count * sizeof (struct relocation_info);
- int extern_mask, pcrel_mask, len_2, callj_mask;
- if (count == 0) return true;
- generic = section->orelocation;
- native = ((struct relocation_info *) bfd_malloc (natsize));
- if (!native && natsize != 0)
- return false;
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- {
- /* Big-endian bit field allocation order */
- pcrel_mask = 0x80;
- extern_mask = 0x10;
- len_2 = 0x40;
- len_1 = 0x20;
- callj_mask = 0x02;
- incode_mask = 0x08;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Little-endian bit field allocation order */
- pcrel_mask = 0x01;
- extern_mask = 0x08;
- len_2 = 0x04;
- len_1 = 0x02;
- callj_mask = 0x40;
- incode_mask = 0x10;
- }
- for (natptr = native; count > 0; --count, ++natptr, ++generic)
- {
- arelent *g = *generic;
- unsigned char *raw = (unsigned char *)natptr;
- asymbol *sym = *(g->sym_ptr_ptr);
- asection *output_section = sym->section->output_section;
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, g->address, raw);
- /* Find a type in the output format which matches the input howto -
- * at the moment we assume input format == output format FIXME!!
- */
- r_idx = 0;
- /* FIXME: Need callj stuff here, and to check the howto entries to
- be sure they are real for this architecture. */
- if (g->howto== &howto_reloc_callj)
- {
- raw[7] = callj_mask + pcrel_mask + len_2;
- }
- else if (g->howto == &howto_reloc_pcrel24)
- {
- raw[7] = pcrel_mask + len_2;
- }
- else if (g->howto == &howto_reloc_pcrel13)
- {
- raw[7] = pcrel_mask + len_1;
- }
- else if (g->howto == &howto_reloc_abs32code)
- {
- raw[7] = len_2 + incode_mask;
- }
- else if (g->howto >= howto_align_table
- && g->howto <= (howto_align_table
- + sizeof (howto_align_table) / sizeof (howto_align_table[0])
- - 1))
- {
- /* symnum == -2; extern_mask not set, pcrel_mask set */
- r_idx = -2;
- r_extern = 0;
- raw[7] = (pcrel_mask
- | ((g->howto - howto_align_table) << 1));
- }
- else {
- raw[7] = len_2;
- }
- if (r_idx != 0)
- /* already mucked with r_extern, r_idx */;
- else if (bfd_is_com_section (output_section)
- || bfd_is_abs_section (output_section)
- || bfd_is_und_section (output_section))
- {
- if (bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol == sym)
- {
- /* Whoops, looked like an abs symbol, but is really an offset
- from the abs section */
- r_idx = 0;
- r_extern = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Fill in symbol */
- r_extern = 1;
- r_idx = (*g->sym_ptr_ptr)->udata.i;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Just an ordinary section */
- r_extern = 0;
- r_idx = output_section->target_index;
- }
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd)) {
- raw[4] = (unsigned char) (r_idx >> 16);
- raw[5] = (unsigned char) (r_idx >> 8);
- raw[6] = (unsigned char) (r_idx );
- } else {
- raw[6] = (unsigned char) (r_idx >> 16);
- raw[5] = (unsigned char) (r_idx>> 8);
- raw[4] = (unsigned char) (r_idx );
- }
- if (r_extern)
- raw[7] |= extern_mask;
- }
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) native, 1, natsize, abfd) != natsize) {
- free((PTR)native);
- return false;
- }
- free ((PTR)native);
- return true;
-/* This is stupid. This function should be a boolean predicate */
-static long
-b_out_canonicalize_reloc (abfd, section, relptr, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- arelent **relptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- arelent *tblptr;
- unsigned int count;
- if ((section->flags & SEC_CONSTRUCTOR) != 0)
- {
- arelent_chain *chain = section->constructor_chain;
- for (count = 0; count < section->reloc_count; count++)
- {
- *relptr++ = &chain->relent;
- chain = chain->next;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (section->relocation == NULL
- && ! b_out_slurp_reloc_table (abfd, section, symbols))
- return -1;
- tblptr = section->relocation;
- for (count = 0; count++ < section->reloc_count;)
- *relptr++ = tblptr++;
- }
- *relptr = NULL;
- return section->reloc_count;
-static long
-b_out_get_reloc_upper_bound (abfd, asect)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr asect;
- if (bfd_get_format (abfd) != bfd_object) {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return -1;
- }
- if (asect->flags & SEC_CONSTRUCTOR)
- return sizeof (arelent *) * (asect->reloc_count + 1);
- if (asect == obj_datasec (abfd))
- return (sizeof (arelent *) *
- ((exec_hdr(abfd)->a_drsize / sizeof (struct relocation_info))
- +1));
- if (asect == obj_textsec (abfd))
- return (sizeof (arelent *) *
- ((exec_hdr(abfd)->a_trsize / sizeof (struct relocation_info))
- +1));
- if (asect == obj_bsssec (abfd))
- return 0;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return -1;
-static boolean
-b_out_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- if (abfd->output_has_begun == false) { /* set by bfd.c handler */
- if (! aout_32_make_sections (abfd))
- return false;
- obj_textsec (abfd)->filepos = sizeof(struct internal_exec);
- obj_datasec(abfd)->filepos = obj_textsec(abfd)->filepos
- + obj_textsec (abfd)->_raw_size;
- }
- /* regardless, once we know what we're doing, we might as well get going */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, section->filepos + offset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- if (count != 0) {
- return (bfd_write ((PTR)location, 1, count, abfd) == count) ?true:false;
- }
- return true;
-static boolean
-b_out_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine)
- bfd *abfd;
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- unsigned long machine;
- bfd_default_set_arch_mach(abfd, arch, machine);
- if (arch == bfd_arch_unknown) /* Unknown machine arch is OK */
- return true;
- if (arch == bfd_arch_i960) /* i960 default is OK */
- switch (machine) {
- case bfd_mach_i960_core:
- case bfd_mach_i960_kb_sb:
- case bfd_mach_i960_mc:
- case bfd_mach_i960_xa:
- case bfd_mach_i960_ca:
- case bfd_mach_i960_ka_sa:
- case bfd_mach_i960_jx:
- case bfd_mach_i960_hx:
- case 0:
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- return false;
-static int
-b_out_sizeof_headers (ignore_abfd, ignore)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- boolean ignore;
- return sizeof(struct internal_exec);
-static bfd_vma
-get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section)
- arelent *reloc;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_vma value;
- asymbol *symbol = *(reloc->sym_ptr_ptr);
- /* A symbol holds a pointer to a section, and an offset from the
- base of the section. To relocate, we find where the section will
- live in the output and add that in */
- if (bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section))
- {
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- /* The symbol is undefined in this BFD. Look it up in the
- global linker hash table. FIXME: This should be changed when
- we convert b.out to use a specific final_link function and
- change the interface to bfd_relax_section to not require the
- generic symbols. */
- h = bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup (input_section->owner, link_info,
- bfd_asymbol_name (symbol),
- false, false, true);
- if (h != (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && (h->type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->type == bfd_link_hash_defweak))
- value = h->u.def.value + output_addr (h->u.def.section);
- else if (h != (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && h->type == bfd_link_hash_common)
- value = h->u.c.size;
- else
- {
- if (! ((*link_info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (link_info, bfd_asymbol_name (symbol),
- input_section->owner, input_section, reloc->address)))
- abort ();
- value = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- value = symbol->value + output_addr (symbol->section);
- }
- /* Add the value contained in the relocation */
- value += reloc->addend;
- return value;
-static void
-perform_slip (abfd, slip, input_section, value)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int slip;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_vma value;
- asymbol **s;
- s = _bfd_generic_link_get_symbols (abfd);
- BFD_ASSERT (s != (asymbol **) NULL);
- /* Find all symbols past this point, and make them know
- what's happened */
- while (*s)
- {
- asymbol *p = *s;
- if (p->section == input_section)
- {
- /* This was pointing into this section, so mangle it */
- if (p->value > value)
- {
- p->value -=slip;
- if (p->udata.p != NULL)
- {
- struct generic_link_hash_entry *h;
- h = (struct generic_link_hash_entry *) p->udata.p;
- BFD_ASSERT (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined);
- h->root.u.def.value -= slip;
- BFD_ASSERT (h->root.u.def.value == p->value);
- }
- }
- }
- s++;
- }
-/* This routine works out if the thing we want to get to can be
- reached with a 24bit offset instead of a 32 bit one.
- If it can, then it changes the amode */
-static int
-abs32code (abfd, input_section, r, shrink, link_info)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *input_section;
- arelent *r;
- unsigned int shrink;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- bfd_vma value = get_value (r, link_info, input_section);
- bfd_vma dot = output_addr (input_section) + r->address;
- bfd_vma gap;
- /* See if the address we're looking at within 2^23 bytes of where
- we are, if so then we can use a small branch rather than the
- jump we were going to */
- gap = value - (dot - shrink);
- if (-1<<23 < (long)gap && (long)gap < 1<<23 )
- {
- /* Change the reloc type from 32bitcode possible 24, to 24bit
- possible 32 */
- r->howto = &howto_reloc_abs32codeshrunk;
- /* The place to relc moves back by four bytes */
- r->address -=4;
- /* This will be four bytes smaller in the long run */
- shrink += 4 ;
- perform_slip (abfd, 4, input_section, r->address-shrink + 4);
- }
- return shrink;
-static int
-aligncode (abfd, input_section, r, shrink)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *input_section;
- arelent *r;
- unsigned int shrink;
- bfd_vma dot = output_addr (input_section) + r->address;
- bfd_vma gap;
- bfd_vma old_end;
- bfd_vma new_end;
- int shrink_delta;
- int size = r->howto->size;
- /* Reduce the size of the alignment so that it's still aligned but
- smaller - the current size is already the same size as or bigger
- than the alignment required. */
- /* calculate the first byte following the padding before we optimize */
- old_end = ((dot + size ) & ~size) + size+1;
- /* work out where the new end will be - remember that we're smaller
- than we used to be */
- new_end = ((dot - shrink + size) & ~size);
- /* This is the new end */
- gap = old_end - ((dot + size) & ~size);
- shrink_delta = (old_end - new_end) - shrink;
- if (shrink_delta)
- {
- /* Change the reloc so that it knows how far to align to */
- r->howto = howto_done_align_table + (r->howto - howto_align_table);
- /* Encode the stuff into the addend - for future use we need to
- know how big the reloc used to be */
- r->addend = old_end - dot + r->address;
- /* This will be N bytes smaller in the long run, adjust all the symbols */
- perform_slip (abfd, shrink_delta, input_section, r->address - shrink);
- shrink += shrink_delta;
- }
- return shrink;
-static boolean
-b_out_bfd_relax_section (abfd, i, link_info, again)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *i;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- boolean *again;
- /* Get enough memory to hold the stuff */
- bfd *input_bfd = i->owner;
- asection *input_section = i;
- int shrink = 0 ;
- arelent **reloc_vector = NULL;
- long reloc_size = bfd_get_reloc_upper_bound(input_bfd,
- input_section);
- if (reloc_size < 0)
- return false;
- /* We only run this relaxation once. It might work to run it
- multiple times, but it hasn't been tested. */
- *again = false;
- if (reloc_size)
- {
- long reloc_count;
- reloc_vector = (arelent **) bfd_malloc (reloc_size);
- if (reloc_vector == NULL && reloc_size != 0)
- goto error_return;
- /* Get the relocs and think about them */
- reloc_count =
- bfd_canonicalize_reloc (input_bfd, input_section, reloc_vector,
- _bfd_generic_link_get_symbols (input_bfd));
- if (reloc_count < 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (reloc_count > 0)
- {
- arelent **parent;
- for (parent = reloc_vector; *parent; parent++)
- {
- arelent *r = *parent;
- switch (r->howto->type)
- {
- case ALIGNER:
- /* An alignment reloc */
- shrink = aligncode (abfd, input_section, r, shrink);
- break;
- case ABS32CODE:
- /* A 32bit reloc in an addressing mode */
- shrink = abs32code (input_bfd, input_section, r, shrink,
- link_info);
- break;
- shrink+=4;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- input_section->_cooked_size = input_section->_raw_size - shrink;
- if (reloc_vector != NULL)
- free (reloc_vector);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (reloc_vector != NULL)
- free (reloc_vector);
- return false;
-static bfd_byte *
-b_out_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents (in_abfd, link_info, link_order,
- data, relocateable, symbols)
- bfd *in_abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- bfd_byte *data;
- boolean relocateable;
- asymbol **symbols;
- /* Get enough memory to hold the stuff */
- bfd *input_bfd = link_order->u.indirect.section->owner;
- asection *input_section = link_order->u.indirect.section;
- long reloc_size = bfd_get_reloc_upper_bound(input_bfd,
- input_section);
- arelent **reloc_vector = NULL;
- long reloc_count;
- if (reloc_size < 0)
- goto error_return;
- /* If producing relocateable output, don't bother to relax. */
- if (relocateable)
- return bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents (in_abfd, link_info,
- link_order,
- data, relocateable,
- symbols);
- reloc_vector = (arelent **) bfd_malloc (reloc_size);
- if (reloc_vector == NULL && reloc_size != 0)
- goto error_return;
- input_section->reloc_done = 1;
- /* read in the section */
- BFD_ASSERT (true == bfd_get_section_contents(input_bfd,
- input_section,
- data,
- 0,
- input_section->_raw_size));
- reloc_count = bfd_canonicalize_reloc (input_bfd,
- input_section,
- reloc_vector,
- symbols);
- if (reloc_count < 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (reloc_count > 0)
- {
- arelent **parent = reloc_vector;
- arelent *reloc ;
- unsigned int dst_address = 0;
- unsigned int src_address = 0;
- unsigned int run;
- unsigned int idx;
- /* Find how long a run we can do */
- while (dst_address < link_order->size)
- {
- reloc = *parent;
- if (reloc)
- {
- /* Note that the relaxing didn't tie up the addresses in the
- relocation, so we use the original address to work out the
- run of non-relocated data */
- BFD_ASSERT (reloc->address >= src_address);
- run = reloc->address - src_address;
- parent++;
- }
- else
- {
- run = link_order->size - dst_address;
- }
- /* Copy the bytes */
- for (idx = 0; idx < run; idx++)
- {
- data[dst_address++] = data[src_address++];
- }
- /* Now do the relocation */
- if (reloc)
- {
- switch (reloc->howto->type)
- {
- case ABS32CODE:
- calljx_callback (in_abfd, link_info, reloc,
- src_address + data, dst_address + data,
- input_section);
- src_address+=4;
- dst_address+=4;
- break;
- case ABS32:
- bfd_put_32(in_abfd,
- (bfd_get_32 (in_abfd, data+src_address)
- + get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section)),
- data+dst_address);
- src_address+=4;
- dst_address+=4;
- break;
- case CALLJ:
- callj_callback (in_abfd, link_info, reloc, data, src_address,
- dst_address, input_section, false);
- src_address+=4;
- dst_address+=4;
- break;
- BFD_ASSERT (reloc->addend >= src_address);
- BFD_ASSERT (reloc->addend <= input_section->_raw_size);
- src_address = reloc->addend;
- dst_address = ((dst_address + reloc->howto->size)
- & ~reloc->howto->size);
- break;
- /* This used to be a callx, but we've found out that a
- callj will reach, so do the right thing. */
- callj_callback (in_abfd, link_info, reloc, data,
- src_address + 4, dst_address, input_section,
- true);
- dst_address+=4;
- src_address+=8;
- break;
- case PCREL24:
- {
- long int word = bfd_get_32(in_abfd, data+src_address);
- bfd_vma value;
- value = get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section);
- word = ((word & ~BAL_MASK)
- | (((word & BAL_MASK)
- + value
- - output_addr (input_section)
- + reloc->addend)
- & BAL_MASK));
- bfd_put_32(in_abfd,word, data+dst_address);
- dst_address+=4;
- src_address+=4;
- }
- break;
- case PCREL13:
- {
- long int word = bfd_get_32(in_abfd, data+src_address);
- bfd_vma value;
- value = get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section);
- word = ((word & ~PCREL13_MASK)
- | (((word & PCREL13_MASK)
- + value
- + reloc->addend
- - output_addr (input_section))
- & PCREL13_MASK));
- bfd_put_32(in_abfd,word, data+dst_address);
- dst_address+=4;
- src_address+=4;
- }
- break;
- default:
- abort();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (reloc_vector != NULL)
- free (reloc_vector);
- return data;
- error_return:
- if (reloc_vector != NULL)
- free (reloc_vector);
- return NULL;
-/* Build the transfer vectors for Big and Little-Endian B.OUT files. */
-#define aout_32_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
-#define aout_32_close_and_cleanup aout_32_bfd_free_cached_info
-#define b_out_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
-#define b_out_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
-#define b_out_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
-#define b_out_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
-#define aout_32_get_section_contents_in_window \
- _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
-const bfd_target b_out_vec_big_host =
- "b.out.big", /* name */
- bfd_target_aout_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* data byte order is little */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* hdr byte order is big */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- '_', /* symbol leading char */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, b_out_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, b_out_mkobject, /* bfd_set_format */
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive, bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, b_out_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_bsd),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0,
-const bfd_target b_out_vec_little_host =
- "b.out.little", /* name */
- bfd_target_aout_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* data byte order is little */
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* header byte order is little */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- '_', /* symbol leading char */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, b_out_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, b_out_mkobject, /* bfd_set_format */
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive, bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, b_out_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_bsd),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cache.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cache.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ef15877ccd57..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cache.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD library -- caching of file descriptors.
- Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Hacked by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support (
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- File caching
- The file caching mechanism is embedded within BFD and allows
- the application to open as many BFDs as it wants without
- regard to the underlying operating system's file descriptor
- limit (often as low as 20 open files). The module in
- <<cache.c>> maintains a least recently used list of
- <<BFD_CACHE_MAX_OPEN>> files, and exports the name
- <<bfd_cache_lookup>>, which runs around and makes sure that
- the required BFD is open. If not, then it chooses a file to
- close, closes it and opens the one wanted, returning its file
- handle.
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-static void insert PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static void snip PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean close_one PARAMS ((void));
-static boolean bfd_cache_delete PARAMS ((bfd *));
- The maximum number of files which the cache will keep open at
- one time.
-.#define BFD_CACHE_MAX_OPEN 10
-/* The number of BFD files we have open. */
-static int open_files;
- bfd_last_cache
- extern bfd *bfd_last_cache;
- Zero, or a pointer to the topmost BFD on the chain. This is
- used by the <<bfd_cache_lookup>> macro in @file{libbfd.h} to
- determine when it can avoid a function call.
-bfd *bfd_last_cache;
- bfd_cache_lookup
- Check to see if the required BFD is the same as the last one
- looked up. If so, then it can use the stream in the BFD with
- impunity, since it can't have changed since the last lookup;
- otherwise, it has to perform the complicated lookup function.
- .#define bfd_cache_lookup(x) \
- . ((x)==bfd_last_cache? \
- . (FILE*)(bfd_last_cache->iostream): \
- . bfd_cache_lookup_worker(x))
- */
-/* Insert a BFD into the cache. */
-static INLINE void
-insert (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (bfd_last_cache == NULL)
- {
- abfd->lru_next = abfd;
- abfd->lru_prev = abfd;
- }
- else
- {
- abfd->lru_next = bfd_last_cache;
- abfd->lru_prev = bfd_last_cache->lru_prev;
- abfd->lru_prev->lru_next = abfd;
- abfd->lru_next->lru_prev = abfd;
- }
- bfd_last_cache = abfd;
-/* Remove a BFD from the cache. */
-static INLINE void
-snip (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- abfd->lru_prev->lru_next = abfd->lru_next;
- abfd->lru_next->lru_prev = abfd->lru_prev;
- if (abfd == bfd_last_cache)
- {
- bfd_last_cache = abfd->lru_next;
- if (abfd == bfd_last_cache)
- bfd_last_cache = NULL;
- }
-/* We need to open a new file, and the cache is full. Find the least
- recently used cacheable BFD and close it. */
-static boolean
-close_one ()
- register bfd *kill;
- if (bfd_last_cache == NULL)
- kill = NULL;
- else
- {
- for (kill = bfd_last_cache->lru_prev;
- ! kill->cacheable;
- kill = kill->lru_prev)
- {
- if (kill == bfd_last_cache)
- {
- kill = NULL;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (kill == NULL)
- {
- /* There are no open cacheable BFD's. */
- return true;
- }
- kill->where = ftell ((FILE *) kill->iostream);
- return bfd_cache_delete (kill);
-/* Close a BFD and remove it from the cache. */
-static boolean
-bfd_cache_delete (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean ret;
- if (fclose ((FILE *) abfd->iostream) == 0)
- ret = true;
- else
- {
- ret = false;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- }
- snip (abfd);
- abfd->iostream = NULL;
- --open_files;
- return ret;
- bfd_cache_init
- boolean bfd_cache_init (bfd *abfd);
- Add a newly opened BFD to the cache.
-bfd_cache_init (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- BFD_ASSERT (abfd->iostream != NULL);
- if (open_files >= BFD_CACHE_MAX_OPEN)
- {
- if (! close_one ())
- return false;
- }
- insert (abfd);
- ++open_files;
- return true;
- bfd_cache_close
- boolean bfd_cache_close (bfd *abfd);
- Remove the BFD @var{abfd} from the cache. If the attached file is open,
- then close it too.
- <<false>> is returned if closing the file fails, <<true>> is
- returned if all is well.
-bfd_cache_close (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (abfd->iostream == NULL
- || (abfd->flags & BFD_IN_MEMORY) != 0)
- return true;
- return bfd_cache_delete (abfd);
- bfd_open_file
- FILE* bfd_open_file(bfd *abfd);
- Call the OS to open a file for @var{abfd}. Return the <<FILE *>>
- (possibly <<NULL>>) that results from this operation. Set up the
- BFD so that future accesses know the file is open. If the <<FILE *>>
- returned is <<NULL>>, then it won't have been put in the
- cache, so it won't have to be removed from it.
-bfd_open_file (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- abfd->cacheable = true; /* Allow it to be closed later. */
- if (open_files >= BFD_CACHE_MAX_OPEN)
- {
- if (! close_one ())
- return NULL;
- }
- switch (abfd->direction)
- {
- case read_direction:
- case no_direction:
- abfd->iostream = (PTR) fopen (abfd->filename, FOPEN_RB);
- break;
- case both_direction:
- case write_direction:
- if (abfd->opened_once == true)
- {
- abfd->iostream = (PTR) fopen (abfd->filename, FOPEN_RUB);
- if (abfd->iostream == NULL)
- abfd->iostream = (PTR) fopen (abfd->filename, FOPEN_WUB);
- }
- else
- {
- /*open for creat */
- abfd->iostream = (PTR) fopen (abfd->filename, FOPEN_WB);
- abfd->opened_once = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (abfd->iostream != NULL)
- {
- if (! bfd_cache_init (abfd))
- return NULL;
- }
- return (FILE *) abfd->iostream;
- bfd_cache_lookup_worker
- FILE *bfd_cache_lookup_worker(bfd *abfd);
- Called when the macro <<bfd_cache_lookup>> fails to find a
- quick answer. Find a file descriptor for @var{abfd}. If
- necessary, it open it. If there are already more than
- <<BFD_CACHE_MAX_OPEN>> files open, it tries to close one first, to
- avoid running out of file descriptors.
-bfd_cache_lookup_worker (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if ((abfd->flags & BFD_IN_MEMORY) != 0)
- abort ();
- if (abfd->my_archive)
- abfd = abfd->my_archive;
- if (abfd->iostream != NULL)
- {
- /* Move the file to the start of the cache. */
- if (abfd != bfd_last_cache)
- {
- snip (abfd);
- insert (abfd);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (bfd_open_file (abfd) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (fseek ((FILE *) abfd->iostream, abfd->where, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return NULL;
- }
- return (FILE *) abfd->iostream;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cf-i386lynx.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cf-i386lynx.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a14bde8f12d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cf-i386lynx.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Intel 386 COFF LynxOS files.
- Copyright 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#define TARGET_SYM i386lynx_coff_vec
-#define TARGET_NAME "coff-i386-lynx"
-#define LYNXOS
-#include "coff-i386.c"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cf-m68klynx.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cf-m68klynx.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8149dc68319a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cf-m68klynx.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Motorola M68K COFF LynxOS files.
- Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define TARGET_SYM m68klynx_coff_vec
-#define TARGET_NAME "coff-m68k-lynx"
-#define LYNXOS
-#define _bfd_m68kcoff_howto_table _bfd_m68klynx_howto_table
-#define _bfd_m68kcoff_rtype2howto _bfd_m68klynx_rtype2howto
-#define _bfd_m68kcoff_howto2rtype _bfd_m68klynx_howto2rtype
-#define _bfd_m68kcoff_reloc_type_lookup _bfd_m68klynx_reloc_type_lookup
-#define LYNX_SPECIAL_FN _bfd_m68klynx_special_fn
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-struct internal_reloc;
-struct coff_link_hash_entry;
-struct internal_syment;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type _bfd_m68klynx_special_fn
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR, asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static reloc_howto_type *coff_m68k_lynx_rtype_to_howto
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, struct internal_reloc *,
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *, struct internal_syment *,
- bfd_vma *));
-/* For some reason when using m68k COFF the value stored in the .text
- section for a reference to a common symbol is the value itself plus
- any desired offset. (taken from work done by Ian Taylor, Cygnus Support,
- for I386 COFF). */
-/* If we are producing relocateable output, we need to do some
- adjustments to the object file that are not done by the
- bfd_perform_relocation function. This function is called by every
- reloc type to make any required adjustments. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-_bfd_m68klynx_special_fn (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section,
- output_bfd, error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- symvalue diff;
- if (output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- {
- /* We are relocating a common symbol. The current value in the
- object file is ORIG + OFFSET, where ORIG is the value of the
- common symbol as seen by the object file when it was compiled
- (this may be zero if the symbol was undefined) and OFFSET is
- the offset into the common symbol (normally zero, but may be
- non-zero when referring to a field in a common structure).
- ORIG is the negative of reloc_entry->addend, which is set by
- the CALC_ADDEND macro below. We want to replace the value in
- the object file with NEW + OFFSET, where NEW is the value of
- the common symbol which we are going to put in the final
- object file. NEW is symbol->value. */
- diff = symbol->value + reloc_entry->addend;
- }
- else
- {
- /* For some reason bfd_perform_relocation always effectively
- ignores the addend for a COFF target when producing
- relocateable output. This seems to be always wrong for 386
- COFF, so we handle the addend here instead. */
- diff = reloc_entry->addend;
- }
-#define DOIT(x) \
- x = ((x & ~howto->dst_mask) | (((x & howto->src_mask) + diff) & howto->dst_mask))
- if (diff != 0)
- {
- reloc_howto_type *howto = reloc_entry->howto;
- unsigned char *addr = (unsigned char *) data + reloc_entry->address;
- switch (howto->size)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- char x = bfd_get_8 (abfd, addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, x, addr);
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- {
- short x = bfd_get_16 (abfd, addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, x, addr);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- {
- long x = bfd_get_32 (abfd, addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, x, addr);
- }
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- }
- /* Now let bfd_perform_relocation finish everything up. */
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
-/* Compute the addend of a reloc. If the reloc is to a common symbol,
- the object file contains the value of the common symbol. By the
- time this is called, the linker may be using a different symbol
- from a different object file with a different value. Therefore, we
- hack wildly to locate the original symbol from this file so that we
- can make the correct adjustment. This macro sets coffsym to the
- symbol from the original file, and uses it to set the addend value
- correctly. If this is not a common symbol, the usual addend
- calculation is done, except that an additional tweak is needed for
- PC relative relocs.
- FIXME: This macro refers to symbols and asect; these are from the
- calling function, not the macro arguments. */
-#define CALC_ADDEND(abfd, ptr, reloc, cache_ptr) \
- { \
- coff_symbol_type *coffsym = (coff_symbol_type *) NULL; \
- if (ptr && bfd_asymbol_bfd (ptr) != abfd) \
- coffsym = (obj_symbols (abfd) \
- + (cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr - symbols)); \
- else if (ptr) \
- coffsym = coff_symbol_from (abfd, ptr); \
- if (coffsym != (coff_symbol_type *) NULL \
- && coffsym->native->u.syment.n_scnum == 0) \
- cache_ptr->addend = - coffsym->native->u.syment.n_value; \
- else if (ptr && bfd_asymbol_bfd (ptr) == abfd \
- && ptr->section != (asection *) NULL) \
- cache_ptr->addend = - (ptr->section->vma + ptr->value); \
- else \
- cache_ptr->addend = 0; \
- if (ptr && (reloc.r_type == R_PCRBYTE \
- || reloc.r_type == R_PCRWORD \
- || reloc.r_type == R_PCRLONG)) \
- cache_ptr->addend += asect->vma; \
- }
-#define coff_rtype_to_howto coff_m68k_lynx_rtype_to_howto
-#include "coff-m68k.c"
-/* coff-m68k.c uses the special COFF backend linker. We need to
- adjust common symbols.
- We can't define this function until after we have included
- coff-m68k.c, because it uses RTYPE2HOWTO. */
-static reloc_howto_type *
-coff_m68k_lynx_rtype_to_howto (abfd, sec, rel, h, sym, addendp)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- struct internal_reloc *rel;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct internal_syment *sym;
- bfd_vma *addendp;
- arelent relent;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- RTYPE2HOWTO (&relent, rel);
- howto = relent.howto;
- if (sym != NULL && sym->n_scnum == 0 && sym->n_value != 0)
- {
- /* This is a common symbol. The section contents include the
- size (sym->n_value) as an addend. The relocate_section
- function will be adding in the final value of the symbol. We
- need to subtract out the current size in order to get the
- correct result. */
- *addendp -= sym->n_value;
- }
- /* If the output symbol is common (in which case this must be a
- relocateable link), we need to add in the final size of the
- common symbol. */
- if (h != NULL && h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common)
- *addendp += h->root.u.c.size;
- return howto;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cf-sparclynx.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cf-sparclynx.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 774a099fefbc..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cf-sparclynx.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Sparc COFF LynxOS files.
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define TARGET_SYM sparclynx_coff_vec
-#define TARGET_NAME "coff-sparc-lynx"
-#define LYNXOS
-#include "coff-sparc.c"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cisco-core.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cisco-core.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a25115cc5238..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cisco-core.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for CISCO crash dumps.
-Copyright 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-/* core_file_failing_signal returns a host signal (this probably should
- be fixed). */
-#include <signal.h>
-#define CRASH_INFO (0xffc)
-#define CRASH_MAGIC 0xdead1234
-typedef enum {
- } crashreason;
-struct crashinfo_external
- char magic[4]; /* Magic number */
- char version[4]; /* Version number */
- char reason[4]; /* Crash reason */
- char cpu_vector[4]; /* CPU vector for exceptions */
- char registers[4]; /* Pointer to saved registers */
- char rambase[4]; /* Base of RAM (not in V1 crash info) */
-struct cisco_core_struct
- int sig;
-static const bfd_target *
-cisco_core_file_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- char buf[4];
- unsigned int crashinfo_offset;
- struct crashinfo_external crashinfo;
- int nread;
- unsigned int rambase;
- sec_ptr asect;
- struct stat statbuf;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, CRASH_INFO, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return NULL;
- nread = bfd_read (buf, 1, 4, abfd);
- if (nread != 4)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- crashinfo_offset = bfd_get_32 (abfd, buf);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, crashinfo_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return NULL;
- nread = bfd_read (&crashinfo, 1, sizeof (crashinfo), abfd);
- if (nread != sizeof (crashinfo))
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (bfd_stat (abfd, &statbuf) < 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (bfd_get_32 (abfd, crashinfo.magic) != CRASH_MAGIC)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- switch (bfd_get_32 (abfd, crashinfo.version))
- {
- case 0:
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- case 1:
- rambase = 0;
- break;
- default:
- case 2:
- rambase = bfd_get_32 (abfd, crashinfo.rambase);
- break;
- }
- /* OK, we believe you. You're a core file. */
- abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data =
- ((struct cisco_core_struct *)
- bfd_zmalloc (sizeof (struct cisco_core_struct)));
- if (abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data == NULL)
- return NULL;
- switch ((crashreason) bfd_get_32 (abfd, crashinfo.reason))
- {
- /* Crash file probably came from write core. */
- abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = 0;
- break;
- /* The crash context area was corrupt -- proceed with caution.
- We have no way of passing this information back to the caller. */
- abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = 0;
- break;
- /* Crash occured due to CPU exception. */
- /* This is 68k-specific; for MIPS we'll need to interpret
- cpu_vector differently based on the target configuration
- (since CISCO core files don't seem to have the processor
- encoded in them). */
- switch (bfd_get_32 (abfd, crashinfo.cpu_vector))
- {
- /* bus error */
- case 2 : abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGBUS; break;
- /* address error */
- case 3 : abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGBUS; break;
- /* illegal instruction */
- case 4 : abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGILL; break;
- /* zero divide */
- case 5 : abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGFPE; break;
- /* chk instruction */
- case 6 : abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGFPE; break;
- /* trapv instruction */
- case 7 : abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGFPE; break;
- /* privilege violation */
- case 8 : abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGSEGV; break;
- /* trace trap */
- case 9 : abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGTRAP; break;
- /* line 1010 emulator */
- case 10: abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGILL; break;
- /* line 1111 emulator */
- case 11: abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGILL; break;
- /* Coprocessor protocol violation. Using a standard MMU or FPU
- this cannot be triggered by software. Call it a SIGBUS. */
- case 13: abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGBUS; break;
- /* interrupt */
- case 31: abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGINT; break;
- /* breakpoint */
- case 33: abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGTRAP; break;
- /* floating point err */
- case 48: abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGFPE; break;
- /* floating point err */
- case 49: abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGFPE; break;
- /* zero divide */
- case 50: abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGFPE; break;
- /* underflow */
- case 51: abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGFPE; break;
- /* operand error */
- case 52: abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGFPE; break;
- /* overflow */
- case 53: abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGFPE; break;
- /* NAN */
- case 54: abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGFPE; break;
- default:
- /* "software generated"*/
- abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = SIGEMT;
- }
- break;
- default:
- /* Unknown crash reason. */
- abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig = 0;
- break;
- }
- abfd->sections = NULL;
- abfd->section_count = 0;
- asect = (asection *) bfd_zmalloc (sizeof (asection));
- if (asect == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- asect->name = ".reg";
- asect->flags = SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- /* This can be bigger than the real size. Set it to the size of the whole
- core file. */
- asect->_raw_size = statbuf.st_size;
- asect->vma = 0;
- asect->filepos = bfd_get_32 (abfd, crashinfo.registers) - rambase;
- asect->next = abfd->sections;
- abfd->sections = asect;
- ++abfd->section_count;
- /* There is only one section containing data from the target system's RAM.
- We call it .data. */
- asect = (asection *) bfd_zmalloc (sizeof (asection));
- if (asect == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- asect->name = ".data";
- /* The size of memory is the size of the core file itself. */
- asect->_raw_size = statbuf.st_size;
- asect->vma = rambase;
- asect->filepos = 0;
- asect->next = abfd->sections;
- abfd->sections = asect;
- ++abfd->section_count;
- return abfd->xvec;
- error_return:
- {
- sec_ptr nextsect;
- for (asect = abfd->sections; asect != NULL;)
- {
- nextsect = asect->next;
- free (asect);
- asect = nextsect;
- }
- free (abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data);
- return NULL;
- }
-char *
-cisco_core_file_failing_command (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return NULL;
-cisco_core_file_failing_signal (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return abfd->tdata.cisco_core_data->sig;
-cisco_core_file_matches_executable_p (core_bfd, exec_bfd)
- bfd *core_bfd;
- bfd *exec_bfd;
- return true;
-const bfd_target cisco_core_vec =
- {
- "trad-core",
- bfd_target_unknown_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target byte order */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target headers byte order */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* symbol prefix */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- { /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* unknown format */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* object file */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* archive */
- cisco_core_file_p /* a core file */
- },
- { /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false, bfd_false,
- bfd_false, bfd_false
- },
- { /* bfd_write_contents */
- bfd_false, bfd_false,
- bfd_false, bfd_false
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_SYMBOLS (_bfd_nosymbols),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS (_bfd_norelocs),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (_bfd_nolink),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0 /* backend_data */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-a29k.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-a29k.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ceabfba5c46..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-a29k.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,641 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for AMD 29000 COFF binaries.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by David Wood at New York University 7/8/91.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define A29K 1
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "coff/a29k.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-static long get_symbol_value PARAMS ((asymbol *));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type a29k_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR, asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static boolean coff_a29k_relocate_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *,
- struct internal_reloc *, struct internal_syment *, asection **));
-static boolean coff_a29k_adjust_symndx
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *,
- struct internal_reloc *, boolean *));
- (((WORD) & 0xff00ff00) | (((HWORD) & 0xff00) << 8) | ((HWORD)& 0xff))
- ((((WORD) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | ((WORD)& 0xff))
- ((HWORD) & 0x8000 ? (HWORD)|(~0xffffL) : (HWORD))
-/* Provided the symbol, returns the value reffed */
-static long
-get_symbol_value (symbol)
- asymbol *symbol;
- long relocation = 0;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- {
- relocation = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- relocation = symbol->value +
- symbol->section->output_section->vma +
- symbol->section->output_offset;
- }
- return(relocation);
-/* this function is in charge of performing all the 29k relocations */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-a29k_reloc (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol_in, data, input_section, output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol_in;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- /* the consth relocation comes in two parts, we have to remember
- the state between calls, in these variables */
- static boolean part1_consth_active = false;
- static unsigned long part1_consth_value;
- unsigned long insn;
- unsigned long sym_value;
- unsigned long unsigned_value;
- unsigned short r_type;
- long signed_value;
- unsigned long addr = reloc_entry->address ; /*+ input_section->vma*/
- bfd_byte *hit_data =addr + (bfd_byte *)(data);
- r_type = reloc_entry->howto->type;
- if (output_bfd) {
- /* Partial linking - do nothing */
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- if (symbol_in != NULL
- && bfd_is_und_section (symbol_in->section))
- {
- /* Keep the state machine happy in case we're called again */
- if (r_type == R_IHIHALF)
- {
- part1_consth_active = true;
- part1_consth_value = 0;
- }
- return(bfd_reloc_undefined);
- }
- if ((part1_consth_active) && (r_type != R_IHCONST))
- {
- part1_consth_active = false;
- *error_message = (char *) "Missing IHCONST";
- return(bfd_reloc_dangerous);
- }
- sym_value = get_symbol_value(symbol_in);
- switch (r_type)
- {
- case R_IREL:
- insn = bfd_get_32(abfd, hit_data);
- /* Take the value in the field and sign extend it */
- signed_value = EXTRACT_HWORD(insn);
- signed_value = SIGN_EXTEND_HWORD(signed_value);
- signed_value <<= 2;
- /* See the note on the R_IREL reloc in coff_a29k_relocate_section. */
- if (signed_value == - (long) reloc_entry->address)
- signed_value = 0;
- signed_value += sym_value + reloc_entry->addend;
- if ((signed_value & ~0x3ffff) == 0)
- { /* Absolute jmp/call */
- insn |= (1<<24); /* Make it absolute */
- /* FIXME: Should we change r_type to R_IABS */
- }
- else
- {
- /* Relative jmp/call, so subtract from the value the
- address of the place we're coming from */
- signed_value -= (reloc_entry->address
- + input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset);
- if (signed_value>0x1ffff || signed_value<-0x20000)
- return(bfd_reloc_overflow);
- }
- signed_value >>= 2;
- insn = INSERT_HWORD(insn, signed_value);
- bfd_put_32(abfd, insn ,hit_data);
- break;
- case R_ILOHALF:
- insn = bfd_get_32(abfd, hit_data);
- unsigned_value = EXTRACT_HWORD(insn);
- unsigned_value += sym_value + reloc_entry->addend;
- insn = INSERT_HWORD(insn, unsigned_value);
- bfd_put_32(abfd, insn, hit_data);
- break;
- case R_IHIHALF:
- insn = bfd_get_32(abfd, hit_data);
- /* consth, part 1
- Just get the symbol value that is referenced */
- part1_consth_active = true;
- part1_consth_value = sym_value + reloc_entry->addend;
- /* Don't modify insn until R_IHCONST */
- break;
- case R_IHCONST:
- insn = bfd_get_32(abfd, hit_data);
- /* consth, part 2
- Now relocate the reference */
- if (part1_consth_active == false) {
- *error_message = (char *) "Missing IHIHALF";
- return(bfd_reloc_dangerous);
- }
- /* sym_ptr_ptr = r_symndx, in coff_slurp_reloc_table() */
- unsigned_value = 0; /*EXTRACT_HWORD(insn) << 16;*/
- unsigned_value += reloc_entry->addend; /* r_symndx */
- unsigned_value += part1_consth_value;
- unsigned_value = unsigned_value >> 16;
- insn = INSERT_HWORD(insn, unsigned_value);
- part1_consth_active = false;
- bfd_put_32(abfd, insn, hit_data);
- break;
- case R_BYTE:
- insn = bfd_get_8(abfd, hit_data);
- unsigned_value = insn + sym_value + reloc_entry->addend;
- if (unsigned_value & 0xffffff00)
- return(bfd_reloc_overflow);
- bfd_put_8(abfd, unsigned_value, hit_data);
- break;
- case R_HWORD:
- insn = bfd_get_16(abfd, hit_data);
- unsigned_value = insn + sym_value + reloc_entry->addend;
- if (unsigned_value & 0xffff0000)
- return(bfd_reloc_overflow);
- bfd_put_16(abfd, insn, hit_data);
- break;
- case R_WORD:
- insn = bfd_get_32(abfd, hit_data);
- insn += sym_value + reloc_entry->addend;
- bfd_put_32(abfd, insn, hit_data);
- break;
- default:
- *error_message = "Unrecognized reloc";
- return (bfd_reloc_dangerous);
- }
- return(bfd_reloc_ok);
-/* type rightshift
- size
- bitsize
- pc-relative
- bitpos
- absolute
- complain_on_overflow
- special_function
- relocation name
- partial_inplace
- src_mask
-/*FIXME: I'm not real sure about this table */
-static reloc_howto_type howto_table[] =
- {R_ABS, 0, 3, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,a29k_reloc,"ABS", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false},
- {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {10},
- {11}, {12}, {13}, {14}, {15}, {16}, {17}, {18}, {19}, {20},
- {21}, {22}, {23},
- {R_IREL, 0, 3, 32, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed,a29k_reloc,"IREL", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false},
- {R_IABS, 0, 3, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, a29k_reloc,"IABS", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false},
- {R_ILOHALF, 0, 3, 16, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, a29k_reloc,"ILOHALF", true, 0x0000ffff,0x0000ffff, false},
- {R_IHIHALF, 0, 3, 16, true, 16, complain_overflow_signed, a29k_reloc,"IHIHALF", true, 0xffff0000,0xffff0000, false},
- {R_IHCONST, 0, 3, 16, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, a29k_reloc,"IHCONST", true, 0xffff0000,0xffff0000, false},
- {R_BYTE, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, a29k_reloc,"BYTE", true, 0x000000ff,0x000000ff, false},
- {R_HWORD, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, a29k_reloc,"HWORD", true, 0x0000ffff,0x0000ffff, false},
- {R_WORD, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, a29k_reloc,"WORD", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false},
-#define BADMAG(x) A29KBADMAG(x)
-#define RELOC_PROCESSING(relent, reloc, symbols, abfd, section) \
- reloc_processing(relent, reloc, symbols, abfd, section)
-static void
-reloc_processing (relent,reloc, symbols, abfd, section)
- arelent *relent;
- struct internal_reloc *reloc;
- asymbol **symbols;
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- static bfd_vma ihihalf_vaddr = (bfd_vma) -1;
- relent->address = reloc->r_vaddr;
- relent->howto = howto_table + reloc->r_type;
- if (reloc->r_type == R_IHCONST)
- {
- /* The address of an R_IHCONST should always be the address of
- the immediately preceding R_IHIHALF. relocs generated by gas
- are correct, but relocs generated by High C are different (I
- can't figure out what the address means for High C). We can
- handle both gas and High C by ignoring the address here, and
- simply reusing the address saved for R_IHIHALF. */
- if (ihihalf_vaddr == (bfd_vma) -1)
- abort ();
- relent->address = ihihalf_vaddr;
- ihihalf_vaddr = (bfd_vma) -1;
- relent->addend = reloc->r_symndx;
- relent->sym_ptr_ptr= bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- }
- else
- {
- asymbol *ptr;
- relent->sym_ptr_ptr = symbols + obj_convert(abfd)[reloc->r_symndx];
- ptr = *(relent->sym_ptr_ptr);
- if (ptr
- && bfd_asymbol_bfd(ptr) == abfd
- && ((ptr->flags & BSF_OLD_COMMON)== 0))
- {
- relent->addend = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- relent->addend = 0;
- }
- relent->address-= section->vma;
- if (reloc->r_type == R_IHIHALF)
- ihihalf_vaddr = relent->address;
- else if (ihihalf_vaddr != (bfd_vma) -1)
- abort ();
- }
-/* The reloc processing routine for the optimized COFF linker. */
-static boolean
-coff_a29k_relocate_section (output_bfd, info, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, relocs, syms, sections)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- struct internal_reloc *relocs;
- struct internal_syment *syms;
- asection **sections;
- struct internal_reloc *rel;
- struct internal_reloc *relend;
- boolean hihalf;
- bfd_vma hihalf_val;
- /* If we are performing a relocateable link, we don't need to do a
- thing. The caller will take care of adjusting the reloc
- addresses and symbol indices. */
- if (info->relocateable)
- return true;
- hihalf = false;
- hihalf_val = 0;
- rel = relocs;
- relend = rel + input_section->reloc_count;
- for (; rel < relend; rel++)
- {
- long symndx;
- bfd_byte *loc;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct internal_syment *sym;
- asection *sec;
- bfd_vma val;
- boolean overflow;
- unsigned long insn;
- long signed_value;
- unsigned long unsigned_value;
- bfd_reloc_status_type rstat;
- symndx = rel->r_symndx;
- loc = contents + rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma;
- if (symndx == -1)
- h = NULL;
- else
- h = obj_coff_sym_hashes (input_bfd)[symndx];
- sym = NULL;
- sec = NULL;
- val = 0;
- /* An R_IHCONST reloc does not have a symbol. Instead, the
- symbol index is an addend. R_IHCONST is always used in
- conjunction with R_IHHALF. */
- if (rel->r_type != R_IHCONST)
- {
- if (h == NULL)
- {
- if (symndx == -1)
- sec = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- else
- {
- sym = syms + symndx;
- sec = sections[symndx];
- val = (sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset
- + sym->n_value
- - sec->vma);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- val = (h->root.u.def.value
- + sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset);
- }
- else
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (info, h->root.root.string, input_bfd, input_section,
- rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (hihalf)
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
- (info, "missing IHCONST reloc", input_bfd,
- input_section, rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- hihalf = false;
- }
- }
- overflow = false;
- switch (rel->r_type)
- {
- default:
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- case R_IREL:
- insn = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, loc);
- /* Extract the addend. */
- signed_value = EXTRACT_HWORD (insn);
- signed_value = SIGN_EXTEND_HWORD (signed_value);
- signed_value <<= 2;
- /* Unfortunately, there are two different versions of COFF
- a29k. In the original AMD version, the value stored in
- the field for the R_IREL reloc is a simple addend. In
- the GNU version, the value is the negative of the address
- of the reloc within section. We try to cope here by
- assuming the AMD version, unless the addend is exactly
- the negative of the address; in the latter case we assume
- the GNU version. This means that something like
- .text
- nop
- jmp i-4
- will fail, because the addend of -4 will happen to equal
- the negative of the address within the section. The
- compiler will never generate code like this.
- At some point in the future we may want to take out this
- check. */
- if (signed_value == - (long) (rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma))
- signed_value = 0;
- /* Determine the destination of the jump. */
- signed_value += val;
- if ((signed_value & ~0x3ffff) == 0)
- {
- /* We can use an absolute jump. */
- insn |= (1 << 24);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Make the destination PC relative. */
- signed_value -= (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset
- + (rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma));
- if (signed_value > 0x1ffff || signed_value < - 0x20000)
- {
- overflow = true;
- signed_value = 0;
- }
- }
- /* Put the adjusted value back into the instruction. */
- signed_value >>= 2;
- insn = INSERT_HWORD (insn, signed_value);
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, (bfd_vma) insn, loc);
- break;
- case R_ILOHALF:
- insn = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, loc);
- unsigned_value = EXTRACT_HWORD (insn);
- unsigned_value += val;
- insn = INSERT_HWORD (insn, unsigned_value);
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, insn, loc);
- break;
- case R_IHIHALF:
- /* Save the value for the R_IHCONST reloc. */
- hihalf = true;
- hihalf_val = val;
- break;
- case R_IHCONST:
- if (! hihalf)
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
- (info, "missing IHIHALF reloc", input_bfd,
- input_section, rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- hihalf_val = 0;
- }
- insn = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, loc);
- unsigned_value = rel->r_symndx + hihalf_val;
- unsigned_value >>= 16;
- insn = INSERT_HWORD (insn, unsigned_value);
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, (bfd_vma) insn, loc);
- hihalf = false;
- break;
- case R_BYTE:
- case R_HWORD:
- case R_WORD:
- rstat = _bfd_relocate_contents (howto_table + rel->r_type,
- input_bfd, val, loc);
- if (rstat == bfd_reloc_overflow)
- overflow = true;
- else if (rstat != bfd_reloc_ok)
- abort ();
- break;
- }
- if (overflow)
- {
- const char *name;
- char buf[SYMNMLEN + 1];
- if (symndx == -1)
- name = "*ABS*";
- else if (h != NULL)
- name = h->root.root.string;
- else if (sym == NULL)
- name = "*unknown*";
- else if (sym->_n._n_n._n_zeroes == 0
- && sym->_n._n_n._n_offset != 0)
- name = obj_coff_strings (input_bfd) + sym->_n._n_n._n_offset;
- else
- {
- strncpy (buf, sym->_n._n_name, SYMNMLEN);
- buf[SYMNMLEN] = '\0';
- name = buf;
- }
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (info, name, howto_table[rel->r_type].name, (bfd_vma) 0,
- input_bfd, input_section,
- rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-#define coff_relocate_section coff_a29k_relocate_section
-/* We don't want to change the symndx of a R_IHCONST reloc, since it
- is actually an addend, not a symbol index at all. */
-static boolean
-coff_a29k_adjust_symndx (obfd, info, ibfd, sec, irel, adjustedp)
- bfd *obfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *ibfd;
- asection *sec;
- struct internal_reloc *irel;
- boolean *adjustedp;
- if (irel->r_type == R_IHCONST)
- *adjustedp = true;
- else
- *adjustedp = false;
- return true;
-#define coff_adjust_symndx coff_a29k_adjust_symndx
-#include "coffcode.h"
-const bfd_target a29kcoff_big_vec =
- "coff-a29k-big", /* name */
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* data byte order is big */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* header byte order is big */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC /* section flags */
- '_', /* leading underscore */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16,
- /* hdrs */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16,
- {
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- coff_object_p,
- bfd_generic_archive_p,
- _bfd_dummy_target
- },
- {
- bfd_false,
- coff_mkobject,
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive,
- bfd_false
- },
- {
- bfd_false,
- coff_write_object_contents,
- _bfd_write_archive_contents,
- bfd_false
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- };
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-alpha.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-alpha.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b14f3ef207b6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-alpha.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2390 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for ALPHA Extended-Coff files.
- Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Modified from coff-mips.c by Steve Chamberlain <> and
- Ian Lance Taylor <>.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "coff/sym.h"
-#include "coff/symconst.h"
-#include "coff/ecoff.h"
-#include "coff/alpha.h"
-#include "aout/ar.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-#include "libecoff.h"
-/* Prototypes for static functions. */
-static const bfd_target *alpha_ecoff_object_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean alpha_ecoff_bad_format_hook PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, PTR filehdr));
-static PTR alpha_ecoff_mkobject_hook PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR filehdr, PTR aouthdr));
-static void alpha_ecoff_swap_reloc_in PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR,
- struct internal_reloc *));
-static void alpha_ecoff_swap_reloc_out PARAMS ((bfd *,
- const struct internal_reloc *,
- PTR));
-static void alpha_adjust_reloc_in PARAMS ((bfd *,
- const struct internal_reloc *,
- arelent *));
-static void alpha_adjust_reloc_out PARAMS ((bfd *, const arelent *,
- struct internal_reloc *));
-static bfd_byte *alpha_ecoff_get_relocated_section_contents
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_order *,
- bfd_byte *data, boolean relocateable, asymbol **symbols));
-static bfd_vma alpha_convert_external_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, struct external_reloc *,
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *));
-static boolean alpha_relocate_section PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *,
- bfd *, asection *,
- bfd_byte *, PTR));
-static boolean alpha_adjust_headers
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct internal_filehdr *, struct internal_aouthdr *));
-static PTR alpha_ecoff_read_ar_hdr PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static bfd *alpha_ecoff_get_elt_at_filepos PARAMS ((bfd *, file_ptr));
-static bfd *alpha_ecoff_openr_next_archived_file PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-static bfd *alpha_ecoff_get_elt_at_index PARAMS ((bfd *, symindex));
-/* ECOFF has COFF sections, but the debugging information is stored in
- a completely different format. ECOFF targets use some of the
- swapping routines from coffswap.h, and some of the generic COFF
- routines in coffgen.c, but, unlike the real COFF targets, do not
- use coffcode.h itself.
- Get the generic COFF swapping routines, except for the reloc,
- symbol, and lineno ones. Give them ecoff names. Define some
- accessor macros for the large sizes used for Alpha ECOFF. */
-#define GET_FILEHDR_SYMPTR bfd_h_get_64
-#define PUT_FILEHDR_SYMPTR bfd_h_put_64
-#define GET_AOUTHDR_TSIZE bfd_h_get_64
-#define PUT_AOUTHDR_TSIZE bfd_h_put_64
-#define GET_AOUTHDR_DSIZE bfd_h_get_64
-#define PUT_AOUTHDR_DSIZE bfd_h_put_64
-#define GET_AOUTHDR_BSIZE bfd_h_get_64
-#define PUT_AOUTHDR_BSIZE bfd_h_put_64
-#define GET_AOUTHDR_ENTRY bfd_h_get_64
-#define PUT_AOUTHDR_ENTRY bfd_h_put_64
-#define GET_AOUTHDR_TEXT_START bfd_h_get_64
-#define PUT_AOUTHDR_TEXT_START bfd_h_put_64
-#define GET_AOUTHDR_DATA_START bfd_h_get_64
-#define PUT_AOUTHDR_DATA_START bfd_h_put_64
-#define GET_SCNHDR_PADDR bfd_h_get_64
-#define PUT_SCNHDR_PADDR bfd_h_put_64
-#define GET_SCNHDR_VADDR bfd_h_get_64
-#define PUT_SCNHDR_VADDR bfd_h_put_64
-#define GET_SCNHDR_SIZE bfd_h_get_64
-#define PUT_SCNHDR_SIZE bfd_h_put_64
-#define GET_SCNHDR_SCNPTR bfd_h_get_64
-#define PUT_SCNHDR_SCNPTR bfd_h_put_64
-#define GET_SCNHDR_RELPTR bfd_h_get_64
-#define PUT_SCNHDR_RELPTR bfd_h_put_64
-#define GET_SCNHDR_LNNOPTR bfd_h_get_64
-#define PUT_SCNHDR_LNNOPTR bfd_h_put_64
-#define coff_swap_filehdr_in alpha_ecoff_swap_filehdr_in
-#define coff_swap_filehdr_out alpha_ecoff_swap_filehdr_out
-#define coff_swap_aouthdr_in alpha_ecoff_swap_aouthdr_in
-#define coff_swap_aouthdr_out alpha_ecoff_swap_aouthdr_out
-#define coff_swap_scnhdr_in alpha_ecoff_swap_scnhdr_in
-#define coff_swap_scnhdr_out alpha_ecoff_swap_scnhdr_out
-#include "coffswap.h"
-/* Get the ECOFF swapping routines. */
-#define ECOFF_64
-#include "ecoffswap.h"
-/* How to process the various reloc types. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-reloc_nil PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR,
- asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-reloc_nil (abfd, reloc, sym, data, sec, output_bfd, error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc;
- asymbol *sym;
- PTR data;
- asection *sec;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-/* In case we're on a 32-bit machine, construct a 64-bit "-1" value
- from smaller values. Start with zero, widen, *then* decrement. */
-#define MINUS_ONE (((bfd_vma)0) - 1)
-static reloc_howto_type alpha_howto_table[] =
- /* Reloc type 0 is ignored by itself. However, it appears after a
- GPDISP reloc to identify the location where the low order 16 bits
- of the gp register are loaded. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_IGNORE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 8, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- reloc_nil, /* special_function */
- "IGNORE", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A 32 bit reference to a symbol. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_REFLONG, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "REFLONG", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A 64 bit reference to a symbol. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_REFQUAD, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 4, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 64, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "REFQUAD", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- MINUS_ONE, /* src_mask */
- MINUS_ONE, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A 32 bit GP relative offset. This is just like REFLONG except
- that when the value is used the value of the gp register will be
- added in. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_GPREL32, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "GPREL32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Used for an instruction that refers to memory off the GP
- register. The offset is 16 bits of the 32 bit instruction. This
- reloc always seems to be against the .lita section. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_LITERAL, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "LITERAL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* This reloc only appears immediately following a LITERAL reloc.
- It identifies a use of the literal. It seems that the linker can
- use this to eliminate a portion of the .lita section. The symbol
- index is special: 1 means the literal address is in the base
- register of a memory format instruction; 2 means the literal
- address is in the byte offset register of a byte-manipulation
- instruction; 3 means the literal address is in the target
- register of a jsr instruction. This does not actually do any
- relocation. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_LITUSE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- reloc_nil, /* special_function */
- "LITUSE", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Load the gp register. This is always used for a ldah instruction
- which loads the upper 16 bits of the gp register. The next reloc
- will be an IGNORE reloc which identifies the location of the lda
- instruction which loads the lower 16 bits. The symbol index of
- the GPDISP instruction appears to actually be the number of bytes
- between the ldah and lda instructions. This gives two different
- ways to determine where the lda instruction is; I don't know why
- both are used. The value to use for the relocation is the
- difference between the GP value and the current location; the
- load will always be done against a register holding the current
- address. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_GPDISP, /* type */
- 16, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- reloc_nil, /* special_function */
- "GPDISP", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A 21 bit branch. The native assembler generates these for
- branches within the text segment, and also fills in the PC
- relative offset in the instruction. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_BRADDR, /* type */
- 2, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 21, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "BRADDR", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x1fffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x1fffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A hint for a jump to a register. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_HINT, /* type */
- 2, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 14, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "HINT", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x3fff, /* src_mask */
- 0x3fff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 16 bit PC relative offset. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_SREL16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "SREL16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 32 bit PC relative offset. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_SREL32, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "SREL32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A 64 bit PC relative offset. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_SREL64, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 4, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 64, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "SREL64", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- MINUS_ONE, /* src_mask */
- MINUS_ONE, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Push a value on the reloc evaluation stack. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_OP_PUSH, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 0, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "OP_PUSH", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Store the value from the stack at the given address. Store it in
- a bitfield of size r_size starting at bit position r_offset. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_OP_STORE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 4, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 64, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "OP_STORE", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- MINUS_ONE, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Subtract the reloc address from the value on the top of the
- relocation stack. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_OP_PSUB, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 0, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "OP_PSUB", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Shift the value on the top of the relocation stack right by the
- given value. */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 0, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "OP_PRSHIFT", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Adjust the GP value for a new range in the object file. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_GPVALUE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 0, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "GPVALUE", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false) /* pcrel_offset */
-/* Recognize an Alpha ECOFF file. */
-static const bfd_target *
-alpha_ecoff_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- static const bfd_target *ret;
- ret = coff_object_p (abfd);
- if (ret != NULL)
- {
- asection *sec;
- /* Alpha ECOFF has a .pdata section. The lnnoptr field of the
- .pdata section is the number of entries it contains. Each
- entry takes up 8 bytes. The number of entries is required
- since the section is aligned to a 16 byte boundary. When we
- link .pdata sections together, we do not want to include the
- alignment bytes. We handle this on input by faking the size
- of the .pdata section to remove the unwanted alignment bytes.
- On output we will set the lnnoptr field and force the
- alignment. */
- sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, _PDATA);
- if (sec != (asection *) NULL)
- {
- bfd_size_type size;
- size = sec->line_filepos * 8;
- BFD_ASSERT (size == bfd_section_size (abfd, sec)
- || size + 8 == bfd_section_size (abfd, sec));
- if (! bfd_set_section_size (abfd, sec, size))
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- return ret;
-/* See whether the magic number matches. */
-static boolean
-alpha_ecoff_bad_format_hook (abfd, filehdr)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR filehdr;
- struct internal_filehdr *internal_f = (struct internal_filehdr *) filehdr;
- if (ALPHA_ECOFF_BADMAG (*internal_f))
- return false;
- return true;
-/* This is a hook called by coff_real_object_p to create any backend
- specific information. */
-static PTR
-alpha_ecoff_mkobject_hook (abfd, filehdr, aouthdr)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR filehdr;
- PTR aouthdr;
- PTR ecoff;
- ecoff = _bfd_ecoff_mkobject_hook (abfd, filehdr, aouthdr);
- if (ecoff != NULL)
- {
- struct internal_filehdr *internal_f = (struct internal_filehdr *) filehdr;
- /* Set additional BFD flags according to the object type from the
- machine specific file header flags. */
- switch (internal_f->f_flags & F_ALPHA_OBJECT_TYPE_MASK)
- {
- abfd->flags |= DYNAMIC;
- break;
- /* Always executable if using shared libraries as the run time
- loader might resolve undefined references. */
- abfd->flags |= (DYNAMIC | EXEC_P);
- break;
- }
- }
- return ecoff;
-/* Reloc handling. */
-/* Swap a reloc in. */
-static void
-alpha_ecoff_swap_reloc_in (abfd, ext_ptr, intern)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext_ptr;
- struct internal_reloc *intern;
- const RELOC *ext = (RELOC *) ext_ptr;
- intern->r_vaddr = bfd_h_get_64 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->r_vaddr);
- intern->r_symndx = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->r_symndx);
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_header_little_endian (abfd));
- intern->r_type = ((ext->r_bits[0] & RELOC_BITS0_TYPE_LITTLE)
- intern->r_extern = (ext->r_bits[1] & RELOC_BITS1_EXTERN_LITTLE) != 0;
- intern->r_offset = ((ext->r_bits[1] & RELOC_BITS1_OFFSET_LITTLE)
- /* Ignored the reserved bits. */
- intern->r_size = ((ext->r_bits[3] & RELOC_BITS3_SIZE_LITTLE)
- if (intern->r_type == ALPHA_R_LITUSE
- || intern->r_type == ALPHA_R_GPDISP)
- {
- /* Handle the LITUSE and GPDISP relocs specially. Its symndx
- value is not actually a symbol index, but is instead a
- special code. We put the code in the r_size field, and
- clobber the symndx. */
- if (intern->r_size != 0)
- abort ();
- intern->r_size = intern->r_symndx;
- intern->r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_NONE;
- }
- else if (intern->r_type == ALPHA_R_IGNORE)
- {
- /* The IGNORE reloc generally follows a GPDISP reloc, and is
- against the .lita section. The section is irrelevant. */
- if (! intern->r_extern &&
- intern->r_symndx == RELOC_SECTION_ABS)
- abort ();
- if (! intern->r_extern && intern->r_symndx == RELOC_SECTION_LITA)
- intern->r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_ABS;
- }
-/* Swap a reloc out. */
-static void
-alpha_ecoff_swap_reloc_out (abfd, intern, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- const struct internal_reloc *intern;
- PTR dst;
- RELOC *ext = (RELOC *) dst;
- long symndx;
- unsigned char size;
- /* Undo the hackery done in swap_reloc_in. */
- if (intern->r_type == ALPHA_R_LITUSE
- || intern->r_type == ALPHA_R_GPDISP)
- {
- symndx = intern->r_size;
- size = 0;
- }
- else if (intern->r_type == ALPHA_R_IGNORE
- && ! intern->r_extern
- && intern->r_symndx == RELOC_SECTION_ABS)
- {
- size = intern->r_size;
- }
- else
- {
- symndx = intern->r_symndx;
- size = intern->r_size;
- }
- BFD_ASSERT (intern->r_extern
- || (intern->r_symndx >= 0 && intern->r_symndx <= 14));
- bfd_h_put_64 (abfd, intern->r_vaddr, (bfd_byte *) ext->r_vaddr);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, symndx, (bfd_byte *) ext->r_symndx);
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_header_little_endian (abfd));
- ext->r_bits[0] = ((intern->r_type << RELOC_BITS0_TYPE_SH_LITTLE)
- ext->r_bits[1] = ((intern->r_extern ? RELOC_BITS1_EXTERN_LITTLE : 0)
- | ((intern->r_offset << RELOC_BITS1_OFFSET_SH_LITTLE)
- ext->r_bits[2] = 0;
- ext->r_bits[3] = ((size << RELOC_BITS3_SIZE_SH_LITTLE)
-/* Finish canonicalizing a reloc. Part of this is generic to all
- ECOFF targets, and that part is in ecoff.c. The rest is done in
- this backend routine. It must fill in the howto field. */
-static void
-alpha_adjust_reloc_in (abfd, intern, rptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- const struct internal_reloc *intern;
- arelent *rptr;
- if (intern->r_type > ALPHA_R_GPVALUE)
- abort ();
- switch (intern->r_type)
- {
- case ALPHA_R_SREL16:
- case ALPHA_R_SREL32:
- case ALPHA_R_SREL64:
- /* The PC relative relocs do not seem to use the section VMA as
- a negative addend. */
- rptr->addend = 0;
- break;
- case ALPHA_R_GPREL32:
- /* Copy the gp value for this object file into the addend, to
- ensure that we are not confused by the linker. */
- if (! intern->r_extern)
- rptr->addend += ecoff_data (abfd)->gp;
- break;
- /* The LITUSE and GPDISP relocs do not use a symbol, or an
- addend, but they do use a special code. Put this code in the
- addend field. */
- rptr->addend = intern->r_size;
- break;
- /* The STORE reloc needs the size and offset fields. We store
- them in the addend. */
- BFD_ASSERT (intern->r_offset <= 256 && intern->r_size <= 256);
- rptr->addend = (intern->r_offset << 8) + intern->r_size;
- break;
- /* The PUSH, PSUB and PRSHIFT relocs do not actually use an
- address. I believe that the address supplied is really an
- addend. */
- rptr->addend = intern->r_vaddr;
- break;
- /* Set the addend field to the new GP value. */
- rptr->addend = intern->r_symndx + ecoff_data (abfd)->gp;
- break;
- /* If the type is ALPHA_R_IGNORE, make sure this is a reference
- to the absolute section so that the reloc is ignored. For
- some reason the address of this reloc type is not adjusted by
- the section vma. We record the gp value for this object file
- here, for convenience when doing the GPDISP relocation. */
- rptr->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- rptr->address = intern->r_vaddr;
- rptr->addend = ecoff_data (abfd)->gp;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- rptr->howto = &alpha_howto_table[intern->r_type];
-/* When writing out a reloc we need to pull some values back out of
- the addend field into the reloc. This is roughly the reverse of
- alpha_adjust_reloc_in, except that there are several changes we do
- not need to undo. */
-static void
-alpha_adjust_reloc_out (abfd, rel, intern)
- bfd *abfd;
- const arelent *rel;
- struct internal_reloc *intern;
- switch (intern->r_type)
- {
- intern->r_size = rel->addend;
- break;
- intern->r_size = rel->addend & 0xff;
- intern->r_offset = (rel->addend >> 8) & 0xff;
- break;
- intern->r_vaddr = rel->addend;
- break;
- intern->r_vaddr = rel->address;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-/* The size of the stack for the relocation evaluator. */
-#define RELOC_STACKSIZE (10)
-/* Alpha ECOFF relocs have a built in expression evaluator as well as
- other interdependencies. Rather than use a bunch of special
- functions and global variables, we use a single routine to do all
- the relocation for a section. I haven't yet worked out how the
- assembler is going to handle this. */
-static bfd_byte *
-alpha_ecoff_get_relocated_section_contents (abfd, link_info, link_order,
- data, relocateable, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- bfd_byte *data;
- boolean relocateable;
- asymbol **symbols;
- bfd *input_bfd = link_order->u.indirect.section->owner;
- asection *input_section = link_order->u.indirect.section;
- long reloc_size = bfd_get_reloc_upper_bound (input_bfd, input_section);
- arelent **reloc_vector = NULL;
- long reloc_count;
- bfd *output_bfd = relocateable ? abfd : (bfd *) NULL;
- bfd_vma gp;
- boolean gp_undefined;
- bfd_vma stack[RELOC_STACKSIZE];
- int tos = 0;
- if (reloc_size < 0)
- goto error_return;
- reloc_vector = (arelent **) bfd_malloc (reloc_size);
- if (reloc_vector == NULL && reloc_size != 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (input_bfd, input_section, data,
- (file_ptr) 0, input_section->_raw_size))
- goto error_return;
- /* The section size is not going to change. */
- input_section->_cooked_size = input_section->_raw_size;
- input_section->reloc_done = true;
- reloc_count = bfd_canonicalize_reloc (input_bfd, input_section,
- reloc_vector, symbols);
- if (reloc_count < 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (reloc_count == 0)
- goto successful_return;
- /* Get the GP value for the output BFD. */
- gp_undefined = false;
- gp = _bfd_get_gp_value (abfd);
- if (gp == 0)
- {
- if (relocateable != false)
- {
- asection *sec;
- bfd_vma lo;
- /* Make up a value. */
- lo = (bfd_vma) -1;
- for (sec = abfd->sections; sec != NULL; sec = sec->next)
- {
- if (sec->vma < lo
- && (strcmp (sec->name, ".sbss") == 0
- || strcmp (sec->name, ".sdata") == 0
- || strcmp (sec->name, ".lit4") == 0
- || strcmp (sec->name, ".lit8") == 0
- || strcmp (sec->name, ".lita") == 0))
- lo = sec->vma;
- }
- gp = lo + 0x8000;
- _bfd_set_gp_value (abfd, gp);
- }
- else
- {
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- h = bfd_link_hash_lookup (link_info->hash, "_gp", false, false,
- true);
- if (h == (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- || h->type != bfd_link_hash_defined)
- gp_undefined = true;
- else
- {
- gp = (h->u.def.value
- + h->u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + h->u.def.section->output_offset);
- _bfd_set_gp_value (abfd, gp);
- }
- }
- }
- for (; *reloc_vector != (arelent *) NULL; reloc_vector++)
- {
- arelent *rel;
- bfd_reloc_status_type r;
- char *err;
- rel = *reloc_vector;
- r = bfd_reloc_ok;
- switch (rel->howto->type)
- {
- rel->address += input_section->output_offset;
- break;
- case ALPHA_R_HINT:
- case ALPHA_R_SREL16:
- case ALPHA_R_SREL32:
- case ALPHA_R_SREL64:
- if (relocateable
- && ((*rel->sym_ptr_ptr)->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) == 0)
- {
- rel->address += input_section->output_offset;
- break;
- }
- r = bfd_perform_relocation (input_bfd, rel, data, input_section,
- output_bfd, &err);
- break;
- case ALPHA_R_GPREL32:
- /* This relocation is used in a switch table. It is a 32
- bit offset from the current GP value. We must adjust it
- by the different between the original GP value and the
- current GP value. The original GP value is stored in the
- addend. We adjust the addend and let
- bfd_perform_relocation finish the job. */
- rel->addend -= gp;
- r = bfd_perform_relocation (input_bfd, rel, data, input_section,
- output_bfd, &err);
- if (r == bfd_reloc_ok && gp_undefined)
- {
- r = bfd_reloc_dangerous;
- err = (char *) "GP relative relocation used when GP not defined";
- }
- break;
- /* This is a reference to a literal value, generally
- (always?) in the .lita section. This is a 16 bit GP
- relative relocation. Sometimes the subsequent reloc is a
- LITUSE reloc, which indicates how this reloc is used.
- This sometimes permits rewriting the two instructions
- referred to by the LITERAL and the LITUSE into different
- instructions which do not refer to .lita. This can save
- a memory reference, and permits removing a value from
- .lita thus saving GP relative space.
- We do not these optimizations. To do them we would need
- to arrange to link the .lita section first, so that by
- the time we got here we would know the final values to
- use. This would not be particularly difficult, but it is
- not currently implemented. */
- {
- unsigned long insn;
- /* I believe that the LITERAL reloc will only apply to a
- ldq or ldl instruction, so check my assumption. */
- insn = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, data + rel->address);
- BFD_ASSERT (((insn >> 26) & 0x3f) == 0x29
- || ((insn >> 26) & 0x3f) == 0x28);
- rel->addend -= gp;
- r = bfd_perform_relocation (input_bfd, rel, data, input_section,
- output_bfd, &err);
- if (r == bfd_reloc_ok && gp_undefined)
- {
- r = bfd_reloc_dangerous;
- err =
- (char *) "GP relative relocation used when GP not defined";
- }
- }
- break;
- /* See ALPHA_R_LITERAL above for the uses of this reloc. It
- does not cause anything to happen, itself. */
- rel->address += input_section->output_offset;
- break;
- /* This marks the ldah of an ldah/lda pair which loads the
- gp register with the difference of the gp value and the
- current location. The second of the pair is r_size bytes
- ahead; it used to be marked with an ALPHA_R_IGNORE reloc,
- but that no longer happens in OSF/1 3.2. */
- {
- unsigned long insn1, insn2;
- bfd_vma addend;
- /* Get the two instructions. */
- insn1 = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, data + rel->address);
- insn2 = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, data + rel->address + rel->addend);
- BFD_ASSERT (((insn1 >> 26) & 0x3f) == 0x09); /* ldah */
- BFD_ASSERT (((insn2 >> 26) & 0x3f) == 0x08); /* lda */
- /* Get the existing addend. We must account for the sign
- extension done by lda and ldah. */
- addend = ((insn1 & 0xffff) << 16) + (insn2 & 0xffff);
- if (insn1 & 0x8000)
- {
- addend -= 0x80000000;
- addend -= 0x80000000;
- }
- if (insn2 & 0x8000)
- addend -= 0x10000;
- /* The existing addend includes the different between the
- gp of the input BFD and the address in the input BFD.
- Subtract this out. */
- addend -= (ecoff_data (input_bfd)->gp
- - (input_section->vma + rel->address));
- /* Now add in the final gp value, and subtract out the
- final address. */
- addend += (gp
- - (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset
- + rel->address));
- /* Change the instructions, accounting for the sign
- extension, and write them out. */
- if (addend & 0x8000)
- addend += 0x10000;
- insn1 = (insn1 & 0xffff0000) | ((addend >> 16) & 0xffff);
- insn2 = (insn2 & 0xffff0000) | (addend & 0xffff);
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, (bfd_vma) insn1, data + rel->address);
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, (bfd_vma) insn2,
- data + rel->address + rel->addend);
- rel->address += input_section->output_offset;
- }
- break;
- /* Push a value on the reloc evaluation stack. */
- {
- asymbol *symbol;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- if (relocateable)
- {
- rel->address += input_section->output_offset;
- break;
- }
- /* Figure out the relocation of this symbol. */
- symbol = *rel->sym_ptr_ptr;
- if (bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section))
- r = bfd_reloc_undefined;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- relocation = 0;
- else
- relocation = symbol->value;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_section->vma;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_offset;
- relocation += rel->addend;
- if (tos >= RELOC_STACKSIZE)
- abort ();
- stack[tos++] = relocation;
- }
- break;
- /* Store a value from the reloc stack into a bitfield. */
- {
- bfd_vma val;
- int offset, size;
- if (relocateable)
- {
- rel->address += input_section->output_offset;
- break;
- }
- if (tos == 0)
- abort ();
- /* The offset and size for this reloc are encoded into the
- addend field by alpha_adjust_reloc_in. */
- offset = (rel->addend >> 8) & 0xff;
- size = rel->addend & 0xff;
- val = bfd_get_64 (abfd, data + rel->address);
- val &=~ (((1 << size) - 1) << offset);
- val |= (stack[--tos] & ((1 << size) - 1)) << offset;
- bfd_put_64 (abfd, val, data + rel->address);
- }
- break;
- /* Subtract a value from the top of the stack. */
- {
- asymbol *symbol;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- if (relocateable)
- {
- rel->address += input_section->output_offset;
- break;
- }
- /* Figure out the relocation of this symbol. */
- symbol = *rel->sym_ptr_ptr;
- if (bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section))
- r = bfd_reloc_undefined;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- relocation = 0;
- else
- relocation = symbol->value;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_section->vma;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_offset;
- relocation += rel->addend;
- if (tos == 0)
- abort ();
- stack[tos - 1] -= relocation;
- }
- break;
- /* Shift the value on the top of the stack. */
- {
- asymbol *symbol;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- if (relocateable)
- {
- rel->address += input_section->output_offset;
- break;
- }
- /* Figure out the relocation of this symbol. */
- symbol = *rel->sym_ptr_ptr;
- if (bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section))
- r = bfd_reloc_undefined;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- relocation = 0;
- else
- relocation = symbol->value;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_section->vma;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_offset;
- relocation += rel->addend;
- if (tos == 0)
- abort ();
- stack[tos - 1] >>= relocation;
- }
- break;
- /* I really don't know if this does the right thing. */
- gp = rel->addend;
- gp_undefined = false;
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- if (relocateable)
- {
- asection *os = input_section->output_section;
- /* A partial link, so keep the relocs. */
- os->orelocation[os->reloc_count] = rel;
- os->reloc_count++;
- }
- if (r != bfd_reloc_ok)
- {
- switch (r)
- {
- case bfd_reloc_undefined:
- if (! ((*link_info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (link_info, bfd_asymbol_name (*rel->sym_ptr_ptr),
- input_bfd, input_section, rel->address)))
- goto error_return;
- break;
- case bfd_reloc_dangerous:
- if (! ((*link_info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
- (link_info, err, input_bfd, input_section,
- rel->address)))
- goto error_return;
- break;
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- if (! ((*link_info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (link_info, bfd_asymbol_name (*rel->sym_ptr_ptr),
- rel->howto->name, rel->addend, input_bfd,
- input_section, rel->address)))
- goto error_return;
- break;
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- default:
- abort ();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (tos != 0)
- abort ();
- successful_return:
- if (reloc_vector != NULL)
- free (reloc_vector);
- return data;
- error_return:
- if (reloc_vector != NULL)
- free (reloc_vector);
- return NULL;
-/* Get the howto structure for a generic reloc type. */
-static reloc_howto_type *
-alpha_bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- int alpha_type;
- switch (code)
- {
- case BFD_RELOC_32:
- alpha_type = ALPHA_R_REFLONG;
- break;
- case BFD_RELOC_64:
- alpha_type = ALPHA_R_REFQUAD;
- break;
- alpha_type = ALPHA_R_GPREL32;
- break;
- alpha_type = ALPHA_R_LITERAL;
- break;
- alpha_type = ALPHA_R_LITUSE;
- break;
- alpha_type = ALPHA_R_GPDISP;
- break;
- alpha_type = ALPHA_R_IGNORE;
- break;
- case BFD_RELOC_23_PCREL_S2:
- alpha_type = ALPHA_R_BRADDR;
- break;
- alpha_type = ALPHA_R_HINT;
- break;
- case BFD_RELOC_16_PCREL:
- alpha_type = ALPHA_R_SREL16;
- break;
- case BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL:
- alpha_type = ALPHA_R_SREL32;
- break;
- case BFD_RELOC_64_PCREL:
- alpha_type = ALPHA_R_SREL64;
- break;
-#if 0
- case ???:
- alpha_type = ALPHA_R_OP_PUSH;
- break;
- case ???:
- alpha_type = ALPHA_R_OP_STORE;
- break;
- case ???:
- alpha_type = ALPHA_R_OP_PSUB;
- break;
- case ???:
- alpha_type = ALPHA_R_OP_PRSHIFT;
- break;
- case ???:
- alpha_type = ALPHA_R_GPVALUE;
- break;
- default:
- return (reloc_howto_type *) NULL;
- }
- return &alpha_howto_table[alpha_type];
-/* A helper routine for alpha_relocate_section which converts an
- external reloc when generating relocateable output. Returns the
- relocation amount. */
-static bfd_vma
-alpha_convert_external_reloc (output_bfd, info, input_bfd, ext_rel, h)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- struct external_reloc *ext_rel;
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- unsigned long r_symndx;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- BFD_ASSERT (info->relocateable);
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- asection *hsec;
- const char *name;
- /* This symbol is defined in the output. Convert the reloc from
- being against the symbol to being against the section. */
- /* Clear the r_extern bit. */
- ext_rel->r_bits[1] &=~ RELOC_BITS1_EXTERN_LITTLE;
- /* Compute a new r_symndx value. */
- hsec = h->root.u.def.section;
- name = bfd_get_section_name (output_bfd, hsec->output_section);
- r_symndx = -1;
- switch (name[1])
- {
- case 'A':
- if (strcmp (name, "*ABS*") == 0)
- r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_ABS;
- break;
- case 'b':
- if (strcmp (name, ".bss") == 0)
- r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_BSS;
- break;
- case 'd':
- if (strcmp (name, ".data") == 0)
- r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_DATA;
- break;
- case 'f':
- if (strcmp (name, ".fini") == 0)
- r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_FINI;
- break;
- case 'i':
- if (strcmp (name, ".init") == 0)
- r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_INIT;
- break;
- case 'l':
- if (strcmp (name, ".lita") == 0)
- r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_LITA;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".lit8") == 0)
- r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_LIT8;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".lit4") == 0)
- r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_LIT4;
- break;
- case 'p':
- if (strcmp (name, ".pdata") == 0)
- break;
- case 'r':
- if (strcmp (name, ".rdata") == 0)
- else if (strcmp (name, ".rconst") == 0)
- break;
- case 's':
- if (strcmp (name, ".sdata") == 0)
- else if (strcmp (name, ".sbss") == 0)
- r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_SBSS;
- break;
- case 't':
- if (strcmp (name, ".text") == 0)
- r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_TEXT;
- break;
- case 'x':
- if (strcmp (name, ".xdata") == 0)
- break;
- }
- if (r_symndx == -1)
- abort ();
- /* Add the section VMA and the symbol value. */
- relocation = (h->root.u.def.value
- + hsec->output_section->vma
- + hsec->output_offset);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Change the symndx value to the right one for
- the output BFD. */
- r_symndx = h->indx;
- if (r_symndx == -1)
- {
- /* Caller must give an error. */
- r_symndx = 0;
- }
- relocation = 0;
- }
- /* Write out the new r_symndx value. */
- bfd_h_put_32 (input_bfd, (bfd_vma) r_symndx,
- (bfd_byte *) ext_rel->r_symndx);
- return relocation;
-/* Relocate a section while linking an Alpha ECOFF file. This is
- quite similar to get_relocated_section_contents. Perhaps they
- could be combined somehow. */
-static boolean
-alpha_relocate_section (output_bfd, info, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, external_relocs)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- PTR external_relocs;
- asection **symndx_to_section, *lita_sec;
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- bfd_vma gp;
- boolean gp_undefined;
- bfd_vma stack[RELOC_STACKSIZE];
- int tos = 0;
- struct external_reloc *ext_rel;
- struct external_reloc *ext_rel_end;
- /* We keep a table mapping the symndx found in an internal reloc to
- the appropriate section. This is faster than looking up the
- section by name each time. */
- symndx_to_section = ecoff_data (input_bfd)->symndx_to_section;
- if (symndx_to_section == (asection **) NULL)
- {
- symndx_to_section = ((asection **)
- bfd_alloc (input_bfd,
- * sizeof (asection *))));
- if (!symndx_to_section)
- return false;
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_NONE] = NULL;
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_TEXT] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".text");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_RDATA] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".rdata");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_DATA] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".data");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_SDATA] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".sdata");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_SBSS] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".sbss");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_BSS] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".bss");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_INIT] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".init");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_LIT8] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".lit8");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_LIT4] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".lit4");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_XDATA] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".xdata");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_PDATA] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".pdata");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_FINI] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".fini");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_LITA] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".lita");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_ABS] = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_RCONST] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".rconst");
- ecoff_data (input_bfd)->symndx_to_section = symndx_to_section;
- }
- sym_hashes = ecoff_data (input_bfd)->sym_hashes;
- /* On the Alpha, the .lita section must be addressable by the global
- pointer. To support large programs, we need to allow multiple
- global pointers. This works as long as each input .lita section
- is <64KB big. This implies that when producing relocatable
- output, the .lita section is limited to 64KB. . */
- lita_sec = symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_LITA];
- gp = _bfd_get_gp_value (output_bfd);
- if (! info->relocateable && lita_sec != NULL)
- {
- struct ecoff_section_tdata *lita_sec_data;
- /* Make sure we have a section data structure to which we can
- hang on to the gp value we pick for the section. */
- lita_sec_data = ecoff_section_data (input_bfd, lita_sec);
- if (lita_sec_data == NULL)
- {
- lita_sec_data = ((struct ecoff_section_tdata *)
- bfd_zalloc (input_bfd,
- sizeof (struct ecoff_section_tdata)));
- ecoff_section_data (input_bfd, lita_sec) = lita_sec_data;
- }
- if (lita_sec_data->gp != 0)
- {
- /* If we already assigned a gp to this section, we better
- stick with that value. */
- gp = lita_sec_data->gp;
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_vma lita_vma;
- bfd_size_type lita_size;
- lita_vma = lita_sec->output_offset + lita_sec->output_section->vma;
- lita_size = lita_sec->_cooked_size;
- if (lita_size == 0)
- lita_size = lita_sec->_raw_size;
- if (gp == 0
- || lita_vma < gp - 0x8000
- || lita_vma + lita_size >= gp + 0x8000)
- {
- /* Either gp hasn't been set at all or the current gp
- cannot address this .lita section. In both cases we
- reset the gp to point into the "middle" of the
- current input .lita section. */
- if (gp && !ecoff_data (output_bfd)->issued_multiple_gp_warning)
- {
- (*info->callbacks->warning) (info,
- "using multiple gp values",
- (char *) NULL, output_bfd,
- (asection *) NULL, (bfd_vma) 0);
- ecoff_data (output_bfd)->issued_multiple_gp_warning = true;
- }
- if (lita_vma < gp - 0x8000)
- gp = lita_vma + lita_size - 0x8000;
- else
- gp = lita_vma + 0x8000;
- }
- lita_sec_data->gp = gp;
- }
- _bfd_set_gp_value (output_bfd, gp);
- }
- gp_undefined = (gp == 0);
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_header_little_endian (output_bfd));
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_header_little_endian (input_bfd));
- ext_rel = (struct external_reloc *) external_relocs;
- ext_rel_end = ext_rel + input_section->reloc_count;
- for (; ext_rel < ext_rel_end; ext_rel++)
- {
- bfd_vma r_vaddr;
- unsigned long r_symndx;
- int r_type;
- int r_extern;
- int r_offset;
- int r_size;
- boolean relocatep;
- boolean adjust_addrp;
- boolean gp_usedp;
- bfd_vma addend;
- r_vaddr = bfd_h_get_64 (input_bfd, (bfd_byte *) ext_rel->r_vaddr);
- r_symndx = bfd_h_get_32 (input_bfd, (bfd_byte *) ext_rel->r_symndx);
- r_type = ((ext_rel->r_bits[0] & RELOC_BITS0_TYPE_LITTLE)
- r_extern = (ext_rel->r_bits[1] & RELOC_BITS1_EXTERN_LITTLE) != 0;
- r_offset = ((ext_rel->r_bits[1] & RELOC_BITS1_OFFSET_LITTLE)
- /* Ignored the reserved bits. */
- r_size = ((ext_rel->r_bits[3] & RELOC_BITS3_SIZE_LITTLE)
- relocatep = false;
- adjust_addrp = true;
- gp_usedp = false;
- addend = 0;
- switch (r_type)
- {
- default:
- abort ();
- /* This reloc appears after a GPDISP reloc. On earlier
- versions of OSF/1, It marked the position of the second
- instruction to be altered by the GPDISP reloc, but it is
- not otherwise used for anything. For some reason, the
- address of the relocation does not appear to include the
- section VMA, unlike the other relocation types. */
- if (info->relocateable)
- bfd_h_put_64 (input_bfd,
- input_section->output_offset + r_vaddr,
- (bfd_byte *) ext_rel->r_vaddr);
- adjust_addrp = false;
- break;
- case ALPHA_R_HINT:
- case ALPHA_R_SREL16:
- case ALPHA_R_SREL32:
- case ALPHA_R_SREL64:
- relocatep = true;
- break;
- case ALPHA_R_GPREL32:
- /* This relocation is used in a switch table. It is a 32
- bit offset from the current GP value. We must adjust it
- by the different between the original GP value and the
- current GP value. */
- relocatep = true;
- addend = ecoff_data (input_bfd)->gp - gp;
- gp_usedp = true;
- break;
- /* This is a reference to a literal value, generally
- (always?) in the .lita section. This is a 16 bit GP
- relative relocation. Sometimes the subsequent reloc is a
- LITUSE reloc, which indicates how this reloc is used.
- This sometimes permits rewriting the two instructions
- referred to by the LITERAL and the LITUSE into different
- instructions which do not refer to .lita. This can save
- a memory reference, and permits removing a value from
- .lita thus saving GP relative space.
- We do not these optimizations. To do them we would need
- to arrange to link the .lita section first, so that by
- the time we got here we would know the final values to
- use. This would not be particularly difficult, but it is
- not currently implemented. */
- /* I believe that the LITERAL reloc will only apply to a ldq
- or ldl instruction, so check my assumption. */
- {
- unsigned long insn;
- insn = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd,
- contents + r_vaddr - input_section->vma);
- BFD_ASSERT (((insn >> 26) & 0x3f) == 0x29
- || ((insn >> 26) & 0x3f) == 0x28);
- }
- relocatep = true;
- addend = ecoff_data (input_bfd)->gp - gp;
- gp_usedp = true;
- break;
- /* See ALPHA_R_LITERAL above for the uses of this reloc. It
- does not cause anything to happen, itself. */
- break;
- /* This marks the ldah of an ldah/lda pair which loads the
- gp register with the difference of the gp value and the
- current location. The second of the pair is r_symndx
- bytes ahead. It used to be marked with an ALPHA_R_IGNORE
- reloc, but OSF/1 3.2 no longer does that. */
- {
- unsigned long insn1, insn2;
- /* Get the two instructions. */
- insn1 = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd,
- contents + r_vaddr - input_section->vma);
- insn2 = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd,
- (contents
- + r_vaddr
- - input_section->vma
- + r_symndx));
- BFD_ASSERT (((insn1 >> 26) & 0x3f) == 0x09); /* ldah */
- BFD_ASSERT (((insn2 >> 26) & 0x3f) == 0x08); /* lda */
- /* Get the existing addend. We must account for the sign
- extension done by lda and ldah. */
- addend = ((insn1 & 0xffff) << 16) + (insn2 & 0xffff);
- if (insn1 & 0x8000)
- {
- /* This is addend -= 0x100000000 without causing an
- integer overflow on a 32 bit host. */
- addend -= 0x80000000;
- addend -= 0x80000000;
- }
- if (insn2 & 0x8000)
- addend -= 0x10000;
- /* The existing addend includes the difference between the
- gp of the input BFD and the address in the input BFD.
- We want to change this to the difference between the
- final GP and the final address. */
- addend += (gp
- - ecoff_data (input_bfd)->gp
- + input_section->vma
- - (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset));
- /* Change the instructions, accounting for the sign
- extension, and write them out. */
- if (addend & 0x8000)
- addend += 0x10000;
- insn1 = (insn1 & 0xffff0000) | ((addend >> 16) & 0xffff);
- insn2 = (insn2 & 0xffff0000) | (addend & 0xffff);
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, (bfd_vma) insn1,
- contents + r_vaddr - input_section->vma);
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, (bfd_vma) insn2,
- contents + r_vaddr - input_section->vma + r_symndx);
- gp_usedp = true;
- }
- break;
- /* Manipulate values on the reloc evaluation stack. The
- r_vaddr field is not an address in input_section, it is
- the current value (including any addend) of the object
- being used. */
- if (! r_extern)
- {
- asection *s;
- s = symndx_to_section[r_symndx];
- if (s == (asection *) NULL)
- abort ();
- addend = s->output_section->vma + s->output_offset - s->vma;
- }
- else
- {
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- h = sym_hashes[r_symndx];
- if (h == (struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- abort ();
- if (! info->relocateable)
- {
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- addend = (h->root.u.def.value
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_offset);
- else
- {
- /* Note that we pass the address as 0, since we
- do not have a meaningful number for the
- location within the section that is being
- relocated. */
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (info, h->root.root.string, input_bfd,
- input_section, (bfd_vma) 0)))
- return false;
- addend = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined
- && h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak
- && h->indx == -1)
- {
- /* This symbol is not being written out. Pass
- the address as 0, as with undefined_symbol,
- above. */
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->unattached_reloc)
- (info, h->root.root.string, input_bfd,
- input_section, (bfd_vma) 0)))
- return false;
- }
- addend = alpha_convert_external_reloc (output_bfd, info,
- input_bfd,
- ext_rel, h);
- }
- }
- addend += r_vaddr;
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- /* Adjust r_vaddr by the addend. */
- bfd_h_put_64 (input_bfd, addend,
- (bfd_byte *) ext_rel->r_vaddr);
- }
- else
- {
- switch (r_type)
- {
- if (tos >= RELOC_STACKSIZE)
- abort ();
- stack[tos++] = addend;
- break;
- if (tos == 0)
- abort ();
- stack[tos - 1] -= addend;
- break;
- if (tos == 0)
- abort ();
- stack[tos - 1] >>= addend;
- break;
- }
- }
- adjust_addrp = false;
- break;
- /* Store a value from the reloc stack into a bitfield. If
- we are generating relocateable output, all we do is
- adjust the address of the reloc. */
- if (! info->relocateable)
- {
- bfd_vma mask;
- bfd_vma val;
- if (tos == 0)
- abort ();
- /* Get the relocation mask. The separate steps and the
- casts to bfd_vma are attempts to avoid a bug in the
- Alpha OSF 1.3 C compiler. See reloc.c for more
- details. */
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= (bfd_vma) r_size;
- mask -= 1;
- /* FIXME: I don't know what kind of overflow checking,
- if any, should be done here. */
- val = bfd_get_64 (input_bfd,
- contents + r_vaddr - input_section->vma);
- val &=~ mask << (bfd_vma) r_offset;
- val |= (stack[--tos] & mask) << (bfd_vma) r_offset;
- bfd_put_64 (input_bfd, val,
- contents + r_vaddr - input_section->vma);
- }
- break;
- /* I really don't know if this does the right thing. */
- gp = ecoff_data (input_bfd)->gp + r_symndx;
- gp_undefined = false;
- break;
- }
- if (relocatep)
- {
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *h = NULL;
- asection *s = NULL;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_reloc_status_type r;
- /* Perform a relocation. */
- howto = &alpha_howto_table[r_type];
- if (r_extern)
- {
- h = sym_hashes[r_symndx];
- /* If h is NULL, that means that there is a reloc
- against an external symbol which we thought was just
- a debugging symbol. This should not happen. */
- if (h == (struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- abort ();
- }
- else
- {
- if (r_symndx >= NUM_RELOC_SECTIONS)
- s = NULL;
- else
- s = symndx_to_section[r_symndx];
- if (s == (asection *) NULL)
- abort ();
- }
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- /* We are generating relocateable output, and must
- convert the existing reloc. */
- if (r_extern)
- {
- if (h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined
- && h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak
- && h->indx == -1)
- {
- /* This symbol is not being written out. */
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->unattached_reloc)
- (info, h->root.root.string, input_bfd,
- input_section, r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- }
- relocation = alpha_convert_external_reloc (output_bfd,
- info,
- input_bfd,
- ext_rel,
- h);
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is a relocation against a section. Adjust
- the value by the amount the section moved. */
- relocation = (s->output_section->vma
- + s->output_offset
- - s->vma);
- }
- /* If this is PC relative, the existing object file
- appears to already have the reloc worked out. We
- must subtract out the old value and add in the new
- one. */
- if (howto->pc_relative)
- relocation -= (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset
- - input_section->vma);
- /* Put in any addend. */
- relocation += addend;
- /* Adjust the contents. */
- r = _bfd_relocate_contents (howto, input_bfd, relocation,
- (contents
- + r_vaddr
- - input_section->vma));
- }
- else
- {
- /* We are producing a final executable. */
- if (r_extern)
- {
- /* This is a reloc against a symbol. */
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- asection *hsec;
- hsec = h->root.u.def.section;
- relocation = (h->root.u.def.value
- + hsec->output_section->vma
- + hsec->output_offset);
- }
- else
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (info, h->root.root.string, input_bfd,
- input_section,
- r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- relocation = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is a reloc against a section. */
- relocation = (s->output_section->vma
- + s->output_offset
- - s->vma);
- /* Adjust a PC relative relocation by removing the
- reference to the original source section. */
- if (howto->pc_relative)
- relocation += input_section->vma;
- }
- r = _bfd_final_link_relocate (howto,
- input_bfd,
- input_section,
- contents,
- r_vaddr - input_section->vma,
- relocation,
- addend);
- }
- if (r != bfd_reloc_ok)
- {
- switch (r)
- {
- default:
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- {
- const char *name;
- if (r_extern)
- name = sym_hashes[r_symndx]->root.root.string;
- else
- name = bfd_section_name (input_bfd,
- symndx_to_section[r_symndx]);
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (info, name, alpha_howto_table[r_type].name,
- (bfd_vma) 0, input_bfd, input_section,
- r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (info->relocateable && adjust_addrp)
- {
- /* Change the address of the relocation. */
- bfd_h_put_64 (input_bfd,
- (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset
- - input_section->vma
- + r_vaddr),
- (bfd_byte *) ext_rel->r_vaddr);
- }
- if (gp_usedp && gp_undefined)
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
- (info, "GP relative relocation when GP not defined",
- input_bfd, input_section, r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- /* Only give the error once per link. */
- gp = 4;
- _bfd_set_gp_value (output_bfd, gp);
- gp_undefined = false;
- }
- }
- if (tos != 0)
- abort ();
- return true;
-/* Do final adjustments to the filehdr and the aouthdr. This routine
- sets the dynamic bits in the file header. */
-static boolean
-alpha_adjust_headers (abfd, fhdr, ahdr)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_filehdr *fhdr;
- struct internal_aouthdr *ahdr;
- if ((abfd->flags & (DYNAMIC | EXEC_P)) == (DYNAMIC | EXEC_P))
- fhdr->f_flags |= F_ALPHA_CALL_SHARED;
- else if ((abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0)
- fhdr->f_flags |= F_ALPHA_SHARABLE;
- return true;
-/* Archive handling. In OSF/1 (or Digital Unix) v3.2, Digital
- introduced archive packing, in which the elements in an archive are
- optionally compressed using a simple dictionary scheme. We know
- how to read such archives, but we don't write them. */
-#define alpha_ecoff_slurp_armap _bfd_ecoff_slurp_armap
-#define alpha_ecoff_slurp_extended_name_table \
- _bfd_ecoff_slurp_extended_name_table
-#define alpha_ecoff_construct_extended_name_table \
- _bfd_ecoff_construct_extended_name_table
-#define alpha_ecoff_truncate_arname _bfd_ecoff_truncate_arname
-#define alpha_ecoff_write_armap _bfd_ecoff_write_armap
-#define alpha_ecoff_generic_stat_arch_elt _bfd_ecoff_generic_stat_arch_elt
-#define alpha_ecoff_update_armap_timestamp _bfd_ecoff_update_armap_timestamp
-/* A compressed file uses this instead of ARFMAG. */
-#define ARFZMAG "Z\012"
-/* Read an archive header. This is like the standard routine, but it
- also accepts ARFZMAG. */
-static PTR
-alpha_ecoff_read_ar_hdr (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct areltdata *ret;
- struct ar_hdr *h;
- ret = (struct areltdata *) _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr_mag (abfd, ARFZMAG);
- if (ret == NULL)
- return NULL;
- h = (struct ar_hdr *) ret->arch_header;
- if (strncmp (h->ar_fmag, ARFZMAG, 2) == 0)
- {
- bfd_byte ab[8];
- /* This is a compressed file. We must set the size correctly.
- The size is the eight bytes after the dummy file header. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, FILHSZ, SEEK_CUR) != 0
- || bfd_read (ab, 1, 8, abfd) != 8
- || bfd_seek (abfd, - (FILHSZ + 8), SEEK_CUR) != 0)
- return NULL;
- ret->parsed_size = bfd_h_get_64 (abfd, ab);
- }
- return (PTR) ret;
-/* Get an archive element at a specified file position. This is where
- we uncompress the archive element if necessary. */
-static bfd *
-alpha_ecoff_get_elt_at_filepos (archive, filepos)
- bfd *archive;
- file_ptr filepos;
- bfd *nbfd = NULL;
- struct areltdata *tdata;
- struct ar_hdr *hdr;
- bfd_byte ab[8];
- bfd_size_type size;
- bfd_byte *buf, *p;
- struct bfd_in_memory *bim;
- nbfd = _bfd_get_elt_at_filepos (archive, filepos);
- if (nbfd == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if ((nbfd->flags & BFD_IN_MEMORY) != 0)
- {
- /* We have already expanded this BFD. */
- return nbfd;
- }
- tdata = (struct areltdata *) nbfd->arelt_data;
- hdr = (struct ar_hdr *) tdata->arch_header;
- if (strncmp (hdr->ar_fmag, ARFZMAG, 2) != 0)
- return nbfd;
- /* We must uncompress this element. We do this by copying it into a
- memory buffer, and making bfd_read and bfd_seek use that buffer.
- This can use a lot of memory, but it's simpler than getting a
- temporary file, making that work with the file descriptor caching
- code, and making sure that it is deleted at all appropriate
- times. It can be changed if it ever becomes important. */
- /* The compressed file starts with a dummy ECOFF file header. */
- if (bfd_seek (nbfd, FILHSZ, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto error_return;
- /* The next eight bytes are the real file size. */
- if (bfd_read (ab, 1, 8, nbfd) != 8)
- goto error_return;
- size = bfd_h_get_64 (nbfd, ab);
- if (size == 0)
- buf = NULL;
- else
- {
- bfd_size_type left;
- bfd_byte dict[4096];
- unsigned int h;
- bfd_byte b;
- buf = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (nbfd, size);
- if (buf == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- p = buf;
- left = size;
- /* I don't know what the next eight bytes are for. */
- if (bfd_read (ab, 1, 8, nbfd) != 8)
- goto error_return;
- /* This is the uncompression algorithm. It's a simple
- dictionary based scheme in which each character is predicted
- by a hash of the previous three characters. A control byte
- indicates whether the character is predicted or whether it
- appears in the input stream; each control byte manages the
- next eight bytes in the output stream. */
- memset (dict, 0, sizeof dict);
- h = 0;
- while (bfd_read (&b, 1, 1, nbfd) == 1)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++, b >>= 1)
- {
- bfd_byte n;
- if ((b & 1) == 0)
- n = dict[h];
- else
- {
- if (! bfd_read (&n, 1, 1, nbfd))
- goto error_return;
- dict[h] = n;
- }
- *p++ = n;
- --left;
- if (left == 0)
- break;
- h <<= 4;
- h ^= n;
- h &= sizeof dict - 1;
- }
- if (left == 0)
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Now the uncompressed file contents are in buf. */
- bim = ((struct bfd_in_memory *)
- bfd_alloc (nbfd, sizeof (struct bfd_in_memory)));
- if (bim == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- bim->size = size;
- bim->buffer = buf;
- nbfd->mtime_set = true;
- nbfd->mtime = strtol (hdr->ar_date, (char **) NULL, 10);
- nbfd->flags |= BFD_IN_MEMORY;
- nbfd->iostream = (PTR) bim;
- BFD_ASSERT (! nbfd->cacheable);
- return nbfd;
- error_return:
- if (nbfd != NULL)
- bfd_close (nbfd);
- return NULL;
-/* Open the next archived file. */
-static bfd *
-alpha_ecoff_openr_next_archived_file (archive, last_file)
- bfd *archive;
- bfd *last_file;
- file_ptr filestart;
- if (last_file == NULL)
- filestart = bfd_ardata (archive)->first_file_filepos;
- else
- {
- struct areltdata *t;
- struct ar_hdr *h;
- bfd_size_type size;
- /* We can't use arelt_size here, because that uses parsed_size,
- which is the uncompressed size. We need the compressed size. */
- t = (struct areltdata *) last_file->arelt_data;
- h = (struct ar_hdr *) t->arch_header;
- size = strtol (h->ar_size, (char **) NULL, 10);
- /* Pad to an even boundary...
- Note that last_file->origin can be odd in the case of
- BSD-4.4-style element with a long odd size. */
- filestart = last_file->origin + size;
- filestart += filestart % 2;
- }
- return alpha_ecoff_get_elt_at_filepos (archive, filestart);
-/* Open the archive file given an index into the armap. */
-static bfd *
-alpha_ecoff_get_elt_at_index (abfd, index)
- bfd *abfd;
- symindex index;
- carsym *entry;
- entry = bfd_ardata (abfd)->symdefs + index;
- return alpha_ecoff_get_elt_at_filepos (abfd, entry->file_offset);
-/* This is the ECOFF backend structure. The backend field of the
- target vector points to this. */
-static const struct ecoff_backend_data alpha_ecoff_backend_data =
- /* COFF backend structure. */
- {
- (void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *,PTR,int,int,int,int,PTR))) bfd_void, /* aux_in */
- (void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *,PTR,PTR))) bfd_void, /* sym_in */
- (void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *,PTR,PTR))) bfd_void, /* lineno_in */
- (unsigned (*) PARAMS ((bfd *,PTR,int,int,int,int,PTR)))bfd_void,/*aux_out*/
- (unsigned (*) PARAMS ((bfd *,PTR,PTR))) bfd_void, /* sym_out */
- (unsigned (*) PARAMS ((bfd *,PTR,PTR))) bfd_void, /* lineno_out */
- (unsigned (*) PARAMS ((bfd *,PTR,PTR))) bfd_void, /* reloc_out */
- alpha_ecoff_swap_filehdr_out, alpha_ecoff_swap_aouthdr_out,
- alpha_ecoff_swap_scnhdr_out,
- FILHSZ, AOUTSZ, SCNHSZ, 0, 0, 0, 0, true,
- alpha_ecoff_swap_filehdr_in, alpha_ecoff_swap_aouthdr_in,
- alpha_ecoff_swap_scnhdr_in, NULL,
- alpha_ecoff_bad_format_hook, _bfd_ecoff_set_arch_mach_hook,
- alpha_ecoff_mkobject_hook, _bfd_ecoff_styp_to_sec_flags,
- _bfd_ecoff_set_alignment_hook, _bfd_ecoff_slurp_symbol_table,
- },
- /* Supported architecture. */
- bfd_arch_alpha,
- /* Initial portion of armap string. */
- "________64",
- /* The page boundary used to align sections in a demand-paged
- executable file. E.g., 0x1000. */
- 0x2000,
- /* True if the .rdata section is part of the text segment, as on the
- Alpha. False if .rdata is part of the data segment, as on the
- MIPS. */
- true,
- /* Bitsize of constructor entries. */
- 64,
- /* Reloc to use for constructor entries. */
- &alpha_howto_table[ALPHA_R_REFQUAD],
- {
- /* Symbol table magic number. */
- magicSym2,
- /* Alignment of debugging information. E.g., 4. */
- 8,
- /* Sizes of external symbolic information. */
- sizeof (struct hdr_ext),
- sizeof (struct dnr_ext),
- sizeof (struct pdr_ext),
- sizeof (struct sym_ext),
- sizeof (struct opt_ext),
- sizeof (struct fdr_ext),
- sizeof (struct rfd_ext),
- sizeof (struct ext_ext),
- /* Functions to swap in external symbolic data. */
- ecoff_swap_hdr_in,
- ecoff_swap_dnr_in,
- ecoff_swap_pdr_in,
- ecoff_swap_sym_in,
- ecoff_swap_opt_in,
- ecoff_swap_fdr_in,
- ecoff_swap_rfd_in,
- ecoff_swap_ext_in,
- _bfd_ecoff_swap_tir_in,
- _bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_in,
- /* Functions to swap out external symbolic data. */
- ecoff_swap_hdr_out,
- ecoff_swap_dnr_out,
- ecoff_swap_pdr_out,
- ecoff_swap_sym_out,
- ecoff_swap_opt_out,
- ecoff_swap_fdr_out,
- ecoff_swap_rfd_out,
- ecoff_swap_ext_out,
- _bfd_ecoff_swap_tir_out,
- _bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_out,
- /* Function to read in symbolic data. */
- _bfd_ecoff_slurp_symbolic_info
- },
- /* External reloc size. */
- /* Reloc swapping functions. */
- alpha_ecoff_swap_reloc_in,
- alpha_ecoff_swap_reloc_out,
- /* Backend reloc tweaking. */
- alpha_adjust_reloc_in,
- alpha_adjust_reloc_out,
- /* Relocate section contents while linking. */
- alpha_relocate_section,
- /* Do final adjustments to filehdr and aouthdr. */
- alpha_adjust_headers,
- /* Read an element from an archive at a given file position. */
- alpha_ecoff_get_elt_at_filepos
-/* Looking up a reloc type is Alpha specific. */
-#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_reloc_type_lookup alpha_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
-/* So is getting relocated section contents. */
-#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- alpha_ecoff_get_relocated_section_contents
-/* Handling file windows is generic. */
-#define _bfd_ecoff_get_section_contents_in_window \
- _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
-/* Relaxing sections is generic. */
-#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
-const bfd_target ecoffalpha_little_vec =
- "ecoff-littlealpha", /* name */
- bfd_target_ecoff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* data byte order is little */
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* header byte order is little */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- 0, /* leading underscore */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, alpha_ecoff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_ecoff_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, _bfd_ecoff_mkobject, /* bfd_set_format */
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive, bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, _bfd_ecoff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (alpha_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_SYMBOLS (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) &alpha_ecoff_backend_data
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-apollo.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-apollo.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 561b1c7ab62f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-apollo.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Apollo 68000 COFF binaries.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- By Troy Rollo (
- Based on m68k standard COFF version Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "coff/apollo.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-extern reloc_howto_type apollocoff_howto_table[];
-reloc_howto_type apollocoff_howto_table[] =
- HOWTO(R_RELBYTE, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "8", true, 0x000000ff,0x000000ff, false),
- HOWTO(R_RELWORD, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "16", true, 0x0000ffff,0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO(R_RELLONG, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "32", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
- HOWTO(R_PCRBYTE, 0, 0, 8, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0, "DISP8", true, 0x000000ff,0x000000ff, false),
- HOWTO(R_PCRWORD, 0, 1, 16, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0, "DISP16", true, 0x0000ffff,0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO(R_PCRLONG, 0, 2, 32, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0, "DISP32", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
- HOWTO(R_RELLONG_NEG, 0, -2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "-32", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
-#endif /* not ONLY_DECLARE_RELOCS */
-#ifndef BADMAG
-#define BADMAG(x) M68KBADMAG(x)
-#define APOLLO_M68 1 /* Customize coffcode.h */
-/* Turn a howto into a reloc number */
-extern void apollo_rtype2howto PARAMS ((arelent *internal, int relocentry));
-extern int apollo_howto2rtype PARAMS ((reloc_howto_type *));
-apollo_rtype2howto(internal, relocentry)
- arelent *internal;
- int relocentry;
- switch (relocentry)
- {
- case R_RELBYTE: internal->howto = apollocoff_howto_table + 0; break;
- case R_RELWORD: internal->howto = apollocoff_howto_table + 1; break;
- case R_RELLONG: internal->howto = apollocoff_howto_table + 2; break;
- case R_PCRBYTE: internal->howto = apollocoff_howto_table + 3; break;
- case R_PCRWORD: internal->howto = apollocoff_howto_table + 4; break;
- case R_PCRLONG: internal->howto = apollocoff_howto_table + 5; break;
- case R_RELLONG_NEG: internal->howto = apollocoff_howto_table + 6; break;
- }
-apollo_howto2rtype (internal)
- reloc_howto_type *internal;
- if (internal->pc_relative)
- {
- switch (internal->bitsize)
- {
- case 32: return R_PCRLONG;
- case 16: return R_PCRWORD;
- case 8: return R_PCRBYTE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- switch (internal->bitsize)
- {
- case 32: return R_RELLONG;
- case 16: return R_RELWORD;
- case 8: return R_RELBYTE;
- }
- }
- return R_RELLONG;
-#endif /* not ONLY_DECLARE_RELOCS */
-#define RTYPE2HOWTO(internal, relocentry) \
- apollo_rtype2howto(internal, (relocentry)->r_type)
-#define SELECT_RELOC(external, internal) \
- external.r_type = apollo_howto2rtype(internal);
-#include "coffcode.h"
-const bfd_target
-#ifdef TARGET_SYM
- apollocoff_vec =
- "apollo-m68k", /* name */
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* data byte order is big */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* header byte order is big */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- '_',
- 0, /* leading underscore */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, _bfd_generic_mkarchive, /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- };
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-arm.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-arm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bb16b046ae14..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-arm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for ARM COFF files.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "coff/arm.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#ifdef COFF_WITH_PE
-#include "coff/pe.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-aoutarm_fix_pcrel_26_done PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR,
- asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-aoutarm_fix_pcrel_26 PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR,
- asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type coff_arm_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR, asection *, bfd *, char **));
-/* Used by the assembler. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-coff_arm_reloc (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section, output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- symvalue diff;
- if (output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- diff = reloc_entry->addend;
-#define DOIT(x) \
- x = ((x & ~howto->dst_mask) | (((x & howto->src_mask) + diff) & howto->dst_mask))
- if (diff != 0)
- {
- reloc_howto_type *howto = reloc_entry->howto;
- unsigned char *addr = (unsigned char *) data + reloc_entry->address;
- switch (howto->size)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- char x = bfd_get_8 (abfd, addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, x, addr);
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- {
- short x = bfd_get_16 (abfd, addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, x, addr);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- {
- long x = bfd_get_32 (abfd, addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, x, addr);
- }
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- }
- /* Now let bfd_perform_relocation finish everything up. */
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
-#define PCRELOFFSET true
-static reloc_howto_type aoutarm_std_reloc_howto[] =
- /* type rs size bsz pcrel bitpos ovrf sf name part_inpl readmask setmask pcdone */
- HOWTO(0, /* type */
- 0, /* rs */
- 0, /* size */
- 8, /* bsz */
- false, /* pcrel */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* ovf */
- coff_arm_reloc, /* sf */
- "8", /*name */
- true, /* partial */
- 0x000000ff, /*read mask */
- 0x000000ff, /* setmask */
- PCRELOFFSET /* pcdone */),
- HOWTO(1,
- 0,
- 1,
- 16,
- false,
- 0,
- complain_overflow_bitfield,
- coff_arm_reloc,
- "16",
- true,
- 0x0000ffff,
- 0x0000ffff,
- HOWTO( 2,
- 0,
- 2,
- 32,
- false,
- 0,
- complain_overflow_bitfield,
- coff_arm_reloc,
- "32",
- true,
- 0xffffffff,
- 0xffffffff,
- HOWTO( 3,
- 2,
- 2,
- 26,
- true,
- 0,
- complain_overflow_signed,
- aoutarm_fix_pcrel_26 ,
- "ARM26",
- false,
- 0x00ffffff,
- 0x00ffffff,
- HOWTO( 4,
- 0,
- 0,
- 8,
- true,
- 0,
- complain_overflow_signed,
- coff_arm_reloc,
- "DISP8",
- true,
- 0x000000ff,
- 0x000000ff,
- true),
- HOWTO( 5,
- 0,
- 1,
- 16,
- true,
- 0,
- complain_overflow_signed,
- coff_arm_reloc,
- "DISP16",
- true,
- 0x0000ffff,
- 0x0000ffff,
- true),
- HOWTO( 6,
- 0,
- 2,
- 32,
- true,
- 0,
- complain_overflow_signed,
- coff_arm_reloc,
- "DISP32",
- true,
- 0xffffffff,
- 0xffffffff,
- true),
- HOWTO( 7,
- 2,
- 2,
- 26,
- false,
- 0,
- complain_overflow_signed,
- aoutarm_fix_pcrel_26_done,
- "ARM26D",
- true,
- 0x00ffffff,
- 0x00ffffff,
- false),
- {-1},
- HOWTO( 9,
- 0,
- -1,
- 16,
- false,
- 0,
- complain_overflow_bitfield,
- coff_arm_reloc,
- "NEG16",
- true,
- 0x0000ffff,
- 0x0000ffff,
- false),
- HOWTO( 10,
- 0,
- -2,
- 32,
- false,
- 0,
- complain_overflow_bitfield,
- coff_arm_reloc,
- "NEG32",
- true,
- 0xffffffff,
- 0xffffffff,
- false),
- HOWTO( 11,
- 0,
- 2,
- 32,
- false,
- 0,
- complain_overflow_bitfield,
- coff_arm_reloc,
- "rva32",
- true,
- 0xffffffff,
- 0xffffffff,
-#ifdef COFF_WITH_PE
-/* Return true if this relocation should
- appear in the output .reloc section. */
-static boolean in_reloc_p (abfd, howto)
- bfd * abfd;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- return !howto->pc_relative && howto->type != 11;
-#define RTYPE2HOWTO(cache_ptr, dst) \
- (cache_ptr)->howto = aoutarm_std_reloc_howto + (dst)->r_type;
-#define coff_rtype_to_howto coff_arm_rtype_to_howto
-static reloc_howto_type *
-coff_arm_rtype_to_howto (abfd, sec, rel, h, sym, addendp)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- struct internal_reloc *rel;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct internal_syment *sym;
- bfd_vma *addendp;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- howto = aoutarm_std_reloc_howto + rel->r_type;
- if (rel->r_type == 11)
- {
- *addendp -= pe_data(sec->output_section->owner)->pe_opthdr.ImageBase;
- }
- return howto;
-/* Used by the assembler. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-aoutarm_fix_pcrel_26_done (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section,
- output_bfd, error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- /* This is dead simple at present. */
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-/* Used by the assembler. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-aoutarm_fix_pcrel_26 (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section,
- output_bfd, error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_size_type addr = reloc_entry->address;
- long target = bfd_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- bfd_reloc_status_type flag = bfd_reloc_ok;
- /* If this is an undefined symbol, return error */
- if (symbol->section == &bfd_und_section
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_WEAK) == 0)
- return output_bfd ? bfd_reloc_continue : bfd_reloc_undefined;
- /* If the sections are different, and we are doing a partial relocation,
- just ignore it for now. */
- if (symbol->section->name != input_section->name
- && output_bfd != (bfd *)NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- relocation = (target & 0x00ffffff) << 2;
- relocation = (relocation ^ 0x02000000) - 0x02000000; /* Sign extend */
- relocation += symbol->value;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_section->vma;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_offset;
- relocation += reloc_entry->addend;
- relocation -= input_section->output_section->vma;
- relocation -= input_section->output_offset;
- relocation -= addr;
- if (relocation & 3)
- return bfd_reloc_overflow;
- /* Check for overflow */
- if (relocation & 0x02000000)
- {
- if ((relocation & ~0x03ffffff) != ~0x03ffffff)
- flag = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- }
- else if (relocation & ~0x03ffffff)
- flag = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- target &= ~0x00ffffff;
- target |= (relocation >> 2) & 0x00ffffff;
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, target, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- /* Now the ARM magic... Change the reloc type so that it is marked as done.
- Strictly this is only necessary if we are doing a partial relocation. */
- reloc_entry->howto = &aoutarm_std_reloc_howto[7];
- return flag;
-static CONST struct reloc_howto_struct *
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
-#define ASTD(i,j) case i: return &aoutarm_std_reloc_howto[j]
- if (code == BFD_RELOC_CTOR)
- switch (bfd_get_arch_info (abfd)->bits_per_address)
- {
- case 32:
- code = BFD_RELOC_32;
- break;
- default: return (CONST struct reloc_howto_struct *) 0;
- }
- switch (code)
- {
- ASTD (BFD_RELOC_16, 1);
- ASTD (BFD_RELOC_32, 2);
- default: return (CONST struct reloc_howto_struct *) 0;
- }
-#define coff_bfd_reloc_type_lookup arm_reloc_type_lookup
-#define COFF_PAGE_SIZE 0x1000
-/* Turn a howto into a reloc nunmber */
-#define SELECT_RELOC(x,howto) { x.r_type = howto->type; }
-#define BADMAG(x) ARMBADMAG(x)
-#define ARM 1 /* Customize coffcode.h */
-/* We use the special COFF backend linker. */
-#define coff_relocate_section _bfd_coff_generic_relocate_section
-#include "coffcode.h"
-const bfd_target
-armcoff_little_vec =
- "coff-arm-little",
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* data byte order is little */
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* header byte order is little */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- TARGET_UNDERSCORE, /* leading underscore */
- 0, /* leading underscore */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* hdrs */
-/* Note that we allow an object file to be treated as a core file as well. */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, coff_object_p},
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, _bfd_generic_mkarchive, /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
-const bfd_target
-armcoff_big_vec =
- "coff-arm-big",
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* data byte order is big */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* header byte order is big */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- TARGET_UNDERSCORE, /* leading underscore */
- 0, /* leading underscore */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
-/* Note that we allow an object file to be treated as a core file as well. */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, coff_object_p},
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, _bfd_generic_mkarchive, /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-aux.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-aux.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dba9d5c465a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-aux.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Apple M68K COFF A/UX 3.x files.
- Copyright 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Portions written by Richard Henderson <>,
- COMMON symbol munging cribbed from cf-m68klynx.c which was
- written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define TARGET_SYM m68kaux_coff_vec
-#define TARGET_NAME "coff-m68k-aux"
-#ifndef TARG_AUX
-#define TARG_AUX
-/* 4k pages */
-#define COFF_PAGE_SIZE 0x1000
-/* On AUX, a STYP_NOLOAD|STYP_BSS section is part of a shared library. */
-#define _bfd_m68kcoff_howto_table _bfd_m68kaux_howto_table
-#define _bfd_m68kcoff_rtype2howto _bfd_m68kaux_rtype2howto
-#define _bfd_m68kcoff_howto2rtype _bfd_m68kaux_howto2rtype
-#define _bfd_m68kcoff_reloc_type_lookup _bfd_m68kaux_reloc_type_lookup
-/* Rather than change names lots of places, reuse the same hack */
-#define LYNX_SPECIAL_FN _bfd_m68kaux_special_fn
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-struct internal_reloc;
-struct coff_link_hash_entry;
-struct internal_syment;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type _bfd_m68kaux_special_fn
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR, asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static reloc_howto_type *coff_m68k_aux_rtype_to_howto
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, struct internal_reloc *,
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *, struct internal_syment *,
- bfd_vma *));
-static boolean coff_m68k_aux_link_add_one_symbol
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, const char *, flagword,
- asection *, bfd_vma, const char *, boolean, boolean,
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry **));
-#define coff_rtype_to_howto coff_m68k_aux_rtype_to_howto
-#define coff_link_add_one_symbol coff_m68k_aux_link_add_one_symbol
-/* Compute the addend of a reloc. If the reloc is to a common symbol,
- the object file contains the value of the common symbol. By the
- time this is called, the linker may be using a different symbol
- from a different object file with a different value. Therefore, we
- hack wildly to locate the original symbol from this file so that we
- can make the correct adjustment. This macro sets coffsym to the
- symbol from the original file, and uses it to set the addend value
- correctly. If this is not a common symbol, the usual addend
- calculation is done, except that an additional tweak is needed for
- PC relative relocs.
- FIXME: This macro refers to symbols and asect; these are from the
- calling function, not the macro arguments. */
-#define CALC_ADDEND(abfd, ptr, reloc, cache_ptr) \
- { \
- coff_symbol_type *coffsym = (coff_symbol_type *) NULL; \
- if (ptr && bfd_asymbol_bfd (ptr) != abfd) \
- coffsym = (obj_symbols (abfd) \
- + (cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr - symbols)); \
- else if (ptr) \
- coffsym = coff_symbol_from (abfd, ptr); \
- if (coffsym != (coff_symbol_type *) NULL \
- && coffsym->native->u.syment.n_scnum == 0) \
- cache_ptr->addend = - coffsym->native->u.syment.n_value; \
- else if (ptr && bfd_asymbol_bfd (ptr) == abfd \
- && ptr->section != (asection *) NULL) \
- cache_ptr->addend = - (ptr->section->vma + ptr->value); \
- else \
- cache_ptr->addend = 0; \
- if (ptr && (reloc.r_type == R_PCRBYTE \
- || reloc.r_type == R_PCRWORD \
- || reloc.r_type == R_PCRLONG)) \
- cache_ptr->addend += asect->vma; \
- }
-#include "coff/aux-coff.h" /* override coff/internal.h and coff/m68k.h */
-#include "coff-m68k.c"
-/* For some reason when using m68k COFF the value stored in the .text
- section for a reference to a common symbol is the value itself plus
- any desired offset. (taken from work done by Ian Taylor, Cygnus Support,
- for I386 COFF). */
-/* If we are producing relocateable output, we need to do some
- adjustments to the object file that are not done by the
- bfd_perform_relocation function. This function is called by every
- reloc type to make any required adjustments. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-_bfd_m68kaux_special_fn (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section,
- output_bfd, error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- symvalue diff;
- if (output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- {
- /* We are relocating a common symbol. The current value in the
- object file is ORIG + OFFSET, where ORIG is the value of the
- common symbol as seen by the object file when it was compiled
- (this may be zero if the symbol was undefined) and OFFSET is
- the offset into the common symbol (normally zero, but may be
- non-zero when referring to a field in a common structure).
- ORIG is the negative of reloc_entry->addend, which is set by
- the CALC_ADDEND macro below. We want to replace the value in
- the object file with NEW + OFFSET, where NEW is the value of
- the common symbol which we are going to put in the final
- object file. NEW is symbol->value. */
- diff = symbol->value + reloc_entry->addend;
- }
- else
- {
- /* For some reason bfd_perform_relocation always effectively
- ignores the addend for a COFF target when producing
- relocateable output. This seems to be always wrong for 386
- COFF, so we handle the addend here instead. */
- diff = reloc_entry->addend;
- }
-#define DOIT(x) \
- x = ((x & ~howto->dst_mask) | \
- (((x & howto->src_mask) + diff) & howto->dst_mask))
- if (diff != 0)
- {
- reloc_howto_type *howto = reloc_entry->howto;
- unsigned char *addr = (unsigned char *) data + reloc_entry->address;
- switch (howto->size)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- char x = bfd_get_8 (abfd, addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, x, addr);
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- {
- short x = bfd_get_16 (abfd, addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, x, addr);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- {
- long x = bfd_get_32 (abfd, addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, x, addr);
- }
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- }
- /* Now let bfd_perform_relocation finish everything up. */
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
-/* coff-m68k.c uses the special COFF backend linker. We need to
- adjust common symbols. */
-static reloc_howto_type *
-coff_m68k_aux_rtype_to_howto (abfd, sec, rel, h, sym, addendp)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- struct internal_reloc *rel;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct internal_syment *sym;
- bfd_vma *addendp;
- arelent relent;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- RTYPE2HOWTO (&relent, rel);
- howto = relent.howto;
- if (sym != NULL && sym->n_scnum == 0 && sym->n_value != 0)
- {
- /* This is a common symbol. The section contents include the
- size (sym->n_value) as an addend. The relocate_section
- function will be adding in the final value of the symbol. We
- need to subtract out the current size in order to get the
- correct result. */
- *addendp -= sym->n_value;
- }
- /* If the output symbol is common (in which case this must be a
- relocateable link), we need to add in the final size of the
- common symbol. */
- if (h != NULL && h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common)
- *addendp += h->root.u.c.size;
- return howto;
-/* We need non-absolute symbols to override absolute symbols. This
- mirrors Apple's "solution" to let a static library symbol override
- a shared library symbol. On the whole not a good thing, given how
- shared libraries work here, but can work if you are careful with
- what you include in the shared object. */
-coff_m68k_aux_link_add_one_symbol (info, abfd, name, flags, section, value,
- string, copy, collect, hashp)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *abfd;
- const char *name;
- flagword flags;
- asection *section;
- bfd_vma value;
- const char *string;
- boolean copy;
- boolean collect;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry **hashp;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- if ((flags & (BSF_WARNING | BSF_CONSTRUCTOR | BSF_WEAK)) == 0 &&
- !bfd_is_und_section (section) &&
- !bfd_is_com_section (section))
- {
- /* The new symbol is a definition or an indirect definition */
- /* This bit copied from linker.c */
- if (hashp != NULL && *hashp != NULL)
- {
- h = *hashp;
- BFD_ASSERT (strcmp (h->root.string, name) == 0);
- }
- else
- {
- h = bfd_link_hash_lookup (info->hash, name, true, copy, false);
- if (h == NULL)
- {
- if (hashp != NULL)
- *hashp = NULL;
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (info->notice_hash != (struct bfd_hash_table *) NULL
- && (bfd_hash_lookup (info->notice_hash, name, false, false)
- != (struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL))
- {
- if (! (*info->callbacks->notice) (info, name, abfd, section, value))
- return false;
- }
- if (hashp != (struct bfd_link_hash_entry **) NULL)
- *hashp = h;
- /* end duplication from linker.c */
- if (h->type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->type == bfd_link_hash_indirect)
- {
- asection *msec;
- if (h->type == bfd_link_hash_defined)
- msec = h->u.def.section;
- else
- msec = bfd_ind_section_ptr;
- if (bfd_is_abs_section (msec) && !bfd_is_abs_section (section))
- {
- h->u.def.section = section;
- h->u.def.value = value;
- return true;
- }
- else if (bfd_is_abs_section (section) && !bfd_is_abs_section (msec))
- return true;
- }
- }
- /* If we didn't exit early, finish processing in the generic routine */
- return _bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol (info, abfd, name, flags, section,
- value, string, copy, collect,
- hashp);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-go32.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-go32.c
deleted file mode 100644
index be4adb24f529..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-go32.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Intel 386 COFF files (go32 variant).
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by DJ Delorie.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define TARGET_SYM go32coff_vec
-#define TARGET_NAME "coff-go32"
-#include "coff-i386.c"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-h8300.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-h8300.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 48d0d5a213b7..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-h8300.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,650 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Hitachi H8/300 COFF binaries.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Steve Chamberlain, <>.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "genlink.h"
-#include "coff/h8300.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-/* special handling for H8/300 relocs.
- We only come here for pcrel stuff and return normally if not an -r link.
- When doing -r, we can't do any arithmetic for the pcrel stuff, because
- the code in reloc.c assumes that we can manipulate the targets of
- the pcrel branches. This isn't so, since the H8/300 can do relaxing,
- which means that the gap after the instruction may not be enough to
- contain the offset required for the branch, so we have to use the only
- the addend until the final link */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-special (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section, output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- if (output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static reloc_howto_type howto_table[] =
- HOWTO (R_RELBYTE, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, special, "8", false, 0x000000ff, 0x000000ff, false),
- HOWTO (R_RELWORD, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, special, "16", false, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO (R_RELLONG, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, special, "32", false, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, false),
- HOWTO (R_PCRBYTE, 0, 0, 8, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, special, "DISP8", false, 0x000000ff, 0x000000ff, true),
- HOWTO (R_PCRWORD, 0, 1, 16, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, special, "DISP16", false, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, true),
- HOWTO (R_PCRLONG, 0, 2, 32, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, special, "DISP32", false, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, true),
- HOWTO (R_MOVB1, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, special, "16/8", false, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO (R_MOVB2, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, special, "8/16", false, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO (R_JMP1, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, special, "16/pcrel", false, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO (R_JMP2, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, special, "pcrecl/16", false, 0x000000ff, 0x000000ff, false),
- HOWTO (R_JMPL1, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, special, "24/pcrell", false, 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff, false),
- HOWTO (R_JMPL_B8, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, special, "pc8/24", false, 0x000000ff, 0x000000ff, false),
- HOWTO (R_MOVLB1, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,special, "24/8", false, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO (R_MOVLB2, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, special, "8/24", false, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false),
- /* An indirect reference to a function. This causes the function's address
- to be added to the function vector in lo-mem and puts the address of
- the function vector's entry in the jsr instruction. */
- HOWTO (R_MEM_INDIRECT, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, special, "8/indirect", false, 0x000000ff, 0x000000ff, false),
-/* Turn a howto into a reloc number */
-#define SELECT_RELOC(x,howto) \
- { x.r_type = select_reloc(howto); }
-#define BADMAG(x) (H8300BADMAG(x)&& H8300HBADMAG(x))
-#define H8300 1 /* Customize coffcode.h */
-#define __A_MAGIC_SET__
-/* Code to swap in the reloc */
-#define SWAP_IN_RELOC_OFFSET bfd_h_get_32
-#define SWAP_OUT_RELOC_OFFSET bfd_h_put_32
-#define SWAP_OUT_RELOC_EXTRA(abfd, src, dst) \
- dst->r_stuff[0] = 'S'; \
- dst->r_stuff[1] = 'C';
-static int
-select_reloc (howto)
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- return howto->type;
-/* Code to turn a r_type into a howto ptr, uses the above howto table
- */
-static void
-rtype2howto (internal, dst)
- arelent *internal;
- struct internal_reloc *dst;
- switch (dst->r_type)
- {
- case R_RELBYTE:
- internal->howto = howto_table + 0;
- break;
- case R_RELWORD:
- internal->howto = howto_table + 1;
- break;
- case R_RELLONG:
- internal->howto = howto_table + 2;
- break;
- case R_PCRBYTE:
- internal->howto = howto_table + 3;
- break;
- case R_PCRWORD:
- internal->howto = howto_table + 4;
- break;
- case R_PCRLONG:
- internal->howto = howto_table + 5;
- break;
- case R_MOVB1:
- internal->howto = howto_table + 6;
- break;
- case R_MOVB2:
- internal->howto = howto_table + 7;
- break;
- case R_JMP1:
- internal->howto = howto_table + 8;
- break;
- case R_JMP2:
- internal->howto = howto_table + 9;
- break;
- case R_JMPL1:
- internal->howto = howto_table + 10;
- break;
- case R_JMPL_B8:
- internal->howto = howto_table + 11;
- break;
- case R_MOVLB1:
- internal->howto = howto_table + 12;
- break;
- case R_MOVLB2:
- internal->howto = howto_table + 13;
- break;
- internal->howto = howto_table + 14;
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- break;
- }
-#define RTYPE2HOWTO(internal, relocentry) rtype2howto(internal,relocentry)
-/* Perform any necessaru magic to the addend in a reloc entry */
-#define CALC_ADDEND(abfd, symbol, ext_reloc, cache_ptr) \
- cache_ptr->addend = ext_reloc.r_offset;
-#define RELOC_PROCESSING(relent,reloc,symbols,abfd,section) \
- reloc_processing(relent, reloc, symbols, abfd, section)
-static void
-reloc_processing (relent, reloc, symbols, abfd, section)
- arelent * relent;
- struct internal_reloc *reloc;
- asymbol ** symbols;
- bfd * abfd;
- asection * section;
- relent->address = reloc->r_vaddr;
- rtype2howto (relent, reloc);
- if (((int) reloc->r_symndx) > 0)
- {
- relent->sym_ptr_ptr = symbols + obj_convert (abfd)[reloc->r_symndx];
- }
- else
- {
- relent->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- }
- relent->addend = reloc->r_offset;
- relent->address -= section->vma;
- /* relent->section = 0;*/
-static int
-h8300_reloc16_estimate(abfd, input_section, reloc, shrink, link_info)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *input_section;
- arelent *reloc;
- unsigned int shrink;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- bfd_vma value;
- bfd_vma dot;
- bfd_vma gap;
- /* The address of the thing to be relocated will have moved back by
- the size of the shrink - but we don't change reloc->address here,
- since we need it to know where the relocation lives in the source
- uncooked section */
- /* reloc->address -= shrink; conceptual */
- bfd_vma address = reloc->address - shrink;
- switch (reloc->howto->type)
- {
- case R_MOVB2:
- case R_JMP2:
- shrink+=2;
- break;
- /* Thing is a move one byte */
- case R_MOVB1:
- value = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value(reloc, link_info, input_section);
- if (value >= 0xff00)
- {
- /* Change the reloc type from 16bit, possible 8 to 8bit
- possible 16 */
- reloc->howto = reloc->howto + 1;
- /* The place to relc moves back by one */
- /* This will be two bytes smaller in the long run */
- shrink +=2 ;
- bfd_perform_slip(abfd, 2, input_section, address);
- }
- break;
- /* This is the 24 bit branch which could become an 8 bitter,
- the relocation points to the first byte of the insn, not the
- actual data */
- case R_JMPL1:
- value = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value(reloc, link_info, input_section);
- dot = input_section->output_section->vma +
- input_section->output_offset + address;
- /* See if the address we're looking at within 127 bytes of where
- we are, if so then we can use a small branch rather than the
- jump we were going to */
- gap = value - dot ;
- if (-120 < (long)gap && (long)gap < 120 )
- {
- /* Change the reloc type from 24bit, possible 8 to 8bit
- possible 32 */
- reloc->howto = reloc->howto + 1;
- /* This will be two bytes smaller in the long run */
- shrink +=2 ;
- bfd_perform_slip(abfd, 2, input_section, address);
- }
- break;
- case R_JMP1:
- value = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value(reloc, link_info, input_section);
- dot = input_section->output_section->vma +
- input_section->output_offset + address;
- /* See if the address we're looking at within 127 bytes of where
- we are, if so then we can use a small branch rather than the
- jump we were going to */
- gap = value - (dot - shrink);
- if (-120 < (long)gap && (long)gap < 120 )
- {
- /* Change the reloc type from 16bit, possible 8 to 8bit
- possible 16 */
- reloc->howto = reloc->howto + 1;
- /* The place to relc moves back by one */
- /* This will be two bytes smaller in the long run */
- shrink +=2 ;
- bfd_perform_slip(abfd, 2, input_section, address);
- }
- break;
- }
- return shrink;
-/* First phase of a relaxing link */
-/* Reloc types
- large small
- R_MOVB1 R_MOVB2 mov.b with 16bit or 8 bit address
- R_JMP1 R_JMP2 jmp or pcrel branch
- R_JMPL1 R_JMPL_B8 24jmp or pcrel branch
- R_MOVLB1 R_MOVLB2 24 or 8 bit reloc for mov.b
-static void
-h8300_reloc16_extra_cases (abfd, link_info, link_order, reloc, data, src_ptr,
- dst_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- arelent *reloc;
- bfd_byte *data;
- unsigned int *src_ptr;
- unsigned int *dst_ptr;
- unsigned int src_address = *src_ptr;
- unsigned int dst_address = *dst_ptr;
- asection *input_section = link_order->u.indirect.section;
- switch (reloc->howto->type)
- {
- /* A 24 bit branch which could be a 8 bit pcrel, really pointing to
- the byte before the 24bit hole, so we can treat it as a 32bit pointer */
- case R_PCRBYTE:
- {
- bfd_vma dot = link_order->offset
- + dst_address
- + link_order->u.indirect.section->output_section->vma;
- int gap = (bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section)
- - dot);
- if (gap > 127 || gap < -128)
- {
- if (! ((*link_info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (link_info, bfd_asymbol_name (*reloc->sym_ptr_ptr),
- reloc->howto->name, reloc->addend, input_section->owner,
- input_section, reloc->address)))
- abort ();
- }
- gap &= ~1;
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, gap, data + dst_address);
- dst_address++;
- src_address++;
- break;
- }
- case R_PCRWORD:
- {
- bfd_vma dot = link_order->offset
- + dst_address
- + link_order->u.indirect.section->output_section->vma;
- int gap = (bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section)
- - dot) - 1;
- if (gap > 32767 || gap < -32768)
- {
- if (! ((*link_info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (link_info, bfd_asymbol_name (*reloc->sym_ptr_ptr),
- reloc->howto->name, reloc->addend, input_section->owner,
- input_section, reloc->address)))
- abort ();
- }
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, gap, data + dst_address);
- dst_address+=2;
- src_address+=2;
- break;
- }
- case R_MEM_INDIRECT: /* Temporary */
- case R_RELBYTE:
- {
- unsigned int gap = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info,
- input_section);
- if (gap < 0xff
- || (gap >= 0x0000ff00
- && gap <= 0x0000ffff)
- || ( gap >= 0x00ffff00
- && gap <= 0x00ffffff)
- || ( gap >= 0xffffff00
- && gap <= 0xffffffff))
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, gap, data + dst_address);
- dst_address += 1;
- src_address += 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! ((*link_info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (link_info, bfd_asymbol_name (*reloc->sym_ptr_ptr),
- reloc->howto->name, reloc->addend, input_section->owner,
- input_section, reloc->address)))
- abort ();
- }
- }
- break;
- case R_JMP1:
- /* A relword which would have like to have been a pcrel */
- case R_MOVB1:
- /* A relword which would like to have been modified but
- didn't make it */
- case R_RELWORD:
- bfd_put_16 (abfd,
- bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section),
- data + dst_address);
- dst_address += 2;
- src_address += 2;
- break;
- case R_RELLONG:
- bfd_put_32 (abfd,
- bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section),
- data + dst_address);
- dst_address += 4;
- src_address += 4;
- break;
- case R_MOVB2:
- /* Special relaxed type, there will be a gap between where we
- get stuff from and where we put stuff to now
- for a mov.b @aa:16 -> mov.b @aa:8
- opcode 0x6a 0x0y offset
- -> 0x2y off
- */
- if (data[dst_address - 1] != 0x6a)
- abort ();
- switch (data[src_address] & 0xf0)
- {
- case 0x00:
- /* Src is memory */
- data[dst_address - 1] = (data[src_address] & 0xf) | 0x20;
- break;
- case 0x80:
- /* Src is reg */
- data[dst_address - 1] = (data[src_address] & 0xf) | 0x30;
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- /* the offset must fit ! after all, what was all the relaxing
- about ? */
- bfd_put_8 (abfd,
- bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section),
- data + dst_address);
- /* Note the magic - src goes up by two bytes, but dst by only
- one */
- dst_address += 1;
- src_address += 3;
- break;
- case R_JMP2:
- /* Speciial relaxed type */
- {
- bfd_vma dot = link_order->offset
- + dst_address
- + link_order->u.indirect.section->output_section->vma;
- int gap = (bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section)
- - dot - 1);
- if ((gap & ~0xff) != 0 && ((gap & 0xff00) != 0xff00))
- abort ();
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, gap, data + dst_address);
- switch (data[dst_address - 1])
- {
- case 0x5e:
- /* jsr -> bsr */
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, 0x55, data + dst_address - 1);
- break;
- case 0x5a:
- /* jmp ->bra */
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, 0x40, data + dst_address - 1);
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- dst_address++;
- src_address += 3;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case R_JMPL_B8: /* 24 bit branch which is now 8 bits */
- /* Speciial relaxed type */
- {
- bfd_vma dot = link_order->offset
- + dst_address
- + link_order->u.indirect.section->output_section->vma;
- int gap = (bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section)
- - dot - 2);
- if ((gap & ~0xff) != 0 && ((gap & 0xff00) != 0xff00))
- abort ();
- switch (data[src_address])
- {
- case 0x5e:
- /* jsr -> bsr */
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, 0x55, data + dst_address);
- break;
- case 0x5a:
- /* jmp ->bra */
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, 0x40, data + dst_address);
- break;
- default:
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, 0xde, data + dst_address);
- break;
- }
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, gap, data + dst_address + 1);
- dst_address += 2;
- src_address += 4;
- break;
- }
- case R_JMPL1:
- {
- int v = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section);
- int o = bfd_get_32 (abfd, data + src_address);
- v = (v & 0x00ffffff) | (o & 0xff000000);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, v, data + dst_address);
- dst_address += 4;
- src_address += 4;
- }
- break;
- /* A 24 bit mov which could be an 8 bit move, really pointing to
- the byte before the 24bit hole, so we can treat it as a 32bit pointer */
- case R_MOVLB1:
- {
- int v = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section);
- int o = bfd_get_32 (abfd, data + dst_address);
- v = (v & 0x00ffffff) | (o & 0xff000000);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, v, data + dst_address);
- dst_address += 4;
- src_address += 4;
- }
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- break;
- }
- *src_ptr = src_address;
- *dst_ptr = dst_address;
-#define coff_reloc16_extra_cases h8300_reloc16_extra_cases
-#define coff_reloc16_estimate h8300_reloc16_estimate
-#include "coffcode.h"
-#undef coff_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents
-#undef coff_bfd_relax_section
-#define coff_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_coff_reloc16_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define coff_bfd_relax_section bfd_coff_reloc16_relax_section
-const bfd_target h8300coff_vec =
- "coff-h8300", /* name */
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* data byte order is big */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* header byte order is big */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- '_', /* leading char */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, _bfd_generic_mkarchive, /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-h8500.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-h8500.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f416f8fa2825..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-h8500.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Hitachi H8/500 COFF binaries.
- Copyright 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by Cygnus Support.
- Written by Steve Chamberlain, <>.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "coff/h8500.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-static reloc_howto_type r_imm8 =
-HOWTO (R_H8500_IMM8, 0, 1, 8, false, 0,
- complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "r_imm8", true, 0x000000ff, 0x000000ff, false);
-static reloc_howto_type r_imm16 =
-HOWTO (R_H8500_IMM16, 0, 1, 16, false, 0,
- complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "r_imm16", true, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false);
-static reloc_howto_type r_imm24 =
-HOWTO (R_H8500_IMM24, 0, 1, 24, false, 0,
- complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "r_imm24", true, 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff, false);
-static reloc_howto_type r_imm32 =
-HOWTO (R_H8500_IMM32, 0, 1, 32, false, 0,
- complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "r_imm32", true, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, false);
-static reloc_howto_type r_high8 =
-HOWTO (R_H8500_HIGH8, 0, 1, 8, false, 0,
- complain_overflow_dont, 0, "r_high8", true, 0x000000ff, 0x000000ff, false);
-static reloc_howto_type r_low16 =
-HOWTO (R_H8500_LOW16, 0, 1, 16, false, 0,
- complain_overflow_dont, 0, "r_low16", true, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false);
-static reloc_howto_type r_pcrel8 =
-HOWTO (R_H8500_PCREL8, 0, 1, 8, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0, "r_pcrel8", true, 0, 0, true);
-static reloc_howto_type r_pcrel16 =
-HOWTO (R_H8500_PCREL16, 0, 1, 16, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0, "r_pcrel16", true, 0, 0, true);
-static reloc_howto_type r_high16 =
-HOWTO (R_H8500_HIGH16, 0, 1, 8, false, 0,
- complain_overflow_dont, 0, "r_high16", true, 0x000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false);
-/* Turn a howto into a reloc number */
-static int
-coff_h8500_select_reloc (howto)
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- return howto->type;
-#define SELECT_RELOC(x,howto) x.r_type = coff_h8500_select_reloc(howto)
-#define BADMAG(x) H8500BADMAG(x)
-#define H8500 1 /* Customize coffcode.h */
-#define __A_MAGIC_SET__
-/* Code to swap in the reloc */
-#define SWAP_IN_RELOC_OFFSET bfd_h_get_32
-#define SWAP_OUT_RELOC_OFFSET bfd_h_put_32
-#define SWAP_OUT_RELOC_EXTRA(abfd, src, dst) \
- dst->r_stuff[0] = 'S'; \
- dst->r_stuff[1] = 'C';
-/* Code to turn a r_type into a howto ptr, uses the above howto table
- */
-static void
-rtype2howto(internal, dst)
- arelent * internal;
- struct internal_reloc *dst;
- switch (dst->r_type)
- {
- default:
- abort ();
- break;
- case R_H8500_IMM8:
- internal->howto = &r_imm8;
- break;
- case R_H8500_IMM16:
- internal->howto = &r_imm16;
- break;
- case R_H8500_IMM24:
- internal->howto = &r_imm24;
- break;
- case R_H8500_IMM32:
- internal->howto = &r_imm32;
- break;
- case R_H8500_PCREL8:
- internal->howto = &r_pcrel8;
- break;
- case R_H8500_PCREL16:
- internal->howto = &r_pcrel16;
- break;
- case R_H8500_HIGH8:
- internal->howto = &r_high8;
- break;
- case R_H8500_HIGH16:
- internal->howto = &r_high16;
- break;
- case R_H8500_LOW16:
- internal->howto = &r_low16;
- break;
- }
-#define RTYPE2HOWTO(internal, relocentry) rtype2howto(internal,relocentry)
-/* Perform any necessaru magic to the addend in a reloc entry */
-#define CALC_ADDEND(abfd, symbol, ext_reloc, cache_ptr) \
- cache_ptr->addend = ext_reloc.r_offset;
-#define RELOC_PROCESSING(relent,reloc,symbols,abfd,section) \
- reloc_processing(relent, reloc, symbols, abfd, section)
-static void reloc_processing (relent, reloc, symbols, abfd, section)
- arelent * relent;
- struct internal_reloc *reloc;
- asymbol ** symbols;
- bfd * abfd;
- asection * section;
- relent->address = reloc->r_vaddr;
- rtype2howto (relent, reloc);
- if (reloc->r_symndx > 0)
- {
- relent->sym_ptr_ptr = symbols + obj_convert (abfd)[reloc->r_symndx];
- }
- else
- {
- relent->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- }
- relent->addend = reloc->r_offset;
- relent->address -= section->vma;
-static void
-extra_case (in_abfd, link_info, link_order, reloc, data, src_ptr, dst_ptr)
- bfd *in_abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- arelent *reloc;
- bfd_byte *data;
- unsigned int *src_ptr;
- unsigned int *dst_ptr;
- bfd_byte *d = data+*dst_ptr;
- asection *input_section = link_order->u.indirect.section;
- switch (reloc->howto->type)
- {
- case R_H8500_IMM8:
- bfd_put_8 (in_abfd,
- bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section),
- d);
- (*dst_ptr) += 1;
- (*src_ptr) += 1;
- break;
- case R_H8500_HIGH8:
- bfd_put_8 (in_abfd,
- (bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section)
- >> 16),
- d );
- (*dst_ptr) += 1;
- (*src_ptr) += 1;
- break;
- case R_H8500_IMM16:
- bfd_put_16 (in_abfd,
- bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section),
- d );
- (*dst_ptr) += 2;
- (*src_ptr) += 2;
- break;
- case R_H8500_LOW16:
- bfd_put_16 (in_abfd,
- bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section),
- d);
- (*dst_ptr) += 2;
- (*src_ptr) += 2;
- break;
- case R_H8500_HIGH16:
- bfd_put_16 (in_abfd,
- (bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section)
- >>16),
- d);
- (*dst_ptr) += 2;
- (*src_ptr) += 2;
- break;
- case R_H8500_IMM24:
- {
- int v = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value(reloc, link_info, input_section);
- int o = bfd_get_32(in_abfd, data+ *dst_ptr -1);
- v = (v & 0x00ffffff) | (o & 0xff00000);
- bfd_put_32 (in_abfd, v, data + *dst_ptr -1);
- (*dst_ptr) +=3;
- (*src_ptr)+=3;;
- }
- break;
- case R_H8500_IMM32:
- {
- int v = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value(reloc, link_info, input_section);
- bfd_put_32 (in_abfd, v, data + *dst_ptr);
- (*dst_ptr) +=4;
- (*src_ptr)+=4;;
- }
- break;
- case R_H8500_PCREL8:
- {
- bfd_vma dst = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info,
- input_section);
- bfd_vma dot = link_order->offset
- + *dst_ptr
- + link_order->u.indirect.section->output_section->vma;
- int gap = dst - dot - 1; /* -1 since were in the odd byte of the
- word and the pc's been incremented */
- if (gap > 128 || gap < -128)
- {
- if (! ((*link_info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (link_info, bfd_asymbol_name (*reloc->sym_ptr_ptr),
- reloc->howto->name, reloc->addend, input_section->owner,
- input_section, reloc->address)))
- abort ();
- }
- bfd_put_8 (in_abfd, gap, data + *dst_ptr);
- (*dst_ptr)++;
- (*src_ptr)++;
- break;
- }
- case R_H8500_PCREL16:
- {
- bfd_vma dst = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info,
- input_section);
- bfd_vma dot = link_order->offset
- + *dst_ptr
- + link_order->u.indirect.section->output_section->vma;
- int gap = dst - dot - 1; /* -1 since were in the odd byte of the
- word and the pc's been incremented */
- if (gap > 32767 || gap < -32768)
- {
- if (! ((*link_info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (link_info, bfd_asymbol_name (*reloc->sym_ptr_ptr),
- reloc->howto->name, reloc->addend, input_section->owner,
- input_section, reloc->address)))
- abort ();
- }
- bfd_put_16 (in_abfd, gap, data + *dst_ptr);
- (*dst_ptr)+=2;
- (*src_ptr)+=2;
- break;
- }
- default:
- abort ();
- }
-#define coff_reloc16_extra_cases extra_case
-#include "coffcode.h"
-#undef coff_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents
-#undef coff_bfd_relax_section
-#define coff_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_coff_reloc16_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define coff_bfd_relax_section bfd_coff_reloc16_relax_section
-const bfd_target h8500coff_vec =
- "coff-h8500", /* name */
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* data byte order is big */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* header byte order is big */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- '_', /* leading symbol underscore */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, _bfd_generic_mkarchive, /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-i386.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-i386.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d905b53cda83..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-i386.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Intel 386 COFF files.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "coff/i386.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#ifdef COFF_WITH_PE
-#include "coff/pe.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-static bfd_reloc_status_type coff_i386_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR, asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static reloc_howto_type *coff_i386_rtype_to_howto
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, struct internal_reloc *,
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *, struct internal_syment *,
- bfd_vma *));
-/* The page size is a guess based on ELF. */
-#define COFF_PAGE_SIZE 0x1000
-/* For some reason when using i386 COFF the value stored in the .text
- section for a reference to a common symbol is the value itself plus
- any desired offset. Ian Taylor, Cygnus Support. */
-/* If we are producing relocateable output, we need to do some
- adjustments to the object file that are not done by the
- bfd_perform_relocation function. This function is called by every
- reloc type to make any required adjustments. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-coff_i386_reloc (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section, output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- symvalue diff;
- if (output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- {
- /* We are relocating a common symbol. The current value in the
- object file is ORIG + OFFSET, where ORIG is the value of the
- common symbol as seen by the object file when it was compiled
- (this may be zero if the symbol was undefined) and OFFSET is
- the offset into the common symbol (normally zero, but may be
- non-zero when referring to a field in a common structure).
- ORIG is the negative of reloc_entry->addend, which is set by
- the CALC_ADDEND macro below. We want to replace the value in
- the object file with NEW + OFFSET, where NEW is the value of
- the common symbol which we are going to put in the final
- object file. NEW is symbol->value. */
- diff = symbol->value + reloc_entry->addend;
- }
- else
- {
- /* For some reason bfd_perform_relocation always effectively
- ignores the addend for a COFF target when producing
- relocateable output. This seems to be always wrong for 386
- COFF, so we handle the addend here instead. */
- diff = reloc_entry->addend;
- }
-#ifdef COFF_WITH_PE
- if (reloc_entry->howto->type == 7)
- {
-/* diff -= coff_data(output_bfd)->link_info->pe_info.image_base.value;*/
- exit(1);
- }
-#define DOIT(x) \
- x = ((x & ~howto->dst_mask) | (((x & howto->src_mask) + diff) & howto->dst_mask))
- if (diff != 0)
- {
- reloc_howto_type *howto = reloc_entry->howto;
- unsigned char *addr = (unsigned char *) data + reloc_entry->address;
- switch (howto->size)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- char x = bfd_get_8 (abfd, addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, x, addr);
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- {
- short x = bfd_get_16 (abfd, addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, x, addr);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- {
- long x = bfd_get_32 (abfd, addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, x, addr);
- }
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- }
- /* Now let bfd_perform_relocation finish everything up. */
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
-#ifdef COFF_WITH_PE
-/* Return true if this relocation should
- appear in the output .reloc section. */
-static boolean in_reloc_p(abfd, howto)
- bfd * abfd;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- return ! howto->pc_relative && howto->type != R_IMAGEBASE;
-#define PCRELOFFSET false
-static reloc_howto_type howto_table[] =
- {0},
- {1},
- {2},
- {3},
- {4},
- {5},
- HOWTO (R_DIR32, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- coff_i386_reloc, /* special_function */
- "dir32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* {7}, */
- HOWTO (R_IMAGEBASE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- coff_i386_reloc, /* special_function */
- "rva32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- {010},
- {011},
- {012},
- {013},
- {014},
- {015},
- {016},
- HOWTO (R_RELBYTE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 8, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- coff_i386_reloc, /* special_function */
- "8", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x000000ff, /* src_mask */
- 0x000000ff, /* dst_mask */
- PCRELOFFSET), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_RELWORD, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- coff_i386_reloc, /* special_function */
- "16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x0000ffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x0000ffff, /* dst_mask */
- PCRELOFFSET), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_RELLONG, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- coff_i386_reloc, /* special_function */
- "32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- PCRELOFFSET), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_PCRBYTE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 8, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- coff_i386_reloc, /* special_function */
- "DISP8", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x000000ff, /* src_mask */
- 0x000000ff, /* dst_mask */
- PCRELOFFSET), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_PCRWORD, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- coff_i386_reloc, /* special_function */
- "DISP16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x0000ffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x0000ffff, /* dst_mask */
- PCRELOFFSET), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_PCRLONG, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- coff_i386_reloc, /* special_function */
- "DISP32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- PCRELOFFSET) /* pcrel_offset */
-/* Turn a howto into a reloc nunmber */
-#define SELECT_RELOC(x,howto) { x.r_type = howto->type; }
-#define BADMAG(x) I386BADMAG(x)
-#define I386 1 /* Customize coffcode.h */
-#define RTYPE2HOWTO(cache_ptr, dst) \
- (cache_ptr)->howto = howto_table + (dst)->r_type;
-/* For 386 COFF a STYP_NOLOAD | STYP_BSS section is part of a shared
- library. On some other COFF targets STYP_BSS is normally
-/* Compute the addend of a reloc. If the reloc is to a common symbol,
- the object file contains the value of the common symbol. By the
- time this is called, the linker may be using a different symbol
- from a different object file with a different value. Therefore, we
- hack wildly to locate the original symbol from this file so that we
- can make the correct adjustment. This macro sets coffsym to the
- symbol from the original file, and uses it to set the addend value
- correctly. If this is not a common symbol, the usual addend
- calculation is done, except that an additional tweak is needed for
- PC relative relocs.
- FIXME: This macro refers to symbols and asect; these are from the
- calling function, not the macro arguments. */
-#define CALC_ADDEND(abfd, ptr, reloc, cache_ptr) \
- { \
- coff_symbol_type *coffsym = (coff_symbol_type *) NULL; \
- if (ptr && bfd_asymbol_bfd (ptr) != abfd) \
- coffsym = (obj_symbols (abfd) \
- + (cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr - symbols)); \
- else if (ptr) \
- coffsym = coff_symbol_from (abfd, ptr); \
- if (coffsym != (coff_symbol_type *) NULL \
- && coffsym->native->u.syment.n_scnum == 0) \
- cache_ptr->addend = - coffsym->native->u.syment.n_value; \
- else if (ptr && bfd_asymbol_bfd (ptr) == abfd \
- && ptr->section != (asection *) NULL) \
- cache_ptr->addend = - (ptr->section->vma + ptr->value); \
- else \
- cache_ptr->addend = 0; \
- if (ptr && howto_table[reloc.r_type].pc_relative) \
- cache_ptr->addend += asect->vma; \
- }
-/* We use the special COFF backend linker. */
-#define coff_relocate_section _bfd_coff_generic_relocate_section
-static reloc_howto_type *
-coff_i386_rtype_to_howto (abfd, sec, rel, h, sym, addendp)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- struct internal_reloc *rel;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct internal_syment *sym;
- bfd_vma *addendp;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- howto = howto_table + rel->r_type;
-#ifdef COFF_WITH_PE
- *addendp = 0;
- if (howto->pc_relative)
- *addendp += sec->vma;
- if (sym != NULL && sym->n_scnum == 0 && sym->n_value != 0)
- {
- /* This is a common symbol. The section contents include the
- size (sym->n_value) as an addend. The relocate_section
- function will be adding in the final value of the symbol. We
- need to subtract out the current size in order to get the
- correct result. */
-#ifndef COFF_WITH_PE
- /* I think we *do* want to bypass this. If we don't, I have seen some data
- parameters get the wrong relcation address. If I link two versions
- with and without this section bypassed and then do a binary comparison,
- the addresses which are different can be looked up in the map. The
- case in which this section has been bypassed has addresses which correspond
- to values I can find in the map */
- *addendp -= sym->n_value;
- }
- /* If the output symbol is common (in which case this must be a
- relocateable link), we need to add in the final size of the
- common symbol. */
- if (h != NULL && h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common)
- *addendp += h->root.u.c.size;
-#ifdef COFF_WITH_PE
- if (howto->pc_relative)
- *addendp -= 4;
- if (rel->r_type == R_IMAGEBASE)
- {
- *addendp -= pe_data(sec->output_section->owner)->pe_opthdr.ImageBase;
- }
- return howto;
-#define coff_bfd_reloc_type_lookup coff_i386_reloc_type_lookup
-static reloc_howto_type *
-coff_i386_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- switch (code)
- {
- return howto_table +R_IMAGEBASE;
- case BFD_RELOC_32:
- return howto_table + R_DIR32;
- case BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL:
- return howto_table + R_PCRLONG;
- default:
- BFD_FAIL ();
- return 0;
- }
-#define coff_rtype_to_howto coff_i386_rtype_to_howto
-#include "coffcode.h"
-static const bfd_target *
- bfd *a;
- return coff_object_p(a);
-const bfd_target
-#ifdef TARGET_SYM
- i386coff_vec =
- "coff-i386", /* name */
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* data byte order is little */
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* header byte order is little */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- TARGET_UNDERSCORE, /* leading underscore */
- 0, /* leading underscore */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* hdrs */
-/* Note that we allow an object file to be treated as a core file as well. */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, i3coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, i3coff_object_p},
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, _bfd_generic_mkarchive, /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-i860.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-i860.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9605cdf0b852..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-i860.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Intel 860 COFF files.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Created mostly by substituting "860" for "386" in coff-i386.c
- Harry Dolan <>, October 1995
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "coff/i860.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-static bfd_reloc_status_type coff_i860_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR, asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static reloc_howto_type *coff_i860_rtype_to_howto
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, struct internal_reloc *,
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *, struct internal_syment *,
- bfd_vma *));
-/* The page size is a guess based on ELF. */
-#define COFF_PAGE_SIZE 0x1000
-/* For some reason when using i860 COFF the value stored in the .text
- section for a reference to a common symbol is the value itself plus
- any desired offset. Ian Taylor, Cygnus Support. */
-/* If we are producing relocateable output, we need to do some
- adjustments to the object file that are not done by the
- bfd_perform_relocation function. This function is called by every
- reloc type to make any required adjustments. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-coff_i860_reloc (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section, output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- symvalue diff;
- if (output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- {
- /* We are relocating a common symbol. The current value in the
- object file is ORIG + OFFSET, where ORIG is the value of the
- common symbol as seen by the object file when it was compiled
- (this may be zero if the symbol was undefined) and OFFSET is
- the offset into the common symbol (normally zero, but may be
- non-zero when referring to a field in a common structure).
- ORIG is the negative of reloc_entry->addend, which is set by
- the CALC_ADDEND macro below. We want to replace the value in
- the object file with NEW + OFFSET, where NEW is the value of
- the common symbol which we are going to put in the final
- object file. NEW is symbol->value. */
- diff = symbol->value + reloc_entry->addend;
- }
- else
- {
- /* For some reason bfd_perform_relocation always effectively
- ignores the addend for a COFF target when producing
- relocateable output. This seems to be always wrong for 860
- COFF, so we handle the addend here instead. */
- diff = reloc_entry->addend;
- }
-#define DOIT(x) \
- x = ((x & ~howto->dst_mask) | (((x & howto->src_mask) + diff) & howto->dst_mask))
- if (diff != 0)
- {
- reloc_howto_type *howto = reloc_entry->howto;
- unsigned char *addr = (unsigned char *) data + reloc_entry->address;
- switch (howto->size)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- char x = bfd_get_8 (abfd, addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, x, addr);
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- {
- short x = bfd_get_16 (abfd, addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, x, addr);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- {
- long x = bfd_get_32 (abfd, addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, x, addr);
- }
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- }
- /* Now let bfd_perform_relocation finish everything up. */
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
-#define PCRELOFFSET false
-static reloc_howto_type howto_table[] =
- {0},
- {1},
- {2},
- {3},
- {4},
- {5},
- HOWTO (R_DIR32, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- coff_i860_reloc, /* special_function */
- "dir32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* {7}, */
- HOWTO (R_IMAGEBASE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- coff_i860_reloc, /* special_function */
- "rva32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- {010},
- {011},
- {012},
- {013},
- {014},
- {015},
- {016},
- HOWTO (R_RELBYTE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 8, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- coff_i860_reloc, /* special_function */
- "8", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x000000ff, /* src_mask */
- 0x000000ff, /* dst_mask */
- PCRELOFFSET), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_RELWORD, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- coff_i860_reloc, /* special_function */
- "16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x0000ffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x0000ffff, /* dst_mask */
- PCRELOFFSET), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_RELLONG, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- coff_i860_reloc, /* special_function */
- "32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- PCRELOFFSET), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_PCRBYTE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 8, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- coff_i860_reloc, /* special_function */
- "DISP8", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x000000ff, /* src_mask */
- 0x000000ff, /* dst_mask */
- PCRELOFFSET), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_PCRWORD, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- coff_i860_reloc, /* special_function */
- "DISP16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x0000ffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x0000ffff, /* dst_mask */
- PCRELOFFSET), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_PCRLONG, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- coff_i860_reloc, /* special_function */
- "DISP32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- PCRELOFFSET) /* pcrel_offset */
-/* Turn a howto into a reloc nunmber */
-#define SELECT_RELOC(x,howto) { x.r_type = howto->type; }
-#define BADMAG(x) I860BADMAG(x)
-#define I860 1 /* Customize coffcode.h */
-#define RTYPE2HOWTO(cache_ptr, dst) \
- (cache_ptr)->howto = howto_table + (dst)->r_type;
-/* For 860 COFF a STYP_NOLOAD | STYP_BSS section is part of a shared
- library. On some other COFF targets STYP_BSS is normally
-/* Compute the addend of a reloc. If the reloc is to a common symbol,
- the object file contains the value of the common symbol. By the
- time this is called, the linker may be using a different symbol
- from a different object file with a different value. Therefore, we
- hack wildly to locate the original symbol from this file so that we
- can make the correct adjustment. This macro sets coffsym to the
- symbol from the original file, and uses it to set the addend value
- correctly. If this is not a common symbol, the usual addend
- calculation is done, except that an additional tweak is needed for
- PC relative relocs.
- FIXME: This macro refers to symbols and asect; these are from the
- calling function, not the macro arguments. */
-#define CALC_ADDEND(abfd, ptr, reloc, cache_ptr) \
- { \
- coff_symbol_type *coffsym = (coff_symbol_type *) NULL; \
- if (ptr && bfd_asymbol_bfd (ptr) != abfd) \
- coffsym = (obj_symbols (abfd) \
- + (cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr - symbols)); \
- else if (ptr) \
- coffsym = coff_symbol_from (abfd, ptr); \
- if (coffsym != (coff_symbol_type *) NULL \
- && coffsym->native->u.syment.n_scnum == 0) \
- cache_ptr->addend = - coffsym->native->u.syment.n_value; \
- else if (ptr && bfd_asymbol_bfd (ptr) == abfd \
- && ptr->section != (asection *) NULL) \
- cache_ptr->addend = - (ptr->section->vma + ptr->value); \
- else \
- cache_ptr->addend = 0; \
- if (ptr && howto_table[reloc.r_type].pc_relative) \
- cache_ptr->addend += asect->vma; \
- }
-/* We use the special COFF backend linker. */
-#define coff_relocate_section _bfd_coff_generic_relocate_section
-static reloc_howto_type *
-coff_i860_rtype_to_howto (abfd, sec, rel, h, sym, addendp)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- struct internal_reloc *rel;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct internal_syment *sym;
- bfd_vma *addendp;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- howto = howto_table + rel->r_type;
- if (howto->pc_relative)
- *addendp += sec->vma;
- if (sym != NULL && sym->n_scnum == 0 && sym->n_value != 0)
- {
- /* This is a common symbol. The section contents include the
- size (sym->n_value) as an addend. The relocate_section
- function will be adding in the final value of the symbol. We
- need to subtract out the current size in order to get the
- correct result. */
- /* I think we *do* want to bypass this. If we don't, I have seen some data
- parameters get the wrong relcation address. If I link two versions
- with and without this section bypassed and then do a binary comparison,
- the addresses which are different can be looked up in the map. The
- case in which this section has been bypassed has addresses which correspond
- to values I can find in the map */
- *addendp -= sym->n_value;
- }
- /* If the output symbol is common (in which case this must be a
- relocateable link), we need to add in the final size of the
- common symbol. */
- if (h != NULL && h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common)
- *addendp += h->root.u.c.size;
- return howto;
-#define coff_rtype_to_howto coff_i860_rtype_to_howto
-#include "coffcode.h"
-static const bfd_target *
- bfd *a;
- return coff_object_p(a);
-const bfd_target
-#ifdef TARGET_SYM
- i860coff_vec =
- "coff-i860", /* name */
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* data byte order is little */
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* header byte order is little */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- '_', /* leading underscore */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* hdrs */
-/* Note that we allow an object file to be treated as a core file as well. */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, i3coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, i3coff_object_p},
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, _bfd_generic_mkarchive, /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-i960.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-i960.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ed30125f0fa4..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-i960.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,683 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Intel 960 COFF files.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define I960 1
-#define BADMAG(x) I960BADMAG(x)
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "coff/i960.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "libcoff.h" /* to allow easier abstraction-breaking */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type optcall_callback
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR, asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type coff_i960_relocate
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR, asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static reloc_howto_type *coff_i960_reloc_type_lookup
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_reloc_code_real_type));
-static boolean coff_i960_start_final_link
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean coff_i960_relocate_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *,
- struct internal_reloc *, struct internal_syment *, asection **));
-static boolean coff_i960_adjust_symndx
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *,
- struct internal_reloc *, boolean *));
-/* The i960 does not support an MMU, so COFF_PAGE_SIZE can be
- arbitrarily small. */
-#define COFF_PAGE_SIZE 1
-/* This is just like the usual CALC_ADDEND, but it includes the
- section VMA for PC relative relocs. */
-#ifndef CALC_ADDEND
-#define CALC_ADDEND(abfd, ptr, reloc, cache_ptr) \
- { \
- coff_symbol_type *coffsym = (coff_symbol_type *) NULL; \
- if (ptr && bfd_asymbol_bfd (ptr) != abfd) \
- coffsym = (obj_symbols (abfd) \
- + (cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr - symbols)); \
- else if (ptr) \
- coffsym = coff_symbol_from (abfd, ptr); \
- if (coffsym != (coff_symbol_type *) NULL \
- && coffsym->native->u.syment.n_scnum == 0) \
- cache_ptr->addend = 0; \
- else if (ptr && bfd_asymbol_bfd (ptr) == abfd \
- && ptr->section != (asection *) NULL) \
- cache_ptr->addend = - (ptr->section->vma + ptr->value); \
- else \
- cache_ptr->addend = 0; \
- if (ptr && (reloc.r_type == 25 || reloc.r_type == 27)) \
- cache_ptr->addend += asect->vma; \
- }
-#define CALLS 0x66003800 /* Template for 'calls' instruction */
-#define BAL 0x0b000000 /* Template for 'bal' instruction */
-#define BAL_MASK 0x00ffffff
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-optcall_callback (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol_in, data,
- input_section, ignore_bfd, error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol_in;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *ignore_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- /* This item has already been relocated correctly, but we may be
- * able to patch in yet better code - done by digging out the
- * correct info on this symbol */
- bfd_reloc_status_type result;
- coff_symbol_type *cs = coffsymbol(symbol_in);
- /* Don't do anything with symbols which aren't tied up yet,
- except move the reloc. */
- if (bfd_is_und_section (cs->symbol.section)) {
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- /* So the target symbol has to be of coff type, and the symbol
- has to have the correct native information within it */
- if ((bfd_asymbol_flavour(&cs->symbol) != bfd_target_coff_flavour)
- || (cs->native == (combined_entry_type *)NULL))
- {
- /* This is interesting, consider the case where we're outputting coff
- from a mix n match input, linking from coff to a symbol defined in a
- bout file will cause this match to be true. Should I complain? This
- will only work if the bout symbol is non leaf. */
- *error_message =
- (char *) "uncertain calling convention for non-COFF symbol";
- result = bfd_reloc_dangerous;
- }
- else
- {
- switch (cs->native->u.syment.n_sclass)
- {
- case C_LEAFSTAT:
- case C_LEAFEXT:
- /* This is a call to a leaf procedure, replace instruction with a bal
- to the correct location. */
- {
- union internal_auxent *aux = &((cs->native+2)->u.auxent);
- int word = bfd_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *)data + reloc_entry->address);
- int olf = (aux->x_bal.x_balntry - cs->native->u.syment.n_value);
- BFD_ASSERT(cs->native->u.syment.n_numaux==2);
- /* We replace the original call instruction with a bal to
- the bal entry point - the offset of which is described in
- the 2nd auxent of the original symbol. We keep the native
- sym and auxents untouched, so the delta between the two
- is the offset of the bal entry point. */
- word = ((word + olf) & BAL_MASK) | BAL;
- bfd_put_32(abfd, word, (bfd_byte *) data + reloc_entry->address);
- }
- result = bfd_reloc_ok;
- break;
- case C_SCALL:
- /* This is a call to a system call, replace with a calls to # */
- result = bfd_reloc_ok;
- break;
- default:
- result = bfd_reloc_ok;
- break;
- }
- }
- return result;
-/* i960 COFF is used by VxWorks 5.1. However, VxWorks 5.1 does not
- appear to correctly handle a reloc against a symbol defined in the
- same object file. It appears to simply discard such relocs, rather
- than adding their values into the object file. We handle this here
- by converting all relocs against defined symbols into relocs
- against the section symbol, when generating a relocateable output
- file.
- Note that this function is only called if we are not using the COFF
- specific backend linker. It only does something when doing a
- relocateable link, which will almost certainly fail when not
- generating COFF i960 output, so this function is actually no longer
- useful. It was used before this target was converted to use the
- COFF specific backend linker. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-coff_i960_relocate (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section,
- output_bfd, error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- asection *osec;
- if (output_bfd == NULL)
- {
- /* Not generating relocateable output file. */
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- }
- if (bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (symbol)))
- {
- /* Symbol is not defined, so no need to worry about it. */
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- }
- if (bfd_is_com_section (bfd_get_section (symbol)))
- {
- /* I don't really know what the right action is for a common
- symbol. */
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- }
- /* Convert the reloc to use the section symbol. FIXME: This method
- is ridiculous. */
- osec = bfd_get_section (symbol)->output_section;
- if (coff_section_data (output_bfd, osec) != NULL
- && coff_section_data (output_bfd, osec)->tdata != NULL)
- reloc_entry->sym_ptr_ptr =
- (asymbol **) coff_section_data (output_bfd, osec)->tdata;
- else
- {
- const char *sec_name;
- asymbol **syms, **sym_end;
- sec_name = bfd_get_section_name (output_bfd, osec);
- syms = bfd_get_outsymbols (output_bfd);
- sym_end = syms + bfd_get_symcount (output_bfd);
- for (; syms < sym_end; syms++)
- {
- if (bfd_asymbol_name (*syms) != NULL
- && (*syms)->value == 0
- && strcmp ((*syms)->section->output_section->name,
- sec_name) == 0)
- break;
- }
- if (syms >= sym_end)
- abort ();
- reloc_entry->sym_ptr_ptr = syms;
- if (coff_section_data (output_bfd, osec) == NULL)
- {
- osec->used_by_bfd =
- ((PTR) bfd_zalloc (abfd,
- sizeof (struct coff_section_tdata)));
- if (osec->used_by_bfd == NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_overflow;
- }
- coff_section_data (output_bfd, osec)->tdata = (PTR) syms;
- }
- /* Let bfd_perform_relocation do its thing, which will include
- stuffing the symbol addend into the object file. */
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
-static reloc_howto_type howto_rellong =
- HOWTO ((unsigned int) R_RELLONG, 0, 2, 32,false, 0,
- complain_overflow_bitfield, coff_i960_relocate,"rellong", true,
- 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0);
-static reloc_howto_type howto_iprmed =
- HOWTO (R_IPRMED, 0, 2, 24,true,0, complain_overflow_signed,
- coff_i960_relocate, "iprmed ", true, 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff, 0);
-static reloc_howto_type howto_optcall =
- HOWTO (R_OPTCALL, 0,2,24,true,0, complain_overflow_signed,
- optcall_callback, "optcall", true, 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff, 0);
-static reloc_howto_type *
-coff_i960_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- switch (code)
- {
- default:
- return 0;
- case BFD_RELOC_I960_CALLJ:
- return &howto_optcall;
- case BFD_RELOC_32:
- return &howto_rellong;
- case BFD_RELOC_24_PCREL:
- return &howto_iprmed;
- }
-/* The real code is in coffcode.h */
-#define RTYPE2HOWTO(cache_ptr, dst) \
-{ \
- reloc_howto_type *howto_ptr; \
- switch ((dst)->r_type) { \
- case 17: howto_ptr = &howto_rellong; break; \
- case 25: howto_ptr = &howto_iprmed; break; \
- case 27: howto_ptr = &howto_optcall; break; \
- default: howto_ptr = 0; break; \
- } \
- (cache_ptr)->howto = howto_ptr; \
- }
-/* i960 COFF is used by VxWorks 5.1. However, VxWorks 5.1 does not
- appear to correctly handle a reloc against a symbol defined in the
- same object file. It appears to simply discard such relocs, rather
- than adding their values into the object file. We handle this by
- converting all relocs against global symbols into relocs against
- internal symbols at the start of the section. This routine is
- called at the start of the linking process, and it creates the
- necessary symbols. */
-static boolean
-coff_i960_start_final_link (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd_size_type symesz = bfd_coff_symesz (abfd);
- asection *o;
- bfd_byte *esym;
- if (! info->relocateable)
- return true;
- esym = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (symesz);
- if (esym == NULL)
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, obj_sym_filepos (abfd), SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- struct internal_syment isym;
- strncpy (isym._n._n_name, o->name, SYMNMLEN);
- isym.n_value = 0;
- isym.n_scnum = o->target_index;
- isym.n_type = T_NULL;
- isym.n_sclass = C_STAT;
- isym.n_numaux = 0;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (abfd, (PTR) &isym, (PTR) esym);
- if (bfd_write (esym, symesz, 1, abfd) != symesz)
- {
- free (esym);
- return false;
- }
- obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) += 1;
- }
- free (esym);
- return true;
-/* The reloc processing routine for the optimized COFF linker. */
-static boolean
-coff_i960_relocate_section (output_bfd, info, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, relocs, syms, sections)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- struct internal_reloc *relocs;
- struct internal_syment *syms;
- asection **sections;
- struct internal_reloc *rel;
- struct internal_reloc *relend;
- rel = relocs;
- relend = rel + input_section->reloc_count;
- for (; rel < relend; rel++)
- {
- long symndx;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct internal_syment *sym;
- bfd_vma addend;
- bfd_vma val;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- bfd_reloc_status_type rstat = bfd_reloc_ok;
- boolean done;
- symndx = rel->r_symndx;
- if (symndx == -1)
- {
- h = NULL;
- sym = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- h = obj_coff_sym_hashes (input_bfd)[symndx];
- sym = syms + symndx;
- }
- if (sym != NULL && sym->n_scnum != 0)
- addend = - sym->n_value;
- else
- addend = 0;
- switch (rel->r_type)
- {
- case 17: howto = &howto_rellong; break;
- case 25: howto = &howto_iprmed; break;
- case 27: howto = &howto_optcall; break;
- default:
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- val = 0;
- if (h == NULL)
- {
- asection *sec;
- if (symndx == -1)
- {
- sec = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- val = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- sec = sections[symndx];
- val = (sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset
- + sym->n_value
- - sec->vma);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- asection *sec;
- sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- val = (h->root.u.def.value
- + sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset);
- }
- else if (! info->relocateable)
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (info, h->root.root.string, input_bfd, input_section,
- rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- }
- }
- done = false;
- if (howto->type == R_OPTCALL && ! info->relocateable && symndx != -1)
- {
- int class;
- if (h != NULL)
- class = h->class;
- else
- class = sym->n_sclass;
- switch (class)
- {
- case C_NULL:
- /* This symbol is apparently not from a COFF input file.
- We warn, and then assume that it is not a leaf
- function. */
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
- (info,
- "uncertain calling convention for non-COFF symbol",
- input_bfd, input_section,
- rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- break;
- case C_LEAFSTAT:
- case C_LEAFEXT:
- /* This is a call to a leaf procedure; use the bal
- instruction. */
- {
- long olf;
- unsigned long word;
- if (h != NULL)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (h->numaux == 2);
- olf = h->aux[1].x_bal.x_balntry;
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_byte *esyms;
- union internal_auxent aux;
- BFD_ASSERT (sym->n_numaux == 2);
- esyms = (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (input_bfd);
- esyms += (symndx + 2) * bfd_coff_symesz (input_bfd);
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_in (input_bfd, (PTR) esyms, sym->n_type,
- sym->n_sclass, 1, sym->n_numaux,
- (PTR) &aux);
- olf = aux.x_bal.x_balntry;
- }
- word = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd,
- (contents
- + (rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma)));
- word = ((word + olf - val) & BAL_MASK) | BAL;
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd,
- word,
- (contents
- + (rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma)));
- done = true;
- }
- break;
- case C_SCALL:
- break;
- }
- }
- if (! done)
- {
- if (howto->pc_relative)
- addend += input_section->vma;
- rstat = _bfd_final_link_relocate (howto, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents,
- rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma,
- val, addend);
- }
- switch (rstat)
- {
- default:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_ok:
- break;
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- {
- const char *name;
- char buf[SYMNMLEN + 1];
- if (symndx == -1)
- name = "*ABS*";
- else if (h != NULL)
- name = h->root.root.string;
- else
- {
- name = _bfd_coff_internal_syment_name (input_bfd, sym, buf);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- }
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (info, name, howto->name, (bfd_vma) 0, input_bfd,
- input_section, rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Adjust the symbol index of any reloc against a global symbol to
- instead be a reloc against the internal symbol we created specially
- for the section. */
-static boolean
-coff_i960_adjust_symndx (obfd, info, ibfd, sec, irel, adjustedp)
- bfd *obfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *ibfd;
- asection *sec;
- struct internal_reloc *irel;
- boolean *adjustedp;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- *adjustedp = false;
- h = obj_coff_sym_hashes (ibfd)[irel->r_symndx];
- if (h == NULL
- || (h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined
- && h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak))
- return true;
- irel->r_symndx = h->root.u.def.section->output_section->target_index - 1;
- *adjustedp = true;
- return true;
-#define coff_start_final_link coff_i960_start_final_link
-#define coff_relocate_section coff_i960_relocate_section
-#define coff_adjust_symndx coff_i960_adjust_symndx
-#define coff_bfd_reloc_type_lookup coff_i960_reloc_type_lookup
-#include "coffcode.h"
-const bfd_target icoff_little_vec =
- "coff-Intel-little", /* name */
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* data byte order is little */
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* header byte order is little */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- '_', /* leading underscore */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, /* bfd_set_format */
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive, bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
-const bfd_target icoff_big_vec =
- "coff-Intel-big", /* name */
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* data byte order is little */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* header byte order is big */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- '_', /* leading underscore */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
-bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
-bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, /* bfd_set_format */
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive, bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-m68k.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-m68k.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 77fb45b6d640..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-m68k.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Motorola 68000 COFF binaries.
- Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "coff/m68k.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-#define LYNX_SPECIAL_FN 0
-/* The page size is a guess based on ELF. */
-#define COFF_PAGE_SIZE 0x2000
-/* Clean up namespace. */
-#define m68kcoff_howto_table _bfd_m68kcoff_howto_table
-#define m68k_rtype2howto _bfd_m68kcoff_rtype2howto
-#define m68k_howto2rtype _bfd_m68kcoff_howto2rtype
-#define m68k_reloc_type_lookup _bfd_m68kcoff_reloc_type_lookup
-extern reloc_howto_type m68kcoff_howto_table[];
-reloc_howto_type m68kcoff_howto_table[] =
- HOWTO(R_RELBYTE, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, LYNX_SPECIAL_FN, "8", true, 0x000000ff,0x000000ff, false),
- HOWTO(R_RELWORD, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, LYNX_SPECIAL_FN, "16", true, 0x0000ffff,0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO(R_RELLONG, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, LYNX_SPECIAL_FN, "32", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
- HOWTO(R_PCRBYTE, 0, 0, 8, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, LYNX_SPECIAL_FN, "DISP8", true, 0x000000ff,0x000000ff, false),
- HOWTO(R_PCRWORD, 0, 1, 16, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, LYNX_SPECIAL_FN, "DISP16", true, 0x0000ffff,0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO(R_PCRLONG, 0, 2, 32, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, LYNX_SPECIAL_FN, "DISP32", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
- HOWTO(R_RELLONG_NEG, 0, -2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, LYNX_SPECIAL_FN, "-32", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
-#endif /* not ONLY_DECLARE_RELOCS */
-#ifndef BADMAG
-#define BADMAG(x) M68KBADMAG(x)
-#define M68 1 /* Customize coffcode.h */
-/* Turn a howto into a reloc number */
-extern void m68k_rtype2howto PARAMS ((arelent *internal, int relocentry));
-extern int m68k_howto2rtype PARAMS ((reloc_howto_type *));
-extern reloc_howto_type *m68k_reloc_type_lookup
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_reloc_code_real_type));
-m68k_rtype2howto(internal, relocentry)
- arelent *internal;
- int relocentry;
- switch (relocentry)
- {
- case R_RELBYTE: internal->howto = m68kcoff_howto_table + 0; break;
- case R_RELWORD: internal->howto = m68kcoff_howto_table + 1; break;
- case R_RELLONG: internal->howto = m68kcoff_howto_table + 2; break;
- case R_PCRBYTE: internal->howto = m68kcoff_howto_table + 3; break;
- case R_PCRWORD: internal->howto = m68kcoff_howto_table + 4; break;
- case R_PCRLONG: internal->howto = m68kcoff_howto_table + 5; break;
- case R_RELLONG_NEG: internal->howto = m68kcoff_howto_table + 6; break;
- }
-m68k_howto2rtype (internal)
- reloc_howto_type *internal;
- if (internal->pc_relative)
- {
- switch (internal->bitsize)
- {
- case 32: return R_PCRLONG;
- case 16: return R_PCRWORD;
- case 8: return R_PCRBYTE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- switch (internal->bitsize)
- {
- case 32: return R_RELLONG;
- case 16: return R_RELWORD;
- case 8: return R_RELBYTE;
- }
- }
- return R_RELLONG;
-reloc_howto_type *
-m68k_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- switch (code)
- {
- default: return NULL;
- case BFD_RELOC_8: return m68kcoff_howto_table + 0;
- case BFD_RELOC_16: return m68kcoff_howto_table + 1;
- case BFD_RELOC_32: return m68kcoff_howto_table + 2;
- case BFD_RELOC_8_PCREL: return m68kcoff_howto_table + 3;
- case BFD_RELOC_16_PCREL: return m68kcoff_howto_table + 4;
- case BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL: return m68kcoff_howto_table + 5;
- /* FIXME: There doesn't seem to be a code for R_RELLONG_NEG. */
- }
-#endif /* not ONLY_DECLARE_RELOCS */
-#define RTYPE2HOWTO(internal, relocentry) \
- m68k_rtype2howto(internal, (relocentry)->r_type)
-#define SELECT_RELOC(external, internal) \
- external.r_type = m68k_howto2rtype(internal);
-#define coff_bfd_reloc_type_lookup m68k_reloc_type_lookup
-#define coff_relocate_section _bfd_coff_generic_relocate_section
-#include "coffcode.h"
-const bfd_target
-#ifdef TARGET_SYM
- m68kcoff_vec =
- "coff-m68k", /* name */
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* data byte order is big */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* header byte order is big */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- '_',
- 0, /* leading underscore */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, _bfd_generic_mkarchive, /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- };
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-m88k.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-m88k.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 414106d7bcb0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-m88k.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Motorola 88000 COFF "Binary Compatability Standard" files.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define M88 1 /* Customize various include files */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "coff/m88k.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-static bfd_reloc_status_type m88k_special_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR, asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static void rtype2howto PARAMS ((arelent *, struct internal_reloc *));
-static void reloc_processing
- PARAMS ((arelent *, struct internal_reloc *, asymbol **, bfd *, asection *));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-m88k_special_reloc (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data,
- input_section, output_bfd, error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- reloc_howto_type *howto = reloc_entry->howto;
- switch (howto->type)
- {
- case R_HVRT16:
- case R_LVRT16:
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL)
- {
- /* This is a partial relocation, and we want to apply the
- relocation to the reloc entry rather than the raw data.
- Modify the reloc inplace to reflect what we now know. */
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_vma output_base = 0;
- bfd_vma addr = reloc_entry->address;
- bfd_vma x = bfd_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- asection *reloc_target_output_section;
- long relocation = 0;
- /* Work out which section the relocation is targetted at and the
- initial relocation command value. */
- /* Get symbol value. (Common symbols are special.) */
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- relocation = 0;
- else
- relocation = symbol->value;
- reloc_target_output_section = symbol->section->output_section;
- /* Convert input-section-relative symbol value to absolute. */
- if (output_bfd)
- output_base = 0;
- else
- output_base = reloc_target_output_section->vma;
- relocation += output_base + symbol->section->output_offset;
- /* Add in supplied addend. */
- relocation += ((reloc_entry->addend << howto->bitsize) + x);
- reloc_entry->addend = 0;
- relocation >>= (bfd_vma) howto->rightshift;
- /* Shift everything up to where it's going to be used */
- relocation <<= (bfd_vma) howto->bitpos;
- if (relocation)
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, relocation, (unsigned char *) data + addr);
- }
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- break;
- default:
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL)
- {
- /* This is a partial relocation, and we want to apply the
- relocation to the reloc entry rather than the raw data.
- Modify the reloc inplace to reflect what we now know. */
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static reloc_howto_type howto_table[] =
- HOWTO (R_PCR16L, /* type */
- 02, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- m88k_special_reloc, /* special_function */
- "PCR16L", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x0000ffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x0000ffff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_PCR26L, /* type */
- 02, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 26, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- m88k_special_reloc, /* special_function */
- "PCR26L", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x03ffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x03ffffff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_VRT16, /* type */
- 00, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- m88k_special_reloc, /* special_function */
- "VRT16", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x0000ffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x0000ffff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_HVRT16, /* type */
- 16, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- m88k_special_reloc, /* special_function */
- "HVRT16", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x0000ffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x0000ffff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_LVRT16, /* type */
- 00, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- m88k_special_reloc, /* special_function */
- "LVRT16", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x0000ffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x0000ffff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_VRT32, /* type */
- 00, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- m88k_special_reloc, /* special_function */
- "VRT32", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
-/* Code to turn an external r_type into a pointer to an entry in the
- above howto table. */
-static void
-rtype2howto (cache_ptr, dst)
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- struct internal_reloc *dst;
- if (dst->r_type >= R_PCR16L && dst->r_type <= R_VRT32)
- {
- cache_ptr->howto = howto_table + dst->r_type - R_PCR16L;
- }
- else
- {
- }
-#define RTYPE2HOWTO(cache_ptr, dst) rtype2howto (cache_ptr, dst)
-/* Code to swap in the reloc offset */
-#define SWAP_IN_RELOC_OFFSET bfd_h_get_16
-#define SWAP_OUT_RELOC_OFFSET bfd_h_put_16
-#define RELOC_PROCESSING(relent,reloc,symbols,abfd,section) \
- reloc_processing(relent, reloc, symbols, abfd, section)
-static void
-reloc_processing (relent, reloc, symbols, abfd, section)
- arelent *relent;
- struct internal_reloc *reloc;
- asymbol **symbols;
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- relent->address = reloc->r_vaddr;
- rtype2howto (relent, reloc);
- if (((int) reloc->r_symndx) > 0)
- {
- relent->sym_ptr_ptr = symbols + obj_convert (abfd)[reloc->r_symndx];
- }
- else
- {
- relent->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- }
- relent->addend = reloc->r_offset;
- relent->address -= section->vma;
-#define BADMAG(x) MC88BADMAG(x)
-#include "coffcode.h"
-#undef coff_write_armap
-const bfd_target m88kbcs_vec =
- "coff-m88kbcs", /* name */
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* data byte order is big */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* header byte order is big */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- '_', /* leading underscore */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, _bfd_generic_mkarchive, /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-mips.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-mips.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c860f9a4d539..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-mips.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2596 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for MIPS Extended-Coff files.
- Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Original version by Per Bothner.
- Full support added by Ian Lance Taylor,
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "coff/sym.h"
-#include "coff/symconst.h"
-#include "coff/ecoff.h"
-#include "coff/mips.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-#include "libecoff.h"
-/* Prototypes for static functions. */
-static boolean mips_ecoff_bad_format_hook PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, PTR filehdr));
-static void mips_ecoff_swap_reloc_in PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR,
- struct internal_reloc *));
-static void mips_ecoff_swap_reloc_out PARAMS ((bfd *,
- const struct internal_reloc *,
- PTR));
-static void mips_adjust_reloc_in PARAMS ((bfd *,
- const struct internal_reloc *,
- arelent *));
-static void mips_adjust_reloc_out PARAMS ((bfd *, const arelent *,
- struct internal_reloc *));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type mips_generic_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type mips_refhi_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type mips_reflo_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type mips_gprel_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type mips_relhi_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type mips_rello_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type mips_switch_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static void mips_relocate_hi PARAMS ((struct internal_reloc *refhi,
- struct internal_reloc *reflo,
- bfd *input_bfd,
- asection *input_section,
- bfd_byte *contents,
- size_t adjust,
- bfd_vma relocation,
- boolean pcrel));
-static boolean mips_relocate_section PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *,
- bfd *, asection *,
- bfd_byte *, PTR));
-static boolean mips_read_relocs PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *));
-static boolean mips_relax_section PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *,
- struct bfd_link_info *,
- boolean *));
-static boolean mips_relax_pcrel16 PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *,
- asection *,
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *,
- bfd_byte *, bfd_vma));
-/* ECOFF has COFF sections, but the debugging information is stored in
- a completely different format. ECOFF targets use some of the
- swapping routines from coffswap.h, and some of the generic COFF
- routines in coffgen.c, but, unlike the real COFF targets, do not
- use coffcode.h itself.
- Get the generic COFF swapping routines, except for the reloc,
- symbol, and lineno ones. Give them ECOFF names. */
-#define MIPSECOFF
-#define coff_swap_filehdr_in mips_ecoff_swap_filehdr_in
-#define coff_swap_filehdr_out mips_ecoff_swap_filehdr_out
-#define coff_swap_aouthdr_in mips_ecoff_swap_aouthdr_in
-#define coff_swap_aouthdr_out mips_ecoff_swap_aouthdr_out
-#define coff_swap_scnhdr_in mips_ecoff_swap_scnhdr_in
-#define coff_swap_scnhdr_out mips_ecoff_swap_scnhdr_out
-#include "coffswap.h"
-/* Get the ECOFF swapping routines. */
-#define ECOFF_32
-#include "ecoffswap.h"
-/* How to process the various relocs types. */
-static reloc_howto_type mips_howto_table[] =
- /* Reloc type 0 is ignored. The reloc reading code ensures that
- this is a reference to the .abs section, which will cause
- bfd_perform_relocation to do nothing. */
- HOWTO (MIPS_R_IGNORE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 8, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "IGNORE", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A 16 bit reference to a symbol, normally from a data section. */
- HOWTO (MIPS_R_REFHALF, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- mips_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "REFHALF", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A 32 bit reference to a symbol, normally from a data section. */
- HOWTO (MIPS_R_REFWORD, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- mips_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "REFWORD", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A 26 bit absolute jump address. */
- HOWTO (MIPS_R_JMPADDR, /* type */
- 2, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 26, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- /* This needs complex overflow
- detection, because the upper four
- bits must match the PC. */
- mips_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "JMPADDR", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x3ffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x3ffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* The high 16 bits of a symbol value. Handled by the function
- mips_refhi_reloc. */
- HOWTO (MIPS_R_REFHI, /* type */
- 16, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- mips_refhi_reloc, /* special_function */
- "REFHI", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* The low 16 bits of a symbol value. */
- HOWTO (MIPS_R_REFLO, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- mips_reflo_reloc, /* special_function */
- "REFLO", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A reference to an offset from the gp register. Handled by the
- function mips_gprel_reloc. */
- HOWTO (MIPS_R_GPREL, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- mips_gprel_reloc, /* special_function */
- "GPREL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A reference to a literal using an offset from the gp register.
- Handled by the function mips_gprel_reloc. */
- HOWTO (MIPS_R_LITERAL, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- mips_gprel_reloc, /* special_function */
- "LITERAL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- { 8 },
- { 9 },
- { 10 },
- { 11 },
- /* This reloc is a Cygnus extension used when generating position
- independent code for embedded systems. It represents a 16 bit PC
- relative reloc rightshifted twice as used in the MIPS branch
- instructions. */
- HOWTO (MIPS_R_PCREL16, /* type */
- 2, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- mips_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "PCREL16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* This reloc is a Cygnus extension used when generating position
- independent code for embedded systems. It represents the high 16
- bits of a PC relative reloc. The next reloc must be
- MIPS_R_RELLO, and the addend is formed from the addends of the
- two instructions, just as in MIPS_R_REFHI and MIPS_R_REFLO. The
- final value is actually PC relative to the location of the
- MIPS_R_RELLO reloc, not the MIPS_R_RELHI reloc. */
- HOWTO (MIPS_R_RELHI, /* type */
- 16, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- mips_relhi_reloc, /* special_function */
- "RELHI", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* This reloc is a Cygnus extension used when generating position
- independent code for embedded systems. It represents the low 16
- bits of a PC relative reloc. */
- HOWTO (MIPS_R_RELLO, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- mips_rello_reloc, /* special_function */
- "RELLO", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- { 15 },
- { 16 },
- { 17 },
- { 18 },
- { 19 },
- { 20 },
- { 21 },
- /* This reloc is a Cygnus extension used when generating position
- independent code for embedded systems. It represents an entry in
- a switch table, which is the difference between two symbols in
- the .text section. The symndx is actually the offset from the
- reloc address to the subtrahend. See include/coff/mips.h for
- more details. */
- HOWTO (MIPS_R_SWITCH, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- mips_switch_reloc, /* special_function */
- "SWITCH", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- true) /* pcrel_offset */
- (sizeof mips_howto_table / sizeof mips_howto_table[0])
-/* When the linker is doing relaxing, it may change a external PCREL16
- reloc. This typically represents an instruction like
- bal foo
- We change it to
- .set noreorder
- bal $L1
- lui $at,%hi(foo - $L1)
- $L1:
- addiu $at,%lo(foo - $L1)
- addu $at,$at,$31
- jalr $at
- PCREL16_EXPANSION_ADJUSTMENT is the number of bytes this changes the
- instruction by. */
-/* See whether the magic number matches. */
-static boolean
-mips_ecoff_bad_format_hook (abfd, filehdr)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR filehdr;
- struct internal_filehdr *internal_f = (struct internal_filehdr *) filehdr;
- switch (internal_f->f_magic)
- {
- case MIPS_MAGIC_1:
- /* I don't know what endianness this implies. */
- return true;
- return bfd_big_endian (abfd);
- return bfd_little_endian (abfd);
- default:
- return false;
- }
-/* Reloc handling. MIPS ECOFF relocs are packed into 8 bytes in
- external form. They use a bit which indicates whether the symbol
- is external. */
-/* Swap a reloc in. */
-static void
-mips_ecoff_swap_reloc_in (abfd, ext_ptr, intern)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext_ptr;
- struct internal_reloc *intern;
- const RELOC *ext = (RELOC *) ext_ptr;
- intern->r_vaddr = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->r_vaddr);
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- {
- intern->r_symndx = (((int) ext->r_bits[0]
- | ((int) ext->r_bits[1]
- | ((int) ext->r_bits[2]
- intern->r_type = ((ext->r_bits[3] & RELOC_BITS3_TYPE_BIG)
- intern->r_extern = (ext->r_bits[3] & RELOC_BITS3_EXTERN_BIG) != 0;
- }
- else
- {
- intern->r_symndx = (((int) ext->r_bits[0]
- | ((int) ext->r_bits[1]
- | ((int) ext->r_bits[2]
- intern->r_type = (((ext->r_bits[3] & RELOC_BITS3_TYPE_LITTLE)
- | ((ext->r_bits[3] & RELOC_BITS3_TYPEHI_LITTLE)
- intern->r_extern = (ext->r_bits[3] & RELOC_BITS3_EXTERN_LITTLE) != 0;
- }
- /* If this is a MIPS_R_SWITCH reloc, or an internal MIPS_R_RELHI or
- MIPS_R_RELLO reloc, r_symndx is actually the offset from the
- reloc address to the base of the difference (see
- include/coff/mips.h for more details). We copy symndx into the
- r_offset field so as not to confuse ecoff_slurp_reloc_table in
- ecoff.c. In adjust_reloc_in we then copy r_offset into the reloc
- addend. */
- if (intern->r_type == MIPS_R_SWITCH
- || (! intern->r_extern
- && (intern->r_type == MIPS_R_RELLO
- || intern->r_type == MIPS_R_RELHI)))
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (! intern->r_extern);
- intern->r_offset = intern->r_symndx;
- if (intern->r_offset & 0x800000)
- intern->r_offset -= 0x1000000;
- intern->r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_TEXT;
- }
-/* Swap a reloc out. */
-static void
-mips_ecoff_swap_reloc_out (abfd, intern, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- const struct internal_reloc *intern;
- PTR dst;
- RELOC *ext = (RELOC *) dst;
- long r_symndx;
- BFD_ASSERT (intern->r_extern
- || (intern->r_symndx >= 0 && intern->r_symndx <= 12));
- /* If this is a MIPS_R_SWITCH reloc, or an internal MIPS_R_RELLO or
- MIPS_R_RELHI reloc, we actually want to write the contents of
- r_offset out as the symbol index. This undoes the change made by
- mips_ecoff_swap_reloc_in. */
- if (intern->r_type != MIPS_R_SWITCH
- && (intern->r_extern
- || (intern->r_type != MIPS_R_RELHI
- && intern->r_type != MIPS_R_RELLO)))
- r_symndx = intern->r_symndx;
- else
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (intern->r_symndx == RELOC_SECTION_TEXT);
- r_symndx = intern->r_offset & 0xffffff;
- }
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->r_vaddr, (bfd_byte *) ext->r_vaddr);
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- {
- ext->r_bits[0] = r_symndx >> RELOC_BITS0_SYMNDX_SH_LEFT_BIG;
- ext->r_bits[1] = r_symndx >> RELOC_BITS1_SYMNDX_SH_LEFT_BIG;
- ext->r_bits[2] = r_symndx >> RELOC_BITS2_SYMNDX_SH_LEFT_BIG;
- ext->r_bits[3] = (((intern->r_type << RELOC_BITS3_TYPE_SH_BIG)
- | (intern->r_extern ? RELOC_BITS3_EXTERN_BIG : 0));
- }
- else
- {
- ext->r_bits[0] = r_symndx >> RELOC_BITS0_SYMNDX_SH_LEFT_LITTLE;
- ext->r_bits[1] = r_symndx >> RELOC_BITS1_SYMNDX_SH_LEFT_LITTLE;
- ext->r_bits[2] = r_symndx >> RELOC_BITS2_SYMNDX_SH_LEFT_LITTLE;
- ext->r_bits[3] = (((intern->r_type << RELOC_BITS3_TYPE_SH_LITTLE)
- | ((intern->r_type >> RELOC_BITS3_TYPEHI_SH_LITTLE
- | (intern->r_extern ? RELOC_BITS3_EXTERN_LITTLE : 0));
- }
-/* Finish canonicalizing a reloc. Part of this is generic to all
- ECOFF targets, and that part is in ecoff.c. The rest is done in
- this backend routine. It must fill in the howto field. */
-static void
-mips_adjust_reloc_in (abfd, intern, rptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- const struct internal_reloc *intern;
- arelent *rptr;
- if (intern->r_type > MIPS_R_SWITCH)
- abort ();
- if (! intern->r_extern
- && (intern->r_type == MIPS_R_GPREL
- || intern->r_type == MIPS_R_LITERAL))
- rptr->addend += ecoff_data (abfd)->gp;
- /* If the type is MIPS_R_IGNORE, make sure this is a reference to
- the absolute section so that the reloc is ignored. */
- if (intern->r_type == MIPS_R_IGNORE)
- rptr->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- /* If this is a MIPS_R_SWITCH reloc, or an internal MIPS_R_RELHI or
- MIPS_R_RELLO reloc, we want the addend field of the BFD relocto
- hold the value which was originally in the symndx field of the
- internal MIPS ECOFF reloc. This value was copied into
- intern->r_offset by mips_swap_reloc_in, and here we copy it into
- the addend field. */
- if (intern->r_type == MIPS_R_SWITCH
- || (! intern->r_extern
- && (intern->r_type == MIPS_R_RELHI
- || intern->r_type == MIPS_R_RELLO)))
- rptr->addend = intern->r_offset;
- rptr->howto = &mips_howto_table[intern->r_type];
-/* Make any adjustments needed to a reloc before writing it out. None
- are needed for MIPS. */
-static void
-mips_adjust_reloc_out (abfd, rel, intern)
- bfd *abfd;
- const arelent *rel;
- struct internal_reloc *intern;
- /* For a MIPS_R_SWITCH reloc, or an internal MIPS_R_RELHI or
- MIPS_R_RELLO reloc, we must copy rel->addend into
- intern->r_offset. This will then be written out as the symbol
- index by mips_ecoff_swap_reloc_out. This operation parallels the
- action of mips_adjust_reloc_in. */
- if (intern->r_type == MIPS_R_SWITCH
- || (! intern->r_extern
- && (intern->r_type == MIPS_R_RELHI
- || intern->r_type == MIPS_R_RELLO)))
- intern->r_offset = rel->addend;
-/* ECOFF relocs are either against external symbols, or against
- sections. If we are producing relocateable output, and the reloc
- is against an external symbol, and nothing has given us any
- additional addend, the resulting reloc will also be against the
- same symbol. In such a case, we don't want to change anything
- about the way the reloc is handled, since it will all be done at
- final link time. Rather than put special case code into
- bfd_perform_relocation, all the reloc types use this howto
- function. It just short circuits the reloc if producing
- relocateable output against an external symbol. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-mips_generic_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) == 0
- && reloc_entry->addend == 0)
- {
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
-/* Do a REFHI relocation. This has to be done in combination with a
- REFLO reloc, because there is a carry from the REFLO to the REFHI.
- Here we just save the information we need; we do the actual
- relocation when we see the REFLO. MIPS ECOFF requires that the
- REFLO immediately follow the REFHI, so this ought to work. */
-static bfd_byte *mips_refhi_addr;
-static bfd_vma mips_refhi_addend;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-mips_refhi_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- bfd_reloc_status_type ret;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- /* If we're relocating, and this an external symbol, we don't want
- to change anything. */
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) == 0
- && reloc_entry->addend == 0)
- {
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- ret = bfd_reloc_ok;
- if (bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section)
- && output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- ret = bfd_reloc_undefined;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- relocation = 0;
- else
- relocation = symbol->value;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_section->vma;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_offset;
- relocation += reloc_entry->addend;
- if (reloc_entry->address > input_section->_cooked_size)
- return bfd_reloc_outofrange;
- /* Save the information, and let REFLO do the actual relocation. */
- mips_refhi_addr = (bfd_byte *) data + reloc_entry->address;
- mips_refhi_addend = relocation;
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL)
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return ret;
-/* Do a REFLO relocation. This is a straightforward 16 bit inplace
- relocation; this function exists in order to do the REFHI
- relocation described above. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-mips_reflo_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- if (mips_refhi_addr != (bfd_byte *) NULL)
- {
- unsigned long insn;
- unsigned long val;
- unsigned long vallo;
- /* Do the REFHI relocation. Note that we actually don't need to
- know anything about the REFLO itself, except where to find
- the low 16 bits of the addend needed by the REFHI. */
- insn = bfd_get_32 (abfd, mips_refhi_addr);
- vallo = (bfd_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + reloc_entry->address)
- & 0xffff);
- val = ((insn & 0xffff) << 16) + vallo;
- val += mips_refhi_addend;
- /* The low order 16 bits are always treated as a signed value.
- Therefore, a negative value in the low order bits requires an
- adjustment in the high order bits. We need to make this
- adjustment in two ways: once for the bits we took from the
- data, and once for the bits we are putting back in to the
- data. */
- if ((vallo & 0x8000) != 0)
- val -= 0x10000;
- if ((val & 0x8000) != 0)
- val += 0x10000;
- insn = (insn &~ 0xffff) | ((val >> 16) & 0xffff);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, insn, mips_refhi_addr);
- mips_refhi_addr = (bfd_byte *) NULL;
- }
- /* Now do the REFLO reloc in the usual way. */
- return mips_generic_reloc (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data,
- input_section, output_bfd, error_message);
-/* Do a GPREL relocation. This is a 16 bit value which must become
- the offset from the gp register. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-mips_gprel_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- boolean relocateable;
- bfd_vma gp;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- unsigned long val;
- unsigned long insn;
- /* If we're relocating, and this is an external symbol with no
- addend, we don't want to change anything. We will only have an
- addend if this is a newly created reloc, not read from an ECOFF
- file. */
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) == 0
- && reloc_entry->addend == 0)
- {
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL)
- relocateable = true;
- else
- {
- relocateable = false;
- output_bfd = symbol->section->output_section->owner;
- }
- if (bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section)
- && relocateable == false)
- return bfd_reloc_undefined;
- /* We have to figure out the gp value, so that we can adjust the
- symbol value correctly. We look up the symbol _gp in the output
- BFD. If we can't find it, we're stuck. We cache it in the ECOFF
- target data. We don't need to adjust the symbol value for an
- external symbol if we are producing relocateable output. */
- gp = _bfd_get_gp_value (output_bfd);
- if (gp == 0
- && (relocateable == false
- || (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) != 0))
- {
- if (relocateable != false)
- {
- /* Make up a value. */
- gp = symbol->section->output_section->vma + 0x4000;
- _bfd_set_gp_value (output_bfd, gp);
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned int count;
- asymbol **sym;
- unsigned int i;
- count = bfd_get_symcount (output_bfd);
- sym = bfd_get_outsymbols (output_bfd);
- if (sym == (asymbol **) NULL)
- i = count;
- else
- {
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++, sym++)
- {
- register CONST char *name;
- name = bfd_asymbol_name (*sym);
- if (*name == '_' && strcmp (name, "_gp") == 0)
- {
- gp = bfd_asymbol_value (*sym);
- _bfd_set_gp_value (output_bfd, gp);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (i >= count)
- {
- /* Only get the error once. */
- gp = 4;
- _bfd_set_gp_value (output_bfd, gp);
- *error_message =
- (char *) "GP relative relocation when _gp not defined";
- return bfd_reloc_dangerous;
- }
- }
- }
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- relocation = 0;
- else
- relocation = symbol->value;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_section->vma;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_offset;
- if (reloc_entry->address > input_section->_cooked_size)
- return bfd_reloc_outofrange;
- insn = bfd_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + reloc_entry->address);
- /* Set val to the offset into the section or symbol. */
- val = ((insn & 0xffff) + reloc_entry->addend) & 0xffff;
- if (val & 0x8000)
- val -= 0x10000;
- /* Adjust val for the final section location and GP value. If we
- are producing relocateable output, we don't want to do this for
- an external symbol. */
- if (relocateable == false
- || (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) != 0)
- val += relocation - gp;
- insn = (insn &~ 0xffff) | (val & 0xffff);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, insn, (bfd_byte *) data + reloc_entry->address);
- if (relocateable != false)
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- /* Make sure it fit in 16 bits. */
- if (val >= 0x8000 && val < 0xffff8000)
- return bfd_reloc_overflow;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-/* Do a RELHI relocation. We do this in conjunction with a RELLO
- reloc, just as REFHI and REFLO are done together. RELHI and RELLO
- are Cygnus extensions used when generating position independent
- code for embedded systems. */
-static bfd_byte *mips_relhi_addr;
-static bfd_vma mips_relhi_addend;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-mips_relhi_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- bfd_reloc_status_type ret;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- /* If this is a reloc against a section symbol, then it is correct
- in the object file. The only time we want to change this case is
- when we are relaxing, and that is handled entirely by
- mips_relocate_section and never calls this function. */
- if ((symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) != 0)
- {
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL)
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- /* This is an external symbol. If we're relocating, we don't want
- to change anything. */
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL)
- {
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- ret = bfd_reloc_ok;
- if (bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section)
- && output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- ret = bfd_reloc_undefined;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- relocation = 0;
- else
- relocation = symbol->value;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_section->vma;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_offset;
- relocation += reloc_entry->addend;
- if (reloc_entry->address > input_section->_cooked_size)
- return bfd_reloc_outofrange;
- /* Save the information, and let RELLO do the actual relocation. */
- mips_relhi_addr = (bfd_byte *) data + reloc_entry->address;
- mips_relhi_addend = relocation;
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL)
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return ret;
-/* Do a RELLO relocation. This is a straightforward 16 bit PC
- relative relocation; this function exists in order to do the RELHI
- relocation described above. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-mips_rello_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- if (mips_relhi_addr != (bfd_byte *) NULL)
- {
- unsigned long insn;
- unsigned long val;
- unsigned long vallo;
- /* Do the RELHI relocation. Note that we actually don't need to
- know anything about the RELLO itself, except where to find
- the low 16 bits of the addend needed by the RELHI. */
- insn = bfd_get_32 (abfd, mips_relhi_addr);
- vallo = (bfd_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + reloc_entry->address)
- & 0xffff);
- val = ((insn & 0xffff) << 16) + vallo;
- val += mips_relhi_addend;
- /* If the symbol is defined, make val PC relative. If the
- symbol is not defined we don't want to do this, because we
- don't want the value in the object file to incorporate the
- address of the reloc. */
- if (! bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (symbol))
- && ! bfd_is_com_section (bfd_get_section (symbol)))
- val -= (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset
- + reloc_entry->address);
- /* The low order 16 bits are always treated as a signed value.
- Therefore, a negative value in the low order bits requires an
- adjustment in the high order bits. We need to make this
- adjustment in two ways: once for the bits we took from the
- data, and once for the bits we are putting back in to the
- data. */
- if ((vallo & 0x8000) != 0)
- val -= 0x10000;
- if ((val & 0x8000) != 0)
- val += 0x10000;
- insn = (insn &~ 0xffff) | ((val >> 16) & 0xffff);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, insn, mips_relhi_addr);
- mips_relhi_addr = (bfd_byte *) NULL;
- }
- /* If this is a reloc against a section symbol, then it is correct
- in the object file. The only time we want to change this case is
- when we are relaxing, and that is handled entirely by
- mips_relocate_section and never calls this function. */
- if ((symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) != 0)
- {
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL)
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- /* bfd_perform_relocation does not handle pcrel_offset relocations
- correctly when generating a relocateable file, so handle them
- directly here. */
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL)
- {
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- /* Now do the RELLO reloc in the usual way. */
- return mips_generic_reloc (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data,
- input_section, output_bfd, error_message);
-/* This is the special function for the MIPS_R_SWITCH reloc. This
- special reloc is normally correct in the object file, and only
- requires special handling when relaxing. We don't want
- bfd_perform_relocation to tamper with it at all. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-mips_switch_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-/* Get the howto structure for a generic reloc type. */
-static reloc_howto_type *
-mips_bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- int mips_type;
- switch (code)
- {
- case BFD_RELOC_16:
- mips_type = MIPS_R_REFHALF;
- break;
- case BFD_RELOC_32:
- mips_type = MIPS_R_REFWORD;
- break;
- mips_type = MIPS_R_JMPADDR;
- break;
- case BFD_RELOC_HI16_S:
- mips_type = MIPS_R_REFHI;
- break;
- case BFD_RELOC_LO16:
- mips_type = MIPS_R_REFLO;
- break;
- mips_type = MIPS_R_GPREL;
- break;
- mips_type = MIPS_R_LITERAL;
- break;
- case BFD_RELOC_16_PCREL_S2:
- mips_type = MIPS_R_PCREL16;
- break;
- mips_type = MIPS_R_RELHI;
- break;
- mips_type = MIPS_R_RELLO;
- break;
- mips_type = MIPS_R_SWITCH;
- break;
- default:
- return (reloc_howto_type *) NULL;
- }
- return &mips_howto_table[mips_type];
-/* A helper routine for mips_relocate_section which handles the REFHI
- and RELHI relocations. The REFHI relocation must be followed by a
- REFLO relocation (and RELHI by a RELLO), and the addend used is
- formed from the addends of both instructions. */
-static void
-mips_relocate_hi (refhi, reflo, input_bfd, input_section, contents, adjust,
- relocation, pcrel)
- struct internal_reloc *refhi;
- struct internal_reloc *reflo;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- size_t adjust;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- boolean pcrel;
- unsigned long insn;
- unsigned long val;
- unsigned long vallo;
- insn = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd,
- contents + adjust + refhi->r_vaddr - input_section->vma);
- vallo = (bfd_get_32 (input_bfd,
- contents + adjust + reflo->r_vaddr - input_section->vma)
- & 0xffff);
- val = ((insn & 0xffff) << 16) + vallo;
- val += relocation;
- /* The low order 16 bits are always treated as a signed value.
- Therefore, a negative value in the low order bits requires an
- adjustment in the high order bits. We need to make this
- adjustment in two ways: once for the bits we took from the data,
- and once for the bits we are putting back in to the data. */
- if ((vallo & 0x8000) != 0)
- val -= 0x10000;
- if (pcrel)
- val -= (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset
- + (reflo->r_vaddr - input_section->vma + adjust));
- if ((val & 0x8000) != 0)
- val += 0x10000;
- insn = (insn &~ 0xffff) | ((val >> 16) & 0xffff);
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, (bfd_vma) insn,
- contents + adjust + refhi->r_vaddr - input_section->vma);
-/* Relocate a section while linking a MIPS ECOFF file. */
-static boolean
-mips_relocate_section (output_bfd, info, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, external_relocs)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- PTR external_relocs;
- asection **symndx_to_section;
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- bfd_vma gp;
- boolean gp_undefined;
- size_t adjust;
- long *offsets;
- struct external_reloc *ext_rel;
- struct external_reloc *ext_rel_end;
- unsigned int i;
- boolean got_lo;
- struct internal_reloc lo_int_rel;
- BFD_ASSERT (input_bfd->xvec->header_byteorder
- == output_bfd->xvec->header_byteorder);
- /* We keep a table mapping the symndx found in an internal reloc to
- the appropriate section. This is faster than looking up the
- section by name each time. */
- symndx_to_section = ecoff_data (input_bfd)->symndx_to_section;
- if (symndx_to_section == (asection **) NULL)
- {
- symndx_to_section = ((asection **)
- bfd_alloc (input_bfd,
- * sizeof (asection *))));
- if (!symndx_to_section)
- return false;
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_NONE] = NULL;
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_TEXT] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".text");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_RDATA] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".rdata");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_DATA] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".data");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_SDATA] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".sdata");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_SBSS] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".sbss");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_BSS] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".bss");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_INIT] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".init");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_LIT8] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".lit8");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_LIT4] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".lit4");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_XDATA] = NULL;
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_PDATA] = NULL;
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_FINI] =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".fini");
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_LITA] = NULL;
- symndx_to_section[RELOC_SECTION_ABS] = NULL;
- ecoff_data (input_bfd)->symndx_to_section = symndx_to_section;
- }
- sym_hashes = ecoff_data (input_bfd)->sym_hashes;
- gp = _bfd_get_gp_value (output_bfd);
- if (gp == 0)
- gp_undefined = true;
- else
- gp_undefined = false;
- got_lo = false;
- adjust = 0;
- if (ecoff_section_data (input_bfd, input_section) == NULL)
- offsets = NULL;
- else
- offsets = ecoff_section_data (input_bfd, input_section)->offsets;
- ext_rel = (struct external_reloc *) external_relocs;
- ext_rel_end = ext_rel + input_section->reloc_count;
- for (i = 0; ext_rel < ext_rel_end; ext_rel++, i++)
- {
- struct internal_reloc int_rel;
- bfd_vma addend;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *h = NULL;
- asection *s = NULL;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_reloc_status_type r;
- if (! got_lo)
- mips_ecoff_swap_reloc_in (input_bfd, (PTR) ext_rel, &int_rel);
- else
- {
- int_rel = lo_int_rel;
- got_lo = false;
- }
- BFD_ASSERT (int_rel.r_type
- < sizeof mips_howto_table / sizeof mips_howto_table[0]);
- /* The REFHI and RELHI relocs requires special handling. they
- must be followed by a REFLO or RELLO reloc, respectively, and
- the addend is formed from both relocs. */
- if (int_rel.r_type == MIPS_R_REFHI
- || int_rel.r_type == MIPS_R_RELHI)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT ((ext_rel + 1) < ext_rel_end);
- mips_ecoff_swap_reloc_in (input_bfd, (PTR) (ext_rel + 1),
- &lo_int_rel);
- BFD_ASSERT ((lo_int_rel.r_type
- == (int_rel.r_type == MIPS_R_REFHI
- && int_rel.r_extern == lo_int_rel.r_extern
- && int_rel.r_symndx == lo_int_rel.r_symndx);
- got_lo = true;
- }
- howto = &mips_howto_table[int_rel.r_type];
- /* The SWITCH reloc must be handled specially. This reloc is
- marks the location of a difference between two portions of an
- object file. The symbol index does not reference a symbol,
- but is actually the offset from the reloc to the subtrahend
- of the difference. This reloc is correct in the object file,
- and needs no further adjustment, unless we are relaxing. If
- we are relaxing, we may have to add in an offset. Since no
- symbols are involved in this reloc, we handle it completely
- here. */
- if (int_rel.r_type == MIPS_R_SWITCH)
- {
- if (offsets != NULL
- && offsets[i] != 0)
- {
- r = _bfd_relocate_contents (howto, input_bfd,
- (bfd_vma) offsets[i],
- (contents
- + adjust
- + int_rel.r_vaddr
- - input_section->vma));
- BFD_ASSERT (r == bfd_reloc_ok);
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (int_rel.r_extern)
- {
- h = sym_hashes[int_rel.r_symndx];
- /* If h is NULL, that means that there is a reloc against an
- external symbol which we thought was just a debugging
- symbol. This should not happen. */
- if (h == (struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- abort ();
- }
- else
- {
- if (int_rel.r_symndx < 0 || int_rel.r_symndx >= NUM_RELOC_SECTIONS)
- s = NULL;
- else
- s = symndx_to_section[int_rel.r_symndx];
- if (s == (asection *) NULL)
- abort ();
- }
- /* The GPREL reloc uses an addend: the difference in the GP
- values. */
- if (int_rel.r_type != MIPS_R_GPREL
- && int_rel.r_type != MIPS_R_LITERAL)
- addend = 0;
- else
- {
- if (gp_undefined)
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
- (info, "GP relative relocation when GP not defined",
- input_bfd, input_section,
- int_rel.r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- /* Only give the error once per link. */
- gp = 4;
- _bfd_set_gp_value (output_bfd, gp);
- gp_undefined = false;
- }
- if (! int_rel.r_extern)
- {
- /* This is a relocation against a section. The current
- addend in the instruction is the difference between
- INPUT_SECTION->vma and the GP value of INPUT_BFD. We
- must change this to be the difference between the
- final definition (which will end up in RELOCATION)
- and the GP value of OUTPUT_BFD (which is in GP). */
- addend = ecoff_data (input_bfd)->gp - gp;
- }
- else if (! info->relocateable
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- /* This is a relocation against a defined symbol. The
- current addend in the instruction is simply the
- desired offset into the symbol (normally zero). We
- are going to change this into a relocation against a
- defined symbol, so we want the instruction to hold
- the difference between the final definition of the
- symbol (which will end up in RELOCATION) and the GP
- value of OUTPUT_BFD (which is in GP). */
- addend = - gp;
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is a relocation against an undefined or common
- symbol. The current addend in the instruction is
- simply the desired offset into the symbol (normally
- zero). We are generating relocateable output, and we
- aren't going to define this symbol, so we just leave
- the instruction alone. */
- addend = 0;
- }
- }
- /* If we are relaxing, mips_relax_section may have set
- offsets[i] to some value. A value of 1 means we must expand
- a PC relative branch into a multi-instruction of sequence,
- and any other value is an addend. */
- if (offsets != NULL
- && offsets[i] != 0)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (! info->relocateable);
- BFD_ASSERT (int_rel.r_type == MIPS_R_PCREL16
- || int_rel.r_type == MIPS_R_RELHI
- || int_rel.r_type == MIPS_R_RELLO);
- if (offsets[i] != 1)
- addend += offsets[i];
- else
- {
- bfd_byte *here;
- BFD_ASSERT (int_rel.r_extern
- && int_rel.r_type == MIPS_R_PCREL16);
- /* Move the rest of the instructions up. */
- here = (contents
- + adjust
- + int_rel.r_vaddr
- - input_section->vma);
- memmove (here + PCREL16_EXPANSION_ADJUSTMENT, here,
- (size_t) (input_section->_raw_size
- - (int_rel.r_vaddr - input_section->vma)));
- /* Generate the new instructions. */
- if (! mips_relax_pcrel16 (info, input_bfd, input_section,
- h, here,
- (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset
- + (int_rel.r_vaddr
- - input_section->vma)
- + adjust)))
- return false;
- /* We must adjust everything else up a notch. */
- /* mips_relax_pcrel16 handles all the details of this
- relocation. */
- continue;
- }
- }
- /* If we are relaxing, and this is a reloc against the .text
- segment, we may need to adjust it if some branches have been
- expanded. The reloc types which are likely to occur in the
- .text section are handled efficiently by mips_relax_section,
- and thus do not need to be handled here. */
- if (ecoff_data (input_bfd)->debug_info.adjust != NULL
- && ! int_rel.r_extern
- && int_rel.r_symndx == RELOC_SECTION_TEXT
- && (strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (input_bfd, input_section),
- ".text") != 0
- || (int_rel.r_type != MIPS_R_PCREL16
- && int_rel.r_type != MIPS_R_SWITCH
- && int_rel.r_type != MIPS_R_RELHI
- && int_rel.r_type != MIPS_R_RELLO)))
- {
- bfd_vma adr;
- struct ecoff_value_adjust *a;
- /* We need to get the addend so that we know whether we need
- to adjust the address. */
- BFD_ASSERT (int_rel.r_type == MIPS_R_REFWORD);
- adr = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd,
- (contents
- + adjust
- + int_rel.r_vaddr
- - input_section->vma));
- for (a = ecoff_data (input_bfd)->debug_info.adjust;
- a != (struct ecoff_value_adjust *) NULL;
- a = a->next)
- {
- if (adr >= a->start && adr < a->end)
- addend += a->adjust;
- }
- }
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- /* We are generating relocateable output, and must convert
- the existing reloc. */
- if (int_rel.r_extern)
- {
- if ((h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- && ! bfd_is_abs_section (h->root.u.def.section))
- {
- const char *name;
- /* This symbol is defined in the output. Convert
- the reloc from being against the symbol to being
- against the section. */
- /* Clear the r_extern bit. */
- int_rel.r_extern = 0;
- /* Compute a new r_symndx value. */
- s = h->root.u.def.section;
- name = bfd_get_section_name (output_bfd,
- s->output_section);
- int_rel.r_symndx = -1;
- switch (name[1])
- {
- case 'b':
- if (strcmp (name, ".bss") == 0)
- int_rel.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_BSS;
- break;
- case 'd':
- if (strcmp (name, ".data") == 0)
- int_rel.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_DATA;
- break;
- case 'f':
- if (strcmp (name, ".fini") == 0)
- int_rel.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_FINI;
- break;
- case 'i':
- if (strcmp (name, ".init") == 0)
- int_rel.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_INIT;
- break;
- case 'l':
- if (strcmp (name, ".lit8") == 0)
- int_rel.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_LIT8;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".lit4") == 0)
- int_rel.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_LIT4;
- break;
- case 'r':
- if (strcmp (name, ".rdata") == 0)
- int_rel.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_RDATA;
- break;
- case 's':
- if (strcmp (name, ".sdata") == 0)
- int_rel.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_SDATA;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".sbss") == 0)
- int_rel.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_SBSS;
- break;
- case 't':
- if (strcmp (name, ".text") == 0)
- int_rel.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_TEXT;
- break;
- }
- if (int_rel.r_symndx == -1)
- abort ();
- /* Add the section VMA and the symbol value. */
- relocation = (h->root.u.def.value
- + s->output_section->vma
- + s->output_offset);
- /* For a PC relative relocation, the object file
- currently holds just the addend. We must adjust
- by the address to get the right value. */
- if (howto->pc_relative)
- {
- relocation -= int_rel.r_vaddr - input_section->vma;
- /* If we are converting a RELHI or RELLO reloc
- from being against an external symbol to
- being against a section, we must put a
- special value into the r_offset field. This
- value is the old addend. The r_offset for
- both the RELOHI and RELLO relocs are the
- same, and we set both when we see RELHI. */
- if (int_rel.r_type == MIPS_R_RELHI)
- {
- long addhi, addlo;
- addhi = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd,
- (contents
- + adjust
- + int_rel.r_vaddr
- - input_section->vma));
- addhi &= 0xffff;
- if (addhi & 0x8000)
- addhi -= 0x10000;
- addhi <<= 16;
- addlo = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd,
- (contents
- + adjust
- + lo_int_rel.r_vaddr
- - input_section->vma));
- addlo &= 0xffff;
- if (addlo & 0x8000)
- addlo -= 0x10000;
- int_rel.r_offset = addhi + addlo;
- lo_int_rel.r_offset = int_rel.r_offset;
- }
- }
- h = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Change the symndx value to the right one for the
- output BFD. */
- int_rel.r_symndx = h->indx;
- if (int_rel.r_symndx == -1)
- {
- /* This symbol is not being written out. */
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->unattached_reloc)
- (info, h->root.root.string, input_bfd,
- input_section,
- int_rel.r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- int_rel.r_symndx = 0;
- }
- relocation = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is a relocation against a section. Adjust the
- value by the amount the section moved. */
- relocation = (s->output_section->vma
- + s->output_offset
- - s->vma);
- }
- relocation += addend;
- addend = 0;
- /* Adjust a PC relative relocation by removing the reference
- to the original address in the section and including the
- reference to the new address. However, external RELHI
- and RELLO relocs are PC relative, but don't include any
- reference to the address. The addend is merely an
- addend. */
- if (howto->pc_relative
- && (! int_rel.r_extern
- || (int_rel.r_type != MIPS_R_RELHI
- && int_rel.r_type != MIPS_R_RELLO)))
- relocation -= (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset
- - input_section->vma);
- /* Adjust the contents. */
- if (relocation == 0)
- r = bfd_reloc_ok;
- else
- {
- if (int_rel.r_type != MIPS_R_REFHI
- && int_rel.r_type != MIPS_R_RELHI)
- r = _bfd_relocate_contents (howto, input_bfd, relocation,
- (contents
- + adjust
- + int_rel.r_vaddr
- - input_section->vma));
- else
- {
- mips_relocate_hi (&int_rel, &lo_int_rel,
- input_bfd, input_section, contents,
- adjust, relocation,
- int_rel.r_type == MIPS_R_RELHI);
- r = bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- }
- /* Adjust the reloc address. */
- int_rel.r_vaddr += (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset
- - input_section->vma);
- /* Save the changed reloc information. */
- mips_ecoff_swap_reloc_out (input_bfd, &int_rel, (PTR) ext_rel);
- }
- else
- {
- /* We are producing a final executable. */
- if (int_rel.r_extern)
- {
- /* This is a reloc against a symbol. */
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- asection *hsec;
- hsec = h->root.u.def.section;
- relocation = (h->root.u.def.value
- + hsec->output_section->vma
- + hsec->output_offset);
- }
- else
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (info, h->root.root.string, input_bfd,
- input_section,
- int_rel.r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- relocation = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is a reloc against a section. */
- relocation = (s->output_section->vma
- + s->output_offset
- - s->vma);
- /* A PC relative reloc is already correct in the object
- file. Make it look like a pcrel_offset relocation by
- adding in the start address. */
- if (howto->pc_relative)
- {
- if (int_rel.r_type != MIPS_R_RELHI)
- relocation += int_rel.r_vaddr + adjust;
- else
- relocation += lo_int_rel.r_vaddr + adjust;
- }
- }
- if (int_rel.r_type != MIPS_R_REFHI
- && int_rel.r_type != MIPS_R_RELHI)
- r = _bfd_final_link_relocate (howto,
- input_bfd,
- input_section,
- contents,
- (int_rel.r_vaddr
- - input_section->vma
- + adjust),
- relocation,
- addend);
- else
- {
- mips_relocate_hi (&int_rel, &lo_int_rel, input_bfd,
- input_section, contents, adjust,
- relocation,
- int_rel.r_type == MIPS_R_RELHI);
- r = bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- }
- /* MIPS_R_JMPADDR requires peculiar overflow detection. The
- instruction provides a 28 bit address (the two lower bits are
- implicit zeroes) which is combined with the upper four bits
- of the instruction address. */
- if (r == bfd_reloc_ok
- && int_rel.r_type == MIPS_R_JMPADDR
- && (((relocation
- + addend
- + (int_rel.r_extern ? 0 : s->vma))
- & 0xf0000000)
- != ((input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset
- + (int_rel.r_vaddr - input_section->vma)
- + adjust)
- & 0xf0000000)))
- r = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- if (r != bfd_reloc_ok)
- {
- switch (r)
- {
- default:
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- {
- const char *name;
- if (int_rel.r_extern)
- name = h->root.root.string;
- else
- name = bfd_section_name (input_bfd, s);
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (info, name, howto->name, (bfd_vma) 0,
- input_bfd, input_section,
- int_rel.r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Read in the relocs for a section. */
-static boolean
-mips_read_relocs (abfd, sec)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- struct ecoff_section_tdata *section_tdata;
- section_tdata = ecoff_section_data (abfd, sec);
- if (section_tdata == (struct ecoff_section_tdata *) NULL)
- {
- sec->used_by_bfd =
- (PTR) bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (struct ecoff_section_tdata));
- if (sec->used_by_bfd == NULL)
- return false;
- section_tdata = ecoff_section_data (abfd, sec);
- section_tdata->external_relocs = NULL;
- section_tdata->contents = NULL;
- section_tdata->offsets = NULL;
- }
- if (section_tdata->external_relocs == NULL)
- {
- bfd_size_type external_relocs_size;
- external_relocs_size = (ecoff_backend (abfd)->external_reloc_size
- * sec->reloc_count);
- section_tdata->external_relocs =
- (PTR) bfd_alloc (abfd, external_relocs_size);
- if (section_tdata->external_relocs == NULL && external_relocs_size != 0)
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, sec->rel_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_read (section_tdata->external_relocs, 1,
- external_relocs_size, abfd)
- != external_relocs_size))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Relax a section when linking a MIPS ECOFF file. This is used for
- embedded PIC code, which always uses PC relative branches which
- only have an 18 bit range on MIPS. If a branch is not in range, we
- generate a long instruction sequence to compensate. Each time we
- find a branch to expand, we have to check all the others again to
- make sure they are still in range. This is slow, but it only has
- to be done when -relax is passed to the linker.
- This routine figures out which branches need to expand; the actual
- expansion is done in mips_relocate_section when the section
- contents are relocated. The information is stored in the offsets
- field of the ecoff_section_tdata structure. An offset of 1 means
- that the branch must be expanded into a multi-instruction PC
- relative branch (such an offset will only occur for a PC relative
- branch to an external symbol). Any other offset must be a multiple
- of four, and is the amount to change the branch by (such an offset
- will only occur for a PC relative branch within the same section).
- We do not modify the section relocs or contents themselves so that
- if memory usage becomes an issue we can discard them and read them
- again. The only information we must save in memory between this
- routine and the mips_relocate_section routine is the table of
- offsets. */
-static boolean
-mips_relax_section (abfd, sec, info, again)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean *again;
- struct ecoff_section_tdata *section_tdata;
- bfd_byte *contents = NULL;
- long *offsets;
- struct external_reloc *ext_rel;
- struct external_reloc *ext_rel_end;
- unsigned int i;
- /* Assume we are not going to need another pass. */
- *again = false;
- /* If we are not generating an ECOFF file, this is much too
- confusing to deal with. */
- if (info->hash->creator->flavour != bfd_get_flavour (abfd))
- return true;
- /* If there are no relocs, there is nothing to do. */
- if (sec->reloc_count == 0)
- return true;
- /* We are only interested in PC relative relocs, and why would there
- ever be one from anything but the .text section? */
- if (strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec), ".text") != 0)
- return true;
- /* Read in the relocs, if we haven't already got them. */
- section_tdata = ecoff_section_data (abfd, sec);
- if (section_tdata == (struct ecoff_section_tdata *) NULL
- || section_tdata->external_relocs == NULL)
- {
- if (! mips_read_relocs (abfd, sec))
- goto error_return;
- section_tdata = ecoff_section_data (abfd, sec);
- }
- if (sec->_cooked_size == 0)
- {
- /* We must initialize _cooked_size only the first time we are
- called. */
- sec->_cooked_size = sec->_raw_size;
- }
- contents = section_tdata->contents;
- offsets = section_tdata->offsets;
- /* Look for any external PC relative relocs. Internal PC relative
- relocs are already correct in the object file, so they certainly
- can not overflow. */
- ext_rel = (struct external_reloc *) section_tdata->external_relocs;
- ext_rel_end = ext_rel + sec->reloc_count;
- for (i = 0; ext_rel < ext_rel_end; ext_rel++, i++)
- {
- struct internal_reloc int_rel;
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- asection *hsec;
- bfd_signed_vma relocation;
- struct external_reloc *adj_ext_rel;
- unsigned int adj_i;
- unsigned long ext_count;
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry **adj_h_ptr;
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry **adj_h_ptr_end;
- struct ecoff_value_adjust *adjust;
- /* If we have already expanded this reloc, we certainly don't
- need to do it again. */
- if (offsets != (long *) NULL && offsets[i] == 1)
- continue;
- /* Quickly check that this reloc is external PCREL16. */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- {
- if ((ext_rel->r_bits[3] & RELOC_BITS3_EXTERN_BIG) == 0
- || (((ext_rel->r_bits[3] & RELOC_BITS3_TYPE_BIG)
- != MIPS_R_PCREL16))
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((ext_rel->r_bits[3] & RELOC_BITS3_EXTERN_LITTLE) == 0
- || (((ext_rel->r_bits[3] & RELOC_BITS3_TYPE_LITTLE)
- != MIPS_R_PCREL16))
- continue;
- }
- mips_ecoff_swap_reloc_in (abfd, (PTR) ext_rel, &int_rel);
- h = ecoff_data (abfd)->sym_hashes[int_rel.r_symndx];
- if (h == (struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- abort ();
- if (h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined
- && h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- /* Just ignore undefined symbols. These will presumably
- generate an error later in the link. */
- continue;
- }
- /* Get the value of the symbol. */
- hsec = h->root.u.def.section;
- relocation = (h->root.u.def.value
- + hsec->output_section->vma
- + hsec->output_offset);
- /* Subtract out the current address. */
- relocation -= (sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset
- + (int_rel.r_vaddr - sec->vma));
- /* The addend is stored in the object file. In the normal case
- of ``bal symbol'', the addend will be -4. It will only be
- different in the case of ``bal symbol+constant''. To avoid
- always reading in the section contents, we don't check the
- addend in the object file (we could easily check the contents
- if we happen to have already read them in, but I fear that
- this could be confusing). This means we will screw up if
- there is a branch to a symbol that is in range, but added to
- a constant which puts it out of range; in such a case the
- link will fail with a reloc overflow error. Since the
- compiler will never generate such code, it should be easy
- enough to work around it by changing the assembly code in the
- source file. */
- relocation -= 4;
- /* Now RELOCATION is the number we want to put in the object
- file. See whether it fits. */
- if (relocation >= -0x20000 && relocation < 0x20000)
- continue;
- /* Now that we know this reloc needs work, which will rarely
- happen, go ahead and grab the section contents. */
- if (contents == (bfd_byte *) NULL)
- {
- if (info->keep_memory)
- contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sec->_raw_size);
- else
- contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc ((size_t) sec->_raw_size);
- if (contents == (bfd_byte *) NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (abfd, sec, (PTR) contents,
- (file_ptr) 0, sec->_raw_size))
- goto error_return;
- if (info->keep_memory)
- section_tdata->contents = contents;
- }
- /* We only support changing the bal instruction. It would be
- possible to handle other PC relative branches, but some of
- them (the conditional branches) would require a different
- length instruction sequence which would complicate both this
- routine and mips_relax_pcrel16. It could be written if
- somebody felt it were important. Ignoring this reloc will
- presumably cause a reloc overflow error later on. */
- if (bfd_get_32 (abfd, contents + int_rel.r_vaddr - sec->vma)
- != 0x0411ffff) /* bgezal $0,. == bal . */
- continue;
- /* Bother. We need to expand this reloc, and we will need to
- make another relaxation pass since this change may put other
- relocs out of range. We need to examine the local branches
- and we need to allocate memory to hold the offsets we must
- add to them. We also need to adjust the values of all
- symbols in the object file following this location. */
- sec->_cooked_size += PCREL16_EXPANSION_ADJUSTMENT;
- *again = true;
- if (offsets == (long *) NULL)
- {
- size_t size;
- size = sec->reloc_count * sizeof (long);
- offsets = (long *) bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, size);
- if (offsets == (long *) NULL)
- goto error_return;
- memset (offsets, 0, size);
- section_tdata->offsets = offsets;
- }
- offsets[i] = 1;
- /* Now look for all PC relative references that cross this reloc
- and adjust their offsets. */
- adj_ext_rel = (struct external_reloc *) section_tdata->external_relocs;
- for (adj_i = 0; adj_ext_rel < ext_rel_end; adj_ext_rel++, adj_i++)
- {
- struct internal_reloc adj_int_rel;
- bfd_vma start, stop;
- int change;
- mips_ecoff_swap_reloc_in (abfd, (PTR) adj_ext_rel, &adj_int_rel);
- if (adj_int_rel.r_type == MIPS_R_PCREL16)
- {
- unsigned long insn;
- /* We only care about local references. External ones
- will be relocated correctly anyhow. */
- if (adj_int_rel.r_extern)
- continue;
- /* We are only interested in a PC relative reloc within
- this section. FIXME: Cross section PC relative
- relocs may not be handled correctly; does anybody
- care? */
- if (adj_int_rel.r_symndx != RELOC_SECTION_TEXT)
- continue;
- start = adj_int_rel.r_vaddr;
- insn = bfd_get_32 (abfd,
- contents + adj_int_rel.r_vaddr - sec->vma);
- stop = (insn & 0xffff) << 2;
- if ((stop & 0x20000) != 0)
- stop -= 0x40000;
- stop += adj_int_rel.r_vaddr + 4;
- }
- else if (adj_int_rel.r_type == MIPS_R_RELHI)
- {
- struct internal_reloc rello;
- long addhi, addlo;
- /* The next reloc must be MIPS_R_RELLO, and we handle
- them together. */
- BFD_ASSERT (adj_ext_rel + 1 < ext_rel_end);
- mips_ecoff_swap_reloc_in (abfd, (PTR) (adj_ext_rel + 1), &rello);
- BFD_ASSERT (rello.r_type == MIPS_R_RELLO);
- addhi = bfd_get_32 (abfd,
- contents + adj_int_rel.r_vaddr - sec->vma);
- addhi &= 0xffff;
- if (addhi & 0x8000)
- addhi -= 0x10000;
- addhi <<= 16;
- addlo = bfd_get_32 (abfd, contents + rello.r_vaddr - sec->vma);
- addlo &= 0xffff;
- if (addlo & 0x8000)
- addlo -= 0x10000;
- if (adj_int_rel.r_extern)
- {
- /* The value we want here is
- sym - RELLOaddr + addend
- which we can express as
- sym - (RELLOaddr - addend)
- Therefore if we are expanding the area between
- RELLOaddr and RELLOaddr - addend we must adjust
- the addend. This is admittedly ambiguous, since
- we might mean (sym + addend) - RELLOaddr, but in
- practice we don't, and there is no way to handle
- that case correctly since at this point we have
- no idea whether any reloc is being expanded
- between sym and sym + addend. */
- start = rello.r_vaddr - (addhi + addlo);
- stop = rello.r_vaddr;
- }
- else
- {
- /* An internal RELHI/RELLO pair represents the
- difference between two addresses, $LC0 - foo.
- The symndx value is actually the difference
- between the reloc address and $LC0. This lets us
- compute $LC0, and, by considering the addend,
- foo. If the reloc we are expanding falls between
- those two relocs, we must adjust the addend. At
- this point, the symndx value is actually in the
- r_offset field, where it was put by
- mips_ecoff_swap_reloc_in. */
- start = rello.r_vaddr - adj_int_rel.r_offset;
- stop = start + addhi + addlo;
- }
- }
- else if (adj_int_rel.r_type == MIPS_R_SWITCH)
- {
- /* A MIPS_R_SWITCH reloc represents a word of the form
- .word $L3-$LS12
- The value in the object file is correct, assuming the
- original value of $L3. The symndx value is actually
- the difference between the reloc address and $LS12.
- This lets us compute the original value of $LS12 as
- vaddr - symndx
- and the original value of $L3 as
- vaddr - symndx + addend
- where addend is the value from the object file. At
- this point, the symndx value is actually found in the
- r_offset field, since it was moved by
- mips_ecoff_swap_reloc_in. */
- start = adj_int_rel.r_vaddr - adj_int_rel.r_offset;
- stop = start + bfd_get_32 (abfd,
- (contents
- + adj_int_rel.r_vaddr
- - sec->vma));
- }
- else
- continue;
- /* If the range expressed by this reloc, which is the
- distance between START and STOP crosses the reloc we are
- expanding, we must adjust the offset. The sign of the
- adjustment depends upon the direction in which the range
- crosses the reloc being expanded. */
- if (start <= int_rel.r_vaddr && stop > int_rel.r_vaddr)
- else if (start > int_rel.r_vaddr && stop <= int_rel.r_vaddr)
- else
- change = 0;
- offsets[adj_i] += change;
- if (adj_int_rel.r_type == MIPS_R_RELHI)
- {
- adj_ext_rel++;
- adj_i++;
- offsets[adj_i] += change;
- }
- }
- /* Find all symbols in this section defined by this object file
- and adjust their values. Note that we decide whether to
- adjust the value based on the value stored in the ECOFF EXTR
- structure, because the value stored in the hash table may
- have been changed by an earlier expanded reloc and thus may
- no longer correctly indicate whether the symbol is before or
- after the expanded reloc. */
- ext_count = ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.symbolic_header.iextMax;
- adj_h_ptr = ecoff_data (abfd)->sym_hashes;
- adj_h_ptr_end = adj_h_ptr + ext_count;
- for (; adj_h_ptr < adj_h_ptr_end; adj_h_ptr++)
- {
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *adj_h;
- adj_h = *adj_h_ptr;
- if (adj_h != (struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && (adj_h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || adj_h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- && adj_h->root.u.def.section == sec
- && adj_h->esym.asym.value > int_rel.r_vaddr)
- adj_h->root.u.def.value += PCREL16_EXPANSION_ADJUSTMENT;
- }
- /* Add an entry to the symbol value adjust list. This is used
- by bfd_ecoff_debug_accumulate to adjust the values of
- internal symbols and FDR's. */
- adjust = ((struct ecoff_value_adjust *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct ecoff_value_adjust)));
- if (adjust == (struct ecoff_value_adjust *) NULL)
- goto error_return;
- adjust->start = int_rel.r_vaddr;
- adjust->end = sec->vma + sec->_raw_size;
- adjust->adjust = PCREL16_EXPANSION_ADJUSTMENT;
- adjust->next = ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.adjust;
- ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.adjust = adjust;
- }
- if (contents != (bfd_byte *) NULL && ! info->keep_memory)
- free (contents);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (contents != (bfd_byte *) NULL && ! info->keep_memory)
- free (contents);
- return false;
-/* This routine is called from mips_relocate_section when a PC
- relative reloc must be expanded into the five instruction sequence.
- It handles all the details of the expansion, including resolving
- the reloc. */
-static boolean
-mips_relax_pcrel16 (info, input_bfd, input_section, h, location, address)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- bfd_byte *location;
- bfd_vma address;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- /* 0x0411ffff is bgezal $0,. == bal . */
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, location) == 0x0411ffff);
- /* We need to compute the distance between the symbol and the
- current address plus eight. */
- relocation = (h->root.u.def.value
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_offset);
- relocation -= address + 8;
- /* If the lower half is negative, increment the upper 16 half. */
- if ((relocation & 0x8000) != 0)
- relocation += 0x10000;
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, 0x04110001, location); /* bal .+8 */
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd,
- 0x3c010000 | ((relocation >> 16) & 0xffff), /* lui $at,XX */
- location + 4);
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd,
- 0x24210000 | (relocation & 0xffff), /* addiu $at,$at,XX */
- location + 8);
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, 0x003f0821, location + 12); /* addu $at,$at,$ra */
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, 0x0020f809, location + 16); /* jalr $at */
- return true;
-/* Given a .sdata section and a .rel.sdata in-memory section, store
- relocation information into the .rel.sdata section which can be
- used at runtime to relocate the section. This is called by the
- linker when the --embedded-relocs switch is used. This is called
- after the add_symbols entry point has been called for all the
- objects, and before the final_link entry point is called. This
- function presumes that the object was compiled using
- -membedded-pic. */
-bfd_mips_ecoff_create_embedded_relocs (abfd, info, datasec, relsec, errmsg)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *datasec;
- asection *relsec;
- char **errmsg;
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- struct ecoff_section_tdata *section_tdata;
- struct external_reloc *ext_rel;
- struct external_reloc *ext_rel_end;
- bfd_byte *p;
- BFD_ASSERT (! info->relocateable);
- *errmsg = NULL;
- if (datasec->reloc_count == 0)
- return true;
- sym_hashes = ecoff_data (abfd)->sym_hashes;
- if (! mips_read_relocs (abfd, datasec))
- return false;
- relsec->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (abfd, datasec->reloc_count * 4);
- if (relsec->contents == NULL)
- return false;
- p = relsec->contents;
- section_tdata = ecoff_section_data (abfd, datasec);
- ext_rel = (struct external_reloc *) section_tdata->external_relocs;
- ext_rel_end = ext_rel + datasec->reloc_count;
- for (; ext_rel < ext_rel_end; ext_rel++, p += 4)
- {
- struct internal_reloc int_rel;
- boolean text_relative;
- mips_ecoff_swap_reloc_in (abfd, (PTR) ext_rel, &int_rel);
- /* We are going to write a four byte word into the runtime reloc
- section. The word will be the address in the data section
- which must be relocated. This must be on a word boundary,
- which means the lower two bits must be zero. We use the
- least significant bit to indicate how the value in the data
- section must be relocated. A 0 means that the value is
- relative to the text section, while a 1 indicates that the
- value is relative to the data section. Given that we are
- assuming the code was compiled using -membedded-pic, there
- should not be any other possibilities. */
- /* We can only relocate REFWORD relocs at run time. */
- if (int_rel.r_type != MIPS_R_REFWORD)
- {
- *errmsg = "unsupported reloc type";
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- if (int_rel.r_extern)
- {
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- h = sym_hashes[int_rel.r_symndx];
- /* If h is NULL, that means that there is a reloc against an
- external symbol which we thought was just a debugging
- symbol. This should not happen. */
- if (h == (struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- abort ();
- if ((h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- && (h->root.u.def.section->flags & SEC_CODE) != 0)
- text_relative = true;
- else
- text_relative = false;
- }
- else
- {
- switch (int_rel.r_symndx)
- {
- text_relative = true;
- break;
- text_relative = false;
- break;
- default:
- /* No other sections should appear in -membedded-pic
- code. */
- *errmsg = "reloc against unsupported section";
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- }
- if ((int_rel.r_offset & 3) != 0)
- {
- *errmsg = "reloc not properly aligned";
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- bfd_put_32 (abfd,
- (int_rel.r_vaddr - datasec->vma + datasec->output_offset
- + (text_relative ? 0 : 1)),
- p);
- }
- return true;
-/* This is the ECOFF backend structure. The backend field of the
- target vector points to this. */
-static const struct ecoff_backend_data mips_ecoff_backend_data =
- /* COFF backend structure. */
- {
- (void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *,PTR,int,int,int,int,PTR))) bfd_void, /* aux_in */
- (void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *,PTR,PTR))) bfd_void, /* sym_in */
- (void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *,PTR,PTR))) bfd_void, /* lineno_in */
- (unsigned (*) PARAMS ((bfd *,PTR,int,int,int,int,PTR)))bfd_void,/*aux_out*/
- (unsigned (*) PARAMS ((bfd *,PTR,PTR))) bfd_void, /* sym_out */
- (unsigned (*) PARAMS ((bfd *,PTR,PTR))) bfd_void, /* lineno_out */
- (unsigned (*) PARAMS ((bfd *,PTR,PTR))) bfd_void, /* reloc_out */
- mips_ecoff_swap_filehdr_out, mips_ecoff_swap_aouthdr_out,
- mips_ecoff_swap_scnhdr_out,
- FILHSZ, AOUTSZ, SCNHSZ, 0, 0, 0, 0, true,
- mips_ecoff_swap_filehdr_in, mips_ecoff_swap_aouthdr_in,
- mips_ecoff_swap_scnhdr_in, NULL,
- mips_ecoff_bad_format_hook, _bfd_ecoff_set_arch_mach_hook,
- _bfd_ecoff_mkobject_hook, _bfd_ecoff_styp_to_sec_flags,
- _bfd_ecoff_set_alignment_hook, _bfd_ecoff_slurp_symbol_table,
- },
- /* Supported architecture. */
- bfd_arch_mips,
- /* Initial portion of armap string. */
- "__________",
- /* The page boundary used to align sections in a demand-paged
- executable file. E.g., 0x1000. */
- 0x1000,
- /* True if the .rdata section is part of the text segment, as on the
- Alpha. False if .rdata is part of the data segment, as on the
- MIPS. */
- false,
- /* Bitsize of constructor entries. */
- 32,
- /* Reloc to use for constructor entries. */
- &mips_howto_table[MIPS_R_REFWORD],
- {
- /* Symbol table magic number. */
- magicSym,
- /* Alignment of debugging information. E.g., 4. */
- 4,
- /* Sizes of external symbolic information. */
- sizeof (struct hdr_ext),
- sizeof (struct dnr_ext),
- sizeof (struct pdr_ext),
- sizeof (struct sym_ext),
- sizeof (struct opt_ext),
- sizeof (struct fdr_ext),
- sizeof (struct rfd_ext),
- sizeof (struct ext_ext),
- /* Functions to swap in external symbolic data. */
- ecoff_swap_hdr_in,
- ecoff_swap_dnr_in,
- ecoff_swap_pdr_in,
- ecoff_swap_sym_in,
- ecoff_swap_opt_in,
- ecoff_swap_fdr_in,
- ecoff_swap_rfd_in,
- ecoff_swap_ext_in,
- _bfd_ecoff_swap_tir_in,
- _bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_in,
- /* Functions to swap out external symbolic data. */
- ecoff_swap_hdr_out,
- ecoff_swap_dnr_out,
- ecoff_swap_pdr_out,
- ecoff_swap_sym_out,
- ecoff_swap_opt_out,
- ecoff_swap_fdr_out,
- ecoff_swap_rfd_out,
- ecoff_swap_ext_out,
- _bfd_ecoff_swap_tir_out,
- _bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_out,
- /* Function to read in symbolic data. */
- _bfd_ecoff_slurp_symbolic_info
- },
- /* External reloc size. */
- /* Reloc swapping functions. */
- mips_ecoff_swap_reloc_in,
- mips_ecoff_swap_reloc_out,
- /* Backend reloc tweaking. */
- mips_adjust_reloc_in,
- mips_adjust_reloc_out,
- /* Relocate section contents while linking. */
- mips_relocate_section,
- /* Do final adjustments to filehdr and aouthdr. */
- /* Read an element from an archive at a given file position. */
- _bfd_get_elt_at_filepos
-/* Looking up a reloc type is MIPS specific. */
-#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_reloc_type_lookup mips_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
-/* Getting relocated section contents is generic. */
-#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
-/* Handling file windows is generic. */
-#define _bfd_ecoff_get_section_contents_in_window \
- _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
-/* Relaxing sections is MIPS specific. */
-#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_relax_section mips_relax_section
-const bfd_target ecoff_little_vec =
- "ecoff-littlemips", /* name */
- bfd_target_ecoff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* data byte order is little */
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* header byte order is little */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- 0, /* leading underscore */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_ecoff_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, _bfd_ecoff_mkobject, /* bfd_set_format */
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive, bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, _bfd_ecoff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_SYMBOLS (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) &mips_ecoff_backend_data
-const bfd_target ecoff_big_vec =
- "ecoff-bigmips", /* name */
- bfd_target_ecoff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* data byte order is big */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* header byte order is big */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- 0, /* leading underscore */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16,
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16,
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_ecoff_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, _bfd_ecoff_mkobject, /* bfd_set_format */
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive, bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, _bfd_ecoff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_SYMBOLS (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (_bfd_ecoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) &mips_ecoff_backend_data
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-pmac.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-pmac.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f3332d98959b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-pmac.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Apple et al PowerPC Mac "XCOFF" files.
- Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define TARGET_SYM pmac_xcoff_vec
-#define TARGET_NAME "xcoff-powermac"
-/* Tweak coffcode.h based on this being a PowerMac instead of RS/6000. */
-#define POWERMAC
-#include "coff-rs6000.c"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-ppc.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-ppc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4caf3d8dc01d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-ppc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3255 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for PowerPC Microsoft Portable Executable files.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Original version pieced together by Kim Knuttila (
- There is nothing new under the sun. This file draws a lot on other
- coff files, in particular, those for the rs/6000, alpha, mips, and
- intel backends, and the PE work for the arm.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
-/* Current State:
- - objdump works
- - relocs generated by gas
- - ld will link files, but they do not run.
- - dlltool will not produce correct output in some .reloc cases, and will
- not produce the right glue code for dll function calls.
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "coff/powerpc.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "coff/pe.h"
-#ifdef BADMAG
-#undef BADMAG
-#define BADMAG(x) PPCBADMAG(x)
-#include "libcoff.h"
-/* The toc is a set of bfd_vma fields. We use the fact that valid */
-/* addresses are even (i.e. the bit representing "1" is off) to allow */
-/* us to encode a little extra information in the field */
-/* - Unallocated addresses are intialized to 1. */
-/* - Allocated addresses are even numbers. */
-/* The first time we actually write a reference to the toc in the bfd, */
-/* we want to record that fact in a fixup file (if it is asked for), so */
-/* we keep track of whether or not an address has been written by marking */
-/* the low order bit with a "1" upon writing */
-#define SET_UNALLOCATED(x) ((x) = 1)
-#define IS_UNALLOCATED(x) ((x) == 1)
-#define IS_WRITTEN(x) ((x) & 1)
-#define MARK_AS_WRITTEN(x) ((x) |= 1)
-#define MAKE_ADDR_AGAIN(x) ((x) &= ~1)
-/* In order not to add an int to every hash table item for every coff
- linker, we define our own hash table, derived from the coff one */
-/* PE linker hash table entries. */
-struct ppc_coff_link_hash_entry
- struct coff_link_hash_entry root; /* First entry, as required */
- /* As we wonder around the relocs, we'll keep the assigned toc_offset
- here */
- bfd_vma toc_offset; /* Our addition, as required */
- int symbol_is_glue;
- unsigned long int glue_insn;
- char eye_catcher[8];
-/* Need a 7 char string for an eye catcher */
-#define EYE "krkjunk"
-#define CHECK_EYE(addr) \
- if (strcmp(addr, EYE) != 0) \
- { \
- fprintf(stderr,\
- "File %s, line %d, Hash check failure, bad eye %8s\n", \
- __FILE__, __LINE__, addr); \
- abort(); \
- }
-/* PE linker hash table. */
-struct ppc_coff_link_hash_table
- struct coff_link_hash_table root; /* First entry, as required */
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *ppc_coff_link_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *));
-/* Routine to create an entry in the link hash table. */
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *
-ppc_coff_link_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct ppc_coff_link_hash_entry *ret =
- (struct ppc_coff_link_hash_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == (struct ppc_coff_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ret = (struct ppc_coff_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table,
- sizeof (struct ppc_coff_link_hash_entry));
- if (ret == (struct ppc_coff_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct ppc_coff_link_hash_entry *)
- _bfd_coff_link_hash_newfunc ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret,
- table, string));
- if (ret)
- {
- /* Initialize the local fields. */
- SET_UNALLOCATED(ret->toc_offset);
- ret->symbol_is_glue = 0;
- ret->glue_insn = 0;
- strcpy(ret->eye_catcher, EYE);
- }
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Initialize a PE linker hash table. */
-static boolean
-ppc_coff_link_hash_table_init (table, abfd, newfunc)
- struct ppc_coff_link_hash_table *table;
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*newfunc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *));
- return _bfd_coff_link_hash_table_init (&table->root, abfd, newfunc);
-/* Create a PE linker hash table. */
-static struct bfd_link_hash_table *
-ppc_coff_link_hash_table_create (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct ppc_coff_link_hash_table *ret;
- ret = ((struct ppc_coff_link_hash_table *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct ppc_coff_link_hash_table)));
- if (ret == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (! ppc_coff_link_hash_table_init (ret, abfd,
- ppc_coff_link_hash_newfunc))
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, ret);
- return (struct bfd_link_hash_table *) NULL;
- }
- return &ret->root.root;
-/* Now, tailor coffcode.h to use our hash stuff */
-#define coff_bfd_link_hash_table_create ppc_coff_link_hash_table_create
-/* The nt loader points the toc register to &toc + 32768, in order to */
-/* use the complete range of a 16-bit displacement (I guess). We have */
-/* to adjust for this when we fix up loads displaced off the toc reg. */
-#define TOC_LOAD_ADJUSTMENT (-32768)
-#define TOC_SECTION_NAME ".private.toc"
-/* The main body of code is in coffcode.h. */
-/* In case we're on a 32-bit machine, construct a 64-bit "-1" value
- from smaller values. Start with zero, widen, *then* decrement. */
-#define MINUS_ONE (((bfd_vma)0) - 1)
-/* these should definitely go in a header file somewhere... */
-/* NOP */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_ABSOLUTE 0x0000
-/* 64-bit address */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR64 0x0001
-/* 32-bit address */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR32 0x0002
-/* 26-bit address, shifted left 2 (branch absolute) */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR24 0x0003
-/* 16-bit address */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR16 0x0004
-/* 16-bit address, shifted left 2 (load doubleword) */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR14 0x0005
-/* 26-bit PC-relative offset, shifted left 2 (branch relative) */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_REL24 0x0006
-/* 16-bit PC-relative offset, shifted left 2 (br cond relative) */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_REL14 0x0007
-/* 16-bit offset from TOC base */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCREL16 0x0008
-/* 16-bit offset from TOC base, shifted left 2 (load doubleword) */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCREL14 0x0009
-/* 32-bit addr w/o image base */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR32NB 0x000A
-/* va of containing section (as in an image sectionhdr) */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_SECREL 0x000B
-/* sectionheader number */
-/* substitute TOC restore instruction iff symbol is glue code */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_IFGLUE 0x000D
-/* symbol is glue code; virtual address is TOC restore instruction */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_IMGLUE 0x000E
-/* va of containing section (limited to 16 bits) */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_SECREL16 0x000F
-/* stuff to handle immediate data when the number of bits in the */
-/* data is greater than the number of bits in the immediate field */
-/* We need to do (usually) 32 bit arithmetic on 16 bit chunks */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_REFHI 0x0010
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_REFLO 0x0011
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_PAIR 0x0012
-/* This is essentially the same as tocrel16, with TOCDEFN assumed */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCREL16_DEFN 0x0013
-/* Flag bits in IMAGE_RELOCATION.TYPE */
-/* subtract reloc value rather than adding it */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_NEG 0x0100
-/* fix branch prediction bit to predict branch taken */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_BRTAKEN 0x0200
-/* fix branch prediction bit to predict branch not taken */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_BRNTAKEN 0x0400
-/* toc slot defined in file (or, data in toc) */
-#define IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCDEFN 0x0800
-/* masks to isolate above values in IMAGE_RELOCATION.Type */
-#define EXTRACT_JUNK(x) \
-/* static helper functions to make relocation work */
-/* (Work In Progress) */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type ppc_refhi_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type ppc_reflo_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type ppc_pair_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type ppc_toc16_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type ppc_addr32nb_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type ppc_section_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type ppc_secrel_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type ppc_imglue_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static boolean in_reloc_p PARAMS((bfd *abfd, reloc_howto_type *howto));
-/* FIXME: It'll take a while to get through all of these. I only need a few to
- get us started, so those I'll make sure work. Those marked FIXME are either
- completely unverified or have a specific unknown marked in the comment */
-/* */
-/* Relocation entries for Windows/NT on PowerPC. */
-/* */
-/* From the document "" we find the following listed as used relocs: */
-/* */
-/* ABSOLUTE : The noop */
-/* ADDR[64|32|16] : fields that hold addresses in data fields or the */
-/* 16 bit displacement field on a load/store. */
-/* ADDR[24|14] : fields that hold addresses in branch and cond */
-/* branches. These represent [26|16] bit addresses. */
-/* The low order 2 bits are preserved. */
-/* REL[24|14] : branches relative to the Instruction Address */
-/* register. These represent [26|16] bit addresses, */
-/* as before. The instruction field will be zero, and */
-/* the address of the SYM will be inserted at link time. */
-/* TOCREL16 : 16 bit displacement field referring to a slot in */
-/* toc. */
-/* TOCREL14 : 16 bit displacement field, similar to REL14 or ADDR14. */
-/* ADDR32NB : 32 bit address relative to the virtual origin. */
-/* (On the alpha, this is always a linker generated thunk)*/
-/* (i.e. 32bit addr relative to the image base) */
-/* SECREL : The value is relative to the start of the section */
-/* containing the symbol. */
-/* SECTION : access to the header containing the item. Supports the */
-/* codeview debugger. */
-/* */
-/* In particular, note that the document does not indicate that the */
-/* relocations listed in the header file are used. */
-/* */
-/* */
-/* */
-static reloc_howto_type ppc_coff_howto_table[] =
- /* Unused: */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 0, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* dont complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "ABSOLUTE", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x00, /* src_mask */
- 0x00, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR64 0x0001 64-bit address */
- /* Unused: */
- HOWTO(IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR64, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 3, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 64, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "ADDR64", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- MINUS_ONE, /* src_mask */
- MINUS_ONE, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR32 0x0002 32-bit address */
- /* Used: */
- HOWTO (IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR32, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "ADDR32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR24 0x0003 26-bit address, shifted left 2 (branch absolute) */
- /* the LI field is in bit 6 through bit 29 is 24 bits, + 2 for the shift */
- /* Of course, That's the IBM approved bit numbering, which is not what */
- /* anyone else uses.... The li field is in bit 2 thru 25 */
- /* Used: */
- HOWTO (IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR24, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 26, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "ADDR24", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x07fffffc, /* src_mask */
- 0x07fffffc, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR16 0x0004 16-bit address */
- /* Used: */
- HOWTO (IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "ADDR16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR14 0x0005 */
- /* 16-bit address, shifted left 2 (load doubleword) */
- /* FIXME: the mask is likely wrong, and the bit position may be as well */
- /* Unused: */
- HOWTO (IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR14, /* type */
- 1, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "ADDR16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* IMAGE_REL_PPC_REL24 0x0006 */
- /* 26-bit PC-relative offset, shifted left 2 (branch relative) */
- /* Used: */
- HOWTO (IMAGE_REL_PPC_REL24, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 26, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "REL24", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x3fffffc, /* src_mask */
- 0x3fffffc, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* IMAGE_REL_PPC_REL14 0x0007 */
- /* 16-bit PC-relative offset, shifted left 2 (br cond relative) */
- /* FIXME: the mask is likely wrong, and the bit position may be as well */
- /* FIXME: how does it know how far to shift? */
- /* Unused: */
- HOWTO (IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR14, /* type */
- 1, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "ADDR16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCREL16 0x0008 */
- /* 16-bit offset from TOC base */
- /* Used: */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- ppc_toc16_reloc, /* special_function */
- "TOCREL16", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCREL14 0x0009 */
- /* 16-bit offset from TOC base, shifted left 2 (load doubleword) */
- /* Unused: */
- 1, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "TOCREL14", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR32NB 0x000A */
- /* 32-bit addr w/ image base */
- /* Unused: */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "ADDR32NB", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* va of containing section (as in an image sectionhdr) */
- /* Unused: */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- ppc_secrel_reloc, /* special_function */
- "SECREL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* sectionheader number */
- /* Unused: */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- ppc_section_reloc, /* special_function */
- "SECTION", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* substitute TOC restore instruction iff symbol is glue code */
- /* Used: */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "IFGLUE", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* symbol is glue code; virtual address is TOC restore instruction */
- /* Unused: */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- ppc_imglue_reloc, /* special_function */
- "IMGLUE", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* IMAGE_REL_PPC_SECREL16 0x000F */
- /* va of containing section (limited to 16 bits) */
- /* Unused: */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "SECREL16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* IMAGE_REL_PPC_REFHI 0x0010 */
- /* Unused: */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- ppc_refhi_reloc, /* special_function */
- "REFHI", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* IMAGE_REL_PPC_REFLO 0x0011 */
- /* Unused: */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- ppc_refhi_reloc, /* special_function */
- "REFLO", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* IMAGE_REL_PPC_PAIR 0x0012 */
- /* Unused: */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- ppc_pair_reloc, /* special_function */
- "PAIR", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCREL16_DEFN 0x0013 */
- /* 16-bit offset from TOC base, without causing a definition */
- /* Used: */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "TOCREL16, TOCDEFN", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
-/* Some really cheezy macros that can be turned on to test stderr :-) */
-#define UN_IMPL(x) \
-{ \
- static int i; \
- if (i == 0) \
- { \
- i = 1; \
- fprintf(stderr,"Unimplemented Relocation -- %s\n",x); \
- } \
-#define DUMP_RELOC(n,r) \
-{ \
- fprintf(stderr,"%s sym %d, addr %d, addend %d\n", \
- n, (*(r->sym_ptr_ptr))->name, \
- r->address, r->addend); \
-/* Given a reloc name, n, and a pointer to an internal_reloc,
- dump out interesting information on the contents
-#define n_name _n._n_name
-#define n_zeroes _n._n_n._n_zeroes
-#define n_offset _n._n_n._n_offset
-#define DUMP_RELOC2(n,r) \
-{ \
- fprintf(stderr,"%s sym %d, r_vaddr %d %s\n", \
- n, r->r_symndx, r->r_vaddr,\
- (((r->r_type) & IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCDEFN) == 0) \
- ?" ":" TOCDEFN" ); \
-#define UN_IMPL(x)
-#define DUMP_RELOC(n,r)
-#define DUMP_RELOC2(n,r)
-/* toc construction and management routines */
-extern bfd* bfd_of_toc_owner;
-extern long int global_toc_size;
-extern long int import_table_size;
-extern long int first_thunk_address;
-extern long int thunk_size;
-enum toc_type
- default_toc,
- toc_32,
- toc_64
-enum ref_category
- priv,
- pub,
- data
-struct list_ele
- struct list_ele *next;
- bfd_vma addr;
- enum ref_category cat;
- int offset;
- const char *name;
-extern struct list_ele *head;
-extern struct list_ele *tail;
-static void
-record_toc(toc_section, our_toc_offset, cat, name)
- asection *toc_section;
- int our_toc_offset;
- enum ref_category cat;
- const char *name;
- /* add this entry to our toc addr-offset-name list */
- struct list_ele *t;
- t = bfd_malloc (sizeof (struct list_ele));
- if (t == NULL)
- abort ();
- t->next = 0;
- t->offset = our_toc_offset;
- t->name = name;
- t->cat = cat;
- t->addr = toc_section->output_offset + our_toc_offset;
- if (head == 0)
- {
- head = t;
- tail = t;
- }
- else
- {
- tail->next = t;
- tail = t;
- }
-/* record a toc offset against a symbol */
-static int
-ppc_record_toc_entry(abfd, info, sec, sym, toc_kind)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *sec;
- int sym;
- enum toc_type toc_kind;
- bfd_byte *t;
- bfd_byte *old_contents;
- asection *s;
- int element_size;
- int data;
- int offset;
- struct ppc_coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct coff_symbol_struct *target;
- int ret_val;
- const char *name;
- int *local_syms;
- h = 0;
- h = (struct ppc_coff_link_hash_entry *) (obj_coff_sym_hashes (abfd)[sym]);
- if (h != 0)
- {
- CHECK_EYE(h->eye_catcher);
- }
- if (h == 0)
- {
- local_syms = obj_coff_local_toc_table(abfd);
- if (local_syms == 0)
- {
- int i;
- /* allocate a table */
- local_syms =
- (int *) bfd_zalloc (abfd,
- obj_raw_syment_count(abfd) * sizeof(int));
- if (local_syms == 0)
- return false;
- obj_coff_local_toc_table(abfd) = local_syms;
- for (i = 0; i < obj_raw_syment_count(abfd); ++i)
- {
- SET_UNALLOCATED(local_syms[i]);
- }
- }
- if (IS_UNALLOCATED(local_syms[sym]))
- {
- local_syms[sym] = global_toc_size;
- ret_val = global_toc_size;
- global_toc_size += 4;
- /* The size must fit in a 16bit displacment */
- if (global_toc_size >= 65535)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Exceeded toc size of 65535\n");
- abort();
- }
-#ifdef TOC_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Setting toc_offset for local sym %d to %d\n",
- sym, ret_val);
- }
- else
- {
- ret_val = local_syms[sym];
-#ifdef TOC_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr,
- "toc_offset already set for local sym %d to %d\n",
- sym, ret_val);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- name = h->root.root.root.string;
- /* check to see if there's a toc slot allocated. If not, do it
- here. It will be used in relocate_section */
- if (IS_UNALLOCATED(h->toc_offset))
- {
- h->toc_offset = global_toc_size;
- ret_val = global_toc_size;
- global_toc_size += 4;
- /* The size must fit in a 16bit displacment */
- if (global_toc_size >= 65535)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Exceeded toc size of 65535\n");
- abort();
- }
-#ifdef TOC_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Setting toc_offset for sym %d (%s) [h=%p] to %d\n",
- sym, name, h, ret_val);
- }
- else
- {
- ret_val = h->toc_offset;
-#ifdef TOC_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr,
- "toc_offset already set for sym %d (%s) [h=%p] to %d\n",
- sym, name, h, ret_val);
- }
- }
- return ret_val;
-/* FIXME: record a toc offset against a data-in-toc symbol */
-/* Now, there is currenly some confusion on what this means. In some
- compilers one sees the moral equivalent of:
- .tocd
- define some data
- .text
- refer to the data with a [tocv] qualifier
- In general, one sees something to indicate that a tocd has been
- seen, and that would trigger the allocation of data in toc. The IBM
- docs seem to suggest that anything with the TOCDEFN qualifier should
- never trigger storage allocation. However, in the kernel32.lib that
- we've been using for our test bed, there are a couple of variables
- referenced that fail that test.
- So it can't work that way.
-static int
-ppc_record_data_in_toc_entry(abfd, info, sec, sym, toc_kind)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *sec;
- int sym;
- enum toc_type toc_kind;
- bfd_byte *t;
- bfd_byte *old_contents;
- asection *s;
- int element_size;
- int data;
- int offset;
- struct ppc_coff_link_hash_entry *h = 0;
- struct coff_symbol_struct *target;
- int ret_val;
- const char *name;
- int *local_syms;
- h = (struct ppc_coff_link_hash_entry *) (obj_coff_sym_hashes (abfd)[sym]);
- if (h == 0)
- {
- local_syms = obj_coff_local_toc_table(abfd);
- if (local_syms == 0)
- {
- int i;
- /* allocate a table */
- local_syms =
- (int *) bfd_zalloc (abfd,
- obj_raw_syment_count(abfd) * sizeof(int));
- if (local_syms == 0)
- return false;
- obj_coff_local_toc_table(abfd) = local_syms;
- for (i = 0; i < obj_raw_syment_count(abfd); ++i)
- {
- SET_UNALLOCATED(local_syms[i]);
- }
- }
- if (IS_UNALLOCATED(local_syms[sym]))
- {
- local_syms[sym] = global_toc_size;
- ret_val = global_toc_size;
- global_toc_size += 4;
-#ifdef TOC_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Setting data_in_toc_offset for local sym %d to %d\n",
- sym, ret_val);
- }
- else
- {
- ret_val = local_syms[sym];
-#ifdef TOC_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr,
- "data_in_toc_offset already set for local sym %d to %d\n",
- sym, ret_val);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- CHECK_EYE(h->eye_catcher);
- name = h->root.root.root.string;
- /* check to see if there's a toc slot allocated. If not, do it
- here. It will be used in relocate_section */
- if (IS_UNALLOCATED(h->toc_offset))
- {
-#if 0
- h->toc_offset = global_toc_size;
- ret_val = global_toc_size;
- /* We're allocating a chunk of the toc, as opposed to a slot */
- /* FIXME: alignment? */
- global_toc_size += 4;
-#ifdef TOC_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Setting data_in_toc_offset for sym %d (%s) [h=%p] to %d\n",
- sym, name, h, ret_val);
- }
- else
- {
- ret_val = h->toc_offset;
-#ifdef TOC_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr,
- "data_in_toc_offset already set for sym %d (%s) [h=%p] to %d\n",
- sym, name, h, ret_val);
- }
- }
- return ret_val;
-/* record a toc offset against a symbol */
-static void
-ppc_mark_symbol_as_glue(abfd, sym, rel)
- bfd *abfd;
- int sym;
- struct internal_reloc *rel;
- struct ppc_coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- h = (struct ppc_coff_link_hash_entry *) (obj_coff_sym_hashes (abfd)[sym]);
- CHECK_EYE(h->eye_catcher);
- h->symbol_is_glue = 1;
- h->glue_insn = bfd_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) &rel->r_vaddr);
- return;
-/* Provided the symbol, returns the value reffed */
-static long get_symbol_value PARAMS ((asymbol *));
-static long
-get_symbol_value (symbol)
- asymbol *symbol;
- long relocation = 0;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- {
- relocation = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- relocation = symbol->value +
- symbol->section->output_section->vma +
- symbol->section->output_offset;
- }
- return(relocation);
-/* Return true if this relocation should
- appear in the output .reloc section. */
-static boolean in_reloc_p(abfd, howto)
- bfd * abfd;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- return
- (! howto->pc_relative)
- && (howto->type != IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR32NB)
- && (howto->type != IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCREL16)
- && (howto->type != IMAGE_REL_PPC_IMGLUE)
- && (howto->type != IMAGE_REL_PPC_IFGLUE)
- && (howto->type != IMAGE_REL_PPC_SECREL)
- && (howto->type != IMAGE_REL_PPC_SECTION)
- && (howto->type != IMAGE_REL_PPC_SECREL16)
- && (howto->type != IMAGE_REL_PPC_REFHI)
- && (howto->type != IMAGE_REL_PPC_REFLO)
- && (howto->type != IMAGE_REL_PPC_PAIR)
- && (howto->type != IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCREL16_DEFN) ;
-/* this function is in charge of performing all the ppc PE relocations */
-/* Don't yet know if we want to do this this particular way ... (krk) */
-/* FIXME: (it is not yet enabled) */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-pe_ppc_reloc (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol_in, data, input_section, output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol_in;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- /* the consth relocation comes in two parts, we have to remember
- the state between calls, in these variables */
- static boolean part1_consth_active = false;
- static unsigned long part1_consth_value;
- unsigned long insn;
- unsigned long sym_value;
- unsigned long unsigned_value;
- unsigned short r_type;
- long signed_value;
- unsigned long addr = reloc_entry->address ; /*+ input_section->vma*/
- bfd_byte *hit_data =addr + (bfd_byte *)(data);
- fprintf(stderr, "pe_ppc_reloc (%s)\n", TARGET_LITTLE_NAME);
- r_type = reloc_entry->howto->type;
- if (output_bfd)
- {
- /* Partial linking - do nothing */
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- if (symbol_in != NULL
- && bfd_is_und_section (symbol_in->section))
- {
- /* Keep the state machine happy in case we're called again */
- if (r_type == IMAGE_REL_PPC_REFHI)
- {
- part1_consth_active = true;
- part1_consth_value = 0;
- }
- return(bfd_reloc_undefined);
- }
- if ((part1_consth_active) && (r_type != IMAGE_REL_PPC_PAIR))
- {
- part1_consth_active = false;
- *error_message = (char *) "Missing PAIR";
- return(bfd_reloc_dangerous);
- }
- sym_value = get_symbol_value(symbol_in);
- return(bfd_reloc_ok);
-/* The reloc processing routine for the optimized COFF linker. */
-static boolean
-coff_ppc_relocate_section (output_bfd, info, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, relocs, syms, sections)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- struct internal_reloc *relocs;
- struct internal_syment *syms;
- asection **sections;
- struct internal_reloc *rel;
- struct internal_reloc *relend;
- boolean hihalf;
- bfd_vma hihalf_val;
- asection *toc_section = 0;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- reloc_howto_type *howto = 0;
- fprintf(stderr,
- "pe_ppc_relocate_section (%s) for %s in bfd %s\n",
- input_section->name,
- input_bfd->filename);
- /* If we are performing a relocateable link, we don't need to do a
- thing. The caller will take care of adjusting the reloc
- addresses and symbol indices. */
- if (info->relocateable)
- return true;
- hihalf = false;
- hihalf_val = 0;
- rel = relocs;
- relend = rel + input_section->reloc_count;
- for (; rel < relend; rel++)
- {
- long symndx;
- struct ppc_coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct internal_syment *sym;
- bfd_vma val;
- asection *sec;
- bfd_reloc_status_type rstat;
- bfd_byte *loc;
- unsigned short r_type = EXTRACT_TYPE (rel->r_type);
- unsigned short r_flags = EXTRACT_FLAGS(rel->r_type);
- unsigned short junk = EXTRACT_JUNK (rel->r_type);
- /* now examine flags */
- if (r_flags != 0)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Reloc with flags found!");
- if ( r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_NEG )
- fprintf (stderr, " NEG");
- if ( r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_BRTAKEN )
- fprintf (stderr, " BRTAKEN");
- if ( r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_BRNTAKEN )
- fprintf (stderr, " BRNTAKEN");
- if ( r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCDEFN )
- fprintf (stderr, " TOCDEFN");
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- }
- symndx = rel->r_symndx;
- loc = contents + rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma;
- /* FIXME: check bounds on r_type */
- howto = ppc_coff_howto_table + r_type;
- if (symndx == -1)
- {
- h = NULL;
- sym = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- h = (struct ppc_coff_link_hash_entry *)
- (obj_coff_sym_hashes (input_bfd)[symndx]);
- if (h != 0)
- {
- CHECK_EYE(h->eye_catcher);
- }
- sym = syms + symndx;
- }
- sec = NULL;
- val = 0;
- /* FIXME: PAIR unsupported in the following code */
- if (h == NULL)
- {
- if (symndx == -1)
- sec = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- else
- {
- sec = sections[symndx];
- val = (sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset
- + sym->n_value
- - sec->vma);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- CHECK_EYE(h->eye_catcher);
- if (h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- sec = h->root.root.u.def.section;
- val = (h->root.root.u.def.value
- + sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset);
- }
- else
- {
- "missing %s\n",h->root.root.root.string);
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (info, h->root.root.root.string, input_bfd, input_section,
- rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- }
- }
- rstat = bfd_reloc_ok;
- /* Each case must do its own relocation, setting rstat appropriately */
- switch (r_type)
- {
- default:
- fprintf( stderr,
- "ERROR: during reloc processing -- unsupported reloc %s\n",
- howto->name);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- abort();
- return false;
- {
- bfd_vma our_toc_offset;
- int fixit;
- DUMP_RELOC2(howto->name, rel);
- if (toc_section == 0)
- {
- toc_section = bfd_get_section_by_name (bfd_of_toc_owner,
-#ifdef TOC_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr,
- "BFD of toc owner %p (%s), section addr of %s %p\n",
- bfd_of_toc_owner, bfd_of_toc_owner->filename,
- TOC_SECTION_NAME, toc_section);
- if ( toc_section == NULL )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "No Toc section!\n");
- abort();
- }
- }
- /*
- * Amazing bit tricks present. As we may have seen earlier, we
- * use the 1 bit to tell us whether or not a toc offset has been
- * allocated. Now that they've all been allocated, we will use
- * the 1 bit to tell us if we've written this particular toc
- * entry out.
- */
- fixit = false;
- if (h == 0)
- { /* it is a file local symbol */
- int *local_toc_table;
- const char *name;
- sym = syms + symndx;
- name = sym->_n._n_name;
- local_toc_table = obj_coff_local_toc_table(input_bfd);
- our_toc_offset = local_toc_table[symndx];
- if (IS_WRITTEN(our_toc_offset))
- {
- /* if it has been written out, it is marked with the
- 1 bit. Fix up our offset, but do not write it out
- again.
- */
- MAKE_ADDR_AGAIN(our_toc_offset);
-#ifdef TOC_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Not writing out toc_offset of %d for %s\n",
- our_toc_offset, name);
- }
- else
- {
- /* write out the toc entry */
- record_toc(toc_section, our_toc_offset, priv, strdup(name));
-#ifdef TOC_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Writing out toc_offset "
- "toc_section (%p,%p)+%d val %d for %s\n",
- toc_section,
- toc_section->contents,
- our_toc_offset,
- val,
- name);
- bfd_put_32(output_bfd,
- val,
- toc_section->contents + our_toc_offset);
- MARK_AS_WRITTEN(local_toc_table[symndx]);
- fixit = true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- const char *name = h->root.root.root.string;
- our_toc_offset = h->toc_offset;
- if ((r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCDEFN)
-#if 0
- /* This is wrong. If tocdefn is on, we must unconditionally
- assume the following path */
- && IS_UNALLOCATED(our_toc_offset))
- {
- /* This is unbelievable cheese. Some knowledgable asm
- hacker has decided to use r2 as a base for loading
- a value. He/She does this by setting the tocdefn bit,
- and not supplying a toc definition. The behaviour is
- then to use the difference between the value of the
- symbol and the actual location of the toc as the toc
- index.
- In fact, what is usually happening is, because the
- Import Address Table is mapped immediately following
- the toc, some trippy library code trying for speed on
- dll linkage, takes advantage of that and considers
- the IAT to be part of the toc, thus saving a load.
- */
- fprintf(stderr,
- "TOCDEFN is on, (%s) (%p) our_toc_offset = %x\n",
- name, h, our_toc_offset);
- our_toc_offset = val -
- (toc_section->output_section->vma +
- toc_section->output_offset);
- fprintf(stderr,
- " our_toc_offset set to %x\n", our_toc_offset);
- /* The size must still fit in a 16bit displacment */
- if (our_toc_offset >= 65535)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "TOCDEFN Relocation exceeded "
- "displacment of 65535\n");
- abort();
- }
- record_toc(toc_section, our_toc_offset, pub, strdup(name));
- }
- else if (IS_WRITTEN(our_toc_offset))
- {
- /* if it has been written out, it is marked with the
- 1 bit. Fix up our offset, but do not write it out
- again.
- */
- MAKE_ADDR_AGAIN(our_toc_offset);
-#ifdef TOC_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Not writing out toc_offset of %d for %s\n",
- our_toc_offset, name);
- }
- else
- {
- record_toc(toc_section, our_toc_offset, pub, strdup(name));
-#ifdef TOC_DEBUG
- /* write out the toc entry */
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Writing out toc_offset "
- "toc_section (%p,%p)+%d val %d for %s\n",
- toc_section,
- toc_section->contents,
- our_toc_offset,
- val,
- name);
- /* write out the toc entry */
- bfd_put_32(output_bfd,
- val,
- toc_section->contents + our_toc_offset);
- MARK_AS_WRITTEN(h->toc_offset);
- /* The tricky part is that this is the address that */
- /* needs a .reloc entry for it */
- fixit = true;
- }
- }
- if (fixit && info->base_file)
- {
- /* So if this is non pcrelative, and is referenced
- to a section or a common symbol, then it needs a reloc */
- /* relocation to a symbol in a section which
- isn't absolute - we output the address here
- to a file */
- bfd_vma addr = toc_section->output_section->vma
- + toc_section->output_offset + our_toc_offset;
- if (coff_data(output_bfd)->pe)
- addr -= pe_data(output_bfd)->pe_opthdr.ImageBase;
- fprintf(stderr,
- " Toc Section .reloc candidate addr = %x\n", addr);
- fwrite (&addr, 1,4, (FILE *) info->base_file);
- }
- /* FIXME: this test is conservative */
- our_toc_offset > toc_section->_raw_size)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "reloc offset is bigger than the toc size!\n");
- abort();
- }
- /* Now we know the relocation for this toc reference */
- relocation = our_toc_offset + TOC_LOAD_ADJUSTMENT;
- rstat = _bfd_relocate_contents (howto,
- input_bfd,
- relocation,
- loc);
- }
- break;
- {
- /* To solve this, we need to know whether or not the symbol */
- /* appearing on the call instruction is a glue function or not. */
- /* A glue function must announce itself via a IMGLUE reloc, and */
- /* the reloc contains the required toc restore instruction */
- bfd_vma x;
- const char *my_name;
- DUMP_RELOC2(howto->name, rel);
- if (h != 0)
- {
- my_name = h->root.root.root.string;
- if (h->symbol_is_glue == 1)
- {
- x = bfd_get_32(input_bfd, loc);
- bfd_put_32(input_bfd, h->glue_insn, loc);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /* Unimplemented: codeview debugging information */
- /* For fast access to the header of the section
- containing the item. */
- break;
- /* Unimplemented: codeview debugging information */
- /* Is used to indicate that the value should be relative
- to the beginning of the section that contains the
- symbol */
- break;
- {
- const char *my_name;
- if (h == 0)
- my_name = (syms+symndx)->_n._n_name;
- else
- {
- my_name = h->root.root.root.string;
- }
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Warning: unsupported reloc %s <file %s, section %s>\n",
- howto->name,
- bfd_get_filename(input_bfd),
- input_section->name);
- fprintf(stderr,"sym %d (%s), r_vaddr %d (%x)\n",
- rel->r_symndx, my_name, rel->r_vaddr, rel->r_vaddr);
- }
- break;
- {
- /* There is nothing to do now. This reloc was noted in the first
- pass over the relocs, and the glue instruction extracted */
- const char *my_name;
- if (h->symbol_is_glue == 1)
- break;
- my_name = h->root.root.root.string;
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Warning: previously missed IMGLUE reloc %s <file %s, section %s>\n",
- howto->name,
- bfd_get_filename(input_bfd),
- input_section->name);
- break;
- }
- break;
- {
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *myh = 0;
- const char *name = 0;
- DUMP_RELOC2(howto->name, rel);
- if (strncmp(".idata$2",input_section->name,8) == 0 && first_thunk_address == 0)
- {
- /* set magic values */
- int idata5offset;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *myh = 0;
- myh = coff_link_hash_lookup (coff_hash_table (info),
- "__idata5_magic__",
- false, false, true);
- first_thunk_address = myh->root.u.def.value +
- sec->output_section->vma +
- sec->output_offset -
- pe_data(output_bfd)->pe_opthdr.ImageBase;
- idata5offset = myh->root.u.def.value;
- myh = coff_link_hash_lookup (coff_hash_table (info),
- "__idata6_magic__",
- false, false, true);
- thunk_size = myh->root.u.def.value - idata5offset;
- myh = coff_link_hash_lookup (coff_hash_table (info),
- "__idata4_magic__",
- false, false, true);
- import_table_size = myh->root.u.def.value;
- fprintf(stderr,
- "first computation triggered fta %x, ts %d(%x), its %d(%x)\n",
- first_thunk_address, thunk_size, thunk_size, import_table_size,
- import_table_size);
- }
- if (h == 0)
- { /* it is a file local symbol */
- sym = syms + symndx;
- name = sym->_n._n_name;
- }
- else
- {
- char *target = 0;
- name = h->root.root.root.string;
- if (strcmp(".idata$2", name) == 0)
- target = "__idata2_magic__";
- else if (strcmp(".idata$4", name) == 0)
- target = "__idata4_magic__";
- else if (strcmp(".idata$5", name) == 0)
- target = "__idata5_magic__";
- if (target != 0)
- {
- myh = 0;
- myh = coff_link_hash_lookup (coff_hash_table (info),
- target,
- false, false, true);
- if (myh == 0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Missing idata magic cookies, "
- "this cannot work anyway...\n");
- abort();
- }
- val = myh->root.u.def.value +
- sec->output_section->vma + sec->output_offset;
- if (first_thunk_address == 0)
- {
- int idata5offset;
- myh = coff_link_hash_lookup (coff_hash_table (info),
- "__idata5_magic__",
- false, false, true);
- first_thunk_address = myh->root.u.def.value +
- sec->output_section->vma +
- sec->output_offset -
- pe_data(output_bfd)->pe_opthdr.ImageBase;
- idata5offset = myh->root.u.def.value;
- myh = coff_link_hash_lookup (coff_hash_table (info),
- "__idata6_magic__",
- false, false, true);
- thunk_size = myh->root.u.def.value - idata5offset;
- myh = coff_link_hash_lookup (coff_hash_table (info),
- "__idata4_magic__",
- false, false, true);
- import_table_size = myh->root.u.def.value;
- fprintf(stderr,
- "second computation triggered fta %x, ts %d(%x), its %d(%x)\n",
- first_thunk_address, thunk_size, thunk_size, import_table_size,
- import_table_size);
- }
- }
- }
- rstat = _bfd_relocate_contents (howto,
- input_bfd,
- val -
- pe_data(output_bfd)->pe_opthdr.ImageBase,
- loc);
- }
- break;
- DUMP_RELOC2(howto->name, rel);
- val -= (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset);
- rstat = _bfd_relocate_contents (howto,
- input_bfd,
- val,
- loc);
- break;
- DUMP_RELOC2(howto->name, rel);
- rstat = _bfd_relocate_contents (howto,
- input_bfd,
- val,
- loc);
- break;
- }
- if ( info->base_file )
- {
- /* So if this is non pcrelative, and is referenced
- to a section or a common symbol, then it needs a reloc */
- if (sym && pe_data(output_bfd)->in_reloc_p(output_bfd, howto))
- {
- /* relocation to a symbol in a section which
- isn't absolute - we output the address here
- to a file */
- bfd_vma addr = rel->r_vaddr
- - input_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset
- + input_section->output_section->vma;
- if (coff_data(output_bfd)->pe)
- {
- bfd_vma before_addr = addr;
- addr -= pe_data(output_bfd)->pe_opthdr.ImageBase;
- fprintf(stderr,
- " adjusted down from %x to %x", before_addr, addr);
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- fwrite (&addr, 1,4, (FILE *) info->base_file);
- }
- }
- switch (rstat)
- {
- default:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_ok:
- break;
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- {
- const char *name;
- char buf[SYMNMLEN + 1];
- if (symndx == -1)
- name = "*ABS*";
- else if (h != NULL)
- name = h->root.root.root.string;
- else if (sym == NULL)
- name = "*unknown*";
- else if (sym->_n._n_n._n_zeroes == 0
- && sym->_n._n_n._n_offset != 0)
- name = obj_coff_strings (input_bfd) + sym->_n._n_n._n_offset;
- else
- {
- strncpy (buf, sym->_n._n_name, SYMNMLEN);
- buf[SYMNMLEN] = '\0';
- name = buf;
- }
-#if 0
- else
- {
- name = _bfd_coff_internal_syment_name (input_bfd, sym, buf);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- }
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (info, name, howto->name,
- (bfd_vma) 0, input_bfd,
- input_section, rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "pe_ppc_relocate_section (%s) for %s in bfd %s RETURNING TRUE\n",
- input_section->name,
- input_bfd->filename);
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fprintf(stderr,
- "pe_ppc_relocate_section (%s) for %s in bfd %s RETURNING TRUE\n",
- input_section->name,
- input_bfd->filename);
- return true;
-long int global_toc_size = 4;
-bfd* bfd_of_toc_owner = 0;
-long int import_table_size;
-long int first_thunk_address;
-long int thunk_size;
-struct list_ele *head;
-struct list_ele *tail;
-static char *
-h1 = "\n\t\t\tTOC MAPPING\n\n";
-static char *
-h2 = " TOC disassembly Comments Name\n";
-static char *
-h3 = " Offset spelling (if present)\n";
- void *vfile;
- FILE *file = vfile;
- struct list_ele *t;
- fprintf(file, h1);
- fprintf(file, h2);
- fprintf(file, h3);
- for(t = head; t != 0; t=t->next)
- {
- char *cat;
- if (t->cat == priv)
- cat = "private ";
- else if (t->cat == pub)
- cat = "public ";
- else if (t->cat == data)
- cat = "data-in-toc ";
- if (t->offset > global_toc_size)
- {
- if (t->offset <= global_toc_size + thunk_size)
- cat = "IAT reference ";
- else
- {
- fprintf(file,
- "**** global_toc_size %d(%x), thunk_size %d(%x)\n",
- global_toc_size, global_toc_size, thunk_size, thunk_size);
- cat = "Out of bounds!";
- }
- }
- fprintf(file,
- " %04lx (%d)", t->offset, t->offset - 32768);
- fprintf(file,
- " %s %s\n",
- cat, t->name);
- }
- fprintf(file, "\n");
-ppc_allocate_toc_section (info)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *s;
- bfd_byte *foo;
- static char test_char = '1';
- if ( global_toc_size == 0 ) /* FIXME: does this get me in trouble? */
- return true;
- if (bfd_of_toc_owner == 0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "There is no bfd that owns the toc section!\n");
- abort();
- }
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name ( bfd_of_toc_owner , TOC_SECTION_NAME);
- if (s == NULL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "No Toc section!\n");
- abort();
- }
- foo = bfd_alloc(bfd_of_toc_owner, global_toc_size);
- memset(foo, test_char, global_toc_size);
- s->_raw_size = s->_cooked_size = global_toc_size;
- s->contents = foo;
- return true;
-ppc_process_before_allocation (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *sec;
- struct internal_reloc *i, *rel;
- fprintf(stderr,
- "ppc_process_before_allocation: BFD %s\n",
- bfd_get_filename(abfd));
- /* here we have a bfd that is to be included on the link. We have a hook
- to do reloc rummaging, before section sizes are nailed down. */
- _bfd_coff_get_external_symbols(abfd);
- /* rummage around all the relocs and map the toc */
- sec = abfd->sections;
- if (sec == 0)
- {
- return true;
- }
- for (; sec != 0; sec = sec->next)
- {
- int toc_offset;
- fprintf(stderr,
- " section %s reloc count %d\n",
- sec->name,
- sec->reloc_count);
- if (sec->reloc_count == 0)
- continue;
- /* load the relocs */
- /* FIXME: there may be a storage leak here */
- i=_bfd_coff_read_internal_relocs(abfd,sec,1,0,0,0);
- if (i == 0)
- abort();
- for (rel=i;rel<i+sec->reloc_count;++rel)
- {
- unsigned short r_type = EXTRACT_TYPE (rel->r_type);
- unsigned short r_flags = EXTRACT_FLAGS(rel->r_type);
- unsigned short junk = EXTRACT_JUNK (rel->r_type);
- /* now examine flags */
- if (r_flags != 0)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Reloc with flags found!");
- if ( r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_NEG )
- fprintf (stderr, " NEG");
- if ( r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_BRTAKEN )
- fprintf (stderr, " BRTAKEN");
- if ( r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_BRNTAKEN )
- fprintf (stderr, " BRNTAKEN");
- if ( r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCDEFN )
- fprintf (stderr, " TOCDEFN");
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- }
- DUMP_RELOC2(ppc_coff_howto_table[r_type].name, rel);
- switch(r_type)
- {
-#if 0
- /* FIXME:
- This remains unimplemented for now, as it currently adds
- un-necessary elements to the toc. All we need to do today
- is not do anything if TOCDEFN is on.
- */
- if ( r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCDEFN )
- toc_offset = ppc_record_data_in_toc_entry(abfd, info, sec,
- rel->r_symndx,
- default_toc);
- else
- toc_offset = ppc_record_toc_entry(abfd, info, sec,
- rel->r_symndx, default_toc);
- toc_offset = ppc_record_toc_entry(abfd, info, sec,
- rel->r_symndx, default_toc);
- break;
- ppc_mark_symbol_as_glue(abfd, rel->r_symndx, rel);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-ppc_refhi_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- DUMP_RELOC("REFHI",reloc_entry);
- if (output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- return bfd_reloc_undefined;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-ppc_reflo_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- DUMP_RELOC("REFLO",reloc_entry);
- if (output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- return bfd_reloc_undefined;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-ppc_pair_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- DUMP_RELOC("PAIR",reloc_entry);
- if (output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- return bfd_reloc_undefined;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-ppc_toc16_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- DUMP_RELOC("TOCREL16",reloc_entry);
- if (output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- {
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- }
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-/* ADDR32NB : 32 bit address relative to the virtual origin. */
-/* (On the alpha, this is always a linker generated thunk)*/
-/* (i.e. 32bit addr relative to the image base) */
-/* */
-/* */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-ppc_addr32nb_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- DUMP_RELOC("ADDR32NB",reloc_entry);
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-ppc_secrel_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- DUMP_RELOC("SECREL",reloc_entry);
- if (output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-ppc_section_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- DUMP_RELOC("SECTION",reloc_entry);
- if (output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-ppc_imglue_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- DUMP_RELOC("IMGLUE",reloc_entry);
- if (output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-#define MAX_RELOC_INDEX \
- (sizeof(ppc_coff_howto_table) / sizeof(ppc_coff_howto_table[0]) - 1)
-/* FIXME: There is a possiblity that when we read in a reloc from a file,
- that there are some bits encoded in the upper portion of the
- type field. Not yet implemented.
-static void ppc_coff_rtype2howto PARAMS ((arelent *relent,
- struct internal_reloc *internal));
-static void
-ppc_coff_rtype2howto (relent, internal)
- arelent *relent;
- struct internal_reloc *internal;
- /* We can encode one of three things in the type field, aside from the
- type:
- 1. IMAGE_REL_PPC_NEG - indicates the value field is a subtraction
- value, rather than an addition value
- the branch is expected to be taken or not.
- 3. IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCDEFN - toc slot definition in the file
- For now, we just strip this stuff to find the type, and ignore it other
- than that.
- */
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- unsigned short r_type = EXTRACT_TYPE (internal->r_type);
- unsigned short r_flags = EXTRACT_FLAGS(internal->r_type);
- unsigned short junk = EXTRACT_JUNK (internal->r_type);
- /* the masking process only slices off the bottom byte for r_type. */
- if ( r_type > MAX_RELOC_INDEX )
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "ppc_coff_rtype2howto: reloc index %d out of range [%d, %d]\n",
- internal->r_type, 0, MAX_RELOC_INDEX);
- abort();
- }
- /* check for absolute crap */
- if ( junk != 0 )
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "ppc_coff_rtype2howto: reloc index %d contains junk %d\n",
- internal->r_type, junk);
- abort();
- }
- /* now examine flags */
- if (r_flags != 0)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Reloc with flags found!");
- if ( r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_NEG )
- fprintf (stderr, " NEG");
- if ( r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_BRTAKEN )
- fprintf (stderr, " BRTAKEN");
- if ( r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_BRNTAKEN )
- fprintf (stderr, " BRNTAKEN");
- if ( r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCDEFN )
- fprintf (stderr, " TOCDEFN");
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- }
- switch(r_type)
- {
- DUMP_RELOC2(ppc_coff_howto_table[r_type].name, internal);
- howto = ppc_coff_howto_table + r_type;
- break;
- DUMP_RELOC2(ppc_coff_howto_table[r_type].name, internal);
- howto = ppc_coff_howto_table + r_type;
- break;
- DUMP_RELOC2(ppc_coff_howto_table[r_type].name, internal);
- if (r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCDEFN)
- howto = ppc_coff_howto_table + IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCREL16_DEFN;
- else
- howto = ppc_coff_howto_table + IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCREL16;
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Warning: Unsupported reloc %s [%d] used -- it may not work.\n",
- ppc_coff_howto_table[r_type].name,
- r_type);
- howto = ppc_coff_howto_table + r_type;
- break;
- }
- relent->howto = howto;
-static reloc_howto_type *
-coff_ppc_rtype_to_howto (abfd, sec, rel, h, sym, addendp)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- struct internal_reloc *rel;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct internal_syment *sym;
- bfd_vma *addendp;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- /* We can encode one of three things in the type field, aside from the
- type:
- 1. IMAGE_REL_PPC_NEG - indicates the value field is a subtraction
- value, rather than an addition value
- the branch is expected to be taken or not.
- 3. IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCDEFN - toc slot definition in the file
- For now, we just strip this stuff to find the type, and ignore it other
- than that.
- */
- unsigned short r_type = EXTRACT_TYPE (rel->r_type);
- unsigned short r_flags = EXTRACT_FLAGS(rel->r_type);
- unsigned short junk = EXTRACT_JUNK (rel->r_type);
- /* the masking process only slices off the bottom byte for r_type. */
- if ( r_type > MAX_RELOC_INDEX )
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "coff_ppc_rtype_to_howto: index %d out of range [%d, %d]\n",
- r_type, 0, MAX_RELOC_INDEX);
- abort();
- }
- /* check for absolute crap */
- if ( junk != 0 )
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "coff_ppc_rtype_to_howto: reloc index %d contains junk %d\n",
- rel->r_type, junk);
- abort();
- }
- /* now examine flags */
- if (r_flags != 0)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Reloc with flags found!");
- if ( r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_NEG )
- fprintf (stderr, " NEG");
- if ( r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_BRTAKEN )
- fprintf (stderr, " BRTAKEN");
- if ( r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_BRNTAKEN )
- fprintf (stderr, " BRNTAKEN");
- if ( r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCDEFN )
- fprintf (stderr, " TOCDEFN");
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- }
- switch(r_type)
- {
- DUMP_RELOC2(ppc_coff_howto_table[r_type].name, rel);
- *addendp -= pe_data(sec->output_section->owner)->pe_opthdr.ImageBase;
- howto = ppc_coff_howto_table + r_type;
- break;
- DUMP_RELOC2(ppc_coff_howto_table[r_type].name, rel);
- if (r_flags & IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCDEFN)
- howto = ppc_coff_howto_table + IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCREL16_DEFN;
- else
- howto = ppc_coff_howto_table + IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCREL16;
- break;
- DUMP_RELOC2(ppc_coff_howto_table[r_type].name, rel);
- howto = ppc_coff_howto_table + r_type;
- break;
- DUMP_RELOC2(ppc_coff_howto_table[r_type].name, rel);
- howto = ppc_coff_howto_table + r_type;
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Warning: Unsupported reloc %s [%d] used -- it may not work.\n",
- ppc_coff_howto_table[r_type].name,
- r_type);
- howto = ppc_coff_howto_table + r_type;
- break;
- }
- return howto;
-/* a cheesy little macro to make the code a little more readable */
-#define HOW2MAP(bfd_rtype,ppc_rtype) \
- case bfd_rtype: return &ppc_coff_howto_table[ppc_rtype]
-static reloc_howto_type *ppc_coff_reloc_type_lookup
-PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_reloc_code_real_type));
-static reloc_howto_type *
-ppc_coff_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- fprintf(stderr, "ppc_coff_reloc_type_lookup for %s\n",
- bfd_get_reloc_code_name(code));
- switch (code)
- {
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- return NULL;
-#undef HOW2MAP
-/* Tailor coffcode.h -- macro heaven. */
-#define RTYPE2HOWTO(cache_ptr, dst) ppc_coff_rtype2howto (cache_ptr, dst)
-static void
-ppc_coff_swap_sym_in_hook ();
-/* We use the special COFF backend linker, with our own special touch. */
-#define coff_bfd_reloc_type_lookup ppc_coff_reloc_type_lookup
-#define coff_rtype_to_howto coff_ppc_rtype_to_howto
-#define coff_relocate_section coff_ppc_relocate_section
-#define coff_bfd_final_link ppc_bfd_coff_final_link
-#define coff_swap_sym_in_hook ppc_coff_swap_sym_in_hook
-#define SELECT_RELOC(internal, howto) {internal.r_type=howto->type;}
-#define COFF_PAGE_SIZE 0x1000
-#define POWERPC_LE_PE
-#include "coffcode.h"
-/* FIXME:
- What we're trying to do here is allocate a toc section (early), and attach
- it to the last bfd to be processed. This avoids the problem of having a toc
- written out before all files have been processed. This code allocates
- a toc section for every file, and records the last one seen. There are
- at least two problems with this approach:
- 1. We allocate whole bunches of toc sections that are ignored, but at
- at least we will not allocate a toc if no .toc is present.
- 2. It's not clear to me that being the last bfd read necessarily means
- that you are the last bfd closed.
- 3. Doing it on a "swap in" hook depends on when the "swap in" is called,
- and how often, etc. It's not clear to me that there isn't a hole here.
-static void
-ppc_coff_swap_sym_in_hook (abfd, ext1, in1)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext1;
- PTR in1;
- SYMENT *ext = (SYMENT *)ext1;
- struct internal_syment *in = (struct internal_syment *)in1;
- if (bfd_of_toc_owner != 0) /* we already have a toc, so go home */
- return;
- if (strcmp(in->_n._n_name, ".toc") == 0)
- {
- flagword flags;
- register asection *s;
- char *foo;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name ( abfd , TOC_SECTION_NAME);
- if (s != NULL)
- {
- return;
- }
-#ifdef TOC_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr,
- "ppc_coff_swap_sym_in_hook: about to create the %s section\n",
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, TOC_SECTION_NAME);
- if (s == NULL
- || !bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags)
- || !bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 2))
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "toc section allocation failed!\n");
- abort();
- }
- /* save the bfd for later allocation */
- bfd_of_toc_owner = abfd;
- }
- return;
-ppc_bfd_coff_final_link ();
-static boolean
- bfd *abfd;
- if (abfd == bfd_of_toc_owner)
- return true;
- else
- return false;
-static bfd *
- return bfd_of_toc_owner;
-/* this piece of machinery exists only to guarantee that the bfd that holds
- the toc section is written last.
- This does depend on bfd_make_section attaching a new section to the
- end of the section list for the bfd.
- This is otherwise intended to be functionally the same as
- cofflink.c:_bfd_coff_final_link(). It is specifically different only
- where the POWERPC_LE_PE macro modifies the code. It is left in as a
- precise form of comment.
-#define POWERPC_LE_PE
-/* Do the final link step. */
-ppc_bfd_coff_final_link (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd_size_type symesz;
- struct coff_final_link_info finfo;
- boolean debug_merge_allocated;
- asection *o;
- struct bfd_link_order *p;
- size_t max_sym_count;
- size_t max_lineno_count;
- size_t max_reloc_count;
- size_t max_output_reloc_count;
- size_t max_contents_size;
- file_ptr rel_filepos;
- unsigned int relsz;
- file_ptr line_filepos;
- unsigned int linesz;
- bfd *sub;
- bfd_byte *external_relocs = NULL;
- char strbuf[STRING_SIZE_SIZE];
- symesz = bfd_coff_symesz (abfd);
- = info;
- finfo.output_bfd = abfd;
- finfo.strtab = NULL;
- finfo.section_info = NULL;
- finfo.last_file_index = -1;
- finfo.internal_syms = NULL;
- finfo.sec_ptrs = NULL;
- finfo.sym_indices = NULL;
- finfo.outsyms = NULL;
- finfo.linenos = NULL;
- finfo.contents = NULL;
- finfo.external_relocs = NULL;
- finfo.internal_relocs = NULL;
- debug_merge_allocated = false;
- coff_data (abfd)->link_info = info;
- finfo.strtab = _bfd_stringtab_init ();
- if (finfo.strtab == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (! coff_debug_merge_hash_table_init (&finfo.debug_merge))
- goto error_return;
- debug_merge_allocated = true;
- /* Compute the file positions for all the sections. */
- if (! abfd->output_has_begun)
- bfd_coff_compute_section_file_positions (abfd);
- /* Count the line numbers and relocation entries required for the
- output file. Set the file positions for the relocs. */
- rel_filepos = obj_relocbase (abfd);
- relsz = bfd_coff_relsz (abfd);
- max_contents_size = 0;
- max_lineno_count = 0;
- max_reloc_count = 0;
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- o->reloc_count = 0;
- o->lineno_count = 0;
- for (p = o->link_order_head; p != NULL; p = p->next)
- {
- if (p->type == bfd_indirect_link_order)
- {
- asection *sec;
- sec = p->u.indirect.section;
- if (info->strip == strip_none
- || info->strip == strip_some)
- o->lineno_count += sec->lineno_count;
- if (info->relocateable)
- o->reloc_count += sec->reloc_count;
- if (sec->_raw_size > max_contents_size)
- max_contents_size = sec->_raw_size;
- if (sec->lineno_count > max_lineno_count)
- max_lineno_count = sec->lineno_count;
- if (sec->reloc_count > max_reloc_count)
- max_reloc_count = sec->reloc_count;
- }
- else if (info->relocateable
- && (p->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- || p->type == bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order))
- ++o->reloc_count;
- }
- if (o->reloc_count == 0)
- o->rel_filepos = 0;
- else
- {
- o->flags |= SEC_RELOC;
- o->rel_filepos = rel_filepos;
- rel_filepos += o->reloc_count * relsz;
- }
- }
- /* If doing a relocateable link, allocate space for the pointers we
- need to keep. */
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- /* We use section_count + 1, rather than section_count, because
- the target_index fields are 1 based. */
- finfo.section_info =
- ((struct coff_link_section_info *)
- bfd_malloc ((abfd->section_count + 1)
- * sizeof (struct coff_link_section_info)));
- if (finfo.section_info == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- for (i = 0; i <= abfd->section_count; i++)
- {
- finfo.section_info[i].relocs = NULL;
- finfo.section_info[i].rel_hashes = NULL;
- }
- }
- /* We now know the size of the relocs, so we can determine the file
- positions of the line numbers. */
- line_filepos = rel_filepos;
- linesz = bfd_coff_linesz (abfd);
- max_output_reloc_count = 0;
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- if (o->lineno_count == 0)
- o->line_filepos = 0;
- else
- {
- o->line_filepos = line_filepos;
- line_filepos += o->lineno_count * linesz;
- }
- if (o->reloc_count != 0)
- {
- /* We don't know the indices of global symbols until we have
- written out all the local symbols. For each section in
- the output file, we keep an array of pointers to hash
- table entries. Each entry in the array corresponds to a
- reloc. When we find a reloc against a global symbol, we
- set the corresponding entry in this array so that we can
- fix up the symbol index after we have written out all the
- local symbols.
- Because of this problem, we also keep the relocs in
- memory until the end of the link. This wastes memory,
- but only when doing a relocateable link, which is not the
- common case. */
- BFD_ASSERT (info->relocateable);
- finfo.section_info[o->target_index].relocs =
- ((struct internal_reloc *)
- bfd_malloc (o->reloc_count * sizeof (struct internal_reloc)));
- finfo.section_info[o->target_index].rel_hashes =
- ((struct coff_link_hash_entry **)
- bfd_malloc (o->reloc_count
- * sizeof (struct coff_link_hash_entry *)));
- if (finfo.section_info[o->target_index].relocs == NULL
- || finfo.section_info[o->target_index].rel_hashes == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (o->reloc_count > max_output_reloc_count)
- max_output_reloc_count = o->reloc_count;
- }
- /* Reset the reloc and lineno counts, so that we can use them to
- count the number of entries we have output so far. */
- o->reloc_count = 0;
- o->lineno_count = 0;
- }
- obj_sym_filepos (abfd) = line_filepos;
- /* Figure out the largest number of symbols in an input BFD. Take
- the opportunity to clear the output_has_begun fields of all the
- input BFD's. */
- max_sym_count = 0;
- for (sub = info->input_bfds; sub != NULL; sub = sub->link_next)
- {
- size_t sz;
- sub->output_has_begun = false;
- sz = obj_raw_syment_count (sub);
- if (sz > max_sym_count)
- max_sym_count = sz;
- }
- /* Allocate some buffers used while linking. */
- finfo.internal_syms = ((struct internal_syment *)
- bfd_malloc (max_sym_count
- * sizeof (struct internal_syment)));
- finfo.sec_ptrs = (asection **) bfd_malloc (max_sym_count
- * sizeof (asection *));
- finfo.sym_indices = (long *) bfd_malloc (max_sym_count * sizeof (long));
- finfo.outsyms = ((bfd_byte *)
- bfd_malloc ((size_t) ((max_sym_count + 1) * symesz)));
- finfo.linenos = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (max_lineno_count
- * bfd_coff_linesz (abfd));
- finfo.contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (max_contents_size);
- finfo.external_relocs = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (max_reloc_count * relsz);
- if (! info->relocateable)
- finfo.internal_relocs = ((struct internal_reloc *)
- bfd_malloc (max_reloc_count
- * sizeof (struct internal_reloc)));
- if ((finfo.internal_syms == NULL && max_sym_count > 0)
- || (finfo.sec_ptrs == NULL && max_sym_count > 0)
- || (finfo.sym_indices == NULL && max_sym_count > 0)
- || finfo.outsyms == NULL
- || (finfo.linenos == NULL && max_lineno_count > 0)
- || (finfo.contents == NULL && max_contents_size > 0)
- || (finfo.external_relocs == NULL && max_reloc_count > 0)
- || (! info->relocateable
- && finfo.internal_relocs == NULL
- && max_reloc_count > 0))
- goto error_return;
- /* We now know the position of everything in the file, except that
- we don't know the size of the symbol table and therefore we don't
- know where the string table starts. We just build the string
- table in memory as we go along. We process all the relocations
- for a single input file at once. */
- obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) = 0;
- if (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_start_final_link)
- {
- if (! bfd_coff_start_final_link (abfd, info))
- goto error_return;
- }
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- for (p = o->link_order_head; p != NULL; p = p->next)
- {
- if (p->type == bfd_indirect_link_order
- && (bfd_get_flavour (p->u.indirect.section->owner)
- == bfd_target_coff_flavour))
- {
- sub = p->u.indirect.section->owner;
- if (! sub->output_has_begun && !ppc_do_last(sub))
- if (! sub->output_has_begun)
- {
- if (! _bfd_coff_link_input_bfd (&finfo, sub))
- goto error_return;
- sub->output_has_begun = true;
- }
- }
- else if (p->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- || p->type == bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order)
- {
- if (! _bfd_coff_reloc_link_order (abfd, &finfo, o, p))
- goto error_return;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! _bfd_default_link_order (abfd, info, o, p))
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- }
- {
- extern bfd* ppc_get_last();
- bfd* last_one = ppc_get_last();
- if (last_one)
- {
- if (! _bfd_coff_link_input_bfd (&finfo, last_one))
- goto error_return;
- }
- last_one->output_has_begun = true;
- }
- /* Free up the buffers used by _bfd_coff_link_input_bfd. */
- coff_debug_merge_hash_table_free (&finfo.debug_merge);
- debug_merge_allocated = false;
- if (finfo.internal_syms != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.internal_syms);
- finfo.internal_syms = NULL;
- }
- if (finfo.sec_ptrs != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.sec_ptrs);
- finfo.sec_ptrs = NULL;
- }
- if (finfo.sym_indices != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.sym_indices);
- finfo.sym_indices = NULL;
- }
- if (finfo.linenos != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.linenos);
- finfo.linenos = NULL;
- }
- if (finfo.contents != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.contents);
- finfo.contents = NULL;
- }
- if (finfo.external_relocs != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.external_relocs);
- finfo.external_relocs = NULL;
- }
- if (finfo.internal_relocs != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.internal_relocs);
- finfo.internal_relocs = NULL;
- }
- /* The value of the last C_FILE symbol is supposed to be the symbol
- index of the first external symbol. Write it out again if
- necessary. */
- if (finfo.last_file_index != -1
- && (unsigned int) finfo.last_file.n_value != obj_raw_syment_count (abfd))
- {
- finfo.last_file.n_value = obj_raw_syment_count (abfd);
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (abfd, (PTR) &finfo.last_file,
- (PTR) finfo.outsyms);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd,
- (obj_sym_filepos (abfd)
- + finfo.last_file_index * symesz),
- SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_write (finfo.outsyms, symesz, 1, abfd) != symesz)
- return false;
- }
- /* Write out the global symbols. */
- finfo.failed = false;
- coff_link_hash_traverse (coff_hash_table (info), _bfd_coff_write_global_sym,
- (PTR) &finfo);
- if (finfo.failed)
- goto error_return;
- /* The outsyms buffer is used by _bfd_coff_write_global_sym. */
- if (finfo.outsyms != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.outsyms);
- finfo.outsyms = NULL;
- }
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- /* Now that we have written out all the global symbols, we know
- the symbol indices to use for relocs against them, and we can
- finally write out the relocs. */
- external_relocs = ((bfd_byte *)
- bfd_malloc (max_output_reloc_count * relsz));
- if (external_relocs == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- struct internal_reloc *irel;
- struct internal_reloc *irelend;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry **rel_hash;
- bfd_byte *erel;
- if (o->reloc_count == 0)
- continue;
- irel = finfo.section_info[o->target_index].relocs;
- irelend = irel + o->reloc_count;
- rel_hash = finfo.section_info[o->target_index].rel_hashes;
- erel = external_relocs;
- for (; irel < irelend; irel++, rel_hash++, erel += relsz)
- {
- if (*rel_hash != NULL)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT ((*rel_hash)->indx >= 0);
- irel->r_symndx = (*rel_hash)->indx;
- }
- bfd_coff_swap_reloc_out (abfd, (PTR) irel, (PTR) erel);
- }
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, o->rel_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_write ((PTR) external_relocs, relsz, o->reloc_count,
- abfd) != relsz * o->reloc_count)
- goto error_return;
- }
- free (external_relocs);
- external_relocs = NULL;
- }
- /* Free up the section information. */
- if (finfo.section_info != NULL)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < abfd->section_count; i++)
- {
- if (finfo.section_info[i].relocs != NULL)
- free (finfo.section_info[i].relocs);
- if (finfo.section_info[i].rel_hashes != NULL)
- free (finfo.section_info[i].rel_hashes);
- }
- free (finfo.section_info);
- finfo.section_info = NULL;
- }
- /* Write out the string table. */
- if (obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) != 0)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (abfd,
- (obj_sym_filepos (abfd)
- + obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) * symesz),
- SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd,
- _bfd_stringtab_size (finfo.strtab) + STRING_SIZE_SIZE,
- (bfd_byte *) strbuf);
- #error Change bfd_h_put_32
- if (bfd_write (strbuf, 1, STRING_SIZE_SIZE, abfd) != STRING_SIZE_SIZE)
- return false;
- if (! _bfd_stringtab_emit (abfd, finfo.strtab))
- return false;
- }
- _bfd_stringtab_free (finfo.strtab);
- /* Setting bfd_get_symcount to 0 will cause write_object_contents to
- not try to write out the symbols. */
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd) = 0;
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (debug_merge_allocated)
- coff_debug_merge_hash_table_free (&finfo.debug_merge);
- if (finfo.strtab != NULL)
- _bfd_stringtab_free (finfo.strtab);
- if (finfo.section_info != NULL)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < abfd->section_count; i++)
- {
- if (finfo.section_info[i].relocs != NULL)
- free (finfo.section_info[i].relocs);
- if (finfo.section_info[i].rel_hashes != NULL)
- free (finfo.section_info[i].rel_hashes);
- }
- free (finfo.section_info);
- }
- if (finfo.internal_syms != NULL)
- free (finfo.internal_syms);
- if (finfo.sec_ptrs != NULL)
- free (finfo.sec_ptrs);
- if (finfo.sym_indices != NULL)
- free (finfo.sym_indices);
- if (finfo.outsyms != NULL)
- free (finfo.outsyms);
- if (finfo.linenos != NULL)
- free (finfo.linenos);
- if (finfo.contents != NULL)
- free (finfo.contents);
- if (finfo.external_relocs != NULL)
- free (finfo.external_relocs);
- if (finfo.internal_relocs != NULL)
- free (finfo.internal_relocs);
- if (external_relocs != NULL)
- free (external_relocs);
- return false;
-/* The transfer vectors that lead the outside world to all of the above. */
-const bfd_target
- TARGET_LITTLE_NAME, /* name or coff-arm-little */
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* data byte order is little */
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* header byte order is little */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* FIXME: object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* leading char */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen??? FIXMEmgo */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, /* _bfd_dummy_target */ coff_object_p },
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, _bfd_generic_mkarchive, /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
-const bfd_target
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* data byte order is big */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* header byte order is big */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* FIXME: object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* leading char */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen??? FIXMEmgo */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, /* _bfd_dummy_target */ coff_object_p },
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, _bfd_generic_mkarchive, /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-rs6000.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-rs6000.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c065bd4f0054..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-rs6000.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1403 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for IBM RS/6000 "XCOFF" files.
- Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- FIXME: Can someone provide a transliteration of this name into ASCII?
- Using the following chars caused a compiler warning on HIUX (so I replaced
- them with octal escapes), and isn't useful without an understanding of what
- character set it is.
- Written by Metin G. Ozisik, Mimi Ph\373\364ng-Th\345o V\365,
- and John Gilmore.
- Archive support from Damon A. Permezel.
- Contributed by IBM Corporation and Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Internalcoff.h and coffcode.h modify themselves based on this flag. */
-#define RS6000COFF_C 1
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "coff/rs6000.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-/* The main body of code is in coffcode.h. */
-static boolean xcoff_mkobject PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean xcoff_copy_private_bfd_data PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-static void xcoff_rtype2howto
- PARAMS ((arelent *, struct internal_reloc *));
-static reloc_howto_type *xcoff_reloc_type_lookup
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_reloc_code_real_type));
-static boolean xcoff_slurp_armap PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static const bfd_target *xcoff_archive_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static PTR xcoff_read_ar_hdr PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static bfd *xcoff_openr_next_archived_file PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-static int xcoff_generic_stat_arch_elt PARAMS ((bfd *, struct stat *));
-static const char *normalize_filename PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean xcoff_write_armap
- PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int, struct orl *, unsigned int, int));
-static boolean xcoff_write_archive_contents PARAMS ((bfd *));
-/* We use our own tdata type. Its first field is the COFF tdata type,
- so the COFF routines are compatible. */
-static boolean
-xcoff_mkobject (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- coff_data_type *coff;
- abfd->tdata.xcoff_obj_data =
- ((struct xcoff_tdata *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct xcoff_tdata)));
- if (abfd->tdata.xcoff_obj_data == NULL)
- return false;
- coff = coff_data (abfd);
- coff->symbols = (coff_symbol_type *) NULL;
- coff->conversion_table = (unsigned int *) NULL;
- coff->raw_syments = (struct coff_ptr_struct *) NULL;
- coff->relocbase = 0;
- xcoff_data (abfd)->modtype = ('1' << 8) | 'L';
- /* We set cputype to -1 to indicate that it has not been
- initialized. */
- xcoff_data (abfd)->cputype = -1;
- xcoff_data (abfd)->csects = NULL;
- xcoff_data (abfd)->debug_indices = NULL;
- return true;
-/* Copy XCOFF data from one BFD to another. */
-static boolean
-xcoff_copy_private_bfd_data (ibfd, obfd)
- bfd *ibfd;
- bfd *obfd;
- struct xcoff_tdata *ix, *ox;
- asection *sec;
- if (ibfd->xvec != obfd->xvec)
- return true;
- ix = xcoff_data (ibfd);
- ox = xcoff_data (obfd);
- ox->full_aouthdr = ix->full_aouthdr;
- ox->toc = ix->toc;
- if (ix->sntoc == 0)
- ox->sntoc = 0;
- else
- {
- sec = coff_section_from_bfd_index (ibfd, ix->sntoc);
- if (sec == NULL)
- ox->sntoc = 0;
- else
- ox->sntoc = sec->output_section->target_index;
- }
- if (ix->snentry == 0)
- ox->snentry = 0;
- else
- {
- sec = coff_section_from_bfd_index (ibfd, ix->snentry);
- if (sec == NULL)
- ox->snentry = 0;
- else
- ox->snentry = sec->output_section->target_index;
- }
- ox->text_align_power = ix->text_align_power;
- ox->data_align_power = ix->data_align_power;
- ox->modtype = ix->modtype;
- ox->cputype = ix->cputype;
- ox->maxdata = ix->maxdata;
- ox->maxstack = ix->maxstack;
- return true;
-/* The XCOFF reloc table. Actually, XCOFF relocations specify the
- bitsize and whether they are signed or not, along with a
- conventional type. This table is for the types, which are used for
- different algorithms for putting in the reloc. Many of these
- relocs need special_function entries, which I have not written. */
-static reloc_howto_type xcoff_howto_table[] =
- /* Standard 32 bit relocation. */
- HOWTO (0, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_POS", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 32 bit relocation, but store negative value. */
- HOWTO (1, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- -2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_NEG", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 32 bit PC relative relocation. */
- HOWTO (2, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_REL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 16 bit TOC relative relocation. */
- HOWTO (3, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_TOC", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* I don't really know what this is. */
- HOWTO (4, /* type */
- 1, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_RTB", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* External TOC relative symbol. */
- HOWTO (5, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_GL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Local TOC relative symbol. */
- HOWTO (6, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_TCL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- { 7 },
- /* Non modifiable absolute branch. */
- HOWTO (8, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 26, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_BA", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x3fffffc, /* src_mask */
- 0x3fffffc, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- { 9 },
- /* Non modifiable relative branch. */
- HOWTO (0xa, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 26, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_BR", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x3fffffc, /* src_mask */
- 0x3fffffc, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- { 0xb },
- /* Indirect load. */
- HOWTO (0xc, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_RL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Load address. */
- HOWTO (0xd, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_RLA", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- { 0xe },
- /* Non-relocating reference. */
- HOWTO (0xf, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_REF", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- { 0x10 },
- { 0x11 },
- /* TOC relative indirect load. */
- HOWTO (0x12, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_TRL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* TOC relative load address. */
- HOWTO (0x13, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_TRLA", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Modifiable relative branch. */
- HOWTO (0x14, /* type */
- 1, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_RRTBI", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Modifiable absolute branch. */
- HOWTO (0x15, /* type */
- 1, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_RRTBA", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Modifiable call absolute indirect. */
- HOWTO (0x16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_CAI", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Modifiable call relative. */
- HOWTO (0x17, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_CREL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Modifiable branch absolute. */
- HOWTO (0x18, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_RBA", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Modifiable branch absolute. */
- HOWTO (0x19, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_RBAC", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Modifiable branch relative. */
- HOWTO (0x1a, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 26, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_RBR", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Modifiable branch absolute. */
- HOWTO (0x1b, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_RBRC", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false) /* pcrel_offset */
-static void
-xcoff_rtype2howto (relent, internal)
- arelent *relent;
- struct internal_reloc *internal;
- relent->howto = xcoff_howto_table + internal->r_type;
- /* The r_size field of an XCOFF reloc encodes the bitsize of the
- relocation, as well as indicating whether it is signed or not.
- Doublecheck that the relocation information gathered from the
- type matches this information. */
- if (relent->howto->bitsize != ((unsigned int) internal->r_size & 0x1f) + 1)
- abort ();
-#if 0
- if ((internal->r_size & 0x80) != 0
- ? (relent->howto->complain_on_overflow != complain_overflow_signed)
- : (relent->howto->complain_on_overflow != complain_overflow_bitfield))
- abort ();
-static reloc_howto_type *
-xcoff_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- switch (code)
- {
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_B26:
- return &xcoff_howto_table[0xa];
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_BA26:
- return &xcoff_howto_table[8];
- return &xcoff_howto_table[3];
- case BFD_RELOC_32:
- return &xcoff_howto_table[0];
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
-#define SELECT_RELOC(internal, howto) \
- { \
- internal.r_type = howto->type; \
- internal.r_size = \
- ((howto->complain_on_overflow == complain_overflow_signed \
- ? 0x80 \
- : 0) \
- | (howto->bitsize - 1)); \
- }
-#define RTYPE2HOWTO(cache_ptr, dst) xcoff_rtype2howto (cache_ptr, dst)
-#define coff_mkobject xcoff_mkobject
-#define coff_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data xcoff_copy_private_bfd_data
-#define coff_bfd_reloc_type_lookup xcoff_reloc_type_lookup
-#define coff_relocate_section _bfd_ppc_xcoff_relocate_section
-#include "coffcode.h"
-/* XCOFF archive support. The original version of this code was by
- Damon A. Permezel. It was enhanced to permit cross support, and
- writing archive files, by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support.
- XCOFF uses its own archive format. Everything is hooked together
- with file offset links, so it is possible to rapidly update an
- archive in place. Of course, we don't do that. An XCOFF archive
- has a real file header, not just an ARMAG string. The structure of
- the file header and of each archive header appear below.
- An XCOFF archive also has a member table, which is a list of
- elements in the archive (you can get that by looking through the
- linked list, but you have to read a lot more of the file). The
- member table has a normal archive header with an empty name. It is
- normally (and perhaps must be) the second to last entry in the
- archive. The member table data is almost printable ASCII. It
- starts with a 12 character decimal string which is the number of
- entries in the table. For each entry it has a 12 character decimal
- string which is the offset in the archive of that member. These
- entries are followed by a series of null terminated strings which
- are the member names for each entry.
- Finally, an XCOFF archive has a global symbol table, which is what
- we call the armap. The global symbol table has a normal archive
- header with an empty name. It is normally (and perhaps must be)
- the last entry in the archive. The contents start with a four byte
- binary number which is the number of entries. This is followed by
- a that many four byte binary numbers; each is the file offset of an
- entry in the archive. These numbers are followed by a series of
- null terminated strings, which are symbol names. */
-/* XCOFF archives use this as a magic string. */
-#define XCOFFARMAG "<aiaff>\012"
-#define SXCOFFARMAG 8
-/* This terminates an XCOFF archive member name. */
-#define XCOFFARFMAG "`\012"
-/* XCOFF archives start with this (printable) structure. */
-struct xcoff_ar_file_hdr
- /* Magic string. */
- char magic[SXCOFFARMAG];
- /* Offset of the member table (decimal ASCII string). */
- char memoff[12];
- /* Offset of the global symbol table (decimal ASCII string). */
- char symoff[12];
- /* Offset of the first member in the archive (decimal ASCII string). */
- char firstmemoff[12];
- /* Offset of the last member in the archive (decimal ASCII string). */
- char lastmemoff[12];
- /* Offset of the first member on the free list (decimal ASCII
- string). */
- char freeoff[12];
-/* Each XCOFF archive member starts with this (printable) structure. */
-struct xcoff_ar_hdr
- /* File size not including the header (decimal ASCII string). */
- char size[12];
- /* File offset of next archive member (decimal ASCII string). */
- char nextoff[12];
- /* File offset of previous archive member (decimal ASCII string). */
- char prevoff[12];
- /* File mtime (decimal ASCII string). */
- char date[12];
- /* File UID (decimal ASCII string). */
- char uid[12];
- /* File GID (decimal ASCII string). */
- char gid[12];
- /* File mode (octal ASCII string). */
- char mode[12];
- /* Length of file name (decimal ASCII string). */
- char namlen[4];
- /* This structure is followed by the file name. The length of the
- name is given in the namlen field. If the length of the name is
- odd, the name is followed by a null byte. The name and optional
- null byte are followed by XCOFFARFMAG, which is not included in
- namlen. The contents of the archive member follow; the number of
- bytes is given in the size field. */
-#define SIZEOF_AR_HDR (7 * 12 + 4)
-/* We store a copy of the xcoff_ar_file_hdr in the tdata field of the
- artdata structure. */
-#define xcoff_ardata(abfd) \
- ((struct xcoff_ar_file_hdr *) bfd_ardata (abfd)->tdata)
-/* We store a copy of the xcoff_ar_hdr in the arelt_data field of an
- archive element. */
-#define arch_eltdata(bfd) ((struct areltdata *) ((bfd)->arelt_data))
-#define arch_xhdr(bfd) \
- ((struct xcoff_ar_hdr *) arch_eltdata (bfd)->arch_header)
-/* XCOFF archives do not have anything which corresponds to an
- extended name table. */
-#define xcoff_slurp_extended_name_table bfd_false
-#define xcoff_construct_extended_name_table \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, char **, bfd_size_type *, const char **))) \
- bfd_false)
-#define xcoff_truncate_arname bfd_dont_truncate_arname
-/* We can use the standard get_elt_at_index routine. */
-#define xcoff_get_elt_at_index _bfd_generic_get_elt_at_index
-/* XCOFF archives do not have a timestamp. */
-#define xcoff_update_armap_timestamp bfd_true
-/* Read in the armap of an XCOFF archive. */
-static boolean
-xcoff_slurp_armap (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- file_ptr off;
- struct xcoff_ar_hdr hdr;
- size_t namlen;
- bfd_size_type sz;
- bfd_byte *contents, *cend;
- unsigned int c, i;
- carsym *arsym;
- bfd_byte *p;
- if (xcoff_ardata (abfd) == NULL)
- {
- bfd_has_map (abfd) = false;
- return true;
- }
- off = strtol (xcoff_ardata (abfd)->symoff, (char **) NULL, 10);
- if (off == 0)
- {
- bfd_has_map (abfd) = false;
- return true;
- }
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, off, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- /* The symbol table starts with a normal archive header. */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) &hdr, SIZEOF_AR_HDR, 1, abfd) != SIZEOF_AR_HDR)
- return false;
- /* Skip the name (normally empty). */
- namlen = strtol (hdr.namlen, (char **) NULL, 10);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, ((namlen + 1) & ~1) + SXCOFFARFMAG, SEEK_CUR) != 0)
- return false;
- /* Read in the entire symbol table. */
- sz = strtol (hdr.size, (char **) NULL, 10);
- contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sz);
- if (contents == NULL)
- return false;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) contents, 1, sz, abfd) != sz)
- return false;
- /* The symbol table starts with a four byte count. */
- c = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, contents);
- if (c * 4 >= sz)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->symdefs = ((carsym *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, c * sizeof (carsym)));
- if (bfd_ardata (abfd)->symdefs == NULL)
- return false;
- /* After the count comes a list of four byte file offsets. */
- for (i = 0, arsym = bfd_ardata (abfd)->symdefs, p = contents + 4;
- i < c;
- ++i, ++arsym, p += 4)
- arsym->file_offset = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, p);
- /* After the file offsets come null terminated symbol names. */
- cend = contents + sz;
- for (i = 0, arsym = bfd_ardata (abfd)->symdefs;
- i < c;
- ++i, ++arsym, p += strlen ((char *) p) + 1)
- {
- if (p >= cend)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- arsym->name = (char *) p;
- }
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->symdef_count = c;
- bfd_has_map (abfd) = true;
- return true;
-/* See if this is an XCOFF archive. */
-static const bfd_target *
-xcoff_archive_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct xcoff_ar_file_hdr hdr;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) &hdr, SIZEOF_AR_FILE_HDR, 1, abfd)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (strncmp (hdr.magic, XCOFFARMAG, SXCOFFARMAG) != 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* We are setting bfd_ardata(abfd) here, but since bfd_ardata
- involves a cast, we can't do it as the left operand of
- assignment. */
- abfd->tdata.aout_ar_data =
- (struct artdata *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct artdata));
- if (bfd_ardata (abfd) == (struct artdata *) NULL)
- return NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->first_file_filepos = strtol (hdr.firstmemoff,
- (char **) NULL, 10);
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->cache = NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->archive_head = NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->symdefs = NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->extended_names = NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->tdata = bfd_zalloc (abfd, SIZEOF_AR_FILE_HDR);
- if (bfd_ardata (abfd)->tdata == NULL)
- return NULL;
- memcpy (bfd_ardata (abfd)->tdata, &hdr, SIZEOF_AR_FILE_HDR);
- if (! xcoff_slurp_armap (abfd))
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, bfd_ardata (abfd));
- abfd->tdata.aout_ar_data = (struct artdata *) NULL;
- return NULL;
- }
- return abfd->xvec;
-/* Read the archive header in an XCOFF archive. */
-static PTR
-xcoff_read_ar_hdr (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct xcoff_ar_hdr hdr;
- size_t namlen;
- struct xcoff_ar_hdr *hdrp;
- struct areltdata *ret;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) &hdr, SIZEOF_AR_HDR, 1, abfd) != SIZEOF_AR_HDR)
- return NULL;
- namlen = strtol (hdr.namlen, (char **) NULL, 10);
- hdrp = bfd_alloc (abfd, SIZEOF_AR_HDR + namlen + 1);
- if (hdrp == NULL)
- return NULL;
- memcpy (hdrp, &hdr, SIZEOF_AR_HDR);
- if (bfd_read ((char *) hdrp + SIZEOF_AR_HDR, 1, namlen, abfd) != namlen)
- return NULL;
- ((char *) hdrp)[SIZEOF_AR_HDR + namlen] = '\0';
- ret = (struct areltdata *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct areltdata));
- if (ret == NULL)
- return NULL;
- ret->arch_header = (char *) hdrp;
- ret->parsed_size = strtol (hdr.size, (char **) NULL, 10);
- ret->filename = (char *) hdrp + SIZEOF_AR_HDR;
- /* Skip over the XCOFFARFMAG at the end of the file name. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (namlen & 1) + SXCOFFARFMAG, SEEK_CUR) != 0)
- return NULL;
- return (PTR) ret;
-/* Open the next element in an XCOFF archive. */
-static bfd *
-xcoff_openr_next_archived_file (archive, last_file)
- bfd *archive;
- bfd *last_file;
- file_ptr filestart;
- if (xcoff_ardata (archive) == NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (last_file == NULL)
- filestart = bfd_ardata (archive)->first_file_filepos;
- else
- filestart = strtol (arch_xhdr (last_file)->nextoff, (char **) NULL, 10);
- if (filestart == 0
- || filestart == strtol (xcoff_ardata (archive)->memoff,
- (char **) NULL, 10)
- || filestart == strtol (xcoff_ardata (archive)->symoff,
- (char **) NULL, 10))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_more_archived_files);
- return NULL;
- }
- return _bfd_get_elt_at_filepos (archive, filestart);
-/* Stat an element in an XCOFF archive. */
-static int
-xcoff_generic_stat_arch_elt (abfd, s)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct stat *s;
- struct xcoff_ar_hdr *hdrp;
- if (abfd->arelt_data == NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return -1;
- }
- hdrp = arch_xhdr (abfd);
- s->st_mtime = strtol (hdrp->date, (char **) NULL, 10);
- s->st_uid = strtol (hdrp->uid, (char **) NULL, 10);
- s->st_gid = strtol (hdrp->gid, (char **) NULL, 10);
- s->st_mode = strtol (hdrp->mode, (char **) NULL, 8);
- s->st_size = arch_eltdata (abfd)->parsed_size;
- return 0;
-/* Normalize a file name for inclusion in an archive. */
-static const char *
-normalize_filename (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- const char *file;
- const char *filename;
- file = bfd_get_filename (abfd);
- filename = strrchr (file, '/');
- if (filename != NULL)
- filename++;
- else
- filename = file;
- return filename;
-/* Write out an XCOFF armap. */
-static boolean
-xcoff_write_armap (abfd, elength, map, orl_count, stridx)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int elength;
- struct orl *map;
- unsigned int orl_count;
- int stridx;
- struct xcoff_ar_hdr hdr;
- char *p;
- unsigned char buf[4];
- bfd *sub;
- file_ptr fileoff;
- unsigned int i;
- memset (&hdr, 0, sizeof hdr);
- sprintf (hdr.size, "%ld", (long) (4 + orl_count * 4 + stridx));
- sprintf (hdr.nextoff, "%d", 0);
- memcpy (hdr.prevoff, xcoff_ardata (abfd)->memoff, 12);
- sprintf (, "%d", 0);
- sprintf (hdr.uid, "%d", 0);
- sprintf (hdr.gid, "%d", 0);
- sprintf (hdr.mode, "%d", 0);
- sprintf (hdr.namlen, "%d", 0);
- /* We need spaces, not null bytes, in the header. */
- for (p = (char *) &hdr; p < (char *) &hdr + SIZEOF_AR_HDR; p++)
- if (*p == '\0')
- *p = ' ';
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &hdr, SIZEOF_AR_HDR, 1, abfd) != SIZEOF_AR_HDR
- return false;
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, orl_count, buf);
- if (bfd_write (buf, 1, 4, abfd) != 4)
- return false;
- sub = abfd->archive_head;
- fileoff = SIZEOF_AR_FILE_HDR;
- i = 0;
- while (sub != NULL && i < orl_count)
- {
- size_t namlen;
- while (((bfd *) (map[i]).pos) == sub)
- {
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, fileoff, buf);
- if (bfd_write (buf, 1, 4, abfd) != 4)
- return false;
- ++i;
- }
- namlen = strlen (normalize_filename (sub));
- namlen = (namlen + 1) &~ 1;
- fileoff += (SIZEOF_AR_HDR
- + namlen
- + arelt_size (sub));
- fileoff = (fileoff + 1) &~ 1;
- sub = sub->next;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < orl_count; i++)
- {
- const char *name;
- size_t namlen;
- name = *map[i].name;
- namlen = strlen (name);
- if (bfd_write (name, 1, namlen + 1, abfd) != namlen + 1)
- return false;
- }
- if ((stridx & 1) != 0)
- {
- char b;
- b = '\0';
- if (bfd_write (&b, 1, 1, abfd) != 1)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Write out an XCOFF archive. We always write an entire archive,
- rather than fussing with the freelist and so forth. */
-static boolean
-xcoff_write_archive_contents (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct xcoff_ar_file_hdr fhdr;
- size_t count;
- size_t total_namlen;
- file_ptr *offsets;
- boolean makemap;
- boolean hasobjects;
- file_ptr prevoff, nextoff;
- bfd *sub;
- unsigned int i;
- struct xcoff_ar_hdr ahdr;
- bfd_size_type size;
- char *p;
- char decbuf[13];
- memset (&fhdr, 0, sizeof fhdr);
- strncpy (fhdr.magic, XCOFFARMAG, SXCOFFARMAG);
- sprintf (fhdr.firstmemoff, "%d", SIZEOF_AR_FILE_HDR);
- sprintf (fhdr.freeoff, "%d", 0);
- count = 0;
- total_namlen = 0;
- for (sub = abfd->archive_head; sub != NULL; sub = sub->next)
- {
- ++count;
- total_namlen += strlen (normalize_filename (sub)) + 1;
- }
- offsets = (file_ptr *) bfd_alloc (abfd, count * sizeof (file_ptr));
- if (offsets == NULL)
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, SIZEOF_AR_FILE_HDR, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- makemap = bfd_has_map (abfd);
- hasobjects = false;
- prevoff = 0;
- nextoff = SIZEOF_AR_FILE_HDR;
- for (sub = abfd->archive_head, i = 0; sub != NULL; sub = sub->next, i++)
- {
- const char *name;
- size_t namlen;
- struct xcoff_ar_hdr *ahdrp;
- bfd_size_type remaining;
- if (makemap && ! hasobjects)
- {
- if (bfd_check_format (sub, bfd_object))
- hasobjects = true;
- }
- name = normalize_filename (sub);
- namlen = strlen (name);
- if (sub->arelt_data != NULL)
- ahdrp = arch_xhdr (sub);
- else
- ahdrp = NULL;
- if (ahdrp == NULL)
- {
- struct stat s;
- memset (&ahdr, 0, sizeof ahdr);
- ahdrp = &ahdr;
- if (stat (bfd_get_filename (sub), &s) != 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- return false;
- }
- sprintf (ahdrp->size, "%ld", (long) s.st_size);
- sprintf (ahdrp->date, "%ld", (long) s.st_mtime);
- sprintf (ahdrp->uid, "%ld", (long) s.st_uid);
- sprintf (ahdrp->gid, "%ld", (long) s.st_gid);
- sprintf (ahdrp->mode, "%o", (unsigned int) s.st_mode);
- if (sub->arelt_data == NULL)
- {
- sub->arelt_data = ((struct areltdata *)
- bfd_alloc (sub, sizeof (struct areltdata)));
- if (sub->arelt_data == NULL)
- return false;
- }
- arch_eltdata (sub)->parsed_size = s.st_size;
- }
- sprintf (ahdrp->prevoff, "%ld", (long) prevoff);
- sprintf (ahdrp->namlen, "%ld", (long) namlen);
- /* If the length of the name is odd, we write out the null byte
- after the name as well. */
- namlen = (namlen + 1) &~ 1;
- remaining = arelt_size (sub);
- size = (SIZEOF_AR_HDR
- + namlen
- + remaining);
- BFD_ASSERT (nextoff == bfd_tell (abfd));
- offsets[i] = nextoff;
- prevoff = nextoff;
- nextoff += size + (size & 1);
- sprintf (ahdrp->nextoff, "%ld", (long) nextoff);
- /* We need spaces, not null bytes, in the header. */
- for (p = (char *) ahdrp; p < (char *) ahdrp + SIZEOF_AR_HDR; p++)
- if (*p == '\0')
- *p = ' ';
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) ahdrp, 1, SIZEOF_AR_HDR, abfd) != SIZEOF_AR_HDR
- || bfd_write ((PTR) name, 1, namlen, abfd) != namlen
- || (bfd_write ((PTR) XCOFFARFMAG, 1, SXCOFFARFMAG, abfd)
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (sub, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- while (remaining != 0)
- {
- bfd_size_type amt;
- bfd_byte buffer[DEFAULT_BUFFERSIZE];
- amt = sizeof buffer;
- if (amt > remaining)
- amt = remaining;
- if (bfd_read (buffer, 1, amt, sub) != amt
- || bfd_write (buffer, 1, amt, abfd) != amt)
- return false;
- remaining -= amt;
- }
- if ((size & 1) != 0)
- {
- bfd_byte b;
- b = '\0';
- if (bfd_write (&b, 1, 1, abfd) != 1)
- return false;
- }
- }
- sprintf (fhdr.lastmemoff, "%ld", (long) prevoff);
- /* Write out the member table. */
- BFD_ASSERT (nextoff == bfd_tell (abfd));
- sprintf (fhdr.memoff, "%ld", (long) nextoff);
- memset (&ahdr, 0, sizeof ahdr);
- sprintf (ahdr.size, "%ld", (long) (12 + count * 12 + total_namlen));
- sprintf (ahdr.prevoff, "%ld", (long) prevoff);
- sprintf (, "%d", 0);
- sprintf (ahdr.uid, "%d", 0);
- sprintf (ahdr.gid, "%d", 0);
- sprintf (ahdr.mode, "%d", 0);
- sprintf (ahdr.namlen, "%d", 0);
- size = (SIZEOF_AR_HDR
- + 12
- + count * 12
- + total_namlen
- prevoff = nextoff;
- nextoff += size + (size & 1);
- if (makemap && hasobjects)
- sprintf (ahdr.nextoff, "%ld", (long) nextoff);
- else
- sprintf (ahdr.nextoff, "%d", 0);
- /* We need spaces, not null bytes, in the header. */
- for (p = (char *) &ahdr; p < (char *) &ahdr + SIZEOF_AR_HDR; p++)
- if (*p == '\0')
- *p = ' ';
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &ahdr, 1, SIZEOF_AR_HDR, abfd) != SIZEOF_AR_HDR
- || (bfd_write ((PTR) XCOFFARFMAG, 1, SXCOFFARFMAG, abfd)
- return false;
- sprintf (decbuf, "%-12ld", (long) count);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) decbuf, 1, 12, abfd) != 12)
- return false;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- sprintf (decbuf, "%-12ld", (long) offsets[i]);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) decbuf, 1, 12, abfd) != 12)
- return false;
- }
- for (sub = abfd->archive_head; sub != NULL; sub = sub->next)
- {
- const char *name;
- size_t namlen;
- name = normalize_filename (sub);
- namlen = strlen (name);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) name, 1, namlen + 1, abfd) != namlen + 1)
- return false;
- }
- if ((size & 1) != 0)
- {
- bfd_byte b;
- b = '\0';
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &b, 1, 1, abfd) != 1)
- return false;
- }
- /* Write out the armap, if appropriate. */
- if (! makemap || ! hasobjects)
- sprintf (fhdr.symoff, "%d", 0);
- else
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (nextoff == bfd_tell (abfd));
- sprintf (fhdr.symoff, "%ld", (long) nextoff);
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->tdata = (PTR) &fhdr;
- if (! _bfd_compute_and_write_armap (abfd, 0))
- return false;
- }
- /* Write out the archive file header. */
- /* We need spaces, not null bytes, in the header. */
- for (p = (char *) &fhdr; p < (char *) &fhdr + SIZEOF_AR_FILE_HDR; p++)
- if (*p == '\0')
- *p = ' ';
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_write ((PTR) &fhdr, SIZEOF_AR_FILE_HDR, 1, abfd) !=
- return false;
- return true;
-/* We can't use the usual coff_sizeof_headers routine, because AIX
- always uses an a.out header. */
-static int
-_bfd_xcoff_sizeof_headers (abfd, reloc)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean reloc;
- int size;
- size = FILHSZ;
- if (xcoff_data (abfd)->full_aouthdr)
- size += AOUTSZ;
- else
- size += SMALL_AOUTSZ;
- size += abfd->section_count * SCNHSZ;
- return size;
-#define CORE_FILE_P _bfd_dummy_target
-#define coff_core_file_failing_command _bfd_nocore_core_file_failing_command
-#define coff_core_file_failing_signal _bfd_nocore_core_file_failing_signal
-#define coff_core_file_matches_executable_p \
- _bfd_nocore_core_file_matches_executable_p
-#ifdef AIX_CORE
-#undef CORE_FILE_P
-#define CORE_FILE_P rs6000coff_core_p
-extern const bfd_target * rs6000coff_core_p ();
-extern boolean rs6000coff_get_section_contents ();
-extern boolean rs6000coff_core_file_matches_executable_p ();
-#undef coff_core_file_matches_executable_p
-#define coff_core_file_matches_executable_p \
- rs6000coff_core_file_matches_executable_p
-extern char *rs6000coff_core_file_failing_command PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-#undef coff_core_file_failing_command
-#define coff_core_file_failing_command rs6000coff_core_file_failing_command
-extern int rs6000coff_core_file_failing_signal PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-#undef coff_core_file_failing_signal
-#define coff_core_file_failing_signal rs6000coff_core_file_failing_signal
-#undef coff_get_section_contents
-#define coff_get_section_contents rs6000coff_get_section_contents
-#endif /* AIX_CORE */
-#ifdef LYNX_CORE
-#undef CORE_FILE_P
-#define CORE_FILE_P lynx_core_file_p
-extern const bfd_target *lynx_core_file_p PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-extern boolean lynx_core_file_matches_executable_p PARAMS ((bfd *core_bfd,
- bfd *exec_bfd));
-#undef coff_core_file_matches_executable_p
-#define coff_core_file_matches_executable_p lynx_core_file_matches_executable_p
-extern char *lynx_core_file_failing_command PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-#undef coff_core_file_failing_command
-#define coff_core_file_failing_command lynx_core_file_failing_command
-extern int lynx_core_file_failing_signal PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-#undef coff_core_file_failing_signal
-#define coff_core_file_failing_signal lynx_core_file_failing_signal
-#endif /* LYNX_CORE */
-#define _bfd_xcoff_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- coff_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define _bfd_xcoff_bfd_relax_section coff_bfd_relax_section
-#define _bfd_xcoff_bfd_link_split_section coff_bfd_link_split_section
-/* The transfer vector that leads the outside world to all of the above. */
-const bfd_target
-#ifdef TARGET_SYM
- rs6000coff_vec =
- "aixcoff-rs6000", /* name */
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* data byte order is big */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* header byte order is big */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* leading char */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen??? FIXMEmgo */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- xcoff_archive_p, CORE_FILE_P},
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, /* bfd_set_format */
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive, bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- xcoff_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (_bfd_xcoff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-sh.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-sh.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 17bb4b17d817..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-sh.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1525 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Hitachi Super-H COFF binaries.
- Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by Cygnus Support.
- Written by Steve Chamberlain, <>.
- Relaxing code written by Ian Lance Taylor, <>.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "coff/sh.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-/* Internal functions. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type sh_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR, asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static long get_symbol_value PARAMS ((asymbol *));
-static boolean sh_relax_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *));
-static boolean sh_relax_delete_bytes
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, bfd_vma, int));
-static boolean sh_relocate_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *,
- struct internal_reloc *, struct internal_syment *, asection **));
-static bfd_byte *sh_coff_get_relocated_section_contents
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_order *,
- bfd_byte *, boolean, asymbol **));
-/* Default section alignment to 2**2. */
-/* Generate long file names. */
-/* The supported relocations. There are a lot of relocations defined
- in coff/internal.h which we do not expect to ever see. */
-static reloc_howto_type sh_coff_howtos[] =
- { 0 },
- { 1 },
- { 2 },
- { 3 }, /* R_SH_PCREL8 */
- { 4 }, /* R_SH_PCREL16 */
- { 5 }, /* R_SH_HIGH8 */
- { 6 }, /* R_SH_IMM24 */
- { 7 }, /* R_SH_LOW16 */
- { 8 },
- { 9 }, /* R_SH_PCDISP8BY4 */
- HOWTO (R_SH_PCDISP8BY2, /* type */
- 1, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 8, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- sh_reloc, /* special_function */
- "r_pcdisp8by2", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xff, /* src_mask */
- 0xff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- { 11 }, /* R_SH_PCDISP8 */
- HOWTO (R_SH_PCDISP, /* type */
- 1, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 12, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- sh_reloc, /* special_function */
- "r_pcdisp12by2", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xfff, /* src_mask */
- 0xfff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- { 13 },
- HOWTO (R_SH_IMM32, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- sh_reloc, /* special_function */
- "r_imm32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- { 15 },
- { 16 }, /* R_SH_IMM8 */
- { 17 }, /* R_SH_IMM8BY2 */
- { 18 }, /* R_SH_IMM8BY4 */
- { 19 }, /* R_SH_IMM4 */
- { 20 }, /* R_SH_IMM4BY2 */
- { 21 }, /* R_SH_IMM4BY4 */
- HOWTO (R_SH_PCRELIMM8BY2, /* type */
- 1, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 8, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_unsigned, /* complain_on_overflow */
- sh_reloc, /* special_function */
- "r_pcrelimm8by2", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xff, /* src_mask */
- 0xff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_SH_PCRELIMM8BY4, /* type */
- 2, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 8, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_unsigned, /* complain_on_overflow */
- sh_reloc, /* special_function */
- "r_pcrelimm8by4", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xff, /* src_mask */
- 0xff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_SH_IMM16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- sh_reloc, /* special_function */
- "r_imm16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_SH_SWITCH16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- sh_reloc, /* special_function */
- "r_switch16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_SH_SWITCH32, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- sh_reloc, /* special_function */
- "r_switch32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_SH_USES, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- sh_reloc, /* special_function */
- "r_uses", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_SH_COUNT, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- sh_reloc, /* special_function */
- "r_count", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- HOWTO (R_SH_ALIGN, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- sh_reloc, /* special_function */
- "r_align", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false) /* pcrel_offset */
-#define SH_COFF_HOWTO_COUNT (sizeof sh_coff_howtos / sizeof sh_coff_howtos[0])
-/* Check for a bad magic number. */
-#define BADMAG(x) SHBADMAG(x)
-/* Customize coffcode.h (this is not currently used). */
-#define SH 1
-/* FIXME: This should not be set here. */
-#define __A_MAGIC_SET__
-/* Swap the r_offset field in and out. */
-#define SWAP_IN_RELOC_OFFSET bfd_h_get_32
-#define SWAP_OUT_RELOC_OFFSET bfd_h_put_32
-/* Swap out extra information in the reloc structure. */
-#define SWAP_OUT_RELOC_EXTRA(abfd, src, dst) \
- do \
- { \
- dst->r_stuff[0] = 'S'; \
- dst->r_stuff[1] = 'C'; \
- } \
- while (0)
-/* Get the value of a symbol, when performing a relocation. */
-static long
-get_symbol_value (symbol)
- asymbol *symbol;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- relocation = 0;
- else
- relocation = (symbol->value +
- symbol->section->output_section->vma +
- symbol->section->output_offset);
- return relocation;
-/* This macro is used in coffcode.h to get the howto corresponding to
- an internal reloc. */
-#define RTYPE2HOWTO(relent, internal) \
- ((relent)->howto = \
- ((internal)->r_type < SH_COFF_HOWTO_COUNT \
- ? &sh_coff_howtos[(internal)->r_type] \
- : (reloc_howto_type *) NULL))
-/* This is the same as the macro in coffcode.h, except that it copies
- r_offset into reloc_entry->addend for some relocs. */
-#define CALC_ADDEND(abfd, ptr, reloc, cache_ptr) \
- { \
- coff_symbol_type *coffsym = (coff_symbol_type *) NULL; \
- if (ptr && bfd_asymbol_bfd (ptr) != abfd) \
- coffsym = (obj_symbols (abfd) \
- + (cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr - symbols)); \
- else if (ptr) \
- coffsym = coff_symbol_from (abfd, ptr); \
- if (coffsym != (coff_symbol_type *) NULL \
- && coffsym->native->u.syment.n_scnum == 0) \
- cache_ptr->addend = 0; \
- else if (ptr && bfd_asymbol_bfd (ptr) == abfd \
- && ptr->section != (asection *) NULL) \
- cache_ptr->addend = - (ptr->section->vma + ptr->value); \
- else \
- cache_ptr->addend = 0; \
- if ((reloc).r_type == R_SH_SWITCH16 \
- || (reloc).r_type == R_SH_SWITCH32 \
- || (reloc).r_type == R_SH_USES \
- || (reloc).r_type == R_SH_COUNT \
- || (reloc).r_type == R_SH_ALIGN) \
- cache_ptr->addend = (reloc).r_offset; \
- }
-/* This is the howto function for the SH relocations. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-sh_reloc (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol_in, data, input_section, output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol_in;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- unsigned long insn;
- bfd_vma sym_value;
- unsigned short r_type;
- bfd_vma addr = reloc_entry->address;
- bfd_byte *hit_data = addr + (bfd_byte *) data;
- r_type = reloc_entry->howto->type;
- if (output_bfd != NULL)
- {
- /* Partial linking--do nothing. */
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- /* Almost all relocs have to do with relaxing. If any work must be
- done for them, it has been done in sh_relax_section. */
- if (r_type != R_SH_IMM32
- && (r_type != R_SH_PCDISP
- || (symbol_in->flags & BSF_LOCAL) != 0))
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- if (symbol_in != NULL
- && bfd_is_und_section (symbol_in->section))
- return bfd_reloc_undefined;
- sym_value = get_symbol_value (symbol_in);
- switch (r_type)
- {
- case R_SH_IMM32:
- insn = bfd_get_32 (abfd, hit_data);
- insn += sym_value + reloc_entry->addend;
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, insn, hit_data);
- break;
- case R_SH_PCDISP:
- insn = bfd_get_16 (abfd, hit_data);
- sym_value += reloc_entry->addend;
- sym_value -= (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset
- + addr
- + 4);
- sym_value += (insn & 0xfff) << 1;
- if (insn & 0x800)
- sym_value -= 0x1000;
- insn = (insn & 0xf000) | (sym_value & 0xfff);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, insn, hit_data);
- if (sym_value < (bfd_vma) -0x1000 || sym_value >= 0x1000)
- return bfd_reloc_overflow;
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- break;
- }
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-/* We can do relaxing. */
-#define coff_bfd_relax_section sh_relax_section
-/* We use the special COFF backend linker. */
-#define coff_relocate_section sh_relocate_section
-/* When relaxing, we need to use special code to get the relocated
- section contents. */
-#define coff_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- sh_coff_get_relocated_section_contents
-#include "coffcode.h"
-/* This function handles relaxing on the SH.
- Function calls on the SH look like this:
- movl L1,r0
- ...
- jsr @r0
- ...
- L1:
- .long function
- The compiler and assembler will cooperate to create R_SH_USES
- relocs on the jsr instructions. The r_offset field of the
- R_SH_USES reloc is the PC relative offset to the instruction which
- loads the register (the r_offset field is computed as though it
- were a jump instruction, so the offset value is actually from four
- bytes past the instruction). The linker can use this reloc to
- determine just which function is being called, and thus decide
- whether it is possible to replace the jsr with a bsr.
- If multiple function calls are all based on a single register load
- (i.e., the same function is called multiple times), the compiler
- guarantees that each function call will have an R_SH_USES reloc.
- Therefore, if the linker is able to convert each R_SH_USES reloc
- which refers to that address, it can safely eliminate the register
- load.
- When the assembler creates an R_SH_USES reloc, it examines it to
- determine which address is being loaded (L1 in the above example).
- It then counts the number of references to that address, and
- creates an R_SH_COUNT reloc at that address. The r_offset field of
- the R_SH_COUNT reloc will be the number of references. If the
- linker is able to eliminate a register load, it can use the
- R_SH_COUNT reloc to see whether it can also eliminate the function
- address. */
-static boolean
-sh_relax_section (abfd, sec, link_info, again)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- boolean *again;
- struct internal_reloc *internal_relocs;
- struct internal_reloc *free_relocs = NULL;
- struct internal_reloc *irel, *irelend;
- bfd_byte *contents = NULL;
- bfd_byte *free_contents = NULL;
- *again = false;
- if (link_info->relocateable
- || (sec->flags & SEC_RELOC) == 0
- || sec->reloc_count == 0)
- return true;
- /* If this is the first time we have been called for this section,
- initialize the cooked size. */
- if (sec->_cooked_size == 0)
- sec->_cooked_size = sec->_raw_size;
- internal_relocs = (_bfd_coff_read_internal_relocs
- (abfd, sec, link_info->keep_memory,
- (bfd_byte *) NULL, false,
- (struct internal_reloc *) NULL));
- if (internal_relocs == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (! link_info->keep_memory)
- free_relocs = internal_relocs;
- irelend = internal_relocs + sec->reloc_count;
- for (irel = internal_relocs; irel < irelend; irel++)
- {
- bfd_vma laddr, paddr, symval;
- unsigned short insn;
- struct internal_reloc *irelfn, *irelscan, *irelcount;
- struct internal_syment sym;
- bfd_signed_vma foff;
- if (irel->r_type != R_SH_USES)
- continue;
- /* Get the section contents. */
- if (contents == NULL)
- {
- if (coff_section_data (abfd, sec) != NULL
- && coff_section_data (abfd, sec)->contents != NULL)
- contents = coff_section_data (abfd, sec)->contents;
- else
- {
- contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (sec->_raw_size);
- if (contents == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- free_contents = contents;
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (abfd, sec, contents,
- (file_ptr) 0, sec->_raw_size))
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- /* The r_offset field of the R_SH_USES reloc will point us to
- the register load. The 4 is because the r_offset field is
- computed as though it were a jump offset, which are based
- from 4 bytes after the jump instruction. */
- laddr = irel->r_vaddr - sec->vma + 4 + irel->r_offset;
- if (laddr >= sec->_raw_size)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("%s: 0x%lx: warning: bad R_SH_USES offset",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd),
- (unsigned long) irel->r_vaddr);
- continue;
- }
- insn = bfd_get_16 (abfd, contents + laddr);
- /* If the instruction is not mov.l NN,rN, we don't know what to
- do. */
- if ((insn & 0xf000) != 0xd000)
- {
- ((*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: 0x%lx: warning: R_SH_USES points to unrecognized insn 0x%x",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), (unsigned long) irel->r_vaddr, insn));
- continue;
- }
- /* Get the address from which the register is being loaded. The
- displacement in the mov.l instruction is quadrupled. It is a
- displacement from four bytes after the movl instruction, but,
- before adding in the PC address, two least significant bits
- of the PC are cleared. We assume that the section is aligned
- on a four byte boundary. */
- paddr = insn & 0xff;
- paddr *= 4;
- paddr += (laddr + 4) &~ 3;
- if (paddr >= sec->_raw_size)
- {
- ((*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: 0x%lx: warning: bad R_SH_USES load offset",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), (unsigned long) irel->r_vaddr));
- continue;
- }
- /* Get the reloc for the address from which the register is
- being loaded. This reloc will tell us which function is
- actually being called. */
- paddr += sec->vma;
- for (irelfn = internal_relocs; irelfn < irelend; irelfn++)
- if (irelfn->r_vaddr == paddr
- && irelfn->r_type == R_SH_IMM32)
- break;
- if (irelfn >= irelend)
- {
- ((*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: 0x%lx: warning: could not find expected reloc",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), (unsigned long) paddr));
- continue;
- }
- /* Get the value of the symbol referred to by the reloc. */
- if (! _bfd_coff_get_external_symbols (abfd))
- goto error_return;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (abfd,
- ((bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (abfd)
- + (irelfn->r_symndx
- * bfd_coff_symesz (abfd))),
- &sym);
- if (sym.n_scnum != 0 && sym.n_scnum != sec->target_index)
- {
- ((*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: 0x%lx: warning: symbol in unexpected section",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), (unsigned long) paddr));
- continue;
- }
- if (sym.n_sclass != C_EXT)
- {
- symval = (sym.n_value
- - sec->vma
- + sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset);
- }
- else
- {
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- h = obj_coff_sym_hashes (abfd)[irelfn->r_symndx];
- if (h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined
- && h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- /* This appears to be a reference to an undefined
- symbol. Just ignore it--it will be caught by the
- regular reloc processing. */
- continue;
- }
- symval = (h->root.u.def.value
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_offset);
- }
- symval += bfd_get_32 (abfd, contents + paddr - sec->vma);
- /* See if this function call can be shortened. */
- foff = (symval
- - (irel->r_vaddr
- - sec->vma
- + sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset
- + 4));
- if (foff < -0x1000 || foff >= 0x1000)
- {
- /* After all that work, we can't shorten this function call. */
- continue;
- }
- /* Shorten the function call. */
- /* For simplicity of coding, we are going to modify the section
- contents, the section relocs, and the BFD symbol table. We
- must tell the rest of the code not to free up this
- information. It would be possible to instead create a table
- of changes which have to be made, as is done in coff-mips.c;
- that would be more work, but would require less memory when
- the linker is run. */
- if (coff_section_data (abfd, sec) == NULL)
- {
- sec->used_by_bfd =
- ((PTR) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct coff_section_tdata)));
- if (sec->used_by_bfd == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- }
- coff_section_data (abfd, sec)->relocs = internal_relocs;
- coff_section_data (abfd, sec)->keep_relocs = true;
- free_relocs = NULL;
- coff_section_data (abfd, sec)->contents = contents;
- coff_section_data (abfd, sec)->keep_contents = true;
- free_contents = NULL;
- obj_coff_keep_syms (abfd) = true;
- /* Replace the jsr with a bsr. */
- /* Change the R_SH_USES reloc into an R_SH_PCDISP reloc, and
- replace the jsr with a bsr. */
- irel->r_type = R_SH_PCDISP;
- irel->r_symndx = irelfn->r_symndx;
- if (sym.n_sclass != C_EXT)
- {
- /* If this needs to be changed because of future relaxing,
- it will be handled here like other internal PCDISP
- relocs. */
- bfd_put_16 (abfd,
- 0xb000 | ((foff >> 1) & 0xfff),
- contents + irel->r_vaddr - sec->vma);
- }
- else
- {
- /* We can't fully resolve this yet, because the external
- symbol value may be changed by future relaxing. We let
- the final link phase handle it. */
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, 0xb000, contents + irel->r_vaddr - sec->vma);
- }
- /* See if there is another R_SH_USES reloc referring to the same
- register load. */
- for (irelscan = internal_relocs; irelscan < irelend; irelscan++)
- if (irelscan->r_type == R_SH_USES
- && laddr == irelscan->r_vaddr - sec->vma + 4 + irelscan->r_offset)
- break;
- if (irelscan < irelend)
- {
- /* Some other function call depends upon this register load,
- and we have not yet converted that function call.
- Indeed, we may never be able to convert it. There is
- nothing else we can do at this point. */
- continue;
- }
- /* Look for a R_SH_COUNT reloc on the location where the
- function address is stored. Do this before deleting any
- bytes, to avoid confusion about the address. */
- for (irelcount = internal_relocs; irelcount < irelend; irelcount++)
- if (irelcount->r_vaddr == paddr
- && irelcount->r_type == R_SH_COUNT)
- break;
- /* Delete the register load. */
- if (! sh_relax_delete_bytes (abfd, sec, laddr, 2))
- goto error_return;
- /* That will change things, so, just in case it permits some
- other function call to come within range, we should relax
- again. Note that this is not required, and it may be slow. */
- *again = true;
- /* Now check whether we got a COUNT reloc. */
- if (irelcount >= irelend)
- {
- ((*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: 0x%lx: warning: could not find expected COUNT reloc",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), (unsigned long) paddr));
- continue;
- }
- /* The number of uses is stored in the r_offset field. We've
- just deleted one. */
- if (irelcount->r_offset == 0)
- {
- ((*_bfd_error_handler) ("%s: 0x%lx: warning: bad count",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd),
- (unsigned long) paddr));
- continue;
- }
- --irelcount->r_offset;
- /* If there are no more uses, we can delete the address. Reload
- the address from irelfn, in case it was changed by the
- previous call to sh_relax_delete_bytes. */
- if (irelcount->r_offset == 0)
- {
- if (! sh_relax_delete_bytes (abfd, sec,
- irelfn->r_vaddr - sec->vma, 4))
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* We've done all we can with that function call. */
- }
- if (free_relocs != NULL)
- {
- free (free_relocs);
- free_relocs = NULL;
- }
- if (free_contents != NULL)
- {
- if (! link_info->keep_memory)
- free (free_contents);
- else
- {
- /* Cache the section contents for coff_link_input_bfd. */
- if (coff_section_data (abfd, sec) == NULL)
- {
- sec->used_by_bfd =
- ((PTR) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct coff_section_tdata)));
- if (sec->used_by_bfd == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- coff_section_data (abfd, sec)->relocs = NULL;
- }
- coff_section_data (abfd, sec)->contents = contents;
- }
- }
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (free_relocs != NULL)
- free (free_relocs);
- if (free_contents != NULL)
- free (free_contents);
- return false;
-/* Delete some bytes from a section while relaxing. */
-static boolean
-sh_relax_delete_bytes (abfd, sec, addr, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- bfd_vma addr;
- int count;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- struct internal_reloc *irel, *irelend;
- struct internal_reloc *irelalign;
- bfd_vma toaddr;
- bfd_byte *esym, *esymend;
- bfd_size_type symesz;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry **sym_hash;
- asection *o;
- contents = coff_section_data (abfd, sec)->contents;
- /* The deletion must stop at the next ALIGN reloc for an aligment
- power larger than the number of bytes we are deleting. */
- irelalign = NULL;
- toaddr = sec->_cooked_size;
- irel = coff_section_data (abfd, sec)->relocs;
- irelend = irel + sec->reloc_count;
- for (; irel < irelend; irel++)
- {
- if (irel->r_type == R_SH_ALIGN
- && irel->r_vaddr - sec->vma > addr
- && count < (1 << irel->r_offset))
- {
- irelalign = irel;
- toaddr = irel->r_vaddr - sec->vma;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Actually delete the bytes. */
- memmove (contents + addr, contents + addr + count, toaddr - addr - count);
- if (irelalign == NULL)
- sec->_cooked_size -= count;
- else
- memset (contents + toaddr - count, 0, count);
- /* Adjust all the relocs. */
- for (irel = coff_section_data (abfd, sec)->relocs; irel < irelend; irel++)
- {
- bfd_vma nraddr, start, stop;
- int insn = 0;
- struct internal_syment sym;
- int off, adjust, oinsn;
- bfd_signed_vma voff;
- boolean overflow;
- /* Get the new reloc address. */
- nraddr = irel->r_vaddr - sec->vma;
- if ((irel->r_vaddr - sec->vma > addr
- && irel->r_vaddr - sec->vma < toaddr)
- || (irel->r_type == R_SH_ALIGN
- && irel->r_vaddr - sec->vma == toaddr))
- nraddr -= count;
- /* See if this reloc was for the bytes we have deleted, in which
- case we no longer care about it. */
- if (irel->r_vaddr - sec->vma >= addr
- && irel->r_vaddr - sec->vma < addr + count
- && irel->r_type != R_SH_ALIGN)
- irel->r_type = R_SH_UNUSED;
- /* If this is a PC relative reloc, see if the range it covers
- includes the bytes we have deleted. */
- switch (irel->r_type)
- {
- default:
- break;
- case R_SH_PCDISP8BY2:
- case R_SH_PCDISP:
- start = irel->r_vaddr - sec->vma;
- insn = bfd_get_16 (abfd, contents + nraddr);
- break;
- }
- switch (irel->r_type)
- {
- default:
- start = stop = addr;
- break;
- case R_SH_IMM32:
- /* If this reloc is against a symbol defined in this
- section, and the symbol will not be adjusted below, we
- must check the addend to see it will put the value in
- range to be adjusted, and hence must be changed. */
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (abfd,
- ((bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (abfd)
- + (irel->r_symndx
- * bfd_coff_symesz (abfd))),
- &sym);
- if (sym.n_sclass != C_EXT
- && sym.n_scnum == sec->target_index
- && ((bfd_vma) sym.n_value <= addr
- || (bfd_vma) sym.n_value >= toaddr))
- {
- bfd_vma val;
- val = bfd_get_32 (abfd, contents + nraddr);
- val += sym.n_value;
- if (val >= addr && val < toaddr)
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, val - count, contents + nraddr);
- }
- start = stop = addr;
- break;
- case R_SH_PCDISP8BY2:
- off = insn & 0xff;
- if (off & 0x80)
- off -= 0x100;
- stop = (bfd_vma) ((bfd_signed_vma) start + 4 + off * 2);
- break;
- case R_SH_PCDISP:
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (abfd,
- ((bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (abfd)
- + (irel->r_symndx
- * bfd_coff_symesz (abfd))),
- &sym);
- if (sym.n_sclass == C_EXT)
- start = stop = addr;
- else
- {
- off = insn & 0xfff;
- if (off & 0x800)
- off -= 0x1000;
- stop = (bfd_vma) ((bfd_signed_vma) start + 4 + off * 2);
- }
- break;
- off = insn & 0xff;
- stop = start + 4 + off * 2;
- break;
- off = insn & 0xff;
- stop = (start &~ (bfd_vma) 3) + 4 + off * 4;
- break;
- case R_SH_SWITCH16:
- case R_SH_SWITCH32:
- /* These relocs types represent
- .word L2-L1
- The r_offset field holds the difference between the reloc
- address and L1. That is the start of the reloc, and
- adding in the contents gives us the top. We must adjust
- both the r_offset field and the section contents. */
- start = irel->r_vaddr - sec->vma;
- stop = (bfd_vma) ((bfd_signed_vma) start - (long) irel->r_offset);
- if (start > addr
- && start < toaddr
- && (stop <= addr || stop >= toaddr))
- irel->r_offset += count;
- else if (stop > addr
- && stop < toaddr
- && (start <= addr || start >= toaddr))
- irel->r_offset -= count;
- start = stop;
- if (irel->r_type == R_SH_SWITCH16)
- voff = bfd_get_signed_16 (abfd, contents + nraddr);
- else
- voff = bfd_get_signed_32 (abfd, contents + nraddr);
- stop = (bfd_vma) ((bfd_signed_vma) start + voff);
- break;
- case R_SH_USES:
- start = irel->r_vaddr - sec->vma;
- stop = (bfd_vma) ((bfd_signed_vma) start
- + (long) irel->r_offset
- + 4);
- break;
- }
- if (start > addr
- && start < toaddr
- && (stop <= addr || stop >= toaddr))
- adjust = count;
- else if (stop > addr
- && stop < toaddr
- && (start <= addr || start >= toaddr))
- adjust = - count;
- else
- adjust = 0;
- if (adjust != 0)
- {
- oinsn = insn;
- overflow = false;
- switch (irel->r_type)
- {
- default:
- abort ();
- break;
- case R_SH_PCDISP8BY2:
- insn += adjust / 2;
- if ((oinsn & 0xff00) != (insn & 0xff00))
- overflow = true;
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, insn, contents + nraddr);
- break;
- case R_SH_PCDISP:
- insn += adjust / 2;
- if ((oinsn & 0xf000) != (insn & 0xf000))
- overflow = true;
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, insn, contents + nraddr);
- break;
- BFD_ASSERT (adjust == count || count >= 4);
- if (count >= 4)
- insn += adjust / 4;
- else
- {
- if ((irel->r_vaddr & 3) == 0)
- ++insn;
- }
- if ((oinsn & 0xff00) != (insn & 0xff00))
- overflow = true;
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, insn, contents + nraddr);
- break;
- case R_SH_SWITCH16:
- voff += adjust;
- if (voff < - 0x8000 || voff >= 0x8000)
- overflow = true;
- bfd_put_signed_16 (abfd, voff, contents + nraddr);
- break;
- case R_SH_SWITCH32:
- voff += adjust;
- bfd_put_signed_32 (abfd, voff, contents + nraddr);
- break;
- case R_SH_USES:
- irel->r_offset += adjust;
- break;
- }
- if (overflow)
- {
- ((*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: 0x%lx: fatal: reloc overflow while relaxing",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), (unsigned long) irel->r_vaddr));
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- }
- irel->r_vaddr = nraddr + sec->vma;
- }
- /* Look through all the other sections. If there contain any IMM32
- relocs against internal symbols which we are not going to adjust
- below, we may need to adjust the addends. */
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- struct internal_reloc *internal_relocs;
- struct internal_reloc *irelscan, *irelscanend;
- bfd_byte *ocontents;
- if (o == sec
- || (o->flags & SEC_RELOC) == 0
- || o->reloc_count == 0)
- continue;
- /* We always cache the relocs. Perhaps, if info->keep_memory is
- false, we should free them, if we are permitted to, when we
- leave sh_coff_relax_section. */
- internal_relocs = (_bfd_coff_read_internal_relocs
- (abfd, o, true, (bfd_byte *) NULL, false,
- (struct internal_reloc *) NULL));
- if (internal_relocs == NULL)
- return false;
- ocontents = NULL;
- irelscanend = internal_relocs + o->reloc_count;
- for (irelscan = internal_relocs; irelscan < irelscanend; irelscan++)
- {
- struct internal_syment sym;
- if (irelscan->r_type != R_SH_IMM32)
- continue;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (abfd,
- ((bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (abfd)
- + (irelscan->r_symndx
- * bfd_coff_symesz (abfd))),
- &sym);
- if (sym.n_sclass != C_EXT
- && sym.n_scnum == sec->target_index
- && ((bfd_vma) sym.n_value <= addr
- || (bfd_vma) sym.n_value >= toaddr))
- {
- bfd_vma val;
- if (ocontents == NULL)
- {
- if (coff_section_data (abfd, o)->contents != NULL)
- ocontents = coff_section_data (abfd, o)->contents;
- else
- {
- /* We always cache the section contents.
- Perhaps, if info->keep_memory is false, we
- should free them, if we are permitted to,
- when we leave sh_coff_relax_section. */
- ocontents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (o->_raw_size);
- if (ocontents == NULL)
- return false;
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (abfd, o, ocontents,
- (file_ptr) 0,
- o->_raw_size))
- return false;
- coff_section_data (abfd, o)->contents = ocontents;
- }
- }
- val = bfd_get_32 (abfd, ocontents + irelscan->r_vaddr - o->vma);
- val += sym.n_value;
- if (val >= addr && val < toaddr)
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, val - count,
- ocontents + irelscan->r_vaddr - o->vma);
- coff_section_data (abfd, o)->keep_contents = true;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Adjusting the internal symbols will not work if something has
- already retrieved the generic symbols. It would be possible to
- make this work by adjusting the generic symbols at the same time.
- However, this case should not arise in normal usage. */
- if (obj_symbols (abfd) != NULL
- || obj_raw_syments (abfd) != NULL)
- {
- ((*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: fatal: generic symbols retrieved before relaxing",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd)));
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- /* Adjust all the symbols. */
- sym_hash = obj_coff_sym_hashes (abfd);
- symesz = bfd_coff_symesz (abfd);
- esym = (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (abfd);
- esymend = esym + obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) * symesz;
- while (esym < esymend)
- {
- struct internal_syment isym;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (abfd, (PTR) esym, (PTR) &isym);
- if (isym.n_scnum == sec->target_index
- && (bfd_vma) isym.n_value > addr
- && (bfd_vma) isym.n_value < toaddr)
- {
- isym.n_value -= count;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (abfd, (PTR) &isym, (PTR) esym);
- if (*sym_hash != NULL)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT ((*sym_hash)->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || (*sym_hash)->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak);
- BFD_ASSERT ((*sym_hash)->root.u.def.value >= addr
- && (*sym_hash)->root.u.def.value < toaddr);
- (*sym_hash)->root.u.def.value -= count;
- }
- }
- esym += (isym.n_numaux + 1) * symesz;
- sym_hash += isym.n_numaux + 1;
- }
- /* See if we can move the ALIGN reloc forward. We have adjusted
- r_vaddr for it already. */
- if (irelalign != NULL)
- {
- bfd_vma alignaddr;
- alignaddr = BFD_ALIGN (irelalign->r_vaddr - sec->vma,
- 1 << irelalign->r_offset);
- if (alignaddr != toaddr)
- {
- /* Tail recursion. */
- return sh_relax_delete_bytes (abfd, sec,
- irelalign->r_vaddr - sec->vma,
- 1 << irelalign->r_offset);
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* This is a modification of _bfd_coff_generic_relocate_section, which
- will handle SH relaxing. */
-static boolean
-sh_relocate_section (output_bfd, info, input_bfd, input_section, contents,
- relocs, syms, sections)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- struct internal_reloc *relocs;
- struct internal_syment *syms;
- asection **sections;
- struct internal_reloc *rel;
- struct internal_reloc *relend;
- rel = relocs;
- relend = rel + input_section->reloc_count;
- for (; rel < relend; rel++)
- {
- long symndx;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct internal_syment *sym;
- bfd_vma addend;
- bfd_vma val;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- bfd_reloc_status_type rstat;
- /* Almost all relocs have to do with relaxing. If any work must
- be done for them, it has been done in sh_relax_section. */
- if (rel->r_type != R_SH_IMM32
- && rel->r_type != R_SH_PCDISP)
- continue;
- symndx = rel->r_symndx;
- if (symndx == -1)
- {
- h = NULL;
- sym = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- h = obj_coff_sym_hashes (input_bfd)[symndx];
- sym = syms + symndx;
- }
- if (sym != NULL && sym->n_scnum != 0)
- addend = - sym->n_value;
- else
- addend = 0;
- if (rel->r_type == R_SH_PCDISP)
- addend -= 4;
- if (rel->r_type >= SH_COFF_HOWTO_COUNT)
- howto = NULL;
- else
- howto = &sh_coff_howtos[rel->r_type];
- if (howto == NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- val = 0;
- if (h == NULL)
- {
- asection *sec;
- /* There is nothing to do for an internal PCDISP reloc. */
- if (rel->r_type == R_SH_PCDISP)
- continue;
- if (symndx == -1)
- {
- sec = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- val = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- sec = sections[symndx];
- val = (sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset
- + sym->n_value
- - sec->vma);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- asection *sec;
- sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- val = (h->root.u.def.value
- + sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset);
- }
- else if (! info->relocateable)
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (info, h->root.root.string, input_bfd, input_section,
- rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- }
- }
- rstat = _bfd_final_link_relocate (howto, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents,
- rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma,
- val, addend);
- switch (rstat)
- {
- default:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_ok:
- break;
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- {
- const char *name;
- char buf[SYMNMLEN + 1];
- if (symndx == -1)
- name = "*ABS*";
- else if (h != NULL)
- name = h->root.root.string;
- else if (sym->_n._n_n._n_zeroes == 0
- && sym->_n._n_n._n_offset != 0)
- name = obj_coff_strings (input_bfd) + sym->_n._n_n._n_offset;
- else
- {
- strncpy (buf, sym->_n._n_name, SYMNMLEN);
- buf[SYMNMLEN] = '\0';
- name = buf;
- }
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (info, name, howto->name, (bfd_vma) 0, input_bfd,
- input_section, rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* This is a version of bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
- which uses sh_relocate_section. */
-static bfd_byte *
-sh_coff_get_relocated_section_contents (output_bfd, link_info, link_order,
- data, relocateable, symbols)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- bfd_byte *data;
- boolean relocateable;
- asymbol **symbols;
- asection *input_section = link_order->u.indirect.section;
- bfd *input_bfd = input_section->owner;
- asection **sections = NULL;
- struct internal_reloc *internal_relocs = NULL;
- struct internal_syment *internal_syms = NULL;
- /* We only need to handle the case of relaxing, or of having a
- particular set of section contents, specially. */
- if (relocateable
- || coff_section_data (input_bfd, input_section) == NULL
- || coff_section_data (input_bfd, input_section)->contents == NULL)
- return bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents (output_bfd, link_info,
- link_order, data,
- relocateable,
- symbols);
- memcpy (data, coff_section_data (input_bfd, input_section)->contents,
- input_section->_raw_size);
- if ((input_section->flags & SEC_RELOC) != 0
- && input_section->reloc_count > 0)
- {
- bfd_size_type symesz = bfd_coff_symesz (input_bfd);
- bfd_byte *esym, *esymend;
- struct internal_syment *isymp;
- asection **secpp;
- if (! _bfd_coff_get_external_symbols (input_bfd))
- goto error_return;
- internal_relocs = (_bfd_coff_read_internal_relocs
- (input_bfd, input_section, false, (bfd_byte *) NULL,
- false, (struct internal_reloc *) NULL));
- if (internal_relocs == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- internal_syms = ((struct internal_syment *)
- bfd_malloc (obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd)
- * sizeof (struct internal_syment)));
- if (internal_syms == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- sections = (asection **) bfd_malloc (obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd)
- * sizeof (asection *));
- if (sections == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- isymp = internal_syms;
- secpp = sections;
- esym = (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (input_bfd);
- esymend = esym + obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd) * symesz;
- while (esym < esymend)
- {
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (input_bfd, (PTR) esym, (PTR) isymp);
- if (isymp->n_scnum != 0)
- *secpp = coff_section_from_bfd_index (input_bfd, isymp->n_scnum);
- else
- {
- if (isymp->n_value == 0)
- *secpp = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- else
- *secpp = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- }
- esym += (isymp->n_numaux + 1) * symesz;
- secpp += isymp->n_numaux + 1;
- isymp += isymp->n_numaux + 1;
- }
- if (! sh_relocate_section (output_bfd, link_info, input_bfd,
- input_section, data, internal_relocs,
- internal_syms, sections))
- goto error_return;
- free (sections);
- sections = NULL;
- free (internal_syms);
- internal_syms = NULL;
- free (internal_relocs);
- internal_relocs = NULL;
- }
- return data;
- error_return:
- if (internal_relocs != NULL)
- free (internal_relocs);
- if (internal_syms != NULL)
- free (internal_syms);
- if (sections != NULL)
- free (sections);
- return NULL;
-/* The target vectors. */
-const bfd_target shcoff_vec =
- "coff-sh", /* name */
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* data byte order is big */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* header byte order is big */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- '_', /* leading symbol underscore */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, _bfd_generic_mkarchive, /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
-const bfd_target shlcoff_vec =
- "coff-shl", /* name */
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* data byte order is little */
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* header byte order is little endian too*/
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- '_', /* leading symbol underscore */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, _bfd_generic_mkarchive, /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-sparc.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-sparc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b9bc595dc5ab..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-sparc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Sparc COFF files.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "coff/sparc.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-#define BADMAG(x) ((x).f_magic != SPARCMAGIC && (x).f_magic != LYNXCOFFMAGIC)
-/* The page size is a guess based on ELF. */
-#define COFF_PAGE_SIZE 0x10000
-enum reloc_type
- {
- R_SPARC_8, R_SPARC_16, R_SPARC_32,
- R_SPARC_max
- };
-#if 0
-static CONST char *CONST reloc_type_names[] =
- "R_SPARC_8", "R_SPARC_16", "R_SPARC_32",
- "R_SPARC_HI22", "R_SPARC_22",
- "R_SPARC_13", "R_SPARC_LO10",
- "R_SPARC_PC10", "R_SPARC_PC22",
- "R_SPARC_UA32",
-/* This is stolen pretty directly from elf.c. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-bfd_coff_generic_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR,
- asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-bfd_coff_generic_reloc (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section,
- output_bfd, error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) == 0
- && reloc_entry->addend == 0)
- {
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
-static reloc_howto_type coff_sparc_howto_table[] =
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_NONE, 0,0, 0,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_NONE", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_8, 0,0, 8,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_8", false,0,0x000000ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_16, 0,1,16,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_16", false,0,0x0000ffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_32, 0,2,32,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_32", false,0,0xffffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_DISP8, 0,0, 8,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_DISP8", false,0,0x000000ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_DISP16, 0,1,16,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_DISP16", false,0,0x0000ffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_DISP32, 0,2,32,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_DISP32", false,0,0x00ffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_WDISP30, 2,2,30,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_WDISP30", false,0,0x3fffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_WDISP22, 2,2,22,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_WDISP22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_HI22, 10,2,22,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_HI22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_22, 0,2,22,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_13, 0,2,13,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_13", false,0,0x00001fff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_LO10, 0,2,10,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_LO10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_GOT10, 0,2,10,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_GOT10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_GOT13, 0,2,13,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_GOT13", false,0,0x00001fff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_GOT22, 10,2,22,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_GOT22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PC10, 0,2,10,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_PC10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PC22, 0,2,22,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_PC22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_WPLT30, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_WPLT30", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_COPY, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_COPY", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_GLOB_DAT,0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_GLOB_DAT",false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_JMP_SLOT,0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_JMP_SLOT",false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_RELATIVE,0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_RELATIVE",false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_UA32, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_coff_generic_reloc,"R_SPARC_UA32", false,0,0x00000000,true),
-struct coff_reloc_map {
- unsigned char bfd_reloc_val;
- unsigned char coff_reloc_val;
-static CONST struct coff_reloc_map sparc_reloc_map[] =
- { BFD_RELOC_16, R_SPARC_16, },
- { BFD_RELOC_8, R_SPARC_8 },
- { BFD_RELOC_CTOR, R_SPARC_32 }, /* @@ Assumes 32 bits. */
- { BFD_RELOC_32, R_SPARC_32 },
- { BFD_RELOC_LO10, R_SPARC_LO10, },
- /* { BFD_RELOC_SPARC_UA32, R_SPARC_UA32 }, not used?? */
-static reloc_howto_type *
-coff_sparc_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (sparc_reloc_map) / sizeof (struct coff_reloc_map); i++)
- {
- if (sparc_reloc_map[i].bfd_reloc_val == code)
- return &coff_sparc_howto_table[(int) sparc_reloc_map[i].coff_reloc_val];
- }
- return 0;
-#define coff_bfd_reloc_type_lookup coff_sparc_reloc_type_lookup
-static void
-rtype2howto (cache_ptr, dst)
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- struct internal_reloc *dst;
- BFD_ASSERT (dst->r_type < (unsigned int) R_SPARC_max);
- cache_ptr->howto = &coff_sparc_howto_table[dst->r_type];
-#define RTYPE2HOWTO(internal, relocentry) rtype2howto(internal,relocentry)
-#define SWAP_IN_RELOC_OFFSET bfd_h_get_32
-#define SWAP_OUT_RELOC_OFFSET bfd_h_put_32
-/* This is just like the standard one, except that we don't set up an
- addend for relocs against global symbols (otherwise linking objects
- created by -r fails), and we add in the reloc offset at the end. */
-#define CALC_ADDEND(abfd, ptr, reloc, cache_ptr) \
- { \
- coff_symbol_type *coffsym = (coff_symbol_type *) NULL; \
- if (ptr && bfd_asymbol_bfd (ptr) != abfd) \
- coffsym = (obj_symbols (abfd) \
- + (cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr - symbols)); \
- else if (ptr) \
- coffsym = coff_symbol_from (abfd, ptr); \
- if (coffsym != (coff_symbol_type *) NULL \
- && coffsym->native->u.syment.n_scnum == 0) \
- cache_ptr->addend = 0; \
- else if (ptr && bfd_asymbol_bfd (ptr) == abfd \
- && ptr->section != (asection *) NULL \
- && (ptr->flags & BSF_GLOBAL) == 0) \
- cache_ptr->addend = - (ptr->section->vma + ptr->value); \
- else \
- cache_ptr->addend = 0; \
- cache_ptr->addend += reloc.r_offset; \
- }
-/* Clear the r_spare field in relocs. */
-#define SWAP_OUT_RELOC_EXTRA(abfd,src,dst) \
- do { \
- dst->r_spare[0] = 0; \
- dst->r_spare[1] = 0; \
- } while (0)
-#define __A_MAGIC_SET__
-/* Enable Sparc-specific hacks in coffcode.h. */
-#define COFF_SPARC
-#include "coffcode.h"
-const bfd_target
-#ifdef TARGET_SYM
- sparccoff_vec =
- "coff-sparc", /* name */
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* data byte order is big */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* header byte order is big */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- '_', /* leading underscore */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
-/* Note that we allow an object file to be treated as a core file as well. */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, coff_object_p},
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, _bfd_generic_mkarchive, /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-u68k.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-u68k.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 97ea73fa9c62..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-u68k.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Motorola 68000 COFF binaries having underscore with name.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define TARGET_SYM m68kcoffun_vec
-#define TARGET_NAME "coff-m68k-un"
-/* define this to not have multiple copy of m68k_rtype2howto
- in the executable file */
-/* This magic number indicates that the names have underscores.
- Other 68k magic numbers indicate that the names do not have
- underscores. */
-#define BADMAG(x) ((x).f_magic != MC68KBCSMAGIC)
-#include "coff-m68k.c"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-w65.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-w65.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a02243f1d1b9..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-w65.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for WDC 65816 COFF binaries.
- Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Steve Chamberlain, <>.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "coff/w65.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-static reloc_howto_type howto_table[] =
- HOWTO (R_W65_ABS8, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "abs8", true, 0x000000ff, 0x000000ff, false),
- HOWTO (R_W65_ABS16, 1, 0, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "abs16", true, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO (R_W65_ABS24, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "abs24", true, 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff, false),
- HOWTO (R_W65_ABS8S8, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, ">abs8", true, 0x000000ff, 0x000000ff, false),
- HOWTO (R_W65_ABS8S16, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "^abs8", true, 0x000000ff, 0x000000ff, false),
- HOWTO (R_W65_ABS16S8, 1, 0, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, ">abs16", true, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO (R_W65_ABS16S16,1, 0, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "^abs16", true, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO (R_W65_PCR8, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "pcrel8", true, 0x000000ff, 0x000000ff, true),
- HOWTO (R_W65_PCR16, 1, 0, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "pcrel16", true, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, true),
- HOWTO (R_W65_DP, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "dp", true, 0x000000ff, 0x000000ff, false),
-/* Turn a howto into a reloc number */
-#define SELECT_RELOC(x,howto) \
- { x.r_type = select_reloc(howto); }
-#define BADMAG(x) (W65BADMAG(x))
-#define W65 1 /* Customize coffcode.h */
-#define __A_MAGIC_SET__
-/* Code to swap in the reloc */
-#define SWAP_IN_RELOC_OFFSET bfd_h_get_32
-#define SWAP_OUT_RELOC_OFFSET bfd_h_put_32
-#define SWAP_OUT_RELOC_EXTRA(abfd, src, dst) \
- dst->r_stuff[0] = 'S'; \
- dst->r_stuff[1] = 'C';
-static int
-select_reloc (howto)
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- return howto->type ;
-/* Code to turn a r_type into a howto ptr, uses the above howto table
- */
-static void
-rtype2howto (internal, dst)
- arelent *internal;
- struct internal_reloc *dst;
- internal->howto = howto_table + dst->r_type - 1;
-#define RTYPE2HOWTO(internal, relocentry) rtype2howto(internal,relocentry)
-/* Perform any necessaru magic to the addend in a reloc entry */
-#define CALC_ADDEND(abfd, symbol, ext_reloc, cache_ptr) \
- cache_ptr->addend = ext_reloc.r_offset;
-#define RELOC_PROCESSING(relent,reloc,symbols,abfd,section) \
- reloc_processing(relent, reloc, symbols, abfd, section)
-static void
-reloc_processing (relent, reloc, symbols, abfd, section)
- arelent * relent;
- struct internal_reloc *reloc;
- asymbol ** symbols;
- bfd * abfd;
- asection * section;
- relent->address = reloc->r_vaddr;
- rtype2howto (relent, reloc);
- if (((int) reloc->r_symndx) > 0)
- {
- relent->sym_ptr_ptr = symbols + obj_convert (abfd)[reloc->r_symndx];
- }
- else
- {
- relent->sym_ptr_ptr = (asymbol **)&(bfd_abs_symbol);
- }
- relent->addend = reloc->r_offset;
- relent->address -= section->vma;
- /* relent->section = 0;*/
-static int
-h8300_reloc16_estimate(abfd, input_section, reloc, shrink, link_info)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *input_section;
- arelent *reloc;
- unsigned int shrink;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- bfd_vma value;
- bfd_vma dot;
- bfd_vma gap;
- /* The address of the thing to be relocated will have moved back by
- the size of the shrink - but we don't change reloc->address here,
- since we need it to know where the relocation lives in the source
- uncooked section */
- /* reloc->address -= shrink; conceptual */
- bfd_vma address = reloc->address - shrink;
- switch (reloc->howto->type)
- {
- case R_MOVB2:
- case R_JMP2:
- shrink+=2;
- break;
- /* Thing is a move one byte */
- case R_MOVB1:
- value = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value(reloc, link_info, input_section);
- if (value >= 0xff00)
- {
- /* Change the reloc type from 16bit, possible 8 to 8bit
- possible 16 */
- reloc->howto = reloc->howto + 1;
- /* The place to relc moves back by one */
- /* This will be two bytes smaller in the long run */
- shrink +=2 ;
- bfd_perform_slip(abfd, 2, input_section, address);
- }
- break;
- /* This is the 24 bit branch which could become an 8 bitter,
- the relocation points to the first byte of the insn, not the
- actual data */
- case R_JMPL1:
- value = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value(reloc, link_info, input_section);
- dot = input_section->output_section->vma +
- input_section->output_offset + address;
- /* See if the address we're looking at within 127 bytes of where
- we are, if so then we can use a small branch rather than the
- jump we were going to */
- gap = value - dot ;
- if (-120 < (long)gap && (long)gap < 120 )
- {
- /* Change the reloc type from 24bit, possible 8 to 8bit
- possible 32 */
- reloc->howto = reloc->howto + 1;
- /* This will be two bytes smaller in the long run */
- shrink +=2 ;
- bfd_perform_slip(abfd, 2, input_section, address);
- }
- break;
- case R_JMP1:
- value = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value(reloc, link_info, input_section);
- dot = input_section->output_section->vma +
- input_section->output_offset + address;
- /* See if the address we're looking at within 127 bytes of where
- we are, if so then we can use a small branch rather than the
- jump we were going to */
- gap = value - (dot - shrink);
- if (-120 < (long)gap && (long)gap < 120 )
- {
- /* Change the reloc type from 16bit, possible 8 to 8bit
- possible 16 */
- reloc->howto = reloc->howto + 1;
- /* The place to relc moves back by one */
- /* This will be two bytes smaller in the long run */
- shrink +=2 ;
- bfd_perform_slip(abfd, 2, input_section, address);
- }
- break;
- }
- return shrink;
-/* First phase of a relaxing link */
-/* Reloc types
- large small
- R_MOVB1 R_MOVB2 mov.b with 16bit or 8 bit address
- R_JMP1 R_JMP2 jmp or pcrel branch
- R_JMPL1 R_JMPL_B8 24jmp or pcrel branch
- R_MOVLB1 R_MOVLB2 24 or 8 bit reloc for mov.b
-static void
-h8300_reloc16_extra_cases (abfd, link_info, link_order, reloc, data, src_ptr,
- dst_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- arelent *reloc;
- bfd_byte *data;
- unsigned int *src_ptr;
- unsigned int *dst_ptr;
- unsigned int src_address = *src_ptr;
- unsigned int dst_address = *dst_ptr;
- asection *input_section = link_order->u.indirect.section;
- switch (reloc->howto->type)
- {
- case R_W65_ABS8:
- case R_W65_DP:
- {
- unsigned int gap = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info,
- input_section);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, gap, data + dst_address);
- dst_address += 1;
- src_address += 1;
- }
- break;
- case R_W65_ABS8S8:
- {
- unsigned int gap = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info,
- input_section);
- gap >>= 8;
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, gap, data + dst_address);
- dst_address += 1;
- src_address += 1;
- }
- break;
- case R_W65_ABS8S16:
- {
- unsigned int gap = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info,
- input_section);
- gap >>=16;
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, gap, data + dst_address);
- dst_address += 1;
- src_address += 1;
- }
- break;
- case R_W65_ABS16:
- {
- unsigned int gap = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info,
- input_section);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, gap, data + dst_address);
- dst_address += 2;
- src_address += 2;
- }
- break;
- case R_W65_ABS16S8:
- {
- unsigned int gap = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info,
- input_section);
- gap >>= 8;
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, gap, data + dst_address);
- dst_address += 2;
- src_address += 2;
- }
- break;
- case R_W65_ABS16S16:
- {
- unsigned int gap = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info,
- input_section);
- gap >>= 16;
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, gap, data + dst_address);
- dst_address += 2;
- src_address += 2;
- }
- break;
- case R_W65_ABS24:
- {
- unsigned int gap = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info,
- input_section);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, gap, data + dst_address);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, gap>>16, data+dst_address+2);
- dst_address += 3;
- src_address += 3;
- }
- break;
- case R_W65_PCR8:
- {
- int gap = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info,
- input_section);
- bfd_vma dot = link_order->offset
- + dst_address
- + link_order->u.indirect.section->output_section->vma;
- gap -= dot + 1;
- if (gap < -128 || gap > 127) {
- if (! ((*link_info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (link_info, bfd_asymbol_name (*reloc->sym_ptr_ptr),
- reloc->howto->name, reloc->addend, input_section->owner,
- input_section, reloc->address)))
- abort();
- }
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, gap, data + dst_address);
- dst_address += 1;
- src_address += 1;
- }
- break;
- case R_W65_PCR16:
- {
- bfd_vma gap = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info,
- input_section);
- bfd_vma dot = link_order->offset
- + dst_address
- + link_order->u.indirect.section->output_section->vma;
- /* This wraps within the page, so ignore the relativeness, look at the
- high part */
- if ((gap & 0xf0000) != (dot & 0xf0000)) {
- if (! ((*link_info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (link_info, bfd_asymbol_name (*reloc->sym_ptr_ptr),
- reloc->howto->name, reloc->addend, input_section->owner,
- input_section, reloc->address)))
- abort();
- }
- gap -= dot + 2;
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, gap, data + dst_address);
- dst_address += 2;
- src_address += 2;
- }
- break;
- default:
- printf("ignoring reloc %s\n", reloc->howto->name);
- break;
- }
- *src_ptr = src_address;
- *dst_ptr = dst_address;
-#define coff_reloc16_extra_cases h8300_reloc16_extra_cases
-#define coff_reloc16_estimate h8300_reloc16_estimate
-#include "coffcode.h"
-#undef coff_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents
-#undef coff_bfd_relax_section
-#define coff_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_coff_reloc16_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define coff_bfd_relax_section bfd_coff_reloc16_relax_section
-bfd_target w65_vec =
- "coff-w65", /* name */
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* data byte order is little */
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* header byte order is little */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- '_', /* leading char */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, _bfd_generic_mkarchive, /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-we32k.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-we32k.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 36f1fa17fded..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-we32k.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for we32k COFF files.
- Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by Brendan Kehoe (
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "coff/we32k.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-static reloc_howto_type howto_table[] =
- {0},
- {1},
- {2},
- {3},
- {4},
- {5},
- HOWTO(R_DIR32, 0, 2, 32, false, 0,complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "dir32", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
- {7},
- {010},
- {011},
- {012},
- {013},
- {014},
- {015},
- {016},
- HOWTO(R_RELBYTE, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "8", true, 0x000000ff,0x000000ff, false),
- HOWTO(R_RELWORD, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "16", true, 0x0000ffff,0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO(R_RELLONG, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "32", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
- HOWTO(R_PCRBYTE, 0, 0, 8, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0, "DISP8", true, 0x000000ff,0x000000ff, false),
- HOWTO(R_PCRWORD, 0, 1, 16, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0, "DISP16", true, 0x0000ffff,0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO(R_PCRLONG, 0, 2, 32, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0, "DISP32", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
-/* Turn a howto into a reloc nunmber */
-#define SELECT_RELOC(x,howto) { x.r_type = howto->type; }
-#define BADMAG(x) WE32KBADMAG(x)
-#define WE32K 1
-#define RTYPE2HOWTO(cache_ptr, dst) \
- (cache_ptr)->howto = howto_table + (dst)->r_type;
-#include "coffcode.h"
-#define coff_write_armap bsd_write_armap
-const bfd_target we32kcoff_vec =
- "coff-we32k", /* name */
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* data byte order is big */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* header byte order is big */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* leading underscore */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, _bfd_generic_mkarchive, /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-z8k.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-z8k.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5609d35d0f22..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coff-z8k.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Zilog Z800n COFF binaries.
- Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by Cygnus Support.
- Written by Steve Chamberlain, <>.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "coff/z8k.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-static reloc_howto_type r_imm32 =
-HOWTO (R_IMM32, 0, 1, 32, false, 0,
- complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "r_imm32", true, 0xffffffff,
- 0xffffffff, false);
-static reloc_howto_type r_imm4l =
-HOWTO (R_IMM4L, 0, 1, 4, false, 0,
- complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "r_imm4l", true, 0xf, 0xf, false);
-static reloc_howto_type r_da =
-HOWTO (R_IMM16, 0, 1, 16, false, 0,
- complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "r_da", true, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff,
- false);
-static reloc_howto_type r_imm8 =
-HOWTO (R_IMM8, 0, 1, 8, false, 0,
- complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "r_imm8", true, 0x000000ff, 0x000000ff,
- false);
-static reloc_howto_type r_jr =
-HOWTO (R_JR, 0, 1, 8, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0,
- "r_jr", true, 0, 0, true);
-/* Turn a howto into a reloc number */
-static int
-coff_z8k_select_reloc (howto)
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- return howto->type;
-#define SELECT_RELOC(x,howto) x.r_type = coff_z8k_select_reloc(howto)
-#define BADMAG(x) Z8KBADMAG(x)
-#define Z8K 1 /* Customize coffcode.h */
-#define __A_MAGIC_SET__
-/* Code to swap in the reloc */
-#define SWAP_IN_RELOC_OFFSET bfd_h_get_32
-#define SWAP_OUT_RELOC_OFFSET bfd_h_put_32
-#define SWAP_OUT_RELOC_EXTRA(abfd, src, dst) \
- dst->r_stuff[0] = 'S'; \
- dst->r_stuff[1] = 'C';
-/* Code to turn a r_type into a howto ptr, uses the above howto table
- */
-static void
-rtype2howto (internal, dst)
- arelent * internal;
- struct internal_reloc *dst;
- switch (dst->r_type)
- {
- default:
- abort ();
- break;
- case R_IMM8:
- internal->howto = &r_imm8;
- break;
- case R_IMM16:
- internal->howto = &r_da;
- break;
- case R_JR:
- internal->howto = &r_jr;
- break;
- case R_IMM32:
- internal->howto = &r_imm32;
- break;
- case R_IMM4L:
- internal->howto = &r_imm4l;
- break;
- }
-#define RTYPE2HOWTO(internal, relocentry) rtype2howto(internal,relocentry)
-/* Perform any necessaru magic to the addend in a reloc entry */
-#define CALC_ADDEND(abfd, symbol, ext_reloc, cache_ptr) \
- cache_ptr->addend = ext_reloc.r_offset;
-#define RELOC_PROCESSING(relent,reloc,symbols,abfd,section) \
- reloc_processing(relent, reloc, symbols, abfd, section)
-static void
-reloc_processing (relent, reloc, symbols, abfd, section)
- arelent * relent;
- struct internal_reloc *reloc;
- asymbol ** symbols;
- bfd * abfd;
- asection * section;
- relent->address = reloc->r_vaddr;
- rtype2howto (relent, reloc);
- if (reloc->r_symndx > 0)
- {
- relent->sym_ptr_ptr = symbols + obj_convert (abfd)[reloc->r_symndx];
- }
- else
- {
- relent->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- }
- relent->addend = reloc->r_offset;
- relent->address -= section->vma;
-static void
-extra_case (in_abfd, link_info, link_order, reloc, data, src_ptr, dst_ptr)
- bfd *in_abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- arelent *reloc;
- bfd_byte *data;
- unsigned int *src_ptr;
- unsigned int *dst_ptr;
- asection *input_section = link_order->u.indirect.section;
- switch (reloc->howto->type)
- {
- case R_IMM8:
- bfd_put_8 (in_abfd,
- bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section),
- data + *dst_ptr);
- (*dst_ptr) += 1;
- (*src_ptr) += 1;
- break;
- case R_IMM32:
- bfd_put_32 (in_abfd,
- bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section),
- data + *dst_ptr);
- (*dst_ptr) += 4;
- (*src_ptr) += 4;
- break;
- case R_IMM4L:
- bfd_put_8 (in_abfd,
- ((bfd_get_8 (in_abfd, data + *dst_ptr) & 0xf0)
- | (0x0f
- & bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info,
- input_section))),
- data + *dst_ptr);
- (*dst_ptr) += 1;
- (*src_ptr) += 1;
- break;
- case R_IMM16:
- bfd_put_16 (in_abfd,
- bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section),
- data + *dst_ptr);
- (*dst_ptr) += 2;
- (*src_ptr) += 2;
- break;
- case R_JR:
- {
- bfd_vma dst = bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info,
- input_section);
- bfd_vma dot = (link_order->offset
- + *dst_ptr
- + input_section->output_section->vma);
- int gap = dst - dot - 1;/* -1 since were in the odd byte of the
- word and the pc's been incremented */
- if (gap & 1)
- abort ();
- gap /= 2;
- if (gap > 128 || gap < -128)
- {
- if (! ((*link_info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (link_info, bfd_asymbol_name (*reloc->sym_ptr_ptr),
- reloc->howto->name, reloc->addend, input_section->owner,
- input_section, reloc->address)))
- abort ();
- }
- bfd_put_8 (in_abfd, gap, data + *dst_ptr);
- (*dst_ptr)++;
- (*src_ptr)++;
- break;
- }
- default:
- abort ();
- }
-#define coff_reloc16_extra_cases extra_case
-#include "coffcode.h"
-#undef coff_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents
-#undef coff_bfd_relax_section
-#define coff_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_coff_reloc16_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define coff_bfd_relax_section bfd_coff_reloc16_relax_section
-const bfd_target z8kcoff_vec =
- "coff-z8k", /* name */
- bfd_target_coff_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* data byte order is big */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* header byte order is big */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- '_', /* leading symbol underscore */
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, coff_mkobject, _bfd_generic_mkarchive, /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coffcode.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coffcode.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 22babd0d0c7f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coffcode.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3612 +0,0 @@
-/* Support for the generic parts of most COFF variants, for BFD.
- Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-Most of this hacked by Steve Chamberlain,
- coff backends
- BFD supports a number of different flavours of coff format.
- The major differences between formats are the sizes and
- alignments of fields in structures on disk, and the occasional
- extra field.
- Coff in all its varieties is implemented with a few common
- files and a number of implementation specific files. For
- example, The 88k bcs coff format is implemented in the file
- @file{coff-m88k.c}. This file @code{#include}s
- @file{coff/m88k.h} which defines the external structure of the
- coff format for the 88k, and @file{coff/internal.h} which
- defines the internal structure. @file{coff-m88k.c} also
- defines the relocations used by the 88k format
- @xref{Relocations}.
- The Intel i960 processor version of coff is implemented in
- @file{coff-i960.c}. This file has the same structure as
- @file{coff-m88k.c}, except that it includes @file{coff/i960.h}
- rather than @file{coff-m88k.h}.
- Porting to a new version of coff
- The recommended method is to select from the existing
- implementations the version of coff which is most like the one
- you want to use. For example, we'll say that i386 coff is
- the one you select, and that your coff flavour is called foo.
- Copy @file{i386coff.c} to @file{foocoff.c}, copy
- @file{../include/coff/i386.h} to @file{../include/coff/foo.h},
- and add the lines to @file{targets.c} and @file{}
- so that your new back end is used. Alter the shapes of the
- structures in @file{../include/coff/foo.h} so that they match
- what you need. You will probably also have to add
- @code{#ifdef}s to the code in @file{coff/internal.h} and
- @file{coffcode.h} if your version of coff is too wild.
- You can verify that your new BFD backend works quite simply by
- building @file{objdump} from the @file{binutils} directory,
- and making sure that its version of what's going on and your
- host system's idea (assuming it has the pretty standard coff
- dump utility, usually called @code{att-dump} or just
- @code{dump}) are the same. Then clean up your code, and send
- what you've done to Cygnus. Then your stuff will be in the
- next release, and you won't have to keep integrating it.
- How the coff backend works
- File layout
- The Coff backend is split into generic routines that are
- applicable to any Coff target and routines that are specific
- to a particular target. The target-specific routines are
- further split into ones which are basically the same for all
- Coff targets except that they use the external symbol format
- or use different values for certain constants.
- The generic routines are in @file{coffgen.c}. These routines
- work for any Coff target. They use some hooks into the target
- specific code; the hooks are in a @code{bfd_coff_backend_data}
- structure, one of which exists for each target.
- The essentially similar target-specific routines are in
- @file{coffcode.h}. This header file includes executable C code.
- The various Coff targets first include the appropriate Coff
- header file, make any special defines that are needed, and
- then include @file{coffcode.h}.
- Some of the Coff targets then also have additional routines in
- the target source file itself.
- For example, @file{coff-i960.c} includes
- @file{coff/internal.h} and @file{coff/i960.h}. It then
- defines a few constants, such as @code{I960}, and includes
- @file{coffcode.h}. Since the i960 has complex relocation
- types, @file{coff-i960.c} also includes some code to
- manipulate the i960 relocs. This code is not in
- @file{coffcode.h} because it would not be used by any other
- target.
- Bit twiddling
- Each flavour of coff supported in BFD has its own header file
- describing the external layout of the structures. There is also
- an internal description of the coff layout, in
- @file{coff/internal.h}. A major function of the
- coff backend is swapping the bytes and twiddling the bits to
- translate the external form of the structures into the normal
- internal form. This is all performed in the
- @code{bfd_swap}_@i{thing}_@i{direction} routines. Some
- elements are different sizes between different versions of
- coff; it is the duty of the coff version specific include file
- to override the definitions of various packing routines in
- @file{coffcode.h}. E.g., the size of line number entry in coff is
- sometimes 16 bits, and sometimes 32 bits. @code{#define}ing
- @code{PUT_LNSZ_LNNO} and @code{GET_LNSZ_LNNO} will select the
- correct one. No doubt, some day someone will find a version of
- coff which has a varying field size not catered to at the
- moment. To port BFD, that person will have to add more @code{#defines}.
- Three of the bit twiddling routines are exported to
- @code{gdb}; @code{coff_swap_aux_in}, @code{coff_swap_sym_in}
- and @code{coff_swap_linno_in}. @code{GDB} reads the symbol
- table on its own, but uses BFD to fix things up. More of the
- bit twiddlers are exported for @code{gas};
- @code{coff_swap_aux_out}, @code{coff_swap_sym_out},
- @code{coff_swap_lineno_out}, @code{coff_swap_reloc_out},
- @code{coff_swap_filehdr_out}, @code{coff_swap_aouthdr_out},
- @code{coff_swap_scnhdr_out}. @code{Gas} currently keeps track
- of all the symbol table and reloc drudgery itself, thereby
- saving the internal BFD overhead, but uses BFD to swap things
- on the way out, making cross ports much safer. Doing so also
- allows BFD (and thus the linker) to use the same header files
- as @code{gas}, which makes one avenue to disaster disappear.
- Symbol reading
- The simple canonical form for symbols used by BFD is not rich
- enough to keep all the information available in a coff symbol
- table. The back end gets around this problem by keeping the original
- symbol table around, "behind the scenes".
- When a symbol table is requested (through a call to
- @code{bfd_canonicalize_symtab}), a request gets through to
- @code{coff_get_normalized_symtab}. This reads the symbol table from
- the coff file and swaps all the structures inside into the
- internal form. It also fixes up all the pointers in the table
- (represented in the file by offsets from the first symbol in
- the table) into physical pointers to elements in the new
- internal table. This involves some work since the meanings of
- fields change depending upon context: a field that is a
- pointer to another structure in the symbol table at one moment
- may be the size in bytes of a structure at the next. Another
- pass is made over the table. All symbols which mark file names
- (<<C_FILE>> symbols) are modified so that the internal
- string points to the value in the auxent (the real filename)
- rather than the normal text associated with the symbol
- (@code{".file"}).
- At this time the symbol names are moved around. Coff stores
- all symbols less than nine characters long physically
- within the symbol table; longer strings are kept at the end of
- the file in the string table. This pass moves all strings
- into memory and replaces them with pointers to the strings.
- The symbol table is massaged once again, this time to create
- the canonical table used by the BFD application. Each symbol
- is inspected in turn, and a decision made (using the
- @code{sclass} field) about the various flags to set in the
- @code{asymbol}. @xref{Symbols}. The generated canonical table
- shares strings with the hidden internal symbol table.
- Any linenumbers are read from the coff file too, and attached
- to the symbols which own the functions the linenumbers belong to.
- Symbol writing
- Writing a symbol to a coff file which didn't come from a coff
- file will lose any debugging information. The @code{asymbol}
- structure remembers the BFD from which the symbol was taken, and on
- output the back end makes sure that the same destination target as
- source target is present.
- When the symbols have come from a coff file then all the
- debugging information is preserved.
- Symbol tables are provided for writing to the back end in a
- vector of pointers to pointers. This allows applications like
- the linker to accumulate and output large symbol tables
- without having to do too much byte copying.
- This function runs through the provided symbol table and
- patches each symbol marked as a file place holder
- (@code{C_FILE}) to point to the next file place holder in the
- list. It also marks each @code{offset} field in the list with
- the offset from the first symbol of the current symbol.
- Another function of this procedure is to turn the canonical
- value form of BFD into the form used by coff. Internally, BFD
- expects symbol values to be offsets from a section base; so a
- symbol physically at 0x120, but in a section starting at
- 0x100, would have the value 0x20. Coff expects symbols to
- contain their final value, so symbols have their values
- changed at this point to reflect their sum with their owning
- section. This transformation uses the
- <<output_section>> field of the @code{asymbol}'s
- @code{asection} @xref{Sections}.
- o <<coff_mangle_symbols>>
- This routine runs though the provided symbol table and uses
- the offsets generated by the previous pass and the pointers
- generated when the symbol table was read in to create the
- structured hierachy required by coff. It changes each pointer
- to a symbol into the index into the symbol table of the asymbol.
- o <<coff_write_symbols>>
- This routine runs through the symbol table and patches up the
- symbols from their internal form into the coff way, calls the
- bit twiddlers, and writes out the table to the file.
- coff_symbol_type
- The hidden information for an <<asymbol>> is described in a
- <<combined_entry_type>>:
-.typedef struct coff_ptr_struct
-. {* Remembers the offset from the first symbol in the file for
-. this symbol. Generated by coff_renumber_symbols. *}
-.unsigned int offset;
-. {* Should the value of this symbol be renumbered. Used for
-. XCOFF C_BSTAT symbols. Set by coff_slurp_symbol_table. *}
-.unsigned int fix_value : 1;
-. {* Should the tag field of this symbol be renumbered.
-. Created by coff_pointerize_aux. *}
-.unsigned int fix_tag : 1;
-. {* Should the endidx field of this symbol be renumbered.
-. Created by coff_pointerize_aux. *}
-.unsigned int fix_end : 1;
-. {* Should the x_csect.x_scnlen field be renumbered.
-. Created by coff_pointerize_aux. *}
-.unsigned int fix_scnlen : 1;
-. {* Fix up an XCOFF C_BINCL/C_EINCL symbol. The value is the
-. index into the line number entries. Set by
-. coff_slurp_symbol_table. *}
-.unsigned int fix_line : 1;
-. {* The container for the symbol structure as read and translated
-. from the file. *}
-.union {
-. union internal_auxent auxent;
-. struct internal_syment syment;
-. } u;
-.} combined_entry_type;
-.{* Each canonical asymbol really looks like this: *}
-.typedef struct coff_symbol_struct
-. {* The actual symbol which the rest of BFD works with *}
-.asymbol symbol;
-. {* A pointer to the hidden information for this symbol *}
-.combined_entry_type *native;
-. {* A pointer to the linenumber information for this symbol *}
-.struct lineno_cache_entry *lineno;
-. {* Have the line numbers been relocated yet ? *}
-.boolean done_lineno;
-.} coff_symbol_type;
-#ifdef COFF_WITH_PE
-#include "peicode.h"
-#include "coffswap.h"
-/* void warning(); */
- * Return a word with STYP_* (scnhdr.s_flags) flags set to represent the
- * incoming SEC_* flags. The inverse of this function is styp_to_sec_flags().
- * NOTE: If you add to/change this routine, you should mirror the changes
- * in styp_to_sec_flags().
- */
-static long
-sec_to_styp_flags (sec_name, sec_flags)
- CONST char *sec_name;
- flagword sec_flags;
- long styp_flags = 0;
- if (!strcmp (sec_name, _TEXT))
- {
- styp_flags = STYP_TEXT;
- }
- else if (!strcmp (sec_name, _DATA))
- {
- styp_flags = STYP_DATA;
- }
- else if (!strcmp (sec_name, _BSS))
- {
- styp_flags = STYP_BSS;
-#ifdef _COMMENT
- }
- else if (!strcmp (sec_name, _COMMENT))
- {
- styp_flags = STYP_INFO;
-#endif /* _COMMENT */
-#ifdef _LIB
- }
- else if (!strcmp (sec_name, _LIB))
- {
- styp_flags = STYP_LIB;
-#endif /* _LIB */
-#ifdef _LIT
- }
- else if (!strcmp (sec_name, _LIT))
- {
- styp_flags = STYP_LIT;
-#endif /* _LIT */
- }
- else if (!strcmp (sec_name, ".debug"))
- {
-#ifdef STYP_DEBUG
- styp_flags = STYP_DEBUG;
- styp_flags = STYP_INFO;
- }
- else if (!strncmp (sec_name, ".stab", 5))
- {
- styp_flags = STYP_INFO;
- }
-#ifdef COFF_WITH_PE
- else if (!strcmp (sec_name, ".edata"))
- {
- styp_flags = STYP_DATA;
- }
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- else if (!strcmp (sec_name, _PAD))
- {
- styp_flags = STYP_PAD;
- }
- else if (!strcmp (sec_name, _LOADER))
- {
- styp_flags = STYP_LOADER;
- }
- /* Try and figure out what it should be */
- else if (sec_flags & SEC_CODE)
- {
- styp_flags = STYP_TEXT;
- }
- else if (sec_flags & SEC_DATA)
- {
- styp_flags = STYP_DATA;
- }
- else if (sec_flags & SEC_READONLY)
- {
-#ifdef STYP_LIT /* 29k readonly text/data section */
- styp_flags = STYP_LIT;
- styp_flags = STYP_TEXT;
-#endif /* STYP_LIT */
- }
- else if (sec_flags & SEC_LOAD)
- {
- styp_flags = STYP_TEXT;
- }
- else if (sec_flags & SEC_ALLOC)
- {
- styp_flags = STYP_BSS;
- }
- if ((sec_flags & (SEC_NEVER_LOAD | SEC_COFF_SHARED_LIBRARY)) != 0)
- styp_flags |= STYP_NOLOAD;
- return (styp_flags);
- * Return a word with SEC_* flags set to represent the incoming
- * STYP_* flags (from scnhdr.s_flags). The inverse of this
- * function is sec_to_styp_flags().
- * NOTE: If you add to/change this routine, you should mirror the changes
- * in sec_to_styp_flags().
- */
-static flagword
-styp_to_sec_flags (abfd, hdr, name)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR hdr;
- const char *name;
- struct internal_scnhdr *internal_s = (struct internal_scnhdr *) hdr;
- long styp_flags = internal_s->s_flags;
- flagword sec_flags = 0;
- if (styp_flags & STYP_NOLOAD)
- {
- sec_flags |= SEC_NEVER_LOAD;
- }
-#endif /* STYP_NOLOAD */
- /* For 386 COFF, at least, an unloadable text or data section is
- actually a shared library section. */
- if (styp_flags & STYP_TEXT)
- {
- if (sec_flags & SEC_NEVER_LOAD)
- else
- sec_flags |= SEC_CODE | SEC_LOAD | SEC_ALLOC;
- }
- else if (styp_flags & STYP_DATA)
- {
- if (sec_flags & SEC_NEVER_LOAD)
- else
- sec_flags |= SEC_DATA | SEC_LOAD | SEC_ALLOC;
- }
- else if (styp_flags & STYP_BSS)
- {
- if (sec_flags & SEC_NEVER_LOAD)
- else
- sec_flags |= SEC_ALLOC;
- }
- else if (styp_flags & STYP_INFO)
- {
- /* We mark these as SEC_DEBUGGING, but only if COFF_PAGE_SIZE is
- defined. coff_compute_section_file_positions uses
- COFF_PAGE_SIZE to ensure that the low order bits of the
- section VMA and the file offset match. If we don't know
- COFF_PAGE_SIZE, we can't ensure the correct correspondence,
- and demand page loading of the file will fail. */
- sec_flags |= SEC_DEBUGGING;
- }
- else if (styp_flags & STYP_PAD)
- {
- sec_flags = 0;
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, _TEXT) == 0)
- {
- if (sec_flags & SEC_NEVER_LOAD)
- else
- sec_flags |= SEC_CODE | SEC_LOAD | SEC_ALLOC;
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, _DATA) == 0)
- {
- if (sec_flags & SEC_NEVER_LOAD)
- else
- sec_flags |= SEC_DATA | SEC_LOAD | SEC_ALLOC;
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, _BSS) == 0)
- {
- if (sec_flags & SEC_NEVER_LOAD)
- else
- sec_flags |= SEC_ALLOC;
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, ".debug") == 0
-#ifdef _COMMENT
- || strcmp (name, _COMMENT) == 0
- || strncmp (name, ".stab", 5) == 0)
- {
- sec_flags |= SEC_DEBUGGING;
- }
-#ifdef _LIB
- else if (strcmp (name, _LIB) == 0)
- ;
-#ifdef _LIT
- else if (strcmp (name, _LIT) == 0)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- sec_flags |= SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD;
- }
-#ifdef STYP_LIT /* A29k readonly text/data section type */
- if ((styp_flags & STYP_LIT) == STYP_LIT)
- {
- sec_flags = (SEC_LOAD | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_READONLY);
- }
-#endif /* STYP_LIT */
-#ifdef STYP_OTHER_LOAD /* Other loaded sections */
- if (styp_flags & STYP_OTHER_LOAD)
- {
- sec_flags = (SEC_LOAD | SEC_ALLOC);
- }
-#endif /* STYP_SDATA */
- return (sec_flags);
-#define get_index(symbol) ((symbol)->udata.i)
- bfd_coff_backend_data
-Special entry points for gdb to swap in coff symbol table parts:
-.typedef struct
-. void (*_bfd_coff_swap_aux_in) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. PTR ext,
-. int type,
-. int class,
-. int indaux,
-. int numaux,
-. PTR in));
-. void (*_bfd_coff_swap_sym_in) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd ,
-. PTR ext,
-. PTR in));
-. void (*_bfd_coff_swap_lineno_in) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. PTR ext,
-. PTR in));
-Special entry points for gas to swap out coff parts:
-. unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_aux_out) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. PTR in,
-. int type,
-. int class,
-. int indaux,
-. int numaux,
-. PTR ext));
-. unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_sym_out) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. PTR in,
-. PTR ext));
-. unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_lineno_out) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. PTR in,
-. PTR ext));
-. unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_reloc_out) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. PTR src,
-. PTR dst));
-. unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_out) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. PTR in,
-. PTR out));
-. unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_out) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. PTR in,
-. PTR out));
-. unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_out) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. PTR in,
-. PTR out));
-Special entry points for generic COFF routines to call target
-dependent COFF routines:
-. unsigned int _bfd_filhsz;
-. unsigned int _bfd_aoutsz;
-. unsigned int _bfd_scnhsz;
-. unsigned int _bfd_symesz;
-. unsigned int _bfd_auxesz;
-. unsigned int _bfd_relsz;
-. unsigned int _bfd_linesz;
-. boolean _bfd_coff_long_filenames;
-. void (*_bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_in) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. PTR ext,
-. PTR in));
-. void (*_bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_in) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. PTR ext,
-. PTR in));
-. void (*_bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_in) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. PTR ext,
-. PTR in));
-. void (*_bfd_coff_swap_reloc_in) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. PTR ext,
-. PTR in));
-. boolean (*_bfd_coff_bad_format_hook) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. PTR internal_filehdr));
-. boolean (*_bfd_coff_set_arch_mach_hook) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. PTR internal_filehdr));
-. PTR (*_bfd_coff_mkobject_hook) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. PTR internal_filehdr,
-. PTR internal_aouthdr));
-. flagword (*_bfd_styp_to_sec_flags_hook) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. PTR internal_scnhdr,
-. const char *name));
-. void (*_bfd_set_alignment_hook) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. asection *sec,
-. PTR internal_scnhdr));
-. boolean (*_bfd_coff_slurp_symbol_table) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd));
-. boolean (*_bfd_coff_symname_in_debug) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. struct internal_syment *sym));
-. boolean (*_bfd_coff_pointerize_aux_hook) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. combined_entry_type *table_base,
-. combined_entry_type *symbol,
-. unsigned int indaux,
-. combined_entry_type *aux));
-. boolean (*_bfd_coff_print_aux) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. FILE *file,
-. combined_entry_type *table_base,
-. combined_entry_type *symbol,
-. combined_entry_type *aux,
-. unsigned int indaux));
-. void (*_bfd_coff_reloc16_extra_cases) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. struct bfd_link_info *link_info,
-. struct bfd_link_order *link_order,
-. arelent *reloc,
-. bfd_byte *data,
-. unsigned int *src_ptr,
-. unsigned int *dst_ptr));
-. int (*_bfd_coff_reloc16_estimate) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. asection *input_section,
-. arelent *r,
-. unsigned int shrink,
-. struct bfd_link_info *link_info));
-. boolean (*_bfd_coff_sym_is_global) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. struct internal_syment *));
-. void (*_bfd_coff_compute_section_file_positions) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd));
-. boolean (*_bfd_coff_start_final_link) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *output_bfd,
-. struct bfd_link_info *info));
-. boolean (*_bfd_coff_relocate_section) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *output_bfd,
-. struct bfd_link_info *info,
-. bfd *input_bfd,
-. asection *input_section,
-. bfd_byte *contents,
-. struct internal_reloc *relocs,
-. struct internal_syment *syms,
-. asection **sections));
-. reloc_howto_type *(*_bfd_coff_rtype_to_howto) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. asection *sec,
-. struct internal_reloc *rel,
-. struct coff_link_hash_entry *h,
-. struct internal_syment *sym,
-. bfd_vma *addendp));
-. boolean (*_bfd_coff_adjust_symndx) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *obfd,
-. struct bfd_link_info *info,
-. bfd *ibfd,
-. asection *sec,
-. struct internal_reloc *reloc,
-. boolean *adjustedp));
-. boolean (*_bfd_coff_link_add_one_symbol) PARAMS ((
-. struct bfd_link_info *info,
-. bfd *abfd,
-. const char *name,
-. flagword flags,
-. asection *section,
-. bfd_vma value,
-. const char *string,
-. boolean copy,
-. boolean collect,
-. struct bfd_link_hash_entry **hashp));
-.} bfd_coff_backend_data;
-.#define coff_backend_info(abfd) ((bfd_coff_backend_data *) (abfd)->xvec->backend_data)
-.#define bfd_coff_swap_aux_in(a,e,t,c,ind,num,i) \
-. ((coff_backend_info (a)->_bfd_coff_swap_aux_in) (a,e,t,c,ind,num,i))
-.#define bfd_coff_swap_sym_in(a,e,i) \
-. ((coff_backend_info (a)->_bfd_coff_swap_sym_in) (a,e,i))
-.#define bfd_coff_swap_lineno_in(a,e,i) \
-. ((coff_backend_info ( a)->_bfd_coff_swap_lineno_in) (a,e,i))
-.#define bfd_coff_swap_reloc_out(abfd, i, o) \
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_reloc_out) (abfd, i, o))
-.#define bfd_coff_swap_lineno_out(abfd, i, o) \
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_lineno_out) (abfd, i, o))
-.#define bfd_coff_swap_aux_out(a,i,t,c,ind,num,o) \
-. ((coff_backend_info (a)->_bfd_coff_swap_aux_out) (a,i,t,c,ind,num,o))
-.#define bfd_coff_swap_sym_out(abfd, i,o) \
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_sym_out) (abfd, i, o))
-.#define bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_out(abfd, i,o) \
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_out) (abfd, i, o))
-.#define bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_out(abfd, i,o) \
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_out) (abfd, i, o))
-.#define bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_out(abfd, i,o) \
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_out) (abfd, i, o))
-.#define bfd_coff_filhsz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_filhsz)
-.#define bfd_coff_aoutsz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_aoutsz)
-.#define bfd_coff_scnhsz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_scnhsz)
-.#define bfd_coff_symesz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_symesz)
-.#define bfd_coff_auxesz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_auxesz)
-.#define bfd_coff_relsz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_relsz)
-.#define bfd_coff_linesz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_linesz)
-.#define bfd_coff_long_filenames(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_long_filenames)
-.#define bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_in(abfd, i,o) \
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_in) (abfd, i, o))
-.#define bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_in(abfd, i,o) \
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_in) (abfd, i, o))
-.#define bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_in(abfd, i,o) \
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_in) (abfd, i, o))
-.#define bfd_coff_swap_reloc_in(abfd, i, o) \
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_reloc_in) (abfd, i, o))
-.#define bfd_coff_bad_format_hook(abfd, filehdr) \
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_bad_format_hook) (abfd, filehdr))
-.#define bfd_coff_set_arch_mach_hook(abfd, filehdr)\
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_set_arch_mach_hook) (abfd, filehdr))
-.#define bfd_coff_mkobject_hook(abfd, filehdr, aouthdr)\
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_mkobject_hook) (abfd, filehdr, aouthdr))
-.#define bfd_coff_styp_to_sec_flags_hook(abfd, scnhdr, name)\
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_styp_to_sec_flags_hook) (abfd, scnhdr, name))
-.#define bfd_coff_set_alignment_hook(abfd, sec, scnhdr)\
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_set_alignment_hook) (abfd, sec, scnhdr))
-.#define bfd_coff_slurp_symbol_table(abfd)\
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_slurp_symbol_table) (abfd))
-.#define bfd_coff_symname_in_debug(abfd, sym)\
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_symname_in_debug) (abfd, sym))
-.#define bfd_coff_print_aux(abfd, file, base, symbol, aux, indaux)\
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_print_aux)\
-. (abfd, file, base, symbol, aux, indaux))
-.#define bfd_coff_reloc16_extra_cases(abfd, link_info, link_order, reloc, data, src_ptr, dst_ptr)\
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_reloc16_extra_cases)\
-. (abfd, link_info, link_order, reloc, data, src_ptr, dst_ptr))
-.#define bfd_coff_reloc16_estimate(abfd, section, reloc, shrink, link_info)\
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_reloc16_estimate)\
-. (abfd, section, reloc, shrink, link_info))
-.#define bfd_coff_sym_is_global(abfd, sym)\
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_sym_is_global)\
-. (abfd, sym))
-.#define bfd_coff_compute_section_file_positions(abfd)\
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_compute_section_file_positions)\
-. (abfd))
-.#define bfd_coff_start_final_link(obfd, info)\
-. ((coff_backend_info (obfd)->_bfd_coff_start_final_link)\
-. (obfd, info))
-.#define bfd_coff_relocate_section(obfd,info,ibfd,o,con,rel,isyms,secs)\
-. ((coff_backend_info (ibfd)->_bfd_coff_relocate_section)\
-. (obfd, info, ibfd, o, con, rel, isyms, secs))
-.#define bfd_coff_rtype_to_howto(abfd, sec, rel, h, sym, addendp)\
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_rtype_to_howto)\
-. (abfd, sec, rel, h, sym, addendp))
-.#define bfd_coff_adjust_symndx(obfd, info, ibfd, sec, rel, adjustedp)\
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_adjust_symndx)\
-. (obfd, info, ibfd, sec, rel, adjustedp))
-.#define bfd_coff_link_add_one_symbol(info,abfd,name,flags,section,value,string,cp,coll,hashp)\
-. ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_link_add_one_symbol)\
-. (info, abfd, name, flags, section, value, string, cp, coll, hashp))
-/* See whether the magic number matches. */
-static boolean
-coff_bad_format_hook (abfd, filehdr)
- bfd * abfd;
- PTR filehdr;
- struct internal_filehdr *internal_f = (struct internal_filehdr *) filehdr;
- if (BADMAG (*internal_f))
- return false;
- /* if the optional header is NULL or not the correct size then
- quit; the only difference I can see between m88k dgux headers (MC88DMAGIC)
- and Intel 960 readwrite headers (I960WRMAGIC) is that the
- optional header is of a different size.
- But the mips keeps extra stuff in it's opthdr, so dont check
- when doing that
- */
-#if defined(M88) || defined(I960)
- if (internal_f->f_opthdr != 0 && AOUTSZ != internal_f->f_opthdr)
- return false;
- return true;
- initialize a section structure with information peculiar to this
- particular implementation of coff
-static boolean
-coff_new_section_hook (abfd, section)
- bfd * abfd;
- asection * section;
- section->alignment_power = COFF_DEFAULT_SECTION_ALIGNMENT_POWER;
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- if (xcoff_data (abfd)->text_align_power != 0
- && strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (abfd, section), ".text") == 0)
- section->alignment_power = xcoff_data (abfd)->text_align_power;
- if (xcoff_data (abfd)->data_align_power != 0
- && strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (abfd, section), ".data") == 0)
- section->alignment_power = xcoff_data (abfd)->data_align_power;
- /* Allocate aux records for section symbols, to store size and
- related info.
- @@ Shouldn't use constant multiplier here! */
- coffsymbol (section->symbol)->native =
- (combined_entry_type *) bfd_zalloc (abfd,
- sizeof (combined_entry_type) * 10);
- /* The .stab section must be aligned to 2**2 at most, because
- otherwise there may be gaps in the section which gdb will not
- know how to interpret. Examining the section name is a hack, but
- that is also how gdb locates the section.
- We need to handle the .ctors and .dtors sections similarly, to
- avoid introducing null words in the tables. */
- && (strncmp (section->name, ".stab", 5) == 0
- || strcmp (section->name, ".ctors") == 0
- || strcmp (section->name, ".dtors") == 0))
- section->alignment_power = 2;
- /* Similarly, the .stabstr section must be aligned to 2**0 at most. */
- && strncmp (section->name, ".stabstr", 8) == 0)
- section->alignment_power = 0;
- return true;
-#ifdef I960
-/* Set the alignment of a BFD section. */
-static void
-coff_set_alignment_hook (abfd, section, scnhdr)
- bfd * abfd;
- asection * section;
- PTR scnhdr;
- struct internal_scnhdr *hdr = (struct internal_scnhdr *) scnhdr;
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
- if ((1 << i) >= hdr->s_align)
- break;
- section->alignment_power = i;
-#else /* ! I960 */
-#ifdef COFF_WITH_PE
-/* a couple of macros to help setting the alignment power field */
-#define ALIGN_SET(field,x,y) \
- if (((field) & IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_64BYTES) == x )\
- {\
- section->alignment_power = y;\
- }
-#define ELIFALIGN_SET(field,x,y) \
- else if (( (field) & IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_64BYTES) == x ) \
- {\
- section->alignment_power = y;\
- }
-static void
-coff_set_alignment_hook (abfd, section, scnhdr)
- bfd * abfd;
- asection * section;
- PTR scnhdr;
- struct internal_scnhdr *hdr = (struct internal_scnhdr *) scnhdr;
- ALIGN_SET (hdr->s_flags, IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_64BYTES, 6)
- if (strcmp (section->name, ".idata$2") == 0)
- {
- section->alignment_power = 0;
- }
- else if (strcmp (section->name, ".idata$3") == 0)
- {
- section->alignment_power = 0;
- }
- else if (strcmp (section->name, ".idata$4") == 0)
- {
- section->alignment_power = 2;
- }
- else if (strcmp (section->name, ".idata$5") == 0)
- {
- section->alignment_power = 2;
- }
- else if (strcmp (section->name, ".idata$6") == 0)
- {
- section->alignment_power = 1;
- }
- else if (strcmp (section->name, ".reloc") == 0)
- {
- section->alignment_power = 1;
- }
- else if (strncmp (section->name, ".stab", 5) == 0)
- {
- section->alignment_power = 2;
- }
-#undef ALIGN_SET
-#else /* ! COFF_WITH_PE */
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
-/* We grossly abuse this function to handle XCOFF overflow headers.
- When we see one, we correct the reloc and line number counts in the
- real header, and remove the section we just created. */
-static void
-coff_set_alignment_hook (abfd, section, scnhdr)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- PTR scnhdr;
- struct internal_scnhdr *hdr = (struct internal_scnhdr *) scnhdr;
- asection *real_sec;
- asection **ps;
- if ((hdr->s_flags & STYP_OVRFLO) == 0)
- return;
- real_sec = coff_section_from_bfd_index (abfd, hdr->s_nreloc);
- if (real_sec == NULL)
- return;
- real_sec->reloc_count = hdr->s_paddr;
- real_sec->lineno_count = hdr->s_vaddr;
- for (ps = &abfd->sections; *ps != NULL; ps = &(*ps)->next)
- {
- if (*ps == section)
- {
- *ps = (*ps)->next;
- --abfd->section_count;
- break;
- }
- }
-#else /* ! RS6000COFF_C */
-#define coff_set_alignment_hook \
- ((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR))) bfd_void)
-#endif /* ! RS6000COFF_C */
-#endif /* ! COFF_WITH_PE */
-#endif /* ! I960 */
-#ifndef coff_mkobject
-static boolean
-coff_mkobject (abfd)
- bfd * abfd;
- coff_data_type *coff;
- abfd->tdata.coff_obj_data = (struct coff_tdata *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (coff_data_type));
- if (abfd->tdata.coff_obj_data == 0)
- return false;
- coff = coff_data (abfd);
- coff->symbols = (coff_symbol_type *) NULL;
- coff->conversion_table = (unsigned int *) NULL;
- coff->raw_syments = (struct coff_ptr_struct *) NULL;
- coff->relocbase = 0;
- coff->local_toc_sym_map = 0;
-/* make_abs_section(abfd);*/
- return true;
-/* Create the COFF backend specific information. */
-#ifndef coff_mkobject_hook
-static PTR
-coff_mkobject_hook (abfd, filehdr, aouthdr)
- bfd * abfd;
- PTR filehdr;
- PTR aouthdr;
- struct internal_filehdr *internal_f = (struct internal_filehdr *) filehdr;
- coff_data_type *coff;
- if (coff_mkobject (abfd) == false)
- return NULL;
- coff = coff_data (abfd);
- coff->sym_filepos = internal_f->f_symptr;
- /* These members communicate important constants about the symbol
- table to GDB's symbol-reading code. These `constants'
- unfortunately vary among coff implementations... */
- coff->local_n_btmask = N_BTMASK;
- coff->local_n_btshft = N_BTSHFT;
- coff->local_n_tmask = N_TMASK;
- coff->local_n_tshift = N_TSHIFT;
- coff->local_symesz = SYMESZ;
- coff->local_auxesz = AUXESZ;
- coff->local_linesz = LINESZ;
- obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) =
- obj_conv_table_size (abfd) =
- internal_f->f_nsyms;
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- if ((internal_f->f_flags & F_SHROBJ) != 0)
- abfd->flags |= DYNAMIC;
- if (aouthdr != NULL && internal_f->f_opthdr >= AOUTSZ)
- {
- struct internal_aouthdr *internal_a =
- (struct internal_aouthdr *) aouthdr;
- struct xcoff_tdata *xcoff;
- xcoff = xcoff_data (abfd);
- xcoff->full_aouthdr = true;
- xcoff->toc = internal_a->o_toc;
- xcoff->sntoc = internal_a->o_sntoc;
- xcoff->snentry = internal_a->o_snentry;
- xcoff->text_align_power = internal_a->o_algntext;
- xcoff->data_align_power = internal_a->o_algndata;
- xcoff->modtype = internal_a->o_modtype;
- xcoff->cputype = internal_a->o_cputype;
- xcoff->maxdata = internal_a->o_maxdata;
- xcoff->maxstack = internal_a->o_maxstack;
- }
- return (PTR) coff;
-/* Determine the machine architecture and type. FIXME: This is target
- dependent because the magic numbers are defined in the target
- dependent header files. But there is no particular need for this.
- If the magic numbers were moved to a separate file, this function
- would be target independent and would also be much more successful
- at linking together COFF files for different architectures. */
-static boolean
-coff_set_arch_mach_hook (abfd, filehdr)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR filehdr;
- long machine;
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- struct internal_filehdr *internal_f = (struct internal_filehdr *) filehdr;
- machine = 0;
- switch (internal_f->f_magic)
- {
-#ifdef PPCMAGIC
- case PPCMAGIC:
- arch = bfd_arch_powerpc;
- machine = 0; /* what does this mean? (krk) */
- break;
-#ifdef I386MAGIC
- case I386MAGIC:
- case I386PTXMAGIC:
- case I386AIXMAGIC: /* Danbury PS/2 AIX C Compiler */
- case LYNXCOFFMAGIC: /* shadows the m68k Lynx number below, sigh */
- arch = bfd_arch_i386;
- machine = 0;
- break;
-#ifdef A29K_MAGIC_BIG
- case A29K_MAGIC_BIG:
- arch = bfd_arch_a29k;
- machine = 0;
- break;
-#ifdef ARMMAGIC
- case ARMMAGIC:
- arch = bfd_arch_arm;
- machine =0;
- break;
-#ifdef MC68MAGIC
- case MC68MAGIC:
- case M68MAGIC:
- arch = bfd_arch_m68k;
- machine = 68020;
- break;
-#ifdef MC88MAGIC
- case MC88MAGIC:
- case MC88DMAGIC:
- case MC88OMAGIC:
- arch = bfd_arch_m88k;
- machine = 88100;
- break;
-#ifdef Z8KMAGIC
- case Z8KMAGIC:
- arch = bfd_arch_z8k;
- switch (internal_f->f_flags & F_MACHMASK)
- {
- case F_Z8001:
- machine = bfd_mach_z8001;
- break;
- case F_Z8002:
- machine = bfd_mach_z8002;
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- break;
-#ifdef I860
- case I860MAGIC:
- arch = bfd_arch_i860;
- break;
-#ifdef I960
-#ifdef I960ROMAGIC
- case I960ROMAGIC:
- case I960RWMAGIC:
- arch = bfd_arch_i960;
- switch (F_I960TYPE & internal_f->f_flags)
- {
- default:
- case F_I960CORE:
- machine = bfd_mach_i960_core;
- break;
- case F_I960KB:
- machine = bfd_mach_i960_kb_sb;
- break;
- case F_I960MC:
- machine = bfd_mach_i960_mc;
- break;
- case F_I960XA:
- machine = bfd_mach_i960_xa;
- break;
- case F_I960CA:
- machine = bfd_mach_i960_ca;
- break;
- case F_I960KA:
- machine = bfd_mach_i960_ka_sa;
- break;
- case F_I960JX:
- machine = bfd_mach_i960_jx;
- break;
- case F_I960HX:
- machine = bfd_mach_i960_hx;
- break;
- }
- break;
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- case U802ROMAGIC:
- case U802WRMAGIC:
- case U802TOCMAGIC:
- {
- int cputype;
- if (xcoff_data (abfd)->cputype != -1)
- cputype = xcoff_data (abfd)->cputype & 0xff;
- else
- {
- /* We did not get a value from the a.out header. If the
- file has not been stripped, we may be able to get the
- architecture information from the first symbol, if it
- is a .file symbol. */
- if (obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) == 0)
- cputype = 0;
- else
- {
- bfd_byte buf[SYMESZ];
- struct internal_syment sym;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, obj_sym_filepos (abfd), SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read (buf, 1, SYMESZ, abfd) != SYMESZ)
- return false;
- coff_swap_sym_in (abfd, (PTR) buf, (PTR) &sym);
- if (sym.n_sclass == C_FILE)
- cputype = sym.n_type & 0xff;
- else
- cputype = 0;
- }
- }
- /* FIXME: We don't handle all cases here. */
- switch (cputype)
- {
- default:
- case 0:
-#ifdef POWERMAC
- /* PowerPC Macs use the same magic numbers as RS/6000
- (because that's how they were bootstrapped originally),
- but they are always PowerPC architecture. */
- arch = bfd_arch_powerpc;
- machine = 0;
- arch = bfd_arch_rs6000;
- machine = 6000;
-#endif /* POWERMAC */
- break;
- case 1:
- arch = bfd_arch_powerpc;
- machine = 601;
- break;
- case 2: /* 64 bit PowerPC */
- arch = bfd_arch_powerpc;
- machine = 620;
- break;
- case 3:
- arch = bfd_arch_powerpc;
- machine = 0;
- break;
- case 4:
- arch = bfd_arch_rs6000;
- machine = 6000;
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
-#ifdef WE32KMAGIC
- case WE32KMAGIC:
- arch = bfd_arch_we32k;
- machine = 0;
- break;
-#ifdef H8300MAGIC
- case H8300MAGIC:
- arch = bfd_arch_h8300;
- machine = bfd_mach_h8300;
- /* !! FIXME this probably isn't the right place for this */
- abfd->flags |= BFD_IS_RELAXABLE;
- break;
-#ifdef H8300HMAGIC
- case H8300HMAGIC:
- arch = bfd_arch_h8300;
- machine = bfd_mach_h8300h;
- /* !! FIXME this probably isn't the right place for this */
- abfd->flags |= BFD_IS_RELAXABLE;
- break;
- arch = bfd_arch_sh;
- machine = 0;
- break;
-#ifdef H8500MAGIC
- case H8500MAGIC:
- arch = bfd_arch_h8500;
- machine = 0;
- break;
- arch = bfd_arch_sparc;
- machine = 0;
- break;
- default: /* Unreadable input file type */
- arch = bfd_arch_obscure;
- break;
- }
- bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine);
- return true;
-static boolean
-symname_in_debug_hook (abfd, sym)
- bfd * abfd;
- struct internal_syment *sym;
- return SYMNAME_IN_DEBUG (sym) ? true : false;
-#define symname_in_debug_hook \
- (boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct internal_syment *))) bfd_false
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
-/* Handle the csect auxent of a C_EXT or C_HIDEXT symbol. */
-static boolean coff_pointerize_aux_hook
- PARAMS ((bfd *, combined_entry_type *, combined_entry_type *,
- unsigned int, combined_entry_type *));
-static boolean
-coff_pointerize_aux_hook (abfd, table_base, symbol, indaux, aux)
- bfd *abfd;
- combined_entry_type *table_base;
- combined_entry_type *symbol;
- unsigned int indaux;
- combined_entry_type *aux;
- int class = symbol->u.syment.n_sclass;
- if ((class == C_EXT || class == C_HIDEXT)
- && indaux + 1 == symbol->u.syment.n_numaux)
- {
- if (SMTYP_SMTYP (aux->u.auxent.x_csect.x_smtyp) == XTY_LD)
- {
- aux->u.auxent.x_csect.x_scnlen.p =
- table_base + aux->u.auxent.x_csect.x_scnlen.l;
- aux->fix_scnlen = 1;
- }
- /* Return true to indicate that the caller should not do any
- further work on this auxent. */
- return true;
- }
- /* Return false to indicate that this auxent should be handled by
- the caller. */
- return false;
-#ifdef I960
-/* We don't want to pointerize bal entries. */
-static boolean coff_pointerize_aux_hook
- PARAMS ((bfd *, combined_entry_type *, combined_entry_type *,
- unsigned int, combined_entry_type *));
-static boolean
-coff_pointerize_aux_hook (abfd, table_base, symbol, indaux, aux)
- bfd *abfd;
- combined_entry_type *table_base;
- combined_entry_type *symbol;
- unsigned int indaux;
- combined_entry_type *aux;
- /* Return true if we don't want to pointerize this aux entry, which
- is the case for the lastfirst aux entry for a C_LEAFPROC symbol. */
- return (indaux == 1
- && (symbol->u.syment.n_sclass == C_LEAFPROC
- || symbol->u.syment.n_sclass == C_LEAFSTAT
- || symbol->u.syment.n_sclass == C_LEAFEXT));
-#else /* ! I960 */
-#define coff_pointerize_aux_hook 0
-#endif /* ! I960 */
-#endif /* ! RS6000COFF_C */
-/* Print an aux entry. This returns true if it has printed it. */
-static boolean coff_print_aux
- PARAMS ((bfd *, FILE *, combined_entry_type *, combined_entry_type *,
- combined_entry_type *, unsigned int));
-static boolean
-coff_print_aux (abfd, file, table_base, symbol, aux, indaux)
- bfd *abfd;
- FILE *file;
- combined_entry_type *table_base;
- combined_entry_type *symbol;
- combined_entry_type *aux;
- unsigned int indaux;
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- if ((symbol->u.syment.n_sclass == C_EXT
- || symbol->u.syment.n_sclass == C_HIDEXT)
- && indaux + 1 == symbol->u.syment.n_numaux)
- {
- /* This is a csect entry. */
- fprintf (file, "AUX ");
- if (SMTYP_SMTYP (aux->u.auxent.x_csect.x_smtyp) != XTY_LD)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (! aux->fix_scnlen);
- fprintf (file, "val %5ld", aux->u.auxent.x_csect.x_scnlen.l);
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf (file, "indx ");
- if (! aux->fix_scnlen)
- fprintf (file, "%4ld", aux->u.auxent.x_csect.x_scnlen.l);
- else
- fprintf (file, "%4ld",
- (long) (aux->u.auxent.x_csect.x_scnlen.p - table_base));
- }
- fprintf (file,
- " prmhsh %ld snhsh %u typ %d algn %d clss %u stb %ld snstb %u",
- aux->u.auxent.x_csect.x_parmhash,
- (unsigned int) aux->u.auxent.x_csect.x_snhash,
- SMTYP_SMTYP (aux->u.auxent.x_csect.x_smtyp),
- SMTYP_ALIGN (aux->u.auxent.x_csect.x_smtyp),
- (unsigned int) aux->u.auxent.x_csect.x_smclas,
- aux->u.auxent.x_csect.x_stab,
- (unsigned int) aux->u.auxent.x_csect.x_snstab);
- return true;
- }
- /* Return false to indicate that no special action was taken. */
- return false;
- Writing relocations
- To write relocations, the back end steps though the
- canonical relocation table and create an
- @code{internal_reloc}. The symbol index to use is removed from
- the @code{offset} field in the symbol table supplied. The
- address comes directly from the sum of the section base
- address and the relocation offset; the type is dug directly
- from the howto field. Then the @code{internal_reloc} is
- swapped into the shape of an @code{external_reloc} and written
- out to disk.
-#ifdef TARG_AUX
-static int compare_arelent_ptr PARAMS ((const PTR, const PTR));
-/* AUX's ld wants relocations to be sorted */
-static int
-compare_arelent_ptr (x, y)
- const PTR x;
- const PTR y;
- const arelent **a = (const arelent **) x;
- const arelent **b = (const arelent **) y;
- bfd_size_type aadr = (*a)->address;
- bfd_size_type badr = (*b)->address;
- return (aadr < badr ? -1 : badr < aadr ? 1 : 0);
-#endif /* TARG_AUX */
-static boolean
-coff_write_relocs (abfd, first_undef)
- bfd * abfd;
- int first_undef;
- asection *s;
- for (s = abfd->sections; s != (asection *) NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- struct external_reloc dst;
- arelent **p;
-#ifndef TARG_AUX
- p = s->orelocation;
- /* sort relocations before we write them out */
- p = (arelent **) bfd_malloc (s->reloc_count * sizeof (arelent *));
- if (p == NULL && s->reloc_count > 0)
- return false;
- memcpy (p, s->orelocation, s->reloc_count * sizeof (arelent *));
- qsort (p, s->reloc_count, sizeof (arelent *), compare_arelent_ptr);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, s->rel_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- for (i = 0; i < s->reloc_count; i++)
- {
- struct internal_reloc n;
- arelent *q = p[i];
- memset ((PTR) & n, 0, sizeof (n));
- /* Now we've renumbered the symbols we know where the
- undefined symbols live in the table. Check the reloc
- entries for symbols who's output bfd isn't the right one.
- This is because the symbol was undefined (which means
- that all the pointers are never made to point to the same
- place). This is a bad thing,'cause the symbols attached
- to the output bfd are indexed, so that the relocation
- entries know which symbol index they point to. So we
- have to look up the output symbol here. */
- if (q->sym_ptr_ptr[0]->the_bfd != abfd)
- {
- int i;
- const char *sname = q->sym_ptr_ptr[0]->name;
- asymbol **outsyms = abfd->outsymbols;
- for (i = first_undef; outsyms[i]; i++)
- {
- const char *intable = outsyms[i]->name;
- if (strcmp (intable, sname) == 0) {
- /* got a hit, so repoint the reloc */
- q->sym_ptr_ptr = outsyms + i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- n.r_vaddr = q->address + s->vma;
-#ifdef R_IHCONST
- /* The 29k const/consth reloc pair is a real kludge. The consth
- part doesn't have a symbol; it has an offset. So rebuilt
- that here. */
- if (q->howto->type == R_IHCONST)
- n.r_symndx = q->addend;
- else
- if (q->sym_ptr_ptr)
- {
- if (q->sym_ptr_ptr == bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr)
- /* This is a relocation relative to the absolute symbol. */
- n.r_symndx = -1;
- else
- {
- n.r_symndx = get_index ((*(q->sym_ptr_ptr)));
- /* Take notice if the symbol reloc points to a symbol
- we don't have in our symbol table. What should we
- do for this?? */
- if (n.r_symndx > obj_conv_table_size (abfd))
- abort ();
- }
- }
- n.r_offset = q->addend;
- /* Work out reloc type from what is required */
- SELECT_RELOC (n, q->howto);
- n.r_type = q->howto->type;
- coff_swap_reloc_out (abfd, &n, &dst);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) & dst, 1, RELSZ, abfd) != RELSZ)
- return false;
- }
-#ifdef TARG_AUX
- if (p != NULL)
- free (p);
- }
- return true;
-/* Set flags and magic number of a coff file from architecture and machine
- type. Result is true if we can represent the arch&type, false if not. */
-static boolean
-coff_set_flags (abfd, magicp, flagsp)
- bfd * abfd;
- unsigned *magicp;
- unsigned short *flagsp;
- switch (bfd_get_arch (abfd))
- {
-#ifdef Z8KMAGIC
- case bfd_arch_z8k:
- *magicp = Z8KMAGIC;
- switch (bfd_get_mach (abfd))
- {
- case bfd_mach_z8001:
- *flagsp = F_Z8001;
- break;
- case bfd_mach_z8002:
- *flagsp = F_Z8002;
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-#ifdef I960ROMAGIC
- case bfd_arch_i960:
- {
- unsigned flags;
- *magicp = I960ROMAGIC;
- /*
- ((bfd_get_file_flags(abfd) & WP_TEXT) ? I960ROMAGIC :
- */
- switch (bfd_get_mach (abfd))
- {
- case bfd_mach_i960_core:
- flags = F_I960CORE;
- break;
- case bfd_mach_i960_kb_sb:
- flags = F_I960KB;
- break;
- case bfd_mach_i960_mc:
- flags = F_I960MC;
- break;
- case bfd_mach_i960_xa:
- flags = F_I960XA;
- break;
- case bfd_mach_i960_ca:
- flags = F_I960CA;
- break;
- case bfd_mach_i960_ka_sa:
- flags = F_I960KA;
- break;
- case bfd_mach_i960_jx:
- flags = F_I960JX;
- break;
- case bfd_mach_i960_hx:
- flags = F_I960HX;
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- *flagsp = flags;
- return true;
- }
- break;
-#ifdef ARMMAGIC
- case bfd_arch_arm:
- *magicp = ARMMAGIC;
- return true;
-#ifdef PPCMAGIC
- case bfd_arch_powerpc:
- *magicp = PPCMAGIC;
- return true;
- break;
-#ifdef I386MAGIC
- case bfd_arch_i386:
- *magicp = I386MAGIC;
-#ifdef LYNXOS
- /* Just overwrite the usual value if we're doing Lynx. */
- *magicp = LYNXCOFFMAGIC;
- return true;
- break;
-#ifdef I860MAGIC
- case bfd_arch_i860:
- *magicp = I860MAGIC;
- return true;
- break;
-#ifdef MC68MAGIC
- case bfd_arch_m68k:
- *magicp = MC68MAGIC;
-#ifdef LYNXOS
- /* Just overwrite the usual value if we're doing Lynx. */
- *magicp = LYNXCOFFMAGIC;
- return true;
- break;
-#ifdef MC88MAGIC
- case bfd_arch_m88k:
- *magicp = MC88OMAGIC;
- return true;
- break;
-#ifdef H8300MAGIC
- case bfd_arch_h8300:
- switch (bfd_get_mach (abfd))
- {
- case bfd_mach_h8300:
- *magicp = H8300MAGIC;
- return true;
- case bfd_mach_h8300h:
- *magicp = H8300HMAGIC;
- return true;
- }
- break;
- case bfd_arch_sh:
- if (bfd_big_endian (abfd))
- *magicp = SH_ARCH_MAGIC_BIG;
- else
- return true;
- break;
- case bfd_arch_sparc:
- *magicp = SPARCMAGIC;
-#ifdef LYNXOS
- /* Just overwrite the usual value if we're doing Lynx. */
- *magicp = LYNXCOFFMAGIC;
- return true;
- break;
-#ifdef H8500MAGIC
- case bfd_arch_h8500:
- *magicp = H8500MAGIC;
- return true;
- break;
-#ifdef A29K_MAGIC_BIG
- case bfd_arch_a29k:
- if (bfd_big_endian (abfd))
- *magicp = A29K_MAGIC_BIG;
- else
- *magicp = A29K_MAGIC_LITTLE;
- return true;
- break;
-#ifdef WE32KMAGIC
- case bfd_arch_we32k:
- *magicp = WE32KMAGIC;
- return true;
- break;
-#ifdef U802TOCMAGIC
- case bfd_arch_rs6000:
-#ifndef PPCMAGIC
- case bfd_arch_powerpc:
- *magicp = U802TOCMAGIC;
- return true;
- break;
- default: /* Unknown architecture */
- /* return false; -- fall through to "return false" below, to avoid
- "statement never reached" errors on the one below. */
- break;
- }
- return false;
-static boolean
-coff_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine)
- bfd * abfd;
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- unsigned long machine;
- unsigned dummy1;
- unsigned short dummy2;
- if (! bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine))
- return false;
- if (arch != bfd_arch_unknown &&
- coff_set_flags (abfd, &dummy1, &dummy2) != true)
- return false; /* We can't represent this type */
- return true; /* We're easy ... */
-/* Calculate the file position for each section. */
-static void
-coff_compute_section_file_positions (abfd)
- bfd * abfd;
- asection *current;
- asection *previous = (asection *) NULL;
- file_ptr sofar = FILHSZ;
-#ifndef I960
- file_ptr old_sofar;
- unsigned int count;
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- /* On XCOFF, if we have symbols, set up the .debug section. */
- if (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) > 0)
- {
- bfd_size_type sz;
- bfd_size_type i, symcount;
- asymbol **symp;
- sz = 0;
- symcount = bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- for (symp = abfd->outsymbols, i = 0; i < symcount; symp++, i++)
- {
- coff_symbol_type *cf;
- cf = coff_symbol_from (abfd, *symp);
- if (cf != NULL
- && cf->native != NULL
- && SYMNAME_IN_DEBUG (&cf->native->u.syment))
- {
- size_t len;
- len = strlen (bfd_asymbol_name (*symp));
- if (len > SYMNMLEN)
- sz += len + 3;
- }
- }
- if (sz > 0)
- {
- asection *dsec;
- dsec = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".debug");
- if (dsec == NULL)
- abort ();
- dsec->_raw_size = sz;
- dsec->flags |= SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- }
- }
- int page_size;
- if (coff_data (abfd)->link_info)
- {
- page_size = pe_data (abfd)->pe_opthdr.FileAlignment;
- }
- else
- page_size = PE_DEF_FILE_ALIGNMENT;
- int page_size = COFF_PAGE_SIZE;
- if (bfd_get_start_address (abfd))
- {
- /* A start address may have been added to the original file. In this
- case it will need an optional header to record it. */
- abfd->flags |= EXEC_P;
- }
- if (abfd->flags & EXEC_P)
- sofar += AOUTSZ;
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- else if (xcoff_data (abfd)->full_aouthdr)
- sofar += AOUTSZ;
- else
- sofar += SMALL_AOUTSZ;
- sofar += abfd->section_count * SCNHSZ;
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- /* XCOFF handles overflows in the reloc and line number count fields
- by allocating a new section header to hold the correct counts. */
- for (current = abfd->sections; current != NULL; current = current->next)
- if (current->reloc_count >= 0xffff || current->lineno_count >= 0xffff)
- sofar += SCNHSZ;
- for (current = abfd->sections, count = 1;
- current != (asection *) NULL;
- current = current->next, ++count)
- {
- current->target_index = count;
- /* Only deal with sections which have contents */
- if (!(current->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS))
- continue;
-#ifdef COFF_WITH_PE
- /* Do not include the .junk section. This is where we collect section
- data which we don't need. This is mainly the MS .debug$ data which
- stores codeview debug data. */
- if (strcmp (current->name, ".junk") == 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- /* Align the sections in the file to the same boundary on
- which they are aligned in virtual memory. I960 doesn't
- do this (FIXME) so we can stay in sync with Intel. 960
- doesn't yet page from files... */
-#ifndef I960
- if ((abfd->flags & EXEC_P) != 0)
- {
- /* make sure this section is aligned on the right boundary - by
- padding the previous section up if necessary */
- old_sofar = sofar;
- sofar = BFD_ALIGN (sofar, 1 << current->alignment_power);
- if (previous != (asection *) NULL)
- {
- previous->_raw_size += sofar - old_sofar;
- }
- }
- /* In demand paged files the low order bits of the file offset
- must match the low order bits of the virtual address. */
- if ((abfd->flags & D_PAGED) != 0
- && (current->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0)
- sofar += (current->vma - sofar) % page_size;
- current->filepos = sofar;
- /* With PE we have to pad each section to be a multiple of its page size
- too, and remember both sizes. Cooked_size becomes very useful. */
- current->_cooked_size = current->_raw_size;
- current->_raw_size = (current->_raw_size + page_size -1) & -page_size;
- sofar += current->_raw_size;
-#ifndef I960
- /* make sure that this section is of the right size too */
- old_sofar = sofar;
- sofar = BFD_ALIGN (sofar, 1 << current->alignment_power);
- current->_raw_size += sofar - old_sofar;
-#ifdef _LIB
- /* Force .lib sections to start at zero. The vma is then
- incremented in coff_set_section_contents. This is right for
- SVR3.2. */
- if (strcmp (current->name, _LIB) == 0)
- bfd_set_section_vma (abfd, current, 0);
- previous = current;
- }
- obj_relocbase (abfd) = sofar;
- abfd->output_has_begun = true;
-#if 0
-/* This can never work, because it is called too late--after the
- section positions have been set. I can't figure out what it is
- for, so I am going to disable it--Ian Taylor 20 March 1996. */
-/* If .file, .text, .data, .bss symbols are missing, add them. */
-/* @@ Should we only be adding missing symbols, or overriding the aux
- values for existing section symbols? */
-static boolean
-coff_add_missing_symbols (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int nsyms = bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- asymbol **sympp = abfd->outsymbols;
- asymbol **sympp2;
- unsigned int i;
- int need_text = 1, need_data = 1, need_bss = 1, need_file = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < nsyms; i++)
- {
- coff_symbol_type *csym = coff_symbol_from (abfd, sympp[i]);
- CONST char *name;
- if (csym)
- {
- /* only do this if there is a coff representation of the input
- symbol */
- if (csym->native && csym->native->u.syment.n_sclass == C_FILE)
- {
- need_file = 0;
- continue;
- }
- name = csym->;
- if (!name)
- continue;
- if (!strcmp (name, _TEXT))
- need_text = 0;
-#ifdef APOLLO_M68
- else if (!strcmp (name, ".wtext"))
- need_text = 0;
- else if (!strcmp (name, _DATA))
- need_data = 0;
- else if (!strcmp (name, _BSS))
- need_bss = 0;
- }
- }
- /* Now i == bfd_get_symcount (abfd). */
- /* @@ For now, don't deal with .file symbol. */
- need_file = 0;
- if (!need_text && !need_data && !need_bss && !need_file)
- return true;
- nsyms += need_text + need_data + need_bss + need_file;
- sympp2 = (asymbol **) bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, nsyms * sizeof (asymbol *));
- if (!sympp2)
- return false;
- memcpy (sympp2, sympp, i * sizeof (asymbol *));
- if (need_file)
- {
- /* @@ Generate fake .file symbol, in sympp2[i], and increment i. */
- abort ();
- }
- if (need_text)
- sympp2[i++] = coff_section_symbol (abfd, _TEXT);
- if (need_data)
- sympp2[i++] = coff_section_symbol (abfd, _DATA);
- if (need_bss)
- sympp2[i++] = coff_section_symbol (abfd, _BSS);
- BFD_ASSERT (i == nsyms);
- bfd_set_symtab (abfd, sympp2, nsyms);
- return true;
-#endif /* 0 */
-/* SUPPRESS 558 */
-/* SUPPRESS 529 */
-static boolean
-coff_write_object_contents (abfd)
- bfd * abfd;
- asection *current;
- boolean hasrelocs = false;
- boolean haslinno = false;
- file_ptr scn_base;
- file_ptr reloc_base;
- file_ptr lineno_base;
- file_ptr sym_base;
- unsigned long reloc_size = 0;
- unsigned long lnno_size = 0;
- asection *text_sec = NULL;
- asection *data_sec = NULL;
- asection *bss_sec = NULL;
- struct internal_filehdr internal_f;
- struct internal_aouthdr internal_a;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- /* Make a pass through the symbol table to count line number entries and
- put them into the correct asections */
- lnno_size = coff_count_linenumbers (abfd) * LINESZ;
- if (abfd->output_has_begun == false)
- coff_compute_section_file_positions (abfd);
- reloc_base = obj_relocbase (abfd);
- /* Work out the size of the reloc and linno areas */
- for (current = abfd->sections; current != NULL; current =
- current->next)
- reloc_size += current->reloc_count * RELSZ;
- lineno_base = reloc_base + reloc_size;
- sym_base = lineno_base + lnno_size;
- /* Indicate in each section->line_filepos its actual file address */
- for (current = abfd->sections; current != NULL; current =
- current->next)
- {
- if (current->lineno_count)
- {
- current->line_filepos = lineno_base;
- current->moving_line_filepos = lineno_base;
- lineno_base += current->lineno_count * LINESZ;
- }
- else
- {
- current->line_filepos = 0;
- }
- if (current->reloc_count)
- {
- current->rel_filepos = reloc_base;
- reloc_base += current->reloc_count * RELSZ;
- }
- else
- {
- current->rel_filepos = 0;
- }
- }
- /* Write section headers to the file. */
- internal_f.f_nscns = 0;
- if ((abfd->flags & EXEC_P) != 0)
- scn_base = FILHSZ + AOUTSZ;
- else
- {
- scn_base = FILHSZ;
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- if (xcoff_data (abfd)->full_aouthdr)
- scn_base += AOUTSZ;
- else
- scn_base += SMALL_AOUTSZ;
- }
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, scn_base, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- for (current = abfd->sections;
- current != NULL;
- current = current->next)
- {
- struct internal_scnhdr section;
-#ifdef COFF_WITH_PE
- /* Do not include the .junk section. This is where we collect section
- data which we don't need. This is mainly the MS .debug$ data which
- stores codeview debug data. */
- if (strcmp (current->name, ".junk") == 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- /* If we've got a .reloc section, remember. */
- if (strcmp (current->name, ".reloc") == 0)
- {
- pe_data (abfd)->has_reloc_section = 1;
- }
- internal_f.f_nscns++;
- strncpy (&(section.s_name[0]), current->name, 8);
-#ifdef _LIB
- /* Always set s_vaddr of .lib to 0. This is right for SVR3.2
- Ian Taylor <>. */
- if (strcmp (current->name, _LIB) == 0)
- section.s_vaddr = 0;
- else
- section.s_vaddr = current->vma;
- section.s_paddr = current->lma;
- section.s_size = current->_raw_size;
-#ifdef COFF_WITH_PE
- section.s_paddr = current->_cooked_size;
- /*
- If this section has no size or is unloadable then the scnptr
- will be 0 too
- */
- if (current->_raw_size == 0 ||
- (current->flags & (SEC_LOAD | SEC_HAS_CONTENTS)) == 0)
- {
- section.s_scnptr = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- section.s_scnptr = current->filepos;
- }
- section.s_relptr = current->rel_filepos;
- section.s_lnnoptr = current->line_filepos;
- section.s_nreloc = current->reloc_count;
- section.s_nlnno = current->lineno_count;
- if (current->reloc_count != 0)
- hasrelocs = true;
- if (current->lineno_count != 0)
- haslinno = true;
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- /* Indicate the use of an XCOFF overflow section header. */
- if (current->reloc_count >= 0xffff || current->lineno_count >= 0xffff)
- {
- section.s_nreloc = 0xffff;
- section.s_nlnno = 0xffff;
- }
- section.s_flags = sec_to_styp_flags (current->name, current->flags);
- if (!strcmp (current->name, _TEXT))
- {
- text_sec = current;
- }
- else if (!strcmp (current->name, _DATA))
- {
- data_sec = current;
- }
- else if (!strcmp (current->name, _BSS))
- {
- bss_sec = current;
- }
-#ifdef I960
- section.s_align = (current->alignment_power
- ? 1 << current->alignment_power
- : 0);
- /* suppress output of the sections if they are null. ld includes
- the bss and data sections even if there is no size assigned
- to them. NT loader doesn't like it if these section headers are
- included if the sections themselves are not needed */
- if (section.s_size == 0)
- internal_f.f_nscns--;
- else
- {
- SCNHDR buff;
- if (coff_swap_scnhdr_out (abfd, &section, &buff) == 0
- || bfd_write ((PTR) (&buff), 1, SCNHSZ, abfd) != SCNHSZ)
- return false;
- }
- }
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- /* XCOFF handles overflows in the reloc and line number count fields
- by creating a new section header to hold the correct values. */
- for (current = abfd->sections; current != NULL; current = current->next)
- {
- if (current->reloc_count >= 0xffff || current->lineno_count >= 0xffff)
- {
- struct internal_scnhdr scnhdr;
- SCNHDR buff;
- internal_f.f_nscns++;
- strncpy (&(scnhdr.s_name[0]), current->name, 8);
- scnhdr.s_paddr = current->reloc_count;
- scnhdr.s_vaddr = current->lineno_count;
- scnhdr.s_size = 0;
- scnhdr.s_scnptr = 0;
- scnhdr.s_relptr = current->rel_filepos;
- scnhdr.s_lnnoptr = current->line_filepos;
- scnhdr.s_nreloc = current->target_index;
- scnhdr.s_nlnno = current->target_index;
- scnhdr.s_flags = STYP_OVRFLO;
- if (coff_swap_scnhdr_out (abfd, &scnhdr, &buff) == 0
- || bfd_write ((PTR) &buff, 1, SCNHSZ, abfd) != SCNHSZ)
- return false;
- }
- }
- /* OK, now set up the filehdr... */
- /* Don't include the internal abs section in the section count */
- /*
- We will NOT put a fucking timestamp in the header here. Every time you
- put it back, I will come in and take it out again. I'm sorry. This
- field does not belong here. We fill it with a 0 so it compares the
- same but is not a reasonable time. --
- */
- internal_f.f_timdat = 0;
- internal_f.f_flags = 0;
- if (abfd->flags & EXEC_P)
- internal_f.f_opthdr = AOUTSZ;
- else
- {
- internal_f.f_opthdr = 0;
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- if (xcoff_data (abfd)->full_aouthdr)
- internal_f.f_opthdr = AOUTSZ;
- else
- internal_f.f_opthdr = SMALL_AOUTSZ;
- }
- if (!hasrelocs)
- internal_f.f_flags |= F_RELFLG;
- if (!haslinno)
- internal_f.f_flags |= F_LNNO;
- if (abfd->flags & EXEC_P)
- internal_f.f_flags |= F_EXEC;
- /* FIXME: this is wrong for PPC_PE! */
- if (bfd_little_endian (abfd))
- internal_f.f_flags |= F_AR32WR;
- else
- internal_f.f_flags |= F_AR32W;
- /*
- FIXME, should do something about the other byte orders and
- architectures.
- */
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- if ((abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0)
- internal_f.f_flags |= F_SHROBJ;
- if (bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, _LOADER) != NULL)
- internal_f.f_flags |= F_DYNLOAD;
- memset (&internal_a, 0, sizeof internal_a);
- /* Set up architecture-dependent stuff */
- {
- unsigned int magic = 0;
- unsigned short flags = 0;
- coff_set_flags (abfd, &magic, &flags);
- internal_f.f_magic = magic;
- internal_f.f_flags |= flags;
- /* ...and the "opt"hdr... */
-#ifdef A29K
-#ifdef ULTRA3 /* NYU's machine */
- /* FIXME: This is a bogus check. I really want to see if there
- * is a .shbss or a .shdata section, if so then set the magic
- * number to indicate a shared data executable.
- */
- if (internal_f.f_nscns >= 7)
- internal_a.magic = SHMAGIC; /* Shared magic */
- else
-#endif /* ULTRA3 */
- internal_a.magic = NMAGIC; /* Assume separate i/d */
-#define __A_MAGIC_SET__
-#endif /* A29K */
-#ifdef I860
- /* FIXME: What are the a.out magic numbers for the i860? */
- internal_a.magic = 0;
-#define __A_MAGIC_SET__
-#endif /* I860 */
-#ifdef I960
- internal_a.magic = (magic == I960ROMAGIC ? NMAGIC : OMAGIC);
-#define __A_MAGIC_SET__
-#endif /* I960 */
-#if M88
-#define __A_MAGIC_SET__
- internal_a.magic = PAGEMAGICBCS;
-#endif /* M88 */
-#if APOLLO_M68
-#define __A_MAGIC_SET__
- internal_a.magic = APOLLO_COFF_VERSION_NUMBER;
-#if defined(M68) || defined(WE32K) || defined(M68K)
-#define __A_MAGIC_SET__
-#if defined(LYNXOS)
- internal_a.magic = LYNXCOFFMAGIC;
-#if defined(TARG_AUX)
- internal_a.magic = (abfd->flags & D_PAGED ? PAGEMAGICPEXECPAGED :
- internal_a.magic = PAGEMAGICPEXECPAGED;
-#endif /* TARG_AUX */
-#endif /* LYNXOS */
-#endif /* M68 || WE32K || M68K */
-#if defined(ARM)
-#define __A_MAGIC_SET__
- internal_a.magic = ZMAGIC;
-#if defined(PPC)
-#define __A_MAGIC_SET__
- internal_a.magic = IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR_MAGIC;
-#if defined(I386)
-#define __A_MAGIC_SET__
-#if defined(LYNXOS)
- internal_a.magic = LYNXCOFFMAGIC;
-#else /* LYNXOS */
- internal_a.magic = ZMAGIC;
-#endif /* LYNXOS */
-#endif /* I386 */
-#if defined(SPARC)
-#define __A_MAGIC_SET__
-#if defined(LYNXOS)
- internal_a.magic = LYNXCOFFMAGIC;
-#endif /* LYNXOS */
-#endif /* SPARC */
-#if RS6000COFF_C
-#define __A_MAGIC_SET__
- internal_a.magic = (abfd->flags & D_PAGED) ? RS6K_AOUTHDR_ZMAGIC :
- (abfd->flags & WP_TEXT) ? RS6K_AOUTHDR_NMAGIC :
-#ifndef __A_MAGIC_SET__
-#include "Your aouthdr magic number is not being set!"
-#undef __A_MAGIC_SET__
- }
- /* FIXME: Does anybody ever set this to another value? */
- internal_a.vstamp = 0;
- /* Now should write relocs, strings, syms */
- obj_sym_filepos (abfd) = sym_base;
- if (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) != 0)
- {
- int firstundef;
-#if 0
- if (!coff_add_missing_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- if (!coff_renumber_symbols (abfd, &firstundef))
- return false;
- coff_mangle_symbols (abfd);
- if (! coff_write_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- if (! coff_write_linenumbers (abfd))
- return false;
- if (! coff_write_relocs (abfd, firstundef))
- return false;
- }
-#ifdef PPC
- else if ((abfd->flags & EXEC_P) != 0)
- {
- bfd_byte b;
- /* PowerPC PE appears to require that all executable files be
- rounded up to the page size. */
- b = 0;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd,
- BFD_ALIGN (sym_base, COFF_PAGE_SIZE) - 1,
- SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_write (&b, 1, 1, abfd) != 1)
- return false;
- }
- /* If bfd_get_symcount (abfd) != 0, then we are not using the COFF
- backend linker, and obj_raw_syment_count is not valid until after
- coff_write_symbols is called. */
- if (obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) != 0)
- {
- internal_f.f_symptr = sym_base;
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- /* AIX appears to require that F_RELFLG not be set if there are
- local symbols but no relocations. */
- internal_f.f_flags &=~ F_RELFLG;
- }
- else
- {
- internal_f.f_symptr = 0;
- internal_f.f_flags |= F_LSYMS;
- }
- if (text_sec)
- {
- internal_a.tsize = bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc (text_sec);
- internal_a.text_start = internal_a.tsize ? text_sec->vma : 0;
- }
- if (data_sec)
- {
- internal_a.dsize = bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc (data_sec);
- internal_a.data_start = internal_a.dsize ? data_sec->vma : 0;
- }
- if (bss_sec)
- {
- internal_a.bsize = bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc (bss_sec);
- if (internal_a.bsize && bss_sec->vma < internal_a.data_start)
- internal_a.data_start = bss_sec->vma;
- }
- internal_a.entry = bfd_get_start_address (abfd);
- internal_f.f_nsyms = obj_raw_syment_count (abfd);
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- if (xcoff_data (abfd)->full_aouthdr)
- {
- bfd_vma toc;
- asection *loader_sec;
- internal_a.vstamp = 1;
- internal_a.o_snentry = xcoff_data (abfd)->snentry;
- if (internal_a.o_snentry == 0)
- internal_a.entry = (bfd_vma) -1;
- if (text_sec != NULL)
- {
- internal_a.o_sntext = text_sec->target_index;
- internal_a.o_algntext = bfd_get_section_alignment (abfd, text_sec);
- }
- else
- {
- internal_a.o_sntext = 0;
- internal_a.o_algntext = 0;
- }
- if (data_sec != NULL)
- {
- internal_a.o_sndata = data_sec->target_index;
- internal_a.o_algndata = bfd_get_section_alignment (abfd, data_sec);
- }
- else
- {
- internal_a.o_sndata = 0;
- internal_a.o_algndata = 0;
- }
- loader_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".loader");
- if (loader_sec != NULL)
- internal_a.o_snloader = loader_sec->target_index;
- else
- internal_a.o_snloader = 0;
- if (bss_sec != NULL)
- internal_a.o_snbss = bss_sec->target_index;
- else
- internal_a.o_snbss = 0;
- toc = xcoff_data (abfd)->toc;
- internal_a.o_toc = toc;
- internal_a.o_sntoc = xcoff_data (abfd)->sntoc;
- internal_a.o_modtype = xcoff_data (abfd)->modtype;
- if (xcoff_data (abfd)->cputype != -1)
- internal_a.o_cputype = xcoff_data (abfd)->cputype;
- else
- {
- switch (bfd_get_arch (abfd))
- {
- case bfd_arch_rs6000:
- internal_a.o_cputype = 4;
- break;
- case bfd_arch_powerpc:
- if (bfd_get_mach (abfd) == 0)
- internal_a.o_cputype = 3;
- else
- internal_a.o_cputype = 1;
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- }
- internal_a.o_maxstack = xcoff_data (abfd)->maxstack;
- internal_a.o_maxdata = xcoff_data (abfd)->maxdata;
- }
- /* now write them */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- {
- FILHDR buff;
- coff_swap_filehdr_out (abfd, (PTR) & internal_f, (PTR) & buff);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) & buff, 1, FILHSZ, abfd) != FILHSZ)
- return false;
- }
- if (abfd->flags & EXEC_P)
- {
- AOUTHDR buff;
- coff_swap_aouthdr_out (abfd, (PTR) & internal_a, (PTR) & buff);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) & buff, 1, AOUTSZ, abfd) != AOUTSZ)
- return false;
- }
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- else
- {
- AOUTHDR buff;
- size_t size;
- /* XCOFF seems to always write at least a small a.out header. */
- coff_swap_aouthdr_out (abfd, (PTR) &internal_a, (PTR) &buff);
- if (xcoff_data (abfd)->full_aouthdr)
- size = AOUTSZ;
- else
- size = SMALL_AOUTSZ;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &buff, 1, size, abfd) != size)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-static boolean
-coff_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd * abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- if (abfd->output_has_begun == false) /* set by bfd.c handler */
- coff_compute_section_file_positions (abfd);
-#ifdef _LIB
- /* The physical address field of a .lib section is used to hold the
- number of shared libraries in the section. This code counts the
- number of sections being written, and increments the lma field
- with the number.
- I have found no documentation on the contents of this section.
- Experimentation indicates that the section contains zero or more
- records, each of which has the following structure:
- - a (four byte) word holding the length of this record, in words,
- - a word that always seems to be set to "2",
- - the path to a shared library, null-terminated and then padded
- to a whole word boundary.
- bfd_assert calls have been added to alert if an attempt is made
- to write a section which doesn't follow these assumptions. The
- code has been tested on ISC 4.1 by me, and on SCO by Robert Lipe
- <> (Thanks!).
- Gvran Uddeborg <> */
- if (strcmp (section->name, _LIB) == 0)
- {
- bfd_byte *rec, *recend;
- rec = (bfd_byte *) location;
- recend = rec + count;
- while (rec < recend)
- {
- ++section->lma;
- rec += bfd_get_32 (abfd, rec) * 4;
- }
- BFD_ASSERT (rec == recend);
- }
- /* Don't write out bss sections - one way to do this is to
- see if the filepos has not been set. */
- if (section->filepos == 0)
- return true;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) (section->filepos + offset), SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- if (count != 0)
- {
- return (bfd_write (location, 1, count, abfd) == count) ? true : false;
- }
- return true;
-#if 0
-static boolean
-coff_close_and_cleanup (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (!bfd_read_p (abfd))
- switch (abfd->format)
- {
- case bfd_archive:
- if (!_bfd_write_archive_contents (abfd))
- return false;
- break;
- case bfd_object:
- if (!coff_write_object_contents (abfd))
- return false;
- break;
- default:
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- /* We depend on bfd_close to free all the memory on the obstack. */
- /* FIXME if bfd_release is not using obstacks! */
- return true;
-static PTR
-buy_and_read (abfd, where, seek_direction, size)
- bfd *abfd;
- file_ptr where;
- int seek_direction;
- size_t size;
- PTR area = (PTR) bfd_alloc (abfd, size);
- if (!area)
- return (NULL);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, where, seek_direction) != 0
- || bfd_read (area, 1, size, abfd) != size)
- return (NULL);
- return (area);
-} /* buy_and_read() */
- Reading linenumbers
- Creating the linenumber table is done by reading in the entire
- coff linenumber table, and creating another table for internal use.
- A coff linenumber table is structured so that each function
- is marked as having a line number of 0. Each line within the
- function is an offset from the first line in the function. The
- base of the line number information for the table is stored in
- the symbol associated with the function.
- The information is copied from the external to the internal
- table, and each symbol which marks a function is marked by
- pointing its...
- How does this work ?
-static boolean
-coff_slurp_line_table (abfd, asect)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *asect;
- LINENO *native_lineno;
- alent *lineno_cache;
- BFD_ASSERT (asect->lineno == (alent *) NULL);
- native_lineno = (LINENO *) buy_and_read (abfd,
- asect->line_filepos,
- (size_t) (LINESZ *
- asect->lineno_count));
- lineno_cache =
- (alent *) bfd_alloc (abfd, (size_t) ((asect->lineno_count + 1) * sizeof (alent)));
- if (lineno_cache == NULL)
- return false;
- else
- {
- unsigned int counter = 0;
- alent *cache_ptr = lineno_cache;
- LINENO *src = native_lineno;
- while (counter < asect->lineno_count)
- {
- struct internal_lineno dst;
- coff_swap_lineno_in (abfd, src, &dst);
- cache_ptr->line_number = dst.l_lnno;
- if (cache_ptr->line_number == 0)
- {
- coff_symbol_type *sym =
- (coff_symbol_type *) (dst.l_addr.l_symndx
- + obj_raw_syments (abfd))->u.syment._n._n_n._n_zeroes;
- cache_ptr->u.sym = (asymbol *) sym;
- if (sym->lineno != NULL)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: warning: duplicate line number information for `%s'",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd),
- bfd_asymbol_name (&sym->symbol));
- }
- sym->lineno = cache_ptr;
- }
- else
- {
- cache_ptr->u.offset = dst.l_addr.l_paddr
- - bfd_section_vma (abfd, asect);
- } /* If no linenumber expect a symbol index */
- cache_ptr++;
- src++;
- counter++;
- }
- cache_ptr->line_number = 0;
- }
- asect->lineno = lineno_cache;
- /* FIXME, free native_lineno here, or use alloca or something. */
- return true;
-static boolean
-coff_slurp_symbol_table (abfd)
- bfd * abfd;
- combined_entry_type *native_symbols;
- coff_symbol_type *cached_area;
- unsigned int *table_ptr;
- unsigned int number_of_symbols = 0;
- if (obj_symbols (abfd))
- return true;
- /* Read in the symbol table */
- if ((native_symbols = coff_get_normalized_symtab (abfd)) == NULL)
- {
- return (false);
- } /* on error */
- /* Allocate enough room for all the symbols in cached form */
- cached_area = ((coff_symbol_type *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (obj_raw_syment_count (abfd)
- * sizeof (coff_symbol_type))));
- if (cached_area == NULL)
- return false;
- table_ptr = ((unsigned int *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (obj_raw_syment_count (abfd)
- * sizeof (unsigned int))));
- if (table_ptr == NULL)
- return false;
- else
- {
- coff_symbol_type *dst = cached_area;
- unsigned int last_native_index = obj_raw_syment_count (abfd);
- unsigned int this_index = 0;
- while (this_index < last_native_index)
- {
- combined_entry_type *src = native_symbols + this_index;
- table_ptr[this_index] = number_of_symbols;
- dst->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- dst-> = (char *) (src->u.syment._n._n_n._n_offset);
- /* We use the native name field to point to the cached field. */
- src->u.syment._n._n_n._n_zeroes = (long) dst;
- dst->symbol.section = coff_section_from_bfd_index (abfd,
- src->u.syment.n_scnum);
- dst->symbol.flags = 0;
- dst->done_lineno = false;
- switch (src->u.syment.n_sclass)
- {
-#ifdef I960
- case C_LEAFEXT:
-#if 0
- dst->symbol.value = src->u.syment.n_value - dst->symbol.section->vma;
- dst->symbol.flags = BSF_EXPORT | BSF_GLOBAL;
- dst->symbol.flags |= BSF_NOT_AT_END | BSF_FUNCTION;
- /* Fall through to next case */
- case C_EXT:
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- case C_HIDEXT:
-#ifdef COFF_WITH_PE
- /* PE uses storage class 0x68 to denote a section symbol */
- case C_SECTION:
- /* PE uses storage class 0x67 for a weak external symbol. */
- case C_NT_WEAK:
- if ((src->u.syment.n_scnum) == 0)
- {
- if ((src->u.syment.n_value) == 0)
- {
- dst->symbol.section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- dst->symbol.value = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- dst->symbol.section = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- dst->symbol.value = (src->u.syment.n_value);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Base the value as an index from the base of the
- section */
- dst->symbol.flags = BSF_EXPORT | BSF_GLOBAL;
- dst->symbol.value = (src->u.syment.n_value
- - dst->symbol.section->vma);
- if (ISFCN ((src->u.syment.n_type)))
- {
- /* A function ext does not go at the end of a
- file. */
- dst->symbol.flags |= BSF_NOT_AT_END | BSF_FUNCTION;
- }
- }
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- /* A C_HIDEXT symbol is not global. */
- if (src->u.syment.n_sclass == C_HIDEXT)
- dst->symbol.flags = BSF_LOCAL;
- /* A symbol with a csect entry should not go at the end. */
- if (src->u.syment.n_numaux > 0)
- dst->symbol.flags |= BSF_NOT_AT_END;
-#ifdef COFF_WITH_PE
- if (src->u.syment.n_sclass == C_NT_WEAK)
- dst->symbol.flags = BSF_WEAK;
- break;
- case C_STAT: /* static */
-#ifdef I960
- case C_LEAFSTAT: /* static leaf procedure */
- case C_LABEL: /* label */
- if (src->u.syment.n_scnum == -2)
- dst->symbol.flags = BSF_DEBUGGING;
- else
- dst->symbol.flags = BSF_LOCAL;
- /*
- Base the value as an index from the base of the section, if
- there is one
- */
- if (dst->symbol.section)
- dst->symbol.value = (src->u.syment.n_value) -
- dst->symbol.section->vma;
- else
- dst->symbol.value = (src->u.syment.n_value);
- break;
- case C_MOS: /* member of structure */
- case C_EOS: /* end of structure */
-#ifdef NOTDEF /* C_AUTOARG has the same value */
-#ifdef C_GLBLREG
- case C_GLBLREG: /* A29k-specific storage class */
- case C_REGPARM: /* register parameter */
- case C_REG: /* register variable */
-#ifdef C_AUTOARG
- case C_AUTOARG: /* 960-specific storage class */
- case C_TPDEF: /* type definition */
- case C_ARG:
- case C_AUTO: /* automatic variable */
- case C_FIELD: /* bit field */
- case C_ENTAG: /* enumeration tag */
- case C_MOE: /* member of enumeration */
- case C_MOU: /* member of union */
- case C_UNTAG: /* union tag */
- dst->symbol.flags = BSF_DEBUGGING;
- dst->symbol.value = (src->u.syment.n_value);
- break;
- case C_FILE: /* file name */
- case C_STRTAG: /* structure tag */
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- case C_GSYM:
- case C_LSYM:
- case C_PSYM:
- case C_RSYM:
- case C_RPSYM:
- case C_STSYM:
- case C_BCOMM:
- case C_ECOMM:
- case C_DECL:
- case C_ENTRY:
- case C_FUN:
- case C_ESTAT:
- dst->symbol.flags = BSF_DEBUGGING;
- dst->symbol.value = (src->u.syment.n_value);
- break;
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- case C_BINCL: /* beginning of include file */
- case C_EINCL: /* ending of include file */
- /* The value is actually a pointer into the line numbers
- of the file. We locate the line number entry, and
- set the section to the section which contains it, and
- the value to the index in that section. */
- {
- asection *sec;
- dst->symbol.flags = BSF_DEBUGGING;
- for (sec = abfd->sections; sec != NULL; sec = sec->next)
- if (sec->line_filepos <= (file_ptr) src->u.syment.n_value
- && ((file_ptr) (sec->line_filepos
- + sec->lineno_count * LINESZ)
- > (file_ptr) src->u.syment.n_value))
- break;
- if (sec == NULL)
- dst->symbol.value = 0;
- else
- {
- dst->symbol.section = sec;
- dst->symbol.value = ((src->u.syment.n_value
- - sec->line_filepos)
- / LINESZ);
- src->fix_line = 1;
- }
- }
- break;
- case C_BSTAT:
- dst->symbol.flags = BSF_DEBUGGING;
- /* The value is actually a symbol index. Save a pointer
- to the symbol instead of the index. FIXME: This
- should use a union. */
- src->u.syment.n_value =
- (long) (native_symbols + src->u.syment.n_value);
- dst->symbol.value = src->u.syment.n_value;
- src->fix_value = 1;
- break;
- case C_BLOCK: /* ".bb" or ".eb" */
- case C_FCN: /* ".bf" or ".ef" */
- case C_EFCN: /* physical end of function */
- dst->symbol.flags = BSF_LOCAL;
- /*
- Base the value as an index from the base of the section
- */
- dst->symbol.value = (src->u.syment.n_value) - dst->symbol.section->vma;
- break;
- case C_NULL:
- case C_EXTDEF: /* external definition */
- case C_ULABEL: /* undefined label */
- case C_USTATIC: /* undefined static */
-#ifndef COFF_WITH_PE
- /* C_LINE in regular coff is 0x68. NT has taken over this storage
- class to represent a section symbol */
- case C_LINE: /* line # reformatted as symbol table entry */
- /* NT uses 0x67 for a weak symbol, not C_ALIAS. */
- case C_ALIAS: /* duplicate tag */
- case C_HIDDEN: /* ext symbol in dmert public lib */
- default:
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: Unrecognized storage class %d for %s symbol `%s'",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), src->u.syment.n_sclass,
- dst->symbol.section->name, dst->;
- dst->symbol.flags = BSF_DEBUGGING;
- dst->symbol.value = (src->u.syment.n_value);
- break;
- }
-/* BFD_ASSERT(dst->symbol.flags != 0);*/
- dst->native = src;
- dst->symbol.udata.i = 0;
- dst->lineno = (alent *) NULL;
- this_index += (src->u.syment.n_numaux) + 1;
- dst++;
- number_of_symbols++;
- } /* walk the native symtab */
- } /* bfdize the native symtab */
- obj_symbols (abfd) = cached_area;
- obj_raw_syments (abfd) = native_symbols;
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd) = number_of_symbols;
- obj_convert (abfd) = table_ptr;
- /* Slurp the line tables for each section too */
- {
- asection *p;
- p = abfd->sections;
- while (p)
- {
- coff_slurp_line_table (abfd, p);
- p = p->next;
- }
- }
- return true;
-} /* coff_slurp_symbol_table() */
-/* Check whether a symbol is globally visible. This is used by the
- COFF backend linker code in cofflink.c, since a couple of targets
- have globally visible symbols which are not class C_EXT. This
- function need not handle the case of n_class == C_EXT. */
-#ifdef I960
-#ifdef COFF_WITH_PE
-static boolean
-coff_sym_is_global (abfd, syment)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_syment *syment;
- if (syment->n_sclass == OTHER_GLOBAL_CLASS)
- return true;
- return false;
-#else /* ! defined (OTHER_GLOBAL_CLASS) */
-/* sym_is_global should not be defined if it has nothing to do. */
-#define coff_sym_is_global 0
-#endif /* ! defined (OTHER_GLOBAL_CLASS) */
- Reading relocations
- Coff relocations are easily transformed into the internal BFD form
- (@code{arelent}).
- Reading a coff relocation table is done in the following stages:
- o Read the entire coff relocation table into memory.
- o Process each relocation in turn; first swap it from the
- external to the internal form.
- o Turn the symbol referenced in the relocation's symbol index
- into a pointer into the canonical symbol table.
- This table is the same as the one returned by a call to
- @code{bfd_canonicalize_symtab}. The back end will call that
- routine and save the result if a canonicalization hasn't been done.
- o The reloc index is turned into a pointer to a howto
- structure, in a back end specific way. For instance, the 386
- and 960 use the @code{r_type} to directly produce an index
- into a howto table vector; the 88k subtracts a number from the
- @code{r_type} field and creates an addend field.
-#ifndef CALC_ADDEND
-#define CALC_ADDEND(abfd, ptr, reloc, cache_ptr) \
- { \
- coff_symbol_type *coffsym = (coff_symbol_type *) NULL; \
- if (ptr && bfd_asymbol_bfd (ptr) != abfd) \
- coffsym = (obj_symbols (abfd) \
- + (cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr - symbols)); \
- else if (ptr) \
- coffsym = coff_symbol_from (abfd, ptr); \
- if (coffsym != (coff_symbol_type *) NULL \
- && coffsym->native->u.syment.n_scnum == 0) \
- cache_ptr->addend = 0; \
- else if (ptr && bfd_asymbol_bfd (ptr) == abfd \
- && ptr->section != (asection *) NULL) \
- cache_ptr->addend = - (ptr->section->vma + ptr->value); \
- else \
- cache_ptr->addend = 0; \
- }
-static boolean
-coff_slurp_reloc_table (abfd, asect, symbols)
- bfd * abfd;
- sec_ptr asect;
- asymbol ** symbols;
- RELOC *native_relocs;
- arelent *reloc_cache;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- unsigned int idx;
- if (asect->relocation)
- return true;
- if (asect->reloc_count == 0)
- return true;
- if (asect->flags & SEC_CONSTRUCTOR)
- return true;
- if (!coff_slurp_symbol_table (abfd))
- return false;
- native_relocs =
- (RELOC *) buy_and_read (abfd,
- asect->rel_filepos,
- (size_t) (RELSZ *
- asect->reloc_count));
- reloc_cache = (arelent *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, (size_t) (asect->reloc_count * sizeof (arelent)));
- if (reloc_cache == NULL)
- return false;
- for (idx = 0; idx < asect->reloc_count; idx++)
- {
- struct internal_reloc dst;
- struct external_reloc *src;
- cache_ptr = reloc_cache + idx;
- src = native_relocs + idx;
- coff_swap_reloc_in (abfd, src, &dst);
- RELOC_PROCESSING (cache_ptr, &dst, symbols, abfd, asect);
- struct internal_reloc dst;
- asymbol *ptr;
- struct external_reloc *src;
- cache_ptr = reloc_cache + idx;
- src = native_relocs + idx;
- coff_swap_reloc_in (abfd, src, &dst);
- cache_ptr->address = dst.r_vaddr;
- if (dst.r_symndx != -1)
- {
- /* @@ Should never be greater than count of symbols! */
- if (dst.r_symndx >= obj_conv_table_size (abfd))
- abort ();
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = symbols + obj_convert (abfd)[dst.r_symndx];
- ptr = *(cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr);
- }
- else
- {
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- ptr = 0;
- }
- /* The symbols definitions that we have read in have been
- relocated as if their sections started at 0. But the offsets
- refering to the symbols in the raw data have not been
- modified, so we have to have a negative addend to compensate.
- Note that symbols which used to be common must be left alone */
- /* Calculate any reloc addend by looking at the symbol */
- CALC_ADDEND (abfd, ptr, dst, cache_ptr);
- cache_ptr->address -= asect->vma;
-/* !! cache_ptr->section = (asection *) NULL;*/
- /* Fill in the cache_ptr->howto field from dst.r_type */
- RTYPE2HOWTO (cache_ptr, &dst);
- }
- asect->relocation = reloc_cache;
- return true;
-#ifndef coff_rtype_to_howto
-/* Get the howto structure for a reloc. This is only used if the file
- including this one defines coff_relocate_section to be
- _bfd_coff_generic_relocate_section, so it is OK if it does not
- always work. It is the responsibility of the including file to
- make sure it is reasonable if it is needed. */
-static reloc_howto_type *coff_rtype_to_howto
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, struct internal_reloc *,
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *, struct internal_syment *,
- bfd_vma *));
-static reloc_howto_type *
-coff_rtype_to_howto (abfd, sec, rel, h, sym, addendp)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- struct internal_reloc *rel;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct internal_syment *sym;
- bfd_vma *addendp;
- arelent genrel;
- RTYPE2HOWTO (&genrel, rel);
- return genrel.howto;
-#else /* ! defined (RTYPE2HOWTO) */
-#define coff_rtype_to_howto NULL
-#endif /* ! defined (RTYPE2HOWTO) */
-#endif /* ! defined (coff_rtype_to_howto) */
-/* This is stupid. This function should be a boolean predicate. */
-static long
-coff_canonicalize_reloc (abfd, section, relptr, symbols)
- bfd * abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- arelent ** relptr;
- asymbol ** symbols;
- arelent *tblptr = section->relocation;
- unsigned int count = 0;
- if (section->flags & SEC_CONSTRUCTOR)
- {
- /* this section has relocs made up by us, they are not in the
- file, so take them out of their chain and place them into
- the data area provided */
- arelent_chain *chain = section->constructor_chain;
- for (count = 0; count < section->reloc_count; count++)
- {
- *relptr++ = &chain->relent;
- chain = chain->next;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (! coff_slurp_reloc_table (abfd, section, symbols))
- return -1;
- tblptr = section->relocation;
- for (; count++ < section->reloc_count;)
- *relptr++ = tblptr++;
- }
- *relptr = 0;
- return section->reloc_count;
-#ifdef GNU960
-coff_sym_filepos (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return obj_sym_filepos (abfd);
-#ifndef coff_reloc16_estimate
-#define coff_reloc16_estimate dummy_reloc16_estimate
-static int
-dummy_reloc16_estimate (abfd, input_section, reloc, shrink, link_info)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *input_section;
- arelent *reloc;
- unsigned int shrink;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- abort ();
-#ifndef coff_reloc16_extra_cases
-#define coff_reloc16_extra_cases dummy_reloc16_extra_cases
-/* This works even if abort is not declared in any header file. */
-static void
-dummy_reloc16_extra_cases (abfd, link_info, link_order, reloc, data, src_ptr,
- dst_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- arelent *reloc;
- bfd_byte *data;
- unsigned int *src_ptr;
- unsigned int *dst_ptr;
- abort ();
-/* If coff_relocate_section is defined, we can use the optimized COFF
- backend linker. Otherwise we must continue to use the old linker. */
-#ifdef coff_relocate_section
-#ifndef coff_bfd_link_hash_table_create
-#define coff_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_coff_link_hash_table_create
-#ifndef coff_bfd_link_add_symbols
-#define coff_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_coff_link_add_symbols
-#ifndef coff_bfd_final_link
-#define coff_bfd_final_link _bfd_coff_final_link
-#else /* ! defined (coff_relocate_section) */
-#define coff_relocate_section NULL
-#define coff_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
-#ifndef coff_bfd_link_add_symbols
-#define coff_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
-#define coff_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
-#endif /* ! defined (coff_relocate_section) */
-#define coff_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
-#ifndef coff_start_final_link
-#define coff_start_final_link NULL
-#ifndef coff_adjust_symndx
-#define coff_adjust_symndx NULL
-#ifndef coff_link_add_one_symbol
-#define coff_link_add_one_symbol _bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
-static CONST bfd_coff_backend_data bfd_coff_std_swap_table =
- coff_swap_aux_in, coff_swap_sym_in, coff_swap_lineno_in,
- coff_swap_aux_out, coff_swap_sym_out,
- coff_swap_lineno_out, coff_swap_reloc_out,
- coff_swap_filehdr_out, coff_swap_aouthdr_out,
- coff_swap_scnhdr_out,
- true,
- false,
- coff_swap_filehdr_in, coff_swap_aouthdr_in, coff_swap_scnhdr_in,
- coff_swap_reloc_in, coff_bad_format_hook, coff_set_arch_mach_hook,
- coff_mkobject_hook, styp_to_sec_flags, coff_set_alignment_hook,
- coff_slurp_symbol_table, symname_in_debug_hook, coff_pointerize_aux_hook,
- coff_print_aux, coff_reloc16_extra_cases, coff_reloc16_estimate,
- coff_sym_is_global, coff_compute_section_file_positions,
- coff_start_final_link, coff_relocate_section, coff_rtype_to_howto,
- coff_adjust_symndx, coff_link_add_one_symbol
-#define coff_close_and_cleanup _bfd_generic_close_and_cleanup
-#define coff_bfd_free_cached_info _bfd_generic_bfd_free_cached_info
-#define coff_get_section_contents _bfd_generic_get_section_contents
-#ifndef coff_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data
-#define coff_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data _bfd_generic_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data
-#ifndef coff_bfd_copy_private_section_data
-#define coff_bfd_copy_private_section_data _bfd_generic_bfd_copy_private_section_data
-#ifndef coff_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data
-#define coff_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data _bfd_generic_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data
-#define coff_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data _bfd_generic_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data
-#define coff_bfd_set_private_flags _bfd_generic_bfd_set_private_flags
-#ifndef coff_bfd_print_private_bfd_data
-#define coff_bfd_print_private_bfd_data _bfd_generic_bfd_print_private_bfd_data
-#ifndef coff_bfd_is_local_label
-#define coff_bfd_is_local_label bfd_generic_is_local_label
-#ifndef coff_read_minisymbols
-#define coff_read_minisymbols _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols
-#ifndef coff_minisymbol_to_symbol
-#define coff_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol
-/* The reloc lookup routine must be supplied by each individual COFF
- backend. */
-#ifndef coff_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
-#define coff_bfd_reloc_type_lookup _bfd_norelocs_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
-#ifndef coff_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define coff_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
-#ifndef coff_bfd_relax_section
-#define coff_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coffgen.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coffgen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 285fe61ccc53..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coffgen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2121 +0,0 @@
-/* Support for the generic parts of COFF, for BFD.
- Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Most of this hacked by Steve Chamberlain,
- Split out of coffcode.h by Ian Taylor, */
-/* This file contains COFF code that is not dependent on any
- particular COFF target. There is only one version of this file in
- libbfd.a, so no target specific code may be put in here. Or, to
- put it another way,
- If you need to add some target specific behaviour, add a new hook
- function to bfd_coff_backend_data.
- Some of these functions are also called by the ECOFF routines.
- Those functions may not use any COFF specific information, such as
- coff_data (abfd). */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-static void coff_fix_symbol_name
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, combined_entry_type *, bfd_size_type *,
- asection **, bfd_size_type *));
-static boolean coff_write_symbol
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, combined_entry_type *, unsigned int *,
- bfd_size_type *, asection **, bfd_size_type *));
-static boolean coff_write_alien_symbol
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, unsigned int *, bfd_size_type *,
- asection **, bfd_size_type *));
-static boolean coff_write_native_symbol
- PARAMS ((bfd *, coff_symbol_type *, unsigned int *, bfd_size_type *,
- asection **, bfd_size_type *));
-static void coff_pointerize_aux
- PARAMS ((bfd *, combined_entry_type *, combined_entry_type *,
- unsigned int, combined_entry_type *));
-#define STRING_SIZE_SIZE (4)
-/* Take a section header read from a coff file (in HOST byte order),
- and make a BFD "section" out of it. This is used by ECOFF. */
-static boolean
-make_a_section_from_file (abfd, hdr, target_index)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_scnhdr *hdr;
- unsigned int target_index;
- asection *return_section;
- char *name;
- /* Assorted wastage to null-terminate the name, thanks AT&T! */
- name = bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (hdr->s_name) + 1);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- strncpy (name, (char *) &hdr->s_name[0], sizeof (hdr->s_name));
- name[sizeof (hdr->s_name)] = 0;
- return_section = bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, name);
- if (return_section == NULL)
- return false;
- return_section->vma = hdr->s_vaddr;
- return_section->lma = hdr->s_paddr;
- return_section->_raw_size = hdr->s_size;
- return_section->filepos = hdr->s_scnptr;
- return_section->rel_filepos = hdr->s_relptr;
- return_section->reloc_count = hdr->s_nreloc;
- bfd_coff_set_alignment_hook (abfd, return_section, hdr);
- return_section->line_filepos = hdr->s_lnnoptr;
- return_section->lineno_count = hdr->s_nlnno;
- return_section->userdata = NULL;
- return_section->next = (asection *) NULL;
- return_section->flags = bfd_coff_styp_to_sec_flags_hook (abfd, hdr, name);
- return_section->target_index = target_index;
- /* At least on i386-coff, the line number count for a shared library
- section must be ignored. */
- if ((return_section->flags & SEC_COFF_SHARED_LIBRARY) != 0)
- return_section->lineno_count = 0;
- if (hdr->s_nreloc != 0)
- return_section->flags |= SEC_RELOC;
- /* FIXME: should this check 'hdr->s_size > 0' */
- if (hdr->s_scnptr != 0)
- return_section->flags |= SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- return true;
-/* Read in a COFF object and make it into a BFD. This is used by
- ECOFF as well. */
-static const bfd_target *
-coff_real_object_p (abfd, nscns, internal_f, internal_a)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned nscns;
- struct internal_filehdr *internal_f;
- struct internal_aouthdr *internal_a;
- flagword oflags = abfd->flags;
- bfd_vma ostart = bfd_get_start_address (abfd);
- PTR tdata;
- size_t readsize; /* length of file_info */
- unsigned int scnhsz;
- char *external_sections;
- if (!(internal_f->f_flags & F_RELFLG))
- abfd->flags |= HAS_RELOC;
- if ((internal_f->f_flags & F_EXEC))
- abfd->flags |= EXEC_P;
- if (!(internal_f->f_flags & F_LNNO))
- abfd->flags |= HAS_LINENO;
- if (!(internal_f->f_flags & F_LSYMS))
- abfd->flags |= HAS_LOCALS;
- /* FIXME: How can we set D_PAGED correctly? */
- if ((internal_f->f_flags & F_EXEC) != 0)
- abfd->flags |= D_PAGED;
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd) = internal_f->f_nsyms;
- if (internal_f->f_nsyms)
- abfd->flags |= HAS_SYMS;
- if (internal_a != (struct internal_aouthdr *) NULL)
- bfd_get_start_address (abfd) = internal_a->entry;
- else
- bfd_get_start_address (abfd) = 0;
- /* Set up the tdata area. ECOFF uses its own routine, and overrides
- abfd->flags. */
- tdata = bfd_coff_mkobject_hook (abfd, (PTR) internal_f, (PTR) internal_a);
- if (tdata == NULL)
- return 0;
- scnhsz = bfd_coff_scnhsz (abfd);
- readsize = nscns * scnhsz;
- external_sections = (char *) bfd_alloc (abfd, readsize);
- if (!external_sections)
- goto fail;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) external_sections, 1, readsize, abfd) != readsize)
- goto fail;
- /* Now copy data as required; construct all asections etc */
- if (nscns != 0)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < nscns; i++)
- {
- struct internal_scnhdr tmp;
- bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_in (abfd,
- (PTR) (external_sections + i * scnhsz),
- (PTR) & tmp);
- make_a_section_from_file (abfd, &tmp, i + 1);
- }
- }
- /* make_abs_section (abfd); */
- if (bfd_coff_set_arch_mach_hook (abfd, (PTR) internal_f) == false)
- goto fail;
- return abfd->xvec;
- fail:
- bfd_release (abfd, tdata);
- abfd->flags = oflags;
- bfd_get_start_address (abfd) = ostart;
- return (const bfd_target *) NULL;
-/* Turn a COFF file into a BFD, but fail with bfd_error_wrong_format if it is
- not a COFF file. This is also used by ECOFF. */
-const bfd_target *
-coff_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int filhsz;
- unsigned int aoutsz;
- int nscns;
- PTR filehdr;
- struct internal_filehdr internal_f;
- struct internal_aouthdr internal_a;
- /* figure out how much to read */
- filhsz = bfd_coff_filhsz (abfd);
- aoutsz = bfd_coff_aoutsz (abfd);
- filehdr = bfd_alloc (abfd, filhsz);
- if (filehdr == NULL)
- return 0;
- if (bfd_read (filehdr, 1, filhsz, abfd) != filhsz)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_in (abfd, filehdr, &internal_f);
- bfd_release (abfd, filehdr);
- if (bfd_coff_bad_format_hook (abfd, &internal_f) == false)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- nscns = internal_f.f_nscns;
- if (internal_f.f_opthdr)
- {
- PTR opthdr;
- opthdr = bfd_alloc (abfd, aoutsz);
- if (opthdr == NULL)
- return 0;;
- if (bfd_read (opthdr, 1, aoutsz, abfd) != aoutsz)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_in (abfd, opthdr, (PTR) & internal_a);
- }
- /* Seek past the opt hdr stuff */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) (internal_f.f_opthdr + filhsz), SEEK_SET)
- != 0)
- return NULL;
- return coff_real_object_p (abfd, nscns, &internal_f,
- (internal_f.f_opthdr != 0
- ? &internal_a
- : (struct internal_aouthdr *) NULL));
-/* Get the BFD section from a COFF symbol section number. */
-asection *
-coff_section_from_bfd_index (abfd, index)
- bfd *abfd;
- int index;
- struct sec *answer = abfd->sections;
- if (index == N_ABS)
- return bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- if (index == N_UNDEF)
- return bfd_und_section_ptr;
- if (index == N_DEBUG)
- return bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- while (answer)
- {
- if (answer->target_index == index)
- return answer;
- answer = answer->next;
- }
- /* We should not reach this point, but the SCO 3.2v4 /lib/libc_s.a
- has a bad symbol table in biglitpow.o. */
- return bfd_und_section_ptr;
-/* Get the upper bound of a COFF symbol table. */
-coff_get_symtab_upper_bound (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (!bfd_coff_slurp_symbol_table (abfd))
- return -1;
- return (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) + 1) * (sizeof (coff_symbol_type *));
-/* Canonicalize a COFF symbol table. */
-coff_get_symtab (abfd, alocation)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **alocation;
- unsigned int counter;
- coff_symbol_type *symbase;
- coff_symbol_type **location = (coff_symbol_type **) alocation;
- if (!bfd_coff_slurp_symbol_table (abfd))
- return -1;
- symbase = obj_symbols (abfd);
- counter = bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- while (counter-- > 0)
- *location++ = symbase++;
- *location = NULL;
- return bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
-/* Get the name of a symbol. The caller must pass in a buffer of size
- >= SYMNMLEN + 1. */
-const char *
-_bfd_coff_internal_syment_name (abfd, sym, buf)
- bfd *abfd;
- const struct internal_syment *sym;
- char *buf;
- /* FIXME: It's not clear this will work correctly if sizeof
- (_n_zeroes) != 4. */
- if (sym->_n._n_n._n_zeroes != 0
- || sym->_n._n_n._n_offset == 0)
- {
- memcpy (buf, sym->_n._n_name, SYMNMLEN);
- buf[SYMNMLEN] = '\0';
- return buf;
- }
- else
- {
- const char *strings;
- BFD_ASSERT (sym->_n._n_n._n_offset >= STRING_SIZE_SIZE);
- strings = obj_coff_strings (abfd);
- if (strings == NULL)
- {
- strings = _bfd_coff_read_string_table (abfd);
- if (strings == NULL)
- return NULL;
- }
- return strings + sym->_n._n_n._n_offset;
- }
-/* Read in and swap the relocs. This returns a buffer holding the
- relocs for section SEC in file ABFD. If CACHE is true and
- INTERNAL_RELOCS is NULL, the relocs read in will be saved in case
- the function is called again. If EXTERNAL_RELOCS is not NULL, it
- is a buffer large enough to hold the unswapped relocs. If
- INTERNAL_RELOCS is not NULL, it is a buffer large enough to hold
- the swapped relocs. If REQUIRE_INTERNAL is true, then the return
- value must be INTERNAL_RELOCS. The function returns NULL on error. */
-struct internal_reloc *
-_bfd_coff_read_internal_relocs (abfd, sec, cache, external_relocs,
- require_internal, internal_relocs)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- boolean cache;
- bfd_byte *external_relocs;
- boolean require_internal;
- struct internal_reloc *internal_relocs;
- bfd_size_type relsz;
- bfd_byte *free_external = NULL;
- struct internal_reloc *free_internal = NULL;
- bfd_byte *erel;
- bfd_byte *erel_end;
- struct internal_reloc *irel;
- if (coff_section_data (abfd, sec) != NULL
- && coff_section_data (abfd, sec)->relocs != NULL)
- {
- if (! require_internal)
- return coff_section_data (abfd, sec)->relocs;
- memcpy (internal_relocs, coff_section_data (abfd, sec)->relocs,
- sec->reloc_count * sizeof (struct internal_reloc));
- return internal_relocs;
- }
- relsz = bfd_coff_relsz (abfd);
- if (external_relocs == NULL)
- {
- free_external = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (sec->reloc_count * relsz);
- if (free_external == NULL && sec->reloc_count > 0)
- goto error_return;
- external_relocs = free_external;
- }
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, sec->rel_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_read (external_relocs, relsz, sec->reloc_count, abfd)
- != relsz * sec->reloc_count))
- goto error_return;
- if (internal_relocs == NULL)
- {
- free_internal = ((struct internal_reloc *)
- bfd_malloc (sec->reloc_count
- * sizeof (struct internal_reloc)));
- if (free_internal == NULL && sec->reloc_count > 0)
- goto error_return;
- internal_relocs = free_internal;
- }
- /* Swap in the relocs. */
- erel = external_relocs;
- erel_end = erel + relsz * sec->reloc_count;
- irel = internal_relocs;
- for (; erel < erel_end; erel += relsz, irel++)
- bfd_coff_swap_reloc_in (abfd, (PTR) erel, (PTR) irel);
- if (free_external != NULL)
- {
- free (free_external);
- free_external = NULL;
- }
- if (cache && free_internal != NULL)
- {
- if (coff_section_data (abfd, sec) == NULL)
- {
- sec->used_by_bfd =
- (PTR) bfd_zalloc (abfd,
- sizeof (struct coff_section_tdata));
- if (sec->used_by_bfd == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- coff_section_data (abfd, sec)->contents = NULL;
- }
- coff_section_data (abfd, sec)->relocs = free_internal;
- }
- return internal_relocs;
- error_return:
- if (free_external != NULL)
- free (free_external);
- if (free_internal != NULL)
- free (free_internal);
- return NULL;
-/* Set lineno_count for the output sections of a COFF file. */
-coff_count_linenumbers (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int limit = bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- unsigned int i;
- int total = 0;
- asymbol **p;
- asection *s;
- if (limit == 0)
- {
- /* This may be from the backend linker, in which case the
- lineno_count in the sections is correct. */
- for (s = abfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- total += s->lineno_count;
- return total;
- }
- for (s = abfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- BFD_ASSERT (s->lineno_count == 0);
- for (p = abfd->outsymbols, i = 0; i < limit; i++, p++)
- {
- asymbol *q_maybe = *p;
- if (bfd_asymbol_flavour (q_maybe) == bfd_target_coff_flavour)
- {
- coff_symbol_type *q = coffsymbol (q_maybe);
- /* The AIX 4.1 compiler can sometimes generate line numbers
- attached to debugging symbols. We try to simply ignore
- those here. */
- if (q->lineno != NULL
- && q->symbol.section->owner != NULL)
- {
- /* This symbol has line numbers. Increment the owning
- section's linenumber count. */
- alent *l = q->lineno;
- ++q->symbol.section->output_section->lineno_count;
- ++total;
- ++l;
- while (l->line_number != 0)
- {
- ++total;
- ++q->symbol.section->output_section->lineno_count;
- ++l;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return total;
-/* Takes a bfd and a symbol, returns a pointer to the coff specific
- area of the symbol if there is one. */
-coff_symbol_type *
-coff_symbol_from (ignore_abfd, symbol)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- if (bfd_asymbol_flavour (symbol) != bfd_target_coff_flavour)
- return (coff_symbol_type *) NULL;
- if (bfd_asymbol_bfd (symbol)->tdata.coff_obj_data == (coff_data_type *) NULL)
- return (coff_symbol_type *) NULL;
- return (coff_symbol_type *) symbol;
-static void
-fixup_symbol_value (coff_symbol_ptr, syment)
- coff_symbol_type *coff_symbol_ptr;
- struct internal_syment *syment;
- /* Normalize the symbol flags */
- if (bfd_is_com_section (coff_symbol_ptr->symbol.section))
- {
- /* a common symbol is undefined with a value */
- syment->n_scnum = N_UNDEF;
- syment->n_value = coff_symbol_ptr->symbol.value;
- }
- else if (coff_symbol_ptr->symbol.flags & BSF_DEBUGGING)
- {
- syment->n_value = coff_symbol_ptr->symbol.value;
- }
- else if (bfd_is_und_section (coff_symbol_ptr->symbol.section))
- {
- syment->n_scnum = N_UNDEF;
- syment->n_value = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (coff_symbol_ptr->symbol.section)
- {
- syment->n_scnum =
- coff_symbol_ptr->symbol.section->output_section->target_index;
- syment->n_value =
- coff_symbol_ptr->symbol.value +
- coff_symbol_ptr->symbol.section->output_offset +
- coff_symbol_ptr->symbol.section->output_section->vma;
- }
- else
- {
- /* This can happen, but I don't know why yet ( */
- syment->n_scnum = N_ABS;
- syment->n_value = coff_symbol_ptr->symbol.value;
- }
- }
-/* Run through all the symbols in the symbol table and work out what
- their indexes into the symbol table will be when output.
- Coff requires that each C_FILE symbol points to the next one in the
- chain, and that the last one points to the first external symbol. We
- do that here too. */
-coff_renumber_symbols (bfd_ptr, first_undef)
- bfd *bfd_ptr;
- int *first_undef;
- unsigned int symbol_count = bfd_get_symcount (bfd_ptr);
- asymbol **symbol_ptr_ptr = bfd_ptr->outsymbols;
- unsigned int native_index = 0;
- struct internal_syment *last_file = (struct internal_syment *) NULL;
- unsigned int symbol_index;
- /* COFF demands that undefined symbols come after all other symbols.
- Since we don't need to impose this extra knowledge on all our
- client programs, deal with that here. Sort the symbol table;
- just move the undefined symbols to the end, leaving the rest
- alone. The O'Reilly book says that defined global symbols come
- at the end before the undefined symbols, so we do that here as
- well. */
- /* @@ Do we have some condition we could test for, so we don't always
- have to do this? I don't think relocatability is quite right, but
- I'm not certain. [raeburn:19920508.1711EST] */
- {
- asymbol **newsyms;
- unsigned int i;
- newsyms = (asymbol **) bfd_alloc_by_size_t (bfd_ptr,
- sizeof (asymbol *)
- * (symbol_count + 1));
- if (!newsyms)
- return false;
- bfd_ptr->outsymbols = newsyms;
- for (i = 0; i < symbol_count; i++)
- if ((symbol_ptr_ptr[i]->flags & BSF_NOT_AT_END) != 0
- || (!bfd_is_und_section (symbol_ptr_ptr[i]->section)
- && !bfd_is_com_section (symbol_ptr_ptr[i]->section)
- && ((symbol_ptr_ptr[i]->flags & (BSF_GLOBAL | BSF_FUNCTION))
- != BSF_GLOBAL)))
- *newsyms++ = symbol_ptr_ptr[i];
- for (i = 0; i < symbol_count; i++)
- if (!bfd_is_und_section (symbol_ptr_ptr[i]->section)
- && (bfd_is_com_section (symbol_ptr_ptr[i]->section)
- || ((symbol_ptr_ptr[i]->flags & (BSF_GLOBAL
- == BSF_GLOBAL)))
- *newsyms++ = symbol_ptr_ptr[i];
- *first_undef = newsyms - bfd_ptr->outsymbols;
- for (i = 0; i < symbol_count; i++)
- if ((symbol_ptr_ptr[i]->flags & BSF_NOT_AT_END) == 0
- && bfd_is_und_section (symbol_ptr_ptr[i]->section))
- *newsyms++ = symbol_ptr_ptr[i];
- *newsyms = (asymbol *) NULL;
- symbol_ptr_ptr = bfd_ptr->outsymbols;
- }
- for (symbol_index = 0; symbol_index < symbol_count; symbol_index++)
- {
- coff_symbol_type *coff_symbol_ptr = coff_symbol_from (bfd_ptr, symbol_ptr_ptr[symbol_index]);
- symbol_ptr_ptr[symbol_index]->udata.i = symbol_index;
- if (coff_symbol_ptr && coff_symbol_ptr->native)
- {
- combined_entry_type *s = coff_symbol_ptr->native;
- int i;
- if (s->u.syment.n_sclass == C_FILE)
- {
- if (last_file != (struct internal_syment *) NULL)
- last_file->n_value = native_index;
- last_file = &(s->u.syment);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Modify the symbol values according to their section and
- type */
- fixup_symbol_value (coff_symbol_ptr, &(s->u.syment));
- }
- for (i = 0; i < s->u.syment.n_numaux + 1; i++)
- s[i].offset = native_index++;
- }
- else
- {
- native_index++;
- }
- }
- obj_conv_table_size (bfd_ptr) = native_index;
- return true;
-/* Run thorough the symbol table again, and fix it so that all
- pointers to entries are changed to the entries' index in the output
- symbol table. */
-coff_mangle_symbols (bfd_ptr)
- bfd *bfd_ptr;
- unsigned int symbol_count = bfd_get_symcount (bfd_ptr);
- asymbol **symbol_ptr_ptr = bfd_ptr->outsymbols;
- unsigned int symbol_index;
- for (symbol_index = 0; symbol_index < symbol_count; symbol_index++)
- {
- coff_symbol_type *coff_symbol_ptr =
- coff_symbol_from (bfd_ptr, symbol_ptr_ptr[symbol_index]);
- if (coff_symbol_ptr && coff_symbol_ptr->native)
- {
- int i;
- combined_entry_type *s = coff_symbol_ptr->native;
- if (s->fix_value)
- {
- /* FIXME: We should use a union here. */
- s->u.syment.n_value =
- ((combined_entry_type *) s->u.syment.n_value)->offset;
- s->fix_value = 0;
- }
- if (s->fix_line)
- {
- /* The value is the offset into the line number entries
- for the symbol's section. On output, the symbol's
- section should be N_DEBUG. */
- s->u.syment.n_value =
- (coff_symbol_ptr->symbol.section->output_section->line_filepos
- + s->u.syment.n_value * bfd_coff_linesz (bfd_ptr));
- coff_symbol_ptr->symbol.section =
- coff_section_from_bfd_index (bfd_ptr, N_DEBUG);
- BFD_ASSERT (coff_symbol_ptr->symbol.flags & BSF_DEBUGGING);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < s->u.syment.n_numaux; i++)
- {
- combined_entry_type *a = s + i + 1;
- if (a->fix_tag)
- {
- a->u.auxent.x_sym.x_tagndx.l =
- a->u.auxent.x_sym.x_tagndx.p->offset;
- a->fix_tag = 0;
- }
- if (a->fix_end)
- {
- a->u.auxent.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx.l =
- a->u.auxent.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx.p->offset;
- a->fix_end = 0;
- }
- if (a->fix_scnlen)
- {
- a->u.auxent.x_csect.x_scnlen.l =
- a->u.auxent.x_csect.x_scnlen.p->offset;
- a->fix_scnlen = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-static void
-coff_fix_symbol_name (abfd, symbol, native, string_size_p,
- debug_string_section_p, debug_string_size_p)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- combined_entry_type *native;
- bfd_size_type *string_size_p;
- asection **debug_string_section_p;
- bfd_size_type *debug_string_size_p;
- unsigned int name_length;
- union internal_auxent *auxent;
- char *name = (char *) (symbol->name);
- if (name == (char *) NULL)
- {
- /* coff symbols always have names, so we'll make one up */
- symbol->name = "strange";
- name = (char *) symbol->name;
- }
- name_length = strlen (name);
- if (native->u.syment.n_sclass == C_FILE
- && native->u.syment.n_numaux > 0)
- {
- strncpy (native->u.syment._n._n_name, ".file", SYMNMLEN);
- auxent = &(native + 1)->u.auxent;
- if (bfd_coff_long_filenames (abfd))
- {
- if (name_length <= FILNMLEN)
- {
- strncpy (auxent->x_file.x_fname, name, FILNMLEN);
- }
- else
- {
- auxent->x_file.x_n.x_offset = *string_size_p + STRING_SIZE_SIZE;
- auxent->x_file.x_n.x_zeroes = 0;
- *string_size_p += name_length + 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- strncpy (auxent->x_file.x_fname, name, FILNMLEN);
- if (name_length > FILNMLEN)
- {
- name[FILNMLEN] = '\0';
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (name_length <= SYMNMLEN)
- {
- /* This name will fit into the symbol neatly */
- strncpy (native->u.syment._n._n_name, symbol->name, SYMNMLEN);
- }
- else if (!bfd_coff_symname_in_debug (abfd, &native->u.syment))
- {
- native->u.syment._n._n_n._n_offset = (*string_size_p
- native->u.syment._n._n_n._n_zeroes = 0;
- *string_size_p += name_length + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- long filepos;
- bfd_byte buf[2];
- /* This name should be written into the .debug section. For
- some reason each name is preceded by a two byte length
- and also followed by a null byte. FIXME: We assume that
- the .debug section has already been created, and that it
- is large enough. */
- if (*debug_string_section_p == (asection *) NULL)
- *debug_string_section_p = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".debug");
- filepos = bfd_tell (abfd);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, name_length + 1, buf);
- if (!bfd_set_section_contents (abfd,
- *debug_string_section_p,
- (PTR) buf,
- (file_ptr) *debug_string_size_p,
- (bfd_size_type) 2)
- || !bfd_set_section_contents (abfd,
- *debug_string_section_p,
- (PTR) symbol->name,
- ((file_ptr) *debug_string_size_p
- + 2),
- (bfd_size_type) name_length + 1))
- abort ();
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- abort ();
- native->u.syment._n._n_n._n_offset = *debug_string_size_p + 2;
- native->u.syment._n._n_n._n_zeroes = 0;
- *debug_string_size_p += name_length + 3;
- }
- }
-/* We need to keep track of the symbol index so that when we write out
- the relocs we can get the index for a symbol. This method is a
- hack. FIXME. */
-#define set_index(symbol, idx) ((symbol)->udata.i = (idx))
-/* Write a symbol out to a COFF file. */
-static boolean
-coff_write_symbol (abfd, symbol, native, written, string_size_p,
- debug_string_section_p, debug_string_size_p)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- combined_entry_type *native;
- unsigned int *written;
- bfd_size_type *string_size_p;
- asection **debug_string_section_p;
- bfd_size_type *debug_string_size_p;
- unsigned int numaux = native->u.syment.n_numaux;
- int type = native->u.syment.n_type;
- int class = native->u.syment.n_sclass;
- PTR buf;
- bfd_size_type symesz;
- if (native->u.syment.n_sclass == C_FILE)
- symbol->flags |= BSF_DEBUGGING;
- if (symbol->flags & BSF_DEBUGGING
- && bfd_is_abs_section (symbol->section))
- {
- native->u.syment.n_scnum = N_DEBUG;
- }
- else if (bfd_is_abs_section (symbol->section))
- {
- native->u.syment.n_scnum = N_ABS;
- }
- else if (bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section))
- {
- native->u.syment.n_scnum = N_UNDEF;
- }
- else
- {
- native->u.syment.n_scnum =
- symbol->section->output_section->target_index;
- }
- coff_fix_symbol_name (abfd, symbol, native, string_size_p,
- debug_string_section_p, debug_string_size_p);
- symesz = bfd_coff_symesz (abfd);
- buf = bfd_alloc (abfd, symesz);
- if (!buf)
- return false;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (abfd, &native->u.syment, buf);
- if (bfd_write (buf, 1, symesz, abfd) != symesz)
- return false;
- bfd_release (abfd, buf);
- if (native->u.syment.n_numaux > 0)
- {
- bfd_size_type auxesz;
- unsigned int j;
- auxesz = bfd_coff_auxesz (abfd);
- buf = bfd_alloc (abfd, auxesz);
- if (!buf)
- return false;
- for (j = 0; j < native->u.syment.n_numaux; j++)
- {
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_out (abfd,
- &((native + j + 1)->u.auxent),
- type,
- class,
- j,
- native->u.syment.n_numaux,
- buf);
- if (bfd_write (buf, 1, auxesz, abfd) != auxesz)
- return false;
- }
- bfd_release (abfd, buf);
- }
- /* Store the index for use when we write out the relocs. */
- set_index (symbol, *written);
- *written += numaux + 1;
- return true;
-/* Write out a symbol to a COFF file that does not come from a COFF
- file originally. This symbol may have been created by the linker,
- or we may be linking a non COFF file to a COFF file. */
-static boolean
-coff_write_alien_symbol (abfd, symbol, written, string_size_p,
- debug_string_section_p, debug_string_size_p)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- unsigned int *written;
- bfd_size_type *string_size_p;
- asection **debug_string_section_p;
- bfd_size_type *debug_string_size_p;
- combined_entry_type *native;
- combined_entry_type dummy;
- native = &dummy;
- native->u.syment.n_type = T_NULL;
- native->u.syment.n_flags = 0;
- if (bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section))
- {
- native->u.syment.n_scnum = N_UNDEF;
- native->u.syment.n_value = symbol->value;
- }
- else if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- {
- native->u.syment.n_scnum = N_UNDEF;
- native->u.syment.n_value = symbol->value;
- }
- else if (symbol->flags & BSF_DEBUGGING)
- {
- /* There isn't much point to writing out a debugging symbol
- unless we are prepared to convert it into COFF debugging
- format. So, we just ignore them. We must clobber the symbol
- name to keep it from being put in the string table. */
- symbol->name = "";
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- native->u.syment.n_scnum =
- symbol->section->output_section->target_index;
- native->u.syment.n_value = (symbol->value
- + symbol->section->output_section->vma
- + symbol->section->output_offset);
- /* Copy the any flags from the the file header into the symbol.
- FIXME: Why? */
- {
- coff_symbol_type *c = coff_symbol_from (abfd, symbol);
- if (c != (coff_symbol_type *) NULL)
- native->u.syment.n_flags = bfd_asymbol_bfd (&c->symbol)->flags;
- }
- }
- native->u.syment.n_type = 0;
- if (symbol->flags & BSF_LOCAL)
- native->u.syment.n_sclass = C_STAT;
- else
- native->u.syment.n_sclass = C_EXT;
- native->u.syment.n_numaux = 0;
- return coff_write_symbol (abfd, symbol, native, written, string_size_p,
- debug_string_section_p, debug_string_size_p);
-/* Write a native symbol to a COFF file. */
-static boolean
-coff_write_native_symbol (abfd, symbol, written, string_size_p,
- debug_string_section_p, debug_string_size_p)
- bfd *abfd;
- coff_symbol_type *symbol;
- unsigned int *written;
- bfd_size_type *string_size_p;
- asection **debug_string_section_p;
- bfd_size_type *debug_string_size_p;
- combined_entry_type *native = symbol->native;
- alent *lineno = symbol->lineno;
- /* If this symbol has an associated line number, we must store the
- symbol index in the line number field. We also tag the auxent to
- point to the right place in the lineno table. */
- if (lineno && !symbol->done_lineno && symbol->symbol.section->owner != NULL)
- {
- unsigned int count = 0;
- lineno[count].u.offset = *written;
- if (native->u.syment.n_numaux)
- {
- union internal_auxent *a = &((native + 1)->u.auxent);
- a->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr =
- symbol->symbol.section->output_section->moving_line_filepos;
- }
- /* Count and relocate all other linenumbers. */
- count++;
- while (lineno[count].line_number != 0)
- {
-#if 0
- /* 13 april 92. sac
- I've been told this, but still need proof:
- > The second bug is also in `bfd/coffcode.h'. This bug
- > causes the linker to screw up the pc-relocations for
- > all the line numbers in COFF code. This bug isn't only
- > specific to A29K implementations, but affects all
- > systems using COFF format binaries. Note that in COFF
- > object files, the line number core offsets output by
- > the assembler are relative to the start of each
- > procedure, not to the start of the .text section. This
- > patch relocates the line numbers relative to the
- > `native->u.syment.n_value' instead of the section
- > virtual address.
- > modular! (Jon Olson)
- */
- lineno[count].u.offset += native->u.syment.n_value;
- lineno[count].u.offset +=
- (symbol->symbol.section->output_section->vma
- + symbol->symbol.section->output_offset);
- count++;
- }
- symbol->done_lineno = true;
- symbol->symbol.section->output_section->moving_line_filepos +=
- count * bfd_coff_linesz (abfd);
- }
- return coff_write_symbol (abfd, &(symbol->symbol), native, written,
- string_size_p, debug_string_section_p,
- debug_string_size_p);
-/* Write out the COFF symbols. */
-coff_write_symbols (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_size_type string_size;
- asection *debug_string_section;
- bfd_size_type debug_string_size;
- unsigned int i;
- unsigned int limit = bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- unsigned int written = 0;
- asymbol **p;
- string_size = 0;
- debug_string_section = NULL;
- debug_string_size = 0;
- /* Seek to the right place */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, obj_sym_filepos (abfd), SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- /* Output all the symbols we have */
- written = 0;
- for (p = abfd->outsymbols, i = 0; i < limit; i++, p++)
- {
- asymbol *symbol = *p;
- coff_symbol_type *c_symbol = coff_symbol_from (abfd, symbol);
- if (c_symbol == (coff_symbol_type *) NULL
- || c_symbol->native == (combined_entry_type *) NULL)
- {
- if (!coff_write_alien_symbol (abfd, symbol, &written, &string_size,
- &debug_string_section,
- &debug_string_size))
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!coff_write_native_symbol (abfd, c_symbol, &written,
- &string_size, &debug_string_section,
- &debug_string_size))
- return false;
- }
- }
- obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) = written;
- /* Now write out strings */
- if (string_size != 0)
- {
- unsigned int size = string_size + STRING_SIZE_SIZE;
- bfd_byte buffer[STRING_SIZE_SIZE];
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, size, buffer);
- #error Change bfd_h_put_32
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) buffer, 1, sizeof (buffer), abfd) != sizeof (buffer))
- return false;
- for (p = abfd->outsymbols, i = 0;
- i < limit;
- i++, p++)
- {
- asymbol *q = *p;
- size_t name_length = strlen (q->name);
- coff_symbol_type *c_symbol = coff_symbol_from (abfd, q);
- size_t maxlen;
- /* Figure out whether the symbol name should go in the string
- table. Symbol names that are short enough are stored
- directly in the syment structure. File names permit a
- different, longer, length in the syment structure. On
- XCOFF, some symbol names are stored in the .debug section
- rather than in the string table. */
- if (c_symbol == NULL
- || c_symbol->native == NULL)
- {
- /* This is not a COFF symbol, so it certainly is not a
- file name, nor does it go in the .debug section. */
- maxlen = SYMNMLEN;
- }
- else if (bfd_coff_symname_in_debug (abfd,
- &c_symbol->native->u.syment))
- {
- /* This symbol name is in the XCOFF .debug section.
- Don't write it into the string table. */
- maxlen = name_length;
- }
- else if (c_symbol->native->u.syment.n_sclass == C_FILE
- && c_symbol->native->u.syment.n_numaux > 0)
- maxlen = FILNMLEN;
- else
- maxlen = SYMNMLEN;
- if (name_length > maxlen)
- {
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) (q->name), 1, name_length + 1, abfd)
- != name_length + 1)
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* We would normally not write anything here, but we'll write
- out 4 so that any stupid coff reader which tries to read the
- string table even when there isn't one won't croak. */
- unsigned int size = STRING_SIZE_SIZE;
- bfd_byte buffer[STRING_SIZE_SIZE];
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, size, buffer);
- #error Change bfd_h_put_32
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) buffer, 1, STRING_SIZE_SIZE, abfd)
- return false;
- }
- /* Make sure the .debug section was created to be the correct size.
- We should create it ourselves on the fly, but we don't because
- BFD won't let us write to any section until we know how large all
- the sections are. We could still do it by making another pass
- over the symbols. FIXME. */
- BFD_ASSERT (debug_string_size == 0
- || (debug_string_section != (asection *) NULL
- && (BFD_ALIGN (debug_string_size,
- 1 << debug_string_section->alignment_power)
- == bfd_section_size (abfd, debug_string_section))));
- return true;
-coff_write_linenumbers (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *s;
- bfd_size_type linesz;
- PTR buff;
- linesz = bfd_coff_linesz (abfd);
- buff = bfd_alloc (abfd, linesz);
- if (!buff)
- return false;
- for (s = abfd->sections; s != (asection *) NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- if (s->lineno_count)
- {
- asymbol **q = abfd->outsymbols;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, s->line_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- /* Find all the linenumbers in this section */
- while (*q)
- {
- asymbol *p = *q;
- if (p->section->output_section == s)
- {
- alent *l =
- BFD_SEND (bfd_asymbol_bfd (p), _get_lineno,
- (bfd_asymbol_bfd (p), p));
- if (l)
- {
- /* Found a linenumber entry, output */
- struct internal_lineno out;
- memset ((PTR) & out, 0, sizeof (out));
- out.l_lnno = 0;
- out.l_addr.l_symndx = l->u.offset;
- bfd_coff_swap_lineno_out (abfd, &out, buff);
- if (bfd_write (buff, 1, linesz, abfd) != linesz)
- return false;
- l++;
- while (l->line_number)
- {
- out.l_lnno = l->line_number;
- out.l_addr.l_symndx = l->u.offset;
- bfd_coff_swap_lineno_out (abfd, &out, buff);
- if (bfd_write (buff, 1, linesz, abfd) != linesz)
- return false;
- l++;
- }
- }
- }
- q++;
- }
- }
- }
- bfd_release (abfd, buff);
- return true;
-alent *
-coff_get_lineno (ignore_abfd, symbol)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- return coffsymbol (symbol)->lineno;
-#if 0
-/* This is only called from coff_add_missing_symbols, which has been
- disabled. */
-asymbol *
-coff_section_symbol (abfd, name)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *name;
- asection *sec = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, name);
- asymbol *sym;
- combined_entry_type *csym;
- sym = sec->symbol;
- csym = coff_symbol_from (abfd, sym)->native;
- /* Make sure back-end COFF stuff is there. */
- if (csym == 0)
- {
- struct foo
- {
- coff_symbol_type sym;
- /* @@FIXME This shouldn't use a fixed size!! */
- combined_entry_type e[10];
- };
- struct foo *f;
- f = (struct foo *) bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (*f));
- if (!f)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_error);
- return NULL;
- }
- memset ((char *) f, 0, sizeof (*f));
- coff_symbol_from (abfd, sym)->native = csym = f->e;
- }
- csym[0].u.syment.n_sclass = C_STAT;
- csym[0].u.syment.n_numaux = 1;
-/* SF_SET_STATICS (sym); @@ ??? */
- csym[1].u.auxent.x_scn.x_scnlen = sec->_raw_size;
- csym[1].u.auxent.x_scn.x_nreloc = sec->reloc_count;
- csym[1].u.auxent.x_scn.x_nlinno = sec->lineno_count;
- if (sec->output_section == NULL)
- {
- sec->output_section = sec;
- sec->output_offset = 0;
- }
- return sym;
-#endif /* 0 */
-/* This function transforms the offsets into the symbol table into
- pointers to syments. */
-static void
-coff_pointerize_aux (abfd, table_base, symbol, indaux, auxent)
- bfd *abfd;
- combined_entry_type *table_base;
- combined_entry_type *symbol;
- unsigned int indaux;
- combined_entry_type *auxent;
- int type = symbol->u.syment.n_type;
- int class = symbol->u.syment.n_sclass;
- if (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_pointerize_aux_hook)
- {
- if ((*coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_pointerize_aux_hook)
- (abfd, table_base, symbol, indaux, auxent))
- return;
- }
- /* Don't bother if this is a file or a section */
- if (class == C_STAT && type == T_NULL)
- return;
- if (class == C_FILE)
- return;
- /* Otherwise patch up */
-#define N_TMASK coff_data (abfd)->local_n_tmask
-#define N_BTSHFT coff_data (abfd)->local_n_btshft
- if ((ISFCN (type) || ISTAG (class) || class == C_BLOCK)
- && auxent->u.auxent.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx.l > 0)
- {
- auxent->u.auxent.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx.p =
- table_base + auxent->u.auxent.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx.l;
- auxent->fix_end = 1;
- }
- /* A negative tagndx is meaningless, but the SCO 3.2v4 cc can
- generate one, so we must be careful to ignore it. */
- if (auxent->u.auxent.x_sym.x_tagndx.l > 0)
- {
- auxent->u.auxent.x_sym.x_tagndx.p =
- table_base + auxent->u.auxent.x_sym.x_tagndx.l;
- auxent->fix_tag = 1;
- }
-/* Allocate space for the ".debug" section, and read it.
- We did not read the debug section until now, because
- we didn't want to go to the trouble until someone needed it. */
-static char *
-build_debug_section (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *debug_section;
- long position;
- asection *sect = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".debug");
- if (!sect)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_debug_section);
- return NULL;
- }
- debug_section = (PTR) bfd_alloc (abfd,
- bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc (sect));
- if (debug_section == NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* Seek to the beginning of the `.debug' section and read it.
- Save the current position first; it is needed by our caller.
- Then read debug section and reset the file pointer. */
- position = bfd_tell (abfd);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, sect->filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_read (debug_section,
- bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc (sect), 1, abfd)
- != bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc (sect))
- || bfd_seek (abfd, position, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return NULL;
- return debug_section;
-/* Return a pointer to a malloc'd copy of 'name'. 'name' may not be
- \0-terminated, but will not exceed 'maxlen' characters. The copy *will*
- be \0-terminated. */
-static char *
-copy_name (abfd, name, maxlen)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *name;
- int maxlen;
- int len;
- char *newname;
- for (len = 0; len < maxlen; ++len)
- {
- if (name[len] == '\0')
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if ((newname = (PTR) bfd_alloc (abfd, len + 1)) == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- strncpy (newname, name, len);
- newname[len] = '\0';
- return newname;
-/* Read in the external symbols. */
-_bfd_coff_get_external_symbols (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_size_type symesz;
- size_t size;
- PTR syms;
- if (obj_coff_external_syms (abfd) != NULL)
- return true;
- symesz = bfd_coff_symesz (abfd);
- size = obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) * symesz;
- syms = (PTR) bfd_malloc (size);
- if (syms == NULL && size != 0)
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, obj_sym_filepos (abfd), SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read (syms, size, 1, abfd) != size)
- {
- if (syms != NULL)
- free (syms);
- return false;
- }
- obj_coff_external_syms (abfd) = syms;
- return true;
-/* Read in the external strings. The strings are not loaded until
- they are needed. This is because we have no simple way of
- detecting a missing string table in an archive. */
-const char *
-_bfd_coff_read_string_table (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- char extstrsize[STRING_SIZE_SIZE];
- size_t strsize;
- char *strings;
- if (obj_coff_strings (abfd) != NULL)
- return obj_coff_strings (abfd);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd,
- (obj_sym_filepos (abfd)
- + obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) * bfd_coff_symesz (abfd)),
- SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return NULL;
- if (bfd_read (extstrsize, sizeof extstrsize, 1, abfd) != sizeof extstrsize)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_file_truncated)
- return NULL;
- /* There is no string table. */
- strsize = STRING_SIZE_SIZE;
- }
- else
- {
- strsize = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) extstrsize);
- #error Change bfd_h_get_32
- }
- if (strsize < STRING_SIZE_SIZE)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: bad string table size %lu", bfd_get_filename (abfd),
- (unsigned long) strsize);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return NULL;
- }
- strings = (char *) bfd_malloc (strsize);
- if (strings == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (bfd_read (strings + STRING_SIZE_SIZE,
- strsize - STRING_SIZE_SIZE, 1, abfd)
- != strsize - STRING_SIZE_SIZE)
- {
- free (strings);
- return NULL;
- }
- obj_coff_strings (abfd) = strings;
- return strings;
-/* Free up the external symbols and strings read from a COFF file. */
-_bfd_coff_free_symbols (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (obj_coff_external_syms (abfd) != NULL
- && ! obj_coff_keep_syms (abfd))
- {
- free (obj_coff_external_syms (abfd));
- obj_coff_external_syms (abfd) = NULL;
- }
- if (obj_coff_strings (abfd) != NULL
- && ! obj_coff_keep_strings (abfd))
- {
- free (obj_coff_strings (abfd));
- obj_coff_strings (abfd) = NULL;
- }
- return true;
-/* Read a symbol table into freshly bfd_allocated memory, swap it, and
- knit the symbol names into a normalized form. By normalized here I
- mean that all symbols have an n_offset pointer that points to a null-
- terminated string. */
-combined_entry_type *
-coff_get_normalized_symtab (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- combined_entry_type *internal;
- combined_entry_type *internal_ptr;
- combined_entry_type *symbol_ptr;
- combined_entry_type *internal_end;
- bfd_size_type symesz;
- char *raw_src;
- char *raw_end;
- const char *string_table = NULL;
- char *debug_section = NULL;
- unsigned long size;
- if (obj_raw_syments (abfd) != NULL)
- return obj_raw_syments (abfd);
- size = obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) * sizeof (combined_entry_type);
- internal = (combined_entry_type *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, size);
- if (internal == NULL && size != 0)
- return NULL;
- internal_end = internal + obj_raw_syment_count (abfd);
- if (! _bfd_coff_get_external_symbols (abfd))
- return NULL;
- raw_src = (char *) obj_coff_external_syms (abfd);
- /* mark the end of the symbols */
- symesz = bfd_coff_symesz (abfd);
- raw_end = (char *) raw_src + obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) * symesz;
- /* FIXME SOMEDAY. A string table size of zero is very weird, but
- probably possible. If one shows up, it will probably kill us. */
- /* Swap all the raw entries */
- for (internal_ptr = internal;
- raw_src < raw_end;
- raw_src += symesz, internal_ptr++)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (abfd, (PTR) raw_src,
- (PTR) & internal_ptr->u.syment);
- symbol_ptr = internal_ptr;
- for (i = 0;
- i < symbol_ptr->u.syment.n_numaux;
- i++)
- {
- internal_ptr++;
- raw_src += symesz;
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_in (abfd, (PTR) raw_src,
- symbol_ptr->u.syment.n_type,
- symbol_ptr->u.syment.n_sclass,
- i, symbol_ptr->u.syment.n_numaux,
- &(internal_ptr->u.auxent));
- coff_pointerize_aux (abfd, internal, symbol_ptr, i,
- internal_ptr);
- }
- }
- /* Free the raw symbols, but not the strings (if we have them). */
- obj_coff_keep_strings (abfd) = true;
- if (! _bfd_coff_free_symbols (abfd))
- return NULL;
- for (internal_ptr = internal; internal_ptr < internal_end;
- internal_ptr++)
- {
- if (internal_ptr->u.syment.n_sclass == C_FILE
- && internal_ptr->u.syment.n_numaux > 0)
- {
- /* make a file symbol point to the name in the auxent, since
- the text ".file" is redundant */
- if ((internal_ptr + 1)->u.auxent.x_file.x_n.x_zeroes == 0)
- {
- /* the filename is a long one, point into the string table */
- if (string_table == NULL)
- {
- string_table = _bfd_coff_read_string_table (abfd);
- if (string_table == NULL)
- return NULL;
- }
- internal_ptr->u.syment._n._n_n._n_offset =
- ((long)
- (string_table
- + (internal_ptr + 1)->u.auxent.x_file.x_n.x_offset));
- }
- else
- {
- /* ordinary short filename, put into memory anyway */
- internal_ptr->u.syment._n._n_n._n_offset = (long)
- copy_name (abfd, (internal_ptr + 1)->u.auxent.x_file.x_fname,
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (internal_ptr->u.syment._n._n_n._n_zeroes != 0)
- {
- /* This is a "short" name. Make it long. */
- unsigned long i = 0;
- char *newstring = NULL;
- /* find the length of this string without walking into memory
- that isn't ours. */
- for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
- {
- if (internal_ptr->u.syment._n._n_name[i] == '\0')
- {
- break;
- } /* if end of string */
- } /* possible lengths of this string. */
- if ((newstring = (PTR) bfd_alloc (abfd, ++i)) == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- memset (newstring, 0, i);
- strncpy (newstring, internal_ptr->u.syment._n._n_name, i - 1);
- internal_ptr->u.syment._n._n_n._n_offset = (long int) newstring;
- internal_ptr->u.syment._n._n_n._n_zeroes = 0;
- }
- else if (internal_ptr->u.syment._n._n_n._n_offset == 0)
- internal_ptr->u.syment._n._n_n._n_offset = (long int) "";
- else if (!bfd_coff_symname_in_debug (abfd, &internal_ptr->u.syment))
- {
- /* Long name already. Point symbol at the string in the
- table. */
- if (string_table == NULL)
- {
- string_table = _bfd_coff_read_string_table (abfd);
- if (string_table == NULL)
- return NULL;
- }
- internal_ptr->u.syment._n._n_n._n_offset =
- ((long int)
- (string_table
- + internal_ptr->u.syment._n._n_n._n_offset));
- }
- else
- {
- /* Long name in debug section. Very similar. */
- if (debug_section == NULL)
- debug_section = build_debug_section (abfd);
- internal_ptr->u.syment._n._n_n._n_offset = (long int)
- (debug_section + internal_ptr->u.syment._n._n_n._n_offset);
- }
- }
- internal_ptr += internal_ptr->u.syment.n_numaux;
- }
- obj_raw_syments (abfd) = internal;
- BFD_ASSERT (obj_raw_syment_count (abfd)
- == (unsigned int) (internal_ptr - internal));
- return (internal);
-} /* coff_get_normalized_symtab() */
-coff_get_reloc_upper_bound (abfd, asect)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr asect;
- if (bfd_get_format (abfd) != bfd_object)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return -1;
- }
- return (asect->reloc_count + 1) * sizeof (arelent *);
-asymbol *
-coff_make_empty_symbol (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- coff_symbol_type *new = (coff_symbol_type *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (coff_symbol_type));
- if (new == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- memset (new, 0, sizeof *new);
- new->symbol.section = 0;
- new->native = 0;
- new->lineno = (alent *) NULL;
- new->done_lineno = false;
- new->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- return &new->symbol;
-/* Make a debugging symbol. */
-asymbol *
-coff_bfd_make_debug_symbol (abfd, ptr, sz)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ptr;
- unsigned long sz;
- coff_symbol_type *new = (coff_symbol_type *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (coff_symbol_type));
- if (new == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- /* @@ This shouldn't be using a constant multiplier. */
- new->native = (combined_entry_type *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (combined_entry_type) * 10);
- if (!new->native)
- return (NULL);
- new->symbol.section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- new->symbol.flags = BSF_DEBUGGING;
- new->lineno = (alent *) NULL;
- new->done_lineno = false;
- new->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- return &new->symbol;
-coff_get_symbol_info (abfd, symbol, ret)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- symbol_info *ret;
- bfd_symbol_info (symbol, ret);
- if (coffsymbol (symbol)->native != NULL
- && coffsymbol (symbol)->native->fix_value)
- {
- combined_entry_type *psym;
- psym = ((combined_entry_type *)
- coffsymbol (symbol)->native->u.syment.n_value);
- ret->value = (bfd_vma) (psym - obj_raw_syments (abfd));
- }
-/* Print out information about COFF symbol. */
-coff_print_symbol (abfd, filep, symbol, how)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR filep;
- asymbol *symbol;
- bfd_print_symbol_type how;
- FILE *file = (FILE *) filep;
- switch (how)
- {
- case bfd_print_symbol_name:
- fprintf (file, "%s", symbol->name);
- break;
- case bfd_print_symbol_more:
- fprintf (file, "coff %s %s",
- coffsymbol (symbol)->native ? "n" : "g",
- coffsymbol (symbol)->lineno ? "l" : " ");
- break;
- case bfd_print_symbol_all:
- if (coffsymbol (symbol)->native)
- {
- unsigned long val;
- unsigned int aux;
- combined_entry_type *combined = coffsymbol (symbol)->native;
- combined_entry_type *root = obj_raw_syments (abfd);
- struct lineno_cache_entry *l = coffsymbol (symbol)->lineno;
- fprintf (file, "[%3ld]", (long) (combined - root));
- if (! combined->fix_value)
- val = (unsigned long) combined->u.syment.n_value;
- else
- val = ((unsigned long)
- ((combined_entry_type *) combined->u.syment.n_value
- - root));
- fprintf (file,
- "(sec %2d)(fl 0x%02x)(ty %3x)(scl %3d) (nx %d) 0x%08lx %s",
- combined->u.syment.n_scnum,
- combined->u.syment.n_flags,
- combined->u.syment.n_type,
- combined->u.syment.n_sclass,
- combined->u.syment.n_numaux,
- val,
- symbol->name);
- for (aux = 0; aux < combined->u.syment.n_numaux; aux++)
- {
- combined_entry_type *auxp = combined + aux + 1;
- long tagndx;
- if (auxp->fix_tag)
- tagndx = auxp->u.auxent.x_sym.x_tagndx.p - root;
- else
- tagndx = auxp->u.auxent.x_sym.x_tagndx.l;
- fprintf (file, "\n");
- if (bfd_coff_print_aux (abfd, file, root, combined, auxp, aux))
- continue;
- switch (combined->u.syment.n_sclass)
- {
- case C_FILE:
- fprintf (file, "File ");
- break;
- case C_STAT:
- if (combined->u.syment.n_type == T_NULL)
- /* probably a section symbol? */
- {
- fprintf (file, "AUX scnlen 0x%lx nreloc %d nlnno %d",
- (long) auxp->u.auxent.x_scn.x_scnlen,
- auxp->u.auxent.x_scn.x_nreloc,
- auxp->u.auxent.x_scn.x_nlinno);
- break;
- }
- /* else fall through */
- default:
- fprintf (file, "AUX lnno %d size 0x%x tagndx %ld",
- auxp->u.auxent.x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno,
- auxp->u.auxent.x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size,
- tagndx);
- if (auxp->fix_end)
- fprintf (file, " endndx %ld",
- ((long)
- (auxp->u.auxent.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx.p
- - root)));
- break;
- }
- }
- if (l)
- {
- fprintf (file, "\n%s :", l->u.sym->name);
- l++;
- while (l->line_number)
- {
- fprintf (file, "\n%4d : 0x%lx",
- l->line_number,
- ((unsigned long)
- (l->u.offset + symbol->section->vma)));
- l++;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_print_symbol_vandf ((PTR) file, symbol);
- fprintf (file, " %-5s %s %s %s",
- symbol->section->name,
- coffsymbol (symbol)->native ? "n" : "g",
- coffsymbol (symbol)->lineno ? "l" : " ",
- symbol->name);
- }
- }
-/* Provided a BFD, a section and an offset into the section, calculate
- and return the name of the source file and the line nearest to the
- wanted location. */
-coff_find_nearest_line (abfd, section, symbols, offset, filename_ptr,
- functionname_ptr, line_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- asymbol **symbols;
- bfd_vma offset;
- CONST char **filename_ptr;
- CONST char **functionname_ptr;
- unsigned int *line_ptr;
- boolean found;
- unsigned int i;
- unsigned int line_base;
- coff_data_type *cof = coff_data (abfd);
- /* Run through the raw syments if available */
- combined_entry_type *p;
- combined_entry_type *pend;
- alent *l;
- struct coff_section_tdata *sec_data;
- /* Before looking through the symbol table, try to use a .stab
- section to find the information. */
- if (! _bfd_stab_section_find_nearest_line (abfd, symbols, section, offset,
- &found, filename_ptr,
- functionname_ptr, line_ptr,
- &coff_data (abfd)->line_info))
- return false;
- if (found)
- return true;
- *filename_ptr = 0;
- *functionname_ptr = 0;
- *line_ptr = 0;
- /* Don't try and find line numbers in a non coff file */
- if (abfd->xvec->flavour != bfd_target_coff_flavour)
- return false;
- if (cof == NULL)
- return false;
- /* Find the first C_FILE symbol. */
- p = cof->raw_syments;
- pend = p + cof->raw_syment_count;
- while (p < pend)
- {
- if (p->u.syment.n_sclass == C_FILE)
- break;
- p += 1 + p->u.syment.n_numaux;
- }
- if (p < pend)
- {
- bfd_vma maxdiff;
- /* Look through the C_FILE symbols to find the best one. */
- *filename_ptr = (char *) p->u.syment._n._n_n._n_offset;
- maxdiff = (bfd_vma) 0 - (bfd_vma) 1;
- while (1)
- {
- combined_entry_type *p2;
- for (p2 = p + 1 + p->u.syment.n_numaux;
- p2 < pend;
- p2 += 1 + p2->u.syment.n_numaux)
- {
- if (p2->u.syment.n_scnum > 0
- && (section
- == coff_section_from_bfd_index (abfd,
- p2->u.syment.n_scnum)))
- break;
- if (p2->u.syment.n_sclass == C_FILE)
- {
- p2 = pend;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (p2 < pend
- && offset >= (bfd_vma) p2->u.syment.n_value
- && offset - (bfd_vma) p2->u.syment.n_value < maxdiff)
- {
- *filename_ptr = (char *) p->u.syment._n._n_n._n_offset;
- maxdiff = offset - p2->u.syment.n_value;
- }
- /* Avoid endless loops on erroneous files by ensuring that
- we always move forward in the file. */
- if (p - cof->raw_syments >= p->u.syment.n_value)
- break;
- p = cof->raw_syments + p->u.syment.n_value;
- if (p > pend || p->u.syment.n_sclass != C_FILE)
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Now wander though the raw linenumbers of the section */
- /* If we have been called on this section before, and the offset we
- want is further down then we can prime the lookup loop. */
- sec_data = coff_section_data (abfd, section);
- if (sec_data != NULL
- && sec_data->i > 0
- && offset >= sec_data->offset)
- {
- i = sec_data->i;
- *functionname_ptr = sec_data->function;
- line_base = sec_data->line_base;
- }
- else
- {
- i = 0;
- line_base = 0;
- }
- if (section->lineno != NULL)
- {
- l = &section->lineno[i];
- for (; i < section->lineno_count; i++)
- {
- if (l->line_number == 0)
- {
- /* Get the symbol this line number points at */
- coff_symbol_type *coff = (coff_symbol_type *) (l->u.sym);
- if (coff->symbol.value > offset)
- break;
- *functionname_ptr = coff->;
- if (coff->native)
- {
- combined_entry_type *s = coff->native;
- s = s + 1 + s->u.syment.n_numaux;
- /* In XCOFF a debugging symbol can follow the
- function symbol. */
- if (s->u.syment.n_scnum == N_DEBUG)
- s = s + 1 + s->u.syment.n_numaux;
- /* S should now point to the .bf of the function. */
- if (s->u.syment.n_numaux)
- {
- /* The linenumber is stored in the auxent. */
- union internal_auxent *a = &((s + 1)->u.auxent);
- line_base = a->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno;
- *line_ptr = line_base;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (l->u.offset + bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, section) > offset)
- break;
- *line_ptr = l->line_number + line_base - 1;
- }
- l++;
- }
- }
- /* Cache the results for the next call. */
- if (sec_data == NULL && section->owner == abfd)
- {
- section->used_by_bfd =
- ((PTR) bfd_zalloc (abfd,
- sizeof (struct coff_section_tdata)));
- sec_data = (struct coff_section_tdata *) section->used_by_bfd;
- }
- if (sec_data != NULL)
- {
- sec_data->offset = offset;
- sec_data->i = i;
- sec_data->function = *functionname_ptr;
- sec_data->line_base = line_base;
- }
- return true;
-coff_sizeof_headers (abfd, reloc)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean reloc;
- size_t size;
- if (reloc == false)
- {
- size = bfd_coff_filhsz (abfd) + bfd_coff_aoutsz (abfd);
- }
- else
- {
- size = bfd_coff_filhsz (abfd);
- }
- size += abfd->section_count * bfd_coff_scnhsz (abfd);
- return size;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cofflink.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cofflink.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c4a42a091478..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cofflink.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2327 +0,0 @@
-/* COFF specific linker code.
- Copyright 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file contains the COFF backend linker code. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-static boolean coff_link_add_object_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean coff_link_check_archive_element
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *));
-static boolean coff_link_check_ar_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *));
-static boolean coff_link_add_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-/* Create an entry in a COFF linker hash table. */
-struct bfd_hash_entry *
-_bfd_coff_link_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *ret = (struct coff_link_hash_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == (struct coff_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ret = ((struct coff_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table, sizeof (struct coff_link_hash_entry)));
- if (ret == (struct coff_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct coff_link_hash_entry *)
- _bfd_link_hash_newfunc ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret,
- table, string));
- if (ret != (struct coff_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- {
- /* Set local fields. */
- ret->indx = -1;
- ret->type = T_NULL;
- ret->class = C_NULL;
- ret->numaux = 0;
- ret->auxbfd = NULL;
- ret->aux = NULL;
- }
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Initialize a COFF linker hash table. */
-_bfd_coff_link_hash_table_init (table, abfd, newfunc)
- struct coff_link_hash_table *table;
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*newfunc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *));
- return _bfd_link_hash_table_init (&table->root, abfd, newfunc);
-/* Create a COFF linker hash table. */
-struct bfd_link_hash_table *
-_bfd_coff_link_hash_table_create (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct coff_link_hash_table *ret;
- ret = ((struct coff_link_hash_table *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct coff_link_hash_table)));
- if (ret == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (! _bfd_coff_link_hash_table_init (ret, abfd,
- _bfd_coff_link_hash_newfunc))
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, ret);
- return (struct bfd_link_hash_table *) NULL;
- }
- return &ret->root;
-/* Create an entry in a COFF debug merge hash table. */
-struct bfd_hash_entry *
-_bfd_coff_debug_merge_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct coff_debug_merge_hash_entry *ret =
- (struct coff_debug_merge_hash_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == (struct coff_debug_merge_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ret = ((struct coff_debug_merge_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table,
- sizeof (struct coff_debug_merge_hash_entry)));
- if (ret == (struct coff_debug_merge_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct coff_debug_merge_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_newfunc ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret, table, string));
- if (ret != (struct coff_debug_merge_hash_entry *) NULL)
- {
- /* Set local fields. */
- ret->types = NULL;
- }
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Given a COFF BFD, add symbols to the global hash table as
- appropriate. */
-_bfd_coff_link_add_symbols (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- switch (bfd_get_format (abfd))
- {
- case bfd_object:
- return coff_link_add_object_symbols (abfd, info);
- case bfd_archive:
- return (_bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols
- (abfd, info, coff_link_check_archive_element));
- default:
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return false;
- }
-/* Add symbols from a COFF object file. */
-static boolean
-coff_link_add_object_symbols (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- if (! _bfd_coff_get_external_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- if (! coff_link_add_symbols (abfd, info))
- return false;
- if (! info->keep_memory)
- {
- if (! _bfd_coff_free_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Check a single archive element to see if we need to include it in
- the link. *PNEEDED is set according to whether this element is
- needed in the link or not. This is called via
- _bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols. */
-static boolean
-coff_link_check_archive_element (abfd, info, pneeded)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean *pneeded;
- if (! _bfd_coff_get_external_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- if (! coff_link_check_ar_symbols (abfd, info, pneeded))
- return false;
- if (*pneeded)
- {
- if (! coff_link_add_symbols (abfd, info))
- return false;
- }
- if (! info->keep_memory || ! *pneeded)
- {
- if (! _bfd_coff_free_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Look through the symbols to see if this object file should be
- included in the link. */
-static boolean
-coff_link_check_ar_symbols (abfd, info, pneeded)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean *pneeded;
- boolean (*sym_is_global) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct internal_syment *));
- bfd_size_type symesz;
- bfd_byte *esym;
- bfd_byte *esym_end;
- *pneeded = false;
- sym_is_global = coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_sym_is_global;
- symesz = bfd_coff_symesz (abfd);
- esym = (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (abfd);
- esym_end = esym + obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) * symesz;
- while (esym < esym_end)
- {
- struct internal_syment sym;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (abfd, (PTR) esym, (PTR) &sym);
- if ((sym.n_sclass == C_EXT
- || (sym_is_global && (*sym_is_global) (abfd, &sym)))
- && (sym.n_scnum != 0 || sym.n_value != 0))
- {
- const char *name;
- char buf[SYMNMLEN + 1];
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- /* This symbol is externally visible, and is defined by this
- object file. */
- name = _bfd_coff_internal_syment_name (abfd, &sym, buf);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- h = bfd_link_hash_lookup (info->hash, name, false, false, true);
- /* We are only interested in symbols that are currently
- undefined. If a symbol is currently known to be common,
- COFF linkers do not bring in an object file which defines
- it. */
- if (h != (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && h->type == bfd_link_hash_undefined)
- {
- if (! (*info->callbacks->add_archive_element) (info, abfd, name))
- return false;
- *pneeded = true;
- return true;
- }
- }
- esym += (sym.n_numaux + 1) * symesz;
- }
- /* We do not need this object file. */
- return true;
-/* Add all the symbols from an object file to the hash table. */
-static boolean
-coff_link_add_symbols (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean (*sym_is_global) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct internal_syment *));
- boolean default_copy;
- bfd_size_type symcount;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry **sym_hash;
- bfd_size_type symesz;
- bfd_byte *esym;
- bfd_byte *esym_end;
- sym_is_global = coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_sym_is_global;
- if (info->keep_memory)
- default_copy = false;
- else
- default_copy = true;
- symcount = obj_raw_syment_count (abfd);
- /* We keep a list of the linker hash table entries that correspond
- to particular symbols. */
- sym_hash = ((struct coff_link_hash_entry **)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- ((size_t) symcount
- * sizeof (struct coff_link_hash_entry *))));
- if (sym_hash == NULL && symcount != 0)
- return false;
- obj_coff_sym_hashes (abfd) = sym_hash;
- memset (sym_hash, 0,
- (size_t) symcount * sizeof (struct coff_link_hash_entry *));
- symesz = bfd_coff_symesz (abfd);
- BFD_ASSERT (symesz == bfd_coff_auxesz (abfd));
- esym = (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (abfd);
- esym_end = esym + symcount * symesz;
- while (esym < esym_end)
- {
- struct internal_syment sym;
- boolean copy;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (abfd, (PTR) esym, (PTR) &sym);
- if (sym.n_sclass == C_EXT
- || (sym_is_global && (*sym_is_global) (abfd, &sym)))
- {
- const char *name;
- char buf[SYMNMLEN + 1];
- flagword flags;
- asection *section;
- bfd_vma value;
- /* This symbol is externally visible. */
- name = _bfd_coff_internal_syment_name (abfd, &sym, buf);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- /* We must copy the name into memory if we got it from the
- syment itself, rather than the string table. */
- copy = default_copy;
- if (sym._n._n_n._n_zeroes != 0
- || sym._n._n_n._n_offset == 0)
- copy = true;
- value = sym.n_value;
- if (sym.n_scnum == 0)
- {
- if (value == 0)
- {
- flags = 0;
- section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- }
- else
- {
- flags = BSF_GLOBAL;
- section = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- section = coff_section_from_bfd_index (abfd, sym.n_scnum);
- value -= section->vma;
- }
- if (! (bfd_coff_link_add_one_symbol
- (info, abfd, name, flags, section, value,
- (const char *) NULL, copy, false,
- (struct bfd_link_hash_entry **) sym_hash)))
- return false;
- if (info->hash->creator->flavour == bfd_get_flavour (abfd))
- {
- if (((*sym_hash)->class == C_NULL
- && (*sym_hash)->type == T_NULL)
- || sym.n_scnum != 0
- || (sym.n_value != 0
- && (*sym_hash)->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined))
- {
- (*sym_hash)->class = sym.n_sclass;
- (*sym_hash)->type = sym.n_type;
- (*sym_hash)->numaux = sym.n_numaux;
- (*sym_hash)->auxbfd = abfd;
- if (sym.n_numaux != 0)
- {
- union internal_auxent *alloc;
- unsigned int i;
- bfd_byte *eaux;
- union internal_auxent *iaux;
- alloc = ((union internal_auxent *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (&info->hash->table,
- (sym.n_numaux
- * sizeof (*alloc))));
- if (alloc == NULL)
- return false;
- for (i = 0, eaux = esym + symesz, iaux = alloc;
- i < sym.n_numaux;
- i++, eaux += symesz, iaux++)
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_in (abfd, (PTR) eaux, sym.n_type,
- sym.n_sclass, i, sym.n_numaux,
- (PTR) iaux);
- (*sym_hash)->aux = alloc;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- esym += (sym.n_numaux + 1) * symesz;
- sym_hash += sym.n_numaux + 1;
- }
- return true;
-/* Do the final link step. */
-_bfd_coff_final_link (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd_size_type symesz;
- struct coff_final_link_info finfo;
- boolean debug_merge_allocated;
- asection *o;
- struct bfd_link_order *p;
- size_t max_sym_count;
- size_t max_lineno_count;
- size_t max_reloc_count;
- size_t max_output_reloc_count;
- size_t max_contents_size;
- file_ptr rel_filepos;
- unsigned int relsz;
- file_ptr line_filepos;
- unsigned int linesz;
- bfd *sub;
- bfd_byte *external_relocs = NULL;
- char strbuf[STRING_SIZE_SIZE];
- symesz = bfd_coff_symesz (abfd);
- = info;
- finfo.output_bfd = abfd;
- finfo.strtab = NULL;
- finfo.section_info = NULL;
- finfo.last_file_index = -1;
- finfo.internal_syms = NULL;
- finfo.sec_ptrs = NULL;
- finfo.sym_indices = NULL;
- finfo.outsyms = NULL;
- finfo.linenos = NULL;
- finfo.contents = NULL;
- finfo.external_relocs = NULL;
- finfo.internal_relocs = NULL;
- debug_merge_allocated = false;
- coff_data (abfd)->link_info = info;
- finfo.strtab = _bfd_stringtab_init ();
- if (finfo.strtab == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (! coff_debug_merge_hash_table_init (&finfo.debug_merge))
- goto error_return;
- debug_merge_allocated = true;
- /* Compute the file positions for all the sections. */
- if (! abfd->output_has_begun)
- bfd_coff_compute_section_file_positions (abfd);
- /* Count the line numbers and relocation entries required for the
- output file. Set the file positions for the relocs. */
- rel_filepos = obj_relocbase (abfd);
- relsz = bfd_coff_relsz (abfd);
- max_contents_size = 0;
- max_lineno_count = 0;
- max_reloc_count = 0;
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- o->reloc_count = 0;
- o->lineno_count = 0;
- for (p = o->link_order_head; p != NULL; p = p->next)
- {
- if (p->type == bfd_indirect_link_order)
- {
- asection *sec;
- sec = p->u.indirect.section;
- if (info->strip == strip_none
- || info->strip == strip_some)
- o->lineno_count += sec->lineno_count;
- if (info->relocateable)
- o->reloc_count += sec->reloc_count;
- if (sec->_raw_size > max_contents_size)
- max_contents_size = sec->_raw_size;
- if (sec->lineno_count > max_lineno_count)
- max_lineno_count = sec->lineno_count;
- if (sec->reloc_count > max_reloc_count)
- max_reloc_count = sec->reloc_count;
- }
- else if (info->relocateable
- && (p->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- || p->type == bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order))
- ++o->reloc_count;
- }
- if (o->reloc_count == 0)
- o->rel_filepos = 0;
- else
- {
- o->flags |= SEC_RELOC;
- o->rel_filepos = rel_filepos;
- rel_filepos += o->reloc_count * relsz;
- }
- }
- /* If doing a relocateable link, allocate space for the pointers we
- need to keep. */
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- /* We use section_count + 1, rather than section_count, because
- the target_index fields are 1 based. */
- finfo.section_info =
- ((struct coff_link_section_info *)
- bfd_malloc ((abfd->section_count + 1)
- * sizeof (struct coff_link_section_info)));
- if (finfo.section_info == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- for (i = 0; i <= abfd->section_count; i++)
- {
- finfo.section_info[i].relocs = NULL;
- finfo.section_info[i].rel_hashes = NULL;
- }
- }
- /* We now know the size of the relocs, so we can determine the file
- positions of the line numbers. */
- line_filepos = rel_filepos;
- linesz = bfd_coff_linesz (abfd);
- max_output_reloc_count = 0;
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- if (o->lineno_count == 0)
- o->line_filepos = 0;
- else
- {
- o->line_filepos = line_filepos;
- line_filepos += o->lineno_count * linesz;
- }
- if (o->reloc_count != 0)
- {
- /* We don't know the indices of global symbols until we have
- written out all the local symbols. For each section in
- the output file, we keep an array of pointers to hash
- table entries. Each entry in the array corresponds to a
- reloc. When we find a reloc against a global symbol, we
- set the corresponding entry in this array so that we can
- fix up the symbol index after we have written out all the
- local symbols.
- Because of this problem, we also keep the relocs in
- memory until the end of the link. This wastes memory,
- but only when doing a relocateable link, which is not the
- common case. */
- BFD_ASSERT (info->relocateable);
- finfo.section_info[o->target_index].relocs =
- ((struct internal_reloc *)
- bfd_malloc (o->reloc_count * sizeof (struct internal_reloc)));
- finfo.section_info[o->target_index].rel_hashes =
- ((struct coff_link_hash_entry **)
- bfd_malloc (o->reloc_count
- * sizeof (struct coff_link_hash_entry *)));
- if (finfo.section_info[o->target_index].relocs == NULL
- || finfo.section_info[o->target_index].rel_hashes == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (o->reloc_count > max_output_reloc_count)
- max_output_reloc_count = o->reloc_count;
- }
- /* Reset the reloc and lineno counts, so that we can use them to
- count the number of entries we have output so far. */
- o->reloc_count = 0;
- o->lineno_count = 0;
- }
- obj_sym_filepos (abfd) = line_filepos;
- /* Figure out the largest number of symbols in an input BFD. Take
- the opportunity to clear the output_has_begun fields of all the
- input BFD's. */
- max_sym_count = 0;
- for (sub = info->input_bfds; sub != NULL; sub = sub->link_next)
- {
- size_t sz;
- sub->output_has_begun = false;
- sz = obj_raw_syment_count (sub);
- if (sz > max_sym_count)
- max_sym_count = sz;
- }
- /* Allocate some buffers used while linking. */
- finfo.internal_syms = ((struct internal_syment *)
- bfd_malloc (max_sym_count
- * sizeof (struct internal_syment)));
- finfo.sec_ptrs = (asection **) bfd_malloc (max_sym_count
- * sizeof (asection *));
- finfo.sym_indices = (long *) bfd_malloc (max_sym_count * sizeof (long));
- finfo.outsyms = ((bfd_byte *)
- bfd_malloc ((size_t) ((max_sym_count + 1) * symesz)));
- finfo.linenos = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (max_lineno_count
- * bfd_coff_linesz (abfd));
- finfo.contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (max_contents_size);
- finfo.external_relocs = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (max_reloc_count * relsz);
- if (! info->relocateable)
- finfo.internal_relocs = ((struct internal_reloc *)
- bfd_malloc (max_reloc_count
- * sizeof (struct internal_reloc)));
- if ((finfo.internal_syms == NULL && max_sym_count > 0)
- || (finfo.sec_ptrs == NULL && max_sym_count > 0)
- || (finfo.sym_indices == NULL && max_sym_count > 0)
- || finfo.outsyms == NULL
- || (finfo.linenos == NULL && max_lineno_count > 0)
- || (finfo.contents == NULL && max_contents_size > 0)
- || (finfo.external_relocs == NULL && max_reloc_count > 0)
- || (! info->relocateable
- && finfo.internal_relocs == NULL
- && max_reloc_count > 0))
- goto error_return;
- /* We now know the position of everything in the file, except that
- we don't know the size of the symbol table and therefore we don't
- know where the string table starts. We just build the string
- table in memory as we go along. We process all the relocations
- for a single input file at once. */
- obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) = 0;
- if (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_start_final_link)
- {
- if (! bfd_coff_start_final_link (abfd, info))
- goto error_return;
- }
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- for (p = o->link_order_head; p != NULL; p = p->next)
- {
- if (p->type == bfd_indirect_link_order
- && (bfd_get_flavour (p->u.indirect.section->owner)
- == bfd_target_coff_flavour))
- {
- sub = p->u.indirect.section->owner;
- if (! sub->output_has_begun)
- {
- if (! _bfd_coff_link_input_bfd (&finfo, sub))
- goto error_return;
- sub->output_has_begun = true;
- }
- }
- else if (p->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- || p->type == bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order)
- {
- if (! _bfd_coff_reloc_link_order (abfd, &finfo, o, p))
- goto error_return;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! _bfd_default_link_order (abfd, info, o, p))
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Free up the buffers used by _bfd_coff_link_input_bfd. */
- coff_debug_merge_hash_table_free (&finfo.debug_merge);
- debug_merge_allocated = false;
- if (finfo.internal_syms != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.internal_syms);
- finfo.internal_syms = NULL;
- }
- if (finfo.sec_ptrs != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.sec_ptrs);
- finfo.sec_ptrs = NULL;
- }
- if (finfo.sym_indices != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.sym_indices);
- finfo.sym_indices = NULL;
- }
- if (finfo.linenos != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.linenos);
- finfo.linenos = NULL;
- }
- if (finfo.contents != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.contents);
- finfo.contents = NULL;
- }
- if (finfo.external_relocs != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.external_relocs);
- finfo.external_relocs = NULL;
- }
- if (finfo.internal_relocs != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.internal_relocs);
- finfo.internal_relocs = NULL;
- }
- /* The value of the last C_FILE symbol is supposed to be the symbol
- index of the first external symbol. Write it out again if
- necessary. */
- if (finfo.last_file_index != -1
- && (unsigned int) finfo.last_file.n_value != obj_raw_syment_count (abfd))
- {
- finfo.last_file.n_value = obj_raw_syment_count (abfd);
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (abfd, (PTR) &finfo.last_file,
- (PTR) finfo.outsyms);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd,
- (obj_sym_filepos (abfd)
- + finfo.last_file_index * symesz),
- SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_write (finfo.outsyms, symesz, 1, abfd) != symesz)
- return false;
- }
- /* Write out the global symbols. */
- finfo.failed = false;
- coff_link_hash_traverse (coff_hash_table (info), _bfd_coff_write_global_sym,
- (PTR) &finfo);
- if (finfo.failed)
- goto error_return;
- /* The outsyms buffer is used by _bfd_coff_write_global_sym. */
- if (finfo.outsyms != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.outsyms);
- finfo.outsyms = NULL;
- }
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- /* Now that we have written out all the global symbols, we know
- the symbol indices to use for relocs against them, and we can
- finally write out the relocs. */
- external_relocs = ((bfd_byte *)
- bfd_malloc (max_output_reloc_count * relsz));
- if (external_relocs == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- struct internal_reloc *irel;
- struct internal_reloc *irelend;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry **rel_hash;
- bfd_byte *erel;
- if (o->reloc_count == 0)
- continue;
- irel = finfo.section_info[o->target_index].relocs;
- irelend = irel + o->reloc_count;
- rel_hash = finfo.section_info[o->target_index].rel_hashes;
- erel = external_relocs;
- for (; irel < irelend; irel++, rel_hash++, erel += relsz)
- {
- if (*rel_hash != NULL)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT ((*rel_hash)->indx >= 0);
- irel->r_symndx = (*rel_hash)->indx;
- }
- bfd_coff_swap_reloc_out (abfd, (PTR) irel, (PTR) erel);
- }
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, o->rel_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_write ((PTR) external_relocs, relsz, o->reloc_count,
- abfd) != relsz * o->reloc_count)
- goto error_return;
- }
- free (external_relocs);
- external_relocs = NULL;
- }
- /* Free up the section information. */
- if (finfo.section_info != NULL)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < abfd->section_count; i++)
- {
- if (finfo.section_info[i].relocs != NULL)
- free (finfo.section_info[i].relocs);
- if (finfo.section_info[i].rel_hashes != NULL)
- free (finfo.section_info[i].rel_hashes);
- }
- free (finfo.section_info);
- finfo.section_info = NULL;
- }
- /* Write out the string table. */
- if (obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) != 0)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (abfd,
- (obj_sym_filepos (abfd)
- + obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) * symesz),
- SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd,
- _bfd_stringtab_size (finfo.strtab) + STRING_SIZE_SIZE,
- (bfd_byte *) strbuf);
- #error Change bfd_h_put_32
- if (bfd_write (strbuf, 1, STRING_SIZE_SIZE, abfd) != STRING_SIZE_SIZE)
- return false;
- if (! _bfd_stringtab_emit (abfd, finfo.strtab))
- return false;
- }
- _bfd_stringtab_free (finfo.strtab);
- /* Setting bfd_get_symcount to 0 will cause write_object_contents to
- not try to write out the symbols. */
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd) = 0;
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (debug_merge_allocated)
- coff_debug_merge_hash_table_free (&finfo.debug_merge);
- if (finfo.strtab != NULL)
- _bfd_stringtab_free (finfo.strtab);
- if (finfo.section_info != NULL)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < abfd->section_count; i++)
- {
- if (finfo.section_info[i].relocs != NULL)
- free (finfo.section_info[i].relocs);
- if (finfo.section_info[i].rel_hashes != NULL)
- free (finfo.section_info[i].rel_hashes);
- }
- free (finfo.section_info);
- }
- if (finfo.internal_syms != NULL)
- free (finfo.internal_syms);
- if (finfo.sec_ptrs != NULL)
- free (finfo.sec_ptrs);
- if (finfo.sym_indices != NULL)
- free (finfo.sym_indices);
- if (finfo.outsyms != NULL)
- free (finfo.outsyms);
- if (finfo.linenos != NULL)
- free (finfo.linenos);
- if (finfo.contents != NULL)
- free (finfo.contents);
- if (finfo.external_relocs != NULL)
- free (finfo.external_relocs);
- if (finfo.internal_relocs != NULL)
- free (finfo.internal_relocs);
- if (external_relocs != NULL)
- free (external_relocs);
- return false;
-/* parse out a -heap <reserved>,<commit> line */
-static char *
-dores_com (ptr, output_bfd, heap)
- char *ptr;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- int heap;
- if (coff_data(output_bfd)->pe)
- {
- int val = strtoul (ptr, &ptr, 0);
- if (heap)
- pe_data(output_bfd)->pe_opthdr.SizeOfHeapReserve =val;
- else
- pe_data(output_bfd)->pe_opthdr.SizeOfStackReserve =val;
- if (ptr[0] == ',')
- {
- int val = strtoul (ptr+1, &ptr, 0);
- if (heap)
- pe_data(output_bfd)->pe_opthdr.SizeOfHeapCommit =val;
- else
- pe_data(output_bfd)->pe_opthdr.SizeOfStackCommit =val;
- }
- }
- return ptr;
-static char *get_name(ptr, dst)
-char *ptr;
-char **dst;
- while (*ptr == ' ')
- ptr++;
- *dst = ptr;
- while (*ptr && *ptr != ' ')
- ptr++;
- *ptr = 0;
- return ptr+1;
-/* Process any magic embedded commands in a section called .drectve */
-static int
-process_embedded_commands (output_bfd, info, abfd)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".drectve");
- char *s;
- char *e;
- char *copy;
- if (!sec)
- return 1;
- copy = bfd_malloc ((size_t) sec->_raw_size);
- if (!copy)
- return 0;
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents(abfd, sec, copy, 0, sec->_raw_size))
- {
- free (copy);
- return 0;
- }
- e = copy + sec->_raw_size;
- for (s = copy; s < e ; )
- {
- if (s[0]!= '-') {
- s++;
- continue;
- }
- if (strncmp (s,"-attr", 5) == 0)
- {
- char *name;
- char *attribs;
- asection *asec;
- int loop = 1;
- int had_write = 0;
- int had_read = 0;
- int had_exec= 0;
- int had_shared= 0;
- s += 5;
- s = get_name(s, &name);
- s = get_name(s, &attribs);
- while (loop) {
- switch (*attribs++)
- {
- case 'W':
- had_write = 1;
- break;
- case 'R':
- had_read = 1;
- break;
- case 'S':
- had_shared = 1;
- break;
- case 'X':
- had_exec = 1;
- break;
- default:
- loop = 0;
- }
- }
- asec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, name);
- if (asec) {
- if (had_exec)
- asec->flags |= SEC_CODE;
- if (!had_write)
- asec->flags |= SEC_READONLY;
- }
- }
- else if (strncmp (s,"-heap", 5) == 0)
- {
- s = dores_com (s+5, output_bfd, 1);
- }
- else if (strncmp (s,"-stack", 6) == 0)
- {
- s = dores_com (s+6, output_bfd, 0);
- }
- else
- s++;
- }
- free (copy);
- return 1;
-/* Link an input file into the linker output file. This function
- handles all the sections and relocations of the input file at once. */
-_bfd_coff_link_input_bfd (finfo, input_bfd)
- struct coff_final_link_info *finfo;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- boolean (*sym_is_global) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct internal_syment *));
- boolean (*adjust_symndx) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *,
- asection *, struct internal_reloc *,
- boolean *));
- bfd *output_bfd;
- const char *strings;
- bfd_size_type syment_base;
- unsigned int n_tmask;
- unsigned int n_btshft;
- boolean copy, hash;
- bfd_size_type isymesz;
- bfd_size_type osymesz;
- bfd_size_type linesz;
- bfd_byte *esym;
- bfd_byte *esym_end;
- struct internal_syment *isymp;
- asection **secpp;
- long *indexp;
- unsigned long output_index;
- bfd_byte *outsym;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry **sym_hash;
- asection *o;
- /* Move all the symbols to the output file. */
- output_bfd = finfo->output_bfd;
- sym_is_global = coff_backend_info (input_bfd)->_bfd_coff_sym_is_global;
- strings = NULL;
- syment_base = obj_raw_syment_count (output_bfd);
- isymesz = bfd_coff_symesz (input_bfd);
- osymesz = bfd_coff_symesz (output_bfd);
- linesz = bfd_coff_linesz (input_bfd);
- BFD_ASSERT (linesz == bfd_coff_linesz (output_bfd));
- n_tmask = coff_data (input_bfd)->local_n_tmask;
- n_btshft = coff_data (input_bfd)->local_n_btshft;
- /* Define macros so that ISFCN, et. al., macros work correctly. */
-#define N_TMASK n_tmask
-#define N_BTSHFT n_btshft
- copy = false;
- if (! finfo->info->keep_memory)
- copy = true;
- hash = true;
- if ((output_bfd->flags & BFD_TRADITIONAL_FORMAT) != 0)
- hash = false;
- if (! _bfd_coff_get_external_symbols (input_bfd))
- return false;
- esym = (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (input_bfd);
- esym_end = esym + obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd) * isymesz;
- isymp = finfo->internal_syms;
- secpp = finfo->sec_ptrs;
- indexp = finfo->sym_indices;
- output_index = syment_base;
- outsym = finfo->outsyms;
- if (coff_data(output_bfd)->pe)
- {
- if (!process_embedded_commands (output_bfd, finfo->info, input_bfd))
- return false;
- }
- while (esym < esym_end)
- {
- struct internal_syment isym;
- boolean skip;
- boolean global;
- int add;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (input_bfd, (PTR) esym, (PTR) isymp);
- /* Make a copy of *isymp so that the relocate_section function
- always sees the original values. This is more reliable than
- always recomputing the symbol value even if we are stripping
- the symbol. */
- isym = *isymp;
- if (isym.n_scnum != 0)
- *secpp = coff_section_from_bfd_index (input_bfd, isym.n_scnum);
- else
- {
- if (isym.n_value == 0)
- *secpp = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- else
- *secpp = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- }
- *indexp = -1;
- skip = false;
- global = false;
- add = 1 + isym.n_numaux;
- /* If we are stripping all symbols, we want to skip this one. */
- if (finfo->info->strip == strip_all)
- skip = true;
- if (! skip)
- {
- if (isym.n_sclass == C_EXT
- || (sym_is_global && (*sym_is_global) (input_bfd, &isym)))
- {
- /* This is a global symbol. Global symbols come at the
- end of the symbol table, so skip them for now.
- Function symbols, however, are an exception, and are
- not moved to the end. */
- global = true;
- if (! ISFCN (isym.n_type))
- skip = true;
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is a local symbol. Skip it if we are discarding
- local symbols. */
- if (finfo->info->discard == discard_all)
- skip = true;
- }
- }
- /* If we stripping debugging symbols, and this is a debugging
- symbol, then skip it. */
- if (! skip
- && finfo->info->strip == strip_debugger
- && isym.n_scnum == N_DEBUG)
- skip = true;
- /* If some symbols are stripped based on the name, work out the
- name and decide whether to skip this symbol. */
- if (! skip
- && (finfo->info->strip == strip_some
- || finfo->info->discard == discard_l))
- {
- const char *name;
- char buf[SYMNMLEN + 1];
- name = _bfd_coff_internal_syment_name (input_bfd, &isym, buf);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- if ((finfo->info->strip == strip_some
- && (bfd_hash_lookup (finfo->info->keep_hash, name, false,
- false) == NULL))
- || (! global
- && finfo->info->discard == discard_l
- && strncmp (name, finfo->info->lprefix,
- finfo->info->lprefix_len) == 0))
- skip = true;
- }
- /* If this is an enum, struct, or union tag, see if we have
- already output an identical type. */
- if (! skip
- && (finfo->output_bfd->flags & BFD_TRADITIONAL_FORMAT) == 0
- && (isym.n_sclass == C_ENTAG
- || isym.n_sclass == C_STRTAG
- || isym.n_sclass == C_UNTAG)
- && isym.n_numaux == 1)
- {
- const char *name;
- char buf[SYMNMLEN + 1];
- struct coff_debug_merge_hash_entry *mh;
- struct coff_debug_merge_type *mt;
- union internal_auxent aux;
- struct coff_debug_merge_element **epp;
- bfd_byte *esl, *eslend;
- struct internal_syment *islp;
- name = _bfd_coff_internal_syment_name (input_bfd, &isym, buf);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- /* Ignore fake names invented by compiler; treat them all as
- the same name. */
- if (*name == '~' || *name == '.' || *name == '$'
- || (*name == bfd_get_symbol_leading_char (input_bfd)
- && (name[1] == '~' || name[1] == '.' || name[1] == '$')))
- name = "";
- mh = coff_debug_merge_hash_lookup (&finfo->debug_merge, name,
- true, true);
- if (mh == NULL)
- return false;
- /* Allocate memory to hold type information. If this turns
- out to be a duplicate, we pass this address to
- bfd_release. */
- mt = ((struct coff_debug_merge_type *)
- bfd_alloc (input_bfd,
- sizeof (struct coff_debug_merge_type)));
- if (mt == NULL)
- return false;
- mt->class = isym.n_sclass;
- /* Pick up the aux entry, which points to the end of the tag
- entries. */
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_in (input_bfd, (PTR) (esym + isymesz),
- isym.n_type, isym.n_sclass, 0, isym.n_numaux,
- (PTR) &aux);
- /* Gather the elements. */
- epp = &mt->elements;
- mt->elements = NULL;
- islp = isymp + 2;
- esl = esym + 2 * isymesz;
- eslend = ((bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (input_bfd)
- + aux.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx.l * isymesz);
- while (esl < eslend)
- {
- const char *elename;
- char elebuf[SYMNMLEN + 1];
- char *copy;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (input_bfd, (PTR) esl, (PTR) islp);
- *epp = ((struct coff_debug_merge_element *)
- bfd_alloc (input_bfd,
- sizeof (struct coff_debug_merge_element)));
- if (*epp == NULL)
- return false;
- elename = _bfd_coff_internal_syment_name (input_bfd, islp,
- elebuf);
- if (elename == NULL)
- return false;
- copy = (char *) bfd_alloc (input_bfd, strlen (elename) + 1);
- if (copy == NULL)
- return false;
- strcpy (copy, elename);
- (*epp)->name = copy;
- (*epp)->type = islp->n_type;
- (*epp)->tagndx = 0;
- if (islp->n_numaux >= 1
- && islp->n_type != T_NULL
- && islp->n_sclass != C_EOS)
- {
- union internal_auxent eleaux;
- long indx;
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_in (input_bfd, (PTR) (esl + isymesz),
- islp->n_type, islp->n_sclass, 0,
- islp->n_numaux, (PTR) &eleaux);
- indx = eleaux.x_sym.x_tagndx.l;
- /* FIXME: If this tagndx entry refers to a symbol
- defined later in this file, we just ignore it.
- Handling this correctly would be tedious, and may
- not be required. */
- if (indx > 0
- && (indx
- < ((esym -
- (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (input_bfd))
- / (long) isymesz)))
- {
- (*epp)->tagndx = finfo->sym_indices[indx];
- if ((*epp)->tagndx < 0)
- (*epp)->tagndx = 0;
- }
- }
- epp = &(*epp)->next;
- *epp = NULL;
- esl += (islp->n_numaux + 1) * isymesz;
- islp += islp->n_numaux + 1;
- }
- /* See if we already have a definition which matches this
- type. We always output the type if it has no elements,
- for simplicity. */
- if (mt->elements == NULL)
- bfd_release (input_bfd, (PTR) mt);
- else
- {
- struct coff_debug_merge_type *mtl;
- for (mtl = mh->types; mtl != NULL; mtl = mtl->next)
- {
- struct coff_debug_merge_element *me, *mel;
- if (mtl->class != mt->class)
- continue;
- for (me = mt->elements, mel = mtl->elements;
- me != NULL && mel != NULL;
- me = me->next, mel = mel->next)
- {
- if (strcmp (me->name, mel->name) != 0
- || me->type != mel->type
- || me->tagndx != mel->tagndx)
- break;
- }
- if (me == NULL && mel == NULL)
- break;
- }
- if (mtl == NULL || (bfd_size_type) mtl->indx >= syment_base)
- {
- /* This is the first definition of this type. */
- mt->indx = output_index;
- mt->next = mh->types;
- mh->types = mt;
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is a redefinition which can be merged. */
- bfd_release (input_bfd, (PTR) mt);
- *indexp = mtl->indx;
- add = (eslend - esym) / isymesz;
- skip = true;
- }
- }
- }
- /* We now know whether we are to skip this symbol or not. */
- if (! skip)
- {
- /* Adjust the symbol in order to output it. */
- if (isym._n._n_n._n_zeroes == 0
- && isym._n._n_n._n_offset != 0)
- {
- const char *name;
- bfd_size_type indx;
- /* This symbol has a long name. Enter it in the string
- table we are building. Note that we do not check
- bfd_coff_symname_in_debug. That is only true for
- XCOFF, and XCOFF requires different linking code
- anyhow. */
- name = _bfd_coff_internal_syment_name (input_bfd, &isym,
- (char *) NULL);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- indx = _bfd_stringtab_add (finfo->strtab, name, hash, copy);
- if (indx == (bfd_size_type) -1)
- return false;
- isym._n._n_n._n_offset = STRING_SIZE_SIZE + indx;
- }
- if (isym.n_scnum > 0)
- {
- isym.n_scnum = (*secpp)->output_section->target_index;
- isym.n_value += ((*secpp)->output_section->vma
- + (*secpp)->output_offset
- - (*secpp)->vma);
- }
- /* The value of a C_FILE symbol is the symbol index of the
- next C_FILE symbol. The value of the last C_FILE symbol
- is the symbol index to the first external symbol
- (actually, coff_renumber_symbols does not get this
- right--it just sets the value of the last C_FILE symbol
- to zero--and nobody has ever complained about it). We
- try to get this right, below, just before we write the
- symbols out, but in the general case we may have to write
- the symbol out twice. */
- if (isym.n_sclass == C_FILE)
- {
- if (finfo->last_file_index != -1
- && finfo->last_file.n_value != (long) output_index)
- {
- /* We must correct the value of the last C_FILE entry. */
- finfo->last_file.n_value = output_index;
- if ((bfd_size_type) finfo->last_file_index >= syment_base)
- {
- /* The last C_FILE symbol is in this input file. */
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (output_bfd,
- (PTR) &finfo->last_file,
- (PTR) (finfo->outsyms
- + ((finfo->last_file_index
- - syment_base)
- * osymesz)));
- }
- else
- {
- /* We have already written out the last C_FILE
- symbol. We need to write it out again. We
- borrow *outsym temporarily. */
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (output_bfd,
- (PTR) &finfo->last_file,
- (PTR) outsym);
- if (bfd_seek (output_bfd,
- (obj_sym_filepos (output_bfd)
- + finfo->last_file_index * osymesz),
- SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_write (outsym, osymesz, 1, output_bfd)
- != osymesz))
- return false;
- }
- }
- finfo->last_file_index = output_index;
- finfo->last_file = isym;
- }
- /* Output the symbol. */
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (output_bfd, (PTR) &isym, (PTR) outsym);
- *indexp = output_index;
- if (global)
- {
- long indx;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- indx = ((esym - (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (input_bfd))
- / isymesz);
- h = obj_coff_sym_hashes (input_bfd)[indx];
- h->indx = output_index;
- }
- output_index += add;
- outsym += add * osymesz;
- }
- esym += add * isymesz;
- isymp += add;
- ++secpp;
- ++indexp;
- for (--add; add > 0; --add)
- {
- *secpp++ = NULL;
- *indexp++ = -1;
- }
- }
- /* Fix up the aux entries. This must be done in a separate pass,
- because we don't know the correct symbol indices until we have
- already decided which symbols we are going to keep. */
- esym = (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (input_bfd);
- esym_end = esym + obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd) * isymesz;
- isymp = finfo->internal_syms;
- indexp = finfo->sym_indices;
- sym_hash = obj_coff_sym_hashes (input_bfd);
- outsym = finfo->outsyms;
- while (esym < esym_end)
- {
- int add;
- add = 1 + isymp->n_numaux;
- if ((*indexp < 0
- || (bfd_size_type) *indexp < syment_base)
- && (*sym_hash == NULL
- || (*sym_hash)->auxbfd != input_bfd))
- esym += add * isymesz;
- else
- {
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- int i;
- h = NULL;
- if (*indexp < 0)
- {
- h = *sym_hash;
- BFD_ASSERT (h->numaux == isymp->n_numaux);
- }
- esym += isymesz;
- if (h == NULL)
- outsym += osymesz;
- /* Handle the aux entries. This handling is based on
- coff_pointerize_aux. I don't know if it always correct. */
- for (i = 0; i < isymp->n_numaux && esym < esym_end; i++)
- {
- union internal_auxent aux;
- union internal_auxent *auxp;
- if (h != NULL)
- auxp = h->aux + i;
- else
- {
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_in (input_bfd, (PTR) esym, isymp->n_type,
- isymp->n_sclass, i, isymp->n_numaux,
- (PTR) &aux);
- auxp = &aux;
- }
- if (isymp->n_sclass == C_FILE)
- {
- /* If this is a long filename, we must put it in the
- string table. */
- if (auxp->x_file.x_n.x_zeroes == 0
- && auxp->x_file.x_n.x_offset != 0)
- {
- const char *filename;
- bfd_size_type indx;
- BFD_ASSERT (auxp->x_file.x_n.x_offset
- if (strings == NULL)
- {
- strings = _bfd_coff_read_string_table (input_bfd);
- if (strings == NULL)
- return false;
- }
- filename = strings + auxp->x_file.x_n.x_offset;
- indx = _bfd_stringtab_add (finfo->strtab, filename,
- hash, copy);
- if (indx == (bfd_size_type) -1)
- return false;
- auxp->x_file.x_n.x_offset = STRING_SIZE_SIZE + indx;
- }
- }
- else if (isymp->n_sclass != C_STAT || isymp->n_type != T_NULL)
- {
- unsigned long indx;
- if (ISFCN (isymp->n_type)
- || ISTAG (isymp->n_sclass)
- || isymp->n_sclass == C_BLOCK)
- {
- indx = auxp->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx.l;
- if (indx > 0
- && indx < obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd))
- {
- /* We look forward through the symbol for
- the index of the next symbol we are going
- to include. I don't know if this is
- entirely right. */
- while ((finfo->sym_indices[indx] < 0
- || ((bfd_size_type) finfo->sym_indices[indx]
- < syment_base))
- && indx < obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd))
- ++indx;
- if (indx >= obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd))
- indx = output_index;
- else
- indx = finfo->sym_indices[indx];
- auxp->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx.l = indx;
- }
- }
- indx = auxp->x_sym.x_tagndx.l;
- if (indx > 0 && indx < obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd))
- {
- long symindx;
- symindx = finfo->sym_indices[indx];
- if (symindx < 0)
- auxp->x_sym.x_tagndx.l = 0;
- else
- auxp->x_sym.x_tagndx.l = symindx;
- }
- }
- if (h == NULL)
- {
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_out (output_bfd, (PTR) auxp, isymp->n_type,
- isymp->n_sclass, i, isymp->n_numaux,
- (PTR) outsym);
- outsym += osymesz;
- }
- esym += isymesz;
- }
- }
- indexp += add;
- isymp += add;
- sym_hash += add;
- }
- /* Relocate the line numbers, unless we are stripping them. */
- if (finfo->info->strip == strip_none
- || finfo->info->strip == strip_some)
- {
- for (o = input_bfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- bfd_vma offset;
- bfd_byte *eline;
- bfd_byte *elineend;
- /* FIXME: If SEC_HAS_CONTENTS is not for the section, then
- build_link_order in ldwrite.c will not have created a
- link order, which means that we will not have seen this
- input section in _bfd_coff_final_link, which means that
- we will not have allocated space for the line numbers of
- this section. I don't think line numbers can be
- meaningful for a section which does not have
- SEC_HAS_CONTENTS set, but, if they do, this must be
- changed. */
- if (o->lineno_count == 0
- || (o->output_section->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) == 0)
- continue;
- if (bfd_seek (input_bfd, o->line_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read (finfo->linenos, linesz, o->lineno_count,
- input_bfd) != linesz * o->lineno_count)
- return false;
- offset = o->output_section->vma + o->output_offset - o->vma;
- eline = finfo->linenos;
- elineend = eline + linesz * o->lineno_count;
- for (; eline < elineend; eline += linesz)
- {
- struct internal_lineno iline;
- bfd_coff_swap_lineno_in (input_bfd, (PTR) eline, (PTR) &iline);
- if (iline.l_lnno != 0)
- iline.l_addr.l_paddr += offset;
- else if (iline.l_addr.l_symndx >= 0
- && ((unsigned long) iline.l_addr.l_symndx
- < obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd)))
- {
- long indx;
- indx = finfo->sym_indices[iline.l_addr.l_symndx];
- if (indx < 0)
- {
- /* These line numbers are attached to a symbol
- which we are stripping. We should really
- just discard the line numbers, but that would
- be a pain because we have already counted
- them. */
- indx = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- struct internal_syment is;
- union internal_auxent ia;
- /* Fix up the lnnoptr field in the aux entry of
- the symbol. It turns out that we can't do
- this when we modify the symbol aux entries,
- because gas sometimes screws up the lnnoptr
- field and makes it an offset from the start
- of the line numbers rather than an absolute
- file index. */
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (output_bfd,
- (PTR) (finfo->outsyms
- + ((indx - syment_base)
- * osymesz)),
- (PTR) &is);
- if ((ISFCN (is.n_type)
- || is.n_sclass == C_BLOCK)
- && is.n_numaux >= 1)
- {
- PTR auxptr;
- auxptr = (PTR) (finfo->outsyms
- + ((indx - syment_base + 1)
- * osymesz));
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_in (output_bfd, auxptr,
- is.n_type, is.n_sclass,
- 0, is.n_numaux, (PTR) &ia);
- ia.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr =
- (o->output_section->line_filepos
- + o->output_section->lineno_count * linesz
- + eline - finfo->linenos);
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_out (output_bfd, (PTR) &ia,
- is.n_type, is.n_sclass, 0,
- is.n_numaux, auxptr);
- }
- }
- iline.l_addr.l_symndx = indx;
- }
- bfd_coff_swap_lineno_out (output_bfd, (PTR) &iline, (PTR) eline);
- }
- if (bfd_seek (output_bfd,
- (o->output_section->line_filepos
- + o->output_section->lineno_count * linesz),
- SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_write (finfo->linenos, linesz, o->lineno_count,
- output_bfd) != linesz * o->lineno_count)
- return false;
- o->output_section->lineno_count += o->lineno_count;
- }
- }
- /* If we swapped out a C_FILE symbol, guess that the next C_FILE
- symbol will be the first symbol in the next input file. In the
- normal case, this will save us from writing out the C_FILE symbol
- again. */
- if (finfo->last_file_index != -1
- && (bfd_size_type) finfo->last_file_index >= syment_base)
- {
- finfo->last_file.n_value = output_index;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (output_bfd, (PTR) &finfo->last_file,
- (PTR) (finfo->outsyms
- + ((finfo->last_file_index - syment_base)
- * osymesz)));
- }
- /* Write the modified symbols to the output file. */
- if (outsym > finfo->outsyms)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (output_bfd,
- obj_sym_filepos (output_bfd) + syment_base * osymesz,
- SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_write (finfo->outsyms, outsym - finfo->outsyms, 1,
- output_bfd)
- != (bfd_size_type) (outsym - finfo->outsyms)))
- return false;
- BFD_ASSERT ((obj_raw_syment_count (output_bfd)
- + (outsym - finfo->outsyms) / osymesz)
- == output_index);
- obj_raw_syment_count (output_bfd) = output_index;
- }
- /* Relocate the contents of each section. */
- adjust_symndx = coff_backend_info (input_bfd)->_bfd_coff_adjust_symndx;
- for (o = input_bfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- bfd_byte *contents;
- if ((o->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) == 0)
- {
- if ((o->flags & SEC_RELOC) != 0
- && o->reloc_count != 0)
- {
- ((*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: relocs in section `%s', but it has no contents",
- bfd_get_filename (input_bfd),
- bfd_get_section_name (input_bfd, o)));
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_contents);
- return false;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (coff_section_data (input_bfd, o) != NULL
- && coff_section_data (input_bfd, o)->contents != NULL)
- contents = coff_section_data (input_bfd, o)->contents;
- else
- {
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (input_bfd, o, finfo->contents,
- (file_ptr) 0, o->_raw_size))
- return false;
- contents = finfo->contents;
- }
- if ((o->flags & SEC_RELOC) != 0)
- {
- int target_index;
- struct internal_reloc *internal_relocs;
- struct internal_reloc *irel;
- /* Read in the relocs. */
- target_index = o->output_section->target_index;
- internal_relocs = (_bfd_coff_read_internal_relocs
- (input_bfd, o, false, finfo->external_relocs,
- finfo->info->relocateable,
- (finfo->info->relocateable
- ? (finfo->section_info[target_index].relocs
- + o->output_section->reloc_count)
- : finfo->internal_relocs)));
- if (internal_relocs == NULL)
- return false;
- /* Call processor specific code to relocate the section
- contents. */
- if (! bfd_coff_relocate_section (output_bfd, finfo->info,
- input_bfd, o,
- contents,
- internal_relocs,
- finfo->internal_syms,
- finfo->sec_ptrs))
- return false;
- if (finfo->info->relocateable)
- {
- bfd_vma offset;
- struct internal_reloc *irelend;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry **rel_hash;
- offset = o->output_section->vma + o->output_offset - o->vma;
- irel = internal_relocs;
- irelend = irel + o->reloc_count;
- rel_hash = (finfo->section_info[target_index].rel_hashes
- + o->output_section->reloc_count);
- for (; irel < irelend; irel++, rel_hash++)
- {
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- boolean adjusted;
- *rel_hash = NULL;
- /* Adjust the reloc address and symbol index. */
- irel->r_vaddr += offset;
- if (irel->r_symndx == -1)
- continue;
- if (adjust_symndx)
- {
- if (! (*adjust_symndx) (output_bfd, finfo->info,
- input_bfd, o, irel,
- &adjusted))
- return false;
- if (adjusted)
- continue;
- }
- h = obj_coff_sym_hashes (input_bfd)[irel->r_symndx];
- if (h != NULL)
- {
- /* This is a global symbol. */
- if (h->indx >= 0)
- irel->r_symndx = h->indx;
- else
- {
- /* This symbol is being written at the end
- of the file, and we do not yet know the
- symbol index. We save the pointer to the
- hash table entry in the rel_hash list.
- We set the indx field to -2 to indicate
- that this symbol must not be stripped. */
- *rel_hash = h;
- h->indx = -2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- long indx;
- indx = finfo->sym_indices[irel->r_symndx];
- if (indx != -1)
- irel->r_symndx = indx;
- else
- {
- struct internal_syment *is;
- const char *name;
- char buf[SYMNMLEN + 1];
- /* This reloc is against a symbol we are
- stripping. It would be possible to
- handle this case, but I don't think it's
- worth it. */
- is = finfo->internal_syms + irel->r_symndx;
- name = (_bfd_coff_internal_syment_name
- (input_bfd, is, buf));
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- if (! ((*finfo->info->callbacks->unattached_reloc)
- (finfo->info, name, input_bfd, o,
- irel->r_vaddr)))
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- o->output_section->reloc_count += o->reloc_count;
- }
- }
- /* Write out the modified section contents. */
- if (! bfd_set_section_contents (output_bfd, o->output_section,
- contents, o->output_offset,
- (o->_cooked_size != 0
- ? o->_cooked_size
- : o->_raw_size)))
- return false;
- }
- if (! finfo->info->keep_memory)
- {
- if (! _bfd_coff_free_symbols (input_bfd))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Write out a global symbol. Called via coff_link_hash_traverse. */
-_bfd_coff_write_global_sym (h, data)
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- PTR data;
- struct coff_final_link_info *finfo = (struct coff_final_link_info *) data;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct internal_syment isym;
- bfd_size_type symesz;
- unsigned int i;
- output_bfd = finfo->output_bfd;
- if (h->indx >= 0)
- return true;
- if (h->indx != -2
- && (finfo->info->strip == strip_all
- || (finfo->info->strip == strip_some
- && (bfd_hash_lookup (finfo->info->keep_hash,
- h->root.root.string, false, false)
- == NULL))))
- return true;
- switch (h->root.type)
- {
- default:
- case bfd_link_hash_new:
- abort ();
- return false;
- case bfd_link_hash_undefined:
- case bfd_link_hash_undefweak:
- isym.n_scnum = N_UNDEF;
- isym.n_value = 0;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_defined:
- case bfd_link_hash_defweak:
- {
- asection *sec;
- sec = h->root.u.def.section->output_section;
- if (bfd_is_abs_section (sec))
- isym.n_scnum = N_ABS;
- else
- isym.n_scnum = sec->target_index;
- isym.n_value = (h->root.u.def.value
- + sec->vma
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_offset);
- }
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_common:
- isym.n_scnum = N_UNDEF;
- isym.n_value = h->root.u.c.size;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_indirect:
- case bfd_link_hash_warning:
- /* Just ignore these. They can't be handled anyhow. */
- return true;
- }
- if (strlen (h->root.root.string) <= SYMNMLEN)
- strncpy (isym._n._n_name, h->root.root.string, SYMNMLEN);
- else
- {
- boolean hash;
- bfd_size_type indx;
- hash = true;
- if ((output_bfd->flags & BFD_TRADITIONAL_FORMAT) != 0)
- hash = false;
- indx = _bfd_stringtab_add (finfo->strtab, h->root.root.string, hash,
- false);
- if (indx == (bfd_size_type) -1)
- {
- finfo->failed = true;
- return false;
- }
- isym._n._n_n._n_zeroes = 0;
- isym._n._n_n._n_offset = STRING_SIZE_SIZE + indx;
- }
- isym.n_sclass = h->class;
- isym.n_type = h->type;
- if (isym.n_sclass == C_NULL)
- isym.n_sclass = C_EXT;
- isym.n_numaux = h->numaux;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (output_bfd, (PTR) &isym, (PTR) finfo->outsyms);
- symesz = bfd_coff_symesz (output_bfd);
- if (bfd_seek (output_bfd,
- (obj_sym_filepos (output_bfd)
- + obj_raw_syment_count (output_bfd) * symesz),
- SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_write (finfo->outsyms, symesz, 1, output_bfd) != symesz)
- {
- finfo->failed = true;
- return false;
- }
- h->indx = obj_raw_syment_count (output_bfd);
- ++obj_raw_syment_count (output_bfd);
- /* Write out any associated aux entries. There normally will be
- none. If there are any, I have no idea how to modify them. */
- for (i = 0; i < isym.n_numaux; i++)
- {
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_out (output_bfd, (PTR) (h->aux + i), isym.n_type,
- isym.n_sclass, i, isym.n_numaux,
- (PTR) finfo->outsyms);
- if (bfd_write (finfo->outsyms, symesz, 1, output_bfd) != symesz)
- {
- finfo->failed = true;
- return false;
- }
- ++obj_raw_syment_count (output_bfd);
- }
- return true;
-/* Handle a link order which is supposed to generate a reloc. */
-_bfd_coff_reloc_link_order (output_bfd, finfo, output_section, link_order)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct coff_final_link_info *finfo;
- asection *output_section;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- struct internal_reloc *irel;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry **rel_hash_ptr;
- howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (output_bfd, link_order->u.reloc.p->reloc);
- if (howto == NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- if (link_order->u.reloc.p->addend != 0)
- {
- bfd_size_type size;
- bfd_byte *buf;
- bfd_reloc_status_type rstat;
- boolean ok;
- size = bfd_get_reloc_size (howto);
- buf = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zmalloc (size);
- if (buf == NULL)
- return false;
- rstat = _bfd_relocate_contents (howto, output_bfd,
- link_order->u.reloc.p->addend, buf);
- switch (rstat)
- {
- case bfd_reloc_ok:
- break;
- default:
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- if (! ((*finfo->info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (finfo->info,
- (link_order->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- ? bfd_section_name (output_bfd,
- link_order->u.reloc.p->u.section)
- : link_order->u.reloc.p->,
- howto->name, link_order->u.reloc.p->addend,
- (bfd *) NULL, (asection *) NULL, (bfd_vma) 0)))
- {
- free (buf);
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- ok = bfd_set_section_contents (output_bfd, output_section, (PTR) buf,
- (file_ptr) link_order->offset, size);
- free (buf);
- if (! ok)
- return false;
- }
- /* Store the reloc information in the right place. It will get
- swapped and written out at the end of the final_link routine. */
- irel = (finfo->section_info[output_section->target_index].relocs
- + output_section->reloc_count);
- rel_hash_ptr = (finfo->section_info[output_section->target_index].rel_hashes
- + output_section->reloc_count);
- memset (irel, 0, sizeof (struct internal_reloc));
- *rel_hash_ptr = NULL;
- irel->r_vaddr = output_section->vma + link_order->offset;
- if (link_order->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order)
- {
- /* We need to somehow locate a symbol in the right section. The
- symbol must either have a value of zero, or we must adjust
- the addend by the value of the symbol. FIXME: Write this
- when we need it. The old linker couldn't handle this anyhow. */
- abort ();
- *rel_hash_ptr = NULL;
- irel->r_symndx = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- h = ((struct coff_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup (output_bfd, finfo->info,
- link_order->u.reloc.p->,
- false, false, true));
- if (h != NULL)
- {
- if (h->indx >= 0)
- irel->r_symndx = h->indx;
- else
- {
- /* Set the index to -2 to force this symbol to get
- written out. */
- h->indx = -2;
- *rel_hash_ptr = h;
- irel->r_symndx = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (! ((*finfo->info->callbacks->unattached_reloc)
- (finfo->info, link_order->u.reloc.p->, (bfd *) NULL,
- (asection *) NULL, (bfd_vma) 0)))
- return false;
- irel->r_symndx = 0;
- }
- }
- /* FIXME: Is this always right? */
- irel->r_type = howto->type;
- /* r_size is only used on the RS/6000, which needs its own linker
- routines anyhow. r_extern is only used for ECOFF. */
- /* FIXME: What is the right value for r_offset? Is zero OK? */
- ++output_section->reloc_count;
- return true;
-/* A basic reloc handling routine which may be used by processors with
- simple relocs. */
-_bfd_coff_generic_relocate_section (output_bfd, info, input_bfd,
- input_section, contents, relocs, syms,
- sections)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- struct internal_reloc *relocs;
- struct internal_syment *syms;
- asection **sections;
- struct internal_reloc *rel;
- struct internal_reloc *relend;
- rel = relocs;
- relend = rel + input_section->reloc_count;
- for (; rel < relend; rel++)
- {
- long symndx;
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct internal_syment *sym;
- bfd_vma addend;
- bfd_vma val;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- bfd_reloc_status_type rstat;
- symndx = rel->r_symndx;
- if (symndx == -1)
- {
- h = NULL;
- sym = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- h = obj_coff_sym_hashes (input_bfd)[symndx];
- sym = syms + symndx;
- }
- /* COFF treats common symbols in one of two ways. Either the
- size of the symbol is included in the section contents, or it
- is not. We assume that the size is not included, and force
- the rtype_to_howto function to adjust the addend as needed. */
- if (sym != NULL && sym->n_scnum != 0)
- addend = - sym->n_value;
- else
- addend = 0;
- howto = bfd_coff_rtype_to_howto (input_bfd, input_section, rel, h,
- sym, &addend);
- if (howto == NULL)
- return false;
- val = 0;
- if (h == NULL)
- {
- asection *sec;
- if (symndx == -1)
- {
- sec = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- val = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- sec = sections[symndx];
- val = (sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset
- + sym->n_value
- - sec->vma);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- asection *sec;
- sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- val = (h->root.u.def.value
- + sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset);
- }
- else if (! info->relocateable)
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (info, h->root.root.string, input_bfd, input_section,
- rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (info->base_file)
- {
- /* Emit a reloc if the backend thinks it needs it. */
- if (sym && pe_data(output_bfd)->in_reloc_p(output_bfd, howto))
- {
- /* relocation to a symbol in a section which
- isn't absolute - we output the address here
- to a file */
- bfd_vma addr = rel->r_vaddr
- - input_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset
- + input_section->output_section->vma;
- if (coff_data(output_bfd)->pe)
- addr -= pe_data(output_bfd)->pe_opthdr.ImageBase;
- fwrite (&addr, 1,4, (FILE *) info->base_file);
- }
- }
- rstat = _bfd_final_link_relocate (howto, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents,
- rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma,
- val, addend);
- switch (rstat)
- {
- default:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_ok:
- break;
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- {
- const char *name;
- char buf[SYMNMLEN + 1];
- if (symndx == -1)
- name = "*ABS*";
- else if (h != NULL)
- name = h->root.root.string;
- else
- {
- name = _bfd_coff_internal_syment_name (input_bfd, sym, buf);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- }
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (info, name, howto->name, (bfd_vma) 0, input_bfd,
- input_section, rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coffswap.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/coffswap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ef1b6b3a913e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/coffswap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,807 +0,0 @@
-/* Generic COFF swapping routines, for BFD.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file contains routines used to swap COFF data. It is a header
- file because the details of swapping depend on the details of the
- structures used by each COFF implementation. This is included by
- coffcode.h, as well as by the ECOFF backend.
- Any file which uses this must first include "coff/internal.h" and
- "coff/CPU.h". The functions will then be correct for that CPU. */
-#ifndef IMAGE_BASE
-#define IMAGE_BASE 0
-#define PUTWORD bfd_h_put_32
-#define PUTHALF bfd_h_put_16
-#define PUTBYTE bfd_h_put_8
-#define GET_FCN_LNNOPTR(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr)
-#define GET_FCN_ENDNDX(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx)
-#define PUT_FCN_LNNOPTR(abfd, in, ext) PUTWORD(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr)
-#define PUT_FCN_ENDNDX(abfd, in, ext) PUTWORD(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx)
-#ifndef GET_LNSZ_LNNO
-#define GET_LNSZ_LNNO(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno)
-#ifndef GET_LNSZ_SIZE
-#define GET_LNSZ_SIZE(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size)
-#ifndef PUT_LNSZ_LNNO
-#define PUT_LNSZ_LNNO(abfd, in, ext) bfd_h_put_16(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *)ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno)
-#ifndef PUT_LNSZ_SIZE
-#define PUT_LNSZ_SIZE(abfd, in, ext) bfd_h_put_16(abfd, in, (bfd_byte*) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size)
-#define GET_SCN_SCNLEN(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_scn.x_scnlen)
-#define GET_SCN_NRELOC(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->x_scn.x_nreloc)
-#define GET_SCN_NLINNO(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->x_scn.x_nlinno)
-#define PUT_SCN_SCNLEN(abfd,in, ext) bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_scn.x_scnlen)
-#define PUT_SCN_NRELOC(abfd,in, ext) bfd_h_put_16(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *)ext->x_scn.x_nreloc)
-#define PUT_SCN_NLINNO(abfd,in, ext) bfd_h_put_16(abfd,in, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_scn.x_nlinno)
-#define GET_LINENO_LNNO(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) (ext->l_lnno));
-#define PUT_LINENO_LNNO(abfd,val, ext) bfd_h_put_16(abfd,val, (bfd_byte *) (ext->l_lnno));
-/* The f_symptr field in the filehdr is sometimes 64 bits. */
-#define GET_FILEHDR_SYMPTR bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_FILEHDR_SYMPTR bfd_h_put_32
-/* Some fields in the aouthdr are sometimes 64 bits. */
-#define GET_AOUTHDR_TSIZE bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_AOUTHDR_TSIZE bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_AOUTHDR_DSIZE bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_AOUTHDR_DSIZE bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_AOUTHDR_BSIZE bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_AOUTHDR_BSIZE bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_AOUTHDR_ENTRY bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_AOUTHDR_ENTRY bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_AOUTHDR_TEXT_START bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_AOUTHDR_TEXT_START bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_AOUTHDR_DATA_START bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_AOUTHDR_DATA_START bfd_h_put_32
-/* Some fields in the scnhdr are sometimes 64 bits. */
-#define GET_SCNHDR_PADDR bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_SCNHDR_PADDR bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_SCNHDR_VADDR bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_SCNHDR_VADDR bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_SCNHDR_SIZE bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_SCNHDR_SIZE bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_SCNHDR_SCNPTR bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_SCNHDR_SCNPTR bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_SCNHDR_RELPTR bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_SCNHDR_RELPTR bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_SCNHDR_LNNOPTR bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_SCNHDR_LNNOPTR bfd_h_put_32
-static void
-coff_swap_reloc_in (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR src;
- PTR dst;
- RELOC *reloc_src = (RELOC *) src;
- struct internal_reloc *reloc_dst = (struct internal_reloc *) dst;
- reloc_dst->r_vaddr = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *)reloc_src->r_vaddr);
- reloc_dst->r_symndx = bfd_h_get_signed_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) reloc_src->r_symndx);
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- reloc_dst->r_type = bfd_h_get_8(abfd, reloc_src->r_type);
- reloc_dst->r_size = bfd_h_get_8(abfd, reloc_src->r_size);
- reloc_dst->r_type = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) reloc_src->r_type);
- reloc_dst->r_offset = SWAP_IN_RELOC_OFFSET(abfd,
- (bfd_byte *) reloc_src->r_offset);
-static unsigned int
-coff_swap_reloc_out (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR src;
- PTR dst;
- struct internal_reloc *reloc_src = (struct internal_reloc *)src;
- struct external_reloc *reloc_dst = (struct external_reloc *)dst;
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, reloc_src->r_vaddr, (bfd_byte *) reloc_dst->r_vaddr);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, reloc_src->r_symndx, (bfd_byte *) reloc_dst->r_symndx);
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- bfd_h_put_8 (abfd, reloc_src->r_type, (bfd_byte *) reloc_dst->r_type);
- bfd_h_put_8 (abfd, reloc_src->r_size, (bfd_byte *) reloc_dst->r_size);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, reloc_src->r_type, (bfd_byte *)
- reloc_dst->r_type);
- reloc_src->r_offset,
- (bfd_byte *) reloc_dst->r_offset);
- SWAP_OUT_RELOC_EXTRA(abfd,reloc_src, reloc_dst);
- return sizeof(struct external_reloc);
-#endif /* NO_COFF_RELOCS */
-static void
-coff_swap_filehdr_in (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR src;
- PTR dst;
- FILHDR *filehdr_src = (FILHDR *) src;
- struct internal_filehdr *filehdr_dst = (struct internal_filehdr *) dst;
- filehdr_dst->f_magic = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_src->f_magic);
- filehdr_dst->f_nscns = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *)filehdr_src-> f_nscns);
- filehdr_dst->f_timdat = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *)filehdr_src-> f_timdat);
- filehdr_dst->f_symptr =
- GET_FILEHDR_SYMPTR (abfd, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_src->f_symptr);
- filehdr_dst->f_nsyms = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *)filehdr_src-> f_nsyms);
- filehdr_dst->f_opthdr = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *)filehdr_src-> f_opthdr);
- filehdr_dst->f_flags = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *)filehdr_src-> f_flags);
-static unsigned int
-coff_swap_filehdr_out (abfd, in, out)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR in;
- PTR out;
- struct internal_filehdr *filehdr_in = (struct internal_filehdr *)in;
- FILHDR *filehdr_out = (FILHDR *)out;
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->f_magic, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_magic);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->f_nscns, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_nscns);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, filehdr_in->f_timdat, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_timdat);
- PUT_FILEHDR_SYMPTR (abfd, (bfd_vma) filehdr_in->f_symptr,
- (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_symptr);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, filehdr_in->f_nsyms, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_nsyms);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->f_opthdr, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_opthdr);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->f_flags, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_flags);
- return sizeof(FILHDR);
-static void
-coff_swap_sym_in (abfd, ext1, in1)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext1;
- PTR in1;
- SYMENT *ext = (SYMENT *)ext1;
- struct internal_syment *in = (struct internal_syment *)in1;
- if( ext->e.e_name[0] == 0) {
- in->_n._n_n._n_zeroes = 0;
- in->_n._n_n._n_offset = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->e.e.e_offset);
- }
- else {
- -> Error, we need to cope with truncating or extending SYMNMLEN!;
- memcpy(in->_n._n_name, ext->e.e_name, SYMNMLEN);
- }
- in->n_value = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->e_value);
- in->n_scnum = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->e_scnum);
- if (sizeof(ext->e_type) == 2){
- in->n_type = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->e_type);
- }
- else {
- in->n_type = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->e_type);
- }
- in->n_sclass = bfd_h_get_8(abfd, ext->e_sclass);
- in->n_numaux = bfd_h_get_8(abfd, ext->e_numaux);
-static unsigned int
-coff_swap_sym_out (abfd, inp, extp)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR inp;
- PTR extp;
- struct internal_syment *in = (struct internal_syment *)inp;
- SYMENT *ext =(SYMENT *)extp;
- if(in->_n._n_name[0] == 0) {
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, 0, (bfd_byte *) ext->e.e.e_zeroes);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in->_n._n_n._n_offset, (bfd_byte *) ext->e.e.e_offset);
- }
- else {
- -> Error, we need to cope with truncating or extending SYMNMLEN!;
- memcpy(ext->e.e_name, in->_n._n_name, SYMNMLEN);
- }
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in->n_value , (bfd_byte *) ext->e_value);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, in->n_scnum , (bfd_byte *) ext->e_scnum);
- if (sizeof(ext->e_type) == 2)
- {
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, in->n_type , (bfd_byte *) ext->e_type);
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in->n_type , (bfd_byte *) ext->e_type);
- }
- bfd_h_put_8(abfd, in->n_sclass , ext->e_sclass);
- bfd_h_put_8(abfd, in->n_numaux , ext->e_numaux);
- return sizeof(SYMENT);
-static void
-coff_swap_aux_in (abfd, ext1, type, class, indx, numaux, in1)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext1;
- int type;
- int class;
- int indx;
- int numaux;
- PTR in1;
- AUXENT *ext = (AUXENT *)ext1;
- union internal_auxent *in = (union internal_auxent *)in1;
- switch (class) {
- case C_FILE:
- if (ext->x_file.x_fname[0] == 0) {
- in->x_file.x_n.x_zeroes = 0;
- in->x_file.x_n.x_offset =
- bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_file.x_n.x_offset);
- } else {
- -> Error, we need to cope with truncating or extending FILNMLEN!;
- memcpy (in->x_file.x_fname, ext->x_file.x_fname, FILNMLEN);
- }
- return;
- /* RS/6000 "csect" auxents */
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- case C_EXT:
- case C_HIDEXT:
- if (indx + 1 == numaux)
- {
- in->x_csect.x_scnlen.l = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, ext->x_csect.x_scnlen);
- in->x_csect.x_parmhash = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd,
- ext->x_csect.x_parmhash);
- in->x_csect.x_snhash = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, ext->x_csect.x_snhash);
- /* We don't have to hack bitfields in x_smtyp because it's
- defined by shifts-and-ands, which are equivalent on all
- byte orders. */
- in->x_csect.x_smtyp = bfd_h_get_8 (abfd, ext->x_csect.x_smtyp);
- in->x_csect.x_smclas = bfd_h_get_8 (abfd, ext->x_csect.x_smclas);
- in->x_csect.x_stab = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, ext->x_csect.x_stab);
- in->x_csect.x_snstab = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, ext->x_csect.x_snstab);
- return;
- }
- break;
- case C_STAT:
-#ifdef C_LEAFSTAT
- case C_LEAFSTAT:
- case C_HIDDEN:
- if (type == T_NULL) {
- in->x_scn.x_scnlen = GET_SCN_SCNLEN(abfd, ext);
- in->x_scn.x_nreloc = GET_SCN_NRELOC(abfd, ext);
- in->x_scn.x_nlinno = GET_SCN_NLINNO(abfd, ext);
- return;
- }
- break;
- }
- in->x_sym.x_tagndx.l = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_tagndx);
-#ifndef NO_TVNDX
- in->x_sym.x_tvndx = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_tvndx);
- if (class == C_BLOCK || ISFCN (type) || ISTAG (class))
- {
- in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr = GET_FCN_LNNOPTR (abfd, ext);
- in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx.l = GET_FCN_ENDNDX (abfd, ext);
- }
- else
- {
- #error we need to cope with truncating or extending DIMNUM
- in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[0] =
- bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[0]);
- in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[1] =
- bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[1]);
- in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[2] =
- bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[2]);
- in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[3] =
- bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[3]);
- }
- if (ISFCN(type)) {
- in->x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize);
- }
- else {
- in->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno = GET_LNSZ_LNNO(abfd, ext);
- in->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size = GET_LNSZ_SIZE(abfd, ext);
- }
-static unsigned int
-coff_swap_aux_out (abfd, inp, type, class, indx, numaux, extp)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR inp;
- int type;
- int class;
- int indx;
- int numaux;
- PTR extp;
- union internal_auxent *in = (union internal_auxent *)inp;
- AUXENT *ext = (AUXENT *)extp;
- memset((PTR)ext, 0, AUXESZ);
- switch (class) {
- case C_FILE:
- if (in->x_file.x_fname[0] == 0) {
- PUTWORD(abfd, 0, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_file.x_n.x_zeroes);
- PUTWORD(abfd,
- in->x_file.x_n.x_offset,
- (bfd_byte *) ext->x_file.x_n.x_offset);
- }
- else {
- -> Error, we need to cope with truncating or extending FILNMLEN!;
- memcpy (ext->x_file.x_fname, in->x_file.x_fname, FILNMLEN);
- }
- return sizeof (AUXENT);
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- /* RS/6000 "csect" auxents */
- case C_EXT:
- case C_HIDEXT:
- if (indx + 1 == numaux)
- {
- PUTWORD (abfd, in->x_csect.x_scnlen.l, ext->x_csect.x_scnlen);
- PUTWORD (abfd, in->x_csect.x_parmhash, ext->x_csect.x_parmhash);
- PUTHALF (abfd, in->x_csect.x_snhash, ext->x_csect.x_snhash);
- /* We don't have to hack bitfields in x_smtyp because it's
- defined by shifts-and-ands, which are equivalent on all
- byte orders. */
- PUTBYTE (abfd, in->x_csect.x_smtyp, ext->x_csect.x_smtyp);
- PUTBYTE (abfd, in->x_csect.x_smclas, ext->x_csect.x_smclas);
- PUTWORD (abfd, in->x_csect.x_stab, ext->x_csect.x_stab);
- PUTHALF (abfd, in->x_csect.x_snstab, ext->x_csect.x_snstab);
- return sizeof (AUXENT);
- }
- break;
- case C_STAT:
-#ifdef C_LEAFSTAT
- case C_LEAFSTAT:
- case C_HIDDEN:
- if (type == T_NULL) {
- PUT_SCN_SCNLEN(abfd, in->x_scn.x_scnlen, ext);
- PUT_SCN_NRELOC(abfd, in->x_scn.x_nreloc, ext);
- PUT_SCN_NLINNO(abfd, in->x_scn.x_nlinno, ext);
- return sizeof (AUXENT);
- }
- break;
- }
- PUTWORD(abfd, in->x_sym.x_tagndx.l, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_tagndx);
-#ifndef NO_TVNDX
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, in->x_sym.x_tvndx , (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_tvndx);
- if (class == C_BLOCK || ISFCN (type) || ISTAG (class))
- {
- PUT_FCN_LNNOPTR(abfd, in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr, ext);
- PUT_FCN_ENDNDX(abfd, in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx.l, ext);
- }
- else
- {
- #error we need to cope with truncating or extending DIMNUM
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[0],
- (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[0]);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[1],
- (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[1]);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[2],
- (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[2]);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[3],
- (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[3]);
- }
- if (ISFCN (type))
- PUTWORD (abfd, in->x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize,
- (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize);
- else
- {
- PUT_LNSZ_LNNO (abfd, in->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno, ext);
- PUT_LNSZ_SIZE (abfd, in->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size, ext);
- }
- return sizeof(AUXENT);
-#endif /* NO_COFF_SYMBOLS */
-static void
-coff_swap_lineno_in (abfd, ext1, in1)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext1;
- PTR in1;
- LINENO *ext = (LINENO *)ext1;
- struct internal_lineno *in = (struct internal_lineno *)in1;
- in->l_addr.l_symndx = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->l_addr.l_symndx);
- in->l_lnno = GET_LINENO_LNNO(abfd, ext);
-static unsigned int
-coff_swap_lineno_out (abfd, inp, outp)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR inp;
- PTR outp;
- struct internal_lineno *in = (struct internal_lineno *)inp;
- struct external_lineno *ext = (struct external_lineno *)outp;
- PUTWORD(abfd, in->l_addr.l_symndx, (bfd_byte *)
- ext->l_addr.l_symndx);
- PUT_LINENO_LNNO (abfd, in->l_lnno, ext);
- return sizeof(struct external_lineno);
-#endif /* NO_COFF_LINENOS */
-static void
-coff_swap_aouthdr_in (abfd, aouthdr_ext1, aouthdr_int1)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR aouthdr_ext1;
- PTR aouthdr_int1;
- AOUTHDR *aouthdr_ext = (AOUTHDR *) aouthdr_ext1;
- struct internal_aouthdr *aouthdr_int = (struct internal_aouthdr *)aouthdr_int1;
- aouthdr_int->magic = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->magic);
- aouthdr_int->vstamp = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->vstamp);
- aouthdr_int->tsize =
- GET_AOUTHDR_TSIZE (abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->tsize);
- aouthdr_int->dsize =
- GET_AOUTHDR_DSIZE (abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->dsize);
- aouthdr_int->bsize =
- GET_AOUTHDR_BSIZE (abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->bsize);
- aouthdr_int->entry =
- GET_AOUTHDR_ENTRY (abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->entry);
- aouthdr_int->text_start =
- GET_AOUTHDR_TEXT_START (abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->text_start);
- aouthdr_int->data_start =
- GET_AOUTHDR_DATA_START (abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->data_start);
-#ifdef I960
- aouthdr_int->tagentries = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->tagentries);
-#ifdef APOLLO_M68
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_int->o_inlib, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->o_inlib);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_int->o_sri, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->o_sri);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_int->vid[0], (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->vid);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_int->vid[1], (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->vid + 4);
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- aouthdr_int->o_toc = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_toc);
- aouthdr_int->o_snentry = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_snentry);
- aouthdr_int->o_sntext = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_sntext);
- aouthdr_int->o_sndata = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_sndata);
- aouthdr_int->o_sntoc = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_sntoc);
- aouthdr_int->o_snloader = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_snloader);
- aouthdr_int->o_snbss = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_snbss);
- aouthdr_int->o_algntext = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_algntext);
- aouthdr_int->o_algndata = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_algndata);
- aouthdr_int->o_modtype = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_modtype);
- aouthdr_int->o_cputype = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_cputype);
- aouthdr_int->o_maxstack = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_maxstack);
- aouthdr_int->o_maxdata = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_maxdata);
- aouthdr_int->bss_start = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->bss_start);
- aouthdr_int->gp_value = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->gp_value);
- aouthdr_int->gprmask = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->gprmask);
- aouthdr_int->cprmask[0] = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->cprmask[0]);
- aouthdr_int->cprmask[1] = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->cprmask[1]);
- aouthdr_int->cprmask[2] = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->cprmask[2]);
- aouthdr_int->cprmask[3] = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->cprmask[3]);
- aouthdr_int->bss_start = bfd_h_get_64(abfd, aouthdr_ext->bss_start);
- aouthdr_int->gp_value = bfd_h_get_64(abfd, aouthdr_ext->gp_value);
- aouthdr_int->gprmask = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->gprmask);
- aouthdr_int->fprmask = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->fprmask);
-static unsigned int
-coff_swap_aouthdr_out (abfd, in, out)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR in;
- PTR out;
- struct internal_aouthdr *aouthdr_in = (struct internal_aouthdr *)in;
- AOUTHDR *aouthdr_out = (AOUTHDR *)out;
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, aouthdr_in->magic, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->magic);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, aouthdr_in->vstamp, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->vstamp);
- PUT_AOUTHDR_TSIZE (abfd, aouthdr_in->tsize, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->tsize);
- PUT_AOUTHDR_DSIZE (abfd, aouthdr_in->dsize, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->dsize);
- PUT_AOUTHDR_BSIZE (abfd, aouthdr_in->bsize, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->bsize);
- PUT_AOUTHDR_ENTRY (abfd, aouthdr_in->entry, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->entry);
- PUT_AOUTHDR_TEXT_START (abfd, aouthdr_in->text_start,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->text_start);
- PUT_AOUTHDR_DATA_START (abfd, aouthdr_in->data_start,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->data_start);
-#ifdef I960
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->tagentries, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->tagentries);
-#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_toc, aouthdr_out->o_toc);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_snentry, aouthdr_out->o_snentry);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_sntext, aouthdr_out->o_sntext);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_sndata, aouthdr_out->o_sndata);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_sntoc, aouthdr_out->o_sntoc);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_snloader, aouthdr_out->o_snloader);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_snbss, aouthdr_out->o_snbss);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_algntext, aouthdr_out->o_algntext);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_algndata, aouthdr_out->o_algndata);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_modtype, aouthdr_out->o_modtype);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_cputype, aouthdr_out->o_cputype);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_maxstack, aouthdr_out->o_maxstack);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_maxdata, aouthdr_out->o_maxdata);
- memset (aouthdr_out->o_resv2, 0, sizeof aouthdr_out->o_resv2);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->bss_start, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->bss_start);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->gp_value, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->gp_value);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->gprmask, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->gprmask);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->cprmask[0], (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->cprmask[0]);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->cprmask[1], (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->cprmask[1]);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->cprmask[2], (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->cprmask[2]);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->cprmask[3], (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->cprmask[3]);
- /* FIXME: What does bldrev mean? */
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, (bfd_vma) 2, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->bldrev);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, (bfd_vma) 0, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->padding);
- bfd_h_put_64(abfd, aouthdr_in->bss_start, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->bss_start);
- bfd_h_put_64(abfd, aouthdr_in->gp_value, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->gp_value);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->gprmask, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->gprmask);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->fprmask, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->fprmask);
- return sizeof(AOUTHDR);
-static void
-coff_swap_scnhdr_in (abfd, ext, in)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext;
- PTR in;
- SCNHDR *scnhdr_ext = (SCNHDR *) ext;
- struct internal_scnhdr *scnhdr_int = (struct internal_scnhdr *) in;
- memcpy(scnhdr_int->s_name, scnhdr_ext->s_name, sizeof(scnhdr_int->s_name));
- scnhdr_int->s_vaddr =
- GET_SCNHDR_VADDR (abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_vaddr);
- scnhdr_int->s_paddr =
- GET_SCNHDR_PADDR (abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_paddr);
- scnhdr_int->s_size =
- GET_SCNHDR_SIZE (abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_size);
- scnhdr_int->s_scnptr =
- GET_SCNHDR_SCNPTR (abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_scnptr);
- scnhdr_int->s_relptr =
- GET_SCNHDR_RELPTR (abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_relptr);
- scnhdr_int->s_lnnoptr =
- GET_SCNHDR_LNNOPTR (abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_lnnoptr);
- scnhdr_int->s_flags = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_flags);
-#if defined(M88)
- scnhdr_int->s_nreloc = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nreloc);
- scnhdr_int->s_nlnno = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nlnno);
- scnhdr_int->s_nreloc = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nreloc);
- scnhdr_int->s_nlnno = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nlnno);
-#ifdef I960
- scnhdr_int->s_align = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_align);
-static unsigned int
-coff_swap_scnhdr_out (abfd, in, out)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR in;
- PTR out;
- struct internal_scnhdr *scnhdr_int = (struct internal_scnhdr *)in;
- SCNHDR *scnhdr_ext = (SCNHDR *)out;
- unsigned int ret = sizeof (SCNHDR);
- memcpy(scnhdr_ext->s_name, scnhdr_int->s_name, sizeof(scnhdr_int->s_name));
- PUT_SCNHDR_VADDR (abfd, scnhdr_int->s_vaddr,
- (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_vaddr);
- PUT_SCNHDR_PADDR (abfd, scnhdr_int->s_paddr,
- (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_paddr);
- PUT_SCNHDR_SIZE (abfd, scnhdr_int->s_size,
- (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_size);
- PUT_SCNHDR_SCNPTR (abfd, scnhdr_int->s_scnptr,
- (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_scnptr);
- PUT_SCNHDR_RELPTR (abfd, scnhdr_int->s_relptr,
- (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_relptr);
- PUT_SCNHDR_LNNOPTR (abfd, scnhdr_int->s_lnnoptr,
- (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_lnnoptr);
- PUTWORD(abfd, scnhdr_int->s_flags, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_flags);
-#if defined(M88)
- PUTWORD(abfd, scnhdr_int->s_nlnno, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nlnno);
- PUTWORD(abfd, scnhdr_int->s_nreloc, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nreloc);
- if (scnhdr_int->s_nlnno <= 0xffff)
- PUTHALF(abfd, scnhdr_int->s_nlnno, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nlnno);
- else
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("%s: line number overflow: 0x%lx > 0xffff",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd),
- scnhdr_int->s_nlnno);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_truncated);
- PUTHALF (abfd, 0xffff, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nlnno);
- ret = 0;
- }
- if (scnhdr_int->s_nreloc <= 0xffff)
- PUTHALF(abfd, scnhdr_int->s_nreloc, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nreloc);
- else
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("%s: reloc overflow: 0x%lx > 0xffff",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd),
- scnhdr_int->s_nreloc);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_truncated);
- PUTHALF (abfd, 0xffff, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nreloc);
- ret = 0;
- }
-#if defined(I960)
- PUTWORD(abfd, scnhdr_int->s_align, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_align);
- return ret;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/config.bfd b/contrib/gdb/bfd/config.bfd
deleted file mode 100644
index 7757d5fec299..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/config.bfd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
-# config.bfd
-# Convert a canonical host type into a BFD host type.
-# Set shell variable targ to canonical target name, and run
-# using ``. config.bfd''.
-# Sets the following shell variables:
-# targ_defvec Default vector for this target
-# targ_selvecs Vectors to build for this target
-# targ_archs Architectures for this target
-# targ_cflags $(CFLAGS) for this target (FIXME: pretty bogus)
-# targ_undercore Whether underscores are used: yes or no
-# The binutils c++filt program wants to know whether underscores are
-# stripped or not. That is why we set targ_underscore. c++filt uses
-# this information to choose a default. This information is
-# duplicated in the symbol_leading_char field of the BFD target
-# vector, but c++filt does not deal with object files and is not
-# linked against libbfd.a. It is not terribly important that c++filt
-# get this right; it is just convenient.
-targ_cpu=`echo $targ | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\1/'`
-case "${targ_cpu}" in
-arm*) targ_archs=bfd_arm_arch ;;
-hppa*) targ_archs=bfd_hppa_arch ;;
-i[345]86) targ_archs=bfd_i386_arch ;;
-m68*) targ_archs=bfd_m68k_arch ;;
-m88*) targ_archs=bfd_m88k_arch ;;
-mips*) targ_archs=bfd_mips_arch ;;
-powerpc*) targ_archs="bfd_rs6000_arch bfd_powerpc_arch" ;;
-rs6000) targ_archs="bfd_rs6000_arch bfd_powerpc_arch" ;;
-sparc*) targ_archs=bfd_sparc_arch ;;
-z8k*) targ_archs=bfd_z8k_arch ;;
-*) targ_archs=bfd_${targ_cpu}_arch ;;
-# Make sure that the left side always has two dashes. Otherwise you
-# can get spurious matches. Even for unambiguous cases, do this as a
-# convention, else the table becomes a real mess to understand and maintain.
-case "${targ}" in
- alpha-*-netware*)
- targ_defvec=ecoffalpha_little_vec
- targ_selvecs=nlm32_alpha_vec
- ;;
- alpha-*-*)
- targ_defvec=ecoffalpha_little_vec
- ;;
- arm-*-riscix*)
- targ_defvec=riscix_vec
- ;;
- arm-*-pe*)
- targ_defvec=armpe_little_vec
- targ_selvecs="armpe_little_vec armpe_big_vec armpei_little_vec armpei_big_vec"
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- arm-*-aout | armel-*-aout)
- targ_defvec=aout_arm_little_vec
- targ_selvecs=aout_arm_big_vec
- ;;
- armeb-*-aout)
- targ_defvec=aout_arm_big_vec
- targ_selvecs=aout_arm_little_vec
- ;;
- arm-*-coff)
- targ_defvec=armcoff_little_vec
- targ_selvecs=armcoff_big_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- a29k-*-ebmon* | a29k-*-udi* | a29k-*-coff* | a29k-*-sym1* | \
- a29k-*-vxworks* | a29k-*-sysv*)
- targ_defvec=a29kcoff_big_vec
- targ_selvecs=sunos_big_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- a29k-*-aout* | a29k-*-bsd* | a29k-*-vsta*)
- targ_defvec=sunos_big_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- h8300*-*-*)
- targ_defvec=h8300coff_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- h8500-*-*)
- targ_defvec=h8500coff_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- sh-*-*)
- targ_defvec=shcoff_vec
- targ_selvecs="shcoff_vec shlcoff_vec"
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- hppa*-*-*elf* | hppa*-*-lites* | hppa*-*-sysv4*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_hppa_vec
- ;;
- hppa*-*-bsd*)
- targ_defvec=som_vec
- targ_selvecs=bfd_elf32_hppa_vec
- ;;
- hppa*-*-hpux* | hppa*-*-hiux*)
- targ_defvec=som_vec
- ;;
- hppa*-*-osf*)
- targ_defvec=som_vec
- targ_selvecs=bfd_elf32_hppa_vec
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-sysv4* | i[345]86-*-unixware | i[345]86-*-solaris2* | \
- i[345]86-*-elf | i[345]86-*-sco*elf*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_i386_vec
- targ_selvecs=i386coff_vec
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-sysv* | i[345]86-*-isc* | i[345]86-*-sco* | i[345]86-*-coff | \
- i[345]86-*-aix* | i[345]86-*-go32*)
- targ_defvec=i386coff_vec
- ;;
- i[345]86-sequent-bsd*)
- targ_defvec=i386dynix_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-bsd*)
- targ_defvec=i386bsd_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-freebsd*)
- targ_defvec=i386freebsd_vec
- targ_selvecs=i386bsd_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-netbsd*)
- targ_defvec=i386netbsd_vec
- targ_selvecs=i386bsd_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-netware*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_i386_vec
- targ_selvecs="nlm32_i386_vec i386coff_vec i386aout_vec"
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-linuxaout*)
- targ_defvec=i386linux_vec
- targ_selvecs=bfd_elf32_i386_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-linux*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_i386_vec
- targ_selvecs=i386linux_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-lynxos*)
- targ_defvec=i386lynx_coff_vec
- targ_selvecs=i386lynx_aout_vec
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-gnu*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_i386_vec
- targ_selvecs=i386mach3_vec
- targ_cflags=-DSTAT_FOR_EXEC
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-mach* | i[345]86-*-osf1mk*)
- targ_defvec=i386mach3_vec
- targ_cflags=-DSTAT_FOR_EXEC
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-os9k)
- targ_defvec=i386os9k_vec
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-msdos*)
- targ_defvec=i386aout_vec
- targ_selvecs=i386msdos_vec
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-moss*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_i386_vec
- targ_selvecs="i386msdos_vec i386aout_vec"
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-cygwin32 | i[345]86-*-winnt | i[345]86-*-pe)
- targ_defvec=i386pe_vec
- targ_selvecs="i386pe_vec i386pei_vec"
- ;;
- i[345]86-none-*)
- targ_defvec=i386coff_vec
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-aout* | i[345]86*-*-vsta*)
- targ_defvec=i386aout_vec
- ;;
- i860-*-mach3* | i860-*-osf1* | i860-*-coff*)
- targ_defvec=i860coff_vec
- ;;
- i860-*-sysv4* | i860-*-elf*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_i860_vec
- ;;
- i960-*-vxworks4* | i960-*-vxworks5.0)
- targ_defvec=b_out_vec_little_host
- targ_selvecs="b_out_vec_big_host icoff_little_vec icoff_big_vec"
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- i960-*-vxworks5.* | i960-*-coff* | i960-*-sysv*)
- targ_defvec=icoff_little_vec
- targ_selvecs="icoff_big_vec b_out_vec_little_host b_out_vec_big_host"
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- i960-*-vxworks* | i960-*-aout* | i960-*-bout* | i960-*-nindy*)
- targ_defvec=b_out_vec_little_host
- targ_selvecs="b_out_vec_big_host icoff_little_vec icoff_big_vec"
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- m68*-apollo-*)
- targ_defvec=apollocoff_vec
- ;;
- m68*-bull-sysv*)
- targ_defvec=m68kcoffun_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- m68*-hp-bsd*)
- targ_defvec=hp300bsd_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- m68*-*-aout*)
- targ_defvec=aout0_big_vec
- # We include this here, rather than making a separate cisco
- # configuration, so that cisco-core.c gets routinely tested at
- # least for compilation.
- targ_selvecs=cisco_core_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- m68*-*-elf* | m68*-*-sysv4*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_m68k_vec
- targ_selvecs=m68kcoff_vec
- ;;
- m68*-*-coff* | m68*-*-sysv*)
- targ_defvec=m68kcoff_vec
- targ_selvecs="m68kcoff_vec versados_vec"
- ;;
- m68*-*-hpux*)
- targ_defvec=hp300hpux_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- m68*-*-linuxaout*)
- targ_defvec=m68klinux_vec
- targ_selvecs=bfd_elf32_m68k_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- m68*-*-linux*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_m68k_vec
- targ_selvecs=m68klinux_vec
- ;;
- m68*-*-lynxos*)
- targ_defvec=m68klynx_coff_vec
- targ_selvecs=m68klynx_aout_vec
- ;;
- m68*-hp*-netbsd*)
- targ_defvec=m68k4knetbsd_vec
- targ_selvecs="m68knetbsd_vec hp300bsd_vec sunos_big_vec"
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- m68*-*-netbsd*)
- targ_defvec=m68knetbsd_vec
- targ_selvecs="m68k4knetbsd_vec hp300bsd_vec sunos_big_vec"
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- m68*-*-sunos* | m68*-*-os68k* | m68*-*-vxworks* | m68*-netx-* | \
- m68*-*-bsd* | m68*-*-vsta*)
- targ_defvec=sunos_big_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- m68*-ericsson-*)
- targ_defvec=sunos_big_vec
- targ_selvecs="m68kcoff_vec tekhex_vec"
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- m68*-cbm-*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_m68k_vec
- targ_selvecs=m68kcoff_vec
- ;;
- m68*-apple-aux*)
- targ_defvec=m68kaux_coff_vec
- ;;
- m68*-*-psos*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_m68k_vec
- targ_selvecs=ieee_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- m88*-harris-cxux* | m88*-*-dgux* | m88*-*-sysv4*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_m88k_vec
- targ_selvecs=m88kbcs_vec
- ;;
- m88*-*-mach3*)
- targ_defvec=m88kmach3_vec
- targ_cflags=-DSTAT_FOR_EXEC
- ;;
- m88*-*-*)
- targ_defvec=m88kbcs_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- mips*-big-*)
- targ_defvec=ecoff_big_vec
- targ_selvecs=ecoff_little_vec
- ;;
- mips-dec-netbsd*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_littlemips_vec
- targ_selvecs=bfd_elf32_bigmips_vec
- ;;
- mips*-dec-bsd*)
- targ_defvec=aout_mips_little_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- mips*-dec-mach3*)
- targ_defvec=aout_mips_little_vec
- targ_cflags=-DSTAT_FOR_EXEC
- ;;
- mips*-dec-* | mips*el-*-ecoff*)
- targ_defvec=ecoff_little_vec
- targ_selvecs=ecoff_big_vec
- ;;
- mips*-*-ecoff*)
- targ_defvec=ecoff_big_vec
- targ_selvecs=ecoff_little_vec
- ;;
- mips*-*-irix5*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_bigmips_vec
- targ_selvecs="bfd_elf32_littlemips_vec ecoff_big_vec ecoff_little_vec"
- ;;
- mips*-sgi-* | mips*-*-bsd*)
- targ_defvec=ecoff_big_vec
- targ_selvecs=ecoff_little_vec
- ;;
- mips*-*-mach3*)
- targ_defvec=aout_mips_little_vec
- targ_cflags=-DSTAT_FOR_EXEC
- ;;
- mips*-*-sysv4*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_bigmips_vec
- targ_selvecs="bfd_elf32_littlemips_vec ecoff_big_vec ecoff_little_vec"
- ;;
- mips*-*-sysv* | mips*-*-riscos*)
- targ_defvec=ecoff_big_vec
- targ_selvecs=ecoff_little_vec
- ;;
- mips*el-*-elf*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_littlemips_vec
- targ_selvecs=bfd_elf32_bigmips_vec
- ;;
- mips*-*-elf*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_bigmips_vec
- targ_selvecs=bfd_elf32_littlemips_vec
- ;;
- ns32k-pc532-mach* | ns32k-pc532-ux*)
- targ_defvec=pc532machaout_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- ns32k-*-netbsd* | ns32k-*-lites*)
- targ_defvec=pc532netbsd_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- powerpc-*-aix*)
- targ_defvec=rs6000coff_vec
- ;;
- powerpc-*-elf* | powerpc-*-sysv4* | powerpc-*-eabi* | powerpc-*-solaris2*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_powerpc_vec
- targ_selvecs="rs6000coff_vec bfd_elf32_powerpcle_vec bfd_powerpcle_pei_vec bfd_powerpc_pei_vec bfd_powerpcle_pe_vec bfd_powerpc_pe_vec"
- ;;
- powerpc-*-macos* | powerpc-*-mpw*)
- targ_defvec=pmac_xcoff_vec
- ;;
- powerpc-*-netware*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_powerpc_vec
- targ_selvecs="nlm32_powerpc_vec rs6000coff_vec"
- ;;
- powerpcle-*-elf* | powerpcle-*-sysv4* | powerpcle-*-eabi* | \
- powerpcle-*-solaris2*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_powerpcle_vec
- targ_selvecs="rs6000coff_vec bfd_elf32_powerpc_vec bfd_powerpcle_pei_vec bfd_powerpc_pei_vec bfd_powerpcle_pe_vec bfd_powerpc_pe_vec"
- ;;
- powerpcle-*-pe | powerpcle-*-winnt* | powerpcle-*-cygwin32)
- targ_defvec=bfd_powerpcle_pe_vec
- targ_selvecs="bfd_powerpcle_pei_vec bfd_powerpc_pei_vec bfd_powerpcle_pe_vec bfd_powerpc_pe_vec"
- ;;
- rs6000-*-*)
- targ_defvec=rs6000coff_vec
- ;;
- sparc-*-lynxos*)
- targ_defvec=sparclynx_coff_vec
- targ_selvecs=sparclynx_aout_vec
- ;;
- sparc-*-netbsd*)
- targ_defvec=sparcnetbsd_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- sparc-*-elf* | sparc-*-sysv4* | sparc-*-solaris2*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_sparc_vec
- targ_selvecs=sunos_big_vec
- ;;
- sparc64-*-aout*)
- targ_defvec=sunos_big_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- sparc64-*-elf*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf64_sparc_vec
- targ_selvecs=bfd_elf32_sparc_vec
- ;;
- sparc64-*-solaris2* | sparc64-*-sysv4*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_sparc_vec
- # Adding 64 bit support by default causes things like objdump to
- # print addresses as 64 bits.
- #targ_selvecs=bfd_elf64_sparc_vec
- ;;
- sparc-*-netware*)
- targ_defvec=bfd_elf32_sparc_vec
- targ_selvecs="nlm32_sparc_vec sunos_big_vec"
- ;;
- sparc*-*-coff*)
- targ_defvec=sparccoff_vec
- ;;
- sparc*-*-*)
- targ_defvec=sunos_big_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- tahoe-*-*)
- targ_defvec=host_aout_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- vax-*-vms*)
- echo 1>&2 "*** BFD does not support target ${targ}."
- echo 1>&2 "*** Look in bfd/config.bfd for supported targets."
- exit 1
- ;;
- vax-*-*)
- targ_defvec=host_aout_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- we32k-*-*)
- targ_defvec=we32kcoff_vec
- ;;
- w65-*-*)
- targ_defvec=w65_vec
- ;;
- z8k*-*-*)
- targ_defvec=z8kcoff_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- *-*-ieee*)
- targ_defvec=ieee_vec
- ;;
- *-adobe-*)
- targ_defvec=a_aout_adobe_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- *-sony-*)
- targ_defvec=newsos3_vec
- targ_underscore=yes
- ;;
- *-tandem-*)
- targ_defvec=m68kcoff_vec
- targ_selvecs=ieee_vec
- ;;
- *)
- echo 1>&2 "*** BFD does not support target ${targ}."
- echo 1>&2 "*** Look in bfd/config.bfd for supported targets."
- exit 1
- ;;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ b/contrib/gdb/bfd/
deleted file mode 100644
index dd4f968e7940..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-/* Generated automatically from by autoheader. */
-/* Whether malloc must be declared even if <stdlib.h> is included. */
-/* Whether free must be declared even if <stdlib.h> is included. */
-/* Define if you have a working `mmap' system call. */
-#undef HAVE_MMAP
-/* Define if you can safely include both <sys/time.h> and <time.h>. */
-/* Do we need to use the b modifier when opening binary files? */
-/* Name of host specific header file to include in trad-core.c. */
-/* Define only if <sys/procfs.h> is available *and* it defines prstatus_t. */
-/* Do we really want to use mmap if it's available? */
-#undef USE_MMAP
-/* Define if you have the fcntl function. */
-#undef HAVE_FCNTL
-/* Define if you have the getpagesize function. */
-/* Define if you have the madvise function. */
-/* Define if you have the mprotect function. */
-/* Define if you have the valloc function. */
-/* Define if you have the <fcntl.h> header file. */
-#undef HAVE_FCNTL_H
-/* Define if you have the <stddef.h> header file. */
-/* Define if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
-/* Define if you have the <string.h> header file. */
-/* Define if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
-/* Define if you have the <sys/file.h> header file. */
-/* Define if you have the <sys/time.h> header file. */
-/* Define if you have the <time.h> header file. */
-#undef HAVE_TIME_H
-/* Define if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/configure b/contrib/gdb/bfd/configure
deleted file mode 100644
index 5db14db15a9e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/configure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2439 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
-# Generated automatically using autoconf version 2.8
-# Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This configure script is free software; the Free Software Foundation
-# gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
-# Defaults:
-# Any additions from
- --enable-64-bit-bfd 64-bit support (on hosts with narrower word sizes)"
- --enable-targets alternative target configurations"
- --enable-shared build shared BFD library"
- --enable-commonbfdlib build shared BFD/opcodes/libiberty library"
- --with-mmap try using mmap for BFD input files if available"
-# Initialize some variables set by options.
-# The variables have the same names as the options, with
-# dashes changed to underlines.
-# Initialize some other variables.
-for ac_option
- # If the previous option needs an argument, assign it.
- if test -n "$ac_prev"; then
- eval "$ac_prev=\$ac_option"
- ac_prev=
- continue
- fi
- case "$ac_option" in
- -*=*) ac_optarg=`echo "$ac_option" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'` ;;
- *) ac_optarg= ;;
- esac
- # Accept the important Cygnus configure options, so we can diagnose typos.
- case "$ac_option" in
- -bindir | --bindir | --bindi | --bind | --bin | --bi)
- ac_prev=bindir ;;
- -bindir=* | --bindir=* | --bindi=* | --bind=* | --bin=* | --bi=*)
- bindir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -build | --build | --buil | --bui | --bu)
- ac_prev=build ;;
- -build=* | --build=* | --buil=* | --bui=* | --bu=*)
- build="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -cache-file | --cache-file | --cache-fil | --cache-fi \
- | --cache-f | --cache- | --cache | --cach | --cac | --ca | --c)
- ac_prev=cache_file ;;
- -cache-file=* | --cache-file=* | --cache-fil=* | --cache-fi=* \
- | --cache-f=* | --cache-=* | --cache=* | --cach=* | --cac=* | --ca=* | --c=*)
- cache_file="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -datadir | --datadir | --datadi | --datad | --data | --dat | --da)
- ac_prev=datadir ;;
- -datadir=* | --datadir=* | --datadi=* | --datad=* | --data=* | --dat=* \
- | --da=*)
- datadir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -disable-* | --disable-*)
- ac_feature=`echo $ac_option|sed -e 's/-*disable-//'`
- # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
- if test -n "`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/[-a-zA-Z0-9_]//g'`"; then
- { echo "configure: error: $ac_feature: invalid feature name" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- ac_feature=`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/-/_/g'`
- eval "enable_${ac_feature}=no" ;;
- -enable-* | --enable-*)
- ac_feature=`echo $ac_option|sed -e 's/-*enable-//' -e 's/=.*//'`
- # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
- if test -n "`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]//g'`"; then
- { echo "configure: error: $ac_feature: invalid feature name" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- ac_feature=`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/-/_/g'`
- case "$ac_option" in
- *=*) ;;
- *) ac_optarg=yes ;;
- esac
- eval "enable_${ac_feature}='$ac_optarg'" ;;
- -exec-prefix | --exec_prefix | --exec-prefix | --exec-prefi \
- | --exec-pref | --exec-pre | --exec-pr | --exec-p | --exec- \
- | --exec | --exe | --ex)
- ac_prev=exec_prefix ;;
- -exec-prefix=* | --exec_prefix=* | --exec-prefix=* | --exec-prefi=* \
- | --exec-pref=* | --exec-pre=* | --exec-pr=* | --exec-p=* | --exec-=* \
- | --exec=* | --exe=* | --ex=*)
- exec_prefix="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -gas | --gas | --ga | --g)
- # Obsolete; use --with-gas.
- with_gas=yes ;;
- -help | --help | --hel | --he)
- # Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing.
- # This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh.
- cat << EOF
-Usage: configure [options] [host]
-Options: [defaults in brackets after descriptions]
- --cache-file=FILE cache test results in FILE
- --help print this message
- --no-create do not create output files
- --quiet, --silent do not print \`checking...' messages
- --version print the version of autoconf that created configure
-Directory and file names:
- --prefix=PREFIX install architecture-independent files in PREFIX
- [$ac_default_prefix]
- --exec-prefix=EPREFIX install architecture-dependent files in EPREFIX
- [same as prefix]
- --bindir=DIR user executables in DIR [EPREFIX/bin]
- --sbindir=DIR system admin executables in DIR [EPREFIX/sbin]
- --libexecdir=DIR program executables in DIR [EPREFIX/libexec]
- --datadir=DIR read-only architecture-independent data in DIR
- [PREFIX/share]
- --sysconfdir=DIR read-only single-machine data in DIR [PREFIX/etc]
- --sharedstatedir=DIR modifiable architecture-independent data in DIR
- [PREFIX/com]
- --localstatedir=DIR modifiable single-machine data in DIR [PREFIX/var]
- --libdir=DIR object code libraries in DIR [EPREFIX/lib]
- --includedir=DIR C header files in DIR [PREFIX/include]
- --oldincludedir=DIR C header files for non-gcc in DIR [/usr/include]
- --infodir=DIR info documentation in DIR [PREFIX/info]
- --mandir=DIR man documentation in DIR [PREFIX/man]
- --srcdir=DIR find the sources in DIR [configure dir or ..]
- --program-prefix=PREFIX prepend PREFIX to installed program names
- --program-suffix=SUFFIX append SUFFIX to installed program names
- --program-transform-name=PROGRAM
- run sed PROGRAM on installed program names
- cat << EOF
-Host type:
- --build=BUILD configure for building on BUILD [BUILD=HOST]
- --host=HOST configure for HOST [guessed]
- --target=TARGET configure for TARGET [TARGET=HOST]
-Features and packages:
- --disable-FEATURE do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no)
- --enable-FEATURE[=ARG] include FEATURE [ARG=yes]
- --with-PACKAGE[=ARG] use PACKAGE [ARG=yes]
- --without-PACKAGE do not use PACKAGE (same as --with-PACKAGE=no)
- --x-includes=DIR X include files are in DIR
- --x-libraries=DIR X library files are in DIR
- if test -n "$ac_help"; then
- echo "--enable and --with options recognized:$ac_help"
- fi
- exit 0 ;;
- -host | --host | --hos | --ho)
- ac_prev=host ;;
- -host=* | --host=* | --hos=* | --ho=*)
- host="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -includedir | --includedir | --includedi | --included | --include \
- | --includ | --inclu | --incl | --inc)
- ac_prev=includedir ;;
- -includedir=* | --includedir=* | --includedi=* | --included=* | --include=* \
- | --includ=* | --inclu=* | --incl=* | --inc=*)
- includedir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -infodir | --infodir | --infodi | --infod | --info | --inf)
- ac_prev=infodir ;;
- -infodir=* | --infodir=* | --infodi=* | --infod=* | --info=* | --inf=*)
- infodir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -libdir | --libdir | --libdi | --libd)
- ac_prev=libdir ;;
- -libdir=* | --libdir=* | --libdi=* | --libd=*)
- libdir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -libexecdir | --libexecdir | --libexecdi | --libexecd | --libexec \
- | --libexe | --libex | --libe)
- ac_prev=libexecdir ;;
- -libexecdir=* | --libexecdir=* | --libexecdi=* | --libexecd=* | --libexec=* \
- | --libexe=* | --libex=* | --libe=*)
- libexecdir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -localstatedir | --localstatedir | --localstatedi | --localstated \
- | --localstate | --localstat | --localsta | --localst \
- | --locals | --local | --loca | --loc | --lo)
- ac_prev=localstatedir ;;
- -localstatedir=* | --localstatedir=* | --localstatedi=* | --localstated=* \
- | --localstate=* | --localstat=* | --localsta=* | --localst=* \
- | --locals=* | --local=* | --loca=* | --loc=* | --lo=*)
- localstatedir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -mandir | --mandir | --mandi | --mand | --man | --ma | --m)
- ac_prev=mandir ;;
- -mandir=* | --mandir=* | --mandi=* | --mand=* | --man=* | --ma=* | --m=*)
- mandir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -nfp | --nfp | --nf)
- # Obsolete; use --without-fp.
- with_fp=no ;;
- -no-create | --no-create | --no-creat | --no-crea | --no-cre \
- | --no-cr | --no-c)
- no_create=yes ;;
- -no-recursion | --no-recursion | --no-recursio | --no-recursi \
- | --no-recurs | --no-recur | --no-recu | --no-rec | --no-re | --no-r)
- no_recursion=yes ;;
- -oldincludedir | --oldincludedir | --oldincludedi | --oldincluded \
- | --oldinclude | --oldinclud | --oldinclu | --oldincl | --oldinc \
- | --oldin | --oldi | --old | --ol | --o)
- ac_prev=oldincludedir ;;
- -oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedi=* | --oldincluded=* \
- | --oldinclude=* | --oldinclud=* | --oldinclu=* | --oldincl=* | --oldinc=* \
- | --oldin=* | --oldi=* | --old=* | --ol=* | --o=*)
- oldincludedir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -prefix | --prefix | --prefi | --pref | --pre | --pr | --p)
- ac_prev=prefix ;;
- -prefix=* | --prefix=* | --prefi=* | --pref=* | --pre=* | --pr=* | --p=*)
- prefix="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -program-prefix | --program-prefix | --program-prefi | --program-pref \
- | --program-pre | --program-pr | --program-p)
- ac_prev=program_prefix ;;
- -program-prefix=* | --program-prefix=* | --program-prefi=* \
- | --program-pref=* | --program-pre=* | --program-pr=* | --program-p=*)
- program_prefix="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -program-suffix | --program-suffix | --program-suffi | --program-suff \
- | --program-suf | --program-su | --program-s)
- ac_prev=program_suffix ;;
- -program-suffix=* | --program-suffix=* | --program-suffi=* \
- | --program-suff=* | --program-suf=* | --program-su=* | --program-s=*)
- program_suffix="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -program-transform-name | --program-transform-name \
- | --program-transform-nam | --program-transform-na \
- | --program-transform-n | --program-transform- \
- | --program-transform | --program-transfor \
- | --program-transfo | --program-transf \
- | --program-trans | --program-tran \
- | --progr-tra | --program-tr | --program-t)
- ac_prev=program_transform_name ;;
- -program-transform-name=* | --program-transform-name=* \
- | --program-transform-nam=* | --program-transform-na=* \
- | --program-transform-n=* | --program-transform-=* \
- | --program-transform=* | --program-transfor=* \
- | --program-transfo=* | --program-transf=* \
- | --program-trans=* | --program-tran=* \
- | --progr-tra=* | --program-tr=* | --program-t=*)
- program_transform_name="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \
- | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil)
- silent=yes ;;
- -sbindir | --sbindir | --sbindi | --sbind | --sbin | --sbi | --sb)
- ac_prev=sbindir ;;
- -sbindir=* | --sbindir=* | --sbindi=* | --sbind=* | --sbin=* \
- | --sbi=* | --sb=*)
- sbindir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedi \
- | --sharedstated | --sharedstate | --sharedstat | --sharedsta \
- | --sharedst | --shareds | --shared | --share | --shar \
- | --sha | --sh)
- ac_prev=sharedstatedir ;;
- -sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedi=* \
- | --sharedstated=* | --sharedstate=* | --sharedstat=* | --sharedsta=* \
- | --sharedst=* | --shareds=* | --shared=* | --share=* | --shar=* \
- | --sha=* | --sh=*)
- sharedstatedir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -site | --site | --sit)
- ac_prev=site ;;
- -site=* | --site=* | --sit=*)
- site="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -srcdir | --srcdir | --srcdi | --srcd | --src | --sr)
- ac_prev=srcdir ;;
- -srcdir=* | --srcdir=* | --srcdi=* | --srcd=* | --src=* | --sr=*)
- srcdir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -sysconfdir | --sysconfdir | --sysconfdi | --sysconfd | --sysconf \
- | --syscon | --sysco | --sysc | --sys | --sy)
- ac_prev=sysconfdir ;;
- -sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdi=* | --sysconfd=* | --sysconf=* \
- | --syscon=* | --sysco=* | --sysc=* | --sys=* | --sy=*)
- sysconfdir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -target | --target | --targe | --targ | --tar | --ta | --t)
- ac_prev=target ;;
- -target=* | --target=* | --targe=* | --targ=* | --tar=* | --ta=* | --t=*)
- target="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -v | -verbose | --verbose | --verbos | --verbo | --verb)
- verbose=yes ;;
- -version | --version | --versio | --versi | --vers)
- echo "configure generated by autoconf version 2.8"
- exit 0 ;;
- -with-* | --with-*)
- ac_package=`echo $ac_option|sed -e 's/-*with-//' -e 's/=.*//'`
- # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
- if test -n "`echo $ac_package| sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]//g'`"; then
- { echo "configure: error: $ac_package: invalid package name" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- ac_package=`echo $ac_package| sed 's/-/_/g'`
- case "$ac_option" in
- *=*) ;;
- *) ac_optarg=yes ;;
- esac
- eval "with_${ac_package}='$ac_optarg'" ;;
- -without-* | --without-*)
- ac_package=`echo $ac_option|sed -e 's/-*without-//'`
- # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
- if test -n "`echo $ac_package| sed 's/[-a-zA-Z0-9_]//g'`"; then
- { echo "configure: error: $ac_package: invalid package name" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- ac_package=`echo $ac_package| sed 's/-/_/g'`
- eval "with_${ac_package}=no" ;;
- --x)
- # Obsolete; use --with-x.
- with_x=yes ;;
- -x-includes | --x-includes | --x-include | --x-includ | --x-inclu \
- | --x-incl | --x-inc | --x-in | --x-i)
- ac_prev=x_includes ;;
- -x-includes=* | --x-includes=* | --x-include=* | --x-includ=* | --x-inclu=* \
- | --x-incl=* | --x-inc=* | --x-in=* | --x-i=*)
- x_includes="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -x-libraries | --x-libraries | --x-librarie | --x-librari \
- | --x-librar | --x-libra | --x-libr | --x-lib | --x-li | --x-l)
- ac_prev=x_libraries ;;
- -x-libraries=* | --x-libraries=* | --x-librarie=* | --x-librari=* \
- | --x-librar=* | --x-libra=* | --x-libr=* | --x-lib=* | --x-li=* | --x-l=*)
- x_libraries="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -*) { echo "configure: error: $ac_option: invalid option; use --help to show usage" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- ;;
- *)
- if test -n "`echo $ac_option| sed 's/[-a-z0-9.]//g'`"; then
- echo "configure: warning: $ac_option: invalid host type" 1>&2
- fi
- if test "x$nonopt" != xNONE; then
- { echo "configure: error: can only configure for one host and one target at a time" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- nonopt="$ac_option"
- ;;
- esac
-if test -n "$ac_prev"; then
- { echo "configure: error: missing argument to --`echo $ac_prev | sed 's/_/-/g'`" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-trap 'rm -fr conftest* confdefs* core core.* *.core $ac_clean_files; exit 1' 1 2 15
-# File descriptor usage:
-# 0 standard input
-# 1 file creation
-# 2 errors and warnings
-# 3 some systems may open it to /dev/tty
-# 4 used on the Kubota Titan
-# 6 checking for... messages and results
-# 5 compiler messages saved in config.log
-if test "$silent" = yes; then
- exec 6>/dev/null
- exec 6>&1
-exec 5>./config.log
-echo "\
-This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
-running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
-" 1>&5
-# Strip out --no-create and --no-recursion so they do not pile up.
-# Also quote any args containing shell metacharacters.
-for ac_arg
- case "$ac_arg" in
- -no-create | --no-create | --no-creat | --no-crea | --no-cre \
- | --no-cr | --no-c) ;;
- -no-recursion | --no-recursion | --no-recursio | --no-recursi \
- | --no-recurs | --no-recur | --no-recu | --no-rec | --no-re | --no-r) ;;
- *" "*|*" "*|*[\[\]\~\#\$\^\&\*\(\)\{\}\\\|\;\<\>\?]*)
- ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args '$ac_arg'" ;;
- *) ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args $ac_arg" ;;
- esac
-# NLS nuisances.
-# Only set LANG and LC_ALL to C if already set.
-# These must not be set unconditionally because not all systems understand
-# e.g. LANG=C (notably SCO).
-if test "${LC_ALL+set}" = set; then LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL; fi
-if test "${LANG+set}" = set; then LANG=C; export LANG; fi
-# confdefs.h avoids OS command line length limits that DEFS can exceed.
-rm -rf conftest* confdefs.h
-# AIX cpp loses on an empty file, so make sure it contains at least a newline.
-echo > confdefs.h
-# A filename unique to this package, relative to the directory that
-# configure is in, which we can look for to find out if srcdir is correct.
-# Find the source files, if location was not specified.
-if test -z "$srcdir"; then
- ac_srcdir_defaulted=yes
- # Try the directory containing this script, then its parent.
- ac_prog=$0
- ac_confdir=`echo $ac_prog|sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'`
- test "x$ac_confdir" = "x$ac_prog" && ac_confdir=.
- srcdir=$ac_confdir
- if test ! -r $srcdir/$ac_unique_file; then
- srcdir=..
- fi
- ac_srcdir_defaulted=no
-if test ! -r $srcdir/$ac_unique_file; then
- if test "$ac_srcdir_defaulted" = yes; then
- { echo "configure: error: can not find sources in $ac_confdir or .." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- else
- { echo "configure: error: can not find sources in $srcdir" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
-srcdir=`echo "${srcdir}" | sed 's%\([^/]\)/*$%\1%'`
-# Prefer explicitly selected file to automatically selected ones.
-if test -z "$CONFIG_SITE"; then
- if test "x$prefix" != xNONE; then
- CONFIG_SITE="$prefix/share/ $prefix/etc/"
- else
- CONFIG_SITE="$ac_default_prefix/share/ $ac_default_prefix/etc/"
- fi
-for ac_site_file in $CONFIG_SITE; do
- if test -r "$ac_site_file"; then
- echo "loading site script $ac_site_file"
- . "$ac_site_file"
- fi
-if test -r "$cache_file"; then
- echo "loading cache $cache_file"
- . $cache_file
- echo "creating cache $cache_file"
- > $cache_file
-# CFLAGS is not in ac_cpp because -g, -O, etc. are not valid cpp options.
-ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
-ac_compile='${CC-cc} -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext 1>&5'
-ac_link='${CC-cc} -o conftest $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS 1>&5'
-if (echo "testing\c"; echo 1,2,3) | grep c >/dev/null; then
- # Stardent Vistra SVR4 grep lacks -e, says
- if (echo -n testing; echo 1,2,3) | sed s/-n/xn/ | grep xn >/dev/null; then
- ac_n= ac_c='
-' ac_t=' '
- else
- ac_n=-n ac_c= ac_t=
- fi
- ac_n= ac_c='\c' ac_t=
-# Check whether --enable-64-bit-bfd or --disable-64-bit-bfd was given.
-if test "${enable_64_bit_bfd+set}" = set; then
- enableval="$enable_64_bit_bfd"
- case "${enableval}" in
- yes) want64=true ;;
- no) want64=false ;;
- *) { echo "configure: error: bad value ${enableval} for 64-bit-bfd option" 1>&2; exit 1; } ;;
- want64=false
-# Check whether --enable-targets or --disable-targets was given.
-if test "${enable_targets+set}" = set; then
- enableval="$enable_targets"
- case "${enableval}" in
- yes | "") { echo "configure: error: enable-targets option must specify target names or 'all'" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- ;;
- no) enable_targets= ;;
- *) enable_targets=$enableval ;;
-# Check whether --enable-shared or --disable-shared was given.
-if test "${enable_shared+set}" = set; then
- enableval="$enable_shared"
- case "${enableval}" in
- yes) shared=true ;;
- no) shared=false ;;
- *) { echo "configure: error: bad value ${enableval} for BFD shared option" 1>&2; exit 1; } ;;
-# Check whether --enable-commonbfdlib or --disable-commonbfdlib was given.
-if test "${enable_commonbfdlib+set}" = set; then
- enableval="$enable_commonbfdlib"
- case "${enableval}" in
- yes) commonbfdlib=true ;;
- no) commonbfdlib=false ;;
- *) { echo "configure: error: bad value ${enableval} for BFD commonbfdlib option" 1>&2; exit 1; } ;;
-# Check whether --with-mmap or --without-mmap was given.
-if test "${with_mmap+set}" = set; then
- withval="$with_mmap"
- case "${withval}" in
- yes) want_mmap=true ;;
- no) want_mmap=false ;;
- *) { echo "configure: error: bad value ${withval} for BFD with-mmap option" 1>&2; exit 1; } ;;
- want_mmap=false
-for ac_dir in `cd $srcdir/..;pwd` $srcdir/`cd $srcdir/..;pwd`; do
- if test -f $ac_dir/install-sh; then
- ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir
- ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/install-sh -c"
- break
- elif test -f $ac_dir/; then
- ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir
- ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/ -c"
- break
- fi
-if test -z "$ac_aux_dir"; then
- { echo "configure: error: can not find install-sh or in `cd $srcdir/..;pwd` $srcdir/`cd $srcdir/..;pwd`" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-ac_configure=$ac_aux_dir/configure # This should be Cygnus configure.
-# Do some error checking and defaulting for the host and target type.
-# The inputs are:
-# configure --host=HOST --target=TARGET --build=BUILD NONOPT
-# The rules are:
-# 1. You are not allowed to specify --host, --target, and nonopt at the
-# same time.
-# 2. Host defaults to nonopt.
-# 3. If nonopt is not specified, then host defaults to the current host,
-# as determined by config.guess.
-# 4. Target and build default to nonopt.
-# 5. If nonopt is not specified, then target and build default to host.
-# The aliases save the names the user supplied, while $host etc.
-# will get canonicalized.
-case $host---$target---$nonopt in
-NONE---*---* | *---NONE---* | *---*---NONE) ;;
-*) { echo "configure: error: can only configure for one host and one target at a time" 1>&2; exit 1; } ;;
-# Make sure we can run config.sub.
-if $ac_config_sub sun4 >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
-else { echo "configure: error: can not run $ac_config_sub" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-echo $ac_n "checking host system type""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-case "$host_alias" in
- case $nonopt in
- if host_alias=`$ac_config_guess`; then :
- else { echo "configure: error: can not guess host type; you must specify one" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi ;;
- *) host_alias=$nonopt ;;
- esac ;;
-host=`$ac_config_sub $host_alias`
-host_cpu=`echo $host | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\1/'`
-host_vendor=`echo $host | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\2/'`
-host_os=`echo $host | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\3/'`
-echo "$ac_t""$host" 1>&6
-echo $ac_n "checking target system type""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-case "$target_alias" in
- case $nonopt in
- NONE) target_alias=$host_alias ;;
- *) target_alias=$nonopt ;;
- esac ;;
-target=`$ac_config_sub $target_alias`
-target_cpu=`echo $target | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\1/'`
-target_vendor=`echo $target | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\2/'`
-target_os=`echo $target | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\3/'`
-echo "$ac_t""$target" 1>&6
-echo $ac_n "checking build system type""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-case "$build_alias" in
- case $nonopt in
- NONE) build_alias=$host_alias ;;
- *) build_alias=$nonopt ;;
- esac ;;
-build=`$ac_config_sub $build_alias`
-build_cpu=`echo $build | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\1/'`
-build_vendor=`echo $build | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\2/'`
-build_os=`echo $build | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\3/'`
-echo "$ac_t""$build" 1>&6
-test "$host_alias" != "$target_alias" &&
- test "$program_prefix$program_suffix$program_transform_name" = \
- NONENONEs,x,x, &&
- program_prefix=${target_alias}-
-if test -z "$target" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Unrecognized target system type; please check config.sub." 1>&2; exit 1; }
-if test "$program_transform_name" = s,x,x,; then
- program_transform_name=
- # Double any \ or $. echo might interpret backslashes.
- cat <<\EOF_SED > conftestsed
-s,\\,\\\\,g; s,\$,$$,g
- program_transform_name="`echo $program_transform_name|sed -f conftestsed`"
- rm -f conftestsed
-test "$program_prefix" != NONE &&
- program_transform_name="s,^,${program_prefix},; $program_transform_name"
-# Use a double $ so make ignores it.
-test "$program_suffix" != NONE &&
- program_transform_name="s,\$\$,${program_suffix},; $program_transform_name"
-# sed with no file args requires a program.
-test "$program_transform_name" = "" && program_transform_name="s,x,x,"
-# host stuff:
-if test "${shared}" = "true"; then
- PICFLAG=-fpic
- if test "${commonbfdlib}" = "true"; then
- else
-`sed -e 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\).*/\1/' ${srcdir}/VERSION`
- fi
-# Extract the first word of "gcc", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy gcc; ac_word=$2
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CC'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test -n "$CC"; then
- ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:"
- for ac_dir in $PATH; do
- test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
- ac_cv_prog_CC="gcc"
- break
- fi
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
-if test -n "$CC"; then
- echo "$ac_t""$CC" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
-if test -z "$CC"; then
- # Extract the first word of "cc", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy cc; ac_word=$2
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CC'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test -n "$CC"; then
- ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:"
- ac_prog_rejected=no
- for ac_dir in $PATH; do
- test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
- if test "$ac_dir/$ac_word" = "/usr/ucb/cc"; then
- ac_prog_rejected=yes
- continue
- fi
- ac_cv_prog_CC="cc"
- break
- fi
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
-if test $ac_prog_rejected = yes; then
- # We found a bogon in the path, so make sure we never use it.
- set dummy $ac_cv_prog_CC
- shift
- if test $# -gt 0; then
- # We chose a different compiler from the bogus one.
- # However, it has the same basename, so the bogon will be chosen
- # first if we set CC to just the basename; use the full file name.
- shift
- set dummy "$ac_dir/$ac_word" "$@"
- shift
- ac_cv_prog_CC="$@"
- fi
-if test -n "$CC"; then
- echo "$ac_t""$CC" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- test -z "$CC" && { echo "configure: error: no acceptable cc found in \$PATH" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-echo $ac_n "checking whether we are using GNU C""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_gcc'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.c <<EOF
-#ifdef __GNUC__
- yes;
-if { ac_try='${CC-cc} -E conftest.c'; { (eval echo configure:814: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } | egrep yes >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- ac_cv_prog_gcc=yes
- ac_cv_prog_gcc=no
-echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_prog_gcc" 1>&6
-if test $ac_cv_prog_gcc = yes; then
- GCC=yes
- if test "${CFLAGS+set}" != set; then
- echo $ac_n "checking whether ${CC-cc} accepts -g""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_gcc_g'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- echo 'void f(){}' > conftest.c
-if test -z "`${CC-cc} -g -c conftest.c 2>&1`"; then
- ac_cv_prog_gcc_g=yes
- ac_cv_prog_gcc_g=no
-rm -f conftest*
-echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_prog_gcc_g" 1>&6
- if test $ac_cv_prog_gcc_g = yes; then
- CFLAGS="-g -O"
- else
- fi
- fi
- GCC=
- test "${CFLAGS+set}" = set || CFLAGS="-g"
-# Permit host specific settings.
-. ${srcdir}/
-if test $host != $build; then
- ac_tool_prefix=${host_alias}-
- ac_tool_prefix=
-# Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}ar", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}ar; ac_word=$2
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_AR'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test -n "$AR"; then
- ac_cv_prog_AR="$AR" # Let the user override the test.
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:"
- for ac_dir in $PATH; do
- test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
- ac_cv_prog_AR="${ac_tool_prefix}ar"
- break
- fi
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
- test -z "$ac_cv_prog_AR" && ac_cv_prog_AR="ar"
-if test -n "$AR"; then
- echo "$ac_t""$AR" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
-# Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}ranlib", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}ranlib; ac_word=$2
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_RANLIB'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test -n "$RANLIB"; then
- ac_cv_prog_RANLIB="$RANLIB" # Let the user override the test.
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:"
- for ac_dir in $PATH; do
- test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
- ac_cv_prog_RANLIB="${ac_tool_prefix}ranlib"
- break
- fi
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
-if test -n "$RANLIB"; then
- echo "$ac_t""$RANLIB" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
-if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_RANLIB"; then
-if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
- # Extract the first word of "ranlib", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy ranlib; ac_word=$2
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_RANLIB'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test -n "$RANLIB"; then
- ac_cv_prog_RANLIB="$RANLIB" # Let the user override the test.
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:"
- for ac_dir in $PATH; do
- test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
- ac_cv_prog_RANLIB="ranlib"
- break
- fi
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
- test -z "$ac_cv_prog_RANLIB" && ac_cv_prog_RANLIB=":"
-if test -n "$RANLIB"; then
- echo "$ac_t""$RANLIB" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- RANLIB=":"
-# Find a good install program. We prefer a C program (faster),
-# so one script is as good as another. But avoid the broken or
-# incompatible versions:
-# SysV /etc/install, /usr/sbin/install
-# SunOS /usr/etc/install
-# IRIX /sbin/install
-# AIX /bin/install
-# AFS /usr/afsws/bin/install, which mishandles nonexistent args
-# SVR4 /usr/ucb/install, which tries to use the nonexistent group "staff"
-# ./install, which can be erroneously created by make from ./
-echo $ac_n "checking for a BSD compatible install""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if test -z "$INSTALL"; then
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_install'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:"
- for ac_dir in $PATH; do
- # Account for people who put trailing slashes in PATH elements.
- case "$ac_dir/" in
- /|./|.//|/etc/*|/usr/sbin/*|/usr/etc/*|/sbin/*|/usr/afsws/bin/*|/usr/ucb/*) ;;
- *)
- # OSF1 and SCO ODT 3.0 have their own names for install.
- for ac_prog in ginstall installbsd scoinst install; do
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_prog; then
- if test $ac_prog = install &&
- grep dspmsg $ac_dir/$ac_prog >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- # AIX install. It has an incompatible calling convention.
- # OSF/1 installbsd also uses dspmsg, but is usable.
- :
- else
- ac_cv_path_install="$ac_dir/$ac_prog -c"
- break 2
- fi
- fi
- done
- ;;
- esac
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
- if test "${ac_cv_path_install+set}" = set; then
- INSTALL="$ac_cv_path_install"
- else
- # As a last resort, use the slow shell script. We don't cache a
- # path for INSTALL within a source directory, because that will
- # break other packages using the cache if that directory is
- # removed, or if the path is relative.
- INSTALL="$ac_install_sh"
- fi
-echo "$ac_t""$INSTALL" 1>&6
-# Use test -z because SunOS4 sh mishandles braces in ${var-val}.
-# It thinks the first close brace ends the variable substitution.
-test -z "$INSTALL_DATA" && INSTALL_DATA='${INSTALL} -m 644'
-if test "${shared}" = "true"; then
- if test "${GCC}" != "yes" && test "${shared_non_gcc}" != "yes"; then
- echo "configure: warning: BFD --enable-shared only supported when using gcc" 1>&2
- shared=false
- SHLIB=unused-shlib
- fi
-if test "${commonbfdlib}" = "true"; then
- PICLIST=piclist
-if test "x${HOST_64BIT_TYPE}" = "xlong"; then
-# If we cannot run a trivial program, we must be cross compiling.
-echo $ac_n "checking whether cross-compiling""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_c_cross'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then
- ac_cv_c_cross=yes
-cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1056 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-{ (eval echo configure:1060: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; }
-if test -s conftest && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null; then
- ac_cv_c_cross=no
- ac_cv_c_cross=yes
-rm -fr conftest*
-echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_c_cross" 1>&6
-# Put a plausible default for CC_FOR_BUILD in Makefile.
-if test -z "$CC_FOR_BUILD"; then
- if test "x$cross_compiling" = "xno"; then
- else
- fi
-echo $ac_n "checking how to run the C preprocessor""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-# On Suns, sometimes $CPP names a directory.
-if test -n "$CPP" && test -d "$CPP"; then
- CPP=
-if test -z "$CPP"; then
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CPP'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- # This must be in double quotes, not single quotes, because CPP may get
- # substituted into the Makefile and "${CC-cc}" will confuse make.
- CPP="${CC-cc} -E"
- # On the NeXT, cc -E runs the code through the compiler's parser,
- # not just through cpp.
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1098 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-Syntax Error
-ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
-{ (eval echo configure:1104: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
-ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out`
-if test -z "$ac_err"; then
- :
- echo "$ac_err" >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- CPP="${CC-cc} -E -traditional-cpp"
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1113 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-Syntax Error
-ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
-{ (eval echo configure:1119: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
-ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out`
-if test -z "$ac_err"; then
- :
- echo "$ac_err" >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- CPP=/lib/cpp
-rm -f conftest*
-rm -f conftest*
- ac_cv_prog_CPP="$CPP"
- CPP="$ac_cv_prog_CPP"
- ac_cv_prog_CPP="$CPP"
-echo "$ac_t""$CPP" 1>&6
-for ac_hdr in stddef.h string.h strings.h stdlib.h time.h unistd.h
-ac_safe=`echo "$ac_hdr" | tr './\055' '___'`
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_hdr""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1147 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <$ac_hdr>
-ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
-{ (eval echo configure:1152: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
-ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out`
-if test -z "$ac_err"; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
- echo "$ac_err" >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_header_'$ac_safe`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- ac_tr_hdr=HAVE_`echo $ac_hdr | tr 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./\055' 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___'`
- cat >> confdefs.h <<EOF
-#define $ac_tr_hdr 1
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
-for ac_hdr in fcntl.h sys/file.h sys/time.h
-ac_safe=`echo "$ac_hdr" | tr './\055' '___'`
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_hdr""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1184 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <$ac_hdr>
-ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
-{ (eval echo configure:1189: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
-ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out`
-if test -z "$ac_err"; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
- echo "$ac_err" >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_header_'$ac_safe`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- ac_tr_hdr=HAVE_`echo $ac_hdr | tr 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./\055' 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___'`
- cat >> confdefs.h <<EOF
-#define $ac_tr_hdr 1
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
-echo $ac_n "checking whether time.h and sys/time.h may both be included""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_time'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1218 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <time.h>
-int main() { return 0; }
-int t() {
-struct tm *tp;
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1228: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- ac_cv_header_time=yes
- rm -rf conftest*
- ac_cv_header_time=no
-rm -f conftest*
-echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_header_time" 1>&6
-if test $ac_cv_header_time = yes; then
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-for ac_func in fcntl getpagesize
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_func""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_$ac_func'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1254 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-/* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
- which can conflict with char $ac_func(); below. */
-#include <assert.h>
-/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */
-char $ac_func();
-int main() { return 0; }
-int t() {
-/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements
- to always fail with ENOSYS. Some functions are actually named
- something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias. */
-#if defined (__stub_$ac_func) || defined (__stub___$ac_func)
-choke me
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1276: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; }; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_func_$ac_func=yes"
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_func_$ac_func=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_func_'$ac_func`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- ac_tr_func=HAVE_`echo $ac_func | tr 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'`
- cat >> confdefs.h <<EOF
-#define $ac_tr_func 1
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
-case "${host}" in
-i[345]86-*-msdos* | i[345]86-*-go32* | *-*-cygwin32)
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
- ;;
-echo $ac_n "checking whether malloc must be declared""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'bfd_cv_decl_needed_malloc'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1313 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-int main() { return 0; }
-int t() {
-char *(*pfn) = (char *(*)) malloc
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1328: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- bfd_cv_decl_needed_malloc=no
- rm -rf conftest*
- bfd_cv_decl_needed_malloc=yes
-rm -f conftest*
-echo "$ac_t""$bfd_cv_decl_needed_malloc" 1>&6
-if test $bfd_cv_decl_needed_malloc = yes; then
- bfd_tr_decl=NEED_DECLARATION_`echo malloc | tr 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'`
- cat >> confdefs.h <<EOF
-#define $bfd_tr_decl 1
-echo $ac_n "checking whether free must be declared""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'bfd_cv_decl_needed_free'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1353 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-int main() { return 0; }
-int t() {
-char *(*pfn) = (char *(*)) free
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1368: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- bfd_cv_decl_needed_free=no
- rm -rf conftest*
- bfd_cv_decl_needed_free=yes
-rm -f conftest*
-echo "$ac_t""$bfd_cv_decl_needed_free" 1>&6
-if test $bfd_cv_decl_needed_free = yes; then
- bfd_tr_decl=NEED_DECLARATION_`echo free | tr 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'`
- cat >> confdefs.h <<EOF
-#define $bfd_tr_decl 1
-# If we are configured native, pick a core file support file.
-if test "${target}" = "${host}"; then
- case "${host}" in
- alpha*-*-linux*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/alphalinux.h"
- ;;
- alpha*-*-*) COREFILE=osf-core.o ;;
- arm-*-riscix) COREFILE=trad-core.o ;;
- hppa*-*-hpux*) COREFILE=hpux-core.o ;;
- hppa*-*-hiux*) COREFILE=hpux-core.o ;;
- hppa*-*-bsd*) COREFILE="hpux-core.o hppabsd-core.o"
- i[345]86-sequent-bsd*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o;
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/symmetry.h"
- ;;
- i[345]86-sequent-sysv4*) ;;
- i[345]86-sequent-sysv*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/symmetry.h"
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-bsd* | i[345]86-*-freebsd*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/i386bsd.h"
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-netbsd*)
- COREFILE=netbsd-core.o
- ;;
- i[345]86-esix-sysv3*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/esix.h"
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-sco* | i[345]86-*-isc*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/i386sco.h"
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-mach3*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/i386mach3.h"
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-linux*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/i386linux.h"
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-isc*) COREFILE=trad-core.o ;;
- i[345]86-*-aix*) COREFILE=aix386-core.o ;;
- i860-*-mach3* | i860-*-osf1*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/i860mach3.h"
- ;;
- mips-dec-bsd*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/mipsbsd.h"
- ;;
- mips-dec-mach3*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/mipsmach3.h"
- ;;
- mips-*-netbsd*)
- COREFILE=netbsd-core.o
- ;;
- mips-dec-*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/decstation.h"
- ;;
- mips-sgi-irix4*) COREFILE=irix-core.o ;;
- mips-sgi-irix5*) COREFILE=irix-core.o ;;
- mips-*-mach3*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/mipsmach3.h"
- ;;
- mips-*-sysv4*) ;;
- mips-*-sysv* | mips-*-riscos*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/riscos.h"
- ;;
- mips-sony-bsd*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/news-mips.h"
- ;;
- m68*-bull*-sysv*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/dpx2.h"
- ;;
- m68*-hp-hpux*) COREFILE=hpux-core.o ;;
- m68*-hp-bsd*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/hp300bsd.h"
- ;;
- m68*-*-linux*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/m68klinux.h"
- ;;
- m68*-motorola-sysv*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/delta68.h"
- ;;
- m68*-sony-*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/news.h"
- ;;
- m68*-*-netbsd*)
- COREFILE=netbsd-core.o
- ;;
- m68*-apple-aux*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/m68kaux.h"
- ;;
- m88*-*-sysv4*) ;;
- m88*-motorola-sysv*) COREFILE=ptrace-core.o ;;
- m88*-*-mach3*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/m88kmach3.h"
- ;;
- ns32k-pc532-mach)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/pc532mach.h"
- ;;
- ns32k-*-netbsd*)
- COREFILE=netbsd-core.o
- ;;
- rs6000-*-lynx*) COREFILE=lynx-core.o ;;
- rs6000-*-aix4*) COREFILE=rs6000-core.o ;;
- rs6000-*-*) COREFILE=rs6000-core.o ;;
- powerpc-*-aix4*) COREFILE=rs6000-core.o ;;
- powerpc-*-aix*) COREFILE=rs6000-core.o ;;
- sparc-*-netbsd*)
- COREFILE=netbsd-core.o
- ;;
- tahoe-*-*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/tahoe.h"
- ;;
- vax-*-ultrix2*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/vaxult2.h"
- ;;
- vax-*-ultrix*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/vaxult2.h"
- ;;
- vax-*-*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TRAD_HEADER "hosts/vaxbsd.h"
- ;;
- esac
- case "$COREFILE" in
- aix386-core.o) COREFLAG=-DAIX386_CORE ;;
- hppabsd-core.o) COREFLAG=-DHPPABSD_CORE ;;
- hpux-core.o) COREFLAG=-DHPUX_CORE ;;
- irix-core.o) COREFLAG=-DIRIX_CORE ;;
- lynx-core.o) COREFLAG=-DLYNX_CORE ;;
- osf-core.o) COREFLAG=-DOSF_CORE ;;
- ptrace-core.o) COREFLAG=-DPTRACE_CORE ;;
- rs6000-core.o) COREFLAG="$COREFLAG -DAIX_CORE" ;;
- trad-core.o) COREFLAG="$COREFLAG -DTRAD_CORE" ;;
- esac
- # The ELF code uses the native <sys/procfs.h> to handle core files.
- # Define HAVE_SYS_PROCFS_H if the file exists and defines
- # prstatus_t.
- echo $ac_n "checking for sys/procfs.h""... $ac_c" 1>&6
- if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'bfd_cv_header_sys_procfs_h'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1640 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <sys/procfs.h>
-int main() { return 0; }
-int t() {
-prstatus_t t;
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1648: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- bfd_cv_header_sys_procfs_h=yes
- rm -rf conftest*
- bfd_cv_header_sys_procfs_h=no
-rm -f conftest*
- echo "$ac_t""$bfd_cv_header_sys_procfs_h" 1>&6
- if test $bfd_cv_header_sys_procfs_h = yes; then
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define HAVE_SYS_PROCFS_H 1
- fi
-# target stuff:
-# Canonicalize the secondary target names.
-if test -n "$enable_targets" ; then
- for targ in `echo $enable_targets | sed 's/,/ /g'`
- do
- result=`$ac_config_sub $targ 2>/dev/null`
- if test -n "$result" ; then
- canon_targets="$canon_targets $result"
- else
- # Allow targets that config.sub doesn't recognize, like "all".
- canon_targets="$canon_targets $targ"
- fi
- done
-for targ in $target $canon_targets
- if test "x$targ" = "xall"; then
- all_targets=true
- else
- . $srcdir/config.bfd
- if test "x$targ" = "x$target"; then
- defvec=$targ_defvec
- fi
- selvecs="$selvecs $targ_defvec $targ_selvecs"
- selarchs="$selarchs $targ_archs"
- TDEFINES="$TDEFINES $targ_cflags"
- fi
-# This processing still needs to be done if we're to decide properly whether
-# 64-bit support needs to be compiled in. Currently, it will be included if
-# the default or any other explicitly requested target requires it; it
-# will not be included on a 32-bit host if no 64-bit target is requested, and
-# no "--with-64-bit-bfd" option is given, even if "--with-targets=all" is
-# used.
-# uniq the default and selected vectors in all the configured targets.
-for i in $selvecs ; do
- case " $f " in
- *" $i "*) ;;
- *) f="$f $i" ;;
- esac
-# uniq the architectures in all the configured targets.
-for i in $selarchs ; do
- case " $f " in
- *" $i "*) ;;
- *) f="$f $i" ;;
- esac
-# Target backend .o files.
-elf="elf.o elflink.o"
-for vec in $selvecs
- case "$vec" in
- # This list is alphabetized to make it easy to compare
- # with the two vector lists in targets.c.
- a29kcoff_big_vec) tb="$tb coff-a29k.o cofflink.o" ;;
- a_out_adobe_vec) tb="$tb aout-adobe.o aout32.o" ;;
- armcoff_little_vec) tb="$tb coff-arm.o cofflink.o " ;;
- armcoff_big_vec) tb="$tb coff-arm.o cofflink.o " ;;
- armpe_little_vec) tb="$tb pe-arm.o cofflink.o " ;;
- armpe_big_vec) tb="$tb pe-arm.o cofflink.o " ;;
- armpei_little_vec) tb="$tb pei-arm.o cofflink.o " ;;
- armpei_big_vec) tb="$tb pei-arm.o cofflink.o " ;;
- aout0_big_vec) tb="$tb aout0.o aout32.o" ;;
- aout_arm_big_vec) tb="$tb aout-arm.o aout32.o" ;;
- aout_arm_little_vec) tb="$tb aout-arm.o aout32.o" ;;
- aout_mips_big_vec) tb="$tb mipsbsd.o aout32.o" ;;
- aout_mips_little_vec) tb="$tb mipsbsd.o aout32.o" ;;
- apollocoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-apollo.o" ;;
- b_out_vec_big_host) tb="$tb bout.o aout32.o" ;;
- b_out_vec_little_host) tb="$tb bout.o aout32.o" ;;
- bfd_elf32_big_generic_vec) tb="$tb elf32-gen.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf32_bigmips_vec) tb="$tb elf32-mips.o elf32.o $elf ecofflink.o" ;;
- bfd_elf32_hppa_vec) tb="$tb elf32-hppa.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf32_i386_vec) tb="$tb elf32-i386.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf32_i860_vec) tb="$tb elf32-i860.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf32_little_generic_vec) tb="$tb elf32-gen.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf32_littlemips_vec) tb="$tb elf32-mips.o elf32.o $elf ecofflink.o" ;;
- bfd_elf32_m68k_vec) tb="$tb elf32-m68k.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf32_m88k_vec) tb="$tb elf32-m88k.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf32_powerpc_vec) tb="$tb elf32-ppc.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf32_powerpcle_vec) tb="$tb elf32-ppc.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf32_sparc_vec) tb="$tb elf32-sparc.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf64_big_generic_vec) tb="$tb elf64-gen.o elf64.o $elf"
- target64=true ;;
- bfd_elf64_little_generic_vec) tb="$tb elf64-gen.o elf64.o $elf"
- target64=true ;;
- bfd_elf64_sparc_vec) tb="$tb elf64-sparc.o elf64.o $elf"
- target64=true ;;
- cisco_core_vec) tb="$tb cisco-core.o" ;;
- demo_64_vec) tb="$tb demo64.o aout64.o"
- target64=true ;;
- ecoff_big_vec) tb="$tb coff-mips.o ecoff.o ecofflink.o" ;;
- ecoff_little_vec) tb="$tb coff-mips.o ecoff.o ecofflink.o" ;;
- ecoffalpha_little_vec) tb="$tb coff-alpha.o ecoff.o ecofflink.o"
- target64=true ;;
- h8300coff_vec) tb="$tb coff-h8300.o reloc16.o" ;;
- h8500coff_vec) tb="$tb coff-h8500.o reloc16.o" ;;
- host_aout_vec) tb="$tb host-aout.o aout32.o" ;;
- hp300bsd_vec) tb="$tb hp300bsd.o aout32.o" ;;
- hp300hpux_vec) tb="$tb hp300hpux.o aout32.o" ;;
- i386aout_vec) tb="$tb i386aout.o aout32.o" ;;
- i386bsd_vec) tb="$tb i386bsd.o aout32.o" ;;
- i386coff_vec) tb="$tb coff-i386.o cofflink.o" ;;
- i386dynix_vec) tb="$tb i386dynix.o aout32.o" ;;
- i386freebsd_vec) tb="$tb i386freebsd.o aout32.o" ;;
- i386msdos_vec) tb="$tb i386msdos.o" ;;
- i386pe_vec) tb="$tb pe-i386.o cofflink.o " ;;
- i386pei_vec) tb="$tb pei-i386.o cofflink.o" ;;
- i386linux_vec) tb="$tb i386linux.o aout32.o" ;;
- i386lynx_aout_vec) tb="$tb i386lynx.o lynx-core.o aout32.o" ;;
- i386lynx_coff_vec) tb="$tb cf-i386lynx.o cofflink.o lynx-core.o" ;;
- i386mach3_vec) tb="$tb i386mach3.o aout32.o" ;;
- i386netbsd_vec) tb="$tb i386netbsd.o aout32.o" ;;
- i386os9k_vec) tb="$tb i386os9k.o aout32.o" ;;
- i860coff_vec) tb="$tb coff-i860.o cofflink.o" ;;
- icoff_big_vec) tb="$tb coff-i960.o cofflink.o" ;;
- icoff_little_vec) tb="$tb coff-i960.o cofflink.o" ;;
- ieee_vec) tb="$tb ieee.o" ;;
- m68kcoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-m68k.o cofflink.o" ;;
- m68kcoffun_vec) tb="$tb coff-u68k.o coff-m68k.o cofflink.o" ;;
- m68klinux_vec) tb="$tb m68klinux.o aout32.o" ;;
- m68klynx_aout_vec) tb="$tb m68klynx.o lynx-core.o aout32.o" ;;
- m68klynx_coff_vec) tb="$tb cf-m68klynx.o coff-m68k.o cofflink.o lynx-core.o" ;;
- m68knetbsd_vec) tb="$tb m68knetbsd.o aout32.o" ;;
- m68k4knetbsd_vec) tb="$tb m68k4knetbsd.o aout32.o" ;;
- m68kaux_coff_vec) tb="$tb coff-aux.o coff-m68k.o cofflink.o" ;;
- m88kbcs_vec) tb="$tb coff-m88k.o" ;;
- newsos3_vec) tb="$tb newsos3.o aout32.o" ;;
- nlm32_i386_vec) tb="$tb nlm32-i386.o nlm32.o nlm.o" ;;
- nlm32_sparc_vec) tb="$tb nlm32-sparc.o nlm32.o nlm.o" ;;
- nlm32_alpha_vec) tb="$tb nlm32-alpha.o nlm32.o nlm.o"
- target64=true ;;
- riscix_vec) tb="$tb aout32.o riscix.o" ;;
- nlm32_powerpc_vec) tb="$tb nlm32-ppc.o nlm32.o nlm.o" ;;
- pc532netbsd_vec) tb="$tb ns32knetbsd.o aout-ns32k.o" ;;
- pc532machaout_vec) tb="$tb pc532-mach.o aout-ns32k.o" ;;
- pmac_xcoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-pmac.o xcofflink.o" ;;
- rs6000coff_vec) tb="$tb coff-rs6000.o xcofflink.o" ;;
- bfd_powerpc_pe_vec) tb="$tb pe-ppc.o cofflink.o" ;;
- bfd_powerpcle_pe_vec) tb="$tb pe-ppc.o cofflink.o" ;;
- bfd_powerpc_pei_vec) tb="$tb pei-ppc.o cofflink.o" ;;
- bfd_powerpcle_pei_vec) tb="$tb pei-ppc.o cofflink.o" ;;
- shcoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-sh.o cofflink.o" ;;
- shlcoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-sh.o cofflink.o" ;;
- som_vec) tb="$tb som.o" ;;
- sparclynx_aout_vec) tb="$tb sparclynx.o lynx-core.o aout32.o" ;;
- sparclynx_coff_vec) tb="$tb cf-sparclynx.o lynx-core.o" ;;
- sparcnetbsd_vec) tb="$tb sparcnetbsd.o aout32.o" ;;
- sparccoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-sparc.o" ;;
- srec_vec) tb="$tb srec.o" ;;
- sunos_big_vec) tb="$tb sunos.o aout32.o" ;;
- symbolsrec_vec) tb="$tb srec.o" ;;
- tekhex_vec) tb="$tb tekhex.o" ;;
- we32kcoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-we32k.o" ;;
- z8kcoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-z8k.o reloc16.o" ;;
- w65_vec) tb="$tb coff-w65.o reloc16.o" ;;
- versados_vec) tb="$tb versados.o" ;;
- "") ;;
- *) { echo "configure: error: *** unknown target vector $vec" 1>&2; exit 1; } ;;
- esac
-# Target architecture .o files.
-ta=`echo $selarchs | sed -e s/bfd_/cpu-/g -e s/_arch/.o/g`
-# Weed out duplicate .o files.
-for i in $tb ; do
- case " $f " in
- *" $i "*) ;;
- *) f="$f $i" ;;
- esac
-for i in $ta ; do
- case " $f " in
- *" $i "*) ;;
- *) f="$f $i" ;;
- esac
-if test x${all_targets} = xtrue ; then
- bfd_backends="${bfd_backends}"' $(ALL_BACKENDS)'
- bfd_machines="${bfd_machines}"' $(ALL_MACHINES)'
- selvecs=
- selarchs=
-else # all_targets is true
- # Only set these if they will be nonempty, for the clever echo.
- test -n "$selvecs" &&
- selvecs=`echo $selvecs | sed -e 's/^/\&/' -e 's/ \(.\)/,\&\1/g'`
- test -n "$selarchs" &&
- selarchs=`echo $selarchs | sed -e 's/^/\&/' -e 's/ \(.\)/,\&\1/g'`
-fi # all_targets is true
-case ${host64}-${target64}-${want64} in
- *true*)
- wordsize=64
- all_backends='$(BFD64_BACKENDS) $(BFD32_BACKENDS)'
- ;;
- false-false-false)
- wordsize=32
- all_backends='$(BFD32_BACKENDS)'
- ;;
-test -n "${defvec}" && tdefaults="${tdefaults} -DDEFAULT_VECTOR=${defvec}"
-test -n "${selvecs}" && tdefaults="${tdefaults} -DSELECT_VECS='${selvecs}'"
-test -n "${selarchs}" && tdefaults="${tdefaults} -DSELECT_ARCHITECTURES='${selarchs}'"
-for ac_func in valloc getpagesize
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_func""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_$ac_func'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1928 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-/* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
- which can conflict with char $ac_func(); below. */
-#include <assert.h>
-/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */
-char $ac_func();
-int main() { return 0; }
-int t() {
-/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements
- to always fail with ENOSYS. Some functions are actually named
- something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias. */
-#if defined (__stub_$ac_func) || defined (__stub___$ac_func)
-choke me
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1950: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; }; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_func_$ac_func=yes"
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_func_$ac_func=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_func_'$ac_func`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- ac_tr_func=HAVE_`echo $ac_func | tr 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'`
- cat >> confdefs.h <<EOF
-#define $ac_tr_func 1
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
-echo $ac_n "checking for working mmap""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_mmap'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then
- ac_cv_func_mmap=no
-cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1980 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-/* Thanks to Mike Haertel and Jim Avera for this test. */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-# include <sys/param.h>
-# define getpagesize() EXEC_PAGESIZE
-# else
-# ifdef NBPG
-# define getpagesize() NBPG * CLSIZE
-# ifndef CLSIZE
-# define CLSIZE 1
-# endif
-# else
-# ifdef NBPC
-# define getpagesize() NBPC
-# else
-# define getpagesize() PAGESIZE /* SVR4 */
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-#ifndef HAVE_VALLOC
-# define valloc malloc
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" { void *valloc(unsigned), *malloc(unsigned); }
-char *valloc(), *malloc();
- char *buf1, *buf2, *buf3;
- int i = getpagesize(), j;
- int i2 = i * 2;
- int fd;
- buf1 = (char *)valloc(i2);
- buf2 = (char *)valloc(i);
- buf3 = (char *)malloc(i2);
- for (j = 0; j < i2; ++j)
- *(buf1 + j) = rand();
- fd = open("conftestmmap", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666);
- write(fd, buf1, i2);
- mmap(buf2, i, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_FIXED | MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
- for (j = 0; j < i; ++j)
- if (*(buf1 + j) != *(buf2 + j))
- exit(1);
- lseek(fd, (long)i, 0);
- read(fd, buf2, i); /* read into mapped memory -- file should not change */
- /* (it does in i386 SVR4.0 - Jim Avera, */
- lseek(fd, (long)0, 0);
- read(fd, buf3, i2);
- for (j = 0; j < i2; ++j)
- if (*(buf1 + j) != *(buf3 + j))
- exit(1);
- exit(0);
-{ (eval echo configure:2049: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; }
-if test -s conftest && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null; then
- ac_cv_func_mmap=yes
- ac_cv_func_mmap=no
-rm -fr conftest*
-echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_func_mmap" 1>&6
-if test $ac_cv_func_mmap = yes; then
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define HAVE_MMAP 1
-for ac_func in madvise mprotect
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_func""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_$ac_func'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 2074 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-/* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
- which can conflict with char $ac_func(); below. */
-#include <assert.h>
-/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */
-char $ac_func();
-int main() { return 0; }
-int t() {
-/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements
- to always fail with ENOSYS. Some functions are actually named
- something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias. */
-#if defined (__stub_$ac_func) || defined (__stub___$ac_func)
-choke me
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:2096: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; }; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_func_$ac_func=yes"
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_func_$ac_func=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_func_'$ac_func`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- ac_tr_func=HAVE_`echo $ac_func | tr 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'`
- cat >> confdefs.h <<EOF
-#define $ac_tr_func 1
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
-case ${want_mmap}+${ac_cv_func_mmap} in
- true+yes ) cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define USE_MMAP 1
- ;;
-rm -f doc/config.status
-trap '' 1 2 15
-cat > confcache <<\EOF
-# This file is a shell script that caches the results of configure
-# tests run on this system so they can be shared between configure
-# scripts and configure runs. It is not useful on other systems.
-# If it contains results you don't want to keep, you may remove or edit it.
-# By default, configure uses ./config.cache as the cache file,
-# creating it if it does not exist already. You can give configure
-# the --cache-file=FILE option to use a different cache file; that is
-# what configure does when it calls configure scripts in
-# subdirectories, so they share the cache.
-# Giving --cache-file=/dev/null disables caching, for debugging configure.
-# config.status only pays attention to the cache file if you give it the
-# --recheck option to rerun configure.
-# Ultrix sh set writes to stderr and can't be redirected directly,
-# and sets the high bit in the cache file unless we assign to the vars.
-(set) 2>&1 |
- sed -n "s/^\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*_cv_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=\(.*\)/\1=\${\1='\2'}/p" \
- >> confcache
-if cmp -s $cache_file confcache; then
- :
- if test -w $cache_file; then
- echo "updating cache $cache_file"
- cat confcache > $cache_file
- else
- echo "not updating unwritable cache $cache_file"
- fi
-rm -f confcache
-trap 'rm -fr conftest* confdefs* core core.* *.core $ac_clean_files; exit 1' 1 2 15
-test "x$prefix" = xNONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix
-# Let make expand exec_prefix.
-test "x$exec_prefix" = xNONE && exec_prefix='${prefix}'
-# Any assignment to VPATH causes Sun make to only execute
-# the first set of double-colon rules, so remove it if not needed.
-# If there is a colon in the path, we need to keep it.
-if test "x$srcdir" = x.; then
- ac_vpsub='/^[ ]*VPATH[ ]*=[^:]*$/d'
-trap 'rm -f $CONFIG_STATUS conftest*; exit 1' 1 2 15
-# Without the "./", some shells look in PATH for config.status.
-: ${CONFIG_STATUS=./config.status}
-echo creating $CONFIG_STATUS
-#! /bin/sh
-# Generated automatically by configure.
-# Run this file to recreate the current configuration.
-# This directory was configured as follows,
-# on host `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`:
-# $0 $ac_configure_args
-# Compiler output produced by configure, useful for debugging
-# configure, is in ./config.log if it exists.
-ac_cs_usage="Usage: $CONFIG_STATUS [--recheck] [--version] [--help]"
-for ac_option
- case "\$ac_option" in
- -recheck | --recheck | --rechec | --reche | --rech | --rec | --re | --r)
- echo "running \${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} $0 $ac_configure_args --no-create --no-recursion"
- exec \${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} $0 $ac_configure_args --no-create --no-recursion ;;
- -version | --version | --versio | --versi | --vers | --ver | --ve | --v)
- echo "$CONFIG_STATUS generated by autoconf version 2.8"
- exit 0 ;;
- -help | --help | --hel | --he | --h)
- echo "\$ac_cs_usage"; exit 0 ;;
- *) echo "\$ac_cs_usage"; exit 1 ;;
- esac
-trap 'rm -fr `echo "Makefile doc/Makefile" | sed "s/:[^ ]*//g"` conftest*; exit 1' 1 2 15
-# Protect against being on the right side of a sed subst in config.status.
-sed 's/%@/@@/; s/@%/@@/; s/%g\$/@g/; /@g\$/s/[\\\\&%]/\\\\&/g;
- s/@@/%@/; s/@@/@%/; s/@g\$/%g/' > conftest.subs <<\\CEOF
-CONFIG_FILES=\${CONFIG_FILES-"Makefile doc/Makefile"}
-for ac_file in .. $CONFIG_FILES; do if test "x$ac_file" != x..; then
- # Support "outfile[:infile]", defaulting infile="".
- case "$ac_file" in
- *:*) ac_file_in=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%.*:%%'`
- ac_file=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%:.*%%'` ;;
- *) ac_file_in="${ac_file}.in" ;;
- esac
- # Adjust relative srcdir, etc. for subdirectories.
- # Remove last slash and all that follows it. Not all systems have dirname.
- ac_dir=`echo $ac_file|sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'`
- if test "$ac_dir" != "$ac_file" && test "$ac_dir" != .; then
- # The file is in a subdirectory.
- test ! -d "$ac_dir" && mkdir "$ac_dir"
- ac_dir_suffix="/`echo $ac_dir|sed 's%^\./%%'`"
- # A "../" for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix.
- ac_dots=`echo $ac_dir_suffix|sed 's%/[^/]*%../%g'`
- else
- ac_dir_suffix= ac_dots=
- fi
- case "$ac_given_srcdir" in
- .) srcdir=.
- if test -z "$ac_dots"; then top_srcdir=.
- else top_srcdir=`echo $ac_dots|sed 's%/$%%'`; fi ;;
- /*) srcdir="$ac_given_srcdir$ac_dir_suffix"; top_srcdir="$ac_given_srcdir" ;;
- *) # Relative path.
- srcdir="$ac_dots$ac_given_srcdir$ac_dir_suffix"
- top_srcdir="$ac_dots$ac_given_srcdir" ;;
- esac
- case "$ac_given_INSTALL" in
- [/$]*) INSTALL="$ac_given_INSTALL" ;;
- *) INSTALL="$ac_dots$ac_given_INSTALL" ;;
- esac
- echo creating "$ac_file"
- rm -f "$ac_file"
- configure_input="Generated automatically from `echo $ac_file_in|sed 's%.*/%%'` by configure."
- case "$ac_file" in
- *Makefile*) ac_comsub="1i\\
-# $configure_input" ;;
- *) ac_comsub= ;;
- esac
- sed -e "$ac_comsub
-" -f conftest.subs $ac_given_srcdir/$ac_file_in > $ac_file
-fi; done
-rm -f conftest.subs
-# These sed commands are passed to sed as "A NAME B NAME C VALUE D", where
-# NAME is the cpp macro being defined and VALUE is the value it is being given.
-# ac_d sets the value in "#define NAME VALUE" lines.
-ac_dA='s%^\([ ]*\)#\([ ]*define[ ][ ]*\)'
-ac_dB='\([ ][ ]*\)[^ ]*%\1#\2'
-# ac_u turns "#undef NAME" with trailing blanks into "#define NAME VALUE".
-ac_uA='s%^\([ ]*\)#\([ ]*\)undef\([ ][ ]*\)'
-ac_uB='\([ ]\)%\1#\2define\3'
-ac_uC=' '
-# ac_e turns "#undef NAME" without trailing blanks into "#define NAME VALUE".
-ac_eA='s%^\([ ]*\)#\([ ]*\)undef\([ ][ ]*\)'
-ac_eC=' '
-for ac_file in .. $CONFIG_HEADERS; do if test "x$ac_file" != x..; then
- # Support "outfile[:infile]", defaulting infile="".
- case "$ac_file" in
- *:*) ac_file_in=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%.*:%%'`
- ac_file=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%:.*%%'` ;;
- *) ac_file_in="${ac_file}.in" ;;
- esac
- echo creating $ac_file
- rm -f conftest.frag conftest.out
- cp $ac_given_srcdir/$ac_file_in
-# Transform confdefs.h into a sed script conftest.vals that substitutes
-# the proper values into to produce config.h. And first:
-# Protect against being on the right side of a sed subst in config.status.
-# Protect against being in an unquoted here document in config.status.
-rm -f conftest.vals
-cat > conftest.hdr <<\EOF
-s%#define \([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*\) \(.*\)%${ac_dA}\1${ac_dB}\1${ac_dC}\2${ac_dD}%gp
-sed -n -f conftest.hdr confdefs.h > conftest.vals
-rm -f conftest.hdr
-# This sed command replaces #undef with comments. This is necessary, for
-# example, in the case of _POSIX_SOURCE, which is predefined and required
-# on some systems where configure will not decide to define it.
-cat >> conftest.vals <<\EOF
-s%^[ ]*#[ ]*undef[ ][ ]*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*%/* & */%
-# Break up conftest.vals because some shells have a limit on
-# the size of here documents, and old seds have small limits too.
-# Maximum number of lines to put in a single here document.
-rm -f conftest.tail
-while :
- ac_lines=`grep -c . conftest.vals`
- # grep -c gives empty output for an empty file on some AIX systems.
- if test -z "$ac_lines" || test "$ac_lines" -eq 0; then break; fi
- # Write a limited-size here document to conftest.frag.
- echo ' cat > conftest.frag <<CEOF' >> $CONFIG_STATUS
- sed ${ac_max_here_lines}q conftest.vals >> $CONFIG_STATUS
- echo 'CEOF
- sed -f conftest.frag > conftest.out
- rm -f
- mv conftest.out
- sed 1,${ac_max_here_lines}d conftest.vals > conftest.tail
- rm -f conftest.vals
- mv conftest.tail conftest.vals
-rm -f conftest.vals
- rm -f conftest.frag conftest.h
- echo "/* $ac_file. Generated automatically by configure. */" > conftest.h
- cat >> conftest.h
- rm -f
- if cmp -s $ac_file conftest.h 2>/dev/null; then
- echo "$ac_file is unchanged"
- rm -f conftest.h
- else
- rm -f $ac_file
- mv conftest.h $ac_file
- fi
-fi; done
-case x$CONFIG_HEADERS in echo > stamp-h ;; esac
-exit 0
-chmod +x $CONFIG_STATUS
-rm -fr confdefs* $ac_clean_files
-test "$no_create" = yes || ${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} $CONFIG_STATUS || exit 1
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/configure.bat b/contrib/gdb/bfd/configure.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 78fe79e91123..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/configure.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-if "%1" == "h8/300" goto h8300
-echo Configuring bfd for go32
-update hosts\go32.h sysdep.h
-update Makefile.dos Makefile
-echo s/@WORDSIZE@/32/g>config.sed
-sed -e s/^/s\/@VERSION@\// -e s/$/\/g/g version >>config.sed
-sed -f config.sed < bfd-in2.h > bfd.h2
-update bfd.h2 bfd.h
-goto exit
-echo Configuring bfd for H8/300
-update hosts\h-go32.h sysdep.h
-update Makefile.dos Makefile
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ b/contrib/gdb/bfd/
deleted file mode 100644
index 484e5bda90eb..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-# This file is a shell script that overrides some of the tools and
-# flags used on a host specific basis.
-# Since the "bfd/hosts" directory is shared by the bfd, opcodes, and
-# binutils directories (at least), the index to it is also shared.
-# This is that index. Each file should source this file
-# in its per-host part.
-# This sets the following shell variables:
-# HDEFINES host specific compiler options
-# host64 set to true if this is a 64 bit host
-# HOST_64BIT_TYPE host 64 bit type
-# SHLIB_CC compiler to use when building shared library
-# SHLIB_CFLAGS flags to use when building shared library
-# PICFLAG may be set to flag to use to compile PIC
-# SHLINK may be set to the name to link the shared library to
-# ALLLIBS may be set to libraries to build
-# HLDFLAGS LDFLAGS specific to the host
-# RPATH_ENVVAR environment variable used to find shared libraries
-case "${host}" in
-alpha-*-*) host64=true; HOST_64BIT_TYPE=long ;;
-hppa*-*-hpux*) HDEFINES=-DHOST_HPPAHPUX ;;
-hppa*-*-hiux*) HDEFINES=-DHOST_HPPAHPUX ;;
-hppa*-*-bsd*) HDEFINES=-DHOST_HPPABSD ;;
-hppa*-*-osf*) HDEFINES=-DHOST_HPPAOSF ;;
-i[345]86-sequent-bsd*) HDEFINES=-Dshared=genshared ;;
-i[345]86-sequent-sysv4*) ;;
-i[345]86-sequent-sysv*) HDEFINES=-Dshared=genshared ;;
-mips-dec-netbsd*) ;;
-mips-dec-*) HDEFINES="-G 4" ;;
-mips-sgi-irix3*) HDEFINES="-G 4" ;;
-mips-sgi-irix4*) HDEFINES="-G 4" ;;
-mips-*-sysv4*) ;;
-mips-*-sysv*) HDEFINES="-G 4" ;;
-mips-*-riscos*) HDEFINES="-G 4" ;;
-m68*-hp-hpux*) HDEFINES=-DHOST_HP300HPUX ;;
-# If we are configuring with --enable-shared, adjust the shared
-# library support based on the host. This support must work for both
-# the BFD and the opcodes libraries.
-if [ "${shared}" = "true" ]; then
- case "${host}" in
- hppa*-*-*) picfrag=../config/mh-papic ;;
- i[3456]86-*-*) picfrag=../config/mh-x86pic ;;
- *-*-*) picfrag=../config/mh-${host_cpu}pic ;;
- esac
- if [ -f "${picfrag}" ]; then
- pic=`sed -n -e 's/^PICFLAG[ ]*=[ ]*\(.*\)$/\1/p' ${picfrag}`
- if [ -n "${pic}" ]; then
- PICFLAG=${pic}
- fi
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *-dec-osf*)
- # -fpic is not needed on the Alpha.
- ;;
- *-*-hpux*)
- # HP/UX uses .sl for shared libraries.
- SHLINK=`echo ${SHLINK} | sed -e 's/so$/sl/'`
- HLDFLAGS='-Wl,+s,+b,$(libdir)'
- ;;
- *-*-irix5*)
- # -fpic is not needed on Irix 5.
- SHLIB_CFLAGS='-shared -Wl,-soname,$(SONAME)'
- HLDFLAGS='-Wl,-rpath,$(libdir)'
- ;;
- *-*-linux*aout*)
- ;;
- *-*-linux*)
- SHLIB_CFLAGS='-shared -Wl,-soname,$(SONAME)'
- case "$(libdir)" in
- /lib | /usr/lib) ;;
- *) HLDFLAGS='-Wl,-rpath,$(libdir)' ;;
- esac
- ;;
- *-*-sysv4* | *-*-solaris*)
- SHLIB_CFLAGS='-shared -h $(SONAME)'
- HLDFLAGS='-R $(libdir)'
- ;;
- *-*-sunos*)
- # Build a symlink in the object directory.
- ALLLIBS=`echo ${ALLLIBS} | sed -e 's/\$(SHLINK)/stamp-tshlink/'`
- ;;
- esac
-# On SunOS, if the linker supports the -rpath option, use it to
-# prevent ../bfd and ../opcodes from being included in the run time
-# search path.
-case "${host}" in
- *-*-sunos*)
- echo 'main () { }' > conftest.c
- ${CC} -o conftest -Wl,-rpath= conftest.c >/dev/null 2>conftest.t
- if grep 'unrecognized' conftest.t >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- :
- elif grep 'No such file' conftest.t >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- :
- elif grep 'do not mix' conftest.t >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- :
- elif [ "${shared}" = "true" ]; then
- HLDFLAGS='-Wl,-rpath=$(libdir)'
- else
- HLDFLAGS='-Wl,-rpath='
- fi
- rm -f conftest.t conftest.c conftest
- ;;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ b/contrib/gdb/bfd/
deleted file mode 100644
index c8b8de54fe92..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,577 +0,0 @@
-dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-[ --enable-64-bit-bfd 64-bit support (on hosts with narrower word sizes)],
-[case "${enableval}" in
- yes) want64=true ;;
- no) want64=false ;;
- *) AC_MSG_ERROR(bad value ${enableval} for 64-bit-bfd option) ;;
-[ --enable-targets alternative target configurations],
-[case "${enableval}" in
- yes | "") AC_ERROR(enable-targets option must specify target names or 'all')
- ;;
- no) enable_targets= ;;
- *) enable_targets=$enableval ;;
-[ --enable-shared build shared BFD library],
-[case "${enableval}" in
- yes) shared=true ;;
- no) shared=false ;;
- *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value ${enableval} for BFD shared option]) ;;
-[ --enable-commonbfdlib build shared BFD/opcodes/libiberty library],
-[case "${enableval}" in
- yes) commonbfdlib=true ;;
- no) commonbfdlib=false ;;
- *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value ${enableval} for BFD commonbfdlib option]) ;;
-[ --with-mmap try using mmap for BFD input files if available],
-[case "${withval}" in
- yes) want_mmap=true ;;
- no) want_mmap=false ;;
- *) AC_MSG_ERROR(bad value ${withval} for BFD with-mmap option) ;;
-AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(`cd $srcdir/..;pwd`)
-if test -z "$target" ; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR(Unrecognized target system type; please check config.sub.)
-# host stuff:
-if test "${shared}" = "true"; then
- PICFLAG=-fpic
- if test "${commonbfdlib}" = "true"; then
- else
-`sed -e 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\).*/\1/' ${srcdir}/VERSION`
- fi
-# Permit host specific settings.
-. ${srcdir}/
-if test "${shared}" = "true"; then
- if test "${GCC}" != "yes" && test "${shared_non_gcc}" != "yes"; then
- AC_MSG_WARN([BFD --enable-shared only supported when using gcc])
- shared=false
- SHLIB=unused-shlib
- fi
-if test "${commonbfdlib}" = "true"; then
- PICLIST=piclist
-if test "x${HOST_64BIT_TYPE}" = "xlong"; then
-AC_CHECK_HEADERS(stddef.h string.h strings.h stdlib.h time.h unistd.h)
-AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fcntl.h sys/file.h sys/time.h)
-AC_CHECK_FUNCS(fcntl getpagesize)
-# If we are configured native, pick a core file support file.
-if test "${target}" = "${host}"; then
- case "${host}" in
- alpha*-*-linux*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/alphalinux.h")
- ;;
- alpha*-*-*) COREFILE=osf-core.o ;;
- arm-*-riscix) COREFILE=trad-core.o ;;
- hppa*-*-hpux*) COREFILE=hpux-core.o ;;
- hppa*-*-hiux*) COREFILE=hpux-core.o ;;
- hppa*-*-bsd*) COREFILE="hpux-core.o hppabsd-core.o"
- i[345]86-sequent-bsd*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o;
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/symmetry.h")
- ;;
- i[345]86-sequent-sysv4*) ;;
- i[345]86-sequent-sysv*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/symmetry.h")
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-bsd* | i[345]86-*-freebsd*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/i386bsd.h")
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-netbsd*)
- COREFILE=netbsd-core.o
- ;;
- i[345]86-esix-sysv3*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/esix.h")
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-sco* | i[345]86-*-isc*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/i386sco.h")
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-mach3*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/i386mach3.h")
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-linux*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/i386linux.h")
- ;;
- i[345]86-*-isc*) COREFILE=trad-core.o ;;
- i[345]86-*-aix*) COREFILE=aix386-core.o ;;
- i860-*-mach3* | i860-*-osf1*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/i860mach3.h")
- ;;
- mips-dec-bsd*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/mipsbsd.h")
- ;;
- mips-dec-mach3*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/mipsmach3.h")
- ;;
- mips-*-netbsd*)
- COREFILE=netbsd-core.o
- ;;
- mips-dec-*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/decstation.h")
- ;;
- mips-sgi-irix4*) COREFILE=irix-core.o ;;
- mips-sgi-irix5*) COREFILE=irix-core.o ;;
- mips-*-mach3*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/mipsmach3.h")
- ;;
- mips-*-sysv4*) ;;
- mips-*-sysv* | mips-*-riscos*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/riscos.h")
- ;;
- mips-sony-bsd*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/news-mips.h")
- ;;
- m68*-bull*-sysv*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/dpx2.h")
- ;;
- m68*-hp-hpux*) COREFILE=hpux-core.o ;;
- m68*-hp-bsd*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/hp300bsd.h")
- ;;
- m68*-*-linux*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/m68klinux.h")
- ;;
- m68*-motorola-sysv*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER, "hosts/delta68.h")
- ;;
- m68*-sony-*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/news.h")
- ;;
- m68*-*-netbsd*)
- COREFILE=netbsd-core.o
- ;;
- m68*-apple-aux*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/m68kaux.h")
- ;;
- m88*-*-sysv4*) ;;
- m88*-motorola-sysv*) COREFILE=ptrace-core.o ;;
- m88*-*-mach3*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/m88kmach3.h")
- ;;
- ns32k-pc532-mach)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/pc532mach.h")
- ;;
- ns32k-*-netbsd*)
- COREFILE=netbsd-core.o
- ;;
- rs6000-*-lynx*) COREFILE=lynx-core.o ;;
- rs6000-*-aix4*) COREFILE=rs6000-core.o ;;
- rs6000-*-*) COREFILE=rs6000-core.o ;;
- powerpc-*-aix4*) COREFILE=rs6000-core.o ;;
- powerpc-*-aix*) COREFILE=rs6000-core.o ;;
- sparc-*-netbsd*)
- COREFILE=netbsd-core.o
- ;;
- tahoe-*-*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/tahoe.h")
- ;;
- vax-*-ultrix2*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/vaxult2.h")
- ;;
- vax-*-ultrix*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/vaxult2.h")
- ;;
- vax-*-*)
- COREFILE=trad-core.o
- AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER,"hosts/vaxbsd.h")
- ;;
- esac
- case "$COREFILE" in
- aix386-core.o) COREFLAG=-DAIX386_CORE ;;
- hppabsd-core.o) COREFLAG=-DHPPABSD_CORE ;;
- hpux-core.o) COREFLAG=-DHPUX_CORE ;;
- irix-core.o) COREFLAG=-DIRIX_CORE ;;
- lynx-core.o) COREFLAG=-DLYNX_CORE ;;
- osf-core.o) COREFLAG=-DOSF_CORE ;;
- ptrace-core.o) COREFLAG=-DPTRACE_CORE ;;
- rs6000-core.o) COREFLAG="$COREFLAG -DAIX_CORE" ;;
- trad-core.o) COREFLAG="$COREFLAG -DTRAD_CORE" ;;
- esac
- # The ELF code uses the native <sys/procfs.h> to handle core files.
- # Define HAVE_SYS_PROCFS_H if the file exists and defines
- # prstatus_t.
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for sys/procfs.h])
- AC_CACHE_VAL(bfd_cv_header_sys_procfs_h,
- [AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <sys/procfs.h>],
- [prstatus_t t;],
- bfd_cv_header_sys_procfs_h=yes, bfd_cv_header_sys_procfs_h=no)])
- AC_MSG_RESULT($bfd_cv_header_sys_procfs_h)
- if test $bfd_cv_header_sys_procfs_h = yes; then
- fi
-# target stuff:
-# Canonicalize the secondary target names.
-if test -n "$enable_targets" ; then
- for targ in `echo $enable_targets | sed 's/,/ /g'`
- do
- result=`$ac_config_sub $targ 2>/dev/null`
- if test -n "$result" ; then
- canon_targets="$canon_targets $result"
- else
- # Allow targets that config.sub doesn't recognize, like "all".
- canon_targets="$canon_targets $targ"
- fi
- done
-for targ in $target $canon_targets
- if test "x$targ" = "xall"; then
- all_targets=true
- else
- . $srcdir/config.bfd
- if test "x$targ" = "x$target"; then
- defvec=$targ_defvec
- fi
- selvecs="$selvecs $targ_defvec $targ_selvecs"
- selarchs="$selarchs $targ_archs"
- TDEFINES="$TDEFINES $targ_cflags"
- fi
-# This processing still needs to be done if we're to decide properly whether
-# 64-bit support needs to be compiled in. Currently, it will be included if
-# the default or any other explicitly requested target requires it; it
-# will not be included on a 32-bit host if no 64-bit target is requested, and
-# no "--with-64-bit-bfd" option is given, even if "--with-targets=all" is
-# used.
-# uniq the default and selected vectors in all the configured targets.
-for i in $selvecs ; do
- case " $f " in
- *" $i "*) ;;
- *) f="$f $i" ;;
- esac
-# uniq the architectures in all the configured targets.
-for i in $selarchs ; do
- case " $f " in
- *" $i "*) ;;
- *) f="$f $i" ;;
- esac
-# Target backend .o files.
-elf="elf.o elflink.o"
-for vec in $selvecs
- case "$vec" in
- # This list is alphabetized to make it easy to compare
- # with the two vector lists in targets.c.
- a29kcoff_big_vec) tb="$tb coff-a29k.o cofflink.o" ;;
- a_out_adobe_vec) tb="$tb aout-adobe.o aout32.o" ;;
- armcoff_little_vec) tb="$tb coff-arm.o cofflink.o " ;;
- armcoff_big_vec) tb="$tb coff-arm.o cofflink.o " ;;
- armpe_little_vec) tb="$tb pe-arm.o cofflink.o " ;;
- armpe_big_vec) tb="$tb pe-arm.o cofflink.o " ;;
- armpei_little_vec) tb="$tb pei-arm.o cofflink.o " ;;
- armpei_big_vec) tb="$tb pei-arm.o cofflink.o " ;;
- aout0_big_vec) tb="$tb aout0.o aout32.o" ;;
- aout_arm_big_vec) tb="$tb aout-arm.o aout32.o" ;;
- aout_arm_little_vec) tb="$tb aout-arm.o aout32.o" ;;
- aout_mips_big_vec) tb="$tb mipsbsd.o aout32.o" ;;
- aout_mips_little_vec) tb="$tb mipsbsd.o aout32.o" ;;
- apollocoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-apollo.o" ;;
- b_out_vec_big_host) tb="$tb bout.o aout32.o" ;;
- b_out_vec_little_host) tb="$tb bout.o aout32.o" ;;
- bfd_elf32_big_generic_vec) tb="$tb elf32-gen.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf32_bigmips_vec) tb="$tb elf32-mips.o elf32.o $elf ecofflink.o" ;;
- bfd_elf32_hppa_vec) tb="$tb elf32-hppa.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf32_i386_vec) tb="$tb elf32-i386.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf32_i860_vec) tb="$tb elf32-i860.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf32_little_generic_vec) tb="$tb elf32-gen.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf32_littlemips_vec) tb="$tb elf32-mips.o elf32.o $elf ecofflink.o" ;;
- bfd_elf32_m68k_vec) tb="$tb elf32-m68k.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf32_m88k_vec) tb="$tb elf32-m88k.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf32_powerpc_vec) tb="$tb elf32-ppc.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf32_powerpcle_vec) tb="$tb elf32-ppc.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf32_sparc_vec) tb="$tb elf32-sparc.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
- bfd_elf64_big_generic_vec) tb="$tb elf64-gen.o elf64.o $elf"
- target64=true ;;
- bfd_elf64_little_generic_vec) tb="$tb elf64-gen.o elf64.o $elf"
- target64=true ;;
- bfd_elf64_sparc_vec) tb="$tb elf64-sparc.o elf64.o $elf"
- target64=true ;;
- cisco_core_vec) tb="$tb cisco-core.o" ;;
- demo_64_vec) tb="$tb demo64.o aout64.o"
- target64=true ;;
- ecoff_big_vec) tb="$tb coff-mips.o ecoff.o ecofflink.o" ;;
- ecoff_little_vec) tb="$tb coff-mips.o ecoff.o ecofflink.o" ;;
- ecoffalpha_little_vec) tb="$tb coff-alpha.o ecoff.o ecofflink.o"
- target64=true ;;
- h8300coff_vec) tb="$tb coff-h8300.o reloc16.o" ;;
- h8500coff_vec) tb="$tb coff-h8500.o reloc16.o" ;;
- host_aout_vec) tb="$tb host-aout.o aout32.o" ;;
- hp300bsd_vec) tb="$tb hp300bsd.o aout32.o" ;;
- hp300hpux_vec) tb="$tb hp300hpux.o aout32.o" ;;
- i386aout_vec) tb="$tb i386aout.o aout32.o" ;;
- i386bsd_vec) tb="$tb i386bsd.o aout32.o" ;;
- i386coff_vec) tb="$tb coff-i386.o cofflink.o" ;;
- i386dynix_vec) tb="$tb i386dynix.o aout32.o" ;;
- i386freebsd_vec) tb="$tb i386freebsd.o aout32.o" ;;
- i386msdos_vec) tb="$tb i386msdos.o" ;;
- i386pe_vec) tb="$tb pe-i386.o cofflink.o " ;;
- i386pei_vec) tb="$tb pei-i386.o cofflink.o" ;;
- i386linux_vec) tb="$tb i386linux.o aout32.o" ;;
- i386lynx_aout_vec) tb="$tb i386lynx.o lynx-core.o aout32.o" ;;
- i386lynx_coff_vec) tb="$tb cf-i386lynx.o cofflink.o lynx-core.o" ;;
- i386mach3_vec) tb="$tb i386mach3.o aout32.o" ;;
- i386netbsd_vec) tb="$tb i386netbsd.o aout32.o" ;;
- i386os9k_vec) tb="$tb i386os9k.o aout32.o" ;;
- i860coff_vec) tb="$tb coff-i860.o cofflink.o" ;;
- icoff_big_vec) tb="$tb coff-i960.o cofflink.o" ;;
- icoff_little_vec) tb="$tb coff-i960.o cofflink.o" ;;
- ieee_vec) tb="$tb ieee.o" ;;
- m68kcoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-m68k.o cofflink.o" ;;
- m68kcoffun_vec) tb="$tb coff-u68k.o coff-m68k.o cofflink.o" ;;
- m68klinux_vec) tb="$tb m68klinux.o aout32.o" ;;
- m68klynx_aout_vec) tb="$tb m68klynx.o lynx-core.o aout32.o" ;;
- m68klynx_coff_vec) tb="$tb cf-m68klynx.o coff-m68k.o cofflink.o lynx-core.o" ;;
- m68knetbsd_vec) tb="$tb m68knetbsd.o aout32.o" ;;
- m68k4knetbsd_vec) tb="$tb m68k4knetbsd.o aout32.o" ;;
- m68kaux_coff_vec) tb="$tb coff-aux.o coff-m68k.o cofflink.o" ;;
- m88kbcs_vec) tb="$tb coff-m88k.o" ;;
- newsos3_vec) tb="$tb newsos3.o aout32.o" ;;
- nlm32_i386_vec) tb="$tb nlm32-i386.o nlm32.o nlm.o" ;;
- nlm32_sparc_vec) tb="$tb nlm32-sparc.o nlm32.o nlm.o" ;;
- nlm32_alpha_vec) tb="$tb nlm32-alpha.o nlm32.o nlm.o"
- target64=true ;;
- riscix_vec) tb="$tb aout32.o riscix.o" ;;
- nlm32_powerpc_vec) tb="$tb nlm32-ppc.o nlm32.o nlm.o" ;;
- pc532netbsd_vec) tb="$tb ns32knetbsd.o aout-ns32k.o" ;;
- pc532machaout_vec) tb="$tb pc532-mach.o aout-ns32k.o" ;;
- pmac_xcoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-pmac.o xcofflink.o" ;;
- rs6000coff_vec) tb="$tb coff-rs6000.o xcofflink.o" ;;
- bfd_powerpc_pe_vec) tb="$tb pe-ppc.o cofflink.o" ;;
- bfd_powerpcle_pe_vec) tb="$tb pe-ppc.o cofflink.o" ;;
- bfd_powerpc_pei_vec) tb="$tb pei-ppc.o cofflink.o" ;;
- bfd_powerpcle_pei_vec) tb="$tb pei-ppc.o cofflink.o" ;;
- shcoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-sh.o cofflink.o" ;;
- shlcoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-sh.o cofflink.o" ;;
- som_vec) tb="$tb som.o" ;;
- sparclynx_aout_vec) tb="$tb sparclynx.o lynx-core.o aout32.o" ;;
- sparclynx_coff_vec) tb="$tb cf-sparclynx.o lynx-core.o" ;;
- sparcnetbsd_vec) tb="$tb sparcnetbsd.o aout32.o" ;;
- sparccoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-sparc.o" ;;
- srec_vec) tb="$tb srec.o" ;;
- sunos_big_vec) tb="$tb sunos.o aout32.o" ;;
- symbolsrec_vec) tb="$tb srec.o" ;;
- tekhex_vec) tb="$tb tekhex.o" ;;
- we32kcoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-we32k.o" ;;
- z8kcoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-z8k.o reloc16.o" ;;
- w65_vec) tb="$tb coff-w65.o reloc16.o" ;;
- versados_vec) tb="$tb versados.o" ;;
- "") ;;
- *) AC_MSG_ERROR(*** unknown target vector $vec) ;;
- esac
-# Target architecture .o files.
-ta=`echo $selarchs | sed -e s/bfd_/cpu-/g -e s/_arch/.o/g`
-# Weed out duplicate .o files.
-for i in $tb ; do
- case " $f " in
- *" $i "*) ;;
- *) f="$f $i" ;;
- esac
-for i in $ta ; do
- case " $f " in
- *" $i "*) ;;
- *) f="$f $i" ;;
- esac
-if test x${all_targets} = xtrue ; then
- bfd_backends="${bfd_backends}"' $(ALL_BACKENDS)'
- bfd_machines="${bfd_machines}"' $(ALL_MACHINES)'
- selvecs=
- selarchs=
-else # all_targets is true
- # Only set these if they will be nonempty, for the clever echo.
- test -n "$selvecs" &&
- selvecs=`echo $selvecs | sed -e 's/^/\&/' -e 's/ \(.\)/,\&\1/g'`
- test -n "$selarchs" &&
- selarchs=`echo $selarchs | sed -e 's/^/\&/' -e 's/ \(.\)/,\&\1/g'`
-fi # all_targets is true
-case ${host64}-${target64}-${want64} in
- *true*)
- wordsize=64
- all_backends='$(BFD64_BACKENDS) $(BFD32_BACKENDS)'
- ;;
- false-false-false)
- wordsize=32
- all_backends='$(BFD32_BACKENDS)'
- ;;
-test -n "${defvec}" && tdefaults="${tdefaults} -DDEFAULT_VECTOR=${defvec}"
-test -n "${selvecs}" && tdefaults="${tdefaults} -DSELECT_VECS='${selvecs}'"
-test -n "${selarchs}" && tdefaults="${tdefaults} -DSELECT_ARCHITECTURES='${selarchs}'"
-dnl AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/mman.h)
-AC_CHECK_FUNCS(madvise mprotect)
-case ${want_mmap}+${ac_cv_func_mmap} in
- true+yes ) AC_DEFINE(USE_MMAP) ;;
-rm -f doc/config.status
-AC_OUTPUT(Makefile doc/Makefile,
-[case x$CONFIG_HEADERS in echo > stamp-h ;; esac])
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/corefile.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/corefile.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 212f519ce8a5..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/corefile.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-/* Core file generic interface routines for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- Core files
- These are functions pertaining to core files.
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
- bfd_core_file_failing_command
- CONST char *bfd_core_file_failing_command(bfd *abfd);
- Return a read-only string explaining which program was running
- when it failed and produced the core file @var{abfd}.
-CONST char *
-bfd_core_file_failing_command (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (abfd->format != bfd_core) {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return NULL;
- }
- return BFD_SEND (abfd, _core_file_failing_command, (abfd));
- bfd_core_file_failing_signal
- int bfd_core_file_failing_signal(bfd *abfd);
- Returns the signal number which caused the core dump which
- generated the file the BFD @var{abfd} is attached to.
-bfd_core_file_failing_signal (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (abfd->format != bfd_core) {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return 0;
- }
- return BFD_SEND (abfd, _core_file_failing_signal, (abfd));
- core_file_matches_executable_p
- boolean core_file_matches_executable_p
- (bfd *core_bfd, bfd *exec_bfd);
- Return <<true>> if the core file attached to @var{core_bfd}
- was generated by a run of the executable file attached to
- @var{exec_bfd}, <<false>> otherwise.
-core_file_matches_executable_p (core_bfd, exec_bfd)
- bfd *core_bfd, *exec_bfd;
- if ((core_bfd->format != bfd_core) || (exec_bfd->format != bfd_object)) {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return false;
- }
- return BFD_SEND (core_bfd, _core_file_matches_executable_p,
- (core_bfd, exec_bfd));
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-a29k.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-a29k.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bd25a47720b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-a29k.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD support for the AMD 29000 architecture.
- Copyright 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Hacked by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_a29k_arch =
- {
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_a29k,
- 0, /* only 1 machine */
- "a29k",
- "a29k",
- 4,
- true, /* the one and only */
- bfd_default_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan ,
- 0,
- };
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-alpha.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-alpha.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d66a8b74e80..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-alpha.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD support for the Alpha architecture.
- Copyright 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_alpha_arch =
- {
- 64, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 64, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_alpha,
- 0, /* only 1 machine */
- "alpha",
- "alpha",
- 3,
- true, /* the one and only */
- bfd_default_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan ,
- 0,
- };
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-arm.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-arm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 92103e632f0e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-arm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD support for the ARM processor
- Copyright 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by Richard Earnshaw (
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_arm_arch =
- {
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_arm,
- 0, /* only 1 machine */
- "arm",
- "arm",
- 4,
- true, /* the one and only */
- bfd_default_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan ,
- 0,
- };
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-h8300.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-h8300.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 380dfb5556e9..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-h8300.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD library support routines for the Hitachi H8/300 architecture.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Hacked by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#if 0 /* not used currently */
-Relocations for the H8
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-howto16_callback (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol_in, data,
- ignore_input_section, ignore_bfd)
- bfd * abfd;
- arelent * reloc_entry;
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol_in;
- PTR data;
- asection * ignore_input_section;
- bfd * ignore_bfd;
- long relocation = 0;
- bfd_vma addr = reloc_entry->address;
- long x = bfd_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- HOWTO_PREPARE (relocation, symbol_in);
- x = (x + relocation + reloc_entry->addend);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, x, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-howto8_callback (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol_in, data,
- ignore_input_section, ignore_bfd)
- bfd * abfd;
- arelent * reloc_entry;
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol_in;
- PTR data;
- asection * ignore_input_section;
- bfd * ignore_bfd;
- long relocation = 0;
- bfd_vma addr = reloc_entry->address;
- long x = bfd_get_8 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- HOWTO_PREPARE (relocation, symbol_in);
- x = (x + relocation + reloc_entry->addend);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, x, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-howto8_FFnn_callback (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol_in, data,
- ignore_input_section, ignore_bfd)
- bfd * abfd;
- arelent * reloc_entry;
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol_in;
- PTR data;
- asection * ignore_input_section;
- bfd * ignore_bfd;
- long relocation = 0;
- bfd_vma addr = reloc_entry->address;
- long x = bfd_get_8 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- abort ();
- HOWTO_PREPARE (relocation, symbol_in);
- x = (x + relocation + reloc_entry->addend);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, x, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-howto8_pcrel_callback (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol_in, data,
- ignore_input_section, ignore_bfd)
- bfd * abfd;
- arelent * reloc_entry;
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol_in;
- PTR data;
- asection * ignore_input_section;
- bfd * ignore_bfd;
- long relocation = 0;
- bfd_vma addr = reloc_entry->address;
- long x = bfd_get_8 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- abort ();
- HOWTO_PREPARE (relocation, symbol_in);
- x = (x + relocation + reloc_entry->addend);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, x, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static reloc_howto_type howto_16
-= NEWHOWTO (howto16_callback, "abs16", 1, false, false);
-static reloc_howto_type howto_8
-= NEWHOWTO (howto8_callback, "abs8", 0, false, false);
-static reloc_howto_type howto_8_FFnn
-= NEWHOWTO (howto8_FFnn_callback, "ff00+abs8", 0, false, false);
-static reloc_howto_type howto_8_pcrel
-= NEWHOWTO (howto8_pcrel_callback, "pcrel8", 0, false, true);
-static reloc_howto_type *
-local_bfd_reloc_type_lookup (arch, code)
- const struct bfd_arch_info *arch;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- switch (code)
- {
- case BFD_RELOC_16:
- return &howto_16;
- case BFD_RELOC_8_FFnn:
- return &howto_8_FFnn;
- case BFD_RELOC_8:
- return &howto_8;
- return &howto_8_pcrel;
- default:
- return (reloc_howto_type *) NULL;
- }
- }
-int bfd_default_scan_num_mach ();
-static boolean
-h8300_scan (info, string)
- const struct bfd_arch_info *info;
- const char *string;
- if (*string != 'h' && *string != 'H')
- return false;
- string++;
- if (*string != '8')
- return false;
- string++;
- if (*string == '/')
- string++;
- if (*string != '3')
- return false;
- string++;
- if (*string != '0')
- return false;
- string++;
- if (*string != '0')
- return false;
- string++;
- if (*string == '-')
- string++;
- if (*string == 'h' || *string == 'H')
- {
- return (info->mach == bfd_mach_h8300h);
- }
- else
- {
- return info->mach == bfd_mach_h8300;
- }
-/* This routine is provided two arch_infos and works out the
- machine which would be compatible with both and returns a pointer
- to its info structure */
-static const bfd_arch_info_type *
-compatible (in, out)
- const bfd_arch_info_type * in;
- const bfd_arch_info_type * out;
- /* If the output is non-H and the input is -H, that's bad */
- if (in->mach == bfd_mach_h8300h &&
- out->mach == bfd_mach_h8300)
- return 0;
- /* If either is an -H, the answer is -H */
- if (in->mach == bfd_mach_h8300h)
- return in;
- return out;
-static const bfd_arch_info_type h8300_info_struct =
- 16, /* 16 bits in a word */
- 16, /* 16 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_h8300,
- bfd_mach_h8300,
- "h8300", /* arch_name */
- "h8300", /* printable name */
- 1,
- true, /* the default machine */
- compatible,
- h8300_scan,
-/* local_bfd_reloc_type_lookup, */
- 0,
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_h8300_arch =
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_h8300,
- bfd_mach_h8300h,
- "h8300h", /* arch_name */
- "h8300h", /* printable name */
- 1,
- false, /* the default machine */
- compatible,
- h8300_scan,
-/* local_bfd_reloc_type_lookup, */
- &h8300_info_struct,
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-h8500.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-h8500.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e4abfd178070..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-h8500.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD library support routines for the H8/500 architecture.
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Hacked by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#if 0
-Relocations for the Z8K
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-howto16_callback (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol_in, data,
- ignore_input_section, ignore_bfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol_in;
- PTR data;
- asection *ignore_input_section;
- bfd *ignore_bfd;
- long relocation = 0;
- bfd_vma addr = reloc_entry->address;
- long x = bfd_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *)data + addr);
- HOWTO_PREPARE(relocation, symbol_in);
- x = (x + relocation + reloc_entry->addend);
- bfd_put_16(abfd, x, (bfd_byte *)data + addr);
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-howto8_callback (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol_in, data,
- ignore_input_section, ignore_bfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol_in;
- PTR data;
- asection *ignore_input_section;
- bfd *ignore_bfd;
- long relocation = 0;
- bfd_vma addr = reloc_entry->address;
- long x = bfd_get_8(abfd, (bfd_byte *)data + addr);
- HOWTO_PREPARE(relocation, symbol_in);
- x = (x + relocation + reloc_entry->addend);
- bfd_put_8(abfd, x, (bfd_byte *)data + addr);
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-howto8_FFnn_callback (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol_in, data,
- ignore_input_section, ignore_bfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol_in;
- PTR data;
- asection *ignore_input_section;
- bfd *ignore_bfd;
- long relocation = 0;
- bfd_vma addr = reloc_entry->address;
- long x = bfd_get_8(abfd, (bfd_byte *)data + addr);
- abort();
- HOWTO_PREPARE(relocation, symbol_in);
- x = (x + relocation + reloc_entry->addend);
- bfd_put_8(abfd, x, (bfd_byte *)data + addr);
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-howto8_pcrel_callback (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol_in, data,
- ignore_input_section, ignore_bfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol_in;
- PTR data;
- asection *ignore_input_section;
- bfd *ignore_bfd;
- long relocation = 0;
- bfd_vma addr = reloc_entry->address;
- long x = bfd_get_8(abfd, (bfd_byte *)data + addr);
- abort();
- HOWTO_PREPARE(relocation, symbol_in);
- x = (x + relocation + reloc_entry->addend);
- bfd_put_8(abfd, x, (bfd_byte *)data + addr);
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static reloc_howto_type howto_16
- = NEWHOWTO(howto16_callback,"abs16",1,false,false);
-static reloc_howto_type howto_8
- = NEWHOWTO(howto8_callback,"abs8",0,false,false);
-static reloc_howto_type howto_8_FFnn
- = NEWHOWTO(howto8_FFnn_callback,"ff00+abs8",0,false,false);
-static reloc_howto_type howto_8_pcrel
- = NEWHOWTO(howto8_pcrel_callback,"pcrel8",0,false,true);
-static reloc_howto_type *
-local_bfd_reloc_type_lookup (arch, code)
- const struct bfd_arch_info *arch;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- switch (code) {
- case BFD_RELOC_16:
- return &howto_16;
- case BFD_RELOC_8_FFnn:
- return &howto_8_FFnn;
- case BFD_RELOC_8:
- return &howto_8;
- return &howto_8_pcrel;
- }
- return (reloc_howto_type *)NULL;
-int bfd_default_scan_num_mach();
-static boolean
-scan_mach (info, string)
- const struct bfd_arch_info *info;
- const char *string;
- if (strcmp(string,"h8/500") == 0) return true;
- if (strcmp(string,"H8/500") == 0) return true;
- if (strcmp(string,"h8500") == 0) return true;
- if (strcmp(string,"H8500") == 0) return true;
- return false;
-#if 0 /* not used currently */
-/* This routine is provided two arch_infos and returns whether
- they'd be compatible */
-static const bfd_arch_info_type *
-compatible (a,b)
- const bfd_arch_info_type *a;
- const bfd_arch_info_type *b;
- if (a->arch != b->arch || a->mach != b->mach)
- return NULL;
- return a;
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_h8500_arch =
- 16, /* 16 bits in a word */
- 24, /* 24 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_h8500,
- 0, /* only 1 machine */
- "h8500", /* arch_name */
- "h8500", /* printable name */
- 1,
- true, /* the default machine */
- bfd_default_compatible,
- scan_mach,
- 0,
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-hppa.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-hppa.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5201008dfe1c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-hppa.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD support for the HP Precision Architecture architecture.
- Copyright 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-static const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_hppa10_arch =
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_hppa,
- 10, /* By convention PA1.0 = 10 */
- "hppa",
- "hppa1.0",
- 3,
- true, /* Unless we use 1.1 specific features */
- bfd_default_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan ,
- 0,
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_hppa_arch =
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_hppa,
- 11, /* By convention PA1.1 = 11 */
- "hppa",
- "hppa1.1",
- 3,
- false, /* 1.1 specific features used */
- bfd_default_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan ,
- &bfd_hppa10_arch,
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-i386.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-i386.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 404109033b7f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-i386.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD support for the Intel 386 architecture.
- Copyright 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_i386_arch =
- {
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_i386,
- 0, /* only 1 machine */
- "i386",
- "i386",
- 3,
- true, /* the one and only */
- bfd_default_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan ,
- 0,
- };
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-i860.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-i860.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 57c867cdb2cb..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-i860.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD support for the Intel 860 architecture.
- Copyright 1992, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Created mostly by substituting "860" for "386" in cpu-i386.c
- Harry Dolan <>, October 1995
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_i860_arch =
- {
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_i860,
- 0, /* only 1 machine */
- "i860",
- "i860",
- 3,
- true, /* the one and only */
- bfd_default_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan ,
- 0,
- };
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-i960.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-i960.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6970f89fca5c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-i960.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD library support routines for the i960 architecture.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Hacked by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-/* This routine is provided a string, and tries to work out if it
- could possibly refer to the i960 machine pointed at in the
- info_struct pointer */
-static boolean
-scan_960_mach (ap, string)
- const bfd_arch_info_type *ap;
- const char *string;
- unsigned long machine;
- /* Look for the string i960, or somesuch at the front of the string */
- if (strncmp("i960",string,4) == 0) {
- string+=4;
- }
- else {
- /* no match, can be us */
- return false;
- }
- if (string[0] == 0) {
- /* i960 on it's own means core to us*/
- if (ap->mach == bfd_mach_i960_core) return true;
- return false;
- }
- if (string[0] != ':') {
- return false;
- }
- string++;
- if (string[0] == '\0')
- return false;
- if (string[0] == 'c' && string[1] == 'o' && string[2] == 'r' &&
- string[3] == 'e' && string[4] == '\0')
- machine = bfd_mach_i960_core;
- else if (string[1] == '\0' || string[2] != '\0') /* rest are 2-char */
- return false;
- else if (string[0] == 'k' && string[1] == 'b')
- machine = bfd_mach_i960_kb_sb;
- else if (string[0] == 's' && string[1] == 'b')
- machine = bfd_mach_i960_kb_sb;
- else if (string[0] == 'm' && string[1] == 'c')
- machine = bfd_mach_i960_mc;
- else if (string[0] == 'x' && string[1] == 'a')
- machine = bfd_mach_i960_xa;
- else if (string[0] == 'c' && string[1] == 'a')
- machine = bfd_mach_i960_ca;
- else if (string[0] == 'k' && string[1] == 'a')
- machine = bfd_mach_i960_ka_sa;
- else if (string[0] == 's' && string[1] == 'a')
- machine = bfd_mach_i960_ka_sa;
- else if (string[0] == 'j' && string[1] == 'x')
- machine = bfd_mach_i960_jx;
- else if (string[0] == 'h' && string[1] == 'x')
- machine = bfd_mach_i960_hx;
- else
- return false;
- if (machine == ap->mach) return true;
- return false;
-/* This routine is provided two arch_infos and works out the i960
- machine which would be compatible with both and returns a pointer
- to its info structure */
-static const bfd_arch_info_type *
-compatible (a,b)
- const bfd_arch_info_type *a;
- const bfd_arch_info_type *b;
- /* The i960 has distinct subspecies which may not interbreed:
- Any architecture on the same line is compatible, the one on
- the right is the least restrictive.
- We represent this information in an array, each machine to a side */
-#define ERROR 0
-#define CORE bfd_mach_i960_core /*1*/
-#define KA bfd_mach_i960_ka_sa /*2*/
-#define KB bfd_mach_i960_kb_sb /*3*/
-#define MC bfd_mach_i960_mc /*4*/
-#define XA bfd_mach_i960_xa /*5*/
-#define CA bfd_mach_i960_ca /*6*/
-#define JX bfd_mach_i960_jx /*7*/
-#define HX bfd_mach_i960_hx /*8*/
-#define MAX_ARCH ((int)HX)
- static CONST unsigned long matrix[MAX_ARCH+1][MAX_ARCH+1] =
- {
- { ERROR, CORE, KA, KB, MC, XA, CA, JX, HX },
- { CORE, CORE, KA, KB, MC, XA, CA, JX, HX },
- };
- if (a->arch != b->arch || matrix[a->mach][b->mach] == ERROR)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- return (a->mach == matrix[a->mach][b->mach]) ? a : b;
- }
-int bfd_default_scan_num_mach();
-#define N(a,b,d,n) \
-{ 32, 32, 8,bfd_arch_i960,a,"i960",b,3,d,compatible,scan_960_mach,n,}
-static const bfd_arch_info_type arch_info_struct[] =
- N(bfd_mach_i960_ka_sa,"i960:ka_sa",false, &arch_info_struct[1]),
- N(bfd_mach_i960_kb_sb,"i960:kb_sb",false, &arch_info_struct[2]),
- N(bfd_mach_i960_mc, "i960:mc", false, &arch_info_struct[3]),
- N(bfd_mach_i960_xa, "i960:xa", false, &arch_info_struct[4]),
- N(bfd_mach_i960_ca, "i960:ca", false, &arch_info_struct[5]),
- N(bfd_mach_i960_jx, "i960:jx", false, &arch_info_struct[6]),
- N(bfd_mach_i960_hx, "i960:hx", false, 0),
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_i960_arch =
- N(bfd_mach_i960_core, "i960:core", true, &arch_info_struct[0]);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-m68k.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-m68k.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 17a373916756..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-m68k.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD library support routines for architectures.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Hacked by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-int bfd_default_scan_num_mach();
-#define N(name, print,d,next) \
-{ 32, 32, 8, bfd_arch_m68k, name, "m68k",print,2,d,bfd_default_compatible,bfd_default_scan, next, }
-static const bfd_arch_info_type arch_info_struct[] =
- N(68008,"m68k:68008",false, &arch_info_struct[1]),
- N(68010,"m68k:68010",false, &arch_info_struct[2]),
- N(68020,"m68k:68020",true, &arch_info_struct[3]),
- N(68030,"m68k:68030",false, &arch_info_struct[4]),
- N(68040,"m68k:68040",false, &arch_info_struct[5]),
- N(68070,"m68k:68070",false, 0),
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_m68k_arch =
- N(68000,"m68k:68000",false, &arch_info_struct[0]);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-m88k.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-m88k.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c3716c5a394c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-m88k.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/* bfd back-end for m88k support
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_m88k_arch =
- {
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_m88k,
- 88100, /* only 1 machine */
- "m88k",
- "m88k:88100",
- 3,
- true, /* the one and only */
- bfd_default_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan ,
- 0,
- };
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-mips.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-mips.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e1934210a29..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-mips.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-/* bfd back-end for mips support
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-static const bfd_arch_info_type arch_info_struct[] =
- {
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_mips,
- 6000,
- "mips",
- "mips:6000",
- 3,
- false,
- bfd_default_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan,
- &arch_info_struct[1],
- },
- {
- 64, /* 64 bits in a word */
- 64, /* 64 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_mips,
- 4000,
- "mips",
- "mips:4000",
- 3,
- false,
- bfd_default_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan ,
- &arch_info_struct[2],
- },
- {
- 64, /* 64 bits in a word */
- 64, /* 64 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_mips,
- 8000,
- "mips",
- "mips:8000",
- 3,
- false,
- bfd_default_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan ,
- 0,
- }
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_mips_arch =
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_mips,
- 3000,
- "mips",
- "mips:3000",
- 3,
- true,
- bfd_default_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan,
- &arch_info_struct[0],
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-ns32k.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-ns32k.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e18e3cfc9ba1..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-ns32k.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,868 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD support for the ns32k architecture.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Almost totally rewritten by Ian Dall from initial work
- by Andrew Cagney.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-long ns32k_get_displacement PARAMS ((bfd_byte *buffer, long offset, long size));
-int ns32k_put_displacement PARAMS ((long value, bfd_byte *buffer, long offset, long size));
-long ns32k_get_immediate PARAMS ((bfd_byte *buffer, long offset, long size));
-int ns32k_put_immediate PARAMS ((long value, bfd_byte *buffer, long offset, long size));
- ns32k_reloc_disp PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, arelent *reloc_entry,
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *input_section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error_message));
- ns32k_reloc_imm PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc_entry,
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *input_section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error_message));
-bfd_reloc_status_type ns32k_final_link_relocate PARAMS ((reloc_howto_type *howto,
- bfd *input_bfd,
- asection *input_section,
- bfd_byte *contents,
- bfd_vma address,
- bfd_vma value,
- bfd_vma addend ));
-bfd_reloc_status_type ns32k_relocate_contents PARAMS ((reloc_howto_type *howto,
- bfd *input_bfd,
- bfd_vma relocation,
- bfd_byte *location));
-int bfd_default_scan_num_mach();
-#define N(machine, printable, d, next) \
-{ 32, 32, 8, bfd_arch_ns32k, machine, "ns32k",printable,3,d,bfd_default_compatible,bfd_default_scan, next, }
-static const bfd_arch_info_type arch_info_struct[] =
- N(32532,"ns32k:32532",true, 0), /* the word ns32k will match this too */
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_ns32k_arch =
- N(32032,"ns32k:32032",false, &arch_info_struct[0]);
-static long
-ns32k_sign_extend(value, bits)
- int value;
- int bits;
- value = value & ((1 << bits) - 1);
- return (value & (1 << (bits-1))
- ? value | (~((1 << bits) - 1))
- : value);
-ns32k_get_displacement(buffer, offset, size)
- bfd_byte *buffer;
- long offset;
- long size;
- long value;
- buffer += offset;
- switch (size)
- {
- case 1:
- value = ns32k_sign_extend (*buffer, 7);
- break;
- case 2:
- value = ns32k_sign_extend(*buffer++, 6);
- value = (value << 8) | (0xff & *buffer);
- break;
- case 4:
- value = ns32k_sign_extend(*buffer++, 6);
- value = (value << 8) | (0xff & *buffer++);
- value = (value << 8) | (0xff & *buffer++);
- value = (value << 8) | (0xff & *buffer);
- break;
- }
- return value;
-ns32k_put_displacement(value, buffer, offset, size)
- long value;
- bfd_byte *buffer;
- long offset;
- long size;
- buffer += offset;
- switch (size)
- {
- case 1:
- if (value < -64 || value > 63)
- return -1;
- value&=0x7f;
- *buffer++=value;
- break;
- case 2:
- if (value < -8192 || value > 8191)
- return -1;
- value&=0x3fff;
- value|=0x8000;
- *buffer++=(value>>8);
- *buffer++=value;
- break;
- case 4:
- if (value < -0x1f000000 || value >= 0x20000000)
- return -1;
- value|=0xc0000000;
- *buffer++=(value>>24);
- *buffer++=(value>>16);
- *buffer++=(value>>8);
- *buffer++=value;
- break;
- default:
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-ns32k_get_immediate(buffer, offset, size)
- bfd_byte *buffer;
- long offset;
- long size;
- long value = 0;
- buffer += offset;
- switch (size)
- {
- case 4:
- value = (value << 8) | (*buffer++ & 0xff);
- case 3:
- value = (value << 8) | (*buffer++ & 0xff);
- case 2:
- value = (value << 8) | (*buffer++ & 0xff);
- case 1:
- value = (value << 8) | (*buffer++ & 0xff);
- }
- return value;
-ns32k_put_immediate (value, buffer, offset, size)
- long value;
- bfd_byte *buffer;
- long offset;
- long size;
- buffer += offset + size - 1;
- switch (size)
- {
- case 4:
- *buffer-- = (value & 0xff); value >>= 8;
- case 3:
- *buffer-- = (value & 0xff); value >>= 8;
- case 2:
- *buffer-- = (value & 0xff); value >>= 8;
- case 1:
- *buffer-- = (value & 0xff); value >>= 8;
- }
- return 0;
-/* This is just like the standard perform_relocation except we
- * use get_data and put_data which know about the ns32k
- * storage methods.
- * This is probably a lot more complicated than it needs to be!
- */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-do_ns32k_reloc (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section, output_bfd,
- error_message, get_data, put_data)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- long (*get_data)();
- int (*put_data)();
- int overflow = 0;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_reloc_status_type flag = bfd_reloc_ok;
- bfd_size_type addr = reloc_entry->address;
- bfd_vma output_base = 0;
- reloc_howto_type *howto = reloc_entry->howto;
- asection *reloc_target_output_section;
- if ((symbol->section == &bfd_abs_section)
- && output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL)
- {
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- /* If we are not producing relocateable output, return an error if
- the symbol is not defined. An undefined weak symbol is
- considered to have a value of zero (SVR4 ABI, p. 4-27). */
- if (symbol->section == &bfd_und_section
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_WEAK) == 0
- && output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- flag = bfd_reloc_undefined;
- /* Is the address of the relocation really within the section? */
- if (reloc_entry->address > input_section->_cooked_size)
- return bfd_reloc_outofrange;
- /* Work out which section the relocation is targetted at and the
- initial relocation command value. */
- /* Get symbol value. (Common symbols are special.) */
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- relocation = 0;
- else
- relocation = symbol->value;
- reloc_target_output_section = symbol->section->output_section;
- /* Convert input-section-relative symbol value to absolute. */
- if (output_bfd && howto->partial_inplace == false)
- output_base = 0;
- else
- output_base = reloc_target_output_section->vma;
- relocation += output_base + symbol->section->output_offset;
- /* Add in supplied addend. */
- relocation += reloc_entry->addend;
- /* Here the variable relocation holds the final address of the
- symbol we are relocating against, plus any addend. */
- if (howto->pc_relative == true)
- {
- /* This is a PC relative relocation. We want to set RELOCATION
- to the distance between the address of the symbol and the
- location. RELOCATION is already the address of the symbol.
- We start by subtracting the address of the section containing
- the location.
- If pcrel_offset is set, we must further subtract the position
- of the location within the section. Some targets arrange for
- the addend to be the negative of the position of the location
- within the section; for example, i386-aout does this. For
- i386-aout, pcrel_offset is false. Some other targets do not
- include the position of the location; for example, m88kbcs,
- or ELF. For those targets, pcrel_offset is true.
- If we are producing relocateable output, then we must ensure
- that this reloc will be correctly computed when the final
- relocation is done. If pcrel_offset is false we want to wind
- up with the negative of the location within the section,
- which means we must adjust the existing addend by the change
- in the location within the section. If pcrel_offset is true
- we do not want to adjust the existing addend at all.
- FIXME: This seems logical to me, but for the case of
- producing relocateable output it is not what the code
- actually does. I don't want to change it, because it seems
- far too likely that something will break. */
- relocation -=
- input_section->output_section->vma + input_section->output_offset;
- if (howto->pcrel_offset == true)
- relocation -= reloc_entry->address;
- }
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL)
- {
- if (howto->partial_inplace == false)
- {
- /* This is a partial relocation, and we want to apply the relocation
- to the reloc entry rather than the raw data. Modify the reloc
- inplace to reflect what we now know. */
- reloc_entry->addend = relocation;
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return flag;
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is a partial relocation, but inplace, so modify the
- reloc record a bit.
- If we've relocated with a symbol with a section, change
- into a ref to the section belonging to the symbol. */
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- /* WTF?? */
- if (abfd->xvec->flavour == bfd_target_coff_flavour
- && strcmp (abfd->xvec->name, "aixcoff-rs6000") != 0)
- {
-#if 1
- /* For m68k-coff, the addend was being subtracted twice during
- relocation with -r. Removing the line below this comment
- fixes that problem; see PR 2953.
-However, Ian wrote the following, regarding removing the line below,
-which explains why it is still enabled: --djm
-If you put a patch like that into BFD you need to check all the COFF
-linkers. I am fairly certain that patch will break coff-i386 (e.g.,
-SCO); see coff_i386_reloc in coff-i386.c where I worked around the
-problem in a different way. There may very well be a reason that the
-code works as it does.
-Hmmm. The first obvious point is that bfd_perform_relocation should
-not have any tests that depend upon the flavour. It's seem like
-entirely the wrong place for such a thing. The second obvious point
-is that the current code ignores the reloc addend when producing
-relocateable output for COFF. That's peculiar. In fact, I really
-have no idea what the point of the line you want to remove is.
-A typical COFF reloc subtracts the old value of the symbol and adds in
-the new value to the location in the object file (if it's a pc
-relative reloc it adds the difference between the symbol value and the
-location). When relocating we need to preserve that property.
-BFD handles this by setting the addend to the negative of the old
-value of the symbol. Unfortunately it handles common symbols in a
-non-standard way (it doesn't subtract the old value) but that's a
-different story (we can't change it without losing backward
-compatibility with old object files) (coff-i386 does subtract the old
-value, to be compatible with existing coff-i386 targets, like SCO).
-So everything works fine when not producing relocateable output. When
-we are producing relocateable output, logically we should do exactly
-what we do when not producing relocateable output. Therefore, your
-patch is correct. In fact, it should probably always just set
-reloc_entry->addend to 0 for all cases, since it is, in fact, going to
-add the value into the object file. This won't hurt the COFF code,
-which doesn't use the addend; I'm not sure what it will do to other
-formats (the thing to check for would be whether any formats both use
-the addend and set partial_inplace).
-When I wanted to make coff-i386 produce relocateable output, I ran
-into the problem that you are running into: I wanted to remove that
-line. Rather than risk it, I made the coff-i386 relocs use a special
-function; it's coff_i386_reloc in coff-i386.c. The function
-specifically adds the addend field into the object file, knowing that
-bfd_perform_relocation is not going to. If you remove that line, then
-coff-i386.c will wind up adding the addend field in twice. It's
-trivial to fix; it just needs to be done.
-The problem with removing the line is just that it may break some
-working code. With BFD it's hard to be sure of anything. The right
-way to deal with this is simply to build and test at least all the
-supported COFF targets. It should be straightforward if time and disk
-space consuming. For each target:
- 1) build the linker
- 2) generate some executable, and link it using -r (I would
- probably use paranoia.o and link against newlib/libc.a, which
- for all the supported targets would be available in
- /usr/cygnus/progressive/H-host/target/lib/libc.a).
- 3) make the change to reloc.c
- 4) rebuild the linker
- 5) repeat step 2
- 6) if the resulting object files are the same, you have at least
- made it no worse
- 7) if they are different you have to figure out which version is
- right
- relocation -= reloc_entry->addend;
- reloc_entry->addend = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- reloc_entry->addend = relocation;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- reloc_entry->addend = 0;
- }
- /* FIXME: This overflow checking is incomplete, because the value
- might have overflowed before we get here. For a correct check we
- need to compute the value in a size larger than bitsize, but we
- can't reasonably do that for a reloc the same size as a host
- machine word.
- FIXME: We should also do overflow checking on the result after
- adding in the value contained in the object file. */
- if (howto->complain_on_overflow != complain_overflow_dont)
- {
- bfd_vma check;
- /* Get the value that will be used for the relocation, but
- starting at bit position zero. */
- if (howto->rightshift > howto->bitpos)
- check = relocation >> (howto->rightshift - howto->bitpos);
- else
- check = relocation << (howto->bitpos - howto->rightshift);
- switch (howto->complain_on_overflow)
- {
- case complain_overflow_signed:
- {
- /* Assumes two's complement. */
- bfd_signed_vma reloc_signed_max = (1 << (howto->bitsize - 1)) - 1;
- bfd_signed_vma reloc_signed_min = ~reloc_signed_max;
- /* The above right shift is incorrect for a signed value.
- Fix it up by forcing on the upper bits. */
- if (howto->rightshift > howto->bitpos
- && (bfd_signed_vma) relocation < 0)
- check |= ((bfd_vma) - 1
- & ~((bfd_vma) - 1
- >> (howto->rightshift - howto->bitpos)));
- if ((bfd_signed_vma) check > reloc_signed_max
- || (bfd_signed_vma) check < reloc_signed_min)
- flag = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- }
- break;
- case complain_overflow_unsigned:
- {
- /* Assumes two's complement. This expression avoids
- overflow if howto->bitsize is the number of bits in
- bfd_vma. */
- bfd_vma reloc_unsigned_max =
- (((1 << (howto->bitsize - 1)) - 1) << 1) | 1;
- if ((bfd_vma) check > reloc_unsigned_max)
- flag = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- }
- break;
- case complain_overflow_bitfield:
- {
- /* Assumes two's complement. This expression avoids
- overflow if howto->bitsize is the number of bits in
- bfd_vma. */
- bfd_vma reloc_bits = (((1 << (howto->bitsize - 1)) - 1) << 1) | 1;
- if (((bfd_vma) check & ~reloc_bits) != 0
- && ((bfd_vma) check & ~reloc_bits) != (-1 & ~reloc_bits))
- {
- /* The above right shift is incorrect for a signed
- value. See if turning on the upper bits fixes the
- overflow. */
- if (howto->rightshift > howto->bitpos
- && (bfd_signed_vma) relocation < 0)
- {
- check |= ((bfd_vma) - 1
- & ~((bfd_vma) - 1
- >> (howto->rightshift - howto->bitpos)));
- if (((bfd_vma) check & ~reloc_bits) != (-1 & ~reloc_bits))
- flag = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- }
- else
- flag = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- }
- /*
- Either we are relocating all the way, or we don't want to apply
- the relocation to the reloc entry (probably because there isn't
- any room in the output format to describe addends to relocs)
- */
- /* The cast to bfd_vma avoids a bug in the Alpha OSF/1 C compiler
- (OSF version 1.3, compiler version 3.11). It miscompiles the
- following program:
- struct str
- {
- unsigned int i0;
- } s = { 0 };
- int
- main ()
- {
- unsigned long x;
- x = 0x100000000;
- x <<= (unsigned long) s.i0;
- if (x == 0)
- printf ("failed\n");
- else
- printf ("succeeded (%lx)\n", x);
- }
- */
- relocation >>= (bfd_vma) howto->rightshift;
- /* Shift everything up to where it's going to be used */
- relocation <<= (bfd_vma) howto->bitpos;
- /* Wait for the day when all have the mask in them */
- /* What we do:
- i instruction to be left alone
- o offset within instruction
- r relocation offset to apply
- S src mask
- D dst mask
- N ~dst mask
- A part 1
- B part 2
- R result
- Do this:
- i i i i i o o o o o from bfd_get<size>
- and S S S S S to get the size offset we want
- + r r r r r r r r r r to get the final value to place
- and D D D D D to chop to right size
- -----------------------
- A A A A A
- And this:
- ... i i i i i o o o o o from bfd_get<size>
- and N N N N N get instruction
- -----------------------
- ... B B B B B
- And then:
- B B B B B
- or A A A A A
- -----------------------
- R R R R R R R R R R put into bfd_put<size>
- */
-#define DOIT(x) \
- x = ( (x & ~howto->dst_mask) | (((x & howto->src_mask) + relocation) & howto->dst_mask))
- switch (howto->size)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- char x = get_data (data, addr, 1);
- DOIT (x);
- overflow = put_data(x, data, addr, 1);
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- if (relocation)
- {
- short x = get_data (data, addr, 2);
- DOIT (x);
- overflow = put_data(x, (unsigned char *) data, addr, 2);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- if (relocation)
- {
- long x = get_data (data, addr, 4);
- DOIT (x);
- overflow = put_data(x, data, addr, 4);
- }
- break;
- case -2:
- {
- long x = get_data(data, addr, 4);
- relocation = -relocation;
- DOIT(x);
- overflow = put_data(x, data , addr, 4);
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- /* Do nothing */
- break;
- case 4:
-#ifdef BFD64
- if (relocation)
- {
- bfd_vma x = get_data (data, addr, 8);
- DOIT (x);
- overflow = put_data(x, data, addr, 8);
- }
- abort ();
- break;
- default:
- return bfd_reloc_other;
- }
- if ((howto->complain_on_overflow != complain_overflow_dont) && overflow)
- return bfd_reloc_overflow;
- return flag;
-/* Relocate a given location using a given value and howto. */
-do_ns32k_reloc_contents ( howto, input_bfd, relocation, location, get_data,
- put_data)
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_byte *location;
- long (*get_data)();
- int (*put_data)();
- int size;
- bfd_vma x;
- boolean overflow;
- /* If the size is negative, negate RELOCATION. This isn't very
- general. */
- if (howto->size < 0)
- relocation = -relocation;
- /* Get the value we are going to relocate. */
- size = bfd_get_reloc_size (howto);
- switch (size)
- {
- default:
- case 0:
- abort ();
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 4:
-#ifdef BFD64
- case 8:
- x = get_data (location, 0, size);
- break;
- }
- /* Check for overflow. FIXME: We may drop bits during the addition
- which we don't check for. We must either check at every single
- operation, which would be tedious, or we must do the computations
- in a type larger than bfd_vma, which would be inefficient. */
- overflow = false;
- if (howto->complain_on_overflow != complain_overflow_dont)
- {
- bfd_vma check;
- bfd_signed_vma signed_check;
- bfd_vma add;
- bfd_signed_vma signed_add;
- if (howto->rightshift == 0)
- {
- check = relocation;
- signed_check = (bfd_signed_vma) relocation;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Drop unwanted bits from the value we are relocating to. */
- check = relocation >> howto->rightshift;
- /* If this is a signed value, the rightshift just dropped
- leading 1 bits (assuming twos complement). */
- if ((bfd_signed_vma) relocation >= 0)
- signed_check = check;
- else
- signed_check = (check
- | ((bfd_vma) - 1
- & ~((bfd_vma) - 1 >> howto->rightshift)));
- }
- /* Get the value from the object file. */
- add = x & howto->src_mask;
- /* Get the value from the object file with an appropriate sign.
- The expression involving howto->src_mask isolates the upper
- bit of src_mask. If that bit is set in the value we are
- adding, it is negative, and we subtract out that number times
- two. If src_mask includes the highest possible bit, then we
- can not get the upper bit, but that does not matter since
- signed_add needs no adjustment to become negative in that
- case. */
- signed_add = add;
- if ((add & (((~howto->src_mask) >> 1) & howto->src_mask)) != 0)
- signed_add -= (((~howto->src_mask) >> 1) & howto->src_mask) << 1;
- /* Add the value from the object file, shifted so that it is a
- straight number. */
- if (howto->bitpos == 0)
- {
- check += add;
- signed_check += signed_add;
- }
- else
- {
- check += add >> howto->bitpos;
- /* For the signed case we use ADD, rather than SIGNED_ADD,
- to avoid warnings from SVR4 cc. This is OK since we
- explictly handle the sign bits. */
- if (signed_add >= 0)
- signed_check += add >> howto->bitpos;
- else
- signed_check += ((add >> howto->bitpos)
- | ((bfd_vma) - 1
- & ~((bfd_vma) - 1 >> howto->bitpos)));
- }
- switch (howto->complain_on_overflow)
- {
- case complain_overflow_signed:
- {
- /* Assumes two's complement. */
- bfd_signed_vma reloc_signed_max = (1 << (howto->bitsize - 1)) - 1;
- bfd_signed_vma reloc_signed_min = ~reloc_signed_max;
- if (signed_check > reloc_signed_max
- || signed_check < reloc_signed_min)
- overflow = true;
- }
- break;
- case complain_overflow_unsigned:
- {
- /* Assumes two's complement. This expression avoids
- overflow if howto->bitsize is the number of bits in
- bfd_vma. */
- bfd_vma reloc_unsigned_max =
- (((1 << (howto->bitsize - 1)) - 1) << 1) | 1;
- if (check > reloc_unsigned_max)
- overflow = true;
- }
- break;
- case complain_overflow_bitfield:
- {
- /* Assumes two's complement. This expression avoids
- overflow if howto->bitsize is the number of bits in
- bfd_vma. */
- bfd_vma reloc_bits = (((1 << (howto->bitsize - 1)) - 1) << 1) | 1;
- if ((check & ~reloc_bits) != 0
- && (((bfd_vma) signed_check & ~reloc_bits)
- != (-1 & ~reloc_bits)))
- overflow = true;
- }
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- }
- /* Put RELOCATION in the right bits. */
- relocation >>= (bfd_vma) howto->rightshift;
- relocation <<= (bfd_vma) howto->bitpos;
- /* Add RELOCATION to the right bits of X. */
- x = ((x & ~howto->dst_mask)
- | (((x & howto->src_mask) + relocation) & howto->dst_mask));
- /* Put the relocated value back in the object file. */
- switch (size)
- {
- default:
- case 0:
- abort ();
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 4:
-#ifdef BFD64
- case 8:
- put_data(x, location, 0, size);
- break;
- }
- return overflow ? bfd_reloc_overflow : bfd_reloc_ok;
-ns32k_reloc_disp(abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section, output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- return do_ns32k_reloc(abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section, output_bfd, error_message, ns32k_get_displacement, ns32k_put_displacement);
-ns32k_reloc_imm (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section, output_bfd, error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- return do_ns32k_reloc(abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section, output_bfd, error_message, ns32k_get_immediate, ns32k_put_immediate);
-ns32k_final_link_relocate (howto, input_bfd, input_section, contents, address, value, addend )
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- bfd_vma address;
- bfd_vma value;
- bfd_vma addend;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- /* Sanity check the address. */
- if (address > input_section->_cooked_size)
- return bfd_reloc_outofrange;
- /* This function assumes that we are dealing with a basic relocation
- against a symbol. We want to compute the value of the symbol to
- relocate to. This is just VALUE, the value of the symbol, plus
- ADDEND, any addend associated with the reloc. */
- relocation = value + addend;
- /* If the relocation is PC relative, we want to set RELOCATION to
- the distance between the symbol (currently in RELOCATION) and the
- location we are relocating. Some targets (e.g., i386-aout)
- arrange for the contents of the section to be the negative of the
- offset of the location within the section; for such targets
- pcrel_offset is false. Other targets (e.g., m88kbcs or ELF)
- simply leave the contents of the section as zero; for such
- targets pcrel_offset is true. If pcrel_offset is false we do not
- need to subtract out the offset of the location within the
- section (which is just ADDRESS). */
- if (howto->pc_relative)
- {
- relocation -= (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset);
- if (howto->pcrel_offset)
- relocation -= address;
- }
- return ns32k_relocate_contents (howto, input_bfd, relocation,
- contents + address);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-powerpc.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-powerpc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 11f0f80af5ab..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-powerpc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD PowerPC CPU definition
- Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-/* The common PowerPC architecture is compatible with the RS/6000. */
-static const bfd_arch_info_type *powerpc_compatible
- PARAMS ((const bfd_arch_info_type *, const bfd_arch_info_type *));
-static const bfd_arch_info_type *
-powerpc_compatible (a,b)
- const bfd_arch_info_type *a;
- const bfd_arch_info_type *b;
- BFD_ASSERT (a->arch == bfd_arch_powerpc);
- switch (b->arch)
- {
- default:
- return NULL;
- case bfd_arch_powerpc:
- return bfd_default_compatible (a, b);
- case bfd_arch_rs6000:
- if (a->mach == 0)
- return a;
- return NULL;
- }
-static const bfd_arch_info_type arch_info_struct[] =
- {
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_powerpc,
- 603, /* for the mpc603 */
- "powerpc",
- "powerpc:603",
- 3,
- false, /* not the default */
- powerpc_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan,
- &arch_info_struct[1]
- },
- {
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_powerpc,
- 604, /* for the mpc604 */
- "powerpc",
- "powerpc:604",
- 3,
- false, /* not the default */
- powerpc_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan,
- &arch_info_struct[2]
- },
- {
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_powerpc,
- 403, /* for the 403 */
- "powerpc",
- "powerpc:403",
- 3,
- false, /* not the default */
- powerpc_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan,
- &arch_info_struct[3]
- },
- {
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_powerpc,
- 601, /* for the mpc601 */
- "powerpc",
- "powerpc:601",
- 3,
- false, /* not the default */
- powerpc_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan,
- 0
- }
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_powerpc_arch =
- {
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_powerpc,
- 0, /* for the POWER/PowerPC common architecture */
- "powerpc",
- "powerpc:common",
- 3,
- true, /* the default */
- powerpc_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan,
- &arch_info_struct[0]
- };
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-rs6000.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-rs6000.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9852ae9a0536..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-rs6000.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for rs6000 support
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- FIXME: Can someone provide a transliteration of this name into ASCII?
- Using the following chars caused a compiler warning on HIUX (so I replaced
- them with octal escapes), and isn't useful without an understanding of what
- character set it is.
- Written by Mimi Ph\373\364ng-Th\345o V\365 of IBM
- and John Gilmore of Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-/* The RS/6000 architecture is compatible with the PowerPC common
- architecture. */
-static const bfd_arch_info_type *rs6000_compatible
- PARAMS ((const bfd_arch_info_type *, const bfd_arch_info_type *));
-static const bfd_arch_info_type *
-rs6000_compatible (a,b)
- const bfd_arch_info_type *a;
- const bfd_arch_info_type *b;
- BFD_ASSERT (a->arch == bfd_arch_rs6000);
- switch (b->arch)
- {
- default:
- return NULL;
- case bfd_arch_rs6000:
- return bfd_default_compatible (a, b);
- case bfd_arch_powerpc:
- if (b->mach == 0)
- return b;
- return NULL;
- }
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_rs6000_arch =
- {
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_rs6000,
- 6000, /* only 1 machine */
- "rs6000",
- "rs6000:6000",
- 3,
- true, /* the one and only */
- rs6000_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan,
- 0,
- };
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-sh.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-sh.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f6dd68ba04a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-sh.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD library support routines for the Hitachi-SH architecture.
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Hacked by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-int bfd_default_scan_num_mach();
-static boolean
-scan_mach (info, string)
- const struct bfd_arch_info *info;
- const char *string;
- if (strcmp(string,"sh") == 0) return true;
- if (strcmp(string,"SH") == 0) return true;
- return false;
-#if 0
-/* This routine is provided two arch_infos and returns whether
- they'd be compatible */
-static const bfd_arch_info_type *
-compatible (a,b)
- const bfd_arch_info_type *a;
- const bfd_arch_info_type *b;
- if (a->arch != b->arch || a->mach != b->mach)
- return NULL;
- return a;
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_sh_arch =
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_sh,
- 0, /* only 1 machine */
- "sh", /* arch_name */
- "sh", /* printable name */
- 1,
- true, /* the default machine */
- bfd_default_compatible,
- scan_mach,
- 0,
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-sparc.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-sparc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e48aa5e7f2b3..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-sparc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD support for the SPARC architecture.
- Copyright (C) 1992, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-/* Don't mix 32 bit and 64 bit files. */
-static const bfd_arch_info_type *
-sparc_compatible (a, b)
- const bfd_arch_info_type *a;
- const bfd_arch_info_type *b;
- if (a->bits_per_word != b->bits_per_word)
- return NULL;
- return bfd_default_compatible (a, b);
-static const bfd_arch_info_type arch_info_struct[] =
- {
- 32, /* bits in a word */
- 32, /* bits in an address */
- 8, /* bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_sparc,
- bfd_mach_sparc_v8plus,
- "sparc",
- "sparc:v8plus",
- 3,
- false,
- sparc_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan,
- &arch_info_struct[1],
- },
- {
- 32, /* bits in a word */
- 32, /* bits in an address */
- 8, /* bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_sparc,
- bfd_mach_sparc_v8plusa,
- "sparc",
- "sparc:v8plusa",
- 3,
- false,
- sparc_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan,
- &arch_info_struct[2],
- },
- {
- 64, /* bits in a word */
- 64, /* bits in an address */
- 8, /* bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_sparc,
- bfd_mach_sparc_v9,
- "sparc",
- "sparc:v9",
- 3,
- false,
- sparc_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan,
- &arch_info_struct[3],
- },
- {
- 64, /* bits in a word */
- 64, /* bits in an address */
- 8, /* bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_sparc,
- bfd_mach_sparc_v9a,
- "sparc",
- "sparc:v9a",
- 3,
- false,
- sparc_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan,
- 0,
- }
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_sparc_arch =
- {
- 32, /* bits in a word */
- 32, /* bits in an address */
- 8, /* bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_sparc,
- bfd_mach_sparc,
- "sparc",
- "sparc",
- 3,
- true, /* the default */
- sparc_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan,
- &arch_info_struct[0],
- };
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-vax.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-vax.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bdc6d39e451f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-vax.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* bfd back-end for vax support
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_vax_arch =
- {
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_vax,
- 0, /* only 1 machine */
- "vax",
- "vax",
- 3,
- true, /* the one and only */
- bfd_default_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan ,
- 0,
- };
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-w65.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-w65.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c0bbf045219c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-w65.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD library support routines for the WDC 65816 architecture.
- Copyright (C) 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Hacked by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as publiw65ed by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You w65ould have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-int bfd_default_scan_num_mach();
-static boolean
-scan_mach (info, string)
- const struct bfd_arch_info *info;
- const char *string;
- if (strcmp(string,"w65") == 0) return true;
- if (strcmp(string,"w65816") == 0) return true;
- return false;
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_w65_arch =
- 16, /* 16 bits in a word */
- 24, /* 24 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_w65,
- 0, /* only 1 machine */
- "w65", /* arch_name */
- "w65", /* printable name */
- 1,
- true, /* the default machine */
- bfd_default_compatible,
- scan_mach,
- 0,
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-we32k.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-we32k.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a38cbc1268b4..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-we32k.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* bfd back-end for we32k support
- Copyright (C) 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by Brendan Kehoe (
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_we32k_arch =
- {
- 32, /* 32 bits in a word */
- 32, /* 32 bits in an address */
- 8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
- bfd_arch_we32k,
- 32000, /* only 1 machine */
- "we32k",
- "we32k:32000",
- 3,
- true, /* the one and only */
- bfd_default_compatible,
- bfd_default_scan ,
- 0,
- };
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-z8k.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-z8k.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cce8eb0689b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/cpu-z8k.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD library support routines for the Z800n architecture.
- Copyright (C) 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Hacked by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#if 0 /* not used currently */
-Relocations for the Z8K
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-howto16_callback (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol_in, data,
- ignore_input_section, ignore_bfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol_in;
- PTR data;
- asection *ignore_input_section;
- bfd *ignore_bfd;
- long relocation = 0;
- bfd_vma addr = reloc_entry->address;
- long x = bfd_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- HOWTO_PREPARE (relocation, symbol_in);
- x = (x + relocation + reloc_entry->addend);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, x, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-howto8_callback (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol_in, data,
- ignore_input_section, ignore_bfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol_in;
- PTR data;
- asection *ignore_input_section;
- bfd *ignore_bfd;
- long relocation = 0;
- bfd_vma addr = reloc_entry->address;
- long x = bfd_get_8 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- HOWTO_PREPARE (relocation, symbol_in);
- x = (x + relocation + reloc_entry->addend);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, x, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-howto8_FFnn_callback (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol_in, data,
- ignore_input_section, ignore_bfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol_in;
- PTR data;
- asection *ignore_input_section;
- bfd *ignore_bfd;
- long relocation = 0;
- bfd_vma addr = reloc_entry->address;
- long x = bfd_get_8 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- abort ();
- HOWTO_PREPARE (relocation, symbol_in);
- x = (x + relocation + reloc_entry->addend);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, x, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-howto8_pcrel_callback (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol_in, data,
- ignore_input_section, ignore_bfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol_in;
- PTR data;
- asection *ignore_input_section;
- bfd *ignore_bfd;
- long relocation = 0;
- bfd_vma addr = reloc_entry->address;
- long x = bfd_get_8 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- abort ();
- HOWTO_PREPARE (relocation, symbol_in);
- x = (x + relocation + reloc_entry->addend);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, x, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static reloc_howto_type howto_16
-= NEWHOWTO (howto16_callback, "abs16", 1, false, false);
-static reloc_howto_type howto_8
-= NEWHOWTO (howto8_callback, "abs8", 0, false, false);
-static reloc_howto_type howto_8_FFnn
-= NEWHOWTO (howto8_FFnn_callback, "ff00+abs8", 0, false, false);
-static reloc_howto_type howto_8_pcrel
-= NEWHOWTO (howto8_pcrel_callback, "pcrel8", 0, false, true);
-static reloc_howto_type *
-local_bfd_reloc_type_lookup (arch, code)
- const struct bfd_arch_info *arch;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- switch (code)
- {
- case BFD_RELOC_16:
- return &howto_16;
- case BFD_RELOC_8_FFnn:
- return &howto_8_FFnn;
- case BFD_RELOC_8:
- return &howto_8;
- return &howto_8_pcrel;
- default:
- return (reloc_howto_type *) NULL;
- }
-int bfd_default_scan_num_mach ();
-static boolean
-scan_mach (info, string)
- const struct bfd_arch_info *info;
- const char *string;
- if (strcmp (string, "z8001") == 0 || strcmp (string, "z8k") == 0)
- {
- return bfd_mach_z8001 == info->mach;
- }
- if (strcmp (string, "z8002") == 0)
- {
- return bfd_mach_z8002 == info->mach;
- }
- return false;
-/* This routine is provided two arch_infos and returns whether
- they'd be compatible */
-static const bfd_arch_info_type *
-compatible (a, b)
- const bfd_arch_info_type *a;
- const bfd_arch_info_type *b;
- if (a->arch != b->arch || a->mach != b->mach)
- return NULL;
- return a;
-static const bfd_arch_info_type arch_info_struct[] =
- {32, 32, 8, bfd_arch_z8k, bfd_mach_z8001, "z8k", "z8001", 1, false, compatible, scan_mach, 0,},
-const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_z8k_arch =
- 32, 16, 8, bfd_arch_z8k, bfd_mach_z8002, "z8k", "z8002", 1, true, compatible, scan_mach, &arch_info_struct[0],
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/demo64.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/demo64.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c91381d46e93..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/demo64.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD backend for demonstration 64-bit a.out binaries.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define ARCH_SIZE 64
-#define MY(OP) CAT(demo_64_,OP)
-#define TARGETNAME "demo64"
-#include "aoutf1.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/dep-in.sed b/contrib/gdb/bfd/dep-in.sed
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cbd786fb2ee..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/dep-in.sed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-/\\$/b loop
-s! @BFD_H@!!g
-s!hosts/[^ ]*\.h ! !g
-s/ sysdep.h//g
-s/ libbfd.h//g
-s/ config.h//g
-s! \$(INCDIR)/fopen-[^ ]*\.h!!g
-s! \$(INCDIR)/ansidecl\.h!!g
-s! \$(INCDIR)/obstack\.h!!g
-s/\\\n */ /g
-s/ *$//
-s/ */ /g
-s/ *:/:/g
-s/\(.\{50\}[^ ]*\) /\1 \\\
- /g
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/ChangeLog b/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index f076e3777b56..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-Tue Jan 30 14:10:46 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- From Ronald F. Guilmette <>:
- * (libbfd.h): Depend upon proto.str.
- (libcoff.h, bfd.h): Likewise.
-Fri Nov 3 14:46:48 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * (SRCDOC, SRCPROT, core.texi, bfd.h): Use corefile.c,
- renamed from core.c.
-Wed Nov 1 14:28:23 1995 Manfred Hollstein KS/EF4A 60/1F/110 #40283 <>
- * chew.c: Include <ctype.h>.
-Fri Oct 6 16:23:34 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- Mon Sep 25 22:49:32 1995 Andreas Schwab <>
- * (Makefile): Only remake this Makefile.
-Wed Oct 4 15:51:05 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * chew.c: Include <stdio.h>.
-Tue Sep 12 18:14:50 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * (maintainer-clean): New target.
-Thu Aug 31 12:18:43 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * (bfd.h): Add additional #endif at end of bfd.h if
- __cplusplus is defined.
-Tue Nov 29 16:13:34 1994 Doug Evans <>
- * chew.c (write_buffer): New argument `f', all callers changed.
- (stdout, stderr, print, drop, idrop): New forth words.
- * proto.str (COMMENT): New command.
- * doc.str (COMMENT): Likewise.
-Mon Sep 12 11:44:17 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (DOCFILES): Remove ctor.texi.
- (IPROTOS): Remove ctor.ip.
- (SRCIPROT): Remove $(srcdir)/../ctor.c.
- (ctor.texi): Remove target.
- (libbfd.h): Remove dependency on $(srcdir)/../ctor.c. Remove
- $(MKDOC) run on $(srcdir)/../ctor.c.
- * bfd.texinfo (Constructors): Remove section.
-Fri Sep 2 13:33:44 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * chew.c: Include assert.h. Added prototypes for most functions.
- Changed most uses of int to long. Do bounds checking on the
- stacks. Added comment at the beginning documenting most of the
- intrinsics. Lots of whitespace changes. Re-ordered some
- functions.
- (die, check_range, icheck_range): New functions.
- (strip_trailing_newlines, print_stack_level): New functions.
- (translatecomments): Don't insert tab before "/*".
- (iscommand): Minimum command length is now 4.
- (nextword): Handle some \-sequences.
- (push_addr): Deleted.
- (main): Add new intrinsics strip_trailing_newlines and
- print_stack_level. Complain at end if stack contains more than
- one element, or less.
- (remchar): Make sure the string is not empty before chopping off a
- character.
- * doc.str, proto.str: Handle new commands SENUM, ENUM, ENUMX,
-Wed Jan 12 18:37:12 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfd.texinfo: Added Linker Functions node.
- * doc/ (DOCFILES): Added linker.texi.
- (SRCDOC): Added linker.c.
- (linker.texi): New target.
-Tue Jan 4 10:52:56 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * chew.c: Don't rely on a correct declaration of exit.
- (chew_exit): New function which just calls exit.
- (main): Use it.
-Mon Jan 3 11:40:40 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfd.texinfo: Added Hash Tables node.
- * (DOCFILES): Added hash.texi.
- (SRCDOC): Added hash.c.
- (hash.texi): New target.
-Thu Dec 30 16:57:04 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * Delete all references to seclet.c, since it's just
- been deleted. Don't mention hash.c, linker.c, or genlink.h yet,
- since they don't contain documentation yet (hint, hint!).
-Fri Nov 5 10:58:53 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
- * bfd.texinfo: Small cleanups.
-Fri Nov 19 03:46:11 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * (archures.texi): Depends on $(MKDOC).
-Tue Aug 10 14:22:39 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * bfd.texinfo (BFD back end): Don't include elfcode.texi, since
- it's empty now and that triggers a makeinfo bug.
-Mon Aug 9 16:27:30 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * bfd.texinfo (BFD back end): New section on ELF, includes
- elf.texi and elfcode.texi.
- * (DOCFILES): Include elf.texi, elfcode.texi.
- (SRCDOC): Include elfcode.h, elf.c.
- (elf.texi, elfcode.texi): New intermediate targets.
-Thu Jun 24 13:48:13 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
- * (.c.o, chew.o): Put CFLAGS last.
- * bfdsumm.texi: New file, broken out of bfd.texinfo, to share
- with ld.texinfo.
-Mon Jun 14 12:07:07 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * (install-info): remove parentdir cruft,
-Wed Jun 9 16:00:32 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * (mostlyclean): Remove chew.o.
-Tue May 25 14:46:58 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * (libbfd.h): Use elfcode.h, not elf32.c.
-Mon May 24 15:50:07 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * chew.c (compile): Add a couple of missing casts.
-Wed May 12 14:45:14 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (CC_FOR_BUILD): New variable, define to be $(CC).
- (chew.o, $(MKDOC)): Build using CC_FOR_BUILD rather than CC, since
- it must run on the build machine.
-Tue Apr 6 22:38:10 1993 John Gilmore (
- * (chew): Don't compile from .c to executable in a
- single step; it puts a temporary .o filename into the executable,
- which makes multi-stage comparisons fail. Compile chew.c to
- chew.o, and link that, which makes identical executables every time.
-Wed Mar 24 17:26:29 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * fix typo (bfd.texinfo not bfd.texino)
-Fri Mar 19 01:13:00 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * bfd.texinfo: Since BFD version number has been bumped, do same
- to "version number" on title page, and elsewhere. Should be
- fixed to extract real version number.
-Tue Mar 16 12:15:13 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Add *clean rules.
-Mon Jan 11 18:43:56 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (libbfd.h): Removed duplicate init.c and libbfd.c.
- Added seclet.c.
- (bfd.h): Added dependency on bfd.c and seclet.c. Added seclet.c
- to build.
-Thu Dec 17 19:35:43 1992 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * added dvi target, define and use $(TEXI2DVI)
-Thu Dec 3 17:42:48 1992 Ken Raeburn (
- * (TEXIDIR): New variable.
- (bfd.dvi): Look for bfd.texinfo in $(srcdir). Generate index.
- * bfd.texinfo: Minor doc fixes.
-Thu Nov 5 03:13:55 1992 John Gilmore (
- Cleanup: Replace all uses of EXFUN in the BFD sources, with PARAMS.
- * doc/chew.c (exfunstuff): Eliminate.
- (paramstuff): Replace exfunstuff with function to generate PARAMS.
- * doc/proto.str: Use paramstuff rather than exfunstuff.
-Mon Aug 17 12:40:32 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * chew.c: various patches provided by Howard Chu.
-Fri Jun 19 18:59:54 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * (libbfd.h): Add elf.c as a source of prototypes.
-Mon May 11 18:55:59 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * chew.c: exit() should be declared by config files, not by
- portable source code. Its type could be int or void function.
-Mon May 4 13:45:57 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * another CFLAGS correction.
-Tue Apr 28 10:21:32 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * Do the CFLAGS thing.
-Fri Apr 10 22:34:52 1992 Fred Fish (
- * (MINUS_G): Add macro and default to -g.
-Fri Mar 6 18:53:18 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * chew.c: now has -w switch turn on warnings
-Wed Feb 26 18:04:40 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- *, removed traces of namesubdir,
- -subdirs, $(subdir), $(unsubdir), some rcs triggers. Forced
- copyrights to '92, changed some from Cygnus to FSF.
-Tue Dec 10 22:11:05 1991 K. Richard Pixley (rich at
- * build chew into the current directory. Complete
- the MKDOC macro transition.
-Tue Dec 10 08:26:28 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
- * chew.c: don't core dump when can't open file
- * get proto.str from the right place when built in
- odd directories
-Tue Dec 10 04:07:25 1991 K. Richard Pixley (rich at
- * infodir belongs in datadir.
-Sat Dec 7 17:01:23 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
- * chew.c: Much modified
- * proto.str, doc.str: New files for extracting to product
- prototypes and documents respectively.
-Fri Dec 6 22:57:12 1991 K. Richard Pixley (rich at
- * added standards.text support, host/site/target
- inclusion hooks, install using INSTALL_DATA rather than cp,
- don't echo on install.
-Thu Dec 5 22:46:17 1991 K. Richard Pixley (rich at
- * idestdir and ddestdir go away. Added copyrights
- and shift gpl to v2. Added ChangeLog if it didn't exist. docdir
- and mandir now keyed off datadir by default.
-Local Variables:
-version-control: never
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/ b/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/
deleted file mode 100644
index aa3a76c26ae5..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile
-# Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation
-# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-VPATH = @srcdir@
-srcdir = @srcdir@
-prefix = @prefix@
-exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
-bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
-libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
-datadir = $(prefix)/lib
-mandir = $(prefix)/man
-man1dir = $(mandir)/man1
-man2dir = $(mandir)/man2
-man3dir = $(mandir)/man3
-man4dir = $(mandir)/man4
-man5dir = $(mandir)/man5
-man6dir = $(mandir)/man6
-man7dir = $(mandir)/man7
-man8dir = $(mandir)/man8
-man9dir = $(mandir)/man9
-infodir = $(prefix)/info
-includedir = $(prefix)/include
-docdir = $(datadir)/doc
-SHELL = /bin/sh
-INSTALL = `cd $(srcdir)/../..;pwd`/ -c
-MAKEINFO = makeinfo
-TEXI2DVI = texi2dvi
-CFLAGS = -g
-#### Host, target, and site specific Makefile fragments come in here.
- $(CC) -c -I.. -I$(srcdir)/.. -I$(srcdir)/../../include $(H_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $<
-DOCFILES = aoutx.texi archive.texi archures.texi \
- bfd.texi cache.texi coffcode.texi \
- core.texi elf.texi elfcode.texi format.texi libbfd.texi \
- opncls.texi reloc.texi section.texi \
- syms.texi targets.texi init.texi hash.texi linker.texi
-PROTOS = archive.p archures.p bfd.p \
- core.p format.p \
- libbfd.p opncls.p reloc.p \
- section.p syms.p targets.p \
- format.p core.p init.p
-IPROTOS = cache.ip libbfd.ip reloc.ip init.ip archures.ip coffcode.ip
-# SRCDOC, SRCPROT, SRCIPROT only used to sidestep Sun Make bug in interaction
-# between VPATH and suffix rules. If you use GNU Make, perhaps other Makes,
-# you don't need these three:
-SRCDOC = $(srcdir)/../aoutx.h $(srcdir)/../archive.c \
- $(srcdir)/../archures.c $(srcdir)/../bfd.c \
- $(srcdir)/../cache.c $(srcdir)/../coffcode.h \
- $(srcdir)/../corefile.c $(srcdir)/../elf.c \
- $(srcdir)/../elfcode.h $(srcdir)/../format.c \
- $(srcdir)/../libbfd.c $(srcdir)/../opncls.c \
- $(srcdir)/../reloc.c $(srcdir)/../section.c \
- $(srcdir)/../syms.c $(srcdir)/../targets.c \
- $(srcdir)/../hash.c $(srcdir)/../linker.c
-SRCPROT = $(srcdir)/../archive.c $(srcdir)/../archures.c \
- $(srcdir)/../bfd.c $(srcdir)/../coffcode.h $(srcdir)/../corefile.c \
- $(srcdir)/../format.c $(srcdir)/../libbfd.c \
- $(srcdir)/../opncls.c $(srcdir)/../reloc.c \
- $(srcdir)/../section.c $(srcdir)/../syms.c \
- $(srcdir)/../targets.c $(srcdir)/../init.c
-SRCIPROT = $(srcdir)/../cache.c $(srcdir)/../libbfd.c \
- $(srcdir)/../reloc.c $(srcdir)/../cpu-h8300.c \
- $(srcdir)/../cpu-i960.c $(srcdir)/../archures.c \
- $(srcdir)/../init.c
-TEXIDIR = $(srcdir)/../../texinfo/fsf
-all install:
-dvi: bfd.dvi
-install-info: info
- for i in *.info* ; do \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(infodir)/$$i ; \
- done
-docs: $(MKDOC) protos bfd.dvi
-$(MKDOC): chew.o
-chew.o: chew.c
- $(CC_FOR_BUILD) -c -I.. -I$(srcdir)/.. -I$(srcdir)/../../include $(H_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(srcdir)/chew.c
-protos: libbfd.h libcoff.h bfd.h
-# We can't replace these rules with an implicit rule, because
-# makes without VPATH support couldn't find the .h files in `..'.
-aoutx.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../aoutx.h $(srcdir)/doc.str
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../aoutx.h >aoutx.texi
-archive.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../archive.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../archive.c >archive.texi
-archures.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../archures.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str < $(srcdir)/../archures.c >archures.texi
-bfd.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../bfd.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str < $(srcdir)/../bfd.c >bfd.texi
-cache.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../cache.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str < $(srcdir)/../cache.c >cache.texi
-coffcode.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../coffcode.h $(srcdir)/doc.str
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../coffcode.h >coffcode.texi
-core.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../corefile.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../corefile.c >core.texi
-elf.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../elf.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../elf.c >elf.texi
-elfcode.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../elfcode.h $(srcdir)/doc.str
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../elfcode.h >elfcode.texi
-format.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../format.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../format.c >format.texi
-libbfd.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../libbfd.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str < $(srcdir)/../libbfd.c >libbfd.texi
-opncls.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../opncls.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../opncls.c >opncls.texi
-reloc.texi : $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../reloc.c
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../reloc.c >reloc.texi
-section.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../section.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../section.c >section.texi
-syms.texi : $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../syms.c
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../syms.c >syms.texi
-targets.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../targets.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../targets.c >targets.texi
-init.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../init.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../init.c >init.texi
-hash.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../hash.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../hash.c >hash.texi
-linker.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../linker.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../linker.c >linker.texi
-libbfd.h: $(srcdir)/../libbfd-in.h \
- $(srcdir)/../init.c \
- $(srcdir)/../libbfd.c \
- $(srcdir)/../cache.c \
- $(srcdir)/../reloc.c \
- $(srcdir)/../cpu-h8300.c \
- $(srcdir)/../cpu-i960.c \
- $(srcdir)/../archures.c \
- $(srcdir)/../elfcode.h \
- $(srcdir)/proto.str \
- $(MKDOC)
- cat $(srcdir)/../libbfd-in.h >libbfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../init.c >>libbfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../libbfd.c >>libbfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../cache.c >>libbfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../reloc.c >>libbfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../cpu-h8300.c >>libbfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../cpu-i960.c >>libbfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../archures.c >>libbfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../elf.c >>libbfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../elfcode.h >>libbfd.h
-libcoff.h: $(srcdir)/../libcoff-in.h \
- $(srcdir)/../coffcode.h \
- $(srcdir)/proto.str \
- $(MKDOC)
- cat $(srcdir)/../libcoff-in.h >libcoff.h
- $(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../coffcode.h >>libcoff.h
-bfd.h: $(srcdir)/../bfd-in.h \
- $(srcdir)/../init.c \
- $(srcdir)/../opncls.c \
- $(srcdir)/../libbfd.c \
- $(srcdir)/../section.c \
- $(srcdir)/../archures.c \
- $(srcdir)/../reloc.c \
- $(srcdir)/../syms.c \
- $(srcdir)/../bfd.c \
- $(srcdir)/../archive.c \
- $(srcdir)/../corefile.c \
- $(srcdir)/../targets.c \
- $(srcdir)/../format.c \
- $(srcdir)/proto.str \
- $(MKDOC)
- cat $(srcdir)/../bfd-in.h >bfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../init.c >>bfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../opncls.c >>bfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../libbfd.c >>bfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../section.c >>bfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../archures.c >>bfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../reloc.c >>bfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../syms.c >>bfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../bfd.c >>bfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../archive.c >>bfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../corefile.c >>bfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../targets.c >>bfd.h
- $(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../format.c >>bfd.h
- echo "#ifdef __cplusplus" >>bfd.h
- echo "}" >>bfd.h
- echo "#endif" >>bfd.h
- echo "#endif" >>bfd.h
-clean-info: clean
- rm -rf *.log *.ps *~* *.dvi *# $(MKDOC) *.o
-clean: mostlyclean
- rm -rf $(STAGESTUFF)
- rm -f *.p *.ip bfd.?? bfd.??? bfd.h libbfd.h libcoff.h texput.log
-distclean: clean
- rm -f Makefile config.status
-maintainer-clean realclean: clean
- rm -f Makefile config.status
- $(DOCFILES) bfdsumm.texi bfd.texinfo
- $(MAKEINFO) -I$(srcdir) -o $(srcdir)/bfd.texinfo
-bfd.dvi: $(DOCFILES) bfdsumm.texi bfd.texinfo
- $(TEXI2DVI) $(srcdir)/bfd.texinfo
- bfd.dvi
- dvips bfd -o
-quickdoc: $(DOCFILES) bfdsumm.texi bfd.texinfo
- TEXINPUTS=${TEXIDIR}:.:$$TEXINPUTS tex bfd.texinfo
-stage1: force
- - mkdir stage1
- - mv -f $(STAGESTUFF) stage1
-stage2: force
- - mkdir stage2
- - mv -f $(STAGESTUFF) stage2
-stage3: force
- - mkdir stage3
- - mv -f $(STAGESTUFF) stage3
-comparison: force
- for i in $(STAGESTUFF) ; do cmp $$i $(against)/$$i || exit 1 ; done
-de-stage1: force
- - (cd stage1 ; mv -f $(STAGESTUFF) ..)
- - rmdir stage1
-de-stage2: force
- - (cd stage2 ; mv -f $(STAGESTUFF) ..)
- - rmdir stage2
-de-stage3: force
- - (cd stage3 ; mv -f $(STAGESTUFF) ..)
- - rmdir stage3
-Makefile: $(srcdir)/
- cd .. && CONFIG_FILES=doc/$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= $(SHELL) ./config.status
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/bfd.texinfo b/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/bfd.texinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index af7bc10062d5..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/bfd.texinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-\input texinfo.tex
-@c $Id: bfd.texinfo,v 1.28 1995/11/10 20:04:12 victoria Exp $
-\vskip -\parskip% to cancel out effect of following \par
-@end tex
-@synindex fn cp
-* Bfd: (bfd). The Binary File Descriptor library.
-@end format
-@end ifinfo
-This file documents the BFD library.
-Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
-this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
-are preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to process this file through Tex and print the
-results, provided the printed document carries copying permission
-notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph
-(this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual).
-@end ignore
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, subject to the terms
-of the GNU General Public License, which includes the provision that the
-entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
-permission notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.
-@end ifinfo
-@setchapternewpage on
-@c@setchapternewpage odd
-@settitle LIB BFD, the Binary File Descriptor Library
-@subtitle{The Binary File Descriptor Library}
-@sp 1
-@subtitle First Edition---BFD version < 3.0
-@subtitle April 1991
-@author {Steve Chamberlain}
-@author {Cygnus Support}
-\def\$#1${{#1}} % Kluge: collect RCS revision info without $...$
-\xdef\manvers{\$Revision: 1.28 $} % For use in headers, footers too
-\hfill Cygnus Support\par
-\hfill sac\\par
-\hfill {\it BFD}, \manvers\par
-\hfill \TeX{}info \texinfoversion\par
-\global\parindent=0pt % Steve likes it this way
-@end tex
-@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
-Copyright @copyright{} 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
-this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
-are preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, subject to the terms
-of the GNU General Public License, which includes the provision that the
-entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
-permission notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.
-@end titlepage
-@end iftex
-@node Top, Overview, (dir), (dir)
-This file documents the binary file descriptor library libbfd.
-@end ifinfo
-* Overview:: Overview of BFD
-* BFD front end:: BFD front end
-* BFD back ends:: BFD back ends
-* Index:: Index
-@end menu
-@node Overview, BFD front end, Top, Top
-@chapter Introduction
-@cindex BFD
-@cindex what is it?
-BFD is a package which allows applications to use the
-same routines to operate on object files whatever the object file
-format. A new object file format can be supported simply by
-creating a new BFD back end and adding it to the library.
-BFD is split into two parts: the front end, and the back ends (one for
-each object file format).
-@itemize @bullet
-@item The front end of BFD provides the interface to the user. It manages
-memory and various canonical data structures. The front end also
-decides which back end to use and when to call back end routines.
-@item The back ends provide BFD its view of the real world. Each back
-end provides a set of calls which the BFD front end can use to maintain
-its canonical form. The back ends also may keep around information for
-their own use, for greater efficiency.
-@end itemize
-* History:: History
-* How It Works:: How It Works
-* What BFD Version 2 Can Do:: What BFD Version 2 Can Do
-@end menu
-@node History, How It Works, Overview, Overview
-@section History
-One spur behind BFD was the desire, on the part of the GNU 960 team at
-Intel Oregon, for interoperability of applications on their COFF and
-b.out file formats. Cygnus was providing GNU support for the team, and
-was contracted to provide the required functionality.
-The name came from a conversation David Wallace was having with Richard
-Stallman about the library: RMS said that it would be quite hard---David
-said ``BFD''. Stallman was right, but the name stuck.
-At the same time, Ready Systems wanted much the same thing, but for
-different object file formats: IEEE-695, Oasys, Srecords, a.out and 68k
-BFD was first implemented by members of Cygnus Support; Steve
-Chamberlain (@code{}), John Gilmore
-(@code{}), K. Richard Pixley (@code{})
-and David Henkel-Wallace (@code{}).
-@node How It Works, What BFD Version 2 Can Do, History, Overview
-@section How To Use BFD
-To use the library, include @file{bfd.h} and link with @file{libbfd.a}.
-BFD provides a common interface to the parts of an object file
-for a calling application.
-When an application sucessfully opens a target file (object, archive, or
-whatever), a pointer to an internal structure is returned. This pointer
-points to a structure called @code{bfd}, described in
-@file{bfd.h}. Our convention is to call this pointer a BFD, and
-instances of it within code @code{abfd}. All operations on
-the target object file are applied as methods to the BFD. The mapping is
-defined within @code{bfd.h} in a set of macros, all beginning
-with @samp{bfd_} to reduce namespace pollution.
-For example, this sequence does what you would probably expect:
-return the number of sections in an object file attached to a BFD
-@c @cartouche
-#include "bfd.h"
-unsigned int number_of_sections(abfd)
-bfd *abfd;
- return bfd_count_sections(abfd);
-@c @end cartouche
-@end lisp
-The abstraction used within BFD is that an object file has:
-@itemize @bullet
-a header,
-a number of sections containing raw data (@pxref{Sections}),
-a set of relocations (@pxref{Relocations}), and
-some symbol information (@pxref{Symbols}).
-@end itemize
-Also, BFDs opened for archives have the additional attribute of an index
-and contain subordinate BFDs. This approach is fine for a.out and coff,
-but loses efficiency when applied to formats such as S-records and
-@node What BFD Version 2 Can Do, , How It Works, Overview
-@section What BFD Version 2 Can Do
-@include bfdsumm.texi
-@node BFD front end, BFD back ends, Overview, Top
-@chapter BFD front end
-@include bfd.texi
-* Memory Usage::
-* Initialization::
-* Sections::
-* Symbols::
-* Archives::
-* Formats::
-* Relocations::
-* Core Files::
-* Targets::
-* Architectures::
-* Opening and Closing::
-* Internal::
-* File Caching::
-* Linker Functions::
-* Hash Tables::
-@end menu
-@node Memory Usage, Initialization, BFD front end, BFD front end
-@section Memory usage
-BFD keeps all of its internal structures in obstacks. There is one obstack
-per open BFD file, into which the current state is stored. When a BFD is
-closed, the obstack is deleted, and so everything which has been
-allocated by BFD for the closing file is thrown away.
-BFD does not free anything created by an application, but pointers into
-@code{bfd} structures become invalid on a @code{bfd_close}; for example,
-after a @code{bfd_close} the vector passed to
-@code{bfd_canonicalize_symtab} is still around, since it has been
-allocated by the application, but the data that it pointed to are
-The general rule is to not close a BFD until all operations dependent
-upon data from the BFD have been completed, or all the data from within
-the file has been copied. To help with the management of memory, there
-is a function (@code{bfd_alloc_size}) which returns the number of bytes
-in obstacks associated with the supplied BFD. This could be used to
-select the greediest open BFD, close it to reclaim the memory, perform
-some operation and reopen the BFD again, to get a fresh copy of the data
-@node Initialization, Sections, Memory Usage, BFD front end
-@include init.texi
-@node Sections, Symbols, Initialization, BFD front end
-@include section.texi
-@node Symbols, Archives, Sections, BFD front end
-@include syms.texi
-@node Archives, Formats, Symbols, BFD front end
-@include archive.texi
-@node Formats, Relocations, Archives, BFD front end
-@include format.texi
-@node Relocations, Core Files, Formats, BFD front end
-@include reloc.texi
-@node Core Files, Targets, Relocations, BFD front end
-@include core.texi
-@node Targets, Architectures, Core Files, BFD front end
-@include targets.texi
-@node Architectures, Opening and Closing, Targets, BFD front end
-@include archures.texi
-@node Opening and Closing, Internal, Architectures, BFD front end
-@include opncls.texi
-@node Internal, File Caching, Opening and Closing, BFD front end
-@include libbfd.texi
-@node File Caching, Linker Functions, Internal, BFD front end
-@include cache.texi
-@node Linker Functions, Hash Tables, File Caching, BFD front end
-@include linker.texi
-@node Hash Tables, , Linker Functions, BFD front end
-@include hash.texi
-@node BFD back ends, Index, BFD front end, Top
-@chapter BFD back ends
-* What to Put Where::
-* aout :: a.out backends
-* coff :: coff backends
-* elf :: elf backends
-* oasys :: oasys backends
-* ieee :: ieee backend
-* srecord :: s-record backend
-@end ignore
-@end menu
-@node What to Put Where, aout, BFD back ends, BFD back ends
-All of BFD lives in one directory.
-@node aout, coff, What to Put Where, BFD back ends
-@include aoutx.texi
-@node coff, elf, aout, BFD back ends
-@include coffcode.texi
-@node elf, , coff, BFD back ends
-@include elf.texi
-@c Leave this out until the file has some actual contents...
-@c @include elfcode.texi
-@node Index, , BFD back ends , Top
-@unnumbered Index
-@printindex cp
-% I think something like @colophon should be in texinfo. In the
-% meantime:
-\long\def\colophon{\hbox to0pt{}\vfill
-\centerline{The body of this manual is set in}
-\centerline{with headings in {\bf\fontname\tenbf}}
-\centerline{and examples in {\tt\fontname\tentt}.}
-\centerline{{\it\fontname\tenit\/} and}
-\centerline{are used for emphasis.}\vfill}
-% Blame:, 28mar91.
-@end tex
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/bfdsumm.texi b/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/bfdsumm.texi
deleted file mode 100644
index 844531aff8cb..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/bfdsumm.texi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-@c This summary of BFD is shared by the BFD and LD docs.
-When an object file is opened, BFD subroutines automatically determine
-the format of the input object file. They then build a descriptor in
-memory with pointers to routines that will be used to access elements of
-the object file's data structures.
-As different information from the the object files is required,
-BFD reads from different sections of the file and processes them.
-For example, a very common operation for the linker is processing symbol
-tables. Each BFD back end provides a routine for converting
-between the object file's representation of symbols and an internal
-canonical format. When the linker asks for the symbol table of an object
-file, it calls through a memory pointer to the routine from the
-relevant BFD back end which reads and converts the table into a canonical
-form. The linker then operates upon the canonical form. When the link is
-finished and the linker writes the output file's symbol table,
-another BFD back end routine is called to take the newly
-created symbol table and convert it into the chosen output format.
-* BFD information loss:: Information Loss
-* Canonical format:: The BFD canonical object-file format
-@end menu
-@node BFD information loss
-@subsection Information Loss
-@emph{Information can be lost during output.} The output formats
-supported by BFD do not provide identical facilities, and
-information which can be described in one form has nowhere to go in
-another format. One example of this is alignment information in
-@code{b.out}. There is nowhere in an @code{a.out} format file to store
-alignment information on the contained data, so when a file is linked
-from @code{b.out} and an @code{a.out} image is produced, alignment
-information will not propagate to the output file. (The linker will
-still use the alignment information internally, so the link is performed
-Another example is COFF section names. COFF files may contain an
-unlimited number of sections, each one with a textual section name. If
-the target of the link is a format which does not have many sections (e.g.,
-@code{a.out}) or has sections without names (e.g., the Oasys format), the
-link cannot be done simply. You can circumvent this problem by
-describing the desired input-to-output section mapping with the linker command
-@emph{Information can be lost during canonicalization.} The BFD
-internal canonical form of the external formats is not exhaustive; there
-are structures in input formats for which there is no direct
-representation internally. This means that the BFD back ends
-cannot maintain all possible data richness through the transformation
-between external to internal and back to external formats.
-This limitation is only a problem when an application reads one
-format and writes another. Each BFD back end is responsible for
-maintaining as much data as possible, and the internal BFD
-canonical form has structures which are opaque to the BFD core,
-and exported only to the back ends. When a file is read in one format,
-the canonical form is generated for BFD and the application. At the
-same time, the back end saves away any information which may otherwise
-be lost. If the data is then written back in the same format, the back
-end routine will be able to use the canonical form provided by the
-BFD core as well as the information it prepared earlier. Since
-there is a great deal of commonality between back ends,
-there is no information lost when
-linking or copying big endian COFF to little endian COFF, or @code{a.out} to
-@code{b.out}. When a mixture of formats is linked, the information is
-only lost from the files whose format differs from the destination.
-@node Canonical format
-@subsection The BFD canonical object-file format
-The greatest potential for loss of information occurs when there is the least
-overlap between the information provided by the source format, that
-stored by the canonical format, and that needed by the
-destination format. A brief description of the canonical form may help
-you understand which kinds of data you can count on preserving across
-@cindex BFD canonical format
-@cindex internal object-file format
-@table @emph
-@item files
-Information stored on a per-file basis includes target machine
-architecture, particular implementation format type, a demand pageable
-bit, and a write protected bit. Information like Unix magic numbers is
-not stored here---only the magic numbers' meaning, so a @code{ZMAGIC}
-file would have both the demand pageable bit and the write protected
-text bit set. The byte order of the target is stored on a per-file
-basis, so that big- and little-endian object files may be used with one
-@item sections
-Each section in the input file contains the name of the section, the
-section's original address in the object file, size and alignment
-information, various flags, and pointers into other BFD data
-@item symbols
-Each symbol contains a pointer to the information for the object file
-which originally defined it, its name, its value, and various flag
-bits. When a BFD back end reads in a symbol table, it relocates all
-symbols to make them relative to the base of the section where they were
-defined. Doing this ensures that each symbol points to its containing
-section. Each symbol also has a varying amount of hidden private data
-for the BFD back end. Since the symbol points to the original file, the
-private data format for that symbol is accessible. @code{ld} can
-operate on a collection of symbols of wildly different formats without
-Normal global and simple local symbols are maintained on output, so an
-output file (no matter its format) will retain symbols pointing to
-functions and to global, static, and common variables. Some symbol
-information is not worth retaining; in @code{a.out}, type information is
-stored in the symbol table as long symbol names. This information would
-be useless to most COFF debuggers; the linker has command line switches
-to allow users to throw it away.
-There is one word of type information within the symbol, so if the
-format supports symbol type information within symbols (for example, COFF,
-IEEE, Oasys) and the type is simple enough to fit within one word
-(nearly everything but aggregates), the information will be preserved.
-@item relocation level
-Each canonical BFD relocation record contains a pointer to the symbol to
-relocate to, the offset of the data to relocate, the section the data
-is in, and a pointer to a relocation type descriptor. Relocation is
-performed by passing messages through the relocation type
-descriptor and the symbol pointer. Therefore, relocations can be performed
-on output data using a relocation method that is only available in one of the
-input formats. For instance, Oasys provides a byte relocation format.
-A relocation record requesting this relocation type would point
-indirectly to a routine to perform this, so the relocation may be
-performed on a byte being written to a 68k COFF file, even though 68k COFF
-has no such relocation type.
-@item line numbers
-Object formats can contain, for debugging purposes, some form of mapping
-between symbols, source line numbers, and addresses in the output file.
-These addresses have to be relocated along with the symbol information.
-Each symbol with an associated list of line number records points to the
-first record of the list. The head of a line number list consists of a
-pointer to the symbol, which allows finding out the address of the
-function whose line number is being described. The rest of the list is
-made up of pairs: offsets into the section and line numbers. Any format
-which can simply derive this information can pass it successfully
-between formats (COFF, IEEE and Oasys).
-@end table
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/chew.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/chew.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c04404f7a64..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/chew.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1551 +0,0 @@
-/* chew
- Copyright (C) 1990-1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by steve chamberlain @cygnus
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Yet another way of extracting documentation from source.
- No, I haven't finished it yet, but I hope you people like it better
- than the old way
- sac
- Basically, this is a sort of string forth, maybe we should call it
- struth?
- You define new words thus:
- : <newword> <oldwords> ;
-/* Primitives provided by the program:
- Two stacks are provided, a string stack and an integer stack.
- Internal state variables:
- internal_wanted - indicates whether `-i' was passed
- internal_mode - user-settable
- Commands:
- push_text
- ! - pop top of integer stack for address, pop next for value; store
- @ - treat value on integer stack as the address of an integer; push
- that integer on the integer stack after popping the "address"
- hello - print "hello\n" to stdout
- stdout - put stdout marker on TOS
- stderr - put stderr marker on TOS
- print - print TOS-1 on TOS (eg: "hello\n" stdout print)
- skip_past_newline
- catstr - fn icatstr
- copy_past_newline - append input, up to and including newline into TOS
- dup - fn other_dup
- drop - discard TOS
- idrop - ditto
- remchar - delete last character from TOS
- get_stuff_in_command
- do_fancy_stuff - translate <<foo>> to @code{foo} in TOS
- bulletize - if "o" lines found, prepend @itemize @bullet to TOS
- and @item to each "o" line; append @end itemize
- courierize - put @example around . and | lines, translate {* *} { }
- exit - fn chew_exit
- swap
- outputdots - strip out lines without leading dots
- paramstuff - convert full declaration into "PARAMS" form if not already
- maybecatstr - do catstr if internal_mode == internal_wanted, discard
- value in any case
- translatecomments - turn {* and *} into comment delimiters
- kill_bogus_lines - get rid of extra newlines
- indent
- internalmode - pop from integer stack, set `internalmode' to that value
- print_stack_level - print current stack depth to stderr
- strip_trailing_newlines - go ahead, guess...
- [quoted string] - push string onto string stack
- [word starting with digit] - push atol(str) onto integer stack
- A command must be all upper-case, and alone on a line.
- Foo. */
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#define DEF_SIZE 5000
-#define STACK 50
-int internal_wanted;
-int internal_mode;
-int warning;
-/* Here is a string type ... */
-typedef struct buffer
- char *ptr;
- unsigned long write_idx;
- unsigned long size;
-} string_type;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void init_string_with_size (string_type *, unsigned int);
-static void init_string (string_type *);
-static int find (string_type *, char *);
-static void write_buffer (string_type *, FILE *);
-static void delete_string (string_type *);
-static char *addr (string_type *, unsigned int);
-static char at (string_type *, unsigned int);
-static void catchar (string_type *, int);
-static void overwrite_string (string_type *, string_type *);
-static void catbuf (string_type *, char *, unsigned int);
-static void cattext (string_type *, char *);
-static void catstr (string_type *, string_type *);
-static unsigned int skip_white_and_starts (string_type *, unsigned int);
-static void DEFUN(init_string_with_size,(buffer, size),
- string_type *buffer AND
- unsigned int size )
- buffer->write_idx = 0;
- buffer->size = size;
- buffer->ptr = malloc(size);
-static void DEFUN(init_string,(buffer),
- string_type *buffer)
- init_string_with_size(buffer, DEF_SIZE);
-static int DEFUN(find, (str, what),
- string_type *str AND
- char *what)
- unsigned int i;
- char *p;
- p = what;
- for (i = 0; i < str->write_idx && *p; i++)
- {
- if (*p == str->ptr[i])
- p++;
- else
- p = what;
- }
- return (*p == 0);
-static void DEFUN(write_buffer,(buffer, f),
- string_type *buffer AND
- FILE *f)
- fwrite(buffer->ptr, buffer->write_idx, 1, f);
-static void DEFUN(delete_string,(buffer),
- string_type *buffer)
- free(buffer->ptr);
-static char *DEFUN(addr, (buffer, idx),
- string_type *buffer AND
- unsigned int idx)
- return buffer->ptr + idx;
-static char DEFUN(at,(buffer, pos),
- string_type *buffer AND
- unsigned int pos)
- if (pos >= buffer->write_idx)
- return 0;
- return buffer->ptr[pos];
-static void DEFUN(catchar,(buffer, ch),
- string_type *buffer AND
- int ch)
- if (buffer->write_idx == buffer->size)
- {
- buffer->size *=2;
- buffer->ptr = realloc(buffer->ptr, buffer->size);
- }
- buffer->ptr[buffer->write_idx ++ ] = ch;
-static void DEFUN(overwrite_string,(dst, src),
- string_type *dst AND
- string_type *src)
- free(dst->ptr);
- dst->size = src->size;
- dst->write_idx = src->write_idx;
- dst->ptr = src->ptr;
-static void DEFUN(catbuf,(buffer, buf, len),
- string_type *buffer AND
- char *buf AND
- unsigned int len)
- if (buffer->write_idx + len >= buffer->size)
- {
- while (buffer->write_idx + len >= buffer->size)
- buffer->size *= 2;
- buffer->ptr = realloc (buffer->ptr, buffer->size);
- }
- memcpy (buffer->ptr + buffer->write_idx, buf, len);
- buffer->write_idx += len;
-static void DEFUN(cattext,(buffer, string),
- string_type *buffer AND
- char *string)
- catbuf (buffer, string, (unsigned int) strlen (string));
-static void DEFUN(catstr,(dst, src),
- string_type *dst AND
- string_type *src)
- catbuf (dst, src->ptr, src->write_idx);
-static unsigned int
-DEFUN(skip_white_and_stars,(src, idx),
- string_type *src AND
- unsigned int idx)
- char c;
- while ((c = at(src,idx)),
- isspace (c)
- || (c == '*'
- /* Don't skip past end-of-comment or star as first
- character on its line. */
- && at(src,idx +1) != '/'
- && at(src,idx -1) != '\n'))
- idx++;
- return idx;
-string_type stack[STACK];
-string_type *tos;
-unsigned int idx = 0; /* Pos in input buffer */
-string_type *ptr; /* and the buffer */
-typedef void (*stinst_type)();
-stinst_type *pc;
-stinst_type sstack[STACK];
-stinst_type *ssp = &sstack[0];
-long istack[STACK];
-long *isp = &istack[0];
-typedef int *word_type;
-struct dict_struct
- char *word;
- struct dict_struct *next;
- stinst_type *code;
- int code_length;
- int code_end;
- int var;
-typedef struct dict_struct dict_type;
-#define WORD(x) static void x()
-static void
-die (msg)
- char *msg;
- fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", msg);
- exit (1);
-static void
-check_range ()
- if (tos < stack)
- die ("underflow in string stack");
- if (tos >= stack + STACK)
- die ("overflow in string stack");
-static void
-icheck_range ()
- if (isp < istack)
- die ("underflow in integer stack");
- if (isp >= istack + STACK)
- die ("overflow in integer stack");
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void exec (dict_type *);
-static void call (void);
-static void remchar (void), strip_trailing_newlines (void), push_number (void);
-static void push_text (void);
-static void remove_noncomments (string_type *, string_type *);
-static void print_stack_level (void);
-static void paramstuff (void), translatecomments (void), manglecomments (void);
-static void outputdots (void), courierize (void), bulletize (void);
-static void do_fancy_stuff (void);
-static int iscommand (string_type *, unsigned int);
-static int copy_past_newline (string_type *, unsigned int, string_type *);
-static void icopy_past_newline (void), kill_bogus_lines (void), indent (void);
-static void get_stuff_in_command (void), swap (void), other_dup (void);
-static void drop (void), idrop (void);
-static void icatstr (void), skip_past_newline (void), internalmode (void);
-static void maybecatstr (void);
-static char *nextword (char *, char **);
-dict_type *lookup_word (char *);
-static void perform (void);
-dict_type *newentry (char *);
-unsigned int add_to_definition (dict_type *, stinst_type);
-void add_intrinsic (char *, void (*)());
-void add_var (char *);
-void compile (char *);
-static void bang (void);
-static void atsign (void);
-static void hello (void);
-static void stdout_ (void);
-static void stderr_ (void);
-static void print (void);
-static void read_in (string_type *, FILE *);
-static void usage (void);
-static void chew_exit (void);
-static void DEFUN(exec,(word),
- dict_type *word)
- pc = word->code;
- while (*pc)
- (*pc)();
- stinst_type *oldpc = pc;
- dict_type *e;
- e = (dict_type *)(pc [1]);
- exec(e);
- pc = oldpc + 2;
- if (tos->write_idx)
- tos->write_idx--;
- pc++;
-static void
-strip_trailing_newlines ()
- while ((isspace (at (tos, tos->write_idx - 1))
- || at (tos, tos->write_idx - 1) == '\n')
- && tos->write_idx > 0)
- tos->write_idx--;
- pc++;
- isp++;
- icheck_range ();
- pc++;
- *isp = (long)(*pc);
- pc++;
- tos++;
- check_range ();
- init_string(tos);
- pc++;
- cattext(tos,*((char **)pc));
- pc++;
-/* This function removes everything not inside comments starting on
- the first char of the line from the string, also when copying
- comments, removes blank space and leading *'s.
- Blank lines are turned into one blank line. */
-static void
- string_type *src AND
- string_type *dst)
- unsigned int idx = 0;
- while (at(src,idx))
- {
- /* Now see if we have a comment at the start of the line */
- if (at(src,idx) == '\n'
- && at(src,idx+1) == '/'
- && at(src,idx+2) == '*')
- {
- idx+=3;
- idx = skip_white_and_stars(src,idx);
- /* Remove leading dot */
- if (at(src, idx) == '.')
- idx++;
- /* Copy to the end of the line, or till the end of the
- comment */
- while (at(src, idx))
- {
- if (at(src, idx) == '\n')
- {
- /* end of line, echo and scrape of leading blanks */
- if (at(src,idx +1) == '\n')
- catchar(dst,'\n');
- catchar(dst,'\n');
- idx++;
- idx = skip_white_and_stars(src, idx);
- }
- else if (at(src, idx) == '*' && at(src,idx+1) == '/')
- {
- idx +=2 ;
- cattext(dst,"\nENDDD\n");
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- catchar(dst, at(src, idx));
- idx++;
- }
- }
- }
- else idx++;
- }
-static void
-print_stack_level ()
- fprintf (stderr, "current string stack depth = %d, ", tos - stack);
- fprintf (stderr, "current integer stack depth = %d\n", isp - istack);
- pc++;
-/* turn:
- foobar name(stuff);
- into:
- foobar
- name PARAMS ((stuff));
- and a blank line.
- */
-static void
- unsigned int openp;
- unsigned int fname;
- unsigned int idx;
- string_type out;
- init_string(&out);
- /* make sure that it's not already param'd or proto'd */
- if(find(tos,"PARAMS") || find(tos,"PROTO") || !find(tos,"(")) {
- catstr(&out,tos);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Find the open paren */
- for (openp = 0; at(tos, openp) != '(' && at(tos,openp); openp++)
- ;
- fname = openp;
- /* Step back to the fname */
- fname--;
- while (fname && isspace(at(tos, fname)))
- fname --;
- while (fname && !isspace(at(tos,fname)) && at(tos,fname) != '*')
- fname--;
- fname++;
- for (idx = 0; idx < fname; idx++) /* Output type */
- {
- catchar(&out, at(tos,idx));
- }
- cattext(&out, "\n"); /* Insert a newline between type and fnname */
- for (idx = fname; idx < openp; idx++) /* Output fnname */
- {
- catchar(&out, at(tos,idx));
- }
- cattext(&out," PARAMS (");
- while (at(tos,idx) && at(tos,idx) !=';')
- {
- catchar(&out, at(tos, idx));
- idx++;
- }
- cattext(&out,");\n\n");
- }
- overwrite_string(tos, &out);
- pc++;
-/* turn {*
- and *} into comments */
- unsigned int idx = 0;
- string_type out;
- init_string(&out);
- while (at(tos, idx))
- {
- if (at(tos,idx) == '{' && at(tos,idx+1) =='*')
- {
- cattext(&out,"/*");
- idx+=2;
- }
- else if (at(tos,idx) == '*' && at(tos,idx+1) =='}')
- {
- cattext(&out,"*/");
- idx+=2;
- }
- else
- {
- catchar(&out, at(tos, idx));
- idx++;
- }
- }
- overwrite_string(tos, &out);
- pc++;
-/* turn everything not starting with a . into a comment */
- unsigned int idx = 0;
- string_type out;
- init_string(&out);
- while (at(tos, idx))
- {
- if (at(tos,idx) == '\n' && at(tos,idx+1) =='*')
- {
- cattext(&out," /*");
- idx+=2;
- }
- else if (at(tos,idx) == '*' && at(tos,idx+1) =='}')
- {
- cattext(&out,"*/");
- idx+=2;
- }
- else
- {
- catchar(&out, at(tos, idx));
- idx++;
- }
- }
- overwrite_string(tos, &out);
- pc++;
-/* Mod tos so that only lines with leading dots remain */
-static void
- unsigned int idx = 0;
- string_type out;
- init_string(&out);
- while (at(tos, idx))
- {
- if (at(tos, idx) == '\n' && at(tos, idx+1) == '.')
- {
- char c, c2;
- idx += 2;
- while ((c = at(tos, idx)) && c != '\n')
- {
- if (c == '{' && at(tos,idx+1) =='*')
- {
- cattext(&out," /*");
- idx+=2;
- }
- else if (c == '*' && at(tos,idx+1) =='}')
- {
- cattext(&out,"*/");
- idx+=2;
- }
- else
- {
- catchar(&out, c);
- idx++;
- }
- }
- catchar(&out,'\n');
- }
- else
- {
- idx++;
- }
- }
- overwrite_string(tos, &out);
- pc++;
-/* Find lines starting with . and | and put example around them on tos */
- string_type out;
- unsigned int idx = 0;
- int command = 0;
- init_string(&out);
- while (at(tos, idx))
- {
- if (at(tos, idx) == '\n'
- && (at(tos, idx +1 ) == '.'
- || at(tos,idx+1) == '|'))
- {
- cattext(&out,"\n@example\n");
- do
- {
- idx += 2;
- while (at(tos, idx) && at(tos, idx)!='\n')
- {
- if (at(tos,idx)=='{' && at(tos,idx+1) =='*')
- {
- cattext(&out," /*");
- idx+=2;
- }
- else if (at(tos,idx)=='*' && at(tos,idx+1) =='}')
- {
- cattext(&out,"*/");
- idx+=2;
- }
- else if (at(tos,idx) == '{' && !command)
- {
- cattext(&out,"@{");
- idx++;
- }
- else if (at(tos,idx) == '}' && !command)
- {
- cattext(&out,"@}");
- idx++;
- }
- else
- {
- if (at(tos,idx) == '@')
- command = 1;
- else if (isspace(at(tos,idx)) || at(tos,idx) == '}')
- command = 0;
- catchar(&out, at(tos, idx));
- idx++;
- }
- }
- catchar(&out,'\n');
- }
- while (at(tos, idx) == '\n'
- && (at(tos, idx+1) == '.')
- || (at(tos,idx+1) == '|'));
- cattext(&out,"@end example");
- }
- else
- {
- catchar(&out, at(tos, idx));
- idx++;
- }
- }
- overwrite_string(tos, &out);
- pc++;
-/* Finds any lines starting with "o ", if there are any, then turns
- on @itemize @bullet, and @items each of them. Then ends with @end
- itemize, inplace at TOS*/
- unsigned int idx = 0;
- int on = 0;
- string_type out;
- init_string(&out);
- while (at(tos, idx)) {
- if (at(tos, idx) == '@' &&
- at(tos, idx+1) == '*')
- {
- cattext(&out,"*");
- idx+=2;
- }
- if (at(tos, idx) == '\n' &&
- at(tos, idx+1) == 'o' &&
- isspace(at(tos, idx +2)))
- {
- if (!on)
- {
- cattext(&out,"\n@itemize @bullet\n");
- on = 1;
- }
- cattext(&out,"\n@item\n");
- idx+=3;
- }
- else
- {
- catchar(&out, at(tos, idx));
- if (on && at(tos, idx) == '\n' &&
- at(tos, idx+1) == '\n' &&
- at(tos, idx+2) != 'o')
- {
- cattext(&out, "@end itemize");
- on = 0;
- }
- idx++;
- }
- }
- if (on)
- {
- cattext(&out,"@end itemize\n");
- }
- delete_string(tos);
- *tos = out;
- pc++;
-/* Turn <<foo>> into @code{foo} in place at TOS*/
- unsigned int idx = 0;
- string_type out;
- init_string(&out);
- while (at(tos, idx))
- {
- if (at(tos, idx) == '<'
- && at(tos, idx+1) == '<'
- && !isspace(at(tos,idx + 2)))
- {
- /* This qualifies as a << startup */
- idx +=2;
- cattext(&out,"@code{");
- while(at(tos,idx) &&
- at(tos,idx) != '>' )
- {
- catchar(&out, at(tos, idx));
- idx++;
- }
- cattext(&out,"}");
- idx+=2;
- }
- else
- {
- catchar(&out, at(tos, idx));
- idx++;
- }
- }
- delete_string(tos);
- *tos = out;
- pc++;
-/* A command is all upper case,and alone on a line */
-static int
-DEFUN( iscommand,(ptr, idx),
- string_type *ptr AND
- unsigned int idx)
- unsigned int len = 0;
- while (at(ptr,idx)) {
- if (isupper(at(ptr,idx)) || at(ptr,idx) == ' ' ||
- at(ptr,idx) == '_')
- {
- len++;
- idx++;
- }
- else if(at(ptr,idx) == '\n')
- {
- if (len > 3) return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- else return 0;
- }
- return 0;
-DEFUN(copy_past_newline,(ptr, idx, dst),
- string_type *ptr AND
- unsigned int idx AND
- string_type *dst)
- while (at(ptr, idx) && at(ptr, idx) != '\n')
- {
- catchar(dst, at(ptr, idx));
- idx++;
- }
- catchar(dst, at(ptr, idx));
- idx++;
- return idx;
- tos++;
- check_range ();
- init_string(tos);
- idx = copy_past_newline(ptr, idx, tos);
- pc++;
-/* indent
- Take the string at the top of the stack, do some prettying */
- int sl ;
- int nl = 0;
- int idx = 0;
- int c;
- int dot = 0 ;
- string_type out;
- init_string(&out);
- /* Drop leading nl */
- while (at(tos,idx) == '\n')
- {
- idx++;
- }
- c = idx;
- /* Find the last char */
- while (at(tos,idx))
- {
- idx++;
- }
- /* find the last non white before the nl */
- idx--;
- while (idx && isspace(at(tos,idx)))
- idx--;
- idx++;
- /* Copy buffer upto last char, but blank lines before and after
- dots don't count */
- sl = 1;
- while (c < idx)
- {
- if (at(tos,c) == '\n'
- && at(tos,c+1) == '\n'
- && at(tos,c+2) == '.')
- {
- /* Ignore two newlines before a dot*/
- c++;
- }
- else if (at(tos,c) == '.' && sl)
- {
- /* remember that this line started with a dot */
- dot=2;
- }
- else if (at(tos,c) == '\n'
- && at(tos,c+1) == '\n'
- && dot)
- {
- c++;
- /* Ignore two newlines when last line was dot */
- }
- catchar(&out, at(tos,c));
- if (at(tos,c) == '\n')
- {
- sl = 1;
- if (dot == 2)dot=1;else dot = 0;
- }
- c++;
- }
- /* Append nl*/
- catchar(&out, '\n');
- pc++;
- delete_string(tos);
- *tos = out;
- string_type out;
- int tab = 0;
- int idx = 0;
- int ol =0;
- init_string(&out);
- while (at(tos,idx)) {
- switch (at(tos,idx))
- {
- case '\n':
- cattext(&out,"\n");
- idx++;
- if (tab)
- {
- cattext(&out," ");
- }
- ol = 0;
- break;
- case '(':
- tab++;
- if (ol == 0)
- cattext(&out," ");
- idx++;
- cattext(&out,"(");
- ol = 1;
- break;
- case ')':
- tab--;
- cattext(&out,")");
- idx++;
- ol=1;
- break;
- default:
- catchar(&out,at(tos,idx));
- ol=1;
- idx++;
- break;
- }
- }
- pc++;
- delete_string(tos);
- *tos = out;
- tos++;
- check_range ();
- init_string(tos);
- while (at(ptr, idx)) {
- if (iscommand(ptr, idx)) break;
- idx = copy_past_newline(ptr, idx, tos);
- }
- pc++;
- string_type t;
- t = tos[0];
- tos[0] = tos[-1];
- tos[-1] =t;
- pc++;
- tos++;
- check_range ();
- init_string(tos);
- catstr(tos, tos-1);
- pc++;
- tos--;
- check_range ();
- pc++;
- isp--;
- icheck_range ();
- pc++;
- tos--;
- check_range ();
- catstr(tos, tos+1);
- delete_string(tos+1);
- pc++;
- while (at(ptr,idx)
- && at(ptr,idx) != '\n')
- idx++;
- idx++;
- pc++;
- internal_mode = *(isp);
- isp--;
- icheck_range ();
- pc++;
- if (internal_wanted == internal_mode)
- {
- catstr(tos-1, tos);
- }
- delete_string(tos);
- tos--;
- check_range ();
- pc++;
-char *
-DEFUN(nextword,(string, word),
- char *string AND
- char **word)
- char *word_start;
- int idx;
- char *dst;
- char *src;
- int length = 0;
- while (isspace(*string) || *string == '-') {
- if (*string == '-')
- {
- while (*string && *string != '\n')
- string++;
- }
- else {
- string++;
- }
- }
- if (!*string) return 0;
- word_start = string;
- if (*string == '"')
- {
- do
- {
- string++;
- length++;
- if (*string == '\\')
- {
- string += 2;
- length += 2;
- }
- }
- while (*string != '"');
- }
- else
- {
- while (!isspace(*string))
- {
- string++;
- length++;
- }
- }
- *word = malloc(length + 1);
- dst = *word;
- src = word_start;
- for (idx= 0; idx < length; idx++)
- {
- if (src[idx] == '\\')
- switch (src[idx+1])
- {
- case 'n':
- *dst++ = '\n';
- idx++;
- break;
- case '"':
- case '\\':
- *dst++ = src[idx+1];
- idx++;
- break;
- default:
- *dst++ = '\\';
- break;
- }
- else
- *dst++ = src[idx];
- }
- *dst++ = 0;
- if(*string)
- return string + 1;
- else
- return 0;
-dict_type *root;
-dict_type *
- char *word)
- dict_type *ptr = root;
- while (ptr) {
- if (strcmp(ptr->word, word) == 0) return ptr;
- ptr = ptr->next;
- }
- if (warning)
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't find %s\n",word);
- return 0;
-static void DEFUN_VOID(perform)
- tos = stack;
- while (at(ptr, idx)) {
- /* It's worth looking through the command list */
- if (iscommand(ptr, idx))
- {
- unsigned int i;
- int found = 0;
- char *next;
- dict_type *word ;
- (void) nextword(addr(ptr, idx), &next);
- word = lookup_word(next);
- if (word)
- {
- exec(word);
- }
- else
- {
- if (warning)
- fprintf(stderr,"warning, %s is not recognised\n", next);
- skip_past_newline();
- }
- }
- else skip_past_newline();
- }
-dict_type *
- char *word)
- dict_type *new = (dict_type *)malloc(sizeof(dict_type));
- new->word = word;
- new->next = root;
- root = new;
- new->code = (stinst_type *)malloc(sizeof(stinst_type ));
- new->code_length = 1;
- new->code_end = 0;
- return new;
-unsigned int
-DEFUN(add_to_definition,(entry, word),
- dict_type *entry AND
- stinst_type word)
- if (entry->code_end == entry->code_length)
- {
- entry->code_length += 2;
- entry->code =
- (stinst_type *) realloc((char *)(entry->code),
- entry->code_length *sizeof(word_type));
- }
- entry->code[entry->code_end] = word;
-return entry->code_end++;
-DEFUN(add_intrinsic,(name, func),
- char *name AND
- void (*func)())
- dict_type *new = newentry(name);
- add_to_definition(new, func);
- add_to_definition(new, 0);
- char *name)
- dict_type *new = newentry(name);
- add_to_definition(new, push_number);
- add_to_definition(new, (stinst_type)(&(new->var)));
- add_to_definition(new,0);
-DEFUN(compile, (string),
- char *string)
- int jstack[STACK];
- int *jptr = jstack;
- /* add words to the dictionary */
- char *word;
- string = nextword(string, &word);
- while (string && *string && word[0])
- {
- if (strcmp(word,"var")==0)
- {
- string=nextword(string, &word);
- add_var(word);
- string=nextword(string, &word);
- }
- if (word[0] == ':')
- {
- dict_type *ptr;
- /* Compile a word and add to dictionary */
- string = nextword(string, &word);
- ptr = newentry(word);
- string = nextword(string, &word);
- while (word[0] != ';' )
- {
- switch (word[0])
- {
- case '"':
- /* got a string, embed magic push string
- function */
- add_to_definition(ptr, push_text);
- add_to_definition(ptr, (stinst_type)(word+1));
- break;
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- /* Got a number, embedd the magic push number
- function */
- add_to_definition(ptr, push_number);
- add_to_definition(ptr, (stinst_type)atol(word));
- break;
- default:
- add_to_definition(ptr, call);
- add_to_definition(ptr, (stinst_type)lookup_word(word));
- }
- string = nextword(string, &word);
- }
- add_to_definition(ptr,0);
- string = nextword(string, &word);
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"syntax error at %s\n",string-1);
- }
- }
-static void DEFUN_VOID(bang)
- *(long *)((isp[0])) = isp[-1];
- isp-=2;
- icheck_range ();
- pc++;
- isp[0] = *(long *)(isp[0]);
- pc++;
- printf("hello\n");
- pc++;
- isp++;
- icheck_range ();
- *isp = 1;
- pc++;
- isp++;
- icheck_range ();
- *isp = 2;
- pc++;
- if (*isp == 1)
- write_buffer (tos, stdout);
- else if (*isp == 2)
- write_buffer (tos, stderr);
- else
- fprintf (stderr, "print: illegal print destination `%d'\n", *isp);
- isp--;
- tos--;
- icheck_range ();
- check_range ();
- pc++;
-static void DEFUN(read_in, (str, file),
- string_type *str AND
- FILE *file)
- char buff[10000];
- unsigned int r;
- do
- {
- r = fread(buff, 1, sizeof(buff), file);
- catbuf(str, buff, r);
- }
- while (r);
- buff[0] = 0;
- catbuf(str, buff,1);
-static void DEFUN_VOID(usage)
- fprintf(stderr,"usage: -[d|i|g] <file >file\n");
- exit(33);
-/* There is no reliable way to declare exit. Sometimes it returns
- int, and sometimes it returns void. Sometimes it changes between
- OS releases. Trying to get it declared correctly in the hosts file
- is a pointless waste of time. */
-static void
-chew_exit ()
- exit (0);
-int DEFUN(main,(ac,av),
-int ac AND
-char *av[])
- unsigned int i;
- string_type buffer;
- string_type pptr;
- init_string(&buffer);
- init_string(&pptr);
- init_string(stack+0);
- tos=stack+1;
- ptr = &pptr;
- add_intrinsic("push_text", push_text);
- add_intrinsic("!", bang);
- add_intrinsic("@", atsign);
- add_intrinsic("hello",hello);
- add_intrinsic("stdout",stdout_);
- add_intrinsic("stderr",stderr_);
- add_intrinsic("print",print);
- add_intrinsic("skip_past_newline", skip_past_newline );
- add_intrinsic("catstr", icatstr );
- add_intrinsic("copy_past_newline", icopy_past_newline );
- add_intrinsic("dup", other_dup );
- add_intrinsic("drop", drop);
- add_intrinsic("idrop", idrop);
- add_intrinsic("remchar", remchar );
- add_intrinsic("get_stuff_in_command", get_stuff_in_command );
- add_intrinsic("do_fancy_stuff", do_fancy_stuff );
- add_intrinsic("bulletize", bulletize );
- add_intrinsic("courierize", courierize );
- /* If the following line gives an error, exit() is not declared in the
- ../hosts/foo.h file for this host. Fix it there, not here! */
- /* No, don't fix it anywhere; see comment on chew_exit--Ian Taylor. */
- add_intrinsic("exit", chew_exit );
- add_intrinsic("swap", swap );
- add_intrinsic("outputdots", outputdots );
- add_intrinsic("paramstuff", paramstuff );
- add_intrinsic("maybecatstr", maybecatstr );
- add_intrinsic("translatecomments", translatecomments );
- add_intrinsic("kill_bogus_lines", kill_bogus_lines);
- add_intrinsic("indent", indent);
- add_intrinsic("internalmode", internalmode);
- add_intrinsic("print_stack_level", print_stack_level);
- add_intrinsic("strip_trailing_newlines", strip_trailing_newlines);
- /* Put a nl at the start */
- catchar(&buffer,'\n');
- read_in(&buffer, stdin);
- remove_noncomments(&buffer, ptr);
- for (i= 1; i < ac; i++)
- {
- if (av[i][0] == '-')
- {
- if (av[i][1] == 'f')
- {
- string_type b;
- FILE *f;
- init_string(&b);
- f = fopen(av[i+1],"r");
- if (!f)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't open the input file %s\n",av[i+1]);
- return 33;
- }
- read_in(&b, f);
- compile(b.ptr);
- perform();
- }
- else if (av[i][1] == 'i')
- {
- internal_wanted = 1;
- }
- else if (av[i][1] == 'w')
- {
- warning = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- write_buffer(stack+0, stdout);
- if (tos != stack)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "finishing with current stack level %d\n", tos - stack);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/doc.str b/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/doc.str
deleted file mode 100644
index 93685996e063..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/doc.str
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- skip_past_newline
- get_stuff_in_command kill_bogus_lines catstr
- ;
- skip_past_newline
- ;
- skip_past_newline
- get_stuff_in_command kill_bogus_lines do_fancy_stuff translatecomments
- courierize catstr
- ;
- "@node " catstr skip_past_newline copy_past_newline catstr
- ;
- ;
- skip_past_newline
- get_stuff_in_command
- drop
- ;
- skip_past_newline
- "@strong{Synopsis}\n" catstr
- "@example\n" catstr
- get_stuff_in_command
- kill_bogus_lines
- indent
- catstr
- "@end example\n" catstr
- ;
-: func
- "@findex " - a
- skip_past_newline
- copy_past_newline
- dup - a x x
- "@subsubsection @code{" - a x x b
- swap
- remchar
- "}\n" - a x b x c
- catstr catstr catstr catstr catstr
- ;
- "@findex " - a
- skip_past_newline
- copy_past_newline
- dup - a x x
- "@subsubsection @code{" - a x x b
- swap
- remchar
- "}\n" - a x b x c
- catstr catstr catstr catstr catstr
- ;
-: bodytext
- get_stuff_in_command
- bulletize
- kill_bogus_lines
- do_fancy_stuff
- courierize
- catstr
- "@*\n" catstr
- ;
-: asection
- skip_past_newline
- catstr
- copy_past_newline
- do_fancy_stuff catstr
- bodytext
- ;
- "@section " asection ;
- "@subsection " asection ;
- "@subsubsection " asection ;
-: subhead
- skip_past_newline
- bodytext
- ;
- "@strong{Description}@*\n" catstr subhead ;
- "@strong{Returns}@*\n" catstr subhead ;
- func ;
- func ;
- func ;
- skip_past_newline
- "Here are the possible values for @code{enum "
- copy_past_newline remchar catstr
- "}:\n\n" catstr catstr
- ;
- skip_past_newline
- "@deffn {} "
- copy_past_newline catstr catstr
- ;
- skip_past_newline
- "@deffnx {} "
- copy_past_newline catstr
- catstr
- ;
- skip_past_newline
- "@deffn {} "
- copy_past_newline catstr catstr
- skip_past_newline
- ;
- skip_past_newline
- "@deffnx {} "
- copy_past_newline catstr
- catstr
- skip_past_newline
- ;
- skip_past_newline
- get_stuff_in_command
- strip_trailing_newlines
- catstr
- "\n@end deffn\n" catstr
- ;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/proto.str b/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/proto.str
deleted file mode 100644
index 8431c16bd57f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/doc/proto.str
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
- skip_past_newline
- get_stuff_in_command
- paramstuff
- indent
- maybecatstr
-: ignore
- skip_past_newline
- get_stuff_in_command
- outputdots
- maybecatstr
- ;
- ignore ;
-: external
- 0 internalmode ignore ;
-: internal
- 1 internalmode ignore ;
-- input stack { a b } output b if internal, a if external
-: ifinternal
- "" swap 1 internalmode maybecatstr
- swap
- "" swap 0 internalmode maybecatstr
- catstr
- ;
-- Put note in output string, regardless of internal mode.
- skip_past_newline
- get_stuff_in_command
- translatecomments
- catstr
- ;
-- SENUM enum-type-name
-- ENUM enum-name
-- ENUMX addl-enum-name
-- ENUMDOC doc for preceding enums
-- ENDSENUM max-enum-name
-: make_enum_header
- dup
- "enum " swap catstr
- " {\n" catstr
- swap " _dummy_first_" swap catstr catstr
- ",\n" catstr
- ;
-: make_string_table_header
- dup
- "#ifdef _BFD_MAKE_TABLE_" swap catstr swap
- "\n\nstatic const char *const " swap catstr catstr
- "_names[] = { \"@@uninitialized@@\",\n" catstr
- ;
- skip_past_newline
- copy_past_newline
- remchar
- dup
- make_enum_header
- swap
- make_string_table_header
- ifinternal
- catstr
- get_stuff_in_command catstr
- translatecomments ;
- skip_past_newline
- copy_past_newline strip_trailing_newlines
- dup
- " " swap catstr " };\n" catstr swap
- " \"@@overflow: " swap catstr "@@\",\n};\n#endif\n\n" catstr
- ifinternal
- catstr
- ;
-: make_enumerator
- " " swap catstr
- ",\n" catstr
- ;
-: make_enumerator_string
- " \"" swap catstr
- "\",\n" catstr
- ;
- skip_past_newline
- copy_past_newline
- remchar
- dup
- make_enumerator
- swap
- make_enumerator_string
- ifinternal
- ;
-: ENUMX ENUM catstr ;
- skip_past_newline
- "#define "
- copy_past_newline remchar
- catstr
- " "
- catstr
- copy_past_newline
- catstr
- "" swap 0 internalmode maybecatstr
- ;
-: ENUMEQX ENUMEQ catstr ;
- skip_past_newline
- get_stuff_in_command
- strip_trailing_newlines
- "\n{* " swap catstr " *}\n" catstr
- translatecomments
- - discard it if we're doing internal mode
- "" swap 0 internalmode maybecatstr
- swap
- catstr catstr
- ;
-: ENDDD external ;
-: SECTION ignore ;
-: SUBSECTION ignore ;
-: DESCRIPTION ignore ;
-: FUNCTION external ;
-: RETURNS ignore ;
-: TYPEDEF external ;
-: INTERNAL internal ;
-: INODE ignore ;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ecoff.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/ecoff.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e219ff77a230..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ecoff.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4740 +0,0 @@
-/* Generic ECOFF (Extended-COFF) routines.
- Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Original version by Per Bothner.
- Full support added by Ian Lance Taylor,
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "aout/ar.h"
-#include "aout/ranlib.h"
-#include "aout/stab_gnu.h"
-/* FIXME: We need the definitions of N_SET[ADTB], but aout64.h defines
- some other stuff which we don't want and which conflicts with stuff
- we do want. */
-#include "libaout.h"
-#include "aout/aout64.h"
-#undef N_ABS
-#undef exec_hdr
-#undef obj_sym_filepos
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "coff/sym.h"
-#include "coff/symconst.h"
-#include "coff/ecoff.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-#include "libecoff.h"
-/* Prototypes for static functions. */
-static int ecoff_get_magic PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-static long ecoff_sec_to_styp_flags PARAMS ((const char *name,
- flagword flags));
-static boolean ecoff_slurp_symbolic_header PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-static boolean ecoff_set_symbol_info PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, SYMR *ecoff_sym,
- asymbol *asym, int ext, int weak));
-static void ecoff_emit_aggregate PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, FDR *fdr,
- char *string,
- RNDXR *rndx, long isym,
- const char *which));
-static char *ecoff_type_to_string PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, FDR *fdr,
- unsigned int indx));
-static boolean ecoff_slurp_reloc_table PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *section,
- asymbol **symbols));
-static int ecoff_sort_hdrs PARAMS ((const PTR, const PTR));
-static boolean ecoff_compute_section_file_positions PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-static bfd_size_type ecoff_compute_reloc_file_positions PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-static boolean ecoff_get_extr PARAMS ((asymbol *, EXTR *));
-static void ecoff_set_index PARAMS ((asymbol *, bfd_size_type));
-static unsigned int ecoff_armap_hash PARAMS ((CONST char *s,
- unsigned int *rehash,
- unsigned int size,
- unsigned int hlog));
-/* This stuff is somewhat copied from coffcode.h. */
-static asection bfd_debug_section = { "*DEBUG*" };
-/* Create an ECOFF object. */
-_bfd_ecoff_mkobject (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- abfd->tdata.ecoff_obj_data = ((struct ecoff_tdata *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (ecoff_data_type)));
- if (abfd->tdata.ecoff_obj_data == NULL)
- return false;
- return true;
-/* This is a hook called by coff_real_object_p to create any backend
- specific information. */
-_bfd_ecoff_mkobject_hook (abfd, filehdr, aouthdr)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR filehdr;
- PTR aouthdr;
- struct internal_filehdr *internal_f = (struct internal_filehdr *) filehdr;
- struct internal_aouthdr *internal_a = (struct internal_aouthdr *) aouthdr;
- ecoff_data_type *ecoff;
- if (_bfd_ecoff_mkobject (abfd) == false)
- return NULL;
- ecoff = ecoff_data (abfd);
- ecoff->gp_size = 8;
- ecoff->sym_filepos = internal_f->f_symptr;
- if (internal_a != (struct internal_aouthdr *) NULL)
- {
- int i;
- ecoff->text_start = internal_a->text_start;
- ecoff->text_end = internal_a->text_start + internal_a->tsize;
- ecoff->gp = internal_a->gp_value;
- ecoff->gprmask = internal_a->gprmask;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- ecoff->cprmask[i] = internal_a->cprmask[i];
- ecoff->fprmask = internal_a->fprmask;
- if (internal_a->magic == ECOFF_AOUT_ZMAGIC)
- abfd->flags |= D_PAGED;
- else
- abfd->flags &=~ D_PAGED;
- }
- /* It turns out that no special action is required by the MIPS or
- Alpha ECOFF backends. They have different information in the
- a.out header, but we just copy it all (e.g., gprmask, cprmask and
- fprmask) and let the swapping routines ensure that only relevant
- information is written out. */
- return (PTR) ecoff;
-/* Initialize a new section. */
-_bfd_ecoff_new_section_hook (abfd, section)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- /* For the .pdata section, which has a special meaning on the Alpha,
- we set the alignment power to 3. We correct this later in
- ecoff_compute_section_file_positions. We do this hackery because
- we need to know the exact unaligned size of the .pdata section in
- order to set the lnnoptr field correctly. For every other
- section we use an alignment power of 4; this could be made target
- dependent by adding a field to ecoff_backend_data, but 4 appears
- to be correct for both the MIPS and the Alpha. */
- if (strcmp (section->name, _PDATA) == 0)
- section->alignment_power = 3;
- else
- section->alignment_power = 4;
- if (strcmp (section->name, _TEXT) == 0)
- section->flags |= SEC_CODE | SEC_LOAD | SEC_ALLOC;
- else if (strcmp (section->name, _DATA) == 0
- || strcmp (section->name, _SDATA) == 0)
- section->flags |= SEC_DATA | SEC_LOAD | SEC_ALLOC;
- else if (strcmp (section->name, _RDATA) == 0
- || strcmp (section->name, _LIT8) == 0
- || strcmp (section->name, _LIT4) == 0
- || strcmp (section->name, _RCONST) == 0)
- section->flags |= SEC_DATA | SEC_LOAD | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_READONLY;
- else if (strcmp (section->name, _BSS) == 0
- || strcmp (section->name, _SBSS) == 0)
- section->flags |= SEC_ALLOC;
- else if (strcmp (section->name, _LIB) == 0)
- {
- /* An Irix 4 shared libary. */
- section->flags |= SEC_COFF_SHARED_LIBRARY;
- }
- /* Probably any other section name is SEC_NEVER_LOAD, but I'm
- uncertain about .init on some systems and I don't know how shared
- libraries work. */
- return true;
-/* Determine the machine architecture and type. This is called from
- the generic COFF routines. It is the inverse of ecoff_get_magic,
- below. This could be an ECOFF backend routine, with one version
- for each target, but there aren't all that many ECOFF targets. */
-_bfd_ecoff_set_arch_mach_hook (abfd, filehdr)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR filehdr;
- struct internal_filehdr *internal_f = (struct internal_filehdr *) filehdr;
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- unsigned long mach;
- switch (internal_f->f_magic)
- {
- case MIPS_MAGIC_1:
- arch = bfd_arch_mips;
- mach = 3000;
- break;
- /* MIPS ISA level 2: the r6000 */
- arch = bfd_arch_mips;
- mach = 6000;
- break;
- /* MIPS ISA level 3: the r4000 */
- arch = bfd_arch_mips;
- mach = 4000;
- break;
- arch = bfd_arch_alpha;
- mach = 0;
- break;
- default:
- arch = bfd_arch_obscure;
- mach = 0;
- break;
- }
- return bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, mach);
-/* Get the magic number to use based on the architecture and machine.
- This is the inverse of _bfd_ecoff_set_arch_mach_hook, above. */
-static int
-ecoff_get_magic (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- int big, little;
- switch (bfd_get_arch (abfd))
- {
- case bfd_arch_mips:
- switch (bfd_get_mach (abfd))
- {
- default:
- case 0:
- case 3000:
- break;
- case 6000:
- big = MIPS_MAGIC_BIG2;
- little = MIPS_MAGIC_LITTLE2;
- break;
- case 4000:
- big = MIPS_MAGIC_BIG3;
- little = MIPS_MAGIC_LITTLE3;
- break;
- }
- return bfd_big_endian (abfd) ? big : little;
- case bfd_arch_alpha:
- return ALPHA_MAGIC;
- default:
- abort ();
- return 0;
- }
-/* Get the section s_flags to use for a section. */
-static long
-ecoff_sec_to_styp_flags (name, flags)
- const char *name;
- flagword flags;
- long styp;
- styp = 0;
- if (strcmp (name, _TEXT) == 0)
- styp = STYP_TEXT;
- else if (strcmp (name, _DATA) == 0)
- styp = STYP_DATA;
- else if (strcmp (name, _SDATA) == 0)
- styp = STYP_SDATA;
- else if (strcmp (name, _RDATA) == 0)
- styp = STYP_RDATA;
- else if (strcmp (name, _LITA) == 0)
- styp = STYP_LITA;
- else if (strcmp (name, _LIT8) == 0)
- styp = STYP_LIT8;
- else if (strcmp (name, _LIT4) == 0)
- styp = STYP_LIT4;
- else if (strcmp (name, _BSS) == 0)
- styp = STYP_BSS;
- else if (strcmp (name, _SBSS) == 0)
- styp = STYP_SBSS;
- else if (strcmp (name, _INIT) == 0)
- else if (strcmp (name, _FINI) == 0)
- else if (strcmp (name, _PDATA) == 0)
- styp = STYP_PDATA;
- else if (strcmp (name, _XDATA) == 0)
- styp = STYP_XDATA;
- else if (strcmp (name, _LIB) == 0)
- styp = STYP_ECOFF_LIB;
- else if (strcmp (name, _GOT) == 0)
- styp = STYP_GOT;
- else if (strcmp (name, _HASH) == 0)
- styp = STYP_HASH;
- else if (strcmp (name, _DYNAMIC) == 0)
- styp = STYP_DYNAMIC;
- else if (strcmp (name, _LIBLIST) == 0)
- styp = STYP_LIBLIST;
- else if (strcmp (name, _RELDYN) == 0)
- styp = STYP_RELDYN;
- else if (strcmp (name, _CONFLIC) == 0)
- styp = STYP_CONFLIC;
- else if (strcmp (name, _DYNSTR) == 0)
- styp = STYP_DYNSTR;
- else if (strcmp (name, _DYNSYM) == 0)
- styp = STYP_DYNSYM;
- else if (strcmp (name, _COMMENT) == 0)
- {
- styp = STYP_COMMENT;
- flags &=~ SEC_NEVER_LOAD;
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, _RCONST) == 0)
- styp = STYP_RCONST;
- else if (flags & SEC_CODE)
- styp = STYP_TEXT;
- else if (flags & SEC_DATA)
- styp = STYP_DATA;
- else if (flags & SEC_READONLY)
- styp = STYP_RDATA;
- else if (flags & SEC_LOAD)
- styp = STYP_REG;
- else
- styp = STYP_BSS;
- if (flags & SEC_NEVER_LOAD)
- styp |= STYP_NOLOAD;
- return styp;
-/* Get the BFD flags to use for a section. */
-_bfd_ecoff_styp_to_sec_flags (abfd, hdr, name)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR hdr;
- const char *name;
- struct internal_scnhdr *internal_s = (struct internal_scnhdr *) hdr;
- long styp_flags = internal_s->s_flags;
- flagword sec_flags=0;
- if (styp_flags & STYP_NOLOAD)
- sec_flags |= SEC_NEVER_LOAD;
- /* For 386 COFF, at least, an unloadable text or data section is
- actually a shared library section. */
- if ((styp_flags & STYP_TEXT)
- || (styp_flags & STYP_ECOFF_INIT)
- || (styp_flags & STYP_ECOFF_FINI)
- || (styp_flags & STYP_DYNAMIC)
- || (styp_flags & STYP_LIBLIST)
- || (styp_flags & STYP_RELDYN)
- || styp_flags == STYP_CONFLIC
- || (styp_flags & STYP_DYNSTR)
- || (styp_flags & STYP_DYNSYM)
- || (styp_flags & STYP_HASH))
- {
- if (sec_flags & SEC_NEVER_LOAD)
- else
- sec_flags |= SEC_CODE | SEC_LOAD | SEC_ALLOC;
- }
- else if ((styp_flags & STYP_DATA)
- || (styp_flags & STYP_RDATA)
- || (styp_flags & STYP_SDATA)
- || styp_flags == STYP_PDATA
- || styp_flags == STYP_XDATA
- || (styp_flags & STYP_GOT)
- || styp_flags == STYP_RCONST)
- {
- if (sec_flags & SEC_NEVER_LOAD)
- else
- sec_flags |= SEC_DATA | SEC_LOAD | SEC_ALLOC;
- if ((styp_flags & STYP_RDATA)
- || styp_flags == STYP_PDATA
- || styp_flags == STYP_RCONST)
- sec_flags |= SEC_READONLY;
- }
- else if ((styp_flags & STYP_BSS)
- || (styp_flags & STYP_SBSS))
- {
- sec_flags |= SEC_ALLOC;
- }
- else if ((styp_flags & STYP_INFO) || styp_flags == STYP_COMMENT)
- {
- sec_flags |= SEC_NEVER_LOAD;
- }
- else if ((styp_flags & STYP_LITA)
- || (styp_flags & STYP_LIT8)
- || (styp_flags & STYP_LIT4))
- {
- }
- else if (styp_flags & STYP_ECOFF_LIB)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- sec_flags |= SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD;
- }
- return sec_flags;
-/* Read in the symbolic header for an ECOFF object file. */
-static boolean
-ecoff_slurp_symbolic_header (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- const struct ecoff_backend_data * const backend = ecoff_backend (abfd);
- bfd_size_type external_hdr_size;
- PTR raw = NULL;
- HDRR *internal_symhdr;
- /* See if we've already read it in. */
- if (ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.symbolic_header.magic ==
- backend->debug_swap.sym_magic)
- return true;
- /* See whether there is a symbolic header. */
- if (ecoff_data (abfd)->sym_filepos == 0)
- {
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd) = 0;
- return true;
- }
- /* At this point bfd_get_symcount (abfd) holds the number of symbols
- as read from the file header, but on ECOFF this is always the
- size of the symbolic information header. It would be cleaner to
- handle this when we first read the file in coffgen.c. */
- external_hdr_size = backend->debug_swap.external_hdr_size;
- if (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) != external_hdr_size)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- /* Read the symbolic information header. */
- raw = (PTR) bfd_malloc ((size_t) external_hdr_size);
- if (raw == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, ecoff_data (abfd)->sym_filepos, SEEK_SET) == -1
- || (bfd_read (raw, external_hdr_size, 1, abfd)
- != external_hdr_size))
- goto error_return;
- internal_symhdr = &ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.symbolic_header;
- (*backend->debug_swap.swap_hdr_in) (abfd, raw, internal_symhdr);
- if (internal_symhdr->magic != backend->debug_swap.sym_magic)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* Now we can get the correct number of symbols. */
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd) = (internal_symhdr->isymMax
- + internal_symhdr->iextMax);
- if (raw != NULL)
- free (raw);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (raw != NULL)
- free (raw);
- return false;
-/* Read in and swap the important symbolic information for an ECOFF
- object file. This is called by gdb via the read_debug_info entry
- point in the backend structure. */
-_bfd_ecoff_slurp_symbolic_info (abfd, ignore, debug)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *ignore;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *debug;
- const struct ecoff_backend_data * const backend = ecoff_backend (abfd);
- HDRR *internal_symhdr;
- bfd_size_type raw_base;
- bfd_size_type raw_size;
- PTR raw;
- bfd_size_type external_fdr_size;
- char *fraw_src;
- char *fraw_end;
- struct fdr *fdr_ptr;
- bfd_size_type raw_end;
- bfd_size_type cb_end;
- BFD_ASSERT (debug == &ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info);
- /* Check whether we've already gotten it, and whether there's any to
- get. */
- if (ecoff_data (abfd)->raw_syments != (PTR) NULL)
- return true;
- if (ecoff_data (abfd)->sym_filepos == 0)
- {
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd) = 0;
- return true;
- }
- if (! ecoff_slurp_symbolic_header (abfd))
- return false;
- internal_symhdr = &debug->symbolic_header;
- /* Read all the symbolic information at once. */
- raw_base = (ecoff_data (abfd)->sym_filepos
- + backend->debug_swap.external_hdr_size);
- /* Alpha ecoff makes the determination of raw_size difficult. It has
- an undocumented debug data section between the symhdr and the first
- documented section. And the ordering of the sections varies between
- statically and dynamically linked executables.
- If bfd supports SEEK_END someday, this code could be simplified. */
- raw_end = 0;
-#define UPDATE_RAW_END(start, count, size) \
- cb_end = internal_symhdr->start + internal_symhdr->count * (size); \
- if (cb_end > raw_end) \
- raw_end = cb_end
- UPDATE_RAW_END (cbLineOffset, cbLine, sizeof (unsigned char));
- UPDATE_RAW_END (cbDnOffset, idnMax, backend->debug_swap.external_dnr_size);
- UPDATE_RAW_END (cbPdOffset, ipdMax, backend->debug_swap.external_pdr_size);
- UPDATE_RAW_END (cbSymOffset, isymMax, backend->debug_swap.external_sym_size);
- UPDATE_RAW_END (cbOptOffset, ioptMax, backend->debug_swap.external_opt_size);
- UPDATE_RAW_END (cbAuxOffset, iauxMax, sizeof (union aux_ext));
- UPDATE_RAW_END (cbSsOffset, issMax, sizeof (char));
- UPDATE_RAW_END (cbSsExtOffset, issExtMax, sizeof (char));
- UPDATE_RAW_END (cbFdOffset, ifdMax, backend->debug_swap.external_fdr_size);
- UPDATE_RAW_END (cbRfdOffset, crfd, backend->debug_swap.external_rfd_size);
- UPDATE_RAW_END (cbExtOffset, iextMax, backend->debug_swap.external_ext_size);
- raw_size = raw_end - raw_base;
- if (raw_size == 0)
- {
- ecoff_data (abfd)->sym_filepos = 0;
- return true;
- }
- raw = (PTR) bfd_alloc (abfd, raw_size);
- if (raw == NULL)
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd,
- (ecoff_data (abfd)->sym_filepos
- + backend->debug_swap.external_hdr_size),
- SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read (raw, raw_size, 1, abfd) != raw_size)
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, raw);
- return false;
- }
- ecoff_data (abfd)->raw_syments = raw;
- /* Get pointers for the numeric offsets in the HDRR structure. */
-#define FIX(off1, off2, type) \
- if (internal_symhdr->off1 == 0) \
- debug->off2 = (type) NULL; \
- else \
- debug->off2 = (type) ((char *) raw \
- + (internal_symhdr->off1 \
- - raw_base))
- FIX (cbLineOffset, line, unsigned char *);
- FIX (cbDnOffset, external_dnr, PTR);
- FIX (cbPdOffset, external_pdr, PTR);
- FIX (cbSymOffset, external_sym, PTR);
- FIX (cbOptOffset, external_opt, PTR);
- FIX (cbAuxOffset, external_aux, union aux_ext *);
- FIX (cbSsOffset, ss, char *);
- FIX (cbSsExtOffset, ssext, char *);
- FIX (cbFdOffset, external_fdr, PTR);
- FIX (cbRfdOffset, external_rfd, PTR);
- FIX (cbExtOffset, external_ext, PTR);
-#undef FIX
- /* I don't want to always swap all the data, because it will just
- waste time and most programs will never look at it. The only
- time the linker needs most of the debugging information swapped
- is when linking big-endian and little-endian MIPS object files
- together, which is not a common occurrence.
- We need to look at the fdr to deal with a lot of information in
- the symbols, so we swap them here. */
- debug->fdr = (struct fdr *) bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (internal_symhdr->ifdMax *
- sizeof (struct fdr)));
- if (debug->fdr == NULL)
- return false;
- external_fdr_size = backend->debug_swap.external_fdr_size;
- fdr_ptr = debug->fdr;
- fraw_src = (char *) debug->external_fdr;
- fraw_end = fraw_src + internal_symhdr->ifdMax * external_fdr_size;
- for (; fraw_src < fraw_end; fraw_src += external_fdr_size, fdr_ptr++)
- (*backend->debug_swap.swap_fdr_in) (abfd, (PTR) fraw_src, fdr_ptr);
- return true;
-/* ECOFF symbol table routines. The ECOFF symbol table is described
- in gcc/mips-tfile.c. */
-/* ECOFF uses two common sections. One is the usual one, and the
- other is for small objects. All the small objects are kept
- together, and then referenced via the gp pointer, which yields
- faster assembler code. This is what we use for the small common
- section. */
-static asection ecoff_scom_section;
-static asymbol ecoff_scom_symbol;
-static asymbol *ecoff_scom_symbol_ptr;
-/* Create an empty symbol. */
-asymbol *
-_bfd_ecoff_make_empty_symbol (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- ecoff_symbol_type *new;
- new = (ecoff_symbol_type *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (ecoff_symbol_type));
- if (new == (ecoff_symbol_type *) NULL)
- return (asymbol *) NULL;
- memset ((PTR) new, 0, sizeof *new);
- new->symbol.section = (asection *) NULL;
- new->fdr = (FDR *) NULL;
- new->local = false;
- new->native = NULL;
- new->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- return &new->symbol;
-/* Set the BFD flags and section for an ECOFF symbol. */
-static boolean
-ecoff_set_symbol_info (abfd, ecoff_sym, asym, ext, weak)
- bfd *abfd;
- SYMR *ecoff_sym;
- asymbol *asym;
- int ext;
- int weak;
- asym->the_bfd = abfd;
- asym->value = ecoff_sym->value;
- asym->section = &bfd_debug_section;
- asym->udata.i = 0;
- /* Most symbol types are just for debugging. */
- switch (ecoff_sym->st)
- {
- case stGlobal:
- case stStatic:
- case stLabel:
- case stProc:
- case stStaticProc:
- break;
- case stNil:
- if (ECOFF_IS_STAB (ecoff_sym))
- {
- asym->flags = BSF_DEBUGGING;
- return true;
- }
- break;
- default:
- asym->flags = BSF_DEBUGGING;
- return true;
- }
- if (weak)
- asym->flags = BSF_EXPORT | BSF_WEAK;
- else if (ext)
- asym->flags = BSF_EXPORT | BSF_GLOBAL;
- else
- {
- asym->flags = BSF_LOCAL;
- /* Normally, a local stProc symbol will have a corresponding
- external symbol. We mark the local symbol as a debugging
- symbol, in order to prevent nm from printing both out.
- Similarly, we mark stLabel and stabs symbols as debugging
- symbols. In both cases, we do want to set the value
- correctly based on the symbol class. */
- if (ecoff_sym->st == stProc
- || ecoff_sym->st == stLabel
- || ECOFF_IS_STAB (ecoff_sym))
- asym->flags |= BSF_DEBUGGING;
- }
- switch (ecoff_sym->sc)
- {
- case scNil:
- /* Used for compiler generated labels. Leave them in the
- debugging section, and mark them as local. If BSF_DEBUGGING
- is set, then nm does not display them for some reason. If no
- flags are set then the linker whines about them. */
- asym->flags = BSF_LOCAL;
- break;
- case scText:
- asym->section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".text");
- asym->value -= asym->section->vma;
- break;
- case scData:
- asym->section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".data");
- asym->value -= asym->section->vma;
- break;
- case scBss:
- asym->section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".bss");
- asym->value -= asym->section->vma;
- break;
- case scRegister:
- asym->flags = BSF_DEBUGGING;
- break;
- case scAbs:
- asym->section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- break;
- case scUndefined:
- asym->section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- asym->flags = 0;
- asym->value = 0;
- break;
- case scCdbLocal:
- case scBits:
- case scCdbSystem:
- case scRegImage:
- case scInfo:
- case scUserStruct:
- asym->flags = BSF_DEBUGGING;
- break;
- case scSData:
- asym->section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".sdata");
- asym->value -= asym->section->vma;
- break;
- case scSBss:
- asym->section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".sbss");
- asym->value -= asym->section->vma;
- break;
- case scRData:
- asym->section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".rdata");
- asym->value -= asym->section->vma;
- break;
- case scVar:
- asym->flags = BSF_DEBUGGING;
- break;
- case scCommon:
- if (asym->value > ecoff_data (abfd)->gp_size)
- {
- asym->section = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- asym->flags = 0;
- break;
- }
- /* Fall through. */
- case scSCommon:
- if ( == NULL)
- {
- /* Initialize the small common section. */
- ecoff_scom_section.flags = SEC_IS_COMMON;
- ecoff_scom_section.output_section = &ecoff_scom_section;
- ecoff_scom_section.symbol = &ecoff_scom_symbol;
- ecoff_scom_section.symbol_ptr_ptr = &ecoff_scom_symbol_ptr;
- ecoff_scom_symbol.flags = BSF_SECTION_SYM;
- ecoff_scom_symbol.section = &ecoff_scom_section;
- ecoff_scom_symbol_ptr = &ecoff_scom_symbol;
- }
- asym->section = &ecoff_scom_section;
- asym->flags = 0;
- break;
- case scVarRegister:
- case scVariant:
- asym->flags = BSF_DEBUGGING;
- break;
- case scSUndefined:
- asym->section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- asym->flags = 0;
- asym->value = 0;
- break;
- case scInit:
- asym->section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".init");
- asym->value -= asym->section->vma;
- break;
- case scBasedVar:
- case scXData:
- case scPData:
- asym->flags = BSF_DEBUGGING;
- break;
- case scFini:
- asym->section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".fini");
- asym->value -= asym->section->vma;
- break;
- case scRConst:
- asym->section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".rconst");
- asym->value -= asym->section->vma;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /* Look for special constructors symbols and make relocation entries
- in a special construction section. These are produced by the
- -fgnu-linker argument to g++. */
- if (ECOFF_IS_STAB (ecoff_sym))
- {
- switch (ECOFF_UNMARK_STAB (ecoff_sym->index))
- {
- default:
- break;
- case N_SETA:
- case N_SETT:
- case N_SETD:
- case N_SETB:
- {
- const char *name;
- asection *section;
- arelent_chain *reloc_chain;
- unsigned int bitsize;
- /* Get a section with the same name as the symbol (usually
- __CTOR_LIST__ or __DTOR_LIST__). FIXME: gcc uses the
- name ___CTOR_LIST (three underscores). We need
- __CTOR_LIST (two underscores), since ECOFF doesn't use
- a leading underscore. This should be handled by gcc,
- but instead we do it here. Actually, this should all
- be done differently anyhow. */
- name = bfd_asymbol_name (asym);
- if (name[0] == '_' && name[1] == '_' && name[2] == '_')
- {
- ++name;
- asym->name = name;
- }
- section = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, name);
- if (section == (asection *) NULL)
- {
- char *copy;
- copy = (char *) bfd_alloc (abfd, strlen (name) + 1);
- if (!copy)
- return false;
- strcpy (copy, name);
- section = bfd_make_section (abfd, copy);
- }
- /* Build a reloc pointing to this constructor. */
- reloc_chain =
- (arelent_chain *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (arelent_chain));
- if (!reloc_chain)
- return false;
- reloc_chain->relent.sym_ptr_ptr =
- bfd_get_section (asym)->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- reloc_chain->relent.address = section->_raw_size;
- reloc_chain->relent.addend = asym->value;
- reloc_chain->relent.howto =
- ecoff_backend (abfd)->constructor_reloc;
- /* Set up the constructor section to hold the reloc. */
- section->flags = SEC_CONSTRUCTOR;
- ++section->reloc_count;
- /* Constructor sections must be rounded to a boundary
- based on the bitsize. These are not real sections--
- they are handled specially by the linker--so the ECOFF
- 16 byte alignment restriction does not apply. */
- bitsize = ecoff_backend (abfd)->constructor_bitsize;
- section->alignment_power = 1;
- while ((1 << section->alignment_power) < bitsize / 8)
- ++section->alignment_power;
- reloc_chain->next = section->constructor_chain;
- section->constructor_chain = reloc_chain;
- section->_raw_size += bitsize / 8;
- /* Mark the symbol as a constructor. */
- asym->flags |= BSF_CONSTRUCTOR;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Read an ECOFF symbol table. */
-_bfd_ecoff_slurp_symbol_table (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- const struct ecoff_backend_data * const backend = ecoff_backend (abfd);
- const bfd_size_type external_ext_size
- = backend->debug_swap.external_ext_size;
- const bfd_size_type external_sym_size
- = backend->debug_swap.external_sym_size;
- void (* const swap_ext_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, EXTR *))
- = backend->debug_swap.swap_ext_in;
- void (* const swap_sym_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, SYMR *))
- = backend->debug_swap.swap_sym_in;
- bfd_size_type internal_size;
- ecoff_symbol_type *internal;
- ecoff_symbol_type *internal_ptr;
- char *eraw_src;
- char *eraw_end;
- FDR *fdr_ptr;
- FDR *fdr_end;
- /* If we've already read in the symbol table, do nothing. */
- if (ecoff_data (abfd)->canonical_symbols != NULL)
- return true;
- /* Get the symbolic information. */
- if (! _bfd_ecoff_slurp_symbolic_info (abfd, (asection *) NULL,
- &ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info))
- return false;
- if (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) == 0)
- return true;
- internal_size = bfd_get_symcount (abfd) * sizeof (ecoff_symbol_type);
- internal = (ecoff_symbol_type *) bfd_alloc (abfd, internal_size);
- if (internal == NULL)
- return false;
- internal_ptr = internal;
- eraw_src = (char *) ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.external_ext;
- eraw_end = (eraw_src
- + (ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.symbolic_header.iextMax
- * external_ext_size));
- for (; eraw_src < eraw_end; eraw_src += external_ext_size, internal_ptr++)
- {
- EXTR internal_esym;
- (*swap_ext_in) (abfd, (PTR) eraw_src, &internal_esym);
- internal_ptr-> = (ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.ssext
- + internal_esym.asym.iss);
- if (!ecoff_set_symbol_info (abfd, &internal_esym.asym,
- &internal_ptr->symbol, 1,
- internal_esym.weakext))
- return false;
- /* The alpha uses a negative ifd field for section symbols. */
- if (internal_esym.ifd >= 0)
- internal_ptr->fdr = (ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.fdr
- + internal_esym.ifd);
- else
- internal_ptr->fdr = NULL;
- internal_ptr->local = false;
- internal_ptr->native = (PTR) eraw_src;
- }
- /* The local symbols must be accessed via the fdr's, because the
- string and aux indices are relative to the fdr information. */
- fdr_ptr = ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.fdr;
- fdr_end = fdr_ptr + ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.symbolic_header.ifdMax;
- for (; fdr_ptr < fdr_end; fdr_ptr++)
- {
- char *lraw_src;
- char *lraw_end;
- lraw_src = ((char *) ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.external_sym
- + fdr_ptr->isymBase * external_sym_size);
- lraw_end = lraw_src + fdr_ptr->csym * external_sym_size;
- for (;
- lraw_src < lraw_end;
- lraw_src += external_sym_size, internal_ptr++)
- {
- SYMR internal_sym;
- (*swap_sym_in) (abfd, (PTR) lraw_src, &internal_sym);
- internal_ptr-> = (ecoff_data (abfd)->
- + fdr_ptr->issBase
- + internal_sym.iss);
- if (!ecoff_set_symbol_info (abfd, &internal_sym,
- &internal_ptr->symbol, 0, 0))
- return false;
- internal_ptr->fdr = fdr_ptr;
- internal_ptr->local = true;
- internal_ptr->native = (PTR) lraw_src;
- }
- }
- ecoff_data (abfd)->canonical_symbols = internal;
- return true;
-/* Return the amount of space needed for the canonical symbols. */
-_bfd_ecoff_get_symtab_upper_bound (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (! _bfd_ecoff_slurp_symbolic_info (abfd, (asection *) NULL,
- &ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info))
- return -1;
- if (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) == 0)
- return 0;
- return (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) + 1) * (sizeof (ecoff_symbol_type *));
-/* Get the canonical symbols. */
-_bfd_ecoff_get_symtab (abfd, alocation)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **alocation;
- unsigned int counter = 0;
- ecoff_symbol_type *symbase;
- ecoff_symbol_type **location = (ecoff_symbol_type **) alocation;
- if (_bfd_ecoff_slurp_symbol_table (abfd) == false)
- return -1;
- if (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) == 0)
- return 0;
- symbase = ecoff_data (abfd)->canonical_symbols;
- while (counter < bfd_get_symcount (abfd))
- {
- *(location++) = symbase++;
- counter++;
- }
- *location++ = (ecoff_symbol_type *) NULL;
- return bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
-/* Turn ECOFF type information into a printable string.
- ecoff_emit_aggregate and ecoff_type_to_string are from
- gcc/mips-tdump.c, with swapping added and used_ptr removed. */
-/* Write aggregate information to a string. */
-static void
-ecoff_emit_aggregate (abfd, fdr, string, rndx, isym, which)
- bfd *abfd;
- FDR *fdr;
- char *string;
- RNDXR *rndx;
- long isym;
- const char *which;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap * const debug_swap =
- &ecoff_backend (abfd)->debug_swap;
- struct ecoff_debug_info * const debug_info = &ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info;
- unsigned int ifd = rndx->rfd;
- unsigned int indx = rndx->index;
- const char *name;
- if (ifd == 0xfff)
- ifd = isym;
- /* An ifd of -1 is an opaque type. An escaped index of 0 is a
- struct return type of a procedure compiled without -g. */
- if (ifd == 0xffffffff
- || (rndx->rfd == 0xfff && indx == 0))
- name = "<undefined>";
- else if (indx == indexNil)
- name = "<no name>";
- else
- {
- SYMR sym;
- if (debug_info->external_rfd == NULL)
- fdr = debug_info->fdr + ifd;
- else
- {
- RFDT rfd;
- (*debug_swap->swap_rfd_in) (abfd,
- ((char *) debug_info->external_rfd
- + ((fdr->rfdBase + ifd)
- * debug_swap->external_rfd_size)),
- &rfd);
- fdr = debug_info->fdr + rfd;
- }
- indx += fdr->isymBase;
- (*debug_swap->swap_sym_in) (abfd,
- ((char *) debug_info->external_sym
- + indx * debug_swap->external_sym_size),
- &sym);
- name = debug_info->ss + fdr->issBase + sym.iss;
- }
- sprintf (string,
- "%s %s { ifd = %u, index = %lu }",
- which, name, ifd,
- ((long) indx
- + debug_info->symbolic_header.iextMax));
-/* Convert the type information to string format. */
-static char *
-ecoff_type_to_string (abfd, fdr, indx)
- bfd *abfd;
- FDR *fdr;
- unsigned int indx;
- union aux_ext *aux_ptr;
- int bigendian;
- AUXU u;
- struct qual {
- unsigned int type;
- int low_bound;
- int high_bound;
- int stride;
- } qualifiers[7];
- unsigned int basic_type;
- int i;
- char buffer1[1024];
- static char buffer2[1024];
- char *p1 = buffer1;
- char *p2 = buffer2;
- RNDXR rndx;
- aux_ptr = ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.external_aux + fdr->iauxBase;
- bigendian = fdr->fBigendian;
- for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
- {
- qualifiers[i].low_bound = 0;
- qualifiers[i].high_bound = 0;
- qualifiers[i].stride = 0;
- }
- if (AUX_GET_ISYM (bigendian, &aux_ptr[indx]) == (bfd_vma) -1)
- return "-1 (no type)";
- _bfd_ecoff_swap_tir_in (bigendian, &aux_ptr[indx++].a_ti, &u.ti);
- basic_type =;
- qualifiers[0].type = u.ti.tq0;
- qualifiers[1].type = u.ti.tq1;
- qualifiers[2].type = u.ti.tq2;
- qualifiers[3].type = u.ti.tq3;
- qualifiers[4].type = u.ti.tq4;
- qualifiers[5].type = u.ti.tq5;
- qualifiers[6].type = tqNil;
- /*
- * Go get the basic type.
- */
- switch (basic_type)
- {
- case btNil: /* undefined */
- strcpy (p1, "nil");
- break;
- case btAdr: /* address - integer same size as pointer */
- strcpy (p1, "address");
- break;
- case btChar: /* character */
- strcpy (p1, "char");
- break;
- case btUChar: /* unsigned character */
- strcpy (p1, "unsigned char");
- break;
- case btShort: /* short */
- strcpy (p1, "short");
- break;
- case btUShort: /* unsigned short */
- strcpy (p1, "unsigned short");
- break;
- case btInt: /* int */
- strcpy (p1, "int");
- break;
- case btUInt: /* unsigned int */
- strcpy (p1, "unsigned int");
- break;
- case btLong: /* long */
- strcpy (p1, "long");
- break;
- case btULong: /* unsigned long */
- strcpy (p1, "unsigned long");
- break;
- case btFloat: /* float (real) */
- strcpy (p1, "float");
- break;
- case btDouble: /* Double (real) */
- strcpy (p1, "double");
- break;
- /* Structures add 1-2 aux words:
- 1st word is [ST_RFDESCAPE, offset] pointer to struct def;
- 2nd word is file index if 1st word rfd is ST_RFDESCAPE. */
- case btStruct: /* Structure (Record) */
- _bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_in (bigendian, &aux_ptr[indx].a_rndx, &rndx);
- ecoff_emit_aggregate (abfd, fdr, p1, &rndx,
- (long) AUX_GET_ISYM (bigendian, &aux_ptr[indx+1]),
- "struct");
- indx++; /* skip aux words */
- break;
- /* Unions add 1-2 aux words:
- 1st word is [ST_RFDESCAPE, offset] pointer to union def;
- 2nd word is file index if 1st word rfd is ST_RFDESCAPE. */
- case btUnion: /* Union */
- _bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_in (bigendian, &aux_ptr[indx].a_rndx, &rndx);
- ecoff_emit_aggregate (abfd, fdr, p1, &rndx,
- (long) AUX_GET_ISYM (bigendian, &aux_ptr[indx+1]),
- "union");
- indx++; /* skip aux words */
- break;
- /* Enumerations add 1-2 aux words:
- 1st word is [ST_RFDESCAPE, offset] pointer to enum def;
- 2nd word is file index if 1st word rfd is ST_RFDESCAPE. */
- case btEnum: /* Enumeration */
- _bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_in (bigendian, &aux_ptr[indx].a_rndx, &rndx);
- ecoff_emit_aggregate (abfd, fdr, p1, &rndx,
- (long) AUX_GET_ISYM (bigendian, &aux_ptr[indx+1]),
- "enum");
- indx++; /* skip aux words */
- break;
- case btTypedef: /* defined via a typedef, isymRef points */
- strcpy (p1, "typedef");
- break;
- case btRange: /* subrange of int */
- strcpy (p1, "subrange");
- break;
- case btSet: /* pascal sets */
- strcpy (p1, "set");
- break;
- case btComplex: /* fortran complex */
- strcpy (p1, "complex");
- break;
- case btDComplex: /* fortran double complex */
- strcpy (p1, "double complex");
- break;
- case btIndirect: /* forward or unnamed typedef */
- strcpy (p1, "forward/unamed typedef");
- break;
- case btFixedDec: /* Fixed Decimal */
- strcpy (p1, "fixed decimal");
- break;
- case btFloatDec: /* Float Decimal */
- strcpy (p1, "float decimal");
- break;
- case btString: /* Varying Length Character String */
- strcpy (p1, "string");
- break;
- case btBit: /* Aligned Bit String */
- strcpy (p1, "bit");
- break;
- case btPicture: /* Picture */
- strcpy (p1, "picture");
- break;
- case btVoid: /* Void */
- strcpy (p1, "void");
- break;
- default:
- sprintf (p1, "Unknown basic type %d", (int) basic_type);
- break;
- }
- p1 += strlen (buffer1);
- /*
- * If this is a bitfield, get the bitsize.
- */
- if (u.ti.fBitfield)
- {
- int bitsize;
- bitsize = AUX_GET_WIDTH (bigendian, &aux_ptr[indx++]);
- sprintf (p1, " : %d", bitsize);
- p1 += strlen (buffer1);
- }
- /*
- * Deal with any qualifiers.
- */
- if (qualifiers[0].type != tqNil)
- {
- /*
- * Snarf up any array bounds in the correct order. Arrays
- * store 5 successive words in the aux. table:
- * word 0 RNDXR to type of the bounds (ie, int)
- * word 1 Current file descriptor index
- * word 2 low bound
- * word 3 high bound (or -1 if [])
- * word 4 stride size in bits
- */
- for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
- {
- if (qualifiers[i].type == tqArray)
- {
- qualifiers[i].low_bound =
- AUX_GET_DNLOW (bigendian, &aux_ptr[indx+2]);
- qualifiers[i].high_bound =
- AUX_GET_DNHIGH (bigendian, &aux_ptr[indx+3]);
- qualifiers[i].stride =
- AUX_GET_WIDTH (bigendian, &aux_ptr[indx+4]);
- indx += 5;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Now print out the qualifiers.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- {
- switch (qualifiers[i].type)
- {
- case tqNil:
- case tqMax:
- break;
- case tqPtr:
- strcpy (p2, "ptr to ");
- p2 += sizeof ("ptr to ")-1;
- break;
- case tqVol:
- strcpy (p2, "volatile ");
- p2 += sizeof ("volatile ")-1;
- break;
- case tqFar:
- strcpy (p2, "far ");
- p2 += sizeof ("far ")-1;
- break;
- case tqProc:
- strcpy (p2, "func. ret. ");
- p2 += sizeof ("func. ret. ");
- break;
- case tqArray:
- {
- int first_array = i;
- int j;
- /* Print array bounds reversed (ie, in the order the C
- programmer writes them). C is such a fun language.... */
- while (i < 5 && qualifiers[i+1].type == tqArray)
- i++;
- for (j = i; j >= first_array; j--)
- {
- strcpy (p2, "array [");
- p2 += sizeof ("array [")-1;
- if (qualifiers[j].low_bound != 0)
- sprintf (p2,
- "%ld:%ld {%ld bits}",
- (long) qualifiers[j].low_bound,
- (long) qualifiers[j].high_bound,
- (long) qualifiers[j].stride);
- else if (qualifiers[j].high_bound != -1)
- sprintf (p2,
- "%ld {%ld bits}",
- (long) (qualifiers[j].high_bound + 1),
- (long) (qualifiers[j].stride));
- else
- sprintf (p2, " {%ld bits}", (long) (qualifiers[j].stride));
- p2 += strlen (p2);
- strcpy (p2, "] of ");
- p2 += sizeof ("] of ")-1;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- strcpy (p2, buffer1);
- return buffer2;
-/* Return information about ECOFF symbol SYMBOL in RET. */
-_bfd_ecoff_get_symbol_info (abfd, symbol, ret)
- bfd *abfd; /* Ignored. */
- asymbol *symbol;
- symbol_info *ret;
- bfd_symbol_info (symbol, ret);
-/* Return whether this is a local label. */
-_bfd_ecoff_bfd_is_local_label (abfd, symbol)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- return symbol->name[0] == '$';
-/* Print information about an ECOFF symbol. */
-_bfd_ecoff_print_symbol (abfd, filep, symbol, how)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR filep;
- asymbol *symbol;
- bfd_print_symbol_type how;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap * const debug_swap
- = &ecoff_backend (abfd)->debug_swap;
- FILE *file = (FILE *)filep;
- switch (how)
- {
- case bfd_print_symbol_name:
- fprintf (file, "%s", symbol->name);
- break;
- case bfd_print_symbol_more:
- if (ecoffsymbol (symbol)->local)
- {
- SYMR ecoff_sym;
- (*debug_swap->swap_sym_in) (abfd, ecoffsymbol (symbol)->native,
- &ecoff_sym);
- fprintf (file, "ecoff local ");
- fprintf_vma (file, (bfd_vma) ecoff_sym.value);
- fprintf (file, " %x %x", (unsigned),
- (unsigned);
- }
- else
- {
- EXTR ecoff_ext;
- (*debug_swap->swap_ext_in) (abfd, ecoffsymbol (symbol)->native,
- &ecoff_ext);
- fprintf (file, "ecoff extern ");
- fprintf_vma (file, (bfd_vma) ecoff_ext.asym.value);
- fprintf (file, " %x %x", (unsigned),
- (unsigned);
- }
- break;
- case bfd_print_symbol_all:
- /* Print out the symbols in a reasonable way */
- {
- char type;
- int pos;
- EXTR ecoff_ext;
- char jmptbl;
- char cobol_main;
- char weakext;
- if (ecoffsymbol (symbol)->local)
- {
- (*debug_swap->swap_sym_in) (abfd, ecoffsymbol (symbol)->native,
- &ecoff_ext.asym);
- type = 'l';
- pos = ((((char *) ecoffsymbol (symbol)->native
- - (char *) ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.external_sym)
- / debug_swap->external_sym_size)
- + ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.symbolic_header.iextMax);
- jmptbl = ' ';
- cobol_main = ' ';
- weakext = ' ';
- }
- else
- {
- (*debug_swap->swap_ext_in) (abfd, ecoffsymbol (symbol)->native,
- &ecoff_ext);
- type = 'e';
- pos = (((char *) ecoffsymbol (symbol)->native
- - (char *) ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.external_ext)
- / debug_swap->external_ext_size);
- jmptbl = ecoff_ext.jmptbl ? 'j' : ' ';
- cobol_main = ecoff_ext.cobol_main ? 'c' : ' ';
- weakext = ecoff_ext.weakext ? 'w' : ' ';
- }
- fprintf (file, "[%3d] %c ",
- pos, type);
- fprintf_vma (file, (bfd_vma) ecoff_ext.asym.value);
- fprintf (file, " st %x sc %x indx %x %c%c%c %s",
- (unsigned),
- (unsigned),
- (unsigned) ecoff_ext.asym.index,
- jmptbl, cobol_main, weakext,
- symbol->name);
- if (ecoffsymbol (symbol)->fdr != NULL
- && ecoff_ext.asym.index != indexNil)
- {
- FDR *fdr;
- unsigned int indx;
- int bigendian;
- bfd_size_type sym_base;
- union aux_ext *aux_base;
- fdr = ecoffsymbol (symbol)->fdr;
- indx = ecoff_ext.asym.index;
- /* sym_base is used to map the fdr relative indices which
- appear in the file to the position number which we are
- using. */
- sym_base = fdr->isymBase;
- if (ecoffsymbol (symbol)->local)
- sym_base +=
- ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.symbolic_header.iextMax;
- /* aux_base is the start of the aux entries for this file;
- asym.index is an offset from this. */
- aux_base = (ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.external_aux
- + fdr->iauxBase);
- /* The aux entries are stored in host byte order; the
- order is indicated by a bit in the fdr. */
- bigendian = fdr->fBigendian;
- /* This switch is basically from gcc/mips-tdump.c */
- switch (
- {
- case stNil:
- case stLabel:
- break;
- case stFile:
- case stBlock:
- fprintf (file, "\n End+1 symbol: %ld",
- (long) (indx + sym_base));
- break;
- case stEnd:
- if ( == scText
- || == scInfo)
- fprintf (file, "\n First symbol: %ld",
- (long) (indx + sym_base));
- else
- fprintf (file, "\n First symbol: %ld",
- ((long)
- (AUX_GET_ISYM (bigendian,
- &aux_base[ecoff_ext.asym.index])
- + sym_base)));
- break;
- case stProc:
- case stStaticProc:
- if (ECOFF_IS_STAB (&ecoff_ext.asym))
- ;
- else if (ecoffsymbol (symbol)->local)
- fprintf (file, "\n End+1 symbol: %-7ld Type: %s",
- ((long)
- (AUX_GET_ISYM (bigendian,
- &aux_base[ecoff_ext.asym.index])
- + sym_base)),
- ecoff_type_to_string (abfd, fdr, indx + 1));
- else
- fprintf (file, "\n Local symbol: %ld",
- ((long) indx
- + (long) sym_base
- + (ecoff_data (abfd)
- ->debug_info.symbolic_header.iextMax)));
- break;
- case stStruct:
- fprintf (file, "\n struct; End+1 symbol: %ld",
- (long) (indx + sym_base));
- break;
- case stUnion:
- fprintf (file, "\n union; End+1 symbol: %ld",
- (long) (indx + sym_base));
- break;
- case stEnum:
- fprintf (file, "\n enum; End+1 symbol: %ld",
- (long) (indx + sym_base));
- break;
- default:
- if (! ECOFF_IS_STAB (&ecoff_ext.asym))
- fprintf (file, "\n Type: %s",
- ecoff_type_to_string (abfd, fdr, indx));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
-/* Read in the relocs for a section. */
-static boolean
-ecoff_slurp_reloc_table (abfd, section, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- asymbol **symbols;
- const struct ecoff_backend_data * const backend = ecoff_backend (abfd);
- arelent *internal_relocs;
- bfd_size_type external_reloc_size;
- bfd_size_type external_relocs_size;
- char *external_relocs;
- arelent *rptr;
- unsigned int i;
- if (section->relocation != (arelent *) NULL
- || section->reloc_count == 0
- || (section->flags & SEC_CONSTRUCTOR) != 0)
- return true;
- if (_bfd_ecoff_slurp_symbol_table (abfd) == false)
- return false;
- internal_relocs = (arelent *) bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (sizeof (arelent)
- * section->reloc_count));
- external_reloc_size = backend->external_reloc_size;
- external_relocs_size = external_reloc_size * section->reloc_count;
- external_relocs = (char *) bfd_alloc (abfd, external_relocs_size);
- if (internal_relocs == (arelent *) NULL
- || external_relocs == (char *) NULL)
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, section->rel_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- if (bfd_read (external_relocs, 1, external_relocs_size, abfd)
- != external_relocs_size)
- return false;
- for (i = 0, rptr = internal_relocs; i < section->reloc_count; i++, rptr++)
- {
- struct internal_reloc intern;
- (*backend->swap_reloc_in) (abfd,
- external_relocs + i * external_reloc_size,
- &intern);
- if (intern.r_extern)
- {
- /* r_symndx is an index into the external symbols. */
- BFD_ASSERT (intern.r_symndx >= 0
- && (intern.r_symndx
- < (ecoff_data (abfd)
- ->debug_info.symbolic_header.iextMax)));
- rptr->sym_ptr_ptr = symbols + intern.r_symndx;
- rptr->addend = 0;
- }
- else if (intern.r_symndx == RELOC_SECTION_NONE
- || intern.r_symndx == RELOC_SECTION_ABS)
- {
- rptr->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- rptr->addend = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- CONST char *sec_name;
- asection *sec;
- /* r_symndx is a section key. */
- switch (intern.r_symndx)
- {
- case RELOC_SECTION_TEXT: sec_name = ".text"; break;
- case RELOC_SECTION_RDATA: sec_name = ".rdata"; break;
- case RELOC_SECTION_DATA: sec_name = ".data"; break;
- case RELOC_SECTION_SDATA: sec_name = ".sdata"; break;
- case RELOC_SECTION_SBSS: sec_name = ".sbss"; break;
- case RELOC_SECTION_BSS: sec_name = ".bss"; break;
- case RELOC_SECTION_INIT: sec_name = ".init"; break;
- case RELOC_SECTION_LIT8: sec_name = ".lit8"; break;
- case RELOC_SECTION_LIT4: sec_name = ".lit4"; break;
- case RELOC_SECTION_XDATA: sec_name = ".xdata"; break;
- case RELOC_SECTION_PDATA: sec_name = ".pdata"; break;
- case RELOC_SECTION_FINI: sec_name = ".fini"; break;
- case RELOC_SECTION_LITA: sec_name = ".lita"; break;
- case RELOC_SECTION_RCONST: sec_name = ".rconst"; break;
- default: abort ();
- }
- sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, sec_name);
- if (sec == (asection *) NULL)
- abort ();
- rptr->sym_ptr_ptr = sec->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- rptr->addend = - bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, sec);
- }
- rptr->address = intern.r_vaddr - bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, section);
- /* Let the backend select the howto field and do any other
- required processing. */
- (*backend->adjust_reloc_in) (abfd, &intern, rptr);
- }
- bfd_release (abfd, external_relocs);
- section->relocation = internal_relocs;
- return true;
-/* Get a canonical list of relocs. */
-_bfd_ecoff_canonicalize_reloc (abfd, section, relptr, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- arelent **relptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- unsigned int count;
- if (section->flags & SEC_CONSTRUCTOR)
- {
- arelent_chain *chain;
- /* This section has relocs made up by us, not the file, so take
- them out of their chain and place them into the data area
- provided. */
- for (count = 0, chain = section->constructor_chain;
- count < section->reloc_count;
- count++, chain = chain->next)
- *relptr++ = &chain->relent;
- }
- else
- {
- arelent *tblptr;
- if (ecoff_slurp_reloc_table (abfd, section, symbols) == false)
- return -1;
- tblptr = section->relocation;
- for (count = 0; count < section->reloc_count; count++)
- *relptr++ = tblptr++;
- }
- *relptr = (arelent *) NULL;
- return section->reloc_count;
-/* Provided a BFD, a section and an offset into the section, calculate
- and return the name of the source file and the line nearest to the
- wanted location. */
-_bfd_ecoff_find_nearest_line (abfd, section, ignore_symbols, offset,
- filename_ptr, functionname_ptr, retline_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- asymbol **ignore_symbols;
- bfd_vma offset;
- CONST char **filename_ptr;
- CONST char **functionname_ptr;
- unsigned int *retline_ptr;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap * const debug_swap
- = &ecoff_backend (abfd)->debug_swap;
- struct ecoff_debug_info * const debug_info = &ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info;
- struct ecoff_find_line *line_info;
- /* Make sure we have the FDR's. */
- if (! _bfd_ecoff_slurp_symbolic_info (abfd, (asection *) NULL, debug_info)
- || bfd_get_symcount (abfd) == 0)
- return false;
- if (ecoff_data (abfd)->find_line_info == NULL)
- {
- ecoff_data (abfd)->find_line_info =
- ((struct ecoff_find_line *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct ecoff_find_line)));
- if (ecoff_data (abfd)->find_line_info == NULL)
- return false;
- ecoff_data (abfd)->find_line_info->find_buffer = NULL;
- ecoff_data (abfd)->find_line_info->fdrtab_len = 0;
- ecoff_data (abfd)->find_line_info->fdrtab = NULL;
- }
- line_info = ecoff_data (abfd)->find_line_info;
- return _bfd_ecoff_locate_line (abfd, section, offset, debug_info,
- debug_swap, line_info, filename_ptr,
- functionname_ptr, retline_ptr);
-/* Copy private BFD data. This is called by objcopy and strip. We
- use it to copy the ECOFF debugging information from one BFD to the
- other. It would be theoretically possible to represent the ECOFF
- debugging information in the symbol table. However, it would be a
- lot of work, and there would be little gain (gas, gdb, and ld
- already access the ECOFF debugging information via the
- ecoff_debug_info structure, and that structure would have to be
- retained in order to support ECOFF debugging in MIPS ELF).
- The debugging information for the ECOFF external symbols comes from
- the symbol table, so this function only handles the other debugging
- information. */
-_bfd_ecoff_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data (ibfd, obfd)
- bfd *ibfd;
- bfd *obfd;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *iinfo = &ecoff_data (ibfd)->debug_info;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *oinfo = &ecoff_data (obfd)->debug_info;
- register int i;
- asymbol **sym_ptr_ptr;
- size_t c;
- boolean local;
- /* This function is selected based on the input vector. We only
- want to copy information over if the output BFD also uses ECOFF
- format. */
- if (bfd_get_flavour (obfd) != bfd_target_ecoff_flavour)
- return true;
- /* Copy the GP value and the register masks. */
- ecoff_data (obfd)->gp = ecoff_data (ibfd)->gp;
- ecoff_data (obfd)->gprmask = ecoff_data (ibfd)->gprmask;
- ecoff_data (obfd)->fprmask = ecoff_data (ibfd)->fprmask;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- ecoff_data (obfd)->cprmask[i] = ecoff_data (ibfd)->cprmask[i];
- /* Copy the version stamp. */
- oinfo->symbolic_header.vstamp = iinfo->symbolic_header.vstamp;
- /* If there are no symbols, don't copy any debugging information. */
- c = bfd_get_symcount (obfd);
- sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_get_outsymbols (obfd);
- if (c == 0 || sym_ptr_ptr == (asymbol **) NULL)
- return true;
- /* See if there are any local symbols. */
- local = false;
- for (; c > 0; c--, sym_ptr_ptr++)
- {
- if (ecoffsymbol (*sym_ptr_ptr)->local)
- {
- local = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (local)
- {
- /* There are some local symbols. We just bring over all the
- debugging information. FIXME: This is not quite the right
- thing to do. If the user has asked us to discard all
- debugging information, then we are probably going to wind up
- keeping it because there will probably be some local symbol
- which objcopy did not discard. We should actually break
- apart the debugging information and only keep that which
- applies to the symbols we want to keep. */
- oinfo->symbolic_header.ilineMax = iinfo->symbolic_header.ilineMax;
- oinfo->symbolic_header.cbLine = iinfo->symbolic_header.cbLine;
- oinfo->line = iinfo->line;
- oinfo->symbolic_header.idnMax = iinfo->symbolic_header.idnMax;
- oinfo->external_dnr = iinfo->external_dnr;
- oinfo->symbolic_header.ipdMax = iinfo->symbolic_header.ipdMax;
- oinfo->external_pdr = iinfo->external_pdr;
- oinfo->symbolic_header.isymMax = iinfo->symbolic_header.isymMax;
- oinfo->external_sym = iinfo->external_sym;
- oinfo->symbolic_header.ioptMax = iinfo->symbolic_header.ioptMax;
- oinfo->external_opt = iinfo->external_opt;
- oinfo->symbolic_header.iauxMax = iinfo->symbolic_header.iauxMax;
- oinfo->external_aux = iinfo->external_aux;
- oinfo->symbolic_header.issMax = iinfo->symbolic_header.issMax;
- oinfo->ss = iinfo->ss;
- oinfo->symbolic_header.ifdMax = iinfo->symbolic_header.ifdMax;
- oinfo->external_fdr = iinfo->external_fdr;
- oinfo->symbolic_header.crfd = iinfo->symbolic_header.crfd;
- oinfo->external_rfd = iinfo->external_rfd;
- }
- else
- {
- /* We are discarding all the local symbol information. Look
- through the external symbols and remove all references to FDR
- or aux information. */
- c = bfd_get_symcount (obfd);
- sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_get_outsymbols (obfd);
- for (; c > 0; c--, sym_ptr_ptr++)
- {
- EXTR esym;
- (*(ecoff_backend (obfd)->debug_swap.swap_ext_in))
- (obfd, ecoffsymbol (*sym_ptr_ptr)->native, &esym);
- esym.ifd = ifdNil;
- esym.asym.index = indexNil;
- (*(ecoff_backend (obfd)->debug_swap.swap_ext_out))
- (obfd, &esym, ecoffsymbol (*sym_ptr_ptr)->native);
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Set the architecture. The supported architecture is stored in the
- backend pointer. We always set the architecture anyhow, since many
- callers ignore the return value. */
-_bfd_ecoff_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine)
- bfd *abfd;
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- unsigned long machine;
- bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine);
- return arch == ecoff_backend (abfd)->arch;
-/* Get the size of the section headers. */
-_bfd_ecoff_sizeof_headers (abfd, reloc)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean reloc;
- asection *current;
- int c;
- int ret;
- c = 0;
- for (current = abfd->sections;
- current != (asection *)NULL;
- current = current->next)
- ++c;
- ret = (bfd_coff_filhsz (abfd)
- + bfd_coff_aoutsz (abfd)
- + c * bfd_coff_scnhsz (abfd));
- return BFD_ALIGN (ret, 16);
-/* Get the contents of a section. */
-_bfd_ecoff_get_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- return _bfd_generic_get_section_contents (abfd, section, location,
- offset, count);
-/* Sort sections by VMA, but put SEC_ALLOC sections first. This is
- called via qsort. */
-static int
-ecoff_sort_hdrs (arg1, arg2)
- const PTR arg1;
- const PTR arg2;
- const asection *hdr1 = *(const asection **) arg1;
- const asection *hdr2 = *(const asection **) arg2;
- if ((hdr1->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0)
- {
- if ((hdr2->flags & SEC_ALLOC) == 0)
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((hdr2->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0)
- return 1;
- }
- if (hdr1->vma < hdr2->vma)
- return -1;
- else if (hdr1->vma > hdr2->vma)
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-/* Calculate the file position for each section, and set
- reloc_filepos. */
-static boolean
-ecoff_compute_section_file_positions (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- file_ptr sofar;
- asection **sorted_hdrs;
- asection *current;
- unsigned int i;
- file_ptr old_sofar;
- boolean first_data, first_nonalloc;
- const bfd_vma round = ecoff_backend (abfd)->round;
- sofar = _bfd_ecoff_sizeof_headers (abfd, false);
- /* Sort the sections by VMA. */
- sorted_hdrs = (asection **) bfd_malloc (abfd->section_count
- * sizeof (asection *));
- if (sorted_hdrs == NULL)
- return false;
- for (current = abfd->sections, i = 0;
- current != NULL;
- current = current->next, i++)
- sorted_hdrs[i] = current;
- BFD_ASSERT (i == abfd->section_count);
- qsort (sorted_hdrs, abfd->section_count, sizeof (asection *),
- ecoff_sort_hdrs);
- first_data = true;
- first_nonalloc = true;
- for (i = 0; i < abfd->section_count; i++)
- {
- unsigned int alignment_power;
- current = sorted_hdrs[i];
- /* For the Alpha ECOFF .pdata section the lnnoptr field is
- supposed to indicate the number of .pdata entries that are
- really in the section. Each entry is 8 bytes. We store this
- away in line_filepos before increasing the section size. */
- if (strcmp (current->name, _PDATA) != 0)
- alignment_power = current->alignment_power;
- else
- {
- current->line_filepos = current->_raw_size / 8;
- alignment_power = 4;
- }
- /* On Ultrix, the data sections in an executable file must be
- aligned to a page boundary within the file. This does not
- affect the section size, though. FIXME: Does this work for
- other platforms? It requires some modification for the
- Alpha, because .rdata on the Alpha goes with the text, not
- the data. */
- if ((abfd->flags & EXEC_P) != 0
- && (abfd->flags & D_PAGED) != 0
- && ! first_data
- && (current->flags & SEC_CODE) == 0
- && (! ecoff_backend (abfd)->rdata_in_text
- || strcmp (current->name, _RDATA) != 0)
- && strcmp (current->name, _PDATA) != 0
- && strcmp (current->name, _RCONST) != 0)
- {
- sofar = (sofar + round - 1) &~ (round - 1);
- first_data = false;
- }
- else if (strcmp (current->name, _LIB) == 0)
- {
- /* On Irix 4, the location of contents of the .lib section
- from a shared library section is also rounded up to a
- page boundary. */
- sofar = (sofar + round - 1) &~ (round - 1);
- }
- else if (first_nonalloc
- && (current->flags & SEC_ALLOC) == 0
- && (abfd->flags & D_PAGED) != 0)
- {
- /* Skip up to the next page for an unallocated section, such
- as the .comment section on the Alpha. This leaves room
- for the .bss section. */
- first_nonalloc = false;
- sofar = (sofar + round - 1) &~ (round - 1);
- }
- /* Align the sections in the file to the same boundary on
- which they are aligned in virtual memory. */
- old_sofar = sofar;
- sofar = BFD_ALIGN (sofar, 1 << alignment_power);
- if ((abfd->flags & D_PAGED) != 0
- && (current->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0)
- sofar += (current->vma - sofar) % round;
- if ((current->flags & (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_LOAD)) != 0)
- current->filepos = sofar;
- sofar += current->_raw_size;
- /* make sure that this section is of the right size too */
- old_sofar = sofar;
- sofar = BFD_ALIGN (sofar, 1 << alignment_power);
- current->_raw_size += sofar - old_sofar;
- }
- free (sorted_hdrs);
- sorted_hdrs = NULL;
- ecoff_data (abfd)->reloc_filepos = sofar;
- return true;
-/* Determine the location of the relocs for all the sections in the
- output file, as well as the location of the symbolic debugging
- information. */
-static bfd_size_type
-ecoff_compute_reloc_file_positions (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- const bfd_size_type external_reloc_size =
- ecoff_backend (abfd)->external_reloc_size;
- file_ptr reloc_base;
- bfd_size_type reloc_size;
- asection *current;
- file_ptr sym_base;
- if (! abfd->output_has_begun)
- {
- if (! ecoff_compute_section_file_positions (abfd))
- abort ();
- abfd->output_has_begun = true;
- }
- reloc_base = ecoff_data (abfd)->reloc_filepos;
- reloc_size = 0;
- for (current = abfd->sections;
- current != (asection *)NULL;
- current = current->next)
- {
- if (current->reloc_count == 0)
- current->rel_filepos = 0;
- else
- {
- bfd_size_type relsize;
- current->rel_filepos = reloc_base;
- relsize = current->reloc_count * external_reloc_size;
- reloc_size += relsize;
- reloc_base += relsize;
- }
- }
- sym_base = ecoff_data (abfd)->reloc_filepos + reloc_size;
- /* At least on Ultrix, the symbol table of an executable file must
- be aligned to a page boundary. FIXME: Is this true on other
- platforms? */
- if ((abfd->flags & EXEC_P) != 0
- && (abfd->flags & D_PAGED) != 0)
- sym_base = ((sym_base + ecoff_backend (abfd)->round - 1)
- &~ (ecoff_backend (abfd)->round - 1));
- ecoff_data (abfd)->sym_filepos = sym_base;
- return reloc_size;
-/* Set the contents of a section. */
-_bfd_ecoff_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- /* This must be done first, because bfd_set_section_contents is
- going to set output_has_begun to true. */
- if (abfd->output_has_begun == false)
- {
- if (! ecoff_compute_section_file_positions (abfd))
- return false;
- }
- /* If this is a .lib section, bump the vma address so that it winds
- up being the number of .lib sections output. This is right for
- Irix 4. Ian Taylor <>. */
- if (strcmp (section->name, _LIB) == 0)
- ++section->vma;
- if (count == 0)
- return true;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) (section->filepos + offset), SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_write (location, 1, count, abfd) != count)
- return false;
- return true;
-/* Get the GP value for an ECOFF file. This is a hook used by
- nlmconv. */
-bfd_ecoff_get_gp_value (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (bfd_get_flavour (abfd) != bfd_target_ecoff_flavour
- || bfd_get_format (abfd) != bfd_object)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return 0;
- }
- return ecoff_data (abfd)->gp;
-/* Set the GP value for an ECOFF file. This is a hook used by the
- assembler. */
-bfd_ecoff_set_gp_value (abfd, gp_value)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_vma gp_value;
- if (bfd_get_flavour (abfd) != bfd_target_ecoff_flavour
- || bfd_get_format (abfd) != bfd_object)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- ecoff_data (abfd)->gp = gp_value;
- return true;
-/* Set the register masks for an ECOFF file. This is a hook used by
- the assembler. */
-bfd_ecoff_set_regmasks (abfd, gprmask, fprmask, cprmask)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned long gprmask;
- unsigned long fprmask;
- unsigned long *cprmask;
- ecoff_data_type *tdata;
- if (bfd_get_flavour (abfd) != bfd_target_ecoff_flavour
- || bfd_get_format (abfd) != bfd_object)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- tdata = ecoff_data (abfd);
- tdata->gprmask = gprmask;
- tdata->fprmask = fprmask;
- if (cprmask != (unsigned long *) NULL)
- {
- register int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- tdata->cprmask[i] = cprmask[i];
- }
- return true;
-/* Get ECOFF EXTR information for an external symbol. This function
- is passed to bfd_ecoff_debug_externals. */
-static boolean
-ecoff_get_extr (sym, esym)
- asymbol *sym;
- EXTR *esym;
- ecoff_symbol_type *ecoff_sym_ptr;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- if (bfd_asymbol_flavour (sym) != bfd_target_ecoff_flavour
- || ecoffsymbol (sym)->native == NULL)
- {
- /* Don't include debugging, local, or section symbols. */
- if ((sym->flags & BSF_DEBUGGING) != 0
- || (sym->flags & BSF_LOCAL) != 0
- || (sym->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) != 0)
- return false;
- esym->jmptbl = 0;
- esym->cobol_main = 0;
- esym->weakext = (sym->flags & BSF_WEAK) != 0;
- esym->reserved = 0;
- esym->ifd = ifdNil;
- /* FIXME: we can do better than this for st and sc. */
- esym-> = stGlobal;
- esym-> = scAbs;
- esym->asym.reserved = 0;
- esym->asym.index = indexNil;
- return true;
- }
- ecoff_sym_ptr = ecoffsymbol (sym);
- if (ecoff_sym_ptr->local)
- return false;
- input_bfd = bfd_asymbol_bfd (sym);
- (*(ecoff_backend (input_bfd)->debug_swap.swap_ext_in))
- (input_bfd, ecoff_sym_ptr->native, esym);
- /* If the symbol was defined by the linker, then esym will be
- undefined but sym will not be. Get a better class for such a
- symbol. */
- if ((esym-> == scUndefined
- || esym-> == scSUndefined)
- && ! bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (sym)))
- esym-> = scAbs;
- /* Adjust the FDR index for the symbol by that used for the input
- BFD. */
- if (esym->ifd != -1)
- {
- struct ecoff_debug_info *input_debug;
- input_debug = &ecoff_data (input_bfd)->debug_info;
- BFD_ASSERT (esym->ifd < input_debug->symbolic_header.ifdMax);
- if (input_debug->ifdmap != (RFDT *) NULL)
- esym->ifd = input_debug->ifdmap[esym->ifd];
- }
- return true;
-/* Set the external symbol index. This routine is passed to
- bfd_ecoff_debug_externals. */
-static void
-ecoff_set_index (sym, indx)
- asymbol *sym;
- bfd_size_type indx;
- ecoff_set_sym_index (sym, indx);
-/* Write out an ECOFF file. */
-_bfd_ecoff_write_object_contents (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- const struct ecoff_backend_data * const backend = ecoff_backend (abfd);
- const bfd_vma round = backend->round;
- const bfd_size_type filhsz = bfd_coff_filhsz (abfd);
- const bfd_size_type aoutsz = bfd_coff_aoutsz (abfd);
- const bfd_size_type scnhsz = bfd_coff_scnhsz (abfd);
- const bfd_size_type external_hdr_size
- = backend->debug_swap.external_hdr_size;
- const bfd_size_type external_reloc_size = backend->external_reloc_size;
- void (* const adjust_reloc_out) PARAMS ((bfd *,
- const arelent *,
- struct internal_reloc *))
- = backend->adjust_reloc_out;
- void (* const swap_reloc_out) PARAMS ((bfd *,
- const struct internal_reloc *,
- PTR))
- = backend->swap_reloc_out;
- struct ecoff_debug_info * const debug = &ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info;
- HDRR * const symhdr = &debug->symbolic_header;
- asection *current;
- unsigned int count;
- bfd_size_type reloc_size;
- bfd_size_type text_size;
- bfd_vma text_start;
- boolean set_text_start;
- bfd_size_type data_size;
- bfd_vma data_start;
- boolean set_data_start;
- bfd_size_type bss_size;
- PTR buff = NULL;
- PTR reloc_buff = NULL;
- struct internal_filehdr internal_f;
- struct internal_aouthdr internal_a;
- int i;
- /* Determine where the sections and relocs will go in the output
- file. */
- reloc_size = ecoff_compute_reloc_file_positions (abfd);
- count = 1;
- for (current = abfd->sections;
- current != (asection *)NULL;
- current = current->next)
- {
- current->target_index = count;
- ++count;
- }
- if ((abfd->flags & D_PAGED) != 0)
- text_size = _bfd_ecoff_sizeof_headers (abfd, false);
- else
- text_size = 0;
- text_start = 0;
- set_text_start = false;
- data_size = 0;
- data_start = 0;
- set_data_start = false;
- bss_size = 0;
- /* Write section headers to the file. */
- /* Allocate buff big enough to hold a section header,
- file header, or a.out header. */
- {
- bfd_size_type siz;
- siz = scnhsz;
- if (siz < filhsz)
- siz = filhsz;
- if (siz < aoutsz)
- siz = aoutsz;
- buff = (PTR) bfd_malloc ((size_t) siz);
- if (buff == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- }
- internal_f.f_nscns = 0;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) (filhsz + aoutsz), SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto error_return;
- for (current = abfd->sections;
- current != (asection *) NULL;
- current = current->next)
- {
- struct internal_scnhdr section;
- bfd_vma vma;
- ++internal_f.f_nscns;
- strncpy (section.s_name, current->name, sizeof section.s_name);
- /* This seems to be correct for Irix 4 shared libraries. */
- vma = bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, current);
- if (strcmp (current->name, _LIB) == 0)
- section.s_vaddr = 0;
- else
- section.s_vaddr = vma;
- section.s_paddr = current->lma;
- section.s_size = bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc (current);
- /* If this section is unloadable then the scnptr will be 0. */
- if ((current->flags & (SEC_LOAD | SEC_HAS_CONTENTS)) == 0)
- section.s_scnptr = 0;
- else
- section.s_scnptr = current->filepos;
- section.s_relptr = current->rel_filepos;
- /* FIXME: the lnnoptr of the .sbss or .sdata section of an
- object file produced by the assembler is supposed to point to
- information about how much room is required by objects of
- various different sizes. I think this only matters if we
- want the linker to compute the best size to use, or
- something. I don't know what happens if the information is
- not present. */
- if (strcmp (current->name, _PDATA) != 0)
- section.s_lnnoptr = 0;
- else
- {
- /* The Alpha ECOFF .pdata section uses the lnnoptr field to
- hold the number of entries in the section (each entry is
- 8 bytes). We stored this in the line_filepos field in
- ecoff_compute_section_file_positions. */
- section.s_lnnoptr = current->line_filepos;
- }
- section.s_nreloc = current->reloc_count;
- section.s_nlnno = 0;
- section.s_flags = ecoff_sec_to_styp_flags (current->name,
- current->flags);
- if (bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_out (abfd, (PTR) &section, buff) == 0
- || bfd_write (buff, 1, scnhsz, abfd) != scnhsz)
- goto error_return;
- if ((section.s_flags & STYP_TEXT) != 0
- || ((section.s_flags & STYP_RDATA) != 0
- && backend->rdata_in_text)
- || section.s_flags == STYP_PDATA
- || (section.s_flags & STYP_DYNAMIC) != 0
- || (section.s_flags & STYP_LIBLIST) != 0
- || (section.s_flags & STYP_RELDYN) != 0
- || section.s_flags == STYP_CONFLIC
- || (section.s_flags & STYP_DYNSTR) != 0
- || (section.s_flags & STYP_DYNSYM) != 0
- || (section.s_flags & STYP_HASH) != 0
- || (section.s_flags & STYP_ECOFF_INIT) != 0
- || (section.s_flags & STYP_ECOFF_FINI) != 0
- || section.s_flags == STYP_RCONST)
- {
- text_size += bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc (current);
- if (! set_text_start || text_start > vma)
- {
- text_start = vma;
- set_text_start = true;
- }
- }
- else if ((section.s_flags & STYP_RDATA) != 0
- || (section.s_flags & STYP_DATA) != 0
- || (section.s_flags & STYP_LITA) != 0
- || (section.s_flags & STYP_LIT8) != 0
- || (section.s_flags & STYP_LIT4) != 0
- || (section.s_flags & STYP_SDATA) != 0
- || section.s_flags == STYP_XDATA
- || (section.s_flags & STYP_GOT) != 0)
- {
- data_size += bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc (current);
- if (! set_data_start || data_start > vma)
- {
- data_start = vma;
- set_data_start = true;
- }
- }
- else if ((section.s_flags & STYP_BSS) != 0
- || (section.s_flags & STYP_SBSS) != 0)
- bss_size += bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc (current);
- else if (section.s_flags == 0
- || (section.s_flags & STYP_ECOFF_LIB) != 0
- || section.s_flags == STYP_COMMENT)
- /* Do nothing */ ;
- else
- abort ();
- }
- /* Set up the file header. */
- internal_f.f_magic = ecoff_get_magic (abfd);
- /* We will NOT put a fucking timestamp in the header here. Every
- time you put it back, I will come in and take it out again. I'm
- sorry. This field does not belong here. We fill it with a 0 so
- it compares the same but is not a reasonable time. --
- */
- internal_f.f_timdat = 0;
- if (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) != 0)
- {
- /* The ECOFF f_nsyms field is not actually the number of
- symbols, it's the size of symbolic information header. */
- internal_f.f_nsyms = external_hdr_size;
- internal_f.f_symptr = ecoff_data (abfd)->sym_filepos;
- }
- else
- {
- internal_f.f_nsyms = 0;
- internal_f.f_symptr = 0;
- }
- internal_f.f_opthdr = aoutsz;
- internal_f.f_flags = F_LNNO;
- if (reloc_size == 0)
- internal_f.f_flags |= F_RELFLG;
- if (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) == 0)
- internal_f.f_flags |= F_LSYMS;
- if (abfd->flags & EXEC_P)
- internal_f.f_flags |= F_EXEC;
- if (bfd_little_endian (abfd))
- internal_f.f_flags |= F_AR32WR;
- else
- internal_f.f_flags |= F_AR32W;
- /* Set up the ``optional'' header. */
- if ((abfd->flags & D_PAGED) != 0)
- internal_a.magic = ECOFF_AOUT_ZMAGIC;
- else
- internal_a.magic = ECOFF_AOUT_OMAGIC;
- /* FIXME: Is this really correct? */
- internal_a.vstamp = symhdr->vstamp;
- /* At least on Ultrix, these have to be rounded to page boundaries.
- FIXME: Is this true on other platforms? */
- if ((abfd->flags & D_PAGED) != 0)
- {
- internal_a.tsize = (text_size + round - 1) &~ (round - 1);
- internal_a.text_start = text_start &~ (round - 1);
- internal_a.dsize = (data_size + round - 1) &~ (round - 1);
- internal_a.data_start = data_start &~ (round - 1);
- }
- else
- {
- internal_a.tsize = text_size;
- internal_a.text_start = text_start;
- internal_a.dsize = data_size;
- internal_a.data_start = data_start;
- }
- /* On Ultrix, the initial portions of the .sbss and .bss segments
- are at the end of the data section. The bsize field in the
- optional header records how many bss bytes are required beyond
- those in the data section. The value is not rounded to a page
- boundary. */
- if (bss_size < internal_a.dsize - data_size)
- bss_size = 0;
- else
- bss_size -= internal_a.dsize - data_size;
- internal_a.bsize = bss_size;
- internal_a.bss_start = internal_a.data_start + internal_a.dsize;
- internal_a.entry = bfd_get_start_address (abfd);
- internal_a.gp_value = ecoff_data (abfd)->gp;
- internal_a.gprmask = ecoff_data (abfd)->gprmask;
- internal_a.fprmask = ecoff_data (abfd)->fprmask;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- internal_a.cprmask[i] = ecoff_data (abfd)->cprmask[i];
- /* Let the backend adjust the headers if necessary. */
- if (backend->adjust_headers)
- {
- if (! (*backend->adjust_headers) (abfd, &internal_f, &internal_a))
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* Write out the file header and the optional header. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto error_return;
- bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_out (abfd, (PTR) &internal_f, buff);
- if (bfd_write (buff, 1, filhsz, abfd) != filhsz)
- goto error_return;
- bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_out (abfd, (PTR) &internal_a, buff);
- if (bfd_write (buff, 1, aoutsz, abfd) != aoutsz)
- goto error_return;
- /* Build the external symbol information. This must be done before
- writing out the relocs so that we know the symbol indices. We
- don't do this if this BFD was created by the backend linker,
- since it will have already handled the symbols and relocs. */
- if (! ecoff_data (abfd)->linker)
- {
- symhdr->iextMax = 0;
- symhdr->issExtMax = 0;
- debug->external_ext = debug->external_ext_end = NULL;
- debug->ssext = debug->ssext_end = NULL;
- if (bfd_ecoff_debug_externals (abfd, debug, &backend->debug_swap,
- (((abfd->flags & EXEC_P) == 0)
- ? true : false),
- ecoff_get_extr, ecoff_set_index)
- == false)
- goto error_return;
- /* Write out the relocs. */
- for (current = abfd->sections;
- current != (asection *) NULL;
- current = current->next)
- {
- arelent **reloc_ptr_ptr;
- arelent **reloc_end;
- char *out_ptr;
- if (current->reloc_count == 0)
- continue;
- reloc_buff =
- bfd_alloc (abfd, current->reloc_count * external_reloc_size);
- if (reloc_buff == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- reloc_ptr_ptr = current->orelocation;
- reloc_end = reloc_ptr_ptr + current->reloc_count;
- out_ptr = (char *) reloc_buff;
- for (;
- reloc_ptr_ptr < reloc_end;
- reloc_ptr_ptr++, out_ptr += external_reloc_size)
- {
- arelent *reloc;
- asymbol *sym;
- struct internal_reloc in;
- memset ((PTR) &in, 0, sizeof in);
- reloc = *reloc_ptr_ptr;
- sym = *reloc->sym_ptr_ptr;
- in.r_vaddr = (reloc->address
- + bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, current));
- in.r_type = reloc->howto->type;
- if ((sym->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) == 0)
- {
- in.r_symndx = ecoff_get_sym_index (*reloc->sym_ptr_ptr);
- in.r_extern = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- CONST char *name;
- name = bfd_get_section_name (abfd, bfd_get_section (sym));
- if (strcmp (name, ".text") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_TEXT;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".rdata") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_RDATA;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".data") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_DATA;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".sdata") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_SDATA;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".sbss") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_SBSS;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".bss") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_BSS;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".init") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_INIT;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".lit8") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_LIT8;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".lit4") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_LIT4;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".xdata") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_XDATA;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".pdata") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_PDATA;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".fini") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_FINI;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".lita") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_LITA;
- else if (strcmp (name, "*ABS*") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_ABS;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".rconst") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_RCONST;
- else
- abort ();
- in.r_extern = 0;
- }
- (*adjust_reloc_out) (abfd, reloc, &in);
- (*swap_reloc_out) (abfd, &in, (PTR) out_ptr);
- }
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, current->rel_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_write (reloc_buff,
- external_reloc_size, current->reloc_count, abfd)
- != external_reloc_size * current->reloc_count)
- goto error_return;
- bfd_release (abfd, reloc_buff);
- reloc_buff = NULL;
- }
- /* Write out the symbolic debugging information. */
- if (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) > 0)
- {
- /* Write out the debugging information. */
- if (bfd_ecoff_write_debug (abfd, debug, &backend->debug_swap,
- ecoff_data (abfd)->sym_filepos)
- == false)
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- /* The .bss section of a demand paged executable must receive an
- entire page. If there are symbols, the symbols will start on the
- next page. If there are no symbols, we must fill out the page by
- hand. */
- if (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) == 0
- && (abfd->flags & EXEC_P) != 0
- && (abfd->flags & D_PAGED) != 0)
- {
- char c;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) ecoff_data (abfd)->sym_filepos - 1,
- SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_read (&c, 1, 1, abfd) == 0)
- c = 0;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) ecoff_data (abfd)->sym_filepos - 1,
- SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_write (&c, 1, 1, abfd) != 1)
- goto error_return;
- }
- if (reloc_buff != NULL)
- bfd_release (abfd, reloc_buff);
- if (buff != NULL)
- free (buff);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (reloc_buff != NULL)
- bfd_release (abfd, reloc_buff);
- if (buff != NULL)
- free (buff);
- return false;
-/* Archive handling. ECOFF uses what appears to be a unique type of
- archive header (armap). The byte ordering of the armap and the
- contents are encoded in the name of the armap itself. At least for
- now, we only support archives with the same byte ordering in the
- armap and the contents.
- The first four bytes in the armap are the number of symbol
- definitions. This is always a power of two.
- This is followed by the symbol definitions. Each symbol definition
- occupies 8 bytes. The first four bytes are the offset from the
- start of the armap strings to the null-terminated string naming
- this symbol. The second four bytes are the file offset to the
- archive member which defines this symbol. If the second four bytes
- are 0, then this is not actually a symbol definition, and it should
- be ignored.
- The symbols are hashed into the armap with a closed hashing scheme.
- See the functions below for the details of the algorithm.
- After the symbol definitions comes four bytes holding the size of
- the string table, followed by the string table itself. */
-/* The name of an archive headers looks like this:
- __________E[BL]E[BL]_ (with a trailing space).
- The trailing space is changed to an X if the archive is changed to
- indicate that the armap is out of date.
- The Alpha seems to use ________64E[BL]E[BL]_. */
-#define ARMAP_MARKER 'E'
-#define ARMAP_END_INDEX 14
-#define ARMAP_END "_ "
-/* This is a magic number used in the hashing algorithm. */
-#define ARMAP_HASH_MAGIC 0x9dd68ab5
-/* This returns the hash value to use for a string. It also sets
- *REHASH to the rehash adjustment if the first slot is taken. SIZE
- is the number of entries in the hash table, and HLOG is the log
- base 2 of SIZE. */
-static unsigned int
-ecoff_armap_hash (s, rehash, size, hlog)
- CONST char *s;
- unsigned int *rehash;
- unsigned int size;
- unsigned int hlog;
- unsigned int hash;
- hash = *s++;
- while (*s != '\0')
- hash = ((hash >> 27) | (hash << 5)) + *s++;
- *rehash = (hash & (size - 1)) | 1;
- return hash >> (32 - hlog);
-/* Read in the armap. */
-_bfd_ecoff_slurp_armap (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- char nextname[17];
- unsigned int i;
- struct areltdata *mapdata;
- bfd_size_type parsed_size;
- char *raw_armap;
- struct artdata *ardata;
- unsigned int count;
- char *raw_ptr;
- struct symdef *symdef_ptr;
- char *stringbase;
- /* Get the name of the first element. */
- i = bfd_read ((PTR) nextname, 1, 16, abfd);
- if (i == 0)
- return true;
- if (i != 16)
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) -16, SEEK_CUR) != 0)
- return false;
- /* Irix 4.0.5F apparently can use either an ECOFF armap or a
- standard COFF armap. We could move the ECOFF armap stuff into
- bfd_slurp_armap, but that seems inappropriate since no other
- target uses this format. Instead, we check directly for a COFF
- armap. */
- if (strncmp (nextname, "/ ", 16) == 0)
- return bfd_slurp_armap (abfd);
- /* See if the first element is an armap. */
- if (strncmp (nextname, ecoff_backend (abfd)->armap_start,
- || strncmp (nextname + ARMAP_END_INDEX,
- ARMAP_END, sizeof ARMAP_END - 1) != 0)
- {
- bfd_has_map (abfd) = false;
- return true;
- }
- /* Make sure we have the right byte ordering. */
- ^ (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd)))
- ^ (bfd_big_endian (abfd))))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return false;
- }
- /* Read in the armap. */
- ardata = bfd_ardata (abfd);
- mapdata = (struct areltdata *) _bfd_read_ar_hdr (abfd);
- if (mapdata == (struct areltdata *) NULL)
- return false;
- parsed_size = mapdata->parsed_size;
- bfd_release (abfd, (PTR) mapdata);
- raw_armap = (char *) bfd_alloc (abfd, parsed_size);
- if (raw_armap == (char *) NULL)
- return false;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) raw_armap, 1, parsed_size, abfd) != parsed_size)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_malformed_archive);
- bfd_release (abfd, (PTR) raw_armap);
- return false;
- }
- ardata->tdata = (PTR) raw_armap;
- count = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (PTR) raw_armap);
- ardata->symdef_count = 0;
- ardata->cache = (struct ar_cache *) NULL;
- /* This code used to overlay the symdefs over the raw archive data,
- but that doesn't work on a 64 bit host. */
- stringbase = raw_armap + count * 8 + 8;
- {
- unsigned int hlog;
- /* Double check that I have the hashing algorithm right by making
- sure that every symbol can be looked up successfully. */
- hlog = 0;
- for (i = 1; i < count; i <<= 1)
- hlog++;
- BFD_ASSERT (i == count);
- raw_ptr = raw_armap + 4;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++, raw_ptr += 8)
- {
- unsigned int name_offset, file_offset;
- unsigned int hash, rehash, srch;
- name_offset = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (PTR) raw_ptr);
- file_offset = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (PTR) (raw_ptr + 4));
- if (file_offset == 0)
- continue;
- hash = ecoff_armap_hash (stringbase + name_offset, &rehash, count,
- hlog);
- if (hash == i)
- continue;
- /* See if we can rehash to this location. */
- for (srch = (hash + rehash) & (count - 1);
- srch != hash && srch != i;
- srch = (srch + rehash) & (count - 1))
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (PTR) (raw_armap + 8 + srch * 8))
- != 0);
- BFD_ASSERT (srch == i);
- }
- }
-#endif /* CHECK_ARMAP_HASH */
- raw_ptr = raw_armap + 4;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++, raw_ptr += 8)
- if (bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (PTR) (raw_ptr + 4)) != 0)
- ++ardata->symdef_count;
- symdef_ptr = ((struct symdef *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- ardata->symdef_count * sizeof (struct symdef)));
- if (!symdef_ptr)
- return false;
- ardata->symdefs = (carsym *) symdef_ptr;
- raw_ptr = raw_armap + 4;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++, raw_ptr += 8)
- {
- unsigned int name_offset, file_offset;
- file_offset = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (PTR) (raw_ptr + 4));
- if (file_offset == 0)
- continue;
- name_offset = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (PTR) raw_ptr);
- symdef_ptr-> = stringbase + name_offset;
- symdef_ptr->file_offset = file_offset;
- ++symdef_ptr;
- }
- ardata->first_file_filepos = bfd_tell (abfd);
- /* Pad to an even boundary. */
- ardata->first_file_filepos += ardata->first_file_filepos % 2;
- bfd_has_map (abfd) = true;
- return true;
-/* Write out an armap. */
-_bfd_ecoff_write_armap (abfd, elength, map, orl_count, stridx)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int elength;
- struct orl *map;
- unsigned int orl_count;
- int stridx;
- unsigned int hashsize, hashlog;
- unsigned int symdefsize;
- int padit;
- unsigned int stringsize;
- unsigned int mapsize;
- file_ptr firstreal;
- struct ar_hdr hdr;
- struct stat statbuf;
- unsigned int i;
- bfd_byte temp[4];
- bfd_byte *hashtable;
- bfd *current;
- bfd *last_elt;
- /* Ultrix appears to use as a hash table size the least power of two
- greater than twice the number of entries. */
- for (hashlog = 0; (1 << hashlog) <= 2 * orl_count; hashlog++)
- ;
- hashsize = 1 << hashlog;
- symdefsize = hashsize * 8;
- padit = stridx % 2;
- stringsize = stridx + padit;
- /* Include 8 bytes to store symdefsize and stringsize in output. */
- mapsize = symdefsize + stringsize + 8;
- firstreal = SARMAG + sizeof (struct ar_hdr) + mapsize + elength;
- memset ((PTR) &hdr, 0, sizeof hdr);
- /* Work out the ECOFF armap name. */
- strcpy (hdr.ar_name, ecoff_backend (abfd)->armap_start);
- (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd)
- bfd_big_endian (abfd) ? ARMAP_BIG_ENDIAN : ARMAP_LITTLE_ENDIAN;
- memcpy (hdr.ar_name + ARMAP_END_INDEX, ARMAP_END, sizeof ARMAP_END - 1);
- /* Write the timestamp of the archive header to be just a little bit
- later than the timestamp of the file, otherwise the linker will
- complain that the index is out of date. Actually, the Ultrix
- linker just checks the archive name; the GNU linker may check the
- date. */
- stat (abfd->filename, &statbuf);
- sprintf (hdr.ar_date, "%ld", (long) (statbuf.st_mtime + 60));
- /* The DECstation uses zeroes for the uid, gid and mode of the
- armap. */
- hdr.ar_uid[0] = '0';
- hdr.ar_gid[0] = '0';
- hdr.ar_mode[0] = '0';
- sprintf (hdr.ar_size, "%-10d", (int) mapsize);
- hdr.ar_fmag[0] = '`';
- hdr.ar_fmag[1] = '\012';
- /* Turn all null bytes in the header into spaces. */
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (struct ar_hdr); i++)
- if (((char *)(&hdr))[i] == '\0')
- (((char *)(&hdr))[i]) = ' ';
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &hdr, 1, sizeof (struct ar_hdr), abfd)
- != sizeof (struct ar_hdr))
- return false;
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) hashsize, temp);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) temp, 1, 4, abfd) != 4)
- return false;
- hashtable = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, symdefsize);
- if (!hashtable)
- return false;
- current = abfd->archive_head;
- last_elt = current;
- for (i = 0; i < orl_count; i++)
- {
- unsigned int hash, rehash;
- /* Advance firstreal to the file position of this archive
- element. */
- if (((bfd *) map[i].pos) != last_elt)
- {
- do
- {
- firstreal += arelt_size (current) + sizeof (struct ar_hdr);
- firstreal += firstreal % 2;
- current = current->next;
- }
- while (current != (bfd *) map[i].pos);
- }
- last_elt = current;
- hash = ecoff_armap_hash (*map[i].name, &rehash, hashsize, hashlog);
- if (bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (PTR) (hashtable + (hash * 8) + 4)) != 0)
- {
- unsigned int srch;
- /* The desired slot is already taken. */
- for (srch = (hash + rehash) & (hashsize - 1);
- srch != hash;
- srch = (srch + rehash) & (hashsize - 1))
- if (bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (PTR) (hashtable + (srch * 8) + 4)) == 0)
- break;
- BFD_ASSERT (srch != hash);
- hash = srch;
- }
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) map[i].namidx,
- (PTR) (hashtable + hash * 8));
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) firstreal,
- (PTR) (hashtable + hash * 8 + 4));
- }
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) hashtable, 1, symdefsize, abfd) != symdefsize)
- return false;
- bfd_release (abfd, hashtable);
- /* Now write the strings. */
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) stringsize, temp);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) temp, 1, 4, abfd) != 4)
- return false;
- for (i = 0; i < orl_count; i++)
- {
- bfd_size_type len;
- len = strlen (*map[i].name) + 1;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) (*map[i].name), 1, len, abfd) != len)
- return false;
- }
- /* The spec sez this should be a newline. But in order to be
- bug-compatible for DECstation ar we use a null. */
- if (padit)
- {
- if (bfd_write ("", 1, 1, abfd) != 1)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* See whether this BFD is an archive. If it is, read in the armap
- and the extended name table. */
-const bfd_target *
-_bfd_ecoff_archive_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- char armag[SARMAG + 1];
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) armag, 1, SARMAG, abfd) != SARMAG
- || strncmp (armag, ARMAG, SARMAG) != 0)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return (const bfd_target *) NULL;
- }
- /* We are setting bfd_ardata(abfd) here, but since bfd_ardata
- involves a cast, we can't do it as the left operand of
- assignment. */
- abfd->tdata.aout_ar_data =
- (struct artdata *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct artdata));
- if (bfd_ardata (abfd) == (struct artdata *) NULL)
- return (const bfd_target *) NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->first_file_filepos = SARMAG;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->cache = NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->archive_head = NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->symdefs = NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->extended_names = NULL;
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->tdata = NULL;
- if (_bfd_ecoff_slurp_armap (abfd) == false
- || _bfd_ecoff_slurp_extended_name_table (abfd) == false)
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, bfd_ardata (abfd));
- abfd->tdata.aout_ar_data = (struct artdata *) NULL;
- return (const bfd_target *) NULL;
- }
- return abfd->xvec;
-/* ECOFF linker code. */
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *ecoff_link_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *entry,
- struct bfd_hash_table *table,
- const char *string));
-static boolean ecoff_link_add_archive_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean ecoff_link_check_archive_element
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *pneeded));
-static boolean ecoff_link_add_object_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean ecoff_link_add_externals
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, PTR, char *));
-/* Routine to create an entry in an ECOFF link hash table. */
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *
-ecoff_link_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *ret = (struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == (struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ret = ((struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table, sizeof (struct ecoff_link_hash_entry)));
- if (ret == (struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *)
- _bfd_link_hash_newfunc ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret,
- table, string));
- if (ret)
- {
- /* Set local fields. */
- ret->indx = -1;
- ret->abfd = NULL;
- ret->written = 0;
- ret->small = 0;
- }
- memset ((PTR) &ret->esym, 0, sizeof ret->esym);
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Create an ECOFF link hash table. */
-struct bfd_link_hash_table *
-_bfd_ecoff_bfd_link_hash_table_create (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct ecoff_link_hash_table *ret;
- ret = ((struct ecoff_link_hash_table *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct ecoff_link_hash_table)));
- if (ret == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (! _bfd_link_hash_table_init (&ret->root, abfd,
- ecoff_link_hash_newfunc))
- {
- free (ret);
- return (struct bfd_link_hash_table *) NULL;
- }
- return &ret->root;
-/* Look up an entry in an ECOFF link hash table. */
-#define ecoff_link_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy, follow) \
- ((struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *) \
- bfd_link_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), (copy), (follow)))
-/* Traverse an ECOFF link hash table. */
-#define ecoff_link_hash_traverse(table, func, info) \
- (bfd_link_hash_traverse \
- (&(table)->root, \
- (boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_entry *, PTR))) (func), \
- (info)))
-/* Get the ECOFF link hash table from the info structure. This is
- just a cast. */
-#define ecoff_hash_table(p) ((struct ecoff_link_hash_table *) ((p)->hash))
-/* Given an ECOFF BFD, add symbols to the global hash table as
- appropriate. */
-_bfd_ecoff_bfd_link_add_symbols (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- switch (bfd_get_format (abfd))
- {
- case bfd_object:
- return ecoff_link_add_object_symbols (abfd, info);
- case bfd_archive:
- return ecoff_link_add_archive_symbols (abfd, info);
- default:
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return false;
- }
-/* Add the symbols from an archive file to the global hash table.
- This looks through the undefined symbols, looks each one up in the
- archive hash table, and adds any associated object file. We do not
- use _bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols because ECOFF archives
- already have a hash table, so there is no reason to construct
- another one. */
-static boolean
-ecoff_link_add_archive_symbols (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- const struct ecoff_backend_data * const backend = ecoff_backend (abfd);
- const bfd_byte *raw_armap;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry **pundef;
- unsigned int armap_count;
- unsigned int armap_log;
- unsigned int i;
- const bfd_byte *hashtable;
- const char *stringbase;
- if (! bfd_has_map (abfd))
- {
- /* An empty archive is a special case. */
- if (bfd_openr_next_archived_file (abfd, (bfd *) NULL) == NULL)
- return true;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_armap);
- return false;
- }
- /* If we don't have any raw data for this archive, as can happen on
- Irix 4.0.5F, we call the generic routine.
- FIXME: We should be more clever about this, since someday tdata
- may get to something for a generic archive. */
- raw_armap = (const bfd_byte *) bfd_ardata (abfd)->tdata;
- if (raw_armap == (bfd_byte *) NULL)
- return (_bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols
- (abfd, info, ecoff_link_check_archive_element));
- armap_count = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, raw_armap);
- armap_log = 0;
- for (i = 1; i < armap_count; i <<= 1)
- armap_log++;
- BFD_ASSERT (i == armap_count);
- hashtable = raw_armap + 4;
- stringbase = (const char *) raw_armap + armap_count * 8 + 8;
- /* Look through the list of undefined symbols. */
- pundef = &info->hash->undefs;
- while (*pundef != (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- {
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- unsigned int hash, rehash;
- unsigned int file_offset;
- const char *name;
- bfd *element;
- h = *pundef;
- /* When a symbol is defined, it is not necessarily removed from
- the list. */
- if (h->type != bfd_link_hash_undefined
- && h->type != bfd_link_hash_common)
- {
- /* Remove this entry from the list, for general cleanliness
- and because we are going to look through the list again
- if we search any more libraries. We can't remove the
- entry if it is the tail, because that would lose any
- entries we add to the list later on. */
- if (*pundef != info->hash->undefs_tail)
- *pundef = (*pundef)->next;
- else
- pundef = &(*pundef)->next;
- continue;
- }
- /* Native ECOFF linkers do not pull in archive elements merely
- to satisfy common definitions, so neither do we. We leave
- them on the list, though, in case we are linking against some
- other object format. */
- if (h->type != bfd_link_hash_undefined)
- {
- pundef = &(*pundef)->next;
- continue;
- }
- /* Look for this symbol in the archive hash table. */
- hash = ecoff_armap_hash (h->root.string, &rehash, armap_count,
- armap_log);
- file_offset = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, hashtable + (hash * 8) + 4);
- if (file_offset == 0)
- {
- /* Nothing in this slot. */
- pundef = &(*pundef)->next;
- continue;
- }
- name = stringbase + bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, hashtable + (hash * 8));
- if (name[0] != h->root.string[0]
- || strcmp (name, h->root.string) != 0)
- {
- unsigned int srch;
- boolean found;
- /* That was the wrong symbol. Try rehashing. */
- found = false;
- for (srch = (hash + rehash) & (armap_count - 1);
- srch != hash;
- srch = (srch + rehash) & (armap_count - 1))
- {
- file_offset = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, hashtable + (srch * 8) + 4);
- if (file_offset == 0)
- break;
- name = stringbase + bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, hashtable + (srch * 8));
- if (name[0] == h->root.string[0]
- && strcmp (name, h->root.string) == 0)
- {
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (! found)
- {
- pundef = &(*pundef)->next;
- continue;
- }
- hash = srch;
- }
- element = (*backend->get_elt_at_filepos) (abfd, file_offset);
- if (element == (bfd *) NULL)
- return false;
- if (! bfd_check_format (element, bfd_object))
- return false;
- /* Unlike the generic linker, we know that this element provides
- a definition for an undefined symbol and we know that we want
- to include it. We don't need to check anything. */
- if (! (*info->callbacks->add_archive_element) (info, element, name))
- return false;
- if (! ecoff_link_add_object_symbols (element, info))
- return false;
- pundef = &(*pundef)->next;
- }
- return true;
-/* This is called if we used _bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols
- because we were not dealing with an ECOFF archive. */
-static boolean
-ecoff_link_check_archive_element (abfd, info, pneeded)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean *pneeded;
- const struct ecoff_backend_data * const backend = ecoff_backend (abfd);
- void (* const swap_ext_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, EXTR *))
- = backend->debug_swap.swap_ext_in;
- HDRR *symhdr;
- bfd_size_type external_ext_size;
- PTR external_ext = NULL;
- size_t esize;
- char *ssext = NULL;
- char *ext_ptr;
- char *ext_end;
- *pneeded = false;
- if (! ecoff_slurp_symbolic_header (abfd))
- goto error_return;
- /* If there are no symbols, we don't want it. */
- if (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) == 0)
- goto successful_return;
- symhdr = &ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.symbolic_header;
- /* Read in the external symbols and external strings. */
- external_ext_size = backend->debug_swap.external_ext_size;
- esize = symhdr->iextMax * external_ext_size;
- external_ext = (PTR) bfd_malloc (esize);
- if (external_ext == NULL && esize != 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, symhdr->cbExtOffset, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read (external_ext, 1, esize, abfd) != esize)
- goto error_return;
- ssext = (char *) bfd_malloc (symhdr->issExtMax);
- if (ssext == NULL && symhdr->issExtMax != 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, symhdr->cbSsExtOffset, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_read (ssext, 1, symhdr->issExtMax, abfd) !=
- (bfd_size_type) symhdr->issExtMax))
- goto error_return;
- /* Look through the external symbols to see if they define some
- symbol that is currently undefined. */
- ext_ptr = (char *) external_ext;
- ext_end = ext_ptr + esize;
- for (; ext_ptr < ext_end; ext_ptr += external_ext_size)
- {
- EXTR esym;
- boolean def;
- const char *name;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- (*swap_ext_in) (abfd, (PTR) ext_ptr, &esym);
- /* See if this symbol defines something. */
- if ( != stGlobal
- && != stLabel
- && != stProc)
- continue;
- switch (
- {
- case scText:
- case scData:
- case scBss:
- case scAbs:
- case scSData:
- case scSBss:
- case scRData:
- case scCommon:
- case scSCommon:
- case scInit:
- case scFini:
- case scRConst:
- def = true;
- break;
- default:
- def = false;
- break;
- }
- if (! def)
- continue;
- name = ssext + esym.asym.iss;
- h = bfd_link_hash_lookup (info->hash, name, false, false, true);
- /* Unlike the generic linker, we do not pull in elements because
- of common symbols. */
- if (h == (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- || h->type != bfd_link_hash_undefined)
- continue;
- /* Include this element. */
- if (! (*info->callbacks->add_archive_element) (info, abfd, name))
- goto error_return;
- if (! ecoff_link_add_externals (abfd, info, external_ext, ssext))
- goto error_return;
- *pneeded = true;
- goto successful_return;
- }
- successful_return:
- if (external_ext != NULL)
- free (external_ext);
- if (ssext != NULL)
- free (ssext);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (external_ext != NULL)
- free (external_ext);
- if (ssext != NULL)
- free (ssext);
- return false;
-/* Add symbols from an ECOFF object file to the global linker hash
- table. */
-static boolean
-ecoff_link_add_object_symbols (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- HDRR *symhdr;
- bfd_size_type external_ext_size;
- PTR external_ext = NULL;
- size_t esize;
- char *ssext = NULL;
- boolean result;
- if (! ecoff_slurp_symbolic_header (abfd))
- return false;
- /* If there are no symbols, we don't want it. */
- if (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) == 0)
- return true;
- symhdr = &ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.symbolic_header;
- /* Read in the external symbols and external strings. */
- external_ext_size = ecoff_backend (abfd)->debug_swap.external_ext_size;
- esize = symhdr->iextMax * external_ext_size;
- external_ext = (PTR) bfd_malloc (esize);
- if (external_ext == NULL && esize != 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, symhdr->cbExtOffset, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read (external_ext, 1, esize, abfd) != esize)
- goto error_return;
- ssext = (char *) bfd_malloc (symhdr->issExtMax);
- if (ssext == NULL && symhdr->issExtMax != 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, symhdr->cbSsExtOffset, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_read (ssext, 1, symhdr->issExtMax, abfd)
- != (bfd_size_type) symhdr->issExtMax))
- goto error_return;
- result = ecoff_link_add_externals (abfd, info, external_ext, ssext);
- if (ssext != NULL)
- free (ssext);
- if (external_ext != NULL)
- free (external_ext);
- return result;
- error_return:
- if (ssext != NULL)
- free (ssext);
- if (external_ext != NULL)
- free (external_ext);
- return false;
-/* Add the external symbols of an object file to the global linker
- hash table. The external symbols and strings we are passed are
- just allocated on the stack, and will be discarded. We must
- explicitly save any information we may need later on in the link.
- We do not want to read the external symbol information again. */
-static boolean
-ecoff_link_add_externals (abfd, info, external_ext, ssext)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- PTR external_ext;
- char *ssext;
- const struct ecoff_backend_data * const backend = ecoff_backend (abfd);
- void (* const swap_ext_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, EXTR *))
- = backend->debug_swap.swap_ext_in;
- bfd_size_type external_ext_size = backend->debug_swap.external_ext_size;
- unsigned long ext_count;
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry **sym_hash;
- char *ext_ptr;
- char *ext_end;
- ext_count = ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info.symbolic_header.iextMax;
- sym_hash = ((struct ecoff_link_hash_entry **)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- ext_count * sizeof (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *)));
- if (!sym_hash)
- return false;
- ecoff_data (abfd)->sym_hashes = sym_hash;
- ext_ptr = (char *) external_ext;
- ext_end = ext_ptr + ext_count * external_ext_size;
- for (; ext_ptr < ext_end; ext_ptr += external_ext_size, sym_hash++)
- {
- EXTR esym;
- boolean skip;
- bfd_vma value;
- asection *section;
- const char *name;
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- *sym_hash = NULL;
- (*swap_ext_in) (abfd, (PTR) ext_ptr, &esym);
- /* Skip debugging symbols. */
- skip = false;
- switch (
- {
- case stGlobal:
- case stStatic:
- case stLabel:
- case stProc:
- case stStaticProc:
- break;
- default:
- skip = true;
- break;
- }
- if (skip)
- continue;
- /* Get the information for this symbol. */
- value = esym.asym.value;
- switch (
- {
- default:
- case scNil:
- case scRegister:
- case scCdbLocal:
- case scBits:
- case scCdbSystem:
- case scRegImage:
- case scInfo:
- case scUserStruct:
- case scVar:
- case scVarRegister:
- case scVariant:
- case scBasedVar:
- case scXData:
- case scPData:
- section = NULL;
- break;
- case scText:
- section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".text");
- value -= section->vma;
- break;
- case scData:
- section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".data");
- value -= section->vma;
- break;
- case scBss:
- section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".bss");
- value -= section->vma;
- break;
- case scAbs:
- section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- break;
- case scUndefined:
- section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- break;
- case scSData:
- section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".sdata");
- value -= section->vma;
- break;
- case scSBss:
- section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".sbss");
- value -= section->vma;
- break;
- case scRData:
- section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".rdata");
- value -= section->vma;
- break;
- case scCommon:
- if (value > ecoff_data (abfd)->gp_size)
- {
- section = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- break;
- }
- /* Fall through. */
- case scSCommon:
- if ( == NULL)
- {
- /* Initialize the small common section. */
- ecoff_scom_section.flags = SEC_IS_COMMON;
- ecoff_scom_section.output_section = &ecoff_scom_section;
- ecoff_scom_section.symbol = &ecoff_scom_symbol;
- ecoff_scom_section.symbol_ptr_ptr = &ecoff_scom_symbol_ptr;
- ecoff_scom_symbol.flags = BSF_SECTION_SYM;
- ecoff_scom_symbol.section = &ecoff_scom_section;
- ecoff_scom_symbol_ptr = &ecoff_scom_symbol;
- }
- section = &ecoff_scom_section;
- break;
- case scSUndefined:
- section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- break;
- case scInit:
- section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".init");
- value -= section->vma;
- break;
- case scFini:
- section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".fini");
- value -= section->vma;
- break;
- case scRConst:
- section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".rconst");
- value -= section->vma;
- break;
- }
- if (section == (asection *) NULL)
- continue;
- name = ssext + esym.asym.iss;
- h = NULL;
- if (! (_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
- (info, abfd, name,
- esym.weakext ? BSF_WEAK : BSF_GLOBAL,
- section, value, (const char *) NULL, true, true,
- (struct bfd_link_hash_entry **) &h)))
- return false;
- *sym_hash = h;
- /* If we are building an ECOFF hash table, save the external
- symbol information. */
- if (info->hash->creator->flavour == bfd_get_flavour (abfd))
- {
- if (h->abfd == (bfd *) NULL
- || (! bfd_is_und_section (section)
- && (! bfd_is_com_section (section)
- || (h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined
- && h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak))))
- {
- h->abfd = abfd;
- h->esym = esym;
- }
- /* Remember whether this symbol was small undefined. */
- if ( == scSUndefined)
- h->small = 1;
- /* If this symbol was ever small undefined, it needs to wind
- up in a GP relative section. We can't control the
- section of a defined symbol, but we can control the
- section of a common symbol. This case is actually needed
- on Ultrix 4.2 to handle the symbol cred in -lckrb. */
- if (h->small
- && h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common
- && strcmp (h->root.u.c.p->section->name, SCOMMON) != 0)
- {
- h->root.u.c.p->section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd,
- h->root.u.c.p->section->flags = SEC_ALLOC;
- if (h-> == scCommon)
- h-> = scSCommon;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* ECOFF final link routines. */
-static boolean ecoff_final_link_debug_accumulate
- PARAMS ((bfd *output_bfd, bfd *input_bfd, struct bfd_link_info *,
- PTR handle));
-static boolean ecoff_link_write_external
- PARAMS ((struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
-static boolean ecoff_indirect_link_order
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, asection *,
- struct bfd_link_order *));
-static boolean ecoff_reloc_link_order
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, asection *,
- struct bfd_link_order *));
-/* Structure used to pass information to ecoff_link_write_external. */
-struct extsym_info
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
-/* ECOFF final link routine. This looks through all the input BFDs
- and gathers together all the debugging information, and then
- processes all the link order information. This may cause it to
- close and reopen some input BFDs; I'll see how bad this is. */
-_bfd_ecoff_bfd_final_link (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- const struct ecoff_backend_data * const backend = ecoff_backend (abfd);
- struct ecoff_debug_info * const debug = &ecoff_data (abfd)->debug_info;
- HDRR *symhdr;
- PTR handle;
- register bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *o;
- struct bfd_link_order *p;
- struct extsym_info einfo;
- /* We accumulate the debugging information counts in the symbolic
- header. */
- symhdr = &debug->symbolic_header;
- symhdr->vstamp = 0;
- symhdr->ilineMax = 0;
- symhdr->cbLine = 0;
- symhdr->idnMax = 0;
- symhdr->ipdMax = 0;
- symhdr->isymMax = 0;
- symhdr->ioptMax = 0;
- symhdr->iauxMax = 0;
- symhdr->issMax = 0;
- symhdr->issExtMax = 0;
- symhdr->ifdMax = 0;
- symhdr->crfd = 0;
- symhdr->iextMax = 0;
- /* We accumulate the debugging information itself in the debug_info
- structure. */
- debug->line = NULL;
- debug->external_dnr = NULL;
- debug->external_pdr = NULL;
- debug->external_sym = NULL;
- debug->external_opt = NULL;
- debug->external_aux = NULL;
- debug->ss = NULL;
- debug->ssext = debug->ssext_end = NULL;
- debug->external_fdr = NULL;
- debug->external_rfd = NULL;
- debug->external_ext = debug->external_ext_end = NULL;
- handle = bfd_ecoff_debug_init (abfd, debug, &backend->debug_swap, info);
- if (handle == (PTR) NULL)
- return false;
- /* Accumulate the debugging symbols from each input BFD. */
- for (input_bfd = info->input_bfds;
- input_bfd != (bfd *) NULL;
- input_bfd = input_bfd->link_next)
- {
- boolean ret;
- if (bfd_get_flavour (input_bfd) == bfd_target_ecoff_flavour)
- {
- /* Abitrarily set the symbolic header vstamp to the vstamp
- of the first object file in the link. */
- if (symhdr->vstamp == 0)
- symhdr->vstamp
- = ecoff_data (input_bfd)->debug_info.symbolic_header.vstamp;
- ret = ecoff_final_link_debug_accumulate (abfd, input_bfd, info,
- handle);
- }
- else
- ret = bfd_ecoff_debug_accumulate_other (handle, abfd,
- debug, &backend->debug_swap,
- input_bfd, info);
- if (! ret)
- return false;
- /* Combine the register masks. */
- ecoff_data (abfd)->gprmask |= ecoff_data (input_bfd)->gprmask;
- ecoff_data (abfd)->fprmask |= ecoff_data (input_bfd)->fprmask;
- ecoff_data (abfd)->cprmask[0] |= ecoff_data (input_bfd)->cprmask[0];
- ecoff_data (abfd)->cprmask[1] |= ecoff_data (input_bfd)->cprmask[1];
- ecoff_data (abfd)->cprmask[2] |= ecoff_data (input_bfd)->cprmask[2];
- ecoff_data (abfd)->cprmask[3] |= ecoff_data (input_bfd)->cprmask[3];
- }
- /* Write out the external symbols. */
- einfo.abfd = abfd;
- = info;
- ecoff_link_hash_traverse (ecoff_hash_table (info),
- ecoff_link_write_external,
- (PTR) &einfo);
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- /* We need to make a pass over the link_orders to count up the
- number of relocations we will need to output, so that we know
- how much space they will take up. */
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != (asection *) NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- o->reloc_count = 0;
- for (p = o->link_order_head;
- p != (struct bfd_link_order *) NULL;
- p = p->next)
- if (p->type == bfd_indirect_link_order)
- o->reloc_count += p->u.indirect.section->reloc_count;
- else if (p->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- || p->type == bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order)
- ++o->reloc_count;
- }
- }
- /* Compute the reloc and symbol file positions. */
- ecoff_compute_reloc_file_positions (abfd);
- /* Write out the debugging information. */
- if (! bfd_ecoff_write_accumulated_debug (handle, abfd, debug,
- &backend->debug_swap, info,
- ecoff_data (abfd)->sym_filepos))
- return false;
- bfd_ecoff_debug_free (handle, abfd, debug, &backend->debug_swap, info);
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- /* Now reset the reloc_count field of the sections in the output
- BFD to 0, so that we can use them to keep track of how many
- relocs we have output thus far. */
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != (asection *) NULL; o = o->next)
- o->reloc_count = 0;
- }
- /* Get a value for the GP register. */
- if (ecoff_data (abfd)->gp == 0)
- {
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- h = bfd_link_hash_lookup (info->hash, "_gp", false, false, true);
- if (h != (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && h->type == bfd_link_hash_defined)
- ecoff_data (abfd)->gp = (h->u.def.value
- + h->u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + h->u.def.section->output_offset);
- else if (info->relocateable)
- {
- bfd_vma lo;
- /* Make up a value. */
- lo = (bfd_vma) -1;
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != (asection *) NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- if (o->vma < lo
- && (strcmp (o->name, _SBSS) == 0
- || strcmp (o->name, _SDATA) == 0
- || strcmp (o->name, _LIT4) == 0
- || strcmp (o->name, _LIT8) == 0
- || strcmp (o->name, _LITA) == 0))
- lo = o->vma;
- }
- ecoff_data (abfd)->gp = lo + 0x8000;
- }
- else
- {
- /* If the relocate_section function needs to do a reloc
- involving the GP value, it should make a reloc_dangerous
- callback to warn that GP is not defined. */
- }
- }
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != (asection *) NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- for (p = o->link_order_head;
- p != (struct bfd_link_order *) NULL;
- p = p->next)
- {
- if (p->type == bfd_indirect_link_order
- && (bfd_get_flavour (p->u.indirect.section->owner)
- == bfd_target_ecoff_flavour))
- {
- if (! ecoff_indirect_link_order (abfd, info, o, p))
- return false;
- }
- else if (p->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- || p->type == bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order)
- {
- if (! ecoff_reloc_link_order (abfd, info, o, p))
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! _bfd_default_link_order (abfd, info, o, p))
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd) = symhdr->iextMax + symhdr->isymMax;
- ecoff_data (abfd)->linker = true;
- return true;
-/* Accumulate the debugging information for an input BFD into the
- output BFD. This must read in the symbolic information of the
- input BFD. */
-static boolean
-ecoff_final_link_debug_accumulate (output_bfd, input_bfd, info, handle)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- PTR handle;
- struct ecoff_debug_info * const debug = &ecoff_data (input_bfd)->debug_info;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap * const swap =
- &ecoff_backend (input_bfd)->debug_swap;
- HDRR *symhdr = &debug->symbolic_header;
- boolean ret;
-#define READ(ptr, offset, count, size, type) \
- if (symhdr->count == 0) \
- debug->ptr = NULL; \
- else \
- { \
- debug->ptr = (type) bfd_malloc ((size_t) (size * symhdr->count)); \
- if (debug->ptr == NULL) \
- { \
- ret = false; \
- goto return_something; \
- } \
- if ((bfd_seek (input_bfd, (file_ptr) symhdr->offset, SEEK_SET) \
- != 0) \
- || (bfd_read (debug->ptr, size, symhdr->count, \
- input_bfd) != size * symhdr->count)) \
- { \
- ret = false; \
- goto return_something; \
- } \
- }
- /* If raw_syments is not NULL, then the data was already by read by
- _bfd_ecoff_slurp_symbolic_info. */
- if (ecoff_data (input_bfd)->raw_syments == NULL)
- {
- READ (line, cbLineOffset, cbLine, sizeof (unsigned char),
- unsigned char *);
- READ (external_dnr, cbDnOffset, idnMax, swap->external_dnr_size, PTR);
- READ (external_pdr, cbPdOffset, ipdMax, swap->external_pdr_size, PTR);
- READ (external_sym, cbSymOffset, isymMax, swap->external_sym_size, PTR);
- READ (external_opt, cbOptOffset, ioptMax, swap->external_opt_size, PTR);
- READ (external_aux, cbAuxOffset, iauxMax, sizeof (union aux_ext),
- union aux_ext *);
- READ (ss, cbSsOffset, issMax, sizeof (char), char *);
- READ (external_fdr, cbFdOffset, ifdMax, swap->external_fdr_size, PTR);
- READ (external_rfd, cbRfdOffset, crfd, swap->external_rfd_size, PTR);
- }
-#undef READ
- /* We do not read the external strings or the external symbols. */
- ret = (bfd_ecoff_debug_accumulate
- (handle, output_bfd, &ecoff_data (output_bfd)->debug_info,
- &ecoff_backend (output_bfd)->debug_swap,
- input_bfd, debug, swap, info));
- return_something:
- if (ecoff_data (input_bfd)->raw_syments == NULL)
- {
- if (debug->line != NULL)
- free (debug->line);
- if (debug->external_dnr != NULL)
- free (debug->external_dnr);
- if (debug->external_pdr != NULL)
- free (debug->external_pdr);
- if (debug->external_sym != NULL)
- free (debug->external_sym);
- if (debug->external_opt != NULL)
- free (debug->external_opt);
- if (debug->external_aux != NULL)
- free (debug->external_aux);
- if (debug->ss != NULL)
- free (debug->ss);
- if (debug->external_fdr != NULL)
- free (debug->external_fdr);
- if (debug->external_rfd != NULL)
- free (debug->external_rfd);
- /* Make sure we don't accidentally follow one of these pointers
- into freed memory. */
- debug->line = NULL;
- debug->external_dnr = NULL;
- debug->external_pdr = NULL;
- debug->external_sym = NULL;
- debug->external_opt = NULL;
- debug->external_aux = NULL;
- debug->ss = NULL;
- debug->external_fdr = NULL;
- debug->external_rfd = NULL;
- }
- return ret;
-/* Put out information for an external symbol. These come only from
- the hash table. */
-static boolean
-ecoff_link_write_external (h, data)
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- PTR data;
- struct extsym_info *einfo = (struct extsym_info *) data;
- bfd *output_bfd = einfo->abfd;
- boolean strip;
- /* We need to check if this symbol is being stripped. */
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- strip = false;
- else if (einfo->info->strip == strip_all
- || (einfo->info->strip == strip_some
- && bfd_hash_lookup (einfo->info->keep_hash,
- h->root.root.string,
- false, false) == NULL))
- strip = true;
- else
- strip = false;
- if (strip || h->written)
- return true;
- if (h->abfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- {
- h->esym.jmptbl = 0;
- h->esym.cobol_main = 0;
- h->esym.weakext = 0;
- h->esym.reserved = 0;
- h->esym.ifd = ifdNil;
- h->esym.asym.value = 0;
- h-> = stGlobal;
- if (h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined
- && h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- h-> = scAbs;
- else
- {
- asection *output_section;
- const char *name;
- output_section = h->root.u.def.section->output_section;
- name = bfd_section_name (output_section->owner, output_section);
- if (strcmp (name, _TEXT) == 0)
- h-> = scText;
- else if (strcmp (name, _DATA) == 0)
- h-> = scData;
- else if (strcmp (name, _SDATA) == 0)
- h-> = scSData;
- else if (strcmp (name, _RDATA) == 0)
- h-> = scRData;
- else if (strcmp (name, _BSS) == 0)
- h-> = scBss;
- else if (strcmp (name, _SBSS) == 0)
- h-> = scSBss;
- else if (strcmp (name, _INIT) == 0)
- h-> = scInit;
- else if (strcmp (name, _FINI) == 0)
- h-> = scFini;
- else if (strcmp (name, _PDATA) == 0)
- h-> = scPData;
- else if (strcmp (name, _XDATA) == 0)
- h-> = scXData;
- else if (strcmp (name, _RCONST) == 0)
- h-> = scRConst;
- else
- h-> = scAbs;
- }
- h->esym.asym.reserved = 0;
- h->esym.asym.index = indexNil;
- }
- else if (h->esym.ifd != -1)
- {
- struct ecoff_debug_info *debug;
- /* Adjust the FDR index for the symbol by that used for the
- input BFD. */
- debug = &ecoff_data (h->abfd)->debug_info;
- BFD_ASSERT (h->esym.ifd >= 0
- && h->esym.ifd < debug->symbolic_header.ifdMax);
- h->esym.ifd = debug->ifdmap[h->esym.ifd];
- }
- switch (h->root.type)
- {
- default:
- case bfd_link_hash_new:
- abort ();
- case bfd_link_hash_undefined:
- case bfd_link_hash_undefweak:
- if (h-> != scUndefined
- && h-> != scSUndefined)
- h-> = scUndefined;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_defined:
- case bfd_link_hash_defweak:
- if (h-> == scUndefined
- || h-> == scSUndefined)
- h-> = scAbs;
- else if (h-> == scCommon)
- h-> = scBss;
- else if (h-> == scSCommon)
- h-> = scSBss;
- h->esym.asym.value = (h->root.u.def.value
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_offset);
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_common:
- if (h-> != scCommon
- && h-> != scSCommon)
- h-> = scCommon;
- h->esym.asym.value = h->root.u.c.size;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_indirect:
- case bfd_link_hash_warning:
- /* FIXME: Ignore these for now. The circumstances under which
- they should be written out are not clear to me. */
- return true;
- }
- /* bfd_ecoff_debug_one_external uses iextMax to keep track of the
- symbol number. */
- h->indx = ecoff_data (output_bfd)->debug_info.symbolic_header.iextMax;
- h->written = 1;
- return (bfd_ecoff_debug_one_external
- (output_bfd, &ecoff_data (output_bfd)->debug_info,
- &ecoff_backend (output_bfd)->debug_swap, h->root.root.string,
- &h->esym));
-/* Relocate and write an ECOFF section into an ECOFF output file. */
-static boolean
-ecoff_indirect_link_order (output_bfd, info, output_section, link_order)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *output_section;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- struct ecoff_section_tdata *section_tdata;
- bfd_size_type raw_size;
- bfd_size_type cooked_size;
- bfd_byte *contents = NULL;
- bfd_size_type external_reloc_size;
- bfd_size_type external_relocs_size;
- PTR external_relocs = NULL;
- BFD_ASSERT ((output_section->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) != 0);
- if (link_order->size == 0)
- return true;
- input_section = link_order->u.indirect.section;
- input_bfd = input_section->owner;
- section_tdata = ecoff_section_data (input_bfd, input_section);
- raw_size = input_section->_raw_size;
- cooked_size = input_section->_cooked_size;
- if (cooked_size == 0)
- cooked_size = raw_size;
- BFD_ASSERT (input_section->output_section == output_section);
- BFD_ASSERT (input_section->output_offset == link_order->offset);
- BFD_ASSERT (cooked_size == link_order->size);
- /* Get the section contents. We allocate memory for the larger of
- the size before relocating and the size after relocating. */
- contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (raw_size >= cooked_size
- ? (size_t) raw_size
- : (size_t) cooked_size);
- if (contents == NULL && raw_size != 0)
- goto error_return;
- /* If we are relaxing, the contents may have already been read into
- memory, in which case we copy them into our new buffer. We don't
- simply reuse the old buffer in case cooked_size > raw_size. */
- if (section_tdata != (struct ecoff_section_tdata *) NULL
- && section_tdata->contents != (bfd_byte *) NULL)
- memcpy (contents, section_tdata->contents, (size_t) raw_size);
- else
- {
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (input_bfd, input_section,
- (PTR) contents,
- (file_ptr) 0, raw_size))
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* Get the relocs. If we are relaxing MIPS code, they will already
- have been read in. Otherwise, we read them in now. */
- external_reloc_size = ecoff_backend (input_bfd)->external_reloc_size;
- external_relocs_size = external_reloc_size * input_section->reloc_count;
- if (section_tdata != (struct ecoff_section_tdata *) NULL
- && section_tdata->external_relocs != NULL)
- external_relocs = section_tdata->external_relocs;
- else
- {
- external_relocs = (PTR) bfd_malloc ((size_t) external_relocs_size);
- if (external_relocs == NULL && external_relocs_size != 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_seek (input_bfd, input_section->rel_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_read (external_relocs, 1, external_relocs_size, input_bfd)
- != external_relocs_size))
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* Relocate the section contents. */
- if (! ((*ecoff_backend (input_bfd)->relocate_section)
- (output_bfd, info, input_bfd, input_section, contents,
- external_relocs)))
- goto error_return;
- /* Write out the relocated section. */
- if (! bfd_set_section_contents (output_bfd,
- output_section,
- (PTR) contents,
- input_section->output_offset,
- cooked_size))
- goto error_return;
- /* If we are producing relocateable output, the relocs were
- modified, and we write them out now. We use the reloc_count
- field of output_section to keep track of the number of relocs we
- have output so far. */
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (output_bfd,
- (output_section->rel_filepos +
- output_section->reloc_count * external_reloc_size),
- SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_write (external_relocs, 1, external_relocs_size, output_bfd)
- != external_relocs_size))
- goto error_return;
- output_section->reloc_count += input_section->reloc_count;
- }
- if (contents != NULL)
- free (contents);
- if (external_relocs != NULL && section_tdata == NULL)
- free (external_relocs);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (contents != NULL)
- free (contents);
- if (external_relocs != NULL && section_tdata == NULL)
- free (external_relocs);
- return false;
-/* Generate a reloc when linking an ECOFF file. This is a reloc
- requested by the linker, and does come from any input file. This
- is used to build constructor and destructor tables when linking
- with -Ur. */
-static boolean
-ecoff_reloc_link_order (output_bfd, info, output_section, link_order)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *output_section;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- enum bfd_link_order_type type;
- asection *section;
- bfd_vma addend;
- arelent rel;
- struct internal_reloc in;
- bfd_size_type external_reloc_size;
- bfd_byte *rbuf;
- boolean ok;
- type = link_order->type;
- section = NULL;
- addend = link_order->u.reloc.p->addend;
- /* We set up an arelent to pass to the backend adjust_reloc_out
- routine. */
- rel.address = link_order->offset;
- rel.howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (output_bfd, link_order->u.reloc.p->reloc);
- if (rel.howto == 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- if (type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order)
- {
- section = link_order->u.reloc.p->u.section;
- rel.sym_ptr_ptr = section->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- }
- else
- {
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- /* Treat a reloc against a defined symbol as though it were
- actually against the section. */
- h = bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup (output_bfd, info,
- link_order->u.reloc.p->,
- false, false, false);
- if (h != NULL
- && (h->type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->type == bfd_link_hash_defweak))
- {
- type = bfd_section_reloc_link_order;
- section = h->u.def.section->output_section;
- /* It seems that we ought to add the symbol value to the
- addend here, but in practice it has already been added
- because it was passed to constructor_callback. */
- addend += section->vma + h->u.def.section->output_offset;
- }
- else
- {
- /* We can't set up a reloc against a symbol correctly,
- because we have no asymbol structure. Currently no
- adjust_reloc_out routine cares. */
- rel.sym_ptr_ptr = (asymbol **) NULL;
- }
- }
- /* All ECOFF relocs are in-place. Put the addend into the object
- file. */
- BFD_ASSERT (rel.howto->partial_inplace);
- if (addend != 0)
- {
- bfd_size_type size;
- bfd_reloc_status_type rstat;
- bfd_byte *buf;
- boolean ok;
- size = bfd_get_reloc_size (rel.howto);
- buf = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zmalloc (size);
- if (buf == (bfd_byte *) NULL)
- return false;
- rstat = _bfd_relocate_contents (rel.howto, output_bfd, addend, buf);
- switch (rstat)
- {
- case bfd_reloc_ok:
- break;
- default:
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (info,
- (link_order->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- ? bfd_section_name (output_bfd, section)
- : link_order->u.reloc.p->,
- rel.howto->name, addend, (bfd *) NULL,
- (asection *) NULL, (bfd_vma) 0)))
- {
- free (buf);
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- ok = bfd_set_section_contents (output_bfd, output_section, (PTR) buf,
- (file_ptr) link_order->offset, size);
- free (buf);
- if (! ok)
- return false;
- }
- rel.addend = 0;
- /* Move the information into a internal_reloc structure. */
- in.r_vaddr = (rel.address
- + bfd_get_section_vma (output_bfd, output_section));
- in.r_type = rel.howto->type;
- if (type == bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order)
- {
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- h = ((struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup (output_bfd, info,
- link_order->u.reloc.p->,
- false, false, true));
- if (h != (struct ecoff_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && h->indx != -1)
- in.r_symndx = h->indx;
- else
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->unattached_reloc)
- (info, link_order->u.reloc.p->, (bfd *) NULL,
- (asection *) NULL, (bfd_vma) 0)))
- return false;
- in.r_symndx = 0;
- }
- in.r_extern = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- CONST char *name;
- name = bfd_get_section_name (output_bfd, section);
- if (strcmp (name, ".text") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_TEXT;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".rdata") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_RDATA;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".data") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_DATA;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".sdata") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_SDATA;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".sbss") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_SBSS;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".bss") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_BSS;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".init") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_INIT;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".lit8") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_LIT8;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".lit4") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_LIT4;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".xdata") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_XDATA;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".pdata") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_PDATA;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".fini") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_FINI;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".lita") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_LITA;
- else if (strcmp (name, "*ABS*") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_ABS;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".rconst") == 0)
- in.r_symndx = RELOC_SECTION_RCONST;
- else
- abort ();
- in.r_extern = 0;
- }
- /* Let the BFD backend adjust the reloc. */
- (*ecoff_backend (output_bfd)->adjust_reloc_out) (output_bfd, &rel, &in);
- /* Get some memory and swap out the reloc. */
- external_reloc_size = ecoff_backend (output_bfd)->external_reloc_size;
- rbuf = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc ((size_t) external_reloc_size);
- if (rbuf == (bfd_byte *) NULL)
- return false;
- (*ecoff_backend (output_bfd)->swap_reloc_out) (output_bfd, &in, (PTR) rbuf);
- ok = (bfd_seek (output_bfd,
- (output_section->rel_filepos +
- output_section->reloc_count * external_reloc_size),
- SEEK_SET) == 0
- && (bfd_write ((PTR) rbuf, 1, external_reloc_size, output_bfd)
- == external_reloc_size));
- if (ok)
- ++output_section->reloc_count;
- free (rbuf);
- return ok;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ecofflink.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/ecofflink.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 03d6e00ad188..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ecofflink.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2452 +0,0 @@
-/* Routines to link ECOFF debugging information.
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support, <>.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "aout/stab_gnu.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "coff/sym.h"
-#include "coff/symconst.h"
-#include "coff/ecoff.h"
-static boolean ecoff_add_bytes PARAMS ((char **buf, char **bufend,
- size_t need));
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *string_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *));
-static void ecoff_align_debug PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap));
-static boolean ecoff_write_symhdr PARAMS ((bfd *, struct ecoff_debug_info *,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *,
- file_ptr where));
-static int cmp_fdrtab_entry PARAMS ((const PTR, const PTR));
-static boolean mk_fdrtab PARAMS ((bfd *,
- struct ecoff_debug_info * const,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap * const,
- struct ecoff_find_line *));
-static long fdrtab_lookup PARAMS ((struct ecoff_find_line *, bfd_vma));
-/* Obstack allocation and deallocation routines. */
-#define obstack_chunk_alloc malloc
-#define obstack_chunk_free free
-/* Routines to swap auxiliary information in and out. I am assuming
- that the auxiliary information format is always going to be target
- independent. */
-/* Swap in a type information record.
- BIGEND says whether AUX symbols are big-endian or little-endian; this
- info comes from the file header record (fh-fBigendian). */
-_bfd_ecoff_swap_tir_in (bigend, ext_copy, intern)
- int bigend;
- const struct tir_ext *ext_copy;
- TIR *intern;
- struct tir_ext ext[1];
- *ext = *ext_copy; /* Make it reasonable to do in-place. */
- /* now the fun stuff... */
- if (bigend) {
- intern->fBitfield = 0 != (ext->t_bits1[0] & TIR_BITS1_FBITFIELD_BIG);
- intern->continued = 0 != (ext->t_bits1[0] & TIR_BITS1_CONTINUED_BIG);
- intern->bt = (ext->t_bits1[0] & TIR_BITS1_BT_BIG)
- intern->tq4 = (ext->t_tq45[0] & TIR_BITS_TQ4_BIG)
- intern->tq5 = (ext->t_tq45[0] & TIR_BITS_TQ5_BIG)
- intern->tq0 = (ext->t_tq01[0] & TIR_BITS_TQ0_BIG)
- intern->tq1 = (ext->t_tq01[0] & TIR_BITS_TQ1_BIG)
- intern->tq2 = (ext->t_tq23[0] & TIR_BITS_TQ2_BIG)
- intern->tq3 = (ext->t_tq23[0] & TIR_BITS_TQ3_BIG)
- } else {
- intern->fBitfield = 0 != (ext->t_bits1[0] & TIR_BITS1_FBITFIELD_LITTLE);
- intern->continued = 0 != (ext->t_bits1[0] & TIR_BITS1_CONTINUED_LITTLE);
- intern->bt = (ext->t_bits1[0] & TIR_BITS1_BT_LITTLE)
- intern->tq4 = (ext->t_tq45[0] & TIR_BITS_TQ4_LITTLE)
- intern->tq5 = (ext->t_tq45[0] & TIR_BITS_TQ5_LITTLE)
- intern->tq0 = (ext->t_tq01[0] & TIR_BITS_TQ0_LITTLE)
- intern->tq1 = (ext->t_tq01[0] & TIR_BITS_TQ1_LITTLE)
- intern->tq2 = (ext->t_tq23[0] & TIR_BITS_TQ2_LITTLE)
- intern->tq3 = (ext->t_tq23[0] & TIR_BITS_TQ3_LITTLE)
- }
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-/* Swap out a type information record.
- BIGEND says whether AUX symbols are big-endian or little-endian; this
- info comes from the file header record (fh-fBigendian). */
-_bfd_ecoff_swap_tir_out (bigend, intern_copy, ext)
- int bigend;
- const TIR *intern_copy;
- struct tir_ext *ext;
- TIR intern[1];
- *intern = *intern_copy; /* Make it reasonable to do in-place. */
- /* now the fun stuff... */
- if (bigend) {
- ext->t_bits1[0] = ((intern->fBitfield ? TIR_BITS1_FBITFIELD_BIG : 0)
- | (intern->continued ? TIR_BITS1_CONTINUED_BIG : 0)
- | ((intern->bt << TIR_BITS1_BT_SH_BIG)
- ext->t_tq45[0] = (((intern->tq4 << TIR_BITS_TQ4_SH_BIG)
- | ((intern->tq5 << TIR_BITS_TQ5_SH_BIG)
- ext->t_tq01[0] = (((intern->tq0 << TIR_BITS_TQ0_SH_BIG)
- | ((intern->tq1 << TIR_BITS_TQ1_SH_BIG)
- ext->t_tq23[0] = (((intern->tq2 << TIR_BITS_TQ2_SH_BIG)
- | ((intern->tq3 << TIR_BITS_TQ3_SH_BIG)
- } else {
- ext->t_bits1[0] = ((intern->fBitfield ? TIR_BITS1_FBITFIELD_LITTLE : 0)
- | (intern->continued ? TIR_BITS1_CONTINUED_LITTLE : 0)
- | ((intern->bt << TIR_BITS1_BT_SH_LITTLE)
- ext->t_tq45[0] = (((intern->tq4 << TIR_BITS_TQ4_SH_LITTLE)
- | ((intern->tq5 << TIR_BITS_TQ5_SH_LITTLE)
- ext->t_tq01[0] = (((intern->tq0 << TIR_BITS_TQ0_SH_LITTLE)
- | ((intern->tq1 << TIR_BITS_TQ1_SH_LITTLE)
- ext->t_tq23[0] = (((intern->tq2 << TIR_BITS_TQ2_SH_LITTLE)
- | ((intern->tq3 << TIR_BITS_TQ3_SH_LITTLE)
- }
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-/* Swap in a relative symbol record. BIGEND says whether it is in
- big-endian or little-endian format.*/
-_bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_in (bigend, ext_copy, intern)
- int bigend;
- const struct rndx_ext *ext_copy;
- RNDXR *intern;
- struct rndx_ext ext[1];
- *ext = *ext_copy; /* Make it reasonable to do in-place. */
- /* now the fun stuff... */
- if (bigend) {
- intern->rfd = (ext->r_bits[0] << RNDX_BITS0_RFD_SH_LEFT_BIG)
- | ((ext->r_bits[1] & RNDX_BITS1_RFD_BIG)
- intern->index = ((ext->r_bits[1] & RNDX_BITS1_INDEX_BIG)
- | (ext->r_bits[2] << RNDX_BITS2_INDEX_SH_LEFT_BIG)
- | (ext->r_bits[3] << RNDX_BITS3_INDEX_SH_LEFT_BIG);
- } else {
- intern->rfd = (ext->r_bits[0] << RNDX_BITS0_RFD_SH_LEFT_LITTLE)
- | ((ext->r_bits[1] & RNDX_BITS1_RFD_LITTLE)
- intern->index = ((ext->r_bits[1] & RNDX_BITS1_INDEX_LITTLE)
- | (ext->r_bits[2] << RNDX_BITS2_INDEX_SH_LEFT_LITTLE)
- | ((unsigned int) ext->r_bits[3]
- }
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-/* Swap out a relative symbol record. BIGEND says whether it is in
- big-endian or little-endian format.*/
-_bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_out (bigend, intern_copy, ext)
- int bigend;
- const RNDXR *intern_copy;
- struct rndx_ext *ext;
- RNDXR intern[1];
- *intern = *intern_copy; /* Make it reasonable to do in-place. */
- /* now the fun stuff... */
- if (bigend) {
- ext->r_bits[0] = intern->rfd >> RNDX_BITS0_RFD_SH_LEFT_BIG;
- ext->r_bits[1] = (((intern->rfd << RNDX_BITS1_RFD_SH_BIG)
- | ((intern->index >> RNDX_BITS1_INDEX_SH_LEFT_BIG)
- ext->r_bits[2] = intern->index >> RNDX_BITS2_INDEX_SH_LEFT_BIG;
- ext->r_bits[3] = intern->index >> RNDX_BITS3_INDEX_SH_LEFT_BIG;
- } else {
- ext->r_bits[0] = intern->rfd >> RNDX_BITS0_RFD_SH_LEFT_LITTLE;
- ext->r_bits[1] = (((intern->rfd >> RNDX_BITS1_RFD_SH_LEFT_LITTLE)
- | ((intern->index << RNDX_BITS1_INDEX_SH_LITTLE)
- ext->r_bits[2] = intern->index >> RNDX_BITS2_INDEX_SH_LEFT_LITTLE;
- ext->r_bits[3] = intern->index >> RNDX_BITS3_INDEX_SH_LEFT_LITTLE;
- }
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-/* The minimum amount of data to allocate. */
-#define ALLOC_SIZE (4064)
-/* Add bytes to a buffer. Return success. */
-static boolean
-ecoff_add_bytes (buf, bufend, need)
- char **buf;
- char **bufend;
- size_t need;
- size_t have;
- size_t want;
- char *newbuf;
- have = *bufend - *buf;
- if (have > need)
- want = ALLOC_SIZE;
- else
- {
- want = need - have;
- if (want < ALLOC_SIZE)
- want = ALLOC_SIZE;
- }
- newbuf = (char *) bfd_realloc (*buf, have + want);
- if (newbuf == NULL)
- return false;
- *buf = newbuf;
- *bufend = *buf + have + want;
- return true;
-/* We keep a hash table which maps strings to numbers. We use it to
- map FDR names to indices in the output file, and to map local
- strings when combining stabs debugging information. */
-struct string_hash_entry
- struct bfd_hash_entry root;
- /* FDR index or string table offset. */
- long val;
- /* Next entry in string table. */
- struct string_hash_entry *next;
-struct string_hash_table
- struct bfd_hash_table table;
-/* Routine to create an entry in a string hash table. */
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *
-string_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct string_hash_entry *ret = (struct string_hash_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == (struct string_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ret = ((struct string_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table, sizeof (struct string_hash_entry)));
- if (ret == (struct string_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct string_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_newfunc ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret, table, string));
- if (ret)
- {
- /* Initialize the local fields. */
- ret->val = -1;
- ret->next = NULL;
- }
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Look up an entry in an string hash table. */
-#define string_hash_lookup(t, string, create, copy) \
- ((struct string_hash_entry *) \
- bfd_hash_lookup (&(t)->table, (string), (create), (copy)))
-/* We can't afford to read in all the debugging information when we do
- a link. Instead, we build a list of these structures to show how
- different parts of the input file map to the output file. */
-struct shuffle
- /* The next entry in this linked list. */
- struct shuffle *next;
- /* The length of the information. */
- unsigned long size;
- /* Whether this information comes from a file or not. */
- boolean filep;
- union
- {
- struct
- {
- /* The BFD the data comes from. */
- bfd *input_bfd;
- /* The offset within input_bfd. */
- file_ptr offset;
- } file;
- /* The data to be written out. */
- PTR memory;
- } u;
-/* This structure holds information across calls to
- bfd_ecoff_debug_accumulate. */
-struct accumulate
- /* The FDR hash table. */
- struct string_hash_table fdr_hash;
- /* The strings hash table. */
- struct string_hash_table str_hash;
- /* Linked lists describing how to shuffle the input debug
- information into the output file. We keep a pointer to both the
- head and the tail. */
- struct shuffle *line;
- struct shuffle *line_end;
- struct shuffle *pdr;
- struct shuffle *pdr_end;
- struct shuffle *sym;
- struct shuffle *sym_end;
- struct shuffle *opt;
- struct shuffle *opt_end;
- struct shuffle *aux;
- struct shuffle *aux_end;
- struct shuffle *ss;
- struct shuffle *ss_end;
- struct string_hash_entry *ss_hash;
- struct string_hash_entry *ss_hash_end;
- struct shuffle *fdr;
- struct shuffle *fdr_end;
- struct shuffle *rfd;
- struct shuffle *rfd_end;
- /* The size of the largest file shuffle. */
- unsigned long largest_file_shuffle;
- /* An obstack for debugging information. */
- struct obstack memory;
-/* Add a file entry to a shuffle list. */
-static boolean add_file_shuffle PARAMS ((struct accumulate *,
- struct shuffle **,
- struct shuffle **, bfd *, file_ptr,
- unsigned long));
-static boolean
-add_file_shuffle (ainfo, head, tail, input_bfd, offset, size)
- struct accumulate *ainfo;
- struct shuffle **head;
- struct shuffle **tail;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- file_ptr offset;
- unsigned long size;
- struct shuffle *n;
- if (*tail != (struct shuffle *) NULL
- && (*tail)->filep
- && (*tail)->u.file.input_bfd == input_bfd
- && (*tail)->u.file.offset + (*tail)->size == (unsigned long) offset)
- {
- /* Just merge this entry onto the existing one. */
- (*tail)->size += size;
- if ((*tail)->size > ainfo->largest_file_shuffle)
- ainfo->largest_file_shuffle = (*tail)->size;
- return true;
- }
- n = (struct shuffle *) obstack_alloc (&ainfo->memory,
- sizeof (struct shuffle));
- if (!n)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return false;
- }
- n->next = NULL;
- n->size = size;
- n->filep = true;
- n->u.file.input_bfd = input_bfd;
- n->u.file.offset = offset;
- if (*head == (struct shuffle *) NULL)
- *head = n;
- if (*tail != (struct shuffle *) NULL)
- (*tail)->next = n;
- *tail = n;
- if (size > ainfo->largest_file_shuffle)
- ainfo->largest_file_shuffle = size;
- return true;
-/* Add a memory entry to a shuffle list. */
-static boolean add_memory_shuffle PARAMS ((struct accumulate *,
- struct shuffle **head,
- struct shuffle **tail,
- bfd_byte *data, unsigned long size));
-static boolean
-add_memory_shuffle (ainfo, head, tail, data, size)
- struct accumulate *ainfo;
- struct shuffle **head;
- struct shuffle **tail;
- bfd_byte *data;
- unsigned long size;
- struct shuffle *n;
- n = (struct shuffle *) obstack_alloc (&ainfo->memory,
- sizeof (struct shuffle));
- if (!n)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return false;
- }
- n->next = NULL;
- n->size = size;
- n->filep = false;
- n->u.memory = (PTR) data;
- if (*head == (struct shuffle *) NULL)
- *head = n;
- if (*tail != (struct shuffle *) NULL)
- (*tail)->next = n;
- *tail = n;
- return true;
-/* Initialize the FDR hash table. This returns a handle which is then
- passed in to bfd_ecoff_debug_accumulate, et. al. */
-bfd_ecoff_debug_init (output_bfd, output_debug, output_swap, info)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct accumulate *ainfo;
- ainfo = (struct accumulate *) bfd_malloc (sizeof (struct accumulate));
- if (!ainfo)
- return NULL;
- if (! bfd_hash_table_init_n (&ainfo->fdr_hash.table, string_hash_newfunc,
- 1021))
- return NULL;
- ainfo->line = NULL;
- ainfo->line_end = NULL;
- ainfo->pdr = NULL;
- ainfo->pdr_end = NULL;
- ainfo->sym = NULL;
- ainfo->sym_end = NULL;
- ainfo->opt = NULL;
- ainfo->opt_end = NULL;
- ainfo->aux = NULL;
- ainfo->aux_end = NULL;
- ainfo->ss = NULL;
- ainfo->ss_end = NULL;
- ainfo->ss_hash = NULL;
- ainfo->ss_hash_end = NULL;
- ainfo->fdr = NULL;
- ainfo->fdr_end = NULL;
- ainfo->rfd = NULL;
- ainfo->rfd_end = NULL;
- ainfo->largest_file_shuffle = 0;
- if (! info->relocateable)
- {
- if (! bfd_hash_table_init (&ainfo->str_hash.table, string_hash_newfunc))
- return NULL;
- /* The first entry in the string table is the empty string. */
- output_debug->symbolic_header.issMax = 1;
- }
- if (!obstack_begin (&ainfo->memory, 4050))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return NULL;
- }
- return (PTR) ainfo;
-/* Free the accumulated debugging information. */
-bfd_ecoff_debug_free (handle, output_bfd, output_debug, output_swap, info)
- PTR handle;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct accumulate *ainfo = (struct accumulate *) handle;
- bfd_hash_table_free (&ainfo->fdr_hash.table);
- if (! info->relocateable)
- bfd_hash_table_free (&ainfo->str_hash.table);
- obstack_free (&ainfo->memory, (PTR) NULL);
- free (ainfo);
-/* Accumulate the debugging information from INPUT_BFD into
- OUTPUT_BFD. The INPUT_DEBUG argument points to some ECOFF
- debugging information which we want to link into the information
- pointed to by the OUTPUT_DEBUG argument. OUTPUT_SWAP and
- INPUT_SWAP point to the swapping information needed. INFO is the
- linker information structure. HANDLE is returned by
- bfd_ecoff_debug_init. */
-bfd_ecoff_debug_accumulate (handle, output_bfd, output_debug, output_swap,
- input_bfd, input_debug, input_swap,
- info)
- PTR handle;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *input_debug;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *input_swap;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct accumulate *ainfo = (struct accumulate *) handle;
- void (* const swap_sym_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, SYMR *))
- = input_swap->swap_sym_in;
- void (* const swap_rfd_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, RFDT *))
- = input_swap->swap_rfd_in;
- void (* const swap_sym_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, const SYMR *, PTR))
- = output_swap->swap_sym_out;
- void (* const swap_fdr_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, const FDR *, PTR))
- = output_swap->swap_fdr_out;
- void (* const swap_rfd_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, const RFDT *, PTR))
- = output_swap->swap_rfd_out;
- bfd_size_type external_pdr_size = output_swap->external_pdr_size;
- bfd_size_type external_sym_size = output_swap->external_sym_size;
- bfd_size_type external_opt_size = output_swap->external_opt_size;
- bfd_size_type external_fdr_size = output_swap->external_fdr_size;
- bfd_size_type external_rfd_size = output_swap->external_rfd_size;
- HDRR * const output_symhdr = &output_debug->symbolic_header;
- HDRR * const input_symhdr = &input_debug->symbolic_header;
- bfd_vma section_adjust[scMax];
- asection *sec;
- bfd_byte *fdr_start;
- bfd_byte *fdr_ptr;
- bfd_byte *fdr_end;
- bfd_size_type fdr_add;
- unsigned int copied;
- RFDT i;
- unsigned long sz;
- bfd_byte *rfd_out;
- bfd_byte *rfd_in;
- bfd_byte *rfd_end;
- long newrfdbase = 0;
- long oldrfdbase = 0;
- bfd_byte *fdr_out;
- /* Use section_adjust to hold the value to add to a symbol in a
- particular section. */
- memset ((PTR) section_adjust, 0, sizeof section_adjust);
-#define SET(name, indx) \
- sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, name); \
- if (sec != NULL) \
- section_adjust[indx] = (sec->output_section->vma \
- + sec->output_offset \
- - sec->vma);
- SET (".text", scText);
- SET (".data", scData);
- SET (".bss", scBss);
- SET (".sdata", scSData);
- SET (".sbss", scSBss);
- /* scRdata section may be either .rdata or .rodata. */
- SET (".rdata", scRData);
- SET (".rodata", scRData);
- SET (".init", scInit);
- SET (".fini", scFini);
- SET (".rconst", scRConst);
-#undef SET
- /* Find all the debugging information based on the FDR's. We need
- to handle them whether they are swapped or not. */
- if (input_debug->fdr != (FDR *) NULL)
- {
- fdr_start = (bfd_byte *) input_debug->fdr;
- fdr_add = sizeof (FDR);
- }
- else
- {
- fdr_start = (bfd_byte *) input_debug->external_fdr;
- fdr_add = input_swap->external_fdr_size;
- }
- fdr_end = fdr_start + input_symhdr->ifdMax * fdr_add;
- input_debug->ifdmap = (RFDT *) bfd_alloc (input_bfd,
- (input_symhdr->ifdMax
- * sizeof (RFDT)));
- sz = (input_symhdr->crfd + input_symhdr->ifdMax) * external_rfd_size;
- rfd_out = (bfd_byte *) obstack_alloc (&ainfo->memory, sz);
- if (!input_debug->ifdmap || !rfd_out)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return false;
- }
- if (!add_memory_shuffle (ainfo, &ainfo->rfd, &ainfo->rfd_end, rfd_out, sz))
- return false;
- copied = 0;
- /* Look through the FDR's to see which ones we are going to include
- in the final output. We do not want duplicate FDR information
- for header files, because ECOFF debugging is often very large.
- When we find an FDR with no line information which can be merged,
- we look it up in a hash table to ensure that we only include it
- once. We keep a table mapping FDR numbers to the final number
- they get with the BFD, so that we can refer to it when we write
- out the external symbols. */
- for (fdr_ptr = fdr_start, i = 0;
- fdr_ptr < fdr_end;
- fdr_ptr += fdr_add, i++, rfd_out += external_rfd_size)
- {
- FDR fdr;
- if (input_debug->fdr != (FDR *) NULL)
- fdr = *(FDR *) fdr_ptr;
- else
- (*input_swap->swap_fdr_in) (input_bfd, (PTR) fdr_ptr, &fdr);
- /* See if this FDR can be merged with an existing one. */
- if (fdr.cbLine == 0 && fdr.rss != -1 && fdr.fMerge)
- {
- const char *name;
- char *lookup;
- struct string_hash_entry *fh;
- /* We look up a string formed from the file name and the
- number of symbols. Sometimes an include file will
- conditionally define a typedef or something based on the
- order of include files. Using the number of symbols as a
- hash reduces the chance that we will merge symbol
- information that should not be merged. */
- name = input_debug->ss + fdr.issBase + fdr.rss;
- lookup = (char *) bfd_malloc (strlen (name) + 20);
- if (lookup == NULL)
- return false;
- sprintf (lookup, "%s %lx", name, fdr.csym);
- fh = string_hash_lookup (&ainfo->fdr_hash, lookup, true, true);
- free (lookup);
- if (fh == (struct string_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return false;
- if (fh->val != -1)
- {
- input_debug->ifdmap[i] = fh->val;
- (*swap_rfd_out) (output_bfd, input_debug->ifdmap + i,
- (PTR) rfd_out);
- /* Don't copy this FDR. */
- continue;
- }
- fh->val = output_symhdr->ifdMax + copied;
- }
- input_debug->ifdmap[i] = output_symhdr->ifdMax + copied;
- (*swap_rfd_out) (output_bfd, input_debug->ifdmap + i, (PTR) rfd_out);
- ++copied;
- }
- newrfdbase = output_symhdr->crfd;
- output_symhdr->crfd += input_symhdr->ifdMax;
- /* Copy over any existing RFD's. RFD's are only created by the
- linker, so this will only happen for input files which are the
- result of a partial link. */
- rfd_in = (bfd_byte *) input_debug->external_rfd;
- rfd_end = rfd_in + input_symhdr->crfd * input_swap->external_rfd_size;
- for (;
- rfd_in < rfd_end;
- rfd_in += input_swap->external_rfd_size)
- {
- RFDT rfd;
- (*swap_rfd_in) (input_bfd, (PTR) rfd_in, &rfd);
- BFD_ASSERT (rfd >= 0 && rfd < input_symhdr->ifdMax);
- rfd = input_debug->ifdmap[rfd];
- (*swap_rfd_out) (output_bfd, &rfd, (PTR) rfd_out);
- rfd_out += external_rfd_size;
- }
- oldrfdbase = output_symhdr->crfd;
- output_symhdr->crfd += input_symhdr->crfd;
- /* Look through the FDR's and copy over all associated debugging
- information. */
- sz = copied * external_fdr_size;
- fdr_out = (bfd_byte *) obstack_alloc (&ainfo->memory, sz);
- if (!fdr_out)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return false;
- }
- if (!add_memory_shuffle (ainfo, &ainfo->fdr, &ainfo->fdr_end, fdr_out, sz))
- return false;
- for (fdr_ptr = fdr_start, i = 0;
- fdr_ptr < fdr_end;
- fdr_ptr += fdr_add, i++)
- {
- FDR fdr;
- bfd_vma fdr_adr;
- bfd_byte *sym_out;
- bfd_byte *lraw_src;
- bfd_byte *lraw_end;
- boolean fgotfilename;
- if (input_debug->ifdmap[i] < output_symhdr->ifdMax)
- {
- /* We are not copying this FDR. */
- continue;
- }
- if (input_debug->fdr != (FDR *) NULL)
- fdr = *(FDR *) fdr_ptr;
- else
- (*input_swap->swap_fdr_in) (input_bfd, (PTR) fdr_ptr, &fdr);
- fdr_adr = fdr.adr;
- /* Adjust the FDR address for any changes that may have been
- made by relaxing. */
- if (input_debug->adjust != (struct ecoff_value_adjust *) NULL)
- {
- struct ecoff_value_adjust *adjust;
- for (adjust = input_debug->adjust;
- adjust != (struct ecoff_value_adjust *) NULL;
- adjust = adjust->next)
- if (fdr_adr >= adjust->start
- && fdr_adr < adjust->end)
- fdr.adr += adjust->adjust;
- }
- /* FIXME: It is conceivable that this FDR points to the .init or
- .fini section, in which case this will not do the right
- thing. */
- fdr.adr += section_adjust[scText];
- /* Swap in the local symbols, adjust their values, and swap them
- out again. */
- fgotfilename = false;
- sz = fdr.csym * external_sym_size;
- sym_out = (bfd_byte *) obstack_alloc (&ainfo->memory, sz);
- if (!sym_out)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return false;
- }
- if (!add_memory_shuffle (ainfo, &ainfo->sym, &ainfo->sym_end, sym_out,
- sz))
- return false;
- lraw_src = ((bfd_byte *) input_debug->external_sym
- + fdr.isymBase * input_swap->external_sym_size);
- lraw_end = lraw_src + fdr.csym * input_swap->external_sym_size;
- for (; lraw_src < lraw_end; lraw_src += input_swap->external_sym_size)
- {
- SYMR internal_sym;
- (*swap_sym_in) (input_bfd, (PTR) lraw_src, &internal_sym);
- BFD_ASSERT ( != scCommon
- && != scSCommon);
- /* Adjust the symbol value if appropriate. */
- switch (
- {
- case stNil:
- if (ECOFF_IS_STAB (&internal_sym))
- break;
- /* Fall through. */
- case stGlobal:
- case stStatic:
- case stLabel:
- case stProc:
- case stStaticProc:
- if (input_debug->adjust != (struct ecoff_value_adjust *) NULL)
- {
- bfd_vma value;
- struct ecoff_value_adjust *adjust;
- value = internal_sym.value;
- for (adjust = input_debug->adjust;
- adjust != (struct ecoff_value_adjust *) NULL;
- adjust = adjust->next)
- if (value >= adjust->start
- && value < adjust->end)
- internal_sym.value += adjust->adjust;
- }
- internal_sym.value += section_adjust[];
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /* If we are doing a final link, we hash all the strings in
- the local symbol table together. This reduces the amount
- of space required by debugging information. We don't do
- this when performing a relocateable link because it would
- prevent us from easily merging different FDR's. */
- if (! info->relocateable)
- {
- boolean ffilename;
- const char *name;
- if (! fgotfilename && internal_sym.iss == fdr.rss)
- ffilename = true;
- else
- ffilename = false;
- /* Hash the name into the string table. */
- name = input_debug->ss + fdr.issBase + internal_sym.iss;
- if (*name == '\0')
- internal_sym.iss = 0;
- else
- {
- struct string_hash_entry *sh;
- sh = string_hash_lookup (&ainfo->str_hash, name, true, true);
- if (sh == (struct string_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return false;
- if (sh->val == -1)
- {
- sh->val = output_symhdr->issMax;
- output_symhdr->issMax += strlen (name) + 1;
- if (ainfo->ss_hash == (struct string_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ainfo->ss_hash = sh;
- if (ainfo->ss_hash_end
- != (struct string_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ainfo->ss_hash_end->next = sh;
- ainfo->ss_hash_end = sh;
- }
- internal_sym.iss = sh->val;
- }
- if (ffilename)
- {
- fdr.rss = internal_sym.iss;
- fgotfilename = true;
- }
- }
- (*swap_sym_out) (output_bfd, &internal_sym, sym_out);
- sym_out += external_sym_size;
- }
- fdr.isymBase = output_symhdr->isymMax;
- output_symhdr->isymMax += fdr.csym;
- /* Copy the information that does not need swapping. */
- /* FIXME: If we are relaxing, we need to adjust the line
- numbers. Frankly, forget it. Anybody using stabs debugging
- information will not use this line number information, and
- stabs are adjusted correctly. */
- if (fdr.cbLine > 0)
- {
- if (!add_file_shuffle (ainfo, &ainfo->line, &ainfo->line_end,
- input_bfd,
- input_symhdr->cbLineOffset + fdr.cbLineOffset,
- fdr.cbLine))
- return false;
- fdr.ilineBase = output_symhdr->ilineMax;
- fdr.cbLineOffset = output_symhdr->cbLine;
- output_symhdr->ilineMax += fdr.cline;
- output_symhdr->cbLine += fdr.cbLine;
- }
- if (fdr.caux > 0)
- {
- if (!add_file_shuffle (ainfo, &ainfo->aux, &ainfo->aux_end,
- input_bfd,
- (input_symhdr->cbAuxOffset
- + fdr.iauxBase * sizeof (union aux_ext)),
- fdr.caux * sizeof (union aux_ext)))
- return false;
- fdr.iauxBase = output_symhdr->iauxMax;
- output_symhdr->iauxMax += fdr.caux;
- }
- if (! info->relocateable)
- {
- /* When are are hashing strings, we lie about the number of
- strings attached to each FDR. We need to set cbSs
- because some versions of dbx apparently use it to decide
- how much of the string table to read in. */
- fdr.issBase = 0;
- fdr.cbSs = output_symhdr->issMax;
- }
- else if (fdr.cbSs > 0)
- {
- if (!add_file_shuffle (ainfo, &ainfo->ss, &ainfo->ss_end,
- input_bfd,
- input_symhdr->cbSsOffset + fdr.issBase,
- fdr.cbSs))
- return false;
- fdr.issBase = output_symhdr->issMax;
- output_symhdr->issMax += fdr.cbSs;
- }
- if ((output_bfd->xvec->header_byteorder
- == input_bfd->xvec->header_byteorder)
- && input_debug->adjust == (struct ecoff_value_adjust *) NULL)
- {
- /* The two BFD's have the same endianness, and we don't have
- to adjust the PDR addresses, so simply copying the
- information will suffice. */
- BFD_ASSERT (external_pdr_size == input_swap->external_pdr_size);
- if (fdr.cpd > 0)
- {
- if (!add_file_shuffle (ainfo, &ainfo->pdr, &ainfo->pdr_end,
- input_bfd,
- (input_symhdr->cbPdOffset
- + fdr.ipdFirst * external_pdr_size),
- fdr.cpd * external_pdr_size))
- return false;
- }
- BFD_ASSERT (external_opt_size == input_swap->external_opt_size);
- if (fdr.copt > 0)
- {
- if (!add_file_shuffle (ainfo, &ainfo->opt, &ainfo->opt_end,
- input_bfd,
- (input_symhdr->cbOptOffset
- + fdr.ioptBase * external_opt_size),
- fdr.copt * external_opt_size))
- return false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_size_type outsz, insz;
- bfd_byte *in;
- bfd_byte *end;
- bfd_byte *out;
- /* The two BFD's have different endianness, so we must swap
- everything in and out. This code would always work, but
- it would be unnecessarily slow in the normal case. */
- outsz = external_pdr_size;
- insz = input_swap->external_pdr_size;
- in = ((bfd_byte *) input_debug->external_pdr
- + fdr.ipdFirst * insz);
- end = in + fdr.cpd * insz;
- sz = fdr.cpd * outsz;
- out = (bfd_byte *) obstack_alloc (&ainfo->memory, sz);
- if (!out)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return false;
- }
- if (!add_memory_shuffle (ainfo, &ainfo->pdr, &ainfo->pdr_end, out,
- sz))
- return false;
- for (; in < end; in += insz, out += outsz)
- {
- PDR pdr;
- (*input_swap->swap_pdr_in) (input_bfd, (PTR) in, &pdr);
- /* If we have been relaxing, we may have to adjust the
- address. */
- if (input_debug->adjust != (struct ecoff_value_adjust *) NULL)
- {
- bfd_vma adr;
- struct ecoff_value_adjust *adjust;
- adr = fdr_adr + pdr.adr;
- for (adjust = input_debug->adjust;
- adjust != (struct ecoff_value_adjust *) NULL;
- adjust = adjust->next)
- if (adr >= adjust->start
- && adr < adjust->end)
- pdr.adr += adjust->adjust;
- }
- (*output_swap->swap_pdr_out) (output_bfd, &pdr, (PTR) out);
- }
- /* Swap over the optimization information. */
- outsz = external_opt_size;
- insz = input_swap->external_opt_size;
- in = ((bfd_byte *) input_debug->external_opt
- + fdr.ioptBase * insz);
- end = in + fdr.copt * insz;
- sz = fdr.copt * outsz;
- out = (bfd_byte *) obstack_alloc (&ainfo->memory, sz);
- if (!out)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return false;
- }
- if (!add_memory_shuffle (ainfo, &ainfo->opt, &ainfo->opt_end, out,
- sz))
- return false;
- for (; in < end; in += insz, out += outsz)
- {
- OPTR opt;
- (*input_swap->swap_opt_in) (input_bfd, (PTR) in, &opt);
- (*output_swap->swap_opt_out) (output_bfd, &opt, (PTR) out);
- }
- }
- fdr.ipdFirst = output_symhdr->ipdMax;
- output_symhdr->ipdMax += fdr.cpd;
- fdr.ioptBase = output_symhdr->ioptMax;
- output_symhdr->ioptMax += fdr.copt;
- if (fdr.crfd <= 0)
- {
- /* Point this FDR at the table of RFD's we created. */
- fdr.rfdBase = newrfdbase;
- fdr.crfd = input_symhdr->ifdMax;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Point this FDR at the remapped RFD's. */
- fdr.rfdBase += oldrfdbase;
- }
- (*swap_fdr_out) (output_bfd, &fdr, fdr_out);
- fdr_out += external_fdr_size;
- ++output_symhdr->ifdMax;
- }
- return true;
-/* Add a string to the debugging information we are accumulating.
- Return the offset from the fdr string base. */
-static long ecoff_add_string PARAMS ((struct accumulate *,
- struct bfd_link_info *,
- struct ecoff_debug_info *,
- FDR *fdr, const char *string));
-static long
-ecoff_add_string (ainfo, info, debug, fdr, string)
- struct accumulate *ainfo;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *debug;
- FDR *fdr;
- const char *string;
- HDRR *symhdr;
- size_t len;
- bfd_size_type ret;
- symhdr = &debug->symbolic_header;
- len = strlen (string);
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- if (!add_memory_shuffle (ainfo, &ainfo->ss, &ainfo->ss_end, (PTR) string,
- len + 1))
- return -1;
- ret = symhdr->issMax;
- symhdr->issMax += len + 1;
- fdr->cbSs += len + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- struct string_hash_entry *sh;
- sh = string_hash_lookup (&ainfo->str_hash, string, true, true);
- if (sh == (struct string_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return -1;
- if (sh->val == -1)
- {
- sh->val = symhdr->issMax;
- symhdr->issMax += len + 1;
- if (ainfo->ss_hash == (struct string_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ainfo->ss_hash = sh;
- if (ainfo->ss_hash_end
- != (struct string_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ainfo->ss_hash_end->next = sh;
- ainfo->ss_hash_end = sh;
- }
- ret = sh->val;
- }
- return ret;
-/* Add debugging information from a non-ECOFF file. */
-bfd_ecoff_debug_accumulate_other (handle, output_bfd, output_debug,
- output_swap, input_bfd, info)
- PTR handle;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct accumulate *ainfo = (struct accumulate *) handle;
- void (* const swap_sym_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, const SYMR *, PTR))
- = output_swap->swap_sym_out;
- HDRR *output_symhdr = &output_debug->symbolic_header;
- FDR fdr;
- asection *sec;
- asymbol **symbols;
- asymbol **sym_ptr;
- asymbol **sym_end;
- long symsize;
- long symcount;
- PTR external_fdr;
- memset ((PTR) &fdr, 0, sizeof fdr);
- sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, ".text");
- if (sec != NULL)
- fdr.adr = sec->output_section->vma + sec->output_offset;
- else
- {
- /* FIXME: What about .init or .fini? */
- fdr.adr = 0;
- }
- fdr.issBase = output_symhdr->issMax;
- fdr.cbSs = 0;
- fdr.rss = ecoff_add_string (ainfo, info, output_debug, &fdr,
- bfd_get_filename (input_bfd));
- if (fdr.rss == -1)
- return false;
- fdr.isymBase = output_symhdr->isymMax;
- /* Get the local symbols from the input BFD. */
- symsize = bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound (input_bfd);
- if (symsize < 0)
- return false;
- symbols = (asymbol **) bfd_alloc (output_bfd, symsize);
- if (symbols == (asymbol **) NULL)
- return false;
- symcount = bfd_canonicalize_symtab (input_bfd, symbols);
- if (symcount < 0)
- return false;
- sym_end = symbols + symcount;
- /* Handle the local symbols. Any external symbols are handled
- separately. */
- fdr.csym = 0;
- for (sym_ptr = symbols; sym_ptr != sym_end; sym_ptr++)
- {
- SYMR internal_sym;
- PTR external_sym;
- if (((*sym_ptr)->flags & BSF_EXPORT) != 0)
- continue;
- memset ((PTR) &internal_sym, 0, sizeof internal_sym);
- internal_sym.iss = ecoff_add_string (ainfo, info, output_debug, &fdr,
- (*sym_ptr)->name);
- if (internal_sym.iss == -1)
- return false;
- if (bfd_is_com_section ((*sym_ptr)->section)
- || bfd_is_und_section ((*sym_ptr)->section))
- internal_sym.value = (*sym_ptr)->value;
- else
- internal_sym.value = ((*sym_ptr)->value
- + (*sym_ptr)->section->output_offset
- + (*sym_ptr)->section->output_section->vma);
- = stNil;
- = scUndefined;
- internal_sym.index = indexNil;
- external_sym = (PTR) obstack_alloc (&ainfo->memory,
- output_swap->external_sym_size);
- if (!external_sym)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return false;
- }
- (*swap_sym_out) (output_bfd, &internal_sym, external_sym);
- add_memory_shuffle (ainfo, &ainfo->sym, &ainfo->sym_end,
- external_sym, output_swap->external_sym_size);
- ++fdr.csym;
- ++output_symhdr->isymMax;
- }
- bfd_release (output_bfd, (PTR) symbols);
- /* Leave everything else in the FDR zeroed out. This will cause
- the lang field to be langC. The fBigendian field will
- indicate little endian format, but it doesn't matter because
- it only applies to aux fields and there are none. */
- external_fdr = (PTR) obstack_alloc (&ainfo->memory,
- output_swap->external_fdr_size);
- if (!external_fdr)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return false;
- }
- (*output_swap->swap_fdr_out) (output_bfd, &fdr, external_fdr);
- add_memory_shuffle (ainfo, &ainfo->fdr, &ainfo->fdr_end,
- external_fdr, output_swap->external_fdr_size);
- ++output_symhdr->ifdMax;
- return true;
-/* Set up ECOFF debugging information for the external symbols.
- FIXME: This is done using a memory buffer, but it should be
- probably be changed to use a shuffle structure. The assembler uses
- this interface, so that must be changed to do something else. */
-bfd_ecoff_debug_externals (abfd, debug, swap, relocateable, get_extr,
- set_index)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *debug;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap;
- boolean relocateable;
- boolean (*get_extr) PARAMS ((asymbol *, EXTR *));
- void (*set_index) PARAMS ((asymbol *, bfd_size_type));
- HDRR * const symhdr = &debug->symbolic_header;
- asymbol **sym_ptr_ptr;
- size_t c;
- sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_get_outsymbols (abfd);
- if (sym_ptr_ptr == NULL)
- return true;
- for (c = bfd_get_symcount (abfd); c > 0; c--, sym_ptr_ptr++)
- {
- asymbol *sym_ptr;
- EXTR esym;
- sym_ptr = *sym_ptr_ptr;
- /* Get the external symbol information. */
- if ((*get_extr) (sym_ptr, &esym) == false)
- continue;
- /* If we're producing an executable, move common symbols into
- bss. */
- if (relocateable == false)
- {
- if ( == scCommon)
- = scBss;
- else if ( == scSCommon)
- = scSBss;
- }
- if (bfd_is_com_section (sym_ptr->section)
- || bfd_is_und_section (sym_ptr->section)
- || sym_ptr->section->output_section == (asection *) NULL)
- {
- /* FIXME: gas does not keep the value of a small undefined
- symbol in the symbol itself, because of relocation
- problems. */
- if ( != scSUndefined
- || esym.asym.value == 0
- || sym_ptr->value != 0)
- esym.asym.value = sym_ptr->value;
- }
- else
- esym.asym.value = (sym_ptr->value
- + sym_ptr->section->output_offset
- + sym_ptr->section->output_section->vma);
- if (set_index)
- (*set_index) (sym_ptr, (bfd_size_type) symhdr->iextMax);
- if (! bfd_ecoff_debug_one_external (abfd, debug, swap,
- sym_ptr->name, &esym))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Add a single external symbol to the debugging information. */
-bfd_ecoff_debug_one_external (abfd, debug, swap, name, esym)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *debug;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap;
- const char *name;
- EXTR *esym;
- const bfd_size_type external_ext_size = swap->external_ext_size;
- void (* const swap_ext_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, const EXTR *, PTR))
- = swap->swap_ext_out;
- HDRR * const symhdr = &debug->symbolic_header;
- size_t namelen;
- namelen = strlen (name);
- if ((size_t) (debug->ssext_end - debug->ssext)
- < symhdr->issExtMax + namelen + 1)
- {
- if (ecoff_add_bytes ((char **) &debug->ssext,
- (char **) &debug->ssext_end,
- symhdr->issExtMax + namelen + 1)
- == false)
- return false;
- }
- if ((size_t) ((char *) debug->external_ext_end
- - (char *) debug->external_ext)
- < (symhdr->iextMax + 1) * external_ext_size)
- {
- if (ecoff_add_bytes ((char **) &debug->external_ext,
- (char **) &debug->external_ext_end,
- (symhdr->iextMax + 1) * external_ext_size)
- == false)
- return false;
- }
- esym->asym.iss = symhdr->issExtMax;
- (*swap_ext_out) (abfd, esym,
- ((char *) debug->external_ext
- + symhdr->iextMax * swap->external_ext_size));
- ++symhdr->iextMax;
- strcpy (debug->ssext + symhdr->issExtMax, name);
- symhdr->issExtMax += namelen + 1;
- return true;
-/* Align the ECOFF debugging information. */
-static void
-ecoff_align_debug (abfd, debug, swap)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *debug;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap;
- HDRR * const symhdr = &debug->symbolic_header;
- bfd_size_type debug_align, aux_align, rfd_align;
- size_t add;
- /* Adjust the counts so that structures are aligned. */
- debug_align = swap->debug_align;
- aux_align = debug_align / sizeof (union aux_ext);
- rfd_align = debug_align / swap->external_rfd_size;
- add = debug_align - (symhdr->cbLine & (debug_align - 1));
- if (add != debug_align)
- {
- if (debug->line != (unsigned char *) NULL)
- memset ((PTR) (debug->line + symhdr->cbLine), 0, add);
- symhdr->cbLine += add;
- }
- add = debug_align - (symhdr->issMax & (debug_align - 1));
- if (add != debug_align)
- {
- if (debug->ss != (char *) NULL)
- memset ((PTR) (debug->ss + symhdr->issMax), 0, add);
- symhdr->issMax += add;
- }
- add = debug_align - (symhdr->issExtMax & (debug_align - 1));
- if (add != debug_align)
- {
- if (debug->ssext != (char *) NULL)
- memset ((PTR) (debug->ssext + symhdr->issExtMax), 0, add);
- symhdr->issExtMax += add;
- }
- add = aux_align - (symhdr->iauxMax & (aux_align - 1));
- if (add != aux_align)
- {
- if (debug->external_aux != (union aux_ext *) NULL)
- memset ((PTR) (debug->external_aux + symhdr->iauxMax), 0,
- add * sizeof (union aux_ext));
- symhdr->iauxMax += add;
- }
- add = rfd_align - (symhdr->crfd & (rfd_align - 1));
- if (add != rfd_align)
- {
- if (debug->external_rfd != (PTR) NULL)
- memset ((PTR) ((char *) debug->external_rfd
- + symhdr->crfd * swap->external_rfd_size),
- 0, (size_t) (add * swap->external_rfd_size));
- symhdr->crfd += add;
- }
-/* Return the size required by the ECOFF debugging information. */
-bfd_ecoff_debug_size (abfd, debug, swap)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *debug;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap;
- bfd_size_type tot;
- ecoff_align_debug (abfd, debug, swap);
- tot = swap->external_hdr_size;
-#define ADD(count, size) \
- tot += debug->symbolic_header.count * size
- ADD (cbLine, sizeof (unsigned char));
- ADD (idnMax, swap->external_dnr_size);
- ADD (ipdMax, swap->external_pdr_size);
- ADD (isymMax, swap->external_sym_size);
- ADD (ioptMax, swap->external_opt_size);
- ADD (iauxMax, sizeof (union aux_ext));
- ADD (issMax, sizeof (char));
- ADD (issExtMax, sizeof (char));
- ADD (ifdMax, swap->external_fdr_size);
- ADD (crfd, swap->external_rfd_size);
- ADD (iextMax, swap->external_ext_size);
-#undef ADD
- return tot;
-/* Write out the ECOFF symbolic header, given the file position it is
- going to be placed at. This assumes that the counts are set
- correctly. */
-static boolean
-ecoff_write_symhdr (abfd, debug, swap, where)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *debug;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap;
- file_ptr where;
- HDRR * const symhdr = &debug->symbolic_header;
- char *buff = NULL;
- ecoff_align_debug (abfd, debug, swap);
- /* Go to the right location in the file. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, where, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- where += swap->external_hdr_size;
- symhdr->magic = swap->sym_magic;
- /* Fill in the file offsets. */
-#define SET(offset, count, size) \
- if (symhdr->count == 0) \
- symhdr->offset = 0; \
- else \
- { \
- symhdr->offset = where; \
- where += symhdr->count * size; \
- }
- SET (cbLineOffset, cbLine, sizeof (unsigned char));
- SET (cbDnOffset, idnMax, swap->external_dnr_size);
- SET (cbPdOffset, ipdMax, swap->external_pdr_size);
- SET (cbSymOffset, isymMax, swap->external_sym_size);
- SET (cbOptOffset, ioptMax, swap->external_opt_size);
- SET (cbAuxOffset, iauxMax, sizeof (union aux_ext));
- SET (cbSsOffset, issMax, sizeof (char));
- SET (cbSsExtOffset, issExtMax, sizeof (char));
- SET (cbFdOffset, ifdMax, swap->external_fdr_size);
- SET (cbRfdOffset, crfd, swap->external_rfd_size);
- SET (cbExtOffset, iextMax, swap->external_ext_size);
-#undef SET
- buff = (PTR) bfd_malloc ((size_t) swap->external_hdr_size);
- if (buff == NULL && swap->external_hdr_size != 0)
- goto error_return;
- (*swap->swap_hdr_out) (abfd, symhdr, buff);
- if (bfd_write (buff, 1, swap->external_hdr_size, abfd)
- != swap->external_hdr_size)
- goto error_return;
- if (buff != NULL)
- free (buff);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (buff != NULL)
- free (buff);
- return false;
-/* Write out the ECOFF debugging information. This function assumes
- that the information (the pointers and counts) in *DEBUG have been
- set correctly. WHERE is the position in the file to write the
- information to. This function fills in the file offsets in the
- symbolic header. */
-bfd_ecoff_write_debug (abfd, debug, swap, where)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *debug;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap;
- file_ptr where;
- HDRR * const symhdr = &debug->symbolic_header;
- if (! ecoff_write_symhdr (abfd, debug, swap, where))
- return false;
-#define WRITE(ptr, count, size, offset) \
- BFD_ASSERT (symhdr->offset == 0 \
- || (bfd_vma) bfd_tell (abfd) == symhdr->offset); \
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) debug->ptr, size, symhdr->count, abfd) \
- != size * symhdr->count) \
- return false;
- WRITE (line, cbLine, sizeof (unsigned char), cbLineOffset);
- WRITE (external_dnr, idnMax, swap->external_dnr_size, cbDnOffset);
- WRITE (external_pdr, ipdMax, swap->external_pdr_size, cbPdOffset);
- WRITE (external_sym, isymMax, swap->external_sym_size, cbSymOffset);
- WRITE (external_opt, ioptMax, swap->external_opt_size, cbOptOffset);
- WRITE (external_aux, iauxMax, sizeof (union aux_ext), cbAuxOffset);
- WRITE (ss, issMax, sizeof (char), cbSsOffset);
- WRITE (ssext, issExtMax, sizeof (char), cbSsExtOffset);
- WRITE (external_fdr, ifdMax, swap->external_fdr_size, cbFdOffset);
- WRITE (external_rfd, crfd, swap->external_rfd_size, cbRfdOffset);
- WRITE (external_ext, iextMax, swap->external_ext_size, cbExtOffset);
-#undef WRITE
- return true;
-/* Write out a shuffle list. */
-static boolean ecoff_write_shuffle PARAMS ((bfd *,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *,
- struct shuffle *, PTR space));
-static boolean
-ecoff_write_shuffle (abfd, swap, shuffle, space)
- bfd *abfd;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap;
- struct shuffle *shuffle;
- PTR space;
- register struct shuffle *l;
- unsigned long total;
- total = 0;
- for (l = shuffle; l != (struct shuffle *) NULL; l = l->next)
- {
- if (! l->filep)
- {
- if (bfd_write (l->u.memory, 1, l->size, abfd) != l->size)
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (bfd_seek (l->u.file.input_bfd, l->u.file.offset, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read (space, 1, l->size, l->u.file.input_bfd) != l->size
- || bfd_write (space, 1, l->size, abfd) != l->size)
- return false;
- }
- total += l->size;
- }
- if ((total & (swap->debug_align - 1)) != 0)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- bfd_byte *s;
- i = swap->debug_align - (total & (swap->debug_align - 1));
- s = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (i);
- if (s == NULL && i != 0)
- return false;
- memset ((PTR) s, 0, i);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) s, 1, i, abfd) != i)
- {
- free (s);
- return false;
- }
- free (s);
- }
- return true;
-/* Write out debugging information using accumulated linker
- information. */
-bfd_ecoff_write_accumulated_debug (handle, abfd, debug, swap, info, where)
- PTR handle;
- bfd *abfd;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *debug;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- file_ptr where;
- struct accumulate *ainfo = (struct accumulate *) handle;
- PTR space = NULL;
- if (! ecoff_write_symhdr (abfd, debug, swap, where))
- goto error_return;
- space = (PTR) bfd_malloc (ainfo->largest_file_shuffle);
- if (space == NULL && ainfo->largest_file_shuffle != 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (! ecoff_write_shuffle (abfd, swap, ainfo->line, space)
- || ! ecoff_write_shuffle (abfd, swap, ainfo->pdr, space)
- || ! ecoff_write_shuffle (abfd, swap, ainfo->sym, space)
- || ! ecoff_write_shuffle (abfd, swap, ainfo->opt, space)
- || ! ecoff_write_shuffle (abfd, swap, ainfo->aux, space))
- goto error_return;
- /* The string table is written out from the hash table if this is a
- final link. */
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (ainfo->ss_hash == (struct string_hash_entry *) NULL);
- if (! ecoff_write_shuffle (abfd, swap, ainfo->ss, space))
- goto error_return;
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned long total;
- bfd_byte null;
- struct string_hash_entry *sh;
- BFD_ASSERT (ainfo->ss == (struct shuffle *) NULL);
- null = 0;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &null, 1, 1, abfd) != 1)
- goto error_return;
- total = 1;
- BFD_ASSERT (ainfo->ss_hash == NULL || ainfo->ss_hash->val == 1);
- for (sh = ainfo->ss_hash;
- sh != (struct string_hash_entry *) NULL;
- sh = sh->next)
- {
- size_t len;
- len = strlen (sh->root.string);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) sh->root.string, 1, len + 1, abfd) != len + 1)
- goto error_return;
- total += len + 1;
- }
- if ((total & (swap->debug_align - 1)) != 0)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- bfd_byte *s;
- i = swap->debug_align - (total & (swap->debug_align - 1));
- s = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (i);
- if (s == NULL && i != 0)
- goto error_return;
- memset ((PTR) s, 0, i);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) s, 1, i, abfd) != i)
- {
- free (s);
- goto error_return;
- }
- free (s);
- }
- }
- /* The external strings and symbol are not converted over to using
- shuffles. FIXME: They probably should be. */
- if (bfd_write (debug->ssext, 1, debug->symbolic_header.issExtMax, abfd)
- != (bfd_size_type) debug->symbolic_header.issExtMax)
- goto error_return;
- if ((debug->symbolic_header.issExtMax & (swap->debug_align - 1)) != 0)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- bfd_byte *s;
- i = (swap->debug_align
- - (debug->symbolic_header.issExtMax & (swap->debug_align - 1)));
- s = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (i);
- if (s == NULL && i != 0)
- goto error_return;
- memset ((PTR) s, 0, i);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) s, 1, i, abfd) != i)
- {
- free (s);
- goto error_return;
- }
- free (s);
- }
- if (! ecoff_write_shuffle (abfd, swap, ainfo->fdr, space)
- || ! ecoff_write_shuffle (abfd, swap, ainfo->rfd, space))
- goto error_return;
- BFD_ASSERT (debug->symbolic_header.cbExtOffset == 0
- || (debug->symbolic_header.cbExtOffset
- == (bfd_vma) bfd_tell (abfd)));
- if (bfd_write (debug->external_ext, swap->external_ext_size,
- debug->symbolic_header.iextMax, abfd)
- != debug->symbolic_header.iextMax * swap->external_ext_size)
- goto error_return;
- if (space != NULL)
- free (space);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (space != NULL)
- free (space);
- return false;
-/* Handle the find_nearest_line function for both ECOFF and MIPS ELF
- files. */
-/* Compare FDR entries. This is called via qsort. */
-static int
-cmp_fdrtab_entry (leftp, rightp)
- const PTR leftp;
- const PTR rightp;
- const struct ecoff_fdrtab_entry *lp =
- (const struct ecoff_fdrtab_entry *) leftp;
- const struct ecoff_fdrtab_entry *rp =
- (const struct ecoff_fdrtab_entry *) rightp;
- if (lp->base_addr < rp->base_addr)
- return -1;
- if (lp->base_addr > rp->base_addr)
- return 1;
- return 0;
-/* Each file descriptor (FDR) has a memory address, to simplify
- looking up an FDR by address, we build a table covering all FDRs
- that have a least one procedure descriptor in them. The final
- table will be sorted by address so we can look it up via binary
- search. */
-static boolean
-mk_fdrtab (abfd, debug_info, debug_swap, line_info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct ecoff_debug_info * const debug_info;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap * const debug_swap;
- struct ecoff_find_line *line_info;
- struct ecoff_fdrtab_entry *tab;
- FDR *fdr_ptr;
- FDR *fdr_start;
- FDR *fdr_end;
- boolean stabs;
- long len;
- fdr_start = debug_info->fdr;
- fdr_end = fdr_start + debug_info->symbolic_header.ifdMax;
- /* First, let's see how long the table needs to be: */
- for (len = 0, fdr_ptr = fdr_start; fdr_ptr < fdr_end; fdr_ptr++)
- {
- if (fdr_ptr->cpd == 0) /* skip FDRs that have no PDRs */
- continue;
- ++len;
- }
- /* Now, create and fill in the table: */
- line_info->fdrtab = ((struct ecoff_fdrtab_entry*)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd,
- len * sizeof (struct ecoff_fdrtab_entry)));
- if (line_info->fdrtab == NULL)
- return false;
- line_info->fdrtab_len = len;
- tab = line_info->fdrtab;
- for (fdr_ptr = fdr_start; fdr_ptr < fdr_end; fdr_ptr++)
- {
- if (fdr_ptr->cpd == 0)
- continue;
- /* Check whether this file has stabs debugging information. In
- a file with stabs debugging information, the second local
- symbol is named @stabs. */
- stabs = false;
- if (fdr_ptr->csym >= 2)
- {
- char *sym_ptr;
- SYMR sym;
- sym_ptr = ((char *) debug_info->external_sym
- + (fdr_ptr->isymBase + 1)*debug_swap->external_sym_size);
- (*debug_swap->swap_sym_in) (abfd, sym_ptr, &sym);
- if (strcmp (debug_info->ss + fdr_ptr->issBase + sym.iss,
- stabs = true;
- }
- if (!stabs)
- {
- bfd_size_type external_pdr_size;
- char *pdr_ptr;
- PDR pdr;
- external_pdr_size = debug_swap->external_pdr_size;
- pdr_ptr = ((char *) debug_info->external_pdr
- + fdr_ptr->ipdFirst * external_pdr_size);
- (*debug_swap->swap_pdr_in) (abfd, (PTR) pdr_ptr, &pdr);
- /* The address of the first PDR is the offset of that
- procedure relative to the beginning of file FDR. */
- tab->base_addr = fdr_ptr->adr - pdr.adr;
- }
- else
- {
- /* XXX I don't know about stabs, so this is a guess
- ( */
- tab->base_addr = fdr_ptr->adr;
- }
- tab->fdr = fdr_ptr;
- ++tab;
- }
- /* Finally, the table is sorted in increasing memory-address order.
- The table is mostly sorted already, but there are cases (e.g.,
- static functions in include files), where this does not hold.
- Use "odump -PFv" to verify... */
- qsort ((PTR) line_info->fdrtab, len,
- sizeof (struct ecoff_fdrtab_entry), cmp_fdrtab_entry);
- return true;
-/* Return index of first FDR that covers to OFFSET. */
-static long
-fdrtab_lookup (line_info, offset)
- struct ecoff_find_line *line_info;
- bfd_vma offset;
- long low, high, len;
- long mid = -1;
- struct ecoff_fdrtab_entry *tab;
- len = line_info->fdrtab_len;
- if (len == 0)
- return -1;
- tab = line_info->fdrtab;
- for (low = 0, high = len - 1 ; low != high ;)
- {
- mid = (high + low) / 2;
- if (offset >= tab[mid].base_addr && offset < tab[mid + 1].base_addr)
- goto find_min;
- if (tab[mid].base_addr > offset)
- high = mid;
- else
- low = mid + 1;
- }
- ++mid;
- /* last entry is catch-all for all higher addresses: */
- if (offset < tab[mid].base_addr)
- return -1;
- find_min:
- while (mid > 0 && tab[mid - 1].base_addr == tab[mid].base_addr)
- --mid;
- return mid;
-/* Do the work of find_nearest_line. */
-_bfd_ecoff_locate_line (abfd, section, offset, debug_info, debug_swap,
- line_info, filename_ptr, functionname_ptr, retline_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- bfd_vma offset;
- struct ecoff_debug_info * const debug_info;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap * const debug_swap;
- struct ecoff_find_line *line_info;
- const char **filename_ptr;
- const char **functionname_ptr;
- unsigned int *retline_ptr;
- struct ecoff_fdrtab_entry *tab;
- boolean stabs;
- FDR *fdr_ptr;
- int i;
- offset += section->vma;
- /* Build FDR table (sorted by object file's base-address) if we
- don't have it already. */
- if (line_info->fdrtab == NULL
- && !mk_fdrtab (abfd, debug_info, debug_swap, line_info))
- return false;
- tab = line_info->fdrtab;
- /* find first FDR for address OFFSET */
- i = fdrtab_lookup (line_info, offset);
- if (i < 0)
- return false; /* no FDR, no fun... */
- fdr_ptr = tab[i].fdr;
- /* Check whether this file has stabs debugging information. In a
- file with stabs debugging information, the second local symbol is
- named @stabs. */
- stabs = false;
- if (fdr_ptr->csym >= 2)
- {
- char *sym_ptr;
- SYMR sym;
- sym_ptr = ((char *) debug_info->external_sym
- + (fdr_ptr->isymBase + 1) * debug_swap->external_sym_size);
- (*debug_swap->swap_sym_in) (abfd, sym_ptr, &sym);
- if (strcmp (debug_info->ss + fdr_ptr->issBase + sym.iss,
- stabs = true;
- }
- if (!stabs)
- {
- bfd_size_type external_pdr_size;
- char *pdr_ptr;
- char *best_pdr = NULL;
- FDR *best_fdr;
- bfd_vma best_dist = ~0;
- PDR pdr;
- unsigned char *line_ptr;
- unsigned char *line_end;
- int lineno;
- /* This file uses ECOFF debugging information. Each FDR has a
- list of procedure descriptors (PDR). The address in the FDR
- is the absolute address of the first procedure. The address
- in the first PDR gives the offset of that procedure relative
- to the object file's base-address. The addresses in
- subsequent PDRs specify each procedure's address relative to
- the object file's base-address. To make things more juicy,
- whenever the PROF bit in the PDR is set, the real entry point
- of the procedure may be 16 bytes below what would normally be
- the procedure's entry point. Instead, DEC came up with a
- wicked scheme to create profiled libraries "on the fly":
- instead of shipping a regular and a profiled version of each
- library, they insert 16 bytes of unused space in front of
- each procedure and set the "prof" bit in the PDR to indicate
- that there is a gap there (this is done automagically by "as"
- when option "-pg" is specified). Thus, normally, you link
- against such a library and, except for lots of 16 byte gaps
- between functions, things will behave as usual. However,
- when invoking "ld" with option "-pg", it will fill those gaps
- with code that calls mcount(). It then moves the function's
- entry point down by 16 bytes, and out pops a binary that has
- all functions profiled.
- NOTE: Neither FDRs nor PDRs are strictly sorted in memory
- order. For example, when including header-files that
- define functions, the FDRs follow behind the including
- file, even though their code may have been generated at
- a lower address. File coff-alpha.c from libbfd
- illustrates this (use "odump -PFv" to look at a file's
- FDR/PDR). Similarly, PDRs are sometimes out of order
- as well. An example of this is OSF/1 v3.0 libc's
- malloc.c. I'm not sure why this happens, but it could
- be due to optimizations that reorder a function's
- position within an object-file.
- Strategy:
- On the first call to this function, we build a table of FDRs
- that is sorted by the base-address of the object-file the FDR
- is referring to. Notice that each object-file may contain
- code from multiple source files (e.g., due to code defined in
- include files). Thus, for any given base-address, there may
- be multiple FDRs (but this case is, fortunately, uncommon).
- lookup(addr) guarantees to return the first FDR that applies
- to address ADDR. Thus, after invoking lookup(), we have a
- list of FDRs that may contain the PDR for ADDR. Next, we
- walk through the PDRs of these FDRs and locate the one that
- is closest to ADDR (i.e., for which the difference between
- ADDR and the PDR's entry point is positive and minimal).
- Once, the right FDR and PDR are located, we simply walk
- through the line-number table to lookup the line-number that
- best matches ADDR. Obviously, things could be sped up by
- keeping a sorted list of PDRs instead of a sorted list of
- FDRs. However, this would increase space requirements
- considerably, which is undesirable. */
- external_pdr_size = debug_swap->external_pdr_size;
- /* Make offset relative to object file's start-address: */
- offset -= tab[i].base_addr;
- /* Search FDR list starting at tab[i] for the PDR that best matches
- OFFSET. Normally, the FDR list is only one entry long. */
- best_fdr = NULL;
- do
- {
- bfd_vma dist, min_dist = 0;
- char *pdr_hold;
- char *pdr_end;
- fdr_ptr = tab[i].fdr;
- pdr_ptr = ((char *) debug_info->external_pdr
- + fdr_ptr->ipdFirst * external_pdr_size);
- pdr_end = pdr_ptr + fdr_ptr->cpd * external_pdr_size;
- (*debug_swap->swap_pdr_in) (abfd, (PTR) pdr_ptr, &pdr);
- /* Find PDR that is closest to OFFSET. If is set,
- the procedure entry-point *may* be 0x10 below pdr.adr. We
- simply pretend that *implies* a lower entry-point.
- This is safe because it just means that may identify 4 NOPs
- in front of the function as belonging to the function. */
- for (pdr_hold = NULL;
- pdr_ptr < pdr_end;
- (pdr_ptr += external_pdr_size,
- (*debug_swap->swap_pdr_in) (abfd, (PTR) pdr_ptr, &pdr)))
- {
- if (offset >= (pdr.adr - 0x10 *
- {
- dist = offset - (pdr.adr - 0x10 *;
- if (!pdr_hold || dist < min_dist)
- {
- min_dist = dist;
- pdr_hold = pdr_ptr;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!best_pdr || min_dist < best_dist)
- {
- best_dist = min_dist;
- best_fdr = fdr_ptr;
- best_pdr = pdr_hold;
- }
- /* continue looping until base_addr of next entry is different: */
- }
- while (++i < line_info->fdrtab_len
- && tab[i].base_addr == tab[i - 1].base_addr);
- if (!best_fdr || !best_pdr)
- return false; /* shouldn't happen... */
- /* phew, finally we got something that we can hold onto: */
- fdr_ptr = best_fdr;
- pdr_ptr = best_pdr;
- (*debug_swap->swap_pdr_in) (abfd, (PTR) pdr_ptr, &pdr);
- /* Now we can look for the actual line number. The line numbers
- are stored in a very funky format, which I won't try to
- describe. The search is bounded by the end of the FDRs line
- number entries. */
- line_end = debug_info->line + fdr_ptr->cbLineOffset + fdr_ptr->cbLine;
- /* Make offset relative to procedure entry: */
- offset -= pdr.adr - 0x10 *;
- lineno = pdr.lnLow;
- line_ptr = debug_info->line + fdr_ptr->cbLineOffset + pdr.cbLineOffset;
- while (line_ptr < line_end)
- {
- int delta;
- unsigned int count;
- delta = *line_ptr >> 4;
- if (delta >= 0x8)
- delta -= 0x10;
- count = (*line_ptr & 0xf) + 1;
- ++line_ptr;
- if (delta == -8)
- {
- delta = (((line_ptr[0]) & 0xff) << 8) + ((line_ptr[1]) & 0xff);
- if (delta >= 0x8000)
- delta -= 0x10000;
- line_ptr += 2;
- }
- lineno += delta;
- if (offset < count * 4)
- break;
- offset -= count * 4;
- }
- /* If fdr_ptr->rss is -1, then this file does not have full
- symbols, at least according to gdb/mipsread.c. */
- if (fdr_ptr->rss == -1)
- {
- *filename_ptr = NULL;
- if (pdr.isym == -1)
- *functionname_ptr = NULL;
- else
- {
- EXTR proc_ext;
- (*debug_swap->swap_ext_in)
- (abfd,
- ((char *) debug_info->external_ext
- + pdr.isym * debug_swap->external_ext_size),
- &proc_ext);
- *functionname_ptr = debug_info->ssext + proc_ext.asym.iss;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- SYMR proc_sym;
- *filename_ptr = debug_info->ss + fdr_ptr->issBase + fdr_ptr->rss;
- (*debug_swap->swap_sym_in)
- (abfd,
- ((char *) debug_info->external_sym
- + (fdr_ptr->isymBase + pdr.isym) * debug_swap->external_sym_size),
- &proc_sym);
- *functionname_ptr = debug_info->ss + fdr_ptr->issBase + proc_sym.iss;
- }
- if (lineno == ilineNil)
- lineno = 0;
- *retline_ptr = lineno;
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_size_type external_sym_size;
- const char *directory_name;
- const char *main_file_name;
- const char *current_file_name;
- const char *function_name;
- const char *line_file_name;
- bfd_vma low_func_vma;
- bfd_vma low_line_vma;
- boolean past_line;
- boolean past_fn;
- char *sym_ptr, *sym_ptr_end;
- size_t len, funclen;
- char *buffer = NULL;
- /* This file uses stabs debugging information. When gcc is not
- optimizing, it will put the line number information before
- the function name stabs entry. When gcc is optimizing, it
- will put the stabs entry for all the function first, followed
- by the line number information. (This appears to happen
- because of the two output files used by the -mgpopt switch,
- which is implied by -O). This means that we must keep
- looking through the symbols until we find both a line number
- and a function name which are beyond the address we want. */
- *filename_ptr = NULL;
- *functionname_ptr = NULL;
- *retline_ptr = 0;
- directory_name = NULL;
- main_file_name = NULL;
- current_file_name = NULL;
- function_name = NULL;
- line_file_name = NULL;
- low_func_vma = 0;
- low_line_vma = 0;
- past_line = false;
- past_fn = false;
- external_sym_size = debug_swap->external_sym_size;
- sym_ptr = ((char *) debug_info->external_sym
- + (fdr_ptr->isymBase + 2) * external_sym_size);
- sym_ptr_end = sym_ptr + (fdr_ptr->csym - 2) * external_sym_size;
- for (;
- sym_ptr < sym_ptr_end && (! past_line || ! past_fn);
- sym_ptr += external_sym_size)
- {
- SYMR sym;
- (*debug_swap->swap_sym_in) (abfd, sym_ptr, &sym);
- if (ECOFF_IS_STAB (&sym))
- {
- switch (ECOFF_UNMARK_STAB (sym.index))
- {
- case N_SO:
- main_file_name = current_file_name =
- debug_info->ss + fdr_ptr->issBase + sym.iss;
- /* Check the next symbol to see if it is also an
- N_SO symbol. */
- if (sym_ptr + external_sym_size < sym_ptr_end)
- {
- SYMR nextsym;
- (*debug_swap->swap_sym_in) (abfd,
- sym_ptr + external_sym_size,
- &nextsym);
- if (ECOFF_IS_STAB (&nextsym)
- && ECOFF_UNMARK_STAB (nextsym.index) == N_SO)
- {
- directory_name = current_file_name;
- main_file_name = current_file_name =
- debug_info->ss + fdr_ptr->issBase + nextsym.iss;
- sym_ptr += external_sym_size;
- }
- }
- break;
- case N_SOL:
- current_file_name =
- debug_info->ss + fdr_ptr->issBase + sym.iss;
- break;
- case N_FUN:
- if (sym.value > offset)
- past_fn = true;
- else if (sym.value >= low_func_vma)
- {
- low_func_vma = sym.value;
- function_name =
- debug_info->ss + fdr_ptr->issBase + sym.iss;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- else if ( == stLabel && sym.index != indexNil)
- {
- if (sym.value > offset)
- past_line = true;
- else if (sym.value >= low_line_vma)
- {
- low_line_vma = sym.value;
- line_file_name = current_file_name;
- *retline_ptr = sym.index;
- }
- }
- }
- if (*retline_ptr != 0)
- main_file_name = line_file_name;
- /* We need to remove the stuff after the colon in the function
- name. We also need to put the directory name and the file
- name together. */
- if (function_name == NULL)
- len = funclen = 0;
- else
- len = funclen = strlen (function_name) + 1;
- if (main_file_name != NULL
- && directory_name != NULL
- && main_file_name[0] != '/')
- len += strlen (directory_name) + strlen (main_file_name) + 1;
- if (len != 0)
- {
- if (line_info->find_buffer != NULL)
- free (line_info->find_buffer);
- buffer = (char *) bfd_malloc (len);
- if (buffer == NULL)
- return false;
- line_info->find_buffer = buffer;
- }
- if (function_name != NULL)
- {
- char *colon;
- strcpy (buffer, function_name);
- colon = strchr (buffer, ':');
- if (colon != NULL)
- *colon = '\0';
- *functionname_ptr = buffer;
- }
- if (main_file_name != NULL)
- {
- if (directory_name == NULL || main_file_name[0] == '/')
- *filename_ptr = main_file_name;
- else
- {
- sprintf (buffer + funclen, "%s%s", directory_name,
- main_file_name);
- *filename_ptr = buffer + funclen;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* These routines copy symbolic information into a memory buffer.
- FIXME: The whole point of the shuffle code is to avoid storing
- everything in memory, since the linker is such a memory hog. This
- code makes that effort useless. It is only called by the MIPS ELF
- code when generating a shared library, so it is not that big a
- deal, but it should be fixed eventually. */
-/* Collect a shuffle into a memory buffer. */
-static boolean ecoff_collect_shuffle PARAMS ((struct shuffle *, bfd_byte *));
-static boolean
-ecoff_collect_shuffle (l, buff)
- struct shuffle *l;
- bfd_byte *buff;
- unsigned long total;
- total = 0;
- for (; l != (struct shuffle *) NULL; l = l->next)
- {
- if (! l->filep)
- memcpy (buff, l->u.memory, l->size);
- else
- {
- if (bfd_seek (l->u.file.input_bfd, l->u.file.offset, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read (buff, 1, l->size, l->u.file.input_bfd) != l->size)
- return false;
- }
- total += l->size;
- buff += l->size;
- }
- return true;
-/* Copy PDR information into a memory buffer. */
-_bfd_ecoff_get_accumulated_pdr (handle, buff)
- PTR handle;
- bfd_byte *buff;
- struct accumulate *ainfo = (struct accumulate *) handle;
- return ecoff_collect_shuffle (ainfo->pdr, buff);
-/* Copy symbol information into a memory buffer. */
-_bfd_ecoff_get_accumulated_sym (handle, buff)
- PTR handle;
- bfd_byte *buff;
- struct accumulate *ainfo = (struct accumulate *) handle;
- return ecoff_collect_shuffle (ainfo->sym, buff);
-/* Copy the string table into a memory buffer. */
-_bfd_ecoff_get_accumulated_ss (handle, buff)
- PTR handle;
- bfd_byte *buff;
- struct accumulate *ainfo = (struct accumulate *) handle;
- struct string_hash_entry *sh;
- unsigned long total;
- /* The string table is written out from the hash table if this is a
- final link. */
- BFD_ASSERT (ainfo->ss == (struct shuffle *) NULL);
- *buff++ = '\0';
- total = 1;
- BFD_ASSERT (ainfo->ss_hash == NULL || ainfo->ss_hash->val == 1);
- for (sh = ainfo->ss_hash;
- sh != (struct string_hash_entry *) NULL;
- sh = sh->next)
- {
- size_t len;
- len = strlen (sh->root.string);
- memcpy (buff, (PTR) sh->root.string, len + 1);
- total += len + 1;
- buff += len + 1;
- }
- return true;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ecoffswap.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/ecoffswap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d28d16883e1..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ecoffswap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,853 +0,0 @@
-/* Generic ECOFF swapping routines, for BFD.
- Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* NOTE: This is a header file, but it contains executable routines.
- This is done this way because these routines are substantially
- similar, but are not identical, for all ECOFF targets.
- These are routines to swap the ECOFF symbolic information in and
- out. The routines are defined statically. You can set breakpoints
- on them in gdb by naming the including source file; e.g.,
- 'coff-mips.c':ecoff_swap_hdr_in.
- Before including this header file, one of ECOFF_32 or ECOFF_64 must
- be defined. These are checked when swapping information that
- depends upon the target size. This code works for 32 bit and 64
- bit ECOFF, but may need to be generalized in the future.
- Some header file which defines the external forms of these
- structures must also be included before including this header file.
- Currently this is either coff/mips.h or coff/alpha.h.
- If the symbol TEST is defined when this file is compiled, a
- comparison is made to ensure that, in fact, the output is
- bit-for-bit the same as the input. Of course, this symbol should
- only be defined when deliberately testing the code on a machine
- with the proper byte sex and such. */
-#ifdef ECOFF_32
-#define ecoff_get_off bfd_h_get_32
-#define ecoff_put_off bfd_h_put_32
-#ifdef ECOFF_64
-#define ecoff_get_off bfd_h_get_64
-#define ecoff_put_off bfd_h_put_64
-/* ECOFF auxiliary information swapping routines. These are the same
- for all ECOFF targets, so they are defined in ecofflink.c. */
-extern void _bfd_ecoff_swap_tir_in
- PARAMS ((int, const struct tir_ext *, TIR *));
-extern void _bfd_ecoff_swap_tir_out
- PARAMS ((int, const TIR *, struct tir_ext *));
-extern void _bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_in
- PARAMS ((int, const struct rndx_ext *, RNDXR *));
-extern void _bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_out
- PARAMS ((int, const RNDXR *, struct rndx_ext *));
-/* Prototypes for functions defined in this file. */
-static void ecoff_swap_hdr_in PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, HDRR *));
-static void ecoff_swap_hdr_out PARAMS ((bfd *, const HDRR *, PTR));
-static void ecoff_swap_fdr_in PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, FDR *));
-static void ecoff_swap_fdr_out PARAMS ((bfd *, const FDR *, PTR));
-static void ecoff_swap_pdr_in PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, PDR *));
-static void ecoff_swap_pdr_out PARAMS ((bfd *, const PDR *, PTR));
-static void ecoff_swap_sym_in PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, SYMR *));
-static void ecoff_swap_sym_out PARAMS ((bfd *, const SYMR *, PTR));
-static void ecoff_swap_ext_in PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, EXTR *));
-static void ecoff_swap_ext_out PARAMS ((bfd *, const EXTR *, PTR));
-static void ecoff_swap_rfd_in PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, RFDT *));
-static void ecoff_swap_rfd_out PARAMS ((bfd *, const RFDT *, PTR));
-static void ecoff_swap_opt_in PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, OPTR *));
-static void ecoff_swap_opt_out PARAMS ((bfd *, const OPTR *, PTR));
-static void ecoff_swap_dnr_in PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, DNR *));
-static void ecoff_swap_dnr_out PARAMS ((bfd *, const DNR *, PTR));
-/* Swap in the symbolic header. */
-static void
-ecoff_swap_hdr_in (abfd, ext_copy, intern)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext_copy;
- HDRR *intern;
- struct hdr_ext ext[1];
- *ext = *(struct hdr_ext *) ext_copy;
- intern->magic = bfd_h_get_signed_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_magic);
- intern->vstamp = bfd_h_get_signed_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_vstamp);
- intern->ilineMax = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_ilineMax);
- intern->cbLine = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbLine);
- intern->cbLineOffset = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbLineOffset);
- intern->idnMax = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_idnMax);
- intern->cbDnOffset = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbDnOffset);
- intern->ipdMax = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_ipdMax);
- intern->cbPdOffset = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbPdOffset);
- intern->isymMax = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_isymMax);
- intern->cbSymOffset = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbSymOffset);
- intern->ioptMax = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_ioptMax);
- intern->cbOptOffset = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbOptOffset);
- intern->iauxMax = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_iauxMax);
- intern->cbAuxOffset = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbAuxOffset);
- intern->issMax = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_issMax);
- intern->cbSsOffset = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbSsOffset);
- intern->issExtMax = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_issExtMax);
- intern->cbSsExtOffset = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbSsExtOffset);
- intern->ifdMax = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_ifdMax);
- intern->cbFdOffset = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbFdOffset);
- intern->crfd = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_crfd);
- intern->cbRfdOffset = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbRfdOffset);
- intern->iextMax = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_iextMax);
- intern->cbExtOffset = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbExtOffset);
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-/* Swap out the symbolic header. */
-static void
-ecoff_swap_hdr_out (abfd, intern_copy, ext_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- const HDRR *intern_copy;
- PTR ext_ptr;
- struct hdr_ext *ext = (struct hdr_ext *) ext_ptr;
- HDRR intern[1];
- *intern = *intern_copy;
- bfd_h_put_signed_16 (abfd, intern->magic, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_magic);
- bfd_h_put_signed_16 (abfd, intern->vstamp, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_vstamp);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->ilineMax, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_ilineMax);
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->cbLine, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbLine);
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->cbLineOffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbLineOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->idnMax, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_idnMax);
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->cbDnOffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbDnOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->ipdMax, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_ipdMax);
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->cbPdOffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbPdOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->isymMax, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_isymMax);
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->cbSymOffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbSymOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->ioptMax, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_ioptMax);
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->cbOptOffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbOptOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->iauxMax, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_iauxMax);
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->cbAuxOffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbAuxOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->issMax, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_issMax);
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->cbSsOffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbSsOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->issExtMax, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_issExtMax);
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->cbSsExtOffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbSsExtOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->ifdMax, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_ifdMax);
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->cbFdOffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbFdOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->crfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_crfd);
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->cbRfdOffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbRfdOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->iextMax, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_iextMax);
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->cbExtOffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->h_cbExtOffset);
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-/* Swap in the file descriptor record. */
-static void
-ecoff_swap_fdr_in (abfd, ext_copy, intern)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext_copy;
- FDR *intern;
- struct fdr_ext ext[1];
- *ext = *(struct fdr_ext *) ext_copy;
- intern->adr = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_adr);
- intern->rss = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_rss);
-#ifdef ECOFF_64
- if (intern->rss == 0xffffffff)
- intern->rss = -1;
- intern->issBase = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_issBase);
- intern->cbSs = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_cbSs);
- intern->isymBase = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_isymBase);
- intern->csym = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_csym);
- intern->ilineBase = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_ilineBase);
- intern->cline = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_cline);
- intern->ioptBase = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_ioptBase);
- intern->copt = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_copt);
-#ifdef ECOFF_32
- intern->ipdFirst = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_ipdFirst);
- intern->cpd = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_cpd);
-#ifdef ECOFF_64
- intern->ipdFirst = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_ipdFirst);
- intern->cpd = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_cpd);
- intern->iauxBase = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_iauxBase);
- intern->caux = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_caux);
- intern->rfdBase = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_rfdBase);
- intern->crfd = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_crfd);
- /* now the fun stuff... */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd)) {
- intern->lang = (ext->f_bits1[0] & FDR_BITS1_LANG_BIG)
- intern->fMerge = 0 != (ext->f_bits1[0] & FDR_BITS1_FMERGE_BIG);
- intern->fReadin = 0 != (ext->f_bits1[0] & FDR_BITS1_FREADIN_BIG);
- intern->fBigendian = 0 != (ext->f_bits1[0] & FDR_BITS1_FBIGENDIAN_BIG);
- intern->glevel = (ext->f_bits2[0] & FDR_BITS2_GLEVEL_BIG)
- } else {
- intern->lang = (ext->f_bits1[0] & FDR_BITS1_LANG_LITTLE)
- intern->fMerge = 0 != (ext->f_bits1[0] & FDR_BITS1_FMERGE_LITTLE);
- intern->fReadin = 0 != (ext->f_bits1[0] & FDR_BITS1_FREADIN_LITTLE);
- intern->fBigendian = 0 != (ext->f_bits1[0] & FDR_BITS1_FBIGENDIAN_LITTLE);
- intern->glevel = (ext->f_bits2[0] & FDR_BITS2_GLEVEL_LITTLE)
- }
- intern->reserved = 0;
- intern->cbLineOffset = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_cbLineOffset);
- intern->cbLine = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_cbLine);
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-/* Swap out the file descriptor record. */
-static void
-ecoff_swap_fdr_out (abfd, intern_copy, ext_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- const FDR *intern_copy;
- PTR ext_ptr;
- struct fdr_ext *ext = (struct fdr_ext *) ext_ptr;
- FDR intern[1];
- *intern = *intern_copy; /* Make it reasonable to do in-place. */
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->adr, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_adr);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->rss, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_rss);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->issBase, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_issBase);
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->cbSs, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_cbSs);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->isymBase, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_isymBase);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->csym, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_csym);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->ilineBase, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_ilineBase);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->cline, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_cline);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->ioptBase, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_ioptBase);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->copt, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_copt);
-#ifdef ECOFF_32
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, intern->ipdFirst, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_ipdFirst);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, intern->cpd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_cpd);
-#ifdef ECOFF_64
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->ipdFirst, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_ipdFirst);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->cpd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_cpd);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->iauxBase, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_iauxBase);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->caux, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_caux);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->rfdBase, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_rfdBase);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->crfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_crfd);
- /* now the fun stuff... */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd)) {
- ext->f_bits1[0] = (((intern->lang << FDR_BITS1_LANG_SH_BIG)
- | (intern->fMerge ? FDR_BITS1_FMERGE_BIG : 0)
- | (intern->fReadin ? FDR_BITS1_FREADIN_BIG : 0)
- | (intern->fBigendian ? FDR_BITS1_FBIGENDIAN_BIG : 0));
- ext->f_bits2[0] = ((intern->glevel << FDR_BITS2_GLEVEL_SH_BIG)
- ext->f_bits2[1] = 0;
- ext->f_bits2[2] = 0;
- } else {
- ext->f_bits1[0] = (((intern->lang << FDR_BITS1_LANG_SH_LITTLE)
- | (intern->fMerge ? FDR_BITS1_FMERGE_LITTLE : 0)
- | (intern->fReadin ? FDR_BITS1_FREADIN_LITTLE : 0)
- | (intern->fBigendian ? FDR_BITS1_FBIGENDIAN_LITTLE : 0));
- ext->f_bits2[0] = ((intern->glevel << FDR_BITS2_GLEVEL_SH_LITTLE)
- ext->f_bits2[1] = 0;
- ext->f_bits2[2] = 0;
- }
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->cbLineOffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_cbLineOffset);
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->cbLine, (bfd_byte *)ext->f_cbLine);
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-#ifndef MPW_C
-/* Swap in the procedure descriptor record. */
-static void
-ecoff_swap_pdr_in (abfd, ext_copy, intern)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext_copy;
- PDR *intern;
- struct pdr_ext ext[1];
- *ext = *(struct pdr_ext *) ext_copy;
- memset ((PTR) intern, 0, sizeof (*intern));
- intern->adr = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_adr);
- intern->isym = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_isym);
- intern->iline = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_iline);
- intern->regmask = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_regmask);
- intern->regoffset = bfd_h_get_signed_32 (abfd,
- (bfd_byte *)ext->p_regoffset);
- intern->iopt = bfd_h_get_signed_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_iopt);
- intern->fregmask = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_fregmask);
- intern->fregoffset = bfd_h_get_signed_32 (abfd,
- (bfd_byte *)ext->p_fregoffset);
- intern->frameoffset = bfd_h_get_signed_32 (abfd,
- (bfd_byte *)ext->p_frameoffset);
- intern->framereg = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_framereg);
- intern->pcreg = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_pcreg);
- intern->lnLow = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_lnLow);
- intern->lnHigh = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_lnHigh);
- intern->cbLineOffset = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_cbLineOffset);
-#ifdef ECOFF_64
- intern->gp_prologue = bfd_h_get_8 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->p_gp_prologue);
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- {
- intern->gp_used = 0 != (ext->p_bits1[0] & PDR_BITS1_GP_USED_BIG);
- intern->reg_frame = 0 != (ext->p_bits1[0] & PDR_BITS1_REG_FRAME_BIG);
- intern->prof = 0 != (ext->p_bits1[0] & PDR_BITS1_PROF_BIG);
- intern->reserved = (((ext->p_bits1[0] & PDR_BITS1_RESERVED_BIG)
- | ((ext->p_bits2[0] & PDR_BITS2_RESERVED_BIG)
- }
- else
- {
- intern->gp_used = 0 != (ext->p_bits1[0] & PDR_BITS1_GP_USED_LITTLE);
- intern->reg_frame = 0 != (ext->p_bits1[0] & PDR_BITS1_REG_FRAME_LITTLE);
- intern->prof = 0 != (ext->p_bits1[0] & PDR_BITS1_PROF_LITTLE);
- intern->reserved = (((ext->p_bits1[0] & PDR_BITS1_RESERVED_LITTLE)
- | ((ext->p_bits2[0] & PDR_BITS2_RESERVED_LITTLE)
- }
- intern->localoff = bfd_h_get_8 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->p_localoff);
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-/* Swap out the procedure descriptor record. */
-static void
-ecoff_swap_pdr_out (abfd, intern_copy, ext_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- const PDR *intern_copy;
- PTR ext_ptr;
- struct pdr_ext *ext = (struct pdr_ext *) ext_ptr;
- PDR intern[1];
- *intern = *intern_copy; /* Make it reasonable to do in-place. */
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->adr, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_adr);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->isym, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_isym);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->iline, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_iline);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->regmask, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_regmask);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->regoffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_regoffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->iopt, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_iopt);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->fregmask, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_fregmask);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->fregoffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_fregoffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->frameoffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_frameoffset);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, intern->framereg, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_framereg);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, intern->pcreg, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_pcreg);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->lnLow, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_lnLow);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->lnHigh, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_lnHigh);
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->cbLineOffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_cbLineOffset);
-#ifdef ECOFF_64
- bfd_h_put_8 (abfd, intern->gp_prologue, (bfd_byte *) ext->p_gp_prologue);
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- {
- ext->p_bits1[0] = ((intern->gp_used ? PDR_BITS1_GP_USED_BIG : 0)
- | (intern->reg_frame ? PDR_BITS1_REG_FRAME_BIG : 0)
- | (intern->prof ? PDR_BITS1_PROF_BIG : 0)
- | ((intern->reserved
- ext->p_bits2[0] = ((intern->reserved << PDR_BITS2_RESERVED_SH_BIG)
- }
- else
- {
- ext->p_bits1[0] = ((intern->gp_used ? PDR_BITS1_GP_USED_LITTLE : 0)
- | (intern->reg_frame ? PDR_BITS1_REG_FRAME_LITTLE : 0)
- | (intern->prof ? PDR_BITS1_PROF_LITTLE : 0)
- | ((intern->reserved << PDR_BITS1_RESERVED_SH_LITTLE)
- ext->p_bits2[0] = ((intern->reserved >>
- }
- bfd_h_put_8 (abfd, intern->localoff, (bfd_byte *) ext->p_localoff);
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-#else /* MPW_C */
-/* Same routines, but with ECOFF_64 code removed, so ^&%$#&! MPW C doesn't
- corrupt itself and then freak out. */
-/* Swap in the procedure descriptor record. */
-static void
-ecoff_swap_pdr_in (abfd, ext_copy, intern)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext_copy;
- PDR *intern;
- struct pdr_ext ext[1];
- *ext = *(struct pdr_ext *) ext_copy;
- intern->adr = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_adr);
- intern->isym = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_isym);
- intern->iline = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_iline);
- intern->regmask = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_regmask);
- intern->regoffset = bfd_h_get_signed_32 (abfd,
- (bfd_byte *)ext->p_regoffset);
- intern->iopt = bfd_h_get_signed_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_iopt);
- intern->fregmask = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_fregmask);
- intern->fregoffset = bfd_h_get_signed_32 (abfd,
- (bfd_byte *)ext->p_fregoffset);
- intern->frameoffset = bfd_h_get_signed_32 (abfd,
- (bfd_byte *)ext->p_frameoffset);
- intern->framereg = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_framereg);
- intern->pcreg = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_pcreg);
- intern->lnLow = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_lnLow);
- intern->lnHigh = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_lnHigh);
- intern->cbLineOffset = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_cbLineOffset);
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-/* Swap out the procedure descriptor record. */
-static void
-ecoff_swap_pdr_out (abfd, intern_copy, ext_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- const PDR *intern_copy;
- PTR ext_ptr;
- struct pdr_ext *ext = (struct pdr_ext *) ext_ptr;
- PDR intern[1];
- *intern = *intern_copy; /* Make it reasonable to do in-place. */
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->adr, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_adr);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->isym, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_isym);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->iline, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_iline);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->regmask, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_regmask);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->regoffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_regoffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->iopt, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_iopt);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->fregmask, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_fregmask);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->fregoffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_fregoffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->frameoffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_frameoffset);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, intern->framereg, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_framereg);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, intern->pcreg, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_pcreg);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->lnLow, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_lnLow);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->lnHigh, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_lnHigh);
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->cbLineOffset, (bfd_byte *)ext->p_cbLineOffset);
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-#endif /* MPW_C */
-/* Swap in a symbol record. */
-static void
-ecoff_swap_sym_in (abfd, ext_copy, intern)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext_copy;
- SYMR *intern;
- struct sym_ext ext[1];
- *ext = *(struct sym_ext *) ext_copy;
- intern->iss = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->s_iss);
- intern->value = ecoff_get_off (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->s_value);
- /* now the fun stuff... */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd)) {
- intern->st = (ext->s_bits1[0] & SYM_BITS1_ST_BIG)
- intern->sc = ((ext->s_bits1[0] & SYM_BITS1_SC_BIG)
- | ((ext->s_bits2[0] & SYM_BITS2_SC_BIG)
- intern->reserved = 0 != (ext->s_bits2[0] & SYM_BITS2_RESERVED_BIG);
- intern->index = ((ext->s_bits2[0] & SYM_BITS2_INDEX_BIG)
- | (ext->s_bits3[0] << SYM_BITS3_INDEX_SH_LEFT_BIG)
- | (ext->s_bits4[0] << SYM_BITS4_INDEX_SH_LEFT_BIG);
- } else {
- intern->st = (ext->s_bits1[0] & SYM_BITS1_ST_LITTLE)
- intern->sc = ((ext->s_bits1[0] & SYM_BITS1_SC_LITTLE)
- | ((ext->s_bits2[0] & SYM_BITS2_SC_LITTLE)
- intern->reserved = 0 != (ext->s_bits2[0] & SYM_BITS2_RESERVED_LITTLE);
- intern->index = ((ext->s_bits2[0] & SYM_BITS2_INDEX_LITTLE)
- | (ext->s_bits3[0] << SYM_BITS3_INDEX_SH_LEFT_LITTLE)
- | ((unsigned int) ext->s_bits4[0]
- }
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-/* Swap out a symbol record. */
-static void
-ecoff_swap_sym_out (abfd, intern_copy, ext_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- const SYMR *intern_copy;
- PTR ext_ptr;
- struct sym_ext *ext = (struct sym_ext *) ext_ptr;
- SYMR intern[1];
- *intern = *intern_copy; /* Make it reasonable to do in-place. */
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->iss, (bfd_byte *)ext->s_iss);
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, intern->value, (bfd_byte *)ext->s_value);
- /* now the fun stuff... */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd)) {
- ext->s_bits1[0] = (((intern->st << SYM_BITS1_ST_SH_BIG)
- | ((intern->sc >> SYM_BITS1_SC_SH_LEFT_BIG)
- ext->s_bits2[0] = (((intern->sc << SYM_BITS2_SC_SH_BIG)
- | (intern->reserved ? SYM_BITS2_RESERVED_BIG : 0)
- | ((intern->index >> SYM_BITS2_INDEX_SH_LEFT_BIG)
- ext->s_bits3[0] = (intern->index >> SYM_BITS3_INDEX_SH_LEFT_BIG) & 0xff;
- ext->s_bits4[0] = (intern->index >> SYM_BITS4_INDEX_SH_LEFT_BIG) & 0xff;
- } else {
- ext->s_bits1[0] = (((intern->st << SYM_BITS1_ST_SH_LITTLE)
- | ((intern->sc << SYM_BITS1_SC_SH_LITTLE)
- ext->s_bits2[0] = (((intern->sc >> SYM_BITS2_SC_SH_LEFT_LITTLE)
- | (intern->reserved ? SYM_BITS2_RESERVED_LITTLE : 0)
- | ((intern->index << SYM_BITS2_INDEX_SH_LITTLE)
- ext->s_bits3[0] = (intern->index >> SYM_BITS3_INDEX_SH_LEFT_LITTLE) & 0xff;
- ext->s_bits4[0] = (intern->index >> SYM_BITS4_INDEX_SH_LEFT_LITTLE) & 0xff;
- }
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-/* Swap in an external symbol record. */
-static void
-ecoff_swap_ext_in (abfd, ext_copy, intern)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext_copy;
- EXTR *intern;
- struct ext_ext ext[1];
- *ext = *(struct ext_ext *) ext_copy;
- /* now the fun stuff... */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd)) {
- intern->jmptbl = 0 != (ext->es_bits1[0] & EXT_BITS1_JMPTBL_BIG);
- intern->cobol_main = 0 != (ext->es_bits1[0] & EXT_BITS1_COBOL_MAIN_BIG);
- intern->weakext = 0 != (ext->es_bits1[0] & EXT_BITS1_WEAKEXT_BIG);
- } else {
- intern->jmptbl = 0 != (ext->es_bits1[0] & EXT_BITS1_JMPTBL_LITTLE);
- intern->cobol_main = 0 != (ext->es_bits1[0] & EXT_BITS1_COBOL_MAIN_LITTLE);
- intern->weakext = 0 != (ext->es_bits1[0] & EXT_BITS1_WEAKEXT_LITTLE);
- }
- intern->reserved = 0;
-#ifdef ECOFF_32
- intern->ifd = bfd_h_get_signed_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->es_ifd);
-#ifdef ECOFF_64
- intern->ifd = bfd_h_get_signed_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->es_ifd);
- ecoff_swap_sym_in (abfd, &ext->es_asym, &intern->asym);
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-/* Swap out an external symbol record. */
-static void
-ecoff_swap_ext_out (abfd, intern_copy, ext_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- const EXTR *intern_copy;
- PTR ext_ptr;
- struct ext_ext *ext = (struct ext_ext *) ext_ptr;
- EXTR intern[1];
- *intern = *intern_copy; /* Make it reasonable to do in-place. */
- /* now the fun stuff... */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd)) {
- ext->es_bits1[0] = ((intern->jmptbl ? EXT_BITS1_JMPTBL_BIG : 0)
- | (intern->cobol_main ? EXT_BITS1_COBOL_MAIN_BIG : 0)
- | (intern->weakext ? EXT_BITS1_WEAKEXT_BIG : 0));
- ext->es_bits2[0] = 0;
-#ifdef ECOFF_64
- ext->es_bits2[1] = 0;
- ext->es_bits2[2] = 0;
- } else {
- ext->es_bits1[0] = ((intern->jmptbl ? EXT_BITS1_JMPTBL_LITTLE : 0)
- | (intern->cobol_main ? EXT_BITS1_COBOL_MAIN_LITTLE : 0)
- | (intern->weakext ? EXT_BITS1_WEAKEXT_LITTLE : 0));
- ext->es_bits2[0] = 0;
-#ifdef ECOFF_64
- ext->es_bits2[1] = 0;
- ext->es_bits2[2] = 0;
- }
-#ifdef ECOFF_32
- bfd_h_put_signed_16 (abfd, intern->ifd, (bfd_byte *)ext->es_ifd);
-#ifdef ECOFF_64
- bfd_h_put_signed_32 (abfd, intern->ifd, (bfd_byte *)ext->es_ifd);
- ecoff_swap_sym_out (abfd, &intern->asym, &ext->es_asym);
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-/* Swap in a relative file descriptor. */
-static void
-ecoff_swap_rfd_in (abfd, ext_ptr, intern)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext_ptr;
- RFDT *intern;
- struct rfd_ext *ext = (struct rfd_ext *) ext_ptr;
- *intern = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->rfd);
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-/* Swap out a relative file descriptor. */
-static void
-ecoff_swap_rfd_out (abfd, intern, ext_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- const RFDT *intern;
- PTR ext_ptr;
- struct rfd_ext *ext = (struct rfd_ext *) ext_ptr;
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, *intern, (bfd_byte *)ext->rfd);
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-/* Swap in an optimization symbol. */
-static void
-ecoff_swap_opt_in (abfd, ext_copy, intern)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext_copy;
- OPTR *intern;
- struct opt_ext ext[1];
- *ext = *(struct opt_ext *) ext_copy;
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- {
- intern->ot = ext->o_bits1[0];
- intern->value = (((unsigned int) ext->o_bits2[0]
- | ((unsigned int) ext->o_bits3[0]
- | ((unsigned int) ext->o_bits4[0]
- }
- else
- {
- intern->ot = ext->o_bits1[0];
- intern->value = ((ext->o_bits2[0] << OPT_BITS2_VALUE_SH_LEFT_LITTLE)
- | (ext->o_bits3[0] << OPT_BITS2_VALUE_SH_LEFT_LITTLE)
- | (ext->o_bits4[0] << OPT_BITS2_VALUE_SH_LEFT_LITTLE));
- }
- _bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_in (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd),
- &ext->o_rndx, &intern->rndx);
- intern->offset = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->o_offset);
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-/* Swap out an optimization symbol. */
-static void
-ecoff_swap_opt_out (abfd, intern_copy, ext_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- const OPTR *intern_copy;
- PTR ext_ptr;
- struct opt_ext *ext = (struct opt_ext *) ext_ptr;
- OPTR intern[1];
- *intern = *intern_copy; /* Make it reasonable to do in-place. */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- {
- ext->o_bits1[0] = intern->ot;
- ext->o_bits2[0] = intern->value >> OPT_BITS2_VALUE_SH_LEFT_BIG;
- ext->o_bits3[0] = intern->value >> OPT_BITS3_VALUE_SH_LEFT_BIG;
- ext->o_bits4[0] = intern->value >> OPT_BITS4_VALUE_SH_LEFT_BIG;
- }
- else
- {
- ext->o_bits1[0] = intern->ot;
- ext->o_bits2[0] = intern->value >> OPT_BITS2_VALUE_SH_LEFT_LITTLE;
- ext->o_bits3[0] = intern->value >> OPT_BITS3_VALUE_SH_LEFT_LITTLE;
- ext->o_bits4[0] = intern->value >> OPT_BITS4_VALUE_SH_LEFT_LITTLE;
- }
- _bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_out (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd),
- &intern->rndx, &ext->o_rndx);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->value, (bfd_byte *) ext->o_offset);
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-/* Swap in a dense number. */
-static void
-ecoff_swap_dnr_in (abfd, ext_copy, intern)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext_copy;
- DNR *intern;
- struct dnr_ext ext[1];
- *ext = *(struct dnr_ext *) ext_copy;
- intern->rfd = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->d_rfd);
- intern->index = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->d_index);
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
-/* Swap out a dense number. */
-static void
-ecoff_swap_dnr_out (abfd, intern_copy, ext_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- const DNR *intern_copy;
- PTR ext_ptr;
- struct dnr_ext *ext = (struct dnr_ext *) ext_ptr;
- DNR intern[1];
- *intern = *intern_copy; /* Make it reasonable to do in-place. */
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->rfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->d_rfd);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, intern->index, (bfd_byte *) ext->d_index);
-#ifdef TEST
- if (memcmp ((char *)ext, (char *)intern, sizeof (*intern)) != 0)
- abort();
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf-bfd.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf-bfd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ee38e5b12f4c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf-bfd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,858 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end data structures for ELF files.
- Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef _LIBELF_H_
-#define _LIBELF_H_ 1
-#include "elf/common.h"
-#include "elf/internal.h"
-#include "elf/external.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-/* If size isn't specified as 64 or 32, NAME macro should fail. */
-#ifndef NAME
-#if ARCH_SIZE==64
-#define NAME(x,y) CAT4(x,64,_,y)
-#if ARCH_SIZE==32
-#define NAME(x,y) CAT4(x,32,_,y)
-#ifndef NAME
-#define NAME(x,y) CAT4(x,NOSIZE,_,y)
-#define ElfNAME(X) NAME(Elf,X)
-#define elfNAME(X) NAME(elf,X)
-/* Information held for an ELF symbol. The first field is the
- corresponding asymbol. Every symbol is an ELF file is actually a
- pointer to this structure, although it is often handled as a
- pointer to an asymbol. */
-typedef struct
- /* The BFD symbol. */
- asymbol symbol;
- /* ELF symbol information. */
- Elf_Internal_Sym internal_elf_sym;
- /* Backend specific information. */
- union
- {
- unsigned int hppa_arg_reloc;
- PTR mips_extr;
- PTR any;
- }
- tc_data;
-} elf_symbol_type;
-/* ELF linker hash table entries. */
-struct elf_link_hash_entry
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry root;
- /* Symbol index in output file. This is initialized to -1. It is
- set to -2 if the symbol is used by a reloc. */
- long indx;
- /* Symbol size. */
- bfd_size_type size;
- /* Symbol index as a dynamic symbol. Initialized to -1, and remains
- -1 if this is not a dynamic symbol. */
- long dynindx;
- /* String table index in .dynstr if this is a dynamic symbol. */
- unsigned long dynstr_index;
- /* If this is a weak defined symbol from a dynamic object, this
- field points to a defined symbol with the same value, if there is
- one. Otherwise it is NULL. */
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *weakdef;
- /* If this symbol requires an entry in the global offset table, the
- processor specific backend uses this field to hold the offset
- into the .got section. If this field is -1, then the symbol does
- not require a global offset table entry. */
- bfd_vma got_offset;
- /* If this symbol requires an entry in the procedure linkage table,
- the processor specific backend uses these two fields to hold the
- offset into the procedure linkage section and the offset into the
- .got section. If plt_offset is -1, then the symbol does not
- require an entry in the procedure linkage table. */
- bfd_vma plt_offset;
- /* If this symbol is used in the linker created sections, the processor
- specific backend uses this field to map the field into the offset
- from the beginning of the section. */
- struct elf_linker_section_pointers *linker_section_pointer;
- /* Symbol type (STT_NOTYPE, STT_OBJECT, etc.). */
- char type;
- /* Some flags; legal values follow. */
- unsigned char elf_link_hash_flags;
- /* Symbol is referenced by a non-shared object. */
- /* Symbol is defined by a non-shared object. */
- /* Symbol is referenced by a shared object. */
- /* Symbol is defined by a shared object. */
- /* Dynamic symbol has been adjustd. */
- /* Symbol needs a copy reloc. */
- /* Symbol needs a procedure linkage table entry. */
- /* Symbol appears in a non-ELF input file. */
-#define ELF_LINK_NON_ELF 0200
- /* Note: If you add more flags, you must change the type of
- elf_link_hash_flags. */
-/* ELF linker hash table. */
-struct elf_link_hash_table
- struct bfd_link_hash_table root;
- /* Whether we have created the special dynamic sections required
- when linking against or generating a shared object. */
- boolean dynamic_sections_created;
- /* The BFD used to hold special sections created by the linker.
- This will be the first BFD found which requires these sections to
- be created. */
- bfd *dynobj;
- /* The number of symbols found in the link which must be put into
- the .dynsym section. */
- bfd_size_type dynsymcount;
- /* The string table of dynamic symbols, which becomes the .dynstr
- section. */
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *dynstr;
- /* The number of buckets in the hash table in the .hash section.
- This is based on the number of dynamic symbols. */
- bfd_size_type bucketcount;
- /* A linked list of DT_NEEDED names found in dynamic objects
- included in the link. */
- struct bfd_link_needed_list *needed;
-/* Look up an entry in an ELF linker hash table. */
-#define elf_link_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy, follow) \
- ((struct elf_link_hash_entry *) \
- bfd_link_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), \
- (copy), (follow)))
-/* Traverse an ELF linker hash table. */
-#define elf_link_hash_traverse(table, func, info) \
- (bfd_link_hash_traverse \
- (&(table)->root, \
- (boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_entry *, PTR))) (func), \
- (info)))
-/* Get the ELF linker hash table from a link_info structure. */
-#define elf_hash_table(p) ((struct elf_link_hash_table *) ((p)->hash))
-/* Constant information held for an ELF backend. */
-struct elf_size_info {
- unsigned char sizeof_ehdr, sizeof_phdr, sizeof_shdr;
- unsigned char sizeof_rel, sizeof_rela, sizeof_sym, sizeof_dyn, sizeof_note;
- unsigned char arch_size, file_align;
- unsigned char elfclass, ev_current;
- int (*write_out_phdrs) PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Phdr *, int));
- boolean (*write_shdrs_and_ehdr) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- void (*write_relocs) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR));
- void (*swap_symbol_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Sym *, PTR));
- boolean (*slurp_reloc_table) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, asymbol **));
- long (*slurp_symbol_table) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **, boolean));
- void (*swap_dyn_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, const PTR, Elf_Internal_Dyn *));
-#define elf_symbol_from(ABFD,S) \
- (((S)->the_bfd->xvec->flavour == bfd_target_elf_flavour \
- && (S)->the_bfd->tdata.elf_obj_data != 0) \
- ? (elf_symbol_type *) (S) \
- : 0)
-struct elf_backend_data
- /* Whether the backend uses REL or RELA relocations. FIXME: some
- ELF backends use both. When we need to support one, this whole
- approach will need to be changed. */
- int use_rela_p;
- /* The architecture for this backend. */
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- /* The ELF machine code (EM_xxxx) for this backend. */
- int elf_machine_code;
- /* The maximum page size for this backend. */
- bfd_vma maxpagesize;
- /* This is true if the linker should act like collect and gather
- global constructors and destructors by name. This is true for
- MIPS ELF because the Irix 5 tools can not handle the .init
- section. */
- boolean collect;
- /* This is true if the linker should ignore changes to the type of a
- symbol. This is true for MIPS ELF because some Irix 5 objects
- record undefined functions as STT_OBJECT although the definitions
- are STT_FUNC. */
- boolean type_change_ok;
- /* A function to translate an ELF RELA relocation to a BFD arelent
- structure. */
- void (*elf_info_to_howto) PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *,
- Elf_Internal_Rela *));
- /* A function to translate an ELF REL relocation to a BFD arelent
- structure. */
- void (*elf_info_to_howto_rel) PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *,
- Elf_Internal_Rel *));
- /* A function to determine whether a symbol is global when
- partitioning the symbol table into local and global symbols.
- This should be NULL for most targets, in which case the correct
- thing will be done. MIPS ELF, at least on the Irix 5, has
- special requirements. */
- boolean (*elf_backend_sym_is_global) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
- /* The remaining functions are hooks which are called only if they
- are not NULL. */
- /* A function to permit a backend specific check on whether a
- particular BFD format is relevant for an object file, and to
- permit the backend to set any global information it wishes. When
- this is called elf_elfheader is set, but anything else should be
- used with caution. If this returns false, the check_format
- routine will return a bfd_error_wrong_format error. */
- boolean (*elf_backend_object_p) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- /* A function to do additional symbol processing when reading the
- ELF symbol table. This is where any processor-specific special
- section indices are handled. */
- void (*elf_backend_symbol_processing) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
- /* A function to do additional symbol processing after reading the
- entire ELF symbol table. */
- boolean (*elf_backend_symbol_table_processing) PARAMS ((bfd *,
- elf_symbol_type *,
- unsigned int));
- /* A function to do additional processing on the ELF section header
- just before writing it out. This is used to set the flags and
- type fields for some sections, or to actually write out data for
- unusual sections. */
- boolean (*elf_backend_section_processing) PARAMS ((bfd *,
- Elf32_Internal_Shdr *));
- /* A function to handle unusual section types when creating BFD
- sections from ELF sections. */
- boolean (*elf_backend_section_from_shdr) PARAMS ((bfd *,
- Elf32_Internal_Shdr *,
- char *));
- /* A function to set up the ELF section header for a BFD section in
- preparation for writing it out. This is where the flags and type
- fields are set for unusual sections. */
- boolean (*elf_backend_fake_sections) PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf32_Internal_Shdr *,
- asection *));
- /* A function to get the ELF section index for a BFD section. If
- this returns true, the section was found. If it is a normal ELF
- section, *RETVAL should be left unchanged. If it is not a normal
- ELF section *RETVAL should be set to the SHN_xxxx index. */
- boolean (*elf_backend_section_from_bfd_section)
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf32_Internal_Shdr *, asection *, int *retval));
- /* If this field is not NULL, it is called by the add_symbols phase
- of a link just before adding a symbol to the global linker hash
- table. It may modify any of the fields as it wishes. If *NAME
- is set to NULL, the symbol will be skipped rather than being
- added to the hash table. This function is responsible for
- handling all processor dependent symbol bindings and section
- indices, and must set at least *FLAGS and *SEC for each processor
- dependent case; failure to do so will cause a link error. */
- boolean (*elf_add_symbol_hook)
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct bfd_link_info *info,
- const Elf_Internal_Sym *, const char **name,
- flagword *flags, asection **sec, bfd_vma *value));
- /* If this field is not NULL, it is called by the elf_link_output_sym
- phase of a link for each symbol which will appear in the object file. */
- boolean (*elf_backend_link_output_symbol_hook)
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *info, const char *,
- Elf_Internal_Sym *, asection *));
- /* The CREATE_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS function is called by the ELF backend
- linker the first time it encounters a dynamic object in the link.
- This function must create any sections required for dynamic
- linking. The ABFD argument is a dynamic object. The .interp,
- .dynamic, .dynsym, .dynstr, and .hash functions have already been
- created, and this function may modify the section flags if
- desired. This function will normally create the .got and .plt
- sections, but different backends have different requirements. */
- boolean (*elf_backend_create_dynamic_sections)
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct bfd_link_info *info));
- /* The CHECK_RELOCS function is called by the add_symbols phase of
- the ELF backend linker. It is called once for each section with
- relocs of an object file, just after the symbols for the object
- file have been added to the global linker hash table. The
- function must look through the relocs and do any special handling
- required. This generally means allocating space in the global
- offset table, and perhaps allocating space for a reloc. The
- relocs are always passed as Rela structures; if the section
- actually uses Rel structures, the r_addend field will always be
- zero. */
- boolean (*check_relocs)
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct bfd_link_info *info, asection *o,
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs));
- /* The ADJUST_DYNAMIC_SYMBOL function is called by the ELF backend
- linker for every symbol which is defined by a dynamic object and
- referenced by a regular object. This is called after all the
- input files have been seen, but before the SIZE_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS
- function has been called. The hash table entry should be
- bfd_link_hash_defined ore bfd_link_hash_defweak, and it should be
- defined in a section from a dynamic object. Dynamic object
- sections are not included in the final link, and this function is
- responsible for changing the value to something which the rest of
- the link can deal with. This will normally involve adding an
- entry to the .plt or .got or some such section, and setting the
- symbol to point to that. */
- boolean (*elf_backend_adjust_dynamic_symbol)
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *info, struct elf_link_hash_entry *h));
- /* The SIZE_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS function is called by the ELF backend
- linker after all the linker input files have been seen but before
- the sections sizes have been set. This is called after
- ADJUST_DYNAMIC_SYMBOL has been called on all appropriate symbols.
- It is only called when linking against a dynamic object. It must
- set the sizes of the dynamic sections, and may fill in their
- contents as well. The generic ELF linker can handle the .dynsym,
- .dynstr and .hash sections. This function must handle the
- .interp section and any sections created by the
- boolean (*elf_backend_size_dynamic_sections)
- PARAMS ((bfd *output_bfd, struct bfd_link_info *info));
- /* The RELOCATE_SECTION function is called by the ELF backend linker
- to handle the relocations for a section.
- The relocs are always passed as Rela structures; if the section
- actually uses Rel structures, the r_addend field will always be
- zero.
- This function is responsible for adjust the section contents as
- necessary, and (if using Rela relocs and generating a
- relocateable output file) adjusting the reloc addend as
- necessary.
- This function does not have to worry about setting the reloc
- address or the reloc symbol index.
- LOCAL_SYMS is a pointer to the swapped in local symbols.
- LOCAL_SECTIONS is an array giving the section in the input file
- corresponding to the st_shndx field of each local symbol.
- The global hash table entry for the global symbols can be found
- via elf_sym_hashes (input_bfd).
- When generating relocateable output, this function must handle
- STB_LOCAL/STT_SECTION symbols specially. The output symbol is
- going to be the section symbol corresponding to the output
- section, which means that the addend must be adjusted
- accordingly. */
- boolean (*elf_backend_relocate_section)
- PARAMS ((bfd *output_bfd, struct bfd_link_info *info,
- bfd *input_bfd, asection *input_section, bfd_byte *contents,
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs, Elf_Internal_Sym *local_syms,
- asection **local_sections));
- /* The FINISH_DYNAMIC_SYMBOL function is called by the ELF backend
- linker just before it writes a symbol out to the .dynsym section.
- The processor backend may make any required adjustment to the
- symbol. It may also take the opportunity to set contents of the
- dynamic sections. Note that FINISH_DYNAMIC_SYMBOL is called on
- all .dynsym symbols, while ADJUST_DYNAMIC_SYMBOL is only called
- on those symbols which are defined by a dynamic object. */
- boolean (*elf_backend_finish_dynamic_symbol)
- PARAMS ((bfd *output_bfd, struct bfd_link_info *info,
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h, Elf_Internal_Sym *sym));
- /* The FINISH_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS function is called by the ELF backend
- linker just before it writes all the dynamic sections out to the
- output file. The FINISH_DYNAMIC_SYMBOL will have been called on
- all dynamic symbols. */
- boolean (*elf_backend_finish_dynamic_sections)
- PARAMS ((bfd *output_bfd, struct bfd_link_info *info));
- /* A function to do any beginning processing needed for the ELF file
- before building the ELF headers and computing file positions. */
- void (*elf_backend_begin_write_processing)
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
- /* A function to do any final processing needed for the ELF file
- before writing it out. The LINKER argument is true if this BFD
- was created by the ELF backend linker. */
- void (*elf_backend_final_write_processing)
- PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean linker));
- /* This function is called by get_program_header_size. It should
- return the number of additional program segments which this BFD
- will need. It should return -1 on error. */
- int (*elf_backend_additional_program_headers) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- /* This function is called to modify an existing segment map in a
- backend specific fashion. */
- boolean (*elf_backend_modify_segment_map) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- /* The swapping table to use when dealing with ECOFF information.
- Used for the MIPS ELF .mdebug section. */
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *elf_backend_ecoff_debug_swap;
- /* Alternate EM_xxxx machine codes for this backend. */
- int elf_machine_alt1;
- int elf_machine_alt2;
- const struct elf_size_info *s;
- unsigned want_got_plt : 1;
- unsigned plt_readonly : 1;
- unsigned want_plt_sym : 1;
-/* Information stored for each BFD section in an ELF file. This
- structure is allocated by elf_new_section_hook. */
-struct bfd_elf_section_data
- /* The ELF header for this section. */
- Elf_Internal_Shdr this_hdr;
- /* The ELF header for the reloc section associated with this
- section, if any. */
- Elf_Internal_Shdr rel_hdr;
- /* The ELF section number of this section. Only used for an output
- file. */
- int this_idx;
- /* The ELF section number of the reloc section associated with this
- section, if any. Only used for an output file. */
- int rel_idx;
- /* Used by the backend linker to store the symbol hash table entries
- associated with relocs against global symbols. */
- struct elf_link_hash_entry **rel_hashes;
- /* A pointer to the swapped relocs. If the section uses REL relocs,
- rather than RELA, all the r_addend fields will be zero. This
- pointer may be NULL. It is used by the backend linker. */
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs;
- /* Used by the backend linker when generating a shared library to
- record the dynamic symbol index for a section symbol
- corresponding to this section. */
- long dynindx;
- /* A pointer available for the processor specific ELF backend. */
- PTR tdata;
-#define elf_section_data(sec) ((struct bfd_elf_section_data*)sec->used_by_bfd)
-#define get_elf_backend_data(abfd) \
- ((struct elf_backend_data *) (abfd)->xvec->backend_data)
-/* Enumeration to specify the special section. */
-typedef enum elf_linker_section_enum
- LINKER_SECTION_UNKNOWN, /* not used */
- LINKER_SECTION_GOT, /* .got section for global offset pointers */
- LINKER_SECTION_PLT, /* .plt section for generated procedure stubs */
- LINKER_SECTION_SDATA, /* .sdata/.sbss section for PowerPC */
- LINKER_SECTION_SDATA2, /* .sdata2/.sbss2 section for PowerPC */
- LINKER_SECTION_MAX /* # of linker sections */
-} elf_linker_section_enum_t;
-/* Sections created by the linker. */
-typedef struct elf_linker_section
- char *name; /* name of the section */
- char *rel_name; /* name of the associated .rel{,a}. section */
- char *bss_name; /* name of a related .bss section */
- char *sym_name; /* name of symbol to reference this section */
- asection *section; /* pointer to the section */
- asection *bss_section; /* pointer to the bss section associated with this */
- asection *rel_section; /* pointer to the relocations needed for this section */
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *sym_hash; /* pointer to the created symbol hash value */
- bfd_vma initial_size; /* initial size before any linker generated allocations */
- bfd_vma sym_offset; /* offset of symbol from beginning of section */
- bfd_vma hole_size; /* size of reserved address hole in allocation */
- bfd_vma hole_offset; /* current offset for the hole */
- bfd_vma max_hole_offset; /* maximum offset for the hole */
- elf_linker_section_enum_t which; /* which section this is */
- boolean hole_written_p; /* whether the hole has been initialized */
- int alignment; /* alignment for the section */
- flagword flags; /* flags to use to create the section */
-} elf_linker_section_t;
-/* Linked list of allocated pointer entries. This hangs off of the symbol lists, and
- provides allows us to return different pointers, based on different addend's. */
-typedef struct elf_linker_section_pointers
- struct elf_linker_section_pointers *next; /* next allocated pointer for this symbol */
- bfd_vma offset; /* offset of pointer from beginning of section */
- bfd_signed_vma addend; /* addend used */
- elf_linker_section_enum_t which; /* which linker section this is */
- boolean written_address_p; /* whether address was written yet */
-} elf_linker_section_pointers_t;
-/* Some private data is stashed away for future use using the tdata pointer
- in the bfd structure. */
-struct elf_obj_tdata
- Elf_Internal_Ehdr elf_header[1]; /* Actual data, but ref like ptr */
- Elf_Internal_Shdr **elf_sect_ptr;
- Elf_Internal_Phdr *phdr;
- struct elf_segment_map *segment_map;
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *strtab_ptr;
- int num_locals;
- int num_globals;
- asymbol **section_syms; /* STT_SECTION symbols for each section */
- Elf_Internal_Shdr symtab_hdr;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr shstrtab_hdr;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr strtab_hdr;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr dynsymtab_hdr;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr dynstrtab_hdr;
- unsigned int symtab_section, shstrtab_section;
- unsigned int strtab_section, dynsymtab_section;
- file_ptr next_file_pos;
- void *prstatus; /* The raw /proc prstatus structure */
- void *prpsinfo; /* The raw /proc prpsinfo structure */
- bfd_vma gp; /* The gp value (MIPS only, for now) */
- unsigned int gp_size; /* The gp size (MIPS only, for now) */
- /* This is set to true if the object was created by the backend
- linker. */
- boolean linker;
- /* A mapping from external symbols to entries in the linker hash
- table, used when linking. This is indexed by the symbol index
- minus the sh_info field of the symbol table header. */
- struct elf_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- /* A mapping from local symbols to offsets into the global offset
- table, used when linking. This is indexed by the symbol index. */
- bfd_vma *local_got_offsets;
- /* A mapping from local symbols to offsets into the various linker
- sections added. This is index by the symbol index. */
- elf_linker_section_pointers_t **linker_section_pointers;
- /* The linker ELF emulation code needs to let the backend ELF linker
- know what filename should be used for a dynamic object if the
- dynamic object is found using a search. The emulation code then
- sometimes needs to know what name was actually used. Until the
- file has been added to the linker symbol table, this field holds
- the name the linker wants. After it has been added, it holds the
- name actually used, which will be the DT_SONAME entry if there is
- one. */
- const char *dt_name;
- /* Irix 5 often screws up the symbol table, sorting local symbols
- after global symbols. This flag is set if the symbol table in
- this BFD appears to be screwed up. If it is, we ignore the
- sh_info field in the symbol table header, and always read all the
- symbols. */
- boolean bad_symtab;
- /* Records the result of `get_program_header_size'. */
- bfd_size_type program_header_size;
- /* Used by find_nearest_line entry point. */
- PTR line_info;
- /* Used by MIPS ELF find_nearest_line entry point. The structure
- could be included directly in this one, but there's no point to
- wasting the memory just for the infrequently called
- find_nearest_line. */
- struct mips_elf_find_line *find_line_info;
- /* Used to determine if the e_flags field has been initialized */
- boolean flags_init;
- /* Linker sections that we are interested in. */
- struct elf_linker_section *linker_section[ (int)LINKER_SECTION_MAX ];
-#define elf_tdata(bfd) ((bfd) -> tdata.elf_obj_data)
-#define elf_elfheader(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> elf_header)
-#define elf_elfsections(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> elf_sect_ptr)
-#define elf_shstrtab(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> strtab_ptr)
-#define elf_onesymtab(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> symtab_section)
-#define elf_dynsymtab(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> dynsymtab_section)
-#define elf_num_locals(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> num_locals)
-#define elf_num_globals(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> num_globals)
-#define elf_section_syms(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> section_syms)
-#define core_prpsinfo(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> prpsinfo)
-#define core_prstatus(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> prstatus)
-#define elf_gp(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> gp)
-#define elf_gp_size(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> gp_size)
-#define elf_sym_hashes(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> sym_hashes)
-#define elf_local_got_offsets(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> local_got_offsets)
-#define elf_local_ptr_offsets(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> linker_section_pointers)
-#define elf_dt_name(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> dt_name)
-#define elf_bad_symtab(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> bad_symtab)
-#define elf_flags_init(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> flags_init)
-#define elf_linker_section(bfd,n) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> linker_section[(int)n])
-extern int _bfd_elf_section_from_bfd_section PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *));
-extern char *bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned, unsigned));
-extern char *bfd_elf_get_str_section PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned));
-extern boolean _bfd_elf_print_private_bfd_data PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR));
-extern void bfd_elf_print_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, asymbol *,
- bfd_print_symbol_type));
-#define elf_string_from_elf_strtab(abfd,strindex) \
- bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section(abfd,elf_elfheader(abfd)->e_shstrndx,strindex)
-#define bfd_elf32_print_symbol bfd_elf_print_symbol
-#define bfd_elf64_print_symbol bfd_elf_print_symbol
-#define bfd_elf32_mkobject bfd_elf_mkobject
-#define bfd_elf64_mkobject bfd_elf_mkobject
-#define elf_mkobject bfd_elf_mkobject
-extern unsigned long bfd_elf_hash PARAMS ((CONST unsigned char *));
-extern bfd_reloc_status_type bfd_elf_generic_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *,
- arelent *,
- asymbol *,
- PTR,
- asection *,
- bfd *,
- char **));
-extern boolean bfd_elf_mkobject PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern Elf_Internal_Shdr *bfd_elf_find_section PARAMS ((bfd *, char *));
-extern boolean _bfd_elf_make_section_from_shdr
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr, const char *name));
-extern struct bfd_hash_entry *_bfd_elf_link_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
-extern struct bfd_link_hash_table *_bfd_elf_link_hash_table_create
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern boolean _bfd_elf_link_hash_table_init
- PARAMS ((struct elf_link_hash_table *, bfd *,
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *)));
-extern boolean _bfd_elf_copy_private_symbol_data
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, bfd *, asymbol *));
-extern boolean _bfd_elf_copy_private_section_data
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, bfd *, asection *));
-extern boolean _bfd_elf_write_object_contents PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern boolean _bfd_elf_set_section_contents PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, PTR,
- file_ptr,
- bfd_size_type));
-extern long _bfd_elf_get_symtab_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern long _bfd_elf_get_symtab PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **));
-extern long _bfd_elf_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern long _bfd_elf_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **));
-extern long _bfd_elf_get_reloc_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr));
-extern long _bfd_elf_canonicalize_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr,
- arelent **, asymbol **));
-extern asymbol *_bfd_elf_make_empty_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern void _bfd_elf_get_symbol_info PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *,
- symbol_info *));
-extern alent *_bfd_elf_get_lineno PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
-extern boolean _bfd_elf_set_arch_mach PARAMS ((bfd *, enum bfd_architecture,
- unsigned long));
-extern boolean _bfd_elf_find_nearest_line PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *,
- asymbol **,
- bfd_vma, CONST char **,
- CONST char **,
- unsigned int *));
-#define _bfd_elf_read_minisymbols _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols
-#define _bfd_elf_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol
-extern int _bfd_elf_sizeof_headers PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean));
-extern boolean _bfd_elf_new_section_hook PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *));
-/* If the target doesn't have reloc handling written yet: */
-extern void _bfd_elf_no_info_to_howto PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *,
- Elf_Internal_Rela *));
-asection *bfd_section_from_elf_index PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int));
-boolean _bfd_elf_create_dynamic_sections PARAMS ((bfd *,
- struct bfd_link_info *));
-struct bfd_strtab_hash *_bfd_elf_stringtab_init PARAMS ((void));
-_bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *,
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *));
-_bfd_elf_compute_section_file_positions PARAMS ((bfd *,
- struct bfd_link_info *));
-void _bfd_elf_assign_file_positions_for_relocs PARAMS ((bfd *));
-file_ptr _bfd_elf_assign_file_position_for_section PARAMS ((Elf_Internal_Shdr *,
- file_ptr,
- boolean));
-boolean _bfd_elf_create_dynamic_sections PARAMS ((bfd *,
- struct bfd_link_info *));
-boolean _bfd_elf_create_got_section PARAMS ((bfd *,
- struct bfd_link_info *));
-elf_linker_section_t *_bfd_elf_create_linker_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- struct bfd_link_info *info,
- enum elf_linker_section_enum,
- elf_linker_section_t *defaults));
-elf_linker_section_pointers_t *_bfd_elf_find_pointer_linker_section
- PARAMS ((elf_linker_section_pointers_t *linker_pointers,
- bfd_signed_vma addend,
- elf_linker_section_enum_t which));
-boolean bfd_elf32_create_pointer_linker_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- struct bfd_link_info *info,
- elf_linker_section_t *lsect,
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h,
- const Elf32_Internal_Rela *rel));
-bfd_vma bfd_elf32_finish_pointer_linker_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *output_abfd,
- bfd *input_bfd,
- struct bfd_link_info *info,
- elf_linker_section_t *lsect,
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h,
- bfd_vma relocation,
- const Elf32_Internal_Rela *rel,
- int relative_reloc));
-boolean bfd_elf64_create_pointer_linker_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- struct bfd_link_info *info,
- elf_linker_section_t *lsect,
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h,
- const Elf64_Internal_Rela *rel));
-bfd_vma bfd_elf64_finish_pointer_linker_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *output_abfd,
- bfd *input_bfd,
- struct bfd_link_info *info,
- elf_linker_section_t *lsect,
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h,
- bfd_vma relocation,
- const Elf64_Internal_Rela *rel,
- int relative_reloc));
-boolean _bfd_elf_make_linker_section_rela
- PARAMS ((bfd *dynobj,
- elf_linker_section_t *lsect,
- int alignment));
-extern const bfd_target *bfd_elf32_object_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern const bfd_target *bfd_elf32_core_file_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern char *bfd_elf32_core_file_failing_command PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern int bfd_elf32_core_file_failing_signal PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern boolean bfd_elf32_core_file_matches_executable_p PARAMS ((bfd *,
- bfd *));
-extern boolean bfd_elf32_bfd_link_add_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean bfd_elf32_bfd_final_link
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern void bfd_elf32_swap_symbol_in
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf32_External_Sym *, Elf_Internal_Sym *));
-extern void bfd_elf32_swap_symbol_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Sym *, PTR));
-extern void bfd_elf32_swap_reloc_in
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf32_External_Rel *, Elf_Internal_Rel *));
-extern void bfd_elf32_swap_reloc_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Rel *, Elf32_External_Rel *));
-extern void bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_in
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf32_External_Rela *, Elf_Internal_Rela *));
-extern void bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Rela *, Elf32_External_Rela *));
-extern void bfd_elf32_swap_phdr_in
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf32_External_Phdr *, Elf_Internal_Phdr *));
-extern void bfd_elf32_swap_phdr_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Phdr *, Elf32_External_Phdr *));
-extern void bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_in
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const PTR, Elf_Internal_Dyn *));
-extern void bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const Elf_Internal_Dyn *, Elf32_External_Dyn *));
-extern boolean bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd_vma, bfd_vma));
-extern boolean bfd_elf32_link_create_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern const bfd_target *bfd_elf64_object_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern const bfd_target *bfd_elf64_core_file_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern char *bfd_elf64_core_file_failing_command PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern int bfd_elf64_core_file_failing_signal PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern boolean bfd_elf64_core_file_matches_executable_p PARAMS ((bfd *,
- bfd *));
-extern boolean bfd_elf64_bfd_link_add_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean bfd_elf64_bfd_final_link
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern void bfd_elf64_swap_symbol_in
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf64_External_Sym *, Elf_Internal_Sym *));
-extern void bfd_elf64_swap_symbol_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Sym *, PTR));
-extern void bfd_elf64_swap_reloc_in
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf64_External_Rel *, Elf_Internal_Rel *));
-extern void bfd_elf64_swap_reloc_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Rel *, Elf64_External_Rel *));
-extern void bfd_elf64_swap_reloca_in
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf64_External_Rela *, Elf_Internal_Rela *));
-extern void bfd_elf64_swap_reloca_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Rela *, Elf64_External_Rela *));
-extern void bfd_elf64_swap_phdr_in
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf64_External_Phdr *, Elf_Internal_Phdr *));
-extern void bfd_elf64_swap_phdr_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Phdr *, Elf64_External_Phdr *));
-extern void bfd_elf64_swap_dyn_in
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const PTR, Elf_Internal_Dyn *));
-extern void bfd_elf64_swap_dyn_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const Elf_Internal_Dyn *, Elf64_External_Dyn *));
-extern boolean bfd_elf64_add_dynamic_entry
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd_vma, bfd_vma));
-extern boolean bfd_elf64_link_create_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-#define bfd_elf32_link_record_dynamic_symbol _bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol
-#define bfd_elf64_link_record_dynamic_symbol _bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol
-#endif /* _LIBELF_H_ */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 981d3ee23091..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3318 +0,0 @@
-/* ELF executable support for BFD.
- Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- ELF backends
- BFD support for ELF formats is being worked on.
- Currently, the best supported back ends are for sparc and i386
- (running svr4 or Solaris 2).
- Documentation of the internals of the support code still needs
- to be written. The code is changing quickly enough that we
- haven't bothered yet.
- */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#define ARCH_SIZE 0
-#include "elf-bfd.h"
-static INLINE struct elf_segment_map *make_mapping
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection **, unsigned int, unsigned int, boolean));
-static int elf_sort_sections PARAMS ((const PTR, const PTR));
-static boolean assign_file_positions_for_segments PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean assign_file_positions_except_relocs PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean prep_headers PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean swap_out_syms PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_strtab_hash **));
-static boolean copy_private_bfd_data PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-/* Standard ELF hash function. Do not change this function; you will
- cause invalid hash tables to be generated. (Well, you would if this
- were being used yet.) */
-unsigned long
-bfd_elf_hash (name)
- CONST unsigned char *name;
- unsigned long h = 0;
- unsigned long g;
- int ch;
- while ((ch = *name++) != '\0')
- {
- h = (h << 4) + ch;
- if ((g = (h & 0xf0000000)) != 0)
- {
- h ^= g >> 24;
- h &= ~g;
- }
- }
- return h;
-/* Read a specified number of bytes at a specified offset in an ELF
- file, into a newly allocated buffer, and return a pointer to the
- buffer. */
-static char *
-elf_read (abfd, offset, size)
- bfd * abfd;
- long offset;
- unsigned int size;
- char *buf;
- if ((buf = bfd_alloc (abfd, size)) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
- return NULL;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) buf, size, 1, abfd) != size)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_truncated);
- return NULL;
- }
- return buf;
-elf_mkobject (abfd)
- bfd * abfd;
- /* this just does initialization */
- /* coff_mkobject zalloc's space for tdata.coff_obj_data ... */
- elf_tdata (abfd) = (struct elf_obj_tdata *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct elf_obj_tdata));
- if (elf_tdata (abfd) == 0)
- return false;
- /* since everything is done at close time, do we need any
- initialization? */
- return true;
-char *
-bfd_elf_get_str_section (abfd, shindex)
- bfd * abfd;
- unsigned int shindex;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr **i_shdrp;
- char *shstrtab = NULL;
- unsigned int offset;
- unsigned int shstrtabsize;
- i_shdrp = elf_elfsections (abfd);
- if (i_shdrp == 0 || i_shdrp[shindex] == 0)
- return 0;
- shstrtab = (char *) i_shdrp[shindex]->contents;
- if (shstrtab == NULL)
- {
- /* No cached one, attempt to read, and cache what we read. */
- offset = i_shdrp[shindex]->sh_offset;
- shstrtabsize = i_shdrp[shindex]->sh_size;
- shstrtab = elf_read (abfd, offset, shstrtabsize);
- i_shdrp[shindex]->contents = (PTR) shstrtab;
- }
- return shstrtab;
-char *
-bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section (abfd, shindex, strindex)
- bfd * abfd;
- unsigned int shindex;
- unsigned int strindex;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr;
- if (strindex == 0)
- return "";
- hdr = elf_elfsections (abfd)[shindex];
- if (hdr->contents == NULL
- && bfd_elf_get_str_section (abfd, shindex) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- return ((char *) hdr->contents) + strindex;
-/* Make a BFD section from an ELF section. We store a pointer to the
- BFD section in the bfd_section field of the header. */
-_bfd_elf_make_section_from_shdr (abfd, hdr, name)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr;
- const char *name;
- asection *newsect;
- flagword flags;
- if (hdr->bfd_section != NULL)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (strcmp (name,
- bfd_get_section_name (abfd, hdr->bfd_section)) == 0);
- return true;
- }
- newsect = bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, name);
- if (newsect == NULL)
- return false;
- newsect->filepos = hdr->sh_offset;
- if (! bfd_set_section_vma (abfd, newsect, hdr->sh_addr)
- || ! bfd_set_section_size (abfd, newsect, hdr->sh_size)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, newsect,
- bfd_log2 (hdr->sh_addralign)))
- return false;
- flags = SEC_NO_FLAGS;
- if (hdr->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS)
- flags |= SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- if ((hdr->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC) != 0)
- {
- flags |= SEC_ALLOC;
- if (hdr->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS)
- flags |= SEC_LOAD;
- }
- if ((hdr->sh_flags & SHF_WRITE) == 0)
- flags |= SEC_READONLY;
- if ((hdr->sh_flags & SHF_EXECINSTR) != 0)
- flags |= SEC_CODE;
- else if ((flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0)
- flags |= SEC_DATA;
- /* The debugging sections appear to be recognized only by name, not
- any sort of flag. */
- if (strncmp (name, ".debug", sizeof ".debug" - 1) == 0
- || strncmp (name, ".line", sizeof ".line" - 1) == 0
- || strncmp (name, ".stab", sizeof ".stab" - 1) == 0)
- flags |= SEC_DEBUGGING;
- if (! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, newsect, flags))
- return false;
- if ((flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Phdr *phdr;
- unsigned int i;
- /* Look through the phdrs to see if we need to adjust the lma. */
- phdr = elf_tdata (abfd)->phdr;
- for (i = 0; i < elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_phnum; i++, phdr++)
- {
- if (phdr->p_type == PT_LOAD
- && phdr->p_paddr != 0
- && phdr->p_vaddr != phdr->p_paddr
- && phdr->p_vaddr <= hdr->sh_addr
- && phdr->p_vaddr + phdr->p_memsz >= hdr->sh_addr + hdr->sh_size)
- {
- newsect->lma += phdr->p_paddr - phdr->p_vaddr;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- hdr->bfd_section = newsect;
- elf_section_data (newsect)->this_hdr = *hdr;
- return true;
- bfd_elf_find_section
- struct elf_internal_shdr *bfd_elf_find_section (bfd *abfd, char *name);
- Helper functions for GDB to locate the string tables.
- Since BFD hides string tables from callers, GDB needs to use an
- internal hook to find them. Sun's .stabstr, in particular,
- isn't even pointed to by the .stab section, so ordinary
- mechanisms wouldn't work to find it, even if we had some.
-struct elf_internal_shdr *
-bfd_elf_find_section (abfd, name)
- bfd * abfd;
- char *name;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr **i_shdrp;
- char *shstrtab;
- unsigned int max;
- unsigned int i;
- i_shdrp = elf_elfsections (abfd);
- if (i_shdrp != NULL)
- {
- shstrtab = bfd_elf_get_str_section (abfd, elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_shstrndx);
- if (shstrtab != NULL)
- {
- max = elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_shnum;
- for (i = 1; i < max; i++)
- if (!strcmp (&shstrtab[i_shdrp[i]->sh_name], name))
- return i_shdrp[i];
- }
- }
- return 0;
-const char *const bfd_elf_section_type_names[] = {
-/* ELF relocs are against symbols. If we are producing relocateable
- output, and the reloc is against an external symbol, and nothing
- has given us any additional addend, the resulting reloc will also
- be against the same symbol. In such a case, we don't want to
- change anything about the way the reloc is handled, since it will
- all be done at final link time. Rather than put special case code
- into bfd_perform_relocation, all the reloc types use this howto
- function. It just short circuits the reloc if producing
- relocateable output against an external symbol. */
-bfd_elf_generic_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) == 0
- && (! reloc_entry->howto->partial_inplace
- || reloc_entry->addend == 0))
- {
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
-/* Print out the program headers. */
-_bfd_elf_print_private_bfd_data (abfd, farg)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR farg;
- FILE *f = (FILE *) farg;
- Elf_Internal_Phdr *p;
- asection *s;
- bfd_byte *dynbuf = NULL;
- p = elf_tdata (abfd)->phdr;
- if (p != NULL)
- {
- unsigned int i, c;
- fprintf (f, "\nProgram Header:\n");
- c = elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_phnum;
- for (i = 0; i < c; i++, p++)
- {
- const char *s;
- char buf[20];
- switch (p->p_type)
- {
- case PT_NULL: s = "NULL"; break;
- case PT_LOAD: s = "LOAD"; break;
- case PT_DYNAMIC: s = "DYNAMIC"; break;
- case PT_INTERP: s = "INTERP"; break;
- case PT_NOTE: s = "NOTE"; break;
- case PT_SHLIB: s = "SHLIB"; break;
- case PT_PHDR: s = "PHDR"; break;
- default: sprintf (buf, "0x%lx", p->p_type); s = buf; break;
- }
- fprintf (f, "%8s off 0x", s);
- fprintf_vma (f, p->p_offset);
- fprintf (f, " vaddr 0x");
- fprintf_vma (f, p->p_vaddr);
- fprintf (f, " paddr 0x");
- fprintf_vma (f, p->p_paddr);
- fprintf (f, " align 2**%u\n", bfd_log2 (p->p_align));
- fprintf (f, " filesz 0x");
- fprintf_vma (f, p->p_filesz);
- fprintf (f, " memsz 0x");
- fprintf_vma (f, p->p_memsz);
- fprintf (f, " flags %c%c%c",
- (p->p_flags & PF_R) != 0 ? 'r' : '-',
- (p->p_flags & PF_W) != 0 ? 'w' : '-',
- (p->p_flags & PF_X) != 0 ? 'x' : '-');
- if ((p->p_flags &~ (PF_R | PF_W | PF_X)) != 0)
- fprintf (f, " %lx", p->p_flags &~ (PF_R | PF_W | PF_X));
- fprintf (f, "\n");
- }
- }
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".dynamic");
- if (s != NULL)
- {
- int elfsec;
- unsigned long link;
- bfd_byte *extdyn, *extdynend;
- size_t extdynsize;
- void (*swap_dyn_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, const PTR, Elf_Internal_Dyn *));
- fprintf (f, "\nDynamic Section:\n");
- dynbuf = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (s->_raw_size);
- if (dynbuf == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (abfd, s, (PTR) dynbuf, (file_ptr) 0,
- s->_raw_size))
- goto error_return;
- elfsec = _bfd_elf_section_from_bfd_section (abfd, s);
- if (elfsec == -1)
- goto error_return;
- link = elf_elfsections (abfd)[elfsec]->sh_link;
- extdynsize = get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->s->sizeof_dyn;
- swap_dyn_in = get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->s->swap_dyn_in;
- extdyn = dynbuf;
- extdynend = extdyn + s->_raw_size;
- for (; extdyn < extdynend; extdyn += extdynsize)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Dyn dyn;
- const char *name;
- char ab[20];
- boolean stringp;
- (*swap_dyn_in) (abfd, (PTR) extdyn, &dyn);
- if (dyn.d_tag == DT_NULL)
- break;
- stringp = false;
- switch (dyn.d_tag)
- {
- default:
- sprintf (ab, "0x%lx", (unsigned long) dyn.d_tag);
- name = ab;
- break;
- case DT_NEEDED: name = "NEEDED"; stringp = true; break;
- case DT_PLTRELSZ: name = "PLTRELSZ"; break;
- case DT_PLTGOT: name = "PLTGOT"; break;
- case DT_HASH: name = "HASH"; break;
- case DT_STRTAB: name = "STRTAB"; break;
- case DT_SYMTAB: name = "SYMTAB"; break;
- case DT_RELA: name = "RELA"; break;
- case DT_RELASZ: name = "RELASZ"; break;
- case DT_RELAENT: name = "RELAENT"; break;
- case DT_STRSZ: name = "STRSZ"; break;
- case DT_SYMENT: name = "SYMENT"; break;
- case DT_INIT: name = "INIT"; break;
- case DT_FINI: name = "FINI"; break;
- case DT_SONAME: name = "SONAME"; stringp = true; break;
- case DT_RPATH: name = "RPATH"; stringp = true; break;
- case DT_SYMBOLIC: name = "SYMBOLIC"; break;
- case DT_REL: name = "REL"; break;
- case DT_RELSZ: name = "RELSZ"; break;
- case DT_RELENT: name = "RELENT"; break;
- case DT_PLTREL: name = "PLTREL"; break;
- case DT_DEBUG: name = "DEBUG"; break;
- case DT_TEXTREL: name = "TEXTREL"; break;
- case DT_JMPREL: name = "JMPREL"; break;
- }
- fprintf (f, " %-11s ", name);
- if (! stringp)
- fprintf (f, "0x%lx", (unsigned long) dyn.d_un.d_val);
- else
- {
- const char *string;
- string = bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section (abfd, link,
- dyn.d_un.d_val);
- if (string == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- fprintf (f, "%s", string);
- }
- fprintf (f, "\n");
- }
- free (dynbuf);
- dynbuf = NULL;
- }
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (dynbuf != NULL)
- free (dynbuf);
- return false;
-/* Display ELF-specific fields of a symbol. */
-bfd_elf_print_symbol (ignore_abfd, filep, symbol, how)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- PTR filep;
- asymbol *symbol;
- bfd_print_symbol_type how;
- FILE *file = (FILE *) filep;
- switch (how)
- {
- case bfd_print_symbol_name:
- fprintf (file, "%s", symbol->name);
- break;
- case bfd_print_symbol_more:
- fprintf (file, "elf ");
- fprintf_vma (file, symbol->value);
- fprintf (file, " %lx", (long) symbol->flags);
- break;
- case bfd_print_symbol_all:
- {
- CONST char *section_name;
- section_name = symbol->section ? symbol->section->name : "(*none*)";
- bfd_print_symbol_vandf ((PTR) file, symbol);
- fprintf (file, " %s\t", section_name);
- /* Print the "other" value for a symbol. For common symbols,
- we've already printed the size; now print the alignment.
- For other symbols, we have no specified alignment, and
- we've printed the address; now print the size. */
- fprintf_vma (file,
- (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section)
- ? ((elf_symbol_type *) symbol)->internal_elf_sym.st_value
- : ((elf_symbol_type *) symbol)->internal_elf_sym.st_size));
- fprintf (file, " %s", symbol->name);
- }
- break;
- }
-/* Create an entry in an ELF linker hash table. */
-struct bfd_hash_entry *
-_bfd_elf_link_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *ret = (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ret = ((struct elf_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table, sizeof (struct elf_link_hash_entry)));
- if (ret == (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct elf_link_hash_entry *)
- _bfd_link_hash_newfunc ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret,
- table, string));
- if (ret != (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- {
- /* Set local fields. */
- ret->indx = -1;
- ret->size = 0;
- ret->dynindx = -1;
- ret->dynstr_index = 0;
- ret->weakdef = NULL;
- ret->got_offset = (bfd_vma) -1;
- ret->plt_offset = (bfd_vma) -1;
- ret->linker_section_pointer = (elf_linker_section_pointers_t *)0;
- ret->type = STT_NOTYPE;
- /* Assume that we have been called by a non-ELF symbol reader.
- This flag is then reset by the code which reads an ELF input
- file. This ensures that a symbol created by a non-ELF symbol
- reader will have the flag set correctly. */
- ret->elf_link_hash_flags = ELF_LINK_NON_ELF;
- }
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Initialize an ELF linker hash table. */
-_bfd_elf_link_hash_table_init (table, abfd, newfunc)
- struct elf_link_hash_table *table;
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*newfunc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *));
- table->dynamic_sections_created = false;
- table->dynobj = NULL;
- /* The first dynamic symbol is a dummy. */
- table->dynsymcount = 1;
- table->dynstr = NULL;
- table->bucketcount = 0;
- table->needed = NULL;
- return _bfd_link_hash_table_init (&table->root, abfd, newfunc);
-/* Create an ELF linker hash table. */
-struct bfd_link_hash_table *
-_bfd_elf_link_hash_table_create (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct elf_link_hash_table *ret;
- ret = ((struct elf_link_hash_table *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct elf_link_hash_table)));
- if (ret == (struct elf_link_hash_table *) NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (! _bfd_elf_link_hash_table_init (ret, abfd, _bfd_elf_link_hash_newfunc))
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, ret);
- return NULL;
- }
- return &ret->root;
-/* This is a hook for the ELF emulation code in the generic linker to
- tell the backend linker what file name to use for the DT_NEEDED
- entry for a dynamic object. The generic linker passes name as an
- empty string to indicate that no DT_NEEDED entry should be made. */
-bfd_elf_set_dt_needed_name (abfd, name)
- bfd *abfd;
- const char *name;
- if (bfd_get_flavour (abfd) == bfd_target_elf_flavour
- && bfd_get_format (abfd) == bfd_object)
- elf_dt_name (abfd) = name;
-/* Get the list of DT_NEEDED entries for a link. This is a hook for
- the ELF emulation code. */
-struct bfd_link_needed_list *
-bfd_elf_get_needed_list (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- if (info->hash->creator->flavour != bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- return NULL;
- return elf_hash_table (info)->needed;
-/* Get the name actually used for a dynamic object for a link. This
- is the SONAME entry if there is one. Otherwise, it is the string
- passed to bfd_elf_set_dt_needed_name, or it is the filename. */
-const char *
-bfd_elf_get_dt_soname (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (bfd_get_flavour (abfd) == bfd_target_elf_flavour
- && bfd_get_format (abfd) == bfd_object)
- return elf_dt_name (abfd);
- return NULL;
-/* Allocate an ELF string table--force the first byte to be zero. */
-struct bfd_strtab_hash *
-_bfd_elf_stringtab_init ()
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *ret;
- ret = _bfd_stringtab_init ();
- if (ret != NULL)
- {
- bfd_size_type loc;
- loc = _bfd_stringtab_add (ret, "", true, false);
- BFD_ASSERT (loc == 0 || loc == (bfd_size_type) -1);
- if (loc == (bfd_size_type) -1)
- {
- _bfd_stringtab_free (ret);
- ret = NULL;
- }
- }
- return ret;
-/* ELF .o/exec file reading */
-/* Create a new bfd section from an ELF section header. */
-bfd_section_from_shdr (abfd, shindex)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int shindex;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr = elf_elfsections (abfd)[shindex];
- Elf_Internal_Ehdr *ehdr = elf_elfheader (abfd);
- struct elf_backend_data *bed = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- char *name;
- name = elf_string_from_elf_strtab (abfd, hdr->sh_name);
- switch (hdr->sh_type)
- {
- case SHT_NULL:
- /* Inactive section. Throw it away. */
- return true;
- case SHT_PROGBITS: /* Normal section with contents. */
- case SHT_DYNAMIC: /* Dynamic linking information. */
- case SHT_NOBITS: /* .bss section. */
- case SHT_HASH: /* .hash section. */
- case SHT_NOTE: /* .note section. */
- return _bfd_elf_make_section_from_shdr (abfd, hdr, name);
- case SHT_SYMTAB: /* A symbol table */
- if (elf_onesymtab (abfd) == shindex)
- return true;
- BFD_ASSERT (hdr->sh_entsize == bed->s->sizeof_sym);
- BFD_ASSERT (elf_onesymtab (abfd) == 0);
- elf_onesymtab (abfd) = shindex;
- elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr = *hdr;
- elf_elfsections (abfd)[shindex] = hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
- abfd->flags |= HAS_SYMS;
- /* Sometimes a shared object will map in the symbol table. If
- SHF_ALLOC is set, and this is a shared object, then we also
- treat this section as a BFD section. We can not base the
- decision purely on SHF_ALLOC, because that flag is sometimes
- set in a relocateable object file, which would confuse the
- linker. */
- if ((hdr->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC) != 0
- && (abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0
- && ! _bfd_elf_make_section_from_shdr (abfd, hdr, name))
- return false;
- return true;
- case SHT_DYNSYM: /* A dynamic symbol table */
- if (elf_dynsymtab (abfd) == shindex)
- return true;
- BFD_ASSERT (hdr->sh_entsize == bed->s->sizeof_sym);
- BFD_ASSERT (elf_dynsymtab (abfd) == 0);
- elf_dynsymtab (abfd) = shindex;
- elf_tdata (abfd)->dynsymtab_hdr = *hdr;
- elf_elfsections (abfd)[shindex] = hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->dynsymtab_hdr;
- abfd->flags |= HAS_SYMS;
- /* Besides being a symbol table, we also treat this as a regular
- section, so that objcopy can handle it. */
- return _bfd_elf_make_section_from_shdr (abfd, hdr, name);
- case SHT_STRTAB: /* A string table */
- if (hdr->bfd_section != NULL)
- return true;
- if (ehdr->e_shstrndx == shindex)
- {
- elf_tdata (abfd)->shstrtab_hdr = *hdr;
- elf_elfsections (abfd)[shindex] = &elf_tdata (abfd)->shstrtab_hdr;
- return true;
- }
- {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 1; i < ehdr->e_shnum; i++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr2 = elf_elfsections (abfd)[i];
- if (hdr2->sh_link == shindex)
- {
- if (! bfd_section_from_shdr (abfd, i))
- return false;
- if (elf_onesymtab (abfd) == i)
- {
- elf_tdata (abfd)->strtab_hdr = *hdr;
- elf_elfsections (abfd)[shindex] =
- &elf_tdata (abfd)->strtab_hdr;
- return true;
- }
- if (elf_dynsymtab (abfd) == i)
- {
- elf_tdata (abfd)->dynstrtab_hdr = *hdr;
- elf_elfsections (abfd)[shindex] = hdr =
- &elf_tdata (abfd)->dynstrtab_hdr;
- /* We also treat this as a regular section, so
- that objcopy can handle it. */
- break;
- }
-#if 0 /* Not handling other string tables specially right now. */
- hdr2 = elf_elfsections (abfd)[i]; /* in case it moved */
- /* We have a strtab for some random other section. */
- newsect = (asection *) hdr2->bfd_section;
- if (!newsect)
- break;
- hdr->bfd_section = newsect;
- hdr2 = &elf_section_data (newsect)->str_hdr;
- *hdr2 = *hdr;
- elf_elfsections (abfd)[shindex] = hdr2;
- }
- }
- }
- return _bfd_elf_make_section_from_shdr (abfd, hdr, name);
- case SHT_REL:
- case SHT_RELA:
- /* *These* do a lot of work -- but build no sections! */
- {
- asection *target_sect;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr2;
- int use_rela_p = get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->use_rela_p;
- /* For some incomprehensible reason Oracle distributes
- libraries for Solaris in which some of the objects have
- bogus sh_link fields. It would be nice if we could just
- reject them, but, unfortunately, some people need to use
- them. We scan through the section headers; if we find only
- one suitable symbol table, we clobber the sh_link to point
- to it. I hope this doesn't break anything. */
- if (elf_elfsections (abfd)[hdr->sh_link]->sh_type != SHT_SYMTAB
- && elf_elfsections (abfd)[hdr->sh_link]->sh_type != SHT_DYNSYM)
- {
- int scan;
- int found;
- found = 0;
- for (scan = 1; scan < ehdr->e_shnum; scan++)
- {
- if (elf_elfsections (abfd)[scan]->sh_type == SHT_SYMTAB
- || elf_elfsections (abfd)[scan]->sh_type == SHT_DYNSYM)
- {
- if (found != 0)
- {
- found = 0;
- break;
- }
- found = scan;
- }
- }
- if (found != 0)
- hdr->sh_link = found;
- }
- /* Get the symbol table. */
- if (elf_elfsections (abfd)[hdr->sh_link]->sh_type == SHT_SYMTAB
- && ! bfd_section_from_shdr (abfd, hdr->sh_link))
- return false;
- /* If this reloc section does not use the main symbol table we
- don't treat it as a reloc section. BFD can't adequately
- represent such a section, so at least for now, we don't
- try. We just present it as a normal section. */
- if (hdr->sh_link != elf_onesymtab (abfd))
- return _bfd_elf_make_section_from_shdr (abfd, hdr, name);
- /* Don't allow REL relocations on a machine that uses RELA and
- vice versa. */
- /* @@ Actually, the generic ABI does suggest that both might be
- used in one file. But the four ABI Processor Supplements I
- have access to right now all specify that only one is used on
- each of those architectures. It's conceivable that, e.g., a
- bunch of absolute 32-bit relocs might be more compact in REL
- form even on a RELA machine... */
- BFD_ASSERT (use_rela_p
- ? (hdr->sh_type == SHT_RELA
- && hdr->sh_entsize == bed->s->sizeof_rela)
- : (hdr->sh_type == SHT_REL
- && hdr->sh_entsize == bed->s->sizeof_rel));
- if (! bfd_section_from_shdr (abfd, hdr->sh_info))
- return false;
- target_sect = bfd_section_from_elf_index (abfd, hdr->sh_info);
- if (target_sect == NULL)
- return false;
- hdr2 = &elf_section_data (target_sect)->rel_hdr;
- *hdr2 = *hdr;
- elf_elfsections (abfd)[shindex] = hdr2;
- target_sect->reloc_count = hdr->sh_size / hdr->sh_entsize;
- target_sect->flags |= SEC_RELOC;
- target_sect->relocation = NULL;
- target_sect->rel_filepos = hdr->sh_offset;
- abfd->flags |= HAS_RELOC;
- return true;
- }
- break;
- case SHT_SHLIB:
- return true;
- default:
- /* Check for any processor-specific section types. */
- {
- if (bed->elf_backend_section_from_shdr)
- (*bed->elf_backend_section_from_shdr) (abfd, hdr, name);
- }
- break;
- }
- return true;
-/* Given an ELF section number, retrieve the corresponding BFD
- section. */
-asection *
-bfd_section_from_elf_index (abfd, index)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int index;
- BFD_ASSERT (index > 0 && index < SHN_LORESERVE);
- if (index >= elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_shnum)
- return NULL;
- return elf_elfsections (abfd)[index]->bfd_section;
-_bfd_elf_new_section_hook (abfd, sec)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- struct bfd_elf_section_data *sdata;
- sdata = (struct bfd_elf_section_data *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (*sdata));
- if (!sdata)
- return false;
- sec->used_by_bfd = (PTR) sdata;
- memset (sdata, 0, sizeof (*sdata));
- return true;
-/* Create a new bfd section from an ELF program header.
- Since program segments have no names, we generate a synthetic name
- of the form segment<NUM>, where NUM is generally the index in the
- program header table. For segments that are split (see below) we
- generate the names segment<NUM>a and segment<NUM>b.
- Note that some program segments may have a file size that is different than
- (less than) the memory size. All this means is that at execution the
- system must allocate the amount of memory specified by the memory size,
- but only initialize it with the first "file size" bytes read from the
- file. This would occur for example, with program segments consisting
- of combined data+bss.
- To handle the above situation, this routine generates TWO bfd sections
- for the single program segment. The first has the length specified by
- the file size of the segment, and the second has the length specified
- by the difference between the two sizes. In effect, the segment is split
- into it's initialized and uninitialized parts.
- */
-bfd_section_from_phdr (abfd, hdr, index)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_Internal_Phdr *hdr;
- int index;
- asection *newsect;
- char *name;
- char namebuf[64];
- int split;
- split = ((hdr->p_memsz > 0) &&
- (hdr->p_filesz > 0) &&
- (hdr->p_memsz > hdr->p_filesz));
- sprintf (namebuf, split ? "segment%da" : "segment%d", index);
- name = bfd_alloc (abfd, strlen (namebuf) + 1);
- if (!name)
- return false;
- strcpy (name, namebuf);
- newsect = bfd_make_section (abfd, name);
- if (newsect == NULL)
- return false;
- newsect->vma = hdr->p_vaddr;
- newsect->lma = hdr->p_paddr;
- newsect->_raw_size = hdr->p_filesz;
- newsect->filepos = hdr->p_offset;
- newsect->flags |= SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- if (hdr->p_type == PT_LOAD)
- {
- newsect->flags |= SEC_ALLOC;
- newsect->flags |= SEC_LOAD;
- if (hdr->p_flags & PF_X)
- {
- /* FIXME: all we known is that it has execute PERMISSION,
- may be data. */
- newsect->flags |= SEC_CODE;
- }
- }
- if (!(hdr->p_flags & PF_W))
- {
- newsect->flags |= SEC_READONLY;
- }
- if (split)
- {
- sprintf (namebuf, "segment%db", index);
- name = bfd_alloc (abfd, strlen (namebuf) + 1);
- if (!name)
- return false;
- strcpy (name, namebuf);
- newsect = bfd_make_section (abfd, name);
- if (newsect == NULL)
- return false;
- newsect->vma = hdr->p_vaddr + hdr->p_filesz;
- newsect->lma = hdr->p_paddr + hdr->p_filesz;
- newsect->_raw_size = hdr->p_memsz - hdr->p_filesz;
- if (hdr->p_type == PT_LOAD)
- {
- newsect->flags |= SEC_ALLOC;
- if (hdr->p_flags & PF_X)
- newsect->flags |= SEC_CODE;
- }
- if (!(hdr->p_flags & PF_W))
- newsect->flags |= SEC_READONLY;
- }
- return true;
-/* Set up an ELF internal section header for a section. */
-static void
-elf_fake_sections (abfd, asect, failedptrarg)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *asect;
- PTR failedptrarg;
- struct elf_backend_data *bed = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- boolean *failedptr = (boolean *) failedptrarg;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *this_hdr;
- if (*failedptr)
- {
- /* We already failed; just get out of the bfd_map_over_sections
- loop. */
- return;
- }
- this_hdr = &elf_section_data (asect)->this_hdr;
- this_hdr->sh_name = (unsigned long) _bfd_stringtab_add (elf_shstrtab (abfd),
- asect->name,
- true, false);
- if (this_hdr->sh_name == (unsigned long) -1)
- {
- *failedptr = true;
- return;
- }
- this_hdr->sh_flags = 0;
- if ((asect->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0)
- this_hdr->sh_addr = asect->vma;
- else
- this_hdr->sh_addr = 0;
- this_hdr->sh_offset = 0;
- this_hdr->sh_size = asect->_raw_size;
- this_hdr->sh_link = 0;
- this_hdr->sh_addralign = 1 << asect->alignment_power;
- /* The sh_entsize and sh_info fields may have been set already by
- copy_private_section_data. */
- this_hdr->bfd_section = asect;
- this_hdr->contents = NULL;
- /* FIXME: This should not be based on section names. */
- if (strcmp (asect->name, ".dynstr") == 0)
- this_hdr->sh_type = SHT_STRTAB;
- else if (strcmp (asect->name, ".hash") == 0)
- {
- this_hdr->sh_type = SHT_HASH;
- this_hdr->sh_entsize = bed->s->arch_size / 8;
- }
- else if (strcmp (asect->name, ".dynsym") == 0)
- {
- this_hdr->sh_type = SHT_DYNSYM;
- this_hdr->sh_entsize = bed->s->sizeof_sym;
- }
- else if (strcmp (asect->name, ".dynamic") == 0)
- {
- this_hdr->sh_type = SHT_DYNAMIC;
- this_hdr->sh_entsize = bed->s->sizeof_dyn;
- }
- else if (strncmp (asect->name, ".rela", 5) == 0
- && get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->use_rela_p)
- {
- this_hdr->sh_type = SHT_RELA;
- this_hdr->sh_entsize = bed->s->sizeof_rela;
- }
- else if (strncmp (asect->name, ".rel", 4) == 0
- && ! get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->use_rela_p)
- {
- this_hdr->sh_type = SHT_REL;
- this_hdr->sh_entsize = bed->s->sizeof_rel;
- }
- else if (strcmp (asect->name, ".note") == 0)
- this_hdr->sh_type = SHT_NOTE;
- else if (strncmp (asect->name, ".stab", 5) == 0
- && strcmp (asect->name + strlen (asect->name) - 3, "str") == 0)
- this_hdr->sh_type = SHT_STRTAB;
- else if ((asect->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0
- && (asect->flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0)
- this_hdr->sh_type = SHT_PROGBITS;
- else if ((asect->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0
- && ((asect->flags & SEC_LOAD) == 0))
- this_hdr->sh_type = SHT_NOBITS;
- else
- {
- /* Who knows? */
- this_hdr->sh_type = SHT_PROGBITS;
- }
- if ((asect->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0)
- this_hdr->sh_flags |= SHF_ALLOC;
- if ((asect->flags & SEC_READONLY) == 0)
- this_hdr->sh_flags |= SHF_WRITE;
- if ((asect->flags & SEC_CODE) != 0)
- this_hdr->sh_flags |= SHF_EXECINSTR;
- /* Check for processor-specific section types. */
- {
- struct elf_backend_data *bed = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- if (bed->elf_backend_fake_sections)
- (*bed->elf_backend_fake_sections) (abfd, this_hdr, asect);
- }
- /* If the section has relocs, set up a section header for the
- SHT_REL[A] section. */
- if ((asect->flags & SEC_RELOC) != 0)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *rela_hdr;
- int use_rela_p = get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->use_rela_p;
- char *name;
- rela_hdr = &elf_section_data (asect)->rel_hdr;
- name = bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof ".rela" + strlen (asect->name));
- if (name == NULL)
- {
- *failedptr = true;
- return;
- }
- sprintf (name, "%s%s", use_rela_p ? ".rela" : ".rel", asect->name);
- rela_hdr->sh_name =
- (unsigned int) _bfd_stringtab_add (elf_shstrtab (abfd), name,
- true, false);
- if (rela_hdr->sh_name == (unsigned int) -1)
- {
- *failedptr = true;
- return;
- }
- rela_hdr->sh_type = use_rela_p ? SHT_RELA : SHT_REL;
- rela_hdr->sh_entsize = (use_rela_p
- ? bed->s->sizeof_rela
- : bed->s->sizeof_rel);
- rela_hdr->sh_addralign = bed->s->file_align;
- rela_hdr->sh_flags = 0;
- rela_hdr->sh_addr = 0;
- rela_hdr->sh_size = 0;
- rela_hdr->sh_offset = 0;
- }
-/* Assign all ELF section numbers. The dummy first section is handled here
- too. The link/info pointers for the standard section types are filled
- in here too, while we're at it. */
-static boolean
-assign_section_numbers (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct elf_obj_tdata *t = elf_tdata (abfd);
- asection *sec;
- unsigned int section_number;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr **i_shdrp;
- struct elf_backend_data *bed = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- section_number = 1;
- for (sec = abfd->sections; sec; sec = sec->next)
- {
- struct bfd_elf_section_data *d = elf_section_data (sec);
- d->this_idx = section_number++;
- if ((sec->flags & SEC_RELOC) == 0)
- d->rel_idx = 0;
- else
- d->rel_idx = section_number++;
- }
- t->shstrtab_section = section_number++;
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_shstrndx = t->shstrtab_section;
- t->shstrtab_hdr.sh_size = _bfd_stringtab_size (elf_shstrtab (abfd));
- if (abfd->symcount > 0)
- {
- t->symtab_section = section_number++;
- t->strtab_section = section_number++;
- }
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_shnum = section_number;
- /* Set up the list of section header pointers, in agreement with the
- indices. */
- i_shdrp = ((Elf_Internal_Shdr **)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, section_number * sizeof (Elf_Internal_Shdr *)));
- if (i_shdrp == NULL)
- return false;
- i_shdrp[0] = ((Elf_Internal_Shdr *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (Elf_Internal_Shdr)));
- if (i_shdrp[0] == NULL)
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, i_shdrp);
- return false;
- }
- memset (i_shdrp[0], 0, sizeof (Elf_Internal_Shdr));
- elf_elfsections (abfd) = i_shdrp;
- i_shdrp[t->shstrtab_section] = &t->shstrtab_hdr;
- if (abfd->symcount > 0)
- {
- i_shdrp[t->symtab_section] = &t->symtab_hdr;
- i_shdrp[t->strtab_section] = &t->strtab_hdr;
- t->symtab_hdr.sh_link = t->strtab_section;
- }
- for (sec = abfd->sections; sec; sec = sec->next)
- {
- struct bfd_elf_section_data *d = elf_section_data (sec);
- asection *s;
- const char *name;
- i_shdrp[d->this_idx] = &d->this_hdr;
- if (d->rel_idx != 0)
- i_shdrp[d->rel_idx] = &d->rel_hdr;
- /* Fill in the sh_link and sh_info fields while we're at it. */
- /* sh_link of a reloc section is the section index of the symbol
- table. sh_info is the section index of the section to which
- the relocation entries apply. */
- if (d->rel_idx != 0)
- {
- d->rel_hdr.sh_link = t->symtab_section;
- d->rel_hdr.sh_info = d->this_idx;
- }
- switch (d->this_hdr.sh_type)
- {
- case SHT_REL:
- case SHT_RELA:
- /* A reloc section which we are treating as a normal BFD
- section. sh_link is the section index of the symbol
- table. sh_info is the section index of the section to
- which the relocation entries apply. We assume that an
- allocated reloc section uses the dynamic symbol table.
- FIXME: How can we be sure? */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".dynsym");
- if (s != NULL)
- d->this_hdr.sh_link = elf_section_data (s)->this_idx;
- /* We look up the section the relocs apply to by name. */
- name = sec->name;
- if (d->this_hdr.sh_type == SHT_REL)
- name += 4;
- else
- name += 5;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, name);
- if (s != NULL)
- d->this_hdr.sh_info = elf_section_data (s)->this_idx;
- break;
- case SHT_STRTAB:
- /* We assume that a section named .stab*str is a stabs
- string section. We look for a section with the same name
- but without the trailing ``str'', and set its sh_link
- field to point to this section. */
- if (strncmp (sec->name, ".stab", sizeof ".stab" - 1) == 0
- && strcmp (sec->name + strlen (sec->name) - 3, "str") == 0)
- {
- size_t len;
- char *alc;
- len = strlen (sec->name);
- alc = (char *) bfd_malloc (len - 2);
- if (alc == NULL)
- return false;
- strncpy (alc, sec->name, len - 3);
- alc[len - 3] = '\0';
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, alc);
- free (alc);
- if (s != NULL)
- {
- elf_section_data (s)->this_hdr.sh_link = d->this_idx;
- /* This is a .stab section. */
- elf_section_data (s)->this_hdr.sh_entsize =
- 4 + 2 * (bed->s->arch_size / 8);
- }
- }
- break;
- case SHT_DYNSYM:
- /* sh_link is the section header index of the string table
- used for the dynamic entries or symbol table. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".dynstr");
- if (s != NULL)
- d->this_hdr.sh_link = elf_section_data (s)->this_idx;
- break;
- case SHT_HASH:
- /* sh_link is the section header index of the symbol table
- this hash table is for. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".dynsym");
- if (s != NULL)
- d->this_hdr.sh_link = elf_section_data (s)->this_idx;
- break;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Map symbol from it's internal number to the external number, moving
- all local symbols to be at the head of the list. */
-static INLINE int
-sym_is_global (abfd, sym)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *sym;
- /* If the backend has a special mapping, use it. */
- if (get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->elf_backend_sym_is_global)
- return ((*get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->elf_backend_sym_is_global)
- (abfd, sym));
- return ((sym->flags & (BSF_GLOBAL | BSF_WEAK)) != 0
- || bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (sym))
- || bfd_is_com_section (bfd_get_section (sym)));
-static boolean
-elf_map_symbols (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- int symcount = bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- asymbol **syms = bfd_get_outsymbols (abfd);
- asymbol **sect_syms;
- int num_locals = 0;
- int num_globals = 0;
- int num_locals2 = 0;
- int num_globals2 = 0;
- int max_index = 0;
- int num_sections = 0;
- int idx;
- asection *asect;
- asymbol **new_syms;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "elf_map_symbols\n");
- fflush (stderr);
- /* Add a section symbol for each BFD section. FIXME: Is this really
- necessary? */
- for (asect = abfd->sections; asect; asect = asect->next)
- {
- if (max_index < asect->index)
- max_index = asect->index;
- }
- max_index++;
- sect_syms = (asymbol **) bfd_zalloc (abfd, max_index * sizeof (asymbol *));
- if (sect_syms == NULL)
- return false;
- elf_section_syms (abfd) = sect_syms;
- for (idx = 0; idx < symcount; idx++)
- {
- if ((syms[idx]->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) != 0
- && (syms[idx]->value + syms[idx]->section->vma) == 0)
- {
- asection *sec;
- sec = syms[idx]->section;
- if (sec->owner != NULL)
- {
- if (sec->owner != abfd)
- {
- if (sec->output_offset != 0)
- continue;
- sec = sec->output_section;
- BFD_ASSERT (sec->owner == abfd);
- }
- sect_syms[sec->index] = syms[idx];
- }
- }
- }
- for (asect = abfd->sections; asect; asect = asect->next)
- {
- asymbol *sym;
- if (sect_syms[asect->index] != NULL)
- continue;
- sym = bfd_make_empty_symbol (abfd);
- if (sym == NULL)
- return false;
- sym->the_bfd = abfd;
- sym->name = asect->name;
- sym->value = 0;
- /* Set the flags to 0 to indicate that this one was newly added. */
- sym->flags = 0;
- sym->section = asect;
- sect_syms[asect->index] = sym;
- num_sections++;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr,
- "creating section symbol, name = %s, value = 0x%.8lx, index = %d, section = 0x%.8lx\n",
- asect->name, (long) asect->vma, asect->index, (long) asect);
- }
- /* Classify all of the symbols. */
- for (idx = 0; idx < symcount; idx++)
- {
- if (!sym_is_global (abfd, syms[idx]))
- num_locals++;
- else
- num_globals++;
- }
- for (asect = abfd->sections; asect; asect = asect->next)
- {
- if (sect_syms[asect->index] != NULL
- && sect_syms[asect->index]->flags == 0)
- {
- sect_syms[asect->index]->flags = BSF_SECTION_SYM;
- if (!sym_is_global (abfd, sect_syms[asect->index]))
- num_locals++;
- else
- num_globals++;
- sect_syms[asect->index]->flags = 0;
- }
- }
- /* Now sort the symbols so the local symbols are first. */
- new_syms = ((asymbol **)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (num_locals + num_globals) * sizeof (asymbol *)));
- if (new_syms == NULL)
- return false;
- for (idx = 0; idx < symcount; idx++)
- {
- asymbol *sym = syms[idx];
- int i;
- if (!sym_is_global (abfd, sym))
- i = num_locals2++;
- else
- i = num_locals + num_globals2++;
- new_syms[i] = sym;
- sym->udata.i = i + 1;
- }
- for (asect = abfd->sections; asect; asect = asect->next)
- {
- if (sect_syms[asect->index] != NULL
- && sect_syms[asect->index]->flags == 0)
- {
- asymbol *sym = sect_syms[asect->index];
- int i;
- sym->flags = BSF_SECTION_SYM;
- if (!sym_is_global (abfd, sym))
- i = num_locals2++;
- else
- i = num_locals + num_globals2++;
- new_syms[i] = sym;
- sym->udata.i = i + 1;
- }
- }
- bfd_set_symtab (abfd, new_syms, num_locals + num_globals);
- elf_num_locals (abfd) = num_locals;
- elf_num_globals (abfd) = num_globals;
- return true;
-/* Align to the maximum file alignment that could be required for any
- ELF data structure. */
-static INLINE file_ptr align_file_position PARAMS ((file_ptr, int));
-static INLINE file_ptr
-align_file_position (off, align)
- file_ptr off;
- int align;
- return (off + align - 1) & ~(align - 1);
-/* Assign a file position to a section, optionally aligning to the
- required section alignment. */
-INLINE file_ptr
-_bfd_elf_assign_file_position_for_section (i_shdrp, offset, align)
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *i_shdrp;
- file_ptr offset;
- boolean align;
- if (align)
- {
- unsigned int al;
- al = i_shdrp->sh_addralign;
- if (al > 1)
- offset = BFD_ALIGN (offset, al);
- }
- i_shdrp->sh_offset = offset;
- if (i_shdrp->bfd_section != NULL)
- i_shdrp->bfd_section->filepos = offset;
- if (i_shdrp->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS)
- offset += i_shdrp->sh_size;
- return offset;
-/* Compute the file positions we are going to put the sections at, and
- otherwise prepare to begin writing out the ELF file. If LINK_INFO
- is not NULL, this is being called by the ELF backend linker. */
-_bfd_elf_compute_section_file_positions (abfd, link_info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- struct elf_backend_data *bed = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- boolean failed;
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *strtab;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *shstrtab_hdr;
- if (abfd->output_has_begun)
- return true;
- /* Do any elf backend specific processing first. */
- if (bed->elf_backend_begin_write_processing)
- (*bed->elf_backend_begin_write_processing) (abfd, link_info);
- if (! prep_headers (abfd))
- return false;
- failed = false;
- bfd_map_over_sections (abfd, elf_fake_sections, &failed);
- if (failed)
- return false;
- if (!assign_section_numbers (abfd))
- return false;
- /* The backend linker builds symbol table information itself. */
- if (link_info == NULL && abfd->symcount > 0)
- {
- if (! swap_out_syms (abfd, &strtab))
- return false;
- }
- shstrtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->shstrtab_hdr;
- /* sh_name was set in prep_headers. */
- shstrtab_hdr->sh_type = SHT_STRTAB;
- shstrtab_hdr->sh_flags = 0;
- shstrtab_hdr->sh_addr = 0;
- shstrtab_hdr->sh_size = _bfd_stringtab_size (elf_shstrtab (abfd));
- shstrtab_hdr->sh_entsize = 0;
- shstrtab_hdr->sh_link = 0;
- shstrtab_hdr->sh_info = 0;
- /* sh_offset is set in assign_file_positions_except_relocs. */
- shstrtab_hdr->sh_addralign = 1;
- if (!assign_file_positions_except_relocs (abfd))
- return false;
- if (link_info == NULL && abfd->symcount > 0)
- {
- file_ptr off;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr;
- off = elf_tdata (abfd)->next_file_pos;
- hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
- off = _bfd_elf_assign_file_position_for_section (hdr, off, true);
- hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->strtab_hdr;
- off = _bfd_elf_assign_file_position_for_section (hdr, off, true);
- elf_tdata (abfd)->next_file_pos = off;
- /* Now that we know where the .strtab section goes, write it
- out. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, hdr->sh_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || ! _bfd_stringtab_emit (abfd, strtab))
- return false;
- _bfd_stringtab_free (strtab);
- }
- abfd->output_has_begun = true;
- return true;
-/* Create a mapping from a set of sections to a program segment. */
-static INLINE struct elf_segment_map *
-make_mapping (abfd, sections, from, to, phdr)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection **sections;
- unsigned int from;
- unsigned int to;
- boolean phdr;
- struct elf_segment_map *m;
- unsigned int i;
- asection **hdrpp;
- m = ((struct elf_segment_map *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd,
- (sizeof (struct elf_segment_map)
- + (to - from - 1) * sizeof (asection *))));
- if (m == NULL)
- return NULL;
- m->next = NULL;
- m->p_type = PT_LOAD;
- for (i = from, hdrpp = sections + from; i < to; i++, hdrpp++)
- m->sections[i - from] = *hdrpp;
- m->count = to - from;
- if (from == 0 && phdr)
- {
- /* Include the headers in the first PT_LOAD segment. */
- m->includes_filehdr = 1;
- m->includes_phdrs = 1;
- }
- return m;
-/* Set up a mapping from BFD sections to program segments. */
-static boolean
-map_sections_to_segments (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection **sections = NULL;
- asection *s;
- unsigned int i;
- unsigned int count;
- struct elf_segment_map *mfirst;
- struct elf_segment_map **pm;
- struct elf_segment_map *m;
- asection *last_hdr;
- unsigned int phdr_index;
- bfd_vma maxpagesize;
- asection **hdrpp;
- boolean phdr_in_section = true;
- boolean writable;
- asection *dynsec;
- if (elf_tdata (abfd)->segment_map != NULL)
- return true;
- if (bfd_count_sections (abfd) == 0)
- return true;
- /* Select the allocated sections, and sort them. */
- sections = (asection **) bfd_malloc (bfd_count_sections (abfd)
- * sizeof (asection *));
- if (sections == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- i = 0;
- for (s = abfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- if ((s->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0)
- {
- sections[i] = s;
- ++i;
- }
- }
- BFD_ASSERT (i <= bfd_count_sections (abfd));
- count = i;
- qsort (sections, (size_t) count, sizeof (asection *), elf_sort_sections);
- /* Build the mapping. */
- mfirst = NULL;
- pm = &mfirst;
- /* If we have a .interp section, then create a PT_PHDR segment for
- the program headers and a PT_INTERP segment for the .interp
- section. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".interp");
- if (s != NULL && (s->flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0)
- {
- m = ((struct elf_segment_map *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct elf_segment_map)));
- if (m == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- m->next = NULL;
- m->p_type = PT_PHDR;
- /* FIXME: UnixWare and Solaris set PF_X, Irix 5 does not. */
- m->p_flags = PF_R | PF_X;
- m->p_flags_valid = 1;
- m->includes_phdrs = 1;
- *pm = m;
- pm = &m->next;
- m = ((struct elf_segment_map *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct elf_segment_map)));
- if (m == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- m->next = NULL;
- m->p_type = PT_INTERP;
- m->count = 1;
- m->sections[0] = s;
- *pm = m;
- pm = &m->next;
- }
- /* Look through the sections. We put sections in the same program
- segment when the start of the second section can be placed within
- a few bytes of the end of the first section. */
- last_hdr = NULL;
- phdr_index = 0;
- maxpagesize = get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->maxpagesize;
- writable = false;
- dynsec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".dynamic");
- if (dynsec != NULL
- && (dynsec->flags & SEC_LOAD) == 0)
- dynsec = NULL;
- /* Deal with -Ttext or something similar such that the
- first section is not adjacent to the program headers. */
- if (count
- && ((sections[0]->lma % maxpagesize) <
- (elf_tdata (abfd)->program_header_size % maxpagesize)))
- phdr_in_section = false;
- for (i = 0, hdrpp = sections; i < count; i++, hdrpp++)
- {
- asection *hdr;
- hdr = *hdrpp;
- /* See if this section and the last one will fit in the same
- segment. Don't put a loadable section after a non-loadable
- section. If we are building a dynamic executable, don't put
- a writable section in a read only segment (we don't do this
- for a non-dynamic executable because some people prefer to
- have only one program segment; anybody can use PHDRS in their
- linker script to control what happens anyhow). */
- if (last_hdr == NULL
- || ((BFD_ALIGN (last_hdr->lma + last_hdr->_raw_size, maxpagesize)
- >= hdr->lma)
- && ((last_hdr->flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0
- || (hdr->flags & SEC_LOAD) == 0)
- && (dynsec == NULL
- || writable
- || (hdr->flags & SEC_READONLY) != 0)))
- {
- last_hdr = hdr;
- continue;
- }
- /* This section won't fit in the program segment. We must
- create a new program header holding all the sections from
- phdr_index until hdr. */
- m = make_mapping (abfd, sections, phdr_index, i, phdr_in_section);
- if (m == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- *pm = m;
- pm = &m->next;
- if ((hdr->flags & SEC_READONLY) == 0)
- writable = true;
- last_hdr = hdr;
- phdr_index = i;
- phdr_in_section = false;
- }
- /* Create a final PT_LOAD program segment. */
- if (last_hdr != NULL)
- {
- m = make_mapping (abfd, sections, phdr_index, i, phdr_in_section);
- if (m == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- *pm = m;
- pm = &m->next;
- }
- /* If there is a .dynamic section, throw in a PT_DYNAMIC segment. */
- if (dynsec != NULL)
- {
- m = ((struct elf_segment_map *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct elf_segment_map)));
- if (m == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- m->next = NULL;
- m->p_type = PT_DYNAMIC;
- m->count = 1;
- m->sections[0] = dynsec;
- *pm = m;
- pm = &m->next;
- }
- free (sections);
- sections = NULL;
- elf_tdata (abfd)->segment_map = mfirst;
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (sections != NULL)
- free (sections);
- return false;
-/* Sort sections by VMA. */
-static int
-elf_sort_sections (arg1, arg2)
- const PTR arg1;
- const PTR arg2;
- const asection *sec1 = *(const asection **) arg1;
- const asection *sec2 = *(const asection **) arg2;
- if (sec1->vma < sec2->vma)
- return -1;
- else if (sec1->vma > sec2->vma)
- return 1;
- /* Put !SEC_LOAD sections after SEC_LOAD ones. */
-#define TOEND(x) (((x)->flags & SEC_LOAD) == 0)
- if (TOEND (sec1))
- if (TOEND (sec2))
- return sec1->target_index - sec2->target_index;
- else
- return 1;
- if (TOEND (sec2))
- return -1;
-#undef TOEND
- /* Sort by size, to put zero sized sections before others at the
- same address. */
- if (sec1->_raw_size < sec2->_raw_size)
- return -1;
- if (sec1->_raw_size > sec2->_raw_size)
- return 1;
- return sec1->target_index - sec2->target_index;
-/* Assign file positions to the sections based on the mapping from
- sections to segments. This function also sets up some fields in
- the file header, and writes out the program headers. */
-static boolean
-assign_file_positions_for_segments (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- const struct elf_backend_data *bed = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- unsigned int count;
- struct elf_segment_map *m;
- unsigned int alloc;
- Elf_Internal_Phdr *phdrs;
- file_ptr off;
- bfd_vma filehdr_vaddr, filehdr_paddr;
- bfd_vma phdrs_vaddr, phdrs_paddr;
- Elf_Internal_Phdr *p;
- if (elf_tdata (abfd)->segment_map == NULL)
- {
- if (! map_sections_to_segments (abfd))
- return false;
- }
- if (bed->elf_backend_modify_segment_map)
- {
- if (! (*bed->elf_backend_modify_segment_map) (abfd))
- return false;
- }
- count = 0;
- for (m = elf_tdata (abfd)->segment_map; m != NULL; m = m->next)
- ++count;
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_phoff = bed->s->sizeof_ehdr;
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_phentsize = bed->s->sizeof_phdr;
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_phnum = count;
- if (count == 0)
- return true;
- /* If we already counted the number of program segments, make sure
- that we allocated enough space. This happens when SIZEOF_HEADERS
- is used in a linker script. */
- alloc = elf_tdata (abfd)->program_header_size / bed->s->sizeof_phdr;
- if (alloc != 0 && count > alloc)
- {
- ((*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: Not enough room for program headers (allocated %u, need %u)",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), alloc, count));
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- if (alloc == 0)
- alloc = count;
- phdrs = ((Elf_Internal_Phdr *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, alloc * sizeof (Elf_Internal_Phdr)));
- if (phdrs == NULL)
- return false;
- off = bed->s->sizeof_ehdr;
- off += alloc * bed->s->sizeof_phdr;
- filehdr_vaddr = 0;
- filehdr_paddr = 0;
- phdrs_vaddr = 0;
- phdrs_paddr = 0;
- for (m = elf_tdata (abfd)->segment_map, p = phdrs;
- m != NULL;
- m = m->next, p++)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- asection **secpp;
- /* If elf_segment_map is not from map_sections_to_segments, the
- sections may not be correctly ordered. */
- if (m->count > 0)
- qsort (m->sections, (size_t) m->count, sizeof (asection *),
- elf_sort_sections);
- p->p_type = m->p_type;
- if (m->p_flags_valid)
- p->p_flags = m->p_flags;
- else
- p->p_flags = 0;
- if (p->p_type == PT_LOAD
- && m->count > 0
- && (m->sections[0]->flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0)
- off += (m->sections[0]->vma - off) % bed->maxpagesize;
- if (m->count == 0)
- p->p_vaddr = 0;
- else
- p->p_vaddr = m->sections[0]->vma;
- if (m->p_paddr_valid)
- p->p_paddr = m->p_paddr;
- else if (m->count == 0)
- p->p_paddr = 0;
- else
- p->p_paddr = m->sections[0]->lma;
- if (p->p_type == PT_LOAD)
- p->p_align = bed->maxpagesize;
- else if (m->count == 0)
- p->p_align = bed->s->file_align;
- else
- p->p_align = 0;
- p->p_offset = 0;
- p->p_filesz = 0;
- p->p_memsz = 0;
- if (m->includes_filehdr)
- {
- if (! m->p_flags_valid)
- p->p_flags |= PF_R;
- p->p_offset = 0;
- p->p_filesz = bed->s->sizeof_ehdr;
- p->p_memsz = bed->s->sizeof_ehdr;
- if (m->count > 0)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (p->p_type == PT_LOAD);
- p->p_vaddr -= off;
- if (! m->p_paddr_valid)
- p->p_paddr -= off;
- }
- if (p->p_type == PT_LOAD)
- {
- filehdr_vaddr = p->p_vaddr;
- filehdr_paddr = p->p_paddr;
- }
- }
- if (m->includes_phdrs)
- {
- if (! m->p_flags_valid)
- p->p_flags |= PF_R;
- if (m->includes_filehdr)
- {
- if (p->p_type == PT_LOAD)
- {
- phdrs_vaddr = p->p_vaddr + bed->s->sizeof_ehdr;
- phdrs_paddr = p->p_paddr + bed->s->sizeof_ehdr;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- p->p_offset = bed->s->sizeof_ehdr;
- if (m->count > 0)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (p->p_type == PT_LOAD);
- p->p_vaddr -= off - p->p_offset;
- if (! m->p_paddr_valid)
- p->p_paddr -= off - p->p_offset;
- }
- if (p->p_type == PT_LOAD)
- {
- phdrs_vaddr = p->p_vaddr;
- phdrs_paddr = p->p_paddr;
- }
- }
- p->p_filesz += alloc * bed->s->sizeof_phdr;
- p->p_memsz += alloc * bed->s->sizeof_phdr;
- }
- if (p->p_type == PT_LOAD)
- {
- if (! m->includes_filehdr && ! m->includes_phdrs)
- p->p_offset = off;
- else
- {
- file_ptr adjust;
- adjust = off - (p->p_offset + p->p_filesz);
- p->p_filesz += adjust;
- p->p_memsz += adjust;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0, secpp = m->sections; i < m->count; i++, secpp++)
- {
- asection *sec;
- flagword flags;
- bfd_size_type align;
- sec = *secpp;
- flags = sec->flags;
- if (p->p_type == PT_LOAD)
- {
- bfd_vma adjust;
- /* The section VMA must equal the file position modulo
- the page size. */
- if ((flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0)
- {
- adjust = (sec->vma - off) % bed->maxpagesize;
- if (adjust != 0)
- {
- if (i == 0)
- abort ();
- p->p_memsz += adjust;
- off += adjust;
- if ((flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0)
- p->p_filesz += adjust;
- }
- }
- sec->filepos = off;
- if ((flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0)
- off += sec->_raw_size;
- }
- p->p_memsz += sec->_raw_size;
- if ((flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0)
- p->p_filesz += sec->_raw_size;
- align = 1 << bfd_get_section_alignment (abfd, sec);
- if (align > p->p_align)
- p->p_align = align;
- if (! m->p_flags_valid)
- {
- p->p_flags |= PF_R;
- if ((flags & SEC_CODE) != 0)
- p->p_flags |= PF_X;
- if ((flags & SEC_READONLY) == 0)
- p->p_flags |= PF_W;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Now that we have set the section file positions, we can set up
- the file positions for the non PT_LOAD segments. */
- for (m = elf_tdata (abfd)->segment_map, p = phdrs;
- m != NULL;
- m = m->next, p++)
- {
- if (p->p_type != PT_LOAD && m->count > 0)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (! m->includes_filehdr && ! m->includes_phdrs);
- p->p_offset = m->sections[0]->filepos;
- }
- if (m->count == 0)
- {
- if (m->includes_filehdr)
- {
- p->p_vaddr = filehdr_vaddr;
- if (! m->p_paddr_valid)
- p->p_paddr = filehdr_paddr;
- }
- else if (m->includes_phdrs)
- {
- p->p_vaddr = phdrs_vaddr;
- if (! m->p_paddr_valid)
- p->p_paddr = phdrs_paddr;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Clear out any program headers we allocated but did not use. */
- for (; count < alloc; count++, p++)
- {
- memset (p, 0, sizeof *p);
- p->p_type = PT_NULL;
- }
- elf_tdata (abfd)->phdr = phdrs;
- elf_tdata (abfd)->next_file_pos = off;
- /* Write out the program headers. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, bed->s->sizeof_ehdr, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bed->s->write_out_phdrs (abfd, phdrs, alloc) != 0)
- return false;
- return true;
-/* Get the size of the program header.
- If this is called by the linker before any of the section VMA's are set, it
- can't calculate the correct value for a strange memory layout. This only
- happens when SIZEOF_HEADERS is used in a linker script. In this case,
- SORTED_HDRS is NULL and we assume the normal scenario of one text and one
- data segment (exclusive of .interp and .dynamic).
- ??? User written scripts must either not use SIZEOF_HEADERS, or assume there
- will be two segments. */
-static bfd_size_type
-get_program_header_size (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- size_t segs;
- asection *s;
- struct elf_backend_data *bed = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- /* We can't return a different result each time we're called. */
- if (elf_tdata (abfd)->program_header_size != 0)
- return elf_tdata (abfd)->program_header_size;
- if (elf_tdata (abfd)->segment_map != NULL)
- {
- struct elf_segment_map *m;
- segs = 0;
- for (m = elf_tdata (abfd)->segment_map; m != NULL; m = m->next)
- ++segs;
- elf_tdata (abfd)->program_header_size = segs * bed->s->sizeof_phdr;
- return elf_tdata (abfd)->program_header_size;
- }
- /* Assume we will need exactly two PT_LOAD segments: one for text
- and one for data. */
- segs = 2;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".interp");
- if (s != NULL && (s->flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0)
- {
- /* If we have a loadable interpreter section, we need a
- PT_INTERP segment. In this case, assume we also need a
- PT_PHDR segment, although that may not be true for all
- targets. */
- segs += 2;
- }
- if (bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".dynamic") != NULL)
- {
- /* We need a PT_DYNAMIC segment. */
- ++segs;
- }
- /* Let the backend count up any program headers it might need. */
- if (bed->elf_backend_additional_program_headers)
- {
- int a;
- a = (*bed->elf_backend_additional_program_headers) (abfd);
- if (a == -1)
- abort ();
- segs += a;
- }
- elf_tdata (abfd)->program_header_size = segs * bed->s->sizeof_phdr;
- return elf_tdata (abfd)->program_header_size;
-/* Work out the file positions of all the sections. This is called by
- _bfd_elf_compute_section_file_positions. All the section sizes and
- VMAs must be known before this is called.
- We do not consider reloc sections at this point, unless they form
- part of the loadable image. Reloc sections are assigned file
- positions in assign_file_positions_for_relocs, which is called by
- write_object_contents and final_link.
- We also don't set the positions of the .symtab and .strtab here. */
-static boolean
-assign_file_positions_except_relocs (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct elf_obj_tdata * const tdata = elf_tdata (abfd);
- Elf_Internal_Ehdr * const i_ehdrp = elf_elfheader (abfd);
- Elf_Internal_Shdr ** const i_shdrpp = elf_elfsections (abfd);
- file_ptr off;
- struct elf_backend_data *bed = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- if ((abfd->flags & (EXEC_P | DYNAMIC)) == 0)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Shdr **hdrpp;
- unsigned int i;
- /* Start after the ELF header. */
- off = i_ehdrp->e_ehsize;
- /* We are not creating an executable, which means that we are
- not creating a program header, and that the actual order of
- the sections in the file is unimportant. */
- for (i = 1, hdrpp = i_shdrpp + 1; i < i_ehdrp->e_shnum; i++, hdrpp++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr;
- hdr = *hdrpp;
- if (hdr->sh_type == SHT_REL || hdr->sh_type == SHT_RELA)
- {
- hdr->sh_offset = -1;
- continue;
- }
- if (i == tdata->symtab_section
- || i == tdata->strtab_section)
- {
- hdr->sh_offset = -1;
- continue;
- }
- off = _bfd_elf_assign_file_position_for_section (hdr, off, true);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned int i;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr **hdrpp;
- /* Assign file positions for the loaded sections based on the
- assignment of sections to segments. */
- if (! assign_file_positions_for_segments (abfd))
- return false;
- /* Assign file positions for the other sections. */
- off = elf_tdata (abfd)->next_file_pos;
- for (i = 1, hdrpp = i_shdrpp + 1; i < i_ehdrp->e_shnum; i++, hdrpp++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr;
- hdr = *hdrpp;
- if (hdr->bfd_section != NULL
- && hdr->bfd_section->filepos != 0)
- hdr->sh_offset = hdr->bfd_section->filepos;
- else if ((hdr->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC) != 0)
- {
- ((*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: warning: allocated section `%s' not in segment",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd),
- (hdr->bfd_section == NULL
- ? "*unknown*"
- : hdr->bfd_section->name)));
- off += (hdr->sh_addr - off) % bed->maxpagesize;
- off = _bfd_elf_assign_file_position_for_section (hdr, off,
- false);
- }
- else if (hdr->sh_type == SHT_REL
- || hdr->sh_type == SHT_RELA
- || hdr == i_shdrpp[tdata->symtab_section]
- || hdr == i_shdrpp[tdata->strtab_section])
- hdr->sh_offset = -1;
- else
- off = _bfd_elf_assign_file_position_for_section (hdr, off, true);
- }
- }
- /* Place the section headers. */
- off = align_file_position (off, bed->s->file_align);
- i_ehdrp->e_shoff = off;
- off += i_ehdrp->e_shnum * i_ehdrp->e_shentsize;
- elf_tdata (abfd)->next_file_pos = off;
- return true;
-static boolean
-prep_headers (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_Internal_Ehdr *i_ehdrp; /* Elf file header, internal form */
- Elf_Internal_Phdr *i_phdrp = 0; /* Program header table, internal form */
- Elf_Internal_Shdr **i_shdrp; /* Section header table, internal form */
- int count;
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *shstrtab;
- struct elf_backend_data *bed = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- i_ehdrp = elf_elfheader (abfd);
- i_shdrp = elf_elfsections (abfd);
- shstrtab = _bfd_elf_stringtab_init ();
- if (shstrtab == NULL)
- return false;
- elf_shstrtab (abfd) = shstrtab;
- i_ehdrp->e_ident[EI_MAG0] = ELFMAG0;
- i_ehdrp->e_ident[EI_MAG1] = ELFMAG1;
- i_ehdrp->e_ident[EI_MAG2] = ELFMAG2;
- i_ehdrp->e_ident[EI_MAG3] = ELFMAG3;
- i_ehdrp->e_ident[EI_CLASS] = bed->s->elfclass;
- i_ehdrp->e_ident[EI_DATA] =
- bfd_big_endian (abfd) ? ELFDATA2MSB : ELFDATA2LSB;
- i_ehdrp->e_ident[EI_VERSION] = bed->s->ev_current;
- for (count = EI_PAD; count < EI_NIDENT; count++)
- i_ehdrp->e_ident[count] = 0;
- if ((abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0)
- i_ehdrp->e_type = ET_DYN;
- else if ((abfd->flags & EXEC_P) != 0)
- i_ehdrp->e_type = ET_EXEC;
- else
- i_ehdrp->e_type = ET_REL;
- switch (bfd_get_arch (abfd))
- {
- case bfd_arch_unknown:
- i_ehdrp->e_machine = EM_NONE;
- break;
- case bfd_arch_sparc:
- if (bed->s->arch_size == 64)
- i_ehdrp->e_machine = EM_SPARC64;
- else
- i_ehdrp->e_machine = EM_SPARC;
- break;
- case bfd_arch_i386:
- i_ehdrp->e_machine = EM_386;
- break;
- case bfd_arch_m68k:
- i_ehdrp->e_machine = EM_68K;
- break;
- case bfd_arch_m88k:
- i_ehdrp->e_machine = EM_88K;
- break;
- case bfd_arch_i860:
- i_ehdrp->e_machine = EM_860;
- break;
- case bfd_arch_mips: /* MIPS Rxxxx */
- i_ehdrp->e_machine = EM_MIPS; /* only MIPS R3000 */
- break;
- case bfd_arch_hppa:
- i_ehdrp->e_machine = EM_PARISC;
- break;
- case bfd_arch_powerpc:
- i_ehdrp->e_machine = EM_PPC;
- break;
- /* also note that EM_M32, AT&T WE32100 is unknown to bfd */
- default:
- i_ehdrp->e_machine = EM_NONE;
- }
- i_ehdrp->e_version = bed->s->ev_current;
- i_ehdrp->e_ehsize = bed->s->sizeof_ehdr;
- /* no program header, for now. */
- i_ehdrp->e_phoff = 0;
- i_ehdrp->e_phentsize = 0;
- i_ehdrp->e_phnum = 0;
- /* each bfd section is section header entry */
- i_ehdrp->e_entry = bfd_get_start_address (abfd);
- i_ehdrp->e_shentsize = bed->s->sizeof_shdr;
- /* if we're building an executable, we'll need a program header table */
- if (abfd->flags & EXEC_P)
- {
- /* it all happens later */
-#if 0
- i_ehdrp->e_phentsize = sizeof (Elf_External_Phdr);
- /* elf_build_phdrs() returns a (NULL-terminated) array of
- Elf_Internal_Phdrs */
- i_phdrp = elf_build_phdrs (abfd, i_ehdrp, i_shdrp, &i_ehdrp->e_phnum);
- i_ehdrp->e_phoff = outbase;
- outbase += i_ehdrp->e_phentsize * i_ehdrp->e_phnum;
- }
- else
- {
- i_ehdrp->e_phentsize = 0;
- i_phdrp = 0;
- i_ehdrp->e_phoff = 0;
- }
- elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr.sh_name =
- (unsigned int) _bfd_stringtab_add (shstrtab, ".symtab", true, false);
- elf_tdata (abfd)->strtab_hdr.sh_name =
- (unsigned int) _bfd_stringtab_add (shstrtab, ".strtab", true, false);
- elf_tdata (abfd)->shstrtab_hdr.sh_name =
- (unsigned int) _bfd_stringtab_add (shstrtab, ".shstrtab", true, false);
- if (elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr.sh_name == (unsigned int) -1
- || elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr.sh_name == (unsigned int) -1
- || elf_tdata (abfd)->shstrtab_hdr.sh_name == (unsigned int) -1)
- return false;
- return true;
-/* Assign file positions for all the reloc sections which are not part
- of the loadable file image. */
-_bfd_elf_assign_file_positions_for_relocs (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- file_ptr off;
- unsigned int i;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr **shdrpp;
- off = elf_tdata (abfd)->next_file_pos;
- for (i = 1, shdrpp = elf_elfsections (abfd) + 1;
- i < elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_shnum;
- i++, shdrpp++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *shdrp;
- shdrp = *shdrpp;
- if ((shdrp->sh_type == SHT_REL || shdrp->sh_type == SHT_RELA)
- && shdrp->sh_offset == -1)
- off = _bfd_elf_assign_file_position_for_section (shdrp, off, true);
- }
- elf_tdata (abfd)->next_file_pos = off;
-_bfd_elf_write_object_contents (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct elf_backend_data *bed = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- Elf_Internal_Ehdr *i_ehdrp;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr **i_shdrp;
- boolean failed;
- unsigned int count;
- if (! abfd->output_has_begun
- && ! _bfd_elf_compute_section_file_positions (abfd,
- (struct bfd_link_info *) NULL))
- return false;
- i_shdrp = elf_elfsections (abfd);
- i_ehdrp = elf_elfheader (abfd);
- failed = false;
- bfd_map_over_sections (abfd, bed->s->write_relocs, &failed);
- if (failed)
- return false;
- _bfd_elf_assign_file_positions_for_relocs (abfd);
- /* After writing the headers, we need to write the sections too... */
- for (count = 1; count < i_ehdrp->e_shnum; count++)
- {
- if (bed->elf_backend_section_processing)
- (*bed->elf_backend_section_processing) (abfd, i_shdrp[count]);
- if (i_shdrp[count]->contents)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, i_shdrp[count]->sh_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_write (i_shdrp[count]->contents, i_shdrp[count]->sh_size,
- 1, abfd)
- != i_shdrp[count]->sh_size))
- return false;
- }
- }
- /* Write out the section header names. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, elf_tdata (abfd)->shstrtab_hdr.sh_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || ! _bfd_stringtab_emit (abfd, elf_shstrtab (abfd)))
- return false;
- if (bed->elf_backend_final_write_processing)
- (*bed->elf_backend_final_write_processing) (abfd,
- elf_tdata (abfd)->linker);
- return bed->s->write_shdrs_and_ehdr (abfd);
-/* given a section, search the header to find them... */
-_bfd_elf_section_from_bfd_section (abfd, asect)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct sec *asect;
- struct elf_backend_data *bed = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- Elf_Internal_Shdr **i_shdrp = elf_elfsections (abfd);
- int index;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr;
- int maxindex = elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_shnum;
- for (index = 0; index < maxindex; index++)
- {
- hdr = i_shdrp[index];
- if (hdr->bfd_section == asect)
- return index;
- }
- if (bed->elf_backend_section_from_bfd_section)
- {
- for (index = 0; index < maxindex; index++)
- {
- int retval;
- hdr = i_shdrp[index];
- retval = index;
- if ((*bed->elf_backend_section_from_bfd_section)
- (abfd, hdr, asect, &retval))
- return retval;
- }
- }
- if (bfd_is_abs_section (asect))
- return SHN_ABS;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (asect))
- return SHN_COMMON;
- if (bfd_is_und_section (asect))
- return SHN_UNDEF;
- return -1;
-/* Given a BFD symbol, return the index in the ELF symbol table, or -1
- on error. */
-_bfd_elf_symbol_from_bfd_symbol (abfd, asym_ptr_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct symbol_cache_entry **asym_ptr_ptr;
- struct symbol_cache_entry *asym_ptr = *asym_ptr_ptr;
- int idx;
- flagword flags = asym_ptr->flags;
- /* When gas creates relocations against local labels, it creates its
- own symbol for the section, but does put the symbol into the
- symbol chain, so udata is 0. When the linker is generating
- relocatable output, this section symbol may be for one of the
- input sections rather than the output section. */
- if (asym_ptr->udata.i == 0
- && (flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM)
- && asym_ptr->section)
- {
- int indx;
- if (asym_ptr->section->output_section != NULL)
- indx = asym_ptr->section->output_section->index;
- else
- indx = asym_ptr->section->index;
- if (elf_section_syms (abfd)[indx])
- asym_ptr->udata.i = elf_section_syms (abfd)[indx]->udata.i;
- }
- idx = asym_ptr->udata.i;
- if (idx == 0)
- {
- /* This case can occur when using --strip-symbol on a symbol
- which is used in a relocation entry. */
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: symbol `%s' required but not present",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), bfd_asymbol_name (asym_ptr));
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_symbols);
- return -1;
- }
-#if DEBUG & 4
- {
- fprintf (stderr,
- "elf_symbol_from_bfd_symbol 0x%.8lx, name = %s, sym num = %d, flags = 0x%.8lx%s\n",
- (long) asym_ptr, asym_ptr->name, idx, flags,
- elf_symbol_flags (flags));
- fflush (stderr);
- }
- return idx;
-/* Copy private BFD data. This copies any program header information. */
-static boolean
-copy_private_bfd_data (ibfd, obfd)
- bfd *ibfd;
- bfd *obfd;
- Elf_Internal_Ehdr *iehdr;
- struct elf_segment_map *mfirst;
- struct elf_segment_map **pm;
- Elf_Internal_Phdr *p;
- unsigned int i, c;
- if (bfd_get_flavour (ibfd) != bfd_target_elf_flavour
- || bfd_get_flavour (obfd) != bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- return true;
- if (elf_tdata (ibfd)->phdr == NULL)
- return true;
- iehdr = elf_elfheader (ibfd);
- mfirst = NULL;
- pm = &mfirst;
- c = elf_elfheader (ibfd)->e_phnum;
- for (i = 0, p = elf_tdata (ibfd)->phdr; i < c; i++, p++)
- {
- unsigned int csecs;
- asection *s;
- struct elf_segment_map *m;
- unsigned int isec;
- csecs = 0;
- /* The complicated case when p_vaddr is 0 is to handle the
- Solaris linker, which generates a PT_INTERP section with
- p_vaddr and p_memsz set to 0. */
- for (s = ibfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- if (((s->vma >= p->p_vaddr
- && (s->vma + s->_raw_size <= p->p_vaddr + p->p_memsz
- || s->vma + s->_raw_size <= p->p_vaddr + p->p_filesz))
- || (p->p_vaddr == 0
- && p->p_filesz > 0
- && (s->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) != 0
- && (bfd_vma) s->filepos >= p->p_offset
- && ((bfd_vma) s->filepos + s->_raw_size
- <= p->p_offset + p->p_filesz)))
- && (s->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0
- && s->output_section != NULL)
- ++csecs;
- m = ((struct elf_segment_map *)
- bfd_alloc (obfd,
- (sizeof (struct elf_segment_map)
- + (csecs - 1) * sizeof (asection *))));
- if (m == NULL)
- return false;
- m->next = NULL;
- m->p_type = p->p_type;
- m->p_flags = p->p_flags;
- m->p_flags_valid = 1;
- m->p_paddr = p->p_paddr;
- m->p_paddr_valid = 1;
- m->includes_filehdr = (p->p_offset == 0
- && p->p_filesz >= iehdr->e_ehsize);
- m->includes_phdrs = (p->p_offset <= (bfd_vma) iehdr->e_phoff
- && (p->p_offset + p->p_filesz
- >= ((bfd_vma) iehdr->e_phoff
- + iehdr->e_phnum * iehdr->e_phentsize)));
- isec = 0;
- for (s = ibfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- if (((s->vma >= p->p_vaddr
- && (s->vma + s->_raw_size <= p->p_vaddr + p->p_memsz
- || s->vma + s->_raw_size <= p->p_vaddr + p->p_filesz))
- || (p->p_vaddr == 0
- && p->p_filesz > 0
- && (s->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) != 0
- && (bfd_vma) s->filepos >= p->p_offset
- && ((bfd_vma) s->filepos + s->_raw_size
- <= p->p_offset + p->p_filesz)))
- && (s->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0
- && s->output_section != NULL)
- {
- m->sections[isec] = s->output_section;
- ++isec;
- }
- }
- BFD_ASSERT (isec == csecs);
- m->count = csecs;
- *pm = m;
- pm = &m->next;
- }
- elf_tdata (obfd)->segment_map = mfirst;
- return true;
-/* Copy private section information. This copies over the entsize
- field, and sometimes the info field. */
-_bfd_elf_copy_private_section_data (ibfd, isec, obfd, osec)
- bfd *ibfd;
- asection *isec;
- bfd *obfd;
- asection *osec;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *ihdr, *ohdr;
- if (ibfd->xvec->flavour != bfd_target_elf_flavour
- || obfd->xvec->flavour != bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- return true;
- /* Copy over private BFD data if it has not already been copied.
- This must be done here, rather than in the copy_private_bfd_data
- entry point, because the latter is called after the section
- contents have been set, which means that the program headers have
- already been worked out. */
- if (elf_tdata (obfd)->segment_map == NULL
- && elf_tdata (ibfd)->phdr != NULL)
- {
- asection *s;
- /* Only set up the segments when all the sections have been set
- up. */
- for (s = ibfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- if (s->output_section == NULL)
- break;
- if (s == NULL)
- {
- if (! copy_private_bfd_data (ibfd, obfd))
- return false;
- }
- }
- ihdr = &elf_section_data (isec)->this_hdr;
- ohdr = &elf_section_data (osec)->this_hdr;
- ohdr->sh_entsize = ihdr->sh_entsize;
- if (ihdr->sh_type == SHT_SYMTAB
- || ihdr->sh_type == SHT_DYNSYM)
- ohdr->sh_info = ihdr->sh_info;
- return true;
-/* Copy private symbol information. If this symbol is in a section
- which we did not map into a BFD section, try to map the section
- index correctly. We use special macro definitions for the mapped
- section indices; these definitions are interpreted by the
- swap_out_syms function. */
-_bfd_elf_copy_private_symbol_data (ibfd, isymarg, obfd, osymarg)
- bfd *ibfd;
- asymbol *isymarg;
- bfd *obfd;
- asymbol *osymarg;
- elf_symbol_type *isym, *osym;
- isym = elf_symbol_from (ibfd, isymarg);
- osym = elf_symbol_from (obfd, osymarg);
- if (isym != NULL
- && osym != NULL
- && bfd_is_abs_section (isym->symbol.section))
- {
- unsigned int shndx;
- shndx = isym->internal_elf_sym.st_shndx;
- if (shndx == elf_onesymtab (ibfd))
- shndx = MAP_ONESYMTAB;
- else if (shndx == elf_dynsymtab (ibfd))
- shndx = MAP_DYNSYMTAB;
- else if (shndx == elf_tdata (ibfd)->strtab_section)
- shndx = MAP_STRTAB;
- else if (shndx == elf_tdata (ibfd)->shstrtab_section)
- shndx = MAP_SHSTRTAB;
- osym->internal_elf_sym.st_shndx = shndx;
- }
- return true;
-/* Swap out the symbols. */
-static boolean
-swap_out_syms (abfd, sttp)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_strtab_hash **sttp;
- struct elf_backend_data *bed = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- if (!elf_map_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- /* Dump out the symtabs. */
- {
- int symcount = bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- asymbol **syms = bfd_get_outsymbols (abfd);
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *stt;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symstrtab_hdr;
- char *outbound_syms;
- int idx;
- stt = _bfd_elf_stringtab_init ();
- if (stt == NULL)
- return false;
- symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
- symtab_hdr->sh_type = SHT_SYMTAB;
- symtab_hdr->sh_entsize = bed->s->sizeof_sym;
- symtab_hdr->sh_size = symtab_hdr->sh_entsize * (symcount + 1);
- symtab_hdr->sh_info = elf_num_locals (abfd) + 1;
- symtab_hdr->sh_addralign = bed->s->file_align;
- symstrtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->strtab_hdr;
- symstrtab_hdr->sh_type = SHT_STRTAB;
- outbound_syms = bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (1 + symcount) * bed->s->sizeof_sym);
- if (outbound_syms == NULL)
- return false;
- symtab_hdr->contents = (PTR) outbound_syms;
- /* now generate the data (for "contents") */
- {
- /* Fill in zeroth symbol and swap it out. */
- Elf_Internal_Sym sym;
- sym.st_name = 0;
- sym.st_value = 0;
- sym.st_size = 0;
- sym.st_info = 0;
- sym.st_other = 0;
- sym.st_shndx = SHN_UNDEF;
- bed->s->swap_symbol_out (abfd, &sym, (PTR) outbound_syms);
- outbound_syms += bed->s->sizeof_sym;
- }
- for (idx = 0; idx < symcount; idx++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Sym sym;
- bfd_vma value = syms[idx]->value;
- elf_symbol_type *type_ptr;
- flagword flags = syms[idx]->flags;
- int type;
- if (flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM)
- /* Section symbols have no names. */
- sym.st_name = 0;
- else
- {
- sym.st_name = (unsigned long) _bfd_stringtab_add (stt,
- syms[idx]->name,
- true, false);
- if (sym.st_name == (unsigned long) -1)
- return false;
- }
- type_ptr = elf_symbol_from (abfd, syms[idx]);
- if (bfd_is_com_section (syms[idx]->section))
- {
- /* ELF common symbols put the alignment into the `value' field,
- and the size into the `size' field. This is backwards from
- how BFD handles it, so reverse it here. */
- sym.st_size = value;
- if (type_ptr == NULL
- || type_ptr->internal_elf_sym.st_value == 0)
- sym.st_value = value >= 16 ? 16 : (1 << bfd_log2 (value));
- else
- sym.st_value = type_ptr->internal_elf_sym.st_value;
- sym.st_shndx = _bfd_elf_section_from_bfd_section (abfd,
- syms[idx]->section);
- }
- else
- {
- asection *sec = syms[idx]->section;
- int shndx;
- if (sec->output_section)
- {
- value += sec->output_offset;
- sec = sec->output_section;
- }
- value += sec->vma;
- sym.st_value = value;
- sym.st_size = type_ptr ? type_ptr->internal_elf_sym.st_size : 0;
- if (bfd_is_abs_section (sec)
- && type_ptr != NULL
- && type_ptr->internal_elf_sym.st_shndx != 0)
- {
- /* This symbol is in a real ELF section which we did
- not create as a BFD section. Undo the mapping done
- by copy_private_symbol_data. */
- shndx = type_ptr->internal_elf_sym.st_shndx;
- switch (shndx)
- {
- shndx = elf_onesymtab (abfd);
- break;
- shndx = elf_dynsymtab (abfd);
- break;
- case MAP_STRTAB:
- shndx = elf_tdata (abfd)->strtab_section;
- break;
- shndx = elf_tdata (abfd)->shstrtab_section;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- shndx = _bfd_elf_section_from_bfd_section (abfd, sec);
- if (shndx == -1)
- {
- asection *sec2;
- /* Writing this would be a hell of a lot easier if
- we had some decent documentation on bfd, and
- knew what to expect of the library, and what to
- demand of applications. For example, it
- appears that `objcopy' might not set the
- section of a symbol to be a section that is
- actually in the output file. */
- sec2 = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, sec->name);
- BFD_ASSERT (sec2 != 0);
- shndx = _bfd_elf_section_from_bfd_section (abfd, sec2);
- BFD_ASSERT (shndx != -1);
- }
- }
- sym.st_shndx = shndx;
- }
- if ((flags & BSF_FUNCTION) != 0)
- type = STT_FUNC;
- else if ((flags & BSF_OBJECT) != 0)
- type = STT_OBJECT;
- else
- type = STT_NOTYPE;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (syms[idx]->section))
- sym.st_info = ELF_ST_INFO (STB_GLOBAL, type);
- else if (bfd_is_und_section (syms[idx]->section))
- sym.st_info = ELF_ST_INFO (((flags & BSF_WEAK)
- type);
- else if (flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM)
- else if (flags & BSF_FILE)
- sym.st_info = ELF_ST_INFO (STB_LOCAL, STT_FILE);
- else
- {
- int bind = STB_LOCAL;
- if (flags & BSF_LOCAL)
- bind = STB_LOCAL;
- else if (flags & BSF_WEAK)
- bind = STB_WEAK;
- else if (flags & BSF_GLOBAL)
- bind = STB_GLOBAL;
- sym.st_info = ELF_ST_INFO (bind, type);
- }
- sym.st_other = 0;
- bed->s->swap_symbol_out (abfd, &sym, (PTR) outbound_syms);
- outbound_syms += bed->s->sizeof_sym;
- }
- *sttp = stt;
- symstrtab_hdr->sh_size = _bfd_stringtab_size (stt);
- symstrtab_hdr->sh_type = SHT_STRTAB;
- symstrtab_hdr->sh_flags = 0;
- symstrtab_hdr->sh_addr = 0;
- symstrtab_hdr->sh_entsize = 0;
- symstrtab_hdr->sh_link = 0;
- symstrtab_hdr->sh_info = 0;
- symstrtab_hdr->sh_addralign = 1;
- }
- return true;
-/* Return the number of bytes required to hold the symtab vector.
- Note that we base it on the count plus 1, since we will null terminate
- the vector allocated based on this size. However, the ELF symbol table
- always has a dummy entry as symbol #0, so it ends up even. */
-_bfd_elf_get_symtab_upper_bound (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- long symcount;
- long symtab_size;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
- symcount = hdr->sh_size / get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->s->sizeof_sym;
- symtab_size = (symcount - 1 + 1) * (sizeof (asymbol *));
- return symtab_size;
-_bfd_elf_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- long symcount;
- long symtab_size;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->dynsymtab_hdr;
- if (elf_dynsymtab (abfd) == 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return -1;
- }
- symcount = hdr->sh_size / get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->s->sizeof_sym;
- symtab_size = (symcount - 1 + 1) * (sizeof (asymbol *));
- return symtab_size;
-_bfd_elf_get_reloc_upper_bound (abfd, asect)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr asect;
- return (asect->reloc_count + 1) * sizeof (arelent *);
-/* Canonicalize the relocs. */
-_bfd_elf_canonicalize_reloc (abfd, section, relptr, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- arelent **relptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- arelent *tblptr;
- unsigned int i;
- if (! get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->s->slurp_reloc_table (abfd, section, symbols))
- return -1;
- tblptr = section->relocation;
- for (i = 0; i < section->reloc_count; i++)
- *relptr++ = tblptr++;
- *relptr = NULL;
- return section->reloc_count;
-_bfd_elf_get_symtab (abfd, alocation)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **alocation;
- long symcount = get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->s->slurp_symbol_table (abfd, alocation, false);
- if (symcount >= 0)
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd) = symcount;
- return symcount;
-_bfd_elf_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab (abfd, alocation)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **alocation;
- return get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->s->slurp_symbol_table (abfd, alocation, true);
-asymbol *
-_bfd_elf_make_empty_symbol (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- elf_symbol_type *newsym;
- newsym = (elf_symbol_type *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (elf_symbol_type));
- if (!newsym)
- return NULL;
- else
- {
- newsym->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- return &newsym->symbol;
- }
-_bfd_elf_get_symbol_info (ignore_abfd, symbol, ret)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- symbol_info *ret;
- bfd_symbol_info (symbol, ret);
-alent *
-_bfd_elf_get_lineno (ignore_abfd, symbol)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- abort ();
- return NULL;
-_bfd_elf_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine)
- bfd *abfd;
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- unsigned long machine;
- /* If this isn't the right architecture for this backend, and this
- isn't the generic backend, fail. */
- if (arch != get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->arch
- && arch != bfd_arch_unknown
- && get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->arch != bfd_arch_unknown)
- return false;
- return bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine);
-/* Find the nearest line to a particular section and offset, for error
- reporting. */
-_bfd_elf_find_nearest_line (abfd,
- section,
- symbols,
- offset,
- filename_ptr,
- functionname_ptr,
- line_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- asymbol **symbols;
- bfd_vma offset;
- CONST char **filename_ptr;
- CONST char **functionname_ptr;
- unsigned int *line_ptr;
- boolean found;
- const char *filename;
- asymbol *func;
- bfd_vma low_func;
- asymbol **p;
- if (! _bfd_stab_section_find_nearest_line (abfd, symbols, section, offset,
- &found, filename_ptr,
- functionname_ptr, line_ptr,
- &elf_tdata (abfd)->line_info))
- return false;
- if (found)
- return true;
- if (symbols == NULL)
- return false;
- filename = NULL;
- func = NULL;
- low_func = 0;
- for (p = symbols; *p != NULL; p++)
- {
- elf_symbol_type *q;
- q = (elf_symbol_type *) *p;
- if (bfd_get_section (&q->symbol) != section)
- continue;
- switch (ELF_ST_TYPE (q->internal_elf_sym.st_info))
- {
- default:
- break;
- case STT_FILE:
- filename = bfd_asymbol_name (&q->symbol);
- break;
- case STT_FUNC:
- if (q->symbol.section == section
- && q->symbol.value >= low_func
- && q->symbol.value <= offset)
- {
- func = (asymbol *) q;
- low_func = q->symbol.value;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (func == NULL)
- return false;
- *filename_ptr = filename;
- *functionname_ptr = bfd_asymbol_name (func);
- *line_ptr = 0;
- return true;
-_bfd_elf_sizeof_headers (abfd, reloc)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean reloc;
- int ret;
- ret = get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->s->sizeof_ehdr;
- if (! reloc)
- ret += get_program_header_size (abfd);
- return ret;
-_bfd_elf_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr;
- if (! abfd->output_has_begun
- && ! _bfd_elf_compute_section_file_positions (abfd,
- (struct bfd_link_info *) NULL))
- return false;
- hdr = &elf_section_data (section)->this_hdr;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, hdr->sh_offset + offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
- return false;
- if (bfd_write (location, 1, count, abfd) != count)
- return false;
- return true;
-_bfd_elf_no_info_to_howto (abfd, cache_ptr, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *dst;
- abort ();
-#if 0
-_bfd_elf_no_info_to_howto_rel (abfd, cache_ptr, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- Elf_Internal_Rel *dst;
- abort ();
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-gen.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-gen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 385fda208602..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-gen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-/* Generic support for 32-bit ELF
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "elf-bfd.h"
-/* This does not include any relocations, but should be good enough
- for GDB to read the file. */
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_SYM bfd_elf32_little_generic_vec
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_NAME "elf32-little"
-#define TARGET_BIG_SYM bfd_elf32_big_generic_vec
-#define TARGET_BIG_NAME "elf32-big"
-#define ELF_ARCH bfd_arch_unknown
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_reloc_type_lookup bfd_default_reloc_type_lookup
-#define elf_info_to_howto _bfd_elf_no_info_to_howto
-#include "elf32-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-hppa.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-hppa.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 238673170322..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-hppa.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2984 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for HP PA-RISC ELF files.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by
- Center for Software Science
- Department of Computer Science
- University of Utah
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "elf-bfd.h"
-/* The internal type of a symbol table extension entry. */
-typedef unsigned long symext_entryS;
-/* The external type of a symbol table extension entry. */
-#define ELF32_PARISC_SX_SIZE (4)
-#define ELF32_PARISC_SX_GET(bfd, addr) bfd_h_get_32 ((bfd), (addr))
-#define ELF32_PARISC_SX_PUT(bfd, val, addr) \
- bfd_h_put_32 ((bfd), (val), (addr))
-/* HPPA symbol table extension entry types */
-enum elf32_hppa_symextn_types
-/* These macros compose and decompose the value of a symextn entry:
- entry_type = ELF32_PARISC_SX_TYPE(word);
- entry_value = ELF32_PARISC_SX_VAL(word);
- word = ELF32_PARISC_SX_WORD(type,val); */
-#define ELF32_PARISC_SX_TYPE(p) ((p) >> 24)
-#define ELF32_PARISC_SX_VAL(p) ((p) & 0xFFFFFF)
-#define ELF32_PARISC_SX_WORD(type,val) (((type) << 24) + (val & 0xFFFFFF))
-/* The following was added facilitate implementation of the .hppa_symextn
- section. This section is built after the symbol table is built in the
- elf_write_object_contents routine (called from bfd_close). It is built
- so late because it requires information that is not known until
- the symbol and string table sections have been allocated, and
- the symbol table has been built. */
-struct symext_chain
- {
- symext_entryS entry;
- struct symext_chain *next;
- };
-typedef struct symext_chain symext_chainS;
-/* We use three different hash tables to hold information for
- linking PA ELF objects.
- The first is the elf32_hppa_link_hash_table which is derived
- from the standard ELF linker hash table. We use this as a place to
- attach other hash tables and static information.
- The second is the stub hash table which is derived from the
- base BFD hash table. The stub hash table holds the information
- necessary to build the linker stubs during a link.
- The last hash table keeps track of argument location information needed
- to build hash tables. Each function with nonzero argument location
- bits will have an entry in this table. */
-/* Hash table for linker stubs. */
-struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_entry
- /* Base hash table entry structure, we can get the name of the stub
- (and thus know exactly what actions it performs) from the base
- hash table entry. */
- struct bfd_hash_entry root;
- /* Offset of the beginning of this stub. */
- bfd_vma offset;
- /* Given the symbol's value and its section we can determine its final
- value when building the stubs (so the stub knows where to jump. */
- symvalue target_value;
- asection *target_section;
-struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_table
- /* The hash table itself. */
- struct bfd_hash_table root;
- /* The stub BFD. */
- bfd *stub_bfd;
- /* Where to place the next stub. */
- bfd_byte *location;
- /* Current offset in the stub section. */
- unsigned int offset;
-/* Hash table for argument location information. */
-struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_entry
- /* Base hash table entry structure. */
- struct bfd_hash_entry root;
- /* The argument location bits for this entry. */
- int arg_bits;
-struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_table
- /* The hash table itself. */
- struct bfd_hash_table root;
-struct elf32_hppa_link_hash_entry
- struct elf_link_hash_entry root;
-struct elf32_hppa_link_hash_table
- /* The main hash table. */
- struct elf_link_hash_table root;
- /* The stub hash table. */
- struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_table *stub_hash_table;
- /* The argument relocation bits hash table. */
- struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_table *args_hash_table;
- /* A count of the number of output symbols. */
- unsigned int output_symbol_count;
- /* Stuff so we can handle DP relative relocations. */
- long global_value;
- int global_sym_defined;
-/* FIXME. */
-#define ARGUMENTS 0
-#define RETURN_VALUE 1
-/* The various argument relocations that may be performed. */
-typedef enum
- /* No relocation. */
- NO,
- /* Relocate 32 bits from GR to FP register. */
- GF,
- /* Relocate 64 bits from a GR pair to FP pair. */
- GD,
- /* Relocate 32 bits from FP to GR. */
- FG,
- /* Relocate 64 bits from FP pair to GR pair. */
- DG,
-} arg_reloc_type;
-/* What is being relocated (eg which argument or the return value). */
-typedef enum
- ARG0, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3, RET,
-} arg_reloc_location;
-/* ELF32/HPPA relocation support
- This file contains ELF32/HPPA relocation support as specified
- in the Stratus FTX/Golf Object File Format (SED-1762) dated
- February 1994. */
-#include "elf32-hppa.h"
-#include "hppa_stubs.h"
-static bfd_reloc_status_type hppa_elf_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR, asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static unsigned long hppa_elf_relocate_insn
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, unsigned long, unsigned long, long,
- long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type hppa_elf_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR, asection *, bfd*, char **));
-static reloc_howto_type * elf_hppa_reloc_type_lookup
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_reloc_code_real_type));
-static boolean elf32_hppa_set_section_contents
- PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, PTR, file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-static void elf_info_to_howto
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, Elf32_Internal_Rela *));
-static boolean elf32_hppa_backend_symbol_table_processing
- PARAMS ((bfd *, elf_symbol_type *, unsigned int));
-static void elf32_hppa_backend_begin_write_processing
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static void elf32_hppa_backend_final_write_processing
- PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean));
-static void add_entry_to_symext_chain
- PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int, unsigned int, symext_chainS **,
- symext_chainS **));
-static void
-elf_hppa_tc_make_sections PARAMS ((bfd *, symext_chainS *));
-static boolean hppa_elf_is_local_label PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
-static boolean elf32_hppa_add_symbol_hook
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const Elf_Internal_Sym *,
- const char **, flagword *, asection **, bfd_vma *));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type elf32_hppa_bfd_final_link_relocate
- PARAMS ((reloc_howto_type *, bfd *, bfd *, asection *,
- bfd_byte *, bfd_vma, bfd_vma, bfd_vma, struct bfd_link_info *,
- asection *, const char *, int));
-static struct bfd_link_hash_table *elf32_hppa_link_hash_table_create
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
-static boolean
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *,
- bfd_byte *, Elf_Internal_Rela *, Elf_Internal_Sym *, asection **));
-static boolean
- PARAMS ((struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_table *, bfd *,
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *))));
-static boolean
-elf32_hppa_build_one_stub PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, PTR));
-static boolean
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Shdr *, struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_table *,
- Elf_Internal_Sym *));
-static unsigned int elf32_hppa_size_of_stub
- PARAMS ((unsigned int, unsigned int, bfd_vma, bfd_vma, const char *));
-static boolean elf32_hppa_arg_reloc_needed
- PARAMS ((unsigned int, unsigned int, arg_reloc_type []));
-static void elf32_hppa_name_of_stub
- PARAMS ((unsigned int, unsigned int, bfd_vma, bfd_vma, char *));
-static boolean elf32_hppa_size_symext PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, PTR));
-static boolean elf32_hppa_link_output_symbol_hook
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *,
- Elf_Internal_Sym *, asection *));
-/* ELF/PA relocation howto entries. */
-static reloc_howto_type elf_hppa_howto_table[ELF_HOWTO_TABLE_SIZE] =
- {R_PARISC_NONE, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_NONE"},
- {R_PARISC_DIR32, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_DIR32"},
- {R_PARISC_DIR21L, 0, 0, 21, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_DIR21L"},
- {R_PARISC_DIR17R, 0, 0, 17, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_DIR17R"},
- {R_PARISC_DIR17F, 0, 0, 17, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_DIR17F"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_DIR14R, 0, 0, 14, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_DIR14R"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_PCREL21L, 0, 0, 21, true, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_PCREL21L"},
- {R_PARISC_PCREL17R, 0, 0, 17, true, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_PCREL17R"},
- {R_PARISC_PCREL17F, 0, 0, 17, true, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_PCREL17F"},
- {R_PARISC_PCREL17C, 0, 0, 17, true, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_PCREL17C"},
- {R_PARISC_PCREL14R, 0, 0, 14, true, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_PCREL14R"},
- {R_PARISC_PCREL14F, 0, 0, 14, true, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_PCREL14F"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_DPREL21L, 0, 0, 21, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_DPREL21L"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_DPREL14R, 0, 0, 14, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_DPREL14R"},
- {R_PARISC_DPREL14F, 0, 0, 14, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_DPREL14F"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_DLTREL21L, 0, 0, 21, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_DLTREL21L"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_DLTREL14R, 0, 0, 14, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_DLTREL14R"},
- {R_PARISC_DLTREL14F, 0, 0, 14, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_DLTREL14F"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_DLTIND21L, 0, 0, 21, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_DLTIND21L"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_DLTIND14R, 0, 0, 14, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_DLTIND14R"},
- {R_PARISC_DLTIND14F, 0, 0, 14, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_DLTIND14F"},
- {R_PARISC_SETBASE, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_SETBASE"},
- {R_PARISC_BASEREL32, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_BASEREL32"},
- {R_PARISC_BASEREL21L, 0, 0, 21, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_BASEREL21L"},
- {R_PARISC_BASEREL17R, 0, 0, 17, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_BASEREL17R"},
- {R_PARISC_BASEREL17F, 0, 0, 17, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_BASEREL17F"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_BASEREL14R, 0, 0, 14, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_BASEREL14R"},
- {R_PARISC_BASEREL14F, 0, 0, 14, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_BASEREL14F"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_TEXTREL32, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_TEXTREL32"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_DATAREL32, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_PLABEL32, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_PLABEL32"},
- {R_PARISC_PLABEL21L, 0, 0, 21, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_PLABEL21L"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_PLABEL14R, 0, 0, 14, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_PLABEL14R"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_PLTIND21L, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_PLTIND21L"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
- {R_PARISC_PLTIND14R, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_PLTIND14R"},
- {R_PARISC_PLTIND14F, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_PLTIND14F"},
- {R_PARISC_COPY, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_COPY"},
- {R_PARISC_GLOB_DAT, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_GLOB_DAT"},
- {R_PARISC_JMP_SLOT, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_JMP_SLOT"},
- {R_PARISC_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, hppa_elf_reloc, "R_PARISC_RELATIVE"},
- {R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, complain_overflow_dont, NULL, "R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED"},
-/* Where (what register type) is an argument comming from? */
-typedef enum
- AR_NO,
- AR_GR,
- AR_FR,
- AR_FU,
-} arg_location;
-/* Horizontal represents the callee's argument location information,
- vertical represents caller's argument location information. Value at a
- particular X,Y location represents what (if any) argument relocation
- needs to be performed to make caller and callee agree. */
-static CONST arg_reloc_type arg_mismatches[6][6] =
- {NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO},
- {NO, NO, GF, NO, GD, NO},
- {NO, FG, NO, NO, NO, NO},
- {NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO},
- {NO, DG, NO, NO, NO, NO},
- {NO, DG, NO, NO, NO, NO},
-/* Likewise, but reversed for the return value. */
-static CONST arg_reloc_type ret_mismatches[6][6] =
- {NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO},
- {NO, NO, FG, NO, DG, NO},
- {NO, GF, NO, NO, NO, NO},
- {NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO},
- {NO, GD, NO, NO, NO, NO},
- {NO, GD, NO, NO, NO, NO},
-/* Misc static crud for symbol extension records. */
-static symext_chainS *symext_rootP;
-static symext_chainS *symext_lastP;
-static bfd_size_type symext_chain_size;
-/* FIXME: We should be able to try this static variable! */
-static bfd_byte *symextn_contents;
-/* For linker stub hash tables. */
-#define elf32_hppa_stub_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy) \
- ((struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_entry *) \
- bfd_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), (copy)))
-#define elf32_hppa_stub_hash_traverse(table, func, info) \
- (bfd_hash_traverse \
- (&(table)->root, \
- (boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, PTR))) (func), \
- (info)))
-/* For linker args hash tables. */
-#define elf32_hppa_args_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy) \
- ((struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_entry *) \
- bfd_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), (copy)))
-#define elf32_hppa_args_hash_traverse(table, func, info) \
- (bfd_hash_traverse \
- (&(table)->root, \
- (boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, PTR))) (func), \
- (info)))
-#define elf32_hppa_args_hash_table_init(table, newfunc) \
- (bfd_hash_table_init \
- (&(table)->root, \
- (struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, \
- struct bfd_hash_table *, \
- const char *))) (newfunc)))
-/* For HPPA linker hash table. */
-#define elf32_hppa_link_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy, follow)\
- ((struct elf32_hppa_link_hash_entry *) \
- elf_link_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), \
- (copy), (follow)))
-#define elf32_hppa_link_hash_traverse(table, func, info) \
- (elf_link_hash_traverse \
- (&(table)->root, \
- (boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct elf_link_hash_entry *, PTR))) (func), \
- (info)))
-/* Get the PA ELF linker hash table from a link_info structure. */
-#define elf32_hppa_hash_table(p) \
- ((struct elf32_hppa_link_hash_table *) ((p)->hash))
-/* Extract specific argument location bits for WHICH from
- the full argument location in AR. */
-#define EXTRACT_ARBITS(ar, which) ((ar) >> (8 - ((which) * 2))) & 3
-/* Assorted hash table functions. */
-/* Initialize an entry in the stub hash table. */
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *
-elf32_hppa_stub_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_entry *ret;
- ret = (struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == NULL)
- ret = ((struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table,
- sizeof (struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_entry)));
- if (ret == NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_newfunc ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret, table, string));
- if (ret)
- {
- /* Initialize the local fields. */
- ret->offset = 0;
- ret->target_value = 0;
- ret->target_section = NULL;
- }
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Initialize a stub hash table. */
-static boolean
-elf32_hppa_stub_hash_table_init (table, stub_bfd, newfunc)
- struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_table *table;
- bfd *stub_bfd;
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*newfunc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *));
- table->offset = 0;
- table->location = 0;
- table->stub_bfd = stub_bfd;
- return (bfd_hash_table_init (&table->root, newfunc));
-/* Initialize an entry in the argument location hash table. */
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *
-elf32_hppa_args_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_entry *ret;
- ret = (struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == NULL)
- ret = ((struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table,
- sizeof (struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_entry)));
- if (ret == NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_newfunc ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret, table, string));
- /* Initialize the local fields. */
- if (ret)
- ret->arg_bits = 0;
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Create the derived linker hash table. The PA ELF port uses the derived
- hash table to keep information specific to the PA ELF linker (without
- using static variables). */
-static struct bfd_link_hash_table *
-elf32_hppa_link_hash_table_create (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct elf32_hppa_link_hash_table *ret;
- ret = ((struct elf32_hppa_link_hash_table *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct elf32_hppa_link_hash_table)));
- if (ret == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (!_bfd_elf_link_hash_table_init (&ret->root, abfd,
- _bfd_elf_link_hash_newfunc))
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, ret);
- return NULL;
- }
- ret->stub_hash_table = NULL;
- ret->args_hash_table = NULL;
- ret->output_symbol_count = 0;
- ret->global_value = 0;
- ret->global_sym_defined = 0;
- return &ret->root.root;
-/* Relocate the given INSN given the various input parameters.
- FIXME: endianness and sizeof (long) issues abound here. */
-static unsigned long
-hppa_elf_relocate_insn (abfd, input_sect, insn, address, sym_value,
- r_addend, r_format, r_field, pcrel)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *input_sect;
- unsigned long insn;
- unsigned long address;
- long sym_value;
- long r_addend;
- unsigned long r_format;
- unsigned long r_field;
- unsigned long pcrel;
- unsigned char opcode = get_opcode (insn);
- long constant_value;
- switch (opcode)
- {
- case LDO:
- case LDB:
- case LDH:
- case LDW:
- case LDWM:
- case STB:
- case STH:
- case STW:
- case STWM:
- case COMICLR:
- case SUBI:
- case ADDIT:
- case ADDI:
- case LDIL:
- case ADDIL:
- constant_value = HPPA_R_CONSTANT (r_addend);
- if (pcrel)
- sym_value -= address;
- sym_value = hppa_field_adjust (sym_value, constant_value, r_field);
- return hppa_rebuild_insn (abfd, insn, sym_value, r_format);
- case BL:
- case BE:
- case BLE:
- /* XXX computing constant_value is not needed??? */
- constant_value = assemble_17 ((insn & 0x001f0000) >> 16,
- (insn & 0x00001ffc) >> 2,
- insn & 1);
- constant_value = (constant_value << 15) >> 15;
- if (pcrel)
- {
- sym_value -=
- address + input_sect->output_offset
- + input_sect->output_section->vma;
- sym_value = hppa_field_adjust (sym_value, -8, r_field);
- }
- else
- sym_value = hppa_field_adjust (sym_value, constant_value, r_field);
- return hppa_rebuild_insn (abfd, insn, sym_value >> 2, r_format);
- default:
- if (opcode == 0)
- {
- constant_value = HPPA_R_CONSTANT (r_addend);
- if (pcrel)
- sym_value -= address;
- return hppa_field_adjust (sym_value, constant_value, r_field);
- }
- else
- abort ();
- }
-/* Relocate an HPPA ELF section. */
-static boolean
-elf32_hppa_relocate_section (output_bfd, info, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, relocs, local_syms, local_sections)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *local_syms;
- asection **local_sections;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *rel;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relend;
- symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (input_bfd)->symtab_hdr;
- rel = relocs;
- relend = relocs + input_section->reloc_count;
- for (; rel < relend; rel++)
- {
- int r_type;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- unsigned long r_symndx;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *sym;
- asection *sym_sec;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_reloc_status_type r;
- const char *sym_name;
- r_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->r_info);
- if (r_type < 0 || r_type >= (int) R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- howto = elf_hppa_howto_table + r_type;
- r_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rel->r_info);
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- /* This is a relocateable link. We don't have to change
- anything, unless the reloc is against a section symbol,
- in which case we have to adjust according to where the
- section symbol winds up in the output section. */
- if (r_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- {
- sym = local_syms + r_symndx;
- if (ELF_ST_TYPE (sym->st_info) == STT_SECTION)
- {
- sym_sec = local_sections[r_symndx];
- rel->r_addend += sym_sec->output_offset;
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- /* This is a final link. */
- h = NULL;
- sym = NULL;
- sym_sec = NULL;
- if (r_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- {
- sym = local_syms + r_symndx;
- sym_sec = local_sections[r_symndx];
- relocation = ((ELF_ST_TYPE (sym->st_info) == STT_SECTION
- ? 0 : sym->st_value)
- + sym_sec->output_offset
- + sym_sec->output_section->vma);
- }
- else
- {
- long indx;
- indx = r_symndx - symtab_hdr->sh_info;
- h = elf_sym_hashes (input_bfd)[indx];
- while (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_warning)
- h = (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) h->;
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- sym_sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- relocation = (h->root.u.def.value
- + sym_sec->output_offset
- + sym_sec->output_section->vma);
- }
- else if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- relocation = 0;
- else
- {
- if (!((*info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (info, h->root.root.string, input_bfd,
- input_section, rel->r_offset)))
- return false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (h != NULL)
- sym_name = h->root.root.string;
- else
- {
- sym_name = bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section (input_bfd,
- symtab_hdr->sh_link,
- sym->st_name);
- if (sym_name == NULL)
- return false;
- if (*sym_name == '\0')
- sym_name = bfd_section_name (input_bfd, sym_sec);
- }
- /* If args_hash_table is NULL, then we have encountered some
- kind of link error (ex. undefined symbols). Do not try to
- apply any relocations, continue the loop so we can notify
- the user of several errors in a single attempted link. */
- if (elf32_hppa_hash_table (info)->args_hash_table == NULL)
- continue;
- r = elf32_hppa_bfd_final_link_relocate (howto, input_bfd, output_bfd,
- input_section, contents,
- rel->r_offset, relocation,
- rel->r_addend, info, sym_sec,
- sym_name, h == NULL);
- if (r != bfd_reloc_ok)
- {
- switch (r)
- {
- /* This can happen for DP relative relocs if $global$ is
- undefined. This is a panic situation so we don't try
- to continue. */
- case bfd_reloc_undefined:
- case bfd_reloc_notsupported:
- if (!((*info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (info, "$global$", input_bfd,
- input_section, rel->r_offset)))
- return false;
- return false;
- case bfd_reloc_dangerous:
- {
- /* We use this return value to indicate that we performed
- a "dangerous" relocation. This doesn't mean we did
- the wrong thing, it just means there may be some cleanup
- that needs to be done here.
- In particular we had to swap the last call insn and its
- delay slot. If the delay slot insn needed a relocation,
- then we'll need to adjust the next relocation entry's
- offset to account for the fact that the insn moved.
- This hair wouldn't be necessary if we inserted stubs
- between procedures and used a "bl" to get to the stub. */
- if (rel != relend)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Rela *next_rel = rel + 1;
- if (rel->r_offset + 4 == next_rel->r_offset)
- next_rel->r_offset -= 4;
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- {
- if (!((*info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (info, sym_name, howto->name, (bfd_vma) 0,
- input_bfd, input_section, rel->r_offset)))
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Return one (or more) BFD relocations which implement the base
- relocation with modifications based on format and field. */
-elf32_hppa_reloc_type **
-hppa_elf_gen_reloc_type (abfd, base_type, format, field, ignore)
- bfd *abfd;
- elf32_hppa_reloc_type base_type;
- int format;
- int field;
- int ignore;
- elf32_hppa_reloc_type *finaltype;
- elf32_hppa_reloc_type **final_types;
- /* Allocate slots for the BFD relocation. */
- final_types = (elf32_hppa_reloc_type **)
- bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (elf32_hppa_reloc_type *) * 2);
- if (final_types == NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* Allocate space for the relocation itself. */
- finaltype = (elf32_hppa_reloc_type *)
- bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (elf32_hppa_reloc_type));
- if (finaltype == NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* Some reasonable defaults. */
- final_types[0] = finaltype;
- final_types[1] = NULL;
-#define final_type finaltype[0]
- final_type = base_type;
- /* Just a tangle of nested switch statements to deal with the braindamage
- that a different field selector means a completely different relocation
- for PA ELF. */
- switch (base_type)
- {
- case R_HPPA:
- switch (format)
- {
- case 14:
- switch (field)
- {
- case e_rsel:
- case e_rrsel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_DIR14R;
- break;
- case e_rtsel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_DLTREL14R;
- break;
- case e_tsel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_DLTREL14F;
- break;
- case e_rpsel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_PLABEL14R;
- break;
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- case 17:
- switch (field)
- {
- case e_fsel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_DIR17F;
- break;
- case e_rsel:
- case e_rrsel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_DIR17R;
- break;
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- case 21:
- switch (field)
- {
- case e_lsel:
- case e_lrsel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_DIR21L;
- break;
- case e_ltsel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_DLTREL21L;
- break;
- case e_lpsel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_PLABEL21L;
- break;
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- case 32:
- switch (field)
- {
- case e_fsel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_DIR32;
- break;
- case e_psel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_PLABEL32;
- break;
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- switch (format)
- {
- case 14:
- switch (field)
- {
- case e_rsel:
- case e_rrsel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_DPREL14R;
- break;
- case e_fsel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_DPREL14F;
- break;
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- case 21:
- switch (field)
- {
- case e_lrsel:
- case e_lsel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_DPREL21L;
- break;
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- switch (format)
- {
- case 14:
- switch (field)
- {
- case e_rsel:
- case e_rrsel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_PCREL14R;
- break;
- case e_fsel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_PCREL14F;
- break;
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- case 17:
- switch (field)
- {
- case e_rsel:
- case e_rrsel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_PCREL17R;
- break;
- case e_fsel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_PCREL17F;
- break;
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- case 21:
- switch (field)
- {
- case e_lsel:
- case e_lrsel:
- final_type = R_PARISC_PCREL21L;
- break;
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- return final_types;
-#undef final_type
-/* Set the contents of a particular section at a particular location. */
-static boolean
-elf32_hppa_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- /* Ignore write requests for the symbol extension section until we've
- had the chance to rebuild it ourselves. */
- if (!strcmp (section->name, ".PARISC.symextn") && !symext_chain_size)
- return true;
- else
- return _bfd_elf_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location,
- offset, count);
-/* Translate from an elf into field into a howto relocation pointer. */
-static void
-elf_info_to_howto (abfd, cache_ptr, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- Elf32_Internal_Rela *dst;
- BFD_ASSERT (ELF32_R_TYPE(dst->r_info) < (unsigned int) R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED);
- cache_ptr->howto = &elf_hppa_howto_table[ELF32_R_TYPE (dst->r_info)];
-/* Actually perform a relocation. NOTE this is (mostly) superceeded
- by elf32_hppa_bfd_final_link_relocate which is called by the new
- fast linker. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-hppa_elf_reloc (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol_in, data, input_section, output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol_in;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- /* It is no longer valid to call hppa_elf_reloc when creating
- a final executable. */
- if (output_bfd)
- {
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- /* Work around lossage in generic elf code to write relocations.
- (maps different section symbols into the same symbol index). */
- if ((symbol_in->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM)
- && symbol_in->section)
- reloc_entry->addend += symbol_in->section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- else
- {
- *error_message = (char *) "Unsupported call to hppa_elf_reloc";
- return bfd_reloc_notsupported;
- }
-/* Actually perform a relocation as part of a final link. This can get
- rather hairy when linker stubs are needed. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-elf32_hppa_bfd_final_link_relocate (howto, input_bfd, output_bfd,
- input_section, contents, offset, value,
- addend, info, sym_sec, sym_name, is_local)
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- bfd_vma offset;
- bfd_vma value;
- bfd_vma addend;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *sym_sec;
- const char *sym_name;
- int is_local;
- unsigned long insn;
- unsigned long r_type = howto->type;
- unsigned long r_format = howto->bitsize;
- unsigned long r_field = e_fsel;
- bfd_byte *hit_data = contents + offset;
- boolean r_pcrel = howto->pc_relative;
- insn = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, hit_data);
- /* Make sure we have a value for $global$. FIXME isn't this effectively
- just like the gp pointer on MIPS? Can we use those routines for this
- purpose? */
- if (!elf32_hppa_hash_table (info)->global_sym_defined)
- {
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- asection *sec;
- h = elf_link_hash_lookup (elf_hash_table (info), "$global$", false,
- false, false);
- /* If there isn't a $global$, then we're in deep trouble. */
- if (h == NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_notsupported;
- /* If $global$ isn't a defined symbol, then we're still in deep
- trouble. */
- if (h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined)
- return bfd_reloc_undefined;
- sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- elf32_hppa_hash_table (info)->global_value = (h->root.u.def.value
- + sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset);
- elf32_hppa_hash_table (info)->global_sym_defined = 1;
- }
- switch (r_type)
- {
- break;
- case R_PARISC_DIR32:
- case R_PARISC_DIR17F:
- r_field = e_fsel;
- goto do_basic_type_1;
- case R_PARISC_DIR21L:
- r_field = e_lrsel;
- goto do_basic_type_1;
- case R_PARISC_DIR17R:
- case R_PARISC_DIR14R:
- r_field = e_rrsel;
- goto do_basic_type_1;
- /* For all the DP relative relocations, we need to examine the symbol's
- section. If it's a code section, then "data pointer relative" makes
- no sense. In that case we don't adjust the "value", and for 21 bit
- addil instructions, we change the source addend register from %dp to
- %r0. */
- r_field = e_lrsel;
- if (sym_sec->flags & SEC_CODE)
- {
- if ((insn & 0xfc000000) >> 26 == 0xa
- && (insn & 0x03e00000) >> 21 == 0x1b)
- insn &= ~0x03e00000;
- }
- else
- value -= elf32_hppa_hash_table (info)->global_value;
- goto do_basic_type_1;
- r_field = e_rrsel;
- if ((sym_sec->flags & SEC_CODE) == 0)
- value -= elf32_hppa_hash_table (info)->global_value;
- goto do_basic_type_1;
- r_field = e_fsel;
- if ((sym_sec->flags & SEC_CODE) == 0)
- value -= elf32_hppa_hash_table (info)->global_value;
- goto do_basic_type_1;
- /* These cases are separate as they may involve a lot more work
- to deal with linker stubs. */
- {
- bfd_vma location;
- unsigned int len, caller_args, callee_args;
- arg_reloc_type arg_reloc_types[5];
- struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_table *args_hash_table;
- struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_entry *args_hash;
- char *new_name, *stub_name;
- /* Get the field selector right. We'll need it in a minute. */
- if (r_type == R_PARISC_PCREL17F
- || r_type == R_PARISC_PLABEL32)
- r_field = e_fsel;
- else if (r_type == R_PARISC_PLABEL21L)
- r_field = e_lrsel;
- else if (r_type == R_PARISC_PLABEL14R)
- r_field = e_rrsel;
- /* Find out where we are and where we're going. */
- location = (offset +
- input_section->output_offset +
- input_section->output_section->vma);
- /* Now look for the argument relocation bits associated with the
- target. */
- len = strlen (sym_name) + 1;
- if (is_local)
- len += 9;
- new_name = bfd_malloc (len);
- if (!new_name)
- return bfd_reloc_notsupported;
- strcpy (new_name, sym_name);
- /* Local symbols have unique IDs. */
- if (is_local)
- sprintf (new_name + len - 10, "_%08x", (int)sym_sec);
- args_hash_table = elf32_hppa_hash_table (info)->args_hash_table;
- args_hash = elf32_hppa_args_hash_lookup (args_hash_table,
- new_name, false, false);
- if (args_hash == NULL)
- callee_args = 0;
- else
- callee_args = args_hash->arg_bits;
- /* If this is a CALL relocation, then get the caller's bits
- from the addend. Else use the magic 0x155 value for PLABELS.
- Also we don't care about the destination (value) for PLABELS. */
- if (r_type == R_PARISC_PCREL17F)
- caller_args = HPPA_R_ARG_RELOC (addend);
- else
- {
- caller_args = 0x155;
- location = value;
- }
- /* Any kind of linker stub needed? */
- if (((int)(value - location) > 0x3ffff)
- || ((int)(value - location) < (int)0xfffc0000)
- || elf32_hppa_arg_reloc_needed (caller_args, callee_args,
- arg_reloc_types))
- {
- struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_table *stub_hash_table;
- struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_entry *stub_hash;
- asection *stub_section;
- /* Build a name for the stub. */
- len = strlen (new_name);
- len += 23;
- stub_name = bfd_malloc (len);
- if (!stub_name)
- return bfd_reloc_notsupported;
- elf32_hppa_name_of_stub (caller_args, callee_args,
- location, value, stub_name);
- strcat (stub_name, new_name);
- free (new_name);
- stub_hash_table = elf32_hppa_hash_table (info)->stub_hash_table;
- stub_hash
- = elf32_hppa_stub_hash_lookup (stub_hash_table, stub_name,
- false, false);
- /* We're done with that name. */
- free (stub_name);
- /* The stub BFD only has one section. */
- stub_section = stub_hash_table->stub_bfd->sections;
- if (stub_hash != NULL)
- {
- if (r_type == R_PARISC_PCREL17F)
- {
- unsigned long delay_insn;
- unsigned int opcode, rtn_reg, ldo_target_reg, ldo_src_reg;
- /* We'll need to peek at the next insn. */
- delay_insn = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, hit_data + 4);
- opcode = get_opcode (delay_insn);
- /* We also need to know the return register for this
- call. */
- rtn_reg = (insn & 0x03e00000) >> 21;
- ldo_src_reg = (delay_insn & 0x03e00000) >> 21;
- ldo_target_reg = (delay_insn & 0x001f0000) >> 16;
- /* Munge up the value and other parameters for
- hppa_elf_relocate_insn. */
- value = (stub_hash->offset
- + stub_section->output_offset
- + stub_section->output_section->vma);
- r_format = 17;
- r_field = e_fsel;
- r_pcrel = 0;
- addend = 0;
- /* We need to peek at the delay insn and determine if
- we'll need to swap the branch and its delay insn. */
- if ((insn & 2)
- || (opcode == LDO
- && ldo_target_reg == rtn_reg)
- || (delay_insn == 0x08000240))
- {
- /* No need to swap the branch and its delay slot, but
- we do need to make sure to jump past the return
- pointer update in the stub. */
- value += 4;
- /* If the delay insn does a return pointer adjustment,
- then we have to make sure it stays valid. */
- if (opcode == LDO
- && ldo_target_reg == rtn_reg)
- {
- delay_insn &= 0xfc00ffff;
- delay_insn |= ((31 << 21) | (31 << 16));
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, delay_insn, hit_data + 4);
- }
- /* Use a BLE to reach the stub. */
- insn = BLE_SR4_R0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Wonderful, we have to swap the call insn and its
- delay slot. */
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, delay_insn, hit_data);
- /* Use a BLE,n to reach the stub. */
- insn = (BLE_SR4_R0 | 0x2);
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, insn, hit_data + 4);
- insn = hppa_elf_relocate_insn (input_bfd,
- input_section,
- insn, offset + 4,
- value, addend,
- r_format, r_field,
- r_pcrel);
- /* Update the instruction word. */
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, insn, hit_data + 4);
- return bfd_reloc_dangerous;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* PLABEL stuff is easy. */
- value = (stub_hash->offset
- + stub_section->output_offset
- + stub_section->output_section->vma);
- /* We don't need the RP adjustment for PLABELs. */
- value += 4;
- if (r_type == R_PARISC_PLABEL32)
- r_format = 32;
- else if (r_type == R_PARISC_PLABEL21L)
- r_format = 21;
- else if (r_type == R_PARISC_PLABEL14R)
- r_format = 14;
- r_pcrel = 0;
- addend = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- return bfd_reloc_notsupported;
- }
- goto do_basic_type_1;
- }
- insn = hppa_elf_relocate_insn (input_bfd, input_section, insn,
- offset, value, addend, r_format,
- r_field, r_pcrel);
- break;
- /* Something we don't know how to handle. */
- default:
- return bfd_reloc_notsupported;
- }
- /* Update the instruction word. */
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, insn, hit_data);
- return (bfd_reloc_ok);
-/* Return the address of the howto table entry to perform the CODE
- relocation for an ARCH machine. */
-static reloc_howto_type *
-elf_hppa_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- if ((int) code < (int) R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT ((int) elf_hppa_howto_table[(int) code].type == (int) code);
- return &elf_hppa_howto_table[(int) code];
- }
- return NULL;
-/* Return true if SYM represents a local label symbol. */
-static boolean
-hppa_elf_is_local_label (abfd, sym)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *sym;
- return (sym->name[0] == 'L' && sym->name[1] == '$');
-/* Do any backend specific processing when beginning to write an object
- file. For PA ELF we need to determine the size of the symbol extension
- section *before* any other output processing happens. */
-static void
-elf32_hppa_backend_begin_write_processing (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- unsigned int i;
- asection *symextn_sec;
- /* Size up the symbol extension section. */
- if ((abfd->outsymbols == NULL
- && info == NULL)
- || symext_chain_size != 0)
- return;
- if (info == NULL)
- {
- /* We were not called from the BFD ELF linker code, so we need
- to examine the output BFD's outsymbols.
- Note we can not build the symbol extensions now as the symbol
- map hasn't been set up. */
- for (i = 0; i < abfd->symcount; i++)
- {
- elf_symbol_type *symbol = (elf_symbol_type *)abfd->outsymbols[i];
- /* Only functions ever need an entry in the symbol extension
- section. */
- if (!(symbol->symbol.flags & BSF_FUNCTION))
- continue;
- /* And only if they specify the locations of their arguments. */
- if (symbol->tc_data.hppa_arg_reloc == 0)
- continue;
- /* Yup. This function symbol needs an entry. */
- symext_chain_size += 2 * ELF32_PARISC_SX_SIZE;
- }
- }
- else if (info->relocateable == true)
- {
- struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_table *table;
- table = elf32_hppa_hash_table (info)->args_hash_table;
- /* Determine the size of the symbol extension section. */
- elf32_hppa_args_hash_traverse (table,
- elf32_hppa_size_symext,
- &symext_chain_size);
- }
- /* Now create the section and set its size. We'll fill in the
- contents later. */
- symextn_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, SYMEXTN_SECTION_NAME);
- if (symextn_sec == NULL)
- symextn_sec = bfd_make_section (abfd, SYMEXTN_SECTION_NAME);
- bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, symextn_sec,
- symextn_sec->output_section = symextn_sec;
- symextn_sec->output_offset = 0;
- bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, symextn_sec, 2);
- bfd_set_section_size (abfd, symextn_sec, symext_chain_size);
-/* Called for each entry in the args location hash table. For each
- entry we bump the size pointer by 2 records (16 bytes). */
-static boolean
-elf32_hppa_size_symext (gen_entry, in_args)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *gen_entry;
- PTR in_args;
- bfd_size_type *sizep = (bfd_size_type *)in_args;
- *sizep += 2 * ELF32_PARISC_SX_SIZE;
- return true;
-/* Backend routine called by the linker for each output symbol.
- For PA ELF we use this opportunity to add an appropriate entry
- to the symbol extension chain for function symbols. */
-static boolean
-elf32_hppa_link_output_symbol_hook (abfd, info, name, sym, section)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- const char *name;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *sym;
- asection *section;
- char *new_name;
- unsigned int len, index;
- struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_table *args_hash_table;
- struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_entry *args_hash;
- /* If the args hash table is NULL, then we've encountered an error
- of some sorts (for example, an undefined symbol). In that case
- we've got nothing else to do.
- NOTE: elf_link_output_symbol will abort if we return false here! */
- if (elf32_hppa_hash_table (info)->args_hash_table == NULL)
- return true;
- index = elf32_hppa_hash_table (info)->output_symbol_count++;
- /* We need to look up this symbol in the args hash table to see if
- it has argument relocation bits. */
- if (ELF_ST_TYPE (sym->st_info) != STT_FUNC)
- return true;
- /* We know it's a function symbol of some kind. */
- len = strlen (name) + 1;
- if (ELF_ST_BIND (sym->st_info) == STB_LOCAL)
- len += 9;
- new_name = bfd_malloc (len);
- if (new_name == NULL)
- return false;
- strcpy (new_name, name);
- if (ELF_ST_BIND (sym->st_info) == STB_LOCAL)
- sprintf (new_name + len - 10, "_%08x", (int)section);
- /* Now that we have the unique name, we can look it up in the
- args hash table. */
- args_hash_table = elf32_hppa_hash_table (info)->args_hash_table;
- args_hash = elf32_hppa_args_hash_lookup (args_hash_table, new_name,
- false, false);
- free (new_name);
- if (args_hash == NULL)
- return true;
- /* We know this symbol has arg reloc bits. */
- add_entry_to_symext_chain (abfd, args_hash->arg_bits,
- index, &symext_rootP, &symext_lastP);
- return true;
-/* Perform any processing needed late in the object file writing process.
- For PA ELF we build and set the contents of the symbol extension
- section. */
-static void
-elf32_hppa_backend_final_write_processing (abfd, linker)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean linker;
- asection *symextn_sec;
- unsigned int i;
- /* Now build the symbol extension section. */
- if (symext_chain_size == 0)
- return;
- if (! linker)
- {
- /* We were not called from the backend linker, so we still need
- to build the symbol extension chain.
- Look at each symbol, adding the appropriate information to the
- symbol extension section list as necessary. */
- for (i = 0; i < abfd->symcount; i++)
- {
- elf_symbol_type *symbol = (elf_symbol_type *) abfd->outsymbols[i];
- /* Only functions ever need an entry in the symbol extension
- section. */
- if (!(symbol->symbol.flags & BSF_FUNCTION))
- continue;
- /* And only if they specify the locations of their arguments. */
- if (symbol->tc_data.hppa_arg_reloc == 0)
- continue;
- /* Add this symbol's information to the chain. */
- add_entry_to_symext_chain (abfd, symbol->tc_data.hppa_arg_reloc,
- symbol->symbol.udata.i, &symext_rootP,
- &symext_lastP);
- }
- }
- /* Now fill in the contents of the symbol extension section. */
- elf_hppa_tc_make_sections (abfd, symext_rootP);
- /* And attach that as the section's contents. */
- symextn_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, SYMEXTN_SECTION_NAME);
- if (symextn_sec == (asection *) 0)
- abort();
- symextn_sec->contents = (void *)symextn_contents;
- bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, symextn_sec, symextn_sec->contents,
- symextn_sec->output_offset, symextn_sec->_raw_size);
-/* Update the symbol extention chain to include the symbol pointed to
- by SYMBOLP if SYMBOLP is a function symbol. Used internally and by GAS. */
-static void
-add_entry_to_symext_chain (abfd, arg_reloc, sym_idx, symext_root, symext_last)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int arg_reloc;
- unsigned int sym_idx;
- symext_chainS **symext_root;
- symext_chainS **symext_last;
- symext_chainS *symextP;
- /* Allocate memory and initialize this entry. */
- symextP = (symext_chainS *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (symext_chainS) * 2);
- if (!symextP)
- abort(); /* FIXME */
- symextP[0].entry = ELF32_PARISC_SX_WORD (PARISC_SXT_SYMNDX, sym_idx);
- symextP[0].next = &symextP[1];
- symextP[1].entry = ELF32_PARISC_SX_WORD (PARISC_SXT_ARG_RELOC, arg_reloc);
- symextP[1].next = NULL;
- /* Now update the chain itself so it can be walked later to build
- the symbol extension section. */
- if (*symext_root == NULL)
- {
- *symext_root = &symextP[0];
- *symext_last = &symextP[1];
- }
- else
- {
- (*symext_last)->next = &symextP[0];
- *symext_last = &symextP[1];
- }
-/* Build the symbol extension section. */
-static void
-elf_hppa_tc_make_sections (abfd, symext_root)
- bfd *abfd;
- symext_chainS *symext_root;
- symext_chainS *symextP;
- unsigned int i;
- asection *symextn_sec;
- symextn_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, SYMEXTN_SECTION_NAME);
- /* Grab some memory for the contents of the symbol extension section
- itself. */
- symextn_contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zalloc (abfd,
- symextn_sec->_raw_size);
- if (!symextn_contents)
- abort(); /* FIXME */
- /* Fill in the contents of the symbol extension chain. */
- for (i = 0, symextP = symext_root; symextP; symextP = symextP->next, ++i)
- ELF32_PARISC_SX_PUT (abfd, (bfd_vma) symextP->entry,
- symextn_contents + i * ELF32_PARISC_SX_SIZE);
- return;
-/* Do some PA ELF specific work after reading in the symbol table.
- In particular attach the argument relocation from the
- symbol extension section to the appropriate symbols. */
-static boolean
-elf32_hppa_backend_symbol_table_processing (abfd, esyms,symcnt)
- bfd *abfd;
- elf_symbol_type *esyms;
- unsigned int symcnt;
- Elf32_Internal_Shdr *symextn_hdr =
- bfd_elf_find_section (abfd, SYMEXTN_SECTION_NAME);
- unsigned int i, current_sym_idx = 0;
- /* If no symbol extension existed, then all symbol extension information
- is assumed to be zero. */
- if (symextn_hdr == NULL)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < symcnt; i++)
- esyms[i].tc_data.hppa_arg_reloc = 0;
- return (true);
- }
- /* FIXME: Why not use bfd_get_section_contents here? Also should give
- memory back when we're done. */
- /* Allocate a buffer of the appropriate size for the symextn section. */
- symextn_hdr->contents = bfd_zalloc(abfd,symextn_hdr->sh_size);
- if (!symextn_hdr->contents)
- return false;
- /* Read in the symextn section. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, symextn_hdr->sh_offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
- return false;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) symextn_hdr->contents, 1, symextn_hdr->sh_size, abfd)
- != symextn_hdr->sh_size)
- return false;
- /* Parse entries in the symbol extension section, updating the symtab
- entries as we go */
- for (i = 0; i < symextn_hdr->sh_size / ELF32_PARISC_SX_SIZE; i++)
- {
- symext_entryS se =
- ELF32_PARISC_SX_GET (abfd,
- ((unsigned char *)symextn_hdr->contents
- + i * ELF32_PARISC_SX_SIZE));
- unsigned int se_value = ELF32_PARISC_SX_VAL (se);
- unsigned int se_type = ELF32_PARISC_SX_TYPE (se);
- switch (se_type)
- {
- break;
- if (se_value >= symcnt)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return (false);
- }
- current_sym_idx = se_value - 1;
- break;
- esyms[current_sym_idx].tc_data.hppa_arg_reloc = se_value;
- break;
- default:
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return (false);
- }
- }
- return (true);
-/* Read and attach the symbol extension information for the symbols
- in INPUT_BFD to the argument location hash table. Handle locals
- if DO_LOCALS is true; likewise for globals when DO_GLOBALS is true. */
-static boolean
-elf32_hppa_read_symext_info (input_bfd, symtab_hdr, args_hash_table, local_syms)
- bfd *input_bfd;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
- struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_table *args_hash_table;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *local_syms;
- asection *symextn_sec;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- unsigned int i, n_entries, current_index = 0;
- /* Get the symbol extension section for this BFD. If no section exists
- then there's nothing to do. Likewise if the section exists, but
- has no contents. */
- symextn_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (input_bfd, SYMEXTN_SECTION_NAME);
- if (symextn_sec == NULL)
- return true;
- /* Done separately so we can turn off SEC_HAS_CONTENTS (see below). */
- if (symextn_sec->_raw_size == 0)
- {
- symextn_sec->flags &= ~SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- return true;
- }
- contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc ((size_t) symextn_sec->_raw_size);
- if (contents == NULL)
- return false;
- /* How gross. We turn off SEC_HAS_CONTENTS for the input symbol extension
- sections to keep the generic ELF/BFD code from trying to do anything
- with them. We have to undo that hack temporarily so that we can read
- in the contents with the generic code. */
- symextn_sec->flags |= SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- if (bfd_get_section_contents (input_bfd, symextn_sec, contents,
- 0, symextn_sec->_raw_size) == false)
- {
- symextn_sec->flags &= ~SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- free (contents);
- return false;
- }
- /* Gross. Turn off SEC_HAS_CONTENTS for the input symbol extension
- sections (see above). */
- symextn_sec->flags &= ~SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- n_entries = symextn_sec->_raw_size / ELF32_PARISC_SX_SIZE;
- for (i = 0; i < n_entries; i++)
- {
- symext_entryS entry =
- ELF32_PARISC_SX_GET (input_bfd, contents + i * ELF32_PARISC_SX_SIZE);
- unsigned int value = ELF32_PARISC_SX_VAL (entry);
- unsigned int type = ELF32_PARISC_SX_TYPE (entry);
- struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_entry *args_hash;
- switch (type)
- {
- break;
- if (value >= symtab_hdr->sh_size / sizeof (Elf32_External_Sym))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- free (contents);
- return false;
- }
- current_index = value;
- break;
- if (current_index < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr;
- char *new_name;
- const char *sym_name;
- asection *sym_sec;
- unsigned int len;
- hdr = elf_elfsections (input_bfd)[local_syms[current_index].st_shndx];
- sym_sec = hdr->bfd_section;
- sym_name = bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section (input_bfd,
- symtab_hdr->sh_link,
- local_syms[current_index].st_name);
- len = strlen (sym_name) + 10;
- new_name = bfd_malloc (len);
- if (new_name == NULL)
- {
- free (contents);
- return false;
- }
- strcpy (new_name, sym_name);
- sprintf (new_name + len - 10, "_%08x", (int)sym_sec);
- /* This is a global symbol with argument location info.
- We need to enter it into the hash table. */
- args_hash = elf32_hppa_args_hash_lookup (args_hash_table,
- new_name, true,
- true);
- free (new_name);
- if (args_hash == NULL)
- {
- free (contents);
- return false;
- }
- args_hash->arg_bits = value;
- break;
- }
- else if (current_index >= symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- {
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- current_index -= symtab_hdr->sh_info;
- h = elf_sym_hashes(input_bfd)[current_index];
- /* This is a global symbol with argument location
- information. We need to enter it into the hash table. */
- args_hash = elf32_hppa_args_hash_lookup (args_hash_table,
- h->root.root.string,
- true, true);
- if (args_hash == NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- free (contents);
- return false;
- }
- args_hash->arg_bits = value;
- break;
- }
- else
- break;
- default:
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- free (contents);
- return false;
- }
- }
- free (contents);
- return true;
-/* Undo the generic ELF code's subtraction of section->vma from the
- value of each external symbol. */
-static boolean
-elf32_hppa_add_symbol_hook (abfd, info, sym, namep, flagsp, secp, valp)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- const Elf_Internal_Sym *sym;
- const char **namep;
- flagword *flagsp;
- asection **secp;
- bfd_vma *valp;
- *valp += (*secp)->vma;
- return true;
-/* Determine the name of the stub needed to perform a call assuming the
- argument relocation bits for caller and callee are in CALLER and CALLEE
- for a call from LOCATION to DESTINATION. Copy the name into STUB_NAME. */
-static void
-elf32_hppa_name_of_stub (caller, callee, location, destination, stub_name)
- unsigned int caller, callee;
- bfd_vma location, destination;
- char *stub_name;
- arg_reloc_type arg_reloc_types[5];
- if (elf32_hppa_arg_reloc_needed (caller, callee, arg_reloc_types))
- {
- arg_reloc_location i;
- /* Fill in the basic template. */
- strcpy (stub_name, "__XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_stub_");
- /* Now fix the specifics. */
- for (i = ARG0; i <= RET; i++)
- switch (arg_reloc_types[i])
- {
- case NO:
- stub_name[3 * i + 2] = 'N';
- stub_name[3 * i + 3] = 'O';
- break;
- case GF:
- stub_name[3 * i + 2] = 'G';
- stub_name[3 * i + 3] = 'F';
- break;
- case FG:
- stub_name[3 * i + 2] = 'F';
- stub_name[3 * i + 3] = 'G';
- break;
- case GD:
- stub_name[3 * i + 2] = 'G';
- stub_name[3 * i + 3] = 'D';
- break;
- case DG:
- stub_name[3 * i + 2] = 'D';
- stub_name[3 * i + 3] = 'G';
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- strcpy (stub_name, "_____long_branch_stub_");
-/* Determine if an argument relocation stub is needed to perform a
- call assuming the argument relocation bits for caller and callee
- are in CALLER and CALLEE. Place the type of relocations (if any)
- into stub_types_p. */
-static boolean
-elf32_hppa_arg_reloc_needed (caller, callee, stub_types)
- unsigned int caller, callee;
- arg_reloc_type stub_types[5];
- /* Special case for no relocations. */
- if (caller == 0 || callee == 0)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- arg_location caller_loc[5];
- arg_location callee_loc[5];
- /* Extract the location information for the argument and return
- value on both the caller and callee sides. */
- caller_loc[ARG0] = EXTRACT_ARBITS (caller, ARG0);
- callee_loc[ARG0] = EXTRACT_ARBITS (callee, ARG0);
- caller_loc[ARG1] = EXTRACT_ARBITS (caller, ARG1);
- callee_loc[ARG1] = EXTRACT_ARBITS (callee, ARG1);
- caller_loc[ARG2] = EXTRACT_ARBITS (caller, ARG2);
- callee_loc[ARG2] = EXTRACT_ARBITS (callee, ARG2);
- caller_loc[ARG3] = EXTRACT_ARBITS (caller, ARG3);
- callee_loc[ARG3] = EXTRACT_ARBITS (callee, ARG3);
- caller_loc[RET] = EXTRACT_ARBITS (caller, RET);
- callee_loc[RET] = EXTRACT_ARBITS (callee, RET);
- /* Check some special combinations. This is necessary to
- deal with double precision FP arguments. */
- if (caller_loc[ARG0] == AR_FU || caller_loc[ARG1] == AR_FU)
- {
- caller_loc[ARG0] = AR_FPDBL1;
- caller_loc[ARG1] = AR_NO;
- }
- if (caller_loc[ARG2] == AR_FU || caller_loc[ARG3] == AR_FU)
- {
- caller_loc[ARG2] = AR_FPDBL2;
- caller_loc[ARG3] = AR_NO;
- }
- if (callee_loc[ARG0] == AR_FU || callee_loc[ARG1] == AR_FU)
- {
- callee_loc[ARG0] = AR_FPDBL1;
- callee_loc[ARG1] = AR_NO;
- }
- if (callee_loc[ARG2] == AR_FU || callee_loc[ARG3] == AR_FU)
- {
- callee_loc[ARG2] = AR_FPDBL2;
- callee_loc[ARG3] = AR_NO;
- }
- /* Now look up any relocation needed for each argument and the
- return value. */
- stub_types[ARG0] = arg_mismatches[caller_loc[ARG0]][callee_loc[ARG0]];
- stub_types[ARG1] = arg_mismatches[caller_loc[ARG1]][callee_loc[ARG1]];
- stub_types[ARG2] = arg_mismatches[caller_loc[ARG2]][callee_loc[ARG2]];
- stub_types[ARG3] = arg_mismatches[caller_loc[ARG3]][callee_loc[ARG3]];
- stub_types[RET] = ret_mismatches[caller_loc[RET]][callee_loc[RET]];
- return (stub_types[ARG0] != NO
- || stub_types[ARG1] != NO
- || stub_types[ARG2] != NO
- || stub_types[ARG3] != NO
- || stub_types[RET] != NO);
- }
-/* Compute the size of the stub needed to call from LOCATION to DESTINATION
- (a function named SYM_NAME), with argument relocation bits CALLER and
- CALLEE. Return zero if no stub is needed to perform such a call. */
-static unsigned int
-elf32_hppa_size_of_stub (callee, caller, location, destination, sym_name)
- unsigned int callee, caller;
- bfd_vma location, destination;
- const char *sym_name;
- arg_reloc_type arg_reloc_types[5];
- /* Determine if a long branch or argument relocation stub is needed.
- If an argument relocation stub is needed, the relocation will be
- stored into arg_reloc_types. */
- if (!(((int)(location - destination) > 0x3ffff)
- || ((int)(location - destination) < (int)0xfffc0000)
- || elf32_hppa_arg_reloc_needed (caller, callee, arg_reloc_types)))
- return 0;
- /* Some kind of stub is needed. Determine how big it needs to be.
- First check for argument relocation stubs as they also handle
- long calls. Then check for long calls to millicode and finally
- the normal long calls. */
- if (arg_reloc_types[ARG0] != NO
- || arg_reloc_types[ARG1] != NO
- || arg_reloc_types[ARG2] != NO
- || arg_reloc_types[ARG3] != NO
- || arg_reloc_types[RET] != NO)
- {
- /* Some kind of argument relocation stub is needed. */
- unsigned int len = 16;
- arg_reloc_location i;
- /* Each GR or FG relocation takes 2 insns, each GD or DG
- relocation takes 3 insns. Plus 4 more insns for the
- RP adjustment, ldil & (be | ble) and copy. */
- for (i = ARG0; i <= RET; i++)
- switch (arg_reloc_types[i])
- {
- case GF:
- case FG:
- len += 8;
- break;
- case GD:
- case DG:
- len += 12;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /* Extra instructions are needed if we're relocating a return value. */
- if (arg_reloc_types[RET] != NO)
- len += 12;
- return len;
- }
- else if (!strncmp ("$$", sym_name, 2)
- && strcmp ("$$dyncall", sym_name))
- return 12;
- else
- return 16;
-/* Build one linker stub as defined by the stub hash table entry GEN_ENTRY.
- IN_ARGS contains the stub BFD and link info pointers. */
-static boolean
-elf32_hppa_build_one_stub (gen_entry, in_args)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *gen_entry;
- PTR in_args;
- void **args = (void **)in_args;
- bfd *stub_bfd = (bfd *)args[0];
- struct bfd_link_info *info = (struct bfd_link_info *)args[1];
- struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_entry *entry;
- struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_table *stub_hash_table;
- bfd_byte *loc;
- symvalue sym_value;
- const char *sym_name;
- /* Initialize pointers to the stub hash table, the particular entry we
- are building a stub for, and where (in memory) we should place the stub
- instructions. */
- entry = (struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_entry *)gen_entry;
- stub_hash_table = elf32_hppa_hash_table(info)->stub_hash_table;
- loc = stub_hash_table->location;
- /* Make a note of the offset within the stubs for this entry. */
- entry->offset = stub_hash_table->offset;
- /* The symbol's name starts at offset 22. */
- sym_name = entry->root.string + 22;
- sym_value = (entry->target_value
- + entry->target_section->output_offset
- + entry->target_section->output_section->vma);
- if (strncmp ("_____long_branch_stub_", entry->root.string, 22))
- {
- /* This must be an argument or return value relocation stub. */
- unsigned long insn;
- arg_reloc_location i;
- bfd_byte *begin_loc = loc;
- /* First the return pointer adjustment. Depending on exact calling
- sequence this instruction may be skipped. */
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, LDO_M4_R31_R31, loc);
- loc += 4;
- /* If we are relocating a return value, then we're going to have
- to return into the stub. So we have to save off the user's
- return pointer into the stack at RP'. */
- if (strncmp (entry->root.string + 14, "NO", 2))
- {
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, STW_R31_M8R30, loc);
- loc += 4;
- }
- /* Iterate over the argument relocations, emitting instructions
- to move them around as necessary. */
- for (i = ARG0; i <= ARG3; i++)
- {
- if (!strncmp (entry->root.string + 3 * i + 2, "GF", 2))
- {
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, STW_ARG_M16R30 | ((26 - i) << 16), loc);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, FLDW_M16R30_FARG | (4 + i), loc + 4);
- loc += 8;
- }
- else if (!strncmp (entry->root.string + 3 * i + 2, "FG", 2))
- {
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, FSTW_FARG_M16R30 | (4 + i), loc);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, LDW_M16R30_ARG | ((26 - i) << 16), loc + 4);
- loc += 8;
- }
- else if (!strncmp (entry->root.string + 3 * i + 2, "GD", 2))
- {
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, STW_ARG_M12R30 | ((26 - i) << 16), loc);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, STW_ARG_M16R30 | ((25 - i) << 16), loc + 4);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, FLDD_M16R30_FARG | (5 + i), loc + 8);
- loc += 12;
- }
- else if (!strncmp (entry->root.string + 3 * i + 2, "DG", 2))
- {
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, FSTD_FARG_M16R30 | (5 + i), loc);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, LDW_M12R30_ARG | ((26 - i) << 16), loc + 4);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, LDW_M16R30_ARG | ((25 - i) << 16), loc + 8);
- loc += 12;
- }
- }
- /* Load the high bits of the target address into %r1. */
- insn = hppa_rebuild_insn (stub_bfd, LDIL_R1,
- hppa_field_adjust (sym_value, 0, e_lrsel), 21);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, insn, loc);
- loc += 4;
- /* If we are relocating a return value, then we're going to have
- to return into the stub, then perform the return value relocation. */
- if (strncmp (entry->root.string + 14, "NO", 2))
- {
- /* To return to the stub we "ble" to the target and copy the return
- pointer from %r31 into %r2. */
- insn = hppa_rebuild_insn (stub_bfd,
- BLE_SR4_R1,
- hppa_field_adjust (sym_value, 0,
- e_rrsel) >> 2,
- 17);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, insn, loc);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, COPY_R31_R2, loc + 4);
- /* Reload the return pointer for our caller from the stack. */
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, LDW_M8R30_R31, loc + 8);
- loc += 12;
- /* Perform the return value relocation. */
- if (!strncmp (entry->root.string + 14, "GF", 2))
- {
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, STW_ARG_M16R30 | (28 << 16), loc);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, FLDW_M16R30_FARG | 4, loc + 4);
- loc += 8;
- }
- else if (!strncmp (entry->root.string + 14, "FG", 2))
- {
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, FSTW_FARG_M16R30 | 4, loc);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, LDW_M16R30_ARG | (28 << 16), loc + 4);
- loc += 8;
- }
- else if (!strncmp (entry->root.string + 2, "GD", 2))
- {
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, STW_ARG_M12R30 | (28 << 16), loc);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, STW_ARG_M16R30 | (29 << 16), loc + 4);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, FLDD_M16R30_FARG | 4, loc + 8);
- loc += 12;
- }
- else if (!strncmp (entry->root.string + 2, "DG", 2))
- {
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, FSTD_FARG_M16R30 | 4, loc);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, LDW_M12R30_ARG | (28 << 16), loc + 4);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, LDW_M16R30_ARG | (29 << 16), loc + 8);
- loc += 12;
- }
- /* Branch back to the user's code now. */
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, BV_N_0_R31, loc);
- loc += 4;
- }
- else
- {
- /* No return value relocation, so we can simply "be" to the
- target and copy out return pointer into %r2. */
- insn = hppa_rebuild_insn (stub_bfd, BE_SR4_R1,
- hppa_field_adjust (sym_value, 0,
- e_rrsel) >> 2, 17);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, insn, loc);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, COPY_R31_R2, loc + 4);
- loc += 8;
- }
- /* Update the location and offsets. */
- stub_hash_table->location += (loc - begin_loc);
- stub_hash_table->offset += (loc - begin_loc);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Create one of two variant long branch stubs. One for $$dyncall and
- normal calls, the other for calls to millicode. */
- unsigned long insn;
- int millicode_call = 0;
- if (!strncmp ("$$", sym_name, 2) && strcmp ("$$dyncall", sym_name))
- millicode_call = 1;
- /* First the return pointer adjustment. Depending on exact calling
- sequence this instruction may be skipped. */
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, LDO_M4_R31_R31, loc);
- /* The next two instructions are the long branch itself. A long branch
- is formed with "ldil" loading the upper bits of the target address
- into a register, then branching with "be" which adds in the lower bits.
- Long branches to millicode nullify the delay slot of the "be". */
- insn = hppa_rebuild_insn (stub_bfd, LDIL_R1,
- hppa_field_adjust (sym_value, 0, e_lrsel), 21);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, insn, loc + 4);
- insn = hppa_rebuild_insn (stub_bfd, BE_SR4_R1 | (millicode_call ? 2 : 0),
- hppa_field_adjust (sym_value, 0, e_rrsel) >> 2,
- 17);
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, insn, loc + 8);
- if (!millicode_call)
- {
- /* The sequence to call this stub places the return pointer into %r31,
- the final target expects the return pointer in %r2, so copy the
- return pointer into the proper register. */
- bfd_put_32 (stub_bfd, COPY_R31_R2, loc + 12);
- /* Update the location and offsets. */
- stub_hash_table->location += 16;
- stub_hash_table->offset += 16;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Update the location and offsets. */
- stub_hash_table->location += 12;
- stub_hash_table->offset += 12;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* External entry points for sizing and building linker stubs. */
-/* Build all the stubs associated with the current output file. The
- stubs are kept in a hash table attached to the main linker hash
- table. This is called via hppaelf_finish in the linker. */
-elf32_hppa_build_stubs (stub_bfd, info)
- bfd *stub_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- /* The stub BFD only has one section. */
- asection *stub_sec = stub_bfd->sections;
- struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_table *table;
- unsigned int size;
- void *args[2];
- /* So we can pass both the BFD for the stubs and the link info
- structure to the routine which actually builds stubs. */
- args[0] = stub_bfd;
- args[1] = info;
- /* Allocate memory to hold the linker stubs. */
- size = bfd_section_size (stub_bfd, stub_sec);
- stub_sec->contents = (unsigned char *) bfd_zalloc (stub_bfd, size);
- if (stub_sec->contents == NULL)
- return false;
- table = elf32_hppa_hash_table(info)->stub_hash_table;
- table->location = stub_sec->contents;
- /* Build the stubs as directed by the stub hash table. */
- elf32_hppa_stub_hash_traverse (table, elf32_hppa_build_one_stub, args);
- return true;
-/* Determine and set the size of the stub section for a final link.
- The basic idea here is to examine all the relocations looking for
- PC-relative calls to a target that is unreachable with a "bl"
- instruction or calls where the caller and callee disagree on the
- location of their arguments or return value. */
-elf32_hppa_size_stubs (stub_bfd, output_bfd, link_info)
- bfd *stub_bfd;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *section, *stub_sec = 0;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *local_syms, *isym, **all_local_syms;
- Elf32_External_Sym *ext_syms, *esym;
- unsigned int i, index, bfd_count = 0;
- struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_table *stub_hash_table = 0;
- struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_table *args_hash_table = 0;
- /* Create and initialize the stub hash table. */
- stub_hash_table = ((struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_table *)
- bfd_malloc (sizeof (struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_table)));
- if (!stub_hash_table)
- goto error_return;
- if (!elf32_hppa_stub_hash_table_init (stub_hash_table, stub_bfd,
- elf32_hppa_stub_hash_newfunc))
- goto error_return;
- /* Likewise for the argument location hash table. */
- args_hash_table = ((struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_table *)
- bfd_malloc (sizeof (struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_table)));
- if (!args_hash_table)
- goto error_return;
- if (!elf32_hppa_args_hash_table_init (args_hash_table,
- elf32_hppa_args_hash_newfunc))
- goto error_return;
- /* Attach the hash tables to the main hash table. */
- elf32_hppa_hash_table(link_info)->stub_hash_table = stub_hash_table;
- elf32_hppa_hash_table(link_info)->args_hash_table = args_hash_table;
- /* Count the number of input BFDs. */
- for (input_bfd = link_info->input_bfds;
- input_bfd != NULL;
- input_bfd = input_bfd->link_next)
- bfd_count++;
- /* We want to read in symbol extension records only once. To do this
- we need to read in the local symbols in parallel and save them for
- later use; so hold pointers to the local symbols in an array. */
- all_local_syms
- = (Elf_Internal_Sym **) bfd_malloc (sizeof (Elf_Internal_Sym *)
- * bfd_count);
- if (all_local_syms == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- memset (all_local_syms, 0, sizeof (Elf_Internal_Sym *) * bfd_count);
- /* Walk over all the input BFDs adding entries to the args hash table
- for all the external functions. */
- for (input_bfd = link_info->input_bfds, index = 0;
- input_bfd != NULL;
- input_bfd = input_bfd->link_next, index++)
- {
- /* We'll need the symbol table in a second. */
- symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (input_bfd)->symtab_hdr;
- if (symtab_hdr->sh_info == 0)
- continue;
- /* We need an array of the local symbols attached to the input bfd.
- Unfortunately, we're going to have to read & swap them in. */
- local_syms
- = (Elf_Internal_Sym *) bfd_malloc (symtab_hdr->sh_info
- * sizeof (Elf_Internal_Sym));
- if (local_syms == NULL)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < bfd_count; i++)
- if (all_local_syms[i])
- free (all_local_syms[i]);
- free (all_local_syms);
- goto error_return;
- }
- all_local_syms[index] = local_syms;
- ext_syms
- = (Elf32_External_Sym *) bfd_malloc (symtab_hdr->sh_info
- * sizeof (Elf32_External_Sym));
- if (ext_syms == NULL)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < bfd_count; i++)
- if (all_local_syms[i])
- free (all_local_syms[i]);
- free (all_local_syms);
- goto error_return;
- }
- if (bfd_seek (input_bfd, symtab_hdr->sh_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read (ext_syms, 1,
- (symtab_hdr->sh_info
- * sizeof (Elf32_External_Sym)), input_bfd)
- != (symtab_hdr->sh_info * sizeof (Elf32_External_Sym)))
- {
- for (i = 0; i < bfd_count; i++)
- if (all_local_syms[i])
- free (all_local_syms[i]);
- free (all_local_syms);
- free (ext_syms);
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* Swap the local symbols in. */
- isym = local_syms;
- esym = ext_syms;
- for (i = 0; i < symtab_hdr->sh_info; i++, esym++, isym++)
- bfd_elf32_swap_symbol_in (input_bfd, esym, isym);
- /* Now we can free the external symbols. */
- free (ext_syms);
- if (elf32_hppa_read_symext_info (input_bfd, symtab_hdr, args_hash_table,
- local_syms) == false)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < bfd_count; i++)
- if (all_local_syms[i])
- free (all_local_syms[i]);
- free (all_local_syms);
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- /* Magic as we know the stub bfd only has one section. */
- stub_sec = stub_bfd->sections;
- /* If generating a relocateable output file, then we don't
- have to examine the relocs. */
- if (link_info->relocateable)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < bfd_count; i++)
- if (all_local_syms[i])
- free (all_local_syms[i]);
- free (all_local_syms);
- return true;
- }
- /* Now that we have argument location information for all the global
- functions we can start looking for stubs. */
- for (input_bfd = link_info->input_bfds, index = 0;
- input_bfd != NULL;
- input_bfd = input_bfd->link_next, index++)
- {
- /* We'll need the symbol table in a second. */
- symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (input_bfd)->symtab_hdr;
- if (symtab_hdr->sh_info == 0)
- continue;
- local_syms = all_local_syms[index];
- /* Walk over each section attached to the input bfd. */
- for (section = input_bfd->sections;
- section != NULL;
- section = section->next)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *input_rel_hdr;
- Elf32_External_Rela *external_relocs, *erelaend, *erela;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs, *irelaend, *irela;
- /* If there aren't any relocs, then there's nothing to do. */
- if ((section->flags & SEC_RELOC) == 0
- || section->reloc_count == 0)
- continue;
- /* Allocate space for the external relocations. */
- external_relocs
- = ((Elf32_External_Rela *)
- bfd_malloc (section->reloc_count
- * sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela)));
- if (external_relocs == NULL)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < bfd_count; i++)
- if (all_local_syms[i])
- free (all_local_syms[i]);
- free (all_local_syms);
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* Likewise for the internal relocations. */
- internal_relocs
- = ((Elf_Internal_Rela *)
- bfd_malloc (section->reloc_count * sizeof (Elf_Internal_Rela)));
- if (internal_relocs == NULL)
- {
- free (external_relocs);
- for (i = 0; i < bfd_count; i++)
- if (all_local_syms[i])
- free (all_local_syms[i]);
- free (all_local_syms);
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* Read in the external relocs. */
- input_rel_hdr = &elf_section_data (section)->rel_hdr;
- if (bfd_seek (input_bfd, input_rel_hdr->sh_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read (external_relocs, 1, input_rel_hdr->sh_size,
- input_bfd) != input_rel_hdr->sh_size)
- {
- free (external_relocs);
- free (internal_relocs);
- for (i = 0; i < bfd_count; i++)
- if (all_local_syms[i])
- free (all_local_syms[i]);
- free (all_local_syms);
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* Swap in the relocs. */
- erela = external_relocs;
- erelaend = erela + section->reloc_count;
- irela = internal_relocs;
- for (; erela < erelaend; erela++, irela++)
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_in (input_bfd, erela, irela);
- /* We're done with the external relocs, free them. */
- free (external_relocs);
- /* Now examine each relocation. */
- irela = internal_relocs;
- irelaend = irela + section->reloc_count;
- for (; irela < irelaend; irela++)
- {
- long r_type, callee_args, caller_args, size_of_stub;
- unsigned long r_index;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *hash;
- struct elf32_hppa_stub_hash_entry *stub_hash;
- struct elf32_hppa_args_hash_entry *args_hash;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *sym;
- asection *sym_sec;
- const char *sym_name;
- symvalue sym_value;
- bfd_vma location, destination;
- char *new_name = NULL;
- r_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (irela->r_info);
- r_index = ELF32_R_SYM (irela->r_info);
- if (r_type < 0 || r_type >= (int) R_PARISC_UNIMPLEMENTED)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- free (internal_relocs);
- for (i = 0; i < bfd_count; i++)
- if (all_local_syms[i])
- free (all_local_syms[i]);
- free (all_local_syms);
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* Only look for stubs on call instructions or plabel
- references. */
- if (r_type != R_PARISC_PCREL17F
- && r_type != R_PARISC_PLABEL32
- && r_type != R_PARISC_PLABEL21L
- && r_type != R_PARISC_PLABEL14R)
- continue;
- /* Now determine the call target, its name, value, section
- and argument relocation bits. */
- hash = NULL;
- sym = NULL;
- sym_sec = NULL;
- if (r_index < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- {
- /* It's a local symbol. */
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr;
- sym = local_syms + r_index;
- hdr = elf_elfsections (input_bfd)[sym->st_shndx];
- sym_sec = hdr->bfd_section;
- sym_name = bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section (input_bfd,
- symtab_hdr->sh_link,
- sym->st_name);
- sym_value = (ELF_ST_TYPE (sym->st_info) == STT_SECTION
- ? 0 : sym->st_value);
- destination = (sym_value
- + sym_sec->output_offset
- + sym_sec->output_section->vma);
- /* Tack on an ID so we can uniquely identify this local
- symbol in the stub or arg info hash tables. */
- new_name = bfd_malloc (strlen (sym_name) + 10);
- if (new_name == 0)
- {
- free (internal_relocs);
- for (i = 0; i < bfd_count; i++)
- if (all_local_syms[i])
- free (all_local_syms[i]);
- free (all_local_syms);
- goto error_return;
- }
- sprintf (new_name, "%s_%08x", sym_name, (int)sym_sec);
- sym_name = new_name;
- }
- else
- {
- /* It's an external symbol. */
- long index;
- index = r_index - symtab_hdr->sh_info;
- hash = elf_sym_hashes (input_bfd)[index];
- if (hash->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || hash->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- sym_sec = hash->root.u.def.section;
- sym_name = hash->root.root.string;
- sym_value = hash->root.u.def.value;
- destination = (sym_value
- + sym_sec->output_offset
- + sym_sec->output_section->vma);
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- free (internal_relocs);
- for (i = 0; i < bfd_count; i++)
- if (all_local_syms[i])
- free (all_local_syms[i]);
- free (all_local_syms);
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- args_hash = elf32_hppa_args_hash_lookup (args_hash_table,
- sym_name, false, false);
- /* Get both caller and callee argument information. */
- if (args_hash == NULL)
- callee_args = 0;
- else
- callee_args = args_hash->arg_bits;
- /* For calls get the caller's bits from the addend of
- the call relocation. For PLABELS the caller's bits
- are assumed to have all args & return values in general
- registers (0x155). */
- if (r_type == R_PARISC_PCREL17F)
- caller_args = HPPA_R_ARG_RELOC (irela->r_addend);
- else
- caller_args = 0x155;
- /* Now determine where the call point is. */
- location = (section->output_offset
- + section->output_section->vma
- + irela->r_offset);
- /* We only care about the destination for PCREL function
- calls (eg. we don't care for PLABELS). */
- if (r_type != R_PARISC_PCREL17F)
- location = destination;
- /* Determine what (if any) linker stub is needed and its
- size (in bytes). */
- size_of_stub = elf32_hppa_size_of_stub (callee_args,
- caller_args,
- location,
- destination,
- sym_name);
- if (size_of_stub != 0)
- {
- char *stub_name;
- unsigned int len;
- /* Get the name of this stub. */
- len = strlen (sym_name);
- len += 23;
- stub_name = bfd_malloc (len);
- if (!stub_name)
- {
- /* Because sym_name was mallocd above for local
- symbols. */
- if (r_index < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- free (new_name);
- free (internal_relocs);
- for (i = 0; i < bfd_count; i++)
- if (all_local_syms[i])
- free (all_local_syms[i]);
- free (all_local_syms);
- goto error_return;
- }
- elf32_hppa_name_of_stub (caller_args, callee_args,
- location, destination, stub_name);
- strcat (stub_name + 22, sym_name);
- /* Because sym_name was malloced above for local symbols. */
- if (r_index < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- free (new_name);
- stub_hash
- = elf32_hppa_stub_hash_lookup (stub_hash_table, stub_name,
- false, false);
- if (stub_hash != NULL)
- {
- /* The proper stub has already been created, nothing
- else to do. */
- free (stub_name);
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_set_section_size (stub_bfd, stub_sec,
- (bfd_section_size (stub_bfd,
- stub_sec)
- + size_of_stub));
- /* Enter this entry into the linker stub hash table. */
- stub_hash
- = elf32_hppa_stub_hash_lookup (stub_hash_table,
- stub_name, true, true);
- if (stub_hash == NULL)
- {
- free (stub_name);
- free (internal_relocs);
- for (i = 0; i < bfd_count; i++)
- if (all_local_syms[i])
- free (all_local_syms[i]);
- free (all_local_syms);
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* We'll need these to determine the address that the
- stub will branch to. */
- stub_hash->target_value = sym_value;
- stub_hash->target_section = sym_sec;
- }
- free (stub_name);
- }
- }
- /* We're done with the internal relocs, free them. */
- free (internal_relocs);
- }
- }
- /* We're done with the local symbols, free them. */
- for (i = 0; i < bfd_count; i++)
- if (all_local_syms[i])
- free (all_local_syms[i]);
- free (all_local_syms);
- return true;
- /* Return gracefully, avoiding dangling references to the hash tables. */
- if (stub_hash_table)
- {
- elf32_hppa_hash_table(link_info)->stub_hash_table = NULL;
- free (stub_hash_table);
- }
- if (args_hash_table)
- {
- elf32_hppa_hash_table(link_info)->args_hash_table = NULL;
- free (args_hash_table);
- }
- /* Set the size of the stub section to zero since we're never going
- to create them. Avoids losing when we try to get its contents
- too. */
- bfd_set_section_size (stub_bfd, stub_sec, 0);
- return false;
-/* Misc BFD support code. */
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_reloc_type_lookup elf_hppa_reloc_type_lookup
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_is_local_label hppa_elf_is_local_label
-/* Symbol extension stuff. */
-#define bfd_elf32_set_section_contents elf32_hppa_set_section_contents
-#define elf_backend_symbol_table_processing \
- elf32_hppa_backend_symbol_table_processing
-#define elf_backend_begin_write_processing \
- elf32_hppa_backend_begin_write_processing
-#define elf_backend_final_write_processing \
- elf32_hppa_backend_final_write_processing
-/* Stuff for the BFD linker. */
-#define elf_backend_relocate_section elf32_hppa_relocate_section
-#define elf_backend_add_symbol_hook elf32_hppa_add_symbol_hook
-#define elf_backend_link_output_symbol_hook \
- elf32_hppa_link_output_symbol_hook
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_link_hash_table_create \
- elf32_hppa_link_hash_table_create
-#define TARGET_BIG_SYM bfd_elf32_hppa_vec
-#define TARGET_BIG_NAME "elf32-hppa"
-#define ELF_ARCH bfd_arch_hppa
-#define ELF_MAXPAGESIZE 0x1000
-#include "elf32-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-hppa.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-hppa.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 63ee52200e0d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-hppa.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-/* ELF32/HPPA support
- This file contains ELF32/HPPA relocation support as specified
- in the Stratus FTX/Golf Object File Format (SED-1762) dated
- February 1994.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by:
- Center for Software Science
- Department of Computer Science
- University of Utah
- This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef _ELF32_HPPA_H
-#define _ELF32_HPPA_H
-#include "elf-bfd.h"
-#include "libhppa.h"
-#include "elf/hppa.h"
-/* ELF/HPPA relocation types */
-typedef enum
- {
- /* Address relocation types
- These relocation types do simple base + offset relocations. */
- R_PARISC_NONE = 0x00,
- R_PARISC_DIR32 = 0x01,
- R_PARISC_DIR21L = 0x02,
- R_PARISC_DIR17R = 0x03,
- R_PARISC_DIR17F = 0x04,
- R_PARISC_DIR14R = 0x06,
- /* PC-relative relocation types
- Typically used for calls.
- Note PCREL17C and PCREL17F differ only in overflow handling.
- PCREL17C never reports a relocation error.
- When supporting argument relocations, function calls must be
- accompanied by parameter relocation information. This information is
- carried in the ten high-order bits of the addend field. The remaining
- 22 bits of of the addend field are sign-extended to form the Addend.
- Note the code to build argument relocations depends on the
- addend being zero. A consequence of this limitation is GAS
- can not perform relocation reductions for function symbols. */
- R_PARISC_PCREL21L = 0x0a,
- R_PARISC_PCREL17R = 0x0b,
- R_PARISC_PCREL17F = 0x0c,
- R_PARISC_PCREL17C = 0x0d,
- R_PARISC_PCREL14R = 0x0e,
- R_PARISC_PCREL14F = 0x0f,
- /* DP-relative relocation types. */
- R_PARISC_DPREL21L = 0x12,
- R_PARISC_DPREL14R = 0x16,
- R_PARISC_DPREL14F = 0x17,
- /* Data linkage table (DLT) relocation types
- SOM DLT_REL fixup requests are used to for static data references
- from position-independent code within shared libraries. They are
- similar to the GOT relocation types in some SVR4 implementations. */
- R_PARISC_DLTREL21L = 0x1a,
- R_PARISC_DLTREL14R = 0x1e,
- R_PARISC_DLTREL14F = 0x1f,
- /* DLT indirect relocation types */
- R_PARISC_DLTIND21L = 0x22,
- R_PARISC_DLTIND14R = 0x26,
- R_PARISC_DLTIND14F = 0x27,
- /* Base relative relocation types. Ugh. These imply lots of state */
- R_PARISC_BASEREL32 = 0x29,
- /* Segment relative relocation types. */
- R_PARISC_TEXTREL32 = 0x31,
- R_PARISC_DATAREL32 = 0x39,
- /* Plabel relocation types. */
- R_PARISC_PLABEL32 = 0x41,
- R_PARISC_PLABEL21L = 0x42,
- R_PARISC_PLABEL14R = 0x46,
- /* PLT relocations. */
- R_PARISC_PLTIND21L = 0x82,
- R_PARISC_PLTIND14R = 0x86,
- R_PARISC_PLTIND14F = 0x87,
- /* Misc relocation types. */
- R_PARISC_COPY = 0x88,
- }
-/* Define groups of basic relocations. FIXME: These should
- be the only basic relocations created by GAS. The rest
- should be internal to the BFD backend.
- The idea is both SOM and ELF define these basic relocation
- types so they map into a SOM or ELF specific relocation
- as appropriate. This allows GAS to share much more code
- between the two target object formats. */
-#define R_HPPA R_PARISC_DIR32
-elf32_hppa_reloc_type **hppa_elf_gen_reloc_type
- PARAMS ((bfd *, elf32_hppa_reloc_type, int, int, int));
-boolean elf32_hppa_size_stubs
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-boolean elf32_hppa_build_stubs
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-#endif /* _ELF32_HPPA_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-i386.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-i386.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b39aac91913..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-i386.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1546 +0,0 @@
-/* Intel 80386/80486-specific support for 32-bit ELF
- Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "elf-bfd.h"
-static reloc_howto_type *elf_i386_reloc_type_lookup
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_reloc_code_real_type));
-static void elf_i386_info_to_howto
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, Elf32_Internal_Rela *));
-static void elf_i386_info_to_howto_rel
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, Elf32_Internal_Rel *));
-static boolean elf_i386_check_relocs
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, asection *,
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *));
-static boolean elf_i386_adjust_dynamic_symbol
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, struct elf_link_hash_entry *));
-static boolean elf_i386_size_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean elf_i386_relocate_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *,
- Elf_Internal_Rela *, Elf_Internal_Sym *, asection **));
-static boolean elf_i386_finish_dynamic_symbol
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct elf_link_hash_entry *,
- Elf_Internal_Sym *));
-static boolean elf_i386_finish_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-#define USE_REL 1 /* 386 uses REL relocations instead of RELA */
-enum reloc_type
- {
- R_386_NONE = 0,
- R_386_32,
- R_386_PC32,
- R_386_GOT32,
- R_386_PLT32,
- R_386_COPY,
- R_386_GLOB_DAT,
- R_386_JUMP_SLOT,
- R_386_GOTOFF,
- R_386_GOTPC,
- R_386_max
- };
-#if 0
-static CONST char *CONST reloc_type_names[] =
- "R_386_NONE",
- "R_386_32",
- "R_386_PC32",
- "R_386_GOT32",
- "R_386_PLT32",
- "R_386_COPY",
- "R_386_GLOB_DAT",
- "R_386_JUMP_SLOT",
- "R_386_RELATIVE",
- "R_386_GOTOFF",
- "R_386_GOTPC",
-static reloc_howto_type elf_howto_table[]=
- HOWTO(R_386_NONE, 0,0, 0,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield, bfd_elf_generic_reloc,"R_386_NONE", true,0x00000000,0x00000000,false),
- HOWTO(R_386_32, 0,2,32,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield, bfd_elf_generic_reloc,"R_386_32", true,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,false),
- HOWTO(R_386_PC32, 0,2,32,true, 0,complain_overflow_bitfield, bfd_elf_generic_reloc,"R_386_PC32", true,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_386_GOT32, 0,2,32,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield, bfd_elf_generic_reloc,"R_386_GOT32", true,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,false),
- HOWTO(R_386_PLT32, 0,2,32,true,0,complain_overflow_bitfield, bfd_elf_generic_reloc,"R_386_PLT32", true,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_386_COPY, 0,2,32,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield, bfd_elf_generic_reloc,"R_386_COPY", true,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,false),
- HOWTO(R_386_GLOB_DAT, 0,2,32,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield, bfd_elf_generic_reloc,"R_386_GLOB_DAT", true,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,false),
- HOWTO(R_386_JUMP_SLOT, 0,2,32,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield, bfd_elf_generic_reloc,"R_386_JUMP_SLOT",true,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,false),
- HOWTO(R_386_RELATIVE, 0,2,32,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield, bfd_elf_generic_reloc,"R_386_RELATIVE", true,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,false),
- HOWTO(R_386_GOTOFF, 0,2,32,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield, bfd_elf_generic_reloc,"R_386_GOTOFF", true,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,false),
- HOWTO(R_386_GOTPC, 0,2,32,true,0,complain_overflow_bitfield, bfd_elf_generic_reloc,"R_386_GOTPC", true,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,true),
-#define TRACE(str) fprintf (stderr, "i386 bfd reloc lookup %d (%s)\n", code, str)
-#define TRACE(str)
-static reloc_howto_type *
-elf_i386_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- switch (code)
- {
- return &elf_howto_table[ (int)R_386_NONE ];
- case BFD_RELOC_32:
- return &elf_howto_table[ (int)R_386_32 ];
- case BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL:
- return &elf_howto_table[ (int)R_386_PC32 ];
- case BFD_RELOC_386_GOT32:
- TRACE ("BFD_RELOC_386_GOT32");
- return &elf_howto_table[ (int)R_386_GOT32 ];
- case BFD_RELOC_386_PLT32:
- TRACE ("BFD_RELOC_386_PLT32");
- return &elf_howto_table[ (int)R_386_PLT32 ];
- case BFD_RELOC_386_COPY:
- return &elf_howto_table[ (int)R_386_COPY ];
- case BFD_RELOC_386_GLOB_DAT:
- return &elf_howto_table[ (int)R_386_GLOB_DAT ];
- return &elf_howto_table[ (int)R_386_JUMP_SLOT ];
- return &elf_howto_table[ (int)R_386_RELATIVE ];
- case BFD_RELOC_386_GOTOFF:
- return &elf_howto_table[ (int)R_386_GOTOFF ];
- case BFD_RELOC_386_GOTPC:
- return &elf_howto_table[ (int)R_386_GOTPC ];
- default:
- break;
- }
- TRACE ("Unknown");
- return 0;
-static void
-elf_i386_info_to_howto (abfd, cache_ptr, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- Elf32_Internal_Rela *dst;
- BFD_ASSERT (ELF32_R_TYPE(dst->r_info) < (unsigned int) R_386_max);
- cache_ptr->howto = &elf_howto_table[ELF32_R_TYPE(dst->r_info)];
-static void
-elf_i386_info_to_howto_rel (abfd, cache_ptr, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- Elf32_Internal_Rel *dst;
- BFD_ASSERT (ELF32_R_TYPE(dst->r_info) < (unsigned int) R_386_max);
- cache_ptr->howto = &elf_howto_table[ELF32_R_TYPE(dst->r_info)];
-/* Functions for the i386 ELF linker. */
-/* The name of the dynamic interpreter. This is put in the .interp
- section. */
-#define ELF_DYNAMIC_INTERPRETER "/usr/lib/"
-/* The size in bytes of an entry in the procedure linkage table. */
-#define PLT_ENTRY_SIZE 16
-/* The first entry in an absolute procedure linkage table looks like
- this. See the SVR4 ABI i386 supplement to see how this works. */
-static const bfd_byte elf_i386_plt0_entry[PLT_ENTRY_SIZE] =
- 0xff, 0x35, /* pushl contents of address */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, /* replaced with address of .got + 4. */
- 0xff, 0x25, /* jmp indirect */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, /* replaced with address of .got + 8. */
- 0, 0, 0, 0 /* pad out to 16 bytes. */
-/* Subsequent entries in an absolute procedure linkage table look like
- this. */
-static const bfd_byte elf_i386_plt_entry[PLT_ENTRY_SIZE] =
- 0xff, 0x25, /* jmp indirect */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, /* replaced with address of this symbol in .got. */
- 0x68, /* pushl immediate */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, /* replaced with offset into relocation table. */
- 0xe9, /* jmp relative */
- 0, 0, 0, 0 /* replaced with offset to start of .plt. */
-/* The first entry in a PIC procedure linkage table look like this. */
-static const bfd_byte elf_i386_pic_plt0_entry[PLT_ENTRY_SIZE] =
- 0xff, 0xb3, 4, 0, 0, 0, /* pushl 4(%ebx) */
- 0xff, 0xa3, 8, 0, 0, 0, /* jmp *8(%ebx) */
- 0, 0, 0, 0 /* pad out to 16 bytes. */
-/* Subsequent entries in a PIC procedure linkage table look like this. */
-static const bfd_byte elf_i386_pic_plt_entry[PLT_ENTRY_SIZE] =
- 0xff, 0xa3, /* jmp *offset(%ebx) */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, /* replaced with offset of this symbol in .got. */
- 0x68, /* pushl immediate */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, /* replaced with offset into relocation table. */
- 0xe9, /* jmp relative */
- 0, 0, 0, 0 /* replaced with offset to start of .plt. */
-/* Look through the relocs for a section during the first phase, and
- allocate space in the global offset table or procedure linkage
- table. */
-static boolean
-elf_i386_check_relocs (abfd, info, sec, relocs)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *sec;
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs;
- bfd *dynobj;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- bfd_vma *local_got_offsets;
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *rel;
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *rel_end;
- asection *sgot;
- asection *srelgot;
- asection *sreloc;
- if (info->relocateable)
- return true;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
- sym_hashes = elf_sym_hashes (abfd);
- local_got_offsets = elf_local_got_offsets (abfd);
- sgot = NULL;
- srelgot = NULL;
- sreloc = NULL;
- rel_end = relocs + sec->reloc_count;
- for (rel = relocs; rel < rel_end; rel++)
- {
- unsigned long r_symndx;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- r_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rel->r_info);
- if (r_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- h = NULL;
- else
- h = sym_hashes[r_symndx - symtab_hdr->sh_info];
- /* Some relocs require a global offset table. */
- if (dynobj == NULL)
- {
- switch (ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->r_info))
- {
- case R_386_GOT32:
- case R_386_GOTOFF:
- case R_386_GOTPC:
- elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj = dynobj = abfd;
- if (! _bfd_elf_create_got_section (dynobj, info))
- return false;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- switch (ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->r_info))
- {
- case R_386_GOT32:
- /* This symbol requires a global offset table entry. */
- if (sgot == NULL)
- {
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL);
- }
- if (srelgot == NULL
- && (h != NULL || info->shared))
- {
- srelgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, "");
- if (srelgot == NULL)
- {
- srelgot = bfd_make_section (dynobj, "");
- if (srelgot == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (dynobj, srelgot,
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, srelgot, 2))
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (h != NULL)
- {
- if (h->got_offset != (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- /* We have already allocated space in the .got. */
- break;
- }
- h->got_offset = sgot->_raw_size;
- /* Make sure this symbol is output as a dynamic symbol. */
- if (h->dynindx == -1)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- }
- srelgot->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rel);
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is a global offset table entry for a local
- symbol. */
- if (local_got_offsets == NULL)
- {
- size_t size;
- register unsigned int i;
- size = symtab_hdr->sh_info * sizeof (bfd_vma);
- local_got_offsets = (bfd_vma *) bfd_alloc (abfd, size);
- if (local_got_offsets == NULL)
- return false;
- elf_local_got_offsets (abfd) = local_got_offsets;
- for (i = 0; i < symtab_hdr->sh_info; i++)
- local_got_offsets[i] = (bfd_vma) -1;
- }
- if (local_got_offsets[r_symndx] != (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- /* We have already allocated space in the .got. */
- break;
- }
- local_got_offsets[r_symndx] = sgot->_raw_size;
- if (info->shared)
- {
- /* If we are generating a shared object, we need to
- output a R_386_RELATIVE reloc so that the dynamic
- linker can adjust this GOT entry. */
- srelgot->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rel);
- }
- }
- sgot->_raw_size += 4;
- break;
- case R_386_PLT32:
- /* This symbol requires a procedure linkage table entry. We
- actually build the entry in adjust_dynamic_symbol,
- because this might be a case of linking PIC code which is
- never referenced by a dynamic object, in which case we
- don't need to generate a procedure linkage table entry
- after all. */
- /* If this is a local symbol, we resolve it directly without
- creating a procedure linkage table entry. */
- if (h == NULL)
- continue;
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT;
- break;
- case R_386_32:
- case R_386_PC32:
- if (info->shared
- && (sec->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0
- && (ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->r_info) != R_386_PC32 || h != NULL))
- {
- /* When creating a shared object, we must copy these
- reloc types into the output file. We create a reloc
- section in dynobj and make room for this reloc. */
- if (sreloc == NULL)
- {
- const char *name;
- name = (bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section
- (abfd,
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_shstrndx,
- elf_section_data (sec)->rel_hdr.sh_name));
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- BFD_ASSERT (strncmp (name, ".rel", 4) == 0
- && strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec),
- name + 4) == 0);
- sreloc = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, name);
- if (sreloc == NULL)
- {
- sreloc = bfd_make_section (dynobj, name);
- if (sreloc == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (dynobj, sreloc,
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, sreloc, 2))
- return false;
- }
- }
- sreloc->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rel);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Adjust a symbol defined by a dynamic object and referenced by a
- regular object. The current definition is in some section of the
- dynamic object, but we're not including those sections. We have to
- change the definition to something the rest of the link can
- understand. */
-static boolean
-elf_i386_adjust_dynamic_symbol (info, h)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- bfd *dynobj;
- asection *s;
- unsigned int power_of_two;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- /* Make sure we know what is going on here. */
- BFD_ASSERT (dynobj != NULL
- && ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT)
- || h->weakdef != NULL
- || ((h->elf_link_hash_flags
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- /* If this is a function, put it in the procedure linkage table. We
- will fill in the contents of the procedure linkage table later,
- when we know the address of the .got section. */
- if (h->type == STT_FUNC
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT) != 0)
- {
- if (! info->shared
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_DYNAMIC) == 0
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_REF_DYNAMIC) == 0)
- {
- /* This case can occur if we saw a PLT32 reloc in an input
- file, but the symbol was never referred to by a dynamic
- object. In such a case, we don't actually need to build
- a procedure linkage table, and we can just do a PC32
- reloc instead. */
- BFD_ASSERT ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT) != 0);
- return true;
- }
- /* Make sure this symbol is output as a dynamic symbol. */
- if (h->dynindx == -1)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- }
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- /* If this is the first .plt entry, make room for the special
- first entry. */
- if (s->_raw_size == 0)
- s->_raw_size += PLT_ENTRY_SIZE;
- /* If this symbol is not defined in a regular file, and we are
- not generating a shared library, then set the symbol to this
- location in the .plt. This is required to make function
- pointers compare as equal between the normal executable and
- the shared library. */
- if (! info->shared
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR) == 0)
- {
- h->root.u.def.section = s;
- h->root.u.def.value = s->_raw_size;
- }
- h->plt_offset = s->_raw_size;
- /* Make room for this entry. */
- s->_raw_size += PLT_ENTRY_SIZE;
- /* We also need to make an entry in the .got.plt section, which
- will be placed in the .got section by the linker script. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got.plt");
- s->_raw_size += 4;
- /* We also need to make an entry in the .rel.plt section. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".rel.plt");
- s->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rel);
- return true;
- }
- /* If this is a weak symbol, and there is a real definition, the
- processor independent code will have arranged for us to see the
- real definition first, and we can just use the same value. */
- if (h->weakdef != NULL)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (h->weakdef->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->weakdef->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak);
- h->root.u.def.section = h->weakdef->root.u.def.section;
- h->root.u.def.value = h->weakdef->root.u.def.value;
- return true;
- }
- /* This is a reference to a symbol defined by a dynamic object which
- is not a function. */
- /* If we are creating a shared library, we must presume that the
- only references to the symbol are via the global offset table.
- For such cases we need not do anything here; the relocations will
- be handled correctly by relocate_section. */
- if (info->shared)
- return true;
- /* We must allocate the symbol in our .dynbss section, which will
- become part of the .bss section of the executable. There will be
- an entry for this symbol in the .dynsym section. The dynamic
- object will contain position independent code, so all references
- from the dynamic object to this symbol will go through the global
- offset table. The dynamic linker will use the .dynsym entry to
- determine the address it must put in the global offset table, so
- both the dynamic object and the regular object will refer to the
- same memory location for the variable. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynbss");
- /* If the symbol is currently defined in the .bss section of the
- dynamic object, then it is OK to simply initialize it to zero.
- If the symbol is in some other section, we must generate a
- R_386_COPY reloc to tell the dynamic linker to copy the initial
- value out of the dynamic object and into the runtime process
- image. We need to remember the offset into the .rel.bss section
- we are going to use. */
- if ((h->root.u.def.section->flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0)
- {
- asection *srel;
- srel = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".rel.bss");
- BFD_ASSERT (srel != NULL);
- srel->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rel);
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_COPY;
- }
- /* We need to figure out the alignment required for this symbol. I
- have no idea how ELF linkers handle this. */
- power_of_two = bfd_log2 (h->size);
- if (power_of_two > 3)
- power_of_two = 3;
- /* Apply the required alignment. */
- s->_raw_size = BFD_ALIGN (s->_raw_size,
- (bfd_size_type) (1 << power_of_two));
- if (power_of_two > bfd_get_section_alignment (dynobj, s))
- {
- if (! bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, s, power_of_two))
- return false;
- }
- /* Define the symbol as being at this point in the section. */
- h->root.u.def.section = s;
- h->root.u.def.value = s->_raw_size;
- /* Increment the section size to make room for the symbol. */
- s->_raw_size += h->size;
- return true;
-/* Set the sizes of the dynamic sections. */
-static boolean
-elf_i386_size_dynamic_sections (output_bfd, info)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *dynobj;
- asection *s;
- boolean plt;
- boolean relocs;
- boolean reltext;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- BFD_ASSERT (dynobj != NULL);
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- /* Set the contents of the .interp section to the interpreter. */
- if (! info->shared)
- {
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".interp");
- s->_raw_size = sizeof ELF_DYNAMIC_INTERPRETER;
- s->contents = (unsigned char *) ELF_DYNAMIC_INTERPRETER;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* We may have created entries in the section.
- However, if we are not creating the dynamic sections, we will
- not actually use these entries. Reset the size of,
- which will cause it to get stripped from the output file
- below. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, "");
- if (s != NULL)
- s->_raw_size = 0;
- }
- /* The check_relocs and adjust_dynamic_symbol entry points have
- determined the sizes of the various dynamic sections. Allocate
- memory for them. */
- plt = false;
- relocs = false;
- reltext = false;
- for (s = dynobj->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- const char *name;
- boolean strip;
- if ((s->flags & SEC_IN_MEMORY) == 0)
- continue;
- /* It's OK to base decisions on the section name, because none
- of the dynobj section names depend upon the input files. */
- name = bfd_get_section_name (dynobj, s);
- strip = false;
- if (strcmp (name, ".plt") == 0)
- {
- if (s->_raw_size == 0)
- {
- /* Strip this section if we don't need it; see the
- comment below. */
- strip = true;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Remember whether there is a PLT. */
- plt = true;
- }
- }
- else if (strncmp (name, ".rel", 4) == 0)
- {
- if (s->_raw_size == 0)
- {
- /* If we don't need this section, strip it from the
- output file. This is mostly to handle .rel.bss and
- .rel.plt. We must create both sections in
- create_dynamic_sections, because they must be created
- before the linker maps input sections to output
- sections. The linker does that before
- adjust_dynamic_symbol is called, and it is that
- function which decides whether anything needs to go
- into these sections. */
- strip = true;
- }
- else
- {
- asection *target;
- /* Remember whether there are any reloc sections other
- than .rel.plt. */
- if (strcmp (name, ".rel.plt") != 0)
- {
- relocs = true;
- /* If this relocation section applies to a read only
- section, then we probably need a DT_TEXTREL
- entry. The entries in the .rel.plt section
- really apply to the .got section, which we
- created ourselves and so know is not readonly. */
- target = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, name + 4);
- if (target != NULL
- && (target->flags & SEC_READONLY) != 0)
- reltext = true;
- }
- /* We use the reloc_count field as a counter if we need
- to copy relocs into the output file. */
- s->reloc_count = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (strncmp (name, ".got", 4) != 0)
- {
- /* It's not one of our sections, so don't allocate space. */
- continue;
- }
- if (strip)
- {
- asection **spp;
- for (spp = &s->output_section->owner->sections;
- *spp != s->output_section;
- spp = &(*spp)->next)
- ;
- *spp = s->output_section->next;
- --s->output_section->owner->section_count;
- continue;
- }
- /* Allocate memory for the section contents. */
- s->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (dynobj, s->_raw_size);
- if (s->contents == NULL && s->_raw_size != 0)
- return false;
- }
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- /* Add some entries to the .dynamic section. We fill in the
- values later, in elf_i386_finish_dynamic_sections, but we
- must add the entries now so that we get the correct size for
- the .dynamic section. The DT_DEBUG entry is filled in by the
- dynamic linker and used by the debugger. */
- if (! info->shared)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_DEBUG, 0))
- return false;
- }
- if (plt)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_PLTGOT, 0)
- || ! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_PLTRELSZ, 0)
- || ! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_PLTREL, DT_REL)
- || ! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_JMPREL, 0))
- return false;
- }
- if (relocs)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_REL, 0)
- || ! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_RELSZ, 0)
- || ! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_RELENT,
- sizeof (Elf32_External_Rel)))
- return false;
- }
- if (reltext)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_TEXTREL, 0))
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Relocate an i386 ELF section. */
-static boolean
-elf_i386_relocate_section (output_bfd, info, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, relocs, local_syms, local_sections)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *local_syms;
- asection **local_sections;
- bfd *dynobj;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- bfd_vma *local_got_offsets;
- asection *sgot;
- asection *splt;
- asection *sreloc;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *rel;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relend;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (input_bfd)->symtab_hdr;
- sym_hashes = elf_sym_hashes (input_bfd);
- local_got_offsets = elf_local_got_offsets (input_bfd);
- sgot = NULL;
- splt = NULL;
- sreloc = NULL;
- rel = relocs;
- relend = relocs + input_section->reloc_count;
- for (; rel < relend; rel++)
- {
- int r_type;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- unsigned long r_symndx;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *sym;
- asection *sec;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_reloc_status_type r;
- r_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->r_info);
- if (r_type < 0 || r_type >= (int) R_386_max)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- howto = elf_howto_table + r_type;
- r_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rel->r_info);
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- /* This is a relocateable link. We don't have to change
- anything, unless the reloc is against a section symbol,
- in which case we have to adjust according to where the
- section symbol winds up in the output section. */
- if (r_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- {
- sym = local_syms + r_symndx;
- if (ELF_ST_TYPE (sym->st_info) == STT_SECTION)
- {
- bfd_vma val;
- sec = local_sections[r_symndx];
- val = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, contents + rel->r_offset);
- val += sec->output_offset + sym->st_value;
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, val, contents + rel->r_offset);
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- /* This is a final link. */
- h = NULL;
- sym = NULL;
- sec = NULL;
- if (r_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- {
- sym = local_syms + r_symndx;
- sec = local_sections[r_symndx];
- relocation = (sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset
- + sym->st_value);
- }
- else
- {
- h = sym_hashes[r_symndx - symtab_hdr->sh_info];
- while (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_warning)
- h = (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) h->;
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- if (r_type == R_386_GOTPC
- || (r_type == R_386_PLT32
- && h->plt_offset != (bfd_vma) -1)
- || (r_type == R_386_GOT32
- && elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created
- && (! info->shared
- || ! info->symbolic
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- || (info->shared
- && (! info->symbolic
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- && (r_type == R_386_32
- || r_type == R_386_PC32)
- && (input_section->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0))
- {
- /* In these cases, we don't need the relocation
- value. We check specially because in some
- obscure cases sec->output_section will be NULL. */
- relocation = 0;
- }
- else
- relocation = (h->root.u.def.value
- + sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset);
- }
- else if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- relocation = 0;
- else if (info->shared && !info->symbolic)
- relocation = 0;
- else
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (info, h->root.root.string, input_bfd,
- input_section, rel->r_offset)))
- return false;
- relocation = 0;
- }
- }
- switch (r_type)
- {
- case R_386_GOT32:
- /* Relocation is to the entry for this symbol in the global
- offset table. */
- if (sgot == NULL)
- {
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL);
- }
- if (h != NULL)
- {
- bfd_vma off;
- off = h->got_offset;
- BFD_ASSERT (off != (bfd_vma) -1);
- if (! elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created
- || (info->shared
- && info->symbolic
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR)))
- {
- /* This is actually a static link, or it is a
- -Bsymbolic link and the symbol is defined
- locally. We must initialize this entry in the
- global offset table. Since the offset must
- always be a multiple of 4, we use the least
- significant bit to record whether we have
- initialized it already.
- When doing a dynamic link, we create a
- relocation entry to initialize the value. This
- is done in the finish_dynamic_symbol routine. */
- if ((off & 1) != 0)
- off &= ~1;
- else
- {
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, relocation,
- sgot->contents + off);
- h->got_offset |= 1;
- }
- }
- relocation = sgot->output_offset + off;
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_vma off;
- BFD_ASSERT (local_got_offsets != NULL
- && local_got_offsets[r_symndx] != (bfd_vma) -1);
- off = local_got_offsets[r_symndx];
- /* The offset must always be a multiple of 4. We use
- the least significant bit to record whether we have
- already generated the necessary reloc. */
- if ((off & 1) != 0)
- off &= ~1;
- else
- {
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, relocation, sgot->contents + off);
- if (info->shared)
- {
- asection *srelgot;
- Elf_Internal_Rel outrel;
- srelgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, "");
- BFD_ASSERT (srelgot != NULL);
- outrel.r_offset = (sgot->output_section->vma
- + sgot->output_offset
- + off);
- outrel.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (0, R_386_RELATIVE);
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloc_out (output_bfd, &outrel,
- (((Elf32_External_Rel *)
- srelgot->contents)
- + srelgot->reloc_count));
- ++srelgot->reloc_count;
- }
- local_got_offsets[r_symndx] |= 1;
- }
- relocation = sgot->output_offset + off;
- }
- break;
- case R_386_GOTOFF:
- /* Relocation is relative to the start of the global offset
- table. */
- if (sgot == NULL)
- {
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL);
- }
- /* Note that sgot->output_offset is not involved in this
- calculation. We always want the start of .got. If we
- defined _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE in a different way, as is
- permitted by the ABI, we might have to change this
- calculation. */
- relocation -= sgot->output_section->vma;
- break;
- case R_386_GOTPC:
- /* Use global offset table as symbol value. */
- if (sgot == NULL)
- {
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL);
- }
- relocation = sgot->output_section->vma;
- break;
- case R_386_PLT32:
- /* Relocation is to the entry for this symbol in the
- procedure linkage table. */
- /* Resolve a PLT32 reloc again a local symbol directly,
- without using the procedure linkage table. */
- if (h == NULL)
- break;
- if (h->plt_offset == (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- /* We didn't make a PLT entry for this symbol. This
- happens when statically linking PIC code, or when
- using -Bsymbolic. */
- break;
- }
- if (splt == NULL)
- {
- splt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- BFD_ASSERT (splt != NULL);
- }
- relocation = (splt->output_section->vma
- + splt->output_offset
- + h->plt_offset);
- break;
- case R_386_32:
- case R_386_PC32:
- if (info->shared
- && (input_section->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0
- && (r_type != R_386_PC32
- || (h != NULL
- && (! info->symbolic
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- {
- Elf_Internal_Rel outrel;
- boolean relocate;
- /* When generating a shared object, these relocations
- are copied into the output file to be resolved at run
- time. */
- if (sreloc == NULL)
- {
- const char *name;
- name = (bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section
- (input_bfd,
- elf_elfheader (input_bfd)->e_shstrndx,
- elf_section_data (input_section)->rel_hdr.sh_name));
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- BFD_ASSERT (strncmp (name, ".rel", 4) == 0
- && strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (input_bfd,
- input_section),
- name + 4) == 0);
- sreloc = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, name);
- BFD_ASSERT (sreloc != NULL);
- }
- outrel.r_offset = (rel->r_offset
- + input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset);
- if (r_type == R_386_PC32)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (h != NULL && h->dynindx != -1);
- relocate = false;
- outrel.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (h->dynindx, R_386_PC32);
- }
- else
- {
- if (h == NULL
- || (info->symbolic
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- {
- relocate = true;
- outrel.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (0, R_386_RELATIVE);
- }
- else
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (h->dynindx != -1);
- relocate = false;
- outrel.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (h->dynindx, R_386_32);
- }
- }
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloc_out (output_bfd, &outrel,
- (((Elf32_External_Rel *)
- sreloc->contents)
- + sreloc->reloc_count));
- ++sreloc->reloc_count;
- /* If this reloc is against an external symbol, we do
- not want to fiddle with the addend. Otherwise, we
- need to include the symbol value so that it becomes
- an addend for the dynamic reloc. */
- if (! relocate)
- continue;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- r = _bfd_final_link_relocate (howto, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, rel->r_offset,
- relocation, (bfd_vma) 0);
- if (r != bfd_reloc_ok)
- {
- switch (r)
- {
- default:
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- {
- const char *name;
- if (h != NULL)
- name = h->root.root.string;
- else
- {
- name = bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section (input_bfd,
- symtab_hdr->sh_link,
- sym->st_name);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- if (*name == '\0')
- name = bfd_section_name (input_bfd, sec);
- }
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (info, name, howto->name, (bfd_vma) 0,
- input_bfd, input_section, rel->r_offset)))
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Finish up dynamic symbol handling. We set the contents of various
- dynamic sections here. */
-static boolean
-elf_i386_finish_dynamic_symbol (output_bfd, info, h, sym)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *sym;
- bfd *dynobj;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- if (h->plt_offset != (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- asection *splt;
- asection *sgot;
- asection *srel;
- bfd_vma plt_index;
- bfd_vma got_offset;
- Elf_Internal_Rel rel;
- /* This symbol has an entry in the procedure linkage table. Set
- it up. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h->dynindx != -1);
- splt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got.plt");
- srel = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".rel.plt");
- BFD_ASSERT (splt != NULL && sgot != NULL && srel != NULL);
- /* Get the index in the procedure linkage table which
- corresponds to this symbol. This is the index of this symbol
- in all the symbols for which we are making plt entries. The
- first entry in the procedure linkage table is reserved. */
- plt_index = h->plt_offset / PLT_ENTRY_SIZE - 1;
- /* Get the offset into the .got table of the entry that
- corresponds to this function. Each .got entry is 4 bytes.
- The first three are reserved. */
- got_offset = (plt_index + 3) * 4;
- /* Fill in the entry in the procedure linkage table. */
- if (! info->shared)
- {
- memcpy (splt->contents + h->plt_offset, elf_i386_plt_entry,
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- (sgot->output_section->vma
- + sgot->output_offset
- + got_offset),
- splt->contents + h->plt_offset + 2);
- }
- else
- {
- memcpy (splt->contents + h->plt_offset, elf_i386_pic_plt_entry,
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, got_offset,
- splt->contents + h->plt_offset + 2);
- }
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, plt_index * sizeof (Elf32_External_Rel),
- splt->contents + h->plt_offset + 7);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, - (h->plt_offset + PLT_ENTRY_SIZE),
- splt->contents + h->plt_offset + 12);
- /* Fill in the entry in the global offset table. */
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- (splt->output_section->vma
- + splt->output_offset
- + h->plt_offset
- + 6),
- sgot->contents + got_offset);
- /* Fill in the entry in the .rel.plt section. */
- rel.r_offset = (sgot->output_section->vma
- + sgot->output_offset
- + got_offset);
- rel.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (h->dynindx, R_386_JUMP_SLOT);
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloc_out (output_bfd, &rel,
- ((Elf32_External_Rel *) srel->contents
- + plt_index));
- if ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR) == 0)
- {
- /* Mark the symbol as undefined, rather than as defined in
- the .plt section. Leave the value alone. */
- sym->st_shndx = SHN_UNDEF;
- }
- }
- if (h->got_offset != (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- asection *sgot;
- asection *srel;
- Elf_Internal_Rel rel;
- /* This symbol has an entry in the global offset table. Set it
- up. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h->dynindx != -1);
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- srel = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, "");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL && srel != NULL);
- rel.r_offset = (sgot->output_section->vma
- + sgot->output_offset
- + (h->got_offset &~ 1));
- /* If this is a -Bsymbolic link, and the symbol is defined
- locally, we just want to emit a RELATIVE reloc. The entry in
- the global offset table will already have been initialized in
- the relocate_section function. */
- if (info->shared
- && info->symbolic
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR))
- rel.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (0, R_386_RELATIVE);
- else
- {
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, (bfd_vma) 0, sgot->contents + h->got_offset);
- rel.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (h->dynindx, R_386_GLOB_DAT);
- }
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloc_out (output_bfd, &rel,
- ((Elf32_External_Rel *) srel->contents
- + srel->reloc_count));
- ++srel->reloc_count;
- }
- if ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_COPY) != 0)
- {
- asection *s;
- Elf_Internal_Rel rel;
- /* This symbol needs a copy reloc. Set it up. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h->dynindx != -1
- && (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak));
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (h->root.u.def.section->owner,
- ".rel.bss");
- rel.r_offset = (h->root.u.def.value
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_offset);
- rel.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (h->dynindx, R_386_COPY);
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloc_out (output_bfd, &rel,
- ((Elf32_External_Rel *) s->contents
- + s->reloc_count));
- ++s->reloc_count;
- }
- /* Mark _DYNAMIC and _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ as absolute. */
- if (strcmp (h->root.root.string, "_DYNAMIC") == 0
- || strcmp (h->root.root.string, "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_") == 0)
- sym->st_shndx = SHN_ABS;
- return true;
-/* Finish up the dynamic sections. */
-static boolean
-elf_i386_finish_dynamic_sections (output_bfd, info)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *dynobj;
- asection *sgot;
- asection *sdyn;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got.plt");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL);
- sdyn = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynamic");
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- asection *splt;
- Elf32_External_Dyn *dyncon, *dynconend;
- splt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- BFD_ASSERT (splt != NULL && sdyn != NULL);
- dyncon = (Elf32_External_Dyn *) sdyn->contents;
- dynconend = (Elf32_External_Dyn *) (sdyn->contents + sdyn->_raw_size);
- for (; dyncon < dynconend; dyncon++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Dyn dyn;
- const char *name;
- asection *s;
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_in (dynobj, dyncon, &dyn);
- switch (dyn.d_tag)
- {
- default:
- break;
- case DT_PLTGOT:
- name = ".got";
- goto get_vma;
- case DT_JMPREL:
- name = ".rel.plt";
- get_vma:
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, name);
- dyn.d_un.d_ptr = s->vma;
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, ".rel.plt");
- if (s->_cooked_size != 0)
- dyn.d_un.d_val = s->_cooked_size;
- else
- dyn.d_un.d_val = s->_raw_size;
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- case DT_RELSZ:
- /* My reading of the SVR4 ABI indicates that the
- procedure linkage table relocs (DT_JMPREL) should be
- included in the overall relocs (DT_REL). This is
- what Solaris does. However, UnixWare can not handle
- that case. Therefore, we override the DT_RELSZ entry
- here to make it not include the JMPREL relocs. Since
- the linker script arranges for .rel.plt to follow all
- other relocation sections, we don't have to worry
- about changing the DT_REL entry. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, ".rel.plt");
- if (s != NULL)
- {
- if (s->_cooked_size != 0)
- dyn.d_un.d_val -= s->_cooked_size;
- else
- dyn.d_un.d_val -= s->_raw_size;
- }
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Fill in the first entry in the procedure linkage table. */
- if (splt->_raw_size > 0)
- {
- if (info->shared)
- memcpy (splt->contents, elf_i386_pic_plt0_entry, PLT_ENTRY_SIZE);
- else
- {
- memcpy (splt->contents, elf_i386_plt0_entry, PLT_ENTRY_SIZE);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- sgot->output_section->vma + sgot->output_offset + 4,
- splt->contents + 2);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- sgot->output_section->vma + sgot->output_offset + 8,
- splt->contents + 8);
- }
- }
- /* UnixWare sets the entsize of .plt to 4, although that doesn't
- really seem like the right value. */
- elf_section_data (splt->output_section)->this_hdr.sh_entsize = 4;
- }
- /* Fill in the first three entries in the global offset table. */
- if (sgot->_raw_size > 0)
- {
- if (sdyn == NULL)
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, (bfd_vma) 0, sgot->contents);
- else
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- sdyn->output_section->vma + sdyn->output_offset,
- sgot->contents);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, (bfd_vma) 0, sgot->contents + 4);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, (bfd_vma) 0, sgot->contents + 8);
- }
- elf_section_data (sgot->output_section)->this_hdr.sh_entsize = 4;
- return true;
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_SYM bfd_elf32_i386_vec
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_NAME "elf32-i386"
-#define ELF_ARCH bfd_arch_i386
-#define ELF_MACHINE_CODE EM_386
-#define elf_info_to_howto elf_i386_info_to_howto
-#define elf_info_to_howto_rel elf_i386_info_to_howto_rel
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_reloc_type_lookup elf_i386_reloc_type_lookup
-#define ELF_MAXPAGESIZE 0x1000
-#define elf_backend_create_dynamic_sections \
- _bfd_elf_create_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_check_relocs elf_i386_check_relocs
-#define elf_backend_adjust_dynamic_symbol \
- elf_i386_adjust_dynamic_symbol
-#define elf_backend_size_dynamic_sections \
- elf_i386_size_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_relocate_section elf_i386_relocate_section
-#define elf_backend_finish_dynamic_symbol \
- elf_i386_finish_dynamic_symbol
-#define elf_backend_finish_dynamic_sections \
- elf_i386_finish_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_want_got_plt 1
-#define elf_backend_plt_readonly 1
-#define elf_backend_want_plt_sym 0
-#include "elf32-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-i860.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-i860.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a8537a75508f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-i860.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* Intel 860 specific support for 32-bit ELF
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "elf-bfd.h"
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_reloc_type_lookup bfd_default_reloc_type_lookup
-#define elf_info_to_howto _bfd_elf_no_info_to_howto
-#define TARGET_BIG_SYM bfd_elf32_i860_vec
-#define TARGET_BIG_NAME "elf32-i860"
-#define ELF_ARCH bfd_arch_i860
-#define ELF_MACHINE_CODE EM_860
-#include "elf32-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-m68k.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-m68k.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 752dfaed2270..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-m68k.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1600 +0,0 @@
-/* Motorola 68k series support for 32-bit ELF
- Copyright 1993, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "elf-bfd.h"
-static reloc_howto_type *reloc_type_lookup
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_reloc_code_real_type));
-static void rtype_to_howto
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, Elf32_Internal_Rela *));
-static void rtype_to_howto_rel
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, Elf32_Internal_Rel *));
-static boolean elf_m68k_check_relocs
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, asection *,
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *));
-static boolean elf_m68k_adjust_dynamic_symbol
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, struct elf_link_hash_entry *));
-static boolean elf_m68k_size_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean elf_m68k_relocate_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *,
- Elf_Internal_Rela *, Elf_Internal_Sym *, asection **));
-static boolean elf_m68k_finish_dynamic_symbol
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct elf_link_hash_entry *,
- Elf_Internal_Sym *));
-static boolean elf_m68k_finish_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-/* elf32 m68k code, generated by elf.el */
-enum reloc_type {
- R_68K_NONE = 0,
- R_68K_32 = 1,
- R_68K_16 = 2,
- R_68K_8 = 3,
- R_68K_PC32 = 4,
- R_68K_PC16 = 5,
- R_68K_PC8 = 6,
- R_68K_GOT32 = 7,
- R_68K_GOT16 = 8,
- R_68K_GOT8 = 9,
- R_68K_GOT32O = 10,
- R_68K_GOT16O = 11,
- R_68K_GOT8O = 12,
- R_68K_PLT32 = 13,
- R_68K_PLT16 = 14,
- R_68K_PLT8 = 15,
- R_68K_PLT32O = 16,
- R_68K_PLT16O = 17,
- R_68K_PLT8O = 18,
- R_68K_COPY = 19,
- R_68K_GLOB_DAT = 20,
- R_68K_JMP_SLOT = 21,
- R_68K_RELATIVE = 22,
- R_68K__max
-static reloc_howto_type howto_table[] = {
- HOWTO(R_68K_NONE, 0, 0, 0, false,0, complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_NONE", false, 0, 0x00000000,false),
- HOWTO(R_68K_32, 0, 2,32, false,0, complain_overflow_bitfield, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_32", false, 0, 0xffffffff,false),
- HOWTO(R_68K_16, 0, 1,16, false,0, complain_overflow_bitfield, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_16", false, 0, 0x0000ffff,false),
- HOWTO(R_68K_8, 0, 0, 8, false,0, complain_overflow_bitfield, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_8", false, 0, 0x000000ff,false),
- HOWTO(R_68K_PC32, 0, 2,32, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_PC32", false, 0, 0xffffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_68K_PC16, 0, 1,16, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_PC16", false, 0, 0x0000ffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_68K_PC8, 0, 0, 8, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_PC8", false, 0, 0x000000ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_68K_GOT32, 0, 2,32, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_GOT32", false, 0, 0xffffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_68K_GOT16, 0, 1,16, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_GOT16", false, 0, 0x0000ffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_68K_GOT8, 0, 0, 8, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_GOT8", false, 0, 0x000000ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_68K_GOT32O, 0, 2,32, false,0, complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_GOT32O", false, 0, 0xffffffff,false),
- HOWTO(R_68K_GOT16O, 0, 1,16, false,0, complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_GOT16O", false, 0, 0x0000ffff,false),
- HOWTO(R_68K_GOT8O, 0, 0, 8, false,0, complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_GOT8O", false, 0, 0x000000ff,false),
- HOWTO(R_68K_PLT32, 0, 2,32, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_PLT32", false, 0, 0xffffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_68K_PLT16, 0, 1,16, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_PLT16", false, 0, 0x0000ffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_68K_PLT8, 0, 0, 8, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_PLT8", false, 0, 0x000000ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_68K_PLT32O, 0, 2,32, false,0, complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_PLT32O", false, 0, 0xffffffff,false),
- HOWTO(R_68K_PLT16O, 0, 1,16, false,0, complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_PLT16O", false, 0, 0x0000ffff,false),
- HOWTO(R_68K_PLT8O, 0, 0, 8, false,0, complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_PLT8O", false, 0, 0x000000ff,false),
- HOWTO(R_68K_COPY, 0, 0, 0, false,0, complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_COPY", false, 0, 0xffffffff,false),
- HOWTO(R_68K_GLOB_DAT, 0, 2,32, false,0, complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_GLOB_DAT", false, 0, 0xffffffff,false),
- HOWTO(R_68K_JMP_SLOT, 0, 2,32, false,0, complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_JMP_SLOT", false, 0, 0xffffffff,false),
- HOWTO(R_68K_RELATIVE, 0, 2,32, false,0, complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_68K_RELATIVE", false, 0, 0xffffffff,false),
-static void
-rtype_to_howto (abfd, cache_ptr, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *dst;
- BFD_ASSERT (ELF32_R_TYPE(dst->r_info) < (unsigned int) R_68K__max);
- cache_ptr->howto = &howto_table[ELF32_R_TYPE(dst->r_info)];
-static void
-rtype_to_howto_rel (abfd, cache_ptr, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- Elf_Internal_Rel *dst;
- BFD_ASSERT (ELF32_R_TYPE(dst->r_info) < (unsigned int) R_68K__max);
- cache_ptr->howto = &howto_table[ELF32_R_TYPE(dst->r_info)];
-#define elf_info_to_howto rtype_to_howto
-#define elf_info_to_howto_rel rtype_to_howto_rel
-static const struct { unsigned char bfd_val, elf_val; } reloc_map[] = {
- { BFD_RELOC_32, R_68K_32 },
- { BFD_RELOC_16, R_68K_16 },
- { BFD_RELOC_8, R_68K_8 },
- { BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL, R_68K_PC32 },
- { BFD_RELOC_16_PCREL, R_68K_PC16 },
- { BFD_RELOC_8_PCREL, R_68K_PC8 },
- { BFD_RELOC_32_GOT_PCREL, R_68K_GOT32 },
- { BFD_RELOC_16_GOT_PCREL, R_68K_GOT16 },
- { BFD_RELOC_32_GOTOFF, R_68K_GOT32O },
- { BFD_RELOC_16_GOTOFF, R_68K_GOT16O },
- { BFD_RELOC_32_PLT_PCREL, R_68K_PLT32 },
- { BFD_RELOC_16_PLT_PCREL, R_68K_PLT16 },
- { BFD_RELOC_32_PLTOFF, R_68K_PLT32O },
- { BFD_RELOC_16_PLTOFF, R_68K_PLT16O },
- { BFD_RELOC_CTOR, R_68K_32 },
-static reloc_howto_type *
-reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (reloc_map) / sizeof (reloc_map[0]); i++)
- {
- if (reloc_map[i].bfd_val == code)
- return &howto_table[(int) reloc_map[i].elf_val];
- }
- return 0;
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_reloc_type_lookup reloc_type_lookup
-#define ELF_ARCH bfd_arch_m68k
-/* end code generated by elf.el */
-#define USE_RELA
-/* Functions for the m68k ELF linker. */
-/* The name of the dynamic interpreter. This is put in the .interp
- section. */
-#define ELF_DYNAMIC_INTERPRETER "/usr/lib/"
-/* The size in bytes of an entry in the procedure linkage table. */
-#define PLT_ENTRY_SIZE 20
-/* The first entry in a procedure linkage table looks like this. See
- the SVR4 ABI m68k supplement to see how this works. */
-static const bfd_byte elf_m68k_plt0_entry[PLT_ENTRY_SIZE] =
- 0x2f, 0x3b, 0x01, 0x70, /* move.l (%pc,addr),-(%sp) */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, /* replaced with offset to .got + 4. */
- 0x4e, 0xfb, 0x01, 0x71, /* jmp ([%pc,addr]) */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, /* replaced with offset to .got + 8. */
- 0, 0, 0, 0 /* pad out to 20 bytes. */
-/* Subsequent entries in a procedure linkage table look like this. */
-static const bfd_byte elf_m68k_plt_entry[PLT_ENTRY_SIZE] =
- 0x4e, 0xfb, 0x01, 0x71, /* jmp ([%pc,symbol@GOTPC]) */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, /* replaced with offset to symbol's .got entry. */
- 0x2f, 0x3c, /* move.l #offset,-(%sp) */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, /* replaced with offset into relocation table. */
- 0x60, 0xff, /* bra.l .plt */
- 0, 0, 0, 0 /* replaced with offset to start of .plt. */
-/* Look through the relocs for a section during the first phase, and
- allocate space in the global offset table or procedure linkage
- table. */
-static boolean
-elf_m68k_check_relocs (abfd, info, sec, relocs)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *sec;
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs;
- bfd *dynobj;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- bfd_vma *local_got_offsets;
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *rel;
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *rel_end;
- asection *sgot;
- asection *srelgot;
- asection *sreloc;
- if (info->relocateable)
- return true;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
- sym_hashes = elf_sym_hashes (abfd);
- local_got_offsets = elf_local_got_offsets (abfd);
- sgot = NULL;
- srelgot = NULL;
- sreloc = NULL;
- rel_end = relocs + sec->reloc_count;
- for (rel = relocs; rel < rel_end; rel++)
- {
- unsigned long r_symndx;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- r_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rel->r_info);
- if (r_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- h = NULL;
- else
- h = sym_hashes[r_symndx - symtab_hdr->sh_info];
- switch (ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->r_info))
- {
- case R_68K_GOT8:
- case R_68K_GOT16:
- case R_68K_GOT32:
- if (h != NULL
- && strcmp (h->root.root.string, "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_") == 0)
- break;
- /* Fall through. */
- case R_68K_GOT8O:
- case R_68K_GOT16O:
- case R_68K_GOT32O:
- /* This symbol requires a global offset table entry. */
- if (dynobj == NULL)
- {
- /* Create the .got section. */
- elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj = dynobj = abfd;
- if (!_bfd_elf_create_got_section (dynobj, info))
- return false;
- }
- if (sgot == NULL)
- {
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL);
- }
- if (srelgot == NULL
- && (h != NULL || info->shared))
- {
- srelgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, "");
- if (srelgot == NULL)
- {
- srelgot = bfd_make_section (dynobj, "");
- if (srelgot == NULL
- || !bfd_set_section_flags (dynobj, srelgot,
- || !bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, srelgot, 2))
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (h != NULL)
- {
- if (h->got_offset != (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- /* We have already allocated space in the .got. */
- break;
- }
- h->got_offset = sgot->_raw_size;
- /* Make sure this symbol is output as a dynamic symbol. */
- if (h->dynindx == -1)
- {
- if (!bfd_elf32_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- }
- srelgot->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is a global offset table entry for a local
- symbol. */
- if (local_got_offsets == NULL)
- {
- size_t size;
- register unsigned int i;
- size = symtab_hdr->sh_info * sizeof (bfd_vma);
- local_got_offsets = (bfd_vma *) bfd_alloc (abfd, size);
- if (local_got_offsets == NULL)
- return false;
- elf_local_got_offsets (abfd) = local_got_offsets;
- for (i = 0; i < symtab_hdr->sh_info; i++)
- local_got_offsets[i] = (bfd_vma) -1;
- }
- if (local_got_offsets[r_symndx] != (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- /* We have already allocated space in the .got. */
- break;
- }
- local_got_offsets[r_symndx] = sgot->_raw_size;
- if (info->shared)
- {
- /* If we are generating a shared object, we need to
- output a R_68K_RELATIVE reloc so that the dynamic
- linker can adjust this GOT entry. */
- srelgot->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
- }
- }
- sgot->_raw_size += 4;
- break;
- case R_68K_PLT8:
- case R_68K_PLT16:
- case R_68K_PLT32:
- /* This symbol requires a procedure linkage table entry. We
- actually build the entry in adjust_dynamic_symbol,
- because this might be a case of linking PIC code which is
- never referenced by a dynamic object, in which case we
- don't need to generate a procedure linkage table entry
- after all. */
- /* If this is a local symbol, we resolve it directly without
- creating a procedure linkage table entry. */
- if (h == NULL)
- continue;
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT;
- break;
- case R_68K_PLT8O:
- case R_68K_PLT16O:
- case R_68K_PLT32O:
- /* This symbol requires a procedure linkage table entry. */
- if (h == NULL)
- {
- /* It does not make sense to have this relocation for a
- local symbol. FIXME: does it? How to handle it if
- it does make sense? */
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- /* Make sure this symbol is output as a dynamic symbol. */
- if (h->dynindx == -1)
- {
- if (!bfd_elf32_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- }
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT;
- break;
- case R_68K_PC8:
- case R_68K_PC16:
- case R_68K_PC32:
- if (h == NULL)
- break;
- /* Fall through. */
- case R_68K_8:
- case R_68K_16:
- case R_68K_32:
- if (info->shared
- && (sec->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0
- && ((ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->r_info) != R_68K_PC8
- && ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->r_info) != R_68K_PC16
- && ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->r_info) != R_68K_PC32)
- || (!info->symbolic
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- {
- /* When creating a shared object, we must copy these
- reloc types into the output file. We create a reloc
- section in dynobj and make room for this reloc. */
- if (sreloc == NULL)
- {
- const char *name;
- name = (bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section
- (abfd,
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_shstrndx,
- elf_section_data (sec)->rel_hdr.sh_name));
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- BFD_ASSERT (strncmp (name, ".rela", 5) == 0
- && strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec),
- name + 5) == 0);
- sreloc = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, name);
- if (sreloc == NULL)
- {
- sreloc = bfd_make_section (dynobj, name);
- if (sreloc == NULL
- || !bfd_set_section_flags (dynobj, sreloc,
- || !bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, sreloc, 2))
- return false;
- }
- }
- sreloc->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Adjust a symbol defined by a dynamic object and referenced by a
- regular object. The current definition is in some section of the
- dynamic object, but we're not including those sections. We have to
- change the definition to something the rest of the link can
- understand. */
-static boolean
-elf_m68k_adjust_dynamic_symbol (info, h)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- bfd *dynobj;
- asection *s;
- unsigned int power_of_two;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- /* Make sure we know what is going on here. */
- BFD_ASSERT (dynobj != NULL
- && ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT)
- || h->weakdef != NULL
- || ((h->elf_link_hash_flags
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- /* If this is a function, put it in the procedure linkage table. We
- will fill in the contents of the procedure linkage table later,
- when we know the address of the .got section. */
- if (h->type == STT_FUNC
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT) != 0)
- {
- if (! info->shared
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_DYNAMIC) == 0
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_REF_DYNAMIC) == 0
- /* We must always create the plt entry if it was referenced
- by a PLTxxO relocation. In this case we already recorded
- it as a dynamic symbol. */
- && h->dynindx == -1)
- {
- /* This case can occur if we saw a PLTxx reloc in an input
- file, but the symbol was never referred to by a dynamic
- object. In such a case, we don't actually need to build
- a procedure linkage table, and we can just do a PCxx
- reloc instead. */
- BFD_ASSERT ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT) != 0);
- return true;
- }
- /* Make sure this symbol is output as a dynamic symbol. */
- if (h->dynindx == -1)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- }
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- /* If this is the first .plt entry, make room for the special
- first entry. */
- if (s->_raw_size == 0)
- s->_raw_size += PLT_ENTRY_SIZE;
- /* If this symbol is not defined in a regular file, and we are
- not generating a shared library, then set the symbol to this
- location in the .plt. This is required to make function
- pointers compare as equal between the normal executable and
- the shared library. */
- if (!info->shared
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR) == 0)
- {
- h->root.u.def.section = s;
- h->root.u.def.value = s->_raw_size;
- }
- h->plt_offset = s->_raw_size;
- /* Make room for this entry. */
- s->_raw_size += PLT_ENTRY_SIZE;
- /* We also need to make an entry in the .got.plt section, which
- will be placed in the .got section by the linker script. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got.plt");
- s->_raw_size += 4;
- /* We also need to make an entry in the .rela.plt section. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".rela.plt");
- s->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
- return true;
- }
- /* If this is a weak symbol, and there is a real definition, the
- processor independent code will have arranged for us to see the
- real definition first, and we can just use the same value. */
- if (h->weakdef != NULL)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (h->weakdef->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->weakdef->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak);
- h->root.u.def.section = h->weakdef->root.u.def.section;
- h->root.u.def.value = h->weakdef->root.u.def.value;
- return true;
- }
- /* This is a reference to a symbol defined by a dynamic object which
- is not a function. */
- /* If we are creating a shared library, we must presume that the
- only references to the symbol are via the global offset table.
- For such cases we need not do anything here; the relocations will
- be handled correctly by relocate_section. */
- if (info->shared)
- return true;
- /* We must allocate the symbol in our .dynbss section, which will
- become part of the .bss section of the executable. There will be
- an entry for this symbol in the .dynsym section. The dynamic
- object will contain position independent code, so all references
- from the dynamic object to this symbol will go through the global
- offset table. The dynamic linker will use the .dynsym entry to
- determine the address it must put in the global offset table, so
- both the dynamic object and the regular object will refer to the
- same memory location for the variable. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynbss");
- /* If the symbol is currently defined in the .bss section of the
- dynamic object, then it is OK to simply initialize it to zero.
- If the symbol is in some other section, we must generate a
- R_68K_COPY reloc to tell the dynamic linker to copy the initial
- value out of the dynamic object and into the runtime process
- image. We need to remember the offset into the .rela.bss section
- we are going to use. */
- if ((h->root.u.def.section->flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0)
- {
- asection *srel;
- srel = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".rela.bss");
- BFD_ASSERT (srel != NULL);
- srel->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_COPY;
- }
- /* We need to figure out the alignment required for this symbol. I
- have no idea how ELF linkers handle this. */
- power_of_two = bfd_log2 (h->size);
- if (power_of_two > 3)
- power_of_two = 3;
- /* Apply the required alignment. */
- s->_raw_size = BFD_ALIGN (s->_raw_size,
- (bfd_size_type) (1 << power_of_two));
- if (power_of_two > bfd_get_section_alignment (dynobj, s))
- {
- if (!bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, s, power_of_two))
- return false;
- }
- /* Define the symbol as being at this point in the section. */
- h->root.u.def.section = s;
- h->root.u.def.value = s->_raw_size;
- /* Increment the section size to make room for the symbol. */
- s->_raw_size += h->size;
- return true;
-/* Set the sizes of the dynamic sections. */
-static boolean
-elf_m68k_size_dynamic_sections (output_bfd, info)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *dynobj;
- asection *s;
- boolean plt;
- boolean relocs;
- boolean reltext;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- BFD_ASSERT (dynobj != NULL);
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- /* Set the contents of the .interp section to the interpreter. */
- if (!info->shared)
- {
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".interp");
- s->_raw_size = sizeof ELF_DYNAMIC_INTERPRETER;
- s->contents = (unsigned char *) ELF_DYNAMIC_INTERPRETER;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* We may have created entries in the section.
- However, if we are not creating the dynamic sections, we will
- not actually use these entries. Reset the size of,
- which will cause it to get stripped from the output file
- below. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, "");
- if (s != NULL)
- s->_raw_size = 0;
- }
- /* The check_relocs and adjust_dynamic_symbol entry points have
- determined the sizes of the various dynamic sections. Allocate
- memory for them. */
- plt = false;
- relocs = false;
- reltext = false;
- for (s = dynobj->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- const char *name;
- boolean strip;
- if ((s->flags & SEC_IN_MEMORY) == 0)
- continue;
- /* It's OK to base decisions on the section name, because none
- of the dynobj section names depend upon the input files. */
- name = bfd_get_section_name (dynobj, s);
- strip = false;
- if (strcmp (name, ".plt") == 0)
- {
- if (s->_raw_size == 0)
- {
- /* Strip this section if we don't need it; see the
- comment below. */
- strip = true;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Remember whether there is a PLT. */
- plt = true;
- }
- }
- else if (strncmp (name, ".rela", 5) == 0)
- {
- if (s->_raw_size == 0)
- {
- /* If we don't need this section, strip it from the
- output file. This is mostly to handle .rela.bss and
- .rela.plt. We must create both sections in
- create_dynamic_sections, because they must be created
- before the linker maps input sections to output
- sections. The linker does that before
- adjust_dynamic_symbol is called, and it is that
- function which decides whether anything needs to go
- into these sections. */
- strip = true;
- }
- else
- {
- asection *target;
- /* Remember whether there are any reloc sections other
- than .rela.plt. */
- if (strcmp (name, ".rela.plt") != 0)
- {
- relocs = true;
- /* If this relocation section applies to a read only
- section, then we probably need a DT_TEXTREL
- entry. .rela.plt is actually associated with
- .got.plt, which is never readonly. */
- target = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, name + 5);
- if (target != NULL
- && (target->flags & SEC_READONLY) != 0)
- reltext = true;
- }
- /* We use the reloc_count field as a counter if we need
- to copy relocs into the output file. */
- s->reloc_count = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (strncmp (name, ".got", 4) != 0)
- {
- /* It's not one of our sections, so don't allocate space. */
- continue;
- }
- if (strip)
- {
- asection **spp;
- for (spp = &s->output_section->owner->sections;
- *spp != s->output_section;
- spp = &(*spp)->next)
- ;
- *spp = s->output_section->next;
- --s->output_section->owner->section_count;
- continue;
- }
- /* Allocate memory for the section contents. */
- s->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (dynobj, s->_raw_size);
- if (s->contents == NULL && s->_raw_size != 0)
- return false;
- }
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- /* Add some entries to the .dynamic section. We fill in the
- values later, in elf_m68k_finish_dynamic_sections, but we
- must add the entries now so that we get the correct size for
- the .dynamic section. The DT_DEBUG entry is filled in by the
- dynamic linker and used by the debugger. */
- if (!info->shared)
- {
- if (!bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_DEBUG, 0))
- return false;
- }
- if (plt)
- {
- if (!bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_PLTGOT, 0)
- || !bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_PLTRELSZ, 0)
- || !bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_PLTREL, DT_RELA)
- || !bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_JMPREL, 0))
- return false;
- }
- if (relocs)
- {
- if (!bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_RELA, 0)
- || !bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_RELASZ, 0)
- || !bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_RELAENT,
- sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela)))
- return false;
- }
- if (reltext)
- {
- if (!bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_TEXTREL, 0))
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Relocate an M68K ELF section. */
-static boolean
-elf_m68k_relocate_section (output_bfd, info, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, relocs, local_syms, local_sections)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *local_syms;
- asection **local_sections;
- bfd *dynobj;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- bfd_vma *local_got_offsets;
- asection *sgot;
- asection *splt;
- asection *sreloc;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *rel;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relend;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (input_bfd)->symtab_hdr;
- sym_hashes = elf_sym_hashes (input_bfd);
- local_got_offsets = elf_local_got_offsets (input_bfd);
- sgot = NULL;
- splt = NULL;
- sreloc = NULL;
- rel = relocs;
- relend = relocs + input_section->reloc_count;
- for (; rel < relend; rel++)
- {
- int r_type;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- unsigned long r_symndx;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *sym;
- asection *sec;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_reloc_status_type r;
- r_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->r_info);
- if (r_type < 0 || r_type >= (int) R_68K__max)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- howto = howto_table + r_type;
- r_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rel->r_info);
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- /* This is a relocateable link. We don't have to change
- anything, unless the reloc is against a section symbol,
- in which case we have to adjust according to where the
- section symbol winds up in the output section. */
- if (r_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- {
- sym = local_syms + r_symndx;
- if (ELF_ST_TYPE (sym->st_info) == STT_SECTION)
- {
- sec = local_sections[r_symndx];
- rel->r_addend += sec->output_offset + sym->st_value;
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- /* This is a final link. */
- h = NULL;
- sym = NULL;
- sec = NULL;
- if (r_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- {
- sym = local_syms + r_symndx;
- sec = local_sections[r_symndx];
- relocation = (sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset
- + sym->st_value);
- }
- else
- {
- h = sym_hashes[r_symndx - symtab_hdr->sh_info];
- while (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_warning)
- h = (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) h->;
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- if (((r_type == R_68K_PLT8
- || r_type == R_68K_PLT16
- || r_type == R_68K_PLT32
- || r_type == R_68K_PLT8O
- || r_type == R_68K_PLT16O
- || r_type == R_68K_PLT32O)
- && h->plt_offset != (bfd_vma) -1)
- || ((r_type == R_68K_GOT8O
- || r_type == R_68K_GOT16O
- || r_type == R_68K_GOT32O
- || ((r_type == R_68K_GOT8
- || r_type == R_68K_GOT16
- || r_type == R_68K_GOT32)
- && strcmp (h->root.root.string,
- && elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created
- && (! info->shared
- || ! info->symbolic
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- || (info->shared
- && (! info->symbolic
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- && (input_section->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0
- && (r_type == R_68K_8
- || r_type == R_68K_16
- || r_type == R_68K_32
- || r_type == R_68K_PC8
- || r_type == R_68K_PC16
- || r_type == R_68K_PC32)))
- {
- /* In these cases, we don't need the relocation
- value. We check specially because in some
- obscure cases sec->output_section will be NULL. */
- relocation = 0;
- }
- else
- relocation = (h->root.u.def.value
- + sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset);
- }
- else if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- relocation = 0;
- else if (info->shared && !info->symbolic)
- relocation = 0;
- else
- {
- if (!(info->callbacks->undefined_symbol
- (info, h->root.root.string, input_bfd,
- input_section, rel->r_offset)))
- return false;
- relocation = 0;
- }
- }
- switch (r_type)
- {
- case R_68K_GOT8:
- case R_68K_GOT16:
- case R_68K_GOT32:
- /* Relocation is to the address of the entry for this symbol
- in the global offset table. */
- if (h != NULL
- && strcmp (h->root.root.string, "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_") == 0)
- break;
- /* Fall through. */
- case R_68K_GOT8O:
- case R_68K_GOT16O:
- case R_68K_GOT32O:
- /* Relocation is the offset of the entry for this symbol in
- the global offset table. */
- {
- bfd_vma off;
- if (sgot == NULL)
- {
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL);
- }
- if (h != NULL)
- {
- off = h->got_offset;
- BFD_ASSERT (off != (bfd_vma) -1);
- if (!elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created
- || (info->shared
- && info->symbolic
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR)))
- {
- /* This is actually a static link, or it is a
- -Bsymbolic link and the symbol is defined
- locally. We must initialize this entry in the
- global offset table. Since the offset must
- always be a multiple of 4, we use the least
- significant bit to record whether we have
- initialized it already.
- When doing a dynamic link, we create a
- relocation entry to initialize the value. This
- is done in the finish_dynamic_symbol routine. */
- if ((off & 1) != 0)
- off &= ~1;
- else
- {
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, relocation,
- sgot->contents + off);
- h->got_offset |= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (local_got_offsets != NULL
- && local_got_offsets[r_symndx] != (bfd_vma) -1);
- off = local_got_offsets[r_symndx];
- /* The offset must always be a multiple of 4. We use
- the least significant bit to record whether we have
- already generated the necessary reloc. */
- if ((off & 1) != 0)
- off &= ~1;
- else
- {
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, relocation, sgot->contents + off);
- if (info->shared)
- {
- asection *srelgot;
- Elf_Internal_Rela outrel;
- srelgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, "");
- BFD_ASSERT (srelgot != NULL);
- outrel.r_offset = (sgot->output_section->vma
- + sgot->output_offset
- + off);
- outrel.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (0, R_68K_RELATIVE);
- outrel.r_addend = relocation;
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &outrel,
- (((Elf32_External_Rela *)
- srelgot->contents)
- + srelgot->reloc_count));
- ++srelgot->reloc_count;
- }
- local_got_offsets[r_symndx] |= 1;
- }
- }
- relocation = sgot->output_offset + off;
- if (r_type == R_68K_GOT8O
- || r_type == R_68K_GOT16O
- || r_type == R_68K_GOT32O)
- {
- /* This relocation does not use the addend. */
- rel->r_addend = 0;
- }
- else
- relocation += sgot->output_section->vma;
- }
- break;
- case R_68K_PLT8:
- case R_68K_PLT16:
- case R_68K_PLT32:
- /* Relocation is to the entry for this symbol in the
- procedure linkage table. */
- /* Resolve a PLTxx reloc against a local symbol directly,
- without using the procedure linkage table. */
- if (h == NULL)
- break;
- if (h->plt_offset == (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- /* We didn't make a PLT entry for this symbol. This
- happens when statically linking PIC code, or when
- using -Bsymbolic. */
- break;
- }
- if (splt == NULL)
- {
- splt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- BFD_ASSERT (splt != NULL);
- }
- relocation = (splt->output_section->vma
- + splt->output_offset
- + h->plt_offset);
- break;
- case R_68K_PLT8O:
- case R_68K_PLT16O:
- case R_68K_PLT32O:
- /* Relocation is the offset of the entry for this symbol in
- the procedure linkage table. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h != NULL && h->plt_offset == (bfd_vma) -1);
- if (splt == NULL)
- {
- splt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- BFD_ASSERT (splt != NULL);
- }
- relocation = h->plt_offset;
- /* This relocation does not use the addend. */
- rel->r_addend = 0;
- break;
- case R_68K_PC8:
- case R_68K_PC16:
- case R_68K_PC32:
- if (h == NULL)
- break;
- /* Fall through. */
- case R_68K_8:
- case R_68K_16:
- case R_68K_32:
- if (info->shared
- && (input_section->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0
- && ((r_type != R_68K_PC8
- && r_type != R_68K_PC16
- && r_type != R_68K_PC32)
- || (!info->symbolic
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- {
- Elf_Internal_Rela outrel;
- int relocate;
- /* When generating a shared object, these relocations
- are copied into the output file to be resolved at run
- time. */
- if (sreloc == NULL)
- {
- const char *name;
- name = (bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section
- (input_bfd,
- elf_elfheader (input_bfd)->e_shstrndx,
- elf_section_data (input_section)->rel_hdr.sh_name));
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- BFD_ASSERT (strncmp (name, ".rela", 5) == 0
- && strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (input_bfd,
- input_section),
- name + 5) == 0);
- sreloc = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, name);
- BFD_ASSERT (sreloc != NULL);
- }
- outrel.r_offset = (rel->r_offset
- + input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset);
- if (h != NULL
- && (! info->symbolic
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (h->dynindx != -1);
- relocate = false;
- outrel.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (h->dynindx, r_type);
- outrel.r_addend = relocation + rel->r_addend;
- }
- else
- {
- if (r_type == R_68K_32)
- {
- relocate = true;
- outrel.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (0, R_68K_RELATIVE);
- outrel.r_addend = relocation + rel->r_addend;
- }
- else
- {
- long indx;
- if (h == NULL)
- sec = local_sections[r_symndx];
- else
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || (h->root.type
- == bfd_link_hash_defweak));
- sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- }
- if (sec != NULL && bfd_is_abs_section (sec))
- indx = 0;
- else if (sec == NULL || sec->owner == NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- asection *osec;
- osec = sec->output_section;
- indx = elf_section_data (osec)->dynindx;
- if (indx == 0)
- abort ();
- }
- relocate = false;
- outrel.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (indx, r_type);
- outrel.r_addend = relocation + rel->r_addend;
- }
- }
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &outrel,
- (((Elf32_External_Rela *)
- sreloc->contents)
- + sreloc->reloc_count));
- ++sreloc->reloc_count;
- /* This reloc will be computed at runtime, so there's no
- need to do anything now, except for R_68K_32
- relocations that have been turned into
- R_68K_RELATIVE. */
- if (!relocate)
- continue;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- r = _bfd_final_link_relocate (howto, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, rel->r_offset,
- relocation, rel->r_addend);
- if (r != bfd_reloc_ok)
- {
- switch (r)
- {
- default:
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- {
- const char *name;
- if (h != NULL)
- name = h->root.root.string;
- else
- {
- name = bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section (input_bfd,
- symtab_hdr->sh_link,
- sym->st_name);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- if (*name == '\0')
- name = bfd_section_name (input_bfd, sec);
- }
- if (!(info->callbacks->reloc_overflow
- (info, name, howto->name, (bfd_vma) 0,
- input_bfd, input_section, rel->r_offset)))
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Finish up dynamic symbol handling. We set the contents of various
- dynamic sections here. */
-static boolean
-elf_m68k_finish_dynamic_symbol (output_bfd, info, h, sym)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *sym;
- bfd *dynobj;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- if (h->plt_offset != (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- asection *splt;
- asection *sgot;
- asection *srela;
- bfd_vma plt_index;
- bfd_vma got_offset;
- Elf_Internal_Rela rela;
- /* This symbol has an entry in the procedure linkage table. Set
- it up. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h->dynindx != -1);
- splt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got.plt");
- srela = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".rela.plt");
- BFD_ASSERT (splt != NULL && sgot != NULL && srela != NULL);
- /* Get the index in the procedure linkage table which
- corresponds to this symbol. This is the index of this symbol
- in all the symbols for which we are making plt entries. The
- first entry in the procedure linkage table is reserved. */
- plt_index = h->plt_offset / PLT_ENTRY_SIZE - 1;
- /* Get the offset into the .got table of the entry that
- corresponds to this function. Each .got entry is 4 bytes.
- The first three are reserved. */
- got_offset = (plt_index + 3) * 4;
- /* Fill in the entry in the procedure linkage table. */
- memcpy (splt->contents + h->plt_offset, elf_m68k_plt_entry,
- /* The offset is relative to the first extension word. */
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- (sgot->output_section->vma
- + sgot->output_offset
- + got_offset
- - (splt->output_section->vma
- + h->plt_offset + 2)),
- splt->contents + h->plt_offset + 4);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, plt_index * sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela),
- splt->contents + h->plt_offset + 10);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, - (h->plt_offset + 16),
- splt->contents + h->plt_offset + 16);
- /* Fill in the entry in the global offset table. */
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- (splt->output_section->vma
- + splt->output_offset
- + h->plt_offset
- + 8),
- sgot->contents + got_offset);
- /* Fill in the entry in the .rela.plt section. */
- rela.r_offset = (sgot->output_section->vma
- + sgot->output_offset
- + got_offset);
- rela.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (h->dynindx, R_68K_JMP_SLOT);
- rela.r_addend = 0;
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &rela,
- ((Elf32_External_Rela *) srela->contents
- + plt_index));
- if ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR) == 0)
- {
- /* Mark the symbol as undefined, rather than as defined in
- the .plt section. Leave the value alone. */
- sym->st_shndx = SHN_UNDEF;
- }
- }
- if (h->got_offset != (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- asection *sgot;
- asection *srela;
- Elf_Internal_Rela rela;
- /* This symbol has an entry in the global offset table. Set it
- up. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h->dynindx != -1);
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- srela = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, "");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL && srela != NULL);
- rela.r_offset = (sgot->output_section->vma
- + sgot->output_offset
- + (h->got_offset &~ 1));
- /* If this is a -Bsymbolic link, and the symbol is defined
- locally, we just want to emit a RELATIVE reloc. The entry in
- the global offset table will already have been initialized in
- the relocate_section function. */
- if (info->shared
- && info->symbolic
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR))
- {
- rela.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (0, R_68K_RELATIVE);
- rela.r_addend = bfd_get_32 (output_bfd,
- sgot->contents + (h->got_offset & ~1));
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, (bfd_vma) 0,
- sgot->contents + (h->got_offset & ~1));
- rela.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (h->dynindx, R_68K_GLOB_DAT);
- rela.r_addend = 0;
- }
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &rela,
- ((Elf32_External_Rela *) srela->contents
- + srela->reloc_count));
- ++srela->reloc_count;
- }
- if ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_COPY) != 0)
- {
- asection *s;
- Elf_Internal_Rela rela;
- /* This symbol needs a copy reloc. Set it up. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h->dynindx != -1
- && (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak));
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (h->root.u.def.section->owner,
- ".rela.bss");
- rela.r_offset = (h->root.u.def.value
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_offset);
- rela.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (h->dynindx, R_68K_COPY);
- rela.r_addend = 0;
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &rela,
- ((Elf32_External_Rela *) s->contents
- + s->reloc_count));
- ++s->reloc_count;
- }
- /* Mark _DYNAMIC and _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ as absolute. */
- if (strcmp (h->root.root.string, "_DYNAMIC") == 0
- || strcmp (h->root.root.string, "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_") == 0)
- sym->st_shndx = SHN_ABS;
- return true;
-/* Finish up the dynamic sections. */
-static boolean
-elf_m68k_finish_dynamic_sections (output_bfd, info)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *dynobj;
- asection *sgot;
- asection *sdyn;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got.plt");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL);
- sdyn = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynamic");
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- asection *splt;
- Elf32_External_Dyn *dyncon, *dynconend;
- splt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- BFD_ASSERT (splt != NULL && sdyn != NULL);
- dyncon = (Elf32_External_Dyn *) sdyn->contents;
- dynconend = (Elf32_External_Dyn *) (sdyn->contents + sdyn->_raw_size);
- for (; dyncon < dynconend; dyncon++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Dyn dyn;
- const char *name;
- asection *s;
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_in (dynobj, dyncon, &dyn);
- switch (dyn.d_tag)
- {
- default:
- break;
- case DT_PLTGOT:
- name = ".got";
- goto get_vma;
- case DT_JMPREL:
- name = ".rela.plt";
- get_vma:
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, name);
- dyn.d_un.d_ptr = s->vma;
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, ".rela.plt");
- if (s->_cooked_size != 0)
- dyn.d_un.d_val = s->_cooked_size;
- else
- dyn.d_un.d_val = s->_raw_size;
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- case DT_RELASZ:
- /* The procedure linkage table relocs (DT_JMPREL) should
- not be included in the overall relocs (DT_RELA).
- Therefore, we override the DT_RELASZ entry here to
- make it not include the JMPREL relocs. Since the
- linker script arranges for .rela.plt to follow all
- other relocation sections, we don't have to worry
- about changing the DT_RELA entry. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, ".rela.plt");
- if (s != NULL)
- {
- if (s->_cooked_size != 0)
- dyn.d_un.d_val -= s->_cooked_size;
- else
- dyn.d_un.d_val -= s->_raw_size;
- }
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Fill in the first entry in the procedure linkage table. */
- if (splt->_raw_size > 0)
- {
- memcpy (splt->contents, elf_m68k_plt0_entry, PLT_ENTRY_SIZE);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- (sgot->output_section->vma
- + sgot->output_offset + 4
- - (splt->output_section->vma + 2)),
- splt->contents + 4);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- (sgot->output_section->vma
- + sgot->output_offset + 8
- - (splt->output_section->vma + 10)),
- splt->contents + 12);
- }
- elf_section_data (splt->output_section)->this_hdr.sh_entsize
- }
- /* Fill in the first three entries in the global offset table. */
- if (sgot->_raw_size > 0)
- {
- if (sdyn == NULL)
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, (bfd_vma) 0, sgot->contents);
- else
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- sdyn->output_section->vma + sdyn->output_offset,
- sgot->contents);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, (bfd_vma) 0, sgot->contents + 4);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, (bfd_vma) 0, sgot->contents + 8);
- }
- elf_section_data (sgot->output_section)->this_hdr.sh_entsize = 4;
- return true;
-#define TARGET_BIG_SYM bfd_elf32_m68k_vec
-#define TARGET_BIG_NAME "elf32-m68k"
-#define ELF_MAXPAGESIZE 0x2000
-#define elf_backend_create_dynamic_sections \
- _bfd_elf_create_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_check_relocs elf_m68k_check_relocs
-#define elf_backend_adjust_dynamic_symbol \
- elf_m68k_adjust_dynamic_symbol
-#define elf_backend_size_dynamic_sections \
- elf_m68k_size_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_relocate_section elf_m68k_relocate_section
-#define elf_backend_finish_dynamic_symbol \
- elf_m68k_finish_dynamic_symbol
-#define elf_backend_finish_dynamic_sections \
- elf_m68k_finish_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_want_got_plt 1
-#define elf_backend_plt_readonly 1
-#define elf_backend_want_plt_sym 0
-#include "elf32-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-m88k.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-m88k.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f3c535e07764..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-m88k.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* Motorola 88k-specific support for 32-bit ELF
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "elf-bfd.h"
-/* This does not include any relocations, but should be good enough
- for GDB. */
-#define TARGET_BIG_SYM bfd_elf32_m88k_vec
-#define TARGET_BIG_NAME "elf32-m88k"
-#define ELF_ARCH bfd_arch_m88k
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_reloc_type_lookup bfd_default_reloc_type_lookup
-#define elf_info_to_howto _bfd_elf_no_info_to_howto
-#include "elf32-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-mips.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-mips.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ced0000e2c51..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-mips.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5867 +0,0 @@
-/* MIPS-specific support for 32-bit ELF
- Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Most of the information added by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support,
- <>.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file handles MIPS ELF targets. SGI Irix 5 uses a slightly
- different MIPS ELF from other targets. This matters when linking.
- This file supports both, switching at runtime. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "genlink.h"
-#include "elf-bfd.h"
-#include "elf/mips.h"
-/* Get the ECOFF swapping routines. */
-#include "coff/sym.h"
-#include "coff/symconst.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "coff/ecoff.h"
-#include "coff/mips.h"
-#define ECOFF_32
-#include "ecoffswap.h"
-static bfd_reloc_status_type mips_elf_hi16_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type mips_elf_got16_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type mips_elf_lo16_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type mips_elf_gprel16_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type mips_elf_gprel32_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc,
- asymbol *symbol,
- PTR data,
- asection *section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error));
-static reloc_howto_type *bfd_elf32_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_reloc_code_real_type));
-static void mips_info_to_howto_rel
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, Elf32_Internal_Rel *));
-static void bfd_mips_elf32_swap_gptab_in
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const Elf32_External_gptab *, Elf32_gptab *));
-static void bfd_mips_elf32_swap_gptab_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const Elf32_gptab *, Elf32_External_gptab *));
-static boolean mips_elf_sym_is_global PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
-static boolean mips_elf_object_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean mips_elf_create_procedure_table
- PARAMS ((PTR, bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, asection *,
- struct ecoff_debug_info *));
-static int mips_elf_additional_program_headers PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean mips_elf_modify_segment_map PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static void mips_elf_final_write_processing
- PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean));
-static boolean mips_elf_set_private_flags PARAMS ((bfd *, flagword));
-static boolean mips_elf_copy_private_bfd_data PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-static boolean mips_elf_merge_private_bfd_data PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-static boolean mips_elf_section_from_shdr
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf32_Internal_Shdr *, char *));
-static boolean mips_elf_fake_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf32_Internal_Shdr *, asection *));
-static boolean mips_elf_section_from_bfd_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf32_Internal_Shdr *, asection *, int *));
-static boolean mips_elf_section_processing
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf32_Internal_Shdr *));
-static void mips_elf_symbol_processing PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
-static boolean mips_elf_read_ecoff_info
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, struct ecoff_debug_info *));
-static boolean mips_elf_is_local_label
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
-static boolean mips_elf_find_nearest_line
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, asymbol **, bfd_vma, const char **,
- const char **, unsigned int *));
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *mips_elf_link_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
-static struct bfd_link_hash_table *mips_elf_link_hash_table_create
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static int gptab_compare PARAMS ((const void *, const void *));
-static boolean mips_elf_final_link
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static void mips_elf_relocate_hi16
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Rela *, Elf_Internal_Rela *, bfd_byte *,
- bfd_vma));
-static void mips_elf_relocate_got_local
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *, asection *, Elf_Internal_Rela *,
- Elf_Internal_Rela *, bfd_byte *, bfd_vma));
-static void mips_elf_relocate_global_got
- PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Rela *, bfd_byte *, bfd_vma));
-static boolean mips_elf_adjust_dynindx
- PARAMS ((struct elf_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
-static boolean mips_elf_relocate_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *,
- Elf_Internal_Rela *, Elf_Internal_Sym *, asection **));
-static boolean mips_elf_create_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean mips_elf_create_compact_rel_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean mips_elf_create_got_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean mips_elf_check_relocs
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, asection *,
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *));
-static boolean mips_elf_adjust_dynamic_symbol
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, struct elf_link_hash_entry *));
-static boolean mips_elf_size_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean mips_elf_finish_dynamic_symbol
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct elf_link_hash_entry *,
- Elf_Internal_Sym *));
-static boolean mips_elf_finish_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean mips_elf_add_symbol_hook
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const Elf_Internal_Sym *,
- const char **, flagword *, asection **, bfd_vma *));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type mips_elf_final_gp
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, boolean, char **, bfd_vma *));
-static bfd_byte *elf32_mips_get_relocated_section_contents
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_order *,
- bfd_byte *, boolean, asymbol **));
-/* This is true for Irix 5 executables, false for normal MIPS ELF ABI
- executables. FIXME: At the moment, we default to always generating
- Irix 5 executables. */
-#define SGI_COMPAT(abfd) (1)
-/* This structure is used to hold .got information when linking. It
- is stored in the tdata field of the bfd_elf_section_data structure. */
-struct mips_got_info
- /* The symbol index of the first global .got symbol. */
- unsigned long global_gotsym;
- /* The number of local .got entries. */
- unsigned int local_gotno;
-/* The number of local .got entries we reserve. */
-/* Instructions which appear in a stub. For some reason the stub is
- slightly different on an SGI system. */
-#define ELF_MIPS_GP_OFFSET(abfd) (SGI_COMPAT (abfd) ? 0x7ff0 : 0x8000)
-#define STUB_LW(abfd) \
- (SGI_COMPAT (abfd) \
- ? 0x8f998010 /* lw t9,0x8010(gp) */ \
- : 0x8f998000) /* lw t9,0x8000(gp) */
-#define STUB_MOVE 0x03e07825 /* move t7,ra */
-#define STUB_JALR 0x0320f809 /* jal t9 */
-#define STUB_LI16 0x34180000 /* ori t8,zero,0 */
-/* Names of sections which appear in the .dynsym section in an Irix 5
- executable. */
-static const char * const mips_elf_dynsym_sec_names[] =
- ".text",
- ".init",
- ".fini",
- ".data",
- ".rodata",
- ".sdata",
- ".sbss",
- ".bss",
- (sizeof mips_elf_dynsym_sec_names / sizeof mips_elf_dynsym_sec_names[0])
-/* The number of entries in mips_elf_dynsym_sec_names which go in the
- text segment. */
-/* The names of the runtime procedure table symbols used on Irix 5. */
-static const char * const mips_elf_dynsym_rtproc_names[] =
- "_procedure_table",
- "_procedure_string_table",
- "_procedure_table_size",
-/* These structures are used to generate the .compact_rel section on
- Irix 5. */
-typedef struct
- unsigned long id1; /* Always one? */
- unsigned long num; /* Number of compact relocation entries. */
- unsigned long id2; /* Always two? */
- unsigned long offset; /* The file offset of the first relocation. */
- unsigned long reserved0; /* Zero? */
- unsigned long reserved1; /* Zero? */
-} Elf32_compact_rel;
-typedef struct
- bfd_byte id1[4];
- bfd_byte num[4];
- bfd_byte id2[4];
- bfd_byte offset[4];
- bfd_byte reserved0[4];
- bfd_byte reserved1[4];
-} Elf32_External_compact_rel;
-typedef struct
- unsigned int ctype : 1; /* 1: long 0: short format. See below. */
- unsigned int rtype : 4; /* Relocation types. See below. */
- unsigned int dist2to : 8;
- unsigned int relvaddr : 19; /* (VADDR - vaddr of the previous entry)/ 4 */
- unsigned long konst; /* KONST field. See below. */
- unsigned long vaddr; /* VADDR to be relocated. */
-} Elf32_crinfo;
-typedef struct
- unsigned int ctype : 1; /* 1: long 0: short format. See below. */
- unsigned int rtype : 4; /* Relocation types. See below. */
- unsigned int dist2to : 8;
- unsigned int relvaddr : 19; /* (VADDR - vaddr of the previous entry)/ 4 */
- unsigned long konst; /* KONST field. See below. */
-} Elf32_crinfo2;
-typedef struct
- bfd_byte info[4];
- bfd_byte konst[4];
- bfd_byte vaddr[4];
-} Elf32_External_crinfo;
-typedef struct
- bfd_byte info[4];
- bfd_byte konst[4];
-} Elf32_External_crinfo2;
-/* These are the constants used to swap the bitfields in a crinfo. */
-#define CRINFO_CTYPE (0x1)
-#define CRINFO_CTYPE_SH (31)
-#define CRINFO_RTYPE (0xf)
-#define CRINFO_RTYPE_SH (27)
-#define CRINFO_DIST2TO (0xff)
-#define CRINFO_DIST2TO_SH (19)
-#define CRINFO_RELVADDR (0x7ffff)
-/* A compact relocation info has long (3 words) or short (2 words)
- formats. A short format doesn't have VADDR field and relvaddr
- fields contains ((VADDR - vaddr of the previous entry) >> 2). */
-#define CRF_MIPS_LONG 1
-#define CRF_MIPS_SHORT 0
-/* There are 4 types of compact relocation at least. The value KONST
- has different meaning for each type:
- (type) (konst)
- CT_MIPS_REL32 Address in data
- CT_MIPS_WORD Address in word (XXX)
- CT_MIPS_GPHI_LO GP - vaddr
- CT_MIPS_JMPAD Address to jump
- */
-#define CRT_MIPS_REL32 0xa
-#define CRT_MIPS_WORD 0xb
-#define CRT_MIPS_GPHI_LO 0xc
-#define CRT_MIPS_JMPAD 0xd
-#define mips_elf_set_cr_format(x,format) ((x).ctype = (format))
-#define mips_elf_set_cr_type(x,type) ((x).rtype = (type))
-#define mips_elf_set_cr_dist2to(x,v) ((x).dist2to = (v))
-#define mips_elf_set_cr_relvaddr(x,d) ((x).relvaddr = (d)<<2)
-static void bfd_elf32_swap_compact_rel_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const Elf32_compact_rel *, Elf32_External_compact_rel *));
-static void bfd_elf32_swap_crinfo_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const Elf32_crinfo *, Elf32_External_crinfo *));
-#define USE_REL 1 /* MIPS uses REL relocations instead of RELA */
-enum reloc_type
- R_MIPS_NONE = 0,
- R_MIPS_16, R_MIPS_32,
- R_MIPS_REL32, R_MIPS_26,
- /* The remaining relocs are defined on Irix, although they are not
- in the MIPS ELF ABI. */
- R_MIPS_max
-static reloc_howto_type elf_mips_howto_table[] =
- /* No relocation. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_NONE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 0, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_NONE", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 16 bit relocation. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 32 bit relocation. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_32, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 32 bit symbol relative relocation. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_REL32, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_REL32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 26 bit branch address. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_26, /* type */
- 2, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 26, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- /* This needs complex overflow
- detection, because the upper four
- bits must match the PC. */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_26", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x3ffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x3ffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* High 16 bits of symbol value. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_HI16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- mips_elf_hi16_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_HI16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Low 16 bits of symbol value. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_LO16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- mips_elf_lo16_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_LO16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* GP relative reference. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_GPREL16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- mips_elf_gprel16_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_GPREL16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Reference to literal section. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_LITERAL, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- mips_elf_gprel16_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_LITERAL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Reference to global offset table. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_GOT16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- mips_elf_got16_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_GOT16", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 16 bit PC relative reference. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_PC16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_PC16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 16 bit call through global offset table. */
- /* FIXME: This is not handled correctly. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_CALL16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_CALL16", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 32 bit GP relative reference. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_GPREL32, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- mips_elf_gprel32_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_GPREL32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* The remaining relocs are defined on Irix 5, although they are
- not defined by the ABI. */
- { 13 },
- { 14 },
- { 15 },
- /* A 5 bit shift field. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_SHIFT5, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 5, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 6, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_SHIFT5", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x000007c0, /* src_mask */
- 0x000007c0, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A 6 bit shift field. */
- /* FIXME: This is not handled correctly; a special function is
- needed to put the most significant bit in the right place. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_SHIFT6, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 6, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 6, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_SHIFT6", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x000007c4, /* src_mask */
- 0x000007c4, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A 64 bit relocation. Presumably not used in 32 bit ELF. */
- { R_MIPS_64 },
- /* Displacement in the global offset table. */
- /* FIXME: Not handled correctly. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_GOT_DISP, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_GOT_DISP", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x0000ffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x0000ffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Displacement to page pointer in the global offset table. */
- /* FIXME: Not handled correctly. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_GOT_PAGE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_GOT_PAGE", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x0000ffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x0000ffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Offset from page pointer in the global offset table. */
- /* FIXME: Not handled correctly. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_GOT_OFST, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_GOT_OFST", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x0000ffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x0000ffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* High 16 bits of displacement in global offset table. */
- /* FIXME: Not handled correctly. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_GOT_HI16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_GOT_HI16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x0000ffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x0000ffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Low 16 bits of displacement in global offset table. */
- /* FIXME: Not handled correctly. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_GOT_LO16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_GOT_LO16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x0000ffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x0000ffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 64 bit subtraction. Presumably not used in 32 bit ELF. */
- { R_MIPS_SUB },
- /* Used to cause the linker to insert and delete instructions? */
- /* Get the higher values of a 64 bit addend. Presumably not used in
- 32 bit ELF. */
- /* High 16 bits of displacement in global offset table. */
- /* FIXME: Not handled correctly. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_CALL_HI16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_CALL_HI16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x0000ffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x0000ffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Low 16 bits of displacement in global offset table. */
- /* FIXME: Not handled correctly. */
- HOWTO (R_MIPS_CALL_LO16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_MIPS_CALL_LO16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x0000ffff, /* src_mask */
- 0x0000ffff, /* dst_mask */
- false) /* pcrel_offset */
-/* Do a R_MIPS_HI16 relocation. This has to be done in combination
- with a R_MIPS_LO16 reloc, because there is a carry from the LO16 to
- the HI16. Here we just save the information we need; we do the
- actual relocation when we see the LO16. MIPS ELF requires that the
- LO16 immediately follow the HI16, so this ought to work. */
-static bfd_byte *mips_hi16_addr;
-static bfd_vma mips_hi16_addend;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-mips_elf_hi16_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- bfd_reloc_status_type ret;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- /* If we're relocating, and this an external symbol, we don't want
- to change anything. */
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) == 0
- && reloc_entry->addend == 0)
- {
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- ret = bfd_reloc_ok;
- if (strcmp (bfd_asymbol_name (symbol), "_gp_disp") == 0)
- {
- boolean relocateable;
- bfd_vma gp;
- if (ret == bfd_reloc_undefined)
- abort ();
- if (output_bfd != NULL)
- relocateable = true;
- else
- {
- relocateable = false;
- output_bfd = symbol->section->output_section->owner;
- }
- ret = mips_elf_final_gp (output_bfd, symbol, relocateable,
- error_message, &gp);
- if (ret != bfd_reloc_ok)
- return ret;
- relocation = gp - reloc_entry->address;
- }
- else
- {
- if (bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section)
- && output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- ret = bfd_reloc_undefined;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- relocation = 0;
- else
- relocation = symbol->value;
- }
- relocation += symbol->section->output_section->vma;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_offset;
- relocation += reloc_entry->addend;
- if (reloc_entry->address > input_section->_cooked_size)
- return bfd_reloc_outofrange;
- /* Save the information, and let LO16 do the actual relocation. */
- mips_hi16_addr = (bfd_byte *) data + reloc_entry->address;
- mips_hi16_addend = relocation;
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL)
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return ret;
-/* Do a R_MIPS_LO16 relocation. This is a straightforward 16 bit
- inplace relocation; this function exists in order to do the
- R_MIPS_HI16 relocation described above. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-mips_elf_lo16_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- arelent gp_disp_relent;
- if (mips_hi16_addr != (bfd_byte *) NULL)
- {
- unsigned long insn;
- unsigned long val;
- unsigned long vallo;
- /* Do the HI16 relocation. Note that we actually don't need to
- know anything about the LO16 itself, except where to find the
- low 16 bits of the addend needed by the LO16. */
- insn = bfd_get_32 (abfd, mips_hi16_addr);
- vallo = (bfd_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + reloc_entry->address)
- & 0xffff);
- val = ((insn & 0xffff) << 16) + vallo;
- val += mips_hi16_addend;
- /* The low order 16 bits are always treated as a signed value.
- Therefore, a negative value in the low order bits requires an
- adjustment in the high order bits. We need to make this
- adjustment in two ways: once for the bits we took from the
- data, and once for the bits we are putting back in to the
- data. */
- if ((vallo & 0x8000) != 0)
- val -= 0x10000;
- if ((val & 0x8000) != 0)
- val += 0x10000;
- insn = (insn &~ 0xffff) | ((val >> 16) & 0xffff);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, insn, mips_hi16_addr);
- mips_hi16_addr = (bfd_byte *) NULL;
- if (strcmp (bfd_asymbol_name (symbol), "_gp_disp") == 0)
- {
- gp_disp_relent = *reloc_entry;
- reloc_entry = &gp_disp_relent;
- reloc_entry->addend = mips_hi16_addend;
- }
- }
- else if (strcmp (bfd_asymbol_name (symbol), "_gp_disp") == 0)
- {
- bfd_reloc_status_type ret;
- bfd_vma gp, relocation;
- /* FIXME: Does this case ever occur? */
- ret = mips_elf_final_gp (output_bfd, symbol, true, error_message, &gp);
- if (ret != bfd_reloc_ok)
- return ret;
- relocation = gp - reloc_entry->address;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_section->vma;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_offset;
- relocation += reloc_entry->addend;
- if (reloc_entry->address > input_section->_cooked_size)
- return bfd_reloc_outofrange;
- gp_disp_relent = *reloc_entry;
- reloc_entry = &gp_disp_relent;
- reloc_entry->addend = relocation - 4;
- }
- /* Now do the LO16 reloc in the usual way. */
- return bfd_elf_generic_reloc (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data,
- input_section, output_bfd, error_message);
-/* Do a R_MIPS_GOT16 reloc. This is a reloc against the global offset
- table used for PIC code. If the symbol is an external symbol, the
- instruction is modified to contain the offset of the appropriate
- entry in the global offset table. If the symbol is a section
- symbol, the next reloc is a R_MIPS_LO16 reloc. The two 16 bit
- addends are combined to form the real addend against the section
- symbol; the GOT16 is modified to contain the offset of an entry in
- the global offset table, and the LO16 is modified to offset it
- appropriately. Thus an offset larger than 16 bits requires a
- modified value in the global offset table.
- This implementation suffices for the assembler, but the linker does
- not yet know how to create global offset tables. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-mips_elf_got16_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- /* If we're relocating, and this an external symbol, we don't want
- to change anything. */
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) == 0
- && reloc_entry->addend == 0)
- {
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- /* If we're relocating, and this is a local symbol, we can handle it
- just like HI16. */
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) != 0)
- return mips_elf_hi16_reloc (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data,
- input_section, output_bfd, error_message);
- abort ();
-/* We have to figure out the gp value, so that we can adjust the
- symbol value correctly. We look up the symbol _gp in the output
- BFD. If we can't find it, we're stuck. We cache it in the ELF
- target data. We don't need to adjust the symbol value for an
- external symbol if we are producing relocateable output. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-mips_elf_final_gp (output_bfd, symbol, relocateable, error_message, pgp)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- boolean relocateable;
- char **error_message;
- bfd_vma *pgp;
- if (bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section)
- && ! relocateable)
- {
- *pgp = 0;
- return bfd_reloc_undefined;
- }
- *pgp = _bfd_get_gp_value (output_bfd);
- if (*pgp == 0
- && (! relocateable
- || (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) != 0))
- {
- if (relocateable)
- {
- /* Make up a value. */
- *pgp = symbol->section->output_section->vma + 0x4000;
- _bfd_set_gp_value (output_bfd, *pgp);
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned int count;
- asymbol **sym;
- unsigned int i;
- count = bfd_get_symcount (output_bfd);
- sym = bfd_get_outsymbols (output_bfd);
- if (sym == (asymbol **) NULL)
- i = count;
- else
- {
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++, sym++)
- {
- register CONST char *name;
- name = bfd_asymbol_name (*sym);
- if (*name == '_' && strcmp (name, "_gp") == 0)
- {
- *pgp = bfd_asymbol_value (*sym);
- _bfd_set_gp_value (output_bfd, *pgp);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (i >= count)
- {
- /* Only get the error once. */
- *pgp = 4;
- _bfd_set_gp_value (output_bfd, *pgp);
- *error_message =
- (char *) "GP relative relocation when _gp not defined";
- return bfd_reloc_dangerous;
- }
- }
- }
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-/* Do a R_MIPS_GPREL16 relocation. This is a 16 bit value which must
- become the offset from the gp register. This function also handles
- R_MIPS_LITERAL relocations, although those can be handled more
- cleverly because the entries in the .lit8 and .lit4 sections can be
- merged. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type gprel16_with_gp PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *,
- arelent *, asection *,
- boolean, PTR, bfd_vma));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-mips_elf_gprel16_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- boolean relocateable;
- bfd_reloc_status_type ret;
- bfd_vma gp;
- /* If we're relocating, and this is an external symbol with no
- addend, we don't want to change anything. We will only have an
- addend if this is a newly created reloc, not read from an ELF
- file. */
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) == 0
- && reloc_entry->addend == 0)
- {
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL)
- relocateable = true;
- else
- {
- relocateable = false;
- output_bfd = symbol->section->output_section->owner;
- }
- ret = mips_elf_final_gp (output_bfd, symbol, relocateable, error_message,
- &gp);
- if (ret != bfd_reloc_ok)
- return ret;
- return gprel16_with_gp (abfd, symbol, reloc_entry, input_section,
- relocateable, data, gp);
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-gprel16_with_gp (abfd, symbol, reloc_entry, input_section, relocateable, data,
- gp)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asection *input_section;
- boolean relocateable;
- PTR data;
- bfd_vma gp;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- unsigned long insn;
- unsigned long val;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- relocation = 0;
- else
- relocation = symbol->value;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_section->vma;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_offset;
- if (reloc_entry->address > input_section->_cooked_size)
- return bfd_reloc_outofrange;
- insn = bfd_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + reloc_entry->address);
- /* Set val to the offset into the section or symbol. */
- val = ((insn & 0xffff) + reloc_entry->addend) & 0xffff;
- if (val & 0x8000)
- val -= 0x10000;
- /* Adjust val for the final section location and GP value. If we
- are producing relocateable output, we don't want to do this for
- an external symbol. */
- if (! relocateable
- || (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) != 0)
- val += relocation - gp;
- insn = (insn &~ 0xffff) | (val & 0xffff);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, insn, (bfd_byte *) data + reloc_entry->address);
- if (relocateable)
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- /* Make sure it fit in 16 bits. */
- if (val >= 0x8000 && val < 0xffff8000)
- return bfd_reloc_overflow;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-/* Do a R_MIPS_GPREL32 relocation. Is this 32 bit value the offset
- from the gp register? XXX */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type gprel32_with_gp PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *,
- arelent *, asection *,
- boolean, PTR, bfd_vma));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-mips_elf_gprel32_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- boolean relocateable;
- bfd_reloc_status_type ret;
- bfd_vma gp;
- /* If we're relocating, and this is an external symbol with no
- addend, we don't want to change anything. We will only have an
- addend if this is a newly created reloc, not read from an ELF
- file. */
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) == 0
- && reloc_entry->addend == 0)
- {
- *error_message = (char *)
- "32bits gp relative relocation occurs for an external symbol";
- return bfd_reloc_outofrange;
- }
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL)
- {
- relocateable = true;
- gp = _bfd_get_gp_value (output_bfd);
- }
- else
- {
- relocateable = false;
- output_bfd = symbol->section->output_section->owner;
- ret = mips_elf_final_gp (output_bfd, symbol, relocateable,
- error_message, &gp);
- if (ret != bfd_reloc_ok)
- return ret;
- }
- return gprel32_with_gp (abfd, symbol, reloc_entry, input_section,
- relocateable, data, gp);
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-gprel32_with_gp (abfd, symbol, reloc_entry, input_section, relocateable, data,
- gp)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asection *input_section;
- boolean relocateable;
- PTR data;
- bfd_vma gp;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- unsigned long val;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- relocation = 0;
- else
- relocation = symbol->value;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_section->vma;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_offset;
- if (reloc_entry->address > input_section->_cooked_size)
- return bfd_reloc_outofrange;
- val = bfd_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + reloc_entry->address);
- /* Set val to the offset into the section or symbol. */
- val += reloc_entry->addend;
- /* Adjust val for the final section location and GP value. If we
- are producing relocateable output, we don't want to do this for
- an external symbol. */
- if (! relocateable
- || (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) != 0)
- val += relocation - gp;
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, val, (bfd_byte *) data + reloc_entry->address);
- if (relocateable)
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-/* A mapping from BFD reloc types to MIPS ELF reloc types. */
-struct elf_reloc_map {
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type bfd_reloc_val;
- enum reloc_type elf_reloc_val;
-static CONST struct elf_reloc_map mips_reloc_map[] =
- { BFD_RELOC_16, R_MIPS_16 },
- { BFD_RELOC_32, R_MIPS_32 },
- { BFD_RELOC_HI16_S, R_MIPS_HI16 },
- { BFD_RELOC_LO16, R_MIPS_LO16 },
-/* Given a BFD reloc type, return a howto structure. */
-static reloc_howto_type *
-bfd_elf32_bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (mips_reloc_map) / sizeof (struct elf_reloc_map); i++)
- {
- if (mips_reloc_map[i].bfd_reloc_val == code)
- return &elf_mips_howto_table[(int) mips_reloc_map[i].elf_reloc_val];
- }
- return NULL;
-/* Given a MIPS reloc type, fill in an arelent structure. */
-static void
-mips_info_to_howto_rel (abfd, cache_ptr, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- Elf32_Internal_Rel *dst;
- unsigned int r_type;
- r_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (dst->r_info);
- BFD_ASSERT (r_type < (unsigned int) R_MIPS_max);
- cache_ptr->howto = &elf_mips_howto_table[r_type];
- /* The addend for a GPREL16 or LITERAL relocation comes from the GP
- value for the object file. We get the addend now, rather than
- when we do the relocation, because the symbol manipulations done
- by the linker may cause us to lose track of the input BFD. */
- if (((*cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr)->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) != 0
- && (r_type == (unsigned int) R_MIPS_GPREL16
- || r_type == (unsigned int) R_MIPS_LITERAL))
- cache_ptr->addend = elf_gp (abfd);
-/* A .reginfo section holds a single Elf32_RegInfo structure. These
- routines swap this structure in and out. They are used outside of
- BFD, so they are globally visible. */
-bfd_mips_elf32_swap_reginfo_in (abfd, ex, in)
- bfd *abfd;
- const Elf32_External_RegInfo *ex;
- Elf32_RegInfo *in;
- in->ri_gprmask = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ex->ri_gprmask);
- in->ri_cprmask[0] = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ex->ri_cprmask[0]);
- in->ri_cprmask[1] = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ex->ri_cprmask[1]);
- in->ri_cprmask[2] = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ex->ri_cprmask[2]);
- in->ri_cprmask[3] = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ex->ri_cprmask[3]);
- in->ri_gp_value = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ex->ri_gp_value);
-bfd_mips_elf32_swap_reginfo_out (abfd, in, ex)
- bfd *abfd;
- const Elf32_RegInfo *in;
- Elf32_External_RegInfo *ex;
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) in->ri_gprmask,
- (bfd_byte *) ex->ri_gprmask);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) in->ri_cprmask[0],
- (bfd_byte *) ex->ri_cprmask[0]);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) in->ri_cprmask[1],
- (bfd_byte *) ex->ri_cprmask[1]);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) in->ri_cprmask[2],
- (bfd_byte *) ex->ri_cprmask[2]);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) in->ri_cprmask[3],
- (bfd_byte *) ex->ri_cprmask[3]);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) in->ri_gp_value,
- (bfd_byte *) ex->ri_gp_value);
-/* Swap an entry in a .gptab section. Note that these routines rely
- on the equivalence of the two elements of the union. */
-static void
-bfd_mips_elf32_swap_gptab_in (abfd, ex, in)
- bfd *abfd;
- const Elf32_External_gptab *ex;
- Elf32_gptab *in;
- in->gt_entry.gt_g_value = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, ex->gt_entry.gt_g_value);
- in->gt_entry.gt_bytes = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, ex->gt_entry.gt_bytes);
-static void
-bfd_mips_elf32_swap_gptab_out (abfd, in, ex)
- bfd *abfd;
- const Elf32_gptab *in;
- Elf32_External_gptab *ex;
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) in->gt_entry.gt_g_value,
- ex->gt_entry.gt_g_value);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) in->gt_entry.gt_bytes,
- ex->gt_entry.gt_bytes);
-static void
-bfd_elf32_swap_compact_rel_out (abfd, in, ex)
- bfd *abfd;
- const Elf32_compact_rel *in;
- Elf32_External_compact_rel *ex;
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) in->id1, ex->id1);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) in->num, ex->num);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) in->id2, ex->id2);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) in->offset, ex->offset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) in->reserved0, ex->reserved0);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) in->reserved1, ex->reserved1);
-static void
-bfd_elf32_swap_crinfo_out (abfd, in, ex)
- bfd *abfd;
- const Elf32_crinfo *in;
- Elf32_External_crinfo *ex;
- unsigned long l;
- l = (((in->ctype & CRINFO_CTYPE) << CRINFO_CTYPE_SH)
- | ((in->rtype & CRINFO_RTYPE) << CRINFO_RTYPE_SH)
- | ((in->dist2to & CRINFO_DIST2TO) << CRINFO_DIST2TO_SH)
- | ((in->relvaddr & CRINFO_RELVADDR) << CRINFO_RELVADDR_SH));
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) l, ex->info);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) in->konst, ex->konst);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) in->vaddr, ex->vaddr);
-/* Determine whether a symbol is global for the purposes of splitting
- the symbol table into global symbols and local symbols. At least
- on Irix 5, this split must be between section symbols and all other
- symbols. On most ELF targets the split is between static symbols
- and externally visible symbols. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_sym_is_global (abfd, sym)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *sym;
- return (sym->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) == 0 ? true : false;
-/* Set the right machine number for a MIPS ELF file. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- switch (elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags & EF_MIPS_ARCH)
- {
- default:
- case E_MIPS_ARCH_1:
- /* Just use the default, which was set in elfcode.h. */
- break;
- case E_MIPS_ARCH_2:
- (void) bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, bfd_arch_mips, 6000);
- break;
- case E_MIPS_ARCH_3:
- (void) bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, bfd_arch_mips, 4000);
- break;
- }
- /* Irix 5 is broken. Object file symbol tables are not always
- sorted correctly such that local symbols precede global symbols,
- and the sh_info field in the symbol table is not always right. */
- elf_bad_symtab (abfd) = true;
- return true;
-/* The final processing done just before writing out a MIPS ELF object
- file. This gets the MIPS architecture right based on the machine
- number. */
-static void
-mips_elf_final_write_processing (abfd, linker)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean linker;
- unsigned long val;
- unsigned int i;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr **hdrpp;
- switch (bfd_get_mach (abfd))
- {
- case 3000:
- val = E_MIPS_ARCH_1;
- break;
- case 6000:
- val = E_MIPS_ARCH_2;
- break;
- case 4000:
- val = E_MIPS_ARCH_3;
- break;
- default:
- val = 0;
- break;
- }
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags &=~ EF_MIPS_ARCH;
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags |= val;
- /* Set the sh_info field for .gptab sections. */
- for (i = 1, hdrpp = elf_elfsections (abfd) + 1;
- i < elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_shnum;
- i++, hdrpp++)
- {
- if ((*hdrpp)->sh_type == SHT_MIPS_GPTAB)
- {
- const char *name;
- asection *sec;
- BFD_ASSERT ((*hdrpp)->bfd_section != NULL);
- name = bfd_get_section_name (abfd, (*hdrpp)->bfd_section);
- BFD_ASSERT (name != NULL
- && strncmp (name, ".gptab.", sizeof ".gptab." - 1) == 0);
- sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, name + sizeof ".gptab" - 1);
- BFD_ASSERT (sec != NULL);
- (*hdrpp)->sh_info = elf_section_data (sec)->this_idx;
- }
- }
-/* Function to keep MIPS specific file flags like as EF_MIPS_PIC. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_set_private_flags (abfd, flags)
- bfd *abfd;
- flagword flags;
- BFD_ASSERT (!elf_flags_init (abfd)
- || elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags == flags);
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags = flags;
- elf_flags_init (abfd) = true;
- return true;
-/* Copy backend specific data from one object module to another */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_copy_private_bfd_data (ibfd, obfd)
- bfd *ibfd;
- bfd *obfd;
- /* This function is selected based on the input vector. We only
- want to copy information over if the output BFD also uses Elf
- format. */
- if (bfd_get_flavour (obfd) != bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- return true;
- BFD_ASSERT (!elf_flags_init (obfd)
- || (elf_elfheader (obfd)->e_flags
- == elf_elfheader (ibfd)->e_flags));
- elf_elfheader (obfd)->e_flags = elf_elfheader (ibfd)->e_flags;
- elf_flags_init (obfd) = true;
- return true;
-/* Merge backend specific data from an object file to the output
- object file when linking. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_merge_private_bfd_data (ibfd, obfd)
- bfd *ibfd;
- bfd *obfd;
- flagword old_flags;
- flagword new_flags;
- /* Check if we have the same endianess */
- if (ibfd->xvec->byteorder != obfd->xvec->byteorder
- && obfd->xvec->byteorder != BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: compiled for a %s endian system and target is %s endian",
- bfd_get_filename (ibfd),
- bfd_big_endian (ibfd) ? "big" : "little",
- bfd_big_endian (obfd) ? "big" : "little");
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return false;
- }
- /* This function is selected based on the input vector. We only
- want to copy information over if the output BFD also uses Elf
- format. */
- if (bfd_get_flavour (obfd) != bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- return true;
- new_flags = elf_elfheader (ibfd)->e_flags;
- elf_elfheader (obfd)->e_flags |= new_flags & EF_MIPS_NOREORDER;
- old_flags = elf_elfheader (obfd)->e_flags;
- if (!elf_flags_init (obfd)) /* First call, no flags set */
- {
- elf_flags_init (obfd) = true;
- elf_elfheader (obfd)->e_flags = new_flags;
- }
- else if (((new_flags ^ old_flags) & ~EF_MIPS_NOREORDER)
- == 0) /* Compatible flags are ok */
- ;
- else /* Incompatible flags */
- {
- /* Warn about -fPIC mismatch */
- if ((new_flags & EF_MIPS_PIC) != (old_flags & EF_MIPS_PIC))
- {
- new_flags &= ~EF_MIPS_PIC;
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: needs all files compiled with -fPIC",
- bfd_get_filename (ibfd));
- }
- if ((new_flags & EF_MIPS_CPIC) != (old_flags & EF_MIPS_CPIC))
- {
- new_flags &= ~EF_MIPS_CPIC;
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: needs all files compiled with -mabicalls",
- bfd_get_filename (ibfd));
- }
- /* Warn about any other mismatches */
- if (new_flags != old_flags)
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: uses different e_flags (0x%lx) fields than previous modules (0x%lx)",
- bfd_get_filename (ibfd), (unsigned long) new_flags,
- (unsigned long) old_flags);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Handle a MIPS specific section when reading an object file. This
- is called when elfcode.h finds a section with an unknown type.
- FIXME: We need to handle the SHF_MIPS_GPREL flag, but I'm not sure
- how to. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_section_from_shdr (abfd, hdr, name)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf32_Internal_Shdr *hdr;
- char *name;
- asection *newsect;
- /* There ought to be a place to keep ELF backend specific flags, but
- at the moment there isn't one. We just keep track of the
- sections by their name, instead. Fortunately, the ABI gives
- suggested names for all the MIPS specific sections, so we will
- probably get away with this. */
- switch (hdr->sh_type)
- {
- if (strcmp (name, ".liblist") != 0)
- return false;
- break;
- if (strcmp (name, ".msym") != 0)
- return false;
- break;
- if (strcmp (name, ".conflict") != 0)
- return false;
- break;
- if (strncmp (name, ".gptab.", sizeof ".gptab." - 1) != 0)
- return false;
- break;
- if (strcmp (name, ".ucode") != 0)
- return false;
- break;
- if (strcmp (name, ".mdebug") != 0)
- return false;
- break;
- if (strcmp (name, ".reginfo") != 0
- || hdr->sh_size != sizeof (Elf32_External_RegInfo))
- return false;
- break;
- if (strcmp (name, ".options") != 0)
- return false;
- break;
- if (strncmp (name, ".debug_", sizeof ".debug_" - 1) != 0)
- return false;
- break;
- if (strncmp (name, "", sizeof "" - 1) != 0)
- return false;
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- if (! _bfd_elf_make_section_from_shdr (abfd, hdr, name))
- return false;
- newsect = hdr->bfd_section;
- if (hdr->sh_type == SHT_MIPS_DEBUG)
- {
- if (! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, newsect,
- (bfd_get_section_flags (abfd, newsect)
- return false;
- }
- /* FIXME: We should record sh_info for a .gptab section. */
- /* For a .reginfo section, set the gp value in the tdata information
- from the contents of this section. We need the gp value while
- processing relocs, so we just get it now. */
- if (hdr->sh_type == SHT_MIPS_REGINFO)
- {
- Elf32_External_RegInfo ext;
- Elf32_RegInfo s;
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (abfd, newsect, (PTR) &ext,
- (file_ptr) 0, sizeof ext))
- return false;
- bfd_mips_elf32_swap_reginfo_in (abfd, &ext, &s);
- elf_gp (abfd) = s.ri_gp_value;
- }
- return true;
-/* Set the correct type for a MIPS ELF section. We do this by the
- section name, which is a hack, but ought to work. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_fake_sections (abfd, hdr, sec)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf32_Internal_Shdr *hdr;
- asection *sec;
- register const char *name;
- name = bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec);
- if (strcmp (name, ".liblist") == 0)
- {
- hdr->sh_type = SHT_MIPS_LIBLIST;
- hdr->sh_info = sec->_raw_size / sizeof (Elf32_Lib);
- /* FIXME: Set the sh_link field. */
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, ".msym") == 0)
- {
- hdr->sh_type = SHT_MIPS_MSYM;
- hdr->sh_entsize = 8;
- /* FIXME: Set the sh_info field. */
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, ".conflict") == 0)
- hdr->sh_type = SHT_MIPS_CONFLICT;
- else if (strncmp (name, ".gptab.", sizeof ".gptab." - 1) == 0)
- {
- hdr->sh_type = SHT_MIPS_GPTAB;
- hdr->sh_entsize = sizeof (Elf32_External_gptab);
- /* The sh_info field is set in mips_elf_final_write_processing. */
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, ".ucode") == 0)
- hdr->sh_type = SHT_MIPS_UCODE;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".mdebug") == 0)
- {
- hdr->sh_type = SHT_MIPS_DEBUG;
- /* In a shared object on Irix 5.3, the .mdebug section has an
- entsize of 0. FIXME: Does this matter? */
- if (SGI_COMPAT (abfd) && (abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0)
- hdr->sh_entsize = 0;
- else
- hdr->sh_entsize = 1;
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, ".reginfo") == 0)
- {
- hdr->sh_type = SHT_MIPS_REGINFO;
- /* In a shared object on Irix 5.3, the .reginfo section has an
- entsize of 0x18. FIXME: Does this matter? */
- if (SGI_COMPAT (abfd) && (abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0)
- hdr->sh_entsize = sizeof (Elf32_External_RegInfo);
- else
- hdr->sh_entsize = 1;
- /* Force the section size to the correct value, even if the
- linker thinks it is larger. The link routine below will only
- write out this much data for .reginfo. */
- hdr->sh_size = sec->_raw_size = sizeof (Elf32_External_RegInfo);
- }
- else if (SGI_COMPAT (abfd)
- && (strcmp (name, ".hash") == 0
- || strcmp (name, ".dynamic") == 0
- || strcmp (name, ".dynstr") == 0))
- {
- hdr->sh_entsize = 0;
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, ".got") == 0
- || strcmp (name, ".sdata") == 0
- || strcmp (name, ".sbss") == 0
- || strcmp (name, ".lit4") == 0
- || strcmp (name, ".lit8") == 0)
- hdr->sh_flags |= SHF_MIPS_GPREL;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".options") == 0)
- {
- hdr->sh_type = SHT_MIPS_OPTIONS;
- hdr->sh_entsize = 1;
- }
- else if (strncmp (name, ".debug_", sizeof ".debug_" - 1) == 0)
- hdr->sh_type = SHT_MIPS_DWARF;
- else if (strncmp (name, "", sizeof "" - 1) == 0)
- hdr->sh_type = SHT_MIPS_EVENTS;
- return true;
-/* Given a BFD section, try to locate the corresponding ELF section
- index. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_section_from_bfd_section (abfd, hdr, sec, retval)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf32_Internal_Shdr *hdr;
- asection *sec;
- int *retval;
- if (strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec), ".scommon") == 0)
- {
- *retval = SHN_MIPS_SCOMMON;
- return true;
- }
- if (strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec), ".acommon") == 0)
- {
- *retval = SHN_MIPS_ACOMMON;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-/* Work over a section just before writing it out. We update the GP
- value in the .reginfo section based on the value we are using.
- FIXME: We recognize sections that need the SHF_MIPS_GPREL flag by
- name; there has to be a better way. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_section_processing (abfd, hdr)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf32_Internal_Shdr *hdr;
- if (hdr->sh_type == SHT_MIPS_REGINFO)
- {
- bfd_byte buf[4];
- BFD_ASSERT (hdr->sh_size == sizeof (Elf32_External_RegInfo));
- BFD_ASSERT (hdr->contents == NULL);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd,
- hdr->sh_offset + sizeof (Elf32_External_RegInfo) - 4,
- SEEK_SET) == -1)
- return false;
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) elf_gp (abfd), buf);
- if (bfd_write (buf, (bfd_size_type) 1, (bfd_size_type) 4, abfd) != 4)
- return false;
- }
- if (hdr->bfd_section != NULL)
- {
- const char *name = bfd_get_section_name (abfd, hdr->bfd_section);
- if (strcmp (name, ".sdata") == 0)
- {
- hdr->sh_flags |= SHF_ALLOC | SHF_WRITE | SHF_MIPS_GPREL;
- hdr->sh_type = SHT_PROGBITS;
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, ".sbss") == 0)
- {
- hdr->sh_flags |= SHF_ALLOC | SHF_WRITE | SHF_MIPS_GPREL;
- hdr->sh_type = SHT_NOBITS;
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, ".lit8") == 0
- || strcmp (name, ".lit4") == 0)
- {
- hdr->sh_flags |= SHF_ALLOC | SHF_WRITE | SHF_MIPS_GPREL;
- hdr->sh_type = SHT_PROGBITS;
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, ".compact_rel") == 0)
- {
- hdr->sh_flags = 0;
- hdr->sh_type = SHT_PROGBITS;
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, ".rtproc") == 0)
- {
- if (hdr->sh_addralign != 0 && hdr->sh_entsize == 0)
- {
- unsigned int adjust;
- adjust = hdr->sh_size % hdr->sh_addralign;
- if (adjust != 0)
- hdr->sh_size += hdr->sh_addralign - adjust;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* MIPS ELF uses two common sections. One is the usual one, and the
- other is for small objects. All the small objects are kept
- together, and then referenced via the gp pointer, which yields
- faster assembler code. This is what we use for the small common
- section. This approach is copied from ecoff.c. */
-static asection mips_elf_scom_section;
-static asymbol mips_elf_scom_symbol;
-static asymbol *mips_elf_scom_symbol_ptr;
-/* MIPS ELF also uses an acommon section, which represents an
- allocated common symbol which may be overridden by a
- definition in a shared library. */
-static asection mips_elf_acom_section;
-static asymbol mips_elf_acom_symbol;
-static asymbol *mips_elf_acom_symbol_ptr;
-/* The Irix 5 support uses two virtual sections, which represent
- text/data symbols defined in dynamic objects. */
-static asection mips_elf_text_section;
-static asection *mips_elf_text_section_ptr;
-static asymbol mips_elf_text_symbol;
-static asymbol *mips_elf_text_symbol_ptr;
-static asection mips_elf_data_section;
-static asection *mips_elf_data_section_ptr;
-static asymbol mips_elf_data_symbol;
-static asymbol *mips_elf_data_symbol_ptr;
-/* Handle the special MIPS section numbers that a symbol may use. */
-static void
-mips_elf_symbol_processing (abfd, asym)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *asym;
- elf_symbol_type *elfsym;
- elfsym = (elf_symbol_type *) asym;
- switch (elfsym->internal_elf_sym.st_shndx)
- {
- /* This section is used in a dynamically linked executable file.
- It is an allocated common section. The dynamic linker can
- either resolve these symbols to something in a shared
- library, or it can just leave them here. For our purposes,
- we can consider these symbols to be in a new section. */
- if ( == NULL)
- {
- /* Initialize the acommon section. */
- = ".acommon";
- mips_elf_acom_section.flags = SEC_ALLOC;
- mips_elf_acom_section.output_section = &mips_elf_acom_section;
- mips_elf_acom_section.symbol = &mips_elf_acom_symbol;
- mips_elf_acom_section.symbol_ptr_ptr = &mips_elf_acom_symbol_ptr;
- = ".acommon";
- mips_elf_acom_symbol.flags = BSF_SECTION_SYM;
- mips_elf_acom_symbol.section = &mips_elf_acom_section;
- mips_elf_acom_symbol_ptr = &mips_elf_acom_symbol;
- }
- asym->section = &mips_elf_acom_section;
- break;
- case SHN_COMMON:
- /* Common symbols less than the GP size are automatically
- treated as SHN_MIPS_SCOMMON symbols. */
- if (asym->value > elf_gp_size (abfd))
- break;
- /* Fall through. */
- if ( == NULL)
- {
- /* Initialize the small common section. */
- = ".scommon";
- mips_elf_scom_section.flags = SEC_IS_COMMON;
- mips_elf_scom_section.output_section = &mips_elf_scom_section;
- mips_elf_scom_section.symbol = &mips_elf_scom_symbol;
- mips_elf_scom_section.symbol_ptr_ptr = &mips_elf_scom_symbol_ptr;
- = ".scommon";
- mips_elf_scom_symbol.flags = BSF_SECTION_SYM;
- mips_elf_scom_symbol.section = &mips_elf_scom_section;
- mips_elf_scom_symbol_ptr = &mips_elf_scom_symbol;
- }
- asym->section = &mips_elf_scom_section;
- asym->value = elfsym->internal_elf_sym.st_size;
- break;
- asym->section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- break;
-#if 0 /* for SGI_COMPAT */
- asym->section = mips_elf_text_section_ptr;
- break;
- asym->section = mips_elf_data_section_ptr;
- break;
- }
-/* When creating an Irix 5 executable, we need REGINFO and RTPROC
- segments. */
-static int
-mips_elf_additional_program_headers (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *s;
- int ret;
- ret = 0;
- if (! SGI_COMPAT (abfd))
- return ret;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".reginfo");
- if (s != NULL && (s->flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0)
- {
- /* We need a PT_MIPS_REGINFO segment. */
- ++ret;
- }
- if (bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".dynamic") != NULL
- && bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".mdebug") != NULL)
- {
- /* We need a PT_MIPS_RTPROC segment. */
- ++ret;
- }
- return ret;
-/* Modify the segment map for an Irix 5 executable. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_modify_segment_map (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *s;
- struct elf_segment_map *m, **pm;
- if (! SGI_COMPAT (abfd))
- return true;
- /* If there is a .reginfo section, we need a PT_MIPS_REGINFO
- segment. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".reginfo");
- if (s != NULL && (s->flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0)
- {
- for (m = elf_tdata (abfd)->segment_map; m != NULL; m = m->next)
- if (m->p_type == PT_MIPS_REGINFO)
- break;
- if (m == NULL)
- {
- m = (struct elf_segment_map *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof *m);
- if (m == NULL)
- return false;
- m->p_type = PT_MIPS_REGINFO;
- m->count = 1;
- m->sections[0] = s;
- /* We want to put it after the PHDR and INTERP segments. */
- pm = &elf_tdata (abfd)->segment_map;
- while (*pm != NULL
- && ((*pm)->p_type == PT_PHDR
- || (*pm)->p_type == PT_INTERP))
- pm = &(*pm)->next;
- m->next = *pm;
- *pm = m;
- }
- }
- /* If there are .dynamic and .mdebug sections, we make a room for
- the RTPROC header. FIXME: Rewrite without section names. */
- if (bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".interp") == NULL
- && bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".dynamic") != NULL
- && bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".mdebug") != NULL)
- {
- for (m = elf_tdata (abfd)->segment_map; m != NULL; m = m->next)
- if (m->p_type == PT_MIPS_RTPROC)
- break;
- if (m == NULL)
- {
- m = (struct elf_segment_map *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof *m);
- if (m == NULL)
- return false;
- m->p_type = PT_MIPS_RTPROC;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".rtproc");
- if (s == NULL)
- {
- m->count = 0;
- m->p_flags = 0;
- m->p_flags_valid = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- m->count = 1;
- m->sections[0] = s;
- }
- /* We want to put it after the DYNAMIC segment. */
- pm = &elf_tdata (abfd)->segment_map;
- while (*pm != NULL && (*pm)->p_type != PT_DYNAMIC)
- pm = &(*pm)->next;
- if (*pm != NULL)
- pm = &(*pm)->next;
- m->next = *pm;
- *pm = m;
- }
- }
- /* On Irix 5, the PT_DYNAMIC segment includes the .dynamic, .dynstr,
- .dynsym, and .hash sections, and everything in between. */
- for (pm = &elf_tdata (abfd)->segment_map; *pm != NULL; pm = &(*pm)->next)
- if ((*pm)->p_type == PT_DYNAMIC)
- break;
- m = *pm;
- if (m != NULL
- && m->count == 1
- && strcmp (m->sections[0]->name, ".dynamic") == 0)
- {
- static const char *sec_names[] =
- { ".dynamic", ".dynstr", ".dynsym", ".hash" };
- bfd_vma low, high;
- unsigned int i, c;
- struct elf_segment_map *n;
- low = 0xffffffff;
- high = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof sec_names / sizeof sec_names[0]; i++)
- {
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, sec_names[i]);
- if (s != NULL && (s->flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0)
- {
- bfd_size_type sz;
- if (low > s->vma)
- low = s->vma;
- sz = s->_cooked_size;
- if (sz == 0)
- sz = s->_raw_size;
- if (high < s->vma + sz)
- high = s->vma + sz;
- }
- }
- c = 0;
- for (s = abfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- if ((s->flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0
- && s->vma >= low
- && ((s->vma
- + (s->_cooked_size != 0 ? s->_cooked_size : s->_raw_size))
- <= high))
- ++c;
- n = ((struct elf_segment_map *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof *n + (c - 1) * sizeof (asection *)));
- if (n == NULL)
- return false;
- *n = *m;
- n->count = c;
- i = 0;
- for (s = abfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- if ((s->flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0
- && s->vma >= low
- && ((s->vma
- + (s->_cooked_size != 0 ? s->_cooked_size : s->_raw_size))
- <= high))
- {
- n->sections[i] = s;
- ++i;
- }
- }
- *pm = n;
- }
- return true;
-/* The structure of the runtime procedure descriptor created by the
- loader for use by the static exception system. */
-typedef struct runtime_pdr {
- bfd_vma adr; /* memory address of start of procedure */
- long regmask; /* save register mask */
- long regoffset; /* save register offset */
- long fregmask; /* save floating point register mask */
- long fregoffset; /* save floating point register offset */
- long frameoffset; /* frame size */
- short framereg; /* frame pointer register */
- short pcreg; /* offset or reg of return pc */
- long irpss; /* index into the runtime string table */
- long reserved;
- struct exception_info *exception_info;/* pointer to exception array */
-} RPDR, *pRPDR;
-#define cbRPDR sizeof(RPDR)
-#define rpdNil ((pRPDR) 0)
-/* Swap RPDR (runtime procedure table entry) for output. */
-static void ecoff_swap_rpdr_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const RPDR *, struct rpdr_ext *));
-static void
-ecoff_swap_rpdr_out (abfd, in, ex)
- bfd *abfd;
- const RPDR *in;
- struct rpdr_ext *ex;
- /* ecoff_put_off was defined in ecoffswap.h. */
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, in->adr, (bfd_byte *) ex->p_adr);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, in->regmask, (bfd_byte *) ex->p_regmask);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, in->regoffset, (bfd_byte *) ex->p_regoffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, in->fregmask, (bfd_byte *) ex->p_fregmask);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, in->fregoffset, (bfd_byte *) ex->p_fregoffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, in->frameoffset, (bfd_byte *) ex->p_frameoffset);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, in->framereg, (bfd_byte *) ex->p_framereg);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, in->pcreg, (bfd_byte *) ex->p_pcreg);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, in->irpss, (bfd_byte *) ex->p_irpss);
-#if 0 /* FIXME */
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, in->exception_info, (bfd_byte *) ex->p_exception_info);
-/* Read ECOFF debugging information from a .mdebug section into a
- ecoff_debug_info structure. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_read_ecoff_info (abfd, section, debug)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *debug;
- HDRR *symhdr;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap;
- char *ext_hdr = NULL;
- swap = get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->elf_backend_ecoff_debug_swap;
- ext_hdr = (char *) bfd_malloc ((size_t) swap->external_hdr_size);
- if (ext_hdr == NULL && swap->external_hdr_size != 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_get_section_contents (abfd, section, ext_hdr, (file_ptr) 0,
- swap->external_hdr_size)
- == false)
- goto error_return;
- symhdr = &debug->symbolic_header;
- (*swap->swap_hdr_in) (abfd, ext_hdr, symhdr);
- /* The symbolic header contains absolute file offsets and sizes to
- read. */
-#define READ(ptr, offset, count, size, type) \
- if (symhdr->count == 0) \
- debug->ptr = NULL; \
- else \
- { \
- debug->ptr = (type) bfd_malloc ((size_t) (size * symhdr->count)); \
- if (debug->ptr == NULL) \
- goto error_return; \
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) symhdr->offset, SEEK_SET) != 0 \
- || (bfd_read (debug->ptr, size, symhdr->count, \
- abfd) != size * symhdr->count)) \
- goto error_return; \
- }
- READ (line, cbLineOffset, cbLine, sizeof (unsigned char), unsigned char *);
- READ (external_dnr, cbDnOffset, idnMax, swap->external_dnr_size, PTR);
- READ (external_pdr, cbPdOffset, ipdMax, swap->external_pdr_size, PTR);
- READ (external_sym, cbSymOffset, isymMax, swap->external_sym_size, PTR);
- READ (external_opt, cbOptOffset, ioptMax, swap->external_opt_size, PTR);
- READ (external_aux, cbAuxOffset, iauxMax, sizeof (union aux_ext),
- union aux_ext *);
- READ (ss, cbSsOffset, issMax, sizeof (char), char *);
- READ (ssext, cbSsExtOffset, issExtMax, sizeof (char), char *);
- READ (external_fdr, cbFdOffset, ifdMax, swap->external_fdr_size, PTR);
- READ (external_rfd, cbRfdOffset, crfd, swap->external_rfd_size, PTR);
- READ (external_ext, cbExtOffset, iextMax, swap->external_ext_size, PTR);
-#undef READ
- debug->fdr = NULL;
- debug->adjust = NULL;
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (ext_hdr != NULL)
- free (ext_hdr);
- if (debug->line != NULL)
- free (debug->line);
- if (debug->external_dnr != NULL)
- free (debug->external_dnr);
- if (debug->external_pdr != NULL)
- free (debug->external_pdr);
- if (debug->external_sym != NULL)
- free (debug->external_sym);
- if (debug->external_opt != NULL)
- free (debug->external_opt);
- if (debug->external_aux != NULL)
- free (debug->external_aux);
- if (debug->ss != NULL)
- free (debug->ss);
- if (debug->ssext != NULL)
- free (debug->ssext);
- if (debug->external_fdr != NULL)
- free (debug->external_fdr);
- if (debug->external_rfd != NULL)
- free (debug->external_rfd);
- if (debug->external_ext != NULL)
- free (debug->external_ext);
- return false;
-/* MIPS ELF local labels start with '$', not 'L'. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_is_local_label (abfd, symbol)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- return symbol->name[0] == '$';
-/* MIPS ELF uses a special find_nearest_line routine in order the
- handle the ECOFF debugging information. */
-struct mips_elf_find_line
- struct ecoff_debug_info d;
- struct ecoff_find_line i;
-static boolean
-mips_elf_find_nearest_line (abfd, section, symbols, offset, filename_ptr,
- functionname_ptr, line_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- asymbol **symbols;
- bfd_vma offset;
- const char **filename_ptr;
- const char **functionname_ptr;
- unsigned int *line_ptr;
- asection *msec;
- msec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".mdebug");
- if (msec != NULL)
- {
- flagword origflags;
- struct mips_elf_find_line *fi;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap * const swap =
- get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->elf_backend_ecoff_debug_swap;
- /* If we are called during a link, mips_elf_final_link may have
- cleared the SEC_HAS_CONTENTS field. We force it back on here
- if appropriate (which it normally will be). */
- origflags = msec->flags;
- if (elf_section_data (msec)->this_hdr.sh_type != SHT_NOBITS)
- msec->flags |= SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- fi = elf_tdata (abfd)->find_line_info;
- if (fi == NULL)
- {
- bfd_size_type external_fdr_size;
- char *fraw_src;
- char *fraw_end;
- struct fdr *fdr_ptr;
- fi = ((struct mips_elf_find_line *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct mips_elf_find_line)));
- if (fi == NULL)
- {
- msec->flags = origflags;
- return false;
- }
- memset (fi, 0, sizeof (struct mips_elf_find_line));
- if (! mips_elf_read_ecoff_info (abfd, msec, &fi->d))
- {
- msec->flags = origflags;
- return false;
- }
- /* Swap in the FDR information. */
- fi->d.fdr = ((struct fdr *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (fi->d.symbolic_header.ifdMax *
- sizeof (struct fdr))));
- if (fi->d.fdr == NULL)
- {
- msec->flags = origflags;
- return false;
- }
- external_fdr_size = swap->external_fdr_size;
- fdr_ptr = fi->d.fdr;
- fraw_src = (char *) fi->d.external_fdr;
- fraw_end = (fraw_src
- + fi->d.symbolic_header.ifdMax * external_fdr_size);
- for (; fraw_src < fraw_end; fraw_src += external_fdr_size, fdr_ptr++)
- (*swap->swap_fdr_in) (abfd, (PTR) fraw_src, fdr_ptr);
- elf_tdata (abfd)->find_line_info = fi;
- /* Note that we don't bother to ever free this information.
- find_nearest_line is either called all the time, as in
- objdump -l, so the information should be saved, or it is
- rarely called, as in ld error messages, so the memory
- wasted is unimportant. Still, it would probably be a
- good idea for free_cached_info to throw it away. */
- }
- if (_bfd_ecoff_locate_line (abfd, section, offset, &fi->d, swap,
- &fi->i, filename_ptr, functionname_ptr,
- line_ptr))
- {
- msec->flags = origflags;
- return true;
- }
- msec->flags = origflags;
- }
- /* Fall back on the generic ELF find_nearest_line routine. */
- return _bfd_elf_find_nearest_line (abfd, section, symbols, offset,
- filename_ptr, functionname_ptr,
- line_ptr);
-/* The MIPS ELF linker needs additional information for each symbol in
- the global hash table. */
-struct mips_elf_link_hash_entry
- struct elf_link_hash_entry root;
- /* External symbol information. */
- EXTR esym;
-/* MIPS ELF linker hash table. */
-struct mips_elf_link_hash_table
- struct elf_link_hash_table root;
- /* String section indices for the dynamic section symbols. */
- bfd_size_type dynsym_sec_strindex[SIZEOF_MIPS_DYNSYM_SECNAMES];
- /* The number of .rtproc entries. */
- bfd_size_type procedure_count;
- /* The size of the .compact_rel section (if SGI_COMPAT). */
- bfd_size_type compact_rel_size;
-/* Look up an entry in a MIPS ELF linker hash table. */
-#define mips_elf_link_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy, follow) \
- ((struct mips_elf_link_hash_entry *) \
- elf_link_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), \
- (copy), (follow)))
-/* Traverse a MIPS ELF linker hash table. */
-#define mips_elf_link_hash_traverse(table, func, info) \
- (elf_link_hash_traverse \
- (&(table)->root, \
- (boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct elf_link_hash_entry *, PTR))) (func), \
- (info)))
-/* Get the MIPS ELF linker hash table from a link_info structure. */
-#define mips_elf_hash_table(p) \
- ((struct mips_elf_link_hash_table *) ((p)->hash))
-static boolean mips_elf_output_extsym
- PARAMS ((struct mips_elf_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
-/* Create an entry in a MIPS ELF linker hash table. */
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *
-mips_elf_link_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct mips_elf_link_hash_entry *ret =
- (struct mips_elf_link_hash_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == (struct mips_elf_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ret = ((struct mips_elf_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table,
- sizeof (struct mips_elf_link_hash_entry)));
- if (ret == (struct mips_elf_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct mips_elf_link_hash_entry *)
- _bfd_elf_link_hash_newfunc ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret,
- table, string));
- if (ret != (struct mips_elf_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- {
- /* Set local fields. */
- memset (&ret->esym, 0, sizeof (EXTR));
- /* We use -2 as a marker to indicate that the information has
- not been set. -1 means there is no associated ifd. */
- ret->esym.ifd = -2;
- }
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Create a MIPS ELF linker hash table. */
-static struct bfd_link_hash_table *
-mips_elf_link_hash_table_create (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct mips_elf_link_hash_table *ret;
- unsigned int i;
- ret = ((struct mips_elf_link_hash_table *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct mips_elf_link_hash_table)));
- if (ret == (struct mips_elf_link_hash_table *) NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (! _bfd_elf_link_hash_table_init (&ret->root, abfd,
- mips_elf_link_hash_newfunc))
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, ret);
- return NULL;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < SIZEOF_MIPS_DYNSYM_SECNAMES; i++)
- ret->dynsym_sec_strindex[i] = (bfd_size_type) -1;
- ret->procedure_count = 0;
- ret->compact_rel_size = 0;
- return &ret->root.root;
-/* Hook called by the linker routine which adds symbols from an object
- file. We must handle the special MIPS section numbers here. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_add_symbol_hook (abfd, info, sym, namep, flagsp, secp, valp)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- const Elf_Internal_Sym *sym;
- const char **namep;
- flagword *flagsp;
- asection **secp;
- bfd_vma *valp;
- if (SGI_COMPAT (abfd)
- && (abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0
- && strcmp (*namep, "_rld_new_interface") == 0)
- {
- /* Skip Irix 5 rld entry name. */
- *namep = NULL;
- return true;
- }
- switch (sym->st_shndx)
- {
- case SHN_COMMON:
- /* Common symbols less than the GP size are automatically
- treated as SHN_MIPS_SCOMMON symbols. */
- if (sym->st_size > elf_gp_size (abfd))
- break;
- /* Fall through. */
- *secp = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, ".scommon");
- (*secp)->flags |= SEC_IS_COMMON;
- *valp = sym->st_size;
- break;
- /* This section is used in a shared object. */
- if (mips_elf_text_section_ptr == NULL)
- {
- /* Initialize the section. */
- = ".text";
- mips_elf_text_section.flags = SEC_NO_FLAGS;
- mips_elf_text_section.output_section = NULL;
- mips_elf_text_section.owner = abfd;
- mips_elf_text_section.symbol = &mips_elf_text_symbol;
- mips_elf_text_section.symbol_ptr_ptr = &mips_elf_text_symbol_ptr;
- = ".text";
- mips_elf_text_symbol.flags = BSF_SECTION_SYM;
- mips_elf_text_symbol.section = &mips_elf_text_section;
- mips_elf_text_symbol_ptr = &mips_elf_text_symbol;
- mips_elf_text_section_ptr = &mips_elf_text_section;
- }
- if (info->shared)
- *secp = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- else
- *secp = mips_elf_text_section_ptr;
- break;
- /* Fall through. XXX Can we treat this as allocated data? */
- /* This section is used in a shared object. */
- if (mips_elf_data_section_ptr == NULL)
- {
- /* Initialize the section. */
- = ".data";
- mips_elf_data_section.flags = SEC_NO_FLAGS;
- mips_elf_data_section.output_section = NULL;
- mips_elf_data_section.owner = abfd;
- mips_elf_data_section.symbol = &mips_elf_data_symbol;
- mips_elf_data_section.symbol_ptr_ptr = &mips_elf_data_symbol_ptr;
- = ".data";
- mips_elf_data_symbol.flags = BSF_SECTION_SYM;
- mips_elf_data_symbol.section = &mips_elf_data_section;
- mips_elf_data_symbol_ptr = &mips_elf_data_symbol;
- mips_elf_data_section_ptr = &mips_elf_data_section;
- }
- if (info->shared)
- *secp = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- else
- *secp = mips_elf_data_section_ptr;
- break;
- *secp = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- break;
- }
- return true;
-/* Structure used to pass information to mips_elf_output_extsym. */
-struct extsym_info
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *debug;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap;
- boolean failed;
-/* This routine is used to write out ECOFF debugging external symbol
- information. It is called via mips_elf_link_hash_traverse. The
- ECOFF external symbol information must match the ELF external
- symbol information. Unfortunately, at this point we don't know
- whether a symbol is required by reloc information, so the two
- tables may wind up being different. We must sort out the external
- symbol information before we can set the final size of the .mdebug
- section, and we must set the size of the .mdebug section before we
- can relocate any sections, and we can't know which symbols are
- required by relocation until we relocate the sections.
- Fortunately, it is relatively unlikely that any symbol will be
- stripped but required by a reloc. In particular, it can not happen
- when generating a final executable. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_output_extsym (h, data)
- struct mips_elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- PTR data;
- struct extsym_info *einfo = (struct extsym_info *) data;
- boolean strip;
- asection *sec, *output_section;
- if (h->root.indx == -2)
- strip = false;
- else if (((h->root.elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_DYNAMIC) != 0
- || (h->root.elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_REF_DYNAMIC) != 0)
- && (h->root.elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR) == 0
- && (h->root.elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_REF_REGULAR) == 0)
- strip = true;
- else if (einfo->info->strip == strip_all
- || (einfo->info->strip == strip_some
- && bfd_hash_lookup (einfo->info->keep_hash,
- h->root.root.root.string,
- false, false) == NULL))
- strip = true;
- else
- strip = false;
- if (strip)
- return true;
- if (h->esym.ifd == -2)
- {
- h->esym.jmptbl = 0;
- h->esym.cobol_main = 0;
- h->esym.weakext = 0;
- h->esym.reserved = 0;
- h->esym.ifd = ifdNil;
- h->esym.asym.value = 0;
- h-> = stGlobal;
- if (SGI_COMPAT (einfo->abfd)
- && (h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined
- || h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak))
- {
- const char *name;
- /* Use undefined class. Also, set class and type for some
- special symbols. */
- name = h->root.root.root.string;
- if (strcmp (name, mips_elf_dynsym_rtproc_names[0]) == 0
- || strcmp (name, mips_elf_dynsym_rtproc_names[1]) == 0)
- {
- h-> = scData;
- h-> = stLabel;
- h->esym.asym.value = 0;
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, mips_elf_dynsym_rtproc_names[2]) == 0)
- {
- h-> = scAbs;
- h-> = stLabel;
- h->esym.asym.value =
- mips_elf_hash_table (einfo->info)->procedure_count;
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, "_gp_disp") == 0)
- {
- h-> = scAbs;
- h-> = stLabel;
- h->esym.asym.value = elf_gp (einfo->abfd);
- }
- else
- h-> = scUndefined;
- }
- else if (h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined
- && h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- h-> = scAbs;
- else
- {
- const char *name;
- sec = h->root.root.u.def.section;
- output_section = sec->output_section;
- /* When making a shared library and symbol h is the one from
- the another shared library, OUTPUT_SECTION may be null. */
- if (output_section == NULL)
- h-> = scUndefined;
- else
- {
- name = bfd_section_name (output_section->owner, output_section);
- if (strcmp (name, ".text") == 0)
- h-> = scText;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".data") == 0)
- h-> = scData;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".sdata") == 0)
- h-> = scSData;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".rodata") == 0
- || strcmp (name, ".rdata") == 0)
- h-> = scRData;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".bss") == 0)
- h-> = scBss;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".sbss") == 0)
- h-> = scSBss;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".init") == 0)
- h-> = scInit;
- else if (strcmp (name, ".fini") == 0)
- h-> = scFini;
- else
- h-> = scAbs;
- }
- }
- h->esym.asym.reserved = 0;
- h->esym.asym.index = indexNil;
- }
- if (h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_common)
- h->esym.asym.value = h->root.root.u.c.size;
- else if (h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- if (h-> == scCommon)
- h-> = scBss;
- else if (h-> == scSCommon)
- h-> = scSBss;
- sec = h->root.root.u.def.section;
- output_section = sec->output_section;
- if (output_section != NULL)
- h->esym.asym.value = (h->root.root.u.def.value
- + sec->output_offset
- + output_section->vma);
- else
- h->esym.asym.value = 0;
- }
- else if ((h->root.elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT) != 0)
- {
- /* Set type and value for a symbol with a function stub. */
- h-> = stProc;
- sec = h->root.root.u.def.section;
- if (sec == NULL)
- h->esym.asym.value = 0;
- else
- {
- output_section = sec->output_section;
- if (output_section != NULL)
- h->esym.asym.value = (h->root.plt_offset
- + sec->output_offset
- + output_section->vma);
- else
- h->esym.asym.value = 0;
- }
-#if 0 /* FIXME? */
- h->esym.ifd = 0;
- }
- if (! bfd_ecoff_debug_one_external (einfo->abfd, einfo->debug, einfo->swap,
- h->root.root.root.string,
- &h->esym))
- {
- einfo->failed = true;
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Create a runtime procedure table from the .mdebug section. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_create_procedure_table (handle, abfd, info, s, debug)
- PTR handle;
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *s;
- struct ecoff_debug_info *debug;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap;
- HDRR *hdr = &debug->symbolic_header;
- RPDR *rpdr, *rp;
- struct rpdr_ext *erp;
- PTR rtproc;
- struct pdr_ext *epdr;
- struct sym_ext *esym;
- char *ss, **sv;
- char *str;
- unsigned long size, count;
- unsigned long sindex;
- unsigned long i;
- PDR pdr;
- SYMR sym;
- const char *no_name_func = "static procedure (no name)";
- epdr = NULL;
- rpdr = NULL;
- esym = NULL;
- ss = NULL;
- sv = NULL;
- swap = get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->elf_backend_ecoff_debug_swap;
- sindex = strlen (no_name_func) + 1;
- count = hdr->ipdMax;
- if (count > 0)
- {
- size = swap->external_pdr_size;
- epdr = (struct pdr_ext *) bfd_malloc (size * count);
- if (epdr == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (! _bfd_ecoff_get_accumulated_pdr (handle, (PTR) epdr))
- goto error_return;
- size = sizeof (RPDR);
- rp = rpdr = (RPDR *) bfd_malloc (size * count);
- if (rpdr == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- sv = (char **) bfd_malloc (sizeof (char *) * count);
- if (sv == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- count = hdr->isymMax;
- size = swap->external_sym_size;
- esym = (struct sym_ext *) bfd_malloc (size * count);
- if (esym == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (! _bfd_ecoff_get_accumulated_sym (handle, (PTR) esym))
- goto error_return;
- count = hdr->issMax;
- ss = (char *) bfd_malloc (count);
- if (ss == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (! _bfd_ecoff_get_accumulated_ss (handle, (PTR) ss))
- goto error_return;
- count = hdr->ipdMax;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++, rp++)
- {
- (*swap->swap_pdr_in) (abfd, (PTR) (epdr + i), &pdr);
- (*swap->swap_sym_in) (abfd, (PTR) &esym[pdr.isym], &sym);
- rp->adr = sym.value;
- rp->regmask = pdr.regmask;
- rp->regoffset = pdr.regoffset;
- rp->fregmask = pdr.fregmask;
- rp->fregoffset = pdr.fregoffset;
- rp->frameoffset = pdr.frameoffset;
- rp->framereg = pdr.framereg;
- rp->pcreg = pdr.pcreg;
- rp->irpss = sindex;
- sv[i] = ss + sym.iss;
- sindex += strlen (sv[i]) + 1;
- }
- }
- size = sizeof (struct rpdr_ext) * (count + 2) + sindex;
- size = BFD_ALIGN (size, 16);
- rtproc = (PTR) bfd_alloc (abfd, size);
- if (rtproc == NULL)
- {
- mips_elf_hash_table (info)->procedure_count = 0;
- goto error_return;
- }
- mips_elf_hash_table (info)->procedure_count = count + 2;
- erp = (struct rpdr_ext *) rtproc;
- memset (erp, 0, sizeof (struct rpdr_ext));
- erp++;
- str = (char *) rtproc + sizeof (struct rpdr_ext) * (count + 2);
- strcpy (str, no_name_func);
- str += strlen (no_name_func) + 1;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- ecoff_swap_rpdr_out (abfd, rpdr + i, erp + i);
- strcpy (str, sv[i]);
- str += strlen (sv[i]) + 1;
- }
- ecoff_put_off (abfd, (bfd_vma) -1, (bfd_byte *) (erp + count)->p_adr);
- /* Set the size and contents of .rtproc section. */
- s->_raw_size = size;
- s->contents = rtproc;
- /* Skip this section later on (I don't think this currently
- matters, but someday it might). */
- s->link_order_head = (struct bfd_link_order *) NULL;
- if (epdr != NULL)
- free (epdr);
- if (rpdr != NULL)
- free (rpdr);
- if (esym != NULL)
- free (esym);
- if (ss != NULL)
- free (ss);
- if (sv != NULL)
- free (sv);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (epdr != NULL)
- free (epdr);
- if (rpdr != NULL)
- free (rpdr);
- if (esym != NULL)
- free (esym);
- if (ss != NULL)
- free (ss);
- if (sv != NULL)
- free (sv);
- return false;
-/* A comparison routine used to sort .gptab entries. */
-static int
-gptab_compare (p1, p2)
- const PTR p1;
- const PTR p2;
- const Elf32_gptab *a1 = (const Elf32_gptab *) p1;
- const Elf32_gptab *a2 = (const Elf32_gptab *) p2;
- return a1->gt_entry.gt_g_value - a2->gt_entry.gt_g_value;
-/* We need to use a special link routine to handle the .reginfo and
- the .mdebug sections. We need to merge all instances of these
- sections together, not write them all out sequentially. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_final_link (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection **secpp;
- asection *o;
- struct bfd_link_order *p;
- asection *reginfo_sec, *mdebug_sec, *gptab_data_sec, *gptab_bss_sec;
- asection *rtproc_sec;
- Elf32_RegInfo reginfo;
- struct ecoff_debug_info debug;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap
- = get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->elf_backend_ecoff_debug_swap;
- HDRR *symhdr = &debug.symbolic_header;
- PTR mdebug_handle = NULL;
- /* Drop the .options section, since it has special semantics which I
- haven't bothered to figure out. */
- for (secpp = &abfd->sections; *secpp != NULL; secpp = &(*secpp)->next)
- {
- if (strcmp ((*secpp)->name, ".options") == 0)
- {
- for (p = (*secpp)->link_order_head; p != NULL; p = p->next)
- if (p->type == bfd_indirect_link_order)
- p->u.indirect.section->flags &=~ SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- (*secpp)->link_order_head = NULL;
- *secpp = (*secpp)->next;
- --abfd->section_count;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Get a value for the GP register. */
- if (elf_gp (abfd) == 0)
- {
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- h = bfd_link_hash_lookup (info->hash, "_gp", false, false, true);
- if (h != (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && h->type == bfd_link_hash_defined)
- elf_gp (abfd) = (h->u.def.value
- + h->u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + h->u.def.section->output_offset);
- else if (info->relocateable)
- {
- bfd_vma lo;
- /* Make up a value. */
- lo = (bfd_vma) -1;
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != (asection *) NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- if (o->vma < lo
- && (strcmp (o->name, ".sbss") == 0
- || strcmp (o->name, ".sdata") == 0
- || strcmp (o->name, ".lit4") == 0
- || strcmp (o->name, ".lit8") == 0))
- lo = o->vma;
- }
- elf_gp (abfd) = lo + ELF_MIPS_GP_OFFSET (abfd);
- }
- else
- {
- /* If the relocate_section function needs to do a reloc
- involving the GP value, it should make a reloc_dangerous
- callback to warn that GP is not defined. */
- }
- }
- /* Go through the sections and collect the .reginfo and .mdebug
- information. */
- reginfo_sec = NULL;
- mdebug_sec = NULL;
- gptab_data_sec = NULL;
- gptab_bss_sec = NULL;
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != (asection *) NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- if (strcmp (o->name, ".reginfo") == 0)
- {
- memset (&reginfo, 0, sizeof reginfo);
- /* We have found the .reginfo section in the output file.
- Look through all the link_orders comprising it and merge
- the information together. */
- for (p = o->link_order_head;
- p != (struct bfd_link_order *) NULL;
- p = p->next)
- {
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- Elf32_External_RegInfo ext;
- Elf32_RegInfo sub;
- if (p->type != bfd_indirect_link_order)
- {
- if (p->type == bfd_fill_link_order)
- continue;
- abort ();
- }
- input_section = p->u.indirect.section;
- input_bfd = input_section->owner;
- /* The linker emulation code has probably clobbered the
- size to be zero bytes. */
- if (input_section->_raw_size == 0)
- input_section->_raw_size = sizeof (Elf32_External_RegInfo);
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (input_bfd, input_section,
- (PTR) &ext,
- (file_ptr) 0,
- sizeof ext))
- return false;
- bfd_mips_elf32_swap_reginfo_in (input_bfd, &ext, &sub);
- reginfo.ri_gprmask |= sub.ri_gprmask;
- reginfo.ri_cprmask[0] |= sub.ri_cprmask[0];
- reginfo.ri_cprmask[1] |= sub.ri_cprmask[1];
- reginfo.ri_cprmask[2] |= sub.ri_cprmask[2];
- reginfo.ri_cprmask[3] |= sub.ri_cprmask[3];
- /* ri_gp_value is set by the function
- mips_elf_section_processing when the section is
- finally written out. */
- /* Hack: reset the SEC_HAS_CONTENTS flag so that
- elf_link_input_bfd ignores this section. */
- input_section->flags &=~ SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- }
- /* Force the section size to the value we want. */
- o->_raw_size = sizeof (Elf32_External_RegInfo);
- /* Skip this section later on (I don't think this currently
- matters, but someday it might). */
- o->link_order_head = (struct bfd_link_order *) NULL;
- reginfo_sec = o;
- }
- if (strcmp (o->name, ".mdebug") == 0)
- {
- struct extsym_info einfo;
- /* We have found the .mdebug section in the output file.
- Look through all the link_orders comprising it and merge
- the information together. */
- symhdr->magic = swap->sym_magic;
- /* FIXME: What should the version stamp be? */
- symhdr->vstamp = 0;
- symhdr->ilineMax = 0;
- symhdr->cbLine = 0;
- symhdr->idnMax = 0;
- symhdr->ipdMax = 0;
- symhdr->isymMax = 0;
- symhdr->ioptMax = 0;
- symhdr->iauxMax = 0;
- symhdr->issMax = 0;
- symhdr->issExtMax = 0;
- symhdr->ifdMax = 0;
- symhdr->crfd = 0;
- symhdr->iextMax = 0;
- /* We accumulate the debugging information itself in the
- debug_info structure. */
- debug.line = NULL;
- debug.external_dnr = NULL;
- debug.external_pdr = NULL;
- debug.external_sym = NULL;
- debug.external_opt = NULL;
- debug.external_aux = NULL;
- = NULL;
- debug.ssext = debug.ssext_end = NULL;
- debug.external_fdr = NULL;
- debug.external_rfd = NULL;
- debug.external_ext = debug.external_ext_end = NULL;
- mdebug_handle = bfd_ecoff_debug_init (abfd, &debug, swap, info);
- if (mdebug_handle == (PTR) NULL)
- return false;
- if (SGI_COMPAT (abfd))
- {
- asection *s;
- EXTR esym;
- bfd_vma last;
- unsigned int i;
- static const char * const name[] =
- { ".text", ".init", ".fini", ".data",
- ".rodata", ".sdata", ".sbss", ".bss" };
- static const int sc[] = { scText, scInit, scFini, scData,
- scRData, scSData, scSBss, scBss };
- esym.jmptbl = 0;
- esym.cobol_main = 0;
- esym.weakext = 0;
- esym.reserved = 0;
- esym.ifd = ifdNil;
- esym.asym.iss = issNil;
- = stLocal;
- esym.asym.reserved = 0;
- esym.asym.index = indexNil;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- {
- = sc[i];
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, name[i]);
- if (s != NULL)
- {
- esym.asym.value = s->vma;
- last = s->vma + s->_raw_size;
- }
- else
- esym.asym.value = last;
- if (! bfd_ecoff_debug_one_external (abfd, &debug, swap,
- name[i], &esym))
- return false;
- }
- }
- for (p = o->link_order_head;
- p != (struct bfd_link_order *) NULL;
- p = p->next)
- {
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap *input_swap;
- struct ecoff_debug_info input_debug;
- char *eraw_src;
- char *eraw_end;
- if (p->type != bfd_indirect_link_order)
- {
- if (p->type == bfd_fill_link_order)
- continue;
- abort ();
- }
- input_section = p->u.indirect.section;
- input_bfd = input_section->owner;
- if (bfd_get_flavour (input_bfd) != bfd_target_elf_flavour
- || (get_elf_backend_data (input_bfd)
- ->elf_backend_ecoff_debug_swap) == NULL)
- {
- /* I don't know what a non MIPS ELF bfd would be
- doing with a .mdebug section, but I don't really
- want to deal with it. */
- continue;
- }
- input_swap = (get_elf_backend_data (input_bfd)
- ->elf_backend_ecoff_debug_swap);
- BFD_ASSERT (p->size == input_section->_raw_size);
- /* The ECOFF linking code expects that we have already
- read in the debugging information and set up an
- ecoff_debug_info structure, so we do that now. */
- if (! mips_elf_read_ecoff_info (input_bfd, input_section,
- &input_debug))
- return false;
- if (! (bfd_ecoff_debug_accumulate
- (mdebug_handle, abfd, &debug, swap, input_bfd,
- &input_debug, input_swap, info)))
- return false;
- /* Loop through the external symbols. For each one with
- interesting information, try to find the symbol in
- the linker global hash table and save the information
- for the output external symbols. */
- eraw_src = input_debug.external_ext;
- eraw_end = (eraw_src
- + (input_debug.symbolic_header.iextMax
- * input_swap->external_ext_size));
- for (;
- eraw_src < eraw_end;
- eraw_src += input_swap->external_ext_size)
- {
- EXTR ext;
- const char *name;
- struct mips_elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- (*input_swap->swap_ext_in) (input_bfd, (PTR) eraw_src, &ext);
- if ( == scNil
- || == scUndefined
- || == scSUndefined)
- continue;
- name = input_debug.ssext + ext.asym.iss;
- h = mips_elf_link_hash_lookup (mips_elf_hash_table (info),
- name, false, false, true);
- if (h == NULL || h->esym.ifd != -2)
- continue;
- if (ext.ifd != -1)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (ext.ifd
- < input_debug.symbolic_header.ifdMax);
- ext.ifd = input_debug.ifdmap[ext.ifd];
- }
- h->esym = ext;
- }
- /* Free up the information we just read. */
- free (input_debug.line);
- free (input_debug.external_dnr);
- free (input_debug.external_pdr);
- free (input_debug.external_sym);
- free (input_debug.external_opt);
- free (input_debug.external_aux);
- free (;
- free (input_debug.ssext);
- free (input_debug.external_fdr);
- free (input_debug.external_rfd);
- free (input_debug.external_ext);
- /* Hack: reset the SEC_HAS_CONTENTS flag so that
- elf_link_input_bfd ignores this section. */
- input_section->flags &=~ SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- }
- if (SGI_COMPAT (abfd) && info->shared)
- {
- /* Create .rtproc section. */
- rtproc_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".rtproc");
- if (rtproc_sec == NULL)
- {
- flagword flags = (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_IN_MEMORY
- rtproc_sec = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".rtproc");
- if (rtproc_sec == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, rtproc_sec, flags)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, rtproc_sec, 12))
- return false;
- }
- if (! mips_elf_create_procedure_table (mdebug_handle, abfd,
- info, rtproc_sec, &debug))
- return false;
- }
- /* Build the external symbol information. */
- einfo.abfd = abfd;
- = info;
- einfo.debug = &debug;
- einfo.swap = swap;
- einfo.failed = false;
- mips_elf_link_hash_traverse (mips_elf_hash_table (info),
- mips_elf_output_extsym,
- (PTR) &einfo);
- if (einfo.failed)
- return false;
- /* Set the size of the .mdebug section. */
- o->_raw_size = bfd_ecoff_debug_size (abfd, &debug, swap);
- /* Skip this section later on (I don't think this currently
- matters, but someday it might). */
- o->link_order_head = (struct bfd_link_order *) NULL;
- mdebug_sec = o;
- }
- if (strncmp (o->name, ".gptab.", sizeof ".gptab." - 1) == 0)
- {
- const char *subname;
- unsigned int c;
- Elf32_gptab *tab;
- Elf32_External_gptab *ext_tab;
- unsigned int i;
- /* The .gptab.sdata and .gptab.sbss sections hold
- information describing how the small data area would
- change depending upon the -G switch. These sections
- not used in executables files. */
- if (! info->relocateable)
- {
- asection **secpp;
- for (p = o->link_order_head;
- p != (struct bfd_link_order *) NULL;
- p = p->next)
- {
- asection *input_section;
- if (p->type != bfd_indirect_link_order)
- {
- if (p->type == bfd_fill_link_order)
- continue;
- abort ();
- }
- input_section = p->u.indirect.section;
- /* Hack: reset the SEC_HAS_CONTENTS flag so that
- elf_link_input_bfd ignores this section. */
- input_section->flags &=~ SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- }
- /* Skip this section later on (I don't think this
- currently matters, but someday it might). */
- o->link_order_head = (struct bfd_link_order *) NULL;
- /* Really remove the section. */
- for (secpp = &abfd->sections;
- *secpp != o;
- secpp = &(*secpp)->next)
- ;
- *secpp = (*secpp)->next;
- --abfd->section_count;
- continue;
- }
- /* There is one gptab for initialized data, and one for
- uninitialized data. */
- if (strcmp (o->name, ".gptab.sdata") == 0)
- gptab_data_sec = o;
- else if (strcmp (o->name, ".gptab.sbss") == 0)
- gptab_bss_sec = o;
- else
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: illegal section name `%s'",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), o->name);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_nonrepresentable_section);
- return false;
- }
- /* The linker script always combines and
- .gptab.sdata into .gptab.sdata, and likewise for
- .gptab.bss and .gptab.sbss. It is possible that there is
- no .sdata or .sbss section in the output file, in which
- case we must change the name of the output section. */
- subname = o->name + sizeof ".gptab" - 1;
- if (bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, subname) == NULL)
- {
- if (o == gptab_data_sec)
- o->name = "";
- else
- o->name = ".gptab.bss";
- subname = o->name + sizeof ".gptab" - 1;
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, subname) != NULL);
- }
- /* Set up the first entry. */
- c = 1;
- tab = (Elf32_gptab *) bfd_malloc (c * sizeof (Elf32_gptab));
- if (tab == NULL)
- return false;
- tab[0].gt_header.gt_current_g_value = elf_gp_size (abfd);
- tab[0].gt_header.gt_unused = 0;
- /* Combine the input sections. */
- for (p = o->link_order_head;
- p != (struct bfd_link_order *) NULL;
- p = p->next)
- {
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- bfd_size_type size;
- unsigned long last;
- bfd_size_type gpentry;
- if (p->type != bfd_indirect_link_order)
- {
- if (p->type == bfd_fill_link_order)
- continue;
- abort ();
- }
- input_section = p->u.indirect.section;
- input_bfd = input_section->owner;
- /* Combine the gptab entries for this input section one
- by one. We know that the input gptab entries are
- sorted by ascending -G value. */
- size = bfd_section_size (input_bfd, input_section);
- last = 0;
- for (gpentry = sizeof (Elf32_External_gptab);
- gpentry < size;
- gpentry += sizeof (Elf32_External_gptab))
- {
- Elf32_External_gptab ext_gptab;
- Elf32_gptab int_gptab;
- unsigned long val;
- unsigned long add;
- boolean exact;
- unsigned int look;
- if (! (bfd_get_section_contents
- (input_bfd, input_section, (PTR) &ext_gptab,
- gpentry, sizeof (Elf32_External_gptab))))
- {
- free (tab);
- return false;
- }
- bfd_mips_elf32_swap_gptab_in (input_bfd, &ext_gptab,
- &int_gptab);
- val = int_gptab.gt_entry.gt_g_value;
- add = int_gptab.gt_entry.gt_bytes - last;
- exact = false;
- for (look = 1; look < c; look++)
- {
- if (tab[look].gt_entry.gt_g_value >= val)
- tab[look].gt_entry.gt_bytes += add;
- if (tab[look].gt_entry.gt_g_value == val)
- exact = true;
- }
- if (! exact)
- {
- Elf32_gptab *new_tab;
- unsigned int max;
- /* We need a new table entry. */
- new_tab = ((Elf32_gptab *)
- bfd_realloc ((PTR) tab,
- (c + 1) * sizeof (Elf32_gptab)));
- if (new_tab == NULL)
- {
- free (tab);
- return false;
- }
- tab = new_tab;
- tab[c].gt_entry.gt_g_value = val;
- tab[c].gt_entry.gt_bytes = add;
- /* Merge in the size for the next smallest -G
- value, since that will be implied by this new
- value. */
- max = 0;
- for (look = 1; look < c; look++)
- {
- if (tab[look].gt_entry.gt_g_value < val
- && (max == 0
- || (tab[look].gt_entry.gt_g_value
- > tab[max].gt_entry.gt_g_value)))
- max = look;
- }
- if (max != 0)
- tab[c].gt_entry.gt_bytes +=
- tab[max].gt_entry.gt_bytes;
- ++c;
- }
- last = int_gptab.gt_entry.gt_bytes;
- }
- /* Hack: reset the SEC_HAS_CONTENTS flag so that
- elf_link_input_bfd ignores this section. */
- input_section->flags &=~ SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- }
- /* The table must be sorted by -G value. */
- if (c > 2)
- qsort (tab + 1, c - 1, sizeof (tab[0]), gptab_compare);
- /* Swap out the table. */
- ext_tab = ((Elf32_External_gptab *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, c * sizeof (Elf32_External_gptab)));
- if (ext_tab == NULL)
- {
- free (tab);
- return false;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
- bfd_mips_elf32_swap_gptab_out (abfd, tab + i, ext_tab + i);
- free (tab);
- o->_raw_size = c * sizeof (Elf32_External_gptab);
- o->contents = (bfd_byte *) ext_tab;
- /* Skip this section later on (I don't think this currently
- matters, but someday it might). */
- o->link_order_head = (struct bfd_link_order *) NULL;
- }
- }
- /* Invoke the regular ELF backend linker to do all the work. */
- if (! bfd_elf32_bfd_final_link (abfd, info))
- return false;
- /* Now write out the computed sections. */
- if (reginfo_sec != (asection *) NULL)
- {
- Elf32_External_RegInfo ext;
- bfd_mips_elf32_swap_reginfo_out (abfd, &reginfo, &ext);
- if (! bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, reginfo_sec, (PTR) &ext,
- (file_ptr) 0, sizeof ext))
- return false;
- }
- if (mdebug_sec != (asection *) NULL)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (abfd->output_has_begun);
- if (! bfd_ecoff_write_accumulated_debug (mdebug_handle, abfd, &debug,
- swap, info,
- mdebug_sec->filepos))
- return false;
- bfd_ecoff_debug_free (mdebug_handle, abfd, &debug, swap, info);
- }
- if (gptab_data_sec != (asection *) NULL)
- {
- if (! bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, gptab_data_sec,
- gptab_data_sec->contents,
- (file_ptr) 0,
- gptab_data_sec->_raw_size))
- return false;
- }
- if (gptab_bss_sec != (asection *) NULL)
- {
- if (! bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, gptab_bss_sec,
- gptab_bss_sec->contents,
- (file_ptr) 0,
- gptab_bss_sec->_raw_size))
- return false;
- }
- if (SGI_COMPAT (abfd))
- {
- rtproc_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".rtproc");
- if (rtproc_sec != NULL)
- {
- if (! bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, rtproc_sec,
- rtproc_sec->contents,
- (file_ptr) 0,
- rtproc_sec->_raw_size))
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Handle a MIPS ELF HI16 reloc. */
-static void
-mips_elf_relocate_hi16 (input_bfd, relhi, rello, contents, addend)
- bfd *input_bfd;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relhi;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *rello;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- bfd_vma addend;
- bfd_vma insn;
- bfd_vma addlo;
- insn = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, contents + relhi->r_offset);
- addlo = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, contents + rello->r_offset);
- addlo &= 0xffff;
- addend += ((insn & 0xffff) << 16) + addlo;
- if ((addlo & 0x8000) != 0)
- addend -= 0x10000;
- if ((addend & 0x8000) != 0)
- addend += 0x10000;
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd,
- (insn & 0xffff0000) | ((addend >> 16) & 0xffff),
- contents + relhi->r_offset);
-/* Handle a MIPS ELF local GOT16 reloc. */
-static void
-mips_elf_relocate_got_local (output_bfd, input_bfd, sgot, relhi, rello,
- contents, addend)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *sgot;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relhi;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *rello;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- bfd_vma addend;
- int local_gotno;
- int i;
- bfd_vma insn;
- bfd_vma addlo;
- bfd_vma address;
- bfd_vma hipage;
- bfd_byte *got_contents;
- struct mips_got_info *g;
- insn = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, contents + relhi->r_offset);
- addlo = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, contents + rello->r_offset);
- addlo &= 0xffff;
- addend += ((insn & 0xffff) << 16) + addlo;
- if ((addlo & 0x8000) != 0)
- addend -= 0x10000;
- if ((addend & 0x8000) != 0)
- addend += 0x10000;
- /* Get a got entry representing requested hipage. */
- BFD_ASSERT (elf_section_data (sgot) != NULL);
- g = (struct mips_got_info *) elf_section_data (sgot)->tdata;
- local_gotno = g->local_gotno;
- got_contents = sgot->contents;
- hipage = addend & 0xffff0000;
- for (i = MIPS_RESERVED_GOTNO; i < local_gotno; i++)
- {
- address = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, got_contents + i * 4);
- if (hipage == (address & 0xffff0000))
- break;
- if (address == (bfd_vma) 0)
- {
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, hipage, got_contents + i * 4);
- break;
- }
- }
- BFD_ASSERT (i < local_gotno);
-#if 1
- if (i == local_gotno)
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("ELF MIPS linker: more got entries are needed for hipage: %x",
- hipage);
- i = - ELF_MIPS_GP_OFFSET (output_bfd) + i * 4;
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, (insn & 0xffff0000) | (i & 0xffff),
- contents + relhi->r_offset);
-/* Handle MIPS ELF CALL16 reloc and global GOT16 reloc. */
-static void
-mips_elf_relocate_global_got (input_bfd, rel, contents, offset)
- bfd *input_bfd;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *rel;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- bfd_vma offset;
- bfd_vma insn;
- insn = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, contents + rel->r_offset);
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd,
- (insn & 0xffff0000) | (offset & 0xffff),
- contents + rel->r_offset);
-/* Relocate a MIPS ELF section. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_relocate_section (output_bfd, info, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, relocs, local_syms, local_sections)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *local_syms;
- asection **local_sections;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
- size_t locsymcount;
- size_t extsymoff;
- asection *sgot, *sreloc, *scpt;
- bfd *dynobj;
- bfd_vma gp;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *rel;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relend;
- struct mips_got_info *g;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (input_bfd)->symtab_hdr;
- sgot = NULL;
- sreloc = NULL;
- if (dynobj == NULL || ! SGI_COMPAT (output_bfd))
- scpt = NULL;
- else
- scpt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".compact_rel");
- g = NULL;
- if (elf_bad_symtab (input_bfd))
- {
- locsymcount = symtab_hdr->sh_size / sizeof (Elf32_External_Sym);
- extsymoff = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- locsymcount = symtab_hdr->sh_info;
- extsymoff = symtab_hdr->sh_info;
- }
- gp = _bfd_get_gp_value (output_bfd);
- rel = relocs;
- relend = relocs + input_section->reloc_count;
- for (; rel < relend; rel++)
- {
- int r_type;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- unsigned long r_symndx;
- bfd_vma addend;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- asection *sec;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *sym;
- bfd_reloc_status_type r;
- r_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->r_info);
- if (r_type < 0 || r_type >= (int) R_MIPS_max)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- howto = elf_mips_howto_table + r_type;
- if (dynobj != NULL
- && (r_type == R_MIPS_CALL16
- || r_type == R_MIPS_GOT16
- || r_type == R_MIPS_CALL_HI16
- || r_type == R_MIPS_CALL_LO16
- || r_type == R_MIPS_GOT_HI16
- || r_type == R_MIPS_GOT_LO16))
- {
- /* We need the .got section. */
- if (sgot == NULL)
- {
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL);
- BFD_ASSERT (elf_section_data (sgot) != NULL);
- g = (struct mips_got_info *) elf_section_data (sgot)->tdata;
- }
- }
- r_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rel->r_info);
- /* Mix in the change in GP address for a GP relative reloc. */
- if (r_type != R_MIPS_GPREL16
- && r_type != R_MIPS_LITERAL
- && r_type != R_MIPS_GPREL32)
- addend = 0;
- else
- {
- if (gp == 0)
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
- (info,
- "GP relative relocation when GP not defined",
- input_bfd, input_section,
- rel->r_offset)))
- return false;
- /* Only give the error once per link. */
- gp = 4;
- _bfd_set_gp_value (output_bfd, gp);
- }
- if (r_symndx < extsymoff
- || (elf_bad_symtab (input_bfd)
- && local_sections[r_symndx] != NULL))
- {
- /* This is a relocation against a section. The current
- addend in the instruction is the difference between
- INPUT_SECTION->vma and the GP value of INPUT_BFD. We
- must change this to be the difference between the
- final definition (which will end up in RELOCATION)
- and the GP value of OUTPUT_BFD (which is in GP). */
- addend = elf_gp (input_bfd) - gp;
- }
- else if (! info->relocateable)
- {
- /* We are doing a final link. The current addend in the
- instruction is simply the desired offset into the
- symbol (normally zero). We want the instruction to
- hold the difference between the final definition of
- the symbol (which will end up in RELOCATION) and the
- GP value of OUTPUT_BFD (which is in GP). */
- addend = - gp;
- }
- else
- {
- /* We are generating relocateable output, and we aren't
- going to define this symbol, so we just leave the
- instruction alone. */
- addend = 0;
- }
- }
- h = NULL;
- sym = NULL;
- sec = NULL;
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- /* This is a relocateable link. We don't have to change
- anything, unless the reloc is against a section symbol,
- in which case we have to adjust according to where the
- section symbol winds up in the output section. */
- if (r_symndx >= locsymcount
- || (elf_bad_symtab (input_bfd)
- && local_sections[r_symndx] == NULL))
- r = bfd_reloc_ok;
- else
- {
- sym = local_syms + r_symndx;
- if (ELF_ST_TYPE (sym->st_info) != STT_SECTION)
- r = bfd_reloc_ok;
- else
- {
- sec = local_sections[r_symndx];
- /* It would be logical to add sym->st_value here,
- but Irix 5 sometimes generates a garbage symbol
- value. */
- addend += sec->output_offset;
- /* If this is HI16 or GOT16 with an associated LO16,
- adjust the addend accordingly. Otherwise, just
- relocate. */
- if ((r_type != R_MIPS_HI16 && r_type != R_MIPS_GOT16)
- || (rel + 1) >= relend
- || ELF32_R_TYPE ((rel + 1)->r_info) != R_MIPS_LO16)
- r = _bfd_relocate_contents (howto, input_bfd,
- addend,
- contents + rel->r_offset);
- else
- {
- mips_elf_relocate_hi16 (input_bfd, rel, rel + 1,
- contents, addend);
- r = bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_vma relocation;
- boolean local;
- /* This is a final link. */
- sym = NULL;
- if (r_symndx < extsymoff
- || (elf_bad_symtab (input_bfd)
- && local_sections[r_symndx] != NULL))
- {
- local = true;
- sym = local_syms + r_symndx;
- sec = local_sections[r_symndx];
- relocation = (sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset);
- /* It would be logical to always add sym->st_value here,
- but Irix 5 sometimes generates a garbage symbol
- value. */
- if (ELF_ST_TYPE (sym->st_info) != STT_SECTION)
- relocation += sym->st_value;
- }
- else
- {
- long indx;
- local = false;
- indx = r_symndx - extsymoff;
- h = elf_sym_hashes (input_bfd)[indx];
- while (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_warning)
- h = (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) h->;
- if (strcmp (h->root.root.string, "_gp_disp") == 0)
- {
- if (gp == 0)
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
- (info,
- "_gp_disp used when GP not defined",
- input_bfd, input_section,
- rel->r_offset)))
- return false;
- /* Only give the error once per link. */
- gp = 4;
- _bfd_set_gp_value (output_bfd, gp);
- relocation = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- sec = input_section;
- if (sec->output_section != NULL)
- relocation = (gp
- - (rel->r_offset
- + sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset));
- else
- relocation = gp - rel->r_offset;
- if (r_type == R_MIPS_LO16)
- relocation += 4;
- }
- }
- else if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- if (sec->output_section == NULL)
- relocation = 0;
- else
- relocation = (h->root.u.def.value
- + sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset);
- }
- else if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- relocation = 0;
- else if (info->shared && ! info->symbolic)
- relocation = 0;
- else if (strcmp (h->root.root.string, "_DYNAMIC_LINK") == 0)
- {
- /* If this is a dynamic link, we should have created
- a _DYNAMIC_LINK symbol in
- mips_elf_create_dynamic_sections. Otherwise, we
- should define the symbol with a value of 0.
- FIXME: It should probably get into the symbol
- table somehow as well. */
- BFD_ASSERT (! info->shared);
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd,
- ".dynamic") == NULL);
- relocation = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (info, h->root.root.string, input_bfd,
- input_section, rel->r_offset)))
- return false;
- relocation = 0;
- }
- }
- if (r_type == R_MIPS_HI16
- && (rel + 1) < relend
- && ELF32_R_TYPE ((rel + 1)->r_info) == R_MIPS_LO16)
- {
- mips_elf_relocate_hi16 (input_bfd, rel, rel + 1,
- contents, relocation + addend);
- r = bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- else if (r_type == R_MIPS_GOT16 && local)
- {
- /* GOT16 must be also with associated LO16 in the local
- case. In this case, the addend is extracted and the
- section in which the referenced object is determined.
- Then the final address of the object is computed and
- the GOT entry for the hipage (an aligned 64kb chunk)
- is added to .got section if needed. The offset field
- of the GOT16-relocated instruction is replaced by the
- index of this GOT entry for the hipage. */
- if ((rel + 1) < relend
- && ELF32_R_TYPE ((rel + 1)->r_info) == R_MIPS_LO16)
- {
- mips_elf_relocate_got_local (output_bfd, input_bfd, sgot,
- rel, rel + 1,
- contents,
- relocation + addend);
- r = bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- else
- r = bfd_reloc_outofrange;
- }
- else if (r_type == R_MIPS_CALL16
- || r_type == R_MIPS_GOT16
- || r_type == R_MIPS_CALL_LO16
- || r_type == R_MIPS_GOT_LO16)
- {
- bfd_vma offset;
- /* This symbol must be registered as a global symbol
- having the corresponding got entry. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h->got_offset != (bfd_vma) -1);
- offset = (h->dynindx - g->global_gotsym + g->local_gotno) * 4;
- BFD_ASSERT (g->local_gotno <= offset
- && offset < sgot->_raw_size);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, relocation + addend,
- sgot->contents + offset);
- offset = (sgot->output_section->vma + sgot->output_offset
- + offset - gp);
- mips_elf_relocate_global_got (input_bfd, rel, contents,
- offset);
- r = bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- else if (r_type == R_MIPS_CALL_HI16
- || r_type == R_MIPS_GOT_HI16)
- {
- bfd_vma offset;
- /* This must be a global symbol with a got entry. The
- next reloc must be the corresponding LO16 reloc. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h != NULL && h->got_offset != (bfd_vma) -1);
- BFD_ASSERT ((rel + 1) < relend);
- BFD_ASSERT (ELF32_R_TYPE ((rel + 1)->r_info)
- == (r_type == R_MIPS_CALL_HI16
- : R_MIPS_GOT_LO16));
- offset = (h->dynindx - g->global_gotsym + g->local_gotno) * 4;
- BFD_ASSERT (g->local_gotno <= offset
- && offset < sgot->_raw_size);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, relocation + addend,
- sgot->contents + offset);
- offset = (sgot->output_section->vma + sgot->output_offset
- + offset - gp);
- mips_elf_relocate_hi16 (input_bfd, rel, rel + 1, contents,
- offset);
- r = bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- else if (r_type == R_MIPS_REL32
- || r_type == R_MIPS_32)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Rel outrel;
- Elf32_crinfo cptrel;
- bfd_byte *cr;
- if (info->shared
- && (input_section->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0)
- {
- /* When generating a shared object, these
- relocations are copied into the output file to be
- resolved at run time. */
- if (sreloc == NULL)
- {
- sreloc = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".rel.dyn");
- BFD_ASSERT (sreloc != NULL);
- }
- outrel.r_offset = (rel->r_offset
- + input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset);
- addend = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, contents + rel->r_offset);
- if (h != NULL
- && (! info->symbolic
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (h->dynindx != -1);
- outrel.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (h->dynindx, R_MIPS_REL32);
- sec = input_section;
- }
- else
- {
- long indx;
- if (h == NULL)
- sec = local_sections[r_symndx];
- else
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || (h->root.type
- == bfd_link_hash_defweak));
- sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- }
- if (sec != NULL && bfd_is_abs_section (sec))
- indx = 0;
- else if (sec == NULL || sec->owner == NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- asection *osec;
- osec = sec->output_section;
- indx = elf_section_data (osec)->dynindx;
- if (indx == 0)
- abort ();
- }
- outrel.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (indx, R_MIPS_REL32);
- addend += relocation;
- }
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, addend, contents + rel->r_offset);
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloc_out (output_bfd, &outrel,
- (((Elf32_External_Rel *)
- sreloc->contents)
- + sreloc->reloc_count));
- ++sreloc->reloc_count;
- if (SGI_COMPAT (output_bfd))
- {
- if (scpt == NULL)
- continue;
- /* Make an entry of compact relocation info. */
- mips_elf_set_cr_format (cptrel, CRF_MIPS_LONG);
- cptrel.vaddr = (rel->r_offset
- + input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset);
- if (r_type == R_MIPS_REL32)
- mips_elf_set_cr_type (cptrel, CRT_MIPS_REL32);
- else
- mips_elf_set_cr_type (cptrel, CRT_MIPS_WORD);
- mips_elf_set_cr_dist2to (cptrel, 0);
- cptrel.konst = addend;
- cr = (scpt->contents
- + sizeof (Elf32_External_compact_rel));
- bfd_elf32_swap_crinfo_out (output_bfd, &cptrel,
- ((Elf32_External_crinfo *) cr
- + scpt->reloc_count));
- ++scpt->reloc_count;
- }
- /* This reloc will be computed at runtime, so
- there's no need to do anything now. */
- continue;
- }
- else
- r = _bfd_final_link_relocate (howto, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, rel->r_offset,
- relocation, addend);
- }
- else
- r = _bfd_final_link_relocate (howto, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, rel->r_offset,
- relocation, addend);
- if (SGI_COMPAT (abfd)
- && scpt != NULL
- && (input_section->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0)
- {
- Elf32_crinfo cptrel;
- bfd_byte *cr;
- /* Make an entry of compact relocation info. */
- mips_elf_set_cr_format (cptrel, CRF_MIPS_LONG);
- cptrel.vaddr = (rel->r_offset
- + input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset);
- switch (r_type)
- {
- case R_MIPS_26:
- mips_elf_set_cr_type (cptrel, CRT_MIPS_JMPAD);
- /* XXX How should we set dist2to in this case. */
- mips_elf_set_cr_dist2to (cptrel, 8);
- cptrel.konst = addend + relocation;
- cr = scpt->contents + sizeof (Elf32_External_compact_rel);
- bfd_elf32_swap_crinfo_out (output_bfd, &cptrel,
- ((Elf32_External_crinfo *) cr
- + scpt->reloc_count));
- ++scpt->reloc_count;
- break;
- case R_MIPS_GPREL16:
- case R_MIPS_GPREL32:
- mips_elf_set_cr_type (cptrel, CRT_MIPS_GPHI_LO);
- cptrel.konst = gp - cptrel.vaddr;
- mips_elf_set_cr_dist2to (cptrel, 4);
- cr = scpt->contents + sizeof (Elf32_External_compact_rel);
- bfd_elf32_swap_crinfo_out (output_bfd, &cptrel,
- ((Elf32_External_crinfo *) cr
- + scpt->reloc_count));
- ++scpt->reloc_count;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (r != bfd_reloc_ok)
- {
- switch (r)
- {
- default:
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- {
- const char *name;
- if (h != NULL)
- name = h->root.root.string;
- else
- {
- name = bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section (input_bfd,
- symtab_hdr->sh_link,
- sym->st_name);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- if (*name == '\0')
- name = bfd_section_name (input_bfd, sec);
- }
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (info, name, howto->name, (bfd_vma) 0,
- input_bfd, input_section, rel->r_offset)))
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Functions for the dynamic linker. */
-/* The name of the dynamic interpreter. This is put in the .interp
- section. */
-#define ELF_DYNAMIC_INTERPRETER "/usr/lib/"
-/* Create dynamic sections when linking against a dynamic object. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_create_dynamic_sections (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- flagword flags;
- register asection *s;
- const char * const *namep;
- /* Mips ABI requests the .dynamic section to be read only. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".dynamic");
- if (s != NULL)
- {
- if (! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags))
- return false;
- }
- /* We need to create .got section. */
- if (! mips_elf_create_got_section (abfd, info))
- return false;
- /* Create .stub section. */
- if (bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".stub") == NULL)
- {
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".stub");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 2))
- return false;
- }
- if (SGI_COMPAT (abfd))
- {
- for (namep = mips_elf_dynsym_rtproc_names; *namep != NULL; namep++)
- {
- h = NULL;
- if (! (_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
- (info, abfd, *namep, BSF_GLOBAL, bfd_und_section_ptr,
- (bfd_vma) 0, (const char *) NULL, false,
- get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->collect,
- (struct bfd_link_hash_entry **) &h)))
- return false;
- h->elf_link_hash_flags &=~ ELF_LINK_NON_ELF;
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR;
- h->type = STT_SECTION;
- if (! bfd_elf32_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- }
- /* We need to create a .compact_rel section. */
- if (! mips_elf_create_compact_rel_section (abfd, info))
- return false;
- /* Change aligments of some sections. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".hash");
- if (s != NULL)
- bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 4);
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".dynsym");
- if (s != NULL)
- bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 4);
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".dynstr");
- if (s != NULL)
- bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 4);
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".reginfo");
- if (s != NULL)
- bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 4);
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".dynamic");
- if (s != NULL)
- bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 4);
- }
- if (!info->shared)
- {
- h = NULL;
- if (! (_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
- (info, abfd, "_DYNAMIC_LINK", BSF_GLOBAL, bfd_abs_section_ptr,
- (bfd_vma) 0, (const char *) NULL, false,
- get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->collect,
- (struct bfd_link_hash_entry **) &h)))
- return false;
- h->elf_link_hash_flags ^=~ ELF_LINK_NON_ELF;
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR;
- h->type = STT_SECTION;
- if (! bfd_elf32_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Create the .compact_rel section. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_create_compact_rel_section (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- flagword flags;
- register asection *s;
- if (bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".compact_rel") == NULL)
- {
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".compact_rel");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 2))
- return false;
- s->_raw_size = sizeof (Elf32_External_compact_rel);
- }
- return true;
-/* Create the .got section to hold the global offset table. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_create_got_section (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- flagword flags;
- register asection *s;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct mips_got_info *g;
- /* This function may be called more than once. */
- if (bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".got") != NULL)
- return true;
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".got");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 4))
- return false;
- /* Define the symbol _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_. We don't do this in the
- linker script because we don't want to define the symbol if we
- are not creating a global offset table. */
- h = NULL;
- if (! (_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
- (info, abfd, "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_", BSF_GLOBAL, s,
- (bfd_vma) 0, (const char *) NULL, false,
- get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->collect,
- (struct bfd_link_hash_entry **) &h)))
- return false;
- h->elf_link_hash_flags &=~ ELF_LINK_NON_ELF;
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR;
- h->type = STT_OBJECT;
- if (info->shared
- && ! bfd_elf32_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- /* The first several global offset table entries are reserved. */
- s->_raw_size = MIPS_RESERVED_GOTNO * 4;
- g = (struct mips_got_info *) bfd_alloc (abfd,
- sizeof (struct mips_got_info));
- if (g == NULL)
- return false;
- g->global_gotsym = 0;
- g->local_gotno = MIPS_RESERVED_GOTNO;
- if (elf_section_data (s) == NULL)
- {
- s->used_by_bfd =
- (PTR) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct bfd_elf_section_data));
- if (elf_section_data (s) == NULL)
- return false;
- }
- elf_section_data (s)->tdata = (PTR) g;
- return true;
-/* Look through the relocs for a section during the first phase, and
- allocate space in the global offset table. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_check_relocs (abfd, info, sec, relocs)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *sec;
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs;
- bfd *dynobj;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- struct mips_got_info *g;
- size_t extsymoff;
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *rel;
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *rel_end;
- asection *sgot;
- asection *sreloc;
- if (info->relocateable)
- return true;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
- sym_hashes = elf_sym_hashes (abfd);
- extsymoff = (elf_bad_symtab (abfd)) ? 0 : symtab_hdr->sh_info;
- sgot = NULL;
- sreloc = NULL;
- rel_end = relocs + sec->reloc_count;
- for (rel = relocs; rel < rel_end; rel++)
- {
- unsigned long r_symndx;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- r_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rel->r_info);
- if (r_symndx < extsymoff)
- h = NULL;
- else
- h = sym_hashes[r_symndx - extsymoff];
- /* Some relocs require a global offset table. */
- if (dynobj == NULL)
- {
- switch (ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->r_info))
- {
- case R_MIPS_GOT16:
- case R_MIPS_CALL16:
- case R_MIPS_CALL_HI16:
- case R_MIPS_CALL_LO16:
- case R_MIPS_GOT_HI16:
- case R_MIPS_GOT_LO16:
- elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj = dynobj = abfd;
- if (! mips_elf_create_got_section (dynobj, info))
- return false;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- switch (ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->r_info))
- {
- case R_MIPS_CALL16:
- case R_MIPS_CALL_HI16:
- case R_MIPS_CALL_LO16:
- /* This symbol requires a global offset table entry. */
- if (sgot == NULL)
- {
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL);
- BFD_ASSERT (elf_section_data (sgot) != NULL);
- g = (struct mips_got_info *) elf_section_data (sgot)->tdata;
- }
- /* Make sure this symbol is output as a dynamic symbol. */
- if (h->dynindx == -1)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- }
- if (h->got_offset != (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- /* We have already allocated space in the .got. */
- break;
- }
- /* Note the index of the first global got symbol in .dynsym. */
- if (g->global_gotsym == 0
- || g->global_gotsym > (unsigned long) h->dynindx)
- g->global_gotsym = h->dynindx;
- /* Make this symbol to have the corresponding got entry. */
- h->got_offset = 0;
- /* We need a stub, not a plt entry for the undefined
- function. But we record it as if it needs plt. See
- elf_adjust_dynamic_symbol in elflink.h. */
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT;
- h->type = STT_FUNC;
- break;
- case R_MIPS_GOT16:
- case R_MIPS_GOT_HI16:
- case R_MIPS_GOT_LO16:
- /* This symbol requires a global offset table entry. */
- if (sgot == NULL)
- {
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL);
- BFD_ASSERT (elf_section_data (sgot) != NULL);
- g = (struct mips_got_info *) elf_section_data (sgot)->tdata;
- }
- if (h != NULL)
- {
- /* Make sure this symbol is output as a dynamic symbol. */
- if (h->dynindx == -1)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- }
- if (h->got_offset != (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- /* We have already allocated space in the .got. */
- break;
- }
- /* Note the index of the first global got symbol in
- .dynsym. */
- if (g->global_gotsym == 0
- || g->global_gotsym > (unsigned long) h->dynindx)
- g->global_gotsym = h->dynindx;
- /* Make this symbol to be the global got symbol. */
- h->got_offset = 0;
- }
- break;
- case R_MIPS_32:
- case R_MIPS_REL32:
- if (info->shared
- && (sec->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0)
- {
- /* When creating a shared object, we must copy these
- reloc types into the output file as R_MIPS_REL32
- relocs. We create the .rel.dyn reloc section in
- dynobj and make room for this reloc. */
- if (sreloc == NULL)
- {
- const char *name = ".rel.dyn";
- sreloc = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, name);
- if (sreloc == NULL)
- {
- sreloc = bfd_make_section (dynobj, name);
- if (sreloc == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (dynobj, sreloc,
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, sreloc, 4))
- return false;
- /* Add a null element. */
- sreloc->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rel);
- ++sreloc->reloc_count;
- }
- }
- sreloc->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rel);
- }
- if (SGI_COMPAT (abfd))
- mips_elf_hash_table (info)->compact_rel_size +=
- sizeof (Elf32_External_crinfo);
- break;
- case R_MIPS_26:
- case R_MIPS_GPREL16:
- case R_MIPS_GPREL32:
- if (SGI_COMPAT (abfd))
- mips_elf_hash_table (info)->compact_rel_size +=
- sizeof (Elf32_External_crinfo);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Adjust a symbol defined by a dynamic object and referenced by a
- regular object. The current definition is in some section of the
- dynamic object, but we're not including those sections. We have to
- change the definition to something the rest of the link can
- understand. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_adjust_dynamic_symbol (info, h)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- bfd *dynobj;
- asection *s;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- /* Make sure we know what is going on here. */
- BFD_ASSERT (dynobj != NULL
- && ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT)
- || h->weakdef != NULL
- || ((h->elf_link_hash_flags
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- /* For a function, create a stub, if needed. */
- if (h->type == STT_FUNC
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT) != 0)
- {
- if (! elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- return true;
- /* If this symbol is not defined in a regular file, then set
- the symbol to the stub location. This is required to make
- function pointers compare as equal between the normal
- executable and the shared library. */
- if ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR) == 0)
- {
- /* We need .stub section. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".stub");
- h->root.u.def.section = s;
- h->root.u.def.value = s->_raw_size;
- /* XXX Write this stub address somewhere. */
- h->plt_offset = s->_raw_size;
- /* Make room for this stub code. */
- s->_raw_size += MIPS_FUNCTION_STUB_SIZE;
- /* The last half word of the stub will be filled with the index
- of this symbol in .dynsym section. */
- return true;
- }
- }
- /* If this is a weak symbol, and there is a real definition, the
- processor independent code will have arranged for us to see the
- real definition first, and we can just use the same value. */
- if (h->weakdef != NULL)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (h->weakdef->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->weakdef->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak);
- h->root.u.def.section = h->weakdef->root.u.def.section;
- h->root.u.def.value = h->weakdef->root.u.def.value;
- return true;
- }
- /* This is a reference to a symbol defined by a dynamic object which
- is not a function. */
- return true;
-/* Set the sizes of the dynamic sections. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_size_dynamic_sections (output_bfd, info)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *dynobj;
- asection *s;
- boolean reltext;
- asection *sgot;
- struct mips_got_info *g;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- BFD_ASSERT (dynobj != NULL);
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- /* Set the contents of the .interp section to the interpreter. */
- if (! info->shared)
- {
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".interp");
- s->_raw_size = sizeof ELF_DYNAMIC_INTERPRETER;
- s->contents = (unsigned char *) ELF_DYNAMIC_INTERPRETER;
- }
- }
- /* Recompute the size of .got for local entires (reserved and
- hipages) if needed. To estimate it, get the upper bound of total
- size of loadable sections. */
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- if (sgot != NULL)
- {
- bfd_size_type loadable_size = 0;
- bfd_size_type local_gotno;
- struct _bfd *sub;
- BFD_ASSERT (elf_section_data (sgot) != NULL);
- g = (struct mips_got_info *) elf_section_data (sgot)->tdata;
- for (sub = info->input_bfds; sub; sub = sub->link_next)
- for (s = sub->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- if ((s->flags & SEC_ALLOC) == 0)
- continue;
- loadable_size += (s->_raw_size + 0xf) & ~0xf;
- }
- loadable_size += MIPS_FUNCTION_STUB_SIZE;
- /* Assume there are two loadable segments consisting of
- contiguous sections. Is 5 enough? */
- local_gotno = (loadable_size >> 16) + 5 + MIPS_RESERVED_GOTNO;
- g->local_gotno = local_gotno;
- sgot->_raw_size += local_gotno * 4;
- }
- /* The check_relocs and adjust_dynamic_symbol entry points have
- determined the sizes of the various dynamic sections. Allocate
- memory for them. */
- reltext = false;
- for (s = dynobj->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- const char *name;
- boolean strip;
- /* It's OK to base decisions on the section name, because none
- of the dynobj section names depend upon the input files. */
- name = bfd_get_section_name (dynobj, s);
- if ((s->flags & SEC_IN_MEMORY) == 0)
- continue;
- strip = false;
- if (strncmp (name, ".rel", 4) == 0)
- {
- if (s->_raw_size == 0)
- strip = true;
- else
- {
- asection *target;
- /* If this relocation section applies to a read only
- section, then we probably need a DT_TEXTREL entry.
- If the relocation section is .rel.dyn, we always
- assert a DT_TEXTREL entry rather than testing whether
- there exists a relocation to a read only section or
- not. */
- target = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, name + 4);
- if ((target != NULL && (target->flags & SEC_READONLY) != 0)
- || strcmp (name, ".rel.dyn") == 0)
- reltext = true;
- /* We use the reloc_count field as a counter if we need
- to copy relocs into the output file. */
- if (strcmp (name, ".rel.dyn") != 0)
- s->reloc_count = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (strncmp (name, ".got", 4) == 0)
- {
- int i;
- BFD_ASSERT (elf_section_data (s) != NULL);
- g = (struct mips_got_info *) elf_section_data (s)->tdata;
- /* Fix the size of .got section for the correspondence of
- global symbols and got entries. This adds some useless
- got entries. Is this required by ABI really? */
- i = elf_hash_table (info)->dynsymcount - g->global_gotsym;
- s->_raw_size += i * 4;
- }
- else if (strncmp (name, ".stub", 5) == 0)
- {
- /* Irix rld assumes that the function stub isn't at the end
- of .text section. So put a dummy. XXX */
- s->_raw_size += MIPS_FUNCTION_STUB_SIZE;
- }
- else if (SGI_COMPAT (output_bfd)
- && strncmp (name, ".compact_rel", 12) == 0)
- s->_raw_size += mips_elf_hash_table (info)->compact_rel_size;
- else if (strncmp (name, ".init", 5) != 0)
- {
- /* It's not one of our sections, so don't allocate space. */
- continue;
- }
- if (strip)
- {
- asection **spp;
- for (spp = &s->output_section->owner->sections;
- *spp != s->output_section;
- spp = &(*spp)->next)
- ;
- *spp = s->output_section->next;
- --s->output_section->owner->section_count;
- continue;
- }
- /* Allocate memory for the section contents. */
- s->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (dynobj, s->_raw_size);
- if (s->contents == NULL && s->_raw_size != 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return false;
- }
- memset (s->contents, 0, s->_raw_size);
- }
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- /* Add some entries to the .dynamic section. We fill in the
- values later, in elf_mips_finish_dynamic_sections, but we
- must add the entries now so that we get the correct size for
- the .dynamic section. The DT_DEBUG entry is filled in by the
- dynamic linker and used by the debugger. */
- if (! info->shared)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_DEBUG, 0))
- return false;
- }
- if (reltext)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_TEXTREL, 0))
- return false;
- }
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_PLTGOT, 0))
- return false;
- if (bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".rel.dyn"))
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_REL, 0))
- return false;
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_RELSZ, 0))
- return false;
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_RELENT, 0))
- return false;
- }
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_MIPS_CONFLICTNO, 0))
- return false;
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_MIPS_LIBLISTNO, 0))
- return false;
- if (bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".conflict") != NULL)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_MIPS_CONFLICT, 0))
- return false;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".liblist");
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_MIPS_LIBLIST, 0))
- return false;
- }
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_MIPS_RLD_VERSION, 0))
- return false;
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_MIPS_FLAGS, 0))
- return false;
-#if 0
- /* Time stamps in executable files are a bad idea. */
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_MIPS_TIME_STAMP, 0))
- return false;
-#if 0 /* FIXME */
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_MIPS_ICHECKSUM, 0))
- return false;
-#if 0 /* FIXME */
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_MIPS_IVERSION, 0))
- return false;
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_MIPS_BASE_ADDRESS, 0))
- return false;
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_MIPS_LOCAL_GOTNO, 0))
- return false;
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_MIPS_SYMTABNO, 0))
- return false;
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_MIPS_UNREFEXTNO, 0))
- return false;
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_MIPS_GOTSYM, 0))
- return false;
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_MIPS_HIPAGENO, 0))
- return false;
-#if 0 /* (SGI_COMPAT) */
- if (! bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".init"))
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_INIT, 0))
- return false;
- if (! bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".fini"))
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_FINI, 0))
- return false;
- }
- /* If we use dynamic linking, we generate a section symbol for each
- output section. These are local symbols, which means that they
- must come first in the dynamic symbol table.
- That means we must increment the dynamic symbol index of every
- other dynamic symbol. */
- {
- const char * const *namep;
- unsigned int c, i;
- bfd_size_type strindex;
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *dynstr;
- struct mips_got_info *g;
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- if (SGI_COMPAT (output_bfd))
- {
- elf_link_hash_traverse (elf_hash_table (info),
- mips_elf_adjust_dynindx,
- (PTR) &c);
- elf_hash_table (info)->dynsymcount += c;
- dynstr = elf_hash_table (info)->dynstr;
- BFD_ASSERT (dynstr != NULL);
- for (i = 1, namep = mips_elf_dynsym_sec_names;
- *namep != NULL;
- i++, namep++)
- {
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, *namep);
- if (s != NULL)
- elf_section_data (s)->dynindx = i;
- strindex = _bfd_stringtab_add (dynstr, *namep, true, false);
- if (strindex == (bfd_size_type) -1)
- return false;
- mips_elf_hash_table (info)->dynsym_sec_strindex[i] = strindex;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- c = bfd_count_sections (output_bfd);
- elf_link_hash_traverse (elf_hash_table (info),
- mips_elf_adjust_dynindx,
- (PTR) &c);
- elf_hash_table (info)->dynsymcount += c;
- for (i = 1, s = output_bfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next, i++)
- {
- elf_section_data (s)->dynindx = i;
- /* These symbols will have no names, so we don't need to
- fiddle with dynstr_index. */
- }
- }
- }
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- BFD_ASSERT (elf_section_data (s) != NULL);
- g = (struct mips_got_info *) elf_section_data (s)->tdata;
- /* If there are no global got symbols, fake the last symbol so for
- safety. */
- if (g->global_gotsym)
- g->global_gotsym += c;
- else
- g->global_gotsym = elf_hash_table (info)->dynsymcount - 1;
- }
- return true;
-/* Increment the index of a dynamic symbol by a given amount. Called
- via elf_link_hash_traverse. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_adjust_dynindx (h, cparg)
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- PTR cparg;
- unsigned int *cp = (unsigned int *) cparg;
- if (h->dynindx != -1)
- h->dynindx += *cp;
- return true;
-/* Finish up dynamic symbol handling. We set the contents of various
- dynamic sections here. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_finish_dynamic_symbol (output_bfd, info, h, sym)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *sym;
- bfd *dynobj;
- bfd_vma gval;
- asection *sgot;
- struct mips_got_info *g;
- const char *name;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- gval = sym->st_value;
- if (h->plt_offset != (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- asection *s;
- bfd_byte *p;
- bfd_byte stub[MIPS_FUNCTION_STUB_SIZE];
- /* This symbol has a stub. Set it up. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h->dynindx != -1);
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".stub");
- /* Fill the stub. */
- p = stub;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, STUB_LW(output_bfd), p);
- p += 4;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, STUB_MOVE, p);
- p += 4;
- /* FIXME: Can h->dynindex be more than 64K? */
- if (h->dynindx & 0xffff0000)
- return false;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, STUB_JALR, p);
- p += 4;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, STUB_LI16 + h->dynindx, p);
- BFD_ASSERT (h->plt_offset <= s->_raw_size);
- memcpy (s->contents + h->plt_offset, stub, MIPS_FUNCTION_STUB_SIZE);
- /* Mark the symbol as undefined. plt_offset != -1 occurs
- only for the referenced symbol. */
- sym->st_shndx = SHN_UNDEF;
- /* The run-time linker uses the st_value field of the symbol
- to reset the global offset table entry for this external
- to its stub address when unlinking a shared object. */
- gval = s->output_section->vma + s->output_offset + h->plt_offset;
- sym->st_value = gval;
- }
- BFD_ASSERT (h->dynindx != -1);
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL);
- BFD_ASSERT (elf_section_data (sgot) != NULL);
- g = (struct mips_got_info *) elf_section_data (sgot)->tdata;
- if ((unsigned long) h->dynindx >= g->global_gotsym)
- {
- bfd_size_type offset;
- /* This symbol has an entry in the global offset table. Set its
- value to the corresponding got entry, if needed. */
- if (h->got_offset == (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- offset = (h->dynindx - g->global_gotsym + g->local_gotno) * 4;
- BFD_ASSERT (g->local_gotno * 4 <= offset
- && offset < sgot->_raw_size);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, gval, sgot->contents + offset);
- }
- }
- /* Mark _DYNAMIC and _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ as absolute. */
- name = h->root.root.string;
- if (strcmp (name, "_DYNAMIC") == 0
- || strcmp (name, "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_") == 0)
- sym->st_shndx = SHN_ABS;
- else if (strcmp (name, "_DYNAMIC_LINK") == 0)
- {
- sym->st_shndx = SHN_ABS;
- sym->st_value = 1;
- }
- else if (SGI_COMPAT (output_bfd))
- {
- if (strcmp (name, "_gp_disp") == 0)
- {
- sym->st_shndx = SHN_ABS;
- sym->st_value = elf_gp (output_bfd);
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, mips_elf_dynsym_rtproc_names[0]) == 0
- || strcmp (name, mips_elf_dynsym_rtproc_names[1]) == 0)
- {
- sym->st_other = STO_PROTECTED;
- sym->st_value = 0;
- sym->st_shndx = SHN_MIPS_DATA;
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, mips_elf_dynsym_rtproc_names[2]) == 0)
- {
- sym->st_other = STO_PROTECTED;
- sym->st_value = mips_elf_hash_table (info)->procedure_count;
- sym->st_shndx = SHN_ABS;
- }
- else if (sym->st_shndx != SHN_UNDEF)
- {
- if (h->type == STT_FUNC)
- sym->st_shndx = SHN_MIPS_TEXT;
- else if (h->type == STT_OBJECT)
- sym->st_shndx = SHN_MIPS_DATA;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Finish up the dynamic sections. */
-static boolean
-mips_elf_finish_dynamic_sections (output_bfd, info)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *dynobj;
- asection *sdyn;
- asection *sgot;
- struct mips_got_info *g;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- sdyn = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynamic");
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL);
- BFD_ASSERT (elf_section_data (sgot) != NULL);
- g = (struct mips_got_info *) elf_section_data (sgot)->tdata;
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- Elf32_External_Dyn *dyncon, *dynconend;
- BFD_ASSERT (sdyn != NULL);
- dyncon = (Elf32_External_Dyn *) sdyn->contents;
- dynconend = (Elf32_External_Dyn *) (sdyn->contents + sdyn->_raw_size);
- for (; dyncon < dynconend; dyncon++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Dyn dyn;
- const char *name;
- size_t elemsize;
- asection *s;
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_in (dynobj, dyncon, &dyn);
- switch (dyn.d_tag)
- {
- default:
- break;
- case DT_RELENT:
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".rel.dyn");
- dyn.d_un.d_val = sizeof (Elf32_External_Rel);
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- case DT_STRSZ:
- /* Rewrite DT_STRSZ. */
- dyn.d_un.d_val =
- _bfd_stringtab_size (elf_hash_table (info)->dynstr);
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- case DT_PLTGOT:
- name = ".got";
- goto get_vma;
- name = ".conflict";
- goto get_vma;
- name = ".liblist";
- get_vma:
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, name);
- dyn.d_un.d_ptr = s->vma;
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- dyn.d_un.d_val = 1; /* XXX */
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- dyn.d_un.d_val = RHF_NOTPOT; /* XXX */
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- name = ".conflict";
- elemsize = sizeof (Elf32_Conflict);
- goto set_elemno;
- name = ".liblist";
- elemsize = sizeof (Elf32_Lib);
- set_elemno:
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, name);
- if (s != NULL)
- {
- if (s->_cooked_size != 0)
- dyn.d_un.d_val = s->_cooked_size / elemsize;
- else
- dyn.d_un.d_val = s->_raw_size / elemsize;
- }
- else
- dyn.d_un.d_val = 0;
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- time ((time_t *) &dyn.d_un.d_val);
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- /* XXX FIXME: */
- break;
- /* XXX FIXME: */
- break;
- s = output_bfd->sections;
- dyn.d_un.d_ptr = s->vma & ~(0xffff);
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- dyn.d_un.d_val = g->local_gotno;
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- name = ".dynsym";
- elemsize = sizeof (Elf32_External_Sym);
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, name);
- if (s->_cooked_size != 0)
- dyn.d_un.d_val = s->_cooked_size / elemsize;
- else
- dyn.d_un.d_val = s->_raw_size / elemsize;
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- /* XXX FIXME: */
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- dyn.d_un.d_val = g->global_gotsym;
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- dyn.d_un.d_val = g->local_gotno - MIPS_RESERVED_GOTNO;
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* The first entry of the global offset table will be filled at
- runtime. The second entry will be used by some runtime loaders.
- This isn't the case of Irix rld. */
- if (sgot->_raw_size > 0)
- {
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, (bfd_vma) 0, sgot->contents);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, (bfd_vma) 0x80000000, sgot->contents + 4);
- }
- elf_section_data (sgot->output_section)->this_hdr.sh_entsize = 4;
- {
- asection *sdynsym;
- asection *s;
- unsigned int i;
- bfd_vma last;
- Elf_Internal_Sym sym;
- long dindx;
- const char *name;
- const char * const * namep = mips_elf_dynsym_sec_names;
- Elf32_compact_rel cpt;
- /* Set up the section symbols for the output sections. SGI sets
- the STT_NOTYPE attribute for these symbols. Should we do so? */
- sdynsym = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynsym");
- if (sdynsym != NULL)
- {
- if (SGI_COMPAT (output_bfd))
- {
- sym.st_size = 0;
- sym.st_name = 0;
- sym.st_info = ELF_ST_INFO (STB_LOCAL, STT_NOTYPE);
- sym.st_other = 0;
- i = 0;
- while ((name = *namep++) != NULL)
- {
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, name);
- if (s != NULL)
- {
- sym.st_value = s->vma;
- dindx = elf_section_data (s)->dynindx;
- last = s->vma + s->_raw_size;
- }
- else
- {
- sym.st_value = last;
- dindx++;
- }
- sym.st_shndx = (i < MIPS_TEXT_DYNSYM_SECNO
- ++i;
- sym.st_name =
- mips_elf_hash_table (info)->dynsym_sec_strindex[dindx];
- bfd_elf32_swap_symbol_out (output_bfd, &sym,
- (((Elf32_External_Sym *)
- sdynsym->contents)
- + dindx));
- }
- /* Set the sh_info field of the output .dynsym section to
- the index of the first global symbol. */
- elf_section_data (sdynsym->output_section)->this_hdr.sh_info =
- }
- else
- {
- sym.st_size = 0;
- sym.st_name = 0;
- sym.st_other = 0;
- for (s = output_bfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- int indx;
- sym.st_value = s->vma;
- indx = elf_section_data (s)->this_idx;
- BFD_ASSERT (indx > 0);
- sym.st_shndx = indx;
- bfd_elf32_swap_symbol_out (output_bfd, &sym,
- (((Elf32_External_Sym *)
- sdynsym->contents)
- + elf_section_data (s)->dynindx));
- }
- /* Set the sh_info field of the output .dynsym section to
- the index of the first global symbol. */
- elf_section_data (sdynsym->output_section)->this_hdr.sh_info =
- bfd_count_sections (output_bfd) + 1;
- }
- }
- if (SGI_COMPAT (output_bfd))
- {
- /* Write .compact_rel section out. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".compact_rel");
- if (s != NULL)
- {
- cpt.id1 = 1;
- cpt.num = s->reloc_count;
- cpt.id2 = 2;
- cpt.offset = (s->output_section->filepos
- + sizeof (Elf32_External_compact_rel));
- cpt.reserved0 = 0;
- cpt.reserved1 = 0;
- bfd_elf32_swap_compact_rel_out (output_bfd, &cpt,
- ((Elf32_External_compact_rel *)
- s->contents));
- /* Clean up a dummy stub function entry in .text. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".stub");
- if (s != NULL)
- {
- file_ptr dummy_offset;
- dummy_offset = s->_raw_size - MIPS_FUNCTION_STUB_SIZE;
- memset (s->contents + dummy_offset, 0,
- }
- }
- }
- /* Clean up a first relocation in .rel.dyn. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".rel.dyn");
- if (s != NULL)
- memset (s->contents, 0, sizeof (Elf32_External_Rel));
- }
- return true;
-/* This is almost identical to bfd_generic_get_... except that some
- MIPS relocations need to be handled specially. Sigh. */
-static bfd_byte *
-elf32_mips_get_relocated_section_contents (abfd, link_info, link_order, data,
- relocateable, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- bfd_byte *data;
- boolean relocateable;
- asymbol **symbols;
- /* Get enough memory to hold the stuff */
- bfd *input_bfd = link_order->u.indirect.section->owner;
- asection *input_section = link_order->u.indirect.section;
- long reloc_size = bfd_get_reloc_upper_bound (input_bfd, input_section);
- arelent **reloc_vector = NULL;
- long reloc_count;
- if (reloc_size < 0)
- goto error_return;
- reloc_vector = (arelent **) bfd_malloc (reloc_size);
- if (reloc_vector == NULL && reloc_size != 0)
- goto error_return;
- /* read in the section */
- if (!bfd_get_section_contents (input_bfd,
- input_section,
- (PTR) data,
- 0,
- input_section->_raw_size))
- goto error_return;
- /* We're not relaxing the section, so just copy the size info */
- input_section->_cooked_size = input_section->_raw_size;
- input_section->reloc_done = true;
- reloc_count = bfd_canonicalize_reloc (input_bfd,
- input_section,
- reloc_vector,
- symbols);
- if (reloc_count < 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (reloc_count > 0)
- {
- arelent **parent;
- /* for mips */
- int gp_found;
- bfd_vma gp = 0x12345678; /* initialize just to shut gcc up */
- {
- struct bfd_hash_entry *h;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *lh;
- /* Skip all this stuff if we aren't mixing formats. */
- if (abfd && input_bfd
- && abfd->xvec == input_bfd->xvec)
- lh = 0;
- else
- {
- h = bfd_hash_lookup (&link_info->hash->table, "_gp", false, false);
- lh = (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) h;
- }
- lookup:
- if (lh)
- {
- switch (lh->type)
- {
- case bfd_link_hash_undefined:
- case bfd_link_hash_undefweak:
- case bfd_link_hash_common:
- gp_found = 0;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_defined:
- case bfd_link_hash_defweak:
- gp_found = 1;
- gp = lh->u.def.value;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_indirect:
- case bfd_link_hash_warning:
- lh = lh->;
- /* @@FIXME ignoring warning for now */
- goto lookup;
- case bfd_link_hash_new:
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- }
- else
- gp_found = 0;
- }
- /* end mips */
- for (parent = reloc_vector; *parent != (arelent *) NULL;
- parent++)
- {
- char *error_message = (char *) NULL;
- bfd_reloc_status_type r;
- /* Specific to MIPS: Deal with relocation types that require
- knowing the gp of the output bfd. */
- asymbol *sym = *(*parent)->sym_ptr_ptr;
- if (bfd_is_abs_section (sym->section) && abfd)
- {
- /* The special_function wouldn't get called anyways. */
- }
- else if (!gp_found)
- {
- /* The gp isn't there; let the special function code
- fall over on its own. */
- }
- else if ((*parent)->howto->special_function
- == mips_elf_gprel16_reloc)
- {
- /* bypass special_function call */
- r = gprel16_with_gp (input_bfd, sym, *parent, input_section,
- relocateable, (PTR) data, gp);
- goto skip_bfd_perform_relocation;
- }
- /* end mips specific stuff */
- r = bfd_perform_relocation (input_bfd,
- *parent,
- (PTR) data,
- input_section,
- relocateable ? abfd : (bfd *) NULL,
- &error_message);
- skip_bfd_perform_relocation:
- if (relocateable)
- {
- asection *os = input_section->output_section;
- /* A partial link, so keep the relocs */
- os->orelocation[os->reloc_count] = *parent;
- os->reloc_count++;
- }
- if (r != bfd_reloc_ok)
- {
- switch (r)
- {
- case bfd_reloc_undefined:
- if (!((*link_info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (link_info, bfd_asymbol_name (*(*parent)->sym_ptr_ptr),
- input_bfd, input_section, (*parent)->address)))
- goto error_return;
- break;
- case bfd_reloc_dangerous:
- BFD_ASSERT (error_message != (char *) NULL);
- if (!((*link_info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
- (link_info, error_message, input_bfd, input_section,
- (*parent)->address)))
- goto error_return;
- break;
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- if (!((*link_info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (link_info, bfd_asymbol_name (*(*parent)->sym_ptr_ptr),
- (*parent)->howto->name, (*parent)->addend,
- input_bfd, input_section, (*parent)->address)))
- goto error_return;
- break;
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- default:
- abort ();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (reloc_vector != NULL)
- free (reloc_vector);
- return data;
- if (reloc_vector != NULL)
- free (reloc_vector);
- return NULL;
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- elf32_mips_get_relocated_section_contents
-/* ECOFF swapping routines. These are used when dealing with the
- .mdebug section, which is in the ECOFF debugging format. */
-static const struct ecoff_debug_swap mips_elf_ecoff_debug_swap =
- /* Symbol table magic number. */
- magicSym,
- /* Alignment of debugging information. E.g., 4. */
- 4,
- /* Sizes of external symbolic information. */
- sizeof (struct hdr_ext),
- sizeof (struct dnr_ext),
- sizeof (struct pdr_ext),
- sizeof (struct sym_ext),
- sizeof (struct opt_ext),
- sizeof (struct fdr_ext),
- sizeof (struct rfd_ext),
- sizeof (struct ext_ext),
- /* Functions to swap in external symbolic data. */
- ecoff_swap_hdr_in,
- ecoff_swap_dnr_in,
- ecoff_swap_pdr_in,
- ecoff_swap_sym_in,
- ecoff_swap_opt_in,
- ecoff_swap_fdr_in,
- ecoff_swap_rfd_in,
- ecoff_swap_ext_in,
- _bfd_ecoff_swap_tir_in,
- _bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_in,
- /* Functions to swap out external symbolic data. */
- ecoff_swap_hdr_out,
- ecoff_swap_dnr_out,
- ecoff_swap_pdr_out,
- ecoff_swap_sym_out,
- ecoff_swap_opt_out,
- ecoff_swap_fdr_out,
- ecoff_swap_rfd_out,
- ecoff_swap_ext_out,
- _bfd_ecoff_swap_tir_out,
- _bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_out,
- /* Function to read in symbolic data. */
- mips_elf_read_ecoff_info
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_SYM bfd_elf32_littlemips_vec
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_NAME "elf32-littlemips"
-#define TARGET_BIG_SYM bfd_elf32_bigmips_vec
-#define TARGET_BIG_NAME "elf32-bigmips"
-#define ELF_ARCH bfd_arch_mips
-#define ELF_MAXPAGESIZE 0x10000
-#define elf_backend_collect true
-#define elf_backend_type_change_ok true
-#define elf_info_to_howto 0
-#define elf_info_to_howto_rel mips_info_to_howto_rel
-#define elf_backend_sym_is_global mips_elf_sym_is_global
-#define elf_backend_object_p mips_elf_object_p
-#define elf_backend_section_from_shdr mips_elf_section_from_shdr
-#define elf_backend_fake_sections mips_elf_fake_sections
-#define elf_backend_section_from_bfd_section \
- mips_elf_section_from_bfd_section
-#define elf_backend_section_processing mips_elf_section_processing
-#define elf_backend_symbol_processing mips_elf_symbol_processing
-#define elf_backend_additional_program_headers \
- mips_elf_additional_program_headers
-#define elf_backend_modify_segment_map mips_elf_modify_segment_map
-#define elf_backend_final_write_processing \
- mips_elf_final_write_processing
-#define elf_backend_ecoff_debug_swap &mips_elf_ecoff_debug_swap
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_is_local_label mips_elf_is_local_label
-#define bfd_elf32_find_nearest_line mips_elf_find_nearest_line
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_link_hash_table_create \
- mips_elf_link_hash_table_create
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_final_link mips_elf_final_link
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data \
- mips_elf_copy_private_bfd_data
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data \
- mips_elf_merge_private_bfd_data
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_set_private_flags mips_elf_set_private_flags
-#define elf_backend_add_symbol_hook mips_elf_add_symbol_hook
-#define elf_backend_create_dynamic_sections \
- mips_elf_create_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_check_relocs mips_elf_check_relocs
-#define elf_backend_adjust_dynamic_symbol \
- mips_elf_adjust_dynamic_symbol
-#define elf_backend_size_dynamic_sections \
- mips_elf_size_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_relocate_section mips_elf_relocate_section
-#define elf_backend_finish_dynamic_symbol \
- mips_elf_finish_dynamic_symbol
-#define elf_backend_finish_dynamic_sections \
- mips_elf_finish_dynamic_sections
-#include "elf32-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-ppc.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-ppc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a8e5ad3fdb19..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-ppc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2554 +0,0 @@
-/* PowerPC-specific support for 32-bit ELF
- Copyright 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file is based on a preliminary PowerPC ELF ABI. The
- information may not match the final PowerPC ELF ABI. It includes
- suggestions from the in-progress Embedded PowerPC ABI, and that
- information may also not match. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "elf-bfd.h"
-#include "elf/ppc.h"
-#define USE_RELA /* we want RELA relocations, not REL */
-/* PowerPC relocations defined by the ABIs */
-enum ppc_reloc_type
- R_PPC_NONE = 0,
- R_PPC_ADDR32 = 1,
- R_PPC_ADDR24 = 2,
- R_PPC_ADDR16 = 3,
- R_PPC_ADDR16_LO = 4,
- R_PPC_ADDR16_HI = 5,
- R_PPC_ADDR16_HA = 6,
- R_PPC_ADDR14 = 7,
- R_PPC_REL24 = 10,
- R_PPC_REL14 = 11,
- R_PPC_GOT16 = 14,
- R_PPC_GOT16_LO = 15,
- R_PPC_GOT16_HI = 16,
- R_PPC_GOT16_HA = 17,
- R_PPC_PLTREL24 = 18,
- R_PPC_COPY = 19,
- R_PPC_GLOB_DAT = 20,
- R_PPC_JMP_SLOT = 21,
- R_PPC_LOCAL24PC = 23,
- R_PPC_UADDR32 = 24,
- R_PPC_UADDR16 = 25,
- R_PPC_REL32 = 26,
- R_PPC_PLT32 = 27,
- R_PPC_PLTREL32 = 28,
- R_PPC_PLT16_LO = 29,
- R_PPC_PLT16_HI = 30,
- R_PPC_PLT16_HA = 31,
- R_PPC_SDAREL16 = 32,
- /* The remaining relocs are from the Embedded ELF ABI, and are not
- in the SVR4 ELF ABI. */
- R_PPC_EMB_NADDR32 = 101,
- R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16 = 102,
- R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_LO = 103,
- R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HI = 104,
- R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HA = 105,
- R_PPC_EMB_SDAI16 = 106,
- R_PPC_EMB_SDA2I16 = 107,
- R_PPC_EMB_SDA2REL = 108,
- R_PPC_EMB_SDA21 = 109,
- R_PPC_EMB_RELSEC16 = 111,
- R_PPC_EMB_BIT_FLD = 115,
- /* This is a phony reloc to handle any old fashioned TOC16 references
- that may still be in object files. */
- R_PPC_TOC16 = 255,
- R_PPC_max
-static reloc_howto_type *ppc_elf_reloc_type_lookup
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, bfd_reloc_code_real_type code));
-static void ppc_elf_info_to_howto
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, arelent *cache_ptr, Elf32_Internal_Rela *dst));
-static void ppc_elf_howto_init PARAMS ((void));
-static boolean ppc_elf_set_private_flags PARAMS ((bfd *, flagword));
-static boolean ppc_elf_copy_private_bfd_data PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-static boolean ppc_elf_merge_private_bfd_data PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-static int ppc_elf_additional_program_headers PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean ppc_elf_modify_segment_map PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean ppc_elf_section_from_shdr PARAMS ((bfd *,
- Elf32_Internal_Shdr *,
- char *));
-static elf_linker_section_t *ppc_elf_create_linker_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- struct bfd_link_info *info,
- enum elf_linker_section_enum));
-static boolean ppc_elf_check_relocs PARAMS ((bfd *,
- struct bfd_link_info *,
- asection *,
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *));
-static boolean ppc_elf_adjust_dynamic_symbol PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *,
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *));
-static boolean ppc_elf_adjust_dynindx PARAMS ((struct elf_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
-static boolean ppc_elf_size_dynamic_sections PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean ppc_elf_relocate_section PARAMS ((bfd *,
- struct bfd_link_info *info,
- bfd *,
- asection *,
- bfd_byte *,
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs,
- Elf_Internal_Sym *local_syms,
- asection **));
-static boolean ppc_elf_add_symbol_hook PARAMS ((bfd *,
- struct bfd_link_info *,
- const Elf_Internal_Sym *,
- const char **,
- flagword *,
- asection **,
- bfd_vma *));
-static boolean ppc_elf_finish_dynamic_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *,
- struct bfd_link_info *,
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *,
- Elf_Internal_Sym *));
-static boolean ppc_elf_finish_dynamic_sections PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-#define BRANCH_PREDICT_BIT 0x200000 /* branch prediction bit for branch taken relocs */
-#define RA_REGISTER_MASK 0x001f0000 /* mask to set RA in memory instructions */
-#define RA_REGISTER_SHIFT 16 /* value to shift register by to insert RA */
-/* The name of the dynamic interpreter. This is put in the .interp
- section. */
-#define ELF_DYNAMIC_INTERPRETER "/usr/lib/"
-static reloc_howto_type *ppc_elf_howto_table[ (int)R_PPC_max ];
-static reloc_howto_type ppc_elf_howto_raw[] =
- /* This reloc does nothing. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_NONE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_NONE", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A standard 32 bit relocation. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_ADDR32, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_ADDR32", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* An absolute 26 bit branch; the lower two bits must be zero.
- FIXME: we don't check that, we just clear them. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_ADDR24, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 26, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_ADDR24", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0x3fffffc, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A standard 16 bit relocation. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_ADDR16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_ADDR16", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A 16 bit relocation without overflow. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_ADDR16_LO, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont,/* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_ADDR16_LO", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* The high order 16 bits of an address. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_ADDR16_HI, /* type */
- 16, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_ADDR16_HI", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* The high order 16 bits of an address, plus 1 if the contents of
- the low 16 bits, treated as a signed number, is negative. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_ADDR16_HA, /* type */
- 16, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_ADDR16_HA", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* An absolute 16 bit branch; the lower two bits must be zero.
- FIXME: we don't check that, we just clear them. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_ADDR14, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_ADDR14", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xfffc, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* An absolute 16 bit branch, for which bit 10 should be set to
- indicate that the branch is expected to be taken. The lower two
- bits must be zero. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_ADDR14_BRTAKEN, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_ADDR14_BRTAKEN",/* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xfffc, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* An absolute 16 bit branch, for which bit 10 should be set to
- indicate that the branch is not expected to be taken. The lower
- two bits must be zero. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_ADDR14_BRNTAKEN, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_ADDR14_BRNTAKEN",/* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xfffc, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A relative 26 bit branch; the lower two bits must be zero. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_REL24, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 26, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_REL24", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0x3fffffc, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A relative 16 bit branch; the lower two bits must be zero. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_REL14, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_REL14", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xfffc, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A relative 16 bit branch. Bit 10 should be set to indicate that
- the branch is expected to be taken. The lower two bits must be
- zero. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_REL14_BRTAKEN, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_REL14_BRTAKEN", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xfffc, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A relative 16 bit branch. Bit 10 should be set to indicate that
- the branch is not expected to be taken. The lower two bits must
- be zero. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_REL14_BRNTAKEN, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_REL14_BRNTAKEN",/* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xfffc, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Like R_PPC_ADDR16, but referring to the GOT table entry for the
- symbol. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_GOT16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_GOT16", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Like R_PPC_ADDR16_LO, but referring to the GOT table entry for
- the symbol. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_GOT16_LO, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_GOT16_LO", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Like R_PPC_ADDR16_HI, but referring to the GOT table entry for
- the symbol. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_GOT16_HI, /* type */
- 16, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_GOT16_HI", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Like R_PPC_ADDR16_HA, but referring to the GOT table entry for
- the symbol. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_GOT16_HA, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_GOT16_HA", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Like R_PPC_REL24, but referring to the procedure linkage table
- entry for the symbol. FIXME: Not supported. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_PLTREL24, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 26, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_PLTREL24", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0x3fffffc, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* This is used only by the dynamic linker. The symbol should exist
- both in the object being run and in some shared library. The
- dynamic linker copies the data addressed by the symbol from the
- shared library into the object. I have no idea what the purpose
- of this is. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_COPY, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_COPY", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Like R_PPC_ADDR32, but used when setting global offset table
- entries. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_GLOB_DAT, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_GLOB_DAT", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Marks a procedure linkage table entry for a symbol. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_JMP_SLOT, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_JMP_SLOT", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Used only by the dynamic linker. When the object is run, this
- longword is set to the load address of the object, plus the
- addend. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_RELATIVE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_RELATIVE", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Like R_PPC_REL24, but uses the value of the symbol within the
- object rather than the final value. Normally used for
- _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_. FIXME: Not supported. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_LOCAL24PC, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 26, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_LOCAL24PC", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0x3fffffc, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Like R_PPC_ADDR32, but may be unaligned. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_UADDR32, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_UADDR32", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Like R_PPC_ADDR16, but may be unaligned. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_UADDR16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_UADDR16", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 32-bit PC relative */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_REL32, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_REL32", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 32-bit relocation to the symbol's procedure linkage table.
- FIXEME: not supported. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_PLT32, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_PLT32", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 32-bit PC relative relocation to the symbol's procedure linkage table.
- FIXEME: not supported. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_PLTREL32, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_PLTREL32", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Like R_PPC_ADDR16_LO, but referring to the PLT table entry for
- the symbol. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_PLT16_LO, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_PLT16_LO", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Like R_PPC_ADDR16_HI, but referring to the PLT table entry for
- the symbol. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_PLT16_HI, /* type */
- 16, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_PLT16_HI", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Like R_PPC_ADDR16_HA, but referring to the PLT table entry for
- the symbol. FIXME: Not supported. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_PLT16_HA, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_PLT16_HA", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A sign-extended 16 bit value relative to _SDA_BASE_, for use with
- small data items. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_SDAREL16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_SDAREL16", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 32-bit section relative relocation. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_SECTOFF, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_SECTOFF", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 16-bit lower half section relative relocation. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_SECTOFF_LO, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_SECTOFF_LO", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 16-bit upper half section relative relocation. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_SECTOFF_HI, /* type */
- 16, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_SECTOFF_HI", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 16-bit upper half adjusted section relative relocation. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_SECTOFF_HA, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_SECTOFF_HA", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* The remaining relocs are from the Embedded ELF ABI, and are not
- in the SVR4 ELF ABI. */
- /* 32 bit value resulting from the addend minus the symbol */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_EMB_NADDR32, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_EMB_NADDR32", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 16 bit value resulting from the addend minus the symbol */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 16 bit value resulting from the addend minus the symbol */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_LO, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont,/* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_EMB_ADDR16_LO", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* The high order 16 bits of the addend minus the symbol */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HI, /* type */
- 16, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HI", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* The high order 16 bits of the result of the addend minus the address,
- plus 1 if the contents of the low 16 bits, treated as a signed number,
- is negative. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HA, /* type */
- 16, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HA", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 16 bit value resulting from allocating a 4 byte word to hold an
- address in the .sdata section, and returning the offset from
- _SDA_BASE_ for that relocation */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_EMB_SDAI16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_EMB_SDAI16", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 16 bit value resulting from allocating a 4 byte word to hold an
- address in the .sdata2 section, and returning the offset from
- _SDA2_BASE_ for that relocation */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_EMB_SDA2I16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_EMB_SDA2I16", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A sign-extended 16 bit value relative to _SDA2_BASE_, for use with
- small data items. */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_EMB_SDA2REL, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_EMB_SDA2REL", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Relocate against either _SDA_BASE_ or _SDA2_BASE_, filling in the 16 bit
- signed offset from the appropriate base, and filling in the register
- field with the appropriate register (0, 2, or 13). */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_EMB_SDA21, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_EMB_SDA21", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Relocation not handled: R_PPC_EMB_MRKREF */
- /* Relocation not handled: R_PPC_EMB_RELSEC16 */
- /* Relocation not handled: R_PPC_EMB_RELST_LO */
- /* Relocation not handled: R_PPC_EMB_RELST_HI */
- /* Relocation not handled: R_PPC_EMB_RELST_HA */
- /* Relocation not handled: R_PPC_EMB_BIT_FLD */
- /* PC relative relocation against either _SDA_BASE_ or _SDA2_BASE_, filling
- in the 16 bit signed offset from the appropriate base, and filling in the
- register field with the appropriate register (0, 2, or 13). */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_EMB_RELSDA, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_EMB_RELSDA", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Phony reloc to handle AIX style TOC entries */
- HOWTO (R_PPC_TOC16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- bfd_elf_generic_reloc, /* special_function */
- "R_PPC_TOC16", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
-/* Initialize the ppc_elf_howto_table, so that linear accesses can be done. */
-static void
-ppc_elf_howto_init ()
- unsigned int i, type;
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (ppc_elf_howto_raw) / sizeof (ppc_elf_howto_raw[0]); i++)
- {
- type = ppc_elf_howto_raw[i].type;
- BFD_ASSERT (type < sizeof(ppc_elf_howto_table) / sizeof(ppc_elf_howto_table[0]));
- ppc_elf_howto_table[type] = &ppc_elf_howto_raw[i];
- }
-static reloc_howto_type *
-ppc_elf_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- enum ppc_reloc_type ppc_reloc = R_PPC_NONE;
- if (!ppc_elf_howto_table[ R_PPC_ADDR32 ]) /* Initialize howto table if needed */
- ppc_elf_howto_init ();
- switch ((int)code)
- {
- default:
- return (reloc_howto_type *)NULL;
- case BFD_RELOC_NONE: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_NONE; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_32: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_ADDR32; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_BA26: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_ADDR24; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_16: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_ADDR16; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_LO16: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_ADDR16_LO; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_HI16: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_ADDR16_HI; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_HI16_S: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_ADDR16_HA; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_BA16: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_ADDR14; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_BA16_BRTAKEN: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_ADDR14_BRTAKEN; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_BA16_BRNTAKEN: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_ADDR14_BRNTAKEN; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_B26: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_REL24; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_B16: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_REL14; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_B16_BRTAKEN: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_REL14_BRTAKEN; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_B16_BRNTAKEN: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_REL14_BRNTAKEN; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_16_GOTOFF: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_GOT16; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_LO16_GOTOFF: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_GOT16_LO; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_HI16_GOTOFF: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_GOT16_HI; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_HI16_S_GOTOFF: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_GOT16_HA; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_24_PLT_PCREL: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_PLTREL24; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_COPY: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_COPY; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_GLOB_DAT: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_GLOB_DAT; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_LOCAL24PC: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_LOCAL24PC; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_REL32; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_32_PLTOFF: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_PLT32; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_32_PLT_PCREL: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_PLTREL32; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_LO16_PLTOFF: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_PLT16_LO; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_HI16_PLTOFF: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_PLT16_HI; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_HI16_S_PLTOFF: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_PLT16_HA; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_GPREL16: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_SDAREL16; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_32_BASEREL: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_SECTOFF; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_LO16_BASEREL: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_SECTOFF_LO; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_HI16_BASEREL: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_SECTOFF_HI; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_HI16_S_BASEREL: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_SECTOFF_HA; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_CTOR: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_ADDR32; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_TOC16: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_TOC16; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_EMB_NADDR32: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_EMB_NADDR32; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_EMB_NADDR16: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_LO: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_LO; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HI: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HI; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HA: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HA; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_EMB_SDAI16: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_EMB_SDAI16; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_EMB_SDA2I16: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_EMB_SDA2I16; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_EMB_SDA2REL: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_EMB_SDA2REL; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_EMB_SDA21: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_EMB_SDA21; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_EMB_MRKREF: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_EMB_MRKREF; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_EMB_RELSEC16: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_EMB_RELSEC16; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_EMB_RELST_LO: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_EMB_RELST_LO; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_EMB_RELST_HI: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_EMB_RELST_HI; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_EMB_RELST_HA: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_EMB_RELST_HA; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_EMB_BIT_FLD: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_EMB_BIT_FLD; break;
- case BFD_RELOC_PPC_EMB_RELSDA: ppc_reloc = R_PPC_EMB_RELSDA; break;
- }
- return ppc_elf_howto_table[ (int)ppc_reloc ];
-/* Set the howto pointer for a PowerPC ELF reloc. */
-static void
-ppc_elf_info_to_howto (abfd, cache_ptr, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- Elf32_Internal_Rela *dst;
- if (!ppc_elf_howto_table[ R_PPC_ADDR32 ]) /* Initialize howto table if needed */
- ppc_elf_howto_init ();
- BFD_ASSERT (ELF32_R_TYPE (dst->r_info) < (unsigned int) R_PPC_max);
- cache_ptr->howto = ppc_elf_howto_table[ELF32_R_TYPE (dst->r_info)];
-/* Function to set whether a module needs the -mrelocatable bit set. */
-static boolean
-ppc_elf_set_private_flags (abfd, flags)
- bfd *abfd;
- flagword flags;
- BFD_ASSERT (!elf_flags_init (abfd)
- || elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags == flags);
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags = flags;
- elf_flags_init (abfd) = true;
- return true;
-/* Copy backend specific data from one object module to another */
-static boolean
-ppc_elf_copy_private_bfd_data (ibfd, obfd)
- bfd *ibfd;
- bfd *obfd;
- /* This function is selected based on the input vector. We only
- want to copy information over if the output BFD also uses Elf
- format. */
- if (bfd_get_flavour (obfd) != bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- return true;
- BFD_ASSERT (!elf_flags_init (obfd)
- || elf_elfheader (obfd)->e_flags == elf_elfheader (ibfd)->e_flags);
- elf_elfheader (obfd)->e_flags = elf_elfheader (ibfd)->e_flags;
- elf_flags_init (obfd) = true;
- return true;
-/* Merge backend specific data from an object file to the output
- object file when linking */
-static boolean
-ppc_elf_merge_private_bfd_data (ibfd, obfd)
- bfd *ibfd;
- bfd *obfd;
- flagword old_flags;
- flagword new_flags;
- boolean error;
- /* Check if we have the same endianess */
- if (ibfd->xvec->byteorder != obfd->xvec->byteorder
- && obfd->xvec->byteorder != BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: compiled for a %s endian system and target is %s endian",
- bfd_get_filename (ibfd),
- bfd_big_endian (ibfd) ? "big" : "little",
- bfd_big_endian (obfd) ? "big" : "little");
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return false;
- }
- /* This function is selected based on the input vector. We only
- want to copy information over if the output BFD also uses Elf
- format. */
- if (bfd_get_flavour (obfd) != bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- return true;
- new_flags = elf_elfheader (ibfd)->e_flags;
- old_flags = elf_elfheader (obfd)->e_flags;
- if (!elf_flags_init (obfd)) /* First call, no flags set */
- {
- elf_flags_init (obfd) = true;
- elf_elfheader (obfd)->e_flags = new_flags;
- }
- else if (new_flags == old_flags) /* Compatible flags are ok */
- ;
- else /* Incompatible flags */
- {
- /* Warn about -mrelocatable mismatch. Allow -mrelocatable-lib to be linked
- with either. */
- error = false;
- if ((new_flags & EF_PPC_RELOCATABLE) != 0
- && (old_flags & (EF_PPC_RELOCATABLE | EF_PPC_RELOCATABLE_LIB)) == 0)
- {
- error = true;
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: compiled with -mrelocatable and linked with modules compiled normally",
- bfd_get_filename (ibfd));
- }
- else if ((new_flags & (EF_PPC_RELOCATABLE | EF_PPC_RELOCATABLE_LIB)) == 0
- && (old_flags & EF_PPC_RELOCATABLE) != 0)
- {
- error = true;
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: compiled normally and linked with modules compiled with -mrelocatable",
- bfd_get_filename (ibfd));
- }
- else if ((new_flags & EF_PPC_RELOCATABLE_LIB) != 0)
- elf_elfheader (obfd)->e_flags |= EF_PPC_RELOCATABLE_LIB;
- /* Do not warn about eabi vs. V.4 mismatch, just or in the bit if any module uses it */
- elf_elfheader (obfd)->e_flags |= (new_flags & EF_PPC_EMB);
- /* Warn about any other mismatches */
- if (new_flags != old_flags)
- {
- error = true;
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: uses different e_flags (0x%lx) fields than previous modules (0x%lx)",
- bfd_get_filename (ibfd), (long)new_flags, (long)old_flags);
- }
- if (error)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Handle a PowerPC specific section when reading an object file. This
- is called when elfcode.h finds a section with an unknown type. */
-static boolean
-ppc_elf_section_from_shdr (abfd, hdr, name)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf32_Internal_Shdr *hdr;
- char *name;
- asection *newsect;
- flagword flags;
- if (! _bfd_elf_make_section_from_shdr (abfd, hdr, name))
- return false;
- newsect = hdr->bfd_section;
- flags = bfd_get_section_flags (abfd, newsect);
- if (hdr->sh_flags & SHF_EXCLUDE)
- flags |= SEC_EXCLUDE;
- if (hdr->sh_type == SHT_ORDERED)
- flags |= SEC_SORT_ENTRIES;
- bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, newsect, flags);
- return true;
-/* Set up any other section flags and such that may be necessary. */
-ppc_elf_fake_sections (abfd, shdr, asect)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf32_Internal_Shdr *shdr;
- asection *asect;
- if ((asect->flags & SEC_EXCLUDE) != 0)
- shdr->sh_flags |= SHF_EXCLUDE;
- if ((asect->flags & SEC_SORT_ENTRIES) != 0)
- shdr->sh_type = SHT_ORDERED;
-/* Create a special linker section */
-static elf_linker_section_t *
-ppc_elf_create_linker_section (abfd, info, which)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- enum elf_linker_section_enum which;
- bfd *dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- elf_linker_section_t *lsect;
- /* Record the first bfd section that needs the special section */
- if (!dynobj)
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj = abfd;
- /* If this is the first time, create the section */
- lsect = elf_linker_section (dynobj, which);
- if (!lsect)
- {
- elf_linker_section_t defaults;
- static elf_linker_section_t zero_section;
- defaults = zero_section;
- defaults.which = which;
- defaults.hole_written_p = false;
- defaults.alignment = 2;
- switch (which)
- {
- default:
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("%s: Unknown special linker type %d",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd),
- (int)which);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return (elf_linker_section_t *)0;
- case LINKER_SECTION_GOT: /* .got section */
- = ".got";
- defaults.rel_name = "";
- defaults.sym_name = "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_";
- defaults.max_hole_offset = 32764;
- defaults.hole_size = 16;
- defaults.sym_offset = 4;
- break;
- case LINKER_SECTION_SDATA: /* .sdata/.sbss section */
- = ".sdata";
- defaults.rel_name = ".rela.sdata";
- defaults.bss_name = ".sbss";
- defaults.sym_name = "_SDA_BASE_";
- defaults.sym_offset = 32768;
- break;
- case LINKER_SECTION_SDATA2: /* .sdata2/.sbss2 section */
- = ".sdata2";
- defaults.rel_name = ".rela.sdata2";
- defaults.bss_name = ".sbss2";
- defaults.sym_name = "_SDA2_BASE_";
- defaults.sym_offset = 32768;
- defaults.flags |= SEC_READONLY;
- break;
- }
- lsect = _bfd_elf_create_linker_section (abfd, info, which, &defaults);
- }
- return lsect;
-/* If we have a non-zero sized .sbss2 or .PPC.EMB.sbss0 sections, we need to bump up
- the number of section headers. */
-static int
-ppc_elf_additional_program_headers (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *s;
- int ret;
- ret = 0;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".sbss2");
- if (s != NULL && (s->flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0 && s->_raw_size > 0)
- ++ret;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".PPC.EMB.sbss0");
- if (s != NULL && (s->flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0 && s->_raw_size > 0)
- ++ret;
- return ret;
-/* Modify the segment map if needed */
-static boolean
-ppc_elf_modify_segment_map (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return true;
-/* Adjust a symbol defined by a dynamic object and referenced by a
- regular object. The current definition is in some section of the
- dynamic object, but we're not including those sections. We have to
- change the definition to something the rest of the link can
- understand. */
-static boolean
-ppc_elf_adjust_dynamic_symbol (info, h)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "ppc_elf_adjust_dynamic_symbol called\n");
- return true;
-/* Increment the index of a dynamic symbol by a given amount. Called
- via elf_link_hash_traverse. */
-static boolean
-ppc_elf_adjust_dynindx (h, cparg)
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- PTR cparg;
- int *cp = (int *) cparg;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "ppc_elf_adjust_dynindx called, h->dynindx = %d, *cp = %d\n", h->dynindx, *cp);
- if (h->dynindx != -1)
- h->dynindx += *cp;
- return true;
-/* Set the sizes of the dynamic sections. */
-static boolean
-ppc_elf_size_dynamic_sections (output_bfd, info)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *dynobj;
- asection *s;
- boolean reltext;
- boolean relplt;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "ppc_elf_size_dynamic_sections called\n");
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- BFD_ASSERT (dynobj != NULL);
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- /* Set the contents of the .interp section to the interpreter. */
- if (! info->shared)
- {
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".interp");
- s->_raw_size = sizeof ELF_DYNAMIC_INTERPRETER;
- s->contents = (unsigned char *) ELF_DYNAMIC_INTERPRETER;
- }
- /* Make space for the trailing nop in .plt. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- if (s->_raw_size > 0)
- s->_raw_size += 4;
- }
- else
- {
- /* We may have created entries in the, .rela.sdata, and
- .rela.sdata2 section2. However, if we are not creating the
- dynamic sections, we will not actually use these entries. Reset
- the size of, et al, which will cause it to get
- stripped from the output file below. */
- static char *rela_sections[] = { "", ".rela.sdata", ".rela.sdata", (char *)0 };
- char **p;
- for (p = rela_sections; *p != (char *)0; p++)
- {
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, *p);
- if (s != NULL)
- s->_raw_size = 0;
- }
- }
- /* The check_relocs and adjust_dynamic_symbol entry points have
- determined the sizes of the various dynamic sections. Allocate
- memory for them. */
- reltext = false;
- relplt = false;
- for (s = dynobj->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- const char *name;
- boolean strip;
- if ((s->flags & SEC_IN_MEMORY) == 0)
- continue;
- /* It's OK to base decisions on the section name, because none
- of the dynobj section names depend upon the input files. */
- name = bfd_get_section_name (dynobj, s);
- strip = false;
-#if 0
- if (strncmp (name, ".rela", 5) == 0)
- {
- if (s->_raw_size == 0)
- {
- /* If we don't need this section, strip it from the
- output file. This is to handle .rela.bss and
- .rel.plt. We must create it in
- create_dynamic_sections, because it must be created
- before the linker maps input sections to output
- sections. The linker does that before
- adjust_dynamic_symbol is called, and it is that
- function which decides whether anything needs to go
- into these sections. */
- strip = true;
- }
- else
- {
- asection *target;
- /* If this relocation section applies to a read only
- section, then we probably need a DT_TEXTREL entry. */
- target = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, name + 5);
- if (target != NULL
- && (target->flags & SEC_READONLY) != 0)
- reltext = true;
- if (strcmp (name, ".rela.plt") == 0)
- relplt = true;
- /* We use the reloc_count field as a counter if we need
- to copy relocs into the output file. */
- s->reloc_count = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- if (strcmp (name, ".plt") != 0
- && strcmp (name, ".got") != 0
- && strcmp (name, ".sdata") != 0
- && strcmp (name, ".sdata2") != 0
- && strcmp (name, ".rela.sdata") != 0
- && strcmp (name, ".rela.sdata2") != 0)
- {
- /* It's not one of our sections, so don't allocate space. */
- continue;
- }
- if (strip)
- {
- asection **spp;
- for (spp = &s->output_section->owner->sections;
- *spp != s->output_section;
- spp = &(*spp)->next)
- ;
- *spp = s->output_section->next;
- --s->output_section->owner->section_count;
- continue;
- }
- /* Allocate memory for the section contents. */
- s->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zalloc (dynobj, s->_raw_size);
- if (s->contents == NULL && s->_raw_size != 0)
- return false;
- }
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- /* Add some entries to the .dynamic section. We fill in the
- values later, in ppc_elf_finish_dynamic_sections, but we
- must add the entries now so that we get the correct size for
- the .dynamic section. The DT_DEBUG entry is filled in by the
- dynamic linker and used by the debugger. */
- if (! info->shared)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_DEBUG, 0))
- return false;
- }
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_PLTGOT, 0))
- return false;
- if (relplt)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_PLTRELSZ, 0)
- || ! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_PLTREL, DT_RELA)
- || ! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_JMPREL, 0))
- return false;
- }
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_RELA, 0)
- || ! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_RELASZ, 0)
- || ! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_RELAENT,
- sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela)))
- return false;
- if (reltext)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_TEXTREL, 0))
- return false;
- }
- }
- /* If we are generating a shared library, we generate a section
- symbol for each output section. These are local symbols, which
- means that they must come first in the dynamic symbol table.
- That means we must increment the dynamic symbol index of every
- other dynamic symbol. */
- if (info->shared)
- {
- int c, i;
- c = bfd_count_sections (output_bfd);
- elf_link_hash_traverse (elf_hash_table (info),
- ppc_elf_adjust_dynindx,
- (PTR) &c);
- elf_hash_table (info)->dynsymcount += c;
- for (i = 1, s = output_bfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next, i++)
- {
- elf_section_data (s)->dynindx = i;
- /* These symbols will have no names, so we don't need to
- fiddle with dynstr_index. */
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Look through the relocs for a section during the first phase, and
- allocate space in the global offset table or procedure linkage
- table. */
-static boolean
-ppc_elf_check_relocs (abfd, info, sec, relocs)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *sec;
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs;
- bfd *dynobj;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *rel;
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *rel_end;
- elf_linker_section_t *got;
- elf_linker_section_t *sdata;
- elf_linker_section_t *sdata2;
- asection *sreloc;
- if (info->relocateable)
- return true;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "ppc_elf_check_relocs called for section %s\n",
- bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec));
- /* Create the linker generated sections all the time so that the special
- symbols are created. */
- if ((got = elf_linker_section (abfd, LINKER_SECTION_GOT)) == NULL)
- {
- got = ppc_elf_create_linker_section (abfd, info, LINKER_SECTION_GOT);
- if (!got)
- return false;
- }
- if ((sdata = elf_linker_section (abfd, LINKER_SECTION_SDATA)) == NULL)
- {
- sdata = ppc_elf_create_linker_section (abfd, info, LINKER_SECTION_SDATA);
- if (!sdata)
- return false;
- }
- if ((sdata2 = elf_linker_section (abfd, LINKER_SECTION_SDATA2)) == NULL)
- {
- sdata2 = ppc_elf_create_linker_section (abfd, info, LINKER_SECTION_SDATA2);
- if (!sdata2)
- return false;
- }
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
- sym_hashes = elf_sym_hashes (abfd);
- sreloc = NULL;
- rel_end = relocs + sec->reloc_count;
- for (rel = relocs; rel < rel_end; rel++)
- {
- unsigned long r_symndx;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- r_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rel->r_info);
- if (r_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- h = NULL;
- else
- h = sym_hashes[r_symndx - symtab_hdr->sh_info];
- switch (ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->r_info))
- {
- default:
- break;
- /* GOT16 relocations */
- case R_PPC_GOT16:
- case R_PPC_GOT16_LO:
- case R_PPC_GOT16_HI:
- case R_PPC_GOT16_HA:
- if (got->rel_section == NULL
- && (h != NULL || info->shared)
- && !_bfd_elf_make_linker_section_rela (dynobj, got, 2))
- return false;
- if (!bfd_elf32_create_pointer_linker_section (abfd, info, got, h, rel))
- return false;
- break;
- /* Indirect .sdata relocation */
- case R_PPC_EMB_SDAI16:
- if (got->rel_section == NULL
- && (h != NULL || info->shared)
- && !_bfd_elf_make_linker_section_rela (dynobj, got, 2))
- return false;
- if (!bfd_elf32_create_pointer_linker_section (abfd, info, sdata, h, rel))
- return false;
- break;
- /* Indirect .sdata2 relocation */
- case R_PPC_EMB_SDA2I16:
- if (got->rel_section == NULL
- && (h != NULL || info->shared)
- && !_bfd_elf_make_linker_section_rela (dynobj, got, 2))
- return false;
- if (!bfd_elf32_create_pointer_linker_section (abfd, info, sdata2, h, rel))
- return false;
- break;
-#if 0
- case R_PPC_PLT32:
- case R_PPC_PLTREL24:
- case R_PPC_PLT16_LO:
- case R_PPC_PLT16_HI:
- case R_PPC_PLT16_HA:
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "Reloc requires a PLT entry\n");
- /* This symbol requires a procedure linkage table entry. We
- actually build the entry in adjust_dynamic_symbol,
- because this might be a case of linking PIC code without
- linking in any dynamic objects, in which case we don't
- need to generate a procedure linkage table after all. */
- if (h == NULL)
- {
- /* It does not make sense to have a procedure linkage
- table entry for a local symbol. */
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- /* Make sure this symbol is output as a dynamic symbol. */
- if (h->dynindx == -1)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- }
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT;
- break;
- case R_SPARC_PC10:
- case R_SPARC_PC22:
- if (h != NULL
- && strcmp (h->root.root.string, "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_") == 0)
- break;
- /* Fall through. */
- case R_SPARC_DISP8:
- case R_SPARC_DISP16:
- case R_SPARC_DISP32:
- case R_SPARC_WDISP30:
- case R_SPARC_WDISP22:
- if (h == NULL)
- break;
- /* Fall through. */
- case R_SPARC_8:
- case R_SPARC_16:
- case R_SPARC_32:
- case R_SPARC_HI22:
- case R_SPARC_22:
- case R_SPARC_13:
- case R_SPARC_LO10:
- case R_SPARC_UA32:
- if (info->shared
- && (sec->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0)
- {
- /* When creating a shared object, we must copy these
- relocs into the output file. We create a reloc
- section in dynobj and make room for the reloc. */
- if (sreloc == NULL)
- {
- const char *name;
- name = (bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section
- (abfd,
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_shstrndx,
- elf_section_data (sec)->rel_hdr.sh_name));
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- BFD_ASSERT (strncmp (name, ".rela", 5) == 0
- && strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec),
- name + 5) == 0);
- sreloc = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, name);
- if (sreloc == NULL)
- {
- sreloc = bfd_make_section (dynobj, name);
- if (sreloc == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (dynobj, sreloc,
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, sreloc, 2))
- return false;
- }
- }
- sreloc->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Hook called by the linker routine which adds symbols from an object
- file. We use it to put .comm items in .sbss, and not .bss. */
-static boolean
-ppc_elf_add_symbol_hook (abfd, info, sym, namep, flagsp, secp, valp)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- const Elf_Internal_Sym *sym;
- const char **namep;
- flagword *flagsp;
- asection **secp;
- bfd_vma *valp;
- if (sym->st_shndx == SHN_COMMON && sym->st_size <= bfd_get_gp_size (abfd))
- {
- /* Common symbols less than or equal to -G nn bytes are automatically
- put into .sdata. */
- elf_linker_section_t *sdata = ppc_elf_create_linker_section (abfd, info, LINKER_SECTION_SDATA);
- if (!sdata->bss_section)
- {
- sdata->bss_section = bfd_make_section (elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj, sdata->bss_name);
- sdata->bss_section->flags = (sdata->bss_section->flags & ~SEC_LOAD) | SEC_IS_COMMON;
- }
- *secp = sdata->bss_section;
- *valp = sym->st_size;
- }
- return true;
-/* Finish up dynamic symbol handling. We set the contents of various
- dynamic sections here. */
-static boolean
-ppc_elf_finish_dynamic_symbol (output_bfd, info, h, sym)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *sym;
- bfd *dynobj;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "ppc_elf_finish_dynamic_symbol called for %s\n", h->root.root.string);
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- BFD_ASSERT (dynobj != NULL);
- if (h->plt_offset != (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- asection *splt;
- asection *srela;
- Elf_Internal_Rela rela;
- /* This symbol has an entry in the procedure linkage table. Set
- it up. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h->dynindx != -1);
- splt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- srela = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".rela.plt");
- BFD_ASSERT (splt != NULL && srela != NULL);
- /* Fill in the entry in the procedure linkage table. */
-#if 0
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- PLT_ENTRY_WORD0 + h->plt_offset,
- splt->contents + h->plt_offset);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- + (((- (h->plt_offset + 4)) >> 2) & 0x3fffff)),
- splt->contents + h->plt_offset + 4);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, PLT_ENTRY_WORD2,
- splt->contents + h->plt_offset + 8);
- /* Fill in the entry in the .rela.plt section. */
- rela.r_offset = (splt->output_section->vma
- + splt->output_offset
- + h->plt_offset);
- rela.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (h->dynindx, R_SPARC_JMP_SLOT);
- rela.r_addend = 0;
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &rela,
- ((Elf32_External_Rela *) srela->contents
- + h->plt_offset / PLT_ENTRY_SIZE - 4));
- if ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR) == 0)
- {
- /* Mark the symbol as undefined, rather than as defined in
- the .plt section. Leave the value alone. */
- sym->st_shndx = SHN_UNDEF;
- }
- }
- if ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_COPY) != 0)
- {
- asection *s;
- Elf_Internal_Rela rela;
- /* This symbols needs a copy reloc. Set it up. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h->dynindx != -1);
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (h->root.u.def.section->owner,
- ".rela.bss");
- rela.r_offset = (h->root.u.def.value
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_offset);
- rela.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (h->dynindx, R_PPC_COPY);
- rela.r_addend = 0;
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &rela,
- ((Elf32_External_Rela *) s->contents
- + s->reloc_count));
- ++s->reloc_count;
- }
- /* Mark some specially defined symbols as absolute. */
- if (strcmp (h->root.root.string, "_DYNAMIC") == 0
- || strcmp (h->root.root.string, "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_") == 0
- || strcmp (h->root.root.string, "_PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_") == 0)
- sym->st_shndx = SHN_ABS;
- return true;
-/* Finish up the dynamic sections. */
-static boolean
-ppc_elf_finish_dynamic_sections (output_bfd, info)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *sdyn;
- bfd *dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- elf_linker_section_t *got = elf_linker_section (dynobj, LINKER_SECTION_GOT);
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "ppc_elf_finish_dynamic_sections called\n");
- sdyn = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynamic");
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- asection *splt;
- Elf32_External_Dyn *dyncon, *dynconend;
- splt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- BFD_ASSERT (splt != NULL && sdyn != NULL);
- dyncon = (Elf32_External_Dyn *) sdyn->contents;
- dynconend = (Elf32_External_Dyn *) (sdyn->contents + sdyn->_raw_size);
- for (; dyncon < dynconend; dyncon++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Dyn dyn;
- const char *name;
- boolean size;
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_in (dynobj, dyncon, &dyn);
- switch (dyn.d_tag)
- {
- case DT_PLTGOT: name = ".plt"; size = false; break;
- case DT_PLTRELSZ: name = ".rela.plt"; size = true; break;
- case DT_JMPREL: name = ".rela.plt"; size = false; break;
- default: name = NULL; size = false; break;
- }
- if (name != NULL)
- {
- asection *s;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, name);
- if (s == NULL)
- dyn.d_un.d_val = 0;
- else
- {
- if (! size)
- dyn.d_un.d_ptr = s->vma;
- else
- {
- if (s->_cooked_size != 0)
- dyn.d_un.d_val = s->_cooked_size;
- else
- dyn.d_un.d_val = s->_raw_size;
- }
- }
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Add a blrl instruction at _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_-4 so that a function can
- easily find the address of the _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_. */
- if (got)
- {
- unsigned char *contents = got->section->contents + got->hole_offset;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, 0x4e800021 /* blrl */, contents);
- if (sdyn == NULL)
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, (bfd_vma) 0, contents+4);
- else
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- sdyn->output_section->vma + sdyn->output_offset,
- contents+4);
- elf_section_data (got->section->output_section)->this_hdr.sh_entsize = 4;
- }
- if (info->shared)
- {
- asection *sdynsym;
- asection *s;
- Elf_Internal_Sym sym;
- /* Set up the section symbols for the output sections. */
- sdynsym = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynsym");
- BFD_ASSERT (sdynsym != NULL);
- sym.st_size = 0;
- sym.st_name = 0;
- sym.st_other = 0;
- for (s = output_bfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- int indx;
- sym.st_value = s->vma;
- indx = elf_section_data (s)->this_idx;
- BFD_ASSERT (indx > 0);
- sym.st_shndx = indx;
- bfd_elf32_swap_symbol_out (output_bfd, &sym,
- (PTR) (((Elf32_External_Sym *)
- sdynsym->contents)
- + elf_section_data (s)->dynindx));
- }
- /* Set the sh_info field of the output .dynsym section to the
- index of the first global symbol. */
- elf_section_data (sdynsym->output_section)->this_hdr.sh_info =
- bfd_count_sections (output_bfd) + 1;
- }
- return true;
-/* The RELOCATE_SECTION function is called by the ELF backend linker
- to handle the relocations for a section.
- The relocs are always passed as Rela structures; if the section
- actually uses Rel structures, the r_addend field will always be
- zero.
- This function is responsible for adjust the section contents as
- necessary, and (if using Rela relocs and generating a
- relocateable output file) adjusting the reloc addend as
- necessary.
- This function does not have to worry about setting the reloc
- address or the reloc symbol index.
- LOCAL_SYMS is a pointer to the swapped in local symbols.
- LOCAL_SECTIONS is an array giving the section in the input file
- corresponding to the st_shndx field of each local symbol.
- The global hash table entry for the global symbols can be found
- via elf_sym_hashes (input_bfd).
- When generating relocateable output, this function must handle
- STB_LOCAL/STT_SECTION symbols specially. The output symbol is
- going to be the section symbol corresponding to the output
- section, which means that the addend must be adjusted
- accordingly. */
-static boolean
-ppc_elf_relocate_section (output_bfd, info, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, relocs, local_syms, local_sections)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *local_syms;
- asection **local_sections;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (input_bfd)->symtab_hdr;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes = elf_sym_hashes (input_bfd);
- bfd *dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- elf_linker_section_t *got = (dynobj) ? elf_linker_section (dynobj, LINKER_SECTION_GOT) : NULL;
- elf_linker_section_t *sdata = (dynobj) ? elf_linker_section (dynobj, LINKER_SECTION_SDATA) : NULL;
- elf_linker_section_t *sdata2 = (dynobj) ? elf_linker_section (dynobj, LINKER_SECTION_SDATA2) : NULL;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *rel = relocs;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relend = relocs + input_section->reloc_count;
- boolean ret = true;
- long insn;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "ppc_elf_relocate_section called for %s section %s, %ld relocations%s\n",
- bfd_get_filename (input_bfd),
- bfd_section_name(input_bfd, input_section),
- (long)input_section->reloc_count,
- (info->relocateable) ? " (relocatable)" : "");
- if (!ppc_elf_howto_table[ R_PPC_ADDR32 ]) /* Initialize howto table if needed */
- ppc_elf_howto_init ();
- for (; rel < relend; rel++)
- {
- enum ppc_reloc_type r_type = (enum ppc_reloc_type)ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->r_info);
- bfd_vma offset = rel->r_offset;
- bfd_vma addend = rel->r_addend;
- bfd_reloc_status_type r = bfd_reloc_other;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *sym = (Elf_Internal_Sym *)0;
- asection *sec = (asection *)0;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h = (struct elf_link_hash_entry *)0;
- const char *sym_name = (const char *)0;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- unsigned long r_symndx;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- /* Unknown relocation handling */
- if ((unsigned)r_type >= (unsigned)R_PPC_max || !ppc_elf_howto_table[(int)r_type])
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("%s: unknown relocation type %d",
- bfd_get_filename (input_bfd),
- (int)r_type);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- ret = false;
- continue;
- }
- howto = ppc_elf_howto_table[(int)r_type];
- r_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rel->r_info);
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- /* This is a relocateable link. We don't have to change
- anything, unless the reloc is against a section symbol,
- in which case we have to adjust according to where the
- section symbol winds up in the output section. */
- if (r_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- {
- sym = local_syms + r_symndx;
- if ((unsigned)ELF_ST_TYPE (sym->st_info) == STT_SECTION)
- {
- sec = local_sections[r_symndx];
- addend = rel->r_addend += sec->output_offset + sym->st_value;
- }
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "\ttype = %s (%d), symbol index = %ld, offset = %ld, addend = %ld\n",
- howto->name,
- (int)r_type,
- r_symndx,
- (long)offset,
- (long)addend);
- continue;
- }
- /* This is a final link. */
- if (r_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- {
- sym = local_syms + r_symndx;
- sec = local_sections[r_symndx];
- sym_name = "<local symbol>";
- relocation = (sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset
- + sym->st_value);
- }
- else
- {
- h = sym_hashes[r_symndx - symtab_hdr->sh_info];
- while (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_warning)
- h = (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) h->;
- sym_name = h->root.root.string;
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- relocation = (h->root.u.def.value
- + sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset);
- }
- else if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- relocation = 0;
- else if (info->shared)
- relocation = 0;
- else
- {
- (*info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)(info,
- h->root.root.string,
- input_bfd,
- input_section,
- rel->r_offset);
- ret = false;
- continue;
- }
- }
- switch ((int)r_type)
- {
- default:
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("%s: unknown relocation type %d for symbol %s",
- bfd_get_filename (input_bfd),
- (int)r_type, sym_name);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- ret = false;
- continue;
- /* relocations that need no special processing */
- case (int)R_PPC_NONE:
- case (int)R_PPC_ADDR32:
- case (int)R_PPC_ADDR24:
- case (int)R_PPC_ADDR16:
- case (int)R_PPC_ADDR16_LO:
- case (int)R_PPC_ADDR16_HI:
- case (int)R_PPC_ADDR14:
- case (int)R_PPC_REL24:
- case (int)R_PPC_REL14:
- case (int)R_PPC_UADDR32:
- case (int)R_PPC_UADDR16:
- case (int)R_PPC_REL32:
- break;
- /* branch taken prediction relocations */
- case (int)R_PPC_ADDR14_BRTAKEN:
- case (int)R_PPC_REL14_BRTAKEN:
- insn = bfd_get_32 (output_bfd, contents + offset);
- if ((relocation - offset) & 0x8000)
- else
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, insn, contents + offset);
- break;
- /* branch not taken predicition relocations */
- case (int)R_PPC_ADDR14_BRNTAKEN:
- case (int)R_PPC_REL14_BRNTAKEN:
- insn = bfd_get_32 (output_bfd, contents + offset);
- if ((relocation - offset) & 0x8000)
- else
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, insn, contents + offset);
- break;
- /* GOT16 relocations */
- case (int)R_PPC_GOT16:
- case (int)R_PPC_GOT16_LO:
- case (int)R_PPC_GOT16_HI:
- case (int)R_PPC_GOT16_HA:
- relocation = bfd_elf32_finish_pointer_linker_section (output_bfd, input_bfd, info,
- got, h, relocation, rel,
- break;
- /* Indirect .sdata relocation */
- case (int)R_PPC_EMB_SDAI16:
- BFD_ASSERT (sdata != NULL);
- relocation = bfd_elf32_finish_pointer_linker_section (output_bfd, input_bfd, info,
- sdata, h, relocation, rel,
- break;
- /* Indirect .sdata2 relocation */
- case (int)R_PPC_EMB_SDA2I16:
- BFD_ASSERT (sdata2 != NULL);
- relocation = bfd_elf32_finish_pointer_linker_section (output_bfd, input_bfd, info,
- sdata2, h, relocation, rel,
- break;
- /* Handle the TOC16 reloc. We want to use the offset within the .got
- section, not the actual VMA. This is appropriate when generating
- an embedded ELF object, for which the .got section acts like the
- AIX .toc section. */
- case (int)R_PPC_TOC16: /* phony GOT16 relocations */
- BFD_ASSERT (sec != (asection *)0);
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_is_und_section (sec)
- || strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec), ".got") == 0
- || strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec), ".cgot") == 0)
- addend -= sec->output_section->vma + sec->output_offset + 0x8000;
- break;
- /* arithmetic adjust relocations */
- case (int)R_PPC_ADDR16_HA:
- BFD_ASSERT (sec != (asection *)0);
- addend += ((relocation + addend) & 0x8000) << 1;
- break;
- /* relocate against _SDA_BASE_ */
- case (int)R_PPC_SDAREL16:
- BFD_ASSERT (sec != (asection *)0);
- if (strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec), ".sdata") != 0
- && strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec), ".sbss") != 0)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("%s: The target (%s) of a %s relocation is in the wrong section (%s)",
- bfd_get_filename (input_bfd),
- sym_name,
- ppc_elf_howto_table[ (int)r_type ]->name,
- bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec));
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- ret = false;
- continue;
- }
- addend -= (sdata->sym_hash->root.u.def.value
- + sdata->sym_hash->root.u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + sdata->sym_hash->root.u.def.section->output_offset);
- break;
- /* relocate against _SDA2_BASE_ */
- case (int)R_PPC_EMB_SDA2REL:
- BFD_ASSERT (sec != (asection *)0);
- if (strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec), ".sdata2") != 0
- && strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec), ".sbss2") != 0)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("%s: The target (%s) of a %s relocation is in the wrong section (%s)",
- bfd_get_filename (input_bfd),
- sym_name,
- ppc_elf_howto_table[ (int)r_type ]->name,
- bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec));
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- ret = false;
- continue;
- }
- addend -= (sdata2->sym_hash->root.u.def.value
- + sdata2->sym_hash->root.u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + sdata2->sym_hash->root.u.def.section->output_offset);
- break;
- /* relocate against either _SDA_BASE_, _SDA2_BASE_, or 0 */
- case (int)R_PPC_EMB_SDA21:
- case (int)R_PPC_EMB_RELSDA:
- {
- const char *name = bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec);
- int reg;
- BFD_ASSERT (sec != (asection *)0);
- if (strcmp (name, ".sdata") == 0 || strcmp (name, ".sbss") == 0)
- {
- reg = 13;
- addend -= (sdata->sym_hash->root.u.def.value
- + sdata->sym_hash->root.u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + sdata->sym_hash->root.u.def.section->output_offset);
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, ".sdata2") == 0 || strcmp (name, ".sbss2") == 0)
- {
- reg = 2;
- addend -= (sdata2->sym_hash->root.u.def.value
- + sdata2->sym_hash->root.u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + sdata2->sym_hash->root.u.def.section->output_offset);
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, ".PPC.EMB.sdata0") == 0 || strcmp (name, ".PPC.EMB.sbss0") == 0)
- {
- reg = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("%s: The target (%s) of a %s relocation is in the wrong section (%s)",
- bfd_get_filename (input_bfd),
- sym_name,
- ppc_elf_howto_table[ (int)r_type ]->name,
- bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec));
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- ret = false;
- continue;
- }
- if (r_type == R_PPC_EMB_SDA21)
- { /* fill in register field */
- insn = bfd_get_32 (output_bfd, contents + offset);
- insn = (insn & ~RA_REGISTER_MASK) | (reg << RA_REGISTER_SHIFT);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, insn, contents + offset);
- }
- }
- break;
- /* Relocate against the beginning of the section */
- case (int)R_PPC_SECTOFF:
- case (int)R_PPC_SECTOFF_LO:
- case (int)R_PPC_SECTOFF_HI:
- BFD_ASSERT (sec != (asection *)0);
- addend -= sec->output_section->vma;
- break;
- case (int)R_PPC_SECTOFF_HA:
- BFD_ASSERT (sec != (asection *)0);
- addend -= sec->output_section->vma;
- addend += ((relocation + addend) & 0x8000) << 1;
- break;
- /* Negative relocations */
- case (int)R_PPC_EMB_NADDR32:
- case (int)R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16:
- case (int)R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_LO:
- case (int)R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HI:
- addend -= 2*relocation;
- break;
- case (int)R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HA:
- addend -= 2*relocation;
- addend += ((relocation + addend) & 0x8000) << 1;
- break;
- /* NOP relocation that prevents garbage collecting linkers from omitting a
- reference. */
- case (int)R_PPC_EMB_MRKREF:
- continue;
- case (int)R_PPC_PLTREL24:
- case (int)R_PPC_COPY:
- case (int)R_PPC_GLOB_DAT:
- case (int)R_PPC_JMP_SLOT:
- case (int)R_PPC_RELATIVE:
- case (int)R_PPC_LOCAL24PC:
- case (int)R_PPC_PLT32:
- case (int)R_PPC_PLTREL32:
- case (int)R_PPC_PLT16_LO:
- case (int)R_PPC_PLT16_HI:
- case (int)R_PPC_PLT16_HA:
- case (int)R_PPC_EMB_RELSEC16:
- case (int)R_PPC_EMB_RELST_LO:
- case (int)R_PPC_EMB_RELST_HI:
- case (int)R_PPC_EMB_RELST_HA:
- case (int)R_PPC_EMB_BIT_FLD:
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("%s: Relocation %s is not yet supported for symbol %s.",
- bfd_get_filename (input_bfd),
- ppc_elf_howto_table[ (int)r_type ]->name,
- sym_name);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- ret = false;
- continue;
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "\ttype = %s (%d), name = %s, symbol index = %ld, offset = %ld, addend = %ld\n",
- howto->name,
- (int)r_type,
- sym_name,
- r_symndx,
- (long)offset,
- (long)addend);
- r = _bfd_final_link_relocate (howto,
- input_bfd,
- input_section,
- contents,
- offset,
- relocation,
- addend);
- if (r != bfd_reloc_ok)
- {
- ret = false;
- switch (r)
- {
- default:
- break;
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- {
- const char *name;
- if (h != NULL)
- name = h->root.root.string;
- else
- {
- name = bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section (input_bfd,
- symtab_hdr->sh_link,
- sym->st_name);
- if (name == NULL)
- break;
- if (*name == '\0')
- name = bfd_section_name (input_bfd, sec);
- }
- (*info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)(info,
- name,
- howto->name,
- (bfd_vma) 0,
- input_bfd,
- input_section,
- offset);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- return ret;
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_SYM bfd_elf32_powerpcle_vec
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_NAME "elf32-powerpcle"
-#define TARGET_BIG_SYM bfd_elf32_powerpc_vec
-#define TARGET_BIG_NAME "elf32-powerpc"
-#define ELF_ARCH bfd_arch_powerpc
-#define ELF_MAXPAGESIZE 0x10000
-#define elf_info_to_howto ppc_elf_info_to_howto
-#ifdef EM_PPC_OLD
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data ppc_elf_copy_private_bfd_data
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data ppc_elf_merge_private_bfd_data
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_set_private_flags ppc_elf_set_private_flags
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_reloc_type_lookup ppc_elf_reloc_type_lookup
-#define elf_backend_section_from_shdr ppc_elf_section_from_shdr
-#define elf_backend_relocate_section ppc_elf_relocate_section
-#define elf_backend_create_dynamic_sections _bfd_elf_create_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_check_relocs ppc_elf_check_relocs
-#define elf_backend_adjust_dynamic_symbol ppc_elf_adjust_dynamic_symbol
-#define elf_backend_add_symbol_hook ppc_elf_add_symbol_hook
-#define elf_backend_size_dynamic_sections ppc_elf_size_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_finish_dynamic_symbol ppc_elf_finish_dynamic_symbol
-#define elf_backend_finish_dynamic_sections ppc_elf_finish_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_fake_sections ppc_elf_fake_sections
-#define elf_backend_additional_program_headers ppc_elf_additional_program_headers
-#define elf_backend_modify_segment_map ppc_elf_modify_segment_map
-#include "elf32-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-sparc.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-sparc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 918eb00e2a0b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32-sparc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1795 +0,0 @@
-/* SPARC-specific support for 32-bit ELF
- Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "elf-bfd.h"
-#include "elf/sparc.h"
-static reloc_howto_type *elf32_sparc_reloc_type_lookup
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_reloc_code_real_type));
-static void elf_info_to_howto
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, Elf_Internal_Rela *));
-static boolean elf32_sparc_check_relocs
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, asection *,
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *));
-static boolean elf32_sparc_adjust_dynamic_symbol
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, struct elf_link_hash_entry *));
-static boolean elf32_sparc_adjust_dynindx
- PARAMS ((struct elf_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
-static boolean elf32_sparc_size_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean elf32_sparc_relocate_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *,
- Elf_Internal_Rela *, Elf_Internal_Sym *, asection **));
-static boolean elf32_sparc_finish_dynamic_symbol
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct elf_link_hash_entry *,
- Elf_Internal_Sym *));
-static boolean elf32_sparc_finish_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean elf32_sparc_merge_private_bfd_data PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-static boolean elf32_sparc_object_p
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static void elf32_sparc_final_write_processing
- PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean));
-/* The howto table and associated functions.
- ??? elf64-sparc.c has its own copy for the moment to ease transition
- since some of the relocation values have changed. At some point we'll
- want elf64-sparc.c to switch over and use this table.
- ??? Do we want to recognize (or flag as errors) some of the 64 bit entries
- if the target is elf32-sparc.
-static bfd_reloc_status_type sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR, asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type sparc_elf_wdisp16_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR, asection *, bfd *, char **));
-reloc_howto_type _bfd_sparc_elf_howto_table[] =
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_NONE, 0,0, 0,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_NONE", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_8, 0,0, 8,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_8", false,0,0x000000ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_16, 0,1,16,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_16", false,0,0x0000ffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_32, 0,2,32,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_32", false,0,0xffffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_DISP8, 0,0, 8,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_DISP8", false,0,0x000000ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_DISP16, 0,1,16,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_DISP16", false,0,0x0000ffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_DISP32, 0,2,32,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_DISP32", false,0,0x00ffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_WDISP30, 2,2,30,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_WDISP30", false,0,0x3fffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_WDISP22, 2,2,22,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_WDISP22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_HI22, 10,2,22,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_HI22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_22, 0,2,22,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_13, 0,2,13,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_13", false,0,0x00001fff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_LO10, 0,2,10,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_LO10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_GOT10, 0,2,10,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_GOT10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_GOT13, 0,2,13,false,0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_GOT13", false,0,0x00001fff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_GOT22, 10,2,22,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_GOT22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PC10, 0,2,10,true, 0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_PC10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PC22, 10,2,22,true, 0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_PC22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_WPLT30, 2,2,30,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_WPLT30", false,0,0x3fffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_COPY, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_COPY", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_GLOB_DAT, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_GLOB_DAT",false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_JMP_SLOT, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_JMP_SLOT",false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_RELATIVE, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_RELATIVE",false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_UA32, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_UA32", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PLT32, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_PLT32", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_HIPLT22, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_HIPLT22", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_LOPLT10, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_LOPLT10", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PCPLT32, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_PCPLT32", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PCPLT22, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_PCPLT22", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PCPLT10, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_PCPLT10", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_10, 0,2,10,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_11, 0,2,11,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_11", false,0,0x000007ff,true),
- /* ??? If we need to handle R_SPARC_64 then we need (figuratively)
- --enable-64-bit-bfd. That causes objdump to print address as 64 bits
- which we really don't want on an elf32-sparc system. There may be other
- consequences which we may not want (at least not until it's proven they're
- necessary) so for now these are only enabled ifdef BFD64. */
-#ifdef BFD64
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_64, 0,4,00,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_64", false,0,~ (bfd_vma) 0, true),
- /* ??? These don't make sense except in 64 bit systems so they're disabled
- ifndef BFD64 too (for now). */
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_OLO10, 0,2,10,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_OLO10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_HH22, 42,2,22,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_HH22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_HM10, 32,2,10,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_HM10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_LM22, 10,2,22,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_LM22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PC_HH22, 42,2,22,true, 0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_HH22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PC_HM10, 32,2,10,true, 0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_HM10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PC_LM22, 10,2,22,true, 0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_LM22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_64, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_64", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_OLO10, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_OLO10", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_HH22, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_HH22", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_HM10, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_HM10", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_LM22, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_LM22", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PC_HH22, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_PC_HH22", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PC_HM10, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_PC_HM10", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PC_LM22, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_PC_LM22", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_WDISP16, 2,2,16,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, sparc_elf_wdisp16_reloc,"R_SPARC_WDISP16", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_WDISP19, 2,2,22,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_WDISP19", false,0,0x0007ffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_GLOB_JMP, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_GLOB_DAT",false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_7, 0,2, 7,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_7", false,0,0x0000007f,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_5, 0,2, 5,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_5", false,0,0x0000001f,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_6, 0,2, 6,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_6", false,0,0x0000003f,true),
-struct elf_reloc_map {
- unsigned char bfd_reloc_val;
- unsigned char elf_reloc_val;
-static CONST struct elf_reloc_map sparc_reloc_map[] =
- { BFD_RELOC_16, R_SPARC_16, },
- { BFD_RELOC_8, R_SPARC_8 },
- /* ??? This might cause us to need separate functions in elf{32,64}-sparc.c
- (we could still have just one table), but is this reloc ever used? */
- { BFD_RELOC_CTOR, R_SPARC_32 }, /* @@ Assumes 32 bits. */
- { BFD_RELOC_32, R_SPARC_32 },
- { BFD_RELOC_LO10, R_SPARC_LO10, },
- /* ??? Doesn't dwarf use this? */
-/*{ BFD_RELOC_SPARC_UA32, R_SPARC_UA32 }, not used?? */
-static reloc_howto_type *
-elf32_sparc_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (sparc_reloc_map) / sizeof (struct elf_reloc_map); i++)
- {
- if (sparc_reloc_map[i].bfd_reloc_val == code)
- return &_bfd_sparc_elf_howto_table[(int) sparc_reloc_map[i].elf_reloc_val];
- }
- return 0;
-/* We need to use ELF32_R_TYPE so we have our own copy of this function,
- and elf64-sparc.c has its own copy. */
-static void
-elf_info_to_howto (abfd, cache_ptr, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *dst;
- BFD_ASSERT (ELF32_R_TYPE(dst->r_info) < (unsigned int) R_SPARC_max);
- cache_ptr->howto = &_bfd_sparc_elf_howto_table[ELF32_R_TYPE(dst->r_info)];
-/* For unsupported relocs. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- return bfd_reloc_notsupported;
-/* Handle the WDISP16 reloc. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-sparc_elf_wdisp16_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_vma x;
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) == 0
- && (! reloc_entry->howto->partial_inplace
- || reloc_entry->addend == 0))
- {
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- if (output_bfd != NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- if (reloc_entry->address > input_section->_cooked_size)
- return bfd_reloc_outofrange;
- relocation = (symbol->value
- + symbol->section->output_section->vma
- + symbol->section->output_offset);
- relocation += reloc_entry->addend;
- relocation -= (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset);
- relocation -= reloc_entry->address;
- x = bfd_get_32 (abfd, (char *) data + reloc_entry->address);
- x |= ((((relocation >> 2) & 0xc000) << 6)
- | ((relocation >> 2) & 0x3fff));
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, x, (char *) data + reloc_entry->address);
- if ((bfd_signed_vma) relocation < - 0x40000
- || (bfd_signed_vma) relocation > 0x3ffff)
- return bfd_reloc_overflow;
- else
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-/* Functions for the SPARC ELF linker. */
-/* The name of the dynamic interpreter. This is put in the .interp
- section. */
-#define ELF_DYNAMIC_INTERPRETER "/usr/lib/"
-/* The nop opcode we use. */
-#define SPARC_NOP 0x01000000
-/* The size in bytes of an entry in the procedure linkage table. */
-#define PLT_ENTRY_SIZE 12
-/* The first four entries in a procedure linkage table are reserved,
- and the initial contents are unimportant (we zero them out).
- Subsequent entries look like this. See the SVR4 ABI SPARC
- supplement to see how this works. */
-/* sethi %hi(.-.plt0),%g1. We fill in the address later. */
-#define PLT_ENTRY_WORD0 0x03000000
-/* b,a .plt0. We fill in the offset later. */
-#define PLT_ENTRY_WORD1 0x30800000
-/* nop. */
-/* Look through the relocs for a section during the first phase, and
- allocate space in the global offset table or procedure linkage
- table. */
-static boolean
-elf32_sparc_check_relocs (abfd, info, sec, relocs)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *sec;
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs;
- bfd *dynobj;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- bfd_vma *local_got_offsets;
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *rel;
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *rel_end;
- asection *sgot;
- asection *srelgot;
- asection *sreloc;
- if (info->relocateable)
- return true;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
- sym_hashes = elf_sym_hashes (abfd);
- local_got_offsets = elf_local_got_offsets (abfd);
- sgot = NULL;
- srelgot = NULL;
- sreloc = NULL;
- rel_end = relocs + sec->reloc_count;
- for (rel = relocs; rel < rel_end; rel++)
- {
- unsigned long r_symndx;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- r_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rel->r_info);
- if (r_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- h = NULL;
- else
- h = sym_hashes[r_symndx - symtab_hdr->sh_info];
- switch (ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->r_info))
- {
- case R_SPARC_GOT10:
- case R_SPARC_GOT13:
- case R_SPARC_GOT22:
- /* This symbol requires a global offset table entry. */
- if (dynobj == NULL)
- {
- /* Create the .got section. */
- elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj = dynobj = abfd;
- if (! _bfd_elf_create_got_section (dynobj, info))
- return false;
- }
- if (sgot == NULL)
- {
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL);
- }
- if (srelgot == NULL
- && (h != NULL || info->shared))
- {
- srelgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, "");
- if (srelgot == NULL)
- {
- srelgot = bfd_make_section (dynobj, "");
- if (srelgot == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (dynobj, srelgot,
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, srelgot, 2))
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (h != NULL)
- {
- if (h->got_offset != (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- /* We have already allocated space in the .got. */
- break;
- }
- h->got_offset = sgot->_raw_size;
- /* Make sure this symbol is output as a dynamic symbol. */
- if (h->dynindx == -1)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- }
- srelgot->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is a global offset table entry for a local
- symbol. */
- if (local_got_offsets == NULL)
- {
- size_t size;
- register unsigned int i;
- size = symtab_hdr->sh_info * sizeof (bfd_vma);
- local_got_offsets = (bfd_vma *) bfd_alloc (abfd, size);
- if (local_got_offsets == NULL)
- return false;
- elf_local_got_offsets (abfd) = local_got_offsets;
- for (i = 0; i < symtab_hdr->sh_info; i++)
- local_got_offsets[i] = (bfd_vma) -1;
- }
- if (local_got_offsets[r_symndx] != (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- /* We have already allocated space in the .got. */
- break;
- }
- local_got_offsets[r_symndx] = sgot->_raw_size;
- if (info->shared)
- {
- /* If we are generating a shared object, we need to
- output a R_SPARC_RELATIVE reloc so that the
- dynamic linker can adjust this GOT entry. */
- srelgot->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
- }
- }
- sgot->_raw_size += 4;
- break;
- case R_SPARC_WPLT30:
- /* This symbol requires a procedure linkage table entry. We
- actually build the entry in adjust_dynamic_symbol,
- because this might be a case of linking PIC code without
- linking in any dynamic objects, in which case we don't
- need to generate a procedure linkage table after all. */
- if (h == NULL)
- {
- /* It does not make sense to have a procedure linkage
- table entry for a local symbol. */
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- /* Make sure this symbol is output as a dynamic symbol. */
- if (h->dynindx == -1)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- }
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT;
- break;
- case R_SPARC_PC10:
- case R_SPARC_PC22:
- if (h != NULL
- && strcmp (h->root.root.string, "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_") == 0)
- break;
- /* Fall through. */
- case R_SPARC_DISP8:
- case R_SPARC_DISP16:
- case R_SPARC_DISP32:
- case R_SPARC_WDISP30:
- case R_SPARC_WDISP22:
- case R_SPARC_WDISP19:
- case R_SPARC_WDISP16:
- if (h == NULL)
- break;
- /* Fall through. */
- case R_SPARC_8:
- case R_SPARC_16:
- case R_SPARC_32:
- case R_SPARC_HI22:
- case R_SPARC_22:
- case R_SPARC_13:
- case R_SPARC_LO10:
- case R_SPARC_UA32:
- if (info->shared
- && (sec->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0)
- {
- /* When creating a shared object, we must copy these
- relocs into the output file. We create a reloc
- section in dynobj and make room for the reloc. */
- if (sreloc == NULL)
- {
- const char *name;
- name = (bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section
- (abfd,
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_shstrndx,
- elf_section_data (sec)->rel_hdr.sh_name));
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- BFD_ASSERT (strncmp (name, ".rela", 5) == 0
- && strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (abfd, sec),
- name + 5) == 0);
- sreloc = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, name);
- if (sreloc == NULL)
- {
- sreloc = bfd_make_section (dynobj, name);
- if (sreloc == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (dynobj, sreloc,
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, sreloc, 2))
- return false;
- }
- }
- sreloc->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Adjust a symbol defined by a dynamic object and referenced by a
- regular object. The current definition is in some section of the
- dynamic object, but we're not including those sections. We have to
- change the definition to something the rest of the link can
- understand. */
-static boolean
-elf32_sparc_adjust_dynamic_symbol (info, h)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- bfd *dynobj;
- asection *s;
- unsigned int power_of_two;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- /* Make sure we know what is going on here. */
- BFD_ASSERT (dynobj != NULL
- && ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT)
- || h->weakdef != NULL
- || ((h->elf_link_hash_flags
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- /* If this is a function, put it in the procedure linkage table. We
- will fill in the contents of the procedure linkage table later
- (although we could actually do it here). */
- if (h->type == STT_FUNC
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT) != 0)
- {
- if (! elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- /* This case can occur if we saw a WPLT30 reloc in an input
- file, but none of the input files were dynamic objects.
- In such a case, we don't actually need to build a
- procedure linkage table, and we can just do a WDISP30
- reloc instead. */
- BFD_ASSERT ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT) != 0);
- return true;
- }
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- /* The first four entries in .plt are reserved. */
- if (s->_raw_size == 0)
- s->_raw_size = 4 * PLT_ENTRY_SIZE;
- /* The procedure linkage table has a maximum size. */
- if (s->_raw_size >= 0x400000)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- /* If this symbol is not defined in a regular file, and we are
- not generating a shared library, then set the symbol to this
- location in the .plt. This is required to make function
- pointers compare as equal between the normal executable and
- the shared library. */
- if (! info->shared
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR) == 0)
- {
- h->root.u.def.section = s;
- h->root.u.def.value = s->_raw_size;
- }
- h->plt_offset = s->_raw_size;
- /* Make room for this entry. */
- s->_raw_size += PLT_ENTRY_SIZE;
- /* We also need to make an entry in the .rela.plt section. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".rela.plt");
- s->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
- return true;
- }
- /* If this is a weak symbol, and there is a real definition, the
- processor independent code will have arranged for us to see the
- real definition first, and we can just use the same value. */
- if (h->weakdef != NULL)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (h->weakdef->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->weakdef->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak);
- h->root.u.def.section = h->weakdef->root.u.def.section;
- h->root.u.def.value = h->weakdef->root.u.def.value;
- return true;
- }
- /* This is a reference to a symbol defined by a dynamic object which
- is not a function. */
- /* If we are creating a shared library, we must presume that the
- only references to the symbol are via the global offset table.
- For such cases we need not do anything here; the relocations will
- be handled correctly by relocate_section. */
- if (info->shared)
- return true;
- /* We must allocate the symbol in our .dynbss section, which will
- become part of the .bss section of the executable. There will be
- an entry for this symbol in the .dynsym section. The dynamic
- object will contain position independent code, so all references
- from the dynamic object to this symbol will go through the global
- offset table. The dynamic linker will use the .dynsym entry to
- determine the address it must put in the global offset table, so
- both the dynamic object and the regular object will refer to the
- same memory location for the variable. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynbss");
- /* If the symbol is currently defined in the .bss section of the
- dynamic object, then it is OK to simply initialize it to zero.
- If the symbol is in some other section, we must generate a
- R_SPARC_COPY reloc to tell the dynamic linker to copy the initial
- value out of the dynamic object and into the runtime process
- image. We need to remember the offset into the .rel.bss section
- we are going to use. */
- if ((h->root.u.def.section->flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0)
- {
- asection *srel;
- srel = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".rela.bss");
- BFD_ASSERT (srel != NULL);
- srel->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_COPY;
- }
- /* We need to figure out the alignment required for this symbol. I
- have no idea how ELF linkers handle this. */
- power_of_two = bfd_log2 (h->size);
- if (power_of_two > 3)
- power_of_two = 3;
- /* Apply the required alignment. */
- s->_raw_size = BFD_ALIGN (s->_raw_size,
- (bfd_size_type) (1 << power_of_two));
- if (power_of_two > bfd_get_section_alignment (dynobj, s))
- {
- if (! bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, s, power_of_two))
- return false;
- }
- /* Define the symbol as being at this point in the section. */
- h->root.u.def.section = s;
- h->root.u.def.value = s->_raw_size;
- /* Increment the section size to make room for the symbol. */
- s->_raw_size += h->size;
- return true;
-/* Set the sizes of the dynamic sections. */
-static boolean
-elf32_sparc_size_dynamic_sections (output_bfd, info)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *dynobj;
- asection *s;
- boolean reltext;
- boolean relplt;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- BFD_ASSERT (dynobj != NULL);
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- /* Set the contents of the .interp section to the interpreter. */
- if (! info->shared)
- {
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".interp");
- s->_raw_size = sizeof ELF_DYNAMIC_INTERPRETER;
- s->contents = (unsigned char *) ELF_DYNAMIC_INTERPRETER;
- }
- /* Make space for the trailing nop in .plt. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- if (s->_raw_size > 0)
- s->_raw_size += 4;
- }
- else
- {
- /* We may have created entries in the section.
- However, if we are not creating the dynamic sections, we will
- not actually use these entries. Reset the size of,
- which will cause it to get stripped from the output file
- below. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, "");
- if (s != NULL)
- s->_raw_size = 0;
- }
- /* The check_relocs and adjust_dynamic_symbol entry points have
- determined the sizes of the various dynamic sections. Allocate
- memory for them. */
- reltext = false;
- relplt = false;
- for (s = dynobj->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- const char *name;
- boolean strip;
- if ((s->flags & SEC_IN_MEMORY) == 0)
- continue;
- /* It's OK to base decisions on the section name, because none
- of the dynobj section names depend upon the input files. */
- name = bfd_get_section_name (dynobj, s);
- strip = false;
- if (strncmp (name, ".rela", 5) == 0)
- {
- if (s->_raw_size == 0)
- {
- /* If we don't need this section, strip it from the
- output file. This is to handle .rela.bss and
- .rel.plt. We must create it in
- create_dynamic_sections, because it must be created
- before the linker maps input sections to output
- sections. The linker does that before
- adjust_dynamic_symbol is called, and it is that
- function which decides whether anything needs to go
- into these sections. */
- strip = true;
- }
- else
- {
- asection *target;
- /* If this relocation section applies to a read only
- section, then we probably need a DT_TEXTREL entry. */
- target = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, name + 5);
- if (target != NULL
- && (target->flags & SEC_READONLY) != 0)
- reltext = true;
- if (strcmp (name, ".rela.plt") == 0)
- relplt = true;
- /* We use the reloc_count field as a counter if we need
- to copy relocs into the output file. */
- s->reloc_count = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, ".plt") != 0
- && strcmp (name, ".got") != 0)
- {
- /* It's not one of our sections, so don't allocate space. */
- continue;
- }
- if (strip)
- {
- asection **spp;
- for (spp = &s->output_section->owner->sections;
- *spp != s->output_section;
- spp = &(*spp)->next)
- ;
- *spp = s->output_section->next;
- --s->output_section->owner->section_count;
- continue;
- }
- /* Allocate memory for the section contents. */
- s->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (dynobj, s->_raw_size);
- if (s->contents == NULL && s->_raw_size != 0)
- return false;
- }
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- /* Add some entries to the .dynamic section. We fill in the
- values later, in elf32_sparc_finish_dynamic_sections, but we
- must add the entries now so that we get the correct size for
- the .dynamic section. The DT_DEBUG entry is filled in by the
- dynamic linker and used by the debugger. */
- if (! info->shared)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_DEBUG, 0))
- return false;
- }
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_PLTGOT, 0))
- return false;
- if (relplt)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_PLTRELSZ, 0)
- || ! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_PLTREL, DT_RELA)
- || ! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_JMPREL, 0))
- return false;
- }
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_RELA, 0)
- || ! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_RELASZ, 0)
- || ! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_RELAENT,
- sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela)))
- return false;
- if (reltext)
- {
- if (! bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_TEXTREL, 0))
- return false;
- }
- }
- /* If we are generating a shared library, we generate a section
- symbol for each output section. These are local symbols, which
- means that they must come first in the dynamic symbol table.
- That means we must increment the dynamic symbol index of every
- other dynamic symbol. */
- if (info->shared)
- {
- int c, i;
- c = bfd_count_sections (output_bfd);
- elf_link_hash_traverse (elf_hash_table (info),
- elf32_sparc_adjust_dynindx,
- (PTR) &c);
- elf_hash_table (info)->dynsymcount += c;
- for (i = 1, s = output_bfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next, i++)
- {
- elf_section_data (s)->dynindx = i;
- /* These symbols will have no names, so we don't need to
- fiddle with dynstr_index. */
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Increment the index of a dynamic symbol by a given amount. Called
- via elf_link_hash_traverse. */
-static boolean
-elf32_sparc_adjust_dynindx (h, cparg)
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- PTR cparg;
- int *cp = (int *) cparg;
- if (h->dynindx != -1)
- h->dynindx += *cp;
- return true;
-/* Relocate a SPARC ELF section. */
-static boolean
-elf32_sparc_relocate_section (output_bfd, info, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, relocs, local_syms, local_sections)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *local_syms;
- asection **local_sections;
- bfd *dynobj;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- bfd_vma *local_got_offsets;
- asection *sgot;
- asection *splt;
- asection *sreloc;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *rel;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relend;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (input_bfd)->symtab_hdr;
- sym_hashes = elf_sym_hashes (input_bfd);
- local_got_offsets = elf_local_got_offsets (input_bfd);
- sgot = NULL;
- splt = NULL;
- sreloc = NULL;
- rel = relocs;
- relend = relocs + input_section->reloc_count;
- for (; rel < relend; rel++)
- {
- int r_type;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- unsigned long r_symndx;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *sym;
- asection *sec;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_reloc_status_type r;
- r_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->r_info);
- if (r_type < 0 || r_type >= (int) R_SPARC_max)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- howto = _bfd_sparc_elf_howto_table + r_type;
- r_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rel->r_info);
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- /* This is a relocateable link. We don't have to change
- anything, unless the reloc is against a section symbol,
- in which case we have to adjust according to where the
- section symbol winds up in the output section. */
- if (r_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- {
- sym = local_syms + r_symndx;
- if (ELF_ST_TYPE (sym->st_info) == STT_SECTION)
- {
- sec = local_sections[r_symndx];
- rel->r_addend += sec->output_offset + sym->st_value;
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- /* This is a final link. */
- h = NULL;
- sym = NULL;
- sec = NULL;
- if (r_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- {
- sym = local_syms + r_symndx;
- sec = local_sections[r_symndx];
- relocation = (sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset
- + sym->st_value);
- }
- else
- {
- h = sym_hashes[r_symndx - symtab_hdr->sh_info];
- while (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_warning)
- h = (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) h->;
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- if ((r_type == R_SPARC_WPLT30
- && h->plt_offset != (bfd_vma) -1)
- || ((r_type == R_SPARC_GOT10
- || r_type == R_SPARC_GOT13
- || r_type == R_SPARC_GOT22)
- && elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created
- && (! info->shared
- || ! info->symbolic
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- || (info->shared
- && (! info->symbolic
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- && (input_section->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0
- && (r_type == R_SPARC_8
- || r_type == R_SPARC_16
- || r_type == R_SPARC_32
- || r_type == R_SPARC_DISP8
- || r_type == R_SPARC_DISP16
- || r_type == R_SPARC_DISP32
- || r_type == R_SPARC_WDISP30
- || r_type == R_SPARC_WDISP22
- || r_type == R_SPARC_WDISP19
- || r_type == R_SPARC_WDISP16
- || r_type == R_SPARC_HI22
- || r_type == R_SPARC_22
- || r_type == R_SPARC_13
- || r_type == R_SPARC_LO10
- || r_type == R_SPARC_UA32
- || ((r_type == R_SPARC_PC10
- || r_type == R_SPARC_PC22)
- && strcmp (h->root.root.string,
- "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_") != 0))))
- {
- /* In these cases, we don't need the relocation
- value. We check specially because in some
- obscure cases sec->output_section will be NULL. */
- relocation = 0;
- }
- else
- relocation = (h->root.u.def.value
- + sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset);
- }
- else if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- relocation = 0;
- else if (info->shared && !info->symbolic)
- relocation = 0;
- else
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (info, h->root.root.string, input_bfd,
- input_section, rel->r_offset)))
- return false;
- relocation = 0;
- }
- }
- switch (r_type)
- {
- case R_SPARC_GOT10:
- case R_SPARC_GOT13:
- case R_SPARC_GOT22:
- /* Relocation is to the entry for this symbol in the global
- offset table. */
- if (sgot == NULL)
- {
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL);
- }
- if (h != NULL)
- {
- bfd_vma off;
- off = h->got_offset;
- BFD_ASSERT (off != (bfd_vma) -1);
- if (! elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created
- || (info->shared
- && info->symbolic
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR)))
- {
- /* This is actually a static link, or it is a
- -Bsymbolic link and the symbol is defined
- locally. We must initialize this entry in the
- global offset table. Since the offset must
- always be a multiple of 4, we use the least
- significant bit to record whether we have
- initialized it already.
- When doing a dynamic link, we create a
- relocation entry to initialize the value. This
- is done in the finish_dynamic_symbol routine. */
- if ((off & 1) != 0)
- off &= ~1;
- else
- {
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, relocation,
- sgot->contents + off);
- h->got_offset |= 1;
- }
- }
- relocation = sgot->output_offset + off;
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_vma off;
- BFD_ASSERT (local_got_offsets != NULL
- && local_got_offsets[r_symndx] != (bfd_vma) -1);
- off = local_got_offsets[r_symndx];
- /* The offset must always be a multiple of 4. We use
- the least significant bit to record whether we have
- already processed this entry. */
- if ((off & 1) != 0)
- off &= ~1;
- else
- {
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, relocation, sgot->contents + off);
- if (info->shared)
- {
- asection *srelgot;
- Elf_Internal_Rela outrel;
- /* We need to generate a R_SPARC_RELATIVE reloc
- for the dynamic linker. */
- srelgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, "");
- BFD_ASSERT (srelgot != NULL);
- outrel.r_offset = (sgot->output_section->vma
- + sgot->output_offset
- + off);
- outrel.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (0, R_SPARC_RELATIVE);
- outrel.r_addend = 0;
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &outrel,
- (((Elf32_External_Rela *)
- srelgot->contents)
- + srelgot->reloc_count));
- ++srelgot->reloc_count;
- }
- local_got_offsets[r_symndx] |= 1;
- }
- relocation = sgot->output_offset + off;
- }
- break;
- case R_SPARC_WPLT30:
- /* Relocation is to the entry for this symbol in the
- procedure linkage table. */
- if (h->plt_offset == (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- /* We didn't make a PLT entry for this symbol. This
- happens when statically linking PIC code, or when
- using -Bsymbolic. */
- break;
- }
- if (splt == NULL)
- {
- splt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- BFD_ASSERT (splt != NULL);
- }
- relocation = (splt->output_section->vma
- + splt->output_offset
- + h->plt_offset);
- break;
- case R_SPARC_PC10:
- case R_SPARC_PC22:
- if (h != NULL
- && strcmp (h->root.root.string, "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_") == 0)
- break;
- /* Fall through. */
- case R_SPARC_DISP8:
- case R_SPARC_DISP16:
- case R_SPARC_DISP32:
- case R_SPARC_WDISP30:
- case R_SPARC_WDISP22:
- case R_SPARC_WDISP19:
- case R_SPARC_WDISP16:
- if (h == NULL)
- break;
- /* Fall through. */
- case R_SPARC_8:
- case R_SPARC_16:
- case R_SPARC_32:
- case R_SPARC_HI22:
- case R_SPARC_22:
- case R_SPARC_13:
- case R_SPARC_LO10:
- case R_SPARC_UA32:
- if (info->shared
- && (input_section->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Rela outrel;
- /* When generating a shared object, these relocations
- are copied into the output file to be resolved at run
- time. */
- if (sreloc == NULL)
- {
- const char *name;
- name = (bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section
- (input_bfd,
- elf_elfheader (input_bfd)->e_shstrndx,
- elf_section_data (input_section)->rel_hdr.sh_name));
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- BFD_ASSERT (strncmp (name, ".rela", 5) == 0
- && strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (input_bfd,
- input_section),
- name + 5) == 0);
- sreloc = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, name);
- BFD_ASSERT (sreloc != NULL);
- }
- outrel.r_offset = (rel->r_offset
- + input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset);
- if (h != NULL
- && (! info->symbolic
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (h->dynindx != -1);
- outrel.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (h->dynindx, r_type);
- outrel.r_addend = rel->r_addend;
- }
- else
- {
- if (r_type == R_SPARC_32)
- {
- outrel.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (0, R_SPARC_RELATIVE);
- outrel.r_addend = relocation + rel->r_addend;
- }
- else
- {
- long indx;
- if (h == NULL)
- sec = local_sections[r_symndx];
- else
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || (h->root.type
- == bfd_link_hash_defweak));
- sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- }
- if (sec != NULL && bfd_is_abs_section (sec))
- indx = 0;
- else if (sec == NULL || sec->owner == NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- asection *osec;
- osec = sec->output_section;
- indx = elf_section_data (osec)->dynindx;
- if (indx == 0)
- abort ();
- }
- outrel.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (indx, r_type);
- outrel.r_addend = relocation + rel->r_addend;
- }
- }
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &outrel,
- (((Elf32_External_Rela *)
- sreloc->contents)
- + sreloc->reloc_count));
- ++sreloc->reloc_count;
- /* This reloc will be computed at runtime, so there's no
- need to do anything now. */
- continue;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (r_type != R_SPARC_WDISP16)
- r = _bfd_final_link_relocate (howto, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, rel->r_offset,
- relocation, rel->r_addend);
- else
- {
- bfd_vma x;
- relocation += rel->r_addend;
- relocation -= (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset);
- relocation -= rel->r_offset;
- x = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, contents + rel->r_offset);
- x |= ((((relocation >> 2) & 0xc000) << 6)
- | ((relocation >> 2) & 0x3fff));
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, x, contents + rel->r_offset);
- if ((bfd_signed_vma) relocation < - 0x40000
- || (bfd_signed_vma) relocation > 0x3ffff)
- r = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- else
- r = bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- if (r != bfd_reloc_ok)
- {
- switch (r)
- {
- default:
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- {
- const char *name;
- if (h != NULL)
- name = h->root.root.string;
- else
- {
- name = bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section (input_bfd,
- symtab_hdr->sh_link,
- sym->st_name);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- if (*name == '\0')
- name = bfd_section_name (input_bfd, sec);
- }
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (info, name, howto->name, (bfd_vma) 0,
- input_bfd, input_section, rel->r_offset)))
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Finish up dynamic symbol handling. We set the contents of various
- dynamic sections here. */
-static boolean
-elf32_sparc_finish_dynamic_symbol (output_bfd, info, h, sym)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *sym;
- bfd *dynobj;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- if (h->plt_offset != (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- asection *splt;
- asection *srela;
- Elf_Internal_Rela rela;
- /* This symbol has an entry in the procedure linkage table. Set
- it up. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h->dynindx != -1);
- splt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- srela = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".rela.plt");
- BFD_ASSERT (splt != NULL && srela != NULL);
- /* Fill in the entry in the procedure linkage table. */
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- PLT_ENTRY_WORD0 + h->plt_offset,
- splt->contents + h->plt_offset);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- + (((- (h->plt_offset + 4)) >> 2) & 0x3fffff)),
- splt->contents + h->plt_offset + 4);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, PLT_ENTRY_WORD2,
- splt->contents + h->plt_offset + 8);
- /* Fill in the entry in the .rela.plt section. */
- rela.r_offset = (splt->output_section->vma
- + splt->output_offset
- + h->plt_offset);
- rela.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (h->dynindx, R_SPARC_JMP_SLOT);
- rela.r_addend = 0;
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &rela,
- ((Elf32_External_Rela *) srela->contents
- + h->plt_offset / PLT_ENTRY_SIZE - 4));
- if ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR) == 0)
- {
- /* Mark the symbol as undefined, rather than as defined in
- the .plt section. Leave the value alone. */
- sym->st_shndx = SHN_UNDEF;
- }
- }
- if (h->got_offset != (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- asection *sgot;
- asection *srela;
- Elf_Internal_Rela rela;
- /* This symbol has an entry in the global offset table. Set it
- up. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h->dynindx != -1);
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- srela = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, "");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL && srela != NULL);
- rela.r_offset = (sgot->output_section->vma
- + sgot->output_offset
- + (h->got_offset &~ 1));
- /* If this is a -Bsymbolic link, and the symbol is defined
- locally, we just want to emit a RELATIVE reloc. The entry in
- the global offset table will already have been initialized in
- the relocate_section function. */
- if (info->shared
- && info->symbolic
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR))
- rela.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (0, R_SPARC_RELATIVE);
- else
- {
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, (bfd_vma) 0, sgot->contents + h->got_offset);
- rela.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (h->dynindx, R_SPARC_GLOB_DAT);
- }
- rela.r_addend = 0;
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &rela,
- ((Elf32_External_Rela *) srela->contents
- + srela->reloc_count));
- ++srela->reloc_count;
- }
- if ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_COPY) != 0)
- {
- asection *s;
- Elf_Internal_Rela rela;
- /* This symbols needs a copy reloc. Set it up. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h->dynindx != -1);
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (h->root.u.def.section->owner,
- ".rela.bss");
- rela.r_offset = (h->root.u.def.value
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_offset);
- rela.r_info = ELF32_R_INFO (h->dynindx, R_SPARC_COPY);
- rela.r_addend = 0;
- bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &rela,
- ((Elf32_External_Rela *) s->contents
- + s->reloc_count));
- ++s->reloc_count;
- }
- /* Mark some specially defined symbols as absolute. */
- if (strcmp (h->root.root.string, "_DYNAMIC") == 0
- || strcmp (h->root.root.string, "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_") == 0
- || strcmp (h->root.root.string, "_PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_") == 0)
- sym->st_shndx = SHN_ABS;
- return true;
-/* Finish up the dynamic sections. */
-static boolean
-elf32_sparc_finish_dynamic_sections (output_bfd, info)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *dynobj;
- asection *sdyn;
- asection *sgot;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- sdyn = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynamic");
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- asection *splt;
- Elf32_External_Dyn *dyncon, *dynconend;
- splt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- BFD_ASSERT (splt != NULL && sdyn != NULL);
- dyncon = (Elf32_External_Dyn *) sdyn->contents;
- dynconend = (Elf32_External_Dyn *) (sdyn->contents + sdyn->_raw_size);
- for (; dyncon < dynconend; dyncon++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Dyn dyn;
- const char *name;
- boolean size;
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_in (dynobj, dyncon, &dyn);
- switch (dyn.d_tag)
- {
- case DT_PLTGOT: name = ".plt"; size = false; break;
- case DT_PLTRELSZ: name = ".rela.plt"; size = true; break;
- case DT_JMPREL: name = ".rela.plt"; size = false; break;
- default: name = NULL; size = false; break;
- }
- if (name != NULL)
- {
- asection *s;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, name);
- if (s == NULL)
- dyn.d_un.d_val = 0;
- else
- {
- if (! size)
- dyn.d_un.d_ptr = s->vma;
- else
- {
- if (s->_cooked_size != 0)
- dyn.d_un.d_val = s->_cooked_size;
- else
- dyn.d_un.d_val = s->_raw_size;
- }
- }
- bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
- }
- }
- /* Clear the first four entries in the procedure linkage table,
- and put a nop in the last four bytes. */
- if (splt->_raw_size > 0)
- {
- memset (splt->contents, 0, 4 * PLT_ENTRY_SIZE);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, SPARC_NOP,
- splt->contents + splt->_raw_size - 4);
- }
- elf_section_data (splt->output_section)->this_hdr.sh_entsize =
- }
- /* Set the first entry in the global offset table to the address of
- the dynamic section. */
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- BFD_ASSERT (sgot != NULL);
- if (sgot->_raw_size > 0)
- {
- if (sdyn == NULL)
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, (bfd_vma) 0, sgot->contents);
- else
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- sdyn->output_section->vma + sdyn->output_offset,
- sgot->contents);
- }
- elf_section_data (sgot->output_section)->this_hdr.sh_entsize = 4;
- if (info->shared)
- {
- asection *sdynsym;
- asection *s;
- Elf_Internal_Sym sym;
- /* Set up the section symbols for the output sections. */
- sdynsym = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynsym");
- BFD_ASSERT (sdynsym != NULL);
- sym.st_size = 0;
- sym.st_name = 0;
- sym.st_other = 0;
- for (s = output_bfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- int indx;
- sym.st_value = s->vma;
- indx = elf_section_data (s)->this_idx;
- BFD_ASSERT (indx > 0);
- sym.st_shndx = indx;
- bfd_elf32_swap_symbol_out (output_bfd, &sym,
- (PTR) (((Elf32_External_Sym *)
- sdynsym->contents)
- + elf_section_data (s)->dynindx));
- }
- /* Set the sh_info field of the output .dynsym section to the
- index of the first global symbol. */
- elf_section_data (sdynsym->output_section)->this_hdr.sh_info =
- bfd_count_sections (output_bfd) + 1;
- }
- return true;
-/* Functions for dealing with the e_flags field.
- We don't define set_private_flags or copy_private_bfd_data because
- the only currently defined values are based on the bfd mach number,
- so we use the latter instead and defer setting e_flags until the
- file is written out. */
-/* Merge backend specific data from an object file to the output
- object file when linking. */
-static boolean
-elf32_sparc_merge_private_bfd_data (ibfd, obfd)
- bfd *ibfd;
- bfd *obfd;
- boolean error;
- /* This function is selected based on the input vector. We only
- want to copy information over if the output BFD also uses Elf
- format. */
- if (bfd_get_flavour (obfd) != bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- return true;
- error = false;
-#if 0
- /* ??? The native linker doesn't do this so we can't (otherwise gcc would
- have to know which linker is being used). Instead, the native linker
- bumps up the architecture level when it has to. However, I still think
- warnings like these are good, so it would be nice to have them turned on
- by some option. */
- /* If the output machine is normal sparc, we can't allow v9 input files. */
- if (bfd_get_mach (obfd) == bfd_mach_sparc
- && (bfd_get_mach (ibfd) == bfd_mach_sparc_v8plus
- || bfd_get_mach (ibfd) == bfd_mach_sparc_v8plusa))
- {
- error = true;
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: compiled for a v8plus system and target is v8",
- bfd_get_filename (ibfd));
- }
- /* If the output machine is v9, we can't allow v9+vis input files. */
- if (bfd_get_mach (obfd) == bfd_mach_sparc_v8plus
- && bfd_get_mach (ibfd) == bfd_mach_sparc_v8plusa)
- {
- error = true;
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: compiled for a v8plusa system and target is v8plus",
- bfd_get_filename (ibfd));
- }
- if (bfd_get_mach (ibfd) >= bfd_mach_sparc_v9)
- {
- error = true;
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: compiled for a 64 bit system and target is 32 bit",
- bfd_get_filename (ibfd));
- }
- else if (bfd_get_mach (obfd) < bfd_get_mach (ibfd))
- bfd_set_arch_mach (obfd, bfd_arch_sparc, bfd_get_mach (ibfd));
- if (error)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Set the right machine number. */
-static boolean
-elf32_sparc_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_machine == EM_SPARC32PLUS)
- {
- if (elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags & EF_SPARC_SUN_US1)
- return bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, bfd_arch_sparc,
- bfd_mach_sparc_v8plusa);
- else if (elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags & EF_SPARC_32PLUS)
- return bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, bfd_arch_sparc,
- bfd_mach_sparc_v8plus);
- else
- return false;
- }
- else
- return bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, bfd_arch_sparc, bfd_mach_sparc);
-/* The final processing done just before writing out the object file.
- We need to set the e_machine field appropriately. */
-static void
-elf32_sparc_final_write_processing (abfd, linker)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean linker;
- switch (bfd_get_mach (abfd))
- {
- case bfd_mach_sparc :
- break; /* nothing to do */
- case bfd_mach_sparc_v8plus :
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_machine = EM_SPARC32PLUS;
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags &=~ EF_SPARC_32PLUS_MASK;
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags |= EF_SPARC_32PLUS;
- break;
- case bfd_mach_sparc_v8plusa :
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_machine = EM_SPARC32PLUS;
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags &=~ EF_SPARC_32PLUS_MASK;
- elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags |= EF_SPARC_32PLUS | EF_SPARC_SUN_US1;
- break;
- default :
- abort ();
- }
-#define TARGET_BIG_SYM bfd_elf32_sparc_vec
-#define TARGET_BIG_NAME "elf32-sparc"
-#define ELF_ARCH bfd_arch_sparc
-#define ELF_MAXPAGESIZE 0x10000
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_reloc_type_lookup elf32_sparc_reloc_type_lookup
-#define elf_backend_create_dynamic_sections \
- _bfd_elf_create_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_check_relocs elf32_sparc_check_relocs
-#define elf_backend_adjust_dynamic_symbol \
- elf32_sparc_adjust_dynamic_symbol
-#define elf_backend_size_dynamic_sections \
- elf32_sparc_size_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_relocate_section elf32_sparc_relocate_section
-#define elf_backend_finish_dynamic_symbol \
- elf32_sparc_finish_dynamic_symbol
-#define elf_backend_finish_dynamic_sections \
- elf32_sparc_finish_dynamic_sections
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data \
- elf32_sparc_merge_private_bfd_data
-#define elf_backend_object_p elf32_sparc_object_p
-#define elf_backend_final_write_processing \
- elf32_sparc_final_write_processing
-#define elf_backend_want_got_plt 0
-#define elf_backend_plt_readonly 0
-#define elf_backend_want_plt_sym 1
-#include "elf32-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f2229694406d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf32.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-/* ELF 32-bit executable support for BFD.
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define ARCH_SIZE 32
-#include "elfcode.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf64-gen.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf64-gen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5daf4ee9f17d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf64-gen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-/* Generic support for 64-bit ELF
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "elf-bfd.h"
-/* This does not include any relocations, but should be good enough
- for GDB to read the file. */
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_SYM bfd_elf64_little_generic_vec
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_NAME "elf64-little"
-#define TARGET_BIG_SYM bfd_elf64_big_generic_vec
-#define TARGET_BIG_NAME "elf64-big"
-#define ELF_ARCH bfd_arch_unknown
-#define bfd_elf64_bfd_reloc_type_lookup bfd_default_reloc_type_lookup
-#define elf_info_to_howto _bfd_elf_no_info_to_howto
-#include "elf64-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf64-sparc.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf64-sparc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5059b803c62e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf64-sparc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-/* SPARC-specific support for 64-bit ELF
- Copyright (C) 1993, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* We need a published ABI spec for this. Until one comes out, don't
- assume this'll remain unchanged forever. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "elf-bfd.h"
-#include "elf/sparc.h"
-static reloc_howto_type *sparc64_elf_reloc_type_lookup
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_reloc_code_real_type));
-static void elf_info_to_howto
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, Elf_Internal_Rela *));
-static boolean sparc64_elf_relocate_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *,
- Elf_Internal_Rela *, Elf_Internal_Sym *, asection **));
-static boolean sparc64_elf_object_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
-/* The howto table and associated functions.
- ??? Some of the relocation values have changed. Until we're ready
- to upgrade, we have our own copy. At some point a non upward compatible
- change will be made at which point this table can be deleted and we'll
- use the one in elf32-sparc.c. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type sparc_elf_wdisp16_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR, asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static reloc_howto_type sparc64_elf_howto_table[] =
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_NONE, 0,0, 0,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_NONE", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_8, 0,0, 8,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_8", false,0,0x000000ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_16, 0,1,16,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_16", false,0,0x0000ffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_32, 0,2,32,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_32", false,0,0xffffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_DISP8, 0,0, 8,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_DISP8", false,0,0x000000ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_DISP16, 0,1,16,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_DISP16", false,0,0x0000ffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_DISP32, 0,2,32,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_DISP32", false,0,0x00ffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_WDISP30, 2,2,30,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_WDISP30", false,0,0x3fffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_WDISP22, 2,2,22,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_WDISP22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_HI22, 10,2,22,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_HI22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_22, 0,2,22,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_13, 0,2,13,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_13", false,0,0x00001fff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_LO10, 0,2,10,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_LO10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_GOT10, 0,2,10,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_GOT10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_GOT13, 0,2,13,false,0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_GOT13", false,0,0x00001fff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_GOT22, 10,2,22,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_GOT22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PC10, 0,2,10,true, 0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_PC10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PC22, 10,2,22,true, 0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_PC22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_WPLT30, 2,2,30,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_WPLT30", false,0,0x3fffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_COPY, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_COPY", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_GLOB_DAT, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_GLOB_DAT",false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_JMP_SLOT, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_JMP_SLOT",false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_RELATIVE, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_RELATIVE",false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_UA32, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_UA32", false,0,0x00000000,true),
-#if 0 /* not used yet */
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PLT32, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_PLT32", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_HIPLT22, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_HIPLT22", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_LOPLT10, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_LOPLT10", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PCPLT32, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_PCPLT32", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PCPLT22, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_PCPLT22", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PCPLT10, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, sparc_elf_notsupported_reloc, "R_SPARC_PCPLT10", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_10, 0,2,10,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_11, 0,2,11,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_11", false,0,0x000007ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_64, 0,4,00,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_64", false,0,~ (bfd_vma) 0, true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_OLO10, 0,2,10,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_OLO10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_HH22, 42,2,22,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_HH22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_HM10, 32,2,10,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_HM10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_LM22, 10,2,22,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_LM22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PC_HH22, 42,2,22,true, 0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_HH22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PC_HM10, 32,2,10,true, 0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_HM10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PC_LM22, 10,2,22,true, 0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_LM22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_WDISP16, 2,2,16,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, sparc_elf_wdisp16_reloc,"R_SPARC_WDISP16", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_WDISP19, 2,2,22,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_WDISP19", false,0,0x0007ffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_GLOB_JMP, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_GLOB_DAT",false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_7, 0,2, 7,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_7", false,0,0x0000007f,true),
-#if 0 /* not used yet */
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_5, 0,2, 5,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_5", false,0,0x0000001f,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_6, 0,2, 6,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "R_SPARC_6", false,0,0x0000003f,true),
-struct elf_reloc_map {
- unsigned char bfd_reloc_val;
- unsigned char elf_reloc_val;
-static CONST struct elf_reloc_map sparc_reloc_map[] =
- { BFD_RELOC_16, R_SPARC_16, },
- { BFD_RELOC_8, R_SPARC_8 },
- /* ??? This might cause us to need separate functions in elf{32,64}-sparc.c
- (we could still have just one table), but is this reloc ever used? */
- { BFD_RELOC_CTOR, R_SPARC_32 }, /* @@ Assumes 32 bits. */
- { BFD_RELOC_32, R_SPARC_32 },
- { BFD_RELOC_LO10, R_SPARC_LO10, },
- /* ??? Doesn't dwarf use this? */
-/*{ BFD_RELOC_SPARC_UA32, R_SPARC_UA32 }, not used?? */
-#if 0 /* unused */
-static reloc_howto_type *
-sparc64_elf_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (sparc_reloc_map) / sizeof (struct elf_reloc_map); i++)
- {
- if (sparc_reloc_map[i].bfd_reloc_val == code)
- return &sparc64_elf_howto_table[(int) sparc_reloc_map[i].elf_reloc_val];
- }
- return 0;
-static void
-elf_info_to_howto (abfd, cache_ptr, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- Elf64_Internal_Rela *dst;
- BFD_ASSERT (ELF64_R_TYPE (dst->r_info) < (unsigned int) R_SPARC_max);
- cache_ptr->howto = &sparc64_elf_howto_table[ELF64_R_TYPE (dst->r_info)];
-/* Handle the WDISP16 reloc. */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-sparc_elf_wdisp16_reloc (abfd,
- reloc_entry,
- symbol,
- data,
- input_section,
- output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_vma x;
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) == 0
- && (! reloc_entry->howto->partial_inplace
- || reloc_entry->addend == 0))
- {
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- if (output_bfd != NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- if (reloc_entry->address > input_section->_cooked_size)
- return bfd_reloc_outofrange;
- relocation = (symbol->value
- + symbol->section->output_section->vma
- + symbol->section->output_offset);
- relocation += reloc_entry->addend;
- relocation -= (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset);
- relocation -= reloc_entry->address;
- x = bfd_get_32 (abfd, (char *) data + reloc_entry->address);
- x |= ((((relocation >> 2) & 0xc000) << 6)
- | ((relocation >> 2) & 0x3fff));
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, x, (char *) data + reloc_entry->address);
- if ((bfd_signed_vma) relocation < - 0x40000
- || (bfd_signed_vma) relocation > 0x3ffff)
- return bfd_reloc_overflow;
- else
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-/* Relocate a SPARC64 ELF section. */
-static boolean
-sparc64_elf_relocate_section (output_bfd, info, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, relocs, local_syms, local_sections)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *local_syms;
- asection **local_sections;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *rel;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *relend;
- symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (input_bfd)->symtab_hdr;
- sym_hashes = elf_sym_hashes (input_bfd);
- rel = relocs;
- relend = relocs + input_section->reloc_count;
- for (; rel < relend; rel++)
- {
- int r_type;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- long r_symndx;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *sym;
- asection *sec;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_reloc_status_type r;
- r_type = ELF64_R_TYPE (rel->r_info);
- if (r_type < 0 || r_type >= (int) R_SPARC_max)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- howto = sparc64_elf_howto_table + r_type;
- r_symndx = ELF64_R_SYM (rel->r_info);
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- /* This is a relocateable link. We don't have to change
- anything, unless the reloc is against a section symbol,
- in which case we have to adjust according to where the
- section symbol winds up in the output section. */
- if (r_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- {
- sym = local_syms + r_symndx;
- if (ELF_ST_TYPE (sym->st_info) == STT_SECTION)
- {
- sec = local_sections[r_symndx];
- rel->r_addend += sec->output_offset + sym->st_value;
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- /* This is a final link. */
- h = NULL;
- sym = NULL;
- sec = NULL;
- if (r_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
- {
- sym = local_syms + r_symndx;
- sec = local_sections[r_symndx];
- relocation = (sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset
- + sym->st_value);
- }
- else
- {
- h = sym_hashes[r_symndx - symtab_hdr->sh_info];
- while (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_warning)
- h = (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) h->;
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- relocation = (h->root.u.def.value
- + sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset);
- }
- else if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- relocation = 0;
- else
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (info, h->root.root.string, input_bfd,
- input_section, rel->r_offset)))
- return false;
- relocation = 0;
- }
- }
- if (r_type != R_SPARC_WDISP16)
- r = _bfd_final_link_relocate (howto, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents, rel->r_offset,
- relocation, rel->r_addend);
- else
- {
- bfd_vma x;
- relocation += rel->r_addend;
- relocation -= (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset);
- relocation -= rel->r_offset;
- x = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, contents + rel->r_offset);
- x |= ((((relocation >> 2) & 0xc000) << 6)
- | ((relocation >> 2) & 0x3fff));
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, x, contents + rel->r_offset);
- if ((bfd_signed_vma) relocation < - 0x40000
- || (bfd_signed_vma) relocation > 0x3ffff)
- r = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- else
- r = bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- if (r != bfd_reloc_ok)
- {
- switch (r)
- {
- default:
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- {
- const char *name;
- if (h != NULL)
- name = h->root.root.string;
- else
- {
- name = (bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section
- (input_bfd,
- symtab_hdr->sh_link,
- sym->st_name));
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- if (*name == '\0')
- name = bfd_section_name (input_bfd, sec);
- }
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (info, name, howto->name, (bfd_vma) 0,
- input_bfd, input_section, rel->r_offset)))
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Set the right machine number for a SPARC64 ELF file. */
-static boolean
-sparc64_elf_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, bfd_arch_sparc, bfd_mach_sparc_v9);
-#define TARGET_BIG_SYM bfd_elf64_sparc_vec
-#define TARGET_BIG_NAME "elf64-sparc"
-#define ELF_ARCH bfd_arch_sparc
-#define ELF_MAXPAGESIZE 0x100000
-#define bfd_elf64_bfd_reloc_type_lookup sparc64_elf_reloc_type_lookup
-#define elf_backend_relocate_section sparc64_elf_relocate_section
-#define elf_backend_object_p sparc64_elf_object_p
-#include "elf64-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf64.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf64.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 69fb5b5e6e1d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elf64.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* ELF 64-bit executable support for BFD.
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define ARCH_SIZE 64
-#include "elfcode.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elfcode.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elfcode.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a6199f0b0f48..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elfcode.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1406 +0,0 @@
-/* ELF executable support for BFD.
- Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Fred Fish @ Cygnus Support, from information published
- in "UNIX System V Release 4, Programmers Guide: ANSI C and
- Programming Support Tools". Sufficient support for gdb.
- Rewritten by Mark Eichin @ Cygnus Support, from information
- published in "System V Application Binary Interface", chapters 4
- and 5, as well as the various "Processor Supplement" documents
- derived from it. Added support for assembler and other object file
- utilities. Further work done by Ken Raeburn (Cygnus Support), Michael
- Meissner (Open Software Foundation), and Peter Hoogenboom (University
- of Utah) to finish and extend this.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Problems and other issues to resolve.
- (1) BFD expects there to be some fixed number of "sections" in
- the object file. I.E. there is a "section_count" variable in the
- bfd structure which contains the number of sections. However, ELF
- supports multiple "views" of a file. In particular, with current
- implementations, executable files typically have two tables, a
- program header table and a section header table, both of which
- partition the executable.
- In ELF-speak, the "linking view" of the file uses the section header
- table to access "sections" within the file, and the "execution view"
- uses the program header table to access "segments" within the file.
- "Segments" typically may contain all the data from one or more
- "sections".
- Note that the section header table is optional in ELF executables,
- but it is this information that is most useful to gdb. If the
- section header table is missing, then gdb should probably try
- to make do with the program header table. (FIXME)
- (2) The code in this file is compiled twice, once in 32-bit mode and
- once in 64-bit mode. More of it should be made size-independent
- and moved into elf.c.
- (3) ELF section symbols are handled rather sloppily now. This should
- be cleaned up, and ELF section symbols reconciled with BFD section
- symbols.
- (4) We need a published spec for 64-bit ELF. We've got some stuff here
- that we're using for SPARC V9 64-bit chips, but don't assume that
- it's cast in stone.
- */
-#include <string.h> /* For strrchr and friends */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "elf-bfd.h"
-/* Renaming structures, typedefs, macros and functions to be size-specific. */
-#define Elf_External_Ehdr NAME(Elf,External_Ehdr)
-#define Elf_External_Sym NAME(Elf,External_Sym)
-#define Elf_External_Shdr NAME(Elf,External_Shdr)
-#define Elf_External_Phdr NAME(Elf,External_Phdr)
-#define Elf_External_Rel NAME(Elf,External_Rel)
-#define Elf_External_Rela NAME(Elf,External_Rela)
-#define Elf_External_Dyn NAME(Elf,External_Dyn)
-#define elf_core_file_failing_command NAME(bfd_elf,core_file_failing_command)
-#define elf_core_file_failing_signal NAME(bfd_elf,core_file_failing_signal)
-#define elf_core_file_matches_executable_p \
- NAME(bfd_elf,core_file_matches_executable_p)
-#define elf_object_p NAME(bfd_elf,object_p)
-#define elf_core_file_p NAME(bfd_elf,core_file_p)
-#define elf_get_symtab_upper_bound NAME(bfd_elf,get_symtab_upper_bound)
-#define elf_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound \
- NAME(bfd_elf,get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound)
-#define elf_swap_reloc_in NAME(bfd_elf,swap_reloc_in)
-#define elf_swap_reloca_in NAME(bfd_elf,swap_reloca_in)
-#define elf_swap_reloc_out NAME(bfd_elf,swap_reloc_out)
-#define elf_swap_reloca_out NAME(bfd_elf,swap_reloca_out)
-#define elf_swap_symbol_in NAME(bfd_elf,swap_symbol_in)
-#define elf_swap_symbol_out NAME(bfd_elf,swap_symbol_out)
-#define elf_swap_phdr_in NAME(bfd_elf,swap_phdr_in)
-#define elf_swap_phdr_out NAME(bfd_elf,swap_phdr_out)
-#define elf_swap_dyn_in NAME(bfd_elf,swap_dyn_in)
-#define elf_swap_dyn_out NAME(bfd_elf,swap_dyn_out)
-#define elf_get_reloc_upper_bound NAME(bfd_elf,get_reloc_upper_bound)
-#define elf_canonicalize_reloc NAME(bfd_elf,canonicalize_reloc)
-#define elf_get_symtab NAME(bfd_elf,get_symtab)
-#define elf_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab \
- NAME(bfd_elf,canonicalize_dynamic_symtab)
-#define elf_make_empty_symbol NAME(bfd_elf,make_empty_symbol)
-#define elf_get_symbol_info NAME(bfd_elf,get_symbol_info)
-#define elf_get_lineno NAME(bfd_elf,get_lineno)
-#define elf_set_arch_mach NAME(bfd_elf,set_arch_mach)
-#define elf_find_nearest_line NAME(bfd_elf,find_nearest_line)
-#define elf_sizeof_headers NAME(bfd_elf,sizeof_headers)
-#define elf_set_section_contents NAME(bfd_elf,set_section_contents)
-#define elf_no_info_to_howto NAME(bfd_elf,no_info_to_howto)
-#define elf_no_info_to_howto_rel NAME(bfd_elf,no_info_to_howto_rel)
-#define elf_find_section NAME(bfd_elf,find_section)
-#define elf_bfd_link_add_symbols NAME(bfd_elf,bfd_link_add_symbols)
-#define elf_add_dynamic_entry NAME(bfd_elf,add_dynamic_entry)
-#define elf_link_create_dynamic_sections \
- NAME(bfd_elf,link_create_dynamic_sections)
-#define elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol _bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol
-#define elf_bfd_final_link NAME(bfd_elf,bfd_final_link)
-#define elf_create_pointer_linker_section NAME(bfd_elf,create_pointer_linker_section)
-#define elf_finish_pointer_linker_section NAME(bfd_elf,finish_pointer_linker_section)
-#if ARCH_SIZE == 64
-#define ELF_R_INFO(X,Y) ELF64_R_INFO(X,Y)
-#define ELF_R_SYM(X) ELF64_R_SYM(X)
-#define ELF_R_TYPE(X) ELF64_R_TYPE(X)
-#define FILE_ALIGN 8
-#define LOG_FILE_ALIGN 3
-#if ARCH_SIZE == 32
-#define ELF_R_INFO(X,Y) ELF32_R_INFO(X,Y)
-#define ELF_R_SYM(X) ELF32_R_SYM(X)
-#define ELF_R_TYPE(X) ELF32_R_TYPE(X)
-#define FILE_ALIGN 4
-#define LOG_FILE_ALIGN 2
-/* Forward declarations of static functions */
-#define elf_stringtab_init _bfd_elf_stringtab_init
-extern struct bfd_strtab_hash *_bfd_elf_stringtab_init PARAMS ((void));
-#define section_from_elf_index bfd_section_from_elf_index
-extern boolean bfd_section_from_phdr PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Phdr *,
- int));
-static long elf_slurp_symbol_table PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **, boolean));
-static boolean elf_slurp_reloc_table PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, asymbol **));
- int _bfd_elf_symbol_from_bfd_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *,
- struct symbol_cache_entry **));
-static boolean validate_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *));
-static void write_relocs PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR));
- boolean bfd_section_from_shdr PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int shindex));
-#ifdef DEBUG
-static void elf_debug_section PARAMS ((int, Elf_Internal_Shdr *));
-static void elf_debug_file PARAMS ((Elf_Internal_Ehdr *));
-static char *elf_symbol_flags PARAMS ((flagword));
-/* Structure swapping routines */
-/* Should perhaps use put_offset, put_word, etc. For now, the two versions
- can be handled by explicitly specifying 32 bits or "the long type". */
-#if ARCH_SIZE == 64
-#define put_word bfd_h_put_64
-#define get_word bfd_h_get_64
-#if ARCH_SIZE == 32
-#define put_word bfd_h_put_32
-#define get_word bfd_h_get_32
-/* Translate an ELF symbol in external format into an ELF symbol in internal
- format. */
-elf_swap_symbol_in (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_External_Sym *src;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *dst;
- dst->st_name = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->st_name);
- dst->st_value = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->st_value);
- dst->st_size = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->st_size);
- dst->st_info = bfd_h_get_8 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->st_info);
- dst->st_other = bfd_h_get_8 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->st_other);
- dst->st_shndx = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->st_shndx);
-/* Translate an ELF symbol in internal format into an ELF symbol in external
- format. */
-elf_swap_symbol_out (abfd, src, cdst)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *src;
- PTR cdst;
- Elf_External_Sym *dst = (Elf_External_Sym *) cdst;
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, src->st_name, dst->st_name);
- put_word (abfd, src->st_value, dst->st_value);
- put_word (abfd, src->st_size, dst->st_size);
- bfd_h_put_8 (abfd, src->st_info, dst->st_info);
- bfd_h_put_8 (abfd, src->st_other, dst->st_other);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, src->st_shndx, dst->st_shndx);
-/* Translate an ELF file header in external format into an ELF file header in
- internal format. */
-static void
-elf_swap_ehdr_in (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_External_Ehdr *src;
- Elf_Internal_Ehdr *dst;
- memcpy (dst->e_ident, src->e_ident, EI_NIDENT);
- dst->e_type = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->e_type);
- dst->e_machine = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->e_machine);
- dst->e_version = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->e_version);
- dst->e_entry = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->e_entry);
- dst->e_phoff = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->e_phoff);
- dst->e_shoff = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->e_shoff);
- dst->e_flags = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->e_flags);
- dst->e_ehsize = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->e_ehsize);
- dst->e_phentsize = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->e_phentsize);
- dst->e_phnum = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->e_phnum);
- dst->e_shentsize = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->e_shentsize);
- dst->e_shnum = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->e_shnum);
- dst->e_shstrndx = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->e_shstrndx);
-/* Translate an ELF file header in internal format into an ELF file header in
- external format. */
-static void
-elf_swap_ehdr_out (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_Internal_Ehdr *src;
- Elf_External_Ehdr *dst;
- memcpy (dst->e_ident, src->e_ident, EI_NIDENT);
- /* note that all elements of dst are *arrays of unsigned char* already... */
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, src->e_type, dst->e_type);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, src->e_machine, dst->e_machine);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, src->e_version, dst->e_version);
- put_word (abfd, src->e_entry, dst->e_entry);
- put_word (abfd, src->e_phoff, dst->e_phoff);
- put_word (abfd, src->e_shoff, dst->e_shoff);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, src->e_flags, dst->e_flags);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, src->e_ehsize, dst->e_ehsize);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, src->e_phentsize, dst->e_phentsize);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, src->e_phnum, dst->e_phnum);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, src->e_shentsize, dst->e_shentsize);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, src->e_shnum, dst->e_shnum);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, src->e_shstrndx, dst->e_shstrndx);
-/* Translate an ELF section header table entry in external format into an
- ELF section header table entry in internal format. */
-static void
-elf_swap_shdr_in (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_External_Shdr *src;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *dst;
- dst->sh_name = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->sh_name);
- dst->sh_type = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->sh_type);
- dst->sh_flags = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->sh_flags);
- dst->sh_addr = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->sh_addr);
- dst->sh_offset = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->sh_offset);
- dst->sh_size = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->sh_size);
- dst->sh_link = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->sh_link);
- dst->sh_info = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->sh_info);
- dst->sh_addralign = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->sh_addralign);
- dst->sh_entsize = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->sh_entsize);
- dst->bfd_section = NULL;
- dst->contents = NULL;
-/* Translate an ELF section header table entry in internal format into an
- ELF section header table entry in external format. */
-static void
-elf_swap_shdr_out (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *src;
- Elf_External_Shdr *dst;
- /* note that all elements of dst are *arrays of unsigned char* already... */
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, src->sh_name, dst->sh_name);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, src->sh_type, dst->sh_type);
- put_word (abfd, src->sh_flags, dst->sh_flags);
- put_word (abfd, src->sh_addr, dst->sh_addr);
- put_word (abfd, src->sh_offset, dst->sh_offset);
- put_word (abfd, src->sh_size, dst->sh_size);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, src->sh_link, dst->sh_link);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, src->sh_info, dst->sh_info);
- put_word (abfd, src->sh_addralign, dst->sh_addralign);
- put_word (abfd, src->sh_entsize, dst->sh_entsize);
-/* Translate an ELF program header table entry in external format into an
- ELF program header table entry in internal format. */
-elf_swap_phdr_in (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_External_Phdr *src;
- Elf_Internal_Phdr *dst;
- dst->p_type = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->p_type);
- dst->p_flags = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->p_flags);
- dst->p_offset = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->p_offset);
- dst->p_vaddr = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->p_vaddr);
- dst->p_paddr = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->p_paddr);
- dst->p_filesz = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->p_filesz);
- dst->p_memsz = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->p_memsz);
- dst->p_align = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->p_align);
-elf_swap_phdr_out (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_Internal_Phdr *src;
- Elf_External_Phdr *dst;
- /* note that all elements of dst are *arrays of unsigned char* already... */
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, src->p_type, dst->p_type);
- put_word (abfd, src->p_offset, dst->p_offset);
- put_word (abfd, src->p_vaddr, dst->p_vaddr);
- put_word (abfd, src->p_paddr, dst->p_paddr);
- put_word (abfd, src->p_filesz, dst->p_filesz);
- put_word (abfd, src->p_memsz, dst->p_memsz);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, src->p_flags, dst->p_flags);
- put_word (abfd, src->p_align, dst->p_align);
-/* Translate an ELF reloc from external format to internal format. */
-INLINE void
-elf_swap_reloc_in (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_External_Rel *src;
- Elf_Internal_Rel *dst;
- dst->r_offset = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->r_offset);
- dst->r_info = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->r_info);
-INLINE void
-elf_swap_reloca_in (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_External_Rela *src;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *dst;
- dst->r_offset = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->r_offset);
- dst->r_info = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->r_info);
- dst->r_addend = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->r_addend);
-/* Translate an ELF reloc from internal format to external format. */
-INLINE void
-elf_swap_reloc_out (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_Internal_Rel *src;
- Elf_External_Rel *dst;
- put_word (abfd, src->r_offset, dst->r_offset);
- put_word (abfd, src->r_info, dst->r_info);
-INLINE void
-elf_swap_reloca_out (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *src;
- Elf_External_Rela *dst;
- put_word (abfd, src->r_offset, dst->r_offset);
- put_word (abfd, src->r_info, dst->r_info);
- put_word (abfd, src->r_addend, dst->r_addend);
-INLINE void
-elf_swap_dyn_in (abfd, p, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- const PTR p;
- Elf_Internal_Dyn *dst;
- const Elf_External_Dyn *src = (const Elf_External_Dyn *) p;
- dst->d_tag = get_word (abfd, src->d_tag);
- dst->d_un.d_val = get_word (abfd, src->d_un.d_val);
-INLINE void
-elf_swap_dyn_out (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- const Elf_Internal_Dyn *src;
- Elf_External_Dyn *dst;
- put_word (abfd, src->d_tag, dst->d_tag);
- put_word (abfd, src->d_un.d_val, dst->d_un.d_val);
-/* ELF .o/exec file reading */
-/* Begin processing a given object.
- First we validate the file by reading in the ELF header and checking
- the magic number. */
-static INLINE boolean
-elf_file_p (x_ehdrp)
- Elf_External_Ehdr *x_ehdrp;
- return ((x_ehdrp->e_ident[EI_MAG0] == ELFMAG0)
- && (x_ehdrp->e_ident[EI_MAG1] == ELFMAG1)
- && (x_ehdrp->e_ident[EI_MAG2] == ELFMAG2)
- && (x_ehdrp->e_ident[EI_MAG3] == ELFMAG3));
-/* Check to see if the file associated with ABFD matches the target vector
- that ABFD points to.
- Note that we may be called several times with the same ABFD, but different
- target vectors, most of which will not match. We have to avoid leaving
- any side effects in ABFD, or any data it points to (like tdata), if the
- file does not match the target vector. */
-const bfd_target *
-elf_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_External_Ehdr x_ehdr; /* Elf file header, external form */
- Elf_Internal_Ehdr *i_ehdrp; /* Elf file header, internal form */
- Elf_External_Shdr x_shdr; /* Section header table entry, external form */
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *i_shdrp = NULL; /* Section header table, internal form */
- unsigned int shindex;
- char *shstrtab; /* Internal copy of section header stringtab */
- struct elf_backend_data *ebd;
- struct elf_obj_tdata *preserved_tdata = elf_tdata (abfd);
- struct elf_obj_tdata *new_tdata = NULL;
- /* Read in the ELF header in external format. */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & x_ehdr, sizeof (x_ehdr), 1, abfd) != sizeof (x_ehdr))
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- goto got_wrong_format_error;
- else
- goto got_no_match;
- }
- /* Now check to see if we have a valid ELF file, and one that BFD can
- make use of. The magic number must match, the address size ('class')
- and byte-swapping must match our XVEC entry, and it must have a
- section header table (FIXME: See comments re sections at top of this
- file). */
- if ((elf_file_p (&x_ehdr) == false) ||
- (x_ehdr.e_ident[EI_VERSION] != EV_CURRENT) ||
- (x_ehdr.e_ident[EI_CLASS] != ELFCLASS))
- goto got_wrong_format_error;
- /* Check that file's byte order matches xvec's */
- switch (x_ehdr.e_ident[EI_DATA])
- {
- case ELFDATA2MSB: /* Big-endian */
- if (! bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- goto got_wrong_format_error;
- break;
- case ELFDATA2LSB: /* Little-endian */
- if (! bfd_header_little_endian (abfd))
- goto got_wrong_format_error;
- break;
- case ELFDATANONE: /* No data encoding specified */
- default: /* Unknown data encoding specified */
- goto got_wrong_format_error;
- }
- /* Allocate an instance of the elf_obj_tdata structure and hook it up to
- the tdata pointer in the bfd. */
- new_tdata = ((struct elf_obj_tdata *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct elf_obj_tdata)));
- if (new_tdata == NULL)
- goto got_no_match;
- elf_tdata (abfd) = new_tdata;
- /* Now that we know the byte order, swap in the rest of the header */
- i_ehdrp = elf_elfheader (abfd);
- elf_swap_ehdr_in (abfd, &x_ehdr, i_ehdrp);
-#if DEBUG & 1
- elf_debug_file (i_ehdrp);
- /* If there is no section header table, we're hosed. */
- if (i_ehdrp->e_shoff == 0)
- goto got_wrong_format_error;
- /* As a simple sanity check, verify that the what BFD thinks is the
- size of each section header table entry actually matches the size
- recorded in the file. */
- if (i_ehdrp->e_shentsize != sizeof (x_shdr))
- goto got_wrong_format_error;
- ebd = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- /* Check that the ELF e_machine field matches what this particular
- BFD format expects. */
- if (ebd->elf_machine_code != i_ehdrp->e_machine
- && (ebd->elf_machine_alt1 == 0 || i_ehdrp->e_machine != ebd->elf_machine_alt1)
- && (ebd->elf_machine_alt2 == 0 || i_ehdrp->e_machine != ebd->elf_machine_alt2))
- {
- const bfd_target * const *target_ptr;
- if (ebd->elf_machine_code != EM_NONE)
- goto got_wrong_format_error;
- /* This is the generic ELF target. Let it match any ELF target
- for which we do not have a specific backend. */
- for (target_ptr = bfd_target_vector; *target_ptr != NULL; target_ptr++)
- {
- struct elf_backend_data *back;
- if ((*target_ptr)->flavour != bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- continue;
- back = (struct elf_backend_data *) (*target_ptr)->backend_data;
- if (back->elf_machine_code == i_ehdrp->e_machine)
- {
- /* target_ptr is an ELF backend which matches this
- object file, so reject the generic ELF target. */
- goto got_wrong_format_error;
- }
- }
- }
- if (i_ehdrp->e_type == ET_EXEC)
- abfd->flags |= EXEC_P;
- else if (i_ehdrp->e_type == ET_DYN)
- abfd->flags |= DYNAMIC;
- if (i_ehdrp->e_phnum > 0)
- abfd->flags |= D_PAGED;
- if (! bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, ebd->arch, 0))
- goto got_no_match;
- /* Remember the entry point specified in the ELF file header. */
- bfd_get_start_address (abfd) = i_ehdrp->e_entry;
- /* Allocate space for a copy of the section header table in
- internal form, seek to the section header table in the file,
- read it in, and convert it to internal form. */
- i_shdrp = ((Elf_Internal_Shdr *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (*i_shdrp) * i_ehdrp->e_shnum));
- elf_elfsections (abfd) = ((Elf_Internal_Shdr **)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- sizeof (i_shdrp) * i_ehdrp->e_shnum));
- if (!i_shdrp || !elf_elfsections (abfd))
- goto got_no_match;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, i_ehdrp->e_shoff, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto got_no_match;
- for (shindex = 0; shindex < i_ehdrp->e_shnum; shindex++)
- {
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & x_shdr, sizeof x_shdr, 1, abfd) != sizeof (x_shdr))
- goto got_no_match;
- elf_swap_shdr_in (abfd, &x_shdr, i_shdrp + shindex);
- elf_elfsections (abfd)[shindex] = i_shdrp + shindex;
- }
- if (i_ehdrp->e_shstrndx)
- {
- if (! bfd_section_from_shdr (abfd, i_ehdrp->e_shstrndx))
- goto got_no_match;
- }
- /* Read in the program headers. */
- if (i_ehdrp->e_phnum == 0)
- elf_tdata (abfd)->phdr = NULL;
- else
- {
- Elf_Internal_Phdr *i_phdr;
- unsigned int i;
- elf_tdata (abfd)->phdr = ((Elf_Internal_Phdr *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (i_ehdrp->e_phnum
- * sizeof (Elf_Internal_Phdr))));
- if (elf_tdata (abfd)->phdr == NULL)
- goto got_no_match;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, i_ehdrp->e_phoff, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto got_no_match;
- i_phdr = elf_tdata (abfd)->phdr;
- for (i = 0; i < i_ehdrp->e_phnum; i++, i_phdr++)
- {
- Elf_External_Phdr x_phdr;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) &x_phdr, sizeof x_phdr, 1, abfd)
- != sizeof x_phdr)
- goto got_no_match;
- elf_swap_phdr_in (abfd, &x_phdr, i_phdr);
- }
- }
- /* Read in the string table containing the names of the sections. We
- will need the base pointer to this table later. */
- /* We read this inline now, so that we don't have to go through
- bfd_section_from_shdr with it (since this particular strtab is
- used to find all of the ELF section names.) */
- shstrtab = bfd_elf_get_str_section (abfd, i_ehdrp->e_shstrndx);
- if (!shstrtab)
- goto got_no_match;
- /* Once all of the section headers have been read and converted, we
- can start processing them. Note that the first section header is
- a dummy placeholder entry, so we ignore it. */
- for (shindex = 1; shindex < i_ehdrp->e_shnum; shindex++)
- {
- if (! bfd_section_from_shdr (abfd, shindex))
- goto got_no_match;
- }
- /* Let the backend double check the format and override global
- information. */
- if (ebd->elf_backend_object_p)
- {
- if ((*ebd->elf_backend_object_p) (abfd) == false)
- goto got_wrong_format_error;
- }
- return (abfd->xvec);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- goto got_no_match;
- if (new_tdata != NULL
- && new_tdata->elf_sect_ptr != NULL)
- bfd_release (abfd, new_tdata->elf_sect_ptr);
- if (i_shdrp != NULL)
- bfd_release (abfd, i_shdrp);
- if (new_tdata != NULL)
- bfd_release (abfd, new_tdata);
- elf_tdata (abfd) = preserved_tdata;
- return (NULL);
-/* ELF .o/exec file writing */
-/* Try to convert a non-ELF reloc into an ELF one. */
-static boolean
-validate_reloc (abfd, areloc)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *areloc;
- /* Check whether we really have an ELF howto. */
- if ((*areloc->sym_ptr_ptr)->the_bfd->xvec != abfd->xvec)
- {
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- /* Alien reloc: Try to determine its type to replace it with an
- equivalent ELF reloc. */
- if (areloc->howto->pc_relative)
- {
- switch (areloc->howto->bitsize)
- {
- case 8:
- code = BFD_RELOC_8_PCREL;
- break;
- case 12:
- code = BFD_RELOC_12_PCREL;
- break;
- case 16:
- code = BFD_RELOC_16_PCREL;
- break;
- case 24:
- code = BFD_RELOC_24_PCREL;
- break;
- case 32:
- code = BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL;
- break;
- case 64:
- code = BFD_RELOC_64_PCREL;
- break;
- default:
- goto fail;
- }
- howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code);
- if (areloc->howto->pcrel_offset != howto->pcrel_offset)
- {
- if (howto->pcrel_offset)
- areloc->addend += areloc->address;
- else
- areloc->addend -= areloc->address; /* addend is unsigned!! */
- }
- }
- else
- {
- switch (areloc->howto->bitsize)
- {
- case 8:
- code = BFD_RELOC_8;
- break;
- case 14:
- code = BFD_RELOC_14;
- break;
- case 16:
- code = BFD_RELOC_16;
- break;
- case 26:
- code = BFD_RELOC_26;
- break;
- case 32:
- code = BFD_RELOC_32;
- break;
- case 64:
- code = BFD_RELOC_64;
- break;
- default:
- goto fail;
- }
- howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code);
- }
- if (howto)
- areloc->howto = howto;
- else
- goto fail;
- }
- return true;
- fail:
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: unsupported relocation type %s",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), areloc->howto->name);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
-/* Write out the relocs. */
-static void
-write_relocs (abfd, sec, data)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- PTR data;
- boolean *failedp = (boolean *) data;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *rela_hdr;
- Elf_External_Rela *outbound_relocas;
- Elf_External_Rel *outbound_relocs;
- unsigned int idx;
- int use_rela_p = get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->use_rela_p;
- asymbol *last_sym = 0;
- int last_sym_idx = 0;
- /* If we have already failed, don't do anything. */
- if (*failedp)
- return;
- if ((sec->flags & SEC_RELOC) == 0)
- return;
- /* The linker backend writes the relocs out itself, and sets the
- reloc_count field to zero to inhibit writing them here. Also,
- sometimes the SEC_RELOC flag gets set even when there aren't any
- relocs. */
- if (sec->reloc_count == 0)
- return;
- rela_hdr = &elf_section_data (sec)->rel_hdr;
- rela_hdr->sh_size = rela_hdr->sh_entsize * sec->reloc_count;
- rela_hdr->contents = (PTR) bfd_alloc (abfd, rela_hdr->sh_size);
- if (rela_hdr->contents == NULL)
- {
- *failedp = true;
- return;
- }
- /* orelocation has the data, reloc_count has the count... */
- if (use_rela_p)
- {
- outbound_relocas = (Elf_External_Rela *) rela_hdr->contents;
- for (idx = 0; idx < sec->reloc_count; idx++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Rela dst_rela;
- Elf_External_Rela *src_rela;
- arelent *ptr;
- asymbol *sym;
- int n;
- ptr = sec->orelocation[idx];
- src_rela = outbound_relocas + idx;
- /* The address of an ELF reloc is section relative for an object
- file, and absolute for an executable file or shared library.
- The address of a BFD reloc is always section relative. */
- if ((abfd->flags & (EXEC_P | DYNAMIC)) == 0)
- dst_rela.r_offset = ptr->address;
- else
- dst_rela.r_offset = ptr->address + sec->vma;
- sym = *ptr->sym_ptr_ptr;
- if (sym == last_sym)
- n = last_sym_idx;
- else
- {
- last_sym = sym;
- n = _bfd_elf_symbol_from_bfd_symbol (abfd, &sym);
- if (n < 0)
- {
- *failedp = true;
- return;
- }
- last_sym_idx = n;
- }
- if ((*ptr->sym_ptr_ptr)->the_bfd->xvec != abfd->xvec
- && ! validate_reloc (abfd, ptr))
- {
- *failedp = true;
- return;
- }
- dst_rela.r_info = ELF_R_INFO (n, ptr->howto->type);
- dst_rela.r_addend = ptr->addend;
- elf_swap_reloca_out (abfd, &dst_rela, src_rela);
- }
- }
- else
- /* REL relocations */
- {
- outbound_relocs = (Elf_External_Rel *) rela_hdr->contents;
- for (idx = 0; idx < sec->reloc_count; idx++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Rel dst_rel;
- Elf_External_Rel *src_rel;
- arelent *ptr;
- int n;
- asymbol *sym;
- ptr = sec->orelocation[idx];
- sym = *ptr->sym_ptr_ptr;
- src_rel = outbound_relocs + idx;
- /* The address of an ELF reloc is section relative for an object
- file, and absolute for an executable file or shared library.
- The address of a BFD reloc is always section relative. */
- if ((abfd->flags & (EXEC_P | DYNAMIC)) == 0)
- dst_rel.r_offset = ptr->address;
- else
- dst_rel.r_offset = ptr->address + sec->vma;
- if (sym == last_sym)
- n = last_sym_idx;
- else
- {
- last_sym = sym;
- n = _bfd_elf_symbol_from_bfd_symbol (abfd, &sym);
- if (n < 0)
- {
- *failedp = true;
- return;
- }
- last_sym_idx = n;
- }
- if ((*ptr->sym_ptr_ptr)->the_bfd->xvec != abfd->xvec
- && ! validate_reloc (abfd, ptr))
- {
- *failedp = true;
- return;
- }
- dst_rel.r_info = ELF_R_INFO (n, ptr->howto->type);
- elf_swap_reloc_out (abfd, &dst_rel, src_rel);
- }
- }
-static int
-write_out_phdrs (abfd, phdr, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_Internal_Phdr *phdr;
- int count;
- while (count--)
- {
- Elf_External_Phdr extphdr;
- elf_swap_phdr_out (abfd, phdr, &extphdr);
- if (bfd_write (&extphdr, sizeof (Elf_External_Phdr), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (Elf_External_Phdr))
- return -1;
- phdr++;
- }
- return 0;
-static boolean
-write_shdrs_and_ehdr (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_External_Ehdr x_ehdr; /* Elf file header, external form */
- Elf_Internal_Ehdr *i_ehdrp; /* Elf file header, internal form */
- Elf_External_Shdr *x_shdrp; /* Section header table, external form */
- Elf_Internal_Shdr **i_shdrp; /* Section header table, internal form */
- unsigned int count;
- i_ehdrp = elf_elfheader (abfd);
- i_shdrp = elf_elfsections (abfd);
- /* swap the header before spitting it out... */
-#if DEBUG & 1
- elf_debug_file (i_ehdrp);
- elf_swap_ehdr_out (abfd, i_ehdrp, &x_ehdr);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_write ((PTR) & x_ehdr, sizeof (x_ehdr), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (x_ehdr)))
- return false;
- /* at this point we've concocted all the ELF sections... */
- x_shdrp = (Elf_External_Shdr *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (*x_shdrp) * (i_ehdrp->e_shnum));
- if (!x_shdrp)
- return false;
- for (count = 0; count < i_ehdrp->e_shnum; count++)
- {
-#if DEBUG & 2
- elf_debug_section (count, i_shdrp[count]);
- elf_swap_shdr_out (abfd, i_shdrp[count], x_shdrp + count);
- }
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) i_ehdrp->e_shoff, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_write ((PTR) x_shdrp, sizeof (*x_shdrp), i_ehdrp->e_shnum, abfd)
- != sizeof (*x_shdrp) * i_ehdrp->e_shnum))
- return false;
- /* need to dump the string table too... */
- return true;
-static long
-elf_slurp_symbol_table (abfd, symptrs, dynamic)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **symptrs; /* Buffer for generated bfd symbols */
- boolean dynamic;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr;
- long symcount; /* Number of external ELF symbols */
- elf_symbol_type *sym; /* Pointer to current bfd symbol */
- elf_symbol_type *symbase; /* Buffer for generated bfd symbols */
- Elf_Internal_Sym i_sym;
- Elf_External_Sym *x_symp = NULL;
- /* Read each raw ELF symbol, converting from external ELF form to
- internal ELF form, and then using the information to create a
- canonical bfd symbol table entry.
- Note that we allocate the initial bfd canonical symbol buffer
- based on a one-to-one mapping of the ELF symbols to canonical
- symbols. We actually use all the ELF symbols, so there will be no
- space left over at the end. When we have all the symbols, we
- build the caller's pointer vector. */
- if (dynamic)
- hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->dynsymtab_hdr;
- else
- hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, hdr->sh_offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
- return -1;
- symcount = hdr->sh_size / sizeof (Elf_External_Sym);
- if (symcount == 0)
- sym = symbase = NULL;
- else
- {
- long i;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, hdr->sh_offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
- return -1;
- symbase = ((elf_symbol_type *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, symcount * sizeof (elf_symbol_type)));
- if (symbase == (elf_symbol_type *) NULL)
- return -1;
- sym = symbase;
- /* Temporarily allocate room for the raw ELF symbols. */
- x_symp = ((Elf_External_Sym *)
- bfd_malloc (symcount * sizeof (Elf_External_Sym)));
- if (x_symp == NULL && symcount != 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) x_symp, sizeof (Elf_External_Sym), symcount, abfd)
- != symcount * sizeof (Elf_External_Sym))
- goto error_return;
- /* Skip first symbol, which is a null dummy. */
- for (i = 1; i < symcount; i++)
- {
- elf_swap_symbol_in (abfd, x_symp + i, &i_sym);
- memcpy (&sym->internal_elf_sym, &i_sym, sizeof (Elf_Internal_Sym));
- memcpy (&sym->native_elf_sym, x_symp + i, sizeof (Elf_External_Sym));
- sym->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- sym-> = bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section (abfd,
- hdr->sh_link,
- i_sym.st_name);
- sym->symbol.value = i_sym.st_value;
- if (i_sym.st_shndx > 0 && i_sym.st_shndx < SHN_LORESERVE)
- {
- sym->symbol.section = section_from_elf_index (abfd,
- i_sym.st_shndx);
- if (sym->symbol.section == NULL)
- {
- /* This symbol is in a section for which we did not
- create a BFD section. Just use bfd_abs_section,
- although it is wrong. FIXME. */
- sym->symbol.section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- }
- }
- else if (i_sym.st_shndx == SHN_ABS)
- {
- sym->symbol.section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- }
- else if (i_sym.st_shndx == SHN_COMMON)
- {
- sym->symbol.section = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- /* Elf puts the alignment into the `value' field, and
- the size into the `size' field. BFD wants to see the
- size in the value field, and doesn't care (at the
- moment) about the alignment. */
- sym->symbol.value = i_sym.st_size;
- }
- else if (i_sym.st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF)
- {
- sym->symbol.section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- }
- else
- sym->symbol.section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- sym->symbol.value -= sym->symbol.section->vma;
- switch (ELF_ST_BIND (i_sym.st_info))
- {
- case STB_LOCAL:
- sym->symbol.flags |= BSF_LOCAL;
- break;
- case STB_GLOBAL:
- if (i_sym.st_shndx != SHN_UNDEF
- && i_sym.st_shndx != SHN_COMMON)
- sym->symbol.flags |= BSF_GLOBAL;
- break;
- case STB_WEAK:
- sym->symbol.flags |= BSF_WEAK;
- break;
- }
- switch (ELF_ST_TYPE (i_sym.st_info))
- {
- sym->symbol.flags |= BSF_SECTION_SYM | BSF_DEBUGGING;
- break;
- case STT_FILE:
- sym->symbol.flags |= BSF_FILE | BSF_DEBUGGING;
- break;
- case STT_FUNC:
- sym->symbol.flags |= BSF_FUNCTION;
- break;
- case STT_OBJECT:
- sym->symbol.flags |= BSF_OBJECT;
- break;
- }
- if (dynamic)
- sym->symbol.flags |= BSF_DYNAMIC;
- /* Do some backend-specific processing on this symbol. */
- {
- struct elf_backend_data *ebd = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- if (ebd->elf_backend_symbol_processing)
- (*ebd->elf_backend_symbol_processing) (abfd, &sym->symbol);
- }
- sym++;
- }
- }
- /* Do some backend-specific processing on this symbol table. */
- {
- struct elf_backend_data *ebd = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- if (ebd->elf_backend_symbol_table_processing)
- (*ebd->elf_backend_symbol_table_processing) (abfd, symbase, symcount);
- }
- /* We rely on the zalloc to clear out the final symbol entry. */
- symcount = sym - symbase;
- /* Fill in the user's symbol pointer vector if needed. */
- if (symptrs)
- {
- long l = symcount;
- sym = symbase;
- while (l-- > 0)
- {
- *symptrs++ = &sym->symbol;
- sym++;
- }
- *symptrs = 0; /* Final null pointer */
- }
- if (x_symp != NULL)
- free (x_symp);
- return symcount;
- if (x_symp != NULL)
- free (x_symp);
- return -1;
-/* Read in and swap the external relocs. */
-static boolean
-elf_slurp_reloc_table (abfd, asect, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *asect;
- asymbol **symbols;
- struct elf_backend_data * const ebd = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- struct bfd_elf_section_data * const d = elf_section_data (asect);
- PTR allocated = NULL;
- bfd_byte *native_relocs;
- arelent *relents;
- arelent *relent;
- unsigned int i;
- int entsize;
- if (asect->relocation != NULL
- || (asect->flags & SEC_RELOC) == 0
- || asect->reloc_count == 0)
- return true;
- BFD_ASSERT (asect->rel_filepos == d->rel_hdr.sh_offset
- && (asect->reloc_count
- == d->rel_hdr.sh_size / d->rel_hdr.sh_entsize));
- allocated = (PTR) bfd_malloc ((size_t) d->rel_hdr.sh_size);
- if (allocated == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, asect->rel_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_read (allocated, 1, d->rel_hdr.sh_size, abfd)
- != d->rel_hdr.sh_size))
- goto error_return;
- native_relocs = (bfd_byte *) allocated;
- relents = ((arelent *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, asect->reloc_count * sizeof (arelent)));
- if (relents == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- entsize = d->rel_hdr.sh_entsize;
- BFD_ASSERT (entsize == sizeof (Elf_External_Rel)
- || entsize == sizeof (Elf_External_Rela));
- for (i = 0, relent = relents;
- i < asect->reloc_count;
- i++, relent++, native_relocs += entsize)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Rela rela;
- Elf_Internal_Rel rel;
- if (entsize == sizeof (Elf_External_Rela))
- elf_swap_reloca_in (abfd, (Elf_External_Rela *) native_relocs, &rela);
- else
- {
- elf_swap_reloc_in (abfd, (Elf_External_Rel *) native_relocs, &rel);
- rela.r_offset = rel.r_offset;
- rela.r_info = rel.r_info;
- rela.r_addend = 0;
- }
- /* The address of an ELF reloc is section relative for an object
- file, and absolute for an executable file or shared library.
- The address of a BFD reloc is always section relative. */
- if ((abfd->flags & (EXEC_P | DYNAMIC)) == 0)
- relent->address = rela.r_offset;
- else
- relent->address = rela.r_offset - asect->vma;
- if (ELF_R_SYM (rela.r_info) == 0)
- relent->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- else
- {
- asymbol **ps, *s;
- ps = symbols + ELF_R_SYM (rela.r_info) - 1;
- s = *ps;
- /* Canonicalize ELF section symbols. FIXME: Why? */
- if ((s->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) == 0)
- relent->sym_ptr_ptr = ps;
- else
- relent->sym_ptr_ptr = s->section->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- }
- relent->addend = rela.r_addend;
- if (entsize == sizeof (Elf_External_Rela))
- (*ebd->elf_info_to_howto) (abfd, relent, &rela);
- else
- (*ebd->elf_info_to_howto_rel) (abfd, relent, &rel);
- }
- asect->relocation = relents;
- if (allocated != NULL)
- free (allocated);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (allocated != NULL)
- free (allocated);
- return false;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-static void
-elf_debug_section (num, hdr)
- int num;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr;
- fprintf (stderr, "\nSection#%d '%s' 0x%.8lx\n", num,
- hdr->bfd_section != NULL ? hdr->bfd_section->name : "",
- (long) hdr);
- fprintf (stderr,
- "sh_name = %ld\tsh_type = %ld\tsh_flags = %ld\n",
- (long) hdr->sh_name,
- (long) hdr->sh_type,
- (long) hdr->sh_flags);
- fprintf (stderr,
- "sh_addr = %ld\tsh_offset = %ld\tsh_size = %ld\n",
- (long) hdr->sh_addr,
- (long) hdr->sh_offset,
- (long) hdr->sh_size);
- fprintf (stderr,
- "sh_link = %ld\tsh_info = %ld\tsh_addralign = %ld\n",
- (long) hdr->sh_link,
- (long) hdr->sh_info,
- (long) hdr->sh_addralign);
- fprintf (stderr, "sh_entsize = %ld\n",
- (long) hdr->sh_entsize);
- fflush (stderr);
-static void
-elf_debug_file (ehdrp)
- Elf_Internal_Ehdr *ehdrp;
- fprintf (stderr, "e_entry = 0x%.8lx\n", (long) ehdrp->e_entry);
- fprintf (stderr, "e_phoff = %ld\n", (long) ehdrp->e_phoff);
- fprintf (stderr, "e_phnum = %ld\n", (long) ehdrp->e_phnum);
- fprintf (stderr, "e_phentsize = %ld\n", (long) ehdrp->e_phentsize);
- fprintf (stderr, "e_shoff = %ld\n", (long) ehdrp->e_shoff);
- fprintf (stderr, "e_shnum = %ld\n", (long) ehdrp->e_shnum);
- fprintf (stderr, "e_shentsize = %ld\n", (long) ehdrp->e_shentsize);
-static char *
-elf_symbol_flags (flags)
- flagword flags;
- static char buffer[1024];
- buffer[0] = '\0';
- if (flags & BSF_LOCAL)
- strcat (buffer, " local");
- if (flags & BSF_GLOBAL)
- strcat (buffer, " global");
- if (flags & BSF_DEBUGGING)
- strcat (buffer, " debug");
- if (flags & BSF_FUNCTION)
- strcat (buffer, " function");
- if (flags & BSF_KEEP)
- strcat (buffer, " keep");
- if (flags & BSF_KEEP_G)
- strcat (buffer, " keep_g");
- if (flags & BSF_WEAK)
- strcat (buffer, " weak");
- if (flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM)
- strcat (buffer, " section-sym");
- if (flags & BSF_OLD_COMMON)
- strcat (buffer, " old-common");
- if (flags & BSF_NOT_AT_END)
- strcat (buffer, " not-at-end");
- if (flags & BSF_CONSTRUCTOR)
- strcat (buffer, " constructor");
- if (flags & BSF_WARNING)
- strcat (buffer, " warning");
- if (flags & BSF_INDIRECT)
- strcat (buffer, " indirect");
- if (flags & BSF_FILE)
- strcat (buffer, " file");
- if (flags & DYNAMIC)
- strcat (buffer, " dynamic");
- if (flags & ~(BSF_LOCAL
- strcat (buffer, " unknown-bits");
- return buffer;
-#include "elfcore.h"
-#include "elflink.h"
-/* Size-dependent data and functions. */
-const struct elf_size_info NAME(_bfd_elf,size_info) = {
- sizeof (Elf_External_Ehdr),
- sizeof (Elf_External_Phdr),
- sizeof (Elf_External_Shdr),
- sizeof (Elf_External_Rel),
- sizeof (Elf_External_Rela),
- sizeof (Elf_External_Sym),
- sizeof (Elf_External_Dyn),
- sizeof (Elf_External_Note),
- write_out_phdrs,
- write_shdrs_and_ehdr,
- write_relocs,
- elf_swap_symbol_out,
- elf_slurp_reloc_table,
- elf_slurp_symbol_table,
- elf_swap_dyn_in
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elfcore.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elfcore.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8100627c9ade..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elfcore.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-/* ELF core file support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Core file support */
-#ifdef HAVE_SYS_PROCFS_H /* Some core file support requires host /proc files */
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/procfs.h>
-#define bfd_prstatus(abfd, descdata, descsz, filepos) true
-#define bfd_fpregset(abfd, descdata, descsz, filepos) true
-#define bfd_prpsinfo(abfd, descdata, descsz, filepos) true
-static boolean
-bfd_prstatus (abfd, descdata, descsz, filepos)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *descdata;
- int descsz;
- long filepos;
- asection *newsect;
- prstatus_t *status = (prstatus_t *) 0;
- if (descsz == sizeof (prstatus_t))
- {
- newsect = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".reg");
- if (newsect == NULL)
- return false;
- newsect->_raw_size = sizeof (status->pr_reg);
- newsect->filepos = filepos + (long) &status->pr_reg;
- newsect->flags = SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- newsect->alignment_power = 2;
- if ((core_prstatus (abfd) = bfd_alloc (abfd, descsz)) != NULL)
- {
- memcpy (core_prstatus (abfd), descdata, descsz);
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Stash a copy of the prpsinfo structure away for future use. */
-static boolean
-bfd_prpsinfo (abfd, descdata, descsz, filepos)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *descdata;
- int descsz;
- long filepos;
- if (descsz == sizeof (prpsinfo_t))
- {
- if ((core_prpsinfo (abfd) = bfd_alloc (abfd, descsz)) == NULL)
- return false;
- memcpy (core_prpsinfo (abfd), descdata, descsz);
- }
- return true;
-static boolean
-bfd_fpregset (abfd, descdata, descsz, filepos)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *descdata;
- int descsz;
- long filepos;
- asection *newsect;
- newsect = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".reg2");
- if (newsect == NULL)
- return false;
- newsect->_raw_size = descsz;
- newsect->filepos = filepos;
- newsect->flags = SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- newsect->alignment_power = 2;
- return true;
-#endif /* HAVE_SYS_PROCFS_H */
-/* Return a pointer to the args (including the command name) that were
- seen by the program that generated the core dump. Note that for
- some reason, a spurious space is tacked onto the end of the args
- in some (at least one anyway) implementations, so strip it off if
- it exists. */
-char *
-elf_core_file_failing_command (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (core_prpsinfo (abfd))
- {
- prpsinfo_t *p = core_prpsinfo (abfd);
- char *scan = p->pr_psargs;
- while (*scan++)
- {;
- }
- scan -= 2;
- if ((scan > p->pr_psargs) && (*scan == ' '))
- {
- *scan = '\000';
- }
- return p->pr_psargs;
- }
- return NULL;
-/* Return the number of the signal that caused the core dump. Presumably,
- since we have a core file, we got a signal of some kind, so don't bother
- checking the other process status fields, just return the signal number.
- */
-elf_core_file_failing_signal (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (core_prstatus (abfd))
- {
- return ((prstatus_t *) (core_prstatus (abfd)))->pr_cursig;
- }
- return -1;
-/* Check to see if the core file could reasonably be expected to have
- come for the current executable file. Note that by default we return
- true unless we find something that indicates that there might be a
- problem.
- */
-elf_core_file_matches_executable_p (core_bfd, exec_bfd)
- bfd *core_bfd;
- bfd *exec_bfd;
- char *corename;
- char *execname;
- /* First, xvecs must match since both are ELF files for the same target. */
- if (core_bfd->xvec != exec_bfd->xvec)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- return false;
- }
- /* If no prpsinfo, just return true. Otherwise, grab the last component
- of the exec'd pathname from the prpsinfo. */
- if (core_prpsinfo (core_bfd))
- {
- corename = (((prpsinfo_t *) core_prpsinfo (core_bfd))->pr_fname);
- }
- else
- {
- return true;
- }
- /* Find the last component of the executable pathname. */
- if ((execname = strrchr (exec_bfd->filename, '/')) != NULL)
- {
- execname++;
- }
- else
- {
- execname = (char *) exec_bfd->filename;
- }
- /* See if they match */
- return strcmp (execname, corename) ? false : true;
- return true;
-#endif /* HAVE_SYS_PROCFS_H */
-/* ELF core files contain a segment of type PT_NOTE, that holds much of
- the information that would normally be available from the /proc interface
- for the process, at the time the process dumped core. Currently this
- includes copies of the prstatus, prpsinfo, and fpregset structures.
- Since these structures are potentially machine dependent in size and
- ordering, bfd provides two levels of support for them. The first level,
- available on all machines since it does not require that the host
- have /proc support or the relevant include files, is to create a bfd
- section for each of the prstatus, prpsinfo, and fpregset structures,
- without any interpretation of their contents. With just this support,
- the bfd client will have to interpret the structures itself. Even with
- /proc support, it might want these full structures for it's own reasons.
- In the second level of support, where HAVE_SYS_PROCFS_H is defined,
- bfd will pick apart the structures to gather some additional
- information that clients may want, such as the general register
- set, the name of the exec'ed file and its arguments, the signal (if
- any) that caused the core dump, etc.
- */
-static boolean
-elf_corefile_note (abfd, hdr)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_Internal_Phdr *hdr;
- Elf_External_Note *x_note_p; /* Elf note, external form */
- Elf_Internal_Note i_note; /* Elf note, internal form */
- char *buf = NULL; /* Entire note segment contents */
- char *namedata; /* Name portion of the note */
- char *descdata; /* Descriptor portion of the note */
- char *sectname; /* Name to use for new section */
- long filepos; /* File offset to descriptor data */
- asection *newsect;
- if (hdr->p_filesz > 0
- && (buf = (char *) bfd_malloc ((size_t) hdr->p_filesz)) != NULL
- && bfd_seek (abfd, hdr->p_offset, SEEK_SET) != -1
- && bfd_read ((PTR) buf, hdr->p_filesz, 1, abfd) == hdr->p_filesz)
- {
- x_note_p = (Elf_External_Note *) buf;
- while ((char *) x_note_p < (buf + hdr->p_filesz))
- {
- i_note.namesz = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) x_note_p->namesz);
- i_note.descsz = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) x_note_p->descsz);
- i_note.type = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) x_note_p->type);
- namedata = x_note_p->name;
- descdata = namedata + BFD_ALIGN (i_note.namesz, 4);
- filepos = hdr->p_offset + (descdata - buf);
- switch (i_note.type)
- {
- /* process descdata as prstatus info */
- if (! bfd_prstatus (abfd, descdata, i_note.descsz, filepos))
- return false;
- sectname = ".prstatus";
- break;
- /* process descdata as fpregset info */
- if (! bfd_fpregset (abfd, descdata, i_note.descsz, filepos))
- return false;
- sectname = ".fpregset";
- break;
- /* process descdata as prpsinfo */
- if (! bfd_prpsinfo (abfd, descdata, i_note.descsz, filepos))
- return false;
- sectname = ".prpsinfo";
- break;
- default:
- /* Unknown descriptor, just ignore it. */
- sectname = NULL;
- break;
- }
- if (sectname != NULL)
- {
- newsect = bfd_make_section (abfd, sectname);
- if (newsect == NULL)
- return false;
- newsect->_raw_size = i_note.descsz;
- newsect->filepos = filepos;
- newsect->flags = SEC_ALLOC | SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- newsect->alignment_power = 2;
- }
- x_note_p = (Elf_External_Note *)
- (descdata + BFD_ALIGN (i_note.descsz, 4));
- }
- }
- if (buf != NULL)
- {
- free (buf);
- }
- else if (hdr->p_filesz > 0)
- {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Core files are simply standard ELF formatted files that partition
- the file using the execution view of the file (program header table)
- rather than the linking view. In fact, there is no section header
- table in a core file.
- The process status information (including the contents of the general
- register set) and the floating point register set are stored in a
- segment of type PT_NOTE. We handcraft a couple of extra bfd sections
- that allow standard bfd access to the general registers (.reg) and the
- floating point registers (.reg2).
- */
-const bfd_target *
-elf_core_file_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- Elf_External_Ehdr x_ehdr; /* Elf file header, external form */
- Elf_Internal_Ehdr *i_ehdrp; /* Elf file header, internal form */
- Elf_External_Phdr x_phdr; /* Program header table entry, external form */
- Elf_Internal_Phdr *i_phdrp; /* Program header table, internal form */
- unsigned int phindex;
- struct elf_backend_data *ebd;
- /* Read in the ELF header in external format. */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & x_ehdr, sizeof (x_ehdr), 1, abfd) != sizeof (x_ehdr))
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Now check to see if we have a valid ELF file, and one that BFD can
- make use of. The magic number must match, the address size ('class')
- and byte-swapping must match our XVEC entry, and it must have a
- program header table (FIXME: See comments re segments at top of this
- file). */
- if (elf_file_p (&x_ehdr) == false)
- {
- wrong:
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* FIXME, Check EI_VERSION here ! */
- {
-#if ARCH_SIZE == 32
- int desired_address_size = ELFCLASS32;
-#if ARCH_SIZE == 64
- int desired_address_size = ELFCLASS64;
- if (x_ehdr.e_ident[EI_CLASS] != desired_address_size)
- goto wrong;
- }
- /* Switch xvec to match the specified byte order. */
- switch (x_ehdr.e_ident[EI_DATA])
- {
- case ELFDATA2MSB: /* Big-endian */
- if (! bfd_big_endian (abfd))
- goto wrong;
- break;
- case ELFDATA2LSB: /* Little-endian */
- if (! bfd_little_endian (abfd))
- goto wrong;
- break;
- case ELFDATANONE: /* No data encoding specified */
- default: /* Unknown data encoding specified */
- goto wrong;
- }
- /* Allocate an instance of the elf_obj_tdata structure and hook it up to
- the tdata pointer in the bfd. */
- elf_tdata (abfd) =
- (struct elf_obj_tdata *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct elf_obj_tdata));
- if (elf_tdata (abfd) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* FIXME, `wrong' returns from this point onward, leak memory. */
- /* Now that we know the byte order, swap in the rest of the header */
- i_ehdrp = elf_elfheader (abfd);
- elf_swap_ehdr_in (abfd, &x_ehdr, i_ehdrp);
-#if DEBUG & 1
- elf_debug_file (i_ehdrp);
- ebd = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- /* Check that the ELF e_machine field matches what this particular
- BFD format expects. */
- if (ebd->elf_machine_code != i_ehdrp->e_machine
- && (ebd->elf_machine_alt1 == 0 || i_ehdrp->e_machine != ebd->elf_machine_alt1)
- && (ebd->elf_machine_alt2 == 0 || i_ehdrp->e_machine != ebd->elf_machine_alt2))
- {
- const bfd_target * const *target_ptr;
- if (ebd->elf_machine_code != EM_NONE)
- goto wrong;
- /* This is the generic ELF target. Let it match any ELF target
- for which we do not have a specific backend. */
- for (target_ptr = bfd_target_vector; *target_ptr != NULL; target_ptr++)
- {
- struct elf_backend_data *back;
- if ((*target_ptr)->flavour != bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- continue;
- back = (struct elf_backend_data *) (*target_ptr)->backend_data;
- if (back->elf_machine_code == i_ehdrp->e_machine)
- {
- /* target_ptr is an ELF backend which matches this
- object file, so reject the generic ELF target. */
- goto wrong;
- }
- }
- }
- /* If there is no program header, or the type is not a core file, then
- we are hosed. */
- if (i_ehdrp->e_phoff == 0 || i_ehdrp->e_type != ET_CORE)
- goto wrong;
- /* Allocate space for a copy of the program header table in
- internal form, seek to the program header table in the file,
- read it in, and convert it to internal form. As a simple sanity
- check, verify that the what BFD thinks is the size of each program
- header table entry actually matches the size recorded in the file. */
- if (i_ehdrp->e_phentsize != sizeof (x_phdr))
- goto wrong;
- i_phdrp = (Elf_Internal_Phdr *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (*i_phdrp) * i_ehdrp->e_phnum);
- if (!i_phdrp)
- return NULL;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, i_ehdrp->e_phoff, SEEK_SET) == -1)
- return NULL;
- for (phindex = 0; phindex < i_ehdrp->e_phnum; phindex++)
- {
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & x_phdr, sizeof (x_phdr), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (x_phdr))
- return NULL;
- elf_swap_phdr_in (abfd, &x_phdr, i_phdrp + phindex);
- }
- /* Once all of the program headers have been read and converted, we
- can start processing them. */
- for (phindex = 0; phindex < i_ehdrp->e_phnum; phindex++)
- {
- bfd_section_from_phdr (abfd, i_phdrp + phindex, phindex);
- if ((i_phdrp + phindex)->p_type == PT_NOTE)
- {
- if (! elf_corefile_note (abfd, i_phdrp + phindex))
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- /* Remember the entry point specified in the ELF file header. */
- bfd_get_start_address (abfd) = i_ehdrp->e_entry;
- return abfd->xvec;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elflink.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elflink.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b204f763e09..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elflink.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-/* ELF linking support for BFD.
- Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#define ARCH_SIZE 0
-#include "elf-bfd.h"
-_bfd_elf_create_got_section (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- flagword flags;
- register asection *s;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct elf_backend_data *bed = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- /* This function may be called more than once. */
- if (bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".got") != NULL)
- return true;
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".got");
- if (s == NULL
- || !bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags)
- || !bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 2))
- return false;
- if (bed->want_got_plt)
- {
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".got.plt");
- if (s == NULL
- || !bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags)
- || !bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 2))
- return false;
- }
- /* Define the symbol _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ at the start of the .got
- (or .got.plt) section. We don't do this in the linker script
- because we don't want to define the symbol if we are not creating
- a global offset table. */
- h = NULL;
- if (!(_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
- (info, abfd, "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_", BSF_GLOBAL, s, (bfd_vma) 0,
- (const char *) NULL, false, get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->collect,
- (struct bfd_link_hash_entry **) &h)))
- return false;
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR;
- h->type = STT_OBJECT;
- if (info->shared
- && ! _bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- /* The first three global offset table entries are reserved. */
- s->_raw_size += 3 * 4;
- return true;
-/* Create dynamic sections when linking against a dynamic object. */
-_bfd_elf_create_dynamic_sections (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- flagword flags;
- register asection *s;
- struct elf_backend_data *bed = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- /* We need to create .plt, .rel[a].plt, .got, .got.plt, .dynbss, and
- .rel[a].bss sections. */
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".plt");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s,
- (flags | SEC_CODE
- | (bed->plt_readonly ? SEC_READONLY : 0)))
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 2))
- return false;
- if (bed->want_plt_sym)
- {
- /* Define the symbol _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_ at the start of the
- .plt section. */
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h = NULL;
- if (! (_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
- (bfd_vma) 0, (const char *) NULL, false,
- get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->collect,
- (struct bfd_link_hash_entry **) &h)))
- return false;
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR;
- h->type = STT_OBJECT;
- if (info->shared
- && ! _bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- }
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, bed->use_rela_p ? ".rela.plt" : ".rel.plt");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags | SEC_READONLY)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 2))
- return false;
- if (! _bfd_elf_create_got_section (abfd, info))
- return false;
- /* The .dynbss section is a place to put symbols which are defined
- by dynamic objects, are referenced by regular objects, and are
- not functions. We must allocate space for them in the process
- image and use a R_*_COPY reloc to tell the dynamic linker to
- initialize them at run time. The linker script puts the .dynbss
- section into the .bss section of the final image. */
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".dynbss");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, SEC_ALLOC))
- return false;
- /* The .rel[a].bss section holds copy relocs. This section is not
- normally needed. We need to create it here, though, so that the
- linker will map it to an output section. We can't just create it
- only if we need it, because we will not know whether we need it
- until we have seen all the input files, and the first time the
- main linker code calls BFD after examining all the input files
- (size_dynamic_sections) the input sections have already been
- mapped to the output sections. If the section turns out not to
- be needed, we can discard it later. We will never need this
- section when generating a shared object, since they do not use
- copy relocs. */
- if (! info->shared)
- {
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, bed->use_rela_p ? ".rela.bss" : ".rel.bss");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags | SEC_READONLY)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 2))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Record a new dynamic symbol. We record the dynamic symbols as we
- read the input files, since we need to have a list of all of them
- before we can determine the final sizes of the output sections.
- Note that we may actually call this function even though we are not
- going to output any dynamic symbols; in some cases we know that a
- symbol should be in the dynamic symbol table, but only if there is
- one. */
-_bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- if (h->dynindx == -1)
- {
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *dynstr;
- h->dynindx = elf_hash_table (info)->dynsymcount;
- ++elf_hash_table (info)->dynsymcount;
- dynstr = elf_hash_table (info)->dynstr;
- if (dynstr == NULL)
- {
- /* Create a strtab to hold the dynamic symbol names. */
- elf_hash_table (info)->dynstr = dynstr = _bfd_elf_stringtab_init ();
- if (dynstr == NULL)
- return false;
- }
- h->dynstr_index = ((unsigned long)
- _bfd_stringtab_add (dynstr, h->root.root.string,
- true, false));
- if (h->dynstr_index == (unsigned long) -1)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Create a special linker section, or return a pointer to a linker section already created */
-elf_linker_section_t *
-_bfd_elf_create_linker_section (abfd, info, which, defaults)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- enum elf_linker_section_enum which;
- elf_linker_section_t *defaults;
- bfd *dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- elf_linker_section_t *lsect;
- /* Record the first bfd section that needs the special section */
- if (!dynobj)
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj = abfd;
- /* If this is the first time, create the section */
- lsect = elf_linker_section (dynobj, which);
- if (!lsect)
- {
- asection *s;
- lsect = (elf_linker_section_t *)
- bfd_alloc (dynobj, sizeof (elf_linker_section_t));
- *lsect = *defaults;
- elf_linker_section (dynobj, which) = lsect;
- lsect->which = which;
- lsect->hole_written_p = false;
- /* See if the sections already exist */
- lsect->section = s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, lsect->name);
- if (!s)
- {
- lsect->section = s = bfd_make_section (dynobj, lsect->name);
- if (s == NULL)
- return (elf_linker_section_t *)0;
- bfd_set_section_flags (dynobj, s, defaults->flags);
- bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, s, lsect->alignment);
- }
- else if (bfd_get_section_alignment (dynobj, s) < lsect->alignment)
- bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, s, lsect->alignment);
- s->_raw_size = align_power (s->_raw_size, lsect->alignment);
- /* Is there a hole we have to provide? If so check whether the segment is
- too big already */
- if (lsect->hole_size)
- {
- lsect->hole_offset = s->_raw_size;
- s->_raw_size += lsect->hole_size;
- if (lsect->hole_offset > lsect->max_hole_offset)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("%s: Section %s is already to large to put hole of %ld bytes in",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd),
- lsect->name,
- (long)lsect->hole_size);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return (elf_linker_section_t *)0;
- }
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "Creating section %s, current size = %ld\n",
- lsect->name, (long)s->_raw_size);
- if (lsect->sym_name)
- {
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h = NULL;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "Adding %s to section %s\n",
- lsect->sym_name,
- lsect->name);
- h = (struct elf_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_link_hash_lookup (info->hash, lsect->sym_name, false, false, false);
- if ((h == NULL || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined)
- && !(_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol (info,
- abfd,
- lsect->sym_name,
- s,
- ((lsect->hole_size)
- ? s->_raw_size - lsect->hole_size + lsect->sym_offset
- : lsect->sym_offset),
- (const char *) NULL,
- false,
- get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->collect,
- (struct bfd_link_hash_entry **) &h)))
- return (elf_linker_section_t *)0;
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_DYNAMIC;
- h->type = STT_OBJECT;
- lsect->sym_hash = h;
- if (info->shared
- && ! _bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return (elf_linker_section_t *)0;
- }
- }
- /* Find the related sections if they have been created */
- if (lsect->bss_name && !lsect->bss_section)
- lsect->bss_section = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, lsect->bss_name);
- if (lsect->rel_name && !lsect->rel_section)
- lsect->rel_section = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, lsect->rel_name);
- return lsect;
-/* Find a linker generated pointer with a given addend and type. */
-elf_linker_section_pointers_t *
-_bfd_elf_find_pointer_linker_section (linker_pointers, addend, which)
- elf_linker_section_pointers_t *linker_pointers;
- bfd_signed_vma addend;
- elf_linker_section_enum_t which;
- for ( ; linker_pointers != NULL; linker_pointers = linker_pointers->next)
- {
- if (which == linker_pointers->which && addend == linker_pointers->addend)
- return linker_pointers;
- }
- return (elf_linker_section_pointers_t *)0;
-/* Make the .rela section corresponding to the generated linker section. */
-_bfd_elf_make_linker_section_rela (dynobj, lsect, alignment)
- bfd *dynobj;
- elf_linker_section_t *lsect;
- int alignment;
- if (lsect->rel_section)
- return true;
- lsect->rel_section = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, lsect->rel_name);
- if (lsect->rel_section == NULL)
- {
- lsect->rel_section = bfd_make_section (dynobj, lsect->rel_name);
- if (lsect->rel_section == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (dynobj,
- lsect->rel_section,
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, lsect->rel_section, alignment))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elflink.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elflink.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ef3c8b3c49b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elflink.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3424 +0,0 @@
-/* ELF linker support.
- Copyright 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* ELF linker code. */
-static boolean elf_link_add_object_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean elf_link_add_archive_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static Elf_Internal_Rela *elf_link_read_relocs
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR, Elf_Internal_Rela *, boolean));
-static boolean elf_export_symbol
- PARAMS ((struct elf_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
-static boolean elf_adjust_dynamic_symbol
- PARAMS ((struct elf_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
-/* This struct is used to pass information to routines called via
- elf_link_hash_traverse which must return failure. */
-struct elf_info_failed
- boolean failed;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
-/* Given an ELF BFD, add symbols to the global hash table as
- appropriate. */
-elf_bfd_link_add_symbols (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- switch (bfd_get_format (abfd))
- {
- case bfd_object:
- return elf_link_add_object_symbols (abfd, info);
- case bfd_archive:
- return elf_link_add_archive_symbols (abfd, info);
- default:
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return false;
- }
-/* Add symbols from an ELF archive file to the linker hash table. We
- don't use _bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols because of a
- problem which arises on UnixWare. The UnixWare is an
- archive which includes an entry which defines a bunch of
- symbols. The archive also includes a number of other
- object files, which also define symbols, some of which are the same
- as those defined in Correct linking requires that we
- consider each object file in turn, and include it if it defines any
- symbols we need. _bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols does not do
- this; it looks through the list of undefined symbols, and includes
- any object file which defines them. When this algorithm is used on
- UnixWare, it winds up pulling in early and defining a
- bunch of symbols. This means that some of the other objects in the
- archive are not included in the link, which is incorrect since they
- precede in the archive.
- Fortunately, ELF archive handling is simpler than that done by
- _bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols, which has to allow for a.out
- oddities. In ELF, if we find a symbol in the archive map, and the
- symbol is currently undefined, we know that we must pull in that
- object file.
- Unfortunately, we do have to make multiple passes over the symbol
- table until nothing further is resolved. */
-static boolean
-elf_link_add_archive_symbols (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- symindex c;
- boolean *defined = NULL;
- boolean *included = NULL;
- carsym *symdefs;
- boolean loop;
- if (! bfd_has_map (abfd))
- {
- /* An empty archive is a special case. */
- if (bfd_openr_next_archived_file (abfd, (bfd *) NULL) == NULL)
- return true;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_armap);
- return false;
- }
- /* Keep track of all symbols we know to be already defined, and all
- files we know to be already included. This is to speed up the
- second and subsequent passes. */
- c = bfd_ardata (abfd)->symdef_count;
- if (c == 0)
- return true;
- defined = (boolean *) bfd_malloc (c * sizeof (boolean));
- included = (boolean *) bfd_malloc (c * sizeof (boolean));
- if (defined == (boolean *) NULL || included == (boolean *) NULL)
- goto error_return;
- memset (defined, 0, c * sizeof (boolean));
- memset (included, 0, c * sizeof (boolean));
- symdefs = bfd_ardata (abfd)->symdefs;
- do
- {
- file_ptr last;
- symindex i;
- carsym *symdef;
- carsym *symdefend;
- loop = false;
- last = -1;
- symdef = symdefs;
- symdefend = symdef + c;
- for (i = 0; symdef < symdefend; symdef++, i++)
- {
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- bfd *element;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *undefs_tail;
- symindex mark;
- if (defined[i] || included[i])
- continue;
- if (symdef->file_offset == last)
- {
- included[i] = true;
- continue;
- }
- h = elf_link_hash_lookup (elf_hash_table (info), symdef->name,
- false, false, false);
- if (h == (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- continue;
- if (h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_undefined)
- {
- if (h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- defined[i] = true;
- continue;
- }
- /* We need to include this archive member. */
- element = _bfd_get_elt_at_filepos (abfd, symdef->file_offset);
- if (element == (bfd *) NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (! bfd_check_format (element, bfd_object))
- goto error_return;
- /* Doublecheck that we have not included this object
- already--it should be impossible, but there may be
- something wrong with the archive. */
- if (element->archive_pass != 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- element->archive_pass = 1;
- undefs_tail = info->hash->undefs_tail;
- if (! (*info->callbacks->add_archive_element) (info, element,
- symdef->name))
- goto error_return;
- if (! elf_link_add_object_symbols (element, info))
- goto error_return;
- /* If there are any new undefined symbols, we need to make
- another pass through the archive in order to see whether
- they can be defined. FIXME: This isn't perfect, because
- common symbols wind up on undefs_tail and because an
- undefined symbol which is defined later on in this pass
- does not require another pass. This isn't a bug, but it
- does make the code less efficient than it could be. */
- if (undefs_tail != info->hash->undefs_tail)
- loop = true;
- /* Look backward to mark all symbols from this object file
- which we have already seen in this pass. */
- mark = i;
- do
- {
- included[mark] = true;
- if (mark == 0)
- break;
- --mark;
- }
- while (symdefs[mark].file_offset == symdef->file_offset);
- /* We mark subsequent symbols from this object file as we go
- on through the loop. */
- last = symdef->file_offset;
- }
- }
- while (loop);
- free (defined);
- free (included);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (defined != (boolean *) NULL)
- free (defined);
- if (included != (boolean *) NULL)
- free (included);
- return false;
-/* Add symbols from an ELF object file to the linker hash table. */
-static boolean
-elf_link_add_object_symbols (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean (*add_symbol_hook) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *,
- const Elf_Internal_Sym *,
- const char **, flagword *,
- asection **, bfd_vma *));
- boolean (*check_relocs) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *,
- asection *, const Elf_Internal_Rela *));
- boolean collect;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr;
- size_t symcount;
- size_t extsymcount;
- size_t extsymoff;
- Elf_External_Sym *buf = NULL;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry **sym_hash;
- boolean dynamic;
- Elf_External_Dyn *dynbuf = NULL;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *weaks;
- Elf_External_Sym *esym;
- Elf_External_Sym *esymend;
- add_symbol_hook = get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->elf_add_symbol_hook;
- collect = get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->collect;
- /* As a GNU extension, any input sections which are named
- .gnu.warning.SYMBOL are treated as warning symbols for the given
- symbol. This differs from .gnu.warning sections, which generate
- warnings when they are included in an output file. */
- if (! info->shared)
- {
- asection *s;
- for (s = abfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- const char *name;
- name = bfd_get_section_name (abfd, s);
- if (strncmp (name, ".gnu.warning.", sizeof ".gnu.warning." - 1) == 0)
- {
- char *msg;
- bfd_size_type sz;
- sz = bfd_section_size (abfd, s);
- msg = (char *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sz);
- if (msg == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (abfd, s, msg, (file_ptr) 0, sz))
- goto error_return;
- if (! (_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
- (info, abfd,
- name + sizeof ".gnu.warning." - 1,
- BSF_WARNING, s, (bfd_vma) 0, msg, false, collect,
- (struct bfd_link_hash_entry **) NULL)))
- goto error_return;
- if (! info->relocateable)
- {
- /* Clobber the section size so that the warning does
- not get copied into the output file. */
- s->_raw_size = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* A stripped shared library might only have a dynamic symbol table,
- not a regular symbol table. In that case we can still go ahead
- and link using the dynamic symbol table. */
- if (elf_onesymtab (abfd) == 0
- && elf_dynsymtab (abfd) != 0)
- {
- elf_onesymtab (abfd) = elf_dynsymtab (abfd);
- elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr = elf_tdata (abfd)->dynsymtab_hdr;
- }
- hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
- symcount = hdr->sh_size / sizeof (Elf_External_Sym);
- /* The sh_info field of the symtab header tells us where the
- external symbols start. We don't care about the local symbols at
- this point. */
- if (elf_bad_symtab (abfd))
- {
- extsymcount = symcount;
- extsymoff = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- extsymcount = symcount - hdr->sh_info;
- extsymoff = hdr->sh_info;
- }
- buf = ((Elf_External_Sym *)
- bfd_malloc (extsymcount * sizeof (Elf_External_Sym)));
- if (buf == NULL && extsymcount != 0)
- goto error_return;
- /* We store a pointer to the hash table entry for each external
- symbol. */
- sym_hash = ((struct elf_link_hash_entry **)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- extsymcount * sizeof (struct elf_link_hash_entry *)));
- if (sym_hash == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- elf_sym_hashes (abfd) = sym_hash;
- if (elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_type != ET_DYN)
- {
- dynamic = false;
- /* If we are creating a shared library, create all the dynamic
- sections immediately. We need to attach them to something,
- so we attach them to this BFD, provided it is the right
- format. FIXME: If there are no input BFD's of the same
- format as the output, we can't make a shared library. */
- if (info->shared
- && ! elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created
- && abfd->xvec == info->hash->creator)
- {
- if (! elf_link_create_dynamic_sections (abfd, info))
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- asection *s;
- boolean add_needed;
- const char *name;
- bfd_size_type oldsize;
- bfd_size_type strindex;
- dynamic = true;
- /* You can't use -r against a dynamic object. Also, there's no
- hope of using a dynamic object which does not exactly match
- the format of the output file. */
- if (info->relocateable
- || info->hash->creator != abfd->xvec)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* Find the name to use in a DT_NEEDED entry that refers to this
- object. If the object has a DT_SONAME entry, we use it.
- Otherwise, if the generic linker stuck something in
- elf_dt_name, we use that. Otherwise, we just use the file
- name. If the generic linker put a null string into
- elf_dt_name, we don't make a DT_NEEDED entry at all, even if
- there is a DT_SONAME entry. */
- add_needed = true;
- name = bfd_get_filename (abfd);
- if (elf_dt_name (abfd) != NULL)
- {
- name = elf_dt_name (abfd);
- if (*name == '\0')
- add_needed = false;
- }
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".dynamic");
- if (s != NULL)
- {
- Elf_External_Dyn *extdyn;
- Elf_External_Dyn *extdynend;
- int elfsec;
- unsigned long link;
- dynbuf = (Elf_External_Dyn *) bfd_malloc ((size_t) s->_raw_size);
- if (dynbuf == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (abfd, s, (PTR) dynbuf,
- (file_ptr) 0, s->_raw_size))
- goto error_return;
- elfsec = _bfd_elf_section_from_bfd_section (abfd, s);
- if (elfsec == -1)
- goto error_return;
- link = elf_elfsections (abfd)[elfsec]->sh_link;
- extdyn = dynbuf;
- extdynend = extdyn + s->_raw_size / sizeof (Elf_External_Dyn);
- for (; extdyn < extdynend; extdyn++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Dyn dyn;
- elf_swap_dyn_in (abfd, extdyn, &dyn);
- if (dyn.d_tag == DT_SONAME)
- {
- name = bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section (abfd, link,
- dyn.d_un.d_val);
- if (name == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- }
- if (dyn.d_tag == DT_NEEDED)
- {
- struct bfd_link_needed_list *n, **pn;
- char *fnm, *anm;
- n = ((struct bfd_link_needed_list *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct bfd_link_needed_list)));
- fnm = bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section (abfd, link,
- dyn.d_un.d_val);
- if (n == NULL || fnm == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- anm = bfd_alloc (abfd, strlen (fnm) + 1);
- if (anm == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- strcpy (anm, fnm);
- n->name = anm;
- n->by = abfd;
- n->next = NULL;
- for (pn = &elf_hash_table (info)->needed;
- *pn != NULL;
- pn = &(*pn)->next)
- ;
- *pn = n;
- }
- }
- free (dynbuf);
- dynbuf = NULL;
- }
- /* We do not want to include any of the sections in a dynamic
- object in the output file. We hack by simply clobbering the
- list of sections in the BFD. This could be handled more
- cleanly by, say, a new section flag; the existing
- SEC_NEVER_LOAD flag is not the one we want, because that one
- still implies that the section takes up space in the output
- file. */
- abfd->sections = NULL;
- abfd->section_count = 0;
- /* If this is the first dynamic object found in the link, create
- the special sections required for dynamic linking. */
- if (! elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- if (! elf_link_create_dynamic_sections (abfd, info))
- goto error_return;
- }
- if (add_needed)
- {
- /* Add a DT_NEEDED entry for this dynamic object. */
- oldsize = _bfd_stringtab_size (elf_hash_table (info)->dynstr);
- strindex = _bfd_stringtab_add (elf_hash_table (info)->dynstr, name,
- true, false);
- if (strindex == (bfd_size_type) -1)
- goto error_return;
- if (oldsize == _bfd_stringtab_size (elf_hash_table (info)->dynstr))
- {
- asection *sdyn;
- Elf_External_Dyn *dyncon, *dynconend;
- /* The hash table size did not change, which means that
- the dynamic object name was already entered. If we
- have already included this dynamic object in the
- link, just ignore it. There is no reason to include
- a particular dynamic object more than once. */
- sdyn = bfd_get_section_by_name (elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj,
- ".dynamic");
- BFD_ASSERT (sdyn != NULL);
- dyncon = (Elf_External_Dyn *) sdyn->contents;
- dynconend = (Elf_External_Dyn *) (sdyn->contents +
- sdyn->_raw_size);
- for (; dyncon < dynconend; dyncon++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Dyn dyn;
- elf_swap_dyn_in (elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj, dyncon,
- &dyn);
- if (dyn.d_tag == DT_NEEDED
- && dyn.d_un.d_val == strindex)
- {
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (! elf_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_NEEDED, strindex))
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* Save the SONAME, if there is one, because sometimes the
- linker emulation code will need to know it. */
- if (*name == '\0')
- name = bfd_get_filename (abfd);
- elf_dt_name (abfd) = name;
- }
- if (bfd_seek (abfd,
- hdr->sh_offset + extsymoff * sizeof (Elf_External_Sym),
- SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_read ((PTR) buf, sizeof (Elf_External_Sym), extsymcount, abfd)
- != extsymcount * sizeof (Elf_External_Sym)))
- goto error_return;
- weaks = NULL;
- esymend = buf + extsymcount;
- for (esym = buf; esym < esymend; esym++, sym_hash++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Sym sym;
- int bind;
- bfd_vma value;
- asection *sec;
- flagword flags;
- const char *name;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- boolean definition;
- boolean size_change_ok, type_change_ok;
- boolean new_weakdef;
- elf_swap_symbol_in (abfd, esym, &sym);
- flags = BSF_NO_FLAGS;
- sec = NULL;
- value = sym.st_value;
- *sym_hash = NULL;
- bind = ELF_ST_BIND (sym.st_info);
- if (bind == STB_LOCAL)
- {
- /* This should be impossible, since ELF requires that all
- global symbols follow all local symbols, and that sh_info
- point to the first global symbol. Unfortunatealy, Irix 5
- screws this up. */
- continue;
- }
- else if (bind == STB_GLOBAL)
- {
- if (sym.st_shndx != SHN_UNDEF
- && sym.st_shndx != SHN_COMMON)
- flags = BSF_GLOBAL;
- else
- flags = 0;
- }
- else if (bind == STB_WEAK)
- flags = BSF_WEAK;
- else
- {
- /* Leave it up to the processor backend. */
- }
- if (sym.st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF)
- sec = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- else if (sym.st_shndx > 0 && sym.st_shndx < SHN_LORESERVE)
- {
- sec = section_from_elf_index (abfd, sym.st_shndx);
- if (sec != NULL)
- value -= sec->vma;
- else
- sec = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- }
- else if (sym.st_shndx == SHN_ABS)
- sec = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- else if (sym.st_shndx == SHN_COMMON)
- {
- sec = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- /* What ELF calls the size we call the value. What ELF
- calls the value we call the alignment. */
- value = sym.st_size;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Leave it up to the processor backend. */
- }
- name = bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section (abfd, hdr->sh_link, sym.st_name);
- if (name == (const char *) NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (add_symbol_hook)
- {
- if (! (*add_symbol_hook) (abfd, info, &sym, &name, &flags, &sec,
- &value))
- goto error_return;
- /* The hook function sets the name to NULL if this symbol
- should be skipped for some reason. */
- if (name == (const char *) NULL)
- continue;
- }
- /* Sanity check that all possibilities were handled. */
- if (sec == (asection *) NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- if (bfd_is_und_section (sec)
- || bfd_is_com_section (sec))
- definition = false;
- else
- definition = true;
- size_change_ok = false;
- type_change_ok = get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->type_change_ok;
- if (info->hash->creator->flavour == bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- {
- /* We need to look up the symbol now in order to get some of
- the dynamic object handling right. We pass the hash
- table entry in to _bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol so
- that it does not have to look it up again. */
- if (! bfd_is_und_section (sec))
- h = elf_link_hash_lookup (elf_hash_table (info), name,
- true, false, false);
- else
- h = ((struct elf_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup (abfd, info, name, true,
- false, false));
- if (h == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- *sym_hash = h;
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_new)
- h->elf_link_hash_flags &=~ ELF_LINK_NON_ELF;
- while (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_warning)
- h = (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) h->;
- /* It's OK to change the type if it used to be a weak
- definition. */
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- type_change_ok = true;
- /* It's OK to change the size if it used to be a weak
- definition, or if it used to be undefined, or if we will
- be overriding an old definition. */
- if (type_change_ok
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined)
- size_change_ok = true;
- /* If we are looking at a dynamic object, and this is a
- definition, we need to see if it has already been defined
- by some other object. If it has, we want to use the
- existing definition, and we do not want to report a
- multiple symbol definition error; we do this by
- clobbering sec to be bfd_und_section_ptr. */
- if (dynamic && definition)
- {
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak
- || (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common
- && bind == STB_WEAK))
- {
- sec = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- definition = false;
- size_change_ok = true;
- }
- }
- /* Similarly, if we are not looking at a dynamic object, and
- we have a definition, we want to override any definition
- we may have from a dynamic object. Symbols from regular
- files always take precedence over symbols from dynamic
- objects, even if they are defined after the dynamic
- object in the link. */
- if (! dynamic
- && definition
- && (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_DYNAMIC) != 0
- && (bfd_get_flavour (h->root.u.def.section->owner)
- == bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- && (elf_elfheader (h->root.u.def.section->owner)->e_type
- == ET_DYN))
- {
- /* Change the hash table entry to undefined, and let
- _bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol do the right thing
- with the new definition. */
- h->root.type = bfd_link_hash_undefined;
- h->root.u.undef.abfd = h->root.u.def.section->owner;
- size_change_ok = true;
- }
- }
- if (! (_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
- (info, abfd, name, flags, sec, value, (const char *) NULL,
- false, collect, (struct bfd_link_hash_entry **) sym_hash)))
- goto error_return;
- h = *sym_hash;
- while (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_warning)
- h = (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) h->;
- *sym_hash = h;
- new_weakdef = false;
- if (dynamic
- && definition
- && (flags & BSF_WEAK) != 0
- && ELF_ST_TYPE (sym.st_info) != STT_FUNC
- && info->hash->creator->flavour == bfd_target_elf_flavour
- && h->weakdef == NULL)
- {
- /* Keep a list of all weak defined non function symbols from
- a dynamic object, using the weakdef field. Later in this
- function we will set the weakdef field to the correct
- value. We only put non-function symbols from dynamic
- objects on this list, because that happens to be the only
- time we need to know the normal symbol corresponding to a
- weak symbol, and the information is time consuming to
- figure out. If the weakdef field is not already NULL,
- then this symbol was already defined by some previous
- dynamic object, and we will be using that previous
- definition anyhow. */
- h->weakdef = weaks;
- weaks = h;
- new_weakdef = true;
- }
- /* Get the alignment of a common symbol. */
- if (sym.st_shndx == SHN_COMMON
- && h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common)
- h->root.u.c.p->alignment_power = bfd_log2 (sym.st_value);
- if (info->hash->creator->flavour == bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- {
- int old_flags;
- boolean dynsym;
- int new_flag;
- /* Remember the symbol size and type. */
- if (sym.st_size != 0
- && (definition || h->size == 0))
- {
- if (h->size != 0 && h->size != sym.st_size && ! size_change_ok)
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("Warning: size of symbol `%s' changed from %lu to %lu in %s",
- name, (unsigned long) h->size, (unsigned long) sym.st_size,
- bfd_get_filename (abfd));
- h->size = sym.st_size;
- }
- if (ELF_ST_TYPE (sym.st_info) != STT_NOTYPE
- && (definition || h->type == STT_NOTYPE))
- {
- if (h->type != STT_NOTYPE
- && h->type != ELF_ST_TYPE (sym.st_info)
- && ! type_change_ok)
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("Warning: type of symbol `%s' changed from %d to %d in %s",
- name, h->type, ELF_ST_TYPE (sym.st_info),
- bfd_get_filename (abfd));
- h->type = ELF_ST_TYPE (sym.st_info);
- }
- /* Set a flag in the hash table entry indicating the type of
- reference or definition we just found. Keep a count of
- the number of dynamic symbols we find. A dynamic symbol
- is one which is referenced or defined by both a regular
- object and a shared object, or one which is referenced or
- defined by more than one shared object. */
- old_flags = h->elf_link_hash_flags;
- dynsym = false;
- if (! dynamic)
- {
- if (! definition)
- else
- if (info->shared
- || (old_flags & (ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_DYNAMIC
- dynsym = true;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! definition)
- else
- if ((old_flags & new_flag) != 0
- || (old_flags & (ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR
- || (h->weakdef != NULL
- && (old_flags & (ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_DYNAMIC
- dynsym = true;
- }
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= new_flag;
- if (dynsym && h->dynindx == -1)
- {
- if (! _bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- goto error_return;
- if (h->weakdef != NULL
- && ! new_weakdef
- && h->weakdef->dynindx == -1)
- {
- if (! _bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info,
- h->weakdef))
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Now set the weakdefs field correctly for all the weak defined
- symbols we found. The only way to do this is to search all the
- symbols. Since we only need the information for non functions in
- dynamic objects, that's the only time we actually put anything on
- the list WEAKS. We need this information so that if a regular
- object refers to a symbol defined weakly in a dynamic object, the
- real symbol in the dynamic object is also put in the dynamic
- symbols; we also must arrange for both symbols to point to the
- same memory location. We could handle the general case of symbol
- aliasing, but a general symbol alias can only be generated in
- assembler code, handling it correctly would be very time
- consuming, and other ELF linkers don't handle general aliasing
- either. */
- while (weaks != NULL)
- {
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *hlook;
- asection *slook;
- bfd_vma vlook;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry **hpp;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry **hppend;
- hlook = weaks;
- weaks = hlook->weakdef;
- hlook->weakdef = NULL;
- BFD_ASSERT (hlook->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || hlook->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak
- || hlook->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common
- || hlook->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect);
- slook = hlook->root.u.def.section;
- vlook = hlook->root.u.def.value;
- hpp = elf_sym_hashes (abfd);
- hppend = hpp + extsymcount;
- for (; hpp < hppend; hpp++)
- {
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- h = *hpp;
- if (h != NULL && h != hlook
- && h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- && h->root.u.def.section == slook
- && h->root.u.def.value == vlook)
- {
- hlook->weakdef = h;
- /* If the weak definition is in the list of dynamic
- symbols, make sure the real definition is put there
- as well. */
- if (hlook->dynindx != -1
- && h->dynindx == -1)
- {
- if (! _bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- goto error_return;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (buf != NULL)
- {
- free (buf);
- buf = NULL;
- }
- /* If this object is the same format as the output object, and it is
- not a shared library, then let the backend look through the
- relocs.
- This is required to build global offset table entries and to
- arrange for dynamic relocs. It is not required for the
- particular common case of linking non PIC code, even when linking
- against shared libraries, but unfortunately there is no way of
- knowing whether an object file has been compiled PIC or not.
- Looking through the relocs is not particularly time consuming.
- The problem is that we must either (1) keep the relocs in memory,
- which causes the linker to require additional runtime memory or
- (2) read the relocs twice from the input file, which wastes time.
- This would be a good case for using mmap.
- I have no idea how to handle linking PIC code into a file of a
- different format. It probably can't be done. */
- check_relocs = get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->check_relocs;
- if (! dynamic
- && abfd->xvec == info->hash->creator
- && check_relocs != NULL)
- {
- asection *o;
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs;
- boolean ok;
- if ((o->flags & SEC_RELOC) == 0
- || o->reloc_count == 0)
- continue;
- /* I believe we can ignore the relocs for any section which
- does not form part of the final process image, such as a
- debugging section. */
- if ((o->flags & SEC_ALLOC) == 0)
- continue;
- internal_relocs = elf_link_read_relocs (abfd, o, (PTR) NULL,
- (Elf_Internal_Rela *) NULL,
- info->keep_memory);
- if (internal_relocs == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- ok = (*check_relocs) (abfd, info, o, internal_relocs);
- if (! info->keep_memory)
- free (internal_relocs);
- if (! ok)
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- if (dynbuf != NULL)
- free (dynbuf);
- return false;
-/* Create some sections which will be filled in with dynamic linking
- information. ABFD is an input file which requires dynamic sections
- to be created. The dynamic sections take up virtual memory space
- when the final executable is run, so we need to create them before
- addresses are assigned to the output sections. We work out the
- actual contents and size of these sections later. */
-elf_link_create_dynamic_sections (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- flagword flags;
- register asection *s;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct elf_backend_data *bed;
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- return true;
- /* Make sure that all dynamic sections use the same input BFD. */
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj == NULL)
- elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj = abfd;
- else
- abfd = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- /* Note that we set the SEC_IN_MEMORY flag for all of these
- sections. */
- /* A dynamically linked executable has a .interp section, but a
- shared library does not. */
- if (! info->shared)
- {
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".interp");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags | SEC_READONLY))
- return false;
- }
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".dynsym");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags | SEC_READONLY)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, LOG_FILE_ALIGN))
- return false;
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".dynstr");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags | SEC_READONLY))
- return false;
- /* Create a strtab to hold the dynamic symbol names. */
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynstr == NULL)
- {
- elf_hash_table (info)->dynstr = elf_stringtab_init ();
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynstr == NULL)
- return false;
- }
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".dynamic");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, LOG_FILE_ALIGN))
- return false;
- /* The special symbol _DYNAMIC is always set to the start of the
- .dynamic section. This call occurs before we have processed the
- symbols for any dynamic object, so we don't have to worry about
- overriding a dynamic definition. We could set _DYNAMIC in a
- linker script, but we only want to define it if we are, in fact,
- creating a .dynamic section. We don't want to define it if there
- is no .dynamic section, since on some ELF platforms the start up
- code examines it to decide how to initialize the process. */
- h = NULL;
- if (! (_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
- (info, abfd, "_DYNAMIC", BSF_GLOBAL, s, (bfd_vma) 0,
- (const char *) NULL, false, get_elf_backend_data (abfd)->collect,
- (struct bfd_link_hash_entry **) &h)))
- return false;
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR;
- h->type = STT_OBJECT;
- if (info->shared
- && ! _bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".hash");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags | SEC_READONLY)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, LOG_FILE_ALIGN))
- return false;
- /* Let the backend create the rest of the sections. This lets the
- backend set the right flags. The backend will normally create
- the .got and .plt sections. */
- bed = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- if (! (*bed->elf_backend_create_dynamic_sections) (abfd, info))
- return false;
- elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created = true;
- return true;
-/* Add an entry to the .dynamic table. */
-elf_add_dynamic_entry (info, tag, val)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd_vma tag;
- bfd_vma val;
- Elf_Internal_Dyn dyn;
- bfd *dynobj;
- asection *s;
- size_t newsize;
- bfd_byte *newcontents;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynamic");
- newsize = s->_raw_size + sizeof (Elf_External_Dyn);
- newcontents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_realloc (s->contents, newsize);
- if (newcontents == NULL)
- return false;
- dyn.d_tag = tag;
- dyn.d_un.d_val = val;
- elf_swap_dyn_out (dynobj, &dyn,
- (Elf_External_Dyn *) (newcontents + s->_raw_size));
- s->_raw_size = newsize;
- s->contents = newcontents;
- return true;
-/* Read and swap the relocs for a section. They may have been cached.
- If the EXTERNAL_RELOCS and INTERNAL_RELOCS arguments are not NULL,
- they are used as buffers to read into. They are known to be large
- enough. If the INTERNAL_RELOCS relocs argument is NULL, the return
- value is allocated using either malloc or bfd_alloc, according to
- the KEEP_MEMORY argument. */
-static Elf_Internal_Rela *
-elf_link_read_relocs (abfd, o, external_relocs, internal_relocs, keep_memory)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *o;
- PTR external_relocs;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs;
- boolean keep_memory;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *rel_hdr;
- PTR alloc1 = NULL;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *alloc2 = NULL;
- if (elf_section_data (o)->relocs != NULL)
- return elf_section_data (o)->relocs;
- if (o->reloc_count == 0)
- return NULL;
- rel_hdr = &elf_section_data (o)->rel_hdr;
- if (internal_relocs == NULL)
- {
- size_t size;
- size = o->reloc_count * sizeof (Elf_Internal_Rela);
- if (keep_memory)
- internal_relocs = (Elf_Internal_Rela *) bfd_alloc (abfd, size);
- else
- internal_relocs = alloc2 = (Elf_Internal_Rela *) bfd_malloc (size);
- if (internal_relocs == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- }
- if (external_relocs == NULL)
- {
- alloc1 = (PTR) bfd_malloc ((size_t) rel_hdr->sh_size);
- if (alloc1 == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- external_relocs = alloc1;
- }
- if ((bfd_seek (abfd, rel_hdr->sh_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- || (bfd_read (external_relocs, 1, rel_hdr->sh_size, abfd)
- != rel_hdr->sh_size))
- goto error_return;
- /* Swap in the relocs. For convenience, we always produce an
- Elf_Internal_Rela array; if the relocs are Rel, we set the addend
- to 0. */
- if (rel_hdr->sh_entsize == sizeof (Elf_External_Rel))
- {
- Elf_External_Rel *erel;
- Elf_External_Rel *erelend;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *irela;
- erel = (Elf_External_Rel *) external_relocs;
- erelend = erel + o->reloc_count;
- irela = internal_relocs;
- for (; erel < erelend; erel++, irela++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Rel irel;
- elf_swap_reloc_in (abfd, erel, &irel);
- irela->r_offset = irel.r_offset;
- irela->r_info = irel.r_info;
- irela->r_addend = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Elf_External_Rela *erela;
- Elf_External_Rela *erelaend;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *irela;
- BFD_ASSERT (rel_hdr->sh_entsize == sizeof (Elf_External_Rela));
- erela = (Elf_External_Rela *) external_relocs;
- erelaend = erela + o->reloc_count;
- irela = internal_relocs;
- for (; erela < erelaend; erela++, irela++)
- elf_swap_reloca_in (abfd, erela, irela);
- }
- /* Cache the results for next time, if we can. */
- if (keep_memory)
- elf_section_data (o)->relocs = internal_relocs;
- if (alloc1 != NULL)
- free (alloc1);
- /* Don't free alloc2, since if it was allocated we are passing it
- back (under the name of internal_relocs). */
- return internal_relocs;
- error_return:
- if (alloc1 != NULL)
- free (alloc1);
- if (alloc2 != NULL)
- free (alloc2);
- return NULL;
-/* Record an assignment to a symbol made by a linker script. We need
- this in case some dynamic object refers to this symbol. */
-NAME(bfd_elf,record_link_assignment) (output_bfd, info, name, provide)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- const char *name;
- boolean provide;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- if (info->hash->creator->flavour != bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- return true;
- h = elf_link_hash_lookup (elf_hash_table (info), name, true, true, false);
- if (h == NULL)
- return false;
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_new)
- h->elf_link_hash_flags &=~ ELF_LINK_NON_ELF;
- /* If this symbol is being provided by the linker script, and it is
- currently defined by a dynamic object, but not by a regular
- object, then mark it as undefined so that the generic linker will
- force the correct value. */
- if (provide
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_DYNAMIC) != 0
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR) == 0)
- h->root.type = bfd_link_hash_undefined;
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR;
- h->type = STT_OBJECT;
- if (((h->elf_link_hash_flags & (ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_DYNAMIC
- || info->shared)
- && h->dynindx == -1)
- {
- if (! _bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- /* If this is a weak defined symbol, and we know a corresponding
- real symbol from the same dynamic object, make sure the real
- symbol is also made into a dynamic symbol. */
- if (h->weakdef != NULL
- && h->weakdef->dynindx == -1)
- {
- if (! _bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h->weakdef))
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Array used to determine the number of hash table buckets to use
- based on the number of symbols there are. If there are fewer than
- 3 symbols we use 1 bucket, fewer than 17 symbols we use 3 buckets,
- fewer than 37 we use 17 buckets, and so forth. We never use more
- than 521 buckets. */
-static const size_t elf_buckets[] =
- 1, 3, 17, 37, 67, 97, 131, 197, 263, 521, 0
-/* Set up the sizes and contents of the ELF dynamic sections. This is
- called by the ELF linker emulation before_allocation routine. We
- must set the sizes of the sections before the linker sets the
- addresses of the various sections. */
-NAME(bfd_elf,size_dynamic_sections) (output_bfd, soname, rpath,
- export_dynamic, info, sinterpptr)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- const char *soname;
- const char *rpath;
- boolean export_dynamic;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection **sinterpptr;
- bfd *dynobj;
- struct elf_backend_data *bed;
- *sinterpptr = NULL;
- if (info->hash->creator->flavour != bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- return true;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- /* If there were no dynamic objects in the link, there is nothing to
- do here. */
- if (dynobj == NULL)
- return true;
- /* If we are supposed to export all symbols into the dynamic symbol
- table (this is not the normal case), then do so. */
- if (export_dynamic)
- {
- struct elf_info_failed eif;
- eif.failed = false;
- = info;
- elf_link_hash_traverse (elf_hash_table (info), elf_export_symbol,
- (PTR) &eif);
- if (eif.failed)
- return false;
- }
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- struct elf_info_failed eif;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- bfd_size_type strsize;
- *sinterpptr = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".interp");
- BFD_ASSERT (*sinterpptr != NULL || info->shared);
- if (soname != NULL)
- {
- bfd_size_type indx;
- indx = _bfd_stringtab_add (elf_hash_table (info)->dynstr, soname,
- true, true);
- if (indx == (bfd_size_type) -1
- || ! elf_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_SONAME, indx))
- return false;
- }
- if (info->symbolic)
- {
- if (! elf_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_SYMBOLIC, 0))
- return false;
- }
- if (rpath != NULL)
- {
- bfd_size_type indx;
- indx = _bfd_stringtab_add (elf_hash_table (info)->dynstr, rpath,
- true, true);
- if (indx == (bfd_size_type) -1
- || ! elf_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_RPATH, indx))
- return false;
- }
- /* Find all symbols which were defined in a dynamic object and make
- the backend pick a reasonable value for them. */
- eif.failed = false;
- = info;
- elf_link_hash_traverse (elf_hash_table (info),
- elf_adjust_dynamic_symbol,
- (PTR) &eif);
- if (eif.failed)
- return false;
- /* Add some entries to the .dynamic section. We fill in some of the
- values later, in elf_bfd_final_link, but we must add the entries
- now so that we know the final size of the .dynamic section. */
- h = elf_link_hash_lookup (elf_hash_table (info), "_init", false,
- false, false);
- if (h != NULL
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & (ELF_LINK_HASH_REF_REGULAR
- {
- if (! elf_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_INIT, 0))
- return false;
- }
- h = elf_link_hash_lookup (elf_hash_table (info), "_fini", false,
- false, false);
- if (h != NULL
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & (ELF_LINK_HASH_REF_REGULAR
- {
- if (! elf_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_FINI, 0))
- return false;
- }
- strsize = _bfd_stringtab_size (elf_hash_table (info)->dynstr);
- if (! elf_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_HASH, 0)
- || ! elf_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_STRTAB, 0)
- || ! elf_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_SYMTAB, 0)
- || ! elf_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_STRSZ, strsize)
- || ! elf_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_SYMENT,
- sizeof (Elf_External_Sym)))
- return false;
- }
- /* The backend must work out the sizes of all the other dynamic
- sections. */
- bed = get_elf_backend_data (output_bfd);
- if (! (*bed->elf_backend_size_dynamic_sections) (output_bfd, info))
- return false;
- if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- size_t dynsymcount;
- asection *s;
- size_t i;
- size_t bucketcount = 0;
- Elf_Internal_Sym isym;
- /* Set the size of the .dynsym and .hash sections. We counted
- the number of dynamic symbols in elf_link_add_object_symbols.
- We will build the contents of .dynsym and .hash when we build
- the final symbol table, because until then we do not know the
- correct value to give the symbols. We built the .dynstr
- section as we went along in elf_link_add_object_symbols. */
- dynsymcount = elf_hash_table (info)->dynsymcount;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynsym");
- s->_raw_size = dynsymcount * sizeof (Elf_External_Sym);
- s->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (output_bfd, s->_raw_size);
- if (s->contents == NULL && s->_raw_size != 0)
- return false;
- /* The first entry in .dynsym is a dummy symbol. */
- isym.st_value = 0;
- isym.st_size = 0;
- isym.st_name = 0;
- isym.st_info = 0;
- isym.st_other = 0;
- isym.st_shndx = 0;
- elf_swap_symbol_out (output_bfd, &isym,
- (PTR) (Elf_External_Sym *) s->contents);
- for (i = 0; elf_buckets[i] != 0; i++)
- {
- bucketcount = elf_buckets[i];
- if (dynsymcount < elf_buckets[i + 1])
- break;
- }
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".hash");
- s->_raw_size = (2 + bucketcount + dynsymcount) * (ARCH_SIZE / 8);
- s->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (output_bfd, s->_raw_size);
- if (s->contents == NULL)
- return false;
- memset (s->contents, 0, (size_t) s->_raw_size);
- put_word (output_bfd, bucketcount, s->contents);
- put_word (output_bfd, dynsymcount, s->contents + (ARCH_SIZE / 8));
- elf_hash_table (info)->bucketcount = bucketcount;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynstr");
- s->_raw_size = _bfd_stringtab_size (elf_hash_table (info)->dynstr);
- if (! elf_add_dynamic_entry (info, DT_NULL, 0))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* This routine is used to export all defined symbols into the dynamic
- symbol table. It is called via elf_link_hash_traverse. */
-static boolean
-elf_export_symbol (h, data)
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- PTR data;
- struct elf_info_failed *eif = (struct elf_info_failed *) data;
- if (h->dynindx == -1
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags
- {
- if (! _bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol (eif->info, h))
- {
- eif->failed = true;
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Make the backend pick a good value for a dynamic symbol. This is
- called via elf_link_hash_traverse, and also calls itself
- recursively. */
-static boolean
-elf_adjust_dynamic_symbol (h, data)
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- PTR data;
- struct elf_info_failed *eif = (struct elf_info_failed *) data;
- bfd *dynobj;
- struct elf_backend_data *bed;
- /* If this symbol was mentioned in a non-ELF file, try to set
- DEF_REGULAR and REF_REGULAR correctly. This is the only way to
- permit a non-ELF file to correctly refer to a symbol defined in
- an ELF dynamic object. */
- if ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_NON_ELF) != 0)
- {
- if (h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined
- && h->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_REF_REGULAR;
- else
- {
- if (h->root.u.def.section->owner != NULL
- && (bfd_get_flavour (h->root.u.def.section->owner)
- == bfd_target_elf_flavour))
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_REF_REGULAR;
- else
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR;
- }
- if ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_DYNAMIC) != 0
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_REF_DYNAMIC) != 0)
- {
- if (! _bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol (eif->info, h))
- {
- eif->failed = true;
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- /* If -Bsymbolic was used (which means to bind references to global
- symbols to the definition within the shared object), and this
- symbol was defined in a regular object, then it actually doesn't
- need a PLT entry. */
- if ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT) != 0
- && eif->info->shared
- && eif->info->symbolic
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR) != 0)
- h->elf_link_hash_flags &=~ ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT;
- /* If this symbol does not require a PLT entry, and it is not
- defined by a dynamic object, or is not referenced by a regular
- object, ignore it. We do have to handle a weak defined symbol,
- even if no regular object refers to it, if we decided to add it
- to the dynamic symbol table. FIXME: Do we normally need to worry
- about symbols which are defined by one dynamic object and
- referenced by another one? */
- if ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_NEEDS_PLT) == 0
- && ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR) != 0
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_DYNAMIC) == 0
- || ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_REF_REGULAR) == 0
- && (h->weakdef == NULL || h->weakdef->dynindx == -1))))
- return true;
- /* If we've already adjusted this symbol, don't do it again. This
- can happen via a recursive call. */
- if ((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DYNAMIC_ADJUSTED) != 0)
- return true;
- /* Don't look at this symbol again. Note that we must set this
- after checking the above conditions, because we may look at a
- symbol once, decide not to do anything, and then get called
- recursively later after REF_REGULAR is set below. */
- h->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_DYNAMIC_ADJUSTED;
- /* If this is a weak definition, and we know a real definition, and
- the real symbol is not itself defined by a regular object file,
- then get a good value for the real definition. We handle the
- real symbol first, for the convenience of the backend routine.
- Note that there is a confusing case here. If the real definition
- is defined by a regular object file, we don't get the real symbol
- from the dynamic object, but we do get the weak symbol. If the
- processor backend uses a COPY reloc, then if some routine in the
- dynamic object changes the real symbol, we will not see that
- change in the corresponding weak symbol. This is the way other
- ELF linkers work as well, and seems to be a result of the shared
- library model.
- I will clarify this issue. Most SVR4 shared libraries define the
- variable _timezone and define timezone as a weak synonym. The
- tzset call changes _timezone. If you write
- extern int timezone;
- int _timezone = 5;
- int main () { tzset (); printf ("%d %d\n", timezone, _timezone); }
- you might expect that, since timezone is a synonym for _timezone,
- the same number will print both times. However, if the processor
- backend uses a COPY reloc, then actually timezone will be copied
- into your process image, and, since you define _timezone
- yourself, _timezone will not. Thus timezone and _timezone will
- wind up at different memory locations. The tzset call will set
- _timezone, leaving timezone unchanged. */
- if (h->weakdef != NULL)
- {
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *weakdef;
- BFD_ASSERT (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak);
- weakdef = h->weakdef;
- BFD_ASSERT (weakdef->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || weakdef->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak);
- BFD_ASSERT (weakdef->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_DYNAMIC);
- if ((weakdef->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR) != 0)
- {
- /* This symbol is defined by a regular object file, so we
- will not do anything special. Clear weakdef for the
- convenience of the processor backend. */
- h->weakdef = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- /* There is an implicit reference by a regular object file
- via the weak symbol. */
- weakdef->elf_link_hash_flags |= ELF_LINK_HASH_REF_REGULAR;
- if (! elf_adjust_dynamic_symbol (weakdef, (PTR) eif))
- return false;
- }
- }
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (eif->info)->dynobj;
- bed = get_elf_backend_data (dynobj);
- if (! (*bed->elf_backend_adjust_dynamic_symbol) (eif->info, h))
- {
- eif->failed = true;
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Final phase of ELF linker. */
-/* A structure we use to avoid passing large numbers of arguments. */
-struct elf_final_link_info
- /* General link information. */
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- /* Output BFD. */
- bfd *output_bfd;
- /* Symbol string table. */
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *symstrtab;
- /* .dynsym section. */
- asection *dynsym_sec;
- /* .hash section. */
- asection *hash_sec;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold contents of any section. */
- bfd_byte *contents;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold external relocs of any section. */
- PTR external_relocs;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold internal relocs of any section. */
- Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold external local symbols of any input
- BFD. */
- Elf_External_Sym *external_syms;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold internal local symbols of any input
- BFD. */
- Elf_Internal_Sym *internal_syms;
- /* Array large enough to hold a symbol index for each local symbol
- of any input BFD. */
- long *indices;
- /* Array large enough to hold a section pointer for each local
- symbol of any input BFD. */
- asection **sections;
- /* Buffer to hold swapped out symbols. */
- Elf_External_Sym *symbuf;
- /* Number of swapped out symbols in buffer. */
- size_t symbuf_count;
- /* Number of symbols which fit in symbuf. */
- size_t symbuf_size;
-static boolean elf_link_output_sym
- PARAMS ((struct elf_final_link_info *, const char *,
- Elf_Internal_Sym *, asection *));
-static boolean elf_link_flush_output_syms
- PARAMS ((struct elf_final_link_info *));
-static boolean elf_link_output_extsym
- PARAMS ((struct elf_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
-static boolean elf_link_input_bfd
- PARAMS ((struct elf_final_link_info *, bfd *));
-static boolean elf_reloc_link_order
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, asection *,
- struct bfd_link_order *));
-/* This struct is used to pass information to routines called via
- elf_link_hash_traverse which must return failure. */
-struct elf_finfo_failed
- boolean failed;
- struct elf_final_link_info *finfo;
-/* Do the final step of an ELF link. */
-elf_bfd_final_link (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean dynamic;
- bfd *dynobj;
- struct elf_final_link_info finfo;
- register asection *o;
- register struct bfd_link_order *p;
- register bfd *sub;
- size_t max_contents_size;
- size_t max_external_reloc_size;
- size_t max_internal_reloc_count;
- size_t max_sym_count;
- file_ptr off;
- Elf_Internal_Sym elfsym;
- unsigned int i;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symstrtab_hdr;
- struct elf_backend_data *bed = get_elf_backend_data (abfd);
- struct elf_finfo_failed eif;
- if (info->shared)
- abfd->flags |= DYNAMIC;
- dynamic = elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created;
- dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- = info;
- finfo.output_bfd = abfd;
- finfo.symstrtab = elf_stringtab_init ();
- if (finfo.symstrtab == NULL)
- return false;
- if (! dynamic)
- {
- finfo.dynsym_sec = NULL;
- finfo.hash_sec = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- finfo.dynsym_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynsym");
- finfo.hash_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".hash");
- BFD_ASSERT (finfo.dynsym_sec != NULL && finfo.hash_sec != NULL);
- }
- finfo.contents = NULL;
- finfo.external_relocs = NULL;
- finfo.internal_relocs = NULL;
- finfo.external_syms = NULL;
- finfo.internal_syms = NULL;
- finfo.indices = NULL;
- finfo.sections = NULL;
- finfo.symbuf = NULL;
- finfo.symbuf_count = 0;
- /* Count up the number of relocations we will output for each output
- section, so that we know the sizes of the reloc sections. We
- also figure out some maximum sizes. */
- max_contents_size = 0;
- max_external_reloc_size = 0;
- max_internal_reloc_count = 0;
- max_sym_count = 0;
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != (asection *) NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- o->reloc_count = 0;
- for (p = o->link_order_head; p != NULL; p = p->next)
- {
- if (p->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- || p->type == bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order)
- ++o->reloc_count;
- else if (p->type == bfd_indirect_link_order)
- {
- asection *sec;
- sec = p->u.indirect.section;
- if (info->relocateable)
- o->reloc_count += sec->reloc_count;
- if (sec->_raw_size > max_contents_size)
- max_contents_size = sec->_raw_size;
- if (sec->_cooked_size > max_contents_size)
- max_contents_size = sec->_cooked_size;
- /* We are interested in just local symbols, not all
- symbols. */
- if (bfd_get_flavour (sec->owner) == bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- {
- size_t sym_count;
- if (elf_bad_symtab (sec->owner))
- sym_count = (elf_tdata (sec->owner)->symtab_hdr.sh_size
- / sizeof (Elf_External_Sym));
- else
- sym_count = elf_tdata (sec->owner)->symtab_hdr.sh_info;
- if (sym_count > max_sym_count)
- max_sym_count = sym_count;
- if ((sec->flags & SEC_RELOC) != 0)
- {
- size_t ext_size;
- ext_size = elf_section_data (sec)->rel_hdr.sh_size;
- if (ext_size > max_external_reloc_size)
- max_external_reloc_size = ext_size;
- if (sec->reloc_count > max_internal_reloc_count)
- max_internal_reloc_count = sec->reloc_count;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (o->reloc_count > 0)
- o->flags |= SEC_RELOC;
- else
- {
- /* Explicitly clear the SEC_RELOC flag. The linker tends to
- set it (this is probably a bug) and if it is set
- assign_section_numbers will create a reloc section. */
- o->flags &=~ SEC_RELOC;
- }
- /* If the SEC_ALLOC flag is not set, force the section VMA to
- zero. This is done in elf_fake_sections as well, but forcing
- the VMA to 0 here will ensure that relocs against these
- sections are handled correctly. */
- if ((o->flags & SEC_ALLOC) == 0)
- o->vma = 0;
- }
- /* Figure out the file positions for everything but the symbol table
- and the relocs. We set symcount to force assign_section_numbers
- to create a symbol table. */
- abfd->symcount = info->strip == strip_all ? 0 : 1;
- BFD_ASSERT (! abfd->output_has_begun);
- if (! _bfd_elf_compute_section_file_positions (abfd, info))
- goto error_return;
- /* That created the reloc sections. Set their sizes, and assign
- them file positions, and allocate some buffers. */
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- if ((o->flags & SEC_RELOC) != 0)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *rel_hdr;
- register struct elf_link_hash_entry **p, **pend;
- rel_hdr = &elf_section_data (o)->rel_hdr;
- rel_hdr->sh_size = rel_hdr->sh_entsize * o->reloc_count;
- /* The contents field must last into write_object_contents,
- so we allocate it with bfd_alloc rather than malloc. */
- rel_hdr->contents = (PTR) bfd_alloc (abfd, rel_hdr->sh_size);
- if (rel_hdr->contents == NULL && rel_hdr->sh_size != 0)
- goto error_return;
- p = ((struct elf_link_hash_entry **)
- bfd_malloc (o->reloc_count
- * sizeof (struct elf_link_hash_entry *)));
- if (p == NULL && o->reloc_count != 0)
- goto error_return;
- elf_section_data (o)->rel_hashes = p;
- pend = p + o->reloc_count;
- for (; p < pend; p++)
- *p = NULL;
- /* Use the reloc_count field as an index when outputting the
- relocs. */
- o->reloc_count = 0;
- }
- }
- _bfd_elf_assign_file_positions_for_relocs (abfd);
- /* We have now assigned file positions for all the sections except
- .symtab and .strtab. We start the .symtab section at the current
- file position, and write directly to it. We build the .strtab
- section in memory. */
- abfd->symcount = 0;
- symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
- /* sh_name is set in prep_headers. */
- symtab_hdr->sh_type = SHT_SYMTAB;
- symtab_hdr->sh_flags = 0;
- symtab_hdr->sh_addr = 0;
- symtab_hdr->sh_size = 0;
- symtab_hdr->sh_entsize = sizeof (Elf_External_Sym);
- /* sh_link is set in assign_section_numbers. */
- /* sh_info is set below. */
- /* sh_offset is set just below. */
- symtab_hdr->sh_addralign = 4; /* FIXME: system dependent? */
- off = elf_tdata (abfd)->next_file_pos;
- off = _bfd_elf_assign_file_position_for_section (symtab_hdr, off, true);
- /* Note that at this point elf_tdata (abfd)->next_file_pos is
- incorrect. We do not yet know the size of the .symtab section.
- We correct next_file_pos below, after we do know the size. */
- /* Allocate a buffer to hold swapped out symbols. This is to avoid
- continuously seeking to the right position in the file. */
- if (! info->keep_memory || max_sym_count < 20)
- finfo.symbuf_size = 20;
- else
- finfo.symbuf_size = max_sym_count;
- finfo.symbuf = ((Elf_External_Sym *)
- bfd_malloc (finfo.symbuf_size * sizeof (Elf_External_Sym)));
- if (finfo.symbuf == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- /* Start writing out the symbol table. The first symbol is always a
- dummy symbol. */
- if (info->strip != strip_all || info->relocateable)
- {
- elfsym.st_value = 0;
- elfsym.st_size = 0;
- elfsym.st_info = 0;
- elfsym.st_other = 0;
- elfsym.st_shndx = SHN_UNDEF;
- if (! elf_link_output_sym (&finfo, (const char *) NULL,
- &elfsym, bfd_und_section_ptr))
- goto error_return;
- }
-#if 0
- /* Some standard ELF linkers do this, but we don't because it causes
- bootstrap comparison failures. */
- /* Output a file symbol for the output file as the second symbol.
- We output this even if we are discarding local symbols, although
- I'm not sure if this is correct. */
- elfsym.st_value = 0;
- elfsym.st_size = 0;
- elfsym.st_info = ELF_ST_INFO (STB_LOCAL, STT_FILE);
- elfsym.st_other = 0;
- elfsym.st_shndx = SHN_ABS;
- if (! elf_link_output_sym (&finfo, bfd_get_filename (abfd),
- &elfsym, bfd_abs_section_ptr))
- goto error_return;
- /* Output a symbol for each section. We output these even if we are
- discarding local symbols, since they are used for relocs. These
- symbols have no names. We store the index of each one in the
- index field of the section, so that we can find it again when
- outputting relocs. */
- if (info->strip != strip_all || info->relocateable)
- {
- elfsym.st_value = 0;
- elfsym.st_size = 0;
- elfsym.st_info = ELF_ST_INFO (STB_LOCAL, STT_SECTION);
- elfsym.st_other = 0;
- for (i = 1; i < elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_shnum; i++)
- {
- o = section_from_elf_index (abfd, i);
- if (o != NULL)
- o->target_index = abfd->symcount;
- elfsym.st_shndx = i;
- if (! elf_link_output_sym (&finfo, (const char *) NULL,
- &elfsym, o))
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- /* Allocate some memory to hold information read in from the input
- files. */
- finfo.contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (max_contents_size);
- finfo.external_relocs = (PTR) bfd_malloc (max_external_reloc_size);
- finfo.internal_relocs = ((Elf_Internal_Rela *)
- bfd_malloc (max_internal_reloc_count
- * sizeof (Elf_Internal_Rela)));
- finfo.external_syms = ((Elf_External_Sym *)
- bfd_malloc (max_sym_count
- * sizeof (Elf_External_Sym)));
- finfo.internal_syms = ((Elf_Internal_Sym *)
- bfd_malloc (max_sym_count
- * sizeof (Elf_Internal_Sym)));
- finfo.indices = (long *) bfd_malloc (max_sym_count * sizeof (long));
- finfo.sections = ((asection **)
- bfd_malloc (max_sym_count * sizeof (asection *)));
- if ((finfo.contents == NULL && max_contents_size != 0)
- || (finfo.external_relocs == NULL && max_external_reloc_size != 0)
- || (finfo.internal_relocs == NULL && max_internal_reloc_count != 0)
- || (finfo.external_syms == NULL && max_sym_count != 0)
- || (finfo.internal_syms == NULL && max_sym_count != 0)
- || (finfo.indices == NULL && max_sym_count != 0)
- || (finfo.sections == NULL && max_sym_count != 0))
- goto error_return;
- /* Since ELF permits relocations to be against local symbols, we
- must have the local symbols available when we do the relocations.
- Since we would rather only read the local symbols once, and we
- would rather not keep them in memory, we handle all the
- relocations for a single input file at the same time.
- Unfortunately, there is no way to know the total number of local
- symbols until we have seen all of them, and the local symbol
- indices precede the global symbol indices. This means that when
- we are generating relocateable output, and we see a reloc against
- a global symbol, we can not know the symbol index until we have
- finished examining all the local symbols to see which ones we are
- going to output. To deal with this, we keep the relocations in
- memory, and don't output them until the end of the link. This is
- an unfortunate waste of memory, but I don't see a good way around
- it. Fortunately, it only happens when performing a relocateable
- link, which is not the common case. FIXME: If keep_memory is set
- we could write the relocs out and then read them again; I don't
- know how bad the memory loss will be. */
- for (sub = info->input_bfds; sub != NULL; sub = sub->next)
- sub->output_has_begun = false;
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- for (p = o->link_order_head; p != NULL; p = p->next)
- {
- if (p->type == bfd_indirect_link_order
- && (bfd_get_flavour (p->u.indirect.section->owner)
- == bfd_target_elf_flavour))
- {
- sub = p->u.indirect.section->owner;
- if (! sub->output_has_begun)
- {
- if (! elf_link_input_bfd (&finfo, sub))
- goto error_return;
- sub->output_has_begun = true;
- }
- }
- else if (p->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- || p->type == bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order)
- {
- if (! elf_reloc_link_order (abfd, info, o, p))
- goto error_return;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! _bfd_default_link_order (abfd, info, o, p))
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- }
- /* That wrote out all the local symbols. Finish up the symbol table
- with the global symbols. */
- /* The sh_info field records the index of the first non local
- symbol. */
- symtab_hdr->sh_info = abfd->symcount;
- if (dynamic)
- elf_section_data (finfo.dynsym_sec->output_section)->this_hdr.sh_info = 1;
- /* We get the global symbols from the hash table. */
- eif.failed = false;
- eif.finfo = &finfo;
- elf_link_hash_traverse (elf_hash_table (info), elf_link_output_extsym,
- (PTR) &eif);
- if (eif.failed)
- return false;
- /* Flush all symbols to the file. */
- if (! elf_link_flush_output_syms (&finfo))
- return false;
- /* Now we know the size of the symtab section. */
- off += symtab_hdr->sh_size;
- /* Finish up and write out the symbol string table (.strtab)
- section. */
- symstrtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->strtab_hdr;
- /* sh_name was set in prep_headers. */
- symstrtab_hdr->sh_type = SHT_STRTAB;
- symstrtab_hdr->sh_flags = 0;
- symstrtab_hdr->sh_addr = 0;
- symstrtab_hdr->sh_size = _bfd_stringtab_size (finfo.symstrtab);
- symstrtab_hdr->sh_entsize = 0;
- symstrtab_hdr->sh_link = 0;
- symstrtab_hdr->sh_info = 0;
- /* sh_offset is set just below. */
- symstrtab_hdr->sh_addralign = 1;
- off = _bfd_elf_assign_file_position_for_section (symstrtab_hdr, off, true);
- elf_tdata (abfd)->next_file_pos = off;
- if (abfd->symcount > 0)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, symstrtab_hdr->sh_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || ! _bfd_stringtab_emit (abfd, finfo.symstrtab))
- return false;
- }
- /* Adjust the relocs to have the correct symbol indices. */
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- struct elf_link_hash_entry **rel_hash;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *rel_hdr;
- if ((o->flags & SEC_RELOC) == 0)
- continue;
- rel_hash = elf_section_data (o)->rel_hashes;
- rel_hdr = &elf_section_data (o)->rel_hdr;
- for (i = 0; i < o->reloc_count; i++, rel_hash++)
- {
- if (*rel_hash == NULL)
- continue;
- BFD_ASSERT ((*rel_hash)->indx >= 0);
- if (rel_hdr->sh_entsize == sizeof (Elf_External_Rel))
- {
- Elf_External_Rel *erel;
- Elf_Internal_Rel irel;
- erel = (Elf_External_Rel *) rel_hdr->contents + i;
- elf_swap_reloc_in (abfd, erel, &irel);
- irel.r_info = ELF_R_INFO ((*rel_hash)->indx,
- ELF_R_TYPE (irel.r_info));
- elf_swap_reloc_out (abfd, &irel, erel);
- }
- else
- {
- Elf_External_Rela *erela;
- Elf_Internal_Rela irela;
- BFD_ASSERT (rel_hdr->sh_entsize
- == sizeof (Elf_External_Rela));
- erela = (Elf_External_Rela *) rel_hdr->contents + i;
- elf_swap_reloca_in (abfd, erela, &irela);
- irela.r_info = ELF_R_INFO ((*rel_hash)->indx,
- ELF_R_TYPE (irela.r_info));
- elf_swap_reloca_out (abfd, &irela, erela);
- }
- }
- /* Set the reloc_count field to 0 to prevent write_relocs from
- trying to swap the relocs out itself. */
- o->reloc_count = 0;
- }
- /* If we are linking against a dynamic object, or generating a
- shared library, finish up the dynamic linking information. */
- if (dynamic)
- {
- Elf_External_Dyn *dyncon, *dynconend;
- /* Fix up .dynamic entries. */
- o = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynamic");
- dyncon = (Elf_External_Dyn *) o->contents;
- dynconend = (Elf_External_Dyn *) (o->contents + o->_raw_size);
- for (; dyncon < dynconend; dyncon++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Dyn dyn;
- const char *name;
- unsigned int type;
- elf_swap_dyn_in (dynobj, dyncon, &dyn);
- switch (dyn.d_tag)
- {
- default:
- break;
- /* SVR4 linkers seem to set DT_INIT and DT_FINI based on
- magic _init and _fini symbols. This is pretty ugly,
- but we are compatible. */
- case DT_INIT:
- name = "_init";
- goto get_sym;
- case DT_FINI:
- name = "_fini";
- get_sym:
- {
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- h = elf_link_hash_lookup (elf_hash_table (info), name,
- false, false, true);
- if (h != NULL
- && (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak))
- {
- dyn.d_un.d_val = h->root.u.def.value;
- o = h->root.u.def.section;
- if (o->output_section != NULL)
- dyn.d_un.d_val += (o->output_section->vma
- + o->output_offset);
- else
- {
- /* The symbol is imported from another shared
- library and does not apply to this one. */
- dyn.d_un.d_val = 0;
- }
- elf_swap_dyn_out (dynobj, &dyn, dyncon);
- }
- }
- break;
- case DT_HASH:
- name = ".hash";
- goto get_vma;
- case DT_STRTAB:
- name = ".dynstr";
- goto get_vma;
- case DT_SYMTAB:
- name = ".dynsym";
- get_vma:
- o = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, name);
- dyn.d_un.d_ptr = o->vma;
- elf_swap_dyn_out (dynobj, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- case DT_REL:
- case DT_RELA:
- case DT_RELSZ:
- case DT_RELASZ:
- if (dyn.d_tag == DT_REL || dyn.d_tag == DT_RELSZ)
- type = SHT_REL;
- else
- type = SHT_RELA;
- dyn.d_un.d_val = 0;
- for (i = 1; i < elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_shnum; i++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr;
- hdr = elf_elfsections (abfd)[i];
- if (hdr->sh_type == type
- && (hdr->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC) != 0)
- {
- if (dyn.d_tag == DT_RELSZ || dyn.d_tag == DT_RELASZ)
- dyn.d_un.d_val += hdr->sh_size;
- else
- {
- if (dyn.d_un.d_val == 0
- || hdr->sh_addr < dyn.d_un.d_val)
- dyn.d_un.d_val = hdr->sh_addr;
- }
- }
- }
- elf_swap_dyn_out (dynobj, &dyn, dyncon);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* If we have created any dynamic sections, then output them. */
- if (dynobj != NULL)
- {
- if (! (*bed->elf_backend_finish_dynamic_sections) (abfd, info))
- goto error_return;
- for (o = dynobj->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- if ((o->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) == 0
- || o->_raw_size == 0)
- continue;
- if ((o->flags & SEC_IN_MEMORY) == 0)
- {
- /* At this point, we are only interested in sections
- created by elf_link_create_dynamic_sections. FIXME:
- This test is fragile. */
- continue;
- }
- if ((elf_section_data (o->output_section)->this_hdr.sh_type
- || strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (abfd, o), ".dynstr") != 0)
- {
- if (! bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, o->output_section,
- o->contents, o->output_offset,
- o->_raw_size))
- goto error_return;
- }
- else
- {
- file_ptr off;
- /* The contents of the .dynstr section are actually in a
- stringtab. */
- off = elf_section_data (o->output_section)->this_hdr.sh_offset;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, off, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || ! _bfd_stringtab_emit (abfd,
- elf_hash_table (info)->dynstr))
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- }
- if (finfo.symstrtab != NULL)
- _bfd_stringtab_free (finfo.symstrtab);
- if (finfo.contents != NULL)
- free (finfo.contents);
- if (finfo.external_relocs != NULL)
- free (finfo.external_relocs);
- if (finfo.internal_relocs != NULL)
- free (finfo.internal_relocs);
- if (finfo.external_syms != NULL)
- free (finfo.external_syms);
- if (finfo.internal_syms != NULL)
- free (finfo.internal_syms);
- if (finfo.indices != NULL)
- free (finfo.indices);
- if (finfo.sections != NULL)
- free (finfo.sections);
- if (finfo.symbuf != NULL)
- free (finfo.symbuf);
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- if ((o->flags & SEC_RELOC) != 0
- && elf_section_data (o)->rel_hashes != NULL)
- free (elf_section_data (o)->rel_hashes);
- }
- elf_tdata (abfd)->linker = true;
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (finfo.symstrtab != NULL)
- _bfd_stringtab_free (finfo.symstrtab);
- if (finfo.contents != NULL)
- free (finfo.contents);
- if (finfo.external_relocs != NULL)
- free (finfo.external_relocs);
- if (finfo.internal_relocs != NULL)
- free (finfo.internal_relocs);
- if (finfo.external_syms != NULL)
- free (finfo.external_syms);
- if (finfo.internal_syms != NULL)
- free (finfo.internal_syms);
- if (finfo.indices != NULL)
- free (finfo.indices);
- if (finfo.sections != NULL)
- free (finfo.sections);
- if (finfo.symbuf != NULL)
- free (finfo.symbuf);
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- if ((o->flags & SEC_RELOC) != 0
- && elf_section_data (o)->rel_hashes != NULL)
- free (elf_section_data (o)->rel_hashes);
- }
- return false;
-/* Add a symbol to the output symbol table. */
-static boolean
-elf_link_output_sym (finfo, name, elfsym, input_sec)
- struct elf_final_link_info *finfo;
- const char *name;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *elfsym;
- asection *input_sec;
- boolean (*output_symbol_hook) PARAMS ((bfd *,
- struct bfd_link_info *info,
- const char *,
- Elf_Internal_Sym *,
- asection *));
- output_symbol_hook = get_elf_backend_data (finfo->output_bfd)->
- elf_backend_link_output_symbol_hook;
- if (output_symbol_hook != NULL)
- {
- if (! ((*output_symbol_hook)
- (finfo->output_bfd, finfo->info, name, elfsym, input_sec)))
- return false;
- }
- if (name == (const char *) NULL || *name == '\0')
- elfsym->st_name = 0;
- else
- {
- elfsym->st_name = (unsigned long) _bfd_stringtab_add (finfo->symstrtab,
- name, true,
- false);
- if (elfsym->st_name == (unsigned long) -1)
- return false;
- }
- if (finfo->symbuf_count >= finfo->symbuf_size)
- {
- if (! elf_link_flush_output_syms (finfo))
- return false;
- }
- elf_swap_symbol_out (finfo->output_bfd, elfsym,
- (PTR) (finfo->symbuf + finfo->symbuf_count));
- ++finfo->symbuf_count;
- ++finfo->output_bfd->symcount;
- return true;
-/* Flush the output symbols to the file. */
-static boolean
-elf_link_flush_output_syms (finfo)
- struct elf_final_link_info *finfo;
- if (finfo->symbuf_count > 0)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab;
- symtab = &elf_tdata (finfo->output_bfd)->symtab_hdr;
- if (bfd_seek (finfo->output_bfd, symtab->sh_offset + symtab->sh_size,
- SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_write ((PTR) finfo->symbuf, finfo->symbuf_count,
- sizeof (Elf_External_Sym), finfo->output_bfd)
- != finfo->symbuf_count * sizeof (Elf_External_Sym)))
- return false;
- symtab->sh_size += finfo->symbuf_count * sizeof (Elf_External_Sym);
- finfo->symbuf_count = 0;
- }
- return true;
-/* Add an external symbol to the symbol table. This is called from
- the hash table traversal routine. */
-static boolean
-elf_link_output_extsym (h, data)
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- PTR data;
- struct elf_finfo_failed *eif = (struct elf_finfo_failed *) data;
- struct elf_final_link_info *finfo = eif->finfo;
- boolean strip;
- Elf_Internal_Sym sym;
- asection *input_sec;
- /* If we are not creating a shared library, and this symbol is
- referenced by a shared library but is not defined anywhere, then
- warn that it is undefined. If we do not do this, the runtime
- linker will complain that the symbol is undefined when the
- program is run. We don't have to worry about symbols that are
- referenced by regular files, because we will already have issued
- warnings for them. */
- if (! finfo->info->relocateable
- && ! finfo->info->shared
- && h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_REF_DYNAMIC) != 0
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_REF_REGULAR) == 0)
- {
- if (! ((*finfo->info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (finfo->info, h->root.root.string, h->root.u.undef.abfd,
- (asection *) NULL, 0)))
- {
- eif->failed = true;
- return false;
- }
- }
- /* We don't want to output symbols that have never been mentioned by
- a regular file, or that we have been told to strip. However, if
- h->indx is set to -2, the symbol is used by a reloc and we must
- output it. */
- if (h->indx == -2)
- strip = false;
- else if (((h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_DYNAMIC) != 0
- || (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_REF_DYNAMIC) != 0)
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR) == 0
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_REF_REGULAR) == 0)
- strip = true;
- else if (finfo->info->strip == strip_all
- || (finfo->info->strip == strip_some
- && bfd_hash_lookup (finfo->info->keep_hash,
- h->root.root.string,
- false, false) == NULL))
- strip = true;
- else
- strip = false;
- /* If we're stripping it, and it's not a dynamic symbol, there's
- nothing else to do. */
- if (strip && h->dynindx == -1)
- return true;
- sym.st_value = 0;
- sym.st_size = h->size;
- sym.st_other = 0;
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- sym.st_info = ELF_ST_INFO (STB_WEAK, h->type);
- else
- sym.st_info = ELF_ST_INFO (STB_GLOBAL, h->type);
- switch (h->root.type)
- {
- default:
- case bfd_link_hash_new:
- abort ();
- return false;
- case bfd_link_hash_undefined:
- input_sec = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- sym.st_shndx = SHN_UNDEF;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_undefweak:
- input_sec = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- sym.st_shndx = SHN_UNDEF;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_defined:
- case bfd_link_hash_defweak:
- {
- input_sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- if (input_sec->output_section != NULL)
- {
- sym.st_shndx =
- _bfd_elf_section_from_bfd_section (finfo->output_bfd,
- input_sec->output_section);
- if (sym.st_shndx == (unsigned short) -1)
- {
- eif->failed = true;
- return false;
- }
- /* ELF symbols in relocateable files are section relative,
- but in nonrelocateable files they are virtual
- addresses. */
- sym.st_value = h->root.u.def.value + input_sec->output_offset;
- if (! finfo->info->relocateable)
- sym.st_value += input_sec->output_section->vma;
- }
- else
- {
- BFD_ASSERT ((bfd_get_flavour (input_sec->owner)
- == bfd_target_elf_flavour)
- && elf_elfheader (input_sec->owner)->e_type == ET_DYN);
- sym.st_shndx = SHN_UNDEF;
- input_sec = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- }
- }
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_common:
- input_sec = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- sym.st_shndx = SHN_COMMON;
- sym.st_value = 1 << h->root.u.c.p->alignment_power;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_indirect:
- case bfd_link_hash_warning:
- /* We can't represent these symbols in ELF. A warning symbol
- may have come from a .gnu.warning.SYMBOL section anyhow. We
- just put the target symbol in the hash table. If the target
- symbol does not really exist, don't do anything. */
- if (h->>type == bfd_link_hash_new)
- return true;
- return (elf_link_output_extsym
- ((struct elf_link_hash_entry *) h->, data));
- }
- /* If this symbol should be put in the .dynsym section, then put it
- there now. We have already know the symbol index. We also fill
- in the entry in the .hash section. */
- if (h->dynindx != -1
- && elf_hash_table (finfo->info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- struct elf_backend_data *bed;
- size_t bucketcount;
- size_t bucket;
- bfd_byte *bucketpos;
- bfd_vma chain;
- sym.st_name = h->dynstr_index;
- /* Give the processor backend a chance to tweak the symbol
- value, and also to finish up anything that needs to be done
- for this symbol. */
- bed = get_elf_backend_data (finfo->output_bfd);
- if (! ((*bed->elf_backend_finish_dynamic_symbol)
- (finfo->output_bfd, finfo->info, h, &sym)))
- {
- eif->failed = true;
- return false;
- }
- elf_swap_symbol_out (finfo->output_bfd, &sym,
- (PTR) (((Elf_External_Sym *)
- finfo->dynsym_sec->contents)
- + h->dynindx));
- bucketcount = elf_hash_table (finfo->info)->bucketcount;
- bucket = (bfd_elf_hash ((const unsigned char *) h->root.root.string)
- % bucketcount);
- bucketpos = ((bfd_byte *) finfo->hash_sec->contents
- + (bucket + 2) * (ARCH_SIZE / 8));
- chain = get_word (finfo->output_bfd, bucketpos);
- put_word (finfo->output_bfd, h->dynindx, bucketpos);
- put_word (finfo->output_bfd, chain,
- ((bfd_byte *) finfo->hash_sec->contents
- + (bucketcount + 2 + h->dynindx) * (ARCH_SIZE / 8)));
- }
- /* If we're stripping it, then it was just a dynamic symbol, and
- there's nothing else to do. */
- if (strip)
- return true;
- h->indx = finfo->output_bfd->symcount;
- if (! elf_link_output_sym (finfo, h->root.root.string, &sym, input_sec))
- {
- eif->failed = true;
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Link an input file into the linker output file. This function
- handles all the sections and relocations of the input file at once.
- This is so that we only have to read the local symbols once, and
- don't have to keep them in memory. */
-static boolean
-elf_link_input_bfd (finfo, input_bfd)
- struct elf_final_link_info *finfo;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- boolean (*relocate_section) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *,
- bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *,
- Elf_Internal_Rela *,
- Elf_Internal_Sym *, asection **));
- bfd *output_bfd;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
- size_t locsymcount;
- size_t extsymoff;
- Elf_External_Sym *esym;
- Elf_External_Sym *esymend;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *isym;
- long *pindex;
- asection **ppsection;
- asection *o;
- output_bfd = finfo->output_bfd;
- relocate_section =
- get_elf_backend_data (output_bfd)->elf_backend_relocate_section;
- /* If this is a dynamic object, we don't want to do anything here:
- we don't want the local symbols, and we don't want the section
- contents. */
- if (elf_elfheader (input_bfd)->e_type == ET_DYN)
- return true;
- symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (input_bfd)->symtab_hdr;
- if (elf_bad_symtab (input_bfd))
- {
- locsymcount = symtab_hdr->sh_size / sizeof (Elf_External_Sym);
- extsymoff = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- locsymcount = symtab_hdr->sh_info;
- extsymoff = symtab_hdr->sh_info;
- }
- /* Read the local symbols. */
- if (locsymcount > 0
- && (bfd_seek (input_bfd, symtab_hdr->sh_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_read (finfo->external_syms, sizeof (Elf_External_Sym),
- locsymcount, input_bfd)
- != locsymcount * sizeof (Elf_External_Sym))))
- return false;
- /* Swap in the local symbols and write out the ones which we know
- are going into the output file. */
- esym = finfo->external_syms;
- esymend = esym + locsymcount;
- isym = finfo->internal_syms;
- pindex = finfo->indices;
- ppsection = finfo->sections;
- for (; esym < esymend; esym++, isym++, pindex++, ppsection++)
- {
- asection *isec;
- const char *name;
- Elf_Internal_Sym osym;
- elf_swap_symbol_in (input_bfd, esym, isym);
- *pindex = -1;
- if (elf_bad_symtab (input_bfd))
- {
- if (ELF_ST_BIND (isym->st_info) != STB_LOCAL)
- {
- *ppsection = NULL;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (isym->st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF)
- isec = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- else if (isym->st_shndx > 0 && isym->st_shndx < SHN_LORESERVE)
- isec = section_from_elf_index (input_bfd, isym->st_shndx);
- else if (isym->st_shndx == SHN_ABS)
- isec = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- else if (isym->st_shndx == SHN_COMMON)
- isec = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- else
- {
- /* Who knows? */
- isec = NULL;
- }
- *ppsection = isec;
- /* Don't output the first, undefined, symbol. */
- if (esym == finfo->external_syms)
- continue;
- /* If we are stripping all symbols, we don't want to output this
- one. */
- if (finfo->info->strip == strip_all)
- continue;
- /* We never output section symbols. Instead, we use the section
- symbol of the corresponding section in the output file. */
- if (ELF_ST_TYPE (isym->st_info) == STT_SECTION)
- continue;
- /* If we are discarding all local symbols, we don't want to
- output this one. If we are generating a relocateable output
- file, then some of the local symbols may be required by
- relocs; we output them below as we discover that they are
- needed. */
- if (finfo->info->discard == discard_all)
- continue;
- /* Get the name of the symbol. */
- name = bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section (input_bfd, symtab_hdr->sh_link,
- isym->st_name);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- /* See if we are discarding symbols with this name. */
- if ((finfo->info->strip == strip_some
- && (bfd_hash_lookup (finfo->info->keep_hash, name, false, false)
- == NULL))
- || (finfo->info->discard == discard_l
- && strncmp (name, finfo->info->lprefix,
- finfo->info->lprefix_len) == 0))
- continue;
- /* If we get here, we are going to output this symbol. */
- osym = *isym;
- /* Adjust the section index for the output file. */
- osym.st_shndx = _bfd_elf_section_from_bfd_section (output_bfd,
- isec->output_section);
- if (osym.st_shndx == (unsigned short) -1)
- return false;
- *pindex = output_bfd->symcount;
- /* ELF symbols in relocateable files are section relative, but
- in executable files they are virtual addresses. Note that
- this code assumes that all ELF sections have an associated
- BFD section with a reasonable value for output_offset; below
- we assume that they also have a reasonable value for
- output_section. Any special sections must be set up to meet
- these requirements. */
- osym.st_value += isec->output_offset;
- if (! finfo->info->relocateable)
- osym.st_value += isec->output_section->vma;
- if (! elf_link_output_sym (finfo, name, &osym, isec))
- return false;
- }
- /* Relocate the contents of each section. */
- for (o = input_bfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- if ((o->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) == 0)
- continue;
- if ((o->flags & SEC_IN_MEMORY) != 0
- && input_bfd == elf_hash_table (finfo->info)->dynobj)
- {
- /* Section was created by elf_link_create_dynamic_sections.
- FIXME: This test is fragile. */
- continue;
- }
- /* Read the contents of the section. */
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (input_bfd, o, finfo->contents,
- (file_ptr) 0, o->_raw_size))
- return false;
- if ((o->flags & SEC_RELOC) != 0)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs;
- /* Get the swapped relocs. */
- internal_relocs = elf_link_read_relocs (input_bfd, o,
- finfo->external_relocs,
- finfo->internal_relocs,
- false);
- if (internal_relocs == NULL
- && o->reloc_count > 0)
- return false;
- /* Relocate the section by invoking a back end routine.
- The back end routine is responsible for adjusting the
- section contents as necessary, and (if using Rela relocs
- and generating a relocateable output file) adjusting the
- reloc addend as necessary.
- The back end routine does not have to worry about setting
- the reloc address or the reloc symbol index.
- The back end routine is given a pointer to the swapped in
- internal symbols, and can access the hash table entries
- for the external symbols via elf_sym_hashes (input_bfd).
- When generating relocateable output, the back end routine
- must handle STB_LOCAL/STT_SECTION symbols specially. The
- output symbol is going to be a section symbol
- corresponding to the output section, which will require
- the addend to be adjusted. */
- if (! (*relocate_section) (output_bfd, finfo->info,
- input_bfd, o,
- finfo->contents,
- internal_relocs,
- finfo->internal_syms,
- finfo->sections))
- return false;
- if (finfo->info->relocateable)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Rela *irela;
- Elf_Internal_Rela *irelaend;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry **rel_hash;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *input_rel_hdr;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *output_rel_hdr;
- /* Adjust the reloc addresses and symbol indices. */
- irela = internal_relocs;
- irelaend = irela + o->reloc_count;
- rel_hash = (elf_section_data (o->output_section)->rel_hashes
- + o->output_section->reloc_count);
- for (; irela < irelaend; irela++, rel_hash++)
- {
- unsigned long r_symndx;
- Elf_Internal_Sym *isym;
- asection *sec;
- irela->r_offset += o->output_offset;
- r_symndx = ELF_R_SYM (irela->r_info);
- if (r_symndx == 0)
- continue;
- if (r_symndx >= locsymcount
- || (elf_bad_symtab (input_bfd)
- && finfo->sections[r_symndx] == NULL))
- {
- long indx;
- /* This is a reloc against a global symbol. We
- have not yet output all the local symbols, so
- we do not know the symbol index of any global
- symbol. We set the rel_hash entry for this
- reloc to point to the global hash table entry
- for this symbol. The symbol index is then
- set at the end of elf_bfd_final_link. */
- indx = r_symndx - extsymoff;
- *rel_hash = elf_sym_hashes (input_bfd)[indx];
- /* Setting the index to -2 tells
- elf_link_output_extsym that this symbol is
- used by a reloc. */
- BFD_ASSERT ((*rel_hash)->indx < 0);
- (*rel_hash)->indx = -2;
- continue;
- }
- /* This is a reloc against a local symbol. */
- *rel_hash = NULL;
- isym = finfo->internal_syms + r_symndx;
- sec = finfo->sections[r_symndx];
- if (ELF_ST_TYPE (isym->st_info) == STT_SECTION)
- {
- /* I suppose the backend ought to fill in the
- section of any STT_SECTION symbol against a
- processor specific section. */
- if (sec != NULL && bfd_is_abs_section (sec))
- r_symndx = 0;
- else if (sec == NULL || sec->owner == NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- r_symndx = sec->output_section->target_index;
- BFD_ASSERT (r_symndx != 0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (finfo->indices[r_symndx] == -1)
- {
- unsigned long link;
- const char *name;
- asection *osec;
- if (finfo->info->strip == strip_all)
- {
- /* You can't do ld -r -s. */
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- /* This symbol was skipped earlier, but
- since it is needed by a reloc, we
- must output it now. */
- link = symtab_hdr->sh_link;
- name = bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section (input_bfd,
- link,
- isym->st_name);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- osec = sec->output_section;
- isym->st_shndx =
- _bfd_elf_section_from_bfd_section (output_bfd,
- osec);
- if (isym->st_shndx == (unsigned short) -1)
- return false;
- isym->st_value += sec->output_offset;
- if (! finfo->info->relocateable)
- isym->st_value += osec->vma;
- finfo->indices[r_symndx] = output_bfd->symcount;
- if (! elf_link_output_sym (finfo, name, isym, sec))
- return false;
- }
- r_symndx = finfo->indices[r_symndx];
- }
- irela->r_info = ELF_R_INFO (r_symndx,
- ELF_R_TYPE (irela->r_info));
- }
- /* Swap out the relocs. */
- input_rel_hdr = &elf_section_data (o)->rel_hdr;
- output_rel_hdr = &elf_section_data (o->output_section)->rel_hdr;
- BFD_ASSERT (output_rel_hdr->sh_entsize
- == input_rel_hdr->sh_entsize);
- irela = internal_relocs;
- irelaend = irela + o->reloc_count;
- if (input_rel_hdr->sh_entsize == sizeof (Elf_External_Rel))
- {
- Elf_External_Rel *erel;
- erel = ((Elf_External_Rel *) output_rel_hdr->contents
- + o->output_section->reloc_count);
- for (; irela < irelaend; irela++, erel++)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Rel irel;
- irel.r_offset = irela->r_offset;
- irel.r_info = irela->r_info;
- BFD_ASSERT (irela->r_addend == 0);
- elf_swap_reloc_out (output_bfd, &irel, erel);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Elf_External_Rela *erela;
- BFD_ASSERT (input_rel_hdr->sh_entsize
- == sizeof (Elf_External_Rela));
- erela = ((Elf_External_Rela *) output_rel_hdr->contents
- + o->output_section->reloc_count);
- for (; irela < irelaend; irela++, erela++)
- elf_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, irela, erela);
- }
- o->output_section->reloc_count += o->reloc_count;
- }
- }
- /* Write out the modified section contents. */
- if (! bfd_set_section_contents (output_bfd, o->output_section,
- finfo->contents, o->output_offset,
- (o->_cooked_size != 0
- ? o->_cooked_size
- : o->_raw_size)))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Generate a reloc when linking an ELF file. This is a reloc
- requested by the linker, and does come from any input file. This
- is used to build constructor and destructor tables when linking
- with -Ur. */
-static boolean
-elf_reloc_link_order (output_bfd, info, output_section, link_order)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *output_section;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- long indx;
- bfd_vma offset;
- bfd_vma addend;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry **rel_hash_ptr;
- Elf_Internal_Shdr *rel_hdr;
- howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (output_bfd, link_order->u.reloc.p->reloc);
- if (howto == NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- addend = link_order->u.reloc.p->addend;
- /* Figure out the symbol index. */
- rel_hash_ptr = (elf_section_data (output_section)->rel_hashes
- + output_section->reloc_count);
- if (link_order->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order)
- {
- indx = link_order->u.reloc.p->u.section->target_index;
- BFD_ASSERT (indx != 0);
- *rel_hash_ptr = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- /* Treat a reloc against a defined symbol as though it were
- actually against the section. */
- h = ((struct elf_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup (output_bfd, info,
- link_order->u.reloc.p->,
- false, false, true));
- if (h != NULL
- && (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak))
- {
- asection *section;
- section = h->root.u.def.section;
- indx = section->output_section->target_index;
- *rel_hash_ptr = NULL;
- /* It seems that we ought to add the symbol value to the
- addend here, but in practice it has already been added
- because it was passed to constructor_callback. */
- addend += section->output_section->vma + section->output_offset;
- }
- else if (h != NULL)
- {
- /* Setting the index to -2 tells elf_link_output_extsym that
- this symbol is used by a reloc. */
- h->indx = -2;
- *rel_hash_ptr = h;
- indx = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->unattached_reloc)
- (info, link_order->u.reloc.p->, (bfd *) NULL,
- (asection *) NULL, (bfd_vma) 0)))
- return false;
- indx = 0;
- }
- }
- /* If this is an inplace reloc, we must write the addend into the
- object file. */
- if (howto->partial_inplace && addend != 0)
- {
- bfd_size_type size;
- bfd_reloc_status_type rstat;
- bfd_byte *buf;
- boolean ok;
- size = bfd_get_reloc_size (howto);
- buf = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zmalloc (size);
- if (buf == (bfd_byte *) NULL)
- return false;
- rstat = _bfd_relocate_contents (howto, output_bfd, addend, buf);
- switch (rstat)
- {
- case bfd_reloc_ok:
- break;
- default:
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (info,
- (link_order->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- ? bfd_section_name (output_bfd,
- link_order->u.reloc.p->u.section)
- : link_order->u.reloc.p->,
- howto->name, addend, (bfd *) NULL, (asection *) NULL,
- (bfd_vma) 0)))
- {
- free (buf);
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- ok = bfd_set_section_contents (output_bfd, output_section, (PTR) buf,
- (file_ptr) link_order->offset, size);
- free (buf);
- if (! ok)
- return false;
- }
- /* The address of a reloc is relative to the section in a
- relocateable file, and is a virtual address in an executable
- file. */
- offset = link_order->offset;
- if (! info->relocateable)
- offset += output_section->vma;
- rel_hdr = &elf_section_data (output_section)->rel_hdr;
- if (rel_hdr->sh_type == SHT_REL)
- {
- Elf_Internal_Rel irel;
- Elf_External_Rel *erel;
- irel.r_offset = offset;
- irel.r_info = ELF_R_INFO (indx, howto->type);
- erel = ((Elf_External_Rel *) rel_hdr->contents
- + output_section->reloc_count);
- elf_swap_reloc_out (output_bfd, &irel, erel);
- }
- else
- {
- Elf_Internal_Rela irela;
- Elf_External_Rela *erela;
- irela.r_offset = offset;
- irela.r_info = ELF_R_INFO (indx, howto->type);
- irela.r_addend = addend;
- erela = ((Elf_External_Rela *) rel_hdr->contents
- + output_section->reloc_count);
- elf_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &irela, erela);
- }
- ++output_section->reloc_count;
- return true;
-/* Allocate a pointer to live in a linker created section. */
-elf_create_pointer_linker_section (abfd, info, lsect, h, rel)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- elf_linker_section_t *lsect;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *rel;
- elf_linker_section_pointers_t **ptr_linker_section_ptr = NULL;
- elf_linker_section_pointers_t *linker_section_ptr;
- unsigned long r_symndx = ELF_R_SYM (rel->r_info);;
- BFD_ASSERT (lsect != NULL);
- /* Is this a global symbol? */
- if (h != NULL)
- {
- /* Has this symbol already been allocated, if so, our work is done */
- if (_bfd_elf_find_pointer_linker_section (h->linker_section_pointer,
- rel->r_addend,
- lsect->which))
- return true;
- ptr_linker_section_ptr = &h->linker_section_pointer;
- /* Make sure this symbol is output as a dynamic symbol. */
- if (h->dynindx == -1)
- {
- if (! elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- }
- if (lsect->rel_section)
- lsect->rel_section->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf_External_Rela);
- }
- else /* Allocation of a pointer to a local symbol */
- {
- elf_linker_section_pointers_t **ptr = elf_local_ptr_offsets (abfd);
- /* Allocate a table to hold the local symbols if first time */
- if (!ptr)
- {
- int num_symbols = elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr.sh_info;
- register unsigned int i;
- ptr = (elf_linker_section_pointers_t **)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, num_symbols * sizeof (elf_linker_section_pointers_t *));
- if (!ptr)
- return false;
- elf_local_ptr_offsets (abfd) = ptr;
- for (i = 0; i < num_symbols; i++)
- ptr[i] = (elf_linker_section_pointers_t *)0;
- }
- /* Has this symbol already been allocated, if so, our work is done */
- if (_bfd_elf_find_pointer_linker_section (ptr[r_symndx],
- rel->r_addend,
- lsect->which))
- return true;
- ptr_linker_section_ptr = &ptr[r_symndx];
- if (info->shared)
- {
- /* If we are generating a shared object, we need to
- output a R_<xxx>_RELATIVE reloc so that the
- dynamic linker can adjust this GOT entry. */
- BFD_ASSERT (lsect->rel_section != NULL);
- lsect->rel_section->_raw_size += sizeof (Elf_External_Rela);
- }
- }
- /* Allocate space for a pointer in the linker section, and allocate a new pointer record
- from internal memory. */
- BFD_ASSERT (ptr_linker_section_ptr != NULL);
- linker_section_ptr = (elf_linker_section_pointers_t *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (elf_linker_section_pointers_t));
- if (!linker_section_ptr)
- return false;
- linker_section_ptr->next = *ptr_linker_section_ptr;
- linker_section_ptr->addend = rel->r_addend;
- linker_section_ptr->which = lsect->which;
- linker_section_ptr->written_address_p = false;
- *ptr_linker_section_ptr = linker_section_ptr;
- if (lsect->hole_size && lsect->hole_offset < lsect->max_hole_offset)
- {
- linker_section_ptr->offset = lsect->section->_raw_size - lsect->hole_size;
- lsect->hole_offset += ARCH_SIZE / 8;
- lsect->sym_offset += ARCH_SIZE / 8;
- if (lsect->sym_hash) /* Bump up symbol value if needed */
- lsect->sym_hash->root.u.def.value += ARCH_SIZE / 8;
- }
- else
- linker_section_ptr->offset = lsect->section->_raw_size;
- lsect->section->_raw_size += ARCH_SIZE / 8;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "Create pointer in linker section %s, offset = %ld, section size = %ld\n",
- lsect->name, (long)linker_section_ptr->offset, (long)lsect->section->_raw_size);
- return true;
-#if ARCH_SIZE==64
-#define bfd_put_ptr(BFD,VAL,ADDR) bfd_put_64 (BFD, VAL, ADDR)
-#if ARCH_SIZE==32
-#define bfd_put_ptr(BFD,VAL,ADDR) bfd_put_32 (BFD, VAL, ADDR)
-/* Fill in the address for a pointer generated in alinker section. */
-elf_finish_pointer_linker_section (output_bfd, input_bfd, info, lsect, h, relocation, rel, relative_reloc)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- elf_linker_section_t *lsect;
- struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- const Elf_Internal_Rela *rel;
- int relative_reloc;
- elf_linker_section_pointers_t *linker_section_ptr;
- BFD_ASSERT (lsect != NULL);
- if (h != NULL) /* global symbol */
- {
- linker_section_ptr = _bfd_elf_find_pointer_linker_section (h->linker_section_pointer,
- rel->r_addend,
- lsect->which);
- BFD_ASSERT (linker_section_ptr != NULL);
- if (! elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created
- || (info->shared
- && info->symbolic
- && (h->elf_link_hash_flags & ELF_LINK_HASH_DEF_REGULAR)))
- {
- /* This is actually a static link, or it is a
- -Bsymbolic link and the symbol is defined
- locally. We must initialize this entry in the
- global section.
- When doing a dynamic link, we create a .rela.<xxx>
- relocation entry to initialize the value. This
- is done in the finish_dynamic_symbol routine. */
- if (!linker_section_ptr->written_address_p)
- {
- linker_section_ptr->written_address_p = true;
- bfd_put_ptr (output_bfd, relocation + linker_section_ptr->addend,
- lsect->section->contents + linker_section_ptr->offset);
- }
- }
- }
- else /* local symbol */
- {
- unsigned long r_symndx = ELF_R_SYM (rel->r_info);
- BFD_ASSERT (elf_local_ptr_offsets (input_bfd) != NULL);
- BFD_ASSERT (elf_local_ptr_offsets (input_bfd)[r_symndx] != NULL);
- linker_section_ptr = _bfd_elf_find_pointer_linker_section (elf_local_ptr_offsets (input_bfd)[r_symndx],
- rel->r_addend,
- lsect->which);
- BFD_ASSERT (linker_section_ptr != NULL);
- /* Write out pointer if it hasn't been rewritten out before */
- if (!linker_section_ptr->written_address_p)
- {
- linker_section_ptr->written_address_p = true;
- bfd_put_ptr (output_bfd, relocation + linker_section_ptr->addend,
- lsect->section->contents + linker_section_ptr->offset);
- if (info->shared)
- {
- asection *srel = lsect->rel_section;
- Elf_Internal_Rela outrel;
- /* We need to generate a relative reloc for the dynamic linker. */
- if (!srel)
- lsect->rel_section = srel = bfd_get_section_by_name (elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj,
- lsect->rel_name);
- BFD_ASSERT (srel != NULL);
- outrel.r_offset = (lsect->section->output_section->vma
- + lsect->section->output_offset
- + linker_section_ptr->offset);
- outrel.r_info = ELF_R_INFO (0, relative_reloc);
- outrel.r_addend = 0;
- elf_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &outrel,
- (((Elf_External_Rela *)
- lsect->section->contents)
- + lsect->section->reloc_count));
- ++lsect->section->reloc_count;
- }
- }
- }
- relocation = (lsect->section->output_offset
- + linker_section_ptr->offset
- - lsect->hole_offset
- - lsect->sym_offset);
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "Finish pointer in linker section %s, offset = %ld (0x%lx)\n",
- lsect->name, (long)relocation, (long)relocation);
- /* Subtract out the addend, because it will get added back in by the normal
- processing. */
- return relocation - linker_section_ptr->addend;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elfxx-target.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/elfxx-target.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f2c0c32cf62e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/elfxx-target.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-/* Target definitions for NN-bit ELF
- Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This structure contains everything that BFD knows about a target.
- It includes things like its byte order, name, what routines to call
- to do various operations, etc. Every BFD points to a target structure
- with its "xvec" member.
- There are two such structures here: one for big-endian machines and
- one for little-endian machines. */
-#define bfd_elfNN_close_and_cleanup _bfd_generic_close_and_cleanup
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_free_cached_info _bfd_generic_bfd_free_cached_info
-#ifndef bfd_elfNN_get_section_contents
-#define bfd_elfNN_get_section_contents _bfd_generic_get_section_contents
-#define bfd_elfNN_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab _bfd_elf_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab
-#define bfd_elfNN_canonicalize_reloc _bfd_elf_canonicalize_reloc
-#ifndef bfd_elfNN_find_nearest_line
-#define bfd_elfNN_find_nearest_line _bfd_elf_find_nearest_line
-#define bfd_elfNN_read_minisymbols _bfd_elf_read_minisymbols
-#define bfd_elfNN_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_elf_minisymbol_to_symbol
-#define bfd_elfNN_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound _bfd_elf_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound
-#define bfd_elfNN_get_lineno _bfd_elf_get_lineno
-#define bfd_elfNN_get_reloc_upper_bound _bfd_elf_get_reloc_upper_bound
-#define bfd_elfNN_get_symbol_info _bfd_elf_get_symbol_info
-#define bfd_elfNN_get_symtab _bfd_elf_get_symtab
-#define bfd_elfNN_get_symtab_upper_bound _bfd_elf_get_symtab_upper_bound
-#if 0 /* done in elf-bfd.h */
-#define bfd_elfNN_link_record_dynamic_symbol _bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol
-#define bfd_elfNN_make_empty_symbol _bfd_elf_make_empty_symbol
-#define bfd_elfNN_new_section_hook _bfd_elf_new_section_hook
-#define bfd_elfNN_set_arch_mach _bfd_elf_set_arch_mach
-#ifndef bfd_elfNN_set_section_contents
-#define bfd_elfNN_set_section_contents _bfd_elf_set_section_contents
-#define bfd_elfNN_sizeof_headers _bfd_elf_sizeof_headers
-#define bfd_elfNN_write_object_contents _bfd_elf_write_object_contents
-#define bfd_elfNN_get_section_contents_in_window \
- _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
-#ifndef elf_backend_want_got_plt
-#define elf_backend_want_got_plt 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_plt_readonly
-#define elf_backend_plt_readonly 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_want_plt_sym
-#define elf_backend_want_plt_sym 0
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_debug_info_start bfd_void
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_debug_info_end bfd_void
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_debug_info_accumulate (PROTO(void,(*),(bfd*, struct sec *))) bfd_void
-#ifndef bfd_elfNN_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_make_debug_symbol \
- ((asymbol *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, void *, unsigned long))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
-#ifndef bfd_elfNN_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data \
- _bfd_elf_copy_private_symbol_data
-#ifndef bfd_elfNN_bfd_copy_private_section_data
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_copy_private_section_data \
- _bfd_elf_copy_private_section_data
-#ifndef bfd_elfNN_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *))) bfd_true)
-#ifndef bfd_elfNN_bfd_print_private_bfd_data
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_print_private_bfd_data \
- _bfd_elf_print_private_bfd_data
-#ifndef bfd_elfNN_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *))) bfd_true)
-#ifndef bfd_elfNN_bfd_set_private_flags
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_set_private_flags \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, flagword))) bfd_true)
-#ifndef bfd_elfNN_bfd_is_local_label
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_is_local_label bfd_generic_is_local_label
-#ifndef bfd_elfNN_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound
-#define bfd_elfNN_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound \
- _bfd_nodynamic_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound
-#ifndef bfd_elfNN_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc
-#define bfd_elfNN_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc \
- _bfd_nodynamic_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc
-#ifdef elf_backend_relocate_section
-#ifndef bfd_elfNN_bfd_link_hash_table_create
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_elf_link_hash_table_create
-#else /* ! defined (elf_backend_relocate_section) */
-/* If no backend relocate_section routine, use the generic linker. */
-#ifndef bfd_elfNN_bfd_link_hash_table_create
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_link_hash_table_create \
- _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
-#ifndef bfd_elfNN_bfd_link_add_symbols
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
-#ifndef bfd_elfNN_bfd_final_link
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
-#endif /* ! defined (elf_backend_relocate_section) */
-#ifndef bfd_elfNN_bfd_link_split_section
-#define bfd_elfNN_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
-#ifndef elf_symbol_leading_char
-#define elf_symbol_leading_char 0
-#ifndef elf_info_to_howto_rel
-#define elf_info_to_howto_rel 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_collect
-#define elf_backend_collect false
-#ifndef elf_backend_type_change_ok
-#define elf_backend_type_change_ok false
-#ifndef elf_backend_sym_is_global
-#define elf_backend_sym_is_global 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_object_p
-#define elf_backend_object_p 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_symbol_processing
-#define elf_backend_symbol_processing 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_symbol_table_processing
-#define elf_backend_symbol_table_processing 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_section_processing
-#define elf_backend_section_processing 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_section_from_shdr
-#define elf_backend_section_from_shdr 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_fake_sections
-#define elf_backend_fake_sections 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_section_from_bfd_section
-#define elf_backend_section_from_bfd_section 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_add_symbol_hook
-#define elf_backend_add_symbol_hook 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_link_output_symbol_hook
-#define elf_backend_link_output_symbol_hook 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_create_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_create_dynamic_sections 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_check_relocs
-#define elf_backend_check_relocs 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_adjust_dynamic_symbol
-#define elf_backend_adjust_dynamic_symbol 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_size_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_size_dynamic_sections 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_relocate_section
-#define elf_backend_relocate_section 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_finish_dynamic_symbol
-#define elf_backend_finish_dynamic_symbol 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_finish_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_finish_dynamic_sections 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_begin_write_processing
-#define elf_backend_begin_write_processing 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_final_write_processing
-#define elf_backend_final_write_processing 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_additional_program_headers
-#define elf_backend_additional_program_headers 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_modify_segment_map
-#define elf_backend_modify_segment_map 0
-#ifndef elf_backend_ecoff_debug_swap
-#define elf_backend_ecoff_debug_swap 0
-#define ELF_MACHINE_ALT1 0
-#define ELF_MACHINE_ALT2 0
-extern const struct elf_size_info _bfd_elfNN_size_info;
-static CONST struct elf_backend_data elfNN_bed =
-#ifdef USE_REL
- 0, /* use_rela_p */
- 1, /* use_rela_p */
- ELF_ARCH, /* arch */
- ELF_MACHINE_CODE, /* elf_machine_code */
- ELF_MAXPAGESIZE, /* maxpagesize */
- elf_backend_collect,
- elf_backend_type_change_ok,
- elf_info_to_howto,
- elf_info_to_howto_rel,
- elf_backend_sym_is_global,
- elf_backend_object_p,
- elf_backend_symbol_processing,
- elf_backend_symbol_table_processing,
- elf_backend_section_processing,
- elf_backend_section_from_shdr,
- elf_backend_fake_sections,
- elf_backend_section_from_bfd_section,
- elf_backend_add_symbol_hook,
- elf_backend_link_output_symbol_hook,
- elf_backend_create_dynamic_sections,
- elf_backend_check_relocs,
- elf_backend_adjust_dynamic_symbol,
- elf_backend_size_dynamic_sections,
- elf_backend_relocate_section,
- elf_backend_finish_dynamic_symbol,
- elf_backend_finish_dynamic_sections,
- elf_backend_begin_write_processing,
- elf_backend_final_write_processing,
- elf_backend_additional_program_headers,
- elf_backend_modify_segment_map,
- elf_backend_ecoff_debug_swap,
- &_bfd_elfNN_size_info,
- elf_backend_want_got_plt,
- elf_backend_plt_readonly,
- elf_backend_want_plt_sym
-const bfd_target TARGET_BIG_SYM =
- /* name: identify kind of target */
- /* flavour: general indication about file */
- bfd_target_elf_flavour,
- /* byteorder: data is big endian */
- /* header_byteorder: header is also big endian */
- /* object_flags: mask of all file flags */
- /* section_flags: mask of all section flags */
- /* leading_symbol_char: is the first char of a user symbol
- predictable, and if so what is it */
- elf_symbol_leading_char,
- /* ar_pad_char: pad character for filenames within an archive header
- FIXME: this really has nothing to do with ELF, this is a characteristic
- of the archiver and/or os and should be independently tunable */
- '/',
- /* ar_max_namelen: maximum number of characters in an archive header
- FIXME: this really has nothing to do with ELF, this is a characteristic
- of the archiver and should be independently tunable. This value is
- a WAG (wild a** guess) */
- 14,
- /* Routines to byte-swap various sized integers from the data sections */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16,
- /* Routines to byte-swap various sized integers from the file headers */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16,
- /* bfd_check_format: check the format of a file being read */
- { _bfd_dummy_target, /* unknown format */
- bfd_elfNN_object_p, /* assembler/linker output (object file) */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, /* an archive */
- bfd_elfNN_core_file_p /* a core file */
- },
- /* bfd_set_format: set the format of a file being written */
- { bfd_false,
- bfd_elf_mkobject,
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive,
- bfd_false
- },
- /* bfd_write_contents: write cached information into a file being written */
- { bfd_false,
- bfd_elfNN_write_object_contents,
- _bfd_write_archive_contents,
- bfd_false
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- /* backend_data: */
- (PTR) &elfNN_bed,
-const bfd_target TARGET_LITTLE_SYM =
- /* name: identify kind of target */
- /* flavour: general indication about file */
- bfd_target_elf_flavour,
- /* byteorder: data is little endian */
- /* header_byteorder: header is also little endian */
- /* object_flags: mask of all file flags */
- /* section_flags: mask of all section flags */
- /* leading_symbol_char: is the first char of a user symbol
- predictable, and if so what is it */
- elf_symbol_leading_char,
- /* ar_pad_char: pad character for filenames within an archive header
- FIXME: this really has nothing to do with ELF, this is a characteristic
- of the archiver and/or os and should be independently tunable */
- '/',
- /* ar_max_namelen: maximum number of characters in an archive header
- FIXME: this really has nothing to do with ELF, this is a characteristic
- of the archiver and should be independently tunable. This value is
- a WAG (wild a** guess) */
- 14,
- /* Routines to byte-swap various sized integers from the data sections */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16,
- /* Routines to byte-swap various sized integers from the file headers */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16,
- /* bfd_check_format: check the format of a file being read */
- { _bfd_dummy_target, /* unknown format */
- bfd_elfNN_object_p, /* assembler/linker output (object file) */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, /* an archive */
- bfd_elfNN_core_file_p /* a core file */
- },
- /* bfd_set_format: set the format of a file being written */
- { bfd_false,
- bfd_elf_mkobject,
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive,
- bfd_false
- },
- /* bfd_write_contents: write cached information into a file being written */
- { bfd_false,
- bfd_elfNN_write_object_contents,
- _bfd_write_archive_contents,
- bfd_false
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
- /* backend_data: */
- (PTR) &elfNN_bed,
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/filemode.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/filemode.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fd790b367867..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/filemode.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-/* filemode.c -- make a string describing file modes
- Copyright (C) 1985, 1990 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-void mode_string ();
-static char ftypelet ();
-static void rwx ();
-static void setst ();
-/* filemodestring - fill in string STR with an ls-style ASCII
- representation of the st_mode field of file stats block STATP.
- 10 characters are stored in STR; no terminating null is added.
- The characters stored in STR are:
- 0 File type. 'd' for directory, 'c' for character
- special, 'b' for block special, 'm' for multiplex,
- 'l' for symbolic link, 's' for socket, 'p' for fifo,
- '-' for any other file type
- 1 'r' if the owner may read, '-' otherwise.
- 2 'w' if the owner may write, '-' otherwise.
- 3 'x' if the owner may execute, 's' if the file is
- set-user-id, '-' otherwise.
- 'S' if the file is set-user-id, but the execute
- bit isn't set.
- 4 'r' if group members may read, '-' otherwise.
- 5 'w' if group members may write, '-' otherwise.
- 6 'x' if group members may execute, 's' if the file is
- set-group-id, '-' otherwise.
- 'S' if it is set-group-id but not executable.
- 7 'r' if any user may read, '-' otherwise.
- 8 'w' if any user may write, '-' otherwise.
- 9 'x' if any user may execute, 't' if the file is "sticky"
- (will be retained in swap space after execution), '-'
- otherwise.
- 'T' if the file is sticky but not executable. */
-filemodestring (statp, str)
- struct stat *statp;
- char *str;
- mode_string (statp->st_mode, str);
-/* Like filemodestring, but only the relevant part of the `struct stat'
- is given as an argument. */
-mode_string (mode, str)
- unsigned short mode;
- char *str;
- str[0] = ftypelet (mode);
- rwx ((mode & 0700) << 0, &str[1]);
- rwx ((mode & 0070) << 3, &str[4]);
- rwx ((mode & 0007) << 6, &str[7]);
- setst (mode, str);
-/* Return a character indicating the type of file described by
- file mode BITS:
- 'd' for directories
- 'b' for block special files
- 'c' for character special files
- 'm' for multiplexor files
- 'l' for symbolic links
- 's' for sockets
- 'p' for fifos
- '-' for any other file type. */
-static char
-ftypelet (bits)
- unsigned short bits;
- switch (bits & S_IFMT)
- {
- default:
- return '-';
- case S_IFDIR:
- return 'd';
-#ifdef S_IFLNK
- case S_IFLNK:
- return 'l';
-#ifdef S_IFCHR
- case S_IFCHR:
- return 'c';
-#ifdef S_IFBLK
- case S_IFBLK:
- return 'b';
-#ifdef S_IFMPC
- case S_IFMPC:
- case S_IFMPB:
- return 'm';
-#ifdef S_IFSOCK
- case S_IFSOCK:
- return 's';
-#ifdef S_IFIFO
- case S_IFIFO:
- return 'p';
-#ifdef S_IFNWK /* HP-UX */
- case S_IFNWK:
- return 'n';
- }
-/* Look at read, write, and execute bits in BITS and set
- flags in CHARS accordingly. */
-static void
-rwx (bits, chars)
- unsigned short bits;
- char *chars;
- chars[0] = (bits & S_IREAD) ? 'r' : '-';
- chars[1] = (bits & S_IWRITE) ? 'w' : '-';
- chars[2] = (bits & S_IEXEC) ? 'x' : '-';
-/* Set the 's' and 't' flags in file attributes string CHARS,
- according to the file mode BITS. */
-static void
-setst (bits, chars)
- unsigned short bits;
- char *chars;
-#ifdef S_ISUID
- if (bits & S_ISUID)
- {
- if (chars[3] != 'x')
- /* Set-uid, but not executable by owner. */
- chars[3] = 'S';
- else
- chars[3] = 's';
- }
-#ifdef S_ISGID
- if (bits & S_ISGID)
- {
- if (chars[6] != 'x')
- /* Set-gid, but not executable by group. */
- chars[6] = 'S';
- else
- chars[6] = 's';
- }
-#ifdef S_ISVTX
- if (bits & S_ISVTX)
- {
- if (chars[9] != 'x')
- /* Sticky, but not executable by others. */
- chars[9] = 'T';
- else
- chars[9] = 't';
- }
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/format.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/format.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a303424df65..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/format.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-/* Generic BFD support for file formats.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- File formats
- A format is a BFD concept of high level file contents type. The
- formats supported by BFD are:
- o <<bfd_object>>
- The BFD may contain data, symbols, relocations and debug info.
- o <<bfd_archive>>
- The BFD contains other BFDs and an optional index.
- o <<bfd_core>>
- The BFD contains the result of an executable core dump.
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-/* IMPORT from targets.c. */
-extern const size_t _bfd_target_vector_entries;
- bfd_check_format
- boolean bfd_check_format(bfd *abfd, bfd_format format);
- Verify if the file attached to the BFD @var{abfd} is compatible
- with the format @var{format} (i.e., one of <<bfd_object>>,
- <<bfd_archive>> or <<bfd_core>>).
- If the BFD has been set to a specific target before the
- call, only the named target and format combination is
- checked. If the target has not been set, or has been set to
- <<default>>, then all the known target backends is
- interrogated to determine a match. If the default target
- matches, it is used. If not, exactly one target must recognize
- the file, or an error results.
- The function returns <<true>> on success, otherwise <<false>>
- with one of the following error codes:
- o <<bfd_error_invalid_operation>> -
- if <<format>> is not one of <<bfd_object>>, <<bfd_archive>> or
- <<bfd_core>>.
- o <<bfd_error_system_call>> -
- if an error occured during a read - even some file mismatches
- can cause bfd_error_system_calls.
- o <<file_not_recognised>> -
- none of the backends recognised the file format.
- o <<bfd_error_file_ambiguously_recognized>> -
- more than one backend recognised the file format.
-bfd_check_format (abfd, format)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_format format;
- return bfd_check_format_matches (abfd, format, NULL);
- bfd_check_format_matches
- boolean bfd_check_format_matches(bfd *abfd, bfd_format format, char ***matching);
- Like <<bfd_check_format>>, except when it returns false with
- <<bfd_errno>> set to <<bfd_error_file_ambiguously_recognized>>. In that
- case, if @var{matching} is not NULL, it will be filled in with
- a NULL-terminated list of the names of the formats that matched,
- allocated with <<malloc>>.
- Then the user may choose a format and try again.
- When done with the list that @var{matching} points to, the caller
- should free it.
-bfd_check_format_matches (abfd, format, matching)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_format format;
- char ***matching;
- const bfd_target * const *target, *save_targ, *right_targ;
- char **matching_vector = NULL;
- int match_count;
- if (!bfd_read_p (abfd) ||
- ((int)(abfd->format) < (int)bfd_unknown) ||
- ((int)(abfd->format) >= (int)bfd_type_end)) {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- if (abfd->format != bfd_unknown)
- return (abfd->format == format)? true: false;
- /* Since the target type was defaulted, check them
- all in the hope that one will be uniquely recognized. */
- save_targ = abfd->xvec;
- match_count = 0;
- if (matching)
- {
- matching_vector =
- (char **) bfd_malloc (sizeof (char *) *
- (_bfd_target_vector_entries + 1));
- if (!matching_vector)
- return false;
- matching_vector[0] = NULL;
- *matching = matching_vector;
- }
- right_targ = 0;
- /* presume the answer is yes */
- abfd->format = format;
- /* If the target type was explicitly specified, just check that target. */
- if (!abfd->target_defaulted) {
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)0, SEEK_SET) != 0) /* rewind! */
- return false;
- right_targ = BFD_SEND_FMT (abfd, _bfd_check_format, (abfd));
- if (right_targ) {
- abfd->xvec = right_targ; /* Set the target as returned */
- if (matching)
- free (matching_vector);
- return true; /* File position has moved, BTW */
- }
- }
- for (target = bfd_target_vector; *target != NULL; target++) {
- extern const bfd_target binary_vec;
- const bfd_target *temp;
- if (*target == &binary_vec)
- continue;
- abfd->xvec = *target; /* Change BFD's target temporarily */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- /* If _bfd_check_format neglects to set bfd_error, assume bfd_error_wrong_format.
- We didn't used to even pay any attention to bfd_error, so I suspect
- that some _bfd_check_format might have this problem. */
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- temp = BFD_SEND_FMT (abfd, _bfd_check_format, (abfd));
- if (temp) { /* This format checks out as ok! */
- right_targ = temp;
- if (matching)
- {
- matching_vector[match_count] = temp->name;
- matching_vector[match_count + 1] = NULL;
- }
- match_count++;
- /* If this is the default target, accept it, even if other targets
- might match. People who want those other targets have to set
- the GNUTARGET variable. */
- if (temp == bfd_default_vector[0])
- {
- if (matching)
- {
- matching_vector[0] = temp->name;
- matching_vector[1] = NULL;
- }
- match_count = 1;
- break;
- }
-#ifdef GNU960
- /* Big- and little-endian b.out archives look the same, but it doesn't
- * matter: there is no difference in their headers, and member file byte
- * orders will (I hope) be handled appropriately by bfd. Ditto for big
- * and little coff archives. And the 4 coff/b.out object formats are
- * unambiguous. So accept the first match we find.
- */
- break;
- } else if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_wrong_format) {
- abfd->xvec = save_targ;
- abfd->format = bfd_unknown;
- if (matching && bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_file_ambiguously_recognized)
- free (matching_vector);
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (match_count == 1) {
- abfd->xvec = right_targ; /* Change BFD's target permanently */
- if (matching)
- free (matching_vector);
- return true; /* File position has moved, BTW */
- }
- abfd->xvec = save_targ; /* Restore original target type */
- abfd->format = bfd_unknown; /* Restore original format */
- if (match_count == 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_not_recognized);
- if (matching)
- free (matching_vector);
- }
- else
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_ambiguously_recognized);
- return false;
- bfd_set_format
- boolean bfd_set_format(bfd *abfd, bfd_format format);
- This function sets the file format of the BFD @var{abfd} to the
- format @var{format}. If the target set in the BFD does not
- support the format requested, the format is invalid, or the BFD
- is not open for writing, then an error occurs.
-bfd_set_format (abfd, format)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_format format;
- if (bfd_read_p (abfd) ||
- ((int)abfd->format < (int)bfd_unknown) ||
- ((int)abfd->format >= (int)bfd_type_end)) {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- if (abfd->format != bfd_unknown)
- return (abfd->format == format) ? true:false;
- /* presume the answer is yes */
- abfd->format = format;
- if (!BFD_SEND_FMT (abfd, _bfd_set_format, (abfd))) {
- abfd->format = bfd_unknown;
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- bfd_format_string
- CONST char *bfd_format_string(bfd_format format);
- Return a pointer to a const string
- <<invalid>>, <<object>>, <<archive>>, <<core>>, or <<unknown>>,
- depending upon the value of @var{format}.
-CONST char *
-bfd_format_string (format)
- bfd_format format;
- if (((int)format <(int) bfd_unknown)
- || ((int)format >=(int) bfd_type_end))
- return "invalid";
- switch (format) {
- case bfd_object:
- return "object"; /* linker/assember/compiler output */
- case bfd_archive:
- return "archive"; /* object archive file */
- case bfd_core:
- return "core"; /* core dump */
- default:
- return "unknown";
- }
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/freebsd.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/freebsd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e1d69d0df74..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/freebsd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end definitions used by all FreeBSD targets.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-/* FreeBSD ZMAGIC files never have the header in the text. */
-#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) 0
-/* ZMAGIC files start at offset 0. Does not apply to QMAGIC files. */
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR 0
-#define N_GETMAGIC_NET(exec) \
- (ntohl ((exec).a_info) & 0xffff)
-#define N_GETMID_NET(exec) \
- ((ntohl ((exec).a_info) >> 16) & 0x3ff)
-#define N_GETFLAG_NET(ex) \
- ((ntohl ((exec).a_info) >> 26) & 0x3f)
-#define N_MACHTYPE(exec) \
- ((enum machine_type) \
- ((N_GETMAGIC_NET (exec) == ZMAGIC) ? N_GETMID_NET (exec) : \
- ((exec).a_info >> 16) & 0x3ff))
-#define N_FLAGS(exec) \
- ((N_GETMAGIC_NET (exec) == ZMAGIC) ? N_GETFLAG_NET (exec) : \
- ((exec).a_info >> 26) & 0x3f)
-#define N_SET_INFO(exec, magic, type, flags) \
- ((exec).a_info = ((magic) & 0xffff) \
- | (((int)(type) & 0x3ff) << 16) \
- | (((flags) & 0x3f) << 26))
-#define N_SET_MACHTYPE(exec, machtype) \
- ((exec).a_info = \
- ((exec).a_info & 0xfb00ffff) | ((((int)(machtype))&0x3ff) << 16))
-#define N_SET_FLAGS(exec, flags) \
- ((exec).a_info = \
- ((exec).a_info & 0x03ffffff) | ((flags & 0x03f) << 26))
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "libaout.h"
-/* On FreeBSD, the magic number is always in correct endian format */
-#define NO_SWAP_MAGIC
-#define MY_write_object_contents MY(write_object_contents)
-static boolean MY(write_object_contents) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-#include "aout-target.h"
-/* Write an object file.
- Section contents have already been written. We write the
- file header, symbols, and relocation. */
-static boolean
-MY(write_object_contents) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec exec_bytes;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- /* Magic number, maestro, please! */
- switch (bfd_get_arch(abfd)) {
- case bfd_arch_m68k:
- if (strcmp (abfd->xvec->name, "a.out-m68k4k-netbsd") == 0)
- else
- break;
- case bfd_arch_sparc:
- break;
- case bfd_arch_i386:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE(*execp, M_386_NETBSD);
- break;
- case bfd_arch_ns32k:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE(*execp, M_532_NETBSD);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- WRITE_HEADERS(abfd, execp);
- return true;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/gen-aout.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/gen-aout.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d2224f762d35..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/gen-aout.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-/* Generate parameters for an a.out system.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "/usr/include/a.out.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-main (argc, argv)
- int argc; char** argv;
- struct exec my_exec;
- int page_size;
- char *target = "unknown", *arch = "unknown";
- FILE *file = fopen("gen-aout", "r");
- if (file == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open gen-aout!\n");
- return -1;
- }
- if (fread(&my_exec, sizeof(struct exec), 1, file) != 1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read gen-aout!\n");
- return -1;
- }
- target = argv[1];
- if (target == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Usage: gen-aout target_name\n");
- exit (1);
- }
-#ifdef N_TXTOFF
- page_size = N_TXTOFF(my_exec);
- if (page_size == 0)
- printf("#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) 1\n");
- else
- printf("#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) 0\n");
- printf("#define BYTES_IN_WORD %d\n", sizeof (int));
- if (my_exec.a_entry == 0) {
- printf("#define ENTRY_CAN_BE_ZERO\n");
- printf("#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) 0 /* Avoids warning */\n");
- }
- else {
- printf("/*#define ENTRY_CAN_BE_ZERO*/\n");
- printf("/*#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) 0*/\n");
- }
- printf("#define TEXT_START_ADDR %d\n", my_exec.a_entry);
-#ifdef PAGSIZ
- if (page_size == 0)
- page_size = PAGSIZ;
- if (page_size != 0)
- printf("#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE %d\n", page_size);
- else
- printf("/* #define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE ??? */\n");
- printf("#define SEGMENT_SIZE TARGET_PAGE_SIZE\n");
-#ifdef vax
- arch = "vax";
-#ifdef m68k
- arch = "m68k";
- if (arch[0] == '1')
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "warning: preprocessor substituted architecture name inside string;");
- fprintf (stderr, " fix DEFAULT_ARCH in the output file yourself\n");
- arch = "unknown";
- }
- printf("#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_%s\n", arch);
- printf("\n#define MY(OP) CAT(%s_,OP)\n", target);
- printf("#define TARGETNAME \"a.out-%s\"\n\n", target);
- printf("#include \"bfd.h\"\n");
- printf("#include \"sysdep.h\"\n");
- printf("#include \"libbfd.h\"\n");
- printf("#include \"libaout.h\"\n");
- printf("\n#include \"aout-target.h\"\n");
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/genlink.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/genlink.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f0809485747..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/genlink.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-/* genlink.h -- interface to the BFD generic linker
- Copyright 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef GENLINK_H
-#define GENLINK_H
-/* This header file is internal to BFD. It describes the internal
- structures and functions used by the BFD generic linker, in case
- any of the more specific linkers want to use or call them. Note
- that some functions, such as _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create,
- are declared in libbfd.h, because they are expected to be widely
- used. The functions and structures in this file will probably only
- be used by a few files besides linker.c itself. In fact, this file
- is not particularly complete; I have only put in the interfaces I
- actually needed. */
-/* The generic linker uses a hash table which is a derived class of
- the standard linker hash table, just as the other backend specific
- linkers do. Do not confuse the generic linker hash table with the
- standard BFD linker hash table it is built upon. */
-/* Generic linker hash table entries. */
-struct generic_link_hash_entry
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry root;
- /* Whether this symbol has been written out. */
- boolean written;
- /* Symbol from input BFD. */
- asymbol *sym;
-/* Generic linker hash table. */
-struct generic_link_hash_table
- struct bfd_link_hash_table root;
-/* Look up an entry in an generic link hash table. */
-#define _bfd_generic_link_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy, follow) \
- ((struct generic_link_hash_entry *) \
- bfd_link_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), (copy), (follow)))
-/* Traverse an generic link hash table. */
-#define _bfd_generic_link_hash_traverse(table, func, info) \
- (bfd_link_hash_traverse \
- (&(table)->root, \
- (boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_entry *, PTR))) (func), \
- (info)))
-/* Get the generic link hash table from the info structure. This is
- just a cast. */
-#define _bfd_generic_hash_table(p) \
- ((struct generic_link_hash_table *) ((p)->hash))
-/* The generic linker reads in the asymbol structures for an input BFD
- and keeps them in the outsymbol and symcount fields. */
-#define _bfd_generic_link_get_symbols(abfd) ((abfd)->outsymbols)
-#define _bfd_generic_link_get_symcount(abfd) ((abfd)->symcount)
-/* Add the symbols of input_bfd to the symbols being built for
- output_bfd. */
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_output_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *output_bfd, bfd *input_bfd, struct bfd_link_info *,
- size_t *psymalloc));
-/* This structure is used to pass information to
- _bfd_generic_link_write_global_symbol, which may be called via
- _bfd_generic_link_hash_traverse. */
-struct generic_write_global_symbol_info
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- size_t *psymalloc;
-/* Write out a single global symbol. This is expected to be called
- via _bfd_generic_link_hash_traverse. The second argument must
- actually be a struct generic_write_global_symbol_info *. */
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_write_global_symbol
- PARAMS ((struct generic_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hash.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hash.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 35913fcfccc9..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hash.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,734 +0,0 @@
-/* hash.c -- hash table routines for BFD
- Copyright (C) 1993, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Steve Chamberlain <>
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
- Hash Tables
-@cindex Hash tables
- BFD provides a simple set of hash table functions. Routines
- are provided to initialize a hash table, to free a hash table,
- to look up a string in a hash table and optionally create an
- entry for it, and to traverse a hash table. There is
- currently no routine to delete an string from a hash table.
- The basic hash table does not permit any data to be stored
- with a string. However, a hash table is designed to present a
- base class from which other types of hash tables may be
- derived. These derived types may store additional information
- with the string. Hash tables were implemented in this way,
- rather than simply providing a data pointer in a hash table
- entry, because they were designed for use by the linker back
- ends. The linker may create thousands of hash table entries,
- and the overhead of allocating private data and storing and
- following pointers becomes noticeable.
- The basic hash table code is in <<hash.c>>.
-@* Creating and Freeing a Hash Table::
-@* Looking Up or Entering a String::
-@* Traversing a Hash Table::
-@* Deriving a New Hash Table Type::
-@end menu
-Creating and Freeing a Hash Table, Looking Up or Entering a String, Hash Tables, Hash Tables
- Creating and freeing a hash table
-@findex bfd_hash_table_init
-@findex bfd_hash_table_init_n
- To create a hash table, create an instance of a <<struct
- bfd_hash_table>> (defined in <<bfd.h>>) and call
- <<bfd_hash_table_init>> (if you know approximately how many
- entries you will need, the function <<bfd_hash_table_init_n>>,
- which takes a @var{size} argument, may be used).
- <<bfd_hash_table_init>> returns <<false>> if some sort of
- error occurs.
-@findex bfd_hash_newfunc
- The function <<bfd_hash_table_init>> take as an argument a
- function to use to create new entries. For a basic hash
- table, use the function <<bfd_hash_newfunc>>. @xref{Deriving
- a New Hash Table Type} for why you would want to use a
- different value for this argument.
-@findex bfd_hash_allocate
- <<bfd_hash_table_init>> will create an obstack which will be
- used to allocate new entries. You may allocate memory on this
- obstack using <<bfd_hash_allocate>>.
-@findex bfd_hash_table_free
- Use <<bfd_hash_table_free>> to free up all the memory that has
- been allocated for a hash table. This will not free up the
- <<struct bfd_hash_table>> itself, which you must provide.
-Looking Up or Entering a String, Traversing a Hash Table, Creating and Freeing a Hash Table, Hash Tables
- Looking up or entering a string
-@findex bfd_hash_lookup
- The function <<bfd_hash_lookup>> is used both to look up a
- string in the hash table and to create a new entry.
- If the @var{create} argument is <<false>>, <<bfd_hash_lookup>>
- will look up a string. If the string is found, it will
- returns a pointer to a <<struct bfd_hash_entry>>. If the
- string is not found in the table <<bfd_hash_lookup>> will
- return <<NULL>>. You should not modify any of the fields in
- the returns <<struct bfd_hash_entry>>.
- If the @var{create} argument is <<true>>, the string will be
- entered into the hash table if it is not already there.
- Either way a pointer to a <<struct bfd_hash_entry>> will be
- returned, either to the existing structure or to a newly
- created one. In this case, a <<NULL>> return means that an
- error occurred.
- If the @var{create} argument is <<true>>, and a new entry is
- created, the @var{copy} argument is used to decide whether to
- copy the string onto the hash table obstack or not. If
- @var{copy} is passed as <<false>>, you must be careful not to
- deallocate or modify the string as long as the hash table
- exists.
-Traversing a Hash Table, Deriving a New Hash Table Type, Looking Up or Entering a String, Hash Tables
- Traversing a hash table
-@findex bfd_hash_traverse
- The function <<bfd_hash_traverse>> may be used to traverse a
- hash table, calling a function on each element. The traversal
- is done in a random order.
- <<bfd_hash_traverse>> takes as arguments a function and a
- generic <<void *>> pointer. The function is called with a
- hash table entry (a <<struct bfd_hash_entry *>>) and the
- generic pointer passed to <<bfd_hash_traverse>>. The function
- must return a <<boolean>> value, which indicates whether to
- continue traversing the hash table. If the function returns
- <<false>>, <<bfd_hash_traverse>> will stop the traversal and
- return immediately.
-Deriving a New Hash Table Type, , Traversing a Hash Table, Hash Tables
- Deriving a new hash table type
- Many uses of hash tables want to store additional information
- which each entry in the hash table. Some also find it
- convenient to store additional information with the hash table
- itself. This may be done using a derived hash table.
- Since C is not an object oriented language, creating a derived
- hash table requires sticking together some boilerplate
- routines with a few differences specific to the type of hash
- table you want to create.
- An example of a derived hash table is the linker hash table.
- The structures for this are defined in <<bfdlink.h>>. The
- functions are in <<linker.c>>.
- You may also derive a hash table from an already derived hash
- table. For example, the a.out linker backend code uses a hash
- table derived from the linker hash table.
-@* Define the Derived Structures::
-@* Write the Derived Creation Routine::
-@* Write Other Derived Routines::
-@end menu
-Define the Derived Structures, Write the Derived Creation Routine, Deriving a New Hash Table Type, Deriving a New Hash Table Type
- Define the derived structures
- You must define a structure for an entry in the hash table,
- and a structure for the hash table itself.
- The first field in the structure for an entry in the hash
- table must be of the type used for an entry in the hash table
- you are deriving from. If you are deriving from a basic hash
- table this is <<struct bfd_hash_entry>>, which is defined in
- <<bfd.h>>. The first field in the structure for the hash
- table itself must be of the type of the hash table you are
- deriving from itself. If you are deriving from a basic hash
- table, this is <<struct bfd_hash_table>>.
- For example, the linker hash table defines <<struct
- bfd_link_hash_entry>> (in <<bfdlink.h>>). The first field,
- <<root>>, is of type <<struct bfd_hash_entry>>. Similarly,
- the first field in <<struct bfd_link_hash_table>>, <<table>>,
- is of type <<struct bfd_hash_table>>.
-Write the Derived Creation Routine, Write Other Derived Routines, Define the Derived Structures, Deriving a New Hash Table Type
- Write the derived creation routine
- You must write a routine which will create and initialize an
- entry in the hash table. This routine is passed as the
- function argument to <<bfd_hash_table_init>>.
- In order to permit other hash tables to be derived from the
- hash table you are creating, this routine must be written in a
- standard way.
- The first argument to the creation routine is a pointer to a
- hash table entry. This may be <<NULL>>, in which case the
- routine should allocate the right amount of space. Otherwise
- the space has already been allocated by a hash table type
- derived from this one.
- After allocating space, the creation routine must call the
- creation routine of the hash table type it is derived from,
- passing in a pointer to the space it just allocated. This
- will initialize any fields used by the base hash table.
- Finally the creation routine must initialize any local fields
- for the new hash table type.
- Here is a boilerplate example of a creation routine.
- @var{function_name} is the name of the routine.
- @var{entry_type} is the type of an entry in the hash table you
- are creating. @var{base_newfunc} is the name of the creation
- routine of the hash table type your hash table is derived
- from.
-.struct bfd_hash_entry *
-.@var{function_name} (entry, table, string)
-. struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
-. struct bfd_hash_table *table;
-. const char *string;
-. struct @var{entry_type} *ret = (@var{entry_type} *) entry;
-. {* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
-. derived class. *}
-. if (ret == (@var{entry_type} *) NULL)
-. {
-. ret = ((@var{entry_type} *)
-. bfd_hash_allocate (table, sizeof (@var{entry_type})));
-. if (ret == (@var{entry_type} *) NULL)
-. return NULL;
-. }
-. {* Call the allocation method of the base class. *}
-. ret = ((@var{entry_type} *)
-. @var{base_newfunc} ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret, table, string));
-. {* Initialize the local fields here. *}
-. return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
- The creation routine for the linker hash table, which is in
- <<linker.c>>, looks just like this example.
- @var{function_name} is <<_bfd_link_hash_newfunc>>.
- @var{entry_type} is <<struct bfd_link_hash_entry>>.
- @var{base_newfunc} is <<bfd_hash_newfunc>>, the creation
- routine for a basic hash table.
- <<_bfd_link_hash_newfunc>> also initializes the local fields
- in a linker hash table entry: <<type>>, <<written>> and
- <<next>>.
-Write Other Derived Routines, , Write the Derived Creation Routine, Deriving a New Hash Table Type
- Write other derived routines
- You will want to write other routines for your new hash table,
- as well.
- You will want an initialization routine which calls the
- initialization routine of the hash table you are deriving from
- and initializes any other local fields. For the linker hash
- table, this is <<_bfd_link_hash_table_init>> in <<linker.c>>.
- You will want a lookup routine which calls the lookup routine
- of the hash table you are deriving from and casts the result.
- The linker hash table uses <<bfd_link_hash_lookup>> in
- <<linker.c>> (this actually takes an additional argument which
- it uses to decide how to return the looked up value).
- You may want a traversal routine. This should just call the
- traversal routine of the hash table you are deriving from with
- appropriate casts. The linker hash table uses
- <<bfd_link_hash_traverse>> in <<linker.c>>.
- These routines may simply be defined as macros. For example,
- the a.out backend linker hash table, which is derived from the
- linker hash table, uses macros for the lookup and traversal
- routines. These are <<aout_link_hash_lookup>> and
- <<aout_link_hash_traverse>> in aoutx.h.
-/* Obstack allocation and deallocation routines. */
-#define obstack_chunk_alloc malloc
-#define obstack_chunk_free free
-/* The default number of entries to use when creating a hash table. */
-#define DEFAULT_SIZE (4051)
-/* Create a new hash table, given a number of entries. */
-bfd_hash_table_init_n (table, newfunc, size)
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*newfunc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *));
- unsigned int size;
- unsigned int alloc;
- alloc = size * sizeof (struct bfd_hash_entry *);
- if (!obstack_begin (&table->memory, alloc))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return false;
- }
- table->table = ((struct bfd_hash_entry **)
- obstack_alloc (&table->memory, alloc));
- if (!table->table)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return false;
- }
- memset ((PTR) table->table, 0, alloc);
- table->size = size;
- table->newfunc = newfunc;
- return true;
-/* Create a new hash table with the default number of entries. */
-bfd_hash_table_init (table, newfunc)
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*newfunc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *));
- return bfd_hash_table_init_n (table, newfunc, DEFAULT_SIZE);
-/* Free a hash table. */
-bfd_hash_table_free (table)
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- obstack_free (&table->memory, (PTR) NULL);
-/* Look up a string in a hash table. */
-struct bfd_hash_entry *
-bfd_hash_lookup (table, string, create, copy)
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- boolean create;
- boolean copy;
- register const unsigned char *s;
- register unsigned long hash;
- register unsigned int c;
- struct bfd_hash_entry *hashp;
- unsigned int len;
- unsigned int index;
- hash = 0;
- len = 0;
- s = (const unsigned char *) string;
- while ((c = *s++) != '\0')
- {
- hash += c + (c << 17);
- hash ^= hash >> 2;
- ++len;
- }
- hash += len + (len << 17);
- hash ^= hash >> 2;
- index = hash % table->size;
- for (hashp = table->table[index];
- hashp != (struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL;
- hashp = hashp->next)
- {
- if (hashp->hash == hash
- && strcmp (hashp->string, string) == 0)
- return hashp;
- }
- if (! create)
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL;
- hashp = (*table->newfunc) ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL, table, string);
- if (hashp == (struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL;
- if (copy)
- {
- char *new;
- new = (char *) obstack_alloc (&table->memory, len + 1);
- if (!new)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL;
- }
- strcpy (new, string);
- string = new;
- }
- hashp->string = string;
- hashp->hash = hash;
- hashp->next = table->table[index];
- table->table[index] = hashp;
- return hashp;
-/* Replace an entry in a hash table. */
-bfd_hash_replace (table, old, nw)
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- struct bfd_hash_entry *old;
- struct bfd_hash_entry *nw;
- unsigned int index;
- struct bfd_hash_entry **pph;
- index = old->hash % table->size;
- for (pph = &table->table[index];
- (*pph) != (struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL;
- pph = &(*pph)->next)
- {
- if (*pph == old)
- {
- *pph = nw;
- return;
- }
- }
- abort ();
-/* Base method for creating a new hash table entry. */
-struct bfd_hash_entry *
-bfd_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- if (entry == (struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL)
- entry = ((struct bfd_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table, sizeof (struct bfd_hash_entry)));
- return entry;
-/* Allocate space in a hash table. */
-bfd_hash_allocate (table, size)
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- unsigned int size;
- PTR ret;
- ret = obstack_alloc (&table->memory, size);
- if (ret == NULL && size != 0)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return ret;
-/* Traverse a hash table. */
-bfd_hash_traverse (table, func, info)
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- boolean (*func) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, PTR));
- PTR info;
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < table->size; i++)
- {
- struct bfd_hash_entry *p;
- for (p = table->table[i]; p != NULL; p = p->next)
- {
- if (! (*func) (p, info))
- return;
- }
- }
-/* A few different object file formats (a.out, COFF, ELF) use a string
- table. These functions support adding strings to a string table,
- returning the byte offset, and writing out the table.
- Possible improvements:
- + look for strings matching trailing substrings of other strings
- + better data structures? balanced trees?
- + look at reducing memory use elsewhere -- maybe if we didn't have
- to construct the entire symbol table at once, we could get by
- with smaller amounts of VM? (What effect does that have on the
- string table reductions?) */
-/* An entry in the strtab hash table. */
-struct strtab_hash_entry
- struct bfd_hash_entry root;
- /* Index in string table. */
- bfd_size_type index;
- /* Next string in strtab. */
- struct strtab_hash_entry *next;
-/* The strtab hash table. */
-struct bfd_strtab_hash
- struct bfd_hash_table table;
- /* Size of strtab--also next available index. */
- bfd_size_type size;
- /* First string in strtab. */
- struct strtab_hash_entry *first;
- /* Last string in strtab. */
- struct strtab_hash_entry *last;
- /* Whether to precede strings with a two byte length, as in the
- XCOFF .debug section. */
- boolean xcoff;
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *strtab_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
-/* Routine to create an entry in a strtab. */
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *
-strtab_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct strtab_hash_entry *ret = (struct strtab_hash_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == (struct strtab_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ret = ((struct strtab_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table, sizeof (struct strtab_hash_entry)));
- if (ret == (struct strtab_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct strtab_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_newfunc ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret, table, string));
- if (ret)
- {
- /* Initialize the local fields. */
- ret->index = (bfd_size_type) -1;
- ret->next = NULL;
- }
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Look up an entry in an strtab. */
-#define strtab_hash_lookup(t, string, create, copy) \
- ((struct strtab_hash_entry *) \
- bfd_hash_lookup (&(t)->table, (string), (create), (copy)))
-/* Create a new strtab. */
-struct bfd_strtab_hash *
-_bfd_stringtab_init ()
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *table;
- table = ((struct bfd_strtab_hash *)
- bfd_malloc (sizeof (struct bfd_strtab_hash)));
- if (table == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (! bfd_hash_table_init (&table->table, strtab_hash_newfunc))
- {
- free (table);
- return NULL;
- }
- table->size = 0;
- table->first = NULL;
- table->last = NULL;
- table->xcoff = false;
- return table;
-/* Create a new strtab in which the strings are output in the format
- used in the XCOFF .debug section: a two byte length precedes each
- string. */
-struct bfd_strtab_hash *
-_bfd_xcoff_stringtab_init ()
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *ret;
- ret = _bfd_stringtab_init ();
- if (ret != NULL)
- ret->xcoff = true;
- return ret;
-/* Free a strtab. */
-_bfd_stringtab_free (table)
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *table;
- bfd_hash_table_free (&table->table);
- free (table);
-/* Get the index of a string in a strtab, adding it if it is not
- already present. If HASH is false, we don't really use the hash
- table, and we don't eliminate duplicate strings. */
-_bfd_stringtab_add (tab, str, hash, copy)
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *tab;
- const char *str;
- boolean hash;
- boolean copy;
- register struct strtab_hash_entry *entry;
- if (hash)
- {
- entry = strtab_hash_lookup (tab, str, true, copy);
- if (entry == NULL)
- return (bfd_size_type) -1;
- }
- else
- {
- entry = ((struct strtab_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (&tab->table,
- sizeof (struct strtab_hash_entry)));
- if (entry == NULL)
- return (bfd_size_type) -1;
- if (! copy)
- entry->root.string = str;
- else
- {
- char *n;
- n = (char *) bfd_hash_allocate (&tab->table, strlen (str) + 1);
- if (n == NULL)
- return (bfd_size_type) -1;
- entry->root.string = n;
- }
- entry->index = (bfd_size_type) -1;
- entry->next = NULL;
- }
- if (entry->index == (bfd_size_type) -1)
- {
- entry->index = tab->size;
- tab->size += strlen (str) + 1;
- if (tab->xcoff)
- {
- entry->index += 2;
- tab->size += 2;
- }
- if (tab->first == NULL)
- tab->first = entry;
- else
- tab->last->next = entry;
- tab->last = entry;
- }
- return entry->index;
-/* Get the number of bytes in a strtab. */
-_bfd_stringtab_size (tab)
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *tab;
- return tab->size;
-/* Write out a strtab. ABFD must already be at the right location in
- the file. */
-_bfd_stringtab_emit (abfd, tab)
- register bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *tab;
- register boolean xcoff;
- register struct strtab_hash_entry *entry;
- xcoff = tab->xcoff;
- for (entry = tab->first; entry != NULL; entry = entry->next)
- {
- register const char *str;
- register size_t len;
- str = entry->root.string;
- len = strlen (str) + 1;
- if (xcoff)
- {
- bfd_byte buf[2];
- /* The output length includes the null byte. */
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, len, buf);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) buf, 1, 2, abfd) != 2)
- return false;
- }
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) str, 1, len, abfd) != len)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/host-aout.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/host-aout.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 99643dcc24ef..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/host-aout.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD backend for local host's a.out binaries
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support. Probably John Gilmore's fault.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#define ARCH_SIZE 32
-/* When porting to a new system, you must supply:
- HOST_PAGE_SIZE (optional)
- HOST_SEGMENT_SIZE (optional -- defaults to page size)
- HOST_MACHINE_ARCH (optional)
- HOST_STACK_END_ADDR (not used, except by trad-core ???)
- HOST_BIG_ENDIAN_P (required -- define if big-endian)
- in the ./hosts/h-systemname.h file. */
-#include TRAD_HEADER
-#include "libaout.h" /* BFD a.out internal data structures */
-#include "aout/aout64.h"
-#define SET_ARCH_MACH(abfd, execp) \
- bfd_default_set_arch_mach(abfd, HOST_MACHINE_ARCH, HOST_MACHINE_MACHINE)
-#define SET_ARCH_MACH(abfd, execp) \
- bfd_default_set_arch_mach(abfd, HOST_MACHINE_ARCH, 0)
-#endif /* HOST_MACHINE_ARCH */
-#define MY(OP) CAT(host_aout_,OP)
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out"
-#include "aout-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/alphalinux.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/alphalinux.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d9ba1b7ec6be..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/alphalinux.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-/* Linux dumps "struct task_struct" at the end of the core-file. This
- structure is currently 920 bytes long, but we allow up to 1024
- bytes to allow for some future growth. */
- ((abfd)->tdata.trad_core_data->u.signal)
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/decstation.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/decstation.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a80c143d525e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/decstation.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-/* Hopefully this should include either machine/param.h (Ultrix) or
- machine/machparam.h (Mach), whichever is its name on this system. */
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <machine/vmparam.h>
-#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_mips
- ((core_bfd)->tdata.trad_core_data->u.u_arg[0])
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/delta68.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/delta68.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a6a6e6f197e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/delta68.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-/* Definitions for a Motorola Delta 3300 box running System V R3.0.
- Contributed by */
-#include <sys/param.h>
-/* Definitions used by trad-core.c. */
-#define NBPG NBPC
-#define HOST_DATA_START_ADDR u.u_exdata.ux_datorg
-#define HOST_TEXT_START_ADDR u.u_exdata.ux_txtorg
-#if 0
-#define HOST_STACK_END_ADDR 0x40000000
-/* User's stack, copied from sys/param.h */
- abfd->tdata.trad_core_data->u.u_abort
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/dpx2.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/dpx2.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ea6395f2e5d7..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/dpx2.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-/* Definitions that are needed for core files. Core section sizes for
- the DPX2 are in bytes. */
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#define NBPG 1
-#define UPAGES (USIZE * NBPP)
-#define HOST_DATA_START_ADDR (u.u_exdata.ux_datorg)
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/hp300bsd.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/hp300bsd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 982871782073..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/hp300bsd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#ifdef BSD4_4
-#define HOST_SEGMENT_SIZE NBPG /* Data seg start addr rounds to NBPG */
-#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_m68k
-#define HOST_STACK_END_ADDR 0xfff00000
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/i386bsd.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/i386bsd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ac0d8402edbf..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/i386bsd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-/* Intel 386 running any BSD Unix */
-#include <machine/param.h>
-#include <machine/vmparam.h>
-#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_i386
-/* Jolitz suggested defining HOST_STACK_END_ADDR to
- (u.u_kproc.kp_eproc.e_vm.vm_maxsaddr + MAXSSIZ), which should work on
- both BSDI and 386BSD, but that is believed not to work for BSD 4.4. */
-#ifdef __bsdi__
-/* This seems to be the right thing for BSDI. */
-#define HOST_DATA_START_ADDR ((bfd_vma)u.u_kproc.kp_eproc.e_vm.vm_daddr)
-/* This seems to be the right thing for 386BSD release 0.1. */
- ((core_bfd)->tdata.trad_core_data->u.u_sig)
-#define u_comm u_kproc.kp_proc.p_comm
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/i386linux.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/i386linux.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 13a51f1bd14c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/i386linux.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-/* Linux writes the task structure at the end of the core file. Currently it
- is 2912 bytes. It is possible that this should be a pickier check, but
- we should probably not be too picky (the size of the task structure might
- vary, and if it's not the length we expect it to be, it doesn't affect
- our ability to process the core file). So allow 0-4096 extra bytes at
- the end. */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/i386mach3.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/i386mach3.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dcc61e3c8e89..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/i386mach3.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#include <machine/vmparam.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-/* This is an ugly way to hack around the incorrect
- * definition of UPAGES in i386/machparam.h.
- *
- * The definition should specify the size reserved
- * for "struct user" in core files in PAGES,
- * but instead it gives it in 512-byte core-clicks
- * for i386 and i860. UPAGES is used only in trad-core.c.
- */
-#if UPAGES == 16
-#undef UPAGES
-#define UPAGES 2
-#if UPAGES != 2
-FIXME!! UPAGES is neither 2 nor 16
-#define HOST_PAGE_SIZE 1
-#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_i386
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/i386sco.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/i386sco.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ec8608c61dd5..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/i386sco.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-/* Core file stuff. At least some, perhaps all, of the following
- defines work on many more systems than just SCO. */
-#define NBPG NBPC
-#define HOST_DATA_START_ADDR u.u_exdata.ux_datorg
-#define HOST_STACK_START_ADDR u.u_sub
- ((core_upage(abfd)->u_sysabort != 0) \
- ? core_upage(abfd)->u_sysabort \
- : -1)
-/* According to the manpage, a version 2 SCO corefile can contain
- various additional sections (it is cleverly arranged so the u area,
- data, and stack are first where we can find them). So without
- writing lots of code to parse all their headers and stuff, we can't
- know whether a corefile is bigger than it should be. */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/i860mach3.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/i860mach3.h
deleted file mode 100644
index edd2aa10a7bb..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/i860mach3.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-/* This file was hacked from i386mach3.h [] */
-#include <machine/vmparam.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-/* This is an ugly way to hack around the incorrect
- * definition of UPAGES in i386/machparam.h.
- *
- * The definition should specify the size reserved
- * for "struct user" in core files in PAGES,
- * but instead it gives it in 512-byte core-clicks
- * for i386 and i860. UPAGES is used only in trad-core.c.
- */
-#if UPAGES == 16
-#undef UPAGES
-#define UPAGES 2
-#if UPAGES != 2
-FIXME!! UPAGES is neither 2 nor 16
-#define HOST_PAGE_SIZE 1
-#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_i860
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/m68kaux.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/m68kaux.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6237755dba55..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/m68kaux.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-/* Definitions for an Apple Macintosh running A/UX 3.x. */
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/page.h>
-/* Definitions used by trad-core.c. */
-#define NBPG NBPP
-#define HOST_DATA_START_ADDR u.u_exdata.ux_datorg
-#define HOST_TEXT_START_ADDR u.u_exdata.ux_txtorg
-#define HOST_STACK_END_ADDR 0x100000000
- (abfd->tdata.trad_core_data->u.u_arg[0])
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/m68klinux.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/m68klinux.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0067dfa6fda3..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/m68klinux.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-/* Linux dumps "struct task_struct" at the end of the core-file. This
- structure is currently 2512 bytes long, but we allow up to 4096
- bytes to allow for some future growth. */
- ((abfd)->tdata.trad_core_data->u.signal)
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/m88kmach3.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/m88kmach3.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 421553893ec9..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/m88kmach3.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#include <machine/vmparam.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#undef UPAGES
-#define UPAGES 3
-#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_m88k
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/mipsbsd.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/mipsbsd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a2fad21fcf7a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/mipsbsd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#include <machine/param.h>
-#include <machine/vmparam.h>
-#undef ALIGN
-#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_mips
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/mipsmach3.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/mipsmach3.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c5c468d37426..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/mipsmach3.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#include <machine/vmparam.h>
-#include <machine/machparam.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_mips
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/news-mips.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/news-mips.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e799bed9047..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/news-mips.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-/* Sony News running NewsOS 3.2. */
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <machine/vmparam.h>
-#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_mips
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/news.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/news.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bf7946cdb999..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/news.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* Sony News running NewsOS 3.2. */
-#include <machine/vmparam.h>
-#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_m68k
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/pc532mach.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/pc532mach.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ab96f597edd2..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/pc532mach.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#include <machine/vmparam.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-/* This is an ugly way to hack around the incorrect
- * definition of UPAGES in ns532/machparam.h.
- *
- * The definition should specify the size reserved
- * for "struct user" in core files in PAGES,
- * but instead it gives it in 512-byte core-clicks
- * for ns532, i386 and i860. UPAGES is used only in trad-core.c.
- */
-#if UPAGES == 16
-#undef UPAGES
-#define UPAGES 2
-#if UPAGES != 2
-#error UPAGES is neither 2 nor 16
-#define HOST_PAGE_SIZE 1
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/riscos.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/riscos.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ffa826bdcf5..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/riscos.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-/* RISC/os 4.52C, and presumably other versions. */
-#include <bsd43/machine/machparam.h>
-#include <bsd43/machine/vmparam.h>
-#define NBPG BSD43_NBPG
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/symmetry.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/symmetry.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 75717b31eb22..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/symmetry.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-/* Symmetry running either dynix 3.1 (bsd) or ptx (sysv). */
-#define NBPG 4096
-#define UPAGES 1
-#ifdef _SEQUENT_
-/* ptx */
-#define HOST_STACK_END_ADDR 0x3fffe000
-#define TRAD_CORE_USER_OFFSET ((UPAGES * NBPG) - sizeof (struct user))
-/* dynix */
-#define HOST_TEXT_START_ADDR 0x1000
-#define HOST_DATA_START_ADDR (NBPG * u.u_tsize)
-#define HOST_STACK_END_ADDR 0x3ffff000
- ((core_bfd)->tdata.trad_core_data->u.u_arg[0])
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/tahoe.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/tahoe.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 716cee2a171d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/tahoe.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#undef ALIGN /* They use it, we use it too */
-#include <machine/param.h>
-#undef ALIGN /* They use it, we use it too */
-#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_tahoe
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/vaxbsd.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/vaxbsd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ceb9ccedfaf1..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/vaxbsd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#define NO_CORE_COMMAND /* No command name in core file */
-#if 0
-#undef ALIGN /* They use it, we use it too */
-/* Does not exist on BSD 4.3, it uses machine/machparam.h.
- Whatever it is, it's included by <sys/param.h>, which trad-core.c,
- the only place that uses this (I think), already includes. */
-#include <machine/param.h>
-#undef ALIGN /* They use it, we use it too */
-/* Note that HOST_PAGE_SIZE -- the page size as far as executable files
- are concerned -- is not the same as NBPG, because of page clustering. */
-#define HOST_PAGE_SIZE 1024
-#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_vax
-#define HOST_STACK_END_ADDR (0x80000000 - (UPAGES * NBPG))
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/vaxult.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/vaxult.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 13731b7479f6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/vaxult.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#include <machine/param.h>
-#include <machine/vmparam.h>
-#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_vax
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/vaxult2.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/vaxult2.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 13731b7479f6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hosts/vaxult2.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#include <machine/param.h>
-#include <machine/vmparam.h>
-#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_vax
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hp300bsd.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hp300bsd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5767b18c179a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hp300bsd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for HP 9000/300 (68000-based) machines running BSD Unix.
- Copyright 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) 0
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) 0 /* Avoids warning */
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR 0
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_m68k
-#define MY(OP) CAT(hp300bsd_,OP)
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-hp300bsd"
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "libaout.h"
-#include "aout-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hp300hpux.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hp300hpux.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d1acab8ae4e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hp300hpux.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,865 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD backend for hp-ux 9000/300
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Glenn Engel.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- hpux native ------------> | |
- | hp300hpux bfd | ----------> hpux w/gnu ext
- hpux w/gnu extension ----> | |
- Support for the 9000/[34]00 has several limitations.
- 1. Shared libraries are not supported.
- 2. The output format from this bfd is not usable by native tools.
- The primary motivation for writing this bfd was to allow use of
- gdb and gcc for host based debugging and not to mimic the hp-ux tools
- in every detail. This leads to a significant simplification of the
- code and a leap in performance. The decision to not output hp native
- compatible objects was further strengthened by the fact that the richness
- of the gcc compiled objects could not be represented without loss of
- information. For example, while the hp format supports the concept of
- secondary symbols, it does not support indirect symbols. Another
- reason is to maintain backwards compatibility with older implementations
- of gcc on hpux which used 'hpxt' to translate .a and .o files into a
- format which could be readily understood by the gnu linker and gdb.
- This allows reading hp secondary symbols and converting them into
- indirect symbols but the reverse it not always possible.
- Another example of differences is that the hp format stores symbol offsets
- in the object code while the gnu utilities use a field in the
- relocation record for this. To support the hp native format, the object
- code would need to be patched with the offsets when producing .o files.
- The basic technique taken in this implementation is to #include the code
- from aoutx.h and aout-target.h with appropriate #defines to override
- code where a unique implementation is needed:
- {
- #define a bunch of stuff
- #include <aoutx.h>
- implement a bunch of functions
- #include "aout-target.h"
- }
- The hp symbol table is a bit different than other a.out targets. Instead
- of having an array of nlist items and an array of strings, hp's format
- has them mixed together in one structure. In addition, the strings are
- not null terminated. It looks something like this:
- nlist element 1
- string1
- nlist element 2
- string2
- ...
- The whole symbol table is read as one chunk and then we march thru it
- and convert it to canonical form. As we march thru the table, we copy
- the nlist data into the internal form and we compact the strings and null
- terminate them, using storage from the already allocated symbol table:
- string1
- null
- string2
- null
- */
-/* @@ Is this really so different from normal a.out that it needs to include
- aoutx.h? We should go through this file sometime and see what can be made
- more dependent on aout32.o and what might need to be broken off and accessed
- through the backend_data field. Or, maybe we really do need such a
- completely separate implementation. I don't have time to investigate this
- much further right now. [raeburn:19930428.2124EST] */
-/* @@ Also, note that there wind up being two versions of some routines, with
- different names, only one of which actually gets used. For example:
- slurp_symbol_table
- swap_std_reloc_in
- slurp_reloc_table
- get_symtab
- get_symtab_upper_bound
- canonicalize_reloc
- mkobject
- This should also be fixed. */
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-hp300hpux"
-#define MY(OP) CAT(hp300hpux_,OP)
-#define external_exec hp300hpux_exec_bytes
-#define external_nlist hp300hpux_nlist_bytes
-#include "aout/hp300hpux.h"
-/* define these so we can compile unused routines in aoutx.h */
-#define e_strx e_shlib
-#define e_other e_length
-#define e_desc e_almod
-#define AR_PAD_CHAR '/'
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_m68k
-#define MY_get_section_contents aout_32_get_section_contents
-#define MY_slurp_armap bfd_slurp_bsd_armap_f2
-/* provide overrides for routines in this file */
-/* these don't use MY because that causes problems within JUMP_TABLE
- (CAT winds up being expanded recursively, which ANSI C compilers
- will not do). */
-#define MY_get_symtab hp300hpux_get_symtab
-#define MY_get_symtab_upper_bound hp300hpux_get_symtab_upper_bound
-#define MY_canonicalize_reloc hp300hpux_canonicalize_reloc
-#define MY_write_object_contents hp300hpux_write_object_contents
-#define MY_read_minisymbols _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols
-#define MY_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol
-#define MY_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
-#define MY_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
-#define MY_final_link_callback unused
-#define MY_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
-/* Until and unless we convert the slurp_reloc and slurp_symtab
- routines in this file, we can not use the default aout
- free_cached_info routine which assumes that the relocs and symtabs
- were allocated using malloc. */
-#define MY_bfd_free_cached_info bfd_true
-#define hp300hpux_write_syms aout_32_write_syms
-#define MY_callback MY(callback)
-#define MY_exec_hdr_flags 0x2
-#define NAME_swap_exec_header_in NAME(hp300hpux_32_,swap_exec_header_in)
-#define HP_SYMTYPE_TEXT 0x02
-#define HP_SYMTYPE_DATA 0x03
-#define HP_SYMTYPE_BSS 0x04
-#define HP_SYMTYPE_COMMON 0x05
-#define HP_SYMTYPE_TYPE 0x0F
-#define HP_SYMTYPE_ALIGN 0x10
-#define HP_RSEGMENT_TEXT 0x00
-#define HP_RSEGMENT_DATA 0x01
-#define HP_RSEGMENT_BSS 0x02
-#define HP_RSEGMENT_PCREL 0x04
-#define HP_RSEGMENT_RDLT 0x05
-#define HP_RSEGMENT_RPLT 0x06
-#define HP_RSEGMENT_NOOP 0x3F
-#define HP_RLENGTH_BYTE 0x00
-#define HP_RLENGTH_WORD 0x01
-#define HP_RLENGTH_LONG 0x02
-#define HP_RLENGTH_ALIGN 0x03
-#define NAME(x,y) CAT3(hp300hpux,_32_,y)
-#define ARCH_SIZE 32
-/* aoutx.h requires definitions for BMAGIC and QMAGIC. */
-#define QMAGIC 0314
-#include "aoutx.h"
-/* Since the hpux symbol table has nlist elements interspersed with
- strings and we need to insert som strings for secondary symbols, we
- give ourselves a little extra padding up front to account for
- this. Note that for each non-secondary symbol we process, we gain
- 9 bytes of space for the discarded nlist element (one byte used for
- null). SYM_EXTRA_BYTES is the extra space. */
-#define SYM_EXTRA_BYTES 1024
-/* Set parameters about this a.out file that are machine-dependent.
- This routine is called from some_aout_object_p just before it returns. */
-static const bfd_target *
-MY (callback) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- /* Calculate the file positions of the parts of a newly read aout header */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->_raw_size = N_TXTSIZE (*execp);
- /* The virtual memory addresses of the sections */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->vma = N_TXTADDR (*execp);
- obj_datasec (abfd)->vma = N_DATADDR (*execp);
- obj_bsssec (abfd)->vma = N_BSSADDR (*execp);
- obj_textsec (abfd)->lma = obj_textsec (abfd)->vma;
- obj_datasec (abfd)->lma = obj_datasec (abfd)->vma;
- obj_bsssec (abfd)->lma = obj_bsssec (abfd)->vma;
- /* The file offsets of the sections */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->filepos = N_TXTOFF (*execp);
- obj_datasec (abfd)->filepos = N_DATOFF (*execp);
- /* The file offsets of the relocation info */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->rel_filepos = N_TRELOFF (*execp);
- obj_datasec (abfd)->rel_filepos = N_DRELOFF (*execp);
- /* The file offsets of the string table and symbol table. */
- obj_sym_filepos (abfd) = N_SYMOFF (*execp);
- obj_str_filepos (abfd) = N_STROFF (*execp);
- /* Determine the architecture and machine type of the object file. */
- SET_ARCH_MACH (abfd, *execp);
- bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, DEFAULT_ARCH, 0);
- if (obj_aout_subformat (abfd) == gnu_encap_format)
- {
- /* The file offsets of the relocation info */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->rel_filepos = N_GNU_TRELOFF (*execp);
- obj_datasec (abfd)->rel_filepos = N_GNU_DRELOFF (*execp);
- /* The file offsets of the string table and symbol table. */
- obj_sym_filepos (abfd) = N_GNU_SYMOFF (*execp);
- obj_str_filepos (abfd) = (obj_sym_filepos (abfd) + execp->a_syms);
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd) = execp->a_syms / 12;
- obj_symbol_entry_size (abfd) = 12;
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- }
- return abfd->xvec;
-extern boolean aout_32_write_syms PARAMS ((bfd * abfd));
-static boolean
-MY (write_object_contents) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec exec_bytes;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- bfd_size_type text_size; /* dummy vars */
- file_ptr text_end;
- memset (&exec_bytes, 0, sizeof (exec_bytes));
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- if (adata (abfd).magic == undecided_magic)
- NAME (aout,adjust_sizes_and_vmas) (abfd, &text_size, &text_end);
- execp->a_syms = 0;
- execp->a_entry = bfd_get_start_address (abfd);
- execp->a_trsize = ((obj_textsec (abfd)->reloc_count) *
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd));
- execp->a_drsize = ((obj_datasec (abfd)->reloc_count) *
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd));
- N_SET_MACHTYPE (*execp, 0xc);
- N_SET_FLAGS (*execp, aout_backend_info (abfd)->exec_hdr_flags);
- NAME (aout,swap_exec_header_out) (abfd, execp, &exec_bytes);
- /* update fields not covered by default swap_exec_header_out */
- /* this is really the sym table size but we store it in drelocs */
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, bfd_get_symcount (abfd) * 12, exec_bytes.e_drelocs);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, 0L, false) != 0
- || (bfd_write ((PTR) & exec_bytes, 1, EXEC_BYTES_SIZE, abfd)
- return false;
- /* Write out the symbols, and then the relocs. We must write out
- the symbols first so that we know the symbol indices. */
- if (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) != 0)
- {
- /* Skip the relocs to where we want to put the symbols. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) N_DRELOFF (*execp) + execp->a_drsize,
- SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- }
- if (!MY (write_syms) (abfd))
- return false;
- if (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) != 0)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (long) (N_TRELOFF (*execp)), false) != 0)
- return false;
- if (!NAME (aout,squirt_out_relocs) (abfd, obj_textsec (abfd)))
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (long) (N_DRELOFF (*execp)), false) != 0)
- return false;
- if (!NAME (aout,squirt_out_relocs) (abfd, obj_datasec (abfd)))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* convert the hp symbol type to be the same as aout64.h usage so we */
-/* can piggyback routines in aoutx.h. */
-static void
-convert_sym_type (sym_pointer, cache_ptr, abfd)
- struct external_nlist *sym_pointer;
- aout_symbol_type *cache_ptr;
- bfd *abfd;
- int name_type;
- int new_type;
- name_type = (cache_ptr->type);
- new_type = 0;
- if ((name_type & HP_SYMTYPE_ALIGN) != 0)
- {
- /* iou_error ("aligned symbol encountered: %s", name);*/
- name_type = 0;
- }
- if (name_type == HP_SYMTYPE_FILENAME)
- new_type = N_FN;
- else
- {
- switch (name_type & HP_SYMTYPE_TYPE)
- {
- new_type = N_UNDF;
- break;
- new_type = N_ABS;
- break;
- new_type = N_TEXT;
- break;
- new_type = N_DATA;
- break;
- new_type = N_BSS;
- break;
- new_type = N_COMM;
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- break;
- }
- if (name_type & HP_SYMTYPE_EXTERNAL)
- new_type |= N_EXT;
- if (name_type & HP_SECONDARY_SYMBOL)
- {
- switch (new_type)
- {
- default:
- abort ();
- case N_UNDF | N_EXT:
- new_type = N_WEAKU;
- break;
- case N_ABS | N_EXT:
- new_type = N_WEAKA;
- break;
- case N_TEXT | N_EXT:
- new_type = N_WEAKT;
- break;
- case N_DATA | N_EXT:
- new_type = N_WEAKD;
- break;
- case N_BSS | N_EXT:
- new_type = N_WEAKB;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- cache_ptr->type = new_type;
- Swaps the information in an executable header taken from a raw
- byte stream memory image, into the internal exec_header
- structure.
-NAME (aout,swap_exec_header_in) (abfd, raw_bytes, execp)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec *raw_bytes;
- struct internal_exec *execp;
- struct external_exec *bytes = (struct external_exec *) raw_bytes;
- /* The internal_exec structure has some fields that are unused in this
- configuration (IE for i960), so ensure that all such uninitialized
- fields are zero'd out. There are places where two of these structs
- are memcmp'd, and thus the contents do matter. */
- memset (execp, 0, sizeof (struct internal_exec));
- /* Now fill in fields in the execp, from the bytes in the raw data. */
- execp->a_info = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, bytes->e_info);
- execp->a_text = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_text);
- execp->a_data = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_data);
- execp->a_bss = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_bss);
- execp->a_syms = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_syms);
- execp->a_entry = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_entry);
- execp->a_trsize = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_trsize);
- execp->a_drsize = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_drsize);
- /***************************************************************/
- /* check the header to see if it was generated by a bfd output */
- /* this is detected rather bizarely by requiring a bunch of */
- /* header fields to be zero and an old unused field (now used) */
- /* to be set. */
- /***************************************************************/
- do
- {
- long syms;
- struct aout_data_struct *rawptr;
- if (bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, bytes->e_passize) != 0)
- break;
- if (bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, bytes->e_syms) != 0)
- break;
- if (bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, bytes->e_supsize) != 0)
- break;
- syms = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, bytes->e_drelocs);
- if (syms == 0)
- break;
- /* OK, we've passed the test as best as we can determine */
- execp->a_syms = syms;
- /* allocate storage for where we will store this result */
- rawptr = (struct aout_data_struct *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (*rawptr));
- if (rawptr == NULL)
- return;
- abfd->tdata.aout_data = rawptr;
- obj_aout_subformat (abfd) = gnu_encap_format;
- }
- while (0);
-/* The hp symbol table is a bit different than other a.out targets. Instead
- of having an array of nlist items and an array of strings, hp's format
- has them mixed together in one structure. In addition, the strings are
- not null terminated. It looks something like this:
- nlist element 1
- string1
- nlist element 2
- string2
- ...
- The whole symbol table is read as one chunk and then we march thru it
- and convert it to canonical form. As we march thru the table, we copy
- the nlist data into the internal form and we compact the strings and null
- terminate them, using storage from the already allocated symbol table:
- string1
- null
- string2
- null
- ...
-MY (slurp_symbol_table) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_size_type symbol_bytes;
- struct external_nlist *syms;
- struct external_nlist *sym_pointer;
- struct external_nlist *sym_end;
- char *strings;
- aout_symbol_type *cached;
- unsigned num_syms = 0;
- /* If there's no work to be done, don't do any */
- if (obj_aout_symbols (abfd) != (aout_symbol_type *) NULL)
- return true;
- symbol_bytes = exec_hdr (abfd)->a_syms;
- strings = (char *) bfd_alloc (abfd,
- symbol_bytes + SYM_EXTRA_BYTES);
- if (!strings)
- return false;
- syms = (struct external_nlist *) (strings + SYM_EXTRA_BYTES);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, obj_sym_filepos (abfd), SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read ((PTR) syms, symbol_bytes, 1, abfd) != symbol_bytes)
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, syms);
- return false;
- }
- sym_end = (struct external_nlist *) (((char *) syms) + symbol_bytes);
- /* first, march thru the table and figure out how many symbols there are */
- for (sym_pointer = syms; sym_pointer < sym_end; sym_pointer++, num_syms++)
- {
- /* skip over the embedded symbol. */
- sym_pointer = (struct external_nlist *) (((char *) sym_pointer) +
- sym_pointer->e_length[0]);
- }
- /* now that we know the symbol count, update the bfd header */
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd) = num_syms;
- cached = ((aout_symbol_type *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd,
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd) * sizeof (aout_symbol_type)));
- if (cached == NULL && bfd_get_symcount (abfd) != 0)
- return false;
- /* as we march thru the hp symbol table, convert it into a list of
- null terminated strings to hold the symbol names. Make sure any
- assignment to the strings pointer is done after we're thru using
- the nlist so we don't overwrite anything important. */
- /* OK, now walk the new symtable, cacheing symbol properties */
- {
- aout_symbol_type *cache_ptr = cached;
- aout_symbol_type cache_save;
- /* Run through table and copy values */
- for (sym_pointer = syms, cache_ptr = cached;
- sym_pointer < sym_end; sym_pointer++, cache_ptr++)
- {
- unsigned int length;
- cache_ptr->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- cache_ptr->symbol.value = GET_SWORD (abfd, sym_pointer->e_value);
- cache_ptr->desc = bfd_get_16 (abfd, sym_pointer->e_almod);
- cache_ptr->type = bfd_get_8 (abfd, sym_pointer->e_type);
- cache_ptr->symbol.udata.p = NULL;
- length = bfd_get_8 (abfd, sym_pointer->e_length);
- cache_ptr->other = length; /* other not used, save length here */
- cache_save = *cache_ptr;
- convert_sym_type (sym_pointer, cache_ptr, abfd);
- if (!translate_from_native_sym_flags (abfd, cache_ptr))
- return false;
- /********************************************************/
- /* for hpux, the 'lenght' value indicates the length of */
- /* the symbol name which follows the nlist entry. */
- /********************************************************/
- if (length)
- {
- /**************************************************************/
- /* the hp string is not null terminated so we create a new one*/
- /* by copying the string to overlap the just vacated nlist */
- /* structure before it in memory. */
- /**************************************************************/
- cache_ptr-> = strings;
- memcpy (strings, sym_pointer + 1, length);
- strings[length] = '\0';
- strings += length + 1;
- }
- else
- cache_ptr-> = (char *) NULL;
- /* skip over the embedded symbol. */
- sym_pointer = (struct external_nlist *) (((char *) sym_pointer) +
- length);
- }
- }
- obj_aout_symbols (abfd) = cached;
- return true;
-MY (swap_std_reloc_in) (abfd, bytes, cache_ptr, symbols, symcount)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct hp300hpux_reloc *bytes;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- bfd_size_type symcount;
- int r_index;
- int r_extern = 0;
- unsigned int r_length;
- int r_pcrel = 0;
- struct aoutdata *su = &(abfd->tdata.aout_data->a);
- cache_ptr->address = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, bytes->r_address);
- r_index = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, bytes->r_index);
- switch (bytes->r_type[0])
- {
- r_index = N_TEXT;
- break;
- r_index = N_DATA;
- break;
- r_index = N_BSS;
- break;
- r_extern = 1;
- break;
- r_extern = 1;
- r_pcrel = 1;
- break;
- break;
- break;
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- break;
- }
- switch (bytes->r_length[0])
- {
- r_length = 0;
- break;
- r_length = 1;
- break;
- r_length = 2;
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- break;
- }
- cache_ptr->howto = howto_table_std + r_length + 4 * r_pcrel;
- /* FIXME-soon: Roll baserel, jmptable, relative bits into howto setting */
- /* This macro uses the r_index value computed above */
- if (r_pcrel && r_extern)
- {
- /* The GNU linker assumes any offset from beginning of section */
- /* is already incorporated into the image while the HP linker */
- /* adds this in later. Add it in now... */
- MOVE_ADDRESS (-cache_ptr->address);
- }
- else
- {
- }
-MY (slurp_reloc_table) (abfd, asect, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr asect;
- asymbol **symbols;
- unsigned int count;
- bfd_size_type reloc_size;
- PTR relocs;
- arelent *reloc_cache;
- size_t each_size;
- struct hp300hpux_reloc *rptr;
- unsigned int counter;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- if (asect->relocation)
- return true;
- if (asect->flags & SEC_CONSTRUCTOR)
- return true;
- if (asect == obj_datasec (abfd))
- {
- reloc_size = exec_hdr (abfd)->a_drsize;
- goto doit;
- }
- if (asect == obj_textsec (abfd))
- {
- reloc_size = exec_hdr (abfd)->a_trsize;
- goto doit;
- }
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, asect->rel_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- each_size = obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd);
- count = reloc_size / each_size;
- reloc_cache = (arelent *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, (size_t) (count * sizeof
- (arelent)));
- if (!reloc_cache && count != 0)
- return false;
- relocs = (PTR) bfd_alloc (abfd, reloc_size);
- if (!relocs && reloc_size != 0)
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, reloc_cache);
- return false;
- }
- if (bfd_read (relocs, 1, reloc_size, abfd) != reloc_size)
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, relocs);
- bfd_release (abfd, reloc_cache);
- return false;
- }
- rptr = (struct hp300hpux_reloc *) relocs;
- counter = 0;
- cache_ptr = reloc_cache;
- for (; counter < count; counter++, rptr++, cache_ptr++)
- {
- MY (swap_std_reloc_in) (abfd, rptr, cache_ptr, symbols,
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd));
- }
- bfd_release (abfd, relocs);
- asect->relocation = reloc_cache;
- asect->reloc_count = count;
- return true;
-/* The following functions are identical to functions in aoutx.h except */
-/* they refer to MY(func) rather than NAME(aout,func) and they also */
-/* call aout_32 versions if the input file was generated by gcc */
-long aout_32_get_symtab PARAMS ((bfd * abfd, asymbol ** location));
-long aout_32_get_symtab_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd * abfd));
-long aout_32_canonicalize_reloc PARAMS ((bfd * abfd, sec_ptr section,
- arelent ** relptr,
- asymbol ** symbols));
-MY (get_symtab) (abfd, location)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **location;
- unsigned int counter = 0;
- aout_symbol_type *symbase;
- if (obj_aout_subformat (abfd) == gnu_encap_format)
- return aout_32_get_symtab (abfd, location);
- if (!MY (slurp_symbol_table) (abfd))
- return -1;
- for (symbase = obj_aout_symbols (abfd); counter++ < bfd_get_symcount (abfd);)
- *(location++) = (asymbol *) (symbase++);
- *location++ = 0;
- return bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
-MY (get_symtab_upper_bound) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (obj_aout_subformat (abfd) == gnu_encap_format)
- return aout_32_get_symtab_upper_bound (abfd);
- if (!MY (slurp_symbol_table) (abfd))
- return -1;
- return (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) + 1) * (sizeof (aout_symbol_type *));
-MY (canonicalize_reloc) (abfd, section, relptr, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- arelent **relptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- arelent *tblptr = section->relocation;
- unsigned int count;
- if (obj_aout_subformat (abfd) == gnu_encap_format)
- return aout_32_canonicalize_reloc (abfd, section, relptr, symbols);
- if (!(tblptr || MY (slurp_reloc_table) (abfd, section, symbols)))
- return -1;
- if (section->flags & SEC_CONSTRUCTOR)
- {
- arelent_chain *chain = section->constructor_chain;
- for (count = 0; count < section->reloc_count; count++)
- {
- *relptr++ = &chain->relent;
- chain = chain->next;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- tblptr = section->relocation;
- for (count = 0; count++ < section->reloc_count;)
- {
- *relptr++ = tblptr++;
- }
- }
- *relptr = 0;
- return section->reloc_count;
-#include "aout-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hppa_stubs.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hppa_stubs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ee893e8a57bb..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hppa_stubs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-/* HPPA linker stub instructions */
-/* These are the instructions which the linker may insert into the
- code stream when building final executables to handle out-of-range
- calls and argument relocations. */
-#define LDO_M4_R31_R31 0x37ff3ff9 /* ldo -4(%r31),%r31 */
-#define LDIL_R1 0x20200000 /* ldil XXX,%r1 */
-#define BE_SR4_R1 0xe0202000 /* be XXX(%sr4,%r1) */
-#define COPY_R31_R2 0x081f0242 /* copy %r31,%r2 */
-#define BLE_SR4_R0 0xe4002000 /* ble XXX(%sr4,%r0) */
-#define BLE_SR4_R1 0xe4202000 /* ble XXX(%sr4,%r1) */
-#define BV_N_0_R31 0xebe0c002 /* bv,n 0(%r31) */
-#define STW_R31_M8R30 0x6bdf3ff1 /* stw %r31,-8(%r30) */
-#define LDW_M8R30_R31 0x4bdf3ff1 /* ldw -8(%r30),%r31 */
-#define STW_ARG_M16R30 0x6bc03fe1 /* stw %argX,-16(%r30) */
-#define LDW_M16R30_ARG 0x4bc03fe1 /* ldw -12(%r30),%argX */
-#define STW_ARG_M12R30 0x6bc03fe9 /* stw %argX,-16(%r30) */
-#define LDW_M12R30_ARG 0x4bc03fe9 /* ldw -12(%r30),%argX */
-#define FSTW_FARG_M16R30 0x27c11200 /* fstws %fargX,-16(%r30) */
-#define FLDW_M16R30_FARG 0x27c11000 /* fldws -16(%r30),%fargX */
-#define FSTD_FARG_M16R30 0x2fc11200 /* fstds %fargX,-16(%r30) */
-#define FLDD_M16R30_FARG 0x2fc11000 /* fldds -16(%r30),%fargX */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hppabsd-core.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hppabsd-core.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a76ecc5aad15..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hppabsd-core.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for HPPA BSD core files.
- Copyright 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Written by the Center for Software Science at the University of Utah
- and by Cygnus Support.
- The core file structure for the Utah 4.3BSD and OSF1 ports on the
- PA is a mix between traditional cores and hpux cores -- just
- different enough that supporting this format would tend to add
- gross hacks to trad-core.c or hpux-core.c. So instead we keep any
- gross hacks isolated to this file. */
-/* This file can only be compiled on systems which use HPPA-BSD style
- core files.
- I would not expect this to be of use to any other host/target, but
- you never know. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#if defined (HOST_HPPABSD)
-#include "machine/vmparam.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/dir.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <machine/reg.h>
-#include <sys/user.h> /* After a.out.h */
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-static asection *make_bfd_asection PARAMS ((bfd *, CONST char *,
- flagword, bfd_size_type,
- file_ptr, unsigned int));
-static asymbol *hppabsd_core_make_empty_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static const bfd_target *hppabsd_core_core_file_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static char *hppabsd_core_core_file_failing_command PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static int hppabsd_core_core_file_failing_signal PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean hppabsd_core_core_file_matches_executable_p
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-static void swap_abort PARAMS ((void));
-/* These are stored in the bfd's tdata. */
-struct hppabsd_core_struct
- {
- int sig;
- char cmd[MAXCOMLEN + 1];
- asection *data_section;
- asection *stack_section;
- asection *reg_section;
- };
-#define core_hdr(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.hppabsd_core_data)
-#define core_signal(bfd) (core_hdr(bfd)->sig)
-#define core_command(bfd) (core_hdr(bfd)->cmd)
-#define core_datasec(bfd) (core_hdr(bfd)->data_section)
-#define core_stacksec(bfd) (core_hdr(bfd)->stack_section)
-#define core_regsec(bfd) (core_hdr(bfd)->reg_section)
-static asection *
-make_bfd_asection (abfd, name, flags, _raw_size, offset, alignment_power)
- bfd *abfd;
- CONST char *name;
- flagword flags;
- bfd_size_type _raw_size;
- file_ptr offset;
- unsigned int alignment_power;
- asection *asect;
- asect = bfd_make_section (abfd, name);
- if (!asect)
- return NULL;
- asect->flags = flags;
- asect->_raw_size = _raw_size;
- asect->filepos = offset;
- asect->alignment_power = alignment_power;
- return asect;
-static asymbol *
-hppabsd_core_make_empty_symbol (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *new = (asymbol *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asymbol));
- if (new)
- new->the_bfd = abfd;
- return new;
-static const bfd_target *
-hppabsd_core_core_file_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- int val;
- struct user u;
- struct hppabsd_core_struct *coredata;
- int clicksz;
- /* Try to read in the u-area. We will need information from this
- to know how to grok the rest of the core structures. */
- val = bfd_read ((void *) &u, 1, sizeof u, abfd);
- if (val != sizeof u)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Get the page size out of the u structure. This will be different
- for PA 1.0 machines and PA 1.1 machines. Yuk! */
- clicksz = u.u_pcb.pcb_pgsz;
- /* clicksz must be a power of two >= 2k. */
- if (clicksz < 0x800
- || clicksz != (clicksz & -clicksz))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Sanity checks. Make sure the size of the core file matches the
- the size computed from information within the core itself. */
- {
- FILE *stream = bfd_cache_lookup (abfd);
- struct stat statbuf;
- if (stream == NULL || fstat (fileno (stream), &statbuf) < 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (NBPG * (UPAGES + u.u_dsize + u.u_ssize) > statbuf.st_size)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_truncated);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (clicksz * (UPAGES + u.u_dsize + u.u_ssize) < statbuf.st_size)
- {
- /* The file is too big. Maybe it's not a core file
- or we otherwise have bad values for u_dsize and u_ssize). */
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- /* OK, we believe you. You're a core file (sure, sure). */
- coredata = (struct hppabsd_core_struct *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct hppabsd_core_struct));
- if (!coredata)
- return NULL;
- /* Make the core data and available via the tdata part of the BFD. */
- abfd->tdata.hppabsd_core_data = coredata;
- /* Create the sections. */
- core_stacksec (abfd) = make_bfd_asection (abfd, ".stack",
- clicksz * u.u_ssize,
- + clicksz * u.u_dsize, 2);
- core_stacksec (abfd)->vma = USRSTACK;
- core_datasec (abfd) = make_bfd_asection (abfd, ".data",
- clicksz * u.u_dsize,
- core_datasec (abfd)->vma = UDATASEG;
- core_regsec (abfd) = make_bfd_asection (abfd, ".reg",
- NBPG * USIZE, 2);
- core_regsec (abfd)->vma = 0;
- strncpy (core_command (abfd), u.u_comm, MAXCOMLEN + 1);
- core_signal (abfd) = u.u_code;
- return abfd->xvec;
-static char *
-hppabsd_core_core_file_failing_command (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return core_command (abfd);
-static int
-hppabsd_core_core_file_failing_signal (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return core_signal (abfd);
-static boolean
-hppabsd_core_core_file_matches_executable_p (core_bfd, exec_bfd)
- bfd *core_bfd, *exec_bfd;
- /* There's no way to know this... */
- return true;
-#define hppabsd_core_get_symtab_upper_bound \
- _bfd_nosymbols_get_symtab_upper_bound
-#define hppabsd_core_get_symtab _bfd_nosymbols_get_symtab
-#define hppabsd_core_print_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_print_symbol
-#define hppabsd_core_get_symbol_info _bfd_nosymbols_get_symbol_info
-#define hppabsd_core_bfd_is_local_label _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_is_local_label
-#define hppabsd_core_get_lineno _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno
-#define hppabsd_core_find_nearest_line _bfd_nosymbols_find_nearest_line
-#define hppabsd_core_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
-#define hppabsd_core_read_minisymbols _bfd_nosymbols_read_minisymbols
-#define hppabsd_core_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_minisymbol_to_symbol
-/* If somebody calls any byte-swapping routines, shoot them. */
-static void
-swap_abort ()
- /* This way doesn't require any declaration for ANSI to fuck up. */
- abort ();
-#define NO_GET ((bfd_vma (*) PARAMS (( const bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-#define NO_PUT ((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-#define NO_SIGNED_GET \
- ((bfd_signed_vma (*) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-const bfd_target hppabsd_core_vec =
- {
- "hppabsd-core",
- bfd_target_unknown_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target byte order */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target headers byte order */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* symbol prefix */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 64 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 32 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 16 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 64 bit hdrs */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 32 bit hdrs */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 16 bit hdrs */
- { /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* unknown format */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* object file */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* archive */
- hppabsd_core_core_file_p /* a core file */
- },
- { /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false, bfd_false,
- bfd_false, bfd_false
- },
- { /* bfd_write_contents */
- bfd_false, bfd_false,
- bfd_false, bfd_false
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (hppabsd_core),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_SYMBOLS (hppabsd_core),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS (_bfd_norelocs),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (_bfd_nolink),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0 /* backend_data */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hpux-core.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/hpux-core.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 675a5f8d0bd2..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/hpux-core.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for HP/UX core files.
- Copyright 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Stu Grossman, Cygnus Support.
- Converted to back-end form by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus SUpport
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file can only be compiled on systems which use HP/UX style
- core files. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#if defined (HOST_HPPAHPUX) || defined (HOST_HP300HPUX)
-/* FIXME: sys/core.h doesn't exist for HPUX version 7. HPUX version
- 5, 6, and 7 core files seem to be standard trad-core.c type core
- files; can we just use trad-core.c in addition to this file? */
-#include <sys/core.h>
-#include <sys/utsname.h>
-#endif /* HOST_HPPAHPUX */
-/* Not a very swift place to put it, but that's where the BSD port
- puts them. */
-#include "/hpux/usr/include/sys/core.h"
-#endif /* HOST_HPPABSD */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/dir.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <machine/reg.h>
-#include <sys/user.h> /* After a.out.h */
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-/* These are stored in the bfd's tdata */
-struct hpux_core_struct
- int sig;
- char cmd[MAXCOMLEN + 1];
-#define core_hdr(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.hpux_core_data)
-#define core_signal(bfd) (core_hdr(bfd)->sig)
-#define core_command(bfd) (core_hdr(bfd)->cmd)
-static asection *
-make_bfd_asection (abfd, name, flags, _raw_size, vma, alignment_power)
- bfd *abfd;
- CONST char *name;
- flagword flags;
- bfd_size_type _raw_size;
- bfd_vma vma;
- unsigned int alignment_power;
- asection *asect;
- asect = bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, name);
- if (!asect)
- return NULL;
- asect->flags = flags;
- asect->_raw_size = _raw_size;
- asect->vma = vma;
- asect->filepos = bfd_tell (abfd);
- asect->alignment_power = alignment_power;
- return asect;
-static asymbol *
-hpux_core_make_empty_symbol (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *new = (asymbol *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asymbol));
- if (new)
- new->the_bfd = abfd;
- return new;
-static const bfd_target *
-hpux_core_core_file_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- core_hdr (abfd) = (struct hpux_core_struct *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct hpux_core_struct));
- if (!core_hdr (abfd))
- return NULL;
- while (1)
- {
- int val;
- struct corehead core_header;
- val = bfd_read ((void *) &core_header, 1, sizeof core_header, abfd);
- if (val <= 0)
- break;
- switch (core_header.type)
- {
- bfd_seek (abfd, core_header.len, SEEK_CUR); /* Just skip this */
- break;
- case CORE_EXEC:
- {
- struct proc_exec proc_exec;
- if (bfd_read ((void *) &proc_exec, 1, core_header.len, abfd)
- != core_header.len)
- break;
- strncpy (core_command (abfd), proc_exec.cmd, MAXCOMLEN + 1);
- }
- break;
- case CORE_PROC:
- {
- struct proc_info proc_info;
- if (!make_bfd_asection (abfd, ".reg",
- core_header.len,
- (int) &proc_info - (int) & proc_info.hw_regs,
- 2))
- return NULL;
- if (bfd_read (&proc_info, 1, core_header.len, abfd)
- != core_header.len)
- break;
- core_signal (abfd) = proc_info.sig;
- }
- break;
- case CORE_DATA:
- case CORE_STACK:
- case CORE_TEXT:
- case CORE_MMF:
- case CORE_SHM:
- if (!make_bfd_asection (abfd, ".data",
- core_header.len, core_header.addr, 2))
- return NULL;
- bfd_seek (abfd, core_header.len, SEEK_CUR);
- break;
- default:
- /* Falling into here is an error and should prevent this
- target from matching. That way systems which use hpux
- cores along with other formats can still work. */
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /* OK, we believe you. You're a core file (sure, sure). */
- return abfd->xvec;
-static char *
-hpux_core_core_file_failing_command (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return core_command (abfd);
-static int
-hpux_core_core_file_failing_signal (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return core_signal (abfd);
-static boolean
-hpux_core_core_file_matches_executable_p (core_bfd, exec_bfd)
- bfd *core_bfd, *exec_bfd;
- return true; /* FIXME, We have no way of telling at this point */
-#define hpux_core_get_symtab_upper_bound _bfd_nosymbols_get_symtab_upper_bound
-#define hpux_core_get_symtab _bfd_nosymbols_get_symtab
-#define hpux_core_print_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_print_symbol
-#define hpux_core_get_symbol_info _bfd_nosymbols_get_symbol_info
-#define hpux_core_bfd_is_local_label _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_is_local_label
-#define hpux_core_get_lineno _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno
-#define hpux_core_find_nearest_line _bfd_nosymbols_find_nearest_line
-#define hpux_core_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
-#define hpux_core_read_minisymbols _bfd_nosymbols_read_minisymbols
-#define hpux_core_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_minisymbol_to_symbol
-/* If somebody calls any byte-swapping routines, shoot them. */
- abort(); /* This way doesn't require any declaration for ANSI to fuck up */
-#define NO_GET ((bfd_vma (*) PARAMS (( const bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-#define NO_PUT ((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-#define NO_SIGNED_GET \
- ((bfd_signed_vma (*) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-const bfd_target hpux_core_vec =
- {
- "hpux-core",
- bfd_target_unknown_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target byte order */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target headers byte order */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* symbol prefix */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 64 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 32 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 16 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 64 bit hdrs */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 32 bit hdrs */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 16 bit hdrs */
- { /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* unknown format */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* object file */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* archive */
- hpux_core_core_file_p /* a core file */
- },
- { /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false, bfd_false,
- bfd_false, bfd_false
- },
- { /* bfd_write_contents */
- bfd_false, bfd_false,
- bfd_false, bfd_false
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (hpux_core),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS (_bfd_norelocs),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (_bfd_nolink),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0 /* backend_data */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386aout.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386aout.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0801832d16d7..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386aout.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for i386 a.out binaries.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* The only 386 aout system we have here is GO32 from DJ.
- These numbers make BFD work with that. If your aout 386 system
- doesn't work with these, we'll have to split them into different
- files. Send me ( the runes to make it work on your
- system, and I'll stick it in for the next release. */
-#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) 0
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#define N_TXTOFF(x) 0x20
-#define N_TXTADDR(x) (N_MAGIC(x)==ZMAGIC ? 0x1020 : 0)
-#define N_TXTSIZE(x) ((x).a_text)
-#if 0
-#define N_DATADDR(x) (N_MAGIC(x)==OMAGIC? (N_TXTADDR(x)+(x).a_text) : (SEGMENT_SIZE + ((0x1020+(x).a_text-1) & ~(SEGMENT_SIZE-1))))
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-#define SEGMENT_SIZE 0x400000
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_i386
-#define MY(OP) CAT(i386aout_,OP)
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-i386"
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "libaout.h"
-static boolean MY(set_sizes)();
-#define MY_backend_data &MY(backend_data)
-static CONST struct aout_backend_data MY(backend_data) = {
- 0, /* zmagic contiguous */
- 1, /* text incl header */
- 0, /* exec_hdr_flags */
- 0, /* text vma? */
- MY(set_sizes),
- 1, /* exec header not counted */
- 0, /* add_dynamic_symbols */
- 0, /* add_one_symbol */
- 0, /* link_dynamic_object */
- 0, /* write_dynamic_symbol */
- 0, /* check_dynamic_reloc */
- 0 /* finish_dynamic_link */
-#include "aout-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386bsd.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386bsd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2328fe3e9e8c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386bsd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for i386 a.out binaries under BSD.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This data should be correct for the format used under all the various
- BSD ports for 386 machines. */
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-/* ZMAGIC files never have the header in the text. */
-#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) 0
-/* ZMAGIC files start at address 0. This does not apply to QMAGIC. */
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR 0
-#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) 0
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_i386
-#define MACHTYPE_OK(mtype) ((mtype) == M_386 || (mtype) == M_UNKNOWN)
-#define MY(OP) CAT(i386bsd_,OP)
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-i386-bsd"
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "libaout.h"
-#include "aout-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386dynix.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386dynix.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ff50a1450a1c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386dynix.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for i386 a.out binaries under dynix.
- Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This BFD is currently only tested with gdb, writing object files
- may not work. */
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR 4096
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-#include "aout/dynix3.h"
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_i386
-#define MACHTYPE_OK(mtype) ((mtype) == M_386 || (mtype) == M_UNKNOWN)
-#define MY(OP) CAT(i386dynix_,OP)
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-i386-dynix"
-#define NAME(x,y) CAT3(i386dynix,_32_,y)
-#define ARCH_SIZE 32
-#define NAME_swap_exec_header_in NAME(i386dynix_32_,swap_exec_header_in)
-#define MY_get_section_contents aout_32_get_section_contents
-/* aoutx.h requires definitions for NMAGIC, BMAGIC and QMAGIC. */
-#define NMAGIC 0
-#include "aoutx.h"
-/* (Ab)use some fields in the internal exec header to be able to read
- executables that contain shared data. */
-#define a_shdata a_tload
-#define a_shdrsize a_dload
-i386dynix_32_swap_exec_header_in (abfd, raw_bytes, execp)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec *raw_bytes;
- struct internal_exec *execp;
- struct external_exec *bytes = (struct external_exec *)raw_bytes;
- /* The internal_exec structure has some fields that are unused in this
- configuration (IE for i960), so ensure that all such uninitialized
- fields are zero'd out. There are places where two of these structs
- are memcmp'd, and thus the contents do matter. */
- memset ((PTR) execp, 0, sizeof (struct internal_exec));
- /* Now fill in fields in the execp, from the bytes in the raw data. */
- execp->a_info = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, bytes->e_info);
- execp->a_text = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_text);
- execp->a_data = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_data);
- execp->a_bss = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_bss);
- execp->a_syms = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_syms);
- execp->a_entry = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_entry);
- execp->a_trsize = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_trsize);
- execp->a_drsize = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_drsize);
- execp->a_shdata = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_shdata);
- execp->a_shdrsize = GET_WORD (abfd, bytes->e_shdrsize);
-#include "aout-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386freebsd.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386freebsd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a6371b5df69..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386freebsd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for FreeBSD/386 a.out-ish binaries.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_i386
-#define MACHTYPE_OK(mtype) ((mtype) == M_386_NETBSD || (mtype) == M_UNKNOWN)
-#define MY(OP) CAT(i386freebsd_,OP)
-/* This needs to start with a.out so GDB knows it is an a.out variant. */
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-i386-freebsd"
-#include "freebsd.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386linux.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386linux.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a45f97c42f80..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386linux.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,762 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for linux flavored i386 a.out binaries.
- Copyright (C) 1992, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR 0x0
-#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) 0
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "aout/aout64.h"
-#include "aout/stab_gnu.h"
-#include "aout/ar.h"
-#include "libaout.h" /* BFD a.out internal data structures */
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_i386
-#define MY(OP) CAT(i386linux_,OP)
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-i386-linux"
-extern const bfd_target MY(vec);
-/* We always generate QMAGIC files in preference to ZMAGIC files. It
- would be possible to make this a linker option, if that ever
- becomes important. */
-static void MY_final_link_callback
- PARAMS ((bfd *, file_ptr *, file_ptr *, file_ptr *));
-static boolean
-i386linux_bfd_final_link (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- obj_aout_subformat (abfd) = q_magic_format;
- return NAME(aout,final_link) (abfd, info, MY_final_link_callback);
-#define MY_bfd_final_link i386linux_bfd_final_link
-/* Set the machine type correctly. */
-static boolean
-i386linux_write_object_contents (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec exec_bytes;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- N_SET_MACHTYPE (*execp, M_386);
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- WRITE_HEADERS(abfd, execp);
- return true;
-#define MY_write_object_contents i386linux_write_object_contents
-/* Code to link against Linux a.out shared libraries. */
-/* See if a symbol name is a reference to the global offset table. */
-#define GOT_REF_PREFIX "__GOT_"
-#define IS_GOT_SYM(name) \
- (strncmp (name, GOT_REF_PREFIX, sizeof GOT_REF_PREFIX - 1) == 0)
-/* See if a symbol name is a reference to the procedure linkage table. */
-#define PLT_REF_PREFIX "__PLT_"
-#define IS_PLT_SYM(name) \
- (strncmp (name, PLT_REF_PREFIX, sizeof PLT_REF_PREFIX - 1) == 0)
-/* This string is used to generate specialized error messages. */
-/* This special symbol is a set vector that contains a list of
- pointers to fixup tables. It will be present in any dynamicly
- linked file. The linker generated fixup table should also be added
- to the list, and it should always appear in the second slot (the
- first one is a dummy with a magic number that is defined in
- crt0.o). */
-/* We keep a list of fixups. The terminology is a bit strange, but
- each fixup contains two 32 bit numbers. A regular fixup contains
- an address and a pointer, and at runtime we should store the
- address at the location pointed to by the pointer. A builtin fixup
- contains two pointers, and we should read the address using one
- pointer and store it at the location pointed to by the other
- pointer. Builtin fixups come into play when we have duplicate
- __GOT__ symbols for the same variable. The builtin fixup will copy
- the GOT pointer from one over into the other. */
-struct fixup
- struct fixup *next;
- struct linux_link_hash_entry *h;
- bfd_vma value;
- /* Nonzero if this is a jump instruction that needs to be fixed,
- zero if this is just a pointer */
- char jump;
- char builtin;
-/* We don't need a special hash table entry structure, but we do need
- to keep some information between linker passes, so we use a special
- hash table. */
-struct linux_link_hash_entry
- struct aout_link_hash_entry root;
-struct linux_link_hash_table
- struct aout_link_hash_table root;
- /* First dynamic object found in link. */
- bfd *dynobj;
- /* Number of fixups. */
- size_t fixup_count;
- /* Number of builtin fixups. */
- size_t local_builtins;
- /* List of fixups. */
- struct fixup *fixup_list;
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *linux_link_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
-static struct bfd_link_hash_table *linux_link_hash_table_create
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static struct fixup *new_fixup
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, struct linux_link_hash_entry *,
- bfd_vma, int));
-static boolean linux_link_create_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean linux_add_one_symbol
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, const char *, flagword, asection *,
- bfd_vma, const char *, boolean, boolean,
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry **));
-static boolean linux_tally_symbols
- PARAMS ((struct linux_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
-static boolean linux_finish_dynamic_link
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-/* Routine to create an entry in an Linux link hash table. */
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *
-linux_link_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct linux_link_hash_entry *ret = (struct linux_link_hash_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == (struct linux_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ret = ((struct linux_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table, sizeof (struct linux_link_hash_entry)));
- if (ret == NULL)
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct linux_link_hash_entry *)
- NAME(aout,link_hash_newfunc) ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret,
- table, string));
- if (ret != NULL)
- {
- /* Set local fields; there aren't any. */
- }
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Create a Linux link hash table. */
-static struct bfd_link_hash_table *
-linux_link_hash_table_create (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct linux_link_hash_table *ret;
- ret = ((struct linux_link_hash_table *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct linux_link_hash_table)));
- if (ret == (struct linux_link_hash_table *) NULL)
- return (struct bfd_link_hash_table *) NULL;
- if (! NAME(aout,link_hash_table_init) (&ret->root, abfd,
- linux_link_hash_newfunc))
- {
- free (ret);
- return (struct bfd_link_hash_table *) NULL;
- }
- ret->dynobj = NULL;
- ret->fixup_count = 0;
- ret->local_builtins = 0;
- ret->fixup_list = NULL;
- return &ret->root.root;
-/* Look up an entry in a Linux link hash table. */
-#define linux_link_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy, follow) \
- ((struct linux_link_hash_entry *) \
- aout_link_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), (copy),\
- (follow)))
-/* Traverse a Linux link hash table. */
-#define linux_link_hash_traverse(table, func, info) \
- (aout_link_hash_traverse \
- (&(table)->root, \
- (boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct aout_link_hash_entry *, PTR))) (func), \
- (info)))
-/* Get the Linux link hash table from the info structure. This is
- just a cast. */
-#define linux_hash_table(p) ((struct linux_link_hash_table *) ((p)->hash))
-/* Store the information for a new fixup. */
-static struct fixup *
-new_fixup (info, h, value, builtin)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct linux_link_hash_entry *h;
- bfd_vma value;
- int builtin;
- struct fixup *f;
- f = (struct fixup *) bfd_hash_allocate (&info->hash->table,
- sizeof (struct fixup));
- if (f == NULL)
- return f;
- f->next = linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_list;
- linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_list = f;
- f->h = h;
- f->value = value;
- f->builtin = builtin;
- f->jump = 0;
- ++linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_count;
- return f;
-/* We come here once we realize that we are going to link to a shared
- library. We need to create a special section that contains the
- fixup table, and we ultimately need to add a pointer to this into
- the set vector for SHARABLE_CONFLICTS. At this point we do not
- know the size of the section, but that's OK - we just need to
- create it for now. */
-static boolean
-linux_link_create_dynamic_sections (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- flagword flags;
- register asection *s;
- /* Note that we set the SEC_IN_MEMORY flag. */
- /* We choose to use the name ".linux-dynamic" for the fixup table.
- Why not? */
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".linux-dynamic");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 2))
- return false;
- s->_raw_size = 0;
- s->contents = 0;
- return true;
-/* Function to add a single symbol to the linker hash table. This is
- a wrapper around _bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol which handles the
- tweaking needed for dynamic linking support. */
-static boolean
-linux_add_one_symbol (info, abfd, name, flags, section, value, string,
- copy, collect, hashp)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *abfd;
- const char *name;
- flagword flags;
- asection *section;
- bfd_vma value;
- const char *string;
- boolean copy;
- boolean collect;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry **hashp;
- struct linux_link_hash_entry *h;
- boolean insert;
- /* Look up and see if we already have this symbol in the hash table.
- If we do, and the defining entry is from a shared library, we
- need to create the dynamic sections.
- FIXME: What if abfd->xvec != info->hash->creator? We may want to
- be able to link Linux a.out and ELF objects together, but serious
- confusion is possible. */
- insert = false;
- if (! info->relocateable
- && linux_hash_table (info)->dynobj == NULL
- && strcmp (name, SHARABLE_CONFLICTS) == 0
- && (flags & BSF_CONSTRUCTOR) != 0
- && abfd->xvec == info->hash->creator)
- {
- if (! linux_link_create_dynamic_sections (abfd, info))
- return false;
- linux_hash_table (info)->dynobj = abfd;
- insert = true;
- }
- if (bfd_is_abs_section (section)
- && abfd->xvec == info->hash->creator)
- {
- h = linux_link_hash_lookup (linux_hash_table (info), name, false,
- false, false);
- if (h != NULL
- && (h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak))
- {
- struct fixup *f;
- if (hashp != NULL)
- *hashp = (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) h;
- f = new_fixup (info, h, value, ! IS_PLT_SYM (name));
- if (f == NULL)
- return false;
- f->jump = IS_PLT_SYM (name);
- return true;
- }
- }
- /* Do the usual procedure for adding a symbol. */
- if (! _bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol (info, abfd, name, flags, section,
- value, string, copy, collect,
- hashp))
- return false;
- /* Insert a pointer to our table in the set vector. The dynamic
- linker requires this information */
- if (insert)
- {
- asection *s;
- /* Here we do our special thing to add the pointer to the
- dynamic section in the SHARABLE_CONFLICTS set vector. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (linux_hash_table (info)->dynobj,
- ".linux-dynamic");
- if (! (_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
- (info, linux_hash_table (info)->dynobj, SHARABLE_CONFLICTS,
- BSF_GLOBAL | BSF_CONSTRUCTOR, s, 0, NULL, false, false, NULL)))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* We will crawl the hash table and come here for every global symbol.
- We will examine each entry and see if there are indications that we
- need to add a fixup. There are two possible cases - one is where
- you have duplicate definitions of PLT or GOT symbols - these will
- have already been caught and added as "builtin" fixups. If we find
- that the corresponding non PLT/GOT symbol is also present, we
- convert it to a regular fixup instead.
- This function is called via linux_link_hash_traverse. */
-static boolean
-linux_tally_symbols (h, data)
- struct linux_link_hash_entry *h;
- PTR data;
- struct bfd_link_info *info = (struct bfd_link_info *) data;
- struct fixup *f, *f1;
- int is_plt;
- struct linux_link_hash_entry *h1, *h2;
- boolean exists;
- if (h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined
- && strncmp (h->root.root.root.string, NEEDS_SHRLIB,
- sizeof NEEDS_SHRLIB - 1) == 0)
- {
- const char *name;
- char *p;
- char *alloc = NULL;
- name = h->root.root.root.string + sizeof NEEDS_SHRLIB - 1;
- p = strrchr (name, '_');
- if (p != NULL)
- alloc = (char *) bfd_malloc (strlen (name) + 1);
- if (p == NULL || alloc == NULL)
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("Output file requires shared library `%s'\n",
- name);
- else
- {
- strcpy (alloc, name);
- p = strrchr (alloc, '_');
- *p++ = '\0';
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("Output file requires shared library `'\n",
- alloc, p);
- free (alloc);
- }
- abort ();
- }
- /* If this symbol is not a PLT/GOT, we do not even need to look at it */
- is_plt = IS_PLT_SYM (h->root.root.root.string);
- if (is_plt || IS_GOT_SYM (h->root.root.root.string))
- {
- /* Look up this symbol twice. Once just as a regular lookup,
- and then again following all of the indirect links until we
- reach a real symbol. */
- h1 = linux_link_hash_lookup (linux_hash_table (info),
- (h->root.root.root.string
- + sizeof PLT_REF_PREFIX - 1),
- false, false, true);
- /* h2 does not follow indirect symbols. */
- h2 = linux_link_hash_lookup (linux_hash_table (info),
- (h->root.root.root.string
- + sizeof PLT_REF_PREFIX - 1),
- false, false, false);
- /* The real symbol must exist but if it is also an ABS symbol,
- there is no need to have a fixup. This is because they both
- came from the same library. If on the other hand, we had to
- use an indirect symbol to get to the real symbol, we add the
- fixup anyway, since there are cases where these symbols come
- from different shared libraries */
- if (h1 != NULL
- && (((h1->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h1->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- && ! bfd_is_abs_section (h1->root.root.u.def.section))
- || h2->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect))
- {
- /* See if there is a "builtin" fixup already present
- involving this symbol. If so, convert it to a regular
- fixup. In the end, this relaxes some of the requirements
- about the order of performing fixups. */
- exists = false;
- for (f1 = linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_list;
- f1 != NULL;
- f1 = f1->next)
- {
- if ((f1->h != h && f1->h != h1)
- || (! f1->builtin && ! f1->jump))
- continue;
- if (f1->h == h1)
- exists = true;
- if (! exists
- && bfd_is_abs_section (h->root.root.u.def.section))
- {
- f = new_fixup (info, h1, f1->h->root.root.u.def.value, 0);
- f->jump = is_plt;
- }
- f1->h = h1;
- f1->jump = is_plt;
- f1->builtin = 0;
- exists = true;
- }
- if (! exists
- && bfd_is_abs_section (h->root.root.u.def.section))
- {
- f = new_fixup (info, h1, h->root.root.u.def.value, 0);
- if (f == NULL)
- {
- /* FIXME: No way to return error. */
- abort ();
- }
- f->jump = is_plt;
- }
- }
- /* Quick and dirty way of stripping these symbols from the
- symtab. */
- if (bfd_is_abs_section (h->root.root.u.def.section))
- h->root.written = true;
- }
- return true;
-/* This is called to set the size of the .linux-dynamic section is.
- It is called by the Linux linker emulation before_allocation
- routine. We have finished reading all of the input files, and now
- we just scan the hash tables to find out how many additional fixups
- are required. */
-bfd_i386linux_size_dynamic_sections (output_bfd, info)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct fixup *f;
- asection *s;
- if (output_bfd->xvec != &MY(vec))
- return true;
- /* First find the fixups... */
- linux_link_hash_traverse (linux_hash_table (info),
- linux_tally_symbols,
- (PTR) info);
- /* If there are builtin fixups, leave room for a marker. This is
- used by the dynamic linker so that it knows that all that follow
- are builtin fixups instead of regular fixups. */
- for (f = linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_list; f != NULL; f = f->next)
- {
- if (f->builtin)
- {
- ++linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_count;
- ++linux_hash_table (info)->local_builtins;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (linux_hash_table (info)->dynobj == NULL)
- {
- if (linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_count > 0)
- abort ();
- return true;
- }
- /* Allocate memory for our fixup table. We will fill it in later. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (linux_hash_table (info)->dynobj,
- ".linux-dynamic");
- if (s != NULL)
- {
- s->_raw_size = 8 + linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_count * 8;
- s->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (output_bfd, s->_raw_size);
- if (s->contents == NULL)
- return false;
- memset (s->contents, 0, (size_t) s->_raw_size);
- }
- return true;
-/* We come here once we are ready to actually write the fixup table to
- the output file. Scan the fixup tables and so forth and generate
- the stuff we need. */
-static boolean
-linux_finish_dynamic_link (output_bfd, info)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *s, *os, *is;
- bfd_byte *fixup_table;
- struct linux_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct fixup *f;
- unsigned int new_addr;
- int section_offset;
- unsigned int fixups_written;
- if (linux_hash_table (info)->dynobj == NULL)
- return true;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (linux_hash_table (info)->dynobj,
- ".linux-dynamic");
- os = s->output_section;
- fixups_written = 0;
- printf ("Fixup table file offset: %x VMA: %x\n",
- os->filepos + s->output_offset,
- os->vma + s->output_offset);
- fixup_table = s->contents;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_count, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- /* Fill in fixup table. */
- for (f = linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_list; f != NULL; f = f->next)
- {
- if (f->builtin)
- continue;
- if (f->h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined
- && f->h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("Symbol %s not defined for fixups\n",
- f->h->root.root.root.string);
- continue;
- }
- is = f->h->root.root.u.def.section;
- section_offset = is->output_section->vma + is->output_offset;
- new_addr = f->h->root.root.u.def.value + section_offset;
- printf ("Fixup(%d) %s: %x %x\n",f->jump, f->h->root.root.string,
- new_addr, f->value);
- if (f->jump)
- {
- /* Relative address */
- new_addr = new_addr - (f->value + 5);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, new_addr, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, f->value + 1, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, new_addr, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, f->value, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- }
- ++fixups_written;
- }
- if (linux_hash_table (info)->local_builtins != 0)
- {
- /* Special marker so we know to switch to the other type of fixup */
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, 0, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, 0, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- ++fixups_written;
- for (f = linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_list; f != NULL; f = f->next)
- {
- if (! f->builtin)
- continue;
- if (f->h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined
- && f->h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("Symbol %s not defined for fixups\n",
- f->h->root.root.root.string);
- continue;
- }
- is = f->h->root.root.u.def.section;
- section_offset = is->output_section->vma + is->output_offset;
- new_addr = f->h->root.root.u.def.value + section_offset;
- printf ("Fixup(B) %s: %x %x\n", f->h->root.root.string,
- new_addr, f->value);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, new_addr, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, f->value, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- ++fixups_written;
- }
- }
- if (linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_count != fixups_written)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("Warning: fixup count mismatch\n");
- while (linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_count > fixups_written)
- {
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, 0, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, 0, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- ++fixups_written;
- }
- }
- h = linux_link_hash_lookup (linux_hash_table (info),
- false, false, false);
- if (h != NULL
- && (h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak))
- {
- is = h->root.root.u.def.section;
- section_offset = is->output_section->vma + is->output_offset;
- new_addr = h->root.root.u.def.value + section_offset;
- printf ("Builtin fixup table at %x\n", new_addr);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, new_addr, fixup_table);
- }
- else
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, 0, fixup_table);
- if (bfd_seek (output_bfd, os->filepos + s->output_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) s->contents, 1, s->_raw_size, output_bfd)
- != s->_raw_size)
- return false;
- return true;
-#define MY_bfd_link_hash_table_create linux_link_hash_table_create
-#define MY_add_one_symbol linux_add_one_symbol
-#define MY_finish_dynamic_link linux_finish_dynamic_link
-#define MY_zmagic_contiguous 1
-#include "aout-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386lynx.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386lynx.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2381cff02b1a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386lynx.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for i386 a.out binaries under LynxOS.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) 0
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR 0
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_i386
-#define MY(OP) CAT(i386lynx_aout_,OP)
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-i386-lynx"
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#define WRITE_HEADERS(abfd, execp) \
- { \
- bfd_size_type text_size; /* dummy vars */ \
- file_ptr text_end; \
- if (adata(abfd).magic == undecided_magic) \
- NAME(aout,adjust_sizes_and_vmas) (abfd, &text_size, &text_end); \
- \
- execp->a_syms = bfd_get_symcount (abfd) * EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE; \
- execp->a_entry = bfd_get_start_address (abfd); \
- \
- execp->a_trsize = ((obj_textsec (abfd)->reloc_count) * \
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd)); \
- execp->a_drsize = ((obj_datasec (abfd)->reloc_count) * \
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd)); \
- NAME(aout,swap_exec_header_out) (abfd, execp, &exec_bytes); \
- \
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) return false; \
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &exec_bytes, 1, EXEC_BYTES_SIZE, abfd) \
- return false; \
- /* Now write out reloc info, followed by syms and strings */ \
- \
- if (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) != 0) \
- { \
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(N_SYMOFF(*execp)), SEEK_SET) \
- != 0) \
- return false; \
- \
- if (! NAME(aout,write_syms)(abfd)) return false; \
- \
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(N_TRELOFF(*execp)), SEEK_SET) \
- != 0) \
- return false; \
- \
- if (!NAME(lynx,squirt_out_relocs) (abfd, obj_textsec (abfd))) \
- return false; \
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(N_DRELOFF(*execp)), SEEK_SET) \
- != 0) \
- return 0; \
- \
- if (!NAME(lynx,squirt_out_relocs)(abfd, obj_datasec (abfd))) \
- return false; \
- } \
- }
-#include "libaout.h"
-#include "aout/aout64.h"
-#ifdef LYNX_CORE
-char *lynx_core_file_failing_command ();
-int lynx_core_file_failing_signal ();
-boolean lynx_core_file_matches_executable_p ();
-const bfd_target *lynx_core_file_p ();
-#define MY_core_file_failing_command lynx_core_file_failing_command
-#define MY_core_file_failing_signal lynx_core_file_failing_signal
-#define MY_core_file_matches_executable_p lynx_core_file_matches_executable_p
-#define MY_core_file_p lynx_core_file_p
-#endif /* LYNX_CORE */
-#define KEEPIT flags
-extern reloc_howto_type aout_32_ext_howto_table[];
-extern reloc_howto_type aout_32_std_howto_table[];
-/* Standard reloc stuff */
-/* Output standard relocation information to a file in target byte order. */
-NAME(lynx,swap_std_reloc_out) (abfd, g, natptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *g;
- struct reloc_std_external *natptr;
- int r_index;
- asymbol *sym = *(g->sym_ptr_ptr);
- int r_extern;
- unsigned int r_length;
- int r_pcrel;
- int r_baserel, r_jmptable, r_relative;
- unsigned int r_addend;
- asection *output_section = sym->section->output_section;
- PUT_WORD (abfd, g->address, natptr->r_address);
- r_length = g->howto->size; /* Size as a power of two */
- r_pcrel = (int) g->howto->pc_relative; /* Relative to PC? */
- /* r_baserel, r_jmptable, r_relative??? FIXME-soon */
- r_baserel = 0;
- r_jmptable = 0;
- r_relative = 0;
- r_addend = g->addend + (*(g->sym_ptr_ptr))->section->output_section->vma;
- /* name was clobbered by aout_write_syms to be symbol index */
- /* If this relocation is relative to a symbol then set the
- r_index to the symbols index, and the r_extern bit.
- Absolute symbols can come in in two ways, either as an offset
- from the abs section, or as a symbol which has an abs value.
- check for that here
- */
- if (bfd_is_com_section (output_section)
- || bfd_is_abs_section (output_section)
- || bfd_is_und_section (output_section))
- {
- if (bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol == sym)
- {
- /* Whoops, looked like an abs symbol, but is really an offset
- from the abs section */
- r_index = 0;
- r_extern = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Fill in symbol */
- r_extern = 1;
- r_index = stoi ((*(g->sym_ptr_ptr))->KEEPIT);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Just an ordinary section */
- r_extern = 0;
- r_index = output_section->target_index;
- }
- /* now the fun stuff */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- {
- natptr->r_index[0] = r_index >> 16;
- natptr->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- natptr->r_index[2] = r_index;
- natptr->r_type[0] =
- (r_extern ? RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_BIG : 0)
- | (r_pcrel ? RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_BIG : 0)
- | (r_baserel ? RELOC_STD_BITS_BASEREL_BIG : 0)
- | (r_jmptable ? RELOC_STD_BITS_JMPTABLE_BIG : 0)
- | (r_relative ? RELOC_STD_BITS_RELATIVE_BIG : 0)
- | (r_length << RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_SH_BIG);
- }
- else
- {
- natptr->r_index[2] = r_index >> 16;
- natptr->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- natptr->r_index[0] = r_index;
- natptr->r_type[0] =
- | (r_pcrel ? RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_LITTLE : 0)
- | (r_baserel ? RELOC_STD_BITS_BASEREL_LITTLE : 0)
- | (r_jmptable ? RELOC_STD_BITS_JMPTABLE_LITTLE : 0)
- | (r_relative ? RELOC_STD_BITS_RELATIVE_LITTLE : 0)
- }
-/* Extended stuff */
-/* Output extended relocation information to a file in target byte order. */
-NAME(lynx,swap_ext_reloc_out) (abfd, g, natptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *g;
- register struct reloc_ext_external *natptr;
- int r_index;
- int r_extern;
- unsigned int r_type;
- unsigned int r_addend;
- asymbol *sym = *(g->sym_ptr_ptr);
- asection *output_section = sym->section->output_section;
- PUT_WORD (abfd, g->address, natptr->r_address);
- r_type = (unsigned int) g->howto->type;
- r_addend = g->addend + (*(g->sym_ptr_ptr))->section->output_section->vma;
- /* If this relocation is relative to a symbol then set the
- r_index to the symbols index, and the r_extern bit.
- Absolute symbols can come in in two ways, either as an offset
- from the abs section, or as a symbol which has an abs value.
- check for that here
- */
- if (bfd_is_com_section (output_section)
- || bfd_is_abs_section (output_section)
- || bfd_is_und_section (output_section))
- {
- if (bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol == sym)
- {
- /* Whoops, looked like an abs symbol, but is really an offset
- from the abs section */
- r_index = 0;
- r_extern = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- r_extern = 1;
- r_index = stoi ((*(g->sym_ptr_ptr))->KEEPIT);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Just an ordinary section */
- r_extern = 0;
- r_index = output_section->target_index;
- }
- /* now the fun stuff */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- {
- natptr->r_index[0] = r_index >> 16;
- natptr->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- natptr->r_index[2] = r_index;
- natptr->r_type[0] =
- (r_extern ? RELOC_EXT_BITS_EXTERN_BIG : 0)
- | (r_type << RELOC_EXT_BITS_TYPE_SH_BIG);
- }
- else
- {
- natptr->r_index[2] = r_index >> 16;
- natptr->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- natptr->r_index[0] = r_index;
- natptr->r_type[0] =
- }
- PUT_WORD (abfd, r_addend, natptr->r_addend);
-/* BFD deals internally with all things based from the section they're
- in. so, something in 10 bytes into a text section with a base of
- 50 would have a symbol (.text+10) and know .text vma was 50.
- Aout keeps all it's symbols based from zero, so the symbol would
- contain 60. This macro subs the base of each section from the value
- to give the true offset from the section */
-#define MOVE_ADDRESS(ad) \
- if (r_extern) { \
- /* undefined symbol */ \
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = symbols + r_index; \
- cache_ptr->addend = ad; \
- } else { \
- /* defined, section relative. replace symbol with pointer to \
- symbol which points to section */ \
- switch (r_index) { \
- case N_TEXT: \
- case N_TEXT | N_EXT: \
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = obj_textsec(abfd)->symbol_ptr_ptr; \
- cache_ptr->addend = ad - su->textsec->vma; \
- break; \
- case N_DATA: \
- case N_DATA | N_EXT: \
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = obj_datasec(abfd)->symbol_ptr_ptr; \
- cache_ptr->addend = ad - su->datasec->vma; \
- break; \
- case N_BSS: \
- case N_BSS | N_EXT: \
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = obj_bsssec(abfd)->symbol_ptr_ptr; \
- cache_ptr->addend = ad - su->bsssec->vma; \
- break; \
- default: \
- case N_ABS: \
- case N_ABS | N_EXT: \
- cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr; \
- cache_ptr->addend = ad; \
- break; \
- } \
- } \
-NAME(lynx,swap_ext_reloc_in) (abfd, bytes, cache_ptr, symbols, symcount)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct reloc_ext_external *bytes;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- bfd_size_type symcount;
- int r_index;
- int r_extern;
- unsigned int r_type;
- struct aoutdata *su = &(abfd->tdata.aout_data->a);
- cache_ptr->address = (GET_SWORD (abfd, bytes->r_address));
- r_index = bytes->r_index[1];
- r_extern = (0 != (bytes->r_index[0] & RELOC_EXT_BITS_EXTERN_BIG));
- r_type = (bytes->r_index[0] & RELOC_EXT_BITS_TYPE_BIG)
- cache_ptr->howto = aout_32_ext_howto_table + r_type;
- MOVE_ADDRESS (GET_SWORD (abfd, bytes->r_addend));
-NAME(lynx,swap_std_reloc_in) (abfd, bytes, cache_ptr, symbols, symcount)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct reloc_std_external *bytes;
- arelent *cache_ptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- bfd_size_type symcount;
- int r_index;
- int r_extern;
- unsigned int r_length;
- int r_pcrel;
- int r_baserel, r_jmptable, r_relative;
- struct aoutdata *su = &(abfd->tdata.aout_data->a);
- cache_ptr->address = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, bytes->r_address);
- r_index = bytes->r_index[1];
- r_extern = (0 != (bytes->r_index[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_BIG));
- r_pcrel = (0 != (bytes->r_index[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_BIG));
- r_baserel = (0 != (bytes->r_index[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_BASEREL_BIG));
- r_jmptable = (0 != (bytes->r_index[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_JMPTABLE_BIG));
- r_relative = (0 != (bytes->r_index[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_RELATIVE_BIG));
- r_length = (bytes->r_index[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_BIG)
- cache_ptr->howto = aout_32_std_howto_table + r_length + 4 * r_pcrel;
- /* FIXME-soon: Roll baserel, jmptable, relative bits into howto setting */
-/* Reloc hackery */
-NAME(lynx,slurp_reloc_table) (abfd, asect, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr asect;
- asymbol **symbols;
- unsigned int count;
- bfd_size_type reloc_size;
- PTR relocs;
- arelent *reloc_cache;
- size_t each_size;
- if (asect->relocation)
- return true;
- if (asect->flags & SEC_CONSTRUCTOR)
- return true;
- if (asect == obj_datasec (abfd))
- {
- reloc_size = exec_hdr (abfd)->a_drsize;
- goto doit;
- }
- if (asect == obj_textsec (abfd))
- {
- reloc_size = exec_hdr (abfd)->a_trsize;
- goto doit;
- }
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, asect->rel_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- each_size = obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd);
- count = reloc_size / each_size;
- reloc_cache = (arelent *) bfd_malloc (count * sizeof (arelent));
- if (!reloc_cache && count != 0)
- return false;
- memset (reloc_cache, 0, count * sizeof (arelent));
- relocs = (PTR) bfd_alloc (abfd, reloc_size);
- if (!relocs && reloc_size != 0)
- {
- free (reloc_cache);
- return false;
- }
- if (bfd_read (relocs, 1, reloc_size, abfd) != reloc_size)
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, relocs);
- free (reloc_cache);
- return false;
- }
- if (each_size == RELOC_EXT_SIZE)
- {
- register struct reloc_ext_external *rptr = (struct reloc_ext_external *) relocs;
- unsigned int counter = 0;
- arelent *cache_ptr = reloc_cache;
- for (; counter < count; counter++, rptr++, cache_ptr++)
- {
- NAME(lynx,swap_ext_reloc_in) (abfd, rptr, cache_ptr, symbols,
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- register struct reloc_std_external *rptr = (struct reloc_std_external *) relocs;
- unsigned int counter = 0;
- arelent *cache_ptr = reloc_cache;
- for (; counter < count; counter++, rptr++, cache_ptr++)
- {
- NAME(lynx,swap_std_reloc_in) (abfd, rptr, cache_ptr, symbols,
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd));
- }
- }
- bfd_release (abfd, relocs);
- asect->relocation = reloc_cache;
- asect->reloc_count = count;
- return true;
-/* Write out a relocation section into an object file. */
-NAME(lynx,squirt_out_relocs) (abfd, section)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- arelent **generic;
- unsigned char *native, *natptr;
- size_t each_size;
- unsigned int count = section->reloc_count;
- size_t natsize;
- if (count == 0)
- return true;
- each_size = obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd);
- natsize = each_size * count;
- native = (unsigned char *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, natsize);
- if (!native)
- return false;
- generic = section->orelocation;
- if (each_size == RELOC_EXT_SIZE)
- {
- for (natptr = native;
- count != 0;
- --count, natptr += each_size, ++generic)
- NAME(lynx,swap_ext_reloc_out) (abfd, *generic, (struct reloc_ext_external *) natptr);
- }
- else
- {
- for (natptr = native;
- count != 0;
- --count, natptr += each_size, ++generic)
- NAME(lynx,swap_std_reloc_out) (abfd, *generic, (struct reloc_std_external *) natptr);
- }
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) native, 1, natsize, abfd) != natsize)
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, native);
- return false;
- }
- bfd_release (abfd, native);
- return true;
-/* This is stupid. This function should be a boolean predicate */
-NAME(lynx,canonicalize_reloc) (abfd, section, relptr, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- arelent **relptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- arelent *tblptr = section->relocation;
- unsigned int count;
- if (!(tblptr || NAME(lynx,slurp_reloc_table) (abfd, section, symbols)))
- return -1;
- if (section->flags & SEC_CONSTRUCTOR)
- {
- arelent_chain *chain = section->constructor_chain;
- for (count = 0; count < section->reloc_count; count++)
- {
- *relptr++ = &chain->relent;
- chain = chain->next;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- tblptr = section->relocation;
- for (count = 0; count++ < section->reloc_count;)
- {
- *relptr++ = tblptr++;
- }
- }
- *relptr = 0;
- return section->reloc_count;
-#define MY_canonicalize_reloc NAME(lynx,canonicalize_reloc)
-#include "aout-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386mach3.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386mach3.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 72a28f33bf0d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386mach3.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for i386 a.out binaries.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This is for Mach 3, which uses a.out, not Mach-O. */
-/* There is no magic number or anything which lets us distinguish this target
- from i386aout or i386bsd. So this target is only useful if it is the
- default target. */
-#define SEGMENT_SIZE 0x1000
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR 0x10000
-#define ARCH 32
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-/* This macro is only relevant when N_MAGIC(x) == ZMAGIC. */
-#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) 1
-#define N_TXTSIZE(x) ((x).a_text)
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "aout/aout64.h"
-#include "aout/stab_gnu.h"
-#include "aout/ar.h"
-#include "libaout.h" /* BFD a.out internal data structures */
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_i386
-#define MY(OP) CAT(i386mach3_,OP)
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-mach3"
-static boolean MY(set_sizes)();
-#define MY_backend_data &MY(backend_data)
-static CONST struct aout_backend_data MY(backend_data) = {
- 0, /* zmagic contiguous */
- 1, /* text incl header */
- 0, /* exec_hdr_flags */
- 0, /* text vma? */
- MY(set_sizes),
- 1, /* exec header not counted */
- 0, /* add_dynamic_symbols */
- 0, /* add_one_symbol */
- 0, /* link_dynamic_object */
- 0, /* write_dynamic_symbol */
- 0, /* check_dynamic_reloc */
- 0 /* finish_dynamic_link */
-#include "aout-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386msdos.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386msdos.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 24a456bea23d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386msdos.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for MS-DOS executables.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Bryan Ford of the University of Utah.
- Contributed by the Center for Software Science at the
- University of Utah (
- This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "libaout.h"
-#if 0
-struct exe_header
- unsigned short magic;
- unsigned short bytes_in_last_page;
- unsigned short npages; /* number of 512-byte "pages" including this header */
- unsigned short nrelocs;
- unsigned short header_paras; /* number of 16-byte paragraphs in header */
- unsigned short reserved;
- unsigned short load_switch;
- unsigned short ss_ofs;
- unsigned short sp;
- unsigned short checksum;
- unsigned short ip;
- unsigned short cs_ofs;
- unsigned short reloc_ofs;
- unsigned short reserved2;
- unsigned short something1;
- unsigned short something2;
- unsigned short something3;
-#define EXE_MAGIC 0x5a4d
-#define EXE_LOAD_HIGH 0x0000
-#define EXE_LOAD_LOW 0xffff
-#define EXE_PAGE_SIZE 512
-static int
-msdos_sizeof_headers (abfd, exec)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean exec;
- return 0;
-static boolean
-msdos_write_object_contents (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- static char hdr[EXE_PAGE_SIZE];
- file_ptr outfile_size = sizeof(hdr);
- bfd_vma high_vma = 0;
- asection *sec;
- /* Find the total size of the program on disk and in memory. */
- for (sec = abfd->sections; sec != (asection *) NULL; sec = sec->next)
- {
- if (bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc (sec) == 0)
- continue;
- if (bfd_get_section_flags (abfd, sec) & SEC_ALLOC)
- {
- bfd_vma sec_vma = bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, sec)
- + bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc (sec);
- if (sec_vma > high_vma)
- high_vma = sec_vma;
- }
- if (bfd_get_section_flags (abfd, sec) & SEC_LOAD)
- {
- file_ptr sec_end = sizeof(hdr)
- + bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, sec)
- + bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc (sec);
- if (sec_end > outfile_size)
- outfile_size = sec_end;
- }
- }
- /* Make sure the program isn't too big. */
- if (high_vma > (bfd_vma)0xffff)
- {
- bfd_set_error(bfd_error_file_too_big);
- return false;
- }
- /* constants */
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, EXE_MAGIC, &hdr[0]);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, EXE_PAGE_SIZE / 16, &hdr[8]);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, EXE_LOAD_LOW, &hdr[12]);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, 0x3e, &hdr[24]);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, 0x0001, &hdr[28]); /* XXX??? */
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, 0x30fb, &hdr[30]); /* XXX??? */
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, 0x726a, &hdr[32]); /* XXX??? */
- /* bytes in last page (0 = full page) */
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, outfile_size & (EXE_PAGE_SIZE - 1), &hdr[2]);
- /* number of pages */
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, (outfile_size + EXE_PAGE_SIZE - 1) / EXE_PAGE_SIZE,
- &hdr[4]);
- /* Set the initial stack pointer to the end of the bss.
- The program's crt0 code must relocate it to a real stack. */
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, high_vma, &hdr[16]);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_write (hdr, 1, sizeof(hdr), abfd) != sizeof(hdr))
- return false;
- return true;
-static boolean
-msdos_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- if (count == 0)
- return true;
- section->filepos = EXE_PAGE_SIZE + bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, section);
- if (bfd_get_section_flags (abfd, section) & SEC_LOAD)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) (section->filepos + offset), SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_write (location, 1, count, abfd) != count)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-#define msdos_mkobject aout_32_mkobject
-#define msdos_make_empty_symbol aout_32_make_empty_symbol
-#define msdos_bfd_reloc_type_lookup aout_32_reloc_type_lookup
-#define msdos_close_and_cleanup _bfd_generic_close_and_cleanup
-#define msdos_bfd_free_cached_info _bfd_generic_bfd_free_cached_info
-#define msdos_new_section_hook _bfd_generic_new_section_hook
-#define msdos_get_section_contents _bfd_generic_get_section_contents
-#define msdos_get_section_contents_in_window \
- _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
-#define msdos_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define msdos_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
-#define msdos_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
-#define msdos_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
-#define msdos_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
-#define msdos_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
-#define msdos_set_arch_mach _bfd_generic_set_arch_mach
-#define msdos_get_symtab_upper_bound _bfd_nosymbols_get_symtab_upper_bound
-#define msdos_get_symtab _bfd_nosymbols_get_symtab
-#define msdos_print_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_print_symbol
-#define msdos_get_symbol_info _bfd_nosymbols_get_symbol_info
-#define msdos_find_nearest_line _bfd_nosymbols_find_nearest_line
-#define msdos_get_lineno _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno
-#define msdos_bfd_is_local_label _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_is_local_label
-#define msdos_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
-#define msdos_read_minisymbols _bfd_nosymbols_read_minisymbols
-#define msdos_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_minisymbol_to_symbol
-#define msdos_canonicalize_reloc _bfd_norelocs_canonicalize_reloc
-#define msdos_get_reloc_upper_bound _bfd_norelocs_get_reloc_upper_bound
-#define msdos_32_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
-const bfd_target i386msdos_vec =
- "msdos", /* name */
- bfd_target_msdos_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* target byte order */
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* target headers byte order */
- (EXEC_P), /* object flags */
- | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD), /* section flags */
- 0, /* leading underscore */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* hdrs */
- {
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- },
- {
- bfd_false,
- msdos_mkobject,
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive,
- bfd_false,
- },
- { /* bfd_write_contents */
- bfd_false,
- msdos_write_object_contents,
- _bfd_write_archive_contents,
- bfd_false,
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386netbsd.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386netbsd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 32feaa70c94e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386netbsd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for NetBSD/386 a.out-ish binaries.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_i386
-#define MACHTYPE_OK(mtype) ((mtype) == M_386_NETBSD || (mtype) == M_UNKNOWN)
-#define MY(OP) CAT(i386netbsd_,OP)
-/* This needs to start with a.out so GDB knows it is an a.out variant. */
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-i386-netbsd"
-#include "netbsd.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386os9k.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386os9k.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fe1a021691bc..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/i386os9k.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for os9000 i386 binaries.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libaout.h" /* BFD a.out internal data structures */
-#include "os9k.h"
-static const bfd_target *os9k_callback PARAMS ((bfd *));
-/* Swaps the information in an executable header taken from a raw byte
- stream memory image, into the internal exec_header structure. */
-os9k_swap_exec_header_in (abfd, raw_bytes, execp)
- bfd *abfd;
- mh_com *raw_bytes;
- struct internal_exec *execp;
- mh_com *bytes = (mh_com *) raw_bytes;
- unsigned int dload, dmemsize, dmemstart;
- /* Now fill in fields in the execp, from the bytes in the raw data. */
- execp->a_info = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, bytes->m_sync);
- execp->a_syms = 0;
- execp->a_entry = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, bytes->m_exec);
- execp->a_talign = 2;
- execp->a_dalign = 2;
- execp->a_balign = 2;
- dload = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, bytes->m_idata);
- execp->a_data = dload + 8;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) dload, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_read (&dmemstart, sizeof (dmemstart), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (dmemstart))
- || (bfd_read (&dmemsize, sizeof (dmemsize), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (dmemsize)))
- return false;
- execp->a_tload = 0;
- execp->a_dload = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &dmemstart);
- execp->a_text = dload - execp->a_tload;
- execp->a_data = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (unsigned char *) &dmemsize);
- execp->a_bss = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, bytes->m_data) - execp->a_data;
- execp->a_trsize = 0;
- execp->a_drsize = 0;
- return true;
-#if 0
-/* Swaps the information in an internal exec header structure into the
- supplied buffer ready for writing to disk. */
-PROTO (void, os9k_swap_exec_header_out,
- (bfd * abfd,
- struct internal_exec * execp,
- struct mh_com * raw_bytes));
-os9k_swap_exec_header_out (abfd, execp, raw_bytes)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_exec *execp;
- mh_com *raw_bytes;
- mh_com *bytes = (mh_com *) raw_bytes;
- /* Now fill in fields in the raw data, from the fields in the exec struct. */
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, execp->a_info, bytes->e_info);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, execp->a_text, bytes->e_text);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, execp->a_data, bytes->e_data);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, execp->a_bss, bytes->e_bss);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, execp->a_syms, bytes->e_syms);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, execp->a_entry, bytes->e_entry);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, execp->a_trsize, bytes->e_trsize);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, execp->a_drsize, bytes->e_drsize);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, execp->a_tload, bytes->e_tload);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, execp->a_dload, bytes->e_dload);
- bytes->e_talign[0] = execp->a_talign;
- bytes->e_dalign[0] = execp->a_dalign;
- bytes->e_balign[0] = execp->a_balign;
- bytes->e_relaxable[0] = execp->a_relaxable;
-#endif /* 0 */
-static const bfd_target *
-os9k_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_exec anexec;
- mh_com exec_bytes;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & exec_bytes, MHCOM_BYTES_SIZE, 1, abfd)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- anexec.a_info = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, exec_bytes.m_sync);
- if (N_BADMAG (anexec))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- if (! os9k_swap_exec_header_in (abfd, &exec_bytes, &anexec))
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- return aout_32_some_aout_object_p (abfd, &anexec, os9k_callback);
-/* Finish up the opening of a b.out file for reading. Fill in all the
- fields that are not handled by common code. */
-static const bfd_target *
-os9k_callback (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- unsigned long bss_start;
- /* Architecture and machine type */
- bfd_set_arch_mach (abfd, bfd_arch_i386, 0);
- /* The positions of the string table and symbol table. */
- obj_str_filepos (abfd) = 0;
- obj_sym_filepos (abfd) = 0;
- /* The alignments of the sections */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->alignment_power = execp->a_talign;
- obj_datasec (abfd)->alignment_power = execp->a_dalign;
- obj_bsssec (abfd)->alignment_power = execp->a_balign;
- /* The starting addresses of the sections. */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->vma = execp->a_tload;
- obj_datasec (abfd)->vma = execp->a_dload;
- /* And reload the sizes, since the aout module zaps them */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->_raw_size = execp->a_text;
- bss_start = execp->a_dload + execp->a_data; /* BSS = end of data section */
- obj_bsssec (abfd)->vma = align_power (bss_start, execp->a_balign);
- /* The file positions of the sections */
- obj_textsec (abfd)->filepos = execp->a_entry;
- obj_datasec (abfd)->filepos = execp->a_dload;
- /* The file positions of the relocation info ***
- obj_textsec (abfd)->rel_filepos = N_TROFF(*execp);
- obj_datasec (abfd)->rel_filepos = N_DROFF(*execp);
- */
- adata (abfd).page_size = 1; /* Not applicable. */
- adata (abfd).segment_size = 1;/* Not applicable. */
- adata (abfd).exec_bytes_size = MHCOM_BYTES_SIZE;
- return abfd->xvec;
-#if 0
-struct bout_data_struct
- struct aoutdata a;
- struct internal_exec e;
-static boolean
-os9k_mkobject (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bout_data_struct *rawptr;
- rawptr = (struct bout_data_struct *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct bout_data_struct));
- if (rawptr == NULL)
- return false;
- abfd->tdata.bout_data = rawptr;
- exec_hdr (abfd) = &rawptr->e;
- obj_textsec (abfd) = (asection *) NULL;
- obj_datasec (abfd) = (asection *) NULL;
- obj_bsssec (abfd) = (asection *) NULL;
- return true;
-static boolean
-os9k_write_object_contents (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec swapped_hdr;
- if (! aout_32_make_sections (abfd))
- return false;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_info = BMAGIC;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_text = obj_textsec (abfd)->_raw_size;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_data = obj_datasec (abfd)->_raw_size;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_bss = obj_bsssec (abfd)->_raw_size;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_syms = bfd_get_symcount (abfd) * sizeof (struct nlist);
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_entry = bfd_get_start_address (abfd);
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_trsize = ((obj_textsec (abfd)->reloc_count) *
- sizeof (struct relocation_info));
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_drsize = ((obj_datasec (abfd)->reloc_count) *
- sizeof (struct relocation_info));
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_talign = obj_textsec (abfd)->alignment_power;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_dalign = obj_datasec (abfd)->alignment_power;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_balign = obj_bsssec (abfd)->alignment_power;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_tload = obj_textsec (abfd)->vma;
- exec_hdr (abfd)->a_dload = obj_datasec (abfd)->vma;
- bout_swap_exec_header_out (abfd, exec_hdr (abfd), &swapped_hdr);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_write ((PTR) & swapped_hdr, 1, EXEC_BYTES_SIZE, abfd)
- return false;
- /* Now write out reloc info, followed by syms and strings */
- if (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) != 0)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) (N_SYMOFF (*exec_hdr (abfd))), SEEK_SET)
- != 0)
- return false;
- if (!aout_32_write_syms (abfd))
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) (N_TROFF (*exec_hdr (abfd))), SEEK_SET)
- != 0)
- return false;
- if (!b_out_squirt_out_relocs (abfd, obj_textsec (abfd)))
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) (N_DROFF (*exec_hdr (abfd))), SEEK_SET)
- != 0)
- return false;
- if (!b_out_squirt_out_relocs (abfd, obj_datasec (abfd)))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-static boolean
-os9k_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- unsigned char *location;
- file_ptr offset;
- int count;
- if (abfd->output_has_begun == false)
- { /* set by bfd.c handler */
- if (! aout_32_make_sections (abfd))
- return false;
- obj_textsec (abfd)->filepos = sizeof (struct internal_exec);
- obj_datasec (abfd)->filepos = obj_textsec (abfd)->filepos
- + obj_textsec (abfd)->_raw_size;
- }
- /* regardless, once we know what we're doing, we might as well get going */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, section->filepos + offset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- if (count != 0)
- {
- return (bfd_write ((PTR) location, 1, count, abfd) == count) ? true : false;
- }
- return true;
-#endif /* 0 */
-static int
-os9k_sizeof_headers (ignore_abfd, ignore)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- boolean ignore;
- return sizeof (struct internal_exec);
-#define aout_32_close_and_cleanup aout_32_bfd_free_cached_info
-#define aout_32_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
-#define aout_32_bfd_reloc_type_lookup _bfd_norelocs_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
-#define aout_32_get_section_contents_in_window \
- _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
-#define os9k_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define os9k_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
-#define os9k_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
-#define os9k_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
-#define os9k_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
-#define os9k_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
-const bfd_target i386os9k_vec =
- "i386os9k", /* name */
- bfd_target_os9k_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* data byte order is little */
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* hdr byte order is little */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | WP_TEXT), /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD), /* section flags */
- 0, /* symbol leading char */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, os9k_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, _bfd_dummy_target},
- {bfd_false, bfd_false, /* bfd_set_format */
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive, bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, bfd_false, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_bsd),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0,
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ieee.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/ieee.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 201f22515b3f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ieee.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3738 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for ieee-695 objects.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* IEEE 695 format is a stream of records, which we parse using a simple one-
- token (which is one byte in this lexicon) lookahead recursive decent
- parser. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "ieee.h"
-#include "libieee.h"
-static boolean ieee_write_byte PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_byte));
-static boolean ieee_write_2bytes PARAMS ((bfd *, int));
-static boolean ieee_write_int PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_vma));
-static boolean ieee_write_id PARAMS ((bfd *, const char *));
-static boolean ieee_write_expression
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_vma, asymbol *, boolean, unsigned int));
-static void ieee_write_int5 PARAMS ((bfd_byte *, bfd_vma));
-static boolean ieee_write_int5_out PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_vma));
-static boolean ieee_write_section_part PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean do_with_relocs PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *));
-static boolean do_as_repeat PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *));
-static boolean do_without_relocs PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *));
-static boolean ieee_write_external_part PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean ieee_write_data_part PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean ieee_write_debug_part PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean ieee_write_me_part PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean ieee_write_processor PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean ieee_slurp_debug PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean ieee_slurp_section_data PARAMS ((bfd *));
-/* Functions for writing to ieee files in the strange way that the
- standard requires. */
-static boolean
-ieee_write_byte (abfd, byte)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_byte byte;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &byte, 1, 1, abfd) != 1)
- return false;
- return true;
-static boolean
-ieee_write_2bytes (abfd, bytes)
- bfd *abfd;
- int bytes;
- bfd_byte buffer[2];
- buffer[0] = bytes >> 8;
- buffer[1] = bytes & 0xff;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) buffer, 1, 2, abfd) != 2)
- return false;
- return true;
-static boolean
-ieee_write_int (abfd, value)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_vma value;
- if (value <= 127)
- {
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, (bfd_byte) value))
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned int length;
- /* How many significant bytes ? */
- if (value & 0xff000000)
- length = 4;
- else if (value & 0x00ff0000)
- length = 3;
- else if (value & 0x0000ff00)
- length = 2;
- else
- length = 1;
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd,
- (bfd_byte) ((int) ieee_number_repeat_start_enum
- + length)))
- return false;
- switch (length)
- {
- case 4:
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, (bfd_byte) (value >> 24)))
- return false;
- /* Fall through. */
- case 3:
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, (bfd_byte) (value >> 16)))
- return false;
- /* Fall through. */
- case 2:
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, (bfd_byte) (value >> 8)))
- return false;
- /* Fall through. */
- case 1:
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, (bfd_byte) (value)))
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-static boolean
-ieee_write_id (abfd, id)
- bfd *abfd;
- const char *id;
- size_t length = strlen (id);
- if (length <= 127)
- {
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, (bfd_byte) length))
- return false;
- }
- else if (length < 255)
- {
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_extension_length_1_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd, (bfd_byte) length))
- return false;
- }
- else if (length < 65535)
- {
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_extension_length_2_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_2bytes (abfd, (int) length))
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: string too long (%d chars, max 65535)",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), length);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) id, 1, length, abfd) != length)
- return false;
- return true;
-Functions for reading from ieee files in the strange way that the
-standard requires:
-#define this_byte(ieee) *((ieee)->input_p)
-#define next_byte(ieee) ((ieee)->input_p++)
-#define this_byte_and_next(ieee) (*((ieee)->input_p++))
-static unsigned short
-read_2bytes (ieee)
- common_header_type *ieee;
- unsigned char c1 = this_byte_and_next (ieee);
- unsigned char c2 = this_byte_and_next (ieee);
- return (c1 << 8) | c2;
-static void
-bfd_get_string (ieee, string, length)
- common_header_type *ieee;
- char *string;
- size_t length;
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
- {
- string[i] = this_byte_and_next (ieee);
- }
-static char *
-read_id (ieee)
- common_header_type *ieee;
- size_t length;
- char *string;
- length = this_byte_and_next (ieee);
- if (length <= 0x7f)
- {
- /* Simple string of length 0 to 127 */
- }
- else if (length == 0xde)
- {
- /* Length is next byte, allowing 0..255 */
- length = this_byte_and_next (ieee);
- }
- else if (length == 0xdf)
- {
- /* Length is next two bytes, allowing 0..65535 */
- length = this_byte_and_next (ieee);
- length = (length * 256) + this_byte_and_next (ieee);
- }
- /* Buy memory and read string */
- string = bfd_alloc (ieee->abfd, length + 1);
- if (!string)
- return NULL;
- bfd_get_string (ieee, string, length);
- string[length] = 0;
- return string;
-static boolean
-ieee_write_expression (abfd, value, symbol, pcrel, index)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_vma value;
- asymbol *symbol;
- boolean pcrel;
- unsigned int index;
- unsigned int term_count = 0;
- if (value != 0)
- {
- if (! ieee_write_int (abfd, value))
- return false;
- term_count++;
- }
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section)
- || bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section))
- {
- /* Def of a common symbol */
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_variable_X_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_int (abfd, symbol->value))
- return false;
- term_count++;
- }
- else if (! bfd_is_abs_section (symbol->section))
- {
- /* Ref to defined symbol - */
- if (symbol->flags & BSF_GLOBAL)
- {
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_variable_I_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_int (abfd, symbol->value))
- return false;
- term_count++;
- }
- else if (symbol->flags & (BSF_LOCAL | BSF_SECTION_SYM))
- {
- /* This is a reference to a defined local symbol. We can
- easily do a local as a section+offset. */
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_variable_R_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd,
- (bfd_byte) (symbol->section->index
- return false;
- term_count++;
- if (symbol->value != 0)
- {
- if (! ieee_write_int (abfd, symbol->value))
- return false;
- term_count++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: unrecognized symbol `%s' flags 0x%x",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), bfd_asymbol_name (symbol),
- symbol->flags);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (pcrel)
- {
- /* subtract the pc from here by asking for PC of this section*/
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_variable_P_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd,
- (bfd_byte) (index + IEEE_SECTION_NUMBER_BASE))
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_function_minus_enum))
- return false;
- }
- /* Handle the degenerate case of a 0 address. */
- if (term_count == 0)
- {
- if (! ieee_write_int (abfd, 0))
- return false;
- }
- while (term_count > 1)
- {
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_function_plus_enum))
- return false;
- term_count--;
- }
- return true;
-writes any integer into the buffer supplied and always takes 5 bytes
-static void
-ieee_write_int5 (buffer, value)
- bfd_byte *buffer;
- bfd_vma value;
- buffer[0] = (bfd_byte) ieee_number_repeat_4_enum;
- buffer[1] = (value >> 24) & 0xff;
- buffer[2] = (value >> 16) & 0xff;
- buffer[3] = (value >> 8) & 0xff;
- buffer[4] = (value >> 0) & 0xff;
-static boolean
-ieee_write_int5_out (abfd, value)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_vma value;
- bfd_byte b[5];
- ieee_write_int5 (b, value);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) b, 1, 5, abfd) != 5)
- return false;
- return true;
-static boolean
-parse_int (ieee, value_ptr)
- common_header_type *ieee;
- bfd_vma *value_ptr;
- int value = this_byte (ieee);
- int result;
- if (value >= 0 && value <= 127)
- {
- *value_ptr = value;
- next_byte (ieee);
- return true;
- }
- else if (value >= 0x80 && value <= 0x88)
- {
- unsigned int count = value & 0xf;
- result = 0;
- next_byte (ieee);
- while (count)
- {
- result = (result << 8) | this_byte_and_next (ieee);
- count--;
- }
- *value_ptr = result;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-static int
-parse_i (ieee, ok)
- common_header_type *ieee;
- boolean *ok;
- bfd_vma x;
- *ok = parse_int (ieee, &x);
- return x;
-static bfd_vma
-must_parse_int (ieee)
- common_header_type *ieee;
- bfd_vma result;
- BFD_ASSERT (parse_int (ieee, &result) == true);
- return result;
-typedef struct
- bfd_vma value;
- asection *section;
- ieee_symbol_index_type symbol;
-} ieee_value_type;
-#define SRC_MASK(arg) arg
-#define PCREL_OFFSET false
-#define SRC_MASK(arg) 0
-#define PCREL_OFFSET true
-static reloc_howto_type abs32_howto =
- HOWTO (1,
- 0,
- 2,
- 32,
- false,
- 0,
- complain_overflow_bitfield,
- 0,
- "abs32",
- true,
- 0xffffffff,
- 0xffffffff,
- false);
-static reloc_howto_type abs16_howto =
- HOWTO (1,
- 0,
- 1,
- 16,
- false,
- 0,
- complain_overflow_bitfield,
- 0,
- "abs16",
- true,
- 0x0000ffff,
- 0x0000ffff,
- false);
-static reloc_howto_type abs8_howto =
- HOWTO (1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 8,
- false,
- 0,
- complain_overflow_bitfield,
- 0,
- "abs8",
- true,
- 0x000000ff,
- 0x000000ff,
- false);
-static reloc_howto_type rel32_howto =
- HOWTO (1,
- 0,
- 2,
- 32,
- true,
- 0,
- complain_overflow_signed,
- 0,
- "rel32",
- true,
- SRC_MASK (0xffffffff),
- 0xffffffff,
-static reloc_howto_type rel16_howto =
- HOWTO (1,
- 0,
- 1,
- 16,
- true,
- 0,
- complain_overflow_signed,
- 0,
- "rel16",
- true,
- SRC_MASK (0x0000ffff),
- 0x0000ffff,
-static reloc_howto_type rel8_howto =
- HOWTO (1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 8,
- true,
- 0,
- complain_overflow_signed,
- 0,
- "rel8",
- true,
- SRC_MASK (0x000000ff),
- 0x000000ff,
-static ieee_symbol_index_type NOSYMBOL = {0, 0};
-static void
-parse_expression (ieee, value, symbol, pcrel, extra, section)
- ieee_data_type *ieee;
- bfd_vma *value;
- ieee_symbol_index_type *symbol;
- boolean *pcrel;
- unsigned int *extra;
- asection **section;
-#define POS sp[1]
-#define TOS sp[0]
-#define NOS sp[-1]
-#define INC sp++;
-#define DEC sp--;
- boolean loop = true;
- ieee_value_type stack[10];
- /* The stack pointer always points to the next unused location */
-#define PUSH(x,y,z) TOS.symbol=x;TOS.section=y;TOS.value=z;INC;
-#define POP(x,y,z) DEC;x=TOS.symbol;y=TOS.section;z=TOS.value;
- ieee_value_type *sp = stack;
- while (loop)
- {
- switch (this_byte (&(ieee->h)))
- {
- case ieee_variable_P_enum:
- /* P variable, current program counter for section n */
- {
- int section_n;
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- *pcrel = true;
- section_n = must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- PUSH (NOSYMBOL, bfd_abs_section_ptr, 0);
- break;
- }
- case ieee_variable_L_enum:
- /* L variable address of section N */
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- PUSH (NOSYMBOL, ieee->section_table[must_parse_int (&(ieee->h))], 0);
- break;
- case ieee_variable_R_enum:
- /* R variable, logical address of section module */
- /* FIXME, this should be different to L */
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- PUSH (NOSYMBOL, ieee->section_table[must_parse_int (&(ieee->h))], 0);
- break;
- case ieee_variable_S_enum:
- /* S variable, size in MAUS of section module */
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- 0,
- ieee->section_table[must_parse_int (&(ieee->h))]->_raw_size);
- break;
- case ieee_variable_I_enum:
- /* Push the address of variable n */
- {
- ieee_symbol_index_type sy;
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- sy.index = (int) must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- sy.letter = 'I';
- PUSH (sy, bfd_abs_section_ptr, 0);
- }
- break;
- case ieee_variable_X_enum:
- /* Push the address of external variable n */
- {
- ieee_symbol_index_type sy;
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- sy.index = (int) (must_parse_int (&(ieee->h)));
- sy.letter = 'X';
- PUSH (sy, bfd_und_section_ptr, 0);
- }
- break;
- case ieee_function_minus_enum:
- {
- bfd_vma value1, value2;
- asection *section1, *section_dummy;
- ieee_symbol_index_type sy;
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- POP (sy, section1, value1);
- POP (sy, section_dummy, value2);
- PUSH (sy, section1 ? section1 : section_dummy, value2 - value1);
- }
- break;
- case ieee_function_plus_enum:
- {
- bfd_vma value1, value2;
- asection *section1;
- asection *section2;
- ieee_symbol_index_type sy1;
- ieee_symbol_index_type sy2;
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- POP (sy1, section1, value1);
- POP (sy2, section2, value2);
- PUSH (sy1.letter ? sy1 : sy2,
- bfd_is_abs_section (section1) ? section2 : section1,
- value1 + value2);
- }
- break;
- default:
- {
- bfd_vma va;
- BFD_ASSERT (this_byte (&(ieee->h)) < (int) ieee_variable_A_enum
- || this_byte (&(ieee->h)) > (int) ieee_variable_Z_enum);
- if (parse_int (&(ieee->h), &va))
- {
- PUSH (NOSYMBOL, bfd_abs_section_ptr, va);
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- Thats all that we can understand. As far as I can see
- there is a bug in the Microtec IEEE output which I'm
- using to scan, whereby the comma operator is omitted
- sometimes in an expression, giving expressions with too
- many terms. We can tell if that's the case by ensuring
- that sp == stack here. If not, then we've pushed
- something too far, so we keep adding. */
- while (sp != stack + 1)
- {
- asection *section1;
- ieee_symbol_index_type sy1;
- POP (sy1, section1, *extra);
- }
- {
- asection *dummy;
- POP (*symbol, dummy, *value);
- if (section)
- *section = dummy;
- }
- loop = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-#define ieee_seek(abfd, offset) \
- IEEE_DATA(abfd)->h.input_p = IEEE_DATA(abfd)->h.first_byte + offset
-#define ieee_pos(abfd) \
- (IEEE_DATA(abfd)->h.input_p - IEEE_DATA(abfd)->h.first_byte)
-static unsigned int last_index;
-static char last_type; /* is the index for an X or a D */
-static ieee_symbol_type *
-get_symbol (abfd,
- ieee,
- last_symbol,
- symbol_count,
- pptr,
- max_index,
- this_type
- bfd *abfd;
- ieee_data_type *ieee;
- ieee_symbol_type *last_symbol;
- unsigned int *symbol_count;
- ieee_symbol_type ***pptr;
- unsigned int *max_index;
- char this_type
- ;
- /* Need a new symbol */
- unsigned int new_index = must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- if (new_index != last_index || this_type != last_type)
- {
- ieee_symbol_type *new_symbol = (ieee_symbol_type *) bfd_alloc (ieee->h.abfd,
- sizeof (ieee_symbol_type));
- if (!new_symbol)
- return NULL;
- new_symbol->index = new_index;
- last_index = new_index;
- (*symbol_count)++;
- **pptr = new_symbol;
- *pptr = &new_symbol->next;
- if (new_index > *max_index)
- {
- *max_index = new_index;
- }
- last_type = this_type;
- new_symbol->symbol.section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- return new_symbol;
- }
- return last_symbol;
-static boolean
-ieee_slurp_external_symbols (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- ieee_data_type *ieee = IEEE_DATA (abfd);
- file_ptr offset = ieee->w.r.external_part;
- ieee_symbol_type **prev_symbols_ptr = &ieee->external_symbols;
- ieee_symbol_type **prev_reference_ptr = &ieee->external_reference;
- ieee_symbol_type *symbol = (ieee_symbol_type *) NULL;
- unsigned int symbol_count = 0;
- boolean loop = true;
- last_index = 0xffffff;
- ieee->symbol_table_full = true;
- ieee_seek (abfd, offset);
- while (loop)
- {
- switch (this_byte (&(ieee->h)))
- {
- case ieee_nn_record:
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- symbol = get_symbol (abfd, ieee, symbol, &symbol_count,
- &prev_symbols_ptr,
- &ieee->external_symbol_max_index, 'I');
- if (symbol == NULL)
- return false;
- symbol->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- symbol-> = read_id (&(ieee->h));
- symbol->symbol.udata.p = (PTR) NULL;
- symbol->symbol.flags = BSF_NO_FLAGS;
- break;
- case ieee_external_symbol_enum:
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- symbol = get_symbol (abfd, ieee, symbol, &symbol_count,
- &prev_symbols_ptr,
- &ieee->external_symbol_max_index, 'D');
- if (symbol == NULL)
- return false;
- BFD_ASSERT (symbol->index >= ieee->external_symbol_min_index);
- symbol->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- symbol-> = read_id (&(ieee->h));
- symbol->symbol.udata.p = (PTR) NULL;
- symbol->symbol.flags = BSF_NO_FLAGS;
- break;
- case ieee_attribute_record_enum >> 8:
- {
- unsigned int symbol_name_index;
- unsigned int symbol_type_index;
- unsigned int symbol_attribute_def;
- bfd_vma value;
- switch (read_2bytes (ieee))
- {
- case ieee_attribute_record_enum:
- symbol_name_index = must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- symbol_type_index = must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- symbol_attribute_def = must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- switch (symbol_attribute_def)
- {
- case 8:
- case 19:
- parse_int (&ieee->h, &value);
- break;
- default:
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: unimplemented ATI record %u for symbol %u",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), symbol_attribute_def,
- symbol_name_index);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case ieee_external_reference_info_record_enum:
- /* Skip over ATX record. */
- parse_int (&(ieee->h), &value);
- parse_int (&(ieee->h), &value);
- parse_int (&(ieee->h), &value);
- parse_int (&(ieee->h), &value);
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case ieee_value_record_enum >> 8:
- {
- unsigned int symbol_name_index;
- ieee_symbol_index_type symbol_ignore;
- boolean pcrel_ignore;
- unsigned int extra;
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- symbol_name_index = must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- parse_expression (ieee,
- &symbol->symbol.value,
- &symbol_ignore,
- &pcrel_ignore,
- &extra,
- &symbol->symbol.section);
- symbol->symbol.flags = BSF_GLOBAL | BSF_EXPORT;
- }
- break;
- case ieee_weak_external_reference_enum:
- {
- bfd_vma size;
- bfd_vma value;
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- /* Throw away the external reference index */
- (void) must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- /* Fetch the default size if not resolved */
- size = must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- /* Fetch the defautlt value if available */
- if (parse_int (&(ieee->h), &value) == false)
- {
- value = 0;
- }
- /* This turns into a common */
- symbol->symbol.section = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- symbol->symbol.value = size;
- }
- break;
- case ieee_external_reference_enum:
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- symbol = get_symbol (abfd, ieee, symbol, &symbol_count,
- &prev_reference_ptr,
- &ieee->external_reference_max_index, 'X');
- if (symbol == NULL)
- return false;
- symbol->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- symbol-> = read_id (&(ieee->h));
- symbol->symbol.udata.p = (PTR) NULL;
- symbol->symbol.section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- symbol->symbol.value = (bfd_vma) 0;
- symbol->symbol.flags = 0;
- BFD_ASSERT (symbol->index >= ieee->external_reference_min_index);
- break;
- default:
- loop = false;
- }
- }
- if (ieee->external_symbol_max_index != 0)
- {
- ieee->external_symbol_count =
- ieee->external_symbol_max_index -
- ieee->external_symbol_min_index + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- ieee->external_symbol_count = 0;
- }
- if (ieee->external_reference_max_index != 0)
- {
- ieee->external_reference_count =
- ieee->external_reference_max_index -
- ieee->external_reference_min_index + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- ieee->external_reference_count = 0;
- }
- abfd->symcount =
- ieee->external_reference_count + ieee->external_symbol_count;
- if (symbol_count != abfd->symcount)
- {
- /* There are gaps in the table -- */
- ieee->symbol_table_full = false;
- }
- *prev_symbols_ptr = (ieee_symbol_type *) NULL;
- *prev_reference_ptr = (ieee_symbol_type *) NULL;
- return true;
-static boolean
-ieee_slurp_symbol_table (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (IEEE_DATA (abfd)->read_symbols == false)
- {
- if (! ieee_slurp_external_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- IEEE_DATA (abfd)->read_symbols = true;
- }
- return true;
-ieee_get_symtab_upper_bound (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (! ieee_slurp_symbol_table (abfd))
- return -1;
- return (abfd->symcount != 0) ?
- (abfd->symcount + 1) * (sizeof (ieee_symbol_type *)) : 0;
-Move from our internal lists to the canon table, and insert in
-symbol index order
-extern const bfd_target ieee_vec;
-ieee_get_symtab (abfd, location)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **location;
- ieee_symbol_type *symp;
- static bfd dummy_bfd;
- static asymbol empty_symbol =
- /* the_bfd, name, value, attr, section */
- {&dummy_bfd, " ieee empty", (symvalue) 0, BSF_DEBUGGING, bfd_abs_section_ptr};
- if (abfd->symcount)
- {
- ieee_data_type *ieee = IEEE_DATA (abfd);
- dummy_bfd.xvec = &ieee_vec;
- if (! ieee_slurp_symbol_table (abfd))
- return -1;
- if (ieee->symbol_table_full == false)
- {
- /* Arrgh - there are gaps in the table, run through and fill them */
- /* up with pointers to a null place */
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < abfd->symcount; i++)
- {
- location[i] = &empty_symbol;
- }
- }
- ieee->external_symbol_base_offset = -ieee->external_symbol_min_index;
- for (symp = IEEE_DATA (abfd)->external_symbols;
- symp != (ieee_symbol_type *) NULL;
- symp = symp->next)
- {
- /* Place into table at correct index locations */
- location[symp->index + ieee->external_symbol_base_offset] = &symp->symbol;
- }
- /* The external refs are indexed in a bit */
- ieee->external_reference_base_offset =
- -ieee->external_reference_min_index + ieee->external_symbol_count;
- for (symp = IEEE_DATA (abfd)->external_reference;
- symp != (ieee_symbol_type *) NULL;
- symp = symp->next)
- {
- location[symp->index + ieee->external_reference_base_offset] =
- &symp->symbol;
- }
- }
- if (abfd->symcount)
- {
- location[abfd->symcount] = (asymbol *) NULL;
- }
- return abfd->symcount;
-static asection *
-get_section_entry (abfd, ieee, index)
- bfd *abfd;
- ieee_data_type *ieee;
- unsigned int index;
- if (ieee->section_table[index] == (asection *) NULL)
- {
- char *tmp = bfd_alloc (abfd, 11);
- asection *section;
- if (!tmp)
- return NULL;
- sprintf (tmp, " fsec%4d", index);
- section = bfd_make_section (abfd, tmp);
- ieee->section_table[index] = section;
- section->flags = SEC_NO_FLAGS;
- section->target_index = index;
- ieee->section_table[index] = section;
- }
- return ieee->section_table[index];
-static void
-ieee_slurp_sections (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- ieee_data_type *ieee = IEEE_DATA (abfd);
- file_ptr offset = ieee->w.r.section_part;
- asection *section = (asection *) NULL;
- char *name;
- if (offset != 0)
- {
- bfd_byte section_type[3];
- ieee_seek (abfd, offset);
- while (true)
- {
- switch (this_byte (&(ieee->h)))
- {
- case ieee_section_type_enum:
- {
- unsigned int section_index;
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- section_index = must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- /* Fixme to be nice about a silly number of sections */
- BFD_ASSERT (section_index < NSECTIONS);
- section = get_section_entry (abfd, ieee, section_index);
- section_type[0] = this_byte_and_next (&(ieee->h));
- /* Set minimal section attributes. Attributes are
- extended later, based on section contents. */
- switch (section_type[0])
- {
- case 0xC1:
- /* Normal attributes for absolute sections */
- section_type[1] = this_byte (&(ieee->h));
- section->flags = SEC_ALLOC;
- switch (section_type[1])
- {
- case 0xD3: /* AS Absolute section attributes */
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- section_type[2] = this_byte (&(ieee->h));
- switch (section_type[2])
- {
- case 0xD0:
- /* Normal code */
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- section->flags |= SEC_CODE;
- break;
- case 0xC4:
- /* Normal data */
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- section->flags |= SEC_DATA;
- break;
- case 0xD2:
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- /* Normal rom data */
- section->flags |= SEC_ROM | SEC_DATA;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 0xC3: /* Named relocatable sections (type C) */
- section_type[1] = this_byte (&(ieee->h));
- section->flags = SEC_ALLOC;
- switch (section_type[1])
- {
- case 0xD0: /* Normal code (CP) */
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- section->flags |= SEC_CODE;
- break;
- case 0xC4: /* Normal data (CD) */
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- section->flags |= SEC_DATA;
- break;
- case 0xD2: /* Normal rom data (CR) */
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- section->flags |= SEC_ROM | SEC_DATA;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Read section name, use it if non empty. */
- name = read_id (&ieee->h);
- if (name[0])
- section->name = name;
- /* Skip these fields, which we don't care about */
- {
- bfd_vma parent, brother, context;
- parse_int (&(ieee->h), &parent);
- parse_int (&(ieee->h), &brother);
- parse_int (&(ieee->h), &context);
- }
- }
- break;
- case ieee_section_alignment_enum:
- {
- unsigned int section_index;
- bfd_vma value;
- asection *section;
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- section_index = must_parse_int (&ieee->h);
- section = get_section_entry (abfd, ieee, section_index);
- if (section_index > ieee->section_count)
- {
- ieee->section_count = section_index;
- }
- section->alignment_power =
- bfd_log2 (must_parse_int (&ieee->h));
- (void) parse_int (&(ieee->h), &value);
- }
- break;
- case ieee_e2_first_byte_enum:
- {
- ieee_record_enum_type t = (ieee_record_enum_type) (read_2bytes (&(ieee->h)));
- switch (t)
- {
- case ieee_section_size_enum:
- section = ieee->section_table[must_parse_int (&(ieee->h))];
- section->_raw_size = must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- break;
- case ieee_physical_region_size_enum:
- section = ieee->section_table[must_parse_int (&(ieee->h))];
- section->_raw_size = must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- break;
- case ieee_region_base_address_enum:
- section = ieee->section_table[must_parse_int (&(ieee->h))];
- section->vma = must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- section->lma = section->vma;
- break;
- case ieee_mau_size_enum:
- must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- break;
- case ieee_m_value_enum:
- must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- break;
- case ieee_section_base_address_enum:
- section = ieee->section_table[must_parse_int (&(ieee->h))];
- section->vma = must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- section->lma = section->vma;
- break;
- case ieee_section_offset_enum:
- (void) must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- (void) must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- }
- }
-/* Make a section for the debugging information, if any. We don't try
- to interpret the debugging information; we just point the section
- at the area in the file so that program which understand can dig it
- out. */
-static boolean
-ieee_slurp_debug (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- ieee_data_type *ieee = IEEE_DATA (abfd);
- asection *sec;
- if (ieee->w.r.debug_information_part == 0)
- return true;
- sec = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".debug");
- if (sec == NULL)
- return false;
- sec->filepos = ieee->w.r.debug_information_part;
- sec->_raw_size = ieee->w.r.data_part - ieee->w.r.debug_information_part;
- return true;
-* archive stuff
-const bfd_target *
-ieee_archive_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *library;
- boolean loop;
- unsigned int i;
- unsigned char buffer[512];
- file_ptr buffer_offset = 0;
- ieee_ar_data_type *save = abfd->tdata.ieee_ar_data;
- ieee_ar_data_type *ieee;
- abfd->tdata.ieee_ar_data = (ieee_ar_data_type *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (ieee_ar_data_type));
- if (!abfd->tdata.ieee_ar_data)
- return NULL;
- ieee = IEEE_AR_DATA (abfd);
- /* FIXME: Check return value. I'm not sure whether it needs to read
- the entire buffer or not. */
- bfd_read ((PTR) buffer, 1, sizeof (buffer), abfd);
- ieee->h.first_byte = buffer;
- ieee->h.input_p = buffer;
- ieee->h.abfd = abfd;
- if (this_byte (&(ieee->h)) != Module_Beginning)
- {
- abfd->tdata.ieee_ar_data = save;
- return (const bfd_target *) NULL;
- }
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- library = read_id (&(ieee->h));
- if (strcmp (library, "LIBRARY") != 0)
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, ieee);
- abfd->tdata.ieee_ar_data = save;
- return (const bfd_target *) NULL;
- }
- /* Throw away the filename */
- read_id (&(ieee->h));
- ieee->element_count = 0;
- ieee->element_index = 0;
- next_byte (&(ieee->h)); /* Drop the ad part */
- must_parse_int (&(ieee->h)); /* And the two dummy numbers */
- must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- loop = true;
- /* Read the index of the BB table */
- while (loop)
- {
- ieee_ar_obstack_type t;
- int rec = read_2bytes (&(ieee->h));
- if (rec == (int) ieee_assign_value_to_variable_enum)
- {
- must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- t.file_offset = must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- t.abfd = (bfd *) NULL;
- ieee->element_count++;
- bfd_alloc_grow (abfd, (PTR) &t, sizeof t);
- /* Make sure that we don't go over the end of the buffer */
- if ((size_t) ieee_pos (abfd) > sizeof (buffer) / 2)
- {
- /* Past half way, reseek and reprime */
- buffer_offset += ieee_pos (abfd);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, buffer_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return NULL;
- /* FIXME: Check return value. I'm not sure whether it
- needs to read the entire buffer or not. */
- bfd_read ((PTR) buffer, 1, sizeof (buffer), abfd);
- ieee->h.first_byte = buffer;
- ieee->h.input_p = buffer;
- }
- }
- else
- loop = false;
- }
- ieee->elements = (ieee_ar_obstack_type *) bfd_alloc_finish (abfd);
- if (!ieee->elements)
- return (const bfd_target *) NULL;
- /* Now scan the area again, and replace BB offsets with file */
- /* offsets */
- for (i = 2; i < ieee->element_count; i++)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, ieee->elements[i].file_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return NULL;
- /* FIXME: Check return value. I'm not sure whether it needs to
- read the entire buffer or not. */
- bfd_read ((PTR) buffer, 1, sizeof (buffer), abfd);
- ieee->h.first_byte = buffer;
- ieee->h.input_p = buffer;
- next_byte (&(ieee->h)); /* Drop F8 */
- next_byte (&(ieee->h)); /* Drop 14 */
- must_parse_int (&(ieee->h)); /* Drop size of block */
- if (must_parse_int (&(ieee->h)) != 0)
- {
- /* This object has been deleted */
- ieee->elements[i].file_offset = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- ieee->elements[i].file_offset = must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- }
- }
-/* abfd->has_armap = ;*/
- return abfd->xvec;
-static boolean
-ieee_mkobject (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- abfd->tdata.ieee_data = (ieee_data_type *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (ieee_data_type));
- return abfd->tdata.ieee_data ? true : false;
-const bfd_target *
-ieee_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *processor;
- unsigned int part;
- ieee_data_type *ieee;
- unsigned char buffer[300];
- ieee_data_type *save = IEEE_DATA (abfd);
- abfd->tdata.ieee_data = 0;
- ieee_mkobject (abfd);
- ieee = IEEE_DATA (abfd);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto fail;
- /* Read the first few bytes in to see if it makes sense */
- /* FIXME: Check return value. I'm not sure whether it needs to read
- the entire buffer or not. */
- bfd_read ((PTR) buffer, 1, sizeof (buffer), abfd);
- ieee->h.input_p = buffer;
- if (this_byte_and_next (&(ieee->h)) != Module_Beginning)
- goto got_wrong_format;
- ieee->read_symbols = false;
- ieee->read_data = false;
- ieee->section_count = 0;
- ieee->external_symbol_max_index = 0;
- ieee->external_symbol_min_index = IEEE_PUBLIC_BASE;
- ieee->external_reference_min_index = IEEE_REFERENCE_BASE;
- ieee->external_reference_max_index = 0;
- ieee->h.abfd = abfd;
- memset ((PTR) ieee->section_table, 0, sizeof (ieee->section_table));
- processor = ieee->mb.processor = read_id (&(ieee->h));
- if (strcmp (processor, "LIBRARY") == 0)
- goto got_wrong_format;
- ieee->mb.module_name = read_id (&(ieee->h));
- if (abfd->filename == (CONST char *) NULL)
- {
- abfd->filename = ieee->mb.module_name;
- }
- /* Determine the architecture and machine type of the object file.
- */
- {
- const bfd_arch_info_type *arch = bfd_scan_arch (processor);
- if (arch == 0)
- goto got_wrong_format;
- abfd->arch_info = arch;
- }
- if (this_byte (&(ieee->h)) != (int) ieee_address_descriptor_enum)
- {
- goto fail;
- }
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- if (parse_int (&(ieee->h), &ieee->ad.number_of_bits_mau) == false)
- {
- goto fail;
- }
- if (parse_int (&(ieee->h), &ieee->ad.number_of_maus_in_address) == false)
- {
- goto fail;
- }
- /* If there is a byte order info, take it */
- if (this_byte (&(ieee->h)) == (int) ieee_variable_L_enum ||
- this_byte (&(ieee->h)) == (int) ieee_variable_M_enum)
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- for (part = 0; part < N_W_VARIABLES; part++)
- {
- boolean ok;
- if (read_2bytes (&(ieee->h)) != (int) ieee_assign_value_to_variable_enum)
- {
- goto fail;
- }
- if (this_byte_and_next (&(ieee->h)) != part)
- {
- goto fail;
- }
- ieee->w.offset[part] = parse_i (&(ieee->h), &ok);
- if (ok == false)
- {
- goto fail;
- }
- }
- if (ieee->w.r.external_part != 0)
- abfd->flags = HAS_SYMS;
- /* By now we know that this is a real IEEE file, we're going to read
- the whole thing into memory so that we can run up and down it
- quickly. We can work out how big the file is from the trailer
- record */
- IEEE_DATA (abfd)->h.first_byte =
- (unsigned char *) bfd_alloc (ieee->h.abfd, ieee->w.r.me_record + 1);
- if (!IEEE_DATA (abfd)->h.first_byte)
- goto fail;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto fail;
- /* FIXME: Check return value. I'm not sure whether it needs to read
- the entire buffer or not. */
- bfd_read ((PTR) (IEEE_DATA (abfd)->h.first_byte), 1,
- ieee->w.r.me_record + 1, abfd);
- ieee_slurp_sections (abfd);
- if (! ieee_slurp_debug (abfd))
- goto fail;
- /* Parse section data to activate file and section flags implied by
- section contents. */
- if (! ieee_slurp_section_data (abfd))
- goto fail;
- return abfd->xvec;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- (void) bfd_release (abfd, ieee);
- abfd->tdata.ieee_data = save;
- return (const bfd_target *) NULL;
-ieee_get_symbol_info (ignore_abfd, symbol, ret)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- symbol_info *ret;
- bfd_symbol_info (symbol, ret);
- if (symbol->name[0] == ' ')
- ret->name = "* empty table entry ";
- if (!symbol->section)
- ret->type = (symbol->flags & BSF_LOCAL) ? 'a' : 'A';
-ieee_print_symbol (ignore_abfd, afile, symbol, how)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- PTR afile;
- asymbol *symbol;
- bfd_print_symbol_type how;
- FILE *file = (FILE *) afile;
- switch (how)
- {
- case bfd_print_symbol_name:
- fprintf (file, "%s", symbol->name);
- break;
- case bfd_print_symbol_more:
-#if 0
- fprintf (file, "%4x %2x", aout_symbol (symbol)->desc & 0xffff,
- aout_symbol (symbol)->other & 0xff);
- BFD_FAIL ();
- break;
- case bfd_print_symbol_all:
- {
- const char *section_name =
- (symbol->section == (asection *) NULL
- ? "*abs"
- : symbol->section->name);
- if (symbol->name[0] == ' ')
- {
- fprintf (file, "* empty table entry ");
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_print_symbol_vandf ((PTR) file, symbol);
- fprintf (file, " %-5s %04x %02x %s",
- section_name,
- (unsigned) ieee_symbol (symbol)->index,
- (unsigned) 0,
- symbol->name);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
-static boolean
-do_one (ieee, current_map, location_ptr, s, iterations)
- ieee_data_type *ieee;
- ieee_per_section_type *current_map;
- unsigned char *location_ptr;
- asection *s;
- int iterations;
- switch (this_byte (&(ieee->h)))
- {
- case ieee_load_constant_bytes_enum:
- {
- unsigned int number_of_maus;
- unsigned int i;
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- number_of_maus = must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- for (i = 0; i < number_of_maus; i++)
- {
- location_ptr[current_map->pc++] = this_byte (&(ieee->h));
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- }
- }
- break;
- case ieee_load_with_relocation_enum:
- {
- boolean loop = true;
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- while (loop)
- {
- switch (this_byte (&(ieee->h)))
- {
- case ieee_variable_R_enum:
- case ieee_function_signed_open_b_enum:
- case ieee_function_unsigned_open_b_enum:
- case ieee_function_either_open_b_enum:
- {
- unsigned int extra = 4;
- boolean pcrel = false;
- asection *section;
- ieee_reloc_type *r =
- (ieee_reloc_type *) bfd_alloc (ieee->h.abfd,
- sizeof (ieee_reloc_type));
- if (!r)
- return false;
- *(current_map->reloc_tail_ptr) = r;
- current_map->reloc_tail_ptr = &r->next;
- r->next = (ieee_reloc_type *) NULL;
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
-/* abort();*/
- r->relent.sym_ptr_ptr = 0;
- parse_expression (ieee,
- &r->relent.addend,
- &r->symbol,
- &pcrel, &extra, &section);
- r->relent.address = current_map->pc;
- s->flags |= SEC_RELOC;
- s->owner->flags |= HAS_RELOC;
- s->reloc_count++;
- if (r->relent.sym_ptr_ptr == 0)
- {
- r->relent.sym_ptr_ptr = section->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- }
- if (this_byte (&(ieee->h)) == (int) ieee_comma)
- {
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- /* Fetch number of bytes to pad */
- extra = must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- };
- switch (this_byte (&(ieee->h)))
- {
- case ieee_function_signed_close_b_enum:
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- break;
- case ieee_function_unsigned_close_b_enum:
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- break;
- case ieee_function_either_close_b_enum:
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /* Build a relocation entry for this type */
- /* If pc rel then stick -ve pc into instruction
- and take out of reloc ..
- I've changed this. It's all too complicated. I
- keep 0 in the instruction now. */
- switch (extra)
- {
- case 0:
- case 4:
- if (pcrel == true)
- {
- bfd_put_32 (ieee->h.abfd, -current_map->pc, location_ptr +
- current_map->pc);
- r->relent.howto = &rel32_howto;
- r->relent.addend -=
- current_map->pc;
- bfd_put_32 (ieee->h.abfd, 0, location_ptr +
- current_map->pc);
- r->relent.howto = &rel32_howto;
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_put_32 (ieee->h.abfd, 0, location_ptr +
- current_map->pc);
- r->relent.howto = &abs32_howto;
- }
- current_map->pc += 4;
- break;
- case 2:
- if (pcrel == true)
- {
- bfd_put_16 (ieee->h.abfd, (int) (-current_map->pc), location_ptr + current_map->pc);
- r->relent.addend -= current_map->pc;
- r->relent.howto = &rel16_howto;
- bfd_put_16 (ieee->h.abfd, 0, location_ptr + current_map->pc);
- r->relent.howto = &rel16_howto;
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_put_16 (ieee->h.abfd, 0, location_ptr + current_map->pc);
- r->relent.howto = &abs16_howto;
- }
- current_map->pc += 2;
- break;
- case 1:
- if (pcrel == true)
- {
- bfd_put_8 (ieee->h.abfd, (int) (-current_map->pc), location_ptr + current_map->pc);
- r->relent.addend -= current_map->pc;
- r->relent.howto = &rel8_howto;
- bfd_put_8 (ieee->h.abfd, 0, location_ptr + current_map->pc);
- r->relent.howto = &rel8_howto;
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_put_8 (ieee->h.abfd, 0, location_ptr + current_map->pc);
- r->relent.howto = &abs8_howto;
- }
- current_map->pc += 1;
- break;
- default:
- BFD_FAIL ();
- return false;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- {
- bfd_vma this_size;
- if (parse_int (&(ieee->h), &this_size) == true)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < this_size; i++)
- {
- location_ptr[current_map->pc++] = this_byte (&(ieee->h));
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- loop = false;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Prevent more than the first load-item of an LR record
- from being repeated (MRI convention). */
- if (iterations != 1)
- loop = false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Read in all the section data and relocation stuff too */
-static boolean
-ieee_slurp_section_data (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_byte *location_ptr = (bfd_byte *) NULL;
- ieee_data_type *ieee = IEEE_DATA (abfd);
- unsigned int section_number;
- ieee_per_section_type *current_map = (ieee_per_section_type *) NULL;
- asection *s;
- /* Seek to the start of the data area */
- if (ieee->read_data == true)
- return true;
- ieee->read_data = true;
- ieee_seek (abfd, ieee->w.r.data_part);
- /* Allocate enough space for all the section contents */
- for (s = abfd->sections; s != (asection *) NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- ieee_per_section_type *per = (ieee_per_section_type *) s->used_by_bfd;
- if ((s->flags & SEC_DEBUGGING) != 0)
- continue;
- per->data = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (ieee->h.abfd, s->_raw_size);
- if (!per->data)
- return false;
- /*SUPPRESS 68*/
- per->reloc_tail_ptr =
- (ieee_reloc_type **) & (s->relocation);
- }
- while (true)
- {
- switch (this_byte (&(ieee->h)))
- {
- /* IF we see anything strange then quit */
- default:
- return true;
- case ieee_set_current_section_enum:
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- section_number = must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- s = ieee->section_table[section_number];
- s->flags |= SEC_LOAD | SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- current_map = (ieee_per_section_type *) s->used_by_bfd;
- location_ptr = current_map->data - s->vma;
- /* The document I have says that Microtec's compilers reset */
- /* this after a sec section, even though the standard says not */
- /* to. SO .. */
- current_map->pc = s->vma;
- break;
- case ieee_e2_first_byte_enum:
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- switch (this_byte (&(ieee->h)))
- {
- case ieee_set_current_pc_enum & 0xff:
- {
- bfd_vma value;
- ieee_symbol_index_type symbol;
- unsigned int extra;
- boolean pcrel;
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- must_parse_int (&(ieee->h)); /* Thow away section #*/
- parse_expression (ieee, &value,
- &symbol,
- &pcrel, &extra,
- 0);
- current_map->pc = value;
- BFD_ASSERT ((unsigned) (value - s->vma) <= s->_raw_size);
- }
- break;
- case ieee_value_starting_address_enum & 0xff:
- /* We've got to the end of the data now - */
- return true;
- default:
- BFD_FAIL ();
- return false;
- }
- break;
- case ieee_repeat_data_enum:
- {
- /* Repeat the following LD or LR n times - we do this by
- remembering the stream pointer before running it and
- resetting it and running it n times. We special case
- the repetition of a repeat_data/load_constant
- */
- unsigned int iterations;
- unsigned char *start;
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- iterations = must_parse_int (&(ieee->h));
- start = ieee->h.input_p;
- if (start[0] == (int) ieee_load_constant_bytes_enum &&
- start[1] == 1)
- {
- while (iterations != 0)
- {
- location_ptr[current_map->pc++] = start[2];
- iterations--;
- }
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- next_byte (&(ieee->h));
- }
- else
- {
- while (iterations != 0)
- {
- ieee->h.input_p = start;
- if (!do_one (ieee, current_map, location_ptr, s,
- iterations))
- return false;
- iterations--;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case ieee_load_constant_bytes_enum:
- case ieee_load_with_relocation_enum:
- {
- if (!do_one (ieee, current_map, location_ptr, s, 1))
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
-ieee_new_section_hook (abfd, newsect)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *newsect;
- newsect->used_by_bfd = (PTR)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (ieee_per_section_type));
- if (!newsect->used_by_bfd)
- return false;
- ieee_per_section (newsect)->data = (bfd_byte *) NULL;
- ieee_per_section (newsect)->section = newsect;
- return true;
-ieee_get_reloc_upper_bound (abfd, asect)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr asect;
- if ((asect->flags & SEC_DEBUGGING) != 0)
- return 0;
- if (! ieee_slurp_section_data (abfd))
- return -1;
- return (asect->reloc_count + 1) * sizeof (arelent *);
-static boolean
-ieee_get_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- ieee_per_section_type *p = (ieee_per_section_type *) section->used_by_bfd;
- if ((section->flags & SEC_DEBUGGING) != 0)
- return _bfd_generic_get_section_contents (abfd, section, location,
- offset, count);
- ieee_slurp_section_data (abfd);
- (void) memcpy ((PTR) location, (PTR) (p->data + offset), (unsigned) count);
- return true;
-ieee_canonicalize_reloc (abfd, section, relptr, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- arelent **relptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
-/* ieee_per_section_type *p = (ieee_per_section_type *) section->used_by_bfd;*/
- ieee_reloc_type *src = (ieee_reloc_type *) (section->relocation);
- ieee_data_type *ieee = IEEE_DATA (abfd);
- if ((section->flags & SEC_DEBUGGING) != 0)
- return 0;
- while (src != (ieee_reloc_type *) NULL)
- {
- /* Work out which symbol to attach it this reloc to */
- switch (src->symbol.letter)
- {
- case 'I':
- src->relent.sym_ptr_ptr =
- symbols + src->symbol.index + ieee->external_symbol_base_offset;
- break;
- case 'X':
- src->relent.sym_ptr_ptr =
- symbols + src->symbol.index + ieee->external_reference_base_offset;
- break;
- case 0:
- src->relent.sym_ptr_ptr =
- src->relent.sym_ptr_ptr[0]->section->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- break;
- default:
- BFD_FAIL ();
- }
- *relptr++ = &src->relent;
- src = src->next;
- }
- *relptr = (arelent *) NULL;
- return section->reloc_count;
-static int
-comp (ap, bp)
- arelent *a = *((arelent **) ap);
- arelent *b = *((arelent **) bp);
- return a->address - b->address;
-/* Write the section headers. */
-static boolean
-ieee_write_section_part (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- ieee_data_type *ieee = IEEE_DATA (abfd);
- asection *s;
- ieee->w.r.section_part = bfd_tell (abfd);
- for (s = abfd->sections; s != (asection *) NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- if (! bfd_is_abs_section (s)
- && (s->flags & SEC_DEBUGGING) == 0)
- {
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_section_type_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd,
- (bfd_byte) (s->index
- return false;
- if (abfd->flags & EXEC_P)
- {
- /* This image is executable, so output absolute sections */
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_variable_A_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_variable_S_enum))
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_variable_C_enum))
- return false;
- }
- switch (s->flags & (SEC_CODE | SEC_DATA | SEC_ROM))
- {
- case SEC_CODE:
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_variable_P_enum))
- return false;
- break;
- case SEC_DATA:
- default:
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_variable_D_enum))
- return false;
- break;
- case SEC_ROM:
- case SEC_ROM | SEC_DATA:
- case SEC_ROM | SEC_LOAD:
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_variable_R_enum))
- return false;
- }
- if (! ieee_write_id (abfd, s->name))
- return false;
-#if 0
- ieee_write_int (abfd, 0); /* Parent */
- ieee_write_int (abfd, 0); /* Brother */
- ieee_write_int (abfd, 0); /* Context */
- /* Alignment */
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_section_alignment_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd,
- (bfd_byte) (s->index
- || ! ieee_write_int (abfd, 1 << s->alignment_power))
- return false;
- /* Size */
- if (! ieee_write_2bytes (abfd, ieee_section_size_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd,
- (bfd_byte) (s->index
- || ! ieee_write_int (abfd, s->_raw_size))
- return false;
- if (abfd->flags & EXEC_P)
- {
- /* Relocateable sections don't have asl records */
- /* Vma */
- if (! ieee_write_2bytes (abfd, ieee_section_base_address_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd,
- ((bfd_byte)
- (s->index
- || ! ieee_write_int (abfd, s->vma))
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-static boolean
-do_with_relocs (abfd, s)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *s;
- unsigned int number_of_maus_in_address =
- bfd_arch_bits_per_address (abfd) / bfd_arch_bits_per_byte (abfd);
- unsigned int relocs_to_go = s->reloc_count;
- bfd_byte *stream = ieee_per_section (s)->data;
- arelent **p = s->orelocation;
- bfd_size_type current_byte_index = 0;
- qsort (s->orelocation,
- relocs_to_go,
- sizeof (arelent **),
- comp);
- /* Output the section preheader */
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_set_current_section_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd,
- (bfd_byte) (s->index + IEEE_SECTION_NUMBER_BASE))
- || ! ieee_write_2bytes (abfd, ieee_set_current_pc_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd,
- (bfd_byte) (s->index + IEEE_SECTION_NUMBER_BASE)))
- return false;
- if ((abfd->flags & EXEC_P) != 0 && relocs_to_go == 0)
- {
- if (! ieee_write_int (abfd, s->vma))
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! ieee_write_expression (abfd, 0, s->symbol, 0, 0))
- return false;
- }
- if (relocs_to_go == 0)
- {
- /* If there aren't any relocations then output the load constant
- byte opcode rather than the load with relocation opcode */
- while (current_byte_index < s->_raw_size)
- {
- bfd_size_type run;
- unsigned int MAXRUN = 127;
- run = MAXRUN;
- if (run > s->_raw_size - current_byte_index)
- {
- run = s->_raw_size - current_byte_index;
- }
- if (run != 0)
- {
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_load_constant_bytes_enum))
- return false;
- /* Output a stream of bytes */
- if (! ieee_write_int (abfd, run))
- return false;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) (stream + current_byte_index),
- 1,
- run,
- abfd)
- != run)
- return false;
- current_byte_index += run;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_load_with_relocation_enum))
- return false;
- /* Output the data stream as the longest sequence of bytes
- possible, allowing for the a reasonable packet size and
- relocation stuffs. */
- if ((PTR) stream == (PTR) NULL)
- {
- /* Outputting a section without data, fill it up */
- stream = (unsigned char *) (bfd_alloc (abfd, s->_raw_size));
- if (!stream)
- return false;
- memset ((PTR) stream, 0, (size_t) s->_raw_size);
- }
- while (current_byte_index < s->_raw_size)
- {
- bfd_size_type run;
- unsigned int MAXRUN = 127;
- if (relocs_to_go)
- {
- run = (*p)->address - current_byte_index;
- if (run > MAXRUN)
- run = MAXRUN;
- }
- else
- {
- run = MAXRUN;
- }
- if (run > s->_raw_size - current_byte_index)
- {
- run = s->_raw_size - current_byte_index;
- }
- if (run != 0)
- {
- /* Output a stream of bytes */
- if (! ieee_write_int (abfd, run))
- return false;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) (stream + current_byte_index),
- 1,
- run,
- abfd)
- != run)
- return false;
- current_byte_index += run;
- }
- /* Output any relocations here */
- if (relocs_to_go && (*p) && (*p)->address == current_byte_index)
- {
- while (relocs_to_go
- && (*p) && (*p)->address == current_byte_index)
- {
- arelent *r = *p;
- bfd_signed_vma ov;
-#if 0
- if (r->howto->pc_relative)
- {
- r->addend += current_byte_index;
- }
- switch (r->howto->size)
- {
- case 2:
- ov = bfd_get_signed_32 (abfd,
- stream + current_byte_index);
- current_byte_index += 4;
- break;
- case 1:
- ov = bfd_get_signed_16 (abfd,
- stream + current_byte_index);
- current_byte_index += 2;
- break;
- case 0:
- ov = bfd_get_signed_8 (abfd,
- stream + current_byte_index);
- current_byte_index++;
- break;
- default:
- ov = 0;
- BFD_FAIL ();
- return false;
- }
- ov &= r->howto->src_mask;
- if (r->howto->pc_relative
- && ! r->howto->pcrel_offset)
- ov += r->address;
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd,
- ieee_function_either_open_b_enum))
- return false;
-/* abort();*/
- if (r->sym_ptr_ptr != (asymbol **) NULL)
- {
- if (! ieee_write_expression (abfd, r->addend + ov,
- *(r->sym_ptr_ptr),
- r->howto->pc_relative,
- s->index))
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! ieee_write_expression (abfd, r->addend + ov,
- (asymbol *) NULL,
- r->howto->pc_relative,
- s->index))
- return false;
- }
- if (number_of_maus_in_address
- != bfd_get_reloc_size (r->howto))
- {
- if (! ieee_write_int (abfd,
- bfd_get_reloc_size (r->howto)))
- return false;
- }
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd,
- ieee_function_either_close_b_enum))
- return false;
- relocs_to_go--;
- p++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* If there are no relocations in the output section then we can be
- clever about how we write. We block items up into a max of 127
- bytes. */
-static boolean
-do_as_repeat (abfd, s)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *s;
- if (s->_raw_size)
- {
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_set_current_section_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd,
- (bfd_byte) (s->index
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_set_current_pc_enum >> 8)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_set_current_pc_enum & 0xff)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd,
- (bfd_byte) (s->index
- || ! ieee_write_int (abfd, s->vma)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_repeat_data_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_int (abfd, s->_raw_size)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_load_constant_bytes_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd, 1)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd, 0))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-static boolean
-do_without_relocs (abfd, s)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *s;
- bfd_byte *stream = ieee_per_section (s)->data;
- if (stream == 0 || ((s->flags & SEC_LOAD) == 0))
- {
- if (! do_as_repeat (abfd, s))
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < s->_raw_size; i++)
- {
- if (stream[i] != 0)
- {
- if (! do_with_relocs (abfd, s))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- }
- if (! do_as_repeat (abfd, s))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-static unsigned char *output_ptr_start;
-static unsigned char *output_ptr;
-static unsigned char *output_ptr_end;
-static unsigned char *input_ptr_start;
-static unsigned char *input_ptr;
-static unsigned char *input_ptr_end;
-static bfd *input_bfd;
-static bfd *output_bfd;
-static int output_buffer;
-static void
-fill ()
- /* FIXME: Check return value. I'm not sure whether it needs to read
- the entire buffer or not. */
- bfd_read ((PTR) input_ptr_start, 1, input_ptr_end - input_ptr_start, input_bfd);
- input_ptr = input_ptr_start;
-static void
-flush ()
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) (output_ptr_start), 1, output_ptr - output_ptr_start,
- output_bfd)
- != (bfd_size_type) (output_ptr - output_ptr_start))
- abort ();
- output_ptr = output_ptr_start;
- output_buffer++;
-#define THIS() ( *input_ptr )
-#define NEXT() { input_ptr++; if (input_ptr == input_ptr_end) fill(); }
-#define OUT(x) { *output_ptr++ = (x); if(output_ptr == output_ptr_end) flush(); }
-static void
-write_int (value)
- int value;
- if (value >= 0 && value <= 127)
- {
- OUT (value);
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned int length;
- /* How many significant bytes ? */
- if (value & 0xff000000)
- {
- length = 4;
- }
- else if (value & 0x00ff0000)
- {
- length = 3;
- }
- else if (value & 0x0000ff00)
- {
- length = 2;
- }
- else
- length = 1;
- OUT ((int) ieee_number_repeat_start_enum + length);
- switch (length)
- {
- case 4:
- OUT (value >> 24);
- case 3:
- OUT (value >> 16);
- case 2:
- OUT (value >> 8);
- case 1:
- OUT (value);
- }
- }
-static void
-copy_id ()
- int length = THIS ();
- char ch;
- OUT (length);
- NEXT ();
- while (length--)
- {
- ch = THIS ();
- OUT (ch);
- NEXT ();
- }
-#define VAR(x) ((x | 0x80))
-static void
-copy_expression ()
- int stack[10];
- int *tos = stack;
- int value = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- switch (THIS ())
- {
- case 0x84:
- NEXT ();
- value = THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- value = (value << 8) | THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- value = (value << 8) | THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- value = (value << 8) | THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- *tos++ = value;
- break;
- case 0x83:
- NEXT ();
- value = THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- value = (value << 8) | THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- value = (value << 8) | THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- *tos++ = value;
- break;
- case 0x82:
- NEXT ();
- value = THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- value = (value << 8) | THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- *tos++ = value;
- break;
- case 0x81:
- NEXT ();
- value = THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- *tos++ = value;
- break;
- case 0x80:
- NEXT ();
- *tos++ = 0;
- break;
- default:
- if (THIS () > 0x84)
- {
- /* Not a number, just bug out with the answer */
- write_int (*(--tos));
- return;
- }
- *tos++ = THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- value = 0;
- break;
- case 0xa5:
- /* PLUS anything */
- {
- int value = *(--tos);
- value += *(--tos);
- *tos++ = value;
- NEXT ();
- }
- break;
- case VAR ('R'):
- {
- int section_number;
- ieee_data_type *ieee;
- asection *s;
- NEXT ();
- section_number = THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- ieee = IEEE_DATA (input_bfd);
- s = ieee->section_table[section_number];
- if (s->output_section)
- {
- value = s->output_section->vma;
- }
- else
- {
- value = 0;
- }
- value += s->output_offset;
- *tos++ = value;
- value = 0;
- }
- break;
- case 0x90:
- {
- NEXT ();
- write_int (*(--tos));
- OUT (0x90);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
-/* Drop the int in the buffer, and copy a null into the gap, which we
- will overwrite later */
-struct output_buffer_struct
- unsigned char *ptrp;
- int buffer;
-static void
-fill_int (buf)
- struct output_buffer_struct *buf;
- if (buf->buffer == output_buffer)
- {
- /* Still a chance to output the size */
- int value = output_ptr - buf->ptrp + 3;
- buf->ptrp[0] = value >> 24;
- buf->ptrp[1] = value >> 16;
- buf->ptrp[2] = value >> 8;
- buf->ptrp[3] = value >> 0;
- }
-static void
-drop_int (buf)
- struct output_buffer_struct *buf;
- int type = THIS ();
- int ch;
- if (type <= 0x84)
- {
- NEXT ();
- switch (type)
- {
- case 0x84:
- ch = THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- case 0x83:
- ch = THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- case 0x82:
- ch = THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- case 0x81:
- ch = THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- case 0x80:
- break;
- }
- }
- OUT (0x84);
- buf->ptrp = output_ptr;
- buf->buffer = output_buffer;
- OUT (0);
- OUT (0);
- OUT (0);
- OUT (0);
-static void
-copy_int ()
- int type = THIS ();
- int ch;
- if (type <= 0x84)
- {
- OUT (type);
- NEXT ();
- switch (type)
- {
- case 0x84:
- ch = THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- OUT (ch);
- case 0x83:
- ch = THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- OUT (ch);
- case 0x82:
- ch = THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- OUT (ch);
- case 0x81:
- ch = THIS ();
- NEXT ();
- OUT (ch);
- case 0x80:
- break;
- }
- }
-#define ID copy_id()
-#define INT copy_int()
-#define EXP copy_expression()
-static void copy_till_end ();
-#define INTn(q) copy_int()
-#define EXPn(q) copy_expression()
-static void
-f1_record ()
- int ch;
- /* ATN record */
- NEXT ();
- ch = THIS ();
- switch (ch)
- {
- default:
- OUT (0xf1);
- OUT (ch);
- break;
- case 0xc9:
- NEXT ();
- OUT (0xf1);
- OUT (0xc9);
- INT;
- INT;
- ch = THIS ();
- switch (ch)
- {
- case 0x16:
- NEXT ();
- break;
- case 0x01:
- NEXT ();
- break;
- case 0x00:
- NEXT ();
- INT;
- break;
- case 0x03:
- NEXT ();
- INT;
- break;
- case 0x13:
- EXPn (instruction address);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 0xd8:
- /* EXternal ref */
- NEXT ();
- OUT (0xf1);
- OUT (0xd8);
- EXP;
- EXP;
- EXP;
- EXP;
- break;
- case 0xce:
- NEXT ();
- OUT (0xf1);
- OUT (0xce);
- INT;
- INT;
- ch = THIS ();
- INT;
- switch (ch)
- {
- case 0x01:
- INT;
- INT;
- break;
- case 0x02:
- INT;
- break;
- case 0x04:
- EXPn (external function);
- break;
- case 0x05:
- break;
- case 0x07:
- INTn (line number);
- INT;
- case 0x08:
- break;
- case 0x0a:
- INTn (locked register);
- INT;
- break;
- case 0x3f:
- copy_till_end ();
- break;
- case 0x3e:
- copy_till_end ();
- break;
- case 0x40:
- copy_till_end ();
- break;
- case 0x41:
- ID;
- break;
- }
- }
-static void
-f0_record ()
- /* Attribute record */
- NEXT ();
- OUT (0xf0);
- INTn (Symbol name);
- ID;
-static void
-copy_till_end ()
- int ch = THIS ();
- while (1)
- {
- while (ch <= 0x80)
- {
- OUT (ch);
- NEXT ();
- ch = THIS ();
- }
- switch (ch)
- {
- case 0x84:
- OUT (THIS ());
- NEXT ();
- case 0x83:
- OUT (THIS ());
- NEXT ();
- case 0x82:
- OUT (THIS ());
- NEXT ();
- case 0x81:
- OUT (THIS ());
- NEXT ();
- OUT (THIS ());
- NEXT ();
- ch = THIS ();
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- }
-static void
-f2_record ()
- NEXT ();
- OUT (0xf2);
- INT;
- NEXT ();
- OUT (0xce);
- INT;
- copy_till_end ();
-static void block ();
-static void
-f8_record ()
- int ch;
- NEXT ();
- ch = THIS ();
- switch (ch)
- {
- case 0x01:
- case 0x02:
- case 0x03:
- /* Unique typedefs for module */
- /* GLobal typedefs */
- /* High level module scope beginning */
- {
- struct output_buffer_struct ob;
- NEXT ();
- OUT (0xf8);
- OUT (ch);
- drop_int (&ob);
- ID;
- block ();
- NEXT ();
- fill_int (&ob);
- OUT (0xf9);
- }
- break;
- case 0x04:
- /* Global function */
- {
- struct output_buffer_struct ob;
- NEXT ();
- OUT (0xf8);
- OUT (0x04);
- drop_int (&ob);
- ID;
- INTn (stack size);
- INTn (ret val);
- EXPn (offset);
- block ();
- NEXT ();
- OUT (0xf9);
- EXPn (size of block);
- fill_int (&ob);
- }
- break;
- case 0x05:
- /* File name for source line numbers */
- {
- struct output_buffer_struct ob;
- NEXT ();
- OUT (0xf8);
- OUT (0x05);
- drop_int (&ob);
- ID;
- INTn (year);
- INTn (month);
- INTn (day);
- INTn (hour);
- INTn (monute);
- INTn (second);
- block ();
- NEXT ();
- OUT (0xf9);
- fill_int (&ob);
- }
- break;
- case 0x06:
- /* Local function */
- {
- struct output_buffer_struct ob;
- NEXT ();
- OUT (0xf8);
- OUT (0x06);
- drop_int (&ob);
- ID;
- INTn (stack size);
- INTn (type return);
- EXPn (offset);
- block ();
- NEXT ();
- OUT (0xf9);
- EXPn (size);
- fill_int (&ob);
- }
- break;
- case 0x0a:
- /* Assembler module scope beginning -*/
- {
- struct output_buffer_struct ob;
- NEXT ();
- OUT (0xf8);
- OUT (0x0a);
- drop_int (&ob);
- ID;
- ID;
- INT;
- ID;
- INT;
- INT;
- INT;
- INT;
- INT;
- INT;
- block ();
- NEXT ();
- OUT (0xf9);
- fill_int (&ob);
- }
- break;
- case 0x0b:
- {
- struct output_buffer_struct ob;
- NEXT ();
- OUT (0xf8);
- OUT (0x0b);
- drop_int (&ob);
- ID;
- INT;
- INTn (section index);
- EXPn (offset);
- INTn (stuff);
- block ();
- OUT (0xf9);
- NEXT ();
- EXPn (Size in Maus);
- fill_int (&ob);
- }
- break;
- }
-static void
-e2_record ()
- OUT (0xe2);
- NEXT ();
- OUT (0xce);
- NEXT ();
- INT;
- EXP;
-static void
-block ()
- int ch;
- while (1)
- {
- ch = THIS ();
- switch (ch)
- {
- case 0xe1:
- case 0xe5:
- return;
- case 0xf9:
- return;
- case 0xf0:
- f0_record ();
- break;
- case 0xf1:
- f1_record ();
- break;
- case 0xf2:
- f2_record ();
- break;
- case 0xf8:
- f8_record ();
- break;
- case 0xe2:
- e2_record ();
- break;
- }
- }
-/* relocate_debug,
- moves all the debug information from the source bfd to the output
- bfd, and relocates any expressions it finds
-static void
-relocate_debug (output, input)
- bfd *output;
- bfd *input;
-#define IBS 400
-#define OBS 400
- unsigned char input_buffer[IBS];
- input_ptr_start = input_ptr = input_buffer;
- input_ptr_end = input_buffer + IBS;
- input_bfd = input;
- /* FIXME: Check return value. I'm not sure whether it needs to read
- the entire buffer or not. */
- bfd_read ((PTR) input_ptr_start, 1, IBS, input);
- block ();
- During linking, we we told about the bfds which made up our
- contents, we have a list of them. They will still be open, so go to
- the debug info in each, and copy it out, relocating it as we go.
-static boolean
-ieee_write_debug_part (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- ieee_data_type *ieee = IEEE_DATA (abfd);
- bfd_chain_type *chain = ieee->chain_root;
- unsigned char output_buffer[OBS];
- boolean some_debug = false;
- file_ptr here = bfd_tell (abfd);
- output_ptr_start = output_ptr = output_buffer;
- output_ptr_end = output_buffer + OBS;
- output_ptr = output_buffer;
- output_bfd = abfd;
- if (chain == (bfd_chain_type *) NULL)
- {
- asection *s;
- for (s = abfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- if ((s->flags & SEC_DEBUGGING) != 0)
- break;
- if (s == NULL)
- {
- ieee->w.r.debug_information_part = 0;
- return true;
- }
- ieee->w.r.debug_information_part = here;
- if (bfd_write (s->contents, 1, s->_raw_size, abfd) != s->_raw_size)
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- while (chain != (bfd_chain_type *) NULL)
- {
- bfd *entry = chain->this;
- ieee_data_type *entry_ieee = IEEE_DATA (entry);
- if (entry_ieee->w.r.debug_information_part)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (entry, entry_ieee->w.r.debug_information_part,
- != 0)
- return false;
- relocate_debug (abfd, entry);
- }
- chain = chain->next;
- }
- if (some_debug)
- {
- ieee->w.r.debug_information_part = here;
- }
- else
- {
- ieee->w.r.debug_information_part = 0;
- }
- flush ();
- }
- return true;
-/* Write the data in an ieee way. */
-static boolean
-ieee_write_data_part (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *s;
- ieee_data_type *ieee = IEEE_DATA (abfd);
- ieee->w.r.data_part = bfd_tell (abfd);
- for (s = abfd->sections; s != (asection *) NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- /* Skip sections that have no loadable contents (.bss,
- debugging, etc.) */
- if ((s->flags & SEC_LOAD) == 0)
- continue;
- /* Sort the reloc records so we can insert them in the correct
- places */
- if (s->reloc_count != 0)
- {
- if (! do_with_relocs (abfd, s))
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! do_without_relocs (abfd, s))
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-static boolean
-init_for_output (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *s;
- for (s = abfd->sections; s != (asection *) NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- if ((s->flags & SEC_DEBUGGING) != 0)
- continue;
- if (s->_raw_size != 0)
- {
- ieee_per_section (s)->data = (bfd_byte *) (bfd_alloc (abfd, s->_raw_size));
- if (!ieee_per_section (s)->data)
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/** exec and core file sections */
-/* set section contents is complicated with IEEE since the format is
-* not a byte image, but a record stream.
-ieee_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- if ((section->flags & SEC_DEBUGGING) != 0)
- {
- if (section->contents == NULL)
- {
- section->contents = bfd_alloc (abfd, section->_raw_size);
- if (section->contents == NULL)
- return false;
- }
- /* bfd_set_section_contents has already checked that everything
- is within range. */
- memcpy (section->contents + offset, location, count);
- return true;
- }
- if (ieee_per_section (section)->data == (bfd_byte *) NULL)
- {
- if (!init_for_output (abfd))
- return false;
- }
- memcpy ((PTR) (ieee_per_section (section)->data + offset),
- (PTR) location,
- (unsigned int) count);
- return true;
-/* Write the external symbols of a file. IEEE considers two sorts of
- external symbols, public, and referenced. It uses to internal
- forms to index them as well. When we write them out we turn their
- symbol values into indexes from the right base. */
-static boolean
-ieee_write_external_part (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **q;
- ieee_data_type *ieee = IEEE_DATA (abfd);
- unsigned int reference_index = IEEE_REFERENCE_BASE;
- unsigned int public_index = IEEE_PUBLIC_BASE + 2;
- file_ptr here = bfd_tell (abfd);
- boolean hadone = false;
- if (abfd->outsymbols != (asymbol **) NULL)
- {
- for (q = abfd->outsymbols; *q != (asymbol *) NULL; q++)
- {
- asymbol *p = *q;
- hadone = true;
- if (bfd_is_und_section (p->section))
- {
- /* This must be a symbol reference .. */
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_external_reference_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_int (abfd, reference_index)
- || ! ieee_write_id (abfd, p->name))
- return false;
- p->value = reference_index;
- reference_index++;
- }
- else if (bfd_is_com_section (p->section))
- {
- /* This is a weak reference */
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_external_reference_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_int (abfd, reference_index)
- || ! ieee_write_id (abfd, p->name)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd,
- ieee_weak_external_reference_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_int (abfd, reference_index)
- || ! ieee_write_int (abfd, p->value))
- return false;
- p->value = reference_index;
- reference_index++;
- }
- else if (p->flags & BSF_GLOBAL)
- {
- /* This must be a symbol definition */
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_external_symbol_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_int (abfd, public_index)
- || ! ieee_write_id (abfd, p->name)
- || ! ieee_write_2bytes (abfd, ieee_attribute_record_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_int (abfd, public_index)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd, 15) /* instruction address */
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd, 19) /* static symbol */
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd, 1)) /* one of them */
- return false;
- /* Write out the value */
- if (! ieee_write_2bytes (abfd, ieee_value_record_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_int (abfd, public_index))
- return false;
- if (! bfd_is_abs_section (p->section))
- {
- if (abfd->flags & EXEC_P)
- {
- /* If fully linked, then output all symbols
- relocated */
- if (! (ieee_write_int
- (abfd,
- (p->value
- + p->section->output_offset
- + p->section->output_section->vma))))
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! (ieee_write_expression
- (abfd,
- p->value + p->section->output_offset,
- p->section->output_section->symbol,
- false, 0)))
- return false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (! ieee_write_expression (abfd,
- p->value,
- bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol,
- false, 0))
- return false;
- }
- p->value = public_index;
- public_index++;
- }
- else
- {
- /* This can happen - when there are gaps in the symbols read */
- /* from an input ieee file */
- }
- }
- }
- if (hadone)
- ieee->w.r.external_part = here;
- return true;
-static CONST unsigned char exten[] =
- 0xf0, 0x20, 0x00,
- 0xf1, 0xce, 0x20, 0x00, 37, 3, 3, /* Set version 3 rev 3 */
- 0xf1, 0xce, 0x20, 0x00, 39, 2,/* keep symbol in original case */
- 0xf1, 0xce, 0x20, 0x00, 38 /* set object type relocateable to x */
-static CONST unsigned char envi[] =
- 0xf0, 0x21, 0x00,
-/* 0xf1, 0xce, 0x21, 00, 50, 0x82, 0x07, 0xc7, 0x09, 0x11, 0x11,
- 0x19, 0x2c,
- 0xf1, 0xce, 0x21, 00, 52, 0x00, /* exec ok */
- 0xf1, 0xce, 0x21, 0, 53, 0x03,/* host unix */
-/* 0xf1, 0xce, 0x21, 0, 54, 2,1,1 tool & version # */
-static boolean
-ieee_write_me_part (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- ieee_data_type *ieee = IEEE_DATA (abfd);
- ieee->w.r.trailer_part = bfd_tell (abfd);
- if (abfd->start_address)
- {
- if (! ieee_write_2bytes (abfd, ieee_value_starting_address_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_function_either_open_b_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_int (abfd, abfd->start_address)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_function_either_close_b_enum))
- return false;
- }
- ieee->w.r.me_record = bfd_tell (abfd);
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_module_end_enum))
- return false;
- return true;
-/* Write out the IEEE processor ID. */
-static boolean
-ieee_write_processor (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- const bfd_arch_info_type *arch;
- arch = bfd_get_arch_info (abfd);
- switch (arch->arch)
- {
- default:
- if (! ieee_write_id (abfd, bfd_printable_name (abfd)))
- return false;
- break;
- case bfd_arch_a29k:
- if (! ieee_write_id (abfd, "29000"))
- return false;
- break;
- case bfd_arch_h8300:
- if (! ieee_write_id (abfd, "H8/300"))
- return false;
- break;
- case bfd_arch_h8500:
- if (! ieee_write_id (abfd, "H8/500"))
- return false;
- break;
- case bfd_arch_i960:
- switch (arch->mach)
- {
- default:
- case bfd_mach_i960_core:
- case bfd_mach_i960_ka_sa:
- if (! ieee_write_id (abfd, "80960KA"))
- return false;
- break;
- case bfd_mach_i960_kb_sb:
- if (! ieee_write_id (abfd, "80960KB"))
- return false;
- break;
- case bfd_mach_i960_ca:
- if (! ieee_write_id (abfd, "80960CA"))
- return false;
- break;
- case bfd_mach_i960_mc:
- case bfd_mach_i960_xa:
- if (! ieee_write_id (abfd, "80960MC"))
- return false;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case bfd_arch_m68k:
- {
- char ab[20];
- sprintf (ab, "%lu", arch->mach);
- if (! ieee_write_id (abfd, ab))
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- return true;
-ieee_write_object_contents (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- ieee_data_type *ieee = IEEE_DATA (abfd);
- unsigned int i;
- file_ptr old;
- /* Fast forward over the header area */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_module_beginning_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_processor (abfd)
- || ! ieee_write_id (abfd, abfd->filename))
- return false;
- /* Fast forward over the variable bits */
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, ieee_address_descriptor_enum))
- return false;
- /* Bits per MAU */
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, (bfd_byte) (bfd_arch_bits_per_byte (abfd))))
- return false;
- /* MAU's per address */
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd,
- (bfd_byte) (bfd_arch_bits_per_address (abfd)
- / bfd_arch_bits_per_byte (abfd))))
- return false;
- old = bfd_tell (abfd);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) (8 * N_W_VARIABLES), SEEK_CUR) != 0)
- return false;
- ieee->w.r.extension_record = bfd_tell (abfd);
- if (bfd_write ((char *) exten, 1, sizeof (exten), abfd) != sizeof (exten))
- return false;
- if (abfd->flags & EXEC_P)
- {
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, 0x1)) /* Absolute */
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! ieee_write_byte (abfd, 0x2)) /* Relocateable */
- return false;
- }
- ieee->w.r.environmental_record = bfd_tell (abfd);
- if (bfd_write ((char *) envi, 1, sizeof (envi), abfd) != sizeof (envi))
- return false;
- output_bfd = abfd;
- flush ();
- if (! ieee_write_section_part (abfd))
- return false;
- /* First write the symbols. This changes their values into table
- indeces so we cant use it after this point. */
- if (! ieee_write_external_part (abfd))
- return false;
- /* ieee_write_byte(abfd, ieee_record_seperator_enum);*/
- /* ieee_write_byte(abfd, ieee_record_seperator_enum);*/
- /* Write any debugs we have been told about. */
- if (! ieee_write_debug_part (abfd))
- return false;
- /* Can only write the data once the symbols have been written, since
- the data contains relocation information which points to the
- symbols. */
- if (! ieee_write_data_part (abfd))
- return false;
- /* At the end we put the end! */
- if (! ieee_write_me_part (abfd))
- return false;
- /* Generate the header */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, old, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- for (i = 0; i < N_W_VARIABLES; i++)
- {
- if (! ieee_write_2bytes (abfd, ieee_assign_value_to_variable_enum)
- || ! ieee_write_byte (abfd, (bfd_byte) i)
- || ! ieee_write_int5_out (abfd, ieee->w.offset[i]))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Native-level interface to symbols. */
-/* We read the symbols into a buffer, which is discarded when this
- function exits. We read the strings into a buffer large enough to
- hold them all plus all the cached symbol entries. */
-asymbol *
-ieee_make_empty_symbol (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- ieee_symbol_type *new =
- (ieee_symbol_type *) bfd_zmalloc (sizeof (ieee_symbol_type));
- if (!new)
- return NULL;
- new->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- return &new->symbol;
-static bfd *
-ieee_openr_next_archived_file (arch, prev)
- bfd *arch;
- bfd *prev;
- ieee_ar_data_type *ar = IEEE_AR_DATA (arch);
- /* take the next one from the arch state, or reset */
- if (prev == (bfd *) NULL)
- {
- /* Reset the index - the first two entries are bogus*/
- ar->element_index = 2;
- }
- while (true)
- {
- ieee_ar_obstack_type *p = ar->elements + ar->element_index;
- ar->element_index++;
- if (ar->element_index <= ar->element_count)
- {
- if (p->file_offset != (file_ptr) 0)
- {
- if (p->abfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- {
- p->abfd = _bfd_create_empty_archive_element_shell (arch);
- p->abfd->origin = p->file_offset;
- }
- return p->abfd;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_more_archived_files);
- return (bfd *) NULL;
- }
- }
-static boolean
-ieee_find_nearest_line (abfd,
- section,
- symbols,
- offset,
- filename_ptr,
- functionname_ptr,
- line_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- asymbol **symbols;
- bfd_vma offset;
- char **filename_ptr;
- char **functionname_ptr;
- int *line_ptr;
- return false;
-static int
-ieee_generic_stat_arch_elt (abfd, buf)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct stat *buf;
- ieee_ar_data_type *ar = abfd->my_archive->tdata.ieee_ar_data;
- if (ar == (ieee_ar_data_type *) NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return -1;
- }
- else if (ieee_object_p (abfd))
- {
- ieee_data_type *ieee = IEEE_DATA (abfd);
- buf->st_size = ieee->w.r.me_record + 1;
- buf->st_mode = 0644;
- return 0;
- }
- else
- return -1;
-static int
-ieee_sizeof_headers (abfd, x)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean x;
- return 0;
-/* The debug info routines are never used. */
-#if 0
-static void
-ieee_bfd_debug_info_start (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
-static void
-ieee_bfd_debug_info_end (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
-/* Add this section to the list of sections we have debug info for, to
- be ready to output it at close time
- */
-static void
-ieee_bfd_debug_info_accumulate (abfd, section)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- ieee_data_type *ieee = IEEE_DATA (section->owner);
- ieee_data_type *output_ieee = IEEE_DATA (abfd);
- /* can only accumulate data from other ieee bfds */
- if (section->owner->xvec != abfd->xvec)
- return;
- /* Only bother once per bfd */
- if (ieee->done_debug == true)
- return;
- ieee->done_debug = true;
- /* Don't bother if there is no debug info */
- if (ieee->w.r.debug_information_part == 0)
- return;
- /* Add to chain */
- {
- bfd_chain_type *n = (bfd_chain_type *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (bfd_chain_type));
- if (!n)
- abort (); /* FIXME */
- n->this = section->owner;
- n->next = (bfd_chain_type *) NULL;
- if (output_ieee->chain_head)
- {
- output_ieee->chain_head->next = n;
- }
- else
- {
- output_ieee->chain_root = n;
- }
- output_ieee->chain_head = n;
- }
-#define ieee_close_and_cleanup _bfd_generic_close_and_cleanup
-#define ieee_bfd_free_cached_info _bfd_generic_bfd_free_cached_info
-#define ieee_slurp_armap bfd_true
-#define ieee_slurp_extended_name_table bfd_true
-#define ieee_construct_extended_name_table \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, char **, bfd_size_type *, const char **))) \
- bfd_true)
-#define ieee_truncate_arname bfd_dont_truncate_arname
-#define ieee_write_armap \
- ((boolean (*) \
- PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int, struct orl *, unsigned int, int))) \
- bfd_true)
-#define ieee_read_ar_hdr bfd_nullvoidptr
-#define ieee_update_armap_timestamp bfd_true
-#define ieee_get_elt_at_index _bfd_generic_get_elt_at_index
-#define ieee_bfd_is_local_label bfd_generic_is_local_label
-#define ieee_get_lineno _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno
-#define ieee_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
-#define ieee_read_minisymbols _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols
-#define ieee_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol
-#define ieee_bfd_reloc_type_lookup _bfd_norelocs_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
-#define ieee_set_arch_mach _bfd_generic_set_arch_mach
-#define ieee_get_section_contents_in_window \
- _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
-#define ieee_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define ieee_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
-#define ieee_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
-#define ieee_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
-#define ieee_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
-#define ieee_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
-/*SUPPRESS 460 */
-const bfd_target ieee_vec =
- "ieee", /* name */
- bfd_target_ieee_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* target byte order */
- BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* target headers byte order */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* leading underscore */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target,
- ieee_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- ieee_archive_p,
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- },
- {
- bfd_false,
- ieee_mkobject,
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive,
- bfd_false
- },
- {
- bfd_false,
- ieee_write_object_contents,
- _bfd_write_archive_contents,
- bfd_false,
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ihex.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/ihex.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 80140da5976b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ihex.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1005 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Intel Hex objects.
- Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Ian Lance Taylor of Cygnus Support <>.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This is what Intel Hex files look like:
-A. Intel 1
- 16-bit address-field format, for files 64k bytes in length or less.
- Byte 1 Header = colon(:)
- 2..3 The number of data bytes in hex notation
- 4..5 High byte of the record load address
- 6..7 Low byte of the record load address
- 8..9 Record type, must be "00"
- 10..x Data bytes in hex notation:
- x = (number of bytes - 1) * 2 + 11
- x+1..x+2 Checksum in hex notation
- x+3..x+4 Carriage return, line feed
- Byte 1 Header = colon (:)
- 2..3 The byte count, must be "00"
- 4..7 Transfer-address (usually "0000")
- the jump-to address, execution start address
- 8..9 Record type, must be "01"
- 10..11 Checksum, in hex notation
- 12..13 Carriage return, line feed
- MCS-86 format, using a 20-bit address for files larger than 64K bytes.
- Byte 1 Header = colon (:)
- 2..3 The byte count of this record, hex notation
- 4..5 High byte of the record load address
- 6..7 Low byte of the record load address
- 8..9 Record type, must be "00"
- 10..x The data bytes in hex notation:
- x = (number of data bytes - 1) * 2 + 11
- x+1..x+2 Checksum in hex notation
- x+3..x+4 Carriage return, line feed
- Byte 1 Header = colon(:)
- 2..3 The byte count, must be "02"
- 4..7 Load address, must be "0000"
- 8..9 Record type, must be "02"
- 10..11 High byte of the offset address
- 12..13 Low byte of the offset address
- 14..15 Checksum in hex notation
- 16..17 Carriage return, line feed
- The checksums are the two's complement of the 8-bit sum
- without carry of the byte count, offset address, and the
- record type.
- Byte 1 Header = colon (:)
- 2..3 The byte count, must be "04"
- 4..7 Load address, must be "0000"
- 8..9 Record type, must be "03"
- 10..13 8086 CS value
- 14..17 8086 IP value
- 18..19 Checksum in hex notation
- 20..21 Carriage return, line feed
-Another document reports these additional types:
- Byte 1 Header = colon (:)
- 2..3 The byte count, must be "02"
- 4..7 Load address, must be "0000"
- 8..9 Record type, must be "04"
- 10..13 Upper 16 bits of address of subsequent records
- 14..15 Checksum in hex notation
- 16..17 Carriage return, line feed
- Byte 1 Header = colon (:)
- 2..3 The byte count, must be "02"
- 4..7 Load address, must be "0000"
- 8..9 Record type, must be "05"
- 10..13 Upper 16 bits of start address
- 14..15 Checksum in hex notation
- 16..17 Carriage return, line feed
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "libiberty.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-static void ihex_init PARAMS ((void));
-static boolean ihex_mkobject PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static INLINE int ihex_get_byte PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean *));
-static void ihex_bad_byte PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int, int, boolean));
-static boolean ihex_scan PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static const bfd_target *ihex_object_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean ihex_read_section PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *));
-static boolean ihex_get_section_contents
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR, file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-static boolean ihex_set_section_contents
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR, file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-static boolean ihex_write_record
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_size_type, bfd_vma, unsigned int, bfd_byte *));
-static boolean ihex_write_object_contents PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static asymbol *ihex_make_empty_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean ihex_set_arch_mach
- PARAMS ((bfd *, enum bfd_architecture, unsigned long));
-/* The number of bytes we put on one line during output. */
-#define CHUNK (21)
-/* Macros for converting between hex and binary. */
-#define NIBBLE(x) (hex_value (x))
-#define HEX2(buffer) ((NIBBLE ((buffer)[0]) << 4) + NIBBLE ((buffer)[1]))
-#define HEX4(buffer) ((HEX2 (buffer) << 8) + HEX2 ((buffer) + 2))
-#define ISHEX(x) (hex_p (x))
-/* When we write out an ihex value, the values can not be output as
- they are seen. Instead, we hold them in memory in this structure. */
-struct ihex_data_list
- struct ihex_data_list *next;
- bfd_byte *data;
- bfd_vma where;
- bfd_size_type size;
-/* The ihex tdata information. */
-struct ihex_data_struct
- struct ihex_data_list *head;
- struct ihex_data_list *tail;
-/* Initialize by filling in the hex conversion array. */
-static void
-ihex_init ()
- static boolean inited;
- if (! inited)
- {
- inited = true;
- hex_init ();
- }
-/* Create an ihex object. */
-static boolean
-ihex_mkobject (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (abfd->tdata.ihex_data == NULL)
- {
- struct ihex_data_struct *tdata;
- tdata = ((struct ihex_data_struct *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct ihex_data_struct)));
- if (tdata == NULL)
- return false;
- abfd->tdata.ihex_data = tdata;
- tdata->head = NULL;
- tdata->tail = NULL;
- }
- return true;
-/* Read a byte from a BFD. Set *ERRORPTR if an error occurred.
- Return EOF on error or end of file. */
-static INLINE int
-ihex_get_byte (abfd, errorptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean *errorptr;
- bfd_byte c;
- if (bfd_read (&c, 1, 1, abfd) != 1)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_file_truncated)
- *errorptr = true;
- return EOF;
- }
- return (int) (c & 0xff);
-/* Report a problem in an Intel Hex file. */
-static void
-ihex_bad_byte (abfd, lineno, c, error)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int lineno;
- int c;
- boolean error;
- if (c == EOF)
- {
- if (! error)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_truncated);
- }
- else
- {
- char buf[10];
- if (! isprint (c))
- sprintf (buf, "\\%03o", (unsigned int) c);
- else
- {
- buf[0] = c;
- buf[1] = '\0';
- }
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s:%d: unexpected character `%s' in Intel Hex file\n",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), lineno, buf);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- }
-/* Read an Intel hex file and turn it into sections. We create a new
- section for each contiguous set of bytes. */
-static boolean
-ihex_scan (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_vma segbase;
- bfd_vma extbase;
- asection *sec;
- int lineno;
- boolean error;
- bfd_byte *buf;
- size_t bufsize;
- int c;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto error_return;
- abfd->start_address = 0;
- extbase = 0;
- segbase = 0;
- sec = NULL;
- lineno = 1;
- error = false;
- buf = NULL;
- bufsize = 0;
- while ((c = ihex_get_byte (abfd, &error)) != EOF)
- {
- if (c == '\r')
- continue;
- else if (c == '\n')
- {
- ++lineno;
- continue;
- }
- else if (c != ':')
- {
- ihex_bad_byte (abfd, lineno, c, error);
- goto error_return;
- }
- else
- {
- file_ptr pos;
- char hdr[8];
- unsigned int i;
- unsigned int len;
- bfd_vma addr;
- unsigned int type;
- unsigned int chars;
- unsigned int chksum;
- /* This is a data record. */
- pos = bfd_tell (abfd) - 1;
- /* Read the header bytes. */
- if (bfd_read (hdr, 1, 8, abfd) != 8)
- goto error_return;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- {
- if (! ISHEX (hdr[i]))
- {
- ihex_bad_byte (abfd, lineno, hdr[i], error);
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- len = HEX2 (hdr);
- addr = HEX4 (hdr + 2);
- type = HEX2 (hdr + 6);
- /* Read the data bytes. */
- chars = len * 2 + 2;
- if (chars >= bufsize)
- {
- buf = (bfd_byte *) bfd_realloc (buf, chars);
- if (buf == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- bufsize = chars;
- }
- if (bfd_read (buf, 1, chars, abfd) != chars)
- goto error_return;
- for (i = 0; i < chars; i++)
- {
- if (! ISHEX (buf[i]))
- {
- ihex_bad_byte (abfd, lineno, hdr[i], error);
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- /* Check the checksum. */
- chksum = len + addr + (addr >> 8) + type;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- chksum += HEX2 (buf + 2 * i);
- if (((- chksum) & 0xff) != (unsigned int) HEX2 (buf + 2 * i))
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s:%d: bad checksum in Intel Hex file (expected %u, found %u)",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), lineno,
- (- chksum) & 0xff, (unsigned int) HEX2 (buf + 2 * i));
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- switch (type)
- {
- case 0:
- /* This is a data record. */
- if (sec != NULL
- && sec->vma + sec->_raw_size == extbase + segbase + addr)
- {
- /* This data goes at the end of the section we are
- currently building. */
- sec->_raw_size += len;
- }
- else if (len > 0)
- {
- char secbuf[20];
- char *secname;
- sprintf (secbuf, ".sec%d", bfd_count_sections (abfd) + 1);
- secname = (char *) bfd_alloc (abfd, strlen (secbuf) + 1);
- if (secname == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- strcpy (secname, secbuf);
- sec = bfd_make_section (abfd, secname);
- if (sec == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- sec->vma = extbase + segbase + addr;
- sec->lma = extbase + segbase + addr;
- sec->_raw_size = len;
- sec->filepos = pos;
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- /* An end record. */
- if (abfd->start_address == 0)
- abfd->start_address = addr;
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- return true;
- case 2:
- /* An extended address record. */
- if (len != 2)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s:%d: bad extended address record length in Intel Hex file",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), lineno);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- segbase = HEX4 (buf) << 4;
- sec = NULL;
- break;
- case 3:
- /* An extended start address record. */
- if (len != 4)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s:%d: bad extended start address length in Intel Hex file",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), lineno);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- abfd->start_address += (HEX4 (buf) << 4) + HEX4 (buf + 4);
- sec = NULL;
- break;
- case 4:
- /* An extended linear address record. */
- if (len != 2)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s:%d: bad extended linear address record length in Intel Hex file",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), lineno);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- segbase = HEX4 (buf) << 16;
- sec = NULL;
- break;
- case 5:
- /* An extended linear start address record. */
- if (len != 2)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s:%d: bad extended linear start address length in Intel Hex file",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), lineno);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- abfd->start_address += HEX4 (buf) << 16;
- sec = NULL;
- break;
- default:
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s:%d: unrecognized ihex type %u in Intel Hex file\n",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), lineno, type);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- }
- if (error)
- goto error_return;
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- return false;
-/* Try to recognize an Intel Hex file. */
-static const bfd_target *
-ihex_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_byte b[9];
- unsigned int i;
- unsigned int type;
- ihex_init ();
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return NULL;
- if (bfd_read (b, 1, 9, abfd) != 9)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () == bfd_error_file_truncated)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (b[0] != ':')
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- for (i = 1; i < 9; i++)
- {
- if (! ISHEX (b[i]))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- type = HEX2 (b + 7);
- if (type > 5)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* OK, it looks like it really is an Intel Hex file. */
- if (! ihex_mkobject (abfd)
- || ! ihex_scan (abfd))
- return NULL;
- return abfd->xvec;
-/* Read the contents of a section in an Intel Hex file. */
-static boolean
-ihex_read_section (abfd, section, contents)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- int c;
- bfd_byte *p;
- bfd_byte *buf;
- size_t bufsize;
- boolean error;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, section->filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto error_return;
- p = contents;
- buf = NULL;
- bufsize = 0;
- error = false;
- while ((c = ihex_get_byte (abfd, &error)) != EOF)
- {
- char hdr[8];
- unsigned int len;
- bfd_vma addr;
- unsigned int type;
- unsigned int i;
- if (c == '\r' || c == '\n')
- continue;
- /* This is called after ihex_scan has succeeded, so we ought to
- know the exact format. */
- BFD_ASSERT (c == ':');
- if (bfd_read (hdr, 1, 8, abfd) != 8)
- goto error_return;
- len = HEX2 (hdr);
- addr = HEX4 (hdr + 2);
- type = HEX2 (hdr + 6);
- /* We should only see type 0 records here. */
- if (type != 0)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: internal error in ihex_read_section",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd));
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- if (len * 2 > bufsize)
- {
- buf = (bfd_byte *) bfd_realloc (buf, len * 2);
- if (buf == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- bufsize = len * 2;
- }
- if (bfd_read (buf, 1, len * 2, abfd) != len * 2)
- goto error_return;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- *p++ = HEX2 (buf + 2 * i);
- if ((bfd_size_type) (p - contents) >= section->_raw_size)
- {
- /* We've read everything in the section. */
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- return true;
- }
- /* Skip the checksum. */
- if (bfd_read (buf, 1, 2, abfd) != 2)
- goto error_return;
- }
- if ((bfd_size_type) (p - contents) < section->_raw_size)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: bad section length in ihex_read_section",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd));
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- return false;
-/* Get the contents of a section in an Intel Hex file. */
-static boolean
-ihex_get_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- if (section->used_by_bfd == NULL)
- {
- section->used_by_bfd = bfd_alloc (abfd, section->_raw_size);
- if (section->used_by_bfd == NULL)
- return false;
- if (! ihex_read_section (abfd, section, section->used_by_bfd))
- return false;
- }
- memcpy (location, (bfd_byte *) section->used_by_bfd + offset,
- (size_t) count);
- return true;
-/* Set the contents of a section in an Intel Hex file. */
-static boolean
-ihex_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- struct ihex_data_list *n;
- bfd_byte *data;
- struct ihex_data_struct *tdata;
- if (count == 0
- || (section->flags & SEC_ALLOC) == 0
- || (section->flags & SEC_LOAD) == 0)
- return true;
- n = ((struct ihex_data_list *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct ihex_data_list)));
- if (n == NULL)
- return false;
- data = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (abfd, count);
- if (data == NULL)
- return false;
- memcpy (data, location, (size_t) count);
- n->data = data;
- n->where = section->lma + offset;
- n->size = count;
- /* Sort the records by address. Optimize for the common case of
- adding a record to the end of the list. */
- tdata = abfd->tdata.ihex_data;
- if (tdata->tail != NULL
- && n->where >= tdata->tail->where)
- {
- tdata->tail->next = n;
- n->next = NULL;
- tdata->tail = n;
- }
- else
- {
- register struct ihex_data_list **pp;
- for (pp = &tdata->head;
- *pp != NULL && (*pp)->where < n->where;
- pp = &(*pp)->next)
- ;
- n->next = *pp;
- *pp = n;
- if (n->next == NULL)
- tdata->tail = n;
- }
- return true;
-/* Write a record out to an Intel Hex file. */
-static boolean
-ihex_write_record (abfd, count, addr, type, data)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_size_type count;
- bfd_vma addr;
- unsigned int type;
- bfd_byte *data;
- static const char digs[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
- char buf[9 + CHUNK * 2 + 4];
- char *p;
- unsigned int chksum;
- unsigned int i;
-#define TOHEX(buf, v) \
- ((buf)[0] = digs[((v) >> 4) & 0xf], (buf)[1] = digs[(v) & 0xf])
- buf[0] = ':';
- TOHEX (buf + 1, count);
- TOHEX (buf + 3, (addr >> 8) & 0xff);
- TOHEX (buf + 5, addr & 0xff);
- TOHEX (buf + 7, type);
- chksum = count + addr + (addr >> 8) + type;
- for (i = 0, p = buf + 9; i < count; i++, p += 2, data++)
- {
- TOHEX (p, *data);
- chksum += *data;
- }
- TOHEX (p, (- chksum) & 0xff);
- p[2] = '\r';
- p[3] = '\n';
- if (bfd_write (buf, 1, 9 + count * 2 + 4, abfd) != 9 + count * 2 + 4)
- return false;
- return true;
-/* Write out an Intel Hex file. */
-static boolean
-ihex_write_object_contents (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_vma extbase;
- bfd_vma segbase;
- struct ihex_data_list *l;
- extbase = 0;
- segbase = 0;
- for (l = abfd->tdata.ihex_data->head; l != NULL; l = l->next)
- {
- bfd_vma where;
- bfd_byte *p;
- bfd_size_type count;
- where = l->where;
- p = l->data;
- count = l->size;
- while (count > 0)
- {
- bfd_size_type now;
- now = count;
- if (now > CHUNK)
- now = CHUNK;
- if (where > extbase + segbase + 0xffff)
- {
- bfd_byte addr[2];
- /* We need a new base address. */
- if (where <= 0xfffff)
- {
- segbase = where & 0xf0000;
- addr[0] = (segbase >> 12) & 0xff;
- addr[1] = (segbase >> 4) & 0xff;
- if (! ihex_write_record (abfd, 2, 0, 2, addr))
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- extbase = where & 0xffff0000;
- if (where > extbase + 0xffff)
- {
- char buf[20];
- sprintf_vma (buf, where);
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: address 0x%s out of range for Intex Hex file",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), buf);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- addr[0] = (extbase >> 24) & 0xff;
- addr[1] = (extbase >> 16) & 0xff;
- if (! ihex_write_record (abfd, 2, 0, 4, addr))
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (! ihex_write_record (abfd, now, where - (extbase + segbase),
- 0, p))
- return false;
- where += now;
- p += now;
- count -= now;
- }
- }
- if (abfd->start_address != 0)
- {
- bfd_vma start;
- bfd_byte startbuf[4];
- start = abfd->start_address;
- if (start > 0xfffff)
- {
- startbuf[0] = (start >> 24) & 0xff;
- startbuf[1] = (start >> 16) & 0xff;
- if (! ihex_write_record (abfd, 2, 0, 5, startbuf))
- return false;
- start &= 0xffff;
- }
- startbuf[0] = ((start & 0xf0000) >> 12) & 0xff;
- startbuf[1] = 0;
- startbuf[2] = (start >> 8) & 0xff;
- startbuf[3] = start & 0xff;
- if (! ihex_write_record (abfd, 4, 0, 3, startbuf))
- return false;
- }
- if (! ihex_write_record (abfd, 0, 0, 1, NULL))
- return false;
- return true;
-/* Make an empty symbol. This is required only because
- bfd_make_section_anyway wants to create a symbol for the section. */
-static asymbol *
-ihex_make_empty_symbol (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *new;
- new = (asymbol *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asymbol));
- if (new != NULL)
- new->the_bfd = abfd;
- return new;
-/* Set the architecture for the output file. The architecture is
- irrelevant, so we ignore errors about unknown architectures. */
-static boolean
-ihex_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, mach)
- bfd *abfd;
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- unsigned long mach;
- if (! bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, mach))
- {
- if (arch != bfd_arch_unknown)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Get the size of the headers, for the linker. */
-static int
-ihex_sizeof_headers (abfd, exec)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean exec;
- return 0;
-/* Some random definitions for the target vector. */
-#define ihex_close_and_cleanup _bfd_generic_close_and_cleanup
-#define ihex_bfd_free_cached_info _bfd_generic_bfd_free_cached_info
-#define ihex_new_section_hook _bfd_generic_new_section_hook
-#define ihex_get_section_contents_in_window \
- _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
-#define ihex_get_symtab_upper_bound bfd_0l
-#define ihex_get_symtab \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **))) bfd_0l)
-#define ihex_print_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_print_symbol
-#define ihex_get_symbol_info _bfd_nosymbols_get_symbol_info
-#define ihex_bfd_is_local_label _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_is_local_label
-#define ihex_get_lineno _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno
-#define ihex_find_nearest_line _bfd_nosymbols_find_nearest_line
-#define ihex_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
-#define ihex_read_minisymbols _bfd_nosymbols_read_minisymbols
-#define ihex_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_minisymbol_to_symbol
-#define ihex_get_reloc_upper_bound \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *))) bfd_0l)
-#define ihex_canonicalize_reloc \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent **, asymbol **))) bfd_0l)
-#define ihex_bfd_reloc_type_lookup _bfd_norelocs_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
-#define ihex_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define ihex_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
-#define ihex_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
-#define ihex_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
-#define ihex_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
-#define ihex_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
-/* The Intel Hex target vector. */
-const bfd_target ihex_vec =
- "ihex", /* name */
- bfd_target_ihex_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* target byte order */
- BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* target headers byte order */
- 0, /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD), /* section flags */
- 0, /* leading underscore */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- ihex_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- },
- {
- bfd_false,
- ihex_mkobject,
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive,
- bfd_false,
- },
- { /* bfd_write_contents */
- bfd_false,
- ihex_write_object_contents,
- _bfd_write_archive_contents,
- bfd_false,
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/init.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/init.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fa1d505bee6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/init.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/* bfd initialization stuff
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
- Initialization
- These are the functions that handle initializing a BFD.
- bfd_init
- void bfd_init(void);
- This routine must be called before any other BFD function to
- initialize magical internal data structures.
-/* Actually, there is currently nothing for this function to do.
- However, someday it may be needed, so keep it around. */
-bfd_init ()
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/irix-core.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/irix-core.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fd39772ce84..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/irix-core.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Irix core files.
- Copyright 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Stu Grossman, Cygnus Support.
- Converted to back-end form by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file can only be compiled on systems which use Irix style core
- files (namely, Irix 4 and Irix 5, so far). */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#ifdef IRIX_CORE
-#include <core.out.h>
-struct sgi_core_struct
- int sig;
- char cmd[CORE_NAMESIZE];
-#define core_hdr(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.sgi_core_data)
-#define core_signal(bfd) (core_hdr(bfd)->sig)
-#define core_command(bfd) (core_hdr(bfd)->cmd)
-static asection *
-make_bfd_asection (abfd, name, flags, _raw_size, vma, filepos)
- bfd *abfd;
- CONST char *name;
- flagword flags;
- bfd_size_type _raw_size;
- bfd_vma vma;
- file_ptr filepos;
- asection *asect;
- asect = bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, name);
- if (!asect)
- return NULL;
- asect->flags = flags;
- asect->_raw_size = _raw_size;
- asect->vma = vma;
- asect->filepos = filepos;
- asect->alignment_power = 4;
- return asect;
-static const bfd_target *
-irix_core_core_file_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- int val;
- int i;
- char *secname;
- struct coreout coreout;
- struct idesc *idg, *idf, *ids;
- val = bfd_read ((PTR)&coreout, 1, sizeof coreout, abfd);
- if (val != sizeof coreout)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- if (coreout.c_magic != CORE_MAGIC
- || coreout.c_version != CORE_VERSION1)
- return 0;
- core_hdr (abfd) = (struct sgi_core_struct *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct sgi_core_struct));
- if (!core_hdr (abfd))
- return NULL;
- strncpy (core_command (abfd), coreout.c_name, CORE_NAMESIZE);
- core_signal (abfd) = coreout.c_sigcause;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, coreout.c_vmapoffset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < coreout.c_nvmap; i++)
- {
- struct vmap vmap;
- val = bfd_read ((PTR)&vmap, 1, sizeof vmap, abfd);
- if (val != sizeof vmap)
- break;
- switch (vmap.v_type)
- {
- case VDATA:
- secname = ".data";
- break;
- case VSTACK:
- secname = ".stack";
- break;
-#ifdef VMAPFILE
- case VMAPFILE:
- secname = ".mapfile";
- break;
- default:
- continue;
- }
- /* A file offset of zero means that the section is not contained
- in the corefile. */
- if (vmap.v_offset == 0)
- continue;
- if (!make_bfd_asection (abfd, secname,
- vmap.v_len,
- vmap.v_vaddr,
- vmap.v_offset,
- 2))
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Make sure that the regs are contiguous within the core file. */
- idg = &coreout.c_idesc[I_GPREGS];
- idf = &coreout.c_idesc[I_FPREGS];
- ids = &coreout.c_idesc[I_SPECREGS];
- if (idg->i_offset + idg->i_len != idf->i_offset
- || idf->i_offset + idf->i_len != ids->i_offset)
- return 0; /* Can't deal with non-contig regs */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, idg->i_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return NULL;
- make_bfd_asection (abfd, ".reg",
- idg->i_len + idf->i_len + ids->i_len,
- 0,
- idg->i_offset);
- /* OK, we believe you. You're a core file (sure, sure). */
- return abfd->xvec;
-static char *
-irix_core_core_file_failing_command (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return core_command (abfd);
-static int
-irix_core_core_file_failing_signal (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return core_signal (abfd);
-static boolean
-irix_core_core_file_matches_executable_p (core_bfd, exec_bfd)
- bfd *core_bfd, *exec_bfd;
- return true; /* XXX - FIXME */
-static asymbol *
-irix_core_make_empty_symbol (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *new = (asymbol *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asymbol));
- if (new)
- new->the_bfd = abfd;
- return new;
-#define irix_core_get_symtab_upper_bound _bfd_nosymbols_get_symtab_upper_bound
-#define irix_core_get_symtab _bfd_nosymbols_get_symtab
-#define irix_core_print_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_print_symbol
-#define irix_core_get_symbol_info _bfd_nosymbols_get_symbol_info
-#define irix_core_bfd_is_local_label _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_is_local_label
-#define irix_core_get_lineno _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno
-#define irix_core_find_nearest_line _bfd_nosymbols_find_nearest_line
-#define irix_core_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
-#define irix_core_read_minisymbols _bfd_nosymbols_read_minisymbols
-#define irix_core_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_minisymbol_to_symbol
-/* If somebody calls any byte-swapping routines, shoot them. */
- abort(); /* This way doesn't require any declaration for ANSI to fuck up */
-#define NO_GET ((bfd_vma (*) PARAMS (( const bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-#define NO_PUT ((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-#define NO_SIGNED_GET \
- ((bfd_signed_vma (*) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-const bfd_target irix_core_vec =
- {
- "irix-core",
- bfd_target_unknown_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target byte order */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target headers byte order */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* symbol prefix */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 64 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 32 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 16 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 64 bit hdrs */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 32 bit hdrs */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 16 bit hdrs */
- { /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* unknown format */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* object file */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* archive */
- irix_core_core_file_p /* a core file */
- },
- { /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false, bfd_false,
- bfd_false, bfd_false
- },
- { /* bfd_write_contents */
- bfd_false, bfd_false,
- bfd_false, bfd_false
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (irix_core),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS (_bfd_norelocs),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (_bfd_nolink),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0 /* backend_data */
-#endif /* IRIX_CORE */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libaout.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/libaout.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 76c1dff7cdbd..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libaout.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,608 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end data structures for a.out (and similar) files.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef LIBAOUT_H
-#define LIBAOUT_H
-/* We try to encapsulate the differences in the various a.out file
- variants in a few routines, and otherwise share large masses of code.
- This means we only have to fix bugs in one place, most of the time. */
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-/* Parameterize the a.out code based on whether it is being built
- for a 32-bit architecture or a 64-bit architecture. */
-#if ARCH_SIZE==64
-#define GET_WORD bfd_h_get_64
-#define GET_SWORD bfd_h_get_signed_64
-#define PUT_WORD bfd_h_put_64
-#ifndef NAME
-#define NAME(x,y) CAT3(x,_64_,y)
-#define JNAME(x) CAT(x,_64)
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 8
-#else /* ARCH_SIZE == 32 */
-#define GET_WORD bfd_h_get_32
-#define GET_SWORD bfd_h_get_signed_32
-#define PUT_WORD bfd_h_put_32
-#ifndef NAME
-#define NAME(x,y) CAT3(x,_32_,y)
-#define JNAME(x) CAT(x,_32)
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#endif /* ARCH_SIZE==32 */
-/* Declare at file level, since used in parameter lists, which have
- weird scope. */
-struct external_exec;
-struct external_nlist;
-struct reloc_ext_external;
-struct reloc_std_external;
-/* a.out backend linker hash table entries. */
-struct aout_link_hash_entry
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry root;
- /* Whether this symbol has been written out. */
- boolean written;
- /* Symbol index in output file. */
- int indx;
-/* a.out backend linker hash table. */
-struct aout_link_hash_table
- struct bfd_link_hash_table root;
-/* Look up an entry in an a.out link hash table. */
-#define aout_link_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy, follow) \
- ((struct aout_link_hash_entry *) \
- bfd_link_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), (copy), (follow)))
-/* Traverse an a.out link hash table. */
-#define aout_link_hash_traverse(table, func, info) \
- (bfd_link_hash_traverse \
- (&(table)->root, \
- (boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_entry *, PTR))) (func), \
- (info)))
-/* Get the a.out link hash table from the info structure. This is
- just a cast. */
-#define aout_hash_table(p) ((struct aout_link_hash_table *) ((p)->hash))
-/* Back-end information for various a.out targets. */
-struct aout_backend_data
- /* Are ZMAGIC files mapped contiguously? If so, the text section may
- need more padding, if the segment size (granularity for memory access
- control) is larger than the page size. */
- unsigned char zmagic_mapped_contiguous;
- /* If this flag is set, ZMAGIC/NMAGIC file headers get mapped in with the
- text section, which starts immediately after the file header.
- If not, the text section starts on the next page. */
- unsigned char text_includes_header;
- /* The value to pass to N_SET_FLAGS. */
- unsigned char exec_hdr_flags;
- /* If the text section VMA isn't specified, and we need an absolute
- address, use this as the default. If we're producing a relocatable
- file, zero is always used. */
- /* ?? Perhaps a callback would be a better choice? Will this do anything
- reasonable for a format that handles multiple CPUs with different
- load addresses for each? */
- bfd_vma default_text_vma;
- /* Callback for setting the page and segment sizes, if they can't be
- trivially determined from the architecture. */
- boolean (*set_sizes) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- /* zmagic files only. For go32, the length of the exec header contributes
- to the size of the text section in the file for alignment purposes but
- does *not* get counted in the length of the text section. */
- unsigned char exec_header_not_counted;
- /* Callback from the add symbols phase of the linker code to handle
- a dynamic object. */
- boolean (*add_dynamic_symbols) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *,
- struct external_nlist **,
- bfd_size_type *, char **));
- /* Callback from the add symbols phase of the linker code to handle
- adding a single symbol to the global linker hash table. */
- boolean (*add_one_symbol) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *,
- const char *, flagword, asection *,
- bfd_vma, const char *, boolean,
- boolean,
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry **));
- /* Called to handle linking a dynamic object. */
- boolean (*link_dynamic_object) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *));
- /* Called for each global symbol being written out by the linker.
- This should write out the dynamic symbol information. */
- boolean (*write_dynamic_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *,
- struct aout_link_hash_entry *));
- /* If this callback is not NULL, the linker calls it for each reloc.
- RELOC is a pointer to the unswapped reloc. If *SKIP is set to
- true, the reloc will be skipped. *RELOCATION may be changed to
- change the effects of the relocation. */
- boolean (*check_dynamic_reloc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *info,
- bfd *input_bfd,
- asection *input_section,
- struct aout_link_hash_entry *h,
- PTR reloc, bfd_byte *contents,
- boolean *skip,
- bfd_vma *relocation));
- /* Called at the end of a link to finish up any dynamic linking
- information. */
- boolean (*finish_dynamic_link) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-#define aout_backend_info(abfd) \
- ((CONST struct aout_backend_data *)((abfd)->xvec->backend_data))
-/* This is the layout in memory of a "struct exec" while we process it.
- All 'lengths' are given as a number of bytes.
- All 'alignments' are for relinkable files only; an alignment of
- 'n' indicates the corresponding segment must begin at an
- address that is a multiple of (2**n). */
-struct internal_exec
- long a_info; /* Magic number and flags, packed */
- bfd_vma a_text; /* length of text, in bytes */
- bfd_vma a_data; /* length of data, in bytes */
- bfd_vma a_bss; /* length of uninitialized data area in mem */
- bfd_vma a_syms; /* length of symbol table data in file */
- bfd_vma a_entry; /* start address */
- bfd_vma a_trsize; /* length of text's relocation info, in bytes */
- bfd_vma a_drsize; /* length of data's relocation info, in bytes */
- /* Added for i960 */
- bfd_vma a_tload; /* Text runtime load address */
- bfd_vma a_dload; /* Data runtime load address */
- unsigned char a_talign; /* Alignment of text segment */
- unsigned char a_dalign; /* Alignment of data segment */
- unsigned char a_balign; /* Alignment of bss segment */
- char a_relaxable; /* Enough info for linker relax */
-/* Magic number is written
-< MSB >
-/* Magic number for NetBSD is
-<MSB >
-enum machine_type {
- M_UNKNOWN = 0,
- M_68010 = 1,
- M_68020 = 2,
- M_SPARC = 3,
- /* skip a bunch so we don't run into any of suns numbers */
- /* make these up for the ns32k*/
- M_NS32032 = (64), /* ns32032 running ? */
- M_NS32532 = (64 + 5), /* ns32532 running mach */
- M_386 = 100,
- M_29K = 101, /* AMD 29000 */
- M_386_DYNIX = 102, /* Sequent running dynix */
- M_ARM = 103, /* Advanced Risc Machines ARM */
- M_386_NETBSD = 134, /* NetBSD/i386 binary */
- M_68K_NETBSD = 135, /* NetBSD/m68k binary */
- M_68K4K_NETBSD = 136, /* NetBSD/m68k4k binary */
- M_532_NETBSD = 137, /* NetBSD/ns32k binary */
- M_SPARC_NETBSD = 138, /* NetBSD/sparc binary */
- M_MIPS1 = 151, /* MIPS R2000/R3000 binary */
- M_MIPS2 = 152, /* MIPS R4000/R6000 binary */
- M_HP200 = 200, /* HP 200 (68010) BSD binary */
- M_HP300 = (300 % 256), /* HP 300 (68020+68881) BSD binary */
- M_HPUX = (0x20c % 256)/* HP 200/300 HPUX binary */
-#define N_DYNAMIC(exec) ((exec).a_info & 0x80000000)
-#ifndef N_MAGIC
-# define N_MAGIC(exec) ((exec).a_info & 0xffff)
-#ifndef N_MACHTYPE
-# define N_MACHTYPE(exec) ((enum machine_type)(((exec).a_info >> 16) & 0xff))
-#ifndef N_FLAGS
-# define N_FLAGS(exec) (((exec).a_info >> 24) & 0xff)
-#ifndef N_SET_INFO
-# define N_SET_INFO(exec, magic, type, flags) \
-((exec).a_info = ((magic) & 0xffff) \
- | (((int)(type) & 0xff) << 16) \
- | (((flags) & 0xff) << 24))
-#ifndef N_SET_DYNAMIC
-# define N_SET_DYNAMIC(exec, dynamic) \
-((exec).a_info = (dynamic) ? ((exec).a_info | 0x80000000) : \
-((exec).a_info & 0x7fffffff))
-#ifndef N_SET_MAGIC
-# define N_SET_MAGIC(exec, magic) \
-((exec).a_info = (((exec).a_info & 0xffff0000) | ((magic) & 0xffff)))
-# define N_SET_MACHTYPE(exec, machtype) \
-((exec).a_info = \
- ((exec).a_info&0xff00ffff) | ((((int)(machtype))&0xff) << 16))
-#ifndef N_SET_FLAGS
-# define N_SET_FLAGS(exec, flags) \
-((exec).a_info = \
- ((exec).a_info&0x00ffffff) | (((flags) & 0xff) << 24))
-typedef struct aout_symbol {
- asymbol symbol;
- short desc;
- char other;
- unsigned char type;
-} aout_symbol_type;
-/* The `tdata' struct for all a.out-like object file formats.
- Various things depend on this struct being around any time an a.out
- file is being handled. An example is dbxread.c in GDB. */
-struct aoutdata {
- struct internal_exec *hdr; /* exec file header */
- aout_symbol_type *symbols; /* symtab for input bfd */
- /* For ease, we do this */
- asection *textsec;
- asection *datasec;
- asection *bsssec;
- /* We remember these offsets so that after check_file_format, we have
- no dependencies on the particular format of the exec_hdr. */
- file_ptr sym_filepos;
- file_ptr str_filepos;
- /* Size of a relocation entry in external form */
- unsigned reloc_entry_size;
- /* Size of a symbol table entry in external form */
- unsigned symbol_entry_size;
- /* Page size - needed for alignment of demand paged files. */
- unsigned long page_size;
- /* Segment size - needed for alignment of demand paged files. */
- unsigned long segment_size;
- /* Zmagic disk block size - need to align the start of the text
- section in ZMAGIC binaries. Normally the same as page_size. */
- unsigned long zmagic_disk_block_size;
- unsigned exec_bytes_size;
- unsigned vma_adjusted : 1;
- /* used when a bfd supports several highly similar formats */
- enum
- {
- default_format = 0,
- /* Used on HP 9000/300 running HP/UX. See hp300hpux.c. */
- gnu_encap_format,
- /* Used on Linux, 386BSD, etc. See include/aout/aout64.h. */
- q_magic_format
- } subformat;
- enum
- {
- undecided_magic = 0,
- z_magic,
- o_magic,
- n_magic
- } magic;
- /* A buffer for find_nearest_line. */
- char *line_buf;
- /* The external symbol information. */
- struct external_nlist *external_syms;
- bfd_size_type external_sym_count;
- bfd_window sym_window;
- char *external_strings;
- bfd_size_type external_string_size;
- bfd_window string_window;
- struct aout_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- /* A pointer for shared library information. */
- PTR dynamic_info;
- /* A mapping from local symbols to offsets into the global offset
- table, used when linking on SunOS. This is indexed by the symbol
- index. */
- bfd_vma *local_got_offsets;
-struct aout_data_struct {
- struct aoutdata a;
- struct internal_exec e;
-#define adata(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.aout_data->a)
-#define exec_hdr(bfd) (adata(bfd).hdr)
-#define obj_aout_symbols(bfd) (adata(bfd).symbols)
-#define obj_textsec(bfd) (adata(bfd).textsec)
-#define obj_datasec(bfd) (adata(bfd).datasec)
-#define obj_bsssec(bfd) (adata(bfd).bsssec)
-#define obj_sym_filepos(bfd) (adata(bfd).sym_filepos)
-#define obj_str_filepos(bfd) (adata(bfd).str_filepos)
-#define obj_reloc_entry_size(bfd) (adata(bfd).reloc_entry_size)
-#define obj_symbol_entry_size(bfd) (adata(bfd).symbol_entry_size)
-#define obj_aout_subformat(bfd) (adata(bfd).subformat)
-#define obj_aout_external_syms(bfd) (adata(bfd).external_syms)
-#define obj_aout_external_sym_count(bfd) (adata(bfd).external_sym_count)
-#define obj_aout_sym_window(bfd) (adata(bfd).sym_window)
-#define obj_aout_external_strings(bfd) (adata(bfd).external_strings)
-#define obj_aout_external_string_size(bfd) (adata(bfd).external_string_size)
-#define obj_aout_string_window(bfd) (adata(bfd).string_window)
-#define obj_aout_sym_hashes(bfd) (adata(bfd).sym_hashes)
-#define obj_aout_dynamic_info(bfd) (adata(bfd).dynamic_info)
-/* We take the address of the first element of an asymbol to ensure that the
- macro is only ever applied to an asymbol */
-#define aout_symbol(asymbol) ((aout_symbol_type *)(&(asymbol)->the_bfd))
-/* Information we keep for each a.out section. This is currently only
- used by the a.out backend linker. */
-struct aout_section_data_struct
- /* The unswapped relocation entries for this section. */
- PTR relocs;
-#define aout_section_data(s) \
- ((struct aout_section_data_struct *) (s)->used_by_bfd)
-#define set_aout_section_data(s,v) \
- ((s)->used_by_bfd = (PTR)&(v)->relocs)
-/* Prototype declarations for functions defined in aoutx.h */
-NAME(aout,squirt_out_relocs) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *section));
-NAME(aout,make_sections) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-const bfd_target *
-NAME(aout,some_aout_object_p) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- struct internal_exec *execp,
- const bfd_target *(*callback)(bfd *)));
-NAME(aout,mkobject) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-enum machine_type
-NAME(aout,machine_type) PARAMS ((enum bfd_architecture arch,
- unsigned long machine,
- boolean *unknown));
-NAME(aout,set_arch_mach) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, enum bfd_architecture arch,
- unsigned long machine));
-NAME(aout,new_section_hook) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *newsect));
-NAME(aout,set_section_contents) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, sec_ptr section,
- PTR location, file_ptr offset, bfd_size_type count));
-asymbol *
-NAME(aout,make_empty_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-NAME(aout,translate_symbol_table) PARAMS ((bfd *, aout_symbol_type *,
- struct external_nlist *,
- bfd_size_type, char *,
- bfd_size_type,
- boolean dynamic));
-NAME(aout,slurp_symbol_table) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-NAME(aout,write_syms) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-NAME(aout,reclaim_symbol_table) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-NAME(aout,get_symtab_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-NAME(aout,get_symtab) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asymbol **location));
-NAME(aout,swap_ext_reloc_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct reloc_ext_external *,
- arelent *, asymbol **, bfd_size_type));
-NAME(aout,swap_std_reloc_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct reloc_std_external *,
- arelent *, asymbol **, bfd_size_type));
-reloc_howto_type *
-NAME(aout,reloc_type_lookup) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code));
-NAME(aout,slurp_reloc_table) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, sec_ptr asect,
- asymbol **symbols));
-NAME(aout,canonicalize_reloc) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, sec_ptr section,
- arelent **relptr, asymbol **symbols));
-NAME(aout,get_reloc_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, sec_ptr asect));
-NAME(aout,reclaim_reloc) PARAMS ((bfd *ignore_abfd, sec_ptr ignore));
-alent *
-NAME(aout,get_lineno) PARAMS ((bfd *ignore_abfd, asymbol *ignore_symbol));
-NAME(aout,print_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *ignore_abfd, PTR file,
- asymbol *symbol, bfd_print_symbol_type how));
-NAME(aout,get_symbol_info) PARAMS ((bfd *ignore_abfd,
- asymbol *symbol, symbol_info *ret));
-NAME(aout,find_nearest_line) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *section,
- asymbol **symbols, bfd_vma offset, CONST char **filename_ptr,
- CONST char **functionname_ptr, unsigned int *line_ptr));
-NAME(aout,read_minisymbols) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, PTR *, unsigned int *));
-asymbol *
-NAME(aout,minisymbol_to_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, const PTR,
- asymbol *));
-NAME(aout,sizeof_headers) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, boolean exec));
-NAME(aout,adjust_sizes_and_vmas) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- bfd_size_type *text_size, file_ptr *text_end));
-NAME(aout,swap_exec_header_in) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- struct external_exec *raw_bytes, struct internal_exec *execp));
-NAME(aout,swap_exec_header_out) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- struct internal_exec *execp, struct external_exec *raw_bytes));
-struct bfd_hash_entry *
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
- PARAMS ((struct aout_link_hash_table *, bfd *,
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *)));
-struct bfd_link_hash_table *
-NAME(aout,link_hash_table_create) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-NAME(aout,link_add_symbols) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-NAME(aout,final_link) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *,
- void (*) (bfd *, file_ptr *, file_ptr *,
- file_ptr *)));
-NAME(aout,bfd_free_cached_info) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-/* A.out uses the generic versions of these routines... */
-#define aout_32_get_section_contents _bfd_generic_get_section_contents
-#define aout_64_get_section_contents _bfd_generic_get_section_contents
-#ifndef aout_32_bfd_is_local_label
-#define aout_32_bfd_is_local_label bfd_generic_is_local_label
-#define WRITE_HEADERS(abfd, execp) \
- { \
- bfd_size_type text_size; /* dummy vars */ \
- file_ptr text_end; \
- if (adata(abfd).magic == undecided_magic) \
- NAME(aout,adjust_sizes_and_vmas) (abfd, &text_size, &text_end); \
- \
- execp->a_syms = bfd_get_symcount (abfd) * EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE; \
- execp->a_entry = bfd_get_start_address (abfd); \
- \
- execp->a_trsize = ((obj_textsec (abfd)->reloc_count) * \
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd)); \
- execp->a_drsize = ((obj_datasec (abfd)->reloc_count) * \
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd)); \
- NAME(aout,swap_exec_header_out) (abfd, execp, &exec_bytes); \
- \
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) return false; \
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &exec_bytes, 1, EXEC_BYTES_SIZE, abfd) \
- return false; \
- /* Now write out reloc info, followed by syms and strings */ \
- \
- if (bfd_get_outsymbols (abfd) != (asymbol **) NULL \
- && bfd_get_symcount (abfd) != 0) \
- { \
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(N_SYMOFF(*execp)), SEEK_SET) \
- != 0) \
- return false; \
- \
- if (! NAME(aout,write_syms)(abfd)) return false; \
- \
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(N_TRELOFF(*execp)), SEEK_SET) \
- != 0) \
- return false; \
- \
- if (!NAME(aout,squirt_out_relocs) (abfd, obj_textsec (abfd))) \
- return false; \
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(N_DRELOFF(*execp)), SEEK_SET) \
- != 0) \
- return false; \
- \
- if (!NAME(aout,squirt_out_relocs)(abfd, obj_datasec (abfd))) \
- return false; \
- } \
- }
-#endif /* ! defined (LIBAOUT_H) */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libbfd-in.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/libbfd-in.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 14935ebbeabc..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libbfd-in.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,503 +0,0 @@
-/* libbfd.h -- Declarations used by bfd library *implementation*.
- (This include file is not for users of the library.)
- Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-** NOTE: libbfd.h is a GENERATED file. Don't change it; instead,
-** change libbfd-in.h or the other BFD source files processed to
-** generate this file.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Align an address upward to a boundary, expressed as a number of bytes.
- E.g. align to an 8-byte boundary with argument of 8. */
-#define BFD_ALIGN(this, boundary) \
- ((( (this) + ((boundary) -1)) & (~((boundary)-1))))
-/* If you want to read and write large blocks, you might want to do it
- in quanta of this amount */
-/* Set a tdata field. Can't use the other macros for this, since they
- do casts, and casting to the left of assignment isn't portable. */
-#define set_tdata(bfd, v) ((bfd)->tdata.any = (PTR) (v))
-/* If BFD_IN_MEMORY is set for a BFD, then the iostream fields points
- to an instance of this structure. */
-struct bfd_in_memory
- /* Size of buffer. */
- bfd_size_type size;
- /* Buffer holding contents of BFD. */
- bfd_byte *buffer;
-/* tdata for an archive. For an input archive, cache
- needs to be free()'d. For an output archive, symdefs do. */
-struct artdata {
- file_ptr first_file_filepos;
- /* Speed up searching the armap */
- struct ar_cache *cache;
- bfd *archive_head; /* Only interesting in output routines */
- carsym *symdefs; /* the symdef entries */
- symindex symdef_count; /* how many there are */
- char *extended_names; /* clever intel extension */
- /* when more compilers are standard C, this can be a time_t */
- long armap_timestamp; /* Timestamp value written into armap.
- This is used for BSD archives to check
- that the timestamp is recent enough
- for the BSD linker to not complain,
- just before we finish writing an
- archive. */
- file_ptr armap_datepos; /* Position within archive to seek to
- rewrite the date field. */
- PTR tdata; /* Backend specific information. */
-#define bfd_ardata(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.aout_ar_data)
-/* Goes in bfd's arelt_data slot */
-struct areltdata {
- char * arch_header; /* it's actually a string */
- unsigned int parsed_size; /* octets of filesize not including ar_hdr */
- char *filename; /* null-terminated */
-#define arelt_size(bfd) (((struct areltdata *)((bfd)->arelt_data))->parsed_size)
-extern PTR bfd_malloc PARAMS ((size_t));
-extern PTR bfd_realloc PARAMS ((PTR, size_t));
-extern PTR bfd_zmalloc PARAMS ((size_t));
-extern bfd_error_handler_type _bfd_error_handler;
-/* These routines allocate and free things on the BFD's obstack. */
-PTR bfd_alloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, size_t size));
-PTR bfd_zalloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, size_t size));
-void bfd_alloc_grow PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, PTR thing, size_t size));
-PTR bfd_alloc_finish PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-PTR bfd_alloc_by_size_t PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, size_t wanted));
-#define bfd_release(x,y) (void) obstack_free(&(x->memory),y)
-bfd * _bfd_create_empty_archive_element_shell PARAMS ((bfd *obfd));
-bfd * _bfd_look_for_bfd_in_cache PARAMS ((bfd *arch_bfd, file_ptr index));
-boolean _bfd_add_bfd_to_archive_cache PARAMS ((bfd *, file_ptr, bfd *));
-boolean _bfd_generic_mkarchive PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-const bfd_target *bfd_generic_archive_p PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-boolean bfd_slurp_armap PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-boolean bfd_slurp_bsd_armap_f2 PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-#define bfd_slurp_bsd_armap bfd_slurp_armap
-#define bfd_slurp_coff_armap bfd_slurp_armap
-boolean _bfd_slurp_extended_name_table PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-extern boolean _bfd_construct_extended_name_table
- PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, char **, bfd_size_type *));
-boolean _bfd_write_archive_contents PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-boolean _bfd_compute_and_write_armap PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int elength));
-bfd *_bfd_get_elt_at_filepos PARAMS ((bfd *archive, file_ptr filepos));
-extern bfd *_bfd_generic_get_elt_at_index PARAMS ((bfd *, symindex));
-bfd * _bfd_new_bfd PARAMS ((void));
-boolean bfd_false PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
-boolean bfd_true PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
-PTR bfd_nullvoidptr PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
-int bfd_0 PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
-unsigned int bfd_0u PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
-long bfd_0l PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
-long _bfd_n1 PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
-void bfd_void PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
-bfd *_bfd_new_bfd_contained_in PARAMS ((bfd *));
-const bfd_target *_bfd_dummy_target PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-void bfd_dont_truncate_arname PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, CONST char *filename,
- char *hdr));
-void bfd_bsd_truncate_arname PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, CONST char *filename,
- char *hdr));
-void bfd_gnu_truncate_arname PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, CONST char *filename,
- char *hdr));
-boolean bsd_write_armap PARAMS ((bfd *arch, unsigned int elength,
- struct orl *map, unsigned int orl_count, int stridx));
-boolean coff_write_armap PARAMS ((bfd *arch, unsigned int elength,
- struct orl *map, unsigned int orl_count, int stridx));
-extern PTR _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern PTR _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr_mag PARAMS ((bfd *, const char *));
-bfd * bfd_generic_openr_next_archived_file PARAMS ((bfd *archive,
- bfd *last_file));
-int bfd_generic_stat_arch_elt PARAMS ((bfd *, struct stat *));
-#define _bfd_read_ar_hdr(abfd) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_read_ar_hdr_fn, (abfd))
-/* Generic routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC. Use
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC (_bfd_generic). */
-#define _bfd_generic_close_and_cleanup bfd_true
-#define _bfd_generic_bfd_free_cached_info bfd_true
-#define _bfd_generic_new_section_hook \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *))) bfd_true)
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_get_section_contents
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR location, file_ptr offset,
- bfd_size_type count));
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, bfd_window *, file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-/* Generic routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY. Use
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic). */
-#define _bfd_generic_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *))) bfd_true)
-#define _bfd_generic_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *))) bfd_true)
-#define _bfd_generic_bfd_set_private_flags \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, flagword))) bfd_true)
-#define _bfd_generic_bfd_copy_private_section_data \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, bfd *, asection *))) bfd_true)
-#define _bfd_generic_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, bfd *, asymbol *))) bfd_true)
-#define _bfd_generic_bfd_print_private_bfd_data \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR))) bfd_true)
-/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE when there is no core file
- support. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore). */
-extern char *_bfd_nocore_core_file_failing_command PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern int _bfd_nocore_core_file_failing_signal PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern boolean _bfd_nocore_core_file_matches_executable_p
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE when there is no archive
- file support. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive). */
-#define _bfd_noarchive_slurp_armap bfd_false
-#define _bfd_noarchive_slurp_extended_name_table bfd_false
-#define _bfd_noarchive_construct_extended_name_table \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, char **, bfd_size_type *, const char **))) \
- bfd_false)
-#define _bfd_noarchive_truncate_arname \
- ((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, const char *, char *))) bfd_void)
-#define _bfd_noarchive_write_armap \
- ((boolean (*) \
- PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int, struct orl *, unsigned int, int))) \
- bfd_false)
-#define _bfd_noarchive_read_ar_hdr bfd_nullvoidptr
-#define _bfd_noarchive_openr_next_archived_file \
- ((bfd *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
-#define _bfd_noarchive_get_elt_at_index \
- ((bfd *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, symindex))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
-#define _bfd_noarchive_generic_stat_arch_elt bfd_generic_stat_arch_elt
-#define _bfd_noarchive_update_armap_timestamp bfd_false
-/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE to get BSD style
- archives. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_bsd). */
-#define _bfd_archive_bsd_slurp_armap bfd_slurp_bsd_armap
-#define _bfd_archive_bsd_slurp_extended_name_table \
- _bfd_slurp_extended_name_table
-extern boolean _bfd_archive_bsd_construct_extended_name_table
- PARAMS ((bfd *, char **, bfd_size_type *, const char **));
-#define _bfd_archive_bsd_truncate_arname bfd_bsd_truncate_arname
-#define _bfd_archive_bsd_write_armap bsd_write_armap
-#define _bfd_archive_bsd_read_ar_hdr _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr
-#define _bfd_archive_bsd_openr_next_archived_file \
- bfd_generic_openr_next_archived_file
-#define _bfd_archive_bsd_get_elt_at_index _bfd_generic_get_elt_at_index
-#define _bfd_archive_bsd_generic_stat_arch_elt \
- bfd_generic_stat_arch_elt
-extern boolean _bfd_archive_bsd_update_armap_timestamp PARAMS ((bfd *));
-/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE to get COFF style
- archives. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff). */
-#define _bfd_archive_coff_slurp_armap bfd_slurp_coff_armap
-#define _bfd_archive_coff_slurp_extended_name_table \
- _bfd_slurp_extended_name_table
-extern boolean _bfd_archive_coff_construct_extended_name_table
- PARAMS ((bfd *, char **, bfd_size_type *, const char **));
-#define _bfd_archive_coff_truncate_arname bfd_dont_truncate_arname
-#define _bfd_archive_coff_write_armap coff_write_armap
-#define _bfd_archive_coff_read_ar_hdr _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr
-#define _bfd_archive_coff_openr_next_archived_file \
- bfd_generic_openr_next_archived_file
-#define _bfd_archive_coff_get_elt_at_index _bfd_generic_get_elt_at_index
-#define _bfd_archive_coff_generic_stat_arch_elt \
- bfd_generic_stat_arch_elt
-#define _bfd_archive_coff_update_armap_timestamp bfd_true
-/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_SYMBOLS where there is no symbol
- support. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_SYMBOLS (_bfd_nosymbols). */
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_get_symtab_upper_bound _bfd_n1
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_get_symtab \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **))) _bfd_n1)
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_make_empty_symbol \
- ((asymbol *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_print_symbol \
- ((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, asymbol *, bfd_print_symbol_type))) bfd_void)
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_get_symbol_info \
- ((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, symbol_info *))) bfd_void)
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_is_local_label \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *))) bfd_false)
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno \
- ((alent *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_find_nearest_line \
- ((boolean (*) \
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, asymbol **, bfd_vma, const char **, \
- const char **, unsigned int *))) \
- bfd_false)
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol \
- ((asymbol *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, unsigned long))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_read_minisymbols \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, PTR *, unsigned int *))) _bfd_n1)
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_minisymbol_to_symbol \
- ((asymbol *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, const PTR, asymbol *))) \
- bfd_nullvoidptr)
-/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS when there is no reloc
- support. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS (_bfd_norelocs). */
-#define _bfd_norelocs_get_reloc_upper_bound \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *))) _bfd_n1)
-#define _bfd_norelocs_canonicalize_reloc \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent **, asymbol **))) _bfd_n1)
-#define _bfd_norelocs_bfd_reloc_type_lookup \
- ((reloc_howto_type *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_reloc_code_real_type))) \
- bfd_nullvoidptr)
-/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE for targets which may not
- be written. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_nowrite). */
-#define _bfd_nowrite_set_arch_mach \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, enum bfd_architecture, unsigned long))) \
- bfd_false)
-#define _bfd_nowrite_set_section_contents \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR, file_ptr, bfd_size_type))) \
- bfd_false)
-/* Generic routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE. Use
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_generic). */
-#define _bfd_generic_set_arch_mach bfd_default_set_arch_mach
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_set_section_contents
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR, file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK for targets which do not
- support linking. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (_bfd_nolink). */
-#define _bfd_nolink_sizeof_headers ((int (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean))) bfd_0)
-#define _bfd_nolink_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- ((bfd_byte *(*) \
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_order *, \
- bfd_byte *, boolean, asymbol **))) \
- bfd_nullvoidptr)
-#define _bfd_nolink_bfd_relax_section \
- ((boolean (*) \
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *))) \
- bfd_false)
-#define _bfd_nolink_bfd_link_hash_table_create \
- ((struct bfd_link_hash_table *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
-#define _bfd_nolink_bfd_link_add_symbols \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *))) bfd_false)
-#define _bfd_nolink_bfd_final_link \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *))) bfd_false)
-#define _bfd_nolink_bfd_link_split_section \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct sec *))) bfd_false)
-/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC for targets which do not
- have dynamic symbols or relocs. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC
- (_bfd_nodynamic). */
-#define _bfd_nodynamic_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound _bfd_n1
-#define _bfd_nodynamic_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **))) _bfd_n1)
-#define _bfd_nodynamic_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound _bfd_n1
-#define _bfd_nodynamic_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent **, asymbol **))) _bfd_n1)
-/* Generic routine to determine of the given symbol is a local
- label. */
-extern boolean bfd_generic_is_local_label PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
-/* Generic minisymbol routines. */
-extern long _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, PTR *, unsigned int *));
-extern asymbol *_bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol
- PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, const PTR, asymbol *));
-/* Find the nearest line using .stab/.stabstr sections. */
-extern boolean _bfd_stab_section_find_nearest_line
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **, asection *, bfd_vma, boolean *, const char **,
- const char **, unsigned int *, PTR *));
-/* A routine to create entries for a bfd_link_hash_table. */
-extern struct bfd_hash_entry *_bfd_link_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *entry,
- struct bfd_hash_table *table,
- const char *string));
-/* Initialize a bfd_link_hash_table. */
-extern boolean _bfd_link_hash_table_init
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_table *, bfd *,
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *)));
-/* Generic link hash table creation routine. */
-extern struct bfd_link_hash_table *_bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-/* Generic add symbol routine. */
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-/* Generic add symbol routine. This version is used by targets for
- which the linker must collect constructors and destructors by name,
- as the collect2 program does. */
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols_collect
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-/* Generic archive add symbol routine. */
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *,
- boolean (*checkfn) (bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *)));
-/* Forward declaration to avoid prototype errors. */
-typedef struct bfd_link_hash_entry _bfd_link_hash_entry;
-/* Generic routine to add a single symbol. */
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, const char *name, flagword,
- asection *, bfd_vma, const char *, boolean copy,
- boolean constructor, struct bfd_link_hash_entry **));
-/* Generic link routine. */
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_final_link
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_split_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct sec *));
-/* Generic reloc_link_order processing routine. */
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_reloc_link_order
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, asection *,
- struct bfd_link_order *));
-/* Default link order processing routine. */
-extern boolean _bfd_default_link_order
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, asection *,
- struct bfd_link_order *));
-/* Count the number of reloc entries in a link order list. */
-extern unsigned int _bfd_count_link_order_relocs
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_order *));
-/* Final link relocation routine. */
-extern bfd_reloc_status_type _bfd_final_link_relocate
- PARAMS ((reloc_howto_type *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *,
- bfd_vma address, bfd_vma value, bfd_vma addend));
-/* Relocate a particular location by a howto and a value. */
-extern bfd_reloc_status_type _bfd_relocate_contents
- PARAMS ((reloc_howto_type *, bfd *, bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
-/* Create a string table. */
-extern struct bfd_strtab_hash *_bfd_stringtab_init PARAMS ((void));
-/* Create an XCOFF .debug section style string table. */
-extern struct bfd_strtab_hash *_bfd_xcoff_stringtab_init PARAMS ((void));
-/* Free a string table. */
-extern void _bfd_stringtab_free PARAMS ((struct bfd_strtab_hash *));
-/* Get the size of a string table. */
-extern bfd_size_type _bfd_stringtab_size PARAMS ((struct bfd_strtab_hash *));
-/* Add a string to a string table. */
-extern bfd_size_type _bfd_stringtab_add
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_strtab_hash *, const char *, boolean hash,
- boolean copy));
-/* Write out a string table. */
-extern boolean _bfd_stringtab_emit PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_strtab_hash *));
-/* Macros to tell if bfds are read or write enabled.
- Note that bfds open for read may be scribbled into if the fd passed
- to bfd_fdopenr is actually open both for read and write
- simultaneously. However an output bfd will never be open for
- read. Therefore sometimes you want to check bfd_read_p or
- !bfd_read_p, and only sometimes bfd_write_p.
-#define bfd_read_p(abfd) ((abfd)->direction == read_direction || (abfd)->direction == both_direction)
-#define bfd_write_p(abfd) ((abfd)->direction == write_direction || (abfd)->direction == both_direction)
-void bfd_assert PARAMS ((const char*,int));
-#define BFD_ASSERT(x) \
-{ if (!(x)) bfd_assert(__FILE__,__LINE__); }
-#define BFD_FAIL() \
-{ bfd_assert(__FILE__,__LINE__); }
-FILE * bfd_cache_lookup_worker PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern bfd *bfd_last_cache;
-/* Now Steve, what's the story here? */
-#ifdef lint
-#define itos(x) "l"
-#define stoi(x) 1
-#define itos(x) ((char*)(x))
-#define stoi(x) ((int)(x))
-/* List of supported target vectors, and the default vector (if
- bfd_default_vector[0] is NULL, there is no default). */
-extern const bfd_target * const bfd_target_vector[];
-extern const bfd_target * const bfd_default_vector[];
-/* Functions shared by the ECOFF and MIPS ELF backends, which have no
- other common header files. */
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(ALMOST_STDC)
-struct ecoff_find_line;
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_locate_line
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, bfd_vma, struct ecoff_debug_info * const,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap * const, struct ecoff_find_line *,
- const char **, const char **, unsigned int *));
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_get_accumulated_pdr PARAMS ((PTR, bfd_byte *));
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_get_accumulated_sym PARAMS ((PTR, bfd_byte *));
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_get_accumulated_ss PARAMS ((PTR, bfd_byte *));
-extern bfd_vma _bfd_get_gp_value PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern void _bfd_set_gp_value PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_vma));
-/* And more follows */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libbfd.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/libbfd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1052a3a17be5..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libbfd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1197 +0,0 @@
-/* Assorted BFD support routines, only used internally.
- Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-static int real_read PARAMS ((PTR, size_t, size_t, FILE *));
- Internal functions
- These routines are used within BFD.
- They are not intended for export, but are documented here for
- completeness.
-/* A routine which is used in target vectors for unsupported
- operations. */
-bfd_false (ignore)
- bfd *ignore;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
-/* A routine which is used in target vectors for supported operations
- which do not actually do anything. */
-bfd_true (ignore)
- bfd *ignore;
- return true;
-/* A routine which is used in target vectors for unsupported
- operations which return a pointer value. */
-bfd_nullvoidptr (ignore)
- bfd *ignore;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return NULL;
-bfd_0 (ignore)
- bfd *ignore;
- return 0;
-unsigned int
-bfd_0u (ignore)
- bfd *ignore;
- return 0;
-bfd_0l (ignore)
- bfd *ignore;
- return 0;
-/* A routine which is used in target vectors for unsupported
- operations which return -1 on error. */
-_bfd_n1 (ignore_abfd)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return -1;
-bfd_void (ignore)
- bfd *ignore;
-_bfd_nocore_core_file_matches_executable_p (ignore_core_bfd, ignore_exec_bfd)
- bfd *ignore_core_bfd;
- bfd *ignore_exec_bfd;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
-/* Routine to handle core_file_failing_command entry point for targets
- without core file support. */
-char *
-_bfd_nocore_core_file_failing_command (ignore_abfd)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return (char *)NULL;
-/* Routine to handle core_file_failing_signal entry point for targets
- without core file support. */
-_bfd_nocore_core_file_failing_signal (ignore_abfd)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return 0;
-const bfd_target *
-_bfd_dummy_target (ignore_abfd)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
-/* Allocate memory using malloc. */
-bfd_malloc (size)
- size_t size;
- PTR ptr;
- ptr = (PTR) malloc (size);
- if (ptr == NULL && size != 0)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return ptr;
-/* Reallocate memory using realloc. */
-bfd_realloc (ptr, size)
- PTR ptr;
- size_t size;
- PTR ret;
- if (ptr == NULL)
- ret = malloc (size);
- else
- ret = realloc (ptr, size);
- if (ret == NULL)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return ret;
-/* Allocate memory using malloc and clear it. */
-bfd_zmalloc (size)
- size_t size;
- PTR ptr;
- ptr = (PTR) malloc (size);
- if (size != 0)
- {
- if (ptr == NULL)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- else
- memset (ptr, 0, size);
- }
- return ptr;
-/* Some IO code */
-/* Note that archive entries don't have streams; they share their parent's.
- This allows someone to play with the iostream behind BFD's back.
- Also, note that the origin pointer points to the beginning of a file's
- contents (0 for non-archive elements). For archive entries this is the
- first octet in the file, NOT the beginning of the archive header. */
-static int
-real_read (where, a,b, file)
- PTR where;
- size_t a;
- size_t b;
- FILE *file;
- return fread (where, a, b, file);
-/* Return value is amount read (FIXME: how are errors and end of file dealt
- with? We never call bfd_set_error, which is probably a mistake). */
-bfd_read (ptr, size, nitems, abfd)
- PTR ptr;
- bfd_size_type size;
- bfd_size_type nitems;
- bfd *abfd;
- int nread;
- if ((abfd->flags & BFD_IN_MEMORY) != 0)
- {
- struct bfd_in_memory *bim;
- bfd_size_type get;
- bim = (struct bfd_in_memory *) abfd->iostream;
- get = size * nitems;
- if (abfd->where + get > bim->size)
- {
- get = bim->size - abfd->where;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_truncated);
- }
- memcpy (ptr, bim->buffer + abfd->where, get);
- abfd->where += get;
- return get;
- }
- nread = real_read (ptr, 1, (size_t)(size*nitems), bfd_cache_lookup(abfd));
- if (nread > 0)
- abfd->where += nread;
- /* Set bfd_error if we did not read as much data as we expected.
- If the read failed due to an error set the bfd_error_system_call,
- else set bfd_error_file_truncated.
- A BFD backend may wish to override bfd_error_file_truncated to
- provide something more useful (eg. no_symbols or wrong_format). */
- if (nread < (int)(size * nitems))
- {
- if (ferror (bfd_cache_lookup (abfd)))
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- else
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_truncated);
- }
- return nread;
-/* The window support stuff should probably be broken out into
- another file.... */
-/* The idea behind the next and refcount fields is that one mapped
- region can suffice for multiple read-only windows or multiple
- non-overlapping read-write windows. It's not implemented yet
- though. */
-struct _bfd_window_internal {
- struct _bfd_window_internal *next;
- PTR data;
- bfd_size_type size;
- int refcount : 31; /* should be enough... */
- unsigned mapped : 1; /* 1 = mmap, 0 = malloc */
-bfd_init_window (windowp)
- bfd_window *windowp;
- windowp->data = 0;
- windowp->i = 0;
- windowp->size = 0;
-#undef HAVE_MPROTECT /* code's not tested yet */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#ifndef MAP_FILE
-#define MAP_FILE 0
-static int debug_windows;
-/* Currently, if USE_MMAP is undefined, none if the window stuff is
- used. Okay, so it's mis-named. At least the command-line option
- "--without-mmap" is more obvious than "--without-windows" or some
- such. */
-#ifdef USE_MMAP
-bfd_free_window (windowp)
- bfd_window *windowp;
- bfd_window_internal *i = windowp->i;
- windowp->i = 0;
- windowp->data = 0;
- if (i == 0)
- return;
- i->refcount--;
- if (debug_windows)
- fprintf (stderr, "freeing window @%p<%p,%lx,%p>\n",
- windowp, windowp->data, windowp->size, windowp->i);
- if (i->refcount != 0)
- return;
- if (i->mapped)
- {
-#ifdef HAVE_MMAP
- munmap (i->data, i->size);
- goto no_free;
- abort ();
- }
- mprotect (i->data, i->size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
- free (i->data);
-#ifdef HAVE_MMAP
- no_free:
- i->data = 0;
- /* There should be no more references to i at this point. */
- free (i);
-static int ok_to_map = 1;
-bfd_get_file_window (abfd, offset, size, windowp, writable)
- bfd *abfd;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type size;
- bfd_window *windowp;
- boolean writable;
- static size_t pagesize;
- bfd_window_internal *i = windowp->i;
- size_t size_to_alloc = size;
-#ifndef USE_MMAP
- abort ();
- if (debug_windows)
- fprintf (stderr, "bfd_get_file_window (%p, %6ld, %6ld, %p<%p,%lx,%p>, %d)",
- abfd, (long) offset, (long) size,
- windowp, windowp->data, windowp->size, windowp->i,
- writable);
- /* Make sure we know the page size, so we can be friendly to mmap. */
- if (pagesize == 0)
- pagesize = getpagesize ();
- if (pagesize == 0)
- abort ();
- if (i == 0)
- {
- windowp->i = i = (bfd_window_internal *) bfd_zmalloc (sizeof (bfd_window_internal));
- if (i == 0)
- return false;
- i->data = 0;
- }
-#ifdef HAVE_MMAP
- if (ok_to_map
- && (i->data == 0 || i->mapped == 1)
- && (abfd->flags & BFD_IN_MEMORY) == 0)
- {
- file_ptr file_offset, offset2;
- size_t real_size;
- int fd;
- FILE *f;
- /* Find the real file and the real offset into it. */
- while (abfd->my_archive != NULL)
- {
- offset += abfd->origin;
- abfd = abfd->my_archive;
- }
- f = bfd_cache_lookup (abfd);
- fd = fileno (f);
- /* Compute offsets and size for mmap and for the user's data. */
- offset2 = offset % pagesize;
- if (offset2 < 0)
- abort ();
- file_offset = offset - offset2;
- real_size = offset + size - file_offset;
- real_size = real_size + pagesize - 1;
- real_size -= real_size % pagesize;
- /* If we're re-using a memory region, make sure it's big enough. */
- if (i->data && i->size < size)
- {
- munmap (i->data, i->size);
- i->data = 0;
- }
- i->data = mmap (i->data, real_size,
- (writable
- fd, file_offset);
- if (i->data == (PTR) -1)
- {
- /* An error happened. Report it, or try using malloc, or
- something. */
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- i->data = 0;
- windowp->data = 0;
- if (debug_windows)
- fprintf (stderr, "\t\tmmap failed!\n");
- return false;
- }
- if (debug_windows)
- fprintf (stderr, "\n\tmapped %ld at %p, offset is %ld\n",
- (long) real_size, i->data, (long) offset2);
- i->size = real_size;
- windowp->data = (PTR) ((bfd_byte *) i->data + offset2);
- windowp->size = size;
- i->mapped = 1;
- return true;
- }
- else if (debug_windows)
- {
- if (ok_to_map)
- fprintf (stderr, "not mapping: data=%lx mapped=%d\n",
- (unsigned long) i->data, (int) i->mapped);
- else
- fprintf (stderr, "not mapping: env var not set\n");
- }
- ok_to_map = 0;
- if (!writable)
- {
- size_to_alloc += pagesize - 1;
- size_to_alloc -= size_to_alloc % pagesize;
- }
- if (debug_windows)
- fprintf (stderr, "\n\t%s(%6ld)",
- i->data ? "realloc" : " malloc", (long) size_to_alloc);
- i->data = (PTR) bfd_realloc (i->data, size_to_alloc);
- if (debug_windows)
- fprintf (stderr, "\t-> %p\n", i->data);
- i->refcount = 1;
- if (i->data == NULL)
- {
- if (size_to_alloc == 0)
- return true;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return false;
- }
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, offset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- i->size = bfd_read (i->data, size, 1, abfd);
- if (i->size != size)
- return false;
- i->mapped = 0;
- if (!writable)
- {
- if (debug_windows)
- fprintf (stderr, "\tmprotect (%p, %ld, PROT_READ)\n", i->data,
- (long) i->size);
- mprotect (i->data, i->size, PROT_READ);
- }
- windowp->data = i->data;
- windowp->size = i->size;
- return true;
-bfd_write (ptr, size, nitems, abfd)
- CONST PTR ptr;
- bfd_size_type size;
- bfd_size_type nitems;
- bfd *abfd;
- long nwrote;
- if ((abfd->flags & BFD_IN_MEMORY) != 0)
- abort ();
- nwrote = fwrite (ptr, 1, (size_t) (size * nitems),
- bfd_cache_lookup (abfd));
- if (nwrote > 0)
- abfd->where += nwrote;
- if ((bfd_size_type) nwrote != size * nitems)
- {
-#ifdef ENOSPC
- if (nwrote >= 0)
- errno = ENOSPC;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- }
- return nwrote;
- bfd_write_bigendian_4byte_int
- void bfd_write_bigendian_4byte_int(bfd *abfd, int i);
- Write a 4 byte integer @var{i} to the output BFD @var{abfd}, in big
- endian order regardless of what else is going on. This is useful in
- archives.
-bfd_write_bigendian_4byte_int (abfd, i)
- bfd *abfd;
- int i;
- bfd_byte buffer[4];
- bfd_putb32(i, buffer);
- if (bfd_write((PTR)buffer, 4, 1, abfd) != 4)
- abort ();
-bfd_tell (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- file_ptr ptr;
- if ((abfd->flags & BFD_IN_MEMORY) != 0)
- return abfd->where;
- ptr = ftell (bfd_cache_lookup(abfd));
- if (abfd->my_archive)
- ptr -= abfd->origin;
- abfd->where = ptr;
- return ptr;
-bfd_flush (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if ((abfd->flags & BFD_IN_MEMORY) != 0)
- return 0;
- return fflush (bfd_cache_lookup(abfd));
-/* Returns 0 for success, negative value for failure (in which case
- bfd_get_error can retrieve the error code). */
-bfd_stat (abfd, statbuf)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct stat *statbuf;
- FILE *f;
- int result;
- if ((abfd->flags & BFD_IN_MEMORY) != 0)
- abort ();
- f = bfd_cache_lookup (abfd);
- if (f == NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- return -1;
- }
- result = fstat (fileno (f), statbuf);
- if (result < 0)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- return result;
-/* Returns 0 for success, nonzero for failure (in which case bfd_get_error
- can retrieve the error code). */
-bfd_seek (abfd, position, direction)
- bfd *abfd;
- file_ptr position;
- int direction;
- int result;
- FILE *f;
- file_ptr file_position;
- /* For the time being, a BFD may not seek to it's end. The problem
- is that we don't easily have a way to recognize the end of an
- element in an archive. */
- BFD_ASSERT (direction == SEEK_SET || direction == SEEK_CUR);
- if (direction == SEEK_CUR && position == 0)
- return 0;
- if ((abfd->flags & BFD_IN_MEMORY) != 0)
- {
- if (direction == SEEK_SET)
- abfd->where = position;
- else
- abfd->where += position;
- return 0;
- }
- if (abfd->format != bfd_archive && abfd->my_archive == 0)
- {
-#if 0
- /* Explanation for this code: I'm only about 95+% sure that the above
- conditions are sufficient and that all i/o calls are properly
- adjusting the `where' field. So this is sort of an `assert'
- that the `where' field is correct. If we can go a while without
- tripping the abort, we can probably safely disable this code,
- so that the real optimizations happen. */
- file_ptr where_am_i_now;
- where_am_i_now = ftell (bfd_cache_lookup (abfd));
- if (abfd->my_archive)
- where_am_i_now -= abfd->origin;
- if (where_am_i_now != abfd->where)
- abort ();
- if (direction == SEEK_SET && position == abfd->where)
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* We need something smarter to optimize access to archives.
- Currently, anything inside an archive is read via the file
- handle for the archive. Which means that a bfd_seek on one
- component affects the `current position' in the archive, as
- well as in any other component.
- It might be sufficient to put a spike through the cache
- abstraction, and look to the archive for the file position,
- but I think we should try for something cleaner.
- In the meantime, no optimization for archives. */
- }
- f = bfd_cache_lookup (abfd);
- file_position = position;
- if (direction == SEEK_SET && abfd->my_archive != NULL)
- file_position += abfd->origin;
- result = fseek (f, file_position, direction);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- /* Force redetermination of `where' field. */
- bfd_tell (abfd);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Adjust `where' field. */
- if (direction == SEEK_SET)
- abfd->where = position;
- else
- abfd->where += position;
- }
- return result;
-/** The do-it-yourself (byte) sex-change kit */
-/* The middle letter e.g. get<b>short indicates Big or Little endian
- target machine. It doesn't matter what the byte order of the host
- machine is; these routines work for either. */
-/* FIXME: Should these take a count argument?
- Answer ( No, but perhaps they should be inline
- functions in swap.h #ifdef __GNUC__.
- Gprof them later and find out. */
- bfd_put_size
- bfd_get_size
- These macros as used for reading and writing raw data in
- sections; each access (except for bytes) is vectored through
- the target format of the BFD and mangled accordingly. The
- mangling performs any necessary endian translations and
- removes alignment restrictions. Note that types accepted and
- returned by these macros are identical so they can be swapped
- around in macros---for example, @file{libaout.h} defines <<GET_WORD>>
- to either <<bfd_get_32>> or <<bfd_get_64>>.
- In the put routines, @var{val} must be a <<bfd_vma>>. If we are on a
- system without prototypes, the caller is responsible for making
- sure that is true, with a cast if necessary. We don't cast
- them in the macro definitions because that would prevent <<lint>>
- or <<gcc -Wall>> from detecting sins such as passing a pointer.
- To detect calling these with less than a <<bfd_vma>>, use
- <<gcc -Wconversion>> on a host with 64 bit <<bfd_vma>>'s.
-.{* Byte swapping macros for user section data. *}
-.#define bfd_put_8(abfd, val, ptr) \
-. (*((unsigned char *)(ptr)) = (unsigned char)(val))
-.#define bfd_put_signed_8 \
-. bfd_put_8
-.#define bfd_get_8(abfd, ptr) \
-. (*(unsigned char *)(ptr))
-.#define bfd_get_signed_8(abfd, ptr) \
-. ((*(unsigned char *)(ptr) ^ 0x80) - 0x80)
-.#define bfd_put_16(abfd, val, ptr) \
-. BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_putx16, ((val),(ptr)))
-.#define bfd_put_signed_16 \
-. bfd_put_16
-.#define bfd_get_16(abfd, ptr) \
-. BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_getx16, (ptr))
-.#define bfd_get_signed_16(abfd, ptr) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, bfd_getx_signed_16, (ptr))
-.#define bfd_put_32(abfd, val, ptr) \
-. BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_putx32, ((val),(ptr)))
-.#define bfd_put_signed_32 \
-. bfd_put_32
-.#define bfd_get_32(abfd, ptr) \
-. BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_getx32, (ptr))
-.#define bfd_get_signed_32(abfd, ptr) \
-. BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_getx_signed_32, (ptr))
-.#define bfd_put_64(abfd, val, ptr) \
-. BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_putx64, ((val), (ptr)))
-.#define bfd_put_signed_64 \
-. bfd_put_64
-.#define bfd_get_64(abfd, ptr) \
-. BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_getx64, (ptr))
-.#define bfd_get_signed_64(abfd, ptr) \
-. BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_getx_signed_64, (ptr))
- bfd_h_put_size
- bfd_h_get_size
- These macros have the same function as their <<bfd_get_x>>
- bretheren, except that they are used for removing information
- for the header records of object files. Believe it or not,
- some object files keep their header records in big endian
- order and their data in little endian order.
-.{* Byte swapping macros for file header data. *}
-.#define bfd_h_put_8(abfd, val, ptr) \
-. bfd_put_8 (abfd, val, ptr)
-.#define bfd_h_put_signed_8(abfd, val, ptr) \
-. bfd_put_8 (abfd, val, ptr)
-.#define bfd_h_get_8(abfd, ptr) \
-. bfd_get_8 (abfd, ptr)
-.#define bfd_h_get_signed_8(abfd, ptr) \
-. bfd_get_signed_8 (abfd, ptr)
-.#define bfd_h_put_16(abfd, val, ptr) \
-. BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_putx16,(val,ptr))
-.#define bfd_h_put_signed_16 \
-. bfd_h_put_16
-.#define bfd_h_get_16(abfd, ptr) \
-. BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_getx16,(ptr))
-.#define bfd_h_get_signed_16(abfd, ptr) \
-. BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_getx_signed_16, (ptr))
-.#define bfd_h_put_32(abfd, val, ptr) \
-. BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_putx32,(val,ptr))
-.#define bfd_h_put_signed_32 \
-. bfd_h_put_32
-.#define bfd_h_get_32(abfd, ptr) \
-. BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_getx32,(ptr))
-.#define bfd_h_get_signed_32(abfd, ptr) \
-. BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_getx_signed_32, (ptr))
-.#define bfd_h_put_64(abfd, val, ptr) \
-. BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_putx64,(val, ptr))
-.#define bfd_h_put_signed_64 \
-. bfd_h_put_64
-.#define bfd_h_get_64(abfd, ptr) \
-. BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_getx64,(ptr))
-.#define bfd_h_get_signed_64(abfd, ptr) \
-. BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_getx_signed_64, (ptr))
-/* Sign extension to bfd_signed_vma. */
-#define COERCE16(x) (((bfd_signed_vma) (x) ^ 0x8000) - 0x8000)
-#define COERCE32(x) (((bfd_signed_vma) (x) ^ 0x80000000) - 0x80000000)
-#define EIGHT_GAZILLION (((BFD_HOST_64_BIT)0x80000000) << 32)
-#define COERCE64(x) \
- (((bfd_signed_vma) (x) ^ EIGHT_GAZILLION) - EIGHT_GAZILLION)
-bfd_getb16 (addr)
- register const bfd_byte *addr;
- return (addr[0] << 8) | addr[1];
-bfd_getl16 (addr)
- register const bfd_byte *addr;
- return (addr[1] << 8) | addr[0];
-bfd_getb_signed_16 (addr)
- register const bfd_byte *addr;
- return COERCE16((addr[0] << 8) | addr[1]);
-bfd_getl_signed_16 (addr)
- register const bfd_byte *addr;
- return COERCE16((addr[1] << 8) | addr[0]);
-bfd_putb16 (data, addr)
- bfd_vma data;
- register bfd_byte *addr;
- addr[0] = (bfd_byte)(data >> 8);
- addr[1] = (bfd_byte )data;
-bfd_putl16 (data, addr)
- bfd_vma data;
- register bfd_byte *addr;
- addr[0] = (bfd_byte )data;
- addr[1] = (bfd_byte)(data >> 8);
-bfd_getb32 (addr)
- register const bfd_byte *addr;
- return (((((bfd_vma)addr[0] << 8) | addr[1]) << 8)
- | addr[2]) << 8 | addr[3];
-bfd_getl32 (addr)
- register const bfd_byte *addr;
- return (((((bfd_vma)addr[3] << 8) | addr[2]) << 8)
- | addr[1]) << 8 | addr[0];
-bfd_getb_signed_32 (addr)
- register const bfd_byte *addr;
- return COERCE32((((((bfd_vma)addr[0] << 8) | addr[1]) << 8)
- | addr[2]) << 8 | addr[3]);
-bfd_getl_signed_32 (addr)
- register const bfd_byte *addr;
- return COERCE32((((((bfd_vma)addr[3] << 8) | addr[2]) << 8)
- | addr[1]) << 8 | addr[0]);
-bfd_getb64 (addr)
- register const bfd_byte *addr;
-#ifdef BFD64
- bfd_vma low, high;
- high= ((((((((addr[0]) << 8) |
- addr[1]) << 8) |
- addr[2]) << 8) |
- addr[3]) );
- low = (((((((((bfd_vma)addr[4]) << 8) |
- addr[5]) << 8) |
- addr[6]) << 8) |
- addr[7]));
- return high << 32 | low;
- return 0;
-bfd_getl64 (addr)
- register const bfd_byte *addr;
-#ifdef BFD64
- bfd_vma low, high;
- high= (((((((addr[7] << 8) |
- addr[6]) << 8) |
- addr[5]) << 8) |
- addr[4]));
- low = ((((((((bfd_vma)addr[3] << 8) |
- addr[2]) << 8) |
- addr[1]) << 8) |
- addr[0]) );
- return high << 32 | low;
- return 0;
-bfd_getb_signed_64 (addr)
- register const bfd_byte *addr;
-#ifdef BFD64
- bfd_vma low, high;
- high= ((((((((addr[0]) << 8) |
- addr[1]) << 8) |
- addr[2]) << 8) |
- addr[3]) );
- low = (((((((((bfd_vma)addr[4]) << 8) |
- addr[5]) << 8) |
- addr[6]) << 8) |
- addr[7]));
- return COERCE64(high << 32 | low);
- return 0;
-bfd_getl_signed_64 (addr)
- register const bfd_byte *addr;
-#ifdef BFD64
- bfd_vma low, high;
- high= (((((((addr[7] << 8) |
- addr[6]) << 8) |
- addr[5]) << 8) |
- addr[4]));
- low = ((((((((bfd_vma)addr[3] << 8) |
- addr[2]) << 8) |
- addr[1]) << 8) |
- addr[0]) );
- return COERCE64(high << 32 | low);
- return 0;
-bfd_putb32 (data, addr)
- bfd_vma data;
- register bfd_byte *addr;
- addr[0] = (bfd_byte)(data >> 24);
- addr[1] = (bfd_byte)(data >> 16);
- addr[2] = (bfd_byte)(data >> 8);
- addr[3] = (bfd_byte)data;
-bfd_putl32 (data, addr)
- bfd_vma data;
- register bfd_byte *addr;
- addr[0] = (bfd_byte)data;
- addr[1] = (bfd_byte)(data >> 8);
- addr[2] = (bfd_byte)(data >> 16);
- addr[3] = (bfd_byte)(data >> 24);
-bfd_putb64 (data, addr)
- bfd_vma data;
- register bfd_byte *addr;
-#ifdef BFD64
- addr[0] = (bfd_byte)(data >> (7*8));
- addr[1] = (bfd_byte)(data >> (6*8));
- addr[2] = (bfd_byte)(data >> (5*8));
- addr[3] = (bfd_byte)(data >> (4*8));
- addr[4] = (bfd_byte)(data >> (3*8));
- addr[5] = (bfd_byte)(data >> (2*8));
- addr[6] = (bfd_byte)(data >> (1*8));
- addr[7] = (bfd_byte)(data >> (0*8));
-bfd_putl64 (data, addr)
- bfd_vma data;
- register bfd_byte *addr;
-#ifdef BFD64
- addr[7] = (bfd_byte)(data >> (7*8));
- addr[6] = (bfd_byte)(data >> (6*8));
- addr[5] = (bfd_byte)(data >> (5*8));
- addr[4] = (bfd_byte)(data >> (4*8));
- addr[3] = (bfd_byte)(data >> (3*8));
- addr[2] = (bfd_byte)(data >> (2*8));
- addr[1] = (bfd_byte)(data >> (1*8));
- addr[0] = (bfd_byte)(data >> (0*8));
-/* Default implementation */
-_bfd_generic_get_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- if (count == 0)
- return true;
- if ((bfd_size_type)(offset+count) > section->_raw_size
- || bfd_seek(abfd, (file_ptr)(section->filepos + offset), SEEK_SET) == -1
- || bfd_read(location, (bfd_size_type)1, count, abfd) != count)
- return (false); /* on error */
- return (true);
-_bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window (abfd, section, w, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- bfd_window *w;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
-#ifdef USE_MMAP
- if (count == 0)
- return true;
- if (abfd->xvec->_bfd_get_section_contents != _bfd_generic_get_section_contents)
- {
- /* We don't know what changes the bfd's get_section_contents
- method may have to make. So punt trying to map the file
- window, and let get_section_contents do its thing. */
- /* @@ FIXME : If the internal window has a refcount of 1 and was
- allocated with malloc instead of mmap, just reuse it. */
- bfd_free_window (w);
- w->i = (bfd_window_internal *) bfd_zmalloc (sizeof (bfd_window_internal));
- if (w->i == NULL)
- return false;
- w->i->data = (PTR) bfd_malloc ((size_t) count);
- if (w->i->data == NULL)
- {
- free (w->i);
- w->i = NULL;
- return false;
- }
- w->i->mapped = 0;
- w->i->refcount = 1;
- w->size = w->i->size = count;
- w->data = w->i->data;
- return bfd_get_section_contents (abfd, section, w->data, offset, count);
- }
- if ((bfd_size_type) (offset+count) > section->_raw_size
- || (bfd_get_file_window (abfd, section->filepos + offset, count, w, true)
- == false))
- return false;
- return true;
- abort ();
-/* This generic function can only be used in implementations where creating
- NEW sections is disallowed. It is useful in patching existing sections
- in read-write files, though. See other set_section_contents functions
- to see why it doesn't work for new sections. */
-_bfd_generic_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- if (count == 0)
- return true;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) (section->filepos + offset), SEEK_SET) == -1
- || bfd_write (location, (bfd_size_type) 1, count, abfd) != count)
- return false;
- return true;
- bfd_log2
- unsigned int bfd_log2(bfd_vma x);
- Return the log base 2 of the value supplied, rounded up. E.g., an
- @var{x} of 1025 returns 11.
- bfd_vma x;
- unsigned result = 0;
- while ( (bfd_vma)(1<< result) < x)
- result++;
- return result;
-bfd_generic_is_local_label (abfd, sym)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *sym;
- char locals_prefix = (bfd_get_symbol_leading_char (abfd) == '_') ? 'L' : '.';
- return (sym->name[0] == locals_prefix);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libbfd.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/libbfd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cf504cdc751..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libbfd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,735 +0,0 @@
-/* libbfd.h -- Declarations used by bfd library *implementation*.
- (This include file is not for users of the library.)
- Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-** NOTE: libbfd.h is a GENERATED file. Don't change it; instead,
-** change libbfd-in.h or the other BFD source files processed to
-** generate this file.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Align an address upward to a boundary, expressed as a number of bytes.
- E.g. align to an 8-byte boundary with argument of 8. */
-#define BFD_ALIGN(this, boundary) \
- ((( (this) + ((boundary) -1)) & (~((boundary)-1))))
-/* If you want to read and write large blocks, you might want to do it
- in quanta of this amount */
-/* Set a tdata field. Can't use the other macros for this, since they
- do casts, and casting to the left of assignment isn't portable. */
-#define set_tdata(bfd, v) ((bfd)->tdata.any = (PTR) (v))
-/* If BFD_IN_MEMORY is set for a BFD, then the iostream fields points
- to an instance of this structure. */
-struct bfd_in_memory
- /* Size of buffer. */
- bfd_size_type size;
- /* Buffer holding contents of BFD. */
- bfd_byte *buffer;
-/* tdata for an archive. For an input archive, cache
- needs to be free()'d. For an output archive, symdefs do. */
-struct artdata {
- file_ptr first_file_filepos;
- /* Speed up searching the armap */
- struct ar_cache *cache;
- bfd *archive_head; /* Only interesting in output routines */
- carsym *symdefs; /* the symdef entries */
- symindex symdef_count; /* how many there are */
- char *extended_names; /* clever intel extension */
- /* when more compilers are standard C, this can be a time_t */
- long armap_timestamp; /* Timestamp value written into armap.
- This is used for BSD archives to check
- that the timestamp is recent enough
- for the BSD linker to not complain,
- just before we finish writing an
- archive. */
- file_ptr armap_datepos; /* Position within archive to seek to
- rewrite the date field. */
- PTR tdata; /* Backend specific information. */
-#define bfd_ardata(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.aout_ar_data)
-/* Goes in bfd's arelt_data slot */
-struct areltdata {
- char * arch_header; /* it's actually a string */
- unsigned int parsed_size; /* octets of filesize not including ar_hdr */
- char *filename; /* null-terminated */
-#define arelt_size(bfd) (((struct areltdata *)((bfd)->arelt_data))->parsed_size)
-extern PTR bfd_malloc PARAMS ((size_t));
-extern PTR bfd_realloc PARAMS ((PTR, size_t));
-extern PTR bfd_zmalloc PARAMS ((size_t));
-extern bfd_error_handler_type _bfd_error_handler;
-/* These routines allocate and free things on the BFD's obstack. */
-PTR bfd_alloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, size_t size));
-PTR bfd_zalloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, size_t size));
-void bfd_alloc_grow PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, PTR thing, size_t size));
-PTR bfd_alloc_finish PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-PTR bfd_alloc_by_size_t PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, size_t wanted));
-#define bfd_release(x,y) (void) obstack_free(&(x->memory),y)
-bfd * _bfd_create_empty_archive_element_shell PARAMS ((bfd *obfd));
-bfd * _bfd_look_for_bfd_in_cache PARAMS ((bfd *arch_bfd, file_ptr index));
-boolean _bfd_add_bfd_to_archive_cache PARAMS ((bfd *, file_ptr, bfd *));
-boolean _bfd_generic_mkarchive PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-const bfd_target *bfd_generic_archive_p PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-boolean bfd_slurp_armap PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-boolean bfd_slurp_bsd_armap_f2 PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-#define bfd_slurp_bsd_armap bfd_slurp_armap
-#define bfd_slurp_coff_armap bfd_slurp_armap
-boolean _bfd_slurp_extended_name_table PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-extern boolean _bfd_construct_extended_name_table
- PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, char **, bfd_size_type *));
-boolean _bfd_write_archive_contents PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-boolean _bfd_compute_and_write_armap PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int elength));
-bfd *_bfd_get_elt_at_filepos PARAMS ((bfd *archive, file_ptr filepos));
-extern bfd *_bfd_generic_get_elt_at_index PARAMS ((bfd *, symindex));
-bfd * _bfd_new_bfd PARAMS ((void));
-boolean bfd_false PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
-boolean bfd_true PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
-PTR bfd_nullvoidptr PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
-int bfd_0 PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
-unsigned int bfd_0u PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
-long bfd_0l PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
-long _bfd_n1 PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
-void bfd_void PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
-bfd *_bfd_new_bfd_contained_in PARAMS ((bfd *));
-const bfd_target *_bfd_dummy_target PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-void bfd_dont_truncate_arname PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, CONST char *filename,
- char *hdr));
-void bfd_bsd_truncate_arname PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, CONST char *filename,
- char *hdr));
-void bfd_gnu_truncate_arname PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, CONST char *filename,
- char *hdr));
-boolean bsd_write_armap PARAMS ((bfd *arch, unsigned int elength,
- struct orl *map, unsigned int orl_count, int stridx));
-boolean coff_write_armap PARAMS ((bfd *arch, unsigned int elength,
- struct orl *map, unsigned int orl_count, int stridx));
-extern PTR _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern PTR _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr_mag PARAMS ((bfd *, const char *));
-bfd * bfd_generic_openr_next_archived_file PARAMS ((bfd *archive,
- bfd *last_file));
-int bfd_generic_stat_arch_elt PARAMS ((bfd *, struct stat *));
-#define _bfd_read_ar_hdr(abfd) \
- BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_read_ar_hdr_fn, (abfd))
-/* Generic routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC. Use
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC (_bfd_generic). */
-#define _bfd_generic_close_and_cleanup bfd_true
-#define _bfd_generic_bfd_free_cached_info bfd_true
-#define _bfd_generic_new_section_hook \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *))) bfd_true)
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_get_section_contents
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR location, file_ptr offset,
- bfd_size_type count));
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, bfd_window *, file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-/* Generic routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY. Use
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic). */
-#define _bfd_generic_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *))) bfd_true)
-#define _bfd_generic_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *))) bfd_true)
-#define _bfd_generic_bfd_set_private_flags \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, flagword))) bfd_true)
-#define _bfd_generic_bfd_copy_private_section_data \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, bfd *, asection *))) bfd_true)
-#define _bfd_generic_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, bfd *, asymbol *))) bfd_true)
-#define _bfd_generic_bfd_print_private_bfd_data \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR))) bfd_true)
-/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE when there is no core file
- support. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore). */
-extern char *_bfd_nocore_core_file_failing_command PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern int _bfd_nocore_core_file_failing_signal PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern boolean _bfd_nocore_core_file_matches_executable_p
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE when there is no archive
- file support. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive). */
-#define _bfd_noarchive_slurp_armap bfd_false
-#define _bfd_noarchive_slurp_extended_name_table bfd_false
-#define _bfd_noarchive_construct_extended_name_table \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, char **, bfd_size_type *, const char **))) \
- bfd_false)
-#define _bfd_noarchive_truncate_arname \
- ((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, const char *, char *))) bfd_void)
-#define _bfd_noarchive_write_armap \
- ((boolean (*) \
- PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int, struct orl *, unsigned int, int))) \
- bfd_false)
-#define _bfd_noarchive_read_ar_hdr bfd_nullvoidptr
-#define _bfd_noarchive_openr_next_archived_file \
- ((bfd *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
-#define _bfd_noarchive_get_elt_at_index \
- ((bfd *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, symindex))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
-#define _bfd_noarchive_generic_stat_arch_elt bfd_generic_stat_arch_elt
-#define _bfd_noarchive_update_armap_timestamp bfd_false
-/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE to get BSD style
- archives. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_bsd). */
-#define _bfd_archive_bsd_slurp_armap bfd_slurp_bsd_armap
-#define _bfd_archive_bsd_slurp_extended_name_table \
- _bfd_slurp_extended_name_table
-extern boolean _bfd_archive_bsd_construct_extended_name_table
- PARAMS ((bfd *, char **, bfd_size_type *, const char **));
-#define _bfd_archive_bsd_truncate_arname bfd_bsd_truncate_arname
-#define _bfd_archive_bsd_write_armap bsd_write_armap
-#define _bfd_archive_bsd_read_ar_hdr _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr
-#define _bfd_archive_bsd_openr_next_archived_file \
- bfd_generic_openr_next_archived_file
-#define _bfd_archive_bsd_get_elt_at_index _bfd_generic_get_elt_at_index
-#define _bfd_archive_bsd_generic_stat_arch_elt \
- bfd_generic_stat_arch_elt
-extern boolean _bfd_archive_bsd_update_armap_timestamp PARAMS ((bfd *));
-/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE to get COFF style
- archives. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff). */
-#define _bfd_archive_coff_slurp_armap bfd_slurp_coff_armap
-#define _bfd_archive_coff_slurp_extended_name_table \
- _bfd_slurp_extended_name_table
-extern boolean _bfd_archive_coff_construct_extended_name_table
- PARAMS ((bfd *, char **, bfd_size_type *, const char **));
-#define _bfd_archive_coff_truncate_arname bfd_dont_truncate_arname
-#define _bfd_archive_coff_write_armap coff_write_armap
-#define _bfd_archive_coff_read_ar_hdr _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr
-#define _bfd_archive_coff_openr_next_archived_file \
- bfd_generic_openr_next_archived_file
-#define _bfd_archive_coff_get_elt_at_index _bfd_generic_get_elt_at_index
-#define _bfd_archive_coff_generic_stat_arch_elt \
- bfd_generic_stat_arch_elt
-#define _bfd_archive_coff_update_armap_timestamp bfd_true
-/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_SYMBOLS where there is no symbol
- support. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_SYMBOLS (_bfd_nosymbols). */
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_get_symtab_upper_bound _bfd_n1
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_get_symtab \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **))) _bfd_n1)
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_make_empty_symbol \
- ((asymbol *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_print_symbol \
- ((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, asymbol *, bfd_print_symbol_type))) bfd_void)
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_get_symbol_info \
- ((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, symbol_info *))) bfd_void)
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_is_local_label \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *))) bfd_false)
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno \
- ((alent *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_find_nearest_line \
- ((boolean (*) \
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, asymbol **, bfd_vma, const char **, \
- const char **, unsigned int *))) \
- bfd_false)
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol \
- ((asymbol *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, unsigned long))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_read_minisymbols \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, PTR *, unsigned int *))) _bfd_n1)
-#define _bfd_nosymbols_minisymbol_to_symbol \
- ((asymbol *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, const PTR, asymbol *))) \
- bfd_nullvoidptr)
-/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS when there is no reloc
- support. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS (_bfd_norelocs). */
-#define _bfd_norelocs_get_reloc_upper_bound \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *))) _bfd_n1)
-#define _bfd_norelocs_canonicalize_reloc \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent **, asymbol **))) _bfd_n1)
-#define _bfd_norelocs_bfd_reloc_type_lookup \
- ((reloc_howto_type *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_reloc_code_real_type))) \
- bfd_nullvoidptr)
-/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE for targets which may not
- be written. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_nowrite). */
-#define _bfd_nowrite_set_arch_mach \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, enum bfd_architecture, unsigned long))) \
- bfd_false)
-#define _bfd_nowrite_set_section_contents \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR, file_ptr, bfd_size_type))) \
- bfd_false)
-/* Generic routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE. Use
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_generic). */
-#define _bfd_generic_set_arch_mach bfd_default_set_arch_mach
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_set_section_contents
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR, file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK for targets which do not
- support linking. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (_bfd_nolink). */
-#define _bfd_nolink_sizeof_headers ((int (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean))) bfd_0)
-#define _bfd_nolink_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- ((bfd_byte *(*) \
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_order *, \
- bfd_byte *, boolean, asymbol **))) \
- bfd_nullvoidptr)
-#define _bfd_nolink_bfd_relax_section \
- ((boolean (*) \
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *))) \
- bfd_false)
-#define _bfd_nolink_bfd_link_hash_table_create \
- ((struct bfd_link_hash_table *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
-#define _bfd_nolink_bfd_link_add_symbols \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *))) bfd_false)
-#define _bfd_nolink_bfd_final_link \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *))) bfd_false)
-#define _bfd_nolink_bfd_link_split_section \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct sec *))) bfd_false)
-/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC for targets which do not
- have dynamic symbols or relocs. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC
- (_bfd_nodynamic). */
-#define _bfd_nodynamic_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound _bfd_n1
-#define _bfd_nodynamic_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **))) _bfd_n1)
-#define _bfd_nodynamic_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound _bfd_n1
-#define _bfd_nodynamic_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent **, asymbol **))) _bfd_n1)
-/* Generic routine to determine of the given symbol is a local
- label. */
-extern boolean bfd_generic_is_local_label PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
-/* Generic minisymbol routines. */
-extern long _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, PTR *, unsigned int *));
-extern asymbol *_bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol
- PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, const PTR, asymbol *));
-/* Find the nearest line using .stab/.stabstr sections. */
-extern boolean _bfd_stab_section_find_nearest_line
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **, asection *, bfd_vma, boolean *, const char **,
- const char **, unsigned int *, PTR *));
-/* A routine to create entries for a bfd_link_hash_table. */
-extern struct bfd_hash_entry *_bfd_link_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *entry,
- struct bfd_hash_table *table,
- const char *string));
-/* Initialize a bfd_link_hash_table. */
-extern boolean _bfd_link_hash_table_init
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_table *, bfd *,
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *)));
-/* Generic link hash table creation routine. */
-extern struct bfd_link_hash_table *_bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-/* Generic add symbol routine. */
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-/* Generic add symbol routine. This version is used by targets for
- which the linker must collect constructors and destructors by name,
- as the collect2 program does. */
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols_collect
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-/* Generic archive add symbol routine. */
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *,
- boolean (*checkfn) (bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *)));
-/* Forward declaration to avoid prototype errors. */
-typedef struct bfd_link_hash_entry _bfd_link_hash_entry;
-/* Generic routine to add a single symbol. */
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, const char *name, flagword,
- asection *, bfd_vma, const char *, boolean copy,
- boolean constructor, struct bfd_link_hash_entry **));
-/* Generic link routine. */
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_final_link
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_split_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct sec *));
-/* Generic reloc_link_order processing routine. */
-extern boolean _bfd_generic_reloc_link_order
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, asection *,
- struct bfd_link_order *));
-/* Default link order processing routine. */
-extern boolean _bfd_default_link_order
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, asection *,
- struct bfd_link_order *));
-/* Count the number of reloc entries in a link order list. */
-extern unsigned int _bfd_count_link_order_relocs
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_order *));
-/* Final link relocation routine. */
-extern bfd_reloc_status_type _bfd_final_link_relocate
- PARAMS ((reloc_howto_type *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *,
- bfd_vma address, bfd_vma value, bfd_vma addend));
-/* Relocate a particular location by a howto and a value. */
-extern bfd_reloc_status_type _bfd_relocate_contents
- PARAMS ((reloc_howto_type *, bfd *, bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
-/* Create a string table. */
-extern struct bfd_strtab_hash *_bfd_stringtab_init PARAMS ((void));
-/* Create an XCOFF .debug section style string table. */
-extern struct bfd_strtab_hash *_bfd_xcoff_stringtab_init PARAMS ((void));
-/* Free a string table. */
-extern void _bfd_stringtab_free PARAMS ((struct bfd_strtab_hash *));
-/* Get the size of a string table. */
-extern bfd_size_type _bfd_stringtab_size PARAMS ((struct bfd_strtab_hash *));
-/* Add a string to a string table. */
-extern bfd_size_type _bfd_stringtab_add
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_strtab_hash *, const char *, boolean hash,
- boolean copy));
-/* Write out a string table. */
-extern boolean _bfd_stringtab_emit PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_strtab_hash *));
-/* Macros to tell if bfds are read or write enabled.
- Note that bfds open for read may be scribbled into if the fd passed
- to bfd_fdopenr is actually open both for read and write
- simultaneously. However an output bfd will never be open for
- read. Therefore sometimes you want to check bfd_read_p or
- !bfd_read_p, and only sometimes bfd_write_p.
-#define bfd_read_p(abfd) ((abfd)->direction == read_direction || (abfd)->direction == both_direction)
-#define bfd_write_p(abfd) ((abfd)->direction == write_direction || (abfd)->direction == both_direction)
-void bfd_assert PARAMS ((const char*,int));
-#define BFD_ASSERT(x) \
-{ if (!(x)) bfd_assert(__FILE__,__LINE__); }
-#define BFD_FAIL() \
-{ bfd_assert(__FILE__,__LINE__); }
-FILE * bfd_cache_lookup_worker PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern bfd *bfd_last_cache;
-/* Now Steve, what's the story here? */
-#ifdef lint
-#define itos(x) "l"
-#define stoi(x) 1
-#define itos(x) ((char*)(x))
-#define stoi(x) ((int)(x))
-/* List of supported target vectors, and the default vector (if
- bfd_default_vector[0] is NULL, there is no default). */
-extern const bfd_target * const bfd_target_vector[];
-extern const bfd_target * const bfd_default_vector[];
-/* Functions shared by the ECOFF and MIPS ELF backends, which have no
- other common header files. */
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(ALMOST_STDC)
-struct ecoff_find_line;
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_locate_line
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, bfd_vma, struct ecoff_debug_info * const,
- const struct ecoff_debug_swap * const, struct ecoff_find_line *,
- const char **, const char **, unsigned int *));
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_get_accumulated_pdr PARAMS ((PTR, bfd_byte *));
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_get_accumulated_sym PARAMS ((PTR, bfd_byte *));
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_get_accumulated_ss PARAMS ((PTR, bfd_byte *));
-extern bfd_vma _bfd_get_gp_value PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern void _bfd_set_gp_value PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_vma));
-/* And more follows */
-bfd_write_bigendian_4byte_int PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, int i));
-unsigned int
-bfd_log2 PARAMS ((bfd_vma x));
-#define BFD_CACHE_MAX_OPEN 10
-extern bfd *bfd_last_cache;
-#define bfd_cache_lookup(x) \
- ((x)==bfd_last_cache? \
- (FILE*)(bfd_last_cache->iostream): \
- bfd_cache_lookup_worker(x))
-bfd_cache_init PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-bfd_cache_close PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-bfd_open_file PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-bfd_cache_lookup_worker PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-#ifdef _BFD_MAKE_TABLE_bfd_reloc_code_real
-static const char *const bfd_reloc_code_real_names[] = { "@@uninitialized@@",
- "BFD_RELOC_64",
- "BFD_RELOC_32",
- "BFD_RELOC_26",
- "BFD_RELOC_16",
- "BFD_RELOC_14",
- "BFD_RELOC_8",
- "BFD_RELOC_8_FFnn",
- "BFD_RELOC_386_GOT32",
- "BFD_RELOC_386_PLT32",
- "@@overflow: BFD_RELOC_UNUSED@@",
-reloc_howto_type *
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, bfd_reloc_code_real_type code));
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- asection *section,
- struct bfd_link_info *,
- boolean *));
-bfd_byte *
-bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info,
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order,
- bfd_byte *data,
- boolean relocateable,
- asymbol **symbols));
-extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_default_arch_struct;
-bfd_default_set_arch_mach PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
- enum bfd_architecture arch,
- unsigned long mach));
-const bfd_arch_info_type *
- PARAMS ((const bfd_arch_info_type *a,
- const bfd_arch_info_type *b));
-bfd_default_scan PARAMS ((const struct bfd_arch_info *info, const char *string));
-struct elf_internal_shdr *
-bfd_elf_find_section PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, char *name));
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libcoff-in.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/libcoff-in.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 648ed8066386..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libcoff-in.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD COFF object file private structure.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-** NOTE: libcoff.h is a GENERATED file. Don't change it; instead,
-** change libcoff-in.h or coffcode.h.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-/* Object file tdata; access macros */
-#define coff_data(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.coff_obj_data)
-#define exec_hdr(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->hdr)
-#define obj_pe(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->pe)
-#define obj_symbols(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->symbols)
-#define obj_sym_filepos(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->sym_filepos)
-#define obj_relocbase(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->relocbase)
-#define obj_raw_syments(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->raw_syments)
-#define obj_raw_syment_count(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->raw_syment_count)
-#define obj_convert(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->conversion_table)
-#define obj_conv_table_size(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->conv_table_size)
-#define obj_coff_external_syms(bfd) (coff_data (bfd)->external_syms)
-#define obj_coff_keep_syms(bfd) (coff_data (bfd)->keep_syms)
-#define obj_coff_strings(bfd) (coff_data (bfd)->strings)
-#define obj_coff_keep_strings(bfd) (coff_data (bfd)->keep_strings)
-#define obj_coff_sym_hashes(bfd) (coff_data (bfd)->sym_hashes)
-#define obj_coff_local_toc_table(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->local_toc_sym_map)
-/* `Tdata' information kept for COFF files. */
-typedef struct coff_tdata
- struct coff_symbol_struct *symbols; /* symtab for input bfd */
- unsigned int *conversion_table;
- int conv_table_size;
- file_ptr sym_filepos;
- struct coff_ptr_struct *raw_syments;
- unsigned int raw_syment_count;
- /* These are only valid once writing has begun */
- long int relocbase;
- /* These members communicate important constants about the symbol table
- to GDB's symbol-reading code. These `constants' unfortunately vary
- from coff implementation to implementation... */
- unsigned local_n_btmask;
- unsigned local_n_btshft;
- unsigned local_n_tmask;
- unsigned local_n_tshift;
- unsigned local_symesz;
- unsigned local_auxesz;
- unsigned local_linesz;
- /* The unswapped external symbols. May be NULL. Read by
- _bfd_coff_get_external_symbols. */
- PTR external_syms;
- /* If this is true, the external_syms may not be freed. */
- boolean keep_syms;
- /* The string table. May be NULL. Read by
- _bfd_coff_read_string_table. */
- char *strings;
- /* If this is true, the strings may not be freed. */
- boolean keep_strings;
- /* is this a PE format coff file */
- int pe;
- /* Used by the COFF backend linker. */
- struct coff_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- /* used by the pe linker for PowerPC */
- int *local_toc_sym_map;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- /* Used by coff_find_nearest_line. */
- PTR line_info;
-} coff_data_type;
-/* Tdata for pe image files. */
-typedef struct pe_tdata
- coff_data_type coff;
- struct internal_extra_pe_aouthdr pe_opthdr;
- int dll;
- int has_reloc_section;
- boolean (*in_reloc_p) PARAMS((bfd *, reloc_howto_type *));
- flagword real_flags;
-} pe_data_type;
-#define pe_data(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.pe_obj_data)
-/* Tdata for XCOFF files. */
-struct xcoff_tdata
- /* Basic COFF information. */
- coff_data_type coff;
- /* True if a large a.out header should be generated. */
- boolean full_aouthdr;
- /* TOC value. */
- bfd_vma toc;
- /* Index of section holding TOC. */
- int sntoc;
- /* Index of section holding entry point. */
- int snentry;
- /* .text alignment from optional header. */
- int text_align_power;
- /* .data alignment from optional header. */
- int data_align_power;
- /* modtype from optional header. */
- short modtype;
- /* cputype from optional header. */
- short cputype;
- /* maxdata from optional header. */
- bfd_size_type maxdata;
- /* maxstack from optional header. */
- bfd_size_type maxstack;
- /* Used by the XCOFF backend linker. */
- asection **csects;
- unsigned long *debug_indices;
- unsigned int import_file_id;
-#define xcoff_data(abfd) ((abfd)->tdata.xcoff_obj_data)
-/* We take the address of the first element of a asymbol to ensure that the
- * macro is only ever applied to an asymbol. */
-#define coffsymbol(asymbol) ((coff_symbol_type *)(&((asymbol)->the_bfd)))
-/* The used_by_bfd field of a section may be set to a pointer to this
- structure. */
-struct coff_section_tdata
- /* The relocs, swapped into COFF internal form. This may be NULL. */
- struct internal_reloc *relocs;
- /* If this is true, the relocs entry may not be freed. */
- boolean keep_relocs;
- /* The section contents. This may be NULL. */
- bfd_byte *contents;
- /* If this is true, the contents entry may not be freed. */
- boolean keep_contents;
- /* Information cached by coff_find_nearest_line. */
- bfd_vma offset;
- unsigned int i;
- const char *function;
- int line_base;
- /* Available for individual backends. */
- PTR tdata;
-/* An accessor macro for the coff_section_tdata structure. */
-#define coff_section_data(abfd, sec) \
- ((struct coff_section_tdata *) (sec)->used_by_bfd)
-/* Tdata for sections in XCOFF files. This is used by the linker. */
-struct xcoff_section_tdata
- /* Used for XCOFF csects created by the linker; points to the real
- XCOFF section which contains this csect. */
- asection *enclosing;
- /* The lineno_count field for the enclosing section, because we are
- going to clobber it there. */
- unsigned int lineno_count;
- /* The first and one past the last symbol indices for symbols used
- by this csect. */
- unsigned long first_symndx;
- unsigned long last_symndx;
-/* An accessor macro the xcoff_section_tdata structure. */
-#define xcoff_section_data(abfd, sec) \
- ((struct xcoff_section_tdata *) coff_section_data ((abfd), (sec))->tdata)
-/* COFF linker hash table entries. */
-struct coff_link_hash_entry
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry root;
- /* Symbol index in output file. Set to -1 initially. Set to -2 if
- there is a reloc against this symbol. */
- long indx;
- /* Symbol type. */
- unsigned short type;
- /* Symbol class. */
- unsigned char class;
- /* Number of auxiliary entries. */
- char numaux;
- /* BFD to take auxiliary entries from. */
- bfd *auxbfd;
- /* Pointer to array of auxiliary entries, if any. */
- union internal_auxent *aux;
-/* COFF linker hash table. */
-struct coff_link_hash_table
- struct bfd_link_hash_table root;
-/* Look up an entry in a COFF linker hash table. */
-#define coff_link_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy, follow) \
- ((struct coff_link_hash_entry *) \
- bfd_link_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), \
- (copy), (follow)))
-/* Traverse a COFF linker hash table. */
-#define coff_link_hash_traverse(table, func, info) \
- (bfd_link_hash_traverse \
- (&(table)->root, \
- (boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_entry *, PTR))) (func), \
- (info)))
-/* Get the COFF linker hash table from a link_info structure. */
-#define coff_hash_table(p) ((struct coff_link_hash_table *) ((p)->hash))
-/* Functions in coffgen.c. */
-extern const bfd_target *coff_object_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern struct sec *coff_section_from_bfd_index PARAMS ((bfd *, int));
-extern long coff_get_symtab_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern long coff_get_symtab PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **));
-extern int coff_count_linenumbers PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern struct coff_symbol_struct *coff_symbol_from PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
-extern boolean coff_renumber_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *, int *));
-extern void coff_mangle_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern boolean coff_write_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern boolean coff_write_linenumbers PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern alent *coff_get_lineno PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
-extern asymbol *coff_section_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *, char *));
-extern boolean _bfd_coff_get_external_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern const char *_bfd_coff_read_string_table PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern boolean _bfd_coff_free_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern struct coff_ptr_struct *coff_get_normalized_symtab PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern long coff_get_reloc_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr));
-extern asymbol *coff_make_empty_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern void coff_print_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR filep, asymbol *,
- bfd_print_symbol_type how));
-extern void coff_get_symbol_info PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *,
- symbol_info *ret));
-extern asymbol *coff_bfd_make_debug_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR,
- unsigned long));
-extern boolean coff_find_nearest_line PARAMS ((bfd *,
- asection *,
- asymbol **,
- bfd_vma offset,
- CONST char **filename_ptr,
- CONST char **functionname_ptr,
- unsigned int *line_ptr));
-extern int coff_sizeof_headers PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean reloc));
-extern boolean bfd_coff_reloc16_relax_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *));
-extern bfd_byte *bfd_coff_reloc16_get_relocated_section_contents
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_order *,
- bfd_byte *, boolean relocateable, asymbol **));
-extern bfd_vma bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value PARAMS ((arelent *,
- struct bfd_link_info *,
- asection *));
-extern void bfd_perform_slip PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, unsigned int slip,
- asection *input_section,
- bfd_vma val));
-/* Functions and types in cofflink.c. */
-#define STRING_SIZE_SIZE (4)
-/* We use a hash table to merge identical enum, struct, and union
- definitions in the linker. */
-/* Information we keep for a single element (an enum value, a
- structure or union field) in the debug merge hash table. */
-struct coff_debug_merge_element
- /* Next element. */
- struct coff_debug_merge_element *next;
- /* Name. */
- const char *name;
- /* Type. */
- unsigned int type;
- /* Symbol index for complex type. */
- long tagndx;
-/* A linked list of debug merge entries for a given name. */
-struct coff_debug_merge_type
- /* Next type with the same name. */
- struct coff_debug_merge_type *next;
- /* Class of type. */
- int class;
- /* Symbol index where this type is defined. */
- long indx;
- /* List of elements. */
- struct coff_debug_merge_element *elements;
-/* Information we store in the debug merge hash table. */
-struct coff_debug_merge_hash_entry
- struct bfd_hash_entry root;
- /* A list of types with this name. */
- struct coff_debug_merge_type *types;
-/* The debug merge hash table. */
-struct coff_debug_merge_hash_table
- struct bfd_hash_table root;
-/* Initialize a COFF debug merge hash table. */
-#define coff_debug_merge_hash_table_init(table) \
- (bfd_hash_table_init (&(table)->root, _bfd_coff_debug_merge_hash_newfunc))
-/* Free a COFF debug merge hash table. */
-#define coff_debug_merge_hash_table_free(table) \
- (bfd_hash_table_free (&(table)->root))
-/* Look up an entry in a COFF debug merge hash table. */
-#define coff_debug_merge_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy) \
- ((struct coff_debug_merge_hash_entry *) \
- bfd_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), (copy)))
-/* Information we keep for each section in the output file when doing
- a relocateable link. */
-struct coff_link_section_info
- /* The relocs to be output. */
- struct internal_reloc *relocs;
- /* For each reloc against a global symbol whose index was not known
- when the reloc was handled, the global hash table entry. */
- struct coff_link_hash_entry **rel_hashes;
-/* Information that we pass around while doing the final link step. */
-struct coff_final_link_info
- /* General link information. */
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- /* Output BFD. */
- bfd *output_bfd;
- /* Used to indicate failure in traversal routine. */
- boolean failed;
- /* Hash table for long symbol names. */
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *strtab;
- /* When doing a relocateable link, an array of information kept for
- each output section, indexed by the target_index field. */
- struct coff_link_section_info *section_info;
- /* Symbol index of last C_FILE symbol (-1 if none). */
- long last_file_index;
- /* Contents of last C_FILE symbol. */
- struct internal_syment last_file;
- /* Hash table used to merge debug information. */
- struct coff_debug_merge_hash_table debug_merge;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold swapped symbols of any input file. */
- struct internal_syment *internal_syms;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold sections of symbols of any input file. */
- asection **sec_ptrs;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold output indices of symbols of any
- input file. */
- long *sym_indices;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold output symbols for any input file. */
- bfd_byte *outsyms;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold external line numbers for any input
- section. */
- bfd_byte *linenos;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold any input section. */
- bfd_byte *contents;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold external relocs of any input section. */
- bfd_byte *external_relocs;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold swapped relocs of any input section. */
- struct internal_reloc *internal_relocs;
-extern struct bfd_hash_entry *_bfd_coff_link_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
-extern boolean _bfd_coff_link_hash_table_init
- PARAMS ((struct coff_link_hash_table *, bfd *,
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *)));
-extern struct bfd_link_hash_table *_bfd_coff_link_hash_table_create
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern const char *_bfd_coff_internal_syment_name
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const struct internal_syment *, char *));
-extern boolean _bfd_coff_link_add_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean _bfd_coff_final_link
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern struct internal_reloc *_bfd_coff_read_internal_relocs
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, boolean, bfd_byte *, boolean,
- struct internal_reloc *));
-extern boolean _bfd_coff_generic_relocate_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *,
- struct internal_reloc *, struct internal_syment *, asection **));
-extern struct bfd_hash_entry *_bfd_coff_debug_merge_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
-extern boolean _bfd_coff_write_global_sym
- PARAMS ((struct coff_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
-extern boolean _bfd_coff_link_input_bfd
- PARAMS ((struct coff_final_link_info *, bfd *));
-extern boolean _bfd_coff_reloc_link_order
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct coff_final_link_info *, asection *,
- struct bfd_link_order *));
-#define coff_get_section_contents_in_window \
- _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
-/* Functions in xcofflink.c. */
-extern struct bfd_link_hash_table *_bfd_xcoff_bfd_link_hash_table_create
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern boolean _bfd_xcoff_bfd_link_add_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean _bfd_xcoff_bfd_final_link
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean _bfd_ppc_xcoff_relocate_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *,
- struct internal_reloc *, struct internal_syment *, asection **));
-/* And more taken from the source .. */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libcoff.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/libcoff.h
deleted file mode 100644
index daa39b52bd4e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libcoff.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,823 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD COFF object file private structure.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-** NOTE: libcoff.h is a GENERATED file. Don't change it; instead,
-** change libcoff-in.h or coffcode.h.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-/* Object file tdata; access macros */
-#define coff_data(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.coff_obj_data)
-#define exec_hdr(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->hdr)
-#define obj_pe(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->pe)
-#define obj_symbols(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->symbols)
-#define obj_sym_filepos(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->sym_filepos)
-#define obj_relocbase(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->relocbase)
-#define obj_raw_syments(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->raw_syments)
-#define obj_raw_syment_count(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->raw_syment_count)
-#define obj_convert(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->conversion_table)
-#define obj_conv_table_size(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->conv_table_size)
-#define obj_coff_external_syms(bfd) (coff_data (bfd)->external_syms)
-#define obj_coff_keep_syms(bfd) (coff_data (bfd)->keep_syms)
-#define obj_coff_strings(bfd) (coff_data (bfd)->strings)
-#define obj_coff_keep_strings(bfd) (coff_data (bfd)->keep_strings)
-#define obj_coff_sym_hashes(bfd) (coff_data (bfd)->sym_hashes)
-#define obj_coff_local_toc_table(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->local_toc_sym_map)
-/* `Tdata' information kept for COFF files. */
-typedef struct coff_tdata
- struct coff_symbol_struct *symbols; /* symtab for input bfd */
- unsigned int *conversion_table;
- int conv_table_size;
- file_ptr sym_filepos;
- struct coff_ptr_struct *raw_syments;
- unsigned int raw_syment_count;
- /* These are only valid once writing has begun */
- long int relocbase;
- /* These members communicate important constants about the symbol table
- to GDB's symbol-reading code. These `constants' unfortunately vary
- from coff implementation to implementation... */
- unsigned local_n_btmask;
- unsigned local_n_btshft;
- unsigned local_n_tmask;
- unsigned local_n_tshift;
- unsigned local_symesz;
- unsigned local_auxesz;
- unsigned local_linesz;
- /* The unswapped external symbols. May be NULL. Read by
- _bfd_coff_get_external_symbols. */
- PTR external_syms;
- /* If this is true, the external_syms may not be freed. */
- boolean keep_syms;
- /* The string table. May be NULL. Read by
- _bfd_coff_read_string_table. */
- char *strings;
- /* If this is true, the strings may not be freed. */
- boolean keep_strings;
- /* is this a PE format coff file */
- int pe;
- /* Used by the COFF backend linker. */
- struct coff_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- /* used by the pe linker for PowerPC */
- int *local_toc_sym_map;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- /* Used by coff_find_nearest_line. */
- PTR line_info;
-} coff_data_type;
-/* Tdata for pe image files. */
-typedef struct pe_tdata
- coff_data_type coff;
- struct internal_extra_pe_aouthdr pe_opthdr;
- int dll;
- int has_reloc_section;
- boolean (*in_reloc_p) PARAMS((bfd *, reloc_howto_type *));
- flagword real_flags;
-} pe_data_type;
-#define pe_data(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.pe_obj_data)
-/* Tdata for XCOFF files. */
-struct xcoff_tdata
- /* Basic COFF information. */
- coff_data_type coff;
- /* True if a large a.out header should be generated. */
- boolean full_aouthdr;
- /* TOC value. */
- bfd_vma toc;
- /* Index of section holding TOC. */
- int sntoc;
- /* Index of section holding entry point. */
- int snentry;
- /* .text alignment from optional header. */
- int text_align_power;
- /* .data alignment from optional header. */
- int data_align_power;
- /* modtype from optional header. */
- short modtype;
- /* cputype from optional header. */
- short cputype;
- /* maxdata from optional header. */
- bfd_size_type maxdata;
- /* maxstack from optional header. */
- bfd_size_type maxstack;
- /* Used by the XCOFF backend linker. */
- asection **csects;
- unsigned long *debug_indices;
- unsigned int import_file_id;
-#define xcoff_data(abfd) ((abfd)->tdata.xcoff_obj_data)
-/* We take the address of the first element of a asymbol to ensure that the
- * macro is only ever applied to an asymbol. */
-#define coffsymbol(asymbol) ((coff_symbol_type *)(&((asymbol)->the_bfd)))
-/* The used_by_bfd field of a section may be set to a pointer to this
- structure. */
-struct coff_section_tdata
- /* The relocs, swapped into COFF internal form. This may be NULL. */
- struct internal_reloc *relocs;
- /* If this is true, the relocs entry may not be freed. */
- boolean keep_relocs;
- /* The section contents. This may be NULL. */
- bfd_byte *contents;
- /* If this is true, the contents entry may not be freed. */
- boolean keep_contents;
- /* Information cached by coff_find_nearest_line. */
- bfd_vma offset;
- unsigned int i;
- const char *function;
- int line_base;
- /* Available for individual backends. */
- PTR tdata;
-/* An accessor macro for the coff_section_tdata structure. */
-#define coff_section_data(abfd, sec) \
- ((struct coff_section_tdata *) (sec)->used_by_bfd)
-/* Tdata for sections in XCOFF files. This is used by the linker. */
-struct xcoff_section_tdata
- /* Used for XCOFF csects created by the linker; points to the real
- XCOFF section which contains this csect. */
- asection *enclosing;
- /* The lineno_count field for the enclosing section, because we are
- going to clobber it there. */
- unsigned int lineno_count;
- /* The first and one past the last symbol indices for symbols used
- by this csect. */
- unsigned long first_symndx;
- unsigned long last_symndx;
-/* An accessor macro the xcoff_section_tdata structure. */
-#define xcoff_section_data(abfd, sec) \
- ((struct xcoff_section_tdata *) coff_section_data ((abfd), (sec))->tdata)
-/* COFF linker hash table entries. */
-struct coff_link_hash_entry
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry root;
- /* Symbol index in output file. Set to -1 initially. Set to -2 if
- there is a reloc against this symbol. */
- long indx;
- /* Symbol type. */
- unsigned short type;
- /* Symbol class. */
- unsigned char class;
- /* Number of auxiliary entries. */
- char numaux;
- /* BFD to take auxiliary entries from. */
- bfd *auxbfd;
- /* Pointer to array of auxiliary entries, if any. */
- union internal_auxent *aux;
-/* COFF linker hash table. */
-struct coff_link_hash_table
- struct bfd_link_hash_table root;
-/* Look up an entry in a COFF linker hash table. */
-#define coff_link_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy, follow) \
- ((struct coff_link_hash_entry *) \
- bfd_link_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), \
- (copy), (follow)))
-/* Traverse a COFF linker hash table. */
-#define coff_link_hash_traverse(table, func, info) \
- (bfd_link_hash_traverse \
- (&(table)->root, \
- (boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_entry *, PTR))) (func), \
- (info)))
-/* Get the COFF linker hash table from a link_info structure. */
-#define coff_hash_table(p) ((struct coff_link_hash_table *) ((p)->hash))
-/* Functions in coffgen.c. */
-extern const bfd_target *coff_object_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern struct sec *coff_section_from_bfd_index PARAMS ((bfd *, int));
-extern long coff_get_symtab_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern long coff_get_symtab PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **));
-extern int coff_count_linenumbers PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern struct coff_symbol_struct *coff_symbol_from PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
-extern boolean coff_renumber_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *, int *));
-extern void coff_mangle_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern boolean coff_write_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern boolean coff_write_linenumbers PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern alent *coff_get_lineno PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
-extern asymbol *coff_section_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *, char *));
-extern boolean _bfd_coff_get_external_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern const char *_bfd_coff_read_string_table PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern boolean _bfd_coff_free_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern struct coff_ptr_struct *coff_get_normalized_symtab PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern long coff_get_reloc_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr));
-extern asymbol *coff_make_empty_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern void coff_print_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR filep, asymbol *,
- bfd_print_symbol_type how));
-extern void coff_get_symbol_info PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *,
- symbol_info *ret));
-extern asymbol *coff_bfd_make_debug_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR,
- unsigned long));
-extern boolean coff_find_nearest_line PARAMS ((bfd *,
- asection *,
- asymbol **,
- bfd_vma offset,
- CONST char **filename_ptr,
- CONST char **functionname_ptr,
- unsigned int *line_ptr));
-extern int coff_sizeof_headers PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean reloc));
-extern boolean bfd_coff_reloc16_relax_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *));
-extern bfd_byte *bfd_coff_reloc16_get_relocated_section_contents
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_order *,
- bfd_byte *, boolean relocateable, asymbol **));
-extern bfd_vma bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value PARAMS ((arelent *,
- struct bfd_link_info *,
- asection *));
-extern void bfd_perform_slip PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, unsigned int slip,
- asection *input_section,
- bfd_vma val));
-/* Functions and types in cofflink.c. */
-#define STRING_SIZE_SIZE (4)
-/* We use a hash table to merge identical enum, struct, and union
- definitions in the linker. */
-/* Information we keep for a single element (an enum value, a
- structure or union field) in the debug merge hash table. */
-struct coff_debug_merge_element
- /* Next element. */
- struct coff_debug_merge_element *next;
- /* Name. */
- const char *name;
- /* Type. */
- unsigned int type;
- /* Symbol index for complex type. */
- long tagndx;
-/* A linked list of debug merge entries for a given name. */
-struct coff_debug_merge_type
- /* Next type with the same name. */
- struct coff_debug_merge_type *next;
- /* Class of type. */
- int class;
- /* Symbol index where this type is defined. */
- long indx;
- /* List of elements. */
- struct coff_debug_merge_element *elements;
-/* Information we store in the debug merge hash table. */
-struct coff_debug_merge_hash_entry
- struct bfd_hash_entry root;
- /* A list of types with this name. */
- struct coff_debug_merge_type *types;
-/* The debug merge hash table. */
-struct coff_debug_merge_hash_table
- struct bfd_hash_table root;
-/* Initialize a COFF debug merge hash table. */
-#define coff_debug_merge_hash_table_init(table) \
- (bfd_hash_table_init (&(table)->root, _bfd_coff_debug_merge_hash_newfunc))
-/* Free a COFF debug merge hash table. */
-#define coff_debug_merge_hash_table_free(table) \
- (bfd_hash_table_free (&(table)->root))
-/* Look up an entry in a COFF debug merge hash table. */
-#define coff_debug_merge_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy) \
- ((struct coff_debug_merge_hash_entry *) \
- bfd_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), (copy)))
-/* Information we keep for each section in the output file when doing
- a relocateable link. */
-struct coff_link_section_info
- /* The relocs to be output. */
- struct internal_reloc *relocs;
- /* For each reloc against a global symbol whose index was not known
- when the reloc was handled, the global hash table entry. */
- struct coff_link_hash_entry **rel_hashes;
-/* Information that we pass around while doing the final link step. */
-struct coff_final_link_info
- /* General link information. */
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- /* Output BFD. */
- bfd *output_bfd;
- /* Used to indicate failure in traversal routine. */
- boolean failed;
- /* Hash table for long symbol names. */
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *strtab;
- /* When doing a relocateable link, an array of information kept for
- each output section, indexed by the target_index field. */
- struct coff_link_section_info *section_info;
- /* Symbol index of last C_FILE symbol (-1 if none). */
- long last_file_index;
- /* Contents of last C_FILE symbol. */
- struct internal_syment last_file;
- /* Hash table used to merge debug information. */
- struct coff_debug_merge_hash_table debug_merge;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold swapped symbols of any input file. */
- struct internal_syment *internal_syms;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold sections of symbols of any input file. */
- asection **sec_ptrs;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold output indices of symbols of any
- input file. */
- long *sym_indices;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold output symbols for any input file. */
- bfd_byte *outsyms;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold external line numbers for any input
- section. */
- bfd_byte *linenos;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold any input section. */
- bfd_byte *contents;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold external relocs of any input section. */
- bfd_byte *external_relocs;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold swapped relocs of any input section. */
- struct internal_reloc *internal_relocs;
-extern struct bfd_hash_entry *_bfd_coff_link_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
-extern boolean _bfd_coff_link_hash_table_init
- PARAMS ((struct coff_link_hash_table *, bfd *,
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *)));
-extern struct bfd_link_hash_table *_bfd_coff_link_hash_table_create
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern const char *_bfd_coff_internal_syment_name
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const struct internal_syment *, char *));
-extern boolean _bfd_coff_link_add_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean _bfd_coff_final_link
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern struct internal_reloc *_bfd_coff_read_internal_relocs
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, boolean, bfd_byte *, boolean,
- struct internal_reloc *));
-extern boolean _bfd_coff_generic_relocate_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *,
- struct internal_reloc *, struct internal_syment *, asection **));
-extern struct bfd_hash_entry *_bfd_coff_debug_merge_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
-extern boolean _bfd_coff_write_global_sym
- PARAMS ((struct coff_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
-extern boolean _bfd_coff_link_input_bfd
- PARAMS ((struct coff_final_link_info *, bfd *));
-extern boolean _bfd_coff_reloc_link_order
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct coff_final_link_info *, asection *,
- struct bfd_link_order *));
-#define coff_get_section_contents_in_window \
- _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
-/* Functions in xcofflink.c. */
-extern struct bfd_link_hash_table *_bfd_xcoff_bfd_link_hash_table_create
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern boolean _bfd_xcoff_bfd_link_add_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean _bfd_xcoff_bfd_final_link
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean _bfd_ppc_xcoff_relocate_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *,
- struct internal_reloc *, struct internal_syment *, asection **));
-/* And more taken from the source .. */
-typedef struct coff_ptr_struct
- /* Remembers the offset from the first symbol in the file for
- this symbol. Generated by coff_renumber_symbols. */
-unsigned int offset;
- /* Should the value of this symbol be renumbered. Used for
- XCOFF C_BSTAT symbols. Set by coff_slurp_symbol_table. */
-unsigned int fix_value : 1;
- /* Should the tag field of this symbol be renumbered.
- Created by coff_pointerize_aux. */
-unsigned int fix_tag : 1;
- /* Should the endidx field of this symbol be renumbered.
- Created by coff_pointerize_aux. */
-unsigned int fix_end : 1;
- /* Should the x_csect.x_scnlen field be renumbered.
- Created by coff_pointerize_aux. */
-unsigned int fix_scnlen : 1;
- /* Fix up an XCOFF C_BINCL/C_EINCL symbol. The value is the
- index into the line number entries. Set by
- coff_slurp_symbol_table. */
-unsigned int fix_line : 1;
- /* The container for the symbol structure as read and translated
- from the file. */
-union {
- union internal_auxent auxent;
- struct internal_syment syment;
- } u;
-} combined_entry_type;
- /* Each canonical asymbol really looks like this: */
-typedef struct coff_symbol_struct
- /* The actual symbol which the rest of BFD works with */
-asymbol symbol;
- /* A pointer to the hidden information for this symbol */
-combined_entry_type *native;
- /* A pointer to the linenumber information for this symbol */
-struct lineno_cache_entry *lineno;
- /* Have the line numbers been relocated yet ? */
-boolean done_lineno;
-} coff_symbol_type;
-typedef struct
- void (*_bfd_coff_swap_aux_in) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- PTR ext,
- int type,
- int class,
- int indaux,
- int numaux,
- PTR in));
- void (*_bfd_coff_swap_sym_in) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd ,
- PTR ext,
- PTR in));
- void (*_bfd_coff_swap_lineno_in) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- PTR ext,
- PTR in));
- unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_aux_out) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- PTR in,
- int type,
- int class,
- int indaux,
- int numaux,
- PTR ext));
- unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_sym_out) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- PTR in,
- PTR ext));
- unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_lineno_out) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- PTR in,
- PTR ext));
- unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_reloc_out) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- PTR src,
- PTR dst));
- unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_out) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- PTR in,
- PTR out));
- unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_out) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- PTR in,
- PTR out));
- unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_out) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- PTR in,
- PTR out));
- unsigned int _bfd_filhsz;
- unsigned int _bfd_aoutsz;
- unsigned int _bfd_scnhsz;
- unsigned int _bfd_symesz;
- unsigned int _bfd_auxesz;
- unsigned int _bfd_relsz;
- unsigned int _bfd_linesz;
- boolean _bfd_coff_long_filenames;
- void (*_bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_in) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- PTR ext,
- PTR in));
- void (*_bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_in) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- PTR ext,
- PTR in));
- void (*_bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_in) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- PTR ext,
- PTR in));
- void (*_bfd_coff_swap_reloc_in) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- PTR ext,
- PTR in));
- boolean (*_bfd_coff_bad_format_hook) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- PTR internal_filehdr));
- boolean (*_bfd_coff_set_arch_mach_hook) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- PTR internal_filehdr));
- PTR (*_bfd_coff_mkobject_hook) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- PTR internal_filehdr,
- PTR internal_aouthdr));
- flagword (*_bfd_styp_to_sec_flags_hook) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- PTR internal_scnhdr,
- const char *name));
- void (*_bfd_set_alignment_hook) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- asection *sec,
- PTR internal_scnhdr));
- boolean (*_bfd_coff_slurp_symbol_table) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd));
- boolean (*_bfd_coff_symname_in_debug) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- struct internal_syment *sym));
- boolean (*_bfd_coff_pointerize_aux_hook) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- combined_entry_type *table_base,
- combined_entry_type *symbol,
- unsigned int indaux,
- combined_entry_type *aux));
- boolean (*_bfd_coff_print_aux) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- FILE *file,
- combined_entry_type *table_base,
- combined_entry_type *symbol,
- combined_entry_type *aux,
- unsigned int indaux));
- void (*_bfd_coff_reloc16_extra_cases) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info,
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order,
- arelent *reloc,
- bfd_byte *data,
- unsigned int *src_ptr,
- unsigned int *dst_ptr));
- int (*_bfd_coff_reloc16_estimate) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- asection *input_section,
- arelent *r,
- unsigned int shrink,
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info));
- boolean (*_bfd_coff_sym_is_global) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- struct internal_syment *));
- void (*_bfd_coff_compute_section_file_positions) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd));
- boolean (*_bfd_coff_start_final_link) PARAMS ((
- bfd *output_bfd,
- struct bfd_link_info *info));
- boolean (*_bfd_coff_relocate_section) PARAMS ((
- bfd *output_bfd,
- struct bfd_link_info *info,
- bfd *input_bfd,
- asection *input_section,
- bfd_byte *contents,
- struct internal_reloc *relocs,
- struct internal_syment *syms,
- asection **sections));
- reloc_howto_type *(*_bfd_coff_rtype_to_howto) PARAMS ((
- bfd *abfd,
- asection *sec,
- struct internal_reloc *rel,
- struct coff_link_hash_entry *h,
- struct internal_syment *sym,
- bfd_vma *addendp));
- boolean (*_bfd_coff_adjust_symndx) PARAMS ((
- bfd *obfd,
- struct bfd_link_info *info,
- bfd *ibfd,
- asection *sec,
- struct internal_reloc *reloc,
- boolean *adjustedp));
- boolean (*_bfd_coff_link_add_one_symbol) PARAMS ((
- struct bfd_link_info *info,
- bfd *abfd,
- const char *name,
- flagword flags,
- asection *section,
- bfd_vma value,
- const char *string,
- boolean copy,
- boolean collect,
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry **hashp));
-} bfd_coff_backend_data;
-#define coff_backend_info(abfd) ((bfd_coff_backend_data *) (abfd)->xvec->backend_data)
-#define bfd_coff_swap_aux_in(a,e,t,c,ind,num,i) \
- ((coff_backend_info (a)->_bfd_coff_swap_aux_in) (a,e,t,c,ind,num,i))
-#define bfd_coff_swap_sym_in(a,e,i) \
- ((coff_backend_info (a)->_bfd_coff_swap_sym_in) (a,e,i))
-#define bfd_coff_swap_lineno_in(a,e,i) \
- ((coff_backend_info ( a)->_bfd_coff_swap_lineno_in) (a,e,i))
-#define bfd_coff_swap_reloc_out(abfd, i, o) \
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_reloc_out) (abfd, i, o))
-#define bfd_coff_swap_lineno_out(abfd, i, o) \
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_lineno_out) (abfd, i, o))
-#define bfd_coff_swap_aux_out(a,i,t,c,ind,num,o) \
- ((coff_backend_info (a)->_bfd_coff_swap_aux_out) (a,i,t,c,ind,num,o))
-#define bfd_coff_swap_sym_out(abfd, i,o) \
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_sym_out) (abfd, i, o))
-#define bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_out(abfd, i,o) \
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_out) (abfd, i, o))
-#define bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_out(abfd, i,o) \
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_out) (abfd, i, o))
-#define bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_out(abfd, i,o) \
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_out) (abfd, i, o))
-#define bfd_coff_filhsz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_filhsz)
-#define bfd_coff_aoutsz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_aoutsz)
-#define bfd_coff_scnhsz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_scnhsz)
-#define bfd_coff_symesz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_symesz)
-#define bfd_coff_auxesz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_auxesz)
-#define bfd_coff_relsz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_relsz)
-#define bfd_coff_linesz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_linesz)
-#define bfd_coff_long_filenames(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_long_filenames)
-#define bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_in(abfd, i,o) \
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_in) (abfd, i, o))
-#define bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_in(abfd, i,o) \
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_in) (abfd, i, o))
-#define bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_in(abfd, i,o) \
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_in) (abfd, i, o))
-#define bfd_coff_swap_reloc_in(abfd, i, o) \
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_reloc_in) (abfd, i, o))
-#define bfd_coff_bad_format_hook(abfd, filehdr) \
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_bad_format_hook) (abfd, filehdr))
-#define bfd_coff_set_arch_mach_hook(abfd, filehdr)\
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_set_arch_mach_hook) (abfd, filehdr))
-#define bfd_coff_mkobject_hook(abfd, filehdr, aouthdr)\
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_mkobject_hook) (abfd, filehdr, aouthdr))
-#define bfd_coff_styp_to_sec_flags_hook(abfd, scnhdr, name)\
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_styp_to_sec_flags_hook) (abfd, scnhdr, name))
-#define bfd_coff_set_alignment_hook(abfd, sec, scnhdr)\
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_set_alignment_hook) (abfd, sec, scnhdr))
-#define bfd_coff_slurp_symbol_table(abfd)\
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_slurp_symbol_table) (abfd))
-#define bfd_coff_symname_in_debug(abfd, sym)\
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_symname_in_debug) (abfd, sym))
-#define bfd_coff_print_aux(abfd, file, base, symbol, aux, indaux)\
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_print_aux)\
- (abfd, file, base, symbol, aux, indaux))
-#define bfd_coff_reloc16_extra_cases(abfd, link_info, link_order, reloc, data, src_ptr, dst_ptr)\
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_reloc16_extra_cases)\
- (abfd, link_info, link_order, reloc, data, src_ptr, dst_ptr))
-#define bfd_coff_reloc16_estimate(abfd, section, reloc, shrink, link_info)\
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_reloc16_estimate)\
- (abfd, section, reloc, shrink, link_info))
-#define bfd_coff_sym_is_global(abfd, sym)\
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_sym_is_global)\
- (abfd, sym))
-#define bfd_coff_compute_section_file_positions(abfd)\
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_compute_section_file_positions)\
- (abfd))
-#define bfd_coff_start_final_link(obfd, info)\
- ((coff_backend_info (obfd)->_bfd_coff_start_final_link)\
- (obfd, info))
-#define bfd_coff_relocate_section(obfd,info,ibfd,o,con,rel,isyms,secs)\
- ((coff_backend_info (ibfd)->_bfd_coff_relocate_section)\
- (obfd, info, ibfd, o, con, rel, isyms, secs))
-#define bfd_coff_rtype_to_howto(abfd, sec, rel, h, sym, addendp)\
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_rtype_to_howto)\
- (abfd, sec, rel, h, sym, addendp))
-#define bfd_coff_adjust_symndx(obfd, info, ibfd, sec, rel, adjustedp)\
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_adjust_symndx)\
- (obfd, info, ibfd, sec, rel, adjustedp))
-#define bfd_coff_link_add_one_symbol(info,abfd,name,flags,section,value,string,cp,coll,hashp)\
- ((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_link_add_one_symbol)\
- (info, abfd, name, flags, section, value, string, cp, coll, hashp))
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libecoff.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/libecoff.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 169610d00509..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libecoff.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD ECOFF object file private structure.
- Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#ifndef ECOFF_H
-#include "coff/ecoff.h"
-/* This is the backend information kept for ECOFF files. This
- structure is constant for a particular backend. The first element
- is the COFF backend data structure, so that ECOFF targets can use
- the generic COFF code. */
-#define ecoff_backend(abfd) \
- ((struct ecoff_backend_data *) (abfd)->xvec->backend_data)
-struct ecoff_backend_data
- /* COFF backend information. This must be the first field. */
- bfd_coff_backend_data coff;
- /* Supported architecture. */
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- /* Initial portion of armap string. */
- const char *armap_start;
- /* The page boundary used to align sections in a demand-paged
- executable file. E.g., 0x1000. */
- bfd_vma round;
- /* True if the .rdata section is part of the text segment, as on the
- Alpha. False if .rdata is part of the data segment, as on the
- MIPS. */
- boolean rdata_in_text;
- /* Bitsize of constructor entries. */
- unsigned int constructor_bitsize;
- /* Reloc to use for constructor entries. */
- reloc_howto_type *constructor_reloc;
- /* How to swap debugging information. */
- struct ecoff_debug_swap debug_swap;
- /* External reloc size. */
- bfd_size_type external_reloc_size;
- /* Reloc swapping functions. */
- void (*swap_reloc_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, struct internal_reloc *));
- void (*swap_reloc_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, const struct internal_reloc *, PTR));
- /* Backend reloc tweaking. */
- void (*adjust_reloc_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, const struct internal_reloc *,
- arelent *));
- void (*adjust_reloc_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, const arelent *,
- struct internal_reloc *));
- /* Relocate section contents while linking. */
- boolean (*relocate_section) PARAMS ((bfd *output_bfd, struct bfd_link_info *,
- bfd *input_bfd, asection *input_section,
- bfd_byte *contents,
- PTR external_relocs));
- /* Do final adjustments to filehdr and aouthdr. */
- boolean (*adjust_headers) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct internal_filehdr *,
- struct internal_aouthdr *));
- /* Read an element from an archive at a given file position. This
- is needed because OSF/1 3.2 uses a weird archive format. */
- bfd *(*get_elt_at_filepos) PARAMS ((bfd *, file_ptr));
-/* This is the target specific information kept for ECOFF files. */
-#define ecoff_data(abfd) ((abfd)->tdata.ecoff_obj_data)
-typedef struct ecoff_tdata
- /* The reloc file position, set by
- ecoff_compute_section_file_positions. */
- file_ptr reloc_filepos;
- /* The symbol table file position, set by _bfd_ecoff_mkobject_hook. */
- file_ptr sym_filepos;
- /* The start and end of the text segment. Only valid for an
- existing file, not for one we are creating. */
- unsigned long text_start;
- unsigned long text_end;
- /* The cached gp value. This is used when relocating. */
- bfd_vma gp;
- /* The maximum size of objects to optimize using gp. This is
- typically set by the -G option to the compiler, assembler or
- linker. */
- unsigned int gp_size;
- /* The register masks. When linking, all the masks found in the
- input files are combined into the masks of the output file.
- These are not all used for all targets, but that's OK, because
- the relevant ones are the only ones swapped in and out. */
- unsigned long gprmask;
- unsigned long fprmask;
- unsigned long cprmask[4];
- /* The ECOFF symbolic debugging information. */
- struct ecoff_debug_info debug_info;
- /* The unswapped ECOFF symbolic information. */
- PTR raw_syments;
- /* The canonical BFD symbols. */
- struct ecoff_symbol_struct *canonical_symbols;
- /* A mapping from external symbol numbers to entries in the linker
- hash table, used when linking. */
- struct ecoff_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- /* A mapping from reloc symbol indices to sections, used when
- linking. */
- asection **symndx_to_section;
- /* True if this BFD was written by the backend linker. */
- boolean linker;
- /* True if a warning that multiple global pointer values are
- needed in the output binary was issued already. */
- boolean issued_multiple_gp_warning;
- /* Used by find_nearest_line entry point. The structure could be
- included directly in this one, but there's no point to wasting
- the memory just for the infrequently called find_nearest_line. */
- struct ecoff_find_line *find_line_info;
-} ecoff_data_type;
-/* Each canonical asymbol really looks like this. */
-typedef struct ecoff_symbol_struct
- /* The actual symbol which the rest of BFD works with */
- asymbol symbol;
- /* The fdr for this symbol. */
- FDR *fdr;
- /* true if this is a local symbol rather than an external one. */
- boolean local;
- /* A pointer to the unswapped hidden information for this symbol.
- This is either a struct sym_ext or a struct ext_ext, depending on
- the value of the local field above. */
- PTR native;
-} ecoff_symbol_type;
-/* We take the address of the first element of a asymbol to ensure that the
- macro is only ever applied to an asymbol. */
-#define ecoffsymbol(asymbol) ((ecoff_symbol_type *) (&((asymbol)->the_bfd)))
-/* We need to save the index of an external symbol when we write it
- out so that can set the symbol index correctly when we write out
- the relocs. */
-#define ecoff_get_sym_index(symbol) ((symbol)->udata.i)
-#define ecoff_set_sym_index(symbol, idx) ((symbol)->udata.i = (idx))
-/* When generating MIPS embedded PIC code, the linker relaxes the code
- to turn PC relative branches into longer code sequences when the PC
- relative branch is out of range. This involves reading the relocs
- in bfd_relax_section as well as in bfd_final_link, and requires the
- code to keep track of which relocs have been expanded. A pointer
- to this structure is put in the used_by_bfd pointer of a section to
- keep track of this information. The user_by_bfd pointer will be
- NULL if the information was not needed. */
-struct ecoff_section_tdata
- /* The unswapped relocs for this section. These are stored in
- memory so the input file does not have to be read twice. */
- PTR external_relocs;
- /* The contents of the section. These bytes may or may not be saved
- in memory, but if it is this is a pointer to them. */
- bfd_byte *contents;
- /* Offset adjustments for PC relative branches. A number other than
- 1 is an addend for a PC relative branch, or a switch table entry
- which is the difference of two .text locations; this addend
- arises because the branch or difference crosses one or more
- branches which were expanded into a larger code sequence. A 1
- means that this branch was itself expanded into a larger code
- sequence. 1 is not a possible offset, since all offsets must be
- multiples of the instruction size, which is 4; also, the only
- relocs with non-zero offsets will be PC relative branches or
- switch table entries within the same object file. If this field
- is NULL, no branches were expanded and no offsets are required.
- Otherwise there are as many entries as there are relocs in the
- section, and the entry for any reloc that is not PC relative is
- zero. */
- long *offsets;
- /* When producing an executable (i.e., final, non-relocatable link)
- on the Alpha, we may need to use multiple global pointer values
- to span the entire .lita section. In essence, we allow each
- input .lita section to have its own gp value. To support this,
- we need to keep track of the gp values that we picked for each
- input .lita section . */
- bfd_vma gp;
-/* An accessor macro for the ecoff_section_tdata structure. */
-#define ecoff_section_data(abfd, sec) \
- ((struct ecoff_section_tdata *) (sec)->used_by_bfd)
-/* ECOFF linker hash table entries. */
-struct ecoff_link_hash_entry
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry root;
- /* Symbol index in output file. */
- long indx;
- /* BFD that ext field value came from. */
- bfd *abfd;
- /* ECOFF external symbol information. */
- EXTR esym;
- /* Nonzero if this symbol has been written out. */
- char written;
- /* Nonzero if this symbol was referred to as small undefined. */
- char small;
-/* ECOFF linker hash table. */
-struct ecoff_link_hash_table
- struct bfd_link_hash_table root;
-/* Make an ECOFF object. */
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_mkobject PARAMS ((bfd *));
-/* Read in the ECOFF symbolic debugging information. */
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_slurp_symbolic_info
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, struct ecoff_debug_info *));
-/* Generic ECOFF BFD backend vectors. */
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_write_object_contents PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-extern const bfd_target *_bfd_ecoff_archive_p PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-#define _bfd_ecoff_close_and_cleanup _bfd_generic_close_and_cleanup
-#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_free_cached_info _bfd_generic_bfd_free_cached_info
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_new_section_hook
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *));
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_get_section_contents
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR location, file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_copy_private_section_data \
- _bfd_generic_bfd_copy_private_section_data
-#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data \
- _bfd_generic_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data
-#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_print_private_bfd_data \
- _bfd_generic_bfd_print_private_bfd_data
-#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data \
- _bfd_generic_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data
-#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_set_private_flags _bfd_generic_bfd_set_private_flags
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_slurp_armap PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-#define _bfd_ecoff_slurp_extended_name_table _bfd_slurp_extended_name_table
-#define _bfd_ecoff_construct_extended_name_table \
- _bfd_archive_bsd_construct_extended_name_table
-#define _bfd_ecoff_truncate_arname bfd_dont_truncate_arname
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_write_armap
- PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int, struct orl *, unsigned int, int));
-#define _bfd_ecoff_read_ar_hdr _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr
-#define _bfd_ecoff_openr_next_archived_file \
- bfd_generic_openr_next_archived_file
-#define _bfd_ecoff_get_elt_at_index _bfd_generic_get_elt_at_index
-#define _bfd_ecoff_generic_stat_arch_elt bfd_generic_stat_arch_elt
-#define _bfd_ecoff_update_armap_timestamp bfd_true
-extern long _bfd_ecoff_get_symtab_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-extern long _bfd_ecoff_get_symtab PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asymbol **alocation));
-extern asymbol *_bfd_ecoff_make_empty_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-extern void _bfd_ecoff_print_symbol
- PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR filep, asymbol *, bfd_print_symbol_type));
-extern void _bfd_ecoff_get_symbol_info
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, symbol_info *));
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_bfd_is_local_label
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
-#define _bfd_ecoff_get_lineno _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_find_nearest_line
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, asymbol **, bfd_vma offset,
- const char **filename_ptr, const char **fnname_ptr,
- unsigned int *retline_ptr));
-#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
-#define _bfd_ecoff_read_minisymbols _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols
-#define _bfd_ecoff_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol
-#define _bfd_ecoff_get_reloc_upper_bound coff_get_reloc_upper_bound
-extern long _bfd_ecoff_canonicalize_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent **, asymbol **symbols));
-/* ecoff_bfd_reloc_type_lookup defined by backend. */
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_set_arch_mach
- PARAMS ((bfd *, enum bfd_architecture, unsigned long machine));
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_set_section_contents
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR location, file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-extern int _bfd_ecoff_sizeof_headers PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, boolean reloc));
-/* ecoff_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents defined by backend. */
-/* ecoff_bfd_relax_section defined by backend. */
-extern struct bfd_link_hash_table *_bfd_ecoff_bfd_link_hash_table_create
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_bfd_link_add_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_bfd_final_link
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-/* Hook functions for the generic COFF section reading code. */
-extern PTR _bfd_ecoff_mkobject_hook PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR filehdr, PTR aouthdr));
-#define _bfd_ecoff_set_alignment_hook \
- ((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR))) bfd_void)
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_set_arch_mach_hook PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, PTR filehdr));
-extern flagword _bfd_ecoff_styp_to_sec_flags
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, PTR hdr, const char *name));
-extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_slurp_symbol_table PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-/* ECOFF auxiliary information swapping routines. These are the same
- for all ECOFF targets, so they are defined in ecofflink.c. */
-extern void _bfd_ecoff_swap_tir_in
- PARAMS ((int, const struct tir_ext *, TIR *));
-extern void _bfd_ecoff_swap_tir_out
- PARAMS ((int, const TIR *, struct tir_ext *));
-extern void _bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_in
- PARAMS ((int, const struct rndx_ext *, RNDXR *));
-extern void _bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_out
- PARAMS ((int, const RNDXR *, struct rndx_ext *));
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libhppa.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/libhppa.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fa97b68821fd..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libhppa.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,549 +0,0 @@
-/* HP PA-RISC SOM object file format: definitions internal to BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by the Center for Software Science at the
- University of Utah (
- This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef _HPPA_H
-#define _HPPA_H
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#define PA_PAGESIZE 0x1000
-#ifndef INLINE
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define INLINE inline
-#define INLINE
-#endif /* GNU C? */
-#endif /* INLINE */
-/* The PA instruction set variants. */
-enum pa_arch {pa10 = 10, pa11 = 11, pa20 = 20};
-/* HP PA-RISC relocation types */
-enum hppa_reloc_field_selector_type
- {
- R_HPPA_FSEL = 0x0,
- R_HPPA_LSSEL = 0x1,
- R_HPPA_RSSEL = 0x2,
- R_HPPA_LSEL = 0x3,
- R_HPPA_RSEL = 0x4,
- R_HPPA_LDSEL = 0x5,
- R_HPPA_RDSEL = 0x6,
- R_HPPA_LRSEL = 0x7,
- R_HPPA_RRSEL = 0x8,
- R_HPPA_NSEL = 0x9,
- R_HPPA_NLSEL = 0xa,
- R_HPPA_NLRSEL = 0xb,
- R_HPPA_PSEL = 0xc,
- R_HPPA_LPSEL = 0xd,
- R_HPPA_RPSEL = 0xe,
- R_HPPA_TSEL = 0xf,
- R_HPPA_LTSEL = 0x10,
- R_HPPA_RTSEL = 0x11
- };
-/* /usr/include/reloc.h defines these to constants. We want to use
- them in enums, so #undef them before we start using them. We might
- be able to fix this another way by simply managing not to include
- /usr/include/reloc.h, but currently GDB picks up these defines
- somewhere. */
-#undef e_fsel
-#undef e_lssel
-#undef e_rssel
-#undef e_lsel
-#undef e_rsel
-#undef e_ldsel
-#undef e_rdsel
-#undef e_lrsel
-#undef e_rrsel
-#undef e_nsel
-#undef e_nlsel
-#undef e_nlrsel
-#undef e_psel
-#undef e_lpsel
-#undef e_rpsel
-#undef e_tsel
-#undef e_ltsel
-#undef e_rtsel
-#undef e_one
-#undef e_two
-#undef e_pcrel
-#undef e_con
-#undef e_plabel
-#undef e_abs
-/* for compatibility */
-enum hppa_reloc_field_selector_type_alt
- {
- e_fsel = R_HPPA_FSEL,
- e_lssel = R_HPPA_LSSEL,
- e_rssel = R_HPPA_RSSEL,
- e_lsel = R_HPPA_LSEL,
- e_rsel = R_HPPA_RSEL,
- e_ldsel = R_HPPA_LDSEL,
- e_rdsel = R_HPPA_RDSEL,
- e_lrsel = R_HPPA_LRSEL,
- e_rrsel = R_HPPA_RRSEL,
- e_nsel = R_HPPA_NSEL,
- e_nlsel = R_HPPA_NLSEL,
- e_nlrsel = R_HPPA_NLRSEL,
- e_psel = R_HPPA_PSEL,
- e_lpsel = R_HPPA_LPSEL,
- e_rpsel = R_HPPA_RPSEL,
- e_tsel = R_HPPA_TSEL,
- e_ltsel = R_HPPA_LTSEL,
- e_rtsel = R_HPPA_RTSEL
- };
-enum hppa_reloc_expr_type
- {
- R_HPPA_E_ONE = 0,
- R_HPPA_E_TWO = 1,
- R_HPPA_E_CON = 3,
- R_HPPA_E_ABS = 18
- };
-/* for compatibility */
-enum hppa_reloc_expr_type_alt
- {
- e_one = R_HPPA_E_ONE,
- e_two = R_HPPA_E_TWO,
- e_pcrel = R_HPPA_E_PCREL,
- e_con = R_HPPA_E_CON,
- e_plabel = R_HPPA_E_PLABEL,
- e_abs = R_HPPA_E_ABS
- };
-/* Relocations for function calls must be accompanied by parameter
- relocation bits. These bits describe exactly where the caller has
- placed the function's arguments and where it expects to find a return
- value.
- Both ELF and SOM encode this information within the addend field
- of the call relocation. (Note this could break very badly if one
- was to make a call like bl foo + 0x12345678).
- The high order 10 bits contain parameter relocation information,
- the low order 22 bits contain the constant offset. */
-#define HPPA_R_ARG_RELOC(a) (((a) >> 22) & 0x3FF)
-#define HPPA_R_CONSTANT(a) ((((int)(a)) << 10) >> 10)
-#define HPPA_R_ADDEND(r,c) (((r) << 22) + ((c) & 0x3FFFFF))
-/* Some functions to manipulate PA instructions. */
-static INLINE unsigned int
-assemble_3 (x)
- unsigned int x;
- return (((x & 1) << 2) | ((x & 6) >> 1)) & 7;
-static INLINE void
-dis_assemble_3 (x, r)
- unsigned int x;
- unsigned int *r;
- *r = (((x & 4) >> 2) | ((x & 3) << 1)) & 7;
-static INLINE unsigned int
-assemble_12 (x, y)
- unsigned int x, y;
- return (((y & 1) << 11) | ((x & 1) << 10) | ((x & 0x7fe) >> 1)) & 0xfff;
-static INLINE void
-dis_assemble_12 (as12, x, y)
- unsigned int as12;
- unsigned int *x, *y;
- *y = (as12 & 0x800) >> 11;
- *x = ((as12 & 0x3ff) << 1) | ((as12 & 0x400) >> 10);
-static INLINE unsigned long
-assemble_17 (x, y, z)
- unsigned int x, y, z;
- unsigned long temp;
- temp = ((z & 1) << 16) |
- ((x & 0x1f) << 11) |
- ((y & 1) << 10) |
- ((y & 0x7fe) >> 1);
- return temp & 0x1ffff;
-static INLINE void
-dis_assemble_17 (as17, x, y, z)
- unsigned int as17;
- unsigned int *x, *y, *z;
- *z = (as17 & 0x10000) >> 16;
- *x = (as17 & 0x0f800) >> 11;
- *y = (((as17 & 0x00400) >> 10) | ((as17 & 0x3ff) << 1)) & 0x7ff;
-static INLINE unsigned long
-assemble_21 (x)
- unsigned int x;
- unsigned long temp;
- temp = ((x & 1) << 20) |
- ((x & 0xffe) << 8) |
- ((x & 0xc000) >> 7) |
- ((x & 0x1f0000) >> 14) |
- ((x & 0x003000) >> 12);
- return temp & 0x1fffff;
-static INLINE void
-dis_assemble_21 (as21, x)
- unsigned int as21, *x;
- unsigned long temp;
- temp = (as21 & 0x100000) >> 20;
- temp |= (as21 & 0x0ffe00) >> 8;
- temp |= (as21 & 0x000180) << 7;
- temp |= (as21 & 0x00007c) << 14;
- temp |= (as21 & 0x000003) << 12;
- *x = temp;
-static INLINE unsigned long
-sign_extend (x, len)
- unsigned int x, len;
- return (int)(x >> (len - 1) ? (-1 << len) | x : x);
-static INLINE unsigned int
-ones (n)
- int n;
- unsigned int len_ones;
- int i;
- i = 0;
- len_ones = 0;
- while (i < n)
- {
- len_ones = (len_ones << 1) | 1;
- i++;
- }
- return len_ones;
-static INLINE void
-sign_unext (x, len, result)
- unsigned int x, len;
- unsigned int *result;
- unsigned int len_ones;
- len_ones = ones (len);
- *result = x & len_ones;
-static INLINE unsigned long
-low_sign_extend (x, len)
- unsigned int x, len;
- return (int)((x & 0x1 ? (-1 << (len - 1)) : 0) | x >> 1);
-static INLINE void
-low_sign_unext (x, len, result)
- unsigned int x, len;
- unsigned int *result;
- unsigned int temp;
- unsigned int sign;
- unsigned int rest;
- unsigned int one_bit_at_len;
- unsigned int len_ones;
- len_ones = ones (len);
- one_bit_at_len = 1 << (len - 1);
- sign_unext (x, len, &temp);
- sign = temp & one_bit_at_len;
- sign >>= (len - 1);
- rest = temp & (len_ones ^ one_bit_at_len);
- rest <<= 1;
- *result = rest | sign;
-/* Handle field selectors for PA instructions. */
-static INLINE unsigned long
-hppa_field_adjust (value, constant_value, r_field)
- unsigned long value;
- unsigned long constant_value;
- unsigned short r_field;
- switch (r_field)
- {
- case e_fsel: /* F : no change */
- case e_nsel: /* N : no change */
- value += constant_value;
- break;
- case e_lssel: /* LS : if (bit 21) then add 0x800
- arithmetic shift right 11 bits */
- value += constant_value;
- if (value & 0x00000400)
- value += 0x800;
- value = (value & 0xfffff800) >> 11;
- break;
- case e_rssel: /* RS : Sign extend from bit 21 */
- value += constant_value;
- if (value & 0x00000400)
- value |= 0xfffff800;
- else
- value &= 0x7ff;
- break;
- case e_lsel: /* L : Arithmetic shift right 11 bits */
- case e_nlsel: /* NL : Arithmetic shift right 11 bits */
- value += constant_value;
- value = (value & 0xfffff800) >> 11;
- break;
- case e_rsel: /* R : Set bits 0-20 to zero */
- value += constant_value;
- value = value & 0x7ff;
- break;
- case e_ldsel: /* LD : Add 0x800, arithmetic shift
- right 11 bits */
- value += constant_value;
- value += 0x800;
- value = (value & 0xfffff800) >> 11;
- break;
- case e_rdsel: /* RD : Set bits 0-20 to one */
- value += constant_value;
- value |= 0xfffff800;
- break;
- case e_lrsel: /* LR : L with "rounded" constant */
- case e_nlrsel: /* NLR : NL with "rounded" constant */
- value = value + ((constant_value + 0x1000) & 0xffffe000);
- value = (value & 0xfffff800) >> 11;
- break;
- case e_rrsel: /* RR : R with "rounded" constant */
- value = value + ((constant_value + 0x1000) & 0xffffe000);
- value = (value & 0x7ff) + constant_value - ((constant_value + 0x1000) & 0xffffe000);
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- return value;
-#define get_opcode(insn) ((insn) & 0xfc000000) >> 26
-/* FIXME: this list is incomplete. It should also be an enumerated
- type rather than #defines. */
-#define LDO 0x0d
-#define LDB 0x10
-#define LDH 0x11
-#define LDW 0x12
-#define LDWM 0x13
-#define STB 0x18
-#define STH 0x19
-#define STW 0x1a
-#define STWM 0x1b
-#define COMICLR 0x24
-#define SUBI 0x25
-#define SUBIO 0x25
-#define ADDIT 0x2c
-#define ADDITO 0x2c
-#define ADDI 0x2d
-#define ADDIO 0x2d
-#define LDIL 0x08
-#define ADDIL 0x0a
-#define MOVB 0x32
-#define MOVIB 0x33
-#define COMBT 0x20
-#define COMBF 0x22
-#define COMIBT 0x21
-#define COMIBF 0x23
-#define ADDBT 0x28
-#define ADDBF 0x2a
-#define ADDIBT 0x29
-#define ADDIBF 0x2b
-#define BVB 0x30
-#define BB 0x31
-#define BL 0x3a
-#define BLE 0x39
-#define BE 0x38
-/* Given a machine instruction, return its format.
- FIXME: opcodes which do not map to a known format
- should return an error of some sort. */
-static INLINE char
-bfd_hppa_insn2fmt (insn)
- unsigned long insn;
- char fmt = -1;
- unsigned char op = get_opcode (insn);
- switch (op)
- {
- case ADDI:
- case ADDIT:
- case SUBI:
- fmt = 11;
- break;
- case MOVB:
- case MOVIB:
- case COMBT:
- case COMBF:
- case COMIBT:
- case COMIBF:
- case ADDBT:
- case ADDBF:
- case ADDIBT:
- case ADDIBF:
- case BVB:
- case BB:
- fmt = 12;
- break;
- case LDO:
- case LDB:
- case LDH:
- case LDW:
- case LDWM:
- case STB:
- case STH:
- case STW:
- case STWM:
- fmt = 14;
- break;
- case BL:
- case BE:
- case BLE:
- fmt = 17;
- break;
- case LDIL:
- case ADDIL:
- fmt = 21;
- break;
- default:
- fmt = 32;
- break;
- }
- return fmt;
-/* Insert VALUE into INSN using R_FORMAT to determine exactly what
- bits to change. */
-static INLINE unsigned long
-hppa_rebuild_insn (abfd, insn, value, r_format)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned long insn;
- unsigned long value;
- unsigned long r_format;
- unsigned long const_part;
- unsigned long rebuilt_part;
- switch (r_format)
- {
- case 11:
- {
- unsigned w1, w;
- const_part = insn & 0xffffe002;
- dis_assemble_12 (value, &w1, &w);
- rebuilt_part = (w1 << 2) | w;
- return const_part | rebuilt_part;
- }
- case 12:
- {
- unsigned w1, w;
- const_part = insn & 0xffffe002;
- dis_assemble_12 (value, &w1, &w);
- rebuilt_part = (w1 << 2) | w;
- return const_part | rebuilt_part;
- }
- case 14:
- const_part = insn & 0xffffc000;
- low_sign_unext (value, 14, &rebuilt_part);
- return const_part | rebuilt_part;
- case 17:
- {
- unsigned w1, w2, w;
- const_part = insn & 0xffe0e002;
- dis_assemble_17 (value, &w1, &w2, &w);
- rebuilt_part = (w2 << 2) | (w1 << 16) | w;
- return const_part | rebuilt_part;
- }
- case 21:
- const_part = insn & 0xffe00000;
- dis_assemble_21 (value, &rebuilt_part);
- return const_part | rebuilt_part;
- case 32:
- const_part = 0;
- return value;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- return insn;
-#endif /* _HPPA_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libieee.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/libieee.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c3729cbf5177..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libieee.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-/* IEEE-695 object file formats: definitions internal to BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support. Mostly Steve Chamberlain's fault.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned int index:24;
- char letter;
-} ieee_symbol_index_type;
-typedef struct ct {
- bfd *this;
- struct ct *next;
-} bfd_chain_type;
-typedef struct ieee_symbol
- asymbol symbol;
- struct ieee_symbol *next;
- unsigned int index;
-} ieee_symbol_type;
-typedef struct ieee_reloc {
- arelent relent;
- struct ieee_reloc *next;
- ieee_symbol_index_type symbol;
-} ieee_reloc_type;
-#define ieee_symbol(x) ((ieee_symbol_type *)(x))
-typedef struct ieee_per_section
- asection *section;
- bfd_byte *data;
- bfd_vma offset;
- bfd_vma pc;
- /* For output */
- file_ptr current_pos;
- unsigned int current_byte;
- boolean initialized;
- ieee_reloc_type **reloc_tail_ptr;
-} ieee_per_section_type;
-#define ieee_per_section(x) ((ieee_per_section_type *)((x)->used_by_bfd))
-/* FIXME! There should be no limit to the number of sections! */
-#define NSECTIONS 20
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char *input_p;
- unsigned char *first_byte;
- bfd *abfd;
-} common_header_type ;
-typedef struct ieee_data_struct
- common_header_type h;
- boolean read_symbols;
- boolean read_data;
- file_ptr output_cursor;
- /* Map of section indexes to section ptrs */
- asection * section_table[NSECTIONS];
- ieee_address_descriptor_type ad;
- ieee_module_begin_type mb;
- ieee_w_variable_type w;
- unsigned int section_count;
- unsigned int map_idx;
- /* List of GLOBAL EXPORT symbols */
- ieee_symbol_type *external_symbols;
- /* List of UNDEFINED symbols */
- ieee_symbol_type *external_reference;
- /* When the symbols have been canonicalized, they are in a
- * special order, we remember various bases here.. */
- unsigned int external_symbol_max_index;
- unsigned int external_symbol_min_index;
- unsigned int external_symbol_count;
- int external_symbol_base_offset;
- unsigned int external_reference_max_index;
- unsigned int external_reference_min_index;
- unsigned int external_reference_count;
- int external_reference_base_offset;
- boolean symbol_table_full;
-boolean done_debug;
-bfd_chain_type *chain_head;
-bfd_chain_type *chain_root;
-} ieee_data_type;
-typedef struct {
- file_ptr file_offset;
- bfd *abfd;
-} ieee_ar_obstack_type;
-typedef struct ieee_ar_data_struct
- common_header_type h;
- ieee_ar_obstack_type *elements;
- unsigned int element_index ;
- unsigned int element_count;
-} ieee_ar_data_type;
-#define IEEE_DATA(abfd) ((abfd)->tdata.ieee_data)
-#define IEEE_AR_DATA(abfd) ((abfd)->tdata.ieee_ar_data)
-#define ptr(abfd) (ieee_data(abfd)->input_p)
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libnlm.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/libnlm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 12d2e4e0cf8a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/libnlm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end data structures for NLM (NetWare Loadable Modules) files.
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef _LIBNLM_H_
-#define _LIBNLM_H_ 1
-#ifdef ARCH_SIZE
-#include "nlm/common.h"
-#include "nlm/internal.h"
-#include "nlm/external.h"
-/* A reloc for an imported NLM symbol. Normal relocs are associated
- with sections, and include a symbol. These relocs are associated
- with (undefined) symbols, and include a section. */
-struct nlm_relent
- /* Section of reloc. */
- asection *section;
- /* Reloc info (sym_ptr_ptr field set only when canonicalized). */
- arelent reloc;
-/* Information we keep for an NLM symbol. */
-typedef struct
- /* BFD symbol. */
- asymbol symbol;
- /* Number of reloc entries for imported symbol. */
- bfd_size_type rcnt;
- /* Array of reloc information for imported symbol. */
- struct nlm_relent *relocs;
-} nlmNAME(symbol_type);
-extern boolean nlm_mkobject PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern boolean nlm_set_arch_mach PARAMS ((bfd *, enum bfd_architecture,
- unsigned long));
-extern void nlmNAME(get_symbol_info)
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, symbol_info *));
-extern long nlmNAME(get_symtab_upper_bound)
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern long nlmNAME(get_symtab)
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **));
-extern asymbol *nlmNAME(make_empty_symbol)
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern void nlmNAME(print_symbol)
- PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, asymbol *, bfd_print_symbol_type));
-extern long nlmNAME(get_reloc_upper_bound)
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *));
-extern long nlmNAME(canonicalize_reloc)
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent **, asymbol **));
-extern const bfd_target *nlmNAME(object_p)
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-extern boolean nlmNAME(set_arch_mach)
- PARAMS ((bfd *, enum bfd_architecture, unsigned long));
-extern boolean nlmNAME(set_section_contents)
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR, file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-extern boolean nlmNAME(write_object_contents)
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-/* Some private data is stashed away for future use using the tdata pointer
- in the bfd structure. */
-struct nlm_obj_tdata
- /* Actual data, but ref like ptr */
- Nlm_Internal_Fixed_Header nlm_fixed_hdr[1];
- Nlm_Internal_Variable_Header nlm_variable_hdr[1];
- Nlm_Internal_Version_Header nlm_version_hdr[1];
- Nlm_Internal_Copyright_Header nlm_copyright_hdr[1];
- Nlm_Internal_Extended_Header nlm_extended_hdr[1];
- Nlm_Internal_Custom_Header nlm_custom_hdr[1];
- Nlm_Internal_Cygnus_Ext_Header nlm_cygnus_ext_hdr[1];
- /* BFD NLM symbols. */
- nlmNAME(symbol_type) *nlm_symbols;
- /* Lowest text and data VMA values. */
- bfd_vma nlm_text_low;
- bfd_vma nlm_data_low;
- /* Caches for data read from object file. */
- arelent * nlm_reloc_fixups;
- asection ** nlm_reloc_fixup_secs;
- /* Backend specific information. This should probably be a pointer,
- but that would require yet another entry point to initialize the
- structure. */
- union
- {
- struct /* Alpha backend information. */
- {
- bfd_vma gp; /* GP value. */
- bfd_vma lita_address; /* .lita section address. */
- bfd_size_type lita_size; /* .lita section size. */
- }
- alpha_backend_data;
- }
- backend_data;
-#define nlm_tdata(bfd) ((bfd) -> tdata.nlm_obj_data)
-#define nlm_fixed_header(bfd) (nlm_tdata(bfd) -> nlm_fixed_hdr)
-#define nlm_variable_header(bfd) (nlm_tdata(bfd) -> nlm_variable_hdr)
-#define nlm_version_header(bfd) (nlm_tdata(bfd) -> nlm_version_hdr)
-#define nlm_copyright_header(bfd) (nlm_tdata(bfd) -> nlm_copyright_hdr)
-#define nlm_extended_header(bfd) (nlm_tdata(bfd) -> nlm_extended_hdr)
-#define nlm_custom_header(bfd) (nlm_tdata(bfd) -> nlm_custom_hdr)
-#define nlm_cygnus_ext_header(bfd) (nlm_tdata(bfd) -> nlm_cygnus_ext_hdr)
-#define nlm_get_symbols(bfd) (nlm_tdata(bfd) -> nlm_symbols)
-#define nlm_set_symbols(bfd, p) (nlm_tdata(bfd) -> nlm_symbols = (p))
-#define nlm_set_text_low(bfd, i) (nlm_tdata(bfd) -> nlm_text_low = (i))
-#define nlm_get_text_low(bfd) (nlm_tdata(bfd) -> nlm_text_low)
-#define nlm_set_data_low(bfd, i) (nlm_tdata(bfd) -> nlm_data_low = (i))
-#define nlm_get_data_low(bfd) (nlm_tdata(bfd) -> nlm_data_low)
-#define nlm_relocation_fixups(bfd) (nlm_tdata(bfd) -> nlm_reloc_fixups)
-#define nlm_relocation_fixup_secs(bfd) (nlm_tdata(bfd)->nlm_reloc_fixup_secs)
-#define nlm_alpha_backend_data(bfd) \
- (&nlm_tdata (bfd)->backend_data.alpha_backend_data)
-/* This is used when writing out the external relocs. */
-struct reloc_and_sec
- arelent *rel;
- asection *sec;
-/* We store some function pointer in the backend structure. This lets
- different NLM targets share most of the same code, while providing
- slightly different code where necessary. */
-struct nlm_backend_data
- /* Signature for this backend. */
- char signature[NLM_SIGNATURE_SIZE];
- /* Size of the fixed header. */
- bfd_size_type fixed_header_size;
- /* Size of optional prefix for this backend. Some backend may
- require this to be a function, but so far a constant is OK. This
- is for a prefix which precedes the standard NLM fixed header. */
- bfd_size_type optional_prefix_size;
- /* Architecture. */
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- /* Machine. */
- long mach;
- /* Some NLM formats do not use the uninitialized data section, so
- all uninitialized data must be put into the regular data section
- instead. */
- boolean no_uninitialized_data;
- /* Some NLM formats have a prefix on the file. If this function is
- not NULL, it will be called by nlm_object_p. It should return
- true if this file could match this format, and it should leave
- the BFD such that a bfd_read will pick up the fixed header. */
- boolean (*nlm_backend_object_p) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- /* Write out the prefix. This function may be NULL. This must
- write out the same number of bytes as is in the field
- optional_prefix_size. */
- boolean (*nlm_write_prefix) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- /* Read a relocation fixup from abfd. The reloc information is
- machine specific. The second argument is the symbol if this is
- an import, or NULL if this is a reloc fixup. This function
- should set the third argument to the section which the reloc
- belongs in, and the fourth argument to the reloc itself; it does
- not need to fill in the sym_ptr_ptr field for a reloc against an
- import symbol. */
- boolean (*nlm_read_reloc) PARAMS ((bfd *, nlmNAME(symbol_type) *,
- asection **, arelent *));
- /* To make objcopy to an i386 NLM work, the i386 backend needs a
- chance to work over the relocs. This is a bit icky. */
- boolean (*nlm_mangle_relocs) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR data,
- bfd_vma offset,
- bfd_size_type count));
- /* Read an import record from abfd. It would be nice if this
- were in a machine-dependent format, but it doesn't seem to be. */
- boolean (*nlm_read_import) PARAMS ((bfd *, nlmNAME(symbol_type) *));
- /* Write an import record to abfd. */
- boolean (*nlm_write_import) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent *));
- /* Set the section for a public symbol. This may be NULL, in which
- case a default method will be used. */
- boolean (*nlm_set_public_section) PARAMS ((bfd *, nlmNAME(symbol_type) *));
- /* Get the offset to write out for a public symbol. This may be
- NULL, in which case a default method will be used. */
- bfd_vma (*nlm_get_public_offset) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
- /* Swap the fixed header in and out */
- void (*nlm_swap_fhdr_in) PARAMS ((bfd *,
- PTR,
- Nlm_Internal_Fixed_Header *));
- void (*nlm_swap_fhdr_out) PARAMS ((bfd *,
- struct nlm_internal_fixed_header *,
- PTR));
- /* Write out an external reference. */
- boolean (*nlm_write_external) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_size_type,
- asymbol *,
- struct reloc_and_sec *));
- boolean (*nlm_write_export) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, bfd_vma));
-#define nlm_backend(bfd) \
- ((struct nlm_backend_data *)((bfd) -> xvec -> backend_data))
-#define nlm_signature(bfd) \
- (nlm_backend(bfd) -> signature)
-#define nlm_fixed_header_size(bfd) \
- (nlm_backend(bfd) -> fixed_header_size)
-#define nlm_optional_prefix_size(bfd) \
- (nlm_backend(bfd) -> optional_prefix_size)
-#define nlm_architecture(bfd) \
- (nlm_backend(bfd) -> arch)
-#define nlm_machine(bfd) \
- (nlm_backend(bfd) -> mach)
-#define nlm_no_uninitialized_data(bfd) \
- (nlm_backend(bfd) -> no_uninitialized_data)
-#define nlm_backend_object_p_func(bfd) \
- (nlm_backend(bfd) -> nlm_backend_object_p)
-#define nlm_write_prefix_func(bfd) \
- (nlm_backend(bfd) -> nlm_write_prefix)
-#define nlm_read_reloc_func(bfd) \
- (nlm_backend(bfd) -> nlm_read_reloc)
-#define nlm_mangle_relocs_func(bfd) \
- (nlm_backend(bfd) -> nlm_mangle_relocs)
-#define nlm_read_import_func(bfd) \
- (nlm_backend(bfd) -> nlm_read_import)
-#define nlm_write_import_func(bfd) \
- (nlm_backend(bfd) -> nlm_write_import)
-#define nlm_set_public_section_func(bfd) \
- (nlm_backend(bfd) -> nlm_set_public_section)
-#define nlm_get_public_offset_func(bfd) \
- (nlm_backend(bfd) -> nlm_get_public_offset)
-#define nlm_swap_fixed_header_in_func(bfd) \
- (nlm_backend(bfd) -> nlm_swap_fhdr_in)
-#define nlm_swap_fixed_header_out_func(bfd) \
- (nlm_backend(bfd) -> nlm_swap_fhdr_out)
-#define nlm_write_external_func(bfd) \
- (nlm_backend(bfd) -> nlm_write_external)
-#define nlm_write_export_func(bfd) \
- (nlm_backend(bfd) -> nlm_write_export)
-/* The NLM code, data, and uninitialized sections have no names defined
- in the NLM, but bfd wants to give them names, so use the traditional
- UNIX names. */
-#define NLM_CODE_NAME ".text"
-#endif /* _LIBNLM_H_ */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/liboasys.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/liboasys.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d1581376565..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/liboasys.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD internal declarations for Oasys file format handling.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Scrawled by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-typedef struct _oasys_symbol
- asymbol symbol;
-} oasys_symbol_type;
-typedef struct _oasys_reloc {
- arelent relent;
- struct _oasys_reloc *next;
- unsigned int symbol;
-} oasys_reloc_type;
-#define oasys_symbol(x) ((oasys_symbol_type *)(x))
-#define oasys_per_section(x) ((oasys_per_section_type *)(x->used_by_bfd))
-typedef struct _oasys_per_section
- asection *section;
- bfd_byte *data;
- bfd_vma offset;
- boolean had_vma;
- oasys_reloc_type **reloc_tail_ptr;
- bfd_vma pc;
- file_ptr current_pos;
- unsigned int current_byte;
- boolean initialized;
-} oasys_per_section_type;
-#define NSECTIONS 10
-typedef struct _oasys_ar_obstack {
- file_ptr file_offset;
- bfd *abfd;
-} oasys_ar_obstack_type;
-typedef struct _oasys_module_info {
- file_ptr pos;
- unsigned int size;
- bfd *abfd;
- char *name;
-} oasys_module_info_type;
-typedef struct _oasys_ar_data {
- oasys_module_info_type *module;
- unsigned int module_count;
- unsigned int module_index;
-} oasys_ar_data_type;
-typedef struct _oasys_data {
- struct obstack oasys_obstack;
- char *strings;
- asymbol *symbols;
- unsigned int symbol_string_length;
- asection *sections[OASYS_MAX_SEC_COUNT];
- file_ptr first_data_record;
-} oasys_data_type;
-#define OASYS_DATA(abfd) ((abfd)->tdata.oasys_obj_data)
-#define OASYS_AR_DATA(abfd) ((abfd)->tdata.oasys_ar_data)
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/linker.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/linker.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4decc88cafae..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/linker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2781 +0,0 @@
-/* linker.c -- BFD linker routines
- Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Steve Chamberlain and Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "genlink.h"
- Linker Functions
-@cindex Linker
- The linker uses three special entry points in the BFD target
- vector. It is not necessary to write special routines for
- these entry points when creating a new BFD back end, since
- generic versions are provided. However, writing them can
- speed up linking and make it use significantly less runtime
- memory.
- The first routine creates a hash table used by the other
- routines. The second routine adds the symbols from an object
- file to the hash table. The third routine takes all the
- object files and links them together to create the output
- file. These routines are designed so that the linker proper
- does not need to know anything about the symbols in the object
- files that it is linking. The linker merely arranges the
- sections as directed by the linker script and lets BFD handle
- the details of symbols and relocs.
- The second routine and third routines are passed a pointer to
- a <<struct bfd_link_info>> structure (defined in
- <<bfdlink.h>>) which holds information relevant to the link,
- including the linker hash table (which was created by the
- first routine) and a set of callback functions to the linker
- proper.
- The generic linker routines are in <<linker.c>>, and use the
- header file <<genlink.h>>. As of this writing, the only back
- ends which have implemented versions of these routines are
- a.out (in <<aoutx.h>>) and ECOFF (in <<ecoff.c>>). The a.out
- routines are used as examples throughout this section.
-@* Creating a Linker Hash Table::
-@* Adding Symbols to the Hash Table::
-@* Performing the Final Link::
-@end menu
-Creating a Linker Hash Table, Adding Symbols to the Hash Table, Linker Functions, Linker Functions
- Creating a linker hash table
-@cindex _bfd_link_hash_table_create in target vector
-@cindex target vector (_bfd_link_hash_table_create)
- The linker routines must create a hash table, which must be
- derived from <<struct bfd_link_hash_table>> described in
- <<bfdlink.c>>. @xref{Hash Tables} for information on how to
- create a derived hash table. This entry point is called using
- the target vector of the linker output file.
- The <<_bfd_link_hash_table_create>> entry point must allocate
- and initialize an instance of the desired hash table. If the
- back end does not require any additional information to be
- stored with the entries in the hash table, the entry point may
- simply create a <<struct bfd_link_hash_table>>. Most likely,
- however, some additional information will be needed.
- For example, with each entry in the hash table the a.out
- linker keeps the index the symbol has in the final output file
- (this index number is used so that when doing a relocateable
- link the symbol index used in the output file can be quickly
- filled in when copying over a reloc). The a.out linker code
- defines the required structures and functions for a hash table
- derived from <<struct bfd_link_hash_table>>. The a.out linker
- hash table is created by the function
- <<NAME(aout,link_hash_table_create)>>; it simply allocates
- space for the hash table, initializes it, and returns a
- pointer to it.
- When writing the linker routines for a new back end, you will
- generally not know exactly which fields will be required until
- you have finished. You should simply create a new hash table
- which defines no additional fields, and then simply add fields
- as they become necessary.
-Adding Symbols to the Hash Table, Performing the Final Link, Creating a Linker Hash Table, Linker Functions
- Adding symbols to the hash table
-@cindex _bfd_link_add_symbols in target vector
-@cindex target vector (_bfd_link_add_symbols)
- The linker proper will call the <<_bfd_link_add_symbols>>
- entry point for each object file or archive which is to be
- linked (typically these are the files named on the command
- line, but some may also come from the linker script). The
- entry point is responsible for examining the file. For an
- object file, BFD must add any relevant symbol information to
- the hash table. For an archive, BFD must determine which
- elements of the archive should be used and adding them to the
- link.
- The a.out version of this entry point is
- <<NAME(aout,link_add_symbols)>>.
-@* Differing file formats::
-@* Adding symbols from an object file::
-@* Adding symbols from an archive::
-@end menu
-Differing file formats, Adding symbols from an object file, Adding Symbols to the Hash Table, Adding Symbols to the Hash Table
- Differing file formats
- Normally all the files involved in a link will be of the same
- format, but it is also possible to link together different
- format object files, and the back end must support that. The
- <<_bfd_link_add_symbols>> entry point is called via the target
- vector of the file to be added. This has an important
- consequence: the function may not assume that the hash table
- is the type created by the corresponding
- <<_bfd_link_hash_table_create>> vector. All the
- <<_bfd_link_add_symbols>> function can assume about the hash
- table is that it is derived from <<struct
- bfd_link_hash_table>>.
- Sometimes the <<_bfd_link_add_symbols>> function must store
- some information in the hash table entry to be used by the
- <<_bfd_final_link>> function. In such a case the <<creator>>
- field of the hash table must be checked to make sure that the
- hash table was created by an object file of the same format.
- The <<_bfd_final_link>> routine must be prepared to handle a
- hash entry without any extra information added by the
- <<_bfd_link_add_symbols>> function. A hash entry without
- extra information will also occur when the linker script
- directs the linker to create a symbol. Note that, regardless
- of how a hash table entry is added, all the fields will be
- initialized to some sort of null value by the hash table entry
- initialization function.
- See <<ecoff_link_add_externals>> for an example of how to
- check the <<creator>> field before saving information (in this
- case, the ECOFF external symbol debugging information) in a
- hash table entry.
-Adding symbols from an object file, Adding symbols from an archive, Differing file formats, Adding Symbols to the Hash Table
- Adding symbols from an object file
- When the <<_bfd_link_add_symbols>> routine is passed an object
- file, it must add all externally visible symbols in that
- object file to the hash table. The actual work of adding the
- symbol to the hash table is normally handled by the function
- <<_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol>>. The
- <<_bfd_link_add_symbols>> routine is responsible for reading
- all the symbols from the object file and passing the correct
- information to <<_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol>>.
- The <<_bfd_link_add_symbols>> routine should not use
- <<bfd_canonicalize_symtab>> to read the symbols. The point of
- providing this routine is to avoid the overhead of converting
- the symbols into generic <<asymbol>> structures.
-@findex _bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
- <<_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol>> handles the details of
- combining common symbols, warning about multiple definitions,
- and so forth. It takes arguments which describe the symbol to
- add, notably symbol flags, a section, and an offset. The
- symbol flags include such things as <<BSF_WEAK>> or
- <<BSF_INDIRECT>>. The section is a section in the object
- file, or something like <<bfd_und_section_ptr>> for an undefined
- symbol or <<bfd_com_section_ptr>> for a common symbol.
- If the <<_bfd_final_link>> routine is also going to need to
- read the symbol information, the <<_bfd_link_add_symbols>>
- routine should save it somewhere attached to the object file
- BFD. However, the information should only be saved if the
- <<keep_memory>> field of the <<info>> argument is true, so
- that the <<-no-keep-memory>> linker switch is effective.
- The a.out function which adds symbols from an object file is
- <<aout_link_add_object_symbols>>, and most of the interesting
- work is in <<aout_link_add_symbols>>. The latter saves
- pointers to the hash tables entries created by
- <<_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol>> indexed by symbol number,
- so that the <<_bfd_final_link>> routine does not have to call
- the hash table lookup routine to locate the entry.
-Adding symbols from an archive, , Adding symbols from an object file, Adding Symbols to the Hash Table
- Adding symbols from an archive
- When the <<_bfd_link_add_symbols>> routine is passed an
- archive, it must look through the symbols defined by the
- archive and decide which elements of the archive should be
- included in the link. For each such element it must call the
- <<add_archive_element>> linker callback, and it must add the
- symbols from the object file to the linker hash table.
-@findex _bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols
- In most cases the work of looking through the symbols in the
- archive should be done by the
- <<_bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols>> function. This
- function builds a hash table from the archive symbol table and
- looks through the list of undefined symbols to see which
- elements should be included.
- <<_bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols>> is passed a function
- to call to make the final decision about adding an archive
- element to the link and to do the actual work of adding the
- symbols to the linker hash table.
- The function passed to
- <<_bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols>> must read the
- symbols of the archive element and decide whether the archive
- element should be included in the link. If the element is to
- be included, the <<add_archive_element>> linker callback
- routine must be called with the element as an argument, and
- the elements symbols must be added to the linker hash table
- just as though the element had itself been passed to the
- <<_bfd_link_add_symbols>> function.
- When the a.out <<_bfd_link_add_symbols>> function receives an
- archive, it calls <<_bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols>>
- passing <<aout_link_check_archive_element>> as the function
- argument. <<aout_link_check_archive_element>> calls
- <<aout_link_check_ar_symbols>>. If the latter decides to add
- the element (an element is only added if it provides a real,
- non-common, definition for a previously undefined or common
- symbol) it calls the <<add_archive_element>> callback and then
- <<aout_link_check_archive_element>> calls
- <<aout_link_add_symbols>> to actually add the symbols to the
- linker hash table.
- The ECOFF back end is unusual in that it does not normally
- call <<_bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols>>, because ECOFF
- archives already contain a hash table of symbols. The ECOFF
- back end searches the archive itself to avoid the overhead of
- creating a new hash table.
-Performing the Final Link, , Adding Symbols to the Hash Table, Linker Functions
- Performing the final link
-@cindex _bfd_link_final_link in target vector
-@cindex target vector (_bfd_final_link)
- When all the input files have been processed, the linker calls
- the <<_bfd_final_link>> entry point of the output BFD. This
- routine is responsible for producing the final output file,
- which has several aspects. It must relocate the contents of
- the input sections and copy the data into the output sections.
- It must build an output symbol table including any local
- symbols from the input files and the global symbols from the
- hash table. When producing relocateable output, it must
- modify the input relocs and write them into the output file.
- There may also be object format dependent work to be done.
- The linker will also call the <<write_object_contents>> entry
- point when the BFD is closed. The two entry points must work
- together in order to produce the correct output file.
- The details of how this works are inevitably dependent upon
- the specific object file format. The a.out
- <<_bfd_final_link>> routine is <<NAME(aout,final_link)>>.
-@* Information provided by the linker::
-@* Relocating the section contents::
-@* Writing the symbol table::
-@end menu
-Information provided by the linker, Relocating the section contents, Performing the Final Link, Performing the Final Link
- Information provided by the linker
- Before the linker calls the <<_bfd_final_link>> entry point,
- it sets up some data structures for the function to use.
- The <<input_bfds>> field of the <<bfd_link_info>> structure
- will point to a list of all the input files included in the
- link. These files are linked through the <<link_next>> field
- of the <<bfd>> structure.
- Each section in the output file will have a list of
- <<link_order>> structures attached to the <<link_order_head>>
- field (the <<link_order>> structure is defined in
- <<bfdlink.h>>). These structures describe how to create the
- contents of the output section in terms of the contents of
- various input sections, fill constants, and, eventually, other
- types of information. They also describe relocs that must be
- created by the BFD backend, but do not correspond to any input
- file; this is used to support -Ur, which builds constructors
- while generating a relocateable object file.
-Relocating the section contents, Writing the symbol table, Information provided by the linker, Performing the Final Link
- Relocating the section contents
- The <<_bfd_final_link>> function should look through the
- <<link_order>> structures attached to each section of the
- output file. Each <<link_order>> structure should either be
- handled specially, or it should be passed to the function
- <<_bfd_default_link_order>> which will do the right thing
- (<<_bfd_default_link_order>> is defined in <<linker.c>>).
- For efficiency, a <<link_order>> of type
- <<bfd_indirect_link_order>> whose associated section belongs
- to a BFD of the same format as the output BFD must be handled
- specially. This type of <<link_order>> describes part of an
- output section in terms of a section belonging to one of the
- input files. The <<_bfd_final_link>> function should read the
- contents of the section and any associated relocs, apply the
- relocs to the section contents, and write out the modified
- section contents. If performing a relocateable link, the
- relocs themselves must also be modified and written out.
-@findex _bfd_relocate_contents
-@findex _bfd_final_link_relocate
- The functions <<_bfd_relocate_contents>> and
- <<_bfd_final_link_relocate>> provide some general support for
- performing the actual relocations, notably overflow checking.
- Their arguments include information about the symbol the
- relocation is against and a <<reloc_howto_type>> argument
- which describes the relocation to perform. These functions
- are defined in <<reloc.c>>.
- The a.out function which handles reading, relocating, and
- writing section contents is <<aout_link_input_section>>. The
- actual relocation is done in <<aout_link_input_section_std>>
- and <<aout_link_input_section_ext>>.
-Writing the symbol table, , Relocating the section contents, Performing the Final Link
- Writing the symbol table
- The <<_bfd_final_link>> function must gather all the symbols
- in the input files and write them out. It must also write out
- all the symbols in the global hash table. This must be
- controlled by the <<strip>> and <<discard>> fields of the
- <<bfd_link_info>> structure.
- The local symbols of the input files will not have been
- entered into the linker hash table. The <<_bfd_final_link>>
- routine must consider each input file and include the symbols
- in the output file. It may be convenient to do this when
- looking through the <<link_order>> structures, or it may be
- done by stepping through the <<input_bfds>> list.
- The <<_bfd_final_link>> routine must also traverse the global
- hash table to gather all the externally visible symbols. It
- is possible that most of the externally visible symbols may be
- written out when considering the symbols of each input file,
- but it is still necessary to traverse the hash table since the
- linker script may have defined some symbols that are not in
- any of the input files.
- The <<strip>> field of the <<bfd_link_info>> structure
- controls which symbols are written out. The possible values
- are listed in <<bfdlink.h>>. If the value is <<strip_some>>,
- then the <<keep_hash>> field of the <<bfd_link_info>>
- structure is a hash table of symbols to keep; each symbol
- should be looked up in this hash table, and only symbols which
- are present should be included in the output file.
- If the <<strip>> field of the <<bfd_link_info>> structure
- permits local symbols to be written out, the <<discard>> field
- is used to further controls which local symbols are included
- in the output file. If the value is <<discard_l>>, then all
- local symbols which begin with a certain prefix are discarded;
- this prefix is described by the <<lprefix>> and
- <<lprefix_len>> fields of the <<bfd_link_info>> structure.
- The a.out backend handles symbols by calling
- <<aout_link_write_symbols>> on each input BFD and then
- traversing the global hash table with the function
- <<aout_link_write_other_symbol>>. It builds a string table
- while writing out the symbols, which is written to the output
- file at the end of <<NAME(aout,final_link)>>.
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *generic_link_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *));
-static boolean generic_link_read_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean generic_link_add_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean collect));
-static boolean generic_link_add_object_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean collect));
-static boolean generic_link_check_archive_element_no_collect
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *pneeded));
-static boolean generic_link_check_archive_element_collect
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *pneeded));
-static boolean generic_link_check_archive_element
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *pneeded, boolean collect));
-static boolean generic_link_add_symbol_list
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd_size_type count, asymbol **,
- boolean collect));
-static bfd *hash_entry_bfd PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_entry *));
-static void set_symbol_from_hash
- PARAMS ((asymbol *, struct bfd_link_hash_entry *));
-static boolean generic_add_output_symbol
- PARAMS ((bfd *, size_t *psymalloc, asymbol *));
-static boolean default_fill_link_order
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, asection *,
- struct bfd_link_order *));
-static boolean default_indirect_link_order
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, asection *,
- struct bfd_link_order *, boolean));
-/* The link hash table structure is defined in bfdlink.h. It provides
- a base hash table which the backend specific hash tables are built
- upon. */
-/* Routine to create an entry in the link hash table. */
-struct bfd_hash_entry *
-_bfd_link_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *ret = (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ret = ((struct bfd_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table, sizeof (struct bfd_link_hash_entry)));
- if (ret == (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct bfd_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_newfunc ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret, table, string));
- if (ret)
- {
- /* Initialize the local fields. */
- ret->type = bfd_link_hash_new;
- ret->next = NULL;
- }
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Initialize a link hash table. The BFD argument is the one
- responsible for creating this table. */
-_bfd_link_hash_table_init (table, abfd, newfunc)
- struct bfd_link_hash_table *table;
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*newfunc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *));
- table->creator = abfd->xvec;
- table->undefs = NULL;
- table->undefs_tail = NULL;
- return bfd_hash_table_init (&table->table, newfunc);
-/* Look up a symbol in a link hash table. If follow is true, we
- follow bfd_link_hash_indirect and bfd_link_hash_warning links to
- the real symbol. */
-struct bfd_link_hash_entry *
-bfd_link_hash_lookup (table, string, create, copy, follow)
- struct bfd_link_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- boolean create;
- boolean copy;
- boolean follow;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *ret;
- ret = ((struct bfd_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_lookup (&table->table, string, create, copy));
- if (follow && ret != (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- {
- while (ret->type == bfd_link_hash_indirect
- || ret->type == bfd_link_hash_warning)
- ret = ret->;
- }
- return ret;
-/* Look up a symbol in the main linker hash table if the symbol might
- be wrapped. This should only be used for references to an
- undefined symbol, not for definitions of a symbol. */
-struct bfd_link_hash_entry *
-bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup (abfd, info, string, create, copy, follow)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- const char *string;
- boolean create;
- boolean copy;
- boolean follow;
- if (info->wrap_hash != NULL)
- {
- const char *l;
- l = string;
- if (*l == bfd_get_symbol_leading_char (abfd))
- ++l;
-#undef WRAP
-#define WRAP "__wrap_"
- if (bfd_hash_lookup (info->wrap_hash, l, false, false) != NULL)
- {
- char *n;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- /* This symbol is being wrapped. We want to replace all
- references to SYM with references to __wrap_SYM. */
- n = (char *) bfd_malloc (strlen (l) + sizeof WRAP + 1);
- if (n == NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* Note that symbol_leading_char may be '\0'. */
- n[0] = bfd_get_symbol_leading_char (abfd);
- n[1] = '\0';
- strcat (n, WRAP);
- strcat (n, l);
- h = bfd_link_hash_lookup (info->hash, n, create, true, follow);
- free (n);
- return h;
- }
-#undef WRAP
-#undef REAL
-#define REAL "__real_"
- if (*l == '_'
- && strncmp (l, REAL, sizeof REAL - 1) == 0
- && bfd_hash_lookup (info->wrap_hash, l + sizeof REAL - 1,
- false, false) != NULL)
- {
- char *n;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- /* This is a reference to __real_SYM, where SYM is being
- wrapped. We want to replace all references to __real_SYM
- with references to SYM. */
- n = (char *) bfd_malloc (strlen (l + sizeof REAL - 1) + 2);
- if (n == NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* Note that symbol_leading_char may be '\0'. */
- n[0] = bfd_get_symbol_leading_char (abfd);
- n[1] = '\0';
- strcat (n, l + sizeof REAL - 1);
- h = bfd_link_hash_lookup (info->hash, n, create, true, follow);
- free (n);
- return h;
- }
-#undef REAL
- }
- return bfd_link_hash_lookup (info->hash, string, create, copy, follow);
-/* Traverse a generic link hash table. The only reason this is not a
- macro is to do better type checking. This code presumes that an
- argument passed as a struct bfd_hash_entry * may be caught as a
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry * with no explicit cast required on the
- call. */
-bfd_link_hash_traverse (table, func, info)
- struct bfd_link_hash_table *table;
- boolean (*func) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
- PTR info;
- bfd_hash_traverse (&table->table,
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, PTR)))
- func),
- info);
-/* Add a symbol to the linker hash table undefs list. */
-INLINE void
-bfd_link_add_undef (table, h)
- struct bfd_link_hash_table *table;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- BFD_ASSERT (h->next == NULL);
- if (table->undefs_tail != (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- table->undefs_tail->next = h;
- if (table->undefs == (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- table->undefs = h;
- table->undefs_tail = h;
-/* Routine to create an entry in an generic link hash table. */
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *
-generic_link_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct generic_link_hash_entry *ret =
- (struct generic_link_hash_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == (struct generic_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ret = ((struct generic_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table, sizeof (struct generic_link_hash_entry)));
- if (ret == (struct generic_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct generic_link_hash_entry *)
- _bfd_link_hash_newfunc ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret,
- table, string));
- if (ret)
- {
- /* Set local fields. */
- ret->written = false;
- ret->sym = NULL;
- }
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Create an generic link hash table. */
-struct bfd_link_hash_table *
-_bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct generic_link_hash_table *ret;
- ret = ((struct generic_link_hash_table *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct generic_link_hash_table)));
- if (ret == NULL)
- return (struct bfd_link_hash_table *) NULL;
- if (! _bfd_link_hash_table_init (&ret->root, abfd,
- generic_link_hash_newfunc))
- {
- free (ret);
- return (struct bfd_link_hash_table *) NULL;
- }
- return &ret->root;
-/* Grab the symbols for an object file when doing a generic link. We
- store the symbols in the outsymbols field. We need to keep them
- around for the entire link to ensure that we only read them once.
- If we read them multiple times, we might wind up with relocs and
- the hash table pointing to different instances of the symbol
- structure. */
-static boolean
-generic_link_read_symbols (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (abfd->outsymbols == (asymbol **) NULL)
- {
- long symsize;
- long symcount;
- symsize = bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound (abfd);
- if (symsize < 0)
- return false;
- abfd->outsymbols = (asymbol **) bfd_alloc (abfd, symsize);
- if (abfd->outsymbols == NULL && symsize != 0)
- return false;
- symcount = bfd_canonicalize_symtab (abfd, abfd->outsymbols);
- if (symcount < 0)
- return false;
- abfd->symcount = symcount;
- }
- return true;
-/* Generic function to add symbols to from an object file to the
- global hash table. This version does not automatically collect
- constructors by name. */
-_bfd_generic_link_add_symbols (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- return generic_link_add_symbols (abfd, info, false);
-/* Generic function to add symbols from an object file to the global
- hash table. This version automatically collects constructors by
- name, as the collect2 program does. It should be used for any
- target which does not provide some other mechanism for setting up
- constructors and destructors; these are approximately those targets
- for which gcc uses collect2 and do not support stabs. */
-_bfd_generic_link_add_symbols_collect (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- return generic_link_add_symbols (abfd, info, true);
-/* Add symbols from an object file to the global hash table. */
-static boolean
-generic_link_add_symbols (abfd, info, collect)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean collect;
- boolean ret;
- switch (bfd_get_format (abfd))
- {
- case bfd_object:
- ret = generic_link_add_object_symbols (abfd, info, collect);
- break;
- case bfd_archive:
- ret = (_bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols
- (abfd, info,
- (collect
- ? generic_link_check_archive_element_collect
- : generic_link_check_archive_element_no_collect)));
- break;
- default:
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- ret = false;
- }
- return ret;
-/* Add symbols from an object file to the global hash table. */
-static boolean
-generic_link_add_object_symbols (abfd, info, collect)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean collect;
- if (! generic_link_read_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- return generic_link_add_symbol_list (abfd, info,
- _bfd_generic_link_get_symcount (abfd),
- _bfd_generic_link_get_symbols (abfd),
- collect);
-/* We build a hash table of all symbols defined in an archive. */
-/* An archive symbol may be defined by multiple archive elements.
- This linked list is used to hold the elements. */
-struct archive_list
- struct archive_list *next;
- int indx;
-/* An entry in an archive hash table. */
-struct archive_hash_entry
- struct bfd_hash_entry root;
- /* Where the symbol is defined. */
- struct archive_list *defs;
-/* An archive hash table itself. */
-struct archive_hash_table
- struct bfd_hash_table table;
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *archive_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
-static boolean archive_hash_table_init
- PARAMS ((struct archive_hash_table *,
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *)));
-/* Create a new entry for an archive hash table. */
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *
-archive_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct archive_hash_entry *ret = (struct archive_hash_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == (struct archive_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ret = ((struct archive_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table, sizeof (struct archive_hash_entry)));
- if (ret == (struct archive_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct archive_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_newfunc ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret, table, string));
- if (ret)
- {
- /* Initialize the local fields. */
- ret->defs = (struct archive_list *) NULL;
- }
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Initialize an archive hash table. */
-static boolean
-archive_hash_table_init (table, newfunc)
- struct archive_hash_table *table;
- struct bfd_hash_entry *(*newfunc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *,
- struct bfd_hash_table *,
- const char *));
- return bfd_hash_table_init (&table->table, newfunc);
-/* Look up an entry in an archive hash table. */
-#define archive_hash_lookup(t, string, create, copy) \
- ((struct archive_hash_entry *) \
- bfd_hash_lookup (&(t)->table, (string), (create), (copy)))
-/* Allocate space in an archive hash table. */
-#define archive_hash_allocate(t, size) bfd_hash_allocate (&(t)->table, (size))
-/* Free an archive hash table. */
-#define archive_hash_table_free(t) bfd_hash_table_free (&(t)->table)
-/* Generic function to add symbols from an archive file to the global
- hash file. This function presumes that the archive symbol table
- has already been read in (this is normally done by the
- bfd_check_format entry point). It looks through the undefined and
- common symbols and searches the archive symbol table for them. If
- it finds an entry, it includes the associated object file in the
- link.
- The old linker looked through the archive symbol table for
- undefined symbols. We do it the other way around, looking through
- undefined symbols for symbols defined in the archive. The
- advantage of the newer scheme is that we only have to look through
- the list of undefined symbols once, whereas the old method had to
- re-search the symbol table each time a new object file was added.
- The CHECKFN argument is used to see if an object file should be
- included. CHECKFN should set *PNEEDED to true if the object file
- should be included, and must also call the bfd_link_info
- add_archive_element callback function and handle adding the symbols
- to the global hash table. CHECKFN should only return false if some
- sort of error occurs.
- For some formats, such as a.out, it is possible to look through an
- object file but not actually include it in the link. The
- archive_pass field in a BFD is used to avoid checking the symbols
- of an object files too many times. When an object is included in
- the link, archive_pass is set to -1. If an object is scanned but
- not included, archive_pass is set to the pass number. The pass
- number is incremented each time a new object file is included. The
- pass number is used because when a new object file is included it
- may create new undefined symbols which cause a previously examined
- object file to be included. */
-_bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols (abfd, info, checkfn)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean (*checkfn) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *,
- boolean *pneeded));
- carsym *arsyms;
- carsym *arsym_end;
- register carsym *arsym;
- int pass;
- struct archive_hash_table arsym_hash;
- int indx;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry **pundef;
- if (! bfd_has_map (abfd))
- {
- /* An empty archive is a special case. */
- if (bfd_openr_next_archived_file (abfd, (bfd *) NULL) == NULL)
- return true;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_armap);
- return false;
- }
- arsyms = bfd_ardata (abfd)->symdefs;
- arsym_end = arsyms + bfd_ardata (abfd)->symdef_count;
- /* In order to quickly determine whether an symbol is defined in
- this archive, we build a hash table of the symbols. */
- if (! archive_hash_table_init (&arsym_hash, archive_hash_newfunc))
- return false;
- for (arsym = arsyms, indx = 0; arsym < arsym_end; arsym++, indx++)
- {
- struct archive_hash_entry *arh;
- struct archive_list *l, **pp;
- arh = archive_hash_lookup (&arsym_hash, arsym->name, true, false);
- if (arh == (struct archive_hash_entry *) NULL)
- goto error_return;
- l = ((struct archive_list *)
- archive_hash_allocate (&arsym_hash, sizeof (struct archive_list)));
- if (l == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- l->indx = indx;
- for (pp = &arh->defs;
- *pp != (struct archive_list *) NULL;
- pp = &(*pp)->next)
- ;
- *pp = l;
- l->next = NULL;
- }
- /* The archive_pass field in the archive itself is used to
- initialize PASS, sine we may search the same archive multiple
- times. */
- pass = abfd->archive_pass + 1;
- /* New undefined symbols are added to the end of the list, so we
- only need to look through it once. */
- pundef = &info->hash->undefs;
- while (*pundef != (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- {
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct archive_hash_entry *arh;
- struct archive_list *l;
- h = *pundef;
- /* When a symbol is defined, it is not necessarily removed from
- the list. */
- if (h->type != bfd_link_hash_undefined
- && h->type != bfd_link_hash_common)
- {
- /* Remove this entry from the list, for general cleanliness
- and because we are going to look through the list again
- if we search any more libraries. We can't remove the
- entry if it is the tail, because that would lose any
- entries we add to the list later on (it would also cause
- us to lose track of whether the symbol has been
- referenced). */
- if (*pundef != info->hash->undefs_tail)
- *pundef = (*pundef)->next;
- else
- pundef = &(*pundef)->next;
- continue;
- }
- /* Look for this symbol in the archive symbol map. */
- arh = archive_hash_lookup (&arsym_hash, h->root.string, false, false);
- if (arh == (struct archive_hash_entry *) NULL)
- {
- pundef = &(*pundef)->next;
- continue;
- }
- /* Look at all the objects which define this symbol. */
- for (l = arh->defs; l != (struct archive_list *) NULL; l = l->next)
- {
- bfd *element;
- boolean needed;
- /* If the symbol has gotten defined along the way, quit. */
- if (h->type != bfd_link_hash_undefined
- && h->type != bfd_link_hash_common)
- break;
- element = bfd_get_elt_at_index (abfd, l->indx);
- if (element == (bfd *) NULL)
- goto error_return;
- /* If we've already included this element, or if we've
- already checked it on this pass, continue. */
- if (element->archive_pass == -1
- || element->archive_pass == pass)
- continue;
- /* If we can't figure this element out, just ignore it. */
- if (! bfd_check_format (element, bfd_object))
- {
- element->archive_pass = -1;
- continue;
- }
- /* CHECKFN will see if this element should be included, and
- go ahead and include it if appropriate. */
- if (! (*checkfn) (element, info, &needed))
- goto error_return;
- if (! needed)
- element->archive_pass = pass;
- else
- {
- element->archive_pass = -1;
- /* Increment the pass count to show that we may need to
- recheck object files which were already checked. */
- ++pass;
- }
- }
- pundef = &(*pundef)->next;
- }
- archive_hash_table_free (&arsym_hash);
- /* Save PASS in case we are called again. */
- abfd->archive_pass = pass;
- return true;
- error_return:
- archive_hash_table_free (&arsym_hash);
- return false;
-/* See if we should include an archive element. This version is used
- when we do not want to automatically collect constructors based on
- the symbol name, presumably because we have some other mechanism
- for finding them. */
-static boolean
-generic_link_check_archive_element_no_collect (abfd, info, pneeded)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean *pneeded;
- return generic_link_check_archive_element (abfd, info, pneeded, false);
-/* See if we should include an archive element. This version is used
- when we want to automatically collect constructors based on the
- symbol name, as collect2 does. */
-static boolean
-generic_link_check_archive_element_collect (abfd, info, pneeded)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean *pneeded;
- return generic_link_check_archive_element (abfd, info, pneeded, true);
-/* See if we should include an archive element. Optionally collect
- constructors. */
-static boolean
-generic_link_check_archive_element (abfd, info, pneeded, collect)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean *pneeded;
- boolean collect;
- asymbol **pp, **ppend;
- *pneeded = false;
- if (! generic_link_read_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- pp = _bfd_generic_link_get_symbols (abfd);
- ppend = pp + _bfd_generic_link_get_symcount (abfd);
- for (; pp < ppend; pp++)
- {
- asymbol *p;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- p = *pp;
- /* We are only interested in globally visible symbols. */
- if (! bfd_is_com_section (p->section)
- && (p->flags & (BSF_GLOBAL | BSF_INDIRECT | BSF_WEAK)) == 0)
- continue;
- /* We are only interested if we know something about this
- symbol, and it is undefined or common. An undefined weak
- symbol (type bfd_link_hash_undefweak) is not considered to be
- a reference when pulling files out of an archive. See the
- SVR4 ABI, p. 4-27. */
- h = bfd_link_hash_lookup (info->hash, bfd_asymbol_name (p), false,
- false, true);
- if (h == (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- || (h->type != bfd_link_hash_undefined
- && h->type != bfd_link_hash_common))
- continue;
- /* P is a symbol we are looking for. */
- if (! bfd_is_com_section (p->section))
- {
- bfd_size_type symcount;
- asymbol **symbols;
- /* This object file defines this symbol, so pull it in. */
- if (! (*info->callbacks->add_archive_element) (info, abfd,
- bfd_asymbol_name (p)))
- return false;
- symcount = _bfd_generic_link_get_symcount (abfd);
- symbols = _bfd_generic_link_get_symbols (abfd);
- if (! generic_link_add_symbol_list (abfd, info, symcount,
- symbols, collect))
- return false;
- *pneeded = true;
- return true;
- }
- /* P is a common symbol. */
- if (h->type == bfd_link_hash_undefined)
- {
- bfd *symbfd;
- bfd_vma size;
- unsigned int power;
- symbfd = h->u.undef.abfd;
- if (symbfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- {
- /* This symbol was created as undefined from outside
- BFD. We assume that we should link in the object
- file. This is for the -u option in the linker. */
- if (! (*info->callbacks->add_archive_element)
- (info, abfd, bfd_asymbol_name (p)))
- return false;
- *pneeded = true;
- return true;
- }
- /* Turn the symbol into a common symbol but do not link in
- the object file. This is how a.out works. Object
- formats that require different semantics must implement
- this function differently. This symbol is already on the
- undefs list. We add the section to a common section
- attached to symbfd to ensure that it is in a BFD which
- will be linked in. */
- h->type = bfd_link_hash_common;
- h->u.c.p =
- ((struct bfd_link_hash_common_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (&info->hash->table,
- sizeof (struct bfd_link_hash_common_entry)));
- if (h->u.c.p == NULL)
- return false;
- size = bfd_asymbol_value (p);
- h->u.c.size = size;
- power = bfd_log2 (size);
- if (power > 4)
- power = 4;
- h->u.c.p->alignment_power = power;
- if (p->section == bfd_com_section_ptr)
- h->u.c.p->section = bfd_make_section_old_way (symbfd, "COMMON");
- else
- h->u.c.p->section = bfd_make_section_old_way (symbfd,
- p->section->name);
- h->u.c.p->section->flags = SEC_ALLOC;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Adjust the size of the common symbol if necessary. This
- is how a.out works. Object formats that require
- different semantics must implement this function
- differently. */
- if (bfd_asymbol_value (p) > h->u.c.size)
- h->u.c.size = bfd_asymbol_value (p);
- }
- }
- /* This archive element is not needed. */
- return true;
-/* Add the symbols from an object file to the global hash table. ABFD
- is the object file. INFO is the linker information. SYMBOL_COUNT
- is the number of symbols. SYMBOLS is the list of symbols. COLLECT
- is true if constructors should be automatically collected by name
- as is done by collect2. */
-static boolean
-generic_link_add_symbol_list (abfd, info, symbol_count, symbols, collect)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd_size_type symbol_count;
- asymbol **symbols;
- boolean collect;
- asymbol **pp, **ppend;
- pp = symbols;
- ppend = symbols + symbol_count;
- for (; pp < ppend; pp++)
- {
- asymbol *p;
- p = *pp;
- if ((p->flags & (BSF_INDIRECT
- | BSF_WEAK)) != 0
- || bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (p))
- || bfd_is_com_section (bfd_get_section (p))
- || bfd_is_ind_section (bfd_get_section (p)))
- {
- const char *name;
- const char *string;
- struct generic_link_hash_entry *h;
- name = bfd_asymbol_name (p);
- if (((p->flags & BSF_INDIRECT) != 0
- || bfd_is_ind_section (p->section))
- && pp + 1 < ppend)
- {
- pp++;
- string = bfd_asymbol_name (*pp);
- }
- else if ((p->flags & BSF_WARNING) != 0
- && pp + 1 < ppend)
- {
- /* The name of P is actually the warning string, and the
- next symbol is the one to warn about. */
- string = name;
- pp++;
- name = bfd_asymbol_name (*pp);
- }
- else
- string = NULL;
- h = NULL;
- if (! (_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
- (info, abfd, name, p->flags, bfd_get_section (p),
- p->value, string, false, collect,
- (struct bfd_link_hash_entry **) &h)))
- return false;
- /* If this is a constructor symbol, and the linker didn't do
- anything with it, then we want to just pass the symbol
- through to the output file. This will happen when
- linking with -r. */
- if ((p->flags & BSF_CONSTRUCTOR) != 0
- && (h == NULL || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_new))
- {
- p->udata.p = NULL;
- continue;
- }
- /* Save the BFD symbol so that we don't lose any backend
- specific information that may be attached to it. We only
- want this one if it gives more information than the
- existing one; we don't want to replace a defined symbol
- with an undefined one. This routine may be called with a
- hash table other than the generic hash table, so we only
- do this if we are certain that the hash table is a
- generic one. */
- if (info->hash->creator == abfd->xvec)
- {
- if (h->sym == (asymbol *) NULL
- || (! bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (p))
- && (! bfd_is_com_section (bfd_get_section (p))
- || bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (h->sym)))))
- {
- h->sym = p;
- /* BSF_OLD_COMMON is a hack to support COFF reloc
- reading, and it should go away when the COFF
- linker is switched to the new version. */
- if (bfd_is_com_section (bfd_get_section (p)))
- p->flags |= BSF_OLD_COMMON;
- }
- /* Store a back pointer from the symbol to the hash
- table entry for the benefit of relaxation code until
- it gets rewritten to not use asymbol structures.
- Setting this is also used to check whether these
- symbols were set up by the generic linker. */
- p->udata.p = (PTR) h;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* We use a state table to deal with adding symbols from an object
- file. The first index into the state table describes the symbol
- from the object file. The second index into the state table is the
- type of the symbol in the hash table. */
-/* The symbol from the object file is turned into one of these row
- values. */
-enum link_row
- UNDEF_ROW, /* Undefined. */
- UNDEFW_ROW, /* Weak undefined. */
- DEF_ROW, /* Defined. */
- DEFW_ROW, /* Weak defined. */
- COMMON_ROW, /* Common. */
- INDR_ROW, /* Indirect. */
- WARN_ROW, /* Warning. */
- SET_ROW /* Member of set. */
-/* apparently needed for Hitachi 3050R(HI-UX/WE2)? */
-#undef FAIL
-/* The actions to take in the state table. */
-enum link_action
- FAIL, /* Abort. */
- UND, /* Mark symbol undefined. */
- WEAK, /* Mark symbol weak undefined. */
- DEF, /* Mark symbol defined. */
- DEFW, /* Mark symbol weak defined. */
- COM, /* Mark symbol common. */
- REF, /* Mark defined symbol referenced. */
- CREF, /* Possibly warn about common reference to defined symbol. */
- CDEF, /* Define existing common symbol. */
- NOACT, /* No action. */
- BIG, /* Mark symbol common using largest size. */
- MDEF, /* Multiple definition error. */
- MIND, /* Multiple indirect symbols. */
- IND, /* Make indirect symbol. */
- CIND, /* Make indirect symbol from existing common symbol. */
- SET, /* Add value to set. */
- MWARN, /* Make warning symbol. */
- WARN, /* Issue warning. */
- CWARN, /* Warn if referenced, else MWARN. */
- CYCLE, /* Repeat with symbol pointed to. */
- REFC, /* Mark indirect symbol referenced and then CYCLE. */
- WARNC /* Issue warning and then CYCLE. */
-/* The state table itself. The first index is a link_row and the
- second index is a bfd_link_hash_type. */
-static const enum link_action link_action[8][8] =
- /* current\prev new undef undefw def defw com indr warn */
-/* Most of the entries in the LINK_ACTION table are straightforward,
- but a few are somewhat subtle.
- A reference to an indirect symbol (UNDEF_ROW/indr or
- UNDEFW_ROW/indr) is counted as a reference both to the indirect
- symbol and to the symbol the indirect symbol points to.
- A reference to a warning symbol (UNDEF_ROW/warn or UNDEFW_ROW/warn)
- causes the warning to be issued.
- A common definition of an indirect symbol (COMMON_ROW/indr) is
- treated as a multiple definition error. Likewise for an indirect
- definition of a common symbol (INDR_ROW/com).
- An indirect definition of a warning (INDR_ROW/warn) does not cause
- the warning to be issued.
- If a warning is created for an indirect symbol (WARN_ROW/indr) no
- warning is created for the symbol the indirect symbol points to.
- Adding an entry to a set does not count as a reference to a set,
- and no warning is issued (SET_ROW/warn). */
-/* Return the BFD in which a hash entry has been defined, if known. */
-static bfd *
-hash_entry_bfd (h)
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- while (h->type == bfd_link_hash_warning)
- h = h->;
- switch (h->type)
- {
- default:
- return NULL;
- case bfd_link_hash_undefined:
- case bfd_link_hash_undefweak:
- return h->u.undef.abfd;
- case bfd_link_hash_defined:
- case bfd_link_hash_defweak:
- return h->u.def.section->owner;
- case bfd_link_hash_common:
- return h->u.c.p->section->owner;
- }
-/* Add a symbol to the global hash table.
- ABFD is the BFD the symbol comes from.
- NAME is the name of the symbol.
- FLAGS is the BSF_* bits associated with the symbol.
- SECTION is the section in which the symbol is defined; this may be
- bfd_und_section_ptr or bfd_com_section_ptr.
- VALUE is the value of the symbol, relative to the section.
- STRING is used for either an indirect symbol, in which case it is
- the name of the symbol to indirect to, or a warning symbol, in
- which case it is the warning string.
- COPY is true if NAME or STRING must be copied into locally
- allocated memory if they need to be saved.
- COLLECT is true if we should automatically collect gcc constructor
- or destructor names as collect2 does.
- HASHP, if not NULL, is a place to store the created hash table
- entry; if *HASHP is not NULL, the caller has already looked up
- the hash table entry, and stored it in *HASHP. */
-_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol (info, abfd, name, flags, section, value,
- string, copy, collect, hashp)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *abfd;
- const char *name;
- flagword flags;
- asection *section;
- bfd_vma value;
- const char *string;
- boolean copy;
- boolean collect;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry **hashp;
- enum link_row row;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- boolean cycle;
- if (bfd_is_ind_section (section)
- || (flags & BSF_INDIRECT) != 0)
- row = INDR_ROW;
- else if ((flags & BSF_WARNING) != 0)
- row = WARN_ROW;
- else if ((flags & BSF_CONSTRUCTOR) != 0)
- row = SET_ROW;
- else if (bfd_is_und_section (section))
- {
- if ((flags & BSF_WEAK) != 0)
- row = UNDEFW_ROW;
- else
- row = UNDEF_ROW;
- }
- else if ((flags & BSF_WEAK) != 0)
- row = DEFW_ROW;
- else if (bfd_is_com_section (section))
- row = COMMON_ROW;
- else
- row = DEF_ROW;
- if (hashp != NULL && *hashp != NULL)
- h = *hashp;
- else
- {
- if (row == UNDEF_ROW || row == UNDEFW_ROW)
- h = bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup (abfd, info, name, true, copy, false);
- else
- h = bfd_link_hash_lookup (info->hash, name, true, copy, false);
- if (h == NULL)
- {
- if (hashp != NULL)
- *hashp = NULL;
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (info->notice_hash != (struct bfd_hash_table *) NULL
- && (bfd_hash_lookup (info->notice_hash, name, false, false)
- != (struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL))
- {
- if (! (*info->callbacks->notice) (info, name, abfd, section, value))
- return false;
- }
- if (hashp != (struct bfd_link_hash_entry **) NULL)
- *hashp = h;
- do
- {
- enum link_action action;
- cycle = false;
- action = link_action[(int) row][(int) h->type];
- switch (action)
- {
- case FAIL:
- abort ();
- case NOACT:
- /* Do nothing. */
- break;
- case UND:
- /* Make a new undefined symbol. */
- h->type = bfd_link_hash_undefined;
- h->u.undef.abfd = abfd;
- bfd_link_add_undef (info->hash, h);
- break;
- case WEAK:
- /* Make a new weak undefined symbol. */
- h->type = bfd_link_hash_undefweak;
- h->u.undef.abfd = abfd;
- break;
- case CDEF:
- /* We have found a definition for a symbol which was
- previously common. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h->type == bfd_link_hash_common);
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->multiple_common)
- (info, name,
- h->u.c.p->section->owner, bfd_link_hash_common, h->u.c.size,
- abfd, bfd_link_hash_defined, (bfd_vma) 0)))
- return false;
- /* Fall through. */
- case DEF:
- case DEFW:
- {
- enum bfd_link_hash_type oldtype;
- /* Define a symbol. */
- oldtype = h->type;
- if (action == DEFW)
- h->type = bfd_link_hash_defweak;
- else
- h->type = bfd_link_hash_defined;
- h->u.def.section = section;
- h->u.def.value = value;
- /* If we have been asked to, we act like collect2 and
- identify all functions that might be global
- constructors and destructors and pass them up in a
- callback. We only do this for certain object file
- types, since many object file types can handle this
- automatically. */
- if (collect && name[0] == '_')
- {
- const char *s;
- /* A constructor or destructor name starts like this:
- _+GLOBAL_[_.$][ID][_.$] where the first [_.$] and
- the second are the same character (we accept any
- character there, in case a new object file format
- comes along with even worse naming restrictions). */
-#define CONS_PREFIX_LEN (sizeof CONS_PREFIX - 1)
- s = name + 1;
- while (*s == '_')
- ++s;
- if (s[0] == 'G'
- && strncmp (s, CONS_PREFIX, CONS_PREFIX_LEN - 1) == 0)
- {
- char c;
- c = s[CONS_PREFIX_LEN + 1];
- if ((c == 'I' || c == 'D')
- {
- /* If this is a definition of a symbol which
- was previously weakly defined, we are in
- trouble. We have already added a
- constructor entry for the weak defined
- symbol, and now we are trying to add one
- for the new symbol. Fortunately, this case
- should never arise in practice. */
- if (oldtype == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- abort ();
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->constructor)
- (info,
- c == 'I' ? true : false,
- name, abfd, section, value)))
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case COM:
- /* We have found a common definition for a symbol. */
- if (h->type == bfd_link_hash_new)
- bfd_link_add_undef (info->hash, h);
- h->type = bfd_link_hash_common;
- h->u.c.p =
- ((struct bfd_link_hash_common_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (&info->hash->table,
- sizeof (struct bfd_link_hash_common_entry)));
- if (h->u.c.p == NULL)
- return false;
- h->u.c.size = value;
- /* Select a default alignment based on the size. This may
- be overridden by the caller. */
- {
- unsigned int power;
- power = bfd_log2 (value);
- if (power > 4)
- power = 4;
- h->u.c.p->alignment_power = power;
- }
- /* The section of a common symbol is only used if the common
- symbol is actually allocated. It basically provides a
- hook for the linker script to decide which output section
- the common symbols should be put in. In most cases, the
- section of a common symbol will be bfd_com_section_ptr,
- the code here will choose a common symbol section named
- "COMMON", and the linker script will contain *(COMMON) in
- the appropriate place. A few targets use separate common
- sections for small symbols, and they require special
- handling. */
- if (section == bfd_com_section_ptr)
- {
- h->u.c.p->section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, "COMMON");
- h->u.c.p->section->flags = SEC_ALLOC;
- }
- else if (section->owner != abfd)
- {
- h->u.c.p->section = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd,
- section->name);
- h->u.c.p->section->flags = SEC_ALLOC;
- }
- else
- h->u.c.p->section = section;
- break;
- case REF:
- /* A reference to a defined symbol. */
- if (h->next == NULL && info->hash->undefs_tail != h)
- h->next = h;
- break;
- case BIG:
- /* We have found a common definition for a symbol which
- already had a common definition. Use the maximum of the
- two sizes. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h->type == bfd_link_hash_common);
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->multiple_common)
- (info, name,
- h->u.c.p->section->owner, bfd_link_hash_common, h->u.c.size,
- abfd, bfd_link_hash_common, value)))
- return false;
- if (value > h->u.c.size)
- {
- unsigned int power;
- h->u.c.size = value;
- /* Select a default alignment based on the size. This may
- be overridden by the caller. */
- power = bfd_log2 (value);
- if (power > 4)
- power = 4;
- h->u.c.p->alignment_power = power;
- }
- break;
- case CREF:
- {
- bfd *obfd;
- /* We have found a common definition for a symbol which
- was already defined. FIXME: It would nice if we could
- report the BFD which defined an indirect symbol, but we
- don't have anywhere to store the information. */
- if (h->type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- obfd = h->u.def.section->owner;
- else
- obfd = NULL;
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->multiple_common)
- (info, name, obfd, h->type, (bfd_vma) 0,
- abfd, bfd_link_hash_common, value)))
- return false;
- }
- break;
- case MIND:
- /* Multiple indirect symbols. This is OK if they both point
- to the same symbol. */
- if (strcmp (h->>root.string, string) == 0)
- break;
- /* Fall through. */
- case MDEF:
- /* Handle a multiple definition. */
- {
- asection *msec;
- bfd_vma mval;
- switch (h->type)
- {
- case bfd_link_hash_defined:
- msec = h->u.def.section;
- mval = h->u.def.value;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_indirect:
- msec = bfd_ind_section_ptr;
- mval = 0;
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- /* Ignore a redefinition of an absolute symbol to the same
- value; it's harmless. */
- if (h->type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- && bfd_is_abs_section (msec)
- && bfd_is_abs_section (section)
- && value == mval)
- break;
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->multiple_definition)
- (info, name, msec->owner, msec, mval, abfd, section,
- value)))
- return false;
- }
- break;
- case CIND:
- /* Create an indirect symbol from an existing common symbol. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h->type == bfd_link_hash_common);
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->multiple_common)
- (info, name,
- h->u.c.p->section->owner, bfd_link_hash_common, h->u.c.size,
- abfd, bfd_link_hash_indirect, (bfd_vma) 0)))
- return false;
- /* Fall through. */
- case IND:
- /* Create an indirect symbol. */
- {
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *inh;
- /* STRING is the name of the symbol we want to indirect
- to. */
- inh = bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup (abfd, info, string, true,
- copy, false);
- if (inh == (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return false;
- if (inh->type == bfd_link_hash_new)
- {
- inh->type = bfd_link_hash_undefined;
- inh->u.undef.abfd = abfd;
- bfd_link_add_undef (info->hash, inh);
- }
- /* If the indirect symbol has been referenced, we need to
- push the reference down to the symbol we are
- referencing. */
- if (h->type != bfd_link_hash_new)
- {
- row = UNDEF_ROW;
- cycle = true;
- }
- h->type = bfd_link_hash_indirect;
- h-> = inh;
- }
- break;
- case SET:
- /* Add an entry to a set. */
- if (! (*info->callbacks->add_to_set) (info, h, BFD_RELOC_CTOR,
- abfd, section, value))
- return false;
- break;
- case WARNC:
- /* Issue a warning and cycle. */
- if (h->u.i.warning != NULL)
- {
- if (! (*info->callbacks->warning) (info, h->u.i.warning, name,
- abfd, (asection *) NULL,
- (bfd_vma) 0))
- return false;
- /* Only issue a warning once. */
- h->u.i.warning = NULL;
- }
- /* Fall through. */
- case CYCLE:
- /* Try again with the referenced symbol. */
- h = h->;
- cycle = true;
- break;
- case REFC:
- /* A reference to an indirect symbol. */
- if (h->next == NULL && info->hash->undefs_tail != h)
- h->next = h;
- h = h->;
- cycle = true;
- break;
- case WARN:
- /* Issue a warning. */
- if (! (*info->callbacks->warning) (info, string, name,
- hash_entry_bfd (h),
- (asection *) NULL, (bfd_vma) 0))
- return false;
- break;
- case CWARN:
- /* Warn if this symbol has been referenced already,
- otherwise add a warning. A symbol has been referenced if
- the next field is not NULL, or it is the tail of the
- undefined symbol list. The REF case above helps to
- ensure this. */
- if (h->next != NULL || info->hash->undefs_tail == h)
- {
- if (! (*info->callbacks->warning) (info, string, name,
- hash_entry_bfd (h),
- (asection *) NULL,
- (bfd_vma) 0))
- return false;
- break;
- }
- /* Fall through. */
- case MWARN:
- /* Make a warning symbol. */
- {
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *sub;
- /* STRING is the warning to give. */
- sub = ((struct bfd_link_hash_entry *)
- ((*info->hash->table.newfunc)
- ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL, &info->hash->table,
- h->root.string)));
- if (sub == NULL)
- return false;
- *sub = *h;
- sub->type = bfd_link_hash_warning;
- sub-> = h;
- if (! copy)
- sub->u.i.warning = string;
- else
- {
- char *w;
- w = bfd_hash_allocate (&info->hash->table,
- strlen (string) + 1);
- if (w == NULL)
- return false;
- strcpy (w, string);
- sub->u.i.warning = w;
- }
- bfd_hash_replace (&info->hash->table,
- (struct bfd_hash_entry *) h,
- (struct bfd_hash_entry *) sub);
- if (hashp != NULL)
- *hashp = sub;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- while (cycle);
- return true;
-/* Generic final link routine. */
-_bfd_generic_final_link (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *sub;
- asection *o;
- struct bfd_link_order *p;
- size_t outsymalloc;
- struct generic_write_global_symbol_info wginfo;
- abfd->outsymbols = (asymbol **) NULL;
- abfd->symcount = 0;
- outsymalloc = 0;
- /* Build the output symbol table. */
- for (sub = info->input_bfds; sub != (bfd *) NULL; sub = sub->link_next)
- if (! _bfd_generic_link_output_symbols (abfd, sub, info, &outsymalloc))
- return false;
- /* Accumulate the global symbols. */
- = info;
- wginfo.output_bfd = abfd;
- wginfo.psymalloc = &outsymalloc;
- _bfd_generic_link_hash_traverse (_bfd_generic_hash_table (info),
- _bfd_generic_link_write_global_symbol,
- (PTR) &wginfo);
- if (info->relocateable)
- {
- /* Allocate space for the output relocs for each section. */
- for (o = abfd->sections;
- o != (asection *) NULL;
- o = o->next)
- {
- o->reloc_count = 0;
- for (p = o->link_order_head;
- p != (struct bfd_link_order *) NULL;
- p = p->next)
- {
- if (p->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- || p->type == bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order)
- ++o->reloc_count;
- else if (p->type == bfd_indirect_link_order)
- {
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- long relsize;
- arelent **relocs;
- asymbol **symbols;
- long reloc_count;
- input_section = p->u.indirect.section;
- input_bfd = input_section->owner;
- relsize = bfd_get_reloc_upper_bound (input_bfd,
- input_section);
- if (relsize < 0)
- return false;
- relocs = (arelent **) bfd_malloc ((size_t) relsize);
- if (!relocs && relsize != 0)
- return false;
- symbols = _bfd_generic_link_get_symbols (input_bfd);
- reloc_count = bfd_canonicalize_reloc (input_bfd,
- input_section,
- relocs,
- symbols);
- if (reloc_count < 0)
- return false;
- BFD_ASSERT ((unsigned long) reloc_count
- == input_section->reloc_count);
- o->reloc_count += reloc_count;
- free (relocs);
- }
- }
- if (o->reloc_count > 0)
- {
- o->orelocation = ((arelent **)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (o->reloc_count
- * sizeof (arelent *))));
- if (!o->orelocation)
- return false;
- o->flags |= SEC_RELOC;
- /* Reset the count so that it can be used as an index
- when putting in the output relocs. */
- o->reloc_count = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Handle all the link order information for the sections. */
- for (o = abfd->sections;
- o != (asection *) NULL;
- o = o->next)
- {
- for (p = o->link_order_head;
- p != (struct bfd_link_order *) NULL;
- p = p->next)
- {
- switch (p->type)
- {
- case bfd_section_reloc_link_order:
- case bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order:
- if (! _bfd_generic_reloc_link_order (abfd, info, o, p))
- return false;
- break;
- case bfd_indirect_link_order:
- if (! default_indirect_link_order (abfd, info, o, p, true))
- return false;
- break;
- default:
- if (! _bfd_default_link_order (abfd, info, o, p))
- return false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Add an output symbol to the output BFD. */
-static boolean
-generic_add_output_symbol (output_bfd, psymalloc, sym)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- size_t *psymalloc;
- asymbol *sym;
- if (output_bfd->symcount >= *psymalloc)
- {
- asymbol **newsyms;
- if (*psymalloc == 0)
- *psymalloc = 124;
- else
- *psymalloc *= 2;
- newsyms = (asymbol **) bfd_realloc (output_bfd->outsymbols,
- *psymalloc * sizeof (asymbol *));
- if (newsyms == (asymbol **) NULL)
- return false;
- output_bfd->outsymbols = newsyms;
- }
- output_bfd->outsymbols[output_bfd->symcount] = sym;
- ++output_bfd->symcount;
- return true;
-/* Handle the symbols for an input BFD. */
-_bfd_generic_link_output_symbols (output_bfd, input_bfd, info, psymalloc)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- size_t *psymalloc;
- asymbol **sym_ptr;
- asymbol **sym_end;
- if (! generic_link_read_symbols (input_bfd))
- return false;
- /* Create a filename symbol if we are supposed to. */
- if (info->create_object_symbols_section != (asection *) NULL)
- {
- asection *sec;
- for (sec = input_bfd->sections;
- sec != (asection *) NULL;
- sec = sec->next)
- {
- if (sec->output_section == info->create_object_symbols_section)
- {
- asymbol *newsym;
- newsym = bfd_make_empty_symbol (input_bfd);
- if (!newsym)
- return false;
- newsym->name = input_bfd->filename;
- newsym->value = 0;
- newsym->flags = BSF_LOCAL | BSF_FILE;
- newsym->section = sec;
- if (! generic_add_output_symbol (output_bfd, psymalloc,
- newsym))
- return false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Adjust the values of the globally visible symbols, and write out
- local symbols. */
- sym_ptr = _bfd_generic_link_get_symbols (input_bfd);
- sym_end = sym_ptr + _bfd_generic_link_get_symcount (input_bfd);
- for (; sym_ptr < sym_end; sym_ptr++)
- {
- asymbol *sym;
- struct generic_link_hash_entry *h;
- boolean output;
- h = (struct generic_link_hash_entry *) NULL;
- sym = *sym_ptr;
- if ((sym->flags & (BSF_INDIRECT
- | BSF_WEAK)) != 0
- || bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (sym))
- || bfd_is_com_section (bfd_get_section (sym))
- || bfd_is_ind_section (bfd_get_section (sym)))
- {
- if (sym->udata.p != NULL)
- h = (struct generic_link_hash_entry *) sym->udata.p;
- else if ((sym->flags & BSF_CONSTRUCTOR) != 0)
- {
- /* This case normally means that the main linker code
- deliberately ignored this constructor symbol. We
- should just pass it through. This will screw up if
- the constructor symbol is from a different,
- non-generic, object file format, but the case will
- only arise when linking with -r, which will probably
- fail anyhow, since there will be no way to represent
- the relocs in the output format being used. */
- h = NULL;
- }
- else if (bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (sym)))
- h = ((struct generic_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup (output_bfd, info,
- bfd_asymbol_name (sym),
- false, false, true));
- else
- h = _bfd_generic_link_hash_lookup (_bfd_generic_hash_table (info),
- bfd_asymbol_name (sym),
- false, false, true);
- if (h != (struct generic_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- {
- /* Force all references to this symbol to point to
- the same area in memory. It is possible that
- this routine will be called with a hash table
- other than a generic hash table, so we double
- check that. */
- if (info->hash->creator == input_bfd->xvec)
- {
- if (h->sym != (asymbol *) NULL)
- *sym_ptr = sym = h->sym;
- }
- switch (h->root.type)
- {
- default:
- case bfd_link_hash_new:
- abort ();
- case bfd_link_hash_undefined:
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_undefweak:
- sym->flags |= BSF_WEAK;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_indirect:
- h = (struct generic_link_hash_entry *) h->;
- /* fall through */
- case bfd_link_hash_defined:
- sym->flags |= BSF_GLOBAL;
- sym->flags &=~ BSF_CONSTRUCTOR;
- sym->value = h->root.u.def.value;
- sym->section = h->root.u.def.section;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_defweak:
- sym->flags |= BSF_WEAK;
- sym->flags &=~ BSF_CONSTRUCTOR;
- sym->value = h->root.u.def.value;
- sym->section = h->root.u.def.section;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_common:
- sym->value = h->root.u.c.size;
- sym->flags |= BSF_GLOBAL;
- if (! bfd_is_com_section (sym->section))
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_is_und_section (sym->section));
- sym->section = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- }
- /* We do not set the section of the symbol to
- h->root.u.c.p->section. That value was saved so
- that we would know where to allocate the symbol
- if it was defined. In this case the type is
- still bfd_link_hash_common, so we did not define
- it, so we do not want to use that section. */
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* This switch is straight from the old code in
- write_file_locals in ldsym.c. */
- if (info->strip == strip_some
- && (bfd_hash_lookup (info->keep_hash, bfd_asymbol_name (sym),
- false, false)
- == (struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL))
- output = false;
- else if ((sym->flags & (BSF_GLOBAL | BSF_WEAK)) != 0)
- {
- /* If this symbol is marked as occurring now, rather
- than at the end, output it now. This is used for
- COFF C_EXT FCN symbols. FIXME: There must be a
- better way. */
- if (bfd_asymbol_bfd (sym) == input_bfd
- && (sym->flags & BSF_NOT_AT_END) != 0)
- output = true;
- else
- output = false;
- }
- else if (bfd_is_ind_section (sym->section))
- output = false;
- else if ((sym->flags & BSF_DEBUGGING) != 0)
- {
- if (info->strip == strip_none)
- output = true;
- else
- output = false;
- }
- else if (bfd_is_und_section (sym->section)
- || bfd_is_com_section (sym->section))
- output = false;
- else if ((sym->flags & BSF_LOCAL) != 0)
- {
- if ((sym->flags & BSF_WARNING) != 0)
- output = false;
- else
- {
- switch (info->discard)
- {
- default:
- case discard_all:
- output = false;
- break;
- case discard_l:
- if (bfd_asymbol_name (sym)[0] == info->lprefix[0]
- && (info->lprefix_len == 1
- || strncmp (bfd_asymbol_name (sym), info->lprefix,
- info->lprefix_len) == 0))
- output = false;
- else
- output = true;
- break;
- case discard_none:
- output = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else if ((sym->flags & BSF_CONSTRUCTOR))
- {
- if (info->strip != strip_all)
- output = true;
- else
- output = false;
- }
- else
- abort ();
- if (output)
- {
- if (! generic_add_output_symbol (output_bfd, psymalloc, sym))
- return false;
- if (h != (struct generic_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- h->written = true;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Set the section and value of a generic BFD symbol based on a linker
- hash table entry. */
-static void
-set_symbol_from_hash (sym, h)
- asymbol *sym;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- switch (h->type)
- {
- default:
- abort ();
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_new:
- /* This can happen when a constructor symbol is seen but we are
- not building constructors. */
- if (sym->section != NULL)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT ((sym->flags & BSF_CONSTRUCTOR) != 0);
- }
- else
- {
- sym->flags |= BSF_CONSTRUCTOR;
- sym->section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- sym->value = 0;
- }
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_undefined:
- sym->section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- sym->value = 0;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_undefweak:
- sym->section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- sym->value = 0;
- sym->flags |= BSF_WEAK;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_defined:
- sym->section = h->u.def.section;
- sym->value = h->u.def.value;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_defweak:
- sym->flags |= BSF_WEAK;
- sym->section = h->u.def.section;
- sym->value = h->u.def.value;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_common:
- sym->value = h->u.c.size;
- if (sym->section == NULL)
- sym->section = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- else if (! bfd_is_com_section (sym->section))
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_is_und_section (sym->section));
- sym->section = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- }
- /* Do not set the section; see _bfd_generic_link_output_symbols. */
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_indirect:
- case bfd_link_hash_warning:
- /* FIXME: What should we do here? */
- break;
- }
-/* Write out a global symbol, if it hasn't already been written out.
- This is called for each symbol in the hash table. */
-_bfd_generic_link_write_global_symbol (h, data)
- struct generic_link_hash_entry *h;
- PTR data;
- struct generic_write_global_symbol_info *wginfo =
- (struct generic_write_global_symbol_info *) data;
- asymbol *sym;
- if (h->written)
- return true;
- h->written = true;
- if (wginfo->info->strip == strip_all
- || (wginfo->info->strip == strip_some
- && bfd_hash_lookup (wginfo->info->keep_hash, h->root.root.string,
- false, false) == NULL))
- return true;
- if (h->sym != (asymbol *) NULL)
- sym = h->sym;
- else
- {
- sym = bfd_make_empty_symbol (wginfo->output_bfd);
- if (!sym)
- return false;
- sym->name = h->root.root.string;
- sym->flags = 0;
- }
- set_symbol_from_hash (sym, &h->root);
- sym->flags |= BSF_GLOBAL;
- if (! generic_add_output_symbol (wginfo->output_bfd, wginfo->psymalloc,
- sym))
- {
- /* FIXME: No way to return failure. */
- abort ();
- }
- return true;
-/* Create a relocation. */
-_bfd_generic_reloc_link_order (abfd, info, sec, link_order)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *sec;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- arelent *r;
- if (! info->relocateable)
- abort ();
- if (sec->orelocation == (arelent **) NULL)
- abort ();
- r = (arelent *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (arelent));
- if (r == (arelent *) NULL)
- return false;
- r->address = link_order->offset;
- r->howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, link_order->u.reloc.p->reloc);
- if (r->howto == 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- /* Get the symbol to use for the relocation. */
- if (link_order->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order)
- r->sym_ptr_ptr = link_order->u.reloc.p->u.section->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- else
- {
- struct generic_link_hash_entry *h;
- h = ((struct generic_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup (abfd, info,
- link_order->u.reloc.p->,
- false, false, true));
- if (h == (struct generic_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- || ! h->written)
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->unattached_reloc)
- (info, link_order->u.reloc.p->,
- (bfd *) NULL, (asection *) NULL, (bfd_vma) 0)))
- return false;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- r->sym_ptr_ptr = &h->sym;
- }
- /* If this is an inplace reloc, write the addend to the object file.
- Otherwise, store it in the reloc addend. */
- if (! r->howto->partial_inplace)
- r->addend = link_order->u.reloc.p->addend;
- else
- {
- bfd_size_type size;
- bfd_reloc_status_type rstat;
- bfd_byte *buf;
- boolean ok;
- size = bfd_get_reloc_size (r->howto);
- buf = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zmalloc (size);
- if (buf == (bfd_byte *) NULL)
- return false;
- rstat = _bfd_relocate_contents (r->howto, abfd,
- link_order->u.reloc.p->addend, buf);
- switch (rstat)
- {
- case bfd_reloc_ok:
- break;
- default:
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (info,
- (link_order->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- ? bfd_section_name (abfd, link_order->u.reloc.p->u.section)
- : link_order->u.reloc.p->,
- r->howto->name, link_order->u.reloc.p->addend,
- (bfd *) NULL, (asection *) NULL, (bfd_vma) 0)))
- {
- free (buf);
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- ok = bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, sec, (PTR) buf,
- (file_ptr) link_order->offset, size);
- free (buf);
- if (! ok)
- return false;
- r->addend = 0;
- }
- sec->orelocation[sec->reloc_count] = r;
- ++sec->reloc_count;
- return true;
-/* Allocate a new link_order for a section. */
-struct bfd_link_order *
-bfd_new_link_order (abfd, section)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- struct bfd_link_order *new;
- new = ((struct bfd_link_order *)
- bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (struct bfd_link_order)));
- if (!new)
- return NULL;
- new->type = bfd_undefined_link_order;
- new->offset = 0;
- new->size = 0;
- new->next = (struct bfd_link_order *) NULL;
- if (section->link_order_tail != (struct bfd_link_order *) NULL)
- section->link_order_tail->next = new;
- else
- section->link_order_head = new;
- section->link_order_tail = new;
- return new;
-/* Default link order processing routine. Note that we can not handle
- the reloc_link_order types here, since they depend upon the details
- of how the particular backends generates relocs. */
-_bfd_default_link_order (abfd, info, sec, link_order)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *sec;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- switch (link_order->type)
- {
- case bfd_undefined_link_order:
- case bfd_section_reloc_link_order:
- case bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order:
- default:
- abort ();
- case bfd_indirect_link_order:
- return default_indirect_link_order (abfd, info, sec, link_order,
- false);
- case bfd_fill_link_order:
- return default_fill_link_order (abfd, info, sec, link_order);
- case bfd_data_link_order:
- return bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, sec,
- (PTR) link_order->,
- (file_ptr) link_order->offset,
- link_order->size);
- }
-/* Default routine to handle a bfd_fill_link_order. */
-static boolean
-default_fill_link_order (abfd, info, sec, link_order)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *sec;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- size_t size;
- char *space;
- size_t i;
- int fill;
- boolean result;
- BFD_ASSERT ((sec->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) != 0);
- size = (size_t) link_order->size;
- space = (char *) bfd_malloc (size);
- if (space == NULL && size != 0)
- return false;
- fill = link_order->u.fill.value;
- for (i = 0; i < size; i += 2)
- space[i] = fill >> 8;
- for (i = 1; i < size; i += 2)
- space[i] = fill;
- result = bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, sec, space,
- (file_ptr) link_order->offset,
- link_order->size);
- free (space);
- return result;
-/* Default routine to handle a bfd_indirect_link_order. */
-static boolean
-default_indirect_link_order (output_bfd, info, output_section, link_order,
- generic_linker)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *output_section;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- boolean generic_linker;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- bfd_byte *contents = NULL;
- bfd_byte *new_contents;
- BFD_ASSERT ((output_section->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) != 0);
- if (link_order->size == 0)
- return true;
- input_section = link_order->u.indirect.section;
- input_bfd = input_section->owner;
- BFD_ASSERT (input_section->output_section == output_section);
- BFD_ASSERT (input_section->output_offset == link_order->offset);
- BFD_ASSERT (input_section->_cooked_size == link_order->size);
- if (info->relocateable
- && input_section->reloc_count > 0
- && output_section->orelocation == (arelent **) NULL)
- {
- /* Space has not been allocated for the output relocations.
- This can happen when we are called by a specific backend
- because somebody is attempting to link together different
- types of object files. Handling this case correctly is
- difficult, and sometimes impossible. */
- abort ();
- }
- if (! generic_linker)
- {
- asymbol **sympp;
- asymbol **symppend;
- /* Get the canonical symbols. The generic linker will always
- have retrieved them by this point, but we are being called by
- a specific linker, presumably because we are linking
- different types of object files together. */
- if (! generic_link_read_symbols (input_bfd))
- return false;
- /* Since we have been called by a specific linker, rather than
- the generic linker, the values of the symbols will not be
- right. They will be the values as seen in the input file,
- not the values of the final link. We need to fix them up
- before we can relocate the section. */
- sympp = _bfd_generic_link_get_symbols (input_bfd);
- symppend = sympp + _bfd_generic_link_get_symcount (input_bfd);
- for (; sympp < symppend; sympp++)
- {
- asymbol *sym;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- sym = *sympp;
- if ((sym->flags & (BSF_INDIRECT
- | BSF_WEAK)) != 0
- || bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (sym))
- || bfd_is_com_section (bfd_get_section (sym))
- || bfd_is_ind_section (bfd_get_section (sym)))
- {
- /* sym->udata may have been set by
- generic_link_add_symbol_list. */
- if (sym->udata.p != NULL)
- h = (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) sym->udata.p;
- else if (bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (sym)))
- h = bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup (output_bfd, info,
- bfd_asymbol_name (sym),
- false, false, true);
- else
- h = bfd_link_hash_lookup (info->hash,
- bfd_asymbol_name (sym),
- false, false, true);
- if (h != NULL)
- set_symbol_from_hash (sym, h);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Get and relocate the section contents. */
- contents = ((bfd_byte *)
- bfd_malloc (bfd_section_size (input_bfd, input_section)));
- if (contents == NULL && bfd_section_size (input_bfd, input_section) != 0)
- goto error_return;
- new_contents = (bfd_get_relocated_section_contents
- (output_bfd, info, link_order, contents, info->relocateable,
- _bfd_generic_link_get_symbols (input_bfd)));
- if (!new_contents)
- goto error_return;
- /* Output the section contents. */
- if (! bfd_set_section_contents (output_bfd, output_section,
- (PTR) new_contents,
- link_order->offset, link_order->size))
- goto error_return;
- if (contents != NULL)
- free (contents);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (contents != NULL)
- free (contents);
- return false;
-/* A little routine to count the number of relocs in a link_order
- list. */
-unsigned int
-_bfd_count_link_order_relocs (link_order)
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- register unsigned int c;
- register struct bfd_link_order *l;
- c = 0;
- for (l = link_order; l != (struct bfd_link_order *) NULL; l = l->next)
- {
- if (l->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- || l->type == bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order)
- ++c;
- }
- return c;
- bfd_link_split_section
- boolean bfd_link_split_section(bfd *abfd, asection *sec);
- Return nonzero if @var{sec} should be split during a
- reloceatable or final link.
-.#define bfd_link_split_section(abfd, sec) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_link_split_section, (abfd, sec))
-_bfd_generic_link_split_section (abfd, sec)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- return false;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/lynx-core.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/lynx-core.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2358177dbc62..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/lynx-core.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back end for Lynx core files
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Stu Grossman of Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#ifdef LYNX_CORE
-#include <sys/conf.h>
-#include <sys/kernel.h>
-/* sys/kernel.h should define this, but doesn't always, sigh. */
-#ifndef __LYNXOS
-#define __LYNXOS
-#include <sys/mem.h>
-#include <sys/signal.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#include <sys/itimer.h>
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#include <sys/proc.h>
-/* These are stored in the bfd's tdata */
-struct lynx_core_struct
- int sig;
- char cmd[PNMLEN + 1];
-#define core_hdr(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.lynx_core_data)
-#define core_signal(bfd) (core_hdr(bfd)->sig)
-#define core_command(bfd) (core_hdr(bfd)->cmd)
-/* Handle Lynx core dump file. */
-static asection *
-make_bfd_asection (abfd, name, flags, _raw_size, vma, filepos)
- bfd *abfd;
- CONST char *name;
- flagword flags;
- bfd_size_type _raw_size;
- bfd_vma vma;
- file_ptr filepos;
- asection *asect;
- char *newname;
- newname = bfd_alloc (abfd, strlen (name) + 1);
- if (!newname)
- return NULL;
- strcpy (newname, name);
- asect = bfd_make_section (abfd, newname);
- if (!asect)
- return NULL;
- asect->flags = flags;
- asect->_raw_size = _raw_size;
- asect->vma = vma;
- asect->filepos = filepos;
- asect->alignment_power = 2;
- return asect;
-const bfd_target *
-lynx_core_file_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- int val;
- int secnum;
- struct pssentry pss;
- size_t tcontext_size;
- core_st_t *threadp;
- int pagesize;
- asection *newsect;
- pagesize = getpagesize (); /* Serious cross-target issue here... This
- really needs to come from a system-specific
- header file. */
- /* Get the pss entry from the core file */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return NULL;
- val = bfd_read ((void *)&pss, 1, sizeof pss, abfd);
- if (val != sizeof pss)
- {
- /* Too small to be a core file */
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- core_hdr (abfd) = (struct lynx_core_struct *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct lynx_core_struct));
- if (!core_hdr (abfd))
- return NULL;
- strncpy (core_command (abfd), pss.pname, PNMLEN + 1);
- /* Compute the size of the thread contexts */
- tcontext_size = pss.threadcnt * sizeof (core_st_t);
- /* Allocate space for the thread contexts */
- threadp = (core_st_t *)bfd_alloc (abfd, tcontext_size);
- if (!threadp)
- return NULL;
- /* Save thread contexts */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, pagesize, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return NULL;
- val = bfd_read ((void *)threadp, pss.threadcnt, sizeof (core_st_t), abfd);
- if (val != tcontext_size)
- {
- /* Probably too small to be a core file */
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- core_signal (abfd) = threadp->currsig;
- newsect = make_bfd_asection (abfd, ".stack",
- pss.ssize,
- pss.slimit,
- pagesize + tcontext_size);
- if (!newsect)
- return NULL;
- newsect = make_bfd_asection (abfd, ".data",
- pss.data_len + pss.bss_len,
- pss.data_start,
- pagesize + tcontext_size + pss.ssize
-#if defined (SPARC) || defined (__SPARC__)
- /* SPARC Lynx seems to start dumping
- the .data section at a page
- boundary. It's OK to check a
- #define like SPARC here because this
- file can only be compiled on a Lynx
- host. */
- + pss.data_start % pagesize
- );
- if (!newsect)
- return NULL;
-/* And, now for the .reg/XXX pseudo sections. Each thread has it's own
- .reg/XXX section, where XXX is the thread id (without leading zeros). The
- currently running thread (at the time of the core dump) also has an alias
- called `.reg' (just to keep GDB happy). Note that we use `.reg/XXX' as
- opposed to `.regXXX' because GDB expects that .reg2 will be the floating-
- point registers. */
- newsect = make_bfd_asection (abfd, ".reg",
- sizeof (core_st_t),
- 0,
- pagesize);
- if (!newsect)
- return NULL;
- for (secnum = 0; secnum < pss.threadcnt; secnum++)
- {
- char secname[100];
- sprintf (secname, ".reg/%d", BUILDPID (0, threadp[secnum].tid));
- newsect = make_bfd_asection (abfd, secname,
- sizeof (core_st_t),
- 0,
- pagesize + secnum * sizeof (core_st_t));
- if (!newsect)
- return NULL;
- }
- return abfd->xvec;
-char *
-lynx_core_file_failing_command (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return core_command (abfd);
-lynx_core_file_failing_signal (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return core_signal (abfd);
-lynx_core_file_matches_executable_p (core_bfd, exec_bfd)
- bfd *core_bfd, *exec_bfd;
- return true; /* FIXME, We have no way of telling at this point */
-#endif /* LYNX_CORE */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/m68k4knetbsd.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/m68k4knetbsd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c1ecb434425b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/m68k4knetbsd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for NetBSD/m68k a.out-ish binaries.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-#define SEGMENT_SIZE 4096
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_m68k
-#define MACHTYPE_OK(mtype) \
- ((mtype) == M_68020 || (mtype) == M_68K_NETBSD || (mtype) == M_68K4K_NETBSD \
- || (mtype) == M_UNKNOWN)
-#define MY(OP) CAT(m68k4knetbsd_,OP)
-/* This needs to start with a.out so GDB knows it is an a.out variant. */
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-m68k4k-netbsd"
-#include "netbsd.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/m68klinux.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/m68klinux.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 062165b399b8..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/m68klinux.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,767 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for linux flavored m68k a.out binaries.
- Copyright (C) 1992, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR 0x0
-#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) 0
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "aout/aout64.h"
-#include "aout/stab_gnu.h"
-#include "aout/ar.h"
-#include "libaout.h" /* BFD a.out internal data structures */
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_m68k
-#define MY(OP) CAT(m68klinux_,OP)
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-m68k-linux"
-extern const bfd_target MY(vec);
-/* We always generate QMAGIC files in preference to ZMAGIC files. It
- would be possible to make this a linker option, if that ever
- becomes important. */
-static void MY_final_link_callback
- PARAMS ((bfd *, file_ptr *, file_ptr *, file_ptr *));
-static boolean
-m68klinux_bfd_final_link (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- obj_aout_subformat (abfd) = q_magic_format;
- return NAME(aout,final_link) (abfd, info, MY_final_link_callback);
-#define MY_bfd_final_link m68klinux_bfd_final_link
-/* Set the machine type correctly. */
-static boolean
-m68klinux_write_object_contents (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec exec_bytes;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- N_SET_MACHTYPE (*execp, M_68020);
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- WRITE_HEADERS(abfd, execp);
- return true;
-#define MY_write_object_contents m68klinux_write_object_contents
-/* Code to link against Linux a.out shared libraries. */
-/* See if a symbol name is a reference to the global offset table. */
-#define GOT_REF_PREFIX "__GOT_"
-#define IS_GOT_SYM(name) \
- (strncmp (name, GOT_REF_PREFIX, sizeof GOT_REF_PREFIX - 1) == 0)
-/* See if a symbol name is a reference to the procedure linkage table. */
-#define PLT_REF_PREFIX "__PLT_"
-#define IS_PLT_SYM(name) \
- (strncmp (name, PLT_REF_PREFIX, sizeof PLT_REF_PREFIX - 1) == 0)
-/* This string is used to generate specialized error messages. */
-/* This special symbol is a set vector that contains a list of
- pointers to fixup tables. It will be present in any dynamicly
- linked file. The linker generated fixup table should also be added
- to the list, and it should always appear in the second slot (the
- first one is a dummy with a magic number that is defined in
- crt0.o). */
-/* We keep a list of fixups. The terminology is a bit strange, but
- each fixup contains two 32 bit numbers. A regular fixup contains
- an address and a pointer, and at runtime we should store the
- address at the location pointed to by the pointer. A builtin fixup
- contains two pointers, and we should read the address using one
- pointer and store it at the location pointed to by the other
- pointer. Builtin fixups come into play when we have duplicate
- __GOT__ symbols for the same variable. The builtin fixup will copy
- the GOT pointer from one over into the other. */
-struct fixup
- struct fixup *next;
- struct linux_link_hash_entry *h;
- bfd_vma value;
- /* Nonzero if this is a jump instruction that needs to be fixed,
- zero if this is just a pointer */
- char jump;
- char builtin;
-/* We don't need a special hash table entry structure, but we do need
- to keep some information between linker passes, so we use a special
- hash table. */
-struct linux_link_hash_entry
- struct aout_link_hash_entry root;
-struct linux_link_hash_table
- struct aout_link_hash_table root;
- /* First dynamic object found in link. */
- bfd *dynobj;
- /* Number of fixups. */
- size_t fixup_count;
- /* Number of builtin fixups. */
- size_t local_builtins;
- /* List of fixups. */
- struct fixup *fixup_list;
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *linux_link_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
-static struct bfd_link_hash_table *linux_link_hash_table_create
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static struct fixup *new_fixup
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, struct linux_link_hash_entry *,
- bfd_vma, int));
-static boolean linux_link_create_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean linux_add_one_symbol
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, const char *, flagword, asection *,
- bfd_vma, const char *, boolean, boolean,
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry **));
-static boolean linux_tally_symbols
- PARAMS ((struct linux_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
-static boolean linux_finish_dynamic_link
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-/* Routine to create an entry in an Linux link hash table. */
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *
-linux_link_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct linux_link_hash_entry *ret = (struct linux_link_hash_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == (struct linux_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ret = ((struct linux_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table, sizeof (struct linux_link_hash_entry)));
- if (ret == NULL)
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct linux_link_hash_entry *)
- NAME(aout,link_hash_newfunc) ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret,
- table, string));
- if (ret != NULL)
- {
- /* Set local fields; there aren't any. */
- }
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Create a Linux link hash table. */
-static struct bfd_link_hash_table *
-linux_link_hash_table_create (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct linux_link_hash_table *ret;
- ret = ((struct linux_link_hash_table *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct linux_link_hash_table)));
- if (ret == (struct linux_link_hash_table *) NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return (struct bfd_link_hash_table *) NULL;
- }
- if (! NAME(aout,link_hash_table_init) (&ret->root, abfd,
- linux_link_hash_newfunc))
- {
- free (ret);
- return (struct bfd_link_hash_table *) NULL;
- }
- ret->dynobj = NULL;
- ret->fixup_count = 0;
- ret->local_builtins = 0;
- ret->fixup_list = NULL;
- return &ret->root.root;
-/* Look up an entry in a Linux link hash table. */
-#define linux_link_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy, follow) \
- ((struct linux_link_hash_entry *) \
- aout_link_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), (copy),\
- (follow)))
-/* Traverse a Linux link hash table. */
-#define linux_link_hash_traverse(table, func, info) \
- (aout_link_hash_traverse \
- (&(table)->root, \
- (boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct aout_link_hash_entry *, PTR))) (func), \
- (info)))
-/* Get the Linux link hash table from the info structure. This is
- just a cast. */
-#define linux_hash_table(p) ((struct linux_link_hash_table *) ((p)->hash))
-/* Store the information for a new fixup. */
-static struct fixup *
-new_fixup (info, h, value, builtin)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct linux_link_hash_entry *h;
- bfd_vma value;
- int builtin;
- struct fixup *f;
- f = (struct fixup *) bfd_hash_allocate (&info->hash->table,
- sizeof (struct fixup));
- if (f == NULL)
- return f;
- f->next = linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_list;
- linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_list = f;
- f->h = h;
- f->value = value;
- f->builtin = builtin;
- f->jump = 0;
- ++linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_count;
- return f;
-/* We come here once we realize that we are going to link to a shared
- library. We need to create a special section that contains the
- fixup table, and we ultimately need to add a pointer to this into
- the set vector for SHARABLE_CONFLICTS. At this point we do not
- know the size of the section, but that's OK - we just need to
- create it for now. */
-static boolean
-linux_link_create_dynamic_sections (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- flagword flags;
- register asection *s;
- /* Note that we set the SEC_IN_MEMORY flag. */
- /* We choose to use the name ".linux-dynamic" for the fixup table.
- Why not? */
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".linux-dynamic");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 2))
- return false;
- s->_raw_size = 0;
- s->contents = 0;
- return true;
-/* Function to add a single symbol to the linker hash table. This is
- a wrapper around _bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol which handles the
- tweaking needed for dynamic linking support. */
-static boolean
-linux_add_one_symbol (info, abfd, name, flags, section, value, string,
- copy, collect, hashp)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *abfd;
- const char *name;
- flagword flags;
- asection *section;
- bfd_vma value;
- const char *string;
- boolean copy;
- boolean collect;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry **hashp;
- struct linux_link_hash_entry *h;
- boolean insert;
- /* Look up and see if we already have this symbol in the hash table.
- If we do, and the defining entry is from a shared library, we
- need to create the dynamic sections.
- FIXME: What if abfd->xvec != info->hash->creator? We may want to
- be able to link Linux a.out and ELF objects together, but serious
- confusion is possible. */
- insert = false;
- if (! info->relocateable
- && linux_hash_table (info)->dynobj == NULL
- && strcmp (name, SHARABLE_CONFLICTS) == 0
- && (flags & BSF_CONSTRUCTOR) != 0
- && abfd->xvec == info->hash->creator)
- {
- if (! linux_link_create_dynamic_sections (abfd, info))
- return false;
- linux_hash_table (info)->dynobj = abfd;
- insert = true;
- }
- if (bfd_is_abs_section (section)
- && abfd->xvec == info->hash->creator)
- {
- h = linux_link_hash_lookup (linux_hash_table (info), name, false,
- false, false);
- if (h != NULL
- && (h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak))
- {
- struct fixup *f;
- if (hashp != NULL)
- *hashp = (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) h;
- f = new_fixup (info, h, value, ! IS_PLT_SYM (name));
- if (f == NULL)
- return false;
- f->jump = IS_PLT_SYM (name);
- return true;
- }
- }
- /* Do the usual procedure for adding a symbol. */
- if (! _bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol (info, abfd, name, flags, section,
- value, string, copy, collect,
- hashp))
- return false;
- /* Insert a pointer to our table in the set vector. The dynamic
- linker requires this information */
- if (insert)
- {
- asection *s;
- /* Here we do our special thing to add the pointer to the
- dynamic section in the SHARABLE_CONFLICTS set vector. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (linux_hash_table (info)->dynobj,
- ".linux-dynamic");
- if (! (_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
- (info, linux_hash_table (info)->dynobj, SHARABLE_CONFLICTS,
- BSF_GLOBAL | BSF_CONSTRUCTOR, s, 0, NULL, false, false, NULL)))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* We will crawl the hash table and come here for every global symbol.
- We will examine each entry and see if there are indications that we
- need to add a fixup. There are two possible cases - one is where
- you have duplicate definitions of PLT or GOT symbols - these will
- have already been caught and added as "builtin" fixups. If we find
- that the corresponding non PLT/GOT symbol is also present, we
- convert it to a regular fixup instead.
- This function is called via linux_link_hash_traverse. */
-static boolean
-linux_tally_symbols (h, data)
- struct linux_link_hash_entry *h;
- PTR data;
- struct bfd_link_info *info = (struct bfd_link_info *) data;
- struct fixup *f, *f1;
- int is_plt;
- struct linux_link_hash_entry *h1, *h2;
- boolean exists;
- if (h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined
- && strncmp (h->root.root.root.string, NEEDS_SHRLIB,
- sizeof NEEDS_SHRLIB - 1) == 0)
- {
- const char *name;
- char *p;
- char *alloc = NULL;
- name = h->root.root.root.string + sizeof NEEDS_SHRLIB - 1;
- p = strrchr (name, '_');
- if (p != NULL)
- alloc = (char *) bfd_malloc (strlen (name) + 1);
- if (p == NULL || alloc == NULL)
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("Output file requires shared library `%s'\n",
- name);
- else
- {
- strcpy (alloc, name);
- p = strrchr (alloc, '_');
- *p++ = '\0';
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("Output file requires shared library `'\n",
- alloc, p);
- free (alloc);
- }
- abort ();
- }
- /* If this symbol is not a PLT/GOT, we do not even need to look at it */
- is_plt = IS_PLT_SYM (h->root.root.root.string);
- if (is_plt || IS_GOT_SYM (h->root.root.root.string))
- {
- /* Look up this symbol twice. Once just as a regular lookup,
- and then again following all of the indirect links until we
- reach a real symbol. */
- h1 = linux_link_hash_lookup (linux_hash_table (info),
- (h->root.root.root.string
- + sizeof PLT_REF_PREFIX - 1),
- false, false, true);
- /* h2 does not follow indirect symbols. */
- h2 = linux_link_hash_lookup (linux_hash_table (info),
- (h->root.root.root.string
- + sizeof PLT_REF_PREFIX - 1),
- false, false, false);
- /* The real symbol must exist but if it is also an ABS symbol,
- there is no need to have a fixup. This is because they both
- came from the same library. If on the other hand, we had to
- use an indirect symbol to get to the real symbol, we add the
- fixup anyway, since there are cases where these symbols come
- from different shared libraries */
- if (h1 != NULL
- && (((h1->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h1->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- && ! bfd_is_abs_section (h1->root.root.u.def.section))
- || h2->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect))
- {
- /* See if there is a "builtin" fixup already present
- involving this symbol. If so, convert it to a regular
- fixup. In the end, this relaxes some of the requirements
- about the order of performing fixups. */
- exists = false;
- for (f1 = linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_list;
- f1 != NULL;
- f1 = f1->next)
- {
- if ((f1->h != h && f1->h != h1)
- || (! f1->builtin && ! f1->jump))
- continue;
- if (f1->h == h1)
- exists = true;
- if (! exists
- && bfd_is_abs_section (h->root.root.u.def.section))
- {
- f = new_fixup (info, h1, f1->h->root.root.u.def.value, 0);
- f->jump = is_plt;
- }
- f1->h = h1;
- f1->jump = is_plt;
- f1->builtin = 0;
- exists = true;
- }
- if (! exists
- && bfd_is_abs_section (h->root.root.u.def.section))
- {
- f = new_fixup (info, h1, h->root.root.u.def.value, 0);
- if (f == NULL)
- {
- /* FIXME: No way to return error. */
- abort ();
- }
- f->jump = is_plt;
- }
- }
- /* Quick and dirty way of stripping these symbols from the
- symtab. */
- if (bfd_is_abs_section (h->root.root.u.def.section))
- h->root.written = true;
- }
- return true;
-/* This is called to set the size of the .linux-dynamic section is.
- It is called by the Linux linker emulation before_allocation
- routine. We have finished reading all of the input files, and now
- we just scan the hash tables to find out how many additional fixups
- are required. */
-bfd_m68klinux_size_dynamic_sections (output_bfd, info)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct fixup *f;
- asection *s;
- if (output_bfd->xvec != &MY(vec))
- return true;
- /* First find the fixups... */
- linux_link_hash_traverse (linux_hash_table (info),
- linux_tally_symbols,
- (PTR) info);
- /* If there are builtin fixups, leave room for a marker. This is
- used by the dynamic linker so that it knows that all that follow
- are builtin fixups instead of regular fixups. */
- for (f = linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_list; f != NULL; f = f->next)
- {
- if (f->builtin)
- {
- ++linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_count;
- ++linux_hash_table (info)->local_builtins;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (linux_hash_table (info)->dynobj == NULL)
- {
- if (linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_count > 0)
- abort ();
- return true;
- }
- /* Allocate memory for our fixup table. We will fill it in later. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (linux_hash_table (info)->dynobj,
- ".linux-dynamic");
- if (s != NULL)
- {
- s->_raw_size = 8 + linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_count * 8;
- s->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (output_bfd, s->_raw_size);
- if (s->contents == NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return false;
- }
- memset (s->contents, 0, (size_t) s->_raw_size);
- }
- return true;
-/* We come here once we are ready to actually write the fixup table to
- the output file. Scan the fixup tables and so forth and generate
- the stuff we need. */
-static boolean
-linux_finish_dynamic_link (output_bfd, info)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *s, *os, *is;
- bfd_byte *fixup_table;
- struct linux_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct fixup *f;
- unsigned int new_addr;
- int section_offset;
- unsigned int fixups_written;
- if (linux_hash_table (info)->dynobj == NULL)
- return true;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (linux_hash_table (info)->dynobj,
- ".linux-dynamic");
- os = s->output_section;
- fixups_written = 0;
- printf ("Fixup table file offset: %x VMA: %x\n",
- os->filepos + s->output_offset,
- os->vma + s->output_offset);
- fixup_table = s->contents;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_count, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- /* Fill in fixup table. */
- for (f = linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_list; f != NULL; f = f->next)
- {
- if (f->builtin)
- continue;
- if (f->h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined
- && f->h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("Symbol %s not defined for fixups\n",
- f->h->root.root.root.string);
- continue;
- }
- is = f->h->root.root.u.def.section;
- section_offset = is->output_section->vma + is->output_offset;
- new_addr = f->h->root.root.u.def.value + section_offset;
- printf ("Fixup(%d) %s: %x %x\n",f->jump, f->h->root.root.string,
- new_addr, f->value);
- if (f->jump)
- {
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, new_addr, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, f->value + 2, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, new_addr, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, f->value, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- }
- ++fixups_written;
- }
- if (linux_hash_table (info)->local_builtins != 0)
- {
- /* Special marker so we know to switch to the other type of fixup */
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, 0, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, 0, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- ++fixups_written;
- for (f = linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_list; f != NULL; f = f->next)
- {
- if (! f->builtin)
- continue;
- if (f->h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined
- && f->h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("Symbol %s not defined for fixups\n",
- f->h->root.root.root.string);
- continue;
- }
- is = f->h->root.root.u.def.section;
- section_offset = is->output_section->vma + is->output_offset;
- new_addr = f->h->root.root.u.def.value + section_offset;
- printf ("Fixup(B) %s: %x %x\n", f->h->root.root.string,
- new_addr, f->value);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, new_addr, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, f->value, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- ++fixups_written;
- }
- }
- if (linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_count != fixups_written)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("Warning: fixup count mismatch\n");
- while (linux_hash_table (info)->fixup_count > fixups_written)
- {
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, 0, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, 0, fixup_table);
- fixup_table += 4;
- ++fixups_written;
- }
- }
- h = linux_link_hash_lookup (linux_hash_table (info),
- false, false, false);
- if (h != NULL
- && (h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak))
- {
- is = h->root.root.u.def.section;
- section_offset = is->output_section->vma + is->output_offset;
- new_addr = h->root.root.u.def.value + section_offset;
- printf ("Builtin fixup table at %x\n", new_addr);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, new_addr, fixup_table);
- }
- else
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, 0, fixup_table);
- if (bfd_seek (output_bfd, os->filepos + s->output_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) s->contents, 1, s->_raw_size, output_bfd)
- != s->_raw_size)
- return false;
- return true;
-#define MY_bfd_link_hash_table_create linux_link_hash_table_create
-#define MY_add_one_symbol linux_add_one_symbol
-#define MY_finish_dynamic_link linux_finish_dynamic_link
-#define MY_zmagic_contiguous 1
-#include "aout-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/m68klynx.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/m68klynx.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7acdfbcad21d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/m68klynx.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for m68k binaries under LynxOS.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) 0
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR 0
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_m68k
-#define MY(OP) CAT(m68klynx_aout_,OP)
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-m68k-lynx"
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "libaout.h"
-#include "aout/aout64.h"
-#ifdef LYNX_CORE
-char *lynx_core_file_failing_command();
-int lynx_core_file_failing_signal();
-boolean lynx_core_file_matches_executable_p();
-const bfd_target *lynx_core_file_p();
-#define MY_core_file_failing_command lynx_core_file_failing_command
-#define MY_core_file_failing_signal lynx_core_file_failing_signal
-#define MY_core_file_matches_executable_p lynx_core_file_matches_executable_p
-#define MY_core_file_p lynx_core_file_p
-#endif /* LYNX_CORE */
-#include "aout-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/m68knetbsd.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/m68knetbsd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bff530fbc72..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/m68knetbsd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for NetBSD/m68k a.out-ish binaries.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 8192
-#define SEGMENT_SIZE 8192
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_m68k
-#define MACHTYPE_OK(mtype) \
- ((mtype) == M_68020 || (mtype) == M_68K_NETBSD || (mtype) == M_68K4K_NETBSD \
- || (mtype) == M_UNKNOWN)
-#define MY(OP) CAT(m68knetbsd_,OP)
-/* This needs to start with a.out so GDB knows it is an a.out variant. */
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-m68k-netbsd"
-#include "netbsd.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/m88kmach3.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/m88kmach3.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a5640873008..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/m88kmach3.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Motorola m88k a.out (Mach 3) binaries.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE (4096*2)
-#define SEGMENT_SIZE 0x20000
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR 0
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) 1 /* (N_MAGIG(x) == ZMAGIC) */
-#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) 0
-#define N_TXTSIZE(x) ((x).a_text)
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "libaout.h"
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_m88k
-#define MY(OP) CAT(m88kmach3_,OP)
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-m88k-mach3"
-#include "aout-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/makefile.dos b/contrib/gdb/bfd/makefile.dos
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a22c6af201f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/makefile.dos
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-.c.o :
- gcc $(CFLAGS) -I. -I../include -c $<
-all : libbfd.a
-targets.o : targets.c
- gcc $(CFLAGS) -I. -I../include -DSELECT_VECS=&go32coff_vec,&i386aout_vec -DDEFAULT_VECTOR=go32coff_vec -c $*.c
-archures.o : archures.c
- gcc $(CFLAGS) -I. -I../include -DSELECT_ARCHITECTURES=bfd_i386_arch -c $*.c
-OBJS = \
- libbfd.o \
- opncls.o \
- bfd.o \
- archive.o \
- targets.o \
- cache.o \
- archures.o \
- corefile.o \
- section.o \
- format.o \
- syms.o \
- reloc.o \
- init.o \
- coffgen.o \
- srec.o \
- hash.o \
- linker.o \
- ecoff.o \
- ecofflink.o \
- elf.o \
- aout32.o \
- stab-sym.o \
- i386aout.o \
- cpu-i386.o \
- coff-go32.o \
- cofflink.o \
- elf32.o \
- binary.o \
- tekhex.o \
- $E
-libbfd.a : $(OBJS)
- -rm libbfd.a
- ar rvs libbfd.a $(OBJS)
- ranlib libbfd.a
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/mipsbsd.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/mipsbsd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 801f3604338e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/mipsbsd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,467 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD backend for MIPS BSD (a.out) binaries.
- Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Ralph Campbell.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-/* #define ENTRY_CAN_BE_ZERO */
-#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) 1
-#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) 0
-#define N_TXTADDR(x) \
- (N_MAGIC(x) != ZMAGIC ? (x).a_entry : /* object file or NMAGIC */\
- TEXT_START_ADDR + EXEC_BYTES_SIZE /* no padding */\
- )
-#define N_DATADDR(x) (N_TXTADDR(x)+N_TXTSIZE(x))
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR 4096
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_mips
-#define MACHTYPE_OK(mtype) ((mtype) == M_UNKNOWN \
- || (mtype) == M_MIPS1 || (mtype) == M_MIPS2)
-#define MY_symbol_leading_char '\0'
-#define MY(OP) CAT(mipsbsd_,OP)
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "libaout.h"
- MY(set_arch_mach)(ABFD, N_MACHTYPE (EXEC)); \
- MY(choose_reloc_size)(ABFD);
-void MY(set_arch_mach) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, int machtype));
-static void MY(choose_reloc_size) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-#define MY_write_object_contents MY(write_object_contents)
-static boolean MY(write_object_contents) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-/* We can't use MY(x) here because it leads to a recursive call to CAT
- when expanded inside JUMP_TABLE. */
-#define MY_bfd_reloc_type_lookup mipsbsd_reloc_howto_type_lookup
-#define MY_canonicalize_reloc mipsbsd_canonicalize_reloc
-#define MY_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
-#define MY_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
-#define MY_final_link_callback unused
-#define MY_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
-#define MY_backend_data &MY(backend_data)
-#define MY_BFD_TARGET
-#include "aout-target.h"
-MY(set_arch_mach) (abfd, machtype)
- bfd *abfd;
- int machtype;
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- long machine;
- /* Determine the architecture and machine type of the object file. */
- switch (machtype) {
- case M_MIPS1:
- arch = bfd_arch_mips;
- machine = 3000;
- break;
- case M_MIPS2:
- arch = bfd_arch_mips;
- machine = 4000;
- break;
- default:
- arch = bfd_arch_obscure;
- machine = 0;
- break;
- }
- bfd_set_arch_mach(abfd, arch, machine);
-/* Determine the size of a relocation entry, based on the architecture */
-static void
-MY(choose_reloc_size) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- switch (bfd_get_arch(abfd)) {
- case bfd_arch_sparc:
- case bfd_arch_a29k:
- case bfd_arch_mips:
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_EXT_SIZE;
- break;
- default:
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- break;
- }
-/* Write an object file in BSD a.out format.
- Section contents have already been written. We write the
- file header, symbols, and relocation. */
-static boolean
-MY(write_object_contents) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec exec_bytes;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- /* Magic number, maestro, please! */
- switch (bfd_get_arch(abfd)) {
- case bfd_arch_m68k:
- switch (bfd_get_mach(abfd)) {
- case 68010:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE(*execp, M_68010);
- break;
- default:
- case 68020:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE(*execp, M_68020);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case bfd_arch_sparc:
- break;
- case bfd_arch_i386:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE(*execp, M_386);
- break;
- case bfd_arch_a29k:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE(*execp, M_29K);
- break;
- case bfd_arch_mips:
- switch (bfd_get_mach(abfd)) {
- case 4000:
- case 6000:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE(*execp, M_MIPS2);
- break;
- default:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE(*execp, M_MIPS1);
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- }
- MY(choose_reloc_size)(abfd);
- WRITE_HEADERS(abfd, execp);
- return true;
- * MIPS relocation types.
- */
-#define MIPS_RELOC_32 0
-#define MIPS_RELOC_JMP 1
-#define MIPS_RELOC_WDISP16 2
-#define MIPS_RELOC_HI16 3
-#define MIPS_RELOC_HI16_S 4
-#define MIPS_RELOC_LO16 5
- * This is only called when performing a BFD_RELOC_MIPS_JMP relocation.
- * The jump destination address is formed from the upper 4 bits of the
- * "current" program counter concatenated with the jump instruction's
- * 26 bit field and two trailing zeros.
- * If the destination address is not in the same segment as the "current"
- * program counter, then we need to signal an error.
- */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-mips_fix_jmp_addr (abfd,reloc_entry,symbol,data,input_section,output_bfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- bfd_vma relocation, pc;
- /* If this is a partial relocation, just continue. */
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *)NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- /* If this is an undefined symbol, return error */
- if (bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section)
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_WEAK) == 0)
- return bfd_reloc_undefined;
- /*
- * Work out which section the relocation is targetted at and the
- * initial relocation command value.
- */
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- relocation = 0;
- else
- relocation = symbol->value;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_section->vma;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_offset;
- relocation += reloc_entry->addend;
- pc = input_section->output_section->vma + input_section->output_offset +
- reloc_entry->address + 4;
- if ((relocation & 0xF0000000) != (pc & 0xF0000000))
- return bfd_reloc_overflow;
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- * This is only called when performing a BFD_RELOC_HI16_S relocation.
- * We need to see if bit 15 is set in the result. If it is, we add
- * 0x10000 and continue normally. This will compensate for the sign extension
- * when the low bits are added at run time.
- */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-mips_fix_hi16_s PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR,
- asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-mips_fix_hi16_s (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section,
- output_bfd, error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- /* If this is a partial relocation, just continue. */
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *)NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- /* If this is an undefined symbol, return error */
- if (bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section)
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_WEAK) == 0)
- return bfd_reloc_undefined;
- /*
- * Work out which section the relocation is targetted at and the
- * initial relocation command value.
- */
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- relocation = 0;
- else
- relocation = symbol->value;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_section->vma;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_offset;
- relocation += reloc_entry->addend;
- if (relocation & 0x8000)
- reloc_entry->addend += 0x10000;
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
-static reloc_howto_type mips_howto_table_ext[] = {
- {MIPS_RELOC_32, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0,
- "32", false, 0, 0xffffffff, false},
- {MIPS_RELOC_JMP, 2, 2, 26, false, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
- mips_fix_jmp_addr,
- "MIPS_JMP", false, 0, 0x03ffffff, false},
- {MIPS_RELOC_WDISP16, 2, 2, 16, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0,
- "WDISP16", false, 0, 0x0000ffff, false},
- {MIPS_RELOC_HI16, 16, 2, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0,
- "HI16", false, 0, 0x0000ffff, false},
- {MIPS_RELOC_HI16_S, 16, 2, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,
- mips_fix_hi16_s,
- "HI16_S", false, 0, 0x0000ffff, false},
- {MIPS_RELOC_LO16, 0, 2, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_dont, 0,
- "LO16", false, 0, 0x0000ffff, false},
-static reloc_howto_type *
-MY(reloc_howto_type_lookup) (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- if (bfd_get_arch (abfd) != bfd_arch_mips)
- return 0;
- switch (code)
- {
- case BFD_RELOC_32:
- return (&mips_howto_table_ext[MIPS_RELOC_32]);
- return (&mips_howto_table_ext[MIPS_RELOC_JMP]);
- case BFD_RELOC_16_PCREL_S2:
- return (&mips_howto_table_ext[MIPS_RELOC_WDISP16]);
- case BFD_RELOC_HI16:
- return (&mips_howto_table_ext[MIPS_RELOC_HI16]);
- case BFD_RELOC_HI16_S:
- return (&mips_howto_table_ext[MIPS_RELOC_HI16_S]);
- case BFD_RELOC_LO16:
- return (&mips_howto_table_ext[MIPS_RELOC_LO16]);
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- * This is just like the standard aoutx.h version but we need to do our
- * own mapping of external reloc type values to howto entries.
- */
-MY(canonicalize_reloc)(abfd, section, relptr, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- arelent **relptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- arelent *tblptr = section->relocation;
- unsigned int count, c;
- extern reloc_howto_type NAME(aout,ext_howto_table)[];
- /* If we have already read in the relocation table, return the values. */
- if (section->flags & SEC_CONSTRUCTOR) {
- arelent_chain *chain = section->constructor_chain;
- for (count = 0; count < section->reloc_count; count++) {
- *relptr++ = &chain->relent;
- chain = chain->next;
- }
- *relptr = 0;
- return section->reloc_count;
- }
- if (tblptr && section->reloc_count) {
- for (count = 0; count++ < section->reloc_count;)
- *relptr++ = tblptr++;
- *relptr = 0;
- return section->reloc_count;
- }
- if (!NAME(aout,slurp_reloc_table)(abfd, section, symbols))
- return -1;
- tblptr = section->relocation;
- /* fix up howto entries */
- for (count = 0; count++ < section->reloc_count;)
- {
- c = tblptr->howto - NAME(aout,ext_howto_table);
- tblptr->howto = &mips_howto_table_ext[c];
- *relptr++ = tblptr++;
- }
- *relptr = 0;
- return section->reloc_count;
-static CONST struct aout_backend_data MY(backend_data) = {
- 0, /* zmagic contiguous */
- 1, /* text incl header */
- 0, /* exec_hdr_flags */
- TARGET_PAGE_SIZE, /* text vma */
- MY_set_sizes,
- 0, /* text size includes exec header */
- 0, /* add_dynamic_symbols */
- 0, /* add_one_symbol */
- 0, /* link_dynamic_object */
- 0, /* write_dynamic_symbol */
- 0, /* check_dynamic_reloc */
- 0 /* finish_dynamic_link */
-const bfd_target aout_mips_little_vec =
- "a.out-mips-little", /* name */
- bfd_target_aout_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* target byte order (little) */
- BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* target headers byte order (little) */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- MY_symbol_leading_char,
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, MY_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, MY_core_file_p},
- {bfd_false, MY_mkobject, /* bfd_set_format */
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive, bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, MY_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) MY_backend_data,
-const bfd_target aout_mips_big_vec =
- "a.out-mips-big", /* name */
- bfd_target_aout_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target byte order (big) */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target headers byte order (big) */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- MY_symbol_leading_char,
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 15, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target, MY_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, MY_core_file_p},
- {bfd_false, MY_mkobject, /* bfd_set_format */
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive, bfd_false},
- {bfd_false, MY_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
- _bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) MY_backend_data,
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ b/contrib/gdb/bfd/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9195d0e64547..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration fragment for BFD.
-# This is almost always correct.
-Set selarchs "&bfd_{target_cpu}_arch"
-Set defvec ""
-Set selvecs ""
-If "{target_canonical}" =~ /m68k-apple-macos/
- Set BFD_BACKENDS '"{o}"coff-m68k.c.o "{o}"cofflink.c.o'
- Set defvec m68kcoff_vec
- Set selvecs '&m68kcoff_vec'
-Else If "{target_canonical}" =~ /powerpc-apple-macos/
- Set BFD_BACKENDS '"{o}"coff-pmac.c.o "{o}"xcofflink.c.o'
- Set defvec pmac_xcoff_vec
- Set selvecs '&pmac_xcoff_vec'
- Set selarchs "&bfd_powerpc_arch"
-Else If "{target_canonical}" =~ /i386-unknown-go32/
- Set BFD_BACKENDS '"{o}"coff-i386.c.o'
- Set defvec i386coff_vec
- Set selvecs '&i386coff_vec'
-Else If "{target_canonical}" =~ /mips-\Option-x-\Option-x/
- Set BFD_BACKENDS '"{o}"coff-mips.c.o "{o}"ecoff.c.o "{o}"ecofflink.c.o'
- Set defvec ecoff_big_vec
- Set selvecs '&ecoff_big_vec,&ecoff_little_vec'
-Else If "{target_canonical}" =~ /sh-hitachi-hms/
- Set BFD_BACKENDS '"{o}"coff-sh.c.o "{o}"cofflink.c.o'
- Set defvec shcoff_vec
- Set selvecs '&shcoff_vec,&shlcoff_vec'
-End If
-Set ta `echo {selarchs} | sed -e 's/&bfd_/{o}cpu-/g' -e 's/_arch/.c.o/g'`
-Set tdefaults "-d DEFAULT_VECTOR={defvec} -d SELECT_VECS={selvecs} -d SELECT_ARCHITECTURES={selarchs}"
-Echo '# From' > "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo 'WORDSIZE = 32' >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo 'BFD_MACHINES = ' {ta} >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo 'BFD_BACKENDS = ' {BFD_BACKENDS} >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo 'TDEFAULTS = ' {tdefaults} >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo 'HDEPFILES = ' >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo 'TDEPFILES = ' >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo '# End from' >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo '/* config.h. Generated by mpw-configure. */' > "{o}"
-Echo '#include "mpw.h"' >> "{o}"
-MoveIfChange "{o}" "{o}"config.h
-# We can only handle 32-bit targets right now.
-sed -e 's/@WORDSIZE@/32/' \Option-d
- -e "s/@VERSION@/`Catenate {srcdir}VERSION`/" \Option-d
- -e 's/@BFD_HOST_64BIT_LONG@/0/' \Option-d
- "{srcdir}"bfd-in2.h >"{o}"bfd.h-new
-MoveIfChange "{o}"bfd.h-new "{o}"bfd.h
-# Pre-expand some macros in coffswap.h, so MPW C doesn't choke.
-sed -e 's/^ PUT_AOUTHDR_TSIZE (/ bfd_h_put_32 (/' \Option-d
- -e 's/^ PUT_AOUTHDR_DSIZE (/ bfd_h_put_32 (/' \Option-d
- -e 's/^ PUT_AOUTHDR_BSIZE (/ bfd_h_put_32 (/' \Option-d
- -e 's/^ PUT_AOUTHDR_ENTRY (/ bfd_h_put_32 (/' \Option-d
- -e 's/^ PUT_AOUTHDR_TEXT_START (/ bfd_h_put_32 (/' \Option-d
- -e 's/^ PUT_AOUTHDR_DATA_START (/ bfd_h_put_32 (/' \Option-d
- "{srcdir}"coffswap.h >"{o}"coffswap.h-new
-MoveIfChange "{o}"coffswap.h-new "{o}"coffswap.h
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/mpw-make.sed b/contrib/gdb/bfd/mpw-make.sed
deleted file mode 100644
index a989ef005ff2..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/mpw-make.sed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# Sed commands to finish translating the Unix BFD Makefile into MPW syntax.
-# Whack out unused host and target define bits.
-/^CSEARCH = .*$/s/$/ -i "{INCDIR}":mpw: -i ::extra-include:/
-# Remove extra, useless, "all".
-/^all \\Option-f _oldest/,/^$/d
-# Remove the Makefile rebuild rule.
-/^Makefile /,/--recheck/d
-# Don't do any recursive subdir stuff.
-/ subdir_do/s/{MAKE}/null-command/
-# Point at include files that are always in the objdir.
-# Removing duplicates is cool but presently unnecessary,
-# so whack this out.
-/^ofiles \\Option-f/,/^$/d
-/ofiles/s/{OFILES} ofiles/{OFILES}/
-/echo ofiles = /d
-/cat ofiles/s/`cat ofiles`/{OFILES}/
-# No corefile support.
-# No PIC foolery in this environment.
-/^{OFILES} \\Option-f stamp-picdir/,/^$/d
-# Remove the pic trickery from the default build rule.
-/^\.c\.o \\Option-f /,/End If/c\
-.c.o \\Option-f .c
-# MPW Make doesn't know about $<.
-/"{o}"targets.c.o \\Option-f "{s}"targets.c Makefile/,/^$/c\
-"{o}"targets.c.o \\Option-f "{s}"targets.c Makefile\
- {CC} {ALL_CFLAGS} {TDEFAULTS} "{s}"targets.c -o "{o}"targets.c.o
-/"{o}"archures.c.o \\Option-f "{s}"archures.c Makefile/,/^$/c\
-"{o}"archures.c.o \\Option-f "{s}"archures.c Makefile\
- {CC} {ALL_CFLAGS} {TDEFAULTS} "{s}"archures.c -o "{o}"archures.c.o
-# Remove the .h rebuilding rules, we don't currently have a doc subdir,
-# or a way to build the prototype-hacking tool that's in it.
-/^"{srcdir}"bfd-in2.h \\Option-f /,/^$/d
-/^"{srcdir}"libbfd.h \\Option-f /,/^$/d
-/^"{srcdir}"libcoff.h \\Option-f /,/^$/d
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/netbsd-core.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/netbsd-core.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e8286797963..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/netbsd-core.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back end for NetBSD style core files
- Copyright 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Paul Kranenburg, EUR
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "libaout.h" /* BFD a.out internal data structures */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/dir.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/core.h>
-#include <errno.h>
- * FIXME: On NetBSD/sparc CORE_FPU_OFFSET should be (sizeof(struct trapframe))
- */
-struct netbsd_core_struct {
- struct core core;
-} *rawptr;
-/* forward declarations */
-static const bfd_target * netbsd_core_core_file_p PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-static char * netbsd_core_core_file_failing_command PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-static int netbsd_core_core_file_failing_signal PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-static boolean netbsd_core_core_file_matches_executable_p
- PARAMS ((bfd *core_bfd, bfd *exec_bfd));
-/* Handle NetBSD-style core dump file. */
-static const bfd_target *
-netbsd_core_core_file_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- int i, val, offset;
- asection *asect, *asect2;
- struct core core;
- struct coreseg coreseg;
- val = bfd_read ((void *)&core, 1, sizeof core, abfd);
- if (val != sizeof core) {
- /* Too small to be a core file */
- bfd_set_error(bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- bfd_set_error(bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- rawptr = (struct netbsd_core_struct *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct netbsd_core_struct));
- if (rawptr == NULL) {
- bfd_set_error(bfd_error_no_memory);
- return 0;
- }
- rawptr->core = core;
- abfd->tdata.netbsd_core_data = rawptr;
- offset = core.c_hdrsize;
- for (i = 0; i < core.c_nseg; i++) {
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, offset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto punt;
- val = bfd_read ((void *)&coreseg, 1, sizeof coreseg, abfd);
- if (val != sizeof coreseg) {
- bfd_set_error(bfd_error_file_truncated);
- goto punt;
- }
- bfd_set_error(bfd_error_wrong_format);
- goto punt;
- }
- offset += core.c_seghdrsize;
- asect = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof(asection));
- if (asect == NULL) {
- bfd_set_error(bfd_error_no_memory);
- }
- asect->_raw_size = coreseg.c_size;
- asect->vma = coreseg.c_addr;
- asect->filepos = offset;
- asect->alignment_power = 2;
- asect->next = abfd->sections;
- abfd->sections = asect;
- abfd->section_count++;
- offset += coreseg.c_size;
- switch (CORE_GETFLAG(coreseg)) {
- case CORE_CPU:
- asect->name = ".reg";
- asect->flags = SEC_ALLOC + SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- /* Hackish... */
- asect->_raw_size = CORE_FPU_OFFSET;
- asect2 = (asection *)bfd_zalloc (abfd,
- sizeof (asection));
- if (asect2 == NULL) {
- bfd_set_error(bfd_error_no_memory);
- goto punt;
- }
- asect2->_raw_size = coreseg.c_size - CORE_FPU_OFFSET;
- asect2->vma = 0;
- asect2->filepos = asect->filepos + CORE_FPU_OFFSET;
- asect2->alignment_power = 2;
- asect2->next = abfd->sections;
- asect2->name = ".reg2";
- asect2->flags = SEC_ALLOC + SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- abfd->sections = asect2;
- abfd->section_count++;
- break;
- case CORE_DATA:
- asect->name = ".data";
- break;
- case CORE_STACK:
- asect->name = ".stack";
- break;
- }
- }
- /* OK, we believe you. You're a core file (sure, sure). */
- return abfd->xvec;
-punt: {
- asection *anext;
- for (asect = abfd->sections; asect; asect = anext) {
- anext = asect->next;
- free((void *)asect);
- }
- }
- free ((void *)rawptr);
- abfd->tdata.netbsd_core_data = NULL;
- abfd->sections = NULL;
- abfd->section_count = 0;
- return 0;
-static char*
-netbsd_core_core_file_failing_command (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- /*return core_command (abfd);*/
- return abfd->tdata.netbsd_core_data->core.c_name;
-static int
-netbsd_core_core_file_failing_signal (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- /*return core_signal (abfd);*/
- return abfd->tdata.netbsd_core_data->core.c_signo;
-static boolean
-netbsd_core_core_file_matches_executable_p (core_bfd, exec_bfd)
- bfd *core_bfd, *exec_bfd;
- return true; /* FIXME, We have no way of telling at this point */
-/* No archive file support via this BFD */
-#define netbsd_openr_next_archived_file bfd_generic_openr_next_archived_file
-#define netbsd_generic_stat_arch_elt bfd_generic_stat_arch_elt
-#define netbsd_slurp_armap bfd_false
-#define netbsd_slurp_extended_name_table bfd_true
-#define netbsd_write_armap (boolean (*) PARAMS \
- ((bfd *arch, unsigned int elength, struct orl *map, \
- unsigned int orl_count, int stridx))) bfd_false
-#define netbsd_truncate_arname bfd_dont_truncate_arname
-#define aout_32_openr_next_archived_file bfd_generic_openr_next_archived_file
-#define netbsd_close_and_cleanup bfd_generic_close_and_cleanup
-#define netbsd_set_section_contents (boolean (*) PARAMS \
- ((bfd *abfd, asection *section, PTR data, file_ptr offset, \
- bfd_size_type count))) bfd_false
-#define netbsd_get_section_contents bfd_generic_get_section_contents
-#define netbsd_new_section_hook (boolean (*) PARAMS \
- ((bfd *, sec_ptr))) bfd_true
-#define netbsd_get_symtab_upper_bound bfd_0u
-#define netbsd_get_symtab (unsigned int (*) PARAMS \
- ((bfd *, struct symbol_cache_entry **))) bfd_0u
-#define netbsd_get_reloc_upper_bound (unsigned int (*) PARAMS \
- ((bfd *, sec_ptr))) bfd_0u
-#define netbsd_canonicalize_reloc (unsigned int (*) PARAMS \
- ((bfd *, sec_ptr, arelent **, struct symbol_cache_entry**))) bfd_0u
-#define netbsd_make_empty_symbol (struct symbol_cache_entry * \
- (*) PARAMS ((bfd *))) bfd_false
-#define netbsd_print_symbol (void (*) PARAMS \
- ((bfd *, PTR, struct symbol_cache_entry *, \
- bfd_print_symbol_type))) bfd_false
-#define netbsd_get_symbol_info (void (*) PARAMS \
- ((bfd *, struct symbol_cache_entry *, \
- symbol_info *))) bfd_false
-#define netbsd_get_lineno (alent * (*) PARAMS \
- ((bfd *, struct symbol_cache_entry *))) bfd_nullvoidptr
-#define netbsd_set_arch_mach (boolean (*) PARAMS \
- ((bfd *, enum bfd_architecture, unsigned long))) bfd_false
-#define netbsd_find_nearest_line (boolean (*) PARAMS \
- ((bfd *abfd, struct sec *section, \
- struct symbol_cache_entry **symbols,bfd_vma offset, \
- CONST char **file, CONST char **func, unsigned int *line))) bfd_false
-#define netbsd_sizeof_headers (int (*) PARAMS \
- ((bfd *, boolean))) bfd_0
-#define netbsd_bfd_debug_info_start bfd_void
-#define netbsd_bfd_debug_info_end bfd_void
-#define netbsd_bfd_debug_info_accumulate (void (*) PARAMS \
- ((bfd *, struct sec *))) bfd_void
-#define netbsd_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define netbsd_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
-#define netbsd_bfd_seclet_link \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, boolean))) bfd_false)
-#define netbsd_bfd_reloc_type_lookup \
- ((CONST struct reloc_howto_struct *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_reloc_code_real_type))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
-#define netbsd_bfd_make_debug_symbol \
- ((asymbol *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, void *, unsigned long))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
-/* If somebody calls any byte-swapping routines, shoot them. */
-static void
- abort(); /* This way doesn't require any declaration for ANSI to fuck up */
-#define NO_GET ((bfd_vma (*) PARAMS (( const bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-#define NO_PUT ((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-#define NO_SIGNED_GET \
- ((bfd_signed_vma (*) PARAMS (( const bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-const bfd_target netbsd_core_vec =
- {
- "netbsd-core",
- bfd_target_unknown_flavour,
- true, /* target byte order */
- true, /* target headers byte order */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* symbol prefix */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- 3, /* minimum alignment power */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 64 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 32 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 16 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 64 bit hdrs */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 32 bit hdrs */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 16 bit hdrs */
- { /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* unknown format */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* object file */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* archive */
- netbsd_core_core_file_p /* a core file */
- },
- { /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false, bfd_false,
- bfd_false, bfd_false
- },
- { /* bfd_write_contents */
- bfd_false, bfd_false,
- bfd_false, bfd_false
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (netbsd_core),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_SYMBOLS (_bfd_nosymbols),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS (_bfd_norelocs),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (_bfd_nolink),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0 /* backend_data */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/netbsd.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/netbsd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dd73d37e789b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/netbsd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end definitions used by all NetBSD targets.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-/* NetBSD fits its header into the start of its text segment */
-#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) 1
-#define N_MACHTYPE(exec) \
- ((enum machine_type)(((exec).a_info >> 16) & 0x03ff))
-#define N_FLAGS(exec) \
- (((exec).a_info >> 26) & 0x3f)
-#define N_SET_INFO(exec, magic, type, flags) \
- ((exec).a_info = ((magic) & 0xffff) \
- | (((int)(type) & 0x3ff) << 16) \
- | (((flags) & 0x3f) << 24))
-#define N_SET_MACHTYPE(exec, machtype) \
- ((exec).a_info = \
- ((exec).a_info & 0xfb00ffff) | ((((int)(machtype))&0x3ff) << 16))
-#define N_SET_FLAGS(exec, flags) \
- ((exec).a_info = \
- ((exec).a_info & 0x03ffffff) | ((flags & 0x03f) << 26))
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "libaout.h"
-/* On NetBSD, the magic number is always in ntohl's "network" (big-endian)
- format. */
-#define SWAP_MAGIC(ext) bfd_getb32 (ext)
-#define MY_write_object_contents MY(write_object_contents)
-static boolean MY(write_object_contents) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-#define MY_text_includes_header 1
-#include "aout-target.h"
-/* Write an object file.
- Section contents have already been written. We write the
- file header, symbols, and relocation. */
-static boolean
-MY(write_object_contents) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec exec_bytes;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- /* Magic number, maestro, please! */
- switch (bfd_get_arch(abfd)) {
- case bfd_arch_m68k:
- if (strcmp (abfd->xvec->name, "a.out-m68k4k-netbsd") == 0)
- else
- break;
- case bfd_arch_sparc:
- break;
- case bfd_arch_i386:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE(*execp, M_386_NETBSD);
- break;
- case bfd_arch_ns32k:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE(*execp, M_532_NETBSD);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /* The NetBSD magic number is always big-endian */
- /* XXX aren't there any macro to change byteorder of a word independent of
- the host's or target's endianesses? */
- execp->a_info
- = (execp->a_info & 0xff) << 24 | (execp->a_info & 0xff00) << 8
- | (execp->a_info & 0xff0000) >> 8 | (execp->a_info & 0xff000000) >> 24;
- WRITE_HEADERS(abfd, execp);
- return true;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/newsos3.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/newsos3.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ec7a75a87c0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/newsos3.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for NewsOS3 (Sony, 68k) binaries.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR 0
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#define MY(OP) CAT(newsos3_,OP)
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-newsos3"
-#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) 0 /* Avoids warning when compiled with -Wall. */
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_m68k
-#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) 0
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "aout/aout64.h"
-#include "aout/stab_gnu.h"
-#include "aout/ar.h"
-#include "libaout.h" /* BFD a.out internal data structures */
-#include "aout-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm-target.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm-target.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cdd3fa8b22e6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm-target.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-/* Target definitions for 32/64-bit NLM (NetWare Loadable Module)
- Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define nlm_core_file_p _bfd_dummy_target
-#define nlm_get_symtab_upper_bound nlmNAME(get_symtab_upper_bound)
-#define nlm_get_symtab nlmNAME(get_symtab)
-#define nlm_make_empty_symbol nlmNAME(make_empty_symbol)
-#define nlm_print_symbol nlmNAME(print_symbol)
-#define nlm_get_symbol_info nlmNAME(get_symbol_info)
-#define nlm_bfd_is_local_label bfd_generic_is_local_label
-#define nlm_get_lineno _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno
-#define nlm_find_nearest_line _bfd_nosymbols_find_nearest_line
-#define nlm_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
-#define nlm_read_minisymbols _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols
-#define nlm_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol
-#define nlm_get_reloc_upper_bound nlmNAME(get_reloc_upper_bound)
-#define nlm_canonicalize_reloc nlmNAME(canonicalize_reloc)
-#define nlm_bfd_reloc_type_lookup bfd_default_reloc_type_lookup
-#define nlm_set_section_contents nlmNAME(set_section_contents)
-#define nlm_sizeof_headers _bfd_nolink_sizeof_headers
-#define nlm_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define nlm_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
-#define nlm_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
-#define nlm_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
-#define nlm_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
-#define nlm_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
-/* This structure contains everything that BFD knows about a target.
- It includes things like its byte order, name, what routines to call
- to do various operations, etc. Every BFD points to a target structure
- with its "xvec" member.
- There are two such structures here: one for big-endian machines and
- one for little-endian machines. */
-const bfd_target TARGET_BIG_SYM =
- /* name: identify kind of target */
- /* flavour: general indication about file */
- bfd_target_nlm_flavour,
- /* byteorder: data is big endian */
- /* header_byteorder: header is also big endian */
- /* object_flags: mask of all file flags */
- | WP_TEXT),
- /* section_flags: mask of all section flags */
- /* leading_symbol_char: is the first char of a user symbol
- predictable, and if so what is it */
- 0,
- /* ar_pad_char: pad character for filenames within an archive header
- FIXME: this really has nothing to do with NLM, this is a characteristic
- of the archiver and/or os and should be independently tunable */
- '/',
- /* ar_max_namelen: maximum number of characters in an archive header
- FIXME: this really has nothing to do with NLM, this is a characteristic
- of the archiver and should be independently tunable. This value is
- a WAG (wild a** guess) */
- 15,
- /* Routines to byte-swap various sized integers from the data sections */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16,
- /* Routines to byte-swap various sized integers from the file headers */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16,
- /* bfd_check_format: check the format of a file being read */
- { _bfd_dummy_target, /* unknown format */
- nlmNAME(object_p), /* assembler/linker output (object file) */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, /* an archive */
- nlm_core_file_p /* a core file */
- },
- /* bfd_set_format: set the format of a file being written */
- { bfd_false,
- nlm_mkobject,
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive,
- bfd_false
- },
- /* bfd_write_contents: write cached information into a file being written */
- { bfd_false,
- nlmNAME(write_object_contents),
- _bfd_write_archive_contents,
- bfd_false
- },
- /* Initialize a jump table with the standard macro. All names start with
- "nlm" */
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- /* backend_data: */
-const bfd_target TARGET_LITTLE_SYM =
- /* name: identify kind of target */
- /* flavour: general indication about file */
- bfd_target_nlm_flavour,
- /* byteorder: data is little endian */
- /* header_byteorder: header is also little endian */
- /* object_flags: mask of all file flags */
- | WP_TEXT),
- /* section_flags: mask of all section flags */
- /* leading_symbol_char: is the first char of a user symbol
- predictable, and if so what is it */
- 0,
- /* ar_pad_char: pad character for filenames within an archive header
- FIXME: this really has nothing to do with NLM, this is a characteristic
- of the archiver and/or os and should be independently tunable */
- '/',
- /* ar_max_namelen: maximum number of characters in an archive header
- FIXME: this really has nothing to do with NLM, this is a characteristic
- of the archiver and should be independently tunable. This value is
- a WAG (wild a** guess) */
- 15,
- /* Routines to byte-swap various sized integers from the data sections */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16,
- /* Routines to byte-swap various sized integers from the file headers */
- bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
- bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
- bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16,
- /* bfd_check_format: check the format of a file being read */
- { _bfd_dummy_target, /* unknown format */
- nlmNAME(object_p), /* assembler/linker output (object file) */
- bfd_generic_archive_p, /* an archive */
- nlm_core_file_p /* a core file */
- },
- /* bfd_set_format: set the format of a file being written */
- { bfd_false,
- nlm_mkobject,
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive,
- bfd_false
- },
- /* bfd_write_contents: write cached information into a file being written */
- { bfd_false,
- nlmNAME(write_object_contents),
- _bfd_write_archive_contents,
- bfd_false
- },
- /* Initialize a jump table with the standard macro. All names start with
- "nlm" */
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- /* backend_data: */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 89c6baa64ef7..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-/* NLM (NetWare Loadable Module) executable support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "libnlm.h"
-/* Make an NLM object. We just need to allocate the backend
- information. */
-nlm_mkobject (abfd)
- bfd * abfd;
- nlm_tdata (abfd) =
- (struct nlm_obj_tdata *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct nlm_obj_tdata));
- if (nlm_tdata (abfd) == NULL)
- return (false);
- if (nlm_architecture (abfd) != bfd_arch_unknown)
- bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, nlm_architecture (abfd),
- nlm_machine (abfd));
- /* since everything is done at close time, do we need any initialization? */
- return (true);
-/* Set the architecture and machine for an NLM object. */
-nlm_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine)
- bfd * abfd;
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- unsigned long machine;
- bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine);
- return arch == nlm_architecture (abfd);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm32-alpha.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm32-alpha.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 24c8e5167628..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm32-alpha.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,892 +0,0 @@
-/* Support for 32-bit Alpha NLM (NetWare Loadable Module)
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file describes the 32 bit Alpha NLM format. You might think
- that an Alpha chip would use a 64 bit format, but, for some reason,
- it doesn't. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#define ARCH_SIZE 32
-#include "nlm/alpha-ext.h"
-#define Nlm_External_Fixed_Header Nlm32_alpha_External_Fixed_Header
-#include "libnlm.h"
-static boolean nlm_alpha_backend_object_p
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean nlm_alpha_write_prefix
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean nlm_alpha_read_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, nlmNAME(symbol_type) *, asection **, arelent *));
-static boolean nlm_alpha_mangle_relocs
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR, bfd_vma, bfd_size_type));
-static boolean nlm_alpha_read_import
- PARAMS ((bfd *, nlmNAME(symbol_type) *));
-static boolean nlm_alpha_write_import
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent *));
-static boolean nlm_alpha_set_public_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, nlmNAME(symbol_type) *));
-static bfd_vma nlm_alpha_get_public_offset
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
-static boolean nlm_alpha_write_external
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_size_type, asymbol *, struct reloc_and_sec *));
-/* Alpha NLM's have a prefix header before the standard NLM. This
- function reads it in, verifies the version, and seeks the bfd to
- the location before the regular NLM header. */
-static boolean
-nlm_alpha_backend_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct nlm32_alpha_external_prefix_header s;
- bfd_size_type size;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) &s, sizeof s, 1, abfd) != sizeof s)
- return false;
- if (bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, s.magic) != NLM32_ALPHA_MAGIC)
- return false;
- /* FIXME: Should we check the format number? */
- /* Skip to the end of the header. */
- size = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, s.size);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, size, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- return true;
-/* Write out the prefix. */
-static boolean
-nlm_alpha_write_prefix (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct nlm32_alpha_external_prefix_header s;
- memset (&s, 0, sizeof s);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) NLM32_ALPHA_MAGIC, s.magic);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) 2, s.format);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) sizeof s, s.size);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &s, sizeof s, 1, abfd) != sizeof s)
- return false;
- return true;
-/* How to process the various reloc types. */
-static reloc_howto_type nlm32_alpha_howto_table[] =
- /* Reloc type 0 is ignored by itself. However, it appears after a
- GPDISP reloc to identify the location where the low order 16 bits
- of the gp register are loaded. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_IGNORE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 8, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "IGNORE", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A 32 bit reference to a symbol. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_REFLONG, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "REFLONG", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A 64 bit reference to a symbol. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_REFQUAD, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 4, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 64, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "REFQUAD", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffffffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffffffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A 32 bit GP relative offset. This is just like REFLONG except
- that when the value is used the value of the gp register will be
- added in. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_GPREL32, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "GPREL32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Used for an instruction that refers to memory off the GP
- register. The offset is 16 bits of the 32 bit instruction. This
- reloc always seems to be against the .lita section. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_LITERAL, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "LITERAL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* This reloc only appears immediately following a LITERAL reloc.
- It identifies a use of the literal. It seems that the linker can
- use this to eliminate a portion of the .lita section. The symbol
- index is special: 1 means the literal address is in the base
- register of a memory format instruction; 2 means the literal
- address is in the byte offset register of a byte-manipulation
- instruction; 3 means the literal address is in the target
- register of a jsr instruction. This does not actually do any
- relocation. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_LITUSE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "LITUSE", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Load the gp register. This is always used for a ldah instruction
- which loads the upper 16 bits of the gp register. The next reloc
- will be an IGNORE reloc which identifies the location of the lda
- instruction which loads the lower 16 bits. The symbol index of
- the GPDISP instruction appears to actually be the number of bytes
- between the ldah and lda instructions. This gives two different
- ways to determine where the lda instruction is; I don't know why
- both are used. The value to use for the relocation is the
- difference between the GP value and the current location; the
- load will always be done against a register holding the current
- address. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_GPDISP, /* type */
- 16, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "GPDISP", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- true), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A 21 bit branch. The native assembler generates these for
- branches within the text segment, and also fills in the PC
- relative offset in the instruction. It seems to me that this
- reloc, unlike the others, is not partial_inplace. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_BRADDR, /* type */
- 2, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 21, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "BRADDR", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0x1fffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A hint for a jump to a register. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_HINT, /* type */
- 2, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 14, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "HINT", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x3fff, /* src_mask */
- 0x3fff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 16 bit PC relative offset. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_SREL16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "SREL16", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 32 bit PC relative offset. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_SREL32, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "SREL32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* A 64 bit PC relative offset. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_SREL64, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 4, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 64, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "SREL64", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffffffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffffffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Push a value on the reloc evaluation stack. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_OP_PUSH, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 0, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "OP_PUSH", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Store the value from the stack at the given address. Store it in
- a bitfield of size r_size starting at bit position r_offset. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_OP_STORE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 4, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 64, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "OP_STORE", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffffffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Subtract the reloc address from the value on the top of the
- relocation stack. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_OP_PSUB, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 0, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "OP_PSUB", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Shift the value on the top of the relocation stack right by the
- given value. */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 0, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "OP_PRSHIFT", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Adjust the GP value for a new range in the object file. */
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_GPVALUE, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 0, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "GPVALUE", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false) /* pcrel_offset */
-static reloc_howto_type nlm32_alpha_nw_howto =
- HOWTO (ALPHA_R_NW_RELOC, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 0, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_dont, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "NW_RELOC", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false); /* pcrel_offset */
-/* Read an Alpha NLM reloc. This routine keeps some static data which
- it uses when handling local relocs. This only works correctly
- because all the local relocs are read at once. */
-static boolean
-nlm_alpha_read_reloc (abfd, sym, secp, rel)
- bfd *abfd;
- nlmNAME(symbol_type) *sym;
- asection **secp;
- arelent *rel;
- static bfd_vma gp_value;
- static bfd_vma lita_address;
- struct nlm32_alpha_external_reloc ext;
- bfd_vma r_vaddr;
- long r_symndx;
- int r_type, r_extern, r_offset, r_size;
- asection *code_sec, *data_sec;
- /* Read the reloc from the file. */
- if (bfd_read (&ext, sizeof ext, 1, abfd) != sizeof ext)
- return false;
- /* Swap in the reloc information. */
- r_vaddr = bfd_h_get_64 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext.r_vaddr);
- r_symndx = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext.r_symndx);
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_little_endian (abfd));
- r_type = ((ext.r_bits[0] & RELOC_BITS0_TYPE_LITTLE)
- r_extern = (ext.r_bits[1] & RELOC_BITS1_EXTERN_LITTLE) != 0;
- r_offset = ((ext.r_bits[1] & RELOC_BITS1_OFFSET_LITTLE)
- /* Ignore the reserved bits. */
- r_size = ((ext.r_bits[3] & RELOC_BITS3_SIZE_LITTLE)
- /* Fill in the BFD arelent structure. */
- code_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_CODE_NAME);
- data_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_INITIALIZED_DATA_NAME);
- if (r_extern)
- {
- /* External relocations are only used for imports. */
- BFD_ASSERT (sym != NULL);
- /* We don't need to set sym_ptr_ptr for this case. It is set in
- nlm_canonicalize_reloc. */
- rel->sym_ptr_ptr = NULL;
- rel->addend = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Internal relocations are only used for local relocation
- fixups. If they are not NW_RELOC or GPDISP or IGNORE, they
- must be against .text or .data. */
- BFD_ASSERT (r_type == ALPHA_R_NW_RELOC || sym == NULL);
- if (r_type == ALPHA_R_NW_RELOC
- || r_type == ALPHA_R_GPDISP
- || r_type == ALPHA_R_IGNORE)
- {
- rel->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- rel->addend = 0;
- }
- else if (r_symndx == ALPHA_RELOC_SECTION_TEXT)
- {
- rel->sym_ptr_ptr = code_sec->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, code_sec) == 0);
- rel->addend = 0;
- }
- else if (r_symndx == ALPHA_RELOC_SECTION_DATA)
- {
- rel->sym_ptr_ptr = data_sec->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- rel->addend = - bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, data_sec);
- }
- else
- {
- rel->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- rel->addend = 0;
- }
- }
- /* We use the address to determine whether the reloc is in the .text
- or .data section. R_NW_RELOC relocs don't really have a section,
- so we put them in .text. */
- if (r_type == ALPHA_R_NW_RELOC
- || r_vaddr < bfd_section_size (abfd, code_sec))
- {
- *secp = code_sec;
- rel->address = r_vaddr;
- }
- else
- {
- *secp = data_sec;
- rel->address = r_vaddr - bfd_section_size (abfd, code_sec);
- }
- /* We must adjust the addend based on the type. */
- BFD_ASSERT ((r_type >= 0 && r_type <= ALPHA_R_GPVALUE)
- || r_type == ALPHA_R_NW_RELOC);
- switch (r_type)
- {
- case ALPHA_R_SREL16:
- case ALPHA_R_SREL32:
- case ALPHA_R_SREL64:
- /* The PC relative relocs do not seem to use the section VMA as
- a negative addend. */
- rel->addend = 0;
- break;
- case ALPHA_R_GPREL32:
- /* Copy the gp value for this object file into the addend, to
- ensure that we are not confused by the linker. */
- if (! r_extern)
- rel->addend += gp_value;
- break;
- BFD_ASSERT (! r_extern);
- rel->addend += lita_address;
- break;
- /* The LITUSE and GPDISP relocs do not use a symbol, or an
- addend, but they do use a special code. Put this code in the
- addend field. */
- rel->addend = r_symndx;
- rel->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- break;
- /* The STORE reloc needs the size and offset fields. We store
- them in the addend. */
- BFD_ASSERT (r_offset < 256 && r_size < 256);
- rel->addend = (r_offset << 8) + r_size;
- break;
- /* The PUSH, PSUB and PRSHIFT relocs do not actually use an
- address. I believe that the address supplied is really an
- addend. */
- rel->addend = r_vaddr;
- break;
- /* Record the new gp value. */
- gp_value += r_symndx;
- rel->addend = gp_value;
- break;
- /* If the type is ALPHA_R_IGNORE, make sure this is a reference
- to the absolute section so that the reloc is ignored. For
- some reason the address of this reloc type is not adjusted by
- the section vma. We record the gp value for this object file
- here, for convenience when doing the GPDISP relocation. */
- rel->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- rel->address = r_vaddr;
- rel->addend = gp_value;
- break;
- /* If this is SETGP, we set the addend to 0. Otherwise we set
- the addend to the size of the .lita section (this is
- r_symndx) plus 1. We have already set the address of the
- reloc to r_vaddr. */
- if (r_size == ALPHA_R_NW_RELOC_SETGP)
- {
- gp_value = r_vaddr;
- rel->addend = 0;
- }
- else if (r_size == ALPHA_R_NW_RELOC_LITA)
- {
- lita_address = r_vaddr;
- rel->addend = r_symndx + 1;
- }
- else
- rel->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (r_type == ALPHA_R_NW_RELOC)
- rel->howto = &nlm32_alpha_nw_howto;
- else
- rel->howto = &nlm32_alpha_howto_table[r_type];
- return true;
-/* Mangle Alpha NLM relocs for output. */
-static boolean
-nlm_alpha_mangle_relocs (abfd, sec, data, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- PTR data;
- bfd_vma offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- return true;
-/* Read an ALPHA NLM import record */
-static boolean
-nlm_alpha_read_import (abfd, sym)
- bfd *abfd;
- nlmNAME(symbol_type) *sym;
- struct nlm_relent *nlm_relocs; /* relocation records for symbol */
- bfd_size_type rcount; /* number of relocs */
- bfd_byte temp[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE]; /* temporary 32-bit value */
- unsigned char symlength; /* length of symbol name */
- char *name;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) &symlength, sizeof (symlength), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (symlength))
- return false;
- sym -> symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- name = bfd_alloc (abfd, symlength + 1);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- if (bfd_read (name, symlength, 1, abfd) != symlength)
- return false;
- name[symlength] = '\0';
- sym -> = name;
- sym -> symbol.flags = 0;
- sym -> symbol.value = 0;
- sym -> symbol.section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) temp, sizeof (temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp))
- return false;
- rcount = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, temp);
- nlm_relocs = ((struct nlm_relent *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, rcount * sizeof (struct nlm_relent)));
- if (!nlm_relocs)
- return false;
- sym -> relocs = nlm_relocs;
- sym -> rcnt = 0;
- while (sym -> rcnt < rcount)
- {
- asection *section;
- if (nlm_alpha_read_reloc (abfd, sym, &section,
- &nlm_relocs -> reloc)
- == false)
- return false;
- nlm_relocs -> section = section;
- nlm_relocs++;
- sym -> rcnt++;
- }
- return true;
-/* Write an Alpha NLM reloc. */
-static boolean
-nlm_alpha_write_import (abfd, sec, rel)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- arelent *rel;
- asymbol *sym;
- bfd_vma r_vaddr;
- long r_symndx;
- int r_type, r_extern, r_offset, r_size;
- struct nlm32_alpha_external_reloc ext;
- sym = *rel->sym_ptr_ptr;
- /* Get values for the relocation fields. */
- r_type = rel->howto->type;
- if (r_type != ALPHA_R_NW_RELOC)
- {
- r_vaddr = bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, sec) + rel->address;
- if ((sec->flags & SEC_CODE) == 0)
- r_vaddr += bfd_section_size (abfd,
- bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd,
- if (bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (sym)))
- {
- r_extern = 1;
- r_symndx = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- r_extern = 0;
- if (bfd_get_section_flags (abfd, bfd_get_section (sym)) & SEC_CODE)
- else
- }
- r_offset = 0;
- r_size = 0;
- switch (r_type)
- {
- r_symndx = rel->addend;
- break;
- r_size = rel->addend & 0xff;
- r_offset = (rel->addend >> 8) & 0xff;
- break;
- r_vaddr = rel->addend;
- break;
- r_vaddr = rel->address;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* r_type == ALPHA_R_NW_RELOC */
- r_vaddr = rel->address;
- if (rel->addend == 0)
- {
- r_symndx = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- r_symndx = rel->addend - 1;
- }
- r_extern = 0;
- r_offset = 0;
- }
- /* Swap out the relocation fields. */
- bfd_h_put_64 (abfd, r_vaddr, (bfd_byte *) ext.r_vaddr);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, r_symndx, (bfd_byte *) ext.r_symndx);
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_little_endian (abfd));
- ext.r_bits[0] = ((r_type << RELOC_BITS0_TYPE_SH_LITTLE)
- ext.r_bits[1] = ((r_extern ? RELOC_BITS1_EXTERN_LITTLE : 0)
- | ((r_offset << RELOC_BITS1_OFFSET_SH_LITTLE)
- ext.r_bits[2] = 0;
- ext.r_bits[3] = ((r_size << RELOC_BITS3_SIZE_SH_LITTLE)
- /* Write out the relocation. */
- if (bfd_write (&ext, sizeof ext, 1, abfd) != sizeof ext)
- return false;
- return true;
-/* Alpha NetWare does not use the high bit to determine whether a
- public symbol is in the code segment or the data segment. Instead,
- it just uses the address. The set_public_section and
- get_public_offset routines override the default code which uses the
- high bit. */
-/* Set the section for a public symbol. */
-static boolean
-nlm_alpha_set_public_section (abfd, sym)
- bfd *abfd;
- nlmNAME(symbol_type) *sym;
- asection *code_sec, *data_sec;
- code_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_CODE_NAME);
- data_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_INITIALIZED_DATA_NAME);
- if (sym->symbol.value < bfd_section_size (abfd, code_sec))
- {
- sym->symbol.section = code_sec;
- sym->symbol.flags |= BSF_FUNCTION;
- }
- else
- {
- sym->symbol.section = data_sec;
- sym->symbol.value -= bfd_section_size (abfd, code_sec);
- /* The data segment had better be aligned. */
- BFD_ASSERT ((bfd_section_size (abfd, code_sec) & 0xf) == 0);
- }
- return true;
-/* Get the offset to write out for a public symbol. */
-static bfd_vma
-nlm_alpha_get_public_offset (abfd, sym)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *sym;
- return bfd_asymbol_value (sym);
-/* Write an Alpha NLM external symbol. */
-static boolean
-nlm_alpha_write_external (abfd, count, sym, relocs)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_size_type count;
- asymbol *sym;
- struct reloc_and_sec *relocs;
- int i;
- bfd_byte len;
- unsigned char temp[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- arelent r;
- len = strlen (sym->name);
- if ((bfd_write (&len, sizeof (bfd_byte), 1, abfd) != sizeof(bfd_byte))
- || bfd_write (sym->name, len, 1, abfd) != len)
- return false;
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, count + 2, temp);
- if (bfd_write (temp, sizeof (temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp))
- return false;
- /* The first two relocs for each external symbol are the .lita
- address and the GP value. */
- r.sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- r.howto = &nlm32_alpha_nw_howto;
- r.address = nlm_alpha_backend_data (abfd)->lita_address;
- r.addend = nlm_alpha_backend_data (abfd)->lita_size + 1;
- if (nlm_alpha_write_import (abfd, (asection *) NULL, &r) == false)
- return false;
- r.address = nlm_alpha_backend_data (abfd)->gp;
- r.addend = 0;
- if (nlm_alpha_write_import (abfd, (asection *) NULL, &r) == false)
- return false;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- if (nlm_alpha_write_import (abfd, relocs[i].sec,
- relocs[i].rel) == false)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-#include "nlmswap.h"
-static const struct nlm_backend_data nlm32_alpha_backend =
- "NetWare Alpha Module \032",
- sizeof (Nlm32_alpha_External_Fixed_Header),
- sizeof (struct nlm32_alpha_external_prefix_header),
- bfd_arch_alpha,
- 0,
- true, /* no uninitialized data permitted by Alpha NetWare. */
- nlm_alpha_backend_object_p,
- nlm_alpha_write_prefix,
- nlm_alpha_read_reloc,
- nlm_alpha_mangle_relocs,
- nlm_alpha_read_import,
- nlm_alpha_write_import,
- nlm_alpha_set_public_section,
- nlm_alpha_get_public_offset,
- nlm_swap_fixed_header_in,
- nlm_swap_fixed_header_out,
- nlm_alpha_write_external,
- 0, /* write_export */
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_NAME "nlm32-alpha"
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_SYM nlmNAME(alpha_vec)
-#define TARGET_BACKEND_DATA &nlm32_alpha_backend
-#include "nlm-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm32-i386.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm32-i386.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f16c74d985eb..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm32-i386.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,451 +0,0 @@
-/* Support for 32-bit i386 NLM (NetWare Loadable Module)
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#define ARCH_SIZE 32
-#include "nlm/i386-ext.h"
-#define Nlm_External_Fixed_Header Nlm32_i386_External_Fixed_Header
-#include "libnlm.h"
-static boolean nlm_i386_read_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, nlmNAME(symbol_type) *, asection **, arelent *));
-static boolean nlm_i386_write_import
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent *));
-static boolean nlm_i386_mangle_relocs
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR, bfd_vma, bfd_size_type));
-static boolean nlm_i386_read_import
- PARAMS ((bfd *, nlmNAME(symbol_type) *));
-static boolean nlm_i386_write_external
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_size_type, asymbol *, struct reloc_and_sec *));
-/* Adjust the reloc location by an absolute value. */
-static reloc_howto_type nlm_i386_abs_howto =
- HOWTO (0, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false); /* pcrel_offset */
-/* Adjust the reloc location by a PC relative displacement. */
-static reloc_howto_type nlm_i386_pcrel_howto =
- HOWTO (1, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "DISP32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- true); /* pcrel_offset */
-/* Read a NetWare i386 reloc. */
-static boolean
-nlm_i386_read_reloc (abfd, sym, secp, rel)
- bfd *abfd;
- nlmNAME(symbol_type) *sym;
- asection **secp;
- arelent *rel;
- bfd_byte temp[4];
- bfd_vma val;
- const char *name;
- if (bfd_read (temp, sizeof (temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp))
- return false;
- val = bfd_get_32 (abfd, temp);
- /* The value is an offset into either the code or data segment.
- This is the location which needs to be adjusted.
- If this is a relocation fixup rather than an imported symbol (the
- sym argument is NULL) then the high bit is 0 if the location
- needs to be adjusted by the address of the data segment, or 1 if
- the location needs to be adjusted by the address of the code
- segment. If this is an imported symbol, then the high bit is 0
- if the location is 0 if the location should be adjusted by the
- offset to the symbol, or 1 if the location should adjusted by the
- absolute value of the symbol.
- The second most significant bit is 0 if the value is an offset
- into the data segment, or 1 if the value is an offset into the
- code segment.
- All this translates fairly easily into a BFD reloc. */
- if (sym == NULL)
- {
- if ((val & NLM_HIBIT) == 0)
- else
- {
- name = NLM_CODE_NAME;
- val &=~ NLM_HIBIT;
- }
- rel->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, name)->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- rel->howto = &nlm_i386_abs_howto;
- }
- else
- {
- /* In this case we do not need to set the sym_ptr_ptr field. */
- rel->sym_ptr_ptr = NULL;
- if ((val & NLM_HIBIT) == 0)
- rel->howto = &nlm_i386_pcrel_howto;
- else
- {
- rel->howto = &nlm_i386_abs_howto;
- val &=~ NLM_HIBIT;
- }
- }
- if ((val & (NLM_HIBIT >> 1)) == 0)
- *secp = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_INITIALIZED_DATA_NAME);
- else
- {
- *secp = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_CODE_NAME);
- val &=~ (NLM_HIBIT >> 1);
- }
- rel->address = val;
- rel->addend = 0;
- return true;
-/* Write a NetWare i386 reloc. */
-static boolean
-nlm_i386_write_import (abfd, sec, rel)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- arelent *rel;
- asymbol *sym;
- bfd_vma val;
- bfd_byte temp[4];
- /* NetWare only supports two kinds of relocs. We should check
- special_function here, as well, but at the moment coff-i386
- relocs uses a special_function which does not affect what we do
- here. */
- if (rel->addend != 0
- || rel->howto == NULL
- || rel->howto->rightshift != 0
- || rel->howto->size != 2
- || rel->howto->bitsize != 32
- || rel->howto->bitpos != 0
- || rel->howto->src_mask != 0xffffffff
- || rel->howto->dst_mask != 0xffffffff)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- sym = *rel->sym_ptr_ptr;
- /* The value we write out is the offset into the appropriate
- segment. This offset is the section vma, adjusted by the vma of
- the lowest section in that segment, plus the address of the
- relocation. */
- val = bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, sec) + rel->address;
- /* The second most significant bit is 0 if the value is an offset
- into the data segment, or 1 if the value is an offset into the
- code segment. */
- if (bfd_get_section_flags (abfd, sec) & SEC_CODE)
- {
- val -= nlm_get_text_low (abfd);
- val |= NLM_HIBIT >> 1;
- }
- else
- val -= nlm_get_data_low (abfd);
- if (! bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (sym)))
- {
- /* NetWare only supports absolute internal relocs. */
- if (rel->howto->pc_relative)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- /* The high bit is 1 if the reloc is against the code section, 0
- if against the data section. */
- if (bfd_get_section_flags (abfd, bfd_get_section (sym)) & SEC_CODE)
- val |= NLM_HIBIT;
- }
- else
- {
- /* The high bit is 1 if this is an absolute reloc, 0 if it is PC
- relative. */
- if (! rel->howto->pc_relative)
- val |= NLM_HIBIT;
- else
- {
- /* PC relative relocs on NetWare must be pcrel_offset. */
- if (! rel->howto->pcrel_offset)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, val, temp);
- if (bfd_write (temp, sizeof (temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp))
- return false;
- return true;
-/* I want to be able to use objcopy to turn a i386 a.out or COFF file
- into a NetWare i386 module. That means that the relocs from the
- source file have to be mapped into relocs that apply to the target
- file. This function is called by nlm_set_section_contents to give
- it a chance to rework the relocs.
- This is actually a fairly general concept. However, this is not a
- general implementation. */
-static boolean
-nlm_i386_mangle_relocs (abfd, sec, data, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- PTR data;
- bfd_vma offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- arelent **rel_ptr_ptr, **rel_end;
- rel_ptr_ptr = sec->orelocation;
- rel_end = rel_ptr_ptr + sec->reloc_count;
- for (; rel_ptr_ptr < rel_end; rel_ptr_ptr++)
- {
- arelent *rel;
- asymbol *sym;
- bfd_vma addend;
- rel = *rel_ptr_ptr;
- sym = *rel->sym_ptr_ptr;
- /* Note that no serious harm will ensue if we fail to change a
- reloc. We will wind up failing in nlm_i386_write_import. */
- /* Make sure this reloc is within the data we have. We only 4
- byte relocs here, so we insist on having 4 bytes. */
- if (rel->address < offset
- || rel->address + 4 > offset + count)
- continue;
- /* NetWare doesn't support reloc addends, so we get rid of them
- here by simply adding them into the object data. We handle
- the symbol value, if any, the same way. */
- addend = rel->addend + sym->value;
- /* The value of a symbol is the offset into the section. If the
- symbol is in the .bss segment, we need to include the size of
- the data segment in the offset as well. Fortunately, we know
- that at this point the size of the data section is in the NLM
- header. */
- if (((bfd_get_section_flags (abfd, bfd_get_section (sym))
- & SEC_LOAD) == 0)
- && ((bfd_get_section_flags (abfd, bfd_get_section (sym))
- & SEC_ALLOC) != 0))
- addend += nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->dataImageSize;
- if (addend != 0
- && rel->howto != NULL
- && rel->howto->rightshift == 0
- && rel->howto->size == 2
- && rel->howto->bitsize == 32
- && rel->howto->bitpos == 0
- && rel->howto->src_mask == 0xffffffff
- && rel->howto->dst_mask == 0xffffffff)
- {
- bfd_vma val;
- val = bfd_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + rel->address - offset);
- val += addend;
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, val, (bfd_byte *) data + rel->address - offset);
- rel->addend = 0;
- }
- /* NetWare uses a reloc with pcrel_offset set. We adjust
- pc_relative relocs accordingly. We are going to change the
- howto field, so we can only do this if the current one is
- compatible. We should check special_function here, but at
- the moment coff-i386 uses a special_function which does not
- affect what we are doing here. */
- if (rel->howto != NULL
- && rel->howto->pc_relative
- && ! rel->howto->pcrel_offset
- && rel->howto->rightshift == 0
- && rel->howto->size == 2
- && rel->howto->bitsize == 32
- && rel->howto->bitpos == 0
- && rel->howto->src_mask == 0xffffffff
- && rel->howto->dst_mask == 0xffffffff)
- {
- bfd_vma val;
- /* When pcrel_offset is not set, it means that the negative
- of the address of the memory location is stored in the
- memory location. We must add it back in. */
- val = bfd_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + rel->address - offset);
- val += rel->address;
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, val, (bfd_byte *) data + rel->address - offset);
- rel->howto = &nlm_i386_pcrel_howto;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Read a NetWare i386 import record */
-static boolean
-nlm_i386_read_import (abfd, sym)
- bfd *abfd;
- nlmNAME(symbol_type) *sym;
- struct nlm_relent *nlm_relocs; /* relocation records for symbol */
- bfd_size_type rcount; /* number of relocs */
- bfd_byte temp[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE]; /* temporary 32-bit value */
- unsigned char symlength; /* length of symbol name */
- char *name;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) &symlength, sizeof (symlength), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (symlength))
- return false;
- sym -> symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- name = bfd_alloc (abfd, symlength + 1);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- if (bfd_read (name, symlength, 1, abfd) != symlength)
- return false;
- name[symlength] = '\0';
- sym -> = name;
- sym -> symbol.flags = 0;
- sym -> symbol.value = 0;
- sym -> symbol.section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) temp, sizeof (temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp))
- return false;
- rcount = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, temp);
- nlm_relocs = ((struct nlm_relent *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, rcount * sizeof (struct nlm_relent)));
- if (!nlm_relocs)
- return false;
- sym -> relocs = nlm_relocs;
- sym -> rcnt = 0;
- while (sym -> rcnt < rcount)
- {
- asection *section;
- if (nlm_i386_read_reloc (abfd, sym, &section,
- &nlm_relocs -> reloc)
- == false)
- return false;
- nlm_relocs -> section = section;
- nlm_relocs++;
- sym -> rcnt++;
- }
- return true;
-/* Write out an external reference. */
-static boolean
-nlm_i386_write_external (abfd, count, sym, relocs)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_size_type count;
- asymbol *sym;
- struct reloc_and_sec *relocs;
- unsigned int i;
- bfd_byte len;
- unsigned char temp[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- len = strlen (sym->name);
- if ((bfd_write (&len, sizeof (bfd_byte), 1, abfd) != sizeof(bfd_byte))
- || bfd_write (sym->name, len, 1, abfd) != len)
- return false;
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, count, temp);
- if (bfd_write (temp, sizeof(temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp))
- return false;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- if (nlm_i386_write_import (abfd, relocs[i].sec,
- relocs[i].rel) == false)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-#include "nlmswap.h"
-static const struct nlm_backend_data nlm32_i386_backend =
- "NetWare Loadable Module\032",
- sizeof (Nlm32_i386_External_Fixed_Header),
- 0, /* optional_prefix_size */
- bfd_arch_i386,
- 0,
- false,
- 0, /* backend_object_p */
- 0, /* write_prefix_func */
- nlm_i386_read_reloc,
- nlm_i386_mangle_relocs,
- nlm_i386_read_import,
- nlm_i386_write_import,
- 0, /* set_public_section */
- 0, /* get_public_offset */
- nlm_swap_fixed_header_in,
- nlm_swap_fixed_header_out,
- nlm_i386_write_external,
- 0, /* write_export */
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_NAME "nlm32-i386"
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_SYM nlmNAME(i386_vec)
-#define TARGET_BACKEND_DATA &nlm32_i386_backend
-#include "nlm-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm32-ppc.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm32-ppc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ecf2de8f10bf..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm32-ppc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1045 +0,0 @@
-/* Support for 32-bit PowerPC NLM (NetWare Loadable Module)
- Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-/* The format of a PowerPC NLM changed. Define OLDFORMAT to get the
- old format. */
-#define ARCH_SIZE 32
-#include "nlm/ppc-ext.h"
-#define Nlm_External_Fixed_Header Nlm32_powerpc_External_Fixed_Header
-#include "libnlm.h"
-static boolean nlm_powerpc_backend_object_p
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean nlm_powerpc_write_prefix
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean nlm_powerpc_read_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, nlmNAME(symbol_type) *, asection **, arelent *));
-static boolean nlm_powerpc_mangle_relocs
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR, bfd_vma, bfd_size_type));
-static boolean nlm_powerpc_read_import
- PARAMS ((bfd *, nlmNAME(symbol_type) *));
-static boolean nlm_powerpc_write_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent *, int));
-static boolean nlm_powerpc_write_import
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent *));
-static boolean nlm_powerpc_write_external
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_size_type, asymbol *, struct reloc_and_sec *));
-#ifndef OLDFORMAT
-static boolean nlm_powerpc_set_public_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, nlmNAME(symbol_type) *));
-static bfd_vma nlm_powerpc_get_public_offset
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
-/* The prefix header is only used in the old format. */
-/* PowerPC NLM's have a prefix header before the standard NLM. This
- function reads it in, verifies the version, and seeks the bfd to
- the location before the regular NLM header. */
-static boolean
-nlm_powerpc_backend_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct nlm32_powerpc_external_prefix_header s;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) &s, sizeof s, 1, abfd) != sizeof s)
- return false;
- if (memcmp (s.signature, NLM32_POWERPC_SIGNATURE, sizeof s.signature) != 0
- || bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, s.headerVersion) != NLM32_POWERPC_HEADER_VERSION)
- return false;
- return true;
-/* Write out the prefix. */
-static boolean
-nlm_powerpc_write_prefix (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct nlm32_powerpc_external_prefix_header s;
- memset (&s, 0, sizeof s);
- memcpy (s.signature, NLM32_POWERPC_SIGNATURE, sizeof s.signature);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) NLM32_POWERPC_HEADER_VERSION, s.headerVersion);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) 0,;
- /* FIXME: What should we do about the date? */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &s, sizeof s, 1, abfd) != sizeof s)
- return false;
- return true;
-#endif /* OLDFORMAT */
-#ifndef OLDFORMAT
-/* There is only one type of reloc in a PowerPC NLM. */
-static reloc_howto_type nlm_powerpc_howto =
- HOWTO (0, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "32", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false); /* pcrel_offset */
-/* Read a PowerPC NLM reloc. */
-static boolean
-nlm_powerpc_read_reloc (abfd, sym, secp, rel)
- bfd *abfd;
- nlmNAME(symbol_type) *sym;
- asection **secp;
- arelent *rel;
- bfd_byte temp[4];
- bfd_vma val;
- const char *name;
- if (bfd_read (temp, sizeof (temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp))
- return false;
- val = bfd_get_32 (abfd, temp);
- /* The value is a word offset into either the code or data segment.
- This is the location which needs to be adjusted.
- The high bit is 0 if the value is an offset into the data
- segment, or 1 if the value is an offset into the text segment.
- If this is a relocation fixup rather than an imported symbol (the
- sym argument is NULL), then the second most significant bit is 0
- if the address of the data segment should be added to the
- location addressed by the value, or 1 if the address of the text
- segment should be added.
- If this is an imported symbol, the second most significant bit is
- not used and must be 0. */
- if ((val & NLM_HIBIT) == 0)
- else
- {
- name = NLM_CODE_NAME;
- val &=~ NLM_HIBIT;
- }
- *secp = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, name);
- if (sym == NULL)
- {
- if ((val & (NLM_HIBIT >> 1)) == 0)
- else
- {
- name = NLM_CODE_NAME;
- val &=~ (NLM_HIBIT >> 1);
- }
- rel->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, name)->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- }
- rel->howto = &nlm_powerpc_howto;
- rel->address = val << 2;
- rel->addend = 0;
- return true;
-#else /* OLDFORMAT */
-/* This reloc handling is only applicable to the old format. */
-/* How to process the various reloc types. PowerPC NLMs use XCOFF
- reloc types, and I have just copied the XCOFF reloc table here. */
-static reloc_howto_type nlm_powerpc_howto_table[] =
- /* Standard 32 bit relocation. */
- HOWTO (0, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_POS", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 32 bit relocation, but store negative value. */
- HOWTO (1, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- -2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_NEG", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 32 bit PC relative relocation. */
- HOWTO (2, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_REL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* 16 bit TOC relative relocation. */
- HOWTO (3, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_TOC", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* I don't really know what this is. */
- HOWTO (4, /* type */
- 1, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_RTB", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* External TOC relative symbol. */
- HOWTO (5, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_GL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Local TOC relative symbol. */
- HOWTO (6, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_TCL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- { 7 },
- /* Non modifiable absolute branch. */
- HOWTO (8, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 26, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_BA", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x3fffffc, /* src_mask */
- 0x3fffffc, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- { 9 },
- /* Non modifiable relative branch. */
- HOWTO (0xa, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 26, /* bitsize */
- true, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_BR", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0x3fffffc, /* src_mask */
- 0x3fffffc, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- { 0xb },
- /* Indirect load. */
- HOWTO (0xc, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_RL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Load address. */
- HOWTO (0xd, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_RLA", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- { 0xe },
- /* Non-relocating reference. */
- HOWTO (0xf, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_REF", /* name */
- false, /* partial_inplace */
- 0, /* src_mask */
- 0, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- { 0x10 },
- { 0x11 },
- /* TOC relative indirect load. */
- HOWTO (0x12, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_TRL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* TOC relative load address. */
- HOWTO (0x13, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_TRLA", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Modifiable relative branch. */
- HOWTO (0x14, /* type */
- 1, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_RRTBI", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Modifiable absolute branch. */
- HOWTO (0x15, /* type */
- 1, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 32, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_RRTBA", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Modifiable call absolute indirect. */
- HOWTO (0x16, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_CAI", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Modifiable call relative. */
- HOWTO (0x17, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_REL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Modifiable branch absolute. */
- HOWTO (0x18, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_RBA", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Modifiable branch absolute. */
- HOWTO (0x19, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_RBAC", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Modifiable branch relative. */
- HOWTO (0x1a, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 26, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_REL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false), /* pcrel_offset */
- /* Modifiable branch absolute. */
- HOWTO (0x1b, /* type */
- 0, /* rightshift */
- 2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
- 16, /* bitsize */
- false, /* pc_relative */
- 0, /* bitpos */
- complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
- 0, /* special_function */
- "R_REL", /* name */
- true, /* partial_inplace */
- 0xffff, /* src_mask */
- 0xffff, /* dst_mask */
- false) /* pcrel_offset */
-#define HOWTO_COUNT (sizeof nlm_powerpc_howto_table \
- / sizeof nlm_powerpc_howto_table[0])
-/* Read a PowerPC NLM reloc. */
-static boolean
-nlm_powerpc_read_reloc (abfd, sym, secp, rel)
- bfd *abfd;
- nlmNAME(symbol_type) *sym;
- asection **secp;
- arelent *rel;
- struct nlm32_powerpc_external_reloc ext;
- bfd_vma l_vaddr;
- unsigned long l_symndx;
- int l_rtype;
- int l_rsecnm;
- asection *code_sec, *data_sec, *bss_sec;
- /* Read the reloc from the file. */
- if (bfd_read (&ext, sizeof ext, 1, abfd) != sizeof ext)
- return false;
- /* Swap in the fields. */
- l_vaddr = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, ext.l_vaddr);
- l_symndx = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, ext.l_symndx);
- l_rtype = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, ext.l_rtype);
- l_rsecnm = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, ext.l_rsecnm);
- /* Get the sections now, for convenience. */
- code_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_CODE_NAME);
- data_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_INITIALIZED_DATA_NAME);
- bss_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_UNINITIALIZED_DATA_NAME);
- /* Work out the arelent fields. */
- if (sym != NULL)
- {
- /* This is an import. sym_ptr_ptr is filled in by
- nlm_canonicalize_reloc. */
- rel->sym_ptr_ptr = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- asection *sec;
- if (l_symndx == 0)
- sec = code_sec;
- else if (l_symndx == 1)
- sec = data_sec;
- else if (l_symndx == 2)
- sec = bss_sec;
- else
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- rel->sym_ptr_ptr = sec->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- }
- rel->addend = 0;
- BFD_ASSERT ((l_rtype & 0xff) < HOWTO_COUNT);
- rel->howto = nlm_powerpc_howto_table + (l_rtype & 0xff);
- BFD_ASSERT (rel->howto->name != NULL
- && ((l_rtype & 0x8000) != 0
- ? (rel->howto->complain_on_overflow
- == complain_overflow_signed)
- : (rel->howto->complain_on_overflow
- == complain_overflow_bitfield))
- && ((l_rtype >> 8) & 0x1f) == rel->howto->bitsize - 1);
- if (l_rsecnm == 0)
- *secp = code_sec;
- else if (l_rsecnm == 1)
- {
- *secp = data_sec;
- l_vaddr -= bfd_section_size (abfd, code_sec);
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- rel->address = l_vaddr;
- return true;
-#endif /* OLDFORMAT */
-/* Mangle PowerPC NLM relocs for output. */
-static boolean
-nlm_powerpc_mangle_relocs (abfd, sec, data, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- PTR data;
- bfd_vma offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- return true;
-/* Read a PowerPC NLM import record */
-static boolean
-nlm_powerpc_read_import (abfd, sym)
- bfd *abfd;
- nlmNAME(symbol_type) *sym;
- struct nlm_relent *nlm_relocs; /* relocation records for symbol */
- bfd_size_type rcount; /* number of relocs */
- bfd_byte temp[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE]; /* temporary 32-bit value */
- unsigned char symlength; /* length of symbol name */
- char *name;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) &symlength, sizeof (symlength), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (symlength))
- return (false);
- sym -> symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- name = bfd_alloc (abfd, symlength + 1);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- if (bfd_read (name, symlength, 1, abfd) != symlength)
- return (false);
- name[symlength] = '\0';
- sym -> = name;
- sym -> symbol.flags = 0;
- sym -> symbol.value = 0;
- sym -> symbol.section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) temp, sizeof (temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp))
- return (false);
- rcount = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, temp);
- nlm_relocs = ((struct nlm_relent *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, rcount * sizeof (struct nlm_relent)));
- if (nlm_relocs == (struct nlm_relent *) NULL)
- return false;
- sym -> relocs = nlm_relocs;
- sym -> rcnt = 0;
- while (sym -> rcnt < rcount)
- {
- asection *section;
- if (nlm_powerpc_read_reloc (abfd, sym, &section,
- &nlm_relocs -> reloc)
- == false)
- return false;
- nlm_relocs -> section = section;
- nlm_relocs++;
- sym -> rcnt++;
- }
- return true;
-#ifndef OLDFORMAT
-/* Write a PowerPC NLM reloc. */
-static boolean
-nlm_powerpc_write_import (abfd, sec, rel)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- arelent *rel;
- asymbol *sym;
- bfd_vma val;
- bfd_byte temp[4];
- /* PowerPC NetWare only supports one kind of reloc. */
- if (rel->addend != 0
- || rel->howto == NULL
- || rel->howto->rightshift != 0
- || rel->howto->size != 2
- || rel->howto->bitsize != 32
- || rel->howto->bitpos != 0
- || rel->howto->pc_relative
- || (rel->howto->src_mask != 0xffffffff && rel->addend != 0)
- || rel->howto->dst_mask != 0xffffffff)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- sym = *rel->sym_ptr_ptr;
- /* The value we write out is the offset into the appropriate
- segment, rightshifted by two. This offset is the section vma,
- adjusted by the vma of the lowest section in that segment, plus
- the address of the relocation. */
- val = bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, sec) + rel->address;
- if ((val & 3) != 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- val >>= 2;
- /* The high bit is 0 if the reloc is in the data section, or 1 if
- the reloc is in the code section. */
- if (bfd_get_section_flags (abfd, sec) & SEC_DATA)
- val -= nlm_get_data_low (abfd);
- else
- {
- val -= nlm_get_text_low (abfd);
- val |= NLM_HIBIT;
- }
- if (! bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (sym)))
- {
- /* This is an internal relocation fixup. The second most
- significant bit is 0 if this is a reloc against the data
- segment, or 1 if it is a reloc against the text segment. */
- if (bfd_get_section_flags (abfd, bfd_get_section (sym)) & SEC_CODE)
- val |= NLM_HIBIT >> 1;
- }
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, val, temp);
- if (bfd_write (temp, sizeof (temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp))
- return false;
- return true;
-#else /* OLDFORMAT */
-/* This is used for the reloc handling in the old format. */
-/* Write a PowerPC NLM reloc. */
-static boolean
-nlm_powerpc_write_reloc (abfd, sec, rel, indx)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- arelent *rel;
- int indx;
- struct nlm32_powerpc_external_reloc ext;
- asection *code_sec, *data_sec, *bss_sec;
- asymbol *sym;
- asection *symsec;
- unsigned long l_symndx;
- int l_rtype;
- int l_rsecnm;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- bfd_size_type address;
- /* Get the sections now, for convenience. */
- code_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_CODE_NAME);
- data_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_INITIALIZED_DATA_NAME);
- bss_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_UNINITIALIZED_DATA_NAME);
- sym = *rel->sym_ptr_ptr;
- symsec = bfd_get_section (sym);
- if (indx != -1)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_is_und_section (symsec));
- l_symndx = indx + 3;
- }
- else
- {
- if (symsec == code_sec)
- l_symndx = 0;
- else if (symsec == data_sec)
- l_symndx = 1;
- else if (symsec == bss_sec)
- l_symndx = 2;
- else
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- }
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) l_symndx, ext.l_symndx);
- for (howto = nlm_powerpc_howto_table;
- howto < nlm_powerpc_howto_table + HOWTO_COUNT;
- howto++)
- {
- if (howto->rightshift == rel->howto->rightshift
- && howto->size == rel->howto->size
- && howto->bitsize == rel->howto->bitsize
- && howto->pc_relative == rel->howto->pc_relative
- && howto->bitpos == rel->howto->bitpos
- && (howto->partial_inplace == rel->howto->partial_inplace
- || (! rel->howto->partial_inplace
- && rel->addend == 0))
- && (howto->src_mask == rel->howto->src_mask
- || (rel->howto->src_mask == 0
- && rel->addend == 0))
- && howto->dst_mask == rel->howto->dst_mask
- && howto->pcrel_offset == rel->howto->pcrel_offset)
- break;
- }
- if (howto >= nlm_powerpc_howto_table + HOWTO_COUNT)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- l_rtype = howto->type;
- if (howto->complain_on_overflow == complain_overflow_signed)
- l_rtype |= 0x8000;
- l_rtype |= (howto->bitsize - 1) << 8;
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, (bfd_vma) l_rtype, ext.l_rtype);
- address = rel->address;
- if (sec == code_sec)
- l_rsecnm = 0;
- else if (sec == data_sec)
- {
- l_rsecnm = 1;
- address += bfd_section_size (abfd, code_sec);
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, (bfd_vma) l_rsecnm, ext.l_rsecnm);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) address, ext.l_vaddr);
- if (bfd_write (&ext, sizeof ext, 1, abfd) != sizeof ext)
- return false;
- return true;
-/* Write a PowerPC NLM import. */
-static boolean
-nlm_powerpc_write_import (abfd, sec, rel)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- arelent *rel;
- return nlm_powerpc_write_reloc (abfd, sec, rel, -1);
-#endif /* OLDFORMAT */
-/* Write a PowerPC NLM external symbol. This routine keeps a static
- count of the symbol index. FIXME: I don't know if this is
- necessary, and the index never gets reset. */
-static boolean
-nlm_powerpc_write_external (abfd, count, sym, relocs)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_size_type count;
- asymbol *sym;
- struct reloc_and_sec *relocs;
- unsigned int i;
- bfd_byte len;
- unsigned char temp[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- static int indx;
- len = strlen (sym->name);
- if ((bfd_write (&len, sizeof (bfd_byte), 1, abfd) != sizeof(bfd_byte))
- || bfd_write (sym->name, len, 1, abfd) != len)
- return false;
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, count, temp);
- if (bfd_write (temp, sizeof(temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp))
- return false;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
-#ifndef OLDFORMAT
- if (! nlm_powerpc_write_import (abfd, relocs[i].sec, relocs[i].rel))
- return false;
- if (! nlm_powerpc_write_reloc (abfd, relocs[i].sec,
- relocs[i].rel, indx))
- return false;
- }
- ++indx;
- return true;
-#ifndef OLDFORMAT
-/* PowerPC Netware uses a word offset, not a byte offset, for public
- symbols. */
-/* Set the section for a public symbol. */
-static boolean
-nlm_powerpc_set_public_section (abfd, sym)
- bfd *abfd;
- nlmNAME(symbol_type) *sym;
- if (sym->symbol.value & NLM_HIBIT)
- {
- sym->symbol.value &= ~NLM_HIBIT;
- sym->symbol.flags |= BSF_FUNCTION;
- sym->symbol.section =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_CODE_NAME);
- }
- else
- {
- sym->symbol.section =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_INITIALIZED_DATA_NAME);
- }
- sym->symbol.value <<= 2;
- return true;
-/* Get the offset to write out for a public symbol. */
-static bfd_vma
-nlm_powerpc_get_public_offset (abfd, sym)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *sym;
- bfd_vma offset;
- asection *sec;
- offset = bfd_asymbol_value (sym);
- sec = bfd_get_section (sym);
- if (sec->flags & SEC_CODE)
- {
- offset -= nlm_get_text_low (abfd);
- offset |= NLM_HIBIT;
- }
- else if (sec->flags & (SEC_DATA | SEC_ALLOC))
- {
- /* SEC_ALLOC is for the .bss section. */
- offset -= nlm_get_data_low (abfd);
- }
- else
- {
- /* We can't handle an exported symbol that is not in the code or
- data segment. */
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- /* FIXME: No way to return error. */
- abort ();
- }
- return offset;
-#endif /* ! defined (OLDFORMAT) */
-#include "nlmswap.h"
-static const struct nlm_backend_data nlm32_powerpc_backend =
- "NetWare PowerPC Module \032",
- sizeof (Nlm32_powerpc_External_Fixed_Header),
-#ifndef OLDFORMAT
- 0, /* optional_prefix_size */
- sizeof (struct nlm32_powerpc_external_prefix_header),
- bfd_arch_powerpc,
- 0,
- false,
-#ifndef OLDFORMAT
- 0, /* backend_object_p */
- 0, /* write_prefix */
- nlm_powerpc_backend_object_p,
- nlm_powerpc_write_prefix,
- nlm_powerpc_read_reloc,
- nlm_powerpc_mangle_relocs,
- nlm_powerpc_read_import,
- nlm_powerpc_write_import,
-#ifndef OLDFORMAT
- nlm_powerpc_set_public_section,
- nlm_powerpc_get_public_offset,
- 0, /* set_public_section */
- 0, /* get_public_offset */
- nlm_swap_fixed_header_in,
- nlm_swap_fixed_header_out,
- nlm_powerpc_write_external,
- 0, /* write_export */
-#define TARGET_BIG_NAME "nlm32-powerpc"
-#define TARGET_BIG_SYM nlmNAME(powerpc_vec)
-#define TARGET_BACKEND_DATA &nlm32_powerpc_backend
-#include "nlm-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm32-sparc.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm32-sparc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5963adbc70bf..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm32-sparc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
-/* Support for 32-bit SPARC NLM (NetWare Loadable Module)
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#define ARCH_SIZE 32
-#include "nlm/sparc32-ext.h"
-#define Nlm_External_Fixed_Header Nlm32_sparc_External_Fixed_Header
-#include "libnlm.h"
-static boolean nlm_sparc_read_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, nlmNAME(symbol_type) *, asection **, arelent *));
-static boolean nlm_sparc_write_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent *));
-static boolean nlm_sparc_mangle_relocs
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR, bfd_vma, bfd_size_type));
-static boolean nlm_sparc_read_import
- PARAMS ((bfd *, nlmNAME(symbol_type) *));
-static boolean nlm_sparc_write_import
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent *));
-static boolean nlm_sparc_write_external
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_size_type, asymbol *, struct reloc_and_sec *));
-enum reloc_type
- {
- R_SPARC_8, R_SPARC_16, R_SPARC_32,
- R_SPARC_max
- };
-#if 0
-static CONST char *CONST reloc_type_names[] =
- "R_SPARC_8", "R_SPARC_16", "R_SPARC_32",
- "R_SPARC_HI22", "R_SPARC_22",
- "R_SPARC_13", "R_SPARC_LO10",
- "R_SPARC_PC10", "R_SPARC_PC22",
- "R_SPARC_UA32",
-static reloc_howto_type nlm32_sparc_howto_table[] =
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_NONE, 0,0, 0,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, 0,"R_SPARC_NONE", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_8, 0,0, 8,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"R_SPARC_8", false,0,0x000000ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_16, 0,1,16,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"R_SPARC_16", false,0,0x0000ffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_32, 0,2,32,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"R_SPARC_32", false,0,0xffffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_DISP8, 0,0, 8,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, 0,"R_SPARC_DISP8", false,0,0x000000ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_DISP16, 0,1,16,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, 0,"R_SPARC_DISP16", false,0,0x0000ffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_DISP32, 0,2,32,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, 0,"R_SPARC_DISP32", false,0,0x00ffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_WDISP30, 2,2,30,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, 0,"R_SPARC_WDISP30", false,0,0x3fffffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_WDISP22, 2,2,22,true, 0,complain_overflow_signed, 0,"R_SPARC_WDISP22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_HI22, 10,2,22,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, 0,"R_SPARC_HI22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_22, 0,2,22,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"R_SPARC_22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_13, 0,2,13,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"R_SPARC_13", false,0,0x00001fff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_LO10, 0,2,10,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, 0,"R_SPARC_LO10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_GOT10, 0,2,10,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"R_SPARC_GOT10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_GOT13, 0,2,13,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"R_SPARC_GOT13", false,0,0x00001fff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_GOT22, 10,2,22,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"R_SPARC_GOT22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PC10, 0,2,10,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"R_SPARC_PC10", false,0,0x000003ff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_PC22, 0,2,22,false,0,complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"R_SPARC_PC22", false,0,0x003fffff,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_WPLT30, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, 0,"R_SPARC_WPLT30", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_COPY, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, 0,"R_SPARC_COPY", false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_GLOB_DAT,0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, 0,"R_SPARC_GLOB_DAT",false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_JMP_SLOT,0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, 0,"R_SPARC_JMP_SLOT",false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_RELATIVE,0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, 0,"R_SPARC_RELATIVE",false,0,0x00000000,true),
- HOWTO(R_SPARC_UA32, 0,0,00,false,0,complain_overflow_dont, 0,"R_SPARC_UA32", false,0,0x00000000,true),
-/* Read a NetWare sparc reloc. */
-struct nlm32_sparc_reloc_ext {
- unsigned char offset[4];
- unsigned char addend[4];
- unsigned char type[1];
- unsigned char pad1[3];
-static boolean
-nlm_sparc_read_reloc (abfd, sym, secp, rel)
- bfd *abfd;
- nlmNAME(symbol_type) *sym;
- asection **secp;
- arelent *rel;
- bfd_vma val, addend;
- unsigned int index;
- unsigned int type;
- struct nlm32_sparc_reloc_ext tmp_reloc;
- asection *code_sec, *data_sec;
- if (bfd_read (&tmp_reloc, 12, 1, abfd) != 12)
- return false;
- code_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_CODE_NAME);
- data_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_INITIALIZED_DATA_NAME);
- *secp = code_sec;
- val = bfd_get_32 (abfd, tmp_reloc.offset);
- addend = bfd_get_32 (abfd, tmp_reloc.addend);
- type = bfd_get_8 (abfd, tmp_reloc.type);
- rel->address = val;
- rel->addend = addend;
- rel->howto = NULL;
- for (index = 0;
- index < sizeof(nlm32_sparc_howto_table) / sizeof(reloc_howto_type);
- index++)
- if (nlm32_sparc_howto_table[index].type == type) {
- rel->howto = &nlm32_sparc_howto_table[index];
- break;
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: address = %08lx, addend = %08lx, type = %d, howto = %08lx\n",
- __FUNCTION__, rel->address, rel->addend, type, rel->howto);
- return true;
-/* Write a NetWare sparc reloc. */
-static boolean
-nlm_sparc_write_reloc (abfd, sec, rel)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- arelent *rel;
- bfd_vma val;
- struct nlm32_sparc_reloc_ext tmp_reloc;
- unsigned int index;
- int type = -1;
- reloc_howto_type *tmp;
- for (index = 0;
- index < sizeof (nlm32_sparc_howto_table) / sizeof(reloc_howto_type);
- index++) {
- tmp = &nlm32_sparc_howto_table[index];
- if (tmp->rightshift == rel->howto->rightshift
- && tmp->size == rel->howto->size
- && tmp->bitsize == rel->howto->bitsize
- && tmp->pc_relative == rel->howto->pc_relative
- && tmp->bitpos == rel->howto->bitpos
- && tmp->src_mask == rel->howto->src_mask
- && tmp->dst_mask == rel->howto->dst_mask) {
- type = tmp->type;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (type == -1)
- abort();
- /*
- * Netware wants a list of relocs for each address.
- * Format is:
- * long offset
- * long addend
- * char type
- * That should be it.
- */
- /* The value we write out is the offset into the appropriate
- segment. This offset is the section vma, adjusted by the vma of
- the lowest section in that segment, plus the address of the
- relocation. */
-#if 0
- val = bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, (*rel->sym_ptr_ptr)->section) + rel->address;
- val = bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, sec) + rel->address;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: val = %08lx, addend = %08lx, type = %d\n",
- __FUNCTION__, val, rel->addend, rel->howto->type);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, val, tmp_reloc.offset);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, rel->addend, tmp_reloc.addend);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, (short)(rel->howto->type), tmp_reloc.type);
- if (bfd_write (&tmp_reloc, 12, 1, abfd) != 12)
- return false;
- return true;
-/* Mangle relocs for SPARC NetWare. We can just use the standard
- SPARC relocs. */
-static boolean
-nlm_sparc_mangle_relocs (abfd, sec, data, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- PTR data;
- bfd_vma offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- return true;
-/* Read a NetWare sparc import record */
-static boolean
-nlm_sparc_read_import (abfd, sym)
- bfd *abfd;
- nlmNAME(symbol_type) *sym;
- struct nlm_relent *nlm_relocs; /* relocation records for symbol */
- bfd_size_type rcount; /* number of relocs */
- bfd_byte temp[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE]; /* temporary 32-bit value */
- unsigned char symlength; /* length of symbol name */
- char *name;
- /*
- * First, read in the number of relocation
- * entries for this symbol
- */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) temp, 4, 1, abfd) != 4)
- return false;
- rcount = bfd_get_32 (abfd, temp);
- /*
- * Next, read in the length of the symbol
- */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) &symlength, sizeof (symlength), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (symlength))
- return false;
- sym -> symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- name = bfd_alloc (abfd, symlength + 1);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- /*
- * Then read in the symbol
- */
- if (bfd_read (name, symlength, 1, abfd) != symlength)
- return false;
- name[symlength] = '\0';
- sym -> = name;
- sym -> symbol.flags = 0;
- sym -> symbol.value = 0;
- sym -> symbol.section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- /*
- * Next, start reading in the relocs.
- */
- nlm_relocs = ((struct nlm_relent *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, rcount * sizeof (struct nlm_relent)));
- if (!nlm_relocs)
- return false;
- sym -> relocs = nlm_relocs;
- sym -> rcnt = 0;
- while (sym -> rcnt < rcount)
- {
- asection *section;
- if (nlm_sparc_read_reloc (abfd, sym, &section,
- &nlm_relocs -> reloc)
- == false)
- return false;
- nlm_relocs -> section = section;
- nlm_relocs++;
- sym -> rcnt++;
- }
- return true;
-static boolean
-nlm_sparc_write_import (abfd, sec, rel)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- arelent *rel;
- char temp[4];
- asection *code, *data, *bss, *symsec;
- bfd_vma base;
- code = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_CODE_NAME);
- data = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_INITIALIZED_DATA_NAME);
- bss = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_UNINITIALIZED_DATA_NAME);
- symsec = (*rel->sym_ptr_ptr)->section;
- if (symsec == code) {
- base = 0;
- } else if (symsec == data) {
- base = bfd_section_size (abfd, code);
- } else if (symsec == bss) {
- base = bfd_section_size (abfd, code) + bfd_section_size (abfd, data);
- } else
- base = 0;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: <%x, 1>\n\t",
- __FUNCTION__, base + (*rel->sym_ptr_ptr)->value);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, base + (*rel->sym_ptr_ptr)->value, temp);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR)temp, 4, 1, abfd) != 4)
- return false;
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, 1, temp);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR)temp, 4, 1, abfd) != 4)
- return false;
- if (nlm_sparc_write_reloc (abfd, sec, rel) == false)
- return false;
- return true;
-/* Write out an external reference. */
-static boolean
-nlm_sparc_write_external (abfd, count, sym, relocs)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_size_type count;
- asymbol *sym;
- struct reloc_and_sec *relocs;
- unsigned int i;
- bfd_byte len;
- unsigned char temp[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, count, temp);
- if (bfd_write (temp, sizeof(temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp))
- return false;
- len = strlen (sym->name);
- if ((bfd_write (&len, sizeof (bfd_byte), 1, abfd) != sizeof(bfd_byte))
- || bfd_write (sym->name, len, 1, abfd) != len)
- return false;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- if (nlm_sparc_write_reloc (abfd, relocs[i].sec,
- relocs[i].rel) == false)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-static boolean
-nlm_sparc_write_export (abfd, sym, value)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *sym;
- bfd_vma value;
- bfd_byte len;
- bfd_byte temp[4];
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: <%x, %d, %s>\n",
- __FUNCTION__, value, strlen (sym->name), sym->name);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, value, temp);
- len = strlen (sym->name);
- if (bfd_write (temp, 4, 1, abfd) != 4
- || bfd_write (&len, 1, 1, abfd) != 1
- || bfd_write (sym->name, len, 1, abfd) != len)
- return false;
- return true;
-#undef nlm_swap_fixed_header_in
-#undef nlm_swap_fixed_header_out
-#include "nlmswap.h"
-static const struct nlm_backend_data nlm32_sparc_backend =
- "NetWare SPARC Module \032",
- sizeof (Nlm32_sparc_External_Fixed_Header),
- 0, /* optional_prefix_size */
- bfd_arch_sparc,
- 0,
- false,
- 0, /* backend_object_p */
- 0, /* write_prefix_func */
- nlm_sparc_read_reloc,
- nlm_sparc_mangle_relocs,
- nlm_sparc_read_import,
- nlm_sparc_write_import,
- 0, /* set_public_section */
- 0, /* get_public_offset */
- nlm_swap_fixed_header_in,
- nlm_swap_fixed_header_out,
- nlm_sparc_write_external,
- nlm_sparc_write_export
-#define TARGET_BIG_NAME "nlm32-sparc"
-#define TARGET_BIG_SYM nlmNAME(sparc_vec)
-#define TARGET_BACKEND_DATA &nlm32_sparc_backend
-#include "nlm-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm32.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm32.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4730e4fd3499..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm32.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* NLM (NetWare Loadable Module) 32-bit executable support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define ARCH_SIZE 32
-#include "nlmcode.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm64.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm64.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dcd96a2b3c6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlm64.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* NLM (NetWare Loadable Module) 64-bit executable support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define ARCH_SIZE 64
-#include "nlmcode.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlmcode.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlmcode.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f828b46b60f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlmcode.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2057 +0,0 @@
-/* NLM (NetWare Loadable Module) executable support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Fred Fish @ Cygnus Support, using ELF support as the
- template.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include <string.h> /* For strrchr and friends */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "libnlm.h"
-/* The functions in this file do not use the names they appear to use.
- This file is actually compiled multiple times, once for each size
- of NLM target we are using. At each size we use a different name,
- constructed by the macro nlmNAME. For example, the function which
- is named nlm_symbol_type below is actually named nlm32_symbol_type
- in the final executable. */
-#define Nlm_External_Fixed_Header NlmNAME(External_Fixed_Header)
-#define Nlm_External_Version_Header NlmNAME(External_Version_Header)
-#define Nlm_External_Copyright_Header NlmNAME(External_Copyright_Header)
-#define Nlm_External_Extended_Header NlmNAME(External_Extended_Header)
-#define Nlm_External_Custom_Header NlmNAME(External_Custom_Header)
-#define Nlm_External_Cygnus_Ext_Header NlmNAME(External_Cygnus_Ext_Header)
-#define nlm_symbol_type nlmNAME(symbol_type)
-#define nlm_get_symtab_upper_bound nlmNAME(get_symtab_upper_bound)
-#define nlm_get_symtab nlmNAME(get_symtab)
-#define nlm_make_empty_symbol nlmNAME(make_empty_symbol)
-#define nlm_print_symbol nlmNAME(print_symbol)
-#define nlm_get_symbol_info nlmNAME(get_symbol_info)
-#define nlm_get_reloc_upper_bound nlmNAME(get_reloc_upper_bound)
-#define nlm_canonicalize_reloc nlmNAME(canonicalize_reloc)
-#define nlm_object_p nlmNAME(object_p)
-#define nlm_set_section_contents nlmNAME(set_section_contents)
-#define nlm_write_object_contents nlmNAME(write_object_contents)
-#define nlm_swap_fixed_header_in(abfd,src,dst) \
- (nlm_swap_fixed_header_in_func(abfd))(abfd,src,dst)
-#define nlm_swap_fixed_header_out(abfd,src,dst) \
- (nlm_swap_fixed_header_out_func(abfd))(abfd,src,dst)
-/* Forward declarations of static functions */
-static boolean add_bfd_section
- PARAMS ((bfd *, char *, file_ptr, bfd_size_type, flagword));
-static boolean nlm_swap_variable_header_in
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean nlm_swap_variable_header_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean find_nonzero
- PARAMS ((PTR, size_t));
-static boolean nlm_swap_auxiliary_headers_in
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean nlm_swap_auxiliary_headers_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean nlm_slurp_symbol_table
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean nlm_slurp_reloc_fixups
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean nlm_compute_section_file_positions
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static int nlm_external_reloc_compare
- PARAMS ((const void *, const void *));
-/* Should perhaps use put_offset, put_word, etc. For now, the two versions
- can be handled by explicitly specifying 32 bits or "the long type". */
-#if ARCH_SIZE == 64
-#define put_word bfd_h_put_64
-#define get_word bfd_h_get_64
-#if ARCH_SIZE == 32
-#define put_word bfd_h_put_32
-#define get_word bfd_h_get_32
-const bfd_target *
-nlm_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct nlm_obj_tdata *preserved_tdata = nlm_tdata (abfd);
- boolean (*backend_object_p) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- PTR x_fxdhdr = NULL;
- Nlm_Internal_Fixed_Header *i_fxdhdrp;
- struct nlm_obj_tdata *new_tdata = NULL;
- const char *signature;
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- /* Some NLM formats have a prefix before the standard NLM fixed
- header. */
- backend_object_p = nlm_backend_object_p_func (abfd);
- if (backend_object_p)
- {
- if (!(*backend_object_p) (abfd))
- goto got_wrong_format_error;
- }
- /* Read in the fixed length portion of the NLM header in external format. */
- x_fxdhdr = (PTR) bfd_malloc ((size_t) nlm_fixed_header_size (abfd));
- if (x_fxdhdr == NULL)
- goto got_no_match;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) x_fxdhdr, nlm_fixed_header_size (abfd), 1, abfd) !=
- nlm_fixed_header_size (abfd))
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- goto got_wrong_format_error;
- else
- goto got_no_match;
- }
- /* Allocate an instance of the nlm_obj_tdata structure and hook it up to
- the tdata pointer in the bfd. */
- new_tdata = ((struct nlm_obj_tdata *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct nlm_obj_tdata)));
- if (new_tdata == NULL)
- goto got_no_match;
- nlm_tdata (abfd) = new_tdata;
- i_fxdhdrp = nlm_fixed_header (abfd);
- nlm_swap_fixed_header_in (abfd, x_fxdhdr, i_fxdhdrp);
- free (x_fxdhdr);
- x_fxdhdr = NULL;
- /* Check to see if we have an NLM file for this backend by matching
- the NLM signature. */
- signature = nlm_signature (abfd);
- if (signature != NULL
- && *signature != '\0'
- && strncmp ((char *) i_fxdhdrp->signature, signature,
- goto got_wrong_format_error;
- /* There's no supported way to discover the endianess of an NLM, so test for
- a sane version number after doing byte swapping appropriate for this
- XVEC. (Hack alert!) */
- if (i_fxdhdrp->version > 0xFFFF)
- goto got_wrong_format_error;
- /* There's no supported way to check for 32 bit versus 64 bit addresses,
- so ignore this distinction for now. (FIXME) */
- /* Swap in the rest of the required header. */
- if (!nlm_swap_variable_header_in (abfd))
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- goto got_wrong_format_error;
- else
- goto got_no_match;
- }
- /* Add the sections supplied by all NLM's, and then read in the
- auxiliary headers. Reading the auxiliary headers may create
- additional sections described in the cygnus_ext header.
- From this point on we assume that we have an NLM, and do not
- treat errors as indicating the wrong format. */
- if (!add_bfd_section (abfd, NLM_CODE_NAME,
- i_fxdhdrp->codeImageOffset,
- i_fxdhdrp->codeImageSize,
- || !add_bfd_section (abfd, NLM_INITIALIZED_DATA_NAME,
- i_fxdhdrp->dataImageOffset,
- i_fxdhdrp->dataImageSize,
- || !add_bfd_section (abfd, NLM_UNINITIALIZED_DATA_NAME,
- (file_ptr) 0,
- i_fxdhdrp->uninitializedDataSize,
- goto got_no_match;
- if (!nlm_swap_auxiliary_headers_in (abfd))
- goto got_no_match;
- if (nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->numberOfRelocationFixups != 0
- || nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->numberOfExternalReferences != 0)
- abfd->flags |= HAS_RELOC;
- if (nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->numberOfPublics != 0
- || nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->numberOfDebugRecords != 0
- || nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->numberOfExternalReferences != 0)
- abfd->flags |= HAS_SYMS;
- arch = nlm_architecture (abfd);
- if (arch != bfd_arch_unknown)
- bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, (unsigned long) 0);
- abfd->flags |= EXEC_P;
- bfd_get_start_address (abfd) = nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->codeStartOffset;
- return (abfd->xvec);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- nlm_tdata (abfd) = preserved_tdata;
- if (new_tdata != NULL)
- bfd_release (abfd, new_tdata);
- if (x_fxdhdr != NULL)
- free (x_fxdhdr);
- return (NULL);
-/* Add a section to the bfd. */
-static boolean
-add_bfd_section (abfd, name, offset, size, flags)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *name;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type size;
- flagword flags;
- asection *newsect;
- newsect = bfd_make_section (abfd, name);
- if (newsect == NULL)
- {
- return (false);
- }
- newsect->vma = 0; /* NLM's are relocatable. */
- newsect->_raw_size = size;
- newsect->filepos = offset;
- newsect->flags = flags;
- newsect->alignment_power = bfd_log2 (0); /* FIXME */
- return (true);
-/* Read and swap in the variable length header. All the fields must
- exist in the NLM, and must exist in the order they are read here. */
-static boolean
-nlm_swap_variable_header_in (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned char temp[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- /* Read the description length and text members. */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & nlm_variable_header (abfd)->descriptionLength,
- sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->descriptionLength),
- 1, abfd) !=
- sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->descriptionLength))
- return (false);
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) nlm_variable_header (abfd)->descriptionText,
- nlm_variable_header (abfd)->descriptionLength + 1,
- 1, abfd) !=
- (bfd_size_type) nlm_variable_header (abfd)->descriptionLength + 1)
- return (false);
- /* Read and convert the stackSize field. */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) temp, sizeof (temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp))
- return (false);
- nlm_variable_header (abfd)->stackSize = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) temp);
- /* Read and convert the reserved field. */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) temp, sizeof (temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp))
- return (false);
- nlm_variable_header (abfd)->reserved = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) temp);
- /* Read the oldThreadName field. This field is a fixed length string. */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) nlm_variable_header (abfd)->oldThreadName,
- sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->oldThreadName),
- 1, abfd) !=
- sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->oldThreadName))
- return (false);
- /* Read the screen name length and text members. */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & nlm_variable_header (abfd)->screenNameLength,
- sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->screenNameLength),
- 1, abfd) !=
- sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->screenNameLength))
- return (false);
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) nlm_variable_header (abfd)->screenName,
- nlm_variable_header (abfd)->screenNameLength + 1,
- 1, abfd) !=
- (bfd_size_type) nlm_variable_header (abfd)->screenNameLength + 1)
- return (false);
- /* Read the thread name length and text members. */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & nlm_variable_header (abfd)->threadNameLength,
- sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->threadNameLength),
- 1, abfd) !=
- sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->threadNameLength))
- return (false);
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) nlm_variable_header (abfd)->threadName,
- nlm_variable_header (abfd)->threadNameLength + 1,
- 1, abfd) !=
- (bfd_size_type) nlm_variable_header (abfd)->threadNameLength + 1)
- return (false);
- return (true);
-/* Swap and write out the variable length header. All the fields must
- exist in the NLM, and must exist in this order. */
-static boolean
-nlm_swap_variable_header_out (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned char temp[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- /* Write the description length and text members. */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) & nlm_variable_header (abfd)->descriptionLength,
- sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->descriptionLength),
- 1, abfd) !=
- sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->descriptionLength))
- return (false);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) nlm_variable_header (abfd)->descriptionText,
- nlm_variable_header (abfd)->descriptionLength + 1,
- 1, abfd) !=
- (bfd_size_type) nlm_variable_header (abfd)->descriptionLength + 1)
- return (false);
- /* Convert and write the stackSize field. */
- put_word (abfd, (bfd_vma) nlm_variable_header (abfd)->stackSize,
- (bfd_byte *) temp);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) temp, sizeof (temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp))
- return (false);
- /* Convert and write the reserved field. */
- put_word (abfd, (bfd_vma) nlm_variable_header (abfd)->reserved,
- (bfd_byte *) temp);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) temp, sizeof (temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp))
- return (false);
- /* Write the oldThreadName field. This field is a fixed length string. */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) nlm_variable_header (abfd)->oldThreadName,
- sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->oldThreadName),
- 1, abfd) !=
- sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->oldThreadName))
- return (false);
- /* Write the screen name length and text members. */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) & nlm_variable_header (abfd)->screenNameLength,
- sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->screenNameLength),
- 1, abfd) !=
- sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->screenNameLength))
- return (false);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) nlm_variable_header (abfd)->screenName,
- nlm_variable_header (abfd)->screenNameLength + 1,
- 1, abfd) !=
- (bfd_size_type) nlm_variable_header (abfd)->screenNameLength + 1)
- return (false);
- /* Write the thread name length and text members. */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) & nlm_variable_header (abfd)->threadNameLength,
- sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->threadNameLength),
- 1, abfd) !=
- sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->threadNameLength))
- return (false);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) nlm_variable_header (abfd)->threadName,
- nlm_variable_header (abfd)->threadNameLength + 1,
- 1, abfd) !=
- (bfd_size_type) nlm_variable_header (abfd)->threadNameLength + 1)
- return (false);
- return (true);
-/* Read and swap in the contents of all the auxiliary headers. Because of
- the braindead design, we have to do strcmps on strings of indeterminate
- length to figure out what each auxiliary header is. Even worse, we have
- no way of knowing how many auxiliary headers there are or where the end
- of the auxiliary headers are, except by finding something that doesn't
- look like a known auxiliary header. This means that the first new type
- of auxiliary header added will break all existing tools that don't
- recognize it. */
-static boolean
-nlm_swap_auxiliary_headers_in (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- char tempstr[16];
- long position;
- for (;;)
- {
- position = bfd_tell (abfd);
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) tempstr, sizeof (tempstr), 1, abfd) !=
- sizeof (tempstr))
- return (false);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, position, SEEK_SET) == -1)
- return (false);
- if (strncmp (tempstr, "VeRsIoN#", 8) == 0)
- {
- Nlm_External_Version_Header thdr;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & thdr, sizeof (thdr), 1, abfd) != sizeof (thdr))
- return (false);
- memcpy (nlm_version_header (abfd)->stamp, thdr.stamp,
- sizeof (thdr.stamp));
- nlm_version_header (abfd)->majorVersion =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.majorVersion);
- nlm_version_header (abfd)->minorVersion =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.minorVersion);
- nlm_version_header (abfd)->revision =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.revision);
- nlm_version_header (abfd)->year =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.year);
- nlm_version_header (abfd)->month =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.month);
- nlm_version_header (abfd)->day =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *);
- }
- else if (strncmp (tempstr, "MeSsAgEs", 8) == 0)
- {
- Nlm_External_Extended_Header thdr;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & thdr, sizeof (thdr), 1, abfd) != sizeof (thdr))
- return (false);
- memcpy (nlm_extended_header (abfd)->stamp, thdr.stamp,
- sizeof (thdr.stamp));
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->languageID =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.languageID);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->messageFileOffset =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.messageFileOffset);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->messageFileLength =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.messageFileLength);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->messageCount =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.messageCount);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->helpFileOffset =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.helpFileOffset);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->helpFileLength =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.helpFileLength);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->RPCDataOffset =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.RPCDataOffset);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->RPCDataLength =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.RPCDataLength);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedCodeOffset =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedCodeOffset);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedCodeLength =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedCodeLength);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedDataOffset =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedDataOffset);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedDataLength =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedDataLength);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedRelocationFixupOffset =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedRelocationFixupOffset);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedRelocationFixupCount =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedRelocationFixupCount);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedExternalReferenceOffset =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedExternalReferenceOffset);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedExternalReferenceCount =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedExternalReferenceCount);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedPublicsOffset =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedPublicsOffset);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedPublicsCount =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedPublicsCount);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedDebugRecordOffset =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedDebugRecordOffset);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedDebugRecordCount =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedDebugRecordCount);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->SharedInitializationOffset =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedInitializationOffset);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->SharedExitProcedureOffset =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.SharedExitProcedureOffset);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->productID =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.productID);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->reserved0 =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.reserved0);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->reserved1 =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.reserved1);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->reserved2 =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.reserved2);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->reserved3 =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.reserved3);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->reserved4 =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.reserved4);
- nlm_extended_header (abfd)->reserved5 =
- get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.reserved5);
- }
- else if (strncmp (tempstr, "CoPyRiGhT=", 10) == 0)
- {
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) nlm_copyright_header (abfd)->stamp,
- sizeof (nlm_copyright_header (abfd)->stamp),
- 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (nlm_copyright_header (abfd)->stamp))
- return (false);
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & (nlm_copyright_header (abfd)
- ->copyrightMessageLength),
- 1, 1, abfd) != 1)
- return (false);
- /* The copyright message is a variable length string. */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) nlm_copyright_header (abfd)->copyrightMessage,
- nlm_copyright_header (abfd)->copyrightMessageLength + 1,
- 1, abfd) !=
- ((bfd_size_type)
- nlm_copyright_header (abfd)->copyrightMessageLength + 1))
- return (false);
- }
- else if (strncmp (tempstr, "CuStHeAd", 8) == 0)
- {
- Nlm_External_Custom_Header thdr;
- bfd_size_type hdrLength;
- file_ptr dataOffset;
- bfd_size_type dataLength;
- char dataStamp[8];
- PTR hdr;
- /* Read the stamp ("CuStHeAd"). */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) thdr.stamp, 1, sizeof (thdr.stamp), abfd)
- != sizeof (thdr.stamp))
- return false;
- /* Read the length of this custom header. */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) thdr.length, 1, sizeof (thdr.length), abfd)
- != sizeof (thdr.length))
- return false;
- hdrLength = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.length);
- /* Read further fields if we have them. */
- if (hdrLength < NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE)
- dataOffset = 0;
- else
- {
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) thdr.dataOffset, 1,
- sizeof (thdr.dataOffset), abfd)
- != sizeof (thdr.dataOffset))
- return false;
- dataOffset = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.dataOffset);
- }
- if (hdrLength < 2 * NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE)
- dataLength = 0;
- else
- {
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) thdr.dataLength, 1,
- sizeof (thdr.dataLength), abfd)
- != sizeof (thdr.dataLength))
- return false;
- dataLength = get_word (abfd, (bfd_byte *) thdr.dataLength);
- }
- if (hdrLength < 2 * NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE + 8)
- memset (dataStamp, 0, sizeof (dataStamp));
- else
- {
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) dataStamp, 1, sizeof (dataStamp), abfd)
- != sizeof (dataStamp))
- return false;
- }
- /* Read the rest of the header, if any. */
- if (hdrLength <= 2 * NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE + 8)
- {
- hdr = NULL;
- hdrLength = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- hdrLength -= 2 * NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE + 8;
- hdr = bfd_alloc (abfd, hdrLength);
- if (hdr == NULL)
- return false;
- if (bfd_read (hdr, 1, hdrLength, abfd) != hdrLength)
- return false;
- }
- /* If we have found a Cygnus header, process it. Otherwise,
- just save the associated data without trying to interpret
- it. */
- if (strncmp (dataStamp, "CyGnUsEx", 8) == 0)
- {
- file_ptr pos;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- bfd_byte *p, *pend;
- BFD_ASSERT (hdrLength == 0 && hdr == NULL);
- pos = bfd_tell (abfd);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, dataOffset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (abfd, dataLength);
- if (contents == NULL)
- return false;
- if (bfd_read (contents, 1, dataLength, abfd) != dataLength)
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, pos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- memcpy (nlm_cygnus_ext_header (abfd), "CyGnUsEx", 8);
- nlm_cygnus_ext_header (abfd)->offset = dataOffset;
- nlm_cygnus_ext_header (abfd)->length = dataLength;
- /* This data this header points to provides a list of
- the sections which were in the original object file
- which was converted to become an NLM. We locate
- those sections and add them to the BFD. Note that
- this is likely to create a second .text, .data and
- .bss section; retrieving the sections by name will
- get the actual NLM sections, which is what we want to
- happen. The sections from the original file, which
- may be subsets of the NLM section, can only be found
- using bfd_map_over_sections. */
- p = contents;
- pend = p + dataLength;
- while (p < pend)
- {
- char *name;
- size_t l;
- file_ptr filepos;
- bfd_size_type size;
- asection *newsec;
- /* The format of this information is
- null terminated section name
- zeroes to adjust to 4 byte boundary
- 4 byte section data file pointer
- 4 byte section size
- */
- name = (char *) p;
- l = strlen (name) + 1;
- l = (l + 3) &~ 3;
- p += l;
- filepos = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, p);
- p += 4;
- size = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, p);
- p += 4;
- newsec = bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, name);
- if (newsec == (asection *) NULL)
- return false;
- newsec->_raw_size = size;
- if (filepos != 0)
- {
- newsec->filepos = filepos;
- newsec->flags |= SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- memcpy (nlm_custom_header (abfd)->stamp, thdr.stamp,
- sizeof (thdr.stamp));
- nlm_custom_header (abfd)->hdrLength = hdrLength;
- nlm_custom_header (abfd)->dataOffset = dataOffset;
- nlm_custom_header (abfd)->dataLength = dataLength;
- memcpy (nlm_custom_header (abfd)->dataStamp, dataStamp,
- sizeof (dataStamp));
- nlm_custom_header (abfd)->hdr = hdr;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- return (true);
-/* Return whether there is a non-zero byte in a memory block. */
-static boolean
-find_nonzero (buf, size)
- PTR buf;
- size_t size;
- char *p = (char *) buf;
- while (size-- != 0)
- if (*p++ != 0)
- return true;
- return false;
-/* Swap out the contents of the auxiliary headers. We create those
- auxiliary headers which have been set non-zero. We do not require
- the caller to set up the stamp fields. */
-static boolean
-nlm_swap_auxiliary_headers_out (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- /* Write out the version header if there is one. */
- if (find_nonzero ((PTR) nlm_version_header (abfd),
- sizeof (Nlm_Internal_Version_Header)))
- {
- Nlm_External_Version_Header thdr;
- memcpy (thdr.stamp, "VeRsIoN#", 8);
- put_word (abfd, (bfd_vma) nlm_version_header (abfd)->majorVersion,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.majorVersion);
- put_word (abfd, (bfd_vma) nlm_version_header (abfd)->minorVersion,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.minorVersion);
- put_word (abfd, (bfd_vma) nlm_version_header (abfd)->revision,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.revision);
- put_word (abfd, (bfd_vma) nlm_version_header (abfd)->year,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.year);
- put_word (abfd, (bfd_vma) nlm_version_header (abfd)->month,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.month);
- put_word (abfd, (bfd_vma) nlm_version_header (abfd)->day,
- (bfd_byte *);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) & thdr, sizeof (thdr), 1, abfd) != sizeof (thdr))
- return false;
- }
- /* Write out the extended header if there is one. */
- if (find_nonzero ((PTR) nlm_extended_header (abfd),
- sizeof (Nlm_Internal_Extended_Header)))
- {
- Nlm_External_Extended_Header thdr;
- memcpy (thdr.stamp, "MeSsAgEs", 8);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->languageID,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.languageID);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->messageFileOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.messageFileOffset);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->messageFileLength,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.messageFileLength);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->messageCount,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.messageCount);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->helpFileOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.helpFileOffset);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->helpFileLength,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.helpFileLength);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->RPCDataOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.RPCDataOffset);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->RPCDataLength,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.RPCDataLength);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedCodeOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedCodeOffset);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedCodeLength,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedCodeLength);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedDataOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedDataOffset);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedDataLength,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedDataLength);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedRelocationFixupOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedRelocationFixupOffset);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedRelocationFixupCount,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedRelocationFixupCount);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedExternalReferenceOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedExternalReferenceOffset);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedExternalReferenceCount,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedExternalReferenceCount);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedPublicsOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedPublicsOffset);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedPublicsCount,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedPublicsCount);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedDebugRecordOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedDebugRecordOffset);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->sharedDebugRecordCount,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedDebugRecordCount);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->SharedInitializationOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.sharedInitializationOffset);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->SharedExitProcedureOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.SharedExitProcedureOffset);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->productID,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.productID);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->reserved0,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.reserved0);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->reserved1,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.reserved1);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->reserved2,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.reserved2);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->reserved3,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.reserved3);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->reserved4,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.reserved4);
- put_word (abfd,
- (bfd_vma) nlm_extended_header (abfd)->reserved5,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.reserved5);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) & thdr, sizeof (thdr), 1, abfd) != sizeof (thdr))
- return false;
- }
- /* Write out the copyright header if there is one. */
- if (find_nonzero ((PTR) nlm_copyright_header (abfd),
- sizeof (Nlm_Internal_Copyright_Header)))
- {
- Nlm_External_Copyright_Header thdr;
- memcpy (thdr.stamp, "CoPyRiGhT=", 10);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) thdr.stamp, sizeof (thdr.stamp), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (thdr.stamp))
- return false;
- thdr.copyrightMessageLength[0] =
- nlm_copyright_header (abfd)->copyrightMessageLength;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) thdr.copyrightMessageLength, 1, 1, abfd) != 1)
- return false;
- /* The copyright message is a variable length string. */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) nlm_copyright_header (abfd)->copyrightMessage,
- nlm_copyright_header (abfd)->copyrightMessageLength + 1,
- 1, abfd) !=
- ((bfd_size_type)
- nlm_copyright_header (abfd)->copyrightMessageLength + 1))
- return false;
- }
- /* Write out the custom header if there is one. */
- if (find_nonzero ((PTR) nlm_custom_header (abfd),
- sizeof (Nlm_Internal_Custom_Header)))
- {
- Nlm_External_Custom_Header thdr;
- boolean ds;
- bfd_size_type hdrLength;
- ds = find_nonzero ((PTR) nlm_custom_header (abfd)->dataStamp,
- sizeof (nlm_custom_header (abfd)->dataStamp));
- memcpy (thdr.stamp, "CuStHeAd", 8);
- hdrLength = (2 * NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE + (ds ? 8 : 0)
- + nlm_custom_header (abfd)->hdrLength);
- put_word (abfd, hdrLength, thdr.length);
- put_word (abfd, (bfd_vma) nlm_custom_header (abfd)->dataOffset,
- thdr.dataOffset);
- put_word (abfd, (bfd_vma) nlm_custom_header (abfd)->dataLength,
- thdr.dataLength);
- if (! ds)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (nlm_custom_header (abfd)->hdrLength == 0);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &thdr, 1,
- sizeof (thdr) - sizeof (thdr.dataStamp), abfd)
- != sizeof (thdr) - sizeof (thdr.dataStamp))
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- memcpy (thdr.dataStamp, nlm_custom_header (abfd)->dataStamp,
- sizeof (thdr.dataStamp));
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &thdr, sizeof (thdr), 1, abfd) != sizeof (thdr))
- return false;
- if (bfd_write (nlm_custom_header (abfd)->hdr, 1,
- nlm_custom_header (abfd)->hdrLength, abfd)
- != nlm_custom_header (abfd)->hdrLength)
- return false;
- }
- }
- /* Write out the Cygnus debugging header if there is one. */
- if (find_nonzero ((PTR) nlm_cygnus_ext_header (abfd),
- sizeof (Nlm_Internal_Cygnus_Ext_Header)))
- {
- Nlm_External_Custom_Header thdr;
- memcpy (thdr.stamp, "CuStHeAd", 8);
- put_word (abfd, (bfd_vma) 2 * NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE + 8,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.length);
- put_word (abfd, (bfd_vma) nlm_cygnus_ext_header (abfd)->offset,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.dataOffset);
- put_word (abfd, (bfd_vma) nlm_cygnus_ext_header (abfd)->length,
- (bfd_byte *) thdr.dataLength);
- memcpy (thdr.dataStamp, "CyGnUsEx", 8);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &thdr, sizeof (thdr), 1, abfd) != sizeof (thdr))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* We read the NLM's public symbols and use it to generate a bfd symbol
- table (hey, it's better than nothing) on a one-for-one basis. Thus
- use the number of public symbols as the number of bfd symbols we will
- have once we actually get around to reading them in.
- Return the number of bytes required to hold the symtab vector, based on
- the count plus 1, since we will NULL terminate the vector allocated based
- on this size. */
-nlm_get_symtab_upper_bound (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- Nlm_Internal_Fixed_Header *i_fxdhdrp; /* Nlm file header, internal form */
- long symcount;
- long symtab_size = 0;
- i_fxdhdrp = nlm_fixed_header (abfd);
- symcount = (i_fxdhdrp->numberOfPublics
- + i_fxdhdrp->numberOfDebugRecords
- + i_fxdhdrp->numberOfExternalReferences);
- symtab_size = (symcount + 1) * (sizeof (asymbol));
- return (symtab_size);
-/* Note that bfd_get_symcount is guaranteed to be zero if slurping the
- symbol table fails. */
-nlm_get_symtab (abfd, alocation)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **alocation;
- nlm_symbol_type *symbase;
- bfd_size_type counter = 0;
- if (nlm_slurp_symbol_table (abfd) == false)
- return -1;
- symbase = nlm_get_symbols (abfd);
- while (counter < bfd_get_symcount (abfd))
- {
- *alocation++ = &symbase->symbol;
- symbase++;
- counter++;
- }
- *alocation = (asymbol *) NULL;
- return bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
-/* Make an NLM symbol. There is nothing special to do here. */
-asymbol *
-nlm_make_empty_symbol (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- nlm_symbol_type *new;
- new = (nlm_symbol_type *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (nlm_symbol_type));
- if (new)
- new->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- return &new->symbol;
-/* Get symbol information. */
-nlm_get_symbol_info (ignore_abfd, symbol, ret)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- symbol_info *ret;
- bfd_symbol_info (symbol, ret);
-/* Print symbol information. */
-nlm_print_symbol (abfd, afile, symbol, how)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR afile;
- asymbol *symbol;
- bfd_print_symbol_type how;
- FILE *file = (FILE *) afile;
- switch (how)
- {
- case bfd_print_symbol_name:
- case bfd_print_symbol_more:
- if (symbol->name)
- fprintf (file, "%s", symbol->name);
- break;
- case bfd_print_symbol_all:
- bfd_print_symbol_vandf ((PTR) file, symbol);
- fprintf (file, " %-5s", symbol->section->name);
- if (symbol->name)
- fprintf (file, " %s", symbol->name);
- break;
- }
-/* Slurp in nlm symbol table.
- In the external (in-file) form, NLM export records are variable length,
- with the following form:
- 1 byte length of the symbol name (N)
- N bytes the symbol name
- 4 bytes the symbol offset from start of it's section
- We also read in the debugging symbols and import records. Import
- records are treated as undefined symbols. As we read the import
- records we also read in the associated reloc information, which is
- attached to the symbol.
- The bfd symbols are copied to SYMPTRS.
- When we return, the bfd symcount is either zero or contains the correct
- number of symbols.
-static boolean
-nlm_slurp_symbol_table (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- Nlm_Internal_Fixed_Header *i_fxdhdrp; /* Nlm file header, internal form */
- bfd_size_type totsymcount; /* Number of NLM symbols */
- bfd_size_type symcount; /* Counter of NLM symbols */
- nlm_symbol_type *sym; /* Pointer to current bfd symbol */
- unsigned char symlength; /* Symbol length read into here */
- unsigned char symtype; /* Type of debugging symbol */
- bfd_byte temp[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE]; /* Symbol offsets read into here */
- boolean (*read_import_func) PARAMS ((bfd *, nlm_symbol_type *));
- boolean (*set_public_section_func) PARAMS ((bfd *, nlm_symbol_type *));
- if (nlm_get_symbols (abfd) != NULL)
- return (true);
- /* Read each raw NLM symbol, using the information to create a canonical bfd
- symbol table entry.
- Note that we allocate the initial bfd canonical symbol buffer based on a
- one-to-one mapping of the NLM symbols to canonical symbols. We actually
- use all the NLM symbols, so there will be no space left over at the end.
- When we have all the symbols, we build the caller's pointer vector. */
- abfd->symcount = 0;
- i_fxdhdrp = nlm_fixed_header (abfd);
- totsymcount = (i_fxdhdrp->numberOfPublics
- + i_fxdhdrp->numberOfDebugRecords
- + i_fxdhdrp->numberOfExternalReferences);
- if (totsymcount == 0)
- {
- return (true);
- }
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, i_fxdhdrp->publicsOffset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
- return (false);
- sym = ((nlm_symbol_type *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, totsymcount * sizeof (nlm_symbol_type)));
- if (!sym)
- return false;
- nlm_set_symbols (abfd, sym);
- /* We use the bfd's symcount directly as the control count, so that early
- termination of the loop leaves the symcount correct for the symbols that
- were read. */
- set_public_section_func = nlm_set_public_section_func (abfd);
- symcount = i_fxdhdrp->numberOfPublics;
- while (abfd->symcount < symcount)
- {
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & symlength, sizeof (symlength), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (symlength))
- return (false);
- sym->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- sym-> = bfd_alloc (abfd, symlength + 1);
- if (!sym->
- return false;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) sym->, symlength, 1, abfd)
- != symlength)
- return (false);
- /* Cast away const. */
- ((char *) (sym->[symlength] = '\0';
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) temp, sizeof (temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp))
- return (false);
- sym->symbol.flags = BSF_GLOBAL | BSF_EXPORT;
- sym->symbol.value = get_word (abfd, temp);
- if (set_public_section_func)
- {
- /* Most backends can use the code below, but unfortunately
- some use a different scheme. */
- if ((*set_public_section_func) (abfd, sym) == false)
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (sym->symbol.value & NLM_HIBIT)
- {
- sym->symbol.value &= ~NLM_HIBIT;
- sym->symbol.flags |= BSF_FUNCTION;
- sym->symbol.section =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_CODE_NAME);
- }
- else
- {
- sym->symbol.section =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_INITIALIZED_DATA_NAME);
- }
- }
- sym->rcnt = 0;
- abfd->symcount++;
- sym++;
- }
- /* Read the debugging records. */
- if (i_fxdhdrp->numberOfDebugRecords > 0)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, i_fxdhdrp->debugInfoOffset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
- return (false);
- symcount += i_fxdhdrp->numberOfDebugRecords;
- while (abfd->symcount < symcount)
- {
- if ((bfd_read ((PTR) & symtype, sizeof (symtype), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (symtype))
- || bfd_read ((PTR) temp, sizeof (temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp)
- || (bfd_read ((PTR) & symlength, sizeof (symlength), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (symlength)))
- return false;
- sym->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- sym-> = bfd_alloc (abfd, symlength + 1);
- if (!sym->
- return false;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) sym->, symlength, 1, abfd)
- != symlength)
- return (false);
- /* Cast away const. */
- ((char *) (sym->[symlength] = '\0';
- sym->symbol.flags = BSF_LOCAL;
- sym->symbol.value = get_word (abfd, temp);
- if (symtype == 0)
- {
- sym->symbol.section =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_INITIALIZED_DATA_NAME);
- }
- else if (symtype == 1)
- {
- sym->symbol.flags |= BSF_FUNCTION;
- sym->symbol.section =
- bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_CODE_NAME);
- }
- else
- {
- sym->symbol.section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- }
- sym->rcnt = 0;
- abfd->symcount++;
- sym++;
- }
- }
- /* Read in the import records. We can only do this if we know how
- to read relocs for this target. */
- read_import_func = nlm_read_import_func (abfd);
- if (read_import_func != NULL)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, i_fxdhdrp->externalReferencesOffset, SEEK_SET)
- == -1)
- return (false);
- symcount += i_fxdhdrp->numberOfExternalReferences;
- while (abfd->symcount < symcount)
- {
- if ((*read_import_func) (abfd, sym) == false)
- return false;
- sym++;
- abfd->symcount++;
- }
- }
- return (true);
-/* Get the relocs for an NLM file. There are two types of relocs.
- Imports are relocs against symbols defined in other NLM files. We
- treat these as relocs against global symbols. Relocation fixups
- are internal relocs.
- The actual format used to store the relocs is machine specific. */
-/* Read in the relocation fixup information. This is stored in
- nlm_relocation_fixups, an array of arelent structures, and
- nlm_relocation_fixup_secs, an array of section pointers. The
- section pointers are needed because the relocs are not sorted by
- section. */
-static boolean
-nlm_slurp_reloc_fixups (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean (*read_func) PARAMS ((bfd *, nlm_symbol_type *, asection **,
- arelent *));
- bfd_size_type count;
- arelent *rels;
- asection **secs;
- if (nlm_relocation_fixups (abfd) != NULL)
- return true;
- read_func = nlm_read_reloc_func (abfd);
- if (read_func == NULL)
- return true;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->relocationFixupOffset,
- SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- count = nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->numberOfRelocationFixups;
- rels = (arelent *) bfd_alloc (abfd, count * sizeof (arelent));
- secs = (asection **) bfd_alloc (abfd, count * sizeof (asection *));
- if ((rels == NULL || secs == NULL) && count != 0)
- return false;
- nlm_relocation_fixups (abfd) = rels;
- nlm_relocation_fixup_secs (abfd) = secs;
- /* We have to read piece by piece, because we don't know how large
- the machine specific reloc information is. */
- while (count-- != 0)
- {
- if ((*read_func) (abfd, (nlm_symbol_type *) NULL, secs, rels) == false)
- {
- nlm_relocation_fixups (abfd) = NULL;
- nlm_relocation_fixup_secs (abfd) = NULL;
- return false;
- }
- ++secs;
- ++rels;
- }
- return true;
-/* Get the number of relocs. This really just returns an upper bound,
- since it does not attempt to distinguish them based on the section.
- That will be handled when they are actually read. */
-nlm_get_reloc_upper_bound (abfd, sec)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- nlm_symbol_type *syms;
- bfd_size_type count;
- unsigned int ret;
- /* If we don't know how to read relocs, just return 0. */
- if (nlm_read_reloc_func (abfd) == NULL)
- return -1;
- /* Make sure we have either the code or the data section. */
- if ((bfd_get_section_flags (abfd, sec) & (SEC_CODE | SEC_DATA)) == 0)
- return 0;
- syms = nlm_get_symbols (abfd);
- if (syms == NULL)
- {
- if (nlm_slurp_symbol_table (abfd) == false)
- return -1;
- syms = nlm_get_symbols (abfd);
- }
- ret = nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->numberOfRelocationFixups;
- count = bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- while (count-- != 0)
- {
- ret += syms->rcnt;
- ++syms;
- }
- return (ret + 1) * sizeof (arelent *);
-/* Get the relocs themselves. */
-nlm_canonicalize_reloc (abfd, sec, relptr, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- arelent **relptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- arelent *rels;
- asection **secs;
- bfd_size_type count, i;
- unsigned int ret;
- /* Get the relocation fixups. */
- rels = nlm_relocation_fixups (abfd);
- if (rels == NULL)
- {
- if (nlm_slurp_reloc_fixups (abfd) == false)
- return -1;
- rels = nlm_relocation_fixups (abfd);
- }
- secs = nlm_relocation_fixup_secs (abfd);
- ret = 0;
- count = nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->numberOfRelocationFixups;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++, rels++, secs++)
- {
- if (*secs == sec)
- {
- *relptr++ = rels;
- ++ret;
- }
- }
- /* Get the import symbols. */
- count = bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++, symbols++)
- {
- asymbol *sym;
- sym = *symbols;
- if (bfd_asymbol_flavour (sym) == bfd_target_nlm_flavour)
- {
- nlm_symbol_type *nlm_sym;
- bfd_size_type j;
- nlm_sym = (nlm_symbol_type *) sym;
- for (j = 0; j < nlm_sym->rcnt; j++)
- {
- if (nlm_sym->relocs[j].section == sec)
- {
- *relptr = &nlm_sym->relocs[j].reloc;
- (*relptr)->sym_ptr_ptr = symbols;
- ++relptr;
- ++ret;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- *relptr = NULL;
- return ret;
-/* Compute the section file positions for an NLM file. All variable
- length data in the file headers must be set before this function is
- called. If the variable length data is changed later, the
- resulting object file will be incorrect. Unfortunately, there is
- no way to check this.
- This routine also sets the Size and Offset fields in the fixed
- header.
- It also looks over the symbols and moves any common symbols into
- the .bss section; NLM has no way to represent a common symbol.
- This approach means that either the symbols must already have been
- set at this point, or there must be no common symbols. We need to
- move the symbols at this point so that mangle_relocs can see the
- final values. */
-static boolean
-nlm_compute_section_file_positions (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- file_ptr sofar;
- asection *sec;
- bfd_vma text, data, bss;
- bfd_vma text_low, data_low;
- unsigned int text_align, data_align, other_align;
- file_ptr text_ptr, data_ptr, other_ptr;
- asection *bss_sec;
- asymbol **sym_ptr_ptr;
- if (abfd->output_has_begun == true)
- return true;
- /* Make sure we have a section to hold uninitialized data. */
- bss_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_UNINITIALIZED_DATA_NAME);
- if (bss_sec == NULL)
- {
- if (!add_bfd_section (abfd, NLM_UNINITIALIZED_DATA_NAME,
- (file_ptr) 0, (bfd_size_type) 0,
- return false;
- bss_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, NLM_UNINITIALIZED_DATA_NAME);
- }
- abfd->output_has_begun = true;
- /* The fixed header. */
- sofar = nlm_optional_prefix_size (abfd) + nlm_fixed_header_size (abfd);
- /* The variable header. */
- sofar += (sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->descriptionLength)
- + nlm_variable_header (abfd)->descriptionLength + 1
- + NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE /* stackSize */
- + NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE /* reserved */
- + sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->oldThreadName)
- + sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->screenNameLength)
- + nlm_variable_header (abfd)->screenNameLength + 1
- + sizeof (nlm_variable_header (abfd)->threadNameLength)
- + nlm_variable_header (abfd)->threadNameLength + 1);
- /* The auxiliary headers. */
- if (find_nonzero ((PTR) nlm_version_header (abfd),
- sizeof (Nlm_Internal_Version_Header)))
- sofar += sizeof (Nlm_External_Version_Header);
- if (find_nonzero ((PTR) nlm_extended_header (abfd),
- sizeof (Nlm_Internal_Extended_Header)))
- sofar += sizeof (Nlm_External_Extended_Header);
- if (find_nonzero ((PTR) nlm_copyright_header (abfd),
- sizeof (Nlm_Internal_Copyright_Header)))
- sofar += (sizeof (Nlm_External_Copyright_Header)
- + nlm_copyright_header (abfd)->copyrightMessageLength + 1);
- if (find_nonzero ((PTR) nlm_custom_header (abfd),
- sizeof (Nlm_Internal_Custom_Header)))
- sofar += (sizeof (Nlm_External_Custom_Header)
- + nlm_custom_header (abfd)->hdrLength);
- if (find_nonzero ((PTR) nlm_cygnus_ext_header (abfd),
- sizeof (Nlm_Internal_Cygnus_Ext_Header)))
- sofar += sizeof (Nlm_External_Custom_Header);
- /* Compute the section file positions in two passes. First get the
- sizes of the text and data sections, and then set the file
- positions. This code aligns the sections in the file using the
- same alignment restrictions that apply to the sections in memory;
- this may not be necessary. */
- text = 0;
- text_low = (bfd_vma) - 1;
- text_align = 0;
- data = 0;
- data_low = (bfd_vma) - 1;
- data_align = 0;
- bss = 0;
- other_align = 0;
- for (sec = abfd->sections; sec != (asection *) NULL; sec = sec->next)
- {
- flagword f;
- sec->_raw_size = BFD_ALIGN (sec->_raw_size, 1 << sec->alignment_power);
- f = bfd_get_section_flags (abfd, sec);
- if (f & SEC_CODE)
- {
- text += sec->_raw_size;
- if (bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, sec) < text_low)
- text_low = bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, sec);
- if (sec->alignment_power > text_align)
- text_align = sec->alignment_power;
- }
- else if (f & SEC_DATA)
- {
- data += sec->_raw_size;
- if (bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, sec) < data_low)
- data_low = bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, sec);
- if (sec->alignment_power > data_align)
- data_align = sec->alignment_power;
- }
- else if (f & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS)
- {
- if (sec->alignment_power > other_align)
- other_align = sec->alignment_power;
- }
- else if (f & SEC_ALLOC)
- bss += sec->_raw_size;
- }
- nlm_set_text_low (abfd, text_low);
- nlm_set_data_low (abfd, data_low);
- if (nlm_no_uninitialized_data (abfd))
- {
- /* This NetWare format does not use uninitialized data. We must
- increase the size of the data section. We will never wind up
- writing those file locations, so they will remain zero. */
- data += bss;
- bss = 0;
- }
- text_ptr = BFD_ALIGN (sofar, 1 << text_align);
- data_ptr = BFD_ALIGN (text_ptr + text, 1 << data_align);
- other_ptr = BFD_ALIGN (data_ptr + data, 1 << other_align);
- /* Fill in some fields in the header for which we now have the
- information. */
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->codeImageOffset = text_ptr;
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->codeImageSize = text;
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->dataImageOffset = data_ptr;
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->dataImageSize = data;
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->uninitializedDataSize = bss;
- for (sec = abfd->sections; sec != (asection *) NULL; sec = sec->next)
- {
- flagword f;
- f = bfd_get_section_flags (abfd, sec);
- if (f & SEC_CODE)
- {
- sec->filepos = text_ptr;
- text_ptr += sec->_raw_size;
- }
- else if (f & SEC_DATA)
- {
- sec->filepos = data_ptr;
- data_ptr += sec->_raw_size;
- }
- else if (f & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS)
- {
- sec->filepos = other_ptr;
- other_ptr += sec->_raw_size;
- }
- }
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->relocationFixupOffset = other_ptr;
- /* Move all common symbols into the .bss section. */
- sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_get_outsymbols (abfd);
- if (sym_ptr_ptr != NULL)
- {
- asymbol **sym_end;
- bfd_vma add;
- sym_end = sym_ptr_ptr + bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- add = 0;
- for (; sym_ptr_ptr < sym_end; sym_ptr_ptr++)
- {
- asymbol *sym;
- bfd_vma size;
- sym = *sym_ptr_ptr;
- if (!bfd_is_com_section (bfd_get_section (sym)))
- continue;
- /* Put the common symbol in the .bss section, and increase
- the size of the .bss section by the size of the common
- symbol (which is the old value of the symbol). */
- sym->section = bss_sec;
- size = sym->value;
- sym->value = bss_sec->_raw_size + add;
- add += size;
- add = BFD_ALIGN (add, 1 << bss_sec->alignment_power);
- }
- if (add != 0)
- {
- if (nlm_no_uninitialized_data (abfd))
- {
- /* We could handle this case, but so far it hasn't been
- necessary. */
- abort ();
- }
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->uninitializedDataSize += add;
- bss_sec->_raw_size += add;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Set the contents of a section. To do this we need to know where
- the section is going to be located in the output file. That means
- that the sizes of all the sections must be set, and all the
- variable size header information must be known. */
-nlm_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- if (abfd->output_has_begun == false
- && nlm_compute_section_file_positions (abfd) == false)
- return false;
- if (count == 0)
- return true;
- /* i386 NetWare has a very restricted set of relocs. In order for
- objcopy to work, the NLM i386 backend needs a chance to rework
- the section contents so that its set of relocs will work. If all
- the relocs are already acceptable, this will not do anything. */
- if (section->reloc_count != 0)
- {
- boolean (*mangle_relocs_func) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR,
- bfd_vma, bfd_size_type));
- mangle_relocs_func = nlm_mangle_relocs_func (abfd);
- if (mangle_relocs_func != NULL)
- {
- if (!(*mangle_relocs_func) (abfd, section, location,
- (bfd_vma) offset, count))
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) (section->filepos + offset), SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_write (location, 1, count, abfd) != count)
- return false;
- return true;
-/* We need to sort a list of relocs associated with sections when we
- write out the external relocs. */
-static int
-nlm_external_reloc_compare (p1, p2)
- const void *p1;
- const void *p2;
- const struct reloc_and_sec *r1 = (const struct reloc_and_sec *) p1;
- const struct reloc_and_sec *r2 = (const struct reloc_and_sec *) p2;
- int cmp;
- cmp = strcmp ((*r1->rel->sym_ptr_ptr)->name,
- (*r2->rel->sym_ptr_ptr)->name);
- if (cmp != 0)
- return cmp;
- /* We sort by address within symbol to make the sort more stable and
- increase the chances that different hosts will generate bit for
- bit equivalent results. */
- return (int) (r1->rel->address - r2->rel->address);
-/* Write out an NLM file. We write out the information in this order:
- fixed header
- variable header
- auxiliary headers
- code sections
- data sections
- other sections (custom data, messages, help, shared NLM, RPC,
- module dependencies)
- relocation fixups
- external references (imports)
- public symbols (exports)
- debugging records
- This is similar to the order used by the NetWare tools; the
- difference is that NetWare puts the sections other than code, data
- and custom data at the end of the NLM. It is convenient for us to
- know where the sections are going to be before worrying about the
- size of the other information.
- By the time this function is called, all the section data should
- have been output using set_section_contents. Note that custom
- data, the message file, the help file, the shared NLM file, the RPC
- data, and the module dependencies are all considered to be
- sections; the caller is responsible for filling in the offset and
- length fields in the NLM headers. The relocation fixups and
- imports are both obtained from the list of relocs attached to each
- section. The exports and debugging records are obtained from the
- list of outsymbols. */
-nlm_write_object_contents (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- boolean (*write_import_func) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent *));
- bfd_size_type external_reloc_count, internal_reloc_count, i, c;
- struct reloc_and_sec *external_relocs;
- asymbol **sym_ptr_ptr;
- file_ptr last;
- boolean (*write_prefix_func) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- unsigned char *fixed_header = NULL;
- fixed_header = ((unsigned char *)
- bfd_malloc ((size_t) nlm_fixed_header_size (abfd)));
- if (fixed_header == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (abfd->output_has_begun == false
- && nlm_compute_section_file_positions (abfd) == false)
- goto error_return;
- /* Write out the variable length headers. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd,
- nlm_optional_prefix_size (abfd) + nlm_fixed_header_size (abfd),
- SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (nlm_swap_variable_header_out (abfd) == false
- || nlm_swap_auxiliary_headers_out (abfd) == false)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* A weak check on whether the section file positions were
- reasonable. */
- if (bfd_tell (abfd) > nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->codeImageOffset)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* Advance to the relocs. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->relocationFixupOffset,
- SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto error_return;
- /* The format of the relocation entries is dependent upon the
- particular target. We use an external routine to write the reloc
- out. */
- write_import_func = nlm_write_import_func (abfd);
- /* Write out the internal relocation fixups. While we're looping
- over the relocs, we also count the external relocs, which is
- needed when they are written out below. */
- internal_reloc_count = 0;
- external_reloc_count = 0;
- for (sec = abfd->sections; sec != (asection *) NULL; sec = sec->next)
- {
- arelent **rel_ptr_ptr, **rel_end;
- if (sec->reloc_count == 0)
- continue;
- /* We can only represent relocs within a code or data
- section. We ignore them for a debugging section. */
- if ((bfd_get_section_flags (abfd, sec) & (SEC_CODE | SEC_DATA)) == 0)
- continue;
- /* We need to know how to write out imports */
- if (write_import_func == NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- goto error_return;
- }
- rel_ptr_ptr = sec->orelocation;
- rel_end = rel_ptr_ptr + sec->reloc_count;
- for (; rel_ptr_ptr < rel_end; rel_ptr_ptr++)
- {
- arelent *rel;
- asymbol *sym;
- rel = *rel_ptr_ptr;
- sym = *rel->sym_ptr_ptr;
- if (! bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (sym)))
- {
- ++internal_reloc_count;
- if ((*write_import_func) (abfd, sec, rel) == false)
- goto error_return;
- }
- else
- ++external_reloc_count;
- }
- }
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->numberOfRelocationFixups = internal_reloc_count;
- /* Write out the imports (relocs against external symbols). These
- are output as a symbol name followed by all the relocs for that
- symbol, so we must first gather together all the relocs against
- external symbols and sort them. */
- external_relocs =
- (struct reloc_and_sec *) bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (external_reloc_count
- * sizeof (struct reloc_and_sec)));
- if (external_relocs == (struct reloc_and_sec *) NULL)
- goto error_return;
- i = 0;
- for (sec = abfd->sections; sec != (asection *) NULL; sec = sec->next)
- {
- arelent **rel_ptr_ptr, **rel_end;
- if (sec->reloc_count == 0)
- continue;
- rel_ptr_ptr = sec->orelocation;
- rel_end = rel_ptr_ptr + sec->reloc_count;
- for (; rel_ptr_ptr < rel_end; rel_ptr_ptr++)
- {
- arelent *rel;
- asymbol *sym;
- rel = *rel_ptr_ptr;
- sym = *rel->sym_ptr_ptr;
- if (! bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (sym)))
- continue;
- external_relocs[i].rel = rel;
- external_relocs[i].sec = sec;
- ++i;
- }
- }
- BFD_ASSERT (i == external_reloc_count);
- /* Sort the external relocs by name. */
- qsort ((PTR) external_relocs, (size_t) external_reloc_count,
- sizeof (struct reloc_and_sec), nlm_external_reloc_compare);
- /* Write out the external relocs. */
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->externalReferencesOffset = bfd_tell (abfd);
- c = 0;
- i = 0;
- while (i < external_reloc_count)
- {
- arelent *rel;
- asymbol *sym;
- bfd_size_type j, cnt;
- ++c;
- rel = external_relocs[i].rel;
- sym = *rel->sym_ptr_ptr;
- cnt = 0;
- for (j = i;
- (j < external_reloc_count
- && *external_relocs[j].rel->sym_ptr_ptr == sym);
- j++)
- ++cnt;
- if ((*nlm_write_external_func (abfd)) (abfd, cnt, sym,
- &external_relocs[i])
- == false)
- goto error_return;
- i += cnt;
- }
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->numberOfExternalReferences = c;
- /* Write out the public symbols (exports). */
- sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_get_outsymbols (abfd);
- if (sym_ptr_ptr != (asymbol **) NULL)
- {
- bfd_vma (*get_public_offset_func) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
- boolean (*write_export_func) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, bfd_vma));
- asymbol **sym_end;
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->publicsOffset = bfd_tell (abfd);
- get_public_offset_func = nlm_get_public_offset_func (abfd);
- write_export_func = nlm_write_export_func (abfd);
- c = 0;
- sym_end = sym_ptr_ptr + bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- for (; sym_ptr_ptr < sym_end; sym_ptr_ptr++)
- {
- asymbol *sym;
- bfd_byte len;
- bfd_vma offset;
- bfd_byte temp[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- sym = *sym_ptr_ptr;
- if ((sym->flags & (BSF_EXPORT | BSF_GLOBAL)) == 0
- || bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (sym)))
- continue;
- ++c;
- if (get_public_offset_func)
- {
- /* Most backends can use the code below, but
- unfortunately some use a different scheme. */
- offset = (*get_public_offset_func) (abfd, sym);
- }
- else
- {
- offset = bfd_asymbol_value (sym);
- sec = sym->section;
- if (sec->flags & SEC_CODE)
- {
- offset -= nlm_get_text_low (abfd);
- offset |= NLM_HIBIT;
- }
- else if (sec->flags & (SEC_DATA | SEC_ALLOC))
- {
- /* SEC_ALLOC is for the .bss section. */
- offset -= nlm_get_data_low (abfd);
- }
- else
- {
- /* We can't handle an exported symbol that is not in
- the code or data segment. */
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- if (write_export_func)
- {
- if ((*write_export_func) (abfd, sym, offset) == false)
- goto error_return;
- }
- else
- {
- len = strlen (sym->name);
- if ((bfd_write (&len, sizeof (bfd_byte), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (bfd_byte))
- || bfd_write (sym->name, len, 1, abfd) != len)
- goto error_return;
- put_word (abfd, offset, temp);
- if (bfd_write (temp, sizeof (temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp))
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->numberOfPublics = c;
- /* Write out the debugging records. The NLM conversion program
- wants to be able to inhibit this, so as a special hack if
- debugInfoOffset is set to -1 we don't write any debugging
- information. This can not be handled by fiddling with the
- symbol table, because exported symbols appear in both the
- exported symbol list and the debugging information. */
- if (nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->debugInfoOffset == (file_ptr) - 1)
- {
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->debugInfoOffset = 0;
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->numberOfDebugRecords = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->debugInfoOffset = bfd_tell (abfd);
- c = 0;
- sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_get_outsymbols (abfd);
- sym_end = sym_ptr_ptr + bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- for (; sym_ptr_ptr < sym_end; sym_ptr_ptr++)
- {
- asymbol *sym;
- bfd_byte type, len;
- bfd_vma offset;
- bfd_byte temp[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- sym = *sym_ptr_ptr;
- /* The NLM notion of a debugging symbol is actually what
- BFD calls a local or global symbol. What BFD calls a
- debugging symbol NLM does not understand at all. */
- if ((sym->flags & (BSF_LOCAL | BSF_GLOBAL | BSF_EXPORT)) == 0
- || (sym->flags & BSF_DEBUGGING) != 0
- || bfd_is_und_section (bfd_get_section (sym)))
- continue;
- ++c;
- offset = bfd_asymbol_value (sym);
- sec = sym->section;
- if (sec->flags & SEC_CODE)
- {
- offset -= nlm_get_text_low (abfd);
- type = 1;
- }
- else if (sec->flags & (SEC_DATA | SEC_ALLOC))
- {
- /* SEC_ALLOC is for the .bss section. */
- offset -= nlm_get_data_low (abfd);
- type = 0;
- }
- else
- type = 2;
- /* The type is 0 for data, 1 for code, 2 for absolute. */
- if (bfd_write (&type, sizeof (bfd_byte), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (bfd_byte))
- goto error_return;
- put_word (abfd, offset, temp);
- if (bfd_write (temp, sizeof (temp), 1, abfd) != sizeof (temp))
- goto error_return;
- len = strlen (sym->name);
- if ((bfd_write (&len, sizeof (bfd_byte), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (bfd_byte))
- || bfd_write (sym->name, len, 1, abfd) != len)
- goto error_return;
- }
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->numberOfDebugRecords = c;
- }
- }
- /* NLMLINK fills in offset values even if there is no data, so we do
- the same. */
- last = bfd_tell (abfd);
- if (nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->codeImageOffset == 0)
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->codeImageOffset = last;
- if (nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->dataImageOffset == 0)
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->dataImageOffset = last;
- if (nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->customDataOffset == 0)
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->customDataOffset = last;
- if (nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->moduleDependencyOffset == 0)
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->moduleDependencyOffset = last;
- if (nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->relocationFixupOffset == 0)
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->relocationFixupOffset = last;
- if (nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->externalReferencesOffset == 0)
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->externalReferencesOffset = last;
- if (nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->publicsOffset == 0)
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->publicsOffset = last;
- if (nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->debugInfoOffset == 0)
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->debugInfoOffset = last;
- /* At this point everything has been written out except the fixed
- header. */
- memcpy (nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->signature, nlm_signature (abfd),
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->version = NLM_HEADER_VERSION;
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->codeStartOffset =
- (bfd_get_start_address (abfd)
- - nlm_get_text_low (abfd));
- /* We have no convenient way for the caller to pass in the exit
- procedure or the check unload procedure, so the caller must set
- the values in the header to the values of the symbols. */
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->exitProcedureOffset -= nlm_get_text_low (abfd);
- if (nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->checkUnloadProcedureOffset != 0)
- nlm_fixed_header (abfd)->checkUnloadProcedureOffset -=
- nlm_get_text_low (abfd);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto error_return;
- write_prefix_func = nlm_write_prefix_func (abfd);
- if (write_prefix_func)
- {
- if ((*write_prefix_func) (abfd) == false)
- goto error_return;
- }
- BFD_ASSERT ((bfd_size_type) bfd_tell (abfd)
- == nlm_optional_prefix_size (abfd));
- nlm_swap_fixed_header_out (abfd, nlm_fixed_header (abfd), fixed_header);
- if (bfd_write (fixed_header, nlm_fixed_header_size (abfd), 1, abfd)
- != nlm_fixed_header_size (abfd))
- goto error_return;
- if (fixed_header != NULL)
- free (fixed_header);
- return true;
- if (fixed_header != NULL)
- free (fixed_header);
- return false;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlmswap.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlmswap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a9ce7268d00..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/nlmswap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-/* NLM (NetWare Loadable Module) swapping routines for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Fred Fish @ Cygnus Support, using ELF support as the
- template.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Although this is a header file, it defines functions. It is
- included by NLM backends to define swapping functions that vary
- from one NLM to another. The backend code must arrange for
- Nlm_External_xxxx to be defined appropriately, and can then include
- this file to get the swapping routines.
- At the moment this is only needed for one structure, the fixed NLM
- file header. */
-static void nlm_swap_fixed_header_in PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR,
- Nlm_Internal_Fixed_Header *));
-static void nlm_swap_fixed_header_out PARAMS ((bfd *,
- Nlm_Internal_Fixed_Header *,
- PTR));
-/* Translate an NLM fixed length file header in external format into an NLM
- file header in internal format. */
-static void
-nlm_swap_fixed_header_in (abfd, realsrc, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR realsrc;
- Nlm_Internal_Fixed_Header *dst;
- Nlm_External_Fixed_Header *src = (Nlm_External_Fixed_Header *) realsrc;
- memcpy (dst->signature, src->signature, NLM_SIGNATURE_SIZE);
- memcpy (dst->moduleName, src->moduleName, NLM_MODULE_NAME_SIZE);
- dst->version =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->version);
- dst->codeImageOffset =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->codeImageOffset);
- dst->codeImageSize =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->codeImageSize);
- dst->dataImageOffset =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->dataImageOffset);
- dst->dataImageSize =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->dataImageSize);
- dst->uninitializedDataSize =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->uninitializedDataSize);
- dst->customDataOffset =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->customDataOffset);
- dst->customDataSize =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->customDataSize);
- dst->moduleDependencyOffset =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->moduleDependencyOffset);
- dst->numberOfModuleDependencies =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->numberOfModuleDependencies);
- dst->relocationFixupOffset =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->relocationFixupOffset);
- dst->numberOfRelocationFixups =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->numberOfRelocationFixups);
- dst->externalReferencesOffset =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->externalReferencesOffset);
- dst->numberOfExternalReferences =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->numberOfExternalReferences);
- dst->publicsOffset =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->publicsOffset);
- dst->numberOfPublics =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->numberOfPublics);
- dst->debugInfoOffset =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->debugInfoOffset);
- dst->numberOfDebugRecords =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->numberOfDebugRecords);
- dst->codeStartOffset =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->codeStartOffset);
- dst->exitProcedureOffset =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->exitProcedureOffset);
- dst->checkUnloadProcedureOffset =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->checkUnloadProcedureOffset);
- dst->moduleType =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->moduleType);
- dst->flags =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) src->flags);
-/* Translate an NLM fixed length file header in internal format into
- an NLM file header in external format. */
-static void
-nlm_swap_fixed_header_out (abfd, src, realdst)
- bfd *abfd;
- Nlm_Internal_Fixed_Header *src;
- PTR realdst;
- Nlm_External_Fixed_Header *dst = (Nlm_External_Fixed_Header *) realdst;
- memset (dst, 0, sizeof *dst);
- memcpy (dst->signature, src->signature, NLM_SIGNATURE_SIZE);
- memcpy (dst->moduleName, src->moduleName, NLM_MODULE_NAME_SIZE);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->version,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->version);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->codeImageOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->codeImageOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->codeImageSize,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->codeImageSize);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->dataImageOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->dataImageOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->dataImageSize,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->dataImageSize);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->uninitializedDataSize,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->uninitializedDataSize);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->customDataOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->customDataOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->customDataSize,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->customDataSize);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->moduleDependencyOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->moduleDependencyOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->numberOfModuleDependencies,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->numberOfModuleDependencies);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->relocationFixupOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->relocationFixupOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->numberOfRelocationFixups,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->numberOfRelocationFixups);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->externalReferencesOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->externalReferencesOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->numberOfExternalReferences,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->numberOfExternalReferences);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->publicsOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->publicsOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->numberOfPublics,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->numberOfPublics);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->debugInfoOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->debugInfoOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->numberOfDebugRecords,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->numberOfDebugRecords);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->codeStartOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->codeStartOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->exitProcedureOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->exitProcedureOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->checkUnloadProcedureOffset,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->checkUnloadProcedureOffset);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->moduleType,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->moduleType);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, (bfd_vma) src->flags,
- (bfd_byte *) dst->flags);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ns32knetbsd.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/ns32knetbsd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e3f08a9e58d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ns32knetbsd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for NetBSD/ns32k a.out-ish binaries.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-#define SEGMENT_SIZE 4096
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_ns32k
-#define MACHTYPE_OK(mtype) ((mtype) == M_532_NETBSD || (mtype) == M_UNKNOWN)
-#define MY(OP) CAT(pc532netbsd_,OP)
-#define NAME(x,y) CAT3(ns32kaout,_32_,y)
-/* This needs to start with a.out so GDB knows it is an a.out variant. */
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-ns32k-netbsd"
-#define ns32kaout_32_get_section_contents aout_32_get_section_contents
-#define MY_text_includes_header 1
-/* We can`t use the MYNS macro here for cpp reasons too subtle
- * for me -- IWD
- */
-#define MY_bfd_reloc_type_lookup ns32kaout_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
-#include "bfd.h" /* To ensure following declaration is OK */
-CONST struct reloc_howto_struct *
- PARAMS((bfd *abfd AND
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code));
-#include "netbsd.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/oasys.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/oasys.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c72147288af5..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/oasys.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1533 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for oasys objects.
- Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support, <>.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "oasys.h"
-#include "liboasys.h"
-/* XXX - FIXME. offsetof belongs in the system-specific files in
- ../include/sys. */
-/* Define offsetof for those systems which lack it */
-#ifndef offsetof
-#define offsetof(type, identifier) (size_t) &(((type *) 0)->identifier)
-static boolean oasys_read_record PARAMS ((bfd *,
- oasys_record_union_type *));
-static boolean oasys_write_sections PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean oasys_write_record PARAMS ((bfd *,
- oasys_record_enum_type,
- oasys_record_union_type *,
- size_t));
-static boolean oasys_write_syms PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean oasys_write_header PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean oasys_write_end PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean oasys_write_data PARAMS ((bfd *));
-/* Read in all the section data and relocation stuff too */
-PROTO (static boolean, oasys_slurp_section_data, (bfd * CONST abfd));
-static boolean
-oasys_read_record (abfd, record)
- bfd *abfd;
- oasys_record_union_type *record;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) record, 1, sizeof (record->header), abfd)
- != sizeof (record->header))
- return false;
- if ((size_t) record->header.length <= (size_t) sizeof (record->header))
- return true;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) (((char *) record) + sizeof (record->header)),
- 1, record->header.length - sizeof (record->header),
- abfd)
- != record->header.length - sizeof (record->header))
- return false;
- return true;
-static size_t
-oasys_string_length (record)
- oasys_record_union_type *record;
- return record->header.length
- - ((char *) record-> - (char *) record);
-Slurp the symbol table by reading in all the records at the start file
-till we get to the first section record.
-We'll sort the symbolss into two lists, defined and undefined. The
-undefined symbols will be placed into the table according to their
-We do this by placing all undefined symbols at the front of the table
-moving in, and the defined symbols at the end of the table moving back.
-static boolean
-oasys_slurp_symbol_table (abfd)
- bfd *CONST abfd;
- oasys_record_union_type record;
- oasys_data_type *data = OASYS_DATA (abfd);
- boolean loop = true;
- asymbol *dest_defined;
- asymbol *dest;
- char *string_ptr;
- if (data->symbols != (asymbol *) NULL)
- {
- return true;
- }
- /* Buy enough memory for all the symbols and all the names */
- data->symbols =
- (asymbol *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (asymbol) * abfd->symcount);
- /* buy 1 more char for each symbol to keep the underscore in*/
- data->strings = bfd_alloc (abfd, data->symbol_string_length +
- abfd->symcount);
- data->strings = bfd_alloc (abfd, data->symbol_string_length);
- if (!data->symbols || !data->strings)
- return false;
- dest_defined = data->symbols + abfd->symcount - 1;
- string_ptr = data->strings;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- while (loop)
- {
- if (! oasys_read_record (abfd, &record))
- return false;
- switch (record.header.type)
- {
- case oasys_record_is_header_enum:
- break;
- case oasys_record_is_local_enum:
- case oasys_record_is_symbol_enum:
- {
- int flag = record.header.type == (int) oasys_record_is_local_enum ?
- size_t length = oasys_string_length (&record);
- switch (record.symbol.relb & RELOCATION_TYPE_BITS)
- {
- dest = dest_defined--;
- dest->section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- dest->flags = 0;
- break;
- dest = dest_defined--;
- dest->section =
- OASYS_DATA (abfd)->sections[record.symbol.relb &
- if (record.header.type == (int) oasys_record_is_local_enum)
- {
- dest->flags = BSF_LOCAL;
- if (dest->section == (asection *) (~0))
- {
- /* It seems that sometimes internal symbols are tied up, but
- still get output, even though there is no
- section */
- dest->section = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- dest->flags = flag;
- }
- break;
- dest = data->symbols + bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, record.symbol.refno);
- dest->section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- break;
- dest = dest_defined--;
- dest->name = string_ptr;
- dest->the_bfd = abfd;
- dest->section = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- break;
- default:
- dest = dest_defined--;
- break;
- }
- dest->name = string_ptr;
- dest->the_bfd = abfd;
- dest->udata.p = (PTR) NULL;
- dest->value = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, record.symbol.value);
- if ([0] != '_')
- {
- string_ptr[0] = '_';
- string_ptr++;
- }
- memcpy (string_ptr,, length);
- string_ptr[length] = 0;
- string_ptr += length + 1;
- }
- break;
- default:
- loop = false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-static long
-oasys_get_symtab_upper_bound (abfd)
- bfd *CONST abfd;
- if (! oasys_slurp_symbol_table (abfd))
- return -1;
- return (abfd->symcount + 1) * (sizeof (oasys_symbol_type *));
-extern const bfd_target oasys_vec;
-oasys_get_symtab (abfd, location)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **location;
- asymbol *symbase;
- unsigned int counter;
- if (oasys_slurp_symbol_table (abfd) == false)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- symbase = OASYS_DATA (abfd)->symbols;
- for (counter = 0; counter < abfd->symcount; counter++)
- {
- *(location++) = symbase++;
- }
- *location = 0;
- return abfd->symcount;
-* archive stuff
-static const bfd_target *
-oasys_archive_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- oasys_archive_header_type header;
- oasys_extarchive_header_type header_ext;
- unsigned int i;
- file_ptr filepos;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, false) != 0
- || (bfd_read ((PTR) & header_ext, 1, sizeof (header_ext), abfd)
- != sizeof (header_ext)))
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- header.version = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, header_ext.version);
- header.mod_count = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, header_ext.mod_count);
- header.mod_tbl_offset = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, header_ext.mod_tbl_offset);
- header.sym_tbl_size = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, header_ext.sym_tbl_size);
- header.sym_count = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, header_ext.sym_count);
- header.sym_tbl_offset = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, header_ext.sym_tbl_offset);
- header.xref_count = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, header_ext.xref_count);
- header.xref_lst_offset = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, header_ext.xref_lst_offset);
- /*
- There isn't a magic number in an Oasys archive, so the best we
- can do to verify reasnableness is to make sure that the values in
- the header are too weird
- */
- if (header.version > 10000 ||
- header.mod_count > 10000 ||
- header.sym_count > 100000 ||
- header.xref_count > 100000)
- return (const bfd_target *) NULL;
- /*
- That all worked, let's buy the space for the header and read in
- the headers.
- */
- {
- oasys_ar_data_type *ar =
- (oasys_ar_data_type *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (oasys_ar_data_type));
- oasys_module_info_type *module =
- (oasys_module_info_type *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (oasys_module_info_type) * header.mod_count);
- oasys_module_table_type record;
- if (!ar || !module)
- return NULL;
- abfd->tdata.oasys_ar_data = ar;
- ar->module = module;
- ar->module_count = header.mod_count;
- filepos = header.mod_tbl_offset;
- for (i = 0; i < header.mod_count; i++)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return NULL;
- /* There are two ways of specifying the archive header */
- if (0)
- {
- oasys_extmodule_table_type_a_type record_ext;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & record_ext, 1, sizeof (record_ext), abfd)
- != sizeof (record_ext))
- return NULL;
- record.mod_size = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, record_ext.mod_size);
- record.file_offset = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, record_ext.file_offset);
- record.dep_count = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, record_ext.dep_count);
- record.depee_count = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, record_ext.depee_count);
- record.sect_count = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, record_ext.sect_count);
- module[i].name = bfd_alloc (abfd, 33);
- if (!module[i].name)
- return NULL;
- memcpy (module[i].name, record_ext.mod_name, 33);
- filepos +=
- sizeof (record_ext) +
- record.dep_count * 4 +
- record.depee_count * 4 +
- record.sect_count * 8 + 187;
- }
- else
- {
- oasys_extmodule_table_type_b_type record_ext;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & record_ext, 1, sizeof (record_ext), abfd)
- != sizeof (record_ext))
- return NULL;
- record.mod_size = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, record_ext.mod_size);
- record.file_offset = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, record_ext.file_offset);
- record.dep_count = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, record_ext.dep_count);
- record.depee_count = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, record_ext.depee_count);
- record.sect_count = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, record_ext.sect_count);
- record.module_name_size = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, record_ext.mod_name_length);
- module[i].name = bfd_alloc (abfd, record.module_name_size + 1);
- if (!module[i].name)
- return NULL;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) module[i].name, 1, record.module_name_size,
- abfd)
- != record.module_name_size)
- return NULL;
- module[i].name[record.module_name_size] = 0;
- filepos +=
- sizeof (record_ext) +
- record.dep_count * 4 +
- record.module_name_size + 1;
- }
- module[i].size = record.mod_size;
- module[i].pos = record.file_offset;
- module[i].abfd = 0;
- }
- }
- return abfd->xvec;
-static boolean
-oasys_mkobject (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- abfd->tdata.oasys_obj_data = (oasys_data_type *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (oasys_data_type));
- return abfd->tdata.oasys_obj_data ? true : false;
-#define MAX_SECS 16
-static const bfd_target *
-oasys_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- oasys_data_type *oasys;
- oasys_data_type *save = OASYS_DATA (abfd);
- boolean loop = true;
- boolean had_usefull = false;
- abfd->tdata.oasys_obj_data = 0;
- oasys_mkobject (abfd);
- oasys = OASYS_DATA (abfd);
- memset ((PTR) oasys->sections, 0xff, sizeof (oasys->sections));
- /* Point to the start of the file */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto fail;
- oasys->symbol_string_length = 0;
- /* Inspect the records, but only keep the section info -
- remember the size of the symbols
- */
- oasys->first_data_record = 0;
- while (loop)
- {
- oasys_record_union_type record;
- if (! oasys_read_record (abfd, &record))
- goto fail;
- if ((size_t) record.header.length < (size_t) sizeof (record.header))
- goto fail;
- switch ((oasys_record_enum_type) (record.header.type))
- {
- case oasys_record_is_header_enum:
- had_usefull = true;
- break;
- case oasys_record_is_symbol_enum:
- case oasys_record_is_local_enum:
- /* Count symbols and remember their size for a future malloc */
- abfd->symcount++;
- oasys->symbol_string_length += 1 + oasys_string_length (&record);
- had_usefull = true;
- break;
- case oasys_record_is_section_enum:
- {
- asection *s;
- char *buffer;
- unsigned int section_number;
- if (record.section.header.length != sizeof (record.section))
- {
- goto fail;
- }
- buffer = bfd_alloc (abfd, 3);
- if (!buffer)
- goto fail;
- section_number = record.section.relb & RELOCATION_SECT_BITS;
- sprintf (buffer, "%u", section_number);
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, buffer);
- oasys->sections[section_number] = s;
- switch (record.section.relb & RELOCATION_TYPE_BITS)
- {
- break;
- BFD_FAIL ();
- }
- s->_raw_size = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, record.section.value);
- s->vma = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, record.section.vma);
- s->flags = 0;
- had_usefull = true;
- }
- break;
- case oasys_record_is_data_enum:
- oasys->first_data_record = bfd_tell (abfd) - record.header.length;
- case oasys_record_is_debug_enum:
- case oasys_record_is_module_enum:
- case oasys_record_is_named_section_enum:
- case oasys_record_is_end_enum:
- if (had_usefull == false)
- goto fail;
- loop = false;
- break;
- default:
- goto fail;
- }
- }
- oasys->symbols = (asymbol *) NULL;
- /*
- Oasys support several architectures, but I can't see a simple way
- to discover which one is in a particular file - we'll guess
- */
- bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, bfd_arch_m68k, 0);
- if (abfd->symcount != 0)
- {
- abfd->flags |= HAS_SYMS;
- }
- /*
- We don't know if a section has data until we've read it..
- */
- oasys_slurp_section_data (abfd);
- return abfd->xvec;
- (void) bfd_release (abfd, oasys);
- abfd->tdata.oasys_obj_data = save;
- return (const bfd_target *) NULL;
-static void
-oasys_get_symbol_info (ignore_abfd, symbol, ret)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- symbol_info *ret;
- bfd_symbol_info (symbol, ret);
- if (!symbol->section)
- ret->type = (symbol->flags & BSF_LOCAL) ? 'a' : 'A';
-static void
-oasys_print_symbol (ignore_abfd, afile, symbol, how)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- PTR afile;
- asymbol *symbol;
- bfd_print_symbol_type how;
- FILE *file = (FILE *) afile;
- switch (how)
- {
- case bfd_print_symbol_name:
- case bfd_print_symbol_more:
- fprintf (file, "%s", symbol->name);
- break;
- case bfd_print_symbol_all:
- {
- CONST char *section_name = symbol->section == (asection *) NULL ?
- (CONST char *) "*abs" : symbol->section->name;
- bfd_print_symbol_vandf ((PTR) file, symbol);
- fprintf (file, " %-5s %s",
- section_name,
- symbol->name);
- }
- break;
- }
- The howto table is build using the top two bits of a reloc byte to
- index into it. The bits are PCREL,WORD/LONG
-static reloc_howto_type howto_table[] =
- HOWTO (0, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "abs16", true, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO (0, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "abs32", true, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, false),
- HOWTO (0, 0, 1, 16, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0, "pcrel16", true, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO (0, 0, 2, 32, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0, "pcrel32", true, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, false)
-/* Read in all the section data and relocation stuff too */
-static boolean
-oasys_slurp_section_data (abfd)
- bfd *CONST abfd;
- oasys_record_union_type record;
- oasys_data_type *data = OASYS_DATA (abfd);
- boolean loop = true;
- oasys_per_section_type *per;
- asection *s;
- /* See if the data has been slurped already .. */
- for (s = abfd->sections; s != (asection *) NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- per = oasys_per_section (s);
- if (per->initialized == true)
- return true;
- }
- if (data->first_data_record == 0)
- return true;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, data->first_data_record, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- while (loop)
- {
- if (! oasys_read_record (abfd, &record))
- return false;
- switch (record.header.type)
- {
- case oasys_record_is_header_enum:
- break;
- case oasys_record_is_data_enum:
- {
- bfd_byte *src =;
- bfd_byte *end_src = ((bfd_byte *) & record) + record.header.length;
- bfd_byte *dst_ptr;
- bfd_byte *dst_base_ptr;
- unsigned int relbit;
- unsigned int count;
- asection *section =
- data->sections[ & RELOCATION_SECT_BITS];
- bfd_vma dst_offset;
- per = oasys_per_section (section);
- if (per->initialized == false)
- {
- per->data = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, section->_raw_size);
- if (!per->data)
- return false;
- per->reloc_tail_ptr = (oasys_reloc_type **) & (section->relocation);
- per->had_vma = false;
- per->initialized = true;
- section->reloc_count = 0;
- section->flags = SEC_ALLOC;
- }
- dst_offset = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd,;
- if (per->had_vma == false)
- {
- /* Take the first vma we see as the base */
- section->vma = dst_offset;
- per->had_vma = true;
- }
- dst_offset -= section->vma;
- dst_base_ptr = oasys_per_section (section)->data;
- dst_ptr = oasys_per_section (section)->data +
- dst_offset;
- if (src < end_src)
- {
- section->flags |= SEC_LOAD | SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- }
- while (src < end_src)
- {
- unsigned char mod_byte = *src++;
- size_t gap = end_src - src;
- count = 8;
- if (mod_byte == 0 && gap >= 8)
- {
- dst_ptr[0] = src[0];
- dst_ptr[1] = src[1];
- dst_ptr[2] = src[2];
- dst_ptr[3] = src[3];
- dst_ptr[4] = src[4];
- dst_ptr[5] = src[5];
- dst_ptr[6] = src[6];
- dst_ptr[7] = src[7];
- dst_ptr += 8;
- src += 8;
- }
- else
- {
- for (relbit = 1; count-- != 0 && src < end_src; relbit <<= 1)
- {
- if (relbit & mod_byte)
- {
- unsigned char reloc = *src;
- /* This item needs to be relocated */
- switch (reloc & RELOCATION_TYPE_BITS)
- {
- break;
- {
- /* Relocate the item relative to the section */
- oasys_reloc_type *r =
- (oasys_reloc_type *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- sizeof (oasys_reloc_type));
- if (!r)
- return false;
- *(per->reloc_tail_ptr) = r;
- per->reloc_tail_ptr = &r->next;
- r->next = (oasys_reloc_type *) NULL;
- /* Reference to undefined symbol */
- src++;
- /* There is no symbol */
- r->symbol = 0;
- /* Work out the howto */
- abort ();
-#if 0
- r->relent.section =
- data->sections[reloc &
- r->relent.addend = -
- r->relent.section->vma;
- r->relent.address = dst_ptr - dst_base_ptr;
- r->relent.howto = &howto_table[reloc >> 6];
- r->relent.sym_ptr_ptr = (asymbol **) NULL;
- section->reloc_count++;
- /* Fake up the data to look like it's got the -ve pc in it, this makes
- it much easier to convert into other formats. This is done by
- hitting the addend.
- */
- if (r->relent.howto->pc_relative == true)
- {
- r->relent.addend -= dst_ptr - dst_base_ptr;
- }
- }
- break;
- {
- oasys_reloc_type *r =
- (oasys_reloc_type *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- sizeof (oasys_reloc_type));
- if (!r)
- return false;
- *(per->reloc_tail_ptr) = r;
- per->reloc_tail_ptr = &r->next;
- r->next = (oasys_reloc_type *) NULL;
- /* Reference to undefined symbol */
- src++;
- /* Get symbol number */
- r->symbol = (src[0] << 8) | src[1];
- /* Work out the howto */
- abort ();
-#if 0
- r->relent.section = (asection
- *) NULL;
- r->relent.addend = 0;
- r->relent.address = dst_ptr - dst_base_ptr;
- r->relent.howto = &howto_table[reloc >> 6];
- r->relent.sym_ptr_ptr = (asymbol **) NULL;
- section->reloc_count++;
- src += 2;
- /* Fake up the data to look like it's got the -ve pc in it, this makes
- it much easier to convert into other formats. This is done by
- hitting the addend.
- */
- if (r->relent.howto->pc_relative == true)
- {
- r->relent.addend -= dst_ptr - dst_base_ptr;
- }
- }
- break;
- BFD_FAIL ();
- }
- }
- *dst_ptr++ = *src++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case oasys_record_is_local_enum:
- case oasys_record_is_symbol_enum:
- case oasys_record_is_section_enum:
- break;
- default:
- loop = false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-static boolean
-oasys_new_section_hook (abfd, newsect)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *newsect;
- newsect->used_by_bfd = (PTR)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (oasys_per_section_type));
- if (!newsect->used_by_bfd)
- return false;
- oasys_per_section (newsect)->data = (bfd_byte *) NULL;
- oasys_per_section (newsect)->section = newsect;
- oasys_per_section (newsect)->offset = 0;
- oasys_per_section (newsect)->initialized = false;
- newsect->alignment_power = 1;
- /* Turn the section string into an index */
- sscanf (newsect->name, "%u", &newsect->target_index);
- return true;
-static long
-oasys_get_reloc_upper_bound (abfd, asect)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr asect;
- if (! oasys_slurp_section_data (abfd))
- return -1;
- return (asect->reloc_count + 1) * sizeof (arelent *);
-static boolean
-oasys_get_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- oasys_per_section_type *p = (oasys_per_section_type *) section->used_by_bfd;
- oasys_slurp_section_data (abfd);
- if (p->initialized == false)
- {
- (void) memset (location, 0, (int) count);
- }
- else
- {
- (void) memcpy (location, (PTR) (p->data + offset), (int) count);
- }
- return true;
-oasys_canonicalize_reloc (ignore_abfd, section, relptr, symbols)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- arelent **relptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- unsigned int reloc_count = 0;
- oasys_reloc_type *src = (oasys_reloc_type *) (section->relocation);
- while (src != (oasys_reloc_type *) NULL)
- {
- abort ();
-#if 0
- if (src->relent.section == (asection *) NULL)
- {
- src->relent.sym_ptr_ptr = symbols + src->symbol;
- }
- *relptr++ = &src->relent;
- src = src->next;
- reloc_count++;
- }
- *relptr = (arelent *) NULL;
- return section->reloc_count = reloc_count;
-/* Writing */
-/* Calculate the checksum and write one record */
-static boolean
-oasys_write_record (abfd, type, record, size)
- bfd *abfd;
- oasys_record_enum_type type;
- oasys_record_union_type *record;
- size_t size;
- int checksum;
- size_t i;
- unsigned char *ptr;
- record->header.length = size;
- record->header.type = (int) type;
- record->header.check_sum = 0;
- record->header.fill = 0;
- ptr = (unsigned char *) &record->pad[0];
- checksum = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
- {
- checksum += *ptr++;
- }
- record->header.check_sum = 0xff & (-checksum);
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) record, 1, size, abfd) != size)
- return false;
- return true;
-/* Write out all the symbols */
-static boolean
-oasys_write_syms (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int count;
- asymbol **generic = bfd_get_outsymbols (abfd);
- unsigned int index = 0;
- for (count = 0; count < bfd_get_symcount (abfd); count++)
- {
- oasys_symbol_record_type symbol;
- asymbol *CONST g = generic[count];
- CONST char *src = g->name;
- char *dst =;
- unsigned int l = 0;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (g->section))
- {
- symbol.relb = RELOCATION_TYPE_COM;
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, index, symbol.refno);
- index++;
- }
- else if (bfd_is_abs_section (g->section))
- {
- symbol.relb = RELOCATION_TYPE_ABS;
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, 0, symbol.refno);
- }
- else if (bfd_is_und_section (g->section))
- {
- symbol.relb = RELOCATION_TYPE_UND;
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, index, symbol.refno);
- /* Overload the value field with the output index number */
- index++;
- }
- else if (g->flags & BSF_DEBUGGING)
- {
- /* throw it away */
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- if (g->section == (asection *) NULL)
- {
- /* Sometime, the oasys tools give out a symbol with illegal
- bits in it, we'll output it in the same broken way */
- symbol.relb = RELOCATION_TYPE_REL | 0;
- }
- else
- {
- symbol.relb = RELOCATION_TYPE_REL | g->section->output_section->target_index;
- }
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, 0, symbol.refno);
- }
- if (src[l] == '_')
- dst[l++] = '.';
- while (src[l])
- {
- dst[l] = src[l];
- l++;
- }
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, g->value, symbol.value);
- if (g->flags & BSF_LOCAL)
- {
- if (! oasys_write_record (abfd,
- oasys_record_is_local_enum,
- (oasys_record_union_type *) & symbol,
- offsetof (oasys_symbol_record_type,
- name[0]) + l))
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! oasys_write_record (abfd,
- oasys_record_is_symbol_enum,
- (oasys_record_union_type *) & symbol,
- offsetof (oasys_symbol_record_type,
- name[0]) + l))
- return false;
- }
- g->value = index - 1;
- }
- return true;
- /* Write a section header for each section */
-static boolean
-oasys_write_sections (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *s;
- static oasys_section_record_type out;
- for (s = abfd->sections; s != (asection *) NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- if (!isdigit (s->name[0]))
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: can not represent section `%s' in oasys",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), s->name);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_nonrepresentable_section);
- return false;
- }
- out.relb = RELOCATION_TYPE_REL | s->target_index;
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, s->_cooked_size, out.value);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, s->vma, out.vma);
- if (! oasys_write_record (abfd,
- oasys_record_is_section_enum,
- (oasys_record_union_type *) & out,
- sizeof (out)))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-static boolean
-oasys_write_header (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- /* Create and write the header */
- oasys_header_record_type r;
- size_t length = strlen (abfd->filename);
- if (length > (size_t) sizeof (r.module_name))
- {
- length = sizeof (r.module_name);
- }
- (void) memcpy (r.module_name,
- abfd->filename,
- length);
- (void) memset (r.module_name + length,
- ' ',
- sizeof (r.module_name) - length);
- r.version_number = OASYS_VERSION_NUMBER;
- r.rev_number = OASYS_REV_NUMBER;
- if (! oasys_write_record (abfd,
- oasys_record_is_header_enum,
- (oasys_record_union_type *) & r,
- offsetof (oasys_header_record_type,
- description[0])))
- return false;
- return true;
-static boolean
-oasys_write_end (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- oasys_end_record_type end;
- unsigned char null = 0;
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, abfd->start_address, end.entry);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, 0, end.fill);
- = 0;
- if (! oasys_write_record (abfd,
- oasys_record_is_end_enum,
- (oasys_record_union_type *) & end,
- sizeof (end)))
- return false;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) & null, 1, 1, abfd) != 1)
- return false;
- return true;
-static int
-comp (ap, bp)
- arelent *a = *((arelent **) ap);
- arelent *b = *((arelent **) bp);
- return a->address - b->address;
- Writing data..
-static boolean
-oasys_write_data (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *s;
- for (s = abfd->sections; s != (asection *) NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- if (s->flags & SEC_LOAD)
- {
- bfd_byte *raw_data = oasys_per_section (s)->data;
- oasys_data_record_type processed_data;
- bfd_size_type current_byte_index = 0;
- unsigned int relocs_to_go = s->reloc_count;
- arelent **p = s->orelocation;
- if (s->reloc_count != 0)
- {
-/* Sort the reloc records so it's easy to insert the relocs into the
- data */
- qsort (s->orelocation,
- s->reloc_count,
- sizeof (arelent **),
- comp);
- }
- current_byte_index = 0;
- processed_data.relb = s->target_index | RELOCATION_TYPE_REL;
- while (current_byte_index < s->_cooked_size)
- {
- /* Scan forwards by eight bytes or however much is left and see if
- there are any relocations going on */
- bfd_byte *mod = &[0];
- bfd_byte *dst = &[1];
- unsigned int i = 0;
- *mod = 0;
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, s->vma + current_byte_index,
- processed_data.addr);
- /* Don't start a relocation unless you're sure you can finish it
- within the same data record. The worst case relocation is a
- 4-byte relocatable value which is split across two modification
- bytes (1 relocation byte + 2 symbol reference bytes + 2 data +
- 1 modification byte + 2 data = 8 bytes total). That's where
- the magic number 8 comes from.
- */
- while (current_byte_index < s->_raw_size && dst <=
- &[sizeof ( - 8])
- {
- if (relocs_to_go != 0)
- {
- arelent *r = *p;
- reloc_howto_type *const how = r->howto;
- /* There is a relocation, is it for this byte ? */
- if (r->address == current_byte_index)
- {
- unsigned char rel_byte;
- p++;
- relocs_to_go--;
- *mod |= (1 << i);
- if (how->pc_relative)
- {
- /* Also patch the raw data so that it doesn't have
- the -ve stuff any more */
- if (how->size != 2)
- {
- bfd_put_16 (abfd,
- bfd_get_16 (abfd, raw_data) +
- current_byte_index, raw_data);
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_put_32 (abfd,
- bfd_get_32 (abfd, raw_data) +
- current_byte_index, raw_data);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- rel_byte = 0;
- }
- if (how->size == 2)
- {
- rel_byte |= RELOCATION_32BIT_BIT;
- }
- /* Is this a section relative relocation, or a symbol
- relative relocation ? */
- abort ();
-#if 0
- if (r->section != (asection *) NULL)
- {
- /* The relent has a section attached, so it must be section
- relative */
- rel_byte |= RELOCATION_TYPE_REL;
- rel_byte |= r->section->output_section->target_index;
- *dst++ = rel_byte;
- }
- else
- {
- asymbol *p = *(r->sym_ptr_ptr);
- /* If this symbol has a section attached, then it
- has already been resolved. Change from a symbol
- ref to a section ref */
- if (p->section != (asection *) NULL)
- {
- rel_byte |= RELOCATION_TYPE_REL;
- rel_byte |=
- p->section->output_section->target_index;
- *dst++ = rel_byte;
- }
- else
- {
- rel_byte |= RELOCATION_TYPE_UND;
- *dst++ = rel_byte;
- /* Next two bytes are a symbol index - we can get
- this from the symbol value which has been zapped
- into the symbol index in the table when the
- symbol table was written
- */
- *dst++ = p->value >> 8;
- *dst++ = p->value;
- }
- }
-#define ADVANCE { if (++i >= 8) { i = 0; mod = dst++; *mod = 0; } current_byte_index++; }
- /* relocations never occur from an unloadable section,
- so we can assume that raw_data is not NULL
- */
- *dst++ = *raw_data++;
- * dst++ = *raw_data++;
- if (how->size == 2)
- {
- *dst++ = *raw_data++;
- * dst++ = *raw_data++;
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- /* If this is coming from an unloadable section then copy
- zeros */
- if (raw_data == NULL)
- {
- *dst++ = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- *dst++ = *raw_data++;
- }
- }
- /* Don't write a useless null modification byte */
- if (dst == mod + 1)
- {
- --dst;
- }
- if (! oasys_write_record (abfd,
- oasys_record_is_data_enum,
- ((oasys_record_union_type *)
- & processed_data),
- dst - (bfd_byte *) & processed_data))
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-static boolean
-oasys_write_object_contents (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (! oasys_write_header (abfd))
- return false;
- if (! oasys_write_syms (abfd))
- return false;
- if (! oasys_write_sections (abfd))
- return false;
- if (! oasys_write_data (abfd))
- return false;
- if (! oasys_write_end (abfd))
- return false;
- return true;
-/** exec and core file sections */
-/* set section contents is complicated with OASYS since the format is
-* not a byte image, but a record stream.
-static boolean
-oasys_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- if (count != 0)
- {
- if (oasys_per_section (section)->data == (bfd_byte *) NULL)
- {
- oasys_per_section (section)->data =
- (bfd_byte *) (bfd_alloc (abfd, section->_cooked_size));
- if (!oasys_per_section (section)->data)
- return false;
- }
- (void) memcpy ((PTR) (oasys_per_section (section)->data + offset),
- location,
- (size_t) count);
- }
- return true;
-/* Native-level interface to symbols. */
-/* We read the symbols into a buffer, which is discarded when this
-function exits. We read the strings into a buffer large enough to
-hold them all plus all the cached symbol entries. */
-static asymbol *
-oasys_make_empty_symbol (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- oasys_symbol_type *new =
- (oasys_symbol_type *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (oasys_symbol_type));
- if (!new)
- return NULL;
- new->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- return &new->symbol;
-/* User should have checked the file flags; perhaps we should return
-BFD_NO_MORE_SYMBOLS if there are none? */
-static bfd *
-oasys_openr_next_archived_file (arch, prev)
- bfd *arch;
- bfd *prev;
- oasys_ar_data_type *ar = OASYS_AR_DATA (arch);
- oasys_module_info_type *p;
- /* take the next one from the arch state, or reset */
- if (prev == (bfd *) NULL)
- {
- /* Reset the index - the first two entries are bogus*/
- ar->module_index = 0;
- }
- p = ar->module + ar->module_index;
- ar->module_index++;
- if (ar->module_index <= ar->module_count)
- {
- if (p->abfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- {
- p->abfd = _bfd_create_empty_archive_element_shell (arch);
- p->abfd->origin = p->pos;
- p->abfd->filename = p->name;
- /* Fixup a pointer to this element for the member */
- p->abfd->arelt_data = (PTR) p;
- }
- return p->abfd;
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_more_archived_files);
- return (bfd *) NULL;
- }
-static boolean
-oasys_find_nearest_line (abfd,
- section,
- symbols,
- offset,
- filename_ptr,
- functionname_ptr,
- line_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- asymbol **symbols;
- bfd_vma offset;
- char **filename_ptr;
- char **functionname_ptr;
- unsigned int *line_ptr;
- return false;
-static int
-oasys_generic_stat_arch_elt (abfd, buf)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct stat *buf;
- oasys_module_info_type *mod = (oasys_module_info_type *) abfd->arelt_data;
- if (mod == (oasys_module_info_type *) NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- buf->st_size = mod->size;
- buf->st_mode = 0666;
- return 0;
- }
-static int
-oasys_sizeof_headers (abfd, exec)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean exec;
- return 0;
-#define oasys_close_and_cleanup _bfd_generic_close_and_cleanup
-#define oasys_bfd_free_cached_info _bfd_generic_bfd_free_cached_info
-#define oasys_slurp_armap bfd_true
-#define oasys_slurp_extended_name_table bfd_true
-#define oasys_construct_extended_name_table \
- ((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, char **, bfd_size_type *, const char **))) \
- bfd_true)
-#define oasys_truncate_arname bfd_dont_truncate_arname
-#define oasys_write_armap \
- ((boolean (*) \
- PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int, struct orl *, unsigned int, int))) \
- bfd_true)
-#define oasys_read_ar_hdr bfd_nullvoidptr
-#define oasys_get_elt_at_index _bfd_generic_get_elt_at_index
-#define oasys_update_armap_timestamp bfd_true
-#define oasys_bfd_is_local_label bfd_generic_is_local_label
-#define oasys_get_lineno _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno
-#define oasys_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
-#define oasys_read_minisymbols _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols
-#define oasys_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol
-#define oasys_bfd_reloc_type_lookup _bfd_norelocs_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
-#define oasys_set_arch_mach bfd_default_set_arch_mach
-#define oasys_get_section_contents_in_window \
- _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
-#define oasys_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define oasys_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
-#define oasys_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
-#define oasys_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
-#define oasys_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
-#define oasys_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
-/*SUPPRESS 460 */
-const bfd_target oasys_vec =
- "oasys", /* name */
- bfd_target_oasys_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target byte order */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target headers byte order */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* leading underscore */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target,
- oasys_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- oasys_archive_p,
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- },
- { /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false,
- oasys_mkobject,
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive,
- bfd_false
- },
- { /* bfd_write_contents */
- bfd_false,
- oasys_write_object_contents,
- _bfd_write_archive_contents,
- bfd_false,
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/opncls.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/opncls.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 54528dbf48f6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/opncls.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,604 +0,0 @@
-/* opncls.c -- open and close a BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1990 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#ifndef S_IXUSR
-#define S_IXUSR 0100 /* Execute by owner. */
-#ifndef S_IXGRP
-#define S_IXGRP 0010 /* Execute by group. */
-#ifndef S_IXOTH
-#define S_IXOTH 0001 /* Execute by others. */
-/* fdopen is a loser -- we should use stdio exclusively. Unfortunately
- if we do that we can't use fcntl. */
-#define obstack_chunk_alloc malloc
-#define obstack_chunk_free free
-#define getpagesize() 2048
-long _bfd_chunksize = -1;
-/* Return a new BFD. All BFD's are allocated through this routine. */
-bfd *
-_bfd_new_bfd ()
- bfd *nbfd;
- nbfd = (bfd *)bfd_zmalloc (sizeof (bfd));
- if (!nbfd)
- return 0;
- if (_bfd_chunksize <= 0)
- {
- _bfd_chunksize = getpagesize ();
- if (_bfd_chunksize <= 0)
- _bfd_chunksize = 2048;
- /* Leave some slush space, since many malloc implementations
- prepend a header, and may wind up wasting another page
- because of it. */
- _bfd_chunksize -= 32;
- }
- if (!obstack_begin(&nbfd->memory, _bfd_chunksize))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return 0;
- }
- nbfd->arch_info = &bfd_default_arch_struct;
- nbfd->direction = no_direction;
- nbfd->iostream = NULL;
- nbfd->where = 0;
- nbfd->sections = (asection *)NULL;
- nbfd->format = bfd_unknown;
- nbfd->my_archive = (bfd *)NULL;
- nbfd->origin = 0;
- nbfd->opened_once = false;
- nbfd->output_has_begun = false;
- nbfd->section_count = 0;
- nbfd->usrdata = (PTR)NULL;
- nbfd->cacheable = false;
- nbfd->flags = NO_FLAGS;
- nbfd->mtime_set = false;
- return nbfd;
-/* Allocate a new BFD as a member of archive OBFD. */
-bfd *
-_bfd_new_bfd_contained_in (obfd)
- bfd *obfd;
- bfd *nbfd;
- nbfd = _bfd_new_bfd();
- nbfd->xvec = obfd->xvec;
- nbfd->my_archive = obfd;
- nbfd->direction = read_direction;
- nbfd->target_defaulted = obfd->target_defaulted;
- return nbfd;
- Opening and closing BFDs
- bfd_openr
- bfd *bfd_openr(CONST char *filename, CONST char *target);
- Open the file @var{filename} (using <<fopen>>) with the target
- @var{target}. Return a pointer to the created BFD.
- Calls <<bfd_find_target>>, so @var{target} is interpreted as by
- that function.
- If <<NULL>> is returned then an error has occured. Possible errors
- are <<bfd_error_no_memory>>, <<bfd_error_invalid_target>> or <<system_call>> error.
-bfd *
-bfd_openr (filename, target)
- CONST char *filename;
- CONST char *target;
- bfd *nbfd;
- const bfd_target *target_vec;
- nbfd = _bfd_new_bfd();
- if (nbfd == NULL)
- return NULL;
- target_vec = bfd_find_target (target, nbfd);
- if (target_vec == NULL) {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_target);
- return NULL;
- }
- nbfd->filename = filename;
- nbfd->direction = read_direction;
- if (bfd_open_file (nbfd) == NULL) {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call); /* File didn't exist, or some such */
- bfd_release(nbfd,0);
- return NULL;
- }
- return nbfd;
-/* Don't try to `optimize' this function:
- o - We lock using stack space so that interrupting the locking
- won't cause a storage leak.
- o - We open the file stream last, since we don't want to have to
- close it if anything goes wrong. Closing the stream means closing
- the file descriptor too, even though we didn't open it.
- */
- bfd_fdopenr
- bfd *bfd_fdopenr(CONST char *filename, CONST char *target, int fd);
- <<bfd_fdopenr>> is to <<bfd_fopenr>> much like <<fdopen>> is to <<fopen>>.
- It opens a BFD on a file already described by the @var{fd}
- supplied.
- When the file is later <<bfd_close>>d, the file descriptor will be closed.
- If the caller desires that this file descriptor be cached by BFD
- (opened as needed, closed as needed to free descriptors for
- other opens), with the supplied @var{fd} used as an initial
- file descriptor (but subject to closure at any time), call
- bfd_set_cacheable(bfd, 1) on the returned BFD. The default is to
- assume no cacheing; the file descriptor will remain open until
- <<bfd_close>>, and will not be affected by BFD operations on other
- files.
- Possible errors are <<bfd_error_no_memory>>, <<bfd_error_invalid_target>> and <<bfd_error_system_call>>.
-bfd *
-bfd_fdopenr (filename, target, fd)
- CONST char *filename;
- CONST char *target;
- int fd;
- bfd *nbfd;
- const bfd_target *target_vec;
- int fdflags;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
-#if ! defined(HAVE_FCNTL) || ! defined(F_GETFL)
- fdflags = O_RDWR; /* Assume full access */
- fdflags = fcntl (fd, F_GETFL, NULL);
- if (fdflags == -1) return NULL;
- nbfd = _bfd_new_bfd();
- if (nbfd == NULL)
- return NULL;
- target_vec = bfd_find_target (target, nbfd);
- if (target_vec == NULL) {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_target);
- return NULL;
- }
-#if defined(VMS) || defined(__GO32__) || defined (WINGDB)
- nbfd->iostream = (PTR)fopen(filename, FOPEN_RB);
- /* (O_ACCMODE) parens are to avoid Ultrix header file bug */
- switch (fdflags & (O_ACCMODE)) {
- case O_RDONLY: nbfd->iostream = (PTR) fdopen (fd, FOPEN_RB); break;
- case O_WRONLY: nbfd->iostream = (PTR) fdopen (fd, FOPEN_RUB); break;
- case O_RDWR: nbfd->iostream = (PTR) fdopen (fd, FOPEN_RUB); break;
- default: abort ();
- }
- if (nbfd->iostream == NULL) {
- (void) obstack_free (&nbfd->memory, (PTR)0);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* OK, put everything where it belongs */
- nbfd->filename = filename;
- /* As a special case we allow a FD open for read/write to
- be written through, although doing so requires that we end
- the previous clause with a preposition. */
- /* (O_ACCMODE) parens are to avoid Ultrix header file bug */
- switch (fdflags & (O_ACCMODE)) {
- case O_RDONLY: nbfd->direction = read_direction; break;
- case O_WRONLY: nbfd->direction = write_direction; break;
- case O_RDWR: nbfd->direction = both_direction; break;
- default: abort ();
- }
- if (! bfd_cache_init (nbfd))
- return NULL;
- return nbfd;
- bfd_openstreamr
- bfd *bfd_openstreamr();
- Open a BFD for read access on an existing stdio stream. When
- the BFD is passed to <<bfd_close>>, the stream will be closed.
-bfd *
-bfd_openstreamr (filename, target, stream)
- const char *filename;
- const char *target;
- FILE *stream;
- bfd *nbfd;
- const bfd_target *target_vec;
- nbfd = _bfd_new_bfd ();
- if (nbfd == NULL)
- return NULL;
- target_vec = bfd_find_target (target, nbfd);
- if (target_vec == NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_target);
- return NULL;
- }
- nbfd->iostream = (PTR) stream;
- nbfd->filename = filename;
- nbfd->direction = read_direction;
- if (! bfd_cache_init (nbfd))
- return NULL;
- return nbfd;
-/** bfd_openw -- open for writing.
- Returns a pointer to a freshly-allocated BFD on success, or NULL.
- See comment by bfd_fdopenr before you try to modify this function. */
- bfd_openw
- bfd *bfd_openw(CONST char *filename, CONST char *target);
- Create a BFD, associated with file @var{filename}, using the
- file format @var{target}, and return a pointer to it.
- Possible errors are <<bfd_error_system_call>>, <<bfd_error_no_memory>>,
- <<bfd_error_invalid_target>>.
-bfd *
-bfd_openw (filename, target)
- CONST char *filename;
- CONST char *target;
- bfd *nbfd;
- const bfd_target *target_vec;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- /* nbfd has to point to head of malloc'ed block so that bfd_close may
- reclaim it correctly. */
- nbfd = _bfd_new_bfd();
- if (nbfd == NULL)
- return NULL;
- target_vec = bfd_find_target (target, nbfd);
- if (target_vec == NULL) return NULL;
- nbfd->filename = filename;
- nbfd->direction = write_direction;
- if (bfd_open_file (nbfd) == NULL) {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call); /* File not writeable, etc */
- (void) obstack_free (&nbfd->memory, (PTR)0);
- return NULL;
- }
- return nbfd;
- bfd_close
- boolean bfd_close(bfd *abfd);
- Close a BFD. If the BFD was open for writing,
- then pending operations are completed and the file written out
- and closed. If the created file is executable, then
- <<chmod>> is called to mark it as such.
- All memory attached to the BFD's obstacks is released.
- The file descriptor associated with the BFD is closed (even
- if it was passed in to BFD by <<bfd_fdopenr>>).
- <<true>> is returned if all is ok, otherwise <<false>>.
-bfd_close (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean ret;
- if (!bfd_read_p (abfd))
- {
- if (! BFD_SEND_FMT (abfd, _bfd_write_contents, (abfd)))
- return false;
- }
- if (! BFD_SEND (abfd, _close_and_cleanup, (abfd)))
- return false;
- ret = bfd_cache_close (abfd);
- /* If the file was open for writing and is now executable,
- make it so */
- if (ret
- && abfd->direction == write_direction
- && abfd->flags & EXEC_P)
- {
- struct stat buf;
- if (stat (abfd->filename, &buf) == 0)
- {
- int mask = umask (0);
- umask (mask);
- chmod (abfd->filename,
- (0777
- & (buf.st_mode | ((S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH) &~ mask))));
- }
- }
- (void) obstack_free (&abfd->memory, (PTR)0);
- (void) free (abfd);
- return ret;
- bfd_close_all_done
- boolean bfd_close_all_done(bfd *);
- Close a BFD. Differs from <<bfd_close>>
- since it does not complete any pending operations. This
- routine would be used if the application had just used BFD for
- swapping and didn't want to use any of the writing code.
- If the created file is executable, then <<chmod>> is called
- to mark it as such.
- All memory attached to the BFD's obstacks is released.
- <<true>> is returned if all is ok, otherwise <<false>>.
-bfd_close_all_done (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean ret;
- ret = bfd_cache_close (abfd);
- /* If the file was open for writing and is now executable,
- make it so */
- if (ret
- && abfd->direction == write_direction
- && abfd->flags & EXEC_P)
- {
- struct stat buf;
- if (stat (abfd->filename, &buf) == 0)
- {
- int mask = umask (0);
- umask (mask);
- chmod (abfd->filename,
- (0x777
- & (buf.st_mode | ((S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH) &~ mask))));
- }
- }
- (void) obstack_free (&abfd->memory, (PTR)0);
- (void) free(abfd);
- return ret;
- bfd_alloc_size
- bfd_size_type bfd_alloc_size(bfd *abfd);
- Return the number of bytes in the obstacks connected to @var{abfd}.
-bfd_alloc_size (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct _obstack_chunk *chunk = abfd->memory.chunk;
- size_t size = 0;
- while (chunk) {
- size += chunk->limit - &(chunk->contents[0]);
- chunk = chunk->prev;
- }
- return size;
- bfd_create
- bfd *bfd_create(CONST char *filename, bfd *templ);
- Create a new BFD in the manner of
- <<bfd_openw>>, but without opening a file. The new BFD
- takes the target from the target used by @var{template}. The
- format is always set to <<bfd_object>>.
-bfd *
-bfd_create (filename, templ)
- CONST char *filename;
- bfd *templ;
- bfd *nbfd = _bfd_new_bfd();
- if (nbfd == (bfd *)NULL)
- return (bfd *)NULL;
- nbfd->filename = filename;
- if(templ) {
- nbfd->xvec = templ->xvec;
- }
- nbfd->direction = no_direction;
- bfd_set_format(nbfd, bfd_object);
- return nbfd;
- bfd_alloc_by_size_t
- PTR bfd_alloc_by_size_t(bfd *abfd, size_t wanted);
- Allocate a block of @var{wanted} bytes of memory in the obstack
- attatched to <<abfd>> and return a pointer to it.
-bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, size)
- bfd *abfd;
- size_t size;
- PTR ret;
- ret = obstack_alloc (&(abfd->memory), size);
- if (ret == NULL)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return ret;
-bfd_alloc_grow (abfd, ptr, size)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ptr;
- size_t size;
- (void) obstack_grow(&(abfd->memory), ptr, size);
-bfd_alloc_finish (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ret;
- ret = obstack_finish (&(abfd->memory));
- if (ret == NULL)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- return ret;
-bfd_alloc (abfd, size)
- bfd *abfd;
- size_t size;
- return bfd_alloc_by_size_t(abfd, (size_t)size);
-bfd_zalloc (abfd, size)
- bfd *abfd;
- size_t size;
- PTR res;
- res = bfd_alloc(abfd, size);
- if (res)
- memset(res, 0, (size_t)size);
- return res;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/osf-core.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/osf-core.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d1df9b37094..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/osf-core.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for OSF/1 core files.
- Copyright 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file can only be compiled on systems which use OSF/1 style
- core files. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/user.h>
-#include <sys/core.h>
-/* forward declarations */
-static asection *
-make_bfd_asection PARAMS ((bfd *, CONST char *, flagword, bfd_size_type,
- bfd_vma, file_ptr));
-static asymbol *
-osf_core_make_empty_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static const bfd_target *
-osf_core_core_file_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static char *
-osf_core_core_file_failing_command PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static int
-osf_core_core_file_failing_signal PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean
-osf_core_core_file_matches_executable_p PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-static void
-swap_abort PARAMS ((void));
-/* These are stored in the bfd's tdata */
-struct osf_core_struct
- int sig;
- char cmd[MAXCOMLEN + 1];
-#define core_hdr(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.osf_core_data)
-#define core_signal(bfd) (core_hdr(bfd)->sig)
-#define core_command(bfd) (core_hdr(bfd)->cmd)
-static asection *
-make_bfd_asection (abfd, name, flags, _raw_size, vma, filepos)
- bfd *abfd;
- CONST char *name;
- flagword flags;
- bfd_size_type _raw_size;
- bfd_vma vma;
- file_ptr filepos;
- asection *asect;
- asect = bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, name);
- if (!asect)
- return NULL;
- asect->flags = flags;
- asect->_raw_size = _raw_size;
- asect->vma = vma;
- asect->filepos = filepos;
- asect->alignment_power = 8;
- return asect;
-static asymbol *
-osf_core_make_empty_symbol (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *new = (asymbol *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asymbol));
- if (new)
- new->the_bfd = abfd;
- return new;
-static const bfd_target *
-osf_core_core_file_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- int val;
- int i;
- char *secname;
- struct core_filehdr core_header;
- val = bfd_read ((PTR)&core_header, 1, sizeof core_header, abfd);
- if (val != sizeof core_header)
- return NULL;
- if (strncmp (core_header.magic, "Core", 4) != 0)
- return NULL;
- core_hdr (abfd) = (struct osf_core_struct *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct osf_core_struct));
- if (!core_hdr (abfd))
- return NULL;
- strncpy (core_command (abfd),, MAXCOMLEN + 1);
- core_signal (abfd) = core_header.signo;
- for (i = 0; i < core_header.nscns; i++)
- {
- struct core_scnhdr core_scnhdr;
- flagword flags;
- val = bfd_read ((PTR)&core_scnhdr, 1, sizeof core_scnhdr, abfd);
- if (val != sizeof core_scnhdr)
- break;
- /* Skip empty sections. */
- if (core_scnhdr.size == 0 || core_scnhdr.scnptr == 0)
- continue;
- switch (core_scnhdr.scntype)
- {
- case SCNRGN:
- secname = ".data";
- break;
- case SCNSTACK:
- secname = ".stack";
- break;
- case SCNREGS:
- secname = ".reg";
- break;
- default:
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("Unhandled OSF/1 core file section type %d\n",
- core_scnhdr.scntype);
- continue;
- }
- if (!make_bfd_asection (abfd, secname, flags,
- (bfd_size_type) core_scnhdr.size,
- (bfd_vma) core_scnhdr.vaddr,
- (file_ptr) core_scnhdr.scnptr))
- return NULL;
- }
- /* OK, we believe you. You're a core file (sure, sure). */
- return abfd->xvec;
-static char *
-osf_core_core_file_failing_command (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return core_command (abfd);
-static int
-osf_core_core_file_failing_signal (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return core_signal (abfd);
-static boolean
-osf_core_core_file_matches_executable_p (core_bfd, exec_bfd)
- bfd *core_bfd, *exec_bfd;
- return true; /* FIXME, We have no way of telling at this point */
-#define osf_core_get_symtab_upper_bound _bfd_nosymbols_get_symtab_upper_bound
-#define osf_core_get_symtab _bfd_nosymbols_get_symtab
-#define osf_core_print_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_print_symbol
-#define osf_core_get_symbol_info _bfd_nosymbols_get_symbol_info
-#define osf_core_bfd_is_local_label _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_is_local_label
-#define osf_core_get_lineno _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno
-#define osf_core_find_nearest_line _bfd_nosymbols_find_nearest_line
-#define osf_core_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
-#define osf_core_read_minisymbols _bfd_nosymbols_read_minisymbols
-#define osf_core_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_minisymbol_to_symbol
-/* If somebody calls any byte-swapping routines, shoot them. */
-static void
- abort(); /* This way doesn't require any declaration for ANSI to fuck up */
-#define NO_GET ((bfd_vma (*) PARAMS (( const bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-#define NO_PUT ((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-#define NO_SIGNED_GET \
- ((bfd_signed_vma (*) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-const bfd_target osf_core_vec =
- {
- "osf-core",
- bfd_target_unknown_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target byte order */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target headers byte order */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* symbol prefix */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 64 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 32 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 16 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 64 bit hdrs */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 32 bit hdrs */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 16 bit hdrs */
- { /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* unknown format */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* object file */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* archive */
- osf_core_core_file_p /* a core file */
- },
- { /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false, bfd_false,
- bfd_false, bfd_false
- },
- { /* bfd_write_contents */
- bfd_false, bfd_false,
- bfd_false, bfd_false
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (osf_core),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS (_bfd_norelocs),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (_bfd_nolink),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0 /* backend_data */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/pc532-mach.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/pc532-mach.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 73f4ac49e827..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/pc532-mach.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Mach3/532 a.out-ish binaries.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Written by Ian Dall
- * 19-Apr-94
- *
- * Formerly part of aout-pc532-mach.c. Split out to allow more
- * flexibility with multiple formats.
- *
- */
-/* This architecture has N_TXTOFF and N_TXTADDR defined as if
- * N_HEADER_IN_TEXT, but the a_text entry (text size) does not include the
- * space for the header. So we have N_HEADER_IN_TEXT defined to
- * 1 and specially define our own N_TXTSIZE
- */
-#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) 1
-#define N_TXTSIZE(x) ((x).a_text)
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR 0x10000 /* from old ld */
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 0x1000 /* from old ld, 032 & 532 are really 512/4k */
-/* Use a_entry of 0 to distinguish object files from OMAGIC executables */
-#define N_TXTADDR(x) \
- (N_MAGIC(x) == OMAGIC ? \
- ((x).a_entry < TEXT_START_ADDR? 0: TEXT_START_ADDR): \
-#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) 0
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_ns32k
-#define MY(OP) CAT(pc532machaout_,OP)
-/* Must be the same as aout-ns32k.c */
-#define NAME(x,y) CAT3(ns32kaout,_32_,y)
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-pc532-mach"
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libaout.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "aout/aout64.h"
-/* We can`t use the MYNS macro here for cpp reasons too subtle for me -- IWD */
-#define MY_bfd_reloc_type_lookup ns32kaout_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
-/* libaout doesn't use NAME for these ... */
-#define MY_get_section_contents aout_32_get_section_contents
-#define MY_text_includes_header 1
-#define MY_exec_header_not_counted 1
-#define MYNSX(OP) CAT(ns32kaout_,OP)
-reloc_howto_type *
- PARAMS((bfd *abfd AND
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code));
- PARAMS((bfd *abfd));
-static boolean
-MY(write_object_contents) (abfd)
-bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec exec_bytes;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_get_arch (abfd) == bfd_arch_ns32k);
- switch (bfd_get_mach (abfd))
- {
- case 32032:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE (*execp, M_NS32032);
- break;
- case 32532:
- default:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE (*execp, M_NS32532);
- break;
- }
- N_SET_FLAGS (*execp, aout_backend_info (abfd)->exec_hdr_flags);
- WRITE_HEADERS(abfd, execp);
- return true;
-#define MY_write_object_contents MY(write_object_contents)
-#include "aout-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/pe-arm.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/pe-arm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fa97e2e8413d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/pe-arm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for ARM PECOFF files.
- Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_SYM armpe_little_vec
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_NAME "pe-arm-little"
-#define TARGET_BIG_SYM armpe_big_vec
-#define TARGET_BIG_NAME "pe-arm-big"
-#define COFF_WITH_PE
-#define PCRELOFFSET true
-#include "coff-arm.c"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/pe-i386.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/pe-i386.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 878993e510cc..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/pe-i386.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Intel 386 PECOFF files.
- Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#define TARGET_SYM i386pe_vec
-#define TARGET_NAME "pe-i386"
-#define COFF_WITH_PE
-#define PCRELOFFSET true
-#include "coff-i386.c"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/pe-ppc.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/pe-ppc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 67fdda04e6c8..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/pe-ppc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Intel 386 PECOFF files.
- Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#define E_FILENMLEN 18
-#define PPC
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_SYM bfd_powerpcle_pe_vec
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_NAME "pe-powerpcle"
-#define TARGET_BIG_SYM bfd_powerpc_pe_vec
-#define TARGET_BIG_NAME "pe-powerpc"
-#define COFF_WITH_PE
-/* FIXME: verify PCRELOFFSET is always false */
-#include "coff-ppc.c"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/pei-arm.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/pei-arm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fd9d398432d0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/pei-arm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for arm PE IMAGE COFF files.
- Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_SYM armpei_little_vec
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_NAME "pei-arm-little"
-#define TARGET_BIG_SYM armpei_big_vec
-#define TARGET_BIG_NAME "pei-arm-big"
-#define COFF_WITH_PE
-#define PCRELOFFSET true
-#include "coff-arm.c"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/pei-i386.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/pei-i386.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8754e7c55e36..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/pei-i386.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Intel 386 PE IMAGE COFF files.
- Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#define TARGET_SYM i386pei_vec
-#define TARGET_NAME "pei-i386"
-#define COFF_WITH_PE
-#define PCRELOFFSET true
-#include "coff-i386.c"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/pei-ppc.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/pei-ppc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fc8f89fddb6d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/pei-ppc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for Intel 386 PE IMAGE COFF files.
- Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-/* setting up for a PE environment stolen directly from the i386 structure */
-#define E_FILNMLEN 18 /* # characters in a file name */
-#define PPC
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_SYM bfd_powerpcle_pei_vec
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_NAME "pei-powerpcle"
-#define TARGET_BIG_SYM bfd_powerpc_pei_vec
-#define TARGET_BIG_NAME "pei-powerpc"
-#define COFF_WITH_PE
-/* FIXME: Verify PCRELOFFSET is always false */
-#include "coff-ppc.c"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/peicode.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/peicode.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a7a47469e3d0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/peicode.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1861 +0,0 @@
-/* Support for the generic parts of most COFF variants, for BFD.
- Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-Most of this hacked by Steve Chamberlain,
-#define coff_bfd_print_private_bfd_data pe_print_private_bfd_data
-#define coff_mkobject pe_mkobject
-#define coff_mkobject_hook pe_mkobject_hook
-#define GET_FCN_LNNOPTR(abfd, ext) \
- bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr)
-#define GET_FCN_ENDNDX(abfd, ext) \
- bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx)
-#define PUT_FCN_LNNOPTR(abfd, in, ext) bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr)
-#define PUT_FCN_ENDNDX(abfd, in, ext) bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx)
-#ifndef GET_LNSZ_LNNO
-#define GET_LNSZ_LNNO(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno)
-#ifndef GET_LNSZ_SIZE
-#define GET_LNSZ_SIZE(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size)
-#ifndef PUT_LNSZ_LNNO
-#define PUT_LNSZ_LNNO(abfd, in, ext) bfd_h_put_16(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *)ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno)
-#ifndef PUT_LNSZ_SIZE
-#define PUT_LNSZ_SIZE(abfd, in, ext) bfd_h_put_16(abfd, in, (bfd_byte*) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size)
-#define GET_SCN_SCNLEN(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_scn.x_scnlen)
-#define GET_SCN_NRELOC(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->x_scn.x_nreloc)
-#define GET_SCN_NLINNO(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->x_scn.x_nlinno)
-#define PUT_SCN_SCNLEN(abfd,in, ext) bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_scn.x_scnlen)
-#define PUT_SCN_NRELOC(abfd,in, ext) bfd_h_put_16(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *)ext->x_scn.x_nreloc)
-#define PUT_SCN_NLINNO(abfd,in, ext) bfd_h_put_16(abfd,in, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_scn.x_nlinno)
-#define GET_LINENO_LNNO(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) (ext->l_lnno));
-#define PUT_LINENO_LNNO(abfd,val, ext) bfd_h_put_16(abfd,val, (bfd_byte *) (ext->l_lnno));
-/* The f_symptr field in the filehdr is sometimes 64 bits. */
-#define GET_FILEHDR_SYMPTR bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_FILEHDR_SYMPTR bfd_h_put_32
-/* Some fields in the aouthdr are sometimes 64 bits. */
-#define GET_AOUTHDR_TSIZE bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_AOUTHDR_TSIZE bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_AOUTHDR_DSIZE bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_AOUTHDR_DSIZE bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_AOUTHDR_BSIZE bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_AOUTHDR_BSIZE bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_AOUTHDR_ENTRY bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_AOUTHDR_ENTRY bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_AOUTHDR_TEXT_START bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_AOUTHDR_TEXT_START bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_AOUTHDR_DATA_START bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_AOUTHDR_DATA_START bfd_h_put_32
-/* Some fields in the scnhdr are sometimes 64 bits. */
-#define GET_SCNHDR_PADDR bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_SCNHDR_PADDR bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_SCNHDR_VADDR bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_SCNHDR_VADDR bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_SCNHDR_SIZE bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_SCNHDR_SIZE bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_SCNHDR_SCNPTR bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_SCNHDR_SCNPTR bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_SCNHDR_RELPTR bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_SCNHDR_RELPTR bfd_h_put_32
-#define GET_SCNHDR_LNNOPTR bfd_h_get_32
-#define PUT_SCNHDR_LNNOPTR bfd_h_put_32
-static void
-coff_swap_reloc_in (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR src;
- PTR dst;
- RELOC *reloc_src = (RELOC *) src;
- struct internal_reloc *reloc_dst = (struct internal_reloc *) dst;
- reloc_dst->r_vaddr = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *)reloc_src->r_vaddr);
- reloc_dst->r_symndx = bfd_h_get_signed_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) reloc_src->r_symndx);
- reloc_dst->r_type = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) reloc_src->r_type);
- reloc_dst->r_offset = SWAP_IN_RELOC_OFFSET(abfd,
- (bfd_byte *) reloc_src->r_offset);
-static unsigned int
-coff_swap_reloc_out (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR src;
- PTR dst;
- struct internal_reloc *reloc_src = (struct internal_reloc *)src;
- struct external_reloc *reloc_dst = (struct external_reloc *)dst;
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, reloc_src->r_vaddr, (bfd_byte *) reloc_dst->r_vaddr);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, reloc_src->r_symndx, (bfd_byte *) reloc_dst->r_symndx);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, reloc_src->r_type, (bfd_byte *)
- reloc_dst->r_type);
- reloc_src->r_offset,
- (bfd_byte *) reloc_dst->r_offset);
- SWAP_OUT_RELOC_EXTRA(abfd,reloc_src, reloc_dst);
- return sizeof(struct external_reloc);
-static void
-coff_swap_filehdr_in (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR src;
- PTR dst;
- FILHDR *filehdr_src = (FILHDR *) src;
- struct internal_filehdr *filehdr_dst = (struct internal_filehdr *) dst;
- filehdr_dst->f_magic = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_src->f_magic);
- filehdr_dst->f_nscns = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *)filehdr_src-> f_nscns);
- filehdr_dst->f_timdat = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *)filehdr_src-> f_timdat);
- filehdr_dst->f_nsyms = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *)filehdr_src-> f_nsyms);
- filehdr_dst->f_flags = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *)filehdr_src-> f_flags);
- filehdr_dst->f_symptr = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_src->f_symptr);
- /* Other people's tools sometimes generate headers
- with an nsyms but a zero symptr. */
- if (filehdr_dst->f_nsyms && filehdr_dst->f_symptr)
- {
- filehdr_dst->f_flags |= HAS_SYMS;
- }
- else
- {
- filehdr_dst->f_symptr = 0;
- filehdr_dst->f_nsyms = 0;
- filehdr_dst->f_flags &= ~HAS_SYMS;
- }
- filehdr_dst->f_opthdr = bfd_h_get_16(abfd,
- (bfd_byte *)filehdr_src-> f_opthdr);
-static unsigned int
-coff_swap_filehdr_out (abfd, in, out)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR in;
- PTR out;
- int idx;
- struct internal_filehdr *filehdr_in = (struct internal_filehdr *)in;
- FILHDR *filehdr_out = (FILHDR *)out;
- if (pe_data (abfd)->has_reloc_section)
- filehdr_in->f_flags &= ~F_RELFLG;
- if (pe_data (abfd)->dll)
- filehdr_in->f_flags |= F_DLL;
- filehdr_in->pe.e_magic = DOSMAGIC;
- filehdr_in->pe.e_cblp = 0x90;
- filehdr_in->pe.e_cp = 0x3;
- filehdr_in->pe.e_crlc = 0x0;
- filehdr_in->pe.e_cparhdr = 0x4;
- filehdr_in->pe.e_minalloc = 0x0;
- filehdr_in->pe.e_maxalloc = 0xffff;
- filehdr_in->pe.e_ss = 0x0;
- filehdr_in->pe.e_sp = 0xb8;
- filehdr_in->pe.e_csum = 0x0;
- filehdr_in->pe.e_ip = 0x0;
- filehdr_in->pe.e_cs = 0x0;
- filehdr_in->pe.e_lfarlc = 0x40;
- filehdr_in->pe.e_ovno = 0x0;
- for (idx=0; idx < 4; idx++)
- filehdr_in->pe.e_res[idx] = 0x0;
- filehdr_in->pe.e_oemid = 0x0;
- filehdr_in->pe.e_oeminfo = 0x0;
- for (idx=0; idx < 10; idx++)
- filehdr_in->pe.e_res2[idx] = 0x0;
- filehdr_in->pe.e_lfanew = 0x80;
- /* this next collection of data are mostly just characters. It appears
- to be constant within the headers put on NT exes */
- filehdr_in->pe.dos_message[0] = 0x0eba1f0e;
- filehdr_in->pe.dos_message[1] = 0xcd09b400;
- filehdr_in->pe.dos_message[2] = 0x4c01b821;
- filehdr_in->pe.dos_message[3] = 0x685421cd;
- filehdr_in->pe.dos_message[4] = 0x70207369;
- filehdr_in->pe.dos_message[5] = 0x72676f72;
- filehdr_in->pe.dos_message[6] = 0x63206d61;
- filehdr_in->pe.dos_message[7] = 0x6f6e6e61;
- filehdr_in->pe.dos_message[8] = 0x65622074;
- filehdr_in->pe.dos_message[9] = 0x6e757220;
- filehdr_in->pe.dos_message[10] = 0x206e6920;
- filehdr_in->pe.dos_message[11] = 0x20534f44;
- filehdr_in->pe.dos_message[12] = 0x65646f6d;
- filehdr_in->pe.dos_message[13] = 0x0a0d0d2e;
- filehdr_in->pe.dos_message[14] = 0x24;
- filehdr_in->pe.dos_message[15] = 0x0;
- filehdr_in->pe.nt_signature = NT_SIGNATURE;
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->f_magic, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_magic);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->f_nscns, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_nscns);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, time (0), (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_timdat);
- PUT_FILEHDR_SYMPTR (abfd, (bfd_vma) filehdr_in->f_symptr,
- (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_symptr);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, filehdr_in->f_nsyms, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_nsyms);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->f_opthdr, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_opthdr);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->f_flags, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_flags);
- /* put in extra dos header stuff. This data remains essentially
- constant, it just has to be tacked on to the beginning of all exes
- for NT */
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_magic, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_magic);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_cblp, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_cblp);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_cp, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_cp);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_crlc, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_crlc);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_cparhdr,
- (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_cparhdr);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_minalloc,
- (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_minalloc);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_maxalloc,
- (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_maxalloc);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_ss, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_ss);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_sp, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_sp);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_csum, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_csum);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_ip, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_ip);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_cs, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_cs);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_lfarlc, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_lfarlc);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_ovno, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_ovno);
- {
- int idx;
- for (idx=0; idx < 4; idx++)
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_res[idx],
- (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_res[idx]);
- }
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_oemid, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_oemid);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_oeminfo,
- (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_oeminfo);
- {
- int idx;
- for (idx=0; idx < 10; idx++)
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_res2[idx],
- (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_res2[idx]);
- }
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.e_lfanew, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->e_lfanew);
- {
- int idx;
- for (idx=0; idx < 16; idx++)
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.dos_message[idx],
- (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->dos_message[idx]);
- }
- /* also put in the NT signature */
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, filehdr_in->pe.nt_signature,
- (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->nt_signature);
- return sizeof(FILHDR);
-static unsigned int
-coff_swap_filehdr_out (abfd, in, out)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR in;
- PTR out;
- struct internal_filehdr *filehdr_in = (struct internal_filehdr *)in;
- FILHDR *filehdr_out = (FILHDR *)out;
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->f_magic, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_magic);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->f_nscns, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_nscns);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, filehdr_in->f_timdat, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_timdat);
- PUT_FILEHDR_SYMPTR (abfd, (bfd_vma) filehdr_in->f_symptr,
- (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_symptr);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, filehdr_in->f_nsyms, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_nsyms);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->f_opthdr, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_opthdr);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->f_flags, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_flags);
- return sizeof(FILHDR);
-static void
-coff_swap_sym_in (abfd, ext1, in1)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext1;
- PTR in1;
- SYMENT *ext = (SYMENT *)ext1;
- struct internal_syment *in = (struct internal_syment *)in1;
- if( ext->e.e_name[0] == 0) {
- in->_n._n_n._n_zeroes = 0;
- in->_n._n_n._n_offset = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->e.e.e_offset);
- }
- else {
- -> Error, we need to cope with truncating or extending SYMNMLEN!;
- memcpy(in->_n._n_name, ext->e.e_name, SYMNMLEN);
- }
- in->n_value = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->e_value);
- in->n_scnum = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->e_scnum);
- if (sizeof(ext->e_type) == 2){
- in->n_type = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->e_type);
- }
- else {
- in->n_type = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->e_type);
- }
- in->n_sclass = bfd_h_get_8(abfd, ext->e_sclass);
- in->n_numaux = bfd_h_get_8(abfd, ext->e_numaux);
- /* The section symbols for the .idata$ sections have class 68, which MS
- documentation indicates is a section symbol. The problem is that the
- value field in the symbol is simply a copy of the .idata section's flags
- rather than something useful. When these symbols are encountered, change
- the value to 0 and the section number to 1 so that they will be handled
- somewhat correctly in the bfd code. */
- if (in->n_sclass == 0x68) {
- in->n_value = 0x0;
- in->n_scnum = 1;
- /* I have tried setting the class to 3 and using the following to set
- the section number. This will put the address of the pointer to the
- string kernel32.dll at addresses 0 and 0x10 off start of idata section
- which is not correct */
- /* if (strcmp (in->_n._n_name, ".idata$4") == 0) */
- /* in->n_scnum = 3; */
- /* else */
- /* in->n_scnum = 2; */
- }
-#ifdef coff_swap_sym_in_hook
- coff_swap_sym_in_hook(abfd, ext1, in1);
-static unsigned int
-coff_swap_sym_out (abfd, inp, extp)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR inp;
- PTR extp;
- struct internal_syment *in = (struct internal_syment *)inp;
- SYMENT *ext =(SYMENT *)extp;
- if(in->_n._n_name[0] == 0) {
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, 0, (bfd_byte *) ext->e.e.e_zeroes);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in->_n._n_n._n_offset, (bfd_byte *) ext->e.e.e_offset);
- }
- else {
- -> Error, we need to cope with truncating or extending SYMNMLEN!;
- memcpy(ext->e.e_name, in->_n._n_name, SYMNMLEN);
- }
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in->n_value , (bfd_byte *) ext->e_value);
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, in->n_scnum , (bfd_byte *) ext->e_scnum);
- if (sizeof(ext->e_type) == 2)
- {
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, in->n_type , (bfd_byte *) ext->e_type);
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in->n_type , (bfd_byte *) ext->e_type);
- }
- bfd_h_put_8(abfd, in->n_sclass , ext->e_sclass);
- bfd_h_put_8(abfd, in->n_numaux , ext->e_numaux);
- return sizeof(SYMENT);
-static void
-coff_swap_aux_in (abfd, ext1, type, class, indx, numaux, in1)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext1;
- int type;
- int class;
- int indx;
- int numaux;
- PTR in1;
- AUXENT *ext = (AUXENT *)ext1;
- union internal_auxent *in = (union internal_auxent *)in1;
- switch (class) {
- case C_FILE:
- if (ext->x_file.x_fname[0] == 0) {
- in->x_file.x_n.x_zeroes = 0;
- in->x_file.x_n.x_offset =
- bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_file.x_n.x_offset);
- } else {
- -> Error, we need to cope with truncating or extending FILNMLEN!;
- memcpy (in->x_file.x_fname, ext->x_file.x_fname, FILNMLEN);
- }
- return;
- case C_STAT:
-#ifdef C_LEAFSTAT
- case C_LEAFSTAT:
- case C_HIDDEN:
- if (type == T_NULL) {
- in->x_scn.x_scnlen = GET_SCN_SCNLEN(abfd, ext);
- in->x_scn.x_nreloc = GET_SCN_NRELOC(abfd, ext);
- in->x_scn.x_nlinno = GET_SCN_NLINNO(abfd, ext);
- return;
- }
- break;
- }
- in->x_sym.x_tagndx.l = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_tagndx);
-#ifndef NO_TVNDX
- in->x_sym.x_tvndx = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_tvndx);
- if (class == C_BLOCK || ISFCN (type) || ISTAG (class))
- {
- in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr = GET_FCN_LNNOPTR (abfd, ext);
- in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx.l = GET_FCN_ENDNDX (abfd, ext);
- }
- else
- {
- #error we need to cope with truncating or extending DIMNUM
- in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[0] =
- bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[0]);
- in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[1] =
- bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[1]);
- in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[2] =
- bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[2]);
- in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[3] =
- bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[3]);
- }
- if (ISFCN(type)) {
- in->x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize);
- }
- else {
- in->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno = GET_LNSZ_LNNO(abfd, ext);
- in->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size = GET_LNSZ_SIZE(abfd, ext);
- }
-static unsigned int
-coff_swap_aux_out (abfd, inp, type, class, indx, numaux, extp)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR inp;
- int type;
- int class;
- int indx;
- int numaux;
- PTR extp;
- union internal_auxent *in = (union internal_auxent *)inp;
- AUXENT *ext = (AUXENT *)extp;
- memset((PTR)ext, 0, AUXESZ);
- switch (class) {
- case C_FILE:
- if (in->x_file.x_fname[0] == 0) {
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, 0, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_file.x_n.x_zeroes);
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd,
- in->x_file.x_n.x_offset,
- (bfd_byte *) ext->x_file.x_n.x_offset);
- }
- else {
- -> Error, we need to cope with truncating or extending FILNMLEN!;
- memcpy (ext->x_file.x_fname, in->x_file.x_fname, FILNMLEN);
- }
- return sizeof (AUXENT);
- case C_STAT:
-#ifdef C_LEAFSTAT
- case C_LEAFSTAT:
- case C_HIDDEN:
- if (type == T_NULL) {
- PUT_SCN_SCNLEN(abfd, in->x_scn.x_scnlen, ext);
- PUT_SCN_NRELOC(abfd, in->x_scn.x_nreloc, ext);
- PUT_SCN_NLINNO(abfd, in->x_scn.x_nlinno, ext);
- return sizeof (AUXENT);
- }
- break;
- }
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in->x_sym.x_tagndx.l, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_tagndx);
-#ifndef NO_TVNDX
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, in->x_sym.x_tvndx , (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_tvndx);
- if (class == C_BLOCK || ISFCN (type) || ISTAG (class))
- {
- PUT_FCN_LNNOPTR(abfd, in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr, ext);
- PUT_FCN_ENDNDX(abfd, in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx.l, ext);
- }
- else
- {
- #error we need to cope with truncating or extending DIMNUM
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[0],
- (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[0]);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[1],
- (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[1]);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[2],
- (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[2]);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[3],
- (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[3]);
- }
- if (ISFCN (type))
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, in->x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize,
- (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize);
- else
- {
- PUT_LNSZ_LNNO (abfd, in->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno, ext);
- PUT_LNSZ_SIZE (abfd, in->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size, ext);
- }
- return sizeof(AUXENT);
-static void
-coff_swap_lineno_in (abfd, ext1, in1)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext1;
- PTR in1;
- LINENO *ext = (LINENO *)ext1;
- struct internal_lineno *in = (struct internal_lineno *)in1;
- in->l_addr.l_symndx = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->l_addr.l_symndx);
- in->l_lnno = GET_LINENO_LNNO(abfd, ext);
-static unsigned int
-coff_swap_lineno_out (abfd, inp, outp)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR inp;
- PTR outp;
- struct internal_lineno *in = (struct internal_lineno *)inp;
- struct external_lineno *ext = (struct external_lineno *)outp;
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in->l_addr.l_symndx, (bfd_byte *)
- ext->l_addr.l_symndx);
- PUT_LINENO_LNNO (abfd, in->l_lnno, ext);
- return sizeof(struct external_lineno);
-static void
-coff_swap_aouthdr_in (abfd, aouthdr_ext1, aouthdr_int1)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR aouthdr_ext1;
- PTR aouthdr_int1;
- struct internal_extra_pe_aouthdr *a;
- PEAOUTHDR *src = (PEAOUTHDR *)(aouthdr_ext1);
- AOUTHDR *aouthdr_ext = (AOUTHDR *) aouthdr_ext1;
- struct internal_aouthdr *aouthdr_int = (struct internal_aouthdr *)aouthdr_int1;
- aouthdr_int->magic = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->magic);
- aouthdr_int->vstamp = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->vstamp);
- aouthdr_int->tsize =
- GET_AOUTHDR_TSIZE (abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->tsize);
- aouthdr_int->dsize =
- GET_AOUTHDR_DSIZE (abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->dsize);
- aouthdr_int->bsize =
- GET_AOUTHDR_BSIZE (abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->bsize);
- aouthdr_int->entry =
- GET_AOUTHDR_ENTRY (abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->entry);
- aouthdr_int->text_start =
- GET_AOUTHDR_TEXT_START (abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->text_start);
- aouthdr_int->data_start =
- GET_AOUTHDR_DATA_START (abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->data_start);
- a = &aouthdr_int->pe;
- a->ImageBase = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, src->ImageBase);
- a->SectionAlignment = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, src->SectionAlignment);
- a->FileAlignment = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, src->FileAlignment);
- a->MajorOperatingSystemVersion =
- bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, src->MajorOperatingSystemVersion);
- a->MinorOperatingSystemVersion =
- bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, src->MinorOperatingSystemVersion);
- a->MajorImageVersion = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, src->MajorImageVersion);
- a->MinorImageVersion = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, src->MinorImageVersion);
- a->MajorSubsystemVersion = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, src->MajorSubsystemVersion);
- a->MinorSubsystemVersion = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, src->MinorSubsystemVersion);
- a->Reserved1 = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, src->Reserved1);
- a->SizeOfImage = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, src->SizeOfImage);
- a->SizeOfHeaders = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, src->SizeOfHeaders);
- a->CheckSum = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, src->CheckSum);
- a->Subsystem = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, src->Subsystem);
- a->DllCharacteristics = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, src->DllCharacteristics);
- a->SizeOfStackReserve = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, src->SizeOfStackReserve);
- a->SizeOfStackCommit = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, src->SizeOfStackCommit);
- a->SizeOfHeapReserve = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, src->SizeOfHeapReserve);
- a->SizeOfHeapCommit = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, src->SizeOfHeapCommit);
- a->LoaderFlags = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, src->LoaderFlags);
- a->NumberOfRvaAndSizes = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, src->NumberOfRvaAndSizes);
- {
- int idx;
- for (idx=0; idx < 16; idx++)
- {
- a->DataDirectory[idx].VirtualAddress =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, src->DataDirectory[idx][0]);
- a->DataDirectory[idx].Size =
- bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, src->DataDirectory[idx][1]);
- }
- }
- if (aouthdr_int->entry)
- aouthdr_int->entry += a->ImageBase;
- if (aouthdr_int->tsize)
- aouthdr_int->text_start += a->ImageBase;
- if (aouthdr_int->dsize)
- aouthdr_int->data_start += a->ImageBase;
-static void add_data_entry (abfd, aout, idx, name, base)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_extra_pe_aouthdr *aout;
- int idx;
- char *name;
- bfd_vma base;
- asection *sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, name);
- /* add import directory information if it exists */
- if (sec != NULL)
- {
- aout->DataDirectory[idx].VirtualAddress = sec->vma - base;
- aout->DataDirectory[idx].Size = sec->_cooked_size;
- sec->flags |= SEC_DATA;
- }
-static unsigned int
-coff_swap_aouthdr_out (abfd, in, out)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR in;
- PTR out;
- struct internal_aouthdr *aouthdr_in = (struct internal_aouthdr *)in;
- struct internal_extra_pe_aouthdr *extra = &pe_data (abfd)->pe_opthdr;
- PEAOUTHDR *aouthdr_out = (PEAOUTHDR *)out;
- bfd_vma sa = extra->SectionAlignment;
- bfd_vma fa = extra->FileAlignment;
- bfd_vma ib = extra->ImageBase ;
- if (aouthdr_in->tsize)
- aouthdr_in->text_start -= ib;
- if (aouthdr_in->dsize)
- aouthdr_in->data_start -= ib;
- if (aouthdr_in->entry)
- aouthdr_in->entry -= ib;
-#define FA(x) (((x) + fa -1 ) & (- fa))
-#define SA(x) (((x) + sa -1 ) & (- sa))
- /* We like to have the sizes aligned */
- aouthdr_in->bsize = FA (aouthdr_in->bsize);
- /* first null out all data directory entries .. */
- memset (extra->DataDirectory, sizeof (extra->DataDirectory), 0);
- add_data_entry (abfd, extra, 0, ".edata", ib);
- add_data_entry (abfd, extra, 1, ".idata", ib);
- add_data_entry (abfd, extra, 2, ".rsrc" ,ib);
- /* FIXME: do other PE platforms use this? */
- add_data_entry (abfd, extra, 3, ".pdata" ,ib);
- add_data_entry (abfd, extra, 5, ".reloc", ib);
- /* On the PPC NT system, this field is set up as follows. It is
- not an "officially" reserved field, so it currently has no title.
- first_thunk_address is idata$5, and the thunk_size is the size
- of the idata$5 chunk of the idata section.
- */
- extra->DataDirectory[12].VirtualAddress = first_thunk_address;
- extra->DataDirectory[12].Size = thunk_size;
- /* On the PPC NT system, the size of the directory entry is not the
- size of the entire section. It's actually offset to the end of
- the idata$3 component of the idata section. This is the size of
- the entire import table. (also known as the start of idata$4)
- */
- extra->DataDirectory[1].Size = import_table_size;
- {
- asection *sec;
- bfd_vma dsize= 0;
- bfd_vma isize = SA(abfd->sections->filepos);
- bfd_vma tsize= 0;
- for (sec = abfd->sections; sec; sec = sec->next)
- {
- int rounded = FA(sec->_raw_size);
- if (strcmp(sec->name,".junk") == 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- if (sec->flags & SEC_DATA)
- dsize += rounded;
- if (sec->flags & SEC_CODE)
- tsize += rounded;
- isize += SA(rounded);
- }
- aouthdr_in->dsize = dsize;
- aouthdr_in->tsize = tsize;
- extra->SizeOfImage = isize;
- }
- extra->SizeOfHeaders = abfd->sections->filepos;
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, aouthdr_in->magic, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->standard.magic);
- /* this little piece of magic sets the "linker version" field to 2.60 */
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, 2 + 60 * 256, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->standard.vstamp);
- /* this little piece of magic sets the "linker version" field to 2.55 */
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, 2 + 55 * 256, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->standard.vstamp);
- PUT_AOUTHDR_TSIZE (abfd, aouthdr_in->tsize, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->standard.tsize);
- PUT_AOUTHDR_DSIZE (abfd, aouthdr_in->dsize, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->standard.dsize);
- PUT_AOUTHDR_BSIZE (abfd, aouthdr_in->bsize, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->standard.bsize);
- PUT_AOUTHDR_ENTRY (abfd, aouthdr_in->entry, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->standard.entry);
- PUT_AOUTHDR_TEXT_START (abfd, aouthdr_in->text_start,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->standard.text_start);
- PUT_AOUTHDR_DATA_START (abfd, aouthdr_in->data_start,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->standard.data_start);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, extra->ImageBase,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->ImageBase);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, extra->SectionAlignment,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->SectionAlignment);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, extra->FileAlignment,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->FileAlignment);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, extra->MajorOperatingSystemVersion,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->MajorOperatingSystemVersion);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, extra->MinorOperatingSystemVersion,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->MinorOperatingSystemVersion);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, extra->MajorImageVersion,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->MajorImageVersion);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, extra->MinorImageVersion,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->MinorImageVersion);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, extra->MajorSubsystemVersion,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->MajorSubsystemVersion);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, extra->MinorSubsystemVersion,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->MinorSubsystemVersion);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, extra->Reserved1,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->Reserved1);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, extra->SizeOfImage,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->SizeOfImage);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, extra->SizeOfHeaders,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->SizeOfHeaders);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, extra->CheckSum,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->CheckSum);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, extra->Subsystem,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->Subsystem);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, extra->DllCharacteristics,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->DllCharacteristics);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, extra->SizeOfStackReserve,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->SizeOfStackReserve);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, extra->SizeOfStackCommit,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->SizeOfStackCommit);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, extra->SizeOfHeapReserve,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->SizeOfHeapReserve);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, extra->SizeOfHeapCommit,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->SizeOfHeapCommit);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, extra->LoaderFlags,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->LoaderFlags);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, extra->NumberOfRvaAndSizes,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->NumberOfRvaAndSizes);
- {
- int idx;
- for (idx=0; idx < 16; idx++)
- {
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, extra->DataDirectory[idx].VirtualAddress,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->DataDirectory[idx][0]);
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, extra->DataDirectory[idx].Size,
- (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->DataDirectory[idx][1]);
- }
- }
- return sizeof(AOUTHDR);
-static void
- coff_swap_scnhdr_in (abfd, ext, in)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR ext;
- PTR in;
- SCNHDR *scnhdr_ext = (SCNHDR *) ext;
- struct internal_scnhdr *scnhdr_int = (struct internal_scnhdr *) in;
- memcpy(scnhdr_int->s_name, scnhdr_ext->s_name, sizeof(scnhdr_int->s_name));
- scnhdr_int->s_vaddr =
- GET_SCNHDR_VADDR (abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_vaddr);
- scnhdr_int->s_paddr =
- GET_SCNHDR_PADDR (abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_paddr);
- scnhdr_int->s_size =
- GET_SCNHDR_SIZE (abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_size);
- scnhdr_int->s_scnptr =
- GET_SCNHDR_SCNPTR (abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_scnptr);
- scnhdr_int->s_relptr =
- GET_SCNHDR_RELPTR (abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_relptr);
- scnhdr_int->s_lnnoptr =
- GET_SCNHDR_LNNOPTR (abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_lnnoptr);
- scnhdr_int->s_flags = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_flags);
- scnhdr_int->s_nreloc = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nreloc);
- scnhdr_int->s_nlnno = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nlnno);
- if (scnhdr_int->s_vaddr != 0)
- {
- scnhdr_int->s_vaddr += pe_data (abfd)->pe_opthdr.ImageBase;
- }
- if (strcmp (scnhdr_int->s_name, _BSS) == 0)
- {
- scnhdr_int->s_size = scnhdr_int->s_paddr;
- scnhdr_int->s_paddr = 0;
- }
-static unsigned int
-coff_swap_scnhdr_out (abfd, in, out)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR in;
- PTR out;
- struct internal_scnhdr *scnhdr_int = (struct internal_scnhdr *)in;
- SCNHDR *scnhdr_ext = (SCNHDR *)out;
- unsigned int ret = sizeof (SCNHDR);
- bfd_vma ps;
- bfd_vma ss;
- memcpy(scnhdr_ext->s_name, scnhdr_int->s_name, sizeof(scnhdr_int->s_name));
- (scnhdr_int->s_vaddr
- - pe_data(abfd)->pe_opthdr.ImageBase),
- (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_vaddr);
- /* NT wants the size data to be rounded up to the next NT_FILE_ALIGNMENT
- value except for the BSS section, its s_size should be 0 */
- if (strcmp (scnhdr_int->s_name, _BSS) == 0)
- {
- ps = scnhdr_int->s_size;
- ss = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- ps = scnhdr_int->s_paddr;
- ss = scnhdr_int->s_size;
- }
- PUT_SCNHDR_SIZE (abfd, ss,
- (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_size);
- PUT_SCNHDR_PADDR (abfd, ps, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_paddr);
- PUT_SCNHDR_SCNPTR (abfd, scnhdr_int->s_scnptr,
- (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_scnptr);
- PUT_SCNHDR_RELPTR (abfd, scnhdr_int->s_relptr,
- (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_relptr);
- PUT_SCNHDR_LNNOPTR (abfd, scnhdr_int->s_lnnoptr,
- (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_lnnoptr);
- /* Extra flags must be set when dealing with NT. All sections should also
- have the IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ (0x40000000) flag set. In addition, the
- .text section must have IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE (0x20000000) and the data
- sections (.idata, .data, .bss, .CRT) must have IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE set
- (this is especially important when dealing with the .idata section since
- the addresses for routines from .dlls must be overwritten). If .reloc
- section data is ever generated, we must add IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE
- (0x02000000). Also, the resource data should also be read and
- writable. */
- /* FIXME: alignment is also encoded in this field, at least on ppc (krk) */
- /* FIXME: even worse, I don't see how to get the original alignment field*/
- /* back... */
- {
- int flags = scnhdr_int->s_flags;
- if (strcmp (scnhdr_int->s_name, ".data") == 0 ||
- strcmp (scnhdr_int->s_name, ".CRT") == 0 ||
- strcmp (scnhdr_int->s_name, ".rsrc") == 0 ||
- strcmp (scnhdr_int->s_name, ".bss") == 0)
- else if (strcmp (scnhdr_int->s_name, ".text") == 0)
- else if (strcmp (scnhdr_int->s_name, ".reloc") == 0)
- else if (strcmp (scnhdr_int->s_name, ".idata") == 0)
- else if (strcmp (scnhdr_int->s_name, ".rdata") == 0
- || strcmp (scnhdr_int->s_name, ".edata") == 0)
- /* ppc-nt additions */
- else if (strcmp (scnhdr_int->s_name, ".pdata") == 0)
- /* Remember this field is a max of 8 chars, so the null is _not_ there
- for an 8 character name like ".reldata". (yep. Stupid bug) */
- else if (strncmp (scnhdr_int->s_name, ".reldata", strlen(".reldata")) == 0)
- else if (strcmp (scnhdr_int->s_name, ".ydata") == 0)
- else if (strcmp (scnhdr_int->s_name, ".drectve") == 0)
- /* end of ppc-nt additions */
- else if (strncmp (scnhdr_int->s_name, ".stabstr", strlen(".stabstr")) == 0)
- {
- }
- else if (strcmp (scnhdr_int->s_name, ".stab") == 0)
- {
- }
- bfd_h_put_32(abfd, flags, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_flags);
- }
- if (scnhdr_int->s_nlnno <= 0xffff)
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, scnhdr_int->s_nlnno, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nlnno);
- else
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("%s: line number overflow: 0x%lx > 0xffff",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd),
- scnhdr_int->s_nlnno);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_truncated);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, 0xffff, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nlnno);
- ret = 0;
- }
- if (scnhdr_int->s_nreloc <= 0xffff)
- bfd_h_put_16(abfd, scnhdr_int->s_nreloc, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nreloc);
- else
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("%s: reloc overflow: 0x%lx > 0xffff",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd),
- scnhdr_int->s_nreloc);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_truncated);
- bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, 0xffff, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nreloc);
- ret = 0;
- }
- return ret;
-static char * dir_names[IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES] =
- "Export Directory [.edata]",
- "Import Directory [parts of .idata]",
- "Resource Directory [.rsrc]",
- "Exception Directory [.pdata]",
- "Security Directory",
- "Base Relocation Directory [.reloc]",
- "Debug Directory",
- "Description Directory",
- "Special Directory",
- "Thread Storage Directory [.tls]",
- "Load Configuration Directory",
- "Bound Import Directory",
- "Import Address Table Directory",
- "Reserved",
- "Reserved",
- "Reserved"
-static boolean
-pe_print_idata(abfd, vfile)
- bfd*abfd;
- void *vfile;
- FILE *file = vfile;
- bfd_byte *data = 0;
- asection *section = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".idata");
- asection *rel_section = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".reldata");
- bfd_size_type datasize = 0;
- bfd_size_type i;
- bfd_size_type start, stop;
- int onaline = 20;
- bfd_vma addr_value;
- bfd_vma loadable_toc_address;
- bfd_vma toc_address;
- bfd_vma start_address;
- pe_data_type *pe = pe_data (abfd);
- struct internal_extra_pe_aouthdr *extra = &pe->pe_opthdr;
- if (section == 0)
- return true;
- if (rel_section != 0 && bfd_section_size (abfd, rel_section) != 0)
- {
- /* The toc address can be found by taking the starting address,
- which on the PPC locates a function descriptor. The descriptor
- consists of the function code starting address followed by the
- address of the toc. The starting address we get from the bfd,
- and the descriptor is supposed to be in the .reldata section.
- */
- bfd_byte *data = 0;
- int offset;
- data = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc ((size_t) bfd_section_size (abfd,
- rel_section));
- if (data == NULL && bfd_section_size (abfd, rel_section) != 0)
- return false;
- datasize = bfd_section_size (abfd, rel_section);
- bfd_get_section_contents (abfd,
- rel_section,
- (PTR) data, 0,
- bfd_section_size (abfd, rel_section));
- offset = abfd->start_address - rel_section->vma;
- start_address = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+offset);
- loadable_toc_address = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+offset+4);
- toc_address = loadable_toc_address - 32768;
- fprintf(file,
- "\nFunction descriptor located at the start address: %04lx\n",
- (unsigned long int) (abfd->start_address));
- fprintf (file,
- "\tcode-base %08lx toc (loadable/actual) %08lx/%08lx\n",
- start_address, loadable_toc_address, toc_address);
- }
- else
- {
- loadable_toc_address = 0;
- toc_address = 0;
- start_address = 0;
- }
- fprintf(file,
- "\nThe Import Tables (interpreted .idata section contents)\n");
- fprintf(file,
- " vma: Hint Time Forward DLL First\n");
- fprintf(file,
- " Table Stamp Chain Name Thunk\n");
- if (bfd_section_size (abfd, section) == 0)
- return true;
- data = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc ((size_t) bfd_section_size (abfd, section));
- datasize = bfd_section_size (abfd, section);
- if (data == NULL && datasize != 0)
- return false;
- bfd_get_section_contents (abfd,
- section,
- (PTR) data, 0,
- bfd_section_size (abfd, section));
- start = 0;
- stop = bfd_section_size (abfd, section);
- for (i = start; i < stop; i += onaline)
- {
- bfd_vma hint_addr;
- bfd_vma time_stamp;
- bfd_vma forward_chain;
- bfd_vma dll_name;
- bfd_vma first_thunk;
- int idx;
- int j;
- char *dll;
- int adj = extra->ImageBase - section->vma;
- fprintf (file,
- " %04lx\t",
- (unsigned long int) (i + section->vma));
- if (i+20 > stop)
- {
- /* check stuff */
- ;
- }
- hint_addr = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+i);
- time_stamp = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+i+4);
- forward_chain = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+i+8);
- dll_name = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+i+12);
- first_thunk = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+i+16);
- fprintf(file, "%08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx\n",
- hint_addr,
- time_stamp,
- forward_chain,
- dll_name,
- first_thunk);
- if (hint_addr ==0)
- {
- break;
- }
- /* the image base is present in the section->vma */
- dll = data + dll_name + adj;
- fprintf(file, "\n\tDLL Name: %s\n", dll);
- fprintf(file, "\tvma: Ordinal Member-Name\n");
- idx = hint_addr + adj;
- for (j=0;j<stop;j+=4)
- {
- int ordinal;
- char *member_name;
- bfd_vma member = bfd_get_32(abfd, data + idx + j);
- if (member == 0)
- break;
- ordinal = bfd_get_16(abfd,
- data + member + adj);
- member_name = data + member + adj + 2;
- fprintf(file, "\t%04lx\t %4d %s\n",
- member, ordinal, member_name);
- }
- if (hint_addr != first_thunk)
- {
- int differ = 0;
- int idx2;
- idx2 = first_thunk + adj;
- for (j=0;j<stop;j+=4)
- {
- int ordinal;
- char *member_name;
- bfd_vma hint_member = bfd_get_32(abfd, data + idx + j);
- bfd_vma iat_member = bfd_get_32(abfd, data + idx2 + j);
- if (hint_member != iat_member)
- {
- if (differ == 0)
- {
- fprintf(file,
- "\tThe Import Address Table (difference found)\n");
- fprintf(file, "\tvma: Ordinal Member-Name\n");
- differ = 1;
- }
- if (iat_member == 0)
- {
- fprintf(file,
- "\t>>> Ran out of IAT members!\n");
- }
- else
- {
- ordinal = bfd_get_16(abfd,
- data + iat_member + adj);
- member_name = data + iat_member + adj + 2;
- fprintf(file, "\t%04lx\t %4d %s\n",
- iat_member, ordinal, member_name);
- }
- break;
- }
- if (hint_member == 0)
- break;
- }
- if (differ == 0)
- {
- fprintf(file,
- "\tThe Import Address Table is identical\n");
- }
- }
- fprintf(file, "\n");
- }
- free (data);
-static boolean
-pe_print_edata(abfd, vfile)
- bfd*abfd;
- void *vfile;
- FILE *file = vfile;
- bfd_byte *data = 0;
- asection *section = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".edata");
- bfd_size_type datasize = 0;
- bfd_size_type i;
- int adj;
- struct EDT_type
- {
- long export_flags; /* reserved - should be zero */
- long time_stamp;
- short major_ver;
- short minor_ver;
- bfd_vma name; /* rva - relative to image base */
- long base; /* ordinal base */
- long num_functions; /* Number in the export address table */
- long num_names; /* Number in the name pointer table */
- bfd_vma eat_addr; /* rva to the export address table */
- bfd_vma npt_addr; /* rva to the Export Name Pointer Table */
- bfd_vma ot_addr; /* rva to the Ordinal Table */
- } edt;
- pe_data_type *pe = pe_data (abfd);
- struct internal_extra_pe_aouthdr *extra = &pe->pe_opthdr;
- if (section == 0)
- return true;
- data = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc ((size_t) bfd_section_size (abfd,
- section));
- datasize = bfd_section_size (abfd, section);
- if (data == NULL && datasize != 0)
- return false;
- bfd_get_section_contents (abfd,
- section,
- (PTR) data, 0,
- bfd_section_size (abfd, section));
- /* Go get Export Directory Table */
- edt.export_flags = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+0);
- edt.time_stamp = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+4);
- edt.major_ver = bfd_get_16(abfd, data+8);
- edt.minor_ver = bfd_get_16(abfd, data+10);
- = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+12);
- edt.base = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+16);
- edt.num_functions = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+20);
- edt.num_names = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+24);
- edt.eat_addr = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+28);
- edt.npt_addr = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+32);
- edt.ot_addr = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+36);
- adj = extra->ImageBase - section->vma;
- /* Dump the EDT first first */
- fprintf(file,
- "\nThe Export Tables (interpreted .edata section contents)\n\n");
- fprintf(file,
- "Export Flags \t\t\t%x\n",edt.export_flags);
- fprintf(file,
- "Time/Date stamp \t\t%x\n",edt.time_stamp);
- fprintf(file,
- "Major/Minor \t\t\t%d/%d\n", edt.major_ver, edt.minor_ver);
- fprintf(file,
- "Name \t\t\t\t%x %s\n",, data + + adj);
- fprintf(file,
- "Ordinal Base \t\t\t%d\n", edt.base);
- fprintf(file,
- "Number in:\n");
- fprintf(file,
- "\tExport Address Table \t\t%x\n", edt.num_functions);
- fprintf(file,
- "\t[Name Pointer/Ordinal] Table\t%d\n", edt.num_names);
- fprintf(file,
- "Table Addresses\n");
- fprintf(file,
- "\tExport Address Table \t\t%x\n",
- edt.eat_addr);
- fprintf(file,
- "\tName Pointer Table \t\t%x\n",
- edt.npt_addr);
- fprintf(file,
- "\tOrdinal Table \t\t\t%x\n",
- edt.ot_addr);
- /* The next table to find si the Export Address Table. It's basically
- a list of pointers that either locate a function in this dll, or
- forward the call to another dll. Something like:
- typedef union
- {
- long export_rva;
- long forwarder_rva;
- } export_address_table_entry;
- */
- fprintf(file,
- "\nExport Address Table -- Ordinal Base %d\n",
- edt.base);
- for (i = 0; i < edt.num_functions; ++i)
- {
- bfd_vma eat_member = bfd_get_32(abfd,
- data + edt.eat_addr + (i*4) + adj);
- bfd_vma eat_actual = extra->ImageBase + eat_member;
- bfd_vma edata_start = bfd_get_section_vma(abfd,section);
- bfd_vma edata_end = edata_start + bfd_section_size (abfd, section);
- if (eat_member == 0)
- continue;
- if (edata_start < eat_actual && eat_actual < edata_end)
- {
- /* this rva is to a name (forwarding function) in our section */
- /* Should locate a function descriptor */
- fprintf(file,
- "\t[%4d] +base[%4d] %04lx %s -- %s\n",
- i, i+edt.base, eat_member, "Forwarder RVA",
- data + eat_member + adj);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Should locate a function descriptor in the reldata section */
- fprintf(file,
- "\t[%4d] +base[%4d] %04lx %s\n",
- i, i+edt.base, eat_member, "Export RVA");
- }
- }
- /* The Export Name Pointer Table is paired with the Export Ordinal Table */
- /* Dump them in parallel for clarity */
- fprintf(file,
- "\n[Ordinal/Name Pointer] Table\n");
- for (i = 0; i < edt.num_names; ++i)
- {
- bfd_vma name_ptr = bfd_get_32(abfd,
- data +
- edt.npt_addr
- + (i*4) + adj);
- char *name = data + name_ptr + adj;
- bfd_vma ord = bfd_get_16(abfd,
- data +
- edt.ot_addr
- + (i*2) + adj);
- fprintf(file,
- "\t[%4d] %s\n", ord, name);
- }
- free (data);
-static boolean
-pe_print_pdata(abfd, vfile)
- bfd*abfd;
- void *vfile;
- FILE *file = vfile;
- bfd_byte *data = 0;
- asection *section = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".pdata");
- bfd_size_type datasize = 0;
- bfd_size_type i;
- bfd_size_type start, stop;
- int onaline = 20;
- bfd_vma addr_value;
- if (section == 0)
- return true;
- fprintf(file,
- "\nThe Function Table (interpreted .pdata section contents)\n");
- fprintf(file,
- " vma:\t\tBegin End EH EH PrologEnd\n");
- fprintf(file,
- " \t\tAddress Address Handler Data Address\n");
- if (bfd_section_size (abfd, section) == 0)
- return true;
- data = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc ((size_t) bfd_section_size (abfd, section));
- datasize = bfd_section_size (abfd, section);
- if (data == NULL && datasize != 0)
- return false;
- bfd_get_section_contents (abfd,
- section,
- (PTR) data, 0,
- bfd_section_size (abfd, section));
- start = 0;
- stop = bfd_section_size (abfd, section);
- for (i = start; i < stop; i += onaline)
- {
- bfd_vma begin_addr;
- bfd_vma end_addr;
- bfd_vma eh_handler;
- bfd_vma eh_data;
- bfd_vma prolog_end_addr;
- if (i+20 > stop)
- break;
- begin_addr = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+i);
- end_addr = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+i+4);
- eh_handler = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+i+8);
- eh_data = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+i+12);
- prolog_end_addr = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+i+16);
- if (begin_addr == 0 && end_addr == 0 && eh_handler == 0
- && eh_data == 0 && prolog_end_addr == 0)
- {
- /* We are probably into the padding of the
- section now */
- break;
- }
- fprintf (file,
- " %08lx\t",
- (unsigned long int) (i + section->vma));
- fprintf(file, "%08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx",
- begin_addr,
- end_addr,
- eh_handler,
- eh_data,
- prolog_end_addr);
- if (eh_handler == 0 && eh_data != 0)
- {
- /* Special bits here, although the meaning may */
- /* be a little mysterious. The only one I know */
- /* for sure is 0x03. */
- /* Code Significance */
- /* 0x00 None */
- /* 0x01 Register Save Millicode */
- /* 0x02 Register Restore Millicode */
- /* 0x03 Glue Code Sequence */
- switch (eh_data)
- {
- case 0x01:
- fprintf(file, " Register save millicode");
- break;
- case 0x02:
- fprintf(file, " Register restore millicode");
- break;
- case 0x03:
- fprintf(file, " Glue code sequence");
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- fprintf(file, "\n");
- }
- free (data);
-static const char *tbl[6] =
-static boolean
-pe_print_reloc(abfd, vfile)
- bfd*abfd;
- void *vfile;
- FILE *file = vfile;
- bfd_byte *data = 0;
- asection *section = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".reloc");
- bfd_size_type datasize = 0;
- bfd_size_type i;
- bfd_size_type start, stop;
- int onaline = 20;
- bfd_vma addr_value;
- if (section == 0)
- return true;
- if (bfd_section_size (abfd, section) == 0)
- return true;
- fprintf(file,
- "\n\nPE File Base Relocations (interpreted .reloc"
- " section contents)\n");
- data = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc ((size_t) bfd_section_size (abfd, section));
- datasize = bfd_section_size (abfd, section);
- if (data == NULL && datasize != 0)
- return false;
- bfd_get_section_contents (abfd,
- section,
- (PTR) data, 0,
- bfd_section_size (abfd, section));
- start = 0;
- stop = bfd_section_size (abfd, section);
- for (i = start; i < stop;)
- {
- int j;
- bfd_vma virtual_address;
- long number, size;
- /* The .reloc section is a sequence of blocks, with a header consisting
- of two 32 bit quantities, followed by a number of 16 bit entries */
- virtual_address = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+i);
- size = bfd_get_32(abfd, data+i+4);
- number = (size - 8) / 2;
- if (size == 0)
- {
- break;
- }
- fprintf (file,
- "\nVirtual Address: %08lx Chunk size %d (0x%x) "
- "Number of fixups %d\n",
- virtual_address, size, size, number);
- for (j = 0; j < number; ++j)
- {
- unsigned short e = bfd_get_16(abfd, data + i + 8 + j*2);
- int t = (e & 0xF000) >> 12;
- int off = e & 0x0FFF;
- if (t > 5)
- abort();
- fprintf(file,
- "\treloc %4d offset %4x [%4x] %s\n",
- j, off, off+virtual_address, tbl[t]);
- }
- i += size;
- }
- free (data);
-static boolean
-pe_print_private_bfd_data (abfd, vfile)
- bfd *abfd;
- PTR vfile;
- FILE *file = (FILE *) vfile;
- int j;
- pe_data_type *pe = pe_data (abfd);
- struct internal_extra_pe_aouthdr *i = &pe->pe_opthdr;
- fprintf (file,"\nImageBase\t\t");
- fprintf_vma (file, i->ImageBase);
- fprintf (file,"\nSectionAlignment\t");
- fprintf_vma (file, i->SectionAlignment);
- fprintf (file,"\nFileAlignment\t\t");
- fprintf_vma (file, i->FileAlignment);
- fprintf (file,"\nMajorOSystemVersion\t%d\n", i->MajorOperatingSystemVersion);
- fprintf (file,"MinorOSystemVersion\t%d\n", i->MinorOperatingSystemVersion);
- fprintf (file,"MajorImageVersion\t%d\n", i->MajorImageVersion);
- fprintf (file,"MinorImageVersion\t%d\n", i->MinorImageVersion);
- fprintf (file,"MajorSubsystemVersion\t%d\n", i->MajorSubsystemVersion);
- fprintf (file,"MinorSubsystemVersion\t%d\n", i->MinorSubsystemVersion);
- fprintf (file,"Reserved1\t\t%08lx\n", i->Reserved1);
- fprintf (file,"SizeOfImage\t\t%08lx\n", i->SizeOfImage);
- fprintf (file,"SizeOfHeaders\t\t%08lx\n", i->SizeOfHeaders);
- fprintf (file,"CheckSum\t\t%08lx\n", i->CheckSum);
- fprintf (file,"Subsystem\t\t%08x\n", i->Subsystem);
- fprintf (file,"DllCharacteristics\t%08x\n", i->DllCharacteristics);
- fprintf (file,"SizeOfStackReserve\t");
- fprintf_vma (file, i->SizeOfStackReserve);
- fprintf (file,"\nSizeOfStackCommit\t");
- fprintf_vma (file, i->SizeOfStackCommit);
- fprintf (file,"\nSizeOfHeapReserve\t");
- fprintf_vma (file, i->SizeOfHeapReserve);
- fprintf (file,"\nSizeOfHeapCommit\t");
- fprintf_vma (file, i->SizeOfHeapCommit);
- fprintf (file,"\nLoaderFlags\t\t%08lx\n", i->LoaderFlags);
- fprintf (file,"NumberOfRvaAndSizes\t%08lx\n", i->NumberOfRvaAndSizes);
- fprintf (file,"\nThe Data Directory\n");
- {
- fprintf (file, "Entry %1x ", j);
- fprintf_vma (file, i->DataDirectory[j].VirtualAddress);
- fprintf (file, " %08lx ", i->DataDirectory[j].Size);
- fprintf (file, "%s\n", dir_names[j]);
- }
- pe_print_idata(abfd, vfile);
- pe_print_edata(abfd, vfile);
- pe_print_pdata(abfd, vfile);
- pe_print_reloc(abfd, vfile);
- return true;
-static boolean
-pe_mkobject (abfd)
- bfd * abfd;
- pe_data_type *pe;
- abfd->tdata.pe_obj_data =
- (struct pe_tdata *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (pe_data_type));
- if (abfd->tdata.pe_obj_data == 0)
- return false;
- pe = pe_data (abfd);
- pe-> = 1;
- pe->in_reloc_p = in_reloc_p;
- return true;
-/* Create the COFF backend specific information. */
-static PTR
-pe_mkobject_hook (abfd, filehdr, aouthdr)
- bfd * abfd;
- PTR filehdr;
- PTR aouthdr;
- struct internal_filehdr *internal_f = (struct internal_filehdr *) filehdr;
- pe_data_type *pe;
- if (pe_mkobject (abfd) == false)
- return NULL;
- pe = pe_data (abfd);
- pe->coff.sym_filepos = internal_f->f_symptr;
- /* These members communicate important constants about the symbol
- table to GDB's symbol-reading code. These `constants'
- unfortunately vary among coff implementations... */
- pe->coff.local_n_btmask = N_BTMASK;
- pe->coff.local_n_btshft = N_BTSHFT;
- pe->coff.local_n_tmask = N_TMASK;
- pe->coff.local_n_tshift = N_TSHIFT;
- pe->coff.local_symesz = SYMESZ;
- pe->coff.local_auxesz = AUXESZ;
- pe->coff.local_linesz = LINESZ;
- obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) =
- obj_conv_table_size (abfd) =
- internal_f->f_nsyms;
- pe->real_flags = internal_f->f_flags;
- if (aouthdr)
- {
- pe->pe_opthdr = ((struct internal_aouthdr *)aouthdr)->pe;
- }
- return (PTR) pe;
-/* Copy any private info we understand from the input bfd
- to the output bfd. */
-#define coff_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data pe_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data
-static boolean
-pe_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data (ibfd, obfd)
- bfd *ibfd, *obfd;
- /* One day we may try to grok other private data. */
- if (ibfd->xvec->flavour != bfd_target_coff_flavour
- || obfd->xvec->flavour != bfd_target_coff_flavour)
- return true;
- pe_data(obfd)->pe_opthdr = pe_data (ibfd)->pe_opthdr;
- return true;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ptrace-core.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/ptrace-core.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e356457e8fbc..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/ptrace-core.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD backend for core files which use the ptrace_user structure
- Copyright 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- The structure of this file is based on trad-core.c written by John Gilmore
- of Cygnus Support.
- Modified to work with the ptrace_user structure by Kevin A. Buettner.
- (Longterm it may be better to merge this file with trad-core.c)
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/dir.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/ptrace.h>
-struct trad_core_struct
- {
- asection *data_section;
- asection *stack_section;
- asection *reg_section;
- struct ptrace_user u;
- };
-#define core_upage(bfd) (&((bfd)->tdata.trad_core_data->u))
-#define core_datasec(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.trad_core_data->data_section)
-#define core_stacksec(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.trad_core_data->stack_section)
-#define core_regsec(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.trad_core_data->reg_section)
-/* forward declarations */
-const bfd_target *ptrace_unix_core_file_p PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-char * ptrace_unix_core_file_failing_command PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-int ptrace_unix_core_file_failing_signal PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-boolean ptrace_unix_core_file_matches_executable_p
- PARAMS ((bfd *core_bfd, bfd *exec_bfd));
-const bfd_target *
-ptrace_unix_core_file_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- int val;
- struct ptrace_user u;
- struct trad_core_struct *rawptr;
- val = bfd_read ((void *)&u, 1, sizeof u, abfd);
- if (val != sizeof u || u.pt_magic != _BCS_PTRACE_MAGIC
- || u.pt_rev != _BCS_PTRACE_REV)
- {
- /* Too small to be a core file */
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- /* OK, we believe you. You're a core file (sure, sure). */
- /* Allocate both the upage and the struct core_data at once, so
- a single free() will free them both. */
- rawptr = (struct trad_core_struct *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct trad_core_struct));
- if (rawptr == NULL)
- return 0;
- abfd->tdata.trad_core_data = rawptr;
- rawptr->u = u; /*Copy the uarea into the tdata part of the bfd */
- /* Create the sections. This is raunchy, but bfd_close wants to free
- them separately. */
- core_stacksec (abfd) = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
- if (core_stacksec (abfd) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- core_datasec (abfd) = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
- if (core_datasec (abfd) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- core_regsec (abfd) = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
- if (core_regsec (abfd) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- core_stacksec (abfd)->name = ".stack";
- core_datasec (abfd)->name = ".data";
- core_regsec (abfd)->name = ".reg";
- /* FIXME: Need to worry about shared memory, library data, and library
- text. I don't think that any of these things are supported on the
- system on which I am developing this for though. */
- core_stacksec (abfd)->flags = SEC_ALLOC + SEC_LOAD + SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- core_datasec (abfd)->flags = SEC_ALLOC + SEC_LOAD + SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- core_regsec (abfd)->flags = SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- core_datasec (abfd)->_raw_size = u.pt_dsize;
- core_stacksec (abfd)->_raw_size = u.pt_ssize;
- core_regsec (abfd)->_raw_size = sizeof(u);
- core_datasec (abfd)->vma = u.pt_o_data_start;
- core_stacksec (abfd)->vma = USRSTACK - u.pt_ssize;
- core_regsec (abfd)->vma = 0 - sizeof(u); /* see trad-core.c */
- core_datasec (abfd)->filepos = (int) u.pt_dataptr;
- core_stacksec (abfd)->filepos = (int) (u.pt_dataptr + u.pt_dsize);
- core_regsec (abfd)->filepos = 0; /* Register segment is ptrace_user */
- /* Align to word at least */
- core_stacksec (abfd)->alignment_power = 2;
- core_datasec (abfd)->alignment_power = 2;
- core_regsec (abfd)->alignment_power = 2;
- abfd->sections = core_stacksec (abfd);
- core_stacksec (abfd)->next = core_datasec (abfd);
- core_datasec (abfd)->next = core_regsec (abfd);
- abfd->section_count = 3;
- return abfd->xvec;
-char *
-ptrace_unix_core_file_failing_command (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *com = abfd->tdata.trad_core_data->u.pt_comm;
- if (*com)
- return com;
- else
- return 0;
-ptrace_unix_core_file_failing_signal (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return abfd->tdata.trad_core_data->u.pt_sigframe.sig_num;
-ptrace_unix_core_file_matches_executable_p (core_bfd, exec_bfd)
- bfd *core_bfd, *exec_bfd;
- /* FIXME: Use pt_timdat field of the ptrace_user structure to match
- the date of the executable */
- return true;
-/* If somebody calls any byte-swapping routines, shoot them. */
- abort(); /* This way doesn't require any declaration for ANSI to fuck up */
-#define NO_GET ((bfd_vma (*) PARAMS (( const bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-#define NO_PUT ((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-#define NO_SIGNED_GET \
- ((bfd_signed_vma (*) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-const bfd_target ptrace_core_vec =
- {
- "trad-core",
- bfd_target_unknown_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* target byte order */
- BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* target headers byte order */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* symbol prefix */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 64 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 32 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 16 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 64 bit hdrs */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 32 bit hdrs */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 16 bit hdrs */
- { /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* unknown format */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* object file */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* archive */
- ptrace_unix_core_file_p /* a core file */
- },
- { /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false, bfd_false,
- bfd_false, bfd_false
- },
- { /* bfd_write_contents */
- bfd_false, bfd_false,
- bfd_false, bfd_false
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (ptrace_unix),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_SYMBOLS (_bfd_nosymbols),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS (_bfd_norelocs),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (_bfd_nolink),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0 /* backend_data */
-#endif /* PTRACE_CORE */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/reloc.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/reloc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 46ed5c2d9228..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/reloc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2391 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD support for handling relocation entries.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- Relocations
- BFD maintains relocations in much the same way it maintains
- symbols: they are left alone until required, then read in
- en-mass and translated into an internal form. A common
- routine <<bfd_perform_relocation>> acts upon the
- canonical form to do the fixup.
- Relocations are maintained on a per section basis,
- while symbols are maintained on a per BFD basis.
- All that a back end has to do to fit the BFD interface is to create
- a <<struct reloc_cache_entry>> for each relocation
- in a particular section, and fill in the right bits of the structures.
-@* typedef arelent::
-@* howto manager::
-@end menu
-/* DO compile in the reloc_code name table from libbfd.h. */
-#define _BFD_MAKE_TABLE_bfd_reloc_code_real
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
- typedef arelent, howto manager, Relocations, Relocations
- typedef arelent
- This is the structure of a relocation entry:
-.typedef enum bfd_reloc_status
-. {* No errors detected *}
-. bfd_reloc_ok,
-. {* The relocation was performed, but there was an overflow. *}
-. bfd_reloc_overflow,
-. {* The address to relocate was not within the section supplied. *}
-. bfd_reloc_outofrange,
-. {* Used by special functions *}
-. bfd_reloc_continue,
-. {* Unsupported relocation size requested. *}
-. bfd_reloc_notsupported,
-. {* Unused *}
-. bfd_reloc_other,
-. {* The symbol to relocate against was undefined. *}
-. bfd_reloc_undefined,
-. {* The relocation was performed, but may not be ok - presently
-. generated only when linking i960 coff files with i960 b.out
-. symbols. If this type is returned, the error_message argument
-. to bfd_perform_relocation will be set. *}
-. bfd_reloc_dangerous
-. }
-. bfd_reloc_status_type;
-.typedef struct reloc_cache_entry
-. {* A pointer into the canonical table of pointers *}
-. struct symbol_cache_entry **sym_ptr_ptr;
-. {* offset in section *}
-. bfd_size_type address;
-. {* addend for relocation value *}
-. bfd_vma addend;
-. {* Pointer to how to perform the required relocation *}
-. reloc_howto_type *howto;
-.} arelent;
- Here is a description of each of the fields within an <<arelent>>:
- o <<sym_ptr_ptr>>
- The symbol table pointer points to a pointer to the symbol
- associated with the relocation request. It is
- the pointer into the table returned by the back end's
- <<get_symtab>> action. @xref{Symbols}. The symbol is referenced
- through a pointer to a pointer so that tools like the linker
- can fix up all the symbols of the same name by modifying only
- one pointer. The relocation routine looks in the symbol and
- uses the base of the section the symbol is attached to and the
- value of the symbol as the initial relocation offset. If the
- symbol pointer is zero, then the section provided is looked up.
- o <<address>>
- The <<address>> field gives the offset in bytes from the base of
- the section data which owns the relocation record to the first
- byte of relocatable information. The actual data relocated
- will be relative to this point; for example, a relocation
- type which modifies the bottom two bytes of a four byte word
- would not touch the first byte pointed to in a big endian
- world.
- o <<addend>>
- The <<addend>> is a value provided by the back end to be added (!)
- to the relocation offset. Its interpretation is dependent upon
- the howto. For example, on the 68k the code:
-| char foo[];
-| main()
-| {
-| return foo[0x12345678];
-| }
- Could be compiled into:
-| linkw fp,#-4
-| moveb @@#12345678,d0
-| extbl d0
-| unlk fp
-| rts
- This could create a reloc pointing to <<foo>>, but leave the
- offset in the data, something like:
-|offset type value
-|00000006 32 _foo
-|00000000 4e56 fffc ; linkw fp,#-4
-|00000004 1039 1234 5678 ; moveb @@#12345678,d0
-|0000000a 49c0 ; extbl d0
-|0000000c 4e5e ; unlk fp
-|0000000e 4e75 ; rts
- Using coff and an 88k, some instructions don't have enough
- space in them to represent the full address range, and
- pointers have to be loaded in two parts. So you'd get something like:
-| or.u r13,r0,hi16(_foo+0x12345678)
-| ld.b r2,r13,lo16(_foo+0x12345678)
-| jmp r1
- This should create two relocs, both pointing to <<_foo>>, and with
- 0x12340000 in their addend field. The data would consist of:
-|offset type value
-|00000002 HVRT16 _foo+0x12340000
-|00000006 LVRT16 _foo+0x12340000
-|00000000 5da05678 ; or.u r13,r0,0x5678
-|00000004 1c4d5678 ; ld.b r2,r13,0x5678
-|00000008 f400c001 ; jmp r1
- The relocation routine digs out the value from the data, adds
- it to the addend to get the original offset, and then adds the
- value of <<_foo>>. Note that all 32 bits have to be kept around
- somewhere, to cope with carry from bit 15 to bit 16.
- One further example is the sparc and the a.out format. The
- sparc has a similar problem to the 88k, in that some
- instructions don't have room for an entire offset, but on the
- sparc the parts are created in odd sized lumps. The designers of
- the a.out format chose to not use the data within the section
- for storing part of the offset; all the offset is kept within
- the reloc. Anything in the data should be ignored.
-| save %sp,-112,%sp
-| sethi %hi(_foo+0x12345678),%g2
-| ldsb [%g2+%lo(_foo+0x12345678)],%i0
-| ret
-| restore
- Both relocs contain a pointer to <<foo>>, and the offsets
- contain junk.
-|offset type value
-|00000004 HI22 _foo+0x12345678
-|00000008 LO10 _foo+0x12345678
-|00000000 9de3bf90 ; save %sp,-112,%sp
-|00000004 05000000 ; sethi %hi(_foo+0),%g2
-|00000008 f048a000 ; ldsb [%g2+%lo(_foo+0)],%i0
-|0000000c 81c7e008 ; ret
-|00000010 81e80000 ; restore
- o <<howto>>
- The <<howto>> field can be imagined as a
- relocation instruction. It is a pointer to a structure which
- contains information on what to do with all of the other
- information in the reloc record and data section. A back end
- would normally have a relocation instruction set and turn
- relocations into pointers to the correct structure on input -
- but it would be possible to create each howto field on demand.
- <<enum complain_overflow>>
- Indicates what sort of overflow checking should be done when
- performing a relocation.
-.enum complain_overflow
-. {* Do not complain on overflow. *}
-. complain_overflow_dont,
-. {* Complain if the bitfield overflows, whether it is considered
-. as signed or unsigned. *}
-. complain_overflow_bitfield,
-. {* Complain if the value overflows when considered as signed
-. number. *}
-. complain_overflow_signed,
-. {* Complain if the value overflows when considered as an
-. unsigned number. *}
-. complain_overflow_unsigned
- <<reloc_howto_type>>
- The <<reloc_howto_type>> is a structure which contains all the
- information that libbfd needs to know to tie up a back end's data.
-.struct symbol_cache_entry; {* Forward declaration *}
-.struct reloc_howto_struct
-. {* The type field has mainly a documetary use - the back end can
-. do what it wants with it, though normally the back end's
-. external idea of what a reloc number is stored
-. in this field. For example, a PC relative word relocation
-. in a coff environment has the type 023 - because that's
-. what the outside world calls a R_PCRWORD reloc. *}
-. unsigned int type;
-. {* The value the final relocation is shifted right by. This drops
-. unwanted data from the relocation. *}
-. unsigned int rightshift;
-. {* The size of the item to be relocated. This is *not* a
-. power-of-two measure. To get the number of bytes operated
-. on by a type of relocation, use bfd_get_reloc_size. *}
-. int size;
-. {* The number of bits in the item to be relocated. This is used
-. when doing overflow checking. *}
-. unsigned int bitsize;
-. {* Notes that the relocation is relative to the location in the
-. data section of the addend. The relocation function will
-. subtract from the relocation value the address of the location
-. being relocated. *}
-. boolean pc_relative;
-. {* The bit position of the reloc value in the destination.
-. The relocated value is left shifted by this amount. *}
-. unsigned int bitpos;
-. {* What type of overflow error should be checked for when
-. relocating. *}
-. enum complain_overflow complain_on_overflow;
-. {* If this field is non null, then the supplied function is
-. called rather than the normal function. This allows really
-. strange relocation methods to be accomodated (e.g., i960 callj
-. instructions). *}
-. bfd_reloc_status_type (*special_function)
-. PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
-. arelent *reloc_entry,
-. struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol,
-. PTR data,
-. asection *input_section,
-. bfd *output_bfd,
-. char **error_message));
-. {* The textual name of the relocation type. *}
-. char *name;
-. {* When performing a partial link, some formats must modify the
-. relocations rather than the data - this flag signals this.*}
-. boolean partial_inplace;
-. {* The src_mask selects which parts of the read in data
-. are to be used in the relocation sum. E.g., if this was an 8 bit
-. bit of data which we read and relocated, this would be
-. 0x000000ff. When we have relocs which have an addend, such as
-. sun4 extended relocs, the value in the offset part of a
-. relocating field is garbage so we never use it. In this case
-. the mask would be 0x00000000. *}
-. bfd_vma src_mask;
-. {* The dst_mask selects which parts of the instruction are replaced
-. into the instruction. In most cases src_mask == dst_mask,
-. except in the above special case, where dst_mask would be
-. 0x000000ff, and src_mask would be 0x00000000. *}
-. bfd_vma dst_mask;
-. {* When some formats create PC relative instructions, they leave
-. the value of the pc of the place being relocated in the offset
-. slot of the instruction, so that a PC relative relocation can
-. be made just by adding in an ordinary offset (e.g., sun3 a.out).
-. Some formats leave the displacement part of an instruction
-. empty (e.g., m88k bcs); this flag signals the fact.*}
-. boolean pcrel_offset;
- The HOWTO Macro
- The HOWTO define is horrible and will go away.
- And will be replaced with the totally magic way. But for the
- moment, we are compatible, so do it this way.
-.#define NEWHOWTO( FUNCTION, NAME,SIZE,REL,IN) HOWTO(0,0,SIZE,0,REL,0,complain_overflow_dont,FUNCTION, NAME,false,0,0,IN)
- Helper routine to turn a symbol into a relocation value.
-.#define HOWTO_PREPARE(relocation, symbol) \
-. { \
-. if (symbol != (asymbol *)NULL) { \
-. if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section)) { \
-. relocation = 0; \
-. } \
-. else { \
-. relocation = symbol->value; \
-. } \
-. } \
- bfd_get_reloc_size
- int bfd_get_reloc_size (reloc_howto_type *);
- For a reloc_howto_type that operates on a fixed number of bytes,
- this returns the number of bytes operated on.
- */
-bfd_get_reloc_size (howto)
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- switch (howto->size)
- {
- case 0: return 1;
- case 1: return 2;
- case 2: return 4;
- case 3: return 0;
- case 4: return 8;
- case -2: return 4;
- default: abort ();
- }
- arelent_chain
- How relocs are tied together in an <<asection>>:
-.typedef struct relent_chain {
-. arelent relent;
-. struct relent_chain *next;
-.} arelent_chain;
- bfd_perform_relocation
- bfd_reloc_status_type
- bfd_perform_relocation
- (bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc_entry,
- PTR data,
- asection *input_section,
- bfd *output_bfd,
- char **error_message);
- If @var{output_bfd} is supplied to this function, the
- generated image will be relocatable; the relocations are
- copied to the output file after they have been changed to
- reflect the new state of the world. There are two ways of
- reflecting the results of partial linkage in an output file:
- by modifying the output data in place, and by modifying the
- relocation record. Some native formats (e.g., basic a.out and
- basic coff) have no way of specifying an addend in the
- relocation type, so the addend has to go in the output data.
- This is no big deal since in these formats the output data
- slot will always be big enough for the addend. Complex reloc
- types with addends were invented to solve just this problem.
- The @var{error_message} argument is set to an error message if
- this return @code{bfd_reloc_dangerous}.
-bfd_perform_relocation (abfd, reloc_entry, data, input_section, output_bfd,
- error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_reloc_status_type flag = bfd_reloc_ok;
- bfd_size_type addr = reloc_entry->address;
- bfd_vma output_base = 0;
- reloc_howto_type *howto = reloc_entry->howto;
- asection *reloc_target_output_section;
- asymbol *symbol;
- symbol = *(reloc_entry->sym_ptr_ptr);
- if (bfd_is_abs_section (symbol->section)
- && output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL)
- {
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- /* If we are not producing relocateable output, return an error if
- the symbol is not defined. An undefined weak symbol is
- considered to have a value of zero (SVR4 ABI, p. 4-27). */
- if (bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section)
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_WEAK) == 0
- && output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
- flag = bfd_reloc_undefined;
- /* If there is a function supplied to handle this relocation type,
- call it. It'll return `bfd_reloc_continue' if further processing
- can be done. */
- if (howto->special_function)
- {
- bfd_reloc_status_type cont;
- cont = howto->special_function (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data,
- input_section, output_bfd,
- error_message);
- if (cont != bfd_reloc_continue)
- return cont;
- }
- /* Is the address of the relocation really within the section? */
- if (reloc_entry->address > input_section->_cooked_size)
- return bfd_reloc_outofrange;
- /* Work out which section the relocation is targetted at and the
- initial relocation command value. */
- /* Get symbol value. (Common symbols are special.) */
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- relocation = 0;
- else
- relocation = symbol->value;
- reloc_target_output_section = symbol->section->output_section;
- /* Convert input-section-relative symbol value to absolute. */
- if (output_bfd && howto->partial_inplace == false)
- output_base = 0;
- else
- output_base = reloc_target_output_section->vma;
- relocation += output_base + symbol->section->output_offset;
- /* Add in supplied addend. */
- relocation += reloc_entry->addend;
- /* Here the variable relocation holds the final address of the
- symbol we are relocating against, plus any addend. */
- if (howto->pc_relative == true)
- {
- /* This is a PC relative relocation. We want to set RELOCATION
- to the distance between the address of the symbol and the
- location. RELOCATION is already the address of the symbol.
- We start by subtracting the address of the section containing
- the location.
- If pcrel_offset is set, we must further subtract the position
- of the location within the section. Some targets arrange for
- the addend to be the negative of the position of the location
- within the section; for example, i386-aout does this. For
- i386-aout, pcrel_offset is false. Some other targets do not
- include the position of the location; for example, m88kbcs,
- or ELF. For those targets, pcrel_offset is true.
- If we are producing relocateable output, then we must ensure
- that this reloc will be correctly computed when the final
- relocation is done. If pcrel_offset is false we want to wind
- up with the negative of the location within the section,
- which means we must adjust the existing addend by the change
- in the location within the section. If pcrel_offset is true
- we do not want to adjust the existing addend at all.
- FIXME: This seems logical to me, but for the case of
- producing relocateable output it is not what the code
- actually does. I don't want to change it, because it seems
- far too likely that something will break. */
- relocation -=
- input_section->output_section->vma + input_section->output_offset;
- if (howto->pcrel_offset == true)
- relocation -= reloc_entry->address;
- }
- if (output_bfd != (bfd *) NULL)
- {
- if (howto->partial_inplace == false)
- {
- /* This is a partial relocation, and we want to apply the relocation
- to the reloc entry rather than the raw data. Modify the reloc
- inplace to reflect what we now know. */
- reloc_entry->addend = relocation;
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return flag;
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is a partial relocation, but inplace, so modify the
- reloc record a bit.
- If we've relocated with a symbol with a section, change
- into a ref to the section belonging to the symbol. */
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- /* WTF?? */
- if (abfd->xvec->flavour == bfd_target_coff_flavour
- && strcmp (abfd->xvec->name, "aixcoff-rs6000") != 0
- && strcmp (abfd->xvec->name, "coff-Intel-little") != 0
- && strcmp (abfd->xvec->name, "coff-Intel-big") != 0)
- {
-#if 1
- /* For m68k-coff, the addend was being subtracted twice during
- relocation with -r. Removing the line below this comment
- fixes that problem; see PR 2953.
-However, Ian wrote the following, regarding removing the line below,
-which explains why it is still enabled: --djm
-If you put a patch like that into BFD you need to check all the COFF
-linkers. I am fairly certain that patch will break coff-i386 (e.g.,
-SCO); see coff_i386_reloc in coff-i386.c where I worked around the
-problem in a different way. There may very well be a reason that the
-code works as it does.
-Hmmm. The first obvious point is that bfd_perform_relocation should
-not have any tests that depend upon the flavour. It's seem like
-entirely the wrong place for such a thing. The second obvious point
-is that the current code ignores the reloc addend when producing
-relocateable output for COFF. That's peculiar. In fact, I really
-have no idea what the point of the line you want to remove is.
-A typical COFF reloc subtracts the old value of the symbol and adds in
-the new value to the location in the object file (if it's a pc
-relative reloc it adds the difference between the symbol value and the
-location). When relocating we need to preserve that property.
-BFD handles this by setting the addend to the negative of the old
-value of the symbol. Unfortunately it handles common symbols in a
-non-standard way (it doesn't subtract the old value) but that's a
-different story (we can't change it without losing backward
-compatibility with old object files) (coff-i386 does subtract the old
-value, to be compatible with existing coff-i386 targets, like SCO).
-So everything works fine when not producing relocateable output. When
-we are producing relocateable output, logically we should do exactly
-what we do when not producing relocateable output. Therefore, your
-patch is correct. In fact, it should probably always just set
-reloc_entry->addend to 0 for all cases, since it is, in fact, going to
-add the value into the object file. This won't hurt the COFF code,
-which doesn't use the addend; I'm not sure what it will do to other
-formats (the thing to check for would be whether any formats both use
-the addend and set partial_inplace).
-When I wanted to make coff-i386 produce relocateable output, I ran
-into the problem that you are running into: I wanted to remove that
-line. Rather than risk it, I made the coff-i386 relocs use a special
-function; it's coff_i386_reloc in coff-i386.c. The function
-specifically adds the addend field into the object file, knowing that
-bfd_perform_relocation is not going to. If you remove that line, then
-coff-i386.c will wind up adding the addend field in twice. It's
-trivial to fix; it just needs to be done.
-The problem with removing the line is just that it may break some
-working code. With BFD it's hard to be sure of anything. The right
-way to deal with this is simply to build and test at least all the
-supported COFF targets. It should be straightforward if time and disk
-space consuming. For each target:
- 1) build the linker
- 2) generate some executable, and link it using -r (I would
- probably use paranoia.o and link against newlib/libc.a, which
- for all the supported targets would be available in
- /usr/cygnus/progressive/H-host/target/lib/libc.a).
- 3) make the change to reloc.c
- 4) rebuild the linker
- 5) repeat step 2
- 6) if the resulting object files are the same, you have at least
- made it no worse
- 7) if they are different you have to figure out which version is
- right
- relocation -= reloc_entry->addend;
- reloc_entry->addend = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- reloc_entry->addend = relocation;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- reloc_entry->addend = 0;
- }
- /* FIXME: This overflow checking is incomplete, because the value
- might have overflowed before we get here. For a correct check we
- need to compute the value in a size larger than bitsize, but we
- can't reasonably do that for a reloc the same size as a host
- machine word.
- FIXME: We should also do overflow checking on the result after
- adding in the value contained in the object file. */
- if (howto->complain_on_overflow != complain_overflow_dont
- && flag == bfd_reloc_ok)
- {
- bfd_vma check;
- /* Get the value that will be used for the relocation, but
- starting at bit position zero. */
- check = relocation >> howto->rightshift;
- switch (howto->complain_on_overflow)
- {
- case complain_overflow_signed:
- {
- /* Assumes two's complement. */
- bfd_signed_vma reloc_signed_max = (1 << (howto->bitsize - 1)) - 1;
- bfd_signed_vma reloc_signed_min = ~reloc_signed_max;
- /* The above right shift is incorrect for a signed value.
- Fix it up by forcing on the upper bits. */
- if (howto->rightshift > 0
- && (bfd_signed_vma) relocation < 0)
- check |= ((bfd_vma) - 1
- & ~((bfd_vma) - 1
- >> howto->rightshift));
- if ((bfd_signed_vma) check > reloc_signed_max
- || (bfd_signed_vma) check < reloc_signed_min)
- flag = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- }
- break;
- case complain_overflow_unsigned:
- {
- /* Assumes two's complement. This expression avoids
- overflow if howto->bitsize is the number of bits in
- bfd_vma. */
- bfd_vma reloc_unsigned_max =
- (((1 << (howto->bitsize - 1)) - 1) << 1) | 1;
- if ((bfd_vma) check > reloc_unsigned_max)
- flag = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- }
- break;
- case complain_overflow_bitfield:
- {
- /* Assumes two's complement. This expression avoids
- overflow if howto->bitsize is the number of bits in
- bfd_vma. */
- bfd_vma reloc_bits = (((1 << (howto->bitsize - 1)) - 1) << 1) | 1;
- if (((bfd_vma) check & ~reloc_bits) != 0
- && ((bfd_vma) check & ~reloc_bits) != (-1 & ~reloc_bits))
- {
- /* The above right shift is incorrect for a signed
- value. See if turning on the upper bits fixes the
- overflow. */
- if (howto->rightshift > 0
- && (bfd_signed_vma) relocation < 0)
- {
- check |= ((bfd_vma) - 1
- & ~((bfd_vma) - 1
- >> howto->rightshift));
- if (((bfd_vma) check & ~reloc_bits) != (-1 & ~reloc_bits))
- flag = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- }
- else
- flag = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- }
- /*
- Either we are relocating all the way, or we don't want to apply
- the relocation to the reloc entry (probably because there isn't
- any room in the output format to describe addends to relocs)
- */
- /* The cast to bfd_vma avoids a bug in the Alpha OSF/1 C compiler
- (OSF version 1.3, compiler version 3.11). It miscompiles the
- following program:
- struct str
- {
- unsigned int i0;
- } s = { 0 };
- int
- main ()
- {
- unsigned long x;
- x = 0x100000000;
- x <<= (unsigned long) s.i0;
- if (x == 0)
- printf ("failed\n");
- else
- printf ("succeeded (%lx)\n", x);
- }
- */
- relocation >>= (bfd_vma) howto->rightshift;
- /* Shift everything up to where it's going to be used */
- relocation <<= (bfd_vma) howto->bitpos;
- /* Wait for the day when all have the mask in them */
- /* What we do:
- i instruction to be left alone
- o offset within instruction
- r relocation offset to apply
- S src mask
- D dst mask
- N ~dst mask
- A part 1
- B part 2
- R result
- Do this:
- i i i i i o o o o o from bfd_get<size>
- and S S S S S to get the size offset we want
- + r r r r r r r r r r to get the final value to place
- and D D D D D to chop to right size
- -----------------------
- A A A A A
- And this:
- ... i i i i i o o o o o from bfd_get<size>
- and N N N N N get instruction
- -----------------------
- ... B B B B B
- And then:
- B B B B B
- or A A A A A
- -----------------------
- R R R R R R R R R R put into bfd_put<size>
- */
-#define DOIT(x) \
- x = ( (x & ~howto->dst_mask) | (((x & howto->src_mask) + relocation) & howto->dst_mask))
- switch (howto->size)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- char x = bfd_get_8 (abfd, (char *) data + addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, x, (unsigned char *) data + addr);
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- if (relocation)
- {
- short x = bfd_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, x, (unsigned char *) data + addr);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- if (relocation)
- {
- long x = bfd_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, x, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- }
- break;
- case -2:
- {
- long x = bfd_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- relocation = -relocation;
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, x, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- }
- break;
- case -1:
- {
- long x = bfd_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- relocation = -relocation;
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, x, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- /* Do nothing */
- break;
- case 4:
-#ifdef BFD64
- if (relocation)
- {
- bfd_vma x = bfd_get_64 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_64 (abfd, x, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- }
- abort ();
- break;
- default:
- return bfd_reloc_other;
- }
- return flag;
- bfd_install_relocation
- bfd_reloc_status_type
- bfd_install_relocation
- (bfd *abfd,
- arelent *reloc_entry,
- PTR data, bfd_vma data_start,
- asection *input_section,
- char **error_message);
- This looks remarkably like <<bfd_perform_relocation>>, except it
- does not expect that the section contents have been filled in.
- I.e., it's suitable for use when creating, rather than applying
- a relocation.
- For now, this function should be considered reserved for the
- assembler.
-bfd_install_relocation (abfd, reloc_entry, data_start, data_start_offset,
- input_section, error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- PTR data_start;
- bfd_vma data_start_offset;
- asection *input_section;
- char **error_message;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_reloc_status_type flag = bfd_reloc_ok;
- bfd_size_type addr = reloc_entry->address;
- bfd_vma output_base = 0;
- reloc_howto_type *howto = reloc_entry->howto;
- asection *reloc_target_output_section;
- asymbol *symbol;
- bfd_byte *data;
- symbol = *(reloc_entry->sym_ptr_ptr);
- if (bfd_is_abs_section (symbol->section))
- {
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- /* If there is a function supplied to handle this relocation type,
- call it. It'll return `bfd_reloc_continue' if further processing
- can be done. */
- if (howto->special_function)
- {
- bfd_reloc_status_type cont;
- /* XXX - The special_function calls haven't been fixed up to deal
- with creating new relocations and section contents. */
- cont = howto->special_function (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol,
- /* XXX - Non-portable! */
- ((bfd_byte *) data_start
- - data_start_offset),
- input_section, abfd, error_message);
- if (cont != bfd_reloc_continue)
- return cont;
- }
- /* Is the address of the relocation really within the section? */
- if (reloc_entry->address > input_section->_cooked_size)
- return bfd_reloc_outofrange;
- /* Work out which section the relocation is targetted at and the
- initial relocation command value. */
- /* Get symbol value. (Common symbols are special.) */
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- relocation = 0;
- else
- relocation = symbol->value;
- reloc_target_output_section = symbol->section->output_section;
- /* Convert input-section-relative symbol value to absolute. */
- if (howto->partial_inplace == false)
- output_base = 0;
- else
- output_base = reloc_target_output_section->vma;
- relocation += output_base + symbol->section->output_offset;
- /* Add in supplied addend. */
- relocation += reloc_entry->addend;
- /* Here the variable relocation holds the final address of the
- symbol we are relocating against, plus any addend. */
- if (howto->pc_relative == true)
- {
- /* This is a PC relative relocation. We want to set RELOCATION
- to the distance between the address of the symbol and the
- location. RELOCATION is already the address of the symbol.
- We start by subtracting the address of the section containing
- the location.
- If pcrel_offset is set, we must further subtract the position
- of the location within the section. Some targets arrange for
- the addend to be the negative of the position of the location
- within the section; for example, i386-aout does this. For
- i386-aout, pcrel_offset is false. Some other targets do not
- include the position of the location; for example, m88kbcs,
- or ELF. For those targets, pcrel_offset is true.
- If we are producing relocateable output, then we must ensure
- that this reloc will be correctly computed when the final
- relocation is done. If pcrel_offset is false we want to wind
- up with the negative of the location within the section,
- which means we must adjust the existing addend by the change
- in the location within the section. If pcrel_offset is true
- we do not want to adjust the existing addend at all.
- FIXME: This seems logical to me, but for the case of
- producing relocateable output it is not what the code
- actually does. I don't want to change it, because it seems
- far too likely that something will break. */
- relocation -=
- input_section->output_section->vma + input_section->output_offset;
- if (howto->pcrel_offset == true && howto->partial_inplace == true)
- relocation -= reloc_entry->address;
- }
- if (howto->partial_inplace == false)
- {
- /* This is a partial relocation, and we want to apply the relocation
- to the reloc entry rather than the raw data. Modify the reloc
- inplace to reflect what we now know. */
- reloc_entry->addend = relocation;
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return flag;
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is a partial relocation, but inplace, so modify the
- reloc record a bit.
- If we've relocated with a symbol with a section, change
- into a ref to the section belonging to the symbol. */
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- /* WTF?? */
- if (abfd->xvec->flavour == bfd_target_coff_flavour
- && strcmp (abfd->xvec->name, "aixcoff-rs6000") != 0
- && strcmp (abfd->xvec->name, "coff-Intel-little") != 0
- && strcmp (abfd->xvec->name, "coff-Intel-big") != 0)
- {
-#if 1
-/* For m68k-coff, the addend was being subtracted twice during
- relocation with -r. Removing the line below this comment
- fixes that problem; see PR 2953.
-However, Ian wrote the following, regarding removing the line below,
-which explains why it is still enabled: --djm
-If you put a patch like that into BFD you need to check all the COFF
-linkers. I am fairly certain that patch will break coff-i386 (e.g.,
-SCO); see coff_i386_reloc in coff-i386.c where I worked around the
-problem in a different way. There may very well be a reason that the
-code works as it does.
-Hmmm. The first obvious point is that bfd_install_relocation should
-not have any tests that depend upon the flavour. It's seem like
-entirely the wrong place for such a thing. The second obvious point
-is that the current code ignores the reloc addend when producing
-relocateable output for COFF. That's peculiar. In fact, I really
-have no idea what the point of the line you want to remove is.
-A typical COFF reloc subtracts the old value of the symbol and adds in
-the new value to the location in the object file (if it's a pc
-relative reloc it adds the difference between the symbol value and the
-location). When relocating we need to preserve that property.
-BFD handles this by setting the addend to the negative of the old
-value of the symbol. Unfortunately it handles common symbols in a
-non-standard way (it doesn't subtract the old value) but that's a
-different story (we can't change it without losing backward
-compatibility with old object files) (coff-i386 does subtract the old
-value, to be compatible with existing coff-i386 targets, like SCO).
-So everything works fine when not producing relocateable output. When
-we are producing relocateable output, logically we should do exactly
-what we do when not producing relocateable output. Therefore, your
-patch is correct. In fact, it should probably always just set
-reloc_entry->addend to 0 for all cases, since it is, in fact, going to
-add the value into the object file. This won't hurt the COFF code,
-which doesn't use the addend; I'm not sure what it will do to other
-formats (the thing to check for would be whether any formats both use
-the addend and set partial_inplace).
-When I wanted to make coff-i386 produce relocateable output, I ran
-into the problem that you are running into: I wanted to remove that
-line. Rather than risk it, I made the coff-i386 relocs use a special
-function; it's coff_i386_reloc in coff-i386.c. The function
-specifically adds the addend field into the object file, knowing that
-bfd_install_relocation is not going to. If you remove that line, then
-coff-i386.c will wind up adding the addend field in twice. It's
-trivial to fix; it just needs to be done.
-The problem with removing the line is just that it may break some
-working code. With BFD it's hard to be sure of anything. The right
-way to deal with this is simply to build and test at least all the
-supported COFF targets. It should be straightforward if time and disk
-space consuming. For each target:
- 1) build the linker
- 2) generate some executable, and link it using -r (I would
- probably use paranoia.o and link against newlib/libc.a, which
- for all the supported targets would be available in
- /usr/cygnus/progressive/H-host/target/lib/libc.a).
- 3) make the change to reloc.c
- 4) rebuild the linker
- 5) repeat step 2
- 6) if the resulting object files are the same, you have at least
- made it no worse
- 7) if they are different you have to figure out which version is
- right
- relocation -= reloc_entry->addend;
- reloc_entry->addend = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- reloc_entry->addend = relocation;
- }
- }
- /* FIXME: This overflow checking is incomplete, because the value
- might have overflowed before we get here. For a correct check we
- need to compute the value in a size larger than bitsize, but we
- can't reasonably do that for a reloc the same size as a host
- machine word.
- FIXME: We should also do overflow checking on the result after
- adding in the value contained in the object file. */
- if (howto->complain_on_overflow != complain_overflow_dont)
- {
- bfd_vma check;
- /* Get the value that will be used for the relocation, but
- starting at bit position zero. */
- check = relocation >> howto->rightshift;
- switch (howto->complain_on_overflow)
- {
- case complain_overflow_signed:
- {
- /* Assumes two's complement. */
- bfd_signed_vma reloc_signed_max = (1 << (howto->bitsize - 1)) - 1;
- bfd_signed_vma reloc_signed_min = ~reloc_signed_max;
- /* The above right shift is incorrect for a signed value.
- Fix it up by forcing on the upper bits. */
- if (howto->rightshift > 0
- && (bfd_signed_vma) relocation < 0)
- check |= ((bfd_vma) - 1
- & ~((bfd_vma) - 1
- >> howto->rightshift));
- if ((bfd_signed_vma) check > reloc_signed_max
- || (bfd_signed_vma) check < reloc_signed_min)
- flag = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- }
- break;
- case complain_overflow_unsigned:
- {
- /* Assumes two's complement. This expression avoids
- overflow if howto->bitsize is the number of bits in
- bfd_vma. */
- bfd_vma reloc_unsigned_max =
- (((1 << (howto->bitsize - 1)) - 1) << 1) | 1;
- if ((bfd_vma) check > reloc_unsigned_max)
- flag = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- }
- break;
- case complain_overflow_bitfield:
- {
- /* Assumes two's complement. This expression avoids
- overflow if howto->bitsize is the number of bits in
- bfd_vma. */
- bfd_vma reloc_bits = (((1 << (howto->bitsize - 1)) - 1) << 1) | 1;
- if (((bfd_vma) check & ~reloc_bits) != 0
- && ((bfd_vma) check & ~reloc_bits) != (-1 & ~reloc_bits))
- {
- /* The above right shift is incorrect for a signed
- value. See if turning on the upper bits fixes the
- overflow. */
- if (howto->rightshift > 0
- && (bfd_signed_vma) relocation < 0)
- {
- check |= ((bfd_vma) - 1
- & ~((bfd_vma) - 1
- >> howto->rightshift));
- if (((bfd_vma) check & ~reloc_bits) != (-1 & ~reloc_bits))
- flag = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- }
- else
- flag = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- }
- /*
- Either we are relocating all the way, or we don't want to apply
- the relocation to the reloc entry (probably because there isn't
- any room in the output format to describe addends to relocs)
- */
- /* The cast to bfd_vma avoids a bug in the Alpha OSF/1 C compiler
- (OSF version 1.3, compiler version 3.11). It miscompiles the
- following program:
- struct str
- {
- unsigned int i0;
- } s = { 0 };
- int
- main ()
- {
- unsigned long x;
- x = 0x100000000;
- x <<= (unsigned long) s.i0;
- if (x == 0)
- printf ("failed\n");
- else
- printf ("succeeded (%lx)\n", x);
- }
- */
- relocation >>= (bfd_vma) howto->rightshift;
- /* Shift everything up to where it's going to be used */
- relocation <<= (bfd_vma) howto->bitpos;
- /* Wait for the day when all have the mask in them */
- /* What we do:
- i instruction to be left alone
- o offset within instruction
- r relocation offset to apply
- S src mask
- D dst mask
- N ~dst mask
- A part 1
- B part 2
- R result
- Do this:
- i i i i i o o o o o from bfd_get<size>
- and S S S S S to get the size offset we want
- + r r r r r r r r r r to get the final value to place
- and D D D D D to chop to right size
- -----------------------
- A A A A A
- And this:
- ... i i i i i o o o o o from bfd_get<size>
- and N N N N N get instruction
- -----------------------
- ... B B B B B
- And then:
- B B B B B
- or A A A A A
- -----------------------
- R R R R R R R R R R put into bfd_put<size>
- */
-#define DOIT(x) \
- x = ( (x & ~howto->dst_mask) | (((x & howto->src_mask) + relocation) & howto->dst_mask))
- data = (bfd_byte *) data_start + (addr - data_start_offset);
- switch (howto->size)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- char x = bfd_get_8 (abfd, (char *) data);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, x, (unsigned char *) data);
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- if (relocation)
- {
- short x = bfd_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, x, (unsigned char *) data);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- if (relocation)
- {
- long x = bfd_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, x, (bfd_byte *) data);
- }
- break;
- case -2:
- {
- long x = bfd_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data);
- relocation = -relocation;
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, x, (bfd_byte *) data);
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- /* Do nothing */
- break;
- case 4:
- if (relocation)
- {
- bfd_vma x = bfd_get_64 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data);
- DOIT (x);
- bfd_put_64 (abfd, x, (bfd_byte *) data);
- }
- break;
- default:
- return bfd_reloc_other;
- }
- return flag;
-/* This relocation routine is used by some of the backend linkers.
- They do not construct asymbol or arelent structures, so there is no
- reason for them to use bfd_perform_relocation. Also,
- bfd_perform_relocation is so hacked up it is easier to write a new
- function than to try to deal with it.
- This routine does a final relocation. It should not be used when
- generating relocateable output.
- FIXME: This routine ignores any special_function in the HOWTO,
- since the existing special_function values have been written for
- bfd_perform_relocation.
- HOWTO is the reloc howto information.
- INPUT_BFD is the BFD which the reloc applies to.
- INPUT_SECTION is the section which the reloc applies to.
- CONTENTS is the contents of the section.
- ADDRESS is the address of the reloc within INPUT_SECTION.
- VALUE is the value of the symbol the reloc refers to.
- ADDEND is the addend of the reloc. */
-_bfd_final_link_relocate (howto, input_bfd, input_section, contents, address,
- value, addend)
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- bfd_vma address;
- bfd_vma value;
- bfd_vma addend;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- /* Sanity check the address. */
- if (address > input_section->_cooked_size)
- return bfd_reloc_outofrange;
- /* This function assumes that we are dealing with a basic relocation
- against a symbol. We want to compute the value of the symbol to
- relocate to. This is just VALUE, the value of the symbol, plus
- ADDEND, any addend associated with the reloc. */
- relocation = value + addend;
- /* If the relocation is PC relative, we want to set RELOCATION to
- the distance between the symbol (currently in RELOCATION) and the
- location we are relocating. Some targets (e.g., i386-aout)
- arrange for the contents of the section to be the negative of the
- offset of the location within the section; for such targets
- pcrel_offset is false. Other targets (e.g., m88kbcs or ELF)
- simply leave the contents of the section as zero; for such
- targets pcrel_offset is true. If pcrel_offset is false we do not
- need to subtract out the offset of the location within the
- section (which is just ADDRESS). */
- if (howto->pc_relative)
- {
- relocation -= (input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset);
- if (howto->pcrel_offset)
- relocation -= address;
- }
- return _bfd_relocate_contents (howto, input_bfd, relocation,
- contents + address);
-/* Relocate a given location using a given value and howto. */
-_bfd_relocate_contents (howto, input_bfd, relocation, location)
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_byte *location;
- int size;
- bfd_vma x;
- boolean overflow;
- /* If the size is negative, negate RELOCATION. This isn't very
- general. */
- if (howto->size < 0)
- relocation = -relocation;
- /* Get the value we are going to relocate. */
- size = bfd_get_reloc_size (howto);
- switch (size)
- {
- default:
- case 0:
- abort ();
- case 1:
- x = bfd_get_8 (input_bfd, location);
- break;
- case 2:
- x = bfd_get_16 (input_bfd, location);
- break;
- case 4:
- x = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, location);
- break;
- case 8:
-#ifdef BFD64
- x = bfd_get_64 (input_bfd, location);
- abort ();
- break;
- }
- /* Check for overflow. FIXME: We may drop bits during the addition
- which we don't check for. We must either check at every single
- operation, which would be tedious, or we must do the computations
- in a type larger than bfd_vma, which would be inefficient. */
- overflow = false;
- if (howto->complain_on_overflow != complain_overflow_dont)
- {
- bfd_vma check;
- bfd_signed_vma signed_check;
- bfd_vma add;
- bfd_signed_vma signed_add;
- if (howto->rightshift == 0)
- {
- check = relocation;
- signed_check = (bfd_signed_vma) relocation;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Drop unwanted bits from the value we are relocating to. */
- check = relocation >> howto->rightshift;
- /* If this is a signed value, the rightshift just dropped
- leading 1 bits (assuming twos complement). */
- if ((bfd_signed_vma) relocation >= 0)
- signed_check = check;
- else
- signed_check = (check
- | ((bfd_vma) - 1
- & ~((bfd_vma) - 1 >> howto->rightshift)));
- }
- /* Get the value from the object file. */
- add = x & howto->src_mask;
- /* Get the value from the object file with an appropriate sign.
- The expression involving howto->src_mask isolates the upper
- bit of src_mask. If that bit is set in the value we are
- adding, it is negative, and we subtract out that number times
- two. If src_mask includes the highest possible bit, then we
- can not get the upper bit, but that does not matter since
- signed_add needs no adjustment to become negative in that
- case. */
- signed_add = add;
- if ((add & (((~howto->src_mask) >> 1) & howto->src_mask)) != 0)
- signed_add -= (((~howto->src_mask) >> 1) & howto->src_mask) << 1;
- /* Add the value from the object file, shifted so that it is a
- straight number. */
- if (howto->bitpos == 0)
- {
- check += add;
- signed_check += signed_add;
- }
- else
- {
- check += add >> howto->bitpos;
- /* For the signed case we use ADD, rather than SIGNED_ADD,
- to avoid warnings from SVR4 cc. This is OK since we
- explictly handle the sign bits. */
- if (signed_add >= 0)
- signed_check += add >> howto->bitpos;
- else
- signed_check += ((add >> howto->bitpos)
- | ((bfd_vma) - 1
- & ~((bfd_vma) - 1 >> howto->bitpos)));
- }
- switch (howto->complain_on_overflow)
- {
- case complain_overflow_signed:
- {
- /* Assumes two's complement. */
- bfd_signed_vma reloc_signed_max = (1 << (howto->bitsize - 1)) - 1;
- bfd_signed_vma reloc_signed_min = ~reloc_signed_max;
- if (signed_check > reloc_signed_max
- || signed_check < reloc_signed_min)
- overflow = true;
- }
- break;
- case complain_overflow_unsigned:
- {
- /* Assumes two's complement. This expression avoids
- overflow if howto->bitsize is the number of bits in
- bfd_vma. */
- bfd_vma reloc_unsigned_max =
- (((1 << (howto->bitsize - 1)) - 1) << 1) | 1;
- if (check > reloc_unsigned_max)
- overflow = true;
- }
- break;
- case complain_overflow_bitfield:
- {
- /* Assumes two's complement. This expression avoids
- overflow if howto->bitsize is the number of bits in
- bfd_vma. */
- bfd_vma reloc_bits = (((1 << (howto->bitsize - 1)) - 1) << 1) | 1;
- if ((check & ~reloc_bits) != 0
- && (((bfd_vma) signed_check & ~reloc_bits)
- != (-1 & ~reloc_bits)))
- overflow = true;
- }
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- }
- /* Put RELOCATION in the right bits. */
- relocation >>= (bfd_vma) howto->rightshift;
- relocation <<= (bfd_vma) howto->bitpos;
- /* Add RELOCATION to the right bits of X. */
- x = ((x & ~howto->dst_mask)
- | (((x & howto->src_mask) + relocation) & howto->dst_mask));
- /* Put the relocated value back in the object file. */
- switch (size)
- {
- default:
- case 0:
- abort ();
- case 1:
- bfd_put_8 (input_bfd, x, location);
- break;
- case 2:
- bfd_put_16 (input_bfd, x, location);
- break;
- case 4:
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, x, location);
- break;
- case 8:
-#ifdef BFD64
- bfd_put_64 (input_bfd, x, location);
- abort ();
- break;
- }
- return overflow ? bfd_reloc_overflow : bfd_reloc_ok;
- howto manager, , typedef arelent, Relocations
- The howto manager
- When an application wants to create a relocation, but doesn't
- know what the target machine might call it, it can find out by
- using this bit of code.
- bfd_reloc_code_type
- The insides of a reloc code. The idea is that, eventually, there
- will be one enumerator for every type of relocation we ever do.
- Pass one of these values to <<bfd_reloc_type_lookup>>, and it'll
- return a howto pointer.
- This does mean that the application must determine the correct
- enumerator value; you can't get a howto pointer from a random set
- of attributes.
- bfd_reloc_code_real
- Basic absolute relocations of N bits.
- PC-relative relocations. Sometimes these are relative to the address
-of the relocation itself; sometimes they are relative to the start of
-the section containing the relocation. It depends on the specific target.
-The 24-bit relocation is used in some Intel 960 configurations.
- For ELF.
- Relocations used by 68K ELF.
- Linkage-table relative.
- Absolute 8-bit relocation, but used to form an address like 0xFFnn.
- These PC-relative relocations are stored as word displacements --
-i.e., byte displacements shifted right two bits. The 30-bit word
-displacement (<<32_PCREL_S2>> -- 32 bits, shifted 2) is used on the
-SPARC. (SPARC tools generally refer to this as <<WDISP30>>.) The
-signed 16-bit displacement is used on the MIPS, and the 23-bit
-displacement is used on the Alpha.
- High 22 bits and low 10 bits of 32-bit value, placed into lower bits of
-the target word. These are used on the SPARC.
- For systems that allocate a Global Pointer register, these are
-displacements off that register. These relocation types are
-handled specially, because the value the register will have is
-decided relatively late.
- Reloc types used for i960/b.out.
- SPARC ELF relocations. There is probably some overlap with other
- relocation types already defined.
- I think these are specific to SPARC a.out (e.g., Sun 4).
- Some relocations we're using for SPARC V9 -- subject to change.
- Alpha ECOFF relocations. Some of these treat the symbol or "addend"
- in some special way.
- For GPDISP_HI16 ("gpdisp") relocations, the symbol is ignored when
- writing; when reading, it will be the absolute section symbol. The
- addend is the displacement in bytes of the "lda" instruction from
- the "ldah" instruction (which is at the address of this reloc).
- For GPDISP_LO16 ("ignore") relocations, the symbol is handled as
- with GPDISP_HI16 relocs. The addend is ignored when writing the
- relocations out, and is filled in with the file's GP value on
- reading, for convenience.
- The Alpha LITERAL/LITUSE relocs are produced by a symbol reference;
- the assembler turns it into a LDQ instruction to load the address of
- the symbol, and then fills in a register in the real instruction.
- The LITERAL reloc, at the LDQ instruction, refers to the .lita
- section symbol. The addend is ignored when writing, but is filled
- in with the file's GP value on reading, for convenience, as with the
- GPDISP_LO16 reloc.
- The LITUSE reloc, on the instruction using the loaded address, gives
- information to the linker that it might be able to use to optimize
- away some literal section references. The symbol is ignored (read
- as the absolute section symbol), and the "addend" indicates the type
- of instruction using the register:
- 1 - "memory" fmt insn
- 2 - byte-manipulation (byte offset reg)
- 3 - jsr (target of branch)
- The GNU linker currently doesn't do any of this optimizing.
- The HINT relocation indicates a value that should be filled into the
- "hint" field of a jmp/jsr/ret instruction, for possible branch-
- prediction logic which may be provided on some processors.
- Bits 27..2 of the relocation address shifted right 2 bits;
- simple reloc otherwise.
- High 16 bits of 32-bit value; simple reloc.
- High 16 bits of 32-bit value but the low 16 bits will be sign
- extended and added to form the final result. If the low 16
- bits form a negative number, we need to add one to the high value
- to compensate for the borrow when the low bits are added.
- Low 16 bits.
- Like BFD_RELOC_HI16_S, but PC relative.
- Like BFD_RELOC_LO16, but PC relative.
- Relocation relative to the global pointer.
- Relocation against a MIPS literal section.
- MIPS ELF relocations.
- i386/elf relocations
- ns32k relocations
- Power(rs6000) and PowerPC relocations.
- The type of reloc used to build a contructor table - at the moment
- probably a 32 bit wide absolute relocation, but the target can choose.
- It generally does map to one of the other relocation types.
- ARM 26 bit pc-relative branch. The lowest two bits must be zero and are
- not stored in the instruction.
- These relocs are only used within the ARM assembler. They are not
- (at present) written to any object files.
-.typedef enum bfd_reloc_code_real bfd_reloc_code_real_type;
- bfd_reloc_type_lookup
- reloc_howto_type *
- bfd_reloc_type_lookup (bfd *abfd, bfd_reloc_code_real_type code);
- Return a pointer to a howto structure which, when
- invoked, will perform the relocation @var{code} on data from the
- architecture noted.
-reloc_howto_type *
-bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- return BFD_SEND (abfd, reloc_type_lookup, (abfd, code));
-static reloc_howto_type bfd_howto_32 =
-HOWTO (0, 00, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield, 0, "VRT32", false, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, true);
- bfd_default_reloc_type_lookup
- reloc_howto_type *bfd_default_reloc_type_lookup
- (bfd *abfd, bfd_reloc_code_real_type code);
- Provides a default relocation lookup routine for any architecture.
-reloc_howto_type *
-bfd_default_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- switch (code)
- {
- /* The type of reloc used in a ctor, which will be as wide as the
- address - so either a 64, 32, or 16 bitter. */
- switch (bfd_get_arch_info (abfd)->bits_per_address)
- {
- case 64:
- BFD_FAIL ();
- case 32:
- return &bfd_howto_32;
- case 16:
- BFD_FAIL ();
- default:
- BFD_FAIL ();
- }
- default:
- BFD_FAIL ();
- }
- return (reloc_howto_type *) NULL;
- bfd_get_reloc_code_name
- const char *bfd_get_reloc_code_name (bfd_reloc_code_real_type code);
- Provides a printable name for the supplied relocation code.
- Useful mainly for printing error messages.
-const char *
-bfd_get_reloc_code_name (code)
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- if (code > BFD_RELOC_UNUSED)
- return 0;
- return bfd_reloc_code_real_names[(int)code];
- bfd_generic_relax_section
- boolean bfd_generic_relax_section
- (bfd *abfd,
- asection *section,
- struct bfd_link_info *,
- boolean *);
- Provides default handling for relaxing for back ends which
- don't do relaxing -- i.e., does nothing.
-bfd_generic_relax_section (abfd, section, link_info, again)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- boolean *again;
- *again = false;
- return true;
- bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
- bfd_byte *
- bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents (bfd *abfd,
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info,
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order,
- bfd_byte *data,
- boolean relocateable,
- asymbol **symbols);
- Provides default handling of relocation effort for back ends
- which can't be bothered to do it efficiently.
-bfd_byte *
-bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents (abfd, link_info, link_order, data,
- relocateable, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- bfd_byte *data;
- boolean relocateable;
- asymbol **symbols;
- /* Get enough memory to hold the stuff */
- bfd *input_bfd = link_order->u.indirect.section->owner;
- asection *input_section = link_order->u.indirect.section;
- long reloc_size = bfd_get_reloc_upper_bound (input_bfd, input_section);
- arelent **reloc_vector = NULL;
- long reloc_count;
- if (reloc_size < 0)
- goto error_return;
- reloc_vector = (arelent **) bfd_malloc ((size_t) reloc_size);
- if (reloc_vector == NULL && reloc_size != 0)
- goto error_return;
- /* read in the section */
- if (!bfd_get_section_contents (input_bfd,
- input_section,
- (PTR) data,
- 0,
- input_section->_raw_size))
- goto error_return;
- /* We're not relaxing the section, so just copy the size info */
- input_section->_cooked_size = input_section->_raw_size;
- input_section->reloc_done = true;
- reloc_count = bfd_canonicalize_reloc (input_bfd,
- input_section,
- reloc_vector,
- symbols);
- if (reloc_count < 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (reloc_count > 0)
- {
- arelent **parent;
- for (parent = reloc_vector; *parent != (arelent *) NULL;
- parent++)
- {
- char *error_message = (char *) NULL;
- bfd_reloc_status_type r =
- bfd_perform_relocation (input_bfd,
- *parent,
- (PTR) data,
- input_section,
- relocateable ? abfd : (bfd *) NULL,
- &error_message);
- if (relocateable)
- {
- asection *os = input_section->output_section;
- /* A partial link, so keep the relocs */
- os->orelocation[os->reloc_count] = *parent;
- os->reloc_count++;
- }
- if (r != bfd_reloc_ok)
- {
- switch (r)
- {
- case bfd_reloc_undefined:
- if (!((*link_info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (link_info, bfd_asymbol_name (*(*parent)->sym_ptr_ptr),
- input_bfd, input_section, (*parent)->address)))
- goto error_return;
- break;
- case bfd_reloc_dangerous:
- BFD_ASSERT (error_message != (char *) NULL);
- if (!((*link_info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
- (link_info, error_message, input_bfd, input_section,
- (*parent)->address)))
- goto error_return;
- break;
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- if (!((*link_info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (link_info, bfd_asymbol_name (*(*parent)->sym_ptr_ptr),
- (*parent)->howto->name, (*parent)->addend,
- input_bfd, input_section, (*parent)->address)))
- goto error_return;
- break;
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- default:
- abort ();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (reloc_vector != NULL)
- free (reloc_vector);
- return data;
- if (reloc_vector != NULL)
- free (reloc_vector);
- return NULL;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/reloc16.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/reloc16.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e88d50fb9035..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/reloc16.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-/* 8 and 16 bit COFF relocation functions, for BFD.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-Most of this hacked by Steve Chamberlain,
-/* These routines are used by coff-h8300 and coff-z8k to do
- relocation.
- FIXME: This code should be rewritten to support the new COFF
- linker. Basically, they need to deal with COFF relocs rather than
- BFD generic relocs. They should store the relocs in some location
- where coff_link_input_bfd can find them (and coff_link_input_bfd
- should be changed to use this location rather than rereading the
- file) (unless info->keep_memory is false, in which case they should
- free up the relocs after dealing with them). */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "genlink.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value (reloc, link_info, input_section)
- arelent *reloc;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_vma value;
- asymbol *symbol = *(reloc->sym_ptr_ptr);
- /* A symbol holds a pointer to a section, and an offset from the
- base of the section. To relocate, we find where the section will
- live in the output and add that in */
- if (bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section))
- {
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- /* The symbol is undefined in this BFD. Look it up in the
- global linker hash table. FIXME: This should be changed when
- we convert this stuff to use a specific final_link function
- and change the interface to bfd_relax_section to not require
- the generic symbols. */
- h = bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup (input_section->owner, link_info,
- bfd_asymbol_name (symbol),
- false, false, true);
- if (h != (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && (h->type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->type == bfd_link_hash_defweak))
- value = (h->u.def.value
- + h->u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + h->u.def.section->output_offset);
- else if (h != (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && h->type == bfd_link_hash_common)
- value = h->u.c.size;
- else
- {
- if (! ((*link_info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (link_info, bfd_asymbol_name (symbol),
- input_section->owner, input_section, reloc->address)))
- abort ();
- value = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- value = symbol->value +
- symbol->section->output_offset +
- symbol->section->output_section->vma;
- }
- /* Add the value contained in the relocation */
- value += reloc->addend;
- return value;
-bfd_perform_slip(abfd, slip, input_section, value)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int slip;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_vma value;
- asymbol **s;
- s = _bfd_generic_link_get_symbols (abfd);
- BFD_ASSERT (s != (asymbol **) NULL);
- /* Find all symbols past this point, and make them know
- what's happened */
- while (*s)
- {
- asymbol *p = *s;
- if (p->section == input_section)
- {
- /* This was pointing into this section, so mangle it */
- if (p->value > value)
- {
- p->value -= slip;
- if (p->udata.p != NULL)
- {
- struct generic_link_hash_entry *h;
- h = (struct generic_link_hash_entry *) p->udata.p;
- BFD_ASSERT (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak);
- h->root.u.def.value -= slip;
- BFD_ASSERT (h->root.u.def.value == p->value);
- }
- }
- }
- s++;
- }
-bfd_coff_reloc16_relax_section (abfd, i, link_info, again)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *i;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- boolean *again;
- /* Get enough memory to hold the stuff */
- bfd *input_bfd = i->owner;
- asection *input_section = i;
- int shrink = 0 ;
- long reloc_size = bfd_get_reloc_upper_bound (input_bfd, input_section);
- arelent **reloc_vector = NULL;
- long reloc_count;
- /* We only run this relaxation once. It might work to run it more
- often, but it hasn't been tested. */
- *again = false;
- if (reloc_size < 0)
- return false;
- reloc_vector = (arelent **) bfd_malloc (reloc_size);
- if (!reloc_vector && reloc_size > 0)
- return false;
- /* Get the relocs and think about them */
- reloc_count =
- bfd_canonicalize_reloc (input_bfd, input_section, reloc_vector,
- _bfd_generic_link_get_symbols (input_bfd));
- if (reloc_count < 0)
- {
- free (reloc_vector);
- return false;
- }
- if (reloc_count > 0)
- {
- arelent **parent;
- for (parent = reloc_vector; *parent; parent++)
- {
- shrink = bfd_coff_reloc16_estimate (abfd, input_section,
- *parent, shrink, link_info);
- }
- }
- input_section->_cooked_size -= shrink;
- free((char *)reloc_vector);
- return true;
-bfd_byte *
- link_info,
- link_order,
- data,
- relocateable,
- symbols)
- bfd *in_abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- bfd_byte *data;
- boolean relocateable;
- asymbol **symbols;
- /* Get enough memory to hold the stuff */
- bfd *input_bfd = link_order->u.indirect.section->owner;
- asection *input_section = link_order->u.indirect.section;
- long reloc_size = bfd_get_reloc_upper_bound (input_bfd, input_section);
- arelent **reloc_vector;
- long reloc_count;
- if (reloc_size < 0)
- return NULL;
- /* If producing relocateable output, don't bother to relax. */
- if (relocateable)
- return bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents (in_abfd, link_info,
- link_order,
- data, relocateable,
- symbols);
- /* read in the section */
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents(input_bfd,
- input_section,
- data,
- 0,
- input_section->_raw_size))
- return NULL;
- reloc_vector = (arelent **) bfd_malloc((size_t) reloc_size);
- if (!reloc_vector && reloc_size != 0)
- return NULL;
- reloc_count = bfd_canonicalize_reloc (input_bfd,
- input_section,
- reloc_vector,
- symbols);
- if (reloc_count < 0)
- {
- free (reloc_vector);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (reloc_count > 0)
- {
- arelent **parent = reloc_vector;
- arelent *reloc ;
- unsigned int dst_address = 0;
- unsigned int src_address = 0;
- unsigned int run;
- unsigned int idx;
- /* Find how long a run we can do */
- while (dst_address < link_order->size)
- {
- reloc = *parent;
- if (reloc)
- {
- /* Note that the relaxing didn't tie up the addresses in the
- relocation, so we use the original address to work out the
- run of non-relocated data */
- run = reloc->address - src_address;
- parent++;
- }
- else
- {
- run = link_order->size - dst_address;
- }
- /* Copy the bytes */
- for (idx = 0; idx < run; idx++)
- {
- data[dst_address++] = data[src_address++];
- }
- /* Now do the relocation */
- if (reloc)
- {
- bfd_coff_reloc16_extra_cases (input_bfd, link_info, link_order,
- reloc, data, &src_address,
- &dst_address);
- }
- }
- }
- free((char *)reloc_vector);
- return data;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/riscix.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/riscix.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 21a86d5e1024..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/riscix.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,644 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for RISC iX (Acorn, arm) binaries.
- Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by Richard Earnshaw (
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* RISC iX overloads the MAGIC field to indicate more than just the usual
- [ZNO]MAGIC values. Also included are squeezing information and
- shared library usage. */
-/* The following come from the man page. */
-#define SHLIBLEN 60
-#define MF_IMPURE 00200
-#define MF_SQUEEZED 01000
-#define MF_USES_SL 02000
-#define MF_IS_SL 04000
-/* Common combinations. */
-#define IMAGIC (MF_IMPURE|ZMAGIC) /* Demand load (impure text) */
-#define SPOMAGIC (MF_USES_SL|OMAGIC) /* OMAGIC with large header */
- /* -- may contain a ref to a */
- /* shared lib required by the */
- /* object. */
-#define SLOMAGIC (MF_IS_SL|OMAGIC) /* A reference to a shared library */
- /* The text portion of the object */
- /* contains "overflow text" from */
- /* the shared library to be linked */
- /* in with an object */
-#define QMAGIC (MF_SQUEEZED|ZMAGIC) /* Sqeezed demand paged. */
- /* NOTE: This interpretation of */
- /* QMAGIC seems to be at variance */
- /* With that used on other */
- /* architectures. */
-#define SPZMAGIC (MF_USES_SL|ZMAGIC) /* program which uses sl */
-#define SPQMAGIC (MF_USES_SL|QMAGIC) /* sqeezed ditto */
-#define SLZMAGIC (MF_IS_SL|ZMAGIC) /* shared lib part of prog */
-#define SLPZMAGIC (MF_USES_SL|SLZMAGIC) /* sl which uses another */
-#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) ((x).a_info & MF_USES_SL)
-/* Only a pure OMAGIC file has the minimal header */
-#define N_TXTOFF(x) \
- ((x).a_info == OMAGIC ? 32 \
- : 999)
-#define N_TXTADDR(x) \
- (N_MAGIC(x) != ZMAGIC ? 0 /* object file or NMAGIC */ \
- /* Programs with shared libs are loaded at the first page after all the \
- text segments of the shared library programs. Without looking this \
- up we can't know exactly what the address will be. A reasonable guess \
- is that a_entry will be in the first page of the executable. */ \
- : N_SHARED_LIB(x) ? ((x).a_entry & ~(TARGET_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) \
-#define N_SYMOFF(x) \
- (N_TXTOFF (x) + (x).a_text + (x).a_data + (x).a_trsize + (x).a_drsize)
-#define N_STROFF(x) (N_SYMOFF (x) + (x).a_syms)
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR 32768
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 32768
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_arm
-#define MY(OP) CAT(riscix_,OP)
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-riscix"
-#define N_BADMAG(x) ((((x).a_info & ~007200) != ZMAGIC) && \
- (((x).a_info & ~006000) != OMAGIC) && \
- ((x).a_info != NMAGIC))
-#define N_MAGIC(x) ((x).a_info & ~07200)
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "assert.h"
-#define WRITE_HEADERS(abfd, execp) \
- { \
- bfd_size_type text_size; /* dummy vars */ \
- file_ptr text_end; \
- if (adata(abfd).magic == undecided_magic) \
- NAME(aout,adjust_sizes_and_vmas) (abfd, &text_size, &text_end); \
- \
- execp->a_syms = bfd_get_symcount (abfd) * EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE; \
- execp->a_entry = bfd_get_start_address (abfd); \
- \
- execp->a_trsize = ((obj_textsec (abfd)->reloc_count) * \
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd)); \
- execp->a_drsize = ((obj_datasec (abfd)->reloc_count) * \
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd)); \
- NAME(aout,swap_exec_header_out) (abfd, execp, &exec_bytes); \
- \
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) return false; \
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &exec_bytes, 1, EXEC_BYTES_SIZE, abfd) \
- return false; \
- /* Now write out reloc info, followed by syms and strings */ \
- \
- if (bfd_get_outsymbols (abfd) != (asymbol **) NULL \
- && bfd_get_symcount (abfd) != 0) \
- { \
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(N_SYMOFF(*execp)), SEEK_SET) != 0) \
- return false; \
- \
- if (! NAME(aout,write_syms)(abfd)) return false; \
- \
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(N_TRELOFF(*execp)), SEEK_SET) != 0) \
- return false; \
- \
- if (! riscix_squirt_out_relocs (abfd, obj_textsec (abfd))) \
- return false; \
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(N_DRELOFF(*execp)), SEEK_SET) != 0) \
- return false; \
- \
- if (!NAME(aout,squirt_out_relocs)(abfd, obj_datasec (abfd))) \
- return false; \
- } \
- }
-#include "libaout.h"
-#include "aout/aout64.h"
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-riscix_fix_pcrel_26_done PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR,
- asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-riscix_fix_pcrel_26 PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR,
- asection *, bfd *, char **));
-static reloc_howto_type riscix_std_reloc_howto[] = {
- /* type rs size bsz pcrel bitpos ovrf sf name part_inpl readmask setmask pcdone */
- HOWTO( 0, 0, 0, 8, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"8", true, 0x000000ff,0x000000ff, false),
- HOWTO( 1, 0, 1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"16", true, 0x0000ffff,0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO( 2, 0, 2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"32", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false),
- HOWTO( 3, 2, 3, 26, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, riscix_fix_pcrel_26 , "ARM26", true, 0x00ffffff,0x00ffffff, false),
- HOWTO( 4, 0, 0, 8, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0,"DISP8", true, 0x000000ff,0x000000ff, true),
- HOWTO( 5, 0, 1, 16, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0,"DISP16", true, 0x0000ffff,0x0000ffff, true),
- HOWTO( 6, 0, 2, 32, true, 0, complain_overflow_signed, 0,"DISP32", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, true),
- HOWTO( 7, 2, 3, 26, false, 0, complain_overflow_signed, riscix_fix_pcrel_26_done, "ARM26D",true,0x00ffffff,0x00ffffff, false),
- {-1},
- HOWTO( 9, 0, -1, 16, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"NEG16", true, 0x0000ffff,0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO( 10, 0, -2, 32, false, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,0,"NEG32", true, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff, false)
- (sizeof (riscix_std_reloc_howto) / sizeof (reloc_howto_type))
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-riscix_fix_pcrel_26_done (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section,
- output_bfd, error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- /* This is dead simple at present. */
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-riscix_fix_pcrel_26 (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section,
- output_bfd, error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- bfd_vma relocation;
- bfd_size_type addr = reloc_entry->address;
- long target = bfd_get_32 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- bfd_reloc_status_type flag = bfd_reloc_ok;
- /* If this is an undefined symbol, return error */
- if (symbol->section == &bfd_und_section
- && (symbol->flags & BSF_WEAK) == 0)
- return output_bfd ? bfd_reloc_continue : bfd_reloc_undefined;
- /* If the sections are different, and we are doing a partial relocation,
- just ignore it for now. */
- if (symbol->section->name != input_section->name
- && output_bfd != (bfd *)NULL)
- return bfd_reloc_continue;
- relocation = (target & 0x00ffffff) << 2;
- relocation = (relocation ^ 0x02000000) - 0x02000000; /* Sign extend */
- relocation += symbol->value;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_section->vma;
- relocation += symbol->section->output_offset;
- relocation += reloc_entry->addend;
- relocation -= input_section->output_section->vma;
- relocation -= input_section->output_offset;
- relocation -= addr;
- if (relocation & 3)
- return bfd_reloc_overflow;
- /* Check for overflow */
- if (relocation & 0x02000000)
- {
- if ((relocation & ~0x03ffffff) != ~0x03ffffff)
- flag = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- }
- else if (relocation & ~0x03ffffff)
- flag = bfd_reloc_overflow;
- target &= ~0x00ffffff;
- target |= (relocation >> 2) & 0x00ffffff;
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, target, (bfd_byte *) data + addr);
- /* Now the ARM magic... Change the reloc type so that it is marked as done.
- Strictly this is only necessary if we are doing a partial relocation. */
- reloc_entry->howto = &riscix_std_reloc_howto[7];
- return flag;
-reloc_howto_type *
- bfd *abfd AND
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code)
-#define ASTD(i,j) case i: return &riscix_std_reloc_howto[j]
- if (code == BFD_RELOC_CTOR)
- switch (bfd_get_arch_info (abfd)->bits_per_address)
- {
- case 32:
- code = BFD_RELOC_32;
- break;
- default: return (reloc_howto_type *) NULL;
- }
- switch (code)
- {
- ASTD (BFD_RELOC_16, 1);
- ASTD (BFD_RELOC_32, 2);
- default: return (reloc_howto_type *) NULL;
- }
-#define MY_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
-#define MY_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
-#define MY_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
-#define MY_bfd_reloc_type_lookup riscix_reloc_type_lookup
-#define MY_canonicalize_reloc riscix_canonicalize_reloc
-#define MY_object_p riscix_object_p
-static const bfd_target *riscix_callback PARAMS ((bfd *));
-riscix_swap_std_reloc_out (abfd, g, natptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *g;
- struct reloc_std_external *natptr;
- int r_index;
- asymbol *sym = *(g->sym_ptr_ptr);
- int r_extern;
- int r_length;
- int r_pcrel;
- int r_neg = 0; /* Negative relocs use the BASEREL bit. */
- asection *output_section = sym->section->output_section;
- PUT_WORD(abfd, g->address, natptr->r_address);
- r_length = g->howto->size ; /* Size as a power of two */
- if (r_length < 0)
- {
- r_length = -r_length;
- r_neg = 1;
- }
- r_pcrel = (int) g->howto->pc_relative; /* Relative to PC? */
- /* For RISC iX, in pc-relative relocs the r_pcrel bit means that the
- relocation has been done already (Only for the 26-bit one I think)???!!!
- */
- if (r_length == 3)
- r_pcrel = r_pcrel ? 0 : 1;
-#if 0
- /* For a standard reloc, the addend is in the object file. */
- r_addend = g->addend + (*(g->sym_ptr_ptr))->section->output_section->vma;
- /* name was clobbered by aout_write_syms to be symbol index */
- /* If this relocation is relative to a symbol then set the
- r_index to the symbols index, and the r_extern bit.
- Absolute symbols can come in in two ways, either as an offset
- from the abs section, or as a symbol which has an abs value.
- check for that here
- */
- if (bfd_is_com_section (output_section)
- || output_section == &bfd_abs_section
- || output_section == &bfd_und_section)
- {
- if (bfd_abs_section.symbol == sym)
- {
- /* Whoops, looked like an abs symbol, but is really an offset
- from the abs section */
- r_index = 0;
- r_extern = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Fill in symbol */
- r_extern = 1;
- r_index = stoi((*(g->sym_ptr_ptr))->flags);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Just an ordinary section */
- r_extern = 0;
- r_index = output_section->target_index;
- }
- /* now the fun stuff */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- {
- natptr->r_index[0] = r_index >> 16;
- natptr->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- natptr->r_index[2] = r_index;
- natptr->r_type[0] =
- ( (r_extern ? RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_BIG: 0)
- | (r_pcrel ? RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_BIG: 0)
- | (r_length << RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_SH_BIG));
- }
- else
- {
- natptr->r_index[2] = r_index >> 16;
- natptr->r_index[1] = r_index >> 8;
- natptr->r_index[0] = r_index;
- natptr->r_type[0] =
- ( (r_extern ? RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE: 0)
- | (r_pcrel ? RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_LITTLE: 0)
- }
-riscix_squirt_out_relocs (abfd, section)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- arelent **generic;
- unsigned char *native, *natptr;
- size_t each_size;
- unsigned int count = section->reloc_count;
- size_t natsize;
- if (count == 0) return true;
- each_size = obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd);
- natsize = each_size * count;
- native = (unsigned char *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, natsize);
- if (!native)
- return false;
- generic = section->orelocation;
- for (natptr = native;
- count != 0;
- --count, natptr += each_size, ++generic)
- riscix_swap_std_reloc_out (abfd, *generic,
- (struct reloc_std_external *) natptr);
- if ( bfd_write ((PTR) native, 1, natsize, abfd) != natsize)
- {
- bfd_release(abfd, native);
- return false;
- }
- bfd_release (abfd, native);
- return true;
- * This is just like the standard aoutx.h version but we need to do our
- * own mapping of external reloc type values to howto entries.
- */
-MY(canonicalize_reloc)(abfd, section, relptr, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- arelent **relptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- arelent *tblptr = section->relocation;
- unsigned int count, c;
- extern reloc_howto_type NAME(aout,std_howto_table)[];
- /* If we have already read in the relocation table, return the values. */
- if (section->flags & SEC_CONSTRUCTOR) {
- arelent_chain *chain = section->constructor_chain;
- for (count = 0; count < section->reloc_count; count++) {
- *relptr++ = &chain->relent;
- chain = chain->next;
- }
- *relptr = 0;
- return section->reloc_count;
- }
- if (tblptr && section->reloc_count) {
- for (count = 0; count++ < section->reloc_count;)
- *relptr++ = tblptr++;
- *relptr = 0;
- return section->reloc_count;
- }
- if (!NAME(aout,slurp_reloc_table)(abfd, section, symbols))
- return -1;
- tblptr = section->relocation;
- /* fix up howto entries */
- for (count = 0; count++ < section->reloc_count;)
- {
- c = tblptr->howto - NAME(aout,std_howto_table);
- assert (c < RISCIX_TABLE_SIZE);
- tblptr->howto = &riscix_std_reloc_howto[c];
- *relptr++ = tblptr++;
- }
- *relptr = 0;
- return section->reloc_count;
-/* This is the same as NAME(aout,some_aout_object_p), but has different
- expansions of the macro definitions. */
-const bfd_target *
-riscix_some_aout_object_p (abfd, execp, callback_to_real_object_p)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct internal_exec *execp;
- const bfd_target *(*callback_to_real_object_p) PARAMS ((bfd *));
- struct aout_data_struct *rawptr, *oldrawptr;
- const bfd_target *result;
- rawptr = ((struct aout_data_struct *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct aout_data_struct )));
- if (rawptr == NULL)
- return 0;
- oldrawptr = abfd->tdata.aout_data;
- abfd->tdata.aout_data = rawptr;
- /* Copy the contents of the old tdata struct.
- In particular, we want the subformat, since for hpux it was set in
- hp300hpux.c:swap_exec_header_in and will be used in
- hp300hpux.c:callback. */
- if (oldrawptr != NULL)
- *abfd->tdata.aout_data = *oldrawptr;
- abfd->tdata.aout_data->a.hdr = &rawptr->e;
- *(abfd->tdata.aout_data->a.hdr) = *execp; /* Copy in the internal_exec
- struct */
- execp = abfd->tdata.aout_data->a.hdr;
- /* Set the file flags */
- abfd->flags = NO_FLAGS;
- if (execp->a_drsize || execp->a_trsize)
- abfd->flags |= HAS_RELOC;
- /* Setting of EXEC_P has been deferred to the bottom of this function */
- if (execp->a_syms)
- if (N_DYNAMIC(*execp))
- abfd->flags |= DYNAMIC;
- if ((execp->a_info & MF_SQUEEZED) != 0) /* Squeezed files aren't supported
- (yet)! */
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- else if ((execp->a_info & MF_IS_SL) != 0) /* Nor are shared libraries */
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- else if (N_MAGIC (*execp) == ZMAGIC)
- {
- abfd->flags |= D_PAGED | WP_TEXT;
- adata (abfd).magic = z_magic;
- }
- else if (N_MAGIC (*execp) == NMAGIC)
- {
- abfd->flags |= WP_TEXT;
- adata (abfd).magic = n_magic;
- }
- else if (N_MAGIC (*execp) == OMAGIC)
- adata (abfd).magic = o_magic;
- else
- {
- /* Should have been checked with N_BADMAG before this routine
- was called. */
- abort ();
- }
- bfd_get_start_address (abfd) = execp->a_entry;
- obj_aout_symbols (abfd) = (aout_symbol_type *)NULL;
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd) = execp->a_syms / sizeof (struct external_nlist);
- /* The default relocation entry size is that of traditional V7 Unix. */
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- /* The default symbol entry size is that of traditional Unix. */
- obj_symbol_entry_size (abfd) = EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE;
- obj_aout_external_syms (abfd) = NULL;
- obj_aout_external_strings (abfd) = NULL;
- obj_aout_sym_hashes (abfd) = NULL;
- if (! NAME(aout,make_sections) (abfd))
- return NULL;
- obj_datasec (abfd)->_raw_size = execp->a_data;
- obj_bsssec (abfd)->_raw_size = execp->a_bss;
- obj_textsec (abfd)->flags =
- (execp->a_trsize != 0
- obj_datasec (abfd)->flags =
- (execp->a_drsize != 0
- obj_bsssec (abfd)->flags = SEC_ALLOC;
- result = (*callback_to_real_object_p)(abfd);
-#if defined(MACH) || defined(STAT_FOR_EXEC)
- /* The original heuristic doesn't work in some important cases. The
- * a.out file has no information about the text start address. For
- * files (like kernels) linked to non-standard addresses (ld -Ttext
- * nnn) the entry point may not be between the default text start
- * (obj_textsec(abfd)->vma) and (obj_textsec(abfd)->vma) + text size
- * This is not just a mach issue. Many kernels are loaded at non
- * standard addresses.
- */
- {
- struct stat stat_buf;
- if (abfd->iostream != NULL
- && (abfd->flags & BFD_IN_MEMORY) == 0
- && (fstat(fileno((FILE *) (abfd->iostream)), &stat_buf) == 0)
- && ((stat_buf.st_mode & 0111) != 0))
- abfd->flags |= EXEC_P;
- }
-#else /* ! MACH */
- /* Now that the segment addresses have been worked out, take a better
- guess at whether the file is executable. If the entry point
- is within the text segment, assume it is. (This makes files
- executable even if their entry point address is 0, as long as
- their text starts at zero.)
- At some point we should probably break down and stat the file and
- declare it executable if (one of) its 'x' bits are on... */
- if ((execp->a_entry >= obj_textsec(abfd)->vma) &&
- (execp->a_entry < obj_textsec(abfd)->vma + obj_textsec(abfd)->_raw_size))
- abfd->flags |= EXEC_P;
-#endif /* MACH */
- if (result)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- free (rawptr);
- abfd->tdata.aout_data = oldrawptr;
- }
- return result;
-static const bfd_target *
-MY(object_p) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec exec_bytes; /* Raw exec header from file */
- struct internal_exec exec; /* Cleaned-up exec header */
- const bfd_target *target;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) &exec_bytes, 1, EXEC_BYTES_SIZE, abfd)
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- exec.a_info = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, exec_bytes.e_info);
- if (N_BADMAG (exec)) return 0;
- if (!(MACHTYPE_OK (N_MACHTYPE (exec)))) return 0;
- NAME(aout,swap_exec_header_in)(abfd, &exec_bytes, &exec);
- target = riscix_some_aout_object_p (abfd, &exec, MY(callback));
- return target;
-#include "aout-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/rs6000-core.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/rs6000-core.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4889f72f6dda..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/rs6000-core.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
-/* IBM RS/6000 "XCOFF" back-end for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- FIXME: Can someone provide a transliteration of this name into ASCII?
- Using the following chars caused a compiler warning on HIUX (so I replaced
- them with octal escapes), and isn't useful without an understanding of what
- character set it is.
- Written by Metin G. Ozisik, Mimi Ph\373\364ng-Th\345o V\365,
- and John Gilmore.
- Archive support from Damon A. Permezel.
- Contributed by IBM Corporation and Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This port currently only handles reading object files, except when
- compiled on an RS/6000 host. -- no archive support, no core files.
- In all cases, it does not support writing.
- FIXMEmgo comments are left from Metin Ozisik's original port.
- This is in a separate file from coff-rs6000.c, because it includes
- system include files that conflict with coff/rs6000.h.
- */
-/* Internalcoff.h and coffcode.h modify themselves based on this flag. */
-#define RS6000COFF_C 1
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#ifdef AIX_CORE
-/* AOUTHDR is defined by the above. We need another defn of it, from the
- system include files. Punt the old one and get us a new name for the
- typedef in the system include files. */
-#ifdef AOUTHDR
-#undef AOUTHDR
-#define AOUTHDR second_AOUTHDR
-#undef SCNHDR
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* Support for core file stuff.. */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-#include <sys/user.h>
-#include <sys/ldr.h>
-#include <sys/core.h>
-/* Number of special purpose registers supported by gdb. This value
- should match `tm.h' in gdb directory. Clean this mess up and use
- the macros in sys/reg.h. FIXMEmgo. */
-#define NUM_OF_SPEC_REGS 7
-#define core_hdr(bfd) (((Rs6kCorData*)(bfd->tdata.any))->hdr)
-#define core_datasec(bfd) (((Rs6kCorData*)(bfd->tdata.any))->data_section)
-#define core_stacksec(bfd) (((Rs6kCorData*)(bfd->tdata.any))->stack_section)
-#define core_regsec(bfd) (((Rs6kCorData*)(bfd->tdata.any))->reg_section)
-#define core_reg2sec(bfd) (((Rs6kCorData*)(bfd->tdata.any))->reg2_section)
-/* AIX 4.1 Changed the names and locations of a few items in the core file,
- this seems to be the quickest easiet way to deal with it.
- Note however that encoding magic addresses (STACK_END_ADDR) is going
- to be _very_ fragile. But I don't see any easy way to get that info
- right now. */
-#ifdef CORE_VERSION_1
-#define CORE_DATA_SIZE_FIELD c_u.U_dsize
-#define CORE_COMM_FIELD c_u.U_comm
-#define SAVE_FIELD c_mst
-#define STACK_END_ADDR 0x2ff23000
-#define CORE_DATA_SIZE_FIELD c_u.u_dsize
-#define CORE_COMM_FIELD c_u.u_comm
-#define SAVE_FIELD c_u.u_save
-#define STACK_END_ADDR 0x2ff80000
-/* These are stored in the bfd's tdata */
-typedef struct {
- struct core_dump hdr; /* core file header */
- asection *data_section,
- *stack_section,
- *reg_section, /* section for GPRs and special registers. */
- *reg2_section; /* section for FPRs. */
- /* This tells us where everything is mapped (shared libraries and so on).
- GDB needs it. */
- asection *ldinfo_section;
-#define core_ldinfosec(bfd) (((Rs6kCorData *)(bfd->tdata.any))->ldinfo_section)
-} Rs6kCorData;
-/* Decide if a given bfd represents a `core' file or not. There really is no
- magic number or anything like, in rs6000coff. */
-const bfd_target *
-rs6000coff_core_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- int fd;
- struct core_dump coredata;
- struct stat statbuf;
- char *tmpptr;
- /* Use bfd_xxx routines, rather than O/S primitives to read coredata. FIXMEmgo */
- fd = open (abfd->filename, O_RDONLY);
- if (fd < 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (fstat (fd, &statbuf) < 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- close (fd);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (read (fd, &coredata, sizeof (struct core_dump))
- != sizeof (struct core_dump))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- close (fd);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (close (fd) < 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* If the core file ulimit is too small, the system will first
- omit the data segment, then omit the stack, then decline to
- dump core altogether (as far as I know UBLOCK_VALID and LE_VALID
- are always set) (this is based on experimentation on AIX 3.2).
- Now, the thing is that GDB users will be surprised
- if segments just silently don't appear (well, maybe they would
- think to check "info files", I don't know), but we have no way of
- returning warnings (as opposed to errors).
- For the data segment, we have no choice but to keep going if it's
- not there, since the default behavior is not to dump it (regardless
- of the ulimit, it's based on SA_FULLDUMP). But for the stack segment,
- if it's not there, we refuse to have anything to do with this core
- file. The usefulness of a core dump without a stack segment is pretty
- limited anyway. */
- if (!(coredata.c_flag & UBLOCK_VALID)
- || !(coredata.c_flag & LE_VALID))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- if ((coredata.c_flag & CORE_TRUNC)
- || !(coredata.c_flag & USTACK_VALID))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_truncated);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Don't check the core file size for a full core, AIX 4.1 includes
- additional shared library sections in a full core. */
- if (!(coredata.c_flag & FULL_CORE)
- && ((bfd_vma)coredata.c_stack + coredata.c_size) != statbuf.st_size)
- {
- /* If the size is wrong, it means we're misinterpreting something. */
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Sanity check on the c_tab field. */
- if ((u_long) coredata.c_tab < sizeof coredata ||
- (u_long) coredata.c_tab >= statbuf.st_size ||
- (long) coredata.c_tab >= (long)coredata.c_stack)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* maybe you should alloc space for the whole core chunk over here!! FIXMEmgo */
- tmpptr = (char*)bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (Rs6kCorData));
- if (!tmpptr)
- return NULL;
- set_tdata (abfd, tmpptr);
- /* Copy core file header. */
- core_hdr (abfd) = coredata;
- /* .stack section. */
- if ((core_stacksec (abfd) = (asection*) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection)))
- == NULL)
- return NULL;
- core_stacksec (abfd)->name = ".stack";
- core_stacksec (abfd)->flags = SEC_ALLOC + SEC_LOAD + SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- core_stacksec (abfd)->_raw_size = coredata.c_size;
- core_stacksec (abfd)->vma = STACK_END_ADDR - coredata.c_size;
- core_stacksec (abfd)->filepos = (int)coredata.c_stack; /*???? */
- /* .reg section for GPRs and special registers. */
- if ((core_regsec (abfd) = (asection*) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection)))
- == NULL)
- return NULL;
- core_regsec (abfd)->name = ".reg";
- core_regsec (abfd)->flags = SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- core_regsec (abfd)->_raw_size = (32 + NUM_OF_SPEC_REGS) * 4;
- core_regsec (abfd)->vma = 0; /* not used?? */
- core_regsec (abfd)->filepos =
- (char*)&coredata.SAVE_FIELD - (char*)&coredata;
- /* .reg2 section for FPRs (floating point registers). */
- if ((core_reg2sec (abfd) = (asection*) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection)))
- == NULL)
- return NULL;
- core_reg2sec (abfd)->name = ".reg2";
- core_reg2sec (abfd)->flags = SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- core_reg2sec (abfd)->_raw_size = 8 * 32; /* 32 FPRs. */
- core_reg2sec (abfd)->vma = 0; /* not used?? */
- core_reg2sec (abfd)->filepos =
- (char*)&coredata.SAVE_FIELD.fpr[0] - (char*)&coredata;
- if ((core_ldinfosec (abfd) = (asection*) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection)))
- == NULL)
- return NULL;
- core_ldinfosec (abfd)->name = ".ldinfo";
- core_ldinfosec (abfd)->flags = SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- /* To actually find out how long this section is in this particular
- core dump would require going down the whole list of struct ld_info's.
- See if we can just fake it. */
- core_ldinfosec (abfd)->_raw_size = 0x7fffffff;
- /* Not relevant for ldinfo section. */
- core_ldinfosec (abfd)->vma = 0;
- core_ldinfosec (abfd)->filepos = (file_ptr) coredata.c_tab;
- /* set up section chain here. */
- abfd->section_count = 4;
- abfd->sections = core_stacksec (abfd);
- core_stacksec (abfd)->next = core_regsec(abfd);
- core_regsec (abfd)->next = core_reg2sec (abfd);
- core_reg2sec (abfd)->next = core_ldinfosec (abfd);
- core_ldinfosec (abfd)->next = NULL;
- if (coredata.c_flag & FULL_CORE)
- {
- asection *sec = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
- if (sec == NULL)
- return NULL;
- sec->name = ".data";
- sec->_raw_size = coredata.CORE_DATA_SIZE_FIELD;
- sec->vma = CDATA_ADDR (coredata.CORE_DATA_SIZE_FIELD);
- sec->filepos = (int)coredata.c_stack + coredata.c_size;
- sec->next = abfd->sections;
- abfd->sections = sec;
- ++abfd->section_count;
- }
- return abfd->xvec; /* this is garbage for now. */
-/* return `true' if given core is from the given executable.. */
-rs6000coff_core_file_matches_executable_p (core_bfd, exec_bfd)
- bfd *core_bfd;
- bfd *exec_bfd;
- FILE *fd;
- struct core_dump coredata;
- struct ld_info ldinfo;
- char pathname [1024];
- const char *str1, *str2;
- /* Use bfd_xxx routines, rather than O/S primitives, do error checking!!
- FIXMEmgo */
- /* Actually should be able to use bfd_get_section_contents now that
- we have a .ldinfo section. */
- fd = fopen (core_bfd->filename, FOPEN_RB);
- fread (&coredata, sizeof (struct core_dump), 1, fd);
- fseek (fd, (long)coredata.c_tab, 0);
- fread (&ldinfo, (char*)&ldinfo.ldinfo_filename[0] - (char*)&ldinfo.ldinfo_next,
- 1, fd);
- fscanf (fd, "%s", pathname);
- str1 = strrchr (pathname, '/');
- str2 = strrchr (exec_bfd->filename, '/');
- /* step over character '/' */
- str1 = str1 ? str1+1 : &pathname[0];
- str2 = str2 ? str2+1 : exec_bfd->filename;
- fclose (fd);
- return strcmp (str1, str2) == 0;
-char *
-rs6000coff_core_file_failing_command (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *com = core_hdr (abfd).CORE_COMM_FIELD;
- if (*com)
- return com;
- else
- return 0;
-rs6000coff_core_file_failing_signal (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return core_hdr (abfd).c_signo;
-rs6000coff_get_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- int count;
- if (count == 0)
- return true;
- /* Reading a core file's sections will be slightly different. For the
- rest of them we can use bfd_generic_get_section_contents () I suppose. */
- /* Make sure this routine works for any bfd and any section. FIXMEmgo. */
- if (abfd->format == bfd_core && strcmp (section->name, ".reg") == 0) {
- struct mstsave mstatus;
- int regoffset = (char*)&mstatus.gpr[0] - (char*)&mstatus;
- /* Assert that the only way this code will be executed is reading the
- whole section. */
- if (offset || count != (sizeof(mstatus.gpr) + (4 * NUM_OF_SPEC_REGS)))
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("ERROR! in rs6000coff_get_section_contents()\n");
- /* for `.reg' section, `filepos' is a pointer to the `mstsave' structure
- in the core file. */
- /* read GPR's into the location. */
- if ( bfd_seek(abfd, section->filepos + regoffset, SEEK_SET) == -1
- || bfd_read(location, sizeof (mstatus.gpr), 1, abfd) != sizeof (mstatus.gpr))
- return (false); /* on error */
- /* increment location to the beginning of special registers in the section,
- reset register offset value to the beginning of first special register
- in mstsave structure, and read special registers. */
- location = (PTR) ((char*)location + sizeof (mstatus.gpr));
- regoffset = (char*)&mstatus.iar - (char*)&mstatus;
- if ( bfd_seek(abfd, section->filepos + regoffset, SEEK_SET) == -1
- || bfd_read(location, 4 * NUM_OF_SPEC_REGS, 1, abfd) !=
- return (false); /* on error */
- /* increment location address, and read the special registers.. */
- /* FIXMEmgo */
- return (true);
- }
- /* else, use default bfd section content transfer. */
- else
- return _bfd_generic_get_section_contents
- (abfd, section, location, offset, count);
-#endif /* AIX_CORE */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/section.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/section.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ac9a44912100..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/section.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,976 +0,0 @@
-/* Object file "section" support for the BFD library.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- Sections
- The raw data contained within a BFD is maintained through the
- section abstraction. A single BFD may have any number of
- sections. It keeps hold of them by pointing to the first;
- each one points to the next in the list.
- Sections are supported in BFD in <<section.c>>.
-@* Section Input::
-@* Section Output::
-@* typedef asection::
-@* section prototypes::
-@end menu
-Section Input, Section Output, Sections, Sections
- Section input
- When a BFD is opened for reading, the section structures are
- created and attached to the BFD.
- Each section has a name which describes the section in the
- outside world---for example, <<a.out>> would contain at least
- three sections, called <<.text>>, <<.data>> and <<.bss>>.
- Names need not be unique; for example a COFF file may have several
- sections named <<.data>>.
- Sometimes a BFD will contain more than the ``natural'' number of
- sections. A back end may attach other sections containing
- constructor data, or an application may add a section (using
- <<bfd_make_section>>) to the sections attached to an already open
- BFD. For example, the linker creates an extra section
- <<COMMON>> for each input file's BFD to hold information about
- common storage.
- The raw data is not necessarily read in when
- the section descriptor is created. Some targets may leave the
- data in place until a <<bfd_get_section_contents>> call is
- made. Other back ends may read in all the data at once. For
- example, an S-record file has to be read once to determine the
- size of the data. An IEEE-695 file doesn't contain raw data in
- sections, but data and relocation expressions intermixed, so
- the data area has to be parsed to get out the data and
- relocations.
-Section Output, typedef asection, Section Input, Sections
- Section output
- To write a new object style BFD, the various sections to be
- written have to be created. They are attached to the BFD in
- the same way as input sections; data is written to the
- sections using <<bfd_set_section_contents>>.
- Any program that creates or combines sections (e.g., the assembler
- and linker) must use the <<asection>> fields <<output_section>> and
- <<output_offset>> to indicate the file sections to which each
- section must be written. (If the section is being created from
- scratch, <<output_section>> should probably point to the section
- itself and <<output_offset>> should probably be zero.)
- The data to be written comes from input sections attached
- (via <<output_section>> pointers) to
- the output sections. The output section structure can be
- considered a filter for the input section: the output section
- determines the vma of the output data and the name, but the
- input section determines the offset into the output section of
- the data to be written.
- E.g., to create a section "O", starting at 0x100, 0x123 long,
- containing two subsections, "A" at offset 0x0 (i.e., at vma
- 0x100) and "B" at offset 0x20 (i.e., at vma 0x120) the <<asection>>
- structures would look like:
-| section name "A"
-| output_offset 0x00
-| size 0x20
-| output_section -----------> section name "O"
-| | vma 0x100
-| section name "B" | size 0x123
-| output_offset 0x20 |
-| size 0x103 |
-| output_section --------|
- Link orders
- The data within a section is stored in a @dfn{link_order}.
- These are much like the fixups in <<gas>>. The link_order
- abstraction allows a section to grow and shrink within itself.
- A link_order knows how big it is, and which is the next
- link_order and where the raw data for it is; it also points to
- a list of relocations which apply to it.
- The link_order is used by the linker to perform relaxing on
- final code. The compiler creates code which is as big as
- necessary to make it work without relaxing, and the user can
- select whether to relax. Sometimes relaxing takes a lot of
- time. The linker runs around the relocations to see if any
- are attached to data which can be shrunk, if so it does it on
- a link_order by link_order basis.
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-typedef asection, section prototypes, Section Output, Sections
- typedef asection
- Here is the section structure:
-.typedef struct sec
-. {* The name of the section; the name isn't a copy, the pointer is
-. the same as that passed to bfd_make_section. *}
-. CONST char *name;
-. {* Which section is it; 0..nth. *}
-. int index;
-. {* The next section in the list belonging to the BFD, or NULL. *}
-. struct sec *next;
-. {* The field flags contains attributes of the section. Some
-. flags are read in from the object file, and some are
-. synthesized from other information. *}
-. flagword flags;
-.#define SEC_NO_FLAGS 0x000
-. {* Tells the OS to allocate space for this section when loading.
-. This is clear for a section containing debug information
-. only. *}
-.#define SEC_ALLOC 0x001
-. {* Tells the OS to load the section from the file when loading.
-. This is clear for a .bss section. *}
-.#define SEC_LOAD 0x002
-. {* The section contains data still to be relocated, so there is
-. some relocation information too. *}
-.#define SEC_RELOC 0x004
-.#if 0 {* Obsolete ? *}
-.#define SEC_BALIGN 0x008
-. {* A signal to the OS that the section contains read only
-. data. *}
-.#define SEC_READONLY 0x010
-. {* The section contains code only. *}
-.#define SEC_CODE 0x020
-. {* The section contains data only. *}
-.#define SEC_DATA 0x040
-. {* The section will reside in ROM. *}
-.#define SEC_ROM 0x080
-. {* The section contains constructor information. This section
-. type is used by the linker to create lists of constructors and
-. destructors used by <<g++>>. When a back end sees a symbol
-. which should be used in a constructor list, it creates a new
-. section for the type of name (e.g., <<__CTOR_LIST__>>), attaches
-. the symbol to it, and builds a relocation. To build the lists
-. of constructors, all the linker has to do is catenate all the
-. sections called <<__CTOR_LIST__>> and relocate the data
-. contained within - exactly the operations it would peform on
-. standard data. *}
-.#define SEC_CONSTRUCTOR 0x100
-. {* The section is a constuctor, and should be placed at the
-. end of the text, data, or bss section(?). *}
-.#define SEC_CONSTRUCTOR_TEXT 0x1100
-.#define SEC_CONSTRUCTOR_DATA 0x2100
-.#define SEC_CONSTRUCTOR_BSS 0x3100
-. {* The section has contents - a data section could be
-. <<SEC_ALLOC>> | <<SEC_HAS_CONTENTS>>; a debug section could be
-.#define SEC_HAS_CONTENTS 0x200
-. {* An instruction to the linker to not output the section
-. even if it has information which would normally be written. *}
-.#define SEC_NEVER_LOAD 0x400
-. {* The section is a COFF shared library section. This flag is
-. only for the linker. If this type of section appears in
-. the input file, the linker must copy it to the output file
-. without changing the vma or size. FIXME: Although this
-. was originally intended to be general, it really is COFF
-. specific (and the flag was renamed to indicate this). It
-. might be cleaner to have some more general mechanism to
-. allow the back end to control what the linker does with
-. sections. *}
-. {* The section is a common section (symbols may be defined
-. multiple times, the value of a symbol is the amount of
-. space it requires, and the largest symbol value is the one
-. used). Most targets have exactly one of these (which we
-. translate to bfd_com_section_ptr), but ECOFF has two. *}
-.#define SEC_IS_COMMON 0x8000
-. {* The section contains only debugging information. For
-. example, this is set for ELF .debug and .stab sections.
-. strip tests this flag to see if a section can be
-. discarded. *}
-.#define SEC_DEBUGGING 0x10000
-. {* The contents of this section are held in memory pointed to
-. by the contents field. This is checked by
-. bfd_get_section_contents, and the data is retrieved from
-. memory if appropriate. *}
-.#define SEC_IN_MEMORY 0x20000
-. {* The contents of this section are to be excluded by the
-. linker for executable and shared objects unless those
-. objects are to be further relocated. *}
-.#define SEC_EXCLUDE 0x40000
-. {* The contents of this section are to be sorted by the
-. based on the address specified in the associated symbol
-. table. *}
-.#define SEC_SORT_ENTRIES 0x80000
-. {* End of section flags. *}
-. {* The virtual memory address of the section - where it will be
-. at run time. The symbols are relocated against this. The
-. user_set_vma flag is maintained by bfd; if it's not set, the
-. backend can assign addresses (for example, in <<a.out>>, where
-. the default address for <<.data>> is dependent on the specific
-. target and various flags). *}
-. bfd_vma vma;
-. boolean user_set_vma;
-. {* The load address of the section - where it would be in a
-. rom image; really only used for writing section header
-. information. *}
-. bfd_vma lma;
-. {* The size of the section in bytes, as it will be output.
-. contains a value even if the section has no contents (e.g., the
-. size of <<.bss>>). This will be filled in after relocation *}
-. bfd_size_type _cooked_size;
-. {* The original size on disk of the section, in bytes. Normally this
-. value is the same as the size, but if some relaxing has
-. been done, then this value will be bigger. *}
-. bfd_size_type _raw_size;
-. {* If this section is going to be output, then this value is the
-. offset into the output section of the first byte in the input
-. section. E.g., if this was going to start at the 100th byte in
-. the output section, this value would be 100. *}
-. bfd_vma output_offset;
-. {* The output section through which to map on output. *}
-. struct sec *output_section;
-. {* The alignment requirement of the section, as an exponent of 2 -
-. e.g., 3 aligns to 2^3 (or 8). *}
-. unsigned int alignment_power;
-. {* If an input section, a pointer to a vector of relocation
-. records for the data in this section. *}
-. struct reloc_cache_entry *relocation;
-. {* If an output section, a pointer to a vector of pointers to
-. relocation records for the data in this section. *}
-. struct reloc_cache_entry **orelocation;
-. {* The number of relocation records in one of the above *}
-. unsigned reloc_count;
-. {* Information below is back end specific - and not always used
-. or updated. *}
-. {* File position of section data *}
-. file_ptr filepos;
-. {* File position of relocation info *}
-. file_ptr rel_filepos;
-. {* File position of line data *}
-. file_ptr line_filepos;
-. {* Pointer to data for applications *}
-. PTR userdata;
-. {* If the SEC_IN_MEMORY flag is set, this points to the actual
-. contents. *}
-. unsigned char *contents;
-. {* Attached line number information *}
-. alent *lineno;
-. {* Number of line number records *}
-. unsigned int lineno_count;
-. {* When a section is being output, this value changes as more
-. linenumbers are written out *}
-. file_ptr moving_line_filepos;
-. {* What the section number is in the target world *}
-. int target_index;
-. PTR used_by_bfd;
-. {* If this is a constructor section then here is a list of the
-. relocations created to relocate items within it. *}
-. struct relent_chain *constructor_chain;
-. {* The BFD which owns the section. *}
-. bfd *owner;
-. boolean reloc_done;
-. {* A symbol which points at this section only *}
-. struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol;
-. struct symbol_cache_entry **symbol_ptr_ptr;
-. struct bfd_link_order *link_order_head;
-. struct bfd_link_order *link_order_tail;
-.} asection ;
-. {* These sections are global, and are managed by BFD. The application
-. and target back end are not permitted to change the values in
-. these sections. New code should use the section_ptr macros rather
-. than referring directly to the const sections. The const sections
-. may eventually vanish. *}
-. {* the absolute section *}
-.extern const asection bfd_abs_section;
-.#define bfd_abs_section_ptr ((asection *) &bfd_abs_section)
-.#define bfd_is_abs_section(sec) ((sec) == bfd_abs_section_ptr)
-. {* Pointer to the undefined section *}
-.extern const asection bfd_und_section;
-.#define bfd_und_section_ptr ((asection *) &bfd_und_section)
-.#define bfd_is_und_section(sec) ((sec) == bfd_und_section_ptr)
-. {* Pointer to the common section *}
-.extern const asection bfd_com_section;
-.#define bfd_com_section_ptr ((asection *) &bfd_com_section)
-. {* Pointer to the indirect section *}
-.extern const asection bfd_ind_section;
-.#define bfd_ind_section_ptr ((asection *) &bfd_ind_section)
-.#define bfd_is_ind_section(sec) ((sec) == bfd_ind_section_ptr)
-.extern const struct symbol_cache_entry * const bfd_abs_symbol;
-.extern const struct symbol_cache_entry * const bfd_com_symbol;
-.extern const struct symbol_cache_entry * const bfd_und_symbol;
-.extern const struct symbol_cache_entry * const bfd_ind_symbol;
-.#define bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc(section) \
-. (section->reloc_done ? (abort(),1): (section)->_raw_size)
-.#define bfd_get_section_size_after_reloc(section) \
-. ((section->reloc_done) ? (section)->_cooked_size: (abort(),1))
-/* These symbols are global, not specific to any BFD. Therefore, anything
- that tries to change them is broken, and should be repaired. */
-static const asymbol global_syms[] =
- /* the_bfd, name, value, attr, section [, udata] */
- {0, BFD_COM_SECTION_NAME, 0, BSF_SECTION_SYM, (asection *) &bfd_com_section},
- {0, BFD_UND_SECTION_NAME, 0, BSF_SECTION_SYM, (asection *) &bfd_und_section},
- {0, BFD_ABS_SECTION_NAME, 0, BSF_SECTION_SYM, (asection *) &bfd_abs_section},
- {0, BFD_IND_SECTION_NAME, 0, BSF_SECTION_SYM, (asection *) &bfd_ind_section},
- const asymbol * const SYM = (asymbol *) &global_syms[IDX]; \
- const asection SEC = \
- { NAME, 0, 0, FLAGS, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, (asection *) &SEC, \
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (boolean) 0, \
- (asymbol *) &global_syms[IDX], (asymbol **) &SYM, }
-STD_SECTION (bfd_com_section, SEC_IS_COMMON, bfd_com_symbol,
-STD_SECTION (bfd_und_section, 0, bfd_und_symbol, BFD_UND_SECTION_NAME, 1);
-STD_SECTION (bfd_abs_section, 0, bfd_abs_symbol, BFD_ABS_SECTION_NAME, 2);
-STD_SECTION (bfd_ind_section, 0, bfd_ind_symbol, BFD_IND_SECTION_NAME, 3);
-section prototypes, , typedef asection, Sections
- Section prototypes
-These are the functions exported by the section handling part of BFD.
- bfd_get_section_by_name
- asection *bfd_get_section_by_name(bfd *abfd, CONST char *name);
- Run through @var{abfd} and return the one of the
- <<asection>>s whose name matches @var{name}, otherwise <<NULL>>.
- @xref{Sections}, for more information.
- This should only be used in special cases; the normal way to process
- all sections of a given name is to use <<bfd_map_over_sections>> and
- <<strcmp>> on the name (or better yet, base it on the section flags
- or something else) for each section.
-asection *
-bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, name)
- bfd *abfd;
- CONST char *name;
- asection *sect;
- for (sect = abfd->sections; sect != NULL; sect = sect->next)
- if (!strcmp (sect->name, name))
- return sect;
- return NULL;
- bfd_make_section_old_way
- asection *bfd_make_section_old_way(bfd *abfd, CONST char *name);
- Create a new empty section called @var{name}
- and attach it to the end of the chain of sections for the
- BFD @var{abfd}. An attempt to create a section with a name which
- is already in use returns its pointer without changing the
- section chain.
- It has the funny name since this is the way it used to be
- before it was rewritten....
- Possible errors are:
- o <<bfd_error_invalid_operation>> -
- If output has already started for this BFD.
- o <<bfd_error_no_memory>> -
- If obstack alloc fails.
-asection *
-bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, name)
- bfd *abfd;
- CONST char *name;
- asection *sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, name);
- if (sec == (asection *) NULL)
- {
- sec = bfd_make_section (abfd, name);
- }
- return sec;
- bfd_make_section_anyway
- asection *bfd_make_section_anyway(bfd *abfd, CONST char *name);
- Create a new empty section called @var{name} and attach it to the end of
- the chain of sections for @var{abfd}. Create a new section even if there
- is already a section with that name.
- Return <<NULL>> and set <<bfd_error>> on error; possible errors are:
- o <<bfd_error_invalid_operation>> - If output has already started for @var{abfd}.
- o <<bfd_error_no_memory>> - If obstack alloc fails.
-bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, name)
- bfd *abfd;
- CONST char *name;
- asection *newsect;
- asection **prev = &abfd->sections;
- asection *sect = abfd->sections;
- if (abfd->output_has_begun)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return NULL;
- }
- while (sect)
- {
- prev = &sect->next;
- sect = sect->next;
- }
- newsect = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
- if (newsect == NULL)
- return NULL;
- newsect->name = name;
- newsect->index = abfd->section_count++;
- newsect->flags = SEC_NO_FLAGS;
- newsect->userdata = NULL;
- newsect->contents = NULL;
- newsect->next = (asection *) NULL;
- newsect->relocation = (arelent *) NULL;
- newsect->reloc_count = 0;
- newsect->line_filepos = 0;
- newsect->owner = abfd;
- /* Create a symbol whos only job is to point to this section. This is
- useful for things like relocs which are relative to the base of a
- section. */
- newsect->symbol = bfd_make_empty_symbol (abfd);
- if (newsect->symbol == NULL)
- return NULL;
- newsect->symbol->name = name;
- newsect->symbol->value = 0;
- newsect->symbol->section = newsect;
- newsect->symbol->flags = BSF_SECTION_SYM;
- newsect->symbol_ptr_ptr = &newsect->symbol;
- if (BFD_SEND (abfd, _new_section_hook, (abfd, newsect)) != true)
- {
- free (newsect);
- return NULL;
- }
- *prev = newsect;
- return newsect;
- bfd_make_section
- asection *bfd_make_section(bfd *, CONST char *name);
- Like <<bfd_make_section_anyway>>, but return <<NULL>> (without calling
- bfd_set_error ()) without changing the section chain if there is already a
- section named @var{name}. If there is an error, return <<NULL>> and set
- <<bfd_error>>.
-asection *
-bfd_make_section (abfd, name)
- bfd *abfd;
- CONST char *name;
- asection *sect = abfd->sections;
- if (strcmp (name, BFD_ABS_SECTION_NAME) == 0)
- {
- return bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- }
- if (strcmp (name, BFD_COM_SECTION_NAME) == 0)
- {
- return bfd_com_section_ptr;
- }
- if (strcmp (name, BFD_UND_SECTION_NAME) == 0)
- {
- return bfd_und_section_ptr;
- }
- if (strcmp (name, BFD_IND_SECTION_NAME) == 0)
- {
- return bfd_ind_section_ptr;
- }
- while (sect)
- {
- if (!strcmp (sect->name, name))
- return NULL;
- sect = sect->next;
- }
- /* The name is not already used; go ahead and make a new section. */
- return bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, name);
- bfd_set_section_flags
- boolean bfd_set_section_flags(bfd *abfd, asection *sec, flagword flags);
- Set the attributes of the section @var{sec} in the BFD
- @var{abfd} to the value @var{flags}. Return <<true>> on success,
- <<false>> on error. Possible error returns are:
- o <<bfd_error_invalid_operation>> -
- The section cannot have one or more of the attributes
- requested. For example, a .bss section in <<a.out>> may not
- have the <<SEC_HAS_CONTENTS>> field set.
-bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, section, flags)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- flagword flags;
-#if 0
- /* If you try to copy a text section from an input file (where it
- has the SEC_CODE flag set) to an output file, this loses big if
- the bfd_applicable_section_flags (abfd) doesn't have the SEC_CODE
- set - which it doesn't, at least not for a.out. FIXME */
- if ((flags & bfd_applicable_section_flags (abfd)) != flags)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- section->flags = flags;
- return true;
- bfd_map_over_sections
- void bfd_map_over_sections(bfd *abfd,
- void (*func)(bfd *abfd,
- asection *sect,
- PTR obj),
- PTR obj);
- Call the provided function @var{func} for each section
- attached to the BFD @var{abfd}, passing @var{obj} as an
- argument. The function will be called as if by
-| func(abfd, the_section, obj);
- This is the prefered method for iterating over sections; an
- alternative would be to use a loop:
-| section *p;
-| for (p = abfd->sections; p != NULL; p = p->next)
-| func(abfd, p, ...)
-bfd_map_over_sections (abfd, operation, user_storage)
- bfd *abfd;
- void (*operation) PARAMS ((bfd * abfd, asection * sect, PTR obj));
- PTR user_storage;
- asection *sect;
- unsigned int i = 0;
- for (sect = abfd->sections; sect != NULL; i++, sect = sect->next)
- (*operation) (abfd, sect, user_storage);
- if (i != abfd->section_count) /* Debugging */
- abort ();
- bfd_set_section_size
- boolean bfd_set_section_size(bfd *abfd, asection *sec, bfd_size_type val);
- Set @var{sec} to the size @var{val}. If the operation is
- ok, then <<true>> is returned, else <<false>>.
- Possible error returns:
- o <<bfd_error_invalid_operation>> -
- Writing has started to the BFD, so setting the size is invalid.
-bfd_set_section_size (abfd, ptr, val)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr ptr;
- bfd_size_type val;
- /* Once you've started writing to any section you cannot create or change
- the size of any others. */
- if (abfd->output_has_begun)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- ptr->_cooked_size = val;
- ptr->_raw_size = val;
- return true;
- bfd_set_section_contents
- boolean bfd_set_section_contents
- (bfd *abfd,
- asection *section,
- PTR data,
- file_ptr offset,
- bfd_size_type count);
- Sets the contents of the section @var{section} in BFD
- @var{abfd} to the data starting in memory at @var{data}. The
- data is written to the output section starting at offset
- @var{offset} for @var{count} bytes.
- Normally <<true>> is returned, else <<false>>. Possible error
- returns are:
- o <<bfd_error_no_contents>> -
- The output section does not have the <<SEC_HAS_CONTENTS>>
- attribute, so nothing can be written to it.
- o and some more too
- This routine is front end to the back end function
- <<_bfd_set_section_contents>>.
-#define bfd_get_section_size_now(abfd,sec) \
-(sec->reloc_done \
- ? bfd_get_section_size_after_reloc (sec) \
- : bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc (sec))
-bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- bfd_size_type sz;
- if (!(bfd_get_section_flags (abfd, section) & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_contents);
- return (false);
- }
- if (offset < 0)
- {
- bad_val:
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- sz = bfd_get_section_size_now (abfd, section);
- if ((bfd_size_type) offset > sz
- || count > sz
- || offset + count > sz)
- goto bad_val;
- switch (abfd->direction)
- {
- case read_direction:
- case no_direction:
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- case write_direction:
- break;
- case both_direction:
- /* File is opened for update. `output_has_begun' some time ago when
- the file was created. Do not recompute sections sizes or alignments
- in _bfd_set_section_content. */
- abfd->output_has_begun = true;
- break;
- }
- if (BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_set_section_contents,
- (abfd, section, location, offset, count)))
- {
- abfd->output_has_begun = true;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- bfd_get_section_contents
- boolean bfd_get_section_contents
- (bfd *abfd, asection *section, PTR location,
- file_ptr offset, bfd_size_type count);
- Read data from @var{section} in BFD @var{abfd}
- into memory starting at @var{location}. The data is read at an
- offset of @var{offset} from the start of the input section,
- and is read for @var{count} bytes.
- If the contents of a constructor with the <<SEC_CONSTRUCTOR>>
- flag set are requested or if the section does not have the
- <<SEC_HAS_CONTENTS>> flag set, then the @var{location} is filled
- with zeroes. If no errors occur, <<true>> is returned, else
- <<false>>.
-bfd_get_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- bfd_size_type sz;
- if (section->flags & SEC_CONSTRUCTOR)
- {
- memset (location, 0, (unsigned) count);
- return true;
- }
- if (offset < 0)
- {
- bad_val:
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- /* Even if reloc_done is true, this function reads unrelocated
- contents, so we want the raw size. */
- sz = section->_raw_size;
- if ((bfd_size_type) offset > sz || count > sz || offset + count > sz)
- goto bad_val;
- if (count == 0)
- /* Don't bother. */
- return true;
- if ((section->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) == 0)
- {
- memset (location, 0, (unsigned) count);
- return true;
- }
- if ((section->flags & SEC_IN_MEMORY) != 0)
- {
- memcpy (location, section->contents + offset, (size_t) count);
- return true;
- }
- return BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_get_section_contents,
- (abfd, section, location, offset, count));
- bfd_copy_private_section_data
- boolean bfd_copy_private_section_data(bfd *ibfd, asection *isec, bfd *obfd, asection *osec);
- Copy private section information from @var{isec} in the BFD
- @var{ibfd} to the section @var{osec} in the BFD @var{obfd}.
- Return <<true>> on success, <<false>> on error. Possible error
- returns are:
- o <<bfd_error_no_memory>> -
- Not enough memory exists to create private data for @var{osec}.
-.#define bfd_copy_private_section_data(ibfd, isection, obfd, osection) \
-. BFD_SEND (ibfd, _bfd_copy_private_section_data, \
-. (ibfd, isection, obfd, osection))
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/som.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/som.c
deleted file mode 100644
index dd03d99ee199..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/som.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5999 +0,0 @@
-/* bfd back-end for HP PA-RISC SOM objects.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996
- Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by the Center for Software Science at the
- University of Utah (
- This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#if defined (HOST_HPPAHPUX) || defined (HOST_HPPABSD) || defined (HOST_HPPAOSF)
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "som.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <machine/reg.h>
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-/* Magic not defined in standard HP-UX header files until 8.0 */
-#ifndef CPU_PA_RISC1_0
-#define CPU_PA_RISC1_0 0x20B
-#endif /* CPU_PA_RISC1_0 */
-#ifndef CPU_PA_RISC1_1
-#define CPU_PA_RISC1_1 0x210
-#endif /* CPU_PA_RISC1_1 */
-#ifndef _PA_RISC1_0_ID
-#define _PA_RISC1_0_ID CPU_PA_RISC1_0
-#endif /* _PA_RISC1_0_ID */
-#ifndef _PA_RISC1_1_ID
-#define _PA_RISC1_1_ID CPU_PA_RISC1_1
-#endif /* _PA_RISC1_1_ID */
-#ifndef _PA_RISC_MAXID
-#define _PA_RISC_MAXID 0x2FF
-#endif /* _PA_RISC_MAXID */
-#ifndef _PA_RISC_ID
-#define _PA_RISC_ID(__m_num) \
- (((__m_num) == _PA_RISC1_0_ID) || \
- ((__m_num) >= _PA_RISC1_1_ID && (__m_num) <= _PA_RISC_MAXID))
-#endif /* _PA_RISC_ID */
-/* HIUX in it's infinite stupidity changed the names for several "well
- known" constants. Work around such braindamage. Try the HPUX version
- first, then the HIUX version, and finally provide a default. */
-#ifdef HPUX_AUX_ID
-#if !defined (EXEC_AUX_ID) && defined (HIUX_AUX_ID)
-#ifndef EXEC_AUX_ID
-#define EXEC_AUX_ID 0
-/* Size (in chars) of the temporary buffers used during fixup and string
- table writes. */
-#define SOM_TMP_BUFSIZE 8192
-/* Size of the hash table in archives. */
-#define SOM_LST_HASH_SIZE 31
-/* Max number of SOMs to be found in an archive. */
-#define SOM_LST_MODULE_LIMIT 1024
-/* Generic alignment macro. */
-#define SOM_ALIGN(val, alignment) \
- (((val) + (alignment) - 1) & ~((alignment) - 1))
-/* SOM allows any one of the four previous relocations to be reused
- with a "R_PREV_FIXUP" relocation entry. Since R_PREV_FIXUP
- relocations are always a single byte, using a R_PREV_FIXUP instead
- of some multi-byte relocation makes object files smaller.
- Note one side effect of using a R_PREV_FIXUP is the relocation that
- is being repeated moves to the front of the queue. */
-struct reloc_queue
- {
- unsigned char *reloc;
- unsigned int size;
- } reloc_queue[4];
-/* This fully describes the symbol types which may be attached to
- an EXPORT or IMPORT directive. Only SOM uses this formation
- (ELF has no need for it). */
-typedef enum
-} pa_symbol_type;
-struct section_to_type
- char *section;
- char type;
-/* Assorted symbol information that needs to be derived from the BFD symbol
- and/or the BFD backend private symbol data. */
-struct som_misc_symbol_info
- unsigned int symbol_type;
- unsigned int symbol_scope;
- unsigned int arg_reloc;
- unsigned int symbol_info;
- unsigned int symbol_value;
-/* Forward declarations */
-static boolean som_mkobject PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static const bfd_target * som_object_setup PARAMS ((bfd *,
- struct header *,
- struct som_exec_auxhdr *));
-static boolean setup_sections PARAMS ((bfd *, struct header *));
-static const bfd_target * som_object_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean som_write_object_contents PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean som_slurp_string_table PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static unsigned int som_slurp_symbol_table PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static long som_get_symtab_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static long som_canonicalize_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr,
- arelent **, asymbol **));
-static long som_get_reloc_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr));
-static unsigned int som_set_reloc_info PARAMS ((unsigned char *, unsigned int,
- arelent *, asection *,
- asymbol **, boolean));
-static boolean som_slurp_reloc_table PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *,
- asymbol **, boolean));
-static long som_get_symtab PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **));
-static asymbol * som_make_empty_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static void som_print_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR,
- asymbol *, bfd_print_symbol_type));
-static boolean som_new_section_hook PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *));
-static boolean som_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *,
- bfd *, asymbol *));
-static boolean som_bfd_copy_private_section_data PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *,
- bfd *, asection *));
-static boolean som_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-#define som_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data _bfd_generic_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data
-#define som_bfd_set_private_flags _bfd_generic_bfd_set_private_flags
-static boolean som_bfd_is_local_label PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
-static boolean som_set_section_contents PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, PTR,
- file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-static boolean som_get_section_contents PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, PTR,
- file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-static boolean som_set_arch_mach PARAMS ((bfd *, enum bfd_architecture,
- unsigned long));
-static boolean som_find_nearest_line PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *,
- asymbol **, bfd_vma,
- CONST char **,
- CONST char **,
- unsigned int *));
-static void som_get_symbol_info PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, symbol_info *));
-static asection * bfd_section_from_som_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *,
- struct symbol_dictionary_record *));
-static int log2 PARAMS ((unsigned int));
-static bfd_reloc_status_type hppa_som_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *,
- asymbol *, PTR,
- asection *, bfd *,
- char **));
-static void som_initialize_reloc_queue PARAMS ((struct reloc_queue *));
-static void som_reloc_queue_insert PARAMS ((unsigned char *, unsigned int,
- struct reloc_queue *));
-static void som_reloc_queue_fix PARAMS ((struct reloc_queue *, unsigned int));
-static int som_reloc_queue_find PARAMS ((unsigned char *, unsigned int,
- struct reloc_queue *));
-static unsigned char * try_prev_fixup PARAMS ((bfd *, int *, unsigned char *,
- unsigned int,
- struct reloc_queue *));
-static unsigned char * som_reloc_skip PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int,
- unsigned char *, unsigned int *,
- struct reloc_queue *));
-static unsigned char * som_reloc_addend PARAMS ((bfd *, int, unsigned char *,
- unsigned int *,
- struct reloc_queue *));
-static unsigned char * som_reloc_call PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned char *,
- unsigned int *,
- arelent *, int,
- struct reloc_queue *));
-static unsigned long som_count_spaces PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static unsigned long som_count_subspaces PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static int compare_syms PARAMS ((const void *, const void *));
-static int compare_subspaces PARAMS ((const void *, const void *));
-static unsigned long som_compute_checksum PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean som_prep_headers PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static int som_sizeof_headers PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean));
-static boolean som_finish_writing PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean som_build_and_write_symbol_table PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static void som_prep_for_fixups PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **, unsigned long));
-static boolean som_write_fixups PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned long, unsigned int *));
-static boolean som_write_space_strings PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned long,
- unsigned int *));
-static boolean som_write_symbol_strings PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned long,
- asymbol **, unsigned int,
- unsigned *));
-static boolean som_begin_writing PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static reloc_howto_type * som_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
- PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_reloc_code_real_type));
-static char som_section_type PARAMS ((const char *));
-static int som_decode_symclass PARAMS ((asymbol *));
-static boolean som_bfd_count_ar_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *, struct lst_header *,
- symindex *));
-static boolean som_bfd_fill_in_ar_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *, struct lst_header *,
- carsym **syms));
-static boolean som_slurp_armap PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean som_write_armap PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int, struct orl *,
- unsigned int, int));
-static void som_bfd_derive_misc_symbol_info PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *,
- struct som_misc_symbol_info *));
-static boolean som_bfd_prep_for_ar_write PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int *,
- unsigned int *));
-static unsigned int som_bfd_ar_symbol_hash PARAMS ((asymbol *));
-static boolean som_bfd_ar_write_symbol_stuff PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int,
- unsigned int,
- struct lst_header));
-static CONST char *normalize PARAMS ((CONST char *file));
-static boolean som_is_space PARAMS ((asection *));
-static boolean som_is_subspace PARAMS ((asection *));
-static boolean som_is_container PARAMS ((asection *, asection *));
-static boolean som_bfd_free_cached_info PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean som_bfd_link_split_section PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *));
-/* Map SOM section names to POSIX/BSD single-character symbol types.
- This table includes all the standard subspaces as defined in the
- current "PRO ABI for PA-RISC Systems", $UNWIND$ which for
- some reason was left out, and sections specific to embedded stabs. */
-static const struct section_to_type stt[] = {
- {"$TEXT$", 't'},
- {"$SHLIB_INFO$", 't'},
- {"$MILLICODE$", 't'},
- {"$LIT$", 't'},
- {"$CODE$", 't'},
- {"$UNWIND_START$", 't'},
- {"$UNWIND$", 't'},
- {"$PRIVATE$", 'd'},
- {"$PLT$", 'd'},
- {"$SHLIB_DATA$", 'd'},
- {"$DATA$", 'd'},
- {"$SHORTDATA$", 'g'},
- {"$DLT$", 'd'},
- {"$GLOBAL$", 'g'},
- {"$SHORTBSS$", 's'},
- {"$BSS$", 'b'},
- {"$GDB_STRINGS$", 'N'},
- {"$GDB_SYMBOLS$", 'N'},
- {0, 0}
-/* About the relocation formatting table...
- There are 256 entries in the table, one for each possible
- relocation opcode available in SOM. We index the table by
- the relocation opcode. The names and operations are those
- defined by a.out_800 (4).
- Right now this table is only used to count and perform minimal
- processing on relocation streams so that they can be internalized
- into BFD and symbolically printed by utilities. To make actual use
- of them would be much more difficult, BFD's concept of relocations
- is far too simple to handle SOM relocations. The basic assumption
- that a relocation can be completely processed independent of other
- relocations before an object file is written is invalid for SOM.
- The SOM relocations are meant to be processed as a stream, they
- specify copying of data from the input section to the output section
- while possibly modifying the data in some manner. They also can
- specify that a variable number of zeros or uninitialized data be
- inserted on in the output segment at the current offset. Some
- relocations specify that some previous relocation be re-applied at
- the current location in the input/output sections. And finally a number
- of relocations have effects on other sections (R_ENTRY, R_EXIT,
- R_UNWIND_AUX and a variety of others). There isn't even enough room
- in the BFD relocation data structure to store enough information to
- perform all the relocations.
- Each entry in the table has three fields.
- The first entry is an index into this "class" of relocations. This
- index can then be used as a variable within the relocation itself.
- The second field is a format string which actually controls processing
- of the relocation. It uses a simple postfix machine to do calculations
- based on variables/constants found in the string and the relocation
- stream.
- The third field specifys whether or not this relocation may use
- a constant (V) from the previous R_DATA_OVERRIDE rather than a constant
- stored in the instruction.
- Variables:
- L = input space byte count
- D = index into class of relocations
- M = output space byte count
- N = statement number (unused?)
- O = stack operation
- R = parameter relocation bits
- S = symbol index
- T = first 32 bits of stack unwind information
- U = second 32 bits of stack unwind information
- V = a literal constant (usually used in the next relocation)
- P = a previous relocation
- Lower case letters (starting with 'b') refer to following
- bytes in the relocation stream. 'b' is the next 1 byte,
- c is the next 2 bytes, d is the next 3 bytes, etc...
- This is the variable part of the relocation entries that
- makes our life a living hell.
- numerical constants are also used in the format string. Note
- the constants are represented in decimal.
- '+', "*" and "=" represents the obvious postfix operators.
- '<' represents a left shift.
- Stack Operations:
- Parameter Relocation Bits:
- Unwind Entries:
- Previous Relocations: The index field represents which in the queue
- of 4 previous fixups should be re-applied.
- Literal Constants: These are generally used to represent addend
- parts of relocations when these constants are not stored in the
- fields of the instructions themselves. For example the instruction
- addil foo-$global$-0x1234 would use an override for "0x1234" rather
- than storing it into the addil itself. */
-struct fixup_format
- int D;
- char *format;
-static const struct fixup_format som_fixup_formats[256] =
- 0, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x00 */
- 1, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x01 */
- 2, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x02 */
- 3, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x03 */
- 4, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x04 */
- 5, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x05 */
- 6, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x06 */
- 7, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x07 */
- 8, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x08 */
- 9, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x09 */
- 10, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x0a */
- 11, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x0b */
- 12, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x0c */
- 13, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x0d */
- 14, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x0e */
- 15, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x0f */
- 16, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x10 */
- 17, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x11 */
- 18, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x12 */
- 19, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x13 */
- 20, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x14 */
- 21, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x15 */
- 22, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x16 */
- 23, "LD1+4*=", /* 0x17 */
- 0, "LD8<b+1+4*=", /* 0x18 */
- 1, "LD8<b+1+4*=", /* 0x19 */
- 2, "LD8<b+1+4*=", /* 0x1a */
- 3, "LD8<b+1+4*=", /* 0x1b */
- 0, "LD16<c+1+4*=", /* 0x1c */
- 1, "LD16<c+1+4*=", /* 0x1d */
- 2, "LD16<c+1+4*=", /* 0x1e */
- 0, "Ld1+=", /* 0x1f */
- /* R_ZEROES */
- 0, "Lb1+4*=", /* 0x20 */
- 1, "Ld1+=", /* 0x21 */
- /* R_UNINIT */
- 0, "Lb1+4*=", /* 0x22 */
- 1, "Ld1+=", /* 0x23 */
- 0, "L4=", /* 0x24 */
- 0, "L4=Sb=", /* 0x25 */
- 1, "L4=Sd=", /* 0x26 */
- 0, "L4=Sb=", /* 0x27 */
- 1, "L4=Sd=", /* 0x28 */
- /* R_SPACE_REF */
- 0, "L4=", /* 0x29 */
- 0, "L4=Mb1+4*=", /* 0x2a */
- 1, "Lb4*=Mb1+L*=", /* 0x2b */
- 2, "Lb4*=Md1+4*=", /* 0x2c */
- 3, "Ld1+=Me1+=", /* 0x2d */
- 0, "", /* 0x2e */
- 0, "", /* 0x2f */
- /* R_PCREL_CALL */
- 0, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x30 */
- 1, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x31 */
- 2, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x32 */
- 3, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x33 */
- 4, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x34 */
- 5, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x35 */
- 6, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x36 */
- 7, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x37 */
- 8, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x38 */
- 9, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x39 */
- 0, "L4=RD8<b+=Sb=",/* 0x3a */
- 1, "L4=RD8<b+=Sb=",/* 0x3b */
- 0, "L4=RD8<b+=Sd=",/* 0x3c */
- 1, "L4=RD8<b+=Sd=",/* 0x3d */
- /* R_RESERVED */
- 0, "", /* 0x3e */
- 0, "", /* 0x3f */
- /* R_ABS_CALL */
- 0, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x40 */
- 1, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x41 */
- 2, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x42 */
- 3, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x43 */
- 4, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x44 */
- 5, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x45 */
- 6, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x46 */
- 7, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x47 */
- 8, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x48 */
- 9, "L4=RD=Sb=", /* 0x49 */
- 0, "L4=RD8<b+=Sb=",/* 0x4a */
- 1, "L4=RD8<b+=Sb=",/* 0x4b */
- 0, "L4=RD8<b+=Sd=",/* 0x4c */
- 1, "L4=RD8<b+=Sd=",/* 0x4d */
- /* R_RESERVED */
- 0, "", /* 0x4e */
- 0, "", /* 0x4f */
- 0, "L4=SD=", /* 0x50 */
- 1, "L4=SD=", /* 0x51 */
- 2, "L4=SD=", /* 0x52 */
- 3, "L4=SD=", /* 0x53 */
- 4, "L4=SD=", /* 0x54 */
- 5, "L4=SD=", /* 0x55 */
- 6, "L4=SD=", /* 0x56 */
- 7, "L4=SD=", /* 0x57 */
- 8, "L4=SD=", /* 0x58 */
- 9, "L4=SD=", /* 0x59 */
- 10, "L4=SD=", /* 0x5a */
- 11, "L4=SD=", /* 0x5b */
- 12, "L4=SD=", /* 0x5c */
- 13, "L4=SD=", /* 0x5d */
- 14, "L4=SD=", /* 0x5e */
- 15, "L4=SD=", /* 0x5f */
- 16, "L4=SD=", /* 0x60 */
- 17, "L4=SD=", /* 0x61 */
- 18, "L4=SD=", /* 0x62 */
- 19, "L4=SD=", /* 0x63 */
- 20, "L4=SD=", /* 0x64 */
- 21, "L4=SD=", /* 0x65 */
- 22, "L4=SD=", /* 0x66 */
- 23, "L4=SD=", /* 0x67 */
- 24, "L4=SD=", /* 0x68 */
- 25, "L4=SD=", /* 0x69 */
- 26, "L4=SD=", /* 0x6a */
- 27, "L4=SD=", /* 0x6b */
- 28, "L4=SD=", /* 0x6c */
- 29, "L4=SD=", /* 0x6d */
- 30, "L4=SD=", /* 0x6e */
- 31, "L4=SD=", /* 0x6f */
- 32, "L4=Sb=", /* 0x70 */
- 33, "L4=Sd=", /* 0x71 */
- /* R_RESERVED */
- 0, "", /* 0x72 */
- 0, "", /* 0x73 */
- 0, "", /* 0x74 */
- 0, "", /* 0x75 */
- 0, "", /* 0x76 */
- 0, "", /* 0x77 */
- /* R_DLT_REL */
- 0, "L4=Sb=", /* 0x78 */
- 1, "L4=Sd=", /* 0x79 */
- /* R_RESERVED */
- 0, "", /* 0x7a */
- 0, "", /* 0x7b */
- 0, "", /* 0x7c */
- 0, "", /* 0x7d */
- 0, "", /* 0x7e */
- 0, "", /* 0x7f */
- 0, "L4=SD=", /* 0x80 */
- 1, "L4=SD=", /* 0x81 */
- 2, "L4=SD=", /* 0x82 */
- 3, "L4=SD=", /* 0x83 */
- 4, "L4=SD=", /* 0x84 */
- 5, "L4=SD=", /* 0x85 */
- 6, "L4=SD=", /* 0x86 */
- 7, "L4=SD=", /* 0x87 */
- 8, "L4=SD=", /* 0x88 */
- 9, "L4=SD=", /* 0x89 */
- 10, "L4=SD=", /* 0x8q */
- 11, "L4=SD=", /* 0x8b */
- 12, "L4=SD=", /* 0x8c */
- 13, "L4=SD=", /* 0x8d */
- 14, "L4=SD=", /* 0x8e */
- 15, "L4=SD=", /* 0x8f */
- 16, "L4=SD=", /* 0x90 */
- 17, "L4=SD=", /* 0x91 */
- 18, "L4=SD=", /* 0x92 */
- 19, "L4=SD=", /* 0x93 */
- 20, "L4=SD=", /* 0x94 */
- 21, "L4=SD=", /* 0x95 */
- 22, "L4=SD=", /* 0x96 */
- 23, "L4=SD=", /* 0x97 */
- 24, "L4=SD=", /* 0x98 */
- 25, "L4=SD=", /* 0x99 */
- 26, "L4=SD=", /* 0x9a */
- 27, "L4=SD=", /* 0x9b */
- 28, "L4=SD=", /* 0x9c */
- 29, "L4=SD=", /* 0x9d */
- 30, "L4=SD=", /* 0x9e */
- 31, "L4=SD=", /* 0x9f */
- 32, "L4=Sb=", /* 0xa0 */
- 33, "L4=Sd=", /* 0xa1 */
- /* R_RESERVED */
- 0, "", /* 0xa2 */
- 0, "", /* 0xa3 */
- 0, "", /* 0xa4 */
- 0, "", /* 0xa5 */
- 0, "", /* 0xa6 */
- 0, "", /* 0xa7 */
- 0, "", /* 0xa8 */
- 0, "", /* 0xa9 */
- 0, "", /* 0xaa */
- 0, "", /* 0xab */
- 0, "", /* 0xac */
- 0, "", /* 0xad */
- /* R_MILLI_REL */
- 0, "L4=Sb=", /* 0xae */
- 1, "L4=Sd=", /* 0xaf */
- 0, "L4=Sb=", /* 0xb0 */
- 1, "L4=Sd=", /* 0xb1 */
- 0, "L4=", /* 0xb2 */
- /* R_ENTRY */
- 0, "Te=Ue=", /* 0xb3 */
- 1, "Uf=", /* 0xb4 */
- /* R_ALT_ENTRY */
- 0, "", /* 0xb5 */
- /* R_EXIT */
- 0, "", /* 0xb6 */
- /* R_BEGIN_TRY */
- 0, "", /* 0xb7 */
- /* R_END_TRY */
- 0, "R0=", /* 0xb8 */
- 1, "Rb4*=", /* 0xb9 */
- 2, "Rd4*=", /* 0xba */
- 0, "", /* 0xbb */
- /* R_END_BRTAB */
- 0, "", /* 0xbc */
- 0, "Nb=", /* 0xbd */
- 1, "Nc=", /* 0xbe */
- 2, "Nd=", /* 0xbf */
- /* R_DATA_EXPR */
- 0, "L4=", /* 0xc0 */
- /* R_CODE_EXPR */
- 0, "L4=", /* 0xc1 */
- /* R_FSEL */
- 0, "", /* 0xc2 */
- /* R_LSEL */
- 0, "", /* 0xc3 */
- /* R_RSEL */
- 0, "", /* 0xc4 */
- /* R_N_MODE */
- 0, "", /* 0xc5 */
- /* R_S_MODE */
- 0, "", /* 0xc6 */
- /* R_D_MODE */
- 0, "", /* 0xc7 */
- /* R_R_MODE */
- 0, "", /* 0xc8 */
- 0, "V0=", /* 0xc9 */
- 1, "Vb=", /* 0xca */
- 2, "Vc=", /* 0xcb */
- 3, "Vd=", /* 0xcc */
- 4, "Ve=", /* 0xcd */
- 0, "", /* 0xce */
- /* R_RESERVED */
- 0, "", /* 0xcf */
- /* R_COMP1 */
- 0, "Ob=", /* 0xd0 */
- /* R_COMP2 */
- 0, "Ob=Sd=", /* 0xd1 */
- /* R_COMP3 */
- 0, "Ob=Ve=", /* 0xd2 */
- /* R_PREV_FIXUP */
- 0, "P", /* 0xd3 */
- 1, "P", /* 0xd4 */
- 2, "P", /* 0xd5 */
- 3, "P", /* 0xd6 */
- /* R_SEC_STMT */
- 0, "", /* 0xd7 */
- /* R_N0SEL */
- 0, "", /* 0xd8 */
- /* R_N1SEL */
- 0, "", /* 0xd9 */
- /* R_LINETAB */
- 0, "", /* 0xda */
- 0, "", /* 0xdb */
- 0, "", /* 0xdc */
- /* R_COMMENT */
- 0, "", /* 0xdd */
- /* R_RESERVED */
- 0, "", /* 0xde */
- 0, "", /* 0xdf */
- 0, "", /* 0xe0 */
- 0, "", /* 0xe1 */
- 0, "", /* 0xe2 */
- 0, "", /* 0xe3 */
- 0, "", /* 0xe4 */
- 0, "", /* 0xe5 */
- 0, "", /* 0xe6 */
- 0, "", /* 0xe7 */
- 0, "", /* 0xe8 */
- 0, "", /* 0xe9 */
- 0, "", /* 0xea */
- 0, "", /* 0xeb */
- 0, "", /* 0xec */
- 0, "", /* 0xed */
- 0, "", /* 0xee */
- 0, "", /* 0xef */
- 0, "", /* 0xf0 */
- 0, "", /* 0xf1 */
- 0, "", /* 0xf2 */
- 0, "", /* 0xf3 */
- 0, "", /* 0xf4 */
- 0, "", /* 0xf5 */
- 0, "", /* 0xf6 */
- 0, "", /* 0xf7 */
- 0, "", /* 0xf8 */
- 0, "", /* 0xf9 */
- 0, "", /* 0xfa */
- 0, "", /* 0xfb */
- 0, "", /* 0xfc */
- 0, "", /* 0xfd */
- 0, "", /* 0xfe */
- 0, "", /* 0xff */
-static const int comp1_opcodes[] =
- 0x00,
- 0x40,
- 0x41,
- 0x42,
- 0x43,
- 0x44,
- 0x45,
- 0x46,
- 0x47,
- 0x48,
- 0x49,
- 0x4a,
- 0x4b,
- 0x60,
- 0x80,
- 0xa0,
- 0xc0,
- -1
-static const int comp2_opcodes[] =
- 0x00,
- 0x80,
- 0x82,
- 0xc0,
- -1
-static const int comp3_opcodes[] =
- 0x00,
- 0x02,
- -1
-/* These apparently are not in older versions of hpux reloc.h (hpux7). */
-#ifndef R_DLT_REL
-#define R_DLT_REL 0x78
-#ifndef R_AUX_UNWIND
-#define R_AUX_UNWIND 0xcf
-#ifndef R_SEC_STMT
-#define R_SEC_STMT 0xd7
-/* And these first appeared in hpux10. */
-#define R_SHORT_PCREL_MODE 0x3e
-#define R_LONG_PCREL_MODE 0x3f
-#ifndef R_N0SEL
-#define R_N0SEL 0xd8
-#ifndef R_N1SEL
-#define R_N1SEL 0xd9
-#ifndef R_LINETAB
-#define R_LINETAB 0xda
-#ifndef R_LINETAB_ESC
-#define R_LINETAB_ESC 0xdb
-#define R_LTP_OVERRIDE 0xdc
-#ifndef R_COMMENT
-#define R_COMMENT 0xdd
-static reloc_howto_type som_hppa_howto_table[] =
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_NO_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_NO_RELOCATION"},
- {R_ZEROES, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ZEROES"},
- {R_ZEROES, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ZEROES"},
- {R_UNINIT, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_UNINIT"},
- {R_UNINIT, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_UNINIT"},
- {R_RELOCATION, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RELOCATION"},
- {R_DATA_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DATA_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_DATA_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DATA_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_DATA_PLABEL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DATA_PLABEL"},
- {R_DATA_PLABEL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DATA_PLABEL"},
- {R_SPACE_REF, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_SPACE_REF"},
- {R_REPEATED_INIT, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "REPEATED_INIT"},
- {R_REPEATED_INIT, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "REPEATED_INIT"},
- {R_REPEATED_INIT, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "REPEATED_INIT"},
- {R_REPEATED_INIT, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "REPEATED_INIT"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_PCREL_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_PCREL_CALL"},
- {R_PCREL_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_PCREL_CALL"},
- {R_PCREL_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_PCREL_CALL"},
- {R_PCREL_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_PCREL_CALL"},
- {R_PCREL_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_PCREL_CALL"},
- {R_PCREL_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_PCREL_CALL"},
- {R_PCREL_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_PCREL_CALL"},
- {R_PCREL_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_PCREL_CALL"},
- {R_PCREL_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_PCREL_CALL"},
- {R_PCREL_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_PCREL_CALL"},
- {R_PCREL_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_PCREL_CALL"},
- {R_PCREL_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_PCREL_CALL"},
- {R_PCREL_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_PCREL_CALL"},
- {R_PCREL_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_PCREL_CALL"},
- {R_SHORT_PCREL_MODE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_SHORT_PCREL_MODE"},
- {R_LONG_PCREL_MODE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_LONG_PCREL_MODE"},
- {R_ABS_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ABS_CALL"},
- {R_ABS_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ABS_CALL"},
- {R_ABS_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ABS_CALL"},
- {R_ABS_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ABS_CALL"},
- {R_ABS_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ABS_CALL"},
- {R_ABS_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ABS_CALL"},
- {R_ABS_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ABS_CALL"},
- {R_ABS_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ABS_CALL"},
- {R_ABS_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ABS_CALL"},
- {R_ABS_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ABS_CALL"},
- {R_ABS_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ABS_CALL"},
- {R_ABS_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ABS_CALL"},
- {R_ABS_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ABS_CALL"},
- {R_ABS_CALL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ABS_CALL"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_DP_RELATIVE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DP_RELATIVE"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_DLT_REL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DLT_REL"},
- {R_DLT_REL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DLT_REL"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_MILLI_REL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_MILLI_REL"},
- {R_MILLI_REL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_MILLI_REL"},
- {R_CODE_PLABEL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_PLABEL"},
- {R_CODE_PLABEL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_PLABEL"},
- {R_BREAKPOINT, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_BREAKPOINT"},
- {R_ENTRY, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ENTRY"},
- {R_ENTRY, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ENTRY"},
- {R_ALT_ENTRY, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_ALT_ENTRY"},
- {R_EXIT, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_EXIT"},
- {R_BEGIN_TRY, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_BEGIN_TRY"},
- {R_END_TRY, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_END_TRY"},
- {R_END_TRY, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_END_TRY"},
- {R_END_TRY, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_END_TRY"},
- {R_BEGIN_BRTAB, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_BEGIN_BRTAB"},
- {R_END_BRTAB, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_END_BRTAB"},
- {R_STATEMENT, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_STATEMENT"},
- {R_STATEMENT, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_STATEMENT"},
- {R_STATEMENT, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_STATEMENT"},
- {R_DATA_EXPR, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DATA_EXPR"},
- {R_CODE_EXPR, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_CODE_EXPR"},
- {R_FSEL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_FSEL"},
- {R_LSEL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_LSEL"},
- {R_RSEL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RSEL"},
- {R_N_MODE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_N_MODE"},
- {R_S_MODE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_S_MODE"},
- {R_D_MODE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_D_MODE"},
- {R_R_MODE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_R_MODE"},
- {R_DATA_OVERRIDE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DATA_OVERRIDE"},
- {R_DATA_OVERRIDE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DATA_OVERRIDE"},
- {R_DATA_OVERRIDE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DATA_OVERRIDE"},
- {R_DATA_OVERRIDE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DATA_OVERRIDE"},
- {R_DATA_OVERRIDE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_DATA_OVERRIDE"},
- {R_TRANSLATED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_TRANSLATED"},
- {R_AUX_UNWIND, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_AUX_UNWIND"},
- {R_COMP1, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_COMP1"},
- {R_COMP2, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_COMP2"},
- {R_COMP3, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_COMP3"},
- {R_PREV_FIXUP, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_PREV_FIXUP"},
- {R_PREV_FIXUP, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_PREV_FIXUP"},
- {R_PREV_FIXUP, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_PREV_FIXUP"},
- {R_PREV_FIXUP, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_PREV_FIXUP"},
- {R_SEC_STMT, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_SEC_STMT"},
- {R_N0SEL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_N0SEL"},
- {R_N1SEL, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_N1SEL"},
- {R_LINETAB, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_LINETAB"},
- {R_LINETAB_ESC, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_LINETAB_ESC"},
- {R_LTP_OVERRIDE, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_LTP_OVERRIDE"},
- {R_COMMENT, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_COMMENT"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"},
- {R_RESERVED, 0, 0, 32, false, 0, 0, hppa_som_reloc, "R_RESERVED"}};
-/* Initialize the SOM relocation queue. By definition the queue holds
- the last four multibyte fixups. */
-static void
-som_initialize_reloc_queue (queue)
- struct reloc_queue *queue;
- queue[0].reloc = NULL;
- queue[0].size = 0;
- queue[1].reloc = NULL;
- queue[1].size = 0;
- queue[2].reloc = NULL;
- queue[2].size = 0;
- queue[3].reloc = NULL;
- queue[3].size = 0;
-/* Insert a new relocation into the relocation queue. */
-static void
-som_reloc_queue_insert (p, size, queue)
- unsigned char *p;
- unsigned int size;
- struct reloc_queue *queue;
- queue[3].reloc = queue[2].reloc;
- queue[3].size = queue[2].size;
- queue[2].reloc = queue[1].reloc;
- queue[2].size = queue[1].size;
- queue[1].reloc = queue[0].reloc;
- queue[1].size = queue[0].size;
- queue[0].reloc = p;
- queue[0].size = size;
-/* When an entry in the relocation queue is reused, the entry moves
- to the front of the queue. */
-static void
-som_reloc_queue_fix (queue, index)
- struct reloc_queue *queue;
- unsigned int index;
- if (index == 0)
- return;
- if (index == 1)
- {
- unsigned char *tmp1 = queue[0].reloc;
- unsigned int tmp2 = queue[0].size;
- queue[0].reloc = queue[1].reloc;
- queue[0].size = queue[1].size;
- queue[1].reloc = tmp1;
- queue[1].size = tmp2;
- return;
- }
- if (index == 2)
- {
- unsigned char *tmp1 = queue[0].reloc;
- unsigned int tmp2 = queue[0].size;
- queue[0].reloc = queue[2].reloc;
- queue[0].size = queue[2].size;
- queue[2].reloc = queue[1].reloc;
- queue[2].size = queue[1].size;
- queue[1].reloc = tmp1;
- queue[1].size = tmp2;
- return;
- }
- if (index == 3)
- {
- unsigned char *tmp1 = queue[0].reloc;
- unsigned int tmp2 = queue[0].size;
- queue[0].reloc = queue[3].reloc;
- queue[0].size = queue[3].size;
- queue[3].reloc = queue[2].reloc;
- queue[3].size = queue[2].size;
- queue[2].reloc = queue[1].reloc;
- queue[2].size = queue[1].size;
- queue[1].reloc = tmp1;
- queue[1].size = tmp2;
- return;
- }
- abort();
-/* Search for a particular relocation in the relocation queue. */
-static int
-som_reloc_queue_find (p, size, queue)
- unsigned char *p;
- unsigned int size;
- struct reloc_queue *queue;
- if (queue[0].reloc && !memcmp (p, queue[0].reloc, size)
- && size == queue[0].size)
- return 0;
- if (queue[1].reloc && !memcmp (p, queue[1].reloc, size)
- && size == queue[1].size)
- return 1;
- if (queue[2].reloc && !memcmp (p, queue[2].reloc, size)
- && size == queue[2].size)
- return 2;
- if (queue[3].reloc && !memcmp (p, queue[3].reloc, size)
- && size == queue[3].size)
- return 3;
- return -1;
-static unsigned char *
-try_prev_fixup (abfd, subspace_reloc_sizep, p, size, queue)
- bfd *abfd;
- int *subspace_reloc_sizep;
- unsigned char *p;
- unsigned int size;
- struct reloc_queue *queue;
- int queue_index = som_reloc_queue_find (p, size, queue);
- if (queue_index != -1)
- {
- /* Found this in a previous fixup. Undo the fixup we
- just built and use R_PREV_FIXUP instead. We saved
- a total of size - 1 bytes in the fixup stream. */
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, R_PREV_FIXUP + queue_index, p);
- p += 1;
- *subspace_reloc_sizep += 1;
- som_reloc_queue_fix (queue, queue_index);
- }
- else
- {
- som_reloc_queue_insert (p, size, queue);
- *subspace_reloc_sizep += size;
- p += size;
- }
- return p;
-/* Emit the proper R_NO_RELOCATION fixups to map the next SKIP
- bytes without any relocation. Update the size of the subspace
- relocation stream via SUBSPACE_RELOC_SIZE_P; also return the
- current pointer into the relocation stream. */
-static unsigned char *
-som_reloc_skip (abfd, skip, p, subspace_reloc_sizep, queue)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int skip;
- unsigned char *p;
- unsigned int *subspace_reloc_sizep;
- struct reloc_queue *queue;
- /* Use a 4 byte R_NO_RELOCATION entry with a maximal value
- then R_PREV_FIXUPs to get the difference down to a
- reasonable size. */
- if (skip >= 0x1000000)
- {
- skip -= 0x1000000;
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, R_NO_RELOCATION + 31, p);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, 0xff, p + 1);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, 0xffff, p + 2);
- p = try_prev_fixup (abfd, subspace_reloc_sizep, p, 4, queue);
- while (skip >= 0x1000000)
- {
- skip -= 0x1000000;
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, R_PREV_FIXUP, p);
- p++;
- *subspace_reloc_sizep += 1;
- /* No need to adjust queue here since we are repeating the
- most recent fixup. */
- }
- }
- /* The difference must be less than 0x1000000. Use one
- more R_NO_RELOCATION entry to get to the right difference. */
- if ((skip & 3) == 0 && skip <= 0xc0000 && skip > 0)
- {
- /* Difference can be handled in a simple single-byte
- R_NO_RELOCATION entry. */
- if (skip <= 0x60)
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, R_NO_RELOCATION + (skip >> 2) - 1, p);
- *subspace_reloc_sizep += 1;
- p++;
- }
- /* Handle it with a two byte R_NO_RELOCATION entry. */
- else if (skip <= 0x1000)
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, R_NO_RELOCATION + 24 + (((skip >> 2) - 1) >> 8), p);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, (skip >> 2) - 1, p + 1);
- p = try_prev_fixup (abfd, subspace_reloc_sizep, p, 2, queue);
- }
- /* Handle it with a three byte R_NO_RELOCATION entry. */
- else
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, R_NO_RELOCATION + 28 + (((skip >> 2) - 1) >> 16), p);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, (skip >> 2) - 1, p + 1);
- p = try_prev_fixup (abfd, subspace_reloc_sizep, p, 3, queue);
- }
- }
- /* Ugh. Punt and use a 4 byte entry. */
- else if (skip > 0)
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, R_NO_RELOCATION + 31, p);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, (skip - 1) >> 16, p + 1);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, skip - 1, p + 2);
- p = try_prev_fixup (abfd, subspace_reloc_sizep, p, 4, queue);
- }
- return p;
-/* Emit the proper R_DATA_OVERRIDE fixups to handle a nonzero addend
- from a BFD relocation. Update the size of the subspace relocation
- stream via SUBSPACE_RELOC_SIZE_P; also return the current pointer
- into the relocation stream. */
-static unsigned char *
-som_reloc_addend (abfd, addend, p, subspace_reloc_sizep, queue)
- bfd *abfd;
- int addend;
- unsigned char *p;
- unsigned int *subspace_reloc_sizep;
- struct reloc_queue *queue;
- if ((unsigned)(addend) + 0x80 < 0x100)
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, R_DATA_OVERRIDE + 1, p);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, addend, p + 1);
- p = try_prev_fixup (abfd, subspace_reloc_sizep, p, 2, queue);
- }
- else if ((unsigned) (addend) + 0x8000 < 0x10000)
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, R_DATA_OVERRIDE + 2, p);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, addend, p + 1);
- p = try_prev_fixup (abfd, subspace_reloc_sizep, p, 3, queue);
- }
- else if ((unsigned) (addend) + 0x800000 < 0x1000000)
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, R_DATA_OVERRIDE + 3, p);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, addend >> 16, p + 1);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, addend, p + 2);
- p = try_prev_fixup (abfd, subspace_reloc_sizep, p, 4, queue);
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, R_DATA_OVERRIDE + 4, p);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, addend, p + 1);
- p = try_prev_fixup (abfd, subspace_reloc_sizep, p, 5, queue);
- }
- return p;
-/* Handle a single function call relocation. */
-static unsigned char *
-som_reloc_call (abfd, p, subspace_reloc_sizep, bfd_reloc, sym_num, queue)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned char *p;
- unsigned int *subspace_reloc_sizep;
- arelent *bfd_reloc;
- int sym_num;
- struct reloc_queue *queue;
- int arg_bits = HPPA_R_ARG_RELOC (bfd_reloc->addend);
- int rtn_bits = arg_bits & 0x3;
- int type, done = 0;
- /* You'll never believe all this is necessary to handle relocations
- for function calls. Having to compute and pack the argument
- relocation bits is the real nightmare.
- If you're interested in how this works, just forget it. You really
- do not want to know about this braindamage. */
- /* First see if this can be done with a "simple" relocation. Simple
- relocations have a symbol number < 0x100 and have simple encodings
- of argument relocations. */
- if (sym_num < 0x100)
- {
- switch (arg_bits)
- {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- type = 0;
- break;
- case 1 << 8:
- case 1 << 8 | 1:
- type = 1;
- break;
- case 1 << 8 | 1 << 6:
- case 1 << 8 | 1 << 6 | 1:
- type = 2;
- break;
- case 1 << 8 | 1 << 6 | 1 << 4:
- case 1 << 8 | 1 << 6 | 1 << 4 | 1:
- type = 3;
- break;
- case 1 << 8 | 1 << 6 | 1 << 4 | 1 << 2:
- case 1 << 8 | 1 << 6 | 1 << 4 | 1 << 2 | 1:
- type = 4;
- break;
- default:
- /* Not one of the easy encodings. This will have to be
- handled by the more complex code below. */
- type = -1;
- break;
- }
- if (type != -1)
- {
- /* Account for the return value too. */
- if (rtn_bits)
- type += 5;
- /* Emit a 2 byte relocation. Then see if it can be handled
- with a relocation which is already in the relocation queue. */
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, bfd_reloc->howto->type + type, p);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, sym_num, p + 1);
- p = try_prev_fixup (abfd, subspace_reloc_sizep, p, 2, queue);
- done = 1;
- }
- }
- /* If this could not be handled with a simple relocation, then do a hard
- one. Hard relocations occur if the symbol number was too high or if
- the encoding of argument relocation bits is too complex. */
- if (! done)
- {
- /* Don't ask about these magic sequences. I took them straight
- from gas-1.36 which took them from the a.out man page. */
- type = rtn_bits;
- if ((arg_bits >> 6 & 0xf) == 0xe)
- type += 9 * 40;
- else
- type += (3 * (arg_bits >> 8 & 3) + (arg_bits >> 6 & 3)) * 40;
- if ((arg_bits >> 2 & 0xf) == 0xe)
- type += 9 * 4;
- else
- type += (3 * (arg_bits >> 4 & 3) + (arg_bits >> 2 & 3)) * 4;
- /* Output the first two bytes of the relocation. These describe
- the length of the relocation and encoding style. */
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, bfd_reloc->howto->type + 10
- + 2 * (sym_num >= 0x100) + (type >= 0x100),
- p);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, type, p + 1);
- /* Now output the symbol index and see if this bizarre relocation
- just happened to be in the relocation queue. */
- if (sym_num < 0x100)
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, sym_num, p + 2);
- p = try_prev_fixup (abfd, subspace_reloc_sizep, p, 3, queue);
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, sym_num >> 16, p + 2);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, sym_num, p + 3);
- p = try_prev_fixup (abfd, subspace_reloc_sizep, p, 5, queue);
- }
- }
- return p;
-/* Return the logarithm of X, base 2, considering X unsigned.
- Abort -1 if X is not a power or two or is zero. */
-static int
-log2 (x)
- unsigned int x;
- int log = 0;
- /* Test for 0 or a power of 2. */
- if (x == 0 || x != (x & -x))
- return -1;
- while ((x >>= 1) != 0)
- log++;
- return log;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-hppa_som_reloc (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol_in, data,
- input_section, output_bfd, error_message)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent *reloc_entry;
- asymbol *symbol_in;
- PTR data;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- char **error_message;
- if (output_bfd)
- {
- reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
- }
- return bfd_reloc_ok;
-/* Given a generic HPPA relocation type, the instruction format,
- and a field selector, return one or more appropriate SOM relocations. */
-int **
-hppa_som_gen_reloc_type (abfd, base_type, format, field, sym_diff)
- bfd *abfd;
- int base_type;
- int format;
- enum hppa_reloc_field_selector_type_alt field;
- int sym_diff;
- int *final_type, **final_types;
- final_types = (int **) bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (int *) * 6);
- final_type = (int *) bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (int));
- if (!final_types || !final_type)
- return NULL;
- /* The field selector may require additional relocations to be
- generated. It's impossible to know at this moment if additional
- relocations will be needed, so we make them. The code to actually
- write the relocation/fixup stream is responsible for removing
- any redundant relocations. */
- switch (field)
- {
- case e_fsel:
- case e_psel:
- case e_lpsel:
- case e_rpsel:
- final_types[0] = final_type;
- final_types[1] = NULL;
- final_types[2] = NULL;
- *final_type = base_type;
- break;
- case e_tsel:
- case e_ltsel:
- case e_rtsel:
- final_types[0] = (int *) bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (int));
- if (!final_types[0])
- return NULL;
- if (field == e_tsel)
- *final_types[0] = R_FSEL;
- else if (field == e_ltsel)
- *final_types[0] = R_LSEL;
- else
- *final_types[0] = R_RSEL;
- final_types[1] = final_type;
- final_types[2] = NULL;
- *final_type = base_type;
- break;
- case e_lssel:
- case e_rssel:
- final_types[0] = (int *) bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (int));
- if (!final_types[0])
- return NULL;
- *final_types[0] = R_S_MODE;
- final_types[1] = final_type;
- final_types[2] = NULL;
- *final_type = base_type;
- break;
- case e_lsel:
- case e_rsel:
- final_types[0] = (int *) bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (int));
- if (!final_types[0])
- return NULL;
- *final_types[0] = R_N_MODE;
- final_types[1] = final_type;
- final_types[2] = NULL;
- *final_type = base_type;
- break;
- case e_ldsel:
- case e_rdsel:
- final_types[0] = (int *) bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (int));
- if (!final_types[0])
- return NULL;
- *final_types[0] = R_D_MODE;
- final_types[1] = final_type;
- final_types[2] = NULL;
- *final_type = base_type;
- break;
- case e_lrsel:
- case e_rrsel:
- final_types[0] = (int *) bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (int));
- if (!final_types[0])
- return NULL;
- *final_types[0] = R_R_MODE;
- final_types[1] = final_type;
- final_types[2] = NULL;
- *final_type = base_type;
- break;
- case e_nsel:
- final_types[0] = (int *) bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (int));
- if (!final_types[0])
- return NULL;
- *final_types[0] = R_N1SEL;
- final_types[1] = final_type;
- final_types[2] = NULL;
- *final_type = base_type;
- break;
- case e_nlsel:
- case e_nlrsel:
- final_types[0] = (int *) bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (int));
- if (!final_types[0])
- return NULL;
- *final_types[0] = R_N0SEL;
- final_types[1] = (int *) bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (int));
- if (!final_types[1])
- return NULL;
- if (field == e_nlsel)
- *final_types[1] = R_N_MODE;
- else
- *final_types[1] = R_R_MODE;
- final_types[2] = final_type;
- final_types[3] = NULL;
- *final_type = base_type;
- break;
- }
- switch (base_type)
- {
- case R_HPPA:
- /* The difference of two symbols needs *very* special handling. */
- if (sym_diff)
- {
- final_types[0] = (int *)bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (int));
- final_types[1] = (int *)bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (int));
- final_types[2] = (int *)bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (int));
- final_types[3] = (int *)bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (int));
- if (!final_types[0] || !final_types[1] || !final_types[2])
- return NULL;
- if (field == e_fsel)
- *final_types[0] = R_FSEL;
- else if (field == e_rsel)
- *final_types[0] = R_RSEL;
- else if (field == e_lsel)
- *final_types[0] = R_LSEL;
- *final_types[1] = R_COMP2;
- *final_types[2] = R_COMP2;
- *final_types[3] = R_COMP1;
- final_types[4] = final_type;
- *final_types[4] = R_CODE_EXPR;
- final_types[5] = NULL;
- break;
- }
- /* PLABELs get their own relocation type. */
- else if (field == e_psel
- || field == e_lpsel
- || field == e_rpsel)
- {
- /* A PLABEL relocation that has a size of 32 bits must
- be a R_DATA_PLABEL. All others are R_CODE_PLABELs. */
- if (format == 32)
- *final_type = R_DATA_PLABEL;
- else
- *final_type = R_CODE_PLABEL;
- }
- /* PIC stuff. */
- else if (field == e_tsel
- || field == e_ltsel
- || field == e_rtsel)
- *final_type = R_DLT_REL;
- /* A relocation in the data space is always a full 32bits. */
- else if (format == 32)
- *final_type = R_DATA_ONE_SYMBOL;
- break;
- /* More PLABEL special cases. */
- if (field == e_psel
- || field == e_lpsel
- || field == e_rpsel)
- *final_type = R_DATA_PLABEL;
- break;
- /* The difference of two symbols needs *very* special handling. */
- if (sym_diff)
- {
- final_types[0] = (int *)bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (int));
- final_types[1] = (int *)bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (int));
- final_types[2] = (int *)bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (int));
- final_types[3] = (int *)bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, sizeof (int));
- if (!final_types[0] || !final_types[1] || !final_types[2])
- return NULL;
- if (field == e_fsel)
- *final_types[0] = R_FSEL;
- else if (field == e_rsel)
- *final_types[0] = R_RSEL;
- else if (field == e_lsel)
- *final_types[0] = R_LSEL;
- *final_types[1] = R_COMP2;
- *final_types[2] = R_COMP2;
- *final_types[3] = R_COMP1;
- final_types[4] = final_type;
- *final_types[4] = R_CODE_EXPR;
- final_types[5] = NULL;
- break;
- }
- else
- break;
- case R_HPPA_NONE:
- /* Right now we can default all these. */
- break;
- }
- return final_types;
-/* Return the address of the correct entry in the PA SOM relocation
- howto table. */
-static reloc_howto_type *
-som_bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
- if ((int) code < (int) R_NO_RELOCATION + 255)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT ((int) som_hppa_howto_table[(int) code].type == (int) code);
- return &som_hppa_howto_table[(int) code];
- }
- return (reloc_howto_type *) 0;
-/* Perform some initialization for an object. Save results of this
- initialization in the BFD. */
-static const bfd_target *
-som_object_setup (abfd, file_hdrp, aux_hdrp)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct header *file_hdrp;
- struct som_exec_auxhdr *aux_hdrp;
- asection *section;
- int found;
- /* som_mkobject will set bfd_error if som_mkobject fails. */
- if (som_mkobject (abfd) != true)
- return 0;
- /* Set BFD flags based on what information is available in the SOM. */
- abfd->flags = NO_FLAGS;
- if (file_hdrp->symbol_total)
- switch (file_hdrp->a_magic)
- {
- abfd->flags |= (D_PAGED | WP_TEXT | EXEC_P);
- break;
- abfd->flags |= (WP_TEXT | EXEC_P);
- break;
- case EXEC_MAGIC:
- abfd->flags |= (EXEC_P);
- break;
- abfd->flags |= HAS_RELOC;
- break;
-#ifdef SHL_MAGIC
- case SHL_MAGIC:
-#ifdef DL_MAGIC
- case DL_MAGIC:
- abfd->flags |= DYNAMIC;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /* Allocate space to hold the saved exec header information. */
- obj_som_exec_data (abfd) = (struct som_exec_data *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct som_exec_data ));
- if (obj_som_exec_data (abfd) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* The braindamaged OSF1 linker switched exec_flags and exec_entry!
- We used to identify OSF1 binaries based on NEW_VERSION_ID, but
- apparently the latest HPUX linker is using NEW_VERSION_ID now.
- It's about time, OSF has used the new id since at least 1992;
- HPUX didn't start till nearly 1995!.
- The new approach examines the entry field. If it's zero or not 4
- byte aligned then it's not a proper code address and we guess it's
- really the executable flags. */
- found = 0;
- for (section = abfd->sections; section; section = section->next)
- {
- if ((section->flags & SEC_CODE) == 0)
- continue;
- if (aux_hdrp->exec_entry >= section->vma
- && aux_hdrp->exec_entry < section->vma + section->_cooked_size)
- found = 1;
- }
- if (aux_hdrp->exec_entry == 0
- || (aux_hdrp->exec_entry & 0x3) != 0
- || ! found)
- {
- bfd_get_start_address (abfd) = aux_hdrp->exec_flags;
- obj_som_exec_data (abfd)->exec_flags = aux_hdrp->exec_entry;
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_get_start_address (abfd) = aux_hdrp->exec_entry;
- obj_som_exec_data (abfd)->exec_flags = aux_hdrp->exec_flags;
- }
- bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, bfd_arch_hppa, pa10);
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd) = file_hdrp->symbol_total;
- /* Initialize the saved symbol table and string table to NULL.
- Save important offsets and sizes from the SOM header into
- the BFD. */
- obj_som_stringtab (abfd) = (char *) NULL;
- obj_som_symtab (abfd) = (som_symbol_type *) NULL;
- obj_som_sorted_syms (abfd) = NULL;
- obj_som_stringtab_size (abfd) = file_hdrp->symbol_strings_size;
- obj_som_sym_filepos (abfd) = file_hdrp->symbol_location;
- obj_som_str_filepos (abfd) = file_hdrp->symbol_strings_location;
- obj_som_reloc_filepos (abfd) = file_hdrp->fixup_request_location;
- obj_som_exec_data (abfd)->system_id = file_hdrp->system_id;
- return abfd->xvec;
-/* Convert all of the space and subspace info into BFD sections. Each space
- contains a number of subspaces, which in turn describe the mapping between
- regions of the exec file, and the address space that the program runs in.
- BFD sections which correspond to spaces will overlap the sections for the
- associated subspaces. */
-static boolean
-setup_sections (abfd, file_hdr)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct header *file_hdr;
- char *space_strings;
- unsigned int space_index, i;
- unsigned int total_subspaces = 0;
- asection **subspace_sections, *section;
- /* First, read in space names */
- space_strings = bfd_malloc (file_hdr->space_strings_size);
- if (!space_strings && file_hdr->space_strings_size != 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, file_hdr->space_strings_location, SEEK_SET) < 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_read (space_strings, 1, file_hdr->space_strings_size, abfd)
- != file_hdr->space_strings_size)
- goto error_return;
- /* Loop over all of the space dictionaries, building up sections */
- for (space_index = 0; space_index < file_hdr->space_total; space_index++)
- {
- struct space_dictionary_record space;
- struct subspace_dictionary_record subspace, save_subspace;
- int subspace_index;
- asection *space_asect;
- char *newname;
- /* Read the space dictionary element */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, file_hdr->space_location
- + space_index * sizeof space, SEEK_SET) < 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_read (&space, 1, sizeof space, abfd) != sizeof space)
- goto error_return;
- /* Setup the space name string */
- = + space_strings;
- /* Make a section out of it */
- newname = bfd_alloc (abfd, strlen ( + 1);
- if (!newname)
- goto error_return;
- strcpy (newname,;
- space_asect = bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, newname);
- if (!space_asect)
- goto error_return;
- if (space.is_loadable == 0)
- space_asect->flags |= SEC_DEBUGGING;
- /* Set up all the attributes for the space. */
- if (bfd_som_set_section_attributes (space_asect, space.is_defined,
- space.is_private, space.sort_key,
- space.space_number) == false)
- goto error_return;
- /* If the space has no subspaces, then we're done. */
- if (space.subspace_quantity == 0)
- continue;
- /* Now, read in the first subspace for this space */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, file_hdr->subspace_location
- + space.subspace_index * sizeof subspace,
- SEEK_SET) < 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_read (&subspace, 1, sizeof subspace, abfd) != sizeof subspace)
- goto error_return;
- /* Seek back to the start of the subspaces for loop below */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, file_hdr->subspace_location
- + space.subspace_index * sizeof subspace,
- SEEK_SET) < 0)
- goto error_return;
- /* Setup the start address and file loc from the first subspace record */
- space_asect->vma = subspace.subspace_start;
- space_asect->filepos = subspace.file_loc_init_value;
- space_asect->alignment_power = log2 (subspace.alignment);
- if (space_asect->alignment_power == -1)
- goto error_return;
- /* Initialize save_subspace so we can reliably determine if this
- loop placed any useful values into it. */
- memset (&save_subspace, 0, sizeof (struct subspace_dictionary_record));
- /* Loop over the rest of the subspaces, building up more sections */
- for (subspace_index = 0; subspace_index < space.subspace_quantity;
- subspace_index++)
- {
- asection *subspace_asect;
- /* Read in the next subspace */
- if (bfd_read (&subspace, 1, sizeof subspace, abfd)
- != sizeof subspace)
- goto error_return;
- /* Setup the subspace name string */
- = + space_strings;
- newname = bfd_alloc (abfd, strlen ( + 1);
- if (!newname)
- goto error_return;
- strcpy (newname,;
- /* Make a section out of this subspace */
- subspace_asect = bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, newname);
- if (!subspace_asect)
- goto error_return;
- /* Store private information about the section. */
- if (bfd_som_set_subsection_attributes (subspace_asect, space_asect,
- subspace.access_control_bits,
- subspace.sort_key,
- subspace.quadrant) == false)
- goto error_return;
- /* Keep an easy mapping between subspaces and sections.
- Note we do not necessarily read the subspaces in the
- same order in which they appear in the object file.
- So to make the target index come out correctly, we
- store the location of the subspace header in target
- index, then sort using the location of the subspace
- header as the key. Then we can assign correct
- subspace indices. */
- total_subspaces++;
- subspace_asect->target_index = bfd_tell (abfd) - sizeof (subspace);
- /* Set SEC_READONLY and SEC_CODE/SEC_DATA as specified
- by the access_control_bits in the subspace header. */
- switch (subspace.access_control_bits >> 4)
- {
- /* Readonly data. */
- case 0x0:
- subspace_asect->flags |= SEC_DATA | SEC_READONLY;
- break;
- /* Normal data. */
- case 0x1:
- subspace_asect->flags |= SEC_DATA;
- break;
- /* Readonly code and the gateways.
- Gateways have other attributes which do not map
- into anything BFD knows about. */
- case 0x2:
- case 0x4:
- case 0x5:
- case 0x6:
- case 0x7:
- subspace_asect->flags |= SEC_CODE | SEC_READONLY;
- break;
- /* dynamic (writable) code. */
- case 0x3:
- subspace_asect->flags |= SEC_CODE;
- break;
- }
- if (subspace.dup_common || subspace.is_common)
- subspace_asect->flags |= SEC_IS_COMMON;
- else if (subspace.subspace_length > 0)
- subspace_asect->flags |= SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- if (subspace.is_loadable)
- subspace_asect->flags |= SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD;
- else
- subspace_asect->flags |= SEC_DEBUGGING;
- if (subspace.code_only)
- subspace_asect->flags |= SEC_CODE;
- /* Both file_loc_init_value and initialization_length will
- be zero for a BSS like subspace. */
- if (subspace.file_loc_init_value == 0
- && subspace.initialization_length == 0)
- subspace_asect->flags &= ~(SEC_DATA | SEC_LOAD | SEC_HAS_CONTENTS);
- /* This subspace has relocations.
- The fixup_request_quantity is a byte count for the number of
- entries in the relocation stream; it is not the actual number
- of relocations in the subspace. */
- if (subspace.fixup_request_quantity != 0)
- {
- subspace_asect->flags |= SEC_RELOC;
- subspace_asect->rel_filepos = subspace.fixup_request_index;
- som_section_data (subspace_asect)->reloc_size
- = subspace.fixup_request_quantity;
- /* We can not determine this yet. When we read in the
- relocation table the correct value will be filled in. */
- subspace_asect->reloc_count = -1;
- }
- /* Update save_subspace if appropriate. */
- if (subspace.file_loc_init_value > save_subspace.file_loc_init_value)
- save_subspace = subspace;
- subspace_asect->vma = subspace.subspace_start;
- subspace_asect->_cooked_size = subspace.subspace_length;
- subspace_asect->_raw_size = subspace.subspace_length;
- subspace_asect->filepos = subspace.file_loc_init_value;
- subspace_asect->alignment_power = log2 (subspace.alignment);
- if (subspace_asect->alignment_power == -1)
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* Yow! there is no subspace within the space which actually
- has initialized information in it; this should never happen
- as far as I know. */
- if (!save_subspace.file_loc_init_value)
- goto error_return;
- /* Setup the sizes for the space section based upon the info in the
- last subspace of the space. */
- space_asect->_cooked_size = save_subspace.subspace_start
- - space_asect->vma + save_subspace.subspace_length;
- space_asect->_raw_size = save_subspace.file_loc_init_value
- - space_asect->filepos + save_subspace.initialization_length;
- }
- /* Now that we've read in all the subspace records, we need to assign
- a target index to each subspace. */
- subspace_sections = (asection **) bfd_malloc (total_subspaces
- * sizeof (asection *));
- if (subspace_sections == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- for (i = 0, section = abfd->sections; section; section = section->next)
- {
- if (!som_is_subspace (section))
- continue;
- subspace_sections[i] = section;
- i++;
- }
- qsort (subspace_sections, total_subspaces,
- sizeof (asection *), compare_subspaces);
- /* subspace_sections is now sorted in the order in which the subspaces
- appear in the object file. Assign an index to each one now. */
- for (i = 0; i < total_subspaces; i++)
- subspace_sections[i]->target_index = i;
- if (space_strings != NULL)
- free (space_strings);
- if (subspace_sections != NULL)
- free (subspace_sections);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (space_strings != NULL)
- free (space_strings);
- if (subspace_sections != NULL)
- free (subspace_sections);
- return false;
-/* Read in a SOM object and make it into a BFD. */
-static const bfd_target *
-som_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct header file_hdr;
- struct som_exec_auxhdr aux_hdr;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & file_hdr, 1, FILE_HDR_SIZE, abfd) != FILE_HDR_SIZE)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!_PA_RISC_ID (file_hdr.system_id))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- switch (file_hdr.a_magic)
- {
- case EXEC_MAGIC:
-#ifdef DL_MAGIC
- case DL_MAGIC:
-#ifdef SHL_MAGIC
- case SHL_MAGIC:
- break;
- default:
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- if (file_hdr.version_id != VERSION_ID
- && file_hdr.version_id != NEW_VERSION_ID)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- /* If the aux_header_size field in the file header is zero, then this
- object is an incomplete executable (a .o file). Do not try to read
- a non-existant auxiliary header. */
- memset (&aux_hdr, 0, sizeof (struct som_exec_auxhdr));
- if (file_hdr.aux_header_size != 0)
- {
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & aux_hdr, 1, AUX_HDR_SIZE, abfd) != AUX_HDR_SIZE)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if (!setup_sections (abfd, &file_hdr))
- {
- /* setup_sections does not bubble up a bfd error code. */
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return 0;
- }
- /* This appears to be a valid SOM object. Do some initialization. */
- return som_object_setup (abfd, &file_hdr, &aux_hdr);
-/* Create a SOM object. */
-static boolean
-som_mkobject (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- /* Allocate memory to hold backend information. */
- abfd->tdata.som_data = (struct som_data_struct *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct som_data_struct));
- if (abfd->tdata.som_data == NULL)
- return false;
- return true;
-/* Initialize some information in the file header. This routine makes
- not attempt at doing the right thing for a full executable; it
- is only meant to handle relocatable objects. */
-static boolean
-som_prep_headers (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct header *file_hdr;
- asection *section;
- /* Make and attach a file header to the BFD. */
- file_hdr = (struct header *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct header));
- if (file_hdr == NULL)
- return false;
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd) = file_hdr;
- if (abfd->flags & (EXEC_P | DYNAMIC))
- {
- /* Make and attach an exec header to the BFD. */
- obj_som_exec_hdr (abfd) = (struct som_exec_auxhdr *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct som_exec_auxhdr));
- if (obj_som_exec_hdr (abfd) == NULL)
- return false;
- if (abfd->flags & D_PAGED)
- file_hdr->a_magic = DEMAND_MAGIC;
- else if (abfd->flags & WP_TEXT)
- file_hdr->a_magic = SHARE_MAGIC;
-#ifdef SHL_MAGIC
- else if (abfd->flags & DYNAMIC)
- file_hdr->a_magic = SHL_MAGIC;
- else
- file_hdr->a_magic = EXEC_MAGIC;
- }
- else
- file_hdr->a_magic = RELOC_MAGIC;
- /* Only new format SOM is supported. */
- file_hdr->version_id = NEW_VERSION_ID;
- /* These fields are optional, and embedding timestamps is not always
- a wise thing to do, it makes comparing objects during a multi-stage
- bootstrap difficult. */
- file_hdr->file_time.secs = 0;
- file_hdr->file_time.nanosecs = 0;
- file_hdr->entry_space = 0;
- file_hdr->entry_subspace = 0;
- file_hdr->entry_offset = 0;
- file_hdr->presumed_dp = 0;
- /* Now iterate over the sections translating information from
- BFD sections to SOM spaces/subspaces. */
- for (section = abfd->sections; section != NULL; section = section->next)
- {
- /* Ignore anything which has not been marked as a space or
- subspace. */
- if (!som_is_space (section) && !som_is_subspace (section))
- continue;
- if (som_is_space (section))
- {
- /* Allocate space for the space dictionary. */
- som_section_data (section)->space_dict
- = (struct space_dictionary_record *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct space_dictionary_record));
- if (som_section_data (section)->space_dict == NULL)
- return false;
- /* Set space attributes. Note most attributes of SOM spaces
- are set based on the subspaces it contains. */
- som_section_data (section)->space_dict->loader_fix_index = -1;
- som_section_data (section)->space_dict->init_pointer_index = -1;
- /* Set more attributes that were stuffed away in private data. */
- som_section_data (section)->space_dict->sort_key =
- som_section_data (section)->copy_data->sort_key;
- som_section_data (section)->space_dict->is_defined =
- som_section_data (section)->copy_data->is_defined;
- som_section_data (section)->space_dict->is_private =
- som_section_data (section)->copy_data->is_private;
- som_section_data (section)->space_dict->space_number =
- som_section_data (section)->copy_data->space_number;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Allocate space for the subspace dictionary. */
- som_section_data (section)->subspace_dict
- = (struct subspace_dictionary_record *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct subspace_dictionary_record));
- if (som_section_data (section)->subspace_dict == NULL)
- return false;
- /* Set subspace attributes. Basic stuff is done here, additional
- attributes are filled in later as more information becomes
- available. */
- if (section->flags & SEC_IS_COMMON)
- {
- som_section_data (section)->subspace_dict->dup_common = 1;
- som_section_data (section)->subspace_dict->is_common = 1;
- }
- if (section->flags & SEC_ALLOC)
- som_section_data (section)->subspace_dict->is_loadable = 1;
- if (section->flags & SEC_CODE)
- som_section_data (section)->subspace_dict->code_only = 1;
- som_section_data (section)->subspace_dict->subspace_start =
- section->vma;
- som_section_data (section)->subspace_dict->subspace_length =
- bfd_section_size (abfd, section);
- som_section_data (section)->subspace_dict->initialization_length =
- bfd_section_size (abfd, section);
- som_section_data (section)->subspace_dict->alignment =
- 1 << section->alignment_power;
- /* Set more attributes that were stuffed away in private data. */
- som_section_data (section)->subspace_dict->sort_key =
- som_section_data (section)->copy_data->sort_key;
- som_section_data (section)->subspace_dict->access_control_bits =
- som_section_data (section)->copy_data->access_control_bits;
- som_section_data (section)->subspace_dict->quadrant =
- som_section_data (section)->copy_data->quadrant;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Return true if the given section is a SOM space, false otherwise. */
-static boolean
-som_is_space (section)
- asection *section;
- /* If no copy data is available, then it's neither a space nor a
- subspace. */
- if (som_section_data (section)->copy_data == NULL)
- return false;
- /* If the containing space isn't the same as the given section,
- then this isn't a space. */
- if (som_section_data (section)->copy_data->container != section
- && (som_section_data (section)->copy_data->container->output_section
- != section))
- return false;
- /* OK. Must be a space. */
- return true;
-/* Return true if the given section is a SOM subspace, false otherwise. */
-static boolean
-som_is_subspace (section)
- asection *section;
- /* If no copy data is available, then it's neither a space nor a
- subspace. */
- if (som_section_data (section)->copy_data == NULL)
- return false;
- /* If the containing space is the same as the given section,
- then this isn't a subspace. */
- if (som_section_data (section)->copy_data->container == section
- || (som_section_data (section)->copy_data->container->output_section
- == section))
- return false;
- /* OK. Must be a subspace. */
- return true;
-/* Return true if the given space containins the given subspace. It
- is safe to assume space really is a space, and subspace really
- is a subspace. */
-static boolean
-som_is_container (space, subspace)
- asection *space, *subspace;
- return (som_section_data (subspace)->copy_data->container == space
- || (som_section_data (subspace)->copy_data->container->output_section
- == space));
-/* Count and return the number of spaces attached to the given BFD. */
-static unsigned long
-som_count_spaces (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- int count = 0;
- asection *section;
- for (section = abfd->sections; section != NULL; section = section->next)
- count += som_is_space (section);
- return count;
-/* Count the number of subspaces attached to the given BFD. */
-static unsigned long
-som_count_subspaces (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- int count = 0;
- asection *section;
- for (section = abfd->sections; section != NULL; section = section->next)
- count += som_is_subspace (section);
- return count;
-/* Return -1, 0, 1 indicating the relative ordering of sym1 and sym2.
- We desire symbols to be ordered starting with the symbol with the
- highest relocation count down to the symbol with the lowest relocation
- count. Doing so compacts the relocation stream. */
-static int
-compare_syms (arg1, arg2)
- const PTR arg1;
- const PTR arg2;
- asymbol **sym1 = (asymbol **) arg1;
- asymbol **sym2 = (asymbol **) arg2;
- unsigned int count1, count2;
- /* Get relocation count for each symbol. Note that the count
- is stored in the udata pointer for section symbols! */
- if ((*sym1)->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM)
- count1 = (*sym1)->udata.i;
- else
- count1 = som_symbol_data (*sym1)->reloc_count;
- if ((*sym2)->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM)
- count2 = (*sym2)->udata.i;
- else
- count2 = som_symbol_data (*sym2)->reloc_count;
- /* Return the appropriate value. */
- if (count1 < count2)
- return 1;
- else if (count1 > count2)
- return -1;
- return 0;
-/* Return -1, 0, 1 indicating the relative ordering of subspace1
- and subspace. */
-static int
-compare_subspaces (arg1, arg2)
- const PTR arg1;
- const PTR arg2;
- asection **subspace1 = (asection **) arg1;
- asection **subspace2 = (asection **) arg2;
- unsigned int count1, count2;
- if ((*subspace1)->target_index < (*subspace2)->target_index)
- return -1;
- else if ((*subspace2)->target_index < (*subspace1)->target_index)
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-/* Perform various work in preparation for emitting the fixup stream. */
-static void
-som_prep_for_fixups (abfd, syms, num_syms)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **syms;
- unsigned long num_syms;
- int i;
- asection *section;
- asymbol **sorted_syms;
- /* Most SOM relocations involving a symbol have a length which is
- dependent on the index of the symbol. So symbols which are
- used often in relocations should have a small index. */
- /* First initialize the counters for each symbol. */
- for (i = 0; i < num_syms; i++)
- {
- /* Handle a section symbol; these have no pointers back to the
- SOM symbol info. So we just use the udata field to hold the
- relocation count. */
- if (som_symbol_data (syms[i]) == NULL
- || syms[i]->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM)
- {
- syms[i]->flags |= BSF_SECTION_SYM;
- syms[i]->udata.i = 0;
- }
- else
- som_symbol_data (syms[i])->reloc_count = 0;
- }
- /* Now that the counters are initialized, make a weighted count
- of how often a given symbol is used in a relocation. */
- for (section = abfd->sections; section != NULL; section = section->next)
- {
- int i;
- /* Does this section have any relocations? */
- if (section->reloc_count <= 0)
- continue;
- /* Walk through each relocation for this section. */
- for (i = 1; i < section->reloc_count; i++)
- {
- arelent *reloc = section->orelocation[i];
- int scale;
- /* A relocation against a symbol in the *ABS* section really
- does not have a symbol. Likewise if the symbol isn't associated
- with any section. */
- if (reloc->sym_ptr_ptr == NULL
- || bfd_is_abs_section ((*reloc->sym_ptr_ptr)->section))
- continue;
- /* Scaling to encourage symbols involved in R_DP_RELATIVE
- and R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL relocations to come first. These
- two relocations have single byte versions if the symbol
- index is very small. */
- if (reloc->howto->type == R_DP_RELATIVE
- || reloc->howto->type == R_CODE_ONE_SYMBOL)
- scale = 2;
- else
- scale = 1;
- /* Handle section symbols by storing the count in the udata
- field. It will not be used and the count is very important
- for these symbols. */
- if ((*reloc->sym_ptr_ptr)->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM)
- {
- (*reloc->sym_ptr_ptr)->udata.i =
- (*reloc->sym_ptr_ptr)->udata.i + scale;
- continue;
- }
- /* A normal symbol. Increment the count. */
- som_symbol_data (*reloc->sym_ptr_ptr)->reloc_count += scale;
- }
- }
- /* Sort a copy of the symbol table, rather than the canonical
- output symbol table. */
- sorted_syms = (asymbol **) bfd_zalloc (abfd, num_syms * sizeof (asymbol *));
- memcpy (sorted_syms, syms, num_syms * sizeof (asymbol *));
- qsort (sorted_syms, num_syms, sizeof (asymbol *), compare_syms);
- obj_som_sorted_syms (abfd) = sorted_syms;
- /* Compute the symbol indexes, they will be needed by the relocation
- code. */
- for (i = 0; i < num_syms; i++)
- {
- /* A section symbol. Again, there is no pointer to backend symbol
- information, so we reuse the udata field again. */
- if (sorted_syms[i]->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM)
- sorted_syms[i]->udata.i = i;
- else
- som_symbol_data (sorted_syms[i])->index = i;
- }
-static boolean
-som_write_fixups (abfd, current_offset, total_reloc_sizep)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned long current_offset;
- unsigned int *total_reloc_sizep;
- unsigned int i, j;
- /* Chunk of memory that we can use as buffer space, then throw
- away. */
- unsigned char tmp_space[SOM_TMP_BUFSIZE];
- unsigned char *p;
- unsigned int total_reloc_size = 0;
- unsigned int subspace_reloc_size = 0;
- unsigned int num_spaces = obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->space_total;
- asection *section = abfd->sections;
- memset (tmp_space, 0, SOM_TMP_BUFSIZE);
- p = tmp_space;
- /* All the fixups for a particular subspace are emitted in a single
- stream. All the subspaces for a particular space are emitted
- as a single stream.
- So, to get all the locations correct one must iterate through all the
- spaces, for each space iterate through its subspaces and output a
- fixups stream. */
- for (i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++)
- {
- asection *subsection;
- /* Find a space. */
- while (!som_is_space (section))
- section = section->next;
- /* Now iterate through each of its subspaces. */
- for (subsection = abfd->sections;
- subsection != NULL;
- subsection = subsection->next)
- {
- int reloc_offset, current_rounding_mode;
- /* Find a subspace of this space. */
- if (!som_is_subspace (subsection)
- || !som_is_container (section, subsection))
- continue;
- /* If this subspace does not have real data, then we are
- finised with it. */
- if ((subsection->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) == 0)
- {
- som_section_data (subsection)->subspace_dict->fixup_request_index
- = -1;
- continue;
- }
- /* This subspace has some relocations. Put the relocation stream
- index into the subspace record. */
- som_section_data (subsection)->subspace_dict->fixup_request_index
- = total_reloc_size;
- /* To make life easier start over with a clean slate for
- each subspace. Seek to the start of the relocation stream
- for this subspace in preparation for writing out its fixup
- stream. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, current_offset + total_reloc_size, SEEK_SET) < 0)
- return false;
- /* Buffer space has already been allocated. Just perform some
- initialization here. */
- p = tmp_space;
- subspace_reloc_size = 0;
- reloc_offset = 0;
- som_initialize_reloc_queue (reloc_queue);
- current_rounding_mode = R_N_MODE;
- /* Translate each BFD relocation into one or more SOM
- relocations. */
- for (j = 0; j < subsection->reloc_count; j++)
- {
- arelent *bfd_reloc = subsection->orelocation[j];
- unsigned int skip;
- int sym_num;
- /* Get the symbol number. Remember it's stored in a
- special place for section symbols. */
- if ((*bfd_reloc->sym_ptr_ptr)->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM)
- sym_num = (*bfd_reloc->sym_ptr_ptr)->udata.i;
- else
- sym_num = som_symbol_data (*bfd_reloc->sym_ptr_ptr)->index;
- /* If there is not enough room for the next couple relocations,
- then dump the current buffer contents now. Also reinitialize
- the relocation queue.
- No single BFD relocation could ever translate into more
- than 100 bytes of SOM relocations (20bytes is probably the
- upper limit, but leave lots of space for growth). */
- if (p - tmp_space + 100 > SOM_TMP_BUFSIZE)
- {
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) tmp_space, p - tmp_space, 1, abfd)
- != p - tmp_space)
- return false;
- p = tmp_space;
- som_initialize_reloc_queue (reloc_queue);
- }
- /* Emit R_NO_RELOCATION fixups to map any bytes which were
- skipped. */
- skip = bfd_reloc->address - reloc_offset;
- p = som_reloc_skip (abfd, skip, p,
- &subspace_reloc_size, reloc_queue);
- /* Update reloc_offset for the next iteration.
- Many relocations do not consume input bytes. They
- are markers, or set state necessary to perform some
- later relocation. */
- switch (bfd_reloc->howto->type)
- {
- /* This only needs to handle relocations that may be
- made by hppa_som_gen_reloc. */
- case R_ENTRY:
- case R_ALT_ENTRY:
- case R_EXIT:
- case R_N_MODE:
- case R_S_MODE:
- case R_D_MODE:
- case R_R_MODE:
- case R_FSEL:
- case R_LSEL:
- case R_RSEL:
- case R_COMP1:
- case R_COMP2:
- case R_END_BRTAB:
- case R_N0SEL:
- case R_N1SEL:
- reloc_offset = bfd_reloc->address;
- break;
- default:
- reloc_offset = bfd_reloc->address + 4;
- break;
- }
- /* Now the actual relocation we care about. */
- switch (bfd_reloc->howto->type)
- {
- case R_PCREL_CALL:
- case R_ABS_CALL:
- p = som_reloc_call (abfd, p, &subspace_reloc_size,
- bfd_reloc, sym_num, reloc_queue);
- break;
- /* Account for any addend. */
- if (bfd_reloc->addend)
- p = som_reloc_addend (abfd, bfd_reloc->addend, p,
- &subspace_reloc_size, reloc_queue);
- if (sym_num < 0x20)
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, bfd_reloc->howto->type + sym_num, p);
- subspace_reloc_size += 1;
- p += 1;
- }
- else if (sym_num < 0x100)
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, bfd_reloc->howto->type + 32, p);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, sym_num, p + 1);
- p = try_prev_fixup (abfd, &subspace_reloc_size, p,
- 2, reloc_queue);
- }
- else if (sym_num < 0x10000000)
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, bfd_reloc->howto->type + 33, p);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, sym_num >> 16, p + 1);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, sym_num, p + 2);
- p = try_prev_fixup (abfd, &subspace_reloc_size,
- p, 4, reloc_queue);
- }
- else
- abort ();
- break;
- case R_DLT_REL:
- /* Account for any addend using R_DATA_OVERRIDE. */
- if (bfd_reloc->howto->type != R_DATA_ONE_SYMBOL
- && bfd_reloc->addend)
- p = som_reloc_addend (abfd, bfd_reloc->addend, p,
- &subspace_reloc_size, reloc_queue);
- if (sym_num < 0x100)
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, bfd_reloc->howto->type, p);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, sym_num, p + 1);
- p = try_prev_fixup (abfd, &subspace_reloc_size, p,
- 2, reloc_queue);
- }
- else if (sym_num < 0x10000000)
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, bfd_reloc->howto->type + 1, p);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, sym_num >> 16, p + 1);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, sym_num, p + 2);
- p = try_prev_fixup (abfd, &subspace_reloc_size,
- p, 4, reloc_queue);
- }
- else
- abort ();
- break;
- case R_ENTRY:
- {
- int tmp;
- arelent *tmp_reloc = NULL;
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, R_ENTRY, p);
- /* R_ENTRY relocations have 64 bits of associated
- data. Unfortunately the addend field of a bfd
- relocation is only 32 bits. So, we split up
- the 64bit unwind information and store part in
- the R_ENTRY relocation, and the rest in the R_EXIT
- relocation. */
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, bfd_reloc->addend, p + 1);
- /* Find the next R_EXIT relocation. */
- for (tmp = j; tmp < subsection->reloc_count; tmp++)
- {
- tmp_reloc = subsection->orelocation[tmp];
- if (tmp_reloc->howto->type == R_EXIT)
- break;
- }
- if (tmp == subsection->reloc_count)
- abort ();
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, tmp_reloc->addend, p + 5);
- p = try_prev_fixup (abfd, &subspace_reloc_size,
- p, 9, reloc_queue);
- break;
- }
- case R_N_MODE:
- case R_S_MODE:
- case R_D_MODE:
- case R_R_MODE:
- /* If this relocation requests the current rounding
- mode, then it is redundant. */
- if (bfd_reloc->howto->type != current_rounding_mode)
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, bfd_reloc->howto->type, p);
- subspace_reloc_size += 1;
- p += 1;
- current_rounding_mode = bfd_reloc->howto->type;
- }
- break;
- case R_EXIT:
- case R_ALT_ENTRY:
- case R_FSEL:
- case R_LSEL:
- case R_RSEL:
- case R_END_BRTAB:
- case R_N0SEL:
- case R_N1SEL:
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, bfd_reloc->howto->type, p);
- subspace_reloc_size += 1;
- p += 1;
- break;
- case R_COMP1:
- /* The only time we generate R_COMP1, R_COMP2 and
- R_CODE_EXPR relocs is for the difference of two
- symbols. Hence we can cheat here. */
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, bfd_reloc->howto->type, p);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, 0x44, p + 1);
- p = try_prev_fixup (abfd, &subspace_reloc_size,
- p, 2, reloc_queue);
- break;
- case R_COMP2:
- /* The only time we generate R_COMP1, R_COMP2 and
- R_CODE_EXPR relocs is for the difference of two
- symbols. Hence we can cheat here. */
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, bfd_reloc->howto->type, p);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, 0x80, p + 1);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, sym_num >> 16, p + 2);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, sym_num, p + 3);
- p = try_prev_fixup (abfd, &subspace_reloc_size,
- p, 5, reloc_queue);
- break;
- case R_CODE_EXPR:
- /* The only time we generate R_COMP1, R_COMP2 and
- R_CODE_EXPR relocs is for the difference of two
- symbols. Hence we can cheat here. */
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, bfd_reloc->howto->type, p);
- subspace_reloc_size += 1;
- p += 1;
- break;
- /* Put a "R_RESERVED" relocation in the stream if
- we hit something we do not understand. The linker
- will complain loudly if this ever happens. */
- default:
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, 0xff, p);
- subspace_reloc_size += 1;
- p += 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Last BFD relocation for a subspace has been processed.
- Map the rest of the subspace with R_NO_RELOCATION fixups. */
- p = som_reloc_skip (abfd, bfd_section_size (abfd, subsection)
- - reloc_offset,
- p, &subspace_reloc_size, reloc_queue);
- /* Scribble out the relocations. */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) tmp_space, p - tmp_space, 1, abfd)
- != p - tmp_space)
- return false;
- p = tmp_space;
- total_reloc_size += subspace_reloc_size;
- som_section_data (subsection)->subspace_dict->fixup_request_quantity
- = subspace_reloc_size;
- }
- section = section->next;
- }
- *total_reloc_sizep = total_reloc_size;
- return true;
-/* Write out the space/subspace string table. */
-static boolean
-som_write_space_strings (abfd, current_offset, string_sizep)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned long current_offset;
- unsigned int *string_sizep;
- /* Chunk of memory that we can use as buffer space, then throw
- away. */
- unsigned char tmp_space[SOM_TMP_BUFSIZE];
- unsigned char *p;
- unsigned int strings_size = 0;
- asection *section;
- memset (tmp_space, 0, SOM_TMP_BUFSIZE);
- p = tmp_space;
- /* Seek to the start of the space strings in preparation for writing
- them out. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, current_offset, SEEK_SET) < 0)
- return false;
- /* Walk through all the spaces and subspaces (order is not important)
- building up and writing string table entries for their names. */
- for (section = abfd->sections; section != NULL; section = section->next)
- {
- int length;
- /* Only work with space/subspaces; avoid any other sections
- which might have been made (.text for example). */
- if (!som_is_space (section) && !som_is_subspace (section))
- continue;
- /* Get the length of the space/subspace name. */
- length = strlen (section->name);
- /* If there is not enough room for the next entry, then dump the
- current buffer contents now. Each entry will take 4 bytes to
- hold the string length + the string itself + null terminator. */
- if (p - tmp_space + 5 + length > SOM_TMP_BUFSIZE)
- {
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &tmp_space[0], p - tmp_space, 1, abfd)
- != p - tmp_space)
- return false;
- /* Reset to beginning of the buffer space. */
- p = tmp_space;
- }
- /* First element in a string table entry is the length of the
- string. Alignment issues are already handled. */
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, length, p);
- p += 4;
- strings_size += 4;
- /* Record the index in the space/subspace records. */
- if (som_is_space (section))
- som_section_data (section)->space_dict->name.n_strx = strings_size;
- else
- som_section_data (section)->subspace_dict->name.n_strx = strings_size;
- /* Next comes the string itself + a null terminator. */
- strcpy (p, section->name);
- p += length + 1;
- strings_size += length + 1;
- /* Always align up to the next word boundary. */
- while (strings_size % 4)
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, 0, p);
- p++;
- strings_size++;
- }
- }
- /* Done with the space/subspace strings. Write out any information
- contained in a partial block. */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &tmp_space[0], p - tmp_space, 1, abfd) != p - tmp_space)
- return false;
- *string_sizep = strings_size;
- return true;
-/* Write out the symbol string table. */
-static boolean
-som_write_symbol_strings (abfd, current_offset, syms, num_syms, string_sizep)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned long current_offset;
- asymbol **syms;
- unsigned int num_syms;
- unsigned int *string_sizep;
- unsigned int i;
- /* Chunk of memory that we can use as buffer space, then throw
- away. */
- unsigned char tmp_space[SOM_TMP_BUFSIZE];
- unsigned char *p;
- unsigned int strings_size = 0;
- memset (tmp_space, 0, SOM_TMP_BUFSIZE);
- p = tmp_space;
- /* Seek to the start of the space strings in preparation for writing
- them out. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, current_offset, SEEK_SET) < 0)
- return false;
- for (i = 0; i < num_syms; i++)
- {
- int length = strlen (syms[i]->name);
- /* If there is not enough room for the next entry, then dump the
- current buffer contents now. */
- if (p - tmp_space + 5 + length > SOM_TMP_BUFSIZE)
- {
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &tmp_space[0], p - tmp_space, 1, abfd)
- != p - tmp_space)
- return false;
- /* Reset to beginning of the buffer space. */
- p = tmp_space;
- }
- /* First element in a string table entry is the length of the
- string. This must always be 4 byte aligned. This is also
- an appropriate time to fill in the string index field in the
- symbol table entry. */
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, length, p);
- strings_size += 4;
- p += 4;
- /* Next comes the string itself + a null terminator. */
- strcpy (p, syms[i]->name);
- som_symbol_data(syms[i])->stringtab_offset = strings_size;
- p += length + 1;
- strings_size += length + 1;
- /* Always align up to the next word boundary. */
- while (strings_size % 4)
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, 0, p);
- strings_size++;
- p++;
- }
- }
- /* Scribble out any partial block. */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &tmp_space[0], p - tmp_space, 1, abfd) != p - tmp_space)
- return false;
- *string_sizep = strings_size;
- return true;
-/* Compute variable information to be placed in the SOM headers,
- space/subspace dictionaries, relocation streams, etc. Begin
- writing parts of the object file. */
-static boolean
-som_begin_writing (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned long current_offset = 0;
- int strings_size = 0;
- unsigned int total_reloc_size = 0;
- unsigned long num_spaces, num_subspaces, i;
- asection *section;
- unsigned int total_subspaces = 0;
- struct som_exec_auxhdr *exec_header = NULL;
- /* The file header will always be first in an object file,
- everything else can be in random locations. To keep things
- "simple" BFD will lay out the object file in the manner suggested
- by the PRO ABI for PA-RISC Systems. */
- /* Before any output can really begin offsets for all the major
- portions of the object file must be computed. So, starting
- with the initial file header compute (and sometimes write)
- each portion of the object file. */
- /* Make room for the file header, it's contents are not complete
- yet, so it can not be written at this time. */
- current_offset += sizeof (struct header);
- /* Any auxiliary headers will follow the file header. Right now
- we support only the copyright and version headers. */
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->aux_header_location = current_offset;
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->aux_header_size = 0;
- if (abfd->flags & (EXEC_P | DYNAMIC))
- {
- /* Parts of the exec header will be filled in later, so
- delay writing the header itself. Fill in the defaults,
- and write it later. */
- current_offset += sizeof (struct som_exec_auxhdr);
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->aux_header_size
- += sizeof (struct som_exec_auxhdr);
- exec_header = obj_som_exec_hdr (abfd);
- exec_header->som_auxhdr.type = EXEC_AUX_ID;
- exec_header->som_auxhdr.length = 40;
- }
- if (obj_som_version_hdr (abfd) != NULL)
- {
- unsigned int len;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, current_offset, SEEK_SET) < 0)
- return false;
- /* Write the aux_id structure and the string length. */
- len = sizeof (struct aux_id) + sizeof (unsigned int);
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->aux_header_size += len;
- current_offset += len;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) obj_som_version_hdr (abfd), len, 1, abfd) != len)
- return false;
- /* Write the version string. */
- len = obj_som_version_hdr (abfd)->header_id.length - sizeof (int);
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->aux_header_size += len;
- current_offset += len;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) obj_som_version_hdr (abfd)->user_string,
- len, 1, abfd) != len)
- return false;
- }
- if (obj_som_copyright_hdr (abfd) != NULL)
- {
- unsigned int len;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, current_offset, SEEK_SET) < 0)
- return false;
- /* Write the aux_id structure and the string length. */
- len = sizeof (struct aux_id) + sizeof (unsigned int);
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->aux_header_size += len;
- current_offset += len;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) obj_som_copyright_hdr (abfd), len, 1, abfd) != len)
- return false;
- /* Write the copyright string. */
- len = obj_som_copyright_hdr (abfd)->header_id.length - sizeof (int);
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->aux_header_size += len;
- current_offset += len;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) obj_som_copyright_hdr (abfd)->copyright,
- len, 1, abfd) != len)
- return false;
- }
- /* Next comes the initialization pointers; we have no initialization
- pointers, so current offset does not change. */
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->init_array_location = current_offset;
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->init_array_total = 0;
- /* Next are the space records. These are fixed length records.
- Count the number of spaces to determine how much room is needed
- in the object file for the space records.
- The names of the spaces are stored in a separate string table,
- and the index for each space into the string table is computed
- below. Therefore, it is not possible to write the space headers
- at this time. */
- num_spaces = som_count_spaces (abfd);
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->space_location = current_offset;
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->space_total = num_spaces;
- current_offset += num_spaces * sizeof (struct space_dictionary_record);
- /* Next are the subspace records. These are fixed length records.
- Count the number of subspaes to determine how much room is needed
- in the object file for the subspace records.
- A variety if fields in the subspace record are still unknown at
- this time (index into string table, fixup stream location/size, etc). */
- num_subspaces = som_count_subspaces (abfd);
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->subspace_location = current_offset;
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->subspace_total = num_subspaces;
- current_offset += num_subspaces * sizeof (struct subspace_dictionary_record);
- /* Next is the string table for the space/subspace names. We will
- build and write the string table on the fly. At the same time
- we will fill in the space/subspace name index fields. */
- /* The string table needs to be aligned on a word boundary. */
- if (current_offset % 4)
- current_offset += (4 - (current_offset % 4));
- /* Mark the offset of the space/subspace string table in the
- file header. */
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->space_strings_location = current_offset;
- /* Scribble out the space strings. */
- if (som_write_space_strings (abfd, current_offset, &strings_size) == false)
- return false;
- /* Record total string table size in the header and update the
- current offset. */
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->space_strings_size = strings_size;
- current_offset += strings_size;
- /* Next is the compiler records. We do not use these. */
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->compiler_location = current_offset;
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->compiler_total = 0;
- /* Now compute the file positions for the loadable subspaces, taking
- care to make sure everything stays properly aligned. */
- section = abfd->sections;
- for (i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++)
- {
- asection *subsection;
- int first_subspace;
- unsigned int subspace_offset = 0;
- /* Find a space. */
- while (!som_is_space (section))
- section = section->next;
- first_subspace = 1;
- /* Now look for all its subspaces. */
- for (subsection = abfd->sections;
- subsection != NULL;
- subsection = subsection->next)
- {
- if (!som_is_subspace (subsection)
- || !som_is_container (section, subsection)
- || (subsection->flags & SEC_ALLOC) == 0)
- continue;
- /* If this is the first subspace in the space, and we are
- building an executable, then take care to make sure all
- the alignments are correct and update the exec header. */
- if (first_subspace
- && (abfd->flags & (EXEC_P | DYNAMIC)))
- {
- /* Demand paged executables have each space aligned to a
- page boundary. Sharable executables (write-protected
- text) have just the private (aka data & bss) space aligned
- to a page boundary. Ugh. Not true for HPUX.
- The HPUX kernel requires the text to always be page aligned
- within the file regardless of the executable's type. */
- if (abfd->flags & (D_PAGED | DYNAMIC)
- || (subsection->flags & SEC_CODE)
- || ((abfd->flags & WP_TEXT)
- && (subsection->flags & SEC_DATA)))
- current_offset = SOM_ALIGN (current_offset, PA_PAGESIZE);
- /* Update the exec header. */
- if (subsection->flags & SEC_CODE && exec_header->exec_tfile == 0)
- {
- exec_header->exec_tmem = section->vma;
- exec_header->exec_tfile = current_offset;
- }
- if (subsection->flags & SEC_DATA && exec_header->exec_dfile == 0)
- {
- exec_header->exec_dmem = section->vma;
- exec_header->exec_dfile = current_offset;
- }
- /* Keep track of exactly where we are within a particular
- space. This is necessary as the braindamaged HPUX
- loader will create holes between subspaces *and*
- subspace alignments are *NOT* preserved. What a crock. */
- subspace_offset = subsection->vma;
- /* Only do this for the first subspace within each space. */
- first_subspace = 0;
- }
- else if (abfd->flags & (EXEC_P | DYNAMIC))
- {
- /* The braindamaged HPUX loader may have created a hole
- between two subspaces. It is *not* sufficient to use
- the alignment specifications within the subspaces to
- account for these holes -- I've run into at least one
- case where the loader left one code subspace unaligned
- in a final executable.
- To combat this we keep a current offset within each space,
- and use the subspace vma fields to detect and preserve
- holes. What a crock!
- ps. This is not necessary for unloadable space/subspaces. */
- current_offset += subsection->vma - subspace_offset;
- if (subsection->flags & SEC_CODE)
- exec_header->exec_tsize += subsection->vma - subspace_offset;
- else
- exec_header->exec_dsize += subsection->vma - subspace_offset;
- subspace_offset += subsection->vma - subspace_offset;
- }
- subsection->target_index = total_subspaces++;
- /* This is real data to be loaded from the file. */
- if (subsection->flags & SEC_LOAD)
- {
- /* Update the size of the code & data. */
- if (abfd->flags & (EXEC_P | DYNAMIC)
- && subsection->flags & SEC_CODE)
- exec_header->exec_tsize += subsection->_cooked_size;
- else if (abfd->flags & (EXEC_P | DYNAMIC)
- && subsection->flags & SEC_DATA)
- exec_header->exec_dsize += subsection->_cooked_size;
- som_section_data (subsection)->subspace_dict->file_loc_init_value
- = current_offset;
- subsection->filepos = current_offset;
- current_offset += bfd_section_size (abfd, subsection);
- subspace_offset += bfd_section_size (abfd, subsection);
- }
- /* Looks like uninitialized data. */
- else
- {
- /* Update the size of the bss section. */
- if (abfd->flags & (EXEC_P | DYNAMIC))
- exec_header->exec_bsize += subsection->_cooked_size;
- som_section_data (subsection)->subspace_dict->file_loc_init_value
- = 0;
- som_section_data (subsection)->subspace_dict->
- initialization_length = 0;
- }
- }
- /* Goto the next section. */
- section = section->next;
- }
- /* Finally compute the file positions for unloadable subspaces.
- If building an executable, start the unloadable stuff on its
- own page. */
- if (abfd->flags & (EXEC_P | DYNAMIC))
- current_offset = SOM_ALIGN (current_offset, PA_PAGESIZE);
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->unloadable_sp_location = current_offset;
- section = abfd->sections;
- for (i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++)
- {
- asection *subsection;
- /* Find a space. */
- while (!som_is_space (section))
- section = section->next;
- if (abfd->flags & (EXEC_P | DYNAMIC))
- current_offset = SOM_ALIGN (current_offset, PA_PAGESIZE);
- /* Now look for all its subspaces. */
- for (subsection = abfd->sections;
- subsection != NULL;
- subsection = subsection->next)
- {
- if (!som_is_subspace (subsection)
- || !som_is_container (section, subsection)
- || (subsection->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0)
- continue;
- subsection->target_index = total_subspaces++;
- /* This is real data to be loaded from the file. */
- if ((subsection->flags & SEC_LOAD) == 0)
- {
- som_section_data (subsection)->subspace_dict->file_loc_init_value
- = current_offset;
- subsection->filepos = current_offset;
- current_offset += bfd_section_size (abfd, subsection);
- }
- /* Looks like uninitialized data. */
- else
- {
- som_section_data (subsection)->subspace_dict->file_loc_init_value
- = 0;
- som_section_data (subsection)->subspace_dict->
- initialization_length = bfd_section_size (abfd, subsection);
- }
- }
- /* Goto the next section. */
- section = section->next;
- }
- /* If building an executable, then make sure to seek to and write
- one byte at the end of the file to make sure any necessary
- zeros are filled in. Ugh. */
- if (abfd->flags & (EXEC_P | DYNAMIC))
- current_offset = SOM_ALIGN (current_offset, PA_PAGESIZE);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, current_offset - 1, SEEK_SET) < 0)
- return false;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) "", 1, 1, abfd) != 1)
- return false;
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->unloadable_sp_size
- = current_offset - obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->unloadable_sp_location;
- /* Loader fixups are not supported in any way shape or form. */
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->loader_fixup_location = 0;
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->loader_fixup_total = 0;
- /* Done. Store the total size of the SOM so far. */
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->som_length = current_offset;
- return true;
-/* Finally, scribble out the various headers to the disk. */
-static boolean
-som_finish_writing (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- int num_spaces = som_count_spaces (abfd);
- asymbol **syms = bfd_get_outsymbols (abfd);
- int i, num_syms, strings_size;
- int subspace_index = 0;
- file_ptr location;
- asection *section;
- unsigned long current_offset;
- unsigned int total_reloc_size;
- /* Next is the symbol table. These are fixed length records.
- Count the number of symbols to determine how much room is needed
- in the object file for the symbol table.
- The names of the symbols are stored in a separate string table,
- and the index for each symbol name into the string table is computed
- below. Therefore, it is not possible to write the symbol table
- at this time.
- These used to be output before the subspace contents, but they
- were moved here to work around a stupid bug in the hpux linker
- (fixed in hpux10). */
- current_offset = obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->som_length;
- /* Make sure we're on a word boundary. */
- if (current_offset % 4)
- current_offset += (4 - (current_offset % 4));
- num_syms = bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->symbol_location = current_offset;
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->symbol_total = num_syms;
- current_offset += num_syms * sizeof (struct symbol_dictionary_record);
- /* Next are the symbol strings.
- Align them to a word boundary. */
- if (current_offset % 4)
- current_offset += (4 - (current_offset % 4));
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->symbol_strings_location = current_offset;
- /* Scribble out the symbol strings. */
- if (som_write_symbol_strings (abfd, current_offset, syms,
- num_syms, &strings_size)
- == false)
- return false;
- /* Record total string table size in header and update the
- current offset. */
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->symbol_strings_size = strings_size;
- current_offset += strings_size;
- /* Do prep work before handling fixups. */
- som_prep_for_fixups (abfd,
- bfd_get_outsymbols (abfd),
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd));
- /* At the end of the file is the fixup stream which starts on a
- word boundary. */
- if (current_offset % 4)
- current_offset += (4 - (current_offset % 4));
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->fixup_request_location = current_offset;
- /* Write the fixups and update fields in subspace headers which
- relate to the fixup stream. */
- if (som_write_fixups (abfd, current_offset, &total_reloc_size) == false)
- return false;
- /* Record the total size of the fixup stream in the file header. */
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->fixup_request_total = total_reloc_size;
- /* Done. Store the total size of the SOM. */
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->som_length = current_offset + total_reloc_size;
- /* Now that the symbol table information is complete, build and
- write the symbol table. */
- if (som_build_and_write_symbol_table (abfd) == false)
- return false;
- /* Subspaces are written first so that we can set up information
- about them in their containing spaces as the subspace is written. */
- /* Seek to the start of the subspace dictionary records. */
- location = obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->subspace_location;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, location, SEEK_SET) < 0)
- return false;
- section = abfd->sections;
- /* Now for each loadable space write out records for its subspaces. */
- for (i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++)
- {
- asection *subsection;
- /* Find a space. */
- while (!som_is_space (section))
- section = section->next;
- /* Now look for all its subspaces. */
- for (subsection = abfd->sections;
- subsection != NULL;
- subsection = subsection->next)
- {
- /* Skip any section which does not correspond to a space
- or subspace. Or does not have SEC_ALLOC set (and therefore
- has no real bits on the disk). */
- if (!som_is_subspace (subsection)
- || !som_is_container (section, subsection)
- || (subsection->flags & SEC_ALLOC) == 0)
- continue;
- /* If this is the first subspace for this space, then save
- the index of the subspace in its containing space. Also
- set "is_loadable" in the containing space. */
- if (som_section_data (section)->space_dict->subspace_quantity == 0)
- {
- som_section_data (section)->space_dict->is_loadable = 1;
- som_section_data (section)->space_dict->subspace_index
- = subspace_index;
- }
- /* Increment the number of subspaces seen and the number of
- subspaces contained within the current space. */
- subspace_index++;
- som_section_data (section)->space_dict->subspace_quantity++;
- /* Mark the index of the current space within the subspace's
- dictionary record. */
- som_section_data (subsection)->subspace_dict->space_index = i;
- /* Dump the current subspace header. */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) som_section_data (subsection)->subspace_dict,
- sizeof (struct subspace_dictionary_record), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (struct subspace_dictionary_record))
- return false;
- }
- /* Goto the next section. */
- section = section->next;
- }
- /* Now repeat the process for unloadable subspaces. */
- section = abfd->sections;
- /* Now for each space write out records for its subspaces. */
- for (i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++)
- {
- asection *subsection;
- /* Find a space. */
- while (!som_is_space (section))
- section = section->next;
- /* Now look for all its subspaces. */
- for (subsection = abfd->sections;
- subsection != NULL;
- subsection = subsection->next)
- {
- /* Skip any section which does not correspond to a space or
- subspace, or which SEC_ALLOC set (and therefore handled
- in the loadable spaces/subspaces code above). */
- if (!som_is_subspace (subsection)
- || !som_is_container (section, subsection)
- || (subsection->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0)
- continue;
- /* If this is the first subspace for this space, then save
- the index of the subspace in its containing space. Clear
- "is_loadable". */
- if (som_section_data (section)->space_dict->subspace_quantity == 0)
- {
- som_section_data (section)->space_dict->is_loadable = 0;
- som_section_data (section)->space_dict->subspace_index
- = subspace_index;
- }
- /* Increment the number of subspaces seen and the number of
- subspaces contained within the current space. */
- som_section_data (section)->space_dict->subspace_quantity++;
- subspace_index++;
- /* Mark the index of the current space within the subspace's
- dictionary record. */
- som_section_data (subsection)->subspace_dict->space_index = i;
- /* Dump this subspace header. */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) som_section_data (subsection)->subspace_dict,
- sizeof (struct subspace_dictionary_record), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (struct subspace_dictionary_record))
- return false;
- }
- /* Goto the next section. */
- section = section->next;
- }
- /* All the subspace dictiondary records are written, and all the
- fields are set up in the space dictionary records.
- Seek to the right location and start writing the space
- dictionary records. */
- location = obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->space_location;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, location, SEEK_SET) < 0)
- return false;
- section = abfd->sections;
- for (i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++)
- {
- /* Find a space. */
- while (!som_is_space (section))
- section = section->next;
- /* Dump its header */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) som_section_data (section)->space_dict,
- sizeof (struct space_dictionary_record), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (struct space_dictionary_record))
- return false;
- /* Goto the next section. */
- section = section->next;
- }
- /* Setting of the system_id has to happen very late now that copying of
- BFD private data happens *after* section contents are set. */
- if (abfd->flags & (EXEC_P | DYNAMIC))
- obj_som_file_hdr(abfd)->system_id = obj_som_exec_data (abfd)->system_id;
- else if (bfd_get_mach (abfd) == pa11)
- obj_som_file_hdr(abfd)->system_id = CPU_PA_RISC1_1;
- else
- obj_som_file_hdr(abfd)->system_id = CPU_PA_RISC1_0;
- /* Compute the checksum for the file header just before writing
- the header to disk. */
- obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->checksum = som_compute_checksum (abfd);
- /* Only thing left to do is write out the file header. It is always
- at location zero. Seek there and write it. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) < 0)
- return false;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) obj_som_file_hdr (abfd),
- sizeof (struct header), 1, abfd)
- != sizeof (struct header))
- return false;
- /* Now write the exec header. */
- if (abfd->flags & (EXEC_P | DYNAMIC))
- {
- long tmp;
- struct som_exec_auxhdr *exec_header;
- exec_header = obj_som_exec_hdr (abfd);
- exec_header->exec_entry = bfd_get_start_address (abfd);
- exec_header->exec_flags = obj_som_exec_data (abfd)->exec_flags;
- /* Oh joys. Ram some of the BSS data into the DATA section
- to be compatable with how the hp linker makes objects
- (saves memory space). */
- tmp = exec_header->exec_dsize;
- tmp = SOM_ALIGN (tmp, PA_PAGESIZE);
- exec_header->exec_bsize -= (tmp - exec_header->exec_dsize);
- if (exec_header->exec_bsize < 0)
- exec_header->exec_bsize = 0;
- exec_header->exec_dsize = tmp;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->aux_header_location,
- SEEK_SET) < 0)
- return false;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) exec_header, AUX_HDR_SIZE, 1, abfd)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Compute and return the checksum for a SOM file header. */
-static unsigned long
-som_compute_checksum (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned long checksum, count, i;
- unsigned long *buffer = (unsigned long *) obj_som_file_hdr (abfd);
- checksum = 0;
- count = sizeof (struct header) / sizeof (unsigned long);
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- checksum ^= *(buffer + i);
- return checksum;
-static void
-som_bfd_derive_misc_symbol_info (abfd, sym, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *sym;
- struct som_misc_symbol_info *info;
- /* Initialize. */
- memset (info, 0, sizeof (struct som_misc_symbol_info));
- /* The HP SOM linker requires detailed type information about
- all symbols (including undefined symbols!). Unfortunately,
- the type specified in an import/export statement does not
- always match what the linker wants. Severe braindamage. */
- /* Section symbols will not have a SOM symbol type assigned to
- them yet. Assign all section symbols type ST_DATA. */
- if (sym->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM)
- info->symbol_type = ST_DATA;
- else
- {
- /* Common symbols must have scope SS_UNSAT and type
- ST_STORAGE or the linker will choke. */
- if (bfd_is_com_section (sym->section))
- {
- info->symbol_scope = SS_UNSAT;
- info->symbol_type = ST_STORAGE;
- }
- /* It is possible to have a symbol without an associated
- type. This happens if the user imported the symbol
- without a type and the symbol was never defined
- locally. If BSF_FUNCTION is set for this symbol, then
- assign it type ST_CODE (the HP linker requires undefined
- external functions to have type ST_CODE rather than ST_ENTRY). */
- else if ((som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type == SYMBOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN
- || som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type == SYMBOL_TYPE_CODE)
- && bfd_is_und_section (sym->section)
- && sym->flags & BSF_FUNCTION)
- info->symbol_type = ST_CODE;
- /* Handle function symbols which were defined in this file.
- They should have type ST_ENTRY. Also retrieve the argument
- relocation bits from the SOM backend information. */
- else if (som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type == SYMBOL_TYPE_ENTRY
- || (som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type == SYMBOL_TYPE_CODE
- && (sym->flags & BSF_FUNCTION))
- || (som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type == SYMBOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN
- && (sym->flags & BSF_FUNCTION)))
- {
- info->symbol_type = ST_ENTRY;
- info->arg_reloc = som_symbol_data (sym)->tc_data.hppa_arg_reloc;
- }
- /* If the type is unknown at this point, it should be ST_DATA or
- ST_CODE (function/ST_ENTRY symbols were handled as special
- cases above). */
- else if (som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type == SYMBOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
- {
- if (sym->section->flags & SEC_CODE)
- info->symbol_type = ST_CODE;
- else
- info->symbol_type = ST_DATA;
- }
- /* From now on it's a very simple mapping. */
- else if (som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type == SYMBOL_TYPE_ABSOLUTE)
- info->symbol_type = ST_ABSOLUTE;
- else if (som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type == SYMBOL_TYPE_CODE)
- info->symbol_type = ST_CODE;
- else if (som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type == SYMBOL_TYPE_DATA)
- info->symbol_type = ST_DATA;
- else if (som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type == SYMBOL_TYPE_MILLICODE)
- info->symbol_type = ST_MILLICODE;
- else if (som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type == SYMBOL_TYPE_PLABEL)
- info->symbol_type = ST_PLABEL;
- else if (som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type == SYMBOL_TYPE_PRI_PROG)
- info->symbol_type = ST_PRI_PROG;
- else if (som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type == SYMBOL_TYPE_SEC_PROG)
- info->symbol_type = ST_SEC_PROG;
- }
- /* Now handle the symbol's scope. Exported data which is not
- in the common section has scope SS_UNIVERSAL. Note scope
- of common symbols was handled earlier! */
- if (bfd_is_und_section (sym->section))
- info->symbol_scope = SS_UNSAT;
- else if (sym->flags & BSF_EXPORT && ! bfd_is_com_section (sym->section))
- info->symbol_scope = SS_UNIVERSAL;
- /* Anything else which is not in the common section has scope
- SS_LOCAL. */
- else if (! bfd_is_com_section (sym->section))
- info->symbol_scope = SS_LOCAL;
- /* Now set the symbol_info field. It has no real meaning
- for undefined or common symbols, but the HP linker will
- choke if it's not set to some "reasonable" value. We
- use zero as a reasonable value. */
- if (bfd_is_com_section (sym->section)
- || bfd_is_und_section (sym->section)
- || bfd_is_abs_section (sym->section))
- info->symbol_info = 0;
- /* For all other symbols, the symbol_info field contains the
- subspace index of the space this symbol is contained in. */
- else
- info->symbol_info = sym->section->target_index;
- /* Set the symbol's value. */
- info->symbol_value = sym->value + sym->section->vma;
-/* Build and write, in one big chunk, the entire symbol table for
- this BFD. */
-static boolean
-som_build_and_write_symbol_table (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int num_syms = bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- file_ptr symtab_location = obj_som_file_hdr (abfd)->symbol_location;
- asymbol **bfd_syms = obj_som_sorted_syms (abfd);
- struct symbol_dictionary_record *som_symtab = NULL;
- int i, symtab_size;
- /* Compute total symbol table size and allocate a chunk of memory
- to hold the symbol table as we build it. */
- symtab_size = num_syms * sizeof (struct symbol_dictionary_record);
- som_symtab = (struct symbol_dictionary_record *) bfd_malloc (symtab_size);
- if (som_symtab == NULL && symtab_size != 0)
- goto error_return;
- memset (som_symtab, 0, symtab_size);
- /* Walk over each symbol. */
- for (i = 0; i < num_syms; i++)
- {
- struct som_misc_symbol_info info;
- /* This is really an index into the symbol strings table.
- By the time we get here, the index has already been
- computed and stored into the name field in the BFD symbol. */
- som_symtab[i].name.n_strx = som_symbol_data(bfd_syms[i])->stringtab_offset;
- /* Derive SOM information from the BFD symbol. */
- som_bfd_derive_misc_symbol_info (abfd, bfd_syms[i], &info);
- /* Now use it. */
- som_symtab[i].symbol_type = info.symbol_type;
- som_symtab[i].symbol_scope = info.symbol_scope;
- som_symtab[i].arg_reloc = info.arg_reloc;
- som_symtab[i].symbol_info = info.symbol_info;
- som_symtab[i].symbol_value = info.symbol_value;
- }
- /* Everything is ready, seek to the right location and
- scribble out the symbol table. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, symtab_location, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) som_symtab, symtab_size, 1, abfd) != symtab_size)
- goto error_return;
- if (som_symtab != NULL)
- free (som_symtab);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (som_symtab != NULL)
- free (som_symtab);
- return false;
-/* Write an object in SOM format. */
-static boolean
-som_write_object_contents (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (abfd->output_has_begun == false)
- {
- /* Set up fixed parts of the file, space, and subspace headers.
- Notify the world that output has begun. */
- som_prep_headers (abfd);
- abfd->output_has_begun = true;
- /* Start writing the object file. This include all the string
- tables, fixup streams, and other portions of the object file. */
- som_begin_writing (abfd);
- }
- return (som_finish_writing (abfd));
-/* Read and save the string table associated with the given BFD. */
-static boolean
-som_slurp_string_table (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *stringtab;
- /* Use the saved version if its available. */
- if (obj_som_stringtab (abfd) != NULL)
- return true;
- /* I don't think this can currently happen, and I'm not sure it should
- really be an error, but it's better than getting unpredictable results
- from the host's malloc when passed a size of zero. */
- if (obj_som_stringtab_size (abfd) == 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_symbols);
- return false;
- }
- /* Allocate and read in the string table. */
- stringtab = bfd_malloc (obj_som_stringtab_size (abfd));
- if (stringtab == NULL)
- return false;
- memset (stringtab, 0, obj_som_stringtab_size (abfd));
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, obj_som_str_filepos (abfd), SEEK_SET) < 0)
- return false;
- if (bfd_read (stringtab, obj_som_stringtab_size (abfd), 1, abfd)
- != obj_som_stringtab_size (abfd))
- return false;
- /* Save our results and return success. */
- obj_som_stringtab (abfd) = stringtab;
- return true;
-/* Return the amount of data (in bytes) required to hold the symbol
- table for this object. */
-static long
-som_get_symtab_upper_bound (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (!som_slurp_symbol_table (abfd))
- return -1;
- return (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) + 1) * (sizeof (asymbol *));
-/* Convert from a SOM subspace index to a BFD section. */
-static asection *
-bfd_section_from_som_symbol (abfd, symbol)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct symbol_dictionary_record *symbol;
- asection *section;
- /* The meaning of the symbol_info field changes for functions
- within executables. So only use the quick symbol_info mapping for
- incomplete objects and non-function symbols in executables. */
- if ((abfd->flags & (EXEC_P | DYNAMIC)) == 0
- || (symbol->symbol_type != ST_ENTRY
- && symbol->symbol_type != ST_PRI_PROG
- && symbol->symbol_type != ST_SEC_PROG
- && symbol->symbol_type != ST_MILLICODE))
- {
- unsigned int index = symbol->symbol_info;
- for (section = abfd->sections; section != NULL; section = section->next)
- if (section->target_index == index && som_is_subspace (section))
- return section;
- /* Could be a symbol from an external library (such as an OMOS
- shared library). Don't abort. */
- return bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned int value = symbol->symbol_value;
- /* For executables we will have to use the symbol's address and
- find out what section would contain that address. Yuk. */
- for (section = abfd->sections; section; section = section->next)
- {
- if (value >= section->vma
- && value <= section->vma + section->_cooked_size
- && som_is_subspace (section))
- return section;
- }
- /* Could be a symbol from an external library (such as an OMOS
- shared library). Don't abort. */
- return bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- }
-/* Read and save the symbol table associated with the given BFD. */
-static unsigned int
-som_slurp_symbol_table (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- int symbol_count = bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- int symsize = sizeof (struct symbol_dictionary_record);
- char *stringtab;
- struct symbol_dictionary_record *buf = NULL, *bufp, *endbufp;
- som_symbol_type *sym, *symbase;
- /* Return saved value if it exists. */
- if (obj_som_symtab (abfd) != NULL)
- goto successful_return;
- /* Special case. This is *not* an error. */
- if (symbol_count == 0)
- goto successful_return;
- if (!som_slurp_string_table (abfd))
- goto error_return;
- stringtab = obj_som_stringtab (abfd);
- symbase = ((som_symbol_type *)
- bfd_malloc (symbol_count * sizeof (som_symbol_type)));
- if (symbase == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- memset (symbase, 0, symbol_count * sizeof (som_symbol_type));
- /* Read in the external SOM representation. */
- buf = bfd_malloc (symbol_count * symsize);
- if (buf == NULL && symbol_count * symsize != 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, obj_som_sym_filepos (abfd), SEEK_SET) < 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_read (buf, symbol_count * symsize, 1, abfd)
- != symbol_count * symsize)
- goto error_return;
- /* Iterate over all the symbols and internalize them. */
- endbufp = buf + symbol_count;
- for (bufp = buf, sym = symbase; bufp < endbufp; ++bufp)
- {
- /* I don't think we care about these. */
- if (bufp->symbol_type == ST_SYM_EXT
- || bufp->symbol_type == ST_ARG_EXT)
- continue;
- /* Set some private data we care about. */
- if (bufp->symbol_type == ST_NULL)
- som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type = SYMBOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
- else if (bufp->symbol_type == ST_ABSOLUTE)
- som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type = SYMBOL_TYPE_ABSOLUTE;
- else if (bufp->symbol_type == ST_DATA)
- som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type = SYMBOL_TYPE_DATA;
- else if (bufp->symbol_type == ST_CODE)
- som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type = SYMBOL_TYPE_CODE;
- else if (bufp->symbol_type == ST_PRI_PROG)
- som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type = SYMBOL_TYPE_PRI_PROG;
- else if (bufp->symbol_type == ST_SEC_PROG)
- som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type = SYMBOL_TYPE_SEC_PROG;
- else if (bufp->symbol_type == ST_ENTRY)
- som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type = SYMBOL_TYPE_ENTRY;
- else if (bufp->symbol_type == ST_MILLICODE)
- som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type = SYMBOL_TYPE_MILLICODE;
- else if (bufp->symbol_type == ST_PLABEL)
- som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type = SYMBOL_TYPE_PLABEL;
- else
- som_symbol_data (sym)->som_type = SYMBOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
- som_symbol_data (sym)->tc_data.hppa_arg_reloc = bufp->arg_reloc;
- /* Some reasonable defaults. */
- sym->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- sym-> = bufp->name.n_strx + stringtab;
- sym->symbol.value = bufp->symbol_value;
- sym->symbol.section = 0;
- sym->symbol.flags = 0;
- switch (bufp->symbol_type)
- {
- case ST_ENTRY:
- sym->symbol.flags |= BSF_FUNCTION;
- sym->symbol.value &= ~0x3;
- break;
- case ST_STUB:
- case ST_CODE:
- case ST_PRI_PROG:
- case ST_SEC_PROG:
- sym->symbol.value &= ~0x3;
- /* If the symbol's scope is ST_UNSAT, then these are
- undefined function symbols. */
- if (bufp->symbol_scope == SS_UNSAT)
- sym->symbol.flags |= BSF_FUNCTION;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /* Handle scoping and section information. */
- switch (bufp->symbol_scope)
- {
- /* symbol_info field is undefined for SS_EXTERNAL and SS_UNSAT symbols,
- so the section associated with this symbol can't be known. */
- if (bufp->symbol_type != ST_STORAGE)
- sym->symbol.section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- else
- sym->symbol.section = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- sym->symbol.flags |= (BSF_EXPORT | BSF_GLOBAL);
- break;
- case SS_UNSAT:
- if (bufp->symbol_type != ST_STORAGE)
- sym->symbol.section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- else
- sym->symbol.section = bfd_com_section_ptr;
- break;
- sym->symbol.flags |= (BSF_EXPORT | BSF_GLOBAL);
- sym->symbol.section = bfd_section_from_som_symbol (abfd, bufp);
- sym->symbol.value -= sym->symbol.section->vma;
- break;
-#if 0
- /* SS_GLOBAL and SS_LOCAL are two names for the same thing.
- Sound dumb? It is. */
- case SS_GLOBAL:
- case SS_LOCAL:
- sym->symbol.flags |= BSF_LOCAL;
- sym->symbol.section = bfd_section_from_som_symbol (abfd, bufp);
- sym->symbol.value -= sym->symbol.section->vma;
- break;
- }
- /* Mark section symbols and symbols used by the debugger.
- Note $START$ is a magic code symbol, NOT a section symbol. */
- if (sym->[0] == '$'
- && sym->[strlen (sym-> - 1] == '$'
- && !strcmp (sym->, sym->symbol.section->name))
- sym->symbol.flags |= BSF_SECTION_SYM;
- else if (!strncmp (sym->, "L$0\002", 4))
- {
- sym->symbol.flags |= BSF_SECTION_SYM;
- sym-> = sym->symbol.section->name;
- }
- else if (!strncmp (sym->, "L$0\001", 4))
- sym->symbol.flags |= BSF_DEBUGGING;
- /* Note increment at bottom of loop, since we skip some symbols
- we can not include it as part of the for statement. */
- sym++;
- }
- /* Save our results and return success. */
- obj_som_symtab (abfd) = symbase;
- successful_return:
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- return (true);
- error_return:
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- return false;
-/* Canonicalize a SOM symbol table. Return the number of entries
- in the symbol table. */
-static long
-som_get_symtab (abfd, location)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **location;
- int i;
- som_symbol_type *symbase;
- if (!som_slurp_symbol_table (abfd))
- return -1;
- i = bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- symbase = obj_som_symtab (abfd);
- for (; i > 0; i--, location++, symbase++)
- *location = &symbase->symbol;
- /* Final null pointer. */
- *location = 0;
- return (bfd_get_symcount (abfd));
-/* Make a SOM symbol. There is nothing special to do here. */
-static asymbol *
-som_make_empty_symbol (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- som_symbol_type *new =
- (som_symbol_type *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (som_symbol_type));
- if (new == NULL)
- return 0;
- new->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- return &new->symbol;
-/* Print symbol information. */
-static void
-som_print_symbol (ignore_abfd, afile, symbol, how)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- PTR afile;
- asymbol *symbol;
- bfd_print_symbol_type how;
- FILE *file = (FILE *) afile;
- switch (how)
- {
- case bfd_print_symbol_name:
- fprintf (file, "%s", symbol->name);
- break;
- case bfd_print_symbol_more:
- fprintf (file, "som ");
- fprintf_vma (file, symbol->value);
- fprintf (file, " %lx", (long) symbol->flags);
- break;
- case bfd_print_symbol_all:
- {
- CONST char *section_name;
- section_name = symbol->section ? symbol->section->name : "(*none*)";
- bfd_print_symbol_vandf ((PTR) file, symbol);
- fprintf (file, " %s\t%s", section_name, symbol->name);
- break;
- }
- }
-static boolean
-som_bfd_is_local_label (abfd, sym)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *sym;
- return (sym->name[0] == 'L' && sym->name[1] == '$');
-/* Count or process variable-length SOM fixup records.
- To avoid code duplication we use this code both to compute the number
- of relocations requested by a stream, and to internalize the stream.
- When computing the number of relocations requested by a stream the
- variables rptr, section, and symbols have no meaning.
- Return the number of relocations requested by the fixup stream. When
- not just counting
- This needs at least two or three more passes to get it cleaned up. */
-static unsigned int
-som_set_reloc_info (fixup, end, internal_relocs, section, symbols, just_count)
- unsigned char *fixup;
- unsigned int end;
- arelent *internal_relocs;
- asection *section;
- asymbol **symbols;
- boolean just_count;
- unsigned int op, varname, deallocate_contents = 0;
- unsigned char *end_fixups = &fixup[end];
- const struct fixup_format *fp;
- char *cp;
- unsigned char *save_fixup;
- int variables[26], stack[20], c, v, count, prev_fixup, *sp, saved_unwind_bits;
- const int *subop;
- arelent *rptr= internal_relocs;
- unsigned int offset = 0;
-#define var(c) variables[(c) - 'A']
-#define push(v) (*sp++ = (v))
-#define pop() (*--sp)
-#define emptystack() (sp == stack)
- som_initialize_reloc_queue (reloc_queue);
- memset (variables, 0, sizeof (variables));
- memset (stack, 0, sizeof (stack));
- count = 0;
- prev_fixup = 0;
- saved_unwind_bits = 0;
- sp = stack;
- while (fixup < end_fixups)
- {
- /* Save pointer to the start of this fixup. We'll use
- it later to determine if it is necessary to put this fixup
- on the queue. */
- save_fixup = fixup;
- /* Get the fixup code and its associated format. */
- op = *fixup++;
- fp = &som_fixup_formats[op];
- /* Handle a request for a previous fixup. */
- if (*fp->format == 'P')
- {
- /* Get pointer to the beginning of the prev fixup, move
- the repeated fixup to the head of the queue. */
- fixup = reloc_queue[fp->D].reloc;
- som_reloc_queue_fix (reloc_queue, fp->D);
- prev_fixup = 1;
- /* Get the fixup code and its associated format. */
- op = *fixup++;
- fp = &som_fixup_formats[op];
- }
- /* If this fixup will be passed to BFD, set some reasonable defaults. */
- if (! just_count
- && som_hppa_howto_table[op].type != R_NO_RELOCATION
- && som_hppa_howto_table[op].type != R_DATA_OVERRIDE)
- {
- rptr->address = offset;
- rptr->howto = &som_hppa_howto_table[op];
- rptr->addend = 0;
- rptr->sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section_ptr->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- }
- /* Set default input length to 0. Get the opcode class index
- into D. */
- var ('L') = 0;
- var ('D') = fp->D;
- var ('U') = saved_unwind_bits;
- /* Get the opcode format. */
- cp = fp->format;
- /* Process the format string. Parsing happens in two phases,
- parse RHS, then assign to LHS. Repeat until no more
- characters in the format string. */
- while (*cp)
- {
- /* The variable this pass is going to compute a value for. */
- varname = *cp++;
- /* Start processing RHS. Continue until a NULL or '=' is found. */
- do
- {
- c = *cp++;
- /* If this is a variable, push it on the stack. */
- if (isupper (c))
- push (var (c));
- /* If this is a lower case letter, then it represents
- additional data from the fixup stream to be pushed onto
- the stack. */
- else if (islower (c))
- {
- int bits = (c - 'a') * 8;
- for (v = 0; c > 'a'; --c)
- v = (v << 8) | *fixup++;
- if (varname == 'V')
- v = sign_extend (v, bits);
- push (v);
- }
- /* A decimal constant. Push it on the stack. */
- else if (isdigit (c))
- {
- v = c - '0';
- while (isdigit (*cp))
- v = (v * 10) + (*cp++ - '0');
- push (v);
- }
- else
- /* An operator. Pop two two values from the stack and
- use them as operands to the given operation. Push
- the result of the operation back on the stack. */
- switch (c)
- {
- case '+':
- v = pop ();
- v += pop ();
- push (v);
- break;
- case '*':
- v = pop ();
- v *= pop ();
- push (v);
- break;
- case '<':
- v = pop ();
- v = pop () << v;
- push (v);
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- }
- while (*cp && *cp != '=');
- /* Move over the equal operator. */
- cp++;
- /* Pop the RHS off the stack. */
- c = pop ();
- /* Perform the assignment. */
- var (varname) = c;
- /* Handle side effects. and special 'O' stack cases. */
- switch (varname)
- {
- /* Consume some bytes from the input space. */
- case 'L':
- offset += c;
- break;
- /* A symbol to use in the relocation. Make a note
- of this if we are not just counting. */
- case 'S':
- if (! just_count)
- rptr->sym_ptr_ptr = &symbols[c];
- break;
- /* Argument relocation bits for a function call. */
- case 'R':
- if (! just_count)
- {
- unsigned int tmp = var ('R');
- rptr->addend = 0;
- if ((som_hppa_howto_table[op].type == R_PCREL_CALL
- && R_PCREL_CALL + 10 > op)
- || (som_hppa_howto_table[op].type == R_ABS_CALL
- && R_ABS_CALL + 10 > op))
- {
- /* Simple encoding. */
- if (tmp > 4)
- {
- tmp -= 5;
- rptr->addend |= 1;
- }
- if (tmp == 4)
- rptr->addend |= 1 << 8 | 1 << 6 | 1 << 4 | 1 << 2;
- else if (tmp == 3)
- rptr->addend |= 1 << 8 | 1 << 6 | 1 << 4;
- else if (tmp == 2)
- rptr->addend |= 1 << 8 | 1 << 6;
- else if (tmp == 1)
- rptr->addend |= 1 << 8;
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned int tmp1, tmp2;
- /* First part is easy -- low order two bits are
- directly copied, then shifted away. */
- rptr->addend = tmp & 0x3;
- tmp >>= 2;
- /* Diving the result by 10 gives us the second
- part. If it is 9, then the first two words
- are a double precision paramater, else it is
- 3 * the first arg bits + the 2nd arg bits. */
- tmp1 = tmp / 10;
- tmp -= tmp1 * 10;
- if (tmp1 == 9)
- rptr->addend += (0xe << 6);
- else
- {
- /* Get the two pieces. */
- tmp2 = tmp1 / 3;
- tmp1 -= tmp2 * 3;
- /* Put them in the addend. */
- rptr->addend += (tmp2 << 8) + (tmp1 << 6);
- }
- /* What's left is the third part. It's unpacked
- just like the second. */
- if (tmp == 9)
- rptr->addend += (0xe << 2);
- else
- {
- tmp2 = tmp / 3;
- tmp -= tmp2 * 3;
- rptr->addend += (tmp2 << 4) + (tmp << 2);
- }
- }
- rptr->addend = HPPA_R_ADDEND (rptr->addend, 0);
- }
- break;
- /* Handle the linker expression stack. */
- case 'O':
- switch (op)
- {
- case R_COMP1:
- subop = comp1_opcodes;
- break;
- case R_COMP2:
- subop = comp2_opcodes;
- break;
- case R_COMP3:
- subop = comp3_opcodes;
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- while (*subop <= (unsigned char) c)
- ++subop;
- --subop;
- break;
- /* The lower 32unwind bits must be persistent. */
- case 'U':
- saved_unwind_bits = var ('U');
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- /* If we used a previous fixup, clean up after it. */
- if (prev_fixup)
- {
- fixup = save_fixup + 1;
- prev_fixup = 0;
- }
- /* Queue it. */
- else if (fixup > save_fixup + 1)
- som_reloc_queue_insert (save_fixup, fixup - save_fixup, reloc_queue);
- /* We do not pass R_DATA_OVERRIDE or R_NO_RELOCATION
- fixups to BFD. */
- if (som_hppa_howto_table[op].type != R_DATA_OVERRIDE
- && som_hppa_howto_table[op].type != R_NO_RELOCATION)
- {
- /* Done with a single reloction. Loop back to the top. */
- if (! just_count)
- {
- if (som_hppa_howto_table[op].type == R_ENTRY)
- rptr->addend = var ('T');
- else if (som_hppa_howto_table[op].type == R_EXIT)
- rptr->addend = var ('U');
- else if (som_hppa_howto_table[op].type == R_PCREL_CALL
- || som_hppa_howto_table[op].type == R_ABS_CALL)
- ;
- else if (som_hppa_howto_table[op].type == R_DATA_ONE_SYMBOL)
- {
- unsigned addend = var ('V');
- /* Try what was specified in R_DATA_OVERRIDE first
- (if anything). Then the hard way using the
- section contents. */
- rptr->addend = var ('V');
- if (rptr->addend == 0 && !section->contents)
- {
- /* Got to read the damn contents first. We don't
- bother saving the contents (yet). Add it one
- day if the need arises. */
- section->contents = bfd_malloc (section->_raw_size);
- if (section->contents == NULL)
- return -1;
- deallocate_contents = 1;
- bfd_get_section_contents (section->owner,
- section,
- section->contents,
- 0,
- section->_raw_size);
- }
- else if (rptr->addend == 0)
- rptr->addend = bfd_get_32 (section->owner,
- (section->contents
- + offset - var ('L')));
- }
- else
- rptr->addend = var ('V');
- rptr++;
- }
- count++;
- /* Now that we've handled a "full" relocation, reset
- some state. */
- memset (variables, 0, sizeof (variables));
- memset (stack, 0, sizeof (stack));
- }
- }
- if (deallocate_contents)
- free (section->contents);
- return count;
-#undef var
-#undef push
-#undef pop
-#undef emptystack
-/* Read in the relocs (aka fixups in SOM terms) for a section.
- som_get_reloc_upper_bound calls this routine with JUST_COUNT
- set to true to indicate it only needs a count of the number
- of actual relocations. */
-static boolean
-som_slurp_reloc_table (abfd, section, symbols, just_count)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- asymbol **symbols;
- boolean just_count;
- char *external_relocs;
- unsigned int fixup_stream_size;
- arelent *internal_relocs;
- unsigned int num_relocs;
- fixup_stream_size = som_section_data (section)->reloc_size;
- /* If there were no relocations, then there is nothing to do. */
- if (section->reloc_count == 0)
- return true;
- /* If reloc_count is -1, then the relocation stream has not been
- parsed. We must do so now to know how many relocations exist. */
- if (section->reloc_count == -1)
- {
- external_relocs = (char *) bfd_malloc (fixup_stream_size);
- if (external_relocs == (char *) NULL)
- return false;
- /* Read in the external forms. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd,
- obj_som_reloc_filepos (abfd) + section->rel_filepos,
- != 0)
- return false;
- if (bfd_read (external_relocs, 1, fixup_stream_size, abfd)
- != fixup_stream_size)
- return false;
- /* Let callers know how many relocations found.
- also save the relocation stream as we will
- need it again. */
- section->reloc_count = som_set_reloc_info (external_relocs,
- fixup_stream_size,
- NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
- som_section_data (section)->reloc_stream = external_relocs;
- }
- /* If the caller only wanted a count, then return now. */
- if (just_count)
- return true;
- num_relocs = section->reloc_count;
- external_relocs = som_section_data (section)->reloc_stream;
- /* Return saved information about the relocations if it is available. */
- if (section->relocation != (arelent *) NULL)
- return true;
- internal_relocs = (arelent *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, (num_relocs * sizeof (arelent)));
- if (internal_relocs == (arelent *) NULL)
- return false;
- /* Process and internalize the relocations. */
- som_set_reloc_info (external_relocs, fixup_stream_size,
- internal_relocs, section, symbols, false);
- /* We're done with the external relocations. Free them. */
- free (external_relocs);
- /* Save our results and return success. */
- section->relocation = internal_relocs;
- return (true);
-/* Return the number of bytes required to store the relocation
- information associated with the given section. */
-static long
-som_get_reloc_upper_bound (abfd, asect)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr asect;
- /* If section has relocations, then read in the relocation stream
- and parse it to determine how many relocations exist. */
- if (asect->flags & SEC_RELOC)
- {
- if (! som_slurp_reloc_table (abfd, asect, NULL, true))
- return -1;
- return (asect->reloc_count + 1) * sizeof (arelent *);
- }
- /* There are no relocations. */
- return 0;
-/* Convert relocations from SOM (external) form into BFD internal
- form. Return the number of relocations. */
-static long
-som_canonicalize_reloc (abfd, section, relptr, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- arelent **relptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- arelent *tblptr;
- int count;
- if (som_slurp_reloc_table (abfd, section, symbols, false) == false)
- return -1;
- count = section->reloc_count;
- tblptr = section->relocation;
- while (count--)
- *relptr++ = tblptr++;
- *relptr = (arelent *) NULL;
- return section->reloc_count;
-extern const bfd_target som_vec;
-/* A hook to set up object file dependent section information. */
-static boolean
-som_new_section_hook (abfd, newsect)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *newsect;
- newsect->used_by_bfd =
- (PTR) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct som_section_data_struct));
- if (!newsect->used_by_bfd)
- return false;
- newsect->alignment_power = 3;
- /* We allow more than three sections internally */
- return true;
-/* Copy any private info we understand from the input symbol
- to the output symbol. */
-static boolean
-som_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data (ibfd, isymbol, obfd, osymbol)
- bfd *ibfd;
- asymbol *isymbol;
- bfd *obfd;
- asymbol *osymbol;
- struct som_symbol *input_symbol = (struct som_symbol *) isymbol;
- struct som_symbol *output_symbol = (struct som_symbol *) osymbol;
- /* One day we may try to grok other private data. */
- if (ibfd->xvec->flavour != bfd_target_som_flavour
- || obfd->xvec->flavour != bfd_target_som_flavour)
- return false;
- /* The only private information we need to copy is the argument relocation
- bits. */
- output_symbol->tc_data.hppa_arg_reloc = input_symbol->tc_data.hppa_arg_reloc;
- return true;
-/* Copy any private info we understand from the input section
- to the output section. */
-static boolean
-som_bfd_copy_private_section_data (ibfd, isection, obfd, osection)
- bfd *ibfd;
- asection *isection;
- bfd *obfd;
- asection *osection;
- /* One day we may try to grok other private data. */
- if (ibfd->xvec->flavour != bfd_target_som_flavour
- || obfd->xvec->flavour != bfd_target_som_flavour
- || (!som_is_space (isection) && !som_is_subspace (isection)))
- return true;
- som_section_data (osection)->copy_data
- = (struct som_copyable_section_data_struct *)
- bfd_zalloc (obfd, sizeof (struct som_copyable_section_data_struct));
- if (som_section_data (osection)->copy_data == NULL)
- return false;
- memcpy (som_section_data (osection)->copy_data,
- som_section_data (isection)->copy_data,
- sizeof (struct som_copyable_section_data_struct));
- /* Reparent if necessary. */
- if (som_section_data (osection)->copy_data->container)
- som_section_data (osection)->copy_data->container =
- som_section_data (osection)->copy_data->container->output_section;
- return true;
-/* Copy any private info we understand from the input bfd
- to the output bfd. */
-static boolean
-som_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data (ibfd, obfd)
- bfd *ibfd, *obfd;
- /* One day we may try to grok other private data. */
- if (ibfd->xvec->flavour != bfd_target_som_flavour
- || obfd->xvec->flavour != bfd_target_som_flavour)
- return true;
- /* Allocate some memory to hold the data we need. */
- obj_som_exec_data (obfd) = (struct som_exec_data *)
- bfd_zalloc (obfd, sizeof (struct som_exec_data));
- if (obj_som_exec_data (obfd) == NULL)
- return false;
- /* Now copy the data. */
- memcpy (obj_som_exec_data (obfd), obj_som_exec_data (ibfd),
- sizeof (struct som_exec_data));
- return true;
-/* Set backend info for sections which can not be described
- in the BFD data structures. */
-bfd_som_set_section_attributes (section, defined, private, sort_key, spnum)
- asection *section;
- int defined;
- int private;
- unsigned int sort_key;
- int spnum;
- /* Allocate memory to hold the magic information. */
- if (som_section_data (section)->copy_data == NULL)
- {
- som_section_data (section)->copy_data
- = (struct som_copyable_section_data_struct *)
- bfd_zalloc (section->owner,
- sizeof (struct som_copyable_section_data_struct));
- if (som_section_data (section)->copy_data == NULL)
- return false;
- }
- som_section_data (section)->copy_data->sort_key = sort_key;
- som_section_data (section)->copy_data->is_defined = defined;
- som_section_data (section)->copy_data->is_private = private;
- som_section_data (section)->copy_data->container = section;
- som_section_data (section)->copy_data->space_number = spnum;
- return true;
-/* Set backend info for subsections which can not be described
- in the BFD data structures. */
-bfd_som_set_subsection_attributes (section, container, access,
- sort_key, quadrant)
- asection *section;
- asection *container;
- int access;
- unsigned int sort_key;
- int quadrant;
- /* Allocate memory to hold the magic information. */
- if (som_section_data (section)->copy_data == NULL)
- {
- som_section_data (section)->copy_data
- = (struct som_copyable_section_data_struct *)
- bfd_zalloc (section->owner,
- sizeof (struct som_copyable_section_data_struct));
- if (som_section_data (section)->copy_data == NULL)
- return false;
- }
- som_section_data (section)->copy_data->sort_key = sort_key;
- som_section_data (section)->copy_data->access_control_bits = access;
- som_section_data (section)->copy_data->quadrant = quadrant;
- som_section_data (section)->copy_data->container = container;
- return true;
-/* Set the full SOM symbol type. SOM needs far more symbol information
- than any other object file format I'm aware of. It is mandatory
- to be able to know if a symbol is an entry point, millicode, data,
- code, absolute, storage request, or procedure label. If you get
- the symbol type wrong your program will not link. */
-bfd_som_set_symbol_type (symbol, type)
- asymbol *symbol;
- unsigned int type;
- som_symbol_data (symbol)->som_type = type;
-/* Attach an auxiliary header to the BFD backend so that it may be
- written into the object file. */
-bfd_som_attach_aux_hdr (abfd, type, string)
- bfd *abfd;
- int type;
- char *string;
- if (type == VERSION_AUX_ID)
- {
- int len = strlen (string);
- int pad = 0;
- if (len % 4)
- pad = (4 - (len % 4));
- obj_som_version_hdr (abfd) = (struct user_string_aux_hdr *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct aux_id)
- + sizeof (unsigned int) + len + pad);
- if (!obj_som_version_hdr (abfd))
- return false;
- obj_som_version_hdr (abfd)->header_id.type = VERSION_AUX_ID;
- obj_som_version_hdr (abfd)->header_id.length = len + pad;
- obj_som_version_hdr (abfd)->header_id.length += sizeof (int);
- obj_som_version_hdr (abfd)->string_length = len;
- strncpy (obj_som_version_hdr (abfd)->user_string, string, len);
- }
- else if (type == COPYRIGHT_AUX_ID)
- {
- int len = strlen (string);
- int pad = 0;
- if (len % 4)
- pad = (4 - (len % 4));
- obj_som_copyright_hdr (abfd) = (struct copyright_aux_hdr *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct aux_id)
- + sizeof (unsigned int) + len + pad);
- if (!obj_som_copyright_hdr (abfd))
- return false;
- obj_som_copyright_hdr (abfd)->header_id.type = COPYRIGHT_AUX_ID;
- obj_som_copyright_hdr (abfd)->header_id.length = len + pad;
- obj_som_copyright_hdr (abfd)->header_id.length += sizeof (int);
- obj_som_copyright_hdr (abfd)->string_length = len;
- strcpy (obj_som_copyright_hdr (abfd)->copyright, string);
- }
- return true;
-static boolean
-som_get_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- if (count == 0 || ((section->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) == 0))
- return true;
- if ((bfd_size_type)(offset+count) > section->_raw_size
- || bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(section->filepos + offset), SEEK_SET) == -1
- || bfd_read (location, (bfd_size_type)1, count, abfd) != count)
- return (false); /* on error */
- return (true);
-static boolean
-som_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- if (abfd->output_has_begun == false)
- {
- /* Set up fixed parts of the file, space, and subspace headers.
- Notify the world that output has begun. */
- som_prep_headers (abfd);
- abfd->output_has_begun = true;
- /* Start writing the object file. This include all the string
- tables, fixup streams, and other portions of the object file. */
- som_begin_writing (abfd);
- }
- /* Only write subspaces which have "real" contents (eg. the contents
- are not generated at run time by the OS). */
- if (!som_is_subspace (section)
- || ((section->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) == 0))
- return true;
- /* Seek to the proper offset within the object file and write the
- data. */
- offset += som_section_data (section)->subspace_dict->file_loc_init_value;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
- return false;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) location, 1, count, abfd) != count)
- return false;
- return true;
-static boolean
-som_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine)
- bfd *abfd;
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- unsigned long machine;
- /* Allow any architecture to be supported by the SOM backend */
- return bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine);
-static boolean
-som_find_nearest_line (abfd, section, symbols, offset, filename_ptr,
- functionname_ptr, line_ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- asymbol **symbols;
- bfd_vma offset;
- CONST char **filename_ptr;
- CONST char **functionname_ptr;
- unsigned int *line_ptr;
- return (false);
-static int
-som_sizeof_headers (abfd, reloc)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean reloc;
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("som_sizeof_headers unimplemented");
- fflush (stderr);
- abort ();
- return (0);
-/* Return the single-character symbol type corresponding to
- SOM section S, or '?' for an unknown SOM section. */
-static char
-som_section_type (s)
- const char *s;
- const struct section_to_type *t;
- for (t = &stt[0]; t->section; t++)
- if (!strcmp (s, t->section))
- return t->type;
- return '?';
-static int
-som_decode_symclass (symbol)
- asymbol *symbol;
- char c;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- return 'C';
- if (bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section))
- return 'U';
- if (bfd_is_ind_section (symbol->section))
- return 'I';
- if (!(symbol->flags & (BSF_GLOBAL|BSF_LOCAL)))
- return '?';
- if (bfd_is_abs_section (symbol->section)
- || (som_symbol_data (symbol) != NULL
- && som_symbol_data (symbol)->som_type == SYMBOL_TYPE_ABSOLUTE))
- c = 'a';
- else if (symbol->section)
- c = som_section_type (symbol->section->name);
- else
- return '?';
- if (symbol->flags & BSF_GLOBAL)
- c = toupper (c);
- return c;
-/* Return information about SOM symbol SYMBOL in RET. */
-static void
-som_get_symbol_info (ignore_abfd, symbol, ret)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- symbol_info *ret;
- ret->type = som_decode_symclass (symbol);
- if (ret->type != 'U')
- ret->value = symbol->value+symbol->section->vma;
- else
- ret->value = 0;
- ret->name = symbol->name;
-/* Count the number of symbols in the archive symbol table. Necessary
- so that we can allocate space for all the carsyms at once. */
-static boolean
-som_bfd_count_ar_symbols (abfd, lst_header, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct lst_header *lst_header;
- symindex *count;
- unsigned int i;
- unsigned int *hash_table = NULL;
- file_ptr lst_filepos = bfd_tell (abfd) - sizeof (struct lst_header);
- hash_table =
- (unsigned int *) bfd_malloc (lst_header->hash_size
- * sizeof (unsigned int));
- if (hash_table == NULL && lst_header->hash_size != 0)
- goto error_return;
- /* Don't forget to initialize the counter! */
- *count = 0;
- /* Read in the hash table. The has table is an array of 32bit file offsets
- which point to the hash chains. */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) hash_table, lst_header->hash_size, 4, abfd)
- != lst_header->hash_size * 4)
- goto error_return;
- /* Walk each chain counting the number of symbols found on that particular
- chain. */
- for (i = 0; i < lst_header->hash_size; i++)
- {
- struct lst_symbol_record lst_symbol;
- /* An empty chain has zero as it's file offset. */
- if (hash_table[i] == 0)
- continue;
- /* Seek to the first symbol in this hash chain. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, lst_filepos + hash_table[i], SEEK_SET) < 0)
- goto error_return;
- /* Read in this symbol and update the counter. */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & lst_symbol, 1, sizeof (lst_symbol), abfd)
- != sizeof (lst_symbol))
- goto error_return;
- (*count)++;
- /* Now iterate through the rest of the symbols on this chain. */
- while (lst_symbol.next_entry)
- {
- /* Seek to the next symbol. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, lst_filepos + lst_symbol.next_entry, SEEK_SET)
- < 0)
- goto error_return;
- /* Read the symbol in and update the counter. */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & lst_symbol, 1, sizeof (lst_symbol), abfd)
- != sizeof (lst_symbol))
- goto error_return;
- (*count)++;
- }
- }
- if (hash_table != NULL)
- free (hash_table);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (hash_table != NULL)
- free (hash_table);
- return false;
-/* Fill in the canonical archive symbols (SYMS) from the archive described
- by ABFD and LST_HEADER. */
-static boolean
-som_bfd_fill_in_ar_symbols (abfd, lst_header, syms)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct lst_header *lst_header;
- carsym **syms;
- unsigned int i, len;
- carsym *set = syms[0];
- unsigned int *hash_table = NULL;
- struct som_entry *som_dict = NULL;
- file_ptr lst_filepos = bfd_tell (abfd) - sizeof (struct lst_header);
- hash_table =
- (unsigned int *) bfd_malloc (lst_header->hash_size
- * sizeof (unsigned int));
- if (hash_table == NULL && lst_header->hash_size != 0)
- goto error_return;
- som_dict =
- (struct som_entry *) bfd_malloc (lst_header->module_count
- * sizeof (struct som_entry));
- if (som_dict == NULL && lst_header->module_count != 0)
- goto error_return;
- /* Read in the hash table. The has table is an array of 32bit file offsets
- which point to the hash chains. */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) hash_table, lst_header->hash_size, 4, abfd)
- != lst_header->hash_size * 4)
- goto error_return;
- /* Seek to and read in the SOM dictionary. We will need this to fill
- in the carsym's filepos field. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, lst_filepos + lst_header->dir_loc, SEEK_SET) < 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) som_dict, lst_header->module_count,
- sizeof (struct som_entry), abfd)
- != lst_header->module_count * sizeof (struct som_entry))
- goto error_return;
- /* Walk each chain filling in the carsyms as we go along. */
- for (i = 0; i < lst_header->hash_size; i++)
- {
- struct lst_symbol_record lst_symbol;
- /* An empty chain has zero as it's file offset. */
- if (hash_table[i] == 0)
- continue;
- /* Seek to and read the first symbol on the chain. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, lst_filepos + hash_table[i], SEEK_SET) < 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & lst_symbol, 1, sizeof (lst_symbol), abfd)
- != sizeof (lst_symbol))
- goto error_return;
- /* Get the name of the symbol, first get the length which is stored
- as a 32bit integer just before the symbol.
- One might ask why we don't just read in the entire string table
- and index into it. Well, according to the SOM ABI the string
- index can point *anywhere* in the archive to save space, so just
- using the string table would not be safe. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, lst_filepos + lst_header->string_loc
- + - 4, SEEK_SET) < 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_read (&len, 1, 4, abfd) != 4)
- goto error_return;
- /* Allocate space for the name and null terminate it too. */
- set->name = bfd_zalloc (abfd, len + 1);
- if (!set->name)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_read (set->name, 1, len, abfd) != len)
- goto error_return;
- set->name[len] = 0;
- /* Fill in the file offset. Note that the "location" field points
- to the SOM itself, not the ar_hdr in front of it. */
- set->file_offset = som_dict[lst_symbol.som_index].location
- - sizeof (struct ar_hdr);
- /* Go to the next symbol. */
- set++;
- /* Iterate through the rest of the chain. */
- while (lst_symbol.next_entry)
- {
- /* Seek to the next symbol and read it in. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, lst_filepos + lst_symbol.next_entry, SEEK_SET) <0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & lst_symbol, 1, sizeof (lst_symbol), abfd)
- != sizeof (lst_symbol))
- goto error_return;
- /* Seek to the name length & string and read them in. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, lst_filepos + lst_header->string_loc
- + - 4, SEEK_SET) < 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_read (&len, 1, 4, abfd) != 4)
- goto error_return;
- /* Allocate space for the name and null terminate it too. */
- set->name = bfd_zalloc (abfd, len + 1);
- if (!set->name)
- goto error_return;
- if (bfd_read (set->name, 1, len, abfd) != len)
- goto error_return;
- set->name[len] = 0;
- /* Fill in the file offset. Note that the "location" field points
- to the SOM itself, not the ar_hdr in front of it. */
- set->file_offset = som_dict[lst_symbol.som_index].location
- - sizeof (struct ar_hdr);
- /* Go on to the next symbol. */
- set++;
- }
- }
- /* If we haven't died by now, then we successfully read the entire
- archive symbol table. */
- if (hash_table != NULL)
- free (hash_table);
- if (som_dict != NULL)
- free (som_dict);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (hash_table != NULL)
- free (hash_table);
- if (som_dict != NULL)
- free (som_dict);
- return false;
-/* Read in the LST from the archive. */
-static boolean
-som_slurp_armap (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct lst_header lst_header;
- struct ar_hdr ar_header;
- unsigned int parsed_size;
- struct artdata *ardata = bfd_ardata (abfd);
- char nextname[17];
- int i = bfd_read ((PTR) nextname, 1, 16, abfd);
- /* Special cases. */
- if (i == 0)
- return true;
- if (i != 16)
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) - 16, SEEK_CUR) < 0)
- return false;
- /* For archives without .o files there is no symbol table. */
- if (strncmp (nextname, "/ ", 16))
- {
- bfd_has_map (abfd) = false;
- return true;
- }
- /* Read in and sanity check the archive header. */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) &ar_header, 1, sizeof (struct ar_hdr), abfd)
- != sizeof (struct ar_hdr))
- return false;
- if (strncmp (ar_header.ar_fmag, ARFMAG, 2))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_malformed_archive);
- return false;
- }
- /* How big is the archive symbol table entry? */
- errno = 0;
- parsed_size = strtol (ar_header.ar_size, NULL, 10);
- if (errno != 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_malformed_archive);
- return false;
- }
- /* Save off the file offset of the first real user data. */
- ardata->first_file_filepos = bfd_tell (abfd) + parsed_size;
- /* Read in the library symbol table. We'll make heavy use of this
- in just a minute. */
- if (bfd_read ((PTR) & lst_header, 1, sizeof (struct lst_header), abfd)
- != sizeof (struct lst_header))
- return false;
- /* Sanity check. */
- if (lst_header.a_magic != LIBMAGIC)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_malformed_archive);
- return false;
- }
- /* Count the number of symbols in the library symbol table. */
- if (som_bfd_count_ar_symbols (abfd, &lst_header, &ardata->symdef_count)
- == false)
- return false;
- /* Get back to the start of the library symbol table. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, ardata->first_file_filepos - parsed_size
- + sizeof (struct lst_header), SEEK_SET) < 0)
- return false;
- /* Initializae the cache and allocate space for the library symbols. */
- ardata->cache = 0;
- ardata->symdefs = (carsym *) bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (ardata->symdef_count
- * sizeof (carsym)));
- if (!ardata->symdefs)
- return false;
- /* Now fill in the canonical archive symbols. */
- if (som_bfd_fill_in_ar_symbols (abfd, &lst_header, &ardata->symdefs)
- == false)
- return false;
- /* Seek back to the "first" file in the archive. Note the "first"
- file may be the extended name table. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, ardata->first_file_filepos, SEEK_SET) < 0)
- return false;
- /* Notify the generic archive code that we have a symbol map. */
- bfd_has_map (abfd) = true;
- return true;
-/* Begin preparing to write a SOM library symbol table.
- As part of the prep work we need to determine the number of symbols
- and the size of the associated string section. */
-static boolean
-som_bfd_prep_for_ar_write (abfd, num_syms, stringsize)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int *num_syms, *stringsize;
- bfd *curr_bfd = abfd->archive_head;
- /* Some initialization. */
- *num_syms = 0;
- *stringsize = 0;
- /* Iterate over each BFD within this archive. */
- while (curr_bfd != NULL)
- {
- unsigned int curr_count, i;
- som_symbol_type *sym;
- /* Don't bother for non-SOM objects. */
- if (curr_bfd->format != bfd_object
- || curr_bfd->xvec->flavour != bfd_target_som_flavour)
- {
- curr_bfd = curr_bfd->next;
- continue;
- }
- /* Make sure the symbol table has been read, then snag a pointer
- to it. It's a little slimey to grab the symbols via obj_som_symtab,
- but doing so avoids allocating lots of extra memory. */
- if (som_slurp_symbol_table (curr_bfd) == false)
- return false;
- sym = obj_som_symtab (curr_bfd);
- curr_count = bfd_get_symcount (curr_bfd);
- /* Examine each symbol to determine if it belongs in the
- library symbol table. */
- for (i = 0; i < curr_count; i++, sym++)
- {
- struct som_misc_symbol_info info;
- /* Derive SOM information from the BFD symbol. */
- som_bfd_derive_misc_symbol_info (curr_bfd, &sym->symbol, &info);
- /* Should we include this symbol? */
- if (info.symbol_type == ST_NULL
- || info.symbol_type == ST_SYM_EXT
- || info.symbol_type == ST_ARG_EXT)
- continue;
- /* Only global symbols and unsatisfied commons. */
- if (info.symbol_scope != SS_UNIVERSAL
- && info.symbol_type != ST_STORAGE)
- continue;
- /* Do no include undefined symbols. */
- if (bfd_is_und_section (sym->symbol.section))
- continue;
- /* Bump the various counters, being careful to honor
- alignment considerations in the string table. */
- (*num_syms)++;
- *stringsize = *stringsize + strlen (sym-> + 5;
- while (*stringsize % 4)
- (*stringsize)++;
- }
- curr_bfd = curr_bfd->next;
- }
- return true;
-/* Hash a symbol name based on the hashing algorithm presented in the
- SOM ABI. */
-static unsigned int
-som_bfd_ar_symbol_hash (symbol)
- asymbol *symbol;
- unsigned int len = strlen (symbol->name);
- /* Names with length 1 are special. */
- if (len == 1)
- return 0x1000100 | (symbol->name[0] << 16) | symbol->name[0];
- return ((len & 0x7f) << 24) | (symbol->name[1] << 16)
- | (symbol->name[len-2] << 8) | symbol->name[len-1];
-static CONST char *
-normalize (file)
- CONST char *file;
- CONST char *filename = strrchr (file, '/');
- if (filename != NULL)
- filename++;
- else
- filename = file;
- return filename;
-/* Do the bulk of the work required to write the SOM library
- symbol table. */
-static boolean
-som_bfd_ar_write_symbol_stuff (abfd, nsyms, string_size, lst)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int nsyms, string_size;
- struct lst_header lst;
- file_ptr lst_filepos;
- char *strings = NULL, *p;
- struct lst_symbol_record *lst_syms = NULL, *curr_lst_sym;
- bfd *curr_bfd;
- unsigned int *hash_table = NULL;
- struct som_entry *som_dict = NULL;
- struct lst_symbol_record **last_hash_entry = NULL;
- unsigned int curr_som_offset, som_index, extended_name_length = 0;
- unsigned int maxname = abfd->xvec->ar_max_namelen;
- hash_table =
- (unsigned int *) bfd_malloc (lst.hash_size * sizeof (unsigned int));
- if (hash_table == NULL && lst.hash_size != 0)
- goto error_return;
- som_dict =
- (struct som_entry *) bfd_malloc (lst.module_count
- * sizeof (struct som_entry));
- if (som_dict == NULL && lst.module_count != 0)
- goto error_return;
- last_hash_entry =
- ((struct lst_symbol_record **)
- bfd_malloc (lst.hash_size * sizeof (struct lst_symbol_record *)));
- if (last_hash_entry == NULL && lst.hash_size != 0)
- goto error_return;
- /* Lots of fields are file positions relative to the start
- of the lst record. So save its location. */
- lst_filepos = bfd_tell (abfd) - sizeof (struct lst_header);
- /* Some initialization. */
- memset (hash_table, 0, 4 * lst.hash_size);
- memset (som_dict, 0, lst.module_count * sizeof (struct som_entry));
- memset (last_hash_entry, 0,
- lst.hash_size * sizeof (struct lst_symbol_record *));
- /* Symbols have som_index fields, so we have to keep track of the
- index of each SOM in the archive.
- The SOM dictionary has (among other things) the absolute file
- position for the SOM which a particular dictionary entry
- describes. We have to compute that information as we iterate
- through the SOMs/symbols. */
- som_index = 0;
- curr_som_offset = 8 + 2 * sizeof (struct ar_hdr) + lst.file_end;
- /* Yow! We have to know the size of the extended name table
- too. */
- for (curr_bfd = abfd->archive_head;
- curr_bfd != NULL;
- curr_bfd = curr_bfd->next)
- {
- CONST char *normal = normalize (curr_bfd->filename);
- unsigned int thislen;
- if (!normal)
- return false;
- thislen = strlen (normal);
- if (thislen > maxname)
- extended_name_length += thislen + 1;
- }
- /* Make room for the archive header and the contents of the
- extended string table. */
- if (extended_name_length)
- curr_som_offset += extended_name_length + sizeof (struct ar_hdr);
- /* Make sure we're properly aligned. */
- curr_som_offset = (curr_som_offset + 0x1) & ~0x1;
- /* FIXME should be done with buffers just like everything else... */
- lst_syms = bfd_malloc (nsyms * sizeof (struct lst_symbol_record));
- if (lst_syms == NULL && nsyms != 0)
- goto error_return;
- strings = bfd_malloc (string_size);
- if (strings == NULL && string_size != 0)
- goto error_return;
- p = strings;
- curr_lst_sym = lst_syms;
- curr_bfd = abfd->archive_head;
- while (curr_bfd != NULL)
- {
- unsigned int curr_count, i;
- som_symbol_type *sym;
- /* Don't bother for non-SOM objects. */
- if (curr_bfd->format != bfd_object
- || curr_bfd->xvec->flavour != bfd_target_som_flavour)
- {
- curr_bfd = curr_bfd->next;
- continue;
- }
- /* Make sure the symbol table has been read, then snag a pointer
- to it. It's a little slimey to grab the symbols via obj_som_symtab,
- but doing so avoids allocating lots of extra memory. */
- if (som_slurp_symbol_table (curr_bfd) == false)
- goto error_return;
- sym = obj_som_symtab (curr_bfd);
- curr_count = bfd_get_symcount (curr_bfd);
- for (i = 0; i < curr_count; i++, sym++)
- {
- struct som_misc_symbol_info info;
- /* Derive SOM information from the BFD symbol. */
- som_bfd_derive_misc_symbol_info (curr_bfd, &sym->symbol, &info);
- /* Should we include this symbol? */
- if (info.symbol_type == ST_NULL
- || info.symbol_type == ST_SYM_EXT
- || info.symbol_type == ST_ARG_EXT)
- continue;
- /* Only global symbols and unsatisfied commons. */
- if (info.symbol_scope != SS_UNIVERSAL
- && info.symbol_type != ST_STORAGE)
- continue;
- /* Do no include undefined symbols. */
- if (bfd_is_und_section (sym->symbol.section))
- continue;
- /* If this is the first symbol from this SOM, then update
- the SOM dictionary too. */
- if (som_dict[som_index].location == 0)
- {
- som_dict[som_index].location = curr_som_offset;
- som_dict[som_index].length = arelt_size (curr_bfd);
- }
- /* Fill in the lst symbol record. */
- curr_lst_sym->hidden = 0;
- curr_lst_sym->secondary_def = 0;
- curr_lst_sym->symbol_type = info.symbol_type;
- curr_lst_sym->symbol_scope = info.symbol_scope;
- curr_lst_sym->check_level = 0;
- curr_lst_sym->must_qualify = 0;
- curr_lst_sym->initially_frozen = 0;
- curr_lst_sym->memory_resident = 0;
- curr_lst_sym->is_common = bfd_is_com_section (sym->symbol.section);
- curr_lst_sym->dup_common = 0;
- curr_lst_sym->xleast = 0;
- curr_lst_sym->arg_reloc = info.arg_reloc;
- curr_lst_sym->name.n_strx = p - strings + 4;
- curr_lst_sym->qualifier_name.n_strx = 0;
- curr_lst_sym->symbol_info = info.symbol_info;
- curr_lst_sym->symbol_value = info.symbol_value;
- curr_lst_sym->symbol_descriptor = 0;
- curr_lst_sym->reserved = 0;
- curr_lst_sym->som_index = som_index;
- curr_lst_sym->symbol_key = som_bfd_ar_symbol_hash (&sym->symbol);
- curr_lst_sym->next_entry = 0;
- /* Insert into the hash table. */
- if (hash_table[curr_lst_sym->symbol_key % lst.hash_size])
- {
- struct lst_symbol_record *tmp;
- /* There is already something at the head of this hash chain,
- so tack this symbol onto the end of the chain. */
- tmp = last_hash_entry[curr_lst_sym->symbol_key % lst.hash_size];
- tmp->next_entry
- = (curr_lst_sym - lst_syms) * sizeof (struct lst_symbol_record)
- + lst.hash_size * 4
- + lst.module_count * sizeof (struct som_entry)
- + sizeof (struct lst_header);
- }
- else
- {
- /* First entry in this hash chain. */
- hash_table[curr_lst_sym->symbol_key % lst.hash_size]
- = (curr_lst_sym - lst_syms) * sizeof (struct lst_symbol_record)
- + lst.hash_size * 4
- + lst.module_count * sizeof (struct som_entry)
- + sizeof (struct lst_header);
- }
- /* Keep track of the last symbol we added to this chain so we can
- easily update its next_entry pointer. */
- last_hash_entry[curr_lst_sym->symbol_key % lst.hash_size]
- = curr_lst_sym;
- /* Update the string table. */
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, strlen (sym->, p);
- p += 4;
- strcpy (p, sym->;
- p += strlen (sym-> + 1;
- while ((int)p % 4)
- {
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, 0, p);
- p++;
- }
- /* Head to the next symbol. */
- curr_lst_sym++;
- }
- /* Keep track of where each SOM will finally reside; then look
- at the next BFD. */
- curr_som_offset += arelt_size (curr_bfd) + sizeof (struct ar_hdr);
- /* A particular object in the archive may have an odd length; the
- linker requires objects begin on an even boundary. So round
- up the current offset as necessary. */
- curr_som_offset = (curr_som_offset + 0x1) & ~0x1;
- curr_bfd = curr_bfd->next;
- som_index++;
- }
- /* Now scribble out the hash table. */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) hash_table, lst.hash_size, 4, abfd)
- != lst.hash_size * 4)
- goto error_return;
- /* Then the SOM dictionary. */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) som_dict, lst.module_count,
- sizeof (struct som_entry), abfd)
- != lst.module_count * sizeof (struct som_entry))
- goto error_return;
- /* The library symbols. */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) lst_syms, nsyms, sizeof (struct lst_symbol_record), abfd)
- != nsyms * sizeof (struct lst_symbol_record))
- goto error_return;
- /* And finally the strings. */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) strings, string_size, 1, abfd) != string_size)
- goto error_return;
- if (hash_table != NULL)
- free (hash_table);
- if (som_dict != NULL)
- free (som_dict);
- if (last_hash_entry != NULL)
- free (last_hash_entry);
- if (lst_syms != NULL)
- free (lst_syms);
- if (strings != NULL)
- free (strings);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (hash_table != NULL)
- free (hash_table);
- if (som_dict != NULL)
- free (som_dict);
- if (last_hash_entry != NULL)
- free (last_hash_entry);
- if (lst_syms != NULL)
- free (lst_syms);
- if (strings != NULL)
- free (strings);
- return false;
-/* SOM almost uses the SVR4 style extended name support, but not
- quite. */
-static boolean
-som_construct_extended_name_table (abfd, tabloc, tablen, name)
- bfd *abfd;
- char **tabloc;
- bfd_size_type *tablen;
- const char **name;
- *name = "//";
- return _bfd_construct_extended_name_table (abfd, false, tabloc, tablen);
-/* Write out the LST for the archive.
- You'll never believe this is really how armaps are handled in SOM... */
-static boolean
-som_write_armap (abfd, elength, map, orl_count, stridx)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int elength;
- struct orl *map;
- unsigned int orl_count;
- int stridx;
- bfd *curr_bfd;
- struct stat statbuf;
- unsigned int i, lst_size, nsyms, stringsize;
- struct ar_hdr hdr;
- struct lst_header lst;
- int *p;
- /* We'll use this for the archive's date and mode later. */
- if (stat (abfd->filename, &statbuf) != 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- return false;
- }
- /* Fudge factor. */
- bfd_ardata (abfd)->armap_timestamp = statbuf.st_mtime + 60;
- /* Account for the lst header first. */
- lst_size = sizeof (struct lst_header);
- /* Start building the LST header. */
- /* FIXME: Do we need to examine each element to determine the
- largest id number? */
- lst.system_id = CPU_PA_RISC1_0;
- lst.a_magic = LIBMAGIC;
- lst.version_id = VERSION_ID;
- lst.file_time.secs = 0;
- lst.file_time.nanosecs = 0;
- lst.hash_loc = lst_size;
- lst.hash_size = SOM_LST_HASH_SIZE;
- /* Hash table is a SOM_LST_HASH_SIZE 32bit offsets. */
- lst_size += 4 * SOM_LST_HASH_SIZE;
- /* We need to count the number of SOMs in this archive. */
- curr_bfd = abfd->archive_head;
- lst.module_count = 0;
- while (curr_bfd != NULL)
- {
- /* Only true SOM objects count. */
- if (curr_bfd->format == bfd_object
- && curr_bfd->xvec->flavour == bfd_target_som_flavour)
- lst.module_count++;
- curr_bfd = curr_bfd->next;
- }
- lst.module_limit = lst.module_count;
- lst.dir_loc = lst_size;
- lst_size += sizeof (struct som_entry) * lst.module_count;
- /* We don't support import/export tables, auxiliary headers,
- or free lists yet. Make the linker work a little harder
- to make our life easier. */
- lst.export_loc = 0;
- lst.export_count = 0;
- lst.import_loc = 0;
- lst.aux_loc = 0;
- lst.aux_size = 0;
- /* Count how many symbols we will have on the hash chains and the
- size of the associated string table. */
- if (som_bfd_prep_for_ar_write (abfd, &nsyms, &stringsize) == false)
- return false;
- lst_size += sizeof (struct lst_symbol_record) * nsyms;
- /* For the string table. One day we might actually use this info
- to avoid small seeks/reads when reading archives. */
- lst.string_loc = lst_size;
- lst.string_size = stringsize;
- lst_size += stringsize;
- /* SOM ABI says this must be zero. */
- lst.free_list = 0;
- lst.file_end = lst_size;
- /* Compute the checksum. Must happen after the entire lst header
- has filled in. */
- p = (int *)&lst;
- lst.checksum = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (struct lst_header)/sizeof (int) - 1; i++)
- lst.checksum ^= *p++;
- sprintf (hdr.ar_name, "/ ");
- sprintf (hdr.ar_date, "%ld", bfd_ardata (abfd)->armap_timestamp);
- sprintf (hdr.ar_uid, "%ld", (long) getuid ());
- sprintf (hdr.ar_gid, "%ld", (long) getgid ());
- sprintf (hdr.ar_mode, "%-8o", (unsigned int) statbuf.st_mode);
- sprintf (hdr.ar_size, "%-10d", (int) lst_size);
- hdr.ar_fmag[0] = '`';
- hdr.ar_fmag[1] = '\012';
- /* Turn any nulls into spaces. */
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (struct ar_hdr); i++)
- if (((char *) (&hdr))[i] == '\0')
- (((char *) (&hdr))[i]) = ' ';
- /* Scribble out the ar header. */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &hdr, 1, sizeof (struct ar_hdr), abfd)
- != sizeof (struct ar_hdr))
- return false;
- /* Now scribble out the lst header. */
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) &lst, 1, sizeof (struct lst_header), abfd)
- != sizeof (struct lst_header))
- return false;
- /* Build and write the armap. */
- if (som_bfd_ar_write_symbol_stuff (abfd, nsyms, stringsize, lst) == false)
- return false;
- /* Done. */
- return true;
-/* Free all information we have cached for this BFD. We can always
- read it again later if we need it. */
-static boolean
-som_bfd_free_cached_info (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *o;
- if (bfd_get_format (abfd) != bfd_object)
- return true;
-#define FREE(x) if (x != NULL) { free (x); x = NULL; }
- /* Free the native string and symbol tables. */
- FREE (obj_som_symtab (abfd));
- FREE (obj_som_stringtab (abfd));
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != (asection *) NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- /* Free the native relocations. */
- o->reloc_count = -1;
- FREE (som_section_data (o)->reloc_stream);
- /* Free the generic relocations. */
- FREE (o->relocation);
- }
-#undef FREE
- return true;
-/* End of miscellaneous support functions. */
-/* Linker support functions. */
-static boolean
-som_bfd_link_split_section (abfd, sec)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- return (som_is_subspace (sec) && sec->_raw_size > 240000);
-#define som_close_and_cleanup som_bfd_free_cached_info
-#define som_read_ar_hdr _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr
-#define som_openr_next_archived_file bfd_generic_openr_next_archived_file
-#define som_get_elt_at_index _bfd_generic_get_elt_at_index
-#define som_generic_stat_arch_elt bfd_generic_stat_arch_elt
-#define som_truncate_arname bfd_bsd_truncate_arname
-#define som_slurp_extended_name_table _bfd_slurp_extended_name_table
-#define som_update_armap_timestamp bfd_true
-#define som_bfd_print_private_bfd_data _bfd_generic_bfd_print_private_bfd_data
-#define som_get_lineno _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno
-#define som_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
-#define som_read_minisymbols _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols
-#define som_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol
-#define som_get_section_contents_in_window \
- _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
-#define som_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define som_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
-#define som_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
-#define som_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
-#define som_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
-const bfd_target som_vec =
- "som", /* name */
- bfd_target_som_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target byte order */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target headers byte order */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
-/* leading_symbol_char: is the first char of a user symbol
- predictable, and if so what is it */
- 0,
- '/', /* ar_pad_char */
- 14, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {_bfd_dummy_target,
- som_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- bfd_generic_archive_p,
- _bfd_dummy_target
- },
- {
- bfd_false,
- som_mkobject,
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive,
- bfd_false
- },
- {
- bfd_false,
- som_write_object_contents,
- _bfd_write_archive_contents,
- bfd_false,
- },
-#undef som
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/som.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/som.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6290e88f948c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/som.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-/* HP PA-RISC SOM object file format: definitions internal to BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by the Center for Software Science at the
- University of Utah (
- This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef _SOM_H
-#define _SOM_H
-#include "../bfd/sysdep.h"
-#include "libhppa.h"
-#include <a.out.h>
-#include <lst.h>
-#include <ar.h>
-/* The SOM BFD backend doesn't currently use anything from these
- two include files, but it's likely to need them in the future. */
-#ifdef R_DLT_REL
-#include <shl.h>
-#include <dl.h>
-#if defined(HOST_HPPABSD) || defined (HOST_HPPAOSF)
-/* BSD uses a completely different scheme for object file identification.
- so for now, define _PA_RISC_ID to accept any random value for a model
- number. */
-#undef _PA_RISC_ID
-#define _PA_RISC_ID(__m_num) 1
-#endif /* HOST_HPPABSD */
-#define FILE_HDR_SIZE sizeof(struct header)
-#define AUX_HDR_SIZE sizeof(struct som_exec_auxhdr)
-typedef struct som_symbol
- {
- asymbol symbol;
- unsigned int som_type;
- /* Structured like the ELF tc_data union. Allows more code sharing
- in GAS this way. */
- union
- {
- unsigned int hppa_arg_reloc;
- PTR any;
- }
- tc_data;
- /* Index of this symbol in the symbol table. Only used when
- building relocation streams for incomplete objects. */
- int index;
- /* How many times this symbol is used in a relocation. By sorting
- the symbols from most used to least used we can significantly
- reduce the size of the relocation stream for incomplete objects. */
- int reloc_count;
- /* During object file writing, the offset of the name of this symbol
- in the SOM string table. */
- int stringtab_offset;
- }
-/* A structure containing all the magic information stored in a BFD's
- private data which needs to be copied during an objcopy/strip run. */
-struct som_exec_data
- {
- /* Sort-of a magic number. BSD uses it to distinguish between
- native executables and hpux executables. */
- short system_id;
- /* Magic exec flags. These control things like whether or not
- null pointer dereferencing is allowed and the like. */
- long exec_flags;
- /* Add more stuff here as needed. Good examples of information
- we might want to pass would be presumed_dp, entry_* and maybe
- others from the file header. */
- };
-struct somdata
- {
- /* All the magic information about an executable which lives
- in the private BFD structure and needs to be copied from
- the input bfd to the output bfd during a objcopy/strip. */
- struct som_exec_data *exec_data;
- /* These three fields are only used when writing files and are
- generated from scratch. They need not be copied for objcopy
- or strip to work. */
- struct header *file_hdr;
- struct copyright_aux_hdr *copyright_aux_hdr;
- struct user_string_aux_hdr *version_aux_hdr;
- struct som_exec_auxhdr *exec_hdr;
- /* Pointers to a saved copy of the symbol and string tables. These
- need not be copied for objcopy or strip to work. */
- som_symbol_type *symtab;
- char *stringtab;
- asymbol **sorted_syms;
- /* We remember these offsets so that after check_file_format, we have
- no dependencies on the particular format of the exec_hdr.
- These offsets need not be copied for objcopy or strip to work. */
- file_ptr sym_filepos;
- file_ptr str_filepos;
- file_ptr reloc_filepos;
- unsigned stringtab_size;
- };
-struct som_data_struct
- {
- struct somdata a;
- };
-/* Substructure of som_section_data_struct used to hold information
- which can't be represented by the generic BFD section structure,
- but which must be copied during objcopy or strip. */
-struct som_copyable_section_data_struct
- {
- /* Various fields in space and subspace headers that we need
- to pass around. */
- unsigned int sort_key : 8;
- unsigned int access_control_bits : 7;
- unsigned int is_defined : 1;
- unsigned int is_private : 1;
- unsigned int quadrant : 2;
- /* For subspaces, this points to the section which represents the
- space in which the subspace is contained. For spaces it points
- back to the section for this space. */
- asection *container;
- /* The user-specified space number. It is wrong to use this as
- an index since duplicates and holes are allowed. */
- int space_number;
- /* Add more stuff here as needed. Good examples of information
- we might want to pass would be initialization pointers,
- and the many subspace flags we do not represent yet. */
- };
-/* Used to keep extra SOM specific information for a given section.
- reloc_size holds the size of the relocation stream, note this
- is very different from the number of relocations as SOM relocations
- are variable length.
- reloc_stream is the actual stream of relocation entries. */
-struct som_section_data_struct
- {
- struct som_copyable_section_data_struct *copy_data;
- unsigned int reloc_size;
- char *reloc_stream;
- struct space_dictionary_record *space_dict;
- struct subspace_dictionary_record *subspace_dict;
- };
-#define somdata(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.som_data->a)
-#define obj_som_exec_data(bfd) (somdata(bfd).exec_data)
-#define obj_som_file_hdr(bfd) (somdata(bfd).file_hdr)
-#define obj_som_exec_hdr(bfd) (somdata(bfd).exec_hdr)
-#define obj_som_copyright_hdr(bfd) (somdata(bfd).copyright_aux_hdr)
-#define obj_som_version_hdr(bfd) (somdata(bfd).version_aux_hdr)
-#define obj_som_symtab(bfd) (somdata(bfd).symtab)
-#define obj_som_stringtab(bfd) (somdata(bfd).stringtab)
-#define obj_som_sym_filepos(bfd) (somdata(bfd).sym_filepos)
-#define obj_som_str_filepos(bfd) (somdata(bfd).str_filepos)
-#define obj_som_stringtab_size(bfd) (somdata(bfd).stringtab_size)
-#define obj_som_reloc_filepos(bfd) (somdata(bfd).reloc_filepos)
-#define obj_som_sorted_syms(bfd) (somdata(bfd).sorted_syms)
-#define som_section_data(sec) \
- ((struct som_section_data_struct *)sec->used_by_bfd)
-#define som_symbol_data(symbol) ((som_symbol_type *) symbol)
-/* Defines groups of basic relocations. FIXME: These should
- be the only basic relocations created by GAS. The rest
- should be internal to the BFD backend.
- The idea is both SOM and ELF define these basic relocation
- types so they map into a SOM or ELF specific reloation as
- appropriate. This allows GAS to share much more code
- between the two object formats. */
-/* Exported functions, mostly for use by GAS. */
-boolean bfd_som_set_section_attributes PARAMS ((asection *, int, int,
- unsigned int, int));
-boolean bfd_som_set_subsection_attributes PARAMS ((asection *, asection *,
- int, unsigned int, int));
-void bfd_som_set_symbol_type PARAMS ((asymbol *, unsigned int));
-boolean bfd_som_attach_aux_hdr PARAMS ((bfd *, int, char *));
-int ** hppa_som_gen_reloc_type
- PARAMS ((bfd *, int, int, enum hppa_reloc_field_selector_type_alt, int));
-#endif /* _SOM_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/sparclynx.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/sparclynx.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0885620283ec..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/sparclynx.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD support for Sparc binaries under LynxOS.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#if 0
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) 0
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR 0
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_sparc
-#define MY(OP) CAT(sparclynx_aout_,OP)
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-sparc-lynx"
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "aout/sun4.h"
-#include "libaout.h" /* BFD a.out internal data structures */
-#include "aout/aout64.h"
-#include "aout/stab_gnu.h"
-#include "aout/ar.h"
-/* This is needed to reject a NewsOS file, e.g. in
- gdb/testsuite/gdb.t10/crossload.exp. <>
- I needed to add M_UNKNOWN to recognize a 68000 object, so this will
- probably no longer reject a NewsOS object. <>. */
-#define MACHTYPE_OK(mtype) ((mtype) == M_UNKNOWN \
- || (mtype) == M_68010 \
- || (mtype) == M_68020 \
- || (mtype) == M_SPARC)
-The file @code{aoutf1.h} contains the code for BFD's
-a.out back end. Control over the generated back end is given by these
-two preprocessor names:
-@table @code
-@item ARCH_SIZE
-This value should be either 32 or 64, depending upon the size of an
-int in the target format. It changes the sizes of the structs which
-perform the memory/disk mapping of structures.
-The 64 bit backend may only be used if the host compiler supports 64
-ints (eg long long with gcc), by defining the name @code{BFD_HOST_64_BIT} in @code{bfd.h}.
-With this name defined, @emph{all} bfd operations are performed with 64bit
-arithmetic, not just those to a 64bit target.
-The name put into the target vector.
-@end table
-NAME(lynx,set_arch_mach) (abfd, machtype)
- bfd *abfd;
- int machtype;
- /* Determine the architecture and machine type of the object file. */
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- long machine;
- switch (machtype)
- {
- case M_UNKNOWN:
- /* Some Sun3s make magic numbers without cpu types in them, so
- we'll default to the 68000. */
- arch = bfd_arch_m68k;
- machine = 68000;
- break;
- case M_68010:
- case M_HP200:
- arch = bfd_arch_m68k;
- machine = 68010;
- break;
- case M_68020:
- case M_HP300:
- arch = bfd_arch_m68k;
- machine = 68020;
- break;
- case M_SPARC:
- arch = bfd_arch_sparc;
- machine = 0;
- break;
- case M_386:
- case M_386_DYNIX:
- arch = bfd_arch_i386;
- machine = 0;
- break;
- case M_29K:
- arch = bfd_arch_a29k;
- machine = 0;
- break;
- case M_HPUX:
- arch = bfd_arch_m68k;
- machine = 0;
- break;
- default:
- arch = bfd_arch_obscure;
- machine = 0;
- break;
- }
- bfd_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine);
- NAME(lynx,set_arch_mach)(ABFD, N_MACHTYPE (EXEC)); \
- choose_reloc_size(ABFD);
-/* Determine the size of a relocation entry, based on the architecture */
-static void
-choose_reloc_size (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- switch (bfd_get_arch (abfd))
- {
- case bfd_arch_sparc:
- case bfd_arch_a29k:
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_EXT_SIZE;
- break;
- default:
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- break;
- }
-/* Write an object file in LynxOS format.
- Section contents have already been written. We write the
- file header, symbols, and relocation. */
-static boolean
-NAME(aout,sparclynx_write_object_contents) (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct external_exec exec_bytes;
- struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
- /* Magic number, maestro, please! */
- switch (bfd_get_arch (abfd))
- {
- case bfd_arch_m68k:
- switch (bfd_get_mach (abfd))
- {
- case 68010:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE (*execp, M_68010);
- break;
- default:
- case 68020:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE (*execp, M_68020);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case bfd_arch_sparc:
- break;
- case bfd_arch_i386:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE (*execp, M_386);
- break;
- case bfd_arch_a29k:
- N_SET_MACHTYPE (*execp, M_29K);
- break;
- default:
- }
- choose_reloc_size (abfd);
- N_SET_FLAGS (*execp, aout_backend_info (abfd)->exec_hdr_flags);
- WRITE_HEADERS (abfd, execp);
- return true;
-#define MY_set_sizes sparclynx_set_sizes
-static boolean
-sparclynx_set_sizes (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- switch (bfd_get_arch (abfd))
- {
- default:
- return false;
- case bfd_arch_sparc:
- adata (abfd).page_size = 0x2000;
- adata (abfd).segment_size = 0x2000;
- adata (abfd).exec_bytes_size = EXEC_BYTES_SIZE;
- return true;
- case bfd_arch_m68k:
- adata (abfd).page_size = 0x2000;
- adata (abfd).segment_size = 0x20000;
- adata (abfd).exec_bytes_size = EXEC_BYTES_SIZE;
- return true;
- }
-static CONST struct aout_backend_data sparclynx_aout_backend =
- 0, 1, 1, 0, sparclynx_set_sizes, 0,
- 0, /* add_dynamic_symbols */
- 0, /* add_one_symbol */
- 0, /* link_dynamic_object */
- 0, /* write_dynamic_symbol */
- 0, /* check_dynamic_reloc */
- 0 /* finish_dynamic_link */
-#define MY_bfd_debug_info_start bfd_void
-#define MY_bfd_debug_info_end bfd_void
-#define MY_bfd_debug_info_accumulate \
- (void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct sec *))) bfd_void
-#define MY_write_object_contents NAME(aout,sparclynx_write_object_contents)
-#define MY_backend_data &sparclynx_aout_backend
-#ifdef LYNX_CORE
-char *lynx_core_file_failing_command ();
-int lynx_core_file_failing_signal ();
-boolean lynx_core_file_matches_executable_p ();
-const bfd_target *lynx_core_file_p ();
-#define MY_core_file_failing_command lynx_core_file_failing_command
-#define MY_core_file_failing_signal lynx_core_file_failing_signal
-#define MY_core_file_matches_executable_p lynx_core_file_matches_executable_p
-#define MY_core_file_p lynx_core_file_p
-#endif /* LYNX_CORE */
-#include "aout-target.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/sparcnetbsd.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/sparcnetbsd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 69240f5d1587..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/sparcnetbsd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for NetBSD/sparc a.out-ish binaries.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-#define SEGMENT_SIZE 4096
-#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_sparc
-#define MACHTYPE_OK(mtype) ((mtype) == M_SPARC_NETBSD || (mtype) == M_UNKNOWN)
-#define MY(OP) CAT(sparcnetbsd_,OP)
-/* This needs to start with a.out so GDB knows it is an a.out variant. */
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-sparc-netbsd"
-#include "netbsd.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/srec.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/srec.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 33d28d5eab81..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/srec.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1324 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for s-record objects.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support <>.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- S-Record handling
- Ordinary S-Records cannot hold anything but addresses and
- data, so that's all that we implement.
- The only interesting thing is that S-Records may come out of
- order and there is no header, so an initial scan is required
- to discover the minimum and maximum addresses used to create
- the vma and size of the only section we create. We
- arbitrarily call this section ".text".
- When bfd_get_section_contents is called the file is read
- again, and this time the data is placed into a bfd_alloc'd
- area.
- Any number of sections may be created for output, we save them
- up and output them when it's time to close the bfd.
- An s record looks like:
- S<type><length><address><data><checksum>
- Where
- o length
- is the number of bytes following upto the checksum. Note that
- this is not the number of chars following, since it takes two
- chars to represent a byte.
- o type
- is one of:
- 0) header record
- 1) two byte address data record
- 2) three byte address data record
- 3) four byte address data record
- 7) four byte address termination record
- 8) three byte address termination record
- 9) two byte address termination record
- o address
- is the start address of the data following, or in the case of
- a termination record, the start address of the image
- o data
- is the data.
- o checksum
- is the sum of all the raw byte data in the record, from the length
- upwards, modulo 256 and subtracted from 255.
- Symbol S-Record handling
- Some ICE equipment understands an addition to the standard
- S-Record format; symbols and their addresses can be sent
- before the data.
- The format of this is:
- ($$ <modulename>
- (<space> <symbol> <address>)*)
- $$
- so a short symbol table could look like:
- $$ flash.x
- $$ flash.c
- _port6 $0
- _delay $4
- _start $14
- _etext $8036
- _edata $8036
- _end $8036
- $$
- We allow symbols to be anywhere in the data stream - the module names
- are always ignored.
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "libiberty.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-static void srec_init PARAMS ((void));
-static boolean srec_mkobject PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static int srec_get_byte PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean *));
-static void srec_bad_byte PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int, int, boolean));
-static boolean srec_scan PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static const bfd_target *srec_object_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static const bfd_target *symbolsrec_object_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean srec_read_section PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *));
-static boolean srec_write_record PARAMS ((bfd *, int, bfd_vma,
- const bfd_byte *,
- const bfd_byte *));
-static boolean srec_write_header PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean srec_write_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *));
-/* Macros for converting between hex and binary. */
-static CONST char digs[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
-#define NIBBLE(x) hex_value(x)
-#define HEX(buffer) ((NIBBLE((buffer)[0])<<4) + NIBBLE((buffer)[1]))
-#define TOHEX(d, x, ch) \
- d[1] = digs[(x) & 0xf]; \
- d[0] = digs[((x)>>4)&0xf]; \
- ch += ((x) & 0xff);
-#define ISHEX(x) hex_p(x)
-/* Initialize by filling in the hex conversion array. */
-static void
-srec_init ()
- static boolean inited = false;
- if (inited == false)
- {
- inited = true;
- hex_init ();
- }
-/* The maximum number of bytes on a line is FF */
-#define MAXCHUNK 0xff
-/* The number of bytes we fit onto a line on output */
-#define CHUNK 21
-/* When writing an S-record file, the S-records can not be output as
- they are seen. This structure is used to hold them in memory. */
-struct srec_data_list_struct
- struct srec_data_list_struct *next;
- bfd_byte *data;
- bfd_vma where;
- bfd_size_type size;
-typedef struct srec_data_list_struct srec_data_list_type;
-/* When scanning the S-record file, a linked list of srec_symbol
- structures is built to represent the symbol table (if there is
- one). */
-struct srec_symbol
- struct srec_symbol *next;
- const char *name;
- bfd_vma val;
-/* The S-record tdata information. */
-typedef struct srec_data_struct
- {
- srec_data_list_type *head;
- srec_data_list_type *tail;
- unsigned int type;
- struct srec_symbol *symbols;
- struct srec_symbol *symtail;
- asymbol *csymbols;
- }
-static boolean srec_write_section PARAMS ((bfd *, tdata_type *,
- srec_data_list_type *));
-static boolean srec_write_terminator PARAMS ((bfd *, tdata_type *));
-/* Set up the S-record tdata information. */
-static boolean
-srec_mkobject (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- srec_init ();
- if (abfd->tdata.srec_data == NULL)
- {
- tdata_type *tdata = (tdata_type *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (tdata_type));
- if (tdata == NULL)
- return false;
- abfd->tdata.srec_data = tdata;
- tdata->type = 1;
- tdata->head = NULL;
- tdata->tail = NULL;
- tdata->symbols = NULL;
- tdata->symtail = NULL;
- tdata->csymbols = NULL;
- }
- return true;
-/* Read a byte from an S record file. Set *ERRORPTR if an error
- occurred. Return EOF on error or end of file. */
-static int
-srec_get_byte (abfd, errorptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean *errorptr;
- bfd_byte c;
- if (bfd_read (&c, 1, 1, abfd) != 1)
- {
- if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_file_truncated)
- *errorptr = true;
- return EOF;
- }
- return (int) (c & 0xff);
-/* Report a problem in an S record file. FIXME: This probably should
- not call fprintf, but we really do need some mechanism for printing
- error messages. */
-static void
-srec_bad_byte (abfd, lineno, c, error)
- bfd *abfd;
- unsigned int lineno;
- int c;
- boolean error;
- if (c == EOF)
- {
- if (! error)
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_truncated);
- }
- else
- {
- char buf[10];
- if (! isprint (c))
- sprintf (buf, "\\%03o", (unsigned int) c);
- else
- {
- buf[0] = c;
- buf[1] = '\0';
- }
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s:%d: Unexpected character `%s' in S-record file\n",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), lineno, buf);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- }
-/* Add a new symbol found in an S-record file. */
-static boolean
-srec_new_symbol (abfd, name, val)
- bfd *abfd;
- const char *name;
- bfd_vma val;
- struct srec_symbol *n;
- n = (struct srec_symbol *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct srec_symbol));
- if (n == NULL)
- return false;
- n->name = name;
- n->val = val;
- if (abfd->tdata.srec_data->symbols == NULL)
- abfd->tdata.srec_data->symbols = n;
- else
- abfd->tdata.srec_data->symtail->next = n;
- abfd->tdata.srec_data->symtail = n;
- n->next = NULL;
- ++abfd->symcount;
- return true;
-/* Read the S record file and turn it into sections. We create a new
- section for each contiguous set of bytes. */
-static boolean
-srec_scan (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- int c;
- unsigned int lineno = 1;
- boolean error = false;
- bfd_byte *buf = NULL;
- size_t bufsize = 0;
- asection *sec = NULL;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto error_return;
- while ((c = srec_get_byte (abfd, &error)) != EOF)
- {
- /* We only build sections from contiguous S-records, so if this
- is not an S-record, then stop building a section. */
- if (c != 'S' && c != '\r' && c != '\n')
- sec = NULL;
- switch (c)
- {
- default:
- srec_bad_byte (abfd, lineno, c, error);
- goto error_return;
- case '\n':
- ++lineno;
- break;
- case '\r':
- break;
- case '$':
- /* Starting a module name, which we ignore. */
- while ((c = srec_get_byte (abfd, &error)) != '\n'
- && c != EOF)
- ;
- if (c == EOF)
- {
- srec_bad_byte (abfd, lineno, c, error);
- goto error_return;
- }
- ++lineno;
- break;
- case ' ':
- {
- char *symname;
- bfd_vma symval;
- /* Starting a symbol definition. */
- while ((c = srec_get_byte (abfd, &error)) != EOF
- && (c == ' ' || c == '\t'))
- ;
- if (c == EOF)
- {
- srec_bad_byte (abfd, lineno, c, error);
- goto error_return;
- }
- obstack_1grow (&abfd->memory, c);
- while ((c = srec_get_byte (abfd, &error)) != EOF
- && ! isspace (c))
- obstack_1grow (&abfd->memory, c);
- if (c == EOF)
- {
- srec_bad_byte (abfd, lineno, c, error);
- goto error_return;
- }
- symname = obstack_finish (&abfd->memory);
- if (symname == NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- goto error_return;
- }
- while ((c = srec_get_byte (abfd, &error)) != EOF
- && (c == ' ' || c == '\t'))
- ;
- if (c == EOF)
- {
- srec_bad_byte (abfd, lineno, c, error);
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* Skip a dollar sign before the hex value. */
- if (c == '$')
- {
- c = srec_get_byte (abfd, &error);
- if (c == EOF)
- {
- srec_bad_byte (abfd, lineno, c, error);
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- symval = 0;
- while (ISHEX (c))
- {
- symval <<= 4;
- symval += NIBBLE (c);
- c = srec_get_byte (abfd, &error);
- }
- if (c == EOF || ! isspace (c))
- {
- srec_bad_byte (abfd, lineno, c, error);
- goto error_return;
- }
- if (! srec_new_symbol (abfd, symname, symval))
- goto error_return;
- if (c == '\n')
- ++lineno;
- }
- break;
- case 'S':
- {
- file_ptr pos;
- char hdr[3];
- unsigned int bytes;
- bfd_vma address;
- bfd_byte *data;
- /* Starting an S-record. */
- pos = bfd_tell (abfd) - 1;
- if (bfd_read (hdr, 1, 3, abfd) != 3)
- goto error_return;
- if (! ISHEX (hdr[1]) || ! ISHEX (hdr[2]))
- {
- if (! ISHEX (hdr[1]))
- c = hdr[1];
- else
- c = hdr[2];
- srec_bad_byte (abfd, lineno, c, error);
- goto error_return;
- }
- bytes = HEX (hdr + 1);
- if (bytes * 2 > bufsize)
- {
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- buf = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (bytes * 2);
- if (buf == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- bufsize = bytes * 2;
- }
- if (bfd_read (buf, 1, bytes * 2, abfd) != bytes * 2)
- goto error_return;
- /* Ignore the checksum byte. */
- --bytes;
- address = 0;
- data = buf;
- switch (hdr[0])
- {
- case '0':
- case '5':
- /* Prologue--ignore the file name, but stop building a
- section at this point. */
- sec = NULL;
- break;
- case '3':
- address = HEX (data);
- data += 2;
- --bytes;
- /* Fall through. */
- case '2':
- address = (address << 8) | HEX (data);
- data += 2;
- --bytes;
- /* Fall through. */
- case '1':
- address = (address << 8) | HEX (data);
- data += 2;
- address = (address << 8) | HEX (data);
- data += 2;
- bytes -= 2;
- if (sec != NULL
- && sec->vma + sec->_raw_size == address)
- {
- /* This data goes at the end of the section we are
- currently building. */
- sec->_raw_size += bytes;
- }
- else
- {
- char secbuf[20];
- char *secname;
- sprintf (secbuf, ".sec%d", bfd_count_sections (abfd) + 1);
- secname = (char *) bfd_alloc (abfd, strlen (secbuf) + 1);
- strcpy (secname, secbuf);
- sec = bfd_make_section (abfd, secname);
- if (sec == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- sec->vma = address;
- sec->lma = address;
- sec->_raw_size = bytes;
- sec->filepos = pos;
- }
- break;
- case '7':
- address = HEX (data);
- data += 2;
- /* Fall through. */
- case '8':
- address = (address << 8) | HEX (data);
- data += 2;
- /* Fall through. */
- case '9':
- address = (address << 8) | HEX (data);
- data += 2;
- address = (address << 8) | HEX (data);
- data += 2;
- /* This is a termination record. */
- abfd->start_address = address;
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- return true;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (error)
- goto error_return;
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- return false;
-/* Check whether an existing file is an S-record file. */
-static const bfd_target *
-srec_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_byte b[4];
- srec_init ();
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read (b, 1, 4, abfd) != 4)
- return NULL;
- if (b[0] != 'S' || !ISHEX (b[1]) || !ISHEX (b[2]) || !ISHEX (b[3]))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (! srec_mkobject (abfd)
- || ! srec_scan (abfd))
- return NULL;
- return abfd->xvec;
-/* Check whether an existing file is an S-record file with symbols. */
-static const bfd_target *
-symbolsrec_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- char b[2];
- srec_init ();
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read (b, 1, 2, abfd) != 2)
- return NULL;
- if (b[0] != '$' || b[1] != '$')
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (! srec_mkobject (abfd)
- || ! srec_scan (abfd))
- return NULL;
- return abfd->xvec;
-/* Read in the contents of a section in an S-record file. */
-static boolean
-srec_read_section (abfd, section, contents)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- int c;
- bfd_size_type sofar = 0;
- boolean error = false;
- bfd_byte *buf = NULL;
- size_t bufsize = 0;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, section->filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto error_return;
- while ((c = srec_get_byte (abfd, &error)) != EOF)
- {
- bfd_byte hdr[3];
- unsigned int bytes;
- bfd_vma address;
- bfd_byte *data;
- if (c == '\r' || c == '\n')
- continue;
- /* This is called after srec_scan has already been called, so we
- ought to know the exact format. */
- BFD_ASSERT (c == 'S');
- if (bfd_read (hdr, 1, 3, abfd) != 3)
- goto error_return;
- BFD_ASSERT (ISHEX (hdr[1]) && ISHEX (hdr[2]));
- bytes = HEX (hdr + 1);
- if (bytes * 2 > bufsize)
- {
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- buf = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (bytes * 2);
- if (buf == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- bufsize = bytes * 2;
- }
- if (bfd_read (buf, 1, bytes * 2, abfd) != bytes * 2)
- goto error_return;
- address = 0;
- data = buf;
- switch (hdr[0])
- {
- default:
- BFD_ASSERT (sofar == section->_raw_size);
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- return true;
- case '3':
- address = HEX (data);
- data += 2;
- --bytes;
- /* Fall through. */
- case '2':
- address = (address << 8) | HEX (data);
- data += 2;
- --bytes;
- /* Fall through. */
- case '1':
- address = (address << 8) | HEX (data);
- data += 2;
- address = (address << 8) | HEX (data);
- data += 2;
- bytes -= 2;
- if (address != section->vma + sofar)
- {
- /* We've come to the end of this section. */
- BFD_ASSERT (sofar == section->_raw_size);
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- return true;
- }
- /* Don't consider checksum. */
- --bytes;
- while (bytes-- != 0)
- {
- contents[sofar] = HEX (data);
- data += 2;
- ++sofar;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (error)
- goto error_return;
- BFD_ASSERT (sofar == section->_raw_size);
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- return false;
-/* Get the contents of a section in an S-record file. */
-static boolean
-srec_get_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- if (section->used_by_bfd == NULL)
- {
- section->used_by_bfd = bfd_alloc (abfd, section->_raw_size);
- if (section->used_by_bfd == NULL
- && section->_raw_size != 0)
- return false;
- if (! srec_read_section (abfd, section, section->used_by_bfd))
- return false;
- }
- memcpy (location, (bfd_byte *) section->used_by_bfd + offset,
- (size_t) count);
- return true;
-/* we have to save up all the Srecords for a splurge before output */
-static boolean
-srec_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, bytes_to_do)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type bytes_to_do;
- tdata_type *tdata = abfd->tdata.srec_data;
- register srec_data_list_type *entry;
- entry = ((srec_data_list_type *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (srec_data_list_type)));
- if (entry == NULL)
- return false;
- if (bytes_to_do
- && (section->flags & SEC_ALLOC)
- && (section->flags & SEC_LOAD))
- {
- bfd_byte *data = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (abfd, bytes_to_do);
- if (data == NULL)
- return false;
- memcpy ((PTR) data, location, (size_t) bytes_to_do);
- if ((section->lma + offset + bytes_to_do - 1) <= 0xffff)
- {
- }
- else if ((section->lma + offset + bytes_to_do - 1) <= 0xffffff
- && tdata->type < 2)
- {
- tdata->type = 2;
- }
- else
- {
- tdata->type = 3;
- }
- entry->data = data;
- entry->where = section->lma + offset;
- entry->size = bytes_to_do;
- /* Sort the records by address. Optimize for the common case of
- adding a record to the end of the list. */
- if (tdata->tail != NULL
- && entry->where >= tdata->tail->where)
- {
- tdata->tail->next = entry;
- entry->next = NULL;
- tdata->tail = entry;
- }
- else
- {
- register srec_data_list_type **look;
- for (look = &tdata->head;
- *look != NULL && (*look)->where < entry->where;
- look = &(*look)->next)
- ;
- entry->next = *look;
- *look = entry;
- if (entry->next == NULL)
- tdata->tail = entry;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Write a record of type, of the supplied number of bytes. The
- supplied bytes and length don't have a checksum. That's worked out
- here
-static boolean
-srec_write_record (abfd, type, address, data, end)
- bfd *abfd;
- int type;
- bfd_vma address;
- const bfd_byte *data;
- const bfd_byte *end;
- char buffer[MAXCHUNK];
- unsigned int check_sum = 0;
- CONST bfd_byte *src = data;
- char *dst = buffer;
- char *length;
- bfd_size_type wrlen;
- *dst++ = 'S';
- *dst++ = '0' + type;
- length = dst;
- dst += 2; /* leave room for dst*/
- switch (type)
- {
- case 3:
- case 7:
- TOHEX (dst, (address >> 24), check_sum);
- dst += 2;
- case 8:
- case 2:
- TOHEX (dst, (address >> 16), check_sum);
- dst += 2;
- case 9:
- case 1:
- case 0:
- TOHEX (dst, (address >> 8), check_sum);
- dst += 2;
- TOHEX (dst, (address), check_sum);
- dst += 2;
- break;
- }
- for (src = data; src < end; src++)
- {
- TOHEX (dst, *src, check_sum);
- dst += 2;
- }
- /* Fill in the length */
- TOHEX (length, (dst - length) / 2, check_sum);
- check_sum &= 0xff;
- check_sum = 255 - check_sum;
- TOHEX (dst, check_sum, check_sum);
- dst += 2;
- *dst++ = '\r';
- *dst++ = '\n';
- wrlen = dst - buffer;
- if (bfd_write ((PTR) buffer, 1, wrlen, abfd) != wrlen)
- return false;
- return true;
-static boolean
-srec_write_header (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_byte buffer[MAXCHUNK];
- bfd_byte *dst = buffer;
- unsigned int i;
- /* I'll put an arbitary 40 char limit on header size */
- for (i = 0; i < 40 && abfd->filename[i]; i++)
- {
- *dst++ = abfd->filename[i];
- }
- return srec_write_record (abfd, 0, 0, buffer, dst);
-static boolean
-srec_write_section (abfd, tdata, list)
- bfd *abfd;
- tdata_type *tdata;
- srec_data_list_type *list;
- unsigned int bytes_written = 0;
- bfd_byte *location = list->data;
- while (bytes_written < list->size)
- {
- bfd_vma address;
- unsigned int bytes_this_chunk = list->size - bytes_written;
- if (bytes_this_chunk > CHUNK)
- {
- bytes_this_chunk = CHUNK;
- }
- address = list->where + bytes_written;
- if (! srec_write_record (abfd,
- tdata->type,
- address,
- location,
- location + bytes_this_chunk))
- return false;
- bytes_written += bytes_this_chunk;
- location += bytes_this_chunk;
- }
- return true;
-static boolean
-srec_write_terminator (abfd, tdata)
- bfd *abfd;
- tdata_type *tdata;
- bfd_byte buffer[2];
- return srec_write_record (abfd, 10 - tdata->type,
- abfd->start_address, buffer, buffer);
-static boolean
-srec_write_symbols (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- char buffer[MAXCHUNK];
- /* Dump out the symbols of a bfd */
- int i;
- int count = bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- if (count)
- {
- size_t len;
- asymbol **table = bfd_get_outsymbols (abfd);
- sprintf (buffer, "$$ %s\r\n", abfd->filename);
- len = strlen (buffer);
- if (bfd_write (buffer, len, 1, abfd) != len)
- return false;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- asymbol *s = table[i];
-#if 0
- int len = strlen (s->name);
- /* If this symbol has a .[ocs] in it, it's probably a file name
- and we'll output that as the module name */
- if (len > 3 && s->name[len - 2] == '.')
- {
- int l;
- sprintf (buffer, "$$ %s\r\n", s->name);
- l = strlen (buffer);
- if (bfd_write (buffer, l, 1, abfd) != l)
- return false;
- }
- else
- if (s->flags & (BSF_GLOBAL | BSF_LOCAL)
- && (s->flags & BSF_DEBUGGING) == 0
- && s->name[0] != '.'
- && s->name[0] != 't')
- {
- /* Just dump out non debug symbols */
- bfd_size_type l;
- char buf2[40], *p;
- sprintf_vma (buf2,
- s->value + s->section->output_section->lma
- + s->section->output_offset);
- p = buf2;
- while (p[0] == '0' && p[1] != 0)
- p++;
- sprintf (buffer, " %s $%s\r\n", s->name, p);
- l = strlen (buffer);
- if (bfd_write (buffer, l, 1, abfd) != l)
- return false;
- }
- }
- sprintf (buffer, "$$ \r\n");
- len = strlen (buffer);
- if (bfd_write (buffer, len, 1, abfd) != len)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-static boolean
-internal_srec_write_object_contents (abfd, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- int symbols;
- tdata_type *tdata = abfd->tdata.srec_data;
- srec_data_list_type *list;
- if (symbols)
- {
- if (! srec_write_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- }
- if (! srec_write_header (abfd))
- return false;
- /* Now wander though all the sections provided and output them */
- list = tdata->head;
- while (list != (srec_data_list_type *) NULL)
- {
- if (! srec_write_section (abfd, tdata, list))
- return false;
- list = list->next;
- }
- return srec_write_terminator (abfd, tdata);
-static boolean
-srec_write_object_contents (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return internal_srec_write_object_contents (abfd, 0);
-static boolean
-symbolsrec_write_object_contents (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return internal_srec_write_object_contents (abfd, 1);
-static int
-srec_sizeof_headers (abfd, exec)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean exec;
- return 0;
-static asymbol *
-srec_make_empty_symbol (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *new = (asymbol *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asymbol));
- if (new)
- new->the_bfd = abfd;
- return new;
-/* Return the amount of memory needed to read the symbol table. */
-static long
-srec_get_symtab_upper_bound (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) + 1) * sizeof (asymbol *);
-/* Return the symbol table. */
-static long
-srec_get_symtab (abfd, alocation)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **alocation;
- unsigned int symcount = bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- asymbol *csymbols;
- unsigned int i;
- csymbols = abfd->tdata.srec_data->csymbols;
- if (csymbols == NULL)
- {
- asymbol *c;
- struct srec_symbol *s;
- csymbols = (asymbol *) bfd_alloc (abfd, symcount * sizeof (asymbol));
- if (csymbols == NULL && symcount != 0)
- return false;
- abfd->tdata.srec_data->csymbols = csymbols;
- for (s = abfd->tdata.srec_data->symbols, c = csymbols;
- s != NULL;
- s = s->next, ++c)
- {
- c->the_bfd = abfd;
- c->name = s->name;
- c->value = s->val;
- c->flags = BSF_GLOBAL;
- c->section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- c->udata.p = NULL;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < symcount; i++)
- *alocation++ = csymbols++;
- *alocation = NULL;
- return symcount;
-srec_get_symbol_info (ignore_abfd, symbol, ret)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- symbol_info *ret;
- bfd_symbol_info (symbol, ret);
-srec_print_symbol (ignore_abfd, afile, symbol, how)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- PTR afile;
- asymbol *symbol;
- bfd_print_symbol_type how;
- FILE *file = (FILE *) afile;
- switch (how)
- {
- case bfd_print_symbol_name:
- fprintf (file, "%s", symbol->name);
- break;
- default:
- bfd_print_symbol_vandf ((PTR) file, symbol);
- fprintf (file, " %-5s %s",
- symbol->section->name,
- symbol->name);
- }
-#define srec_close_and_cleanup _bfd_generic_close_and_cleanup
-#define srec_bfd_free_cached_info _bfd_generic_bfd_free_cached_info
-#define srec_new_section_hook _bfd_generic_new_section_hook
-#define srec_bfd_is_local_label bfd_generic_is_local_label
-#define srec_get_lineno _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno
-#define srec_find_nearest_line _bfd_nosymbols_find_nearest_line
-#define srec_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
-#define srec_read_minisymbols _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols
-#define srec_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol
-#define srec_get_reloc_upper_bound \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *))) bfd_0l)
-#define srec_canonicalize_reloc \
- ((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent **, asymbol **))) bfd_0l)
-#define srec_bfd_reloc_type_lookup _bfd_norelocs_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
-#define srec_get_section_contents_in_window \
- _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
-#define srec_set_arch_mach bfd_default_set_arch_mach
-#define srec_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define srec_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
-#define srec_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
-#define srec_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
-#define srec_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
-#define srec_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
-const bfd_target srec_vec =
- "srec", /* name */
- bfd_target_srec_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* target byte order */
- BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* target headers byte order */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* leading underscore */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- srec_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- },
- {
- bfd_false,
- srec_mkobject,
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive,
- bfd_false,
- },
- { /* bfd_write_contents */
- bfd_false,
- srec_write_object_contents,
- _bfd_write_archive_contents,
- bfd_false,
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0
-const bfd_target symbolsrec_vec =
- "symbolsrec", /* name */
- bfd_target_srec_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* target byte order */
- BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* target headers byte order */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* leading underscore */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- symbolsrec_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- },
- {
- bfd_false,
- srec_mkobject,
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive,
- bfd_false,
- },
- { /* bfd_write_contents */
- bfd_false,
- symbolsrec_write_object_contents,
- _bfd_write_archive_contents,
- bfd_false,
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/stab-syms.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/stab-syms.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f4fe6c8ba3cf..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/stab-syms.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-/* Table of stab names for the BFD library.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#define ARCH_SIZE 32 /* Value doesn't matter. */
-#include "libaout.h"
-#include "aout/aout64.h"
-/* Ignore duplicate stab codes; just return the string for the first
- one. */
-#define __define_stab(NAME, CODE, STRING) __define_name(CODE, STRING)
-#define __define_stab_duplicate(NAME, CODE, STRING)
-/* These are not really stab symbols, but it is
- convenient to have them here for the sake of nm.
- For completeness, we could also add N_TEXT etc, but those
- are never needed, since nm treats those specially. */
-#define EXTRA_SYMBOLS \
- __define_name (N_SETA, "SETA")/* Absolute set element symbol */ \
- __define_name (N_SETT, "SETT")/* Text set element symbol */ \
- __define_name (N_SETD, "SETD")/* Data set element symbol */ \
- __define_name (N_SETB, "SETB")/* Bss set element symbol */ \
- __define_name (N_SETV, "SETV")/* Pointer to set vector in data area. */ \
- __define_name (N_INDR, "INDR") \
- __define_name (N_WARNING, "WARNING")
-const char *
-bfd_get_stab_name (code)
- int code;
- switch (code)
- {
-#define __define_name(val, str) case val: return str;
-#include "aout/stab.def"
- }
- return (const char *) 0;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/sunos.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/sunos.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 77bf319bcd60..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/sunos.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2767 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD backend for SunOS binaries.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define TARGETNAME "a.out-sunos-big"
-#define MY(OP) CAT(sunos_big_,OP)
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libaout.h"
-/* Static routines defined in this file. */
-static boolean sunos_read_dynamic_info PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static long sunos_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean sunos_slurp_dynamic_symtab PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static long sunos_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **));
-static long sunos_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static long sunos_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc
- PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent **, asymbol **));
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *sunos_link_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
-static struct bfd_link_hash_table *sunos_link_hash_table_create
- PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean sunos_create_dynamic_sections
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean));
-static boolean sunos_add_dynamic_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct external_nlist **,
- bfd_size_type *, char **));
-static boolean sunos_add_one_symbol
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, const char *, flagword, asection *,
- bfd_vma, const char *, boolean, boolean,
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry **));
-static boolean sunos_scan_relocs
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_size_type));
-static boolean sunos_scan_std_relocs
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *,
- const struct reloc_std_external *, bfd_size_type));
-static boolean sunos_scan_ext_relocs
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *,
- const struct reloc_ext_external *, bfd_size_type));
-static boolean sunos_link_dynamic_object
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *));
-static boolean sunos_write_dynamic_symbol
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct aout_link_hash_entry *));
-static boolean sunos_check_dynamic_reloc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *,
- struct aout_link_hash_entry *, PTR, bfd_byte *, boolean *,
- bfd_vma *));
-static boolean sunos_finish_dynamic_link
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-#define MY_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound sunos_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound
-#define MY_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab sunos_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab
-#define MY_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound sunos_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound
-#define MY_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc sunos_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc
-#define MY_bfd_link_hash_table_create sunos_link_hash_table_create
-#define MY_add_dynamic_symbols sunos_add_dynamic_symbols
-#define MY_add_one_symbol sunos_add_one_symbol
-#define MY_link_dynamic_object sunos_link_dynamic_object
-#define MY_write_dynamic_symbol sunos_write_dynamic_symbol
-#define MY_check_dynamic_reloc sunos_check_dynamic_reloc
-#define MY_finish_dynamic_link sunos_finish_dynamic_link
-/* Include the usual a.out support. */
-#include "aoutf1.h"
-/* SunOS shared library support. We store a pointer to this structure
- in obj_aout_dynamic_info (abfd). */
-struct sunos_dynamic_info
- /* Whether we found any dynamic information. */
- boolean valid;
- /* Dynamic information. */
- struct internal_sun4_dynamic_link dyninfo;
- /* Number of dynamic symbols. */
- unsigned long dynsym_count;
- /* Read in nlists for dynamic symbols. */
- struct external_nlist *dynsym;
- /* asymbol structures for dynamic symbols. */
- aout_symbol_type *canonical_dynsym;
- /* Read in dynamic string table. */
- char *dynstr;
- /* Number of dynamic relocs. */
- unsigned long dynrel_count;
- /* Read in dynamic relocs. This may be reloc_std_external or
- reloc_ext_external. */
- PTR dynrel;
- /* arelent structures for dynamic relocs. */
- arelent *canonical_dynrel;
-/* The hash table of dynamic symbols is composed of two word entries.
- See include/aout/sun4.h for details. */
-/* Read in the basic dynamic information. This locates the __DYNAMIC
- structure and uses it to find the dynamic_link structure. It
- creates and saves a sunos_dynamic_info structure. If it can't find
- __DYNAMIC, it sets the valid field of the sunos_dynamic_info
- structure to false to avoid doing this work again. */
-static boolean
-sunos_read_dynamic_info (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct sunos_dynamic_info *info;
- asection *dynsec;
- bfd_vma dynoff;
- struct external_sun4_dynamic dyninfo;
- unsigned long dynver;
- struct external_sun4_dynamic_link linkinfo;
- if (obj_aout_dynamic_info (abfd) != (PTR) NULL)
- return true;
- if ((abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) == 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- info = ((struct sunos_dynamic_info *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct sunos_dynamic_info)));
- if (!info)
- return false;
- info->valid = false;
- info->dynsym = NULL;
- info->dynstr = NULL;
- info->canonical_dynsym = NULL;
- info->dynrel = NULL;
- info->canonical_dynrel = NULL;
- obj_aout_dynamic_info (abfd) = (PTR) info;
- /* This code used to look for the __DYNAMIC symbol to locate the dynamic
- linking information.
- However this inhibits recovering the dynamic symbols from a
- stripped object file, so blindly assume that the dynamic linking
- information is located at the start of the data section.
- We could verify this assumption later by looking through the dynamic
- symbols for the __DYNAMIC symbol. */
- if ((abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) == 0)
- return true;
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (abfd, obj_datasec (abfd), (PTR) &dyninfo,
- (file_ptr) 0, sizeof dyninfo))
- return true;
- dynver = GET_WORD (abfd, dyninfo.ld_version);
- if (dynver != 2 && dynver != 3)
- return true;
- dynoff = GET_WORD (abfd, dyninfo.ld);
- /* dynoff is a virtual address. It is probably always in the .data
- section, but this code should work even if it moves. */
- if (dynoff < bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, obj_datasec (abfd)))
- dynsec = obj_textsec (abfd);
- else
- dynsec = obj_datasec (abfd);
- dynoff -= bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, dynsec);
- if (dynoff > bfd_section_size (abfd, dynsec))
- return true;
- /* This executable appears to be dynamically linked in a way that we
- can understand. */
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (abfd, dynsec, (PTR) &linkinfo, dynoff,
- (bfd_size_type) sizeof linkinfo))
- return true;
- /* Swap in the dynamic link information. */
- info->dyninfo.ld_loaded = GET_WORD (abfd, linkinfo.ld_loaded);
- info->dyninfo.ld_need = GET_WORD (abfd, linkinfo.ld_need);
- info->dyninfo.ld_rules = GET_WORD (abfd, linkinfo.ld_rules);
- info->dyninfo.ld_got = GET_WORD (abfd, linkinfo.ld_got);
- info->dyninfo.ld_plt = GET_WORD (abfd, linkinfo.ld_plt);
- info->dyninfo.ld_rel = GET_WORD (abfd, linkinfo.ld_rel);
- info->dyninfo.ld_hash = GET_WORD (abfd, linkinfo.ld_hash);
- info->dyninfo.ld_stab = GET_WORD (abfd, linkinfo.ld_stab);
- info->dyninfo.ld_stab_hash = GET_WORD (abfd, linkinfo.ld_stab_hash);
- info->dyninfo.ld_buckets = GET_WORD (abfd, linkinfo.ld_buckets);
- info->dyninfo.ld_symbols = GET_WORD (abfd, linkinfo.ld_symbols);
- info->dyninfo.ld_symb_size = GET_WORD (abfd, linkinfo.ld_symb_size);
- info->dyninfo.ld_text = GET_WORD (abfd, linkinfo.ld_text);
- info->dyninfo.ld_plt_sz = GET_WORD (abfd, linkinfo.ld_plt_sz);
- /* Reportedly the addresses need to be offset by the size of the
- exec header in an NMAGIC file. */
- if (adata (abfd).magic == n_magic)
- {
- unsigned long exec_bytes_size = adata (abfd).exec_bytes_size;
- info->dyninfo.ld_need += exec_bytes_size;
- info->dyninfo.ld_rules += exec_bytes_size;
- info->dyninfo.ld_rel += exec_bytes_size;
- info->dyninfo.ld_hash += exec_bytes_size;
- info->dyninfo.ld_stab += exec_bytes_size;
- info->dyninfo.ld_symbols += exec_bytes_size;
- }
- /* The only way to get the size of the symbol information appears to
- be to determine the distance between it and the string table. */
- info->dynsym_count = ((info->dyninfo.ld_symbols - info->dyninfo.ld_stab)
- BFD_ASSERT (info->dynsym_count * EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE
- == (unsigned long) (info->dyninfo.ld_symbols
- - info->dyninfo.ld_stab));
- /* Similarly, the relocs end at the hash table. */
- info->dynrel_count = ((info->dyninfo.ld_hash - info->dyninfo.ld_rel)
- / obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd));
- BFD_ASSERT (info->dynrel_count * obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd)
- == (unsigned long) (info->dyninfo.ld_hash
- - info->dyninfo.ld_rel));
- info->valid = true;
- return true;
-/* Return the amount of memory required for the dynamic symbols. */
-static long
-sunos_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct sunos_dynamic_info *info;
- if (! sunos_read_dynamic_info (abfd))
- return -1;
- info = (struct sunos_dynamic_info *) obj_aout_dynamic_info (abfd);
- if (! info->valid)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_symbols);
- return -1;
- }
- return (info->dynsym_count + 1) * sizeof (asymbol *);
-/* Read the external dynamic symbols. */
-static boolean
-sunos_slurp_dynamic_symtab (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct sunos_dynamic_info *info;
- /* Get the general dynamic information. */
- if (obj_aout_dynamic_info (abfd) == NULL)
- {
- if (! sunos_read_dynamic_info (abfd))
- return false;
- }
- info = (struct sunos_dynamic_info *) obj_aout_dynamic_info (abfd);
- if (! info->valid)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_symbols);
- return false;
- }
- /* Get the dynamic nlist structures. */
- if (info->dynsym == (struct external_nlist *) NULL)
- {
- info->dynsym = ((struct external_nlist *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (info->dynsym_count
- if (info->dynsym == NULL && info->dynsym_count != 0)
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, info->dyninfo.ld_stab, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_read ((PTR) info->dynsym, info->dynsym_count,
- != info->dynsym_count * EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE))
- {
- if (info->dynsym != NULL)
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, info->dynsym);
- info->dynsym = NULL;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- /* Get the dynamic strings. */
- if (info->dynstr == (char *) NULL)
- {
- info->dynstr = (char *) bfd_alloc (abfd, info->dyninfo.ld_symb_size);
- if (info->dynstr == NULL && info->dyninfo.ld_symb_size != 0)
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, info->dyninfo.ld_symbols, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_read ((PTR) info->dynstr, 1, info->dyninfo.ld_symb_size,
- abfd)
- != info->dyninfo.ld_symb_size))
- {
- if (info->dynstr != NULL)
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, info->dynstr);
- info->dynstr = NULL;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Read in the dynamic symbols. */
-static long
-sunos_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab (abfd, storage)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **storage;
- struct sunos_dynamic_info *info;
- unsigned long i;
- if (! sunos_slurp_dynamic_symtab (abfd))
- return -1;
- info = (struct sunos_dynamic_info *) obj_aout_dynamic_info (abfd);
- /* Check my understanding of the dynamic hash table by making sure
- that each symbol can be located in the hash table. */
- {
- bfd_size_type table_size;
- bfd_byte *table;
- bfd_size_type i;
- if (info->dyninfo.ld_buckets > info->dynsym_count)
- abort ();
- table_size = info->dyninfo.ld_stab - info->dyninfo.ld_hash;
- table = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (table_size);
- if (table == NULL && table_size != 0)
- abort ();
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, info->dyninfo.ld_hash, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read ((PTR) table, 1, table_size, abfd) != table_size)
- abort ();
- for (i = 0; i < info->dynsym_count; i++)
- {
- unsigned char *name;
- unsigned long hash;
- name = ((unsigned char *) info->dynstr
- + GET_WORD (abfd, info->dynsym[i].e_strx));
- hash = 0;
- while (*name != '\0')
- hash = (hash << 1) + *name++;
- hash &= 0x7fffffff;
- hash %= info->dyninfo.ld_buckets;
- while (GET_WORD (abfd, table + hash * HASH_ENTRY_SIZE) != i)
- {
- hash = GET_WORD (abfd,
- table + hash * HASH_ENTRY_SIZE + BYTES_IN_WORD);
- if (hash == 0 || hash >= table_size / HASH_ENTRY_SIZE)
- abort ();
- }
- }
- free (table);
- }
-#endif /* CHECK_DYNAMIC_HASH */
- /* Get the asymbol structures corresponding to the dynamic nlist
- structures. */
- if (info->canonical_dynsym == (aout_symbol_type *) NULL)
- {
- info->canonical_dynsym = ((aout_symbol_type *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (info->dynsym_count
- * sizeof (aout_symbol_type))));
- if (info->canonical_dynsym == NULL && info->dynsym_count != 0)
- return -1;
- if (! aout_32_translate_symbol_table (abfd, info->canonical_dynsym,
- info->dynsym, info->dynsym_count,
- info->dynstr,
- info->dyninfo.ld_symb_size,
- true))
- {
- if (info->canonical_dynsym != NULL)
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, info->canonical_dynsym);
- info->canonical_dynsym = NULL;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- }
- /* Return pointers to the dynamic asymbol structures. */
- for (i = 0; i < info->dynsym_count; i++)
- *storage++ = (asymbol *) (info->canonical_dynsym + i);
- *storage = NULL;
- return info->dynsym_count;
-/* Return the amount of memory required for the dynamic relocs. */
-static long
-sunos_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct sunos_dynamic_info *info;
- if (! sunos_read_dynamic_info (abfd))
- return -1;
- info = (struct sunos_dynamic_info *) obj_aout_dynamic_info (abfd);
- if (! info->valid)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_symbols);
- return -1;
- }
- return (info->dynrel_count + 1) * sizeof (arelent *);
-/* Read in the dynamic relocs. */
-static long
-sunos_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc (abfd, storage, syms)
- bfd *abfd;
- arelent **storage;
- asymbol **syms;
- struct sunos_dynamic_info *info;
- unsigned long i;
- /* Get the general dynamic information. */
- if (obj_aout_dynamic_info (abfd) == (PTR) NULL)
- {
- if (! sunos_read_dynamic_info (abfd))
- return -1;
- }
- info = (struct sunos_dynamic_info *) obj_aout_dynamic_info (abfd);
- if (! info->valid)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_symbols);
- return -1;
- }
- /* Get the dynamic reloc information. */
- if (info->dynrel == NULL)
- {
- info->dynrel = (PTR) bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (info->dynrel_count
- * obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd)));
- if (info->dynrel == NULL && info->dynrel_count != 0)
- return -1;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, info->dyninfo.ld_rel, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_read ((PTR) info->dynrel, info->dynrel_count,
- obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd), abfd)
- != info->dynrel_count * obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd)))
- {
- if (info->dynrel != NULL)
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, info->dynrel);
- info->dynrel = NULL;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- }
- /* Get the arelent structures corresponding to the dynamic reloc
- information. */
- if (info->canonical_dynrel == (arelent *) NULL)
- {
- arelent *to;
- info->canonical_dynrel = ((arelent *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (info->dynrel_count
- * sizeof (arelent))));
- if (info->canonical_dynrel == NULL && info->dynrel_count != 0)
- return -1;
- to = info->canonical_dynrel;
- if (obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) == RELOC_EXT_SIZE)
- {
- register struct reloc_ext_external *p;
- struct reloc_ext_external *pend;
- p = (struct reloc_ext_external *) info->dynrel;
- pend = p + info->dynrel_count;
- for (; p < pend; p++, to++)
- NAME(aout,swap_ext_reloc_in) (abfd, p, to, syms,
- info->dynsym_count);
- }
- else
- {
- register struct reloc_std_external *p;
- struct reloc_std_external *pend;
- p = (struct reloc_std_external *) info->dynrel;
- pend = p + info->dynrel_count;
- for (; p < pend; p++, to++)
- NAME(aout,swap_std_reloc_in) (abfd, p, to, syms,
- info->dynsym_count);
- }
- }
- /* Return pointers to the dynamic arelent structures. */
- for (i = 0; i < info->dynrel_count; i++)
- *storage++ = info->canonical_dynrel + i;
- *storage = NULL;
- return info->dynrel_count;
-/* Code to handle linking of SunOS shared libraries. */
-/* A SPARC procedure linkage table entry is 12 bytes. The first entry
- in the table is a jump which is filled in by the runtime linker.
- The remaining entries are branches back to the first entry,
- followed by an index into the relocation table encoded to look like
- a sethi of %g0. */
-#define SPARC_PLT_ENTRY_SIZE (12)
-static const bfd_byte sparc_plt_first_entry[SPARC_PLT_ENTRY_SIZE] =
- /* sethi %hi(0),%g1; address filled in by runtime linker. */
- 0x3, 0, 0, 0,
- /* jmp %g1; offset filled in by runtime linker. */
- 0x81, 0xc0, 0x60, 0,
- /* nop */
- 0x1, 0, 0, 0
-/* save %sp, -96, %sp */
-#define SPARC_PLT_ENTRY_WORD0 0x9de3bfa0
-/* call; address filled in later. */
-#define SPARC_PLT_ENTRY_WORD1 0x40000000
-/* sethi; reloc index filled in later. */
-#define SPARC_PLT_ENTRY_WORD2 0x01000000
-/* This sequence is used when for the jump table entry to a defined
- symbol in a complete executable. It is used when linking PIC
- compiled code which is not being put into a shared library. */
-/* sethi <address to be filled in later>, %g1 */
-#define SPARC_PLT_PIC_WORD0 0x03000000
-/* jmp %g1 + <address to be filled in later> */
-#define SPARC_PLT_PIC_WORD1 0x81c06000
-/* nop */
-#define SPARC_PLT_PIC_WORD2 0x01000000
-/* An m68k procedure linkage table entry is 8 bytes. The first entry
- in the table is a jump which is filled in the by the runtime
- linker. The remaining entries are branches back to the first
- entry, followed by a two byte index into the relocation table. */
-#define M68K_PLT_ENTRY_SIZE (8)
-static const bfd_byte m68k_plt_first_entry[M68K_PLT_ENTRY_SIZE] =
- /* jmps @# */
- 0x4e, 0xf9,
- /* Filled in by runtime linker with a magic address. */
- 0, 0, 0, 0,
- /* Not used? */
- 0, 0
-/* bsrl */
-#define M68K_PLT_ENTRY_WORD0 (0x61ff)
-/* Remaining words filled in later. */
-/* An entry in the SunOS linker hash table. */
-struct sunos_link_hash_entry
- struct aout_link_hash_entry root;
- /* If this is a dynamic symbol, this is its index into the dynamic
- symbol table. This is initialized to -1. As the linker looks at
- the input files, it changes this to -2 if it will be added to the
- dynamic symbol table. After all the input files have been seen,
- the linker will know whether to build a dynamic symbol table; if
- it does build one, this becomes the index into the table. */
- long dynindx;
- /* If this is a dynamic symbol, this is the index of the name in the
- dynamic symbol string table. */
- long dynstr_index;
- /* The offset into the global offset table used for this symbol. If
- the symbol does not require a GOT entry, this is 0. */
- bfd_vma got_offset;
- /* The offset into the procedure linkage table used for this symbol.
- If the symbol does not require a PLT entry, this is 0. */
- bfd_vma plt_offset;
- /* Some linker flags. */
- unsigned char flags;
- /* Symbol is referenced by a regular object. */
- /* Symbol is defined by a regular object. */
- /* Symbol is referenced by a dynamic object. */
- /* Symbol is defined by a dynamic object. */
-#define SUNOS_DEF_DYNAMIC 010
- /* Symbol is a constructor symbol in a regular object. */
-/* The SunOS linker hash table. */
-struct sunos_link_hash_table
- struct aout_link_hash_table root;
- /* The object which holds the dynamic sections. */
- bfd *dynobj;
- /* Whether we have created the dynamic sections. */
- boolean dynamic_sections_created;
- /* Whether we need the dynamic sections. */
- boolean dynamic_sections_needed;
- /* The number of dynamic symbols. */
- size_t dynsymcount;
- /* The number of buckets in the hash table. */
- size_t bucketcount;
- /* The list of dynamic objects needed by dynamic objects included in
- the link. */
- struct bfd_link_needed_list *needed;
-/* Routine to create an entry in an SunOS link hash table. */
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *
-sunos_link_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct sunos_link_hash_entry *ret = (struct sunos_link_hash_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == (struct sunos_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ret = ((struct sunos_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table, sizeof (struct sunos_link_hash_entry)));
- if (ret == (struct sunos_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct sunos_link_hash_entry *)
- NAME(aout,link_hash_newfunc) ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret,
- table, string));
- if (ret != NULL)
- {
- /* Set local fields. */
- ret->dynindx = -1;
- ret->dynstr_index = -1;
- ret->got_offset = 0;
- ret->plt_offset = 0;
- ret->flags = 0;
- }
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Create a SunOS link hash table. */
-static struct bfd_link_hash_table *
-sunos_link_hash_table_create (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct sunos_link_hash_table *ret;
- ret = ((struct sunos_link_hash_table *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct sunos_link_hash_table)));
- if (ret == (struct sunos_link_hash_table *) NULL)
- return (struct bfd_link_hash_table *) NULL;
- if (! NAME(aout,link_hash_table_init) (&ret->root, abfd,
- sunos_link_hash_newfunc))
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, ret);
- return (struct bfd_link_hash_table *) NULL;
- }
- ret->dynobj = NULL;
- ret->dynamic_sections_created = false;
- ret->dynamic_sections_needed = false;
- ret->dynsymcount = 0;
- ret->bucketcount = 0;
- ret->needed = NULL;
- return &ret->root.root;
-/* Look up an entry in an SunOS link hash table. */
-#define sunos_link_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy, follow) \
- ((struct sunos_link_hash_entry *) \
- aout_link_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), (copy),\
- (follow)))
-/* Traverse a SunOS link hash table. */
-#define sunos_link_hash_traverse(table, func, info) \
- (aout_link_hash_traverse \
- (&(table)->root, \
- (boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct aout_link_hash_entry *, PTR))) (func), \
- (info)))
-/* Get the SunOS link hash table from the info structure. This is
- just a cast. */
-#define sunos_hash_table(p) ((struct sunos_link_hash_table *) ((p)->hash))
-static boolean sunos_scan_dynamic_symbol
- PARAMS ((struct sunos_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
-/* Create the dynamic sections needed if we are linking against a
- dynamic object, or if we are linking PIC compiled code. ABFD is a
- bfd we can attach the dynamic sections to. The linker script will
- look for these special sections names and put them in the right
- place in the output file. See include/aout/sun4.h for more details
- of the dynamic linking information. */
-static boolean
-sunos_create_dynamic_sections (abfd, info, needed)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean needed;
- asection *s;
- if (! sunos_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- flagword flags;
- sunos_hash_table (info)->dynobj = abfd;
- /* The .dynamic section holds the basic dynamic information: the
- sun4_dynamic structure, the dynamic debugger information, and
- the sun4_dynamic_link structure. */
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".dynamic");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 2))
- return false;
- /* The .got section holds the global offset table. The address
- is put in the ld_got field. */
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".got");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 2))
- return false;
- /* The .plt section holds the procedure linkage table. The
- address is put in the ld_plt field. */
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".plt");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags | SEC_CODE)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 2))
- return false;
- /* The .dynrel section holds the dynamic relocs. The address is
- put in the ld_rel field. */
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".dynrel");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags | SEC_READONLY)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 2))
- return false;
- /* The .hash section holds the dynamic hash table. The address
- is put in the ld_hash field. */
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".hash");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags | SEC_READONLY)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 2))
- return false;
- /* The .dynsym section holds the dynamic symbols. The address
- is put in the ld_stab field. */
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".dynsym");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags | SEC_READONLY)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 2))
- return false;
- /* The .dynstr section holds the dynamic symbol string table.
- The address is put in the ld_symbols field. */
- s = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".dynstr");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, s, flags | SEC_READONLY)
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, s, 2))
- return false;
- sunos_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created = true;
- }
- if (needed && ! sunos_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_needed)
- {
- bfd *dynobj;
- dynobj = sunos_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- s->_raw_size = BYTES_IN_WORD;
- sunos_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_needed = true;
- }
- return true;
-/* Add dynamic symbols during a link. This is called by the a.out
- backend linker when it encounters an object with the DYNAMIC flag
- set. */
-static boolean
-sunos_add_dynamic_symbols (abfd, info, symsp, sym_countp, stringsp)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct external_nlist **symsp;
- bfd_size_type *sym_countp;
- char **stringsp;
- asection *s;
- bfd *dynobj;
- struct sunos_dynamic_info *dinfo;
- unsigned long need;
- /* We do not want to include the sections in a dynamic object in the
- output file. We hack by simply clobbering the list of sections
- in the BFD. This could be handled more cleanly by, say, a new
- section flag; the existing SEC_NEVER_LOAD flag is not the one we
- want, because that one still implies that the section takes up
- space in the output file. */
- abfd->sections = NULL;
- /* The native linker seems to just ignore dynamic objects when -r is
- used. */
- if (info->relocateable)
- return true;
- /* There's no hope of using a dynamic object which does not exactly
- match the format of the output file. */
- if (info->hash->creator != abfd->xvec)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- /* Make sure we have all the required information. */
- if (! sunos_create_dynamic_sections (abfd, info, true))
- return false;
- /* Make sure we have a .need and a .rules sections. These are only
- needed if there really is a dynamic object in the link, so they
- are not added by sunos_create_dynamic_sections. */
- dynobj = sunos_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- if (bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".need") == NULL)
- {
- /* The .need section holds the list of names of shared objets
- which must be included at runtime. The address of this
- section is put in the ld_need field. */
- s = bfd_make_section (dynobj, ".need");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (dynobj, s,
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, s, 2))
- return false;
- }
- if (bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".rules") == NULL)
- {
- /* The .rules section holds the path to search for shared
- objects. The address of this section is put in the ld_rules
- field. */
- s = bfd_make_section (dynobj, ".rules");
- if (s == NULL
- || ! bfd_set_section_flags (dynobj, s,
- || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, s, 2))
- return false;
- }
- /* Pick up the dynamic symbols and return them to the caller. */
- if (! sunos_slurp_dynamic_symtab (abfd))
- return false;
- dinfo = (struct sunos_dynamic_info *) obj_aout_dynamic_info (abfd);
- *symsp = dinfo->dynsym;
- *sym_countp = dinfo->dynsym_count;
- *stringsp = dinfo->dynstr;
- /* Record information about any other objects needed by this one. */
- need = dinfo->dyninfo.ld_need;
- while (need != 0)
- {
- bfd_byte buf[16];
- unsigned long name, flags;
- unsigned short major_vno, minor_vno;
- struct bfd_link_needed_list *needed, **pp;
- bfd_byte b;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, need, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read (buf, 1, 16, abfd) != 16)
- return false;
- /* For the format of an ld_need entry, see aout/sun4.h. We
- should probably define structs for this manipulation. */
- name = bfd_get_32 (abfd, buf);
- flags = bfd_get_32 (abfd, buf + 4);
- major_vno = bfd_get_16 (abfd, buf + 8);
- minor_vno = bfd_get_16 (abfd, buf + 10);
- need = bfd_get_32 (abfd, buf + 12);
- needed = (struct bfd_link_needed_list *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct bfd_link_needed_list));
- if (needed == NULL)
- return false;
- needed->by = abfd;
- /* We return the name as [-l]name[.maj][.min]. */
- if ((flags & 0x80000000) != 0)
- bfd_alloc_grow (abfd, "-l", 2);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, name, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return false;
- do
- {
- if (bfd_read (&b, 1, 1, abfd) != 1)
- return false;
- bfd_alloc_grow (abfd, &b, 1);
- }
- while (b != '\0');
- if (major_vno != 0)
- {
- char verbuf[30];
- sprintf (verbuf, ".%d", major_vno);
- bfd_alloc_grow (abfd, verbuf, strlen (verbuf));
- if (minor_vno != 0)
- {
- sprintf (verbuf, ".%d", minor_vno);
- bfd_alloc_grow (abfd, verbuf, strlen (verbuf));
- }
- }
- needed->name = bfd_alloc_finish (abfd);
- if (needed->name == NULL)
- return false;
- needed->next = NULL;
- for (pp = &sunos_hash_table (info)->needed;
- *pp != NULL;
- pp = &(*pp)->next)
- ;
- *pp = needed;
- }
- return true;
-/* Function to add a single symbol to the linker hash table. This is
- a wrapper around _bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol which handles the
- tweaking needed for dynamic linking support. */
-static boolean
-sunos_add_one_symbol (info, abfd, name, flags, section, value, string,
- copy, collect, hashp)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *abfd;
- const char *name;
- flagword flags;
- asection *section;
- bfd_vma value;
- const char *string;
- boolean copy;
- boolean collect;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry **hashp;
- struct sunos_link_hash_entry *h;
- int new_flag;
- if (! sunos_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
- {
- /* We must create the dynamic sections while reading the input
- files, even though at this point we don't know if any of the
- sections will be needed. This will ensure that the dynamic
- sections are mapped to the right output section. It does no
- harm to create these sections if they are not needed. */
- if (! sunos_create_dynamic_sections (abfd, info, false))
- return false;
- }
- || ! bfd_is_und_section (section))
- h = sunos_link_hash_lookup (sunos_hash_table (info), name, true, copy,
- false);
- else
- h = ((struct sunos_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup (abfd, info, name, true, copy, false));
- if (h == NULL)
- return false;
- if (hashp != NULL)
- *hashp = (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) h;
- /* Treat a common symbol in a dynamic object as defined in the .bss
- section of the dynamic object. We don't want to allocate space
- for it in our process image. */
- if ((abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0
- && bfd_is_com_section (section))
- section = obj_bsssec (abfd);
- if (! bfd_is_und_section (section)
- && h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_new
- && h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_undefined
- && h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- /* We are defining the symbol, and it is already defined. This
- is a potential multiple definition error. */
- if ((abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0)
- {
- /* The definition we are adding is from a dynamic object.
- We do not want this new definition to override the
- existing definition, so we pretend it is just a
- reference. */
- section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- }
- else if (h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- && h->root.root.u.def.section->owner != NULL
- && (h->root.root.u.def.section->owner->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0)
- {
- /* The existing definition is from a dynamic object. We
- want to override it with the definition we just found.
- Clobber the existing definition. */
- h->root.root.type = bfd_link_hash_new;
- }
- else if (h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_common
- && (h->root.root.u.c.p->section->owner->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0)
- {
- /* The existing definition is from a dynamic object. We
- want to override it with the definition we just found.
- Clobber the existing definition. We can't set it to new,
- because it is on the undefined list. */
- h->root.root.type = bfd_link_hash_undefined;
- h->root.root.u.undef.abfd = h->root.root.u.c.p->section->owner;
- }
- }
- if ((abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0
- && abfd->xvec == info->hash->creator
- && (h->flags & SUNOS_CONSTRUCTOR) != 0)
- {
- /* The existing symbol is a constructor symbol, and this symbol
- is from a dynamic object. A constructor symbol is actually a
- definition, although the type will be bfd_link_hash_undefined
- at this point. We want to ignore the definition from the
- dynamic object. */
- section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- }
- else if ((flags & BSF_CONSTRUCTOR) != 0
- && (abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) == 0
- && h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- && h->root.root.u.def.section->owner != NULL
- && (h->root.root.u.def.section->owner->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0)
- {
- /* The existing symbol is defined by a dynamic object, and this
- is a constructor symbol. As above, we want to force the use
- of the constructor symbol from the regular object. */
- h->root.root.type = bfd_link_hash_new;
- }
- /* Do the usual procedure for adding a symbol. */
- if (! _bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol (info, abfd, name, flags, section,
- value, string, copy, collect,
- hashp))
- return false;
- if (abfd->xvec == info->hash->creator)
- {
- /* Set a flag in the hash table entry indicating the type of
- reference or definition we just found. Keep a count of the
- number of dynamic symbols we find. A dynamic symbol is one
- which is referenced or defined by both a regular object and a
- shared object. */
- if ((abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) == 0)
- {
- if (bfd_is_und_section (section))
- new_flag = SUNOS_REF_REGULAR;
- else
- new_flag = SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR;
- }
- else
- {
- if (bfd_is_und_section (section))
- new_flag = SUNOS_REF_DYNAMIC;
- else
- new_flag = SUNOS_DEF_DYNAMIC;
- }
- h->flags |= new_flag;
- if (h->dynindx == -1
- && (h->flags & (SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR | SUNOS_REF_REGULAR)) != 0)
- {
- ++sunos_hash_table (info)->dynsymcount;
- h->dynindx = -2;
- }
- if ((flags & BSF_CONSTRUCTOR) != 0
- && (abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) == 0)
- h->flags |= SUNOS_CONSTRUCTOR;
- }
- return true;
-/* Return the list of objects needed by BFD. */
-struct bfd_link_needed_list *
-bfd_sunos_get_needed_list (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- if (info->hash->creator != &MY(vec))
- return NULL;
- return sunos_hash_table (info)->needed;
-/* Record an assignment made to a symbol by a linker script. We need
- this in case some dynamic object refers to this symbol. */
-bfd_sunos_record_link_assignment (output_bfd, info, name)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- const char *name;
- struct sunos_link_hash_entry *h;
- if (output_bfd->xvec != &MY(vec))
- return true;
- /* This is called after we have examined all the input objects. If
- the symbol does not exist, it merely means that no object refers
- to it, and we can just ignore it at this point. */
- h = sunos_link_hash_lookup (sunos_hash_table (info), name,
- false, false, false);
- if (h == NULL)
- return true;
- /* In a shared library, the __DYNAMIC symbol does not appear in the
- dynamic symbol table. */
- if (! info->shared || strcmp (name, "__DYNAMIC") != 0)
- {
- h->flags |= SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR;
- if (h->dynindx == -1)
- {
- ++sunos_hash_table (info)->dynsymcount;
- h->dynindx = -2;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Set up the sizes and contents of the dynamic sections created in
- sunos_add_dynamic_symbols. This is called by the SunOS linker
- emulation before_allocation routine. We must set the sizes of the
- sections before the linker sets the addresses of the various
- sections. This unfortunately requires reading all the relocs so
- that we can work out which ones need to become dynamic relocs. If
- info->keep_memory is true, we keep the relocs in memory; otherwise,
- we discard them, and will read them again later. */
-bfd_sunos_size_dynamic_sections (output_bfd, info, sdynptr, sneedptr,
- srulesptr)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection **sdynptr;
- asection **sneedptr;
- asection **srulesptr;
- bfd *dynobj;
- size_t dynsymcount;
- struct sunos_link_hash_entry *h;
- asection *s;
- size_t bucketcount;
- size_t hashalloc;
- size_t i;
- bfd *sub;
- *sdynptr = NULL;
- *sneedptr = NULL;
- *srulesptr = NULL;
- if (output_bfd->xvec != &MY(vec))
- return true;
- /* Look through all the input BFD's and read their relocs. It would
- be better if we didn't have to do this, but there is no other way
- to determine the number of dynamic relocs we need, and, more
- importantly, there is no other way to know which symbols should
- get an entry in the procedure linkage table. */
- for (sub = info->input_bfds; sub != NULL; sub = sub->link_next)
- {
- if ((sub->flags & DYNAMIC) == 0
- && sub->xvec == output_bfd->xvec)
- {
- if (! sunos_scan_relocs (info, sub, obj_textsec (sub),
- exec_hdr (sub)->a_trsize)
- || ! sunos_scan_relocs (info, sub, obj_datasec (sub),
- exec_hdr (sub)->a_drsize))
- return false;
- }
- }
- dynobj = sunos_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- dynsymcount = sunos_hash_table (info)->dynsymcount;
- /* If there were no dynamic objects in the link, and we don't need
- to build a global offset table, there is nothing to do here. */
- if (! sunos_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_needed)
- return true;
- /* If __GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ was mentioned, define it. */
- h = sunos_link_hash_lookup (sunos_hash_table (info),
- "__GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_", false, false, false);
- if (h != NULL && (h->flags & SUNOS_REF_REGULAR) != 0)
- {
- h->flags |= SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR;
- if (h->dynindx == -1)
- {
- ++sunos_hash_table (info)->dynsymcount;
- h->dynindx = -2;
- }
- h->root.root.type = bfd_link_hash_defined;
- h->root.root.u.def.section = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- h->root.root.u.def.value = 0;
- }
- /* The .dynamic section is always the same size. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynamic");
- s->_raw_size = (sizeof (struct external_sun4_dynamic)
- + sizeof (struct external_sun4_dynamic_link));
- /* Set the size of the .dynsym and .hash sections. We counted the
- number of dynamic symbols as we read the input files. We will
- build the dynamic symbol table (.dynsym) and the hash table
- (.hash) when we build the final symbol table, because until then
- we do not know the correct value to give the symbols. We build
- the dynamic symbol string table (.dynstr) in a traversal of the
- symbol table using sunos_scan_dynamic_symbol. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynsym");
- s->_raw_size = dynsymcount * sizeof (struct external_nlist);
- s->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (output_bfd, s->_raw_size);
- if (s->contents == NULL && s->_raw_size != 0)
- return false;
- /* The number of buckets is just the number of symbols divided by
- four. To compute the final size of the hash table, we must
- actually compute the hash table. Normally we need exactly as
- many entries in the hash table as there are dynamic symbols, but
- if some of the buckets are not used we will need additional
- entries. In the worst case, every symbol will hash to the same
- bucket, and we will need BUCKETCOUNT - 1 extra entries. */
- if (dynsymcount >= 4)
- bucketcount = dynsymcount / 4;
- else if (dynsymcount > 0)
- bucketcount = dynsymcount;
- else
- bucketcount = 1;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".hash");
- hashalloc = (dynsymcount + bucketcount - 1) * HASH_ENTRY_SIZE;
- s->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (dynobj, hashalloc);
- if (s->contents == NULL && dynsymcount > 0)
- return false;
- memset (s->contents, 0, hashalloc);
- for (i = 0; i < bucketcount; i++)
- PUT_WORD (output_bfd, (bfd_vma) -1, s->contents + i * HASH_ENTRY_SIZE);
- s->_raw_size = bucketcount * HASH_ENTRY_SIZE;
- sunos_hash_table (info)->bucketcount = bucketcount;
- /* Scan all the symbols, place them in the dynamic symbol table, and
- build the dynamic hash table. We reuse dynsymcount as a counter
- for the number of symbols we have added so far. */
- sunos_hash_table (info)->dynsymcount = 0;
- sunos_link_hash_traverse (sunos_hash_table (info),
- sunos_scan_dynamic_symbol,
- (PTR) info);
- BFD_ASSERT (sunos_hash_table (info)->dynsymcount == dynsymcount);
- /* The SunOS native linker seems to align the total size of the
- symbol strings to a multiple of 8. I don't know if this is
- important, but it can't hurt much. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynstr");
- if ((s->_raw_size & 7) != 0)
- {
- bfd_size_type add;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- add = 8 - (s->_raw_size & 7);
- contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_realloc (s->contents,
- (size_t) (s->_raw_size + add));
- if (contents == NULL)
- return false;
- memset (contents + s->_raw_size, 0, (size_t) add);
- s->contents = contents;
- s->_raw_size += add;
- }
- /* Now that we have worked out the sizes of the procedure linkage
- table and the dynamic relocs, allocate storage for them. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- if (s->_raw_size != 0)
- {
- s->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (dynobj, s->_raw_size);
- if (s->contents == NULL)
- return false;
- /* Fill in the first entry in the table. */
- switch (bfd_get_arch (dynobj))
- {
- case bfd_arch_sparc:
- memcpy (s->contents, sparc_plt_first_entry, SPARC_PLT_ENTRY_SIZE);
- break;
- case bfd_arch_m68k:
- memcpy (s->contents, m68k_plt_first_entry, M68K_PLT_ENTRY_SIZE);
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- }
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynrel");
- if (s->_raw_size != 0)
- {
- s->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (dynobj, s->_raw_size);
- if (s->contents == NULL)
- return false;
- }
- /* We use the reloc_count field to keep track of how many of the
- relocs we have output so far. */
- s->reloc_count = 0;
- /* Make space for the global offset table. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- s->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (dynobj, s->_raw_size);
- if (s->contents == NULL)
- return false;
- *sdynptr = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynamic");
- *sneedptr = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".need");
- *srulesptr = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".rules");
- return true;
-/* Scan the relocs for an input section. */
-static boolean
-sunos_scan_relocs (info, abfd, sec, rel_size)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- bfd_size_type rel_size;
- PTR relocs;
- PTR free_relocs = NULL;
- if (rel_size == 0)
- return true;
- if (! info->keep_memory)
- relocs = free_relocs = bfd_malloc ((size_t) rel_size);
- else
- {
- struct aout_section_data_struct *n;
- n = ((struct aout_section_data_struct *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct aout_section_data_struct)));
- if (n == NULL)
- relocs = NULL;
- else
- {
- set_aout_section_data (sec, n);
- relocs = bfd_malloc ((size_t) rel_size);
- aout_section_data (sec)->relocs = relocs;
- }
- }
- if (relocs == NULL)
- return false;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, sec->rel_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read (relocs, 1, rel_size, abfd) != rel_size)
- goto error_return;
- if (obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) == RELOC_STD_SIZE)
- {
- if (! sunos_scan_std_relocs (info, abfd, sec,
- (struct reloc_std_external *) relocs,
- rel_size))
- goto error_return;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! sunos_scan_ext_relocs (info, abfd, sec,
- (struct reloc_ext_external *) relocs,
- rel_size))
- goto error_return;
- }
- if (free_relocs != NULL)
- free (free_relocs);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (free_relocs != NULL)
- free (free_relocs);
- return false;
-/* Scan the relocs for an input section using standard relocs. We
- need to figure out what to do for each reloc against a dynamic
- symbol. If the symbol is in the .text section, an entry is made in
- the procedure linkage table. Note that this will do the wrong
- thing if the symbol is actually data; I don't think the Sun 3
- native linker handles this case correctly either. If the symbol is
- not in the .text section, we must preserve the reloc as a dynamic
- reloc. FIXME: We should also handle the PIC relocs here by
- building global offset table entries. */
-static boolean
-sunos_scan_std_relocs (info, abfd, sec, relocs, rel_size)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- const struct reloc_std_external *relocs;
- bfd_size_type rel_size;
- bfd *dynobj;
- asection *splt = NULL;
- asection *srel = NULL;
- struct sunos_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- const struct reloc_std_external *rel, *relend;
- /* We only know how to handle m68k plt entries. */
- if (bfd_get_arch (abfd) != bfd_arch_m68k)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_target);
- return false;
- }
- dynobj = NULL;
- sym_hashes = (struct sunos_link_hash_entry **) obj_aout_sym_hashes (abfd);
- relend = relocs + rel_size / RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- for (rel = relocs; rel < relend; rel++)
- {
- int r_index;
- struct sunos_link_hash_entry *h;
- /* We only want relocs against external symbols. */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- {
- if ((rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_BIG) == 0)
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE) == 0)
- continue;
- }
- /* Get the symbol index. */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- r_index = ((rel->r_index[0] << 16)
- | (rel->r_index[1] << 8)
- | rel->r_index[2]);
- else
- r_index = ((rel->r_index[2] << 16)
- | (rel->r_index[1] << 8)
- | rel->r_index[0]);
- /* Get the hash table entry. */
- h = sym_hashes[r_index];
- if (h == NULL)
- {
- /* This should not normally happen, but it will in any case
- be caught in the relocation phase. */
- continue;
- }
- /* At this point common symbols have already been allocated, so
- we don't have to worry about them. We need to consider that
- we may have already seen this symbol and marked it undefined;
- if the symbol is really undefined, then SUNOS_DEF_DYNAMIC
- will be zero. */
- if (h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined
- && h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak
- && h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_undefined)
- continue;
- if ((h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_DYNAMIC) == 0
- || (h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR) != 0)
- continue;
- if (dynobj == NULL)
- {
- if (! sunos_create_dynamic_sections (abfd, info, true))
- return false;
- dynobj = sunos_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- splt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- srel = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynrel");
- BFD_ASSERT (splt != NULL && srel != NULL);
- }
- BFD_ASSERT ((h->flags & SUNOS_REF_REGULAR) != 0);
- BFD_ASSERT (h->plt_offset != 0
- || ((h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- ? (h->root.root.u.def.section->owner->flags
- & DYNAMIC) != 0
- : (h->root.root.u.undef.abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0));
- /* This reloc is against a symbol defined only by a dynamic
- object. */
- if (h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined)
- {
- /* Presumably this symbol was marked as being undefined by
- an earlier reloc. */
- srel->_raw_size += RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- }
- else if ((h->root.root.u.def.section->flags & SEC_CODE) == 0)
- {
- bfd *sub;
- /* This reloc is not in the .text section. It must be
- copied into the dynamic relocs. We mark the symbol as
- being undefined. */
- srel->_raw_size += RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- sub = h->root.root.u.def.section->owner;
- h->root.root.type = bfd_link_hash_undefined;
- h->root.root.u.undef.abfd = sub;
- }
- else
- {
- /* This symbol is in the .text section. We must give it an
- entry in the procedure linkage table, if we have not
- already done so. We change the definition of the symbol
- to the .plt section; this will cause relocs against it to
- be handled correctly. */
- if (h->plt_offset == 0)
- {
- if (splt->_raw_size == 0)
- splt->_raw_size = M68K_PLT_ENTRY_SIZE;
- h->plt_offset = splt->_raw_size;
- if ((h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR) == 0)
- {
- h->root.root.u.def.section = splt;
- h->root.root.u.def.value = splt->_raw_size;
- }
- splt->_raw_size += M68K_PLT_ENTRY_SIZE;
- /* We may also need a dynamic reloc entry. */
- if ((h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR) == 0)
- srel->_raw_size += RELOC_STD_SIZE;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Scan the relocs for an input section using extended relocs. We
- need to figure out what to do for each reloc against a dynamic
- symbol. If the reloc is a WDISP30, and the symbol is in the .text
- section, an entry is made in the procedure linkage table.
- Otherwise, we must preserve the reloc as a dynamic reloc. */
-static boolean
-sunos_scan_ext_relocs (info, abfd, sec, relocs, rel_size)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- const struct reloc_ext_external *relocs;
- bfd_size_type rel_size;
- bfd *dynobj;
- struct sunos_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
- const struct reloc_ext_external *rel, *relend;
- asection *splt = NULL;
- asection *sgot = NULL;
- asection *srel = NULL;
- /* We only know how to handle SPARC plt entries. */
- if (bfd_get_arch (abfd) != bfd_arch_sparc)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_target);
- return false;
- }
- dynobj = NULL;
- sym_hashes = (struct sunos_link_hash_entry **) obj_aout_sym_hashes (abfd);
- relend = relocs + rel_size / RELOC_EXT_SIZE;
- for (rel = relocs; rel < relend; rel++)
- {
- unsigned int r_index;
- int r_extern;
- int r_type;
- struct sunos_link_hash_entry *h = NULL;
- /* Swap in the reloc information. */
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (abfd))
- {
- r_index = ((rel->r_index[0] << 16)
- | (rel->r_index[1] << 8)
- | rel->r_index[2]);
- r_extern = (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_EXT_BITS_EXTERN_BIG));
- r_type = ((rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_EXT_BITS_TYPE_BIG)
- }
- else
- {
- r_index = ((rel->r_index[2] << 16)
- | (rel->r_index[1] << 8)
- | rel->r_index[0]);
- r_extern = (0 != (rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_EXT_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE));
- r_type = ((rel->r_type[0] & RELOC_EXT_BITS_TYPE_LITTLE)
- }
- if (r_extern)
- {
- h = sym_hashes[r_index];
- if (h == NULL)
- {
- /* This should not normally happen, but it will in any
- case be caught in the relocation phase. */
- continue;
- }
- }
- /* If this is a base relative reloc, we need to make an entry in
- the .got section. */
- if (r_type == RELOC_BASE10
- || r_type == RELOC_BASE13
- || r_type == RELOC_BASE22)
- {
- if (dynobj == NULL)
- {
- if (! sunos_create_dynamic_sections (abfd, info, true))
- return false;
- dynobj = sunos_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- splt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- srel = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynrel");
- BFD_ASSERT (splt != NULL && sgot != NULL && srel != NULL);
- }
- if (r_extern)
- {
- if (h->got_offset != 0)
- continue;
- h->got_offset = sgot->_raw_size;
- }
- else
- {
- if (r_index >= bfd_get_symcount (abfd))
- {
- /* This is abnormal, but should be caught in the
- relocation phase. */
- continue;
- }
- if (adata (abfd).local_got_offsets == NULL)
- {
- adata (abfd).local_got_offsets =
- (bfd_vma *) bfd_zalloc (abfd,
- (bfd_get_symcount (abfd)
- * sizeof (bfd_vma)));
- if (adata (abfd).local_got_offsets == NULL)
- return false;
- }
- if (adata (abfd).local_got_offsets[r_index] != 0)
- continue;
- adata (abfd).local_got_offsets[r_index] = sgot->_raw_size;
- }
- sgot->_raw_size += BYTES_IN_WORD;
- /* If we are making a shared library, or if the symbol is
- defined by a dynamic object, we will need a dynamic reloc
- entry. */
- if (info->shared
- || (h != NULL
- && (h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_DYNAMIC) != 0
- && (h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR) == 0))
- srel->_raw_size += RELOC_EXT_SIZE;
- continue;
- }
- /* Otherwise, we are only interested in relocs against symbols
- defined in dynamic objects but not in regular objects. We
- only need to consider relocs against external symbols. */
- if (! r_extern)
- {
- /* But, if we are creating a shared library, we need to
- generate an absolute reloc. */
- if (info->shared)
- {
- if (dynobj == NULL)
- {
- if (! sunos_create_dynamic_sections (abfd, info, true))
- return false;
- dynobj = sunos_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- splt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- srel = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynrel");
- BFD_ASSERT (splt != NULL && sgot != NULL && srel != NULL);
- }
- srel->_raw_size += RELOC_EXT_SIZE;
- }
- continue;
- }
- /* At this point common symbols have already been allocated, so
- we don't have to worry about them. We need to consider that
- we may have already seen this symbol and marked it undefined;
- if the symbol is really undefined, then SUNOS_DEF_DYNAMIC
- will be zero. */
- if (h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined
- && h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak
- && h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_undefined)
- continue;
- if (r_type != RELOC_JMP_TBL
- && ! info->shared
- && ((h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_DYNAMIC) == 0
- || (h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR) != 0))
- continue;
- if (r_type == RELOC_JMP_TBL
- && ! info->shared
- && (h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_DYNAMIC) == 0
- && (h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR) == 0)
- {
- /* This symbol is apparently undefined. Don't do anything
- here; just let the relocation routine report an undefined
- symbol. */
- continue;
- }
- if (strcmp (h->root.root.root.string, "__GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_") == 0)
- continue;
- if (dynobj == NULL)
- {
- if (! sunos_create_dynamic_sections (abfd, info, true))
- return false;
- dynobj = sunos_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- splt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- srel = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynrel");
- BFD_ASSERT (splt != NULL && sgot != NULL && srel != NULL);
- }
- || info->shared
- || (h->flags & SUNOS_REF_REGULAR) != 0);
- || info->shared
- || h->plt_offset != 0
- || ((h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- ? (h->root.root.u.def.section->owner->flags
- & DYNAMIC) != 0
- : (h->root.root.u.undef.abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0));
- /* This reloc is against a symbol defined only by a dynamic
- object, or it is a jump table reloc from PIC compiled code. */
- if (r_type != RELOC_JMP_TBL
- && h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined)
- {
- /* Presumably this symbol was marked as being undefined by
- an earlier reloc. */
- srel->_raw_size += RELOC_EXT_SIZE;
- }
- else if (r_type != RELOC_JMP_TBL
- && (h->root.root.u.def.section->flags & SEC_CODE) == 0)
- {
- bfd *sub;
- /* This reloc is not in the .text section. It must be
- copied into the dynamic relocs. We mark the symbol as
- being undefined. */
- srel->_raw_size += RELOC_EXT_SIZE;
- if ((h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR) == 0)
- {
- sub = h->root.root.u.def.section->owner;
- h->root.root.type = bfd_link_hash_undefined;
- h->root.root.u.undef.abfd = sub;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* This symbol is in the .text section. We must give it an
- entry in the procedure linkage table, if we have not
- already done so. We change the definition of the symbol
- to the .plt section; this will cause relocs against it to
- be handled correctly. */
- if (h->plt_offset == 0)
- {
- if (splt->_raw_size == 0)
- splt->_raw_size = SPARC_PLT_ENTRY_SIZE;
- h->plt_offset = splt->_raw_size;
- if ((h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR) == 0)
- {
- if (h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined)
- h->root.root.type = bfd_link_hash_defined;
- h->root.root.u.def.section = splt;
- h->root.root.u.def.value = splt->_raw_size;
- }
- splt->_raw_size += SPARC_PLT_ENTRY_SIZE;
- /* We will also need a dynamic reloc entry, unless this
- is a JMP_TBL reloc produced by linking PIC compiled
- code, and we are not making a shared library. */
- if (info->shared || (h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR) == 0)
- srel->_raw_size += RELOC_EXT_SIZE;
- }
- /* If we are creating a shared library, we need to copy over
- any reloc other than a jump table reloc. */
- if (info->shared && r_type != RELOC_JMP_TBL)
- srel->_raw_size += RELOC_EXT_SIZE;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Build the hash table of dynamic symbols, and to mark as written all
- symbols from dynamic objects which we do not plan to write out. */
-static boolean
-sunos_scan_dynamic_symbol (h, data)
- struct sunos_link_hash_entry *h;
- PTR data;
- struct bfd_link_info *info = (struct bfd_link_info *) data;
- /* Set the written flag for symbols we do not want to write out as
- part of the regular symbol table. This is all symbols which are
- not defined in a regular object file. For some reason symbols
- which are referenced by a regular object and defined by a dynamic
- object do not seem to show up in the regular symbol table. It is
- possible for a symbol to have only SUNOS_REF_REGULAR set here, it
- is an undefined symbol which was turned into a common symbol
- because it was found in an archive object which was not included
- in the link. */
- if ((h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR) == 0
- && (h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_DYNAMIC) != 0
- && strcmp (h->root.root.root.string, "__DYNAMIC") != 0)
- h->root.written = true;
- /* If this symbol is defined by a dynamic object and referenced by a
- regular object, see whether we gave it a reasonable value while
- scanning the relocs. */
- if ((h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR) == 0
- && (h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_DYNAMIC) != 0
- && (h->flags & SUNOS_REF_REGULAR) != 0)
- {
- if ((h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- && ((h->root.root.u.def.section->owner->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0)
- && h->root.root.u.def.section->output_section == NULL)
- {
- bfd *sub;
- /* This symbol is currently defined in a dynamic section
- which is not being put into the output file. This
- implies that there is no reloc against the symbol. I'm
- not sure why this case would ever occur. In any case, we
- change the symbol to be undefined. */
- sub = h->root.root.u.def.section->owner;
- h->root.root.type = bfd_link_hash_undefined;
- h->root.root.u.undef.abfd = sub;
- }
- }
- /* If this symbol is defined or referenced by a regular file, add it
- to the dynamic symbols. */
- if ((h->flags & (SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR | SUNOS_REF_REGULAR)) != 0)
- {
- asection *s;
- size_t len;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- unsigned char *name;
- unsigned long hash;
- bfd *dynobj;
- BFD_ASSERT (h->dynindx == -2);
- dynobj = sunos_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- h->dynindx = sunos_hash_table (info)->dynsymcount;
- ++sunos_hash_table (info)->dynsymcount;
- len = strlen (h->root.root.root.string);
- /* We don't bother to construct a BFD hash table for the strings
- which are the names of the dynamic symbols. Using a hash
- table for the regular symbols is beneficial, because the
- regular symbols includes the debugging symbols, which have
- long names and are often duplicated in several object files.
- There are no debugging symbols in the dynamic symbols. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynstr");
- contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_realloc (s->contents,
- s->_raw_size + len + 1);
- if (contents == NULL)
- return false;
- s->contents = contents;
- h->dynstr_index = s->_raw_size;
- strcpy (contents + s->_raw_size, h->root.root.root.string);
- s->_raw_size += len + 1;
- /* Add it to the dynamic hash table. */
- name = (unsigned char *) h->root.root.root.string;
- hash = 0;
- while (*name != '\0')
- hash = (hash << 1) + *name++;
- hash &= 0x7fffffff;
- hash %= sunos_hash_table (info)->bucketcount;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".hash");
- if (GET_SWORD (dynobj, s->contents + hash * HASH_ENTRY_SIZE) == -1)
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, h->dynindx, s->contents + hash * HASH_ENTRY_SIZE);
- else
- {
- bfd_vma next;
- next = GET_WORD (dynobj,
- (s->contents
- + hash * HASH_ENTRY_SIZE
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, s->_raw_size / HASH_ENTRY_SIZE,
- s->contents + hash * HASH_ENTRY_SIZE + BYTES_IN_WORD);
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, h->dynindx, s->contents + s->_raw_size);
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, next, s->contents + s->_raw_size + BYTES_IN_WORD);
- s->_raw_size += HASH_ENTRY_SIZE;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* Link a dynamic object. We actually don't have anything to do at
- this point. This entry point exists to prevent the regular linker
- code from doing anything with the object. */
-static boolean
-sunos_link_dynamic_object (info, abfd)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *abfd;
- return true;
-/* Write out a dynamic symbol. This is called by the final traversal
- over the symbol table. */
-static boolean
-sunos_write_dynamic_symbol (output_bfd, info, harg)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct aout_link_hash_entry *harg;
- struct sunos_link_hash_entry *h = (struct sunos_link_hash_entry *) harg;
- int type;
- bfd_vma val;
- asection *s;
- struct external_nlist *outsym;
- if (h->dynindx < 0)
- return true;
- switch (h->root.root.type)
- {
- default:
- case bfd_link_hash_new:
- abort ();
- /* Avoid variable not initialized warnings. */
- return true;
- case bfd_link_hash_undefined:
- type = N_UNDF | N_EXT;
- val = 0;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_defined:
- case bfd_link_hash_defweak:
- {
- asection *sec;
- asection *output_section;
- sec = h->root.root.u.def.section;
- output_section = sec->output_section;
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_is_abs_section (output_section)
- || output_section->owner == output_bfd);
- if (h->plt_offset != 0
- && (h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR) == 0)
- {
- type = N_UNDF | N_EXT;
- val = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (output_section == obj_textsec (output_bfd))
- type = (h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- ? N_TEXT
- : N_WEAKT);
- else if (output_section == obj_datasec (output_bfd))
- type = (h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- ? N_DATA
- : N_WEAKD);
- else if (output_section == obj_bsssec (output_bfd))
- type = (h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- ? N_BSS
- : N_WEAKB);
- else
- type = (h->root.root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- ? N_ABS
- : N_WEAKA);
- type |= N_EXT;
- val = (h->root.root.u.def.value
- + output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset);
- }
- }
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_common:
- type = N_UNDF | N_EXT;
- val = h->root.root.u.c.size;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_undefweak:
- type = N_WEAKU;
- val = 0;
- break;
- case bfd_link_hash_indirect:
- case bfd_link_hash_warning:
- /* FIXME: Ignore these for now. The circumstances under which
- they should be written out are not clear to me. */
- return true;
- }
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (sunos_hash_table (info)->dynobj, ".dynsym");
- outsym = ((struct external_nlist *)
- (s->contents + h->dynindx * EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE));
- bfd_h_put_8 (output_bfd, type, outsym->e_type);
- bfd_h_put_8 (output_bfd, 0, outsym->e_other);
- /* FIXME: The native linker doesn't use 0 for desc. It seems to use
- one less than the desc value in the shared library, although that
- seems unlikely. */
- bfd_h_put_16 (output_bfd, 0, outsym->e_desc);
- PUT_WORD (output_bfd, h->dynstr_index, outsym->e_strx);
- PUT_WORD (output_bfd, val, outsym->e_value);
- /* If this symbol is in the procedure linkage table, fill in the
- table entry. */
- if (h->plt_offset != 0)
- {
- bfd *dynobj;
- asection *splt;
- bfd_byte *p;
- asection *s;
- bfd_vma r_address;
- dynobj = sunos_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- splt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- p = splt->contents + h->plt_offset;
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynrel");
- r_address = (splt->output_section->vma
- + splt->output_offset
- + h->plt_offset);
- switch (bfd_get_arch (output_bfd))
- {
- case bfd_arch_sparc:
- if (info->shared || (h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR) == 0)
- {
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, SPARC_PLT_ENTRY_WORD0, p);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- + (((- (h->plt_offset + 4) >> 2)
- & 0x3fffffff))),
- p + 4);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, SPARC_PLT_ENTRY_WORD2 + s->reloc_count,
- p + 8);
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_vma val;
- val = (h->root.root.u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + h->root.root.u.def.section->output_offset
- + h->root.root.u.def.value);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- SPARC_PLT_PIC_WORD0 + ((val >> 10) & 0x3fffff),
- p);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- SPARC_PLT_PIC_WORD1 + (val & 0x3ff),
- p + 4);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, SPARC_PLT_PIC_WORD2, p + 8);
- }
- break;
- case bfd_arch_m68k:
- if (! info->shared && (h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR) != 0)
- abort ();
- bfd_put_16 (output_bfd, M68K_PLT_ENTRY_WORD0, p);
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, (- (h->plt_offset + 2)), p + 2);
- bfd_put_16 (output_bfd, s->reloc_count, p + 6);
- r_address += 2;
- break;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- /* We also need to add a jump table reloc, unless this is the
- result of a JMP_TBL reloc from PIC compiled code. */
- if (info->shared || (h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR) == 0)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (s->reloc_count * obj_reloc_entry_size (dynobj)
- < s->_raw_size);
- p = s->contents + s->reloc_count * obj_reloc_entry_size (output_bfd);
- if (obj_reloc_entry_size (output_bfd) == RELOC_STD_SIZE)
- {
- struct reloc_std_external *srel;
- srel = (struct reloc_std_external *) p;
- PUT_WORD (output_bfd, r_address, srel->r_address);
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (output_bfd))
- {
- srel->r_index[0] = h->dynindx >> 16;
- srel->r_index[1] = h->dynindx >> 8;
- srel->r_index[2] = h->dynindx;
- srel->r_type[0] = (RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_BIG
- }
- else
- {
- srel->r_index[2] = h->dynindx >> 16;
- srel->r_index[1] = h->dynindx >> 8;
- srel->r_index[0] = h->dynindx;
- srel->r_type[0] = (RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE
- }
- }
- else
- {
- struct reloc_ext_external *erel;
- erel = (struct reloc_ext_external *) p;
- PUT_WORD (output_bfd, r_address, erel->r_address);
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (output_bfd))
- {
- erel->r_index[0] = h->dynindx >> 16;
- erel->r_index[1] = h->dynindx >> 8;
- erel->r_index[2] = h->dynindx;
- erel->r_type[0] =
- }
- else
- {
- erel->r_index[2] = h->dynindx >> 16;
- erel->r_index[1] = h->dynindx >> 8;
- erel->r_index[0] = h->dynindx;
- erel->r_type[0] =
- }
- PUT_WORD (output_bfd, (bfd_vma) 0, erel->r_addend);
- }
- ++s->reloc_count;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* This is called for each reloc against an external symbol. If this
- is a reloc which are are going to copy as a dynamic reloc, then
- copy it over, and tell the caller to not bother processing this
- reloc. */
-static boolean
-sunos_check_dynamic_reloc (info, input_bfd, input_section, harg, reloc,
- contents, skip, relocationp)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- struct aout_link_hash_entry *harg;
- PTR reloc;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- boolean *skip;
- bfd_vma *relocationp;
- struct sunos_link_hash_entry *h = (struct sunos_link_hash_entry *) harg;
- bfd *dynobj;
- boolean baserel;
- boolean jmptbl;
- asection *s;
- bfd_byte *p;
- long indx;
- *skip = false;
- dynobj = sunos_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- if (h != NULL && h->plt_offset != 0)
- {
- asection *splt;
- /* Redirect the relocation to the PLT entry. */
- splt = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- *relocationp = (splt->output_section->vma
- + splt->output_offset
- + h->plt_offset);
- }
- if (obj_reloc_entry_size (input_bfd) == RELOC_STD_SIZE)
- {
- struct reloc_std_external *srel;
- srel = (struct reloc_std_external *) reloc;
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (input_bfd))
- {
- baserel = (0 != (srel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_BASEREL_BIG));
- jmptbl = (0 != (srel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_JMPTABLE_BIG));
- }
- else
- {
- baserel = (0 != (srel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_BASEREL_LITTLE));
- jmptbl = (0 != (srel->r_type[0] & RELOC_STD_BITS_JMPTABLE_LITTLE));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- struct reloc_ext_external *erel;
- int r_type;
- erel = (struct reloc_ext_external *) reloc;
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (input_bfd))
- r_type = ((erel->r_type[0] & RELOC_EXT_BITS_TYPE_BIG)
- else
- r_type = ((erel->r_type[0] & RELOC_EXT_BITS_TYPE_LITTLE)
- baserel = (r_type == RELOC_BASE10
- || r_type == RELOC_BASE13
- || r_type == RELOC_BASE22);
- jmptbl = r_type == RELOC_JMP_TBL;
- }
- if (baserel)
- {
- bfd_vma *got_offsetp;
- asection *sgot;
- if (h != NULL)
- got_offsetp = &h->got_offset;
- else if (adata (input_bfd).local_got_offsets == NULL)
- got_offsetp = NULL;
- else
- {
- struct reloc_std_external *srel;
- int r_index;
- srel = (struct reloc_std_external *) reloc;
- if (obj_reloc_entry_size (input_bfd) == RELOC_STD_SIZE)
- {
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (input_bfd))
- r_index = ((srel->r_index[0] << 16)
- | (srel->r_index[1] << 8)
- | srel->r_index[2]);
- else
- r_index = ((srel->r_index[2] << 16)
- | (srel->r_index[1] << 8)
- | srel->r_index[0]);
- }
- else
- {
- struct reloc_ext_external *erel;
- erel = (struct reloc_ext_external *) reloc;
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (input_bfd))
- r_index = ((erel->r_index[0] << 16)
- | (erel->r_index[1] << 8)
- | erel->r_index[2]);
- else
- r_index = ((erel->r_index[2] << 16)
- | (erel->r_index[1] << 8)
- | erel->r_index[0]);
- }
- got_offsetp = adata (input_bfd).local_got_offsets + r_index;
- }
- BFD_ASSERT (got_offsetp != NULL && *got_offsetp != 0);
- sgot = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- /* We set the least significant bit to indicate whether we have
- already initialized the GOT entry. */
- if ((*got_offsetp & 1) == 0)
- {
- if (h == NULL
- || (! info->shared
- && ((h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_DYNAMIC) == 0
- || (h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR) != 0)))
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, *relocationp, sgot->contents + *got_offsetp);
- else
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, 0, sgot->contents + *got_offsetp);
- if (info->shared
- || (h != NULL
- && (h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_DYNAMIC) != 0
- && (h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR) == 0))
- {
- /* We need to create a GLOB_DAT or 32 reloc to tell the
- dynamic linker to fill in this entry in the table. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynrel");
- BFD_ASSERT (s->reloc_count * obj_reloc_entry_size (dynobj)
- < s->_raw_size);
- p = (s->contents
- + s->reloc_count * obj_reloc_entry_size (dynobj));
- if (h != NULL)
- indx = h->dynindx;
- else
- indx = 0;
- if (obj_reloc_entry_size (dynobj) == RELOC_STD_SIZE)
- {
- struct reloc_std_external *srel;
- srel = (struct reloc_std_external *) p;
- PUT_WORD (dynobj,
- (*got_offsetp
- + sgot->output_section->vma
- + sgot->output_offset),
- srel->r_address);
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (dynobj))
- {
- srel->r_index[0] = indx >> 16;
- srel->r_index[1] = indx >> 8;
- srel->r_index[2] = indx;
- if (h == NULL)
- srel->r_type[0] = 2 << RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_SH_BIG;
- else
- srel->r_type[0] =
- }
- else
- {
- srel->r_index[2] = indx >> 16;
- srel->r_index[1] = indx >> 8;
- srel->r_index[0] = indx;
- if (h == NULL)
- srel->r_type[0] = 2 << RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_SH_LITTLE;
- else
- srel->r_type[0] =
- }
- }
- else
- {
- struct reloc_ext_external *erel;
- erel = (struct reloc_ext_external *) p;
- PUT_WORD (dynobj,
- (*got_offsetp
- + sgot->output_section->vma
- + sgot->output_offset),
- erel->r_address);
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (dynobj))
- {
- erel->r_index[0] = indx >> 16;
- erel->r_index[1] = indx >> 8;
- erel->r_index[2] = indx;
- if (h == NULL)
- erel->r_type[0] =
- else
- erel->r_type[0] =
- }
- else
- {
- erel->r_index[2] = indx >> 16;
- erel->r_index[1] = indx >> 8;
- erel->r_index[0] = indx;
- if (h == NULL)
- erel->r_type[0] =
- else
- erel->r_type[0] =
- }
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, 0, erel->r_addend);
- }
- ++s->reloc_count;
- }
- *got_offsetp |= 1;
- }
- *relocationp = sgot->vma + (*got_offsetp &~ 1);
- /* There is nothing else to do for a base relative reloc. */
- return true;
- }
- if (! sunos_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_needed)
- return true;
- if (! info->shared)
- {
- if (h == NULL
- || h->dynindx == -1
- || h->root.root.type != bfd_link_hash_undefined
- || (h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_REGULAR) != 0
- || (h->flags & SUNOS_DEF_DYNAMIC) == 0
- || (h->root.root.u.undef.abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) == 0)
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- if (h != NULL
- && (h->dynindx == -1
- || jmptbl
- || strcmp (h->root.root.root.string,
- "__GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_") == 0))
- return true;
- }
- /* It looks like this is a reloc we are supposed to copy. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynrel");
- BFD_ASSERT (s->reloc_count * obj_reloc_entry_size (dynobj) < s->_raw_size);
- p = s->contents + s->reloc_count * obj_reloc_entry_size (dynobj);
- /* Copy the reloc over. */
- memcpy (p, reloc, obj_reloc_entry_size (dynobj));
- if (h != NULL)
- indx = h->dynindx;
- else
- indx = 0;
- /* Adjust the address and symbol index. */
- if (obj_reloc_entry_size (dynobj) == RELOC_STD_SIZE)
- {
- struct reloc_std_external *srel;
- srel = (struct reloc_std_external *) p;
- PUT_WORD (dynobj,
- (GET_WORD (dynobj, srel->r_address)
- + input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset),
- srel->r_address);
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (dynobj))
- {
- srel->r_index[0] = indx >> 16;
- srel->r_index[1] = indx >> 8;
- srel->r_index[2] = indx;
- }
- else
- {
- srel->r_index[2] = indx >> 16;
- srel->r_index[1] = indx >> 8;
- srel->r_index[0] = indx;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- struct reloc_ext_external *erel;
- erel = (struct reloc_ext_external *) p;
- PUT_WORD (dynobj,
- (GET_WORD (dynobj, erel->r_address)
- + input_section->output_section->vma
- + input_section->output_offset),
- erel->r_address);
- if (bfd_header_big_endian (dynobj))
- {
- erel->r_index[0] = indx >> 16;
- erel->r_index[1] = indx >> 8;
- erel->r_index[2] = indx;
- }
- else
- {
- erel->r_index[2] = indx >> 16;
- erel->r_index[1] = indx >> 8;
- erel->r_index[0] = indx;
- }
- }
- ++s->reloc_count;
- if (h != NULL)
- *skip = true;
- return true;
-/* Finish up the dynamic linking information. */
-static boolean
-sunos_finish_dynamic_link (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *dynobj;
- asection *o;
- asection *s;
- asection *sdyn;
- struct external_sun4_dynamic esd;
- struct external_sun4_dynamic_link esdl;
- if (! sunos_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_needed)
- return true;
- dynobj = sunos_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
- sdyn = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynamic");
- BFD_ASSERT (sdyn != NULL);
- /* Finish up the .need section. The linker emulation code filled it
- in, but with offsets from the start of the section instead of
- real addresses. Now that we know the section location, we can
- fill in the final values. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".need");
- if (s != NULL && s->_raw_size != 0)
- {
- file_ptr filepos;
- bfd_byte *p;
- filepos = s->output_section->filepos + s->output_offset;
- p = s->contents;
- while (1)
- {
- bfd_vma val;
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, GET_WORD (dynobj, p) + filepos, p);
- val = GET_WORD (dynobj, p + 12);
- if (val == 0)
- break;
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, val + filepos, p + 12);
- p += 16;
- }
- }
- /* The first entry in the .got section is the address of the
- dynamic information, unless this is a shared library. */
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- if (info->shared)
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, 0, s->contents);
- else
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, sdyn->output_section->vma + sdyn->output_offset,
- s->contents);
- for (o = dynobj->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- if ((o->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) != 0
- && o->contents != NULL)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (o->output_section != NULL
- && o->output_section->owner == abfd);
- if (! bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, o->output_section,
- o->contents, o->output_offset,
- o->_raw_size))
- return false;
- }
- }
- /* Finish up the dynamic link information. */
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, (bfd_vma) 3, esd.ld_version);
- PUT_WORD (dynobj,
- sdyn->output_section->vma + sdyn->output_offset + sizeof esd,
- esd.ldd);
- PUT_WORD (dynobj,
- (sdyn->output_section->vma
- + sdyn->output_offset
- + sizeof esd
- esd.ld);
- if (! bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, sdyn->output_section, &esd,
- sdyn->output_offset, sizeof esd))
- return false;
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, (bfd_vma) 0, esdl.ld_loaded);
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".need");
- if (s == NULL || s->_raw_size == 0)
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, (bfd_vma) 0, esdl.ld_need);
- else
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, s->output_section->filepos + s->output_offset,
- esdl.ld_need);
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".rules");
- if (s == NULL || s->_raw_size == 0)
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, (bfd_vma) 0, esdl.ld_rules);
- else
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, s->output_section->filepos + s->output_offset,
- esdl.ld_rules);
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".got");
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, s->output_section->vma + s->output_offset, esdl.ld_got);
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".plt");
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, s->output_section->vma + s->output_offset, esdl.ld_plt);
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, s->_raw_size, esdl.ld_plt_sz);
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynrel");
- BFD_ASSERT (s->reloc_count * obj_reloc_entry_size (dynobj) == s->_raw_size);
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, s->output_section->filepos + s->output_offset,
- esdl.ld_rel);
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".hash");
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, s->output_section->filepos + s->output_offset,
- esdl.ld_hash);
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynsym");
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, s->output_section->filepos + s->output_offset,
- esdl.ld_stab);
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, (bfd_vma) 0, esdl.ld_stab_hash);
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, (bfd_vma) sunos_hash_table (info)->bucketcount,
- esdl.ld_buckets);
- s = bfd_get_section_by_name (dynobj, ".dynstr");
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, s->output_section->filepos + s->output_offset,
- esdl.ld_symbols);
- PUT_WORD (dynobj, s->_raw_size, esdl.ld_symb_size);
- /* The size of the text area is the size of the .text section
- rounded up to a page boundary. FIXME: Should the page size be
- conditional on something? */
- PUT_WORD (dynobj,
- BFD_ALIGN (obj_textsec (abfd)->_raw_size, 0x2000),
- esdl.ld_text);
- if (! bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, sdyn->output_section, &esdl,
- (sdyn->output_offset
- + sizeof esd
- sizeof esdl))
- return false;
- abfd->flags |= DYNAMIC;
- return true;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/syms.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/syms.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e3007e4c5f01..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/syms.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1084 +0,0 @@
-/* Generic symbol-table support for the BFD library.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- Symbols
- BFD tries to maintain as much symbol information as it can when
- it moves information from file to file. BFD passes information
- to applications though the <<asymbol>> structure. When the
- application requests the symbol table, BFD reads the table in
- the native form and translates parts of it into the internal
- format. To maintain more than the information passed to
- applications, some targets keep some information ``behind the
- scenes'' in a structure only the particular back end knows
- about. For example, the coff back end keeps the original
- symbol table structure as well as the canonical structure when
- a BFD is read in. On output, the coff back end can reconstruct
- the output symbol table so that no information is lost, even
- information unique to coff which BFD doesn't know or
- understand. If a coff symbol table were read, but were written
- through an a.out back end, all the coff specific information
- would be lost. The symbol table of a BFD
- is not necessarily read in until a canonicalize request is
- made. Then the BFD back end fills in a table provided by the
- application with pointers to the canonical information. To
- output symbols, the application provides BFD with a table of
- pointers to pointers to <<asymbol>>s. This allows applications
- like the linker to output a symbol as it was read, since the ``behind
- the scenes'' information will be still available.
-@* Reading Symbols::
-@* Writing Symbols::
-@* Mini Symbols::
-@* typedef asymbol::
-@* symbol handling functions::
-@end menu
-Reading Symbols, Writing Symbols, Symbols, Symbols
- Reading symbols
- There are two stages to reading a symbol table from a BFD:
- allocating storage, and the actual reading process. This is an
- excerpt from an application which reads the symbol table:
-| long storage_needed;
-| asymbol **symbol_table;
-| long number_of_symbols;
-| long i;
-| storage_needed = bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound (abfd);
-| if (storage_needed < 0)
-| if (storage_needed == 0) {
-| return ;
-| }
-| symbol_table = (asymbol **) xmalloc (storage_needed);
-| ...
-| number_of_symbols =
-| bfd_canonicalize_symtab (abfd, symbol_table);
-| if (number_of_symbols < 0)
-| for (i = 0; i < number_of_symbols; i++) {
-| process_symbol (symbol_table[i]);
-| }
- All storage for the symbols themselves is in an obstack
- connected to the BFD; it is freed when the BFD is closed.
-Writing Symbols, Mini Symbols, Reading Symbols, Symbols
- Writing symbols
- Writing of a symbol table is automatic when a BFD open for
- writing is closed. The application attaches a vector of
- pointers to pointers to symbols to the BFD being written, and
- fills in the symbol count. The close and cleanup code reads
- through the table provided and performs all the necessary
- operations. The BFD output code must always be provided with an
- ``owned'' symbol: one which has come from another BFD, or one
- which has been created using <<bfd_make_empty_symbol>>. Here is an
- example showing the creation of a symbol table with only one element:
-| #include "bfd.h"
-| main()
-| {
-| bfd *abfd;
-| asymbol *ptrs[2];
-| asymbol *new;
-| abfd = bfd_openw("foo","a.out-sunos-big");
-| bfd_set_format(abfd, bfd_object);
-| new = bfd_make_empty_symbol(abfd);
-| new->name = "dummy_symbol";
-| new->section = bfd_make_section_old_way(abfd, ".text");
-| new->flags = BSF_GLOBAL;
-| new->value = 0x12345;
-| ptrs[0] = new;
-| ptrs[1] = (asymbol *)0;
-| bfd_set_symtab(abfd, ptrs, 1);
-| bfd_close(abfd);
-| }
-| ./makesym
-| nm foo
-| 00012345 A dummy_symbol
- Many formats cannot represent arbitary symbol information; for
- instance, the <<a.out>> object format does not allow an
- arbitary number of sections. A symbol pointing to a section
- which is not one of <<.text>>, <<.data>> or <<.bss>> cannot
- be described.
-Mini Symbols, typedef asymbol, Writing Symbols, Symbols
- Mini Symbols
- Mini symbols provide read-only access to the symbol table.
- They use less memory space, but require more time to access.
- They can be useful for tools like nm or objdump, which may
- have to handle symbol tables of extremely large executables.
- The <<bfd_read_minisymbols>> function will read the symbols
- into memory in an internal form. It will return a <<void *>>
- pointer to a block of memory, a symbol count, and the size of
- each symbol. The pointer is allocated using <<malloc>>, and
- should be freed by the caller when it is no longer needed.
- The function <<bfd_minisymbol_to_symbol>> will take a pointer
- to a minisymbol, and a pointer to a structure returned by
- <<bfd_make_empty_symbol>>, and return a <<asymbol>> structure.
- The return value may or may not be the same as the value from
- <<bfd_make_empty_symbol>> which was passed in.
-typedef asymbol, symbol handling functions, Mini Symbols, Symbols
- typedef asymbol
- An <<asymbol>> has the form:
-.typedef struct symbol_cache_entry
-. {* A pointer to the BFD which owns the symbol. This information
-. is necessary so that a back end can work out what additional
-. information (invisible to the application writer) is carried
-. with the symbol.
-. This field is *almost* redundant, since you can use section->owner
-. instead, except that some symbols point to the global sections
-. bfd_{abs,com,und}_section. This could be fixed by making
-. these globals be per-bfd (or per-target-flavor). FIXME. *}
-. struct _bfd *the_bfd; {* Use bfd_asymbol_bfd(sym) to access this field. *}
-. {* The text of the symbol. The name is left alone, and not copied; the
-. application may not alter it. *}
-. CONST char *name;
-. {* The value of the symbol. This really should be a union of a
-. numeric value with a pointer, since some flags indicate that
-. a pointer to another symbol is stored here. *}
-. symvalue value;
-. {* Attributes of a symbol: *}
-.#define BSF_NO_FLAGS 0x00
-. {* The symbol has local scope; <<static>> in <<C>>. The value
-. is the offset into the section of the data. *}
-.#define BSF_LOCAL 0x01
-. {* The symbol has global scope; initialized data in <<C>>. The
-. value is the offset into the section of the data. *}
-.#define BSF_GLOBAL 0x02
-. {* The symbol has global scope and is exported. The value is
-. the offset into the section of the data. *}
-.#define BSF_EXPORT BSF_GLOBAL {* no real difference *}
-. {* A normal C symbol would be one of:
-. <<BSF_GLOBAL>> *}
-. {* The symbol is a debugging record. The value has an arbitary
-. meaning. *}
-.#define BSF_DEBUGGING 0x08
-. {* The symbol denotes a function entry point. Used in ELF,
-. perhaps others someday. *}
-.#define BSF_FUNCTION 0x10
-. {* Used by the linker. *}
-.#define BSF_KEEP 0x20
-.#define BSF_KEEP_G 0x40
-. {* A weak global symbol, overridable without warnings by
-. a regular global symbol of the same name. *}
-.#define BSF_WEAK 0x80
-. {* This symbol was created to point to a section, e.g. ELF's
-. STT_SECTION symbols. *}
-.#define BSF_SECTION_SYM 0x100
-. {* The symbol used to be a common symbol, but now it is
-. allocated. *}
-.#define BSF_OLD_COMMON 0x200
-. {* The default value for common data. *}
-. {* In some files the type of a symbol sometimes alters its
-. location in an output file - ie in coff a <<ISFCN>> symbol
-. which is also <<C_EXT>> symbol appears where it was
-. declared and not at the end of a section. This bit is set
-. by the target BFD part to convey this information. *}
-.#define BSF_NOT_AT_END 0x400
-. {* Signal that the symbol is the label of constructor section. *}
-.#define BSF_CONSTRUCTOR 0x800
-. {* Signal that the symbol is a warning symbol. The name is a
-. warning. The name of the next symbol is the one to warn about;
-. if a reference is made to a symbol with the same name as the next
-. symbol, a warning is issued by the linker. *}
-.#define BSF_WARNING 0x1000
-. {* Signal that the symbol is indirect. This symbol is an indirect
-. pointer to the symbol with the same name as the next symbol. *}
-.#define BSF_INDIRECT 0x2000
-. {* BSF_FILE marks symbols that contain a file name. This is used
-. for ELF STT_FILE symbols. *}
-.#define BSF_FILE 0x4000
-. {* Symbol is from dynamic linking information. *}
-.#define BSF_DYNAMIC 0x8000
-. {* The symbol denotes a data object. Used in ELF, and perhaps
-. others someday. *}
-.#define BSF_OBJECT 0x10000
-. flagword flags;
-. {* A pointer to the section to which this symbol is
-. relative. This will always be non NULL, there are special
-. sections for undefined and absolute symbols. *}
-. struct sec *section;
-. {* Back end special data. *}
-. union
-. {
-. PTR p;
-. bfd_vma i;
-. } udata;
-.} asymbol;
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "aout/stab_gnu.h"
-symbol handling functions, , typedef asymbol, Symbols
- Symbol handling functions
- bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound
- Return the number of bytes required to store a vector of pointers
- to <<asymbols>> for all the symbols in the BFD @var{abfd},
- including a terminal NULL pointer. If there are no symbols in
- the BFD, then return 0. If an error occurs, return -1.
-.#define bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound(abfd) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound, (abfd))
- bfd_is_local_label
- boolean bfd_is_local_label(bfd *abfd, asymbol *sym);
- Return true if the given symbol @var{sym} in the BFD @var{abfd} is
- a compiler generated local label, else return false.
-.#define bfd_is_local_label(abfd, sym) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_is_local_label,(abfd, sym))
- bfd_canonicalize_symtab
- Read the symbols from the BFD @var{abfd}, and fills in
- the vector @var{location} with pointers to the symbols and
- a trailing NULL.
- Return the actual number of symbol pointers, not
- including the NULL.
-.#define bfd_canonicalize_symtab(abfd, location) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_canonicalize_symtab,\
-. (abfd, location))
- bfd_set_symtab
- boolean bfd_set_symtab (bfd *abfd, asymbol **location, unsigned int count);
- Arrange that when the output BFD @var{abfd} is closed,
- the table @var{location} of @var{count} pointers to symbols
- will be written.
-bfd_set_symtab (abfd, location, symcount)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **location;
- unsigned int symcount;
- if ((abfd->format != bfd_object) || (bfd_read_p (abfd)))
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- bfd_get_outsymbols (abfd) = location;
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd) = symcount;
- return true;
- bfd_print_symbol_vandf
- void bfd_print_symbol_vandf(PTR file, asymbol *symbol);
- Print the value and flags of the @var{symbol} supplied to the
- stream @var{file}.
-bfd_print_symbol_vandf (arg, symbol)
- PTR arg;
- asymbol *symbol;
- FILE *file = (FILE *) arg;
- flagword type = symbol->flags;
- if (symbol->section != (asection *) NULL)
- {
- fprintf_vma (file, symbol->value + symbol->section->vma);
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf_vma (file, symbol->value);
- }
- /* This presumes that a symbol can not be both BSF_DEBUGGING and
- BSF_DYNAMIC, nor more than one of BSF_FUNCTION, BSF_FILE, and
- fprintf (file, " %c%c%c%c%c%c%c",
- ((type & BSF_LOCAL)
- ? (type & BSF_GLOBAL) ? '!' : 'l'
- : (type & BSF_GLOBAL) ? 'g' : ' '),
- (type & BSF_WEAK) ? 'w' : ' ',
- (type & BSF_CONSTRUCTOR) ? 'C' : ' ',
- (type & BSF_WARNING) ? 'W' : ' ',
- (type & BSF_INDIRECT) ? 'I' : ' ',
- (type & BSF_DEBUGGING) ? 'd' : (type & BSF_DYNAMIC) ? 'D' : ' ',
- ((type & BSF_FUNCTION)
- ? 'F'
- : ((type & BSF_FILE)
- ? 'f'
- : ((type & BSF_OBJECT) ? 'O' : ' '))));
- bfd_make_empty_symbol
- Create a new <<asymbol>> structure for the BFD @var{abfd}
- and return a pointer to it.
- This routine is necessary because each back end has private
- information surrounding the <<asymbol>>. Building your own
- <<asymbol>> and pointing to it will not create the private
- information, and will cause problems later on.
-.#define bfd_make_empty_symbol(abfd) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_make_empty_symbol, (abfd))
- bfd_make_debug_symbol
- Create a new <<asymbol>> structure for the BFD @var{abfd},
- to be used as a debugging symbol. Further details of its use have
- yet to be worked out.
-.#define bfd_make_debug_symbol(abfd,ptr,size) \
-. BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_make_debug_symbol, (abfd, ptr, size))
-struct section_to_type
- CONST char *section;
- char type;
-/* Map section names to POSIX/BSD single-character symbol types.
- This table is probably incomplete. It is sorted for convenience of
- adding entries. Since it is so short, a linear search is used. */
-static CONST struct section_to_type stt[] =
- {"*DEBUG*", 'N'},
- {".bss", 'b'},
- {"zerovars", 'b'}, /* MRI .bss */
- {".data", 'd'},
- {"vars", 'd'}, /* MRI .data */
- {".rdata", 'r'}, /* Read only data. */
- {".rodata", 'r'}, /* Read only data. */
- {".sbss", 's'}, /* Small BSS (uninitialized data). */
- {".scommon", 'c'}, /* Small common. */
- {".sdata", 'g'}, /* Small initialized data. */
- {".text", 't'},
- {"code", 't'}, /* MRI .text */
- {0, 0}
-/* Return the single-character symbol type corresponding to
- section S, or '?' for an unknown COFF section.
- Check for any leading string which matches, so .text5 returns
- 't' as well as .text */
-static char
-coff_section_type (s)
- char *s;
- CONST struct section_to_type *t;
- for (t = &stt[0]; t->section; t++)
- if (!strncmp (s, t->section, strlen (t->section)))
- return t->type;
- return '?';
-#ifndef islower
-#define islower(c) ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z')
-#ifndef toupper
-#define toupper(c) (islower(c) ? ((c) & ~0x20) : (c))
- bfd_decode_symclass
- Return a character corresponding to the symbol
- class of @var{symbol}, or '?' for an unknown class.
- int bfd_decode_symclass(asymbol *symbol);
-bfd_decode_symclass (symbol)
- asymbol *symbol;
- char c;
- if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
- return 'C';
- if (bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section))
- return 'U';
- if (bfd_is_ind_section (symbol->section))
- return 'I';
- if (symbol->flags & BSF_WEAK)
- return 'W';
- if (!(symbol->flags & (BSF_GLOBAL | BSF_LOCAL)))
- return '?';
- if (bfd_is_abs_section (symbol->section))
- c = 'a';
- else if (symbol->section)
- c = coff_section_type (symbol->section->name);
- else
- return '?';
- if (symbol->flags & BSF_GLOBAL)
- c = toupper (c);
- return c;
- /* We don't have to handle these cases just yet, but we will soon:
- N_SETV: 'v';
- N_SETA: 'l';
- N_SETT: 'x';
- N_SETD: 'z';
- N_SETB: 's';
- N_INDR: 'i';
- */
- bfd_symbol_info
- Fill in the basic info about symbol that nm needs.
- Additional info may be added by the back-ends after
- calling this function.
- void bfd_symbol_info(asymbol *symbol, symbol_info *ret);
-bfd_symbol_info (symbol, ret)
- asymbol *symbol;
- symbol_info *ret;
- ret->type = bfd_decode_symclass (symbol);
- if (ret->type != 'U')
- ret->value = symbol->value + symbol->section->vma;
- else
- ret->value = 0;
- ret->name = symbol->name;
-bfd_symbol_is_absolute ()
- abort ();
- bfd_copy_private_symbol_data
- boolean bfd_copy_private_symbol_data(bfd *ibfd, asymbol *isym, bfd *obfd, asymbol *osym);
- Copy private symbol information from @var{isym} in the BFD
- @var{ibfd} to the symbol @var{osym} in the BFD @var{obfd}.
- Return <<true>> on success, <<false>> on error. Possible error
- returns are:
- o <<bfd_error_no_memory>> -
- Not enough memory exists to create private data for @var{osec}.
-.#define bfd_copy_private_symbol_data(ibfd, isymbol, obfd, osymbol) \
-. BFD_SEND (ibfd, _bfd_copy_private_symbol_data, \
-. (ibfd, isymbol, obfd, osymbol))
-/* The generic version of the function which returns mini symbols.
- This is used when the backend does not provide a more efficient
- version. It just uses BFD asymbol structures as mini symbols. */
-_bfd_generic_read_minisymbols (abfd, dynamic, minisymsp, sizep)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean dynamic;
- PTR *minisymsp;
- unsigned int *sizep;
- long storage;
- asymbol **syms = NULL;
- long symcount;
- if (dynamic)
- storage = bfd_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound (abfd);
- else
- storage = bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound (abfd);
- if (storage < 0)
- goto error_return;
- syms = (asymbol **) bfd_malloc ((size_t) storage);
- if (syms == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (dynamic)
- symcount = bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab (abfd, syms);
- else
- symcount = bfd_canonicalize_symtab (abfd, syms);
- if (symcount < 0)
- goto error_return;
- *minisymsp = (PTR) syms;
- *sizep = sizeof (asymbol *);
- return symcount;
- error_return:
- if (syms != NULL)
- free (syms);
- return -1;
-/* The generic version of the function which converts a minisymbol to
- an asymbol. We don't worry about the sym argument we are passed;
- we just return the asymbol the minisymbol points to. */
-asymbol *
-_bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol (abfd, dynamic, minisym, sym)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean dynamic;
- const PTR minisym;
- asymbol *sym;
- return *(asymbol **) minisym;
-/* Look through stabs debugging information in .stab and .stabstr
- sections to find the source file and line closest to a desired
- location. This is used by COFF and ELF targets. It sets *pfound
- to true if it finds some information. The *pinfo field is used to
- pass cached information in and out of this routine; this first time
- the routine is called for a BFD, *pinfo should be NULL. The value
- placed in *pinfo should be saved with the BFD, and passed back each
- time this function is called. */
-/* A pointer to this structure is stored in *pinfo. */
-struct stab_find_info
- /* The .stab section. */
- asection *stabsec;
- /* The .stabstr section. */
- asection *strsec;
- /* The contents of the .stab section. */
- bfd_byte *stabs;
- /* The contents of the .stabstr section. */
- bfd_byte *strs;
- /* An malloc buffer to hold the file name. */
- char *filename;
- /* Cached values to restart quickly. */
- bfd_vma cached_offset;
- bfd_byte *cached_stab;
- bfd_byte *cached_str;
- bfd_size_type cached_stroff;
-_bfd_stab_section_find_nearest_line (abfd, symbols, section, offset, pfound,
- pfilename, pfnname, pline, pinfo)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **symbols;
- asection *section;
- bfd_vma offset;
- boolean *pfound;
- const char **pfilename;
- const char **pfnname;
- unsigned int *pline;
- PTR *pinfo;
- struct stab_find_info *info;
- bfd_size_type stabsize, strsize;
- bfd_byte *stab, *stabend, *str;
- bfd_size_type stroff;
- bfd_vma fnaddr;
- char *directory_name, *main_file_name, *current_file_name, *line_file_name;
- char *fnname;
- bfd_vma low_func_vma, low_line_vma;
- *pfound = false;
- *pfilename = bfd_get_filename (abfd);
- *pfnname = NULL;
- *pline = 0;
- info = (struct stab_find_info *) *pinfo;
- if (info != NULL)
- {
- if (info->stabsec == NULL || info->strsec == NULL)
- {
- /* No stabs debugging information. */
- return true;
- }
- stabsize = info->stabsec->_raw_size;
- strsize = info->strsec->_raw_size;
- }
- else
- {
- long reloc_size, reloc_count;
- arelent **reloc_vector;
- info = (struct stab_find_info *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof *info);
- if (info == NULL)
- return false;
- /* FIXME: When using the linker --split-by-file or
- --split-by-reloc options, it is possible for the .stab and
- .stabstr sections to be split. We should handle that. */
- info->stabsec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".stab");
- info->strsec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".stabstr");
- if (info->stabsec == NULL || info->strsec == NULL)
- {
- /* No stabs debugging information. Set *pinfo so that we
- can return quickly in the info != NULL case above. */
- *pinfo = (PTR) info;
- return true;
- }
- stabsize = info->stabsec->_raw_size;
- strsize = info->strsec->_raw_size;
- info->stabs = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (abfd, stabsize);
- info->strs = (bfd_byte *) bfd_alloc (abfd, strsize);
- if (info->stabs == NULL || info->strs == NULL)
- return false;
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (abfd, info->stabsec, info->stabs, 0,
- stabsize)
- || ! bfd_get_section_contents (abfd, info->strsec, info->strs, 0,
- strsize))
- return false;
- /* If this is a relocateable object file, we have to relocate
- the entries in .stab. This should always be simple 32 bit
- relocations against symbols defined in this object file, so
- this should be no big deal. */
- reloc_size = bfd_get_reloc_upper_bound (abfd, info->stabsec);
- if (reloc_size < 0)
- return false;
- reloc_vector = (arelent **) bfd_malloc (reloc_size);
- if (reloc_vector == NULL && reloc_size != 0)
- return false;
- reloc_count = bfd_canonicalize_reloc (abfd, info->stabsec, reloc_vector,
- symbols);
- if (reloc_count < 0)
- {
- if (reloc_vector != NULL)
- free (reloc_vector);
- return false;
- }
- if (reloc_count > 0)
- {
- arelent **pr;
- for (pr = reloc_vector; *pr != NULL; pr++)
- {
- arelent *r;
- unsigned long val;
- asymbol *sym;
- r = *pr;
- if (r->howto->rightshift != 0
- || r->howto->size != 2
- || r->howto->bitsize != 32
- || r->howto->pc_relative
- || r->howto->bitpos != 0
- || r->howto->dst_mask != 0xffffffff)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("Unsupported .stab relocation");
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- if (reloc_vector != NULL)
- free (reloc_vector);
- return false;
- }
- val = bfd_get_32 (abfd, info->stabs + r->address);
- val &= r->howto->src_mask;
- sym = *r->sym_ptr_ptr;
- val += sym->value + sym->section->vma + r->addend;
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, val, info->stabs + r->address);
- }
- }
- if (reloc_vector != NULL)
- free (reloc_vector);
- *pinfo = (PTR) info;
- }
- /* We are passed a section relative offset. The offsets in the
- stabs information are absolute. */
- offset += bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, section);
- /* Stabs entries use a 12 byte format:
- 4 byte string table index
- 1 byte stab type
- 1 byte stab other field
- 2 byte stab desc field
- 4 byte stab value
- FIXME: This will have to change for a 64 bit object format.
- The stabs symbols are divided into compilation units. For the
- first entry in each unit, the type of 0, the value is the length
- of the string table for this unit, and the desc field is the
- number of stabs symbols for this unit. */
-#define STRDXOFF (0)
-#define TYPEOFF (4)
-#define OTHEROFF (5)
-#define DESCOFF (6)
-#define VALOFF (8)
-#define STABSIZE (12)
- /* It would be nice if we could skip ahead to the stabs symbols for
- the next compilation unit to quickly scan through the compilation
- units. Unfortunately, since each line number gets a separate
- stabs entry, it is entirely plausible that a large source file
- will overflow the 16 bit count of stabs entries. */
- fnaddr = 0;
- directory_name = NULL;
- main_file_name = NULL;
- current_file_name = NULL;
- line_file_name = NULL;
- fnname = NULL;
- low_func_vma = 0;
- low_line_vma = 0;
- stabend = info->stabs + stabsize;
- if (info->cached_stab == NULL || offset < info->cached_offset)
- {
- stab = info->stabs;
- str = info->strs;
- stroff = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- stab = info->cached_stab;
- str = info->cached_str;
- stroff = info->cached_stroff;
- }
- info->cached_offset = offset;
- for (; stab < stabend; stab += STABSIZE)
- {
- boolean done;
- bfd_vma val;
- char *name;
- done = false;
- switch (stab[TYPEOFF])
- {
- case 0:
- /* This is the first entry in a compilation unit. */
- if ((bfd_size_type) ((info->strs + strsize) - str) < stroff)
- {
- done = true;
- break;
- }
- str += stroff;
- stroff = bfd_get_32 (abfd, stab + VALOFF);
- break;
- case N_SO:
- /* The main file name. */
- val = bfd_get_32 (abfd, stab + VALOFF);
- if (val > offset)
- {
- done = true;
- break;
- }
- name = (char *) str + bfd_get_32 (abfd, stab + STRDXOFF);
- /* An empty string indicates the end of the compilation
- unit. */
- if (*name == '\0')
- {
- /* If there are functions in different sections, they
- may have addresses larger than val, but we don't want
- to forget the file name. When there are functions in
- different cases, there is supposed to be an N_FUN at
- the end of the function indicating where it ends. */
- if (low_func_vma < val || fnname == NULL)
- main_file_name = NULL;
- break;
- }
- /* We know that we have to get to at least this point in the
- stabs entries for this offset. */
- info->cached_stab = stab;
- info->cached_str = str;
- info->cached_stroff = stroff;
- current_file_name = name;
- /* Look ahead to the next symbol. Two consecutive N_SO
- symbols are a directory and a file name. */
- if (stab + STABSIZE >= stabend
- || *(stab + STABSIZE + TYPEOFF) != N_SO)
- directory_name = NULL;
- else
- {
- stab += STABSIZE;
- directory_name = current_file_name;
- current_file_name = ((char *) str
- + bfd_get_32 (abfd, stab + STRDXOFF));
- }
- main_file_name = current_file_name;
- break;
- case N_SOL:
- /* The name of an include file. */
- current_file_name = ((char *) str
- + bfd_get_32 (abfd, stab + STRDXOFF));
- break;
- case N_SLINE:
- case N_DSLINE:
- case N_BSLINE:
- /* A line number. The value is relative to the start of the
- current function. */
- val = fnaddr + bfd_get_32 (abfd, stab + VALOFF);
- if (val >= low_line_vma && val <= offset)
- {
- *pline = bfd_get_16 (abfd, stab + DESCOFF);
- low_line_vma = val;
- line_file_name = current_file_name;
- }
- break;
- case N_FUN:
- /* A function name. */
- val = bfd_get_32 (abfd, stab + VALOFF);
- name = (char *) str + bfd_get_32 (abfd, stab + STRDXOFF);
- /* An empty string here indicates the end of a function, and
- the value is relative to fnaddr. */
- if (*name == '\0')
- {
- val += fnaddr;
- if (val >= low_func_vma && val < offset)
- fnname = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- if (val >= low_func_vma && val <= offset)
- {
- fnname = name;
- low_func_vma = val;
- }
- fnaddr = val;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (done)
- break;
- }
- if (main_file_name == NULL)
- {
- /* No information found. */
- return true;
- }
- *pfound = true;
- if (*pline != 0)
- main_file_name = line_file_name;
- if (main_file_name != NULL)
- {
- if (main_file_name[0] == '/' || directory_name == NULL)
- *pfilename = main_file_name;
- else
- {
- size_t dirlen;
- dirlen = strlen (directory_name);
- if (info->filename == NULL
- || strncmp (info->filename, directory_name, dirlen) != 0
- || strcmp (info->filename + dirlen, main_file_name) != 0)
- {
- if (info->filename != NULL)
- free (info->filename);
- info->filename = (char *) bfd_malloc (dirlen +
- strlen (main_file_name)
- + 1);
- if (info->filename == NULL)
- return false;
- strcpy (info->filename, directory_name);
- strcpy (info->filename + dirlen, main_file_name);
- }
- *pfilename = info->filename;
- }
- }
- if (fnname != NULL)
- {
- char *s;
- /* This will typically be something like main:F(0,1), so we want
- to clobber the colon. It's OK to change the name, since the
- string is in our own local storage anyhow. */
- s = strchr (fnname, ':');
- if (s != NULL)
- *s = '\0';
- *pfnname = fnname;
- }
- return true;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/sysdep.h b/contrib/gdb/bfd/sysdep.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dd8146a961a8..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/sysdep.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-/* sysdep.h -- handle host dependencies for the BFD library
- Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef BFD_SYSDEP_H
-#define BFD_SYSDEP_H
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#ifndef errno
-extern int errno;
-#include <string.h>
-#include <strings.h>
-extern char *strchr ();
-extern char *strrchr ();
-extern char *strstr ();
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "fopen-bin.h"
-#include "fopen-same.h"
-#ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#ifndef O_RDONLY
-#define O_RDONLY 0
-#ifndef O_WRONLY
-#define O_WRONLY 1
-#ifndef O_RDWR
-#define O_RDWR 2
-#ifndef O_ACCMODE
-#ifndef SEEK_SET
-#define SEEK_SET 0
-#ifndef SEEK_CUR
-#define SEEK_CUR 1
-extern PTR malloc ();
-extern void free ();
-#endif /* ! defined (BFD_SYSDEP_H) */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/targets.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/targets.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e1e6468a18ee..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/targets.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,886 +0,0 @@
-/* Generic target-file-type support for the BFD library.
- Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
- Targets
- Each port of BFD to a different machine requries the creation
- of a target back end. All the back end provides to the root
- part of BFD is a structure containing pointers to functions
- which perform certain low level operations on files. BFD
- translates the applications's requests through a pointer into
- calls to the back end routines.
- When a file is opened with <<bfd_openr>>, its format and
- target are unknown. BFD uses various mechanisms to determine
- how to interpret the file. The operations performed are:
- o Create a BFD by calling the internal routine
- <<_bfd_new_bfd>>, then call <<bfd_find_target>> with the
- target string supplied to <<bfd_openr>> and the new BFD pointer.
- o If a null target string was provided to <<bfd_find_target>>,
- look up the environment variable <<GNUTARGET>> and use
- that as the target string.
- o If the target string is still <<NULL>>, or the target string is
- <<default>>, then use the first item in the target vector
- as the target type, and set <<target_defaulted>> in the BFD to
- cause <<bfd_check_format>> to loop through all the targets.
- @xref{bfd_target}. @xref{Formats}.
- o Otherwise, inspect the elements in the target vector
- one by one, until a match on target name is found. When found,
- use it.
- o Otherwise return the error <<bfd_error_invalid_target>> to
- <<bfd_openr>>.
- o <<bfd_openr>> attempts to open the file using
- <<bfd_open_file>>, and returns the BFD.
- Once the BFD has been opened and the target selected, the file
- format may be determined. This is done by calling
- <<bfd_check_format>> on the BFD with a suggested format.
- If <<target_defaulted>> has been set, each possible target
- type is tried to see if it recognizes the specified format.
- <<bfd_check_format>> returns <<true>> when the caller guesses right.
-@* bfd_target::
-@end menu
- bfd_target, , Targets, Targets
- bfd_target
- This structure contains everything that BFD knows about a
- target. It includes things like its byte order, name, and which
- routines to call to do various operations.
- Every BFD points to a target structure with its <<xvec>>
- member.
- The macros below are used to dispatch to functions through the
- <<bfd_target>> vector. They are used in a number of macros further
- down in @file{bfd.h}, and are also used when calling various
- routines by hand inside the BFD implementation. The @var{arglist}
- argument must be parenthesized; it contains all the arguments
- to the called function.
- They make the documentation (more) unpleasant to read, so if
- someone wants to fix this and not break the above, please do.
-.#define BFD_SEND(bfd, message, arglist) \
-. ((*((bfd)->xvec->message)) arglist)
-.#undef BFD_SEND
-.#define BFD_SEND(bfd, message, arglist) \
-. (((bfd) && (bfd)->xvec && (bfd)->xvec->message) ? \
-. ((*((bfd)->xvec->message)) arglist) : \
-. (bfd_assert (__FILE__,__LINE__), NULL))
- For operations which index on the BFD format:
-.#define BFD_SEND_FMT(bfd, message, arglist) \
-. (((bfd)->xvec->message[(int)((bfd)->format)]) arglist)
-.#undef BFD_SEND_FMT
-.#define BFD_SEND_FMT(bfd, message, arglist) \
-. (((bfd) && (bfd)->xvec && (bfd)->xvec->message) ? \
-. (((bfd)->xvec->message[(int)((bfd)->format)]) arglist) : \
-. (bfd_assert (__FILE__,__LINE__), NULL))
- This is the structure which defines the type of BFD this is. The
- <<xvec>> member of the struct <<bfd>> itself points here. Each
- module that implements access to a different target under BFD,
- defines one of these.
- FIXME, these names should be rationalised with the names of
- the entry points which call them. Too bad we can't have one
- macro to define them both!
-.enum bfd_flavour {
-. bfd_target_unknown_flavour,
-. bfd_target_aout_flavour,
-. bfd_target_coff_flavour,
-. bfd_target_ecoff_flavour,
-. bfd_target_elf_flavour,
-. bfd_target_ieee_flavour,
-. bfd_target_nlm_flavour,
-. bfd_target_oasys_flavour,
-. bfd_target_tekhex_flavour,
-. bfd_target_srec_flavour,
-. bfd_target_ihex_flavour,
-. bfd_target_som_flavour,
-. bfd_target_os9k_flavour,
-. bfd_target_versados_flavour,
-. bfd_target_msdos_flavour
-.{* Forward declaration. *}
-.typedef struct bfd_link_info _bfd_link_info;
-.typedef struct bfd_target
-Identifies the kind of target, e.g., SunOS4, Ultrix, etc.
-. char *name;
-The "flavour" of a back end is a general indication about the contents
-of a file.
-. enum bfd_flavour flavour;
-The order of bytes within the data area of a file.
-. enum bfd_endian byteorder;
-The order of bytes within the header parts of a file.
-. enum bfd_endian header_byteorder;
-A mask of all the flags which an executable may have set -
-from the set <<NO_FLAGS>>, <<HAS_RELOC>>, ...<<D_PAGED>>.
-. flagword object_flags;
-A mask of all the flags which a section may have set - from
-the set <<SEC_NO_FLAGS>>, <<SEC_ALLOC>>, ...<<SET_NEVER_LOAD>>.
-. flagword section_flags;
-The character normally found at the front of a symbol
-(if any), perhaps `_'.
-. char symbol_leading_char;
-The pad character for file names within an archive header.
-. char ar_pad_char;
-The maximum number of characters in an archive header.
-. unsigned short ar_max_namelen;
-Entries for byte swapping for data. These are different from the other
-entry points, since they don't take a BFD asthe first argument.
-Certain other handlers could do the same.
-. bfd_vma (*bfd_getx64) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-. bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_getx_signed_64) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-. void (*bfd_putx64) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
-. bfd_vma (*bfd_getx32) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-. bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_getx_signed_32) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-. void (*bfd_putx32) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
-. bfd_vma (*bfd_getx16) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-. bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_getx_signed_16) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-. void (*bfd_putx16) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
-Byte swapping for the headers
-. bfd_vma (*bfd_h_getx64) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-. bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_h_getx_signed_64) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-. void (*bfd_h_putx64) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
-. bfd_vma (*bfd_h_getx32) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-. bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_h_getx_signed_32) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-. void (*bfd_h_putx32) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
-. bfd_vma (*bfd_h_getx16) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-. bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_h_getx_signed_16) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-. void (*bfd_h_putx16) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
-Format dependent routines: these are vectors of entry points
-within the target vector structure, one for each format to check.
-Check the format of a file being read. Return a <<bfd_target *>> or zero.
-. const struct bfd_target *(*_bfd_check_format[bfd_type_end]) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-Set the format of a file being written.
-. boolean (*_bfd_set_format[bfd_type_end]) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-Write cached information into a file being written, at <<bfd_close>>.
-. boolean (*_bfd_write_contents[bfd_type_end]) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-The general target vector.
-. {* Generic entry points. *}
-. {* Called when the BFD is being closed to do any necessary cleanup. *}
-. boolean (*_close_and_cleanup) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-. {* Ask the BFD to free all cached information. *}
-. boolean (*_bfd_free_cached_info) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-. {* Called when a new section is created. *}
-. boolean (*_new_section_hook) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr));
-. {* Read the contents of a section. *}
-. boolean (*_bfd_get_section_contents) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, PTR,
-. file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-. boolean (*_bfd_get_section_contents_in_window)
-. PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, bfd_window *,
-. file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-. {* Entry points to copy private data. *}
-. {* Called to copy BFD general private data from one object file
-. to another. *}
-. boolean (*_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-. {* Called to merge BFD general private data from one object file
-. to a common output file when linking. *}
-. boolean (*_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-. {* Called to copy BFD private section data from one object file
-. to another. *}
-. boolean (*_bfd_copy_private_section_data) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr,
-. bfd *, sec_ptr));
-. {* Called to copy BFD private symbol data from one symbol
-. to another. *}
-. boolean (*_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *,
-. bfd *, asymbol *));
-. {* Called to set private backend flags *}
-. boolean (*_bfd_set_private_flags) PARAMS ((bfd *, flagword));
-. {* Called to print private BFD data *}
-. boolean (*_bfd_print_private_bfd_data) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR));
-. {* Core file entry points. *}
-. char * (*_core_file_failing_command) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-. int (*_core_file_failing_signal) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-. boolean (*_core_file_matches_executable_p) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-. {* Archive entry points. *}
-. boolean (*_bfd_slurp_armap) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-. boolean (*_bfd_slurp_extended_name_table) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-. boolean (*_bfd_construct_extended_name_table)
-. PARAMS ((bfd *, char **, bfd_size_type *, const char **));
-. void (*_bfd_truncate_arname) PARAMS ((bfd *, CONST char *, char *));
-. boolean (*write_armap) PARAMS ((bfd *arch,
-. unsigned int elength,
-. struct orl *map,
-. unsigned int orl_count,
-. int stridx));
-. PTR (*_bfd_read_ar_hdr_fn) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-. bfd * (*openr_next_archived_file) PARAMS ((bfd *arch, bfd *prev));
-.#define bfd_get_elt_at_index(b,i) BFD_SEND(b, _bfd_get_elt_at_index, (b,i))
-. bfd * (*_bfd_get_elt_at_index) PARAMS ((bfd *, symindex));
-. int (*_bfd_stat_arch_elt) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct stat *));
-. boolean (*_bfd_update_armap_timestamp) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-. {* Entry points used for symbols. *}
-. long (*_bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-. long (*_bfd_canonicalize_symtab) PARAMS ((bfd *,
-. struct symbol_cache_entry **));
-. struct symbol_cache_entry *
-. (*_bfd_make_empty_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-. void (*_bfd_print_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR,
-. struct symbol_cache_entry *,
-. bfd_print_symbol_type));
-.#define bfd_print_symbol(b,p,s,e) BFD_SEND(b, _bfd_print_symbol, (b,p,s,e))
-. void (*_bfd_get_symbol_info) PARAMS ((bfd *,
-. struct symbol_cache_entry *,
-. symbol_info *));
-.#define bfd_get_symbol_info(b,p,e) BFD_SEND(b, _bfd_get_symbol_info, (b,p,e))
-. boolean (*_bfd_is_local_label) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
-. alent * (*_get_lineno) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct symbol_cache_entry *));
-. boolean (*_bfd_find_nearest_line) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
-. struct sec *section, struct symbol_cache_entry **symbols,
-. bfd_vma offset, CONST char **file, CONST char **func,
-. unsigned int *line));
-. {* Back-door to allow format-aware applications to create debug symbols
-. while using BFD for everything else. Currently used by the assembler
-. when creating COFF files. *}
-. asymbol * (*_bfd_make_debug_symbol) PARAMS ((
-. bfd *abfd,
-. void *ptr,
-. unsigned long size));
-.#define bfd_read_minisymbols(b, d, m, s) \
-. BFD_SEND (b, _read_minisymbols, (b, d, m, s))
-. long (*_read_minisymbols) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, PTR *,
-. unsigned int *));
-.#define bfd_minisymbol_to_symbol(b, d, m, f) \
-. BFD_SEND (b, _minisymbol_to_symbol, (b, d, m, f))
-. asymbol *(*_minisymbol_to_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, const PTR,
-. asymbol *));
-. {* Routines for relocs. *}
-. long (*_get_reloc_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr));
-. long (*_bfd_canonicalize_reloc) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, arelent **,
-. struct symbol_cache_entry **));
-. {* See documentation on reloc types. *}
-. reloc_howto_type *
-. (*reloc_type_lookup) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
-. bfd_reloc_code_real_type code));
-. {* Routines used when writing an object file. *}
-. boolean (*_bfd_set_arch_mach) PARAMS ((bfd *, enum bfd_architecture,
-. unsigned long));
-. boolean (*_bfd_set_section_contents) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, PTR,
-. file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-. {* Routines used by the linker. *}
-. int (*_bfd_sizeof_headers) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean));
-. bfd_byte * (*_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents) PARAMS ((bfd *,
-. struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_order *,
-. bfd_byte *data, boolean relocateable,
-. struct symbol_cache_entry **));
-. boolean (*_bfd_relax_section) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct sec *,
-. struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *again));
-. {* Create a hash table for the linker. Different backends store
-. different information in this table. *}
-. struct bfd_link_hash_table *(*_bfd_link_hash_table_create) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-. {* Add symbols from this object file into the hash table. *}
-. boolean (*_bfd_link_add_symbols) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-. {* Do a link based on the link_order structures attached to each
-. section of the BFD. *}
-. boolean (*_bfd_final_link) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-. {* Should this section be split up into smaller pieces during linking. *}
-. boolean (*_bfd_link_split_section) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct sec *));
-. {* Routines to handle dynamic symbols and relocs. *}
-. {* Get the amount of memory required to hold the dynamic symbols. *}
-. long (*_bfd_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-. {* Read in the dynamic symbols. *}
-. long (*_bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab)
-. PARAMS ((bfd *, struct symbol_cache_entry **));
-. {* Get the amount of memory required to hold the dynamic relocs. *}
-. long (*_bfd_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-. {* Read in the dynamic relocs. *}
-. long (*_bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc)
-. PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent **, struct symbol_cache_entry **));
-Data for use by back-end routines, which isn't generic enough to belong
-in this structure.
-. PTR backend_data;
-.} bfd_target;
-/* All known xvecs (even those that don't compile on all systems).
- Alphabetized for easy reference.
- They are listed a second time below, since
- we can't intermix extern's and initializers. */
-extern const bfd_target a29kcoff_big_vec;
-extern const bfd_target a_out_adobe_vec;
-extern const bfd_target aout_arm_big_vec;
-extern const bfd_target aout_arm_little_vec;
-extern const bfd_target aout_mips_big_vec;
-extern const bfd_target aout_mips_little_vec;
-extern const bfd_target aout0_big_vec;
-extern const bfd_target apollocoff_vec;
-extern const bfd_target armcoff_little_vec;
-extern const bfd_target armcoff_big_vec;
-extern const bfd_target armpe_little_vec;
-extern const bfd_target armpe_big_vec;
-extern const bfd_target armpei_little_vec;
-extern const bfd_target armpei_big_vec;
-extern const bfd_target b_out_vec_big_host;
-extern const bfd_target b_out_vec_little_host;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_big_generic_vec;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_bigmips_vec;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_hppa_vec;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_i386_vec;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_i860_vec;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_little_generic_vec;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_littlemips_vec;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_m68k_vec;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_m88k_vec;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_powerpc_vec;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_powerpcle_vec;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_sparc_vec;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_elf64_big_generic_vec;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_elf64_little_generic_vec;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_elf64_sparc_vec;
-extern const bfd_target demo_64_vec;
-extern const bfd_target ecoff_big_vec;
-extern const bfd_target ecoff_little_vec;
-extern const bfd_target ecoffalpha_little_vec;
-extern const bfd_target h8300coff_vec;
-extern const bfd_target h8500coff_vec;
-extern const bfd_target host_aout_vec;
-extern const bfd_target hp300bsd_vec;
-extern const bfd_target hp300hpux_vec;
-extern const bfd_target som_vec;
-extern const bfd_target i386aout_vec;
-extern const bfd_target i386bsd_vec;
-extern const bfd_target i386dynix_vec;
-extern const bfd_target i386freebsd_vec;
-extern const bfd_target i386os9k_vec;
-extern const bfd_target i386coff_vec;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_powerpc_pe_vec;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_powerpcle_pe_vec;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_powerpc_pei_vec;
-extern const bfd_target bfd_powerpcle_pei_vec;
-extern const bfd_target i386pe_vec;
-extern const bfd_target i386pei_vec;
-extern const bfd_target go32coff_vec;
-extern const bfd_target i386linux_vec;
-extern const bfd_target i386lynx_aout_vec;
-extern const bfd_target i386lynx_coff_vec;
-extern const bfd_target i386mach3_vec;
-extern const bfd_target i386msdos_vec;
-extern const bfd_target i386netbsd_vec;
-extern const bfd_target i860coff_vec;
-extern const bfd_target icoff_big_vec;
-extern const bfd_target icoff_little_vec;
-extern const bfd_target ieee_vec;
-extern const bfd_target m68kaux_coff_vec;
-extern const bfd_target m68kcoff_vec;
-extern const bfd_target m68kcoffun_vec;
-extern const bfd_target m68klinux_vec;
-extern const bfd_target m68klynx_aout_vec;
-extern const bfd_target m68klynx_coff_vec;
-extern const bfd_target m68knetbsd_vec;
-extern const bfd_target m68k4knetbsd_vec;
-extern const bfd_target m88kbcs_vec;
-extern const bfd_target m88kmach3_vec;
-extern const bfd_target newsos3_vec;
-extern const bfd_target nlm32_i386_vec;
-extern const bfd_target nlm32_sparc_vec;
-extern const bfd_target nlm32_alpha_vec;
-extern const bfd_target nlm32_powerpc_vec;
-extern const bfd_target pc532netbsd_vec;
-extern const bfd_target oasys_vec;
-extern const bfd_target pc532machaout_vec;
-extern const bfd_target riscix_vec;
-extern const bfd_target pmac_xcoff_vec;
-extern const bfd_target rs6000coff_vec;
-extern const bfd_target shcoff_vec;
-extern const bfd_target shlcoff_vec;
-extern const bfd_target sparclynx_aout_vec;
-extern const bfd_target sparclynx_coff_vec;
-extern const bfd_target sparcnetbsd_vec;
-extern const bfd_target sparccoff_vec;
-extern const bfd_target sunos_big_vec;
-extern const bfd_target tekhex_vec;
-extern const bfd_target versados_vec;
-extern const bfd_target we32kcoff_vec;
-extern const bfd_target w65_vec;
-extern const bfd_target z8kcoff_vec;
-/* srec is always included. */
-extern const bfd_target srec_vec;
-extern const bfd_target symbolsrec_vec;
-/* binary is always included. */
-extern const bfd_target binary_vec;
-/* ihex is always included. */
-extern const bfd_target ihex_vec;
-/* All of the xvecs for core files. */
-extern const bfd_target aix386_core_vec;
-extern const bfd_target cisco_core_vec;
-extern const bfd_target hpux_core_vec;
-extern const bfd_target hppabsd_core_vec;
-extern const bfd_target irix_core_vec;
-extern const bfd_target osf_core_vec;
-extern const bfd_target sco_core_vec;
-extern const bfd_target trad_core_vec;
-extern const bfd_target ptrace_core_vec;
-const bfd_target * const bfd_target_vector[] = {
-#else /* not SELECT_VECS */
- /* This list is alphabetized to make it easy to compare
- with other vector lists -- the decls above and
- the case statement in
- Vectors that don't compile on all systems, or aren't finished,
- should have an entry here with #if 0 around it, to show that
- it wasn't omitted by mistake. */
- &a29kcoff_big_vec,
- &a_out_adobe_vec,
-#if 0 /* No one seems to use this. */
- &aout_mips_big_vec,
- &aout_mips_little_vec,
- &b_out_vec_big_host,
- &b_out_vec_little_host,
- /* This, and other vectors, may not be used in any *.mt configuration.
- But that does not mean they are unnecessary. If configured with
- --enable-targets=all, objdump or gdb should be able to examine
- the file even if we don't recognize the machine type. */
- &bfd_elf32_big_generic_vec,
- &bfd_elf32_bigmips_vec,
- &bfd_elf32_hppa_vec,
- &bfd_elf32_i386_vec,
- &bfd_elf32_i860_vec,
- &bfd_elf32_little_generic_vec,
- &bfd_elf32_littlemips_vec,
- &bfd_elf32_m68k_vec,
- &bfd_elf32_m88k_vec,
- &bfd_elf32_sparc_vec,
- &bfd_elf32_powerpc_vec,
-#ifdef BFD64 /* No one seems to use this. */
- &bfd_elf64_big_generic_vec,
- &bfd_elf64_little_generic_vec,
-#if 0
- &bfd_elf64_sparc_vec,
- /* We don't include cisco_core_vec. Although it has a magic number,
- the magic number isn't at the beginning of the file, and thus
- might spuriously match other kinds of files. */
-#ifdef BFD64
- &demo_64_vec, /* Only compiled if host has long-long support */
- &ecoff_big_vec,
- &ecoff_little_vec,
-#if 0
- &ecoffalpha_little_vec,
- &h8300coff_vec,
- &h8500coff_vec,
-#if 0
- /* Since a.out files lack decent magic numbers, no way to recognize
- which kind of a.out file it is. */
- &host_aout_vec,
-#if 0 /* Clashes with sunos_big_vec magic no. */
- &hp300bsd_vec,
- &hp300hpux_vec,
-#if defined (HOST_HPPAHPUX) || defined (HOST_HPPABSD) || defined (HOST_HPPAOSF)
- &som_vec,
- &i386aout_vec,
- &i386bsd_vec,
- &i386coff_vec,
- &i386freebsd_vec,
- &i860coff_vec,
- &bfd_powerpc_pe_vec,
- &bfd_powerpcle_pe_vec,
- &bfd_powerpc_pei_vec,
- &bfd_powerpcle_pei_vec,
- &go32coff_vec,
-#if 0
- /* Since a.out files lack decent magic numbers, no way to recognize
- which kind of a.out file it is. */
- &i386linux_vec,
- &i386lynx_aout_vec,
- &i386lynx_coff_vec,
-#if 0
- /* No distinguishing features for Mach 3 executables. */
- &i386mach3_vec,
- &i386msdos_vec,
- &i386netbsd_vec,
- &i386os9k_vec,
- &i386pe_vec,
- &i386pei_vec,
- &armcoff_little_vec,
- &armcoff_big_vec,
- &armpe_little_vec,
- &armpe_big_vec,
- &armpei_little_vec,
- &armpei_big_vec,
- &icoff_big_vec,
- &icoff_little_vec,
- &ieee_vec,
- &m68kcoff_vec,
- &m68kcoffun_vec,
-#if 0
- /* Since a.out files lack decent magic numbers, no way to recognize
- which kind of a.out file it is. */
- &m68klinux_vec,
- &m68klynx_aout_vec,
- &m68klynx_coff_vec,
- &m68knetbsd_vec,
- &m88kbcs_vec,
- &m88kmach3_vec,
- &newsos3_vec,
- &nlm32_i386_vec,
- &nlm32_sparc_vec,
-#ifdef BFD64
- &nlm32_alpha_vec,
- &pc532netbsd_vec,
-#if 0
- /* We have no oasys tools anymore, so we can't test any of this
- anymore. If you want to test the stuff yourself, go ahead...
- Worse, since there is no magic number for archives, there
- can be annoying target mis-matches. */
- &oasys_vec,
- &pc532machaout_vec,
-#if 0
- /* We have no way of distinguishing these from other a.out variants */
- &aout_arm_big_vec,
- &aout_arm_little_vec,
- &riscix_vec,
-#if 0
- /* This has the same magic number as RS/6000. */
- &pmac_xcoff_vec,
- &rs6000coff_vec,
- &shcoff_vec,
- &shlcoff_vec,
- &sparclynx_aout_vec,
- &sparclynx_coff_vec,
- &sparcnetbsd_vec,
- &sunos_big_vec,
- &aout0_big_vec,
- &tekhex_vec,
- &we32kcoff_vec,
- &versados_vec,
- &z8kcoff_vec,
-#endif /* not SELECT_VECS */
-/* Always support S-records, for convenience. */
- &srec_vec,
- &symbolsrec_vec,
-/* And tekhex */
- &tekhex_vec,
-/* Likewise for binary output. */
- &binary_vec,
-/* Likewise for ihex. */
- &ihex_vec,
-/* Add any required traditional-core-file-handler. */
-#ifdef AIX386_CORE
- &aix386_core_vec,
-#ifdef HPUX_CORE
- &hpux_core_vec,
- &hppabsd_core_vec,
-#ifdef IRIX_CORE
- &irix_core_vec,
-#ifdef OSF_CORE
- &osf_core_vec,
-#ifdef TRAD_CORE
- &trad_core_vec,
- &ptrace_core_vec,
- NULL /* end of list marker */
-/* bfd_default_vector[0] contains either the address of the default vector,
- if there is one, or zero if there isn't. */
-const bfd_target * const bfd_default_vector[] = {
-/* When there is an ambiguous match, bfd_check_format_matches puts the
- names of the matching targets in an array. This variable is the maximum
- number of entries that the array could possibly need. */
-const size_t _bfd_target_vector_entries = sizeof(bfd_target_vector)/sizeof(*bfd_target_vector);
- bfd_find_target
- const bfd_target *bfd_find_target(CONST char *target_name, bfd *abfd);
- Return a pointer to the transfer vector for the object target
- named @var{target_name}. If @var{target_name} is <<NULL>>, choose the
- one in the environment variable <<GNUTARGET>>; if that is null or not
- defined, then choose the first entry in the target list.
- Passing in the string "default" or setting the environment
- variable to "default" will cause the first entry in the target
- list to be returned, and "target_defaulted" will be set in the
- BFD. This causes <<bfd_check_format>> to loop over all the
- targets to find the one that matches the file being read.
-const bfd_target *
-bfd_find_target (target_name, abfd)
- CONST char *target_name;
- bfd *abfd;
- const bfd_target * const *target;
- extern char *getenv ();
- CONST char *targname = (target_name ? target_name :
- (CONST char *) getenv ("GNUTARGET"));
- /* This is safe; the vector cannot be null */
- if (targname == NULL || !strcmp (targname, "default")) {
- abfd->target_defaulted = true;
- return abfd->xvec = bfd_target_vector[0];
- }
- abfd->target_defaulted = false;
- for (target = &bfd_target_vector[0]; *target != NULL; target++) {
- if (!strcmp (targname, (*target)->name))
- return abfd->xvec = *target;
- }
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_target);
- return NULL;
- bfd_target_list
- const char **bfd_target_list(void);
- Return a freshly malloced NULL-terminated
- vector of the names of all the valid BFD targets. Do not
- modify the names.
-const char **
-bfd_target_list ()
- int vec_length= 0;
-#if defined (HOST_HPPAHPUX) && ! defined (__STDC__)
- /* The native compiler on the HP9000/700 has a bug which causes it
- to loop endlessly when compiling this file. This avoids it. */
- volatile
- const bfd_target * const *target;
- CONST char **name_list, **name_ptr;
- for (target = &bfd_target_vector[0]; *target != NULL; target++)
- vec_length++;
- name_ptr = name_list = (CONST char **)
- bfd_zmalloc ((vec_length + 1) * sizeof (char **));
- if (name_list == NULL)
- return NULL;
- for (target = &bfd_target_vector[0]; *target != NULL; target++)
- *(name_ptr++) = (*target)->name;
- return name_list;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/tekhex.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/tekhex.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bf7957e673ab..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/tekhex.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1031 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD backend for Extended Tektronix Hex Format objects.
- Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support <>.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- Tektronix Hex Format handling
- Tek Hex records can hold symbols and data, but not
- relocations. Their main application is communication with
- devices like PROM programmers and ICE equipment.
- It seems that the sections are descibed as being really big,
- the example I have says that the text section is 0..ffffffff.
- BFD would barf with this, many apps would try to alloc 4GB to
- read in the file.
- Tex Hex may contain many sections, but the data which comes in
- has no tag saying which section it belongs to, so we create
- one section for each block of data, called "blknnnn" which we
- stick all the data into.
- TekHex may come out of order and there is no header, so an
- initial scan is required to discover the minimum and maximum
- addresses used to create the vma and size of the sections we
- create.
- We read in the data into pages of CHUNK_MASK+1 size and read
- them out from that whenever we need to.
- Any number of sections may be created for output, we save them
- up and output them when it's time to close the bfd.
- A TekHex record looks like:
- %<block length><type><checksum><stuff><cr>
- Where
- o length
- is the number of bytes in the record not including the % sign.
- o type
- is one of:
- 3) symbol record
- 6) data record
- 8) termination record
-The data can come out of order, and may be discontigous. This is a
-serial protocol, so big files are unlikely, so we keep a list of 8k chunks
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "libiberty.h"
-typedef struct
- {
- bfd_vma low;
- bfd_vma high;
- } addr_range_type;
-typedef struct tekhex_symbol_struct
- {
- asymbol symbol;
- struct tekhex_symbol_struct *prev;
- } tekhex_symbol_type;
-static const char digs[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
-static char sum_block[256];
-#define NOT_HEX 20
-#define NIBBLE(x) hex_value(x)
-#define HEX(buffer) ((NIBBLE((buffer)[0])<<4) + NIBBLE((buffer)[1]))
-#define TOHEX(d,x) \
-(d)[1] = digs[(x) & 0xf]; \
-(d)[0] = digs[((x)>>4)&0xf];
-#define ISHEX(x) hex_p(x)
-Here's an example
-%07 8 10 10
- ^ ^^ ^ ^-data
- | || +------ 4 char integer 0x8000
- | |+-------- checksum
- | +--------- type 6 (data record)
- +----------- length 3a chars
- <---------------------- 3a (58 chars) ------------------->
- ^ ^^ ^- 8 character integer 0xffffffff
- | |+- 1 character integer 0
- | +-- type 1 symbol (section definition)
- +------------ 9 char symbol T_SEGMENT
-Turns into
-sac@thepub$ ./objdump -dx -m m68k f
-f: file format tekhex
------x--- 9/55728 -134219416 Sep 29 15:13 1995 f
-architecture: UNKNOWN!, flags 0x00000010:
-start address 0x00000000
-SECTION 0 [D00000000] : size 00020000 vma 00000000 align 2**0
-SECTION 1 [D00008000] : size 00002001 vma 00008000 align 2**0
-SECTION 2 [T_SEGMENT] : size ffffffff vma 00000000 align 2**0
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT gcc_compiled$
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT hello$c
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT int$t1$r1$$21474
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT char$t2$r2$0$127
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT long$int$t3$r1$$
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT unsigned$int$t4$
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT long$unsigned$in
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT short$int$t6$r1$
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT long$long$int$t7
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT short$unsigned$i
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT long$long$unsign
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT signed$char$t10$
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT unsigned$char$t1
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT float$t12$r1$4$0
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT double$t13$r1$8$
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT long$double$t14$
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT void$t15$15
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT _main
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT $
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT $
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT $
-00000010 g T_SEGMENT $
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT main$F1
-fcffffff g T_SEGMENT i$1
-00000000 g T_SEGMENT $
-00000010 g T_SEGMENT $
-RELOCATION RECORDS FOR [D00000000]: (none)
-RELOCATION RECORDS FOR [D00008000]: (none)
-Disassembly of section D00000000:
-00008000 ($+)7ff0 linkw fp,#-4
-00008004 ($+)7ff4 nop
-00008006 ($+)7ff6 movel #99,d0
-00008008 ($+)7ff8 cmpl fp@(-4),d0
-0000800c ($+)7ffc blts 00008014 ($+)8004
-0000800e ($+)7ffe addql #1,fp@(-4)
-00008012 ($+)8002 bras 00008006 ($+)7ff6
-00008014 ($+)8004 unlk fp
-00008016 ($+)8006 rts
-static void
-tekhex_init ()
- unsigned int i;
- static boolean inited = false;
- int val;
- if (inited == false)
- {
- inited = true;
- hex_init ();
- val = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
- {
- sum_block[i + '0'] = val++;
- }
- for (i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++)
- {
- sum_block[i] = val++;
- }
- sum_block['$'] = val++;
- sum_block['%'] = val++;
- sum_block['.'] = val++;
- sum_block['_'] = val++;
- for (i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++)
- {
- sum_block[i] = val++;
- }
- }
-/* The maximum number of bytes on a line is FF */
-#define MAXCHUNK 0xff
-/* The number of bytes we fit onto a line on output */
-#define CHUNK 21
-/* We cannot output our tekhexords as we see them, we have to glue them
- together, this is done in this structure : */
-struct tekhex_data_list_struct
- unsigned char *data;
- bfd_vma where;
- bfd_size_type size;
- struct tekhex_data_list_struct *next;
-typedef struct tekhex_data_list_struct tekhex_data_list_type;
-#define CHUNK_MASK 0x1fff
-struct data_struct
- {
- char chunk_data[CHUNK_MASK + 1];
- char chunk_init[CHUNK_MASK + 1];
- bfd_vma vma;
- struct data_struct *next;
- };
-typedef struct tekhex_data_struct
- tekhex_data_list_type *head;
- unsigned int type;
- struct tekhex_symbol_struct *symbols;
- struct data_struct *data;
-} tdata_type;
-#define enda(x) (x->vma + x->size)
-static bfd_vma
-getvalue (srcp)
- char **srcp;
- char *src = *srcp;
- bfd_vma value = 0;
- unsigned int len = hex_value(*src++);
- if (len == 0)
- len = 16;
- while (len--)
- {
- value = value << 4 | hex_value(*src++);
- }
- *srcp = src;
- return value;
-static unsigned int
-getsym (dstp, srcp)
- char *dstp;
- char **srcp;
- char *src = *srcp;
- unsigned int i;
- unsigned int len = hex_value(*src++);
- if (len == 0)
- len = 16;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- dstp[i] = src[i];
- dstp[i] = 0;
- *srcp = src + i;
- return len;
-struct data_struct *
-find_chunk (abfd, vma)
- bfd *abfd;
- bfd_vma vma;
- struct data_struct *d = abfd->tdata.tekhex_data->data;
- vma &= ~CHUNK_MASK;
- while (d && (d->vma) != vma)
- {
- d = d->next;
- }
- if (!d)
- {
- char *sname = bfd_alloc (abfd, 12);
- /* No chunk for this address, so make one up */
- d = (struct data_struct *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct data_struct));
- if (!sname || !d)
- return NULL;
- memset (d->chunk_init, 0, CHUNK_MASK + 1);
- memset (d->chunk_data, 0, CHUNK_MASK + 1);
- d->next = abfd->tdata.tekhex_data->data;
- d->vma = vma;
- abfd->tdata.tekhex_data->data = d;
- }
- return d;
-static void
-insert_byte (abfd, value, addr)
- bfd *abfd;
- int value;
- bfd_vma addr;
- /* Find the chunk that this byte needs and put it in */
- struct data_struct *d = find_chunk (abfd, addr);
- d->chunk_data[addr & CHUNK_MASK] = value;
- d->chunk_init[addr & CHUNK_MASK] = 1;
-/* The first pass is to find the names of all the sections, and see
- how big the data is */
-static void
-first_phase (abfd, type, src)
- bfd *abfd;
- char type;
- char *src;
- asection *section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- int len;
- char sym[17]; /* A symbol can only be 16chars long */
- switch (type)
- {
- case '6':
- /* Data record - read it and store it */
- {
- bfd_vma addr = getvalue (&src);
- while (*src)
- {
- insert_byte (abfd, HEX (src), addr);
- src += 2;
- addr++;
- }
- }
- return;
- case '3':
- /* Symbol record, read the segment */
- len = getsym (sym, &src);
- section = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, sym);
- if (section == (asection *) NULL)
- {
- char *n = bfd_alloc (abfd, len + 1);
- if (!n)
- abort(); /* FIXME */
- memcpy (n, sym, len + 1);
- section = bfd_make_section (abfd, n);
- }
- while (*src)
- {
- switch (*src)
- {
- case '1': /* section range */
- src++;
- section->vma = getvalue (&src);
- section->_raw_size = getvalue (&src) - section->vma;
- section->flags = SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_LOAD | SEC_ALLOC;
- break;
- case '0':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- /* Symbols, add to section */
- {
- tekhex_symbol_type *new =
- (tekhex_symbol_type *) bfd_alloc (abfd,
- sizeof (tekhex_symbol_type));
- char type = (*src);
- if (!new)
- abort(); /* FIXME */
- new->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- src++;
- abfd->symcount++;
- abfd->flags |= HAS_SYMS;
- new->prev = abfd->tdata.tekhex_data->symbols;
- abfd->tdata.tekhex_data->symbols = new;
- len = getsym (sym, &src);
- new-> = bfd_alloc (abfd, len + 1);
- if (!new->
- abort(); /* FIXME */
- memcpy ((char *) (new->, sym, len + 1);
- new->symbol.section = section;
- if (type <= '4')
- new->symbol.flags = (BSF_GLOBAL | BSF_EXPORT);
- else
- new->symbol.flags = BSF_LOCAL;
- new->symbol.value = getvalue (&src) - section->vma;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-/* Pass over an tekhex, calling one of the above functions on each
- record. */
-static void
- pass_over (abfd, func)
- bfd *abfd;
- void (*func) ();
- unsigned int chars_on_line;
- boolean eof = false;
- /* To the front of the file */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- abort ();
- while (eof == false)
- {
- char buffer[MAXCHUNK];
- char *src = buffer;
- char type;
- /* Find first '%' */
- eof = (boolean) (bfd_read (src, 1, 1, abfd) != 1);
- while (*src != '%' && !eof)
- {
- eof = (boolean) (bfd_read (src, 1, 1, abfd) != 1);
- }
- if (eof)
- break;
- src++;
- /* Fetch the type and the length and the checksum */
- if (bfd_read (src, 1, 5, abfd) != 5)
- abort (); /* FIXME */
- type = src[2];
- if (!ISHEX (src[0]) || !ISHEX (src[1]))
- break;
- chars_on_line = HEX (src) - 5; /* Already read five char */
- if (bfd_read (src, 1, chars_on_line, abfd) != chars_on_line)
- abort (); /* FIXME */
- src[chars_on_line] = 0; /* put a null at the end */
- func (abfd, type, src);
- }
-tekhex_get_symtab (abfd, table)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **table;
- tekhex_symbol_type *p = abfd->tdata.tekhex_data->symbols;
- unsigned int c = bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- table[c] = 0;
- while (p)
- {
- table[--c] = &(p->symbol);
- p = p->prev;
- }
- return bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
-tekhex_get_symtab_upper_bound (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return (abfd->symcount + 1) * (sizeof (struct tekhex_asymbol_struct *));
-static boolean
-tekhex_mkobject (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- tdata_type *tdata = (tdata_type *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (tdata_type));
- if (!tdata)
- return false;
- abfd->tdata.tekhex_data = tdata;
- tdata->type = 1;
- tdata->head = (tekhex_data_list_type *) NULL;
- tdata->symbols = (struct tekhex_symbol_struct *) NULL;
- tdata->data = (struct data_struct *) NULL;
- return true;
- Return true if the file looks like it's in TekHex format. Just look
- for a percent sign and some hex digits */
-static const bfd_target *
-tekhex_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- char b[4];
- tekhex_init ();
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_read (b, 1, 4, abfd) != 4)
- return NULL;
- if (b[0] != '%' || !ISHEX (b[1]) || !ISHEX (b[2]) || !ISHEX (b[3]))
- return (const bfd_target *) NULL;
- tekhex_mkobject (abfd);
- pass_over (abfd, first_phase);
- return abfd->xvec;
-static void
-move_section_contents (abfd, section, locationp, offset, count, get)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- PTR locationp;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- boolean get;
- bfd_vma addr;
- char *location = (char *) locationp;
- bfd_vma prev_number = 1; /* Nothing can have this as a high bit*/
- struct data_struct *d = (struct data_struct *) NULL;
- for (addr = section->vma; count != 0; count--, addr++)
- {
- bfd_vma chunk_number = addr & ~CHUNK_MASK; /* Get high bits of address */
- bfd_vma low_bits = addr & CHUNK_MASK;
- if (chunk_number != prev_number)
- {
- /* Different chunk, so move pointer */
- d = find_chunk (abfd, chunk_number);
- }
- if (get)
- {
- if (d->chunk_init[low_bits])
- {
- *location = d->chunk_data[low_bits];
- }
- else
- {
- *location = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- d->chunk_data[low_bits] = *location;
- d->chunk_init[low_bits] = (*location != 0);
- }
- location++;
- }
-static boolean
-tekhex_get_section_contents (abfd, section, locationp, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- PTR locationp;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- if (section->flags & (SEC_LOAD | SEC_ALLOC))
- {
- move_section_contents (abfd, section, locationp, offset, count, true);
- return true;
- }
- else
- return false;
-tekhex_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine)
- bfd *abfd;
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- unsigned long machine;
- return bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, machine);
-/* we have to save up all the Tekhexords for a splurge before output,
- */
-static boolean
-tekhex_set_section_contents (abfd, section, locationp, offset, bytes_to_do)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR locationp;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type bytes_to_do;
- if (abfd->output_has_begun == false)
- {
- /* The first time around, allocate enough sections to hold all the chunks */
- asection *s = abfd->sections;
- bfd_vma vma;
- for (s = abfd->sections; s; s = s->next)
- {
- if (s->flags & SEC_LOAD)
- {
- for (vma = s->vma & ~CHUNK_MASK;
- vma < s->vma + s->_raw_size;
- vma += CHUNK_MASK)
- find_chunk (abfd, vma);
- }
- }
- }
- if (section->flags & (SEC_LOAD | SEC_ALLOC))
- {
- move_section_contents (abfd, section, locationp, offset, bytes_to_do, false);
- return true;
- }
- else
- return false;
-static void
-writevalue (dst, value)
- char **dst;
- bfd_vma value;
- char *p = *dst;
- int len;
- int shift;
- for (len = 8, shift = 28; shift; shift -= 4, len--)
- {
- if ((value >> shift) & 0xf)
- {
- *p++ = len + '0';
- while (len)
- {
- *p++ = digs[(value >> shift) & 0xf];
- shift -= 4;
- len--;
- }
- *dst = p;
- return;
- }
- }
- *p++ = '1';
- *p++ = '0';
- *dst = p;
-static void
-writesym (dst, sym)
- char **dst;
- CONST char *sym;
- char *p = *dst;
- int len = (sym ? strlen (sym) : 0);
- if (len >= 16)
- {
- *p++ = '0';
- len = 16;
- }
- else
- {
- if (len == 0)
- {
- *p++ = '1';
- sym = "$";
- len = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- *p++ = digs[len];
- }
- }
- while (len--)
- {
- *p++ = *sym++;
- }
- *dst = p;
-static void
-out (abfd, type, start, end)
- bfd *abfd;
- char type;
- char *start;
- char *end;
- int sum = 0;
- char *s;
- char front[6];
- bfd_size_type wrlen;
- front[0] = '%';
- TOHEX (front + 1, end - start + 5);
- front[3] = type;
- for (s = start; s < end; s++)
- {
- sum += sum_block[(unsigned char) *s];
- }
- sum += sum_block[(unsigned char) front[1]]; /* length */
- sum += sum_block[(unsigned char) front[2]];
- sum += sum_block[(unsigned char) front[3]]; /* type */
- TOHEX (front + 4, sum);
- if (bfd_write (front, 1, 6, abfd) != 6)
- abort ();
- end[0] = '\n';
- wrlen = end - start + 1;
- if (bfd_write (start, 1, wrlen, abfd) != wrlen)
- abort ();
-static boolean
-tekhex_write_object_contents (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- int bytes_written;
- char buffer[100];
- asymbol **p;
- asection *s;
- struct data_struct *d;
- bytes_written = 0;
- /* And the raw data */
- for (d = abfd->tdata.tekhex_data->data;
- d != (struct data_struct *) NULL;
- d = d->next)
- {
- int low;
- CONST int span = 32;
- int addr;
- /* Write it in blocks of 32 bytes */
- for (addr = 0; addr < CHUNK_MASK + 1; addr += span)
- {
- int need = 0;
- /* Check to see if necessary */
- for (low = 0; !need && low < span; low++)
- {
- if (d->chunk_init[addr + low])
- need = 1;
- }
- if (need)
- {
- char *dst = buffer;
- writevalue (&dst, addr + d->vma);
- for (low = 0; low < span; low++)
- {
- TOHEX (dst, d->chunk_data[addr + low]);
- dst += 2;
- }
- out (abfd, '6', buffer, dst);
- }
- }
- }
- /* write all the section headers for the sections */
- for (s = abfd->sections; s != (asection *) NULL; s = s->next)
- {
- char *dst = buffer;
- writesym (&dst, s->name);
- *dst++ = '1';
- writevalue (&dst, s->vma);
- writevalue (&dst, s->vma + s->_raw_size);
- out (abfd, '3', buffer, dst);
- }
- /* And the symbols */
- for (p = abfd->outsymbols; *p; p++)
- {
- int section_code = bfd_decode_symclass (*p);
- if (section_code != '?')
- { /* do not include debug symbols */
- asymbol *s = *p;
- char *dst = buffer;
- writesym (&dst, s->section->name);
- switch (section_code)
- {
- case 'A':
- *dst++ = '2';
- break;
- case 'a':
- *dst++ = '6';
- break;
- case 'D':
- case 'B':
- case 'O':
- *dst++ = '4';
- break;
- case 'd':
- case 'b':
- case 'o':
- *dst++ = '8';
- break;
- case 'T':
- *dst++ = '3';
- break;
- case 't':
- *dst++ = '7';
- break;
- case 'C':
- case 'U':
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return false;
- }
- writesym (&dst, s->name);
- writevalue (&dst, s->value + s->section->vma);
- out (abfd, '3', buffer, dst);
- }
- }
- /* And the terminator */
- if (bfd_write ("%0781010\n", 1, 9, abfd) != 9)
- abort ();
- return true;
-static int
- tekhex_sizeof_headers (abfd, exec)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean exec;
- return 0;
-static asymbol *
-tekhex_make_empty_symbol (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- tekhex_symbol_type *new =
- (tekhex_symbol_type *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct tekhex_symbol_struct));
- if (!new)
- return NULL;
- new->symbol.the_bfd = abfd;
- new->prev = (struct tekhex_symbol_struct *) NULL;
- return &(new->symbol);
-static void
-tekhex_get_symbol_info (ignore_abfd, symbol, ret)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- symbol_info *ret;
- bfd_symbol_info (symbol, ret);
-static void
-tekhex_print_symbol (ignore_abfd, filep, symbol, how)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- PTR filep;
- asymbol *symbol;
- bfd_print_symbol_type how;
- FILE *file = (FILE *) filep;
- switch (how)
- {
- case bfd_print_symbol_name:
- fprintf (file, "%s", symbol->name);
- break;
- case bfd_print_symbol_more:
- break;
- case bfd_print_symbol_all:
- {
- CONST char *section_name = symbol->section->name;
- bfd_print_symbol_vandf ((PTR) file, symbol);
- fprintf (file, " %-5s %s",
- section_name,
- symbol->name);
- }
- }
-#define tekhex_close_and_cleanup _bfd_generic_close_and_cleanup
-#define tekhex_bfd_free_cached_info _bfd_generic_bfd_free_cached_info
-#define tekhex_new_section_hook _bfd_generic_new_section_hook
-#define tekhex_bfd_is_local_label bfd_generic_is_local_label
-#define tekhex_get_lineno _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno
-#define tekhex_find_nearest_line _bfd_nosymbols_find_nearest_line
-#define tekhex_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
-#define tekhex_read_minisymbols _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols
-#define tekhex_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol
-#define tekhex_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define tekhex_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
-#define tekhex_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
-#define tekhex_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
-#define tekhex_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
-#define tekhex_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
-#define tekhex_get_section_contents_in_window \
- _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
-const bfd_target tekhex_vec =
- "tekhex", /* name */
- bfd_target_tekhex_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* target byte order */
- BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* target headers byte order */
- (EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* leading underscore */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- tekhex_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- },
- {
- bfd_false,
- tekhex_mkobject,
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive,
- bfd_false,
- },
- { /* bfd_write_contents */
- bfd_false,
- tekhex_write_object_contents,
- _bfd_write_archive_contents,
- bfd_false,
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS (_bfd_norelocs),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/trad-core.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/trad-core.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 09c74ae481cd..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/trad-core.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back end for traditional Unix core files (U-area and raw sections)
- Copyright 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by John Gilmore of Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "libaout.h" /* BFD a.out internal data structures */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/dir.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/user.h> /* After a.out.h */
-#include TRAD_HEADER
- struct trad_core_struct
- {
- asection *data_section;
- asection *stack_section;
- asection *reg_section;
- struct user u;
- };
-#define core_upage(bfd) (&((bfd)->tdata.trad_core_data->u))
-#define core_datasec(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.trad_core_data->data_section)
-#define core_stacksec(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.trad_core_data->stack_section)
-#define core_regsec(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.trad_core_data->reg_section)
-/* forward declarations */
-const bfd_target *trad_unix_core_file_p PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-char * trad_unix_core_file_failing_command PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-int trad_unix_core_file_failing_signal PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-boolean trad_unix_core_file_matches_executable_p
- PARAMS ((bfd *core_bfd, bfd *exec_bfd));
-/* Handle 4.2-style (and perhaps also sysV-style) core dump file. */
-const bfd_target *
-trad_unix_core_file_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- int val;
- struct user u;
- struct trad_core_struct *rawptr;
- /* If defined, this macro is the file position of the user struct. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, TRAD_CORE_USER_OFFSET, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return 0;
- val = bfd_read ((void *)&u, 1, sizeof u, abfd);
- if (val != sizeof u)
- {
- /* Too small to be a core file */
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Sanity check perhaps??? */
- if (u.u_dsize > 0x1000000) /* Remember, it's in pages... */
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- if (u.u_ssize > 0x1000000)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Check that the size claimed is no greater than the file size. */
- {
- FILE *stream = bfd_cache_lookup (abfd);
- struct stat statbuf;
- if (stream == NULL)
- return 0;
- if (fstat (fileno (stream), &statbuf) < 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
- return 0;
- }
- if (NBPG * (UPAGES + u.u_dsize
- - u.u_tsize
- + u.u_ssize) > statbuf.st_size)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_truncated);
- return 0;
- }
- if (NBPG * (UPAGES + u.u_dsize + u.u_ssize)
- /* Some systems write the file too big. */
- < statbuf.st_size)
- {
- /* The file is too big. Maybe it's not a core file
- or we otherwise have bad values for u_dsize and u_ssize). */
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /* OK, we believe you. You're a core file (sure, sure). */
- /* Allocate both the upage and the struct core_data at once, so
- a single free() will free them both. */
- rawptr = (struct trad_core_struct *)
- bfd_zmalloc (sizeof (struct trad_core_struct));
- if (rawptr == NULL)
- return 0;
- abfd->tdata.trad_core_data = rawptr;
- rawptr->u = u; /*Copy the uarea into the tdata part of the bfd */
- /* Create the sections. This is raunchy, but bfd_close wants to free
- them separately. */
- core_stacksec(abfd) = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
- if (core_stacksec (abfd) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- core_datasec (abfd) = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
- if (core_datasec (abfd) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- core_regsec (abfd) = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
- if (core_regsec (abfd) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- core_stacksec (abfd)->name = ".stack";
- core_datasec (abfd)->name = ".data";
- core_regsec (abfd)->name = ".reg";
- core_stacksec (abfd)->flags = SEC_ALLOC + SEC_LOAD + SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- core_datasec (abfd)->flags = SEC_ALLOC + SEC_LOAD + SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- core_regsec (abfd)->flags = SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- core_datasec (abfd)->_raw_size = NBPG * u.u_dsize
- - NBPG * u.u_tsize
- ;
- core_stacksec (abfd)->_raw_size = NBPG * u.u_ssize;
- core_regsec (abfd)->_raw_size = NBPG * UPAGES; /* Larger than sizeof struct u */
- /* What a hack... we'd like to steal it from the exec file,
- since the upage does not seem to provide it. FIXME. */
- core_datasec (abfd)->vma = HOST_DATA_START_ADDR;
- core_datasec (abfd)->vma = HOST_TEXT_START_ADDR + (NBPG * u.u_tsize);
- core_stacksec (abfd)->vma = HOST_STACK_START_ADDR;
- core_stacksec (abfd)->vma = HOST_STACK_END_ADDR - (NBPG * u.u_ssize);
- /* This is tricky. As the "register section", we give them the entire
- upage and stack. u.u_ar0 points to where "register 0" is stored.
- There are two tricks with this, though. One is that the rest of the
- registers might be at positive or negative (or both) displacements
- from *u_ar0. The other is that u_ar0 is sometimes an absolute address
- in kernel memory, and on other systems it is an offset from the beginning
- of the `struct user'.
- As a practical matter, we don't know where the registers actually are,
- so we have to pass the whole area to GDB. We encode the value of u_ar0
- by setting the .regs section up so that its virtual memory address
- 0 is at the place pointed to by u_ar0 (by setting the vma of the start
- of the section to -u_ar0). GDB uses this info to locate the regs,
- using minor trickery to get around the offset-or-absolute-addr problem. */
- core_regsec (abfd)->vma = 0 - (bfd_vma) u.u_ar0;
- core_datasec (abfd)->filepos = NBPG * UPAGES;
- core_stacksec (abfd)->filepos = (NBPG * UPAGES) + NBPG * u.u_dsize
- - NBPG * u.u_tsize
- ;
- core_regsec (abfd)->filepos = 0; /* Register segment is the upage */
- /* Align to word at least */
- core_stacksec (abfd)->alignment_power = 2;
- core_datasec (abfd)->alignment_power = 2;
- core_regsec (abfd)->alignment_power = 2;
- abfd->sections = core_stacksec (abfd);
- core_stacksec (abfd)->next = core_datasec (abfd);
- core_datasec (abfd)->next = core_regsec (abfd);
- abfd->section_count = 3;
- return abfd->xvec;
-char *
-trad_unix_core_file_failing_command (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *com = abfd->tdata.trad_core_data->u.u_comm;
- if (*com)
- return com;
- else
- return 0;
-trad_unix_core_file_failing_signal (ignore_abfd)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- return -1; /* FIXME, where is it? */
-trad_unix_core_file_matches_executable_p (core_bfd, exec_bfd)
- bfd *core_bfd, *exec_bfd;
- return true; /* FIXME, We have no way of telling at this point */
-/* If somebody calls any byte-swapping routines, shoot them. */
- abort(); /* This way doesn't require any declaration for ANSI to fuck up */
-#define NO_GET ((bfd_vma (*) PARAMS (( const bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-#define NO_PUT ((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-#define NO_SIGNED_GET \
- ((bfd_signed_vma (*) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
-const bfd_target trad_core_vec =
- {
- "trad-core",
- bfd_target_unknown_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* target byte order */
- BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* target headers byte order */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* symbol prefix */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 64 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 32 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 16 bit data */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 64 bit hdrs */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 32 bit hdrs */
- NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 16 bit hdrs */
- { /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* unknown format */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* object file */
- _bfd_dummy_target, /* archive */
- trad_unix_core_file_p /* a core file */
- },
- { /* bfd_set_format */
- bfd_false, bfd_false,
- bfd_false, bfd_false
- },
- { /* bfd_write_contents */
- bfd_false, bfd_false,
- bfd_false, bfd_false
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (trad_unix),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_SYMBOLS (_bfd_nosymbols),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS (_bfd_norelocs),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (_bfd_nolink),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0 /* backend_data */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/versados.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/versados.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 84ad114e90a2..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/versados.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,906 +0,0 @@
-/* BFD back-end for VERSAdos-E objects.
- Versados is a Motorola trademark.
- Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support <>.
- This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- VERSAdos-E relocateable object file format
- This module supports reading of VERSAdos relocateable
- object files.
- A VERSAdos file looks like contains
- o Indentification Record
- o External Symbol Definition Record
- o Object Text Recrod
- o End Record
- */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "libiberty.h"
-static boolean versados_mkobject PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static boolean versados_scan PARAMS ((bfd *));
-static const bfd_target *versados_object_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
-#define VHEADER '1'
-#define VESTDEF '2'
-#define VOTR '3'
-#define VEND '4'
-#define ES_BASE 17 /* first symbol has esdid 17 */
-/* Per file target dependent information */
-/* one for each section */
-struct esdid
- {
- asection *section; /* ptr to bfd version */
- unsigned char *contents; /* used to build image */
- int pc;
- int relocs; /* reloc count, valid end of pass 1 */
- int donerel; /* have relocs been translated */
- };
-typedef struct versados_data_struct
- {
- int es_done; /* count of symbol index, starts at ES_BASE */
- asymbol *symbols; /* pointer to local symbols */
- char *strings; /* strings of all the above */
- int stringlen; /* len of string table (valid end of pass1) */
- int nsecsyms; /* number of sections */
- int ndefs; /* number of exported symbols (they dont get esdids) */
- int nrefs; /* number of imported symbols (valid end of pass1) */
- int ref_idx; /* current processed value of the above */
- int def_idx;
- int pass_2_done;
- struct esdid e[16]; /* per section info */
- int alert; /* to see if we're trampling */
- asymbol *rest[256 - 16]; /* per symbol info */
- }
-#define VDATA(abfd) (abfd->tdata.versados_data)
-#define EDATA(abfd, n) (abfd->tdata.versados_data->e[n])
-#define RDATA(abfd, n) (abfd->tdata.versados_data->rest[n])
-struct ext_otr
- {
- unsigned char size;
- char type;
- unsigned char map[4];
- unsigned char esdid;
- unsigned char data[200];
- };
-struct ext_vheader
- {
- unsigned char size;
- char type; /* record type */
- char name[10]; /* module name */
- char rev; /* module rev number */
- char lang;
- char vol[4];
- char user[2];
- char cat[8];
- char fname[8];
- char ext[2];
- char time[3];
- char date[3];
- char rest[211];
- };
-struct ext_esd
- {
- unsigned char size;
- char type;
- unsigned char esd_entries[1];
- };
-#define ESD_ABS 0
-#define ESD_COMMON 1
-#define ESD_STD_REL_SEC 2
-#define ESD_SHRT_REL_SEC 3
-#define ESD_XDEF_IN_SEC 4
-#define ESD_XREF_SYM 7
-#define ESD_XREF_SEC 6
-#define ESD_XDEF_IN_ABS 5
-union ext_any
- {
- unsigned char size;
- struct ext_vheader header;
- struct ext_esd esd;
- struct ext_otr otr;
- };
-/* Initialize by filling in the hex conversion array. */
-/* Set up the tdata information. */
-static boolean
-versados_mkobject (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- if (abfd->tdata.versados_data == NULL)
- {
- tdata_type *tdata = (tdata_type *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (tdata_type));
- if (tdata == NULL)
- return false;
- abfd->tdata.versados_data = tdata;
- tdata->symbols = NULL;
- VDATA (abfd)->alert = 0x12345678;
- }
- bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, bfd_arch_m68k, 0);
- return true;
-/* Report a problem in an S record file. FIXME: This probably should
- not call fprintf, but we really do need some mechanism for printing
- error messages. */
-static asymbol *
-versados_new_symbol (abfd, snum, name, val, sec)
- bfd *abfd;
- int snum;
- const char *name;
- bfd_vma val;
- asection *sec;
- asymbol *n = VDATA (abfd)->symbols + snum;
- n->name = name;
- n->value = val;
- n->section = sec;
- n->the_bfd = abfd;
- n->flags = 0;
- return n;
-static int
-get_record (abfd, ptr)
- bfd *abfd;
- union ext_any *ptr;
- bfd_read (&ptr->size, 1, 1, abfd);
- if (bfd_read ((char *) ptr + 1, 1, ptr->size, abfd) != ptr->size)
- return 0;
- return 1;
-get_4 (pp)
- unsigned char **pp;
- unsigned char *p = *pp;
- *pp += 4;
- return (p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | (p[3] << 0);
-get_10 (pp, name)
- unsigned char **pp;
- char *name;
- char *p = (char *) *pp;
- int len = 10;
- *pp += len;
- while (*p != ' '
- && len)
- {
- *name++ = *p++;
- len--;
- }
- *name = 0;
-static char *
-new_symbol_string (abfd, name)
- bfd *abfd;
- char *name;
- char *n = VDATA (abfd)->strings;
- strcpy (VDATA (abfd)->strings, name);
- VDATA (abfd)->strings += strlen (VDATA (abfd)->strings) + 1;
- return n;
-static void
-process_esd (abfd, esd, pass)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct ext_esd *esd;
- int pass;
- /* Read through the ext def for the est entries */
- int togo = esd->size - 2;
- bfd_vma size;
- bfd_vma start;
- asection *sec;
- char name[11];
- unsigned char *ptr = esd->esd_entries;
- unsigned char *end = ptr + togo;
- while (ptr < end)
- {
- int scn = *ptr & 0xf;
- int typ = (*ptr >> 4) & 0xf;
- /* Declare this section */
- sprintf (name, "%d", scn);
- sec = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, strdup (name));
- sec->target_index = scn;
- EDATA (abfd, scn).section = sec;
- ptr++;
- switch (typ)
- {
- default:
- abort ();
- case ESD_XREF_SEC:
- case ESD_XREF_SYM:
- {
- int snum = VDATA (abfd)->ref_idx++;
- get_10 (&ptr, name);
- if (pass == 1)
- {
- VDATA (abfd)->stringlen += strlen (name) + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- int esidx;
- asymbol *s;
- char *n = new_symbol_string (abfd, name);
- s = versados_new_symbol (abfd, snum, n, 0,
- &bfd_und_section, scn);
- esidx = VDATA (abfd)->es_done++;
- RDATA (abfd, esidx - ES_BASE) = s;
- }
- }
- break;
- case ESD_ABS:
- size = get_4 (&ptr);
- start = get_4 (&ptr);
- break;
- {
- sec->_raw_size = get_4 (&ptr);
- sec->flags |= SEC_ALLOC;
- }
- break;
- sec = (asection *) & bfd_abs_section;
- {
- int snum = VDATA (abfd)->def_idx++;
- long val;
- get_10 (&ptr, name);
- val = get_4 (&ptr);
- if (pass == 1)
- {
- /* Just remember the symbol */
- VDATA (abfd)->stringlen += strlen (name) + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- asymbol *s;
- char *n = new_symbol_string (abfd, name);
- s = versados_new_symbol (abfd, snum + VDATA (abfd)->nrefs, n, val, sec, scn);
- s->flags |= BSF_GLOBAL;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
-#define R_RELWORD 1
-#define R_RELLONG 2
-#define R_RELWORD_NEG 3
-#define R_RELLONG_NEG 4
-reloc_howto_type versados_howto_table[] =
- HOWTO (R_RELWORD, 0, 1, 16, false,
- 0, complain_overflow_dont, 0,
- "+v16", true, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO (R_RELLONG, 0, 2, 32, false,
- 0, complain_overflow_dont, 0,
- "+v32", true, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, false),
- HOWTO (R_RELWORD_NEG, 0, -1, 16, false,
- 0, complain_overflow_dont, 0,
- "-v16", true, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, false),
- HOWTO (R_RELLONG_NEG, 0, -2, 32, false,
- 0, complain_overflow_dont, 0,
- "-v32", true, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, false),
-static int
-get_offset (len, ptr)
- int len;
- unsigned char *ptr;
- int val = 0;
- if (len)
- {
- int i;
- val = *ptr++;
- if (val & 0x80)
- val |= ~0xff;
- for (i = 1; i < len; i++)
- val = (val << 8) | *ptr++;
- }
- return val;
-static void
-process_otr (abfd, otr, pass)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct ext_otr *otr;
- int pass;
- unsigned long shift;
- unsigned char *srcp = otr->data;
- unsigned char *endp = (unsigned char *) otr + otr->size;
- unsigned int bits = (otr->map[0] << 24)
- | (otr->map[1] << 16)
- | (otr->map[2] << 8)
- | (otr->map[3] << 0);
- struct esdid *esdid = &EDATA (abfd, otr->esdid - 1);
- unsigned char *contents = esdid->contents;
- int need_contents = 0;
- unsigned int dst_idx = esdid->pc;
- for (shift = (1 << 31); shift && srcp < endp; shift >>= 1)
- {
- if (bits & shift)
- {
- int flag = *srcp++;
- int esdids = (flag >> 5) & 0x7;
- int sizeinwords = ((flag >> 3) & 1) ? 2 : 1;
- int offsetlen = flag & 0x7;
- int j;
- if (esdids == 0)
- {
- /* A zero esdid means the new pc is the offset given */
- dst_idx += get_offset (offsetlen, srcp);
- srcp += offsetlen;
- }
- else
- {
- int val = get_offset (offsetlen, srcp + esdids);
- if (pass == 1)
- need_contents = 1;
- else
- for (j = 0; j < sizeinwords * 2; j++)
- {
- contents[dst_idx + (sizeinwords * 2) - j - 1] = val;
- val >>= 8;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < esdids; j++)
- {
- int esdid = *srcp++;
- if (esdid)
- {
- int rn = EDATA (abfd, otr->esdid - 1).relocs++;
- if (pass == 1)
- {
- /* this is the first pass over the data,
- just remember that we need a reloc */
- }
- else
- {
- arelent *n =
- EDATA (abfd, otr->esdid - 1).section->relocation + rn;
- n->address = dst_idx;
- n->sym_ptr_ptr = (asymbol **) esdid;
- n->addend = 0;
- n->howto = versados_howto_table + ((j & 1) * 2) + (sizeinwords - 1);
- }
- }
- }
- srcp += offsetlen;
- dst_idx += sizeinwords * 2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- need_contents = 1;
- if (dst_idx < esdid->section->_raw_size)
- if (pass == 2)
- {
- /* absolute code, comes in 16 bit lumps */
- contents[dst_idx] = srcp[0];
- contents[dst_idx + 1] = srcp[1];
- }
- dst_idx += 2;
- srcp += 2;
- }
- }
- EDATA (abfd, otr->esdid - 1).pc = dst_idx;
- if (!contents && need_contents)
- esdid->contents = (unsigned char *) bfd_alloc (abfd, esdid->section->_raw_size);
-static boolean
-versados_scan (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- int loop = 1;
- int i;
- int j;
- int nsecs = 0;
- VDATA (abfd)->nrefs = 0;
- VDATA (abfd)->ndefs = 0;
- VDATA (abfd)->ref_idx = 0;
- VDATA (abfd)->def_idx = 0;
- while (loop)
- {
- union ext_any any;
- if (!get_record (abfd, &any))
- return true;
- switch (any.header.type)
- {
- case VHEADER:
- break;
- case VEND:
- loop = 0;
- break;
- case VESTDEF:
- process_esd (abfd, &any.esd, 1);
- break;
- case VOTR:
- process_otr (abfd, &any.otr, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Now allocate space for the relocs and sections */
- VDATA (abfd)->nrefs = VDATA (abfd)->ref_idx;
- VDATA (abfd)->ndefs = VDATA (abfd)->def_idx;
- VDATA (abfd)->ref_idx = 0;
- VDATA (abfd)->def_idx = 0;
- abfd->symcount = VDATA (abfd)->nrefs + VDATA (abfd)->ndefs;
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
- {
- struct esdid *esdid = &EDATA (abfd, i);
- if (esdid->section)
- {
- esdid->section->relocation
- = (arelent *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (arelent) * esdid->relocs);
- esdid->pc = 0;
- if (esdid->contents)
- esdid->section->flags |= SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_LOAD;
- esdid->section->reloc_count = esdid->relocs;
- if (esdid->relocs)
- esdid->section->flags |= SEC_RELOC;
- esdid->relocs = 0;
- /* Add an entry into the symbol table for it */
- nsecs++;
- VDATA (abfd)->stringlen += strlen (esdid->section->name) + 1;
- }
- }
- abfd->symcount += nsecs;
- VDATA (abfd)->symbols = (asymbol *) bfd_alloc (abfd,
- sizeof (asymbol) * (abfd->symcount));
- VDATA (abfd)->strings = bfd_alloc (abfd, VDATA (abfd)->stringlen);
- /* Actually fill in the section symbols,
- we stick them at the end of the table */
- for (j = VDATA (abfd)->nrefs + VDATA (abfd)->ndefs, i = 0; i < 16; i++)
- {
- struct esdid *esdid = &EDATA (abfd, i);
- asection *sec = esdid->section;
- if (sec)
- {
- asymbol *s = VDATA (abfd)->symbols + j;
- s->name = new_symbol_string (abfd, sec->name);
- s->section = sec;
- s->flags = BSF_LOCAL;
- s->value = 0;
- s->the_bfd = abfd;
- j++;
- }
- }
- if (abfd->symcount)
- abfd->flags |= HAS_SYMS;
- /* Set this to nsecs - since we've already planted the section
- symbols */
- VDATA (abfd)->nsecsyms = nsecs;
- VDATA (abfd)->ref_idx = 0;
- return 1;
-/* Check whether an existing file is a versados file. */
-static const bfd_target *
-versados_object_p (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct ext_vheader ext;
- unsigned char len;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET))
- return NULL;
- bfd_read (&len, 1, 1, abfd);
- if (bfd_read (&ext.type, 1, len, abfd) != len
- || ext.type != '1')
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* ok, looks like a record, build the tdata and read
- in.. */
- if (!versados_mkobject (abfd)
- || !versados_scan (abfd))
- return NULL;
- return abfd->xvec;
-static boolean
-versados_pass_2 (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- union ext_any any;
- if (VDATA (abfd)->pass_2_done)
- return 1;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
- return 0;
- VDATA (abfd)->es_done = ES_BASE;
- /* read records till we get to where we want to be */
- while (1)
- {
- get_record (abfd, &any);
- switch (any.header.type)
- {
- case VEND:
- VDATA (abfd)->pass_2_done = 1;
- return 1;
- case VESTDEF:
- process_esd (abfd, &any.esd, 2);
- break;
- case VOTR:
- process_otr (abfd, &any.otr, 2);
- break;
- }
- }
-static boolean
-versados_get_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- if (!versados_pass_2 (abfd))
- return false;
- memcpy (location,
- EDATA (abfd, section->target_index).contents + offset,
- (size_t) count);
- return true;
-#define versados_get_section_contents_in_window \
- _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
-static boolean
-versados_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, bytes_to_do)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- PTR location;
- file_ptr offset;
- bfd_size_type bytes_to_do;
- return false;
-static int
-versados_sizeof_headers (abfd, exec)
- bfd *abfd;
- boolean exec;
- return 0;
-static asymbol *
-versados_make_empty_symbol (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol *new = (asymbol *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asymbol));
- if (new)
- new->the_bfd = abfd;
- return new;
-/* Return the amount of memory needed to read the symbol table. */
-static long
-versados_get_symtab_upper_bound (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- return (bfd_get_symcount (abfd) + 1) * sizeof (asymbol *);
-/* Return the symbol table. */
-static long
-versados_get_symtab (abfd, alocation)
- bfd *abfd;
- asymbol **alocation;
- unsigned int symcount = bfd_get_symcount (abfd);
- unsigned int i;
- asymbol *s;
- versados_pass_2 (abfd);
- for (i = 0, s = VDATA (abfd)->symbols;
- i < symcount;
- s++, i++)
- {
- *alocation++ = s;
- }
- *alocation = NULL;
- return symcount;
-versados_get_symbol_info (ignore_abfd, symbol, ret)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- asymbol *symbol;
- symbol_info *ret;
- bfd_symbol_info (symbol, ret);
-versados_print_symbol (ignore_abfd, afile, symbol, how)
- bfd *ignore_abfd;
- PTR afile;
- asymbol *symbol;
- bfd_print_symbol_type how;
- FILE *file = (FILE *) afile;
- switch (how)
- {
- case bfd_print_symbol_name:
- fprintf (file, "%s", symbol->name);
- break;
- default:
- bfd_print_symbol_vandf ((PTR) file, symbol);
- fprintf (file, " %-5s %s",
- symbol->section->name,
- symbol->name);
- }
-versados_get_reloc_upper_bound (abfd, asect)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr asect;
- return (asect->reloc_count + 1) * sizeof (arelent *);
-versados_canonicalize_reloc (abfd, section, relptr, symbols)
- bfd *abfd;
- sec_ptr section;
- arelent **relptr;
- asymbol **symbols;
- unsigned int count;
- arelent *src;
- versados_pass_2 (abfd);
- src = section->relocation;
- if (!EDATA (abfd, section->target_index).donerel)
- {
- EDATA (abfd, section->target_index).donerel = 1;
- /* translate from indexes to symptr ptrs */
- for (count = 0; count < section->reloc_count; count++)
- {
- int esdid = (int) src[count].sym_ptr_ptr;
- if (esdid == 0)
- {
- src[count].sym_ptr_ptr = bfd_abs_section.symbol_ptr_ptr;
- }
- else if (esdid < ES_BASE) /* Section relative thing */
- {
- struct esdid *e = &EDATA (abfd, esdid - 1);
- if (!section)
- {
- /** relocation relative to section which was
- never declared ! */
- }
- src[count].sym_ptr_ptr = e->section->symbol_ptr_ptr;
- }
- else
- {
- src[count].sym_ptr_ptr = symbols + esdid - ES_BASE;
- }
- }
- }
- for (count = 0; count < section->reloc_count; count++)
- {
- *relptr++ = src++;
- }
- *relptr = 0;
- return section->reloc_count;
-#define versados_close_and_cleanup _bfd_generic_close_and_cleanup
-#define versados_bfd_free_cached_info _bfd_generic_bfd_free_cached_info
-#define versados_new_section_hook _bfd_generic_new_section_hook
-#define versados_bfd_is_local_label bfd_generic_is_local_label
-#define versados_get_lineno _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno
-#define versados_find_nearest_line _bfd_nosymbols_find_nearest_line
-#define versados_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
-#define versados_read_minisymbols _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols
-#define versados_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol
-#define versados_bfd_reloc_type_lookup _bfd_norelocs_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
-#define versados_set_arch_mach bfd_default_set_arch_mach
-#define versados_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
- bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents
-#define versados_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
-#define versados_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
-#define versados_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
-#define versados_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
-#define versados_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
-const bfd_target versados_vec =
- "versados", /* name */
- bfd_target_versados_flavour,
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target byte order */
- BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target headers byte order */
- (HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
- | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
- 0, /* leading underscore */
- ' ', /* ar_pad_char */
- 16, /* ar_max_namelen */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
- bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
- bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
- bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
- {
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- versados_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- _bfd_dummy_target,
- },
- {
- bfd_false,
- versados_mkobject,
- _bfd_generic_mkarchive,
- bfd_false,
- },
- { /* bfd_write_contents */
- bfd_false,
- bfd_false,
- _bfd_write_archive_contents,
- bfd_false,
- },
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (versados),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (versados),
- BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
- (PTR) 0
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/bfd/xcofflink.c b/contrib/gdb/bfd/xcofflink.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 16a76cc7ca55..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/bfd/xcofflink.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5798 +0,0 @@
-/* POWER/PowerPC XCOFF linker support.
- Copyright 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Ian Lance Taylor <>, Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "bfdlink.h"
-#include "libbfd.h"
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "libcoff.h"
-/* This file holds the XCOFF linker code. */
-#define STRING_SIZE_SIZE (4)
-/* In order to support linking different object file formats into an
- XCOFF format, we need to be able to determine whether a particular
- bfd_target is an XCOFF vector. FIXME: We need to rethink this
- whole approach. */
-#define XCOFF_XVECP(xv) \
- (strcmp ((xv)->name, "aixcoff-rs6000") == 0 \
- || strcmp ((xv)->name, "xcoff-powermac") == 0)
-/* Get the XCOFF hash table entries for a BFD. */
-#define obj_xcoff_sym_hashes(bfd) \
- ((struct xcoff_link_hash_entry **) obj_coff_sym_hashes (bfd))
-/* XCOFF relocation types. These probably belong in a header file
- somewhere. The relocations are described in the function
- _bfd_ppc_xcoff_relocate_section in this file. */
-#define R_POS (0x00)
-#define R_NEG (0x01)
-#define R_REL (0x02)
-#define R_TOC (0x03)
-#define R_RTB (0x04)
-#define R_GL (0x05)
-#define R_TCL (0x06)
-#define R_BA (0x08)
-#define R_BR (0x0a)
-#define R_RL (0x0c)
-#define R_RLA (0x0d)
-#define R_REF (0x0f)
-#define R_TRL (0x12)
-#define R_TRLA (0x13)
-#define R_RRTBI (0x14)
-#define R_RRTBA (0x15)
-#define R_CAI (0x16)
-#define R_CREL (0x17)
-#define R_RBA (0x18)
-#define R_RBAC (0x19)
-#define R_RBR (0x1a)
-#define R_RBRC (0x1b)
-/* The first word of global linkage code. This must be modified by
- filling in the correct TOC offset. */
-#define XCOFF_GLINK_FIRST (0x81820000) /* lwz r12,0(r2) */
-/* The remaining words of global linkage code. */
-static unsigned long xcoff_glink_code[] =
- 0x90410014, /* stw r2,20(r1) */
- 0x800c0000, /* lwz r0,0(r12) */
- 0x804c0004, /* lwz r2,4(r12) */
- 0x7c0903a6, /* mtctr r0 */
- 0x4e800420, /* bctr */
- 0x0, /* start of traceback table */
- 0x000c8000, /* traceback table */
- 0x0 /* traceback table */
- (((sizeof xcoff_glink_code / sizeof xcoff_glink_code[0]) * 4) + 4)
-/* We reuse the SEC_ROM flag as a mark flag for garbage collection.
- This flag will only be used on input sections. */
-#define SEC_MARK (SEC_ROM)
-/* The ldhdr structure. This appears at the start of the .loader
- section. */
-struct internal_ldhdr
- /* The version number: currently always 1. */
- unsigned long l_version;
- /* The number of symbol table entries. */
- bfd_size_type l_nsyms;
- /* The number of relocation table entries. */
- bfd_size_type l_nreloc;
- /* The length of the import file string table. */
- bfd_size_type l_istlen;
- /* The number of import files. */
- bfd_size_type l_nimpid;
- /* The offset from the start of the .loader section to the first
- entry in the import file table. */
- bfd_size_type l_impoff;
- /* The length of the string table. */
- bfd_size_type l_stlen;
- /* The offset from the start of the .loader section to the first
- entry in the string table. */
- bfd_size_type l_stoff;
-struct external_ldhdr
- bfd_byte l_version[4];
- bfd_byte l_nsyms[4];
- bfd_byte l_nreloc[4];
- bfd_byte l_istlen[4];
- bfd_byte l_nimpid[4];
- bfd_byte l_impoff[4];
- bfd_byte l_stlen[4];
- bfd_byte l_stoff[4];
-#define LDHDRSZ (8 * 4)
-/* The ldsym structure. This is used to represent a symbol in the
- .loader section. */
-struct internal_ldsym
- union
- {
- /* The symbol name if <= SYMNMLEN characters. */
- char _l_name[SYMNMLEN];
- struct
- {
- /* Zero if the symbol name is more than SYMNMLEN characters. */
- long _l_zeroes;
- /* The offset in the string table if the symbol name is more
- than SYMNMLEN characters. */
- long _l_offset;
- } _l_l;
- } _l;
- /* The symbol value. */
- bfd_vma l_value;
- /* The symbol section number. */
- short l_scnum;
- /* The symbol type and flags. */
- char l_smtype;
- /* The symbol storage class. */
- char l_smclas;
- /* The import file ID. */
- bfd_size_type l_ifile;
- /* Offset to the parameter type check string. */
- bfd_size_type l_parm;
-struct external_ldsym
- union
- {
- bfd_byte _l_name[SYMNMLEN];
- struct
- {
- bfd_byte _l_zeroes[4];
- bfd_byte _l_offset[4];
- } _l_l;
- } _l;
- bfd_byte l_value[4];
- bfd_byte l_scnum[2];
- bfd_byte l_smtype[1];
- bfd_byte l_smclas[1];
- bfd_byte l_ifile[4];
- bfd_byte l_parm[4];
-#define LDSYMSZ (8 + 3 * 4 + 2 + 2)
-/* These flags are for the l_smtype field (the lower three bits are an
- XTY_* value). */
-/* Imported symbol. */
-#define L_IMPORT (0x40)
-/* Entry point. */
-#define L_ENTRY (0x20)
-/* Exported symbol. */
-#define L_EXPORT (0x10)
-/* The ldrel structure. This is used to represent a reloc in the
- .loader section. */
-struct internal_ldrel
- /* The reloc address. */
- bfd_vma l_vaddr;
- /* The symbol table index in the .loader section symbol table. */
- bfd_size_type l_symndx;
- /* The relocation type and size. */
- short l_rtype;
- /* The section number this relocation applies to. */
- short l_rsecnm;
-struct external_ldrel
- bfd_byte l_vaddr[4];
- bfd_byte l_symndx[4];
- bfd_byte l_rtype[2];
- bfd_byte l_rsecnm[2];
-#define LDRELSZ (2 * 4 + 2 * 2)
-/* The list of import files. */
-struct xcoff_import_file
- /* The next entry in the list. */
- struct xcoff_import_file *next;
- /* The path. */
- const char *path;
- /* The file name. */
- const char *file;
- /* The member name. */
- const char *member;
-/* An entry in the XCOFF linker hash table. */
-struct xcoff_link_hash_entry
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry root;
- /* Symbol index in output file. Set to -1 initially. Set to -2 if
- there is a reloc against this symbol. */
- long indx;
- /* If we have created a TOC entry for this symbol, this is the .tc
- section which holds it. */
- asection *toc_section;
- union
- {
- /* If we have created a TOC entry (the XCOFF_SET_TOC flag is
- set), this is the offset in toc_section. */
- bfd_vma toc_offset;
- /* If the TOC entry comes from an input file, this is set to the
- symbo lindex of the C_HIDEXT XMC_TC symbol. */
- long toc_indx;
- } u;
- /* If this symbol is a function entry point which is called, this
- field holds a pointer to the function descriptor. If this symbol
- is a function descriptor, this field holds a pointer to the
- function entry point. */
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *descriptor;
- /* The .loader symbol table entry, if there is one. */
- struct internal_ldsym *ldsym;
- /* The .loader symbol table index. */
- long ldindx;
- /* Some linker flags. */
- unsigned short flags;
- /* Symbol is referenced by a regular object. */
-#define XCOFF_REF_REGULAR (01)
- /* Symbol is defined by a regular object. */
-#define XCOFF_DEF_REGULAR (02)
- /* Symbol is defined by a dynamic object. */
-#define XCOFF_DEF_DYNAMIC (04)
- /* Symbol is used in a reloc being copied into the .loader section. */
-#define XCOFF_LDREL (010)
- /* Symbol is the entry point. */
-#define XCOFF_ENTRY (020)
- /* Symbol is called; this is, it appears in a R_BR reloc. */
-#define XCOFF_CALLED (040)
- /* Symbol needs the TOC entry filled in. */
-#define XCOFF_SET_TOC (0100)
- /* Symbol is explicitly imported. */
-#define XCOFF_IMPORT (0200)
- /* Symbol is explicitly exported. */
-#define XCOFF_EXPORT (0400)
- /* Symbol has been processed by xcoff_build_ldsyms. */
-#define XCOFF_BUILT_LDSYM (01000)
- /* Symbol is mentioned by a section which was not garbage collected. */
-#define XCOFF_MARK (02000)
- /* Symbol size is recorded in size_list list from hash table. */
-#define XCOFF_HAS_SIZE (04000)
- /* Symbol is a function descriptor. */
-#define XCOFF_DESCRIPTOR (010000)
- /* The storage mapping class. */
- unsigned char smclas;
-/* The XCOFF linker hash table. */
-struct xcoff_link_hash_table
- struct bfd_link_hash_table root;
- /* The .debug string hash table. We need to compute this while
- reading the input files, so that we know how large the .debug
- section will be before we assign section positions. */
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *debug_strtab;
- /* The .debug section we will use for the final output. */
- asection *debug_section;
- /* The .loader section we will use for the final output. */
- asection *loader_section;
- /* A count of non TOC relative relocs which will need to be
- allocated in the .loader section. */
- size_t ldrel_count;
- /* The .loader section header. */
- struct internal_ldhdr ldhdr;
- /* The .gl section we use to hold global linkage code. */
- asection *linkage_section;
- /* The .tc section we use to hold toc entries we build for global
- linkage code. */
- asection *toc_section;
- /* The .ds section we use to hold function descriptors which we
- create for exported symbols. */
- asection *descriptor_section;
- /* The list of import files. */
- struct xcoff_import_file *imports;
- /* Required alignment of sections within the output file. */
- unsigned long file_align;
- /* Whether the .text section must be read-only. */
- boolean textro;
- /* Whether garbage collection was done. */
- boolean gc;
- /* A linked list of symbols for which we have size information. */
- struct xcoff_link_size_list
- {
- struct xcoff_link_size_list *next;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- bfd_size_type size;
- } *size_list;
- /* Magic sections: _text, _etext, _data, _edata, _end, end. */
- asection *special_sections[6];
-/* Information we keep for each section in the output file during the
- final link phase. */
-struct xcoff_link_section_info
- /* The relocs to be output. */
- struct internal_reloc *relocs;
- /* For each reloc against a global symbol whose index was not known
- when the reloc was handled, the global hash table entry. */
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry **rel_hashes;
- /* If there is a TOC relative reloc against a global symbol, and the
- index of the TOC symbol is not known when the reloc was handled,
- an entry is added to this linked list. This is not an array,
- like rel_hashes, because this case is quite uncommon. */
- struct xcoff_toc_rel_hash
- {
- struct xcoff_toc_rel_hash *next;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct internal_reloc *rel;
- } *toc_rel_hashes;
-/* Information that we pass around while doing the final link step. */
-struct xcoff_final_link_info
- /* General link information. */
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- /* Output BFD. */
- bfd *output_bfd;
- /* Hash table for long symbol names. */
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *strtab;
- /* Array of information kept for each output section, indexed by the
- target_index field. */
- struct xcoff_link_section_info *section_info;
- /* Symbol index of last C_FILE symbol (-1 if none). */
- long last_file_index;
- /* Contents of last C_FILE symbol. */
- struct internal_syment last_file;
- /* Symbol index of TOC symbol. */
- long toc_symindx;
- /* Start of .loader symbols. */
- struct external_ldsym *ldsym;
- /* Next .loader reloc to swap out. */
- struct external_ldrel *ldrel;
- /* File position of start of line numbers. */
- file_ptr line_filepos;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold swapped symbols of any input file. */
- struct internal_syment *internal_syms;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold output indices of symbols of any
- input file. */
- long *sym_indices;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold output symbols for any input file. */
- bfd_byte *outsyms;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold external line numbers for any input
- section. */
- bfd_byte *linenos;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold any input section. */
- bfd_byte *contents;
- /* Buffer large enough to hold external relocs of any input section. */
- bfd_byte *external_relocs;
-static void xcoff_swap_ldhdr_in
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const struct external_ldhdr *, struct internal_ldhdr *));
-static void xcoff_swap_ldhdr_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const struct internal_ldhdr *, struct external_ldhdr *));
-static void xcoff_swap_ldsym_in
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const struct external_ldsym *, struct internal_ldsym *));
-static void xcoff_swap_ldsym_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const struct internal_ldsym *, struct external_ldsym *));
-static void xcoff_swap_ldrel_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const struct internal_ldrel *, struct external_ldrel *));
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *xcoff_link_hash_newfunc
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
-static struct internal_reloc *xcoff_read_internal_relocs
- PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, boolean, bfd_byte *, boolean,
- struct internal_reloc *));
-static boolean xcoff_link_add_object_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean xcoff_link_check_archive_element
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *));
-static boolean xcoff_link_check_ar_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *));
-static bfd_size_type xcoff_find_reloc
- PARAMS ((struct internal_reloc *, bfd_size_type, bfd_vma));
-static boolean xcoff_link_add_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean xcoff_link_add_dynamic_symbols
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean xcoff_mark PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, asection *));
-static void xcoff_sweep PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *));
-static boolean xcoff_build_ldsyms
- PARAMS ((struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
-static boolean xcoff_link_input_bfd
- PARAMS ((struct xcoff_final_link_info *, bfd *));
-static boolean xcoff_write_global_symbol
- PARAMS ((struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
-static boolean xcoff_reloc_link_order
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct xcoff_final_link_info *, asection *,
- struct bfd_link_order *));
-static int xcoff_sort_relocs PARAMS ((const PTR, const PTR));
-/* Routines to swap information in the XCOFF .loader section. If we
- ever need to write an XCOFF loader, this stuff will need to be
- moved to another file shared by the linker (which XCOFF calls the
- ``binder'') and the loader. */
-/* Swap in the ldhdr structure. */
-static void
-xcoff_swap_ldhdr_in (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- const struct external_ldhdr *src;
- struct internal_ldhdr *dst;
- dst->l_version = bfd_get_32 (abfd, src->l_version);
- dst->l_nsyms = bfd_get_32 (abfd, src->l_nsyms);
- dst->l_nreloc = bfd_get_32 (abfd, src->l_nreloc);
- dst->l_istlen = bfd_get_32 (abfd, src->l_istlen);
- dst->l_nimpid = bfd_get_32 (abfd, src->l_nimpid);
- dst->l_impoff = bfd_get_32 (abfd, src->l_impoff);
- dst->l_stlen = bfd_get_32 (abfd, src->l_stlen);
- dst->l_stoff = bfd_get_32 (abfd, src->l_stoff);
-/* Swap out the ldhdr structure. */
-static void
-xcoff_swap_ldhdr_out (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- const struct internal_ldhdr *src;
- struct external_ldhdr *dst;
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, src->l_version, dst->l_version);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, src->l_nsyms, dst->l_nsyms);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, src->l_nreloc, dst->l_nreloc);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, src->l_istlen, dst->l_istlen);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, src->l_nimpid, dst->l_nimpid);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, src->l_impoff, dst->l_impoff);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, src->l_stlen, dst->l_stlen);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, src->l_stoff, dst->l_stoff);
-/* Swap in the ldsym structure. */
-static void
-xcoff_swap_ldsym_in (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- const struct external_ldsym *src;
- struct internal_ldsym *dst;
- if (bfd_get_32 (abfd, src->_l._l_l._l_zeroes) != 0)
- memcpy (dst->_l._l_name, src->_l._l_name, SYMNMLEN);
- else
- {
- dst->_l._l_l._l_zeroes = 0;
- dst->_l._l_l._l_offset = bfd_get_32 (abfd, src->_l._l_l._l_offset);
- }
- dst->l_value = bfd_get_32 (abfd, src->l_value);
- dst->l_scnum = bfd_get_16 (abfd, src->l_scnum);
- dst->l_smtype = bfd_get_8 (abfd, src->l_smtype);
- dst->l_smclas = bfd_get_8 (abfd, src->l_smclas);
- dst->l_ifile = bfd_get_32 (abfd, src->l_ifile);
- dst->l_parm = bfd_get_32 (abfd, src->l_parm);
-/* Swap out the ldsym structure. */
-static void
-xcoff_swap_ldsym_out (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- const struct internal_ldsym *src;
- struct external_ldsym *dst;
- if (src->_l._l_l._l_zeroes != 0)
- memcpy (dst->_l._l_name, src->_l._l_name, SYMNMLEN);
- else
- {
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, 0, dst->_l._l_l._l_zeroes);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, src->_l._l_l._l_offset, dst->_l._l_l._l_offset);
- }
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, src->l_value, dst->l_value);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, src->l_scnum, dst->l_scnum);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, src->l_smtype, dst->l_smtype);
- bfd_put_8 (abfd, src->l_smclas, dst->l_smclas);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, src->l_ifile, dst->l_ifile);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, src->l_parm, dst->l_parm);
-/* As it happens, we never need to swap in the ldrel structure. */
-/* Swap out the ldrel structure. */
-static void
-xcoff_swap_ldrel_out (abfd, src, dst)
- bfd *abfd;
- const struct internal_ldrel *src;
- struct external_ldrel *dst;
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, src->l_vaddr, dst->l_vaddr);
- bfd_put_32 (abfd, src->l_symndx, dst->l_symndx);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, src->l_rtype, dst->l_rtype);
- bfd_put_16 (abfd, src->l_rsecnm, dst->l_rsecnm);
-/* Routine to create an entry in an XCOFF link hash table. */
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *
-xcoff_link_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
- struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
- struct bfd_hash_table *table;
- const char *string;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *ret = (struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *) entry;
- /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
- subclass. */
- if (ret == (struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- ret = ((struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_hash_allocate (table, sizeof (struct xcoff_link_hash_entry)));
- if (ret == (struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *) NULL)
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
- /* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
- ret = ((struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *)
- _bfd_link_hash_newfunc ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret,
- table, string));
- if (ret != NULL)
- {
- /* Set local fields. */
- ret->indx = -1;
- ret->toc_section = NULL;
- ret->u.toc_indx = -1;
- ret->descriptor = NULL;
- ret->ldsym = NULL;
- ret->ldindx = -1;
- ret->flags = 0;
- ret->smclas = XMC_UA;
- }
- return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
-/* Create a XCOFF link hash table. */
-struct bfd_link_hash_table *
-_bfd_xcoff_bfd_link_hash_table_create (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_table *ret;
- ret = ((struct xcoff_link_hash_table *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct xcoff_link_hash_table)));
- if (ret == (struct xcoff_link_hash_table *) NULL)
- return (struct bfd_link_hash_table *) NULL;
- if (! _bfd_link_hash_table_init (&ret->root, abfd, xcoff_link_hash_newfunc))
- {
- bfd_release (abfd, ret);
- return (struct bfd_link_hash_table *) NULL;
- }
- ret->debug_strtab = _bfd_xcoff_stringtab_init ();
- ret->debug_section = NULL;
- ret->loader_section = NULL;
- ret->ldrel_count = 0;
- memset (&ret->ldhdr, 0, sizeof (struct internal_ldhdr));
- ret->linkage_section = NULL;
- ret->toc_section = NULL;
- ret->descriptor_section = NULL;
- ret->imports = NULL;
- ret->file_align = 0;
- ret->textro = false;
- ret->gc = false;
- memset (ret->special_sections, 0, sizeof ret->special_sections);
- /* The linker will always generate a full a.out header. We need to
- record that fact now, before the sizeof_headers routine could be
- called. */
- xcoff_data (abfd)->full_aouthdr = true;
- return &ret->root;
-/* Look up an entry in an XCOFF link hash table. */
-#define xcoff_link_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy, follow) \
- ((struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *) \
- bfd_link_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), (copy),\
- (follow)))
-/* Traverse an XCOFF link hash table. */
-#define xcoff_link_hash_traverse(table, func, info) \
- (bfd_link_hash_traverse \
- (&(table)->root, \
- (boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_entry *, PTR))) (func), \
- (info)))
-/* Get the XCOFF link hash table from the info structure. This is
- just a cast. */
-#define xcoff_hash_table(p) ((struct xcoff_link_hash_table *) ((p)->hash))
-/* Read internal relocs for an XCOFF csect. This is a wrapper around
- _bfd_coff_read_internal_relocs which tries to take advantage of any
- relocs which may have been cached for the enclosing section. */
-static struct internal_reloc *
-xcoff_read_internal_relocs (abfd, sec, cache, external_relocs,
- require_internal, internal_relocs)
- bfd *abfd;
- asection *sec;
- boolean cache;
- bfd_byte *external_relocs;
- boolean require_internal;
- struct internal_reloc *internal_relocs;
- if (coff_section_data (abfd, sec) != NULL
- && coff_section_data (abfd, sec)->relocs == NULL
- && xcoff_section_data (abfd, sec) != NULL)
- {
- asection *enclosing;
- enclosing = xcoff_section_data (abfd, sec)->enclosing;
- if (enclosing != NULL
- && (coff_section_data (abfd, enclosing) == NULL
- || coff_section_data (abfd, enclosing)->relocs == NULL)
- && cache
- && enclosing->reloc_count > 0)
- {
- if (_bfd_coff_read_internal_relocs (abfd, enclosing, true,
- external_relocs, false,
- (struct internal_reloc *) NULL)
- == NULL)
- return NULL;
- }
- if (enclosing != NULL
- && coff_section_data (abfd, enclosing) != NULL
- && coff_section_data (abfd, enclosing)->relocs != NULL)
- {
- size_t off;
- off = ((sec->rel_filepos - enclosing->rel_filepos)
- / bfd_coff_relsz (abfd));
- if (! require_internal)
- return coff_section_data (abfd, enclosing)->relocs + off;
- memcpy (internal_relocs,
- coff_section_data (abfd, enclosing)->relocs + off,
- sec->reloc_count * sizeof (struct internal_reloc));
- return internal_relocs;
- }
- }
- return _bfd_coff_read_internal_relocs (abfd, sec, cache, external_relocs,
- require_internal, internal_relocs);
-/* Given an XCOFF BFD, add symbols to the global hash table as
- appropriate. */
-_bfd_xcoff_bfd_link_add_symbols (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- switch (bfd_get_format (abfd))
- {
- case bfd_object:
- return xcoff_link_add_object_symbols (abfd, info);
- case bfd_archive:
- return (_bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols
- (abfd, info, xcoff_link_check_archive_element));
- default:
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
- return false;
- }
-/* Add symbols from an XCOFF object file. */
-static boolean
-xcoff_link_add_object_symbols (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- if (! _bfd_coff_get_external_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- if (! xcoff_link_add_symbols (abfd, info))
- return false;
- if (! info->keep_memory)
- {
- if (! _bfd_coff_free_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Check a single archive element to see if we need to include it in
- the link. *PNEEDED is set according to whether this element is
- needed in the link or not. This is called via
- _bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols. */
-static boolean
-xcoff_link_check_archive_element (abfd, info, pneeded)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean *pneeded;
- if (! _bfd_coff_get_external_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- if (! xcoff_link_check_ar_symbols (abfd, info, pneeded))
- return false;
- if (*pneeded)
- {
- if (! xcoff_link_add_symbols (abfd, info))
- return false;
- }
- if (! info->keep_memory || ! *pneeded)
- {
- if (! _bfd_coff_free_symbols (abfd))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Look through the symbols to see if this object file should be
- included in the link. */
-static boolean
-xcoff_link_check_ar_symbols (abfd, info, pneeded)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- boolean *pneeded;
- bfd_size_type symesz;
- bfd_byte *esym;
- bfd_byte *esym_end;
- *pneeded = false;
- symesz = bfd_coff_symesz (abfd);
- esym = (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (abfd);
- esym_end = esym + obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) * symesz;
- while (esym < esym_end)
- {
- struct internal_syment sym;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (abfd, (PTR) esym, (PTR) &sym);
- if (sym.n_sclass == C_EXT && sym.n_scnum != N_UNDEF)
- {
- const char *name;
- char buf[SYMNMLEN + 1];
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *h;
- /* This symbol is externally visible, and is defined by this
- object file. */
- name = _bfd_coff_internal_syment_name (abfd, &sym, buf);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- h = bfd_link_hash_lookup (info->hash, name, false, false, true);
- /* We are only interested in symbols that are currently
- undefined. If a symbol is currently known to be common,
- XCOFF linkers do not bring in an object file which
- defines it. We also don't bring in symbols to satisfy
- undefined references in shared objects. */
- if (h != (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *) NULL
- && h->type == bfd_link_hash_undefined)
- {
- if (! (*info->callbacks->add_archive_element) (info, abfd, name))
- return false;
- *pneeded = true;
- return true;
- }
- }
- esym += (sym.n_numaux + 1) * symesz;
- }
- /* We do not need this object file. */
- return true;
-/* Returns the index of reloc in RELOCS with the least address greater
- than or equal to ADDRESS. The relocs are sorted by address. */
-static bfd_size_type
-xcoff_find_reloc (relocs, count, address)
- struct internal_reloc *relocs;
- bfd_size_type count;
- bfd_vma address;
- bfd_size_type min, max, this;
- if (count < 2)
- {
- if (count == 1 && relocs[0].r_vaddr < address)
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- min = 0;
- max = count;
- /* Do a binary search over (min,max]. */
- while (min + 1 < max)
- {
- bfd_vma raddr;
- this = (max + min) / 2;
- raddr = relocs[this].r_vaddr;
- if (raddr > address)
- max = this;
- else if (raddr < address)
- min = this;
- else
- {
- min = this;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (relocs[min].r_vaddr < address)
- return min + 1;
- while (min > 0
- && relocs[min - 1].r_vaddr == address)
- --min;
- return min;
-/* Add all the symbols from an object file to the hash table.
- XCOFF is a weird format. A normal XCOFF .o files will have three
- COFF sections--.text, .data, and .bss--but each COFF section will
- contain many csects. These csects are described in the symbol
- table. From the linker's point of view, each csect must be
- considered a section in its own right. For example, a TOC entry is
- handled as a small XMC_TC csect. The linker must be able to merge
- different TOC entries together, which means that it must be able to
- extract the XMC_TC csects from the .data section of the input .o
- file.
- From the point of view of our linker, this is, of course, a hideous
- nightmare. We cope by actually creating sections for each csect,
- and discarding the original sections. We then have to handle the
- relocation entries carefully, since the only way to tell which
- csect they belong to is to examine the address. */
-static boolean
-xcoff_link_add_symbols (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- unsigned int n_tmask;
- unsigned int n_btshft;
- boolean default_copy;
- bfd_size_type symcount;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry **sym_hash;
- asection **csect_cache;
- bfd_size_type linesz;
- asection *o;
- asection *last_real;
- boolean keep_syms;
- asection *csect;
- unsigned int csect_index;
- asection *first_csect;
- bfd_size_type symesz;
- bfd_byte *esym;
- bfd_byte *esym_end;
- struct reloc_info_struct
- {
- struct internal_reloc *relocs;
- asection **csects;
- bfd_byte *linenos;
- } *reloc_info = NULL;
- if ((abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0
- && ! info->static_link)
- {
- if (! xcoff_link_add_dynamic_symbols (abfd, info))
- return false;
- }
- /* We need to build a .loader section, so we do it here. This won't
- work if we're producing an XCOFF output file with no XCOFF input
- files. FIXME. */
- if (xcoff_hash_table (info)->loader_section == NULL)
- {
- asection *lsec;
- lsec = bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, ".loader");
- if (lsec == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- xcoff_hash_table (info)->loader_section = lsec;
- lsec->flags |= SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_IN_MEMORY;
- }
- /* Likewise for the linkage section. */
- if (xcoff_hash_table (info)->linkage_section == NULL)
- {
- asection *lsec;
- lsec = bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, ".gl");
- if (lsec == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- xcoff_hash_table (info)->linkage_section = lsec;
- lsec->alignment_power = 2;
- }
- /* Likewise for the TOC section. */
- if (xcoff_hash_table (info)->toc_section == NULL)
- {
- asection *tsec;
- tsec = bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, ".tc");
- if (tsec == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- xcoff_hash_table (info)->toc_section = tsec;
- tsec->alignment_power = 2;
- }
- /* Likewise for the descriptor section. */
- if (xcoff_hash_table (info)->descriptor_section == NULL)
- {
- asection *dsec;
- dsec = bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, ".ds");
- if (dsec == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- xcoff_hash_table (info)->descriptor_section = dsec;
- dsec->alignment_power = 2;
- }
- /* Likewise for the .debug section. */
- if (xcoff_hash_table (info)->debug_section == NULL)
- {
- asection *dsec;
- dsec = bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, ".debug");
- if (dsec == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- xcoff_hash_table (info)->debug_section = dsec;
- dsec->flags |= SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_IN_MEMORY;
- }
- if ((abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0
- && ! info->static_link)
- return true;
- n_tmask = coff_data (abfd)->local_n_tmask;
- n_btshft = coff_data (abfd)->local_n_btshft;
- /* Define macros so that ISFCN, et. al., macros work correctly. */
-#define N_TMASK n_tmask
-#define N_BTSHFT n_btshft
- if (info->keep_memory)
- default_copy = false;
- else
- default_copy = true;
- symcount = obj_raw_syment_count (abfd);
- /* We keep a list of the linker hash table entries that correspond
- to each external symbol. */
- sym_hash = ((struct xcoff_link_hash_entry **)
- bfd_alloc (abfd,
- (symcount
- * sizeof (struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *))));
- if (sym_hash == NULL && symcount != 0)
- goto error_return;
- coff_data (abfd)->sym_hashes = (struct coff_link_hash_entry **) sym_hash;
- memset (sym_hash, 0,
- (size_t) symcount * sizeof (struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *));
- /* Because of the weird stuff we are doing with XCOFF csects, we can
- not easily determine which section a symbol is in, so we store
- the information in the tdata for the input file. */
- csect_cache = ((asection **)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, symcount * sizeof (asection *)));
- if (csect_cache == NULL && symcount != 0)
- goto error_return;
- xcoff_data (abfd)->csects = csect_cache;
- memset (csect_cache, 0, (size_t) symcount * sizeof (asection *));
- /* While splitting sections into csects, we need to assign the
- relocs correctly. The relocs and the csects must both be in
- order by VMA within a given section, so we handle this by
- scanning along the relocs as we process the csects. We index
- into reloc_info using the section target_index. */
- reloc_info = ((struct reloc_info_struct *)
- bfd_malloc ((abfd->section_count + 1)
- * sizeof (struct reloc_info_struct)));
- if (reloc_info == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- memset ((PTR) reloc_info, 0,
- (abfd->section_count + 1) * sizeof (struct reloc_info_struct));
- /* Read in the relocs and line numbers for each section. */
- linesz = bfd_coff_linesz (abfd);
- last_real = NULL;
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- last_real = o;
- if ((o->flags & SEC_RELOC) != 0)
- {
- reloc_info[o->target_index].relocs =
- xcoff_read_internal_relocs (abfd, o, true, (bfd_byte *) NULL,
- false, (struct internal_reloc *) NULL);
- reloc_info[o->target_index].csects =
- (asection **) bfd_malloc (o->reloc_count * sizeof (asection *));
- if (reloc_info[o->target_index].csects == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- memset (reloc_info[o->target_index].csects, 0,
- o->reloc_count * sizeof (asection *));
- }
- if ((info->strip == strip_none || info->strip == strip_some)
- && o->lineno_count > 0)
- {
- bfd_byte *linenos;
- linenos = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (o->lineno_count * linesz);
- if (linenos == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- reloc_info[o->target_index].linenos = linenos;
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, o->line_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_read (linenos, linesz, o->lineno_count, abfd)
- != linesz * o->lineno_count))
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- /* Don't let the linker relocation routines discard the symbols. */
- keep_syms = obj_coff_keep_syms (abfd);
- obj_coff_keep_syms (abfd) = true;
- csect = NULL;
- csect_index = 0;
- first_csect = NULL;
- symesz = bfd_coff_symesz (abfd);
- BFD_ASSERT (symesz == bfd_coff_auxesz (abfd));
- esym = (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (abfd);
- esym_end = esym + symcount * symesz;
- while (esym < esym_end)
- {
- struct internal_syment sym;
- union internal_auxent aux;
- const char *name;
- char buf[SYMNMLEN + 1];
- int smtyp;
- flagword flags;
- asection *section;
- bfd_vma value;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *set_toc;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (abfd, (PTR) esym, (PTR) &sym);
- /* In this pass we are only interested in symbols with csect
- information. */
- if (sym.n_sclass != C_EXT && sym.n_sclass != C_HIDEXT)
- {
- if (sym.n_sclass == C_FILE && csect != NULL)
- {
- xcoff_section_data (abfd, csect)->last_symndx =
- ((esym
- - (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (abfd))
- / symesz);
- csect = NULL;
- }
- if (csect != NULL)
- *csect_cache = csect;
- else if (first_csect == NULL || sym.n_sclass == C_FILE)
- *csect_cache = coff_section_from_bfd_index (abfd, sym.n_scnum);
- else
- *csect_cache = NULL;
- esym += (sym.n_numaux + 1) * symesz;
- sym_hash += sym.n_numaux + 1;
- csect_cache += sym.n_numaux + 1;
- continue;
- }
- name = _bfd_coff_internal_syment_name (abfd, &sym, buf);
- if (name == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- /* If this symbol has line number information attached to it,
- and we're not stripping it, count the number of entries and
- add them to the count for this csect. In the final link pass
- we are going to attach line number information by symbol,
- rather than by section, in order to more easily handle
- garbage collection. */
- if ((info->strip == strip_none || info->strip == strip_some)
- && sym.n_numaux > 1
- && csect != NULL
- && ISFCN (sym.n_type))
- {
- union internal_auxent auxlin;
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_in (abfd, (PTR) (esym + symesz),
- sym.n_type, sym.n_sclass,
- 0, sym.n_numaux, (PTR) &auxlin);
- if (auxlin.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr != 0)
- {
- asection *enclosing;
- bfd_size_type linoff;
- enclosing = xcoff_section_data (abfd, csect)->enclosing;
- if (enclosing == NULL)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: `%s' has line numbers but no enclosing section",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), name);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- linoff = (auxlin.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr
- - enclosing->line_filepos);
- if (linoff < enclosing->lineno_count * linesz)
- {
- struct internal_lineno lin;
- bfd_byte *linpstart;
- linpstart = (reloc_info[enclosing->target_index].linenos
- + linoff);
- bfd_coff_swap_lineno_in (abfd, (PTR) linpstart, (PTR) &lin);
- if (lin.l_lnno == 0
- && ((bfd_size_type) lin.l_addr.l_symndx
- == ((esym
- - (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (abfd))
- / symesz)))
- {
- bfd_byte *linpend, *linp;
- linpend = (reloc_info[enclosing->target_index].linenos
- + enclosing->lineno_count * linesz);
- for (linp = linpstart + linesz;
- linp < linpend;
- linp += linesz)
- {
- bfd_coff_swap_lineno_in (abfd, (PTR) linp,
- (PTR) &lin);
- if (lin.l_lnno == 0)
- break;
- }
- csect->lineno_count += (linp - linpstart) / linesz;
- /* The setting of line_filepos will only be
- useful if all the line number entries for a
- csect are contiguous; this only matters for
- error reporting. */
- if (csect->line_filepos == 0)
- csect->line_filepos =
- auxlin.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Pick up the csect auxiliary information. */
- if (sym.n_numaux == 0)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: class %d symbol `%s' has no aux entries",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), sym.n_sclass, name);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_in (abfd,
- (PTR) (esym + symesz * sym.n_numaux),
- sym.n_type, sym.n_sclass,
- sym.n_numaux - 1, sym.n_numaux,
- (PTR) &aux);
- smtyp = SMTYP_SMTYP (aux.x_csect.x_smtyp);
- flags = BSF_GLOBAL;
- section = NULL;
- value = 0;
- set_toc = NULL;
- switch (smtyp)
- {
- default:
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: symbol `%s' has unrecognized csect type %d",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), name, smtyp);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- case XTY_ER:
- /* This is an external reference. */
- if (sym.n_sclass == C_HIDEXT
- || sym.n_scnum != N_UNDEF
- || aux.x_csect.x_scnlen.l != 0)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: bad XTY_ER symbol `%s': class %d scnum %d scnlen %d",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), name, sym.n_sclass, sym.n_scnum,
- aux.x_csect.x_scnlen.l);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* An XMC_XO external reference is actually a reference to
- an absolute location. */
- if (aux.x_csect.x_smclas != XMC_XO)
- section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- else
- {
- section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- value = sym.n_value;
- }
- break;
- case XTY_SD:
- /* This is a csect definition. */
- if (csect != NULL)
- {
- xcoff_section_data (abfd, csect)->last_symndx =
- ((esym
- - (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (abfd))
- / symesz);
- }
- csect = NULL;
- csect_index = -1;
- /* When we see a TOC anchor, we record the TOC value. */
- if (aux.x_csect.x_smclas == XMC_TC0)
- {
- if (sym.n_sclass != C_HIDEXT
- || aux.x_csect.x_scnlen.l != 0)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: XMC_TC0 symbol `%s' is class %d scnlen %d",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), name, sym.n_sclass,
- aux.x_csect.x_scnlen.l);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- xcoff_data (abfd)->toc = sym.n_value;
- }
- /* We must merge TOC entries for the same symbol. We can
- merge two TOC entries if they are both C_HIDEXT, they
- both have the same name, they are both 4 bytes long, and
- they both have a relocation table entry for an external
- symbol with the same name. Unfortunately, this means
- that we must look through the relocations. Ick. */
- if (aux.x_csect.x_smclas == XMC_TC
- && sym.n_sclass == C_HIDEXT
- && aux.x_csect.x_scnlen.l == 4
- && info->hash->creator == abfd->xvec)
- {
- asection *enclosing;
- struct internal_reloc *relocs;
- bfd_size_type relindx;
- struct internal_reloc *rel;
- enclosing = coff_section_from_bfd_index (abfd, sym.n_scnum);
- if (enclosing == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- relocs = reloc_info[enclosing->target_index].relocs;
- relindx = xcoff_find_reloc (relocs, enclosing->reloc_count,
- sym.n_value);
- rel = relocs + relindx;
- if (relindx < enclosing->reloc_count
- && rel->r_vaddr == (bfd_vma) sym.n_value
- && rel->r_size == 31
- && rel->r_type == R_POS)
- {
- bfd_byte *erelsym;
- struct internal_syment relsym;
- erelsym = ((bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (abfd)
- + rel->r_symndx * symesz);
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (abfd, (PTR) erelsym, (PTR) &relsym);
- if (relsym.n_sclass == C_EXT)
- {
- const char *relname;
- char relbuf[SYMNMLEN + 1];
- boolean copy;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- /* At this point we know that the TOC entry is
- for an externally visible symbol. */
- relname = _bfd_coff_internal_syment_name (abfd, &relsym,
- relbuf);
- if (relname == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- /* We only merge TOC entries if the TC name is
- the same as the symbol name. This handles
- the normal case, but not common cases like
- SYM.P4 which gcc generates to store SYM + 4
- in the TOC. FIXME. */
- if (strcmp (name, relname) == 0)
- {
- copy = (! info->keep_memory
- || relsym._n._n_n._n_zeroes != 0
- || relsym._n._n_n._n_offset == 0);
- h = xcoff_link_hash_lookup (xcoff_hash_table (info),
- relname, true, copy,
- false);
- if (h == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- /* At this point h->root.type could be
- bfd_link_hash_new. That should be OK,
- since we know for sure that we will come
- across this symbol as we step through the
- file. */
- /* We store h in *sym_hash for the
- convenience of the relocate_section
- function. */
- *sym_hash = h;
- if (h->toc_section != NULL)
- {
- asection **rel_csects;
- /* We already have a TOC entry for this
- symbol, so we can just ignore this
- one. */
- rel_csects =
- reloc_info[enclosing->target_index].csects;
- rel_csects[relindx] = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- break;
- }
- /* We are about to create a TOC entry for
- this symbol. */
- set_toc = h;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* We need to create a new section. We get the name from
- the csect storage mapping class, so that the linker can
- accumulate similar csects together. */
- {
- static const char *csect_name_by_class[] =
- {
- ".pr", ".ro", ".db", ".tc", ".ua", ".rw", ".gl", ".xo",
- ".sv", ".bs", ".ds", ".uc", ".ti", ".tb", NULL, ".tc0",
- ".td"
- };
- const char *csect_name;
- asection *enclosing;
- if ((aux.x_csect.x_smclas >=
- sizeof csect_name_by_class / sizeof csect_name_by_class[0])
- || csect_name_by_class[aux.x_csect.x_smclas] == NULL)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: symbol `%s' has unrecognized smclas %d",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), name, aux.x_csect.x_smclas);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- csect_name = csect_name_by_class[aux.x_csect.x_smclas];
- csect = bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, csect_name);
- if (csect == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- enclosing = coff_section_from_bfd_index (abfd, sym.n_scnum);
- if (enclosing == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (! bfd_is_abs_section (enclosing)
- && ((bfd_vma) sym.n_value < enclosing->vma
- || ((bfd_vma) sym.n_value + aux.x_csect.x_scnlen.l
- > enclosing->vma + enclosing->_raw_size)))
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: csect `%s' not in enclosing section",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), name);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- csect->vma = sym.n_value;
- csect->filepos = (enclosing->filepos
- + sym.n_value
- - enclosing->vma);
- csect->_raw_size = aux.x_csect.x_scnlen.l;
- csect->flags |= SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- csect->alignment_power = SMTYP_ALIGN (aux.x_csect.x_smtyp);
- /* Record the enclosing section in the tdata for this new
- section. */
- csect->used_by_bfd =
- ((struct coff_section_tdata *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct coff_section_tdata)));
- if (csect->used_by_bfd == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- coff_section_data (abfd, csect)->tdata =
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct xcoff_section_tdata));
- if (coff_section_data (abfd, csect)->tdata == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- xcoff_section_data (abfd, csect)->enclosing = enclosing;
- xcoff_section_data (abfd, csect)->lineno_count =
- enclosing->lineno_count;
- if (enclosing->owner == abfd)
- {
- struct internal_reloc *relocs;
- bfd_size_type relindx;
- struct internal_reloc *rel;
- asection **rel_csect;
- relocs = reloc_info[enclosing->target_index].relocs;
- relindx = xcoff_find_reloc (relocs, enclosing->reloc_count,
- csect->vma);
- rel = relocs + relindx;
- rel_csect = (reloc_info[enclosing->target_index].csects
- + relindx);
- csect->rel_filepos = (enclosing->rel_filepos
- + relindx * bfd_coff_relsz (abfd));
- while (relindx < enclosing->reloc_count
- && *rel_csect == NULL
- && rel->r_vaddr < csect->vma + csect->_raw_size)
- {
- *rel_csect = csect;
- csect->flags |= SEC_RELOC;
- ++csect->reloc_count;
- ++relindx;
- ++rel;
- ++rel_csect;
- }
- }
- /* There are a number of other fields and section flags
- which we do not bother to set. */
- csect_index = ((esym
- - (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (abfd))
- / symesz);
- xcoff_section_data (abfd, csect)->first_symndx = csect_index;
- if (first_csect == NULL)
- first_csect = csect;
- /* If this symbol is C_EXT, we treat it as starting at the
- beginning of the newly created section. */
- if (sym.n_sclass == C_EXT)
- {
- section = csect;
- value = 0;
- }
- /* If this is a TOC section for a symbol, record it. */
- if (set_toc != NULL)
- set_toc->toc_section = csect;
- }
- break;
- case XTY_LD:
- /* This is a label definition. The x_scnlen field is the
- symbol index of the csect. I believe that this must
- always follow the appropriate XTY_SD symbol, so I will
- insist on it. */
- {
- boolean bad;
- bad = false;
- if (aux.x_csect.x_scnlen.l < 0
- || (aux.x_csect.x_scnlen.l
- >= esym - (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (abfd)))
- bad = true;
- if (! bad)
- {
- section = xcoff_data (abfd)->csects[aux.x_csect.x_scnlen.l];
- if (section == NULL
- || (section->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) == 0)
- bad = true;
- }
- if (bad)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: misplaced XTY_LD `%s'",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), name);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- value = sym.n_value - csect->vma;
- }
- break;
- case XTY_CM:
- /* This is an unitialized csect. We could base the name on
- the storage mapping class, but we don't bother. If this
- csect is externally visible, it is a common symbol. */
- if (csect != NULL)
- {
- xcoff_section_data (abfd, csect)->last_symndx =
- ((esym
- - (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (abfd))
- / symesz);
- }
- csect = bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, ".bss");
- if (csect == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- csect->vma = sym.n_value;
- csect->_raw_size = aux.x_csect.x_scnlen.l;
- csect->flags |= SEC_ALLOC;
- csect->alignment_power = SMTYP_ALIGN (aux.x_csect.x_smtyp);
- /* There are a number of other fields and section flags
- which we do not bother to set. */
- csect_index = ((esym
- - (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (abfd))
- / symesz);
- csect->used_by_bfd =
- ((struct coff_section_tdata *)
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct coff_section_tdata)));
- if (csect->used_by_bfd == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- coff_section_data (abfd, csect)->tdata =
- bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (struct xcoff_section_tdata));
- if (coff_section_data (abfd, csect)->tdata == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- xcoff_section_data (abfd, csect)->first_symndx = csect_index;
- if (first_csect == NULL)
- first_csect = csect;
- if (sym.n_sclass == C_EXT)
- {
- csect->flags |= SEC_IS_COMMON;
- csect->_raw_size = 0;
- section = csect;
- value = aux.x_csect.x_scnlen.l;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* Check for magic symbol names. */
- if ((smtyp == XTY_SD || smtyp == XTY_CM)
- && aux.x_csect.x_smclas != XMC_TC)
- {
- int i;
- i = -1;
- if (name[0] == '_')
- {
- if (strcmp (name, "_text") == 0)
- i = 0;
- else if (strcmp (name, "_etext") == 0)
- i = 1;
- else if (strcmp (name, "_data") == 0)
- i = 2;
- else if (strcmp (name, "_edata") == 0)
- i = 3;
- else if (strcmp (name, "_end") == 0)
- i = 4;
- }
- else if (name[0] == 'e' && strcmp (name, "end") == 0)
- i = 5;
- if (i != -1)
- xcoff_hash_table (info)->special_sections[i] = csect;
- }
- /* Now we have enough information to add the symbol to the
- linker hash table. */
- if (sym.n_sclass == C_EXT)
- {
- boolean copy;
- BFD_ASSERT (section != NULL);
- /* We must copy the name into memory if we got it from the
- syment itself, rather than the string table. */
- copy = default_copy;
- if (sym._n._n_n._n_zeroes != 0
- || sym._n._n_n._n_offset == 0)
- copy = true;
- if (info->hash->creator == abfd->xvec)
- {
- /* If we are statically linking a shared object, it is
- OK for symbol redefinitions to occur. I can't figure
- out just what the XCOFF linker is doing, but
- something like this is required for -bnso to work. */
- if (! bfd_is_und_section (section))
- *sym_hash = xcoff_link_hash_lookup (xcoff_hash_table (info),
- name, true, copy, false);
- else
- *sym_hash = ((struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup (abfd, info, name,
- true, copy, false));
- if (*sym_hash == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (((*sym_hash)->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || (*sym_hash)->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- && ! bfd_is_und_section (section)
- && ! bfd_is_com_section (section))
- {
- if ((abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0)
- {
- section = bfd_und_section_ptr;
- value = 0;
- }
- else if (((*sym_hash)->root.u.def.section->owner->flags
- & DYNAMIC) != 0)
- {
- (*sym_hash)->root.type = bfd_link_hash_undefined;
- (*sym_hash)->root.u.undef.abfd =
- (*sym_hash)->root.u.def.section->owner;
- }
- }
- }
- /* _bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol may call the linker to
- generate an error message, and the linker may try to read
- the symbol table to give a good error. Right now, the
- line numbers are in an inconsistent state, since they are
- counted both in the real sections and in the new csects.
- We need to leave the count in the real sections so that
- the linker can report the line number of the error
- correctly, so temporarily clobber the link to the csects
- so that the linker will not try to read the line numbers
- a second time from the csects. */
- BFD_ASSERT (last_real->next == first_csect);
- last_real->next = NULL;
- if (! (_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
- (info, abfd, name, flags, section, value,
- (const char *) NULL, copy, true,
- (struct bfd_link_hash_entry **) sym_hash)))
- goto error_return;
- last_real->next = first_csect;
- if (smtyp == XTY_CM)
- {
- if ((*sym_hash)->root.type != bfd_link_hash_common
- || (*sym_hash)->root.u.c.p->section != csect)
- {
- /* We don't need the common csect we just created. */
- csect->_raw_size = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- (*sym_hash)->root.u.c.p->alignment_power
- = csect->alignment_power;
- }
- }
- if (info->hash->creator == abfd->xvec)
- {
- int flag;
- if (smtyp == XTY_ER || smtyp == XTY_CM)
- else
- (*sym_hash)->flags |= flag;
- if ((*sym_hash)->smclas == XMC_UA
- || flag == XCOFF_DEF_REGULAR)
- (*sym_hash)->smclas = aux.x_csect.x_smclas;
- }
- }
- *csect_cache = csect;
- esym += (sym.n_numaux + 1) * symesz;
- sym_hash += sym.n_numaux + 1;
- csect_cache += sym.n_numaux + 1;
- }
- BFD_ASSERT (last_real == NULL || last_real->next == first_csect);
- /* Make sure that we have seen all the relocs. */
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != first_csect; o = o->next)
- {
- /* Reset the section size and the line numebr count, since the
- data is now attached to the csects. Don't reset the size of
- the .debug section, since we need to read it below in
- bfd_xcoff_size_dynamic_sections. */
- if (strcmp (bfd_get_section_name (abfd, o), ".debug") != 0)
- o->_raw_size = 0;
- o->lineno_count = 0;
- if ((o->flags & SEC_RELOC) != 0)
- {
- bfd_size_type i;
- struct internal_reloc *rel;
- asection **rel_csect;
- rel = reloc_info[o->target_index].relocs;
- rel_csect = reloc_info[o->target_index].csects;
- for (i = 0; i < o->reloc_count; i++, rel++, rel_csect++)
- {
- if (*rel_csect == NULL)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: reloc %s:%d not in csect",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd), o->name, i);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* We identify all symbols which are called, so that we
- can create glue code for calls to functions imported
- from dynamic objects. */
- if (info->hash->creator == abfd->xvec
- && *rel_csect != bfd_und_section_ptr
- && (rel->r_type == R_BR
- || rel->r_type == R_RBR)
- && obj_xcoff_sym_hashes (abfd)[rel->r_symndx] != NULL)
- {
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- h = obj_xcoff_sym_hashes (abfd)[rel->r_symndx];
- h->flags |= XCOFF_CALLED;
- /* If the symbol name starts with a period, it is
- the code of a function. If the symbol is
- currently undefined, then add an undefined symbol
- for the function descriptor. This should do no
- harm, because any regular object that defines the
- function should also define the function
- descriptor. It helps, because it means that we
- will identify the function descriptor with a
- dynamic object if a dynamic object defines it. */
- if (h->root.root.string[0] == '.'
- && h->descriptor == NULL)
- {
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *hds;
- hds = xcoff_link_hash_lookup (xcoff_hash_table (info),
- h->root.root.string + 1,
- true, false, true);
- if (hds == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (hds->root.type == bfd_link_hash_new)
- {
- if (! (_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
- (info, abfd, hds->root.root.string,
- (flagword) 0, bfd_und_section_ptr,
- (bfd_vma) 0, (const char *) NULL, false,
- true,
- (struct bfd_link_hash_entry **) &hds)))
- goto error_return;
- }
- hds->flags |= XCOFF_DESCRIPTOR;
- BFD_ASSERT ((hds->flags & XCOFF_CALLED) == 0
- && (h->flags & XCOFF_DESCRIPTOR) == 0);
- hds->descriptor = h;
- h->descriptor = hds;
- }
- }
- }
- free (reloc_info[o->target_index].csects);
- reloc_info[o->target_index].csects = NULL;
- /* Reset SEC_RELOC and the reloc_count, since the reloc
- information is now attached to the csects. */
- o->flags &=~ SEC_RELOC;
- o->reloc_count = 0;
- /* If we are not keeping memory, free the reloc information. */
- if (! info->keep_memory
- && coff_section_data (abfd, o) != NULL
- && coff_section_data (abfd, o)->relocs != NULL
- && ! coff_section_data (abfd, o)->keep_relocs)
- {
- free (coff_section_data (abfd, o)->relocs);
- coff_section_data (abfd, o)->relocs = NULL;
- }
- }
- /* Free up the line numbers. FIXME: We could cache these
- somewhere for the final link, to avoid reading them again. */
- if (reloc_info[o->target_index].linenos != NULL)
- {
- free (reloc_info[o->target_index].linenos);
- reloc_info[o->target_index].linenos = NULL;
- }
- }
- free (reloc_info);
- obj_coff_keep_syms (abfd) = keep_syms;
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (reloc_info != NULL)
- {
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- if (reloc_info[o->target_index].csects != NULL)
- free (reloc_info[o->target_index].csects);
- if (reloc_info[o->target_index].linenos != NULL)
- free (reloc_info[o->target_index].linenos);
- }
- free (reloc_info);
- }
- obj_coff_keep_syms (abfd) = keep_syms;
- return false;
-#undef N_TMASK
-#undef N_BTSHFT
-/* This function is used to add symbols from a dynamic object to the
- global symbol table. */
-static boolean
-xcoff_link_add_dynamic_symbols (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *lsec;
- bfd_byte *buf = NULL;
- struct internal_ldhdr ldhdr;
- const char *strings;
- struct external_ldsym *elsym, *elsymend;
- struct xcoff_import_file *n;
- const char *bname;
- const char *mname;
- const char *s;
- unsigned int c;
- struct xcoff_import_file **pp;
- /* We can only handle a dynamic object if we are generating an XCOFF
- output file. */
- if (info->hash->creator != abfd->xvec)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: XCOFF shared object when not producing XCOFF output",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd));
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* The symbols we use from a dynamic object are not the symbols in
- the normal symbol table, but, rather, the symbols in the export
- table. If there is a global symbol in a dynamic object which is
- not in the export table, the loader will not be able to find it,
- so we don't want to find it either. Also, on AIX 4.1.3, shr.o in
- libc.a has symbols in the export table which are not in the
- symbol table. */
- /* Read in the .loader section. FIXME: We should really use the
- o_snloader field in the a.out header, rather than grabbing the
- section by name. */
- lsec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".loader");
- if (lsec == NULL)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: dynamic object with no .loader section",
- bfd_get_filename (abfd));
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_symbols);
- goto error_return;
- }
- buf = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (lsec->_raw_size);
- if (buf == NULL && lsec->_raw_size > 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (abfd, lsec, (PTR) buf, (file_ptr) 0,
- lsec->_raw_size))
- goto error_return;
- /* Remove the sections from this object, so that they do not get
- included in the link. */
- abfd->sections = NULL;
- xcoff_swap_ldhdr_in (abfd, (struct external_ldhdr *) buf, &ldhdr);
- strings = (char *) buf + ldhdr.l_stoff;
- elsym = (struct external_ldsym *) (buf + LDHDRSZ);
- elsymend = elsym + ldhdr.l_nsyms;
- BFD_ASSERT (sizeof (struct external_ldsym) == LDSYMSZ);
- for (; elsym < elsymend; elsym++)
- {
- struct internal_ldsym ldsym;
- char nambuf[SYMNMLEN + 1];
- const char *name;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- xcoff_swap_ldsym_in (abfd, elsym, &ldsym);
- /* We are only interested in exported symbols. */
- if ((ldsym.l_smtype & L_EXPORT) == 0)
- continue;
- if (ldsym._l._l_l._l_zeroes == 0)
- name = strings + ldsym._l._l_l._l_offset;
- else
- {
- memcpy (nambuf, ldsym._l._l_name, SYMNMLEN);
- nambuf[SYMNMLEN] = '\0';
- name = nambuf;
- }
- /* Normally we could not call xcoff_link_hash_lookup in an add
- symbols routine, since we might not be using an XCOFF hash
- table. However, we verified above that we are using an XCOFF
- hash table. */
- h = xcoff_link_hash_lookup (xcoff_hash_table (info), name, true,
- true, true);
- if (h == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- h->flags |= XCOFF_DEF_DYNAMIC;
- /* If the symbol is undefined, and the BFD it was found in is
- not a dynamic object, change the BFD to this dynamic object,
- so that we can get the correct import file ID. */
- if ((h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- && (h->root.u.undef.abfd == NULL
- || (h->root.u.undef.abfd->flags & DYNAMIC) == 0))
- h->root.u.undef.abfd = abfd;
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_new)
- {
- h->root.type = bfd_link_hash_undefined;
- h->root.u.undef.abfd = abfd;
- /* We do not want to add this to the undefined symbol list. */
- }
- if (h->smclas == XMC_UA
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- h->smclas = ldsym.l_smclas;
- /* Unless this is an XMC_XO symbol, we don't bother to actually
- define it, since we don't have a section to put it in anyhow.
- Instead, the relocation routines handle the DEF_DYNAMIC flag
- correctly. */
- if (h->smclas == XMC_XO
- && (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak))
- {
- /* This symbol has an absolute value. */
- h->root.type = bfd_link_hash_defined;
- h->root.u.def.section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- h->root.u.def.value = ldsym.l_value;
- }
- }
- if (buf != NULL)
- {
- free (buf);
- buf = NULL;
- }
- /* Record this file in the import files. */
- n = ((struct xcoff_import_file *)
- bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (struct xcoff_import_file)));
- if (n == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- n->next = NULL;
- /* For some reason, the path entry in the import file list for a
- shared object appears to always be empty. The file name is the
- base name. */
- n->path = "";
- if (abfd->my_archive == NULL)
- {
- bname = bfd_get_filename (abfd);
- mname = "";
- }
- else
- {
- bname = bfd_get_filename (abfd->my_archive);
- mname = bfd_get_filename (abfd);
- }
- s = strrchr (bname, '/');
- if (s != NULL)
- bname = s + 1;
- n->file = bname;
- n->member = mname;
- /* We start c at 1 because the first import file number is reserved
- for LIBPATH. */
- for (pp = &xcoff_hash_table (info)->imports, c = 1;
- *pp != NULL;
- pp = &(*pp)->next, ++c)
- ;
- *pp = n;
- xcoff_data (abfd)->import_file_id = c;
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (buf != NULL)
- free (buf);
- return false;
-/* Routines that are called after all the input files have been
- handled, but before the sections are laid out in memory. */
-/* Mark a symbol as not being garbage, including the section in which
- it is defined. */
-static INLINE boolean
-xcoff_mark_symbol (info, h)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- if ((h->flags & XCOFF_MARK) != 0)
- return true;
- h->flags |= XCOFF_MARK;
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- asection *hsec;
- hsec = h->root.u.def.section;
- if ((hsec->flags & SEC_MARK) == 0)
- {
- if (! xcoff_mark (info, hsec))
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (h->toc_section != NULL
- && (h->toc_section->flags & SEC_MARK) == 0)
- {
- if (! xcoff_mark (info, h->toc_section))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* The mark phase of garbage collection. For a given section, mark
- it, and all the sections which define symbols to which it refers.
- Because this function needs to look at the relocs, we also count
- the number of relocs which need to be copied into the .loader
- section. */
-static boolean
-xcoff_mark (info, sec)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- asection *sec;
- if ((sec->flags & SEC_MARK) != 0)
- return true;
- sec->flags |= SEC_MARK;
- if (sec->owner->xvec == info->hash->creator
- && coff_section_data (sec->owner, sec) != NULL
- && xcoff_section_data (sec->owner, sec) != NULL)
- {
- register struct xcoff_link_hash_entry **hp, **hpend;
- struct internal_reloc *rel, *relend;
- /* Mark all the symbols in this section. */
- hp = (obj_xcoff_sym_hashes (sec->owner)
- + xcoff_section_data (sec->owner, sec)->first_symndx);
- hpend = (obj_xcoff_sym_hashes (sec->owner)
- + xcoff_section_data (sec->owner, sec)->last_symndx);
- for (; hp < hpend; hp++)
- {
- register struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- h = *hp;
- if (h != NULL
- && (h->flags & XCOFF_MARK) == 0)
- {
- if (! xcoff_mark_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- }
- }
- /* Look through the section relocs. */
- if ((sec->flags & SEC_RELOC) != 0
- && sec->reloc_count > 0)
- {
- rel = xcoff_read_internal_relocs (sec->owner, sec, true,
- (bfd_byte *) NULL, false,
- (struct internal_reloc *) NULL);
- if (rel == NULL)
- return false;
- relend = rel + sec->reloc_count;
- for (; rel < relend; rel++)
- {
- asection *rsec;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- if ((unsigned int) rel->r_symndx
- > obj_raw_syment_count (sec->owner))
- continue;
- h = obj_xcoff_sym_hashes (sec->owner)[rel->r_symndx];
- if (h != NULL
- && (h->flags & XCOFF_MARK) == 0)
- {
- if (! xcoff_mark_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- }
- rsec = xcoff_data (sec->owner)->csects[rel->r_symndx];
- if (rsec != NULL
- && (rsec->flags & SEC_MARK) == 0)
- {
- if (! xcoff_mark (info, rsec))
- return false;
- }
- /* See if this reloc needs to be copied into the .loader
- section. */
- switch (rel->r_type)
- {
- default:
- if (h == NULL
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common
- || ((h->flags & XCOFF_CALLED) != 0
- && (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- && h->root.root.string[0] == '.'
- && h->descriptor != NULL
- && ((h->descriptor->flags & XCOFF_DEF_DYNAMIC) != 0
- || info->shared
- || ((h->descriptor->flags & XCOFF_IMPORT) != 0
- && (h->descriptor->flags
- & XCOFF_DEF_REGULAR) == 0))))
- break;
- /* Fall through. */
- case R_POS:
- case R_NEG:
- case R_RL:
- case R_RLA:
- ++xcoff_hash_table (info)->ldrel_count;
- if (h != NULL)
- h->flags |= XCOFF_LDREL;
- break;
- case R_TOC:
- case R_GL:
- case R_TCL:
- case R_TRL:
- case R_TRLA:
- /* We should never need a .loader reloc for a TOC
- relative reloc. */
- break;
- }
- }
- if (! info->keep_memory
- && coff_section_data (sec->owner, sec) != NULL
- && coff_section_data (sec->owner, sec)->relocs != NULL
- && ! coff_section_data (sec->owner, sec)->keep_relocs)
- {
- free (coff_section_data (sec->owner, sec)->relocs);
- coff_section_data (sec->owner, sec)->relocs = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-/* The sweep phase of garbage collection. Remove all garbage
- sections. */
-static void
-xcoff_sweep (info)
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *sub;
- for (sub = info->input_bfds; sub != NULL; sub = sub->link_next)
- {
- asection *o;
- for (o = sub->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- if ((o->flags & SEC_MARK) == 0)
- {
- /* Keep all sections from non-XCOFF input files. Keep
- special sections. Keep .debug sections for the
- moment. */
- if (sub->xvec != info->hash->creator
- || o == xcoff_hash_table (info)->debug_section
- || o == xcoff_hash_table (info)->loader_section
- || o == xcoff_hash_table (info)->linkage_section
- || o == xcoff_hash_table (info)->toc_section
- || o == xcoff_hash_table (info)->descriptor_section
- || strcmp (o->name, ".debug") == 0)
- o->flags |= SEC_MARK;
- else
- {
- o->_raw_size = 0;
- o->reloc_count = 0;
- o->lineno_count = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-/* Record the number of elements in a set. This is used to output the
- correct csect length. */
-bfd_xcoff_link_record_set (output_bfd, info, harg, size)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *harg;
- bfd_size_type size;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h = (struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *) harg;
- struct xcoff_link_size_list *n;
- if (! XCOFF_XVECP (output_bfd->xvec))
- return true;
- /* This will hardly ever be called. I don't want to burn four bytes
- per global symbol, so instead the size is kept on a linked list
- attached to the hash table. */
- n = ((struct xcoff_link_size_list *)
- bfd_alloc (output_bfd, sizeof (struct xcoff_link_size_list)));
- if (n == NULL)
- return false;
- n->next = xcoff_hash_table (info)->size_list;
- n->h = h;
- n->size = size;
- xcoff_hash_table (info)->size_list = n;
- h->flags |= XCOFF_HAS_SIZE;
- return true;
-/* Import a symbol. */
-bfd_xcoff_import_symbol (output_bfd, info, harg, val, imppath, impfile,
- impmember)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *harg;
- bfd_vma val;
- const char *imppath;
- const char *impfile;
- const char *impmember;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h = (struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *) harg;
- if (! XCOFF_XVECP (output_bfd->xvec))
- return true;
- h->flags |= XCOFF_IMPORT;
- if (val != (bfd_vma) -1)
- {
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- && (! bfd_is_abs_section (h->root.u.def.section)
- || h->root.u.def.value != val))
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->multiple_definition)
- (info, h->root.root.string, h->root.u.def.section->owner,
- h->root.u.def.section, h->root.u.def.value,
- output_bfd, bfd_abs_section_ptr, val)))
- return false;
- }
- h->root.type = bfd_link_hash_defined;
- h->root.u.def.section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- h->root.u.def.value = val;
- }
- if (h->ldsym == NULL)
- {
- h->ldsym = ((struct internal_ldsym *)
- bfd_zalloc (output_bfd, sizeof (struct internal_ldsym)));
- if (h->ldsym == NULL)
- return false;
- }
- if (imppath == NULL)
- h->ldsym->l_ifile = (bfd_size_type) -1;
- else
- {
- unsigned int c;
- struct xcoff_import_file **pp;
- /* We start c at 1 because the first entry in the import list is
- reserved for the library search path. */
- for (pp = &xcoff_hash_table (info)->imports, c = 1;
- *pp != NULL;
- pp = &(*pp)->next, ++c)
- {
- if (strcmp ((*pp)->path, imppath) == 0
- && strcmp ((*pp)->file, impfile) == 0
- && strcmp ((*pp)->member, impmember) == 0)
- break;
- }
- if (*pp == NULL)
- {
- struct xcoff_import_file *n;
- n = ((struct xcoff_import_file *)
- bfd_alloc (output_bfd, sizeof (struct xcoff_import_file)));
- if (n == NULL)
- return false;
- n->next = NULL;
- n->path = imppath;
- n->file = impfile;
- n->member = impmember;
- *pp = n;
- }
- h->ldsym->l_ifile = c;
- }
- return true;
-/* Export a symbol. */
-bfd_xcoff_export_symbol (output_bfd, info, harg, syscall)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *harg;
- boolean syscall;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h = (struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *) harg;
- if (! XCOFF_XVECP (output_bfd->xvec))
- return true;
- h->flags |= XCOFF_EXPORT;
- /* FIXME: I'm not at all sure what syscall is supposed to mean, so
- I'm just going to ignore it until somebody explains it. */
- /* See if this is a function descriptor. It may be one even though
- it is not so marked. */
- if ((h->flags & XCOFF_DESCRIPTOR) == 0
- && h->root.root.string[0] != '.')
- {
- char *fnname;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *hfn;
- fnname = (char *) bfd_malloc (strlen (h->root.root.string) + 2);
- if (fnname == NULL)
- return false;
- fnname[0] = '.';
- strcpy (fnname + 1, h->root.root.string);
- hfn = xcoff_link_hash_lookup (xcoff_hash_table (info),
- fnname, false, false, true);
- free (fnname);
- if (hfn != NULL
- && hfn->smclas == XMC_PR
- && (hfn->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || hfn->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak))
- {
- h->flags |= XCOFF_DESCRIPTOR;
- h->descriptor = hfn;
- hfn->descriptor = h;
- }
- }
- /* Make sure we don't garbage collect this symbol. */
- if (! xcoff_mark_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- /* If this is a function descriptor, make sure we don't garbage
- collect the associated function code. We normally don't have to
- worry about this, because the descriptor will be attached to a
- section with relocs, but if we are creating the descriptor
- ourselves those relocs will not be visible to the mark code. */
- if ((h->flags & XCOFF_DESCRIPTOR) != 0)
- {
- if (! xcoff_mark_symbol (info, h->descriptor))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/* Count a reloc against a symbol. This is called for relocs
- generated by the linker script, typically for global constructors
- and destructors. */
-bfd_xcoff_link_count_reloc (output_bfd, info, name)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- const char *name;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- if (! XCOFF_XVECP (output_bfd->xvec))
- return true;
- h = ((struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup (output_bfd, info, name, false, false,
- false));
- if (h == NULL)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler) ("%s: no such symbol", name);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_symbols);
- return false;
- }
- ++xcoff_hash_table (info)->ldrel_count;
- /* Mark the symbol to avoid garbage collection. */
- if (! xcoff_mark_symbol (info, h))
- return false;
- return true;
-/* This function is called for each symbol to which the linker script
- assigns a value. */
-bfd_xcoff_record_link_assignment (output_bfd, info, name)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- const char *name;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- if (! XCOFF_XVECP (output_bfd->xvec))
- return true;
- h = xcoff_link_hash_lookup (xcoff_hash_table (info), name, true, true,
- false);
- if (h == NULL)
- return false;
- h->flags |= XCOFF_DEF_REGULAR;
- return true;
-/* This structure is used to pass information through
- xcoff_link_hash_traverse. */
-struct xcoff_loader_info
- /* Set if a problem occurred. */
- boolean failed;
- /* Output BFD. */
- bfd *output_bfd;
- /* Link information structure. */
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- /* Whether all defined symbols should be exported. */
- boolean export_defineds;
- /* Number of ldsym structures. */
- size_t ldsym_count;
- /* Size of string table. */
- size_t string_size;
- /* String table. */
- bfd_byte *strings;
- /* Allocated size of string table. */
- size_t string_alc;
-/* Build the .loader section. This is called by the XCOFF linker
- emulation before_allocation routine. We must set the size of the
- .loader section before the linker lays out the output file.
- LIBPATH is the library path to search for shared objects; this is
- normally built from the -L arguments passed to the linker. ENTRY
- is the name of the entry point symbol (the -e linker option).
- FILE_ALIGN is the alignment to use for sections within the file
- (the -H linker option). MAXSTACK is the maximum stack size (the
- -bmaxstack linker option). MAXDATA is the maximum data size (the
- -bmaxdata linker option). GC is whether to do garbage collection
- (the -bgc linker option). MODTYPE is the module type (the
- -bmodtype linker option). TEXTRO is whether the text section must
- be read only (the -btextro linker option). EXPORT_DEFINEDS is
- whether all defined symbols should be exported (the -unix linker
- option). SPECIAL_SECTIONS is set by this routine to csects with
- magic names like _end. */
-bfd_xcoff_size_dynamic_sections (output_bfd, info, libpath, entry,
- file_align, maxstack, maxdata, gc,
- modtype, textro, export_defineds,
- special_sections)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- const char *libpath;
- const char *entry;
- unsigned long file_align;
- unsigned long maxstack;
- unsigned long maxdata;
- boolean gc;
- int modtype;
- boolean textro;
- boolean export_defineds;
- asection **special_sections;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *hentry;
- asection *lsec;
- struct xcoff_loader_info ldinfo;
- int i;
- size_t impsize, impcount;
- struct xcoff_import_file *fl;
- struct internal_ldhdr *ldhdr;
- bfd_size_type stoff;
- register char *out;
- asection *sec;
- bfd *sub;
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *debug_strtab;
- bfd_byte *debug_contents = NULL;
- if (! XCOFF_XVECP (output_bfd->xvec))
- {
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- special_sections[i] = NULL;
- return true;
- }
- ldinfo.failed = false;
- ldinfo.output_bfd = output_bfd;
- = info;
- ldinfo.export_defineds = export_defineds;
- ldinfo.ldsym_count = 0;
- ldinfo.string_size = 0;
- ldinfo.strings = NULL;
- ldinfo.string_alc = 0;
- xcoff_data (output_bfd)->maxstack = maxstack;
- xcoff_data (output_bfd)->maxdata = maxdata;
- xcoff_data (output_bfd)->modtype = modtype;
- xcoff_hash_table (info)->file_align = file_align;
- xcoff_hash_table (info)->textro = textro;
- hentry = xcoff_link_hash_lookup (xcoff_hash_table (info), entry,
- false, false, true);
- if (hentry != NULL)
- hentry->flags |= XCOFF_ENTRY;
- /* Garbage collect unused sections. */
- if (info->relocateable
- || ! gc
- || hentry == NULL
- || (hentry->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined
- && hentry->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak))
- {
- gc = false;
- xcoff_hash_table (info)->gc = false;
- /* We still need to call xcoff_mark, in order to set ldrel_count
- correctly. */
- for (sub = info->input_bfds; sub != NULL; sub = sub->link_next)
- {
- asection *o;
- for (o = sub->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- if ((o->flags & SEC_MARK) == 0)
- {
- if (! xcoff_mark (info, o))
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (! xcoff_mark (info, hentry->root.u.def.section))
- goto error_return;
- xcoff_sweep (info);
- xcoff_hash_table (info)->gc = true;
- }
- /* Return special sections to the caller. */
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- {
- asection *sec;
- sec = xcoff_hash_table (info)->special_sections[i];
- if (sec != NULL
- && gc
- && (sec->flags & SEC_MARK) == 0)
- sec = NULL;
- special_sections[i] = sec;
- }
- if (info->input_bfds == NULL)
- {
- /* I'm not sure what to do in this bizarre case. */
- return true;
- }
- xcoff_link_hash_traverse (xcoff_hash_table (info), xcoff_build_ldsyms,
- (PTR) &ldinfo);
- if (ldinfo.failed)
- goto error_return;
- /* Work out the size of the import file names. Each import file ID
- consists of three null terminated strings: the path, the file
- name, and the archive member name. The first entry in the list
- of names is the path to use to find objects, which the linker has
- passed in as the libpath argument. For some reason, the path
- entry in the other import file names appears to always be empty. */
- impsize = strlen (libpath) + 3;
- impcount = 1;
- for (fl = xcoff_hash_table (info)->imports; fl != NULL; fl = fl->next)
- {
- ++impcount;
- impsize += (strlen (fl->path)
- + strlen (fl->file)
- + strlen (fl->member)
- + 3);
- }
- /* Set up the .loader section header. */
- ldhdr = &xcoff_hash_table (info)->ldhdr;
- ldhdr->l_version = 1;
- ldhdr->l_nsyms = ldinfo.ldsym_count;
- ldhdr->l_nreloc = xcoff_hash_table (info)->ldrel_count;
- ldhdr->l_istlen = impsize;
- ldhdr->l_nimpid = impcount;
- ldhdr->l_impoff = (LDHDRSZ
- + ldhdr->l_nsyms * LDSYMSZ
- + ldhdr->l_nreloc * LDRELSZ);
- ldhdr->l_stlen = ldinfo.string_size;
- stoff = ldhdr->l_impoff + impsize;
- if (ldinfo.string_size == 0)
- ldhdr->l_stoff = 0;
- else
- ldhdr->l_stoff = stoff;
- /* We now know the final size of the .loader section. Allocate
- space for it. */
- lsec = xcoff_hash_table (info)->loader_section;
- lsec->_raw_size = stoff + ldhdr->l_stlen;
- lsec->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zalloc (output_bfd, lsec->_raw_size);
- if (lsec->contents == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- /* Set up the header. */
- xcoff_swap_ldhdr_out (output_bfd, ldhdr,
- (struct external_ldhdr *) lsec->contents);
- /* Set up the import file names. */
- out = (char *) lsec->contents + ldhdr->l_impoff;
- strcpy (out, libpath);
- out += strlen (libpath) + 1;
- *out++ = '\0';
- *out++ = '\0';
- for (fl = xcoff_hash_table (info)->imports; fl != NULL; fl = fl->next)
- {
- register const char *s;
- s = fl->path;
- while ((*out++ = *s++) != '\0')
- ;
- s = fl->file;
- while ((*out++ = *s++) != '\0')
- ;
- s = fl->member;
- while ((*out++ = *s++) != '\0')
- ;
- }
- BFD_ASSERT ((bfd_size_type) ((bfd_byte *) out - lsec->contents) == stoff);
- /* Set up the symbol string table. */
- if (ldinfo.string_size > 0)
- {
- memcpy (out, ldinfo.strings, ldinfo.string_size);
- free (ldinfo.strings);
- ldinfo.strings = NULL;
- }
- /* We can't set up the symbol table or the relocs yet, because we
- don't yet know the final position of the various sections. The
- .loader symbols are written out when the corresponding normal
- symbols are written out in xcoff_link_input_bfd or
- xcoff_write_global_symbol. The .loader relocs are written out
- when the corresponding normal relocs are handled in
- xcoff_link_input_bfd. */
- /* Allocate space for the magic sections. */
- sec = xcoff_hash_table (info)->linkage_section;
- if (sec->_raw_size > 0)
- {
- sec->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zalloc (output_bfd, sec->_raw_size);
- if (sec->contents == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- }
- sec = xcoff_hash_table (info)->toc_section;
- if (sec->_raw_size > 0)
- {
- sec->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zalloc (output_bfd, sec->_raw_size);
- if (sec->contents == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- }
- sec = xcoff_hash_table (info)->descriptor_section;
- if (sec->_raw_size > 0)
- {
- sec->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zalloc (output_bfd, sec->_raw_size);
- if (sec->contents == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* Now that we've done garbage collection, figure out the contents
- of the .debug section. */
- debug_strtab = xcoff_hash_table (info)->debug_strtab;
- for (sub = info->input_bfds; sub != NULL; sub = sub->link_next)
- {
- asection *subdeb;
- bfd_size_type symcount;
- unsigned long *debug_index;
- asection **csectpp;
- bfd_byte *esym, *esymend;
- bfd_size_type symesz;
- if (sub->xvec != info->hash->creator)
- continue;
- subdeb = bfd_get_section_by_name (sub, ".debug");
- if (subdeb == NULL || subdeb->_raw_size == 0)
- continue;
- if (info->strip == strip_all
- || info->strip == strip_debugger
- || info->discard == discard_all)
- {
- subdeb->_raw_size = 0;
- continue;
- }
- if (! _bfd_coff_get_external_symbols (sub))
- goto error_return;
- symcount = obj_raw_syment_count (sub);
- debug_index = ((unsigned long *)
- bfd_zalloc (sub, symcount * sizeof (unsigned long)));
- if (debug_index == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- xcoff_data (sub)->debug_indices = debug_index;
- /* Grab the contents of the .debug section. We use malloc and
- copy the neams into the debug stringtab, rather than
- bfd_alloc, because I expect that, when linking many files
- together, many of the strings will be the same. Storing the
- strings in the hash table should save space in this case. */
- debug_contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (subdeb->_raw_size);
- if (debug_contents == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (sub, subdeb, (PTR) debug_contents,
- (file_ptr) 0, subdeb->_raw_size))
- goto error_return;
- csectpp = xcoff_data (sub)->csects;
- symesz = bfd_coff_symesz (sub);
- esym = (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (sub);
- esymend = esym + symcount * symesz;
- while (esym < esymend)
- {
- struct internal_syment sym;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (sub, (PTR) esym, (PTR) &sym);
- *debug_index = (unsigned long) -1;
- if (sym._n._n_n._n_zeroes == 0
- && *csectpp != NULL
- && (! gc
- || ((*csectpp)->flags & SEC_MARK) != 0
- || *csectpp == bfd_abs_section_ptr)
- && bfd_coff_symname_in_debug (sub, &sym))
- {
- char *name;
- bfd_size_type indx;
- name = (char *) debug_contents + sym._n._n_n._n_offset;
- indx = _bfd_stringtab_add (debug_strtab, name, true, true);
- if (indx == (bfd_size_type) -1)
- goto error_return;
- *debug_index = indx;
- }
- esym += (sym.n_numaux + 1) * symesz;
- csectpp += sym.n_numaux + 1;
- debug_index += sym.n_numaux + 1;
- }
- free (debug_contents);
- debug_contents = NULL;
- /* Clear the size of subdeb, so that it is not included directly
- in the output file. */
- subdeb->_raw_size = 0;
- if (! info->keep_memory)
- {
- if (! _bfd_coff_free_symbols (sub))
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- xcoff_hash_table (info)->debug_section->_raw_size =
- _bfd_stringtab_size (debug_strtab);
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (ldinfo.strings != NULL)
- free (ldinfo.strings);
- if (debug_contents != NULL)
- free (debug_contents);
- return false;
-/* Add a symbol to the .loader symbols, if necessary. */
-static boolean
-xcoff_build_ldsyms (h, p)
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- PTR p;
- struct xcoff_loader_info *ldinfo = (struct xcoff_loader_info *) p;
- size_t len;
- /* If all defined symbols should be exported, mark them now. */
- if (ldinfo->export_defineds
- && (h->flags & XCOFF_DEF_REGULAR) != 0)
- h->flags |= XCOFF_EXPORT;
- /* We don't want to garbage collect symbols which are not defined in
- XCOFF files. This is a convenient place to mark them. */
- if (xcoff_hash_table (ldinfo->info)->gc
- && (h->flags & XCOFF_MARK) == 0
- && (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- && (h->root.u.def.section->owner == NULL
- || (h->root.u.def.section->owner->xvec
- != ldinfo->info->hash->creator)))
- h->flags |= XCOFF_MARK;
- /* If this symbol is called and defined in a dynamic object, or not
- defined at all when building a shared object, or imported, then
- we need to set up global linkage code for it. (Unless we did
- garbage collection and we didn't need this symbol.) */
- if ((h->flags & XCOFF_CALLED) != 0
- && (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- && h->root.root.string[0] == '.'
- && h->descriptor != NULL
- && ((h->descriptor->flags & XCOFF_DEF_DYNAMIC) != 0
- || ldinfo->info->shared
- || ((h->descriptor->flags & XCOFF_IMPORT) != 0
- && (h->descriptor->flags & XCOFF_DEF_REGULAR) == 0))
- && (! xcoff_hash_table (ldinfo->info)->gc
- || (h->flags & XCOFF_MARK) != 0))
- {
- asection *sec;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *hds;
- sec = xcoff_hash_table (ldinfo->info)->linkage_section;
- h->root.type = bfd_link_hash_defined;
- h->root.u.def.section = sec;
- h->root.u.def.value = sec->_raw_size;
- h->smclas = XMC_GL;
- h->flags |= XCOFF_DEF_REGULAR;
- sec->_raw_size += XCOFF_GLINK_SIZE;
- /* The global linkage code requires a TOC entry for the
- descriptor. */
- hds = h->descriptor;
- BFD_ASSERT ((hds->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined
- || hds->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- && (hds->flags & XCOFF_DEF_REGULAR) == 0);
- hds->flags |= XCOFF_MARK;
- if (hds->toc_section == NULL)
- {
- hds->toc_section = xcoff_hash_table (ldinfo->info)->toc_section;
- hds->u.toc_offset = hds->toc_section->_raw_size;
- hds->toc_section->_raw_size += 4;
- ++xcoff_hash_table (ldinfo->info)->ldrel_count;
- ++hds->toc_section->reloc_count;
- hds->indx = -2;
- hds->flags |= XCOFF_SET_TOC | XCOFF_LDREL;
- /* We need to call xcoff_build_ldsyms recursively here,
- because we may already have passed hds on the traversal. */
- xcoff_build_ldsyms (hds, p);
- }
- }
- /* If this symbol is exported, but not defined, we need to try to
- define it. */
- if ((h->flags & XCOFF_EXPORT) != 0
- && (h->flags & XCOFF_IMPORT) == 0
- && (h->flags & XCOFF_DEF_REGULAR) == 0
- && (h->flags & XCOFF_DEF_DYNAMIC) == 0
- && (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak))
- {
- if ((h->flags & XCOFF_DESCRIPTOR) != 0
- && (h->descriptor->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->descriptor->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak))
- {
- asection *sec;
- /* This is an undefined function descriptor associated with
- a defined entry point. We can build up a function
- descriptor ourselves. Believe it or not, the AIX linker
- actually does this, and there are cases where we need to
- do it as well. */
- sec = xcoff_hash_table (ldinfo->info)->descriptor_section;
- h->root.type = bfd_link_hash_defined;
- h->root.u.def.section = sec;
- h->root.u.def.value = sec->_raw_size;
- h->smclas = XMC_DS;
- h->flags |= XCOFF_DEF_REGULAR;
- sec->_raw_size += 12;
- /* A function descriptor uses two relocs: one for the
- associated code, and one for the TOC address. */
- xcoff_hash_table (ldinfo->info)->ldrel_count += 2;
- sec->reloc_count += 2;
- /* We handle writing out the contents of the descriptor in
- xcoff_write_global_symbol. */
- }
- else
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("attempt to export undefined symbol `%s'",
- h->root.root.string);
- ldinfo->failed = true;
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- }
- /* If this is still a common symbol, and it wasn't garbage
- collected, we need to actually allocate space for it in the .bss
- section. */
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common
- && (! xcoff_hash_table (ldinfo->info)->gc
- || (h->flags & XCOFF_MARK) != 0)
- && h->root.u.c.p->section->_raw_size == 0)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (bfd_is_com_section (h->root.u.c.p->section));
- h->root.u.c.p->section->_raw_size = h->root.u.c.size;
- }
- /* We need to add a symbol to the .loader section if it is mentioned
- in a reloc which we are copying to the .loader section and it was
- not defined or common, or if it is the entry point, or if it is
- being exported. */
- if (((h->flags & XCOFF_LDREL) == 0
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common)
- && (h->flags & XCOFF_ENTRY) == 0
- && (h->flags & XCOFF_EXPORT) == 0)
- {
- h->ldsym = NULL;
- return true;
- }
- /* We don't need to add this symbol if we did garbage collection and
- we did not mark this symbol. */
- if (xcoff_hash_table (ldinfo->info)->gc
- && (h->flags & XCOFF_MARK) == 0)
- {
- h->ldsym = NULL;
- return true;
- }
- /* We may have already processed this symbol due to the recursive
- call above. */
- if ((h->flags & XCOFF_BUILT_LDSYM) != 0)
- return true;
- /* We need to add this symbol to the .loader symbols. */
- /* h->ldsym will already have been allocated for an explicitly
- imported symbol. */
- if (h->ldsym == NULL)
- {
- h->ldsym = ((struct internal_ldsym *)
- bfd_zalloc (ldinfo->output_bfd,
- sizeof (struct internal_ldsym)));
- if (h->ldsym == NULL)
- {
- ldinfo->failed = true;
- return false;
- }
- }
- /* The first 3 symbol table indices are reserved to indicate the
- sections. */
- h->ldindx = ldinfo->ldsym_count + 3;
- ++ldinfo->ldsym_count;
- len = strlen (h->root.root.string);
- if (len <= SYMNMLEN)
- strncpy (h->ldsym->_l._l_name, h->root.root.string, SYMNMLEN);
- else
- {
- if (ldinfo->string_size + len + 3 > ldinfo->string_alc)
- {
- size_t newalc;
- bfd_byte *newstrings;
- newalc = ldinfo->string_alc * 2;
- if (newalc == 0)
- newalc = 32;
- while (ldinfo->string_size + len + 3 > newalc)
- newalc *= 2;
- newstrings = ((bfd_byte *)
- bfd_realloc ((PTR) ldinfo->strings, newalc));
- if (newstrings == NULL)
- {
- ldinfo->failed = true;
- return false;
- }
- ldinfo->string_alc = newalc;
- ldinfo->strings = newstrings;
- }
- bfd_put_16 (ldinfo->output_bfd, len + 1,
- ldinfo->strings + ldinfo->string_size);
- strcpy (ldinfo->strings + ldinfo->string_size + 2, h->root.root.string);
- h->ldsym->_l._l_l._l_zeroes = 0;
- h->ldsym->_l._l_l._l_offset = ldinfo->string_size + 2;
- ldinfo->string_size += len + 3;
- }
- h->flags |= XCOFF_BUILT_LDSYM;
- return true;
-/* Do the final link step. */
-_bfd_xcoff_bfd_final_link (abfd, info)
- bfd *abfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd_size_type symesz;
- struct xcoff_final_link_info finfo;
- asection *o;
- struct bfd_link_order *p;
- size_t max_contents_size;
- size_t max_sym_count;
- size_t max_lineno_count;
- size_t max_reloc_count;
- size_t max_output_reloc_count;
- file_ptr rel_filepos;
- unsigned int relsz;
- file_ptr line_filepos;
- unsigned int linesz;
- bfd *sub;
- bfd_byte *external_relocs = NULL;
- char strbuf[STRING_SIZE_SIZE];
- if (info->shared)
- abfd->flags |= DYNAMIC;
- symesz = bfd_coff_symesz (abfd);
- = info;
- finfo.output_bfd = abfd;
- finfo.strtab = NULL;
- finfo.section_info = NULL;
- finfo.last_file_index = -1;
- finfo.toc_symindx = -1;
- finfo.internal_syms = NULL;
- finfo.sym_indices = NULL;
- finfo.outsyms = NULL;
- finfo.linenos = NULL;
- finfo.contents = NULL;
- finfo.external_relocs = NULL;
- finfo.ldsym = ((struct external_ldsym *)
- (xcoff_hash_table (info)->loader_section->contents
- + LDHDRSZ));
- finfo.ldrel = ((struct external_ldrel *)
- (xcoff_hash_table (info)->loader_section->contents
- + xcoff_hash_table (info)->ldhdr.l_nsyms * LDSYMSZ));
- xcoff_data (abfd)->coff.link_info = info;
- finfo.strtab = _bfd_stringtab_init ();
- if (finfo.strtab == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- /* Count the line number and relocation entries required for the
- output file. Determine a few maximum sizes. */
- max_contents_size = 0;
- max_lineno_count = 0;
- max_reloc_count = 0;
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- o->reloc_count = 0;
- o->lineno_count = 0;
- for (p = o->link_order_head; p != NULL; p = p->next)
- {
- if (p->type == bfd_indirect_link_order)
- {
- asection *sec;
- sec = p->u.indirect.section;
- if (info->strip == strip_none
- || info->strip == strip_some)
- o->lineno_count += sec->lineno_count;
- o->reloc_count += sec->reloc_count;
- if (sec->_raw_size > max_contents_size)
- max_contents_size = sec->_raw_size;
- if (sec->lineno_count > max_lineno_count)
- max_lineno_count = sec->lineno_count;
- if (coff_section_data (sec->owner, sec) != NULL
- && xcoff_section_data (sec->owner, sec) != NULL
- && (xcoff_section_data (sec->owner, sec)->lineno_count
- > max_lineno_count))
- max_lineno_count =
- xcoff_section_data (sec->owner, sec)->lineno_count;
- if (sec->reloc_count > max_reloc_count)
- max_reloc_count = sec->reloc_count;
- }
- else if (p->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- || p->type == bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order)
- ++o->reloc_count;
- }
- }
- /* Compute the file positions for all the sections. */
- if (abfd->output_has_begun)
- {
- if (xcoff_hash_table (info)->file_align != 0)
- abort ();
- }
- else
- {
- bfd_vma file_align;
- file_align = xcoff_hash_table (info)->file_align;
- if (file_align != 0)
- {
- boolean saw_contents;
- int indx;
- asection **op;
- file_ptr sofar;
- /* Insert .pad sections before every section which has
- contents and is loaded, if it is preceded by some other
- section which has contents and is loaded. */
- saw_contents = true;
- for (op = &abfd->sections; *op != NULL; op = &(*op)->next)
- {
- (*op)->target_index = indx;
- if (strcmp ((*op)->name, ".pad") == 0)
- saw_contents = false;
- else if (((*op)->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) != 0
- && ((*op)->flags & SEC_LOAD) != 0)
- {
- if (! saw_contents)
- saw_contents = true;
- else
- {
- asection *n, *hold;
- hold = *op;
- *op = NULL;
- n = bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, ".pad");
- BFD_ASSERT (*op == n);
- n->next = hold;
- n->flags = SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- n->alignment_power = 0;
- saw_contents = false;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Reset the section indices after inserting the new
- sections. */
- indx = 0;
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- ++indx;
- o->target_index = indx;
- }
- BFD_ASSERT ((unsigned int) indx == abfd->section_count);
- /* Work out appropriate sizes for the .pad sections to force
- each section to land on a page boundary. This bit of
- code knows what compute_section_file_positions is going
- to do. */
- sofar = bfd_coff_filhsz (abfd);
- sofar += bfd_coff_aoutsz (abfd);
- sofar += abfd->section_count * bfd_coff_scnhsz (abfd);
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- if (o->reloc_count >= 0xffff || o->lineno_count >= 0xffff)
- sofar += bfd_coff_scnhsz (abfd);
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- if (strcmp (o->name, ".pad") == 0)
- {
- bfd_vma pageoff;
- BFD_ASSERT (o->_raw_size == 0);
- pageoff = sofar & (file_align - 1);
- if (pageoff != 0)
- {
- o->_raw_size = file_align - pageoff;
- sofar += file_align - pageoff;
- o->flags |= SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ((o->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) != 0)
- sofar += BFD_ALIGN (o->_raw_size,
- 1 << o->alignment_power);
- }
- }
- }
- bfd_coff_compute_section_file_positions (abfd);
- }
- /* Allocate space for the pointers we need to keep for the relocs. */
- {
- unsigned int i;
- /* We use section_count + 1, rather than section_count, because
- the target_index fields are 1 based. */
- finfo.section_info =
- ((struct xcoff_link_section_info *)
- bfd_malloc ((abfd->section_count + 1)
- * sizeof (struct xcoff_link_section_info)));
- if (finfo.section_info == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- for (i = 0; i <= abfd->section_count; i++)
- {
- finfo.section_info[i].relocs = NULL;
- finfo.section_info[i].rel_hashes = NULL;
- finfo.section_info[i].toc_rel_hashes = NULL;
- }
- }
- /* Set the file positions for the relocs. */
- rel_filepos = obj_relocbase (abfd);
- relsz = bfd_coff_relsz (abfd);
- max_output_reloc_count = 0;
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- if (o->reloc_count == 0)
- o->rel_filepos = 0;
- else
- {
- o->flags |= SEC_RELOC;
- o->rel_filepos = rel_filepos;
- rel_filepos += o->reloc_count * relsz;
- /* We don't know the indices of global symbols until we have
- written out all the local symbols. For each section in
- the output file, we keep an array of pointers to hash
- table entries. Each entry in the array corresponds to a
- reloc. When we find a reloc against a global symbol, we
- set the corresponding entry in this array so that we can
- fix up the symbol index after we have written out all the
- local symbols.
- Because of this problem, we also keep the relocs in
- memory until the end of the link. This wastes memory.
- We could backpatch the file later, I suppose, although it
- would be slow. */
- finfo.section_info[o->target_index].relocs =
- ((struct internal_reloc *)
- bfd_malloc (o->reloc_count * sizeof (struct internal_reloc)));
- finfo.section_info[o->target_index].rel_hashes =
- ((struct xcoff_link_hash_entry **)
- bfd_malloc (o->reloc_count
- * sizeof (struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *)));
- if (finfo.section_info[o->target_index].relocs == NULL
- || finfo.section_info[o->target_index].rel_hashes == NULL)
- goto error_return;
- if (o->reloc_count > max_output_reloc_count)
- max_output_reloc_count = o->reloc_count;
- }
- }
- /* We now know the size of the relocs, so we can determine the file
- positions of the line numbers. */
- line_filepos = rel_filepos;
- finfo.line_filepos = line_filepos;
- linesz = bfd_coff_linesz (abfd);
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- if (o->lineno_count == 0)
- o->line_filepos = 0;
- else
- {
- o->line_filepos = line_filepos;
- line_filepos += o->lineno_count * linesz;
- }
- /* Reset the reloc and lineno counts, so that we can use them to
- count the number of entries we have output so far. */
- o->reloc_count = 0;
- o->lineno_count = 0;
- }
- obj_sym_filepos (abfd) = line_filepos;
- /* Figure out the largest number of symbols in an input BFD. Take
- the opportunity to clear the output_has_begun fields of all the
- input BFD's. We want at least 4 symbols, since that is the
- number which xcoff_write_global_symbol may need. */
- max_sym_count = 4;
- for (sub = info->input_bfds; sub != NULL; sub = sub->link_next)
- {
- size_t sz;
- sub->output_has_begun = false;
- sz = obj_raw_syment_count (sub);
- if (sz > max_sym_count)
- max_sym_count = sz;
- }
- /* Allocate some buffers used while linking. */
- finfo.internal_syms = ((struct internal_syment *)
- bfd_malloc (max_sym_count
- * sizeof (struct internal_syment)));
- finfo.sym_indices = (long *) bfd_malloc (max_sym_count * sizeof (long));
- finfo.outsyms = ((bfd_byte *)
- bfd_malloc ((size_t) ((max_sym_count + 1) * symesz)));
- finfo.linenos = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (max_lineno_count
- * bfd_coff_linesz (abfd));
- finfo.contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (max_contents_size);
- finfo.external_relocs = (bfd_byte *) bfd_malloc (max_reloc_count * relsz);
- if ((finfo.internal_syms == NULL && max_sym_count > 0)
- || (finfo.sym_indices == NULL && max_sym_count > 0)
- || finfo.outsyms == NULL
- || (finfo.linenos == NULL && max_lineno_count > 0)
- || (finfo.contents == NULL && max_contents_size > 0)
- || (finfo.external_relocs == NULL && max_reloc_count > 0))
- goto error_return;
- obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) = 0;
- xcoff_data (abfd)->toc = (bfd_vma) -1;
- /* We now know the position of everything in the file, except that
- we don't know the size of the symbol table and therefore we don't
- know where the string table starts. We just build the string
- table in memory as we go along. We process all the relocations
- for a single input file at once. */
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- for (p = o->link_order_head; p != NULL; p = p->next)
- {
- if (p->type == bfd_indirect_link_order
- && p->u.indirect.section->owner->xvec == abfd->xvec)
- {
- sub = p->u.indirect.section->owner;
- if (! sub->output_has_begun)
- {
- if (! xcoff_link_input_bfd (&finfo, sub))
- goto error_return;
- sub->output_has_begun = true;
- }
- }
- else if (p->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order
- || p->type == bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order)
- {
- if (! xcoff_reloc_link_order (abfd, &finfo, o, p))
- goto error_return;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! _bfd_default_link_order (abfd, info, o, p))
- goto error_return;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Free up the buffers used by xcoff_link_input_bfd. */
- if (finfo.internal_syms != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.internal_syms);
- finfo.internal_syms = NULL;
- }
- if (finfo.sym_indices != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.sym_indices);
- finfo.sym_indices = NULL;
- }
- if (finfo.linenos != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.linenos);
- finfo.linenos = NULL;
- }
- if (finfo.contents != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.contents);
- finfo.contents = NULL;
- }
- if (finfo.external_relocs != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.external_relocs);
- finfo.external_relocs = NULL;
- }
- /* The value of the last C_FILE symbol is supposed to be -1. Write
- it out again. */
- if (finfo.last_file_index != -1)
- {
- finfo.last_file.n_value = -1;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (abfd, (PTR) &finfo.last_file,
- (PTR) finfo.outsyms);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd,
- (obj_sym_filepos (abfd)
- + finfo.last_file_index * symesz),
- SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_write (finfo.outsyms, symesz, 1, abfd) != symesz)
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* Write out all the global symbols which do not come from XCOFF
- input files. */
- xcoff_link_hash_traverse (xcoff_hash_table (info),
- xcoff_write_global_symbol,
- (PTR) &finfo);
- if (finfo.outsyms != NULL)
- {
- free (finfo.outsyms);
- finfo.outsyms = NULL;
- }
- /* Now that we have written out all the global symbols, we know the
- symbol indices to use for relocs against them, and we can finally
- write out the relocs. */
- external_relocs = (bfd_byte *) malloc (max_output_reloc_count * relsz);
- if (external_relocs == NULL && max_output_reloc_count != 0)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
- goto error_return;
- }
- for (o = abfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- struct internal_reloc *irel;
- struct internal_reloc *irelend;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry **rel_hash;
- struct xcoff_toc_rel_hash *toc_rel_hash;
- bfd_byte *erel;
- if (o->reloc_count == 0)
- continue;
- irel = finfo.section_info[o->target_index].relocs;
- irelend = irel + o->reloc_count;
- rel_hash = finfo.section_info[o->target_index].rel_hashes;
- for (; irel < irelend; irel++, rel_hash++, erel += relsz)
- {
- if (*rel_hash != NULL)
- {
- if ((*rel_hash)->indx < 0)
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->unattached_reloc)
- (info, (*rel_hash)->root.root.string,
- (bfd *) NULL, o, irel->r_vaddr)))
- goto error_return;
- (*rel_hash)->indx = 0;
- }
- irel->r_symndx = (*rel_hash)->indx;
- }
- }
- for (toc_rel_hash = finfo.section_info[o->target_index].toc_rel_hashes;
- toc_rel_hash != NULL;
- toc_rel_hash = toc_rel_hash->next)
- {
- if (toc_rel_hash->h->u.toc_indx < 0)
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->unattached_reloc)
- (info, toc_rel_hash->h->root.root.string,
- (bfd *) NULL, o, toc_rel_hash->rel->r_vaddr)))
- goto error_return;
- toc_rel_hash->h->u.toc_indx = 0;
- }
- toc_rel_hash->rel->r_symndx = toc_rel_hash->h->u.toc_indx;
- }
- /* XCOFF requires that the relocs be sorted by address. We tend
- to produce them in the order in which their containing csects
- appear in the symbol table, which is not necessarily by
- address. So we sort them here. There may be a better way to
- do this. */
- qsort ((PTR) finfo.section_info[o->target_index].relocs,
- o->reloc_count, sizeof (struct internal_reloc),
- xcoff_sort_relocs);
- irel = finfo.section_info[o->target_index].relocs;
- irelend = irel + o->reloc_count;
- erel = external_relocs;
- for (; irel < irelend; irel++, rel_hash++, erel += relsz)
- bfd_coff_swap_reloc_out (abfd, (PTR) irel, (PTR) erel);
- if (bfd_seek (abfd, o->rel_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0
- || bfd_write ((PTR) external_relocs, relsz, o->reloc_count,
- abfd) != relsz * o->reloc_count)
- goto error_return;
- }
- if (external_relocs != NULL)
- {
- free (external_relocs);
- external_relocs = NULL;
- }
- /* Free up the section information. */
- if (finfo.section_info != NULL)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < abfd->section_count; i++)
- {
- if (finfo.section_info[i].relocs != NULL)
- free (finfo.section_info[i].relocs);
- if (finfo.section_info[i].rel_hashes != NULL)
- free (finfo.section_info[i].rel_hashes);
- }
- free (finfo.section_info);
- finfo.section_info = NULL;
- }
- /* Write out the loader section contents. */
- BFD_ASSERT ((bfd_byte *) finfo.ldrel
- == (xcoff_hash_table (info)->loader_section->contents
- + xcoff_hash_table (info)->ldhdr.l_impoff));
- o = xcoff_hash_table (info)->loader_section;
- if (! bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, o->output_section,
- o->contents, o->output_offset,
- o->_raw_size))
- goto error_return;
- /* Write out the magic sections. */
- o = xcoff_hash_table (info)->linkage_section;
- if (o->_raw_size > 0
- && ! bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, o->output_section, o->contents,
- o->output_offset, o->_raw_size))
- goto error_return;
- o = xcoff_hash_table (info)->toc_section;
- if (o->_raw_size > 0
- && ! bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, o->output_section, o->contents,
- o->output_offset, o->_raw_size))
- goto error_return;
- o = xcoff_hash_table (info)->descriptor_section;
- if (o->_raw_size > 0
- && ! bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, o->output_section, o->contents,
- o->output_offset, o->_raw_size))
- goto error_return;
- /* Write out the string table. */
- if (bfd_seek (abfd,
- (obj_sym_filepos (abfd)
- + obj_raw_syment_count (abfd) * symesz),
- SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto error_return;
- bfd_h_put_32 (abfd,
- _bfd_stringtab_size (finfo.strtab) + STRING_SIZE_SIZE,
- (bfd_byte *) strbuf);
- if (bfd_write (strbuf, 1, STRING_SIZE_SIZE, abfd) != STRING_SIZE_SIZE)
- goto error_return;
- if (! _bfd_stringtab_emit (abfd, finfo.strtab))
- goto error_return;
- _bfd_stringtab_free (finfo.strtab);
- /* Write out the debugging string table. */
- o = xcoff_hash_table (info)->debug_section;
- if (o != NULL)
- {
- struct bfd_strtab_hash *debug_strtab;
- debug_strtab = xcoff_hash_table (info)->debug_strtab;
- BFD_ASSERT (o->output_section->_raw_size - o->output_offset
- >= _bfd_stringtab_size (debug_strtab));
- if (bfd_seek (abfd,
- o->output_section->filepos + o->output_offset,
- SEEK_SET) != 0)
- goto error_return;
- if (! _bfd_stringtab_emit (abfd, debug_strtab))
- goto error_return;
- }
- /* Setting bfd_get_symcount to 0 will cause write_object_contents to
- not try to write out the symbols. */
- bfd_get_symcount (abfd) = 0;
- return true;
- error_return:
- if (finfo.strtab != NULL)
- _bfd_stringtab_free (finfo.strtab);
- if (finfo.section_info != NULL)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < abfd->section_count; i++)
- {
- if (finfo.section_info[i].relocs != NULL)
- free (finfo.section_info[i].relocs);
- if (finfo.section_info[i].rel_hashes != NULL)
- free (finfo.section_info[i].rel_hashes);
- }
- free (finfo.section_info);
- }
- if (finfo.internal_syms != NULL)
- free (finfo.internal_syms);
- if (finfo.sym_indices != NULL)
- free (finfo.sym_indices);
- if (finfo.outsyms != NULL)
- free (finfo.outsyms);
- if (finfo.linenos != NULL)
- free (finfo.linenos);
- if (finfo.contents != NULL)
- free (finfo.contents);
- if (finfo.external_relocs != NULL)
- free (finfo.external_relocs);
- if (external_relocs != NULL)
- free (external_relocs);
- return false;
-/* Link an input file into the linker output file. This function
- handles all the sections and relocations of the input file at once. */
-static boolean
-xcoff_link_input_bfd (finfo, input_bfd)
- struct xcoff_final_link_info *finfo;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- const char *strings;
- bfd_size_type syment_base;
- unsigned int n_tmask;
- unsigned int n_btshft;
- boolean copy, hash;
- bfd_size_type isymesz;
- bfd_size_type osymesz;
- bfd_size_type linesz;
- bfd_byte *esym;
- bfd_byte *esym_end;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry **sym_hash;
- struct internal_syment *isymp;
- asection **csectpp;
- unsigned long *debug_index;
- long *indexp;
- unsigned long output_index;
- bfd_byte *outsym;
- unsigned int incls;
- asection *oline;
- boolean keep_syms;
- asection *o;
- /* We can just skip DYNAMIC files, unless this is a static link. */
- if ((input_bfd->flags & DYNAMIC) != 0
- && ! finfo->info->static_link)
- return true;
- /* Move all the symbols to the output file. */
- output_bfd = finfo->output_bfd;
- strings = NULL;
- syment_base = obj_raw_syment_count (output_bfd);
- isymesz = bfd_coff_symesz (input_bfd);
- osymesz = bfd_coff_symesz (output_bfd);
- linesz = bfd_coff_linesz (input_bfd);
- BFD_ASSERT (linesz == bfd_coff_linesz (output_bfd));
- n_tmask = coff_data (input_bfd)->local_n_tmask;
- n_btshft = coff_data (input_bfd)->local_n_btshft;
- /* Define macros so that ISFCN, et. al., macros work correctly. */
-#define N_TMASK n_tmask
-#define N_BTSHFT n_btshft
- copy = false;
- if (! finfo->info->keep_memory)
- copy = true;
- hash = true;
- if ((output_bfd->flags & BFD_TRADITIONAL_FORMAT) != 0)
- hash = false;
- if (! _bfd_coff_get_external_symbols (input_bfd))
- return false;
- esym = (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (input_bfd);
- esym_end = esym + obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd) * isymesz;
- sym_hash = obj_xcoff_sym_hashes (input_bfd);
- csectpp = xcoff_data (input_bfd)->csects;
- debug_index = xcoff_data (input_bfd)->debug_indices;
- isymp = finfo->internal_syms;
- indexp = finfo->sym_indices;
- output_index = syment_base;
- outsym = finfo->outsyms;
- incls = 0;
- oline = NULL;
- while (esym < esym_end)
- {
- struct internal_syment isym;
- union internal_auxent aux;
- int smtyp = 0;
- boolean skip;
- boolean require;
- int add;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (input_bfd, (PTR) esym, (PTR) isymp);
- /* If this is a C_EXT or C_HIDEXT symbol, we need the csect
- information. */
- if (isymp->n_sclass == C_EXT || isymp->n_sclass == C_HIDEXT)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (isymp->n_numaux > 0);
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_in (input_bfd,
- (PTR) (esym + isymesz * isymp->n_numaux),
- isymp->n_type, isymp->n_sclass,
- isymp->n_numaux - 1, isymp->n_numaux,
- (PTR) &aux);
- smtyp = SMTYP_SMTYP (aux.x_csect.x_smtyp);
- }
- /* Make a copy of *isymp so that the relocate_section function
- always sees the original values. This is more reliable than
- always recomputing the symbol value even if we are stripping
- the symbol. */
- isym = *isymp;
- /* If this symbol is in the .loader section, swap out the
- .loader symbol information. If this is an external symbol
- reference to a defined symbol, though, then wait until we get
- to the definition. */
- if (isym.n_sclass == C_EXT
- && *sym_hash != NULL
- && (*sym_hash)->ldsym != NULL
- && (smtyp != XTY_ER
- || (*sym_hash)->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined))
- {
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct internal_ldsym *ldsym;
- h = *sym_hash;
- ldsym = h->ldsym;
- if (isym.n_scnum > 0)
- {
- ldsym->l_scnum = (*csectpp)->output_section->target_index;
- ldsym->l_value = (isym.n_value
- + (*csectpp)->output_section->vma
- + (*csectpp)->output_offset
- - (*csectpp)->vma);
- }
- else
- {
- ldsym->l_scnum = isym.n_scnum;
- ldsym->l_value = isym.n_value;
- }
- ldsym->l_smtype = smtyp;
- if (((h->flags & XCOFF_DEF_REGULAR) == 0
- && (h->flags & XCOFF_DEF_DYNAMIC) != 0)
- || (h->flags & XCOFF_IMPORT) != 0)
- ldsym->l_smtype |= L_IMPORT;
- if (((h->flags & XCOFF_DEF_REGULAR) != 0
- && (h->flags & XCOFF_DEF_DYNAMIC) != 0)
- || (h->flags & XCOFF_EXPORT) != 0)
- ldsym->l_smtype |= L_EXPORT;
- if ((h->flags & XCOFF_ENTRY) != 0)
- ldsym->l_smtype |= L_ENTRY;
- ldsym->l_smclas = aux.x_csect.x_smclas;
- if (ldsym->l_ifile == (bfd_size_type) -1)
- ldsym->l_ifile = 0;
- else if (ldsym->l_ifile == 0)
- {
- if ((ldsym->l_smtype & L_IMPORT) == 0)
- ldsym->l_ifile = 0;
- else
- {
- bfd *impbfd;
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- impbfd = h->root.u.def.section->owner;
- else if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- impbfd = h->root.u.undef.abfd;
- else
- impbfd = NULL;
- if (impbfd == NULL)
- ldsym->l_ifile = 0;
- else
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (impbfd->xvec == finfo->output_bfd->xvec);
- ldsym->l_ifile = xcoff_data (impbfd)->import_file_id;
- }
- }
- }
- ldsym->l_parm = 0;
- BFD_ASSERT (h->ldindx >= 0);
- BFD_ASSERT (LDSYMSZ == sizeof (struct external_ldsym));
- xcoff_swap_ldsym_out (finfo->output_bfd, ldsym,
- finfo->ldsym + h->ldindx - 3);
- h->ldsym = NULL;
- /* Fill in snentry now that we know the target_index. */
- if ((h->flags & XCOFF_ENTRY) != 0
- && (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak))
- xcoff_data (output_bfd)->snentry =
- h->root.u.def.section->output_section->target_index;
- }
- *indexp = -1;
- skip = false;
- require = false;
- add = 1 + isym.n_numaux;
- /* If we are skipping this csect, we want to skip this symbol. */
- if (*csectpp == NULL)
- skip = true;
- /* If we garbage collected this csect, we want to skip this
- symbol. */
- if (! skip
- && xcoff_hash_table (finfo->info)->gc
- && ((*csectpp)->flags & SEC_MARK) == 0
- && *csectpp != bfd_abs_section_ptr)
- skip = true;
- /* An XCOFF linker always skips C_STAT symbols. */
- if (! skip
- && isymp->n_sclass == C_STAT)
- skip = true;
- /* We skip all but the first TOC anchor. */
- if (! skip
- && isymp->n_sclass == C_HIDEXT
- && aux.x_csect.x_smclas == XMC_TC0)
- {
- if (finfo->toc_symindx != -1)
- skip = true;
- else
- {
- bfd_vma tocval, tocend;
- tocval = ((*csectpp)->output_section->vma
- + (*csectpp)->output_offset
- + isym.n_value
- - (*csectpp)->vma);
- /* We want to find out if tocval is a good value to use
- as the TOC anchor--that is, whether we can access all
- of the TOC using a 16 bit offset from tocval. This
- test assumes that the TOC comes at the end of the
- output section, as it does in the default linker
- script. If the TOC anchor is too far into the .toc
- section, the relocation routine will report
- overflows. */
- tocend = ((*csectpp)->output_section->vma
- + (*csectpp)->output_section->_raw_size);
- if (tocval + 0x8000 < tocend)
- {
- bfd_vma tocadd;
- tocadd = tocend - (tocval + 0x8000);
- tocval += tocadd;
- isym.n_value += tocadd;
- }
- finfo->toc_symindx = output_index;
- xcoff_data (finfo->output_bfd)->toc = tocval;
- xcoff_data (finfo->output_bfd)->sntoc =
- (*csectpp)->output_section->target_index;
- require = true;
- }
- }
- /* If we are stripping all symbols, we want to skip this one. */
- if (! skip
- && finfo->info->strip == strip_all)
- skip = true;
- /* We can skip resolved external references. */
- if (! skip
- && isym.n_sclass == C_EXT
- && smtyp == XTY_ER
- && (*sym_hash)->root.type != bfd_link_hash_undefined)
- skip = true;
- /* We can skip common symbols if they got defined somewhere
- else. */
- if (! skip
- && isym.n_sclass == C_EXT
- && smtyp == XTY_CM
- && ((*sym_hash)->root.type != bfd_link_hash_common
- || (*sym_hash)->root.u.c.p->section != *csectpp)
- && ((*sym_hash)->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defined
- || (*sym_hash)->root.u.def.section != *csectpp))
- skip = true;
- /* Skip local symbols if we are discarding them. */
- if (! skip
- && finfo->info->discard == discard_all
- && isym.n_sclass != C_EXT
- && (isym.n_sclass != C_HIDEXT
- || smtyp != XTY_SD))
- skip = true;
- /* If we stripping debugging symbols, and this is a debugging
- symbol, then skip it. */
- if (! skip
- && finfo->info->strip == strip_debugger
- && isym.n_scnum == N_DEBUG)
- skip = true;
- /* If some symbols are stripped based on the name, work out the
- name and decide whether to skip this symbol. We don't handle
- this correctly for symbols whose names are in the .debug
- section; to get it right we would need a new bfd_strtab_hash
- function to return the string given the index. */
- if (! skip
- && (finfo->info->strip == strip_some
- || finfo->info->discard == discard_l)
- && (debug_index == NULL || *debug_index == (unsigned long) -1))
- {
- const char *name;
- char buf[SYMNMLEN + 1];
- name = _bfd_coff_internal_syment_name (input_bfd, &isym, buf);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- if ((finfo->info->strip == strip_some
- && (bfd_hash_lookup (finfo->info->keep_hash, name, false,
- false) == NULL))
- || (finfo->info->discard == discard_l
- && (isym.n_sclass != C_EXT
- && (isym.n_sclass != C_HIDEXT
- || smtyp != XTY_SD))
- && strncmp (name, finfo->info->lprefix,
- finfo->info->lprefix_len) == 0))
- skip = true;
- }
- /* We can not skip the first TOC anchor. */
- if (skip
- && require
- && finfo->info->strip != strip_all)
- skip = false;
- /* We now know whether we are to skip this symbol or not. */
- if (! skip)
- {
- /* Adjust the symbol in order to output it. */
- if (isym._n._n_n._n_zeroes == 0
- && isym._n._n_n._n_offset != 0)
- {
- /* This symbol has a long name. Enter it in the string
- table we are building. If *debug_index != -1, the
- name has already been entered in the .debug section. */
- if (debug_index != NULL && *debug_index != (unsigned long) -1)
- isym._n._n_n._n_offset = *debug_index;
- else
- {
- const char *name;
- bfd_size_type indx;
- name = _bfd_coff_internal_syment_name (input_bfd, &isym,
- (char *) NULL);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- indx = _bfd_stringtab_add (finfo->strtab, name, hash, copy);
- if (indx == (bfd_size_type) -1)
- return false;
- isym._n._n_n._n_offset = STRING_SIZE_SIZE + indx;
- }
- }
- if (isym.n_sclass != C_BSTAT
- && isym.n_sclass != C_ESTAT
- && isym.n_sclass != C_DECL
- && isym.n_scnum > 0)
- {
- isym.n_scnum = (*csectpp)->output_section->target_index;
- isym.n_value += ((*csectpp)->output_section->vma
- + (*csectpp)->output_offset
- - (*csectpp)->vma);
- }
- /* The value of a C_FILE symbol is the symbol index of the
- next C_FILE symbol. The value of the last C_FILE symbol
- is -1. We try to get this right, below, just before we
- write the symbols out, but in the general case we may
- have to write the symbol out twice. */
- if (isym.n_sclass == C_FILE)
- {
- if (finfo->last_file_index != -1
- && finfo->last_file.n_value != (long) output_index)
- {
- /* We must correct the value of the last C_FILE entry. */
- finfo->last_file.n_value = output_index;
- if ((bfd_size_type) finfo->last_file_index >= syment_base)
- {
- /* The last C_FILE symbol is in this input file. */
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (output_bfd,
- (PTR) &finfo->last_file,
- (PTR) (finfo->outsyms
- + ((finfo->last_file_index
- - syment_base)
- * osymesz)));
- }
- else
- {
- /* We have already written out the last C_FILE
- symbol. We need to write it out again. We
- borrow *outsym temporarily. */
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (output_bfd,
- (PTR) &finfo->last_file,
- (PTR) outsym);
- if (bfd_seek (output_bfd,
- (obj_sym_filepos (output_bfd)
- + finfo->last_file_index * osymesz),
- SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_write (outsym, osymesz, 1, output_bfd)
- != osymesz))
- return false;
- }
- }
- finfo->last_file_index = output_index;
- finfo->last_file = isym;
- }
- /* The value of a C_BINCL or C_EINCL symbol is a file offset
- into the line numbers. We update the symbol values when
- we handle the line numbers. */
- if (isym.n_sclass == C_BINCL
- || isym.n_sclass == C_EINCL)
- {
- isym.n_value = finfo->line_filepos;
- ++incls;
- }
- /* Output the symbol. */
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (output_bfd, (PTR) &isym, (PTR) outsym);
- *indexp = output_index;
- if (isym.n_sclass == C_EXT)
- {
- long indx;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- indx = ((esym - (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (input_bfd))
- / isymesz);
- h = obj_xcoff_sym_hashes (input_bfd)[indx];
- h->indx = output_index;
- }
- /* If this is a symbol in the TOC which we may have merged
- (class XMC_TC), remember the symbol index of the TOC
- symbol. */
- if (isym.n_sclass == C_HIDEXT
- && aux.x_csect.x_smclas == XMC_TC
- && *sym_hash != NULL)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (((*sym_hash)->flags & XCOFF_SET_TOC) == 0);
- BFD_ASSERT ((*sym_hash)->toc_section != NULL);
- (*sym_hash)->u.toc_indx = output_index;
- }
- output_index += add;
- outsym += add * osymesz;
- }
- esym += add * isymesz;
- isymp += add;
- csectpp += add;
- sym_hash += add;
- if (debug_index != NULL)
- debug_index += add;
- ++indexp;
- for (--add; add > 0; --add)
- *indexp++ = -1;
- }
- /* Fix up the aux entries and the C_BSTAT symbols. This must be
- done in a separate pass, because we don't know the correct symbol
- indices until we have already decided which symbols we are going
- to keep. */
- esym = (bfd_byte *) obj_coff_external_syms (input_bfd);
- esym_end = esym + obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd) * isymesz;
- isymp = finfo->internal_syms;
- indexp = finfo->sym_indices;
- csectpp = xcoff_data (input_bfd)->csects;
- outsym = finfo->outsyms;
- while (esym < esym_end)
- {
- int add;
- add = 1 + isymp->n_numaux;
- if (*indexp < 0)
- esym += add * isymesz;
- else
- {
- int i;
- if (isymp->n_sclass == C_BSTAT)
- {
- struct internal_syment isym;
- unsigned long indx;
- /* The value of a C_BSTAT symbol is the symbol table
- index of the containing csect. */
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (output_bfd, (PTR) outsym, (PTR) &isym);
- indx = isym.n_value;
- if (indx < obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd))
- {
- long symindx;
- symindx = finfo->sym_indices[indx];
- if (symindx < 0)
- isym.n_value = 0;
- else
- isym.n_value = symindx;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (output_bfd, (PTR) &isym,
- (PTR) outsym);
- }
- }
- esym += isymesz;
- outsym += osymesz;
- for (i = 0; i < isymp->n_numaux && esym < esym_end; i++)
- {
- union internal_auxent aux;
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_in (input_bfd, (PTR) esym, isymp->n_type,
- isymp->n_sclass, i, isymp->n_numaux,
- (PTR) &aux);
- if (isymp->n_sclass == C_FILE)
- {
- /* This is the file name (or some comment put in by
- the compiler). If it is long, we must put it in
- the string table. */
- if (aux.x_file.x_n.x_zeroes == 0
- && aux.x_file.x_n.x_offset != 0)
- {
- const char *filename;
- bfd_size_type indx;
- BFD_ASSERT (aux.x_file.x_n.x_offset
- if (strings == NULL)
- {
- strings = _bfd_coff_read_string_table (input_bfd);
- if (strings == NULL)
- return false;
- }
- filename = strings + aux.x_file.x_n.x_offset;
- indx = _bfd_stringtab_add (finfo->strtab, filename,
- hash, copy);
- if (indx == (bfd_size_type) -1)
- return false;
- aux.x_file.x_n.x_offset = STRING_SIZE_SIZE + indx;
- }
- }
- else if ((isymp->n_sclass == C_EXT
- || isymp->n_sclass == C_HIDEXT)
- && i + 1 == isymp->n_numaux)
- {
- /* We don't support type checking. I don't know if
- anybody does. */
- aux.x_csect.x_parmhash = 0;
- /* I don't think anybody uses these fields, but we'd
- better clobber them just in case. */
- aux.x_csect.x_stab = 0;
- aux.x_csect.x_snstab = 0;
- if (SMTYP_SMTYP (aux.x_csect.x_smtyp) == XTY_LD)
- {
- unsigned long indx;
- indx = aux.x_csect.x_scnlen.l;
- if (indx < obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd))
- {
- long symindx;
- symindx = finfo->sym_indices[indx];
- if (symindx < 0)
- aux.x_sym.x_tagndx.l = 0;
- else
- aux.x_sym.x_tagndx.l = symindx;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (isymp->n_sclass != C_STAT || isymp->n_type != T_NULL)
- {
- unsigned long indx;
- if (ISFCN (isymp->n_type)
- || ISTAG (isymp->n_sclass)
- || isymp->n_sclass == C_BLOCK)
- {
- indx = aux.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx.l;
- if (indx > 0
- && indx < obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd))
- {
- /* We look forward through the symbol for
- the index of the next symbol we are going
- to include. I don't know if this is
- entirely right. */
- while (finfo->sym_indices[indx] < 0
- && indx < obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd))
- ++indx;
- if (indx >= obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd))
- indx = output_index;
- else
- indx = finfo->sym_indices[indx];
- aux.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx.l = indx;
- }
- }
- indx = aux.x_sym.x_tagndx.l;
- if (indx > 0 && indx < obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd))
- {
- long symindx;
- symindx = finfo->sym_indices[indx];
- if (symindx < 0)
- aux.x_sym.x_tagndx.l = 0;
- else
- aux.x_sym.x_tagndx.l = symindx;
- }
- }
- /* Copy over the line numbers, unless we are stripping
- them. We do this on a symbol by symbol basis in
- order to more easily handle garbage collection. */
- if ((isymp->n_sclass == C_EXT
- || isymp->n_sclass == C_HIDEXT)
- && i == 0
- && isymp->n_numaux > 1
- && ISFCN (isymp->n_type)
- && aux.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr != 0)
- {
- if (finfo->info->strip != strip_none
- && finfo->info->strip != strip_some)
- aux.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr = 0;
- else
- {
- asection *enclosing;
- unsigned int enc_count;
- bfd_size_type linoff;
- struct internal_lineno lin;
- o = *csectpp;
- enclosing = xcoff_section_data (abfd, o)->enclosing;
- enc_count = xcoff_section_data (abfd, o)->lineno_count;
- if (oline != enclosing)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (input_bfd,
- enclosing->line_filepos,
- SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_read (finfo->linenos, linesz,
- enc_count, input_bfd)
- != linesz * enc_count))
- return false;
- oline = enclosing;
- }
- linoff = (aux.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr
- - enclosing->line_filepos);
- bfd_coff_swap_lineno_in (input_bfd,
- (PTR) (finfo->linenos + linoff),
- (PTR) &lin);
- if (lin.l_lnno != 0
- || ((bfd_size_type) lin.l_addr.l_symndx
- != ((esym
- - isymesz
- - ((bfd_byte *)
- obj_coff_external_syms (input_bfd)))
- / isymesz)))
- aux.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr = 0;
- else
- {
- bfd_byte *linpend, *linp;
- bfd_vma offset;
- bfd_size_type count;
- lin.l_addr.l_symndx = *indexp;
- bfd_coff_swap_lineno_out (output_bfd, (PTR) &lin,
- (PTR) (finfo->linenos
- + linoff));
- linpend = (finfo->linenos
- + enc_count * linesz);
- offset = (o->output_section->vma
- + o->output_offset
- - o->vma);
- for (linp = finfo->linenos + linoff + linesz;
- linp < linpend;
- linp += linesz)
- {
- bfd_coff_swap_lineno_in (input_bfd, (PTR) linp,
- (PTR) &lin);
- if (lin.l_lnno == 0)
- break;
- lin.l_addr.l_paddr += offset;
- bfd_coff_swap_lineno_out (output_bfd,
- (PTR) &lin,
- (PTR) linp);
- }
- count = (linp - (finfo->linenos + linoff)) / linesz;
- aux.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr =
- (o->output_section->line_filepos
- + o->output_section->lineno_count * linesz);
- if (bfd_seek (output_bfd,
- aux.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr,
- SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_write (finfo->linenos + linoff,
- linesz, count, output_bfd)
- != linesz * count))
- return false;
- o->output_section->lineno_count += count;
- if (incls > 0)
- {
- struct internal_syment *iisp, *iispend;
- long *iindp;
- bfd_byte *oos;
- /* Update any C_BINCL or C_EINCL symbols
- that refer to a line number in the
- range we just output. */
- iisp = finfo->internal_syms;
- iispend = (iisp
- + obj_raw_syment_count (input_bfd));
- iindp = finfo->sym_indices;
- oos = finfo->outsyms;
- while (iisp < iispend)
- {
- if ((iisp->n_sclass == C_BINCL
- || iisp->n_sclass == C_EINCL)
- && ((bfd_size_type) iisp->n_value
- >= enclosing->line_filepos + linoff)
- && ((bfd_size_type) iisp->n_value
- < (enclosing->line_filepos
- + enc_count * linesz)))
- {
- struct internal_syment iis;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_in (output_bfd,
- (PTR) oos,
- (PTR) &iis);
- iis.n_value =
- (iisp->n_value
- - enclosing->line_filepos
- - linoff
- + aux.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr);
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (output_bfd,
- (PTR) &iis,
- (PTR) oos);
- --incls;
- }
- iisp += iisp->n_numaux + 1;
- iindp += iisp->n_numaux + 1;
- oos += (iisp->n_numaux + 1) * osymesz;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_out (output_bfd, (PTR) &aux, isymp->n_type,
- isymp->n_sclass, i, isymp->n_numaux,
- (PTR) outsym);
- outsym += osymesz;
- esym += isymesz;
- }
- }
- indexp += add;
- isymp += add;
- csectpp += add;
- }
- /* If we swapped out a C_FILE symbol, guess that the next C_FILE
- symbol will be the first symbol in the next input file. In the
- normal case, this will save us from writing out the C_FILE symbol
- again. */
- if (finfo->last_file_index != -1
- && (bfd_size_type) finfo->last_file_index >= syment_base)
- {
- finfo->last_file.n_value = output_index;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (output_bfd, (PTR) &finfo->last_file,
- (PTR) (finfo->outsyms
- + ((finfo->last_file_index - syment_base)
- * osymesz)));
- }
- /* Write the modified symbols to the output file. */
- if (outsym > finfo->outsyms)
- {
- if (bfd_seek (output_bfd,
- obj_sym_filepos (output_bfd) + syment_base * osymesz,
- SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_write (finfo->outsyms, outsym - finfo->outsyms, 1,
- output_bfd)
- != (bfd_size_type) (outsym - finfo->outsyms)))
- return false;
- BFD_ASSERT ((obj_raw_syment_count (output_bfd)
- + (outsym - finfo->outsyms) / osymesz)
- == output_index);
- obj_raw_syment_count (output_bfd) = output_index;
- }
- /* Don't let the linker relocation routines discard the symbols. */
- keep_syms = obj_coff_keep_syms (input_bfd);
- obj_coff_keep_syms (input_bfd) = true;
- /* Relocate the contents of each section. */
- for (o = input_bfd->sections; o != NULL; o = o->next)
- {
- bfd_byte *contents;
- if ((o->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) == 0
- || o->_raw_size == 0
- || (o->flags & SEC_IN_MEMORY) != 0)
- continue;
- /* We have set filepos correctly for the sections we created to
- represent csects, so bfd_get_section_contents should work. */
- if (coff_section_data (input_bfd, o) != NULL
- && coff_section_data (input_bfd, o)->contents != NULL)
- contents = coff_section_data (input_bfd, o)->contents;
- else
- {
- if (! bfd_get_section_contents (input_bfd, o, finfo->contents,
- (file_ptr) 0, o->_raw_size))
- return false;
- contents = finfo->contents;
- }
- if ((o->flags & SEC_RELOC) != 0)
- {
- int target_index;
- struct internal_reloc *internal_relocs;
- struct internal_reloc *irel;
- bfd_vma offset;
- struct internal_reloc *irelend;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry **rel_hash;
- long r_symndx;
- /* Read in the relocs. */
- target_index = o->output_section->target_index;
- internal_relocs = (xcoff_read_internal_relocs
- (input_bfd, o, false, finfo->external_relocs,
- true,
- (finfo->section_info[target_index].relocs
- + o->output_section->reloc_count)));
- if (internal_relocs == NULL)
- return false;
- /* Call processor specific code to relocate the section
- contents. */
- if (! bfd_coff_relocate_section (output_bfd, finfo->info,
- input_bfd, o,
- contents,
- internal_relocs,
- finfo->internal_syms,
- xcoff_data (input_bfd)->csects))
- return false;
- offset = o->output_section->vma + o->output_offset - o->vma;
- irel = internal_relocs;
- irelend = irel + o->reloc_count;
- rel_hash = (finfo->section_info[target_index].rel_hashes
- + o->output_section->reloc_count);
- for (; irel < irelend; irel++, rel_hash++)
- {
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h = NULL;
- struct internal_ldrel ldrel;
- *rel_hash = NULL;
- /* Adjust the reloc address and symbol index. */
- irel->r_vaddr += offset;
- r_symndx = irel->r_symndx;
- if (r_symndx != -1)
- {
- h = obj_xcoff_sym_hashes (input_bfd)[r_symndx];
- if (h != NULL
- && (irel->r_type == R_TOC
- || irel->r_type == R_GL
- || irel->r_type == R_TCL
- || irel->r_type == R_TRL
- || irel->r_type == R_TRLA))
- {
- /* This is a TOC relative reloc with a symbol
- attached. The symbol should be the one which
- this reloc is for. We want to make this
- reloc against the TOC address of the symbol,
- not the symbol itself. */
- BFD_ASSERT (h->toc_section != NULL);
- BFD_ASSERT ((h->flags & XCOFF_SET_TOC) == 0);
- if (h->u.toc_indx != -1)
- irel->r_symndx = h->u.toc_indx;
- else
- {
- struct xcoff_toc_rel_hash *n;
- struct xcoff_link_section_info *si;
- n = ((struct xcoff_toc_rel_hash *)
- bfd_alloc (finfo->output_bfd,
- sizeof (struct xcoff_toc_rel_hash)));
- if (n == NULL)
- return false;
- si = finfo->section_info + target_index;
- n->next = si->toc_rel_hashes;
- n->h = h;
- n->rel = irel;
- si->toc_rel_hashes = n;
- }
- }
- else if (h != NULL)
- {
- /* This is a global symbol. */
- if (h->indx >= 0)
- irel->r_symndx = h->indx;
- else
- {
- /* This symbol is being written at the end
- of the file, and we do not yet know the
- symbol index. We save the pointer to the
- hash table entry in the rel_hash list.
- We set the indx field to -2 to indicate
- that this symbol must not be stripped. */
- *rel_hash = h;
- h->indx = -2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- long indx;
- indx = finfo->sym_indices[r_symndx];
- if (indx == -1)
- {
- struct internal_syment *is;
- /* Relocations against a TC0 TOC anchor are
- automatically transformed to be against
- the TOC anchor in the output file. */
- is = finfo->internal_syms + r_symndx;
- if (is->n_sclass == C_HIDEXT
- && is->n_numaux > 0)
- {
- PTR auxptr;
- union internal_auxent aux;
- auxptr = ((PTR)
- (((bfd_byte *)
- obj_coff_external_syms (input_bfd))
- + ((r_symndx + is->n_numaux)
- * isymesz)));
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_in (input_bfd, auxptr,
- is->n_type, is->n_sclass,
- is->n_numaux - 1,
- is->n_numaux,
- (PTR) &aux);
- if (SMTYP_SMTYP (aux.x_csect.x_smtyp) == XTY_SD
- && aux.x_csect.x_smclas == XMC_TC0)
- indx = finfo->toc_symindx;
- }
- }
- if (indx != -1)
- irel->r_symndx = indx;
- else
- {
- struct internal_syment *is;
- const char *name;
- char buf[SYMNMLEN + 1];
- /* This reloc is against a symbol we are
- stripping. It would be possible to handle
- this case, but I don't think it's worth it. */
- is = finfo->internal_syms + r_symndx;
- name = (_bfd_coff_internal_syment_name
- (input_bfd, is, buf));
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- if (! ((*finfo->info->callbacks->unattached_reloc)
- (finfo->info, name, input_bfd, o,
- irel->r_vaddr)))
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- switch (irel->r_type)
- {
- default:
- if (h == NULL
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common)
- break;
- /* Fall through. */
- case R_POS:
- case R_NEG:
- case R_RL:
- case R_RLA:
- /* This reloc needs to be copied into the .loader
- section. */
- ldrel.l_vaddr = irel->r_vaddr;
- if (r_symndx == -1)
- ldrel.l_symndx = -1;
- else if (h == NULL
- || (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common))
- {
- asection *sec;
- if (h == NULL)
- sec = xcoff_data (input_bfd)->csects[r_symndx];
- else if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common)
- sec = h->root.u.c.p->section;
- else
- sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- sec = sec->output_section;
- if (strcmp (sec->name, ".text") == 0)
- ldrel.l_symndx = 0;
- else if (strcmp (sec->name, ".data") == 0)
- ldrel.l_symndx = 1;
- else if (strcmp (sec->name, ".bss") == 0)
- ldrel.l_symndx = 2;
- else
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: loader reloc in unrecognized section `%s'",
- bfd_get_filename (input_bfd),
- sec->name);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_nonrepresentable_section);
- return false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (h->ldindx < 0)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: `%s' in loader reloc but not loader sym",
- bfd_get_filename (input_bfd),
- h->root.root.string);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- ldrel.l_symndx = h->ldindx;
- }
- ldrel.l_rtype = (irel->r_size << 8) | irel->r_type;
- ldrel.l_rsecnm = o->output_section->target_index;
- if (xcoff_hash_table (finfo->info)->textro
- && strcmp (o->output_section->name, ".text") == 0)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: loader reloc in read-only section %s",
- bfd_get_filename (input_bfd),
- bfd_get_section_name (finfo->output_bfd,
- o->output_section));
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
- return false;
- }
- xcoff_swap_ldrel_out (output_bfd, &ldrel,
- finfo->ldrel);
- BFD_ASSERT (sizeof (struct external_ldrel) == LDRELSZ);
- ++finfo->ldrel;
- break;
- case R_TOC:
- case R_GL:
- case R_TCL:
- case R_TRL:
- case R_TRLA:
- /* We should never need a .loader reloc for a TOC
- relative reloc. */
- break;
- }
- }
- o->output_section->reloc_count += o->reloc_count;
- }
- /* Write out the modified section contents. */
- if (! bfd_set_section_contents (output_bfd, o->output_section,
- contents, o->output_offset,
- (o->_cooked_size != 0
- ? o->_cooked_size
- : o->_raw_size)))
- return false;
- }
- obj_coff_keep_syms (input_bfd) = keep_syms;
- if (! finfo->info->keep_memory)
- {
- if (! _bfd_coff_free_symbols (input_bfd))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-#undef N_TMASK
-#undef N_BTSHFT
-/* Write out a non-XCOFF global symbol. */
-static boolean
-xcoff_write_global_symbol (h, p)
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- PTR p;
- struct xcoff_final_link_info *finfo = (struct xcoff_final_link_info *) p;
- bfd *output_bfd;
- bfd_byte *outsym;
- struct internal_syment isym;
- union internal_auxent aux;
- output_bfd = finfo->output_bfd;
- /* If this symbol was garbage collected, just skip it. */
- if (xcoff_hash_table (finfo->info)->gc
- && (h->flags & XCOFF_MARK) == 0)
- return true;
- /* If we need a .loader section entry, write it out. */
- if (h->ldsym != NULL)
- {
- struct internal_ldsym *ldsym;
- bfd *impbfd;
- ldsym = h->ldsym;
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- {
- ldsym->l_value = 0;
- ldsym->l_scnum = N_UNDEF;
- ldsym->l_smtype = XTY_ER;
- impbfd = h->root.u.undef.abfd;
- }
- else if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- asection *sec;
- sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- ldsym->l_value = (sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset
- + h->root.u.def.value);
- ldsym->l_scnum = sec->output_section->target_index;
- ldsym->l_smtype = XTY_SD;
- impbfd = sec->owner;
- }
- else
- abort ();
- if (((h->flags & XCOFF_DEF_REGULAR) == 0
- && (h->flags & XCOFF_DEF_DYNAMIC) != 0)
- || (h->flags & XCOFF_IMPORT) != 0)
- ldsym->l_smtype |= L_IMPORT;
- if (((h->flags & XCOFF_DEF_REGULAR) != 0
- && (h->flags & XCOFF_DEF_DYNAMIC) != 0)
- || (h->flags & XCOFF_EXPORT) != 0)
- ldsym->l_smtype |= L_EXPORT;
- if ((h->flags & XCOFF_ENTRY) != 0)
- ldsym->l_smtype |= L_ENTRY;
- ldsym->l_smclas = h->smclas;
- if (ldsym->l_ifile == (bfd_size_type) -1)
- ldsym->l_ifile = 0;
- else if (ldsym->l_ifile == 0)
- {
- if ((ldsym->l_smtype & L_IMPORT) == 0)
- ldsym->l_ifile = 0;
- else if (impbfd == NULL)
- ldsym->l_ifile = 0;
- else
- {
- BFD_ASSERT (impbfd->xvec == output_bfd->xvec);
- ldsym->l_ifile = xcoff_data (impbfd)->import_file_id;
- }
- }
- ldsym->l_parm = 0;
- BFD_ASSERT (h->ldindx >= 0);
- BFD_ASSERT (LDSYMSZ == sizeof (struct external_ldsym));
- xcoff_swap_ldsym_out (output_bfd, ldsym, finfo->ldsym + h->ldindx - 3);
- h->ldsym = NULL;
- }
- /* If this symbol needs global linkage code, write it out. */
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- && (h->root.u.def.section
- == xcoff_hash_table (finfo->info)->linkage_section))
- {
- bfd_byte *p;
- bfd_vma tocoff;
- unsigned int i;
- p = h->root.u.def.section->contents + h->root.u.def.value;
- /* The first instruction in the global linkage code loads a
- specific TOC element. */
- tocoff = (h->descriptor->toc_section->output_section->vma
- + h->descriptor->toc_section->output_offset
- - xcoff_data (output_bfd)->toc);
- if ((h->descriptor->flags & XCOFF_SET_TOC) != 0)
- tocoff += h->descriptor->u.toc_offset;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, XCOFF_GLINK_FIRST | (tocoff & 0xffff), p);
- for (i = 0, p += 4;
- i < sizeof xcoff_glink_code / sizeof xcoff_glink_code[0];
- i++, p += 4)
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, xcoff_glink_code[i], p);
- }
- /* If we created a TOC entry for this symbol, write out the required
- relocs. */
- if ((h->flags & XCOFF_SET_TOC) != 0)
- {
- asection *tocsec;
- asection *osec;
- int oindx;
- struct internal_reloc *irel;
- struct internal_ldrel ldrel;
- tocsec = h->toc_section;
- osec = tocsec->output_section;
- oindx = osec->target_index;
- irel = finfo->section_info[oindx].relocs + osec->reloc_count;
- irel->r_vaddr = (osec->vma
- + tocsec->output_offset
- + h->u.toc_offset);
- if (h->indx >= 0)
- irel->r_symndx = h->indx;
- else
- {
- h->indx = -2;
- irel->r_symndx = obj_raw_syment_count (output_bfd);
- }
- irel->r_type = R_POS;
- irel->r_size = 31;
- finfo->section_info[oindx].rel_hashes[osec->reloc_count] = NULL;
- ++osec->reloc_count;
- BFD_ASSERT (h->ldindx >= 0);
- ldrel.l_vaddr = irel->r_vaddr;
- ldrel.l_symndx = h->ldindx;
- ldrel.l_rtype = (31 << 8) | R_POS;
- ldrel.l_rsecnm = oindx;
- xcoff_swap_ldrel_out (output_bfd, &ldrel, finfo->ldrel);
- ++finfo->ldrel;
- }
- /* If this symbol is a specially defined function descriptor, write
- it out. The first word is the address of the function code
- itself, the second word is the address of the TOC, and the third
- word is zero. */
- if ((h->flags & XCOFF_DESCRIPTOR) != 0
- && h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- && (h->root.u.def.section
- == xcoff_hash_table (finfo->info)->descriptor_section))
- {
- asection *sec;
- asection *osec;
- int oindx;
- bfd_byte *p;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *hentry;
- asection *esec;
- struct internal_reloc *irel;
- struct internal_ldrel ldrel;
- asection *tsec;
- sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- osec = sec->output_section;
- oindx = osec->target_index;
- p = sec->contents + h->root.u.def.value;
- hentry = h->descriptor;
- BFD_ASSERT (hentry != NULL
- && (hentry->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || hentry->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak));
- esec = hentry->root.u.def.section;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
- (esec->output_section->vma
- + esec->output_offset
- + hentry->root.u.def.value),
- p);
- irel = finfo->section_info[oindx].relocs + osec->reloc_count;
- irel->r_vaddr = (osec->vma
- + sec->output_offset
- + h->root.u.def.value);
- irel->r_symndx = esec->output_section->target_index;
- irel->r_type = R_POS;
- irel->r_size = 31;
- finfo->section_info[oindx].rel_hashes[osec->reloc_count] = NULL;
- ++osec->reloc_count;
- ldrel.l_vaddr = irel->r_vaddr;
- if (strcmp (esec->output_section->name, ".text") == 0)
- ldrel.l_symndx = 0;
- else if (strcmp (esec->output_section->name, ".data") == 0)
- ldrel.l_symndx = 1;
- else if (strcmp (esec->output_section->name, ".bss") == 0)
- ldrel.l_symndx = 2;
- else
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: loader reloc in unrecognized section `%s'",
- bfd_get_filename (output_bfd),
- esec->output_section->name);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_nonrepresentable_section);
- return false;
- }
- ldrel.l_rtype = (31 << 8) | R_POS;
- ldrel.l_rsecnm = oindx;
- xcoff_swap_ldrel_out (output_bfd, &ldrel, finfo->ldrel);
- ++finfo->ldrel;
- bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, xcoff_data (output_bfd)->toc, p + 4);
- tsec = coff_section_from_bfd_index (output_bfd,
- xcoff_data (output_bfd)->sntoc);
- ++irel;
- irel->r_vaddr = (osec->vma
- + sec->output_offset
- + h->root.u.def.value
- + 4);
- irel->r_symndx = tsec->output_section->target_index;
- irel->r_type = R_POS;
- irel->r_size = 31;
- finfo->section_info[oindx].rel_hashes[osec->reloc_count] = NULL;
- ++osec->reloc_count;
- ldrel.l_vaddr = irel->r_vaddr;
- if (strcmp (tsec->output_section->name, ".text") == 0)
- ldrel.l_symndx = 0;
- else if (strcmp (tsec->output_section->name, ".data") == 0)
- ldrel.l_symndx = 1;
- else if (strcmp (tsec->output_section->name, ".bss") == 0)
- ldrel.l_symndx = 2;
- else
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: loader reloc in unrecognized section `%s'",
- bfd_get_filename (output_bfd),
- tsec->output_section->name);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_nonrepresentable_section);
- return false;
- }
- ldrel.l_rtype = (31 << 8) | R_POS;
- ldrel.l_rsecnm = oindx;
- xcoff_swap_ldrel_out (output_bfd, &ldrel, finfo->ldrel);
- ++finfo->ldrel;
- }
- if (h->indx >= 0)
- return true;
- if (h->indx != -2
- && (finfo->info->strip == strip_all
- || (finfo->info->strip == strip_some
- && (bfd_hash_lookup (finfo->info->keep_hash,
- h->root.root.string, false, false)
- == NULL))))
- return true;
- if (h->indx != -2
- && (h->flags & (XCOFF_REF_REGULAR | XCOFF_DEF_REGULAR)) == 0)
- return true;
- outsym = finfo->outsyms;
- memset (&aux, 0, sizeof aux);
- h->indx = obj_raw_syment_count (output_bfd);
- if (strlen (h->root.root.string) <= SYMNMLEN)
- strncpy (isym._n._n_name, h->root.root.string, SYMNMLEN);
- else
- {
- boolean hash;
- bfd_size_type indx;
- hash = true;
- if ((output_bfd->flags & BFD_TRADITIONAL_FORMAT) != 0)
- hash = false;
- indx = _bfd_stringtab_add (finfo->strtab, h->root.root.string, hash,
- false);
- if (indx == (bfd_size_type) -1)
- return false;
- isym._n._n_n._n_zeroes = 0;
- isym._n._n_n._n_offset = STRING_SIZE_SIZE + indx;
- }
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
- {
- isym.n_value = 0;
- isym.n_scnum = N_UNDEF;
- isym.n_sclass = C_EXT;
- aux.x_csect.x_smtyp = XTY_ER;
- }
- else if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- struct xcoff_link_size_list *l;
- isym.n_value = (h->root.u.def.section->output_section->vma
- + h->root.u.def.section->output_offset
- + h->root.u.def.value);
- isym.n_scnum = h->root.u.def.section->output_section->target_index;
- isym.n_sclass = C_HIDEXT;
- aux.x_csect.x_smtyp = XTY_SD;
- if ((h->flags & XCOFF_HAS_SIZE) != 0)
- {
- for (l = xcoff_hash_table (finfo->info)->size_list;
- l != NULL;
- l = l->next)
- {
- if (l->h == h)
- {
- aux.x_csect.x_scnlen.l = l->size;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common)
- {
- isym.n_value = (h->root.u.c.p->section->output_section->vma
- + h->root.u.c.p->section->output_offset);
- isym.n_scnum = h->root.u.c.p->section->output_section->target_index;
- isym.n_sclass = C_EXT;
- aux.x_csect.x_smtyp = XTY_CM;
- aux.x_csect.x_scnlen.l = h->root.u.c.size;
- }
- else
- abort ();
- isym.n_type = T_NULL;
- isym.n_numaux = 1;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (output_bfd, (PTR) &isym, (PTR) outsym);
- outsym += bfd_coff_symesz (output_bfd);
- aux.x_csect.x_smclas = h->smclas;
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_out (output_bfd, (PTR) &aux, T_NULL, isym.n_sclass, 0, 1,
- (PTR) outsym);
- outsym += bfd_coff_auxesz (output_bfd);
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- /* We just output an SD symbol. Now output an LD symbol. */
- h->indx += 2;
- isym.n_sclass = C_EXT;
- bfd_coff_swap_sym_out (output_bfd, (PTR) &isym, (PTR) outsym);
- outsym += bfd_coff_symesz (output_bfd);
- aux.x_csect.x_smtyp = XTY_LD;
- aux.x_csect.x_scnlen.l = obj_raw_syment_count (output_bfd);
- bfd_coff_swap_aux_out (output_bfd, (PTR) &aux, T_NULL, C_EXT, 0, 1,
- (PTR) outsym);
- outsym += bfd_coff_auxesz (output_bfd);
- }
- if (bfd_seek (output_bfd,
- (obj_sym_filepos (output_bfd)
- + (obj_raw_syment_count (output_bfd)
- * bfd_coff_symesz (output_bfd))),
- SEEK_SET) != 0
- || (bfd_write (finfo->outsyms, outsym - finfo->outsyms, 1, output_bfd)
- != (bfd_size_type) (outsym - finfo->outsyms)))
- return false;
- obj_raw_syment_count (output_bfd) +=
- (outsym - finfo->outsyms) / bfd_coff_symesz (output_bfd);
- return true;
-/* Handle a link order which is supposed to generate a reloc. */
-static boolean
-xcoff_reloc_link_order (output_bfd, finfo, output_section, link_order)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct xcoff_final_link_info *finfo;
- asection *output_section;
- struct bfd_link_order *link_order;
- reloc_howto_type *howto;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- asection *hsec;
- bfd_vma hval;
- bfd_vma addend;
- struct internal_reloc *irel;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry **rel_hash_ptr;
- struct internal_ldrel ldrel;
- if (link_order->type == bfd_section_reloc_link_order)
- {
- /* We need to somehow locate a symbol in the right section. The
- symbol must either have a value of zero, or we must adjust
- the addend by the value of the symbol. FIXME: Write this
- when we need it. The old linker couldn't handle this anyhow. */
- abort ();
- }
- howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (output_bfd, link_order->u.reloc.p->reloc);
- if (howto == NULL)
- {
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- h = ((struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *)
- bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup (output_bfd, finfo->info,
- link_order->u.reloc.p->,
- false, false, true));
- if (h == NULL)
- {
- if (! ((*finfo->info->callbacks->unattached_reloc)
- (finfo->info, link_order->u.reloc.p->, (bfd *) NULL,
- (asection *) NULL, (bfd_vma) 0)))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common)
- {
- hsec = h->root.u.c.p->section;
- hval = 0;
- }
- else if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- hsec = h->root.u.def.section;
- hval = h->root.u.def.value;
- }
- else
- {
- hsec = NULL;
- hval = 0;
- }
- addend = link_order->u.reloc.p->addend;
- if (hsec != NULL)
- addend += (hsec->output_section->vma
- + hsec->output_offset
- + hval);
- if (addend != 0)
- {
- bfd_size_type size;
- bfd_byte *buf;
- bfd_reloc_status_type rstat;
- boolean ok;
- size = bfd_get_reloc_size (howto);
- buf = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zmalloc (size);
- if (buf == NULL)
- return false;
- rstat = _bfd_relocate_contents (howto, output_bfd, addend, buf);
- switch (rstat)
- {
- case bfd_reloc_ok:
- break;
- default:
- case bfd_reloc_outofrange:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- if (! ((*finfo->info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (finfo->info, link_order->u.reloc.p->,
- howto->name, addend, (bfd *) NULL, (asection *) NULL,
- (bfd_vma) 0)))
- {
- free (buf);
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- ok = bfd_set_section_contents (output_bfd, output_section, (PTR) buf,
- (file_ptr) link_order->offset, size);
- free (buf);
- if (! ok)
- return false;
- }
- /* Store the reloc information in the right place. It will get
- swapped and written out at the end of the final_link routine. */
- irel = (finfo->section_info[output_section->target_index].relocs
- + output_section->reloc_count);
- rel_hash_ptr = (finfo->section_info[output_section->target_index].rel_hashes
- + output_section->reloc_count);
- memset (irel, 0, sizeof (struct internal_reloc));
- *rel_hash_ptr = NULL;
- irel->r_vaddr = output_section->vma + link_order->offset;
- if (h->indx >= 0)
- irel->r_symndx = h->indx;
- else
- {
- /* Set the index to -2 to force this symbol to get written out. */
- h->indx = -2;
- *rel_hash_ptr = h;
- irel->r_symndx = 0;
- }
- irel->r_type = howto->type;
- irel->r_size = howto->bitsize - 1;
- if (howto->complain_on_overflow == complain_overflow_signed)
- irel->r_size |= 0x80;
- ++output_section->reloc_count;
- /* Now output the reloc to the .loader section. */
- ldrel.l_vaddr = irel->r_vaddr;
- if (hsec != NULL)
- {
- const char *secname;
- secname = hsec->output_section->name;
- if (strcmp (secname, ".text") == 0)
- ldrel.l_symndx = 0;
- else if (strcmp (secname, ".data") == 0)
- ldrel.l_symndx = 1;
- else if (strcmp (secname, ".bss") == 0)
- ldrel.l_symndx = 2;
- else
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: loader reloc in unrecognized section `%s'",
- bfd_get_filename (output_bfd), secname);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_nonrepresentable_section);
- return false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (h->ldindx < 0)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: `%s' in loader reloc but not loader sym",
- bfd_get_filename (output_bfd),
- h->root.root.string);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- ldrel.l_symndx = h->ldindx;
- }
- ldrel.l_rtype = (irel->r_size << 8) | irel->r_type;
- ldrel.l_rsecnm = output_section->target_index;
- xcoff_swap_ldrel_out (output_bfd, &ldrel, finfo->ldrel);
- ++finfo->ldrel;
- return true;
-/* Sort relocs by VMA. This is called via qsort. */
-static int
-xcoff_sort_relocs (p1, p2)
- const PTR p1;
- const PTR p2;
- const struct internal_reloc *r1 = (const struct internal_reloc *) p1;
- const struct internal_reloc *r2 = (const struct internal_reloc *) p2;
- if (r1->r_vaddr > r2->r_vaddr)
- return 1;
- else if (r1->r_vaddr < r2->r_vaddr)
- return -1;
- else
- return 0;
-/* This is the relocation function for the RS/6000/POWER/PowerPC.
- This is currently the only processor which uses XCOFF; I hope that
- will never change. */
-_bfd_ppc_xcoff_relocate_section (output_bfd, info, input_bfd,
- input_section, contents, relocs, syms,
- sections)
- bfd *output_bfd;
- struct bfd_link_info *info;
- bfd *input_bfd;
- asection *input_section;
- bfd_byte *contents;
- struct internal_reloc *relocs;
- struct internal_syment *syms;
- asection **sections;
- struct internal_reloc *rel;
- struct internal_reloc *relend;
- rel = relocs;
- relend = rel + input_section->reloc_count;
- for (; rel < relend; rel++)
- {
- long symndx;
- struct xcoff_link_hash_entry *h;
- struct internal_syment *sym;
- bfd_vma addend;
- bfd_vma val;
- struct reloc_howto_struct howto;
- bfd_reloc_status_type rstat;
- /* Relocation type R_REF is a special relocation type which is
- merely used to prevent garbage collection from occurring for
- the csect including the symbol which it references. */
- if (rel->r_type == R_REF)
- continue;
- symndx = rel->r_symndx;
- if (symndx == -1)
- {
- h = NULL;
- sym = NULL;
- addend = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- h = obj_xcoff_sym_hashes (input_bfd)[symndx];
- sym = syms + symndx;
- addend = - sym->n_value;
- }
- /* We build the howto information on the fly. */
- howto.type = rel->r_type;
- howto.rightshift = 0;
- howto.size = 2;
- howto.bitsize = (rel->r_size & 0x1f) + 1;
- howto.pc_relative = false;
- howto.bitpos = 0;
- if ((rel->r_size & 0x80) != 0)
- howto.complain_on_overflow = complain_overflow_signed;
- else
- howto.complain_on_overflow = complain_overflow_bitfield;
- howto.special_function = NULL;
- = "internal";
- howto.partial_inplace = true;
- if (howto.bitsize == 32)
- howto.src_mask = howto.dst_mask = 0xffffffff;
- else
- {
- howto.src_mask = howto.dst_mask = (1 << howto.bitsize) - 1;
- if (howto.bitsize == 16)
- howto.size = 1;
- }
- howto.pcrel_offset = false;
- val = 0;
- if (h == NULL)
- {
- asection *sec;
- if (symndx == -1)
- {
- sec = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
- val = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- sec = sections[symndx];
- /* Hack to make sure we use the right TOC anchor value
- if this reloc is against the TOC anchor. */
- if (sec->name[3] == '0'
- && strcmp (sec->name, ".tc0") == 0)
- val = xcoff_data (output_bfd)->toc;
- else
- val = (sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset
- + sym->n_value
- - sec->vma);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
- {
- asection *sec;
- sec = h->root.u.def.section;
- val = (h->root.u.def.value
- + sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset);
- }
- else if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common)
- {
- asection *sec;
- sec = h->root.u.c.p->section;
- val = (sec->output_section->vma
- + sec->output_offset);
- }
- else if ((h->flags & XCOFF_DEF_DYNAMIC) != 0
- || (h->flags & XCOFF_IMPORT) != 0)
- {
- /* Every symbol in a shared object is defined somewhere. */
- val = 0;
- }
- else if (! info->relocateable
- && ! info->shared)
- {
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->undefined_symbol)
- (info, h->root.root.string, input_bfd, input_section,
- rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- }
- }
- /* I took the relocation type definitions from two documents:
- the PowerPC AIX Version 4 Application Binary Interface, First
- Edition (April 1992), and the PowerOpen ABI, Big-Endian
- 32-Bit Hardware Implementation (June 30, 1994). Differences
- between the documents are noted below. */
- switch (rel->r_type)
- {
- case R_RTB:
- case R_RRTBI:
- case R_RRTBA:
- /* These relocs are defined by the PowerPC ABI to be
- relative branches which use half of the difference
- between the symbol and the program counter. I can't
- quite figure out when this is useful. These relocs are
- not defined by the PowerOpen ABI. */
- default:
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: unsupported relocation type 0x%02x",
- bfd_get_filename (input_bfd), (unsigned int) rel->r_type);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- case R_POS:
- /* Simple positive relocation. */
- break;
- case R_NEG:
- /* Simple negative relocation. */
- val = - val;
- break;
- case R_REL:
- /* Simple PC relative relocation. */
- howto.pc_relative = true;
- break;
- case R_TOC:
- /* TOC relative relocation. The value in the instruction in
- the input file is the offset from the input file TOC to
- the desired location. We want the offset from the final
- TOC to the desired location. We have:
- isym = iTOC + in
- iinsn = in + o
- osym = oTOC + on
- oinsn = on + o
- so we must change insn by on - in.
- */
- case R_GL:
- /* Global linkage relocation. The value of this relocation
- is the address of the entry in the TOC section. */
- case R_TCL:
- /* Local object TOC address. I can't figure out the
- difference between this and case R_GL. */
- case R_TRL:
- /* TOC relative relocation. A TOC relative load instruction
- which may be changed to a load address instruction.
- FIXME: We don't currently implement this optimization. */
- case R_TRLA:
- /* TOC relative relocation. This is a TOC relative load
- address instruction which may be changed to a load
- instruction. FIXME: I don't know if this is the correct
- implementation. */
- if (h != NULL && h->toc_section == NULL)
- {
- (*_bfd_error_handler)
- ("%s: TOC reloc at 0x%x to symbol `%s' with no TOC entry",
- bfd_get_filename (input_bfd), rel->r_vaddr,
- h->root.root.string);
- bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
- return false;
- }
- if (h != NULL)
- {
- BFD_ASSERT ((h->flags & XCOFF_SET_TOC) == 0);
- val = (h->toc_section->output_section->vma
- + h->toc_section->output_offset);
- }
- val = ((val - xcoff_data (output_bfd)->toc)
- - (sym->n_value - xcoff_data (input_bfd)->toc));
- addend = 0;
- break;
- case R_BA:
- /* Absolute branch. We don't want to mess with the lower
- two bits of the instruction. */
- case R_CAI:
- /* The PowerPC ABI defines this as an absolute call which
- may be modified to become a relative call. The PowerOpen
- ABI does not define this relocation type. */
- case R_RBA:
- /* Absolute branch which may be modified to become a
- relative branch. */
- case R_RBAC:
- /* The PowerPC ABI defines this as an absolute branch to a
- fixed address which may be modified to an absolute branch
- to a symbol. The PowerOpen ABI does not define this
- relocation type. */
- case R_RBRC:
- /* The PowerPC ABI defines this as an absolute branch to a
- fixed address which may be modified to a relative branch.
- The PowerOpen ABI does not define this relocation type. */
- howto.src_mask &= ~3;
- howto.dst_mask = howto.src_mask;
- break;
- case R_BR:
- /* Relative branch. We don't want to mess with the lower
- two bits of the instruction. */
- case R_CREL:
- /* The PowerPC ABI defines this as a relative call which may
- be modified to become an absolute call. The PowerOpen
- ABI does not define this relocation type. */
- case R_RBR:
- /* A relative branch which may be modified to become an
- absolute branch. FIXME: We don't implement this,
- although we should for symbols of storage mapping class
- XMC_XO. */
- howto.pc_relative = true;
- howto.src_mask &= ~3;
- howto.dst_mask = howto.src_mask;
- break;
- case R_RL:
- /* The PowerPC AIX ABI describes this as a load which may be
- changed to a load address. The PowerOpen ABI says this
- is the same as case R_POS. */
- break;
- case R_RLA:
- /* The PowerPC AIX ABI describes this as a load address
- which may be changed to a load. The PowerOpen ABI says
- this is the same as R_POS. */
- break;
- }
- /* If we see an R_BR or R_RBR reloc which is jumping to global
- linkage code, and it is followed by an appropriate cror nop
- instruction, we replace the cror with lwz r2,20(r1). This
- restores the TOC after the glink code. Contrariwise, if the
- call is followed by a lwz r2,20(r1), but the call is not
- going to global linkage code, we can replace the load with a
- cror. */
- if ((rel->r_type == R_BR || rel->r_type == R_RBR)
- && h != NULL
- && h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
- && (rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma + 8
- <= input_section->_cooked_size))
- {
- bfd_byte *pnext;
- unsigned long next;
- pnext = contents + (rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma) + 4;
- next = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, pnext);
- if (h->smclas == XMC_GL)
- {
- if (next == 0x4def7b82 /* cror 15,15,15 */
- || next == 0x4ffffb82) /* cror 31,31,31 */
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, 0x80410014, pnext); /* lwz r1,20(r1) */
- }
- else
- {
- if (next == 0x80410014) /* lwz r1,20(r1) */
- bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, 0x4ffffb82, pnext); /* cror 31,31,31 */
- }
- }
- /* A PC relative reloc includes the section address. */
- if (howto.pc_relative)
- addend += input_section->vma;
- rstat = _bfd_final_link_relocate (&howto, input_bfd, input_section,
- contents,
- rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma,
- val, addend);
- switch (rstat)
- {
- default:
- abort ();
- case bfd_reloc_ok:
- break;
- case bfd_reloc_overflow:
- {
- const char *name;
- char buf[SYMNMLEN + 1];
- char howto_name[10];
- if (symndx == -1)
- name = "*ABS*";
- else if (h != NULL)
- name = h->root.root.string;
- else
- {
- name = _bfd_coff_internal_syment_name (input_bfd, sym, buf);
- if (name == NULL)
- return false;
- }
- sprintf (howto_name, "0x%02x", rel->r_type);
- if (! ((*info->callbacks->reloc_overflow)
- (info, name, howto_name, (bfd_vma) 0, input_bfd,
- input_section, rel->r_vaddr - input_section->vma)))
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/.gdbinit b/contrib/gdb/gdb/.gdbinit
deleted file mode 100644
index f60802e50093..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/.gdbinit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-echo Setting up the environment for debugging gdb.\n
-set complaints 1
-b fatal
-b info_command
- silent
- return
-dir ../mmalloc
-dir ../libiberty
-dir ../bfd
-set prompt (top-gdb)
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ChangeLog-93 b/contrib/gdb/gdb/ChangeLog-93
deleted file mode 100644
index 463154d9ce83..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ChangeLog-93
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7597 +0,0 @@
-Fri Dec 31 14:33:49 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * nindy-share/nindy.c: Fix order of arguments to store_unsigned_integer
- (second and third arguments were reversed).
- (say): Use varargs.
-Fri Dec 31 12:13:47 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote-mips.c: Add timeout parameter to mips_request and
- mips_receive_packet.
- (callers): pass in mips_receive_wait except mips_initialize (where
- we use it to clean up the kludge where we had been changing
- mips_receive_wait temporarily) and mips_wait (where we pass in
- -1 for no timeout).
-Fri Dec 31 14:33:49 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stack.c (print_block_frame_locals): Also print LOC_BASEREG variables.
-Fri Dec 31 06:55:38 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * symtab.c (find_methods): Call fprintf_symbol_filtered with DMGL_ANSI.
-Thu Dec 30 10:16:54 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * values.c (unpack_long): Fix garbled error message.
- * remote-mips.c (mips_error): New function.
- * remote-mips.c: Use it instead of error() most places.
- * remote-mips.c (mips_receive_packet): New arg throw_error.
- (mips_initialize): Use it not catch_errors.
- * defs.h: Declare error_pre_print and warning_pre_print here...
- * main.c: ...not here.
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_chain): Make static.
- * breakpoint.c, breakpoint.h (frame_in_dummy): New function.
- * stack.c (print_frame_info): Use it.
-Thu Dec 30 07:41:36 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * exec.c (add_to_section_table): Check for SEC_ALLOC instead of
- SEC_LOAD to handle .bss segments properly.
-Thu Dec 30 10:16:54 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Enable code which assumes that if
- we jump into the prologue from another function, then it was a
- subroutine call. #if 0 AT_FUNCTION_START; the above code should
- take care of this case.
-Wed Dec 29 12:32:08 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * valprint.c (val_print_string): Change chunksize from 200
- to 8.
- * symfile.c (generic_load): If no arguments, get file name
- from get_exec_file.
- * c-exp.y: Revert Kung's change. "..." is not a type, and the
- change caused "p (...)0" to dump core.
- * gdbtypes.c (check_stub_method): Don't pass "..." to
- parse_and_eval_type. This should fix the bug which Kung was
- trying to fix.
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): If we choose not to combine
- two symbols, don't just ignore the second (LOC_REGISTER) one.
- * printcmd.c (print_frame_args): If we have a LOC_ARG and a
-Tue Dec 28 15:08:00 1993 Fred Fish (
- * solib.c (DEBUG_BASE): Remove macro and all references.
- * solib.c (debug_base_symbols): Add array of symbols to lookup.
- * solib.c (IGNORE_FIRST_LINK_MAP_ENTRY): Add macro.
- * solib.c (look_for_base, locate_base): Use debug_base_symbols.
- * solib.c (find_solib): Use IGNORE_FIRST_LINK_MAP_ENTRY.
-Tue Dec 28 12:06:57 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * c-exp.y : fix grammar to parse ellipsis (...)
-Mon Dec 27 18:42:14 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * stabsread.c (read_type): fix problem when reading static member
- of a class. caused by change to allow :: inside template
- instantiated name.
-Mon Dec 27 11:07:05 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * gdbtypes.h: Expand on comments for TYPE_CODE_BITSTRING and
- * m68k-tdep.c (m68k_skip_prologue, m68k_find_saved_regs):
- Allow pea %fp; move.l %sp, %fp instead of link instruction to
- set up the new frame.
- * main.c (init_main): Change "set remotedebug" back to var_zinteger
- from var_boolean.
- * c-exp.y (yylex): Don't try to deal with nested types.
- * cp-valprint.c (cplus_print_value): Call check_stub_type on
- TYPE_BASECLASS (type, i) before we look at its name.
- * dbxread.c: Move default definition of GCC_COMPILED_FLAG_SYMBOL
- from here . . .
- * symtab.h: . . . to here.
- * dbxread.c (record_minimal_symbol): Move check for gcc{,2}_compiled.
- and __gnu_compiled* from here . . .
- * minsyms.c (prim_record_minimal_symbol_and_info): . . . to here.
- * minsyms.c (prim_record_minimal_symbol): Call
- prim_record_minimal_symbol_and_info rather than duplicating code.
- * minsyms.c, symtab.h (prim_record_minimal_symbol{,_and_info}),
- coffread.c (record_minimal_symbol),
- xcoffread.c (RECORD_MINIMAL_SYMBOL), callers: Add objfile parameter.
-Sun Dec 26 20:44:02 1993 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): Handle stabs-in-som just like
- stabs-in-elf.
- (pastab_build_psymtabs): Likewise.
- * hppa-tdep.c: Change all comments to reference %r3 or frame
- pointer rather than %r4.
- (frame_chain, skip_prologue, dig_rp_from_stack): Handle %r3 as the
- frame pointer.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (FP_REGNUM): Define as %r3.
- (FIND_FRAME_SAVED_REGS): Handle %r3 as frame pointer.
- (CALL_DUMMY): Likewise.
-Sun Dec 26 16:59:39 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * exec.c (exec_file_command): If error occurs after we have opened
- exec_bfd but before we call push_target, make sure to close exec_bfd.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Remove confusing and inaccurate
- stuff about subroutine calls, return, etc., from comment which
- says "We've wandered out of the step range.".
-Sun Dec 26 09:18:10 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): When checking whether the line has
- changed, check the symtab as well.
-Sun Dec 26 09:18:10 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * gdbtypes.c (force_to_range_type): Use switch statement.
- complain() not warning() if the TYPE_CODE isn't one we know how to
- deal with gracefully. Use builtin_type_int not
- lookup_fundamental_type (the objfile we passed to
- lookup_fundamental_type was sometimes NULL).
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand, push_word), defs.h (push_word),
- convex-xdep.c, m88k-nat.c, i386m3-nat.c, mips-tdep.c, mipsm3-nat.c,
- ns32km3-nat.c, remote-bug.c, m88k-tdep.c, remote-hms.c, remote-mips.c,
- config/gould/tm-np1.h, hppa-tdep.c (hppa_fix_call_dummy), remote-vx.c:
- Use REGISTER_SIZE, unsigned LONGEST, and
- {store,extract}_unsigned_integer, instead of sizeof
- * All tm.h files: Change REGISTER_TYPE to REGISTER_SIZE.
- * hppa-tdep.c (pa_print_fp_reg): Remove unused variable val.
- * (ALLDEPFILES): Remove i386ly-nat.c and m68kly-nat.c.
- Add lynx-nat.c.
-Sat Dec 25 20:05:41 1993 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (init_extra_frame_info): Correctly adjust the base
- of the current frame when "fromleaf" is true. Do not adjust the
- frame base of the innermost frame if it is a leaf function.
-Sat Dec 25 13:39:21 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): Only combine a p/r pair into a
-Sat Dec 25 09:50:29 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * valops.c (value_struct_elt): Check for (value)-1 return from
- search_struct_method.
-Sat Dec 25 09:50:29 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * defs.h: Move definitions of TARGET_*_BIT after include of tm.h.
- The old way (using #undef in tm.h) was ugly and asking for
- trouble, because it makes it possible for some file to use the
- wrong definition. Move definition of HOST_CHAR_BIT after definition
- * config/alpha/tm-alpha.h, config/h8300/tm-h8300.h,
- config/h8500/tm-h8500.h, config/z8k/tm-z8k.h: Don't undef TARGET_*_BIT
- before defining them.
- * mdebugread.c: Change the builtin_type_* in this file to
- mdebug_type_* and make them static. Use TYPE_CODE_ERROR for
- complex and float decimal.
- * printcmd.c (disassemble_command): Call wrap_here between printing
- address and printing instruction.
-Fri Dec 24 14:23:57 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stabsread.c (read_type): Don't fall through 'S' case (the case it
- was falling though happened to do the right thing ("break;") but that
- is hardly a good thing to assume).
-Tue Dec 21 13:32:02 1993 Per Bothner (
- * ch-exp.y (match_dollar_tokens): Fix off-by-one bug.
- * ch-lang.c (chill_is_varying_struct), ch-lang.h: New function.
- * ch-lang.c (chill_printstr): Use double quotes, not single quotes.
- * ch-typeprint.c (chill_type_print_base): Handle TYPE_CODE_BITSTRING.
- Improve printing of TYPE_CODE_STRING, TYPE_CODE_SET, and
- TYPE_CODE_STRUCT (including checking chill_is_varying_struct).
- Print TYPE_DUMMY_RANGE by printing its TYPE_TARGET_TYPE.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print): Handle TYPE_CODE_BITSTRING.
- For TYPE_CODE_STRING, never print address. Handle VARYING strings.
- * gdbtypes.c (force_to_range_type): New.
- * gdbtypes.c (create_set_type): Make work, following Chill layout.
- * stabsread.c (read_type): Distinguish string and bitstring from
- char-array and set.
- * valarith.c (value_subscript), valops.c (value_coerce_array):
- Handle STRINGs as well as ARRAYs.
- * valarith.c (value_bit_index): Fix think. Use new macros.
-Fri Dec 17 10:45:32 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * symtab (decode_line_1): fix a bug when position char is not
- set correctly.
- * c-valprint (c_val_print): handle vtbl printing when vtbl is not
- set up yet.
-Thu Dec 16 16:46:01 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-tdep.c (read_next_frame_reg): If SIGFRAME_REG_SIZE is not
- defined, define it as 4.
-Thu Dec 16 13:08:01 1993 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * config/m68k/nm-hp300bsd.h: Correctly identify 4.3BSD vs 4.4BSD.
- * config/m68k/tm-hp300bsd.h (REMOTE_BPT_VECTOR): Define.
- * config/m68k/tm-m68k.h (REMOTE_BPT_VECTOR): Allow targets to
- override.
-Thu Dec 16 09:14:58 1993 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c (read_hp_function_type): Correctly handle
- pass-by-value structures > 64bits in size.
- (process_one_debug_symbol): Likewise.
-Mon Dec 13 20:17:39 1993 Per Bothner (
- Implement support for Chill POWERSETs.
- * ch-exp.y (operand_2): Implement 'Element IN PowerSet'.
- * ch-typeprint.c (chill_type_print_base): Handle POWERSETs.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print): Handle TYPE_CODE_SET.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Implement BINOP_IN.
- * expression.h (enum exp_opcode): Added BINOP_IN.
- * gdbtypes.c (create_set_type), gdbtypes.h: New function.
- * stabsread.c (read_type): If 'S', create a set type.
- * valarith.c (value_bit_index, value_in), value.h: New functions,
- for indexing in SETs.
-Mon Dec 13 06:42:37 1993 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * paread.c (pa_symfile_init): Check for the existance of stabs
- after DBX_TEXT_SECT has been initialized.
-Tue Nov 23 17:29:28 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * config/h8300/tm-h8300.h (BREAKPOINT): Insn changed to sleep.
- (DECP_PC_AFTER_BREAK): Now is 0.
- * config/h8500/tm-h8500.h (REGISTER_BYTES, REGISTER_BYTE,
- REGISTER_NAMES): update to new view. (INIT_EXTRA_FRAME_INFO): No
- extra frame info now.
- * config/sh/sh.h (NOP): Define NOP insn.
- * config/z8k/tm-z8k.h (BIG): is now sim_z8001_mode.
- * config/z8k/ (TDEPFILES): Add remote-sim.o to list.
- * ser-go32.c: Lint. (strncasecmp): Removed, now in libiberty.
- (go32_readchar): Special handling for faster polling. (async
- structure): Volatile.
- * h8300-tdep.c (print_register_hook): Allocate and use the right
- number bytes for the raw register.
- * h8500-tdep.c (regoff, frame_find_saved_reg, examine_prologue):
- deleted. (h8500_register_size, h8500_register_virtual_type, ):
- Use new way of counting registers.
- * remote-e7000.c (echo_index): deleted. (expect): Better handling
- of user interrupts. (expect_prompt): Remove never used log file
- support. (want, want_nopc): Add support for H8/300H.
- (fetch_regs_from_dump): Treat \r and \n as whitespace.
- (e7000_drain): Send an "end" command before waiting for output to
- stop. (e7000_wait): Cope with H8/300H, better handling of user
- interrupts. (why_stop, expect_n, sub2_from_pc): New function.
- * remote-utils.c (gr_load_image): call fflush and QUIT more regularly.
- * utils.c (notice_quit): New function for polling for user interrupts.
-Fri Dec 10 15:53:56 1993 Per Bothner (
- * stabsread.c (read_array_type): Allow negative array bounds,
- without interpreting that to mean "adjustable."
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print): Handle RANGE types.
- * ch-typeprint.c (chill_type_print_base): Handle BOOL.
- Handle variant records. Handle RANGE types.
-Tue Dec 7 15:41:32 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * config/mips/ Use tm-idt.h instead of tm-bigmips.h.
- * config/mips/ Use tm-idtl.h instead of tm-mips.h.
- * config/mips/tm-idt.h, config/mips/tm-idtl.h: New files; use
- different BREAKPOINT value for IDT.
- * mipsread.c: Include bfd.h and coff/sym.h.
-Mon Dec 6 16:34:10 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * ser-unix.c (set_tty_state): set the rest of the terminal state
- pieces.
-Mon Dec 6 12:01:37 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * Recognize mips* for all mips targets.
- (mips*el-*-elf*, mips*-*-elf*): New targets; use idt and idtl.
- Added Irix 5 support.
- * (mips-sgi-irix5*): New host and target. Use irix5
- for both.
- * config/mips/, config/mips/,
- config/mips/xm-irix5.h, config/mips/nm-irix5.h,
- config/mips/tm-irix5.h, irix5-nat.c: New files for Irix 5 support.
- * mdebugread.c: New file, split out of mipsread.c. Added
- elfmdebug_build_psymtabs routine. Added some checks on external
- symbols. Changed code to keep ecoff_debug_info and
- ecoff_debug_swap structs in the psymtab and in global pointers
- rather than retrieving them from the bfd. Also changed to keep
- the pending list with the psymtab rather than the objfile (each
- psymtab for a single objfile points to the same pending list).
- * mipsread.c: Bulk of file moved into mdebugread.c, leaving just
- the sym_fns.
- * (SFILES): Added mdebugread.c.
- (OBS): Added mdebugread.o.
- (mdebugread.o): New target.
- * symfile.h: Declare mdebug_build_psymtabs and
- elfmdebug_build_psymtabs.
- * elfread.c (struct elfinfo): Added mdebugsect field.
- (elf_locate_sections): Remember location of .mdebug section.
- (elf_symfile_read): Call elfmdebug_build_psymtabs on .mdebug
- section.
- * infrun.c (AT_FUNCTION_START): Set to 0 if not already defined.
- (wait_for_inferior): Use AT_FUNCTION_START if it is defined to see
- if PC is at the start of a function.
- * mips-tdep.c (read_next_frame_reg): Use SIGFRAME_REG_SIZE, and
- give it a default definition.
- (mips_skip_prologue): Skip instructions which initialize $gp
- register.
- (in_sigtramp): New procedure, moved in from mipsread.c.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h: Declare in_sigtramp.
- * serial.h (serial_fdopen): Make parameter const to match
- function definition.
-Fri Dec 3 14:20:43 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * config/mips/ Enable ser-tcp.o.
-Tue Nov 30 15:24:24 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (check): Do not use subdir_do, so that
- TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS is used correctly.
-Mon Nov 29 16:10:38 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * i386-nlmstub.c: Undo I/O redirection changes by Tom Lord.
- These definitely won't work under Netware.
-Mon Nov 29 15:34:58 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * stabsread.c(read_struct_field): Fix the check when getting to
- member functions.
-Mon Nov 29 16:48:16 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- gcc -Wall -O lint:
- * mips-tdep.c (heuristic_proc_desc): Initialize reg30 to avoid
- warning. Unnest comment.
- (init_extra_frame_info): Remove unused variable mask.
- (MASK): Fully parenthesize.
- (mips_push_dummy_frame): Remove unused variable val.
- (mips_skip_prologue): Remove unused variables f and b.
-Mon Nov 29 12:23:25 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * mipsread.c (parse_symbol, parse_partial_symbols): Do not create
- (partial) symbols for opaque struct definitions.
-Mon Nov 29 11:36:57 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * i386ly-tdep.c (i386lynx_saved_pc_after_call): Change call_inst
- to unsigned char to avoid domain warning for some values.
-Mon Nov 22 23:42:59 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * remote-e7000.c (e7000_wait): Cope with H8/300 register dump.
- * config/h8300/ Add remote-e7000.
-Mon Nov 22 11:03:45 1993 Fred Fish (
- Merged changes from (Kevin A. Buettner):
- * gdb/config/m88k/ (NATDEPFILES): Added corelow.o and
- coredep.o to this list.
- * gdb/m88k-nat.c (m88k_register_u_addr): Avoid error when passed
- the number for an M88110 extended register by just returning the
- address of r0.
-Sat Nov 20 09:20:51 1993 Fred Fish (
- * go32-xdep.c (re_comp, re_exec): Remove stubs now that gdb
- always uses it's own version of regex.
-Fri Nov 19 18:23:19 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * valops.c(value_struct_elt_for_reference): enhance search operator in
- c++.
- * symtab.c(decode_line_1): same as above.
-Fri Nov 19 15:08:47 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): Add comment about use of
- return_to_top_level directly instead of error. Add comment saying
- that the '' should not be needed--that the completer should be fixed.
-Fri Nov 19 11:00:33 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * symtab.c(decode_line_1): fix the inconsistency of setting
- breakpoint with '' or without them. The '' is needed when you
- want name completion.
-Thu Nov 18 08:25:50 1993 Fred Fish (
- * valprint.c (val_print_string): When looking for a null
- terminator compare current bufsize to fetchlimit to determine
- when to stop, instead of computing buffer+fetchlimit which
- may overflow for very large limits (like "unlimited").
-Wed Nov 17 18:23:09 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * eval.c(evaluate_subexp): to use unified search so type conversion
- operator works in calling method.
- * valarith.c(value_x_binop, value_x_unop): same as above.
- * valops.c(search_struct_method): same as above.
-Wed Nov 17 18:47:34 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mipsread.c: Change use of ECOFF information to correspond to
- changes in bfd/libecoff.h.
- (mipscoff_symfile_offsets): Made static.
-Wed Nov 17 09:43:31 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * valops.c (typecmp): improve prototype matching when calling
- a method. Make 'p (*(ostream *) &cout) << "lll" ' to work.
- * eval.c(evalute_subexp): fix operator search problem when call
- like p x.'operator+'(i).
-Tue Nov 16 17:15:03 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * i386ly-nat.c, i386lynx-nat.c, m68kly-nat.c: Remove. Move
- common code into lynx-nat.c.
- * lynx-nat.c: New module. Contains portable code for Lynx native
- stuff (mostly ptrace related).
- * config/i386/ (NATDEPFILES): i386ly-nat.o -> lynx-nat.o
- * config/m68k/ (NATDEPFILES): i386ly-nat.o -> lynx-nat.o
- * config/nm-lynx.h, config/tm-lynx.h: New files to contain
- non-architecture specific native and target defs.
- * config/i386/nm-i386lynx.h, config/i386/tm-i386lynx.h,
- config/m68k/nm-m68klynx.h, config/m68k/tm-m68klynx.h: Move all
- (arch) portable stuff into ../{tm nm}-lynx.h.
-Tue Nov 16 13:33:47 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * symtab.c (gdb_mangle_name): Only assume that the physname is
- the entire mangled name if it looks like the mangled name of a
- constructor. Needed for testsuite to work with GCC 2.4.5.
- * a68v-nat.c: Replace with new version from Troy Rollo. The
- version I am replacing appears to be an old copy of sun3-nat.c.
- * dstread.c (dst_symfile_read): Replace sort_all_symtab_syms call
- with loop.
- * (HFILES,TAGFILES): Split into _WITH_SRCDIR and
- _NO_SRCDIR versions.
- (TAGS): Only add srcdir to TAGFILES_NO_SRCDIR.
- (This is part of a long saga involving me putting srcdir on
- everything (perhaps for now-obsolete reasons, I forget), Rich
- removing the srcdir from everything, Stu putting it back some
- places for Sun make, and me just now getting around to fixing
- `make TAGS' again).
-Mon Nov 15 12:29:10 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * stack.c(print_frame_info): print demangled function name
- ansi style.
-Mon Nov 15 14:32:29 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * remote-e7000.c: New file to cope with the Hitachi E7000 ICE.
- * remote-utils.c, remote-utils.h (gr_load_image): New function to
- download to target.
- * h8300-tdep.c, h8500-tdep.c, remote-z8k.c, sh-tdep.c z8k-tdep.c
- (sim_load): delete.
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_load): Use gr_load_image, rather than
- sim_load.
- * config/sh/ Add remote-e7000
-Mon Nov 15 11:38:25 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/i386/ Remove XM_CLIBS, TERMLIB, SYSV_DEFINE, and
- * config/i386/xm-linux.h: Don't include xm-i386v.h. Define
- Define NEED_POSIX_SETPGID. Include unistd.h.
-Mon Nov 15 12:29:10 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * symtab.c(gdb_mangle_name): fix the problem with constructor
- name mangling.
-Mon Nov 15 11:38:25 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * gdbtypes.h: Add TYPE_FLAG_TARGET_STUB.
- * gdbtypes.c (check_stub_type): On TYPE_FLAG_TARGET_STUB, do
- what cleanup_undefined_types does for arrays, except we clear
- TYPE_FLAG_TARGET_STUB if we fix up the type.
- * stabsread.c (cleanup_undefined_types): Add comments about how
- doing arrays here is no longer the clean way to do it.
- (read_array_type): Set TYPE_FLAG_TARGET_STUB as well as calling
- add_undefined_type.
- * c-typeprint.c, ch-typeprint.c: Move call to check_stub_type
- outside switch so it happens for all type codes.
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_print_value_fields): Recurse to val_print,
- instead of c_val_print, so that check_stub_type gets called.
- * gdbtypes.h, gdbtypes.c, m2-lang.c, ch-lang.c, c-lang.c: Remove
- TYPE_FLAG_SIGNED. It was inconsistently set, never checked
- (except in recursive_dump_type), and is pointless.
-Mon Nov 15 00:40:38 1993 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * paread.c (pa_symfile_init): Look for the $TEXT$ section rather
- than the .text section.
-Sun Nov 14 00:28:13 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stabsread.c: Remove #if 0'd dbx_class_complaint. We now handle
- this (more or less) gracefully, and complain() was never a good
- way of dealing with this.
- * stabsread.c (read_type): Skip the colon when reading a
- cross-reference. Only complain, not error_type, on unrecognized
- cross-reference types. error_type, not dump core, if the colon is
- missing.
-Fri Nov 12 16:23:08 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * config/m68k/tm-sun3.h: Disable use of alternate breakpoint insn
- when doing remote stuff.
-Fri Nov 12 16:22:39 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * c-exp.y (yylex): Call lookup_symtab not lookup_partial_symtab.
- * partial-stab.h: Ignore ':' symbol descriptors. Same case as
- Kung's stabsread.c change.
-Fri Nov 12 11:18:02 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * stabsread.c (patch_block_stabs, define_symbol, read_type): in
- g++ template instantiation, nested class can be part of the
- params, and '::' can gets into symbol or type names. This is
- to fix the problem.
- * gdbtypes.c (lookup_struct_elt_type): Handle type ref or pointer
- to struct/union case.
-Fri Nov 12 10:39:31 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * coff-solib.c (coff_solib_add): Cast result of alloca().
- * m68k-tdep.c (m68k_saved_pc_after_call): Get rid of
- GDB_TARGET_IS_SUN3. Use more general SYSCALL_TRAP macro.
- * config/m68k/ (NATDEPFILES): Remove exec.o (it's
- already in TDEPFILES).
- * config/m68k/tm-m68k.h (SAVED_PC_AFTER_CALL): Use
- m68k_saved_pc_after_call.
- * Remove all Sun3 specific stuff.
- * (FIX_CALL_DUMMY): Cast arg to bfd_putb32 to unsigned char *.
- * config/m68k/tm-m68klynx.h: Define SYSCALL_TRAP as trap #10.
- Disable REMOTE_BREAKPOINT mechanism.
- * config/m68k/tm-sun3.h: Get rid of GDB_TARGET_IS_SUN3.
- * Protect from multiple includion.
- * Move Sun3 specific stuff from tm-m68k.h to here.
- * Define SYSCALL_TRAP as trap #0.
- * Remove def of SAVED_PC_AFTER_CALL (now in tm-m68k.h).
- * gdbserver/low-lynx.c: Redo all register store/fetch stuff to
- make it portable for 386 and 68k.
-Fri Nov 12 09:53:26 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * mips-tdep.c (init_extra_frame_info): Check to see whether the
- registers mentioned in the proc_desc have been saved. This
- generalizes mips_in_lenient_prologue in the sense that we keep
- searching until we've found saves for all the registers, not just
- look for a "lenient prologue" pattern.
- * mips-tdep.c: #if 0 lenient prologue code.
- * mips-tdep.c (heuristic_proc_desc): Don't assume a host short
- is 16 bits.
-Thu Nov 11 19:58:05 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/i386/ Comment out corelow.o.
- * printcmd.c (address_info): Use filtered, not unfiltered functions.
- We should be able to deal with a QUIT here.
-Thu Nov 11 15:22:20 1993 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * printcmd.c (address_info): Use fprintf_symbol_filtered
- to print the symbol name.
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): Handle cfront lossage for
- struct/union/enums and typedefs.
- * partial-stab.h (case N_BINCL): Update psymtab_language
- as appropriate when changing subfiles.
- (case N_SOL): Update psymtab_language as appropriate when
- changing subfiles. Add typedef for structs, unions, and enums
- when processing C++ files.
-Thu Nov 11 13:18:47 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * README: Remove information on languages and just cite the (newly
- updated) information in doc/gdb.texinfo instead.
- * delta68-nat.c: Fix typos (add missing ");" and stuct -> struct).
-Wed Nov 10 09:31:10 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol, N_RBRAC): Don't clear
- within_function just because local_symbols is NULL. It appears
- that this bug has existed since the 10 Apr 89 change which started
- clearing within_function here.
- * config/m68k/tm-m68k.h: Clean up CALL_DUMMY comment.
- * config/m68k/{tm-hp300bsd.h,tm-hp300hpux.h,tm-m68k-em.h,
- tm-monitor.h,tm-sun3.h,tm-vx68.h}, config/sparc/tm-sparc.h:
- * dbxread.c: Remove BELIEVE_PCC_PROMOTION define. The code which
- used this was moved to stabsread.c a long time ago.
- * dstread.c (dst_sym_fns): Update for flavours.
- * symfile.c (find_sym_fns): Add kludge for apollo like for rs/6000.
- * dstread.c (dst_symfile_offsets): Set objfile->num_sections.
- gcc -Wall lint:
- * thread.c: Include "gdbcmd.h" and <ctype.h>.
- * Update dependency.
- * thread.c (thread_command): Remove unused variable p.
- * values.c (unpack_double): Use len instead of TYPE_LENGTH (type).
- * valprint.c (print_floating): Correctly check sign bit now that
- we are using unsigned arithmetic.
- * symtab.c (find_pc_line_range): Remove unused variables exact_match,
- ind, and l.
-Tue Nov 9 17:42:25 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * valarith.c (value_x_binop): fix search operator in class bug
- * valarith.c (value_x_unop): fix search operator in class bug
-Tue Nov 9 19:20:17 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * (init.c): Add udi2go32.o to list of files that we
- should not try to search for _initialize_* functions.
- * remote-udi.c (udi_wait): Change UDIGdb_StdoutReady back to
- UDIStdoutReady. It accidentally got changed on 24 Oct 93 when
- stdout was changed to gdb_stdout. Likewise for UDIGetStdout,
- UDIStderrReady, and UDIGetStderr.
-Tue Nov 9 12:48:06 1993 Tom Lord (
- * remote-hms.c (hms_wait): fixed too many arguments to putc_unfiltered.
-Tue Nov 9 12:20:46 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * utils.c (quit): Also call gdb_flush on standard output and error.
- * .gdbinit: Remove "source /.gdbinit". It causes a spurious error
- if /.gdbinit doesn't exist (and I know of no convention of putting
- something in /.gdbinit).
-Mon Nov 8 18:17:11 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_print_value_fields): change output from <no
- value> to <optimized out or zero length>
-Mon Nov 08 17:05:30 1993 Jeffrey Wheat (
- Change RUNTEST = runtest to test for existance of
- a runtest in the source tree first.
-Mon Nov 8 10:42:03 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Remove unused variable GCC. Remove "#CC=cc" line
- which doesn't really relate to anything.
- * (CC_FOR_TARGET): Test for existence of gcc/xgcc, not
- for existence of gcc/Makefile.
- * inflow.c (terminal_init_inferior), infptrace.c (child_resume):
- Add comments about use of Lynx PIDGET and how we will want to
- clean it up.
- * stabsread.c: Remove long_kludge_name code (it was already #if 0).
- * stabsread.c (read_one_struct_field): Clean up comments to reflect
- Kung's change of 5 Nov 93.
- * stabsread.c (read_one_struct_field): Don't give up on unknown
- visibility character, just shove it in fip->list->visibility.
- (read_baseclasses): Don't give up on unknown virtual or visibility
- characters, just assume a reasonable default, complain, and keep
- going.
- (attach_fields_to_type): Complain on unrecognized visibility.
- One result of all this is that '9' (VISIBILITY_IGNORE) can be used
- in a stab as well as being something which GDB uses internally.
-Mon Nov 8 07:57:30 1993 Doug Evans (
- * Remove h8300h, we have multilib now.
-Mon Nov 8 06:11:24 1993 D. V. Henkel-Wallace (
- * Add unixware as a configuration alias for x86
- sysv4
- * config/i386/ add i387-tdep.o, exec.o to TDEPFILES
-Sun Nov 7 23:49:21 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1, decode_line_2): Do not adjust pc by
- FUNCTION_START_OFFSET if funfirstline is not set.
-Fri Nov 5 17:19:30 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * gdbtypes.h : add a field 'ignore_field_bits in cplus_specific,
- and macros to handle the bits.
- * stabsread.c (read_one_struct_field): add VISIBILITY_IGNORE, and
- for field of length 0, set this bit on.
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_print_value_fields): for VISIBILITY_IGNORE
- field, print <no value>.
-Fri Nov 5 14:43:46 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Version 4.11.2.
-Fri Nov 5 09:49:22 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * inflow.c (terminal_init_inferior): Temporarily use Lynx PIDGET
- macro to set process groups.
- * infptrace.c (child_resume): Temporarily use Lynx PIDGET to
- specify resumption of all threads.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Fix handling of thread-specific
- breakpoints for systems where DECR_PC_AFTER_BREAK > 0 (ie: backup
- PC by the right amount when continuing the thread).
- * thread.c (thread_apply_command): Add the `thread apply'
- command to apply a given GDB command to a list of threads.
-Fri Nov 5 05:58:03 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * (init.c): Don't call sed if filename is empty.
-Thu Nov 4 08:27:24 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * dbxread.c (unknown_symchar_complaint): Make message refer to
- "symbol descriptor" not "symbol type character" for consistency
- with stabs.texinfo terminology.
- * stabsread.c (read_struct_fields): Accept either '$' or '.' as
- the character which introduces a cpp_abbrev or anonymous type.
- * c-lang.c (c_printstr): Print "" to stream (like all the other
- output from this function), not gdb_stdout.
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): Do relocate 'S' symbols by
- the text offset (revert 12 Oct 93 change).
- * Make hppa*-*-hiux* use hppahpux,
- not non-existent hppahiux.
-Wed Nov 3 16:24:09 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * values.c (value_fn_field): when physical name not found, do not
- error, but return null.
- * valops.c (value_struct_elt): when name and args match does not
- mean it is the one, some times a typedef class can have the same
- member method and args. This probably will not happen with new
- version of g++, but it does happen in old g++ and cause gdb error.
-Wed Nov 3 09:20:18 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- Merge changes for dos x udi:
- * (udi2go32.o): add rule to build this file
- * 29k-share/udi/udi2go32.c: new file
- * config/a29k/ add udi2go32.o
- * 29k-share/udi/{udr.c, udip2soc.c}: #ifdef out the entire file
- if __GO32__ is defined. What a hack.
-Wed Nov 3 09:20:18 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote.c (putpkt, getpkt): Don't call interrupt_query.
- * findvar.c (value_of_register): Rename val to reg_val to avoid
- name conflict with some (e.g. tm-m68k.h) REGISTER_CONVERT_TO_VIRTUAL.
- * main.c: Add variables source_line_number, source_file_name,
- source_error, source_error_allocated, and source_pre_error.
- (command_line_input): If source_file_name set, increment
- source_line_number and set error_pre_print with them.
- (source_command): Set source_* and make a cleanup so they get
- set back.
-Tue Nov 2 16:28:34 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stack.c (down_silently_command): Add comment about PR 1913.
- * breakpoint.c (insert_breakpoints, delete_breakpoint): Call
- target_terminal_ours_for_output before attempting output.
- * fork-child.c (fork_inferior): Fix comment so that it suggests
- "set shell" rather than having "set env SHELL" affect GDB's
- operation.
-Tue Nov 2 15:03:08 1993 Tom Lord (
- * utils.c (vfprintf_unfiltered): don't use maybe_filtered
- since it involves a fixed size buffer.
-Tue Nov 2 13:42:30 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * findvar.c (value_of_register, value_from_register),
- hppa-tdep.c (pa_print_fp_reg), infcmd.c (do_registers_info),
- valops.c (value_assign): Use REGISTER_CONVERT_TO_* only if
- REGISTER_CONVERTIBLE is defined, otherwise just copy the content.
- Pass desired type to REGISTER_CONVERT_TO_*.
- * config/m68k/tm-m68k.h, config/i960/tm-i960.h (REGISTER_CONVERT_*):
- Pass length of desired type to store/extract_floating.
- * config/i386/tm-arm.h, config/i386/tm-i386aix.h,
- config/i386/tm-sun386.h, config/i386/tm-symmetry.h,
- config/m88k/tm-m88k.h config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h (REGISTER_CONVERT_*):
- Use extract_floating and store_floating with length of desired type.
- * config/m68k/tm-news.h (STORE,EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE): Add type
- parameter to REGISTER_CONVERT_*.
- * config/a29k/tm-a29k.h, config/convex/tm-convex.h,
- config/gould/tm-np1.h, config/gould/tm-pn.h, config/h8300/tm-h8300.h,
- config/h8500/tm-h8500.h, config/i386/tm-i386v.h,
- config/mips/tm-mips.h, config/ns32k/tm-merlin.h,
- config/ns32k/tm-umax.h, config/pa/tm-hppa.h, config/pyr/tm-pyr.h,
- config/sh/tm-sh.h, config/sparc/tm-sparc.h, config/tahoe/tm-tahoe.h,
- config/vax/tm-vax.h, config/z8k/tm-z8k.h (REGISTER_CONVERTIBLE,
- versions for which REGISTER_CONVERTIBLE is always false.
- * z8k-tdep.c (register_convert_to_virtual, register_convert_to_raw):
- Remove, no longer used.
- * alpha-tdep.c (alpha_register_convert_to_raw,
- alpha_register_convert_to_virtual): New routines to handle
- the different raw formats in alpha floating point registers.
- * config/alpha/tm-alpha.h (REGISTER_CONVERTIBLE,
-Tue Nov 2 12:45:23 1993 Stan Shebs (
- * gdbserver/ Recognize *-*-lynxos* instead of
- *-*-lynx*, recognize sparc-*-lynxos*.
- * gdbserver/ (install, install_only): Add.
- * gdbserver/gdbserver.1: New file, man page for gdbserver.
-Tue Nov 2 03:01:01 1993 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c: Include <time.h> and <sys/types.h>. Change include
- of "libhppa.h" to "som.h".
- (BYTES_IN_WORD): Define.
- (hppa_sym_fns): "hppa" is 4 characters, not 5.
-Mon Nov 1 09:40:21 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * symtab.c, symtab.h, source.c: Change find_line_pc_range to take
- a struct symtab_and_line argument, rather than a symtab and a line.
- Re-write it to be based on the address rather than bogusly adding
- one to the line number and hoping that has something to do with the
- end of the line.
- * config/m88k/ (NATDEPFILES): Remove exec.o.
- * paread.c (pa_symtab_read): Change comments to say ignoring
- labels really should be handled by the assembler/compiler.
- * Add -O to CXXFLAGS.
- * TODO: Expand comments on fast watchpoints.
-Sun Oct 31 19:45:06 1993 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * paread.c (pa_symtab_read): Also filter out local symbols
- starting with "L$".
-Sun Oct 31 09:28:46 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * symfile.h (sym_fns), symfile.c (find_sym_fns), xcoffread.c,
- coffread.c, dbxread.c, elfread.c, mipsread.c, nlmread.c, paread.c:
- Change from using bfd target name to using the flavour.
- * objfiles.h, infcmd.c, symfile.c: Add comments about how various
- objfiles get created and when we should blow them away.
-Sat Oct 30 08:32:53 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * symfile.c (reread_symbols): When re-reading symbols, do all the
- right operations ourself, rather than calling symbol_file_command.
- If we re-read something, call clear_symtab_users not just
- breakpoint_re_set.
- * objfiles.h, objfiles.c (build_objfile_section_table): No longer
- static.
- * symfile.c (clear_symtab_users): Call clear_pc_function_cache.
- * coffread.c, dbxread.c, elfread.c, mipsread.c, nlmread.c, paread.c
- (*_symfile_offsets): Set objfile->num_sections.
- * remote.c (remote_wait), symfile.c (syms_from_objfile):
- Don't muck with objfile->num_sections now that all the symbol
- readers set it.
- * elfread.c: Clean up obsolete comment about handling only DWARF.
- * paread.c: Remove comment about how we should use an "ordinary"
- file format with an hppa suffix. There is nothing ordinary about SOM.
- * config/i386/{,}, config/mips/,
- config/ns32k/ Change MMALLOC_LIB to MMALLOC.
- * TODO: Update Mach stuff.
-Fri Oct 29 16:30:36 1993 Stan Shebs (
- LynxOS support:
- * Change *-*-lynx* to *-*-lynxos*, add
- sparc-*-lynxos*.
- * (ALLDEPFILES): Add m68kly-nat.c, sparcly-nat.c.
- Rename i386lynx-nat.[co] to i386ly-nat.[co].
- (ALLCONFIG): Add config/{m68k,sparc}/{m68k,sparc}lynx.m[ht].
- (m68kly-nat.o, sparcly-nat.o): Add rules.
- * i386ly-tdep.c: Cosmetics.
- * i386lynx-nat.c: Removed.
- * i386ly-nat.c: New file, was i386lynx-nat.c.
- * m68kly-nat.c: New file.
- * sparcly-nat.c: New file.
- * config/xm-lynx.h: New file, cpu-independent host info.
- * config/i386/ Changes for consistency.
- * config/i386/ Ditto.
- * config/i386/tm-i386lynx.h: Ditto.
- * config/i386/nm-i386lynx.h: Ditto.
- * config/i386/xm-i386lynx.h: Include config/xm-lynx.h.
- * config/m68k/, config/m68k/,
- config/m68k/tm-m68klynx.h, config/m68k/nm-m68klynx.h,
- config/m68k/xm-m68klynx.h: New files, M68K LynxOS support.
- * config/sparc/, config/sparc/,
- config/sparc/tm-sparclynx.h, config/sparc/nm-sparclynx.h,
- config/sparc/xm-sparclynx.h: New files, Sparc LynxOS support.
-Fri Oct 29 08:11:29 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * defs.h, findvar.c (extract_floating, store_floating): New functions.
- * Move SWAP_TARGET_AND_HOST from defs.h to findvar.c because it is
- now used only by extract_floating and store_floating.
- * valprint.c (print_floating): Use unsigned arithmetic. Use
- extract_unsigned_integer instead of SWAP_TARGET_AND_HOST.
- Change sizeof (float) to 4 and sizeof (double) to 8 (those are always
- the relevant sizes for this code, which is in #ifdef IEEE_FLOAT).
- * values.c (unpack_long, unpack_double, value_from_double),
- valarith.c (value_binop), stabsread.c (define_symbol):
- Use extract_floating and store_floating instead of
- * config/m68k/tm-m68k.h, config/i960/tm-i960.h (REGISTER_CONVERT_*):
- Use extract_floating and store_floating.
- * config/m88k/tm-m88k.h: Add comments (it should be doing the same).
- * i386-tdep.c (i386_extract_return_value),
- * remote-nindy.c (nindy_store_registers): Use store_floating.
-Fri Oct 29 09:31:38 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_store_register): Change var name so
- it compiles with non-ANSI compilers.
-Fri Oct 29 08:11:29 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * TODO: Add idea for "disassemble" with source.
-Fri Oct 29 00:41:01 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (VERSION): Bump to 4.11.1 after release and cvs
- tagging.
-Thu Oct 28 09:14:42 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * TODO: Add section on Mach. Stop calling it a "bug list".
- Remove John's name and email address. Remove item on "always"
- ("hook-stop" takes care of this). Remove item on executables with
- no symbols (this works on some machines, at least). Remove item
- about calling error() during symbol reading (I think all the important
- ones have been cleaned up). Revise items about signals and remote
- systems. Remove section on ^Z requiring several continues to make
- it go (this now works. Perhaps the item is based on confusion over
- programs (like GDB itself) which catch SIGTSTP and then re-send
- themselves the signal. PR 2575 might contain relevant info).
-Thu Oct 28 16:55:34 1993 Fred Fish (
- * NEWS: Note improvements in C++ support, preliminary thread
- implementation, and LynxOS native and target support for 386.
-Thu Oct 28 16:55:34 1993 Fred Fish (
- * README: Add note from Peter Schauer about OSF/1 shared
- libraries. Add note from Pace Willisson about configuring on BSDI
- BSD/386 release 1.0. Update gdb references to gdb 4.11.
-Thu Oct 28 09:14:42 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * NEWS: Add notes about Alpha and "set remotedebug" for UDI.
- * valops.c (value_assign): Change bitfield code to use a buffer of
- the correct size, rather than an int.
-Wed Oct 27 13:43:07 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/i386/{,},
- config/mips/{,},
- config/ns32k/{,}: Use correct names for TM_FILE
- and XM_FILE. Replace host files *mach3-xdep.o with native
- files *m3-nat.o. Replace host file os-mach3.o with native
- file m3-nat.o.
- * remote-udi.c: Remove LOG_FILE stuff; superceded by "set remotedebug".
- * remote-mon.c: Remove commented out "set remotedebug" command.
- * remote-nindy.c: Clean up comment about wanting alternative to
- options specified on the GDB command line.
- * fork-child.c (fork_inferior): Set inferior_pid before calling
- init_trace_fun. Move the code which gets us through the shell
- to new function startup_inferior.
- * inferior.h: Declare startup_inferior.
- * procfs.c (procfs_init_inferior), inftarg.c (ptrace_him):
- Call startup_inferior.
- * m3-nat.c (m3_trace_him): Call intercept_exec_calls.
- * config/nm-m3.h: Don't define STARTUP_INFERIOR.
- * config/i386/tm-i386m3.h, config/ns32k/tm-ns32k.h,
- config/mips/tm-mipsm3.h: Don't define START_INFERIOR_TRAPS_EXPECTED.
- * m68k-stub.c: Change vector 13 from SIGFPE to SIGBUS.
-Tue Oct 26 22:05:03 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_pop_frame): If proc_desc is NULL, don't dump core.
-Tue Oct 26 15:07:29 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- gcc -Wall lint:
- * nlmread.c: Include stabsread.h.
- * Update dependencies.
- * remote.c: Change PBUFSIZ back to 400. John's 28 Feb 1992 change
- to increase it broke the ability to write large chunks of memory
- with m68k-stub and i386-stub. Now we only use more than 400 on
- machines where we need that much to write the registers.
- * remote.c (remote_write_bytes): Eliminate possible abort(). The
- check for when to abort was off by a few bytes and besides which,
- it is handled by MAXBUFBYTES, which the caller uses.
- * m68k-stub.c: Add comments about trap #1 and trap #8 instructions.
-Tue Oct 26 08:36:07 1993 Doug Evans (
- * remote-sim.h (SIM_ADDR): New type (same as CORE_ADDR).
- (sim_set_pc): Update prototype.
- (sim_read, sim_write): Ditto, and use unsigned char *buf.
- (sim_fetch_register, sim_store_register): Use unsigned char *buf.
- (sim_info): Pass printf function as argument, add verbose argument.
- (sim_stop_reason): Renamed from sim_stop_signal, fix prototype.
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_wait): Update call to sim_stop_reason.
- (gdbsim_files_info): Update call to sim_info.
-Tue Oct 26 10:41:29 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * valops.c (value_assign): Call reinit_frame_cache when assigning
- to a register.
-Mon Oct 25 11:08:59 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Fix PC out of objfile bounds
- check to just use stop_func_name == 0.
- * remote-udi.c (store_register): Invalidate NPC/PC_REGNUM after
- changing PC.
-Mon Oct 25 14:57:45 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * gdbserver/{low-lynx.c,low-sparc.c,low-sun3.c}, standalone.c,
- m3-nat.c, i386m3-nat.c, mipsm3-nat.c, ns32km3-nat.c: bcopy -> memcpy.
- gcc -Wall lint:
- * breakpoint.c: Include thread.h.
- * coffread.c: Include stabsread.h.
- * Update dependencies.
- * breakpoint.c (mention): Add bp_call_dummy to switch.
- * symmisc.c (dump_symtab): Use %d not %ld for line number.
-Sun Oct 24 18:29:32 1993 Tom Lord (
- * every non-obsolete file except utils.c:
- Change the stream argument to _filtered to GDB_FILE *.
- Change all references to stdout/stderr to gdb_stdout/gdb_stderr.
- Replace all calls to stdio output functions with
- calls to corresponding _unfiltered functions.
- Replaced calls to fopen for output to gdb_fopen.
- Added sufficient goo to utils.c and defs.h to make the above
- work.
- The net effect is that stdio output functions are only directly
- used in utils.c. Elsewhere, the _unfiltered and _filtered
- functions and GDB_FILE type are used.
- In the near future, GDB_FILE will stop being equivalant to
- The semantics of some commands has changed in a very subtle way:
- called in the right context, they may cause new occurences of
- prompt_for_continue() behavior.
- Please respect this change by not reintroducing stdio output
- dependencies in the main body of gdb code. All output from
- commands should go to a GDB_FILE.
-Sun Oct 24 20:16:38 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * parse.c, parser-defs.h (write_exp_msymbol): New function to write
- the appropriate expression for a minimal symbol. Taken from c-exp.y
- and m2-exp.y but handles mst_file_*.
- * c-exp.y, m2-exp.y: Use it.
-Sun Oct 24 09:31:05 1993 Fred Fish (
- * elfread.c (elf_symtab_read): Use bfd convention that both
- initialized and uninitialized data sections have the SEC_ALLOC
- flag bit set, but only initialized sections have SEC_LOAD set.
- SEC_DATA is ignored since it only gets set for initialized
- data.
-Sat Oct 23 14:48:18 1993 Doug Evans (
- * remote-sim.h (sim_stop): New enum.
- (sim_stop_signal): Change prototype, result is enum sim_stop.
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_wait): Update call to sim_stop_signal.
-Fri Oct 22 07:49:54 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): Skip the whole thing about "pcc
- promotion" on little-endian machines.
- * remote-vx.c (vx_wait): Rename pid parameter to pid_to_wait_for.
- Some compilers (legitimately) don't like variables in the
- function's outermost block whose name is the the same as the name of
- a parameter.
- Merge Apollo patches from Troy Rollo (
- * dst.h, dstread.c, config/m68k/{,tm-apollo68b.h}:
- New files.
- * config/m68k/nm-apollo68b.h: Add more defines.
- * Recognize apollo target, not just host.
- * Add * to end of all OS names.
-Fri Oct 22 06:14:01 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (ALLPARAM): Add config/m88k/xm-delta88v4.h
-Thu Oct 21 12:23:12 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * (init.c): Generate using the source, not munch. This
- cleans up all kinds of hassles (which nm to use in munch, etc). The
- new formatting conventions (mostly already followed) are that
- the name of the _initialize_* routines must start in column zero,
- and must not be inside #if.
- * munch: Removed.
- * Remove references to munch.
- * serial.c, remote.c, infptrace.c, maint.c, convex-tdep.c,
- alpha-tdep.c, hp300ux-nat.c, hppab-nat.c, osfsolib.c, remote-es.c,
- procfs.c, remote-udi.c, ser-go32.c, ultra3-xdep.c, sh-tdep.c,
- i960-tdep.c, hppa-tdep.c, h8500-tdep.c, dpx2-nat.c, delta68-nat.c,
- z8k-tdep.c: Make sure the above conventions are followed. Make
- sure they are all declared as returning void. Clean up
- miscellaneous comments and such.
- * sh-tdep.c (sim_load): Add function.
-Thu Oct 21 15:58:48 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- * remote-mips.c (mips_wait): add pid argument.
-Thu Oct 21 12:23:12 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * ( Remove notice about shift/reduce conflicts
- which no longer occur.
- gcc -Wall lint:
- * findvar.c (symbol_read_needs_frame), corelow.c (ignore),
- inflow.c (gdb_has_a_terminal): Make sure to return a value.
- * regex.h: Declare re_set_syntax.
- * printcmd.c: Include valprint.h.
- * infcmd.c, exec.c, maint.c, core.c: Include language.h.
- * maint.c: Include expression.h.
- * infrun.c, fork-child.c, corelow.c, inflow.c: Include thread.h.
- * inftarg.c: Include command.h.
- * coredep.c: Include value.h.
- * c-exp.y, m2-exp.y, ch-exp.y: Include bfd.h, symfile.h and objfiles.h.
- * ch-typeprint.c: Include typeprint.h.
- * ch-valprint.c: Include c-lang.h.
- * nlmread.c: Include buildsym.h.
- * environ.c: Include gdbcore.h. Only include defs.h once.
- (set_in_environ): Cast const char * to char * when passing to
- set_gnutarget.
- * Update dependencies to reflect all these new includes.
- Remove unused variables:
- * printcmd.c (printf_command): args_to_vprintf.
- * coffread.c (coff_symfile_init): strsection.
- Move variables to within the #ifdefs where they are used:
- * symtab.c (gdb_mangle_name): opname.
- * inftarg.c (child_attach): pid and exec_file.
- * inftarg.c (child_detach): siggnal.
- * objfiles.c (allocate_objfile): mapto, md, and fd.
- * objfiles.c (free_objfile): mmfd.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Include BPSTAT_WHAT_LAST in switch.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Remove unused same_pid label.
- * inferior.h: Declare set_sigint_trap and clear_sigint_trap.
- * parser-defs.h: Declare write_exp_elt_block.
- * stabsread.h: Declare elfstab_offset_sections and
- coffstab_build_psymtabs.
-Thu Oct 21 12:05:08 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- Patch from Jeff Law:
- * paread.c: Fix references to "hppa" that should now be "som".
-Thu Oct 21 12:23:12 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): Don't use SYMBOL_LINE for functions.
-Thu Oct 21 02:59:07 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * remote-udi.c (udi_store_registers, store_register): Use
- UDI29KPC address space when modifying PC. It seems that you can't
- modify the PC directly (at least in the isstip simulator).
-Wed Oct 20 11:35:43 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * target.h: Put remote_debug declaration back here. Add baud_rate.
- * remote.c, remote-udi.c, remote-utils.h: Let target.h take care of
- declaring these. Those random externs all over are error prone.
- * Move "set remotebaud" from remote-utils.c to main.c to it applies
- to remote.c as well.
- * xcoffread.c (xcoff_symfile_read), coffread.c (coff_symfile_read):
- Sort symtabs for this objfile only, not for all objfiles.
- * symfile.c, symfile.h (sort_all_symtab_syms): Remove; no longer used.
- * mipsread.c (parse_symbol): In third-eye, a function has a block
- within it which represents the whole function. Create only one
- GDB block for both.
-Wed Oct 20 17:47:42 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * main.c: Make baud_rate and remote_debug be global variables,
- remove #include "remote-utils.h". This makes it possible to build
- GDB without remote-utils.c. Also, move setting of remote_debug
- into main, so that all remote*.c files can use it (not just the
- serial line ones). And, make baud_rate be an int.
- * remote-udi.c: Change kiodebug to remote_debug.
- * remote-utils.c: Move setting of baud rate and debug into main.c.
- * remote-utils.h: Redefine sr_{get set}_debug and sr_{get set}_baud
- to use baud_rate and remote_debug globals for compatibility.
- * remote.c: Use remote_debug and baud_rate globals directly,
- instead of sr_ functions, so that we don't need to load
- remote-utils.c.
- * config/a29k/ Define REMOTE_O as null so that we don't
- get the default remote* modules.
-Wed Oct 20 11:35:43 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): When combining a LOC_ARG and a
- LOC_REGISTER, use the type from the LOC_REGISTER, not from the
-Wed Oct 20 14:34:38 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * config/i386/xm-go32.h: define some signals if they aren't
- already defined.
-Wed Oct 20 11:35:43 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * (INTERNAL_LDFLAGS): New macro. The new part is
- that we use CFLAGS and PROFILE_CFLAGS to link.
- (gdb, rapp, kdb): Use INTERNAL_LDFLAGS instead of
-Wed Oct 20 09:29:55 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * Add $(srcdir) to all refs to 29k-share
- directories.
-Tue Oct 19 17:23:34 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (ALLCONFIG): Add config/i386/{,,
- i386/ i386/}, config/mips/{,
-}, config/ns32k/{,}
- * (remote_utils_h): Add remote-sim.h
- * (NONSRC): Add i386-nlmstub.c
- * (HFILES): Add coff-solib.h
-Tue Oct 19 14:15:40 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * values.c (value_virtual_fn_field): Fix the offset calculation
- when calling virtual functions. (gdb.t22/virtfunc.exp).
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): same as above.
-Tue Oct 19 10:43:16 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/rs6000/ (TERMCAP): Define to -lcurses.
- * Define CXXFLAGS.
-Tue Oct 19 09:28:52 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * sparclite/ Fixup so that this works with Sun make
- and VPATH.
-Tue Oct 19 10:43:16 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.h (struct bpstat_what): Don't use bitfields.
- * typeprint.c: Add "class CLASS-NAME" to docstring for ptype.
-Tue Oct 19 06:17:10 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (ALLPARAM): Add config/m88k/{nm-delta88v4.h,
- tm-delta88v4.h, xm-dgux.h}.
- * (ALLCONFIG): Add config/m88k/{,
- * README: Remove comment about SunOS 5.x programs leaving
- coredumps. Info from Sun is that this was not in customer
- releases.
-Mon Oct 18 10:28:08 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * hppa-tdep.c (restore_pc_queue): Call target_terminal_ours after
- done stepping the inferior.
- * c-exp.y: Remove never-used (because of shift/reduce conflicts)
- rules for pointers to members.
- * Remove notice about expected shift/reduce conflicts.
- * buildsym.c (finish_block): If we pop the context stack and it is
- not empty, complain () instead of abort ().
-Sun Oct 17 19:42:31 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * parse.c, parser-defs.h (follow_types): New function.
- * c-exp.y (ptype : typebase abs_decl): Use it.
- * c-exp.y (ptype): Add support for type qualifiers after the
- typebase. The typebase rule already has support for them before
- the typebase.
- * Change the expected number of shift/reduce
- conflicts to 6. This is OK--the 2 new conflicts are basically the
- same as one of the old ones.
-Sun Oct 17 13:04:49 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (VERSION): Bump to 4.10.3.
-Sun Oct 17 09:18:57 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Clean up comments which were at
- the top of the file, making them more concise and moving them with
- the code (Sorry, Randy, but these stream-of-consciousness comments
- really have to go). Switch the order of the "&&", which makes
- things clearer and turns out to be an improvement with respect to
- side effects and speed.
-Sun Oct 17 02:06:01 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * procfs.c: Handle process exits more elegantly by trapping on
- entry to _exit. Also, cleanup procinfo list when process dies of
- it's own accord (as opposed to being killed).
-Sat Oct 16 20:47:30 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/m88k/xm-dgux.h: Define NO_PTRACE_H.
- * corelow.c (add_to_thread_list): Need a cast to go from PTR to
- asection *.
- * infrun.c: Add comment about signals.
- * fork-child.c (fork_inferior): Remove CREATE_INFERIOR_HOOK again.
- Stu reinstated it (accidently I assume).
-Sat Oct 16 15:27:10 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * procfs.c (procfs_wait): Losing Unixware can't do poll on /proc
- files. Use PIOCWSTOP instead.
- * corelow.c (add_to_thread_list): Fix arg to match prototype.
- * procfs.c (procfs_set_sproc_trap): Don't use this if sproc
- isn't available.
- * (procfs_notice_signals): Fix prototype.
-Fri Oct 15 22:46:07 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_thread_match break_command_1):
- Thread-specific breakpoint support.
- * breakpoint.h (struct breakpoint): Add thread id field.
- * fork-child.c (fork_inferior): Move call to init_thread_list()
- back a bit so that init_trace_fun can do thread functions.
- * hppa-tdep.c (restore_pc_queue): Add pid to call to target_wait.
- * hppab-nat.c (child_resume): Handle default pid.
- * hppah-nat.c (child_resume): Handle default pid.
- * i386lynx-nat.c (child_wait): New arg pid.
- * inflow.c (kill_command): Reset thread list.
- * infptrace.c (child_resume): Handle default pid.
- * infrun.c: Thread-specific breakpoint support.
- * inftarg.c (child_wait): Add pid arg.
- * osfsolib.c (solib_create_inferior_hook): Add pid to call to
- target_resume.
- * procfs.c: Multi-thread support.
- * remote-bug.c (bug_wait): Add pid arg.
- * remote-hms.c (hms_wait): Add pid arg.
- * remote-mips.c (mips_wait): Add pid arg.
- * remote-mon.c (monitor_wait): Add pid arg.
- * remote-nindy.c (nindy_wait): Add pid arg.
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_wait): Add pid arg.
- * remote-udi.c (udi_wait): Add pid arg.
- * remote-vx.c (vx_wait): Add pid arg.
- * remote-z8k.c (sim_wait): Add pid arg.
- * remote.c (remote_wait): Add pid arg.
- * solib.c (solib_create_inferior_hook): Add pid to call to
- target_resume.
- * target.h (struct target_ops): Add pid arg to to_wait and
- to_notice_signals.
- * thread.c (valid_thread_id): New func to validate thread #s.
- * (pid_to_thread_id): New func to do the obvious.
- * thread.h: Prototypes for above.
- * coff-solib.c (coff_solib_add): Use nameoffset field to locate
- filename.
-Fri Oct 15 21:29:40 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * h8300-tdep.c, h8500-tdep.c: Define sim_load only, but not
- sim_kill, sim_open, or sim_set_args.
- * stack.c (print_stack_frame): Put catch_errors around
- print_frame_info so (for example) error printing source doesn't
- cause auto-displays to get skipped in normal_stop.
- * findvar.c (value_from_register): When preparing to cast a value
- the old code didn't copy the whole thing.
- * valops.c (value_assign): Add comment.
-Fri Oct 15 12:57:30 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * mipsread.c (upgrade_type): Replace bitsize sanity checks and
- complaint by a comment explaining why they were useless.
-Fri Oct 15 14:30:30 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Move comments on bypassing call dummy breakpoint from stack.c
- to breakpoint.h.
-Fri Oct 15 11:52:56 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * symtab.c (lookup_partial_symtab): If filename is not found and
- contains no slashes, try again and compare without leading path
- components.
- * symtab.c (lookup_symtab_1): Replace open coded version of
- lookup_partial_symtab with a function call.
-Thu Oct 14 20:34:15 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * fork-child.c (fork_inferior), remote-eb.c (eb_create_inferior),
- remote-mon.c (monitor_create_inferior), remote-nindy.c
- (nindy_create_inferior), remote-st.c (st2000_create_inferior),
- remote-vx.c (vx_create_inferior): Remove CREATE_INFERIOR_HOOK; it
- is replaced by init_trace_fun.
- * config/convex/xm-convex.h, convex-xdep.c: Add comments explaining
- how to do without CREATE_INFERIOR_HOOK for whoever fixes the Convex
- port.
- * Add Mach files to ALLDEPFILES, etc.
- * m3-nat.c: Clean up more hair--message(), cprocs.
- * Recognize Mach targets and hosts.
- * config/ns32k/tm-umax.h: Add some #ifndef's so tm-ns32km3.h can
- include this file.
- * Mach headers in config/*/tm-*.h: Fix includes to match correct
- locations of files.
-Thu Oct 14 21:35:55 1993 Rob Savoye (
- * remote-mon.c (general_open): Set dev_name. Minor tweaking to get
- it working again.
- * config/m68k/tm-monitor.h: Remove floating point register names
- as there aren't any on any of the monitors that use this code.
-Wed Oct 13 11:47:23 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * inflow.c: Pass pointer to process group, not process group itself,
- to TIOCSPGRP ioctl.
- * inflow.c (terminal_ours_1): Don't print warning on failure to
- set process group.
- * printcmd.c (printf_command): Instead of using makeva* and
- calling vprintf, just make the appropriate calls to printf.
- * printcmd.c, config/pa/xm-pa.h, config/mips/xm-makeva.h,
- config/alpha/xm-alpha.h, config/m88k/xm-m88k.h: Remove all
- traces of makeva*. My apologies to everyone (including me!)
- who spent so much time getting it to work on various machines,
- but look at the bright side, at least you won't have to do it
- again in the future.
- * printcmd.c (printf_command): Make a cleanup for val_args (fixes
- a memory leak).
-Tue Oct 12 22:54:41 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/mips/xm-mips.h: Remove comment about HAVE_SGTTY vs. usleep.
-Tue Oct 12 12:01:29 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- * only configure gdbserver for native environments
-Tue Oct 12 08:59:15 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stabsread.c (read_type): Treat a negative type number at the start
- of a type as a type reference, not as a definition of a type with
- "50=" omitted. This makes things work on the RS/6000 again (the
- 14 Sep 1993 change broke it).
- * inflow.c: Use 0 (standard input) not scb->fd.
- (terminal_ours_1): If printing warning, don't claim it happened in
- terminal_inferior.
- * blockframe.c (get_prev_frame_info): Don't error() if there are no
- frames; just return NULL.
- * xcoffsolib.h, xcoffexec.c: Undo the part of Fred's bfd->abfd
- change which involved structure elements. It was unnecessary and
- was not consistently done.
- * stabsread.h, stabsread.c, dbxread.c (common_block*, copy_pending):
- Move common block handling from dbxread.c to stabsread.c.
- Use the name from the BCOMM instead of the ECOMM.
- Allocate things on the symbol_obstack.
- * xcoffread.c (process_xcoff_symbol): Process C_BCOMM, C_ECOMM,
- and C_ECOML. On unrecognized storage classes, go ahead and call
- define_symbol (after the complaint).
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): Don't relocate 'S' symbols by
- the text offset.
-Tue Oct 12 12:33:09 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * osfsolib.c (solib_create_inferior_hook): Reset stop_soon_quietly
- after shared library symbol reading to get rid of warning from
- heuristic_proc_start.
-Tue Oct 12 12:01:29 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- * remote-sim.c: fix unterminated character string
-Tue Oct 12 08:59:15 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stabsread.c: Fix comment about gcc 2.3.3 stab for long long int.
-Mon Oct 11 14:27:25 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * m3-nat.c, config/nm-m3.h: Add a target_ops struct and other
- various things to try to get this to work.
- * symtab.h: Fix comments re headers, sharing blockvectors, etc.
-Mon Oct 11 11:46:06 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- * config/i960/ (REMOTE_O): add dcache.o and remote-utils.o
-Mon Oct 11 02:48:57 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * mipsread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Do not add undefined
- symbols to the partial symbol table.
- * alpha-tdep.c (init_extra_frame_info): Remove kludge for gcc,
- gcc has to be compatible with the native tools.
- * alpha-tdep.c (alpha_push_arguments): Rename NUM_ARG_REGS to
- ALPHA_NUM_ARG_REGS and move its definition to tm-alpha.h.
- * config/alpha/tm-alpha.h (FRAME_ARGS_ADDRESS): Change it to the
- way the native tools define it, update comment.
-Fri Oct 8 15:54:06 1993 Fred Fish (
- * osfsolib.c, remote-sim.c, remote.c, solib.c, xcoffexec.c,
- xcoffsolib.h: Use 'abfd' for bfd variables instead of 'bfd'.
- Sun cc doesn't like variable names that match their typedef'd type.
-Fri Oct 8 14:56:21 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * inflow.c: Remove unused includes of sys/param.h and sys/types.h.
- * inflow.c, ser-unix.c, ser-go32.c, ser-tcp.c, serial.h,
- terminal.h, fork-child.c, main.c, utils.c: Move all the process
- group stuff back to inflow.c and terminal.h; that's a better place
- for it and fixes problems with trying to get/set the process group
- of a tty we're doing remote debugging on.
- * terminal.h: Skip the redefines and includes if HAVE_TERMIOS.
- * findvar.c, value.h (symbol_read_needs_frame): New function.
- * c-exp.y, m2-exp.y: Call it instead of having our own switch on
- the symbol's class.
- * valops.c (value_of_variable): Use symbol_read_needs_frame to
- decide whether we care about finding a frame.
-Fri Oct 8 02:34:21 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * blockframe.c (get_frame_block): Do not adjust pc if the frame
- function was interrupted by a signal.
-Thu Oct 7 19:20:11 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/h8300/tm-h8300.h: Don't define sr_get_debug.
- * remote-sim.c: Include remote-utils.h.
- * target.h: Add comment about target_has_execution.
-Thu Oct 7 16:14:19 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * h8300-tdep.c (sim_load, sim_kill, sim_open, sim_set_args):
- New functions.
- * infrun.c (normal_stop): Don't try and set the pc in the current
- frame coredump if there isn't one.
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_store_register): Don't
- SWAP_TARGET_AND_HOST, sim_store_register takes bytes in raw order.
- (gdbsim_wait): Set status with WSETSTOP.
- * config/h8300/tm-h8300.h (sr_get_debug): Define
-Thu Oct 7 12:56:57 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- New Mach stuff:
- * config/i386/i386mach.c: Explain this is for the old (probably
- non-functional and/or obsolete) Mach stuff.
- * m3-nat.c, config/nm-m3.h,
- i386m3-nat.c, mipsm3-nat.c, ns32km3-nat.c,
- config/i386/{,,tm-i386m3.h,xm-i386m3.h},
- config/i386/{,,tm-i386mk.h,xm-i386mk.h},
- config/mips/{,,tm-mipsm3.h,xm-mipsm3.h},
- config/ns32k/{,,tm-ns32km3.h,xm-ns32km3.h}:
- New files.
- * blockframe.c (find_pc_partial_function): If we call
- PSYMTAB_TO_SYMTAB, call target_terminal_ours_for_output first.
- This is needed now that wait_for_inferior passes in endaddr.
- * infrun.c: Move call to target_terminal_inferior from proceed
- to resume.
-Thu Oct 7 09:22:04 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * blockframe.c (find_pc_partial_function): Fix handling for PCs
- beyond the end of the last function in an objfile.
- * coff-solib.c (coff_solib_add): Use BFD to get fields from .lib
- section.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Modify test for subroutine entry
- to include pc out of bounds of the previous function.
- * remote.c (remote_wait): Use strtoul for parsing 'N' message.
- Add code to relocate symfile_objfile->sections.
-Thu Oct 7 06:22:43 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/sparc/ Add comment saying why we don't use
- -lresolv.
-Thu Oct 7 09:29:11 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * breakpoint.c, breakpoint.h (breakpoint_init_inferior): New function
- that clears the `inserted' flag for all breakpoints and deletes
- any breakpoints which should go away between runs of programs.
- * inflow.c (generic_mourn_inferior), infrun.c (init_wait_for_inferior),
- remote-es.c (es1800_load), comments in exec.c and corelow.c:
- Use it instead of mark_breakpoints_out.
- * breakpoint.c (mark_breakpoints_out): Update comment, tm-rs6000.h
- uses it in a completely different context.
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_re_set_one): Add bp_call_dummy case.
-Thu Oct 7 09:29:11 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * (REGEX, REGEX1): Always use our own version of
- regex.c to be consistent across hosts.
- * source.c (_initialize_source): Initialize regex to use grep
- style syntax as an approximation to POSIX basic regex syntax.
-Wed Oct 6 12:43:47 1993 Jeffrey A Law (
- Jim Kingdon (
- * hppa-tdep.c (frame_chain): Rework so that it correctly
- handles boundaries where code with a frame pointer calls code
- without a frame pointer.
- (dig_fp_from_stack): New function.
-Wed Oct 6 12:43:47 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.c (delete_breakpoint): Don't insert a disabled breakpoint.
- * README: Add Alpha notes from Schauer.
-Tue Oct 5 15:26:04 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * (install, uninstall): Remove $$n.1 stuff; I don't
- understand what it is trying to do, but I suspect it's not doing
- it.
- * config/ns32k/ Add comment about M_INSTALL.
- * config/m88k/{,}: Remove M_INSTALL and
- M_UNINSTALL; it tries to install a non-existent file gdb.z.
- * Remove M_INSTALL stuff; the above were the only uses.
- * stabsread.c (read_range_type): Remove comment which recommends
- distinguishing float from complex by the name.
-Tue Oct 5 12:17:40 1993 Peter Schauer (
- Jim Kingdon (
- Stu Grossman (
- Changes to support alpha OSF/1 in native mode.
- * alpha-nat.c, alpha-tdep.c, config/alpha/,
- config/alpha/nm-alpha.h, config/alpha/tm-alpha.h, osfsolib.c:
- New files.
- * Add new files and dependencies.
- * Add alpha target.
- * config/alpha/ (NATDEPFILES): Add osfsolib.o
- * config/alpha/ (MH_CFLAGS): Remove, we can handle
- shared libraries now.
- * config/alpha/xm-alpha.h: Cleanup, get MAKEVA_* defines right.
- * defs.h (CORE_ADDR): Make its type overridable via CORE_ADDR_TYPE,
- provide `unsigned int' default.
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_auto_delete): Delete only if we really
- stopped for the breakpoint.
- * stabsread.c, stabsread.h (define_symbol): Change valu parameter
- to a CORE_ADDR.
- * stabsread.c (read_range_type): Handle the case where the lower
- bound overflows and the upper doesn't and the range is legal.
- * infrun.c (resume): Do not step a breakpoint instruction if
- * inferior.h (CALL_DUMMY_LOCATION): New variant AT_ENTRY_POINT.
- Now that we have the bp_call_dummy breakpoint the call dummy code
- is no longer needed. PUSH_DUMMY_FRAME, PUSH_ARGUMENTS and
- FIX_CALL_DUMMY can be used to set up everything for the dummy.
- The breakpoint for the dummy is set at the entry point and thats it.
- * blockframe.c (inside_entry_file, inside_entry_func): Do not stop
- backtraces if pc is in the call dummy at the entry point.
- * infcmd.c (run_stack_dummy): Handle AT_ENTRY_POINT case. Use
- the expected breakpoint pc when setting up the frame for
- set_momentary_breakpoint.
- * symfile.c (entry_point_address): New function for AT_ENTRY_POINT
- support.
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): Handle AT_ENTRY_POINT case.
-Tue Oct 5 11:37:02 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Recognize hppa*-*-hiux* (currently synonym for hpux).
- Change other hppa host entries to use -*- not -hp-.
-Mon Oct 4 19:16:14 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * i386-nlmstub.c: New file; debugging stub for i386 NetWare. Must
- be compiled with NetWare header files and turned into an NLM with
- nlmconv.
-Mon Oct 4 11:02:11 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * minsyms.c (lookup_minimal_symbol_by_pc): Don't use mst_abs symbols.
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): Make n_opt_found static.
- * Rename i386lynx-tdep.c to i386ly-tdep.c for 14 character file names.
- *, config/i386/ Change accordingly.
- * values.c (record_latest_value): Fetch lazy values and set VALUE_LVAL
- to not_lval.
-Sun Oct 3 15:54:51 1993 Stan Shebs (
- * objfiles.h (objfile): New slot sym_stab_info, use by most
- stab-reading formats.
- * gdb-stabs.h (DBX_SYMFILE_INFO): Access sym_stab_info instead of
- sym_private.
- * coffread.c (coff_symfile_init): Alloc struct for sym_stab_info.
- * dbxread.c, elfread.c, paread.c: Change sym_private references to
- sym_stab_info references.
-Sat Oct 2 19:28:35 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * mipsread.c, objfiles.c, utils.c: Use PTR not void *. RISC/OS
- 4.02 lacks void *.
- * elfread.c: Use void * not PTR inside PARAMS.
- * config/mips/ Remove coredep.o; mips-nat.o does it.
- * config/mips/ Define NAT_FILE not NM_FILE.
- * config/mips/nm-news-mips.h: Include mips/nm-mips.h not nm-mips.h.
-Sat Oct 2 16:05:22 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- *, coff-solib.c, coff-solib.h,,
- tm-i386lynx.h: Add support for SVR3 COFF shared libraries.
-Sat Oct 2 15:50:41 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * m88k-nat.c (store_inferior_registers): When writing all registers,
- don't try to write EXIP_REGNUM or ENIP_REGNUM (not needed for this
- case, and they cause trouble).
- * TODO: Don't suggest doing fast watchpoints by stepping a line
- at a time. That would be really hairy and still not fast enough.
- Do suggest debug registers and page table diddling.
-Fri Oct 1 14:54:46 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * printcmd.c (do_examine): Make meaning of 'h', 'w', and 'g' not
- depend on builtin_type_*. Instead, it is always 2, 4, and 8 bytes
- like the documentation says.
- * printcmd.c (decode_format) [CC_HAS_LONG_LONG]: Remove 'l' as
- synonym for 'g'. This was never documented, it shouldn't depend on
- CC_HAS_LONG_LONG, and I don't see what's wrong with 'g'.
-Fri Oct 1 10:06:35 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * symtab.c: fix a bug in testsuite (virtfunc.exp)
-Thu Sep 30 11:30:56 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * m88k-nat.c (fill_gregset): Fix typo (R_SFIP -> R_FIP).
- * c-typeprint.c (c_type_print_base, TYPE_FN_FIELD_STUB code):
- If demangled name lacks a colon, don't dump core.
- * blockframe.c (find_pc_partial_function): If pst->readin is
- set, don't try to get symbols from pst.
- * inflow.c (generic_mourn_inferior): Call reinit_frame_cache
- instead of doing it ourself.
- * blockframe.c (reinit_frame_cache): Use code which was in
- generic_mourn_inferior so we can use this function even when
- we have switched targets.
- * corelow.c (core_detach): Call reinit_frame_cache.
- * target.c (target_detach): Don't call generic_mourn_inferior
- (revert yesterday's change, now handled by core_detach).
- * objfiles.c (free_objfile): Detach any core file if we call
- SOLIB_CLEAR. #include target.h.
- * fork-child.c (fork_inferior): Don't call target_terminal_init
- and target_terminal_inferior until we are sure that the inferior
- has called gdb_setpgid. This fixes PR 2900 (Schauer tracked it
- down and was able to reliably reproduce it by putting a sleep()
- before the gdb_setpgid()).
-Thu Sep 30 12:00:49 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * c-exp.y, m2-exp.y: Change type of address for msymbol to
- builtin_type_long.
- * infptrace.c (fetch_register, store_inferior_register,
- child_xfer_memory): Use PTRACE_XFER_TYPE for the type of ptrace
- transfers. Provide an `int' default for PTRACE_XFER_TYPE.
-Thu Sep 30 11:30:56 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * defs.h (TARGET_*_BIT): Don't use host information (sizeof) in
- picking defaults.
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_is_vtbl_ptr_type): Continue to accept old form.
-Thu Sep 30 11:25:55 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_is_vtbl_ptr_type):
- change vtable field name to __vtbl (pr2695).
- * symtab.c (gdb_mangle_name): fix a bug, to get mangled name right.
-Wed Sep 29 18:34:22 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * Add deps for i386lynx-nat.o and i386lynx-tdep.o to
- keep non-gnu makes happy.
-Wed Sep 29 17:20:54 1993 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c (read_hpux_symtab): When a K_END is found for a
- K_MODULE, clear the have_module and have_name flags.
-Wed Sep 29 10:52:19 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * c-valprint.c: to fix virtual table print bug (pr2695).
-Wed Sep 29 10:52:19 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * target.c (target_detach): Call generic_mourn_inferior.
- * inflow.c (generic_mourn_inferior): Call flush_cached_frames.
-Tue Sep 28 23:08:59 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * dbxread.c, coffread.c, elfread.c: A few changes to comments.
-Tue Sep 28 18:39:37 1993 Stan Shebs (
- * Rename ...-lynx* to ...-lynxos*.
- Add m68*-*-lynxos* configuration.
- * dbxread.c (coffstab_build_psymtabs): New function,
- interfaces coffread.c to dbxread functions.
- * coffread.c (coff_symfile_info): Expand to include
- dbx_symfile_info slots.
- (coff_symfile_init): Init coff_symfile_info struct.
- (coff_locate_sections): New functions, finds the stab and stabstr
- sections.
- (coff_symfile_read): Call coffstab_build_psymtabs if a stab
- section is present.
- (coff_section_offsets): Replace fake version with real offsets.
-Tue Sep 28 18:00:50 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * infcmd.c (run_stack_dummy): Set the frame in the bp_call_dummy
- breakpoint.
-Tue Sep 28 17:53:26 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * config/nm-sysv4.h: Include solib.h. Define SVR4_SHARED_LIBS.
- * config/tm-sysv4.h: Don't include solib.h.
- * config/xm-sysv4.h: Don't define SVR4_SHARED_LIBS.
- * config/i386/ (TDEPFILES): Move solib.o from here...
- * config/i386/ (NATDEPFILES): here.
- * config/i386/nm-i386v4.h: Include nm-sysv4.h.
- * config/m68k/ (TDEPFILES): Move solib.o from here...
- * config/m68k/ (NATDEPFILES): here.
-Tue Sep 28 09:45:38 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * symmisc.c (print_symbol): Use %02x not %2x for LOC_CONST_BYTES.
- Clean up problems with targets and hosts that have 64 bit longs
- and pointers and 32 bit ints.
- * breakpoint.c, buildsym.c, c-lang.c, c-valprint.c, ch-lang.c,
- ch-valprint.c, core.c, cp-valprint.c, dbxread.c, exec.c,
- expprint.c, gdbtypes.c, infcmd.c, language.c, language.h,
- m2-lang.c, maint.c, mips-tdep.c, mipsread.c, partial-stab.h,
- printcmd.c, remote-vx.c, solib.c, source.c, stack.c, symfile.c,
- symmisc.c, symtab.c, valops.c, valprint.c, xcoffexec.c:
- Change all printf formats from %x to %lx if outputting an address.
- Change la_*_format to use long format.
- local_hex_string, local_hex_string_custom now take an unsigned long
- argument, change all callers.
- * coffread.c (read_coff_symtab): Remove superfluous cast for
- complaint output.
- * dbxread.c (end_psymtab): Cast MSYMBOL_INFO to long, not int.
- * findvar.c, value.h (write_register): Change val to LONGEST.
- * gdbtypes.h (struct type): Change `bitsize' to long as
- TYPE_FIELD_STATIC_PHYSNAME uses this field as a pointer.
- * inferior.h (struct inferior_status): Change type of stop_pc to
- * language.h (local_octal_string, local_octal_string_custom):
- Remove prototype, the functions are neither defined nor used.
- * mipsread.c (parse_symbol): Use temporary variable for bitsize as
- f->bitsize is a long now.
- * objfiles.c (add_to_objfile_sections, build_objfile_section_table):
- Use unsigned long casts instead of int for abusing sections_end
- pointer as integer.
- * stack.c (parse_frame_specification): Change type of `args' to
- * printcmd.c (make_vasize): Allow redefinition via MAKEVA_SIZE.
- * mipsread.c (parse_type): Alpha cc now supports the t->continued
- bit, update algorithm to match the way the compiler uses it.
-Tue Sep 28 12:05:11 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * utils.c (fprintfi_filtered): Fix comments.
-Mon Sep 27 18:10:08 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * coffread.c (read_coff_symtab): Don't call getfilename if there
- are no auxents.
-Mon Sep 27 10:22:37 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * symtab.c (find_pc_line): Fix comments.
- * remote-udi.c (udi_mourn): Don't pop target.
-Fri Sep 24 17:25:41 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * corelow.c: Add multi thread/process support for core files with
- .reg/XXX pseudo-sections.
- * i386lynx-nat.c thread.h thread.c: Remove unnecessary core file
- support.
-Thu Sep 23 10:49:37 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote-udi.c (download): Skip zero length sections.
- * valops.c (search_struct_method, value_struct_elt):
- Use (value)-1, not -1, for error.
- * infcmd.c (step_1), infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Add comments
- * exec.c (exec_file_command): Set text_end based on all code readonly
- sections, not just ".text".
- * defs.h, infcmd.c, config/z8k/tm-z8k.h, config/m88k/tm-m88k.h,
- config/sh/tm-sh.h, config/h8300/tm-h8300.h, config/h8500/tm-h8500.h,
- z8k-tdep.c: Remove all references to ADDR_BITS_SET.
- * config/m88k/tm-m88k.h: Define TARGET_WRITE_PC.
- * config/m88k/tm-m88k.h, m88k-tdep.c: Add call function stuff.
-Thu Sep 23 00:13:06 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (STORE_STRUCT_RETURN): Define as noop as
- the pushing of the struct return address is already handled in
- mips_push_arguments.
- * mips-tdep.c (reinit_frame_cache_sfunc): Fix typo in prototype
- declaration.
- * mipsread.c (parse_symbol, parse_type, upgrade_type): Add more
- sanity checks for corrupt symbol entries to avoid core dumps
- reported by Obviously Ultrix 4.3A cc now has
- the same problems as the OSF/1 alpha cc.
- * mipsread.c (parse_lines): Iterate over the range of the compressed
- line number entries, the old iteration sometimes failed to stop
- and wrote past the end of the LINETABLE. Add sanity check to avoid
- the same problem in case the line number info is corrupt.
- * mipsread.c (parse_procedure): Adjust pdr for alpha __sigtramp.
- * mipsread.c (parse_external, parse_partial_symbols): Ignore stNil
- symbols that are produced for statics in .o files and stLocal symbols
- that are produced for every section in OSF/1 dynamically linked
- executables.
- * mipsread.c (psymtab_to_symtab_1): Put out `undefined symbols'
- warning only under `verbose on' as there are many undefined symbols
- in a dynamically linked executable.
-Wed Sep 22 10:28:06 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/i960/ Don't define REMOTE_O; REMOTE_O was
- intended only for VxWorks. Remove dcache.o from TDEPFILES now
- that we pick it up from the default REMOTE_O.
- * breakpoint.c (bpstat_what): Initialize retval.call_dummy and
- retval.step_resume.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_frame_chain): If frame size zero, return zero.
- * rs6000-tdep.c: Add comment about framelessness.
- * remote-nindy.c: Declare ninMemGet and ninMemPut.
-Wed Sep 22 08:02:57 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * Add i386lynx-tdep to the right places.
- (TARDIRS): Add gdbserver.
- * exec.c (print_section_info): Print entry point.
- * i386lynx-nat.c (i386lynx_saved_pc_after_call): Move into
- i386lynx-tdep.c. Add core file support.
- * i386lynx-tdep.c: New module for Lynx/386 target dependant code.
- * maint.c: Add `maint info sections' command to print info about all
- sections that BFD knows about for exec and core files.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_push_dummy_frame): Update stack pointer
- before putting frame on the stack. Consolidate writes to reduce
- traffic for remote debugging.
- * config/i386/ (NATDEPFILES): Remove exec.o.
- * config/i386/ (TDEPFILES): Add exec.o, i386lynx-tdep.o.
- * config/i386/nm-i386lynx.h: Add target_pid_to_str().
- * config/i386/tm-i386lynx.h: Remove target_pid_to_str().
- * sparclite/ Add deps to keep Sun make happy.
-Tue Sep 21 17:48:14 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.h, breakpoint.c (bpstat_stop_status): Add new argument
- not_a_breakpoint.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Pass it. Also consolidate the
- test of whether we are stepping into a CURRENTLY_STEPPING macro.
-Tue Sep 21 17:22:34 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * breakpoint.c (bpstat_stop_status),
- infcmd.c (step_1),
- infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): collapse SHIFT_INST_REGS ifdef
- and insert macro.
- * m88k-tdep.c: include ieee-float.h. new global target_is_m88110.
- new const struct ext_format_m88110 for float format.
- (pic_prologue_code): add braces.
- (next_insn): remove unused variable buf.
- (frame_find_saved_regs): remove unused variables next_addr,
- saved_regs, regnum.
- (frame_locals_address): remove unused variables frame, ap.
- (frame_args_address): remove unused variables frame, ap.
- (push_parameters): add some breaks and a default case.
- * remote-bug.c: remove redundant includes of value.h, target.h,
- serial.h.
- (bug_open): corrected typo, sr_multi_scan -> gr_multi_scan.
- (bug_fetch_register): special case sfip register for m88110.
- remove flag bit masking of pc registers. This should be handled
- by the ADDR_BITS_* macros.
- (bug_store_register): special case sfip register for m88110.
- Corrected sprint format for extended registers.
- * config/m88k/tm-m88k.h: white space and comment changes. include
- ieee-float.h. expanded to cope with m88110 extended registers.
- (R0_REGNUM, XFP_REGNUM, X0_REGNUM): new macros.
- (SHIFT_INST_REGS): becomes a real macro.
-Tue Sep 21 17:48:14 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_1): Support bp_call_dummy.
-Tue Sep 21 17:06:19 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * elfread.c (record_minimal_symbol_and_info): Guess the section to
- use from the type.
- * objfiles.c: Include gdb-stabs.h for SECT_* macros.
- (objfile_relocate): Relocate textlow and texthigh in psymtabs.
- Relocate partial symbols. Check that minimal SYMBOL_SECTION is
- nonnegative before using it.
- * symtab.h: Adjust section field comment.
- * remote.c (interrupt_query): New function.
- (remote_interrupt_twice): Call interrupt_query.
- (putpkt, getpkt): If quit_flag is set, call interrupt_query.
- (remote_wait): Don't bother with objfile_relocate if the addresses
- haven't changed.
- (remote_fetch_registers): If we see a packet that doesn't start
- with a hex character, fetch a new one.
-Tue Sep 21 11:44:00 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote.c, remote-utils.c: Use SERIAL_FLUSH_INPUT after opening it.
- * printcmd.c (print_scalar_formatted): When truncating value we are
- going to print as unsigned, handle it generally for any length
- less than sizeof (LONGEST), rather than special-casing sizeof (char),
- sizeof (short), and sizeof (long). Clarify comment on what this
- is for.
- * symfile.c (deduce_language_from_filename): Accept .cxx for C++.
- * buildsym.c (start_subfile): Use deduce_language_from_filename
- rather than checking for .C or .cc ourself.
-Mon Sep 20 14:53:11 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * defs.h: Declare argument of re_comp as const char *.
- * remote.c, remote-mips.c: Use sr_get_debug not remote_debug.
- * README: Say using bfd from another release doesn't generally work.
-Sat Sep 18 10:13:18 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * mipsread.c (parse_type): Don't complain() if we guessed struct
- and it was a union, or vice versa.
- * defs.h (make_cleanup): Change PTR to void * when inside PARAMS.
- Some of the following is in #ifdef CALL_DUMMY_BREAKPOINT_OFFSET.
- * breakpoint.h (enum bptype): Add bp_call_dummy.
- (struct bpstat_what): Add call_dummy field.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Deal with it.
- * breakpoint.c (bpstat_what): Deal with call dummy breakpoint.
- * infcmd.c (run_stack_dummy): Set the call dummy breakpoint.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h: Define CALL_DUMMY_BREAKPOINT_OFFSET.
- * remote-sim.h: New file.
- * remote-sim.c: Add remote debug feature. Rename stuff to distinguish
- interface to simulator from gdb-specific stuff. Other changes.
- * remote-sp64sim.c: Renamed to remote-sim.c.
- Use sr_get_debug instead of our own sim_verbose/simif_snoop.
- Use gnutarget in call to bfd_openr.
- Rename simif_* to gdbsim_*.
- * config/sparc/ Change remote-sp64sim.c to remote-sim.c.
-Fri Sep 17 04:41:17 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * findvar.c (extract_signed_integer): Cast *p to LONGEST before doing
- the xor and subtract. Otherwise it will not sign extend if the type
- of LONGEST is larger than int.
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_print_class_method): Inhibit core dump if
- domain is an undefined cross reference.
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): Set real_pc to correct
-Thu Sep 16 20:37:06 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/a29k/tm-a29k.h (FRAME_CHAIN): If rsize is zero, return zero.
-Thu Sep 16 13:16:22 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Allow user to single step within
- a stack dummy.
-Thu Sep 16 12:34:01 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * dbxread.c (copy_pending): Deal with END NULL.
- (process_one_symbol): Add comments about what common_block NULL means.
-Wed Sep 15 14:50:26 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote-udi.c, remote-adapt.c, remote-mm.c: Move processor_type
- to tm-a29k.h and a29k-tdep.c and make it an enum.
- * a29k-tdep.c (a29k_get_processor_type): New function. Fix many
- aspects of how we detected the processor type.
- * remote-udi.c, remote-adapt.c, remote-mm.c (*_open): Call it
- rather than figuring out the type ourselves.
-Thu Sep 16 12:12:59 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * sparc-stub.c (_trap_low): Do restore/save sequence after
- setting sp to ensure that we load the previous window from the
- right place on the stack.
-Thu Sep 16 00:36:32 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * mipsread.c: Many changes for alpha ecoff format:
- Correct sizeof(int) == sizeof(long) assumptions.
- Replace stParsed hack by putting the parsed types on the pending chain.
- Replace mips specific ecoff mapping by ECOFF_REG_TO_REGNUM macro,
- provide default for cross debugging.
- Swapping the symbol back is no longer needed as the symbol is not
- modified anymore.
- Add new alpha basic types, handle btTypedef, handle stStaticProc
- external symbols .
- Update and clean up cross_ref for alpha cc cross ref variations.
- Allocate types on the type_obstack to inhibit storage leaks.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (ECOFF_REG_TO_REGNUM): Define.
- * gdbtypes.c (recursive_dump_type): Dump TYPE_TAG_NAME if it is set.
-Tue Sep 14 09:12:17 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stabsread.c (read_type): Process "s" (size) type attribute.
- If type is defined to another type, copy the type.
-Tue Sep 14 18:37:17 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * config/i386/ (NATDEPFILES): Move exec.o from here...
- * config/i386/ (TDEPFILES): here.
-Tue Sep 14 12:21:49 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * (remote_utils_h): add serial.h and target.h.
- (main.o, remote-es.o, remote-nindy.o, remote.o): remove target.h
- (already in remote_utils_h).
- (remote-utils.o): new rule.
- * remote-utils.h: include serial.h.
- * serial.h: ifdef protect from multiple inclusion.
- * remote.c, remote-nindy.c, remote-mon.c, remote-es.c: include
- remote-utils.h.
- * remote.c (remote_open), remote-nindy.c (nindy_open,
- nindy_files_info), remote-mon.c (general_open), remote-es.c
- (es1800_open): use remote-utils facilities for baud rate.
-Tue Sep 14 09:12:17 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * paread.c, coffread.c, elfread.c, dwarfread.c:
- Include <time.h> and <sys/types.h> before libbfd.h.
- * paread.c: Define BYTES_IN_WORD before including aout/aout64.h.
- * (a29k-tdep.o): Depend on $(defs_h).
- * config/a29k/tm-a29k.h (SAVED_PC_AFTER_CALL): Use gr122 not lr0
- if this is a transparent procedure.
-Mon Sep 13 16:06:43 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote.c: Define remote_debug to 0 and #if 0 baud_rate. Temporary
- hack so this file compiles again.
- * remote-utils.c (gr_multi_scan): Cast return value from alloca.
- (gr_multi_scan): #if 0 never-reached return(-1).
- * remote-udi.c (udi_wait): Return inferior_pid not 0.
-Mon Sep 13 14:14:35 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- Collect some remote things into remote-utils.
- * remote-utils.[ch]: new files of functions collected from several
- different remote targets.
- * (REMOTE_O): add remote-utils.o.
- (dcache_h, remote_utils_h): new macros.
- (HFILES): add $(remote_utils_h).
- (ALLDEPFILES): add $(remote_utils_h).
- (dcache.o): new rule.
- (main.o, remote-bug.o): also depend on $(remote_utils_h).
- * target.h (remote_debug): extern moved to remote-utils.h.
- * target.c (find_default_run_target, find_core_target): initialize
- runable.
- (remote_debug): moved to remote-utils.c.
- (_initialize_targets): move declaration of user variable
- remotedebug to remote-utils.c.
- * remote-bug.c: include remote-utils.h rather than dcache.h.
- (bug_close, bug_write, bug_write_cr, desc, bug_dcache, timeout,
- dev_name, check_open, is_open, readchar, readchar_nofail,
- pollchar, expect, expect_prompt, get_hex_digit, get_hex_byte,
- get_hex_word, bug_kill, bug_detach, bug_create_inferior,
- multi-scan, bug_prepare_to_store, bug_fetch_word,
- bug_store_word, bug_files_info, bug_mourn, bug_com, bug_device,
- bug_speed): removed and replaced with facilities from
- remote-utils.[ch].
- (bug_read_inferior_memory): renamed to bug_read_memory.
- (bug_write_inferior_memory): renamed to bug_write_memory.
- (bug_xfer_inferior_memory): renamed to bug_xfer_memory.
- (get_word): comment out this unused function for now.
- (bug_settings, cpu_check_strings): new statics.
- (bug_open): rewritten to use gr_open.
- (_initialize_remote_bug): remove declarations of commands bug,
- device, speed.
- * main.c: include remote-utils.h.
- (baud_rate): removed to remote-utils.c.
- (main): handle baud rate settings using new facilities from
- remote-utils.
- * defs.h (baud_rate): removed extern.
- m88110 support via bug-197 monitor.
- * remote-bug.c (get_reg_name, bug_fetch_register,
- bug_store_register): added m88110 extended register support.
- (wait_strings): added bug-197 prompt.
- (bug_wait): cope with bug-197 prompt.
- (start_load): cope with either bug-197 or bug-187 prompt.
-Mon Sep 13 12:53:09 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * inferior.h, infrun.c, thread.c, infcmd.c: Remove all uses of
- pc_changed. If it was ever set to a non-zero value, it was before
- GDB 2.8. It doesn't seem to have any useful function.
- * defs.h: Don't define NORETURN (see comment).
-Sat Sep 11 10:46:09 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * m88k-nat.c (fill_gregset): Set r31 and sfip.
-Thu Sep 9 10:18:29 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote-udi.c (udi_wait, case UDIStdinNeeded): Use a loop calling
- getchar() (terminated only on '\n') instead of scanf. Send the
- '\n' which terminates it to the remote system.
- More gcc lint:
- * exec.c (ignore): Return 0.
- * stack.c (return_command): Fetch lazy value directly, not via
- VALUE_CONTENTS, to avoid "value computed is not used".
- * inflow.c (new_tty): Move osigttou inside #if.
- * remote.c (remote_fetch_registers): If remote reply is short, just
- note that fact and keep going (reading extra registers as all bits 0).
- (remote_store_registers): Send number of registers that were found
- by remote_fetch_registers.
- * m68k-tdep.c, config/m68k/tm-m68k.h, config/m68k/tm-*.h: Remove
- HAVE_68881. Define CANNOT_STORE_REGISTER if ptrace() can't write
- floating registers.
- * config/m68k/{tm-m68k-nofp.h,,tm-m68k-fp.h,}:
- Remove, replaced by {tm-m68k-em.h,}.
- *, Change accordingly.
-Thu Sep 9 04:59:03 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * mipsread.c (cross_ref): Allow SGI extended symbol types as cross
- reference targets.
- * symmisc.c (print_symbol): Use TYPE_TAG_NAME not TYPE_NAME to avoid
- printing of identities.
-Wed Sep 8 19:18:27 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_1): Deal with step resume breakpoint.
-Wed Sep 8 13:01:10 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- Gcc lint.
- * config/m88k/tm-m88k.h (frame_find_saved_regs): prototype.
- * config/h8300/tm-h8300.h (NUM_REGS): rewrite to avoid nested comment.
- * blockframe.c (get_prev_frame_info): initialize address.
- * breakpoint.c (bpstat_copy): initialize retval.
- (bpstat_stop_status): initialize value_is_zero.
- (bpstat_what): initialize bs_class.
- (breakpoint_1, mention): add do-nothing case for bp_step_resume.
- (break_command_1): initialize cond_end, addr_end, &
- canonical_strings_chain.
- (enable_breakpoint): initialize save_selected_frame.
- * buildsym.c (end_symtab): initialize symtab & linetablesize.
- * c-exp.y (parse_number): initialize i.
- * c-typeprint.c (c_type_print_varspec_prefix): include
- TYPE_CODE_BITSTRING in switch statements and do nothing.
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): removed unused variable c.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print): removed unused variable eltlen.
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_print_class_method): initialize f & j.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): initialize pc2, arg1, arg2.
- * expprint.c (print_subexp): initialize myprec, assoc, & tempstr.
- * findvar.c (value_from_register): initialize first_addr.
- * gdbtypes.c (lookup_struct_elt_type): localize use of temporary
- variable typename.
- * infcmd.c (run_stack_dummy): return zero rather than simple
- return.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): initialize stop_sp, prologue_pc.
- remove symtab, appears unused.
- (restore_selected_frame): return 1.
- * mipsread.c (psymtab_to_symtab_1): initialize first_off.
- (fixup_sigtramp): initialize b0.
- * printcmd.c (do_examine): initialize val_type.
- (print_frame_args): initialize b.
- * ser-tcp.c (tcp_restore): comment out declaration. Appears
- unused.
- * ser-unix.c (hardwire_restore): comment out declaration. Appears
- unused.
- (hardwire_send_break): moved variable status into ifdef
- (wait_for): moved variable numfds into ifdef HAVE_SGTTY.
- * serial.h: comment change only.
- * stabsread.c (rs6000_builtin_type): initialize rettype.
- (read_range_type): initialize nbits.
- * stack.c (print_frame_info): remove unused variable numargs.
- (parse_frame_specification): remove unused variables arg1, arg2,
- arg3.
- (return_command): initialize return_value.
- * symfile.c (cashier_psymtab): initialize pprev.
- * symtab.c (find_pc_psymbol): initialize best.
- (lookup_symbol): initialize s.
- (make_symbol_completion_list): initialize quote_pos.
- * thread.c: include command.h.
- (thread_info): static declaration removed; unused.
- (info_threads_command): fix == vs = typo.
- * typeprint.c (whatis_exp): initialize old_chain.
- * valprint.c (val_print_string): remove unused variable
- first_addr_err. Initialize old_chain.
- (_initialize_valprint): white space comment change.
- * values.c (show_values): rewrite if statement to avoid empty
- body.
- (vb_match): remove unused variable fieldtype_target_type.
-Wed Sep 8 10:21:33 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * (mipsread.o): Depend on $(bfd_h).
-Tue Sep 7 13:06:44 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * gdbserver/ (TAGS): config files are in
- $(srcdir)/../config, not $(srcdir)/config.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h: Declare target_read_pc and target_write_pc.
- (STORE_RETURN_VALUE): Pass the correct offset of the return
- register to write_register_bytes.
- * hppa-tdep.c: Use target_write_pc if PCOQ_TAIL_REGNUM was not saved.
-Tue Sep 7 14:30:34 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * remote.c (remote_wait): Don't call error. Instead, call warning
- inside a loop. User can ^C to get out.
- * config/m68k/tm-m68k.h (FIX_CALL_DUMMY): Changed name of swapping
- routine to match BFD name change.
- * config/z8k/tm-z8k.h (FIX_CALL_DUMMY): Likewise.
-Mon Sep 6 15:01:57 1993 Jeffrey Wheat (
- * elfread.c: change elf32_symbol_type to elf_symbol_type
-Mon Sep 6 15:43:25 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * remote.c (remote_wait): Added 'W' and 'N' responses.
-Fri Sep 3 08:57:10 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * main.c, utils.c: Add comments about immediate_quit.
- * elfread.c (elf_symtab_read): Don't add symbols starting with ".L"
- to minimal symbols.
- * target.c (pop_target): Don't try to deal with the stack becoming
- empty. Shouldn't happen and the code that tried was broken.
- * dcache.c: Cast return value from xmalloc.
- * remote.c: Move setting of immediate_quit from remote_open to
- remote_start_dummy and set it back to zero when done.
-Thu Sep 2 00:07:36 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * m88k-tdep.c: Remove a bunch of unused #includes.
- * language.h: Add comment about current_language.
- * mips-tdep.c (_initialize_mips_tdep): Change heuristic-fence-post
- from var_uinteger to var_zinteger.
- * Fix typo (delta88r4 -> delta88v4).
- * config/m88k/xm-delta88.h: Don't include sys/siginfo.h. It was
- to make this work on SVR4 before SVR4 had its own configuration,
- and it breaks SVR3.
- * config/m88k/tm-delta88v4.h: Define FRAME_CHAIN_VALID_ALTERNATE.
- * config/m88k/delta88v4.h (NATDEPFILES): Remove infptrace.o inftarg.o.
- * config/m88k/xm-dgux.h: Renamed from config/m88k/xm-m88k.h.
- * config/m88k/ Use xm-dgux.h.
- * config/m88k/xm-m88k.h: New file, with HOST_BYTE_ORDER,
- * config/m88k/xm-*.h: Include m88k/xm-m88k.h.
- * printcmd.c: Remove __INT_VARARGS_H code; now in xm-m88k.h.
-Wed Sep 1 19:31:28 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote-udi.c (udi_wait): Call `warning' not `error'.
- * symtab.c (COMPLETION_LIST_ADD_SYMBOL): If the symbol has a
- demangling, don't put the mangled form in the completion list.
- * symtab.c, symfile.c, c-exp.y, ch-exp.y, m2-exp.y, buildsym.c,
- symfile.h, stabsread.c, minsyms.c, solib.c, nlmread.c, dwarfread.c
- partial-stab.h, symmisc.c, gdbtypes.c: Lint. Remove (or put
- inside #if) unused variables and labels. Fix unclosed comment.
- Deal with enumeration values unhandled in switch statements. Make
- sure non-void functions return values. Include appropriate
- headers.
- * dbxread.c (elfstab_build_psymtabs): Don't check for unsigned
- value < 0.
-Wed Sep 1 14:36:00 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * i960-tdep.c, ns32k-pinsn.c, remote-adapt.c, xcoffread.c:
- index -> strchr.
-Wed Sep 1 11:35:49 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote.c: Add comment explaining why dcache is disabled.
- (remote_fetch_word, remote_store_word): Make static and #if 0.
- They are not called from anywhere.
-Wed Sep 1 14:41:28 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * arm-tdep.c, convex-tdep.c, convex-xdep.c, dbxread.c,
- h8300-tdep.c, h8500-tdep.c, i960-pinsn.c, i960-tdep.c,
- infptrace.c, m88k-tdep.c, mips-tdep.c, regex.c, remote-vx.c,
- rs6000-tdep.c, xcoffexec.c, xcoffread.c, z8k-tdep.c,
- config/arm/tm-arm.h, config/convex/tm-convex.h,
- config/gould/tm-np1.h, config/gould/tm-pn.h,
- config/m68k/tm-isi.h, config/ns32k/tm-umax.h,
- config/pa/tm-hppa.h, config/pyr/tm-pyr.h,
- config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h, config/tahoe/tm-tahoe.h,
- config/vax/tm-vax.h: bzero -> memset.
- * regex.c: bcmp -> memcmp.
-Wed Sep 1 11:35:49 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * symtab.c (find_pc_line, find_line_common),
- symtab.h (struct linetable), xcoffread.c (arrange_linetable):
- Revise comments re linetable sorting.
- * buildsym.c (compare_line_numbers): Sort by pc, not by line.
- * coffread.c: Tell end_symtab to sort the line table.
- * coffread.c: Re-work a lot of the coff-specific stuff to use stuff
- in buildsym.c. This includes coff_finish_block, coff_context_stack,
- coff_local_symbols, coff_file_symbols, coff_global_symbols,
- coff_end_symtab and coff_add_symbol_to_list.
- (read_enum_type): Deal with it now that we have a "struct pending"
- not a "struct coff_pending".
- * buildsym.c (end_symtab): Don't realloc subfile->linetable.
-Wed Sep 1 13:12:43 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * a68v-nat.c, altos-xdep.c, convex-tdep.c, convex-xdep.c,
- findvar.c, hppab-nat.c, hppah-nat.c, i386mach-nat.c,
- irix4-nat.c, m68k-tdep.c, m88k-tdep.c, mipsread.c, regex.c,
- remote-bug.c, remote-hms.c, rs6000-nat.c, rs6000-tdep.c,
- sparc-nat.c, stabsread.c, sun3-nat.c, sun386-nat.c, symfile.c,
- umax-xdep.c, xcoffread.c, 29k-share/udi/udip2soc.c,
- 29k-share/udi/udr.c, config/a29k/tm-a29k.h, config/arm/tm-arm.h,
- config/convex/tm-convex.h, config/gould/tm-np1.h,
- config/gould/tm-pn.h, config/h8300/tm-h8300.h,
- config/h8500/tm-h8500.h, config/i386/tm-i386aix.h,
- config/i386/tm-sun386.h, config/i386/tm-symmetry.h,
- config/i960/tm-i960.h, config/m68k/tm-news.h,
- config/m88k/tm-m88k.h, config/mips/tm-mips.h,
- config/ns32k/tm-merlin.h, config/ns32k/tm-umax.h,
- config/pa/tm-hppa.h, config/pyr/tm-pyr.h,
- config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h, config/sh/tm-sh.h,
- config/tahoe/tm-tahoe.h, config/vax/tm-vax.h,
- config/z8k/tm-z8k.h, nindy-share/nindy.c: bcopy -> memcpy.
-Wed Sep 1 05:05:53 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * mipsread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Use language from FDR if it
- is unambigous. Patch from (Paul Flinders).
- * mipsread.c (ecoff_symfile_info): New struct to hold the global
- pending_list.
- * mipsread.c (mipscoff_symfile_init, parse_partial_symbols):
- Allocate the global pending list and link it to the objfile.
- * mipsread.c (is_pending_symbol, add_pending): Use global pending
- list from objfile. Allocate pending list entries from the
- psymbol_obstack.
- * mipsread.c (free_pending): Remove. The pending list is now
- freed when the psymbol_obstack is freed.
- * mipsread.c (psymtab_to_symtab1): Remove pending list allocation,
- the global pending list is used now.
- * mipsread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Skip only the first
- file indirect entry when building the dependency list.
-Tue Aug 31 15:01:27 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- Break dcache code out of remote.c.
- * dcache.h: white space changes only.
- * dcache.c: add user settable variable to set whether data caching
- is in use.
- * remote.c: include dcache.h. removed data caching code which is
- now in dcache.c. Compile in data caching again. (data caching
- is currently off by default.)
- (remote_read_bytes, remote_write_bytes): change second arg to
- unsigned char.
- (remote_dcache): new static variable.
- * (REMOTE_O): add dcache.o.
- * config/m88k/ (TDEPFILES): removed dcache.o.
- Break dcache code out of remote-nindy.c.
- * remote-nindy.c: removed dcache code. Changed callers to use new
- conventions. include dcache.h.
- (nindy_dcache): new static variable.
- * config/i960/ (TDEPFILES): added dcache.o.
- Break dcache code out of remote-bug.c into dcache.[hc].
- * (dcache_h): new macro.
- (HFILES): added $(dcache_h).
- (ALLDEPFILES): added dcache.c.
- (dcache.o): new rule.
- (remote-bug.o): now depends on $(dcache_h).
- * remote-bug.c: include dcache.h. remove externs for insque and
- remque, add extern for bcopy. Prototype bug_close,
- bug_clear_breakpoints, bug_write_cr. dcache code moved to
- dcache.[hc]. Changed dcache calling convention to include an
- initial DCACHE argument.
- (bug_dcache): new static variable.
- (bug_read_inferior_memory): change second arg to
- unsigned char.
- * dcache.[ch]: new files.
- * config/m88k/ (TDEPFILES): add dcache.o.
-Tue Aug 31 10:33:13 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * c-typeprint.c (c_print_type_base): Treat show = 0 just like
- show < 0. The only case where we had been distinguishing is that
- show = 0 used to print "struct " or "enum " instead of
- "struct {...}" or "enum {...}" which seems clearly wrong.
-Mon Aug 30 17:51:32 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * recognize m88110 as an m88k.
-Mon Aug 30 16:07:59 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): If we discard cleanups, call
- bpstat_clear (&inf_status.stop_bpstat).
-Mon Aug 30 12:47:46 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * stabsread.h, dbxread.c (end_psymtab): Return NULL if the psymtab
- was empty and thrown away.
- * mipsread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Do not add empty psymtabs to
- dependency list, skip self dependencies.
- * mipsread.c (parse_fdr): Removed, obsolete.
- * mipsread.c (parse_lines): Check for cbLine being zero, not
- cbLineOffset.
- * mipsread.c (struct symloc): Add pst_language.
- * mipsread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Set up proper language for
- header files, save it in pst_language for psymtab_to_symtab_1.
- * mipsread.c (psymtab_to_symtab_1): Use pst_language.
-Mon Aug 30 10:48:06 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Fix typo m88*-motorola-svr4* -> sysv4*.
-Fri Aug 27 17:09:19 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * paread.c: Include som.h instead of libhppa.h. (From Utah.)
-Fri Aug 27 09:30:40 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * symmisc.c (dump_symtab): Use catch_errors around print_symbol.
- Change calling sequence of print_symbol to fit catch_errors.
- * mips-tdep.c: Call reinit_frame_cache every time the user does
- "set heuristic-fence-post".
- * gdbserver/low-sun3.c: New file.
- * gdbserver/, config/m68k/ Change accordingly.
- * Rename files for 14-character limits:
- gdbserver/remote-gutils.c -> gdbserver/utils.c
- gdbserver/remote-inflow.c -> gdbserver/low-lynx.c
- gdbserver/remote-inflow-sparc.c -> gdbserver/low-sparc.c
- gdbserver/remote-server.c -> gdbserver/server.c
- remote-monitor.c -> remote-mon.c
- *, gdbserver/, gdbserver/,
- config/m68k/, config/i386/,
- config/sparc/ Change accordingly.
- * gdbserver/ Remove more junk inherited from gdb Makefile.
-Thu Aug 26 14:32:51 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * infcmd.c, inferior.h (run_stack_dummy): If we stop somewhere
- besides the dummy, return 1 rather than calling error().
- Let caller print the error message. Remove name argument.
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): Deal with changes to calling
- sequence of run_stack_dummy. Discard restore_inferior_status cleanup
- if run_stack_dummy returns 1.
- * Version 4.10.2.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (EXTRACT_STRUCT_VALUE_ADDRESS):
- Get struct return address from v0, not a0.
- * infrun.c (restore_inferior_status): Use catch_errors when
- restoring selected frame.
-Wed Aug 25 21:52:25 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * infrun.c (save_inferior_status, restore_inferior_status):
- Save and restore the registers too.
- * inferior.h (struct inferior_status): Add "registers".
-Tue Aug 24 00:36:17 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * dbxread.c (end_psymtab): Clean up comment.
- * frame.h, symtab.h, findvar.c (read_var_value): Change basereg
- support to use LOC_BASEREG rather than SYMBOL_BASEREG_VALID.
- * dwarfread.c: Use LOC_BASEREG where appropriate.
- * Various: Support LOC_BASEREG and LOC_BASEREG_ARG.
- * coffread.c (init_lineno, init_stringtab): Don't check whether
- xmalloc returned NULL.
- * config/vax/xm-vaxult.h: Define NO_PTRACE_H.
- * target.c, target.h: Add "set remotedebug" command.
- * remote-bug.c, remote.c, remote-mips.c: Remove "set remotedebug" and
- "set m88ksnoop" options and use generic "set remotedebug" instead.
- * NEWS: Describe this change.
-Mon Aug 23 20:26:22 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * buildsym.h: Remove declaration of dbxread.c functions.
- * stabsread.h: Group together dbxread.c functions.
- Move elfstab_build_psymtabs here from symfile.h.
- Declare pastab_build_psymtabs.
- * elfread.c, paread.c: Include stabsread.h (for stabsread_new_init
- declaration, etc).
-Mon Aug 23 17:16:23 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * remote-bug.c: rename quiet to bug88k_snoop.
- (double_scan, multi_scan): generalize double_scan into a scan
- for multiple patterns. Rename to multi_scan.
- (bug_wait, bug_write_inferior_memory): adapt to use the new
- multi_scan in order to catch and represent target bus errors.
- (bug_scan): currently unused, so comment out.
- (bug_quiet): removed. Replaced with a standard user settable boolean.
- * m88k-tdep.c: remove include of sys/dir.h. Appears unnecessary
- and isn't available on solaris.
-Mon Aug 23 14:56:42 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/m88k/{,}: New files
- * config/m88k/ Fix comment.
- * config/m88k/tm-delta88.h: Remove unused BCS define.
- * config/m88k/{tm-delta88v4.h,xm-delta88v4.h,nm-delta88v4.h}:
- New files.
- * Recognize m88*-motorola-sysv4*.
- * m88k-nat.c: Always include sys/types.h; don't depend on USG.
-Mon Aug 23 12:57:42 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * mipsread.c (parse_symbol, parse_type, cross_ref): Pass name of
- symbol as an argument and use it in complaints.
- * symmisc.c (dump_psymtab): Dump filenames of dependencies.
-Mon Aug 23 1993 Sean Fagan (
- and Jim Kingdon (
- Add NetBSD support:
- * Recognize netbsd.
-Sun Aug 22 22:50:32 1993 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c (get_textlow): Don't go past a K_END when looking for a
- K_FUNCTION. Avoids losing on source files with no functions.
-Fri Aug 20 14:01:39 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote-nindy.c: Remove unused include of sys/ioctl.h.
- * frame.h, symtab.h: Revise comments regarding baseregs.
-Fri Aug 20 15:07:05 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * mipsread.c (parse_partial_symbols, psymtab_to_symtab_1):
- Set language for psymtab and symtab.
- * mipsread.c (new_symbol): Set language and initialize demangled
- name for symbol.
- * symmisc.c (print_symbol): Use SYMBOL_SOURCE_NAME when printing
- the symbol type.
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): Inhibit coredumps with cfront executables.
-Fri Aug 20 14:01:39 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Move KERNEL_U_ADDR from xm-hp300bsd.h to nm-hp300bsd.h and make
- it conditionalized on 4.3 vs. 4.4.
- * config/m68k/nm-hp300bsd.h: Move REGISTER_U_ADDR out of 4.3 and
- 4.4 sections; it was identical and now works for 4.4.
- * mips-tdep.c (is_delayed): Use INSN*BRANCH* not ANY_DELAY.
- * printcmd.c (MAKEVA_END): Update this version to use "aligner".
-Thu Aug 19 22:08:09 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * config/vax/tm-vax.h (BELIEVE_PCC_PROMOTION): Define.
- * mipsread.c (parse_symbol, parse_type, cross_ref): Handle corrupt
- file indirect entries with complaints instead of core dumps. Remove
- complaint for stTypedef within aggregates.
-Thu Aug 19 17:58:39 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * coffread.c (process_coff_symbol): Ignore tagnames like .0fake.
- * coffread.c (coff_read_enum_type): #if 0 out code which changes
- enum {FALSE, TRUE} into boolean.
- * config/m68k/delta68.m{t,h}: Use nm-delta68.h, etc. not
- non-existent files nm-delta.h, etc.
- * config/m68k/tm-delta68.h: Define CANNOT_STORE_REGISTER.
- * delta68-nat.c: Add "[0]" in offsetof argument.
- * delta68-nat.c (_initialize_kernel_u_addr): Don't try to set up
- nl with initializer, just assign to it. Check n_scnum field on
- return.
-Wed Aug 18 21:42:52 1993 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c (read_hpux_symtab): Call SET_NAMESTRING for K_MODULE
- debug symbols.
-Wed Aug 18 12:03:00 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * printcmd.c (print_address), values.c (value_as_pointer): Don't
- * defs.h: Try to clarify comment about ADDR_BITS_REMOVE.
- * blockframe.c (block_innermost_frame): Uncomment.
- Return NULL if passed NULL.
- * frame.h: Declare it.
- * expression.h (union exp_element): Add field block.
- * parse.c (write_exp_elt_block): New function.
- * expression.h (OP_VAR_VALUE): Now takes additional struct block *.
- * *-exp.y: Write block for OP_VAR_VALUE.
- * eval.c, expprint.c, parse.c: Deal with block for OP_VAR_VALUE.
- * valops.c, value.h (value_of_variable), callers:
- Add second argument, for block.
- * main.c (gdb_readline): If we read some characters followed by EOF,
- return them rather than returning NULL.
-Tue Aug 17 11:14:25 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * mips-tdep.c: Remove unused #ifndef NUMERIC_REG_NAMES and add comment.
-Tue Aug 17 15:10:04 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * config/m88k/tm-m88k.h: Fix typo in comment.
- (FP_REGNUM): define in terms of SP_REGNUM
- rather than by absolute number. Also clearly comment that this
- is a convenient lie in order to decrease future confusion.
- (ACTUAL_FP_REGNUM): new macro for FP.
- (FRAME_CHAIN_VALID): removed. Standard default works fine.
- * m88k-tdep.c (frame_chain_valid): redundant, so removed.
- (NEXT_PROLOGUE_INSN): removed unused fourth arg, fixed all
- callers.
- (read_next_frame_reg): declare static.
- (examine_prologue): removed unused variabel insn2, rename insn1
- to insn, rewrote comment about finding fp, sp, etc. set frame_fp
- based on ACTUAL_FP_REGNUM rather than FP_REGNUM which is
- actually a scammed alias for SP_REGNUM on m88k.
- * frame.h: fixed typo in comment.
-Tue Aug 17 11:14:25 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * 29k-share/udi/udiphcfg.h: Always include udiphunix.h not udiphdos.h.
- * complaints.c (complain): fflush (stdout) after output.
-Tue Aug 17 01:43:55 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * blockframe.c, frame.h (sigtramp_saved_pc): New routine to fetch
- the saved pc from sigcontext on the stack for BSD signal handling.
- * config/i386/tm-i386bsd.h (SIGTRAMP_START, SIGTRAMP_END, FRAME_CHAIN,
- Define to make backtracing through sigtramp work.
-Mon Aug 16 13:52:14 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * main.c (cd_command): If current_directory on entry is "/", then
- don't append an extra slash.
- Don't assume that /../.. means /.
- * target.c (target_xfer_memory): Clear errno before calling
- to_xfer_memory.
- * stack.c (frame_info, print_frame_info): Add comment about using
- the starting source line number on a line boundary if backtracing
- through sigtramp.
-Mon Aug 16 09:52:33 1993 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c: Add U Utah contribution notice. Add TODO list.
- (hp_type_lookup): Use TYPE_NAME and TYPE_TAG_NAME.
- (process_one_debug_symbol): Likewise.
-Mon Aug 16 02:56:01 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * blockframe.c (create_new_frame, get_prev_frame_info):
- Use the function name when calling IN_SIGTRAMP.
- * config/m68k/tm-m68k.h (SIG_PC_FP_OFFSET, SIG_SP_FP_OFFSET):
- Define for correct handling of bachtraces through _sigtramp.
- * m68k-tdep.c (m68k_find_saved_regs): Adjust saved sp for fake
- sigtramp frames.
- * mipsread.c (parse_type): Handle corrupt TIR info with complaint
- instead of core dump.
- * mipsread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Put static symbols into the
- mimimal symbol table, use proper mst_types for all minimal symbols.
- * stack.c (frame_info, print_frame_info): Use the starting source
- line number on a line boundary if backtracing through sigtramp.
-Fri Aug 13 14:37:05 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * remote-bug.c: include gdbcmd.h.
- (sleep, remque, insque): forward decls added.
- (bug_fetch_registers, bug_store_registers): forward decls
- removed.
- (bug_read_inferior_memory, bug_write_inferior_memory): forward
- decls added.
- (srec_frame, srec_max_retries, srec_bytes, srec_echo_pace,
- srec_sleep, srec_noise): new static variables for user settable
- options. Mostly these are for debugging and tuning. I don't
- expect them to stay user settable options for long.
- (timeout): change default to 4 seconds.
- (check_open): declare funtion static, force return value.
- (readchar_nofail): if timeout, then say so if not being quiet.
- (pollchar, double_scan, bug_scan, bug_srec_write_cr,
- start_load): new functions.
- (bug_wait): rewritten to use double scan.
- (expect): while (1) -> for (;;)
- (get_hex_digit): rewrite if condition to avoid gcc complaints.
- (bug_load, bug_create_inferior, bug_open, bug_store_register):
- removed unused variables.
- (bug_load): replaced DELTA macro with user settable srec_frame
- variable. Other minor lint.
- (find_end_of_word, is_baudrate_right, set_rate, not_bug_wait,
- gethex, timed_read, translate_addr, bug_before_main_loop):
- unsused and removed.
- (bug_resume): add missing first arg, pid.
- (get_reg_name): use ip rather than cr04.
- (bug_write, bug_write_cr, but_clear_breakpoints, bug_quiet):
- declare type, args, and explicitly return.
- (bug_store_register): straighten out the ip vs cr04 confusion.
- (bug_write_inferior_memory): rewrite to cope with errors while
- downloading s-records.
- (bug_read_inferior_memory): declare static.
- (bug_clear_breakpoints): expect nobr before prompt.
- (_initialize_remote_bug): add initializations for srec-bytes,
- srec-max-retries, srec-frame, srec-noise, srec-sleep,
- srec-echo-pace.
- * (remote-bug.o): new rule.
- (ALLDEPFILES): added remote-bug.c
- * remote-hms.c (hms_wait): use -1 for timeout's which means block
- forever rather than 99999.
- * ser-unix.c (get_tty_state): if a descriptor is not a tty, then
- simply save encode this fact as the process group and return
- success rather than an error.
- (set_tty_state): if process group is -1, do not reset the
- process group.
- (hardwire_reachar): comment change.
- * serial.h: comment change.
- * config/m88k/tm-m88k.h: comment change to remove embedded
- comment.
- (SKIP_PROLOGUE): skip_prologue returns a value which is expected
- to reset the pc argument. So reset it.
-Fri Aug 13 10:15:24 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (VERSION): Bump to 4.10.1 after release and cvs
- tagging.
-Thu Aug 12 20:40:14 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * gdbserver/ Use GDBSERVER_LIBS and
- GDBSERVER_DEPFILES. Also remove much (but not all that could be
- removed) crud inherited from gdb
- * config/i386/, config/sparc/ Define GDBSERVER_*.
- * gdbserver/README: Say it works on Sun and change configuration
- instructions slightly.
-Wed Aug 11 18:56:59 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- * config/i386/ use -lsocket and -lnsl, for remote
- targets that use BSD style network connections
-Wed Aug 11 17:54:24 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote-{monitor,bug}.c: Make bug_ops not static (forward declaration
- of statics doesn't work with SunOS4 /bin/cc).
- Rename the occurrence in remote-monitor.c to monitor_bug_ops.
-Tue Aug 10 13:07:14 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * blockframe.c (find_pc_partial_function),
- mips-tdep.c (find_proc_desc): Deal with "pathological" case.
-Tue Aug 10 14:50:30 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * utils.c (wrap_here): Allow indent to be NULL.
- (fputs_filtered): Don't check for null wrap_indent (wrap_here now
- guarantees that it isn't, and anyway we were only checking one out
- of the two places we dereferenced it).
- * objfiles.h (struct objfile): Clean up comments for
- {obj,sym}_private to clarify what they are private to.
-Mon Aug 9 16:45:00 1993 Stan Shebs (
- * stabsread.c, buildsym.c (hashname): Moved function to
- buildsym.c, as suggested in the sources.
-Mon Aug 9 09:53:45 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote-udi.c: Make udi_ops extern rather than trying forward
- declaration of a static variable.
- * hppab-nat.c: Define ptrace to call_ptrace and pass the 5th arg
- there, rather than using an ANSI C specific macro.
- * 29k-share/udi/udr.c: Include fcntl.h not sys/fcntl.h. Also put
- sys/types.h near the top (just on general principles).
- * environ.c (set_in_environ): Remove G960BASE and G960BIN; they are
- no longer used.
- * gdbcore.h: New variable gnutarget.
- * core.c: Add commands to set and show it.
- * Callers to bfd_*open*: Pass gnutarget instead of NULL as target.
- * environ.c (set_in_environ): For GNUTARGET, use set_gnutarget not
- putenv.
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): Give error on unmatched single quote.
-Sun Aug 8 13:59:49 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * ser-unix.c (hardwire_send_break) [HAVE_SGTTY]: Use select not usleep.
- * remote.c: Add comments about 'd', 'r', and unrecognized requests.
- * inflow.c (terminal_init_inferior): Don't muck with tty state if
- gdb_has_a_terminal() is false.
-Sun Aug 8 10:07:47 1993 Fred Fish (
- * dwarfread.c (record_minimal_symbol): Remove prototype and
- function.
- * dwarfread.c (add_partial_symbol): Remove code to add minimal
- symbols and remove comment about limitations. Experiments show
- that now that gdb handles the ELF symtab better for creating
- minimal symbols, that no additional information is added by
- examining the DWARF information, and in fact, given the
- limitations, the DWARF code was actually making things worse.
-Sat Aug 7 10:59:03 1993 Fred Fish (
- * elfread.c (elf_symtab_read): Properly sort out the bss symbols
- from the data symbols and give them the correct minimal_symbol_type.
- Add file static symbols to the minimal symbol table, not just
- global symbols. Add absolute symbols as well (like _edata, _end).
- Redo stabs-in-elf special symbol handling now that file static
- symbols are entered into the into the minimal symbol table.
- * dwarfread.c (add_partial_symbol): Add comment about limitations
- of DWARF symbols for distinquishing data from bss when adding
- minimal symbols. Add file local symbols to minimal symbols.
-Thu Aug 5 08:58:58 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * ser-go32.c: Define job_control variable.
-Thu Aug 5 15:56:13 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- * z8k-coff is the same as z8k-sim
-Thu Aug 5 08:58:58 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * 29k-share/udi/udip2soc.c: Include sys/types.h before sys/file.h.
- * config/i386/tm-i386bsd.h (NUM_REGS): There are only 10, not 11.
- * inflow.c: Put all uses of F_GETFL and F_SETFL in #ifdef F_GETFL.
- * 29k-share/udi/udip2soc.c: Include fcntl.h not sys/fcntl.h.
-Wed Aug 4 18:32:12 1993 Fred Fish (
- * inflow.c (pass_signal): Signal handlers take one int arg;
- supply an unused one to make it type compatible as an arg to
- signal().
-Tue Aug 3 18:34:14 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h: Include bfd.h before coff/sym.h.
-Tue Aug 3 15:34:57 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (ALLCONFIG): Add config/i386/,
- config/m68k/, config/m68k/,
- config/m68k/, config/m68k/, config/mips/,
- config/mips/
- * (ALLPARAM): Add config/i386/nm-symmetry.h,
- config/i386/tm-i386nw.h, config/m68k/nm-delta68.h,
- config/m68k/tm-delta68.h, config/m68k/xm-delta68.h,
- config/m68k/nm-dpx2.h, config/m68k/tm-dpx2.h,
- config/m68k/xm-dpx2.h, config/mips/xm-makeva.h.
- * (ALLDEPFILES): Add dpx2-nat.c.
-Tue Aug 3 12:02:09 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mipsread.c: Updated for BFD ECOFF changes. Now gets the
- swapping routines and external structure sizes via the
- ecoff_backend information. No longer includes coff/mips.h.
-Tue Aug 3 10:58:04 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (SFILES): Add thread.c
-Tue Aug 3 10:21:58 1993 Doug Evans (
- * remote-sp64sim.c (simif_create_inferior): Add FIXME regarding
- sim_set_args return code.
-Mon Aug 2 16:35:31 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * (VERSION): bumped to 4.9.4.
- * remote-monitor.c: updated copyright.
- (bug_ops, monitor_desc): now static.
- (monitor_desc): in several places, check and/or set to NULL.
- * remote-hms.c (hms_files_info): Add the appropriate items where
- missing in the printf call.
- * remote-bug.c: new file for m88k bug support.
- * config/m88k/ (TDEPFILES): added remote-bug.o.
-Mon Aug 2 14:22:09 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * h8300-tdep.c: Use new variable h8300hmode.
-Mon Aug 2 12:06:00 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * valops.c (typecmp): If we are passing a non-reference to a function
- which takes a reference, pass the address.
- (value_arg_coerce): Don't use COERCE_ENUM; we don't want to dereference
- references here.
- * thread.c (thread_switch): Define as static.
- (add_thread): Cast return value from xmalloc.
- * gdbtypes.c (fill_in_vptr_fieldno): Call check_stub_type.
- * gdbtypes.{c,h}: Improve comments on vptr_fieldno.
-Mon Aug 2 11:58:52 1993 Fred Fish (
- * README: Elaborate on gdb C++ support and cfront support.
-Mon Aug 2 11:30:57 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * i386lynx-nat.c, thread.c, thread.h: Update copyrights.
-Mon Aug 2 12:06:00 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * (ALLDEPFILES): Add i386lynx-nat.c.
-Mon Aug 2 08:42:50 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * gdbserver/remote-inflow.c (create_inferior): Fix comments, and
- error msg. Setup seperate process group for child.
- * (write_inferior_memory): Sleep for 1 second and retry on ptrace
- failure.
-Sun Aug 1 22:58:18 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * config/i386/ (NATDEPFILES): Drop coredep (for now).
- * config/i386/nm-i386bsd.h: Protect from multiple inclusion.
- * config/i386/nm-i386lynx.h: Lotsa new host porting stuff.
- * config/i386/tm-i386lynx.h: Define SAVED_PC_AFTER_CALL and
- target_pid_to_str.
- * (CLIBS): Reorder to make Lynx ld happy.
- * (HFILES): New file thread.h.
- * (OBS): New file thread.c.
- * Host config for Lynx/386.
- * fork-child.c (fork_inferior): Call init_thread_list().
- * infrun.c (resume): Add pid to invocation of target_resume().
- * (wait_for_inferior): Pay attention to pid from target_wait().
- Multi-threading code now uses this to determine what to do.
- * inftarg.c (child_wait): Conditionalize based on CHILD_WAIT macro.
- Use target_pid_to_str() macro throughout when printing pid.
- * inferior.h (child_resume): Add pid to prototype.
- * hppab-nat.c hppah-nat.c infptrace.c (child_resume): Pass in pid as
- argument, instead of using inferior_pid.
- * procfs.c (procfs_resume): Pass in pid as argument. Ignored for
- now. Use target_pid_to_str() macro throughout for printing process id.
- * remote-adapt.c (adapt_resume): Pass in pid as argument.
- * remote-eb.c (eb_resume): Pass in pid as argument.
- * remote-es.c (es1800_resume): Pass in pid as argument.
- * remote-hms.c (hms_resume): Pass in pid as argument.
- * remote-mips.c (mips_resume): Pass in pid as argument.
- * remote-mm.c (mm_resume): Pass in pid as argument.
- * remote-monitor.c (monitor_resume): Pass in pid as argument.
- * remote-nindy.c (nindy_resume): Pass in pid as argument.
- * remote-sa.sparc.c (remote_resume): Pass in pid as argument.
- * remote-sim.c (rem_resume): Pass in pid as argument.
- * remote-sp64sim.c (simif_resume): Pass in pid as argument.
- * remote-st.c (st2000_resume): Pass in pid as argument.
- * remote-udi.c (udi_resume): Pass in pid as argument.
- * remote-vx.c (vx_resume): Pass in pid as argument.
- * remote-z8k.c (rem_resume): Pass in pid as argument.
- * remote.c (remote_resume): Pass in pid as argument.
- * solib.c (solid_create_inferior_hook): Pass inferior_pid to
- target_resume().
- * target.c (normal_pid_to_str): New routine to print out process
- ID normally.
- * target.h (struct target_ops): Add pid to prototype at
- to_resume(). (target_resume): Add pid argument.
- * (target_pid_to_str): Default definition for normal type pids.
- * thread.h, thread.c: New modules for multi thread/process control.
-Sun Aug 1 13:02:42 1993 John Gilmore (
- * README: Say that bug-gdb is also the place to send requests
- for help with GDB.
-Sun Aug 1 09:42:13 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (make-proto-gdb-1): Use -f opt on rm of Makefile.
- * h8500-tdep.c: Add parens around a few macro args.
-Fri Jul 30 15:43:49 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * TODO: Remove items about unix-to-unix/rapp debugging (now we
- have gdbserver), moving xm files to subdirectory, ptype yylval,
- and file-local symbols.
- * gdbtypes.h: Improve comments about C++ methods.
-Fri Jul 30 14:16:32 1993 Fred Fish (
- * c-exp.y: Add missing 5th arg for one call to lookup_symbol, cast
- NULL in all other calls to correct pointer types.
-Fri Jul 30 15:43:49 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- From Jeffrey Law:
- * tm-hppa.h (TARGET_WRITE_PC): Define.
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_fix_call_dummy): If in a syscall,
- then return the address of the dummy itself rather than
- the address of $$dyncall.
- (target_write_pc): New function to store a new PC.
-Fri Jul 30 12:51:27 1993 Peter Schauer (
- and Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_re_set_one): Always reparse breakpoint
- conditions, they might contain symbol table references.
-Fri Jul 30 12:51:27 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * mipsread.c (parse_symbol): Handle opaque struct definitions and
- type naming for stTypedef symbols.
-Fri Jul 30 14:44:21 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * c-exp.y (yylex): Detect C++ nested types.
-Fri Jul 30 11:07:37 1993 Doug Evans (
- * sp64-tdep.c (sparc64_frame_chain, sparc64_frame_saved_pc): Deleted.
- (dump_ccreg, sparc_print_register_hook): New fns.
- * remote-sim.h: New file.
- * remote-sp64sim.h (sim_*): External fns. (simif_*): Internal fns.
- * config/sparc/ New file.
- * config/sparc/tm-sp64.h (FRAME_CHAIN, FRAME_SAVED_PC): Deleted.
- (PRINT_REGISTER_HOOK): Call new fn sparc_print_register_hook.
-Fri Jul 30 10:15:01 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (ALLCONFIG): Add config/i386/
-Fri Jul 30 08:58:01 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- From J. Law:
- * infcmd.c (read_pc): Remove PA specific code.
- * tm-hppa.h (TARGET_READ_PC): Define.
- * hppa-tdep.c (target_read_pc): New function.
- * symtab.c (gdb_mangle_name): Deal with it if type lacks a name.
-Fri Jul 30 07:36:53 1993 Fred Fish (
- * NEWS: Add note that DEC alpha support is host only, not native.
- * README: Emphasize that C++ support works best with GNU C++ and
- stabs debugging format.
- * delta68-nat.c: Add missing FSF copyright.
-Fri Jul 30 08:58:01 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * paread.c (pa_symtab_read): Put file-local symbols in minimal symbols.
- * hppa-tdep.c (frame_chain_valid): Check that our function has the
- same address as _start, not that it must be the same symbol.
-Fri Jul 30 00:18:40 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (ALLDEPFILES): Add delta68-nat.c
- * (delta68-nat.o): Add dependency.
-Thu Jul 29 12:09:46 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * value.h (COERCE_ENUM): Use COERCE_REF to coerce refs; value_ind
- was adequate in gdb 3.5 but not now.
- * valops.c (typecmp): An array in t2 matches a pointer in t1.
- * valops.c (typecmp): When comparing type1& to type2, compare
- type1 and type2 as leniently as if we were comparing type1 to
- type2.
- * cp-valprint.c (cplus_print_value): Don't dump core if the
- baseclass doesn't have a name.
- * values.c (vb_match): New function, which finds the virtual
- base class pointer even if the types are nameless.
- (baseclass_{addr,offset}): Use it.
- * hppa-tdep.c: Make "maintenance print unwind" command from old
- "unwind" command.
- * remote-udi.c: Remove udi_timer, call to siginterrupt, and associated
- obsolete junk which apparently had been copied from the
- pre-serial.h remote.c, but which is no longer used.
-Thu Jul 29 12:36:20 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (NONSRC): Need 29k-share/README, not
- 29k-share/udi/README.
-Thu Jul 29 12:09:46 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * paread.c (pa_symfile_init): If error reading string table, don't
- use errno in cases where it hasn't been set.
- * ser-unix.c (gdb_setpgid): Pass our pid, not 0, to setpgid.
- * remote-monitor.c (_initialize_monitor): Comment out use of
- connect_command, since connect_command itself is commented out.
- * remote-monitor.c (generic_open): Parse arguments the same way
- as remote.c.
- * hppa-tdep.c (pc_in_linker_stub): Fix unclosed comments.
-Wed Jul 28 13:19:34 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/mips/xm-mips.h: Define HAVE_TERMIOS.
- * dbxread.c (record_minimal_symbol): Don't put gcc_compiled or
- __gnu_compiled* symbols into the minimal symbols.
-Wed Jul 28 08:26:58 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * remote-mips.c (_initialize_remote_mips): Added "timeout" and
- "retransmit-timeout" variables to set mips_receive_wait and
- mips_retransmit_wait, respectively.
-Wed Jul 28 03:58:58 1993 (
- * symmisc.c (dump_msymbols): Handle new mst_file_* types.
-Tue Jul 27 12:07:38 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote-udi.c: Remove old comment about download not implemented.
- * serial.h, ser-{unix,go32,tcp}.c: Add flush_input and send_break.
- * nindy-share/*, remote-nindy.c: Extensive hacking to make it
- conform to GDB conventions like using memcpy not bcopy, serial.h,
- etc. This is to make it host on Solaris, AIX, etc.
- * Reflect removed nindy-share files.
- * config/i960/ (TDEPFILES): Remove ttybreak.o.
- * stack.c (print_frame_info): Revise comment about `pathological'
- case (there was a wrong FIXME about text labels; also asm() can
- trigger this as well as versions of ar which truncate .o names).
- * buildsym.c (start_subfile): If a .c file includes a .C file, set
- the language of both of them to C++.
- * config/sparc/xm-sun4os4.h: Define MEM_FNS_DECLARED and include
- <memory.h>.
- Include <malloc.h> rather than declaring malloc functions ourself.
- * ser-unix.c (set_tty_state): Don't ignore errors setting process
- group.
- * inflow.c (terminal_inferior): If attach_flag set, ignore errors
- from set_tty_state.
- * fork-child.c (fork_inferior): Only quote exec file if needed.
- * mipsread.c (parse_symbol): Remove 21 Jul 93 change with
- stTypedef inside an stBlock.
-Tue Jul 27 12:36:49 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_1): Walk the breakpoint chain to decide if
- we have breakpoints or watchpoints as we might have to ignore internal
- breakpoints.
- Fix gdb core dumps after `file newfile' commands.
- * symtab.h, symfile.c (clear_symtab_users): New routine which
- unconditionally clears symtab users. clear_symtab_users_once
- commented out as it was a noop anyway.
- * objfiles.c (free_objfile): Don't call clear_symtab_users_once.
- * objfiles.c (free_all_objfiles), symfile.c (new_symfile_objfile),
- xcoffexec.c (exec_close): Call clear_symtab_users if necessary.
- * symfile.c (syms_from_objfile): Install cleanups for errors during
- symbol reading.
- * coffread.c, dbxread.c, mipsread.c, xcoffread.c (*_symfile_read):
- Lint cleanup code, call do_cleanups explicitly.
- * symfile.c (symbol_file_add): Call new_symfile_objfile and
- reinit_frame_cache _after_ the new symbols are read in.
-Tue Jul 27 01:57:01 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * mipsread.c (parse_type): Do not set tag name for compiler
- generated fake tag names.
-Mon Jul 26 17:31:49 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * config/m88k/ (TDEPFILES): add exec.o.
-Mon Jul 26 13:17:36 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * hppa-tdep.c: Remove all uses of use_unwind and `set use_unwind'
- command. Now we use unwind info by default if we can find it.
- to tm-sparc.h so they are shared between Solaris and SunOS4.
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): Deal with SunOS4 acc N_STSYM and
- N_GSYM functions.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (REGISTER_NAMES): Use "fr" rather than "fp"
- for floating point registers.
- * mipsread.c (parse_symbol): Put stStaticProc symbols in minimal
- symbols as mst_file_text.
- * hppa-tdep.c (pc_in_linker_stub): Return 0 if can't read memory.
- * stabsread.c (rs6000_builtin_type): Make logical types be
-Sun Jul 25 23:41:48 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.{c,h} (struct breakpoint): Replace symtab field with
- source_file field.
-Fri Jul 23 09:57:25 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote.c: Don't error() on errors xferring memory.
- * target.h: Clean up comments about *xfer_memory.
- * exec.c, corelow.c (target_ops struct): Don't allow
- {insert,remove}_breakpoints to be defaulted to
- memory_{insert_remove}_breakpoint.
- * demangle.c: Make it so `help set dem' tells you how to get the
- list of demangling styles.
-Thu Jul 22 15:41:09 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Use REMOTE_O macro not remote.o.
- * config/i960/{nindy960,vxworks960}: Don't use remote.o.
-Thu Jul 22 12:43:25 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * coredep.c: If NEED_SYS_CORE_H defined, include <sys/core.h>
- (can't include it in nm-*.h file because it causes conflicts with
- a.out symbol definitions).
- * hp300ux-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Commented out; obsolete.
- * config/m68k/ (NATDEPFILES): Added coredep.o and
- corelow.o.
- * config/m68k/nm-hp300hpux.h (NEED_SYS_CORE_H): Defined.
- (REGISTER_U_ADDR): Defined.
- * config/m68k/xm-hp300hpux.h (HAVE_TERMIOS): Define instead of
- * config/pa/xm-hppah.h: Likewise.
-Wed Jul 21 11:37:30 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * mipsread.c (parse_symbol): when stTypedef and friends occur within
- an stBlock, skip over the fields of the inner one.
- * mips-tdep.c (init_extra_frame_info): If in lenient prologue, call
- heuristic_proc_desc rather than just assuming registers not saved.
- * (regex.o): Add dependency.
- * hppa{b,h}-nat.c: Warning, not error, if can't access registers.
- * config/pa/hppa{b,h}.h: Define ATTACH_DETACH.
-Wed Jul 21 03:07:30 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * config/mips/xm-makeva.h: New file implements va_list alignment
- restrictions for mips hosts.
- * config/mips/{xm-irix3.h, xm-mips.h, xm-news-mips.h, xm-riscos.h}:
- Use it.
-Wed Jul 21 00:11:05 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * mips-tdep.c (init_extra_frame_info): Do not check for
- mips_in_lenient_prologue if it is a dummy frame.
- * mipsread.c (fixup_sigtramp): Initialize pdr.adr, it is used by
- mips_in_lenient_prologue.
-Tue Jul 20 14:14:59 1993 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c (read_hp_array_type): Handle "char foo[]".
-Tue Jul 20 12:53:47 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * mips-tdep.c (heuristic_proc_start): First time we print the
- warning, elaborate.
- (_initialize_mips_tdep): Improve docstring for `set heur'.
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h: Remove call to insert_step_breakpoint.
- * symtab.c (find_line_symtab): New function, to deal with multiple
- symtabs with the same name.
- (find_line_pc{,_range}): Use it.
- (find_pc_symtab): Add comment about overlapping symtabs.
-Mon Jul 19 21:29:14 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (SFILES): Add nlmread.c.
- * (OBS): Add nlmread.o.
- * (nlmread.o): Add new target.
- * (i[34]86-*-netware): New configuration.
- * nlmread.c, config/i386/{, tm-i386nw.h}: New files
- for NLM/NetWare support.
-Mon Jul 19 11:48:57 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * symtab.h (enum minimal_symbol_type): Add mst_file_*.
- * partial-stab.h [DBXREAD_ONLY]: Record statics in miminal symbols.
- * dbxread.c (record_minimal_symbol): Deal with statics.
- * minsyms.c (lookup_minimal_symbol): Prefer externals to statics.
- * config/i386/xm-i386sco.h: Define HAVE_TERMIOS.
- * printcmd.c, config/pa/xm-pa.h, config/alpha/xm-alpha.h: Make it so
- arg_bytes field of makeva_list is always aligned.
- * config/pa/xm-pa.h: Make arglist_address a char *.
- * ser-unix.c: Don't try to use job control with termio.
-Sun Jul 18 23:11:28 1993 Peter Schauer (
- and Jim Kingdon (
- Make breakpoint_re_set_one work with overloaded member functions,
- `b 123' and `b foo' if foo is a static function.
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1, decode_line_2): New argument `canonical'
- to return canonical line specs if requested by the caller.
- * breakpoint.c, source.c, symtab.c, symtab.h: Change prototypes and
- callers accordingly.
- * symtab.c (build_canonical_line_spec): New helper function which
- constructs the canonical line spec.
- * breakpoint.c (break_command_1): Use canonical line spec instead
- of command string as addr_string if necessary.
- * source.c (line_info): Fix storage leak.
-Sun Jul 18 15:22:45 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * infptrace.c: Split out define of PT_KILL; Sequent defines PT_KILL
- but not the others.
- * symm-tdep.c: Remove exec_file_command.
- [_SEQUENT_] (ptx_coff_regno_to_gdb, register_addr): New functions.
- A few miscellaneous cleanups.
- * symm-nat.c: Renamed from symm-xdep.c.
- * All symmetry dependent files: Many changes.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_skip_prologue): New argument lenient.
- Use read_memory_nobpt.
- (is_delayed, mips_in_lenient_prologue): New functions.
- (init_extra_frame_info): If in the prologue, don't use saved registers.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h: Declare mips_skip_prologue.
- * partial-stab.h (N_SO): Add the text offset to valu before, not after,
- passing it to END_PSYMTAB.
-Fri Jul 16 18:48:52 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * symtab.c (find_pc_symtab): Call warning, not printf directly.
- * solib.c (solib_add): Use x{re,m}alloc, not {re,m}alloc.
-Fri Jul 16 09:56:42 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mipsread.c: No longer need to undefine ZMAGIC.
-Thu Jul 15 18:03:37 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * m88k-pinsn.c: Moved code into opcodes/m88k-dis.c.
- (print_insn): Now just calls print_insn_m88k.
-Thu Jul 15 14:54:05 1993 Doug Evans (
- * h8300-tdep.c (examine_prologue): Make prototype match definition.
-Thu Jul 15 08:34:49 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * NEWS: Mention that remote.c now has a `load' operation.
- * hppa-tdep.c (pc_in_linker_stub): New function.
- (find_proc_framesize): Return 0 for linker stubs.
- (rp_saved): Tell the caller where rp is saved.
- (frame_chain_valid): Return 1 for linker stubs.
- (frame_saved_pc): Use return value from rp_saved.
- * stack.c (print_frame_info): When checking PC_IN_CALL_DUMMY,
- pass the sp relative to the frame in question, not the sp in the
- innermost frame.
-Wed Jul 14 17:37:03 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * mipsread.c (parse_procedure): Take as argument the symtab to look
- the name up in. Look it up with mylookup_symbol, not lookup_symbol.
- (psymtab_to_symtab_1): For stabs, pass the symtab to parse_procedure.
- * mipsread.c (mylookup_symbol): Use strcmp, not STREQ, as we have
- already checked the first characters.
- Changes from Jeffrey Law:
- * printcmd.c (makeva_list): Use MAKEVA_EXTRA_INFO to define
- machine dependent fields in the makeva_list structure.
- (makeva_size): Allocate extra space to handle gaps made by
- alignment restrictions.
- * config/pa/xm-pa.h (MAKEVA_EXTRA_INFO): Define.
- (MAKEVA_START): Initialize arglist_address field.
- (MAKEVA_ARG): Always store arguments on natural alignment
- boundaries. Set arglist_address to the address right after
- the args.
- (MAKEVA_END): Simply return the value stored in arglist_address.
-Wed Jul 14 13:51:54 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print, case TYPE_CODE_STRING): Print
- address, not addr.
- * hppah-nat.c (store_inferior_registers): Don't print i in cases
- where we aren't using it.
- * a29k-tdep.c (get_saved_register): Fix typo.
-Wed Jul 14 09:45:52 1993 Doug Evans (
- * Recognize h8300h (variant of h8300).
-Wed Jul 14 09:45:52 1993 Doug Evans (
- * Recognize sparc64-*-*.
-Tue Jul 13 14:03:48 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): Make the caddr_t hack apply to `function
- returning foo' as well as `pointer to foo'.
- * remote.c [REMOTE_BREAKPOINT]: Use for breakpoint insn if defined.
- * config/m68k/tm-m68k.h: Define it.
- * mem-break.c, breakpoint.c: Improve comments.
-Tue Jul 13 13:35:31 1993 Frederic Pierresteguy (
- * config/m68k/tm-dpx2.h: Replace "tm-68k.h" with "m68k/tm-m68k.h".
- * config/m68k/xm-dpx2.h: Define HAVE_TERMIOS not HAVE_TERMIO.
-Tue Jul 13 11:50:38 1993 Doug Evans (
- * gdbcore.h (read_memory_integer, read_memory_unsigned_integer):
- Make prototype match definition.
-Tue Jul 13 11:15:15 1993 Fred Fish (
- * elfread.c: Remove notice about file still being under
- construction.
- * (ultra3-xdep.o, umax-xdep.o): Add missing ')'.
-Mon Jul 12 17:46:35 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * a29k-tdep.c (read_register_stack): Make val static.
-Mon Jul 12 14:10:48 1993 Doug Evans (
- * config/h8300/tm-h8300.h (REGISTER_CONVERTIBLE): Change value to 0.
- usual spot.
-Mon Jul 12 11:29:44 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): Fix thinko with unspecified length
- arrays.
- * hppa-tdep.c (find_proc_framesize): If there is a frame pointer,
- use it.
-Sun Jul 11 19:35:05 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): Use end of block to figure out whether
- val.end is in the same function, not minimal symbols.
- * source.c (line_info): Add a few more wrap_here's.
- * i386-tdep.c (i386_follow_jump): Do byteswapping where needed and
- don't make assumptions about sizes of host data types.
- * blockframe.c, symtab.h (find_pc_partial_function): New arg endaddr.
- * infrun.c, breakpoint.c, printcmd.c: Change callers.
- * printcmd.c (containing_function_bounds): Remove.
- * printcmd.c (disassemble_command): Use find_pc_partial_function,
- not containing_function_bounds.
- * infcmd.c (step_1): Use find_pc_partial_function rather than
- trying to roll our own. Move check for a pc between SIGTRAMP_START and
- SIGTRAMP_END in find_pc_partial_function, not step_1.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_frame_chain, frame_saved_pc):
- Keep unswapped value in array of char, not REGISTER_TYPE.
- (sparc_extract_struct_value_address): Use TARGET_PTR_BIT not
- sizeof (CORE_ADDR).
-Thu Jul 1 15:50:05 1993 Frederic Pierresteguy (
- * (m68*-bull-sysv*): added support for Bull dpx2.
- * config/m68k/{t,x,n}m-dpx2.h, dpx2-nat.c: New files.
- * config/m68k/dpx2.m{h,t}: New files.
-Thu Jul 1 15:46:10 1993 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c: Run through gnu-indent.
-Sun Jul 11 12:32:08 1993 Doug Evans (
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h (PRINT_REGISTER_HOOK): Fix typo, add
- more parens around macro arg.
-Sat Jul 10 09:54:17 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * infrun.c: Remove step_resume_{duplicate,shadow}. Replace
- step_resume_break_address with step_resume_breakpoint (now local
- to wait_for_inferior).
- ({insert,remove}_step_breakpoint): Remove.
- (wait_for_inferior): Set step resume break with
- set_momentary_breakpoint. Test hitting it with bpstat_stop_status
- and bpstat_what (stop_step_resume_break removed).
- * breakpoint.{h,c}, infrun.c: Return value from bpstat_what now struct
- which includes previous return value as main_action, and a step_resume
- bit.
- * breakpoint.c (delete_breakpoint): If breakpoint was inserted, and
- there is another breakpoint there, insert it.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Rearrange the spaghetti a bit. Use
- a few more gotos.
- Various: Clean up and add comments.
- * infrun.c [TDESC]: Remove remaining tdesc code (see ChangeLog
- for Wed Nov 13 16:45:13 1991).
-Fri Jul 9 12:36:46 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * values.c, value.h (modify_field), callers: Make fieldval a LONGEST.
- * h8300-tdep.c (NEXT_PROLOGUE_INSN): Make pword1 an INSN_WORD *
- not short *.
- * findvar.c, defs.h
- ({extract,store}_{signed_integer,unsigned_integer,address}):
- New routines to replace SWAP_TARGET_AND_HOST.
- All over: All uses of SWAP_TARGET_AND_HOST on integers replaced.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h: Add comment suggesting that removing
- ins and locals from the registers array might clean things up.
- * utils.c: Clean up comments about wrap buffer and wrap_here.
- * printcmd.c (printf_command): Call wrap_here before vprintf.
- * mipsread.c (cross_ref): Set the name to unknown for "struct *" case.
- Patch from (Paul Flinders).
- * a29k-tdep.c, findvar.c (get_saved_register): Fix byteswapping sins.
-Fri Jul 9 09:47:02 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * defs.h, remote-eb.c (TM_FILE_OVERRIDE): Remove it.
- * mips-tdep.c (init_extra_frame_info): Set proper fci->frame if pc
- is at the start of the dummy code.
-Thu Jul 8 14:48:54 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_push_dummy_frame): Skip all the do_save_insn
- stuff, just write the sp and fp.
- (sparc_pop_frame): Skip the do_restore_insn; we already restore
- the sp with the other out registers.
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_push_arguments): Allocate enough space for
- arguments.
- * hppa-tdep.c: Change _initialize_hppab_tdep to _initialize_hppa_tdep.
-Thu Jul 8 14:47:00 1993 Doug Evans (
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_frame_chain): Handle sizeof (CORE_ADDR)
- != sizeof (REGISTER_TYPE).
- (frame_saved_pc): Ditto.
-Thu Jul 8 08:22:05 1993 Doug Evans (
- * config/h8300/tm-h8300.h: (REGISTER_TYPES): Adjust for h8/300h.
- (REGISTER_VIRTUAL_TYPE): Use builtin_type_unsigned_long for regs
- on the h8/300h (ints may still be 16 bits).
- thought needed here.
- * h8300-tdep.c (print_insn): Call print_insn_h8300h if h8/300h.
- (examine_prologue): reg_save_depth is 4 if h8/300h.
- * findvar.c (read_register): Provide some support for 64 bit regs.
- (write_register): Ditto.
-Wed Jul 7 14:30:00 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/mips/nm-riscos.h: machine/machparam.h is always the right
- place to look for BSD43_NBPG, not machine/vmparam.h
- * infcmd.c (run_stack_dummy): New argument name.
- Change error message in (another) attempt to make it comprehensible.
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): Pass name to run_stack_dummy.
- * symtab.h: Declare demangle and asm_demangle since macros use them.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Add comment about calling a member
- function of a variable in a register.
- * expression.h: Clean up comment about string in STRUCT_STRUCT etc.
- * config/{rs6000/tm-rs6000.h,sparc/tm-sparc.h,pyr/tm-pyr.h},
- inferior.h (PC_IN_CALL_DUMMY) [ON_STACK]: Add comments about stack
- frame tops and bottoms.
- * frame.h, blockframe.c, stack.c, a29k-tdep.c,
- config/gould/tmp-{pn,np1}.h,
- config/{sparc/tm-sparc.h,pyr/tm-pyr.h,vax/tm-vax.h}: Remove field
- next_frame from struct frame_info. It has no purpose beyond
- ->next->frame and is an artifact from GDB 2.8.
-Tue Jul 6 11:51:18 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Remove gdb before creating a new one.
- Update init.c atomically.
- * (ALLPARAM): Add config/{alpha/xm-alpha.h,pa/xm-pa.h}.
- (ALLCONFIG): Add config/alpha/
- * infcmd.c (_initialize_infcmd): In docstring for "continue",
- describe argument as setting ignore count.
-Sun Jul 4 15:04:47 1993 Doug Evans (
- * h8300-tdep.c (examine_prologue): Fix call to
- read_memory_unsigned_integer.
-Fri Jul 2 18:22:54 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/mips/{x,n}m-irix{3,4}.h: Make some definitions here
- rather than including xm-bigmips.h.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Improve error messages for OP_TYPE and
- default cases.
- * (distclean): Remove
-Fri Jul 2 14:55:48 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * exec.c (exec_file_command): Remove Mar 28 hack as BFD handles
- file updates properly now.
- * mipsread.c (mips_coff_new_init): Force reevaluation of sigtramp
- addresses if switching to a new symbol file.
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): Avoid dereferencing NULL
- symbols that might be returned from define_symbol.
-Fri Jul 2 13:33:12 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- New target macros for getting at the pc, sp and fp.
- * infcmd.c (read_pc, write_pc): Modify to use new macros.
- (read_sp, write_sp, read_fp, write_fp): New functions.
- * blockframe.c (reinit_frame_cache, get_prev_frame_info):
- Use new functions.
- * breakpoint.c (bpstat_alloc): ditto.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): ditto.
- * stack.c (print_frame_info): ditto.
- * valops (call_function_by_hand): ditto.
- * corelow.c (core_open): ditto.
- * h8500-tdep.c: (target_read_sp, target_write_sp, target_read_pc,
- target_write_pc, target_read_fp, target_write_fp): New functions.
- * inferior.h (read_sp, write_sp, read_fp, write_fp): Prototypes.
- * config/alpha/xm-alpha.h: Add MAKEVA_END.
- * config/h8500/tm-h8500.h: Define new macros.
-Fri Jul 2 13:51:04 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (mipos-*-riscos*): New host and target; use riscos.
- * config/mips/nm-riscos.h: If BSD43_NBPG is not defined by
- vmparam.h, include machparam.h.
- (KERNEL_U_ADDR): Define to be BSD43_UADDR.
-Fri Jul 2 13:39:48 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * c-exp.y (yylex): Give error if unmatched single quote.
- *, config/m68k/*delta68*, delta68-nat.c: New port.
- * Remove unused STACK_END_ADDR in the following files (in other
- files it is used for something): tm-mips.h, tm-sun2.h, tm-news.h,
- tm-a29k, tm-i386v.h, tm-hppa.h, tm-nindy960.h, tm-amix.h,
- tm-hp300hpux.h, tm-isi.h.
-Thu Jul 1 09:51:27 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/mips/nm-riscos.h: Define NBPG and UPAGES.
- config/mips/xm-riscos.h: Include <sys/types.h>.
- * ser-unix.c (hardwire_noflush_set_tty_state): Use an assignment,
- not an initializer, to copy the structure.
- * gdbtypes.h (struct type): Add field tag_name.
- * gdbtypes.c (type_name_no_tag), c-typeprint.c (c_type_print_base):
- Use it.
- * {coff,dwarf,mips,stabs}read.c: Set it.
- * xm-sysv4.h: Undefine HAVE_TERMIO.
- * config/mips/nm-riscos.h: Remove unmatched #endif.
- * config/mips/ Don't include coredep.o; mips-nat.o is enough.
- Fix misspelling of NAT_FILE.
- * mips-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): If KERNEL_U_ADDR is not defined,
- we can still process "modern" core files.
- * ser-unix.c (hardwire_print_tty_state) [HAVE_TERMIOS]: Don't
- print c_line.
- (_initialize_ser_hardwire): Just check whether _POSIX_JOB_CONTROL
- is defined; don't care what it is defined to.
-Wed Jun 30 20:06:46 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/vax/xm-vaxult2.h: Define FD_SET and FD_ZERO.
-Tue Jun 29 11:02:58 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * inftarg.c: Remove unused include of terminal.h.
- * signals.h: Don't undefine signals anymore.
- * main.c: Use job_control from serial.h.
- * fork-child.c (fork_inferior): Use gdb_setpgid.
- * serial.h, ser-unix.c, ser-go32.c: Provide gdb_setpgid.
- * utils.c (quit): Use current_target->to_terminal_ours to figure
- out whether we care about lack of job control, rather than __GO32__.
- * utils.c: Include serial.h not terminal.h
- (quit): Use job_control not TIOCGPGRP.
- * terminal.h: Don't undefine TIOCGPGRP.
- * serial.h, ser-unix.c, ser-go32.c, ser-tcp.c: Add SERIAL_FLUSH_OUTPUT.
- * utils.c (quit): Use it.
- * serial.h: Add SERIAL_UN_FDOPEN.
- * utils.c (quit): Use it.
- * ser-unix.c: Add process group to ttystate.
- [HAVE_SGTTY]: Add tchars, ltchars, and lmode to ttystate.
- * inflow.c: Include serial.h not terminal.h.
- Use serial.h stuff to replace most of the maze of #ifdef's.
- * inflow.c, main.c, inferior.h: make gdb_has_a_terminal a function.
- * serial.h: Document SERIAL_SET_TTY_STATE as being immediate.
- * ser-unix.c: Use TIOCSETN not TIOCSETP so it is true.
- * serial.h, ser-unix.c, ser-go32.c, ser-tcp.c:
- * inflow.c: Use them.
- * config/xm-svr4.h, config/rs6000/xm-rs6000.h, config/sparc/sun4os4.h:
- * Various: Remove all use of TIOC*_BROKEN.
-Wed Jun 30 12:20:51 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * config/m68k/tm-sun3.h (BELIEVE_PCC_PROMOTION_TYPE): Define.
-Tue Jun 29 13:44:41 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * target.h (target_detach): Turn macro into function.
- * target.c (target_detach): Define it, do deferred register stores
- before calling the real target function.
-Tue Jun 29 13:15:42 1993 Peter Schauer (
- and Jim Kingdon (
- * symtab.h (BLOCK_SHOULD_SORT): Do not sort blocks corresponding to
- a function to avoid printing of function arguments in wrong order
- due to sorting.
- * symfile.c (compare_symbols): Remove code for sorting arguments
- as blocks containing arguments are no longer sorted.
- * symtab.c (lookup_block_symbol): Update comment accordingly.
-Tue Jun 29 11:02:58 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h: Remove unused ARGS_GROW_DOC.
- (REG_STRUCT_HAS_ADDR): Add comment.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Use find_pc_line not find_pc_symtab
- to check whether there is line number information.
-Tue Jun 29 08:29:17 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * remote-udi.c: Fix docstring so that it compiles.
- * remote-mips.c, remote-nindy.c: move bfd.h before symfile.h
- (for file_ptr).
-Tue Jun 29 09:11:27 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): If we find a LOC_BLOCK where we
- don't expect it, change it to LOC_STATIC so at least we don't coredump.
- * c-typeprint.c (c_type_print_base): Don't error() on invalid type.
- * symtab.h: Add comments about line numbers.
- * source.c (identify_source_line): Fix off by one bug with line.
-Mon Jun 28 19:00:21 1993 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c: Do not include libhppax. Instead include libhppa.h
- and hpux-symtab.h. Misc indention fixes.
- (find_unwind_entry): Add PARAM prototype.
- (read_hpux_symtab): More fixes for names and sizes of structs,
- unions, enums, typedefs, and tagdefs.
- (read_hp_enum_type, read_hp_struct_type): Likewise.
- (read_hp_set_type, read_hp_subrange_type): Likewise.
- (hp_type_lookup, process_one_debug_symbol): Likewise.
- (process_one_debug_symbol): Search forward from the K_FUNCTION for
- the first K_BEGIN when setting the line number associated with a
- function. Avoid unnecessary calls to savestring.
- (hp_alloc_type): Initialize TYPE_CPLUS_SPECIFIC here. Remove
- most cases where we set it elsewhere.
- (hppa_sym_fns): Use "hppa" instead of hppax since hpread.c and
- paread.c use the same BFD backend now. All references changed.
- (hpux_symfile_init): Allocate space to hold the debugging section
- contents on the symbol obstack.
-Mon Jun 28 10:09:08 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * printcmd.c (makeva*): New interface, for making a va_list.
- (printf_command): Use it.
- * config/m88k/xm-delta88.h: Remove VPRINTF define, not needed.
- * config/pa/xm-pa.h: New file.
- * config/pa/xm-hppa{b,h}.h: Include it.
- * xcoffread.c: Remove obsolete NO_TYPEDEFS comment.
-Sun Jun 27 08:54:55 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * valprint.c (val_print_type_code_int): Fix off by one error with
- eliminating leading zeroes for large little endian integers.
-Sun Jun 27 08:58:56 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/mips/ (CC): Use -systype sysv.
- * ser-unix.c: Move #include of <sys/time.h> to HAVE_SGTTY section.
- * (ALLPARAM): Add config/mips/{x,n}-{news-mips,riscos}.h.
-Fri Jun 25 11:22:28 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/m68k/tm-m68k.h: Remove obsolete comment about duplicating
- CALL_DUMMY between different 68k machines.
-Fri Jun 25 17:02:45 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * gdbserver/ Add dependancies on server.h.
- * gdbserver/remote-gutils.c: Remove lots of unused functions and
- variables.
- * gdbserver/remote-inflow.c: Remove lots of unused variables and
- #includes. Also, use PTRACE_* symbols instead of constants.
- (mywait): Surround calls to wait() with enable/disable_async_io()
- so that we can be interrupted from GDB while waiting for the
- child. Also, handle child exit more gracefully.
- * gdbserver/remote-server.c: Remove lots of unused variables.
- Move all extern defs into server.h. Redo main loop so that
- failure from getpkt() causes communications to be re-established.
- Fix 'k' command so that it restarts the child.
- * gdbserver/remote-utils.c: Remove lots of unloved vars and
- subrs. Move many extern decls into server.h. (remote_open): For
- tcp, seperate usage of proto fd from connected fd. Close proto
- fd after getting connection. (putpkt/getpkt): Pay attention to
- errors when reading/writing. Report these to the caller. New
- routines input_interrupt/enable_async_io/disable_async_io to make
- it possible to get an I/O interrupt when data arrives from the
- comm link.
- * serial.h: New file to contain common defs for all remote files.
-Fri Jun 25 17:02:45 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * remote.c: Add arg names to prototypes, in a modest effort at
- clarification. Also add prototypes for some new functions.
- * (remote_wait): Better error reporting for 'T' responses.
- * ser-go32.c (strncasecmp): Make str1 & str2 be const.
- * (dos_async_init): Make usage message reflect requested port #.
- * ser-tcp.c (tcp_open): Terminate hostname properly to prevent
- random hostname lookup failures. Add nicer message for unknown
- host error. (wait_for): Wake up in case of exceptions. Also,
- restart select() if we got EINTR.
- * ser-unix.c (wait_for): Restart select() if we got EINTR.
- * serial.c: (serial_close): Clean up code.
-Fri Jun 25 11:22:28 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/m68k/tm-m68k.h: Remove obsolete comment about duplicating
- CALL_DUMMY between different 68k machines.
-Fri Jun 25 11:22:28 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * (*.tab.c): Use ./ not just
- Make comment explaining this comprehensible.
- (ALLDEPFILES): udi2soc.c and udr.c are in 29k-share/udi, not
- 29k-share/udi/udi.
- (update-alldeps): Remove; obsolete.
- * remote.c: Move comments regarding packets to top of file with the
- rest of the protocol comments.
- Fix incorrect description of 'T' response.
- * README (Reporting Bugs): Refer people to the GDB manual.
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): Handle TYPE_CODE_BOOLEAN.
- * stabsread.c: Type -16 is 4 bytes.
- * remote-udi.c: Improve docstring.
-Fri Jun 25 11:16:31 1993 Fred Fish (
- * elfread.c (elf_symfile_read): Call bfd_elf_find_section, not
- bfd_elf32_find_section, to track bfd changes.
-Fri Jun 25 11:22:28 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/mips/ (REGEX{,1}, MUNCH_DEFINE, MH_CFLAGS): Define.
- * config/mips/xm-riscos.h: Define USG.
-Thu Jun 24 14:52:45 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * main.c (filename_completer): Don't complete to files ending in ~.
- * NEWS: Mention filename completion and "info line" enhancements.
- * main.c (symbol_completion_function): On "info t foo", return NULL,
- don't error().
- * main.c (symbol_completion_function): Don't use readline word
- breaking. Use new calling convention for c->completer and
- complete_on_cmdlist.
- * command.h (struct command): Change arguments; now the text passed
- to completer does not have any word breaking done. New arg word.
- * symtab.{c,h} (make_symbol_completion_list): Do word breaking. Take
- word argument.
- * {main.c,gdbcmd.h} ({filename,noop}_completer): Take word argument.
- * command.{c,h} (complete_on_cmdlist): Take word argument.
- * command.c (lookup_cmd_1): Doc fix.
-Thu Jun 24 13:26:04 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * (OP_INCLUDE): define.
- * config/i386/, config/i386/,
- config/i386/, config/m68k/,
- config/m68k/, config/mips/irix[34].mh,
- config/m88k/, config/sparc/ (ALLOCA,
- ALLOCA1): macros removed.
- * config/mips/, config/rs6000/
- (MMALLOC_LIB): renamed to MMALLOC.
-Wed Jun 23 00:25:58 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * partial-stab.h: Consolidate case statements for N_LSYM and N_FUN.
- * dbxread.c: Change comment regarding acc.
-Wed Jun 23 16:33:36 1993 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c: Document a few functions, misc cleanups. Update
- copyright to reflect the first "release" of this file.
- (struct hpux_symfile_info): Delete unneeded fields. Keep pointers
- to the contents of the debug sections rather than offsets within
- the file itself. Corresponding changes to the accessor macros.
- (sl_symbol_size, slt_symbuf): Delete unneeded global variables.
- (slt_symbuf_start, slt_symbuf_end, lntt_symbuf): Likewise.
- (lntt_symbuf_start, lntt_symbuf_end, gntt_symbuf): Likewise.
- (gntt_symbuf_start, gntt_symbuf_end): Likewise.
- (fill_slt_symbuf, fill_lntt_symbuf): Delete unneeded functions.
- (fill_gntt_symbuf): Likewise.
- (get_lntt, get_gntt, get_slt): Simplify.
- (hpux_symfile_init): Read and store the contents of the debugging
- sections. Do error checking on memory allocation and BFD calls.
- (read_hpux_symtab): Delete KERNELDEBUG crud. Ignore debug symbols
- which are not needed for building partial symbol tables. Handle
- K_CONST, K_TYPEDEF, and K_TAGDEF just like K_SVAR and K_DVAR.
- (read_ofile_symtab): Delete useless processing_gcc_compilation stuff.
- (read_hp_struct_type): Initialize TYPE_CPLUS_SPECIFIC.
- (read_hp_set_type, read_hp_array_type): Likewise.
- (read_hp_subrange_type, hp_type_lookup): Likewise.
-Wed Jun 23 15:04:54 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- Makefile overhaul dropping autodepend features.
- * many comment changes. forced consistent use of $()
- for makefile variables references. dropped leading ./ in file
- references. Drop $(srcdir)/ prefix on all dependencies.
- Inserted contents of alldeps.mak and depend.
- (INCLUDE_CFLAGS): defined as new macro for getting libiberty's
- include directory into the compilation line.
- (GDB_CFLAGS): new macro to take up the semantic previously held
- (LIBIBERTY): dropped ancient subdir macro. I last removed this
- macro in feb of '92. How does it keep coming back?
- (MMALLOC_LIB): renamed to MMALLOC.
- (BFD_SRC_DIR): renamed to BFD_SRC.
- (BFD_OBJ_DIR): renamed to BFD_DIR.
- (BFD_LIB): renamed to BFD.
- (BFD_INCLUDES): renamed to BFD_CFLAGS.
- (READLINE_DIR): now represents object directory.
- (RL_LIB): renamed to READLINE.
- macros.
- (LDFLAGS): removed default assignment.
- READLINE_DEP, LIBIBERTY_DIR, TESTS, depend, STAGESTUFF): unused, so removed.
- (ALLOCA1, ALLOCA): removed all references. alloca is now in
- libiberty.
- (VERSION): unilaterally and arbitrarily bumped to 4.9.3.
- removed all $(srcdir) prefixes.
- (getopt_h, ieee-float_h, bfd_h, wait_h, dis-asm_h): new macros
- for potential dependencies. commented out by default.
- (readline_headers, udiheaders): convenient abbreviations.
- (gdbcore_h, frame_h, symtab_h, gdbtypes_h, expression_h,
- value_h, breakpoint_h, command_h, gdbcmd_h, defs_h, inferior_h):
- new macros used for header file dependencies.
- (install-info, clean-info): collapse into the info rule.
- (install): now depends on all.
- (install-only): new target for installing without depending on
- all.
- (uninstall): new target.
- (config-check, config-check-hosts, config-check-targets): added
- fixme comments.
- (, added artificial dependencies in
- order to force parallel makes into keeping these rules separate.
- * omit cat'ing depend file onto generated Makefile.
- * alldeps.mak, depend: removed.
- * inferior.h: remove redundant include of symtab.h which is
- included in value.h via breakpoint.h.
- * alloca.c: removed. alloca is now in libiberty.
- * config/m88k/, config/ns32k/ (M_UNINSTALL):
- new macro to undo what M_INSTALL does.
-Wed Jun 23 00:25:58 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/ns32k/{,xm-merlin.h}: Be consistent about name
- of gdb-sh.
- * dbxread.c (copy_pending): Change name and function of begi argument
- to endi, since that is what the caller needs.
- * (TAGFILES): Don't include YYFILES.
- * (HFILES): Include monitor.h.
- * Include text that used to be in alldeps.mak.
- Remove config/mips/{,xm-bigmips} from it.
- *, Remove all traces of alldeps.mak.
- * main.c (main): Print help message on stdout not stderr
- per standards.texi.
- New option --version per standards.texi.
- In help message, show long options with "--" not "-".
- Don't try to print help message or version until after we have
- called initialize_all_files.
-Tue Jun 22 11:03:13 1993 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c: Delete useless #if 1 statements.
- (hp_type_translate): Use T_LONG, T_UNS_LONG, and T_DOUBLE instead
- of magic integers. Fix handling for T_UNS_INT. Abort if the type
- passed in is not an "immediate" type.
- (read_hp_enum_type): Properly compute the size of the type.
- (read_hp_array_type): Likewise.
- (hp_type_lookup): Prefix the names of structs, unions and enums
- with "struct", "union", and "enum" as appropriate.
-Tue Jun 22 03:15:38 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * solib.c (solib_add_common_symbols): Don't call lookup_minimal_symbol.
- (solib_add): Call special_symbol_handling once, not once per library.
- * procfs.c (procfs_resume): Don't pass a SIGTSTP whose action
- is SIG_DFL.
- * procfs.c (procfs_resume): Skip the unnecessary PRSVADDR on all
- systems, not just Solaris.
- * stabsread.c: Include <ctype.h>.
-Mon Jun 21 16:09:46 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * fork-child.c (fork_inferior): Quote exec_file so it can contain
- funky characters.
-Mon Jun 21 16:56:47 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (INCLUDE_CFLAGS): Add BFD_INCLUDES for now, since
- bfd.h is included by target.h, which most of gdb includes.
- * depend: Hand remove BFD_INCLUDES from ${CC} lines, now that
-Mon Jun 21 16:09:46 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/i386/*aix*, i386aix-nat.c: New files.
- * Use them.
- * alldeps.mak: List them.
- * coffread.c (decode_base_type): Deal with anonymous enum type.
- * i387-tdep.c (print_387_status_word): Add comment re "top".
- * i386-tdep.c [I386_AIX_TARGET] (i386_extract_return_value): New func.
- * dbxread.c: Use SEEK_SET and SEEK_CUR, not L_*. Define them if and
- only if not defined by a header file.
- * mipsread.c: Don't define L_SET or L_INCR.
-Mon Jun 21 15:10:07 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (BFD_INCLUDES): Bfd.h is now back in bfd build dir.
- * depend: Hand updated to match.
-Mon Jun 21 10:13:42 1993 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c: Include "demangle.h".
- (process_one_debug_symbol): Set the SYMBOL_LANGUAGE and
- SYMBOL_INIT_DEMANGLED_NAME for the current symbol. Adjust
- SYMBOL_VALUE for local variables in the stack by the size of the
- current function's stack (found in unwind descriptor). Keep
- better track of the current unwind descriptor.
-Sun Jun 20 13:11:11 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stabsread.c (read_struct_fields): Don't call read_cpp_abbrev on $_.
- (read_cpp_abbrev): Don't complain specially for $_. Also return 0 if
- we don't recognize the abbrev.
-Sun Jun 20 00:24:41 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * solib.c (solib_add_common_symbols): Add comment about performance.
-Fri Jun 18 12:37:36 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/mips/{{x,n}m-riscos.h,}: New files.
- * (mips-*-sysv*): Use riscos for host, bigmips for target.
- * config/mips/{{x,n}m-news-mips.h,}: New files.
- * config/mips/{,xm-bigmips.h}: Remove.
- * (mips-sony-*): Use news-mips for host.
- * buildsym.h: Doc fix for processing_acc_compilation.
-Thu Jun 17 19:57:08 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * printcmd.c (print_formatted): Don't use tab in wrap_here arg.
-Thu Jun 17 17:29:30 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * (INTERNAL_CFLAGS): Include ../include as well as
- ${srcdir}/../include.
- * config/m88k/xm-delta88.h: Comment out unused defines which conflict
- with system headers.
- * printcmd.c (printf_command): Cast second arg to vprintf to PTR.
- Use VPRINTF macro if defined.
- * config/m88k/xm-delta88.h: Define VPRINTF. Include <sys/siginfo.h>.
- * m88k-nat.c: Uncomment include of <sys/ptrace.h>.
- * main.c: Rename initialize_{main,cmd_lists,history} to init_* to
- make things easier on munch (apparently this matters on
- the delta88 with svr3).
-Thu Jun 17 16:53:56 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- * canonicalize; for use within
- this directory (and subdirs)
-Tue Jun 15 17:01:23 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * remove parentdir support; use INSTALL_XFORM
-Thu Jun 17 15:08:35 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * (alpha-*-osf*), config/alpha/ New
- host.
- * sh-tdep.c (frame_find_saved_regs): Use NUM_REGS rather than hard
- wired (and wrong) constant.
- * values.c (unpack_long): Add case to unpack when target object is
- sizeof(int).
- * config/sh/tm-sh.h (REGISTER_NAMES): Know about the news ones the
- simulator defines.
-Wed Jun 16 16:08:18 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * NEWS: tracking user visible changes starting with
- vxworks-timeout.
- * remote-vx.c (_initialize_vx): rename user settable option from
- rpcTimeout to vxworks-timeout.
-Wed Jun 16 14:34:10 1993 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c (hp_type_translate): Fix promotion bugs from
- char to short and short to int.
-Wed Jun 16 12:21:49 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (depend): More makefile diddling.
- * alldeps.mak, depend: Update to latest automatically built
- versions.
- * (depend): Bfd.h keeps moving, keep up with it.
- * alldeps.mak, depend: Update to latest automatically built
- versions.
-Tue Jun 15 12:26:05 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * remote-vx.c: include gdbcmd.h for setlist.
- (_initialize_vx): make rpcTimeout user settable.
-Mon Jun 14 09:23:51 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * main.c, gdbcmd.h: Add function filename_completer.
- * main.c, symfile.c, source.c, exec.c, core.c: Use it for
- "directory", "source", "cd", "symbol-file" "add-symbol-file",
- "load", "file", "exec-file", "core-file" commands.
- (But '/' is a word break, limiting usefulness; see comments).
- * source.c (mod_path): Warning not error if can't find directory.
- * isi-xdep.c: New file.
- * config/m68k/ (XDEPFILES): Add isi-xdep.o
-Sun Jun 13 09:17:48 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/m68k/xm-news.h: Include <sys/param.h>.
- * m88k-tdep.c (IEEE_isNAN): Remove.
- config/m88k/tm-m88k.h (INVALID_FLOAT): Return 0. This was the same
- broken isNAN as on the mips.
- * valprint.c (_initialize_valprint): Use c->function.sfunc not just
- c->function.
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): If SUN_FIXED_LBRAC_BUG is not
- defined, don't worry about Sun's silly LBRAC bug.
- * config/m68k/tm-sun3.h: Define SUN_FIXED_LBRAC_BUG to 0.
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): If there's a symbol before an
- N_SO, don't error().
- (case N_BCOMM): complain () not error ().
- * defs.h, main.c (catch_errors): Add return_mask arg.
- stack.c (print_frame_info): Pass RETURN_MASK_ERROR.
- other callers: Pass RETURN_MASK_ALL.
- (return_to_top_level), callers: Add return_reason arg.
- * utils.c (quit):
- Use return_to_top_level (RETURN_QUIT) instead of error ().
- * main.c (main), tm-nindy960.h (ADDITIONAL_OPTION_HANDLER):
- Use SET_TOP_LEVEL not setjmp (to_top_level).
- * remote-nindy.c: Use catch_errors not setjmp (to_top_level).
-Sat Jun 12 14:40:54 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * solib.c (solib_create_inferior_hook) [SVR4_SHARED_LIBS]:
- Don't try to get the debug base yet.
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): Set n_opt_found based on whether
- a non-gcc N_OPT symbol is found. Make SUN_FIXED_LBRAC_BUG a macro
- which returns 0 or 1 to say whether to do it.
- * config/sparc/sun4{sol2,os4}.h
- the right thing happens for both acc and SunOS4 /bin/cc.
- * valprint.c (print_hex_chars): Use local_hex_format_{pre,suf}fix.
- * printcmd.c (print_scalar_formatted): Use val_print_type_code_int.
- * mips-tdep.c: Remove isa_NAN; it assumed sizeof(host int) == 4 and
- probably contained byte-order sins too.
- config/mips/tm-mips.h (INVALID_FLOAT): Define to 0 like most machines.
- The IEEE_FLOAT code in print_floating takes care of it.
-Sat Jun 12 14:47:04 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (VERSION): Bump to 4.9.2.
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): For array of chars printed with
- string syntax, don't print the address of the array. From
- * c-exp.y (yylex): Recognize '.' as indicating a floating point
- number regardless of the radix. From
- * valprint.c (set_input_radix_1, set_output_radix_1): New
- prototypes and functions that do the actual radix setting work.
- * valprint.c (set_radix, set_output_radix, set_input_radix):
- Rewrite to use set_input_radix_1 and set_output_radix_1.
- * valprint.c (initialize_valprint): Enable commands to
- independently set and show input and output radices.
- * valprint.c (show_radix): New prototype and function that
- handles separate input and output radices.
-Fri Jun 11 18:39:38 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- Patches from Jeff Law,
- * hppa-pinsn.c: Now uses disassembler from opcode library,
- this contains only the stub function print_insn.
-Fri Jun 11 15:19:59 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * main.c (main): back to two periods for elipse.
- (print_gdb_version): revised format for configuration info.
-Fri Jun 11 10:24:35 1993 Fred Fish (
- * defs.h (INT_MAX): Cast unsigned shift result to int.
-Fri Jun 11 10:17:41 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): Rather than having
- BLOCK_ADDRESS_FUNCTION_RELATIVE a macro, make it a variable which
- is true if we are doing stabs-in-elf, false otherwise.
- config/sparc/tm-sun4sol2.h: Don't define it.
-Fri Jun 11 13:33:40 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * remote-mips.c (mips_send_packet): Don't print garbage character
- in debugging info.
- (mips_request): Don't check that remote pid is 0, because
- sometimes it isn't.
- (mips_fetch_registers): Pass a pointer to SWAP_TARGET_AND_HOST,
- not an integer.
-Fri Jun 11 10:17:41 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stack.c (print_frame_info): Use catch_errors around print_frame_args.
- * (install): Don't depend on gdb.
- * Rename remote-es1800.c to remote-es.c
- and remote-st2000.c to remote-st.c for 14-char filenames.
- config/m68k/{es1800,st2000}: Use the new names.
- * mips-tdep.c (isa_NAN): Don't return true on -0.
-Fri Jun 11 10:24:35 1993 Fred Fish (
- * defs.h (INT_MAX): Cast unsigned shift result to int.
-Thu Jun 10 13:26:41 1993 Fred Fish (
- * elfread.c (elf_symtab_read): Add bfd section address to bfd
- symbols, now that they are section relative.
- * solib.c (bfd_lookup_symbol): Ditto.
-Thu Jun 10 11:27:34 1993 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c (read_hp_function_type): Adjust SYMBOL_VALUE for
- arguments in the stack by the size of the current function's stack
- (found in the unwind descriptor).
- (process_one_debug_symbol): Likewise. Keep track of the current
- function's unwind descriptor.
-Thu Jun 10 10:56:56 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * (depend): Add bfd -I's for paread.c and xcoffexec.c
- depend: Updated accordingly.
-Wed Jun 9 16:08:44 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * (*.tab.c): Use mv for atomic update.
- * ({dist,real}clean): Also remove nm.h.
- (realclean): Also remove ${TESTS}, y.output, yacc.{acts,tmp}.
- (distclean): Don't rebuild *.tab.c or TAGS.
-Wed Jun 9 12:56:58 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * (version.c): add host and target names to version.c.
- * main.c (main): print three periods for the elipse.
- (print_gdb_version): also print configuration.
- * udi/udiids.h, udi/udip2soc.c, udi/udiphcfg.h, udi/udiphunix.h,
- udi/udiproc.h, udi/udipt29k.h, udi/udiptcfg.h, udi/udisoc.h,
- udi/udr.c: Change AMD copyrights to FSF copyleft '93.
- * remote-eb.c (get_hex_regs, eb_fetch_registers), remote-adapt.c
- (get_hex_regs, adapt_fetch_registers): cast args to
- supply_register to avoid gcc warning.
- * config/a29k/ (TDEPFILES): drop minimon support. It
- doesn't compile on solaris and is now obsolete.
- * config/sparc/ (XM_CLIBS): remove -lresolv. This
- breaks stock sunos installations.
-Wed Jun 9 06:14:33 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * m68k-stub.c: Add comment about frame cache.
- * target.h (target_store_registers): Doc fix re error handling.
- * findvar.c (write_register): Call SWAP_TARGET_AND_HOST regardless
- of register_valid[regno].
-Tue Jun 8 14:42:10 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * symtab.h, dwarfread.c: Doc fix re dependencies.
-Tue Jun 8 17:54:09 1993 Rob Savoye (
- * serial.c (serial_close): If scb is NULL, don't try to close
- it.
- * Add support for rom68k and bug boot monitors.
-Tue Jun 8 17:39:12 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * coffread.c (init_stringtab): Fix bug where sizeof(long) != 4.
- * gdbcore.h, core.c (read_memory_unsigned_integer): New function.
- * findvar.c (read_register, write_register): Fix thinko where
- sizeof(host long) != sizeof(target int).
- * h8300-tdep.c: Use new read_memory_unsigned_integer call.
- * sh-tdep.c (_initialize_sh_tdep): Add memory_size command.
-Tue Jun 8 14:42:10 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Move config/m68k/tm-m68k.h (FRAME_FIND_SAVED_REGS) to
- m68k-tdep.c (m68k_find_saved_regs). Don't duplicate code between
- 68881 and non-68881 cases. Check for a pair of movel instructions.
-Tue Jun 8 14:52:55 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- First cut at sparc-vxworks targetting.
- * config/sparc/tm-vxsparc.h, config/sparc/ new files.
- * sparc-vxworks gdb_target now vxsparc.
- * remote-eb.c, remote.c: symfile.h requires bfd.h so include it.
-Tue Jun 8 14:42:10 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/m68k/xm-news.h: add "extern int errno".
-Tue Jun 8 13:45:07 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * remove-vx.c (vx_read_register, vx_write_register): collapse
- ifdef I80960 else (assumes) m68k into parameterizable macros
- * config/m68k/tm-vx68.h, config/i960/tm-vx960.h (VX_NUM_REGS,
- VX_SIZE_FPREGS): new definitions.
-Tue Jun 8 11:08:29 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * symfile.{c,h} (generic_load): New function.
- remote{,-nindy,-eb,-mips}.c: Use it.
-Mon Jun 7 20:07:30 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * (depend): More sed gubbish to deal with
- ../bfd/bfd.h being generated during the build.
- * depend: Re-done with corrected makefile.
-Mon Jun 7 16:32:05 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (BFD_SRC_DIR): Renamed def and usages from BFD_DIR.
- * (BFD_OBJ_DIR): New definition for the bfd build
- directory to find automatically generated header files and library.
- * (saber_gdb): Include BFD_OBJ_DIR.
- * (depend): Include BFD_OBJ_DIR in gcc args.
- * (paread.o, xcoffexec.o): Remove, now in depend.
- * depend, alldeps.mak: Rebuild after changes.
-Fri Jun 4 10:18:51 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * change lynx support to CPU-*-lynxos*
- * (subdir_do): change test from existence of directory
- to existence of Makefile (the directory may exist but not be configured)
-Thu Jun 3 01:18:51 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * config/sparc/xm-sun4sol2.h: define MEM_FNS_DECLARED
-Fri Jun 4 10:43:33 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (mips-idt-ecoffl*): New target; use idtl.
- (mips-idt-ecoff*): Added trailing '*'.
- * config/mips/ New file; like, but little endian.
-Thu Jun 3 17:36:56 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * ser-go32.c: Clean up lots of compilation nits.
-Thu Jun 3 14:44:57 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * Patches from Jeffrey Law <>.
- * hppab-nat.c: Eliminate unnecessary ifdefs for
- (fetch_register): Delete code to handle CANNOT_FETCH_REGISTER.
- * hppa-pinsn.c: Support 'I', 'J', and 'K' in output
- templates for 1.1 FP computational instructions.
-Thu Jun 3 03:34:49 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * Remove ser-tcp.[co]. (Use XDEPFILES instead.)
- * alldeps.mak, depend: Rebuild to account for ser-tcp.
- * config/sparc/ Add ser-tcp to XDEPFILES.
- * gdbserver/ (gdbserver): Use -lbsd.
- * gdbserver/remote-inflow{-sparc}.c (create_inferior): Don't use a
- shell when running the child, as args have been expanded by the
- time we get here. Simplify calling convention.
- * gdbserver/remote-server.c (main): Use new calling convention
- for create_inferior, remove defunct code for coalescing argv.
- Remove extra calls to mywait(), as we no longer have to wade
- through a shell.
- * target.c (target_read_memory_partial): Don't deref errnoptr
- when checking for null pointer.
-Wed Jun 2 19:58:46 1993 John Gilmore (
- * remote-es1800.c: Fix typo.
-Tue Jun 1 21:22:39 1993 Fred Fish (
- * target.c (target_read_memory_partial): Like target_read_memory,
- but does partial reads, such as reads that bump into the end of
- the address space.
- * target.h (target_read_memory_partial): Add prototype.
- * valprint.c (PRINT_MAX_DEFAULT): New define, initial value 200.
- * valprint.c (val_print_string): Complete rewrite to fix bug with
- bumping into end of memory, avoiding unnecessarily long reads, and
- fixing bug when print_max is set to 0 (unlimited print length).
- * valprint.c (_initialize_valprint): Use PRINT_MAX_DEFAULT to
- initialize print_max.
-Tue Jun 1 18:11:35 1993 Rob Savoye (rob at
- * Add support for rom68k and bug boot monitors.
-Mon May 31 10:37:04 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * printcmd.c (print_scalar_formatted): Print integers bigger than
- LONGEST in hex no matter how big, and no matter what the format
- and size.
- * stabsread.c (read_type): Skip type attributes if present.
- * stabsread.c (read_huge_number): Don't accept '0' + radix as part
- of number, just through '0' + radix - 1.
-Sun May 30 15:35:21 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (SER_HARDWIRE): Temporarily comment out ser-tcp.o.
- * {dbxread.c, dwarfread.c} (read_ofile_symtab): Rewrite to take
- single parameter, the pointer to the partial symtab, rather than
- a bunch of args that are derived from the partial symtab. Change
- prototypes and callers to match.
- * dbxread.c (read_ofile_symtab): Remove "#if 1" around code to
- set demangling style automatically.
- * defs.h (CPLUS_MARKER): Clarify comment that this is only for
- GNU C++, not C++ in general.
- * symtab.h (general_symbol_info): Simplify by eliminating one
- structure level for the language dependent info.
-Sat May 29 15:59:29 1993 Fred Fish (
- * c-typeprint.c (c_type_print_base): Avoid dereferencing NULL
- names for TYPE_CODE_STRUCT and TYPE_CODE_UNION types.
- TYPE_CODE_ENUM was already testing for this.
-Fri May 28 17:18:05 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * Add new file ser-tcp.c.
- * defs.h (memcmp): Add decl for memcmp to #ifndef MEM_FNS_DECLARED.
- * findvar.c (write_register): See if we are writing back the same
- value that's already in the register. If so, don't bother.
- * remote.c (putpkt, getpkt): Improve handling of communication
- problems.
- * ser-go32.c: Prototype it to death. Update serial_ops and add
- dummy routines where appropriate.
- * ser-tcp.c: New module to implement serial I/O via TCP
- connections.
- * ser-unix.c: Clean up getting/setting of tty state. Get rid of
- * serial.c: Add start of support for connect command.
- (serial_open): Distinguish between tcp and local devices.
- * serial.h (struct serial_ops): Get rid of restore, add
- get_tty_state and set_tty_state. Define protoypes and macros for
- this mess.
- * gdbserver/remote-utils.c: Add tcp support. (readchar): Do
- some real buffering. Handle error conditions gracefully.
- * gdbserver/remote-inflow-sparc.c: Update to remote-inflow.c
- (Lynx), remove lots of cruft.
-Fri May 28 17:24:51 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * printcmd.c (print_address_symbolic): turn this into an assigment
- instead of an initialization (many compilers don't accept
- structure initialization).
-Thu May 27 16:56:25 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab): If several program csects in one
- source file, give them all the name of the source file, rather than
- the 2nd and subsequent ones having NULL names.
-Thu May 27 06:16:56 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * printcmd.c (print_address_symbolic): Append source filename and
- linenumber of the symbol if print symbol-filename is on.
- (initialize_printcmd): `set print symbol-filename'.
-Wed May 26 13:46:16 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * Add config for Lynx target. Configure gdbserver
- only for Lynx. Re-do selective configuration of sparclite.
- * gdbserver/{remote-gutils.c remote-server.c
- remote-inflow.c remote-utils.c}: New files to
- support GDB remote server. Currently only works for Lynx.
-Wed May 26 10:28:14 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol, case 't'): Only set the name if it
- is not a pointer type.
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): Clean up logic; move the read_type
- calls to inside the switch statement (this improves the error
- handling).
- * mipsread.c (parse_symbol, parse_partial_symbols): Deal with Fortran
- common blocks.
-Tue May 25 20:44:24 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * printcmd.c (print_formatted, case 'i'): Pass a tab to wrap_here.
- * source.c (line_info): Change "pc" to "address" in messages and
- use print_address for addresses.
- * source.c (line_info): If we don't find a symtab, print more useful
- output, including the symbolic address.
- * source.c (line_info): If --fullname, display the source.
- (identify_source_line), callers: Take pc as argument, rather than
- assuming innermost frame (emacs doesn't use this, so no one ever
- noticed).
- * symtab.h: Declare frame_file_full_name.
- * main.c: Don't.
-Tue May 25 15:30:43 1993 Brendan Kehoe (
- * breakpoint.c (catch_command_1): Fix typo in error msg.
-Tue May 25 16:05:55 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * elfread.c (elf_symfile_read): Update ELF structure and routine
- names to specify 32-bit versions.
- (elf_symtab_read): Retrieve size field directly from symbol,
- instead of using old kludge.
- * mips-pinsn.c (print_insn): Cast address to bfd_vma before
- calling opcodes library.
- * z8k-tdep.c (print_insn): Likewise.
-Tue May 25 13:06:28 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stabsread.c: Remove all uses of error(). Make error_type and
- read_type_number static.
- (define_symbol): Don't try to deal with a missing symbol
- descriptor which isn't followed by digit, '(', or '-'.
- * stabsread.h: Don't declare read_type_number here.
- * gdbtypes.h: Don't declare error_type here.
- * xcoffread.c: Remove NO_TYPEDEFS code.
-Tue May 25 09:33:16 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-tdep.c: Removed #include of many header files, and #define
- of MIPSMAGIC; no longer used.
-Tue May 25 09:36:13 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Many places: replace "the inferior" in messages with "the program"
- or "the program being debugged".
- * inflow.c (try_writing_regs): Remove; it's been #if 0'd forever
- and I'm getting sick of maintaining it.
- * config/i386/ Don't use \ newline; the awk scripts don't
- support it.
- * config/i386/ Define SER_HARDWIRE.
- * Define SER_HARDWIRE.
- (DEPFILES): Use it.
- (alldeps.mak): Add SER_HARDWIRE.
- Remove all references to ser-hardwire.{c,o}.
- * Remove all ser_hardwire and gdb_serial_driver stuff.
-Mon May 24 23:50:05 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * sparc-nat.c (store_inferior_registers): Fill in all members of
- inferior_fp_registers by reading them from the inferior before
- modifying and writing them back.
- Fixes unexplainable inferior FP exceptions after calls to the inferior
- or setting of floating point registers.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_skip_prologue): Skip move of argument register
- to register which is generated by gcc-2.4.
-Tue May 25 00:42:39 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * hppa-pinsn.c: Define OLD_TABLE before including opcode/hppa.h.
-Mon May 24 13:55:14 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * config/i386/{ nm-i386lynx.h tm-i386lynx.h
- xm-i386lynx.h}: New configuration for Lynx.
-Mon May 24 10:01:10 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * mipsread.c (parse_symbol): Deal with scVar and scVarRegister.
- * symtab.h: Comment that LOC_REGPARM_ADDR can be call by reference.
- * c-typeprint.c (c_type_print_base): Don't print typedef'd names
- as struct, union, or enum tags.
-Mon May 24 01:10:01 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * symmisc.c (dump_msymbols): Avoid gdb coredump with stripped
- executable.
-Sat May 22 10:03:09 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior),
- infcmd.c (program_info, signal_command): Use symbolic signal names.
- * inftarg.c (child_wait): Deal with EINTR and include message from
- strerror if printing an error message.
- * main.c (command_line_input): Use STOP_SIGNAL not SIGTSTP.
- * stabsread.c: Remove most uses of lookup_fundamental_type.
- (define_symbol): Use read_type for type of enum constant,
- not just read_type_number. Also don't call error().
- (define_symbol): For unrecognized constant type, one complaint (the
- one from error_type) is enough. Don't make our own in addition.
- (define_symbol): Don't treat an N_FUN 'R' as a prototype.
- * gdbtypes.h: Doc fixes.
-Sat May 22 03:33:07 1993 Peter Schauer (
- Fix stack unwinding through _sigtramp on Irix. These patches are from
- Paul Flinders <>.
- * mipsread.c (fixup_sigtramp): Find _sigtramp on Irix even when the
- executable uses sigvec.
- * mips-tdep.c (read_next_frame_reg): Allow tm-file to override
- sigcontext offsets.
- * config/mips/tm-irix3.h: Add sigcontext offsets for Irix.
-Sat May 22 00:39:01 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Clear stop_signal if it should not
- be passed to the inferior to make "handle <signal> nopass nostop" work.
-Sat May 22 00:21:41 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * config/mips/tm-irix3.h: Clean up, use tm-bigmips.h and redefine
- the necessary bits.
- * findvar.c (value_from_register): Fix uninitialized first_addr
- which caused problems with assignment of doubles to register variables
- on some targets.
- * mipsread.c: Remove TM_FILE_OVERRIDE, include tm.h and provide the
- missing mips definitions if necessary.
- Fix handling of double register variables for mips targets and big
- endian hosts. These patches are from Paul Flinders <>.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h: Increase MAX_REGISTER_{RAW,VIRTUAL}_SIZE to
- 8 bytes for doubles.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (REGISTER_CONVERT_TO_TYPE): New macro for
- conversion of type held in multiple registers to host format.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (REGISTER_CONVERT_FROM_TYPE): New macro,
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE, STORE_RETURN_VALUE):
- Convert to function calls.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (FIX_CALL_DUMMY): New code for big endian
- mips targets.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_print_register): Raw buffer now needs just
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_print_register): Use REGISTER_CONVERT_TO_TYPE
- (if defined) for doubles.
- * mips-tdep.c: (mips_extract_return_value, mips_store_return_value):
- New functions, take care of REGISTER_CONVERT_TO/FROM_TYPE.
- * valops.c (value_assign): Use REGISTER_CONVERT_TO_TYPE if
- defined.
- * findvar.c (value_from_register): Use REGISTER_CONVERT_TO_TYPE if
- defined.
-Fri May 21 09:04:25 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Add i[34]86-*-isc*.
- * stabsread.c: Make sure all complain() pass the address of the struct.
- * xcoffread.c: Make sure all struct complaints are static not auto.
- * Add rule for xcoffexec.o like that for paread.o.
- * xcoffread.c (process_xcoff_symbol, case C_LSYM): Use define_symbol.
-Wed May 19 12:33:59 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/i386/ Re-enable coredumps now that they should work.
-Wed May 19 15:44:20 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * config/m68k/tm-m68k.h (FRAME_CHAIN): add missing close paren.
-Wed May 19 15:33:57 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * config/pa/nm-hppab.h: Comment PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE.
-Wed May 19 12:33:59 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * (INSTALLED_LIBS): New variable.
-Tue May 18 14:08:50 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * main.c (quit_command): In the "quit anyway?" message, tell the user
- whether we are planning to detach or kill the program.
- * config/vax/ Add "NAT_FILE= nm-vax.h".
- * config/vax/xm-vaxbsd.h: Use <sys/param.h> not <machine/limits.h>
- * infcmd.c (read_pc): Doc fix.
- * printcmd.c (print_address_symbolic): Use %u not %d for offset.
- * blockframe.c (get_prev_frame_info): If pc in sigtramp, set
- signal_handler_caller.
- * tm-68k.h (FRAME_{CHAIN,SAVED_PC}): Deal with sigtramp.
- * tm-hp300bsd.h: Define SIGTRAMP_{START,END} not IN_SIGTRAMP.
- * inferior.h (IN_SIGTRAMP): Definition moved from infrun.c.
- Use SIGTRAMP_START if defined.
- * infcmd.c (step_1): Use SIGTRAMP_{START,END} if needed.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Check IN_SIGTRAMP before SKIP_PROLOGUE.
- * infptrace.c: Remove unused KERNEL_U_ADDR_HPUX code.
- * infcmd.c (step_1): Fix poorly worded error message.
- * config/{i386/,m68k/} (NATDEPFILES):
- Comment out corelow.c because core dumps are broken on these machines.
- * (depend): Put "${srcdir}" in generated dependencies
- if srcdir is not ".".
- Also put in -I${BFD_DIR} or -I${READLINE_DIR} for files which need it.
- * depend: Update to latest automatically built version.
-Tue May 18 08:10:45 1993 Fred Fish (
- * ChangeLog, ChangeLog-92: Split ChangeLog at 1993.
- * (NONSRC): Add ChangeLog-92
-Tue May 18 08:03:37 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * findvar.c ({read,write}_register): Use REGISTER_RAW_SIZE
- * frame.h, inferior.h: Doc fixes.
-Mon May 17 15:43:03 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * findvar.c (write_register): Add sanity check for register size.
- (read_register): Fixup sanity check for register size to be
- consistent with write_register().
-Mon May 17 07:36:20 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * sparclite/ Add dummy info, install and install-info
- targets.
-Thu May 13 07:30:22 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * remote-nindy.c: Removed declaration of coffstrip.
- * nindy-share/nindy.c: #if 0 coffstrip routine; no longer used.
-Wed May 12 00:35:19 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (VERSION): Bump to 4.9.1 after release and cvs
- tagging.
- * (VERSION): GDB 4.9 release.
-Tue May 11 08:04:41 1993 Fred Fish (
- * README: Update known bugs to include the Solaris bug that
- leaves core dumps in the current directory when restarting the
- inferior with "run". Expand on the testsuite information.
- * (VERSION): Bump to 4.8.96 for what should hopefully
- be the last 4.9 prerelease test archive.
-Mon May 10 22:13:23 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/m68k/xm-hp300bsd.h: Include <sys/param.h> to avoid INT_MAX
- redefined warnings.
-Mon May 10 20:00:43 1993 Fred Fish (
- * README, NEWS: Update for gdb 4.9 release.
-Mon May 10 19:38:34 1993 John Gilmore (
- * ch-exp.y (MAX, MIN): Rename to MAX_TOKEN, MIN_TOKEN.
- * target.c (MIN): #undef before defining.
-Mon May 10 16:03:03 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- Patch from Jeffrey Law:
- * gdb/config/pa/nm-hppab.h (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE): Define as caddr_t.
-Mon May 10 15:28:27 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_push_arguments): Allocate correct amount of
- memory.
-Mon May 10 13:14:46 1993 Fred Fish (
- * ch-exp.y (start): Apply work-around to avoid bison warning.
-Sun May 9 07:25:02 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (BISON): Remove double quotes around BISON
- definition when bison is used.
- * (hppa*-hp-bsd): Change to hppa*-hp-bsd*
- * (hppa*-hp-hpux): Change to hppa*-hp-hpux*
- * (m68*-hp-bsd): Change to m68*-hp-bsd*
- * (m68*-hp-hpux): Change to m68*-hp-hpux*
- * (hppa*-*-bsd): Change to hppa*-*-bsd*
- * (hppa*-*-hpux): Change to hppa*-*-hpux*
- * (m68*-hp-bsd): Change to m68*-hp-bsd*
- * (m68*-hp-hpux): Change to m68*-hp-hpux*
- * (VERSION): Bump to 4.8.6.
-Sat May 8 12:36:03 1993 Fred Fish (
- * config/pa/xm-hppah.h (MALLOC_INCOMPATIBLE): Define it, and
- include declarations for malloc/realloc/free. Both malloc and
- realloc return 'void *' for non-ANSI compilations.
-Sat May 8 01:39:30 1993 (
- * coffread.c (read_coff_symtab): Don't fclose stream as it is no
- longer opened twice.
-Thu May 6 21:08:55 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * solib.c (clear_solib): Don't close bfd if it is NULL.
-Thu May 6 20:55:35 1993 Fred Fish (
- * core.c (dis_asm_read_memory): Cast second arg of
- target_read_memory to "char *".
- * breakpoint.c (watchpoint_check): Change arg type from PTR to
- "char *", to match other functions called by catch_errors().
-Thu May 6 15:47:45 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * More patches from Jeffrey Law (
- * gdb/config/nm-hppab.h (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE): Define as caddr_t.
- * gdb/config/pa/tm-hppah.h (millicode_start, millicode_end):
- Delete unnecessary declarations.
-Thu May 6 15:15:46 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * ser-unix.c (wait_for): Use VTIME to do timeouts instead of
- poll() for termio{s}.
-Thu May 6 10:03:41 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * i386-tdep.c (i386_frame_num_args): Always return -1.
-Wed May 5 15:16:33 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * Patches from Jeffrey Law <>.
- * gdb/hppa-tdep.c: Declare frame_saved_pc.
- (frameless_function_invocation): New function.
- (frame_saved_pc, init_extra_frame_info): Use
- frameless_function_invocation.
- * gdb/config/pa/tm-hppa.h (SAVED_PC_AFTER_CALL): Use saved_pc_after
- call instead of just grabbing the value currently in %r2.
- (FRAMELESS_FUNCTION_INVOCATION): Use frameless_function_invocation.
- * gdb/config/pa/tm-hppah.h (SAVED_PC_AFTER_CALL): Delete private
- definition and use the common one in tm-hppa.h.
- * gdb/hppa-tdep.c (frame_chain_valid): If "use_unwind" is true, then
- use unwind descriptors to determine if the frame chain is valid.
- * gdb/hppa-tdep.c (find_dummy_frame_regs): Rework so that
- it does not assume %r4 is the frame pointer.
- * gdb/hppa-pinsn.c (print_insn): Handle 'r' and 'R' for break, rsm,
- and ssm instructions.
- * gdb/hppa-tdep.c (extract_5r_store, extract_5R_store): New
- helper functions for print_insn.
- * gdb/hppa-tdep.c (gcc_p, hpux_cc_p): Delete unused functions.
- * gdb/config/pa/tm-hppa.h (ABOUT_TO_RETURN): Handle a return
- which nullifies the following instruction.
-Tue May 4 12:11:38 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * infptrace.c [FIVE_ARG_PTRACE]: Define ptrace to call_ptrace and
- pass the 5th arg there, rather than using an ANSI C-specific macro.
- * (depend): Don't include ${CC} command for *.tab.c.
-Tue May 4 19:33:12 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (VERSION): Bump to 4.8.5
- directories to include search path.
- whitespace.
- * (depend): For gcc -MM line, use INTERNAL_CFLAGS
- * (main.o, dbxread.o, coffread.o, mipsread.o,
- elfread.o, dwarfread.o, stabsread.o, xcoffread.o, xcoffexec.o,
- xdr_ld.o, xdr_rdb.o, nindy.o, Onindy.o, ttybreak.o, ttyflush.o,
- udr.o, udip2soc.o): Remove explicit rules, use the ones that
- are automatically generated in "depend".
- * (paread.o): Document why a dependency doesn't get
- automatically generated in "depend" and leave this explicit rule
- in for now (FIXME).
- * depend: Update to latest automatically generated version.
-Tue May 4 12:11:38 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffread.c: Doc fix.
- * (depend): Include $(CC) command in generated output.
-Mon May 3 22:51:05 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (NONSRC): Remove ${srcdir}/putenv.c.
- * (SFILES): Add ${srcdir}/putenv.c.
- * depend: Update to latest automatically built version.
-Mon May 3 19:20:20 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * sparclite/ Create default target that does nothing
- in order to force user to build by hand.
- * sparclite/Makefile: Remove. It's not necessary anymore.
- * ser-unix.c (wait_for): New routine to handle read timeouts,
- etc. Uses poll() if HAVE_TERMIO[S] is defined, select() otherwise.
-Mon May 3 13:52:08 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-pinsn.c (print_insn): Return value.
-Sun May 2 11:43:57 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (SFILES): Remove ser-hardwire.c; it is a link made
- at configuration time and doesn't belong in the distribution archive.
- * (NONSRC): Add 29k-share/README.
- * (HFILES): Add 29k-share/udi/udiids.h.
- * defs.h (UINT_MAX, LONG_MAX, INT_MAX, INT_MIN): Replace hex
- constants with slightly more portable definitions (still depends
- on 2's complement arithmetic though).
- * config/i386/nm-linux.h: Define NO_SYS_REG_H for no <sys/reg.h>.
- * i386v-nat.c (sys/reg.h): Conditionalize include on
- NO_SYS_REG_H. Linux doesn't have <sys/reg.h>.
- * ser-unix.c (termio.h): Include <termio.h> like other files that
- include termio.h, not <sys/termio.h> which may not exist (on
- linux for example).
-Sat May 1 16:05:24 1993 Fred Fish (
- * valprint.c (print_longest): Change format parameter from a
- 'char' to an 'int'. We can't have 'char' parameters with the
- current coding style, where we mix prototypes with pre-ANSI
- style declarations.
- * value.h (print_longest): Change format parameter in prototype
- from a 'char' to an 'int'.
-Sat May 1 02:47:20 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (STAB_REG_TO_REGNUM): Match it with the gcc
- definition.
- * config/mips/tm-irix3.h (STAB_REG_TO_REGNUM): Add.
- * irix4-nat.c (fill_fpregset): Fix bug with indexing into fpregsetp.
-Fri Apr 30 17:45:32 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * The following patches are from Jeffrey Law <>.
- * config/pa/ Add more files to NATDEPFILES.
- * config/pa/xm-hppa[bh].h: Define FIVE_ARG_PTRACE.
- * hppab-nat.c: Delete WANT_NATIVE_TARGET ifdefs.
- ptrace needs 5 arguments, #define ptrace to always
- pass zero as the 5th argument.
-Fri Apr 30 15:54:13 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * Match z8k-*-sim for z8000.
- * config/h8500/tm-h8500.h, h8500-tdep.c: Lint.
- * remote-hms.c: Update to use new serial protocol.
-Fri Apr 30 16:50:38 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * mips-tdep.c: remove include of sys/dir.h. Doesn't seem
- necessary and Solaris doesn't have it.
- * (clean-info, install, install-info, info, dvi,
- check, all): do not echo recursion lines.
- * 29k-share/udip2soc.c (UDIConnect): replace union wait with int.
- * config/sparc/ (XM_CLIBS): add -lsocket which is
- required target ports which use sockets (like a29k-udi).
- * remote-udi.c (udi_wait): Use SIGURG, as Solaris doesn't have SIGLOST.
-Fri Apr 30 11:05:42 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * ser-unix.c [USE_{TERMIO,ALARM}_TIMEOUT]: New code to deal with
- systems lacking select().
- * (TAGS): Doc fix. Deal with empty DEPFILES.
-Fri Apr 30 10:06:46 1993 Fred Fish (
- * alldeps.mak, depend: Update with latest automatically built
- versions.
-Thu Apr 29 12:03:23 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (SFILES): Add ser-unix.c and ser-go32.c.
- * (make-proto-testsuite.dir): New target to make
- prototype testsuite tree.
- * (VERSION): Bump to 4.8.4.
-Thu Apr 29 08:46:22 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): If unrecognized constant type,
- complain() not error().
-Thu Apr 29 00:03:59 1993 Fred Fish (
- * infptrace.c: Add missing close paren to test for
- FIVE_ARG_PTRACE defined.
- * defs.h (CC_HAS_LONG_LONG): Set up to define CC_HAS_LONG_LONG
- when compiling with gcc, but disable it for now. See comment.
- * defs.h (LONGEST): Define as either "long" or "long long"
- based on CC_HAS_LONG_LONG.
- * defs.h (longest_to_int): Use CC_HAS_LONG_LONG to control
- how longest_to_int is defined.
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): Call print_longest.
- * expprint.c (dump_expression): Use PRINTF_HAS_LONG_LONG
- instead of LONG_LONG.
- * {printcmd.c, gdbtypes.h} (LONG_LONG): Replace usages with
- * printcmd.c (print_scalar_formatted): Call print_longest
- and let it figure out what to do for PRINTF_HAS_LONG_LONG.
- * typeprint.c (print_type_scalar): Call print_longest and let
- it figure out what to do for PRINTF_HAS_LONG_LONG.
- * valprint.c (val_print_type_code_int): Call print_longest
- and let it figure out what to do for PRINTF_HAS_LONG_LONG.
- * stabsread.c (LONG_LONG): Replace usages with CC_HAS_LONG_LONG.
- * value.h (struct value): Replace usage of LONG_LONG with
- * value.h (print_longest): Add prototype.
- * values.c (LONG_LONG): Replace usages with CC_HAS_LONG_LONG.
- * values.c (unpack_double): Collapse code that was unnecessarily
- dependent on CC_HAS_LONG_LONG. Use LONGEST instead of direct types.
- * values.c (value_from_longest): Remove dependency on
- CC_HAS_LONG_LONG and just use LONGEST.
- * solib.c (solib_map_sections): Use bfd_get_filename
- to access filename field.
- * solib.c (clear_solib): Save filename and free it later, after
- bfd_close, since bfd_close may reference it. Use bfd_get_filename
- to access the field.
- * config/convex/xm-convex.h (LONG_LONG): Replace with
- * doc/gdbint.texinfo (LONG_LONG): Replace with CC_HAS_LONG_LONG.
- Add PRINTF_HAS_LONG_LONG references.
-Wed Apr 28 06:11:38 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * inflow.c (kill_command), infcmd.c (attach_command),
- remote.c (remote_interrupt_twice): In messages for the user, call it
- "the program" or "the program being debugged" not "the inferior".
- * hp300ux-nat.c: Cast second arg to supply_register calls.
- (_initialize_kernel_u_addr, getpagesize): New functions.
- (store_inferior_register_1): Change arg name from value to val.
- (fetch_core_registers): Make arg core_reg_size unsigned.
- Pass 5 args to ptrace.
- * config/m68k/xm-hp300hpux.h: Define FIVE_ARG_PTRACE.
- Remove KERNEL_U_ADDR stuff.
- * infptrace.c [FIVE_ARG_PTRACE]: Pass 5th arg to ptrace.
- * config/m68k/hp300hpux.m{t,h}:
- Move exec.o from NATDEPFILES to TDEPFILES
- * config/m68k/ Mention GAS requirement. Remove
- hp-include stuff. Add m68k-tdep.o to TDEPFILES.
-Wed Apr 28 13:27:54 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * ch-exp.y (yylex): Don't STREQ with simplename if it is NULL.
-Wed Apr 28 06:11:38 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/sparc/xm-sun4os4.h [__STDC__]: Don't use MALLOC_INCOMPATIBLE.
-Wed Apr 28 11:39:18 1993 Roland H. Pesch (
- * doc/gdb.texinfo: make node "Shell Commands" unconditional;
- describe `set demangle-style arm' (not cfront);
- mention can type `q' to discard output, when gdb pages
-Wed Apr 28 11:32:39 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * valops.c (search_struct_field): Fix gdb core dump with incomplete
- stabs info.
-Wed Apr 28 06:11:38 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote.c: Change timeout to 2.
- (remote_open): Use unpush_target not remote_close.
- (remote_resume): If siggnal != 0, give warning not error().
- (remote_wait, remote_interrupt, remote_interrupt_twice):
- If we get two interrupts, let the user get out if they want.
- (remote_{kill,mourn}): New functions.
- i386-stub.c (handle_exception, case 'k'): Don't BREAKPOINT.
-Wed Apr 28 09:20:55 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * config/sparc/ (XM_CLIBS): Define to be -lnsl.
-Wed Apr 28 06:11:38 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Remote targets (mourn): Call unpush_target.
- * config/sparc/xm-sun4os4.h: Declare free() to return int.
- Remove twisted use of PARAMS.
- * config/rs6000/xm-rs6000.h: Don't define MALLOC_INCOMPATIBLE now
- that ansidecl.h assumes ANSI on AIX.
-Tue Apr 27 10:01:33 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * README: Move most stuff about hacking GDB to doc/gdbint.texinfo.
- (Known bugs): Remove AIX bugs, revise SPARC struct bug description.
-Tue Apr 27 13:44:19 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * expprint.c (print_subexp): Fix bug with OP_SCOPE operator output.
-Tue Apr 27 10:01:33 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote-vx.c (net_connect): Allow numeric IP address for host.
-Mon Apr 26 17:59:38 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * config/sh/, config/sh/tm-sh.h, sh-tdep.c: New files.
-Mon Apr 26 07:13:32 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * rs6000-tdep.c (branch_dest): Deal with stepping through system call.
- * symtab.h, xcoffread.c: Revise linetable sorting comments.
-Sun Apr 25 02:32:16 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * valops.c (value_cast): A cast might also change the object
- representation in C++.
- * dbxread.c (end_psymtab): Copy subpst read_symtab function from pst
- to get the proper read_symtab function when called from mipsread.c.
- * mipsread.c (mipscoff_psymtab_to_symtab, psymtab_to_symtab_1):
- Set cur_bfd in psymtab_to_symtab_1 as CURBFD(pst) is invalid
- for dummy psymtabs, inhibit processing of dummy psymtabs.
-Sat Apr 24 19:59:54 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Changes from (or inspired by) AMD:
- * remote-udi.c (udi_attach): Assignments to Space and Offset were
- switched, fix it.
- (udi_wait): Make error message (UDIGetStdout) match error.
- (udi_wait): Handle UDIStdinNeeded.
- * command.c [CANT_FORK]: Use system().
- * utils.c (prompt_for_continue): Allow quit with 'q'.
- * solib.c (solib_add): Don't call special_symbol_handling if there
- were errors in symbol_add_stub. Also set so->from_tty before
- calling symbol_add_stub.
-Fri Apr 23 16:17:00 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * Merge in HPPA/BSD patches from Utah:
- * defs.h: Add const to 2nd arg of psignal prototype.
- * hppah-tdep.c: Renamed to hppa-tdep.c 'cuz it's common code with
- BSD now.
- * hppab-core.c: Deleted. No longer useful.
- * hppab-nat.c: #include more files. Use PT_WUREGS, not
- * hppab-tdep.c: Deleted. Supplanted by hppa-tdep.c.
- * config/pa/ (NATDEPFILES): Remove hppab-core.o.
- * config/pa/ (TDEPFILES): hppab-tdep.o => hppa-tdep.o
- * config/pa/ (TDEPFILES): hppab-tdep.o => hppa-tdep.o
- * config/pa/xm-hppab.h: #define SET_STACK_LIMIT_HUGE.
-Fri Apr 23 10:34:02 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * Fix two bugs found by deja-gnu. One is the incorrect reporting
- of the PC being in a stack dummy when looking at a core file
- without symbols. The other is the incorrect passing of char
- arguments during expression evaluation (ie: p foo('a','b') would
- mess up the passing of it's args because it wasn't coercing the
- char's to ints).
- * hppah-tdep.c: Rename global functions to have consistent hppa_
- prefix. Make more functions static. Drop hp_ prefix from static
- functions. (hppa_push_arguments): Call value_arg_coerce to cast
- char to int args if necessary. (hppa_fix_call_dummy): Create
- this routine from FIX_CALL_DUMMY macro in tm-hppa.h.
- * inferior.h (PC_IN_CALL_DUMMY): Check for frame_address being
- valid (ie: != 0) before doing comparison against PC.
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): Adjust call to FIX_CALL_DUMMY
- to reflect new arguments.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (POP_FRAME, PUSH_ARGUMENTS): Use new hppa_
- prefix for func name. (FIX_CALL_DUMMY): Move code into
- hppah-tdep.c.
- * testsuite/gdb.t16/gdbme.c, testsuite/gdb.t17/gdbme.c: Add calls
- to malloc() so that we can test GDB eval of dynamically created
- arrays (like char strings in `print "foo"').
-Fri Apr 23 01:28:14 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * printcmd.c (print_address_symbolic): Search symtabs as well as the
- minimal symbols for a nearby symbol.
-Thu Apr 22 19:44:21 1993 John Gilmore (
- * coffread.c: Comment changes around minimal symbol recording.
-Thu Apr 22 16:24:36 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * command.c: comment changes only.
- * mips-tdep.c (heuristic_fence_post): new static variable.
- (heuristic_proc_start): use heuristic_fence_post, print better
- warnings, but only if not stop_soon_quietly.
- (_initialize_mips_tdep): add_set_cmd for heuristic-fence-post.
-Thu Apr 22 14:50:05 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * symtab.h: Fix LOC_REF_ARG comment.
-Wed Apr 22 20:21:30 1993 Peter Schauer (
- and Jim Kingdon (
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): Combine a 'p', 'r' arg pair to a
- LOC_REGPARM symbol.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h (REG_STRUCT_HAS_ADDR): Revise comments.
- symfile.c (compare_symbols): Don't check first character; STRCMP
- does that.
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): Generate a LOC_REGPARM_ADDR for
- structures that are passed by address in a register.
- * symtab.h (enum address_class): Add LOC_REGPARM_ADDR.
- * findvar.c (read_var_value),
- printcmd.c (address_info, print_frame_args),
- stack.c (print_frame_arg_vars), symmisc.c (print_{,partial_}symbol),
- * symtab.c (lookup_block_symbol): Deal with it.
-Thu Apr 22 09:07:24 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * objfiles.h (obj_section), objfiles.c (build_objfile_section_table):
- Add objfile field.
- * objfiles.c (find_pc_section): Return a struct obj_section *.
- * sparc-tdep.c (in_solib_trampoline): Deal with find_pc_section return.
- * symfile.c (syms_from_objfile) [IBM6000_TARGET]:
- Don't use obj_section hack.
- * xcoffexec (vmap_symtab): Relocate obj_sections.
- * printcmd.c (containing_function_bounds): Use find_pc_section.
- * symtab.h: Clean up SYMBOL_VALUE comments.
-Wed Apr 21 14:29:57 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stack.c (print_frame_arg_vars), printcmd.c (print_frame_args):
- Expand comments about LOC_ARG/LOC_LOCAL pairs.
- * coffread.c (read_coff_symtab): Use rewind before fseek.
-Wed Apr 21 14:24:19 1993 Per Bothner (
- * ch-exp.y: Removed unused structure_primitive_value and FIXME_23.
- * Add $(YFLAGS) when using $(YACC).
- * Remove message to expect conflicts and unused
- rules in ch-exp.y, since there no longer are any such.
-Wed Apr 21 13:27:50 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * stabs.texinfo: fixed bad xrefs (un-initialized statics)
-Tue Apr 20 08:55:11 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffexec.c (xcoff_relocate_core): If no exec file, error()
- rather than dumping core.
- * Add ${srcdir}/ to all source files.
- (alldeps.mak): Add "${srcdir}/" to files when generating alldeps.mak.
- (TAGS): Deal with srcdir and new config directory scheme.
- createtags: Remove.
- (NONSRC): Remove createtags.
- alldeps.mak: Updated.
- * rs6000-tdep.c: Delete unused function print_frame.
- * frame.h (struct frame_info): Doc fix for next_frame.
- New field signal_handler_caller.
- blockframe.c (create_new_frame, get_prev_frame_info),
- config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h (INIT_EXTRA_FRAME_INFO): Set it (needs
- stack.c (print_frame_info), rs6000-tdep.c (rs6000_frame_chain):
- Check it.
-Mon Apr 19 22:52:33 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * irix4-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Special version of this for
- Irix 4.x, which stores regs a bit differently from other /proc
- based systems.
- * procfs.c, core-svr4.c: Move fetch_core_registers from procfs.c
- to new file core-svr4.c.
- * config/i386/, config/i386/, config/m68k/,
- config/i386/, config/sparc/ Add core-svr4.o
- * config/mips/ Add corelow.o to NATDEPFILES.
-Mon Apr 19 11:13:34 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * i387-tdep.c: Remove unused #includes.
- * Match i[34]86-*-sysv3.2 not i[34]86-*-sysv32.
- * config/i386/nm-i386v.h: Define NO_PTRACE_H.
-Sun Apr 18 10:39:35 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffread.c: Nuke NO_DEFINE_SYMBOL code. There is no going back.
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): 'R' is synonym for 'P', not 'r'.
- xcoffread.c (process_xcoff_symbol, case C_RPSYM):
- Don't muck with SYMBOL_CLASS.
-Fri Apr 16 17:38:33 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * munch: Don't use head command. It doesn't exist everywhere.
-Fri Apr 16 15:07:57 1993 Fred Fish (
- * inflow.c (new_tty): Remove spurious 'o' character at end
- of #endif line.
-Fri Apr 16 12:27:11 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_skip_prologue): Always skip the typical prologue
- instructions and nothing more.
- * mipsread.c (add_line): Add comment why we have to combine line number
- entries for the same line number.
-Fri Apr 16 09:42:03 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * symtab.{c,h}: Doc fixes (remove symseg references, last relevant
- in gdb 2.8!).
-Thu Apr 15 21:16:58 1993 Fred Fish (
- * depend, alldeps.mak: Update, now that gcc -MM bug is fixed.
-Thu Apr 15 12:38:39 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * source.c (select_source_symtab): Clean up comment. Also, if
- we have a current_source_symtab, and s is NULL, return without
- doing anything.
- xcoffread.c (xcoff_symfile_read): Don't call select_source_symtab.
- breakpoint.c (breakpoint_re_set): Don't call select_source_symtab.
-Thu Apr 15 02:37:48 1993 John Gilmore (
- * dbxread.c (unknown_symchar_complaint): Add new complaint.
- * stabsread.h: Declare it.
- * partial-stab.h: Use it.
- * utils.c (malloc_botch): Don't forward-declare if NO_MMALLOC.
-Wed Apr 14 17:12:51 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stack.c (print_frame_info): Print specially if dummy frame.
- * breakpoint.c: Add comments regarding within_scope future direction.
- * Version 4.8.3.
- * xcoffread.c (record_include_{begin,end}): Change fatal to complain.
-Wed Apr 14 14:03:18 1993 Per Bothner (
- * ch-exp.y: Fix thinko that broke parsing of FALSE.
-Wed Apr 14 12:49:29 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * stabsread.c (read_member_functions): Initialize domain for stubbed
- member functions to avoid gdb core dumps when printing pointers
- to member functions.
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_print_class_method): Check for stubbed member
- functions.
-Tue Apr 13 08:28:26 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * expprint.c (print_subexp): If opcode not found in op_print_tab,
- stop with an error().
- eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Change error message.
- * objfiles.c (build_objfile_section_table): Cast return value
- from obstack_finish.
-Mon Apr 12 10:53:50 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h, rs6000-tdep.c: Move FRAME_CHAIN
- to rs6000_frame_chain and deal with it if we're in a signal handler.
- (FRAME_SAVED_PC): Use rs6000_frame_chain.
- * breakpoint.c (within_scope): New function.
- (enable_breakpoint, watchpoint_check): Use it.
- * source.c (openp): Handle "exec-file ./ls" correctly.
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_1): Use wrap_here before "at".
-Sat Apr 10 01:32:43 1993 Per Bothner (
- * ch-exp.y: Clean up lexing of identifiers and
- reserved words. (E.g. don't recognize FALSEXXX as the
- keyword FALSE followed by the identifier XXX.)
- Also, convert identifiers to lower case.
-Fri Apr 9 15:53:19 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * remote-mips.c, remote-monitor.c, remote-st2000.c: Convert to
- new serial interface.
-Fri Apr 9 15:01:12 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * remote.c (remote_open): Use SERIAL_OPEN instead of serial_open.
- (putpkt, getpkt): Use new return codes for SERIAL_READCHAR.
- * ser-go32.c: Return -1 on most failures, 0 on most successes,
- and use new return codes for go32_readchar().
- * ser-unix.c: Ditto. Also, move error handling up to caller for
- * serial.c (serial_open): Internal call, not SERIAL_OPEN to get
- to specific routine.
- (serial_close): New routine to wrap around device close routine.
- serial.h: Clean & document return values more clearly.
-Fri Apr 9 10:20:55 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * rs6000-pinsn.c (print_operand): Deal with no operand instructions.
- * rs6000-pinsn.c (print_operand, case LI): Print condition register
- operand in decimal rather than wrong textual versions.
- * printcmd.c (_initialize_printcmd): Clean up docstring for "x"
- (mention 't', remove false thing about 'g' only good with 'f').
- * breakpoint.h: move "struct breakpoint" and friends to top of
- file so that bpstat_find_breakpoint prototype works.
- * solib.c (struct so_list): Add bfd field.
- (solib_map_sections): Leave bfd open and scratch_pathname allocated.
- Put the bfd in bfd field of the so_list.
- (clear_solib): Free bfd name and close_bfd on the bfd.
-Fri Apr 9 00:45:41 1993 Per Bothner (
- * valarith.c (value_subscript): Add COERCE_REF.
- * ch-exp.y (operand_5): We can generalize the 2nd operand
- of a string repetition ot 'literal' without ambiguity.
-Thu Apr 8 10:15:10 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.h (struct bpstat): Remove momentary field.
- Remove bpstat_momentary_breakpoint. This was always kludgy
- and is no longer used.
- * breakpoint.h: Add enum bpstat_what.
- breakpoint.h (struct bpstat), breakpoint.c (bpstat_stop_status):
- stop and print fields of bpstat now per-breakpoint, not just
- one for the whole chain.
- breakpoint.{c,h} (bpstat_what): New function.
- breakpoint.h: Remove bpstat_stop and bpstat_should_print.
- infrun.c: Replace switch (stop_bpstat->breakpoint_at->type)
- with call to bpstat_what.
- README: Remove watchpoint/breakpoint bug from known bugs.
- * breakpoint.h: Prototype bpstat_find_breakpoint.
-Thu Apr 8 16:01:21 1993 Fred Fish (
- * symtab.c (find_methods, gdb_mangle_name): Note that functions
- are g++ specific.
- DESTRUCTOR_PREFIX_P): Note that macros are g++ specific.
-Thu Apr 8 12:45:32 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * i960-pinsn.c (tabent): Copied struct definition from
- opcodes/i960-dis.c.
-Thu Apr 8 10:34:37 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * symtab.h (DESTRUCTOR_PREFIX_P): New macro to check if physname
- is a C++ destructor.
- * symtab.c (gdb_mangle_name): Use it.
- * symtab.c (find_methods): Do not add destructors to choice list
- for constructors.
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): Make breakpoints on destructors work
- for gcc-2.x again.
-Wed Apr 7 18:43:09 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * ser-go32.c: Make it use serial port name.
- * go32-xdep.c: Put in def for strlwr, needed by dir.o in go32 libc.
- * infcmd.c (read_pc): Make sure that we read PC_REGNUM when not
- in a system call!
-Wed Apr 7 15:52:11 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * Only configure sparclite subdir when target_cpu
- is sparclite.
-Wed Apr 7 10:11:22 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffread.c (struct coff_symbol): Change c_sclass to unsigned char.
- Remove FIXME comment regarding this.
- * symfile.h: Change NULL->'\0' in comment (that wasn't a typo).
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab): Use E_SYMNMLEN.
-Tue Apr 6 22:30:58 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- Add section table to objfile struct. Use it for find_pc_section.
- * objfiles.c (add_to_objfile_sections,
- build_objfile_section_table, find_pc_section): new functions.
- (allocate_objfile): build section table.
- * objfiles.h (struct obj_section): new structure.
- (struct objfile): add section table.
- (find_pc_section): new prototype.
- * solib.[ch] (find_pc_section_from_so_list): removed.
- * sparc-tdep.c: include objfiles.h for find_pc_section. include
- symfile.h for objfiles.h.
- (in_solib_trampoline): adjusted for new find_pc_section
- prototype. Removed BAD_RICH_HACK ifdefs.
- * symfile.c (syms_from_objfile): offset objfile sections.
- (find_pc_section): removed. Also removed BAD_RICH_HACK ifdefs.
- * symfile.h (find_pc_section): prototype removed. Also fixed
- comment typo NUL -> NULL.
- * target.[ch] (find_pc_section_from_targets): removed.
- * config/sparc/tm-sun4sol2.h (BAD_RICHH_HACK): removed.
-Tue Apr 6 21:41:13 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * ser-go32.c: Format. (go32_open): Use proper return value.
- * Undo conditional configdirs hack for sparclite.
-Tue Apr 6 17:07:37 1993 Jim Wilson (
- * symtab.c (list_symbols): When call break_command, pass both
- filename and function name not just function name.
-Tue Apr 6 15:00:09 1993 Fred Fish (
- (Changes and new files to make "none" a full fledged configuration)
- * config/none/{nm-none.h, tm-none.h, xm-none.h}: New files.
- Currently only tm-none.h has any meaningful contents.
- * config/none/ (NAT_FILE): Use nm-none.h
- * config/none/ (XM_FILE): Use xm-none.h
- * config/none/ (TM_FILE): Use tm-none.h
- * (depend): Remove comment about parse errors in
- valops.c, it now parses correctly and generates a correct depend
- line. Remove line that touches xm.h, tm.h, and nm.h; they are
- now linked to config/none/{xm-none.h, tm-none.h, nm-none.h}.
-Tue Apr 6 09:54:29 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * values.c (USE_STRUCT_RETURN): Only use gcc wierdness for gcc1.
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab): Deal correctly with symbols of
- exactly 8 characters.
-Tue Apr 6 10:31:26 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * Sparclite uses sparc config dir. Also has it's
- own tm- & .mt files now. Also add sparclite to configdirs.
- * go32-xdep.c: Dummy routines for sigsetmask & strlwr.
- * config/i386/ Nullify def of TERMCAP.
- * config/i386/xm-go32.h: Get rid of redef of EIO.
- * config/sparc/{ tm-sparclite.h}: New sparclite
- specific configs. Very similar to sun4os4, but without solib.
- * sparclite/{}: First cut at making this
- dir configgable.
-Tue Apr 6 03:10:44 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * ser-go32.c: First cut at adapting to new serial interface.
-Mon Apr 5 22:29:43 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * (SFILES OBS): Add serial.[co] & ser-hardwire.[co].
- These implement a new serial line interface for talking to remote
- targets.
- * Link ser-hardwire.c to ser-unix.c for all hosts,
- EXCEPT go32, which gets ser-go32.c.
- * remote.c: Use new serial interface. More remote-xxx's to be
- converted later.
- * ser-bsd.c, ser-termios.c: Removed.
- * serial.c: New. Implements common operations for all serial
- types.
- * ser-unix.c: New. Unix specific serial operations for various
- flavors of Unix (Posix, SysV, BSD).
- * serial.h: Generic serial interface defs.
- * config/i386/, config/i386/i386bsd.h,
- config/m68k/, config/sparc/ Remove
- ser-bsd.o from XDEPFILES. All the magic is now handled in
-Mon Apr 5 20:48:54 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * config/h8500/tm-h8500.h: Clean up brain damage found by GCC.
-Fri Apr 2 08:23:14 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffread.c (xcoff_symfile_offsets): Use 0 not addr for offsets.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (frameless_function_invocation): Don't even think
- about framelessness except on the innermost frame.
- * xcoffexec.c: Call fatal() not abort().
- * stabsread.c (patch_block_stabs): If stab & no symbol, make
- symtab.h (enum address_class): Add LOC_OPTIMIZED_OUT.
- findvar.c (read_var_value), printcmd.c (address_info),
- symmisc.c (print_{,partial_}symbol), c-exp.y (variable),
- m2-exp.y (yylex): Deal with it.
- ch-exp.y (yylex): Deal with it.
-Thu Apr 1 18:43:02 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * findvar.c (value_from_register): H8500 specific, check to see
- if we are looking at short pointer. If so, skip crock.
- * h8500-tdep.c (h8500_frame_chain): Mask down value from
- read_memory_integer() to avoid getting messed up by sign extension.
-Thu Apr 1 16:44:41 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * sparc-tdep.c (in_solib_trampoline), symfile.c (find_pc_section):
- ifdef protect using BAD_RICH_HACK. This should be removed soon.
- * config/sparc/tm-sun4sol2.h (BAD_RICH_HACK): define.
-Thu Apr 1 09:01:38 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * i960-pinsn.c, a29k-pinsn.c: Much abridged, just use libopcodes.a.
- * core.c (dis_asm_print_address): New function.
- * core.c (dis_asm_read_memory): Reinstate 4th arg. The prototype
- has been fixed.
-Thu Apr 1 09:34:43 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * breakpoint.c (bpstat_print, bpstat_stop_status): Change to walk the
- entire breakpoint chain and print only the first entry that needs to
- be printed and needs to be stopped for. Fixes problems with printing
- of multiple breakpoints with different conditions.
- * breakpoint.c (print_it_done): Renamed from print_it_noop as it
- effectively stops printing of the breakpoint chain.
- * breakpoint.c (print_it_noop): New routine to print nothing
- for this breakpoint entry and dont stop printing.
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_re_set_one): mention the reevaluated
- watchpoint only if it is enabled.
- * mipsread.c (parse_procedure): Correct incorrect setjmp procedure
- descriptor from the library to make backtraces through setjmp work.
- * mipsread.c (fixup_sigtramp): Correct pcreg and fregoffset for
- sigtramp.
- * mips-tdep.c (read_next_frame_reg): Provide correct values for
- all registers saved within sigtramp, cleanup.
-Wed Mar 31 12:52:12 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * sparc-pinsn.c: Much abridged, just calls version in libopcodes.a.
-Wed Mar 31 21:23:41 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * core.c (dis_asm_read_memory): drop fourth arg which conflicts
- with prototype in ../include/dis-asm.h.
-Wed Mar 31 12:52:12 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * core.c (dis_asm_{read_memory,memory_error}): New functions.
- m68k-pinsn.c, h8500-tdep.c, i386-pinsn.c, mips-pinsn.c, z8k-tdep.c:
- Use read_memory_func interface to disassembler.
-Tue Mar 30 15:46:14 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- Teach sparc solaris to next over shared library functions.
- * solib.[hc] (find_pc_section_from_so_list): new function and
- prototype.
- * sparc-tdep.c (in_solib_trampoline): new function.
- * symfile.[hc] (find_pc_section): new function and prototypes.
- * target.[hc] (find_pc_section_from_targets): new function and
- prototypes.
- * config/sparc/tm-sun4sol2.h (IN_SOLIB_TRAMPOLINE): redefine to
- in_solib_trampoline.
-Tue Mar 30 08:06:24 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Revise comment.
- * command.c (do_setshow_command): Use %u with var_{u,z}integer.
- * command.{c,h}: New var_type var_integer.
- main.c: Use it for history_size.
- * rs6000-tdep.c, xcoffexec.c, config/rs6000/xm-rs6000.h, breakpoint.c:
- Lint and byte-order fixups.
- * breakpoint.c (print_it_normal): Return 0 after hitting watchpoint.
- * breakpoint.h (bpstat): New field print_it.
- breakpoint.c (bpstat_print): Use it.
- (print_it_normal): New function (from old bpstat_print code).
- (bpstat_{alloc,stop_status}): Set print_it field.
- * breakpoint.c (bpstat_stop_status): Use catch_errors when
- evaluating watchpoint condition, via new function watchpoint_check.
- Also stop if watchpoint disabled due to leaving its block.
- * findvar.c [REG_STRUCT_HAS_ADDR]: Add comment.
-Tue Mar 30 00:14:38 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * mips-pinsn.c: Add missing include of dis-asm.h.
-Mon Mar 29 15:03:25 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (clean, distclean, realclean): Recursively apply
- to subdirs first, rather than last. This avoids, for example,
- Makefile being removed in a parent directory before the recursive
- make is run.
- * alldeps.mak, depend: Update for below changes.
- * config/m68k/tm-m68k.h: Renamed from config/m68k/tm-68k.h.
- * m68k/{tm-3b1.h, tm-altos.h, tm-amix.h, tm-es1800.h,
- tm-hp300bsd.h, tm-hp300hpux.h, tm-isi.h, tm-news.h, tm-os68k.h,
- tm-st2000.h, tm-sun2.h, tm-sun3.h, tm-vx68.h}: Include tm-m68k.h
- instead of tm-68k.h.
- * (HFILES): tm-68k.h renamed to tm-m68k.h.
- * README, a29k-pinsn.c, m68k-pinsn.c, m68k-stub.c, remote-vx.c,
- m68k/{,,, nm-apollo68b.h,
- nm-hp300bsd.h, config/m68k/xm-apollo68b.h}: Map '68k' to 'm68k'.
- * a29k/tm-a29k.h, doc/gdbint.texinfo: Account for renaming of
- tm-68k.h to tm-m68k.h.
- * m68k/ (TM_FILE): tm-68k-fp.h renamed to tm-m68k-fp.h.
- * m68k/ (TM_FILE): tm-68k-nofp.h renamed to
- tm-m68k-nofp.h.
- * config/a29k/tm-a29k.h: Renamed from config/a29k/tm-29k.h.
- * a29k-pinsn.c: Renamed from am29k-pinsn.c.
- * a29k-tdep.c: Renamed from am29k-tdep.c.
- * remote-eb.c, config/a29k/tm-ultra3.h: Include renamed tm-a29k.h.
- * remote-monitor.c, remote-st2000.c, config/a29k/{nm-ultra3.h,
- tm-a29k.h, xm-ultra3.h}, config/romp/, doc/gdbinv-s.texi,
- testsuite/gdb.t15/funcargs.exp, testsuite/gdb.t17/callfuncs.exp:
- Map '29k' to 'a29k'.
- * config/a29k/{,,,}
- (TDEPFILES): Use renamed a29k-pinsn.o and a29k-tdep.o.
- * config/a29k/{,} (TM_FILE): Use renamed
- tm-a29k.h.
- * config/a29k/ (MT_CFLAGS): Remove TARGET_AM29K
- define that does not appear anywhere else in the gdb source tree.
- * doc/gdbinit.texinfo: Document renaming of tm-29k.h to tm-a29k.h.
-Mon Mar 29 13:55:29 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.c: Add comments regarding breakpoint_re_set.
- * xcoffread.c (sort_syms, compare_symbols): Remove.
- (xcoff_symfile_read): Use sort_all_symtab_syms from symfile.c
- not our own sort_syms (it is identical).
- * xcoffread.c: Nuke NAMES_HAVE_DOT define (not used).
-Sun Mar 28 11:24:37 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_re_set_one): Fix storage leak.
- * breakpoint.c (enable_breakpoint): Don't enable watchpoint if it
- went out of scope.
- * exec.c (exec_close): Fix storage leak.
- * exec.c (exec_file_command): Make sure that bfd doesn't realign the
- output sections when patching an executable.
- * mips-nat.c (store_inferior_registers): Use REGISTER_PTRACE_ADDR
- when writing all registers.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_push_dummy_frame): Save floating point registers
- at the right offset in the dummy frame.
- * mipsread.c (psymtab_to_symtab_1): Do not complain for stProc,
- stStaticProc and stEnd symbols as they are generated by gcc-2.x.
- * mipsread.c (mipscoff_new_init): Initialize stabsread and buildsym.
-Fri Mar 26 15:25:05 1993 John Gilmore (
- * (TARFILES): Avoid trailing backslash.
-Fri Mar 26 11:29:30 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.{c,h}: Add exp_string to struct breakpoint and use
- it in breakpoint_re_set.
- * breakpoint.c (watch_command, enable_breakpoint): Fetch lazy values.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (single_step): Misc cleanups (CORE_ADDR not int,
- don't use sizeof(int) for target stuff, etc).
-Thu Mar 25 15:03:53 1993 Fred Fish (
- * alldeps.mak,, i860-break.h, i860-opcode.h,
- i860-pinsn.c, i860-tdep.c, config/i860/*: Remove incomplete i860
- support that can't be integrated anyway due to lack of clear
- authorship.
-Thu Mar 25 12:26:50 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * findvar.c (read_register, write_register): Make these capable
- of reading/writing registers that are shorter than REGISTER_TYPE.
- * (value_from_register): Install H8500 specific code to return
- proper value when register is being used as a pointer.
- * h8500-tdep.c: Remove extra defines of NUM_REGS.
- (h8500_skip_prologue): Use correct lengths for LINK instructions.
- (FRAME_CHAIN): Change name to h8500_frame_chain. Rewrite code to
- chain frames properly by combining frame pointer with T reg.
- (init_extra_frame_info): Delete. It's now a macro.
- (frame_args_address): Don't add PTR_SIZE. Stack args are already
- offset by the correct amount off of the frame pointer.
- (register_byte): Delete. It's now a macro.
- (register_raw_size, register_virtual_size): Delete. Replaced by
- common routine h8500_register_size, cuz there's no difference
- between the raw & virtual sizes on this machine.
- (register_convert_to_raw, register_convert_to_virtual): Delete,
- cuz there's no difference between the raw & virtual forms.
- Replaced by memcpy in tm file.
- (register_virtual_type): Rename to h8500_register_virtual_type.
- Get rid of pointer pseudo-regs, use _REGNUM with all reg names.
- (_initialize_h8500_tdep): Get rid of crock to ensure that GDB &
- emulator have same reg offsets. This is all handled in the
- simulator code now.
- (h8500_trapped_internalvar): New routine to detect references to
- convenience vars acting as pointer pseudo-regs.
- (h8500_value_trapped_internalvar): Conjure up value of pointer
- pseudo-regs.
- (h8500_set_trapped_internalvar): Convert set value in real
- register references.
- infcmd.c (read_pc, write_pc): Add h8500 specific code to handle
- code segment register.
- infrun.c (proceed): Simplify. Call write_pc instead of doing it
- by hand.
- (wait_for_inferior): Add h8500 specific code to add stack segment
- when reading SP register.
- remote-sim.c (fetch_register): Spacing.
- tm-h8500.h: #define GDB_TARGET_IS_H8500 to make it easier to
- detect cruft. Redo all register manipulation stuff. Get rid of
- pointer pseudo-regs. (INIT_EXTRA_FRAME_INFO): Adds stack segment
- to frame pointer. (IS_TRAPPED_INTERNALVAL,
- to create internal vars for pointer pseudo-regs.
-Thu Mar 25 10:10:28 1993 Fred Fish (
- * Numerous small changes to macro definitions
- and rules for building gdb distribution tree. Many macros
- eliminated or merged, and rules simplified.
- * alldeps.mak: Update.
- * depend: Update.
-Wed Mar 24 13:52:29 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * recurse through SUBDIRS for dvi target too
-Wed Mar 24 08:48:30 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Clean up xcoff relocation.
- objfiles.h (struct objfiles): Add section_offsets, num_sections.
- symfile.c (syms_from_objfile), xcoffread.c (xcoff_symfile_offsets):
- Set them.
- symtab.h (struct general_symbol_info): Add section field.
- minsyms.c (prim_record_minimal_symbol{,_and_info}): Set it.
- xcoffread.c: Set section for symbols and msymbols.
- (struct symtab): Add block_line_section field.
- buildsym.c (end_symtab): Set it.
- (end_symtab and callers): Add section parameter.
- objfiles.c (objfile_relocate): New funciton.
- xcoffexec.c (vmap_symtab): Use it.
- xcoffsolib.h (struct vmap): Remove unused fields.
- config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h, stack.c, xcoffexec.c: Remove
- CORE_NEEDS_RELOCATION, symtab_relocated.
- config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h: Remove use of loadinfotext.
- rs6000-tdep.c: Make loadinfotext static.
- breakpoint.c (fixup_breakpoints): Doc fix.
- symtab.h (struct symtab), config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h, buildsym.c
- (end_symtab): primary field replaces nonreloc.
-Tue Mar 23 00:10:53 1993 John Gilmore (
- * symtab.h (struct linetable_entry): Remove confusing comment.
-Tue Mar 23 00:01:23 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * add installcheck target
-Mon Mar 22 16:17:58 1993 Fred Fish (
- * config/{a29k, arm, convex, gould, h8300, i386, i860, i960, m68k,
- m88k, mips, none, ns32k, pa, pyr, romp, rs6000, sparc, tahoe, vax,
- z8k}: New directories to hold cpu specific configuration files.
- Naming follows gcc convention.
- * config/{*.mt, *.mh}: All target and host makefile fragment
- config files moved to an appropriate config/<cpu> subdirectory.
- * nm-*, xm-*, tm-*: All native, host, and target files, which
- get linked to nm.h, xm.h, and tm.h respectively by configure,
- moved to appropriate config/<cpu> subdirectory.
- * nm-sysv4.h, xm-sysv4.h, tm-sysv4.h, tm-sunos.h, nm-trash.h:
- Native, host, and target files that are common across more than
- one cpu architecture and included by one of the configured
- native, host, or target files, get moved to config directory.
- * (INCLUDE_CFLAGS): Add -I${srcdir}/config to
- pick up native, host, or target include files moved to one of
- the config subdirectories, and that are included by other files.
- * (alldeps.mak): Modify to account for new config
- directory structure.
- * alldeps.mak, depend: Update for new config directory structure.
- * config/*/[ntx]m-*.h: Modify all files that include other
- [ntx]m-*.h files to use path relative to gdb/config. I.E.
- "a29k/tm-ultra3.h" includes "a29k/tm-29k.h" rather than just
- "tm-29k.h".
- * remote-eb.c (tm-29k.h): Include a29k/tm-29k.h.
- * mipsread.c (tm-mips.h): Include mips/tm-mips.h.
- * i860-pinsn.c (tm-i860.h): Include i860/tm-i860.h.
- * Default gdb_host_cpu to host_cpu, and remap
- the ones where the default is not unique or different than the
- config subdirectory name. Similarly, handle gdb_target_cpu.
- Modify as appropriate to make use of gdb_host_cpu
- and gdb_target_cpu to find makefile fragments and make links.
-Mon Mar 22 12:36:24 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mipsread.c (compare_blocks): Sort blocks with the same start
- address by decreasing ending address.
-Mon Mar 22 20:36:04 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * mipsread.c (parse_procedure): Save cur_fdr accross call to
- lookup_symbol as it might get clobbered by the call.
- * mipsread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Use ADD_PSYMBOL_ADDR_TO_LIST.
- The previous code did not initialize the language field for the psymtab
- entry.
-Sat Mar 20 00:33:39 1993 John Gilmore (
- * c-exp.y (parse_number): Avoid shift warning.
- * serial.h (struct ttystate): Declare empty one on DOS.
-Fri Mar 19 12:59:50 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * xm-sun4os4.h: Return type of free() should be void, not int.
- * vx-share/vxWorks.h: Remove #def of NULL.
-Fri Mar 19 11:28:18 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * tm-rs6000.h: Nuke no-op STAB_REG_TO_REGNUM.
-Fri Mar 19 07:40:09 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * z8k-tdep.c (print_insn): Include the new dis-asm header file.
-Thu Mar 18 14:26:57 1993 Per Bothner (
- * ieee-float.c: Moved to ../libiberty.
- * ieee-float.h: Moved to ../include.
- * Update accordingly.
- * i386-pinsn.c (print_insn), m68k-pinsn.c (print_insn):
- Convert to stubs that call disassemblers in ../opcodes/*-dis.c.
- * m68k-tdep.c: Removed definition of ext_format ext_format_68881;
- it is now in ../opcodes/m68881-ext.c.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_skip_prologue): Try to skip more of the
- prologue (some callers _do_ care).
- * mips-pinsn.c (print_insn), z8k-tdep.c (print_insn): Convert to
- new interface of ../opcodes/*-dis.c.
- * ch-exp.y: Add #include <ctype.h>.
-Thu Mar 18 11:57:49 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffexec.c (exec_close): Don't close exec_bfd twice.
- * xcoffread.c (enter_line_range): endaddr is exclusive, not inclusive.
-Wed Mar 17 09:46:31 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffread.c (arrange_linetable): Use x{m,re}alloc not {m,re}alloc.
-Wed Mar 17 11:28:11 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * z8k-tdep.c (extract_return_value, write_return_value,
- store_struct_return): New functions from macros in tm-z8k.h.
-Wed Mar 17 11:23:06 1993 Fred Fish (
- * valops.c (value_arg_coerce): Apply temporary patch to
- fix problem with coercion of array and function types when
- passed as arguments to C functions, pending a more complete
- review of when and how coercion should be done, depending
- upon context and language.
-Wed Mar 17 09:46:31 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffread.c (MIN_TBTABSIZ): Change to 12.
- * xcoffread.c (xcoff_symfile_read): Only read stringtab and
- debugsec if there are a non-zero number of symbols.
-Tue Mar 16 18:08:45 1993 John Gilmore (
- * command.c (show_user): Avoid fprintf_filtered botch (AGAIN!).
-Tue Mar 16 15:18:17 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffexec.c (add_vmap): Wrap symbol read in catch_errors.
- * xcoffread.c (read_symbol_lineno): Look to end of symbols for .bf,
- not just 50 symbols.
- (symtbl_num_syms): New variable.
- (read_xcoff_symtab): Set it.
- (read_symbol_nvalue): Check for bad symno.
- (read_symbol_{lineno,nvalue}, callers): Don't pass symtable; it's
- always symtbl.
-Tue Mar 16 10:09:05 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * config/ Get rid of -Dfd_set=int crock.
- This is defined in defs.h if necessary.
- * vx-share/vxWorks.h: Remove #defs of min and max.
- * vx-share/xdr_ld.c, vx-share/xdr_ptrace.c,
- vx-share/xdr_rdb.c: include defs.h.
-Fri Mar 12 09:33:23 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffread.c (retrieve_tracebackinfo): Move assignment out
- of while condition.
- * xcoffread.c (enter_line_range): complain() on bad endoffset.
- xcoffread.c: Doc fixes.
-Tue Mar 9 09:56:12 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * tm-rs6000.h (CORE_NEEDS_RELOCATION): Just call xcoff_relocate_core.
- xcoffexec.c (xcoff_relocate_core): New function.
- (text_adjustment): Removed.
- (add_vmap): Return the vmap.
- rs6000-tdep.c (add_text_to_loadinfo): No longer static.
-Fri Mar 5 05:22:46 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffsolib.h: Add objfile member to struct vmap.
- xcoff{exec,solib}.c: Use it, not lookup_objfile_bfd.
- xcoffexec.c (add_vmap): Allocate objfiles here.
-Sun Mar 14 02:54:15 1993 John Gilmore (
- Support 68000 series without floating point.
- * (m68000-*-{aout,elf,coff}): New configs.
- * tm-68k-nofp.h: New file, lacks 68881 support.
- * config/ New file.
-Sun Mar 14 02:30:08 1993 John Gilmore (
- Remove a few remaining underscore/no-underscore remnants from
- config files.
- * config/{,}: Remove.
- * config/ Rename to
- * config/ Rename to
- * tm-68k-noun.h, tm-spc-noun.h: Remove.
- * tm-68k-un.h: Rename to tm-68k-fp.h.
- * tm-spc-un.h: Rename to tm-spc-em.h.
- * tm-sun4sol2.h: Cleanup.
- * (m68k-*, sparc-* targets): Corresponding changes.
-Sat Mar 13 14:58:22 1993 John Gilmore (
- * symmisc.c (std_in, std_out, std_err): Move initializations
- to runtime code, in case they aren't constant.
-Fri Mar 12 16:23:54 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * symtab.c (find_pc_symtab): some object file formats, notably
- mips, have holes in the address ranges of symtabs. Change
- this algorithm from first hit to tightest fit.
- * mips-tdep.c (heuristic_proc_start): if we walk the pc into the
- fence post without finding the enclosing function, then print a
- warning.
-Thu Mar 11 09:33:01 1993 Fred Fish (
- * utils.c (fputs_demangled, fprint_symbol): Remove.
- * utils.c (fprintf_symbol_filtered): New function which combines
- the functionality of fputs_demangled and fprint_symbol. Uses a
- caller provided language parameter to select the appropriate
- demangler, and caller provided args to pass to the demangler.
- * defs.h (enum language): Move further up in file so enum can
- be used in prototypes.
- * defs.h (fputs_demangled, fprint_symbol): Remove prototypes.
- * defs.h (fprintf_symbol_filtered): Add prototype.
- * c-typeprint.c (cp_type_print_method_args): Replace calls to
- fputs_demangled with call to fprintf_symbol_filtered.
- * cp-valprint.c (demangle.h): Include
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_print_value_fields): Replace calls to
- fprint_symbol with calls to fprintf_symbol_filtered.
- * printcmd.c (print_frame_args): Replace call to fprint_symbol
- with call to fprintf_symbol_filtered.
- * stack.c (print_frame_info): Remove obsolete code so we don't
- have to update fputs_demangled usage in it.
- * stack.c (print_frame_info, frame_info): Add language variable
- to pass to fprintf_symbol_demangled and initialize it from the
- symbol's language. Replace calls to fputs_demangled with calls
- to fprintf_symbol_filtered.
- * symtab.c (find_methods): Replace call to fputs_demangled with
- call to fprintf_symbol_filtered.
- * ch-valprint.c (demangle.h): Include.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_print_value_fields): Replace call to
- fprint_symbol with call to new fprintf_symbol_filtered.
-Wed Mar 10 17:37:11 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (VERSION): Bump version to 4.8.2.
- * main.c (source_command): Require an explicit pathname of file
- to source, since previous behavior of defaulting to gdb init file
- was troublesome and undocumented.
- * printcmd.c (disassemble_command): Add missing '{}' pair to
- else with two statements. Bug reported by Stephane Tsacas
- <>.
- * symtab.c (find_pc_line): Don't complain about zero length or
- negative length line numbers for the moment, since we may not own
- the terminal when called, such as when single stepping. (FIXME)
- * language.h (CAST_IS_CONVERSION): True if current language is
- C++ as well as C. Fix from Peter Schauer.
- * environ.c (get_in_environ, set_in_environ, unset_in_environ):
- Use STREQN macro rather than bare '!strncmp()'.
- * environ.c (unset_in_environ): Avoid use of memcpy on
- overlapping memory regions, as suggested by Paul Eggert
- <>.
- * c-exp.y (%union struct): Remove unused ulval as suggested
- by Paul Eggert <>.
-Mon Mar 8 19:03:06 1993 Fred Fish (
- * main.c (gdbinit): Make static.
- * main.c (inhibit_gdbinit): Move to file scope.
- * main.c (main): Remove local inhibit_gdbinit.
- * main.c (source_command): Don't source '.gdbinit' file by
- default if gdb has been told to ignore it.
-Sun Mar 7 21:58:53 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (MAKEOVERRIDES): Define to be empty for GNU Make
- 3.63.
-Fri Mar 5 17:39:45 1993 John Gilmore (
- * printcmd.c (print_address_symbolic): Only print if offset
- is shorter than max_symbolic_offset.
- (initialize_printcmd): `set print max-symbolic-offset'.
- * am29k-tdep.c (TAGWORD_ZERO_MASK): New #define.
- (examine_tag): Use it.
- (read_register_stack): Only look in the local registers for a
- memory address if it's between rfb and rsp; go to memory otherwise.
- (initialize_29k): Fix call_scratch_address doc. Remove reginv_com.
- (reginv_com): Remove ancient kludge command.
-Fri Mar 5 17:16:26 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * tm-irix3.h (ZERO_REGNUM): copy this macro from tm-mips.h so that
- irix4 will again compile.
- * tm-mips.h (GDB_TARGET_IS_MIPS): no longer used, now removed.
- * accept mips-sgi-irix4* for irix4.
-Fri Mar 5 07:49:48 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * z8k-tdep.c (print_register_hook): Lint.
-Thu Mar 4 17:42:03 1993 John Gilmore (
- Lint fixes from Paul Eggert (
- * command.c (do_setshow_command): var_uintegers are unsigned.
- * sparc-tdep.c (save_insn_opcodes, restore_insn_opcodes):
- unsigned, since they use hex values with the high bit set.
-Thu Mar 4 08:22:55 1993 Fred Fish (
- Fixes submitted by Karl Berry (
- * m88k-pinsn.c (sprint_address): Use SYMBOL_NAME macro to
- access symbol name.
- * m88k-nat-c (SXIP_OFFSET, SNIP_OFFSET, SFIP_OFFSET): Enclose
- macro definitions in parenthesis.
- * dbxread.c (dbx_symfile_init): Catch the case where there is
- no string table, but the only way we find out is by reading zero
- bytes from EOF.
-Wed Mar 3 15:51:28 1993 Fred Fish (
- * dbxread.c (dbx_symfile_init): Make size of the string table
- size field a define (DBX_STRINGTAB_SIZE_SIZE). Ensure that the
- offset to the string table is nonzero and handle the nonexistant
- string table case, should it occur. Ensure that the string table
- size read from the file is reasonable, with a minimum lower bound
- of DBX_STRINGTAB_SIZE_SIZE instead of zero.
-Wed Mar 3 07:23:03 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * Changes to build testsuite correctly.
- (CC_FOR_TARGET, CXX, CXX_FOR_TARGET): New variables.
- (TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS): New variable.
- (SUBDIRS): Added testsuite.
- (all): Build testsuite using TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS, so that
- testsuite is compiled with CC_FOR_TARGET rather than CC.
-Tue Mar 2 17:57:56 1993 Fred Fish (
- * dbxread.c (dbx_symfile_init): Fix for nonexistant string table,
- reported by
- (Ultrix 2.2 support from Michael Rendell <>)
- * (vax-*-ultrix2*): New triplet.
- * config/ New file.
- * xm-vaxult2.h: New file.
- * c-exp.y (parse_number): Change high_bit to unsigned.
- * demangle.c: Change all references to cfront to ARM, since the
- actual algorithm is the one specified in the Annotated Reference
- Manual. This was confusing users into thinking that full cfront
- support was implemented.
- * dwarfread.c (CFRONT_PRODUCER): Remove, was never really used.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): For STRUCTOP_PTR pass the arg type
- directly to lookup_struct_elt_type, which will do the
- dereferencing itself.
- * gdbtypes.c (lookup_struct_elt_type): Expand comments. Fix
- NULL dereferencing bug for unnamed structs, comment out
- questionable code.
-Mon Mar 1 17:54:41 1993 John Gilmore (
- * coffread.c (process_coff_symbol): Change PCC argument correction
- so that it only happens on big-endian targets; so that it only
- happens if the short or char argument is aligned on an int
- boundary; and so that it changes the location, rather than the
- type, of the argument. These changes tend to parallel similar
- (old) changes in stabsread.c.
- * coffread.c (coff_read_enum_type): Use the specified size for
- enums, don't assume that they are int-sized.
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): Don't assume enums are the same as
- ints.
- * coredep.c: Handle NO_PTRACE_H in coredep.c. Fix by Michael
- Rendell, <>.
-Mon Mar 1 09:25:57 1993 Fred Fish (
- * language.h (local_decimal_format_custom): Add prototype.
- * language.c (local_decimal_format_custom): Add function, bug
- reported by Robert R. Henry (
-Fri Feb 26 18:33:18 1993 John Gilmore (
- * xcoffexec.c (vmap_ldinfo): Fix "/" for '/' typo, reported
- by Josef Leherbauer,
-Wed Feb 24 19:17:11 1993 John Gilmore (
- * symfile.c (syms_from_objfile), tm-29k.h, tm-3b1.h, tm-68k-un.h,
- tm-altos.h, tm-arm.h, tm-convex.h, tm-es1800.h, tm-h8300.h,
- tm-hp300bsd.h, tm-hp300hpux.h, tm-hppa.h, tm-i386bsd.h,
- tm-i386v.h, tm-i960.h, tm-irix3.h, tm-isi.h, tm-linux.h,
- tm-m88k.h, tm-merlin.h, tm-mips.h, tm-news.h, tm-np1.h, tm-pn.h,
- tm-pyr.h, tm-rs6000.h, tm-spc-un.h, tm-sun386.h, tm-sunos.h,
- tm-symmetry.h, tm-sysv4.h, tm-tahoe.h, tm-umax.h, tm-vax.h,
- tm-vx68.h, tm-z8k.h: Remove remnants of NAMES_HAVE_UNDERSCORE.
-Wed Feb 24 07:41:15 1993 Fred Fish (
- * symtab.h (SYMBOL_INIT_DEMANGLED_NAME): Initialize contents
- of demangled name fields to NULL if no demangling exists for
- a symbol. SYMBOL_INIT_LANGUAGE_SPECIFIC does this for new
- symbols if their language is known at the time they are created,
- but sometimes the language is not known until later.
- * ch-typeprint.c (chill_print_type_base): Name changed to
- chill_type_print_base to match pattern for C and C++ names.
- * ch-typeprint.c (chill_print_type): Change "char" to "CHAR"
- to be consistent with other usages.
- * ch-typeprint.c (chill_type_print_base): Add support for
- printing Chill STRUCT types.
- * ch-valprint.c: Include values.h.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_print_value_fields): New function and
- prototype for printing Chill STRUCT values.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print): Fix call to val_print_string
- that was being called with two args instead of three.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print): Call chill_print_value_fields
- to print Chill STRUCT values.
-Tue Feb 23 18:58:11 1993 Mike Werner (
- * added testsuite to configdirs.
-Tue Feb 23 11:46:11 1993 Mike Stump (
- * doc/stabs.texi: The `this' pointer is now known by the name
- `this' instead of `$t'.
-Tue Feb 23 11:21:33 1993 Fred Fish (
- * dwarfread.c (read_tag_string_type): Rewrite to allow forward
- references of TAG_string_type DIEs in user defined types.
- * ch-lang.c (chill_create_fundamental_type): Track compiler
- change that now emits debugging info with the type long for Chill
- longs.
-Mon Feb 22 15:21:54 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * remote-mips.c: New file; implements MIPS remote debugging
- protocol.
- * config/ New file; uses remote-mips.c
- * (mips-idt-ecoff): New target; uses
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_fpu): New variable; controls use of MIPS
- floating point coprocessor.
- (mips_push_dummy_frame): If not mips_fpu, don't save floating
- point registers.
- (mips_pop_frame): If not mips_fpu, don't restore floating point
- registers.
- (_initialize_mips_tdep): New function; let the user reset mips_fpu
- variable.
- mips_fpu, don't use fp0 as floating point return register.
- (FIX_CALL_DUMMY): If not mips_fpu, don't save floating point
- registers.
-Mon Feb 22 07:54:03 1993 Mike Werner (
- * gdb/testsuite: made modifications to testcases, etc., to allow
- them to work properly given the reorganization of deja-gnu and the
- relocation of the testcases from deja-gnu to a "tool" subdirectory.
-Sun Feb 21 10:55:55 1993 Mike Werner (
- * gdb/testsuite: Initial creation of gdb/testsuite.
- Migrated dejagnu testcases and support files for testing nm to
- gdb/testsuite from deja-gnu. These files were moved "as is"
- with no modifications. This migration is part of a major overhaul
- of dejagnu. The modifications to these testcases, etc., which
- will allow them to work with the new version of dejagnu will be
- made in a future update.
-Fri Feb 19 18:36:55 1993 John Gilmore (
- * NEWS: Add reminders for next release.
-Fri Feb 19 10:01:39 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mipsread.c (parse_lines): Correct check for files compiled with
- -g1.
-Fri Feb 19 05:56:15 1993 John Gilmore (
- * (VERSION): 4.8.1 to distinguish local versions.
-Fri Feb 19 01:32:58 1993 John Gilmore (
- * (VERSION): GDB-4.8 release!
- * README, NEWS: Update for release.
-Thu Feb 18 22:44:40 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * am29k-pinsn.c (print_insn): Minor nits with const.
- * am29k-tdep.c: More minor nits with arg types for
- supply_register, NULL vs. 0, read_register_gen, & reginv_com.
-Thu Feb 18 22:38:03 1993 John Gilmore (
- * gcc.patch: Update for a different GCC (G++) bug.
- * main.c (print_gdb_version): Update copyright year to 1993.
- * nm-hp300bsd.h: Decide whether this is BSD 4.3 or 4.4,
- conditionalize this file on it. FIXME, right way is to split
- these into two config files.
- (ATTACH_DETACH): Define for BSD 4.4
- (PTRACE_ARG_TYPE): caddr_t for BSD 4.4, unset for 4.3.
- (U_REGS_OFFSET): Revise for 4.4.
- (REGISTER_U_ADDR): Separate for 4.4, but it doesn't work yet.
- * xm-hp300bsd.h: Move definitions of UINT_MAX, INT_MAX, INT_MIN,
- LONG_MAX into this file to avoid cpp "redefinition" warnings.
-Thu Feb 18 16:13:28 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * nm-hp300bsd.h (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE): FSF's hp300's have int* not
- caddr_t.
-Thu Feb 18 04:10:06 1993 John Gilmore (
- * c-lang.c (c_printstr): Bugfix for length==0 case.
- * c-lang.c (c_printstr): If a C string ends in a null, don't
- print the null.
-Thu Feb 18 02:39:21 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * defs.h (STRCMP): Make it work for unsigned chars.
-Thu Feb 18 01:56:06 1993 John Gilmore (
- * nm-hp300bsd.h (ATTACH_DETACH, PTRACE_ATTACH, PTRACE_DETACH): define.
- * config/ (REGEX, REGEX1): Define.
- * m68k-pinsn.c (BREAK_UP_BIG_DECL, AND_OTHER_PART): #if __GNUC__,
- define to kludge the large opcode table into two smaller tables,
- since GCC take exponential space to build the table. Lint.
- (NOPCODES): Remove, use "numopcodes" from opcode/m68k.h instead.
-Wed Feb 17 19:24:40 1993 John Gilmore (
- * (VERSION): Roll to 4.7.9.
- * xm-hp300bsd.h: Define PSIGNAL_IN_SIGNAL_H and put a compatible
- definition here, to handle both BSD 4.3 and 4.4 systems.
- * mipsread.c (ZMAGIC): #undef to avoid duplicate define.
- * remote.c (alarm): Move declaration to global level, before
- first reference to it.
- * tm-i386bsd.h (NUM_REGS): There are only eleven, not twelve.
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): Cast to unsigned char, not int.
-Wed Feb 17 13:40:29 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * remote.c (readchar): forward declare alarm which otherwise looks
- like an undeclared variable to gcc.
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): cast enum value N_SO into int
- when comparing against an int. Avoids superfluous warning from
- vax ultrix 4.2 cc.
- * inflow.c (set_sigint_trap): add cast to assignment from signal.
- Avoids superfluous warnings from some systems and/or compilers
- (like vax ultrix 4.2.)
- * language.c (struct op_print unk_op_print_tab): use the enum
- values rather naked zeros as initializers. Avoids warnings from
- ultrix type compilers.
-Tue Feb 16 00:53:20 1993 John Gilmore (
- * (VERSION): Roll to 4.7.6.
- (SFILES_SUBDIR): Add 29k-share/udi_soc.
- (SFILES_SUBSUBDIR): Move 29k-share/udi files to this macro.
- (alldeps.mak): Make ALLDEPFILES_SUBSUBDIR for files in sub sub dirs.
- (ALLDEPFILES_SUBSUBDIR): Depend on this for deeper dep files.
- (HFILES): Remove all nm-* except nm-trash.h. Add ns32k-opcode.h.
- (depend): Fix bug where nm-files in config files weren't noticed.
- (make-proto-gdb-1): Avoid changing directories while building new
- prototype. Build SFILES_SUBSUBDIR with longer symlinks.
-Mon Feb 15 20:48:09 1993 John Gilmore (
- * remote.c: Improve error recovery. Allow user to break out
- of initial connection attempt with INTERRUPT. Treat a timeout
- while waiting for remote packet like a retry, unless the remote
- side is actively running user code. Fix a few long printf_filtered's.
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab): Don't use null symbol name for
- trampoline symbols.
- * buildsym.c (start_subfile): Allow null file name.
-Fri Feb 12 15:46:49 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * xcoffread.c (process_xcoff_symbol, read_symbol_lineno): complain
- expects a pointer to complaint rather than a complaint
- structure.
- (process_linenos): free the previously allocated subfile name,
- then allocate the new one from the heap.
-Fri Feb 12 08:06:05 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * h8300-tdep.c, tm-h8300.h: turn off some experimental features
-Thu Feb 11 00:59:07 1993 John Gilmore (
- * stabsread.c (dbx_lookup_type): Handle negative type numbers.
- Previously, would bogusly index off the bottom of type_vector.
- (rs6000_builtin_type): Accept type number as argument.
- (read_type, case '-'): Handle negatives like any other type number.
- * symfile.c (deduce_language_from_filename): Handle null name.
- * mips-tdep.c (isa_NAN): Fix byte order dependency.
- Reported by Nobuyuki Hikichi <>,
- fixed by
- * xcoffread.c (parmsym): Don't use an initializer to set up
- this struct symbol. Set it up in initialize_xcoffread.
- (read_xcoff_symtab, xcoff_symfile_read): Surround code that only
- works on real rs/6000 target with #ifndef FAKING_RS6000.
-Wed Feb 10 23:42:37 1993 John Gilmore (
- * stabsread.c (rs6000_builtin_type): Move function from
- xcoffread.c:builtin_type.
- * xcoffread.c (builtin_type): Move to stabsread. Remove
- IBM6000_HOST dependency. Move misplaced comments.
- (various): Change printf's to complaints.
- (patch_block_stabs, process_xcoff_symbol case C_DECL): Add
- objfile argument to read_type calls under #if 0.
- (process_xcoff_symbol case C_RSYM): Fix typo in #ifdef.
- * xcoffexec.c (map_vmap): Don't allocate an objfile for the exec_file.
- * xcoffread.o is not built by default.
- * xm-rs6000.h (IBM6000_HOST): Remove.
- * config/ (NATDEPFILES): xcoffread.o is native only.
- * doc/gdbint.texinfo: Eliminate IBM6000_HOST, document
-Wed Feb 10 18:31:20 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * findvar.c (read_var_value): If REG_STRUCT_HAS_ADDR, then set
- VALUE_LVAL to be lval_memory so that we don't try to modify wild
- register numbers when user tries to modify elements in structs
- passed as arguments.
- * inflow.c (child_terminal_info): Move banner outside of system
- specific #ifdefs.
- * tm-hppa.h (REG_STRUCT_HAS_ADDR): Define this for HPPA, which
- passes struct/union arguments by address.
-Wed Feb 10 15:34:46 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * Based on patch from Kean Johnston <>:
- * nm-i386sco4.h: New file. Like nm-i386sco.h, but define
- * config/ (NAT_FILE): Use nm-i386sco4.h.
-Tue Feb 9 20:07:18 1993 John Gilmore (
- * remote-udi.c (FREEZE_MODE): Fix && for & typo. Found and
- fixed by Lynn D. Shumaker,
-Tue Feb 9 08:18:07 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * config/ (MUNCH_DEFINE): Pass -p to nm to avoid bug in
- cc debugging output.
-Tue Feb 9 00:19:28 1993 John Gilmore (
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): Complain about unrecognized names
- that begin with CPLUS_MARKER (often '$'), but don't die. Fix
- suggested by (Gerald Baumgartner).
- (read_cpp_abbrev): Don't use the class name as part of the
- vtable pointer member name (_vptr$) in $vf abbrevs or unrecognized
- abbrevs. Inspired by Mike Tiemann.
- (read_tilde_fields): Comment. Remove ancient dead code.
- Remove erroneous but non-dead code. Simplify. Add complaints.
- (in general): Remove extraneous (parentheses) in return
- statements.
-Fri Feb 5 14:01:22 1993 John Gilmore (
- * coffread.c (coff_lookup_type): Fix fencepost error reported
- by Art Berggreen, <>.
- Fix long file name bug reported on SCO Open Desktop 2.0 by Ulf Lunde
- <> and Dag H. Wanvik <>:
- * coffread.c (getfilename): Eliminate COFF_NO_LONG_FILE_NAMES
- test, which is apparently left over from when we used native
- include files and couldn't depend on the member names being there.
- * tm-3b1.h, tm-altos.h, tm-i386v.h: Don't set it.
-Thu Feb 4 12:23:15 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mipsread.c: Major overhaul to use new BFD symbol table reading
- routines. Now swaps information as it is needed, rather than
- swapping everything when the file is read.
-Thu Feb 4 01:52:36 1993 John Gilmore (
- * (TARDIRS): Add sparclite demo dir.
- (*.tab.c): Change dependency on Makefile to depend on
-, otherwise it always rebuilds after configuring.
- Force output *.tab.c file into current directory even in "make"
- versions that rewrite dependent file names used in command lines.
- * TODO: Remove some things we did.
- * am29k-opcode.h, convx-opcode: Remove; now in ../include/opcode.
- * os68k-xdep.c: Remove; useless file (os68k is a target only).
- * convex-pinsn.c: Use ../include/opcode/convex.h. Add CONST.
- * symtab.h: Eliminate unnamed unions and structs.
-Wed Feb 3 14:48:08 1993 John Gilmore (
- * (VERSION): Roll to 4.7.5.
-Tue Feb 2 20:47:42 1993 John Gilmore (
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_re_set_one): Handle watchpoints when
- re-evaluating symbol pointers.
-Tue Feb 2 16:10:31 1993 Fred Fish (
- * c-exp.y (lcurly, rcurly): New nonterminals.
- * c-exp.y (exp): Use lcurly and rcurly for arrays and UNOP_MEMVAL
- constructs.
- * parse.c (free_funcalls): Moved prototype from parser-defs.h,
- made function static.
- * parse.c (struct funcall): Moved struct def from parser-defs.h.
- * parse.c (funcall_chain): Moved from parser-defs.h, made static.
- * parse.c (start_arglist):
- * parser-defs.h (free_funcalls): Moved prototype to parse.c.
- * parser-defs.h (struct funcall): Moved struct def to parse.c.
- * parser-defs.h (funcall_chain): Moved to parse.c.
- * printcmd.c (print_frame_nameless_args): Fix prototype.
- * tm-mips.h (setup_arbitrary_frame): Fix prototype.
- * tm-sparc.h (setup_arbitrary_frame): Fix prototype.
- * valops.c (typecmp): Moved prototype from values.h.
- * value.h (typecmp): Moved prototype to valops.c, made static.
- * ch-exp.y (yylex): Change way control sequences are disabled.
-Tue Feb 2 16:11:43 1993 John Gilmore (
- * tm-mips.h, tm-sparc.h: Fix thinko in SETUP_ARBITRARY_FRAME.
-Tue Feb 2 15:30:33 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mipsread.c (upgrade_type): Build array types correctly, using
- create_range_type and create_array_type.
-Tue Feb 2 00:19:08 1993 John Gilmore (
- * remote-nindy.c: Cleanup.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): When rolling back the PC after
- a breakpoint, call write_pc so that NPC gets rolled back as well
- (for the 29K).
- * blockframe.c (inside_entry_file, inside_main_func,
- inside_entry_func): PC of zero is always "bottom of stack".
- * printcmd.c (print_frame_args, print_frame_nameless_args):
- Let print_frame_nameless_args decide whether there are any,
- laying groundwork for possibly later printing 29K args for
- functions where we have tag words but no symbols.
-Mon Feb 1 18:09:58 1993 Roland H. Pesch (
- * fix GDB doc targets for new doc subdir structure
-Mon Feb 1 17:56:47 1993 John Gilmore (
- * stack.c (parse_frame_specification): Parse as many arguments
- as there are (up to MAXARGS). Pass all of them in argc, argv
- format to SETUP_ARBITRARY_FRAME. Put the burden of checking how
- many there were, onto SETUP_ARBITRARY_FRAME.
- * tm-mips.h, tm-sparc.h: Corresponding changes.
- * mips-tdep.c, sparc-tdep.c: Ditto.
-Mon Feb 1 17:19:37 1993 John Gilmore (
- * hp300ux-nat.c: Update copyrights.
- * mipsread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Complain about block
- indexes that go backwards. Fix from Peter Schauer.
- * symfile.c (syms_from_objfile, symbol_file_add): Allow a
- symbol-file that has no linkage symbols to be read.
- * tm-rs6000.h, xm-rs6000.h: (SIGWINCH_HANDLER and friends): Move
- from tm- file to xm-file, since they're host dependent.
- * valarith.c (value_binop): Typo.
-Mon Feb 1 16:16:59 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * sparclite/aload.c: Add copyleft.
- * sparclite/crt0.s: Add comment at beginning.
-Mon Feb 1 14:36:11 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * remote-z8k.c, z8k-tdep.c: support for the Z8001 and Z8002.
- * parse.c (std_regs): Only declare if NO_STD_REGS is defined.
-Sun Jan 31 04:32:48 1993 Michael Tiemann (
- * values.c (value_headof): Fix typo in which VTBL and ARG were
- being confused for one another.
- * valops.c (typecmp): Now static.
- * gdbtypes.c (fill_in_vptr_fieldno): Don't ignore the first
- baseclass--we don't always inherit its virtual function table
- pointer.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): In OP_FUNCALL case, adjust `this'
- pointer correctly in case value_struct_elt moves it around.
- * valops.c (typecmp): Now static. Also, now groks references
- better.
- * gdbtypes.c (lookup_struct_elt_type): Pass NOERR instead of
- zero on recursive call. If NAME is the name of TYPE, return TYPE.
-Sat Jan 30 19:55:52 1993 John Gilmore (
- * hppah-nat.c: Eliminate <sys/user.h> and other unnecessary stuff,
- to avoid "too much defining" error from native C compiler (!).
- * (HFILES): Add typeprint.h.
- * typeprint.[ch]: Update copyrights.
-Thu Jan 28 19:09:02 1993 John Gilmore (
- * Update to match doc/ subdir changes.
- * config/ No cross-host file needed, just native.
- * config/ Remove nonexistent "native" support.
- M88K fixes reported by Carl Greco, <cgreco@Creighton.Edu>:
- * tm-m88k.h (REGISTER_CONVERT_TO_RAW): Fix typo.
- * m88k-tdep.c (next_insn): Lint, cleanup.
- (store_parm_word): Lint.
- * README: Fix typo (reported by
-Wed Jan 27 21:34:21 1993 Fred Fish (
- * expression.h (BINOP_CONCAT): Document use for self concatenation
- an integral number of times.
- * language.c (binop_type_check): Extend BINOP_CONCAT for self
- concatenation case.
- * valarith.c (value_concat): Rewrite to support self
- concatenation an integral number of times.
- * ( Change "expect" message.
- * ch-exp.y (FIXME's): Make all FIXME tokens distinct, to
- eliminate hundreds of spurious shift/reduce and reduce/reduce
- conflicts that mask the 5 real ones.
- * ch-exp.y (STRING, CONSTANT, SC): Remove unused tokens.
- * ch-exp.y (integer_literal_expression): Remove production,
- no longer used.
-Thu Jan 21 09:58:36 1993 Fred Fish (
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Fix OP_ARRAY, remove code that
- implied that "no side effects" was nonfunctional.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Add BINOP_CONCAT case to deal with
- character string and bitstring concatenation.
- * expprint.c (dump_expression): Add case for BINOP_CONCAT.
- * expression.h (exp_opcode): Add BINOP_CONCAT.
- * gdbtypes.h (type_code): Add TYPE_CODE_BITSTRING.
- * language.c (string_type): Add function to determine if a type
- is a string type.
- * language.c (binop_type_check): Add case for BINOP_CONCAT.
- * valarith.c (value_concat): New function to concatenate two
- values, such as character strings or bitstrings.
- * valops.c (value_string): Remove error stub and implement
- function body.
- * value.h (value_concat): Add prototype.
- * ch-exp.y (operand_3): Add actions for SLASH_SLASH (//).
- * ch-exp.y (yylex): Recognize SLASH_SLASH.
- * ch-lang.c (chill_op_print_tab): Add SLASH_SLASH (//) as
-Tue Jan 19 14:26:15 1993 Fred Fish (
- * c-exp.y (exp): Add production to support direct creation
- of array constants using the obvious syntax.
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): Set printed string length.
- * dwarfread.c (read_tag_string_type): New prototype and
- function that handles TAG_string_type DIEs.
- * dwarfread.c (process_dies): Add case for TAG_string_type
- that calls new read_tag_string_type function.
- * expprint.c (print_subexp): Add support for OP_ARRAY.
- * gdbtypes.c (create_range_type, create_array_type): Inherit
- objfile from the index type.
- * ch-typeprint.c (chill_print_type): Add case for
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print): Fix case for
-Mon Jan 18 11:58:45 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- include/coff/mips.h.
-Fri Jan 15 20:26:50 1993 Fred Fish (
- * c-exp.y (exp:STRING): Convert C strings into array-of-char
- constants with an explicit null byte terminator. OP_STRING is
- now used for real string types.
- * c-lang.c (builtin_type_*): Move declarations to lang.c since
- they are used by all languages.
- * c-lang.c (_initialize_c_language): Move initializations of
- builtin_type_* to lang.c.
- * c-typeprint.c (c_type_print_varspec_prefix,
- c_type_print_varspec_suffix): TYPE_CODE_PASCAL_ARRAY renamed
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): Change the way character arrays
- are printed as strings to be consistent with the way strings
- are printed when pointer-to-char types are dereferenced.
- Remove test of print_max before calling val_print_string, which
- now does it's own test.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Add case for OP_ARRAY.
- * expprint.c (print_subexp, dump_expression): Add case for OP_ARRAY.
- * expression.h (enum exp_opcode): Add OP_ARRAY and document.
- * gdbtypes.c (builtin_type_*): Add declarations moved from
- c-lang.c.
- * gdbtypes.c (create_string_type): New function to create real
- string types.
- * gdbtypes.c (recursive_dump_type): TYPE_CODE_PASCAL_ARRAY
- renamed to TYPE_CODE_STRING.
- * gdbtypes.c (_initialize_gdbtypes): Add initializations of
- builtin_type_* types moved from c-lang.c.
- * gdbtypes.h (enum type_code): TYPE_CODE_PASCAL_ARRAY renamed
- * gdbtypes.h (builtin_type_string): Add extern declaration.
- * gdbtypes.h (create_string_type): Add prototype.
- * m2-lang.c (m2_create_fundamental_type): TYPE_CODE_PASCAL_ARRAY
- renamed to TYPE_CODE_STRING.
- * m88k-tdep.c (pushed_size): TYPE_CODE_PASCAL_ARRAY renamed to
- * mipsread.c (_initialize_mipsread): TYPE_CODE_PASCAL_ARRAY
- renamed to TYPE_CODE_STRING.
- * parse.c (length_of_subexp, prefixify_subexp): Add case for
- * printcmd.c (print_formatted): Recognize TYPE_CODE_STRING.
- * typeprint.c (print_type_scalar): TYPE_CODE_PASCAL_ARRAY renamed
- * valops.c (allocate_space_in_inferior): New function and
- prototype, using code ripped out of value_string.
- * valops.c (value_string): Rewritten to use new function
- allocate_space_in_inferior, but temporarily disabled until some
- other support is in place.
- * valops.c (value_array): New function to create array constants.
- * valprint.c (val_print_string): Add comment to document use,
- complete rewrite to fix several small buglets.
- * value.h (value_array): Add prototype.
- * value.h (val_print_string): Change prototype to match rewrite.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print): Add case for TYPE_CODE_STRING.
- * ch-exp.y (match_character_literal): Disable recognition of
- control sequence form of character literals and document why.
-Thu Jan 14 15:48:12 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * nindy-share/nindy.c: Add comments to #endif's to clarify
- grouping.
- * hppa-pinsn.c (print_insn): Use read_memory_integer, instead of
- read_memory to get byte order right.
- * hppah-tdep.c (find_unwind_info): Don't read in unwind info
- anymore. This is done in paread.c now. We expect unwind info
- to hang off of objfiles, and search all of the objfiles when until
- we find a match.
- * (skip_trampoline_code): Cast arg to target_read_memory.
- * objfiles.h (struct objfile): Add new field obj_private to hold
- per object file private data (unwind info in this case).
- * paread.c (read_unwind_info): New routine to read unwind info
- for the objfile. This data is hung off of obj_private.
- * tm-hppa.h: Define struct obj_unwind_info, to hold pointers to
- the unwind info for this objfile. Also define OBJ_UNWIND_INFO to
- make this easier to access.
-Wed Jan 13 20:49:59 1993 Fred Fish (
- * c-valprint.c (cp_print_class_member): Add extern decl.
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): Extract code for printing methods
- and move it to cp_print_class_method in cp-valprint.c.
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): Extract code to print strings and
- move it to val_print_string in valprint.c.
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_print_class_method): New function using
- code extracted from c_val_print.
- * valprint.c (val_print_string): New function using code
- extracted from c_val_print.
- * value.h (val_print_string): Add prototype.
- * ch-exp.y (CHARACTER_STRING_LITERAL): Set correct token type.
- * ch-exp.y (literal): Add action for CHARACTER_STRING_LITERAL.
- * ch-exp.y (tempbuf, tempbufsize, tempbufindex, GROWBY_MIN_SIZE,
- CHECKBUF, growbuf_by_size): New variables, macros, and support
- functions for implementing a dynamically expandable temp buffer.
- * ch-exp.y (match_string_literal): New lexer function.
- * ch-exp.y (match_bitstring_literal): Dynamic buffer code
- removed and replaced with new CHECKBUF macro.
- * ch-exp.y (yylex): Call match_string_literal when appropriate.
- * ch-valprint.c (ch_val_print): Add code for TYPE_CODE_PTR.
-Sat Jan 9 19:59:33 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * Add info for paread.o.
- * config/ Add paread.o to NATDEPFILES.
- * blockframe.c (frameless_look_for_prologue): Correct the
- comment.
- * gdbtypes.h, gdbtypes.c: Use const in decl of
- cplus_struct_default, now that pa-gas assembler has been fixed.
- * hppah-nat.c: Formatting.
- * hppah-tdep.c: Remove lots of useless externs for variables we
- don't use.
- * (find_unwind_entry): Speed up by using binary search, and a one
- entry cache.
- * (rp_saved): New routine to see what unwind info says about RP
- being saved on the stack frame.
- * (frame_saved_pc): Look for prologue to see if we need to
- examine the stack for the saved RP or not.
- * (init_extra_frame_info): Check for prologue, instead of
- framesize to determine if we are frameless or not.
- * (frame_chain_valid): Stop backtraces when we run into _start.
- * (push_dummy_frame): Reformat to make more readable.
- * (find_dummy_frame_regs): ditto.
- * (hp_pop_frame): ditto.
- * (hp_restore_pc_queue): small cleanup.
- * (hp_push_arguments): ditto.
- * (pa_do_registers_info): ditto.
- * (skip_prologue): New routine created from SKIP_PROLOGUE macro.
- * tm-hppa.h: Move contents of SKIP_PROLOGUE into hppah-tdep.c.
- * Turn on BELIEVE_PCC_PROMOTION so that we can access char args
- passed to functions.
- * paread.c (pa_symtab_read): Use new bfd conventions for
- accessing linker symbol table.
- * (pa_symfile_init): Access embedded STAB info via BFD section
- mechanism and related macros.
-Sat Jan 9 19:31:43 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * sparc-stub.c: Use a seperate stack for our traps.
- * Handle recursive traps.
- * Remove all trap init code. This needs to be done by the
- environment.
- * (set_mem_fault_trap): Call exceptionHandler() to setup this
- trap.
- * (handle_exception): See if we are at breakinst, if so, then
- advance PC sp that users can just step out of breakpoint().
- * (case 'G'): Don't let GDB hack CWP. Also, copy saved regs to
- new place if SP has changed.
- * (case 's'): Get rid of this, we can't do it yet.
- * (case 't'): New command to test any old random feature.
- * (case 'r'): New command to reset the system.
- * (breakpoint): Add label to breakpoint trap instruction so that
- handle_exception() can detect where we are and get past the
- breakpoint trivially.
-Thu Jan 7 13:33:06 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-pinsn.c: Actual work now done by opcodes/mips-dis.c.
-Thu Jan 7 09:21:51 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * recognise all sparclite variants
-Wed Jan 6 10:14:51 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * symfile.c: If O_BINARY isn't defined, set it to 0, call openp for
- binary files oring in the right bit.
- * main.c, source.c, state.c, symmisc.c: use macros defined in
- fopen-{bin|both} when fopening files.
-Wed Jan 6 08:19:11 1993 Fred Fish (
- * defs.h (HOST_CHAR_BIT): New macro, defaults to either CHAR_BIT
- from a configuration file (typically including <limits.h>), or to
- TARGET_CHAR_BIT if CHAR_BIT is not defined.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Use new BYTES_TO_EXP_ELEM macro.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Add case for OP_BITSTRING.
- * expprint.c (print_subexp): Use new BYTES_TO_EXP_ELEM macro.
- * exppritn.c (print_subexp, dump_expression): Add case for
- * expression.h (OP_BITSTRING): New expression element type for
- packed bitstrings.
- * expression.h (EXP_ELEM_TO_BYTES, BYTES_TO_EXP_ELEM): New
- macros to convert between number of expression elements and bytes
- to store that many elements.
- * i960-tdep.c (leafproc_return): Use new macros to access
- minimal symbol name and address fields.
- * m88k-pinsn.c (sprint_address): Use new macros to access
- minimal symbol name and address fields.
- * nindy-tdep.c (nindy_frame_chain_valid): Use new macro to access
- minimal symbol address field.
- * parse.c (write_exp_elt, write_exp_string, prefixify_expression,
- parse_exp_1): Use new EXP_ELEM_TO_BYTES macro.
- * parse.c (write_exp_string, length_of_subexp, prefixify_expression):
- Use new BYTES_TO_EXP_ELEM macro.
- * parse.c (write_exp_bitstring): New function to write packed
- bitstrings into the expression element vector.
- * parse.c (length_of_subexp, prefixify_subexp): Add case for
- * parser-defs.h (struct stoken): Document that it is used for
- * parser-defs.h (write_exp_bitstring): Add prototype.
- * ch-exp.y (BIT_STRING_LITERAL): Change token type to sval.
- LOWER, LENGTH): New tokens for keywords.
- * ch-exp.y (chill_value_built_in_routine_call, mode_argument,
- upper_lower_argument, length_argument, array_mode_name,
- string_mode_name, variant_structure_mode_name): New non-terminals
- and productions.
- * ch-exp.y (literal): Useful production for BIT_STRING_LITERAL.
- * ch-exp.y (match_bitstring_literal): New lexer support function
- to recognize bitstring literals.
- * ch-exp.y (tokentab6): New token table for 6 character keywords.
- * ch-exp.y (tokentab5): Add LOWER, UPPER.
- * ch-exp.y (tokentab4): Add PRED, SUCC, CARD, SIZE.
- * ch-exp.y (tokentab3): Add NUM, ABS, MIN, MAX.
- * ch-exp.y (yylex): Check tokentab6.
- * ch-exp.y (yylex): Call match_bitstring_literal.
-Mon Jan 4 16:54:18 1993 Fred Fish (
- * xcoffexec.c (vmap_symtab): Use new macros to access minimal
- symbol name and value fields.
- * c-exp.y (yylex): Make static, to match prototype and other
- <lang>-exp.y files.
- * expression.h (exp_opcode): Add BINOP_MOD.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Handle new BINOP_MOD.
- * expprint.c (dump_expression): Handle new BINOP_MOD.
- * language.c (binop_type_check): Handle new BINOP_MOD.
- * main.c (float_handler): Re-enable float handler when hit.
- * valarith.c (language.h): Include, need current_language.
- * valarith.c (TRUNCATION_TOWARDS_ZERO): Define default macro
- for integer divide truncates towards zero for negative results.
- * valarith.c (value_x_binop): Handle BINOP_MOD if seen.
- * valarith.c (value_binop): Allow arithmetic operations on
- TYPE_CODE_CHAR variables. Add case to handle new BINOP_MOD.
- * ch-exp.y (operand_4): Add useful actions for MOD and REM.
- * ch-exp.y (tokentab3): Add MOD and REM.
- * ch-exp.y (yylex): Set innermost_block for symbols found
- in local scopes. Return LOCATION_NAME for local symbols.
- * ch-lang.c (chill_op_print_tab): Fix MOD entry to use
- BINOP_MOD instead of BINOP_REM. Add REM entry, using BINOP_REM.
-Mon Jan 4 07:35:31 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * command.c (shell_escape, make_command, _initialize_command):
- don't create or use fork if CANT_FORK is defined.
- * serial.h, ser-go32.c: now compiles, but "the obvious problems of
- code written for the IBM PC" remain.
- * xm-go32.h: define CANT_FORK
-Sun Jan 3 14:24:56 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * remote-sim.c: first attempt at general simulator interface
- * remote-hms.c: whitespace
- * h8300-tdep.c: (h8300_skip_prologue, examine_prologue):
- understand new stack layout. (print_register_hook): print ccr
- register in a fancy way.
-Sun Jan 3 14:16:10 1993 Fred Fish (
- * eval.c (language.h): Include.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_with_coercion): Only coerce arrays
- to pointer types when the current language is C. It loses for
- other languages when the lower index bound is nonzero.
- * valarith.c (value_subscript): Take array lower bounds into
- account when performing subscripting operations.
- * valops.c (value_coerce_array): Add comment describing why
- arrays with nonzero lower bounds are dealt with in value_subscript,
- rather than in value_coerce_array.
-Sat Jan 2 12:16:41 1993 Fred Fish (
- * ch-exp.y (FLOAT_LITERAL): Add token.
- * ch-exp.y (literal): Add FLOAT_LITERAL.
- * ch-exp.y (match_float_literal): New lexer routine.
- * ch-exp.y (convert_float): Remove.
- * ch-exp.y (yylex): Call match_float_literal.
- * ch-exp.y (yylex): Match single '.' after trying
- to match floating point literals.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Add case MULTI_SUBSCRIPT.
- * expprint.c (print_subexp): Rename BINOP_MULTI_SUBSCRIPT to
- * expprint.c (dump_expression): New function for dumping
- expression vectors during gdb debugging.
- * expression.h (BINOP_MULTI_SUBSCRIPT): Name changed to
- MULTI_SUBSCRIPT and moved out of BINOP range.
- * expression.h (DUMP_EXPRESSION): New macro that calls
- dump_expression if DEBUG_EXPRESSIONS is defined.
- * parse.c (length_of_subexp, prefixify_subexp): Change
- * parse.c (parse_exp_1): Call DUMP_EXPRESSION before and after
- prefixify'ing the expression.
- * printcmd.c (print_command_1): Add comment.
- * ch-exp.y (expression_list): Add useful actions.
- * ch-exp.y (value_array_element): Add useful actions.
- * ch-exp.y (array_primitive_value): Add production.
- * ch-exp.y (yylex): Recognize ',' as a token.
-Fri Jan 1 18:22:02 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * pass prefix and exec_prefix via FLAGS_TO_PASS,
- POSIXize the recursive makes (make [variable assignments] target{s})
-Fri Jan 1 11:56:23 1993 Fred Fish (
- * tm-sun4sol2.h (CPLUS_MARKER): Remove, now set in tm-sysv4.h.
- * tm-sysv4.h (CPLUS_MARKER): By default, g++ uses '.' as the
- CPLUS_MARKER for all SVR4 systems, so follow suit.
- * defs.h (strdup_demangled): Remove prototype.
- * dwarfread.c (enum_type, synthesize_typedef): Use new macro
- * dwarfread.c (new_symbol): Use SYMBOL_INIT_DEMANGLED_NAME.
- * minsyms.c (install_minimal_symbols, prim_record_minimal_symbol,
- prim_record_minimal_symbol_and_info): Use new macro
- * minsyms.c (install_minimal_symbols): Use new macro
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): Use new macro
- * symfile.c (add_psymbol_to_list, add_psymbol_addr_to_list):
- * symfile.h (ADD_PSYMBOL_VT_TO_LIST): Use new macro
- * symmisc.c (dump_msymbols, dump_symtab, print_partial_symbol):
- SYMBOL_DEMANGLED_NAME now tests language itself.
- now tests language itself.
- * symtab.h (SYMBOL_CPLUS_DEMANGLED_NAME): New macro that does
- what SYMBOL_DEMANGLED_NAME used to do, directly access the C++
- mangled name member in the language dependent portion of a symbol.
- * symtab.h (SYMBOL_DEMANGLED_NAME): New macro that returns the
- mangled name member appropriate for a symbol's language.
- SYMBOL_DEMANGLED_NAME now tests language itself.
- * symtab.h (SYMBOL_INIT_LANGUAGE_SPECIFIC): New macro that
- initializes language dependent portion of symbol.
- * symtab.h (SYMBOL_INIT_DEMANGLED_NAME): New macro that
- demangles and caches the demangled form of symbol names.
- * utils.c (fputs_demangled, fprint_symbol): Use current language
- to select an appropriate demangling algorithm.
- * utils.c (strdup_demangled): Remove, no longer used.
- * symtab.h (SYMBOL_CHILL_DEMANGLED_NAME): New macro that directly
- access the Chill mangled name member in the language dependent
- portion of a symbol.
- * ch-lang.c (chill_demangle): New function, simple demangler.
- * defs.h (chill_demangle): Add prototype.
- * symtab.h (language_dependent_info): Add struct for Chill.
-For older changes see ChangeLog-92
-Local Variables:
-mode: indented-text
-left-margin: 8
-fill-column: 74
-version-control: never
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ChangeLog-94 b/contrib/gdb/gdb/ChangeLog-94
deleted file mode 100644
index a691ace10030..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ChangeLog-94
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5705 +0,0 @@
-Fri Dec 30 17:58:55 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * config/m68k/tm-est.h: Remove cruft.
-Thu Dec 29 22:40:00 1994 Jeff Law (
- * Allow up to 10 whitespace separated arguments to user defined
- commands.
- * top.c (struct user_args): Structure for holding arguments to
- user defined commands.
- (print_command_line): Delete unused "tmp_chain" variable. Clean
- up flow control by having cases exit in the same manner.
- Before executing a command or evaluating an expression, substitute
- the current $arg0..$arg9 values if the command/expression uses them.
- (arg_cleanup): New function.
- (setup_user_args, locate_arg, insert_args): Likewise.
- (execute_user_command): Allow arguments to user defined commands.
- * Allow if/while commands to be used within a breakpoint command
- list.
- * breakpoint.c (bpstat_do_actions): Call execute_control_command
- rather than execute_command (passes entire command structure rather
- than just the command line text).
- (breakpoint_1): Use "print_command_line" to print a breakpoint
- command line (including control structures).
- * gdbcmd.h (execute_control_command): Provide extern decl.
- (print_command_line): Likewise.
- * top.c (execute_control_command): No longer static.
- (print_command_line): New function to recursively print a command
- line, including control structures.
-Thu Dec 29 18:18:31 1994 Rob Savoye <>
- * hppa-tdep.c (pa_print_registers): Extract register values stored
- in big endian format on big and little endian hosts.
- * array-rom.c: Support for Array Tech LSI33k based RAID disk
- controller board.
- * Recognize "mips*-*-ecoff*" rather than
- "mips*-idt-ecoff*" so it'll work for the LSI33k.
- * monitor.[ch], op50-rom.c, rom68k-rom.c, w89k-rom.c: Add support
- to monitor config structure for supported baud rates for a target
- and variable stop bits.
- * monitor.c (monitor_fetch_register): Store register values in big
- endian format on any host.
-Wed Dec 28 19:27:22 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_fix_call_dummy): Prefer import stubs over
- export stubs and actual shared library functions so that lazy
- binding works correctly. Try both __d_plt_call and __gcc_plt_call
- trampolines for calling import stubs.
-Wed Dec 28 15:29:02 1994 Stan Shebs <>
- * a29k-tdep.c (pop_frame): Fix a variable name.
-Wed Dec 28 12:21:39 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (push_dummy_frame): Refine code to determine what
- space ID to place in the stack & inf_status structure.
- (hppa_pop_frame): Don't walk through trampoline code if popping a
- call dummy frame.
- (hppa_fix_call_dummy): Call the stack dummy directly if the
- current PC is in a shared library.
- * hppa-tdep.c (push_dummy_frame): Return type is void. Clear
- in_syscall bit in flags. Don't depend on the PC queue registers
- when in_syscall is set, they're not valid.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (PUSH_DUMMY_FRAME): Pass inf_status down to
- push_dummy_frame.
- (SR4_REGNUM): Define.
- * hppa-tdep.c: Misc. lint changes.
-Tue Dec 27 12:32:43 1994 Jeff Law (
- * breakpoint.c (watchpoint_check): Don't bother restoring the
- "selected" frame anymore, it's not necessary. Initialize the
- frame cache before trying to find the current frame in the frame
- chain.
- * somsolib.c (som_solib_add): Return without loading any shared
- libraries if symfile_objfile is NULL.
- (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Likewise.
-Fri Dec 23 17:03:13 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * remote-est.c: New file supports EST-300 CPU32 background
- mode ICE.
- * remote-utils.c (sr_com): Call registers_changed.
- * (m68*-*-est*): New configuration.
- * config/m68k/tm-est.h: New file.
-Fri Dec 23 16:18:50 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * (CLIBS): Put LIBIBERTY last.
-Thu Dec 22 09:27:16 1994 Jim Kingdon <>
- * ser-tcp.c (tcp_open): Cast to struct sockaddr when passing to
- function which expects that.
-Thu Dec 22 13:25:33 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * nlm/gdbserve.c, nlm/ppc.c, nlm/ppc.h: Don't try to use
-Wed Dec 21 14:00:26 1994 Rob Savoye <>
- * monitor.c: Now supports xmodem as a remoteloadprotocol.
-Tue Dec 20 23:01:17 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * config/mips/xm-irix4.h, config/mips/xm-irix5.h: #define
- _BSD_COMPAT to get reliable signal handling.
-Tue Dec 20 11:44:28 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * sparc-tdep.c, a29k-tdep.c, findvar.c (get_saved_register):
- if !target_has_registers, call error().
- * value.h: Remove obsolete comments about FRAME vs struct
- frame_info *.
-Sun Dec 18 11:52:58 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_pop_frame): Remove erroneous extra argument
- to write_register.
-Sat Dec 17 13:23:21 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * tm-sparc.c (EXTRA_FRAME_INFO): New field sp_offset.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_init_extra_frame_info): Set it.
- (examine_prologue, sparc_init_extra_frame_info): Use ->frame plus
- ->sp_offset to compute the address something is saved at, not
- ->bottom.
- * sparc-tdep.c (get_saved_register): New function.
- * tm-sparc.h: Define GET_SAVED_REGISTER; don't define
- * stack.c (frame_info): Add comment about what to do if
- FRAME_FIND_SAVED_REGS is not defined.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_init_extra_frame_info): Set ->frame field
- here. Get it right for flat frames.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_frame_chain): Instead of returning
- meaningful value for ->frame field, just return dummy value.
- This change is needed because the old code didn't deal with mixed
- flat and non-flat frames.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_pop_frame): Write SP_REGNUM from
- frame->frame, don't go through saved regs for this.
- * sparc-tdep.c: Move guts of skip_prologue to new function
- examine_prologue. Check for flat prologue and set is_flat.
- Provide the caller with the information about what is saved where
- if desired.
- (skip_prologue, sparc_frame_find_saved_regs): Call examine_prologue.
- * sparc-tdep.c: Replace union sparc_insn_layout and anonymous
- union in isannulled, which won't work on a little-endian host,
- with X_* macros.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_frame_saved_pc): If addr == 0, the saved PC
- is still in %o7.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h: Define INIT_FRAME_PC and
- * blockframe.c (get_prev_frame_info): Modify comments regarding
- INIT_FRAME_PC_FIRST and the sparc.
- * sparc-tdep.c (single_step): Use 4 not sizeof (long) for size of
- instruction.
-Sat Dec 17 02:33:37 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * c-typeprint.c (c_type_print_base): Use `show' of -1 to print
- the return type of methods to avoid infinite loops with anonymous
- types.
- * valops.c (search_struct_field): Handle anonymous unions.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sunos4_skip_trampoline_code): New function
- to correctly handle steps into -g compiled PIC objects in the
- main executable.
- * config/sparc/tm-sun4os4.h (SKIP_TRAMPOLINE_CODE):
- Redefine to use sunos4_skip_trampoline_code.
- * dwarfread.c (DWARF_REG_TO_REGNUM): Provide a default mapping
- from DWARF to GDB register numbering.
- * dwarfread.c (locval): Use DWARF_REG_TO_REGNUM to map the
- register value.
- * config/mips/tm-mipsv4.h (DWARF_REG_TO_REGNUM): Define.
-Fri Dec 16 10:56:29 1994 J.T. Conklin <>
- * (uninstall): transform file names.
-Thu Dec 15 16:55:35 1994 Stan Shebs <>
- * defs.h: Include progress.h.
- * main.c (main): Call START_PROGRESS and END_PROGRESS, break
- usage message into shorter strings.
- * source.c: Change long command help strings into concats of
- shorter ones, for picky ANSI compilers.
- * top.c (command_loop): For space usage display, show both
- absolute size and the change from before command execution.
-Thu Dec 15 16:40:10 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * defs.h, main.c (gdb_fputs), top.c: Add stream arg to
- fputs_unfiltered_hook.
- * defs.h, top.c, utils.c (error): Add error_hook.
-Tue Dec 13 15:15:33 1994 Stan Shebs <>
- * breakpoint.c, infrun.c, printcmd.c: Change long command help
- strings into concats of shorter ones, for picky ANSI compilers.
-Mon Dec 12 17:08:02 1994 Stan Shebs <>
- Sparc flat register window support.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_insn_layout): New union, defines layout of
- instructions symbolically (used to be local to skip_prologue).
- (sparc_init_extra_frame_info): New function.
- (sparc_frame_chain): Add flat cases throughout.
- (skip_prologue): Add recognition of flat prologues.
- (sparc_frame_find_saved_regs): Add flat cases.
- (sparc_pop_frame): Ditto.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h (EXTRA_FRAME_INFO): New slots.
- (INIT_EXTRA_FRAME_INFO): Call sparc_init_extra_frame_info.
-Mon Dec 12 13:06:59 1994 Jim Kingdon <>
- * f-lang.c: Remove duplicate declaration of
- builtin_type_f_integer, and only include it in the f_builtin_types
- once.
- * somread.c (som_symfile_read): Just assign to objfile->obj_private,
- not OBJ_UNWIND_INFO. Assigning to a cast is a GCC-ism which
- the HP compiler doesn't like.
-Fri Dec 9 15:50:05 1994 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote.c (remote_wait): Pass string instead of char to strcpy.
-Fri Dec 9 04:43:17 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * gdbserver/low-lynx.c (mywait): Remove debugging printf.
-Thu Dec 8 15:07:29 1994 Jim Kingdon <>
- * frame.h: Restore pre-Nov 3 comments about FRAME_FP with minor
- changes. They are correct, unlike the post-Nov 3 comment
- (FRAME_FP doesn't have any machine-independent relationship with
- FP_REGNUM or any other such notion of a "frame pointer").
-Wed Dec 7 14:50:54 1994 Jim Kingdon <>
- * gdbserver/remote-utils.c (write_ok): Write "OK", not "Ok", to
- match stubs and protocol spec.
- * gdbserver/remote-utils.c (remote_open): Cast to struct sockaddr
- when passing to function which expects that.
- The following changes aren't quite enough to make things work with
- LynxOS (apprently kernel problems).
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): When resuming new thread, pass pid
- not -1 for remote case.
- * thread.c (info_threads_command): Give error if !target_has_stack.
- * infrun.c (start_remote): Call init_thread_list.
- * thread.c (info_threads_command): Don't call kill for remote
- debugging target.
- * target.c (normal_pid_to_str): Print "thread" not "process" for
- remote.
- * remote.c, gdbserver/*: Add 'H', 'S', and 'C' requests, 'X'
- response, and `thread' part of 'T' response.
- * gdbserver/*: If program exits, send packet to GDB before
- exiting. Handle termination with a signal the same as exiting
- with an exitstatus.
- * remote.c: Don't try to kill program after getting an 'X'
- response.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Add comment about kill versus mourn.
-Thu Dec 8 12:37:38 1994 Rob Savoye <>
- * config/pa/tm-pro.h tm-hppap.h, Rename tm-hppap.h to
- tm-pro.h.
-Wed Dec 7 18:22:59 1994 Stan Shebs <>
- * source.c: Various cosmetic changes.
- (forward_search_command): Handle very long source lines correctly.
-Wed Dec 7 13:21:47 1994 Rob Savoye <>
- * hppa-tdep.c: Use GDB_TARGET_IS_PA_ELF so SOM target support will
- stop being linked in.
- * config/pa/tm-hppap.h: New file. Set GDB_TARGET_IS_PA_ELF,
- otherwise it looks like BSD-ELF.
-Mon Dec 5 21:43:52 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * inftarg.c: include <sys/types.h> to get def of pid_t.
-Fri Dec 2 15:03:07 1994 Stan Shebs <>
- * solib.c (auto_solib_add_at_startup): New global.
- (solib_create_inferior_hook): Call solib_add only if
- auto_solib_add_at_startup is nonzero.
- (_initialize_solib): New command "set auto-solib-add".
-Fri Dec 2 12:52:04 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * parse.c (msymbol_addr_type): Replaced by
- lookup_pointer_type (builtin_type_void).
- * printcmd.c (_initialize_printcmd): Give examine_*_type
- a name for `ptype $_'.
-Fri Dec 2 12:52:04 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * printcmd.c (print_formatted): Call val_print_string directly,
- rather than via value_print.
-Wed Nov 30 22:27:27 1994 Jeff Law (
- * somsolib.c (som_solib_get_got_by_pc): New function.
- * somsolib.h (som_solib_get_got_by_pc): Add extern decl.
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_fix_call_dummy): Handle case where FUN is the
- function's export stub or real address in a shared library.
-Tue Nov 29 13:40:25 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * config/i386/ (REGEX, REGEX1): No longer define.
- * (i[345]86-*-freebsd*): New configuration.
- * config/i386/{,,nm-fbsd.h}: New files.
-Tue Nov 29 12:23:25 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * top.c (read_next_line): Pass annotation suffix "commands"
- instead of "command", matches documentation.
-Mon Nov 28 14:53:21 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * config/a29k/tm-a29k.h (setup_arbitrary_frame): Replace
- FRAME_ADDR with CORE_ADDR in prototype.
- * top.c (command_line_input): If annotation suffix is NULL,
- replace it with an empty string.
- (read_next_line): Pass "command" as annotation suffix to
- command_line_input.
-Mon Nov 28 11:03:14 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h (setpgrp): move defn from here...
- * config/rs6000/xm-rs6000.h: here.
-Fri Nov 25 21:26:02 1994 Jeff Law (
- * tm-hppa.h (skip_trampoline_code): Add extern decl.
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_pop_frame): Silently restart the inferior and
- allow it to execute any return path trampoline code. Stop the
- inferior and give the user control when the trampoline has
- finished executing.
- (in_solib_call_trampoline): Handle export stubs which also perform
- parameter relocations.
- (in_solib_return_trampoline): Likewise.
-Fri Nov 25 13:37:10 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * coffread.c, symfile.h (coff_getfilename): Make it static again.
- * xcoffread.c (coff_getfilename): Use a static copy from
- coffread.c, modified for accessing the static xcoff strtbl.
-Fri Nov 25 00:51:05 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (in_solib_call_trampoline): Recognize calls through
- _sr4export and $$dyncall as trampolines. Likewise for long-call
- stubs and parameter relocation stubs.
- (in_solib_return_trampoline): Recognize a return trampoline for
- return value relocation stubs.
- * hpread.c: Include hp-symtab.h instead of hpux-symtab.h.
- Various name changes to match those used by hp-symtab.h.
-Thu Nov 24 00:39:27 1994 Jeff Law (
- * blockframe.c (find_pc_partial_function): Inhibit mst_trampoline
- symbol special handling when INHIBIT_SUNSOLIB_TRANSFER_TABLE_HACK
- is defined.
- * infrun.c (IN_SOLIB_CALL_TRAMPOLINE): Renamed from
- IN_SOLIB_TRAMPOLINE. All callers changed.
- (IN_SOLIB_RETURN_TRAMPOLINE): Provide default definition.
- (wait_for_inferior): Handle single stepping through trampolines on
- return paths from shared libraries.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (IN_SOLIB_CALL_TRAMPOLINE): Use
- in_solib_call_trampoline.
- (IN_SOLIB_RETURN_TRAMPOLINE): Use in_solib_return_trampoline.
- * hppa-tdep.c (in_solib_call_trampoline): New function.
- (in_solib_return_trampoline): New function.
-Wed Nov 23 21:43:03 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * tm-h8300.h (REMOTE_BREAKPOINT): Define.
- * h8300-tdep.c (h8300_pop_frame): Remove redundant call.
- * remote-e7000.c (HARD_BREAKPOINTS): Reenable.
- (BC_BREAKPOINTS): Disable.
- * sh-tdep.c (print_insn): Cope with big and little endian machines.
- * sh/ Use libsim.a
- (BREAKPOINT): Changed to be byteorder independent.
-Tue Nov 22 19:13:39 1994 Stan Shebs (
- Maintenance commands to report time and space usage.
- * main.c (display_time, display_space): New globals.
- (main): Add argument --statistics to enable reporting, display
- time and space after startup is done.
- * maint.c (maintenance_time_display, maintenance_space_display):
- New commands.
- * top.c (command_loop): Display time and space after command
- execution.
- * top.c (pre_init_ui_hook): New global.
- (gdb_init): If pre_init_ui_hook set, call before all other init.
-Tue Nov 22 10:25:59 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * a29k-tdep.c (examine_tag): Fix a bug in stack frame size.
-Sat Nov 19 03:10:51 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * config/i386/ Reenable core file support.
- * symfile.c (deduce_language_from_filename): Treat .c++ as a
- C++ extension.
- * valops.c (destructor_name_p): Do not compare the template
- part for template classes.
-Fri Nov 18 14:55:59 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * defs.h, infcmd.c (reg_names): Don't declare as constant.
- * remote-mips.c (mips_open): Read and set the processor type.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_set_processor_type): Always return an int.
-Fri Nov 18 10:38:12 1994 J.T. Conklin <>
- * nlm/alpha.c (strtol): Remove, it is provided by NetWare C library.
- * nlm/gdbserve.def (strtol): Add to import list.
- * nlm/fake_aio.c: Remove file, no longer used.
- * nlm/ (gdbserve.O): Link with ${CC_FOR_TARGET}.
- (LD_FOR_TARGET): Remove.
-Thu Nov 17 22:09:50 1994 Rob Savoye <>
- * monitor.h, monitor.c, w89k-rom.c, op50n-rom.c, idp-rom.c: Add
- support for two variables used to control the load protocol and
- conversion type.
-Thu Nov 17 17:51:12 1994 Stan Shebs (
- Support for different MIPS IDT processor models.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_processor_type, tmp_mips_processor_type,
- mips_generic_reg_names, mips_r3041_reg_names,
- mips_r3051_reg_names, mips_r3081_reg_names,
- mips_processor_type_table): New globals.
- (mips_do_registers_info): Don't display register if name is empty.
- (mips_set_processor_type_command): New command.
- (mips_show_processor_type_command): New command.
- (mips_set_processor_type): New function.
- (mips_read_processor_type): New function.
- * config/mips/tm-idt.h (DEFAULT_MIPS_TYPE): New macro.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (DEFAULT_MIPS_TYPE): New macro.
- (NUM_REGS): Increase to account for all CP0 registers.
- (REGISTER_NAMES): Add empty names for CP0 registers.
- (PRID_REGNUM): New macro.
-Wed Nov 16 16:41:52 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * README: Add warning about termcap in Ultrix and OSF/1.
-Wed Nov 16 15:28:29 1994 Rob Savoye (
- * hppa-tdep.c: Remove including sys/dir.h from a target file.
-Wed Nov 16 10:31:27 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * config/powerpc/ (TDEPFILES): Remove fake_aio.o.
- * nlm/gdbserve.c: Include <nwtypes.h> before other NetWare headers.
- * nlm/ppc.c: Likewise.
- * nlm/ppc.c (strtol): Remove, it is provided by NetWare C Library.
- (StopBell): New function (stubbed out).
-Wed Nov 16 00:12:21 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (skip_trampoline_code): Handle shared library import
- trampolines.
-Tue Nov 15 16:18:52 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * c-exp.y (yylex): Fix a bug in template scanning.
-Tue Nov 15 14:25:47 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * i386-stub.c, m68k-stub.c, sparc-stub.c, sparcl-stub.c: Mask out
- the top bit returned by getDebugChar.
-Tue Nov 15 01:03:56 1994 Rob Savoye (
- * op50-rom.c, w89k-rom.c, monitor.c: Modify to usr two variables
- to set remote load type and protocol.
- * rom68k-rom.c: Add to_stop in target_ops.
-Sat Nov 12 21:55:47 1994 Jeff Law (
- * somsolib.c: Add TODO list.
- (som_solib_add): Immediately return if $SHLIB_INFO$ sections does
- not exist or has size zero. Slightly simplify error handling.
- Keep an internal list of all the loaded shared libraries and
- various tidbits of information about the loaded shared libraries.
- Build section tables for each loaded shared library and add those
- tables to the core target if necessary.
- (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Force re-reading of shared
- libraries at exec time.
- (som_sharedlibrary_info_command): New function for dumping
- information about the currently loaded shared libraries.
- (_initialize_som_solib): New function.
-Sat Nov 12 02:26:50 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * (copying.o,, dpx2-nat.o, dstread.o,
- i386aix-nat.o, i386m3-nat.o, irix5-nat.o, lynx-nat.o, m3-nat.o,
- mipsm3-nat.o, ns32km3-nat.o, remote-e7000.o, remote-os9k.o):
- Add dependencies.
- (copying.o, os9kread.o, remote.o): Update dependencies.
- * valarith.c (value_sub): When subtracting pointers, only
- check for a match of the pointed to element lengths.
- Cast element length to LONGEST to obtain a signed result for
- pointer subtractions.
-Fri Nov 11 10:51:07 1994 Jeff Law (
- * ch-exp.y (yylex): Fix off-by-one error when converting string to
- lowercase. Null terminate new string.
- * hppa-tdep.c (rp_saved): Handle IMPORT stubs too.
- * somsolib.c (som_solib_add): Check the value of __dld_flags, if
- it indicates __dld_list is not valid return an error. If it
- indicates that libraries were not mapped privately, issue a
- warning.
-Thu Nov 10 23:17:45 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * symfile.c (syms_from_objfile): Only call find_lowest_section if
- no ".text" section exists.
-Thu Nov 10 15:16:21 1994 Rob Savoye <>
- * rom68k-rom.c: New file. Replaces the old remote-mon.c and uses
- the new generic ROM interface in monitor.c.
- * config/m68k/ Use new ROM support.
- * monitor.c: Add support for xmodem download protocol.
-Wed Nov 9 18:46:24 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * findvar.c (find_saved_register): Fix a frame variable name.
- * infcmd.c (finish_command): Ditto.
-Tue Nov 8 13:20:14 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * TODO: Remove "Watchpoints seem not entirely reliable, though
- they haven't failed me recently." item--this old (4.6 at least)
- item is too vague to be useful (some watchpoint bugs have been
- fixed since then).
- * TODO: Add explanation of "RPC interface" item.
-Mon Nov 7 22:25:21 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (read_unwind_info): Use "text_offset" for linker
- stub unwind descriptors too.
- * Enable backtracing from inside a SOM shared library back into
- user code.
- * hppa-tdep.c (internalize_unwinds): Accept and use new
- "text_offset" argument for dynamic relocation of
- region_{start,end} fields in the unwind descriptor.
- (read_unwind_info): Pass text_offset to internalize unwinds.
-Mon Nov 7 14:34:42 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * m3-nat.c: Remove comments about arbitrary limit in
- printf_filtered; that limit is gone.
-Mon Nov 7 00:27:16 1994 Jeff Law (
- * Beginnings of SOM shared library support. Breakpoints and
- single frame backtracing within the library only. Only works when
- using the HPUX 9 dynamic linker. More functionality to be added
- soon.
- * somsolib.c, somsolib.h: New files.
- * (HFILES_NO_SRCDIR): Add somsolib.h
- (ALLDEPFILES): Add somsolib.c.
- (somsolib.o): Add some dependencies.
- * somread.c (som_symtab_read): Accept multiple section offsets.
- All callers changed. Adjust all text symbols with the first
- section offset.
- * symfile.c (find_lowest_section): Enable this function. Add some
- tie-breaking logic when sections have the same vma.
- (syms_from_objfile): Use find_lowest_section rather than looking
- for ".text" by name. Relax warning to only warn if the lowest
- section is not a code section.
- * config/pa/{,} (NATDEPFILES): Add somsolib.o
- * config/pa/{nm-hppab.h, nm-hppah.h}: Include somsolib.h.
-Sun Nov 6 12:54:54 1994 Jeff Law (
- * partial-stab.h (N_TEXT): Put back GDB_TARGET_IS_HPPA kludge,
- it is still needed for GCC-2.6 compiled code.
- * TODO (GDB_TARGET_IS_HPPA): Note this kludge can be nuked
- sometime after GCC-2.7 has been released.
- * hppa-tdep.c (frame_saved_pc): Mask off low two bits when
- retrieving the PC from a signal handler caller. Fix thinko
- in Stan's last change ("frame", should have been "frame->next").
- If the next frame is a signal handler caller and it's a system
- call which has entered the kernel ((PSW & 0x2) != 0), then the
- saved pc is in %r2 instead of %r31.
-Fri Nov 4 23:47:07 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_frame_find_saved_regs): Change "frame" to
- "frame_info" throughout.
-Fri Nov 4 16:26:59 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * sparcl-stub.c: get rid of defs.h.
-Fri Nov 4 13:11:54 1994 Jim Kingdon <>
- * gdbserver/ (MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Add -I${MMALLOC_DIR}.
- Correct definition of MMALLOC_DIR to reflect fact this is
- gdb/gdbserver/, not gdb/
- * gdbserver/server.c (main): After we kill the inferior in
- response to a 'k' request, exit.
- * remote.c (remote_kill): Use catch_errors when calling putpkt.
- (putpkt): Return int, not void, to match catch_errors calling
- convention.
-Fri Nov 4 10:52:38 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * rs6000-tdep.c (pop_frame): Correct a variable name.
-Fri Nov 4 05:43:35 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * TODO: Re-write item about SIGINT handling to reflect the fact
- that target_stop now exists.
-Thu Nov 3 15:19:17 1994 Stan Shebs (
- Replace useless FRAME, FRAME_ADDR types with struct frame_info *
- and CORE_ADDR, respectively.
- * frame.h (FRAME, FRAME_INFO_ID, FRAME_ADDR): Remove.
- * blockframe.c (get_frame_info): Remove.
- * a29k-tdep.c, alpha-tdep.c, blockframe.c, breakpoint.c,
- breakpoint.h, energize.c, findvar.c, gould-pinsn.c,
- h8300-tdep.c, h8500-tdep.c, hppa-tdep.c, i386-tdep.c, i960-tdep.c,
- infcmd.c, inferior.h, infrun.c, m68k-tdep.c, m88k-tdep.c,
- mips-tdep.c, nindy-tdep.c, printcmd.c, pyr-tdep.c, rs6000-tdep.c,
- sh-tdep.c, sparc-tdep.c, stack.c, valops.c, z8k-tdep.c,
- config/a29k/tm-a29k.h, config/alpha/tm-alpha.h,
- config/gould/tm-pn.h, config/h8300/tm-h8300.h,
- config/h8500/tm-h8500.h, config/mips/tm-mips.h,
- config/ns32k/tm-merlin.h, config/ns32k/tm-umax.h,
- config/pyr/tm-pyr.h, config/sparc/tm-sparc.h): Replace FRAME with
- struct frame_info * everywhere, replace FRAME_ADDR with CORE_ADDR,
- rename variables consistently (using `frame' or `fi'), remove
- calls to get_frame_info and FRAME_INFO_ID, remove comments about
- FRAME and FRAME_ADDR cruftiness.
-Thu Nov 3 14:25:24 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * corelow.c, exec.c, inftarg.c, m3-nat.c, op50-rom.c, procfs.c,
- remote-adapt.c, remote-e7000.c, remote-eb.c, remote-es.c,
- remote-hms.c, remote-mips.c, remote-mm.c, remote-mon.c,
- remote-nindy.c, remote-os9k.c, remote-pa.c, remote-sim.c,
- remote-st.c, remote-udi.c, remote-vx.c, remote-z8k.c, remote.c,
- w89k-rom.c, target.c, target.h: Add support for target_stop().
-Thu Nov 3 01:23:45 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * osfsolib.c (solib_map_sections, first_link_map_member,
- next_link_map_member, xfer_link_map_member): Retrieve and use
- shared library relocation offset from runtime loader structures.
- Use libxproc.a routines to get a working version if
- USE_LDR_ROUTINES is defined.
- * README: Remove item about shared library relocation for
- Alpha OSF/1.
-Wed Nov 2 15:05:39 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * c-exp.y (yylex): scan template names, and scan nested class
- names.
-Wed Nov 2 11:01:55 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * nlm/ install gdbserve.nlm.
-Tue Nov 1 13:00:46 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * c-valprint.c (c_value_print): Check for plain literal `char'
- target type when suppressing `(char *)' output for strings.
-Mon Oct 31 19:19:51 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * coffread.c (coff_symfile_init): Remove unused local abfd.
- * utils.c [NO_MMALLOC] (mmalloc, mrealloc): Define and use size_t
- instead of long, for compatibility with mmalloc.h.
-Sat Oct 29 02:40:40 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * top.c (line_completion_function): Renamed from
- symbol_completion_function, takes the line buffer and the
- point in the line buffer as additional arguments.
- (readline_line_completion_function): New function, interface
- between readline and line_completion_function.
- (init_main): Use it.
- (complete_command): Use line_completion_function instead of
- abusing rl_line_buffer. Free completion strings after printing
- them.
- * symtab.c (completion_list_add_name): Recheck for duplicates
- if we intend to add a modified symbol.
- * gdbtypes.h (cplus_struct_type): nfn_fields_total no longer
- includes the number of methods from the baseclasses.
- * stabsread.c (attach_fn_fields_to_type): No longer add the
- number of methods from the baseclasses to TYPE_NFN_FIELDS_TOTAL,
- the baseclass type might not have been completely filled in yet.
- * symtab.c (total_number_of_methods): New function to compute
- the total number of methods for a type, including the methods
- from baseclasses.
- (decode_line_1): Use it instead of TYPE_NFN_FIELDS_TOTAL to
- allocate the symbol array for find_methods.
- * stabsread.c (scan_file_globals): Add default case to minimal
- symbol type switch, to avoid gcc -Wall warnings.
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h (INIT_EXTRA_FRAME_INFO):
- Don't test for zero backchain pointer to recognize a signal
- handler frame, if read() gets interrupted by a signal, the
- backchain will be non zero.
- (SIG_FRAME_FP_OFFSET): Move to here from rs6000-tdep.c,
- improve comment.
- (SIG_FRAME_PC_OFFSET): New definition.
- (FRAME_SAVED_PC): Return saved pc from sigcontext if this
- is a signal handler frame.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (function_frame_info): Do not error out
- if we can't access the instructions.
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h (CONVERT_FROM_FUNC_PTR_ADDR):
- New definition to get the function address from a function pointer.
- * valops.c (find_function_addr): Use it when calling a user
- function through a function pointer.
-Fri Oct 28 16:16:52 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * (MMALLOC_DIR): New definition.
- (MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Look in MMALLOC_DIR for mmalloc.h.
- (OPCODES): Remove gratuitous "./".
- * defs.h (mmalloc.h): Include.
- (mmalloc, mrealloc, etc): Remove decls.
- (cplus_demangle, cplus_demangle_opname): Remove decls.
-Wed Oct 26 15:41:07 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * defs.h, main.c, top.c: Change sense and name of
- no_windows variable. Now called use_windows, and defaults to off
- (for compatibility).
-Wed Oct 26 12:20:53 1994 Jim Kingdon <>
- * coffread.c (coff_symtab_read): If we get the address from
- target_lookup_symbol, set the section to -2 not SECT_OFF_BSS.
- (coff_symtab_read): Set value and section of symbol that
- process_coff_symbol returns.
-Tue Oct 25 09:53:04 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * config/i386/tm-nbsd.h: Enable longjmp support.
-Sat Oct 22 03:41:13 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * valarith.c (value_binop): Take care of ANSI `value preserving'
- rule, which was not addressed by the previous change.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (skip_prologue): Handle `mr r31,r1', which is
- generated by gcc-2.6, as a synonym for `oril r31,r1,0'.
- * TODO: Remove item about RS/6000 shared libraries.
-Thu Oct 20 17:35:45 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * defs.h, infrun.c (wait_for_inferior), top.c: Call
- target_wait_hook to allow GUI to handle blocking for inferior. Call
- call_command_hook in execute_command to provide means for wrapping
- commands with GUI state change updates.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Make sure
- through_sigtramp_breakpoint is non-null before deleting.
-Thu Oct 20 10:26:43 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * config/powerpc/ (TDEPFILES): Removed exec.o.
-Thu Oct 20 06:56:07 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * (coffread.o): Depend on target.h.
- (remote-vx.o): Depend on gdb-stabs.h objfiles.h symfile.h $(bfd_h).
-Wed Oct 19 22:49:31 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * TODO: Fix typo.
-Wed Oct 19 11:32:15 1994 Jim Kingdon <>
- * objfiles.c (objfile_relocate): When relocating ->sections, use
- objfile not symfile_objfile.
- * symtab.h, minsyms.c (minsyms_sort): New function.
- * objfiles.c (objfile_relocate): Call it.
- * remote-vx.c (vx_add_symbols): Call breakpoint_re_set.
- * objfiles.c, objfiles.h (objfile_to_front): New function.
- * remote-vx.c (vx_add_symbols): Call it.
- * coffread.c (coff_symtab_read): Handle common symbols the same
- way that partial-stab.h does.
-Wed Oct 19 21:06:12 1994 Rob Savoye (
- * hppa-tdep.c: Remove include files a.out.h, ioctl.h, and
- machine/psl.h. These are host files.
-Wed Oct 19 15:13:51 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * objfiles.h (struct objfile): Fix comment--minimal_symbol_count
- does *not* include the terminating NULL msymbol.
-Tue Oct 18 20:53:29 1994 Rob Savoye <>
- * monitor.c (monitor_load_srec,monitor_make_srec): Add an asrecord
- loader that reads files using BFD and converts it on the fly.
-Mon Oct 17 18:52:06 1994 Rob Savoye <>
- * monitor.c (set_loadtype_command): Fixed so it doesn't core dump.
- * monitor.c (monitor_load): check the load type and load the file
- accordingly. Default to gr_load_image().
- * monitor.c (monitor_load_ascii_srec): Load an ascii file in
- srecord format by downloading to the monitor.
- * w89k-rom.c, op50n-rom.c: set supported load types.
-Mon Oct 17 10:29:08 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * (ALLDEPFILES): Remove xcoffexec.c.
- * Remove xcoffexec.o rule.
- * exec.c (exec_file_command): Add comment.
- Fix data and bss relocation for VxWorks 5.1:
- * remote-vx.c (vx_add_symbols): New function.
- (vx_load_command, add_symbol_stub): Call it instead of
- symbol_file_add.
- (vx_wait): Remove comment which was wrong to useless.
- * remote-vx.c: Reindent much of file.
- * coffread.c (cs_to_section, find_targ_sec): New functions.
- (process_coff_symbol): Set SYMBOL_SECTION to result
- from cs_to_section.
- (coff_symtab_read): Call cs_to_section and deal with result
- rather than assuming sections are in a certain order. Deal with
- BSS.
- * coffread.c: Remove text_bfd_scnum variable.
-Sat Oct 15 16:55:48 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * corelow.c: Format to standard.
- (core_close): Use name instead of bfd_filename.
-Fri Oct 14 10:29:08 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * exec.c (map_vmap): Cast return from xmalloc to its proper type,
- not to PTR.
- * symfile.c (reread_symbols): Include bfd_errmsg string in error
- message if bfd_close fails.
- * exec.c (exec_close), solib.c (clear_solib), corelow.c
- (core_close), objfiles.c (free_objfile), irix5-nat.c
- (clear_solib), osfsolib.c (clear_solib), remote-utils.c
- (gr_load_image): Check for errors from bfd_close.
- * solib.c (look_for_base), remote-utils.c (gr_load_image),
- remote-udi.c (download), corelow.c (core_open), symfile.c
- (symfile_bfd_open), symfile.c (generic_load): Add comment
- regarding error from bfd_close.
- * remote-udi.c (download), remote-utils.c (gr_load_image): Add
- comment about bogus handling of errors from bfd_openr.
- * exec.c (exec_close): Add comment regarding memory leak and
- dangling reference to vp->name.
-Sat Oct 15 03:43:00 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Make fnptr a LONGEST instead
- of using longest_to_int.
- * infcmd.c (run_stack_dummy): Reinstate set_current_frame call,
- mips and alpha targets need the real breakpoint pc for
- creating the breakpoint frame.
- * stack.c (return_command): Cast return value to the return
- type of the function from which we return.
- * values.c (set_return_value): Pass VALUE_CONTENTS unmodified
- * symtab.c (lookup_symbol): Remove search for `static mangled
- symbols', the search for `static symbols' already looks for
- mangled and demangled symbols via lookup_block_symbol.
- * valarith.c (value_binop): Use ANSI C arithmetic conversions
- when performing integral evaluations, implement BINOP_EQUAL and
- (value_equal, value_less): Use value_binop to perform the
- comparison if both operands have TYPE_CODE_INT.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (pop_frame): Make sure all registers are valid,
- as they are written back later. Handle sp restore for frameless
- functions. Use fdata.nosavedpc instead of fdata.frameless to
- determine if the pc has been saved.
- (function_frame_info): Handle `mr r31,r1', which is generated by
- gcc-2.6, as a synonym for `oril r31,r1,0'.
- (skip_trampoline_code): Handle shared library trampolines.
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtabs): Record XMC_GL symbols with
- their real name. Enables setting of breakpoints in shared libraries
- before the executable is run.
-Fri Oct 14 19:39:47 1994 Rob Savoye <>
- * monitor.h, remote-mon.c: Hack up to so the old ROM monitor
- interface code still works with the new ROM monitor
- structures. Fake out a couple of fields.
-Fri Oct 14 14:54:37 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * h8500-tdep.c (target_read_sp, target_write_sp, target_read_pc,
- target_write_pc, target_read_fp, target_write_fp): Rename to
- h8500_read_sp, etc.
- (h8500_read_pc, h8500_write_pc): Add pid argument.
- * config/h8500/tm-h8500.h (TARGET_READ_SP, TARGET_WRITE_SP,
- Change to match functions above.
-Thu Oct 13 13:24:29 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * NEWS: Add item about if and while.
- * .gdbinit: Restore `end'; it was not excess. Reindent
- list-objfiles to make this clear. Comment out all of
- list-objfiles because old gdb's choke on it.
-Wed Oct 12 23:19:08 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * config/mips/tm-bigmips64.h: Just define TARGET_BYTE_ORDER and
- include tm-mips64.h.
-Wed Oct 12 18:02:17 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * (ANNOTATE_OBS): New definition.
- (COMMON_OBS): Add exec.o.
- (annotate.o): Remove extra compile rule.
- * config/*/*.mh, config/*/*.mt: Remove exec.o from *DEPFILES lists
- everywhere.
- * .gdbinit: Remove excess `end'.
- * exec.c: Merge in RS6000 support from xcoffexec.c.
- (symfile.h, objfiles.h, xcoffsolib.h): Include.
- (vmap): New global variable.
- (exec_close): Close and free objects in vmap chain.
- (exec_file_command) [IBM6000_TARGET]: Set up initial vmap.
- (bfdsec_to_vmap, map_vmap): Moved here from xcoffexec.c.
- (exec_files_info): Print vmap information.
- * xcoffexec.c: Remove.
- * config/rs6000/, config/rs6000/
- (TDEPFILES): Use exec.o instead of xcoffexec.o.
- * TODO: Remove pertinent items.
-Wed Oct 12 10:08:19 1994 Jeff Law (
- * partial-stab.h (N_TEXT): Delete GDB_TARGET_IS_HPPA kludge; they
- are no longer needed as of gcc-2.6.0.
-Tue Oct 11 15:51:01 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * lynx-nat.c (child_wait): Correct handling of byte reversed SPARC
- Lynx wait status.
- (fetch_core_registers): Don't try to fetch a register if
- regmap maps it to -1.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_frame_find_saved_regs): Use FRAME_SAVED_I0
- and FRAME_SAVED_L0 when setting saved_regs_addr. SPARC Lynx
- stores the registers in a weird order.
-Sat Oct 8 20:59:13 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * blockframe.c (reinit_frame_cache): Reinstate select_frame call
- if inferior_pid is nonzero.
-Sat Oct 8 04:27:21 1994 Peter Schauer (
- Speed up GDB startup time by not demangling partial symbols.
- * symfile.h (ADD_PSYMBOL_VT_TO_LIST),
- symfile.c (add_psymbol_to_list, add_psymbol_addr_to_list):
- No longer demangle partial symbols.
- * symtab.c (lookup_symbol, list_symbols): Handle mangled
- variables, e.g. C++ static members, via the minimal symbols.
- Handle reordered functions in an objfile, for Irix 5.2 shared
- libraries.
- * objfiles.h (OBJF_REORDERED): New bit in the objfile flags,
- set if the functions in an objfile are reordered.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Detect reordered
- functions in an objfile.
- * symtab.c (find_pc_psymtab, find_pc_symtab): Use expensive
- lookup algorithm if the functions in the objfile are reordered.
- * xcoffexec.c (exec_close): If the current target has a copy
- of the exec_ops sections, reflect the freeing of the sections
- in current_target.
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): Use `sizeof dummy1', not
- `sizeof dummy', for constructing the call dummy code.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h: Add PARAMS declarations to all
- function declarations.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_pop_frame): Cast result of
- read_memory_integer to CORE_ADDR when passing it to PC_ADJUST.
- * irix5-nat.c (enable_break): Set breakpoint at the entry point
- of the executable, to handle the case where main resides in a
- shared library.
- * irix5-nat.c (solib_create_inferior_hook): Reset stop_soon_quietly
- after shared library symbol reading, to get rid of a warning from
- heuristic_proc_start if the startup code has no symbolic debug info.
- * breakpoint.h (struct breakpoint): Add new fields language
- and input_radix, to enable breakpoint resetting with the
- proper language and radix.
- * breakpoint.c (set_raw_breakpoint): Initialize them.
- (breakpoint_re_set_one): Use them when resetting the breakpoint.
- (breakpoint_re_set): Preserve current language and input_radix
- across breakpoint_re_set_one calls.
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): Do not build a canonical line
- specification for `*expr' line specifications.
- * breakpoint.h (bpstat_stop_status): Fix prototype declaration.
-Fri Oct 7 08:48:18 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- The point of these changes is to avoid reading the frame pointer
- and stack pointer during stepping, to speed things up.
- A. Changes to not select a frame until we need a selected frame:
- * blockframe.c (flush_cached_frames): Call select_frame (NULL, -1).
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Move call to select_frame back to
- normal_stop. This reverts a change of 13 Apr 94 (it says Jeff
- Law, but the change was my idea); the only reason for that change
- was so we could save and restore the selected frame in
- wait_for_inferior, and now that flush_cached frames clears the
- selected frame, that should work OK now.
- B. Changes to not create a current_frame until we need one:
- * blockframe.c (get_current_frame): If current_frame is NULL, try
- to create an innermost frame.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_pop_frame), infcmd.c (run-stack_dummy),
- infrun.c (wait_for_inferior), thread.c (thread_switch),
- convex-tdep.c (set_thread_command), a29k-tdep.c (pop_frame),
- alpha-tdep.c (alpha_pop_frame), convex-xdep.c (core_file_command),
- h8300-tdep.c (h8300_pop_frame), h8500-tdep.c (h8300_pop_frame),
- hppa-tdep.c (hppa_pop_frame), i386-tdep.c (i386_pop_frame),
- i960-tdep.c (pop_frame), m68k-tdep.c
- (m68k_pop_frame), mips-tdep.c (mips_pop_frame), rs6000-tdep.c
- (push_dummy_frame, pop_dummy_frame, pop_frame), sh-tdep.c
- (pop_frame), config/arm/tm-arm.h (POP_FRAME),
- config/convex/tm-convex.h (POP_FRAME), config/gould/tm-pn.h
- (POP_FRAME), config/ns32k/tm-merlin.h (POP_FRAME),
- config/ns32k/tm-umax.h (POP_FRAME), config/tahoe/tm-tahoe.h
- (POP_FRAME), config/vax/tm-vax.h (POP_FRAME): Don't
- call create_new_frame.
- * corelow.c (core_open), altos-xdep.c (core_file_command),
- arm-xdep.c (core_file_command), gould-xdep.c (core_file_command),
- m3-nat.c (select_thread), sun386-nat.c (core_file_command),
- umax-xdep.c (core_file_command): Don't call create_new_frame; do
- call flush_cached_frames.
- * blockframe.c (reinit_frame_cache): Don't call create_new_frame
- or select_frame.
- C. Changes to get rid of stop_frame_address and instead only
- fetch the frame pointer when we need it.
- * breakpoint.c (bpstat_stop_status): Remove argument
- frame_address; use FRAME_FP (get_current_frame ()).
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Don't pass frame pointer to
- bpstat_stop_status.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Use FRAME_FP (get_current_frame
- ()) instead of stop_frame_address.
- * infrun.c (save_inferior_status, restore_inferior_status),
- inferior.h (struct inferior_status): Don't save and restore
- stop_frame_address.
- * inferior.h, infcmd.c, thread.c (thread_switch), m3-nat.c
- (select_thread): Remove stop_frame_address and uses thereof.
- D. Same thing for the stack pointer.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Remove stop_sp and replace
- uses thereof with read_sp ().
- E. Change to eliminate one nasty little spot where we were
- wanting to know the frame pointer from before the current step
- (idea from GDB 3.5, which saved my ass, because my other ideas of
- how to fix it were very baroque).
- * infrun.c: Remove prev_frame_address.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior, step_over_function): Use
- step_frame_address instead of prev_frame_address.
- F. Same basic idea for the stack pointer.
- * inferior.h, infcmd.c: New variable step_sp.
- * infcmd.c (step_1, until_next_command): Set it.
- * infrun.c: Remove prev_sp and replace uses by step_sp.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): If we get out of the step
- range, then set step_sp to the current stack pointer before we
- start going again.
-Fri Oct 7 12:17:17 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * top.c (target_byte_order_auto): New static variable.
- (set_endian): Mention that ``auto'' is permitted.
- (set_endian_auto): New static function.
- (show_endian): Change message based on target_byte_order_auto.
- (set_endian_from_file): New function.
- (init_main): Add command ``auto'' to endianlist.
- * exec.c (exec_file_command): Call set_endian_from_file.
- * defs.h (set_endian_from_file): Declare.
-Thu Oct 6 18:10:41 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * nlm/i386.c (flush_i_cache): New function, does nothing.
- (frame_to_registers, registers_to_frame, set_step_traps,
- clear_step_traps, do_status): Make non-static.
-Thu Oct 6 12:26:42 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (GDB_TARGET_IS_MIPS64): If not already
- defined, define as 0.
- (FIX_CALL_DUMMY): Rewrite to remove presumption that host and
- target are similar.
- * config/mips/tm-idt.h (TARGET_BYTE_ORDER_SELECTABLE): Define.
- * config/mips/tm-idtl.h (TARGET_BYTE_ORDER_SELECTABLE): Define.
- * config/mips/tm-idt64.h (TARGET_BYTE_ORDER_SELECTABLE): Define.
- (BREAKPOINT): Remove definition.
- * config/mips/tm-idtl64.h (TARGET_BYTE_ORDER_SELECTABLE): Define.
- (BREAKPOINT): Remove definition.
- * config/mips/tm-mips64.h (GDB_TARGET_IS_MIPS64): Define with a
- value of 1, rather than without a value.
- * config/mips/tm-bigmips64.h (GDB_TARGET_IS_MIPS64): Likewise.
- * mips-tdep.c: Rewrite uses of GDB_TARGET_IS_MIPS64 to switch at
- run time rather than at compile time.
- * remote-mips.c (break_insn): Remove.
- (mips_insert_breakpoint): Use BREAK_INSN, not break_insn.
- (mips_remove_breakpoint): Likewise.
- * defs.h: If TARGET_BYTE_ORDER_SELECTABLE is defined by tm.h,
- define TARGET_BYTE_ORDER as target_byte_order, and declare
- target_byte_order as an extern int, and define BITS_BIG_ENDIAN as
- a test of TARGET_BYTE_ORDER.
- * top.c: Several additions if TARGET_BYTE_ORDER_SELECTABLE is
- defined:
- (endianlist, target_byte_order): New variables.
- (set_endian, set_endian_big, set_endian_little): New functions.
- (show_endian): New function.
- (init_cmd_lists): Initialize endianlist.
- (init_main): Add commands ``set endian big'', ``set endian
- little'', and ``show endian''.
- * a29k-pinsn.c: Rewrite uses of TARGET_BYTE_ORDER and
- BITS_BIG_ENDIAN to switch at run time rather than at compile time.
- * coffread.c, dwarfread.c, findvar.c, mips-tdep.c: Likewise.
- * remote-os9k.c, stabsread.c, valarith.c, valprint.c: Likewise.
- * values.c: Likewise.
-Wed Oct 5 11:41:24 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * nlm/ ${gdb_host_cpu} defaults to ${host_cpu}.
- * nlm/ Get rid of NWINCLUDES.
- * config/{alpha,powerpc}/ Remove NWINCLUDES.
- User should now configure with --with-headers.
-Mon Oct 3 07:48:34 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * gdbserver/server.c (main): Silently accept all unrecognized
- requests and send back a zero length acknowledge. That is what
- *-stub.c do and is what remote.c expects.
-Mon Oct 3 05:11:47 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * corelow.c (core_open): Copy the modified to_sections_end
- vector from current_target to core_ops too.
- * gdbserver/server.c (main): Silently accept query requests
- and send back a zero length acknowledge.
-Fri Sep 30 17:17:21 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * nlm/ Don't define NWINCLUDES.
- * config/{alpha,powerpc}/ define NWINCLUDES.
-Fri Sep 30 15:59:55 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * gdbserver/low-lynx.c (create_inferior): Pass all 4 args to ptrace.
-Fri Sep 30 06:42:42 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * lynx-nat.c (child_wait): Use status.w_status, not status, in
- arithmetic. status is a `union wait'.
- * config/nm-lynx.h (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE): Define to int, not char *.
- * lynx-nat.c (child_wait): Pass fourth argument to ptrace.
-Thu Sep 29 08:22:27 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab): Fix comment for yesterday's change.
-Wed Sep 28 17:48:18 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * coffread.c (complete_symtab): If last_source_file is set upon
- entry, free it.
-Wed Sep 28 08:59:14 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab, case C_FILE):
- Set main_aux before using it.
- * xcoffexec.c (exec_close): If quitting, don't call clear_symtab_users.
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab): Process XTY_LD symbols we were
- ignoring before. But continue to ignore XMC_DS.
-Wed Sep 28 00:35:23 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c (hpread_read_array_type): Do not change the type code
- to TYPE_CODE_PTR for "char foo[]". Just make it a zero length
- array type.
- * hpread.c (hpread_type_translate): Handle T_UNS_LONG types with
- lengths other than 32bits (HP C 9.69 represents an "unsigned char"
- as an T_UNS_LONG with length 8).
- * hpread.c (struct hpread_symfile_info): Delete have_module field
- and accessor macro. Minor indentation fix.
- (hpread_build_psymtabs, case K_MODULE): Only start a new psymtab
- and reset state variables have_name & texthigh if pst is NULL.
- (hpread_build_psymtabs, case K_SRCFILE): Only reset the name of a
- partial symbol table if pst is non-NULL. If pst is NULL, then
- start a new psymtab.
- (hpread_process_one_debug_symbol, case K_MODULE): Now empty.
- (hpread_process_one_debug_symbol, case K_SRCFILE): Simplify and
- correct handling of subfiles.
-Mon Sep 26 02:59:00 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * defs.h (misc_command_type): Remove trailing comma from
- enumerator list.
-Sun Sep 25 23:19:58 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (frame_saved_pc): Fix thinko in code to dig saved pc
- out of an interrupt frame.
-Sun Sep 25 12:50:17 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * infcmd.c (do_registers_info) [INVALID_FLOAT]: Only use if
- defined.
- * values.c (unpack_double) [INVALID_FLOAT]: Ditto.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_print_register): Don't test float validity.
- * config/a29k/tm-a29k.h, config/alpha/tm-alpha.h,
- config/arm/tm-arm.h, config/convex/tm-convex.h,
- config/h8300/tm-h8300.h, config/h8500/tm-h8500.h,
- config/i386/tm-i386v.h, config/i386/tm-sun386.h,
- config/i960/tm-i960.h, config/m68k/tm-m68k.h,
- config/m88k/tm-m88k.h, config/mips/tm-mips.h,
- config/ns32k/tm-merlin.h, config/ns32k/tm-nbsd.h,
- config/ns32k/tm-ns32km3.h, config/ns32k/tm-umax.h,
- config/pa/tm-hppa.h, config/pyr/tm-pyr.h,
- config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h, config/sh/tm-sh.h,
- config/sparc/tm-sparc.h, config/z8k/tm-z8k.h (INVALID_FLOAT):
- Remove definition.
-Sun Sep 25 06:07:37 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * TODO: Remove item about adding general multi-threaded stuff;
- this is done.
- Remove item about specifying arbitrary locations of stack frames
- (this works on some machines).
- Remove item about debugging functions without a frame pointer
- (this works on some machines).
- Remove item about re-writing macros which handle frame chaining and
- frameless functions. They have been re-written at least once
- since that item was written.
- Remove item about gdb catching SIGINT when attached; this is done.
- Remove item about having list_command not read symbols--why bother?
-Sat Sep 24 17:40:10 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * TODO: Append contents of Projects file.
- * Projects: Remove.
-Sat Sep 24 01:47:25 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * corelow.c (add_solib_stub): Remove copying of to_sections,
- pass current_target to SOLIB_ADD. The Sep 10 change failed
- if SOLIB_ADD errored out, or if SOLIB_ADD was trying to access
- target memory.
- * corelow.c (core_open): After reading the shared libraries,
- copy the modified to_sections vector from current_target to
- core_ops, so that core_close can free it later.
- * config/rs6000/nm-rs6000.h, rs6000-nat.c (xcoff_relocate_core):
- Pass down target parameter from SOLIB_ADD and use it instead of
- directly accessing core_ops.
-Fri Sep 23 14:58:49 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * solib.c: *BSD systems need <a.out.h> to be included before
- <link.h>.
- * i386b-nat.c: Add i386_float_info(), etc.
- * config/i386/nm-nbsd.h: #define FLOAT_INFO.
- * config/nm-nbsd.h: New file, for generic NetBSD native support.
- * config/i386/nm-nbsd.h: Use it.
- * config/sparc/nm-nbsd.h: Use it.
- * config/ns32k/nm-nbsd.h: Use it.
- * (i386-*-netbsd): Use config/i386/nbsd.m[ht].
- (ns32k-*-netbsd): Use config/ns32k/nbsd.m[ht].
- * config/i386/{,,nm-nbsd.h,tm-nbsd.h,xm-nbsd.h}:
- New files, support for NetBSD/i386.
- * config/ns32k/{,,nm-nbsd.h,tm-nbsd.h,xm-nbsd.h}:
- New files, support for NetBSD/ns32k.
-Tue Sep 20 11:34:27 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * .gdbinit: Add list-objfiles command.
- * TODO: Reword item regarding NO_STD_REGS.
- * coffread.c (record_minimal_symbol, coff_read_enum_type,
- coff_read_struct_type): Allocate on symbol_obstack, not directly
- via malloc/savestring.
-Tue Sep 20 15:42:02 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * TODO: Add more items.
- * tests: Remove the directory and all of its (obsolete) contents.
-Tue Sep 20 11:34:27 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * coffread.c (init_stringtab): When copying length to stringtab,
- use target format, not host format, since that is what the rest of
- the code assumes.
-Mon Sep 19 15:48:10 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * Removed prelude.o, i386-nlmstub.o, nlmstub.o,
- nlmstub.nlm, and nlmstub targets. Removed NWSOURCE and
- NWINCLUDES definitions.
- * i386-nlmstub.c: Removed.
-Mon Sep 19 07:48:36 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * dbxread.c (read_dbx_dynamic_symtab): Cast bfd_asymbol_name to
- char * (from const char *) before assigning. Don't save string we
- pass to record_minimal_symbol (it already saves it).
-Sat Sep 17 02:26:58 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * cp-valprint.c (static_field_print): New variable, controls
- printing of static members.
- (_initialize_cp_valprint): New print set subcommand
- "static-members". Turn on printing of static members by default.
- (cp_print_value_fields): Print static members if necessary.
- * solib.c: Remove inclusion of libelf.h and elf/mips.h.
- (elf_locate_base): Use only standard BFD functions to collect
- information about the .dynamic section. Check for DT_MIPS_RLD_MAP
- tag only if it got defined via the inclusion of <link.h>.
- * f-exp.y: Write block for OP_VAR_VALUE.
- * f-valprint.c (info_common_command): Handle `info common'
- without an argument correctly.
- * c-typeprint.c (c_type_print_base): Handle template constructors.
- * symtab.c (gdb_mangle_name): Handle template method mangling,
- get rid of GCC_MANGLE_BUG code, which only applied to gcc-2.2.2.
-Fri Sep 16 16:06:08 1994 Per Bothner (
- * gdbtypes.h (TYPE_INDEX_TYPE): New macro.
- * ch-typeprint.c, ch-valprint.c: Use TYPE_INDEX_TYPE.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print): Pass index type directly
- (instead of its TYPE_TARGET_TYPE) to print_type_scalar.
- * stabsread.c (read_type): Don't set TYPE_FLAG_TARGET_STUB
- if the index type is a stub.
-Fri Sep 16 17:18:44 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * config/i386/{,,,,
-,,}, config/m68k/{,,
-}, config/m88k/{,},
- config/mips/, config/pa/,
- config/rs6000/, config/sparc/{,
-}, config/tahoe/, config/vax/{,
-,} (REGEX, REGEX1, SYSV_DEFINE): No longer
- define.
- * config/i386/ (MUNCH_DEFINE): No longer define.
-Fri Sep 16 15:40:34 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * defs.h (QUIT): Call interactive_hook to allow GUI to interrupt.
- Also, add decl for symtab_to_filename.
- * source.c (symtab_to_filename): New. Returns the file
- associated with a symtab.
- * top.c: Define interactive_hook. Called during QUIT to animate
- the GUI.
-Fri Sep 16 00:14:40 1994 Per Bothner (
- * stabsread.c (read_type): Handle stub types for bitstrings.
- * stabsread.c (read_array_type): Check for stub domain type
- using TYPE_FLAG_STUB, not its length.
- * gdbtypes.c (create_set_type): Handle a stub domain type.
- * ch-exp.y: Get rid of some extra non-terminals, and move
- their rules into primitive_value.
- * parser-defs.h: Add comment about unary postfix operators.
- * ch-lang.c (chill_op_print_tab): Add '->', postfix and prefix.
- * expprint.c (print_subexp): Recognize unary postfix operator.
-Wed Sep 14 18:27:42 1994 Jason Molenda (
- * remote-hms.c: use remote_debug instead of hms_silent toggle.
- Add warnings about depreciation of `snoop' cmd.
-Wed Sep 14 18:18:58 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * remote-hms.c (hms_read_inferior_memory): Cope when
- target sends both \r and \n.
-Wed Sep 14 17:14:57 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * remote-mips.c (mips_error): Place NORETURN macro correctly.
-Wed Sep 14 14:26:21 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab): Fix obsolete comment about
- mst_solib_trampoline.
- * f-valprint.c (f_val_print): Change cast of valaddr from
- CORE_ADDR * to char **, since that is how it is used.
- * dbxread.c (read_dbx_dynamic_symtab): Save copy of symbol names
- using obsavestring, and pass that to prim_record_minimal_symbol.
- Having the objfile point to bfd_asymbol_name directly doesn't work
- if we save and restore a mapped symbol file.
-Tue Sep 13 18:23:26 1994 Rob Savoye (
- * w89k-rom.c, op50-rom.c, monitor.c, config/pa/ New files
- to add a generic ROM monitor interface, and support file for the
- WinBond W89K and the Oki OP50N PA based target boards.
-Sun Sep 11 22:34:57 1994 Jeff Law (
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (REGISTER_NAMES): Use r26-r23 for arg0-arg3.
-Sun Sep 11 04:36:47 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * irix5-nat.c, osfsolib.c, solib.c (solib_add): Simplify last
- change by replacing `symbols_added' with `so_last'.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_external, parse_partial_symbols): Ignore
- global common symbols, they will be resolved by the runtime loader.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol, parse_partial_symbols, cross_ref):
- Handle scSCommon like scCommon symbols.
-Sat Sep 10 01:43:28 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * corelow.c (add_solib_stub): Copy to_sections changes from
- core_ops to current_target after adding the shared libraries.
- * partial-stab.h (N_EXCL), dbxread.c (add_old_header_file,
- find_corresponding_bincl_psymtab): Change `repeated header not seen'
- error to a complaint, simplify complaint.
- * procfs.c (signalname, errnoname): Make `name' const.
- * symfile.c (reread_symbols): Use filename from old BFD to
- reopen the objfile.
- * values.c (record_latest_value): Don't record value in the
- history chain until we are sure there won't be an error.
-Fri Sep 9 15:52:09 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * nlm/ remove MMALLOC, READLINE, TERMCAP, and other
- cruft.
- * config/i386/ New file, defs for i386 nlm stub.
-Thu Sep 8 17:14:43 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * remote.c (fromhex): Make error more explicit.
- (read_frame): Don't print bad checksum information unless
- remote_debugging. Don't use repeat count unless it's > 0.
- * remote-e7000.c (expect): When echoing, ignore multiple newlines.
- (e7000_insert_breakpoint, e7000_remove_breakpoint, target_ops):
- Optionally cope with BC style breakpoints.
- (e7000_command): After command send directly to the E7000 mark
- registers as changed.
- (why_stop, e7000_wait: Understand BC style stop condition.
- * sh-tdep.c (sh_skip_prologue): Understand more complicated
- sequences. (frame_find_saved_regs): Likewise.
- * config/h8500/tm-h8500.h (target_write_pc, TARGET_WRITE_PC):
- Handle extra arg.
- * config/i386/xm-go32.h (GDBINIT_FILENAME): Set to gdb.ini.
- (more work here to come)
- * config/sh/tm-sh.h (EXTRA_FRAME_INFO): Add f_offset and leaf_function
- fields.
-Thu Sep 8 16:15:34 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * sparclite/ Assorted stuff needed for eload.
- * sparclite/eload.c: Merge in command line argument parsing and
- error message handling improvements orignally made to aload.c.
-Wed Sep 7 23:24:50 1994 Jeff Law (
- * defs.h (enum misc_command_type, command_control_type): Enums
- for describing the command and control types.
- (struct command_line): Add new fields to keep track of the command
- type and body associated with the command.
- * top.c: Include value.h. Delete whitespace at the end of lines.
- (build_command_line, get_command_line): New functions.
- (execute_control_command, while_command, if_command): Likewise.
- (realloc_body_list, read_next_line): Likewise.
- (recurse_read_control_structure): Likewise.
- (execute_user_command): Call execute_control_command.
- (read_command_lines): Simplify by calling read_next_line, call
- read_control_structure for "if" and "while" commands.
- (free_command_lines): Free new fields in the command structure.
- (define_command): Reset control_level to zero.
- (init_main): Install command handlers for "if" and "while" commands.
-Tue Sep 6 16:24:07 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * c-typeprint.c (c_type_print_varspec_prefix,
- c_type_print_varspec_suffix): Add cases for Fortran type codes.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): For OP_ARRAY expressions in Fortran,
- call f77_value_literal_string instead.
- * f_exp.y: Include <string.h>, move include of parser-defs.h.
- (parse_number): Translate 'd' floats to 'e' so atof() works.
- (yylex): Remove unused variables.
- * f-lang.c: Include <string.h>.
- (get_bf_for_fcn): Remove unused variable.
- * f-typeprint.c (f_type_print_varspec_prefix,
- f_type_print_varspec_suffix): Remove unused
- variables, add cases to switch statements.
- (f_type_print_base): Remove unused variables.
- * f-valprint.c (gdbcore.h, command.h): Include.
- (f77_get_dynamic_lowerbound, f77_get_dynamic_upperbound):
- Call read_memory_integer with correct number of arguments.
- (f77_get_dynamic_upperbound): Call f77_get_dynamic_lowerbound
- with correct argument type.
- (f77_print_array): Removed unused array array_size_array.
- (f_val_print): Don't use a CORE_ADDR as a char *.
- * valops.c (value_cast): Handle COMPLEX and BOOL types.
- (value_assign): Handle Fortran literal string and complex values.
- (f77_cast_into_complex, f77_assign_from_literal_string,
- f77_assign_from_literal_complex): New functions.
-Mon Sep 5 14:46:41 1994 Per Bothner (
- * ch-typeprint.c (chill_type_print_base): Make TYPE_CODE_RANGE
- case more robust.
-Sun Sep 4 16:06:34 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * i960-tdep.c (signal.h): Don't include.
- * cxux-nat.c (target_is_m88110): Remove definition.
- * (config/nm-empty.h): If cross only, use instead
- of config/nm-trash.h.
- * config/nm-trash.h: Remove.
- * config/nm-empty.h: New file.
- * config/i386/nm-m3.h: New file, includes config/nm-m3.h.
- * config/mips/nm-m3.h: New file, includes config/nm-m3.h.
- * config/m68k/nm-sysv4.h: New file, includes config/nm-sysv4.h.
- * config/mips/nm-sysv4.h: New file, includes config/nm-sysv4.h.
- * config/sparc/nm-sysv4.h: New file, includes config/nm-sysv4.h.
-Fri Sep 2 17:35:55 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * No longer look for nm, tm, and xm headers in
- config/<header>; they are always in config/<cpu>/<header>.
-Fri Sep 2 16:40:03 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * objfiles.c (allocate_objfile): Add the newly-created objfile to
- the end of the list of objfiles, instead of at the beginning.
- * xcoffread.c (allocate_include_entry): New function, abstracted
- from code in record_include_begin.
- (record_include_begin, record_include_end): Call it.
- * blockframe.c (reinit_frame_cache): Test inferior_pid instead of
- target_has_stack to decide whether to create a real stack frame
- for the cache.
- * coffread.c (process_coff_symbol) [CXUX_TARGET]: Ignore vendor
- section.
- * config/m88k/tm-cxux.h (CXUX_TARGET): Define.
- * h8300-tdep.c: Include "dis-asm.h" instead of <dis-asm.h>.
-Fri Sep 2 09:51:46 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * config/sparc/tm-nbsd.h: Add #defines to map NetBSD struct and
- field names into what is expected by sparc-nat.c.
-Thu Sep 1 17:32:54 1994 Per Bothner (
- * c-typeprint.c (c_typedef_print): Add missing Chill support.
-Thu Sep 1 15:41:21 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * rs6000-pinsn.c (print_insn): Use powerpc disassembler when
- doing Power PC.
- * config/powerpc/tm-ppc-nw.h: Define GDB_TARGET_POWERPC.
- * config/i386/, config/m68k/,
- config/rs6000/, config/sparc/ Enable
- ser-tcp.
- * nlm/ Get rid of NWSOURCE.
- * nlm/alpha-io.S (inVti, outVti): Remove extraneous ldha's.
- * nlm/gdbserve.o: Add dummy __main routine.
- * nlm/gdbserve.def: Turn on debug.
-Thu Sep 1 12:36:39 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/xm-nbsd.h: Don't define SET_STACK_LIMIT_HUGE; it is obsolete.
-Thu Sep 1 11:01:40 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * config/tm-nbsd.h: New file, support for all NetBSD targets.
- * config/xm-nbsd.h: fix typo.
- * config/sparc/{nm,tm,xm}-nbsd.h: New files, renamed from
- {nm,tm,xm}-sparcnbsd.h to conform to prefered file naming
- conventions.
- * (sparc-*-netbsd): use config/sparc/nbsd.m[ht].
-Wed Aug 31 14:40:33 1994 Jason Molenda (
- * remote-udi.c (udi_read_inferior_memory,udi_write_inferior_memory):
- change typeo in error msg (`inferrior' -> `inferior').
-Wed Aug 31 09:17:02 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * inflow.c (set_sigint_trap, clear_sigint_trap): Check for
- attach_flag (this check was performed by the callers). Also check
- inferior_thisrun_terminal.
- * inftarg.c (child_wait), lynx-nat.c (child_wait),
- procfs.c (wait_fd), symm-nat.c (child_wait): Don't check
- attach_flag in deciding whether to call set_sigint_trap and
- clear_sigint_trap.
- * value.h (struct value): Change literal_data from PTR to char *,
- since that is the way it is used.
-Tue Aug 30 21:56:54 1994 Jeff Law (
- * somread.c (som_symfile_read): Force unwinds to be re-read after
- reading in a new partial symbol table.
-Tue Aug 30 13:14:16 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * config/h8500/tm-8500.h (DONT_USE_REMOTE): Remove definition,
- an obsolete conditional.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (BREAKPOINT) [KERNELDEBUG]: Remove use,
- an obsolete conditional.
- * config/rs6000/, config/rs6000/ Clean up
- comments.
-Mon Aug 29 14:39:42 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * (ns32k-opcode.h): Remove reference.
- (ns32k-pinsn.o): Update dependencies.
- * ns32k-opcode.h: Remove file.
- * ns32k-pinsn.c (print_insn): Call version in libopcodes, remove
- all other code in this file.
-Mon Aug 29 12:04:07 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * nlm/ Stop using cpu.c. Put it in TDEPFILES instead.
- * config/alpha/ (TDEPFILES): Remove alpha-patch.o.
- * nlm/ Add rule for .S.o.
- * nlm/aio.h: Protect from multiple inclusions.
- * nlm/alpha-io.S: Remove everything we don't need.
- * nlm/{alpha-patch.c, alpha-patch.h, alpha-uart.c, alpha-uart.h}:
- Remove, no longer needed.
- * nlm/alpha.c: Merge in lots of stuff from previous files.
- * nlm/alpha.h: Don't #include alpha-patch.h. Make
- breakpoint_insn extern.
- * Move stuff from alpha-patch.h into here.
- * config/alpha/ (TDEPFILES): Get rid of alpha-uart.o.
-Mon Aug 29 11:34:34 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * annotate.c (annotate_starting): Flush output.
-Sat Aug 27 23:32:43 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * symfile.c (symbol_file_add): Move reinit_frame_cache call to
- the callers of symbol_file_add. Gets rid of heuristic fence-post
- warnings on mips and alpha targets when the PC resides in a shared
- library which is not yet read in.
- * coff-solib.c (coff_solib_add), cxux-nat.c (add_shared_symbol_files),
- irix5-nat.c (solib_add), osfsolib.c (solib_add),
- remote-vx.c (vx_open), solib.c (solib_add):
- Add call to reinit_frame_cache after all shared libraries are read in.
- * remote-udi.c (udi_load), remote-vx.c (vx_load_command),
- symfile.c (symbol_file_command, add_symbol_file_command):
- Add call to reinit_frame_cache after symbol_file_add.
-Wed Aug 24 17:45:14 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * config/xm-nbsd.h: New file, support for all NetBSD ports.
- * config/sparc/{nm-sparcnbsd.h,tm-sparcnbsd.h,xm-sparcnbsd.h,
-,}: New files, support for NetBSD/sparc.
- * Add sparc-*-netbsd target.
-Wed Aug 24 13:17:34 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * remote-vx.c (vx_attach): Interpret the command argument as an
- unsigned long.
-Wed Aug 24 13:08:08 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * Change i[34]86 to i[345]86.
- * nlm/ Likewise.
- * gdbserver/ Likewise.
-Wed Aug 24 09:41:09 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * (i386-*-netware): Automatically configure nlm
- subdir.
-Tue Aug 23 17:51:13 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * nlm/gdbserve.c: conditionalize header file inclusion for either
- NetWare 4.0 or PIN targets.
- * nlm/i386.c: include appropriate header files.
- * nlm/prelude.c: define TERMINATE_BY_UNLOAD for NetWare 4.0
- targets.
-Tue Aug 23 16:54:16 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * nlm/ppc.c (set_step_traps clear_step_traps): Cleanups.
- * nlm/gdbserve.def: Autoload clib.
-Tue Aug 23 12:05:19 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.c (condition_command): Call breakpoints_changed.
- * gdbtypes.h: Declare f77_create_literal_string_type and
- f77_create_literal_complex_type.
- * valops.c (f77_value_literal_string, f77_value_substring,
- f77_value_literal_complex): Use xmalloc not malloc.
- * valops.c (f77_value_literal_string, f77_value_substring):
- Make addr char * not CORE_ADDR.
- * value.h (struct value): Add new field literal_data of aligner union.
- * f-lang.h: Declare find_common_for_function.
- * value.h, valops.c: Split VALUE_SUBSTRING_START into memaddr and
- myaddr fields of a union. Don't overload it with the frame field
- (not sure this is necessary; I'm not sure what lval_* codes
- VALUE_SUBSTRING_* can be used with).
-Mon Aug 22 11:45:01 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * config/a29k/{,,,,
-}: Clean up comments, remove no-longer-used definitions.
- * rs6000-nat.c: Include libbfd.h again, needed until reference
- to bfd_cache_lookup is cleaned out.
- * config/i386/ (XM_CLIBS): Add -lm.
-Mon Aug 22 10:42:15 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- Work to reduce the interrupts-off duration when running in DOS.
- * ser-go32.c: (dos_async_ready): See if anything is in the buffer.
- (dos_async_rx): rewrite to unpack as many characters from the
- asynctsr as possible into a local buffer.
-Fri Aug 19 14:55:45 1994 Stan Shebs (
- Initial Fortran language support, adapted from work by Farooq Butt
- (
- * Add Fortran-related files and dependencies.
- * defs.h (language_fortran): New language enum.
- * language.h (_LANG_fortran): Define.
- * expression.h: Reformat to standard.
- OP_F77_LITERAL_COMPLEX, OP_F77_SUBSTR): New expression opcodes.
- TYPE_CODE_LITERAL_STRING): New type codes.
- (type): New fields upper_bound_type and lower_bound_type.
- macros.
- (builtin_type_f_character, etc): Declare.
- * f-exp.y: New file, Fortran expression grammar.
- * f-lang.c: New file, Fortran language support functions.
- * f-lang.h: New file, Fortran language support declarations.
- * f-typeprint.c: New file, Fortran type printing.
- * f-valprint.c: New file, Fortran value printing.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Add code for new expression opcodes,
- fix wording of error message.
- * gdbtypes.c (f77_create_literal_complex_type,
- f77_create_literal_string_type): New functions.
- * language.c (set_language_command): Add Fortran info.
- (calc_f77_array_dims): New function.
- * parse.c (length_of_subexp, prefixify_subexp): Add cases for new
- expression opcodes.
- * symfile.c (deduce_language_from_filename): Recognize .f and .F
- as Fortran source files.
- * valops.c (f77_value_literal_string, f77_value_substring,
- f77_value_literal_complex): New functions.
-Fri Aug 19 13:35:01 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * c-typeprint.c (c_print_type): Assume demangled arguments
- if a '(' is found in varstring, looking for ')' at the end of
- varstring did fail with demangled const member functions, which
- have a trailing `const'.
- * remote.c (get_offsets, putpkt): Change to `char' buffers,
- to avoid errors when compiling with DEC c89.
- (remote_wait): Cast to `char *' before passing buffer to
- fputs_filtered, to avoid errors when compiling with DEC c89.
- (remote_wait): Do not return inferior_pid by default, this
- statement is never reached, which causes warnings from some
- compilers.
- * stabsread.c (scan_file_globals): Ignore static minimal symbols.
- * symfile.c (load_command): If called with no argument, try
- to get the filename from the executable file.
- (generic_load): Remove check for NULL filename, it is done
- in load_command now.
-Fri Aug 19 10:36:15 1994 Jeff Law (
- * (ALLDEPFILES): Add hpread.c.
- (hpread.o): Add dependencies.
- * somread.c: Do not include "aout/aout64.h". SOM has nothing to
- do with a.out.
- (BYTES_IN_WORD): Delete.
- (som_symfile_read): Call hpread_build_psymtabs to build any
- minimal symbols based on the HP C native debug symbols.
- (som_symfile_finish): Call hpread_symfile_finish.
- (som_symfile_init): Call hpread_symfile_init.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (HPREAD_ADJUST_STACK_ADDRESS): Define.
- * hppa-tdep.c (hpread_adjust_stack_address): New function.
- * config/pa/ (NATDEPFILES): Add hpread.o
- * config/pa/ (NATDEPFILES): Likewise.
- * hpread.c: New file.
-Fri Aug 19 00:40:55 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (skip_trampoline_code): Revert incorrect change
- from June 2, 1994 (what was I thinking?!?). Fix it right this
- time.
-Thu Aug 18 17:01:35 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * nlm/i386.c, nlm/i386.h: New files that contain i386 specific code.
-Thu Aug 18 14:39:46 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * README: Grammar improvements, clarifications, updates.
-Wed Aug 17 23:08:53 1994 Stu Grossman (
- NLMCONV_FOR_TARGET. (SUBDIRS): Add nlm target.
- * (powerpc-*-netware*): Automatically configure nlm
- subdir.
- * nlm/ Add {CC NLMCONV LD}_FOR_TARGET. Remove alpha
- specific stuff. Make things more configurable.
- * nlm/ Add powerpc-*-netware* target. Use
- for target stuff. Get rid of tm/xm/nm.h
- files.
- * nlm/gdbserve.c: Move Alpha specific stuff into other files.
- Remove lots of architecture-specific stuff.
- * nlm/gdbserve.def: Add new imports.
- * nlm/ppc.c, nlm/ppc.h: New files that contain PowerPC specific code.
- * nlm/prelude.c: Don't include libhooks.h, get rid of call to
- register library.
- * nlm/prelude.o: What was this doing here?
- * config/alpha/ Defs for alpha nlm stub.
- * config/powerpc/ Defs for PowerPC nlm stub.
- * config/powerpc/ Defs for PowerPC target for GDB.
- * config/powerpc/tm-ppc-nw.h: Ditto.
- * nlmstub.def: New file, contains imports for 386 nlm stub.
-Wed Aug 17 23:17:33 1994 Rob Savoye (
- * remote-pa.c: New file for HPPA embedded support. Currently it's
- a copy of remote.c.
- * config/pa/,, User remote-pa.c.
-Wed Aug 17 13:19:52 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * config/m68k/tm-delta68.h (EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE,
- STORE_RETURN_VALUE): Define to use %a0 for pointers.
-Wed Aug 17 07:43:06 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote-mips.c: Remove unused declaration of mips_load.
-Tue Aug 16 16:45:34 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * coffread.c: General cleanup, and support for section offsets.
- (time.h, sys/types.h, libbfd.h): Don't include.
- (cur_src_start_addr, cur_src_end_addr): Rename to
- current_source_start_addr, current_source_end_addr.
- (nlist_stream_global): Remove.
- (nlist_bfd_global): New global variable.
- (coff_symfile_read): Remove code that gets and uses fileno()
- directly.
- (read_coff_symtab, enter_linenos, process_coff_symbol): Add
- section_offsets parameter, add text/data section offset to
- appropriate symbols' values.
- (read_one_sym): Use bfd_read instead of fread.
- (init_stringtab, init_lineno): Change first parameter to a bfd,
- use bfd routines instead of raw I/O.
-Tue Aug 16 15:24:03 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): If funfirstline and we get a
- non-LOC_BLOCK symbol (e.g. variable or type), then error().
- Remove; unused.
- (HFILES_NO_SRCDIR): Remove all files in config sub-directory.
- (TAGS): Also pass result of find on config sub-directory to etags.
- (ALLPARAM): Remove; now unused.
-Sun Aug 14 13:05:26 1994 Fred Fish (
- * (VERSION): Bump to 4.13.1
- * NEWS, README: Update to match gdb 4.13 release version.
-Sat Aug 13 08:22:50 1994 Fred Fish (
- Harris CX/UX support, from Bob Rusk (
- * cxux-nat.c: Remove dangling #else block.
- (m88k_harris_core_register_addr): New function.
- * environ.c (init_environ): If no environment, do nothing.
-Fri Aug 12 19:30:53 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c: Delete rest of TODO list. Do not include "libbfd.h",
- <time.h>, <sys/types.h>, "demangle.h", <sys/file.h>,
- "expression.h", "language.h", "gdbtypes.h", "demangleh".
- Move all global variables into the private symbol table structure
- and add accessor macros. Update some comments.
- (hpread_build_psymtabs): Delete dbsubc_addr, we don't need it.
- (hpread_end_psymtab): New function to end a partial symbol table,
- all callers changed (no more bogus sharing with dbxread.c).
-Fri Aug 12 15:52:37 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * remote.c (remote_wait): Return inferior_pid instead of 0 for
- `W` message.
-Fri Aug 12 11:47:10 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * sparclite/aload.c (sys_error, error): Use vfprintf for variable
- argument lists.
-Thu Aug 11 04:06:42 1994 Doug Evans (
- * defs.h (concat, basename, buildargv, freeargv, strerrno, strsigno,
- errno_max, signo_max, strtoerrno, strtosigno): Delete.
- Include "libiberty.h" instead.
-Wed Aug 10 13:23:47 1994 Rick Sladkey (
- * i386v-nat.c (i386_insert_nonaligned_watchpoint):
- add additional argument specifying raw address to permit
- proper release of debug registers.
- (i386_insert_watchpoint, i386_insert_aligned_watchpoint):
- change all callers.
-Wed Aug 10 16:13:45 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * defs.h, top.c: Use `extern' in declarations of GUI hooks, and
- define them in top.c. Add comments to the hooks.
-Wed Aug 10 15:57:43 1994 Doug Evans (
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_ops): Set `to_insert_breakpoint' and
- `to_remove_breakpoint' fields.
-Wed Aug 10 15:46:03 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * infcmd.c (run_command): Remove comment suggesting using
- target_has_execution instead of inferior_pid.
-Wed Aug 10 10:33:20 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * remote-mips.c (mips_open): add code to handle baud rate.
-Tue Aug 9 09:44:42 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Call target_resume() upon
- detection of new processes.
- * procfs.c (create_procinfo): Return pointer to new procinfo
- structure.
- * (do_detach): Spacing & formatting cleanup.
- * (procfs_wait): Move wait_again label to ensure that we really
- wait again. On exit from fork, release new child from gdbs'
- clutches.
- * (procfs_set_sproc_trap): Enable trapping of fork and vfork.
-Mon Aug 08 15:34:13 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c (hpread_process_one_debug_symbol): Fix block scoping
- problem (losing localvars on the close-brace instead of after
- the close brace).
-Mon Aug 8 15:09:32 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * i386-nlmstub.c (handle_exception): Wait until the thread has
- been started before killing the NLM by pointing the PC at
- _exit().
-Sat Aug 6 22:27:30 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * config/mips/tm-irix5.h (IN_SIGTRAMP): Redefine for Irix 5,
- Irix 5 has a standard _sigtramp signal handler.
- * irix5-nat.c (solib_add): Get rid of sigtramp_address handling,
- it is not needed for a standard _sigtramp signal handler.
- Add shared library sections to the section table of the target
- before adding the symbols.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_skip_prologue): Do not skip load immediate
- instructions that do not prepare a stack adjustment.
- * regex.c (SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR): Update to emacs-19.25 definition,
- which does the right thing on machines where `char' is unsigned.
-Fri Aug 5 17:50:59 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * remote.c (remote_open): Move setting of inferior_pid prior to
- call to remote_start_remote. Also use unique value for pid to
- avoid confusion with read_register_pid & friends.
- * (remote_wait): Return inferior_pid instead of 0 in all cases.
-Fri Aug 5 12:23:02 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * dwarfread.c (bfd.h): Don't include.
-Fri Aug 5 09:08:34 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * i386-nlmstub.c (handle_exception): Point the PC at _exit() to
- kill the program being debugged. KillMe(), the undocumented
- call intended for this purpose, causes the server to hang.
-Thu Aug 4 16:26:06 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * remote.c (read_frame): Calculate run length encoded checksum
- correctly.
- * config/sh/stub.c: New file.
-Thu Aug 4 14:34:12 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * target.c (find_default_run_target): Make sure to_can_run is set
- before calling it.
-Thu Aug 4 11:46:27 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * TODO: Remove note about fast watchpoints and remove obsolete
- Mach stuff.
-Thu Aug 4 11:08:03 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * config/i386/xm-i386v4.h, config/m68k/xm-m68kv4.h,
- config/sparc/xm-sun4sol2.h (NORETURN): Don't define.
- * config/m88k/tm-cxux.h (ARCH_NUM_REGS): Undefine before defining.
-Thu Aug 4 10:26:36 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * target.c (add_target): Don't call clean_target on target
- vectors anymore.
- * (unpush_target): Test for to_close being set before calling.
- * (target_xfer_memory, target_info): Check for to_has_memory
- before playing with memory.
- * remote.c (remote_open): Set inferior_pid to make kill command
- happy.
- * inflow.c (kill_command): Revert change of Aug 2. Use
- inferior_pid to determine whether to print out "The program is not
- being run." message.
-Thu Aug 4 07:55:04 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/i386/ (NAT_CLIBS): Add -lmachid and -lnetname.
- * m3-nat.c, config/nm-m3.h: #if 0 REQUEST_QUIT stuff.
- * m3-nat.c: Pass argument to return_to_top_level.
- Declare m3_kill_inferior before use.
- (port_chain_insert): In "can't happen" case, abort rather than
- setting `mid' to large decimal constant (which gcc warns about).
- (get_thread_name): Use cast to convert const char * to char *.
- (add_mach_specific_commands): #if 0 "thread break" command.
- (m3_trace_him): Call push_target.
- (mach_really_wait): New argument pid; remove unused
- variable pid.
- (intercept_exec_calls): Call target_terminal_init and
- target_terminal_inferior once the child execs.
- * infrun.c (proceed): Pass argument to PREPARE_TO_PROCEED.
-Wed Aug 3 22:41:13 1994 Tom Lord (
- * procfs.c (procfs_mourn_inferior): don't dereference the
- procinfo pointer after it has been freed.
-Wed Aug 3 12:05:13 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_1): Improve pluralization in display
- of breakpoint hit counts.
- * language.h (struct language_defn): Remove unused field
- la_longest_float.
- (longest_float): Remove, no longer used.
- * language.c (unknown_language_defn, auto_language_defn,
- local_language_defn): Remove init of la_longest_float field.
- * c-lang.c (c_language_defn, cplus_language_defn,
- asm_language_defn): Ditto.
- * ch-lang.c (chill_language_defn): Ditto.
- * m2-lang.c (m2_language_defn): Ditto.
-Tue Aug 2 10:58:34 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * defs.h (bfd_read, bfd_seek): Remove declarations.
- * os9kread.c, rs6000-nat.c (libbfd.h): Don't include.
-Tue Aug 2 09:50:50 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * inflow.c (kill_command): Fix a bug which prevented target
- programs to be killed.
-Mon Aug 1 18:48:47 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * defs.h: Change two-line declarations to one-line form.
- (NORETURN): Define as "volatile" only for older GCCs.
- (ATTR_NORETURN): Define for newer GCCs.
- * procfs.c (proc_init_failed): Add ATTR_NORETURN to declaration.
-Mon Aug 1 16:43:24 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.c (mention), main.c (fputs_unfiltered): Add comments.
- * breakpoint.c (delete_breakpoint, enable_breakpoint,
- disable_breakpoint): Don't call breakpoints_changed; it is now
- called via the *_breakpoint_hook functions.
- * annotate.c (_initialize_annotate, breakpoint_changed): New functions.
-Mon Aug 1 13:38:04 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * stabsread.c (read_type): Fix a bug in enum size calculation.
-Mon Aug 1 01:36:13 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (compare_unwind_entries): Add "const" to both
- argument types to shut up GCC.
- * hppa-tdep.c (saved_pc_after_call): If the saved PC is in a
- linker stub, then return the address the stub will return to.
- (frame_saved_pc): Correctly restart the search for the saved
- pc when a linker stub is encountered.
- * hppa-tdep.c (inst_saves_gr): Handle 16 and 8 bit instruction
- register stores emitted by the version 9 HP compilers.
- (inst_saves_fr): Relax test for a specific base register (%r1);
- this avoids losing with the version 9 HP compilers.
- (skip_prologue): Try to skip argument stores emitted by the HP
- compilers. It's not perfect, but it's better than before.
-Fri Jul 29 23:20:30 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * findvar.c (write_pc write_pc_pid): Remove casts to long when
- calling write_register_pid.
- * (write_register_pid): Add prototype.
-Fri Jul 29 21:56:23 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * remote.c (read_frame): Split readchar/checksum calculation into
- two parts since evaluation order is undefined.
-Fri Jul 29 13:46:08 1994 Fred Fish (
- From Kevin A. Buettner (
- * (coredep.o): Add inferior.h as dependency.
- * inflow.c: Add F_SETOWN to list of defines to check
- around code that uses F_SETOWN.
-Fri Jul 29 09:59:05 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * (CC_FOR_TARGET, CXX_FOR_TARGET): If using newlib,
- set the -L and -B directory prefixes so we can link with it.
-Thu Jul 28 14:37:36 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * (INSTALLED_LIBS, CLIBS, DEPFILES): Add support for
- --enable-xxx configure option by adding ENABLE_{CLIBS DEPFILES}
- where appropriate.
- * General hackery to support alternate user-interface.
- * breakpoint.c (mention, delete_breakpoint, enable_breakpoint,
- disable_breakpoint): Call hooks for alternate user-interface.
- * defs.h: Add declarations for alternate user-interface hooks.
- * main.c (main): Add --nw (and --nowindows) options to disable
- the GUI.
- * (near call to command_loop): Call command_loop_hook if set.
- * (fputs_unfiltered): Call fputs_unfiltered_hook if set.
- * stack.c: Call print_frame_info_listing_hook if set.
- * top.c (gdb_init): Initialize targets.c and utils.c prior to
- other files to make sure that calls to error and warning will
- work. Call init_ui_hook after everything else.
- * utils.c (query): Call query_hook if set.
- * (gdb_flush): Call flush_hook if set.
- * Change _initialize_utils to initialize_utils cuz we don't use
- automatic initialization of utils.c anymore.
- * remote.c: Get rid of #ifdef DONT_USE_REMOTE. It's no longer
- necessary.
-Thu Jul 28 14:52:01 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * (CC_FOR_TARGET, CXX_FOR_TARGET): Use newlib if it is
- there and we are using the gcc from the tree.
- (LD_FOR_TARGET): Look for ld in ../ld/
-Thu Jul 28 10:43:36 1994 Fred Fish (
- * (annotate.o): Add dependencies.
-Wed Jul 27 14:34:42 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * sparclite/aload.c: Added new -q (quiet) option.
- return 0 exit status if file was successfully downloaded.
- * nlm/gdbserve.c: merge in command line argument parsing changes
- and bug fixes made to i386-nlmstub.c.
- * i386-nlmstub.c: The returnLength field must be initialized
- before portConfig is passed to AIOGetPortConfiguration.
- Compare command line arguments with strnicmp(); args are
- case insensitive on netware.
-Wed Jul 27 09:24:19 1994 Fred Fish (
- * (DISTSTUFF): Add definition.
- (diststuff): Add for new distribution support.
- (gdb.tar.Z, make-proto-gdb.dir, setup-to-dist,
- gdb-$(VERSION).tar.Z, make-proto-gdb-1, make-proto-testsuite.dir):
- Remove old distribution building rules, now uses standard
- distribution support in parent directory
-Tue Jul 26 14:15:53 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * target.c (push_target): Cast result from xmalloc.
-Tue Jul 26 18:20:46 1994 Paul Flinders (ptf@smee)
- * elfread.c (elf_symtab_read): Discard compiler labels generated
- by the Solaris 2.1/Intel SunPro compiler.
-Mon Jul 25 18:19:24 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * target.c (nomemory): Fix prototype and routine to take correct
- args.
-Mon Jul 25 15:38:23 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * (clean): Remove libgdb-files.
-Mon Jul 25 11:50:57 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * coredep.c: Include inferior.h.
-Mon Jul 25 11:36:02 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * i386-nlmstub.c: Add support for NODE, PORT and BAUD command
- line arguments.
-Sat Jul 23 14:36:09 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * symfile.c (deduce_language_from_filename): Recognize .S as asm,
- .cp as C++, alphabetize better.
- * breakpoint.c (ignore, condition): Move usage note into body of
- help text, so first line can be one-line summary.
-Sat Jul 23 00:58:15 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * target.c (unpush_target): Fix handling of removal of top target.
-Fri Jul 22 17:30:39 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * Add stuff to build nlmstub.
- * Add rule for annotate.o to keep Sun make happy.
- * Add config for powerpc/Netware.
- * partial-stab.h (near N_SO): Don't call START_PSYMTAB with null
- filename. This speeds up handling of trailing N_SO stabs (they
- mark the end of a .o file).
- * target.c, target.h: Change the way pushing and popping of
- targets work to support target overlays and inheritance.
- * corelow.c, hppa-tdep.c, inflow.c, remote-nindy.c, utils.c:
- Fixup references to current_target, due to previous changes.
- * config/i386/tm-i386nw.h: Enable longjmp support. More work is
- needed to get the address of longjmp out of the target.
-Tue Jul 19 13:25:06 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * main.c: Include <ctype.h>.
-Mon Jul 18 15:32:17 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * remote-mips.c (mips_readchar): Fix a bug in checking <IDT>
- prompt.
-Mon Jul 18 14:26:35 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * solib.c (look_for_base): Don't deref exec_bfd if NULL.
-Sun Jul 17 15:38:36 1994 Fred Fish (
- * (VERSION): Bump to 4.12.4.
-Sun Jul 17 12:20:35 1994 Stan Shebs (
- Harris CX/UX support, from Bob Rusk (
- * (m88*-harris-cxux*): New configuration.
- * cxux-nat.c, config/m88k/, config/m88k/,
- config/m88k/xm-cxux.h, config/m88k/tm-cxux.h, config/m88k/nm-cxux.h:
- New files.
- * config/m88k/tm-m88k.h: Add comment about Harris OS.
- (TARGET_WRITE_PC): Pass pid through to register writers.
- * (m68*): Put vendor-only-specified host configs
- after vendor-and-os-specified configs.
- (m68*-atari-sysv4*, m68*-cbm-sysv4*): Replace with m68*-*-sysv4.
- * config/m88k/ (MUNCH_DEFINE): Remove.
- * config/m88k/, config/m88k/ Format
- consistently.
-Sat Jul 16 23:39:17 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * elfread.c (elf_symtab_read): Handle error return from
- bfd_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound gracefully.
-Sat Jul 16 14:43:17 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * inferior.h (ARCH_NUM_REGS): New macro, actual number of
- registers in use by the inferior.
- * coredep.c (fetch_core_registers, register_addr): Use it.
- * findvar.c (registers_changed, registers_fetched,
- read_register_bytes): Ditto.
- * infcmd.c (do_registers_info, registers_info): Ditto.
- * infptrace.c (fetch_inferior_registers,
- store_inferior_registers): Ditto.
- * stack.c (frame_info): Ditto.
- * coredep.c (CORE_REGISTER_ADDR): New macro.
- (fetch_core_registers): Use it.
- * breakpoint.c (ignore, condition): Add usage notes to help strings.
- * symfile.c (add-symbol-file): Add usage note to help string.
- (add_shared_symbol_files_command): New command.
- gcc -Wall lint.
- * inferior.h (read_pc_pid): Declare.
- * breakpoint.c (watchpoint_check): Cache breakpoint in local
- variable b, remove unused variable other_type_used.
- * main.c (inferior.h, call-cmds.h): Include.
- (gdb_init): Declare.
- * remote.c (remote_wait): Return 0 by default.
-Fri Jul 15 16:43:33 1994 Stan Shebs (
- Stop printing at null char option, from Oliver Meyer
- (
- * valprint.h, valprint.c (stop_print_at_null): New global.
- * valprint.c (_initialize_valprint): New print set subcommand
- "null-stop".
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): If stop_print_at_null is on, and
- printing a char array, adjust the number of chars to print.
-Fri Jul 15 14:33:40 1994 Stan Shebs (
- From Kevin A. Buettner (
- * m88k-tdep.c (examine_prologue): Modified to handle prologues for
- pic code in addition to prologues where an instruction from the
- prologue gets moved into the delay slot of a branch instruction
- immediately following the prologue. A table of potential prologue
- instructions (prologue_insn_tbl) is now used for picking apart a
- function prologue.
- (frame_find_saved_regs): Changed the way in which limit gets set
- so that the delay slot of branch instructions immediately
- following the prologue gets examined.
- (pushed_size, store_parm_word, store_parm, push_parameters,
- collect_returned_value): Deleted.
-Fri Jul 15 01:06:00 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Handle stepping into leaf
- functions whose prologue consists of gp loading code only.
-Thu Jul 14 14:22:12 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * dbxread.c: Don't include libbfd.h.
- * dwarfread.c, elfread.c somread.c: Don't include libbfd.h,
- <time.h>, or <sys/types.h>.
- * elfread.c (elf_symfile_read): Use only standard BFD functions to
- collect information about the stab and stab string sections.
-Thu Jul 14 13:17:39 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * stabsread.c (read_huge_number): handle large unsigned number
- for stabs generated by os9k C compiler.
-Wed Jul 13 18:58:15 1994 Stan Shebs (
- Breakpoint hit counts, from Bob Rusk (
- * breakpoint.h (hit_count): New breakpoint field.
- * breakpoint.c (show_breakpoint_hit_counts): New variable.
- (clear_breakpoint_hit_counts): New function.
- (bpstat_stop_status): Increment the hit count.
- (breakpoint_1): Display the hit count.
- * infcmd.c (run_command): Reset breakpoint hit counts.
- * target.c (generic_mourn_inferior): Don't clear ignore counts if
- displaying hit counts.
-Tue Jul 12 12:23:15 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * elfread.c (elf_symfile_read): Unconditionally add dynamic
- symbols for all symbol files. Makes skipping over the
- trampoline code work when stepping from a function in a shared
- library into a function in a different shared library for Irix 5.
- Other ELF targets do not have enough information in their
- dynamic symbol tables to make this work.
- (elf_symtab_read): Relocate mst_solib_trampoline address.
-Mon Jul 11 16:38:49 1994 Stan Shebs (
- Atari support, from Uwe Seimet (
- * (m68*-atari-sysv4*): New configuration.
- (m68*-cbm-sysv4*): Use m68kv4 instead of amix.
- * m68k-tdep.c (R_PS): Define as R_SR if necessary.
- * config/m68k/, config/m68k/,
- config/m68k/tm-m68kv4.h, config/m68k/xm-m68kv4.h: New files.
- * config/m68k/, config/m68k/,
- config/m68k/tm-amix.h, config/m68k/xm-amix.h: Removed, superseded
- by m68kv4 files.
-Sat Jul 9 16:28:43 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * symtab.c (find_function_start_sal): New function to find
- the start of a function from a function symbol.
- (decode_line_1, decode_line_2): Use it instead of open coded
- partial copies of the code.
- (list_symbols): Quote symbol name before passing it to
- break_command to enable proper handling of mangled symbols.
-Wed Jul 6 20:22:07 1994 Per Bothner (
- * ch-exp.y (match_simple_name_string): Don't lower-case here.
- * ch-exp.y (yylex): First try name lookup using exact name
- typed by user; if that fails, try lower-cased name.
-Wed Jul 06 12:39:07 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c: More cleanups. Delete lots of trailing whitespace.
- Remove some items from the TODO list and notes throughout code
- for things which need fixing. Add more comments.
- Document bogus struct symloc sharing with dbxread.c. Delete more
- useless variables. Add more PARAM prototypes. Fixup more
- indention problems that have crept in.
- (SET_NAMESTRING): Accept new namep and objfile arguments so that
- it doesn't depend on the variable names on the procedures it's
- used from.
- (hpread_symfile_init): Delete incorrect checks for bogus sizes of
- the debug sections.
-Wed Jul 6 00:48:57 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * dbxread.c, elfread.c, mipsread.c, nlmread.c, os9kread.c:
- Move "no debugging symbols found" test to symfile.c.
- * symfile.c (syms_from_objfile, reread_symbols): Add
- "no debugging symbols found" test.
- * coffread.c (init_stringtab): Handle stripped files with a
- stringtab offset of zero gracefully.
- * osfsolib.c (solib_create_inferior_hook): Use DYNAMIC flag from
- BFD instead of stop_pc heuristic to determine if it is a dynamically
- linked object file.
- * procfs.c (wait_fd): Handle ENOENT error return from PIOCWSTOP
- ioctl, it indicates that the process has exited.
-Mon Jul 04 19:48:03 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c (hpread_symfile_init): Make sure to initialize all the
- private data to zero. Not having any HP C debug symbols is not an
- error. Just return.
-Mon Jul 4 19:28:56 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (read_unwind_info): ELF unwind information is in the
- .PARISC.unwind section now.
-Mon Jul 4 17:06:26 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * breakpoint.c (mention): Always show breakpoint address if no
- source file.
-Sat Jul 2 01:51:33 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * solib.c (bfd_lookup_symbol, look_for_base): Reinstate to reenable
- handling of shared libraries for non-ELF executables, but only if
- (locate_base): Try to find debug_base in the dynamic linker
- for non-ELF executables if HANDLE_SVR4_EXEC_EMULATORS is defined.
- * config/sparc/tm-sun4sol2.h (HANDLE_SVR4_EXEC_EMULATORS):
- Define to enable handling of shared libraries for a.out executables,
- run under Solaris BCP.
-Fri Jul 01 19:50:21 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c: Change contribution notice to the Cygnus/Utah agreed
- upon notice. Delete some stuff from the TODO list. Rework
- many comments to be clearer. Major cleanups. Consistently
- use "hpread_" prefix. Delete unnecessary macros, structures
- variables, fiels, functions and #if 0 code. Mark code which
- still needs to be cleaned up. PARAMize and make most functions
- static. Fix error checking when reading in the debug section
- contents. No more minimal symbol table handling in this code!
-Thu Jun 30 13:59:23 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Print "Program exited normally"
- regardless of batch_mode.
- * defs.h, top.c (batch_mode): Removed.
-Wed Jun 29 18:53:36 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * (dcache_h): Remove redundant definition.
- (init.c): Add a comment.
- (top.c): Remove explicit compile action.
- * breakpoint.c (mention): Share code indicating location of
- break/watchpoints, don't print address if addressprint is off.
- * breakpoint.c, c-typeprint.c, c-valprint.c, energize.c, symtab.h
- (demangle): Remove redundant declarations.
- * eval.c: Remove redundant function declarations.
- * objfiles.h: Cosmetic and grammatical improvements.
- * TODO: Various updates.
- * remote-mips.c: Replace all \r chars with \015.
- (mips_receive_header): Display control characters readably.
- (mips_xfer_memory): Add a simple progress display.
-Wed Jun 29 13:11:45 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * remote-e7000.c (e7000_open): Don't try a tcp open if we're
- using go32.
- * remote-hms.c (flush): New function.
- (expect): Get edge case right.
- (hms_read_inferior_memory): Be more tolerant of line noise.
-Tue Jun 28 14:17:03 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * Use and as names of host and
- target files, not non-existent and
-Wed Jun 29 00:26:17 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * dbxread.c (dbx_symfile_read): Unconditionally add dynamic
- symbols for all symbol files. Makes skipping over the
- trampoline code work when stepping from a function in a shared
- library into a function in a different shared library.
- (read_dbx_dynamic_symtab): Relocate mst_solib_trampoline address.
-Tue Jun 28 15:28:01 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * dbxread.c, partial-stab.h (near N_SO): SO stabs with blank
- names mean end of .o file.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Clean up multi-thread logic near
- top of routine. Handle new thread notification cleanly.
- * lynx-nat.c (child_wait): General cleanups, handle new LynxOS
- thread notification scheme.
- * (child_resume): General cleanups, handle resumption of all
- threads properly.
-Mon Jun 27 09:57:23 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * ser-go32.c: Rewrite to run under windows.
- * ser-e7kpc.c: New file to support the E7000 with the PC ISA
- bus interface.
- * serial.c (serial_open): Notice device "pc".
- * remote-e7000.c: Fix copyright date.
- (expect): Compare \n and \r the same.
- (e7000_open): Allow pc as a serial port
- * sh/ Add ser-e7kpc.
- * h8300/ Add ser-e7kpc.
- * main.c (proc_wait): Don't wait if using go32.
-Mon Jun 27 00:35:51 1994 Jeff Law (
- * somread.c: Simplify by using stabsect_build_psymtabs.
- * dbxread.c (stabsect_build_psymtabs): New argument "text_name"
- corresponding to the name of the text section. All references
- changed.
- (somstab_build_psymtabs): Delete function, no longer needed.
-Sun Jun 26 23:54:08 1994 Jeff Law (
- * somread.c: Renamed from paread.c. Changed function names and
- comments to reflect that this file deals with SOM (an object file
- format), rather than the PA (a cpu).
- ( Chaned appropriately.
- (config/pa/, config/pa/ Likewise.
- * dbxread.c (somstab_build_psymtabs): Renamed from
- pastab_build_psymtabs.
-Fri Jun 24 08:15:42 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * core-sol2.c: New file to handle ELF and BCP core file flavours.
- * config/sparc/ (NATDEPFILES): Use it instead of
- core-svr4.
- * Updated for core-sol2.c.
- * README: Add notes about SPARCworks cc under Solaris 2.x,
- from Casper H.S. Dik (
- * config/mips/xm-makeva.h: Removed, no longer necessary.
- *, config/mips/xm-irix3.h, config/mips/xm-irix5.h,
- config/mips/xm-mips.h, config/mips/xm-news-mips.h,
- config/mips/xm-riscos.h: Remove references to xm-makeva.h
-Wed Jun 22 17:48:21 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * gdba.el: Put program input and output in a separate buffer.
-Wed Jun 22 16:54:15 1994 Fred Fish (
- * energize-patches, main.c (main), top.c (gdb_init, pwd_command),
- top.h: Change all occurances of dirbuf to gdb_dirbuf. Collides
- with global variable of same name in on UnixWare.
-Wed Jun 22 14:40:52 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): fix a bug in dealing with '<>'
- embedded in template name.
-Tue Jun 21 14:06:46 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * config/i386/nm-linux.h: change calling convention of
- target_insert_watchpoint() and
- target_remove_watchpoint().
- * config/mips/tm-mips64.h: define FORCE_LONG_LONG to force LONGEST
- to be long long in gdb.
- * config/mips/tm-bigmips.h: ditto.
-Mon Jun 20 23:54:37 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * c-lang.c (asm_language_defn): New definitions for language_asm,
- mostly copied from c_language_defn, to avoid warnings when
- switching between c and asm stack frames.
-Mon Jun 20 13:51:55 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol): Don't call ecoff_swap_tir_in or
- ecoff_swap_rndx_in directly; use the debug_swap pointer instead.
- (upgrade_type, handle_psymbol_enumerators): Likewise.
- (has_opaque_xref, cross_ref): Likewise.
- (elfmdebug_build_psymtabs): Call swap->read_debug_info to read
- debugging information, rather than doing it here.
- * mipsread.c (mipscoff_symfile_read): Call read_debug_info entry
- point in ecoff_debug_swap backend structure, rather than calling
- ecoff_slurp_symbolic_info directly.
-Fri Jun 17 20:58:58 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.c: Include annotate.h. Call annotate_field rather
- than printing annotation directly.
- * main.c: Include string.h.
-Thu Jun 16 14:41:37 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * fork-child.c (startup_inferior) [STARTUP_INFERIOR]: If defined,
- call it instead of doing normal loop.
- * infcmd.c (attach_command): Don't call wait_for_inferior if
- running Mach 3.
- * infrun.c (proceed) [PREPARE_TO_PROCEED]: If defined, call
- hook that can decide whether to step over the next breakpoint.
- * utils.c (wrap_here): Abort if wrap_buffer not allocated.
- (request_quit) [REQUEST_QUIT]: If defined, call it instead of
- doing normal quit.
- * Improve sorting/formatting of hosts and targets.
- (i[34]86-*-mach3*, i[34]86-*-osf1mk*, mips-*-mach3*,
- m88*-*-mach3*, ns32k-*-mach3*): Recognize.
- * (stop-gdb): New target.
- * stop-gdb.c: New file, utility to get attention of waiting GDBs
- in Mach 3.
-Wed Jun 15 00:41:03 1994 Tom Lord (
- * top.c (gdb_init): Init current_directory in gdb_init. Probably
- the identical initialization can be deleted from main.c, but i
- haven't done so just in case.
-Tue Jun 14 17:24:41 1994 Tom Lord (
- * gdba.el: Added menu windows and slightly improved window
- handling to gdba.el. Fixed numerous minor bugs that were causing
- emacs and gdb to fall out of sync.
-Tue Jun 14 16:18:44 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * breakpoint.c: annotate changes lost at merge, put back in.
-Mon Jun 13 17:28:50 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * config/i386/, (XDEPFILES): Remove
- i387-tdep.o.
-Sun Jun 12 03:51:52 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * config/m68k/ (NATDEPFILES): Remove duplicate inclusion
- of inftarg.o.
- * config/m68k/tm-dpx2.h (CANNOT_STORE_REGISTER): Define to inhibit
- writing of floating registers, the dpx2 kernel disallows it.
- * irix5-nat.c (LM_ADDR): The loaded address of the shared library
- is contained in o_praw.
- * irix5-nat.c (solib_map_sections): Adjust sections by the
- difference between the loaded address and the prelinked address.
- * irix5-nat.c (solib_address): Use LM_ADDR for the loaded start
- address.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol): Do not relocate stEnd/scText
- symbols, their value is absolute.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Handle Irix 5.2 shared
- libraries fh->adr fields of zero. Relocate minimal symbol values
- upon readin. Relocate non-stabs symbols upon readin.
- * mdebugread.c (psymtab_to_symtab_1): Use pst->textlow for the
- start address of the outermost block.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_lines, parse_procedure): Pass in pst
- instead of section_offsets and use relocated pst->textlow for
- line number and procedure address relocations.
- From (Guillermo A. Loyola):
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol, parse_partial_symbols, cross_ref):
- Handle SGI Irix5 stIndirect symbol type.
-Fri Jun 10 14:52:56 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * breakpoint.c: fix a syntax error native cc does not like.
- * change sparclite-tdep.c to sparcl-tdep.c.
- * sparclite/ ditto.
- * sparcl-tdpe.c: change file name because first 8 chars has to be
- unique.
- * sparcl-stub.c: ditto.
- * sparclite/ fix INCLUDE_CFLAGS to have {srcdir}/../config.
-Fri Jun 10 10:38:15 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (target_read_pc, target_write_pc): Accept (and
- ignore) a PID argument.
- (hppa_pop_frame): Pass a PID to target_write_pc.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (TARGET_READ_PC, TARGET_WRITE_PC): Accept
- and pass through a PID argument.
- (target_read_pc, target_write_pc): Update prototypes.
-Thu Jun 9 18:10:44 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * add new file sparclite-tdep.c.
- * sparclite/ add new file sparclite-stub.c.
- * sparclite/hw_breakpoint.note: note for SPARClite hardware breapoint
- support.
- * config/sparc/ add sparclite-tdep.o.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparclite.h: add hardware breakpoints support
- defiines and code.
- * sparclite-tdep.c: new file, contains hardware breakpoint support
- code.
- * sparclite-stub.c: new file, stub code that add support hardware
- breakpoint support.
- * breakpoint.c: add hardware breakpoint support.
- * breakpoint.h: add new breakpoint type to support hardware
- breakpoint.
- * config/mips/nm-irix4.h: change interface for target dependent
- code supporting watch point.
- * config/pa/nm-hppab.h: change interface for target dependent
- code supporting watch point.
-Thu Jun 9 14:59:58 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * remote-os9k.c (rombuf_command): fix a bug accepting rombug
- output.
- * stabsread.c (read_struct_fields): os9k nested structure does not
- have terminating ';', instead it just get to ',' and bit position
- and length.
-Wed Jun 8 23:20:45 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * nlmread.c (nlm_symtab_read): Clean up a bit.
- * (nlm_symfile_read): Record bounds of main() so that backtrace
- command will know where to stop.
- * objfiles.c (objfile_relocate): Relocate entry point/func info
- for backtrace as well.
- * objfiles.h: Define values for invalid PCs for entry point info.
- * symfile.c (init_entry_point_info): Initialize invalid values
- with aforementioned macros.
- * config/alpha/tm-alphanw.h: Turn on FRAME_CHAIN_VALID_ALTERNATE
- to cause backtrace to stop when it gets back to main().
- * config/i386/tm-i386nw.h: Ditto.
-Sat Jun 4 18:17:03 1994 Per Bothner (
- Fix value_print, which used to be ostensibly language-independent,
- but would print pointers and arrays in C syntax. Instead, call
- a language-specific function.
- * language.h (struct language_defn): New functional field
- la_value_print.
- (LA_VALUE_PRINT): New macro.
- * language.c (unk_lang_value_print): New stub/dummy function.
- (unknown_language_defn, auto_language_defn, local_language_defn):
- Use it.
- * c-valprint.c (c_value_print): New function, with code moved from:
- * valprint.c (value_print): ... here. Now just invoke
- LA_VALUE_PRINT to do language-specific stuff.
- * valprint.c (value_print_array_elements): Make non-static.
- * c-lang.c (c_language_defn, cplus_language_defn): Add
- c_value_print in the la_value_print field.
- * m2-lang.c (m2_language_defn): Likewise.
- * ch-lang.c (chill_language_defn): But here use chill_value_print.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print): Print null pointer as NULL.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_value_print): New function, based on
- c_value_print, but use Chill "look and feel."
- * c-lang.h (c_value_print): New prototype.
- * ch-lang.h (chill_value_print): New prototype.
- * value.h (value_print_array_elements): New prototype.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print, case TYPE_CODE_BITSTRING
- and case TYPE_CODE_SET): Check that the element type isn't a stub.
-Fri Jun 3 09:15:00 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * main.c: Move entire file except for #ifndef MAIN_OVERRIDE code
- to new file top.c. Make things extern instead of static and
- similar rearrangements to deal with this.
- * top.h: New file.
- * utils.c: Move fputs_unfiltered to main.c. Remove
- * Change so that gdb uses main.c, utils.c, and top.c,
- and libgdb uses utils.c and top.c.
-Thu Jun 2 23:19:10 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (skip_trampoline_code): Fix typo.
-Thu Jun 2 18:09:59 1994 Per Bothner (
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print_array_elements): New function.
- A Chill version of val_print_array_elements, it prints the
- array index labels, in additions ot the array element values.
- (chill_val_print): Use the new function.
-Thu Jun 2 08:50:00 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * Add nlm subdir to configdirs for alpha-*-netware
- target.
- * defs.h (enum language): Add language_asm.
- * findvar.c (read_register_bytes read_register_gen
- write_register_bytes read_register read_register_pid
- write_register write_register_pid supply_register): Move multi-
- thread handling down into these routines. Create XXX_pid routines
- that allow register references to specify the pid.
- * findvar.c infcmd.c (read_pc read_pc_pid write_pc write_pc_pid
- read_sp write_sp read_fp write_fp): Move these routines from
- infcmd to findvar to centralize the whole mess.
- * i386-nlmstub.c: Portability fixes.
- * infptrace.c (child_resume): Conditionalize to allow other natives
- to override it. Remove PIDGET gubbish, it's no longer necessary.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Put registers_changed() before
- target_wait() to speed up remote debugging.
- * Replace code that reads registers from other threads with much
- nicer looking new function calls (see changes to findvar.c).
- * Don't skip prologues if debugging assembly source.
- * lynx-nat.c (child_resume): Lynx now needs it's own version of
- child_resume to handle multi-thread debugging properly.
- * remote.c: Add O response to get console output from target.
- * (readchar): Add timeout parameter. Handle SERIAL_EOF and
- SERIAL_ERROR here to simplify callers.
- * Change static var timeout to remote_timeout.
- * (fromhex): Remove unnecessary return -1 at end of routine.
- * (remote_wait): Turn this into a big switch statement. Add
- support for O response.
- * (putpkt): Remove unnecessary handling of SERIAL_EOF/ERROR.
- * (getpkt): Split getpkt into two parts. read_frame deals with
- all formatting issues, run-length encoding, and framing. getpkt
- now handles error recovery, and frame detection.
- * ser-tcp.c (tcp_readchar): Handle EINTR from read().
- * ser-unix.c (hardwire_raw): Set CLOCAL so that we ignore modem
- control. (hardwire_readchar): Handle EINTR from read().
- * symfile.c (deduce_language_from_filename): Add support for .s
- files.
- * config/nm-lynx.h: Define CHILD_WAIT so that lynx-nat.c can
- override infptrace's child_wait.
- * config/rs6000/ Use xm-rs6000ly.h & nm-rs6000ly.h
- instead of XXXlynx.h.
- * config/rs6000/ Use tm-rs6000ly.h instead of
- tm-rs6000lynx.h.
- * nlm/gdbserve.c: Portability fixes.
-Tue May 31 20:35:44 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * inftarg.c (child_wait): Call proc_wait, not wait.
- (child_mourn_inferior): Call proc_remove_foreign.
- * main.c (gdb_init): Call init_proc.
- * main.c: Provide dummy versions of init_proc, proc_wait, and
- proc_remove_foreign for the gdb case (the libgdb case provides its
- own versions of these functions).
- * (libgdb-files): Add libproc.a.
-Wed Jun 1 11:08:52 1994 Stan Shebs (
- Hardware watchpoints for Linux, from Rick Sladkey
- (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior) [HAVE_CONTINUABLE_WATCHPOINT]: Add
- new hardware breakpoint recovery method.
- * i386v-nat.c (i386_insert_watchpoint,
- i386_insert_nonaligned_watchpoint, i386_remove_watchpoint,
- i386_stopped_by_watchpoint) [TARGET_CAN_USE_HARWARE_WATCHPOINT]:
- New functions to support the 386 hardware debugging registers.
- * config/i386/nm-linux.h (TARGET_CAN_USE_HARDWARE_WATCHPOINT,
- target_insert_watchpoint, target_remove_watchpoint): Define these
- macros to use the hardware debugging functions in i386v-nat.c.
-Wed May 25 17:06:15 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * Replace libgdb.a with libgdb-files. Make "all"
- build it.
-Thu May 19 09:56:20 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * target.c, target.h: New variables target_activity_function and
- target_activity_fd.
- * inflow.c, inferior.h: New functions set_sigio_trap and
- clear_sigio_trap.
- * inftarg.c (child_wait), procfs.c (wait_fd): Call them.
-Wed May 18 13:01:55 1994 Doug Evans (
- * remote-sim.h (sim_verbose): Delete.
- Document callbacks needed.
- (sim_*): Change result to void where there isn't one.
- (sim_open): Clarify argument and error response.
- (sim_close): Declare.
- (sim_load): Change bfd_handle argument to file name. Clarify result.
- (sim_create_inferior): Renamed from sim_set_args.
- (sim_set_pc): Delete.
- (sim_info): Delete printf_fn argument.
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_kill): Add comment describing purpose.
- (gdbsim_load): Try sim_load first.
- (gdbsim_create_inferior): Call sim_create_inferior.
- (gdbsim_open): Handle args == NULL. Update call to sim_open.
- (gdbsim_close): Call sim_close.
- (gdbsim_files_info): Update call to sim_info.
- (gdbsim_ops): Realign comments.
- * printcmd.c (decode_format): Allow TARGET_PTR_BIT to be non-constant.
-Tue May 17 16:45:20 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab): For C_FILE symbols, only use
- the auxent if the symbol's name is ".file". From David Edelsohn
- <>.
-Tue May 17 11:08:22 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_1): Fix typo.
- * annotate.c (annotate_field_end): Fix typo.
- * Move annotate.o from COMMON_OBS to OBS.
- * (TSSTART): Remove; no longer used.
- * utils.c (vfprintf_maybe_filtered, vfprintf_unfiltered): Call
- fputs_unfiltered and exit directly, rather than fatal. The latter
- calls vfprintf_unfiltered!
- * gdbtypes.h, gdbtypes.c (can_dereference): New function.
- * value.h, printcmd.c (print_value_flags): Move from here...
- * annotate.c: here, and make it use can_dereference.
-Sat May 14 15:13:52 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * inflow.c (job_control, attach_flag, generic_mourn_inferior):
- Remove, needed for both native and cross.
- * target.c (attach_flag, generic_mourn_inferior): Put here.
- * utils.c (job_control): Put here.
- (terminal.h): Don't include anymore.
-Sat May 14 09:11:44 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * source.c (find_source_lines): Always use code that was #ifdef
- BROKEN_LARGE_ALLOCA. Do the cleanup before returning, rather than
- leaving it on the chain. Reindent much of this function.
- * config/sparc/{xm-sun4sol2.h,xm-sun4os4.h},
- config/i386/{xm-sun386.h,xm-i386m3.h,xm-i386mach.h},
- config/m68k/{sun3os4.h,xm-news.h,xm-hp300hpux.h},
- config/ns32k/xm-ns32km3.h: Remove all references to
- BROKEN_LARGE_ALLOCA; with the above change it is no longer needed.
- * main.c, fork-child.c, many config files: Remove all
- SET_STACK_LIMIT_HUGE code; with the above changes it should no
- longer be needed.
- * symtab.c (lookup_partial_symbol): Use if and abort, not assert.
- This avoids __eprintf troubles.
-Fri May 13 08:10:21 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * main.c (main): Surround in #ifndef MAIN_OVERRIDE. Move
- initialization code which needs to be called even if we bypass the
- command line stuff into gdb_init.
- * utils.c (fputs_unfiltered): Surround in #ifndef
- * (libgdb.a): New target.
- * utils.c: Rearrange I/O stuff a bit so that all output goes
- through fputs_unfiltered. Use vasprintf; removes arbitrary limit
- which made %s not work with arbitrarily large strings.
- * printcmd.c (printf_command): Use printf_filtered, not
- printf_unfiltered and printf, now that arbitrary limit is gone.
- gcc -Wall lint:
- * breakpoint.c (watchpoint_check): Remove unused variable b.
- * stack.c (print_frame_info): Move sp and buf inside #if.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Remove unused variables pp,
- mangle_ptr, ptr, and mangle_tstr.
- * valarith.c (value_x_binop): Remove unused variables mangle_tstr
- and mangle_ptr.
- * symtab.c (lookup_symtab): Put variable copy inside #if.
- (decode_line_1): Put variable q1 inside #if 0.
- * target.h: Declare target_link.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Remove unused variables signame.
- * remote.c (remote_resume): Remove unused variable name.
- * c-exp.y (parse_number): Parenthesize operand of shift.
- * dbxread.c (record_minimal_symbol): Parenthesize operand of &&
- (this is a semantic change, the warning seems to have detected a bug).
- * dbxread.c (end_psymtab): Move variable p1 inside #if.
- * coffread.c: Move variable temptype inside #if.
- * ch-typeprint.c (chill_type_print_base): Remove unused variable
- name.
- * ch-valprint.c: #include typeprint.h and ch-lang.h.
- (chill_val_print): Remove unused variable in_range.
- (chill_val_print): Remove statement "length > TYPE_LENGTH (type);".
- (chill_val_print): Add default case for switch.
- * stabsread.h: Declare stabsect_build_psymtabs.
- * os9kread.c (read_minimal_symbols): Make this return void.
- (os9k_symfile_read): Remove unused variables stb_exist and val.
- (os9k_symfile_init): Remove unused variable val.
- (fill_sym): Remove unused variable id.
- (read_os9k_psymtab): Put variable back_to inside #if 0. Remove
- unused variable nsl.
- Remove unused variable symfile_bfd.
- #if 0 unused variables lbrac_unmatched_complaint and
- lbrac_mismatch_complaint.
- Remove declaration for non-existent function os9k_next_symbol_text.
- * annotate.c, annotate.h: New files, containing a function for
- each annotation which outputs it.
- * Move breakpoints_changed from breakpoint.c to annotate.c.
- * breakpoint.c, blockframe.c, infrun.c, cp-valprint.c, main.c,
- printcmd.c, source.c, stack.c, utils.c, valprint.c:
- Use annotate.c functions to output annotations.
- * (OBS): Add annotate.o.
-Thu May 12 10:46:27 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (read_unwind_info): Make sure elf_unwind_size and
- elf_unwind_entries are always initialized.
- * hppa-tdep.c (skip_trampoline_code): Handle argument relocation
- stubs which return directly to the caller rather than to the stub
- itself.
-Wed May 11 20:11:51 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * c-exp.y (yyerror): Display a more informative error message.
- * ch-exp.y (yyerror): Ditto, don't use global yychar.
- * m2-exp.y (yyerror): Ditto.
-Tue May 10 11:57:53 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * inflow.c (job_control): Move definition to front of file.
-Tue May 10 14:42:37 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * maint.c (print_section_table): Rename SEC_SHARED_LIBRARY to
- SEC_COFF_SHARED_LIBRARY to match corresponding change in bfd.
-Fri May 6 13:30:22 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * (kdb): Remove old init.c creation commands.
- * (sparclite): Match on sparclite*.
- * sparclite/aload.c (main): Only change section addresses for
- a.out format object files.
-Fri May 6 13:24:04 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * config/i386/ Define CC.
-Fri May 6 11:56:54 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * gdbserver/ Remove irrelevant definitions and
- comments inherited from the gdb Makefile.
- (BFD_DIR, BFD, BFD_SRC, BFD_CFLAGS): Add from gdb Makefile.
- (VERSION): Update to 4.12.3.
- (gdbserver): Remove any existing executable first.
- (distclean, realclean): Remove nm.h.
- * gdbserver/low-lynx.c: Add Sparc Lynx support.
- * gdbserver/low-sparc.c, gdbserver/low-sun3.c (sys/wait.h):
- Don't use absolute pathname.
-Thu May 5 12:00:22 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * rs6000-nat.c (vmap_ldinfo): Don't fail if fstat returns an
- error.
-Wed May 4 06:56:03 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * infrun.c (proceed, normal_stop, wait_for_inferior), breakpoint.c
- (print_it_normal): Add annotations for the inferior starting and
- stopping, and for all the various messages related to how it
- stopped.
- * printcmd.c (do_one_display): Annotate.
- * stack.c (print_frame_info): Annotate printing of stack frames.
-Wed May 4 18:15:51 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * remote.c (get_offsets): Handle case where stub doesn't support
- qOffsets message.
-Wed May 4 15:30:39 1994 Per Bothner (
- Add partial support for g++ code compiled with -fvtable-thunks.
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): Add vtblprint support
- when using thunks.
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_is_vtbl_member): A vtable can be an array of
- pointers (if using thunks) as well as array of structs (otherwise).
- * cp-valprint.c (vtbl_ptr_name_old, vtbl_ptr_name): Move to global
- level, and make the latter non-static (so define_symbol can use it).
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): If the type being defined is a
- pointer type named "__vtbl_ptr_type", set the TYPE_NAME to that name.
- * symtab.h (VTBL_PREFIX_P): Allow "_VT" as well as "_vt".
- * values.c (value_virtual_fn_field): Handle thunks.
- * values.c (value_headof): Minor efficiency hack.
- * values.c (value_headof): Incomplete thunk support. FIXME.
-Wed May 4 06:56:03 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * valprint.c (print_longest): Clarify comment about use_local.
- * printcmd.c, defs.h (print_address_numeric), callers in
- symmisc.c, symfile.c, stack.c, source.c, remote.c, infcmd.c,
- cp-valprint.c, core.c, ch-valprint.c, c-valprint.c, breakpoint.c,
- exec.c: New argument use_local.
- * source.c (identify_source_line): Use filtered output. Use
- print_address_numeric.
- * core.c (memory_error), symtab.c (cplusplus_hint, decode_line_1),
- language.c (type_error, range_error): Use filtered output.
- * utils.c (error_begin): Update comment to tell people to use
- filtered output.
- * (HFILES_WITH_SRCDIR): List bfd.h.
- (HFILES_NO_SRCDIR): List gdbcore.h not gdbcore_h, so as not to get
- bfd.h.
-Tue May 3 07:41:33 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * procfs.c (procfs_wait): Reinstate code which deduces the signal
- from the fault, #ifndef FAULTED_USE_SIGINFO.
- * config/sparc/tm-sun4sol2.h: Define FAULTED_USE_SIGINFO.
-Fri Apr 29 18:15:04 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_1): Annotate each field of the headers.
- Explicitly annotate each record.
-Fri Apr 29 15:56:18 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * xcoffexec.c: Reformat to standards and lint.
- (language.h): Include.
- (exec_close): Declare arg "quitting".
- (file_command): Declare arg "from_tty".
- (map_vmap): Cast xmalloc result to PTR.
- * rs6000-nat.c: Reformat to standards and lint.
- (exec_one_dummy_insn): Use char array for saved instruction.
- (fixup_breakpoints): Declare.
- (vmap_ldinfo): Be more informative in fatal error messages.
- (xcoff_relocate_symtab): Define to return void.
- * xcoffsolib.h: Reformat to standards, improve comments.
- * config/rs6000/nm-rs6000.h (xcoff_relocate_symtab): Declare.
-Thu Apr 28 08:40:56 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * utils.c, defs.h (error_begin): New function.
- (quit): Print annotation before printing the error message.
- * main.c (return_to_top_level): Print annotation before doing the
- longjmp.
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): Call error not warning and then
- return_to_top_level. Call error_begin and printf_unfiltered
- rather calling warning (before calls to return_to_top_level).
- * core.c (memory_error): Use error_begin, printf_unfiltered,
- print_address_numeric and return_to_top_level instead of error.
- Cleans up a FIXME-32x64.
- * language.c (type_error, range_error): Call error_begin
- not just target_terminal_ours.
- * dbxread.c (stabsect_build_psymtabs): Assign to sym_stab_info
- directly, rather than via DBX_SYMFILE_INFO. A cast on the left
- side of an assignment is non-portable.
- * utils.c (query): Change syntax of query annotations to be
- consistent with other input annotations.
- (prompt_for_continue): Likewise for prompt-for-continue annotation.
-Thu Apr 28 01:20:39 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * mdebugread.c (psymtab_to_symtab_1): Do not call sort_blocks
- for stabs symtabs.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_skip_prologue): Handle prologues for functions
- that have a stack frame size of 32k or larger (from Paul Flinders).
- Remove #if 0'd code.
-Wed Apr 27 16:33:51 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * lynx-nat.c (CANNOT_STORE_REGISTER): Add a fallback definition
- for Lynx platforms that need it.
- * config/nm-lynx.h (__LYNXOS): Define if not already defined.
-Wed Apr 27 16:01:37 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * procfs.c (procfs_wait): Use the signal from the pr_info rather
- than trying to deduce it from the fault.
-Wed Apr 27 12:22:46 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * printcmd.c (print_address_symbolic): Initialize name to empty
- string to avoid core dump if lookup fails.
- * remote-e7000.c (printf_e7000debug): Error if target not open.
-Tue Apr 26 22:45:24 1994 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * i386-nlmstub.c: Update to be more in line with PIN stub.
- * nlm/gdbserve.c (putDebugChar): Install bug fix from i386-nlmstub.
- * (hex2mem): Init ptr.
- * General cleanups to use ConsolePrintf, standard prologues, etc...
-Tue Apr 26 10:23:04 1994 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * i386-nlmstub.c: More changes to be compatible with remote.c.
- * dbxread.c: Move a bunch of strncmps out of process_one_symbol
- into (the far less frequently called) dbx_symfile_read.
- * i386-nlmstub.c: An interim version till we get PIN for the x86.
-Tue Apr 26 09:50:45 1994 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * dbxread.c (record_minimal_symbol): Record the section
- associated with the symbol to make dynmaic relocation work.
- * (dbx_symfile_read, process_one_symbol): Fixes to work around
- Solaris brain-damage which don't apply to relocatable object
- files.
- * (stabsect_build_psymtabs): New routine to read stabs out of an
- arbitrarily named section.
- * nlmread.c (nlm_symtab_read): Read ALL syms from the NLM, not just
- globals.
- * (nlm_symfile_read): Call stabsect_build_psymtabs to read the
- stabs out of the nlm.
- * partial-stabs.h (cases 'f' & 'F'): Fixes to work around Solaris
- brain-damage which don't apply to relocatable object files.
- * remote.c (putpkt): Improve error reporting and error handling.
- * (get_offsets): Temporary kludge to force data & bss sections to
- have the same relocation.
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol, scan_file_globals): Record section
- info in sym.
-Sat Apr 23 19:05:52 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_1): Annotate each field of output. Add
- FIXME-32x64 comment.
-Fri Apr 22 16:43:54 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Move call to flush_cached_frames
- to after call to target_wait. This means that flush_cached_frames
- can call target_terminal_ours if it wants to.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior) [HAVE_NONSTEPPABLE_WATCHPOINT]: Add
- comment about why the code is dubious.
- * stabsread.c (read_type): Call read_type, not nonexistent
- os9k_read_type.
-Fri Apr 22 14:25:36 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * remote-os9k.c (rombug_fetch_registers): set trace mode
- correctly.
- * remote-os9k.c (rombug_read_inferior_memory): cache data in
- buffer.
- * os9kread,c (read_os9k_psymtab): process file symbol to truncate
- extra info.
- * os9kread.c (os9k_read_ofile_symtab): proper casting of args
- passed to process_one_symbol.
- * stabsread.c (read_type): process os9k functio prototype.
-Fri Apr 22 11:27:39 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * solib.c (symbol_add_stub): If so->textsection is NULL, don't
- dump core.
-Thu Apr 21 07:45:49 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * utils.c (prompt_for_continue): Annotate prompt.
- (query): Annotate query.
- * printcmd.c (print_frame_args): Change syntax of argument
- annotation to make name and value part of a single group of
- annotations, not two separate groups.
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_print_value_fields): Likewise for fields.
- * valprint.c (val_print_array_elements): Change syntax of
- annotation to be more concise.
- * main.c, defs.h (command_line_input): New argument tells what
- string to include in the annotations.
- * symtab.c (decode_line_2), main.c (read_command_lines,
- command_loop): Change callers.
- * breakpoint.c (watch_command): Use (CORE_ADDR)0, not NULL, for
- target null pointer.
- * blockframe.c (find_frame_addr_in_frame_chain): Likewise.
- * printcmd.c (output_command): Annotate things we print here too.
- * printcmd.c (print_command_1): Add "value-history-value" annotation.
- * Move declaration of print_value_flags from defs.h to value.h.
- * main.c (command_line_input): Call wrap_here as well as gdb_flush.
-Thu Apr 21 09:29:37 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * dbxread.c (read_dbx_dynamic_symtab): Reinstall support for sun3,
- BFD handles sun3 dynamic relocations now.
- * elfread.c (elf_symtab_read, elf_symfile_read): Handle dynamic
- symbol table.
-Wed Apr 20 19:41:21 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * printcmd.c (print_command_1): Annotate the top-level expressions
- that we print.
- (print_frame_args): Annotate each argument.
- * printcmd.c, defs.h (print_value_flags): New function.
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_print_value_fields): Annotate each field.
- * valprint.c (val_print_array_elements): Annotate each array element.
-Wed Apr 20 13:18:41 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * findvar.c (read_var_value): Handle LOC_REPARM_ADDR case correctly,
- the register contains a pointer to the type, not the type itself.
-Mon Apr 11 10:44:35 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * main.c (main): Accept --annotate=N option and make --fullname
- the same as --annotate=1.
- (command_line_input): Print annotatation before and after prompt.
- * blockframe.c (flush_cached_frames): Print annotation.
- * Rename frame_file_full_name to annotation_level and move it from
- symtab.h to defs.h.
- * source.c (identify_source_line): If annotation_level > 1,
- change output format.
- * breakpoint.c: Print annotation whenever a breakpoint changes.
- * main.c: New variable server_command.
- (command_line_input): Parse "server " and set server_command.
- (dont_repeat): Check server_command.
-Wed Apr 20 08:37:16 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffread.c (xcoff_next_symbol_text): Don't return before
- updating raw_symbol and symnum. Return a value in the case where
- we complained.
- * dstread.c, coffread.c: Don't define pending_blocks; buildsym.c
- takes care of it.
- * parse.c: Don't define block_found; it is defined in symtab.c.
- * parser-defs.h: Add comment regarding block_found.
-Tue Apr 19 09:46:05 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (internalize_unwind_info): Delete unused indexp
- argument.
-Mon Apr 18 13:18:56 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * dbxread.c (read_dbx_dynamic_symtab): Relocate BFD symbols by
- section vma. Do not read dynamic relocs for sun3 executables to
- avoid BFD assertion message.
-Mon Apr 18 10:08:07 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * nm-hppab.h (KERNEL_U_ADDR): Define.
- (FIVE_ARG_PTRACE): Likewise.
- * nm-hppah.h (KERNEL_U_ADDR): Define.
- (FIVE_ARG_PTRACE): Likewise.
- (NEED_TEXT_START_END): Likewise.
- * tm-hppah.h (NEED_TEXT_START_END): Delete definition.
- * xm-hppah.h (KERNEL_U_ADDR): Delete definition.
- (FIVE_ARG_PTRACE): Likewise.
- * xm-hppab.h (KERNEL_U_ADDR): Delete definition.
- (FIVE_ARG_PTRACE): Likewise.
- * hppa-tdep.c (read_unwind_info): Make static.
- (restore_pc_queue): Indirect through the target vector to
- reload the register state.
-Sat Apr 16 22:20:51 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * paread.c (compare_unwind_entries): Delete function. It's been
- moved into hppa-tdep.c.
- (read_unwind_info): Likewise.
- (pa_symfile_read): No longer call read_unwind_info. The unwind
- tables will be read in as they are needed.
- * hppa-tdep.c (compare_unwind_entries): New function.
- (read_unwind_info, internalize_unwinds): Likewise.
- (find_unwind_entry): Read in unwind information on demand.
-Fri Apr 15 11:53:46 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * source.c (DIRNAME_SEPARATOR): New macro, replaces all references
- to : in search path processing.
- * defs.h (qsort): Rename argument in prototype.
- * symtab.h (SAYMBOL_VALUE): Rename value field, avoids bugs in
- some compilers.
- * breakpoint.c, exec.c, mdebugread.c, mipsread.c, xcoffexec.c
- (false): Eliminate usages.
-Fri Apr 15 11:35:19 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * h8500-tdep.c (initialize_h8500_tdep, large_command):
- All references to value changed to value_ptrlage_command is now
- called big_command.
- All references to value changed to value_ptr.
- * remote-e7000.c (e7000_wait): Use target_waitstatus and SETSTOP
- * remote-hms.c (hms_wait): Timeout after five seconds.
- * ser-go32.c (dosasync_read): Poll if timeout < 0.
- * config/tm/tm-h8500.h (BEFORE_MAIN_LOOP_HOOK): Deleted.
- * config/sh/tm-sh.h (BREAKPOINT): Is now sleep opcode.
-Thu Apr 14 07:01:56 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * procfs.c (procfs_wait): Protect watchpoint code with appropriate
- #ifdefs.
- (procfs_set_watchpoint, procfs_stopped_by_watchpoint): Likewise.
-Wed Apr 13 14:52:46 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * breakpoint.h (enum bptype): Add bp_hardware_watchpoint and
- bp_watchpoint_scope breakpoints.
- (struct breakpoint): Add val_chain and related_breakpoint fields
- for use by watchpoints.
- * breakpoint.c (within_scope): Delete. No longer used.
- (TARGET_CAN_USE_HARDWARE_WATCHPOINT): Provide default definition.
- (target_{remove,insert}_watchpoint): Likewise.
- (can_use_hardware_watchpoint): New function.
- (remove_breakpoint): New function to remove a single breakpoint
- or hardware watchpoint.
- (insert_breakpoints): Handle insertion of hardware watchpoints.
- Store a copy of the value chain derived from the watchpoint
- expression.
- (remove_breakpoints): Simplify by using remove_breakpoint.
- (delete_breakpoint): Likewise.
- (watchpoint_check): Delete the watchpoint and watchpoint scope
- breakpoints when the watchpoint goes out of scope. Save & restore
- the current frame after checking watchpoints.
- (breakpoint_init_inferior): Likewise (restarting the program
- makes all local watchpoints go out of scope).
- (bpstat_stop_status): Handle hardware watchpoints much like normal
- watchpoints. Delete the watchpoint and watchpoint scope breakpoint
- when the watchpoint goes out of scope. Remove and reinsert all
- breakpoints before returning if we stopped when a hardware watchpoint
- fired.
- (watch_command): Use a hardware watchpoint when possible. If
- watching a local expression, build a scope breakpoint too.
- (map_breakpoint_numbers): Also call given function for any
- related breakpoints.
- (disable_breakpoint): Never disable a scope breakpoint.
- (enable_breakpoint): Handle hardware breakpoints much like normal
- breakpoints, but recompute the watchpoint_scope breakpoint's
- frame and address (if we have an associated scope breakpoint).
- (read_memory_nobpt): Handle hardware watchpoints like normal
- watchpoints. When necessary handle watchpoint_scope breakpoints.
- (print_it_normal, bpstat_what, breakpoint_1, mention): Likewise.
- (clear_command, breakpoint_re_set_one, enable_command): Likewise.
- (disable_command): Likewise.
- * blockframe.c (find_frame_addr_in_frame_chain): New function.
- Extern prototype added to frame.h
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Set current_frame and select
- a frame before checking if we stopped due to a hardare watchpoint
- firing. Handle stepping over hardware watchpoints.
- (normal_stop): Remove unnecessary call to select_frame.
- * value.h (value_release_to_mark): Declare.
- * values.c (value_release_to_mark): New function.
- * procfs.c (procfs_wait): Add cases for hardware watchpoints.
- (procfs_set_watchpoint, procfs_stopped_by_watchpoint): New functions.
- * hppab-nat.c (hppa_set_watchpoint): New function.
- * config/pa/nm-hppab.h (STOPPED_BY_WATCHPOINT): Define.
- (target_{insert,delete}_watchpoint): Define.
- * config/mips/nm-irix4.h (TARGET_CAN_USE_HARDWARE_WATCHPOINT): Define.
- (target_{insert,remove}_watchpoint): Likewise.
-Mon Apr 11 19:21:27 1994 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab): Ignore symbols of class C_EXT,
- smtyp XTY_LD, sclass XMC_DS (external data segment label). They
- often have the same names as debug symbols for functions, and
- confuse lookup_symbol().
-Mon Apr 11 10:44:35 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote.c: Around redefinition of PBUFSIZE, adjust whitespace.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (REGISTER_BYTES): Use 4 rather than
- Together these changes work around a bug in HP's compiler. Both
- seem to be necessary.
-Mon Apr 11 09:18:24 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * paread.c (pa_symtab_read): Handle ST_STUB symbols and symbols
- with scope SS_EXTERNAL. ST_ENTRY symbols in dynamic executables
- are type mst_solib_trampoline.
-Fri Apr 8 17:14:37 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/m68k/ Change comments.
-Fri Apr 8 17:14:37 1994 Rob Savoye (
- * config/m68k/ (TDEPFILES): Don't include remote-es.o.
-Fri Apr 8 15:35:30 1994 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * lynx-nat.c: Restore regmap structure for SPARC. It's needed
- for core files.
-Fri Apr 8 14:53:35 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * values.c (unpack_long): Remove obsolete comment about using a
- switch statement.
- * symfile.c (symbol_file_command): Add comments about command syntax.
-Thu Apr 7 17:25:21 1994 Peter Schauer (
- Jim Kingdon (
- * infrun.c (IN_SOLIB_TRAMPOLINE): Correct comment, trampolines
- are in the .plt section.
- * minsyms.c (lookup_solib_trampoline_symbol_by_pc,
- find_solib_trampoline_target): New functions for handling
- stepping into -g compiled shared libraries.
- * symtab.h (lookup_solib_trampoline_symbol_by_pc,
- find_solib_trampoline_target): Add prototypes.
- Define to handle stepping into -g compiled shared libraries.
- * config/tm-sysv4.h (SKIP_TRAMPOLINE_CODE): Define to handle
- stepping into -g compiled shared libraries.
-Thu Apr 7 17:22:54 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * Add mips-*-sysv4* support.
- * config/mips/, config/mips/,
- config/mips/tm-mipsv4.h, config/mips/xm-mipsv4.h, mipsv4-nat.c:
- New files for MIPS SVR4 support.
- * Update for new mipsv4 files.
- * alpha-tdep.c (heuristic_proc_desc, find_proc_desc): Use
- read_next_frame_reg to obtain the frame relative stack pointer.
- * mips-tdep.c (heuristic_proc_desc): Use read_next_frame_reg to
- obtain the frame relative stack pointer.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_partial_symbols, psymtab_to_symtab1):
- Handle stStatic and stStaticProc symbols in stabs-in-ecoff output
- by entering them into the minimal symbol table.
- * printcmd.c (print_scalar_formatted): Do not try to unpack to
- a long for float formats.
- * solib.c: Include "elf/mips.h" only if DT_MIPS_RLD_MAP does not
- get defined in <link.h>.
- * solib.c (solib_add): Add shared library sections to the section
- table of the target before adding the symbols.
- * partial-stab.h: Relocate static and global functions.
- * dbxread.c (read_dbx_symtab): Remove unused variable
- end_of_text_address. Relocate text_addr when passing it
- to end_psymtab.
- For Alpha OSF/1 targets, enable gdb to set breakpoints in shared
- library functions before the executable is run. Retrieve dynamic
- symbols from stripped executables.
- * mipsread.c (read_alphacoff_dynamic_symtab): New function.
- * mipsread.c (mipscoff_symfile_read): Use it. Issue warning message
- if no debugging symbols were found.
- * alpha-tdep.c (alpha_skip_prologue): Silently return the unaltered
- pc if memory at the pc is not accessible and GDB_TARGET_HAS_SHARED_LIBS
- is defined.
- * config/alpha/nm-alpha.h (GDB_TARGET_HAS_SHARED_LIBS): Define,
- OSF/1 has shared libraries.
-Thu Apr 7 15:11:11 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * dbxread.c (read_dbx_dynamic_symtab): Adjust for recent changes
- to BFD handling of dynamic symbols.
-Tue Apr 5 15:29:25 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_fix_call_dummy): If FUN is a procedure label,
- then gets its real address into FUN and its GOT/DP value into %r19.
- * tm-hppa.h (CALL_DUMMY): Use %r20, not %r19 as a temporary.
- * hppa-tdep.c (frameless_function_invocation): If no unwind
- descriptor was found, then assume this was not a frameless
- function invocation.
- (frame_saved_pc): If the saved PC is in a linker stub, then
- return the return address which the linker stub will return to.
- * xm-hppab.h: Never define USG.
- * xm-hppah.h: Always define USG.
-Tue Apr 5 12:58:47 1994 Per Bothner (
- * values.c (unpack_long, value_from_longest),
- valarith.c (value_binop): Allow TYPE_CODE_RANGE.
-Fri Apr 1 14:04:34 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * symfile.c (deduce_language_from_filename): .cpp is a C++ extension.
-Fri Apr 1 00:44:00 1994 Peter Schauer (
- For SVR4 targets, enable gdb to set breakpoints in shared
- library functions before the executable is run.
- * elfread.c (elf_symtab_read): Handle symbols for shared library
- functions.
- * sparc-tdep.c (in_solib_trampoline): Renamed to in_plt_section
- and moved to objfiles.c.
- * objfiles.c (in_plt_section): Moved to here from sparc-tdep.
- * config/tm-sysv4.h (IN_SOLIB_TRAMPOLINE): Use new in_plt_section.
- * config/sparc/tm-sun4sol2.h (IN_SOLIB_TRAMPOLINE): Removed,
- the new generic definition from tm-sysv4.h works for Solaris.
-Wed Mar 30 16:14:27 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * elfread.c (elf_symtab_read): Change storage_needed,
- number_of_symbols and i to long. Rename get_symtab_upper_bound to
- bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound. Check for errors from
- bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound and bfd_canonicalize_symtab.
- * nlmread.c (nlm_symtab_read): Same changes.
-Wed Mar 30 11:43:29 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffread.c (xcoff_next_symbol_text): New function.
- (read_xcoff_symtab): Set next_symbol_text_func to it.
- Move raw_symbol outside of read_xcoff_symtab.
- * remote.c (getpkt): Remove unused "out" label.
-Wed Mar 30 09:15:42 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * breakpoint.c (print_it_normal): Allow GDB to notify the user
- about more than one watchpoint being triggered.
-Wed Mar 30 08:24:18 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/m68k/tm-dpx2.h: Include tm-m68k.h not nonexistent tm-68k.h.
-Wed Mar 30 00:31:49 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * blockframe.c (find_pc_partial_function): mst_file_text
- symbols do not live in the shared library transfer table.
- * ch-exp.y (decode_integer_value, match_character_literal,
- match_bitstring_literal): Guard tolower calls with isupper,
- tolower on old BSD systems blindly subtracts a constant.
- * dbxread.c (read_ofile_symtab): Check for __gnu_compiled_* as
- well when determining the producer of the object file.
- * mdebugread.c (has_opaque_xref): New function to check for
- cross reference to an opaque aggregate.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol, parse_partial_symbols): Do not
- enter typedefs to opaque aggregates into the symbol tables.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_external): Remove skip_procedures argument,
- it has always been 1. Remove code that handled stProc symbols,
- it was never executed and was wrong, as the index of a
- stProc symbol points to the local symbol table and not to the
- auxiliary symbol info. Update caller.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Do not enter external
- stProc symbols into the partial symbol table, they are already
- entered into the minimal symbol table.
- * config/i386/tm-symmetry.h: Clean up, it is now only used for Dynix.
- Remove all conditionals and definitions for ptx.
- I386_REGNO_TO_SYMMETRY moved to here from symm-tdep.c.
- Fix addresses of floating point registers in REGISTER_U_ADDR.
- STORE_STRUCT_RETURN now handles cc and gcc conventions.
- IN_SIGTRAMP, SIGCONTEXT_PC_OFFSET defined to make backtracing through
- signal trampoline code work.
- * config/i386/xm-symmetry.h: Clean up, it is now only used for Dynix.
- Remove all conditionals and definitions for ptx.
- Remove KDB definitions.
- * symm-nat.c (store_inferior_registers): Fetch registers before
- storing them to obtain valid floating point control registers.
- Store fpu registers.
- * symm-nat.c (print_1167_control_word): Dynix 3.1.1 defines
- FPA_PCR_CC_C0 and FPA_PCR_CC_C1, avoid duplicate case value.
- * symm-nat.c (fetch_inferior_registers, child_xfer_memory):
- Fix typos.
- * symm-nat.c (child_resume): Update type of `signal' parameter.
- * symm-tdep.c (I386_REGNO_TO_SYMMETRY): Moved to tm-symmetry.h.
-Tue Mar 29 23:01:33 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_fix_call_dummy): Use an alternate method for
- calling import stubs for functions in shared libraries.
-Tue Mar 29 21:14:04 1994 Per Bothner (
- * ch-exp.y: Implement SIZE(mode_name) and SIZE(expression).
- * ch-lang.c (chill_is_varying_struct): Magic string is
- was "<var_length>" is now "__var_length" (more portable).
-Tue Mar 29 19:41:34 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote.c (getpkt): If we get a timeout, actually retry rather
- than just giving up the first time it happens.
- * remote.c: Document sequence numbers.
- (remote_store_registers): Change syntax of 'P' request so that it
- never looks like a sequence number.
-Tue Mar 29 16:06:01 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * os9kread.c (record_minimal_symbol): add section_offset to
- relocate minimal symbol table.
- * os9kread.c (read_minimal_symbols): ditto.
- * os9kread.c (os9k_symfile_init): increase size of dbg and stb
- file names.
- * os9kread.c (read_os9k_psymtab): if there's no dbg file, just
- return. Also if file addr is 0 leave it 0, not to relocate.
- * remote-os9k.c (_initialize_remote_os9k): add 'set remotexon',
- 'set remotexoff' and 'set remotelog' commands.
-Tue Mar 29 12:38:45 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote.c (remote_store_registers): Add 'P' request to set an
- individual register.
- (remote_write_bytes, remote_read_bytes): Use %lx, not %x, to print
- a target address.
-Sat Mar 26 07:05:18 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h: Define USE_REGISTER_NOT_ARG.
- * stabsread (define_symbol): If USE_REGISTER_NOT_ARG, go back to
- combining all 'p' and 'r' pairs into a LOC_REGPARM.
- * command.c (do_setshow_command, case var_string): Never add a
- space to the end of the string.
- * NEWS: Document this change.
- * .gdbinit: Add a space to the "set prompt" command.
-Fri Mar 25 12:40:41 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * m3-nat.c, i386m3-nat.c, config/i386/ Many minor
- changes to make it compile (it doesn't link yet).
- * buildsym.c (start_subfile, patch_subfile_names), demangle.c
- (set_demangling_style, set_demangling_command): Use savestring not
- strdup. We were not dealing properly with a NULL return from
- strdup, and were not declaring strdup (the system header may or
- may not have it).
- * valprint.c (val_print): Remove inaccurate comment about what
- types can be stub types.
- * config/i386/ (XDEPFILES): Add coredep.o. Delete infptrace.o.
- * symm-nat.c (child_wait, _initialize_symm_nat, kill_inferior):
- Supply alternate version if ATTACH_DETACH is not defined.
- * ptx4-nat.c, config/i386/{nm-ptx4.h,,,,
- tm-ptx.h, tm-ptx4.h, xm-ptx.h, xm-ptx4.h}: New files.
- * Recognize i[34]86-sequent-sysv4* host.
-Fri Mar 25 10:14:03 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (skip_prologue): Do nothing if not at the beginning
- of a function.
- (skip_trampoline_code): Rewrite and add support for argument
- relocation stubs stubs, import/export stubs, calls through
- "_sr4export" and cascaded trampolines.
- * hppa-tdep.c (skip_prologue): Return "pc" not zero
- if no unwind descriptor is found.
- * tm-hppa.h (NUM_REGS): Bump to 128 registers.
- (REGISTER_NAMES): Add entries for "right-half" of FP registers.
- differently. All registers are four bytes.
- (REGISTER_BYTES, REGISTER_BYTE): Simplify now that all registers are
- the same size.
- (REGISTER_VIRTUAL_TYPE): Use builtin_type_float for all FP regs.
- * hppa-tdep.c (pa_print_fp_reg): Update to print even numbered FP
- registers as both single and double values (fetching 2nd 32bit half
- as necessary). Annotate each register printed with its precision.
- * paread.c (read_unwind_info): Fix off-by-one error.
-Fri Mar 25 08:33:28 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * main.c (complete_command): Deal with it if arg is NULL.
-Thu Mar 24 07:12:09 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (SETUP_ARBITRARY_FRAME): Revise comment
- regarding using the PC--using the PC is necessary and all the
- FIXME comments in the world won't make it go away.
- * valops.c (value_at, value_at_lazy): Give error if we dereference
- a pointer to void.
- * gdbtypes.h: Fix comments regarding TYPE_CODE_VOID.
- * stabsread.c: Use 1, not 0, for TYPE_LENGTH of void types.
- * stabsread.c (patch_block_stabs): Add comment about what happens
- if the definition is in another compilation unit from the stab.
- * dbxread.c (end_psymtab): Add comment about empty psymtabs.
-Wed Mar 23 07:50:33 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * main.c (complete_command): New command, from Rick Sladkey
- <>.
- (symbol_completion_function): Don't declare rl_point and
- rl_line_buffer; they are now declared in readline.h.
- (show_commands): Don't declare history_base; it is declared in
- history.h.
- * command.c (lookup_cmd): Don't delete trailing whitespace.
- Reverts change of 14 May 1989.
-Wed Mar 23 16:14:52 1994 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * minsyms.c (prim_record_minimal_symbol): Move section deduction
- code from prim_record_minimal_symbol_and_info() to here. Callers
- of the latter can legitimately supply a section number of -1.
-Wed Mar 23 07:50:33 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * gdbtypes.h, gdbtypes.c: Add comments regarding whether static
- member functions have an element in args for a (nonexistent) this
- pointer.
-Tue Mar 22 20:12:53 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * config/pa/tm-hppao.h (NO_PC_SPACE_QUEUE_RESTORE): Define.
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_pop_frame): Do not restore the PC space
- queue if NO_PC_SPACE_QUEUE_RESTORE is defined.
- * stabsread.c (REG_STRUCT_HAS_ADDR): Accept additional argument
- for the structure's type. All callers changed.
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): Check REG_STRUCT_HAS_ADDR
- for each structure argument rather than assuming it's either
- true or false for all structure arguments.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (REG_STRUCT_HAS_ADDR): Depend only
- on the length structure passed, not the compiler used.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h (REG_STRUCT_HAS_ADDR): Accept additional
- argument for the structure's type.
-Tue Mar 22 15:28:33 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * values.c (set_internalvar): Don't set var->value until we are
- sure there won't be an error().
- * remote.c (get_offsets): Reinstate comment which was in
- remote_wait about use of SECT_OFF_TEXT and so on.
-Mon Mar 21 13:11:30 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * symmisc.c (maintenance_check_symtabs): New function to check
- consistency of psymtabs and symtabs.
- * symtab.h (maintenance_check_symtabs): Add prototype.
- * maint.c: Add new `maint check-symtabs' command.
- * config/i386/tm-i386aix.h, config/i386/tm-sun386.h,
- config/i386/tm-symmetry.h (REGISTER_CONVERT_TO_RAW): Fix typo.
- * config/i386/tm-symmetry.h: Make comment inside #if 0 a real
- comment.
- * config/i386/tm-symmetry.h (STORE_STRUCT_RETURN): Cast argument
- to write_memory to avoid warnings from gcc.
- * config/i386/xm-symmetry.h: Add missing #endif.
- * config/i386/nm-symmetry.h (NO_PTRACE_H): Add for Dynix.
- * config/i386/ (TDEPFILES): Add i386-tdep.o.
- * config/i386/ (NAT_FILE, NATDEPFILES): Add.
-Mon Mar 21 11:50:28 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_fix_call_dummy): Use value_ptr.
- (hppa_push_arguments): Likewise.
-Mon Mar 21 11:02:51 1994 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * alpha-tdep.c: Gobs of changes (many imported from mips-tdep) to
- improve remote debugging efficiency. Also fixed problems with
- doing function calls for programs with no entry points.
- * infcmd.c (run_stack_dummy): Use CALL_DUMMY_ADDRESS instead of
- entry_point_address.
- * inferior.h (PC_IN_CALL_DUMMY): ditto.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol, parse_procedure, parse_external,
- parse_lines): Pass section_offsets info to these routines so that
- we can relocate symbol table entries upon readin.
- * (psymtab_to_symtab_1): Set symtab->primary to tell
- objfile_relocate to do relocations for our symbols.
- * (ecoff_relocate_efi): New routine to relocate adr field of PDRs
- (which hang off of the symbol table).
- * Use prim_record_minimal_symbols_and_info instead of
- prim_record_minimal_symbols to supply section info to make minimal
- symbol relocations work.
- * minsyms.c (prim_record_minimal_symbols_and_info): If section is
- -1, try to deduce it from ms_type.
- * objfiles.c (objfile_relocate): Use ALL_OBJFILE_SYMTABS where
- appropriate. Handle relocation of MIPS_EFI symbols special. Also,
- add code to relocate objfile->sections data structure.
- * remote.c (get_offsets): Use new protocol message to acquire
- section offsets from the target.
- * (remote_wait): Get rid of relocation stuff. That's all handled
- by objfile_relocate now.
- * config/alpha/ (TM_FILE): Use tm-alphanw.h.
- * config/alpha/tm-alpha.h: Define CALL_DUMMY_ADDRESS, and
- * config/alpha/tm-alphanw.h: DECR_PC_AFTER_BREAK=0, VM_MIN_ADDRESS=0.
-Mon Mar 21 10:09:06 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c (_initialize_hpuxread): Don't call add_symtab_fns if
- HPREAD is not defined.
-Sun Mar 20 15:21:57 1994 Doug Evans (
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_frame_find_save_regs): Use REGISTER_RAW_SIZE
- instead of 4.
- * sp64-tdep.c (target_ptr_bit, set_target_ptr_bit): Deleted,
- can no longer set this at run time.
- * config/sparc/ (SIMFILES): Use remote-sim.o now.
- (TM_CLIBS): Define to -lm, the simulator uses the sqrt() function.
- * config/sparc/tm-sp64.h (FPS_REGNUM, CPS_REGNUM): Define (so
- sparc-tdep.c compiles).
- (TARGET_PTR_BIT): Must be a constant now, fix at 64.
-Sat Mar 19 08:51:12 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/m68k/{,tm-cisco.h}: New files.
- * (ALLPARAM, ALLCONFIG): Add them.
- * Recognize m68*-cisco*-*.
- * (TAGS): Use variables directly, rather than using
- find, to locate TM_FILE, XM_FILE, and NAT_FILE. This is faster
- and means that these filenames no longer need be unique across all
- the config/* directories.
- * Put the config/*/ into TM_FILE, etc.
- * m68k-stub.c (computeSignal): Return SIGFPE, not SIGURG, for chk
- and trapv exceptions.
- * target.h (struct section_table), objfiles.h (struct obj_section):
- Change name of field sec_ptr to the_bfd_section. More mnemonic
- and avoids the (sort of, for the ptx compiler) name clash with
- the name of the typedef.
- * exec.c, xcoffexec.c, sparc-tdep.c, rs6000-nat.c, osfsolib.c,
- solib.c, irix5-nat.c, objfiles.c, remote.c: Change users.
- * utils.c: Include readline.h.
- * (utils.o): Add dependency.
- * remote.c (getpkt): Add support for run-length encoding.
-Fri Mar 18 19:11:15 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * utils.c (prompt_for_continue): Call readline, not gdb_readline.
-Fri Mar 18 10:25:55 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * dstread.c (record_minimal_symbol): New arg objfile. Pass it to
- prim_record_minimal_symbol.
- Callers: Pass it.
- * regex.c (EXTEND_BUFFER): Adjust pointers within buffer by
- computing their offset from the start of the old buffer and adding
- to the new buffer, rather than by assuming we can add the
- difference between the old buffer and the new buffer (it might not
- fit in an int). Merge in cosmetic differences from emacs regex.c
- version of this macro.
-Wed Mar 16 15:28:54 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (install-only): Fix use of program_transform_name.
-Wed Mar 16 07:18:43 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * printcmd.c: Remove "set print fast-symbolic-addr off" command.
- The bug which it worked around was fixed on 25 Feb 94 in coffread.c,
- so I'm nuking the command.
- * symtab.c (find_addr_symbol): Comment out, no longer used.
- * main.c (main): Don't init_source_path for the -cd argument. Now
- that source_path doesn't contain the current_directory from when
- GDB started up, init_source_path is no longer useful (and is
- harmful because it clobbers a source_path set in $HOME/.gdbinit).
- * TODO: Remove item about line numbers being off. It is useless
- and confusing without a reproducible test case (it mentions
- proceed(), but I was able to step through proceed without trouble).
-Tue Mar 15 13:39:23 1994 Peter Schauer (
- For Sunos 4.x targets, enable gdb to set breakpoints in shared
- library functions before the executable is run. Retrieve dynamic
- symbols from stripped executables.
- * symtab.h (minimal_symbol_type): Add mst_solib_trampoline type.
- * parse.c (write_exp_msymbol), symmisc.c (dump_msymbols),
- symtab.c (list_symbols): Handle mst_solib_trampoline.
- * minsyms.c (lookup_minimal_symbol): Handle mst_solib_trampoline
- for all targets, remove IBM6000_TARGET dependencies.
- * dbxread.c (read_dbx_dynamic_symtab): New function.
- * dbxread.c (dbx_symfile_read): Use it.
- * dbxread.c (SET_NAMESTRING): Set namestring to
- "<bad string table index>" instead of "foo" if the string index is
- corrupt.
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab): Use mst_solib_trampoline instead
- of mst_unknown.
- * symtab.c (list_symbols): Take from_tty as parameter and pass it
- to break_command. Handle mst_file_* minimal symbol types.
- * config/i386/tm-i386bsd.h: Give just macro name, not args, to #undef.
-Tue Mar 15 11:40:43 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * c-exp.y(yylex): fix potential memory overflow.
-Tue Mar 15 10:33:28 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * environ.c (set_in_environ): Eliminate special handling of PATH and
- * putenv.c: Removed, conflicts with system declaration of
- putenv on RS/6000 running AIX 3.2.5, and above change makes it
- unnecessary.
- * Change accordingly.
- * procfs.c (procfs_create_inferior): Change comment accordingly.
-Tue Mar 15 10:05:27 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * rs6000-tdep.c: Change value to value_ptr.
-Sun Mar 13 17:19:03 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c (read_hpux_symtab: Correctly determine the namespace
- and address class of SVAR, DVAR, TYPEDEF, TAGDEF, CONST, and
- MEMENUM symbols. Do not include function-scoped variables in
- the partial symbol table.
-Sun Mar 13 09:45:51 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * i386m3-nat.c: Include floatformat.h.
- (get_i387_state): Use memset not bzero.
- * Version 4.12.3.
- * Enable commented out getopt_h, bfd_h, etc. Change
- ieee-float.h to floatformat.h.
- * valprint.c (val_print_string): Ignore error if the error
- happened after a terminating '\0'.
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): Never add 1 to return value from
- val_print_string; just return what it returns.
- * target.h (enum target_signal): Add TARGET_SIGNAL_FIRST, for
- looping through all of the enums.
- * infrun.c (signals_info): Use it.
-Fri Mar 11 08:08:50 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * main.c (main): When printing warning about bad baud rate, don't
- use warning(); it relies on current_target which isn't set up yet.
- * breakpoint.c (_initialize_breakpoint): Update docstring for
- tbreak to match what the code actually does. Don't mention tbreak
- in docstrings for "enable once" or "enable breakpoints once".
-Thu Mar 10 08:52:38 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * symfile.h (ADD_PSYMBOL_VT_TO_LIST): Don't put a semicolon after
- while (0). That defeats the whole purpose of using do . . . while (0).
- * mdebugread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Don't use ?: expression as
- list for ADD_PSYMBOL_TO_LIST; the macro takes its address and
- using a ?: expression as an lvalue is not portable.
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): If REG_STRUCT_HAS_ADDR, also
- convert a LOC_ARG to a LOC_REF_ARG. Update code which combines
- 'p' and 'r' symbol descriptors into a single symbol to look for a
- * README, config/sparc/tm-sparc.h: Update comments.
-Wed Mar 9 21:43:24 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * mdebugread.c (parse_type): Do not complain for types with
- an `indexNil' aux index, these are simply undefined types.
- Remove indexNil check from caller of parse_type.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Do not enter
- stGlobal, scCommon symbols into the minimal symbol table, their
- value is the size of the common, not its address.
- Handle scInit, scFini, scPData and scXData sections.
- Use minimal symbol type mst_file_* for stLabel symbols, instead of
- mst_*.
- Enter stProc symbols into the global_psymbols list once, not into
- the static_psymbols_list.
- Get rid of dummy psymtab if it is empty, to allow proper detection
- of stripped executables.
- * mdebugread.c (cross_ref): Allow cross references to Fortran
- common blocks.
-Wed Mar 9 15:23:19 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * stabsread.c (common_block_end, fix_common_block): Stash the
- struct pending * in the SYMBOL_TYPE, not the SYMBOL_NAMESPACE, so
- as to not assume that a pointer fits in an enum.
-Wed Mar 9 18:56:36 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * os9kread.c (fill_sym): check compiler verion number for pre-
- UltraC compiler.
- * os9kread.c (os9k_process_one_symbol): address of symbol is
- relative to section not module.
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): add symbol type 's' as local
- symbol for os9k.
- * remote-os9k.c: add command 'set monitor_log' to turn on or off
- monitor logging.
- * remote-os9k.c: fix bug in delete breakpoint, single step trace.
- * remote-os9k.c: fix bug in 'set remotebaud' function.
- * remote-os9k.c (rombug_link): minimize checking so to improve
- speed.
- * symfile.c (symbol_file_command): check if failed to link, also make
- the command be able to accept more than one filenames.
- * target.c (target_link): check if failed to link with rombug.
- * config/i386/tm-i386os9k.h : add #define DECR_PC_AFTER_BREAK 0.
-Wed Mar 9 15:23:19 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote-es.c (es1800_child_ops): Don't declare it static.
-Tue Mar 8 11:42:39 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/i386/tm-i386v4.h: Give just macro name, not args, to #undef.
-Tue Mar 8 06:56:13 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * dbxread.c: New variable lowest_text_address.
- (record_minimal_symbol, read_dbx_symtab): Set it.
- (read_dbx_symtab): Use lowest_text_address + text_size instead of
- end_of_text_address.
- * config/gould/tm-pn.h: Add comment regarding END_OF_TEXT_DEFAULT.
- * dbxread.c (end_psymtab): Remove old and commented out
- capping_global and capping_static. Fix comments regarding
- N_SO_ADDRESS_MAYBE_MISSING to match the real name of the macro.
- * parser-defs.h: Add "extern" to start of variable declarations so
- we don't end up with commons.
- * parse.c: Define these variables.
- * irix5-nat.c (find_solib): Cast o_path to CORE_ADDR when using it
- as one.
-Mon Mar 7 13:00:50 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * alpha-tdep.c: Change value to value_ptr.
-Sun Mar 6 17:36:53 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * solib.c (elf_locate_base): New function to locate the address
- of the dynamic linker's runtime structure in the dynamic info section.
- * solib.c (locate_base): Use it instead of iterating over the list
- of mapped address segments.
- * solib.c (look_for_base, bfd_lookup_symbol): Removed, no longer
- necessary.
-Fri Mar 4 09:50:47 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (pc_in_linker_stub): Move decl to beginning of file.
- (pc_in_interrupt_handler): New function. Also add PARAM decl.
- (find_proc_framesize): Deal with HPUX setting SAVE_SP bit for
- signal trampoline and interrupt routines.
- (frame_saved_pc): Handle signal trampolines and interrupt routines.
- (frame_chain, frame_chain_valid): Likewise.
- (hppa_frame_find_saved_regs): Likewise. Also deal with special
- saved regs convention for SP.
- * tm-hppa[bho].h: FRAME_FIND_SAVED_PC_IN_SIGTRAMP): Define.
- * tm-hppah.h (IN_SIGTRAMP): Define.
-Thu Mar 3 12:41:16 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * ch-exp.y (match_simple_name_string): Accept '_' as well as an
- alphabetic character as the start of a name.
- * sparclite/ (all install): Build and install aload.
- * Accept i[34]86-*-*sysv32 because that is what
- config.guess and config.sub produce.
- * mips-tdep.c: Change value to value_ptr.
-Wed Mar 2 09:17:55 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.c, breakpoint.h, c-valprint.c, ch-valprint.c,
- cp-valprint.c, eval.c, expprint.c, findvar.c, language.c,
- objfiles.h, infcmd.c, printcmd.c, stack.c, typeprint.c,
- valarith.c, valops.c, valprint.c, value.h, values.c: Replace
- value with value_ptr. This is for the ptx compiler.
- * objfiles.h, target.h: Don't declare a "sec_ptr" field using a
- "sec_ptr" typedef.
- * symm-nat.c: Add a bunch of stuff for symmetry's ptrace stuff.
- #if 0 i386_float_info.
- * symm-tdep.c (round): Remove. Also remove sgttyb.
- * symm-tdep.c: Remove lots of stuff which duplicates stuff from
- i386-tdep.c. Remove register_addr and ptx_coff_regno_to_gdb.
- * i386-tdep.c (i386_frame_find_saved_regs): Put in
- I386_REGNO_TO_SYMMETRY check in case it is needed for Dynix
- someday.
- * config/i386/nm-symmetry.h: Change KERNEL_U_ADDR. Move
- stuff from PTRACE_READ_REGS, PTRACE_WRITE_REGS macros to
- symm-nat.c. Define CHILD_WAIT and declare child_wait().
- * config/i386/tm-symmetry.h: Remove call function stuff; stuff in
- tm-i386v.h is apparently OK.
- * config/i386/xm-symmetry.h [_SEQUENT_]: Define HAVE_TERMIOS not
-Wed Mar 2 11:31:08 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * osfsolib.c (xfer_link_map_member): Update to use new
- target_read_string interface.
-Wed Mar 2 09:17:55 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): In checking
- remove_breakpoints_on_following_step, check
- through_sigtramp_breakpoint as well as step_resume_breakpoint.
-Tue Mar 1 16:22:56 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * os9kread.c (os9k_process_one_symbol): Rename
- * symfile.c (symbol_file_command): Check for (CORE_ADDR)-1, not
- (CORE_ADDR)0, from target_link, since that is what it uses.
- Process name at end, not during parsing (like we did before Kung's
- change), so that -readnow and -mapped can appear anywhere.
- Make text_relocation a local variable.
- * config/i386/ Fix comment.
- * (ALLDEPFILES): Add remote-os9k.c.
- * os9kread.c: Put "comments" after #endif inside /* */.
- * stabsread.h: Add os9k_stabs variable.
- * stabsread.c (start_stabs), os9kread.c (os9k_process_one_symbol):
- Set it.
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): If os9k_stabs, put a 'V' symbol
- descriptor in global_symbols not local_symbols.
- (read_type): If os9k_stabs, accept 'c', 'i', and 'b' type
- descriptors.
- (read_type): If os9k_stabs, accept function parameters after 'f'
- type descriptor.
- (read_array_type): If os9k_stabs, don't expect index type and
- expect lower and upper to be separated by ',' not ';'.
- (read_enum_type): If os9k_stabs, read a number before the first
- enumeration constant.
- (os9k_init_type_vector): New function.
- (dbx_lookup_type): Call it when starting new type vector.
- * config/i386/tm-i386os9k.h: Define BELIEVE_PCC_PROMOTION.
- * (os9k_process_one_symbol): Call define_symbol not os9k_define_symbol.
- * os9kstab.c: Removed.
- * Update accordingly.
- * objfiles.c (objfile_relocate_data): Removed.
- * remote-os9k.c (rombug_wait): Call objfile_relocate
- not objfile_relocate_data.
- * objfiles.h, objfiles.c: Remove find_pc_objfile.
- * remote-os9k.c (rombug_wait): Call find_pc_section not
- find_pc_objfile.
- * main.c (quit_command): Check inferior_pid; revert Kung change.
- * remote-os9k.c (rombug_create_inferior): Set inferior_pid.
-Tue Mar 1 14:56:14 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * os9kread.c: New file to read os9000 style symbo table.
- * os9kstab.c: new file to read os9000 style stabs.
- * remote-os9k.c: remote protocol talking to os9000 rombug monitor.
- * objfiles.c (find_pc_objfile): new function to search objfile
- from pc.
- * objfiles.c (objfile_relocate_data): new function to relocate
- data symbols in symbol table.
- * objfiles.h: Add two aux fields in struct objfile to handle
- multiple symbol table files situation like in os9000.
- * symfile.c: Change so 'symbol-file' command can handle multiple
- files. Also call target_link() to get relocation infos.
- * target.c (target_link): new function to get relocation info when
- a symbol file is requested to load.
- * main.c (quit_command): take out 'inferior_pid != 0' condition,
- because in cross mode there's no inferior pid, bit they need to
- be detached.
- add os9kread.c os9kstab.c and .o's.
- add i386os9k target.
- config/i386/ new add.
- config/i386/tm-i386os9k.h: new add.
-Tue Mar 1 13:16:10 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * config/sparc/tm-sun4sol2.h (IN_SIGTRAMP): Handle ucbsigvechandler.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_frame_saved_pc): Handle ucbsigvechandler.
-Tue Mar 1 11:54:11 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * target.c, target.h (target_read_string): Provide error detection to
- caller. Put string in malloc'd space, so caller need not impose
- arbitrary limits.
- * solib.c (find_solib): Update to use new interface.
- * irix5-nat.c (find_solib): Read o_path from inferior
- (clear_solib): Free storage for o_path.
- * valprint.c (val_print_string): Add comments.
-Mon Feb 28 23:54:39 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): Handle the case when skip_quoted does not
- advance `p'.
-Mon Feb 28 12:40:46 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * value.h (struct value): Add modifiable field.
- * values.c (allocate_value, record_latest_value, value_copy): Set it.
- (record_latest_value): Don't mess with VALUE_LVAL of value.
- * valops.c (value_assign): Check it. Reword existing error
- message on not_lval.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_step_skips_delay), config/mips/tm-mips.h
- * infrun.c (proceed) [STEP_SKIPS_DELAY]: Check for a breakpoint in
- the delay slot.
- * valprint.c (val_print_string): If errcode is set, always print
- an error, regardless of force_ellipsis. In the non-EIO case,
- just print the error message rather than calling error(). Don't
- access *(bufptr-1) if bufptr points to the start of the buffer.
- When looking for '\0', don't increment bufptr and addr if bufptr
- started out already at limit. If an error happens on fetching the
- first character, don't print the string.
-Sun Feb 27 21:05:06 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/m68k/tm-apollo68b.h: Remove HAVE_68881 define; it is
- obsolete.
- * i387-tdep.c, i386-tdep.c i386v-nat.c, i386aix-nat.c,
- i386m3-nat.c, config/m68k/tm-m68k.h, i960-tdep.c
- config/i960/tm-i960.h, remote-nindy.c, config/m88k/tm-m88k.h,
- m88k-tdep.c: Use floatformat.h instead of ieee-float.h.
- * sparc-tdep.c: Remove now-obsolete ieee-float.h stuff
- * findvar.c: Update comment regarding ieee-float.h.
-Sun Feb 27 21:39:48 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * config/i386/tm-i386v4.h (I386V4_SIGTRAMP_SAVED_PC, IN_SIGTRAMP,
- Define to make backtracing through the various sigtramp handlers
- work.
- * i386-tdep.c (i386v4_sigtramp_saved_pc): New routine to fetch
- the saved pc from ucontext on the stack for SVR4 signal handling.
-Fri Feb 25 09:41:11 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote.c, remote-mon.c, remote-utils.c, remote-utils.h,
- target.h, remote-es.c, remote-nindy.c: Don't set baud rate if
- baud_rate is -1. Remove sr_get_baud_rate and sr_set_baud_rate;
- just use the global variable itself. When printing baud rate,
- don't print a baud rate if baud_rate is -1.
- * coffread.c (read_coff_symtab): Pass mst_file_* to
- record_minimal_symbol for C_STAT symbols. Put C_EXT and C_STAT
- symbols in the minimal symbols regardless of SDB_TYPE.
-Thu Feb 24 08:30:33 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.h (enum bptype): New type bp_through_sigtramp.
- (bpstat_what_main_action): New code BPSTAT_WHAT_THROUGH_SIGTRAMP.
- * breakpoint.c (bpstat_what): Return BPSTAT_WHAT_THROUGH_SIGTRAMP
- if we hit a bp_through_sigtramp breakpoint. Remove kludge which
- ignored bs->stop for a bp_step_resume breakpoint.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Make a through_sigtramp_breakpoint
- which performs one (the check_sigtramp2 one) of the functions
- which had been handled by the step_resume_breakpoint. For each
- use of the step_resume_breakpoint, make it still use the
- step_resume_breakpoint, use the through_sigtramp_breakpoint, or
- operate on both.
- Deal with BPSTAT_WHAT_THROUGH_SIGTRAMP return from bpstat_what.
- When setting the frame address of the step resume breakpoint, set
- it to the address for frame *before* the call instruction is
- executed, not after.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_print_register): Print integers using
- print_scalar_formatted rather than duplicating all the
- CC_HAS_LONG_LONG and so on.
- (mips_push_dummy_frame): Use read_register_gen rather than using
- read_register and then putting it back in target format with
- store_unsigned_integer. If registers are more than 4 bytes, give
- an error rather than have some registers overwrite other
- registers.
- #if 0 unused include of opcode/mips.h.
- * symfile.h: Don't declare arguments for coff_getfilename.
- * defs.h: Revert Kung change regarding FORCE_LONG_LONG.
-Thu Feb 24 08:06:52 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * (hppa*-*-osf*): New configuration.
- * config/pa/ New target makefile fragment.
- * config/pa/tm-hppao.h: New target include file.
-Thu Feb 24 04:29:19 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * exec.c (print_section_info): Print entry point for exec_bfd only.
- * ser-unix.c (wait_for): Fix typo in HAVE_TERMIO case.
- * dwarfread.c: Remove second inclusion of <sys/types.h>, which
- causes problems if <sys/types.h> has no multiple inclusion protection.
-Wed Feb 23 16:28:55 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * tm-hppa.h (CALL_DUMMY): Add two NOP instructions to the end of
- the call dummy to avoid kernel bugs in HPUX, BSD, and OSF1.
- (CALL_DUMMY_LENGTH): Changed accordingly.
-Wed Feb 23 16:21:25 1994 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * sparc-stub.c (trap_low): Make trap handler work for arbitrary
- numbers of register windows.
- * sparclite/hello.c: Add factorial function for testing.
- * salib.c: Use macros instead of constants for I/O addresses to
- make 931 support easier.
- * sparclite.h: Change constraint for LOC to "rJ" to force use of
- register in sta/lda instructions.
-Wed Feb 23 10:39:18 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): Set
- block_address_function_relative for COFF like we do for ELF and SOM.
-Sat Feb 19 03:17:32 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * mdebugread.c (new_psymtab): Pass in section_offsets and set
- them in the pst.
- * mdebugread.c (handle_psymbol_enumerators): New function to enter
- the enumerators of an ecoff enum into the partial symbol table.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Call it.
- * symfile.c (reread_symbols): Initialize objfile->*
- * symmisc.c (dump_psymtab): Fix typo, clean up output of section
- offsets. Cast psymtab->read_symtab to PTR before passing it to
- gdb_print_address.
- * i386-tdep.c (i386_skip_prologue): Skip over instructions that
- set up the global offset table pointer in pic compiled code.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (FIX_CALL_DUMMY): For big endian targets,
- error() on TYPE_CODE_FLT arguments whose size is greater than 8,
- swap all other TYPE_CODE_FLT arguments as mips_push_arguments
- ensures that floats are promoted to doubles before they are pushed
- on the stack.
-Fri Feb 18 23:12:59 1994 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * sparclite/, sparclite/salib.c, sparclite/sparclite.h:
- Fixup cache_on and flush_i_cache so that they work for both the
- 930 and 932 processors. Rewrite most low level funcs (uart
- access & cache stuff) to use new ASI access macros in sparclite.h.
- Also make it easy to access second serial port.
-Fri Feb 18 22:17:33 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * hp300ux-nat.c: Don't incloude <sys/dir.h>, <sys/ioctl.h>, or
- <sys/stat.h>; not needed.
-Fri Feb 18 08:26:29 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * stack.c (print_frame_info): In "pathological" case, don't
- distrust the line number information.
-Fri Feb 18 16:51:14 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_print_register): handle 64 bits register.
- * valprint.c (print_longest): fix a bug in printing 64 bits value.
-Fri Feb 18 08:26:29 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * Version 4.12.2.
- * (install): Do the sed for program_transform_name
- ourselves instead of worrying about INSTALL_XFORM. This enables
- users to override INSTALL_PROGRAM in the standard way.
- * (,, Don't
- depend on
- * defs.h, valprint.c: Make longest_to_int a function not a macro.
- Only test against INT_MIN if a LONGEST is bigger than an int.
- * README: Change GhostScript to Ghostscript.
-Fri Feb 18 07:30:55 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/rs6000/{tm-rs6000lynx.h,nm-rs6000lynx.h,xm-rs6000lynx.h}:
- Rename to tm-rs6000ly.h, nm-rs6000ly.h, xm-rs6000ly.h for 14
- character file names.
- * (ALLPARAM): Add these files.
- * config/mips/ Rename to for 14
- character file names.
- * Add Kung's new mips64 files.
-Thu Feb 17 17:25:47 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * add mips64-*-elf, mips64-*-ecoff, mips64el-*-elf,
- mips64el-*-ecoff and mips64-big-*.
- * defs.h: get rid of FORCE_LONG_LONG.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_find_saved_regs): add sd and sdc1 instruction
- parsing. Change register size to be MIPS_REGSIZE.
-Thu Feb 17 09:30:22 1994 David J. Mackenzie (
- * corelow.c, exec.c, irix5-nat.c, mipsread.c, objfiles.c,
- osfsolib.c, rs6000-nat.c, solib.c, symfile.c, utils.c,
- xcoffexec.c: Use bfd_get_error and bfd_set_error and new error names.
-Fri Feb 11 21:47:24 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * remote-hms.c (readchar, hms_open, hms_fetch_register): Made more robust.
- (remove_commands, add_commands): Add/remove hms-drain when target
- is connected.
-Fri Feb 11 16:11:38 1994 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * Add Lynx/rs6000 support.
- * lynx-nat.c: Clean up some Sparc stuff. Clean up ptrace error
- messages. Add rs6000 support. Don't try to modify unwritable
- registers.
- * rs6000-nat.c: Move lots of native dependent stuff (like core
- file support) from rs6000-tdep.c & xcoffexec.c to here.
- * rs6000-tdep.c: Move native dependent stuff to nat.c.
- * xcoffexec.c: Move native dependent stuff to nat.c.
- * config/rs6000/nm-rs6000.h: Move defs of SOLIB_* macros to here
- from tm file.
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h: Remove defs of SOLIB_* funcs, cuz they're
- really native.
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000lynx.h, config/rs6000/xm-rs6000lynx.h:
- New files to support Lynx/rs6000.
-Tue Feb 8 00:32:28 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * README: Remove note about gcc warnings on alpha, these should be
- gone now.
- * c-exp.y, ch-exp.y, core.c, corelow.c, eval.c, fork-child.c,
- m2-exp.y, minsyms.c, nlmread.c, parse.c, putenv.c, regex.c
- remote-utils.c, stabsread.c: Include <string.h>.
- * regex.c: Include "defs.h", change re_comp argument to const char *.
- * infptrace.c (fetch_register, store_inferior_registers): Change
- regaddr to type CORE_ADDR.
- * config/alpha/, config/alpha/ (MT_CFLAGS):
- Remove, no longer necessary now that we use bfd_vma for a CORE_ADDR.
-Mon Feb 7 09:21:17 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * symtab.h: Always define BYTE_BITFIELD to nothing.
-Mon Feb 7 08:44:17 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/m68k/{,tm-m68k-em.h}: Remove; no longer used.
- * Remove comment about
- * Remove references.
-Mon Feb 7 08:22:42 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * defs.h [BFD64]: Use BFD_HOST_64_BIT, not nonexistent
-Sun Feb 6 15:56:09 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c (hpux_symfile_init): Use obj_som_* rather than obj_* to
- access BFD private data. Search for the "$TEXT$" space rather
- than ".text".
- (hppa_sym_fns): Add bfd target flavour to initializer.
-Sun Feb 6 06:55:15 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * target.c (target_preopen): If target_kill doesn't remove the
- target from the stack, use pop_target to do it.
- * coffread.c (process_coff_symbol, case C_TPDEF): Don't set name
- of TYPE_CODE_PTR or TYPE_CODE_FUNC types. This parallels similar
- changes to stabsread.c from summer 1993.
- * remote-udi.c (udi_files_info): If prog_name is NULL, just skip
- printing the program, rather than passing NULL to printf.
- (udi_detach): Set udi_session_id to -1 so that udi_close doesn't
- try to call UDIDisconnect again. Print better message.
- (udi_kill): Just call UDIDisconnect ourselves, rather than doing
- it via udi_close.
- (udi_create_inferior): If udi_session_id is negative, open a new
- TIP rather than giving an error.
- * config/mips/, config/i386/,
- config/ns32k/ Define NAT_FILE.
- * config/nm-m3.h: Change guard from _OS_MACH3_H_ and _OS_MACH3_H
- (it was inconsistent and namespace-wrong) to NM_M3_H.
- * m3-nat.c (mach_really_wait): Change parameter name to ourstatus.
- (m3_open): New function.
- (m3_ops): Use it.
- * TODO: Update Mach section.
- * Remove "rapp" stuff; it is superseded by gdbserver.
-Sun Feb 6 13:26:21 1994 Per Bothner (
- * printcmd.c (printf_command): Add missing single-letter
- backslash-escape sequences, and improve error message.
-Sun Feb 6 06:55:15 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * corelow.c (solib_add_stub, core_open): Pass address of from_tty
- rather than trying to shove an int into a pointer and back out
- again. This avoids compiler warnings.
- * defs.h (alloca): Declare as void *, not char *, on hpux.
- Don't prototype it, just declare the return type.
-Sun Feb 6 03:25:41 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * config/i386/tm-sun386.h, config/i386/tm-symmetry.h
- (REGISTER_CONVERT_TO_RAW): Add missing backslash.
-Sat Feb 5 08:03:41 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote-mips.c (mips_fetch_registers): If regno is FP_REGNUM or
- ZERO_REGNUM, just read it as zero without talking to the board.
- * config/i386/tm-i386aix.h (REGISTER_CONVERT_TO_RAW): Add missing
- backslash.
- * i386-tdep.c (i386_extract_return_value): Pass TYPE_LENGTH (type)
- to store_floating, not nonexistent variable len.
- * remote-mips.c (mips_insert_breakpoint, mips_remove_breakpoint):
- New functions.
- (mips_store_word): Change calling convention to return errors, and
- to provide old contents if the caller wants it.
- (mips_xfer_memory): Deal with errors from mips_store_word.
- * config/mips/tm-idt.h, config/mips/tm-idtl.h: Remove BREAKPOINT
- define now that remote-mips.c doesn't use BREAKPOINT.
- * remote-mips.c (mips_create_inferior): Call warning if arguments
- specified, and then execute "set args" command. Call error, not
- mips_error, if executable file not specified.
- * remote-e7000.c: Replace "snoop" command (e7000_noecho) with
- remote_debug.
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h (STORE_STRUCT_RETURN): Don't cast
- to unsigned int.
-Sat Feb 5 05:27:05 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * value.h (print_longest): Rename "value" to "val" in prototype
- declaration because some compilers don't like arguments whose
- names are the same as types.
- * remote.c (remote_xfer_memory): Cast "myaddr" to unsigned char *
- before passing it to remote_*_bytes.
-Fri Feb 4 15:53:18 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * h8500-tdep.c (saved_pc_after_call): The size of the
- pc is memory model dependent. (segmented_command,
- unsegmented_command, _initialize_h8500_tdep): New commands to
- change memory model.
- * remote-e7000.c (_initialize_remote_e7000): Change name of snoop
- command.
- * remote-hms.c (hms_load): Remove breakpoints when loaded.
- (hms_wait): Use new status structure
- (hms_open): Push the target here. (hms_before_main_loop): Not
- here. (supply_val, hms_fetch_register, hms_store_register): Cope
- with H8/500 names too. (hms_fetch_register): Take out REGISTER_TYPE.
- * sh-tdep.c (show_regs, initialize_sh_tdep): New command to print
- all registers in a compact way.
-Fri Feb 4 07:41:13 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h: Declare rs6000_struct_return_address
- as CORE_ADDR to match definition in rs6000-tdep.c.
-Fri Feb 4 01:14:20 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * dwarfread.c (process_dies): Skip nested TAG_compile_unit DIEs.
- * dwarfread.c (add_partial_symbol): Do not enter opaque aggregate
- definitions into the psymtab.
-Thu Feb 3 12:38:58 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * m68k-stub.c: Treat mc68332 like mc68020 most places. Provide
- a special exceptionSize for the 68332.
- * remote-udi.c (udi_attach): If no arguments, print error.
-Thu Feb 3 17:34:05 1994 Fred Fish (
- * (VERSION): Bump to 4.12.1
- * NEWS, README: Update to match 4.12 release.
-Thu Feb 3 12:38:58 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * command.c (empty_sfunc): New function.
- (add_set_cmd): Use it instead of not_just_help_class_command.
- (not_just_help_class_command): Change calling convention back to
- what it was before yesterday's change.
- * stabsread.c (read_sun_builtin_type): Skip the semicolon at the end
- of the type if present.
-Wed Feb 2 11:16:45 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * printcmd.c (decode_format): Don't blithely set the size for
- an address to 'w'. Make it 'g' or 'h', depending on TARGET_PTR_BIT.
- * defs.h: Just typedef CORE_ADDR to bfd_vma. Include bfd.h.
- If BFD64, make a LONGEST a BFD_HOST_64_BIT.
- * defs.h (longest_to_int): Don't depend on CC_HAS_LONG_LONG; instead
- always just check against INT_MIN and INT_MAX (this also fixes things
- if sizeof (long) > sizeof (int), e.g. Alpha).
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h, config/i386/sun386.h, config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h:
- * gdbtypes.h: Remove BUILTIN_TYPE_LONGEST and
- * language.h, c-lang.c, ch-lang.c, m2-lang.c, language.c: Remove
- longest_int and longest_unsigned_int.
- * value.h (struct value): Just align to LONGEST, rather than worrying
- * valarith.c (value_binop): Figure out type ourself based on
- sizeof (LONGEST) rather than relying on BUILTIN_TYPE_LONGEST. The
- point is that we don't depend on CC_HAS_LONG_LONG anymore.
- * valprint.c (val_print_type_code_int): Just call
- extract_unsigned_integer directly, rather than going through
- unpack_long.
- * printcmd.c (decode_format): Remove code which would sometimes
- change 'g' size to 'w' for integers. print_scalar_formatted handles
- printing huge integers well enough, thank you.
- * command.c (add_set_cmd, not_just_help_class_command): Change
- to make this the sfunc, not cfunc, since that is how we call it.
- * command.h: Comment difference between sfunc and cfunc.
- * demangle.c (set_demangling_command): Add third arg since that
- is how it is called.
- (_initialize_demangler): Use sfunc, not cfunc, for
- set_demangling_command, since that is how it is called.
- Remove show_demangling_command; it has no effect.
- * command.c (shell_escape): Report errors correctly (with error
- message from strerror).
-Wed Feb 2 14:35:41 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab): Change CSECT_LEN to use
- x_scnlen.l rather than x_scnlen to match corresponding change in
- coff/internal.h.
-Wed Feb 2 11:16:45 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * gdbtypes.h, ch-typeprint.c, ch-valprint.c:
- Change comments regarding TYPE_CODE_BOOL.
- * language.c (boolean_type): Always return 1 for TYPE_CODE_BOOL,
- regardless of the language.
- (value_true): Just call value_logical_not regardless of language.
- * coffread.c (coff_read_enum_type), stabsread.c (read_enum_type):
- Remove #if 0'd code which makes some enums TYPE_CODE_BOOL.
- * language.h: Improve comment for la_builtin_type_vector.
- * m2-lang.c (_initialize_m2_language): Don't add any fields to
- builtin_type_m2_bool.
-Tue Feb 1 17:13:32 1994 Kevin Buettner (
- * config/m88k/{tm-delta88.h,tm-delta88v4.h}, m88k-tdep.c:
- Define IN_SIGTRAMP and backtrace correctly through signal handlers.
-Tue Feb 1 22:13:25 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * procfs.c (wait_fd): Handle EINTR error return from PIOCWSTOP ioctl
- by restarting the ioctl.
-Tue Feb 1 16:16:25 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * target.h (target_wait): Add comment about calling
- return_to_top_level.
-Tue Feb 1 12:21:00 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * coffread.c (read_one_sym): bfd_coff_swap_aux_in now takes
- additional arguments.
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab, read_symbol_lineno): Likewise.
-Mon Jan 31 16:10:41 1994 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * sparc-stub.c: Remove unnecessary #include of memory.h.
-Mon Jan 31 12:12:34 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * mips-tdep.c: Remove code which sets saved_regs from
- init_extra_frame_info and put it in new function mips_find_saved_regs.
- (READ_FRAME_REG): Remove macro and replace uses with the expansion.
- * mips-tdep.c, config/mips/tm-mips.h: When examining ->saved_regs,
- check if it is NULL and call mips_find_saved_regs if so.
- * remote-mips.c: Use unfiltered, not filtered, output most places.
- * blockframe.c (get_prev_frame_info): Detect and stop an infinite
- backtrace. Revise comments.
-Mon Jan 31 09:40:33 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * mdebugread.c (parse_procedure): Remove _sigtramp kludges for
- alpha and irix. The _sigtramp case has to be handled properly
- in the tdep files if we have no ecoff debugging info.
- * alpha-tdep.c (alpha_frame_saved_pc, alpha_frame_chain),
- mips-tdep.c (mips_frame_saved_pc): Handle signal handler frames
- without PC_REGNUM kludge.
- * mdebugread.c (fixup_sigtramp), mips-tdep.c (read_next_frame_reg):
- Clean up handling of mips sigtramp frames, improve comments.
-Sat Jan 29 23:25:57 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * paread.c (read_unwind_info): Fix typo.
- * paread.c (pa_symtab_read): Update the "check_strange_names"
- filter to match GCC's current output. Filter out section symbols
- (which the HP linker sometimes puts in the wrong place).
-Sat Jan 29 07:44:59 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * serial.h (SERIAL_SET_TTY_STATE): Comment return value.
- * (TAGS): Just echo one line, rather than the whole thing.
- * Remove all references to sparcly-nat.c.
- * (HFILES_NO_SRCDIR): Include dcache.h remote-utils.h
- remote-sim.h directly, rather than via $(remote_utils_h). This avoids
- duplicating serial.h and target.h.
- * Don't set M_INSTALL and M_UNINSTALL. These variables
- are not used anywhere (a 5 Oct 1993 change removed the uses).
- * config/m68k/ (TDEPFILE): Add remote-es.o.
- * config/m68k/ Add comment.
- * remote-es.c: Extensive changes to update to current conventions.
- * ser-unix.c (wait_for, hardwire_readchar) [HAVE_TERMIO, HAVE_TERMIOS]:
- If the timeout is too big to fit in c_cc[VTIME], then do multiple reads
- to achieve the desired timeout.
- * serial.h (serial_t): Add field timeout_remaining.
-Fri Jan 28 08:45:02 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * c-exp.y (yylex): Reenable nested type code.
-Fri Jan 28 15:40:33 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * a29k-tdep.c (examine_tag): Add comment regarding argcount.
- * remote-mips.c (mips_ops): Fix docstring.
- * remote-bug.c (bug_ops): Remove spurious newline from docstring.
- * config/m68k/tm-monitor.h: Changes to bring this into accordance
- with the old tm-m68k-em.h:
- (HAVE_68881): Don't undefine; HAVE_68881 is obsolete.
- (REGISTER_NAMES): Don't muck with it; what tm-m68k.h has is fine.
- * remote-udi.c (udi_close, udi_detach, udi_kill): Add comments.
- * infptrace.c (kill_inferior): Add comments.
- * main.c (quit_command): Call target_close after we kill or
- detach.
- * remote-udi.c (udi_close): Don't error() if QUITTING.
-Fri Jan 28 11:55:52 1994 Rob Savoye (
- * Make m68k-coff and aout add monitor support in
- addition to the standard serial support.
-Fri Jan 28 08:45:02 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * mdebugread.c (psymtab_to_symtab_1): Don't complain on stLabel with
- index indexNil.
-Fri Jan 28 10:40:34 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h: Define macro SMASH_TEXT_ADDRESS.
- * elfread.c (record_minimal_symbol_and_info),
- dwarfread.c (process_dies), paread.c (pa_symtab_read): Use it.
-Thu Jan 27 15:12:23 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * i386-stub.c: Add ".text" right before "mem_fault:".
- * main.c (baud_rate): Add FIXME comment about printing -1 value.
- * remote-utils.c (usage): Fix message to be accurate and conform
- more closely to normal conventions.
- * remote-utils.c (gr_files_info): Have the exec_bfd test control
- whether to show information about exec_bfd, and not control whether
- to show information about device and speed.
- * remote-utils.c (gr_open): If sr_get_device returns NULL, give
- usage message, don't dump core.
- * remote-bug.c (bug_write_memory): Use alloca, not GCC extension
- for variable size array.
- (bug_fetch_register, bug_store_register): Rename "value" to
- "fpreg_buf" because some compilers don't like variables whose
- names are the same as types.
- (bug_store_register): Use a cast when converting char * to
- unsigned char *.
- * symmisc.c (maintenance_print_symbols): Don't refer to the name
- of the command in error message (the text was referring to the old
- name of the command).
- * symmisc.c (dump_symtab): Fix args to fprintf_filtered.
- * c-typeprint.c (c_type_print_base): Have SHOW == 0 mean to print
- full details on structure elements without names. This partially
- reverts the changes of 1 Jul 1993 and 31 Aug 1993; I think this aspect
- of those changes was accidental.
- * stack.c (parse_frame_specification): If SETUP_ARBITRARY_FRAME is
- defined, make it an error to specify a single argument which is not
- a frame number.
- * (version.c), main.c (print_gdb_version): Use
- host_alias and target_alias, not host_canonical and
- target_canonical, to print configuration.
-Wed Jan 26 10:57:21 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * parse.c (write_exp_msymbol): Use new type msymbol_addr_type instead
- of builtin_type_long. It is necessary to get a type which is
- TARGET_PTR_BIT bits in size; builtin_type_long might not be big enough.
- Fix many sins which will come up in 32 bit x 64 bit GDB, and
- various miscellaneous things discovered in the process:
- * printcmd.c, defs.h (print_address_numeric): New function.
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print), ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print)
- breakpoint.c (describe_other_breakpoints, breakpoint_1, mention),
- cp-valprint.c (cplus_print_value), infcmd.c (jump_command),
- printcmd.c, stack.c, symfile.c, symmisc.c, valprint.c:
- Use it.
- * utils.c, defs.h (gdb_print_address): New function.
- * expprint (dump_expression), gdbtypes.h: Use it.
- * breakpoint.c (describe_other_breakpoints),
- symmisc.c (dump_symtab, print_symbol):
- Use filtered not unfiltered I/O.
- (remove_breakpoints): Remove BREAKPOINT_DEBUG code. Might as well
- just run gdb under a debugger for this (and it had problems with
- printing addresses, how to print b->shadow, etc.).
- * buildsym.c (make_blockvector), core.c (memory_error),
- exec.c (print_section_info), maint.c (print_section_table),
- mdebugread.c (parse_procedure), solib.c, source.c, symfile.c,
- symmisc.c, symtab.c, valops.c, valprint.c, xcoffexec.c:
- Add comments saying code is broken. Marked with "FIXME-32x64".
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol), partial-stab.h (default),
- remote-vx.c (vx_run_files_info):
- Don't cast int being passed to local_hex_string.
- * symmisc.c (print_symbol): Don't cast long being passed to %lx.
- * symtab.h (general_symbol_info): Add comment about SYMBOL_VALUE
- only being a long.
- * symmisc.c (print_symbol): Print "offset" in message for LOC_ARG
- and LOC_LOCAL.
- * printcmd.c (print_address): Remove #if 0 code with ADDR_BITS_REMOVE.
- * source.c: Include <sys/types.h> regardless of USG.
-Tue Jan 25 12:58:26 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * valops.c (value_assign): Set `type' after coercing toval.
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print), ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print):
- Use extract_unsigned_integer to get the address of a reference.
-Tue Jan 25 11:31:53 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * stabsread.c (STABS_CONTINUE, error_type), partial-stab.h:
- AIX can use ? instead of \ for continuation. Deal with it.
- * paread.c (read_unwind_info): Just assign to objfile->obj_private,
- not OBJ_UNWIND_INFO. Assigning to a cast is a GCC-ism which
- the HP compiler in ANSI mode doesn't like.
- * main.c: When defaulting HAVE_SIGSETMASK based on USG, just do it
- based on USG, rather than defining HAVE_SIGSETMASK to an
- expression containing defined. Having a macro used in #if expand
- to an expression containing "defined" is undefined according to
- ANSI, and the HP compiler in ANSI mode doesn't do what we wanted
- it to.
-Mon Jan 24 20:51:29 1994 John Gilmore (
- * sparc-nat.c (fetch_inferior_registers, store_inferior_registers):
- Clean up the changes of 11 Jan, as recommended by Peter Schauer.
-Fri Jan 21 19:10:44 1994 Per Bothner (
- * ch-exp.y (match_string_literal): Allow a zero-length string.
- * ch-lang.c (chill_printstr): Don't print zero-length string funny.
-Sat Jan 22 17:08:48 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * i386aix-nat.c (i386_float_info): Reverse order of registers before
- passing them to print_387_status.
- (print_387_status): Don't subtract top from 7 before using it.
- * i387-tdep.c: Remove comment about AIX wanting "top" subtracted
- from 7; the above explains it.
-Sat Jan 22 20:25:11 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * mips-tdep.c (init_extra_frame_info): Use frame relative stack
- pointer value when fixing up the frame at the start of a function.
-Sat Jan 22 12:29:13 1994 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * lynx-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Load the I & L regs for the
- Sparc from the stack.
-Sat Jan 22 08:30:42 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote-mips.c (mips_initialize): Clear mips_initializing via
- cleanup chain, not directly.
- * ser-unix.c (wait_for) [HAVE_TERMIO, HAVE_TERMIOS]: Make a timeout
- of -1 mean forever, like in the HAVE_SGTTY case. Warn if we are
- munging the timeout due to the limited range of c_cc[VTIME].
- * fork-child.c, inferior.h (fork_inferior): New argument shell_file.
- * procfs.c (procfs_create_inferior), inftarg.c (child_create_inferior),
- m3-nat.c (m3_create_inferior): Pass it.
- * procfs.c: Remove ptrace function. It was declared in a way which
- conflicted with the prototype in unistd.h on Solaris.
-Sat Jan 22 01:37:40 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * sparc-tdep.c (frame_saved_pc): Get the pc from the saved pc
- in the sigcontext if it is a signal trampoline frame.
- * config/sparc/tm-sun4sol2.h (IN_SIGTRAMP, SIGCONTEXT_PC_OFFSET):
- Define for Solaris2.
-Sat Jan 22 00:34:47 1994 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * sparc-tdep.c, lynx-nat.c, config/sparc/tm-sparc.h,
- config/sparc/tm-sparclynx.h: Move defs of FRAME_SAVED_I0/L0 to
- tm-sparc.h so they can be overridden if necessary.
-Fri Jan 21 17:49:28 1994 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * lynx-nat.c: Add Sparc support.
- * sparcly-nat.c: Remove. It's useless.
- * config/sparc/nm-sparclynx.h: Rewrite.
- * config/sparc/ (NATDEPFILES): Replace sparcly-nat.o
- with lynx-nat.o
- * config/sparc/tm-sparclynx.h: Rewrite.
-Fri Jan 21 19:08:48 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * rs6000-pinsn.c: Use the new disassembler in the opcodes
- directory. Old code was discarded, since the new opcode table has
- a different format.
-Fri Jan 21 14:28:30 1994 Fred Fish (
- * (realclean): Remove info files per make-stds.texi.
-Fri Jan 21 12:47:53 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * dbxread.c (end_psymtab): Only patch psymtab textlow and texthigh
- * config/sparc/tm-sun4sol2.h: Define it.
-Thu Jan 20 15:04:24 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * printcmd.c (print_address_symbolic): Unconditionally use msymbol
- if we did not find a symbol.
-Fri Jan 21 08:20:18 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * infptrace.c (child_xfer_memory): Only use if CHILD_XFER_MEMORY
- is not defined.
- * hppab-nat.c (call_ptrace): Delete redundant function.
- (kill_inferior, attach, detach, child_resume): Likewise.
- (child_xfer_memory): Likewise.
- * hppah-nat.c (call_ptrace): Delete redundant function.
- (kill_inferior, attach, detach, child_resume): Likewise.
- * config/pa/ (NATDEPFILES): Add infptrace.o.
- * config/pa/ (NATDEPFILES): Add infptrace.o.
- * config/pa/nm-hppab.h (FETCH_INFERIOR_REGISTERS): Define.
- * config/pa/nm-hppah.h (FETCH_INFERIOR_REGISTERS): define.
- (PT_*): Define so that generic infptrace.c code can be used.
-Fri Jan 21 09:23:33 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffread.c (xcoff_symfile_read): Make second parameter a
- struct section_offsets *, not a (nonexistent) struct section_offset *.
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab): Make main_aux just a union
- internal_xcoff_symtab, not an array of one of them. Change lots of
- "main_aux" to "&main_aux" and so on.
- * coffread.c, xcoffread.c: Include <coff/internal.h>
- before "symfile.h".
-Thu Jan 20 17:30:55 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * coffread.c (coff_getfilename): Make it not static.
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab): complain() not abort().
- * xcoffread.c (struct coff_symbol): Rename c_nsyms to c_naux (removes
- a completely gratuitous difference between xcoffread.c and coffread.c).
-Wed Jan 19 15:09:44 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Don't set frame for
- step_resume_breakpoint for IN_SIGTRAMP cases.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior), breakpoint.h (struct bpstat_what),
- breakpoint.c (bpstat_what): Move step_resume from its own field of
- the struct bpstat_what into the main_action. Make it override
- other breakpoints. This is a conservative change in the sense
- that before the step resume breakpoint was a breakpoint.c
- breakpoint, hitting the step resume breakpoint overrode even
- calling bpstat_stop_status.
-Wed Jan 19 12:40:25 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * infrun.c (normal_stop): Set stop_pc after popping the dummy frame
- in case execution was stopped in the called function.
- * stack.c (print_frame_info, frame_info): If backtracing through
- a call dummy, handle the starting source line number on a line
- boundary like backtracing through sigtramp.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_frame_find_saved_regs): Get frame address
- for call dummy frame right. Remove old test for dummy frame,
- it has been unused at least since gdb-3.5.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_push_dummy_frame): Set return address register
- of the dummy frame.
-Tue Jan 18 16:16:35 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * infcmd.c (signal_command): Accept 0 as legitimate signal number.
-Tue Jan 18 14:09:25 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * infrun.c (signals_info), target.c (target_signal_from_name):
- Use ugly casts to avoid enumvar < enumvar or enumvar++.
-Mon Jan 17 22:00:15 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * ser-unix.c (hardwire_noflush_set_tty_state): Don't muck with ICANON.
- * inflow.c (terminal_ours_1): When discussing how to deal with the
- tty state, make note of query() as well as readline.
- * infrun.c (_initialize_infrun): Add TARGET_SIGNAL_POLL to list of
- signals for which stop and print are cleared by default.
-Mon Jan 17 20:00:51 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (unwind_table_entry): Use one of the
- reserved fields to hold a stub unwind entry type. Fix typo.
- (stub_unwind_entry): New structure for raw stub unwind entries.
- (stub_unwind_types): The types of stubs we may encounter.
- * hppa-tdep.c (rp_saved): Use additional information provided
- by linker stub unwind descriptors.
- (frameless_function_invocation): Likewise.
- (frame_chain_valid): Likewise.
- * paread.c (compare_unwind_entries): New function for sorting
- unwind table entries.
- (read_unwind_info): Rewrite to remove dependency on host endianness.
- Read in data from the $UNWIND_END$ subspace which contains linker
- stub unwind descriptors. Merge that data into the basic unwind
- table.
- * hppab-nat.c (_initialize_kernel_u_addr): Delete unwanted functions.
-Mon Jan 17 22:00:15 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab, case C_FILE): Accept the name
- from either the symbol name or the auxent.
- * coffread.c, symfile.h (coff_getfilename): Renamed from getfilename,
- no longer static.
-Mon Jan 17 13:35:01 1994 Fred Fish (
- * (ALLPARAM): Change irix5.h to nm-irix5.h.
-Mon Jan 17 12:35:42 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * README: Update notes for alpha port.
-Mon Jan 17 11:15:57 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * i960-tdep.c (i960_fault_to_signal): Return TARGET_SIGNAL_ILL
- for operation fault, constraint fault, and type fault.
-Sun Jan 16 12:46:01 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * (init.c): Add comment explaining formatting conventions.
- * c-exp.y (parse_number): Assign to temporary between the right
- shifts, to work around a bug in the SCO compiler.
- Add various files which were added to GDB recently.
- * xcoffread.c (process_xcoff_symbol): Only change 'V' to 'S' if not
- within_function.
- * Add mostlyclean target.
-Sat Jan 15 10:20:13 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * Version 4.11.4.
-Sat Jan 15 18:27:34 1994 Per Bothner (
- * main.c (show_commands): Make return type of extern
- history_get be HIST_ENTRY, rather than struct _hist_entry.
- (The latter loses with the upcoming merged readline.)
-Sat Jan 15 10:20:13 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * minsyms.c (prim_record_minimal_symbol_and_info): Make tempstring
- const char *, not char *.
- * symtab.h (struct symbol): Make section short, not unsigned short.
- * symtab.c (lookup_symbol): Add comment about QUIT here.
- * utils.c (fputs_unfiltered): Call fputs, not fputs_maybe_filtered.
- * c-exp.y (parse_number): Check for overflow regardless of range
- checking. Fix overflow check to use unsigned LONGEST, not
- unsigned int.
- * c-exp.y (parse_number): Make it so that integer constants are
- builtin_type_long_long if builtin_type_long isn't big enough or if
- an "LL" suffix is used. Properly handle "UL" or "LU" suffixes.
- * c-typeprint.c (c_type_print_varspec_suffix, case TYPE_CODE_FUNC):
- Print our "()" first, then recurse for the target type.
-Fri Jan 14 21:55:39 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote-udi.c (udi_create_inferior): Quote empty execfile argument.
- * gdbserver/low-lynx.c: Include <sys/wait.h> not "/usr/include/wait.h".
-Fri Jan 14 14:17:06 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * utils.c (request_quit): Re-establish signal handler regardless
- of USG.
- * config/mips/xm-irix4.h: Define HAVE_TERMIOS.
-Fri Jan 14 21:55:39 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * i960-tdep.c: Include target.h.
-Fri Jan 14 17:12:28 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * lynx-nat.c (sys/wait.h): Don't use absolute pathname.
-Fri Jan 14 11:06:10 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * lynx-nat.c (child_wait): Fix thinkos in struct target_waitstatus
- changes (status -> ourstatus; declare status, etc.).
- * config/nm-lynx.h: Fix child_wait prototype and include target.h.
-Fri Jan 14 14:17:06 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * (ALLPARAM): Add config/nm-lynx.h.
-Fri Jan 14 11:49:44 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * remote-mips.c (mips_request, mips_wait): Correct prototypes.
-Fri Jan 14 11:37:17 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/i386/xm-linux.h: Define HAVE_TERMIOS.
-Fri Jan 14 01:04:36 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * config/alpha/tm-alpha.h (CALL_DUMMY): Improve comment.
-Thu Jan 13 10:32:38 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote-vx.c (vx_wait): Only call i960_fault_to_signal if I80960
- is defined. Otherwise just report TARGET_SIGNAL_UNKNOWN.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_push_arguments): Byteswap struct_addr before
- writing it.
- Add search to target vector (#if 0'd until after 4.12):
- * target.h (to_search, target_search): Add.
- * gdbcore.h, core.c (generic_search): Add.
- * remote.c (remote_search): Add.
- * a29k-tdep.c (init_frame_info): Use target_search to find traceback
- tag.
- * printcmd.c (print_address_symbolic): If set print fast-symbolic-addr
- is on, call find_pc_function rather than relying just on the minimal
- symbols (probably only matters for symbol readers which don't put
- statics in the minimal symbols, but changing this strikes me as
- not conservative enough).
- Initialize name_location in all cases.
- If no symbol and no msymbol, don't print anything symbolic.
- * a29k-tdep.c (push_dummy_frame): Add comment about saving lr0.
-Wed Jan 12 20:53:16 1994 John Gilmore (
- * printcmd.c (print_address_symbolic): Make it search the
- symtabs for variables as well as functions. Add `set print
- fast-symbolic-addr' and default it to fast (the old way).
- Print line numbers for data items as well as functions.
- * symtab.c (find_addr_symbol): Return the symtab and the symbol
- address, if a symbol is found (take two more args pointing to
- where to store these results).
- * symtab.h (find_addr_symbol): Add prototype.
-Wed Jan 12 19:32:11 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * objfiles.h: Fix comments to reflect the fact that the phrase
- "top of stack" always refers to where the pushing and popping takes
- place, regardless of whether it is at the highest or lowest address.
-Wed Jan 12 13:23:37 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol): Do not set TYPE_TAG_NAME for
- compiler generated tag names.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_type): Handle cross references to qualified
- aggregate types.
- * valops.c (value_struct_elt): Improve error message if the
- address of a method is requested from an object instance.
- * valops.c (search_struct_method): Make name_matched non-static
- to get it initialized correctly.
- * config/i386/nm-i386sco.h (CANNOT_STORE_REGISTER): Define to
- exclude segment register which are not writable on newer SCO versions.
-Wed Jan 12 14:44:45 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * go32-xdep.c: Remove unused function uerror.
- (sigsetmask): Declare return type. Declare argument (to match the
- way it is called). Explicitly return 0.
-Wed Jan 12 01:44:25 1994 John Gilmore (
- * symtab.h (struct symbol, general_symbol_info, minimal_symbol,
- partial_symbol): Shrink the storage sizes of symbols, by making
- enums into 1-byte bitfields when compiled __GNUC__, moving all the
- enums and small ints to the end of each struct to improve
- alignment, and switching the section number from int to unsigned
- short.
-Wed Jan 12 00:16:26 1994 John Gilmore (
- * symtab.c (find_addr_symbol): New routine that will find the nearest
- symbol associated with an address. It does so by exhaustive
- search of the symtabs, so it's slow but complete.
-Tue Jan 11 23:57:30 1994 John Gilmore (
- * coffread.c (read_coff_symtab): Set PC bounds of _globals_ symtab
- to [0,0] rather than [0, end of first source file]. This avoids
- problems with other parts of GDB looking for linetables in the
- _globals_ symtab. Eliminate variables num_object_files and
- first_object_file_end.
-Tue Jan 11 00:53:46 1994 John Gilmore (
- * a29k-tdep.c (init_frame_info): Cast null arg to examine_tag.
- (pop_frame): Restore PC2 and LR0 from dummy frames.
- (push_dummy_frame): Save PC2 and LR0 into dummy frames.
- (setup_arbitrary_frame): Handle 3 args and set up real frames.
- * config/a29k/tm-a29k.h (FRAME_NUM_ARGS): Update comments.
- (DUMMY_FRAME_RSIZE): Add 2 longwords for PC2 and LR0.
-Tue Jan 11 06:59:10 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * infrun.c, config/mips/tm-irix5.h: Remove #if 0'd AT_FUNCTION_START.
-Tue Jan 11 14:27:03 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * remote-udi.c (udi_resume): Correct prototype.
-Tue Jan 11 11:10:30 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (FRAME_FIND_SAVED_REGS): Call
- hppa_frame_find_saved_regs.
- * hppa-tdep.c (dig_fp_from_stack): Delete function.
- (prologue_inst_adjust_sp): New function.
- (is_branch, inst_saves_gr, inst_saves_fr): New functions.
- (skip_prologue): Completely rewrite to use unwind information.
- (hppa_frame_find_saved_regs): Likewise.
-Tue Jan 11 06:59:10 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote-mips.c (mips_wait): Use new function mips_signal_from_protocol
- to convert a signal number with appropriate bounds checking.
- * remote-mips.c (mips_wait): Fix typos (0x177 -> 0177, 0x377 -> 0377).
-Tue Jan 11 00:53:46 1994 John Gilmore (
- * stack.c (frame_info): If FRAME_FIND_SAVED_REGS isn't defined,
- print a newline to end the display anyway.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_pop_frame): Pop the fsr and csr (float and
- coprocessor status regs) when popping a frame. This fixes
- float exceptions that occur after calling inferior functions.
- * sparc-nat.c (fetch_inferior_registers, store_inferior_registers):
- Read and write the fsr (float status register) to/from the child
- process along with the float regs. Remove Peter Schauer's change
- of May 24 '93, which has higher overhead and doesn't solve the
- real problem (which was that FSR wasn't being set).
-Mon Jan 10 23:16:42 1994 John Gilmore (
- * a29k-tdep.c (examine_prologue): Don't worry if the ASGEQ
- stack overflow check isn't right after the register stack
- adjustment instruction. Metaware R2.3u compiler moves other
- things in front of it. This fix isn't perfect but is what's
- running.
-Mon Jan 10 20:08:23 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): Treat TYPE_CODE_RANGE like TYPE_CODE_INT.
- * config/alpha/ Rename to for 14
- character filenames.
- * Change accordingly.
-Mon Jan 10 15:48:36 1994 Tom Lord (
- * m68k-stub.c, sparc-stub.c: removed spurious introduction of
- _filtered io routines from these two files.
-Fri Jan 7 12:42:45 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * config/i386/tm-i386v.h, config/m68k/tm-m68k.h, config/mips/tm-mips.h,
- config/vax/tm-vax.h (CALL_DUMMY_BREAKPOINT_OFFSET): Define.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol): Handle enum sh.type produced by
- DEC c89.
- * mdebugread.c (add_line): Handle zero linenos produced by DEC c89.
-Fri Jan 7 12:55:25 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * utils.c (print_sys_errmsg): Call gdb_flush (gdb_stdout) before
- printing to gdb_stderr.
- * remote-udi.c (udi_kill): Don't close the connection, just set
- inferior_pid to zero.
- (udi_mourn): Call remove_breakpoints.
- * remote-udi.c: Remove obsolete need_artificial_traps comment.
- * i386b-nat.c (sregmap): If sEAX, etc., not defined, use tEAX, etc.
-Thu Jan 6 07:17:53 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * symtab.c (lookup_symbol): Don't try adding .c to the name.
- * remote-bug.c: At the start of each section, reset srec_frame
- back to 160.
- * target.c (store_waitstatus): Add CHILD_SPECIAL_WAITSTATUS hook.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Replace SIGTRAP_STOP_AFTER_LOAD with
- code which looks for those two waitkinds. Use switch statement.
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h: Replace SIGTRAP_STOP_AFTER_LOAD with
- * procfs.c (procfs_wait): Fix argument name to match 4 Jan changes.
- * Move target_signal_from_host, target_signal_to_host, and
- store_waitstatus from inftarg.c to target.c. procfs needs them.
- * target.c: Include "wait.h" and <signal.h>.
- * target.h, infrun.c (proceed), proceed callers: Pass new code
- TARGET_SIGNAL_DEFAULT instead of -1. This avoids problems with
- enums being treated as unsigned and is cleaner.
- * infrun.c (signals_info): Don't print TARGET_SIGNAL_DEFAULT or
- * infcmd.c (signal_command), infrun.c (signals_info):
- Don't allow user to specify numeric equivalent of
-Tue Jan 4 15:34:36 1994 Stu Grossman (
- * config/alpha/ New target support for Alpha
- running Netware.
- * Add alpha-*-netware* target.
-Tue Jan 4 14:51:35 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * remote-mips.c (mips_wait): Fix ref to TARGET_WAITKIND_STOPPED.
-Tue Jan 4 09:47:14 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * target.h: Add enum target_waitkind, enum target_signal, and
- struct target_waitstatus. Change status argument to target_wait to
- be struct target_waitstatus * instead of int *.
- * target.h, infrun.c, all targets: Change type of signal arguments
- to resume(), proceed(), and target_resume() from int to enum
- target_signal.
- * All targets (*_wait, *_resume): Change accordingly.
- * infcmd.c (program_info, signal_command), throughout infrun.c,
- * fork-child.c, solib.c, hppa-tdep.c, osfsolib.c: Use this stuff.
- * convex-xdep.c, convex-tdep.c: Add FIXME's (getting the Convex
- signal code stuff right with the new signals would be non-trivial).
- * inferior.h (stop_signal): Make it enum target_signal not int.
- * target.c, target.h (target_signal_to_string, target_signal_to_name,
- target_signal_from_name): New functions.
- * inftarg.c, target.h (target_signal_to_host, target_signal_from_host,
- store_waitstatus): New functions.
- * procfs.c (procfs_notice_signals): Use them.
- * i960-tdep.c (i960_fault_to_signal): New function, to replace
- print_fault.
- * config/i960/tm-i960.h: Don't define PRINT_RANDOM_SIGNAL.
- * objfiles.c (build_objfile_section_table): Don't abort() if
- objfile->sections is already set.
- * objfiles.c (add_to_objfile_sections): Check SEC_ALLOC not SEC_LOAD
- to match recent change to exec.c.
- * Version 4.11.3.
- * main.c (print_gdb_version): Change year to 1994.
- * ChangeLog, ChangeLog-93: Split ChangeLog at 1994.
- * (NONSRC): Add ChangeLog-93.
-Mon Jan 3 11:57:29 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * stabsread.c (read_type): Allow defining several type numbers
- at once (e.g. "(1,2)=(3,4)="...).
- * stabsread.c (read_enum_type): Use TARGET_INT_BIT not sizeof (int).
- * breakpoint.c (frame_in_dummy): Check PC as well as frame.
-Mon Jan 3 02:47:03 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * mdebugread.c (psymtab_to_symtab_1): Only pass N_STAB symbols
- to process_one_symbol.
- * symtab.c (find_pc_psymbol): Search global_psymbols as well to
- avoid caching a bad endaddr in find_pc_partial_function.
-Sun Jan 2 21:41:17 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/m68k/tm-sun3.h: Don't define BELIEVE_PCC_PROMOTION.
-Sat Jan 1 04:35:23 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Do not step or step resume past
- the end of a one-line function we just stepped into.
-For older changes see ChangeLog-93
-Local Variables:
-mode: indented-text
-left-margin: 8
-fill-column: 74
-version-control: never
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ChangeLog-95 b/contrib/gdb/gdb/ChangeLog-95
deleted file mode 100644
index 2265be880adb..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ChangeLog-95
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4915 +0,0 @@
-Fri Dec 29 16:30:58 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * symfile.c (find_sym_fns): Add PowerMac to xcoff file recognition
- kludge.
-Fri Dec 22 11:05:59 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * (gdb_host): Add support for DG/UX running on x86 as
- a host.
- (all x86 targets and hosts): Add support for pentium-pro machines.
- * configure: Rebuild.
- * config/i386/ New file for DG/UX running on x86 host.
-Thu Dec 21 19:09:20 1995 Rob Savoye <>
- * remote-array.c (array_wait): Poll the keyboard along with the
- serial port so users can tpye at the target while their
- application is running.
-Thu Dec 21 11:58:52 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * (ppcbug-rom.o, srec.o): Add dependencies.
- * monitor.c (monitor_debug): Take prefix, and suffix arguments.
- Print trailing newline after the suffix.
- (monitor_printf{,_noecho}): Change monitor_debug calls.
- (monitor_printf): Call monitor_expect instead of trying to do the
- expect processing locally so that if there is extra junk, it
- doesn't hang things up.
- (readchar): If MO_HANDLE_NL is set, handle \r\n pairs and convert
- them to a single \r. Use monitor_debug to print out byte read.
- * monitor.h (MO_HANDLE_NL): Add new flag.
- * ppcbug-rom.c (ppcbug_ops{1,2}): Split into two ops, one that
- uses lo 0 to load, and the other that uses lo 1. Set flag
- (ppcbug_open{0,1}): Clone and split to handle ppcbug_ops{1,2}.
- (_initialize_ppcbug_rom): Set up both ppcbug_open{0,1}.
-Wed Dec 20 10:54:41 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * defs.h: Delete extraneous whitespace at end of file.
- * symfile.h: Move #include of demangle.h outside conditional.
- * objfiles.h (struct objstats, OBJSTAT, OBJSTATS): New struct and
- macros to hold per-objfile statistics for internal
- instrumentation.
- (struct objfile): Add OBJSTATS member, which is optional.
- * buildsym.h (next_symbol_text_func): Now takes objfile argument.
- Also update copyright to 1995.
- * dbxread.c (dbx_next_symbol_text): Now takes objfile argument.
- (dbx_symfile_init, coffstab_build_psymtabs, elfstab_build_psymtabs,
- stabsect_build_psymtabs): Accumulate string table size.
- (dbx_next_symbol_text, read_dbx_symtab, read_ofile_symtab):
- Accumulate number of stabs symbols read.
- * dwarfread.c (new_symbol, symthesize_typedef):
- Accumulate number of full symbols created.
- * gdbtypes.c (alloc_type): Accumulate number of types.
- * maint.c (maintenance_print_statistics): New function.
- * mdebugread.c (mdebug_next_symbol_text): Now takes objfile
- argument.
- * minsyms.c (prim_record_minimal_symbol_and_info): Accumulate
- number of minimal symbols read.
- * os9kread.c (read_os9k_psymtab): next_symbol_text takes objfile
- arg.
- * partial-stab.h: next_symbol_text takes objfile arg.
- * stabsread.c (error_type, STABS_CONTINUE): Now takes objfile arg
- and uses it to call next_symbol_text.
- * symfile.c (add_psymbol_to_list, add_psymbol_addr_to_list):
- Accumulate number of partial symbols created.
- * symfile.h (ADD_PSYMBOL_VT_TO_LIST): Accumulate number of partial
- symbols created.
- * symmisc.c (print_objfile_statistics): Print the per-objfile
- internal instrumentation statistics gathered.
- * xcoffread.c (xcoff_next_symbol_text): Now takes objfile argument.
-Fri Dec 15 16:15:55 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * top.c (set_endian_from_file): Use new bfd_big_endian macro.
-Fri Dec 15 12:21:10 1995 Raymond Jou <>
- * mpw-make.sed: Add quotes to RIncludes reference.
-Fri Dec 15 13:18:55 1995 Rob Savoye <>
- * remote-array.c: Remove bogus setting of baudrate to 4800. Their
- hardware has real UARTS now.
-Mon Dec 11 18:19:16 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * (powerpc-*-macos*): New target configuration.
- * configure: Update.
- * config/powerpc/, config/powerpc/,
- config/powerpc/nm-macos.h, config/powerpc/tm-macos.h, mac-nat.c:
- New files, native PowerMac debugging support.
- * (mac-nat.o): Add build rule.
- * (enable_cflags): Add support.
- (m68k-apple-macos, powerpc-apple-macos): Fix natdepfiles to
- list object file instead of source file.
- * mpw-make.sed (@ENABLE_CFLAGS@): Don't edit out, replace with
- value of variable.
- (install, install-only): Edit MPW-specific installation into
- place of Unix shell code.
- * mac-gdb.r: Fix version resources to use symbolic version strings.
- (cfrg): New resource, code fragment for PowerMac.
-Mon Dec 11 14:13:03 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): When looking at the next
- minimal symbol, check for end of the minimal symbol array
- (symbol with NULL pointer for name) before dereferencing it.
-Mon Dec 11 15:56:55 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * eval.c (evaluate_struct_tuple): Fix thinko.
-Mon Dec 11 06:52:02 1995 Wilfried Moser <>
- * ch-typeprint.c (chill_type_print_base): Slightly change of printing
- of variant structures.
-Mon Dec 11 00:36:01 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * valops.c (value_cast): Handle casts to and from TYPE_CODE_CHAR.
- * ch-exp.c (match_integer_literal): Fix long long support.
- * gdbtypes.c (get_discrete_bounds): Make TYPE_LENGTH (type) ==
- sizeof (LONGEST) case work OK.
-Fri Dec 8 21:02:24 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * coffread.c, dbxread.c, dstread.c, objfiles.c, os9kread.c,
- symfile.c, symtab.c: Use "obstack.h" rather than <obstack.h>.
-Wed Dec 6 16:16:18 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * remote-mips.c (mips_receive_header): Allow mips_syn_garbage to be
- user-settable (via set syn-garbage-limit). Setting it to -1 makes
- it unlimited.
-Tue Dec 5 18:33:43 1995 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * gdbtypes.c (check_stub_method): Make sure we get back a function
- string in the demangled name before we try to use it.
-Tue Dec 5 18:08:29 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * monitor.c (monitor_expect_regexp): Make static, add prototype.
- * (monitor_read_memory_single): Call monitor_expect_regexp with
- pointer to getmem_resp_delim_pattern, not entire struct.
-Tue Dec 5 15:51:25 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * c-lang.h (c_op_print_tab): Don't declare, some compilers
- consider illegal if structure not defined, and only used
- in c-lang.c anyway.
-Sun Dec 3 12:31:03 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard case): Fix typo.
-Sun Dec 3 11:59:21 1995 Jeffrey A. Law <>
- * ch-exp.c (parse_named_record_element): Avoid aggregrate
- initializations for automatic variables.
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_alignof): Fix typo in last change.
-Sat Dec 2 19:32:57 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * symfile.c (global_psymbols, static_psymbols): Remove, unused.
-Sat Dec 2 03:02:21 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * alpha-tdep.c (heuristic_proc_desc): Add heuristic to
- determine the return address register, needed for OSF/1-3.2C.
- * config/alpha/tm-alpha.h (T7_REGNUM, T9_REGNUM): Define.
-Fri Dec 1 07:23:57 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * ppcbug-rom.c (ppcbug_cmds): Turn on MO_GETMEM_READ_SINGLE
- because PPCbug displays the memory as characters as well as hex.
- Fix getmem/setmem commands.
- * srec.c (load_srec): Fix off by one typo in last submission.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (push_arguments): Fix typo.
-Thu Nov 30 23:54:17 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * language.c (lang_bool_type), language.h: New function.
- * language.h (LA_BOOL_TYPE): New macro.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard) Use LA_BOOL_TYPE instead
- of builtin_type_int where appropriate,
- * valarith.c (value_subscript): Likewise.
- * valops.c (value_slice): Implement (value) bitstring slices.
- * valprint.c (val_print): If TYPE_LENGTH is zero, don't automatically
- print "<incomplete type>" - Chill has zero-length (string) types.
- * gdbtypes.c (check_stub_type): Removed; no longes needed.
- * ch-exp.c (expect, parse_call): Tweak error messages.
-Wed Nov 29 13:35:18 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * scm-valprint.c (scm_isymnames): Remove "#@" prefix.
- (scm_scmval_print): Do not print "#@" prefix.
- * gdbtypes.h (enum type_code): Added TYPE_CODE_TYPEDEF.
- (check_typedef): New prototype.
- (CHECK_TYPEDEF): New macro.
- (TYPE_DUMMY_RANGE): Removed.
- * gdbtypes.c (get_discrete_bounds): Fix paren error; make more robust.
- (create_array_type): Don't force_to_range_type; users of the
- array are responsible for handling non-range index types.
- (create_set_type): Likewise.
- (force_to_range_type): Removed.
- (check_typedef): New function handles stub types and typedefs.
- (check_stub_type): Just call check_typedef. (To be removed.)
- (recursive_dump_type): Handle TYPE_CODE_TYPEDEF.
- * ch-lang.c (type_lower_upper): Use get_discrete_bounds.
- (evaluate_subexp_chill): Handle string repetition.
- Re-arrange to handle EVAL_AVOID_SIDE_EFFECTS better.
- * ch-typeprint.c (chill_type_print_base): Handle TYPE_CODE_TYPEDEF.
- Pass show=0 in recursive calls various places.
- (case TYPE_CODE_ARRAY): Don't require index type to have
- (case TYPE_CODE_RANGE): Don't need to support TYPE_DUMMY_RANGE.
- * gdbtypes.c, ch-lang.c, ch-typeprint.c (numerous places):
- Add check_typedef/CHECK_TYPEDEF as needed.
- * ch-exp.y: Replaced by ...
- * ch-exp.c: New file. Use recursive-descent.
- Recognize labelled array tuples and powerset ranges.
- * Update for no longer using yacc for ch-exp.
- * c-lang.c: Make various functions non-static.
- * c-lang.h: Add bunches of prototypes.
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_print_value_fields): Also take address.
- (cp_print_value): Likewise. Use baselcass_offset.
- * stabsread.c (current_symbol): New static variable.
- (type_synonym_name): Remove.
- (read_type): If copying, make copy be a TYPE_CODE_TYPEDEF.
- (read_array_type): Don't need to handle undefined element type here.
- (cleanup_undefined_types): Ditto.
- (read_range_type): Look for Chill ranges.
- * valops.c (value_assign): Fix case lval_internalvar - don't try
- to assign into old value (which might be too small!).
- (value_coerce_array): No longer need special VALUE_REPEATED handling.
- (value_arg_coerce): Cleaner array->pointer decay mechanism.
- (search_struct_field): Use baseclass_offset rather than
- baseclass_addr.
- (value_slice): Use get_discrete_bounds.
- * value.h (COERCE_VARYING_ARRAY): Take type argumnt as well.
- * values.c (baseclass_offset): Change parameter interface.
- (baseclass_addr): Removed.
- * c-typeprint.c, c-valprint.c, ch-valprint.c, values.c, valops.c:
- Add check_typedef/CHECK_TYPEDEF as needed.
- * alpha-tdep.c, c-exp.y, h8500-tdep.c, f-exp.y, f-valprint.c,
- findvar.c, hppa-tdep.c, infcmd.c, language.c, printcmd.c,
- rs6000-tdep.c, symmisc.c, symtab.c, mdebugread.c:
- Add check_typedef/CHECK_TYPEDEF as needed.
- * f-typeprint.c, valarith.c, valprint.c, typeprint.c, eval.c:
- Add check_typedef/CHECK_TYPEDEF as needed.
- * f-typeprint.c: Various cleaning up.
- * valarith.c (value_subscript): Also subscript bitstrings (for Chill).
- * typeprint.c (print_type_scalar): Also support TYPE_CODE_RANGE.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard case OP_ARRAY): Implement
- support for labelled array tuples and ranges in powerset tuples.
- (init_array_element): New function.
- * top.c (command_line_input): Only strip out an initial #-comment.
- Looking for internal comments is language-specific (breaks Scheme).
- * expression.h (enum exp_opcode): Add BINOP_RANGE.
- * expprint.c (dump_expression): Support BINOP_RANGE.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard): Handle BINOP_RANGE (as error).
- (case MULTI_SUBSCRIPT): Fix broken f77 value->int ad hoc conversion.
- * ch-lang.c (chill_op_print_tab): Support BINOP_RANGE.
- (evaluate_subexp_chill): Error on BINOP_COMMA.
- * Clean up so doc stuff stays in doc sub-dir.
-Wed Nov 29 16:39:50 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * monitor.c (monitor_debug): New function to print monitor debug
- output in printable fashion.
- (monitor_printf{,_noecho}): Call monitor_debug instead of
- fputs_unfiltered.
- * srec.c (load_srec): When printing srec debug information, do not
- print the carriage return directly, instead print \\r followed by
- a newline.
-Tue Nov 28 15:25:28 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * (target_subdir): Define.
- (CC_FOR_TARGET, CXX_FOR_TARGET): Use it to find target libraries.
- * (X_CFLAGS): Fix typo.
- (target_subdir): Set to "${target_alias}/" if cross.
- * configure: Regenerated.
- * dbxread.c (dbx_symfile_read): Set block_address_function_relative
- for `pe' format files.
-Tue Nov 28 11:17:47 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * magic.h: Renamed to gmagic.h to avoid <magic.h> conflict.
- * magic.c: Renamed to gmagic.c in sympathy.
- * eval.c, gmagic.c, config/tm-magic.h:
- Include "gmagic.h" rather than "magic.h".
-Sat Nov 25 02:56:38 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * mdebugread.c (handle_psymbol_enumerators, parse_symbol):
- Recognize enums from alpha cc -migrate.
- (upgrade_type): Pass correct fd to parse_symbol when parsing
- the index type of an array.
- (parse_procedure, parse_lines, psymtab_to_symtab_1): Handle
- unsorted procedure descriptors from Irix 5.x and Alpha OSF/1-3.x
- shared libraries. Use CORE_ADDR instead of `unsigned long' in
- procedure descriptor address computations.
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): Prevent accidental strchr match
- of a null character with the terminating null character of
- gdb_completer_quote_characters.
- (cplusplus_hint): Make sure that only a single quote is printed
- in the hint message.
-Fri Nov 24 16:17:01 1995 Jeffrey A Law (
- * top.c (recurse_read_control_structure): Don't make cleanups
- here. Callers handle that correctly.
-Tue Nov 21 15:16:34 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * config/m68k/xm-hp300hpux.h: Define MMAP_BASE_ADDRESS and MMAP_INCREMENT.
- Also force HAVE_MMAP to be defined since autoconf is currently broken
- for detecting a working mmap under hpux.
- * config/pa/xm-hppah.h (MMAP_BASE_ADDRESS): Tweak MMAP_BASE_ADDRESS
- to a better value suggested by Jeffrey A Law (
-Tue Nov 21 08:48:58 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * config/pa/xm-hppah.h: Define MMAP_BASE_ADDRESS and MMAP_INCREMENT.
- Also force HAVE_MMAP to be defined since autoconf is currently broken
- for detecting a working mmap under hpux.
- * objfiles.c (map_to_address): Have gdb print a warning when it
- is compiled with HAVE_MMAP but without both MMAP_BASE_ADDRESS and
- MMAP_INCREMENT defined (thus making it appear mmap doesn't work).
-Mon Nov 20 14:13:53 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Add support for dynamic function
- trampolines. These are pieces of code between the caller and the
- callee that figure out the address of the callee's code at run
- time. Upon entry, we can't figure out the callee's address, so we
- set a breakpoint within the trampoline where the address will be
- known, and continue the target. Once we hit the breakpoint, we
- break at the callee's address and proceed as usual.
-Mon Nov 20 11:12:34 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * objfiles.c (allocate_objfile): Change warning message about mapped
- symbol tables so that it is obvious that they are not supported on
- this particular machine rather than implying they are not supported
- at all in this version of gdb.
-Sun Nov 19 05:20:53 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * irix5-nat.c, osfsolib.c (solib_address): Return the name of the
- containing solib.
- * stack.c (print_frame_info): Use minimal symbol only if
- fi->pc is in a known section.
-Sat Nov 18 11:19:35 1995 Roland McGrath <>
- * solib.c (solib_address): Return the name of the containing solib.
- * solib.h (PC_SOLIB): New macro; define using solib_address.
- * stack.c (print_frame_info) [PC_SOLIB]: If no function name, try
- PC_SOLIB on the PC value.
-Sat Nov 18 04:09:31 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * annotate.c (annotate_source, annotate_frame_begin): Issue
- `0x' prefix for the pc value, to remain consistent with previous
- GDB versions.
- * blockframe.c (find_pc_partial_function), config/pa/tm-hppa.h:
- Remove Sun shared library transfer hack and
- mst_solib_trampoline minimal symbols.
- * blockframe.c (inside_main_func): Check main_func_*pc against
- INVALID_ENTRY_*PC, not zero.
- * symfile.c (init_entry_point_info): Initialize ei.*pc with
- * mipsread.c (mipscoff_symfile_read): If the entry_file bounds
- are still unknown after processing the partial symbols, then try
- to set them from the minimal symbols.
- * infcmd.c (registers_info): Error out if selected_frame is NULL.
- * stack.c (return_command): Select new current frame silently if
- not interactive.
- * mipsread.c (read_alphacoff_dynamic_symtab): Ignore additional
- * irix5-nat.c (solib_create_inferior_hook): Call solib_add only
- if auto_solib_add_at_startup is nonzero.
- (_initialize_solib): Add "set auto-solib-add" command.
- * osfsolib.c (solib_create_inferior_hook): Call solib_add only
- if auto_solib_add_at_startup is nonzero.
- (_initialize_solib): Add "set auto-solib-add" command.
-Wed Nov 15 17:12:04 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * utils.c: Don't include sys/ioctl.h etc if MPW is host.
-Tue Nov 14 17:16:46 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * config/arm/tm-arm.h (ADDITIONAL_REGISTER_NAMES): Fix r5.
- (FRAME_SAVED_PC): Minor clean up.
-Tue Nov 14 14:51:05 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * monitor.c (monitor_load_srec monitor_make_srec): Move all
- S-record download code into srec.c.
- * srec.c srec.h: New files. Contain S-record loading routines
- formerly in monitor.c.
- * serial.c serial.h: New routine just like fprintf, but uses
- serial_t instead of FILE *.
- * sh-tdep.c (frame_find_saved_regs init_extra_frame_info):
- Don't add four to saved pc (makes things match manual). Also, fix
- bug where we didn't get pc from stack frame correctly.
- * config/sh/tm-sh.h (SAVED_PC_AFTER_CALL): Don't add four to
- saved pc. Real hardware does this for you.
- * sh3-rom.c (sh3_load): New routine. Sets up for download then
- calls generic S-record loader.
- * config/h8300/, config/h8500/,
- config/m68k/, config/pa/, config/sh/
- Add srec.o to TDEPFILES.
-Tue Nov 14 15:57:36 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * ppcbug-rom.c: New file to support the Motorola PPCBUG monitor
- for PowerPC's.
- * config/powerpc/ppc{,le}-{eabi,sim}.mt (TDEPFILES): Include
- ppcbug-rom.o, monitor.o, and srec.o
- * config/i386/ (XDEPFILES): Include ser-tcp.o.
-Mon Nov 13 13:12:46 1995 Jeffrey A Law (
- * partial-stab.h: Remove GDB_TARGET_IS_HPPA kludge.
-Fri Nov 10 13:08:54 1995 Jeff Law (
- * terminal.h (HAVE_SGTTY): Fix typo.
-Thu Nov 9 17:34:01 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * (gdb_target): Build in the simulator for all
- PowerPC eabi targets, not just eabisim, providing
- --enable-sim-powerpc is used, or the host compiler is GCC.
-Thu Nov 9 14:04:05 1995 Raymond Jou (
- * Add variable with names of SIOW libraries.
- * mpw-make.sed: Add an action to build SIOWgdb.
-Wed Nov 8 19:25:22 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw-make.sed: Edit @ENABLE_CFLAGS@ out, mpw-configure can
- add back in if necessary.
-Wed Nov 8 15:59:52 1995 James G. Smith <>
- * config/mips/ Added simulator to default VR4300 build.
-Tue Nov 7 16:02:25 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * remote-mips.c (mips_initialize): Fix brain damage found by
- Jamie. Basically had case statement in the wrong place...
- * (mips_load): Remove unnecessary `db tty0' command. It's all
- handled by mips_initialize now.
-Tue Nov 7 12:59:14 1995 Raymond Jou <>
- * mac-gdb.r: Added #ifdef Macgdb.
-Tue Nov 7 14:59:51 1995 James G. Smith <>
- * remote-mips.c (mips_initialize): Updated to talk to VR4300 RISQ
- monitor board.
-Mon Nov 6 11:44:11 1995 James G. Smith <>
- * config/mips/{tm-vr4300.h tm-vr4300el.h} (TARGET_MONITOR_PROMPT):
- Change into real strings.
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_open): Moved sim_open() call to after
- callback initialisation.
-Sun Nov 5 00:07:52 1995 Jason Molenda (
- * (AC_CHECK_HEADERS): add stddef.h.
-Fri Nov 3 12:30:43 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * (COMMON_OBS): Use corefile.o rather than core.o
- * core.c: Rename to corefile.c.
- * config/pyr/tm-pyr.h, umax-xdep.c, sun386-nat.c, pyr-xdep.c,
- (SFILES), gould-xdep.c, coredep.c, armtdep.c,
- arm-xdep.c, altos-xdep.c: Change core.c references to corefile.c.
- From Graham Stoney <>.
- * (remote-array.o): Add rule to build.
- (ALLDEPFILES): Add remote-array.c
- * remote-array.c (baud_rate): Remove unnecessary declaration.
- (baudrate): Remove.
- (array_files_info): Print global baud_rate not baudrate.
-Sat Nov 4 10:21:58 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * fork-child.c (fork_inferior): Add call to
- TARGET_CREATE_INFERIOR_HOOK to allow target specific code to get
- control just before the new process executes it's first instruction.
- * remote-mips.c (mips_initialize): Cleanup a bit. Don't try to
- receive a packet at first. This speeds up initialization a lot.
- Use TARGET_MONITOR_PROMPT instead of "<IDT>".
- (common_breakpoint): Use rresponse instead of rerrflg to inspect
- error code.
- * symfile.c (syms_from_objfile reread_symbols): Call
- TARGET_SYMFILE_POSTREAD to allow target specific code to get
- control after reading new symbols.
- * target.h: New macros TARGET_SYMFILE_POSTREAD, and
- TARGET_CREATE_INFERIOR_HOOK. See above for descriptions.
- * config/mips/{ nm-irix5.h}: Delete nm-irix5.h. Make
- NAT_FILE point directly at ../nm-sysv4.h.
- * config/mips/{ nm-m3.h}: Delete nm-m3.h. Make
- NAT_FILE point directly at ../nm-m3.h.
- * config/mips/{ nm-sysv4.h}: Delete nm-sysv4.h. Make
- NAT_FILE point directly at ../nm-sysv4.h.
- * config/mips/nm-mips.h: Improve comment at top of file.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (TARGET_MONITOR_PROMPT): Change
- definition into a proper string.
-Wed Nov 1 20:18:08 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * config/i386/tm-i386.h: New file containing generic i*86 target
- definitions.
- (TARGET_BYTE_ORDER): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (IEEE_FLOAT): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (START_INFERIOR_TRAPS_EXPECTED): Define default as 2.
- (FUNCTION_START_OFFSET): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (SKIP_PROLOGUE): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (SAVED_PC_AFTER_CALL): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (INNER_THAN): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (BREAKPOINT): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (DECR_PC_AFTER_BREAK): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (ABOUT_TO_RETURN): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (REGISTER_SIZE): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (NUM_REGS): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (REGISTER_NAMES): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (EXTRACT_STRUCT_VALUE_ADDRESS): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (FP_REGNUM): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (SP_REGNUM): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (PC_REGNUM): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (PS_REGNUM): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (FP0_REGNUM): Moved here from tm-i386aix.h.
- (FPC_REGNUM): Moved here from tm-sun386.h.
- (REGISTER_BYTES): Moved here from tm-i386aix.h.
- (REGISTER_BYTE): Moved here from tm-i386aix.h.
- (REGISTER_RAW_SIZE): Moved here from tm-i386aix.h.
- (MAX_REGISTER_RAW_SIZE): Moved here from tm-i386aix.h.
- (REGISTER_VIRTUAL_SIZE): Moved here from tm-i386aix.h.
- (MAX_REGISTER_VIRTUAL_SIZE): Moved here from tm-i386aix.h.
- (EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE): Moved here from tm-i386aix.h.
- (STORE_RETURN_VALUE): Moved here from tm-i386aix.h.
- (REGISTER_VIRTUAL_TYPE): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (STORE_STRUCT_RETURN): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (FRAME_CHAIN): Moved here from tm-i386v4.h.
- (FRAMELESS_FUNCTION_INVOCATION): Moved here from tm-i386v4.h.
- (FRAME_SAVED_PC): Moved here from tm-i386os9k.h
- (FRAME_ARGS_ADDRESS): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (FRAME_LOCALS_ADDRESS): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (FRAME_NUM_ARGS): Moved here from tm-i386sun.h.
- (FRAME_ARGS_SKIP): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (FRAME_FIND_SAVED_REGS): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (PUSH_DUMMY_FRAME): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- (POP_FRAME): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- tm-i386v.h
- (print_387_control_word, print_387_status_word): Declare prototypes.
- (struct frame_info, struct frame_saved_regs): Forward decls for
- prototypes.
- (SP_ARG0): Moved here from tm-i386v.h.
- * config/i386/tm-i386v.h:
- (i386/tm-i386.h): Include.
- (IEEE_FLOAT): Remove.
- (START_INFERIOR_TRAPS_EXPECTED): Undef before redefine to 4.
- (SKIP_PROLOGUE): Remove.
- (i386_skip_prologue): Remove prototype.
- (INNER_THAN): Remove.
- (BREAKPOINT): Remove.
- (ABOUT_TO_RETURN): Remove.
- (REGISTER_SIZE): Remove.
- (NUM_REGS): Undef before redefine to 16 (no FP support).
- (REGISTER_NAMES): Undef before redefine.
- (REGISTER_BYTES): Undef before redefine.
- (REGISTER_BYTE): Undef before redefine.
- (REGISTER_RAW_SIZE): Undef before redefine.
- (REGISTER_VIRTUAL_SIZE): Undef before redefine.
- (MAX_REGISTER_RAW_SIZE): Undef before redefine.
- (MAX_REGISTER_VIRTUAL_SIZE): Undef before redefine.
- (REGISTER_VIRTUAL_TYPE): Undef before redefine.
- (STORE_STRUCT_RETURN): Undef before redefine.
- (EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE): Undef before redefine.
- (STORE_RETURN_VALUE): Undef before redefine.
- (FRAME_CHAIN): Undef before redefine.
- (FRAMELESS_FUNCTION_INVOCATION): Undef before redefine.
- (FRAME_SAVED_PC): Undef before redefine.
- (FRAME_NUM_ARGS): Undef before redefine.
- (FRAME_ARGS_SKIP): Remove.
- (POP_FRAME): Remove.
- (CALL_DUMMY): Remove.
- (FIX_CALL_DUMMY): Remove.
- (print_387_control_word): Remove.
- (print_387_status_word): Remove.
- (SP_ARG0): Remove.
- * config/i386/tm-symmetry.h:
- (TM_SYMMETRY_H): Enclose file in test for define & define if needed.
- (START_INFERIOR_TRAPS_EXPECTED): Move to after inclusion of
- tm-i386v4.h or tm-i386v.h, #undef, and #define back to 2.
- (DECR_PC_AFTER_BREAK): Move to after inclusion of tm-i386v4.h
- or tm-i386v.h, #undef, and #define to 0.
- (FRAME_CHAIN): Remove.
- (FRAME_SAVED_PC): Remove.
- (print_387_control_word, print_387_status_word): Remove prototypes.
- * config/i386/tm-ptx.h:
- (TM_PTX_H): Enclose file in test for define & define if needed.
- (START_INFERIOR_TRAPS_EXPECTED): Move to after inclusion of
- tm-i386v4.h or tm-i386v.h, #undef, and #define back to 2.
- (DECR_PC_AFTER_BREAK): Move to after inclusion of tm-i386v4.h
- or tm-i386v.h, #undef, and #define to 0.
- (SDB_REG_TO_REGNUM): Remove obsolete commented out define.
- (print_387_control_word, print_387_status_word): Remove prototypes.
- * config/i386/tm-linux.h:
- (TM_LINUX_H): Enclose file in test for define & define if needed.
- (i386/tm-i386.h): Include instead of tm-i386v.h.
- * config/i386/tm-i386v4.h:
- (TM_I386V4_H): Enclose file in test for define & define if needed.
- (i386/tm-i386.h): Include instead of tm-i386v.h.
- (FRAME_CHAIN): Moved to tm-i386.h.
- (FRAME_SAVED_PC): Remove.
- (sigtramp_saved_pc): Define as i386v4_sigtramp_saved_pc.
- (FRAME_NUM_ARGS): Remove.
- * config/i386/tm-i386os9k.h:
- (TM_I386OS9K_H): Enclose file in test for define & define if needed.
- (i386/tm-i386.h): Include instead of tm-i386v.h.
- (NUM_REGS): Undefine before redefining.
- (FRAME_CHAIN): Remove.
- (FRAME_SAVED_PC): Move to tm-i386.h.
- * config/i386/tm-i386nw.h:
- (TM_I386NW_H): Enclose file in test for define & define if needed.
- (i386/tm-i386.h): Include instead of tm-i386v.h.
- * config/i386/tm-i386bsd.h:
- (TM_I386BSD_H): Enclose file in test for define & define if needed.
- (i386/tm-i386.h): Include instead of tm-i386v.h.
- (FRAME_SAVED_PC): Remove.
- * config/i386/tm-i386aix.h:
- (i386/tm-i386.h): Include instead of tm-i386v.h.
- (FP_REGNUM): Remove.
- (SP_REGNUM): Remove.
- (PC_REGNUM): Remove.
- (PS_REGNUM): Remove.
- (FP0_REGNUM): Moved to tm-i386.h.
- (NUM_REGS): Remove.
- (REGISTER_BYTES): Moved to tm-i386.h.
- (REGISTER_BYTE): Moved to tm-i386.h.
- (REGISTER_RAW_SIZE): Moved to tm-i386.h.
- (MAX_REGISTER_RAW_SIZE): Moved to tm-i386.h.
- (REGISTER_VIRTUAL_SIZE): Moved to tm-i386.h.
- (EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE): Moved to tm-i386.h.
- (STORE_RETURN_VALUE): Moved to tm-i386.h.
- * config/i386/tm-sun386.h:
- (TM_SUN386_H): Enclose file in test for define & define if needed.
- (i386/tm-i386.h): Include.
- (SKIP_PROLOGUE): Remove.
- (INNER_THAN): Remove.
- (BREAKPOINT): Remove.
- (ABOUT_TO_RETURN): Remove.
- (REGISTER_SIZE): Remove.
- (NUM_REGS): Undefine before defining.
- (REGISTER_NAMES): Undefine before redefining.
- (REGISTER_BYTES): Undefine before redefining.
- (REGISTER_BYTE): Undefine before defining.
- (FP_REGNUM): Undefine before defining.
- (PC_REGNUM): Undefine before defining.
- (FPC_REGNUM): Undefine before defining.
- (REGISTER_RAW_SIZE): Undefine before defining.
- (FRAME_CHAIN): Undefine before defining.
- (FRAMELESS_FUNCTION_INVOCATION): Undefine before defining.
- (FRAME_SAVED_PC): Undefine before defining.
- (FRAME_NUM_ARGS): Moved to tm-i386.h.
- (FRAME_NUM_ARGS): Undefine before defining.
- (FRAME_ARGS_SKIP): Remove.
- (POP_FRAME): Remove.
- (struct frame_info, struct frame_saved_regs): Remove forward decls
- for prototypes.
- * config/i386/tm-i386lynx.h (i386/tm-i386.h): Include instead of
- tm-i386v.h.
- * config/i386/tm-i386m3.h (i386/tm-i386.h): Include instead of
- tm-i386v.h.
- * i386-tdep.c (i386_extract_return_value): Make function visible
- for all i386 targets, but only assume floating point values returned
- in floating point registers for I386_AIX_TARGET.
- * i386v-nat.c (i386_register_u_addr): Enable code to locate
- floating point regs in user struct.
-Wed Nov 1 15:32:57 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_re_set): Fix typo in comment.
- * symtab.c (in_prologue): Document func_start and when it is zero
- don't call SKIP_PROLOGUE (which typically leads unconditionally to
- an error when we try to access a prologue at address 0).
-Tue Oct 31 13:01:15 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * elfread.c: Include elf-bfd.h rather than libelf.h.
-Tue Oct 31 10:42:42 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * win32-nat.c (xlate_exception): Treat a stack overflow like a SEGV.
-Sun Oct 29 11:22:05 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * monitor.c: Include gnu-regex.h rather than system regex.h.
-Sat Oct 28 23:51:48 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * defs.h: Test on name __WIN32__ rather than WIN32.
- * inflow.c (new_tty): Likewise
- * terminal.h: Likewise.
- * utils.c (initialize_utils): Likewise.
- * win32-nat.c (child_create_inferiror): Print error code when failing.
- * config/i386/ (XM_CLIBS): Need -lkernel32.
-Sat Oct 28 04:52:36 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * symtab.h (enum address_class): Add LOC_UNRESOLVED for
- a location whose address has to be resolved via the minimal
- symbol table.
- * buildsym.c (finish_block), findvar.c (symbol_read_needs_frame,
- read_var_value), printcmd.c (address_info),
- symmisc.c (print_symbol, print_partial_symbol): Handle
- * stabsread.c (scan_file_globals): Change unresolved LOC_STATIC
- symbols to LOC_UNRESOLVED. Remove rt_common_objfile lookup
- kludge, global common symbols are now handled by LOC_UNRESOLVED.
- (scan_file_globals_1): Move code back to scan_file_globals,
- delete.
-Fri Oct 27 09:54:07 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_re_set): #ifdef GET_LONGJMP_TARGET
- around calls to create_longjmp_breakpoint. Why install the
- breakpoints if we can't find the longjmp target?
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Cleanup comments near call test.
- * remote-mips.c: Fixed a bunch of prototypes to avoid char/int
- complaint from picky compilers. Add comment to mips_expect.
- Replace all instances of sr_get_debug with remote_debug.
- * (mips_readchar): Don't jam init string to monitor.
- mips_initialize() handles that.
- * (mips_receive_header): Print better message when we get too
- much garbage.
- * (mips_request): Allow caller to pass in buff to allow them to
- analyze the returned message.
- * (mips_initialize): Re-do initialization to try sending a BREAK,
- a ^C, and then a download escape sequence. Cleanup protocol
- startup. Eliminate sleeps. Clear breakpoints (if using monitor
- breakpoints). Re-init frame.
- * (mips_detach): Close down target.
- * (mips_wait): Handle return status with registers, or breakpoint
- * stuff.
- * (mips_kill): Add ^C handling.
- * (mips_insert_breakpoint mips_remove_breakpoint): Call new
- breakpoint stuff if enabled.
- * (calculate_mask remote_mips_set_watchpoint
- remote_mips_remove_watchpoint remote_mips_stopped_by_watchpoint):
- Hardware watchpoint/breakpoint stuff.
- * (common_breakpoint): Common code for new monitor breakpoint commands.
- * (mips_load): Don't use `prompt'. It's a global variable.
- * top.c (dont_repeat_command): New command for use in
- user-defined commands to suppress auto-repeat (by hittin return key).
- * valops.c: Add start of auto function-call abandonment capability.
-Thu Oct 26 22:02:27 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * Add support for PowerMac host, add beginnings
- of native support.
- * mpw-make.sed: Disable subdir recursion, edit out useless rule.
- * mac-xdep.c (Values.h): Don't include.
- (GestaltEqu.h): Include Gestalt.h instead.
- (do_mouse_down): Comment out control tracking, needs to be
- updated to use UPP before will work on PowerMac.
- * config/xm-mpw.h: New file, all-Mac host support.
- * config/m68k/xm-mpw.h: Move most definitions into generic Mac
- support.
- * config/powerpc/xm-mpw.h: New file, PowerMac host support.
-Thu Oct 26 15:21:32 1995 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * regex.h: Renamed to gnu-regex.h.
- * regex.c: Renamed to gnu-regex.c.
- * (POSSLIBS): Refer to gnu-regex.h and gnu-regex.c.
- (REGEX, REGEX1): Change to gnu-regex.o instead of regex.o.
- (regex.o): Renamed to gnu-regex.o; refer to gnu-regex.c.
- (irix5-nat.o, osfsolib.o, gnu-regex.o, solib.o, source.o, symtab.o):
- Likewise.
- * irix5-nat.c, osfsolib.c, gnu-regex.c, solib.c, source.c, symtab.c):
- Include "gnu-regex.h" instead of "regex.h".
- * alpha-tdep.c (in_prologue): Rename to alpha_in_prologue, to
- avoid conflicts with symtab.h.
-Tue Oct 24 18:30:18 1995 Jason Molenda (
- * config/pa/ Remove hardcoding of X locations.
- * Use X11_CFLAGS, X11_LDFLAGS and X11_LIBS.
- * Link X statically on Solaris, SunOS and HPUX.
-Tue Oct 24 12:26:14 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * monitor.c (monitor_expect_regexp): Same as monitor_expect, but
- with the obvious extension.
- (monitor_read_memory_single): Use regexp for getmem.resp_delim
- because of parsing ambiguities caused by certain monitors.
- (monitor_read_memory): Use new regexp stuff to parse
- getmem.resp_delim.
- * monitor.h (struct memrw_cmd->resp_delim): Document this as a
- regexp.
- * sh3-rom.c: Finish off table. Use new regexp capability for
- getmem commands.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Disable questionable code near
- the step range test. Replace call detection test with much
- simpler (and more efficient) test that doesn't require prologue
- examination (as often).
- * symtab.c symtab.h (in_prologue): New function that indicates
- whether or not we are in a function prologue. This uses the
- symbol table, and then falls back to prologue examination if that
- fails. It's much more efficient for remote debugging because it
- avoids examining memory, which is very slow. This is used in
- wait_for_inferior to determine if we've made a function call that
- needs to be skipped over (for next/nexti).
- * mips-tdep.c (after_prologue): New function, returns the PC
- after the prologue. Uses PDRs and the symbol table.
- (mips_find_saved_regs): Use in_prologue() to avoid costly
- prologue examination if possible.
- (mips_skip_prologue): Use after_prologue() if possible to avoid
- costly prologue examination.
-Mon Oct 23 16:03:33 1995 James G. Smith <>
- * (configdirs): Added support for the VR4300 default
- builds (mips64*vr4300*el-*-elf*, mips64*vr4300*-*-elf*).
- * configure: Regenerated.
- * remote-mips.c (mips_load): Updated the prompt spotting code to
- make use of the TARGET_MONITOR_PROMPT manifest.
-Sat Oct 21 06:11:49 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * alpha-tdep.c, mips-tdep.c (init_extra_frame_info):
- Do not set saved registers from heuristics for a sigtramp frame.
- * dwarfread.c (enum_type): Determine signedness of enum type
- from enumerators.
- * mips-tdep.c: Include gdb_string.h, gcc -Wall lint.
- * rs6000-nat.c (xcoff_relocate_core): Fix typo.
- * valops.c (value_repeat): Fix length of memory transfer to
- match recent allocate_repeat_value change.
-Thu Oct 19 19:04:35 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * gdbtypes.c (get_discrete_bounds): Fix typo.
-Thu Oct 19 12:15:37 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * defs.h (SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR): Add default definitions.
- * dbxread.c, mdebugread.c, os9kread.c (SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR):
- Remove default definitions.
- * (CC-LD): Rename to CC_LD, so MPW xform works.
- (MMALLOC_SRC): Define.
- (ser-mac.o): Add rule.
- * dwarfread.c, somread.c, ultra3-nat.c, xcoffread.c: Replace L_SET
- with SEEK_SET in all calls to bfd_seek.
- * scm-tags.h (scm_tags): Remove excess comma.
- * Adapt to work with autoconf'ed configury;
- build config.h, add empty definitions to mk.tmp.
- (powerpc-apple-macos): Make it work.
- * mpw-make.sed: New file, sed commands to translate Unix makefile
- into MPW syntax.
- * Remove.
- * mac-gdb.r: New file, was macgdb.r, renamed for consistency
- with other tools, now includes cfrg resource.
- * macgdb.r: Remove.
- * config/m68k/xm-mpw.h: Remove most of contents, replace with
- include of include/mpw/mpw.h.
-Tue Oct 17 10:38:53 1995 Jeffrey A Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (frame_chain): Fix more obscure problems caused
- by system calls that core dump processes without saving all
- the register state.
- * config/pa/ (XDEPFILES): Remove bogus definition.
- * config/pa/ (XDEPFILES): Likewise.
-Tue Oct 17 08:04:26 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * NEWS: Fix typo.
-Mon Oct 16 18:24:03 1995 Jim Wilson <>
- * config/sh/tm-sh.h (REGISTER_VIRTUAL_TYPE): Return builtin_type_float
- for FP registers.
- (REGISTER_NAMES): Add FP register names. Remove ticks, stalls, cycles,
- insts, plr, and tlr.
- (NUM_REGS, NUM_REALREGS): Increase from 23 to 41.
- (FPUL_REGNUM, FP0_REGNUM): New macros.
-Mon Oct 16 11:27:06 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * remote-mips.c: Add support for speedy (about 10x faster)
- downloads.
- * remote-array.c: Move baud_rate initialization from
- _initialize_array to array_open. It was forcing the baud rate of
- all targets to be 4800 baud! Seems like I've fixed this before...
- * config/mips/ (TDEPFILES): Remove remote-array.o. This
- has *nothing* to do with IDT!!!
- * sh3-rom.c config/sh/ config/sh/tm-sh.h: Add
- sh3 monitor support.
- * monitor.c: Cleanup regexp compilation stuff to make it easier
- to use several regexps.
- * monitor.h: Get rid of struct rom_cmd_data. It's no longer used.
- * config/m68k/tm-monitor.h: Don't redefine NUM_REGS here. It just
- causes GDB to crash.
- * sparcl-tdep.c: Cleanup serial error handling.
-Sun Oct 15 16:19:27 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * rs6000-tdep.c: Don't include a.out.h, improve some formatting.
-Fri Oct 13 15:27:49 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * dcache.c: Change default value of remotecache to off. It just
- screws up too many targets.
- * sparcl-stub.c: Add prototypes to many forward decls.
- * Create private copies of strlen, strcpy, and memcpy to prevent
- chaos when user steps into them.
- * (trap_low handle_exception): Clean up DSU support code
- (hardware breakpoints). Move lots of stuff from asm-land to
- C-land (make it much easier to #ifdef if necessary). Also, use
- trap 255 to get into break mode instead of doing a DSU register
- write, which may trash the register.
- * (putpacket): Don't check return value of putDebugChar. It
- returns void...
-Fri Oct 13 14:16:17 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * remote-sim.h: Always include callback.h.
- (sim_set_callbacks): New declaration.
-Fri Oct 13 10:57:40 1995 Jeffrey A Law (
- * somsolib.c (som_solib_add): Just give a warning if a file
- mentioned in the dld_list can't be found.
- * config/pa/tm-hppah.h (FRAME_SAVED_PC_IN_SIGTRAMP): Dig out
- the PC from the PC queues rather than %r31.
-Thu Oct 12 13:36:15 1995 Jeffrey A Law (
- * corelow.c (core_open): Don't update the to_sections and
- to_sections_end fields in core_ops here. It's too late.
- * irix5-nat.c (solib_add): Update the to_sections and
- to_sections_end fields in core_ops here if needed.
- * osfsolib.c (solib_add): Likewise.
- * rs6000-nat.c (xcoff_relocate_core): Likewise.
- * solib.c (solib_add): Likewise.
- * somsolib.c (solib_add): Likewise.
-Wed Oct 11 17:25:59 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * (VERSION): Bump version to 4.15.1
-Tue Oct 10 15:26:39 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * (VERSION): Version 4.15 released.
- * README: Updated for version 4.15.
- * NEWS: Updated for 4.15 release.
-Tue Oct 10 13:18:50 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * configure: Regenerate
- * (BISON): Remove macro definition.
- (YACC): Set from autoconfig.
-Tue Oct 10 12:25:11 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * win32-nat.c (child_create_inferior): Pass argv correctly.
- * (win32-nat.o): Add dependencies.
-Mon Oct 9 14:36:29 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * NEWS: Add information about win32 and arm code.
- * win32-nat.c: Renamed from win32.c.
- * config/i386/ Renamed from config/i386/
- * config/i386/ Renamed from config/i386/
- * config/i386/tm-win32.h: Renamed from config/i386/tm-i386win32.h.
- * config/i386/xm-win32.h: Renamed from config/i386/xm-i386win32.h.
- * (i[345]86-*-win32): Updated to cope with filename
- changes.
- * configure: Regenerated.
-Sun Oct 8 18:01:04 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * ch-exp.y (yylex): Also look for '$' following '$'.
-Sat Oct 7 22:52:42 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * ch-exp.y (yylex): Fix typo.
-Fri Oct 6 11:56:49 1995 Jim Wilson <>
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_open): Put callback initializations here.
- (_initalize_remote_sim): Not here.
-Fri Oct 6 17:08:49 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * top.c (execute_control_command): Use 0/1 instead of BFD's
- true/false.
-Fri Oct 6 14:43:19 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * sparcl-stub.c: Include sparclite.h to get access to register
- fondling macros.
- * (trap_low): Save and restore FP regs if necessary. Also, clean
- up save and restore of debug unit regs.
- * (hard_trap_info): Add more architecturally defined traps.
- * (set_debug_traps): Only set FP disabled trap if FP is disabled.
- * (get_in_break_mode): Clean up. Get rid of calls to
- set_hw_breakpoint_trap(). Also, use write_asi macro.
- * (handle_exception): Clean up `g' and `G' commands. Add `P'
- command.
- * (hw_breakpoint): Why was this here!? It's gone now...
-Fri Oct 6 11:56:49 1995 Jim Wilson <>
- * callback.c (fdbad): Fix typo in comment.
- (os_close, os_isatty, os_lseek, os_read, os_write): Use if
- statements rather than || to get correct return value.
- (os_write_stdout): Pass missing first argument to os_write.
- * remote-sim.c: Include callback.h.
- (_initialize_remote_sim): Call sim_set_callbacks and then
- initialize the callbacks.
-Thu Oct 5 17:28:09 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * values.c (allocate_repeat_value): Allocate an array type, and
- a value of that type; use that instead of setting VALUE_REPEATED.
- * value.h (struct value): Remove fields repetitions and repeated.
- (VALUE_REPEATED, VALUE_REPETITIONS): Removed, no longer used.
- * c-valprint.c, ch-valprint.c, eval.c, printcmd.c, valops.c,
- value.h, values.c: Simplify, since now VALUE_REPEATED is never
- used.
- * valprint.c (value_print_array_elemen): Removed never-used
- function.
-Thu Oct 5 15:14:36 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * parse.c (write_dollar_variable): New function.
- * c-exp.y (yylex): Replace code for recognizing '$'
- pseudo-variables with a call to write_dollar_variable.
- Simplify grammar correspondingly.
- * f-exp.y: Likewise.
- * m2-exp.y: Likewise.
- * ch-exp.y: Likewise. (Remove function match_dollar_tokens.)
- * scm-exp.c (scm_lreadr): Call write_dollar_variable to handle '$'.
-Thu Oct 5 13:27:30 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * win32.c: New file; support for debugging on windows NT.
- * (i[345]86-*-win32): New target.
- * configure: Regnerated.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard): Remove unused name.
- * serial.c (gdb_string.h): Include.
- * source.c (value.h): Include.
- * config/i386/ (XDEPFILES): Add win32.o
- * config/i386/ New.
- * config/i386/tm-i386win32.h: New.
-Wed Oct 4 18:41:34 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * expression.h (enum exp_code): Added OP_NAME.
- * expprint.c (print_subexp): Add OP_NAME support.
- * parse.c (length_of_subexp, prefixify_subexp): Likewise.
- * scm-lang.c (scm_unpack, in_eval_c, scm_lookup_name): new function.
- * scm-lang.h: Declare builtin_type_scm; other minor tweaks.
- * values.c (unpack_long): If type is SCM, call scm_unpack.
- * scm-valprint.c (scm_val_print): Use extract_signed_integer,
- instead unpack_long
- * scm-lang.c: More Scheme expression parsing from here ...
- * scm-exp.c: ... to here. New file.
- Also, provide for gdb to evaluate simple constants and names..
- * Note new scm-exp.{c,o}.
-Wed Oct 4 17:23:03 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * gdbtypes.c (get_discrete_bounds): New function.
- (force_to_range_type): Use get_discrete_bounds.
- * gdbtypes.h (get_discrete_bounds): Add declaration.
- * valarith.c (value_bit_index): Generalize to use get_discrete_bounds.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print): Make (power)sets and bitstring
- support use get_discrete_bounds and generally be more robust.
-Tue Oct 3 16:54:56 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote-nrom.c (nrom_ops): Add value for to_thread_alive,
- add comments naming slots.
-Mon Oct 2 21:45:44 1995 Jeff Law (law@hurl)
- * top.c (build_command_line): Demand arguments for if/while
- commands.
-Mon Oct 2 13:08:01 1995 Jason Molenda (
- * (X11_CFLAGS): Set only to @X_INCDIR@.
-Sat Sep 30 16:13:36 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * scm-lang.c: Moved Scheme value printing code to ...
- * scm-valprint.c: ... this new file.
- Also major improvements in support for printing SCM values.
- * scm-lang.h: New file.
- * scm-tags.h: New file.
- * Note new scm-valprint.{c,o}.
-Sat Sep 30 09:35:02 1995 Jason Molenda (
- * X_INCDIR and X_LIBDIR added.
- * @X_INCDIR@ and @X_LIBDIR@ added.
- * configure: Regnerated.
-Fri Sep 29 02:10:05 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * config/arm/tm-arm.h (FRAME_CHAIN, FRAME_CHAIN_VALID):
- Any pc > LOWESTPC is ok.
- * remote-rdp.c (rdp_init): Take out variable baud rate stuff.
- (remote_rdp_detatch): Delete.
- * breakpoint.c (ctype.h): Don't include twice.
- * (remote-rdp.o): Doesn't need remote-rdp.h
- * callback.c (os_printf_filtered): fix protos.
- * defs.h (puts_filtered, puts_unfiltered
- [v|f|]printf_[un]filtered): Make format arg const.
- * remote-rdp.c (rdp_init): Attept to sync at different
- baudrates.
- * utils.c (puts_filtered, puts_unfiltered
- [v|f|]printf_[un]filtered): Define prototypes with
- const in the right place.
-Thu Sep 28 17:43:39 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * defs.h (enum language): Add language_scm.
- * expression.h (enum exp_code): Added OP_EXPRSTRING.
- * scm-lang.c: Preliminary support for Guile /SCM dialect of Scheme.
- * expprint.c (print_subexp): Add OP_EXPRSTRING support.
- * parse.c (length_of_subexp, prefixify_subexp): Likewise.
- * valops.c (find_function_in_inferior): New function.
- (value_allocate_space_in_inferior): New function.
- (allocate_space_in_inferior): Redefine using previous function.
- * (SFILES): Add scm-lang.c.
- (COMMON_OBS): Add scm-lang.o
-Thu Sep 28 14:32:11 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * callback.[ch]: New files.
- * remote-rdp.c: Support for the ARM RDP monitor.
- * Makefile: Update.
- * arm-tdep.c (arm_othernames): New.
- (_initialize_arm_tdep): install 'othernames' command.
- (arm_nullified_insn, shifted_reg_val, arm_get_next_pc): New.
- * Check for termios.h, termio.h and sgtty.h.
- (i[345]86-*-win32*): New host.
- * configure: Regenerated.
- * inflow.c: Clean up inclusions.
- * main.c (main): Check for WINGDB, not WIN32.
- * printcmd.c (do_examine): Put QUIT test in loop.
- * remote-hms.c (e7000_load): Delete.
- (hms_ops): Point to generic_load instead.
- * remote-hms.c (hms_ops): Point to generic_load.
- * remote-sim.c (sim_callback_write_stdout): Becomes
- gdbsim_write_stdout.
- (gdbsim_load): Call generic_load.
- * remote-utils.c (gr_load_image): Delete.
- * ser-unix.c (terminal.h): Include instead of havig
- own #if tree.
- (hardwire_flush_input): Reset input buffer too.
- * source.c (openp): If WIN32 then open file in binary mode.
- * terminal.h: Configure IO mechanism using autoconf defines if
- available and not overriden.
- * utils.c (quit, pollquit, notice_quit): WIN32 check becomes
- WINGDB check.
- * config/arm/ (TDEPFILES): Add remote-rdp.o.
- * config/arm/tm-arm.h (TARGET_BYTE_ORDER): becomes
- (INST_xx): New.
- (FRAME_FIND_SAVED_REGS): Pass the right argument.
- (arm_get_next_pc): Declare.
-Wed Sep 27 10:14:36 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * valops.c (search_struct_field): Also allow "else" as a variant
- name.
- * eval.c (evaluate_struct_tuple): New function. Used to evaluate
- structure tuples. Now also handles Chill variant records.
- (get_label): New function, used by evaluate_struct_tuple.
- (evaluate_subexp_standard case OP_ARRAY): Use evaluate_struct_tuple.
- (evaluate_labeled_field_init): Removed.
- * valops.c (search_struct_field): Generalize to work with Chill
- variant records.
-Sat Sep 23 01:22:23 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * mdebugread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Reset includes_used
- and dependencies_used after finishing the partial symbol table.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (push_dummy_frame): Handle lr_offset of zero
- correctly.
- * rs6000-nat.c (xcoff_relocate_core): Don't relocate data
- addresses for the main objfile if DONT_RELOCATE_SYMFILE_OBJFILE
- is defined.
- * xcoffread.c: gcc -Wall lint. Remove traceback table reading
- code. The existing code tried to add parameter information for
- functions compiled without -g, which cannot be done properly
- for optimized code and produced misleading parameter displays.
- (ef_complaint, eb_complaint): Make a local static copy to avoid
- dependency on coffread.c.
- (read_xcoff_symtab, process_xcoff_symbol, scan_xcoff_symtab):
- Enter C_EXT/C_HIDEXT symbols into the minimal symbol table only.
- (read_xcoff_symtab): Ignore C_STAT section auxiliary entry
- symbols. Complain about unmatched .ef and .eb symbols instead of
- segfaulting.
- (process_xcoff_symbol): Determine value of C_GSYM symbols via
- the global_sym_chain mechanism in stabsread.c.
- (xcoff_new_init): Call stabsread_new_init and buildsym_new_init.
- (init_string_tab): Initialize length field bytes in the strtbl.
- (scan_xcoff_symtab): Skip symbols that start with `$' or `.$'.
- Set first_fun_line_offset for symbols with two auxents only.
-Wed Sep 20 21:06:35 1995 Jeff Law (
- * op50-rom.c (op50n_cmds): Send ".\r" after the interrupt
- character.
-Wed Sep 20 13:12:56 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * (maintainer-clean): New target, synonym for
- realclean. Add GNU standard maintainer-clean echos.
- * gdbserver/ (maintainer-clean): New target, synonym
- for realclean.
- * nlm/ (maintainer-clean): Likewise.
-Wed Sep 20 08:16:03 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * defs.h (xmalloc, xrealloc): Delete, they're declared in libiberty.h.
- * doc/gdbint.texinfo (GETENV_PROVIDED, FCLOSE_PROVIDED): Document.
- * remote-sim.[ch] (sim_callback_write_stdout): New.
-Tue Sep 19 15:28:58 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * gdbtypes.c (create_set_type): Set TYPE_LENGTH in bytes, not bits.
- * valops.c (value_bitstring): TYPE_LENGTH is bytes, not bits.
- * gdbtypes.c (force_to_range_type): Calculate upper limit of
- TYPE_CODE_CHAR depending on TYPE_LENGTH (instead of just using 255).
-Mon Sep 18 01:43:42 1995 Jeff Law (
- * somsolib.c (auto_solib_add_at_startup): Delete definition. No
- longer needed.
-Sat Sep 16 13:23:36 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (UNUSED_REGNUM): Define.
- * mipsv4-nat.c (supply_gregset): Fill UNUSED_REGNUM register
- with zero.
-Thu Sep 14 17:35:24 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_create_inferior): Back out change that
- broke all simulator configurations except the rs6000.
-Thu Sep 14 14:44:59 1995 Jeffrey A. Law <>
- * monitor.c (monitor_expect): Discard NULL characters.
-Thu Sep 14 14:12:30 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * infcmd.c: Add extern declaration for auto_solib_add_at_startup.
-Wed Sep 13 13:33:58 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * symfile.c: Move global variable auto_solib_add_at_startup from
- solib.c to symfile.c.
- * solib.c: ditto.
- * symfile.h: Add extern declaration of the above mentioned variable.
- * infcmd.c: Take out extern declaration, since it's in symfile.h.
-Thu Sep 14 12:39:35 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * coffread.c (coff_symtab_read): Complain about unmatched .ef and
- .eb symbols instead of segfaulting.
-Wed Sep 13 13:33:58 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * stabsread.c (read_one_struct_field): Use subfile language instead of
- global language. Improve efficiency.
-Wed Sep 13 08:45:02 1995 Jeff Law (
- * somsolib.c (auto_solib_add_at_startup): Define new global variable.
- (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Don't add libraries if
- auto_solib_add_at_startup is zero.
- (_initialize_som_solib): Add command to toggle
- auto_solib_add_at_startup.
-Tue Sep 12 19:37:24 1995 Jeff Law (
- * monitor.c (monitor_make_srec): Fix thinkos in computation
- of addr_size.
-Tue Sep 12 15:46:18 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * stabsread.c (read_one_struct_field): Add a patch to handle cfront
- generated stabs that each field is in full mangled name.
- * stabsread.c: To include language.h and expression.h for the reason
- above.
- * infcmd.c (attach_command): Add solibs only when
- auto_solib_add_at_startup is set.
-Mon Sep 11 17:22:35 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * NEWS: Add information about remote target caching.
-Sun Sep 10 15:36:21 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * defs.h: Only include mmalloc.h if NO_MMALLOC is not
- defined.
-Sun Sep 10 10:24:48 1995 Michael Tiemann <>
- * tm-ppc-eabi.h (PC_IN_CALL_DUMMY): Redefine this to work with the
- simulator. FIXME.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (push_dummy_frame): Calculate the correct link
- register offset from the current frame (don't assume it is always 8).
- (push_dummy_frame): Add comment about having only 4096 bytes of
- stack space in the simulator (by default).
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_create_inferior): Call
- `add_text_to_loadinfo' so that gdb can find TOC entries when
- calling functions in the inferior.
-Sun Sep 10 09:00:28 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * sparc-tdep.c (fill_fpregset): Fix incorrect FP_MAX_REGNUM
- substitution.
- (supply_fpregset): Use FP_MAX_REGNUM.
-Sat Sep 9 08:21:52 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * stabsread.c (read_enum_type): Exit loop for putting pending
- enum symbols into the enum type correctly if we had no pending
- symbols on entry to read_enum_type.
-Fri Sep 8 12:57:41 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * inferior.h: Add extern declaration of inferior_environ.
- * solib.c (solib_map_sections): To get inferior's env instead of
- gdb's for LD_LIBRARY_PATH, same for PATH.
- * solib.c (solib_map_sections): Copy full path name into so_list
- structure so that symbol_file_add can find it.
-Tue Sep 5 17:47:53 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * config/sparc/tm-sp64.h (REGISTER_RAW_SIZE): Lower 32 fp regs
- have size 4.
- (REGISTER_VIRTUAL_TYPE): Lower 32 fp regs have type float.
- Upper 32 fp regs have type double.
- * sparc-tdep.c (NUM_SPARC_FPREGS): Replace with
- (FP_REGISTER_BYTES): this, and update all uses.
- (FP_MAX_REGNUM): Define if not already.
- (get_saved_register): Handle new sparc64 fp regs.
- (sparc_frame_find_saved_regs): Likewise.
- (sparc_print_register_hook): Only print fp regs < 32 as doubles.
- Add code to handle long doubles when gdb does.
- (_initialize_sparc_tdep): Use print_insn_sparc64 if sparc64.
-Sat Sep 2 06:41:26 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * Explicitly `exit 0' for broken shells.
- * configure: Rebuilt.
- * symtab.c (list_symbols): Add missing blank after
- `<function, no debug info>' output.
- * valops.c (value_assign): Handle truncation when assigning
- to bitfields. Use value_copy to construct the return value
- from toval.
- * values.c (value_copy): Copy VALUE_FRAME and VALUE_OPTIMIZED_OUT.
-Fri Sep 1 08:25:50 1995 James G. Smith <>
- * configure (mips64*vr4300*-*-elf): Support added.
- * remote-mips.c (mips_readchar): Change to allow build-time prompt
- string.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h: Added TARGET_MONITOR_PROMPT.
- * config/mips/{,, tm-vr4300.h,
- tm-vr4300el.h}: Added.
-Thu Aug 31 12:48:04 1995 Jim Wilson <>
- * config/sh/ (SIM): Add -lm.
-Wed Aug 30 18:10:57 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * rmote-nindy.c (non_dle, nidy_resume, nindy_wait): Changes to
- conform to GNU coding standards.
- * solib.c (match_main): Modify to follow GNU coding conventions.
-Mon Aug 28 17:07:26 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * remote.c (remote_wait): Revert 19 July my change which should be
- customer specific.
-Sat Aug 26 00:26:11 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol): Handle sh.value of zero for enums.
- Determine signedness of enum type from enumerators.
- (parse_type): Handle btIndirect types, handle fBitfield for
- some non-member types.
- (upgrade_type): Use TYPE_FLAG_TARGET_STUB for arrays with
- unknown length.
- (cross_ref): Handle stIndirect forward reference to btTypedef.
- * stabsread.c (read_enum_type): Determine signedness of enum
- type from enumerators.
- * top.c (execute_command): Remove trailing whitespace from
- command arguments, except for `set' and `complete' commands.
- (validate_comname): Allow underscores in user defined command
- names.
- * values.c (modify_field): Change `Value does not fit in %d bits'
- error to a warning. Exclude sign extension bits of negative field
- values from fit check.
-Fri Aug 25 11:31:29 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * (powerpc*-*-eabisim*): Only link in the simulator
- if the target is powerpc{,le}-*-eabisim*, since the simulator
- needs GCC to build.
- * config/powerpc/ppc{,le} Cloned from ppc{,le}
- * config/powerpc/ppc{,le} Remove simulator support.
- * config/powerpc/tm-ppc{,le} Include tm-ppc{,le}-sim.h.
-Wed Aug 23 16:55:35 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * config/powerpc/ppc{,le} (SIM_OBJS, SIM): Link in the
- PowerPC simulator.
-Tue Aug 22 02:00:47 1995 Jeff Law (
- * tm-hppa.h (EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE): Fix for FP values.
- * tm-hppa.h (STORE_RETURN_VALUE): Fix to work with -msoft-float
- calling conventions too. Use the TYPE of the return value, not
- its length to determine if it should also be copied into the
- floating point registers.
- * tm-hppa.h (PROLOGUE_FIRSTLINE_OVERLAP): Delete. Causes more
- problems than it fixes.
- * hppa-tdep.c (skip_prologue): If we exit the main loop without
- finding all the register saves, retry again without looking for
- the registers we could not find the first time.
-Mon Aug 21 23:39:56 1995 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (frame_chain_valid): Handle systems where "$START$"
- calls "main" directly.
- (skip_prologue): Always assume arguments were saved into the stack
- since GCC will do so without setting the magic Args_Saved bit in
- the unwind descriptor.
-Mon Aug 21 11:49:17 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * remote-udi.c (udi_wait): Mask off high bits of stop reason.
- * remote-udi.c (fetch_register): For unfetchable regs, pretend it's
- done. Fix a bug.
-Mon Aug 21 00:45:17 1995 Jeff Law (
- * (install): Remove "brokensed" hack, unnecessary now
- that we're using autoconf.
- (uninstall): Likewise.
-Sat Aug 19 01:19:34 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * gdbtypes.c (recursive_dump_type): Add dont_print_type_obstack
- to inhibit infinite recursion when printing aggregate types.
-Fri Aug 18 17:48:55 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * dcache.c (dcache_write_line): Write dirty lines right.
-Fri Aug 18 06:26:56 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * sparc-tdep.c (isbranch): Fix typo which caused wrong
- target addresses for annulled branches.
-Wed Aug 16 21:54:39 1995 Jeff Law (
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (PROLOGUE_FIRSTLINE_OVERLAP): Define.
-Tue Aug 15 07:51:21 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * remote.c (remote_write_bytes): Chop up large transfers.
-Mon Aug 14 17:56:36 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * gcc.patch: Remove, relevant only to long-ago versions of GCC.
-Mon Aug 14 13:43:01 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * config/sparc/tm-sparclite.h: Define FRAME_CHAIN_VALID_ALTERNATE.
- * blockframe.c (inside_main_func): If main func addr range not set,
- try to set it now.
-Sat Aug 12 15:34:54 1995 Jeffrey A. Law <>
- * config/powerpc/xm-aix.h (FIVE_ARG_PTRACE): Define.
- * config/rs6000/xm-rs6000.h (FIVE_ARG_PTRACE): Likewise.
- * Recognize aix4 specially as some aspects
- of aix4 need different handling than aix3.
- * configure: Updated.
- * config/powerpc/{,,tm-ppc-aix4.h}: New files
- specific to aix4 support on the power pc.
- * config/powerpc/tm-ppc-aix.h (DONT_RELOCATE_SYMFILE_OBJFILE): Do
- not defined. The aix4 specific target files will do that.
- * config/rs6000/{aix4,mh,aix4,mt,tm-rs6000-aix4.h}: New files
- specific to aix4 support on the rs6000.
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h (CONVERT_FROM_FUNC_PTR_ADDR): Don't
- do the conversion if the pointer is not a magic aix function
- pointer.
- * rs6000-tdep.c: Include objfiles.h and symtab.h.
- (is_magic_function_pointer): New function.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (skip_prologue): Refine check for frameless
- functions. Handle b .+4 emitted by aix4 compilers. Only
- allow one load of a minimal toc pointer. Handle aix4 compiler's
- code for alloca.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (find_toc_address): Report an error if no toc was
- found rather than possibly core dumping.
- * partial-stab.h: Handle extra field generated by the aix4 compiler
- for enumerations.
- * stabsread.c (read_enum_type): Likewise.
-Sat Aug 12 03:18:04 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * rs6000-tdep.c (extract_return_value): Fix returning of values
- whose length is less than the register size for big endian targets.
-Fri Aug 11 13:04:32 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * symtab.c (list_symbols): if break command set breakpoint on
- matched symbol.
-Wed Aug 9 18:59:05 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * defs.h (strchr, strrchr, strstr, strtok, strerror): Enclose in
- #ifndefs to protect against previous definitions as macros.
-Wed Aug 9 14:51:36 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * xcoffread.c (xcoff_symfile_offset): Revert an unwanted change
- that got in accidentally with Aug 1 change.
-Sat Aug 5 09:07:28 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * remote-hms.c (hms_cmds): Get reg term right.
- * monitor.c (monitor_fetch_register): If we see
- a non-hex digit, just stop reading.
- * remote.c (remote_wait): Change way $O is handled.
-Wed Aug 9 11:42:36 1995 Jeffrey A. Law <>
- * (powerpc-*-aix*): Recognize as a new gdb host
- and target.
- (powerpc-*-eabi*): Don't set configdirs.
- (powerpcle-*-eabi*): Likewise.
- * configure: Updated.
- * rs6000-nat.c (vmap_ldinfo): Don't relocate data addresses
- for the main objfile if DONT_RELOCATE_SYMFILE_OBJFILE is
- defined.
- * config/powerpc/{,}: Host and target makefile fragments
- for powerpc running aix4.
- * config/powerpc/{nm-aix.h, tm-ppc-aix.h, xm-aix.h}: Native, target
- and host include files for powerpc running aix4.
-Wed Aug 9 08:11:45 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * top.c (target_output_hook): Really make it match defs.h (char *
- is not the same as unsigned char *).
-Tue Aug 8 15:13:05 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * (CXX_FOR_TARGET): Don't use ${rootme}/../gcc/xgcc
- unless it is present.
-Tue Aug 8 10:50:15 1995 Jeffrey A. Law <>
- * top.c (target_output_hook): Make declaration match the one
- in defs.h.
- * symfile.c (add_psymbol_to_list): Initialize SYMBOL_SECTION.
- (add_psymbol_addr_to_list): Likewise.
- * symfile.h (ADD_PSYMBOL_VT_TO_LIST): Likewise.
-Mon Aug 7 15:34:29 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * top.c (target_output_hook): New definition.
- * stack.c (gdb_string.h): Include after defs.h
- * defs.h (target_output_hook): New declaration.
- * source.c (mod_path): Fix Win32 \ handling.
-Sun Aug 6 22:14:25 1995 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (frame_saved_pc): Don't try to dig a return pointer
- out of a long branch stub.
-Fri Aug 4 13:37:31 1995 Jeffrey A. Law <>
- * xcoffread.c (process_linenos): Fix typo in last change.
-Thu Aug 3 22:01:26 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * ch-exp.y (write_lower_upper_value): Add prototype so bison
- generated parser will insert prototype before first func usage.
- Bison and byacc order the output sections differently. Also
- make function static.
-Thu Aug 3 10:45:37 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * Update all FSF addresses except those in COPYING* files.
-Thu Aug 3 01:38:45 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * config/alpha/tm-alpha.h (EXTRA_FRAME_INFO): Add pc_reg field.
- * alpha-tdep.c (alpha_frame_saved_pc): Use pc_reg field from
- frame to find the saved pc register.
- (alpha_saved_pc_after_call): Skip over shared library trampoline
- before trying to find the saved pc register.
- (find_proc_desc): Copy PROC_PC_REG from found proc_desc
- to heuristic proc_desc.
- (init_extra_frame_info): Initialize pc_reg field in frame.
-Wed Aug 2 18:00:36 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * (m68*-est-*): Use monitor target config.
- * configure: Update.
- * config/m68k/, config/m68k/tm-est.h: Delete.
- * config/m68k/, config/m68k/tm-monitor.h: Fix comments.
-Tue Aug 1 22:52:53 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * (VERSION): Bump to 4.14.2
-Tue Aug 1 16:04:36 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * xcoffread.c (process_linenos): The value in include file symbol
- should point to line number table. Currently this value is not
- set correctly by AIX ld. A fix to get around this bug.
-Tue Aug 1 11:44:53 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * Check for working mmap, ansi headers, string.h,
- strings.h, and memory.h.
- * configure: Regenerated.
- * gdb_stat.h: New file, "portable" <sys/stat.h>.
- * gdb_string.h: New file, "portable" <string.h>.
- * altos-xdep.c, arm-tdep.c, arm-xdep.c, convex-tdep.c,
- convex-xdep.c, coredep.c, cxux-nat.c, dbxread.c, exec.c,
- gould-xdep.c, hppa-tdep.c, i386aix-nat.c, i386b-nat.c,
- i386mach-nat.c, i386v-nat.c, infptrace.c, m88k-nat.c, main.c,
- mdebugread.c, objfiles.c, os9kread.c, procfs.c, pyr-xdep.c,
- rs6000-nat.c, source.c, standalone.c, stuff.c, sun386-nat.c,
- symfile.c, symm-nat.c, symm-tdep.c, symtab.c, top.c, ultra3-nat.c,
- ultra3-xdep.c, umax-xdep.c, xcoffread.c: Include "gdb_stat.h"
- instead of <sys/stat.h>.
- * alpha-tdep.c, breakpoint.c, buildsym.c, c-typeprint.c,
- ch-typeprint.c, coffread.c, command.c, core-sol2.c, core-svr4.c,
- core.c, corelow.c, cp-valprint.c, dbxread.c, dcache.c, demangle.c,
- dpx2-nat.c, dstread.c, dwarfread.c, elfread.c, environ.c, eval.c,
- exec.c, f-lang.c, f-typeprint.c, f-valprint.c, findvar.c,
- fork-child.c, gdbtypes.c, hpread.c, i386-tdep.c, infcmd.c,
- inflow.c, infptrace.c, infrun.c, irix5-nat.c, language.c,
- m2-typeprint.c, main.c, mdebugread.c, minsyms.c, mipsread.c,
- monitor.c, nlmread.c, objfiles.c, os9kread.c, osfsolib.c, parse.c,
- printcmd.c, procfs.c, regex.c, remote-adapt.c,
- remote-array.c, remote-bug.c, remote-e7000.c, remote-eb.c,
- remote-es.c, remote-hms.c, remote-mm.c, remote-os9k.c,
- remote-pa.c, remote-sim.c, remote-st.c, remote-udi.c,
- remote-utils.c, remote-vx.c, remote-vx29k.c, remote-vx68.c,
- remote-vx960.c, remote-vxmips.c, remote-vxsparc.c, remote.c,
- solib.c, somread.c, source.c, stabsread.c, stack.c, symfile.c,
- symmisc.c, symtab.c, target.c, top.c, typeprint.c, utils.c,
- valarith.c, valops.c, valprint.c, values.c, xcoffread.c: Include
- "gdb_string.h" instead of <string.h>.
- * config/xm-sysv4.h, i386/xm-ptx.h, m68k/xm-sun3os4.h,
- sparc/xm-sun4os4.h (HAVE_MMAP): Removed.
- * config/xm-lynx.h, config/i386/xm-ptx.h,
- config/m68k/nm-apollo68b.h, config/m68k/xm-hp300hpux.h,
- config/mips/xm-irix3.h, config/mips/xm-mips.h,
- config/mips/xm-news-mips.h, config/mips/xm-riscos.h,
- config/pa/hppah.h, config/rs6000/xm-rs6000.h,
- config/sparc/xm-sun4os4.h, config/sparc/xm-sun4sol2.h,
- config/vax/xm-vaxbsd.h, config/vax/xm-vaxult.h,
- config/vax/xm-vaxult2.h (MEM_FNS_DECLARED): Removed.
- * config/mips/xm-irix3.h, config/mips/xm-mips.h,
- config/pa/xm-hppah.h (memcpy, memset): Removed declarations.
-Tue Aug 1 02:08:30 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_extract_return_value): Fix returning of
- values whose length is less than the register size for big endian
- targets.
- * alpha-tdep.c (alpha_extract_return_value,
- alpha_store_return_value): Use alpha_convert_register_to_*
- to handle functions returning "float" correctly.
-Mon Jul 31 19:12:48 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * h8500-tdep.c: General linting and cleanup.
- (opcodes/h8500-opc.h): Don't include.
- (code_size, data_size): Make static.
- (frame_locals_address, frame_args_address): Remove.
- (h8300_pop_frame): Rename to h8500_pop_frame.
- (big_command, medium_command, compact_command, small_command):
- Define as regular functions rather than with macro trickery.
- (tm_print_insn): Set to correct disassembler function.
- * config/h8500/tm-h8500.h: Minor cleanup, add prototypes.
- (ABOUT_TO_RETURN): #if 0 out.
- (GDB_TARGET_IS_H8500): Remove duplicate definition.
- (regoff): Remove, never used.
- * config/h8500/ (TDEPFILES): Add monitor.o.
-Mon Jul 31 14:32:30 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * Check for unistd.h.
- * configure: Regenerated.
- * command.c, cp-valprint.c, fork-child.c, i386-tdep.c,
- i386b-nat.c, inflow.c, main.c, maint.c, objfiles.c, solib.c,
- source.c, stack.c, symfile.c, top.c, utils.c: Include strings.h
- and/or unistd.h to bring prototypes into scope.
-Sun Jul 30 01:40:11 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * rs6000-tdep.c (frame_saved_pc): Check for signal handler caller
- before trying to determine the start of the function.
- (skip_prologue): Skip subroutine call which might save the
- floating point registers only if it is within the first three
- instructions.
- Reinstate setting of alloca_reg if setup of a gcc frame pointer
- is found.
- (frame_get_cache_fsr): Use new fields in rs6000_framedata.
-Sat Jul 29 14:43:35 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * sparclite: Removed subdirectory. aload and eload are now in
- utils/sparclite, low-level library is in libgloss.
- * (sparclite*): Don't configure sparclite subdir.
- * configure: Update.
- * (TARDIRS): Remove, no longer used.
-Sat Jul 29 01:45:56 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * procfs.c (unconditionally_kill_inferior): Clear current signal
- * config/alpha/nm-osf3.h (PROCFS_NEED_CLEAR_CURSIG_FOR_KILL): Define.
- * alpha-tdep.c: Move sigtramp handling of saved registers from
- read_next_frame_reg to alpha_find_saved_regs, handle saved
- floating point registers.
- * mips-tdep.c: Move sigtramp handling of saved registers from
- read_next_frame_reg to mips_find_saved_regs, handle saved
- floating point registers.
- * config/mips/tm-irix3.h, config/mips/tm-irix5.h,
- config/mips/tm-mipsv4.h (SIGFRAME_FPREGSAVE_OFF): Define.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_pc_adjust): Fix check for `unimp'
- instruction to handle functions returning structures with
- large sizes properly.
-Fri Jul 28 11:50:17 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * configure, (z8k-*-sim): deleted.
-Thu Jul 27 12:49:28 1995 Jeffrey A. Law <>
- * lynx-nat.c (child_wait): Handle threads exiting.
-Thu Jul 27 07:47:50 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * rs6000-tdep.c (skip_prologue): Don't assume the update stack
- instruction is the last in the prologue, since xlc stores the lr
- after the stack update. Make sure offset is correct sign for
- large frames.
- (frame_saved_pc): Move test for signal before frameless.
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h (DEFAULT_LR_SAVE): Define.
- * config/powerpc/tm-ppc-eabi.h (DEFAULT_LR_SAVE): Redefine.
-Thu Jul 27 01:22:08 1995 Jeffrey A. Law <>
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_fix_call_dummy): Rewrite code for calling
- into shared libraries.
-Wed Jul 26 23:33:34 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h (rs6000_framedata): Add offsets the
- gprs, fprs, lr, and cr is stored at.
- (FRAME_FIND_SAVED_REGS): Use new fields in rs6000_framedata.
- (function_frame_info): Delete declaration.
- (SKIP_PROLOGUE): Skip_prologue is now passed a rs6000_framedata
- structure to fill in.
- (FRAMELESS_FUNCTION_INVOCATION): Function now longer takes a
- second argument.
- (FRAME_SAVED_PC): Call frame_saved_pc.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (skip_prologue): Recognize V.4 prologues as well
- as AIX style. Fill in rs6000_framedata structure. Remember where
- the gprs, fprs, cr, and lr are saved.
- (pop_frame): Use skip_prologue, not function_frame_info, and use
- new rs6000_framedata fields.
- (function_frame_info): Function deleted.
- (frameless_function_invocation): Separate frame_saved_pc support
- to new function. Recognize V.4 frames.
- (frame_saved_pc): New function.
- (frame_get_cache_fsr): Use skip_prologue, not function_frame_info.
- (frame_initial_stack_address): Ditto.
-Wed Jul 26 01:00:37 1995 Jeff Law (
- * remote.c: Add documentation for extended protocol operations
- and for thread_alive change from a couple weeks ago.
- (extended_remote_ops): Declare and define a new target vector
- for the extended remote protocol.
- (extended_remote_restart): New function to restart the remote
- server & process.
- (remote_open): Just a stub routine.
- (extended_remote_open): New function to start a remote session
- using the extended gdb remote protocol.
- (remote_open_1): New function containing code common to both
- remote_open and extended_remote_open.
- (remote_mourn, extended_remote_mourn, remote_mourn_1): Similarly.
- (extended_remote_create_inferior): New function for the extended
- remote target.
- (initialize_remote): Add the extended_remote_ops target vector.
- * gdbserver/server.c (main, case '!'): Set extended_protocol.
- (main, case 'k'): If the extended protocol is in use, kill the
- inferior then start a new one.
- (main, case 'R'): New command to restart the remote server and
- inferior process. Only supported when using the extended
- protocol.
- (main, server loop): If the inferior terminates while using the
- extended protocol then start a new one. If getpkt fails when
- using the extended protocol then exit.
-Tue Jul 25 11:43:44 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * mdebugread.c (psymtab_to_symtab_1): Relocate encoded stab
- line numbers using the psymtab's section offsets.
-Tue Jul 25 10:43:27 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h (rs6000_framedata): Rename from
- aix_framedata. Change all uses.
- * rs6000-tdep.c: Change all aix_framedata -> rs6000_framedata.
-Sat Jul 22 23:44:18 1995 Jeff Law (
- * defs.h (ATTR_FORMAT): Disable if ANSI_PROTOTYPES is not defined.
-Fri Jul 21 16:50:28 1995 Jeffrey A. Law <>
- * lynx-nat.c (child_thread_alive): New function. Somehow I
- forgot to check this in with all the other thread_alive changes.
-Thu Jul 20 22:22:34 1995 Jeff Law (
- * somread.c (som_symtab_read): Add unsatisfied common symbols to
- the minimal symbol table. All common symbols are "unsatisfied"
- when -E is passed to the linker.
-Thu Jul 20 15:04:57 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * top.c (show_endian): Cast first arg of printf_unfiltered to
- correct type of "char *".
-Thu Jul 20 14:18:51 1995 Jeffrey A. Law <>
- * lynx-nat.c (child_wait): A thread_id of zero from wait apparently
- means the process is single threaded, so there's no need to add
- it to the thread list. Handle case where multi-threaded process
- reverts back to a single-threaded process.
- * gdbserver/low-hppabsd.c: Remove error declaration.
- * gdbserver/low-sparc.c: Likewise.
- * gdbserver/low-sun3.c: Likewise.
- * gdbserver/server.h: Remove error and fatal declaration.
- * gdbserver/utils.c (error): Update to be compatable with recent
- changes in defs.h.
- (fatal): Likewise.
-Wed Jul 19 22:42:43 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * config/m68k/tm-m68kv4.h (DWARF_REG_TO_REGNUM): Define to
- correctly map floating point registers numbers.
- * dwarfread.c (locval, new_symbol): Handle variables that are
- optimized out.
- * mdebugread.c: Replace all uses of builtin_type_* with
- mdebug_type_*. Define and initialize mdebug_type_*.
- * serial.h (serial_close): Add additional argument `really_close'.
- (SERIAL_CLOSE): Update serial_close call accordingly.
- (SERIAL_UN_FDOPEN): Use serial_close to handle refcnt properly.
- * serial.c (serial_close): Handle `really_close'.
- * serial.h (scb_base): Moved to serial.c, made static.
- * valops.c (value_addr): Don't coerce arrays.
- (typecmp): Coerce arrays instead of calling value_addr if necessary.
-Wed Jul 19 18:19:28 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- From Richard Earnshaw (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Set the convenience variable
- $_exitcode to the termination code of the inferior.
- * top.c (quit_command): Accept optional expression to use
- as parameter to exit().
-Wed Jul 19 13:15:32 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * remote.c (remote_wait): When getting registers, check endianess and
- do conversion if necessary.
-Tue Jul 18 00:41:31 1995 Jeff Law (
- * gdbserver/low-hppabsd.c: New file.
- * gdbserver/ (SFILES): Add low-hppabsd.c.
- * config/pa/ (XDEPFILES): Add ser-tcp.o.
- (GDBSERVER_DEPFILES): Add low-hppabsd.o.
- * config/pa/ Likewise.
-Mon Jul 17 21:35:18 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * dache.c (struct dcache_block): Change data member from unsigned
- char to char, since everything passed in and out of dcache is char
- or casted to appropriate type anyway.
- (dcache_alloc): Move assignment of db out of test and combine
- separate tests into if-else.
- (dcache_peek_byte): Change ptr from unsigned char* to char*.
- (dcache_peek_byte): Remove now unnecessary cast in read_memory call.
- (dcache_peek): Change cast of incoming data arg.
- (dcache_poke): Change cast of addr of incoming data arg.
- (dcache_info): Mask data passed to printf_filtered to lsbyte only.
- (dcache_info): Change printf_filtered arg from "% 2x" to " %2x".
- * target.c (debug_to_thread_alive): Change return type to int and
- return zero, for type compatibility with other *_thread_alive
- funcs.
- (cleanup_target): Change cast of ignore function to match type of the
- to_thread_alive member.
- * defs.h (error_hook): Add ATTR_NORETURN.
- * defs.h (NORETURN, ATTR_NORETURN): Switch from volatile to
- __attribute__ method with gcc 2.7, to avoid gcc 2.6.3 bug.
- * remote.c (remote_wait): Cast first arg to strtol, strchr, and
- strncmp to "const char *" from "unsigned char *".
- (remote_wait): Cast arg to putpkt and strcpy from "unsigned char *"
- to "char *".
- (remote_wait): Change printf format for long arg from "%d" to "%ld".
- (getpkt): Remove unused variable "bp".
- (remote_fetch_word, remote_store_word): Ifdef out apparently unused
- functions.
- * breakpoint.c (watchpoint_check): Removed unused variables
- "saved_level" and "saved_frame".
- * valops.c (value_arg_coerce): Add other enum TYPE_CODE_* and
- default cases to switch for completeness.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Enclose "have_waited" label
- in #ifdef that matches the one in which it is referenced.
- * ser-unix.c (hardwire_noflush_set_tty_state): Enclose otherwise
- unused variable "state" in #ifdef that matches one in which it is
- referenced.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard): Remove unused variable "var".
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard): Remove unused variable
- "tmp_symbol".
- * valarith.c (value_subscript): Remove unused variable
- "lowerbound", which is redeclared in a nested scope prior to use.
- * printcmd.c (print_frame_nameless_args): Use "%ld" to print long
- arg, not "%d".
- * {mem-break.c, remote-pa.c, remote.c, saber.suppress}:
- Remove unused static var "check_break_insn_size".
- * buildsym.c (finish_block): Add other enum LOC_* and default
- cases to switch for completeness.
- ch-lang.c (type_lower_upper): Removed unused label "retry".
- Add other enum TYPE_* and default cases to switch for completeness.
- * f-typeprint.c (f_type_print_args): Ifdef out unused function
- that may be used someday when Fortran support is complete.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_print_type_scalar): Add other enum
- TYPE_* and default cases to switch for completeness.
- (chill_val_print): Remove unused local var "high_bound" that
- is redeclared in a nested scope prior to use.
- (chill_var_print): Use "%ld" to print long arg, not "%d".
- * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap, re_match_2): Add remaining enum
- types and default to switches for completeness.
- * minsyms.c (lookup_minimal_symbol_text): Delete unused variable
- "trampoline_symbol".
- (prim_record_minimal_symbol_and_info): Return NULL rather than
- trash.
- * elfread.c (elf_symtab_read): Don't dereference NULL returns from
- record_minimal_symbol_and_info.
- * f-lang.c (saved_function_list_end): Ifdef out unused variable
- that may be used someday.
- * f-valprint.c (f_val_print): Remove unused local "straddr".
-Mon Jul 17 13:08:00 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * stabsread.h (struct stab_section_list): Define.
- (coffstab_build_psymtabs): Remove staboff and stabsize parameters.
- Add textaddr, textsize, and stabs parameters.
- * gdb-stabs.h (struct dbx_symfile_info): Remove text_sect field.
- Add text_addr and text_size fields.
- (DBX_TEXT_SECT): Don't define.
- * coffread.c: Include <ctype.h>.
- (struct coff_symfile_info): Remove stabsect and stabindexsect
- fields. Add textaddr, textsize, and stabsects fields.
- (coff_locate_sections): Record the address of the .text section,
- and total the sizes of all sections with names beginning with
- ".text". Don't bother to record a .stab.index section (COFF
- doesn't use them). Make a linked list of all sections with names
- beginning with ".stab".
- (coff_symfile_read): Adjust call to coffstab_build_psymtabs for
- new parameters.
- * dbxread.c (dbx_symfile_read): Use DBX_TEXT_ADDR and
- DBX_TEXT_SIZE, rather than getting both from DBX_TEXT_SECT.
- (dbx_symfile_init): Set DBX_TEXT_ADDR and DBX_TEXT_SIZE, not
- (elfstab_build_psymtabs): Likewise.
- (stabsect_build_psymtabs): Likewise.
- (symbuf_sections, symbuf_left, symbuf_read): New static variables.
- (fill_symbuf): If symbuf_sections is not NULL, read symbols from
- multiple sections.
- (coffstab_build_psymtabs): Remove staboffset and stabsize
- parameters. Add textaddr, textsize, and stabsects parameters.
- multiple stabs sections.
- * os9kread.c (os9k_symfile_read): Use DBX_TEXT_ADDR and
- DBX_TEXT_SIZE, rather than getting both from DBX_TEXT_SECT.
- (os9k_symfile_init): Set DBX_TEXT_ADDR and DBX_TEXT_SIZE, not
- * remote-vx.c (vx_ops, vx_run_ops): Initialize new to_thread_alive
- field.
-Sat Jul 15 01:02:53 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * config/alpha/, config/alpha/nm-osf3.h: New files
- for OSF/1-3.x procfs support.
- * (alpha-dec-osf): Use them when configuring
- for OSF/1-3.x.
- * configure: Updated.
- * target.c: Include <string.h>.
-Fri Jul 14 16:16:56 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- *, Use one variable, frags, to hold
- pathnames of makefile fragments.
- * configure: regenerated.
-Fri Jul 14 09:49:47 1995 Jeff Law (
- * procfs.c (procfs_ops): Fix typo in last change.
-Thu Jul 13 13:42:38 1995 Jeffrey A. Law <>
- * inftarg.c (child_thread_alive): New function to see if a
- particular thread is still running.
- (child_ops): Add child_thread_alive entry.
- * remote.c (remote_thread_alive): New function to see if a
- particular thread is still alive.
- (remote_ops): Add remote_thread_alive.
- * target.c (dummy_target): Add dummy entry for thread_alive.
- (cleanup_target): de_fault thread_alive too.
- (update_current_target): INHERIT thread_alive too.
- (debug_to_thread_alive): New function.
- (setup_target_debug): Add debug_to_thread_alive.
- * target.h (struct target_ops): Add to_thread_alive.
- (target_thread_alive): Define.
- * thread.c (info_threads_command): Don't call kill; use
- target_thread_alive instead.
- * config/nm-lynx.h (CHILD_THREAD_ALIVE): Define.
- * gdbserver/low-lynx.c (mythread_alive): New function.
- (mywait): Don't restart any threads after a new thread notification,
- let the generic code handle it.
- * gdbserver/low-sparc.c (mythread_alive): Dummy version.
- * gdbserver/low-sun3.c (mythread_alive): Likewise.
- * gdbserver/server.c (main): Handle thread_alive requests.
- * gdbserver/server.h (mythread_alive): Declare.
- * corelow.c (core_ops): Add dummy entry for thread_alive.
- * exec.c (exec_ops): Likewise.
- * m3-nat.c (m3_ops): Likewise.
- * monitor.c (monitor_ops): Likewise.
- * procfs.c (procfs_ops): Likewise.
- * remote-array.c (array_ops): Likewise.
- * remote-e7000.c (e7000_ops): Likewise.
- * remote-es.c (es1800_ops, es1800_child_ops): Likewise.
- * remote-mips.c (mips_ops): Likewise.
- * remote-pa.c (remote_hppro_ops): Likewise.
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_ops): Likewise.
- * sparcl-tdep.c (sparclite_ops): Likewise.
-Tue Jul 11 11:15:55 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * solib.c: Add _DYNAMIC__MGC base symbol for Mentor Graphics Inc.
- * solib.c (match_main): New function for checking name of main.
- * solib.c (solib_add): Not to add if solib match main.
-Fri Jul 7 14:41:56 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * elfread.c (elf_symtab_read): Fix a bug ignoring compiler
- generated internal labels ($LM...).
-Wed Jul 5 11:38:36 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * defs.h: if __GO32__ or WIN32 the directory separating symbol should
- be '\' not '/'.
- * remote-nindy (nindy_wait): Use infinite timeout reading after
- esacpe character.
-Tue Jul 4 10:30:22 1995 Jeffrey A. Law <>
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): When switching from one thread to
- another, save infrun's state for the old thread and load infrun's
- previous state for the new thread.
- * thread.c (struct thread_info): Add new fields for thread specific
- state saved/restored in infrun.c.
- (add_thread): Initialize new fields.
- (load_infrun_state): New function.
- (save_infrun_state): New function.
- * thread.h (load_infrun_state): Provide external decl.
- (save_infrun_state): Likewise.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): When we hit a breakpoint for the
- wrong thread, make sure to write the fixed PC value into the thread
- that stopped. Restart all threads after single stepping over a
- breakpoint for a different thread.
- * breakpoint.c (set_momentary_breakpoint): Make momentary
- breakpoints thread specific in a multi-threaded program.
- * lynx-nat.c (child_resume): Add some comments. Correctly
- choose between the single and multi-threaded step and continue
- ptrace calls.
-Fri Jun 30 16:15:36 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * config/h8300/ Renamed from
- * config/h8500/ Renamed from
- * config/z8k/ Renamed from
- * configure, Update to reflect renamings.
- * remote-sim.c (sim): New command, passes commands to simulator.
- (simulator_command): New function.
- (gdbsim_ops): Clean up.
- * remote-sim.h (sim_do_command): Declare.
- * sh-tdep.c (memory_size): Remove command.
- * (SIM, SIM_OBS): New variables.
- (CLIBS, CDEPS): Add value of SIM.
- (DEPFILES): Add value of SIM_OBS
- * config/arm/, config/h8300/, config/h8500/,
- config/sh/, config/sparc/, config/w65/,
- config/z8k/ Remove simulator files from TDEPFILES,
- define in SIM_OBS and SIM.
- config/sparc/ (SIMFILES): Remove.
- * remote-z8k.c: Remove, was superseded by remote-sim.c
- *, Remove references to remote-z8k.c.
-Sun Jun 25 15:30:43 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote.c (remote_read_bytes, remote_write_bytes): Second arg
- should be char *, not unsigned char *.
- * dcache.h (memxferfunc): Ditto.
- * monitor.c (monitor_write_memory, monitor_read_memory_single):
- Ditto.
- (monitor_make_srec): Let compiler figure size of hextab.
-Sat Jun 24 19:27:37 1995 Jeffrey A. Law <>
- * lynx-nat.c (child_wait): Don't restart new threads and loop
- to the top of child_wait; let the machine independent code in
- wait_for_inferior deal with new thread notifications.
-Fri Jun 23 11:51:58 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * remote-nindy (nindy_load): Put in target specific load, it's
- 20 times faster.
-Thu Jun 22 20:21:59 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * utils.c (error): Move local `args' outside conditional,
- move local `string1' inside, declare function as void if
- non-ANSI compiler, dereference error_hook when calling.
- * mac-xdep.c (stdarg.h): Don't include.
-Thu Jun 22 13:12:33 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * remote-nindy.c (nindy_wait): Change timeout in SERIAL_READCHAR.
-Wed Jun 21 13:24:41 1995 Jeff Law (
- * hppam3-nat.c: Change HP800_THREAD_STATE to TRACE_FLAVOR and
-Wed Jun 21 05:57:56 1995 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * monitor.c: Turn on caching.
- (monitor_printf): If a ^C was sent, don't expect to see its
- echo.
- (monitor_open): Enable caching.
- (monitor_resume, monitor_load): Flush cache.
- (monitor_xfer_memory): Call cache routine.
- (monitor_dump_regs): New.
- (monitor_fetch_registers): If monitor_dump_regs available
- then use it.
- (monitor_load): Don't ref exec_bfd if it's NULL.
- (monitor_load_srec): Use new monitor_make_srec calling convention.
- (monitor_make_srec): Rewrite to cope with two, three and four byte
- addresses.
- * remote-hms.c (hms_cmds): Initialze end-of-command delim.
- * dcache.h, dcache.h: Rewritten.
- * remote.c: Reenable caching.
- (getpkt): Reduce MAX_TRIES to 3.
- (remote_xfer_memory): Use dcache_xfer_memory.
- * defs.h (error_hook): New.
- * top.c (error_hook): New definition.
- * utils.c (error): Use error_hook if initialized.
- * sparcl-tdep.c (HAVE_SOCKETS): Don't define if GO32 or WIN32. Use
- HAVE_SOCKETS in place of #ifndef GO32.
-Tue Jun 20 22:17:44 1995 Jeff Law (
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (PSW_*): Define processor status word masks.
- (INSTRUCTION_NULLIFIED): Allow specific targets to override.
- * config/pa/tm-hppao.h (INSTRUCTION_NULLIFIED): Define to work
- around losing mach kernel behavior.
-Tue Jun 20 12:03:36 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * monitor.c (monitor_wait): Don't use the watchdog timeout
- if its value is 0.
- * w89k-rom.c (w89k_open): Define to be static.
-Sat Jun 17 10:17:16 1995 Jeff Law (
- * somsolib.c (som_solib_add): Validate regexp argument.
- Don't assume the first entry on dld's library list is the main
- program. Don't load the same library more than once and don't
- consider the main program a shared library.
- (som_solib_sharedlibrary_command): New function
- (_initialize_som_solib): Add "sharedlibrary" command.
-Thu Jun 15 14:54:58 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * array-rom.c: Remove, no longer used.
- * remote-hms.c (hms_open): Make static.
- * (MacSerial.h): Copy from version in {CIncludes},
- not {MPW}Interfaces:CIncludes.
- * ser-mac.c (mac_baud_rate_table): Fix value for 38400 baud.
-Wed Jun 14 14:27:07 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * ch-exp.y: Remove lots of unsupported productions and names.
- Add support for IF-expressions, ORIF, ANDIF, NUM, and ADDR.
-Tue Jun 13 21:40:11 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * parser-defs.h (enum precedence): Added PREC_BUILTIN_FUNCTION.
- * expression.h (enum exp_opcode): Added UNOP_LOWER, UNOP_UPPER,
- * expprint.c (dump_expression): Handle the new exp_opcodes.
- (print_subexp): Handle PREC_BUILTIN_FUNCTION.
- (print_simple_m2_func): Removed.
- (print_subexp): Remove support for Modula2 builtin functions.
- * m2-lang.c (m2_op_print_tab): Add support for builtin functions.
- * ch-exp.y: Parse LOWER, UPPER, and LENGTH builtins.
- (write_lower_upper_value): Convenience function for LOWER and UPPER.
- (upper_lower_argument, length_argument): Removed non-terminals.
- * ch-lang.c (chill_op_print_tab): Entries for UPPER, LOWER, LENGTH.
- (type_lower_upper): New function. Calculate LOWER/UPPER of type.
- (value_chill_length): New function. Calcalate LENGTH of ARRAY/STRING.
- (evaluate_subexp_chill): Handle UNOP_LOWER, UNOP_UPPER, UNOP_LENGTH.
-Mon Jun 12 12:48:13 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- Windows support bits from Steve Chamberlain <>.
- * defs.h: Don't declare strchr and friends if WIN32.
- (DIRNAME_SEPARATOR): Move here from source.c.
- symbolic definitions for filename bits.
- * top.c (cd_command): Use these.
- * source.c (mod_path, openp): Ditto.
- * terminal.h: Disable termio/sgtty definitions if WIN32.
- * findvar.c (registers_changed): Call registers_changed_hook
- if it is defined.
-Mon Jun 12 12:22:05 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * (distclean, realclean): Remove config.cache and
- config.log.
-Mon Jun 12 00:21:59 1995 Jeff Law (
- * somsolib.c: Include gdb-stabs.h.
- (som_solib_section_offsets): Use SECT_OFF_XXX rather than 0, 1,
- etc. Initialize offsets for RODATA & BSS too.
-Sat Jun 10 17:59:11 1995 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-tdep.c (frame_chain): Try to compensate for incomplete
- register information in core files when backtracing.
-Fri Jun 9 14:51:38 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * remote-nrom.c: Remove everything but download code. More
- cleanups.
-Thu Jun 8 15:06:00 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * defs.h maint.c monitor.c remote-mips.c remote.c: Add support
- for `watchdog' variable. This allows the user to put an upper
- limit on the amount of time that GDB will wait for the target to
- return from a step or continue operation. This will primarily be
- used for the testsuite, where it is difficult to come up with a
- reasonable timeout for things like function calls, which can take
- as long as three minutes under some circumstances. If the
- watchdog timer expires, GDB will generate an error that looks like
- `Watchdog has expired.', and will detach from the target.
- * remote-mips.c (mips_open): Setup initial frame from target.
- Print it out so that user is told where the program is stopped
- when they attach.
- * remote-nrom.c: Loads of cleanups. Use serial code to open
- network connections. Use expect() to wait for response to
- download command.
- * ser-tcp.c (tcp_open): Retry connection if we get ECONNREFUSED.
- * serial.c serial.h (serial_open serial_fdopen serial_close):
- Allow users to open the same device multiple times. They all get
- to share the same serial_t. This is about the only way to have
- multiple active targets use the same device (for download and
- debug).
- * sparcl-tdep.c: Keep #include <unistd.h> away from GO32.
- * target.c: Add `targetdebug' variable. If this is non-zero,
- then a special target is put at the top of the target stack which
- will cause all calls through the target vector to have their args
- and results printed out.
-Wed Jun 7 17:40:37 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * ch-exp.y: Handle <primitive_value> "->" <modename>.
-Wed Jun 7 17:46:33 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * mem-break.c (LITTLE_BREAKPOINT): If BREAKPOINT and
- {LITTLE,BIG}_BREAKPOINT are all defined, don't redefine.
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h (BREAKPOINT): Define as either
- BIG_BREAKPOINT or LITTLE_BREAKPOINT depending on the target byte
- order.
-Wed Jun 7 12:41:42 1995 Jeff Law (
- * somsolib.c (som_solib_section_offsets): Handle relative pathnames.
- * hppa-tdep.c (frame_saved_pc): Handle backtracing through signal
- handler in dynamically linked executables.
-Tue Jun 6 10:44:25 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- From Andrew Cagney <>
- * rs6000-tdep.c (single_step): Handle both little and big endian
- breakpoints.
- (gdb_print_insn_powerpc): Deal with disassembling both little and
- big endian PowerPC systems.
- (_initialize_rs6000_tdep): Use gdb_print_insn_powerpc to handle
- disassembly, rather that assuming big endian order.
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h (BREAKPOINT): Delete.
- (BIG_BREAKPOINT): Define, big endian breakpoint instruction.
- (LITTLE_BREAKPOINT): Define, little endian breakpoint instruction.
-Sat Jun 3 01:54:56 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * README: Add note about Unixware 2.x.
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): Check for exact symbol name
- match when fixing up N_GSYM and N_STSYM symbols from Sun acc.
- * valprint.c (value_print_array_elements): Use
- fprintf_filtered to put out `<repeats %u times>',
- from (Andreas Schwab).
- * value.h (struct value): Change `repetitions' field from
- `short' to `int' type.
-Fri Jun 2 11:17:23 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * arc-tdep.c (arc_bfd_mach_type): New static global.
- (codestream_fill): Handle byte order differences.
- (setup_prologue_scan): Don't read stdarg function's "sub sp,sp,N".
- (arc_get_frame_setup): Read it here.
- (arc_frame_saved_pc): And here.
- (arc_print_insn): New function.
- (arc_set_cpu_type): Set arc_bfd_mach_type. Don't set tm_print_insn.
- (_initialize_arc_tdep): Set tm_print_insn to arc_print_insn.
-Wed May 31 12:04:01 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * nlm/{,}: Converted to use autoconf.
- * nlm/configure: New file, generated with autoconf 2.3.
- * nlm/ Use sed instead of awk to get the value of
- cpufile. Awk is not a utility required by the GNU coding
- standards. This change also fixes the rigid whitespace
- requirements that were required for awk.
- * sparclite/aload.c: Use a file descriptor instead of a stdio
- stream for i/o with target board.
- Use #error if HAVE_TERMIOS is not defined.
- * sparclite/{,}: Converted to use
- autoconf.
- * sparclite/configure: New file, generated with autoconf 2.3.
-Sun May 28 23:10:07 1995 Jeff Law (
- * defs.h: Include either varargs.h or stdarg.h (for va_list).
- Fix stupid thinko in last change ("..." -> "va_list").
- * defs.h (vprintf_filtered declaration): Add PARAMS prototype;
- gcc-2.5 chokes on format attributes for unprototyped functions.
- (vfprintf_filtered declaration): Likewise.
- (vprintf_unfiltered declaration): Likewise.
- (vfprintf_unfiltered). Likewise.
-Sat May 27 23:54:17 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * Use sed instead of awk to get the values of
- hostfile, targetfile and nativefile. Awk is not a utility
- required by the GNU coding standards. This change also
- fixes the rigid whitespace requirements that were required
- for awk.
- * configure: regenerated.
-Sat May 27 16:24:04 1995 Angela Marie Thomas <>
- * sparclite/{Makefile,configure}.in: Add hooks for building with
- -lsocket & -lnsl for solaris2. Don't build aload/eload for DOS.
-Thu May 25 12:46:37 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * gdbserver/remote-utils.c (prepare_resume_reply): Add FIXME
- comment regarding signal numbering.
-Wed May 24 15:49:47 1995 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * arm-tdep.c (_initialize_arm_tdep): Use print_insn_little_arm
- now.
- * arm-tdep.c (convert_from_extended, convert_to_extended):
- New.
- * coffread.c (enter_linenos): Return if linetab 0.
- * config/arm/ (TDEPFILES): Add simulator support.
- * config/arm/tm-arm.h (FRAME_FIND_SAVED_REGS): Fix prototypes.
-Mon May 22 19:37:21 1995 Rob Savoye <>
- * config/ replace monitor and array-rom with the new
- remote-array.
-Mon May 22 15:38:25 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * remote-nindy.c: Install Kung patch for PR 6820. I have no idea
- what this does...
- * breakpoint.c: Move defaults of watchpoint related macros into
- target.h.
- * target.h: Macros from breakpoint.c. Conditionalize based on
- * i386v-nat.c procfs.c: Use TARGET_HAS_HARDWARE_WATCHPOINTS
- instead of TARGET_CAN_USE_HARDWARE_WATCHPOINT to enable watchpoint
- code.
- * config/i386/nm-linux.h, config/mips/nm-irix4.h,
- config/pa/nm-hppab.h, config/sparc/tm-sparclite.h: #define
- TARGET_HAS_HARDWARE_WATCHPOINTS to enable watchpoint code.
-Mon May 22 06:47:30 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.c, target.h: Move defaults of watchpoint related
- macros back to breakpoint.c. Required to get GDB compiling
- on Solaris again.
-Fri May 19 14:49:37 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * defs.h (ATTR_FORMAT): New macro, expands to gcc's format
- attribute when compiled by gcc.
- * defs.h, language.h, monitor.h: Changed many function
- declarations to use ATTR_FORMAT.
- * breakpoint.c (delete_command); source.c (directory_command);
- top.c (define_command): Changed call to query() that had too
- many arguments.
- * printcmd.c (address_info): Changed call to printf_filtered()
- that had too many arguments.
-Fri May 19 09:52:07 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Move assignments to stop_signal
- and stop_pc, and STOPPED_BY_WATCHPOINT code, back where they
- were--after the switch statement on w.kind. You can't read the
- registers of an inferior which has exited. Use a goto in the
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Reinstate
-Fri May 19 06:15:40 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * utils.c, complaints.c, language.c, monitor.c, remote-array.c,
- remote-mips.c, remote-os9k.c, remote-st.c: Conditionalize use of
- stdarg rather than varargs on ANSI_PROTOTYPES not __STDC__; it
- must match the definition of PARAMS.
-Thu May 18 15:58:46 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * utils.c (fprintf_filtered, fprintf_unfiltered, fprintfi_filtered,
- printf_filtered, printf_unfiltered, printfi_filtered, query, warning,
- error, fatal, fatal_dump_core): Use stdarg.h macros when compiling
- with an ANSI compiler.
- * complaints.c (complain): Likewise.
- * language.c (type_error, range_error): Likewise.
- * monitor.c (monitor_printf, monitor_printf_noecho): Likewise.
- * remote-array.c (printf_monitor, debuglogs): Likewise.
- * remote-mips.c (mips_error): Likewise.
- * remote-os9k.c (printf_monitor): Likewise.
- * remote-st.c (printf_stdebug): Likewise.
- * defs.h, complaints.h, language.h, monitor.h: Add prototypes to
- match above changes.
- * printcmd.c: Remove uneeded #include <varargs.h>.
- * remote-e7000.c: Likewise.
- * f-typeprint.c (f_type_print_base): Fix typo found by above
- changes.
-Wed May 17 11:21:32 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * (xcoffread.o): Depend on partial-stab.h.
- * xcoffsolib.c (sharedlibrary_command): New command.
- * xcoffsolib.c (solib_info): Call xcoff_relocate_symtab.
- * xcoffsolib.c: Miscellaneous cleanups.
- * partial-stab.h: Ignore symbol descriptor '-' (for local
- variables with negative type numbers) without complaint.
- * rs6000-nat.c (vmap_ldinfo): Use bfd_stat rather than our own
- local emulation thereof. Remove unused variable ostart.
-Wed May 17 15:55:53 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * (config.status): changed target so that
- config.status --recheck is executed if configure script changes.
- * monitor.c (monitor_printf): Changed format specification in
- error message to work with pre-ansi compilers.
- (monitor_load_srec): reduced length of s-records from 128 to 32
- bytes so download is more reliable with the rom68k monitor.
- * rom68k-rom.c: Added trailing space to prompt string.
- * config/i386/xm-i386sco.h (HAVE_STRSTR): Removed.
- * config/i386/xm-go32.h, mswin/xm.h (SYS_SIGLIST_MISSING):
- Removed.
- * defs.h, config/{xm-lynx.h, xm-nbsd.h},
- config/i386/{xm-i386bsd.h, xm-linux.h},
- config/m68k/xm-hp300bsd.h, config/mips/xm-irix4.h,
- config/ns32k/xm-ns32km3.h, doc/gdbint.texinfo
-Tue May 16 13:16:06 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * (Makefile): Added config.status to dependency list.
- * Added INIT-CMDS argument to AC_OUTPUT which sets
- gdb_host_cpu, gdb_target_cpu and nativefile.
- * configure: regenerated.
-Mon May 15 23:50:51 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol): Do not relocate stBlock/scText
- symbols, their value is the displacement from the procedure address.
- * top.c (init_main): Add missing newlines to help strings for
- `if' and `while' commands, fix help string for `show commands'.
-Mon May 15 18:37:56 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * breakpoint.c: Move defaults of watchpoint related macros into
- target.h. Use BP_TEMPFLAG and BP_HARDWAREFLAG instead of
- constants.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Enhance comment near
- * target.h: Macros from breakpoint.c.
-Mon May 15 17:11:38 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * config/i386/{,,},
- config/m68k/, config/mips/{,,
-}, config/sparc/ (INSTALL): Removed, figured
- out by autoconf.
- * config/ (RANLIB): Removed, figured out by autoconf.
- *, Converted to use autoconf
- * aclocal.m4: New file, local autoconf macro definitions.
- * configure: New file, generated with autoconf 2.3.
-Mon May 15 14:46:41 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote.c (remote_kill): Add prototype.
- * cpu32bug-rom.c (cpu32bug_open): Properly define as static.
- * config/h8300/ (TDEPFILES): Add monitor.o.
-Mon May 15 12:12:34 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * sparclite/salib.c (win_ovf win_unf): Make window size constant
- into a variable (__WINSIZE) so that it can be controlled via the
- .h file.
- * sparclite/sparclite.h: Add SL933 #ifdef to set __WINSIZE to 6
- for the 933 board.
- * infrun.c: Add #ifdef HP_OS_BUG to all references to
- trap_expected_after_continue.
- * (wait_for_inferior): Fix for remote watchpoints. Don't try to
- insert breakpoints while target is running (this only works on
- *some* native targets). This may also speed up native watchpoints
- considerably.
-Sat May 13 13:55:04 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * dwarfread.c (struct dwfinfo), dbxread.c (struct symloc),
- mdebugread.c (struct symloc), hpread.c (struct symloc),
- xcoffread.c (struct symloc): Fix inaccurate comment introduced
- 20 Apr 1995.
-Sat May 13 13:34:18 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * rs6000-tdep.c (find_toc_address): Revise comment.
- * symfile.c, symfile.h (init_psymbol_list): New function;
- consolidate duplicated copies from os9kread.c, dbxread.c
- and dwarfread.c.
- * defs.h: Declare info_verbose.
- * xcoffread.c: Extensive changes to support psymtabs.
-Fri May 12 13:48:41 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * cpu32bug-rom.c remote-est.c rom68k-rom.c: Update line_term element.
-Fri May 12 06:39:30 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * partial-stab.h: Expand comments.
-Thu May 11 19:01:37 1995 Jeff Law (
- * Support debugging using native MACH primitives on hppa*-*-osf*.
- * hppa*-*-osf* != hppa*-*-bsd* anymore.
- * config/pa/ New file.
- * config/pa/nm-hppao.h: Likewise.
- * hppam3-nat.c: Likewise.
- * config/pa/tm-hppao.h (PSW_SS): Define for single-stepping.
- (TRACE_*): Define.
-Wed May 10 18:59:26 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * hppa-tdep.c (read_unwind_info): Cosmetic cleanup.
- * (unwind_command): Clean it up and make it print things out
- nicer.
- * monitor.c: Add ^C handling capability (mostly ripped off from
- remote.c).
- * (monitor_printf): Make it check the command echo.
- * (monitor_printf_noecho): Similar to above, but doesn't check
- for echo.
- * (monitor_stop): No longer waits for prompt. That is the job of
- the caller. This makes things work much better for monitor_wait,
- which waits for the prompt itself.
- * (monitor_open): Deal with new monitor_stop semantics. Also,
- flush input after sending init strings to get rid of junk that may
- be output. Also, don't always send \r to remote. Use
- monitor_ops->line_term cuz proper character isn't always \r.
- * (monitor_fetch_register): Switch to completely different
- algorithm to deal with lame-ass monitors which put spaces in the
- middle of numbers, and prompt with a space!!!!!
- * (monitor_read_memory_single): New routine to be used with
- monitors that can only return one byte/short/long at a time. This
- is selected via MO_GETMEM_READ_SINGLE.
- * (monitor_load_srec): Use monitor_printf_noecho for sending S
- records. Most targets don't echo them.
- * (monitor.h): Get rid of cmd_delim. Add line_delim.
- * op50n-rom.c (op50n_cmds): Fill it up. Make it work.
- * w89k-rom.c: Change all eols from \r to \n. Change load_resp to
- ^Q to prevent error message.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (CALL_DUMMY (for hppro)): Add special
- instruction sequence at end to make restore_pc_queue happy.
-Wed May 10 15:59:00 1995 Torbjorn Granlund <>
- * remote-est.c (est_open): Make static to match prototype.
-Tue May 9 16:58:50 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * Add little endian PowerPC support.
- * config/powerpc/ New file for little endian PowerPC
- support.
- * config/powerpc/tm-ppcle-eabi.h: ditto.
-Mon May 8 12:11:38 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * nlm/ (gdb_host, gdb_host_cpu, gdb_target): Removed.
- These variables not used.
- * config/m68k/ (TDEPFILES): Added cpu32bug-rom.o.
-Wed May 3 17:54:47 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * monitor.c (monitor_command): Don't use PROMPT until monitor
- target is known to be open.
- (monitor_make_srec): Don't define size of hextab.
-Tue May 2 18:32:24 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * (--enable-netrom): New configuration option.
- * (REMOTE_OBS): Rename from REMOTE_O, append
- value of NETROM_OBS.
- (NETROM_OBS): New variable.
- * remote-nrom.c: New file, NetROM target support.
- * config/a29k/, config/i960/ Use
- REMOTE_OBS instead of REMOTE_O.
- * config/arc/ Ditto.
-Fri Apr 28 23:30:00 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * array-rom.c (_initialize_array array_open): Move baud_rate
- initialization from _initxxx to array_open to fix bug with
- overriding -b command line option.
-Thu Apr 27 20:29:34 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * (RUNTEST): Fix reference of `srcdir'.
-Wed Apr 26 19:01:08 1995 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * remote-hms.c: Rewrite to use new monitor conventions.
-Tue Apr 25 11:27:14 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * dbxread.c: Add comment explaining lowest_text_address.
- Add comment regarding stringtab_global and psymtabs.
-Sat Apr 22 01:26:29 1995 Jeff Law (
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (EXTRACT_STRUCT_VALUE_ADDRESS): Fix.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE): Rewrite to correctly
- handle "short", "int" and small structures returned in registers.
-Fri Apr 21 12:57:53 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * minsyms.c: add new function lookup_minimal_symbol_text, to look
- for text symbol only.
- * breakpoint.c (create_longjmp_breakpoint): call
- lookup_minimal_symbol_text instead of lookup_minimal_symbol.
- * symtab.h: add lookup_minimal_symbol_text prototype.
-Fri Apr 21 12:03:44 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * sh-tdep.c (sh-opc.h): Don't include.
- (gdbcore.h): Include.
- (frame_find_saved_regs): Remove unused local.
-Thu Apr 20 10:12:21 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * dwarfread.c (struct dwfinfo), dbxread.c (struct symloc),
- mdebugread.c (struct symloc), hpread.c (struct symloc): Clean
- up comments.
-Wed Apr 19 16:58:11 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * hppa-tdep.c (deposit_17): New routine to deposit 17 bit
- constants into PA instructions.
- * Put #ifdefs around all signal handling code. Not generally
- needed for embedded boards.
- * (hppa_fix_call_dummy): Parameterize offsets into call dummy to
- allow different dummys to be used by this code. Use
- INSTRUCTION_SIZE instead of REGISTER_SIZE for things.
- Conditionalize setup of _sr4export fixup. Improve comments.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h: Define INSTRUCTION_SIZE. Use a different
- call dummy if PA_LEVEL_0 is defined. Better comments for call
- dummys. Define offsets for LDIL/LDO instructions which load
- function addresses.
- * config/pa/tm-pro.h: Get rid of signal handling stuff. Define
- PA_LEVEL_0 to disable mucking with space regs and such.
-Mon Apr 17 15:37:08 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * cpu32bug-rom.c monitor.h op50-rom.c remote-est.c rom68k-rom.c
- w89k-rom.c: Remove loadtypes, loadprotos and baudrates.
- * op50-rom.c: Fix copyrights and add load routine to op50n_cmds.
- * rom68k-rom.c (_initialize_rom68k): Don't set baud rate.
- * w89k-rom.c: Fix copyrights.
-Sun Apr 16 14:00:55 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * monitor.c: Move all xmodem stuff into xmodem.[ch]. Remove
- unnecessary remoteloadprotocol and remoteloadtype support.
- * (expect expect_prompt): Change names to monitor_expect and
- monitor_expect_prompt. Make them global.
- * (printf_monitor): Change name to monitor_printf. Make global.
- * (monitor_read_memory): Flush command echo to avoid parsing
- ambiguity with CPU32Bug monitor.
- * (monitor_load): Remove remoteloadprotocol and remoteloadtype
- support. Call target_ops->load_routine, default to
- monitor_load_srec.
- * (monitor_load_srec): Remove everything but S-record support.
- * monitor.h (monitor_ops): Add load_routine to provide monitor
- specific download capability.
- * remote-est.c: Clean up copyrights and comments.
- * w89k-rom.c: Use new xmodem support.
- * xmodem.c xmodem.h: New files to support xmodem downloads.
- * rom68k-rom.c remote-est.c: Fix copyrights, add load_routine
- entry to monitor_ops.
- * cpu32bug-rom.c: New file to support Moto BCC debuggers.
- * config/m68k/ (TDEPFILES): Add cpu32bug.o.
- * config/pa/ (TDEPFILES): Add xmodem.o.
-Sat Apr 15 18:00:15 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * rem-multi.shar: Removed; superceded by gdbserver.
-Fri Apr 14 12:10:24 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * xcoffread.c (xcoff_sym_fns): Revise comment about merging this
- with coffread.c.
- * breakpoint.c (fixup_breakpoints): Removed.
- * rs6000-nat.c (vmap_symtab): Don't call fixup_breakpoints.
- (vmap_ldinfo, xcoff_relocate_core): Call breakpoint_re_set.
- * coffread.c (coff_symfile_offsets): Allocate SECT_OFF_MAX
- sections, not just SECT_OFF_MAX-1.
- * rs6000-nat.c (vmap_symtab), xcoffread.c: Re-do section offsets
- to be indexed by SECT_OFF_* instead of xcoff section numbers.
- * objfiles.c, remote.c: Remove comments regarding SECT_OFF_*.
- * symtab.h: Revise comment about block_line_section.
- * rs6000-nat.c (vmap_symtab): Don't relocate objfile->sections.
-Sat Apr 15 14:15:14 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * (init.c): Don't try to do symbolic {o} in sed
- command, not allowed by some version of MPW Make.
- * ser-mac.c (mac-setbaudrate): Make it actually set baud rates.
-Sat Apr 15 14:05:09 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * alpha-tdep.c (alpha_push_arguments): Fix typo (TYPE_VALUE ->
-Sat Apr 15 14:04:32 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * alpha-tdep.c (alpha_push_arguments): Only cast to long for
-Thu Apr 13 16:17:04 1995 Rob Savoye <>
- * remote-array.c: New file for Array Tech LSI33k based controller
- board.
-Thu Apr 13 12:23:31 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * a29k-tdep.c (get_longjmp_target): Replace SWAP_TARGET_AND_HOST with
- extract_address.
- * remote-vxsparc.c: New file, preliminary check in, this configuration
- not supported yet.
- * remote-vxmips.c: ditto.
-Thu Apr 13 12:10:14 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * rs6000-tdep.c (xcoff_add_toc_to_loadinfo): Don't use a prototype
- to declare the function.
-Wed Apr 12 16:40:20 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * monitor.h (init_monitor_ops): Declare.
- * rom68k-rom.c: Clarify some comments.
- (rom68k_open): Define as static, to match decl.
-Wed Apr 12 16:36:44 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * gdb.gdb: New file.
- * .gdbinit: Move list-objfiles to gdb.gdb.
- * values.c (set_internalvar): Set modifiable flag of newval.
-Wed Apr 12 14:34:31 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * xcoffread.c: Call complain() rather than error() or printing a
- warning.
-Wed Apr 12 08:15:27 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * arc-tdep.c: #include "gdbcmd.h".
- (codestream_seek): Pass CORE_ADDR.
- (arc_cpu_type, tmp_arc_cpu_type, arc_cpu_type_table): New globals.
- (debug_pipeline_p): Likewise.
- (X_...): Instruction field access macros.
- (BUILD_INSN): Define.
- (codestream_tell): Allow for stream elements > 1 byte.
- (codestream_fill): Likewise.
- (setup_prologue_scan): New function.
- (arc_get_frame_setup): Call it. Update to current spec
- regarding prologues. Use BUILD_INSN.
- (skip_prologue): New argument `frameless_p'. Use BUILD_INSN.
- (arc_frame_saved_pc): New function.
- (frame_find_saved_regs): Use BUILD_INSN.
- (get_insn_type, single_step): New functions.
- (one_stepped): New global.
- (arc_set_cpu_type_command, arc_show_cpu_type_command): New functions.
- (arc_set_cpu_type): New function.
- (_initialize_arc_tdep): Define new `set' commands `cpu',
- `displaypipeline', and `debugpipeline'.
- * arc/tm-arc.h (TARGET_BYTE_ORDER): Delete.
- (BREAKPOINT): Delete.
- (DECR_PC_AFTER_BREAK): Change to 8.
- (NO_SINGLE_STEP): Define.
- (FRAME_SAVED_PC): Call arc_frame_saved_pc.
-Tue Apr 11 16:42:37 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * top.c, utils.c, defs.h: Remove error_hook. It is currently
- unused and would need to hook into error_begin()/return_to_top_level(),
- instead of error(), if it were to be used.
-Tue Apr 11 13:46:25 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * utils.c, defs.h (warning_begin): Renamed from warning_setup, for
- consistency with error_begin. Also print warning_pre_print.
- Document it better.
- * utils.c (warning): Use it.
- * utils.c (error_begin): Doc fix.
- * rs6000-nat.c (vmap_ldinfo): If we don't find ldinfo for the
- symfile_objfile, nuke it.
-Tue Apr 11 09:35:20 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * printcmd.c (print_address_numeric): Pass use_local to
- print_longest, rather than always passing 1.
- * nlm/ Remove comments discussing munch.
-Mon Apr 10 18:31:57 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- Merge in support for Mac MPW as a host.
- (Old change descriptions retained for informational value.)
- * (i386-unknown-go32): Change from aout.
- (sh-hitachi-hms): New target.
- * (BISON): Use byacc instead of bison.
- (VERSION): Bump to 4.14.1.
- (*-pinsn.*): Remove mentions everywhere.
- (all): Don't build MacGDB.
- (gdb, SiowGDB): Depend on Version.r.
- (Version.r): Generate from version info.
- * main.c (main): Pass program name to START_PROGRESS, END_PROGRESS.
- (main) [MPW]: Remove debugging hook.
- * mac-xdep.c (debug_openp): New flag.
- (mac_init): Set flag if env variable defined.
- * ser-mac.c (mac_open): Clarify error message.
- (mac_readchar): Call PROGRESS while looping.
- (mac_write): Call sleep instead of sec_sleep.
- (sec_sleep): Remove.
- * source.c (openp) [MPW]: Only print debugging info if debugging.
- * utils.c (query) [MPW]: Clarify that behavior is a bug.
- * (init.c): Use open-brace instead of mpw-open-brace.
- * main.c, source.c: Remove hacks that replace long strings
- with shorter ones, now solved portably.
- * config/m68k/xm-mpw.h (spin.h): Include.
- (ALMOST_STDC): Only define if MPW_C.
- * config/m68k/tm-mac.h: New file, Mac target definitions.
- * (m68k-apple-macos, ppc-apple-macos,
- i386-unknown-aout): New targets.
- (mk.tmp): Add *DEPFILES definitions.
- * Remove gC rules, clean up definitions for other
- include files, bump version, fix bogus \ that should be \Option-d.
- (init.c): Build correctly.
- * (HFILES_NO_SRCDIR): Add somsolib.h
- (ALLDEPFILES): Add somsolib.c.
- (somsolib.o): Add some dependencies.
- * Use nm-empty.h if host is not target.
- (xdepfiles): Add mac-xdep.c.o.
- (xm_file): Remove.
- * Add Fortran files.
- (XDEPFILES): Remove.
- * (MacSerial.h): Duplicate from standard Serial.h.
- * ser-mac.c (MacSerial.h): Include instead of Serial.h.
- * Use {s} instead of {srcdir} everywhere.
- (bindir, libdir): Remove extra colon.
- (source.c): Compile with C instead of gC.
- (,, Add {o}.
- (install-only): Don't install MacGDB.
- * source.c (openp) [MPW]: Add a debugging display.
- (open_source_file) [MPW]: Use MPW basename finders.
- [MPW_C]: Briefer versions of help for line and list commands.
- * Change references from paread.c to somread.c
- * (VERSION): Update to 4.12.3.
- (SiowGDB): New target, GDB using SIOW library.
- (init-new.c): New target, attempt to generate init.c from sources.
- (main.c.o, top.c.o): Put each in its own segment.
- * main.c (main) [MPW]: Always call mac_init.
- * utils.c (query) [MPW]: Always return "yes" if in MacGDB, output
- an extra newline otherwise.
- * mac-xdep.c: More comments in various places, remove junk.
- (mac_init): Add tests for MPW and SIOW.
- (use_wne, has_color_qd): Renamed.
- (use_color_qd): New variable.
- (grow_window): Only do console resizing to console window,
- call resize_console_window.
- (zoom_window): Call resize_console_window.
- (resize_console_window, scroll_text): New functions.
- (adjust_console_sizes): Always align viewrect to even multiples of
- text lines.
- (adjust_console_text): Always scroll by whole lines.
- (hacked_vfprintf, hacked_puts, hacked_fputc, hacked_putc): Force a
- recalculation of scroll positions if a newline was output.
- (hacked_fflush): Similarly, for flushing.
- (hacked_fgetc): New function, aborts if called in MacGDB.
- * ser-mac.c (mac_readchar): Rename starttime to start_time,
- remove debugging printf.
- (mac_write): Sleep on first 4 writes.
- (sec_sleep): New function, works like standard sleep.
- * macgdb.r: Adjust positioning and contents of About box.
- Set minimum size to 2000K, preferred size to 5000K.
- * config/m68k/xm-mpw.h (fgetc): Define as a macro.
- * (.c.o, .gc.o): Prefix segment names with gdb_.
- (top.c.o, annotate.c.o): Add build rules.
- * macgdb.r (SysTypes.r): Include.
- ('vers'): New resource, version info.
- (mFile, mEdit, mDebug): Enable all menu items.
- (mDebug): Add key equivalents for continue, step, next.
- (wConsole): Add zoom and close boxes to window.
- * mac-xdep.c (new_console_window): New function, code taken from
- mac_init.
- (mac_command_loop): Use GetCaretTime for wait interval, call
- do_idle on null events.
- (do_idle): New function.
- (zoom_window): Implement zooming.
- (v_scroll_proc): New function, handles vertical scrolling.
- (activate_window): Do activation of console window.
- (do_menu_command): Implement items of file, edit, and debug menus.
- (do_keyboard_command): Fix command extraction.
- (adjust_console_sizes, adjust_console_text): New functions.
- (hacked_fprintf, hacked_vfprintf, hacked_fputs, hacked_fputc,
- hacked_putc): Don't call draw_console.
- * ser-mac.c (mac_open): Add an error message for invalid ports.
- (first_mac_write): New global.
- (mac_write): Use first_mac_write to sleep on first several writes.
- * (INCLUDE_CFLAGS): Add readline source dir.
- (TSOBS): Don't compile inflow.c.
- (all, install): Add MacGDB.
- * main.c (main): Do Mac-specific init and command loop if a
- standalone app, skip full option help message if compiling
- with MPW C.
- (gdb_readline): If MPW, add a newline after the (gdb) prompt.
- * utils.c (_initialize_utils): If MPW, don't try to use termcap to
- compute the window size.
- * config/m68k/xm-mpw.h (printf, fprintf, fputs, fputc, putc,
- fflush): Define as macros that expand into hacked_... versions.
- (StandAlone, mac_app): Declare.
- * macgdb.r (SIZE): Set the default partition to 4000K.
- * mac-xdep.c (readline.h, history.h): Include.
- (terminal.h): Don't include.
- (mac_app): Define.
- (gdb_has_a_terminal): Define Mac-specific version.
- (do_keyboard_command): Simplify search for command string.
- (readline): Define as gdb_readline.
- Add other history/readline stubs to make main gdb link.
- (hacked_fprintf, hacked_printf, hacked_vfprintf, hacked_fputs,
- hacked_fputc, hacked_fflush): New functions, intercept output to
- stdout and stderr, send to console window.
- * (MacGDB): New target, standalone Mac-hosted gdb.
- (XDEPFILES): Define.
- (main.c.o): Compile with gC instead of C.
- * mac-defs.h: New file, menu etc definitions shared between
- C and Rez files.
- * macgdb.r: New file, Rez (resource compiler) resource
- definitions.
- * mac-xdep.c: New file, Mac host interface code.
- * config/m68k/xm-mpw.h (PATHNAME_SEPARATOR): Rename to
- (SIGQUIT, SIGHUP): Define.
- (fileno, R_OK): Define.
- * New file, MPW configuration fragment.
- * New file, MPW makefile fragment.
- * config/m68k/xm-mpw.h: New file, MPW host definitions.
- * ser-mac.c: New file, Mac serial interface.
-Mon Apr 10 16:47:57 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * valprint.c (print_longest): Fix a syntax error in #ifdef
- * config/mips/xm-irix5.h: turn on CC_HAS_LONG_LONG and
- * config/mips/tm-irix5.h: turn on FORCE_LONG_LONG.
-Sat Apr 8 02:47:45 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol): Use new variable
- nodebug_var_symbol_type as type of variables which don't have any
- ecoff debug info associated with them.
- (parse_symbol, parse_procedure): Use heuristics to determine if
- functions were compiled without debugging info and change their
- type to nodebug_function_symbol_type.
- (_initialize_mdebugread): Initialize nodebug_*_symbol_type.
- * source.c (line_info): Clear sal.pc for `info line' without
- arguments.
-Fri Apr 7 17:43:01 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * monitor.c: make_xmodem_packet and print_xmodem_packet go away.
- send_xmodem_packet shows up to do the obvious. Lots of fixes to
- xmodem downloads including resetting of block number at start of
- new transfers, fix for buffer overrun problem, addition of CRC
- generation code.
- * (monitor_open): loadtype_str and loadproto_str now default to
- first entry in monitor_ops->loadtypes.
- * (monitor_wait): Lengthen register dump buf, because of verbose
- Winbond monitor.
- * (monitor_fetch_register): Report unimplemented registers as 0.
- * (monitor_read_memory): Only do 16 byte aligned transfers
- because of formatting weirdness with the Winbond monitor. Also,
- ignore non-hex, non-whitespace formatting between bytes (same
- monitor).
- * (monitor_load): Clean up logic.
- * (monitor_load_srec): Re-do xmodem support. Move lots of it
- into send_xmodem_packet.
- * (getacknak): Get rid of polls and timeouts. Handle CRC
- requests from receiver.
- * (monitor_make_srec): Efficiency improvements. Don't call
- sprintf to output two digit hex numbers.
- * (crcinit, docrc): New, CRC-16 support routines.
- * (send_xmodem_packet): New routine to generate either CRC-16 or
- checksummed xmodem packets.
- * remote-est.c (est_loadtypes), rom68k-rom.c (rom68k_loadtypes):
- Reduce tables down to only the load types supported by each
- monitor.
- * w89k-rom.c (w89k_supply_register): Parses output of Winbond
- register dumps.
- * (w89k_loadtypes, w89k_loadprotos): Reduce to just srec/xmodem.
- * (w89k_cmds): Add clear all breakpoints, memory fill, and dump
- registers commands.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h: Define lots register offsets needed by
- w89k-rom.c.
-Thu Apr 6 17:00:46 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * (X11_INCLUDES): Define as empty.
- (X11_CFLAGS): Define as including $(X11_INCLUDES).
- (X11_LIB_SWITCHES): Define as empty.
- (X11_LIBS): Define as -lX11.
-Wed Apr 5 19:57:38 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_print_register): Remove unused variable
- our_type and call to init_type. Fixes memory leak. Reindent function.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_print_register), findvar.c
- (write_register_bytes): Make buffer char[] instead of unsigned
- char[].
-Mon Apr 3 19:28:14 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * top.c, utils.c, main.c, defs.h: Replace error_pre_print with two
- variables: error_pre_print (for RETURN_ERROR) and quit_pre_print
- (for RETURN_QUIT). Fixes a bug whereby typing ^C (e.g. in "maint
- print sym") could output extraneous stuff.
- * objfiles.c: Don't declare error_pre_print; defs.h does it.
-Mon Apr 3 13:48:28 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * monitor.h: Add MO_GETMEM_NEEDS_RANGE flag.
- * monitor.c (monitor_read_memory): Use previously mentioned flag
- to send proper format memory examine commands to the w89k monitor.
- Also, try to handle bizarre format of memory dump...
- * op50-rom.c w89k-rom.c: Update to new monitor.[ch] conventions.
-Sat Apr 1 03:22:20 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol) [SOFUN_ADDRESS_MAYBE_MISSING]:
- Handle relocated symbol address.
- * partial-stab.h, case N_SO, SOFUN_ADDRESS_MAYBE_MISSING:
- Do not relocate a zero address.
-Thu Mar 30 19:46:36 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/a29k/tm-a29k.h: Nuke obsolete define CONTROL_END_ADDR; it
- is nowhere used.
- * stabsread.c (read_range_type): Remove FIXME comment about
- type-id (I presume this meant a number followed by = followed by a
- type) versus type number; Per fixed it.
-Wed Mar 29 09:56:04 1995 Jason Molenda (
- * sparc-*-sunos5* is same as sparc-*-solaris2*.
-Wed Mar 29 18:30:03 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote-e7000.c (why_stop): Add new kinds of strings to expect
- from the emulator.
- (e7000_wait): Add interpretations for more stop reasons,
- including warnings for write protect and cycle address errors.
-Wed Mar 29 17:09:29 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * monitor.c monitor.h remote-est.c rom68k-rom.c: Add start of
- support for interrupting target.
- * monitor.c (monitor_open): Send stop command before doing
- anything else.
- * (monitor_load_srec): Fix record size calculation to prevent end
- of segment from getting trashed.
- * rom68k-rom.c: Update to latest version of struct monitor_ops.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h (FIX_CALL_DUMMY): Fix byte-order
- problems. Makes DOS hosted function calling work.
- * sparclite/crt0.s: Define _start to make COFF happy.
-Wed Mar 29 09:11:51 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * defs.h (atof): Don't provide an external declaration if atof is
- a macro.
-Wed Mar 29 00:01:07 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * rs6000-tdep.c (skip_prologue): Skip saving of LR and CR in
- the stack frame, fix typos in `st rx,NUM(r1)' and `stu r1,NUM(r1)'
- tests.
-Tue Mar 28 17:04:04 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * gdbtypes.c (create_range_type): If indextype has TYPE_FLAG_STUB
- (check_stub_type): Recalculate TYPE_LENGTH for range type.
- * stabsread.c (read_range_type): If index type number is followed
- by '=', back up, call read_type. and assume we have a true range.
- * gdbtypes.h (TYPE_FLAG_TARGET_STUB): Update comment.
-Mon Mar 27 22:51:54 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * alpha-nat.c, irix4-nat.c, irix5-nat.c, mipsv4-nat.c,
- sparc-tdep.c (supply_gregset, supply_fpregset): Fill inaccessible
- registers with zero to handle recent read_register_bytes change.
- * irix4-nat.c, irix5-nat.c, mipsv4-nat.c (supply_gregset,
- fill_gregset): Fix handling of CAUSE_REGNUM.
- * mips-nat.c (store_inferior_registers): Handle unwritable
- registers when storing a single register.
- * config/mips/tm-irix3.h (CAUSE_REGNUM, BADVADDR_REGNUM):
- Fix definitions.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol, psymtab_to_symtab_1): Clear
- allocated mips_extra_func_info, if the debug info is corrupt,
- the PDR to fill it in might be missing.
-Mon Mar 27 14:43:00 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * vx-share/regPacket.h: a new file interfacing with vxworks.
-Sun Mar 26 13:22:47 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.c (bpstat_do_actions): Once we've executed the
- commands, set bs->commands to NULL.
-Sat Mar 25 01:16:10 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * buildsym.c (patch_subfile_name): Update last_source_file
- with the real source file name.
- * dbxread.c (end_psymtab): Handle static functions in the
- SOFUN_ADDRESS_MAYBE_MISSING case by passing pst->filename
- to lookup_minimal_symbol.
- (process_one_symbol): Ignore extra outermost context from
- SunPRO cc and acc.
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): Do not complain for SunPRO
- static variable encoding if STATIC_TRANSFORM_NAME is defined.
- * sparc-tdep.c, config/sparc/tm-sun4sol2.h
- (sunpro_static_transform_name): Renamed from
- solaris_static_transform_name.
- * config/sparc/tm-sun4os4.h (STATIC_TRANSFORM_NAME):
- Define to sunpro_static_transform_name for acc 3.0 compiled
- executables.
- * procfs.c, config/alpha/nm-osf2.h (PROCFS_DONT_TRACE_FAULTS):
- Renamed from PROCFS_DONT_TRACE_IFAULT, don't trace any faults
- if defined.
- * procfs.c (info_proc_siginfo): Cast sip->si_addr to
- `unsigned long' and use `lx' format for printing it.
-Fri Mar 24 15:45:42 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * Move test for m68*-est-* before m68*-*-coff*.
- * findvar.c: Move default def of CANNOT_STORE_REGISTER closer to
- the beginning of the code.
- * (write_register_gen): New routine. Analogous to
- read_register_gen.
- * (write_register_bytes): Another rewrite! Make it smarter about
- not updating regs with the same value.
- * monitor.c (printf_monitor readchar): Use stderr instead of
- stdout to output debug info. Also cleanup readchar a little.
- * (expect): Make sure that excessive responses are null
- terminated.
- * (monitor_open): Check for magic number in monitor_ops struct.
- Allow multiple commands as init strings. Also, clear all
- breakpoints.
- * (monitor_resume monitor_wait): Send a command to dump all the
- regs for those targets which don't do so when waking up after a
- continue command.
- * (monitor_wait): Handle excessive response output better.
- * (monitor_write_memory): Use block fill, word, and long word
- commands (if they exist) to write memory more efficiently.
- * General cleanups to use flag bits instead of individual flag
- words in monitor_ops struct.
- * (monitor_command): Return output from command.
- * (monitor_load_srec): Allocate buffer only once. Use alloca.
- Wait for load response string instead of using a timeout to start
- sending S-records. Fix bug where value of srec_frame shrinks. If
- hashmark is set, print `-' for retransmissions. General cleanups.
- * (monitor_make_srec): Get rid of S-record default type kludge.
- * monitor.h: Use seperate struct for memory and register
- read/write commands. Memory commands can come in byte, word,
- long, and longlong forms.
- * (monitor_ops): Change lots of fields. Generalize some stuff.
- Put all flags into flags word. Allow init to be a list of commands.
- Add command for clearing all breakpoints, block fill, dumping all
- registers.
- * remote-est.c: Rewrite to use new monitor conventions.
- * config/m68k/ (TDEPFILES): Add monitor.o.
- * config/m68k/tm-est.h: Set NUM_REGS to 18.
- * testsuite/gdb.base/break.exp: Lots of cleanups. Use gdb_test
- more thoroughly.
-Thu Mar 23 23:20:00 1995 Jeff Law (
- * somsolib.c (som_solib_add): Handle case where a shared library
- referenced by a core file has sections without the SEC_ALLOC bit
- set (eg stabs sections).
-Thu Mar 23 15:07:08 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * breakpoint.c (bpstat_do_actions): For each element in the bpstat
- chain, do all the commands regardless of whether they run the
- inferior.
-Wed Mar 22 19:17:06 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * mem-break.c (LITTLE_BREAKPOINT, BIG_BREAKPOINT): Define as
- BREAKPOINT if mono-endian.
- (break_insn): Deleted.
- (big_break_insn, little_break_insn): Define.
- (memory_insert_breakpoint): Handle bi-endian cpus.
- (memory_remove_breakpoint): Use it.
- (memory_breakpoint_size): Likewise.
-Tue Mar 21 17:03:17 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * sparc-stub.c: add nop after 'bg good_wim'.
- * sparcl-stub.c: ditto.
-Tue Mar 21 13:34:12 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * infrun.c (handle_command): Don't print TARGET_SIGNAL_0,
-Mon Mar 20 10:09:59 1995 Jeff Law (
- * hppab-nat.c (store_inferior_registers): Sync with HPUX version.
-Mon Mar 20 07:34:48 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * hppah-nat.c (store_inferior_registers): Move check for
- CANNOT_STORE_REGISTER to a better place. Fixes ptrace I/O errors
- found by test suite during function calls, which attempts to write
- unwritable registers.
-Sat Mar 18 02:02:24 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol): If finishing a function without
- known parameter type info, set that from parameter symbols.
- Remove commented-out add_param_to_type support.
-Thu Mar 16 16:38:03 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffread.c (process_linenos): Make sure filename we pass to
- start_subfile will cause deduce_language_from_filename to return
- the correct thing. Reindent function to GNU standards.
-Thu Mar 16 15:54:00 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * nlm/gdbserve.c (handle_exception): #if out call to StopBell,
- as it is not available on NetWare 3 or PIN.
- * nlm/ppc.c (StopBell): Removed.
-Thu Mar 16 12:14:41 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab): When creating a dummy parameter
- inferred from the traceback tags, give its type the name
- "<non-float parameter>".
- * stabsread.c (rs6000_builtin_type): Recognize types -31 to -34.
-Wed Mar 15 15:09:29 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * findvar.c (read_register_bytes write_register_bytes): Make
- these routines much smarter about updating registers from the
- target, only doing so when absolutely necessary. This really
- speeds up register modification on some remote targets.
- * monitor.c: More cleanups. Get rid of monitor_load_ascii_srec.
- BFD makes this unnecessary. Lots of debugging speedups.
- * (expect): NULL terminate return string.
- * (monitor_open monitor_supply_register parse_register_dump
- monitor_wait monitor_fetch_register): Switch to using GNU regexp
- library to parse multi-register displays.
- * (monitor_read_memory): Read multiple bytes (up to 16) at once.
- * (monitor_create_inferior): Call clear_proceed_status to make run
- command notice first breakpoint.
- * (monitor_load): Clean up. Reset inferior_pid, set pc to start
- address and reset symbol table stuff to make loads put things into
- a fresh state.
- * (monitor_load_srec): Lower sleep time to 1 second.
- * monitor.h (struct monitor_ops): Add register_pattern and
- supply_register to monitor_ops.
- * rom68k-rom.c: Add new support for handling register dumps.
- * config/m68k/tm-m68k.h: Define D0_REGNUM and A0_REGNUM for register
- dump handling.
-Wed Mar 15 15:18:27 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * utils.c, defs.h (putchar_unfiltered, fputc_unfiltered): Make
- argument be an int, not a char. Using a prototype followed by an
- old-style function definition in a case where an argument is
- widened is a GCC-ism not supported by the native AIX compiler.
-Wed Mar 15 12:22:35 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * nlmstub.def: Removed, this was moved to nlm/gdbserve.def
- long ago.
- * (alpha-*-netware*): Removed configuration.
- * config/alpha/{,, tm-alphanw.h}: Removed.
- * nlm/{README-ALPHA-NETWARE, aio.h, alpha-io.S, alpha-regdef.h,
- alpha.c, alpha.h, altdebug.h}: Removed.
- * nlm/gdbserve.c (main): Add support for processing BOARD=
- argument, deprecate NODE=.
-Wed Mar 15 10:58:26 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * c-exp.y (yylex): Make an empty character constant an error.
-Tue Mar 14 15:00:54 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * valops.c (value_arg_coerce): Do possible value_coerce_array
- before determining type argument to value_cast.
-Tue Mar 14 10:41:41 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * remote-es.c: Replace ignore with 0.
-Tue Mar 14 05:52:36 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * valops.c (value_repeat), eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard):
- If VALUE_REPEATED is already set, just error out.
- * valops.c (value_cast, value_slice), parse.c (follow_types): Add
- FIXME-type-allocation comments.
- * gdbtypes.h (struct type): Fix comment about what units the
- TYPE_LENGTH is in.
-Mon Mar 13 18:27:25 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * ch-valprint.c (annotate.h): Include.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard): Remove unused variable.
- (calc_f77_array_dims): Add parens to expression.
- * f-exp.y (yylex): Add parens to expression, remove unused label.
- * f-lang.h (calc_f77_array_dims): Declare.
- * f-valprint.c (f_val_print): Remove unused variables.
-Mon Mar 13 15:25:47 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * alpha-tdep.c (find_proc_desc): If pdr.framereg field is -1, don't
- use the PDR, just examine prologues instead.
-Fri Mar 10 16:13:18 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * config/arc/tm-arc.h: Change arc register names.
-Fri Mar 10 02:49:40 1995 Peter Schauer (
- Fix problems with infinite recursion when printing a class
- that contains a static instance of the class.
- * cp-valprint.c (dont_print_vb_obstack): Renamed from
- dont_print_obstack, made static.
- (dont_print_statmem_obstack): New obstack, controls printing
- of static member classes.
- (_initialize_cp_valprint): Initialize it.
- (cp_print_static_field): New function, handles printing of
- static members.
- (cp_print_value_fields): New parameter dont_print_statmem to
- handle recursive printing of static member classes, use
- cp_print_static_field to handle printing of static members.
- * c-valprint.c (cp_print_value_fields): Update prototype and
- call to include additional dont_print_statmem parameter.
- * c-valprint.c, f-valprint.c (dont_print_obstack): Remove unused
- extern declaration.
- * alpha-tdep.c, findvar.c, infptrace.c: Include <string.h>.
- * config/alpha/tm-alpha.h (FRAME_FIND_SAVED_REGS): Call
- alpha_find_saved_regs if fi->saved_regs is still NULL.
- * elfread.c (elf_symtab_read): Ensure that the filename field
- of a minsym is nonempty. Ignore solib trampoline symbols from
- the main symbol table, they might have a bogus value.
- * procfs.c (set_proc_siginfo), config/alpha/
- Fix typos in comments.
-Thu Mar 9 17:19:47 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol, psymtab_to_symtab_1): Initialize
- pdr.framereg field of MIPS_EFI_SYMBOL_NAME symbol to -1. That way
- we know whether the PDR ever got set.
- * mips-tdep.c (find_proc_desc): If pdr.framereg field is -1, don't
- use the PDR, just examine prologues instead.
-Wed Mar 8 23:35:10 1995 Jeff Law (
- * somsolib.c (som_solib_section_offsets): Get offset of text
- section right.
-Wed Mar 8 16:12:21 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * source.c (forward_search_command reverse_search_command): Set
- convenience variable $_ to be the line # of the match.
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): Allow convenience variables to be
- used in line specs (for breakpoints and such).
-Wed Mar 8 12:51:00 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * (VERSION): Bump to 4.14.1.
- * NEWS, README: Update for 4.14.
- * i386v-nat.c (i386_insert_aligned_watchpoint): Fix declaration.
- (i386_insert_nonaligned_watchpoint): Call aligned instead of
- generic watchpoint insertion.
-Tue Mar 7 19:26:10 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * valops.c (value_slice): Do COERCE_VARYING_ARRAY.
-Tue Mar 7 00:23:47 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * monitor.c, array-rom.c, monitor.h, rom68k-rom.c: Move target_ops
- into monitor.c.
- * monitor.c (monitor_create_inferior): Allow run command to start
- program.
- * monitor.c (monitor_load): Set PC to start address when done
- loading.
- * array-rom.c, monitor.h, rom68k-rom.c: Clean up target_ops.
- Remove ref to monitor_create_inferior.
- * monitor.c: More general cleanups. Add prototypes, remove
- unused routines. Fix bug with wrong number of args to error().
- * main.c (main): Don't start up GUI when running under gdb mode
- in emacs.
- * Add rules for monitor.o and rom68k-rom.o to make
- Sun make (with VPATH) work...
- * monitor.c, monitor.h, rom68k-rom.c: Serious cleanup to make IDP
- (rom68k) target work right.
- * array-rom.c, op50-rom.c, w89k-rom.c: Partial updates to new
- monitor.c interface. More work needs to be done here.
- * config/m68k/tm-monitor.h: Change DECR_PC_AFTER_BREAK to 0 to
- match the IDP monitor. Also, set NUM_REGS to 18 cuz there's no
- floating-point for this card.
- * serial.h, ser-go32.c, ser-mac.c, ser-tcp.c, ser-unix.c: Add
- SERIAL_SETSTOPBITS to set the number of stopbits (needed for IDP
- board?!?!?).
- * defs.h, utils.c, remote-hms.c, remote-pa.c, remote.c: Fix defs
- and usage of fputc_unfiltered and putchar_unfiltered. Eliminate
- putc_unfiltered (it's superfluous).
- * command.h, command.c, top.c: Add var_enum command type. It's
- like var_string but allows only only one of the specified strings.
-Mon Mar 6 15:03:59 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * valops.c (value_cast): Don't use backslash newline--pre-ANSI
- compilers (such as SunOS4 /bin/cc) don't generally support it
- except in some contexts.
-Fri Mar 3 17:42:48 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * valops.c (value_cast): Check for cast to array type *before*
- we coerce array to pointer (in case arg2 is already array).
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): Set using_gcc to 2 if using
- gcc2. Needed for REG_STRUCT_HAS_ADDR to work on sparc.
- Also check REG_STRUCT_HAS_ADDR for union, array and string types.
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): Re-arrange code for pushing
- paramaters on the stack so we can do better STACK_ALIGN.
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): Call error if the number
- of arguments is fewer than parameter types in function type.
-Fri Mar 3 17:13:05 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_extract_struct_value_address): Move
- sparc64 support to here.
- (sparc64_extract_struct_value_address): Deleted.
- (dump_ccreg): Add a prototype so long long arg -> int.
- * sparc/tm-sp64.h (USE_STRUCT_CONVENTION): Define.
-Fri Mar 3 15:12:12 1995 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c (hpread_record_lines): New argument "offset". All
- callers changed. Use it to handle dynamic address relocation.
- (hpread_build_psymtabs): Adjust texthigh as we read each function
- debug symbol. Fix computation of texthigh.
- (hpread_read_subrange_type): Work around macro bugs in HP's
- compilers.
- (hpread_process_one_debug_symbol): Correctly map source lines.
- * somread.c (check_strange_names): Filter names emitted by the HP
- compiler when generating PIC code.
- * valops.c (value_struct_elt_for_reference): Work around macro
- bugs in HP's compilers.
- * c-exp.y (block): Likewise.
-Fri Mar 3 12:27:28 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * rs6000-tdep.c (push_dummy_frame): Fix order of arguments to
- store_address.
- * utils.c [_AIX]: Include stddef.h instead of #defining size_t.
-Fri Mar 3 12:33:24 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * rs6000-tdep.c (skip_prologue): Skip multiple stores of the saved
- registers that GCC emits on the PowerPC by default in addition to
- the store multiple instruction used on the Power series.
-Fri Mar 3 00:54:58 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc-tdep.c (decode_asi): New function.
- (sparc_print_register_hook): Pretty print more v9 registers.
- * sparc/tm-sp64.h (REGISTER_NAMES): Fix some typos.
-Thu Mar 2 22:20:22 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * dwarfread.c (struct dieinfo): Use CORE_ADDR for at_{low,high}_pc.
- (target_to_host): Change result type to CORE_ADDR.
-Thu Mar 2 15:13:04 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * rs6000-tdep.c: Fix byte-swapping sins.
-Thu Mar 2 16:48:45 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * rs6000-tdep.c (branch_dest): Minor code cleanup, don't share
- code between branch unconditional and branch conditional cases.
-Wed Mar 1 09:41:26 1995 Doug Evans <>
- Various changes for sparc64.
- * sparc-tdep.c (NUM_SPARC_FPREGS): Define.
- (*): Use SPARC_INTREG_SIZE instead of REGISTER_RAW_SIZE (intreg)
- where appropriate.
- (enum branch_type): New value `done_retry'.
- (isbranch): Renamed from isannulled. All callers changed.
- Support new sparc64 branch insns.
- (single_step): Handle done_retry.
- (sparc_extract_struct_value_address): Don't assume 4 byte regs.
- (get_saved_register): Likewise.
- (sparc_push_dummy_frame): Likewise.
- (sparc_frame_find_saved_regs): Likewise.
- (sparc_pop_frame): Likewise. Don't refer to FPS_REGNUM, CPS_REGNUM,
- or PS_REGNUM if not sparc64. sparc64 has 64 fp regs.
- (sparc64_extract_struct_value_address): New function.
- (dump_ccreg, sparc_print_register_hook): Likewise.
- * sp64-tdep.c: Deleted.
- * sparc/tm-sp64.h (GDB_TARGET_IS_SPARC64): Define.
- (NUM_REGS): Reduce by 2, cle/tle are in the pstate reg.
- (CC_HAS_LONG_LONG): Define.
- (REGISTER_NAMES): Delete cle/tle and reorganize.
- (PS_REGNUM, FPS_REGNUM, CPS_REGNUM): Delete, they're ifdef'd out of
- sparc-tdep.c now.
- (EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE): Delete. Use definition in tm-sparc.h.
- (NO_SINGLE_STEP): Likewise.
- * sparc/tm-sparc.h (EXTRACT_VALUE_RETURN): Don't assume 4 byte regs.
- * sparc/ Move simulator support ...
- * sparc/ ... to here.
-Wed Mar 1 13:14:42 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * remote-vx960.c: new file for target specific register packaging.
- * remote-vx68.c: ditto.
- * config/i960/ add remote-vx960.o.
- * config/m68k/ add remote-vx68.o.
-Wed Mar 1 13:42:49 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * remote.c (remote_wait): Make calls to strtol be type correct by
- passing the address of a char * pointer instead of an unsigned
- char *.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (push_dummy_frame): Cast sp to char * when calling
- write_memory to make things type correct.
-Wed Mar 1 12:17:31 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * ch-exp.y, c-exp.y, f-exp.y, m2-exp.y (yy defines): Support the
- standard Linux yacc by adding more names to be redefined with a
- prefix.
-Tue Feb 28 22:55:47 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * hppa-tdep.c (pa_print_registers), monitor.c: Use
- extract_unsigned_integer and friends, not SWAP_TARGET_AND_HOST.
- * defs.h, findvar.c: Move SWAP_TARGET_AND_HOST back to findvar.c.
- Rename it to SWAP_FLOATING to make it clear it is no longer for
- integers.
-Tue Feb 28 14:38:39 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * defs.h (SWAP_TARGET_AND_HOST): check endianess at runtime not
- compile time.
- * arc-tdep.c (_initialize_arc_tdep): set tm_print_insn according to
- processor.
- * vx-share/ptrace.h: merge in WRS new ptrace requests.
- * defs.h: fix a syntax error.
- * a29k-tdep.c (get_longjmp_target): add this function, from WRS.
- * remote-vx.c: move read_register and write_register out to
- target specific files.
- * remote-vx29k.c (get_fp_contnets): add this function, from WRS.
- * defs.h: define SWAP_TARGET_AND_HOST macro.
- * findvar.c, monitor.c, hppa-tdep.c: remove definition of
-Tue Feb 28 08:31:40 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * alpha-tdep.c (find_proc_desc): Only attempt to set
- PROC_LOCALOFF (found_heuristic) if found_heuristic is non-NULL.
-Mon Feb 27 11:56:32 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * monitor.c: General gcc -Wall lint cleanup and reformat.
- (monitor_command): If no args, send an empty command.
-Thu Feb 23 21:07:25 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * monitor.c (monitor_load_ascii_srec): Add a one second sleep
- after send LOAD_CMD to prevent loss of first S-record.
-Tue Feb 21 20:48:42 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): Set using_gcc to 2 if gcc-2.
- Call error if too few arguments.
- If REG_STRUCT_HAS_ADDR (structs passed by invisible reference),
- copy and convert to reference *before* we calculate alignment.
- Also, make sure structs allocated for return values and invisible
- reference don't violate STACK_ALIGN.
-Tue Feb 21 23:29:59 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * ch-exp.y (expression_conversion): Recognize 'ARRAY () TYPE (EXPR)'
- (same as C's '(TYPE[])EXPR')
-Tue Feb 21 11:47:26 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * top.c (print_gdb_version): Update the year.
-Sun Feb 19 14:31:57 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * (CC_FOR_TARGET, CXX_FOR_TARGET): Look for newlib in
- `..' not in `../..'.
-Sun Feb 19 11:05:28 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * procfs.c (unconditionally_kill_inferior): Don't issue a PIOCKILL
- in addition to a PIOCSSIG to kill the inferior.
-Thu Feb 16 15:06:12 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * parse.c (follow_types): Given (TYPE[]) (i.e. with no length),
- create a 0-length array type, and set BOUND_CANNOT_BE_DETERMINED.
- * valops.c (value_cast): If a cast like (TYPE[])VALUE (i.e. array
- of unknown length) use sizeof(VALUE)/sizeof(TYPE) as the length.
- * c-typeprint.c (c_type_print_varspec_suffix): If array length
- is 0, print it, but not if upper_bound is BOUND_CANNOT_BE_DETERMINED.
-Thu Feb 16 16:06:50 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * dcache.c (insque, remque): Rewrite Linux support.
-Wed Feb 15 12:33:20 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * config/powerpc/tm-ppc-eabi.h (TEXT_SEGMENT_BASE): Define as 1.
- * dcache.c (insque, remque): If compiling in standard C on Linux,
- protect insque and remque with macros to cast the pointer
- arguments to the proper type.
-Tue Feb 14 17:16:41 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * annotate.c, breakpoint.c, defs.h, top.c: Replace
- enable/disable_breakpoint_hook with modify_breakpoint_hook.
-Tue Feb 14 16:58:07 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * expression.h: Move declaration of evaluate_subexp_with_coercion
- from here...
- * value.h: here.
- * expression.h: Don't include value.h
-Tue Feb 14 11:46:07 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * expression.h: Move include of value.h until after declaration of
- enum exp_opcode.
-Sun Feb 12 13:47:30 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote-e7000.c: Comprehensive cleanup; removal of dead code,
- simplify code, declare things, format to standards.
- (inferior.h, value.h, command.h, remote-utils.h): Include.
- (e7000_login): Rename to e7000_login_command.
- (e7000_ftp): Rename to e7000_ftp_command.
- (e7000_drain): Rename to e7000_drain_command.
- * irix5-nat.c (string.h): Include near beginning of file.
-Sun Feb 12 12:36:38 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * valops.c (value_arg_coerce): Use VALUE_TYPE not SYMBOL_TYPE on
- arg, it is a value not a symbol.
- gcc -Wall lint:
- * eval.c: Move declaration of evaluate_subexp_with_coercion from here..
- * expression.h: here.
- * expression.h: Include value.h.
- * ch-lang.c (evaluate_subexp_chill): Add default case in switch.
-Sun Feb 12 11:03:47 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * language.h (struct language_defn): New field evaluate_exp.
- * c-lang.c (c_language_defn, cplus_language_defn, asm_langauge_defn),
- f-lang.c (f_language_defn), language.c (unknown_language_defn,
- auto_language_defn, local_language_defn), m2-lang.c (m2_language_defn):
- Set evaluate_exp to evaluate_subexp_standard.
- * ch-lang.c (evaluate_subexp_chill): New function. Chill-specific
- support for MULTI_SUBSCRIPT.
- (chill_language_defn): Set evaluate_exp to evaluate_subexp_chill.
- * eval.c (enum noside): Move from here ....
- * expression.h (enum noside): ... to here.
- (evaluate_subexp_standard): New prototype.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Renamed to evaluate_subexp_standard.
- Removed lo-longer-needed test for chill_varying_type.
- (evaluate_subexp): New. Calls exp->language_defn->evaluate_exp.
- * ch-exp.y (maybe_expression_list): New non-terminal.
- (primitive_value): Allow empty parameter list.
-Sun Feb 12 10:02:16 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * buildsym.c (finish_block): If finishing a function without known
- parameter type info, set that from parameter symbols.
- * c-typeprint.c (c_type_print_varspec_suffix): For TYPE_CODE_FUNC,
- print parameter types, if available.
- * ch-typeprint.c (chill_type_print_base): Likewise.
- * gdbtypes.h (struct type): Remove function type field.
- (TYPE_FUNCTION_TYPE): Remove macro. We can't as simply re-use
- function types now that we're also storing parameter types.
- And the payoff is much less.
- * gdbtypes.c (make_function_type): Don't use/set TYPE_FUNCTION_TYPE.
- (recursive_dump_type): Don't print TYPE_FUNCTION_TYPE.
- * dwarfread.c (read_subroutine_type): Don't set TYPE_FUNCTION_TYPE.
- * valops.c (value_arg_coerce): Now takes param_type argument.
- (call_function_by_hand): Convert arguments with value_arg_coerce
- early, and overwrite original args with converted args.
- No longer need multiple calls to value_arg_coerce.
- (value_arg_push): Removed.
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_push_arguments): No longer call value_arg_coerce.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_push_arguments): Likewise.
- * alpha-tdep.c (alpha_push_arguments): Likewise.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (push_arguments, ran_out_of_registers_for_arguments):
- Likewise.
- * value.h (value_arg_coerce): Remove declaration. (It's now static.)
- * valops.c (value_cast): Do COERCE_VARYING_ARRAY after COERCE_REF.
- * symtab.c (add_param_to_type): Remove (commented-out) function,
- since that functionality has been re-written.
- * coffread.c: Remove commented-out add_param_to_type support.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol): Likewise.
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): Likewise.
-Sun Feb 12 09:03:47 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * buildsym.c (start_subfile): Set language for f2c like for cfront.
-Thu Feb 9 20:20:11 1995 Rob Savoye <>
- * op50n-rom.c: Add the control registers.
-Thu Feb 9 15:46:39 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * (CLIBS): Add $(LIBIBERTY) before, in addition to
- after, any host/target/native libraries.
- * dcache.c (insque, remque): Remove declarations.
- * gdbtypes.h (type_code): Remove trailing comma.
- From Peter Schauer:
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab) [C_HIDEXT]: Move #ifdef
- STATIC_NODEBUG_VARS inside case.
-Thu Feb 9 07:43:41 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * config/sparc/tm-sun4sol2.h: Define STATIC_TRANSFORM_NAME.
- * partial-stab.h: Call it.
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol) [STATIC_TRANSFORM_NAME]: Call
- STATIC_TRANSFORM_NAME to get the name and use minimal symbols to
- get the address.
- * sparc-tdep.c (solaris_static_transform_name): New function.
-Thu Feb 9 12:09:09 1995 Jeff Law (
- * somread.c (som_symtab_read): Handle dynamic relocation for both
- text and data symbols.
- (som_symfile_offsets): If objfile is a shared library, then get
- text and data offsets from the shared library structures.
- * somsolib.c (som_solib_add): Copy the bfd pointer from the
- objfile rather than reopening the file again.
- (som_solib_section_offsets): New function.
- * somsolib.h (som_solib_section_offsets): Declare.
-Wed Feb 8 20:32:18 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * config/sparc/tm-sun4sol2.h, dbxread.c: Rename
- * symtab.h (minimal_symbol) [SOFUN_ADDRESS_MAYBE_MISSING]: Add
- filename field.
- * elfread.c (record_minimal_symbol_and_info),
- minsyms.c, symtab.h (prim_record_minimal_symbol_and_info): Return
- newly created symbol.
- * elfread.c (elf_symtab_read) [SOFUN_ADDRESS_MAYBE_MISSING]:
- Set filename field of minimal symbol.
- * symmisc.c (dump_msymbols) [SOFUN_ADDRESS_MAYBE_MISSING]:
- Print filename field.
- * minsyms.c, symtab.h (lookup_minimal_symbol): New arg sfile.
- * symm-tdep.c, somsolib.c, hppa-tdep.c, c-exp.y, f-exp.y,
- m2-exp.y, nindy-tdep.c, m3-nat.c, irix5-nat.c, hpread.c,
- os9kread.c, breakpoint.c, alpha-tdep.c, valops.c, symtab.c,
- printcmd.c, dbxread.c: Change callers to pass NULL for sfile.
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol) [SOFUN_ADDRESS_MAYBE_MISSING]:
- Find address of function from minimal symbols.
- * partial-stab.h, case 'f', 'F': Call find_stab_function_addr
- instead of getting pst->textlow from the stab.
- * minsyms.c (find_stab_function_addr): New function.
-Wed Feb 8 19:19:56 1995 Rob Savoye <>
- * monitor.c: Fix so all the output shows up in the GUI command
- window.
-Mon Feb 6 18:50:59 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * i386-tdep.c (_initialize_i386_tdep): Put void decl on separate
- line, so init.c generation works correctly.
- * arc-tdep.c (_initialize_arc_tdep): Ditto.
-Mon Feb 6 14:44:36 1995 Rob Savoye <>
- * config/mips/ Add support for the lsi33k target.
- * config/sparc/ Add support for ser-tcp.
- * array-rom.c: Finish the rest of the support commands needed by
- GDB.
- * mips-tdep.c: Add LSI33k register names and processor type.
-Sat Feb 4 13:29:52 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * config/m68k/ (TDEPFILES): Remove m68k-pinsn.o.
-Fri Feb 3 11:19:20 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * core.c (dis_asm_read_memory), defs.h, top.c: Get rid of
- dis_asm_read_memory_hook. We can now call the disassemblers
- directly and have no need for this hook anymore.
- * defs.h, printcmd.c: Make print_insn be static.
- * ser-go32.c (dos_comisr): Make this 8 bit clean.
- * (dos_open dos_close): Allow multiple opens to the same device.
- Use a ref count to prevent unwanted deallocations.
- * sparcl-tdep.c: Put #ifdefs around all socket stuff to make GO32
- happy.
- * (sparclite_ops): Switch to download_stratum.
- * target.h (enum strata): Move download_stratum before
- process_stratum so that executable targets get pushed on top of
- download targets.
-Thu Feb 2 19:02:45 1995 Rob Savoye <>
- * array-rom.c: Remove the non GDB remote protocol config stuff.
- * monitor.c: All reading/writing functions for memory and
- registers work.
-Thu Feb 2 16:11:04 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * config/arc/ new target makefile for arc processor.
- * config/arc/tm-arc.h: new target header for arc processor.
- * config/arc/ new go32 host makefile for arc processor.
- * config/arc/xm-go32.h: new go32 host header for arc processor.
- * arc-tdep.c: new target dependent codes for arc processor.
-Thu Feb 2 13:58:40 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * (VERSION): Bump to 4.13.2.
-Thu Feb 2 07:27:56 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- Fix compiler warnings:
- * remote-e7000.c (printf_e7000debug): Rename to puts_e7000debug
- and have the caller do the sprintf. Saves us from varargs hell.
- (normal): Define before use.
- * remote-e7000.c: Reindent a few things.
-Wed Feb 1 21:16:42 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * f-typeprint.c (f_type_print_varspec_suffix): Print array index
- ranges in reverse order.
- * f-valprint.c (f77_create_arrayprint_offset_tbl): Fix calculation.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subscript): Don't call value_subscript, since
- it adjusts for lower bound and enforces ranges.
- * expression.h (exp_code): Remove MULTI_F77_SUBSCRIPT, OP_F77_SUBSTR.
- * eval.c, parse.c: Removed uses of removed opcodes.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Clean up handling of
- OP_UNDETERMINED_ARGLIST (no backtracking, more general).
- * f-valprint.c (f_val_print): Print TYPE_CODE_STRING using
- LA_PRINT_STRING, and not val_print_string (which reads from inferior).
- * ch-lang.c (chill_is_varying_struct), ch-lang.h: Remve function
- duplicate function made redundant by chill_varying_type.
- Re-write of f77 string and complex number support:
- * language.h (struct language_defn): New fields string_lower_bound
- and string_char_type.
- * c-lang.c (c_language_defn, cplus_language_defn, asm_language_defn),
- language.c (unknown_language_defn, auto_language_defn,
- local_language_defn), m2-lang.c (m2_language_defn), f-lang.c
- (f_language_defn), ch-lang.c (chill_language_defn): Set new fields.
- * gdbtypes.c (create_string_type): Use new string_char_type field.
- * valops.c (value_string): Use new string_lower_bound field.
- * f-lang.c (f_create_fundamental_type, _initialize_f_language),
- m2-lang.c (m2_create_fundamental_type),
- gdbtypes.c (_initialize_gdbtypes): Set TYPE_TARGET_TYPE of complex
- types. Set their TYPE_CODEs to TYPE_CODE_COMPLEX.
- * mdebugread.c (mdebug_type_complex, mdebug_type_double_complex):
- Removed. Use builtin_type_complex and builtin_type_double_complex.
- * gdbtypes.h (enum type_code): Removed TYPE_CODE_LITERAL_STRING
- * c-typeprint.c, f-typeprint.c, f-valprint.c, eval.c: Removed uses of
- * gdbtypes.c, gdbtypes.h (f77_create_literal_complex_type,
- f77_create_literal_string_type): Removed.
- * expression.h (enum exp_opcode): Rename OP_F77_LITERAL_COMPLEX to
- * parse.c: Update accordingly.
- * f-valprint.c (f77_print_cmplx): Removed.
- (f_val_print case TYPE_CODE_COMPLEX): Re-write to use print_floating.
- * f-exp.y (STRING_LITERAL): Use OP_STRING instead of OP_ARRAY.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): For case OP_ARRAY, don't call
- f77_value_literal_string.
- * valops.c, value.h (f77_value_literal_string, f77_value_substring,
- f77_assign_from_literal_string, f77_assign_from_literal_complex):
- Removed.
- (value_assign): No longer need to handle literal types.
- * valops.c (f77_value_literal_complex), value.h: Re-written and
- renamed to value_literal_complex. Last arg is now a (complex) type.
- * valops.c (f77_cast_into_complex): Re-written and renamed to
- cast_into_complex.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Update accordingly.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print): On TYPE_CODE_STRING, don't
- print address for non-'s'-formats.
- * ch-typeprint.c, ch-valprint.c: Use chill_varying_type instead
- of chill_is_varying_struct.
-Wed Feb 1 13:27:33 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- gcc -Wall lint.
- * alpha-tdep.c (alpha_in_lenient_prologue): Comment out.
- (after_prologue): Remove unused local b.
- * procfs.c (thread.h): Include.
- (pr_flag_table, pr_why_table, faults_table, siginfo_table): Use
- nested braces in initializer.
- * top.c (initialize_targets, initialize_utils): Declare.
- (locate_arg, insert_args): Add parens around tested assignments.
- * remote-utils.c (sr_scan_args): Remove decl of strtol.
- * remote.c (thread.h): Include.
- (remote_wait): Remove unused local p2.
- * sparc-tdep.c (fill_gregset, fill_fpregset): Remove decls of
- registers array.
- defs.h (stdlib.h): Include.
- (exit, perror, atoi, qsort, memcpy, memcmp): Don't declare.
- (fclose, atof, malloc, realloc, free, strchr, strrchr, strstr,
- strtok, strerror): Don't specify parameter types in declaration.
-Wed Feb 1 12:23:57 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * ch-exp.y (value_string_element, string_primitive_value,
- start_element, left_element, right_element, slice_size,
- lower_element, upper_element, first_element): Removed.
- (value_string_slice, value_array_slice): Replaced by ...
- (slice): New non-terminal, with working slice support.
- (primitive_value_lparen, rparen): New non-terminals.
- (maybe_tuple_elements): New non-terminal, to allow empty tuples.
- (idtokentab): Added "up".
- * value.h (COERCE_VARYING_ARRAY): New macro.
- * valarith.c (value_subscript): Use it.
- * valops.c (value_cast): Likewise. Also, do nothing if already
- correct type, and allow converting from/to range to/from scalar.
- * valops.c, value.h (varying_to_slice, value_slice): New functions.
- * eval.c (OP_ARRAY): Add cast for array element.
- * expression.h (TERNOP_SLICE, TERNOP_SLICE_COUNT): New exp_opcodes.
- * valops.c (chill_varying_type): Moved function frp, here ...
- * gdbtypes.c (chill_varying_type), gdbtypes.h: ... to here.
- * parse.c (length_of_subexp, prefixify_subexp): Add support
- * expprint.c (print_subexp, dump_expression): Likewise.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Likewise.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp case MULTI_SUBSCRIPT): Don't call
- value_x_binop on a Chill varying string.
-Tue Jan 31 13:51:53 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * config/m68k/,
- config/pa/{,,,}: Put
- depfiles in TDEPFILES not REMOTE_O.
-Tue Jan 31 11:14:44 1995 Steve Chamberlain <sac@splat>
- From
- * ser-go32.c (dos_close): Don't crash if scb null.
- (dos_sendbreak): New function.
- (dos_ops): Point to dos_sendbreak.
- (dos_info): Calculate COM number correctly.
-Tue Jan 31 09:40:11 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * xcoffread.c (process_xcoff_symbol): Use new variables
- func_symbol_type and var_symbol_type as type of functions and
- variables which don't have any stabs associated with them.
- Reindent most of function.
- (_initialize_xcoffread): Initialize *_symbol_type.
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab): Reindent most of function.
- Put C_HIDEXT symbols in the minimal symbols, rather than ignoring
- them (this part commented out as I didn't quite get it to work).
- (cs_to_section, find_targ_sec): New functions, to support above code.
- * xcoffread.c (RECORD_MINIMAL_SYMBOL): Only skip '.' if it is
- actually present.
-Mon Jan 30 17:34:24 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * sparcl-tdep.c: Add `sparclite' target for doing serial and udp
- downloads to SPARClite demo boards.
-Sun Jan 29 09:43:22 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * remote.c, remote-pa.c: Remove #if 0'd icache code. It has had
- no hope of working as is for a long time (in particular, shebs' 27
- Jan 95 change confuses the issue further--target_read_memory and
- xfer_core_file do *not* do the same thing in this context).
- Revise comment.
-Sat Jan 28 13:40:46 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * elfread.c (elf_symtab_read): Do not test BSF_GLOBAL for
- procedure linkage table symbols, it is no longer set due to the
- Jan 6 BFD change in bfd/elfcode.h.
-Fri Jan 27 17:08:06 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * top.c (use_windows): Clarify comments.
- * convex-tdep.c (xfer_core_file): Comment out.
- * config/convex/tm-convex.h (XFER_CORE_FILE): Remove.
- * remote.c, remote-pa.c (remote_fetch_word): Change xfer_core_file
- references to target_read_memory.
- * gdbcore.h (xfer_core_file, core_open, core_detach): Remove
- declarations.
- * corelow.c (core_open, core_detach): Make static.
- * arm-tdep.c: Make it compile.
- (exec_file_command, xfer_core_file): Comment out.
- (arm_print_insn): Remove, now in libopcodes.
- (skip_prologue): Comment out most of body.
- (arm_frame_find_saved_regs): Move here from tm-arm.h.
- (_initialize_arm_tdep): Set tm_print_insn.
- * config/arm/tm-arm.h: Remove old refs to first_object_file_end.
- (XFER_CORE_FILE): Remove.
- (FRAME_FIND_SAVED_REGS): Call arm_frame_find_saved_regs.
-Fri Jan 27 08:48:28 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * (CHILL_LIB): Define as in testsuite/
-Thu Jan 26 18:24:41 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * symtab.c (find_pc_line): When subtracting one to get a line
- number, make sure not to end up with zero.
- * remote-vx.c: Revert all of Kung's changes of 16 Jan. The
- problems with those changes were (a) the file didn't compile, (b)
- they changed memset to bzero--memset is correct, (c) they took out
- code to deal with boards lacking floating point, (d) who knows
- what I didn't discover in a quick read.
-Thu Jan 26 17:32:54 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * sparcl-tdep.c: Clean up formatting and indentation.
-Thu Jan 26 10:49:59 1995 Steve Chamberlain <sac@splat>
- * remote-hms.c (hms_ops): Change ref of hr_load_image
- to gr_load_image.
- (dcache_flush, dcache_hit, dcache_value, dcache_fetch,
- dcache_poke, dcache_init): Deleted.
- (hms_open, hms_resume, hms_fetch_word, hms_store_word):
- Use dcache routines provided by remote-util.h
-Thu Jan 26 12:08:31 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * Add support for powerpc-*-eabi.
- * powerpc/tm-ppc-eabi.h, powerpc/ New files for
- PowerPC support.
-Wed Jan 25 18:13:14 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * language.h (struct language_defn): New field c_style_arrays.
- * language.c (unknown_language_defn, auto_language_defn,
- local_language_defn), c-lang.c (c_language_defn, cplus_language_defn,
- asm_language_defn): Set c_style_arrays to true.
- * m2-lang.c (m2_language_defn), ch-lang.c (chill_language_defn),
- f-lang.c (f_language_defn): Set c_style_arrays to false.
- * valops.c (value_string): If c_style_array is not set,
- allocate string in gdb (not inferior) using allocate_value.
- * value.h (COERCE_ARRAY), valops.c (value_addr, value_arg_coerce):
- Only call value_coerce_array if current_language->c_style_arrays.
- * values.c: Add #include "language.h". (Needed for COERCE_ARRAY.)
- * valops.c (chill_varying_type): New predicate.
- * valops.c (value_cast): Support assigning a fixed string or array
- to a variable string/array structure.
- * valarith.c (value_subscripted_rvalue): Extra parameter lowerbound.
- Check index>=lowerbound, and then add lowerbound to index here,
- instead of in caller. Generalize to arbitrary lval_types.
- (value_subscript): Use enhanced value_subscripted_rvalue if
- c_style_arrays is false (and index is in range).
-Wed Jan 25 18:13:14 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp case OP_ARRAY): Fix calls to memset:
- TYPE_LENGTH is length in bytes, not bits.
-Wed Jan 25 08:19:35 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * infrun.c (proceed): Flush stdout before resuming inferior.
- * infcmd.c (step_1), annotate.c (annotate_starting):
- Don't bother to flush here.
-Wed Jan 25 01:11:21 1995 Jeff Law (
- * hpread.c (hpread_process_one_debug_symbol): Fix lines garbled
- by an ill-advised global search and replace.
-Mon Jan 23 13:11:46 1995 Per Bothner <>
- Add support for Chill bitstring literals (e.h. H'FF00').
- * ch-exp.y (match_bitstring_literal): Fix for proper endianness.
- * expprint.c (print_subexp): Don't call error on OP_BITSTRING,
- just print B'<unimlemented>'.
- * gdbtypes.c (create_set_type): Fix bug in length calculation.
- * valops.c, value.h (value_bitstring): New function.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Implement support for OP_BITSTRING.
- * ch-typeprint.c (chill_type_print_base): For TYPE_CODE_FUNC,
- check that return type is non-void, and print in proper Chill syntax.
-Mon Jan 23 12:20:34 1995 Rob Savoye <>
- * Remove references to remote-mon.c.
- * remote-mon.c: remove. Replaced by rom68k-rom.c.
- * rom68k-rom.c: Support for Rom68k monitor.
-Mon Jan 23 10:50:57 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * (CHILL_FOR_TARGET): Update -L argument to point to
- gcc/ch/runtime not chillrt, since that is where the chill runtime
- lives now.
-Mon Jan 23 00:06:57 1995 Steve Chamberlain <sac@splat>
- * remote-hms.c (hms_load): Delete.
- (target_ops): Use hr_load_image.
- * remote-e7000.c, remote-z8k.c, remote-nindy.c (target_ops):
- Define memory_insert/remove_breakpoint.
- * xm-go32.h: Remove redundant SIGs.
-Thu Jan 19 20:26:58 1995 Steve Chamberlain <sac@splat>
- * ser-go32.c: Rewritten by
-Fri Jan 20 15:23:55 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * expression.h (OP_LABELED): New operator, for Chill
- labeled structre tuples.
- * ch-exp.y (tuple_element, named_record_element, tuple_elements):
- New non-terminals, to handle labeled structure tuples.
- (tuple): Re-define using tuple_elements.
- * eval.c (evaluate_labeled_field_init): New function, to handle
- initialization of structure fields, possibly using OP_LABELED.
- (evaluate_subexp): Use it.
- * expprint.c (print_subexp case): For OP_ARRAY, use Chill syntax
- for Chill. Handled OP_LABELED.
- * parse.c (length_of_subexp, prefixify_subexp): Handle OP_LABELED.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Handle Chill Powerset tuples.
- * valarith.c (value_bit_index): Just treat bitstring as represented
- by an array of bytes. Alignment is handled by compiler.
-Wed Jan 18 19:00:29 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * h8300-tdep.c (gdb_print_insn_h8300): Fix typo (&info -> info).
- * sh-tdep.c (gdb_print_insn_sh): Ditto.
-Wed Jan 18 11:25:43 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * remote-os9k.c (rombug_open): Fix a bug in exception handling
- command.
- * remote-os9k.c (rombug_write_inferior_memory): reset buffer after
- write.
-Tue Jan 17 09:48:38 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * parse.c (_initialize_parse): Improve wording of names of
- msym_*_symbol_type.
-Tue Jan 17 14:00:58 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (enum mips_fpu_type): New enum.
- (mips_fpu): Change type to enum mips_fpu_type.
- (FIX_CALL_DUMMY): Handle mips_fpu == MIPS_FPU_SINGLE.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_fpu): Change type to enum mips_fpu_type.
- Don't initialize.
- (mips_fpu_string): New static variable.
- (mips_push_dummy_frame): Handle mips_fpu == MIPS_FPU_SINGLE.
- (mips_pop_frame): Likewise.
- (mips_extract_return_value): Likewise.
- (mips_store_return_value): Likewise.
- (mips_set_fpu_command): New static function.
- (mips_show_fpu_command): New static function.
- (_initialize_mips_tdep): Change handling of set/show mipsfpu.
-Tue Jan 17 09:48:38 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * a29k-tdep.c (gdb_print_insn_a29k): Fix typo (&info -> info).
- * parse.c (write_exp_msymbol): Use new variables
- msym_*_symbol_type as type of msymbol expression.
- (_initialize_parse): Initialize them.
-Mon Jan 16 18:11:03 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- General cleanup and simplication of disassembler interface.
- * a29k-pinsn.c, arm-pinsn.c, convex-pinsn.c, gould-pinsn.c,
- hppa-pinsn.c, i386-pinsn.c, i960-pinsn.c, m68k-pinsn.c,
- m88k-pinsn.c, mips-pinsn.c, ns32k-pinsn.c, pyr-pinsn.c,
- rs6000-pinsn.c, sparc-pinsn.c, tahoe-pinsn.c, vax-pinsn.c: Remove.
- * gould-tdep.c, ns32k-tdep.c, tahoe-tdep.c, vax-tdep.c: New files,
- had been -pinsn.c files.
- * (ALLDEPFILES): Remove removed files.
- (a29k-pinsn.o, arm-pinsn.o, convex-pinsn.o, gould-pinsn.o,
- hppa-pinsn.o, i386-pinsn.o, i960-pinsn.o, m68k-pinsn.o,
- m88k-pinsn.o, mips-pinsn.o, ns32k-pinsn.o, pyr-pinsn.o,
- rs6000-pinsn.o, sparc-pinsn.o, tahoe-pinsn.o, vax-pinsn.o):
- Remove compile actions.
- * arm-tdep.o, gould-tdep.o, ns32k-tdep.o, tahoe-tdep.o,
- vax-tdep.o: Add compile actions.
- * defs.h (tm_print_insn): New global.
- * a29k-tdep.c (gdb_print_insn_a29k): New function.
- (_initialize_a29k_tdep): Rename from _initialize_29k,
- set tm_print_insn.
- * alpha-tdep.c (print_insn): Remove.
- (_initialize_alpha_tdep): Set tm_print_insn.
- * arm-tdep.c (arm_print_insn): New function, was print_insn
- in arm-pinsn.c.
- * convex-tdep.c (convex_print_insn): New function, was print_insn
- in convex-pinsn.c.
- * h8300-tdep.c (print_insn): Remove.
- (gdb_print_insn_h8300): New function.
- (_initialize_h8300_tdep): New function.
- * h8500-tdep.c (print_insn): Remove.
- (_initialize_h8500_tdep): New function.
- * hppa-tdep.c (_initialize_hppa_tdep): Set tm_print_insn.
- * i386-tdep.c (_initialize_i386_tdep): New function.
- * i960-tdep.c (mem, next_insn): New functions, were in
- i960-pinsn.c.
- (_initialize_i960_tdep): Set tm_print_insn.
- * m68k-tdep.c (_initialize_m68k_tdep): New function.
- * m88k-tdep.c (_initialize_m88k_tdep): New function.
- * mips-tdep.c (gdb_print_insn_mips): New function.
- (_initialize_mips_tdep): Set tm_print_insn.
- * pyr-tdep.c (pyr_print_insn): New function, was print_insn
- in pyr-pinsn.c.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (_initialize_rs6000_tdep): New function.
- * sh-tdep.c (print_insn): Remove.
- (gdb_print_insn_sh): New function.
- (_initialize_sh_tdep): Set tm_print_insn.
- * sparc-tdep.c (_initialize_sparc_tdep): New function.
- * w65-tdep.c (print_insn): Remove.
- (_initialize_w65_tdep): New function.
- * z8k-tdep.c (print_insn): Remove.
- (gdb_print_insn_z8k): New function.
- (_initialize_z8k_tdep): Set tm_print_insn.
- * printcmd.c (print_insn): New function, generic disassembler.
- * config/*/*.mt (TDEPFILES): Remove refs to *-pinsn.o.
-Mon Jan 16 15:43:29 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * add new files remote-vx29k.c, config/a29k/tm-vx29k.h,
- and config/a29k/
- * add new configuration a29k-*-vxworks.
- * remote-vx29k.c: new file merged from WRS.
- * remote-vx.c: merge changes from WRS.
- * config/a29k/ new file for new configuration.
- * config/a29k/tm-vx29k.h: new header file for newconfiguration.
-Sun Jan 15 14:36:19 1995 Steve Chamberlain <sac@splat>
- * breakpoint.h (disable_breakpoint, enable_breakpoint):
- New declarations.
- (enum bpdisp): Change name of 'delete' member to 'del'.
- (struct bpstat): Changed name to 'bpstats'.
- * breakpoint.c (disable_breakpoint, enable_breakpoint,
- breakpoint_chain): Made globally visible.
- (bpstat_stop_status): Use new name for bpstat.
- (break_command_1, watch_command_1, catch_command_1,
- breakpoint_auto_delete, denable_delete_breakpoint): Use 'del'
- instead of 'delete'.
- (set_breakpoint_sal): New function.
- * defs.h (registers_changed_hook): New declaration.
- * infcmd.c (run_stack_dummy): 'delete' is now 'del'.
- * inflow.c (new_tty): Treat WIN32 in same way as __GO32__
- * main.c (main): Don't scan options when in WIN32 and exit
- without entering main loop.
- * m2-exp.y (m2_elx): Member 'class' is now 'aclass'.
- * symtab.h (struct symbol, struct partial_symbol): Changed name of
- member 'class' to 'aclass'.
- (SYMBOL_CLASS, PSYMBOL_CLASS): Reflect change.
- * top.c (registers_changed_hook): New definition.
- * utils.c (quit, notice_quit, initialize_utils): Treate WIN32
- in same way as __GO32__.
- * value.h (c_typedef_print): Rename 'new' argument.
- * w65-tdep.c, config/tm-w65.h, config/ New files.
- * Suppprt for w65,
-Sat Jan 14 11:18:11 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * infcmd.c (signal_command): For "signal 0", pass (CORE_ADDR)-1,
- not stop_pc, to proceed.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Clear expect_type except for C++ and CHILL.
-Fri Jan 13 17:52:57 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * infcmd.c (signal_command): Accept "signal 0"; the change to not
- accept it was accidental. "handle 0" and "info signal 0" remain
- illegal, though.
-Fri Jan 13 15:19:01 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * (all): Don't make libgdb-files.
- (libgdb): New action, makes libgdb-files.
-Thu Jan 12 21:23:25 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * stabsread.c (read_enum_type): When pending enum symbols are
- put into the enum type, they must be inserted in "backwards
- order, in case we've overflowed a struct pending buffer.
-Thu Jan 12 09:33:24 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * README: Add note about SPARCworks cc release 3.0 and higher.
- Add procfs support for Alpha OSF/1-2.x.
- * config/alpha/nm-osf.h: Renamed from nm-alpha.h, generic
- OSF/1 native support.
- * config/alpha/ (NAT_FILE): Changed accordingly.
- (MUNCH_DEFINE): Removed.
- * config/alpha/, config/alpha/nm-osf2.h: New files
- for procfs support.
- * (alpha-dec-osf*): Use for OSF/1
- release 2.x and higher, else, as the procfs support
- in release 1.x is incomplete.
- * (ALLCONFIG): Add config/alpha/
- * alpha-nat.c (supply_gregset, fill_gregset, supply_fpgregset,
- fill_fpgregset): New routines for procfs support.
- * inftarg.c (_initialize_inftarg): Don't add ptrace support
- if we have an optional procfs and /proc is accessible.
- * procfs.c: Include sys/fault.h and sys/syscall.h before
- including sys/procfs.h.
- (unconditionally_kill_inferior): If PROCFS_NEED_PIOCSSIG_FOR_KILL
- is defined, additionally perform a PIOCSSIG to really terminate
- the inferior.
- (create_procinfo): Always return a result.
- (create_procinfo, do_attach): Don't trace T_IFAULT faults if
- (procfs_init_inferior): Use START_INFERIOR_TRAPS_EXPECTED as
- argument to startup_inferior if it is defined.
- (proc_set_exec_trap): If PIOCSSPCACT is defined, use it instead
- of tracing exits from exec system calls. Needed for the user level
- loader under Alpha OSF/1.
- (do_detach): Clear any pending signal if we want to detach from
- a process without a signal.
- (set_proc_siginfo): If PROCFS_DONT_PIOCSSIG_CURSIG is defined,
- don't issue a PIOCSSIG if pr_cursig already contains the signal we
- intend to set.
- (info_proc_signals): If PROCFS_SIGPEND_OFFSET is defined, the
- pending signals are numbered from 1 instead of 0.
- (info_proc_mappings): Increase size of output format for addresses
- if BFD_HOST_64_BIT is defined.
- (procfs_stop): Renamed from child_stop.
- (_initialize_procfs): Don't add procfs support if we have an
- optional procfs and /proc is not accessible.
-Wed Jan 11 17:53:26 1995 Rob Savoye <>
- * array-rom.c: Add support for most commands.
- * monitor.c: Add GDB remote protocol for the hybrid environment on
- the Array board.
-Wed Jan 11 00:44:01 1995 Jeff Law (
- * command.c (show_user_1): Use print_command_line to show a user
- defined command (including control structures).
- * top.c (init_main): Change documentation for user defined
- commands to indicate they may accept up to ten arguments.
-Tue Jan 10 16:22:41 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_skip_prologue): Accept or as well as addu for
- `move $s8, $sp' instruction.
-Sun Jan 8 12:45:34 1995 Jim Kingdon <>
- * target.c, target.h (target_signal_from_command): New function.
- * infrun.c (handle_command, signals_info), infcmd.c
- (signal_command): Use it.
- * infrun.c, infcmd.c: Update docstrings for these commands.
- * target.h (enum target_signal), target.c (signals), target.c
- (target_signal_from_host, target_signal_to_host): Add
- * config/tm-lynx.h: Define signal numbers for realtime events.
-Sat Jan 7 07:23:53 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): Handle N_FUN symbols
- for Sun acc 3.0 under SunOS4.
- Changes to improve handling of runtime common symbols
- under SunOS4.
- * minsyms.c (get_symbol_leading_char): New routine to determine
- the leading symbol character for an objfile.
- (prim_record_minimal_symbol_and_info, install_minimal_symbols):
- Use it.
- * objfiles.h (rt_common_objfile): New global, points to objfile
- containing the runtime common minimal symbols.
- * objfiles.c (free_objfile): Mark rt_common_objfile as
- unallocated before freeing it.
- * solib.c (allocate_rt_common_objfile): New routine to allocate
- an objfile for the runtime common minimal symbols.
- (solib_add_common_symbols): Allocate an objfile for the runtime
- common symbols if necessary and put common symbols into it.
- Clean up code and comments.
- (solib_add, special_symbol_handling): Cleanup comments regarding
- runtime common symbols.
- * stabsread.c (scan_file_globals_1): New routine, contains
- old scan_file_globals code. Checks if there are any unresolved
- global symbols before starting the expensive minimal symbol table
- search.
- (scan_file_globals): Now calls scan_file_globals_1 for the passed
- objfile and eventually for the runtime common objfile. Complains
- about any unresolved global symbols and removes them from the
- global symbol chain to avoid dangling pointers into the symbol
- table if the symbol table is reread.
-Thu Jan 5 17:38:29 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * (install_only uninstall): Indent for clarity.
- * core.c (dis_asm_read_memory): Add call to
- dis_asm_read_memory_hook to provide alternate way for disassembler
- to read memory.
- * defs.h: Protect from multiple inclusion. Add decl for
- dis_asm_read_memory_hook.
- * top.c: Make window startup be the default.
- * Add dis_asm_read_memory_hook.
-Thu Jan 5 01:16:40 1995 Jeff Law (
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): Handle `a' symbol type used for
- reference parameter passed in a register.
-Wed Jan 4 12:27:29 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * defs.h: move include tm.h up, so that the type LONGEST can
- also based on the target requirement to determine. In this case
- target mips64.
- * remote-os9k.c (rombug_open): catch exception e in rombug.
- * remote-os9k.c (rombug_wait): print message before register display
- from rombug.
-Wed Jan 4 09:18:27 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * top.c (locate_arg): Call strchr not index.
-Tue Jan 3 16:52:03 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * ch-exp.y (literal): Recognize NULL.
- (tuple): Parse simple unlabelled tuples.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp case OP_ARRAY): Use expect_type to
- evaluate brace-initializer-expressions depending on context.
- (evaluate_subexp case UNOP_CAST): Pass the target type as
- expected type when evaluating the expression.
- * ch-typeprint.c (chill_type_print_base): Get names of PTR and
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_print_type_scalar): New function, to handle
- TYPE_CODE_RANGE better than print_type_scalar does.
- (chill_val_print_array_elements): Use above new function.
-Mon Jan 2 15:02:51 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote-udi.c (udi_load): Tell symbol_file_add that the
- program being loaded is the main program.
-For older changes see ChangeLog-94
-Local Variables:
-mode: indented-text
-left-margin: 8
-fill-column: 74
-version-control: never
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ChangeLog-96 b/contrib/gdb/gdb/ChangeLog-96
deleted file mode 100644
index 760b425f7599..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ChangeLog-96
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5116 +0,0 @@
-Tue Dec 31 15:19:32 1996 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h: more small register fixes
-Tue Dec 31 06:51:43 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * config/i386/xm-windows.h: Undo previous change to SIGTRAP
- and SIGQUIT values; it messed up non-MIPS targets.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h: Undefine BREAKPOINT, replace
- with separate LITTLE_BREAKPOINT and BIG_BREAKPOINT definitions;
- this fixes problem with setting breakpoints in little-endian
- programs in the simulator.
-Mon Dec 30 00:14:06 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_open_p): New static local.
- (gdbsim_open): Call unpush_target if sim open. Set gdbsim_open_p.
- (gdbsim_close): Only call sim_close if sim open. Reset gdbsim_open_p.
-Sun Dec 29 09:15:03 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * config/i386/xm-windows.h: Make SIGTRAP and SIGQUIT consistent
- with sim/mips/support.h.
-Fri Dec 27 14:53:40 1996 Michael Meissner <>
- * v850-tdep.c (struct pifsr): Add cur_frameoffset field.
- (v850_scan_prologue): Add debug code #ifdef'ed DEBUG. Support new
- compiler prologues using register save functions and short store
- instructions. Add support for functions with large stack frames.
- * config/v850/tm-vm850.h ({R0,R1,R12,EP}_REGNUMS): New register
- number defintiions for r0, r1, r12, ep.
- (SAVE{1,2,3}_{START,END}_REGNUM): Register number definitions for
- the 3 sets of saved registers.
-Thu Dec 26 19:56:55 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * valprint.c (print_longest): Don't lose upper bits
- of 64-bit values on Windows.
- * config/i386/xm-windows.h: Leave CC_HAS_LONG_LONG defined,
- undefine PRINTF_HAS_LONG_LONG, so that 64-bit values will
- be printed without loss of upper bits.
-Thu Dec 26 15:15:21 1996 Michael Snyder <>
- * config/sparc/tm-sparclet.h: make registers ASR15, ASR19 invisible
- (they're not useful, you can't change, write or even read them)
-Thu Dec 26 15:20:48 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * config/pa/ (TERMCAP): Always link to libc before
- libcurses, to avoid picking up broken select() from libcurses
- on some versions of HPUX.
-Thu Dec 26 15:14:41 1996 Michael Snyder <>
- * sparclet-rom.c: Remove includes of Unix system files.
- Add function "sparclet_supply_register" so that parse_register_dump
- will not seg-fault by calling a null function pointer.
- Remove XMODEM support (unfinished work?).
- Remove flag "MO_HANDLE_NL", so monitor's output can be read by humans.
- Add fill command.
- Remove colon from getreg.resp_delim so PSR register will work.
- Remove pointer to sparclet_load (downloading SREC's doesn't work).
- Null out local register names for %g0, all %cc and all %asr regs,
- since the monitor can't report them. Will return zero instead.
- * sparclet-stub.c: New -- remote protocol support for sparclet CPU.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparclet.h: Re-arrange REGISTER_NAMES:
- Add back %g0 and %psr, add %cc coprocessor regs, add %asr regs.
- Adjust NUM_REGS and REGISTER_BYTES accordingly
-Tue Dec 24 10:27:37 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * remote-e7000.c (want_h8300h, want_nopc_h8300h): Renamed
- from want and want_nopc.
- (want_h8300s, want_nopc_h8300s): New variables for H8/S register
- lists.
- (e7000_fetch_registers): Use H8/300H or H8/S register list string
- as needed.
- (e7000_wait): Likewise.
-Mon Dec 23 02:25:58 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_find_saved_regs): If a frame has been
- interrupted by a signal, figure out whether the registers that
- the proc_desc claims are saved have been saved yet.
- (mips_push_dummy_frame): Write dummy frame register after all
- registers have been saved in the dummy frame. Update comments
- to reflect the fact that we are now using an AT_ENTRY_POINT
- call dummy.
-Sun Dec 22 15:52:25 1996 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * d10v-tdep.c (d10v_skip_prologue): PR11287. Fix problem where
- some breakpoints weren't being set.
-Sat Dec 21 12:57:59 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (PC_IN_CALL_DUMMY): Removed, the default
- definition in inferior.h is sufficient.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_pc_in_call_dummy): Ditto.
- (mips_push_arguments): Make sure that the stack is aligned to a
- multiple of 8 after the arguments are pushed.
- Structures are always passed by value in the old ABI.
- Adjust argument register value on big endian targets when passing
- a value whose length is less than the register size.
- Write stack arguments with a single write_memory call.
- (mips_pop_frame): Use frame_saved_regs instead of proc_desc to
- decide which registers have to be restored.
- * irix5-nat.c (fill_gregset): Sign extend registers before
- filling in the gregset structure.
-Fri Dec 20 11:06:03 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * mswin/genmakes: Don't define _DEBUG. This breaks wingdb.
-Thu Dec 19 19:42:44 1996 Michael Meissner <>
- * v850-tdep.c (v850_scan_prologue): Deal with -mep shorting
- register saves by using the ep register.
-Thu Dec 19 15:57:16 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * m32r-tdep.c (m32r_frame_find_saved_regs): Fix thinko in arg def.
-Thu Dec 19 09:38:56 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * values.c (unpack_double): Make it compile with MSVC++ 2.x.
- * remote-mips.c (S_IROTH): Define if not defined by stat.h, e.g.
- when using MSVC++.
- (common_open): Fix help string.
-Wed Dec 18 23:01:32 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw-make.sed: Use NewFolderRecursive for installation.
-Sat Dec 14 20:50:01 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_push_arguments): Handle floating point args.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (FIX_CALL_DUMMY): Define to set up $25
- correctly for PIC on Irix 5.
-Sat Dec 14 09:52:30 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * i386-tdep.c (i386_frame_find_saved_regs): Handle zero return
- from get_pc_function_start gracefully.
-Sat Dec 14 00:43:57 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * c-exp.y (qualified_name): Replace explicit check for valid
- destructor name with call to destructor_name_p.
- * c-lang.h, c-typeprint.c (cp_type_print_method_args): Removed,
- no longer needed.
- * c-typeprint.c (c_type_print_varspec_prefix, c_type_print_base):
- Replace remaining fprintf_unfiltered calls with their filtered variant.
- (c_type_print_base): Do not print return type for destructors from
- template classes.
- Replace cp_type_print_method_args with cplus_demangle call to get
- consistent type output for stubbed and unstubbed methods.
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_print_class_method): Replace
- cp_type_print_method_args with cplus_demangle call to get consistent
- type output for stubbed and unstubbed methods.
- * gdbtypes.c, gdbtypes.h (get_destructor_fn_field): New function
- to find the destructor field indices for a type.
- * gdbtypes.h (struct type): Clarify comments for vptr_basetype
- and arg_types fields.
- (struct fn_field): Remove args field, no longer used.
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1), valops.c (value_struct_elt,
- check_field_in): Use get_destructor_fn_field to find the destructor
- field indices instead of assuming that the compiler passes the member
- function fields in a specific order.
- * symtab.c (find_methods): Pass NULL instead of SYMBOL_BLOCK_VALUE
- to lookup_symbol.
- (list_symbol): Replace cp_type_print_method_args with cplus_demangle
- call in zapped out code and explain why this code is zapped out.
-Thu Dec 12 13:29:14 1996 Michael Meissner <>
- * config/powerpc/ppc{,le} (SIM): Add the simulator common
- library ../sim/common/libcommon.a.
-Wed Dec 11 11:15:08 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * monitor.c (monitor_load): Add support for load address argument.
- * dsrec.c: #include <time.h>.
- (load_srec): New argument load_offset. Print download stats.
- * srec.h (load_srec): Update prototype.
- * sh3-rom.c (sh3_load): Update call to load_srec.
-Mon Dec 9 17:34:05 1996 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h: more small register fixes
- * mn10300-tdep.c: filled in from another target
-Mon Dec 9 17:12:19 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * monitor.c (monitor_insert_breakpoint): Handle bi-endian machines.
-Mon Dec 9 15:58:51 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h: Get rid of call-dummy code.
- Minor changes to make pre-ANSI compilers happy.
- * mips-tdep.c: Minor changes to make pre-ANSI compilers happy.
- (mips_push_arguments): Rewrite to partially support EABI.
- (mips_pc_in_call_dummy): New function.
- * infcmd.c: Include symfile.h to get prototype of entry_point_address,
- which fixes 64-bit sign extension bug on MIPS.
-Mon Dec 9 00:14:49 1996 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h: fix register names
- * mn10300-tdep.c: new skeleton tdep for mn10300
-Sun Dec 8 18:02:57 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * remote-sim.h: Update some comments.
- * remote-sim.c (gdb_os_error): New function.
- (init_callbacks): Fix initializing of gdb_callback. Add gdb_os_error.
- (gdb_os_printf_filtered): Use gdb_stdout, not stdout.
-Sun Dec 8 00:36:31 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * irix5-nat.c (supply_gregset, fill_gregset): Handle gregsets
- from O32 and N32 ABI.
- (xfer_link_map_member): Work around problem with alignments
- in struct obj when compiling GDB under N32 ABI.
-Thu Dec 5 23:30:44 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * d10v-tdep.c: Add support for examination and interpretation
- of instruction trace buffer.
- (trace, untrace, info trace, tdisassemble): New commands.
-Thu Dec 5 14:06:23 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * config/sparc/tm-sparclet.h (TARGET_BYTE_ORDER): Undef.
- (BREAKPOINT): Undef.
- (TM_PRINT_INSN_MACH): Redefine for sparclet.
-Wed Dec 4 16:34:05 1996 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * config/mn10300/, config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h: New.
-Tue Dec 3 13:02:08 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * infptrace.c (store_inferior_registers): Move some common code out
- to store_register, like fetch_inferior_registers & fetch_register.
- (store_register): New function, from store_inferior_registers.
- (fetch_inferior_registers, fetch_register): Minor code tweaks to
- make {fetch,store}_inferior_registers and {fetch,store}_register
- routines as similar in structure as possible.
- (fetch_inferior_registers, store_inferior_registers): Eliminate
- local variable numregs and just use ARCH_NUM_REGS directly.
-Tue Dec 3 11:38:14 1996 Michael Snyder <>
- * blockframe.c: add macro USE_GENERIC_DUMMY_FRAMES to enable/disable
- code for generic call_dummy frames.
- * config/h8300/tm-h8300.h: turn on USE_GENERIC_DUMMY_FRAMES
- * config/m32r/tm-m32r.h: Ditto.
- * config/sh/tm-sh.h: Ditto.
- * config/v850/tm-v850.h: Ditto.
-Sun Dec 1 00:41:47 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * vax-tdep.c (vax_print_insn, print_insn_arg): Use info functions
- for printing. From Valeriy Ushakov <>.
-Sun Dec 1 00:40:46 1996 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * configure.tgt: Add new mn10300 entry.
-Sun Dec 1 00:18:59 1996 Peter Schauer (
- Add support for Irix 6.2 native O32 and N32 ABI.
- *,, configure: Check for <objlist.h>.
- * configure.tgt: Handle mips*-sgi-irix6* like irix5 for now.
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_print_value_fields): Use SYMBOL_VALUE_ADDRESS
- instead of SYMBOL_BLOCK_VALUE to get the address of a static member.
- * dwarf2read.c: Turn warnings and recoverable errors into complaints,
- add new complaints where appropriate.
- gcc -Wall cleanup.
- (struct line_head): Change line_base from char to int to avoid
- problems with compilers whose plain char is represented by an
- unsigned char.
- (struct partial_die_info): Add is_declaration field.
- (dwarf2_tmp_obstack): New obstack for allocating temporary storage
- used during symbol reading.
- (cu_header_offset): New variable for resolving relative reference
- dies.
- (optimized_out, basereg, islocal, frame_base_reg, frame_base_offset):
- New interface variables for decode_locdesc.
- (struct dwarf2_pinfo): New structure for communication between
- psymtab and symtab reading, passed via pst->read_symtab_private.
- (dwarf2_has_info, dwarf2_build_psymtabs): Accept objects files
- without line number sections.
- (dwarf2_build_psymtabs_hard): Initialize temporary obstack
- for symbol reading.
- Allocate and initialize pst->read_symtab_private.
- Relocate pst->textlow and pst->texthigh with baseaddr.
- (scan_partial_symbols): Do not add DW_AT_declaration symbols
- to the partial symbol table.
- Add file scope enumerator symbols to the partial symbol table.
- Fix typo in highpc computation.
- If we didn't find a lowpc, set it to highpc to avoid complaints
- from `maint check.
- (add_partial_symbol): Relocate symbol values with baseaddr.
- Add static DW_TAG_subprogram and DW_TAG_variable symbols to the
- minimal symbol table.
- Obtain symbol values for DW_TAG_variable symbols from the location
- descriptor, skip symbols with missing location desciptors.
- Skip symbols for aggregate types without children.
- Handle enumerator symbols.
- (dwarf2_psymtab_to_symtab): Issue symbol reading message if verbose.
- (psymtab_to_symtab_1): Set local variables from
- pst->read_symtab_private, set cu_header_offset and baseaddr.
- Initialize temporary obstack for symbol reading, initialize
- buildsym and add a cleanup to really_free_pendings.
- Relocate highpc with baseaddr when calling end_symtab.
- If the compilation is from a C file generated by language
- preprocessors, do not set the symtab language if it was already
- deduced by start_subfile.
- Removed verbose sorting symbol table message.
- (process_die): Handle DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type and
- DW_TAG_reference_type.
- Use read_subroutine_type to get the function type for
- DW_TAG_subprogram before calling read_func_scope.
- (read_file_scope): Initialize file name to <unknown>, start_subfile
- expects a non-NULL name.
- If we didn't find a lowpc, set it to highpc to avoid complaints
- from finish_symbol.
- Relocate lowpc and highpc with baseaddr.
- Get rid of Irix6.2 native cc compile machine prefix in comp_dir.
- Zero out ftypes for each new compilation unit (may be different
- language or different objfile).
- Accept compilation units without line number information, pass
- comp_dir to decode_lines.
- (read_func_scope): Initialize function name to <unknown> to avoid
- core dumps when DW_AT_name is missing.
- Relocate lowpc and highpc with baseaddr.
- Handle DW_AT_frame_base, keep result for DW_OP_fbreg operations.
- Pass function type to new_symbol.
- (read_lexical_block_scope): Relocate lowpc and highpc with baseaddr.
- (read_structure_scope): Set TYPE_TAG_NAME, not TYPE_NAME.
- Handle DW_TAG_class_type.
- Copy fields to type_obstack, release temporary storage for fields.
- Don't add symbol if die is a stub die and has no children.
- Handle C++ static member fields.
- (read_enumeration): Set TYPE_TAG_NAME, not TYPE_NAME.
- Copy fields to type_obstack, release temporary storage for fields.
- Let new_symbol handle the symbol creation for enumerators
- instead of handcrafting a symbol.
- Determine signedness of enum type from enumerators.
- (dwarf_read_array_type): Handle variable length arrays.
- Use lookup_pointer_type instead of handcrafting a type.
- Create array type only if a DW_TAG_subrange_type was found.
- (read_tag_pointer_type, read_tag_reference_type):
- Use lookup_pointer_type and lookup_reference_type instead
- of handcrafting a type.
- (read_tag_ptr_to_member_type): New function to handle
- DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type.
- (read_subroutine_type): Handle parameter dies.
- Use lookup_function_type instead of handcrafting a type.
- (read_typedef): Allocate a TYPE_CODE_TYPEDEF type for the typedef.
- (read_base_type): If the type has a name, use init_type to create
- a new type instead of second guessing a fundamental type.
- (read_comp_unit): Reset die reference table before building
- a new one.
- (dwarf2_read_section): Read section contents into psymbol_obstack.
- (dwarf2_read_abbrevs): Handle unterminated abbreviations
- for a compile unit gracefully.
- (read_partial_die): Zero partial die before reading its info.
- Handle DW_AT_declaration.
- Fix typo in handling of DW_FORM_block4.
- (read_full_die): Fix typo in handling of DW_FORM_block4.
- (read_1_signed_byte, read_2_signed_bytes, read_4_signed_bytes):
- New routines to get signed values from a buffer.
- (read_n_bytes, read_string): Allocate storage from the temporary
- obstack. If the host char size permits it, return pointer
- to buffer instead of allocating storage.
- (set_cu_language): Handle DW_LANG_Mips_Assembler.
- (dwarf_attr): Return NULL if reference die for DW_AT_specification
- or DW_AT_abstract_origin die is not found.
- (record_minimal_symbol): Removed, replaced with a direct call to
- prim_record_minimal_symbol, it now handles saving the string itself.
- (convert_locdesc): Removed, partial symtab reading now uses
- decode_locdesc.
- (dwarf_attr): Use dwarf2_get_ref_die_offset to get the absolute
- offset for the die reference.
- (dwarf_decode_lines): Complain if the line section info is missing.
- Use read_1_signed_byte to extract lh.line_base to avoid
- problems with compilers whose plain char is represented by an
- unsigned char.
- Add cleanups for allocated temporary storage.
- Start a subfile for the first file in the state machine.
- Fix off by one problem with dirs.dirs access.
- Use comp_dir when directory index is 0.
- Support multiple sequences (from Jason Merrill <>).
- (dwarf2_start_subfile): Try to keep line numbers from identical
- absolute and relative file names in a common subfile.
- (new_symbol): Allocate symbol and symbol name on the symbol_obstack.
- Set SYMBOL_LINE from DW_AT_decl_line if present.
- Set SYMBOL_TYPE from passed type if not NULL.
- Change DW_TAG_variable symbol types with missing type entries
- to a sensible type.
- Handle optimized_out, offreg and islocal storage classes.
- Add external symbols with type information whose address isn't
- known as LOC_UNRESOLVED symbols.
- Synthesize typedefs for C++ classes, structs, unions and enumerations.
- Handle DW_TAG_enumerator symbols, complain for unrecognized
- symbol tags.
- (die_type): A missing DW_AT_type represents a void type.
- Use dwarf2_get_ref_die_offset to get the absolute offset for
- the die reference.
- (die_containing_type): New function to build type from
- DW_AT_containing_type attribut.
- (read_type_die): Handle DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type.
- Treat DW_TAG_subprogram like DW_TAG_subroutine_type.
- (dwarf_base_type): Fix typo with creation of FT_UNSIGNED_SHORT
- fundamental type.
- (create_name): Removed, symbol name allocation is now done
- in new_symbol.
- (dump_die): Use print_address_numeric to print a CORE_ADDR.
- (dwarf2_empty_die_ref_table): New function to clear the die
- reference table.
- (dwarf2_get_ref_die_offset): New function to get the absolute
- die offset from a die reference attribute.
- (decode_locdesc): Complete rewrite using a stack, code mostly
- borrowed from dwarfread.c:locval.
- (dwarf_alloc_type): Removed, replaced by direct calls to alloc_type.
- (dwarf_alloc_block): Allocate block on temporary obstack.
- * elfread.c (elf_symtab_read): When handling Irix dynamic symbols,
- skip section name symbols and relocate all others.
- (elf_symfile_read): Build dwarf2 psymtab even if offset is non-zero.
- * irix5-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Handle core_reg_sect
- from N32 executables. Call registers_fetched after extracting
- the registers.
- (obj_list_variant, struct link_map, LM_OFFSET, LM_ADDR): New
- definitions to enable support of O32 and N32 format objlists.
- (struct so_list): New members offset, so_name and lmstart to
- eliminate dependencies from the objlist format used.
- (solib_map_sections, symbol_add_stub, solib_add,
- info_sharedlibrary_command, solib_address, clear_solib): Use
- so_name and LM_OFFSET.
- (first_link_map_member): Rewrite to enable support of O32 and N32
- format objlists.
- (next_link_map_member, xfer_link_map_member): New functions to
- support O32 and N32 format objlists.
- (find_solib): Use first_link_map_member, next_link_map_member and
- xfer_link_map_member.
- (solib_create_inferior_hook): Use TARGET_SIGNAL_* instead of
- host signal numbers.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_partial_symbols, handle_psymbol_enumerators):
- Pass CORE_ADDR variant to add_psymbol_to_list.
- * mips-tdep.c (heuristic_proc_desc): Stop examining the prologue
- if we encounter a positive stack adjustment. Handle `move $30,$sp'.
- Handle `sd reg,offset($sp)' for 32 bit ABIs.
- * symmisc.c (dump_msymbols, print_partial_symbols): Use
- print_address_numeric to print a SYMBOL_VALUE_ADDRESS.
- (dump_symtab): Print compilation directory if it is not NULL.
- * valops.c (search_struct_field, value_struct_elt_for_reference):
- address of a static member.
-Thu Nov 28 00:46:24 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * vax-tdep.c (vax_print_insn): Made static, modified to take
- disassemble_info as parameter.
- (_initialize_vax_tdep): New function to initialize tm_print_insn
- to vax_print_insn.
-Wed Nov 27 11:29:06 1996 Michael Snyder <>
- * blockframe.c: Remove old-style CALL_DUMMY code.
- * h8300-tdep.c, config/h8300/tm-h8300.h: Ditto.
- * m32r-tdep.c, config/m32r/tm-m32r.h: Ditto.
- * sh-tdep.c, config/sh/tm-sh.h: Ditto.
- * v850-tdep.c, config/v850/tm-v850.h: Ditto.
-Wed Nov 27 10:32:14 1996 Michael Snyder <>
- * breakpoint.c: DELETE command will not delete CALL_DUMMY breakpoint.
- * blockframe.c: Add target-independant support for managing
- CALL_DUMMY frames on the host side.
- * frame.h: Declarations for generic CALL_DUMMY frame support.
- * h8300-tdep.c: Add target function calls using generic frame support.
- * config/h8300/tm-h8300.h: config for generic target function calls.
- * m32r-tdep.c: Add target function calls using generic frame support.
- * config/m32r/tm-m32r.h: config for generic target function calls.
- * sh-tdep.c: Add target function calls using generic frame support.
- * config/sh/tm-sh.h: config for generic target function calls.
- * v850-tdep.c: Add target function calls using generic frame support.
- * config/v850/tm-v850.h: config for generic target function calls.
- * valops.c: ADD PUSH_RETURN_ADDRESS so that it doesn't have to be
- done by PUSH_ARGUMENTS when there's no CALL_DUMMY.
-Tue Nov 26 19:21:35 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (ADDR_BITS_REMOVE, TARGET_READ_SP): Define.
- (mips_addr_bits_remove): Declare.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_push_dummy_frame): Fix heuristic-fence-post
- errors when hitting breakpoints during inferior function calls
- in 64-bit programs.
- (fix_sign_extension): Make public, rename to mips_addr_bits_remove.
- * utils.c (paddr_nz, preg_nz): New functions, similar to
- paddr and preg but don't print leading zeroes.
- * defs.h (paddr_nz, preg_nz): Declare.
- * remote-mips.c: Use paddr_nz instead of paddr throughout
- to reduce packet size.
- (pmon_end_download): Improve timeout error handling.
-Tue Nov 26 17:21:37 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * configure: Rebuild with autoconf 2.12.
-Mon Nov 25 13:17:16 1996 Fred Fish <>
- From: Paul Eggert <>
- * remote-bug.c (wait_strings): Avoid creating a trigraph.
-Fri Nov 22 15:55:22 1996 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * valops.c (value_at, value_fetch_lazy): Put in D10V call
- to fix up address pointers.
- * values.c (value_from_longest): Removed previous d10v changes.
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h (TARGET_PTR_BIT): Change to 4 bytes.
-Fri Nov 22 10:06:19 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * config/i386/nm-i386v4.h (LOSING_POLL): Define, needed for
- Unixware 1.1.2.
-Thu Nov 21 19:13:58 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * mips-tdep.c: Replace hard-coded constants with MIPS_INSTLEN.
- (common_breakpoint): Use paddr instead of %x to print 64-bit values.
- (heuristic_proc_desc): Add tests for 64-bit instructions.
- (init_extra_frame_info, mips_push_arguments): Recognize additional
- registers for EABI.
- * remote-mips.c: Extend DDB target to allow TFTP downloads.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (MIPS_LAST_ARG_REGNUM, MIPS_NUM_ARG_REGS):
- Define.
-Wed Nov 20 19:09:16 1996 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * infcmd.c (do_registers_info): Call val_print with the
- virtual buf instead of the raw buf. Needed for REGISTER_CONVERT
- to work with non-floating point regs.
- * d10v-tdep.c (d10v_skip_prologue): If we have line debugging
- information, then the end of the prologue should the first
- assembly instruction of the first source line.
- * values.c (value_from_longest): Put in D10V call to
- fix up address pointers.
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h (REGISTER_VIRTUAL_SIZE): Modified.
- (REGISTER_CONVERTIBLE): Make PC and SP convertible.
- (D10V_MAKE_DADDR): Define.
- (D10V_MAKE_IADDR): Define.
-Wed Nov 20 16:15:15 1996 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * config/i386/ add MMALLOC_CFLAGS = -I$(MMALLOC_SRC)
- -DMMCHECK_FORCE=1 so memory checks are loaded for cygwin32 gdb
-Wed Nov 20 00:43:09 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * callback.h: Delete, moved to ../include.
- * callback.c: Delete, moved to ../sim/common.
- * (SFILES,COMMON_OBJS): Delete callback.[co].
- (callback.o): Delete rule.
- * remote-sim.h: No longer include callback.h.
- (sim_callback_write_stdout): Delete prototype.
- * remote-sim.c (init_callbacks,end_callbacks): New functions.
- (gdb_os_write_stdout, gdb_os_printf_filtered): New functions.
- (gdb_callback, callbacks_initialized): New static globals.
- (gdbsim_open): Call init_callbacks.
- (gdbsim_close): Call end_callbacks.
- (simulator_command): Call init_callbacks.
- * config/h8300/ (SIM): Change to ../sim/h8300/libsim.a.
- * config/h8500/ (SIM): Change to ../sim/h8500/libsim.a.
-Mon Nov 18 15:58:05 1996 Jim Wilson <>
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (FIX_CALL_DUMMY): Change unsigned LONGEST
-Fri Nov 15 15:34:18 1996 Fred Fish <>
- From Peter Schauer <Peter.Schauer@Regent.E-Technik.TU-Muenchen.DE>
- * procfs.c (wait_fd): Handle EINTR error return from poll
- by restarting the poll.
- * defs.h (PIDGET): Define a default version that just
- returns its argument unchanged.
- * inflow.c (terminal_init_inferior): Eliminate #ifdef
- of PIDGET and fold both alternatives into common code.
- (pass_signal): Use PIDGET for pid passed to kill().
-Thu Nov 14 15:54:20 1996 Michael Meissner <>
- * utils.c (paddr,preg): Use a static variable initialized to 32
- instead of doing addr>>32 to eliminate a warning produced by GCC
- on 32-bit systems.
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h (ULONGEST): Define.
-Tue Nov 12 12:25:27 1996 Jim Wilson <>
- * c-typeprint.c (cp_type_print_method_args): Pass -1 for show in
- recursive call to type_print.
-Tue Nov 12 12:18:29 1996 Jim Wilson <>
- * defs.h (ULONGEST): New macro.
- * alpha-tdep.c, breakpoint.c, c-exp.y, ch-exp.c, convex-xdep.c,
- corefile.c, defs.h, f-exp.y, findvar.c, gdbcore.h, m2-exp.y,
- m88k-tdep.c, printcmd.c, remote-hms.c, remote-mips.c, sparc-tdep.c,
- valarith.c, valops.c, values.c, config/gould/tm-np1.h,
- config/mips/tm-mips.h, mswin/prebuilt/gdb/cexptab.c,
- mswin/prebuilt/gdb/fexptab.c, mswin/prebuilt/gdb/m2exptab.c:
- Change all occurances of unsigned LONGEST to ULONGEST.
- * (mips-sgi-irix6): Add.
-Tue Nov 12 12:16:40 1996 Michael Snyder <>
- * sh-tdep.c: Add functionality for target function calls.
- * config/sh/tm-sh.h: Add support for target function calls.
-Tue Nov 12 12:06:58 1996 Michael Snyder <>
- * m32r-tdep.c: Add functionality for target function calls.
- * valops.c: Small change to support target function calls.
- * config/m32r/tm-m32r.h: Add support for target function calls.
-Mon Nov 11 17:15:59 1996 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * defs.h: Modify Nov 11 12:59:00 change so _MSC_VER is checked
- instead of _WIN32.
- * win32-nat.c: Fix Nov 11 12:59:00 change (windows.h should
- be included instead of windefs.h for compilers other than
- VC++).
- * mswin/windefs.h: Remove ^Ms and change C++ style comments
- to C style comments.
-Mon Nov 11 14:32:38 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * utils.c (get_cell): Fix off-by-one bug.
- * mips-tdep.c (get_frame_pointer, fix_sign_extension):
- New functions to consolidate common code.
- (mips_frame_chain, init_extra_frame_info): Use new functions
- to fix problems with backtrace and finish commands on ddb board.
-Mon Nov 11 12:59:00 1996 Dawn Perchik <>
- * mips-tdep.c, remote-mips.c, values.c, mdebugread.c,
- config/mips/tm-mips.h: Add/fix bugs for 64-bit mips support.
- * defs.h: Cleanup; add prototypes.
- * corefile.c: Change FIXME #ifdef
- * win32-nat.c: Include windefs instead of windows.h.
- * utils.c: Add routines for printing addresses and registers
- based on type size.
-Sat Nov 9 01:05:10 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * alpha-tdep.c (heuristic_proc_desc): Stop examining the prologue
- if we encounter a positive stack adjustment.
- (find_proc_desc): If heuristic_fence_post is non-zero, use
- heuristic_proc_start to determine the start of a function before
- calling heuristic_proc_desc.
- * coffread.c (coff_symtab_read): Change minimal symbol types
- for C_LABEL symbols from mst_* to mst_file_*.
- * config/m68k/ (MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Define MMCHECK_FORCE to 1.
- * Handle error message from sun3 native ld when
- configuring HLDFLAGS.
- * configure: Regenerated with autoconf.
- * c-valprint.c (c_value_print): Adjust value address by VALUE_OFFSET.
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_print_value): Prevent gdb crashes by making sure
- that the virtual base pointer from an user object still points to
- accessible memory.
- * dbxread.c (dbx_symfile_init): Initialize sym_stab_info to
- clear the recently added header_files fields.
- (dbx_symfile_finish): Free hfiles[i].vector to avoid storage leak.
-Fri Nov 8 14:30:23 1996 Michael Snyder <>
- * config/tm-sh.h: Added a missing comma in middle of
-Fri Nov 8 12:29:51 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * monitor.c: Fix some formatting and comments.
- * remote-sim.c (simulator_command): Set up callbacks before
- entering the simulator.
-Thu Nov 7 15:19:08 1996 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * d10v-tdep.c: Fix some problems with inferior function calls.
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h (EXTRA_FRAME_INFO): Change dummy to be
- a pointer to the dummy's stack instead of just a flag.
-Tue Nov 5 10:21:02 1996 Michael Snyder <>
- * m32r-tdep.c: Improved frame_chain and fn prologue analysis.
- * config/tm-m32r.h: Add framesize and register to extra_frame_info.
-Tue Nov 5 10:08:07 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * mswin/gdbwin.h: Remove bogus definition of CORE_ADDR.
- * mswin/srcwin.cpp (CSrcScroll1::CSrcScroll1): Initialize depth
- to fix divide-by-zero problem with clicking on source window.
-Mon Nov 4 00:48:37 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * mswin/recordit: Fix problem with absolute paths.
- * mswin/recordit: Fix problem with relative paths.
-Sun Nov 3 18:06:42 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * mswin/{ configure}: New files for
- configuring wingdb under Unix.
-Sat Nov 2 03:54:13 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * irix5-nat.c, osfsolib.c, solib.c (symbol_add_stub): Handle
- missing or zero-sized .text sections properly.
- * mdebugread.c: Handle scRConst and scSUndefined storage classes.
- * stabsread.c (scan_file_globals): Try to resolve symbols
- for shared libraries from the minimal symbol table of the main
- executable first.
-Fri Nov 1 13:59:28 1996 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * d10v-tdep.c, config/d10v/tm-d10v.h: Major fixes to support
- inferior function calls and proper stack backtracing on D10V-EVA
- board.
-Fri Nov 1 10:50:51 1996 Michael Meissner <>
- * config/powerpc/ (NATDEPFILES): Fix up things so that it
- links.
- * monitor.c (dev_name,targ_ops): Move static variables before
- first use, to avoid compiler warnings.
-Thu Oct 31 16:37:17 1996 Michael Snyder <>
- * m32r-tdep.c: Improved frame_chain and fn prologue analysis.
- * configure.tgt: Add entry for m32r target.
- * monitor.h: Add a flag to tell monitor_store_register to use
- (val, regno) instead of (regno, val).
- * monitor.c: Make monitor_store_register honor the above flag.
- Make monitor_exp ignore DC1/DC3 for m32r.
- Increase buf size in monitor_dump_regs.
-Wed Oct 30 18:14:14 1996 Michael Snyder <>
- * m32r-tdep.c, m32r-rom.c: New files.
- * config/m32r/ New file.
- * config/m32r/tm-m32r.h: New file.
-Tue Oct 29 16:56:01 1996 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * config/i386/xm-cygwin32.h:
- * config/powerpc/xm-cygwin32.h:
- add #define LSEEK_NOT_LINEAR so source lines aren't unexpectedly
- truncated.
-Tue Oct 29 18:36:43 1996 Michael Meissner <>
- * config/powerpc/tm-ppc-eabi.h (TARGET_BYTE_ORDER_SELECTABLE):
- Define.
-Tue Oct 29 14:59:20 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * TODO: Add item suggesting an "info bfd" command.
-Tue Oct 29 12:48:04 1996 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * d10v-tdep.c: Snapshot that supports D10V-EVA board.
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h (REGISTER_NAMES): Add imap0,imap1,dmap.
-Mon Oct 28 17:34:24 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * mswin/genmakes mswin/recordit: New scripts to generate make
- files for MSVC.
-Sun Oct 27 20:18:04 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * config/mips/{tm-vr5000.h,tm-vr5000el.h,,}:
- New files.
- * configure.tgt: Modify cases for vr5000 to use new files.
-Sat Oct 26 07:15:14 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * config/alpha/ (XM_CLIBS): Add -lm for OSF/1-4.0.
- * procfs.c (proc_set_exec_trap): Under Alpha OSF/1-4.0, tracing
- the entry to the exit system call to detect termination of the
- inferior stopped working. Trace termination of the inferior via
- PRFS_STOPTERM instead.
- (procfs_init_inferior): Do not trace entry to exit system call
- if PIOCSSPCACT is defined.
- (procfs_wait): Handle PR_DEAD event, which signals the termination
- of the inferior if PRFS_STOPTERM is set.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Ignore stNil section
- start address symbols.
- * sparc-tdep.c (get_saved_register): Get saved PC from the
- frame info if not in innermost frame.
-Thu Oct 24 10:51:45 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): Interpret end-of-function
- markers correctly; this fixes problem on Vr5000 where all
- functions in a module had the same address.
- *, configure.tgt,, gdbserver/
- Correct for pc-linux-gnu problem in config.guess.
- * configure: Regenerate.
-Thu Oct 24 10:06:58 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * dbxread.c: Don't swap symbols in place, since internal and
- external forms may have different sizes. Don't assume that an
- internal_nlist has the same layout as an external_nlist. Create
- symbol for n_strx element so to hide specifics of nlist from
- partial-stab.h.
- * partial-stab.h: Don't reference dbxread symbols directly. Use
- CUR_SYMBOL_STRX instead.
- * config/i386/xm-windows.h: Define SIGQUIT and SIGTRAP.
- * config/v850/tm-v850.h: Define PS_REGNUM and TARGET_V850 for
- MSVC builds.
- * mswin/gdbwin.c (reg_order): Define register order for V850.
- * mswin/gui.cpp (CGuiApp::InitInstance): Define target name for
- V850.
- * mswin/regdoc.h: Define MAXREGS for V850.
-Tue Oct 22 16:28:20 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * v850-tdep.c (scan_prologue): Changes to deal with scheduled
- prologues correctly. First, prologue end is now defined by
- presence of a branch, jump or call insn. Second, can no longer
- fix frame offsets because we may not know the offset until after a
- register has been saved.
- * (v850_init_extra_frame_info): Fixup frame offsets here because
- we have all the info at this time.
- * (v850_frame_chain): Use new calling convention for scan_prologue.
-Tue Oct 22 10:25:29 1996 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * d10v-tdep.c, config/d10v/tm-d10v.h: Changes to allow stack
- backtraces and inferior function calls.
-Tue Oct 22 10:32:46 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw-make.sed: Update init.c editing to work with Oct 8 change.
- (@HLDFLAGS@): Always edit out.
-Mon Oct 21 18:17:08 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * mdebugread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Fix 64-bit
- sign-extension problems in calculating psymtab addresses.
- * buildsym.c (end_symtab): Use macro to pop context.
-Mon Oct 21 14:40:50 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * v850-tdep.c: Cleanup lots of things. Add many comments.
- * v850-tdep.c (v850_init_extra_frame_info v850_frame_chain): Fix
- sign bugs with scanning prologues. Get a little smarter about
- calculating the length of uninteresting instructions.
-Mon Oct 21 14:01:38 1996 Michael Snyder <>
- * top.c: Add new commands "set annotate" and "show annotate".
-Sun Oct 20 04:38:39 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * corelow.c (core_close): Clear inferior_pid only if there is
- an open core_bfd.
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_print_value_fields): Pass correct address
- to val_print, not 0.
- From Andreas Schwab (
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard) [case BINOP_REPEAT]: Chase
- typedefs before checking for integral type of right operand.
-Fri Oct 18 17:26:22 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol): Fix crash when malloc has
- no type info and void type has no associated pointer type.
-Thu Oct 17 18:18:20 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * New file, host configuration mapping.
- * configure.tgt: New file, target configuration mapping.
- * Remove host and target mapping.
- * configure: Rebuild.
-Wed Oct 16 17:46:03 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * breakpoint.c (must_shift_inst_regs): New global.
- (bpstat_stop_status): Change #if uses of DECR_PC_AFTER_BREAK into
- equivalent expression uses.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Ditto.
-Wed Oct 16 01:53:43 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * v850-tdep.c (v850_push_arguments): Use symbolic names for arg
- registers.
- * config/v850/tm-v850.h: Change FP to 29. Define arg regs.
-Tue Oct 15 16:30:07 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * (init.c): Don't use -s option with grep. It means
- something different under Digital Unix.
- * buildsym.c (finish_block): Treat LOC_BASEREG_ARG and
- LOC_LOCAL_ARG as arguments so that GDB will know about function
- args declared this way. Mostly affects dwarf.
- * dwarfread.c (decode_die_type): Change default type from int to
- void. This allows GDB to recognize void functions.
- * (new_symbol): If AT_PROTOTYPED is present, set a flag in the
- type structure.
- * findvar.c (extract_floating store_floating): Clean up comments
- to reflect reality.
- * gdbtypes.h: Add TYPE_FLAG_PROTOTYPED so that we can tell if a
- function has a prototype. Currently, only dwarf supports this.
- * utils.c (floatformat_from_doublest): Fix logic error with
- converting from double to float. (It wasn't shifting mant_long if
- it had a hidden bit.)
- * v850-tdep.c: Add support for function calling. Fix some
- problems with debugging code w/o debug symbols.
- * config/v850/tm-v850.h: Ditto.
-Tue Oct 15 18:19:42 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * utils.c: Always ensure that size_t is defined. Check
- HAVE_STDDEF_H rather than __STDC__
- (xmalloc, xrealloc): Use size_t rather than long.
-Tue Oct 15 14:24:19 1996 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * config/powerpc/tm-ppc-eabi.h: Undefine NO_SINGLE_STEP so targets
- can use single-step commands.
-Sun Oct 13 11:38:25 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): If REG_STRUCT_HAS_ADDR is non-zero,
- follow typedefs before checking TYPE_CODE for structures and unions.
-Fri Oct 11 15:43:54 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * frame.h: Move definition of struct frame_saved_regs to before
- struct frame to make it possible to use frame_saved_regs in
- * v850-tdep.c config/v850/tm-v850.h: Lotsa new functions and
- macros to make frame operations (such as backtrace) work.
-Fri Oct 11 14:23:50 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): Check for null string directly
- rather than using strcmp against "".
- * partial-stab.h: Ditto.
-Fri Oct 11 12:18:32 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * gdbserver/{gdbreplay.c,low-linux.c,remote-utils.c,utils.c}:
- Make it compile on Linux and eliminate some warnings.
-Thu Oct 10 16:32:08 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * (init.c): Fixup final sed script to work around
- Linux bug with `p' operator.
-Wed Oct 9 18:02:48 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote-mips.c: Use the correct name everywhere (DDB) for NEC's
- VR4300 target.
- (ddb_ops, pmon_ops): Fix the documentation strings.
-Wed Oct 9 07:42:44 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * (init.c): Retro HPUX grep lacks -h option. Strip
- filenames with sed instead.
-Tue Oct 8 15:59:44 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * defs.h: Remove decls of xmalloc and xrealloc. There is a
- conflicting definition in libiberty.h.
-Tue Oct 8 11:47:13 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * dbxread.c (dbx_symfile_read): Call free_pending_blocks rather
- than poking global variable (which is now static).
- * hpread.c (hpread_build_psymtabs): Ditto.
- * os9kread.c (os9k_symfile_read): Ditto.
- * xcoffread.c (xcoff_initial_scan): Ditto.
- * buildsym.h (free_pending_blocks): Declare here.
- (pending_blocks): Remove declaration of global symbol.
- (free_pendings): Remove declaration of global symbol.
- (make_blockvector): Declare here.
- (record_pending_block): Declare here.
- * dstread.c (make_blockvector): Remove static copy that was old
- clone of version in buildsym.c.
- (process_dst_block): Call record_pending_block rather than doing
- it by hand.
- (read_dst_symtab): Ditto.
- * buildsym.c (make_blockvector): Make global rather than static,
- (record_pending_block): New function, code moved from finish_block.
- (finish_block): Use record_pending_block.
- (free_pending_blocks): New function.
- (really_free_pendings): Call free_pending_blocks.
- (pending_blocks): Make static instead of global.
- (free_pendings): Make static instead of global.
-Tue Oct 8 09:03:22 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * config/i386/ config/i386/xm-windows.h:: New config
- files to support building Wingdb (built under Microsoft build
- environment).
- * Add rule for hpux-thread.o (needs special header
- files).
- * (SUBDIRS): Remove mswin.
- * Change procedure for creating init.c. Speeds things up quite a
- bit.
- * configure Check for select, poll.
- * Check for OSF header files before including hpux-thread.o.
- * Don't configure doc or testsuite when building under MSVC.
- * findvar.c value.h (read_register_pid write_register_pid): Make
- global. Needed for hppa-tdep.c.
- * (supply_register): Don't set pid to inferior_pid when supplying
- registers.
- * hppa-tdep.c (saved_pc_after_call): frame_saved_pc ->
- * (frame_saved_pc): Change name to hppa_frame_saved_pc.
- * (hppa_pop_frame): Don't use a pid of 0 with target_write_pc.
- Use write_pc instead, which uses the correct pid.
- * (target_read_pc target_write_pc): Use read/write_register_pid
- instead of read/write_register to preserve the pid passed in.
- * inftarg.c (child_can_run): Add flag child_suppress_run to allow
- hpux-threads.c to override this as a runnable target.
- * config/pa/nm-hppah.h: Define target_new_objfile and
- target_pid_to_str.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (FRAME_SAVED_PC): Use hppa_frame_saved_pc
- instead of frame_saved_pc.
- * config/m68k/tm-m68k.h: Define TARGET_M68K for Wingdb.
- * config/m68k/tm-monitor.h: Use FRAME_CHAIN_VALID_ALTERNATE, since
- we can't easily determine the start file bounds with ELF.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h: Define TARGET_MIPS for Wingdb.
- * hpux-thread.c: New file for HPUX/OSF thread support.
- * osf-share/{README AT386/cma_thread_io.h HP800/cma_thread_io.h
- RIOS/cma_thread_io.h cma_attr.h cma_deb_core.h cma_debug_client.h
- cma_errors.h cma_handle.h cma_init.h cma_list.h cma_mutex.h
- cma_sched.h cma_semaphore_defs.h cma_sequence.h cma_stack.h
- cma_stack_int.h cma_tcb_defs.h cma_util.h}: New files for OSF
- thread support.
-Sun Oct 6 15:48:09 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * buildsym.c (finish_block): Change innerblock_anon_complaint to
- print the addresses as part of the complaint. Add a complaint for
- cases where the block end address is smaller than the block start
- address, in case any such conditions slip through our fixup mechanism.
- * symmisc.c (dump_symtab): Only print blockvector for primary
- symtabs, to avoid massive duplication of output due to secondary
- symtabs that point to same blockvector. Also do some minor
- formatting tweaks.
-Mon Oct 7 10:42:32 1996 Per Bothner <>
- Replace header_files global by per-objfile field.
- * gdb-stabs.h (struct dbx_symfile_info): Add fields header_files,
- n_header_files, n_allocated_header_files.
- * stabsread.h (header_files, n_header_files, n_allocated_header_files):
- Replace externs by macros HEADER_FILES, N_HEADER_FILES, and
- * dbxread.c (dbx_symfile_finish): Free HEADER_FILES.
- (free_header_files, init_header-files): Don't free/init headerfiles.
- (various functions): Use macros instead of header_files globals.
- * stabsread.c (various functions): Likewise.
-Sun Oct 6 22:43:06 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * dwarf2read.c (read_tag_reference_type): New fn.
- (read_type_die): Call it.
- (dwarf_attr): Also look in the DIEs referred to by specification
- or abstract_origin attributes.
-Wed Oct 2 22:07:16 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * inferior.h (IN_SIGTRAMP): Pass pc to SIGTRAMP_START and
- * config/i386/tm-i386os9k.h (SIGTRAMP_START, SIGTRAMP_END):
- Define with dummy pc arg.
- * config/m68k/tm-nbsd.h: Ditto.
- * doc/gdbint.texinfo: Document that SIGTRAMP_START and
- SIGTRAMP_END are macros that take an single argument.
-Mon Sep 30 20:02:45 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * defs.h: Remove define of PRIVATE_XMALLOC.
-Mon Sep 30 15:39:28 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * config/v850/tm-v850.h: Use distinct register for PC, not EIPC.
-Mon Sep 30 11:16:34 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * top.c (execute_control_command): Free values from while_control
- and if_control conditions after evaluation to avoid storage leaks.
- From Peter Schauer.
-Fri Sep 27 17:43:06 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * configure Recognize v850 target.
- * v850-tdep.c: New file, NEC V850 target support.
- * config/v850/{ tm-v850.h}: New files for NEC V850 support.
-Fri Sep 27 14:48:15 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Update current_line and
- current_symtab when stepping continues in the middle of a new line.
-Fri Sep 27 10:25:30 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * top.c (print_gdb_version): Rewrote to comply with new GNU coding
- standards for the --version option.
- (print_gnu_advertisement): Remove, now part of print_gdb_version.
- (show_version): Remove call to print_gnu_advertisement.
- * top.h (print_gnu_advertisement): Remove prototype.
- * main.c (print_gdb_help): Move help to static function and
- add prototype.
- (main): Call print_gdb_help rather than inlining it.
- (main): Remove call to print_gnu_advertisement.
-Fri Sep 27 13:32:53 1996 Michael Meissner <>
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h (TARGET_{INT,PTR}_BIT): Define.
-Thu Sep 26 23:10:26 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- *, config/i386/tm-linux.h: Fix configure
- problem on older Linux systems that prevented core files
- from being recognized.
-Wed Sep 25 18:31:33 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * dbug-rom.c: New file, support for Motorola's dBUG monitor.
- * config/m68k/ (TDEPFILES): Add it.
- * NEWS: Mention it.
-Mon Sep 23 16:13:50 1996 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h (SAVED_PC_AFTER_CALL): Fixed.
- Now single-steps correctly.
- * d10v-tdep.c (d10v_pop_frame): Fixed.
-Fri Sep 20 16:10:58 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * config/sh/tm-sh.h (REGISTER_NAMES): Move fp registers to
- be consistent with GCC.
- (FPUL_REGNUM, etc): Renumber to match list changes.
- * sh-tdep.c (sh_reg_names, sh3_reg_names, sh3e_reg_names):
- Rearrange to match REGISTER_NAMES.
- * sh3-rom.c (sh3_regnames, sh3e_regnames): Ditto.
-Thu Sep 19 16:19:01 1996 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * d10v-tdep.c: Stack chain should work now.
-Tue Sep 17 18:46:57 1996 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * d10v-tdep.c, config/d10v/tm-d10v.h: Snapshot.
-Tue Sep 17 12:20:50 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Add cases for MIPS 5000 like MIPS 4300.
- * configure: Rebuild.
-Tue Sep 17 12:09:00 1996 Dawn Perchik <>
- * ser-e7kpc.c: Added wingdb support for target e7000pc.
-Tue Sep 17 10:56:52 1996 James G. Smith <>
- * remote-mips.c (pmon_wait): DDB PMON does not require forced
- re-entry back into debug mode.
-Mon Sep 16 14:32:58 1996 James G. Smith <>
- * remote-mips.c (mips_load): Ensure that the PC is explicitly
- loaded after a load to a DDB PMON system.
-Fri Sep 13 12:02:39 1996 Fred Fish <>
- (HLDENV): Set to @HLDENV@.
- (gdb): Prefix link command line with $(HLDENV).
- * Add support to test for --enable-shared and
- generate appropriate values for HLDFLAGS and HLDENV.
- * configure: Regenerated with autoconf.
-Sun Sep 8 15:26:27 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * alpha-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Match Sep 4 gdbcore.h prototype
- change for core_read_registers in struct core_fns.
- * core-regset.c (fetch_core_registers): Ditto & add prototype.
- * core-sol2.c (fetch_core_registers): Ditto & add prototype.
- * i386aix-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Ditto & add prototype.
- * i386b-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Ditto.
- * i386mach-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Ditto & add prototype.
- * irix4-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Ditto.
- * irix5-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Ditto.
- * lynx-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Ditto & add prototype.
- * m68knbsd-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Ditto.
- * mips-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Ditto & add prototype.
- * rs6000-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Ditto.
- * sparc-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Ditto.
- * sun3-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Ditto & add prototype.
- * ultra3-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Ditto & add prototype.
- * alpha-nat.c (register_addr): Match Sep 4 gdbcore.h prototype change.
- * delta68-nat.c (register_addr): Ditto.
- * gdbserver/low-linux.c (register_addr): Ditto.
- * gdbserver/low-hppabsd.c (register_addr): Ditto.
- * i386m3-nat.c (register_addr): Ditto.
- * mips-nat.c (register_addr): Ditto.
- * ultra3-nat.c (register_addr): Ditto.
-Sun Sep 8 15:14:00 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * blockframe.c (inside_main_func): Cleanup slightly. Move
- mainsym def into the block it's used in.
- * configure: Allow NATDEPFILES to be recognized in
- .mh files regardless of whitespace.
- * cpu32bug-rom.c (cpu32bug_cmds): Change load_response string to
- keep downloads from hanging.
- * remote-wiggler.c: Add support for flash upgrades.
- * (wiggler_error): Fix message format. Add new error code.
- * (wiggler_write_byets): Error code is hex. Report errors with
- proper routine name.
- * (wiggler_read_byets): Report errors with proper routine name.
- * (get_packet): Add support for new flash commands.
- * (wiggler_load): Call clear_symtab_users() to reset things
- properly after download.
- * (flash_xfer_memory bdm_update_flash_command): New funxtions to
- support flash upgrades for Wiggler.
- * (_initialize_remote_wiggler): Add `bdm update-flash' command.
-Fri Sep 6 13:14:13 1996 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * ser-tcp.c: don't include netinet/tcp.h if __CYGWIN32__
-Thu Sep 5 17:05:13 1996 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * config/i386/
- * config/powerpc/ build ser-tcp.o for both hosts
-Thu Sep 5 12:09:13 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * value.h (COERCE_REF): Fix previous change.
- (COERCE_ENUM): Add a check_typedef (this is the real fix).
-Thu Sep 5 03:28:30 1996 Wilfried Moser <>
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard): In case of OP_ARRAY: make a
- better check of array boundaries.
-Thu Sep 5 01:29:42 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * configure: Update aclocal.m4 and re-run autoconf to get correct
- defs for BFD stuff.
- * remote-wiggler.c (wiggler_error): Error codes are hex. Also,
- fix default message generation.
-Wed Sep 4 17:28:40 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * Add mswin to SUBDIRS. Add rules for
- mswin/libwingdb.a and remote-wiggler.o.
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_here_p): Clean up bp enabled test.
- * (breakpoint_inserted_here_p): New func, just like
- breakpoint_here_p, except it's honest. Honestly.
- * breakpoint.h: Proto for above.
- * configure Add mswin to configdirs if host is
- i[3456]86-*-windows.
- * core-aout.c (fetch_core_registers register_addr) gdbcore.h:
- Change all vars that can contain addresses to type CORE_ADDR.
- * findvar.c (supply_register): Allow val to be NULL. This means
- that regno is unsupported.
- * (read_pc read_pc_pid write_pc write_pc_pid): Make non-pid forms
- just call pid forms with inferior_pid so that there's only once
- place to hack PC's and such.
- * infrun.c (proceed): Don't skip breakpoints if user changed PC.
- * remote-wiggler.c: New file. Support for BDM interface from
- Macraigor Systems.
- * serial.c: Enhance serial logging capability. Add hex and octal
- output modes (set remotelogbase {hex|octal|ascii}. Also log
- breaks, timeouts, errors, and eofs.
- * serial.h: Redefine SERIAL_SEND_BREAK to go through a wrapper
- function so that we can log breaks. Don't export serial_logfile
- or serial_logfp.
- * top.c (execute_command): Don't test for serial_logfp here.
- Just call serial_log_comand, and let serial.c sort it out.
- * valops.c (value_of_variable): Don't attempt to establish frames
- for static and global variables. This makes things work a bit
- better if the stack or frame pointer is trashed.
- * config/m68k/ (TDEPFILES): Add remote-wiggler.o.
- * config/m68k/tm-m68k.h: Define STACK_ALIGN. CPU32 can't hack
- misaligned stacks during function calls.
-Wed Sep 4 13:06:26 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * terminal.h: Don't use #elif.
-Wed Sep 4 06:49:35 1996 Wilfried Moser <>
- * ch-exp.c (parse_tuple_element): Allow (*): for array tuples
- if we have a type.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard): In case of OP_ARRAY:
- check number of args against bounds of array to avoid
- memory corruption.
- * value.h (COERCE_REF): Do a CHECK_TYPEDEF in case we get
-Fri Aug 30 15:07:14 1996 James G. Smith <>
- * remote-mips.c: Provide support for DDBVR4300 target board.
- (ddb_open, ddb_ops): Added.
- (mips_monitor_type): MON_DDB Added.
- (mips_enter_debug, mips_exit_debug, mips_initialize,
- mips_fetch_registers, common_breakpoint, mips_load,
- _initialize_remote_mips): Updated.
-Thu Aug 29 17:00:18 1996 Michael Meissner <>
- * nlm/ (i[345]86-*-*): Recognize i686 for pentium pro.
- * nlm/configure: Regenerate.
- * gdbserver/ (i[345]86-*-*): Recognize i686 for
- pentium pro.
-Wed Aug 28 13:11:15 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * If CY_AC_PATH_TCLCONFIG can't find TCL, don't run
- * configure: Rebuild.
-Tue Aug 27 12:40:40 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Initialize stop_func_end before calling
- find_pc_partial_function.
-Tue Aug 27 10:17:34 1996 Michael Meissner <>
- * configure: Regenerate again.
-Tue Aug 27 04:25:08 1996 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * work around host_alias configure bug.
- AC_CANONICAL_HOST is called twice (first by AC_CHECK_TOOL
- and second by AC_CANONICAL_SYSTEM). The second clobbers the
- previous setting. Circumventing by moving the second check
- to before the first.
- * configure: regenerated
-Mon Aug 26 18:36:54 1996 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * config/d10v/ New file.
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h: New file.
- * New target D10V.
- * d10v-tdep.c: New file.
-Sun Aug 25 00:09:47 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * rs6000-tdep.c: Fix typo in comment.
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): Set using_gcc to 2
- for code compiled without -g, per comment in code.
- * config/a29k/tm-a29k.h (STACK_ALIGN): Add comment.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h (STACK_ALIGN): Add comment.
- * config/sparc/tm-sp64.h (STACK_ALIGN): Add comment.
- * config/pyr/tm-pyr.h (STACK_ALIGN): Add comment.
- * config/m88k/tm-m88k.h (STACK_ALIGN): Add comment.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (PUSH_ARGUMENTS): Enclose args in ()'s.
- (STACK_ALIGN): Add comment, move to be with other associated
- macros, and document.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (PUSH_ARGUMENTS): Enclose args in ()'s.
- (STACK_ALIGN): Remove completely, handled by PUSH_ARGUMENTS.
- * config/alpha/tm-alpha.h (PUSH_ARGUMENTS): Enclose args in ()'s.
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h (STACK_ALIGN): Remove completely,
- handled by PUSH_ARGUMENTS.
- (PUSH_ARGUMENTS): Enclose args in ()'s.
-Fri Aug 23 13:55:05 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Try to reenable shared library
- breakpoints even if auto_solib_load is not set.
-Wed Aug 21 16:31:27 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * valprint.c (print_longest): Test for CC_HAS_LONG_LONG as well as
- * expprint.c (dump_expression): Ditto.
- * Fix check for long long support in compiler to
- use a function body, not a nested function.
- * configure: Rebuild with autoconf.
-Tue Aug 20 17:59:42 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * aclocal.m4: Include ../bfd/aclocal.m4.
- * Add stdlib.h to AC_CHECK_HEADERS. Call
- BFD_NEED_DECLARATION on malloc, realloc, and free.
- * acconfig.h: Add NEED_DECLARATION_MALLOC,
- * configure, Rebuild.
- * defs.h: Include <stddef.h> and <stdlib.h> based on HAVE_*_H
- rather than __STDC__. Only declare malloc, realloc, and free if
- NEED_DECLARATION_* is defined.
-Tue Aug 20 15:37:03 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * solib.c (_initialize_solib): Add missing '\' chars at ends of
- strings that continue on next line.
- (enable_break): Replace "return 0" with setting success to zero
- and letting normal return handle the return.
-Sat Aug 17 14:16:23 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_push_arguments): Make sure sp and struct_addr
- are properly aligned.
-Fri Aug 16 17:54:26 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * rs6000-tdep.c (rs6000_fix_call_dummy): Add full set of arguments.
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h (FIX_CALL_DUMMY): Pass all arguments
- to function, declare function correctly.
-Fri Aug 16 17:24:35 1996 Dawn Perchik <>
- * symtab.h: changed namespace to _namespace for compiling under
- MFC v4.0.
-Fri Aug 16 13:52:21 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw-make.sed: Update for various recent changes, add some
- comments.
-Fri Aug 16 15:47:36 1996 Michael Meissner <>
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h (FIX_CALL_DUMMY): Cast args to be an
- integer for type correctness.
-Fri Aug 16 15:15:37 1996 James G. Smith <>
- * config/mips/{,} (SIM): Add -lm when
- simulator is included.
-Thu Aug 15 13:44:13 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * findvar.c (write_register_pid): Only needed when TARGET_WRITE_PC
- is not defined.
- (read_register_pid): Only needed when TARGET_READ_PC is not
- defined.
- * hppa-tdep.c (frame_saved_pc): Remove prototype.
- * infptrace.c (udot_info): Prototype when CHILD_XFER_MEMORY is
- not defined.
- * config/xm-aix4.h (aix_resizewindow): Convert old style decl
- to prototype.
- * xcoffsolib.c (command.h): Include for needed prototypes.
-Wed Aug 14 17:54:19 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * config/i386/ Set NAT_FILE to nm-empty.h to make
- native work.
-Wed Aug 14 02:03:42 1996 Fred Fish <>
- From Blair MacIntyre <>:
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_fix_call_dummy): Use MSYMBOL_TYPE rather
- than SYMBOL_TYPE on msymbols.
- * somsolib.c (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Ditto.
- * (init.c): Generate with prototypes.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (frame_saved_pc): Add prototype.
- * config/rs6000/xm-rs6000.h (aix_resizewindow): Ditto.
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h (frame_initial_stack_address): Ditto.
- (pc_load_segment_name): Ditto.
- (pop_frame): Ditto.
- (extract_return_value): Ditto.
- (is_magic_function_pointer): Ditto.
- (push_dummy_frame): Ditto.
- (fix_call_dummy): Ditto.
- (push_arguments): Ditto.
- (skip_trampoline_code): Ditto.
- (aix_process_linenos): Ditto.
- * config/m68k/tm-cisco.h (get_longjmp_target): Add prototype.
- * config/m68k/tm-es1800.h: Ditto.
- * config/m68k/tm-vx68.h: Ditto.
- * config/m68k/tm-sun3.h: Ditto.
- * config/m68k/tm-m68kv4.h: Ditto.
-Tue Aug 13 23:04:36 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * config/mips/nm-mips.h (get_longjmp_target): Add prototype.
- * config/mips/nm-irix3.h (get_longjmp_target): Add prototype.
- * remote-mips.c (mips_read_processor_type): Remove prototype.
- * mips-tdep.c (gdb_print_insn_mips): Add prototype and make static.
- * irix5-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Add prototype.
-Mon Aug 12 21:23:44 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * remote-pa.c (boot_board): Add dummy params to make type compatible
- for passing to add_com.
- * scm-exp.c (scm_lreadr): Ensure svalue is not used uninitialized.
- * buildsym.c (compare_line_numbers): Change function to match
- prototype and also what qsort expects.
-Mon Aug 12 19:19:00 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * remote.c: Make remote_write_size public.
- * sh-tdep.c (_initialize_sh_tdep): Set remote_write_size to 300
- to prevent packet errors with some versions of CMON.
-Mon Aug 12 16:20:58 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * defs.h: Define CONST_PTR as blank if compiling with Microsoft
- C, else it's `const'.
- * c-lang.c c-lang.h ch-lang.c f-lang.c language.c m2-lang.c
- scm-lang.c: Microsoft C can't hack const pointers. Use CONST_PTR
- macro instead.
- * configure defs.h: Use AC_C_CONST to figure out if
- the compiler supports const. Gets rid of some cruft in defs.h.
- * dwarf2read.c: <string.h> -> "gdb_string.h"
- * remote-sim.c: Add prototypes. Fix call to gdbsim_kill.
- * sparcl-tdep.c (download): Add prototypes to write_routine and
- start_routine args.
- * mswin/gdbwin.c: Don't include both varargs.h AND stdarg.h. Get
- rid of varargs.h Include string.h.
- * (gdbwin_update gdbwin_fputs regs_changed_f bpt_changed_f
- update): Fix prototypes, fix calls.
- * (update): Return value for catch_errors.
- * (run_execute_command togdb_command_from_tty togdb_command):
- Cleanup catching of errors from calls to execute_command. Also,
- dup command string to avoid modifying const strings.
- * (togdb_breakinfo_i_init togdb_breakinfo_i_next): Use 0 instead
- of NULL when see if b->address isn't set.
- * (bi_disable_bpt bi_enable_bpt bi_delete_all
- bi_delete_breakpoint): Add arg to calls to update.
- * (gui_command): Add prototype.
- * (mswin_query): Fix prototype.
- * (_initialize_gdbwin): Dup string to avoid modifying const.
- * (info_path togdb_get_info_path): Remove const from decls cuz
- this can't be const (it points at malloc'ed memory).
- * (togdb_searchpath): Remove const from path. Dup string to
- avoid modifying const strings.
- * rindex -> strrchr.
- * (gdbwin_list_symbols): Regexp param is const.
- * Fix lots of refs to psymtabs to deref correct pointers.
- * (togdb_set_breakpoint_sal): Call set_breakpoint_sal with sal,
- not &sal.
- * mswin/gdbwin.h (togdb_searchpath togdb_get_info_path
- toget_set_info_path): Fix prototypes to match reality.
- * mswin/gui.cpp: Define _beginthreadex and _endthreadex routines
- with proper prototypes.
- * mswin/iface.cpp (gdbwin_fputs): Define with correct number of args.
- * mswin/ser-win32s.c: Fix defs of min and max.
- * mswin/serdll32.c (OpenComm16): Make cbInQueue and cbOutQueue be
- * (WriteComm16): Change lpBug from LPVOID to LPCSTR.
- * mswin/serdll32.h: Fix prototypes for OpenComm16 and WriteComm16.
-Sun Aug 11 20:54:16 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * main.c (main): Make sure command loop is used with cygwin32.
- * terminal.h: Allow cygwin32 to use termios.h.
-Fri Aug 9 12:42:49 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * somread.c (som_symtab_read): Handle secondary definition
- symbols (aka weak symbols).
- * config/tm-hppa.h (EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE): Fix thinko in
- last change.
-Thu Aug 8 10:12:36 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * symfile.c (symfile_bfd_open): Change ifdef from __WIN32__ to
- _WIN32.
- * somread.c: Rearrange order of includes to fix warnings under
- hpux-10.10. Also don't include sys/file.h.
-Wed Aug 7 21:45:52 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * dbxread.c: Don't include param.h or sys/file.h.
- * (dbx_symfile_read): Determine symfile_relocatable from bfd
- flags instead of file extension. Also clean up a little bit.
-Wed Aug 7 17:18:37 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * dwarf2read.c dwarfread.c exec.c infcmd.c infrun.c main.c
- mdebugread.c os9kread.c source.c top.c utils.c: Don't
- include param.h or sys/file.h (or unistd.h in some cases).
- * defs.h exec.c inflow.c remote-array.c remote-e7000.c
- sparcl-tdep.c terminal.h utils.c: Replace all occurances of
- __WIN32__, WINGDB, WIN32, etc... with _WIN32.
- * main.c: Remove #ifndef WINGDB around option processing. Fix
- bug with passing argc==0 and argv==NULL to getopt.
- * (main) Remove calls to access() before source_command. Let
- soure_command handle access errors.
- * maint.c (maintenance_dump_me): #ifdef out for _WIN32.
- * symtab.c (operator_chars): Make this global for wingdb.
- * top.c (disconnect): #ifdef out for _WIN32.
- * (source_command): If got an error and from_tty, then call print
- error, else just return quietly.
- * utils.c (fatal_dump_core): Can't kill ourselves under windows.
- Just exit.
- * (pollquit notice_quit): #ifdef out stuff that doesn't exist
- under windows.
-Wed Aug 7 09:59:19 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE): Tweak for
- structures > 4 bytes in size.
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): Handle aligning stacks that
- grow up correctly.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (USE_STRUCT_CONVENTION): Define.
- (STACK_ALIGN): Define.
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_alignof): Don't demand a minumim two byte
- alignment on structs/unions.
-Sun Aug 4 16:22:42 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * config/powerpc/nm-aix.h (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE): Define to "int *",
- which is the documented type under at least AIX 3 and AIX 4.
-Sat Aug 3 04:02:46 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * config/alpha/ (XM_FILE): Change from xm-alpha.h to
- xm-alphaosf.h.
- (MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Define NO_MMCHECK to not install consistency
- checks.
-Thu Aug 1 10:11:34 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (TM_MIPS_H): Enclose file contents in
- this, define when contents are included.
- (mips_read_processor_type): Add prototype.
- * config/mips/xm-mips.h: Remove strdup decl, now in gdb_string.h
- * mdebugread.c (ecoff_relocate_efi): Add prototype.
- (fixup_sigtramp): Only needed when TM_MIPS_H is defined.
-Wed Jul 31 20:21:24 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * rs6000-nat.c (add_vmap): Return 0 to caller rather than random value.
- (vmap_ldinfo): Ensure got_exec_file is not used uninitialized.
- (fetch_core_registers): Add prototype.
- (vmap_symtab): Ditto.
- (objfile_symbol_add): Ditto.
- (add_vmap): Ditto.
- (vmap_ldinfo): Ditto.
- (vmap_exec): Ditto.
-Tue Jul 30 17:57:46 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * stabsread.c (get_substring): Declare second arg as int.
- * remote-es.c: Include gdb_string.h after defs.h.
-Mon Jul 29 21:13:20 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * rs6000-tdep.c (push_arguments): Remove unused variable "pc".
- (branch_dest): Remove unused variable "offset".
- (pop_dummy_frame): Add prototype and make static.
- (push_arguments): Guard against using len uninitialized.
- (push_arguments): Guard against using arg uninitialized.
- (frame_saved_pc): Remove unused variable "frameless".
- (free_loadinfo): Ifdef out unused function.
- * xcoffread.c (compare_lte): Change prototype and function to
- be correct type for passing to qsort.
- (add_stab_to_list): Ifdef out unused function and prototype.
- (compare_lte): Add prototype
- (arrange_linetable): Ditto.
- (record_include_begin): Ditto.
- (record_include_end): Ditto.
- (process_linenos): Ditto.
- (xcoff_next_symbol_text): Ditto.
- (scan_xcoff_symtab): Ditto.
- (xcoff_initial_scan): Ditto.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_read_processor_type): Add parens around
- bitwise-and operands in comparison; previous expression always
- evaluated to 0 because of equality comparison of two constants.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (skip_prologue): Add missing parens around
- operands of logical-or so that first operand does not bind
- to previous logical-and.
- * Expand "long long" test to include code that triggers
- known problem on HPUX with native compiler.
- (configure): Regenerated.
-Mon Jul 29 18:12:27 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * somsolib.c (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Don't
- warn if __d_pid can't be found.
-Sun Jul 28 10:46:39 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (struct frame_info): Forward decl.
- (struct type): Ditto.
- (struct value): Ditto.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (sigtramp_address): Move extern decl
- from mips-tdep.c to here.
- (sigtramp_end): Ditto.
- (fixup_sigtramp): Ditto.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (init_extra_frame_info): Add prototype.
- (mips_frame_chain): Ditto.
- (mips_step_skips_delay): Ditto.
- (mips_frame_saved_pc): Ditto.
- (mips_find_saved_regs): Ditto.
- (mips_frame_num_args): Ditto.
- (mips_pop_frame): Ditto.
- (mips_extract_return_value): Ditto.
- (mips_store_return_value): Ditto.
- (mips_push_dummy_frame): Ditto.
- (mips_push_arguments): Ditto.
- (mips_do_registers_info): Ditto.
- (ecoff_relocate_efi): Ditto.
- (ecoff_relocate_efi): Ditto.
- * irix4-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Add prototype.
- * mips-tdep.c (read_next_frame_reg): Add prototype
- (heuristic_proc_start): Ditto.
- (heuristic_proc_desc): Ditto.
- (mips_print_register): Ditto.
- * config/mips/nm-irix5.h (procfs_set_watchpoint): Add prototype.
- (procfs_stopped_by_watchpoint): Ditto.
- * config/mips/nm-irix4.h (procfs_set_watchpoint): Add prototype.
- (procfs_stopped_by_watchpoint): Ditto.
- * config/alpha/tm-alpha.h (ecoff_relocate_efi): Add prototype.
- (struct symbol): Add forward decl for prototype.
- * breakpoint.c (internal_breakpoint_number): Only needed if
- * objfiles.c (ecoff_relocate_efi): Remove prototype.
-Sat Jul 27 17:47:35 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * Add test for "long long" support.
- * configure: Regenerate with autoconf.
- * acconfig.h: Add CC_HAS_LONG_LONG
- * Regenerate with autoheader.
- * config/mips/tm-mips64.h (FORCE_LONG_LONG): Remove
- * config/sparc/tm-sp64.h (CC_HAS_LONG_LONG): Remove.
- * config/mips/tm-vr4300el.h (CC_HAS_LONG_LONG): Remove.
- * config/mips/tm-vr4300.h (CC_HAS_LONG_LONG): Remove.
- * config/mips/xm-irix5.h (CC_HAS_LONG_LONG): Remove
- (FORCE_LONG_LONG): Remove.
- * config/powerpc/xm-aix.h (UINT_MAX): Undef and use gdb's version.
- * config/convex/xm-convex.h (CC_HAS_LONG_LONG): Remove
- * config/xm-nbsd.h (CC_HAS_LONG_LONG): Remove.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (GET_FIELD): Put parens around
- subtraction inside shift. Put parens around subtraction
- in operand of bitwise and.
- (struct frame_info): Forward declare
- if __STDC__ defined.
- (frame_saved_regs): Ditto.
- (struct value): Ditto.
- (struct type): Ditto.
- (struct inferior_status): Ditto.
- (init_extra_frame_info): Add prototype.
- (skip_prologue): Ditto.
- (frameless_function_invocation): Ditto.
- (frame_chain): Ditto.
- (frame_chain_valid): Ditto.
- (saved_pc_after_call): Ditto.
- (hppa_fix_call_dummy): Ditto.
- (hppa_push_arguments): Ditto.
- (pa_do_registers_info): Ditto.
- (in_solib_call_trampoline): Ditto.
- (in_solib_return_trampoline): Ditto.
- (push_dummy_frame): Ditto.
- * convex-tdep.c (decout): Use print_longest rather than
- fprintf_filtered.
- * defs.h: Remove use of FORCE_LONG_LONG and __GNUC__ to set
- (INT_MIN): Fix so it works correctly when assigned to a long long.
- * valprint.c (longest_to_int): Rewrite to remove dependence
- on INT_MIN and INT_MAX.
- (print_longest): Rewrite the code that falls back to synthesized
- hex output when LONGEST value is not representable as in a long and
- printf doesn't support printing long longs.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print): Cast 2nd arg of
- chill_print_type_scalar to LONGEST.
- chill_print_type_scalar): Make static and add prototype.
- * hppa-tdep.c (get_field): Ifdef out unused function.
- (set_field): Ditto.
- (extract_3): Ditto.
- (extract_5_store): Ditto.
- (extract_11): Ditto.
- (extract_12): Ditto.
- (deposit_17): Ditto.
- (extract_14): Convert to static and add prototype.
- (deposit_14): Ditto.
- (extract_21): Ditto.
- (deposit_21): Ditto.
- (extract_17): Ditto.
- (extract_5r_store): Ditto.
- (extract_5R_store): Ditto.
- (extract_5_load): Ditto.
- (find_proc_framesize): Ditto.
- (find_dummy_frame_regs): Ditto.
- (sign_extend): Ditto.
- (find_unwind_entry): Add prototype.
- (find_return_regnum): Ditto.
- (unwind_command): Ditto.
- (find_dummy_frame_regs): Add parens around subtraction in operand
- of bitwise-and.
- (skip_prologue): Add parens around operands of logical-and inside
- operand of logical-or.
- (sign_extend): Add parens around operands of subtraction inside
- operand of shift.
- (low_sign_extend): Ditto.
- * top.c (filename_completer): Convert old style decl of
- filename_completion_function into prototype.
- * f-lang.c (patch_common_entries): Ifdef out unused function.
- * stabsread.c (read_cfront_baseclasses): Remove unused local
- variable "msg_noterm".
- (resolve_cfront_continuation): Remove unused local variable "fip".
- (read_type): Remove unused variable xtypenums.
- (read_cfront_static_fields): Remove unused variable "i".
- (read_cfront_static_fields): Remove unused variable "nfields".
- (read_cfront_member_functions): Add missing comment terminator.
- (read_cfront_static_fields): Return 1 rather than random value.
- (read_cfront_baseclasses): Ditto.
- (read_cfront_baseclasses): Ditto.
- (read_cfront_baseclasses): Ditto.
- * somsolib.c (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Remove unused
- variable "u".
- (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Remove unused variable
- shadow_contents.
- (language.h): Add for needed prototypes.
- (som_solib_sharedlibrary_command): Add prototype.
- * hpread.c: (hpread_read_array_type): Add prototype.
- * somread.c (hpread_build_pysmtabs): Add prototype.
- (hpread_symfile_finish): Ditto.
- (hpread_symfile_init): Ditto.
- * hppah-nat.c (fetch_register): Convert old style decl
- to prototype.
- (gdbcore.h): Include for needed prototypes.
- (fetch_register): Remove unused variable "mess".
- * remote-pa.c (get_offsets): Ifdef out unused function.
- (remote_start_remote): Remove unused variable "timeout".
- (boot_board): Add prototype.
- (reaad_frame): Add prototype.
- (getpkt): Remove unused variable "bp".
- (remote_kill): Add prototype.
- (remote_mourn): Add prototype.
- (remote_insert_breakpoint): Add prototype.
- (remote_remove_breakpoint): Add prototype.
- * valops.c (value_push): Only use if PUSH_ARGUMENTS is not defined.
- * infcmd.c (do_registers_info): Only need prototype if
- DO_REGISTERS_INFO is not defined.
- (breakpoint_auto_delete_contents): Only need if
-Sat Jul 27 08:49:49 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * xcoffread.c (xcoff_end_psymtab): Add textlow_not_set parameter.
- (END_PSYMTAB): Ditto.
- (scan_xcoff_symtab): Call xcoff_end_psymtab with textlow_not_set.
-Fri Jul 26 14:07:37 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * printcmd.c (_initialize_printcmd): Initialize
- tm_print_insn_info.flavour.
-Thu Jul 25 19:41:31 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * (scm-valprint.o): Depends upon gdbcore_h.
- (arm-tdep.o): Ditto.
- (dcache.o): Ditto.
- (i386ly-tdep.o): Ditto.
- (i960-tdep.o): Ditto.
- (m68k-tdep.o): Ditto.
- (nindy-tdep.o): Ditto.
- (scm-lang.o): Ditto.
- (w65-tdep.o): Ditto.
- (z8k-tdep.o): Ditto.
- (m68k-tdep.o): Depends upon value_h and gdb_string.h
- (m2-valprint.o): Depends upon m2-lang.h.
- (sparc-tdep.o): Depends upon gdb_string.h
- (valprint.o): Depends upon valprint.h
- * remote-e7000.c (notice_quit): Remove prototype.
- * top.c (initialize_targets): Remove prototype, now in target.h.
- * stabsread.c (resolve_cfront_continuation): Remove prototype.
- * dbxread.c (resolve_cfront_continuation): Remove prototype.
- * symfile.h (set_demangling_style): Remove prototype.
- * config/tm-sysv4.h (in_plt_section): Remove prototype, in objfiles.h.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h (single_step): Remove extern decl, now in
- target.h.
- * config/arc/tm-arc.h (one_stepped, single_step): Remove extern decls,
- now in target.h.
- * ser-unix.c (hardwire_restore): Remove obsolete prototype.
- * sparc-tdep.c (single_step): Remove forward decl of isbranch.
- * scm-lang.c (find_function_in_inferior): Remove prototype.
- (value_allocate_space_in_inferior): Ditto.
- * infrun.c (write_pc_pid): Remove prototype, now in inferior.h.
- * defs.h (strchr): Remove declarations, they are declared in
- gdb_string.h also.
- (strrchr): Ditto.
- (strstr): Ditto.
- (strtok): Ditto.
- (strerror): Ditto.
- * f-valprint.c (f77_print_array_1): Remove extra arg that was being
- passed to f77_print_array_1.
- * gdbtypes.c (add_name): Remove unused variables lenstrlen and lenstr.
- * scm-exp.c (scm_istr2int): Remove unused variable "j".
- (scm_parse): Remove unused variable "str".
- * hp300ux-nat.c (store_inferior_register): Remove unused variable
- "buf".
- (store_inferior_registers): Remove unnecessary decl "registers".
- * m68k-tdep.c (m68k_pop_frame): Remove unused variable "fi".
- * scm-lang.c (scm_get_field): Remove unused variable "val".
- (scm_lookup_name): Remove unused variable "symval".
- * objfiles.c (map_to_file): Remove unused local variable "tempfd".
- * procfs.c (do_attach, do_detach): Remove unused variable "result".
- (last_resume_pid): Remove unused static variable.
- * alpha-tdep.c (alpha_linux_sigtramp_offset): Remove unused variable
- "res".
- * objfiles.c (map_to_address): Remove unused function.
- * f-valprint.c (print_max): Remove extraneous extern decl,
- in valprint.h.
- (calc_f77_array_dims): Remove extraneous prototype, in f-lang.h.
- * ch-exp.c (write_lower_upper_value): Remove prototype for
- type_lower_upper.
- * gdbtypes.c (cfront_mangle_name): #ifdef out unused function.
- * ch-exp.c (parse_mode_call): Ditto.
- * f-valprint.c (there_is_a_visible_common_named): Ditto.
- * f-lang.c (clear_function_list): Ditto.
- (get_bf_for_fcn): Ditto.
- (clear_bf_list): Ditto.
- (add_common_block): Ditto.
- (patch_all_commons_by_name): Ditto.
- (find_first_common_named): Ditto.
- (add_common_entry): Ditto.
- (allocate_saved_function_node): Ditto.
- (allocate_saved_bf_node): Ditto.
- (allocate_common_entry_node): Ditto.
- (allocate_saved_f77_common_node): Ditto.
- * arm-tdep.c (gdbcore.h): Include for necessary prototypes.
- * dcache.c (gdbcore.h): Ditto.
- * i386ly-tdep.c (gdbcore.h): Ditto.
- * i960-tdep.c (gdbcore.h): Ditto.
- * m2-valprint.c (m2-lang.h): Ditto.
- * m68k-tdep.c (gdbcore.h): Ditto.
- (value.h): Ditto.
- (gdb_string.h): Ditto.
- * nindy-tdep.c (gdbcore.h): Ditto.
- * scm-lang.c (gdbcore.h): Ditto.
- * scm-valprint.c (gdbcore.h): Ditto.
- * w65-tdep.c (gdbcore.h): Ditto.
- * z8k-tdep.c (gdbcore.h): Ditto.
- * sparc-tdep.c (gdb_string.h): Include.
- * valprint.c (valprint.h): Include.
- * config/xm-lynx.h: Remove part of comment about INT_MIN
- redefined warnings from defs.h, since INT_MIN define in
- defs.h is now protected by #ifndef INT_MIN.
- * config/i386/xm-i386bsd.h: Ditto.
- * config/m68k/xm-hp300bsd.h: Ditto.
- * config/m68k/xm-news.h: Ditto.
- * config/pa/xm-hppah.h (INT_MIN): Remove bogus INT_MIN
- definition as 0x80000000. The macro in defs.h is better.
- * config/i386/xm-i386m3.h (INT_MIN): Ditto.
- * config/i386/xm-i386mach.h (INT_MIN): Ditto.
- * config/ns32k/xm-ns32km3.h (INT_MIN): Ditto.
- * config/pa/xm-hppab.h: Ditto.
- * core-aout.c (fetch_core_registers): Add prototype.
- * hp300ux-nat.c (fetch_inferior_register): Ditto.
- (store_inferior_register_1): Ditto.
- (store_inferior_register): Ditto.
- * config/m68k/tm-m68k.h (find_saved_regs): Ditto.
- *scm-valprint.c (c_val_print): Ditto.
- * procfs.c (add_fd): Ditto.
- (remove_fd): Ditto.
- (wait_fd): Ditto.
- (sigcodename): Ditto.
- (sigcodedesc): Ditto.
- (procfs_kill_inferior): Ditto.
- (procfs_xfer_memory): Ditto.
- (procfs_store_registers): Ditto.
- (create_procinfo): Ditto.
- (procfs_init_inferior): Ditto.
- (proc_set_exec_trap): Ditto.
- (procfs_attach): Ditto.
- (procfs_detach): Ditto.
- (procfs_prepare_to_store): Ditto.
- (procfs_files_info): Ditto.
- (procfs_open): Ditto.
- (procfs_wait): Ditto.
- (procfs_fetch_registers): Ditto.
- (procfs_mourn_inferior): Ditto.
- (procfs_can_run): Ditto.
- (procfs_thread_alive): Ditto.
- (procfs_stop): Ditto.
- * alpha-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Ditto.
- * config/alpha/tm-alpha.h (alpha_osf_skip_sigtramp_frame): Ditto.
- * objfiles.c (ecoff_relocate_efi): Ditto.
- * inflow.c (pass_signal): Ditto.
- (handle_sigio): Ditto.
- * annotate.c (breakpoint_changed): Ditto.
- * callback.c (wrap): Ditto.
- (fdbad): Ditto.
- (fdmap): Ditto.
- * utils.c (malloc_botch): Ditto.
- (fputs_maybe_filtered): Ditto.
- (vfprintf_maybe_filtered): Ditto.
- * defs.h (notice_quit): Ditto.
- * defs.h (xmalloc, xrealloc): Ditto.
- * top.c (stop_sig): Ditto.
- (init_signals): Ditto.
- (user_defined_command): Ditto.
- (source_cleanup_lines): Ditto.
- (dont_repeat_command): Ditto.
- (serial_log_command): Ditto.
- (disconnect): Ditto.
- * target.h (initialize_targets): Ditto.
- * os9kread.c (read_minimal_symbols): Ditto.
- * mdebugread.c (mdebug_psymtab_to_symtab): Ditto.
- (fdr_name): Ditto.
- (push_parse_stack): Ditto.
- (pop_parse_stack): Ditto.
- (is_pending_symbol): Ditto.
- (add_pending): Ditto.
- * serial.c (serial_logchar): Ditto.
- (serial_interface_lookup): Ditto.
- * serial.h (serial_log_command): Ditto.
- * f-valprint.c (info_common_command): Ditto.
- * gdbtypes.h (print_type_scalar): Ditto.
- * scm-valprint.c (scm_scmlist_print): Ditto.
- (scm_ipruk): Ditto.
- * scm-lang.c (scm_printstr): Ditto.
- (in_eval_c): Ditto.
- (evaluate_subexp_scm): Ditto.
- * scm-exp.c (scm_read_token): Ditto.
- (scm_skip_ws): Ditto.
- (scm_lreadparen): Ditto.
- * m2-lang.c (emit_char): Ditto.
- (m2_printchar): Ditto.
- (m2_printstr): Ditto.
- (m2_create_fundamental_type): Ditto.
- * f-lang.c (emit_char): Ditto.
- (f_printchar): Ditto.
- (f_printstr): Ditto.
- (f_create_fundamental_type): Ditto.
- * ch-lang.c (chill_printchar): Ditto.
- (chill_printstr): Ditto.
- (chill_create_fundamental_type): Ditto.
- (value_chill_length): Ditto.
- (value_chill_card): Ditto.
- (value_chill_max_min): Ditto.
- (evaluate_subexp_chill): Ditto.
- * ch-exp.c (PEEK_TOKEN): Ditto.
- (peek_token_): Ditto.
- (forward_token_): Ditto.
- (parse_case_label): Ditto.
- (parse_opt_untyped_expr): Ditto.
- (parse_unary_call): Ditto.
- (parse_call): Ditto.
- (parse_named_record_element): Ditto.
- (parse_tuple_element): Ditto.
- (parse_opt_element_list): Ditto.
- (parse_tuple): Ditto.
- (parse_primval): Ditto.
- (parse_operand6): Ditto.
- (parse_operand5): Ditto.
- (parse_operand4): Ditto.
- (parse_operand3): Ditto.
- (parse_operand2): Ditto.
- (parse_operand1): Ditto.
- (parse_operand0): Ditto.
- (parse_expr): Ditto.
- (parse_then_alternative): Ditto.
- (parse_else_alternative): Ditto.
- (parse_if_expression): Ditto.
- (parse_untyped_expr): Ditto.
- (growbuf_by_size): Ditto.
- (match_simple_name_string): Ditto.
- (decode_integer_value): Ditto.
- (decode_integer_literal): Ditto.
- (match_float_literal): Ditto.
- (match_float_literal): Ditto.
- (match_string_literal): Ditto.
- (match_character_literal): Ditto.
- (match_integer_literal): Ditto.
- (match_bitstring_literal): Ditto.
- (write_lower_upper_value): Ditto.
- * ch-lang.h (type_lower_upper): Ditto.
- * c-lang.c (emit_char): Ditto.
- * dwarfread.c (free_utypes): Ditto.
- * stabsread.h (resolve_cfront_continuation): Ditto.
- * stabsread.c (get_substring): Ditto.
- (read_one_struct_field): Ditto.
- * stabsread.h (process_later): Ditto.
- * demangle.c (set_demangling_command): Ditto.
- * defs.h (set_demangling_style): Ditto.
- * maint.c (maintenance_info_command): Ditto.
- (print_section_table): Ditto.
- (maintenance_info_sections): Ditto.
- (maintenance_print_command): Ditto.
- * symtab.h (maintenance_print_statistics): Ditto.
- * objfiles.h (in_plt_section): Ditto.
- * objfiles.c (add_to_objfile_sections): Ditto.
- * bcache.c (hash): Ditto.
- (lookup_cache): Ditto.
- * exec.c (bfdsec_to_vmap): Ditto.
- (ignore): Ditto.
- * f-exp.y (growbuf_by_size, match_string_literal): Ditto.
- * language.c (unk_lang_printchar): Ditto.
- (unk_lang_printstr): Ditto.
- (unk_lang_create_fundamental_type): Ditto.
- (unk_lang_print_type): Ditto.
- (unk_lang_val_print): Ditto.
- (unk_lang_value_print): Ditto.
- * target.c (update_current_target): Ditto.
- (debug_to_open): Ditto.
- (debug_to_close): Ditto.
- (debug_to_attach): Ditto.
- (debug_to_detach): Ditto.
- (debug_to_resume): Ditto.
- (debug_to_wait): Ditto.
- (debug_to_fetch_registers): Ditto.
- (debug_to_store_registers): Ditto.
- (debug_to_prepare_to_store): Ditto.
- (debug_to_xfer_memory): Ditto.
- (debug_to_files_info): Ditto.
- (debug_to_insert_breakpoint): Ditto.
- (debug_to_remove_breakpoint): Ditto.
- (debug_to_terminal_init): Ditto.
- (debug_to_terminal_inferior): Ditto.
- (debug_to_terminal_ours_for_output): Ditto.
- (debug_to_terminal_ours): Ditto.
- (debug_to_terminal_info): Ditto.
- (debug_to_kill): Ditto.
- (debug_to_load): Ditto.
- (debug_to_lookup_symbol): Ditto.
- (debug_to_create_inferior): Ditto.
- (debug_to_mourn_inferior): Ditto.
- (debug_to_can_run): Ditto.
- (debug_to_notice_signals): Ditto.
- (debug_to_thread_alive): Ditto.
- (debug_to_stop): Ditto.
- * breakpoint.h (set_breakpoint_sal): Ditto.
- * remote-utils.c (usage): Ditto.
- * remote.c (set_thread): Ditto.
- (remote_thread_alive): Ditto.
- (get_offsets): Ditto.
- (read_frame): Ditto.
- (remote_insert_breakpoint): Ditto.
- (remote_remove_breakpoint): Ditto.
- * sparc-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Ditto.
- * corelow.c (add_to_thread_list): Ditto.
- (ignore): Ditto.
- * inftarg.c (proc_wait): Ditto.
- * infptrace.c (udot_info): Ditto.
- (fetch_register): Ditto.
- * ser-unix.c (hardwire_noflush_set_tty_state): Ditto.
- (hardwire_print_tty_state): Ditto.
- (hardwire_flush_output): Ditto.
- (hardwire_flush_input): Ditto.
- (hardwire_send_break): Ditto.
- (hardwire_setstopbits): Ditto.
- * ser-tcp.c (tcp_return_0): Ditto.
- (tcp_noflush_set_tty_state): Ditto.
- (tcp_print_tty_state): Ditto.
- * solib.c (match_main): Ditto.
- * gdbtypes.c (print_bit_vector): Ditto.
- (print_arg_types): Ditto.
- (dump_fn_fieldlists): Ditto.
- (print_cplus_stuff): Ditto.
- * symfile.h (entry_point_address): Ditto.
- * symfile.c (decrement_reading_symtab): Ditto.
- * valops.c (value_arg_coerce): Ditto.
- * value.h (find_function_in_inferior): Ditto.
- (value_allocate_space_in_inferior): Ditto.
- * values.c (vb_match): Ditto.
- * thread.c (info_thread_command): Ditto.
- (restore_current_thread): Ditto.
- (thread_apply_all_command): Ditto.
- (thread_apply_command): Ditto.
- * inferior.h (write_pc_pid): Ditto.
- * infrun.c (delete_breakpoint_current_contents): Ditto.
- * breakpoint.c (print_it_normal): Ditto.
- (watchpoint_check): Ditto.
- (print_it_done): Ditto.
- (print_it_noop): Ditto.
- (maintenance_info_breakpoints): Ditto.
- (create_longjmp_breakpoint): Ditto.
- (hbreak_command): Ditto.
- (thbreak_command): Ditto.
- (watch_commnd_1): Ditto.
- (rwatch_command): Ditto.
- (awatch_command): Ditto.
- (do_enable_breakpoint): Ditto.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print_array_elements): Ditto.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp): Ditto.
- (get_label): Ditto.
- (evaluate_struct_tuple): Ditto.
- * eval.c (init_array_element): Ditto.
- * alpha-tdep.c (push_sigtramp_desc): Add prototype and make static.
- * breakpoint.c (hw_breakpoint_used_count): Ditto.
- (hw_watchpoint_used_count): Ditto.
- * findvar.c (write_register_gen): Ditto.
- (read_register_pid): Ditto.
- * symtab.c (cplusplus_hint): Ditto.
- * infcmd.c (breakpoint_auto_delete_contents): Ditto.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_print_type_scalar): Ditto.
- * gdbtypes.c (add_name): Ditto.
- (add_mangled_type): Ditto.
- (cfront_mangle_name): Ditto.
- * sparc-tdep.c (isbranch): Ditto.
- * inftarg.c (child_stop): Ditto.
- * win32-nat.c (child_stop): Ditto.
- * mac-nat.c (child_stop): Ditto.
- * remote-utils.c (sr_com): Ditto.
- * dbxread.c (process_now): Ditto.
- * ch-exp.c (require): Ditto.
- (check_token): Ditto.
- (expect): Ditto.
- (parse_mode_call): Ditto.
- (parse_mode_or_normal_call): Ditto.
- * scm-lang.c (scm_lookup_name): Ditto
- * f-lang.c (allocate_saved_bf_node): Ditto.
- (allocate_saved_function_node): Ditto.
- (allocate_saved_f77_common_node): Ditto.
- (allocate_common_entry_node): Ditto.
- (add_common_block): Ditto.
- (add_common_entry): Ditto.
- (find_first_common_named): Ditto.
- (patch_common_entries): Ditto.
- (patch_all_commons_by_name): Ditto.
- (clear_bf_list): Ditto.
- (get_bf_for_fcn): Ditto.
- (clear_function_list): Ditto.
- * scm-exp.c (scm_istr2int): Ditto.
- (scm_istring2number): Ditto.
- * scm-valprint.c (scm_inferior_print): Ditto.
- * f-typeprint.c (print_equivalent_f77_float_type): Ditto.
- * f-valprint.c (f77_get_dynamic_length_of_aggregate): Ditto.
- (f77_create_arrayprint_offset_tbl): Ditto.
- (f77_print_array_1): Ditto.
- (f77_print_array): Ditto.
- (list_all_visible_commons): Ditto.
- (there_is_a_visible_common_named): Ditto.
- * mdebugread.c (ecoff_relocate_efi): Ditto.
- * callback.c (os_close): Ditto.
- (os_get_errno): Ditto.
- (os_isatty): Ditto.
- (os_lseek): Ditto.
- (os_open): Ditto.
- (os_read): Ditto.
- (os_read_stdin): Ditto.
- (os_write): Ditto.
- (os_write_stdout): Ditto.
- (os_rename): Ditto.
- (os_system): Ditto.
- (os_time): Ditto.
- (os_unlink): Ditto.
- (os_shutdown): Ditto.
- (os_init): Ditto.
- (os_printf_filtered): Ditto.
- * scm-lang.h (scm_parse): Change old style decl to prototype.
- * config/alpha/tm-alphalinux.h (alpha_linux_sigtramp_offset): Ditto.
- * top.c (init_proc): Ditto.
- (query_hook): Ditto.
- (error_hook): Ditto.
- * f-lang.c (c_value_print): Ditto.
- * ch-exp.c (parse_expression): Ditto.
- (parse_primval): Ditto.
- (parse_untyped_expr): Ditto.
- (parse_opt_untyped_expr): Ditto.
- (ch_lex): Ditto.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h (sparc_init_extra_frame_info): Ditto.
- (sparc_frame_saved_pc): Ditto.
- (sparc_push_dummy_frame): Ditto.
- (sparc_pop_frame): Ditto.
- * defs.h (fclose): Ditto.
- (atof): Ditto.
- (error_hook): Ditto.
- * arc-tdep.c (single_step): Change arg to type "enum target_signal".
- * rs6000-tdep.c (single_step): Ditto.
- * sparc-tdep.c (single_step): Ditto.
- * breakpoint.c (cleanup_executing_breakpoints): Change unused arg type
- to PTR which is what make_cleanup expects.
- * utils.c (null_cleanup): Change arg type to PTR.
- * defs.h (null_cleanup): Change prototype to match actual function.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h (struct frame_info): Move forward decl.
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print): Cast 2nd arg of
- chill_print_type_scalar to LONGEST.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Have empty switch case for
- (stop_on_solib_events): Only needed if SOLIB_ADD is defined.
- * infcmd.c (attach_command): Only need auto_solib_add if SOLIB_ADD
- is defined.
- * symfile.c (generic_load): Scan long int using a long int spec,
- not an int spec.
- * infptrace.c (udot_info): Only need local variables if KERNEL_U_SIZE
- is defined.
- (fetch_register): Only need function if FETCH_INFERIOR_REGISTERS is
- not defined.
- * inflow.c (handle_sigio): Only need prototype when the actual
- function is compiled in.
- * valprint.c (longest_to_int): Expand error message to be
- separate messages for args larger than largest signed int
- and args smaller than smallest signed int.
- * valprint.c (print_longest): Fix problems with support for case
- where compiler supports type "long long" but the runtime doesn't
- support printing them with "%ll".
- * scm-valprint.c (scm_scmlist_print, scm_scmval_print): Change
- return types to void since we don't actually return anything
- meaningful and callees ignore the values anyway.
- * procfs.c (modify_inherit_on_fork_flag): Enclose pr_flags in PIOCSET
- ifdef.
- (modify_run_on_last_close_flag): Ditto.
- (wait_fd): Enclose local variables "num_fds" and "i" LOSING_POLL
- ifdef
- * alpha-tdep.c (push_sigtramp_desc): Return proc_desc rather than
- random value.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Ensure random_signal is not used
- uninitialized.
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): Ensure struct_addr is not used
- uninitialized.
- * breakpoint.c (watch_command_1): Ensure prev_frame is not used
- uninitialized.
- * utils.c (vfprintf_maybe_filtered): Change second arg from "char *"
- to "const char *".
- * infptrace.c (udot_info): Add two dummy args so that the type is
- correct for passing to add_info.
- * f-lang.c (saved_fcn): Move decl to head of file so it can be used
- in prototypes.
- (saved_bf_symnum): Ditto.
- (SAVED_BF): Ditto.
- (SAVED_BF_PTR): Ditto.
- * ch-exp.c (parse_named_record_element): Build error message in
- temporary buffer before passing it to expect, rather than passing
- wrong number of args to expect.
- * demangle.c (set_demangling_style): Call set_demangling_command with
- correct number of arguments.
- * inferior.h (terminal_init_inferior_with_pgrp): Change arg type to
- int to match actual function.
- (os_isatty): Call fdmap with right number of arguments, was missing
- the host_callback* arg.
- * target.c (cleanup_target): Prototype all functions casts.
- * target.h (one_stepped, single_step): Declare here and convert
- single_step to prototype.
- * infrun.c (one_stepped, single_step): Don't declare externs
- here, they have moved to target.h.
- * eval.c (init_array_element): Declare previously undeclared
- last two args as LONGEST.
- * dcache.c (dcache_xfer_memory): Change xfunc decls to prototype form.
-Thu Jul 25 16:11:54 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * dsrec.c (load_srec): Protect ANSI style function parms with PARAMS.
-Mon Jul 22 18:13:27 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * (os9kread.o): Remove dependency on partial-stab.h.
- * dbxread.c (read_dbx_symtab end_psymtab), partial-stab.h: Don't
- use partial_symtab->textlow==0 as a flag, as 0 is a legitimate
- text address. Use a seperate flag (textlow_not_set) instead.
- This makes stabs in ELF .o files work a lot better.
- * mdebugread.c xcoffread.c: Define textlow_not_set for
- partial-stab.h.
- * stabsread.h (end_psymtab): Add textlow_not_set arg to prototype.
-Sat Jul 20 10:41:06 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * dwarf2read.c (struct filenames): Change internal "struct file"
- to "struct fileinfo" to avoid conflict with "struct file" in
- <sys/file.h> on HPUX and Solaris.
-Fri Jul 19 14:05:57 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * dwarf2read.c: New file, DWARF 2 reader originally contributed by
- Brent Benson, with additions by Gary Funck and Jerry Kreuscher.
- * (COMMON_OBS): Add dwarf2read.o.
- (SFILES): Add dwarf2read.c.
- (dwarf2read.o): Add build rule.
- * symfile.h (dwarf2_has_info, dwarf2_build_psymtabs): Declare
- exported functions.
- * elfread.c (elf_symfile_read): Call them.
- (elf_symtab_read) [HARRIS_TARGET]: Skip some special symbols.
-Thu Jul 18 01:22:01 1996 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * symfile.c (symfile_bfd_open):
- * exec.c (exec_file_command): for __GO32__ and __WIN32__ systems,
- free the user from having to type the .exe extension.
-Wed Jul 17 06:54:50 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * mon960-rom.c: Shorten the mon960_inits string to a single
- carriage return; this prevents a hang on connecting immediately
- after powerup, when MON960 is attempting autobaud detection.
-Tue Jul 16 23:47:04 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * a29k-tdep.c (get_saved_register): Allow PC to be modified
- when innermost frame is selected, but not in outer frames.
-Tue Jul 16 23:37:25 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * command.c (do_setshow_command): Don't segfault when showing
- var_string and var_string_noescape vars that are NULL.
-Mon Jul 15 16:55:48 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * win32-nat.c (handle_load_dll): dos_path_to_unix_path renamed to
- cygwin32_conv_to_posix_path.
- (child_create_inferior): unix_path_to_dos_path renamed to
- cygwin32_conv_to_win32_path. Rewrite code to translate PATH.
-Mon Jul 15 16:44:05 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * defs.h printcmd.c: Create global disassemble_info structure
- tm_print_insn_info.
- * i386-tdep.c (set_assembly_language_command): set
- tm_print_insn_info.mach to the appropriate value for 386 or 8086
- disassembly.
- * printcmd.c (print_insn): Move init of disassembler_info to
- _initialize_printcmd. Set endian for disassembler here.
- * sparc-tdep.c: Set tm_print_insn_info.mach as appropriate to
- select sparc/sparclite.
- * config/sparc/{tm-sparc.h tm-sparclite.h}: Get rid of
- bfd_mach_sparc/bfd_mach_sparc_sparclite.
-Fri Jul 12 19:04:32 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * hpread.c (hpread_lookup_type): Use xmmalloc/xmrealloc rather
- than xmalloc/xrealloc.
-Fri Jul 12 17:59:47 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * objfiles.c (map_to_file): Error return from mmalloc_findbase is
- a NULL pointer, not a -1.
-Fri Jul 12 10:16:24 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * i386-tdep.c (set_assembly_language_command): New routine to
- select between i386 and i8086 instruction sets for disassembly.
- New command `set assembly-language {i386 i8086}'.
-Thu Jul 11 21:13:21 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * monitor.c (monitor_write_memory, monitor_read_memory_single):
- Disable use of "long long" memory read/write commands; can't
- use them because we hold the values to read/write in an int
- variable, and because strtoul fails on values that exceed the
- size of a long. This fixes breakpoint problems on MON960.
-Thu Jul 11 11:39:31 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * config/m68k/xm-hp300hpux.h (HAVE_MMAP): Remove definition.
- * config/pa/xm-hppah.h (HAVE_MMAP): Ditto.
-Wed Jul 10 16:54:41 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * (MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Eliminate intermediate MMALLOC_DISABLE
- and MMALLOC_CHECK macros, and add comment indicating how host dependent
- makefile fragment should modify MMALLOC_CFLAGS to not use mmalloc, or
- to use it but to not do heap corruption checking.
- * gdbserver/ Ditto.
- * utils.c (init_malloc): Replace warning() use with direct call of
- fprintf_unfiltered, since current_target has not yet been set and thus
- we cannot use warning(). If we try to use mmcheck and it fails,
- suggest that this configuration needs NO_MMCHECK or MMCHECK_FORCE
- defined. Other small mmalloc related cleanups.
- * config/sparc/ (MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Define MMCHECK_FORCE to 1.
- * config/alpha/ (MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Set to -DNO_MMCHECK.
- * config/sparc/xm-sun4os4.h (MMAP_BASE_ADDRESS, MMAP_INCREMENT):
- * config/i386/xm-i386v4.h (MMAP_BASE_ADDRESS, MMAP_INCREMENT):
- * config/i386/xm-linux.h (MMAP_BASE_ADDRESS, MMAP_INCREMENT):
- * config/m68k/xm-hp300hpux.h (MMAP_BASE_ADDRESS, MMAP_INCREMENT):
- * config/m68k/xm-m68kv4.h (MMAP_BASE_ADDRESS, MMAP_INCREMENT);
- * config/m68k/xm-sun3os4.h (MMAP_BASE_ADDRESS, MMAP_INCREMENT):
- * config/pa/xm-hppah.h (MMAP_BASE_ADDRESS, MMAP_INCREMENT):
- * config/sparc/xm-sun4sol2.h (MMAP_BASE_ADDRESS, MMAP_INCREMENT):
- Remove obsolete defines.
- * config/alpha/ (MMALLOC_DISABLE):
- * config/alpha/ (MMALLOC_DISABLE):
- * config/rs6000/ (MMALLOC_DISABLE):
- * config/rs6000/ (MMALLOC_DISABLE):
- * config/powerpc/ (MMALLOC_DISABLE):
- * config/powerpc/ (MMALLOC_DISABLE):
- * config/ns32k/ (MMALLOC_DISABLE):
- * config/mips/ (MMALLOC_DISABLE):
- * config/mips/ (MMALLOC_DISABLE):
- * config/m88k/ (MMALLOC_DISABLE):
- * config/i386/ (MMALLOC_DISABLE):
- * config/i386/ (MMALLOC_DISABLE):
- * config/i386/ (MMALLOC_DISABLE):
- Use MMALLOC_CFLAGS instead.
-Tue Jul 9 22:41:12 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * h8300-tdep.c: Remove some outdated comments.
- (h8300_skip_prologue): Rework to be more correct for the H8/300H.
- Handle stm.l insns for the H8/S.
- (examine_prologue): Likewise.
-Tue Jul 9 16:48:55 1996 Raymond Jou <>
- * ser-mac.c (mac_close): Change a typo SetSetBuf to SerSetBuf.
-Mon Jul 08 08:50:39 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * mon960-rom.c (mon960_open): Add floating point detection to
- prevent hang on non-FPU processors (PR 9775).
- (mon960_cmds): Swap setmem.cmdw and setmem.cmdl to fix problem
- setting breakpoints and improve loading speed.
-Sun Jul 7 14:57:34 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * coffread.c (record_minimal_symbol): Don't presave name string
- on symbol_obstack before passing to prim_record_minimal_symbol.
- It now handles saving the string itself.
- * dbxread.c (read_dbx_dynamic_symtab): Ditto.
- * mipsread.c (read_alphacoff_dynamic_symtab): Ditto.
- * os9kread.c (record_minimal_symbol): Ditto.
- * solib.c (solib_add_common_symbols): Ditto.
- * coffread.c (coff_symtab_read): Don't presave name string on
- symbol_obstack before passing to prim_record_minimal_symbol_and_info.
- It now handles saving the string itself.
- * dbxread.c (record_minimal_symbol): Ditto.
- * elfread.c (record_minimal_symbol_and_info): Ditto.
- * dstread.c (record_minimal_symbol): Remove static function that just
- called prim_record_minimal_symbol with the same args (after change to
- prim_record_minimal_symbol to do it's own name string saves).
- * nlmread.c (record_minimal_symbol): Ditto.
- * somread.c (record_minimal_symbol): Ditto.
- * hpread.c (hpread_read_enum_type): Save symbol name on symbol obstack.
- (hpread_read_function_type): Ditto.
- (hpread_process_one_debug_symbol): Ditto.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol): Ditto.
- (new_symbol): Ditto.
- * minsyms.c (prim_record_minimal_symbol_and_info): Ditto.
- * coffread.c (process_coff_symbol): Use obsavestring to save
- SYMBOL_NAME, rather than obstack_copy0.
- * dstread.c (create_new_symbol): Ditto
- * symfile.c (obconcat): Ditto.
- * stabsread.c (patch_block_stabs): Ditto.
- * xcoffread.c (SYMNAME_ALLOC): Ditto.
- * symfile.c (obsavestring): Update comments
- * solib.c (solib_add_common_symbols): Remove local var origname.
-Wed Jul 3 15:56:08 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * configure: Re-build with autoconf-2.10.
- * sparcl-tdep.c (_initialize_sparc_tdep) config/sparc/tm-sparc.h,
- config/sparc/tm-sparclite.h: Initialize tm_print_insn from
- TM_PRINT_INSN, which comes from the tm file.
-Tue Jul 02 21:41:20 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * coffread.c, dbxread.c, elfread.c, mipsread.c, nlmread.c,
- os9kread.c: Replace identical sym_offsets functions with
- default_symfile_offsets.
- * somread.c (som_symfile_offsets): Use new SIZEOF_SECTION_OFFSETS
- macro to allocate section_offsets.
- * symfile.c (default_symfile_offsets): New function.
- * symfile.h: Declare default_symfile_offsets.
- * symtab.h: Define SIZEOF_SECTION_OFFSETS macro to
- simplify allocation of section_offsets.
-Tue Jun 11 12:02:55 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * (INTERNAL_LDFLAGS): Add in flags from configure.
- * configure Only make sol-thread.o for native.
- Also, switch to dlopened
- * sol-thread.c: Switch to using dlopen to get the thread_db
- library.
-Thu Jun 13 16:53:25 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * configure, Change test for libthread_db to only
- work for configs where build/host/target are the same.
-Tue Jul 2 15:04:20 1996 Michael Meissner <>
- * config/powerpc/{,xm-linux.h}: New files, for Linux on
- PowerPC.
- * (powerpc-*-linux): Add Linux, System V, and ELF
- support.
- * configure: Regenerate.
-Mon Jul 1 13:00:43 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- From Raymond Jou <>:
- * mpw-make.sed: Add lines to whack out autoconf hook
-Mon Jul 01 11:07:15 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * remote-e7000.c (e7000_stop): New function.
-Fri Jun 28 06:34:19 1996 Dawn Perchik <>
- * configure, Add target sparclet.
- * monitor.h, monitor.c: Added monitor flags MO_NO_ECHO_ON_SETMEM
- (don't expect echo on setmem command), MO_RUN_FIRST_TIME (if
- command to start process running on target is different from one
- to continue execution), MO_HEX_PREFIX (if addresses from monitor
- have a "0x" prefix).
- * monitor.c, parse.c, sparc-tdep.c: Don't require strings in the
- registers array. This is to allow NULLs to be place holders in
- the tm-*.h file so that only minor changes are needed when a new
- processor is introduced (eg, one without floating point).
- * sparc-tdep.c: Conditionally remove dependancies on floating
- point.
- * sparclet-rom.c, config/sparc/,
- config/sparc/tm-sparclet.h: New files for target sparclet.
- * symfile.c (load_command): Add option for 2nd parameter; a load
- offset added to the vma of each section.
-Fri Jun 28 05:39:19 1996 Dawn Perchik <>
- * main.c (main): Add option "l" for setting remote_timeout.
-Fri Jun 28 05:25:18 1996 Dawn Perchik <>
- * remote-e7000.c, remote.c, target.h, top.c: Add set option
- "remote_timeout" for setting remote_timeout. Add set option
- "use_hard_breakpoints" for setting hardware .vs. memory
- breakpoints.
-Fri Jun 28 04:32:18 1996 Dawn Perchik <>
- * remote-e7000.c (e7000_parse_device): New function.
- Add option "tcp_remote" to target command if using
- tcp to connect to a remote host which is then connected
- via serial port to the e7000 (for exampole, a port master).
- (e7000_open): Change to call e7000_parse_device.
-Fri Jun 28 03:47:17 1996 Dawn Perchik <>
- * monitor.c (monitor_debug): Fix remotedebug buffering.
-Thu Jun 27 18:24:17 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * config/i386/, config/powerpc/
- (NATDEPFILES): Add a space.
-Wed Jun 26 06:05:39 1996 Wilfried Moser <>
- * gdbtypes.c (create_array_type): If TYPE_LENGTH (result_type)
- is zero, set TYPE_FLAG_TARGET_STUB to force reevaluation of the type.
- * ch-exp.c (calculate_array_length): Function removed.
-Tue Jun 25 17:41:06 1996 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * remote-e7000.c (e7000_read_inferior_memory_large): New function.
- (e7000_xfer_inferior_memory): Call it.
-Tue Jun 25 23:14:07 1996 Jason Molenda (
- * gdb/gdbserver/ (docdir): Removed.
-Tue Jun 25 22:05:38 1996 Jason Molenda (
- * (bindir, libdir, datadir, mandir, infodir, includedir):
- Use autoconf set values.
- (docdir): Removed.
- * (AC_PREREQ): autoconf 2.5 or higher.
- * nlm/ (bindir, libdir, datadir, mandir, infodir,
- includedir): Use autoconf set values.
- (docdir): Removed.
- * nlm/ (AC_PREREQ): autoconf 2.5 or higher.
- * nlm/configure: Rebuilt.
- * gdb/gdbserver/ (datadir): Set to $(prefix)/share.
-Mon Jun 24 09:56:14 1996 Angela Marie Thomas (
- * stabsread.c (read_cfront_member_functions): add type
-Sun Jun 23 23:40:48 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * win32-nat.c: #include <unistd.h>.
- (unix_paths_to_dos_paths, dos_paths_to_unix_paths): Delete.
- (child_create_inferior): Convert only env var PATH to win32 style.
- (set_pathstyle_dos): Delete.
- (_initialize_inftarg): Delete dos-path-style command.
-Thu Jun 20 13:42:23 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * Revise sol-thread.o test.
- * configure: Regenerated.
- * source.c (find_source_lines): Reassign size to result of read.
-Tue Jun 18 16:25:54 1996 Jeffrey A. Law <>
- * h8300-dep.c (gdb_print_insn_h8300): Handle the H8/S.
- (h8300_command): Likewise.
- (set_machine): Likewise.
- (set_machine_hook): Likewise.
- (_initialize_h8300m): Likewise.
- * config/h8300/tm-h8300.h (h8300smode): Declare.
-Sun Jun 16 15:21:51 1996 Jeffrey A. Law <>
- * somsolib.c (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Handle tracking
- of shl_load calls for hpux10.
-Thu Jun 13 11:16:10 1996 Tom Tromey <>
- * Regenerated.
- * acconfig.h (HAVE_THREAD_DB_LIB): Added entry.
- * configure: Regenerated.
- * aclocal.m4 (CY_AC_PATH_TCLH, CY_AC_PATH_TKH): Use odd names to
- avoid name clashes with SunOS headers.
-Tue Jun 11 19:52:50 1996 Fred Fish <>
- From Michael Snyder <>:
- * bcache.c (print_bcache_statistics): Avoid divide-by-zero
- exception if one or more objfile has no symbols, such as when
- a dynamic library has been stripped.
-Tue Jun 11 12:02:55 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * (INTERNAL_LDFLAGS): Add in flags from configure.
- * configure Only make sol-thread.o for native.
- Also, switch to dlopened
- * sol-thread.c: Switch to using dlopen to get the thread_db
- library.
-Mon Jun 10 14:17:19 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * config/sparc/{xm-sun4sol2.h,xm-sun4os4.h} (MMAP_BASE_ADDRESS):
- Change from 0xE0000000 to 0xC0000000.
-Thu Jun 6 17:10:32 1996 Michael Meissner <>
- * config/powerpc/xm-solaris.h: Initial version of support for
- Solaris on PowerPC.
-Wed Jun 5 01:52:57 1996 James G. Smith <>
- * (configdirs): Force 4100 builds to use 4300 GDB
- target.
- * configure: Rebuild.
- * config/mips/ (SIM_OBS): Include simulator in
- little-endian builds.
-Mon Jun 3 11:48:29 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * inftarg.c (child_thread_alive): Protect declaration with
- * source.c (find_source_lines): Check the time on the symtab's bfd if
- it exists, else check the time on the exec_bfd.
-Thu May 30 09:43:17 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * dsrec.c (make_srec): Fix calculation of address size
- to allow addresses less than 0x100.
-Thu May 30 04:24:09 1996 Wilfried Moser <>
- * ch-exp.c (ch_lex): In case of LOC_TYPEDEF call calculate_array_length.
-Tue May 28 16:15:47 1996 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * remote-mips.c: cannot use EINVAL for breakpoint test since
- its value varies for different hosts (e.g. go32's is 19, while
- sunos is 22). Changed to hardcoded 22 since that is what the
- mips boards return.
-Tue May 28 11:14:58 1996 Tom Tromey <>
- * configure: Regenerated.
- * aclocal.m4 (CY_AC_PATH_TCLH): Don't use AC_TRY_RUN.
- (CY_AC_PATH_TKH): Don't use AC_TRY_RUN.
-Sun May 26 16:56:35 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * solib.c (solib_absolute_prefix, solib_search_path): New variables.
- (_initialize_solib): Add set/show commands for those variables.
- (solib_map_sections): Implement searching using them.
-Sun May 26 14:14:49 1996 Fred Fish <>
- Changes from: David Mosberger-Tang <>
- * NEWS: Add Alpha Linux as a new native configuration.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol): When we find a malloc() symbol with
- return type VOID, assume no debugging info is available for that
- object file and patch the return value into VOID *. Otherwise,
- operations requiring an implicit call to malloc() will fail.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): The criterion to detect entering a
- sigtramp handler is now: (a) the current pc is inside a sigtramp
- handler, (b) the previous pc is not in a sigtramp handler, and (c)
- the current stack pointer is "inner" than the old one. Condition
- (c) is new to avoid mistaking a return from a signal handler into
- sigtramp as a new sigtramp invocation.
- * dcache.c (struct dcache_block): Declare addr as CORE_ADDR. An
- int may not be big enough to hold an address.
- (dcache_hit): Ditto.
- (dcache_peek_byte): Fix indentation.
- * (alpha-*-linux*): Add target.
- * configure: Rebuild
- * config/alpha/tm-alpha.h (PROC_DESC_IS_DYN_SIGTRAMP): New macro.
- * config/alpha/ New file.
- * config/alpha/ Ditto.
- * config/alpha/nm-linux.h: Ditto.
- * config/alpha/tm-alphalinux.h: Ditto.
- * config/alpha/xm-alphalinux.h: Ditto.
- * config/alpha/xm-alphaosf.h: Renamed from xm-alpha.h.
- * config/alpha/ (XM_FILE): Change from xm-alpha.h to
- xm-alphaosf.h.
- * config/alpha/ Ditto.
- * blockframe.c (find_pc_partial_function): Pass PC to
- SIGTRAMP_START and SIGTRAMP_END macros for the benefit of systems
- that detect sigtramp code via designated code sequences (as is the
- case for Linux/Alpha, for example).
- * config/i386/tm-i386bsd.h: Change SIGTRAMP_START and SIGTRAMP_END
- to ignore new PC argument.
- * config/m68k/tm-hp300bsd.h: Ditto.
- * config/vax/tm-vax.h: Ditto.
- * alpha-tdep.c (alpha_linux_sigtramp_offset): New function.
- (alpha_osf_skip_sigtramp_frame): Ditto.
- (push_sigtramp_desc): Ditto.
- (alpha_find_saved_regs): Use SIGCONTEXT_ADDR macro to extract
- sigcontext address from frame.
- (alpha_saved_pc_after_call): When in sigtramp, use
- alpha_frame_saved_pc() instead of read-register().
- (after_prologue): When inside a dynamically generated sigtramp
- function, there is no prologue, so return address of first
- instruction.
- (alpha_in_prologue): Fix typo in comment.
- (find_proc_desc): Use macro DYNAMIC_SIGTRAMP_OFFSET to determine
- whether we're inside a dynamicaly generated sigtramp function. If
- so, create and push and appropriate procedure descriptor.
- (alpha_frame_chain): Use macro FRAME_PAST_SIGTRAMP_FRAME to obtain
- the frame past a sigtramp frame (if the current frame is indeed a
- sigtramp function).
- (init_extra_frame_info): Don't read next frame register off of
- stack-pointer when inside a dynamiccaly generated sigtramp.
- (alpha_pop_frame): Also unlink and destroy procedure descriptors
- created for dynamically generated sigtramp functions.
- * alpha-nat.c: When compiling under Linux, include <asm/reg.h> and
- <alpha/ptrace.h> instead of <machine/reg.h>
-Tue Jul 2 13:58:10 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c (inf_validate_task_sc):
- Give terminal to gdb while asking question.
- (inf_resume): Don't validate the task suspend-count while execing.
-Thu Jun 13 11:04:52 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c (inf_validate_task_sc): Query user before clearing any
- additional suspend count.
- (S_proc_wait_reply, gnu_attach): Don't call inf_validate_task_sc.
- (inf_resume): Call inf_validate_task_sc here.
- (gnu_resume): Call inf_update_procs to ensure noticing new threads.
-Fri Jun 7 17:00:43 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c (gnu_create_inferior: attach_to_child): Return PID.
-Thu May 23 15:13:56 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * h8300-tdep.c (IS_PUSH): Refine.
- (IS_MOVE_FP, IS_MOV_SP_FP): Accept H8/300H varaints.
- (IS_SUB4_SP, IS_SUBL_SP): New macros.
- (h8300_skip_prologue): Handle H8/300H prologue code sequences.
- (examine_prologue): Handle addresses from 0x010000 to 0xffffff
- when in H8/300H mode. Get the return pointer's address correctly
- for the H8/300H. Handle H8/300H prolouge code sequences.
- * symfile.c (generic_load): Print the starting address
- of the file just loaded.
-Thu May 23 12:09:52 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw-make.sed: Edit @THREAD_DB_OBS@ out of makefile.
-Tue May 21 11:53:56 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * breakpoint.c (bpstat_do_actions): Avoid endless recursion
- if a `source' command is contained in bs->commands.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Update step_frame_address when
- stepping into a new line.
- From (Andreas Schwab):
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_1): Add shlib_disabled case to
- bpenables array.
-Mon May 20 22:52:00 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * dsrec.c (load_srec): Add WAITACK parameter, for machines
- like EST visionICE that send back an ACK after each S-record.
- * monitor.c (monitor_wait_srec_ack): New function.
- (monitor_load): Pass monitor_wait_srec_ack to load_srec
- if the monitor's MO_SREC_ACK flag is set.
- * monitor.h: Define MO_SREC_ACK flag.
- * remote-est.c (est_cmds): Add MO_SREC_ACK flag.
- * sh3-rom.c (sh3_load): Accomodate change in load_srec prototype.
- * srec.h: Add WAITACK parameter to load_srec prototype.
-Sun May 19 21:22:00 1996 Rob Savoye <rob@chinadoll>
- * config/sparc/ Add the sparc simulator.
-Sun May 19 16:49:37 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * defs.h (read_command_lines, query_hook): Update prototypes.
- (readline_begin_hook, readline_hook, readline_end_hook): Declare.
- * breakpoint.c (commands_command): Build message in temporary buffer
- and pass that, as well as tty control flag, to read_command_lines.
- * top.c (readline_begin_hook, readline_hook, readline_end_hook):
- Define here.
- (command_loop): Check for non-NULL instream before looping.
- (command_line_input): Use readline_hook when appropriate, to get
- user input from a GUI window.
- (read_next_line): Also build prompt if getting user input from a GUI.
- (recurse_read_control_structure): Fix typo in comment.
- (read_command_lines): Use passed in prompt and tty flag to decide how
- to build message. Use readline_begin_hook when appropriate, to set
- up a GUI interaction window. Just return head, whether NULL or not,
- after using readline_end_hook to complete GUI interaction.
- (define_command, document_command): Build message in a temporary
- buffer and pass it to read_command_lines, along with tty flag.
-Sat May 18 02:43:58 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * blockframe.c (frameless_look_for_prologue):
- Add FUNCTION_START_OFFSET only if func_start is non-zero.
- * minsyms.c (lookup_minimal_symbol_by_pc): Return NULL if
- pc is not in a known section.
- * stack.c (print_frame_info): Remove check for fi->pc in known
- section, now handled by lookup_minimal_symbol_by_pc.
-Fri May 17 13:31:04 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * sh-stub.c: New file, was config/sh/stub.c.
-Wed May 15 08:25:12 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * top.c (read_next_line): Fix thinkos. From Donn Seeley.
- * coffread.c (coff_symtab_read): Handle C_LABEL symbols like
- C_STAT symbols.
- * h8300-tdep.c (h8300_pop_frame): Reset $sp and $pc correctly.
- Flush cached frames just before exiting.
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_resume): Complain if the program isn't
- being run.
- * config/h8300/tm-h8300.h (BELIEVE_PCC_PROMOTION): Define.
-Tue May 14 18:05:16 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * procfs.c (procfs_thread_alive procfs_stop): Make static.
- (procfs_pid_to_str): New routine to print out thread id's in an
- intelligible manner.
- * sol-thread.c (sol_thread_fetch_registers): Re-order manner in
- which supply_register is called to fix bug with writing
- individual regs.
- * config/sparc/tm-sun4sol2.h: Define default for
- target_pid_to_str in case host lacks libthread_db.
-Mon May 13 23:53:30 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * configure
- config/sparc/nm-sun4sol2.h config/sparc/
- config/sparc/tm-sun4sol2.h: Use autoconf to config Solaris thread
- and pthread support, since pre-2.5 systems don't come with
- * procfs.c (info_proc): Use int instead of id_t. Old versions of
- Irix don't seem to define this.
-Mon May 13 17:40:58 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * top.c (execute_control_command, case while_control): Allow
- a while command to be interrupted.
-Mon May 13 16:17:36 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * sol-thread.c: More cleanup, add comments.
- (sol_thread_resume): Prevent people from trying to step
- inactive threads.
- (sol_thread_wait sol_thread_fetch_registers
- sol_thread_store_registers): Remove unnecessary check for
- sol_thread_active. These routines won't get called unless threads
- are active.
-Mon May 13 11:29:37 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- SH3-E support from Allan Tajii <>:
- * sh-tdep.c (sh_reg_names, sh3_reg_names): Add empty names for
- float registers.
- (sh3e_reg_names): New register name array.
- (sh_processor_type_table): Add sh3e processor type.
- * config/sh/tm-sh.h (REGISTER_VIRTUAL_TYPE): Fix test.
- full set of registers.
- * remote-e7000.c (want_sh3, want_sh3_nopc): New globals.
- (e7000_fetch_registers, e7000_wait): Use them.
- * sh3-rom.c (sh3_regnames): Add float registers.
- (sh3e_cmds, sh3e_ops): New globals.
- (sh3e_open): New function.
- (_initialize_sh3_rom): Rename from _initialize_sh3, set up
- sh3e target vector.
-Fri May 10 15:53:38 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * sol-thread.c: Cleanup. gcc -Wall fixes. Add prototypes.
- Print out messages instead of codes for thread_db errors. Make
- access macros for thread and lwp manipulation. Make cleanups to
- fixup inferior_pid in case of errors.
-Thu May 9 19:06:02 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * aclocal.m4: Remove unused definition of AC_C_CROSS.
- * Add powerpcle-*-solaris* host and target config
- so April 30th change does not get lost next time configure is
- rebuilt.
-Thu May 9 14:13:08 1996 Stu Grossman (
- *, breakpoint.c, corelow.c, fork-child.c, inflow.c,
- infrun.c, mac-nat.c, procfs.c, remote.c, sol-thread.c, thread.c,
- win32-nat.c, config/nm-lynx.h: Rename thread.h to gdbthread.h to
- avoid conflict with Solaris /usr/include/thread.h.
-Thu May 9 12:33:32 1996 Rob Savoye <>
- * abug-rom.c: Config file for the older style ABug monitor that
- runs on the mvme13x boards.
- * config/m68k/ Add abug support for m68k cross
- debugging.
-Wed May 8 20:33:24 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * infcmd.c (do_registers_info): Always print the raw floating
- point value's bytes in big endian order, so the the leftmost bit
- is the most significant.
- * breakpoint.c (clear_momentary_breakpoints): Remove dead code
- that is referenced nowhere else.
- (set_breakpoint): Ditto.
- (do_enable_breakpoint): Created from enable_once_breakpoint
- with a couple of changes.
- (enable_breakpoint): Call do_enable_breakpoint with an appropriate
- bpdisp enum value to set disposition of breakpoint.
- (enable_once_breakpoint): Ditto.
- (enable_delete_breakpoint): Ditto.
- * breakpoint.h (clear_momentary_breakpoints): Remove prototype.
- * symtab.c (find_pc_line): Improve comments.
- * xcoffread.c: Ditto.
-Tue May 7 18:37:06 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * target.c (debug_to_xfer_memory): Insert line breaks when
- dumping the memory block.
-Mon May 6 13:52:52 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * fork-child.c (fork_inferior), inferior.h: init_trace_fun now
- returns a possibly modified pid.
- * inftarg.c (ptrace_him): Now returns pid;
- * m3-nat.c (m3_trace_him): Now returns pid;
- * infcmd.c (run_command): Minor cleanup.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Add another check for one_stepped
- near where we read the pc to avoid erroneously setting
- random_signal for multi-threaded support.
- * procfs.c: Add support for Solaris LWPs. Remove def of
- LOSING_POLL. Many cleanups... Several workarounds for Solaris
- lossage. System call entry and exit are now handled by
- dynamically registered handlers.
- * (syscallname): Don't barf when handed an unknown syscall
- number.
- * (info_proc_syscalls): Ditto.
- * sol-thread.c: New file. Implements Solaris thread support.
- * symfile.c (symbol_file_add): Add call to target_new_objfile to
- notify target-dependent code about new symbol tables.
- * (clear_symtab_users): Call target_new_objfile to notify it of
- the removal of all symbol tables.
- * target.c (push_target): Make sure that to_close is non-zero
- before calling it.
- * target.h (target_new_objfile): Provide default.
- * config/alpha/nm-osf2.h: Define LOSING_POLL because this version
- of OSF can't hack using poll with /proc.
- * config/sparc/nm-sun4sol2.h (target_new_objfile): Define to be
- sol-thread-new-objfile.
- * config/sparc/ Add sol-thread.o to NATDEFFILES, and
- add to NAT_CLIBS.
- * config/sparc/tm-sun4sol2.h: Define PIDGET, TIDGET, and
- target_pid_to_str.
-Sat May 4 02:13:34 1996 N Srin Kumar <>
- * procfs.c (remove_fd): Fix copy of fds to fill hole left after
- removal of the requested fd.
-Mon May 6 07:52:48 1996 Michael Meissner <>
- * rs6000-tdep.c (_initialize_rs6000_tdep): Don't do XCOFF specific
- hooks under ELF.
- * config/powerpc/tm-ppc-eabi.h: Define ELF_OBJECT_FORMAT.
-Thu May 2 12:46:14 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- From Peter Schauer:
- * breakpoint.h (enum bpdisp): Add del_at_next_stop.
- * breakpoint.c (insert_breakpoints, watchpoint_check,
- bpstat_stop_status): Avoid bad references to memory freed via
- delete_breakpoint on watchpoints going out of scope.
- Do not delete these watchpoints, disable them and change their
- disposition to del_at_next_stop instead.
- (breakpoint_auto_delete): Delete all breakpoints whose disposition
- is del_at_next_stop.
- (breakpoint_init_inferior): Use switch to avoid reference to
- already deleted breakpoint.
-Wed May 1 17:29:18 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * (rs6000-nat.o): Depend on xcoffsolib.h.
- * config/rs6000/ (NATDEPFILES): Move xcoffread.o ...
- * config/rs6000/ (TDEPFILES): ... to here.
- * xcoffsolib.c (xcoff_relocate_symtab_hook): Define and initialize.
- (solib_info): Call xcoff_relocate_symtab via the hook.
- (sharedlibrary_command): Ditto.
- * xcoffread.c: Remove all FAKING_RS6000 comments and defines.
- (xcoff_add_toc_to_loadinfo_hook): Define and initialize here.
- (xcoff_init_loadinfo_hook): Define and initialize here.
- (scan_xcoff_symtab): Call xcoff_add_toc_to_loadinfo via the hook.
- (xcoff_initial_scan): Call xcoff_init_loadinfo via the hook.
- * xcoffsolib.h (xcoff_relocate_symtab_hook): Declare extern func.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (_initialize_rs6000_tdep): Add initializations
- of xcoff_add_toc_to_loadinfo_hook and xcoff_init_loadinfo_hook.
- * rs6000-nat.c (_initialize_core_rs6000): Add initialization
- of xcoff_relocate_symtab_hook.
-Tue Apr 30 13:22:02 1996 Michael Meissner <>
- * configure (powerpcle-*-solaris*): Add Solaris support.
- * config/powerpc/{solaris.m[ht],tm-solaris.h}: New files for
- Solaris support.
-Mon Apr 29 16:17:31 1996 Dawn Perchik <>
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): Fix printing for arrays defined
- with 0 length.
-Sun Apr 28 15:08:05 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- Support for bi-endian remote breakpoints.
- * remote.c (big_break_insn, little_break_insn): New globals.
- (break_insn): Remove.
- (remote_insert_breakpoint, remote_remove_breakpoint): Use own
- code if REMOTE_BREAKPOINT defined, otherwise call memory
- breakpoint functions.
- * config/sh/tm-sh.h (REMOTE_BREAKPOINT): Remove.
- * mon960-rom.c (mon960_cmds): Remove forward decl.
- (mon960_load): Use current_monitor instead of mon960_cmds.
- (mon960_regnames): Remove backslashes from line ends.
- (_initialize_mon960): Fix documentation string.
-Sun Apr 28 12:10:35 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * symfile.h (psymbol_allocation_list): Expand comments which
- describe the psymbol allocation list and how each field is
- used.
-Sun Apr 28 03:44:30 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * breakpoint.c (delete_breakpoint): Fix bpt->val, bpt->exp
- storage leaks.
- (breakpoint_re_set_one): Fix b->exp, b->val, b->cond storage leaks.
- * infcmd.c (run_command), solib.c (locate_base): Check for
- target_has_execution in addition to inferior_pid, a core file
- from a threaded program is yielding a non-zero inferior_pid.
- * sparc-tdep.c (get_saved_register): Handle window registers
- in a dummy frame correctly.
-Sat Apr 27 20:38:32 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * (CLIBS): Move $(MMALLOC) past all other libs,
- so that anything that wants an allocation function not yet pulled
- in, will get it from mmalloc rather than a system library.
- * (INSTALLED_LIBS): Reorder to match order of CLIBS,
- to avoid surprising results when used.
-Sat Apr 27 00:12:05 1996 Dawn Perchik (
- * stabsread.c: Changes and bug fixes for cfront support.
- Fix bug for class data members.
- Fix parsing bug when no base classes exist.
- Fix memory bug - allocate space for cplusplus specific info.
- Add support for static data.
- Add prototypes for static functions.
- Enhance comments to show what each function expects to parse.
- Cleanup code.
- * stabsread.c(resolve_cont),dbxread.c(resolve_cont): Rename
- function to resolve_cfront_continuation.
-Fri Apr 26 23:58:26 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Call registers_changed when
- restarting the inferior to get over a nullified instruction.
-Tue Apr 24 12:12:55 1996 Dawn Perchik (
- * dbxread.c,stabsread.c,gdbtypes.c,partial-stab.h,valops.c:
- Add new support for parsing cfront stabs.
-Wed Apr 24 00:32:55 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Move "have_waited" label
- outside of #ifdef conditionals. Don't trash the wait status
- if we get a signal and the current instruction is nullified.
-Mon Apr 22 20:17:01 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * (VERSION): Bump version number to 4.16.1.
- * NEWS: Update for 4.16 release.
-Mon Apr 22 16:32:29 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * monitor.h: Clean up comment formatting.
- (current_monitor): Remove decl.
- (LOADTYPES, LOADPROTOS, INIT_CMD, etc): Remove definitions.
- (push_monitor, SREC_SIZE): Remove.
- * monitor.c: Expand old macro into current_monitor derefs
- everywhere.
- * remote-os9k.c (current_monitor): Remove definition.
-Mon Apr 22 14:54:45 1996 Mark Alexander <>
- * corefile.c (specify_exec_file_hook): Allow arbitrary number of
- hooks.
- (call_extra_exec_file_hooks): New function.
- * h8300-tdep.c: Lint; add .h files to provide missing declarations,
- remove unused variables.
- (set_machine_hook): New function.
- (_initialize_h8300m): Initialize it.
-Fri Apr 19 15:03:49 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * remote-mips.c (encoding): Don't specify size, to avoid bug in
- SunOS native compiler.
-Thu Apr 18 18:46:57 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * monitor.c: Use int rather than LONGEST for values, since
- the formatting strings are not prepared to accept long longs.
-Wed Apr 17 20:17:27 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * arm-tdep.c (initialize_arm_tdep): Make apcs32 a `zinteger'.
-Tue Apr 16 17:38:23 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * corelow.c (add_to_thread_list): Make sure reg_sect is non-null
- before de-referencing it. Prevents deref of NULL pointer if core
- file lacks .reg section.
- * defs.h: Rename floatformat_{to from}_long_double to
- floatformat_{to from}_doublest. Get rid of FLOATFORMAT_{TO
- FROM}... macros.
- * findvar.c (extract_floating store_floating): Change all refs to
- FLOATFORMAT_{FROM TO}... to floatformat_{from to}_doublest.
- * utils.c: Change floatformat_{to from}_long_double to
- floatformat_{to from}_doublest cuz the new routines will use
- whatever size (double or long double) is appropriate.
- * config/i960/tm-i960.h (REGISTER_CONVERT_TO_VIRTUAL
- floatformat... routine calls.
-Mon Apr 15 16:34:11 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * stabsread.c (read_type): Move handling of '@' from type
- number handling to handling of types proper (as emitted by gcc!).
- For typedefs, allocate the typedef type before reading its
- definition, to properly handling recursive types.
-Mon Apr 15 11:19:26 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * ch-exp.c (calculate_array_length): Fix prototype.
-Sat Apr 13 14:21:16 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * remote-nindy.c (nindy_open): Acquire more target state so that
- user can attach to a previously running program.
- * (nindy_fetch_registers nindy_store_registers): Get rid of fp
- conversion code. That's all handled in {extract store}_floating
- now.
- * utils.c (floatformat_to_double): Don't bias exponent when
- handling zero's, denorms or NaNs.
- * config/i960/tm-i960.h (REGISTER_CONVERT_TO_VIRTUAL
- * config/i960/tm-nindy960.h: Undefine
- REGISTER_CONVERTIBLE. These are no longer necessary now that all
- the magic happens in extract/store_floating.
-Sat Apr 13 02:58:02 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard): Report error when attempting to
- evaluate subscripts for types which cannot be subscripted.
- * valarith.c (value_x_binop, value_x_unop): Add noside parameter.
- Return a zero value with the return type of the member function
- if noside is EVAL_AVOID_SIDE_EFFECTS instead of calling the member
- function.
- * values.h (value_x_binop, value_x_unop): Update prototypes
- accordingly.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard): Update all callers of
- value_x_binop, value_x_unop accordingly.
- * valarith.c (value_neg, value_complement): Perform ANSI C/C++
- integral promotion on operands.
-Fri Apr 12 13:19:27 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * README: Update for 4.16 release.
- * (AC_CHECK_FUNCS): Also check for sbrk.
- * configure: Regenerate with autoconf.
- * Regenerate with autoheader.
- * main.c (main): Only use sbrk() when HAVE_SBRK is defined.
- * top.c (command_loop): Ditto.
-Fri Apr 12 09:45:29 1996 Stu Grossman (
- defaults for bi-endian targets. Replace function pointers for
- floatformat routines with macros. No need for these to be runtime
- selectable.
- * findvar.c: Get rid of floatformat function pointers. Use
- macros in extract_floating and store_floating.
- * remote-nindy.c (nindy_fetch_registers nindy_store_registers):
- Use floatformat macros.
-Thu Apr 11 21:28:02 1996 Fred Fish <>
- From: Miles Bader <>
- * (AC_CHECK_HEADERS): check for endian.h.
- Add host & target cases for i[345]86-*-gnu*.
- * Regenerate with autoheader.
- * configure: Regenerate with autoconf.
- * (AR, AWK): Set from corresponding autoconf substs.
- (init.c): Don't scan mig-generated files.
- * defs.h (endian.h): Include if HAVE_ENDIAN_H defined.
- * config/nm-m3.h (ATTACH_NO_WAIT): Define.
- * infcmd.c (attach_command): Use "#ifndef ATTACH_NO_WAIT"
- rather than "#ifndef MACH".
-Thu Apr 11 18:49:42 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote.c (remotewritesize): New GDB variable, controls size
- of memory packets sent to the target.
-Thu Apr 11 13:47:52 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * dcache.c: Add prototypes. Make many functions static.
- * (dcache_peek dcache_fetch dcache_poke): Make dcache_fetch and
- dcache_poke call dcache_xfer_memory directly in order to fix
- problems with turning off dcache. dcache_peek is now unnecessary,
- so it goes away.
- * defs.h: Define new macros HOST_{FLOAT DOUBLE LONG_DOUBLE}_FORMAT
- and TARGET_{FLOAT DOUBLE LONG_DOUBLE}_FORMAT to specify a pointer
- to a struct floatformat. This allows for better handling of
- targets whose floating point formats differ from the host by more
- than just byte order.
- * (floatformat_to_long_double floatformat_from_long_double):
- Prototypes for new functions in utils.c.
- * (floatformat_to_doublest floatformat_from_doublest): Prototypes
- for pointers to floating point conversion functions. The actual
- function uses either double or long double if the host supports it.
- * findvar.c (floatformat_to_doublest floatformat_from_doublest):
- Initialize to point at correct function depending on HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE.
- * (extract_floating store_floating): Rewrite. Now, if host fp
- format is the same as the target, we just do a copy. Otherwise,
- we call floatformat_{to from}_doublest.
- * remote-nindy.c (nindy_xfer_inferior_memory): Change param
- `write' to `should_write'.
- * utils.c (floatformat_to_long_double
- floatformat_from_long_double): New routines that implement long
- double versions of functions in libiberty/floatformat.c.
- * config/i960/tm-i960.h (TARGET_LONG_DOUBLE_FORMAT): Define this for
- i960 extended real (80 bit) numbers.
- * nindy-share/nindy.c (ninMemGet ninMemPut): Return number of bytes
- actually read or written.
-Wed Apr 10 02:56:06 1996 Wilfried Moser <>
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print): Remove call to calculate_array_length.
- (calculate_array_length): Move function from here ...
- * ch-exp.c (calculate_array_length): ... to here.
- (parse_primval): If we have a symbol with an array type
- and the length is 0, call calculate_array_length.
-Tue Apr 9 01:23:05 1996 Wilfried Moser <>
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard): In case of TYPE_CODE_SET:
- Add some checks for powerset compatibility.
- * valops.c (value_slice): Use lowbound instead of lowerbound for
- call to slice_range_type to get correct bounds.
-Mon Apr 8 12:53:56 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * (scm-exp.o, scm-lang.o, scm-valprint.o): Add targets and
- dependencies.
- * scm-lang.c (gdb_string.h): Include.
- * objfiles.c (add_to_objfile_sections): Cast second arg of obstack_grow
- call to correct type (char *).
- * cp-valprint.c (cp_print_static_field): Ditto.
- * somsolib.c (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Add a declaration
- for external find_unwind_entry function (from hppa-tdep.c).
- * remote-pa.c (remote_write_bytes, remote_read_bytes): Change
- type of second arg to "char *" to be type compatible with
- dcache.
- (remote_wait): Cast second arg to strtol to correct type.
- * hppa-tdep.c (compare_unwind_entries): Change argument types to
- "const void *" to be type compatible with qsort, and then
- assign to local args prior to use.
-Mon Apr 8 15:35:52 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * infptrace.c (kill_inferior): Remove call to "kill"; update
- comments.
-Mon Apr 8 14:05:07 1996 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * remote-e7000.c: don't append :23 to target port if __WIN32__
- is defined (it's WinGDB).
-Sun Apr 7 22:34:29 1996 Fred Fish <>
- From: Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c, gnu-nat.h, msg.defs, exc_request.defs, i386gnu-nat.c,
- msg_reply.defs, notify.defs, process_reply.defs, reply_mig_hack.awk,
- config/nm-gnu.h, config/i386/{,, nm-gnu.h,
- m-i386gnu.h, xm-i386gnu.h}: New files for GNU hurd.
-Sun Apr 7 13:32:41 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * (case host): Add i386sco5 host.
- * configure: Regenerate.
- From: Robert Lipe <>
- Add support for SCO OpenServer 5 (a.k.a. 3.2v5*) This
- target is an SVR3.2 with COFF, ELF, and shared libes, but
- no /proc.
- * config/i386/ New file.
- * config/i386/nm-i386sco5.h: New file.
-Sat Apr 6 08:55:22 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * bcache.c (bcache): When size of chunk to cache is exactly equal to
- BCACHE_MAXLENGTH, stash chunk as unique copy.
-Sat Apr 6 00:46:26 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * symfile.c (INLINE_ADD_PSYMBOL): Remove ifdef.
- (add_psymbol_to_list): Add an arg for passing CORE_ADDR values and
- use it, rather than calling add_psymbol_addr_to_list.
- (add_psymbol_addr_to_list): Delete.
- (add_psymbol_to_list): Make psymbol static to avoid random data in
- gaps due to alignment of structure members.
- ADD_PSYMBOL_ADDR_TO_LIST): Remove. Real world tests show no
- performance improvements by inlining via complicated macros and
- they just make gdb larger and harder to maintain.
- * dwarfread.c (add_enum_psymbol): Replace ADD_PSYMBOL_TO_LIST
- and/or ADD_PSYMBOL_ADDR_TO_LIST macro(s) with call to
- add_psymbol_to_list with appropriate long or CORE_ADDR args.
- (add_partial_symbol): Ditto.
- * partial-stab.h: Ditto.
- * os9kread.c (read_os9k_psymtab): Ditto
- * mdebugread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Ditto.
- (handle_psymbol_enumerators): Ditto.
- (demangle.h): Include.
- * hpread.c (hpread_build_psymtabs): Ditto.
- (hpread_build_psymtabs): Ditto.
- (demangle.h): Include
-Thu Apr 4 20:16:55 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * Check for setpgid function.
- * Regenerate with autoheader.
- * configure: Regenerate with autoconf.
- * inflow.c (_initialize_inflow): Only try to use _SC_JOB_CONTROL
- if it is actually defined.
- (gdb_setpgid): Use HAVE_SETPGID.
- * ch-exp.c: Change include of <string.h> to "gdb_string.h".
- * c-exp.y, f-exp.y, m2-exp.y: Ditto.
- * c-exp.y, serial.c: Include <ctype.h>.
- * config/m68k/nm-news.h: Add typedef for pid_t which is
- apparently missing from <sys/types.h>. Enclose entire
- file in NM_NEWS_H ifndef and define when included.
- * config/mips/nm-news-mips.h: Ditto.
- * config/m68k/tm-m68k.h (REGISTER_CONVERT_TO_VIRTUAL,
- REGISTER_CONVERT_TO_RAW): Change name of temporary variable.
-Thu Apr 4 19:04:18 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * arm-xdep.c: Move native-specific code to here from arm-tdep.c.
- * arm-tdep.c (arm_apcs_32): New global.
- (arm_addr_bits_remove, arm_saved_pc_after_call,
- arm_push_dummy_frame, arm_pop_frame): New functions.
- (arm_skip_prologue): Updated version from Richard Earnshaw.
- (_initialize_arm_tdep): Add set/show "apcs32".
- * config/arm/tm-arm.h (ADDR_BITS_REMOVE): Call
- arm_addr_bits_remove.
- (SAVED_PC_AFTER_CALL): Call arm_saved_pc_after_call.
- (frame_find_saved_regs): Declare properly.
- (PUSH_DUMMY_FRAME): Call arm_push_dummy_frame.
- (POP_FRAME): Call arm_pop_frame, use ADDR_BITS_REMOVE instead of
- explicit mask.
- * config/arm/nm-arm.h: New file.
- * config/arm/xm-arm.h (KERNEL_U_ADDR, FETCH_INFERIOR_REGISTERS):
- Move definitions to nm-arm.h.
- * config/arm/ (NAT_FILE): Define.
- * symfile.c (generic_load): Initialize data_count properly.
-Thu Apr 4 17:17:53 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * symmisc.c (print_objfile_statistics): Print memory used by
- psymbol cache obstack.
-Thu Apr 4 15:43:07 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * symfile.c (report_transfer_performance): New function.
- (generic_load): Call it to report transfer rate.
- * remote-e7000.c (e7000_load): Ditto.
-Mon Apr 1 16:31:00 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw-make.sed: Change references to config.h to be in objdir,
- edit out rules to rebuild config.h.
-Mon Apr 1 08:32:23 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_pop_frame): Call clear_proceed_status before
- proceeding.
-Sun Mar 31 16:15:43 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * hppah-nat.c (store_inferior_registers, store_inferior_registers,
- fetch_register, child_xfer_memory): Use call_ptrace function supplied
- by infptrace.c rather than calling ptrace directly.
-Sun Mar 31 15:39:00 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * mon960-rom.c: Cleanups and elimination of unused code,
- clarify documentation string.
- (mon960_serial, mon960_ttyname): Remove.
- * config/i960/tm-mon960.h (ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS,
-Sat Mar 30 11:00:22 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * Check whether printf family supports printing
- long doubles or not and define PRINTF_HAS_LONG_DOUBLE if so.
- * acconfig.h: Provide default undef for PRINTF_HAS_LONG_DOUBLE.
- * configure: Regenerate.
- * valprint.c (print_floating): Use PRINTF_HAS_LONG_DOUBLE.
- * c-exp.y (parse_number): Use PRINTF_HAS_LONG_DOUBLE.
- * Fix have_gregset and have_fpregset autoconf
- variable names so that they match the pattern required to
- cache them.
-Fri Mar 29 21:39:56 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * core-aout.c (fetch_core_registers): Cast core_reg_size to int
- before testing against reg_ptr.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard): Cast type of
- * findvar.c (extract_signed_integer, extract_unsigned_integer,
- extract_long_unsigned_integer): Cast type of sizeof to int.
- * values.c (unpack_field_as_long, modify_field): Ditto.
- * valops.c (value_assign, call_function_by_hand): Ditto.
- * infcmd.c (do_registers_info): Ditto.
- * ser-tcp.c (tcp_open): Ditto.
- * remote.c (putpkt): Ditto.
- * dcache.c (dcache_peek): Ditto.
- * dcache.c (dcache_poke): Ditto.
- * m2-exp.y (yylex): Ditto.
- * gnu-regex.c (re_match_2): Ditto.
- * f-lang.c (ADD_BF_SYMNUM, saved_bf_list_end, tmp_bf_ptr): Ifdef
- out unused macro definition and variables.
- * inftarg.c (proc_wait): Move from main.c to here, and make static.
- * valprint.c (val_print_string): Change bufsize from int to unsigned.
- * main.c (wait.h): Include.
- * top.c (command_line_input): Remove unused variable "c".
- * f-typeprint.c (f_type_print_varspec_prefix): Add missing enum
- value TYPE_CODE_TYPEDEF to switch statement.
- (f_type_print_varspec_suffix): Add missing enum value
- TYPE_CODE_TYPEDEF to switch statement.
- * ch-exp.c (parse_primval): Add remaining enumeration values to
- switch statement, with no specific action.
- (ch_lex): Add LOC_UNRESOLVED in switch statement.
- (pushback_token): Ifdef out, since code using it is ifdef'd out.
- * stabsread.c (cleanup_undefined_types): Remove unused label
- "badtype".
- * objfiles.h (print_symbol_bcache_statistics): Add prototype.
- * maint.c (objfiles.h): Include.
- (maintenance_print_statistics): Remove unused variable "temp".
- * minsyms.c (lookup_minimal_symbol_solib_trampoline): Remove
- unused variable "found_file_symbol".
- * m2-exp.y (yylex): Add LOC_UNRESOLVED case to switch.
- * language.c (lang_bool_type): Use existing function local type
- variable rather than create block local variables.
- * solib.c (disable_break): Enclose in ifndef SVR4_SHARED_LIBS.
- * infptrace.c (wait.h, command.h): Include.
- * ser-tcp.c (gdb_string.h): Include
- * i386-tdep.c (codestream_seek): Change "place" to CORE_ADDR.
- (i386_get_frame_setup): Change "pc" from int to CORE_ADDR.
- * command.c (complete_on_enum): Make assignment used as truth value
- explictly check against NULL.
- (wait.h): Include.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Ifdef out prologue_pc since code
- that uses it is ifdef'd out.
- * parser-defs.h: Add prototype for write_dollar_variable.
- * infrun.c: Add prototype for write_pc_pid.
- * breakpoint.h: Add prototype for re_enable_breakpoints_in_shlibs.
- * symmisc.c (bcache.h): Include.
- * bcache.h: Add prototype for print_bcache_statistics.
- * symfile.c: Include <time.h>.
- * printcmd.c (print_scalar_formatted): Change len to unsigned int.
- * valarith.c (value_equal): Cast result of TYPE_LENGTH to int.
- * valarith.c (value_binop): Change result_len, promoted_len1,
- and promoted_len2 to unsigned int.
- * valarith.c (value_subscripted_rvalue): Change elt_offs and
- elt_size to unsigned int.
- * valops.c (value_array): Change typelength to unsigned int.
- (destructor_name_p): Change len to unsigned int.
- * scm-lang.h (scm_parse): Add prototype for scm_unpack.
- * symfile.c (decrement_reading_symtab): Change return type to void.
- * valarith.c (value_subscript): Remove unused variable "word".
- (value_subscript): Remove unused variable "tint".
- * valops.c (auto_abandon): Ifdef out, since code using it is also
- ifdef'd out.
- * eval.c (init_array_element): Remove unused variable "val".
- * (values.o): Depends on scm-lang.h.
- (command.o): Depends upon wait_h.
- (ser-tcp.o): Depends upon gdb_string.h.
- (infptrace.o): Depends upon wait_h and command_h.
- (maint.o): Depends on objfiles.h and symfile.h.
- * values.c (allocate_repeat_value): Remove unused variable
- "element_type".
- (scm-lang.h): Include.
- * breakpoint.c (create_longjmp_breakpoint): Enclose in
- GET_LONGJMP_TARGET define, unused otherwise.
- * config/i386/nm-linux.h: Add prototypes for i386_insert_watchpoint,
- i386_remove_watchpoint and i386_stopped_by_watchpoint.
-Thu Mar 28 12:53:19 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * (sparc64-*-solaris2*): Delete.
- Stick with sparc-*-solaris2*.
- * configure: Regenerated.
-Thu Mar 28 06:51:26 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * valops.c (value_assign): Make copy of internal variable value
- before returning it as a new value, since it is owned by the
- internal variable and will be freed along with it.
-Wed Mar 27 08:36:17 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * From Peter Schauer.
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_re_set_one): Keep temporary
- breakpoints bp_until, bp_finish, bp_watchpoint_cope, bp_call_dummy
- and bp_step_resume in case breakpoint_re_set_one is called due
- to a step over a dlopen call.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Always remove breakpoints from
- inferior in BPSTAT_WHAT_CHECK_SHLIBS case.
-Tue Mar 26 13:15:32 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (COERCE_FLOAT_TO_DOUBLE): Only prefer
- non-prototyped case over prototyped case for C.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (COERCE_FLOAT_TO_DOUBLE): Ditto.
-Sat Mar 23 17:24:28 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * os9kread.c (os9k_process_one_symbol): Note nonportable
- assumption that an int can hold a char *.
- * bcache.h (struct hashlink): Wrap data[] inside union with
- double to force longest alignment.
- (BCACHE_DATA): New macro to access data[].
- (BCACHE_ALIGNMENT): New macro to get offset to data[].
- * bcache.c (lookup_cache, bcache): Use BCACHE_DATA to get
- address of cached data. Use BCACHE_ALIGNMENT to compute
- amount of space to allocate for each hashlink struct.
-Sat Mar 23 12:14:02 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * ch-lang.c (evaluate_subexp_chill): Fix typo.
-Thu Mar 21 08:27:19 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * (VERSION): Bump version to 4.15.3
-Thu Mar 21 10:56:41 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Rename from
- * Call AC_CONFIG_HEADER with
- Change CONFIG_HEADERS test in AC_OUTPUT accordingly.
- * configure: Rebuild.
- * (stamp-h): Depend upon, not
-Tue Mar 19 12:47:51 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * partial-stab.h (case N_ENDM): Finish current partial symbol
- table for Solaris 2 cc.
-Tue Mar 19 10:39:15 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * rs6000-nat.c (exec_one_dummy_insn): Don't clobber the
- PC in the registers array. From Peter Schauer.
-Mon Mar 18 13:47:09 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * symfile.c (reread_symbols): Reinitialize bcache struct
- members to zero using memset. Also use memset to reinit
- global_psymbols and static_psymbols, rather than explicitly
- resetting each structure member.
-Sat Mar 16 19:47:36 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * Add fragment to create stamp-h.
- From Peter Schauer <Peter.Schauer@Regent.E-Technik.TU-Muenchen.DE>
- * (AC_CHECK_HEADERS): Check for link.h.
- * configure: Regenerate with autoconf.
- * Regenerate with autoheader.
- * config/i386/nm-linux.h: Include solib.h only if HAVE_LINK_H
- is defined.
- * solib.c: Exclude most of the code if HAVE_LINK_H is not defined.
- * config/i386/ Reinstate XM_CLIBS, it is needed for
- older a.out based systems.
-Sat Mar 16 16:45:43 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * New file.
- * acconfig.h: New file, for autoheader.
- * (AC_CONFIG_HEADER): Add, generate config.h.
- * configure: Regenerate.
- * (defs_h): Add config.h
- (distclean): Remove config.h and stamp-h during distclean.
- (config.h, stamp-h): New targets to remake config.h when necessary.
- * defs.h (config.h): Include before any other includes or defines.
- * i386-tdep.c (gdb_string.h): Move include after include of defs.h.
- * i386v4-nat.c (defs.h): Include before testing HAVE_SYS_PROCFS_H.
-Sat Mar 16 14:55:27 1996 Fred Fish <>
- From Peter Schauer <Peter.Schauer@Regent.E-Technik.TU-Muenchen.DE>
- * (INSTALLED_LIBS): Make sure that @LIBS@ will not
- result in an empty line, to work around a bug in native Ultrix 4.4
- and OSF/1-3.2C make.
-Sat Mar 16 13:33:17 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * Add gdbserver to configdirs under linux.
- * configure: Regenerate.
-Fri Mar 15 12:06:58 1996 J.T. Conklin <>
- * config/i386/nm-nbsd.h (FLOAT_INFO): Comment out.
- * config/i386/tm-nbsd.h (NUM_REGS): Define.
-Thu Mar 14 10:31:18 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * solib.c (solib_break_names): Add _r_debug_state for
- vanilla SVR4 implementations. From Peter Schauer.
-Mon Mar 11 14:24:57 1996 Dawn Perchik <>
- * mon960-rom.c: New file; support mon960 rom monitor on i960.
- * monitor.c (monitor_debug): Change remotedebug to buffer strings.
- * monitor.c (monitor_open): Add test for flag MO_NO_ECHO_ON_OPEN before
- epecting prompt and echo during open.
- * monitor.c (monitor_stop): Add test for flag MO_SEND_BREAK_ON_OPEN to
- determine if break should be sent as stop command.
- * monitor.h: Add flags MO_NO_ECHO_ON_OPEN and MO_SEND_BREAK_ON_OPEN.
- * i960-tdep.c (mon960_frame_chain_valid): New function for getting
- stack frame on mon960.
- * Add mon960 files.
- * Changed i960-*-coff* and i960-*-elf* to target mon960;
- added i960-nindy-coff* and i960-nindy-elf* for target nindy.
- * configure: Regenerated.
- * config/i960/, config/i960/tm-mon960.h: New files;
- support mon960 rom monitor on i960.
-Mon Mar 11 11:02:47 1996 Steve Chamberlain <>
- With Michael Snyder:
- * i386-tdep.c (skip_trampoline_code): Fix strncmp length.
- * win32-nat.c (CHECK, DEBUG*, debug_*): New.
- (handle_load_dll): Don't reload symbols.
- (handle_exception): Use the DEBUG_* names.
- (child_wait): Add DEBUG_* code.
- (_initialize_inftarg): Add new commands to set debug_ names.
-Mon Mar 11 09:19:58 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * From Peter Schauer:
- * breakpoint.c (insert_breakpoints): Use ALL_BREAKPOINTS_SAFE.
- (bpstat_stop_status): Likewise.
- (remove_solib_event_breakpoints): Likewise.
- (clear_momentary_breakpoints): Likewise.
- (re_enable_breakpoints_in_shlibs): Don't reenable a breakpoint
- if we still can't read the memory for that breakpoint.
- (mention): Add bp_shlib_event case to keep gcc quiet.
-Fri Mar 8 12:08:12 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * breakpoint.h (enum enable): New enum shlib_disabled for
- shared library breakpoints that have been temporarily disabled.
- * breakpoint.c: Handle temporarily disabled shared library
- breakpoints like disabled breakpoints in most places.
- (insert_breakpoints): Use shlib_disabled to indicate
- that an unsettable breakpoint is only temporarily disabled.
- (re_enable_breakpoints_in_shlibs): New function.
- * corelow.c (solib_add_stub): After adding shared libraries,
- try to reenable any temporarily disabled breakpoints.
- * infcmd.c (attach_command): Likewise.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Likewise.
-Fri Mar 8 11:41:25 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * defs.h (extract_long_unsigned_integer): Declare.
- * findvar.c (extract_long_unsigned_integer): New function.
- * printcmd.c (print_scalar_formatted): Use it.
- * valprint.c (val_print_type_code_int): Likewise.
-Thu Mar 7 17:40:50 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * infcmd.c (do_registers_info): Ignore anonymous registers.
- * sh-tdep.c (set processor): New command to set specific
- processor type.
- (sh_reg_names, sh3_reg_names): Arrays of register names for
- SH and SH3 processors.
- (sh_set_processor_type): New function.
- * sh3-rom.c (sh3_open): Call it.
- (sh3_regname): Add names of all the bank registers.
- (sh3_supply_register): Clean up formatting.
- * config/sh/tm-sh.h (NUM_REGS, NUM_REALREGS): Increase to include
- bank registers.
- (REGISTER_NAMES): Add names of bank registers.
- (FP15_REGNUM): Define.
- * monitor.c: Clean up some comments.
-Thu Mar 7 12:09:51 1996 J.T. Conklin <>
- * i386b-nat.c: Revert part of Mar 5 change. FreeBSD collapsed the
- s* and t* symbols too.
-Thu Mar 7 15:18:51 1996 James G. Smith <>
- * symfile.c (generic_load): Avoid division by zero.
-Wed Mar 6 17:57:59 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * breakpoint.c (bfd_lookup_symbol): Provide for all SVR4 systems,
- not just those with HANDLE_SVR4_EXEC_EMULATORS.
- From Peter Schauer:
- * breakpoint.c (internal_breakpoint_number): Move to file scope.
- (create_solib_event_breakpoint): Use an internal breakpoint number.
-Wed Mar 6 00:32:44 1996 Wilfried Moser <>
- * valarith.c (value_in): Change builtin_type_chill_bool to
-Tue Mar 5 23:48:36 1996 Wilfried Moser <>
- * ch-exp.c (parse_primval): Handle CARD, MAX, MIN.
- (match_string_literal): Handle control sequence.
- (match_character_literal): Deto.
- * ch-lang.c (chill_printchar): Change formating of nonprintable
- characters from C'xx' to ^(num).
- (chill_printstr): Deto.
- (value_chill_card, value_chill_max_min): New functions to process
- Chill's CARD, MAX, MIN.
- (evaluate_subexp_chill): Process UNOP_CARD, UNOP_CHMAX, UNOP_CHMIN.
- * expression.h (exp_opcode): Add UNOP_CARD, UNOP_CHMAX, UNOP_CHMIN
- for Chill's CARD, MAX, MIN.
- * valarith.c (value_in): Add processing of TYPE_CODE_RANGE
- and change return type from builtin_type_int to
- builtin_type_chill_bool.
-Tue Mar 5 18:54:04 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * config/nm-nbsd.h (link_object, lo_name, etc): Move to here
- from config/nm-nbsd.h.
- * config/sparc/nm-nbsd.h (regs, fp_status, etc): Move to here
- from config/sparc/tm-nbsd.h.
- * config/m68k/nm-hp300hpux.h (FIVE_ARG_PTRACE): Define here
- instead of in config/m68k/xm-hp300hpux.h.
-Tue Mar 5 12:05:35 1996 J.T. Conklin <>
- * i386b-nat.c, m68knbsd-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): Provide
- implementation for NetBSD systems.
-Mon Mar 4 23:44:16 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * valarith.c (binop_user_defined_p): Return 0 for BINOP_CONCAT.
- (value_concat): Handle varying strings (add COERCE_VARYING_ARRAY).
- * ch-lang.c (evaluate_subexp_chill case MULTI_SUBSCRIPT): Error
- if "function" is pointer to non-function.
-Mon Mar 4 17:47:03 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * top.c (print_gdb_version): Update copyright year.
-Mon Mar 4 14:44:54 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- From Peter Schauer:
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Remove breakpoints and
- switch terminal settings before calling SOLIB_ADD.
- * solib.c (enable_break, SVR4 variant): Don't map in symbols
- for the dynamic linker, the namespace pollution causes real
- problems.
-Sun Mar 3 17:18:57 1996 James G. Smith <>
- * remote-mips.c (common_breakpoint): Explicitly terminate the
- returned buffer.
-Wed Feb 28 22:32:18 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- From Wilfried Moser <>:
- * remote.c (remote_detach): Send a command 'D' to the target
- when detaching, update the function's comments.
-Thu Jun 6 16:11:38 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c (thread_cmd_list): New declaration.
- (parse_int_arg): New function.
-Wed Jun 5 17:28:04 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.h (struct proc): Add DETACH_SC field.
- * gnu-nat.c (make_proc): Set DETACH_SC.
- (struct inf): Add DETACH_SC & DEFAULT_THREAD_DETACH_SC fields.
- (make_inf): Set DETACH_SC & DEFAULT_THREAD_DETACH_SC fields.
- (add_thread_commands): Add set/show for detach-suspend-count.
- Add takeover-suspend-count cmd.
- (inf_detach): Set suspend counts to the detach SC, not 0.
- (set_thread_detach_sc_cmd, show_thread_detach_sc_cmd,
- set_task_detach_sc_cmd, show_task_detach_sc_cmd,
- set_thread_default_thread_detach_sc_cmd,
- show_thread_default_thread_detach_sc_cmd): New functions.
- (show_task_cmd): Also show detach-suspend-count values.
- (thread_takeover_sc_cmd): New function.
-Fri May 31 16:49:24 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c (show_thread_run_cmd): Actually print state.
-Thu May 30 10:47:56 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c (inf_signal): Make unforwardable exceptions an error.
-Tue May 28 17:06:36 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c (inf_validate_stopped): proc_getprocinfo takes a
- pointer to the flags now, not the flags themselves.
-Mon May 27 13:31:17 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c (gnu_wait): Print debugging msgs for pending execs.
- (gnu_create_inferior): Check return from ptrace.
-Sun May 26 16:56:35 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.h (struct proc): Add DEAD field.
- * gnu-nat.c (make_proc): Initialize DEAD.
- (inf_set_traced, inf_validate_task_sc, inf_validate_procs: Frob it.
- (gnu_wait): Only abort for 0 threads if the task isn't dead.
-Sat May 25 17:06:05 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c (inf_signal): Pass SIGCODE when posting a signal.
-Wed May 22 18:44:28 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c (S_proc_wait_reply): Add SIGCODE argument.
- (inf_set_traced): Only give no-signal-thread error message if
- turning *on* tracing.
-Wed May 15 13:03:16 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c (inf_validate_procs): If INF has no threads, always
- set inf->threads_up_to_date to 0.
- (inf_signal): Pass in new SIGCODE argument to msg_sig_post_untraced.
- (gnu_wait): Pass in new TIMEOUT arg to interrupt_operation.
- (proc_update_sc): Cast thread state arg to thread_set_state.
- (proc_get_state): Cast thread state arg to thread_get_state.
- (inf_validate_task_sc): Cast task_basic_info arg to task_info.
- * i386gnu-nat.c (gnu_fetch_registers, gnu_store_registers): Call
- inf_update_procs before we lookup the thread.
- * config/i386/ (MH_CFLAGS): New variable.
-Tue May 7 17:52:33 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c (gnu_kill_inferior): Use inf_set_task to clear the task.
-Mon May 6 19:06:49 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c (inf_set_traced): Use msg_set_init_int with
- INIT_TRACEMASK instead of setting the exec flags.
-Fri May 3 19:10:57 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c (inf_validate_procs): Don't clear INF->task if we find
- the task's died, so others have a chance at it.
- (gnu_resume): When single-stepping a single thread, given an error
- if there is no such thread. When single-stepping one but running
- the others, just given a warning and still run all the threads.
- (gnu_wait): If there seem to be no threads, look harder, and
- signal an error if there really aren't any.
- (gnu_attach): Reset thread numbering to 0.
- * i386gnu-nat.c (gnu_fetch_registers, gnu_store_registers): Give
- thread name in warning messages.
- * gnu-nat.c (active_inf): New function.
- (show_sig_thread_cmd, show_stopped_cmd): Use it.
- (info_port_rights, info_send_rights_cmd, info_port_sets_cmd,
- info_recv_rights_cmd, info_port_rights_cmd, info_port_rights_cmd):
- New functions.
- (add_task_commands): Add new port-right info commands.
-Fri Apr 26 20:42:16 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c (gnu_wait): Instead of _hurd_intr_rpc_mach_msg, just
- use mach_msg with MACH_RCV_INTERRUPT.
- (set_noninvasive_cmd): New function.
- (add_task_commands): Add command entry for `set noninvasive'.
-Mon Mar 4 14:12:02 1996 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c (gnu_read_inferior): Use hurd_safe_memmove, not safe_bcopy.
- (safe_bcopy): Function removed.
-Mon Dec 4 14:18:26 1995 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c (proc_update_sc): Assert only threads can have state.
- (make_proc): Initialize state_valid & state_changed fields.
-Tue Nov 28 17:51:21 1995 Miles Bader <>
- * reply_mig_hack.awk: New file.
-Tue Nov 14 14:31:03 1995 Miles Bader <>
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_1): Print breakpoint thread field.
- * lynx-nat.c (child_wait): Return TARGET_WAITKIND_SPURIOUS for new
- threads.
-Mon Nov 13 18:30:53 1995 Miles Bader <>
- * target.c (debug_to_check_threads): New function.
- * inflow.c (terminal_init_inferior_with_pgrp): New function.
- (terminal_init_inferior): Call terminal_init_inferior_with_pgrp.
- * inferior.h (terminal_init_inferior_with_pgrp): New declaration,
- but only if PROCESS_GROUP_TYPE is defined.
-Mon Nov 6 16:42:09 1995 Miles Bader <>
- * target.c (debug_to_thread_alive): Pass through the return value.
-Thu Nov 2 18:05:00 1995 Miles Bader <>
- * target.c (signals, target_signal_from_host, target_signal_to_host):
- Add mach exceptions.
- * target.h (enum target_signal): Add mach exceptions.
-Mon Oct 30 16:41:04 1995 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c: New file: gnu native backend.
- * i386gnu-nat.c: New file: i386-specific part of gnu native backend.
- * gnu-nat.h: New file.
- * config/nm-gnu.h: New file.
- * config/tm-i386gnu.h: New file.
- * config/xm-i386gnu.h: New file.
- * config/i386/ New file.
- * config/i386/ New file.
-Wed Feb 28 15:50:12 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * (VERSION): Bump version to 4.15.2 to establish
- baseline for gdb 4.16 rerelease testing.
-Wed Feb 28 13:32:05 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * somsolib.c (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Before returning
- call clear_symtab_users.
-Tue Feb 27 00:04:46 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * remote-e7000.c (e7000_open): Delete all breakpoints when
- connecting to e7000. Change connect message to allow use of
- monitor.exp in test suite.
- * (e7000_load): Print transfer rate of download.
- * symfile.c (generic_load): Print transfer rate of download.
-Sun Feb 25 13:58:33 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * (mips*-*-vxworks*): New config.
- * configure: Regenerated.
- * config/mips/, config/mips/tm-vxmips.h: New files.
- * remote-vxmips.c (vx_convert_to_virtual, vx_convert_from_virtual):
- Remove, never used.
-Sat Feb 24 12:30:28 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * partial-stab.h (case N_FUN): Function symbols generated
- by SPARCworks cc have a meaningless zero value, do not update
- pst->textlow if the function symbol value is zero.
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): Initialize SYMBOL_TYPE field
- for function prototype declaration symbols.
-Fri Feb 23 22:33:04 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * remote-e7000.c (e7000_load): New routine to download via the
- network.
- * (e7000_wait): Don't backup PC when we hit a breakpoint.
- Apparantly new sh2 pods get this right...
- * (e7000_ops): Add call to e7000_load.
-Thu Feb 22 00:52:42 1996 J.T. Conklin <>
- * config/m68k/{,,nm-nbsd.h,tm-nbsd.h,xm-nbsd.h},
- m68knbsd-nat.c: New files, support for NetBSD/m68k.
- * (m68k-*-netbsd*): New config.
- * configure: Regenerated.
-Wed Feb 21 19:00:21 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * standalone.c (open, _initialize_standalone): Fix obvious typos
- reported by Martin Pool <>.
-Wed Feb 21 14:24:04 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * solib.c (solib_create_inferior_hook): Fix thinko.
-Tue Feb 20 23:59:19 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * solib.c (solib_break_names): Define for Solaris and Linux.
- (enable_break): For SVR4 systems, first try to use the debugger
- interfaces in the dynamic linker to track shared library events
- as they happen, then fall back to BKPT_AT_SYMBOL code. Convert
- BKPT_AT_SYMBOL code to use shared library event breakpoints.
- (solib_create_inferior_hook): Simplify BKPT_AT_SYMBOL code,
- it no longer needs to restart/wait on the inferior.
- * symfile.c (find_lowest_section): No longer static.
- * symfile.h (find_lowest_section): Corresponding changes.
-Tue Feb 20 18:54:08 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * valops.c (COERCE_FLOAT_TO_DOUBLE): Define default value.
- (value_arg_coerce): Use COERCE_FLOAT_TO_DOUBLE.
- * config/alpha/tm-alpha.h (COERCE_FLOAT_TO_DOUBLE): Define to 1.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h: Ditto.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h: Ditto.
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h: Ditto.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h: Ditto.
-Tue Feb 20 17:32:05 1996 J.T. Conklin <>
- * config/{i386,ns32k}/ (NATDEPFILES): Remove core-aout.o.
- * config/nm-nbsd.h (FETCH_INFERIOR_REGISTERS): Defined.
- * config/xm-nbsd.h (CC_HAS_LONG_LONG, PRINTF_HAS_LONG_LONG):
- #ifdef'd out definitions --- Causes serious gdb failures on
- the i386. Need to investigate further before enabling.
- * i386b-nat.c (fetch_inferior_registers, store_inferior_registers,
- fetch_core_registers): New functions. These functions are defined
- if FETCH_INFERIOR_REGISTERS is set. Registers are fetched/stored
- with ptrace PT_GETREGS/PT_SETREGS.
-Tue Feb 20 16:55:06 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * findvar.c (extract_floating store_floating): Replace `long
- double' with `DOUBLEST'.
-Mon Feb 19 15:25:51 1996 J.T. Conklin <>
- * config/xm-nbsd.h (CC_HAS_LONG_LONG, PRINTF_HAS_LONG_LONG):
- Define.
-Mon Feb 19 10:32:05 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * symtab.h (looup_minimal_symbol_solib_trampoline): Declare.
- * breakpoint.h (remove_solib_event_breakpoints): Declare.
- * breakpoint.c (remove_solib_event_breakpoints): New function.
- * somsolib.c (solib_create_inferior_hook): Remove all solib event
- breakpoints before inserting any new ones. Use a solib event
- breakpoint for the breakpoint at "_start".
- Remove extraneous "\n" from calls to warning.
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_1): Add missing "sigtramp" to bptypes
- name array.
-Mon Feb 19 01:09:32 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * dwarfread.c (add_partial_symbol): Use ADD_PSYMBOL_ADDR_TO_LIST
- for CORE_ADDR values.
- (new_symbol): Use SYMBOL_VALUE_ADDRESS for CORE_ADDR values.
- * symfile.h (add_psymbol_{,addr}to_list): Add prototypes.
-Sun Feb 18 14:37:13 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * mipsread.c (mipscoff_symfile_read): Unconditionally add
- alpha coff dynamic symbols for all symbol files. Makes skipping
- over the trampoline code work when stepping from a function in a
- shared library into a function in a different shared library.
-Sun Feb 18 09:27:10 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h: Define PS_FLAG_CARRY. Define
- RETURN_VALUE_ON_STACK to return long doubles on the stack.
-Sat Feb 17 16:33:11 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * (ch-exp.o): Add dependencies.
- (various): Add gdb_string.h to dependencies that need it.
-Sat Feb 17 08:57:50 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * symmisc.c (print_symbol_bcache_statistics): Update description for
- printing byte cache statistics.
-Thu Feb 16 16:02:03 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * Add native support for long double data type.
- * c-exp.y (%union): Change dval to typed_val_float. Use DOUBLEST
- to store actual data. Change types of INT and FLOAT tokens to
- typed_val_int and typed_val_float respectively. Create new token
- DOUBLE_KEYWORD to specify the string `double'. Make production
- for FLOAT use type determined by parse_number. Add production for
- "long double" data type.
- * (parse_number): Use sscanf to parse numbers as float, double or
- long double depending upon the type of typed_val_float.dval. Also
- allow user to specify `f' or `l' suffix to explicitly specify
- float or long double constants. Change typed_val to
- typed_val_int.
- * (yylex): Change typed_val to typed_val_int. Also, scan for
- "double" keyword.
- * coffread.c (decode_base_type): Add support for T_LNGDBL basic
- type.
- * configure, Add check for long double support in
- the host compiler.
- * defs.h: Define DOUBLEST appropriatly depending on whether
- HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE (from autoconf) is defined. Also, fix prototypes
- for functions that handle this type.
- * expression.h (union exp_element): doubleconst is now type
- * m2-exp.y f-exp.y (%union): dval becomes type DOUBLEST.
- * findvar.c (extract_floating): Make return value be DOUBLEST.
- Also, add support for numbers with size of long double.
- * (store_floating): Arg `val' is now type DOUBLEST. Handle all
- floating types.
- * parser-defs.h parse.c (write_exp_elt_dblcst): Arg expelt is now
- * valarith.c (value_binop): Change temp variables v1, v2 and v to
- type DOUBLEST. Coerce type of result to long double if either op
- was of that type.
- * valops.c (value_arg_coerce): If argument type is bigger than
- double, coerce to long double.
- * (call_function_by_hand): If REG_STRUCT_HAS_ADDR is defined, and
- arg type is float and > 8 bytes, then use pointer-to-object
- calling conventions.
- * valprint.c (print_floating): Arg doub is now type DOUBLEST.
- Use appropriate format and precision to print out floating point
- values.
- * value.h: Fixup prototypes for value_as_double,
- value_from_double, and unpack_double to use DOUBLEST.
- * values.c (record_latest_value): Remove check for invalid
- floats. Allow history to store them so that people may examine
- them in hex if they want.
- * (value_as_double unpack_double): Change return value to DOUBLEST.
- * (value_from_double): Arg `num' is now DOUBLEST.
- * (using_struct_return): Use RETURN_VALUE_ON_STACK macro (target
- specific) to expect certain types to always be returned on the stack.
-Fri Feb 16 14:00:54 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * bcache.c, bcache.h: New files to implement a byte cache.
- * (SFILES): Add bcache.c.
- (symtab_h): Add bcache.h.
- (HFILES_NO_SRCDIR): add bcache.h
- (COMMON_OBJS): Add bcache.o
- (bcache.o): New target.
- * dbxread.c (start_psymtab): Make global_syms & static_syms
- type "partial_symbol **".
- * hpread.c (hpread_start_symtab): Ditto.
- * os9kread.c (os9k_start_psymtab): Ditto.
- * stabsread.h (start_psymtab): Ditto.
- * {symfile.c, symfile.h} (start_psymtab_common): Ditto.
- * maint.c (maintenance_print_statistics): Call
- print_symbol_bcache_statistics.
- * objfiles.c (allocate_objfile): Initialize psymbol bcache malloc
- and free pointers.
- * solib.c (allocate_rt_common_objfile): Ditto.
- * symfile.c (reread_symbols): Ditto.
- (free_objfile): Free psymbol bcache when objfile is freed.
- (objfile_relocate): Use new indirect psymbol pointers.
- * objfiles.h (struct objfile): Add psymbol cache.
- * symfile.c (compare_psymbols): Now passed pointers to pointers to
- psymbols.
- (reread_symbols): Free psymbol bcache when freeing other objfile
- resources.
- (add_psymbol_to_list, add_psymbol_addr_to_list): Initialize new
- psymbol using the psymbol bcache.
- (init_psymbol_list): Psymbol lists now contain pointers rather than
- the actual psymbols.
- * symfile.h (psymbol_allocation_list): Psymbol lists now dynamically
- grown arrays of pointers.
- (ADD_PSYMBOL_VT_TO_LIST): Initialize new symbol using the psymbol
- bcache.
- * symmisc.c (print_partial_symbols): Now takes pointer to pointer
- to partial symbol.
- (print_symbol_bcache_statistics): New function to print per objfile
- bcache statistics.
- (print_partial_symbol, print_partial_symbols,
- maintenance_check_symtabs, extend_psymbol_list):
- Account for change to pointer to pointer to partial symbol.
- * symtab.c (find_pc_psymbol, lookup_partial_symbol, decode_line_2,
- make_symbol_completion_list):
- Account for change to pointer to pointer to partial symbol.
- * symtab.h (bcache.h): Include.
- * xcoffread.c (xcoff_start_psymtab): Make global_syms & static_syms
- type "partial_symbol **".
-Fri Feb 16 10:02:34 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * dwarfread.c (free_utypes): New function.
- (read_file_scope): Call free_utypes as cleanup, rather than just
- freeing the utypes pointer.
-Thu Feb 15 21:40:52 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * demangle.c (is_cplus_marker): New function, checks if a
- character is one of the commonly used C++ marker characters.
- * defs.h (is_cplus_marker): Add prototype.
- * c-typeprint.c (c_type_print_base), ch-lang.c (chill_demangle),
- cp-valprint.c (cp_print_class_method), mdebugread.c (parse_symbol),
- stabsread.c (define_symbol, read_member_functions, read_struct_fields),
- values.c (vb_match): Use is_cplus_marker instead of comparison
-Thu Feb 15 18:08:13 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * symfile.h (INLINE_ADD_PSYMBOL): Default this to 0 and possibly
- delete entirely someday.
-Thu Feb 15 15:25:34 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw-make.sed: Edit out makefile rebuild rule.
- (host_alias, target_alias): Comment out instead of deleting.
- (@LIBS@): Edit out references.
-Tue Feb 13 22:56:46 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * symfile.c (add_psymbol_to_list, add_psymbol_addr_to_list):
- Use n_psyms in OBJSTAT, not psyms.
-Mon Feb 12 15:59:31 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * (sparclet-*-aout*): New config.
- * configure: Regenerated.
-Mon Feb 12 14:17:52 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * somsolib.c (som_solib_add): Use xmalloc rather than bare
- unchecked call to malloc.
- * remote-mips.c (pmon_load_fast): ditto.
- * remote-mm.c (mm_open): ditto.
- * hpread.c (hpread_lookup_type): ditto.
- * remote-adapt.c (adapt_open): ditto.
-Mon Feb 12 13:11:32 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * f-lang.c (allocate_saved_bf_node, allocate_saved_function_node,
- allocate_saved_f77_common_node, allocate_common_entry_node,
- add_common_block): Use xmalloc rather than malloc, some of which
- were unchecked.
- * gnu-regex.c: At same point as other gdb specific changes
- #undef malloc and then #define it to xmalloc.
- * ch-exp.c (growbuf_by_size): Use xmalloc/xrealloc rather than
- bare unchecked calls to malloc/realloc.
- * stabsread.c (dbx_lookup_type): Use xmalloc rather than bare
- unchecked call to malloc.
-Wed Feb 7 11:31:26 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * symtab.c (gdb_mangle_name): Change opname var to be const to
- match return val of cplus_mangle_name.
- * i960-tdep.c: Change arg types of next_insn to match callers.
-Wed Feb 7 07:34:24 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * config/i386/ (XM_CLIBS, GDBSERVER_LIBS): Remove. These
- apparently aren't needed in any reasonably recent version of
- linux.
-Tue Feb 6 21:37:03 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * stabsread.c (read_range_type): If !self-subrange and language
- is Chill, assume a true range. If a true_range is a sub_subrange,
- use builtin_type_int for index_type.
-Tue Feb 6 18:38:51 1996 J.T. Conklin <>
- * nindy-share/nindy.c (say): Use stdarg.h macros when compiling
- with an ANSI compiler.
-Mon Feb 5 18:24:28 1996 Steve Chamberlain <>
- From Michael_Snyder@NeXT.COM (Michael Snyder):
- * valops.c (value_arg_coerce): Coerce float to double, unless the
- function prototype specifies float.
-Mon Feb 5 09:51:55 1996 Tom Tromey <>
- * language.c (set_language_command): Use languages table when
- printing available languages.
-Sat Feb 3 12:22:05 1996 Fred Fish <>
- Fix problems reported by Hans Verkuil (
- * command.c (add_cmd): Add missing initialization for enums member.
- Reorder members to match structure declaration to make it easier to
- tell when one is missing.
- * exec.c (exec_file_command): Fix problem where filename in malloc'd
- memory is referenced after being freed.
-Sat Feb 3 03:26:21 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * dwarfread.c (read_func_scope): Avoid GDB core dumps if
- AT_name tag is missing.
- * procfs.c (procfs_stopped_by_watchpoint): Fix logic when
- FLTWATCH and FLTKWATCH are defined.
- * remote.c (remote_read_bytes): Advance memaddr for transfers,
- return number of bytes transferred for partial reads.
- * top.c (init_signals): Reset SIGTRAP to SIG_DFL.
-Fri Feb 2 13:40:50 1996 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * win32-nat.c (mappings): Add ppc registers.
- (child_resume): Turn off step for ppc.
-Thu Feb 1 10:29:31 1996 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * config/powerpc/(,, tm-cygwin32.h,
- xm-cygwin32.h): New.
- * config/i386/(*win32*): Becomes *cygwin32*.
- * (i[3456]86-*-win32*): Becomes i[3456]86-*-cygwin32.
- (powerpcle-*-cygwin32): New.
- * configure: Regenerate.
- * win32-nat.c (child_create_inferior): Call CreateProcess
- with the right program arg.
-Thu Feb 1 11:01:10 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (SOFT_FLOAT): Provide a default definition.
-Wed Jan 31 19:01:28 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * serial.c: Change fputc/fputs/fprintf to _unfiltered forms.
-Wed Jan 31 18:36:27 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * config/sparc/xm-sun4os4.h (HAVE_TERMIOS): Remove.
- * config/sparc/xm-sparc.h (HAVE_WAIT_STRUCT): Remove, never used.
- * config/i386/nm-i386mach.h (CHILD_PREPARE_TO_STORE): Move to
- here from config/i386/xm-i386mach.h, fix name.
- * config/i386/nm-sun386.h: Ditto, from config/i386/xm-sun386.h.
- * config/i386/nm-ptx4.h (CHILD_PREPARE_TO_STORE): Move to
- here from config/i386/xm-ptx4.h.
- * config/i386/nm-ptx4.h: Ditto, from config/i386/xm-ptx.h.
- * config/i386/nm-symmetry.h: Ditto, from config/i386/xm-symmetry.h.
- * config/m68k/nm-sun3.h: Ditto, from config/m68k/xm-sun3.h.
- * config/sparc/nm-nbsd.h: Ditto, from config/sparc/xm-nbsd.h.
- * config/sparc/nm-sun4os4: Ditto, from config/sparc/xm-sparc.h.
- * config/sparc/nm-sun4sol2.h: New file, renamed from nm-sysv4.h.
- (PRSVADDR_BROKEN): Move here from xm-sun4sol2.h.
- * config/sparc/ (NAT_FILE): Update.
-Wed Jan 31 17:20:26 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE): Handle software
- floating point correctly.
- * config/pa/tm-pro.h (SOFT_FLOAT): define.
-Wed Jan 31 13:34:52 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * config/i386/xm-linux.h (MMAP_BASE_ADDRESS, MMAP_INCREMENT):
- Define to what should be reasonable values. However, apparently
- a bug in linux mmap prevents mapped symbol tables from working.
-Tue Jan 30 18:26:19 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * defs.h (errno.h>: Move #include closer to head of file to solve
- obscure problem with systems that declare perror with const arg, in
- both errno.h and stdio.h, and const is defined away by intervening
- local include.
-Tue Jan 30 15:41:10 1996 Fred Fish <>
- From Jon Reeves <>:
- * i386-stub.c (getpacket): Change fprintf stream from "gdb" to stderr.
- (mem_fault_routine): Fix misplaced volatile type qualifier in decl.
-Mon Jan 29 19:05:58 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * (diststuff): Make all-doc; diststuff target does not
- exist in doc/
-Mon Jan 29 18:44:57 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * config/m88k/xm-cxux.h (BP_HIT_COUNT): Remove, never used.
-Mon Jan 29 00:10:35 1996 Wilfried Moser <>
- * ch-valprint.c (calculate_array_length): New function to
- determine the length of an array type.
- (chill_val_print (case TYPE_CODE_ARRAY)): If the length of an
- array type is zero, call calculate_array_length.
- * gdbtypes.c (get_discrete_bounds (case TYPE_CODE_ENUM)): The
- values may not be sorted. Scan all entries and set the real lower
- and upper bound.
-Sun Jan 28 15:50:42 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * config/xm-linux.h: Move include of solib.h and #define of
- SVR4_SHARED_LIBS from here ...
- * config/nm-linux.h: here.
-Sat Jan 27 10:34:05 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * (AC_CHECK_HEADERS): Check for sys/procfs.h.
- Also check for gregset_t and fpregset_t types.
- * configure: Regenerate.
- * core-regset.c (sys/procfs.h): Only include if HAVE_SYS_PROCFS_H
- is defined.
- (fetch_core_registers): Turn into stub unless both HAVE_GREGSET_T
- and HAVE_FPREGSET_T are defined. These changes allow systems
- like linux that are migrating to /proc support to use a single
- configuration for both new and old versions.
- * config/i386/ Note that this is now for both a.out and
- ELF systems.
- * config/i386/ (NATDEPFILES): Add solib.o, core-regset.o,
- i386v4-nat.o
- * config/i386/tm-linux.h (tm-sysv4.h): Include.
- * config/i386/xm-linux.h (solib.h): Include
- (SVR4_SHARED_LIBS): Define.
- * i386v4-nat.c: Only compile if HAVE_SYS_PROCFS_H is defined.
- (supply_gregset, fill_gregset): Compile if HAVE_GREGSET_T defined.
- (supply_fpregset, fill_fpregset): Compile if HAVE_FPREGSET_T
- defined.
-Fri Jan 26 13:48:14 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * config/sparc/xm-sparc.h (NEW_SUN_CORE): Remove, never used.
- * config/i386/xm-sun386.h: Ditto.
- * config/m68k/xm-sun2.h, config/m68k/xm-sun3.h: Ditto.
-Thu Jan 25 16:05:53 1996 Tom Tromey <>
-Thu Jan 25 09:22:15 1996 Steve Chamberlain <>
- From Greg McGary <>:
- * dcache.c (dcache_peek, dcache_poke): Advance addr for
- multi-byte I/O.
-Thu Jan 25 13:08:51 1996 Doug Evans (
- * infrun.c (normal_stop): Fix test for shared library event.
-Thu Jan 25 03:26:38 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * (sparc64-*-*): Add default host configuration.
- (sparc64-*-solaris2*): Add target configuration.
- (sparc64-*-solaris2* host): Link statically if GCC used.
- * configure: Regenerated.
- * sparc/ New file.
-Wed Jan 24 22:31:37 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * (RUNTEST): srcdir renamed to rootsrc.
-Wed Jan 24 15:42:24 1996 Tom Tromey <>
- * (lint): Close backquotes.
-Wed Jan 24 13:19:10 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * NEWS: Make note of new record and replay feature for
- remote debug sessions.
- * serial.c (gdbcmd.h): Include.
- (serial_logfile, serial_logfp, serial_reading, serial_writing):
- Define here, for remote debug session logging.
- (serial_log_command, serial_logchar, serial_write, serial_readchar):
- New functions for remote debug session logging.
- (serial_open): Open remote debug session log file when needed.
- (serial_close): Close remote debug session log file when needed.
- (_initialize_serial): Add set/show commands for name of remote
- debug session log file.
- * serial.h (serial_readchar): Declare
- (SERIAL_READCHAR): Call serial_readchar().
- (SERIAL_WRITE): Call serial_write().
- (serial_close): Declare as extern.
- (serial_logfile, serial_logfp): Declare.
- * top.c (execute_command): Declare serial_logfp. Log user command
- in remote debug session log if log file is open.
- * remote-array.c (array_wait): #ifdef out echo to gdb_stdout.
- (array_read_inferior_memory): Rewrite to fix memory overwrite bug.
- * remote-array.c (SREC_SIZE): Remove, duplicates define in
- monitor.h.
- * remote-array.c (hexchars, hex2mem): Remove, unused.
- * gdbserver/low-linux.c (store_inferior_registers): Remove
- unnecessary extern declaration of registers[].
- * gdbserver/ (all): Add gdbreplay.
- * gdbserver/gdbreplay.c: New file.
- * gdbserver/README: Give example of recording a remote
- debug session with gdb and then replaying it with gdbreplay.
-Tue Jan 23 18:02:35 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * stabsread.c (rs6000_builtin_type): Make bool type unsigned.
- (read_one_struct_field): Support boolean bitfields.
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): Print booleans properly.
-Tue Jan 23 18:54:09 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote-vxsparc.c (vx_convert_to_virtual, vx_convert_from_virtual):
- Remove, never used.
- * config/sparc/ (TDEPFILES): Add remote-vxsparc.o.
-Tue Jan 23 14:36:05 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * ch-exp.c (parse_tuple): Error if invalid mode.
- * value.h (COERCE_ARRAY): Don't coerce enums.
- (COERCE_NUMBER): New macro (same as COERCE_ARRAY then COERCE_ENUM).
- * valops.c (value_assign): Only do COERCE_ARRAY if internalvar (let
- value_cast handle it otherwise); do *not* COERCE_ENUM either way.
- * valarith.c: Use COERCE_NUMBER instead od COEREC_ARRAY.
- * values.c (value_as_long): Simplify.
- * valops.c (value_array): Create internalvar if !c_style_arrays.
- * language.c (lang_bool_type): Add Fortran support.
- * eval.c (OP_BOOL): Use LA_BOOL_TYPE.
-Tue Jan 23 13:08:26 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * symfile.c (auto_solib_add): Renamed from auto_solib_add_at_startup.
- All references changed.
- * breakpoint.c (bpstat_what): Add shlib_event to the class types.
- Update state table. Reformat so that it's still readable.
- When we hit the shlib_event breakpoint, set the calss of shlib_event.
- (breakpoint_1): Add "shlib events" as a breakpoint type.
- Print the shlib_event breakpoint like other breakpoints.
- (create_solib_event_breakpoint): New function.
- (breakpoint_re_set_one): Handle solib_event breakpoints.
- * breakpoint.h (enum bytype): Add bp_shlib_event breakpoint type.
- (enum bpstat_what_main_action): Add BPSTAT_WHAT_CHECK_SHLIBS
- action.
- (create_solib_event_breakpoint): Declare.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Handle CHECK_SHLIBS bpstat.
- (normal_stop): Inform the user when the inferior stoped due
- to a shared library event.
- (_initialize_infrun): Add new set/show variable "stop-on-solib-events"
- to control whether or not gdb continues the inferior or stops it when
- a shared library event occurs.
- * minsyms.c (lookup_minimal_symbol_solib_trampoline): New function.
- * somsolib.c (TODO list): Update.
- (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Arrange for gdb to be notified
- when significant shared library events occur.
- * hppa-tdep.c (find_unwind_entry): No longer static.
-Tue Jan 23 09:00:48 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * printcmd.c (print_insn): Pass fprintf_unfiltered to
-Mon Jan 22 16:59:40 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote.c (remotebreak): New GDB variable.
- (remote_break): New global.
- (remote_interrupt): Send a break instead of ^C if remote_break.
- * NEWS: Describe the new variable.
-Mon Jan 22 16:24:11 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc-tdep.c (_initialize_sparc_tdep): Always use print_insn_sparc.
-Fri Jan 19 07:19:38 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * hp300ux-nat.c (getpagesize): Remove unused function
- fetch_core_registers.
- (hp300ux_core_fns): Remove, is unused.
- (_initialize_core_hp300ux): Remove, is unused.
- (gdbcore.h): Remove #include, no longer needed.
-Fri Jan 19 00:59:53 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * rs6000-nat.c (exec_one_dummy_insn): Rework to avoid
- ptrace bug in aix4.1.3 on the rs6000.
-Wed Jan 17 13:22:27 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote-hms.c (hms_ops): Add value for to_thread_alive.
- * remote-nindy.c (nindy_ops): Ditto.
- * remote-udi.c (udi_ops): Ditto.
-Tue Jan 16 18:00:35 1996 James G. Smith <>
- * remote-mips.c (pmon_opn, pmon_wait, pmon_makeb64, pmon_zeroset,
- pmon_checkset, pmon_make_fastrec, pmon_check_ack,
- pmon_load_fast): New functions. Support for the PMON monitor world.
- (common_open): New function to merge support for different monitors.
- (mips_open): Use common_open().
- (mips_send_command): New function.
- (mips_send_packet): Scan out-of-sequence packets.
- (mips_enter_debug, mips_exit_debug): New functions.
- (pmon_ops): New target definition structure.
-Tue Jan 16 11:22:58 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * (CLIBS): Add LIBS to allow libraries to be
- specified on the make command line (via make LIBS=xxx).
-Fri Jan 12 21:41:58 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * symtab.c (find_pc_symtab): Don't lose if OBJF_REORDERED
- is set but there are no psymtabs.
-Fri Jan 12 15:56:12 1996 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * dsrec.c (load_srec): Remove unused variable.
- * monitor.c (monitor_expect): Don't expect a ^C to echo.
- * serial.c (serial_open): Add parallel interface.
- * sh3-rom.c (parallel, parallel_in_use): New.
- (sh3_load): If parallel_in_use, download though the
- parallel port.
- (sh3_open): Open parallel port if specified.
- (sh3_close): New function.
- (_inititalize_sh3): Add sh3_close hook and documentation.
- * monitor.c (monitor_close): Export.
- * monitor.h (monitor_close): Add prototype.
-Fri Jan 12 13:11:42 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- From Wilfried Moser <>:
- * remote.c (remotetimeout): New GDB variable, use to set the
- remote timeout for reading.
-Fri Jan 12 07:14:27 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * lynx-nat.c, irix4-nat.c, sparc-nat.c: Include gdbcore.h
- to get "struct core_fns" defined.
- * (lynx-nat.o, irix4-nat.o, sparc-nat.o):
- Are dependent upon gdbcore_h.
-Thu Jan 11 23:13:24 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * symfile.c (decrement_reading_symtab): New function.
- * symfile.c, symtab.h (currently_reading_symtab): New variable.
- * symfile.c (psymtab_to_symtab): Adjust currently_reading_symtab.
- * gdbtypes.c (check_typedef): Don't call lookup_symbol if
- currently_reading_symtab (since that could infinitely recurse).
-Thu Jan 11 17:21:25 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * stabsread.c (read_struct_type): Trivial simplification.
- * stabsread.c (define-symbol): Use invisible references
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): Likewise.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard): When known, use the formal
- parameter type as the expected type when evaluating arg expressions.
- * ch-lang.c (evaluate_subexp_chill): Likewise (for MULTI_SUBSCRIPT).
-Thu Jan 11 10:08:14 1996 Tom Tromey <>
- * main.c (main): Disable window interface if --help or --version
- specified.
-Wed Jan 10 16:08:49 1996 Brendan Kehoe <>
- *, configure: Recognize rs6000-*-aix4*.
- * config/powerpc/xm-aix.h: Reduce to include "xm-aix4.h".
- * config/rs6000/ (XM_FILE): Point to xm-aix4.h.
- * config/rs6000/xm-aix4.h: New file.
- * config/xm-aix4.h: New file.
-Wed Jan 10 11:25:37 1996 Fred Fish <>
- From Wilfried Moser <>:
- * gdbserver/low-linux.c: New file.
- * remote.c (remote_read_bytes): Fix aborts on larger packets.
- Define.
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): If register value is too large,
- tell what it is and what max is.
-Tue Jan 9 09:33:53 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * hpread.c (hpread_build_psymtabs): Finish Jan 4th
- enum namespace -> enum_namespace change.
-Tue Jan 9 04:44:47 1996 Wilfried Moser <>
- * ch-exp.c (parse_primval): In case ARRAY, add missing
-Mon Jan 8 13:29:34 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote-mips.c (mips_receive_header): Recognize \012 instead
- of \n, but write \n when program sends a \012.
- * ser-mac.c (mac_input_buffer): Increase size of buffer.
-Mon Jan 8 12:00:40 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * infptrace.c (initialize_infptrace): Move function out of
- #ifdef conditional; put code within the function inside an
- #ifdef conditional.
- * buildsym.c (end_symtab): Remove sort_pending and sort_linevec
- arguments. Sorting is now dependent on OBJF_REORDERED. All
- callers/references changed.
- * dbxread.c (read_ofile_symtab): Correctly determine value for
- last_source_start_addr for reordered executables.
- (process_one_symbol): Handle N_FUN with no name as an end of
- function marker.
- * partial-stab.h (case N_FN, N_TEXT): Don't assume CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE
- is the high text address for a psymtab.
- (case N_SO): Likewise.
- (case N_FUN): Handle N_FUN with no name as an end of function
- marker.
- * minsyms.c (lookup_minimal_symbol_by_pc): Examine all symbols
- at the same address rather than a random subset of them.
- * coffread.c (coff_symfile_init): Set OBJF_REORDERED.
- * elfread.c (elf_symfile_init): Similarly.
- * somread.c (som_symfile_init): Similarly.
- * xcoffread.c (xcoff_symfile_init): Similarly.
-Fri Jan 5 17:46:01 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * stack.c (print_stack_frame print_frame_info) symmisc.c
- (dump_symtab): Change RETURN_MASK_ERROR to RETURN_MASK_ALL so
- that catch_errors doesn't get blindsided by QUIT and lose the
- cleanup chain. This fixes a problem where ^C while in a
- user-defined command sometimes leaves instream NULL and causes a
- segfault in command_loop.
-Fri Jan 5 13:59:16 1996 Brendan Kehoe <>
- *, configure: Add `-ldl -lw' for Solaris linking.
-Fri Jan 5 12:02:00 1996 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * config/sh/, config/powerpc/*.mt, config/pa/,
- config/m68k/, config/h8500/, config/h8300/
- srec.o renamed to dsrec.o.
-Thu Jan 4 16:04:54 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * breakpoint.c (remove_breakpoint): Change error to warning so
- that hardware watchpoint removal problems won't leave breakpoint
- traps in the target.
- * remote-e7000.c (e7000_insert_breakpoint,
- e7000_remove_breakpoint): Use e7000 based breakpoints, not memory
- breakpoints.
- * (e7000_wait): Adjust PC back by two when we see a breakpoint to
- compensate for e7000 maladjustment.
- * sparcl-tdep.c (sparclite_check_watch_resources): Fix logic bug
- which prevented hardware watchpoints from working.
-Thu Jan 4 10:44:17 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * infptrace.c (udot_info): New function.
- (PT_*): Define each individually if that one is not defined.
- * rs6000-nat.c (kernel_u_size): New function
- Include <sys/user.h> for "struct user"
- * alpha-nat.c (kernel_u_size): New function.
- Include <sys/user.h> for "struct user"
- * sparc-nat.c (kernel_u_size): New function.
- Include <sys/user.h> for "struct user"
- * i386b-nat.c (kernel_u_size): New function.
- * i386v-nat.c (kernel_u_size): New function.
- * config/i386/nm-fbsd.h (KERNEL_U_SIZE): Define.
- (kernel_u_size): Declare.
- * config/i386/nm-linux.h (KERNEL_U_SIZE): Define.
- (kernel_u_size): Declare.
- * config/sparc/nm-sun4os4.h (KERNEL_U_SIZE): Define.
- (kernel_u_size): Declare.
- * config/alpha/nm-osf2.h (KERNEL_U_SIZE): Define.
- (kernel_u_size): Declare.
- * config/rs6000/nm-rs6000.h (KERNEL_U_SIZE): Define.
- (kernel_u_size): Declare.
-Thu Jan 4 11:00:01 1996 steve chamberlain <>
- * mdebugread.c (mylookup_symbol): enum namespace becomes
- enum_namespace type.
- * symfile.c (add_psymbol_to_list)
- (add_psymbol_addr_to_list): Ditto.
- * symtab.c (lookup_partial_symbol): Ditto.
- (lookup_symbol): Ditto.
- (lookup_block_symbol): Ditto.
- * win32-nat.c (handle_load_dll): Use incoming dll base.
- (child_wait): Catch DLL load errors.
- (create_child_inferior): Translated between paths correctly.
-Wed Jan 3 23:13:53 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * i386v4-nat.c (supply_gregset, fill_gregset): Subtract NUM_FREGS
- from NUM_REGS to get number of general registers that we care about.
- * config/i386/tm-i386.h (REGISTER_BYTES): Define in terms
- of number of general regs and number of floating point regs.
-Wed Jan 3 19:49:54 1996 steve chamberlain <>
- * config/i386/tm-win32.h (IN_SOLIB_CALL_TRAMPOLINE): New.
- * config/i386/xm-win32.h (CANT_FORK): Deleted.
- (SLASH*) Changed to use unix style slash.
- * symtab.h (namespace enum): becomes typedef to avoid namespace
- collision in C++.
- * infcmd.c (path_command): Use empty string if PATH name not set.
- * i386-tdep.c (skip_trampoline_code): New function.
- * srec.c: Renamed dsrec.c to avoid filename collision.
- * Cope with renaming.
-Wed Jan 3 13:09:04 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * symmisc.c (print_objfile_statistics): Print memory use statistics
- for objfile psymbol, symbol, and type obstacks.
-Tue Jan 2 13:41:14 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * config/mips/nm-irix5.h: Restore.
- (TARGET_HAS_HARDWARE_WATCHPOINTS, etc): Define as for Irix 4;
- from Lee Iverson <>.
- * config/mips/ (NAT_FILE): Use nm-irix5.h.
- * config/mips/irix[345].mh (MUNCH_DEFINE): Remove.
-For older changes see ChangeLog-95
-Local Variables:
-mode: change-log
-left-margin: 8
-fill-column: 74
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diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ChangeLog-97 b/contrib/gdb/gdb/ChangeLog-97
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2855 +0,0 @@
-Wed Dec 31 11:43:53 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * dsrec.c (load_srec): Check remotedebug flag when printing
- debug info.
-Wed Dec 31 10:33:15 1997 David Taylor <>
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_re_set): add _siglongjmp to list of
- longjmp breakpoints.
-Mon Dec 29 21:25:34 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * dve3900-rom.c: New file to support Densan DVE-R3900/20 board.
- * monitor.c (monitor_debug): Move to utils.c, rename to puts_debug.
- (monitor_write_memory, monitor_read_memory, monitor_insert_breakpoint,
- monitor_remove_breakpoint): Remove useless address bits if current
- monitor has MO_ADDR_BITS_REMOVE flag.
- * monitor.h (MO_ADDR_BITS_REMOVE): Define.
- * utils.c (puts_debug): Formerly monitor_debug from monitor.c;
- move here and make public. Add better support for carriage returns.
- * defs.h (puts_debug): Declare.
- * dsrec.c (load_srec): Use puts_debug to print remotedebug information.
- Output header record correctly.
- (make_srec): Output a header record instead of a termination record
- if sect is non-NULL (value is ignored), but abfd is NULL.
- * config/mips/tm-tx39.h (DEFAULT_MIPS_TYPE): Remove definition.
- (REGISTER_NAMES): Define to add R3900-specific registers.
- * config/mips/tm-tx39l.h: Ditto.
- * config/mips/ (TDEPFILES): Add dve3900-rom.o and support files.
- * config/mips/ Ditto.
-Wed Dec 24 12:48:48 1997 Stan Shebs <>
- * dsrec.c: Cosmetic improvements.
- (make-srec): Change indexing of format and code tables to
- remove confusing empty entries.
-Mon Dec 22 21:51:53 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * remote-mips.c (_initialize_remote_mips): Fix DDB doc string.
-Sun Dec 21 17:00:06 1997 David Taylor <>
- * d30v-tdep.c (d30v_frame_find_saved_regs): split most of
- function off into d30v_frame_find_saved_regs_offsets;
- (d30v_frame_find_saved_regs_offsets): new function. Got
- backtrace working when calling from framefull (unoptimized)
- routines (.e.g, main) into frameless (optimized) routines
- (e.g., printf).
-Fri Dec 19 09:49:49 1997 David Taylor <>
- * d30v-tdep.c (d30v_frame_chain): test end_of_stack
- (d30v_frame_find_saved_regs): set it.
- * config/d30v/tm-d30v.h: improved FRAME_CHAIN_VALID
-Thu Dec 18 12:34:28 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- From Gavin Koch <>: mips-tdep.c
- * (mips_push_arguments): For big-endian shorts and char's store at
- * the correct location.
-Thu Dec 18 00:26:46 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * mdebugread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Delete check that symbols
- for file not already loaded. Did not work when an include file
- was involved.
-Wed Dec 17 10:43:04 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * elfread.c (elf_symfile_read): Since the partial symbol table is
- searched last in first, insert mdebug or XCOFF info into the
- partial symbol table before any DWARF2 info.
-Thu Dec 18 00:00:48 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * symfile.c (init_psymbol_list): Handle init with zero elements.
- * elfread.c (elf_symfile_read): If `mainline', clear psymbol table
- using init_psymbol_list 0. For build_psymtabs functions, pass
- mainline==0 so that psymbol_list isn't re-initialized.
- * symfile.c (discard_psymtab): New function, correctly unlink an
- empty psymtab from an object file.
- * dbxread.c (end_psymtab): Call discard_psymtab.
- * xcoffread.c (xcoff_end_psymtab): Ditto.
- * hpread.c (hpread_end_psymtab): Ditto.
- * os9kread.c (os9k_end_psymtab): Ditto.
-Wed Dec 17 10:47:05 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * tracepoint.c (set_raw_tracepoint): initialize addr_string
- to NULL; (trace_actions_command): call readline_begin_hook only
- if from_tty is true.
-Tue Dec 16 20:05:48 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * configure.tgt: Change little-endian tx39 target name to tx39l.
-Tue Dec 16 11:24:30 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_open): Use "--architecture" instead of
- ambigious short form.
-Tue Dec 16 10:29:16 1997 David Taylor <>
- * d30v-tdep.c (d30v_frame_chain): don't or in DMEM_START to
- FP_REGNUM value before return; (prologue_find_regs): two sets
- of offsets -- frame pointer and stack pointer, not just one that
- tries to do double duty; (d30v_frame_find_saved_regs): stop once
- we hit pc (in case we're stopped in the middle of the prologue)
- and improve handling of frameless prologues; (d30v_push_arguments):
- *ALL* arguments go on the stack until we run out of args registers,
- force sp to be 8 byte aligned.
- * config/tm-d30v.h (EXTRACT_STRUCT_VALUE_ADDRESS): fix, it's r2,
- not r0; (FRAME_CHAIN_VALID): handle use of external memory;
- (STACK_ALIGN): define.
-Mon Dec 15 15:13:57 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_wait): When HAVE_SIGACTION and SA_RESTART
- intall cntrl-c handler with SA_RESTART clear. On BSD systems this
- stops read syscalls's being restarted.
- * (configdirs): Check for sigaction.
- * configure: Re-generate.
-Mon Dec 15 11:38:52 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * dwarf2read.c: From change proposed by Gavin Koch.
- (address_significant_size): New static variable.
- (dwarf2_build_psymtabs_hard): Check consistency between
- `address_size' and `address_significant_size'.
- (read_address): MASK out all but the significant bits, as
- determined by `address_significant_size', of any addresses.
- (elf-bfd.h): Include.
- (dwarf2_build_psymtabs_hard): Set `address_significant_size'
- according to the arch_size of the elf object file.
-Thu Dec 11 13:40:46 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * dwarf2read.c (dwarf_decode_lines): Change type of address to
-Thu Dec 11 14:28:01 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * tracepoint.c (trace_find_command): don't error if going
- backwards thru the trace buffer in a loop.
- * (struct tracepoint): delete unused field.
-Wed Dec 10 17:57:00 1997 David Taylor <>
- * d30v-tdep.c : don't bury lots of magic numbers in the code
- instead use defines for the opcodes and opcode masks; update
- to use actual d30v patterns; fix register sizes to be 4 bytes
- not 2 bytes; improve prologue testing now that we have a C
- compiler; fix stack frame handling enough to get backtraces
- working; initial changes to push and pop frames (so that gdb
- can call functions in the inferior).
- * config/d30v/tm-d30v.h: update DMEM_START, IMEM_START, and
- STACK_START; change FR_REGNUM to 61 (was 11). Reformat comment
- about DUMMY FRAMES so that it is readable. Fix SAVED_PC_AFTER_FRAME
- macro.
-Wed Dec 10 17:41:07 1997 Jim Blandy <>
- * ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print): To avoid segfaults, don't print
- a string whose dynamic length is longer than its static length.
-Wed Dec 10 15:54:00 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * dwarf2read.c (dwarf2_build_psymtabs_hard): Check
- cu_header.length is within dwarf_info_buffer not
- dwarf_abbrev_buffer.
-Mon Dec 8 14:28:49 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * tracepoint.c (memrange_sortmerge): allow for memranges
- that overlap. (collect_pseudocommand etc.) cleanup decls.
-Fri Dec 5 09:22:35 1997 Nick Clifton <>
- * config/v850/tm-v850.h (BREAKPOINT): Reverted back to old value...
-Thu Dec 4 09:30:22 1997 Nick Clifton <>
- * config/v850/tm-v850.h (BREAKPOINT): Changed to match new value.
-Wed Dec 3 12:44:15 1997 Keith Seitz <>
- * tracepoint.c: Add declaration for x_command.
- * printcmd.c (x_command): Remove static declaration.
-Wed Dec 3 12:00:42 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * tracepoint.c (finish_tfind_command): call do_display so that
- auto-displays are updated by tfind. Also, keep track of frame
- and current-function so that tfind behaves like stepping (only
- show the stack frame if we step into a new function or return).
-Wed Dec 3 14:14:58 1997 David Taylor <>
- * sol-thread.c: additional support for debugging threaded core
- files on solaris; previously only kernel threads were found --
- user threads generated errors.
- * corelow.c: don't register core_ops as a target if
- coreops_suppress_target is true (set by sol-thread.c).
-Tue Dec 2 14:53:09 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * tracepoint.c: make "tdump" command handle literal memranges.
-Tue Dec 2 11:34:48 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * tracepoint.c: use "lookup_cmd" to parse actions commands
- (thus allowing unambiguous prefixes and aliases).
-Tue Dec 2 10:15:57 1997 Nick Clifton <>
- * configure.tgt: Add support for Thumb target.
-Tue Dec 2 10:14:15 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * tracepoint.c: move prototype of validate_actionline(), and
- make it consistent with the function declaration.
-Thu Nov 27 09:07:18 1997 Michael Meissner <>
- * (tracepoint_h): New macro for tracepoint.h
- includes.
- (tracepoint.o): Add rule to build.
-Wed Nov 26 22:59:04 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_cntrl_c): Lose ANSI prototype.
- * tracepoint.c (set_raw_tracepoint): fix typo
-Wed Nov 26 11:33:09 1997 Keith Seitz <>
- * tracepoint.c (set_raw_tracepoint): Make sure there's a trailing
- slash on the directory name.
- * top.c (get_prompt): New function.
- * top.h: Declare it.
-Wed Nov 26 09:59:47 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * dwarf2read.c (struct comp_unit_head): Change length and
- abbrev_offset fields to unsigned int.
- (dwarf2_build_psymtabs_hard): Verify length and offset read from
- .debug_info section.
-Mon Nov 24 19:36:34 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * tracepoint.c, tracepoint.h: new module, implements tracing,
- which is a new functionality somewhat like breakpoints except
- that a tracepoint stops the inferior only long enough to collect
- and cache selected buffers and memory locations, then allows
- the inferior to continue; the cached trace data can then be
- examined later.
-Mon Nov 24 14:17:02 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * infcmd.c: export registers_info, for use by other modules.
- * printcmd.c: export output_command, for use by other modules.
- * stack.c: export locals_info and args_info, for use by other modules.
- * remote.c: export getpkt, putpkt, and fromhex for external use.
- Make fromhex case-insensative. New function "remote_console_output"
- abstracts the acceptance of "O" packets from target.
- Make all "remotedebug" output go to stdout, not stderr.
-Mon Nov 24 08:59:28 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * valprint.c (print_longest): When CC has long long but printf
- doesn't, print decimal value as three parts.
- * config/i386/tm-fbsd.h: New file.
- * config/i386/ (TM_FILE): Change to tm-fbsd.h.
- * config/i386/nm-fbsd.h (FLOAT_INFO): Move definition from here.
- * config/i386/tm-fbsd.h (FLOAT_INFO): To here.
- * (PRINTF_HAS_LONG_LONG): Check full functionality of
- %ll format specifier.
- (SCANF_HAS_LONG_DOUBLE): Check the scanf family for support of
- long double using %Lg.
- * acconfig.h: Provide default undef for SCANF_HAS_LONG_DOUBLE.
- * configure: Re-generate.
- * c-exp.y (parse_number): Use sscanf %Lg when host has
-Sun Nov 23 17:12:58 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * printcmd.c (print_insn): Set the machine type if known.
- * i386-tdep.c (_initialize_i386_tdep): Delete "set
- assembly-language" command. Replaced by generic "set
- architecture". Set initial machine using bfd_lookup_arch.
-Fri Nov 21 19:43:23 1997 Jim Blandy <>
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): If the function has a
- prototype, convert its arguments as if by assignment. Otherwise,
- do the usual promotions.
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): Set the TYPE_FLAG_PROTOTYPED flag
- on functions' types when we can; all C++ functions should get it,
- and if the Sun-style prototype notation is in the stabs, we can
- notice that.
-Fri Nov 21 12:20:16 1997 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * aclocal.m4 (AM_CYGWIN32, AM_EXEEXT): Remove. They are already
- defined by the inclusion of ../bfd/aclocal.m4.
- * configure: Rebuild.
-Fri Nov 21 10:52:39 1997 Michael Meissner <>
- * (SHELL): Really do the change.
-Fri Nov 21 02:19:57 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * also revert SHELL change until configury
- changes work
-Thu Nov 20 16:35:13 1997 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_pc_adjust): Don't assume sizeof (long) == 4.
-Thu Nov 20 04:11:27 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * aclocal.m4: add EXEEXT setting rule
- * call it
- * configure: regenerate
- * pepper with EXEEXTs in appropriate places,
- set SHELL = @SHELL@ for those lame hosts that don't have a /bin/sh
- For some reason, EXEEXT isn't getting substututed in correctly
- so for now, set EXEEXT to empty string
-Mon Nov 17 15:35:06 1997 Doug Evans <>
- * (remote-sim.o): Depend on $(INCLUDE_DIR)/callback.h.
-Fri Nov 14 13:04:34 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * jv-exp.y (copy_exp, insert_exp): Avoid ANSI prototypes.
-Thu Nov 13 09:47:35 1997 Michael Meissner <>
- * d30v-tdep.c (d30v_print_flags): Function to print the d30v flags
- in a human readable format.
- (print_flags_command): Command wrapper to call d30v_print_flags.
- (d30v_do_registers_info): When printing out all of the registers,
- print out the flag values in a human readable fashion.
- (_initialize_d30v_tdep): Add info flags command to print the
- flags.
- * config/d30v/tm-d30v.h (PSW_*): Add macros for each of the PSW
- bits that are defined.
-Wed Nov 12 14:58:39 1997 Jeff Holcomb <>
- * symfile.c (generic_load): Handle cancel from the
- ui_load_progress_hook routine.
- * dsrec.c (load_srec): Handle cancel from the
- ui_load_progress_hook routine.
-Mon Nov 10 15:13:13 1997 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * valprint.c (print_longest): The b, h, w, and g format specifiers
- print unsigned values.
-Mon Nov 10 02:02:49 1997 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * top.c (quit_confirm): Change exit message.
-Tue Nov 4 16:52:50 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * config/i386/ because cygwin.dll calls malloc/realloc
- to allocate memory for environ space, gdb cannot use memory
- checks -- set -DNO_MMCHECK
-Tue Nov 4 13:50:59 1997 Jim Blandy <>
- * jv-exp.y (ArrayAccess): Implement Name [ Expression ]; check the
- code to see why this is not trivial.
- (copy_exp, insert_exp): New functions.
-Fri Oct 24 17:24:00 1997 Dawn Perchik <>
- * dwarf2read.c (dwarf2_build_psymtabs_hard): Handle the case
- where a compilation unit die has no children (DW_TAG_compile_unit
- has DW_children_no).
- (scan_partial_symbols): Add comment for nesting_level.
-Wed Oct 29 15:53:24 1997 David Taylor <>
- * solib.c (solib_break_names): add entry for Solaris 2.6 run
- time linker. From Casper Dik via Peter Schauer.
-Tue Oct 28 17:31:47 1997 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * (configdir): Add -lcomdlg32 and -ladvapi32
- to WIN32LIBS.
- * configure: Rebuild
-Fri Oct 24 16:48:21 1997 David Taylor <>
- * sol-thread.c (sol_find_new_threads_callback,
- sol_find_new_threads): New functions.
- * config/sparc/nm-sun4sol2.h (FIND_NEW_THREADS): New macro, invoke
- sol_find_new_threads.
- * thread.c (info_threads_command): invoke FIND_NEW_THREADS if it
- is defined.
-Thu Oct 23 16:16:04 1997 Jeff Law (
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): Put back initialization
- of a variable lost during last change. Don't perform
- assignment inside conditionals.
- * stabsread.c (symbol_reference_defined): Return -1 for error/not
- found. All callers changed appropriately.
- (define_symbol): Don't perform assignment inside conditionals.
-Wed Oct 22 13:04:52 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * mdebugread.c (psymtab_to_symtab_1): Handle new live range stabs
- entries.
- * dbxread.c: More comment cleanups.
- * stabsread.c: Fix various violations of the GNU coding and
- formatting standards. Update/add comments to make code clearer.
- (resolve_reference): Delete unused function.
- (ref_search_val): Remove function. It didn't belong in stabsread.c
- (resolve_live_range): No longer returns a value. Do not add it
- to the live range list until the entire range stab has been parsed.
- (get_substring): Remove duplicate declaration.
- (resolve_symbol_reference): Now static. Remove unnecessary code
- to deal with cleanups.
- (ref_add): Use xrealloc instea of realloc.
- (process_reference): Reorganize slightly to make clearer.
- * stabsread.h (resolve_symbol_reference): Remove declaration.
- (resolve_reference): Likewise.
- * symtab.c (find_active_alias): New function.
- (lookup_block_symbol): Use find_active_alias.
- * symtab.h (struct range_list): Fix dangling struct live_range
- reference.
- (ref_search_val): Remove decl.
- * symtab.h (struct range_list): Renamed from struct live_range.
- (struct symbol): Remove struct live_range_info substruct.
- Bring the alias list and range list fields up to the toplevel
- as "aliases" and "ranges".
- (SYMBOL_ALIASES, SYMBOL_RANGES): Corresponding changes.
- * stabsread.c: Corresponding changes.
- * dbxread.c: Fix various violations of the GNU coding and
- formatting standards. Update/add comments to make code
- clearer.
- (process_later): Use xrealloc instead of realloc.
- * symtab.c: Include inferior.h.
-Tue Oct 21 14:15:26 1997 Per Bothner <>
- * ch-exp.c: Rename FIELD_NAME to DOT_FIELD_NAME (to avoid conflict).
-Fri Oct 17 13:22:02 1997 Stan Shebs <>
- * infcmd.c: Improve grammar of "set args" help.
-Thu Oct 16 15:03:58 1997 Michael Meissner <>
- * remote-sds.c (sds_load): Properly declare as static.
-Wed Oct 15 10:27:14 1997 Doug Evans <>
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h (FIX_CALL_DUMMY): Mask off displacement
- to 30 bits in call insn to handle --enable-64-bit-bfd.
- (STORE_STRUCT_RETURN): Change to handle --enable-64-bit-bfd.
-Tue Oct 14 22:13:27 1997 Dawn Perchik <>
- * stabsread.c: Make ref_map entries dynamically allocated.
-Thu Oct 9 12:37:57 1997 Frank Ch. Eigler <>
- * printcmd.c (print_address_symbolic, address_info): Mask
- target-specific flag bits from PC, for more aesthetic disassembly.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h: Added PC masking for MIPS family
- (especially the MIPS16).
-Sat Oct 4 18:45:44 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * remote-mips.c (mips-initialize): Work around flakiness in
- some versions of PMON after loading a program.
-Fri Oct 3 15:49:18 1997 Per Bothner <>
- * c-lang.h, cp-valprint.c (static_field_print): Make non-static.
- * parse.c, parser-defs.h (length_of_subexp): Make non-static.
- * jv-exp.y (FieldAccess): Handle dollar-VARIABLE as primary.
- (ArrayAccess): Likewise. Also remove warnings.
- (CastExpression): Implement (typename) UnaryExpression.
- (push_qualified_expression_name): Fix small bug.
- * jv-lang.c: Use TYPE_TAG_NAME, not TYPE_NAME for class names.
- (_initialize_jave_language): Fix typo (jave -> java).
- (java_language): Java does *not* have C-style arrays.
- (java_class_from_object): Make more general (and complicated).
- (java_link_class_type): Fix typo "super" -> "class". Handle arrays.
- (java_emit_char, java_printchar): New function.
- (evaluate_subexp_java case BINOP_SUBSCRIPT): Handle Java arrays.
- * jv-valprint.c (java_value_print): Implement printing of Java arrays.
- (java_print_value_fields): New function.
- (java_val_print): Better printing of TYPE_CODE_CHAR, TYPE_CODE_STRUCT.
-Fri Oct 3 09:52:26 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (MAKE_MSYMBOL_SPECIAL): Force MIPS16
- addresses to be odd.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_extract_return_value): Doubles aren't
- returned in FP0 if FP registers are single-precision only.
-Mon Sep 29 23:03:03 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * mips-tdep.c (set_reg_offset): New function.
- (mips16_heuristic_proc_desc): Calculate offsets of registers
- saved by entry pseudo-op after rest of prologue has been read.
- Use set_reg_offset to ignore all but the first save of a given
- register.
- (mips32_heuristic_proc_desc): Initialize frame adjustment value.
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_store_register): Don't update registers
- that have a null or empty name.
- * findvar.c (read_register_bytes): Don't fetch registers
- that have a null or empty name.
-Tue Sep 30 13:35:54 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (NUM_REGS): Define conditionally.
-Fri Sep 26 21:08:22 1997 Keith Seitz <>
- * dsrec.c (load_srec): add ui_load_progress_hook to
- display some feedback to user
- * symfile.c (generic_load): add ui_load_progress_hook to
- display some feedback to user
-Fri Sep 26 17:32:22 1997 Jason Molenda (
- * command.c (add_cmd, add_show_from_set): Insert new commands in
- alphabetical order.
-Fri Sep 26 12:22:00 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * config/mips-tm-mips.h (mips_extra_func_info): New frame_adjust
- member for storing offset of MIPS16 frame pointer from SP.
- * mips-tdep.c: Use RA_REGNUM instead of hardcoded 31 throughout.
- (mips16_heuristic_proc_desc): Store frame pointer adjustment value.
- (get_frame_pointer): Use frame pointer adjustment value when
- calculating frame address.
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_fetch_register): Don't fetch registers
- that have a null or empty name.
-Fri Sep 26 12:40:51 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * mips-tdep.c (_initialize_mips_tdep): Allow target files to
- override default FPU type.
-Fri Sep 26 10:33:54 1997 Felix Lee <>
- * configure.tgt (v850-*-*): necmsg.lib instead of v850.lib.
-Wed Sep 24 14:02:09 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * config/v850/tm-v850.h (BREAKPOINT): Use 1 word DIVH insn with
- RRRRR=0 for simulator breakpoint. Previous breakpoint insn was two
- words.
-Thu Sep 18 15:07:46 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * ser-e7kpc.c (get_ds_base): Only use under Windows.
- (windows.h): Include when any _WIN32 host.
-Wed Sep 24 18:12:47 1997 Stu Grossman <>
- * The following block of changes add support for debugging assembly
- source files.
- * breakpoint.c (resolve_sal_pc): Prevent crash when pc isn't
- associated with a function.
- * buildsym.c (record_line start_symtab end_symtab): Don't delete
- symtabs which only have line numbers (but no other debug symbols).
- * dbxread.c (read_dbx_symtab end_psymtab): Ditto.
- * remote-sim.c: New functions gdbsim_insert/remove_breakpoint. Use
- intrinsic simulator breakpoints if available, otherwise do it the
- hard way.
- * configure.tgt: Add d30v.
- * d30v-tdep.c: New file.
- * config/d30v/, config/d30v/tm-d30v.h: New files.
-Tue Sep 23 11:24:13 1997 Stan Shebs <>
- * (ALLCONFIG): Remove, inaccurate and never used.
-Tue Sep 23 00:08:18 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_push_arguments): Tweak alignment of register
- value if the remaining length of a non-integral argument is smaller
- than the register size for big-endian non-EABI mode.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (branch_dest): Handle return from signal
- handler function via sigreturn kernel call.
-Mon Sep 22 15:32:06 1997 Dawn Perchik <>
- * stabsread.h, symtab.h, dbxread.c, symtab.c, stabsread.c:
- Fix prototypes. Remove function scoped function declarations.
-Fri Sep 19 18:51:26 1997 Felix Lee <>
- * config/i386/ (XDEPFILES): need to list some files
- explicitly, for odd reasons.
-Tue Sep 16 20:00:05 1997 Per Bothner <>
- * jv-exp.y (push_fieldnames): New, to handle EXP.FIELD1....FIELDN.
- (push_expression_name): New, to handle expression names.
- (push_qualified_expression_name): New, for qualified expression names.
- (parse_number): Fix bugs in parsing of non-decimal integers.
- * jv-lang.h, jv-lang.c (java_demangle_type_signature): New.
- * jv-lang.c (type_from_class): Just use name with java_lookup_class.
- (java_link_class_type): Add dummy "class" field.
- (java_lookup_type): New.
- (evaluate_subexp_java case STRUCTOP_STRUCT): Force to address.
- * jv-typeprint.c (java_type_print_base): Don't print "class" field.
- Use java_demangle_type_signature to print array class types.
- * jv-valprint.c (java_value_print): Preliminary array support.
- Print pointer as TYPE@HEXADDR, instead of (TYPE)0xHEXADDR.
- (java_val_print): Move check for object type to java_value_print.
- Check for null. Print pointer as @HEXADDR, not 0xHEXADDR.
- * valops.c (search_struct_field): Search basesclasses in
- ascending, not descending order. Hack to avoid virtual baseclass
- botch for Java interfaces.
-Tue Sep 16 19:56:23 1997 Per Bothner <>
- * util.c (run_cleanup_chain, make_run_cleanup, do_run_cleanups):
- New cleanup clean for cleanups to be run when at each 'run' command.
- * infcmd.c (run_command): Call do_run_cleanups.
- * solib.c (find_solib): Register cleanup to call clear_solib
- on a new 'run' command.
- (symbol_add_stub): First look for existing objfile with same name.
-Tue Sep 16 16:00:01 1997 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote-sds.c (sds_load): New function.
- (sds_ops): Use it.
- (sds_open): Don't set inferior_pid yet.
- (sds_kill): Remove contents.
- (sds_create_inferior): Rewrite to work more like monitor
- interfaces.
- (sds_restart): Remove, no longer used.
- * monitor.h (MO_SREC_ACK_PLUS, MO_SREC_ACK_ROTATE): New flags.
- * monitor.c (monitor_wait_srec_ack): Add DINK32-specific ack code.
- * dsrec.c (load_srec): Always write a header S-record.
- * dink32-rom.c (dink32_regnames): Fix the names of float registers.
- (dink32_cmds): Set to use S-record downloading with acks.
- * remote-est.c (est_cmds): Add MO_SREC_ACK_PLUS flag.
-Tue Sep 16 10:08:27 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * config/v850/tm-v850.h (BREAKPOINT): Set to a truely illegal
- instruction.
- * exec.c (exec_file_command): Call set_architecture_from_file.
-Mon Sep 15 13:01:22 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * dbxread.c (MSYMBOL_SIZE): New macro.
- (end_psymtab): Use MSYMBOL_SIZE to extract size from minimal symbol.
- * elfread.c (elf_symtab_read): If ELF symbol is "special",
- such as a MIPS16 function, mark minimal symbol as special too.
- * mips-tdep.c (pc_is_mips16): New function to check whether
- a function is MIPS16 by looking at the minimal symbol. Use
- pc_is_mips16 throughout instead of IS_MIPS16_ADDR macro.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (SYMBOL_IS_SPECIAL, MAKE_MSYMBOL_SPECIAL,
- MSYMBOL_IS_SPECIAL, MSYMBOL_SIZE): New functions for setting/testing
- "special" MIPS16 bit in ELF and minimal symbols.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Don't construct a partial
- symbol table for a file that already has one.
-Sat Sep 13 08:32:13 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * mdebugread.c (parse_symbol, handle_psymbol_enumerators): Handle
- yet another variant of enumerator debugging info, used by DU 4.0
- native cc.
-Tue Sep 9 20:47:23 1997 Felix Lee <>
- * config/i386/ (XDEPFILES): reduce to libwingdb.a.
- otherwise link command line is too long.
-Tue Sep 9 17:41:41 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * symtab.c, dbxread.c, stabsread.c: Fix up ANSI-C isms. Fix
- some formatting problems.
-Mon Sep 8 16:45:51 1997 Stu Grossman <>
- * ser-e7kpc.c: Don't include w32sut.h. We no longer use the UT
- mechanism. Remove prototypes for dos_async_* functions. They don't
- exist anymore.
-Mon Sep 8 12:48:50 1997 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * top.c (quit_confirm, quit_force): New functions, broken out of
- quit_command.
- (quit_command): Just call quit_confirm and quit_force.
- * top.h (quit_confirm, quit_force): Declare.
-Sun Sep 7 17:26:30 1997 Dawn Perchik <>
- * dbxread.c, buildsym.c, symtab.c, stabsread.c: Add support for
- reading stabs extensions for live range information.
- * stabsread.h, partial-stab.h: Add prototypes for new functions.
- * symtab.h: Add structure for storing live range information.
-Wed Sep 3 16:39:39 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * top.c (set_arch): New function, update target_architecture.
- * defs.h, top.c (set_architecture_from_arch_mach): Replace
- set_architecture, takes the arch and machine as arguments.
- * sh3-rom.c (sh3e_open): Update.
- (sh3_open): Ditto.
-Tue Sep 2 12:00:46 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote-e7000.c (e7000_fetch_registers): Fix typo, stray paren.
- (e7000_wait): Ditto.
-Mon Sep 1 11:21:03 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * top.c (init_main): Add ``set processor'' as an alias for ``set
- architecture''.
-Sat Aug 30 13:44:48 1997 Bob Manson <>
- * config/sparc/ Removed simulator references (erc32
- has been disabled).
-Thu Aug 28 10:20:04 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote-e7000.c (e7000_fetch_registers): Check
- target_architecture instead of sh_processor_type.
- (e7000_wait): Ditto.
- * config/sh/tm-sh.h (sh_set_processor_type): Delete prototype.
- * sh3-rom.c (sh3_open): Call set_architecture not
- sh_set_processor_type.
- (sh3e_open): Ditto.
- * sh-tdep.c (sh_show_processor_type_command): Delete.
- (sh_set_processor_type_command): Delete.
- (sh_target_architecture_hook): Rename from sh_set_processor_type,
- use AP to determine architecture.
- (sh_show_regs): Use bfd_mach_sh* types.
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_open): Pass --arch=XXX to simulator when
- architecture was specified explicitly.
- * defs.h (target_architecture, target_architecture_auto,
- set_architecture, set_architecture_from_file): Declare.
- (target_architecture_hook): Allow targets to be notified of set
- arch commands.
- * top.c (init_main): Add set/show/info architecture commands.
- (set_architecture, show_architecture, info_architecture): New
- functions, parse same.
- (set_architecture_from_file): New function, determine arch from
- BFD.
-Tue Aug 26 17:13:43 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_open): Only pass endianness to sim_open
- when set explicitly. Prepend endianness arg so that it can be
- overridden.
- * defs.h, top.c (target_byte_order_auto): Make global when
- byteorder is selectable.
-Tue Aug 26 15:19:56 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_create_inferior): Pass exec_bfd into
- sim_create_inferior.
- (gdbsim_create_inferior): Pass -1 to proceed, sim_create_inferior
- has already set the PC.
- (gdbsim_create_inferior): Allow exec_file to be NULL, make "No
- exec file" a warning. Ditto for "No program loaded".
-Mon Aug 25 17:08:01 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * ocd.c: revert Sun change -- enable log file handling
-Mon Aug 25 12:21:46 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_open): Pass exec_bfd to sim_open call.
-Sun Aug 24 21:16:59 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * ocd.c: comment out sections that create and flush wigglers.log
- log file when using the wiggler.
-Thu Aug 21 16:18:08 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * config/powerpc/
- * config/powerpc/
- * config/powerpc/
- * config/powerpc/ ser-ocd.c needs to be before
- other ocd-related files in TDEPFILES
-Thu Aug 21 14:56:04 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * ppc-bdm.c (bdm_ppc_wait): stop printfing ecr, der
- * ocd.c: initialize remote_timeout
- (ocd_wait): while looping, call ocd_do_command with OCD_AYT
- (ocd_get_packet): remove find_packet goto. If there isn't
- an 0x55 at the start, something is quite wrong so error out
- instead of advancing in the packet and trying again. If checksum
- is invalid, print error message instead of trying again.
- * ser-ocd.c (ocd_readchar): error if we attempt to read past
- the end of the from_wiggler_buffer.
-Wed Aug 20 14:08:39 1997 Stan Shebs <>
- * dink32-rom.c: Don't use "mf" command to fill, is too picky
- about alignment.
-Tue Aug 19 08:41:36 1997 Fred Fish <>
- * objfiles.c (objfile_relocate): Add call to breakpoint_re_set
- after relocations are complete.
- * remote-vx.c (vx_add_symbols): Remove call to breakpoint_re_set,
- this is now done in objfile_relocate.
-Mon Aug 18 17:29:54 1997 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * win32-nat.c (handle_exception): Return a value indicating
- whether the exception was handled. Don't handle random exceptions
- the first time around, so that structured exception handling
- works.
- (child_wait): Check the return value of handle_exception. Set the
- continue_status argument to ContinueDebugEvent accordingly.
-Mon Aug 18 11:14:15 1997 Nick Clifton <>
- * configure.tgt: Add support for v850ea target.
-Sun Aug 17 20:31:57 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * m32r-stub.c: fix typo
-Sun Aug 17 17:33:34 1997 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote-sds.c: Remove unused remnants of remote.c.
- (tob64): Return the result length.
- (sds_interrupt): Send a stop message.
- (sds_wait): Add debug output for signal interpretation, flag
- that signal was due to a trap.
- (sds_fetch_registers): Fill the registers array correctly for
- PowerPC.
- (sds_store_registers): Get the right values from registers array.
- (putmessage): Tweak length handling so checksum comes out right.
- (sds_insert_breakpoint, sds_remove_breakpoint): Do correctly.
-Fri Aug 15 20:53:13 1997 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * (init.c): Don't use xargs.
-Fri Aug 15 13:59:37 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Add the symbols for any
- newly loaded objects upon a TARGET_WAITKIND_LOADED event.
- Rewrite code which determines the TOC address for calling functions
- in the inferior under AIX.
- * rs6000-nat.c (find_toc_address): New function to determine
- the required TOC address from a function address.
- (_initialize_core_rs6000): Set up find_toc_address_hook to point
- to find_toc_address.
- (xcoff_relocate_symtab, xcoff_relocate_core): Remove
- add_text_to_loadinfo calls.
- (exec_one_dummy_insn): Change pid and status to int to get rid of
- compiler warnings.
- (xcoff_relocate_symtab): Cast ldi to `int *' when passing it to
- ptrace to get rid of compiler warnings.
- * rs6000-tdep.c: Add definition for find_toc_address_hook.
- (rs6000_fix_call_dummy): If find_toc_address_hook is non zero,
- patch TOC address load code in the call dummy with the value
- returned from find_toc_address_hook.
- (struct loadinfo, loadinfo, loadinfolen,
- loadinfotextindex, xcoff_init_loadinfo, free_loadinfo,
- xcoff_add_toc_to_loadinfo, add_text_to_loadinfo, find_toc_address):
- Remove.
- (_initialize_rs6000_tdep): Remove initialization of
- coff_add_toc_to_loadinfo_hook and xcoff_init_loadinfo_hook.
- * xcoffread.c (coff_add_toc_to_loadinfo_hook,
- xcoff_init_loadinfo_hook): Remove.
- (struct coff_symfile_info): Add toc_offset field.
- (scan_xcoff_symtab): Record toc_offset value in toc_offset field
- instead of calling xcoff_add_toc_to_loadinfo_hook.
- (get_toc_offset): New function to return the value of the
- toc_offset field for an object file.
- (xcoff_initial_scan): Remove call of xcoff_init_loadinfo_hook.
- * xcoffsolib.h (add_text_to_loadinfo): Remove declaration.
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h: Add declarations for
- find_toc_address_hook and get_toc_offset.
-Wed Aug 13 19:31:28 1997 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote-sds.c: New file, interface to SDS-compatible monitors.
- * (remote-sds.o): Add build rule.
- * config/powerpc/, config/powerpc/
- (TDEPFILES): Add remote-sds.o.
-Tue Aug 12 14:37:18 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * ocd.c (ocd_wait): loop until we're in BDM mode instead of
- assuming control has returned to GDB.
-Mon Aug 11 19:16:04 1997 Stan Shebs <>
- * dink32-rom.c: New file, support for DINK32 monitor.
- * (dink32-rom.o): Add build rule.
- * config/powerpc/, config/powerpc/
- (TDEPFILES): Add dink32-rom.o.
- MO_CLR_BREAK_1_BASED): New monitor interface flags.
- * monitor.c: Use them.
- (monitor_store_register): Use setreg.term if defined.
- (monitor_insert_breakpoint, monitor_remove_breakpoint): Notice
- if set_break and clr_break fields are empty.
-Mon Aug 11 16:22:36 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * ocd.c (ocd_insert_breakpoint, ocd_remove_breakpoint): Macro
- BDM_BREAKPOINT already has braces around it, remove erroneous ones.
- * ser-ocd.c (ocd_write): Conditionalize on _WIN32 instead of
- __CYGWIN32__.
- * config/powerpc/tm-ppc-eabi.h: Remove BDM_NUM_REGS, BDM_REGMAP
- * ppc-bdm.c: move BDM_NUM_REGS, BDM_REGMAP here from tm.h file,
- fill in doc fields of bdm_ppc_ops.
- (bdm_ppc_fetch_registers): Don't ask for invalid registers such
- as the MQ or floating point regs not present on ppc 8xx boards.
- (bdm_ppc_store_registers): Don't write those same invalid registers.
- * config/i386/ Stop including ocd.o ser-ocd.o.
- * config/powerpc/
- * config/powerpc/
- * config/powerpc/
- * config/powerpc/ Include ser-ocd.o.
-Mon Aug 11 16:08:52 1997 Fred Fish <>
- * frame.h (enum lval_type): Conditionalize on __GNUC__
- instead of __STDC__.
-Sun Aug 10 19:08:26 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * utils.c (error): Fix return type for !ANSI_PROTOTYPES.
-Sun Aug 10 16:49:09 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * ocd.c: move ocd_write_bytes proto to ocd.h since it is used
- by ppc-bdm.c, use OCD_LOG_FILE to help debugging, define
- BDM_BREAKPOINT if not defined in tm.h
- (ocd_error): add new error cases
- (ocd_start_remote): send the OCD_INIT command before
- OCD_AYT and OCD_GET_VERSION calls, 80 was correct speed after all
- (ocd_write_bytes): no longer static
- (ocd_insert_breakpoint): no longer static
- (ocd_remove_breakpoint): new
- * ocd.h: add protos for ocd_write_bytes, ocd_insert_breakpoint,
- and ocd_remove_breakpoint
- * ppc-bdm.c: change bdm_ppc_ops so we call ocd_insert_breakpoint
- and ocd_remove_breakpoint instead of memory_insert_breakpoint
- and memory_remove_breakpoint.
- (bdm_ppc_open): after calling ocd_open, modify DER
- register so interrupts will drop us into debugging mode, finally
- disable the watchdog timer on the board so we don't leave BDM
- mode unexpectedly.
-Sat Aug 9 01:50:14 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * values.c (value_primitive_field): Account for offset when
- extracting the value of a bitfield.
- From Paul Hilfinger <hilfingr@CS.Berkeley.EDU>.
-Fri Aug 8 21:35:44 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * gdbserver/utils.c (error): Change prototype to match defs.h.
- * gdbserver/low-sim.c: Change simulator calls to use new interface.
- * remote.c (remote_write_bytes): Include '$' at start of packet
- and checksum at end of packet in overhead calculation.
-Fri Aug 8 15:59:24 1997 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * ser-ocd.c: If _WIN32, include <windows.h>.
- (dll_do_command): New static variable if _WIN32.
- (ocd_open): Set dll_do_command if _WIN32.
- (ocd_write): Use dll_do_command rather than do_command.
- * config/i386/ (XDEPFILES): Remove libwigglers.a.
- ($(BDM_LIBNAME)): Remove target.
- * wigglers.def: Remove.
- * config/i386/ ($(BDM_LIBNAME)): Rename target from
- libwigglers.def.
- (libwigglers.a): Remove target.
-Fri Aug 8 13:11:01 1997 Mike Meissner <>
- * config/powerpc/ppc{,le}-{eabi,sim}.mt (TDEPFILES): Make sure
- ppc-bdm.o and ocd.o are used for all powerpc-eabi targets.
-Thu Aug 7 19:40:52 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- Changes to OCD support to support wiggler box as well as
- target boxes:
- * ocd.c: change speed in init command to 0 from 80,
- add (temporary) logging commands to help debugging,
- (ocd_open): if "target ocd wiggler lpt" then use special
- ser-ocd.c serial interface which communicates with Wigglers.dll,
- otherwise ("target ocd <foo>") do as we did before
- (ocd_get_packet): add OCD_LOG_FILE and OCD_SET_CONNECTION to
- switch of known commands of len 0
- * ocd.h: add OCD_LOG_FILE
- * serial.c (serial_open): do serial_interface_lookup on ocd
- in the case of ocd
- * ser-ocd.c: add buffer to contain responses from sending a
- command to the Wigglers.dll.
- (ocd_readchar): return curr char from buffer and increment ptr
- (ocd_write): send buffer to Wigglers.dll, storing response in
- return buffer and initializing curr location ptr to start of
- buffer.
-Thu Aug 7 13:39:31 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * ocd.h: add OCD_SET_CONNECTION
- * ocd.c: rename "do_command" to "ocd_do_command"
-Thu Aug 7 13:09:17 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- Nomenclature change. BDM is a specific type of OCD
- (On Chip Debugging). Wiggler is the parallel port box controlled
- by Wigglers.dll. The faster target box from Macraigor Systems
- is not a wiggler.
- * ocd.c:
- * ocd.h:
- * ppc-bdm.c:
- * ser-ocd.c:
- Replace all instances of "wiggler_" with "ocd_" and change most other
- instances of "wiggler" to "ocd" or "ocd device" depending on context.
- * config/m68k/ remove remote-wiggler.o from TDEPFILES
- until OCD with that target is supported again.
-Wed Aug 6 16:15:31 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * add DLLTOOL = @DLLTOOL@, pass on DLLTOOL to
- sub makes, change clean rule to also remove *.a to remove
- libwigglers.a, in dependencies: add ppc-bdm.o ocd.o ser-ocd.o and
- remove remote-wiggler.o
- * add DLLTOOL support
- * configure: regenerate
- * wigglers.def: new file for imports for wigglers.dll
- * ser-ocd.c: new file which is layer between ocd.c and either the
- wigglers.dll or the target box, only stub so far
- * config/powerpc/ add ppc-bdm.o to TDEPFILES
- * config/powerpc/ add ppc-bdm.o to TDEPFILES
- * config/i386/ add ocd.o ser-ocd.o libwigglers.a
- to XDEPFILES, add rules to build libwigglers.a
- checking in changes of Stu Grossman <>:
- * remote-wiggler.c: delete
- * ocd.c: new, was remote-wiggler.c
- always include sys/types.h, include ocd.h, move WIGGLER
- commands and many wiggler prototypes to ocd.h, make wiggler_desc
- static, stop making local wiggler functions static,
- define write_mem_command for wiggler_write_bytes
- (wiggler_start_remote): stop hardcoding the target type,
- instead set and use a target_type variable.
- (wiggler_open): add new target_type and ops args
- (wiggler_wait): now no longer takes pid and target_status as args,
- stop trying to set target_status struct, remove BGND insn
- checks
- (read_bdm_registers): renamed to wiggler_read_bdm_registers
- (wiggler_read_bdm_registers): numregs arg changed to reglen arg,
- remove pktlen check, set reglen instead of numregs
- (dump_all_bdm_regs): delete
- (wiggler_fetch_registers): delete
- (wiggler_prepare_to_store): now just an empty function
- (wiggler_store_registers): delete
- (wiggler_read_bdm_register): new
- (wiggler_write_bdm_registers): new
- (wiggler_write_bdm_register): new
- (wiggler_write_bytes): use write_mem_command variable instead of
- (get_packet): renamed to wiggler_get_packet, change refs throughout
- (put_packet): renamed to wiggler_put_packet, change refs throughout
- (wiggler_get_packet): add break to default case of switch,
- change length of WIGGLER_GET_VERSION len to 10 from 4 to match
- specs
- (wiggler_mourn): unpush_target with current_ops, not &wiggler_ops
- (flash_xfer_memory): delete
- (noop_store_registers): new placeholder replacement for
- target_store_registers() which prevents generic_load from trying to
- set up the PC.
- (bdm_update_flash_command): add store_registers_tmp variable,
- make handling of wiggler_ops more generic -- define wiggler_ops
- in a target-specific file instead (such as ppc-bdm.c in the case
- of the ppc), use current_target to deal with registers again
- making this file less target-specific.
- (bdm_read_register_command): new
- (_initialize_remote_wiggler): stop doing add_target (&wiggler_ops),
- comment out add_cmd ("read-register", ...)
- * ocd.h: new, contains common wiggler prototypes, command definitions
- * ppc-bdm.c: file for ppc-specific OCD code, including target_ops
- structure for ppc bdm
- (bdm_ppc_open): new
- (bdm_ppc_wait): new
- (bdm_ppc_fetch_registers): new
- (bdm_ppc_store_registers_: new
- (_initialize_bdm_ppc): new
- * config/powerpc/tm-ppc-eabi.h: add necessary CPU32 BDM defines
-Wed Aug 6 00:24:08 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * hpread.c (hpread_read_struct_type): Use accessor macros rather
- than directly mucking around with data structures.
-Tue Aug 5 13:37:14 1997 Per Bothner <>
- * gdbtypes.h: Re-interpret struct field. Suppport address of static.
- Add a bunch of macros.
- * coffread.c, dwarf2read.c, dwarfread.c, mdebugread.c, stabsread.c:
- Update to use new macros.
- * coffread.c, hpread.c, stabsread.c: Remove bugus TYPE_FIELD_VALUE.
- * value.h, values.c (value_static_field): New function.
- * cp-valprint.c, valops.c: Modify to use value_static_field.
- * jv-lang.c (get_java_utf8_name): Re-write so it works with
- implied (missing) data field, as defined by cc1java.
- (java_link_class_type): Type length and field offset (in interior)
- now includes object header. Get static fields working.
- * jv-lang.h (JAVA_OBJECT_SIZE): Update for change in Kaffe.
- * jv-typeprint.c (java_type_print_derivation_info,
- java_type_print_base): New functions, for better Java output.
- * jv-valprint.c: Start to support Java-specific output.
-Sun Aug 3 08:18:09 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): Use extract_address to retrieve
- the address of the virtual function.
- From Peter Bloecher (
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard), valarith.c (value_x_unop):
- Handle C++ operator *.
-Fri Aug 1 15:21:44 1997 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Check for cygwin32 environment. Define and
- substitute WIN32LIBS and WIN32LDAPP. Always set configdir to
- unix; setting it to win was for an old Tcl/Tk configuration
- scheme.
- (WIN32LDAPP, WIN32LIBS): Define.
- (CLIBS): Add $(WIN32LIBS).
- (gdb): Use $(WIN32LDAPP).
- * configure: Rebuild.
-Thu Jul 31 15:40:19 1997 Per Bothner <>
- SYMBOL_DEMANGLED_NAME): Add demangling support for Java.
- * utils.c (fprintf_symbol_filtered): Handle language_java.
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): Handle Java-style package.class.method.
-Wed Jul 30 14:04:18 1997 Per Bothner <>
- * java-*: Renamed to jv-*, to make fit within 14 characters.
- * jv-lang.h (java_type_print): Added declaration.
- * jv-typeprint.c: New file. Provides java_print_type.
- * jv-lang.c (java_link_class_type): New function.
- (java_language_defn): Replace c_print_type by java_print_type.
- * Update accordingly.
-Tue Jul 29 10:12:44 1997 Felix Lee <>
- * (init.c): except some mswin files do need to be
- scanned. oh well.
-Mon Jul 28 14:04:39 1997 Felix Lee <>
- * (init.c): don't try to scan mswin for _initialize
- funcs. (generates misleading error message because files have
- .cpp suffix, not .c suffix)
-Mon Jul 28 13:27:21 1997 Felix Lee <>
- * ser-e7kpc.c: <w32sut.h> -> "mswin/w32sut.h"
-Mon Jul 28 02:54:31 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * xcoffread.c (coff_getfilename): Do not strip directory component
- of filename.
-Fri Jul 25 15:16:15 1997 Felix Lee <>
- * mon960-rom.c: removed unused #includes; no ioctl.h in Windows.
- * nindy-share/ttyflush.c: find sleep() for _MSC_VER.
- * remote-array.c: #include <ctype.h> for isascii().
- * utils.c (notice_quit,pollquit): cleanup. _WIN32 -> _MSC_VER.
-Fri Jul 25 16:48:18 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * top.c (execute_command): Force cleanup of alloca areas.
- * findvar.c (registers_changed): Likewise.
-Fri Jul 25 15:37:15 1997 Stu Grossman <>
- * v850ice.c: Include <windows.h>. Support new v850 DLL interface.
- * Add defs for target status.
-Tue Jul 22 12:11:48 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * config/mips/tm-mips64.h: longs, long longs, and pointers
- are all 64 bits on EABI mips targets.
-Thu Jul 17 11:38:46 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * partial-stab.h (case N_BINCL): detect missing partial symtab.
- * dbxread.c: Add a complaint for N_BINCL without a corresponding
- partial symtab. Remove earlier change of 5/27/97.
-Wed Jul 16 10:38:03 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * sol-thread.c (sol_thread_[store, fetch]_registers): if
- inferior_pid is an LWP rather than a Solaris thread, let
- procfs handle the request.
- (rw_common, sol_thread_xfer_memory): procfs_xfer_memory will
- only work if inferior_pid points to an LWP (rather than a
- Solaris thread). Use procfs_first_available to find a good LWP.
- (info_solthreads): added a maintenance command to list all
- known Solaris threads and their attributes.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_do_registers_info): Completely changed the
- output format to be neat and columnar. Added the helper funcs
- do_fp_register_row and do_gp_register_row. Also small mods to
- mips_print_register, which is still used to print a single reg.
-Mon Jul 14 18:02:53 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * procfs.c (wait_fd): Handle an fd that has "hung up" or
- otherwise terminated (Solaris threads).
-Thu Jul 10 00:02:41 1997 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * defs.h (init_ui_hook): Change prototype to accept one arg.
- * main.c (gdb_init): Change prototype to accept one arg.
- * top.c (gdb_init): Accepts one argument which it uses to
- call (*init_ui_hook).
-Fri Jul 4 14:49:33 1997 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * source.c (OPEN_MODE, FDOPEN_MODE): Define; value depends upon
- whether CRLF_SOURCE_FILES is defined.
- (open_source_file): Use OPEN_MODE with open and openp.
- (print_source_lines): Use FDOPEN_MODE with fdopen. If
- CRLF_SOURCE_FILES is defined, ignore \r characters.
- (forward_search_command): Use FDOPEN_MODE with fdopen.
- (reverse_search_command): Likewise.
- * config/i386/xm-cygwin32.h (CRLF_SOURCE_FILES): Define.
- (LSEEK_NOT_LINEAR): Don't define.
-Thu Jul 3 17:41:46 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_extract_return_value): align 4-byte float
- return values within the 8-byte FP register.
-Thu Jul 3 13:48:11 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_push_arguments): don't left-adjust 32-bit
- integers in 64-bit register parameters before function calls.
-Mon Jun 30 17:54:51 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_push_arguments): special-case handling for
- odd-sized struct parameters passed in registers / on stack.
-Mon Jun 30 15:30:38 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_push_arguments): tweak alignment of small
- structs passed in registers for little-endian non-EABI mode.
-Mon Jun 30 13:05:39 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * breakpoint.c (frame_in_dummy): use generic dummy if available.
- (check_duplicates, clear_command): compare sections only if
- doing overlay debugging.
-Fri Jun 27 23:03:53 1997 Fred Fish <>
- * buildsym.h (struct subfile): Add debugformat member.
- (record_debugformat): Declare global function.
- * buildsym.c (start_subfile): Initialize debugformat member
- to NULL.
- (record_debugformat): New function to record the format.
- (end_symtab): Copy format into symtab debugformat member.
- (end_symtab): Free subfile debugformat member.
- * symmisc.c (free_symtab): Free debugformat when freeing
- symtab.
- * symfile.c (allocate_symtab): Initialize the new debugformat
- member for new symtabs.
- * symtab.h (struct symtab): Add debugformat member.
- * source.c (source_info): Print the debug format.
- * os9kread.c (os9k_process_one_symbol): Call record_debugformat
- with "OS9".
- * hpread.c (hpread_expand_symtab): Call record_debugformat
- with "HP".
- (hpread_process_one_debug_symbol): Ditto.
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): Call record_debugformat
- with "stabs".
- * coffread.c (coff_start_symtab): Call record_debugformat
- with "COFF".
- * xcoffread.c (read_xcoff_symtab): Call record_debugformat
- with "XCOFF".
- * dwarfread.c (read_file_scope): Call record_debugformat
- with "DWARF 1".
- * dwarf2read.c (read_file_scope): Call record_debugformat
- with "DWARF 2".
- * dstread.c (dst_end_symtab): Set debugformat to be
- "Apollo DST".
- * mdebugread.c (new_symtab): Set debugformat to be "ECOFF".
-Fri Jun 27 21:05:45 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_push_arguments): handle alignment of
- integer and struct args on stack for mips64 big-endian.
-Fri Jun 27 19:19:12 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (USE_STRUCT_CONVENTION): MIPS_EABI returns
- structs in a register wherever possible.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_extract_return_value): handle structs.
- (mips_store_return_value): handle values smaller than MIPS_REGSIZE
- (including structs, if gdb ever allows it).
-Fri Jun 20 17:58:34 1997 Fred Fish <>
- * sh-tdep.c (sh_skip_prologue): Also recognize fmov insns.
- (sh_frame_find_saved_regs): Recognize fmov insns and adjust
- stack push count accordingly.
- * sh-tdep.c (IS_FMOV, FPSCR_SZ): New defines
-Thu Jun 19 08:18:48 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * utils.c (floatformat_from_doublest): Improve test for infinity.
-Wed Jun 18 13:47:52 1997 Fred Fish <>
- * dwarfread.c (isreg, optimized_out, offreg, basereg): Move
- global variables into the struct dieinfo structure.
- (locval): Pass pointer to a dieinfo struct rather than a
- pointer to the raw location information. Change prototype.
- Set isreg, optimized_out, offreg and basereg as appropriate.
- (struct_type): Call locval with dieinfo struct pointer.
- (new_symbol): Ditto.
- (new_symbol): Call locval and save location before testing
- the values of the new dieinfo struct flags, set by locval.
-Tue Jun 17 13:30:12 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * procfs.c (proc_set_exec_trap, procfs_init_inferior, procfs_wait,
- unconditionally_kill_inferior): Undo Oct 26 1996 and Apr 26 1997
- changes to trace PRFS_STOPTERM and handle PR_DEAD.
- These changes tried to work around a problem with an early DU 4.0
- release, but they trigger subtle timing dependent kernel bugs
- in older OSF/1 releases.
-Tue Jun 17 06:52:47 1997 Fred Fish <>
- * dwarfread.c (new_symbol): Use SYMBOL_VALUE_ADDRESS, instead of
- SYMBOL_VALUE, to set the value of LOC_STATIC symbols.
-Mon Jun 16 18:38:28 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Mark registers as invalid when
- stepping over an instruction that triggered a watchpoint.
- * remote-mips.c: Numerous changes to support hardware breakpoints
- and watchpoints on LSI MiniRISC and TinyRISC boards.
- * mips-tdep.c: Move MIPS16-related macros to config/mips/tm-mips.h.
- (mips_breakpoint_from_pc): Account for different breakpoint
- instructions used by PMON and IDT monitor.
- * config/mips/tm-embed.h: Enable hardware breakpoints on embedded
- MIPS targets.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h: Define breakpoint instructions for
- PMON and IDT monitor. Move MIPS16-related macros here from
- mips-tdep.c.
-Fri Jun 13 13:44:47 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * config/mips/tm-tx39[l].h, tx39[l].mt: change r3900 target to tx39.
-Fri Jun 13 14:14:10 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * mn10300-tdep.c (mn10300_analyze_prologue): Fix some comments.
- Add missing return statements after finding an "add imm{16,32},sp"
- instruction.
- (mn10300_frame_chain): Add in size of our register save area to find
- our caller's frame if our caller does not have a frame pointer.
-Fri Jun 13 12:55:49 1997 Doug Evans <>
- * symfile.c (generic_load): Check return code of target_write_memory.
-Fri Jun 13 10:28:09 1997 Fred Fish <>
- * config/i386/nm-linux.h: Enable prototypes that were #ifdef out.
- * config/tm-sysv4.h (in_plt_section): Add prototype.
- * maint.c (maintenance_translate_address): Avoid assignment
- inside if, per GNU coding standards.
- * symfile.c (simple_read_overlay_table): Avoid assignments inside if,
- per GNU coding standards.
- * monitor.c (parse_register_dump): Is really a void function.
- Add prototype.
- (monitor_read_memory): Remove unused variable "name".
- (monitor_read_memory): Remove unused variable "regbuf".
- (monitor_open): Remove unused variable "i".
- (get_hex_word): Apparently unused, #if away for now.
- (from_hex): Ditto.
- * i386v4-nat.c (supply_fpregset): Remove unused variable "regi".
- (fill_fpregset): Remove unused variables "regi", "to", "from" and
- "registers".
- * remote-e7000.c (ctype.h): Include.
- (e7000_insert_breakpoint): #if away unused arg used by unused expr.
- * frame.h (generic_get_saved_register): Add prototype.
- (enum lval_type): Add partial forward decl.
- * dsrec.c (make_srec): Remove unused variable "type_code".
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_wait): Handle sim_running and sim_polling
- cases by just ignoring them.
- (command.h): Include.
- * java-exp.y (parse_number): Remove unused variable "unsigned_p".
- * java-lang.c (gdbcore.h): Include for prototypes.
- (type_from_class): Remove unused variable "ftype".
- (type_from_class): Remove unused variable "name_length".
- (evaluate_subexp_java): Add default case to handle remaining
- enumerations.
- * java-valprint.c (c-lang.h): Include for prototypes.
- * symfile.c (simple_read_overlay_region_table): #if away
- unused function.
- (simple_free_overlay_region_table): Ditto.
- (overlay_is_mapped): Add default case to switch.
- (simple_read_overlay_region_table): Ditto.
- (simple_read_overlay_region_table): Add prototype.
- * symtab.c (fixup_symbol_section): Remove unused msym variable.
- (fixup_psymbol_section): Ditto.
- (find_pc_sect_symtab): Make distance a CORE_ADDR.
- * utils.c: Add comment about t_addr being either unsigned long or
- unsigned long long.
- (paddr): Change formats to match actual types args are cast to.
- (preg): Ditto.
- (paddr_nz): Ditto.
- (preg_nz): Ditto.
- * defs.h (perror_with_name): Is a NORETURN function.
- * utils.c (perror_with_name): Is a NORETURN function.
- (error): Is NORETURN independently of ANSI_PROTOTYPES.
- * symtab.c (fixup_symbol_section): Remove prototype.
- * symtab.h: (fixup_symbol_section): Add prototype.
- * m32r-rom.c (report_transfer_performance): Add prototype.
- * sparclet-rom.c: Ditto.
- * dsrec.c: Ditto.
- * c-exp.y (parse_number): Cast args to float* or double* as
- appropriate for conversion format.
- * java-exp.y (parse_number): Ditto.
- * ( Remove #line lines that refer
- to nonexistant file.
- ( Ditto.
- ( Ditto.
- ( Ditto.
- * sh-tdep.c (symfile.h): Include.
- (gdb_string.h): Include.
- (sh_fix_call_dummy): Ifdef away, currently unused.
- * config/sh/tm-sh.h (pop_frame): Add prototype.
- * config/sh/tm-sh.h (sh_set_processor_type): Add prototype.
-Sat Jun 7 02:34:19 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_for_sizeof): Handle dereferencing
- of non-pointer values.
- * symtab.c (gdb_mangle_name): Improve mangling of nested types,
- their physical names already include the class name.
- * valops.c (value_cast): Handle upcast of a class pointer.
- From Andreas Schwab (
- * corelow.c (get_core_registers): Make secname big enough.
-Fri Jun 6 14:43:23 1997 Keith Seitz <>
- * config/sh/tm-sh.h: add define for FPSCR_REGNUM
- * sh-tdep.c (sh_show_regs): print out all registers for
- the current processor
-Fri Jun 6 13:01:55 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_kill): Remove call to depreciated function
- sim_kill.
-Thu Jun 5 11:39:03 1997 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- Fixes for recent correction to PE format:
- * coffread.c (pe_file): New static variable.
- (struct find_targ_sec_arg): Change resultp from pointer to int to
- pointer to pointer to asection.
- (find_targ_sec): Just store the section in args->resultp, not the
- section offset value.
- (cs_to_section): Compute the section offset value from the
- section.
- (cs_section_address): New static function.
- (coff_symfile_read): Set pe_file.
- (read_one_sym): When reading a PE file, adjust the symbol value to
- include the section address if the symbol has an appropriate
- storage class.
-Tue Jun 3 16:24:46 1997 Michael Snyder (
- * configure.tgt: add mipsr3900-elf target
- * config/mips/ tm-r3900.h tm-r3900l.h: ditto
-Tue May 27 10:34:11 1997 Michael Snyder <>
- * dbxread.c: Check malloc's return for null, prevent segv.
-Fri May 23 14:45:02 1997 Bob Manson <>
- * infcmd.c (jump_command): Don't try to dereference sfn if it's
-Fri May 23 13:51:57 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * top.c (init_cmd_lists): Always initialize endianlist.
- (init_main): Always define endian commands.
- (set_endian_big): Issue warning if endian not selectable.
- (set_endian_little): Ditto.
- (set_endian_auto): Ditto.
-Thu May 22 11:53:21 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote-sim.c (simulator_command): Restrict access to the
- simulator to periods when the simulator is open.
-Wed May 21 16:03:25 1997 Michael Snyder <>
- * procfs.c (init_procinfo): new function, abstracts some code
- shared by create_procinfo and do_attach;
- (procfs_set_inferior_syscall_traps): new function, abstracts
- some code needed by procfs_init_inferior, do_attach, and
- procfs_lwp_creation_handler; (procfs_first_available): new
- function, find any LWP that's runnable; (procfs_thread_alive):
- replace stub function with real implementation;
- (procfs_lwp_creation_handler): fix bug starting new child
- threads; (info_proc): bug fixes and enhancements for the
- "INFO PROCESSES" command; (close_procinfo_file): call new
- function "delete_thread" to cleanup GDB's thread database;
- (proc_init_failed): add new argument "kill", to control whether
- process is killed (so this function can be shared by
- create_procinfo and do_attach); (procfs_exit_handler): handle
- exit from an attached process, and cleanup procinfo handles
- when the process exits; (procfs_resume, procfs_wait): cleanup
- after a thread when it exits; (do_attach, do_detach): handle
- attached processes with multiple threads; plus some general
- improvements in the diagnostic output.
- * sol-thread.c (sol_thread_alive): replace stub with real
- implementation; (thread_to_lwp, lwp_to_thread): enhance to
- handle threads that may have exited; (sol_thread_attach): add
- startup setup stuff; (sol_thread_detach): add unpush_target
- call; (sol_thread_mourn_inferior): add unpush_target call;
- (sol_thread_wait, sol_thread_resume): enhance to deal with
- thread exit cleanly; (sol_thread_new_objfile,
- sol_thread_pid_to_str): detect unsuccessful startup and
- don't crash; plus some general cleanup.
- * thread.c (delete_thread): new function, allows targets to
- notify gdb when a thread is no longer valid.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): don't try to detect a new
- thread on receiving a TARGET_EXITED event.
-Tue May 20 09:32:02 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_open): Pass callback struct.
- (init_callbacks): Remove call to sim_set_callbacks.
-Thu May 15 07:56:50 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h (SIG_FRAME_LR_OFFSET): Define.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (frameless_function_invocation): Mark frames
- with a zero PC as frameless to improve backtraces from core dumps
- caused by dereferencing a NULL function pointer.
- (frameless_function_invocation, frame_saved_pc, rs6000_frame_chain):
- Handle frameless functions interrupted by a signal.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_init_extra_frame_info, sparc_frame_saved_pc):
- Handle frameless functions interrupted by a signal.
-Wed May 14 08:58:55 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * mn10200-tdep.c (mn10200_analyze_prologue): Update prologue comments
- to reflect current reality. Gross attempt at handling out of
- line prologues.
- * mn10200-tdep.c (mn10200_skip_prologue): Don't look at the debug
- symbols to find the end of the prologue.
- * mn10300-tdep.c (mn10300_skip_prologue): Likewise.
-Thu May 8 08:42:47 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * configure: Re-generate.
- * remote-sim.c: Signal returns RETSIGTYPE.
-Wed May 7 20:05:07 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * target.h (target_stop): Drop argument so it can be tested for
-Sat May 3 20:51:48 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * utils.c (floatformat_from_doublest): Handle infinity properly.
-Thu May 1 11:44:46 1997 Michael Snyder <>
- * Finalize merge from Hurd folk.
- Mon Oct 30 16:41:04 1995 Miles Bader <>
- * thread.c (thread_apply_command, thread_apply_all_command,
- thread_command): Make sure TP is alive.
- (thread_alive): New function.
- Tue Nov 14 14:31:03 1995 Miles Bader <>
- * infrun.c (sig_print_info): Deal better with long signal names.
- Wed Nov 22 15:23:35 1995 Miles Bader <>
- * thread.c (thread_id_to_pid): New function.
- Fri Dec 1 13:25:25 1995 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c: (set_thread_cmd_list, show_thread_cmd_list,
- set_thread_default_cmd_list, show_thread_default_cmd_list):
- New variables. (set_thread_cmd, show_thread_cmd,
- set_thread_default_cmd, show_thread_default_cmd): New functions.
- Fri Apr 18 15:20:16 1997 Miles Bader <>
- * gnu-nat.c (inf_startup): remove TASK parameter.
- (inf_set_task): replace with new function (inf_set_pid).
- * gdbthread.h: Add extern decl for thread_cmd_list.
-Thu May 1 02:28:21 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * printcmd.c (disassemble_command): Adjust low function bound
-Mon Apr 28 21:25:32 1997 Michael Snyder <>
- * Add rule for gnu-nat.o and i386gnu-nat.o (Gnu Hurd)
- * config/i386/ remove rules for [i386]gnu-nat.o, now
- in (as for other targets); add NATDEPFILE corelow.o to
- satisfy symbol dependancy in solib.c (core_ops).
- * target.[ch] conditionalize Mach-specific signals so that they
- won't show up in non-Mach gdb's!
- * thread.c: change name of static function "thread_switch" to
- "switch_to_thread", to avoid conflict with Mach global symbol;
- move thread_cmd_list to global scope so targets can add their
- own thread commands.
- * infrun.c: sig_print_info: allow for long signal names.
- * gnu-nat.[ch]: tidying up comments.
- * gnu-nat.c: remove calls to prune_threads and renumber_threads;
- gnu_wait must not return -1 when inferior exits;
- attach_to_child will modify inferior_pid in a way that allows
- fork_inferior to remain unchanged; remove extra arg from
- startup_inferior; move Mach thread commands here from thread.c.
-Mon Apr 28 18:21:20 1997 Michael Snyder <>
- * symtab.c: decode_line_1, replace the assignment to
- values.sals[0].pc which I accidentally left out on 4/3/97.
-Mon Apr 28 17:27:40 1997 Michael Snyder <>
- * c-exp.y: make parse_number reject "123DEADBEEF".
- (fix by Bob Manson).
- * java-exp.y: Ditto.
- * top.c: change "to enable to enable" to "to enable" in a couple
- of help strings.
-Mon Apr 28 09:01:59 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * breakpoint.c (remove_breakpoint): Pass correct type to
- target_remove_watchpoint.
- * target.h: Improve comment for target_{remove,insert}_breakpoint.
-Sat Apr 26 03:38:02 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * alpha-tdep.c (heuristic_proc_desc): Increase search limit
- for return address register, handle `ret' instruction.
- * corelow.c (get_core_registers): Initialize cf.
- * procfs.c: Minor changes to make pre-ANSI compilers happy.
- (procfs_notice_signals): Copy traced signal set back to
- pi->prrun.pr_trace.
- (unconditionally_kill_inferior): If PR_DEAD is defined,
- rerun inferior after killing it.
-Fri Apr 25 00:10:18 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h (EXTRACT_STRUCT_VALUE_ADDRESS): The
- structure value address is found in $a0 now.
- * config/mn10200/tm-mn10200.h (EXTRACT_STRUCT_VALUE_ADDRESS): Likewise.
-Thu Apr 24 13:31:10 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h (STORE_RETURN_VALUE): Pointers are
- returned in $a0.
- * mn10300-tdep.c (mn10300_analyze_prologue): Check for a return
- insn at "pc", not "fi->pc".
-Wed Apr 23 11:18:45 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * config/mn10200/tm-mn10200.h (STORE_RETURN_VALUE): Pointers are
- returned in $a0.
-Tue Apr 22 11:58:15 1997 Fred Fish <>
- * config/arm/tm-arm.h (TARGET_DOUBLE_FORMAT): Define to use
- floatformat_ieee_double_littlebyte_bigword for little endian
- target byte order.
- * utils.c (floatformat_to_doublest): Create local preswapped
- copy of input for floatformat_littlebyte_bigword formats.
- (get_field, put_field): Treat floatformat_littlebyte_bigword
- the same as floatformat_little.
- (floatformat_from_doublest): Postswap output words for
- the floatformat_littlebyte_bigwords format.
-Tue Apr 22 09:02:10 1997 Stu Grossman (
- * config/alpha/ config/i386/{i386gnu linux}.mh
- config/mips/{embed embed64 embedl embedl64 vr4300 vr4300el vr5000
- vr5000el}.mt config/powerpc/{aix aix4}.mh config/rs6000/{aix
- aix4}.mh config/sh/ config/sparc/
- config/v850/
- Remove -lm. That's now handled by configure.
- * (maintainer-clean): Add distclean to dependencies.
- Remove duplicate rm's of files.
-Mon Apr 21 09:49:25 1997 Stu Grossman (
- * remote-pa.c: Remove. It's broken and no longer necessary.
- Sat Apr 19 11:56:10 1997 Per Bothner <>
- * java-exp.y: Combine TRUE and FALSE into BOOLEAN_LITERAL.
- (Avoids name clash with broken AIX header files.)
-Sat Apr 19 01:49:37 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * serial.c (serial_log_command): Fix fputs_unfiltered calls.
- * config/powerpc/tm-ppc-aix4.h, config/rs6000/tm-rs6000-aix4.h
- * xcoffsolib.h (struct vmap): Add new members tvma, toffs and dvma,
- remove tadj.
- * exec.c (bfdsec_to_vmap): Initialize new vmap members, initialize
- tstart and dstart with section VMA.
- * rs6000-nat.c (vmap_symtab): Relocate relative to the VMA in the
- object file.
- (vmap_ldinfo, xcoff_relocate_core): Adjust tstart by section offset
- of the text section, remove DONT_RELOCATE_SYMFILE_OBJFILE hack.
- (vmap_exec): Relocate relative to the VMA in the object file,
- relocate .bss section as well.
- (xcoff_relocate_core): No longer adjust section addresses by VMA.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (find_toc_address): Change type of tocbase
- * xcoffread.c (secnum_to_bfd_section): New routine to get
- BFD section from CS section number.
- (scan_xcoff_symtab): Make toc_offset section relative.
- * symtab.c (total_number_of_methods): Avoid core dump if
- baseclass type is still undefined.
-Fri Apr 18 17:25:10 1997 Stu Grossman (
- * (SUBDIRS): Add mswin so that make cleanup cleans up
- that directory.
- * defs.h utils.c (error warning): Make message be const.
- * main.c (fputs_unfiltered): Only send gdb_stdout and gdb_stderr
- to hook. Otherwise send it to fputs.
- * monitor.c monitor.h (monitor_get_dev_name): New function. Does
- the obvious.
- * remote-e7000.c: Remove debugify stuff. Change printf, fprintf
- to _filtered forms to make output appear in GUIs. Replace all
- uses of SERIAL_READCHAR with readchar, which has better error
- checking.
- * (e7000_parse_device): Add prototype.
- (readchar): Improve doc. Handle random serial errors.
- (expect): Disable notice_quit code. It's busted. Remove
- serial error handling (it's now handled in readchar). Remove
- remote_debug echoing. That's handled in readchar as well.
- (e7000_parse_device): Remove serial_flag arg. It's not
- necessary.
- (e7000_open): Split into two pieces. Second part is
- e7000_start_remote, and is error protected. Now, when we connect
- to the target, we setup the initial frame and registers so that
- the user gets an immediate indication of where the target is.
- (gch): Remove debug output. That's handled by readchar.
- (e7000_read_inferior_memory): Handle errors better.
- (_initialize_remote_e7000): Get rid of `<xxx>' things from
- command names. They show up when doing completion and confuse
- things horribly.
- * ser-e7kpc.c: Get rid of the DLL's since we can access the device
- directly from Win32s and Win95. Get rid of debugify crud.
- * serial.c: Remove debugify cruft.
- * (serial_logchar serial_log_command serial_write serial_readchar
- serial_send_break serial_close): Merge common functionality into
- serial_logchar. Clean up rest of routines.
- * sparclet-rom.c: Disembowel. Leave only download routine.
- Download routine now switches to remote target automatically.
- * top.c (disconnect): Only define if SIGHUP is defined. Cleans
- up MSVC/Win32 problem.
- * utils.c (gdb_flush): Don't call hook unless it's for gdb_stdout
- or gdb_stderr.
- * config/sh/tm-sh.h: Define TARGET_SH for WinGDB.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparclet.h: Remove override for prompt.
-Fri Apr 18 13:38:19 1997 Doug Evans <>
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_open): Only pass -E to sim_open if
-Fri Apr 18 16:52:41 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote-sim.c (init_callbacks): Initialize poll_quit and magic
- fields of gdb_callback.
- (gdbsim_stop): Add gdbsim_stop to list of supported client
- operations.
- (gdbsim_wait, gdbsim_resume): Move call to sim_resume into
- sim_wait where gdb is in a position to handle a long running
- function.
- (gdbsim_cntrl_c): New function. Wrap the sim_resume call in a
- SIGINT handler.
- (gdb_os_poll_quit): New function. Check for a quit pending on the
- console.
-Thu Apr 17 14:30:04 1997 Per Bothner <>
- * objfiles.c (allocate_objfile): Allow NULL bfd argument.
- * defs.h (enum language): Add language_java.
- * java-exp.y, java-lang.c, java-lang.h, java-valprint.c: New files.
- * Update for new files.
- * symfile.c (deduce_language_from_filename): Recognize .java.
-Thu Apr 17 02:20:23 1997 Doug Evans <>
- * m32r-stub.c (stash_registers): Rewrite.
- (restore_registers): Renamed to restore_and_return.
- (cleanup_stash): New function.
- (process_exception): New function.
- (_catchException*): Rewrite.
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_load): Update call to sim_load.
- (gdbsim_create_inferior): No longer pass start_address to
- sim_create_inferior.
- (gdbsim_open): Pass endian indicator as arg.
-Tue Apr 15 15:31:09 1997 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote.c (get_offsets): Don't use scanf for interpreting
- response to qOffsets.
-Tue Apr 15 14:51:04 1997 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * gdbserver/ (INSTALL_XFORM): Remove.
- (INSTALL_XFORM1): Remove.
- (install-only): Use $(program_transform_name) directly, rather
- than using $(INSTALL_XFORM) and $(INSTALL_XFORM1).
- (uninstall): Transform name.
-Mon Apr 14 17:06:27 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * remote-mips.c (mips_load): Ensure that PC gets updated
- after a load on LSI target.
-Mon Apr 14 15:54:51 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * procfs.c (notice_signals): fix typo
-Mon Apr 14 16:25:10 1997 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * gdbserver/ (INSTALL): Change to
- install-sh.
-Mon Apr 14 11:55:27 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * config/i386/ remove -lkernel32 from XM_CLIBS
- since gcc automatically includes it
-Thu Apr 10 13:20:53 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * procfs.c: Substantial (but incomplete) changes to support
- sysv4.2mp procfs as implemented in UnixWare 2.1. The procinfo
- struct now has substructs like struct flt_ctl instead of
- just a fltset_t and has a ctl_fd, status_fd, as_fd, and
- map_fd instead of a single fd. Non-sysv4.2mp procfs models
- still have the structs and multiple fds, but don't use the
- entire struct and the four fds all point to the same thing.
- We use PROCFS_USE_READ_WRITE to decide whether to talk to
- procfs with reads/writes or use ioctl instead. We use
- HAVE_MULTIPLE_PROC_FDS to determine whether procfs really has
- multiple fds or not. PROC_NAME_FMT is split out into
- (procfs_notice_signals): now a necessary wrapper around
- (notice_signals): which are the new guts for noticing signals
- (open_proc_file): gets a new flag arg used in sysv4.2mp to
- determine whether or not to attempt to open the ctl_fd.
- (procfs_read_status): new local function, reads procfs status
- (procfs_write_pcwstop): new local function, writes a PCWSTOP
- (procfs_write_pckill): new local function, writes a PCKILL
- (unconditionally_kill_inferior): remove signo since we now
- just call procfs_write_pckill().
- (procfs_xfer_memory): call lseek with SEEK_SET rather than 0
- (proc_iterate_over_mappings): the whole function is ifdefed
- on UNIXWARE to keep things readable.
- Expanded the syscall_table to include new potential sysv4.2mp
- members. Note that all ifdefs of UNIXWARE should be eliminated
- if possible or renamed to describe what's being selected for a
- bit better. Sysv4.2mp and IRIX both have SYS_sproc so the
- IRIX specific code now also checks it's not UNIXWARE.
- * config/i386/tm-i386v42mp.h: also define HAVE_PSTATUS_T,
- * config/mips/nm-irix4.h: set CTL_PROC_NAME_FMT et al to
- "/debug/%d" as PROC_NAME_FMT used to be
-Wed Apr 9 11:36:14 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * mn10300-tdep.c: Almost completely rewritten based on mn10200
- port.
- * config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h: Likewise.
-Tue Apr 8 10:45:24 1997 Stu Grossman (
- * config/pa/{}: Remove
- remote-pa.o from TDEPFILES. Nobody uses it, and besides, it's a
- lousy out-of-date clone of remote.c.
-Fri Apr 4 08:21:21 1997 Stu Grossman (
- * remote.c: Fix problems realized while showering.
- * (hexnumlen): Add prototype. Use max, not min.
- * (remote_write_bytes remote_read_bytes): Fix max packet size
- calculations to properly account for packet overhead. Also handle
- (probably rare) case where remote_register_buf_size isn't set.
- * remote.c: Fix doc for `C' and `S' commands to indicate full
- address.
- * (remote_ops extended_remote_ops remote_desc remote_write_size):
- Make static.
- * (remote_fetch_registers remote_write_bytes remote_read_bytes):
- Record size of response to fetch registers command, use this to
- limit size of memory read and write commands.
- * (push_remote_target): New function to make it possible to have
- another target switch to the remote target.
- * target.h: Add prototype for push_remote_target.
- * sh-tdep.c (sh_frame_find_saved_regs): Fix sign extension bugs
- for hosts which default to unsigned chars (such as SGI's).
- * (_initialize_sh_tdep): Don't set remote_write_size. It's now
- handled automatically in remote.c.
-Thu Apr 3 15:10:30 1997 Michael Snyder <>
- * blockframe.c: blockvector_for_pc_sect(), block_for_pc_sect(),
- find_pc_sect_function(), find_pc_sect_partial_function(): new
- functions for debugging overlays; pc without section is ambiguous.
- * breakpoint.[ch]: add section pointer to breakpoint struct;
- add section argument to check_duplicates(); check section as well
- as pc in [breakpoint_here_p(), breakpoint_inserted_here_p(),
- breakpoint_thread_match(), bpstat_stop_status()];
- add section argument to describe_other_breakpoints();
- use INIT_SAL() macro to zero-out new sal structures;
- make resolve_sal_pc() fix up the sal's section as well as its pc;
- match on section + pc in clear_command() and delete_breakpoint();
- account for overlay sections in insert_breakpoints(),
- remove_breakpoint() and breakpoint_re_set_one();
- all this to support overlays where a PC is not unique.
- * exec.c: change xfer_memory() to handle overlay sections.
- * findvar.c: change read_var_value() to handle overlay sections.
- * frame.h: declaration for block_for_pc_sect() [blockframe.c].
- * infcmd.c: jump_command() warns against jumping into an overlay
- that's not in memory. Also use INIT_SAL() to initialize sals.
- * infrun.c: wait_for_inferior() sets a flag to invalidate cached
- overlay state information; Also use INIT_SAL() to init sals.
- * m32r-rom.c: modify load routines to use LMA instead of VMA.
- * m32r-stub.c: mask exit value down to 8 bits; screen out any
- memory read/writes in the range 600000 to a00000, and ff680000
- to ff800000 (hangs because nothing is mapped there); fix strcpy().
- * maint.c: maintenance command "translate-address" supports overlays.
- * minsyms.c: lookup_minimal_symbol_by_pc_sect() supports overlays.
- * objfiles.[ch]: add ovly_mapped field to the obj_section struct;
- this constitutes gdb's internal overlay mapping table. Add macro
- ALL_OBJSECTIONS() to loop thru the obj_structs and look at overlays.
- Add function find_pc_sect_section().
- * printcmd.c: modify print_address_symbolic() with overlay smarts;
- modify address_info() with overlay smarts; add function sym_info()
- to support the INFO SYMBOL command (translate address to symbol(s));
- modify disassemble_command() to work on unmapped overlays.
- * source.c: use INIT_SAL() to initialize sals.
- * symfile.[ch]: change generic_load() to use section's LMA address
- instead of VMA address, for overlay sections.
- Add numerous functions for finding a PC's section / overlay,
- translating between VMA and LMA address ranges, determining if an
- overlay section is mapped, etc. Add several user commands for
- overlay debugging. Add support for a "generic" form of automatically
- reading overlay mapping info from the inferior (based on the default
- (simple) overlay manager which Cygnus provides as an example).
- * symtab.[ch]: add functions find_pc_sect_symtab(),
- find_pc_sect_psymtab(), find_pc_sect_psymbol(), find_pc_sect_line()
- for lookup; modify lookup_symbol and decode_line_1() to use them;
- modify find_function_start_sal() to account for overlay sections;
- add macro INIT_SAL() for initializing struct symtab_and_line.
- * target.c: fix a comment in the declaration of target_ops.
-Thu Apr 3 10:31:12 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_in_call_stub, mips_in_return_stub,
- mips_skip_stub, mips_ignore_helper): New functions for dealing
- with MIPS16 call/return thunks.
- (mips_init_frame_pc_first): New function to implement
- INIT_FRAME_PC_FIRST macro; includes code from old macro plus
- new code to skip over MIPS16 thunks.
- (mips_frame_chain): Skip over MIPS16 thunks.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (mips_in_call_stub, mips_in_return_stub,
- mips_skip_stub, mips_ignore_helper): Declare.
- the above functions.
- (INIT_FRAME_PC_FIRST): Change to invoke mips_init_frame_pc.
- (mips_init_frame_pc): Declare.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Use new IGNORE_HELPER_CALL macro
- to decide if certain library function calls should be ignored.
-Wed Apr 2 14:16:51 1997 Doug Evans <>
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_open): Check return code from sim_open.
- Update call to sim_open (new arg SIM_OPEN_DEBUG).
-Mon Mar 31 14:55:53 1997 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * New file.
- * .gdbinit: Remove.
- * Generate .gdbinit from
- * configure: Rebuild.
-Sat Mar 29 13:57:20 1997 Fred Fish <>
- * COPYING: Install new version of file from FSF.
- * copying.c (show_copying_command): Update FSF address.
-Fri Mar 28 18:33:41 1997 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * (distclean): Remove .gdbinit.
-Fri Mar 28 15:38:04 1997 Mike Meissner <>
- * remote-sim.c (gdb_os_{,e}vprintf_filtered): Change stdarg type
- to va_list from void *, since va_list might not be a pointer
- type.
-Thu Mar 27 14:21:46 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * remote-mips.c: Clean up comment and extraneous semicolon
- for mips_monitor_prompt variable.
-Thu Mar 27 12:46:58 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * remote-mips.c: Add `set monitor-prompt' command.
-Wed Mar 26 06:47:44 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- Fix from Peter Schauer:
- * mdebugread.c (parse_procedure): Set address of procedure to
- block start; this fixes problems with shared libraries introduced
- by change of Mar 21.
-Mon Mar 24 19:43:16 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * symtab.c (find_pc_symtab): change to support the case
- where the objfile is reordered and contains both coff and
- stabs debugging info (continue on if a psymtab isn't found).
-Sun Mar 23 16:19:20 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- Fixes from Peter Schauer:
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (REGISTER_CONVERT_TO_TYPE,
- REGISTER_CONVERT_FROM_TYPE): Swap words if target, not host,
- is big-endian and if registers are 32 bits.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_print_register, mips_extract_return_value,
- mips_store_return_value): Fix floating-point word-order problems on
- little-endian targets introduced by changes of Mar 21.
-Sun Mar 23 15:43:27 1997 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote.c (target_resume_hook, target_wait_loop_hook): New
- globals.
- (remote_resume, remote_wait): Use them.
- * d10v-tdep.c: Set the above hooks.
- (tracesource): New GDB variable, controls source display in
- traces.
- (display_trace): Find and display source line if requested.
- (trace_info): Mention empty trace buffer if appropriate.
- (tdisassemble_command): Robustify argument handling.
- * Remove extra bogus Linux case.
-Sat Mar 22 16:41:35 1997 Fred Fish <>
- * remote-sim.c (simulator_command): Add comment about dealing with
- NULL or empty args.
-Sat Mar 22 02:48:11 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * c-exp.y (yylex): Handle nested template parameter lists.
- * symtab.c (decode_line_2): Fix test for valid choice number.
-Fri Mar 21 19:10:05 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_push_arguments): On non-EABI architectures,
- copy first two floating point arguments to general registers, so that
- MIPS16 functions will receive the arguments correctly.
- (mips_print_register): Print double registers correctly on
- little-endian hosts.
- (mips_extract_return_value): Return double values correctly
- on little-endian hosts.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_procedure): Adjust address of procedure relative
- to address in file descriptor record; this accounts for constant
- strings that may precede functions in the text section. Remove
- now-useless lowest_pdr_addr from argument list and all calls.
-Fri Mar 21 15:36:25 1997 Michael Meissner <>
- * configure.tgt (powerpc*-{eabi,linux,sysv,elf}*): Determine
- whether the simulator will be built by whether the Makefile in the
- simulator directory was built.
- * (--enable-sim-powerpc): Delete switch.
- * configure: Regenerate.
-Thu Mar 20 20:52:04 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * mn10200-tdep.c (mn10200_analyze_prologue): Look for save of "a1"
- in the prologue too.
- * remote-sim.c (gdb_os_vprintf_filtered): Fix to work with non-ANSI
- compilers.
- (gdb_os_evprintf_filtered): Similarly.
-Wed Mar 19 16:13:22 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- New UnixWare 2.1 configuration
- * config/i386/ new
- * config/i386/ new
- * config/i386/tm-i386v42mp.h: new
- * config/i386/nm-i386v42mp.h: new
- * configure.tgt: added new entries
- * added new entries
-Mon Mar 17 17:52:00 1997 J.T. Conklin <>
- * dsrec.c (load_srec): Print leading zeroes when printing section
- addresses.
-Mon Mar 17 15:00:16 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote-sim.h: Delete - moved to ../include/remote-sim.h.
- * (remote_utils_h): Update path to remote-sim.h.
-Fri Mar 7 20:55:28 1997 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote-sim.c (flush_stdout, write_stderr, flush_stderr,
- vprintf_filtered, evprintf_filtered): Callbacks that accept
- varargs.
-Sat Mar 15 00:50:46 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * breakpoint.c (insert_breakpoints, watchpoint_check,
- bpstat_stop_status): Do not disable watchpoints going out of scope.
- (insert_breakpoints): Make sure that the current frame is valid
- before calling find_frame_addr_in_frame_chain.
- * top.c (setup_user_args): Handle quotes and backslashes.
- (print_gdb_version): Update copyright year.
-Fri Mar 14 15:44:03 1997 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * (elfread.o): Depend upon elf-bfd.h and elf/mips.h.
-Thu Mar 13 22:51:00 1997 Dawn Perchik <>
- * utils.c (pollquit, notice_quit): If _WIN32, limit test for
- cntl-C to wingdb.
- (initialize_utils): If _WIN32, don't call ScreenRows and ScreenCols
- except under wingdb. (Contributed by Martin Hunt).
-Thu Mar 13 12:40:49 1997 Tom Tromey <>
- * configure: Regenerated.
-Thu Mar 13 11:00:22 1997 Doug Evans <>
- * remote-sim.h (sim_state, SIM_DESC): New types.
- (sim_open): Return a `descriptor' as result.
- (*): New argument of descriptor result from sim_open.
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_desc): Renamed from gdbsim_open_p.
- (gdbsim_open): Record result of sim_open in gdbsim_desc.
- Pass argv list to sim_open, argv[0] = pseudo program name.
- (*): Pass gdbsim_desc to sim_foo fns.
-Wed Mar 12 14:40:06 1997 Tom Tromey <>
- * Regenerated.
- * acconfig.h (START_INFERIOR_TRAPS_EXPECTED, sys_quotactl,
-Tue Mar 11 07:25:27 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- First cut at supporting simulators in gdbserver:
- * configure, Allow gdbserver to be configured
- for cross-target environments.
- * gdbserver/ Add simulator support.
- * gdbserver/ Eliminate assumption that host == target.
- Simplify using gdb/configure.tgt and gdb/
- Fix other minor configuration errors.
- * gdbserver/low-sparc.c: Fix compile error.
- * gdbserver/remote-utils.c: Eliminate assumption that registers
- and addresses are four bytes. Fix minor compile errors and warnings.
- * gdbserver/server.c: Rewrite numerous instances of identical code
- for starting inferior processes to call new function start_inferior.
- Eliminate assumption that registers and addresses are four bytes.
- * gdbserver/server.h: Add missing prototypes to eliminate compiler
- warnings.
- * gdbserver/low-sim.c: New file to mate gdbserver with simulators.
- * config/mips/ Add Vr5000 simulator support to gdbserver.
- * config/i386/ Eliminate gdbserver support as a first step
- in moving such support from host to target makefile fragments.
- * config/i386/ Move gdbserver support here from
-Mon Mar 10 12:27:47 1997 Michael Snyder <>
- * symtab.h (INIT_SAL): New macro to initialize symtab_and_line,
- to insure consistant initialization of unused fields to zero.
- * symtab.c: replace initializations of sals with new macro INIT_SAL.
- * breakpoint.c: ditto.
- * infrun.c: ditto.
- * infcmd.c: ditto.
- * source.c: add call to INIT_SAL macro.
-Sat Mar 8 00:16:37 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * sparc-tdep.c (isbranch): Always handle v9 branch instructions,
- they might get used on 32 bit targets as well.
-Wed Mar 5 19:34:09 1997 Bob Manson <>
- * remote-mips.c (mips_exit_debug): Some IDT boards don't
- send the full exit string.
-Wed Mar 5 12:59:27 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * mn10200-tdep.c (mn10200_push_arguments): Handle new calling
- conventions.
- (mn10200_store_struct_return): Likewise.
-Tue Mar 4 10:31:02 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_fetch_instruction): New function; replace
- common code throughout with calls to it.
- (mips_find_saved_regs): Examine MIPS16 entry instruction to determine
- correct saved addresses of $s0 and $s1.
- (mips_find_saved_regs, mips16_heuristic_proc_desc): Use MIPS_REGSIZE
- instead of hardcoded 4.
- (mips16_skip_prologue): Handle extended instructions correctly.
-Mon Mar 3 12:29:20 1997 Doug Evans <>
- * defs.h (LONGEST): Move #ifndef LONGEST to outside.
-Thu Feb 27 18:54:11 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- New macros for testing, setting, and clearing bit 0 of addresses.
- Change numerous bits of code where bit 0 was being manipulated
- to use these macros.
-Thu Feb 27 14:12:41 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * remote-mips.c: Put back the form feeds.
-Thu Feb 27 12:04:24 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * remote-mips.c: Remove form feeds (^L) from source.
- (mips_initialize): LSI PMON doesn't support 'set regsize' command.
- (pmon_wait): Don't need to exit and re-enter debug mode on LSI
- PMON after a continue; it causes target program misbehavior.
- (mips_fetch_register): Don't fetch unsupported registers; this
- cuts down on wasted serial traffic.
-Thu Feb 27 09:38:16 1997 Stu Grossman (
- * configure (HPUX/OSF thread support): Enable this
- only when running GCC, since HP's thread header files use ANSI C
- which is not supported by their default compiler.
- * (i[3456]86-*-windows): Disable long long
- support for WinGDB. Add mswin to configdirs.
- * configure: Move calls to and
- configure.tgt to the top of to allow them to set
- config variables before they are referenced.
-Tue Feb 25 20:21:52 1997 Stan Shebs <>
- * configure.tgt (mips*-*-lnews*): New target.
-Mon Feb 24 16:35:00 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * mn10200-tdep.c (mn10200_analyze_prologue): Don't fix fi->frame
- if we're not the innermost frame. Fix minor typos.
-Sat Feb 22 03:39:50 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * stabsread.c (read_type): Fix handling of template names
- with template parameters containing `::'.
- * valops.c (search_struct_field, search_struct_method):
- Pass correct valaddr parameter to baseclass_offset.
- Prevent gdb crashes by making sure that the virtual base pointer
- from an user object still points to accessible memory.
-Tue Feb 18 13:36:34 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * maint.c: Eliminate -Wall warnings by including some header files.
-Tue Feb 18 13:06:30 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * remote-sim.c (init_callbacks): Undo previous change.
-Tue Feb 18 11:13:00 1997 Dawn Perchik <>
- * maint.c: Fix dereference of pointer.
- * remote-sim.c: Fix reference of structure member "last_error".
- * debugify.c: Include config.h to get ANSI definitions.
-Sat Feb 15 17:43:46 1997 Stu Grossman (
- * remote-vx.c (vx_attach): Remove code added by kung. It made no
- sense.
-Fri Feb 14 13:00:07 1997 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * main.c (print_gdb_help): Make static to match declaration.
-Thu Feb 13 18:18:18 1997 Dawn Perchik <>
- * remote-e7000.c, ser-e7kpc.c, serial.c: Remove // comments.
-Wed Feb 12 15:58:00 1997 Dawn Perchik <>
- * debugify.c, debugify.h: Make safe for non-ansi compilers.
-Wed Feb 12 15:30:00 1997 Dawn Perchik <>
- * defs.h: Fix prototypes for new cleanup functions.
-Wed Feb 12 15:08:47 1997 Dawn Perchik <>
- * debugify.c, debugify.h: Fix for general gnu use. Remove C++
- comment, add PARAMS, add license info and fix indentation.
-Wed Feb 12 14:42:47 1997 Dawn Perchik <>
- * debugify.c, debugify.h: New files. Provide common macros
- for writing debug info to a log file or stdio.
-Wed Feb 12 02:44:39 1997 Dawn Perchik <>
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): Fix printing for arrays defined
- with 0 length.
-Tue Feb 11 22:24:39 1997 Dawn Perchik <>
- * defs.h: Fix cntl-C to read from the Windows message queue.
- Add prototypes for make_final_cleanup (and the other cleanup
- routines.
- * remote-e7000.c: Fix sync code to timeout if unable to sync.
- Change sync code to report status while trying to sync-up
- with hardware. Add debugging output and document.
- * ser-e7kpc.c: Swap order of len & offset to match implementation.
- Add debugging output and document.
- * serial.c: Add debugging output.
- * top.c: Add call to do_final_cleanups.
- Remove conditionals preventing Win32 from getting SIGQUIT.
- * utils.c: (*_cleanup): Modify cleanup routines to accept a cleanup
- chain as a parameter. Extract this generic code from the cleanup
- routines into separate funtions (*_my_cleanup). Keep old
- functionality by passing "cleanup_chain" to the new funtions.
- Define the cleanup chain "final_cleanup_chain" to be a cleanup
- chain which will be executed only when gdb exits. Add functions
- (*_final_cleanup) to match the original (*_cleanup) functions.
- (pollquit, quit, notice_quit): Fix to read cntl-C from the
- Windows message queue.
-Tue Feb 11 15:36:31 1997 Doug Evans <>
- * m32r-rom.c: #include <sys/types.h>.
- #ifdef out new load support if wingdb.
- * m32r/tm-m32r.h (TARGET_M32R): Define, for wingdb.
-Tue Feb 11 12:28:09 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * config/mn10200/tm-mn10200.h (STORE_STRUCT_RETURN): Fix.
- * mn10200-tdep.c (mn10200_store_struct_return): New function.
- * config/mn10200/tm-mn10200.h (EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE): Fix case when
- extracting a return value from a register pair.
- * mn10200-tdep.c (mn10200_push_arguments): Stack only needs to
- be two byte aligned. Round argument sizes up to two byte boundary.
- Write out args in two byte hunks.
- (mn10200_push_return_address): Implement.
- * config/mn10200/tm-mn10200.h (EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE): Abort for
- structures > 8 bytes (temporary).
- (CALL_DUMMY): No longer undefine.
- (USE_STRUCT_CONVENTION): Use for args > 8 bytes.
-Mon Feb 10 18:35:55 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * mips-tdep.c (non_heuristic_proc_desc): New function.
- (find_proc_desc): Move non-heuristic proc search code into separate
- function.
- (gdb_print_insn_mips): Use non-heuristic method to find procedure
- descriptor, to avoid prologue examination when disassembling.
- * remote-mips.c: Add support for new "lsi" target (LSI MiniRISC
- aka MicroMeteor board).
- (mips_exit_debug): Prevent protocol reinitialization if an error
- occurs while exiting debug mode.
-Mon Feb 10 16:11:57 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * mn10200-tdep.c: Remove lots of debugging printfs, update/improve
- comments, formatting, etc. Plus other minor fixes for problems
- I found during my first pass over the mn10200 port.
- (mn10200_analyze_prologue): New function.
- (mn10200_frame_chain, mn10200_init_extra_frame_info): Use it.
- * config/mn10200/tm-mn10200.h: Lots of updates/improvements to
- comments, formatting, etc. Minor fixes for problems I found during
- my first pass over the mn10200 port.
- (TARGET_*_BIT): Define appropriately for ints, long longs, doubles and
- pointers.
- (REGISTER_VIRTUAL_TYPE): Define as a long.
- (EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE): Rework to deal with long ints living
- in register pairs.
- (STORE_RETURN_VALUE): Similarly.
- * blockframe.c (generic_get_saved_regs): Remove unused variable
- "addr".
- * breakpoint.c (frame_in_dummy): Move struct breakpoint *b decl
- inside #ifdef CALL_DUMMY.
- (watch_command_1): Initialize target_resources_ok.
- * command.c (do_setshow_command): Provide dummy initialization
- for "match".
- * valops.c (find_function_addr): Move function & prototype inside
- #ifdef CALL_DUMMY.
- (value_arg_coerce): Similarly.
- (value_of_variable): Provide dummy initialization of "frame".
-Mon Feb 10 07:54:26 1997 Fred Fish <>
- * xcoffread.c (RECORD_MINIMAL_SYMBOL): Add NULL asection* parameter
- to prim_record_minimal_symbol_and_info call that was missed in Jan 3
- change.
- (scan_xcoff_symtab): Ditto.
-Sun Feb 09 09:23:26 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * remote-mips.c (common_breakpoint): Prevent 64-bit addresses
- from being sent to 32-bit targets by masking off upper bits.
- * mips-tdep.c (heuristic_proc_start): Mask off upper 32 bits
- of PC on 32-bit targets.
- (mips16_heuristic_proc_desc): Recognize 'addiu s1,sp,n' as a
- frame setup instruction.
- (mips32_heuristic_proc_desc): Fix warning found by gcc -Wall.
- (mips16_skip_prologue): Recognize 'addiu s1,sp,n' as a valid
- prologue instruction. Fix warnings and bugs found by gcc -Wall.
- * buildsym.c (finish_block): Improve handling of overlapping blocks;
- fixes problem on MIPS16 printing function arguments.
-Sat Feb 8 01:14:43 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * dwarf2read.c (dwarf2_linkage_name): New function to get
- the linkage name of a die from DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name or
- DW_AT_name.
- (read_func_scope, dwarf2_add_field, dwarf2_add_member_fn,
- new_symbol): Use it instead of accessing DW_AT_name.
- (read_partial_die): Use DW_AT_MIPS_linkage name as name of the
- partial die if present.
- (dwarf2_add_member_fn): Make a copy of physname on the type obstack.
-Fri Feb 7 10:06:22 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * blockframe.c (generic_frame_chain_valid): If the new frame
- is not INNER_THAN the old frame, then it's not valid.
-Tue Feb 04 09:04:37 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * mips-tdep.c (mips16_get_imm): Fix calculation of extended immediate.
- (mips16_heuristic_proc_desc): Recognize jal(x) instruction.
-Mon Feb 03 17:57:58 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * mips-tdep.c (mips16_decode_reg_save): Distinguish between
- sd and sw instructions correctly.
- (heuristic_proc_start): Add support for MIPS16.
- (mips16_get_imm, mips16_heuristic_proc_desc,
- mips32_heuristic_proc_desc): New helper functions for
- heuristic_proc_desc.
- (heuristic_proc_desc): Rewrite and reorganize to support MIPS16.
- (mips_push_arguments): Don't align small arguments in EABI.
- (mips32_skip_prologue): Attempt to shrink code size a little.
-Mon Feb 3 11:06:05 1997 Michael Snyder <>
- * m32r-stub.c: New -- remote protocol support for M32R cpu.
- * m32r-rom.c: Several experiments with improved download time.
-Fri Jan 31 08:26:39 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * mips-tdep.c (MIPS16_INSTLEN): Define.
- (mips_find_saved_regs): Replace hardcoded 2's with MIPS16_INSTLEN.
- (heuristic_proc_start): Recognize 'entry' pseudo-op as a start
- of function on MIPS16.
- (mips32_skip_prologue, mips16_skip_prologue): New helper functions
- for mips_skip_prologue.
- (mips_skip_prologue): Recognize both 16- and 32-bit prologues.
-Wed Jan 29 12:45:54 1997 Michael Meissner <>
- * config/powerpc/ppc{,le} (SIM): Remove the library
- ../sim/common/libcommon.a.
-Tue Jan 28 15:54:13 1997 Michael Snyder <>
- * blockframe.c: fix a null pointer ref in generic_get_saved_register
-Tue Jan 28 15:39:50 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * mn10200-tdep.c (mn10200_frame_chain): Get basic backtracing
- working.
-Mon Jan 27 14:31:52 1997 Mark Alexander <>
-First set of changes for mips16:
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (MIPS16_BIG_BREAKPOINT,
- (ABOUT_TO_RETURN): Call new function mips_about_to_return.
- (mips_breakpoint_from_pc, mips_about_to_return): Declare.
- * mem-break.c (memory_breakpoint_from_pc): New function.
- (memory_insert_breakpoint, memory_remove_breakpoint): Use
- memory_breakpoint_from_pc to determine breakpoint contents and size.
- * target.h (memory_breakpoint_from_pc): Declare.
- * monitor.c (monitor_insert_breakpoint): Use memory_breakpoint_from_pc
- to determine size of breakpoint instruction.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips32_decode_reg_save, mips16_decode_reg_save):
- New helper functions for mips_find_saved_regs.
- (mips_find_saved_regs): Recognize mips16 prologues.
- (mips_addr_bits_remove): Strip off upper 32 bits of address
- when target CPU is 32 bits but CORE_ADDR is 64 bits.
- (mips_step_skips_delay): No branch delay slot on mips16.
- (gdb_print_insn_mips): Disassemble mips16 code.
- (mips_breakpoint_from_pc, mips_about_to_return): New functions.
-Mon Jan 27 10:34:03 1997 Jeffrey A Law (
- * tm-mn10200.h (NUM_REGS): Decrease to 12.
- (REGISTER_NAMES): Elimination registers not found on the mn10200.
- (PC_REGNUM, MDR_REGNUM, PSW_REGNUM): Corresponding changes.
- (LIR_REGNUM, LAR_REGNUM): Delete. They don't exist on the mn10200.
-Sat Jan 25 00:07:59 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * dwarf2read.c: Replace integral tag, name and form fields in
- internal structure definitions with the corresponding enumeration
- types from dwarf2.h. Add default cases to switches on enumerations
- where appropriate.
- Make quoting of string arguments in complaint messages consistent.
- Check for NULL returns from DW_STRING.
- (struct partial_die_info): Add sibling and has_type fields, remove
- unused value field.
- (DW_*): Move access macro definitions near the definition of the
- attribute structure.
- (struct field_info): New structure to pass information about fields
- and member functions between die processing routines.
- (dwarf2_build_psymtabs_hard): Set cu_header_offset.
- (scan_partial_symbols): Do not enter DW_TAG_subprogram dies into
- the partial symbol table if the DW_AT_*_pc attributes are missing.
- Add file scope base type definitions to the partial symbol table.
- Skip over child dies if the die has a sibling attribute.
- (add_partial_symbol): Enter global variables with type attributes
- and without location descriptors into the partial symbol table.
- Store value of DW_TAG_variable dies in the partial symbol table.
- Do not enter global variables into the minimal symbol table.
- Add base type definitions to the partial symbol table.
- (psymtab_to_symtab_1): Use dwarf2_get_pc_bounds to determine highpc.
- (process_die): Move check for DW_AT_low_pc to read_func_scope.
- Add a typedef symbol for base type definitions to the symbol table.
- Ignore DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine tags for now.
- (read_file_scope): Use dwarf2_get_pc_bounds to determine pc bounds.
- (read_func_scope, read_lexical_block_scope): Use dwarf2_get_pc_bounds
- to determine pc bounds, ignore dies with invalid bounds.
- (dwarf2_get_pc_bounds): New routine to extract and validate the
- DW_AT_*_pc attributes of a die.
- (dwarf2_add_field, dwarf2_attach_fields_to_type, skip_member_fn_name,
- dwarf2_add_member_fn, dwarf2_attach_fn_fields_to_type):
- New functions to handle fields and member functions.
- (read_structure_scope): Rewritten to use them.
- (read_array_type): Renamed from dwarf_read_array_type.
- Default upper array bound to describe an array with unspecified
- length.
- Create array types in backwards order, as dwarf2 puts out the array
- dimensions from left to right.
- (read_subroutine_type): Handle DW_TAG_unspecified_parameters,
- DW_AT_artificial and DW_AT_prototyped.
- (read_base_type): Make an unsigned type for DW_ATE_boolean.
- Pass objfile to dwarf_base_type.
- (read_partial_die): Use read_attribute to read in the attributes.
- Handle DW_AT_sibling and DW_AT_type.
- Follow references when determining DW_AT_name and DW_AT_external
- attributes of the die.
- Validate DW_AT_*_pc attributes.
- (read_full_die): Use read_attribute to read in the attributes.
- (read_attribute): New function to read an attribute described
- by an abbreviated attribute.
- (new_symbol): Relocate symbol value for DW_TAG_label with baseaddr.
- Do not set SYMBOL_VALUE_ADDRESS for DW_TAG_subprogram,
- SYMBOL_BLOCK_VALUE for the symbol will be set later by finish_block.
- Change symbol class for global variables with a zero valued location
- descriptor to LOC_UNRESOLVED.
- Handle DW_AT_const_value attributes for DW_TAG_variable,
- DW_TAG_formal_parameter and DW_TAG_enumerator.
- Build a typedef symbol for DW_TAG_base_type.
- (dwarf2_const_value): New routine to copy a constant value from an
- attribute to a symbol.
- (dwarf_base_type): Use passed in objfile, not current_objfile
- when calling dwarf2_fundamental_type.
- (dump_die): Use DW_* accessor macros to access values of attributes.
- (decode_locdesc): Handle DW_OP_plus_uconst.
-Wed Jan 22 01:31:16 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * mn10200-tdep.c: New file.
- * config/mn10200/tm-mn10200.h: New, REGISTER_SIZE is 24 bits not 32,
- SP_REGNUM and FP_REGNUM are different, also no lar or lir.
- * config/mn10200/ New file.
- * configure.tgt: add mn10200 entry.
-Tue Jan 21 18:32:23 1997 Stu Grossman (
- * configure: Check if host has libdl if doing
- Solaris threads.
-Tue Jan 21 17:03:26 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * mn10300-tdep.c: Wrote/fixed implementations of
- mn10300_frame_chain, mn10300_init_extra_frame_info,
- mn10300_frame_saved_pc
- * config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h: Redefine INIT_EXTRA_FRAME_INFO
- and INIT_FRAME_PC macros.
-Tue Jan 21 17:01:20 1997 Stu Grossman (
- * configure: Check if host has libm. Make sure we
- are using gcc when using the -export-dynamic option. Fixes a
- problem with building under Solaris/SunPro cc.
-Mon Jan 20 13:52:13 1997 Mark Alexander <>
- * config/mips/{embed,embed64,embedl,embedl64}.mt:
- Link in simulator on MIPS embedded targets.
-Sat Jan 18 02:31:29 1997 Peter Schauer (
- * blockframe.c (frameless_look_for_prologue): Mark frames
- with a zero PC as frameless to improve backtraces from core dumps
- caused by dereferencing a NULL function pointer.
-Thu Jan 16 14:10:41 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h: fix BREAKPOINT definition.
-Tue Jan 14 16:01:06 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * mn10300-tdep.c: made a lot more generic, ripping out code
- from copied target (no more mn10300_scan_prologue,
- init_extra_frame_info, and mn10300_fix_call_dummy calls)
- * config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h: undefine INIT_EXTRA_FRAME_INFO
- and INIT_FRAME_PC macros
-Thu Jan 9 11:44:40 1997 Michael Snyder <>
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_frame_find_saved_regs): Don't use
- FP_REGISTER_BYTES to compute offsets into the saved frame,
- since it fails for SPARC targets configured without any
- FP regs. Instead, use DUMMY_STACK_REG_BUF_SIZE.
-Mon Jan 6 11:15:14 1997 Stu Grossman (
- * symtab.c (fixup_symbol_section): Handle NULL symbols without
- crashing.
-Fri Jan 3 12:08:16 1997 Stu Grossman (
- * configure Remove ENABLE_CLIBS,
- ENABLE_OBS, and THREAD_DB_OBS. These are consolidated into LIBS
- * configure Clean up test cases around thread support.
- * configure.tgt (v850-*-*): Include v850ice.o and v850.lib if
- host is Windows.
- * c-valprint.c ch-valprint.c cp-valprint.c eval.c expprint.c
- printcmd.c valops.c value.h values.c: Add bfd_section arg to
- value_at and value_at_lazy.
- * coffread.c dbxread.c elfread.c mdebugread.c minsyms.c symtab.h:
- Add bfd_section arg to prim_record_minimal_symbol_and_info.
- * corefile.c gdbcore.h printcmd.c valops.c: Use read_memory_section
- instead of read_memory. It takes a bfd_section arg.
- * coffread.c dbxread.c elfread.c gdb-stabs.h objfiles.h: Remove
- unnecessary cast for assignment of struct dbx_symfile_info.
- Struct objfile now uses a real pointer instead of PTR for this
- element.
- * dbxread.c (dbx_symfile_init): Stash bfd section pointers for
- text, data and bss into dbx_symfile_info.
- * exec.c (xfer_memory): Handle transfers for user-specified
- sections.
- * findvar.c (read_var_value locate_var_value): Copy bfd section
- from the symbol to the value.
- * gdb-stabs.h: Add section pointers for text, data and bss
- sections.
- * maint.c (translate address command): Add test code for overlay
- address translation.
- * printcmd.c (do_examine do_one_display): Now takes a bfd section
- arg.
- * (print_formatted x_command): Record current section along with
- current address for repeated commands.
- * sparc-nat.c (fetch_inferior_registers): Change
- target_xfer_memory to target_{read write}_memory to allow changes
- to target_xfer_memory interface for section info.
- * symmisc.c (dump_msymbols print_symbol): Print section
- assocaited with symbol.
- * symtab.c (fixup_symbol_section): New routine to
- add section info to symbols returned by lookup_symbol.
- * symtab.h (struct general_symbol_info): Add bfd section to
- symbols.
- * target.c target.h (target_xfer_memory): Add bfd section to
- args.
- * (target_read_memory_section): New routine to read data from a
- specific section.
- * (target_memory_bfd_section): New global variable to pass bfd
- section in to targets.
- * valarith.c (value_add value_addr value_array): Preserve bfd
- section when computing new value.
- * value.h (struct value): Add bfd section to values.
- * values.c (allocate_value value_copy): Initialize/preserve bfd
- section.
- * (unpack_double): Clean up _MSC_VER conditionals to remove
- duplicate code.
- * v850ice.c: New module to support communication with NEC's
- PC-based ICE.
- * config/v850/tm-v850.h (REGISTER_NAMES): Replace sp, gp, fp, and
- ep names with rxx names. sp and fp are renamed via a different
- mechanism.
-Fri Jan 3 14:20:05 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * mn10300-tdep.c (mn10300_push_arguments): rewrote,
- also removed code elsewhere that made use of RP_REGNUM.
- * config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h: ripped out RP_REGNUM, V0_REGNUM,
- ARG0_REGNUM, ARGLAST_REGNUM (all not appropriate for mn10300
-For older changes see ChangeLog-96
-Local Variables:
-mode: indented-text
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diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ChangeLog-98 b/contrib/gdb/gdb/ChangeLog-98
deleted file mode 100644
index bd19b49066a5..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ChangeLog-98
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7122 +0,0 @@
-Thu Dec 31 15:26:13 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- * corelow.c (core_ops): Don't initialize statically.
- (init_core_ops): New function, fills in core_ops.
- (_initialize_corelow): Use it.
-Thu Dec 31 16:54:30 1998 David Taylor <>
- The following changes were made by
- Elena Zannoni <>
- Edith Epstein <>
- David Taylor <>
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (INSTRUCTION_NULLIFIED): Change to read
- nullify instruction bit from IPSW only when we are not in a system
- call.
- (STRCAT_REGISTER, pa_do_strcat_registers_info): Additional
- parameter -- precision.
- * (BUILD_TUI): To build the tui, only when configured
- with --enable-tui.
- (YLWRAP): Use ylwrap to avoid problems on systems w/o bison.
- (gdb$(EXEEXT)): Make it dependent on BUILD_TUI.
- (all-tui): Remove dependency from phony target.
- ( Use ylwrap instead of bison.
- ( Ditto.
- ( Ditto.
- ( Ditto.
- * (ENABLE_CFLAGS): Define and export BUILD_TUI.
- * configure: Regenerated.
- * c-typeprint.c (c_type_print_base): Get to the method name by
- skipping over all the namespaces, classes and '::'.
- * infcmd.c (run_command): Only call SOLIB_RESTART if it's
- defined.
- (detach_command): Ditto.
- * infptrace.c (call_ptrace): Add some debugging code.
- * infrun.c (follow_inferior_fork): Only define on HP.
- (wait_for_inferior): Only call SOLIB_IN_DYNAMIC_LINKER if we have
- shared libraries; restore test of IN_SOLIB_DYNSYM_RESOLVE_CODE
- removed by HP.
- * (ALLDEPFILES): Add somread.c, hp-psymtab-read.c,
- hp-symtab-read.c.
- (SFILES): Remove the above files
- (COMMON_OBS): Remove somread.o
- (SFILES): Add the tui files to this, so they get
- included in etags tables.
- (all-tui): New rule, which does a recursive make in the tui
- subdir.
- (gdb$(EXEEXT)): Add tui-all to the list of
- dependencies, and add tui/libtui.a to the link list.
- (tui/libtui.a): When recursing, pass down
- ${FLAGS_TO_PASS}. And don't echo the make command. This is
- closer to what the other recursions do.
- (HFILES_NO_SRCDIR) add hpread.h.
- (COMMON_OBS): Add hp-psymtab-read.o, hp-symtab-read.o
- Allow the TUI code to be conditionally enabled.
- (TUI_TARGET, TUI_LIBRARY): New variables, whose values are set by
- the configuration script. They're set to the empty string when
- the TUI isn't enabled.
- (gdb$(GDBEXT)): Use those, instead of referring to tui-all and
- tui/libtui.a directly.
- * Avoid spurious relinking.
- (gdb$(EXEEXT)): Depend on the actual tui library, not on a
- fictitious target. Since the fictitious target never existed, make
- would always relink.
- (tui/libtui.a): Renamed from all-tui. Always recurse to make sure
- the library is up to date.
- (TUI_TARGET): Variable removed; there's no need for it any more.
- * Look for tui include files in the tui source dir.
- * Use automake's `aclocal' program to generate aclocal.m4, to allow
- us to use automake macros in with impunity.
- * acconfig.h: Add an entry for the `TUI' symbol.
- * acinclude.m4: New file, containing the code from the old
- aclocal.m4. Incorporate (by reference) ../bfd/acinclude.m4, not
- ../bfd/aclocal.m4, since we only want bfd's local macros.
- * aclocal.m4: Now automagically generated. Just run aclocal!
- * annotate.c (annotate_catchpoint): New function.
- * annotate.h: Taking the new includes (symtab.h and gdbtypes.h).
- not taking the ansic C build fix.
- (annotate_catchpoint): Declare.
- * blockframe.c (blockvector_for_pc_sect): Check that the end of
- the block is >= to the pc, not just >.
- * breakpoint.c (create_temp_exception_breakpoint): #If it out --
- nothing calls it.
- (bpstat_stop_status): Don't call SOLIB_HAVE_LOAD_EVENT if it's not
- defined; don't call SOLIB_HAVE_UNLOAD_EVENT if it's not defined.
- (bpstat_get_triggered_catchpoints): If we don't have shared
- library support, then don't call SOLIB_LOADED_LIBRARY_PATHNAME nor
- (watch_command_1): Don't require a run before a watch command
- unless we're on HP [it's an HP OS bug, not a generic limitation]
- (catch_load_command_1): Don't define if no shared libraries.
- (catch_command_1): Don't claim to support fork catchpoints unless
- CHILD_INSERT_FORK_CATCHPOINT is defined, don't claim to support
- vfork catchpoints unless CHILD_INSERT_VFORK_CATCHPOINT is defined,
- don't clain to support shared library load catchpoints if shared
- libraries aren't supported, and don't claim to support exec
- catchpoints unless CHILD_INSERT_EXEC_CATCHPOINT is defined
- (bpstat_do_actions): If we just set cmd to NULL, don't then try to
- set it to cmd->next as we'll SEGV.
- (bpstat_do_actions): Simplify significantly. It's
- now almost as simple as before the merge and it no longer has the
- HP bug that breakpoint commands are executed repeatedly.
- (break_at_finish_command_1): Rewrite and make sure
- selected_frame points to a frame before using it. Fix string
- termination error.
- (break_at_finish_at_depth_command_1): Ditto.
- (can_use_hw_watchpoints): New static variable.
- (read_memory_nobpt): Test for breakpoint type bp_none.
- (insert_breakpoints): Test for breakpoint type bp_catch_exec;
- insure have a current frame before getting the frame address.
- (remove_breakpoints): Check for breakpoints of types bp_none,
- bp_catch_fork, bp_catch_vfork, and bp_catch_exec.
- (bpstat_stop_status): Fix updates of b->hit_count.
- (bpstat_have_active_hw_watchpoints): New function.
- (create_exec_event_watchpoint): New function.
- (watch_command_1): Use can_use_hw_watchpoints.
- (catch_fork_command_1): Change name of function to call from
- target_create_catch_(v)fork_hook to create_(v)fork_even_catchpoint.
- (delete_breakpoint): Test for already deleted breakpoints; add
- support for bp_catch_fork, bp_catch_vfork, and bp_catch_exec
- breakpoints.
- (_initialize_breakpoint): Add can-use-hw-watchpoints to list of
- user settable debugger variables.
- (clear_command): When there is no argument
- to the clear command, delete all breakpoints that are hit at
- default line. This will include a breakpoint whose line number
- does not correspond to the default line, but has been set at
- the default address.
- (delete_breakpoint): Don't call bpstat_clear_actions, instead
- clear things explicitly; if clearing breakpoint_at, then also
- clear any associated actions so that bpstat_do_actions won't try
- to execute them.
- (_initialize_breakpoint): Fix function name for bx command.
- (tbreak_command): Remove static from declaration.
- (maintenance_info_breakpoints): Ditto.
- (reattach_breakpoints): New funct definition, used with with
- hardware watchpoints
- (breakpoint_1): Change format and add entries to bptypes[]
- (maintenance_info_breakpoints): Function is no longer static
- (_initialize_breakpoint): Removed a comment.
- (exception_catchpoints_are_fragile,
- exception_support_initialized): Define.
- (breakpoint_here_p): Fixed syntax error in conditional
- (disable_watchpoints_before_interactive_call_start): Fixed call to
- check_duplicates. Need a section parameter.
- (enable_watchpoints_after_interactive_call_stop): Fixed call to
- check_duplicates. Need a section parameter.
- (breakpoint_re_set_one): Fixed call to check_duplicates. Need a
- section parameter.
- (delete_command): Fixed syntax error in conditional
- (breakpoint_re_set): Fixed some typos.
- (args_for_catchpoint_enable): New type for handling exceptions.
- (current_exception_event): New variable for handling exceptions.
- (insert_breakpoints): Check for additional breakpoint types --
- bp_catch_throw, bp_catch_catch, call_disabled. Also, do some
- additional work to handle an exception catchpoint.
- (remove_breakpoint): There are additional breakpoint types to
- check for: Bp_catch_throw, bp_catch_catch, call_disabled. Also do
- some additional work to remove the exception catchpoints
- (breakpoint_init_inferior): New input parameter. If there are
- exception catchpoints delete them.
- (breakpoint_here_p): There are additional breakpoint enable
- settings to check for: Shlib_disabled, call_disabled
- (breakpoint_thread_match): There are additional breakpoint enable
- settings to check for: Call_disabled
- (ep_is_catchpoint): There are additional breakpoint types to check
- for: Bp_catch_throw, bp_catch_catch
- (ep_is_exception_catchpoint): New function
- (bpstat_find_step_resume_breakpoint): New function
- (bpstat_do_actions): Introduce a local copy of the bpstat
- structure.
- (print_it_normal): There are additional breakpoint types to check
- for: Bp_catch_throw, bp_catch_catch Changeing the control
- structure a bit (adding else ifs) Add code to print out info about
- exceptions.
- (bpstat_stop_status): There are additional breakpoint enable
- settings to check for: Call_disabled. there are additional
- breakpoint types to chack for: Bp_catch_catch and bp_catch_throw.
- Check to see if stopped due to an exception. Minor fixes to the
- catch_errors calls. Make sure to count all encountered
- breakpoints. There was something funky going on previously with
- the counting.
- (bpstat_what): Add cases for new breakpoint types:
- bp_catch_catch, bp_catch_throw.
- (bpstat_get_triggered_catchpoints): Check for new breakpoint types
- : Bp_catch_catch, bp _catch_throw.
- (breakpoint_1): Account for new breakpoint types.
- (describe_other_breakpoints): Account for new breakpoint enable
- setting (call_disabled)
- (check_duplicates): Account for new breakpoint enable setting
- (call_disabled)
- (disable_breakpoints_in_shlibs): New function
- (disable_watchpoints_before_interactive_call_start): New function
- (mention): Account for new breakpoint types.
- (break_command_1): Some additional checking for a valid PC.
- (watch_command_1): Some dditional checking to prevent a watch
- before a run command.
- (ep_parse_optional_filename): Simplified for loop.
- (create_exception_catchpoint): New function
- (cover_target_enable_exception_callback): New function
- (handle_gnu_4_16_catch_command): This used to be thcatch_command_1
- function.e
- (create_temp_exception_breakpoint): New function
- (catch_command_1): Differs from gdb 4.16 and gdb 4.17. Is now
- calling catch_exception_command_1 using the EX_EVENT_CATCH and
- EX_EVENT_THROW values as parameters.
- (clear_command): Additional comments
- (delete_breakpoint): Handle exceptions. Check for additional
- breakpoint enable settings: Shlib_disabled, call_disabled.
- (delete_command): Hp folks are claiming that we should not delete
- shlib_event breakpoints
- (breakpoint_re_set_one): Moved call to check_duplicates. Add new
- breakpoint types to switch statement.
- (breakpoint_re_set_thread): New function
- (enable_command): Account for new breakpoint types.
- (insertion_state_t): New enumerated type.
- (remove_breakpoint): New param in funct prototype.
- (insert_breakpoints): Check for bp_catch_fork and bp_catch_vfork.
- (remove_breakpoints): Changed call to remove_breakpoint.
- (detach_breakpoints): New function.
- (remove_breakpoint): New parameter, is. Also changed the
- way b->inserted is set.
- (ep_is_catchpoint): New function.
- (ep_is_shlib_catchpoint): New function.
- (print_it_normal): Check for bp_catch_load, bp_catch_unload,
- bp_catch_fork, bp_catch_vfork, bp_catch_exec. Also new code
- to print out catchpoints properly.
- (bpstat_stop_status): Check for bp_catch_fork, bp_catch_vfork,
- and bp_catch_exec. Also, some code to check for catching a
- shared library load/unload.
- (bpstat_what): Added catch_shlib_event to class enumeration.
- Defined new macro, shlr. Expanded the bpstat_what_main_action
- table. Add cases for bp_catch_load, bp_catch_unload,
- bp_catch_fork, bp_catch_vfork, and bp_catch_exec.
- (bpstat_get_triggered_catchpoints): New function.
- (breakpoint_1): Changes to bptypes definition. Also check for
- bp_catch_load, bp_catch_unload, bp_catch_fork, bp_catch_vfork,
- bp_catch_exec. Similar changes to the switch statement.
- (set_raw_breakpoint): Initialize new breakpoint structure fields.
- dll_pathname, triggered_dll_pathname, forked_inferior_pid,
- exec_pathname.
- (create_solib_load_unload_event_breakpoint): New function.
- (create_solib_load_event_breakpoint): New function.
- (create_solib_unload_event_breakpoint): New function.
- (create_fork_vfork_event_catchpoint): New function.
- (create_fork_event_catchpoint): New function.
- (create_vfork_event_catchpoint): New function.
- (mention): New cases for bp_catch_load, bp_catch_unload,
- bp_catch_fork, bp_catch_vfork, bp_catch_exec.
- (ep_skip_leading_whitespace): New function.
- (ep_find_event_name_end): New function.
- (ep_parse_optional_if_clause): New function.
- (ep_parse_optional_filename): New function.
- (catch_fork_kind): New enumerated type.
- (catch_fork_command_1): New function.
- (catch_exec_command_1): New function.
- (catch_load_command_1): New function.
- (catch_unload_command_1): New function.
- (catch_throw_command_1): New function.
- (catch_command_1): Now calls catch_throw_command_1.
- (tcatch_command): New function.
- (delete_breakpoint): Changed call to remove_breakpoint.
- Also free the new fields in the breakpoint structure.
- (breakpoint_re_set_one): Handle bp_catch_load, bp_catch_unload,
- bp_catch_fork, bp_catch_vfork, bp_catch_exec.
- (disable_command): Handle bp_catch_load, bp_catch_unload,
- bp_catch_fork, bp_catch_vfork, bp_catch_exec.
- (enable_command): Handle bp_catch_load, bp_catch_unload,
- bp_catch_fork, bp_catch_vfork, bp_catch_exec.
- (_initialize_breakpoint): Alter add_com call for catchpoints,
- add add_com call for watchpoints.
- * breakpoint.h (enum bptype): New entries bp_catch_catch,
- bp_catch_throw, and bp_none, bp_catch_load, bp_catch_unload,
- bp_catch_fork, bp_catch_vfork,bp_catch_exec. Add declarations for
- new functions bpstat_have_active_hw_watchpoints and
- create_exec_event_catchpoint.
- (tbreak_command): Add prototype.
- (update_breakpoints_after_exec): Add prototype; update comments.
- (reattach_breakpoints): New funct prototype declaration.
- (enable): New enumerated value call_disabled.
- (bpstat_find_step_resume_breakpoint): New funct decl.
- (inf_context): New enumerated type.
- (breakpoint_re_set_thread): New funct decl.
- (breakpoint_init_inferior): New parameter.
- (disable_watchpoints_before_interactive_call_start): New funct decl.
- (enable_watchpoints_after_interactive_call_stop): New funct decl.
- (disable_breakpoints_in_shlibs): New funct decl.
- (struct breakpoint): New fields, dll_pathname,triggered_dll_pathname,
- forked_inferior_pid,exec_pathname BPSTAT_WHAT_CHECK_SHLIBS_RESUME_FROM_HOOK.
- (bpstat_get_triggered_catchpoints): New function.
- (detach_breakpoints): New function.
- (create_solib_load_event_breakpoint): New function.
- (create_solib_unload_event_breakpoint) New function.
- (create_fork_event_catchpoint): New function.
- (create_vfork_event_catchpoint): New function.
- (ep_is_catchpoint): New function.
- (ep_is_shlib_catchpoint) New function.
- (enum bpstat_what_main_action): New entry.
- * buildsym.c (finish_block): Get rid of processing_hp_compilation;
- handle LOC_INDIRECT case. Set the BLOCK_GCC_COMPILED to the right
- compiler.
- (push_context): Add symbols for parameters to the context_stack.
- (merge_symbol_lists): New function. Merges two symbol lists.
- (struct context_stack): Add new field param.
- (processing_hp_compilation): New external var.
- * c-exp.y: Use external flag hp_som_som_object_present to decide
- whether code was compiled by HP's compilers. Add two new C++
- tokens for true and false.
- (yylex): Check for template name is done differently for the
- HP/aCC compiler case; change some of the template processing code
- for handling HP aCC templates.
- * c-lang.c (c_create_fundamental_type): Added case to handle
- template args. Handle FT_BOOLEAN type. Set no sign flag for
- (cplus_builtin_types): New structure for c++ builtin types.
- (cplus_language_defn): Use cplus_builtin_types instead of
- c_builtin_types.
- * c-typeprint.c (c_type_print_base): Don't print 'privete' label
- for a class if all members are private, similarly don't print
- 'public' for a struct. Add support for sized enums (HP/aCC). get
- rid of the 'static' keyword printed by the demangler for member
- function, when printing the type of a class. 'static' will be
- added by this function. If the demangled name is null, and the
- method is not stubbed, get the signature by looking at the
- information stored in the symbol structure. Remove printing of
- 'const' and 'volatile' keywords for methods. This is now taken
- care as part of the demangled member names.
- (cp_type_print_method_args): New function. To print a C++ method
- arguments and name to the output stream.
- (c_type_print_cv_qualifier): New function. Print out "const" and
- "volatile" attributes.
- (c_type_print_varspec_prefix): Print const or volatile qualifiers.
- (c_type_print_args): Print 'void' for c++.
- (c_type_print_varspec_suffix): Print 'void' for a no argument
- function.
- (c_type_print_base): Print const or volatile qualifiers. Do not
- print 'unnamed union' if HP aCC compiler used. Distinguish
- between struct and class based on the DECLARED_TYPE. Handle
- HP/aCC compiler case for not printing vtable. Add Template
- support.
- (cp_type_print_derivation_info): Print out 'protected' when
- appropriate. This applies only to HP's compilers, not gcc.
- (c_val_print): Added parameter embedded_offset. Add
- embedded_offset to valaddr in function calls; fix calls to
- val_print and cp_print_value_fields. process TYPE_CODE_METHOD as
- well. moved call to check_typedef out of conditional. added
- embedded offset param to val_print call.
- (c_value_print): Add new parameter to call to val_print.
- handle pointer to class case. Attempt to
- determine the real type of the object to be printed.
- ensure that const char *, const unsigned char *
- come out without the type but the volatile variants
- and the signed variants don't.
- * coff-solib.c (coff_solib_add): Add parameters to call
- to symbol_file_add.
- * coff-solib.h: (Solib_REMOVE_INFERIOR_HOOK): New macro. defined
- to 0. functionality not implemented for coff.
- (SOLIB_CREATE_CATCH_LOAD_HOOK): New macro, generate error message
- for coff.
- * command.c (find_cmd): New function. (lookup_cmd_1): Call it,
- change parsing if tui_version or xdb_commands is set.
- (_initialize_command): Install new alias if xdb_commands is set.
- * complaints.h: Add ifdef...endif pair at beginning and end of file.
- *, configure: Regenerated.
- * config/pa/ (NATDEPFILES): Added new files
- hp-psymtab-read.o and hp-symtab-read.o.
- * config/pa/ (NATDEPFILES): Ditto.
- * config/pa/ (TERMCAP): Use -lHcurses.
- * config/pa/ (NATDEPFILES): Ditto.
- * config/pa/ (TERMCAP): Use -lHcurses.
- (MH_CFLAGS): New flag, -D__HP_CURSES, this define
- is used by HP's linker to find the correct curses library.
- * config/pa/ New file.
- * config/pa/ New file.
- * config/pa/ (TERMCAP): Link against -lcurses, not
- -lHcurses. The latter does not contain mvwaddstr, wscrl, or
- wstbwlmkfzz.
- * config/pa/ (TERMCAP): Use -lHcurses.
- (MH_CFLAGS): New flag, -D__HP_CURSES, this define
- is used by HP's linker to find the correct curses library.
- * config/pa/ (TERMCAP): When hosting on hpux 11.00, use
- -lHcurses rather than -lcurses.
- * config/pa/ New file.
- * config/pa/ New file.
- * config/pa/nm-hppah.h (CHILD_HAS_SYSCALL_EVENT): New macro
- (STOPPED_BY_WATCHPOINT): Add a condition to the macro,
- ! stepped_after_stopped_by_watchpoint
- (hppa_enable_hw_watchpoints): New funct decl
- ( hppa_disable_hw_watchpoints): New funct decl
- these are for HP's implementation of fast
- watchpoints (via page protection).
- (target_pid_to_str): New macro, calls hppa_pid_to_str
- (target_tid_to_str): New macro, calls hppa_tid_to_str
- * config/pa/nm-hppah.h (CHILD_POST_WAIT): Delete;
- HAVE_NONSTEPPABLE_WATCHPOINT, target_insert_watchpoint,
- target_remote_watchpoint): New macros.
- * config/pa/nm-hppah.h (CHILD_XFER_MEMORY): Reinsert accidentally
- deleted define.
- * config/pa/nm-hppah.h:
- (PREPARE_TO_PROCEED): Defined macro to use
- hppa_prepare_to_proceed.
- (hppa_pid_to_str): Extern decl.
- (hppa_tid_to_str): Extern decl.
- (target_pid_or_tid_to_str): New macro definition.
- (hppa_pid_or_tid_to_str): Extern decl.
- handling events caused by a call to vfork.
- (hppa_ensure_vforking_parent_remains_stopped): Extern decl.
- for handling events caused by a call to vfork.
- (hppa_resume_execd_vforking_child_to_get_parent_vfork): Extern decl.
- * config/pa/nm-hppah.h: Fix PREPARE_TO_PROCEED macro.
- * config/pa/nm-hppah.h: Fix for gcc compile on HPUX, change
- * config/pa/nm-hppah.h: Introduced an HPUXHPPA define.
- A bit of a hack so that I can ifdef some code that
- only works for the HP wildebeest debugger.
- * config/pa/nm-hppah.h: Lots of new CHILD_ defines;
- process_event_kind enum.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (BREAKPOINT32): New define.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (STACK_ALIGN): New macro.
- (REGISTER_NAMES): Formatting in file changed.
- (CR27_REGNUM): Base register for thread local storage.
- (USE_STRUCT_CONVENTION): New macro used to decide whether
- a function returning a value of type type will
- put it on the stack or into registers (based on the
- PA risc calling conventions).
- (EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE): Fixed calculation for extracting return value.
- (TARGET_READ_PC): Declared the function used in the definition.
- (SKIP_TRAMPOLINE_CODE): Declared the function used in the definition.
- (TARGET_WRITE_PC): Declared the function used in the definition.
- (TARGET_READ_FP): Declared the function used in the definition.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (STRCAT_REGISTER): Define macro for
- future use.
- (pa_do_strcat_registers_info): Moved function decl from
- defs.h to this HPUX specific .h file.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h (USE_STRUCT_CONVENTION): Type_LENGTH returns
- bytes, not bits; fix off by 8 error.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h:
- New comment for obj_unwind_info definition
- New typedef, obj_private_struct
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h: Delete most target_ macros -- use default
- versions instead; remove extraneous comma from proc_wait macro.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h: Get rid of macro HP_COMPILED_TARGET.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h: Removed redefinitions of
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h: Some new definitions
- target_pid_to_exec_file, target_acknowledge_forked_child,
- target_create_catch_fork_hook, target_create_catch_vfork_hook,
- target_has_forked, target_has_vforked, require_attach,
- require_detach, proc_wait
- New funct decls: Hppa_pid_to_exec_file,
- hppa_acknowledge_forked_child, hppa_create_catch_fork_hook,
- hppa_create_catch_vfork_hook, hppa_target_has_forked,
- hppa_target_has_vforked, hppa_require_attach,
- hppa_require_detach, process_wait
- (unwind_table_entry): Added comments to describe struct fields.
- * config/pa/tm-hppah.h (somsolib.h): Include it.
- * config/pa/tm-hppah.h:
- * (hppa-*-hpux10.20, hppa-*-hpux11.0*): New configs.
- * (AC_CHECK_HEADERS): Add check for term.h.
- * Add an --enable-tui argument.
- * Construct tui/Makefile from tui/
- * Use AM_PROG_CC_STDC. If we have the GUI, then we
- need this to process libgui.h.
- * convex-tdep.c (decout): Change FILE to GDB_FILE.
- * corefile.c: Include objfiles.h, symfile.h.
- (core_file_command): Attempt to determine the name of the symbol
- file from the core file.
- (read_memory_string): New function.
- * corefile.c (core_file_command): Temporary hack to make non-hpux
- work. For, non-hpux, t->to_core_file_to_sym_file does not have a
- reasonable value. No target_ops vector on the stack gives it a
- non-zero value. fix later.
- * corelow.c (core_file_to_sym_file): Added new local variable,
- failing command, and do some explicit type castings.
- (core_ops): Add three new fields: to_has_syscall_event,
- to_enable_exception_callback, to_get_current_exception_event.
- Necessary since we still have oldstyle initialization in
- this file
- * corelow.c: Include unistd.h
- (core_file_to_sym_file): New function
- (core_file_thread_alive): New function
- (core_ops): Added new target ops vector fields. see below. And
- yes we definitiely need to initialize them here, as long as
- we're using static initialization.
- * cxux-nat.c (add_shared_symbol_files): Additonal params for calls
- to symbol_file_add.
- * defs.h (gdb_file_isatty): New function decl.
- * defs.h (GDB_FILE): If TUI is defined, define a structure rather
- than making this an alias for FILE.
- (gdb_stdout, gdb_stderr): If TUI is defined, then define these
- as pointers to variables of type GDB_FILE rather than making them
- be aliases for stdout and stderr.
- * defs.h (TUIDO): Add definition conditionalized on definition
- (or lack thereof) of TUI.
- * defs.h (command_class): Add two additional values.
- (precision_type): New enum.
- * defs.h (gdb_fclose): Add declaration.
- * defs.h (store_address): Change prototype to match function.
- * defs.h (tui_version, xdb_commands, dbx_commands): Add decl's.
- * defs.h (gdb_file_deallocate): New function declaration
- * defs.h:
- (streamtype): New enumerated type to distinguish between
- output to a FILE and output to a buffer.
- (tui_stream): New struct type, named GDB_FILE. Contains,
- streamtype, FILE, buffer, and bufferlength fields.
- (gdb_stdout): Of type GDB_FILE, will pass this around gdb
- rather than stdout.
- (gdb_stderr): Of type GDB_FILE, will pass this around gdb
- rather than stderr.
- (fputs_unfiltered_hook): Change stream parameter from FILE to
- (flush_hook): Change stream parameter from FILE to GDB_FILE
- (gdb_fclose): Fix declaration for gdb_fclose; parameter is now of
- type GDB_FILE **
- (gdb_file_adjust_strbuf): New function declaration. function lives in
- utils.c.
- (gdb_file_init_astring): New function declaration. function lives
- in utils.c
- (gdb_file_get_strbuf): New function declaration. function lives
- in utils.c
- * defs.h: Additional include files included when TUI is defined.
- * defs.h: Funct decl source_full_path_of.
- * demangle.c: Added new demangling style, EDG_DEMANGLING_STYLE_STRING,
- to the demanglers structure. This is for support of
- Kuck & Assoc.'s changes for demangling.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard): C++ member function changes.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard): Verify TYPE_TARGET_TYPE is
- non NULL before dereferencing it.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard): With HP/aCC compiler it is not possible
- to perform inferior calls via function pointers.
- Resolve calls to overloaded functions using find_overload_match.
- We cannot handle HP/aCC pointers to member functions.
- Deal with HP/aCC pointers to members in various kind of expressions.
- * f-lang.c (f_printchar): Change FILE to GDB_FILE.
- (f_printstr): Ditto.
- (emit_char): Ditto.
- * f-lang.c (f_printstr): Change stdout to gdb_stdout.
- * f-typeprint.c (f_print_type): Change FILE to GDB_FILE.
- (f_type_print_varspec_prefix): Ditto.
- (f_type_print_args): Ditto.
- (f_type_print_varspec_suffix): Ditto.
- (print_equivalent_f77_float_type): Ditto.
- (f_type_print_base): Ditto.
- * findvar.c (): Hp snapshot 3 changes. (extract_address): Coerce
- return value from extract_unsigned_integer to CORE_ADDR.
- (store_address): Change val from CORE_ADDR to LONGEST; changes to
- support machines where CORE_ADDR and LONGEST are different sizes.
- (get_saved_register): Coerce arg to store_address to LONGEST.
- (read_relative_register_raw_bytes): Cast last arg to
- store_address to LONGEST. (read_register): Cast return from
- extract_address to a CORE_ADDR. (write_register_pid): Change val
- from LONGEST to CORE_ADDR. (read_pc_pid): Save and restore
- inferior_pid if necessary. (write_pc_pid): Ditto.
- (read_var_value): Cast arg to store_address.
- * findvar.c (read_relative_register_raw_bytes_for_frame): New
- function.
- (read_relative_register_raw_bytes): Call it.
- * findvar.c (symbol_read_needs_frame): Handle LOC_THREAD_LOCAL_STATIC and
- * fork-child.c (fork_inferior): Chenge fifth parameter to be a
- function returning void.
- * fork-child.c (fork_inferior): Delete unused variable f.
- * fork-child.c:
- (Startup_WITH_SHELL): New macro -- interim fix for a bug
- (breakup_args): New function -- breaks up an argument string into
- an argument suitable for passing into execvp().
- (fork_inferior): Handling problems with starting up gdb with a shell.
- -- again, this appears to be an interim fix.
- * fork-child.c:
- (fork_inferior): Added a comment
- (clone_and_follow_inferior): New function.
- (startup_inferior): Minor formatting changes.
- * fork-child.c:
- (fork_inferior): Hp change is problematic. The -f option has
- different meanings for different shells. It is particularly
- inappropriate for bourne shells.
- * fork-child.c:
- (fork_inferior): Added new parameter, pre_trace_fun.
- pre_trace_fun is a function pointer. For some targets,
- like HPUX, this function gets called to prepare for forking
- a child.
- * fork-child.c:
- (fork_inferior): Fixed call to init_trace_fun
- * fork-child.c:
- Moved definition of STARTUP_WITH_SHELL to inferior.h
- Added a DEBUGGING macro. Currently set to 0. May remove
- later.
- breakup_args: Add DEBUGGING ifdefs. more sophisticated
- parsing to break up args.
- (fork_inferior): Rename kshell variable to shell. new local
- variable, tryname. Make use of STARTUP_WITH_SHELL macro.
- More error processing if starting up with a shell.
- (startup_inferior): Distinguish between starting up with a shell
- and not doing so.
- * gdbthread.h:
- Declarations for load_infrun_state and save_infrun_state take
- an additional parameter.
- * gdbthread.h: Note that sometime between gdb 4.16 and 4.17,
- thread.h was renamed gdbthread.h
- (load_infrun_state): Additional parameters
- (store_infrun_state): Additional parameters
- * gdbthread.h: Include breakpoint.h
- * hp-psymtab-read.c (QUICK_LOOK_UP): Redefine to be 0.
- (hpread_build_psymtabs): Deal with enums.
- (hpread_start_psymtab): Include section offset.
- (hpread_end_psymtab): Take care of offset.
- * hp-psymtab-read.c (TRUE): Define.
- (FALSE): Define.
- (file_exists): New function. Checks for existance of file.
- (hpread_pxdb_needed): Rewrite.
- (hpread_quick_traverse): Use correct demangling style.
- Handle F77 case.
- (hpread_get_header): Rewrite.
- (hpread_get_textlow): Add support for DOC_FUNCTION.
- (hpread_build_psymtabs): Make sure we do the right thing
- for pxdb and F77.
- * hp-psymtab-read.c (hpread_pxdb_check): Change parenthesis positions.
- * hp-psymtab-read.c (hpread_quick_traverse): Compare CORE_ADDR
- variable end_addr to 0 instaed of NULL to get rif of gcc warning.
- * hp-psymtab-read.c:
- (Hpread_get_textlow): Added param to function
- Defined convennience macros and some datatypes and variables for
- processing the quick lookup-tables. Looks like the code existed
- before, but has been munged.
- (hpread_pxdb_needed): Major rearrangements of code. Additional local
- variables. Also, more extensive checking for various scenarios:
- debug info for optimized code vs. unoptimized code, pxdb has been
- run vs. pxdb has not been run.
- (VALID_FILE): New macro
- (VALID_MODULE): New macro
- (VALID_PROC): New macro
- (VALID_CLASS): New macro
- (FILE_START): New macro
- (MODULE_START): New macro
- (PROC_START): New macro
- (FILE_END): New macro
- (MODULE_END): New macro
- (PROC_END): New macro
- (FILE_ISYM): New macro
- (MODULE_ISYM): New macro
- (PROC_ISYM): New macro
- (VALID_CURR_FILE): New macro
- (VALID_CURR_MODULE): New macro
- (VALID_CURR_PROC): New macro
- (VALID_CURR_CLASS): New macro
- (CURR_FILE_START): New macro
- (CURR_MODULE_START): New macro
- (CURR_PROC_END): New macro
- (CURR_FILE_ISYM): New macro
- (CURR_MODULE_ISYM): New macro
- (CURR_PROC_ISYM): New macro
- (TELL_OBJFILE): New macro
- (pst_syms_struct): New typedef to keep track of the start/end symbol
- table (LNTT) indices of psymtabs created so far.
- (pst_syms_count): New variable
- (pst_syms_size): New variable
- (told_objfile): New variable
- (init_pst_syms): New function. sets up psymtab symbol index stuff.
- (clear_pst_syms): New function. clean up psymtab symbol index stuff.
- (record_pst_syms): New function. add info about newest psymtab to symbol
- index table.
- (find_next_pst_start): New function. Find a suitable symbol table index.
- (find_next_file_isym): New function
- (find_next_proc_isym): New function
- (find_next_module_isym): New function
- (scan_procs): New function. Scan and record partial symbols for all
- functions starting from specified index and in a specified code range.
- (hpread_quick_traverse: Major rearrangement of code. The function
- now uses all the nifty macros. There are some new local variables.
- Check for EDG_DEMANGLING style. ifdef out some code for handling F77.
- Previously, the function looped over all the modules in the table.
- Now, the function loops over all the files, modules, and procedures.
- With HP aCC and CTTI, it is possible for a compiled object to have a
- file and no module.
- (hpread_build_psymtabs): Added a section of code ifdefed by
- QUICK_LOOK_UP. It check to see whether or not there are any globals
- in the executable. Fix number of params to hpread_start_psymtab call.
- Some changes to the way DNTT_TYPE_MODULE is handled.
- (hpread_get_textlow): Change in signature, minor code changes. The
- function finds the low address associated with a specified symbol.
- In looking for the address for the symbol avoid going of the end of
- the LNTT file.
- * hp-psymtab-read.c: Change TRUE to 1 and FALSE to 0. Do some
- reformatting.
- * hp-psymtab-read.c: Include demangle.h
- (trans_lang): New function to let gdb know the correct language.
- (hpread_quick_traverse): Use ARM style demangling.
- Demangle procedures names.
- Use gdb language names instead of hp language names.
- Add symbol to list using its demangled name.
- * hp-psymtab-read.c: New file.
- (hpread_call_pxdb): New function. Call PXDB to process our file.
- (hpread_pxdb_check): New function. Return TRUE if the file needs
- pre-processing by PXDB and we have thus called PXDB to do this
- processing and the file needs to be re-loaded.
- (hpread_quick_traverse): New function. Traverse the quick look-up
- tables, building a set of psymtabs.
- (hpread_get_header): New function. Get appropriate header from obj
- file, based on pxdb type
- (hpread_symfile_init): No change from hpread.c
- (hpread_build_psymtabs): If there are quick lookup tables, read those,
- then scan the global section LNTT. Otherwise, just scan the whole LNTT.
- Changed: Add a global function entry to the global partial symbol list.
- Handle end of symbols, for QLT case.
- In case of TAGDEF, if it is a class or a template, add the name to the
- var_namespace, so that it is known as a type by gdb.
- In case of CONSTANT, and it is global, add it to the globals.
- (hpread_symfile_finish): No change from hpread.c
- (hpread_get_lntt): Make it not static
- (hpread_get_gntt): No change from hpread.c
- (hpread_get_slt): Make it not static
- (hpread_get_textlow): No change from hpread.c
- (hpread_start_psymtab): No change from hpread.c
- (hpread_end_psymtab): No change from hpread.c
- * hp-symtab-read.c (hpread_get_scope_start): Renamed. It was
- hpread_get_depth.
- (hpread_type_translate): Distinguish between signed and unsigned char
- types.
- (hpread_psymtab_to_symtab): Set flag for hp compilation.
- (hpread_read_function_type): Append symbols for parameters to local
- list as well as to the global list. Get the parameters types from the
- local list instead of the global list.
- (hpread_read_struct_type): Add new field num_fn_fields to next_fn_field
- structure. Rewrite handling of templates
- (hpread_type_lookup): Change handling of dntt_type_modifier.
- (hpread_process_one_debug_symbol): Call hpread_get_scope_start instea
- of hpread_get_depth. Handle enum as well.
- (hpread_get_scope_depth): New function. Get nesting depth for a
- DNTT entry.
- * hp-symtab-read.c (hpread_psymtab_to_symtab): Set
- processing_gcc_compilation to 0.
- * hp-symtab-read.c (hpread_psymtab_to_symtab_1): Change stdout to
- gdb_stdout; change fflush to gdb_flush.
- (hpread_psymtab_to_symtab): Change fflush to gdb_flush.
- * hp-symtab-read.c (hpread_read_enum_type): Declare variable.
- (hpread_read_struct_type): Eliminate references
- to 'args' member of fn_field.
- * hp-symtab-read.c (hpread_read_struct_type): A static member
- is now indicated by the bitsize field, not the bitpos.
- Initialize physname to empty.
- (fix_static_member_physnames): Use new macros to deal with
- physnames.
- * hp-symtab-read.c (hpread_read_struct_type): Change references
- to bitpos member of struct field to use the FIELD_BITPOS macro.
- * hp-symtab-read.c (hpread_read_struct_type): Comment out reference to
- obsolete field fn_field.args.
- Add struct complaint definitions for complaints.
- (hpread_read_struct_type): Change call to complain.
- (hpread_read_array_type): Change call to complain.
- (hpread_type_lookup): Change call to complain.
- (hpread_process_one_debug_symbol): Change calls to complain.
- (hpread_type_translate): Change calls to complain.
- * hp-symtab-read.c (hpread_read_struct_type): Make sure bitvector
- has been allocated before calling has_vtable.
- * hp-symtab-read.c (hpread_read_struct_type): Revert change,
- just check for vtable without checking for bitvectors too.
- * hp-symtab-read.c:
- (Hpread_expand_symtab): Change name of local variable from
- at_end_of_module to at_module_boundary.
- Also, if demangling style is already EDG, do not reset it
- to the HP demangling style.
- Change at_end_of_module param to hpread_process_one_debug_symbol
- call to at_module_boundary.
- No longer break out of loop when reach end of module. With CTTI,
- the compiler can generate function symbols which are not in
- any module. Typically they show up after the end of one
- module and before the start of the next module.
- (hpread_read_struct_type): Check that the debug info for
- a TEMPLATE_ARG is correct.
- (hpread_process_one_debug_symbol): Change name of at_end_of_module_p
- param to at_module_boundary_p.
- Also set *at_module_boundary_p = -1 if missing a module end and set
- it to 1 when finished expanding the debug info.
- Handle TLS variable.
- * hp-symtab-read.c: Include defs.h, symtab.h, gdbtypes.h, complaints.h.
- (fixup_class): New static variable.
- (fixup_method): New static variable.
- (hpread_get_location): Rewrite.
- (hpread_has_name): Add cases for DNTT_TYPE_DOC_FUNCTION and
- (hpread_expand_symtab): Use HP demangling style.
- Set hp_som_som_object_present to 1.
- (hpread_type_translate): Error out if not immediate. Issue warning
- if there is an unhandled type code.
- (error_in_hpread_type_translate_complaint): Remove this structure.
- (hpread_read_enum_type): Don't assume size of enum is always 4 bytes.
- (hpread_read_function_type): Add new parameter to indicate a new block.
- Do not add the parameters to the symbol list.
- If the type was read in earlier, do not modify the type structure.
- If we are creating a new block, set the local symbol list to be the
- param list.
- Need to mark this type as preprocessed.
- (hpread_read_doc_function_type): New function. Read and internalize
- a native DOC function debug symbol.
- (hpread_read_struct_type): A method can be of type doc_function and
- doc_memfunc too.
- Handle case in which a method is read before its class. Deal with
- incomplete method types.
- Handle cases in which HP/aCC compiler creates operator names w/o
- the 'operator' keyword. Rewrite the loop over the fileds.
- (fix_static_member_physnames): New function. Adjust the physnames for
- each static member.
- (fixup_class_method_type): New function. Fix-up the type structure for a
- class.
- (hpread_read_array_type): Change complaint to warning.
- (hpread_type_lookup): Add case for DNTT_TYPE_DOC_FUNCTION.
- For structures/classes set static member to point to strings with full
- names.
- Change calls to hpread_read_function_type to pass extra parameter.
- (hpread_record_lines): Handle case for SLT_NORMAL_OFFSET.
- (class_of): New function. Given a function "f" which is a member of a class,
- find the classname that it is a member of.
- (hpread_process_one_debug_symbol): Deal with possible alias field from the
- som record for the Function or Entry type.
- Do the demangling ourselves if the gdb demangler failed.
- Add support for DOC functions.
- For function types, add parameters to local list.
- (hpread_get_scope_depth): Make this function a no-op.
- (hpread_adjust_bitoffsets): New function. Adjust the bitoffsets for all
- fields of an anonymous union.
- (hpread_get_next_skip_over_anon_unions): New function. Skip over anonymous
- unions.
- * hp-symtab-read.c: Include demangle.h
- (hpread_expand_symtab): Ensure we are using ARM-style demangling.
- (hpread_process_one_debug_symbol): Set the mangled and demangled
- names for functions.
- Record the class name to generate the demangled names of member
- functions.
- * hp-symtab-read.c: New file.
- (hpread_get_depth): No change from hpread.c
- (hpread_get_line): No change from hpread.c
- (hpread_get_location): No change from hpread.c
- (hpread_has_name): Make it not static. Return 1 for DNTT_TYPE_BLOCKDATA
- (hpread_psymtab_to_symtab_1): No changes from hpread.c
- (hpread_psymtab_to_symtab): Make it a static function
- (hpread_expand_symtab): Modified
- (hpread_type_translate): If not typep.dntti.immediate do not abort,
- but complain and return. Same for default action. Handle more HP_TYPEs.
- (hpread_lookup_type): Initially allocate a correct-size type-vector.
- (hpread_alloc_type): Reset type_addr only if a type was allocated.
- (hpread_read_enum_type): If this has already a type associated, return.
- (hpread_read_function_type): Do different things depending on whether
- function is a MEMFUNC, a TEMPLATE, a FUNCTION som record.
- Do not use the LOC_REGPARM_ADDR symbol class.
- (hpread_read_struct_type): Handle classes and templates too. Major
- rewrite.
- (hpread_get_nth_template_arg): New function.
- (hpread_read_templ_arg_type): New function.
- (hpread_read_set_type): No change from hpread.c
- (hpread_read_array_type): Modified
- (hpread_read_subrange_type): Add handling of more DNTT entries.
- added support for templates, classes, references, virtual functions.
- (hpread_type_lookup): Handle DNNT_TYPE_MODULE.
- (hpread_record_lines): No changes from hpread.c
- (hpread_process_one_debug_symbol): Handle WITH, COMMON,
- CLASS_SCOPE. Expand TAGDEF case to handle classes and templates.
- * hppa-tdep.c (pa_do_strcat_registers_info): Has a new parameter,
- precision, which is passed into the call to pa_strcat_fp_reg to
- indicate whether to display the floating point registers using
- single or double preceision.
- (pa_strcat_registers): Introduce local variable, precision, and
- pass it into call to pa_strcat_fp_reg.
- (pa_strcat_fp_reg): Modified function. New parameter, precision,
- used by function to decide whether to use single or double
- precision. Also added the code to put a double precision value
- into a buffer.
- * hppa-tdep.c: Add'l includes <machine/save_state.h>,
- <unistd.h>, declare pa_register_look_aside, define is_pa_2.
- (rp_saved): Check for where to read the return pointer from.
- (pa_do_registers_info): Handle is_pa_2. (pa_register_look_aside):
- new function. (pa_print_registers): Handle is_pa_2.
- (in_solib_call_trampoline): Handle a compiler/linker error.
- (skip_trampoline_code): Changes to some masks used in examining
- instructions. (inst_saves_fr): Test for FSTWS instruction.
- (skip_prologue): Renamed to skip_prologue_hard_way.
- (after_prologue): New function. (skip_prologue): New function.
- * hppa-tdep.c (after_prologue): If f is NULL, don't dereference
- it.
- * hppa-tdep.c (after_prologue): If no debug info, return zero
- telling caller that we need to find the end of the prologue via
- the hard way (instruction examination).
- * hppa-tdep.c (find_unwind_entry): Avoid dereferencing a null
- pointer.
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_pid_to_exec_file): Deleted -- no longer used.
- * hppa-tdep.c (hppa_prepare_to_proceeed): Add prototype.
- (read_unwind_info): Purecov comments, bug fixes.
- (find_unwind_entry): Purecov comments, bug fixes.
- (find_stub_with_shl_get): Purecov comments.
- (frame_chain): Additional parens.
- (hppa_push_arguments): Changes to commented out version of routine.
- (hppa_fix_call_dummy): Purecov comments, fix location of end.o.
- (in_solib_call_trampoline): Purecov comments.
- (in_solib_return_trampoline): Purecov comments.
- (setup_d_pid_in_inferior): Fix location of end.o.
- (initialize_hp_cxx_exception_support): Fix location of end.o.
- (child_enable_exception_callback): Purecov comments.
- * hppa-tdep.c:
- (Pa_do_strcat_registers_info): New routine. called by
- tui/tuiRegs.c:_tuiRegisterFormat to place a register name
- and value into a string buffer. Interface may change in
- future. Checking this in so that we have something
- functional for HP.
- (pa_strcat_registers): New routine, called by
- pa_do_strcat_registers_info. Does same thing as
- pa_print_registers except it takes a stream parameter.
- This routine should disappear in future. Checking in
- so that we have something functional to give HP
- (pa_strcat_fp_reg): New routine, called by
- pa_do_strcat_registers_info and pa_strvat_registers
- to place a floating point register name and value into
- a buffer. This interface may change in future.
- Checking in so that we have something functional to give HP.
- * hppa-tdep.c: (Pa_print_fp_reg): Change prototype to match def'n.
- (pa_register_look_aside): Fix comment immediately before function.
- * hppa-tdep.c: Changes to better support stack unwinding,
- reading and writing registers for HPUX. The HP folks had
- an advantage ... access to a runtime architecture spec ;-}.
- New includes: Ptrace.h
- (internalize_unwinds): Initialize new fields in table.
- (read_unwind_info): Entries in the table are now more complex
- structures. References of the form ...->table[index].stub_type
- are now ...->table[index].stub_unwind.stub_type.
- (find_proc_framesize): Added a check for pc == 0.
- (rp_saved): Entries in the table are now more complex
- structures. References of the form ...->table[index].stub_type
- are now ...->table[index].stub_unwind.stub_type.
- (frameless_function_invocation): Stub_type becomes
- stub_unwind.stub_type
- (saved_pc_after_call): Stub_type becomes stub_unwind.stub_type
- (hppa_frame_saved_pc): Stub_type becomes stub_unwind.stub_type
- (frame_chain_valid): Stub_type becomes stub_unwind.stub_type
- (hppa_call_dummy): Stub_type becomes stub_unwind.stub_type
- (pa_print_fp_reg): Additional params to call val_print
- (in_solib_call_trampoline): Stub_type becomes stub_unwind.stub_type
- (in_solib_return_trampoline): Stub_type becomes stub_unwind.stub_typ
- (skip_trampoline_code): Additional code to handle external
- dyncalls. Also stub_type becomes stub_unwind.stub_type
- (hppa_pid_to_exec_file): New funct. FOr HPUX 10.0 and beyond there
- is an explicit ptrace request for getting the pathname associated
- with a process id (pid).
- * hppa-tdep.c: Fix for gcc compile on HPUX
- (hppa_pid_to_exec_file): Remove unwanted param from
- call to call_ptrace. Note, hppa_pid_to_exec_file goes
- away in subsequent hp snapshots.
- * hppa-tdep.c: Include bfd.h.
- include dl.h
- (args_for_find_stub): New structure.
- (find_unwind_entry): Deal with null input pc value.
- (rp_saved): Ditto.
- For the import stub, return -24 always.
- (hppa_frame_saved_pc): Save old pc value, to detect we are in a loop.
- (init_extra_frame_info): Use TARGET_READ_FP.
- (frame_chain): Include thread support.
- If the caller's pc is zero, we loose and return, just like stack bottom.
- Disable warning about being unable to find unwind info.
- (hppa_push_arguments): Rewrite.
- (hppa_value_returned_from_stack): New function. Handles returning a value
- larger that 64 bits, stored on the stack.
- (find_stub_with_shl_get): New function. To look up symbols in shlibs.
- (cover_find_stub_with_shl_get): New function. Cover routine for
- find_stub_with_shl_get to pass to catch_errors.
- (hppa_fix_call_dummy): Comment out old stub mechanism. Rewrite using dyncall.
- (target_read_fp): New function.
- (pa_do_registers_info): Floating point registers start at FP4.
- (pa_print_registers): Use FP4_REGNUM instead of 72.
- (skip_trampoline_code): Do machine instruction matching for PA2.0.
- (setup_d_pid_in_inferior): New function. Exception handling support.
- (initialize_hp_cxx_exception_support): Ditto.
- (child_enable_exception_callback): Ditto.
- (child_get_current_exception_event): Ditto.
- * hppah-nat.c (child_post_wait, child_post_follow_vfork,
- child_post_follow_inferior_by_clone): New functions.
- * hppah-nat.c (child_xfer_memory): Make sure the call to ptrace really
- fails before we give up.
- (hppa_pid_to_str): New function. Format a process id.
- (hppa_tid_to_str): New function. Format a thread id.
- * hppah-nat.c (child_xfer_memory): Use xmalloc, not alloca.
- (child_post_wait): Delete.
- (child_post_follow_vfork): Delete decl of child_ops; delete
- large chunks of function -- let it be handled by the normal
- mechanism that notices and handles exec events, in resume().
- * hppah-nat.c (require_notification_of_exec_events): New function;
- just notify of exec events, not all events, and just the specified
- pid, don't include it's children (10.20 version).
- (child_acknowledge_created_inferior): Call new function
- require_notification_of_exec_events instead of
- require_notification_of_events.
- * hppah-nat.c [!GDB_NATIVE_HPUX_11]: Move HPUX 10.x-specific
- support code here from infptrace.c.
- * hppah-nat.c: Removed #define ptrace call_ptrace
- replaced all calls to ptrace with calls to call_ptrace
- (parent_attach_all): Removed call to ptrace
- * hpread.c (hpread_psymtab_to_symtab_1): Change fflush to
- gdb_flush; change stdout to gdb_stdout.
- (hpread_psymtab_to_symtab): Change fflush to gdb_flush.
- * hpread.h: New file. Includes all includes, struct defs, defines
- from hpread.c.
- * infcmd.c
- (attach_command): New local variable, exec_file, added code to
- determine exec_file from pid if exec_file is not already known,
- call new target operation, target_post_attach -- a no-op unless
- (detach_command): After detaching, do a SOLIB_RESTART
- * infcmd.c (objfiles.h): Fix typo on include line.
- * infcmd.c (run_command): Only call SOLIB_RESTART if it's
- defined.
- (detach_command): Ditto.
- * infcmd.c:
- (run_stack_dummy): Add calls to
- disable_watchpoints_before_interactive_call_start and
- enable_watchpoints_after_interactive_call_stops
- (finish_command): Alter code handling the evaluation and printing
- of the target function's return value.
- (attach_command): When given a pid, but no exec file, try to determine
- the exec file from the process. If the process does not record a
- full path name, try to qualify the filename against the source path.
- (_initialize_infcmd): Add some verbiage about how to use the attach command
- * infcmd.c:
- Include objfiles.h
- (run_command): If program has already been started, and decide
- to restart it, then kill the target, flush the caches,
- call init_wait_for_inferior. Also purge old solib objfiles.
- * infcmd.c: Changed calls to val_print, using a new macro,
- (run_command): Calls SOLIB_RESTART
- (do_registers_info): Changed calls to val_print
- * infcmd.c: Made the symfile.h include preceed the
- objfiles.h include. The other ordering caused a
- compile problem (incompletely defined types).
- * inferior.h (REQUIRE_DETACH): Fix default definition.
- * inftarg.c (child_post_attach): Fix declaration, make static.
- (proc_wait): Make globally visible.
- (child_insert_fork_catchpoint, etc): Fix return type.
- * inferior.h (STARTUP_WITH_SHELL): New define.
- * inferior.h (fork_inferior): Change fifth parameter to be a function
- returning void.
- * inferior.h (proc_wait): Declare.
- * inferior.h:
- (Require_ATTACH): New macro
- (REQUIRE_DETACH): New macro
- (detach): Definition is now an extern
- (clone_and_follow_inferior): New definition, it's also an extern
- * inferior.h:
- (Require_attach): Default definition for require_attach funct
- (require_detach): Default definition for require_detach funct
- (pre_fork_inferior): New funct decl for function defined in
- infptrace.c
- (fork_inferior): New parameter in funct decl.
- * inferior.h:
- New variable decls: Inferior_ignoring_startup_exec_events,
- inferior_ignoring_leading_exec_events -- these variables
- are used when processing an exec call.
- (CALL_DUMMY_HAS_COMPLETED): New default macro -- for targets
- where PC in call dummy implies that call dummy has
- completed. Note, that on HPUX this inference does not hold.
- * infptrace.c
- (require_notification_of_events): New function
- (child_acknowledge_created_inferior): Previously named
- hppa_acknowledge_forked_child. Also calling
- require_notification_of_events and clearing some semaphore
- variables
- (child_post_startup_inferior): New function
- (child_create_catch_fork_hook): Previously named
- hppa_create_catch_fork_hook
- (child_create_catch_vfork_hook): Previously named
- hppa_create_catch_vfork_hook
- (child_has_forked): Previously named hppa_target_has_forked
- (child_has_vforked): Previously named hppa_target_has_vforked
- (process_wait): Changed to call target_post_wait
- (attach): Add call to require_notification_of_events
- (child_pid_to_exec_file): New function
- (hppa_require_attach): New local variable, pt_status
- (hppa_get_process_events): New function
- * infptrace.c (call_ptrace): Simplify control flow.
- (proc_wait): Move here from inftarg.c, add target_post_wait call.
- * infptrace.c (call_ptrace): Add some debugging code.
- * infptrace.c (child_pid_to_exec_file): Declare variable.
- * infptrace.c (kill_inferior): Clean up call to proc_wait.
- * infptrace.c:
- (Call_ptrace): When the ptrace request is PT_SETTRC,
- call ptrace and then call parent_attach_all.
- * infptrace.c:
- (Child_has_syscall_event): New function. only applicable
- (for now) on HPUX 10.30 and beyond via the ttrace call.
- In infptrace.c there is a default operation.
- With ttrace, it is possible to tell the kernel to
- notify the debugger that the target program is about to make
- or return from a syscall.
- (child_thread_alive): New function. a default function.
- ptrace doesn't support kernel threads.
- (hppa_enable_page_protection_events): Defualt function
- (hppa_disable_page_protection_events): Default function
- * infptrace.c (child_pid_to_exec_file): Fix number of params to
- cal_ptrace call.
- * infptrace.c (hppa_pid_or_tid_to_str): New function.
- (hppa_switched_threads): New function.
- (hppa_ensure_vforking_parent_remains_stopped): New function.
- (hppa_resume_execd_vforking_child_to_get_parent_vfork): New function.
- * infptrace.c: Most of the changes found in infptrace.c should
- be moved to hppah-nat.c
- (PT_VERSION): A new define
- (startup_semaphore_t): A new struct type. it is used to
- coordinate the parent and child processes after a fork and
- before an exec on HPUX.
- (call_ptrace): Changes to determine whether the ptrace
- request is for starting the tracing of the target process.
- (parent_attach_all): New funct. used on HPUX for coordinating
- the parent and child processes after a fork and before and exec.
- (hppa_acknowledge_forked_child): New funct. prabably belongs
- in hppah-nat.c
- (hppa_enable_catch_fork): New funct. probably belongs in
- hppah-nat.c
- (hppa_disable_catch_fork): New funct. probably belongs in
- hppah-nat.c
- (hppa_create_catch_fork_hook): New funct. probably belongs in
- hppah-nat.c
- (hppa_enable_catch_vfork): New funct. probably belongs in
- hppah-nat.c
- (hppa_disable_catch_vfork): New funct. probably belongs in
- hppah-nat.c
- (hppa_create_catch_vfork_hook): New funct. probably belongs to
- hppah-nat.c
- (hppa_target_has_forked): New funct. probably belongs in
- hppah-nat.c
- (hppa_target_has_vforked): New funct. probably belongs in
- hppah-nat.c
- (process_wait): New funct. also ifdefed for proc_wait.
- (kill_inferior): Call proc_wait rather than wait. this is
- pretty hacky.
- (pre_fork_inferior): New function. used only by HPUX.
- probably should be defined elsewhere.
- * infrun.c (follow_inferior_fork): Only define on HP.
- (wait_for_inferior): Only call SOLIB_IN_DYNAMIC_LINKER if we have
- shared libraries; restore test of IN_SOLIB_DYNSYM_RESOLVE_CODE
- removed by HP.
- * infrun.c (normal_stop): Add a call to the TUIDO
- macro just before the annotate_stopped label. This
- updates the windows after each program stop.
- * infrun.c (normal_stop): Verify stop_command is non-zero before
- dereferencing it (it won't be set if dbx_commands is set).
- * infrun.c (resume): Add #ifdef HPPAHPUX around HPUX-specific
- code.
- * infrun.c (resume): Add missing semicolon.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Fix syntax error.
- * infrun.c (follow_fork_mode_kind_names): Removed "both" option.
- (follow_fork): Added parameters. additional code for handling
- following of parent, following of child
- (resume): Added code for deciding how to resume in presence of
- fork. Additional params to follow_fork call.
- * infrun.c (follow_exec): Ifdef for HPUXHPPA for the moment, the
- code in here assumes the existance of the child_ops target
- vector. This is incorrect for Solaris.
- * infrun.c (resume): Fixed ifdefs, HPPAHPUX -> HPUXHPPA.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Fixed a matching parens problem --
- matching curly brace inside ifdefed code which is not being
- compiled. Change local validFlag to be an 'int' rather than a
- 'bool' and fixed the corresponding assignment statements.
- * infrun.c:
- Two new global variables: Inferior_ignoring_startup_exec_events and
- inferior_ignoring_leading_exec_events.
- New static variables: Parent_of_vfork_trap_expected_and_ignorable,
- step_resume_breakpoint, through_sigtramp_breakpoint, pending_follow,
- follow_vfork_when_exec
- (follow_inferior_fork): Does what follow_fork did!
- (follow_fork): Is now a wrapper function for follow_inferior_fork
- (follow_vfork): Is now a wrapper function for follow_inferior_fork
- (follow_exec): New function, handles an exec event.
- (resume): Remove 3 local variables: Child_pid, has_forked, has_vforked.
- move and expand code that tries to follow a fork (i.e. also check
- for vfork and exec
- (init_wait_for_inferior): Initialize the new structure, pending_follow
- (delete_breakpoint_current_contents): When deleting all the breakpoints also
- set the breakpoint struct pointer to NULL.
- (wait_for_inferior): A number of changes.
- The step_resume_breakpoint and through_sigtramp_breakpoint local
- variables are now visible in entire module.
- Changed name of variable from child_inferior_pid to saved_inferior_pid.
- Added several cases to the event processing switch statement:
- Also, for TARGET_WAITKIND_STOPPED, check to see if expecting a trap
- from the parent of a vfork (ignorable) otherwise break as usual.
- When determining the value of 'random_signal' (0 or 1), no longer check for
- catchpoints.
- When determining how to handle unexpected signals, must now take into
- account fork, vfork, and exec.
- Change call to PC_IN_CALL_DUMMY to a call to CALL_DUMMY_HAS_COMPLETED
- At stop_stepping label, check to see if stopped for fork or
- vfork event.
- * infrun.c: New code is related to threads and fork/vfork/exec.
- New static variable: Thread_step_needed
- Deleted static variable: Parent_of_vfork_trap_expected_and_ignorable
- Altered the pending_follow and fork_event structs
- (follow_inferior_fork): Before detaching from child and removing
- all breakpoints form it -- but only if forking or following
- vforks as soon as they happen. Also reset the solib inferior hook.
- The same kind of logic applies to hitting step_resume_breakpoints
- (calling breakpoint_re_set_thread) and to resetting and inserting
- breakpoints.
- (follow_exec): Forward decl
- (follow_vfork): Check to see if gdb followed the child. If
- the child exec'd before gdb saw the parent's vfork event
- then call follow_exec.
- (follow_exec): If the exec occured after a vfork, then follow
- the vfork as well. Do it before following the exec.
- Make sure to update breakpoints after and exec
- (resume): New local variable, should_resume.
- Change parameters in calls to follow_fork, follow_vfork, and
- follow_exec. Some changes to the way various pending_follow.kind
- situations are handled (there's TARGET_WAITKIND_FORKED,
- conditions to check before deciding to resume the target (i.e.
- should_resume=1, stepping?, thread_step_needed?i, regular
- resume?)
- (proceed): When proceeded at location that does not have a breakpoint
- set thread_step_needed=0 to indicate that it is not necessary to
- single step thread over breakpoint. SOme additional checks to see
- if it is necessary to step thread over breakpoint.
- (start_remote): Remove call to clear_proceed_status.
- (init_wait_for_inferior): Initialize new fields in fork_event
- structure and add a call to clear_proceed_status.
- (wait_for_inferior): New local variable: New_thread_event.
- Initialize thread_step_needed = 0.
- Minor massaging of conditions for adding a new thread to the thread list.
- No longer resuming execution after adding a new thread. Let user play with thread first.
- TARGET_WAITKIND_EXECD are handled -- this is all HPUX related.
- Simplified TARGET_WAITKIND_STOPPED -- HP previously had some
- more complicated code in here.
- Moved the code to resume threads to after the large case statement that processes the events.
- Additional processing for stop_signal=TARGET_SIGNAL_TRAP.
- Cleanup code at process_event_stop_test label.
- Set thread_step_needed when processing a BPSTAT_WHAT_SINGLE.
- Minor massaging of fork/vfork/exec part of stop_stepping code.
- (normal_stop): Minor changes. calling show_and_print_stack_frame.
- (xdb_handle_command): New function
- (_initialize_infrun): Handle xdb_commands. also handle dbx commands
- * infrun.c: Changes to support following forks, and handling
- catchpoints.
- (follow_fork_mode_kind_names): New array
- (follow_fork): New function. implements the follow parent,
- or child functionality.
- (resume): Additions to check whether the target process
- just forked and decide which process to follow.
- (wait_for_inferior): Additional variables (child_inferior_pid,
- stepping_through_solib_after_catch,
- - stepping_through_solib_catchpoints.
- - Altered CURRENTLY_STEPPING macro to check for stepping through
- a shared library after hitting a catchpoint.
- - Add parameters to save_infrun_state call
- - Check for fork and vfork when deciding if event is a random
- signal
- - When considering stops due to breakpoints, check for
- - Check for stop due to an explicit catchpoint
- - When checking for single stepping event, also check for
- stepping to get out of dynamic linker's hook after catching
- a shlib event
- (is_internal_shlib_eventpoint): New funct. check to see if
- event type is bp_shlib_event.
- (stopped_for_internal_shlib_event): New funct. check for shlib
- events
- (stopped_for_shlib_catchpoint): New funct. check for catchpoints.
- (normal_stop): Additions to check for shlib event
- (set_follow_fork_mode_command): New funct. handles the new follow
- fork command.
- (_initialize_infrun): Additions for follow-fork-mode command.
- * infrun.c: Ifdefing references to
- switched_from_inferior_pid for HPUXHPPA. They don't seem
- useful for Solaris (i.e. non-HPUX)
- * infrun.c: Included tuiData.h and tuiDataWin.h, ifdefed for TUI.
- Included top.h. New static variables: Switched_from_inferior_pid,
- number_of_threads_in_syscalls.
- (follow_inferior_fork): If there is a step_resume breakpoint
- explicitly reset the thread number.
- (resume): For TARGET_WAITKIND_VFORKED, removed a check for getting
- the vfork event to soon.
- (init_wait_for_inferior): Added parameter to call to
- breakpoint_init_inferior. Initialize number_of_threads_in_syscalls.
- (wait_for_inferior): New local variables: Prev_sal,
- enable_hw_watchpoints_after_wait, stepping_through_sigtramp,
- stepped_after_stopped_by_watchpoint. Enable watchpoints after a wait.
- Do additional processing if stop due to breakpoint, but breakpoint is
- only valid for a thread other than the one currently running. Additional
- parameters to save_infrun_state and load_infrun_state. Some additional
- processing for BPSTAT_WHAT_STEP_RESUME. Some additional processing to
- handle stepping over a function.
- (normal_stop): Added notification of switching threads. ifdefing some
- TUI changes and leaving out non-essential TUI changes.
- (restore_selected_frame): Ifdefing some TUI changes
- (restore_inferior_status): Ifdefing some TUI changes
- * infrun.c: Removed the TUI ifdefs and TUI code. Also removed
- include for top.h. HP introduced this. I'm taking it out.
- * inftarg.c (child_detach_from_process): Declare.
- (child_attach_to_process): Declare.
- (child_stop): Make static to match declaration.
- * inftarg.c (ptrace_him): Change prototype back to return int.
- * inftarg.c (ptrace_me): Remove debug output, pass NULL to
- fork_inferior if not HPUX.
- * inftarg.c:
- (child_require_attach): New funct prototype and definition
- (child_require_detach): New funct prototype and definition
- (proc_wait): Funct prototype and definition are enclosed by
- proc_wait ifndef
- (child_attach_to_process): New function, does most of the
- work that child_attach used to do and some additional
- work to determine whether gdb is already attached to the
- target how to react.
- (child_attach): Altered. It's now a wrapper for
- child_attach_to_process.
- (child_require_attach): New function, called if should attach
- even when gdb is already attached to target.
- (child_detach_from_process): New function, does most of the
- work that child_detach used to do and some additional work
- to determine whether gdb is currently attached to the target.
- (child_detach): Altered. It's now a wrapper for
- child_detach_from_process.
- (child_require_detach): New function, called if should try to
- detach even when gdb is not attached to target.
- (ptrace_him): Calls a new function, target_acknowledge_forked_child.
- Currently, target_acknowledge_forked_child, is only defined to
- do something for HPUX.
- (child_create_inferior): Changed call to fork_inferior.
- (child_ops): Added to_require_attach and to_require_detach fields
- to the child_ops target ops vector.
- * inftarg.c:
- Some hacks for ttrace work
- (child_wait): Additional local variables, additional code in
- while loop to check for: Process exited, process forked,
- process vforked, process execd
- (child_thread_alive): John B. seems to think that the kill
- call is inapproapriate for HPUX.
- (child_attach_to_process): Using strtol rather than atoi.
- no longer check for case where there is no known exec file.
- (child_post_attach): New function, a default, a no-op
- (child_insert_fork_catchpoint): New function, a default, a no-op
- (child_remove_fork_catchpoint): New function, a default, a no-op
- (child_create_catch_fork_hook): Deleted
- (child_create_catch_vfork_hook): Deleted
- (child_insert_vfork_catchpoint): New function, a default, a no-op
- (child_remove_vfork_catchpoint): New function, a default, a no-op
- (child_can_follow_vfork_prior_to_exec ):new function, a default,
- a no-op
- (child_insert_exec_catchpoint): New function, a default, a no-op
- (child_remove_exec_catchpoint): New function, a default, a no-op
- (child_has_execd): New function, a default, returns 0
- (child_reported_exec_events_per_exec_call): New function, a
- default, returns 1
- (child_has_exited): New function, a default.
- (child_core_file_to_sym_file): New function, a default, returns NULL.
- (child_ops): Initialize new target_ops vector fields to the
- child* functions.
- * infptrace.c:
- (Call_ptrace): For HPUX, handle additional requests: Pt_CONTIN1,
- (require_notification_of_events): Add several signals to the
- set of events requiring notification: Ptrace_SIGNAL,
- (child_acknowledge_created_inferior): This function is only
- (child_post_startup_inferior): Function is only defined if
- CHILD_POST_STARTUP_INFERIOR is defiend. Also, now call
- require_notification_of_events.
- (child_create_catch_fork_hook): Deleted
- (child_create_catch_vfork_hook): Deleted
- (child_insert_fork_catchpoint): New function
- (child_remove_fork_catchpoint): New function
- (child_insert_vfork_catchpoint): New function
- (child_remove_vfork_catchpoint): New function
- (child_has_forked): Now enclosed by a CHILD_HAS_FORKED ifdef
- (child_has_vforked): Now enclosed by CHILD_HAS_VFORKED ifdef
- (child_can_follow_vfork_prior_to_exec): New function
- (child_insert_exec_catchpoint): New function
- (attach): Removed call to require_notification_of_events
- (child_post_attach): New function, call to
- require_notification_of_events moved here.
- (child_pid_to_exec_file): New enclosed by CHILD_PID_TO_EXEC_FILE ifdef
- introduced the concept of a saved_inferior_pid
- (hppa_require_attach): Add some code to decide if gdb is already
- attached to process. Can not figure this out via a ptrace call.
- (hppa_insert_hw_watchpoint): New function
- (hppa_remove_hw_watchpoint): New function
- * inftarg.c:
- (child_attach_to_process): Change position in file
- (child_detach_from_process): Change position in file
- * inftarg.c:
- (child_attach_to_process): Changed parameter to child_wait call
- * inftarg.c:
- (child_post_wait): New function declaration and definition
- (ptrace_him):
- - change return value to a void.
- - change target_acknowledge_forked_child call to
- target_acknowledge_created_inferior
- - call target_post_startup_inferior rather than returning pid.
- (child_attach_to_process): Change param name, fail_if_already_attached
- -> after_fork.
- Invert a couple of if-then-else statments.
- (child_attach): Change params in child_attach_to_process call
- (child_require_attach): Change params in child_attach_to_process call
- (child_detach_to_process): Change param name,
- fail_if_already_attached -> after_fork.
- Invert a couple of if-then-else statments.
- (child_detach): Change params in child_detach_from_process call
- (child_require_detach): Change params in child_detach_from_process
- call
- (child_post_startup_inferior): New function
- (child_acknowledge_created_inferior): New function
- (child_clone_and_follow_inferior): New function
- (child_post_follow_inferior_by_clone): New function
- (child_create_catch_fork_hook): New function
- (child_create_catch_vfork_hook): New function
- (child_has_forked): New function
- (child_has_vforked): New function
- (child_post_follow_vfork): New function
- (child_stop): No longer a static function
- (child_pid_to_exec_file): New function
- * inftarg.c:
- (child_wait): Child_pid becomes related pid. return pid
- rather than inferior_pid. Changes are in code handling fork
- and vfork
- * inftarg.c:
- Include gdb_stat.h and sys/unistd.h
- (child_wait): New local variables. Check for live threads.
- Check for syscall events
- (child_thread_alive): No longer a static funct.
- (ptrace_him): Remove some code inserted in snap3
- (child_create_inferior): Added a bunch of code to handle a
- bad interaction between start-up-with-shell and the HP
- catch-fork/catch-exec logic. I am ifdefing this for
- HPUXHPPA for now.
- (child_has_syscall_event): New default target_ops function
- (child_enable_exception_callback): New default target_ops function
- (child_get_current_exception_event): New default target_ops function
- (child_ops): 3 new fields
- * inftarg.c: Remove HPUX_SNAP1 and HPUX_SNAP2 ifdefs
- * inftarg.c: Reverted previous change.
- * infttrace.c (hppa_remove_hw_watchpoint): Fix check for write
- access hardware watchpoint.
- * infttrace.c (proc_wait): Rename from proc_wait.
- * infttrace.c (require_notification_of_exec_events): New function;
- just notify of exec events, not all events, and just the specified
- pid, don't include it's children.
- (child_acknowledge_created_inferior): Call new function
- require_notification_of_exec_events instead of
- require_notification_of_events.
- (child_post_startup_inferior): Call require_notification_of_events
- * infttrace.c: Changed all references to boolean to int.
- Changed all references to TRUE and FALSE to 1 and 0.
- * irix5-nat.c (symbol_add_stub): Add params to call to
- symbol_file_add.
- * jv-lang.c (get_dynamics_objfile): Add 2 more parameters to call
- to allocate_objfile.
- * main.c (fputs_unfiltered): Changes to prevent cursor form
- jumping around in the TUI. Altered where tuiTermUnsetup and
- tuiTermSetup are called
- * main.c (fputs_unfiltered): Changed function so that it
- checks to see if output is to a string buffer or to a
- FILE stream and does the correct action (i.e. strcat or
- fputs). Fixed params for fputs call.
- * main.c (fputs_unfiltered): Don't try to call the TUI's
- CommandCharCount functions when the TUI isn't enabled.
- * main.c (fputs_unfiltered): Change FILE to GDB_FILE.
- * main.c (main): If the user gives the --version or --help flags,
- disable the TUI.
- * main.c (tui_version, xdb_commands, dbx_commands): New variables.
- (main): New command line arguments --tui, --xdb, --dbx; add call
- to tyiCleanUp via tuiDo to main loop.
- (fputs_unfiltered): Tui related changes.
- * main.c: Define 2 new global variables, gdb_stdout and gdb_stderr
- of type GDB_FILE.
- (main): Allocate space for and initialize gdb_stdout and gdb_stdin.
- * objfiles.c (find_pc_sect_section): Make end condition be less
- than s->endaddr, not less than or equal to s->endaddr.
- * objfiles.c:
- (allocate_objfile): 2 new parameters: User_loaded and is_solib.
- When appropriate, record in the object file that it is user loaded.
- The run command can use this information to purge object file
- entries associated with the old inferior and keep user loaded
- object files loaded via the add-symbol-file command.
- (objfile_purge_solibs): New function. deletes all objectfile entries
- that are not explicitly loaded by the user.
- * objfiles.c:
- (objfile_relocate): Check for LOC_INDIRECT
- (find_pc_sect_section): Change condition from
- pc < s->endaddr to pc <= s->endaddr
- * objfiles.h:
- New variables: User_loaded and is_solib
- (OBJF_SHARED): New macro. used to distinguish objfile for
- shared library from "vanilla" objfile.
- (allocate_objfile): Add new parameters to function decl.
- (objfile_purge_solibs): New function decl.
- * objfiles.h: Add some typedefs: Importentry, ExportEntry.
- Add some new variables: Import_list, import_list_size,
- export_list, export_list_size
- * osfsolib.c:
- (symbol_add_stub): Added params to call to symbol_file_add
- * pa/ (NATDEPFILES): Add corelow.o, symbol table and
- solib files.
- * pa/ (NAT_FILE): Use nm-hppah11.h.
- (NATDEPFILES): Add symbol table and solib files.
- * pa/nm-hppah11.h: New file, HPUX11-only definitions.
- * pa/tm-hppa.h (proc_wait): Remove decl and macro.
- * parse.c (write_dollar_variable): Handle cases in which variables
- besides the debugger ones start with $ and $$.
- (parse_nested_classes_for_hpacc): New function. Parse a string that
- is possibly a namespace / nested class specification.
- (find_template_name_end): New function.
- * procfs.c:
- (procfs_init_inferior): Return value is now a void.
- * procfs.c (procfs_ops): Initializing new target ops vector fields. see list below.
- * procfs.c:
- (procfs_ops): Adding new target_ops vector fields and
- removing a few. see list below
- * procfs.c: Added new fields to procfs_ops.
- Necessary since we still have oldstyle initialization in
- this file
- * pyr-tdep.c (pyr_do_registers_info): Change stdout to gdb_stdout.
- (frame_locals_address): Change stderr to gdb_stderr.
- (frame_args_addr): Ditto.
- * pyr-xdep.c (fetch_inferior_registers): Change stderr to
- gdb_stderr.
- * serial.c (serial_close): Call gdb_fclose, not fclose on a
- * serial.c (serial_logchar): Change chtype to ch_type. sigh.
- * solib.c (look_for_base): The parameter to file must be
- of type FILE *. So cast exec_bfd -> iostream in the call
- to fileno as a FILE *, not a GDB_FILE *. This will work because
- exec_bfd -> iostream is declared and given a value in bdf and
- bfd will continue to use FILE rather than GDB_FILE.
- * solib.c:
- (solib_add): Remove references to exec_ops.
- * solib.c:
- (solib_add): Update exec_ops.to_sections
- * solib.c:
- (symbol_add_stub): Added params to call to symbol_file_add
- * solib.h:
- (SOLIB_REMOVE_INFERIOR_HOOK): New macro. defined to 0.
- functionality not implemented for this target.
- * solib.h: Added macro definitions. These macros generate
- error messages for solaris??
- * somread.c (is_in_import_list): Ditto.
- * somread.c (som_symfile_read): Added some comments
- * somread.c (som_symfile_read): Read in import and export lists.
- (som_symtab_read): Change test for dynamic executable.
- (is_in_import_list): New function. Check if a given symbol name
- is in the import list.
- (init_import_symbols): New function. Read in and initialize the
- som import list.
- (init_export_symbols): New function. Read in and initialize the
- som export list.
- * somread.c:
- (som_symfile_read): Fix missing comment delimiters
- * somsolib.c (DLD_FLAGS_MAPPRIVATE): New macro.
- Define bit of __dld_flags in HP-UX a.out files.
- (som_solib_total_st_size): Cumulative size in bytes of the
- symbol tables of all shared objects on the so_list_head list.
- (som_solib_st_size_threshhold_exceeded): Threshold for adding symbols
- for shlibs.
- (som_solib_sizeof_symbol_table): New function. Computes size of
- symbol table for a shlib.
- (som_solib_load_symbols): New function. Load symbols from shlib.
- (som_solib_add): Detect if __dld_list is not valid.
- Record main program's symbol table size.
- Load symbols if called from command line.
- Keep threshold into account when loading shlib symbols.
- (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Use dld_flags macros.
- (som_sharedlibrary_info_command): Let user know if symbols were
- not loaded.
- (som_solib_restart): Discard all the shlibs descriptors.
- (_initialize_som_solib): Chenge help message for auto-solib-add
- command.
- Set threshold for symbol table to 50 megabytes.
- * somsolib.c (_initialize_som_solib): Added call to som_solib_restart.
- (som_solib_restart): New function
- (som_solib_in_dynamic_linker): New function
- (som_solib_desire_dynamic_linker_symbols): New function
- (som_solib_unloaded_library_pathname): New function
- (som_solib_loaded_library_pathname): New function
- (som_solib_library_pathname): New function
- (som_solib_have_unload_event): New function
- (som_solib_have_load_event): New function
- (som_solib_create_catch_unload_hook): New function
- (som_solib_create_catch_load_hook): New function
- (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Rewritten
- dld_cache: New struct
- addr_and_unwind_t: New struct
- (find_unwind_entry) added prototype
- * somsolib.c (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Introduce new local
- msymbol2 and change some msymbol's to msymbol2's -- was clobbering
- msymbol, passing a NULL to lookup_minimal_symbol_solib_trampoline,
- and ultimately core dumping with a SEGV.
- * somsolib.c:
- Include assert.h
- (som_solib_mapped_entry): Additional comments for text_addr,
- text_link_addr, text_end, and tsd_start_addr fields. Commenting
- out 2 tsd fields, __data_start and __data_end.
- (som_solib_add_solib_objfile): Add params to calls to symbol_file_add.
- Add some code for distinguishing between a shared library and other
- objfiles. This appears to be a prelude to thread local storage.
- (som_solib_load_symbols): Changes to printf statement
- enclosed by SOLIB_DEBUG ifdef.
- (som_solib_add): Change comment to correctly specify path
- to end.o -- /opt/langtools/lib/end.o. changes to printf statement
- enclosed by SOLIB_DEBUG ifdef.
- Removed several SOLIB_DEBUG ifdefs and the associated printfs.
- Add code to find the start address for the object file's thread
- local storage
- (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Fix warning messages use correct
- path to end.o -- /opt/langtools/lib/end.o. Change control flow.
- No longer user early returns from function is cases of error.
- (reset_inferior_pid): New function
- (som_solib_remove_inferior_hook): New function
- (so_lib_thread_start_addr): New function. used for tsd.
- * somsolib.c: Removed references to ASSERT macro.
- * somsolib.c: Add debugging macro.
- (struct som_solib_mapped_entry): Add new field tsd_start_addr.
- (struct so_list): Added new field solib_addr.
- (som_solib_add_solib_objfile): New function.
- (som_solib_load_symbols): Rewritten.
- (som_solib_add): Make sure we don't load the symbols in if the
- threshold was exceeded.
- (som_solib_get_solib_by_pc): New function. Return the address of
- handle of the shared library.
- (som_solib_restart): Disable breakpoints at restart.
- (_initialize_som_solib): Set threshold to 100 megabytes.
- * somsolib.c: Add include of fcntl.h so that O_RDONLY is defined.
- * somsolib.h (DISABLE_UNSETTABLE_BREAK): New macro.
- (PC_SOLIB): New macro.
- * somsolib.h:
- * somsolib.h:
- (SOLIB_REMOVE_INFERIOR_HOOK): New macro. defined to use
- som_solib_remove_inferior_hook.
- * somsolib.h:
- (som_solib_create_catch_load_hook)
- (som_solib_create_catch_unload_hook)
- (som_solib_have_load_event)
- (som_solib_loaded_library_pathname)
- (som_solib_have_unload_event)
- (som_solib_unloaded_library_pathname)
- (som_solib_in_dynamic_linker)
- Fix prototypes to use type names, not parameter names.
- * source.c (find_source_lines): Make non static.
- (open_source_file): Ditto.
- (source_full_path_of): New function.
- (print_source_lines): Rename to print_source_lines_base and make
- static; formatting.
- (print_source_lines): New function.
- (forward_search_command): Tui changes.
- (reverse_search_command): Tui changes.
- (_initialize_source): Add xdb and dbx compatibility commands.
- * source.c (list_command): Handle case of odd number of source
- lines to display.
- * source.c:
- (source_full_path_of): New function. file was overlooked
- in merge ;-/.
- * stack.c (func_command): Make high bound be <, not <=.
- * stack.c (_initialize_stack): For the backtrace command, delete
- the help line about usage, since this has to be a valid help
- message for the 'where' command too.
- * stack.c (current_frame_command): Add a check for the
- existance of a stack. If there is no stack produce an
- error message and exit.
- * stack.c (down_silently_base, up_silently_base,
- args_plus_locals_info, print_frame_info_base,
- print_stack_frame_base, print_stack_frame_base_stub): Declare.
- (print_frame_local_vars): Add'l parameter.
- (print_stack_frame_stub): New version created, old version renamed
- to show_and_print_stack_frame_base_stub.
- (print_stack_frame_base_stub, print_only_stack_frame_stub,
- show_and_print_stack_frame, print_only_stack_frame,
- stack_publish_stopped_with_no_frame, print_frame_info,
- show_stack_frame, backtrace_full_command, args_plus_locals_info,
- select_and_print_frame, select_and_maybe_print_frame,
- current_frame_command, func_command): New functions.
- (backtrace_command): New function, old renamed to
- backtrace_command_1.
- (print_block_frame_locals, print_frame_local_vars): Additional
- parameter, number of tabs.
- (up_silently_command): New function, old renamed to
- up_silently_command_base.
- (down_silently_command): New function, old renamed to
- down_silently_base.
- (_initialize_stack): Register new commands based on values of
- xdb_commands and dbx_commands variables.
- * stack.c (func_command): Make high bound be <, not <=.
- * stack.c (parse_frame_specification): Fix prototype to match
- function definition.
- (show_and_print_stack_frame_stub): Fix name.
- (select_and_print_frame): Change uncaught tuiDO call.
- * stack.c (up_silent_base): Rename from up_silently_command_base.
- * symfile.c (symbol_file_command): Only call SOLIB_RESTART if it's
- defined.
- * symfile.c (add_psymbol_with_dem_name_to_list): New function.
- Adds a symbol with a long value to a psymtab. Differs from
- add_psymbol_to_list in taking both a mangled and a demangled name.
- * symfile.c (compare_psymbols): Call strcmp directly, instead of
- using macro.
- * symfile.c (symbol_file_add): Reindent portions.
- (symbol_file_command): Add call to tuiDo.
- * symfile.c (symbol_file_command): Only call SOLIB_RESTART if it's
- defined.
- * symfile.c (symfile_bfd_open): Add code to call PXDB on hpux, if
- the file has not already been processed by pxdb.
- Added define USE_PXDB.
- * symfile.c (symfile_bfd_open): Change parenthesis positioning
- around call to hpread_pxdb_check.
- * symfile.c (symfile_bfd_open): Make not static.
- (RESET_HP_UX_GLOBALS): New macro. Resets globals when new symbol
- file loaded.
- (USE_PXDB): Not needed. Removed.
- (symbol_file_add): Add HP specific code to deal with pxdb.
- (symbol_file_command): Reset HP specific globals if new symbol file
- loaded.
- (symfile_bfd_open): Comment out checking for pxdb.
- (reread_symbols): Reset HP specific globals.
- * symfile.c (symfile_bfd_open): Uncomment hpus specific code.
- * symfile.c:
- (symbol_file_add): Add user_loaded and is_solib parameters.
- fixed number of parameters in call to allocate_objfile
- (symbol_file_command): Added call to SOLIB_RESTART macro.
- fixed number of parameters in calls to symbol_file_add.
- (add_symbol_file_command): Fixed number of parameters in calls to
- symbol_file_add.
- * symfile.c: Added prototype for hpread_pxdb_check.
- * symfile.c: Changed HPUX_SNAP1 ifdef to HPUXHPPA. enclosed calls to
- * symfile.h (symfile_bfd_open): Add protptype.
- * symfile.h: Add prototype for add_psymbol_with_dem_name_to_list.
- * symfile.h: Clarify purpose of auto_solib_add.
- * symmisc.c (maintenance_print_symbols): Call gdb_fclose, not
- fclose on a GDB_FILE* during cleanup.
- (maintenance_print_psymbols): Call gdb_fclose, not fclose on a
- GDB_FILE* during cleanup.
- (maintenance_print_msymbols): Call gdb_fclose, not fclose on a
- GDB_FILE* during cleanup.
- * symmisc.c (maintenance_print_symbols): Gdb_fclose now takes a
- GDB_FILE ** parameter. Fix the local GDB_FILE variables and the
- call to make_cleanup.
- (maintenance_print_psymbols): Ditto
- (maintenance_print_msymbols): Ditto
- * symmisc.c (print_objfile_statistics): Close quotes in
- output strings.
- * symmisc.c:
- (Print_symbol): Add LOC_INDIRECT to switch statement
- (print_partial_symbols): Add LOC_INDIRECT to switch statement
- * symtab.c (find_pc_sect_psymtab): High bounds should be <, not <=.
- (find_pc_sect_symtab): Ditto.
- * symtab.c (hp_som_som_object_present): New flag to indicate HP
- compiled code.
- (find_pc_sect_psymtab): Change tests to make sure we are checking
- the texthigh adress as well.
- (lookup_transparent_type): New function. Look up a type name
- in the struct_namespace. The type returned must not be opaque.
- (find_pc_sect_symtab): Make sure we check the address 'pc' itself,
- too.
- (find_addr_symbol): Prepare to handle LOC_INDIRECT address class, but
- leave it commented out.
- (find_pc_sect_line): Return correct information if pc is in import
- or export stub (trampoline).
- (decode_line_1): Skip two chars, if they are '$$'. Like for HP's
- $$dyncall. Handle cases in which varaible and function names can start
- with $.
- (overload_list_add_symbol): If cannot demangle name, use it as is.
- Free string after use.
- (make_symbol_overload_list): Initialize oload_name to NULL and
- oload_name_len to 0. If demangle not successful, use name as it is.
- Free string after use.
- * symtab.c (lookup_symbol): Changed call to find_pc_sect_symtab,
- to the original find_pc_symtab, in HP added fragment.
- * symtab.c (lookup_symbol): Change HPUX_SNAP1 ifdef to a HPUXHPPA ifdef
- * symtab.c (lookup_symbol): Ifdef the searching of symbol in the
- minimal symbol tables, for hpux we move this check at the end
- of the function.
- Before we error out if symbol is not found in the symtab, look
- in the statics.
- Before erroring out if static symbol not found look in the globals.
- * symtab.c (lookup_symbol): Return symbol as soon as found.
- (decode_line_1): Check whether we have a conditional break. Temporarily
- remove it from the line, to not confure perenthesis checking.
- Handle namespaces.
- (overload_list_add_symbol): New function. Overload
- resolution support.
- (make_symbol_overload_list): Ditto.
- * symtab.c:
- (find_template_name_end): New prototype decl.
- (lookup_symbol): When a global or static symbol shows up in the
- psymtab table, but not the symtab table, tell the user that
- the symbol may be an inlined function or a template function and
- provide some guidance to the user about how to more fully
- specify the symbol.
- (lookup_transparent_type): When a global or static symbol shows up
- in the psymtab table, but not the symtab table, tell the user that
- the symbol may be an inlined function or a template function and
- provide some guidance to the user about how to more fully
- specify the symbol.
- (decode_line_1): Handle template function specification when decoding a
- line. May need to be ifdefed for HP's aCC?
- (_initialize_symtab): Handle dbx commands.
- * symtab.h (address_class): Add new address calss for
- (lookup_transparent_type): Add prototype.
- (exception_event_kind): New enum for exception catchpoints.
- (exception_event_record): New structure for exception catchpoints.
- (Current_EXCEPTION_THROW_PC): New macro.
- * symtab.h(make_symbol_overload_list): Add prototype.
- * symtab.h:
- (symbol_file_add): Add new params to function decl.
- * target.c (cleanup_target): Changed casting of default functions for
- to_has_forked, to_has_vforked, to_pid_to_exec_file to get rid of
- warnings.
- * target.c (cleanup_target): Changed the default functions for
- to_pid_to_exec_file and to_core_file_to_sym_file
- * target.c (cleanup_target): Fixed PARAMS for to_has_syscall_event
- * target.c (cleanup_target): Syntax error, mismatched paranthesis.
- * target.c:
- (Default_clone_and_follow_inferior): New funct prototype declaration
- and function definition
- (dummy_target): More target_ops vector changes for HPUX
- new fields. ifdefed for HPUX_SNAP2. New fields are
- to_post_wait, to_post_startup_inferior
- to_acknowledge_created_inferior, to_clone_and_follow_inferior,
- to_post_follow_inferior_by_clone, to_create_catch_fork_hook,
- to_create_catch_vfork_hook, to_has_forked, to_has_vforked,
- to_post_follow_vfork, to_pid_to_exec_file
- (de_fault): Add new HPUX specific target_ops operations to
- the de_fault macro
- (INHERIT): Add new HPUX specific target_ops operations to the
- INHERIT macro
- (find_default_clone_and_follow_inferior): New funct definition
- (debug_to_post_wait): New funct
- (debug_to_post_startup_inferior): New funct
- (debug_to_acknowledge_created_inferior): New funct
- (debug_to_clone_and_follow_inferior): New funct
- (debug_to_post_follow_inferior_by_clone): New funct
- (debug_to_create_catch_fork_hook): New funct
- (debug_to_create_catch_vfork_hook): New funct
- (debug_to_has_forked): New funct
- (debug_to_has_vforked): New funct
- (debug_to_post_follow_vfork): New funct
- (setup_target_debug): Initialize new target_ops vector fields.
- * target.c:
- (Cleanup_target): Fixed the return type on a few of the
- default function values.
- * target.c:
- (Dummy_target): Add 3 new fields
- (nosupport_runtime): New function, used in cleanup_target
- (cleanup_target): Changes in the de_fault macro, both to
- accomodate the new target_ops vector fields and to use
- more accurate default functions.
- (update_current_target): Add new target_ops vector fields to the
- INHERIT macro
- (generic_mourn_inferior): The call to breakpoint_init_inferior now takes a
- parameter
- (normal_pid_to_str): Adding a \0 to the end of buf.
- (debug_to_has_syscall_event): New func
- (debug_to_enable_exception_callback): New func
- (debug_to_get_current_exception_event): New func
- (setup_target_debug): Initialize the 3 new target_ops vector fields
- * target.c:
- (Struct signals): Fix message associated with SIGRETRACT.
- * target.c:
- (Dummy_target): Fix syntax error
- (cleanup_target): Changed the default values for the new
- target_ops vector fields. HP folks inappropriately set
- most of them to noprocess(). They should be a mixture
- of ignore() and return_zero().
- * target.c:
- (Dummy_target): Add new target_ops vector fields and their initializations
- (cleanup_target): Added new new target_ops vector fields to the de_fault
- macro definition.
- (update_current_target): Added new new target_ops vector fields to the INHERIT
- macro definition
- (return_one): New function, used by the de_fault macro
- (debug_to_post_attach): New function
- (debug_to_wait): Added new cases: Target_WAITKIND_FORKED, TARGET_WAITKIND_VFORKED,
- (debug_to_insert_fork_catchpoint): New function
- (debug_to_remove_fork_catchpoint): New function
- (debug_to_insert_vfork_catchpoint): New function
- (debug_to_remove_vfork_catchpoint): New function
- (debug_to_can_follow_vfork_prior_to_exec): New function
- (debug_to_insert_exec_catchpoint): New function
- (debug_to_remove_exec_catchpoint): New function
- (debug_to_core_file_to_sym_file): New function
- (setup_target_debug): Give new fields in current_target target_ops vector values.
- * target.c: Hp merge, 4/15/98 snapshot
- There are new target_ops fields that pertain only
- to HPUX. All the changes relate to this. First,
- new fields are added to the dummy_target target_ops
- vector: To_require_attach, to_require_detach.
- * target.c: Remove HPUX_SNAP1 and HPUX_SNAP2 ifdefs
- * thread.c (info_threads_command): Call print_only_stack_frame
- instead of print_stack_frame.
- (_initialize_thread): Make t an alias for thread only if
- xdb_commands is not set.
- * thread.c (thread_command): If no arguments, don't generate an
- error, instead tell the user which thread is current.
- (info_threads_commands): Don't lose the users position within the
- current thread -- remember it and then restore it.
- * thread.c:
- (struct thread_info): Add stepping_through_sigtramp field
- (add_thread): Initialize stepping_through_sigtramp field
- (load_infrun_state): Add stepping_through_sigtramp param and
- make sure it gets assigned a value.
- (save_infrun_state): Add stepping_through_sigtramp param and
- make sure that the value gets saved.
- (info_threads_command): Ifdefing some local variables and
- code for HPUXHPPA. HP folks want print the tid rather than pid?
- Also, looks like the HP folks solved the same thread switching
- problem that 4.17 solves. Taking 4.17.
- (restore_current_thread): Print out the current frame after
- switching threads.
- (thread_apply_all_command): Ifdefing a print statement for
- HPUXHPPA. The HP folks want to print out a tid rather than pid?
- (thread_apply_command): Ifdefing a print statement for
- HPUXHPPA. The HP folks want to print out a tid rather than pid?
- (thread_command): Decided not to take HP change.
- * thread.c: Fixing gdb core dump problem causing many testsuite
- failures.
- (add_thread): Remove call to bpstat_clear, initialize
- tp->stepping_through_solib_catchpoints = NULL;
- * thread.c: Changes for catchpoints, shared libaries,
- (thread_info): Additional fields in the thread_info struct
- for stepping_through_solib_after_catch and
- stepping_through_solib_catchpoints.
- (add_thread): Initialize the new thread_info fields.
- (load_infrun_state): Additional parameters for handling
- catchpoints and shared libraries.
- (save_infrun_state): Additional parameters for handling
- catchpoints and shared libraries.
- * top.c (command_loop): Initialize space_at_cmd_start to 0.
- (set_prompt): New function.
- (togglelist, stoplist): New command lists.
- (command_loop): Tui changes -- paranoia to make sure
- insert mode is off when not editing.
- (quit_force): Clean up tui on exit.
- (init_main): Make definition of info status command dependent upon
- dbx mode not being set.
- (fputs_unfiltered_hook): Changed stream parameter from FILE
- (flush_hook): Changed stream parameter from FILE to GDB_FILE
- * top.h (set_prompt): Declare.
- * typeprint.c (whatis_exp): Decide real runtime type. For the vtable
- case.
- * utils.c (query): Changes to prevent cursor from jumping around in the
- TUI. Call tuiBufferGetc explicitly, rather than passing it
- into tuiDo. The tuiDo function does some additional work
- that is inappropriate when handling queries.
- (GDB_FILE_ISATTY): New macro that takes a GDB_FILE param and
- determines whether or not it's using a tty.
- (gdb_file_isatty); called by the GDB_FILE_ISATTY macro. Does
- the actual work
- (init_page_info): Call GDB_FILE_ISATTY rather than ISATTY
- (print_spaces): Fix parameter to fputc. fix call to
- gdb_file_adjust_strbuf.
- (gdb_file_init_astring): Fix parameter to xmalloc
- (gdb_file_deallocate): New function to deallocate
- a GDB_FILE object and possibly a string buffer
- (gdb_file_init_astring): Initialize buffer as the empty
- string. Indent GNU style.
- (gdb_fopen): Gdb_fopen is called if the GDB_FILE object is
- actually afile rather than astring. The routine now allocates space
- for a GDB_FILE object and initializes its fields in addition to
- performing an fopen.
- (gdb_flush): Fix the parameter passed into fflush. It's now
- stream->ts_filestream.
- (gdb_fclose): Pass in an object of type GDB_FILE **. Fix parameter
- to fclose. It's now tmpstream->ts_filestream. Make sure to free
- the GDB_FILE object and set the GDB_FILE * object to NULL.
- (gdb_adjust_strbuf): New function. Determine if the current
- ts_strbuf field contains sufficient space to concatenate a string
- of length n on the end. If not, then reallocate the ts_strbuf.
- (print_spaces): Check to see if the GDB_FILE is afile or
- astring. If it is astring, then adjust the size of the ts_strbuf
- field and concatenate the correct number of spaces onto the end of
- the buffer. Otherwise continue to use fputc.
- (gdb_file_get_strbuf): New function. return a ptr to the ts_strbuf
- field in a GDB_FILE object.
- (gdb_file_init_astring): New function to allocate space for and
- initialize a GDB_FILE object when it is an astring.
- (set_width): Declare it.
- (pagination_enabled): Define it.
- (query): Tui changes.
- (init_page_info, set_width): New functions.
- (set_width_command): Call set_width.
- (_initialize_utils): Replace termcap stuff with call to
- init_page_info; if xdb_commands set, define am and sm commands;
- define pagination as a set/show command.
- (vfprintf_maybe_filtered): Change FILE to GDB_FILE.
- (fputs_maybe_filtered): Ditto.
- (print_spaces): Ditto.
- (gdb_printchar): Ditto.
- (gdb_flush): Ditto.
- (fputs_filtered): Ditto.
- (vfprintf_filtered): Ditto.
- (vfprintf_unfiltered): Ditto.
- (fprintf_filtered): Ditto.
- (fprintf_unfiltered): Ditto.
- (fprintfi_filtered): Ditto.
- (print_spaces_filtered): Ditto.
- (fprintf_symbol_filtered): Ditto.
- (gdb_fclose): New function.
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): Assign to param_type only
- if function has parameters.
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): Ifdef the
- (value_arg_coerce): Ditto.
- * valops.c (call_function_by_hand): Make sure param_type is
- initialized to NULL.
- * valops.c (find_rt_vbase_offset): Add parameter to value_at.
- (value_rtti_type): Ditto.
- (value_full_object): Ditto.
- * valops.c (search_struct_field_aux): Fixed mismatching parenths
- * valops.c (search_struct_field_aux): Make sure TYPE_TAG_NAME
- is not null before copying it.
- * valops.c (search_struct_field_aux): Set found_class_name to null
- if class has no name (anon unions case). Adjust base_addr
- computation.
- * valops.c (value_arg_coerce): Change final arg to int.
- * valops.c (value_arg_coerce): Remove the conditional on HP
- compiled target, for doing coercion of float to double. Removed
- third parameter, using_gcc.
- (call_function_by_hand): Do not use HP_COMPILED_TARGET, just
- use the gcc_compiled variable.
- * valops.c (value_cast): Take case of the enclosing_type and
- pointer_to_offset fields.
- (value_at): Use VALUE_CONTENTS_ALL_RAW
- (value_fetch_lazy): Ditto
- (value_assign): Handle enclosing_type, embedded_offset and
- pointed_to_offset fields.
- (value_ind): Set enclosing_type and embedded_offset correctly,
- for a pointer value being dereferenced. Target memory bytes
- corresponding to the size of the enclosing type are retreived.
- (value_addr): Handle enclosing_type and pointed_to_offset.
- (value_arg_coerce): Coerce floats to doubles only if gcc was not
- used to compile the target.
- (call_function_by_hand): Handle pointers to functions as paramters.
- (search_struct_method): Produce more informative error message.
- (find_rt_vbase_offset): Deal with negative offsets.
- (value_find_oload_method_list): New function. Return the list of
- overloaded methods of a specified name.
- (find_method_list): New function. Search through the methods of an
- object (and its bases) to find a specified method.
- (value_full_object): New function. Given a value, check its real
- run-time type.
- (value_rtti_target_type): New function. Given a pointer value V, find
- the real (RTTI) type of the object it points to.
- (value_rtti_type): New function. Find the real run-time type of a
- value using RTTI.
- * valops.c: Include gdbcmd.h
- Set global overload_resolution to 0.
- (find_function_in_inferior): Modify error message.
- (value_allocate_space_in_inferior): Modify error message.
- (value_cast): Deal with HP/aCC peculiarities.
- (value_of_variable): Use SYMBOL_SOURCE_NAME instead of SYMBOL_NAME.
- (value_addr): Modify address value by adding the embedded offset.
- (value_ind): Modify the address of the object by the pointed_to_offset.
- (call_function_by_hand): Do not do any extra alignment if not needed.
- Fetch the return value from the stack rather then from the register,
- for the hppa architecture.
- (search_struct_field): Rewritten. Now this function uses
- search_struct_field_aux to do all the work.
- (search_struct_field_aux): New function. This is the old
- search_struct_field rewritten.
- (find_rt_vbase_offset): Give error if virtual table pointer is not good.
- (find_overload_match): New function. Find the best function that
- matches on the argument types according to the overload resolution
- rules.
- (_initialize_valops): Add new set/show command for overload-resolution.
- * value.h (VALUE_POINTED_TO_OFFSET): New macro.
- Add field pointed_to_offset to value structure.
- Add prototypes for new functions in valops.c.
- * value.h (write_register_pid): Change prototype to match
- function.
- * value.h: Hp merge, 4/15/98 snapshot
- Added parameter to val_print func decl.
- Added new macro, VALUE_EMBEDDED_OFFSET, and
- new func decl, find_rt_vbase_offset, for C++
- support.
- * values.c (allocate_value): Allocate also for value_embedded_offset
- and value_enclosing_type.
- (value_copy): Copy value_embedded_offset and value_enclosing_type too.
- Use all_raw in copying the value itself.
- (value_primitive_field): Add handling of base subobjects.
- * values.c (value_copy): Copy the pointed_to_offset as well.
- (allocate_value): Allocate the pointed_to_offset as well.
- (value_virtual_fn_field): Rewrite.
- * values.c (value_primitive_field): Adjust embedded offset and
- offset calculation.
- * values.c (value_static_field): Take into consideration that static
- data members can be minimal symbols too.
- * values.c (value_virtual_fn_field): Fix call to value_at.
- * win32-nat.c (handle_load_dll): Added params to call to symbol_file_add.
- Other changes have to do with XDB compatability. Leave oout
- for now.
- defs.h (vfprintf_filtered): Change FILE to GDB_FILE in decl.
- (fprintf_filtered): Ditto.
- (fprintfi_filtered): Ditto.
- (vfprintf_unfiltered): Ditto.
- (fprintf_unfiltered): Ditto.
- infcmd.c (_initialize_infcmd): If xdb_commands is set, make S an
- alias for next and define R, lr, g. Define go.
- pyr-tdep.c (pyr_print_insn): Change FILE to GDB_FILE.
- * breakpoint.c (create_temp_exception_breakpoint): #If it out --
- nothing calls it.
- (bpstat_stop_status): Don't call SOLIB_HAVE_LOAD_EVENT if it's not
- defined; don't call SOLIB_HAVE_UNLOAD_EVENT if it's not defined.
- (bpstat_get_triggered_catchpoints): If we don't have shared
- library support, then don't call SOLIB_LOADED_LIBRARY_PATHNAME nor
- (watch_command_1): Don't require a run before a watch command
- unless we're on HP [it's an HP OS bug, not a generic limitation]
- (catch_load_command_1): Don't define if no shared libraries.
- (catch_command_1): Don't claim to support fork catchpoints unless
- CHILD_INSERT_FORK_CATCHPOINT is defined, don't claim to support
- vfork catchpoints unless CHILD_INSERT_VFORK_CATCHPOINT is defined,
- don't clain to support shared library load catchpoints if shared
- libraries aren't supported, and don't claim to support exec
- catchpoints unless CHILD_INSERT_EXEC_CATCHPOINT is defined
- There are new target_ops vector fields that pertain
- only to HPUX. Added the to_require_attach and
- to_require_detach fields to exec_ops. These new
- fields are ifdef'ed for HPUX_SNAP1.
- * breakpoint.h:
- Fix compile error in enum bptype.
- * coff-solib.h:
- Fixed a number of macro definitions. SOLIB_LOADED_LIBRARY_PATHNAME,
- macros are only meaningful (for now) for SOM. So, all
- the macros were defined as error(...), but were used in
- conditions. This caused the compile to crap out. I redefined
- these (for now) to be 0.
- * procfs.c:
- (procfs_create_inferior): Fix call to fork_inferior -- need another
- parameter.
- * solib.h:
- Fixed a number of macro definitions. SOLIB_LOADED_LIBRARY_PATHNAME,
- macros are only meaningful (for now) for SOM. So, all
- the macros were defined as error(...), but were used in
- conditions. This caused the compile to crap out. I redefined
- these (for now) to be 0.
- * valops.c:
- (search_struct_field): Undeclared local variable, "assigned".
- (find_rt_vbase_offset): Fixed call to value_at
- * value.h: Fix signature for find_rt_vbase_offset funct decl
- (missing a param)
-Wed Dec 30 17:48:12 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- From J.T. Conklin <>:
- * i386-stub.c: Fix error string in last change.
-1998-12-30 Jason Molenda (
- * utils.c: <Readline/readline.h> instead of "readline/readline.h".
- * (TERM_LIB): Search for the appropriate term library
- on the host system.
- * configure: Regenerated.
- * (TERMCAP): Set based on autoconf check.
- * config/*/*.mh: Don't override TERMCAP setting.
-Wed Dec 30 17:23:14 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * value.c (value_virtual_fn_field): Handle the situation where
- vtbl is a pointer to a structure instead of a pointer to an array.
-Mon Dec 28 17:43:36 1998 David Taylor <>
- The following changes were made by Jim Blandy <>,
- Edith Epstein <>, Elena Zannoni
- <> Stan Shebs <>, and David
- Taylor <>, as part of the project to merge in
- changes originally made by HP; HP did not create ChangeLog
- entries.
- * c-lang.h (cp_print_value_fields): Update prototype; fixed
- prototype decl for c_val_print function -- it needed an
- embedded_offset param; fixed prototype of cp_print_value_fields.
- Include value.h.
- (C_LANG_H): Define.
- * c-valprint.c (c_val_print): Add new parameter embedded_offset.
- Add embedded_offset to valaddr in function calls. fix calls to
- val_print, and cp_print_value_fields. Attempt to determine the
- real type of the object to be printed. fixed call to
- cp_print_value_fields. process TYPE_CODE_METHOD as well. moved
- call to check_typedef out of conditional. add embedded offset
- param to val_print call.
- (c_value_print): Add new parameter to call to val_print. Handle
- pointer to class case. Ensure that const char *, const unsigned
- char * come out without the type but the volatile variants and the
- signed variants don't.
- * ch-lang.h (chill_val_print): Add parameter to decl.
- * ch-valprint.c: The various print routines have an additional
- parameter. Currently, the new parameter is only used when printing
- C++ expressions. So, in ch-valprint.c, the new parameter is always
- 0. Changes in calls to val_print, chill_val_print, c_val_print
- Affected functions are chill_val_print_array_elements,
- chill_val_print, chill_print_value_fields, chill_value_print.
- * cp-valprint.c add vtable pointers names for aCC (HP) compiler.
- (cp_print_class_method): Print message for HP/aCC case.
- (cp_print_class_member): Add comments.
- (cp_print_value): Adjust address computations for virtual base
- classes. add new parameter 'offset'. Find correct offset for
- base class in HP/aCC case. Change call to cp_print_value_fields
- to have extra par.
- (cp_print_value_fields): Do not print also if the only field is
- the vtable pointer. Print out vtable ptr, for HP/aCC compiled
- case. do not print leading '=' in case of anonymous union, or
- struct. add new parameter 'offset'. Do not print the vtable
- pointer as a member, in the HP aCC case. Changed calls to
- val_print to have extra parameter.
- (cp_print_hpacc_virtual_table_entries): New function. Print vtable
- entries, in HP/aCC compiled case.
- (cp_print_static_field): Change call to cp_print_value_fields, and
- val_print.
- * d30v-tdep.c (d30v_print_register): Add embedded_offset param
- to val_print call.
- * defs.h: Additional include files included when TUI is defined.
- (gdb_file_isatty): New function decl.
- (GDB_FILE): If TUI is defined, define a structure rather
- than making this an alias for FILE.
- (gdb_stdout, gdb_stderr): If TUI is defined, then define these
- as pointers to variables of type GDB_FILE rather than making them
- be aliases for stdout and stderr.
- (TUIDO): Add definition conditionalized on definition
- (or lack thereof) of TUI.
- (command_class): Add two additional values.
- (precision_type): New enum.
- (gdb_fclose): Add decl.
- (store_address): Change prototype to match function.
- (tui_version, xdb_commands, dbx_commands): Add decls.
- (gdb_file_deallocate): New function decl
- (pa_do_strcat_registers_info): New function decl.
- (streamtype): New enumerated type to distinguish between output to
- a FILE and output to a buffer.
- (tui_stream): New struct type, named GDB_FILE.
- (gdb_stdout): Of type GDB_FILE, will pass this around gdb rather
- than stdout.
- (gdb_stderr): Of type GDB_FILE, will pass this around gdb rather
- than stderr.
- (fputs_unfiltered_hook): Change stream parameter from FILE to
- (flush_hook): Change stream parameter from FILE to GDB_FILE.
- (gdb_fclose): Fix decl for gdb_fclose; parameter is now of
- type GDB_FILE **.
- (gdb_file_adjust_strbuf): New function decl. function lives
- in utils.c.
- (gdb_file_init_astring): New function decl. function lives
- in utils.c.
- (gdb_file_get_strbuf): New function decl. function lives in
- utils.c.
- (source_full_path_of): Declare.
- * exec.c (_initialize_exec): Make definition of file command be
- dependent upon dbx_commands not being set.
- (exec_file_attach): New function.
- (exec_file_command): Call it.
- (exec_ops): Add new target vector fields.
- * f-lang.h (f_print_type): Change FILE to GDB_FILE in decl.
- (f_val_print): Ditto.
- (f_val_print): Add parameter to the function decl.
- * f-valprint.c (_initialize_f_valprint): If xdb_commands is set,
- define lc command.
- (f77_create_arrayprint_offset_tbl): Change FILE to GDB_FILE.
- (f77_print_array): Ditto.
- (f77_print_array_1): Ditto.
- (f_val_print): Ditto.
- (f_val_print): Add a parameter; this new parameter is currently
- only non-zero when handling C++ expressions. In this file its
- value is always 0. changed fflush to gdb_flush.
- * gnu-nat.c: (init_gnu_ops): Add new target vector fields.
- (gnu_create_inferior): Add param to fork_inferior call.
- * hppa-tdep.c (after_prologue): If f is NULL, don't dereference
- it. if no debug info, return zero telling caller that we need to
- find the end of the prologue via the hard way (instruction
- examination).
- (find_unwind_entry): Avoid dereferencing a null
- pointer.
- (hppa_pid_to_exec_file): Deleted -- no longer used.
- (hppa_prepare_to_proceeed): Add prototype.
- (read_unwind_info): Purecov comments, bug fixes.
- (find_unwind_entry): Purecov comments, bug fixes.
- (find_stub_with_shl_get): Purecov comments.
- (frame_chain): Additional parens.
- (hppa_push_arguments): Changes to commented out version of routine.
- (hppa_fix_call_dummy): Purecov comments, fix location of end.o.
- (in_solib_call_trampoline): Purecov comments.
- (in_solib_return_trampoline): Purecov comments.
- (setup_d_pid_in_inferior): Fix location of end.o.
- (initialize_hp_cxx_exception_support): Fix location of end.o.
- (child_enable_exception_callback): Purecov comments.
- (pa_do_strcat_registers_info): Has a new parameter, precision,
- which is passed into the call to pa_strcat_fp_reg to indicate
- whether to display the floating point registers using
- single or double preceision.
- (pa_strcat_registers): Introduce local variable, precision, and
- pass it into call to pa_strcat_fp_reg.
- (pa_strcat_fp_reg): Modified function. New parameter, precision,
- used by function to decide whether to use single or double
- precision. Also add the code to put a double precision value
- into a buffer.
- (pa_do_strcat_registers_info): New routine. called by
- tui/tuiRegs.c:_tuiRegisterFormat to place a register name
- and value into a string buffer. Interface may change in
- future. Checking this in so that we have something
- functional for HP.
- (pa_strcat_registers): New routine, called by
- pa_do_strcat_registers_info. Does same thing as
- pa_print_registers except it takes a stream parameter.
- This routine should disappear in future. Checking in
- so that we have something functional to give HP
- (pa_strcat_fp_reg): New routine, called by
- pa_do_strcat_registers_info and pa_strvat_registers
- to place a floating point register name and value into
- a buffer. This interface may change in future.
- Checking in so that we have something functional to give HP.
- (pa_print_fp_reg): Change prototype to match def'n.
- (pa_register_look_aside): Fix comment immediately before function.
- Changes to better support stack unwinding, reading and writing
- registers for HPUX. New includes ptrace.h, bfd.h, dl.h.
- (internalize_unwinds): Initialize new fields in table.
- (read_unwind_info): Entries in the table are now more complex
- structures. References of the form ...->table[index].stub_type are
- now ...->table[index].stub_unwind.stub_type.
- (find_proc_framesize): Add a check for pc == 0.
- (rp_saved): Entries in the table are now more complex
- structures. References of the form ...->table[index].stub_type are
- now ...->table[index].stub_unwind.stub_type.
- (frameless_function_invocation): Stub_type becomes
- stub_unwind.stub_type
- (saved_pc_after_call): Stub_type becomes stub_unwind.stub_type
- (hppa_frame_saved_pc): Stub_type becomes stub_unwind.stub_type
- (frame_chain_valid): Stub_type becomes stub_unwind.stub_type
- (hppa_call_dummy): Stub_type becomes stub_unwind.stub_type
- (pa_print_fp_reg): Additional params to call val_print
- (in_solib_call_trampoline): Stub_type becomes
- stub_unwind.stub_type
- (in_solib_return_trampoline): Stub_type becomes
- stub_unwind.stub_typ
- (skip_trampoline_code): Additional code to handle external
- dyncalls. Also stub_type becomes stub_unwind.stub_type
- (hppa_pid_to_exec_file): New funct. FOr HPUX 10.0 and beyond there
- is an explicit ptrace request for getting the pathname associated
- with a process id (pid).
- (hppa_pid_to_exec_file): Remove unwanted param from call to
- call_ptrace.
- (args_for_find_stub): New structure.
- (find_unwind_entry): Deal with null input pc value.
- (rp_saved): Ditto.
- For the import stub, return -24 always.
- (hppa_frame_saved_pc): Save old pc value, to detect we are in a loop.
- (init_extra_frame_info): Use TARGET_READ_FP.
- (frame_chain): Include thread support.
- If the caller's pc is zero, we lose and return, just like stack
- bottom.
- Disable warning about being unable to find unwind info.
- (hppa_push_arguments): Rewrite.
- (hppa_value_returned_from_stack): New function. Handles returning
- a value larger than 64 bits, stored on the stack.
- (find_stub_with_shl_get): New function. To look up symbols in shlibs.
- (cover_find_stub_with_shl_get): New function. Cover routine for
- find_stub_with_shl_get to pass to catch_errors.
- (hppa_fix_call_dummy): Comment out old stub mechanism.
- Rewrite using dyncall.
- (target_read_fp): New function.
- (pa_do_registers_info): Floating point registers start at FP4.
- (pa_print_registers): Use FP4_REGNUM instead of 72.
- (skip_trampoline_code): Do machine instruction matching for PA2.0.
- (setup_d_pid_in_inferior): New function. Exception handling support.
- (initialize_hp_cxx_exception_support): Ditto.
- (child_enable_exception_callback): Ditto.
- (child_get_current_exception_event): Ditto.
- * hpux-thread.c (hpux_thread_ops): Add new target vector fields.
- * infcmd.c: Include objfiles.h.
- (attach_command): New local variable, exec_file, add code to
- determine exec_file from pid if exec_file is not already known,
- call new target operation, target_post_attach -- a no-op unless
- (detach_command): After detaching, do a SOLIB_RESTART.
- (objfiles.h): Fix typo on include line.
- (run_command): Only call SOLIB_RESTART if it's defined.
- (detach_command): Ditto.
- (run_command): If program has already been started, and decide
- to restart it, the kill the target, flush the caches,
- call init_wait_for_inferior. Also purge old solib objfiles.
- (run_stack_dummy): Add calls to
- disable_watchpoints_before_interactive_call_start and
- enable_watchpoints_after_interactive_call_stops.
- (finish_command): Alter code handling the evaluation and printing
- of the target function's return value.
- (attach_command): When given a pid, but no exec file, try to
- determine the exec file from the process. If the process does not
- record a full path name, try to qualify the filename against the
- source path.
- (_initialize_infcmd): Add some verbiage about how to use the
- attach command.
- (do_registers_info): Changed calls to val_print
- made the symfile.h include preceed the
- objfiles.h include. The other ordering caused a
- compile problem (incompletely defined types).
- * inftarg.c (child_post_attach): Fix decl, make static.
- (proc_wait): Make globally visible.
- (child_insert_fork_catchpoint, etc): Fix return type.
- (child_detach_from_process): Declare.
- (child_attach_to_process): Declare.
- (child_stop): Make static to match decl.
- (ptrace_him): Change prototype back to return int.
- (ptrace_me): Remove debug output, pass NULL to fork_inferior if
- not HPUX.
- (proc_wait): function prototype and definition are enclosed by
- proc_wait ifndef
- (child_attach_to_process): New function, does most of the work
- that child_attach used to do and some additional work to determine
- whether gdb is already attached to the target how to react.
- (child_attach): Altered. It's now a wrapper for
- child_attach_to_process.
- (child_require_attach): New function, called if should attach even
- when gdb is already attached to target.
- (child_detach_from_process): New function, does most of the work
- that child_detach used to do and some additional work to determine
- whether gdb is currently attached to the target.
- (child_detach): Altered. It's now a wrapper for
- child_detach_from_process.
- (child_require_detach): New function, called if should try to
- detach even when gdb is not attached to target.
- (ptrace_him): Calls a new function,
- target_acknowledge_forked_child. Currently,
- target_acknowledge_forked_child, is only defined to do something
- for HPUX.
- (child_create_inferior): Changed call to fork_inferior.
- (child_ops): Add to_require_attach and to_require_detach fields
- to the child_ops target ops vector.
- Some hacks for ttrace work:
- (child_wait): Additional local variables, additional code in
- while loop to check for process exited, process forked,
- process vforked, process execd.
- (child_thread_alive): John B. seems to think that the kill
- call is inapproapriate for HPUX.
- (child_attach_to_process): Using strtol rather than atoi.
- no longer check for case where there is no known exec file.
- (child_post_attach): New function, a default, a no-op.
- (child_insert_fork_catchpoint): New function, a default, a no-op.
- (child_remove_fork_catchpoint): New function, a default, a no-op.
- (child_insert_vfork_catchpoint): New function, a default, a no-op.
- (child_remove_vfork_catchpoint): New function, a default, a no-op.
- (child_can_follow_vfork_prior_to_exec ):new function, a default,
- a no-op.
- (child_insert_exec_catchpoint): New function, a default, a no-op.
- (child_remove_exec_catchpoint): New function, a default, a no-op.
- (child_has_execd): New function, a default, returns 0.
- (child_reported_exec_events_per_exec_call): New function, a
- default, returns 1.
- (child_has_exited): New function, a default.
- (child_core_file_to_sym_file): New function, a default, returns NULL.
- (child_ops): Initialize new target vector fields.
- * jv-lang.h: (Java_val_print): Add embedded_offset param to func
- decl.
- * jv-valprint.c: Changing calls to val_print to accomodate new param.
- (java_value_print): Add embedded_offset param to val_print call
- (java_print_value_fields): Add embedded_offset param to val_print
- call.
- (java_val_print): Add embedded_offset param. alter call to
- c_val_print to accomodate embedded_offset param.
- * language.c (lang_bool_type): Return builtin_type_bool in c++
- case.
- (unk_lang_val_print): Add embedded_offset param to
- prototype decl and definition.
- * language.h (LA_VAL_PRINT macro, la_val_print function decl):
- altered to accomodate the new parameter to the various print
- functions.
- * m2-lang.h (m2_val_print): Add a parameter to the function decl.
- * m2-valprint.c (m2_val_print): Add a parameter.
- This parameter is currently only used when evaluating C++
- expressions. So, it is always 0 in this file.
- * m3-nat.c (m3_create_inferior): Add param to fork_inferior call
- (m3_pid_to_exec_file): New function
- (m3_ops): Add new target vector fields.
- * mac-nat.c (init_child_ops): Add new target vector fields.
- * mips-tdep.c: Chnages to accomodate additional parameter
- to val_print.
- (mips_print_register): Alter calls to val_print
- * monitor.c (monitor_write): Change stderr to gdb_stderr.
- (monitor_remove_breakpoint): Ditto.
- (init_base_monitor_ops): Add new target vector fields.
- * ppc-bdm.c (init_bdm_ppc_ops): Add new target vector fields.
- * printcmd.c (do_examine): When saving a value_ptr, remove it from
- the list of value_ptr's to be freed automatically; when discarding
- a previously saved value_ptr, free it.
- (print_formatted): Update comments; add new comments.
- (printf_command, print_insn): Purecov comments.
- (_initialize_printcmd): Add assign as a command if dbx_commands is
- set; create va as an alias for disassemble if xdb_commands is set.
- (address_info): New cases LOC_INDIRECT and
- (display_command): If tui_version and exp starts with a '$', then
- don't display it unless tui_vSetLayoutTo fails.
- (disassemble_command): Add tuiDo calls.
- (print_scalar_formatted): For integers that are long long, check
- the print format and print out in binary octal, decimal, or
- hex. Call the new print_*_chars functions in valprint.c
- (print_frame_args): Altered calls to val_print, to reflect
- additional parameter to val_print (case LOC_BASEREG_ARG).
- * procfs.c: (Procfs_init_inferior): Return value is now a void.
- (procfs_ops): Add new target vector fields.
- (procfs_create_inferior): Fix call to fork_inferior -- need another
- parameter.
- * remote-adapt.c (adapt_open): Change stderr to gdb_stderr.
- (adpat_insert_breakpoint): Ditto.
- (init_adapt_ops): Add new target vector fields.
- * remote-array.c (array_wait): Change fflush to gdb_flush and
- stdout to gdb_stdout.
- (init_array_ops): Add new target vector fields.
- * remote-bug.c (bug_load): Change fflush to gdb_flush; stdout to
- gdb_stdout.
- (bug_wait): Change stderr to gdb_stderr.
- (bug_insert_breakpoint): Ditto.
- (init_bug_ops): Add new target vector fields.
- * remote-e7000.c
- (init_e7000_ops): Add new target vector fields.
- * remote-eb.c (init_eb_ops): Ditto.
- * remote-es.c (init_es1800_ops): Ditto.
- (init_es1800_child_ops): Ditto.
- * remote-es.c (init_es1800_ops): Ditto.
- (init_es1800_child_ops): Ditto.
- * remote-hms.c (init_hms_ops): Ditto.
- * remote-hms.c (init_hms_ops): Ditto.
- * remote-nindy.c (init_nindy_ops): Ditto.
- * remote-nrom.c (init_nrom_ops): Ditto.
- * remote-os9k.c (init_rombug_ops): Ditto.
- * remote-rdp.c (init_remote_rdp_ops): Ditto.
- * remote-sds.c (init_sds_ops): Ditto.
- * remote-sim.c (init_gdbsim_ops): Ditto.
- * remote-st.c (init_st2000_ops): Ditto.
- * remote-udi.c (init_udi_ops): Ditto.
- * remote-vx.c (init_vx_ops): Ditto.
- (init_vx_run_ops): Ditto.
- * remote-vx.c: (Init_vx_ops): Ditto.
- (init_vx_run_ops): Ditto.
- * remote-mips.c (mips_getstring): Change stderr to gdb_stderr.
- (pmon_insert_breakpoint): Ditto.
- (pmon_remove_breakpoint): Ditto.
- (check_lsi_error): Ditto.
- (common_breakpoint): Ditto.
- (pmon_makeb64): Ditto.
- * remote-mips.c (mips_xfer_memory): Change fflush to gdb_flush;
- change stdout to gdb_stdout.
- * remote-mm.c (mm_open): Change stderr to gdb_stderr.
- (init_mm_ops): Add new target vector fields.
- (mm_load): Fixed params in commented out call to symbol_file_add.
- * remote-nindy.c (instream): Change decl to FILE.
- * remote-udi.c (udi_load): Fixed params in call to symbol_file_add.
- * remote-vx.c (vx_add_symbols): Fixed params in call to
- symbol_file_add.
- * remote.c (init_remote_ops): Cosmetic change to match expected
- test output.
- * rs6000-nat.c (add_vmap): Add params to call to allocate_objfile.
- * scm-lang.h: Add parameter to scm_val_print function decl.
- * scm-valprint.c (scm_scmval_print): Cast svalue to (int); new
- parameter. This parameter is currently only used when evaluating
- C++ expressions. So, it is always 0 in this file.
- (c_val_print): Fixed prototype decl; it needed an embedded_offset
- param.
- * sol-thread.c (sol_core_ops): Add new target vector fields.
- (sol_thread_ops): Ditto.
- * somsolib.c (DLD_FLAGS_MAPPRIVATE): New macro.
- Define bit of __dld_flags in HP-UX a.out files.
- (som_solib_total_st_size): Cumulative size in bytes of the
- symbol tables of all shared objects on the so_list_head list.
- (som_solib_st_size_threshhold_exceeded): Threshold for adding symbols
- for shlibs.
- (som_solib_sizeof_symbol_table): New function. Computes size of
- symbol table for a shlib.
- (som_solib_load_symbols): New function. Load symbols from shlib.
- (som_solib_add): Detect if __dld_list is not valid.
- Record main program's symbol table size.
- Load symbols if called from command line.
- Keep threshold into account when loading shlib symbols.
- (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Use dld_flags macros.
- (som_sharedlibrary_info_command): Let user know if symbols were
- not loaded.
- (som_solib_restart): Discard all the shlibs descriptors.
- (_initialize_som_solib): Chenge help message for auto-solib-add
- command.
- Set threshold for symbol table to 50 megabytes.
- (_initialize_som_solib): Add call to som_solib_restart.
- (som_solib_restart): New function
- (som_solib_in_dynamic_linker): New function
- (som_solib_desire_dynamic_linker_symbols): New function
- (som_solib_unloaded_library_pathname): New function
- (som_solib_loaded_library_pathname): New function
- (som_solib_library_pathname): New function
- (som_solib_have_unload_event): New function
- (som_solib_have_load_event): New function
- (som_solib_create_catch_unload_hook): New function
- (som_solib_create_catch_load_hook): New function
- (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Rewritten
- dld_cache: New struct
- addr_and_unwind_t: New struct
- (find_unwind_entry) add prototype
- Include assert.h, remove references to ASSERT macro,
- add include of fcntl.h so that O_RDONLY is defined.
- (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Introduce new local
- msymbol2 and change some msymbol's to msymbol2's -- was clobbering
- msymbol, passing a NULL to lookup_minimal_symbol_solib_trampoline,
- and ultimately core dumping with a SEGV.
- (som_solib_mapped_entry): Additional comments for text_addr,
- text_link_addr, text_end, and tsd_start_addr fields. Commenting
- out 2 tsd fields, __data_start and __data_end.
- (som_solib_add_solib_objfile): Add params to calls to symbol_file_add.
- Add some code for distinguishing between a shared library and other
- objfiles. This appears to be a prelude to thread local storage.
- (som_solib_load_symbols): Changes to printf statement
- enclosed by SOLIB_DEBUG ifdef.
- (som_solib_add): Change comment to correctly specify path
- to end.o -- /opt/langtools/lib/end.o. changes to printf statement
- enclosed by SOLIB_DEBUG ifdef.
- Removed several SOLIB_DEBUG ifdefs and the associated printfs.
- Add code to find the start address for the object file's thread
- local storage
- (som_solib_create_inferior_hook): Fix warning messages use correct
- path to end.o -- /opt/langtools/lib/end.o. Change control flow.
- No longer user early returns from function is cases of error.
- (reset_inferior_pid): New function
- (som_solib_remove_inferior_hook): New function
- (so_lib_thread_start_addr): New function. used for tsd.
- (struct som_solib_mapped_entry): Add new field tsd_start_addr.
- (struct so_list): Add new field solib_addr.
- (som_solib_add_solib_objfile): New function.
- (som_solib_load_symbols): Rewritten.
- (som_solib_add): Make sure we don't load the symbols in if the
- threshold was exceeded.
- (som_solib_get_solib_by_pc): New function. Return the address of
- handle of the shared library.
- (som_solib_restart): Disable breakpoints at restart.
- * sparcl-tdep.c (init_sparclite_ops): Add new target vector fields.
- * target.c (cleanup_target): Changed casting of default functions
- for to_has_forked, to_has_vforked, to_pid_to_exec_file to get rid
- of warnings. Fixed PARAMS for to_has_syscall_event. Fixed the
- return type on a few of the default function values.
- (cleanup_target): Changes in the de_fault macro, both to
- accomodate the new target_ops vector fields and to use
- more accurate default functions.
- (debug_to_open): Change stderr to gdb_stderr.
- (debug_to_close): Ditto.
- (debug_to_attach): Ditto.
- (debug_to_post_attach): Ditto.
- (debug_to_require_attach): Ditto.
- (debug_to_detach): Ditto.
- (debug_to_require_detach): Ditto.
- (debug_to_resume): Ditto.
- (debug_to_wait): Ditto.
- (debug_to_post_wait): Ditto.
- (debug_to_fetch_registers): Ditto.
- (debug_to_store_registers): Ditto.
- (debug_to_prepare_to_store): Ditto.
- (debug_to_xfer_memory): Ditto.
- (debug_to_files_info): Ditto.
- (debug_to_insert_breakpoint): Ditto.
- (debug_to_remove_breakpoint): Ditto.
- (debug_to_terminal_init): Ditto.
- (debug_to_terminal_inferior): Ditto.
- (debug_to_terminal_ours_for_output): Ditto.
- (debug_to_terminal_ours): Ditto.
- (debug_to_terminal_info): Ditto.
- (debug_to_kill): Ditto.
- (debug_to_load): Ditto.
- (debug_to_lookup_symbol): Ditto.
- (debug_to_create_inferior): Ditto.
- (debug_to_post_startup_inferior): Ditto.
- (debug_to_acknowledge_created_inferior): Ditto.
- (debug_to_clone_and_follow_inferior): Ditto.
- (debug_to_post_follow_inferior_by_clone): Ditto.
- (debug_to_insert_fork_catchpoint): Ditto.
- (debug_to_remove_fork_catchpoint): Ditto.
- (debug_to_insert_vfork_catchpoint): Ditto.
- (debug_to_remove_vfork_catchpoint): Ditto.
- (debug_to_has_forked): Ditto.
- (debug_to_has_vforked): Ditto.
- (debug_to_can_follow_vfork_prior_to_exec): Ditto.
- (debug_to_post_follow_vfork): Ditto.
- (debug_to_insert_exec_catchpoint): Ditto.
- (debug_to_remove_exec_catchpoint): Ditto.
- (debug_to_has_execd): Ditto.
- (debug_to_reported_exec_events_per_exec_call): Ditto.
- (debug_to_has_syscall_event): Ditto.
- (debug_to_has_exited): Ditto.
- (debug_to_mourn_inferior): Ditto.
- (debug_to_can_run): Ditto.
- (debug_to_notice_signals): Ditto.
- (debug_to_thread_alive): Ditto.
- (debug_to_stop): Ditto.
- (debug_to_enable_exception_callback): Ditto.
- (debug_to_get_current_exception_event): Ditto.
- (debug_to_pid_to_exec_file): Ditto.
- (debug_to_core_file_to_sym_file): Ditto.
- (default_clone_and_follow_inferior): New function prototype
- decl and function definition.
- (dummy_target): Add new target_ops vector fields and their
- initializations. More target_ops vector changes for HPUX new
- fields.
- (de_fault): Add new HPUX specific target_ops operations to the
- de_fault macro
- (INHERIT): Add new HPUX specific target_ops operations.
- (debug_to_post_wait): New function.
- (debug_to_post_startup_inferior): Ditto.
- (debug_to_acknowledge_created_inferior): Ditto.
- (debug_to_clone_and_follow_inferior): Ditto.
- (debug_to_post_follow_inferior_by_clone): Ditto.
- (debug_to_create_catch_fork_hook): Ditto.
- (debug_to_create_catch_vfork_hook): Ditto.
- (debug_to_has_forked): Ditto.
- (debug_to_has_vforked): Ditto.
- (debug_to_post_follow_vfork): Ditto.
- (setup_target_debug): Initialize new target_ops vector fields.
- (nosupport_runtime): New function, used in cleanup_target
- (update_current_target): Add new new target_ops vector fields to
- the INHERIT macro definition.
- (generic_mourn_inferior): The call to breakpoint_init_inferior now
- takes a parameter.
- (normal_pid_to_str): Add a \0 to the end of buf.
- (debug_to_has_syscall_event): New function.
- (debug_to_enable_exception_callback): New function.
- (debug_to_get_current_exception_event): New function.
- (setup_target_debug): Initialize the 3 new target_ops vector fields
- (struct signals): Fix message associated with SIGRETRACT.
- (return_one): New function, used by the de_fault macro
- (debug_to_post_attach): New function.
- (debug_to_wait): Add new cases TARGET_WAITKIND_FORKED,
- (debug_to_insert_fork_catchpoint): New function.
- (debug_to_remove_fork_catchpoint): Ditto.
- (debug_to_insert_vfork_catchpoint): Ditto.
- (debug_to_remove_vfork_catchpoint): Ditto.
- (debug_to_can_follow_vfork_prior_to_exec): Ditto.
- (debug_to_insert_exec_catchpoint): Ditto.
- (debug_to_remove_exec_catchpoint): Ditto.
- (debug_to_core_file_to_sym_file): Ditto.
- (setup_target_debug): Give new fields in current_target target_ops
- vector values.
- * target.h: Include symtab.h.
- (target_waitkind): New enumerated values
- (target_waitstatus): Add a syscall_id field to structure.
- (child_has_syscall_event): New decl.
- (child_thread_alive): New decl.
- (target_ops): Add 3 new fields: To_has_syscall_event,
- to_enable_exception_callback, to_get_current_exception_event
- (target_enable_exception_callback): New macro.
- (target_has_syscall_event): New macro.
- (target_get_current_exception_event): New macro.
- (target_tid_to_str): New macro.
- (target_waitstatus): Additional fields in struct to keep track
- of child pid and pathname to execd file.
- (target_ops): Add in the new target_ops function pointer fields.
- New macros to go along with new target_ops fields.
- In target_waitstatus.value, change name of child_pid field to
- related_pid.
- (target_pid_or_tid_to_str): Define default macro.
- Add missing #endif after PC_REQUIRES_RUN_BEFORE_USE definition
- macro.
- There are new function decls for to_require_attach
- and to_require_detach. There are also new macros,
- target_require_attach and target_require_detach. There are
- also new function decls for find_default_require_detach
- and find_default_require_attach.
- (target_ops): New fields to_post_wait, to_post_startup_inferior
- to_acknowledge_created_inferior, to_clone_and_follow_inferior,
- to_post_follow_inferior_by_clone, to_create_catch_fork_hook,
- to_create_catch_vfork_hook, to_has_forked, to_has_vforked,
- to_post_follow_vfork, to_pid_to_exec_file.
- New function definitions child_pid_to_exec_file, child_post_wait,
- child_post_startup_inferior, child_acknowledge_created_inferior,
- child_clone_and_follow_inferior,
- child_post_follow_inferior_by_clone, child_create_catch_fork_hook,
- child_create_catch_vfork_hook, child_has_forked,
- child_has_vforked, child_acknowledge_created_inferior,
- child_post_follow_vfork.
- New macros target_post_startup_inferior,
- target_acknowledge_created_inferior,
- target_clone_and_follow_inferior,
- target_post_follow_inferior_by_clone,
- target_create_catch_fork_hook, target_create_catch_vfork_hook,
- target_pid_to_exec_file.
- (find_default_clone_and_follow_inferior): New function prototype.
- * v850ice.c (init_850ice_ops): Init new target vector fields.
- * valprint.c (print_binary_chars): Print out long long as
- a binary number.
- (print_octal_chars): Print out long long as an octal number
- (print_decimal_chars): Print out long long as a decimal number
- (strcat_longest): Define it.
- * valprint.c: Hp merge, 4/15/98 snapshot
- Add parameter to val_print. This is used for
- evaluating C++ expressions.
- * value.h (VALUE_POINTED_TO_OFFSET): New macro.
- Add field pointed_to_offset to value structure.
- Add prototypes for new functions in valops.c.
- (write_register_pid): Change prototype to match
- function.
- (val_print function decl): Additional parameter.
- (find_rt_vbase_offset): New function decl -- for C++ support.
-Wed Dec 23 15:03:42 1998 Per Bothner <>
- * (READLINE_CFLAGS): Search $(READLINE_SRC)/.. rather
- than $(READLINE_SRC) so #include <readline/readline.h> will work.
- * top.c: #include <readline/history.h> instead of "history.h".
- * tracepoint.c: Likewise.
- * mac-xdep.c: Likewise.
-Wed Dec 23 12:32:00 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- TARGET_BYTE_ORDER and not target_byte_order.
-Tue Dec 22 10:51:33 1998 Elena Zannoni <>
- * config/i386/ (TERMCAP): define.
- (from Chris Faylor,
- * top.c: specify directory name for including readline.h
- * tracepoint.c: ditto.
- * utils.c: ditto.
-Mon Dec 21 13:30:34 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * value.c (value_virtual_fn_field): Handle the situation where
- vtbl is a pointer to a structure instead of a pointer to an array.
-Mon Dec 21 10:38:11 1998 Andrew Cagney <cagney@chook>
- * mips-tdep.c: (MIPS_DEFAULT_FPU_TYPE): Default to
-1998-12-17 J.T. Conklin <>
- * blockframe.c (get_frame_saved_regs): If the saved_regs_addr ptr
- is null, ensure that saved registers are copied from the local
- variable that was used to obtain them.
-Sat Dec 19 09:55:09 1998 Stu Grossman <>
- * mips-tdep.c (mips32_heuristic_proc_desc): Clear temp_saved_regs
- on restart. Fixes problem with backtracing through functions that
- use virtual frame pointers.
-Fri Dec 18 14:23:34 1998 Andrew Cagney <cagney@chook>
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_push_arguments): Don't left-shift small
- structs being passed in a register when an O64 target.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (enum mips_fpu_type, mips_fpu): Move to
- mips-tdep.c.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_fpu_string): Delete variable.
- (mips_fpu_type_auto): New variable.
- (mips_fpu_type): Rename mips_fpu.
- (_initialize_mips_tdep): Delete initialization of mips_fpu
- Rewrite ``set mipsfpu'' command set.
- (set_mipsfpu_command, show_mipsfpu_command,
- set_mipsfpu_single_command, set_mipsfpu_double_command,
- set_mipsfpu_none_command, set_mipsfpu_auto_command): New
- functions, handle commands.
- (mips_push_arguments, mips_push_dummy_frame, mips_pop_frame,
- mips_extract_return_value): Update.
-Thu Dec 17 02:15:40 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * configure.tgt (gdb_target): Identify mips64*vr4100*-*-elf* as
- vr4100.
-Thu Dec 17 01:34:36 1998 Andrew Cagney <cagney@chook>
- * gdbtypes.c (build_gdbtypes): New function.
- (_initialize_gdbtypes): Call.
-Wed Dec 16 11:47:00 1998 Andrew Cagney <cagney@chook>
- * gdbarch.c (show_architecture): Use TARGET_ARCHITECTURE.
- * gdbarch.h, gdbarch.c: Fix typo's. Use struct's in preference to
- types.
- * gdbarch.h, gdbarch.c (gdbarch_debug): Add ``set archdebug'' to
- command set.
-Tue Dec 15 23:46:40 1998 Andrew Cagney <cagney@chook>
- * config/mips/tm-*.h: (TARGET_BYTE_ORDER_DEFAULT,
-1998-12-14 Anthony Thompson (
- * remote-rdp.c (rdp_init): Don't discard first character on reset.
- (translate_open_mode): Define table.
- (exec_swi): Handle SWI_Clock. SWI_Open now handles stdin/stdout.
- SWI_Write returns number of bytes not written. SWI_Read does the
- same. SWI_Seek should return success/failure flag. Fix SWI_Flen.
-1998-12-14 J.T. Conklin <>
- * config/i386/, config/m68k/, config/ns32k/
- (XDEPFILES): Add ser-tcp.o.
-Mon Dec 14 14:46:13 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * monitor.c (monitor_expect, monitor_printf_noecho,
- monitor_printf): Always compile EXTRA_RDEBUG code.
- (RDEBUG): Ditto.
- From Michael Meissner <>:
- * ppcbug-rom.c (init_ppc_cmds): Cleanup formatting.
-1998-12-08 Michael Meissner <>
- * monitor.c (monitor_printable_string): New function to convert a
- string into a printable representation.
- (monitor_error): Call error after converting string into printable
- format.
- (monitor_printf{,_noecho}): If EXTRA_RDEBUG is defined, convert
- string into printable form before printing.
- (monitor_expect): Ditto.
- (monitor_read_memory{,_single}): Call monitor_error, not error.
- (monitor_read_memory): Return immediately if length is 0.
- * ppcbug-rom.c (init_ppc_cmds): Fill in dump_registers field,
- which is now required.
-Mon Dec 14 11:01:39 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * gdbarch.h, gdbarch.c: Consolidate the semi-dynamic target system
- dependant GDB parameters.
- (set_gdbarch_from_file): Combine set_architecture_from_file and
- set_byte_order_from_file.
- * top.c, defs.h, printcmd.c: Delete them from here.
- * Add gdbarch.[ch].
- * exec.c (exec_file_command): Call set_gdbarch_from_file.
-Sun Dec 13 09:52:51 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- (TARGET_BYTE_ORDER_SELECTABLE_P): Provide default. Replaces
- TARGET_BYTE_ORDER_SELECTABLE. Handle compat issues.
- (BITS_BIG_ENDIAN): Simplify.
- * remote-e7000.c, sh-tdep.c, printcmd.c, remote-sim.c,
- remote-rdi.c, sparc-tdep.c: Update.
- * config/powerpc/tm-ppcle-eabi.h, config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h,
- config/powerpc/tm-ppc-eabi.h, config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h:
- Convert.
-Sat Dec 12 09:28:13 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * frame.h (struct frame_info): Add CORE_ADDR *saved_regs and
- struct frame_extra_info *extra_info.
- (frame_obstack_alloc, frame_saved_regs_zalloc): Prototype.
- (SIZEOF_FRAME_SAVED_REGS): Provide default.
- (FRAME_INIT_SAVED_REGS): Provide default.
- (struct frame_saved_regs): Deprecate.
- (EXTRA_FRAME_INFO): Deprecate.
- * blockframe.c (frame_obstack_alloc, frame_saved_regs_zalloc): New
- function.
- (generic_get_saved_register): Use FRAME_INIT_SAVED_REGS and
- frame->saved_regs.
- (frame_cache_obstack): Make static.
- (get_frame_saved_regs): Deprecate. Copy the saved regs into the
- frame buffer.
- * stack.c (frame_info): Rewrite using frame->saved_regs and
- * findvar.c (find_saved_register): Ditto.
- * config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h (EXTRA_FRAME_INFO): Delete.
- * mn10300-tdep.c: Update.
- (analyze_dummy_frame): New function.
- (struct frame_extra_info): Define.
- (mn10300_init_extra_frame_info): Update.
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h: (EXTRA_FRAME_INFO): Delete.
- (FRAME_ARGS_ADDRESS): Replace with function.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (frame_get_saved_regs): Rename from
- frame_get_cache_fsr.
- (rs6000_init_extra_frame_info): New function.
- (rs6000_frame_init_saved_regs): Call frame_get_saved_regs.
- (FUNCTION_START_OFFSET): Delete references, was ZERO.
- (rs6000_frame_args_address): New function.
- (frame_initial_stack_address): Update
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (EXTRA_FRAME_INFO): Remove saved_regs.
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_find_saved_regs, read_next_frame_reg,
- init_extra_frame_info, mips_pop_frame): Update.
- * config/alpha/tm-alpha.h (FRAME_INIT_SAVED_REGS,
- EXTRA_FRAME_INFO), alpha-tdep.c (alpha_find_saved_regs,
- alpha_pop_frame, init_extra_frame_info): Ditto.
- * i960-tdep.c, m88k-tdep.c, h8300-tdep.c: Update.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h, config/a29k/tm-a29k.h: Define
- * z8k-tdep.c (z8k_init_frame_saved_regs): Rename
- get_frame_saved_regs.
- (examine_frame, z8k_skip_prologue): Update.
- * config/z8k/tm-z8k.h (FRAME_INIT_SAVED_REGS): Define.
-1998-12-11 Fernando Nasser <>
- From J.T. Conklin <>:
- * i386-stub.c (handle_exception): Add support for 'P' command.
- (NUMREGS): New macro.
-Fri Dec 11 09:07:05 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * i386b-nat.c: Include "expression.h".
- * symtab.h: Don't include "gnu-regex.h".
- * solib.c (solib_add_common_symbols): Cast parameters passed to
- make_cleanup to use the new make_cleanup_func typedef.
- * inftarg.c: Include "wait.h" after, rather than before, <wait.h>.
- "wait.h" was defining all WIF* macro's instead of filling in those
- that <wait.h> missed.
-Fri Dec 11 09:52:04 1998 Andrew Cagney <cagney@chook>
- * mipsm3-nat.c, hppah-nat.c, infptrace.c, i386gnu-nat.c,
- hppab-nat.c, core-aout.c, arm-xdep.c, alpha-nat.c, altos-xdep.c,
- pyr-xdep.c, remote-st.c, remote-os9k.c, tahoe-tdep.c, pyr-tdep.c,
- vax-tdep.c: Replace reg_name with REGISTER_NAME.
-Thu Dec 10 15:19:40 1998 David Taylor <>
- The following changes were made by Jim Blandy <>,
- Edith Epstein <>, Elena Zannoni
- <> Stan Shebs <>, and David
- Taylor <>, as part of the project to merge in
- changes originally made by HP; HP did not create ChangeLog
- entries.
- * annotate.c (annotate_catchpoint): New function.
- * annotate.h (annotate_catchpoint): declare it; add new includes
- (symtab.h and gdbtypes.h).
- * buildsym.h: add external var processing_hp_compilation.
- * coff-solib.h:
- (SOLIB_REMOVE_INFERIOR_HOOK): new macro. defined to 0.
- functionality not implemented for coff.
- (SOLIB_CREATE_CATCH_LOAD_HOOK): New macro; generate error msg for coff.
- (SOLIB_RESTART): ditto.
- * complaints.h: add ifdef...endif pair at beginning and end of file.
- * dstread.c (dst_symfile_read): the parameter to fileno
- must be of type FILE *. So cast abfd->iostream in the
- call to fileno must be cast as a FILE *, not a GDB_FILE *.
- This will work because abfd->iostream is declared and
- given a value in bdf and bfd will continue to use FILE
- rather than GDB_FILE.
- * dwarf2read.c (dwarf_bool_name): change parameter from bool
- to mybool. sigh.
- * expression.h: include symtab.h
- * frame.h (print_only_stack_frame, show_stack_frame,
- show_frame_info): add prototypes.
- * gdbcmd.h (togglelist, stoplist): declare.
- * gdbcore.h (read_memory_string): declare it.
- (exec_file_attach): add prototype.
- * inflow.c (terminal_is_ours): make non static.
- * minsyms.c: minor spacing change.
- * parser-defs.h (parse_nested_classes_for_hpacc): add prototype.
- (find_template_name_end): add prototype.
- * scm-lang.c (scm_unpack): cast svalue to (int).
- * top.h: declare it.
- * valprint.h (print_binary_chars): new prototype definition.
- (print_octal_chars): new prototype definition.
- (print_decimal_chars): new prototype definition.
-Thu Dec 10 07:14:56 1998 Andrew Cagney <cagney@chook>
- * config/arm/tm-arm.h, arm-tdep.c: Replace REGISTER_NAMES with
- * mn10300-tdep.c, config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h: Ditto.
- * sh-tdep.c, config/sh/tm-sh.h: Ditto.
- * defs.h (REGISTER_NAME): Provide default for old targets.
- * defs.h, infcmd.c: Rename reg_names to gdb_register_names.
- * tracepoint.c, target.c, parse.c, infcmd.c, remote-udi.c,
- expprint.c, infcmd.c, printcmd.c, eval.c, stack.c, findvar.c,
- remote-udi.c, config/alpha/tm-alpha.h, remote-sim.c, d30v-tdep.c,
- config/mips/tm-mips.h, hppa-tdep.c: Use REGISTER_NAME.
-1998-12-08 James E Wilson <>
- * config/i960/ (SIM_OBJS, SIM): Define.
-Tue Dec 8 16:49:24 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- * NEWS: Add mentions of newly-added configurations.
-1998-12-08 Philippe De Muyter <>
- * config/xm-aix4.h (SIGWINCH_HANDLER): Function `aix_resize_window'
- must accept a signal number as parameter.
- * config/rs6000/xm-rs6000.h (SIGWINCH_HANDLER): Ditto.
- * utils.c (initialize_utils): Give a parameter to `SIGWINCH_HANDLER'.
- * inferior.h (register_valid): Variable's type is `SIGNED char', not
- `char'.
- * findvar.c (register_valid): Ditto.
- * defs.h (make_cleanup_func): Protect parameter list by `PARAMS'.
- * gdbthread.h (unbind_target_thread_vector): Likewise.
-Tue Dec 8 15:09:44 1998 Edith Epstein <>
- Merged in m68k-linux patch from Andreas Schwab
- 1998-12-01 Andreas Schwab <>
- *,, configure.tgt: Add support for
- m68k-linux.
- * config/m68k/ New file.
- * config/m68k/ New file.
- * config/m68k/nm-linux.h: New file.
- * config/m68k/tm-linux.h: New file.
- * config/m68k/xm-linux.h: New file.
- * gdb/m68klinux-nat.c: New file.
- * gdbserver/low-linux.c: Add support for m68k-linux.
- * gdb/config/m68k/tm-m68k.h (NUM_FREGS): New macro.
-1998-12-07 Jason Molenda (
- * config/i386/xm-cygwin.h: Remove REQUEST_QUIT definition.
- * config/powerpc/xm-cygwin.h: Ditto.
-1998-12-07 Jim Blandy <>
- * rs6000-tdep.c (pop_frame): Correctly find the registers saved in
- the stack frame. Their offset from the previous stack frame is in
- fdata.gpr_offset and fdata.fpr_offset, not fdata.offset.
- (gdb.base/return.exp)
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h: Doc fixes.
-1998-12-03 Jason Molenda (
- * monitor.c (monitor_read_memory): Zero out pattern buffers
- before calling re_search.
- (parse_register_dump): Ditto.
-Thu Dec 3 10:37:22 EST 1998 Zdenek Radouch (
- FR30 updates - still very preliminary.
- * configure.tgt
- * fr30-tdep.c
- * config/fr30/tm-fr30.h
-Thu Dec 3 16:30:35 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * ax-gdb.c: Include target.h.
-Tue Dec 3 10:59:00 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * ax-gdb.c (_initialize_ax_gdb), i960-tdep.c (pop_frame),
- monitor.c (flush_monitor_dcache, longlongendswap), remote-array.c
- (hexword2ascii), w89k-rom.c (init_w89k_cmds), z8k-tdep.c
- (init_frame_pc, extract_return_value): Make return type void.
- * monitor.c (monitor_write_even_block): Make return type explicit.
- (monotor_read_memory_block): Delete function.
- * monitor.h: Update.
- * remote.c (remote_get_threadlist, remote_update_threads),
- remote-array.c (array_get_packet), remote-rdi.c (Fail): Always
- return a value.
- * m32r-tdep.c (m32r_fix_call_dummy): From Michael Snyder, void
- function.
- * jv-valprint.c (java_val_print): From Stu Grossman. Return 0 by
- default.
-Wed Dec 2 15:11:38 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * tracepoint.c: Move default definition of
- TARGET_VIRTUAL_FRAME_POINTER from here to target.h.
- * target.h: Add default definition of TARGET_VIRTUAL_FRAME_POINTER.
- * ax-gdb.c (gen_frame_args_address, gen_frame_locals_address):
- use TARGET_VIRTUAL_FRAME_POINTER to determine frame pointer.
- (gen_trace_for_expr): new argument, address of tracepoint,
- gets passed to new_agent_expr and added to struct agent_expr.
- (is_nontrivial_conversion): call to new_agent_expr now requires
- a dummy argument. (agent_command): use get_current_frame() to
- get current PC scope; pass it to gen_trace_for_expr.
- * ax-general.c (new_agent_expr): new argument, address of
- tracepoint; store it in new field of struct agent_expr.
- * ax.h (struct agent_expr): add new field for tracepoint address.
- * ax-gdb.h: change prototypes to match above changes.
- * m32r-tdep.c (decode_prologue): If no branch or push fp is found,
- but there's a stack adjust, then use that as the end of prologue.
- (m32r_skip_prologue): don't skip past the first line if there is
- line info. (m32r_virtual_frame_pointer): new function.
- (m32r_fix_call_dummy): no return value needed.
-Tue Dec 1 10:59:00 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * ocd.c (remote_timeout), (BDM_BREAKPOINT), monitor.c (readchar),
- remote.c: Cleanup closing of open comments.
-Mon Nov 30 16:04:03 1998 Doug Evans <>
- * config/fr30/tm-fr30.h (INNER_THAN): Add parameters.
-Mon Nov 30 11:18:48 1998 Andrew Cagney <cagney@chook>
- * frame.h (FRAME_CHAIN_VALID): Default to
- default_frame_chain_valid.
- * blockframe.c (default_frame_chain_valid): New function.
- * frame.h (FRAME_CHAIN_VALID_ALTERNATIVE): Delete references
- * blockframe.c (alternate_frame_chain_valid): New function.
- * config/mips/tm-mipsv4.h, config/m88k/tm-delta88v4.h,
- config/m68k/tm-monitor.h, config/m68k/tm-m68kv4.h,
- config/i386/tm-i386v4.h, config/i386/tm-i386nw.h,
- config/h8300/tm-h8300.h: Update.
- * blockframe.c (nonnull_frame_chain_valid): New function.
- * config/m68k/tm-os68k.h, config/m68k/tm-vx68.h,
- config/m68k/tm-apollo68b.h, config/i960/tm-vx960.h,
- config/arc/tm-arc.h: Update FRAME_CHAIN_VALID.
- * hppa-tdep.c (frame_chain_valid, hppa_frame_chain_valid),
- remote-vx29k.c (get_fp_contents, vx29k_frame_chain_valid),
- arm-tdep.c (frame_chain_valid, arm_frame_chain_valid): Rename
- functions so that they are name space clean.
- * config/pa/tm-hppa.h, config/a29k/tm-vx29k.h,
- config/arm/tm-arm.h: Update FRAME_CHAIN_VALID.
- * gould-tdep.c (gould_frame_chain_valid), d30v-tdep.c
- (d30v_frame_chain_valid), d10v-tdep.c (d10v_frame_chain_valid):
- New functions.
- * config/gould/tm-np1.h, config/gould/tm-pn.h,
- config/d30v/tm-d30v.h, config/d10v/tm-d10v.h: Update
-Sun Nov 29 11:18:37 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * z8k-tdep.c (z8k_addr_bits_remove), w65-tdep.c
- (w65_addr_bits_remove), h8500-tdep.c (h8500_addr_bits_remove),
- m88k-tdep.c (m88k_addr_bits_remove): Function to clean up an
- address.
- * config/z8k/tm-z8k.h, config/w65/tm-w65.h, config/m88k/tm-m88k.h,
- config/h8500/tm-h8500.h: Define ADDR_BITS_REMOVE to call targets
- corresponding function.
- * z8k-tdep.c (saved_pc_after_call): Update.
-Sat Nov 28 12:24:31 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * config/z8k/tm-z8k.h, config/w65/tm-w65.h, config/vax/tm-vax.h,
- config/v850/tm-v850.h, config/tahoe/tm-tahoe.h,
- config/sparc/tm-sparc.h, config/sh/tm-sh.h,
- config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h, config/pyr/tm-pyr.h,
- config/pa/tm-hppa.h, config/ns32k/tm-umax.h,
- config/ns32k/tm-merlin.h, config/none/tm-none.h,
- config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h, config/mn10200/tm-mn10200.h,
- config/mips/tm-mips.h, config/m88k/tm-m88k.h,
- config/m68k/tm-m68k.h, config/m32r/tm-m32r.h,
- config/i960/tm-i960.h, config/i386/tm-i386.h,
- config/h8500/tm-h8500.h, config/h8300/tm-h8300.h,
- config/gould/tm-pn.h, config/gould/tm-np1.h, config/arm/tm-arm.h,
- config/convex/tm-convex.h, config/d10v/tm-d10v.h,
- config/alpha/tm-alpha.h, config/a29k/tm-a29k.h: Add parameters to
- macro INNER_THAN.
- * valops.c (push_word, value_push, call_function_by_hand),
- breakpoint.c (bpstat_stop_status), blockframe.c
- (generic_push_dummy_frame, generic_frame_chain_valid), inferior.h
- (PC_IN_CALL_DUMMY), infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Update use of
-Fri Nov 27 11:00:25 1998 Andrew Cagney <cagney@chook>
- * target.h (one_stepped): Move global from here.
- * infrun.c (singlestep_breakpoints_inserted_p): To here. Rename.
- Make static.
- (wait_for_inferior): Update.
- (resume): Update. Set variable after call to SOFTWARE_SINGLE_STEP.
- * target.h (NO_SINGLE_STEP): Replace with SOFTWARE_SINGLE_STEP_P
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h, config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h,
- config/arc/tm-arc.h: Update.
- * rs6000-tdep.c (rs6000_software_single_step), sparc-tdep.c
- (sparc_software_single_step), arc-tdep.c (arc_single_step): New
- functions. Replace function single_step.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (STEP_SKIPS_DELAY_P): Define.
- * infrun.c (proceed): Cleanup.
-Thu Nov 26 11:19:15 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * config/alpha/tm-alpha.h (ABOUT_TO_RETURN): Replace macro.
- * alpha-tdep.c (alpha_about_to_return): With new function.
- (heuristic_proc_start): Update.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (ABOUT_TO_RETURN), mips-tdep.c
- (heuristic_proc_start, mips_about_to_return): Ditto.
- * config/ns32k/tm-merlin.h (ABOUT_TO_RETURN),
- config/ns32k/tm-umax.h (ABOUT_TO_RETURN), ns32k-tdep.c
- (ns32k_about_to_return, ns32k_get_enter_addr): Ditto.
- * config/z8k/tm-z8k.h, config/w65/tm-w65.h, config/vax/tm-vax.h,
- config/tahoe/tm-tahoe.h, config/sparc/tm-sparc.h,
- config/sh/tm-sh.h, config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h, config/pyr/tm-pyr.h,
- config/pa/tm-hppa.h, config/m88k/tm-m88k.h, config/m68k/tm-m68k.h,
- config/i960/tm-i960.h, config/i386/tm-i386.h,
- config/h8500/tm-h8500.h, config/h8300/tm-h8300.h,
- config/gould/tm-pn.h, config/gould/tm-np1.h,
- config/convex/tm-convex.h, config/arm/tm-arm.h,
- config/arc/tm-arc.h, config/a29k/tm-a29k.h: Delete macro
- * config/w65/tm-w65.h (RTL, RTS): Delete macros.
- * h8500-tdep.c (about_to_return): Delete function.
-Thu Nov 26 11:19:15 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * rs6000-tdep.c (rs6000_breakpoint_from_pc): Change big_breakpoint
- and little_breakpoint to char[] from char*.
- * remote-array.c (array_insert_breakpoint): Change bp_addr to
- CORE_ADDR type.
-Wed Nov 25 00:13:06 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * vx-share/xdr_ld.c (xdr_ldtabl): Cast second arg to char**
- instead of char*.
- * configure.tgt (v850): Only build v850ice when cygwin and gui.
- * Add parameter to --enable-build-warnings.
- * configure: Re-build.
- * c-exp.y (parse_number): Rewrite shift to pacify GCC.
- * config/i960/tm-i960.h (BREAKPOINT): Delete definition - simply
- wrong.
- * monitor.c (compile_pattern): Make val const char*.
- (monitor_wait_cleanup): Make old_timeout void*, pointing at
- old_timeout.
- (monitor_wait): Update.
- * remote-udi.c, remote-sim.c, remote-e7000.c, hppa-tdep.c,
- remote-mips.c, sparcl-tdep.c, xcoffread.c: Cast parameters passed
- to make_cleanup to use the new make_cleanup_func typedef.
- * alpha-tdep.c (MASK): Use LONGEST to avoid arithmetic overflow.
- * config/a29k/tm-a29k.h (TRANSPARENT): Rename macro to
- TRANSPARENT_FRAME. Avoid name-space clash.
- * a29k-tdep.c (init_frame_info): Update.
-Wed Nov 25 20:37:00 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * rs6000-tdep.c (rs6000_breakpoint_from_pc): Change big_breakpoint
- and little_breakpoint to char[] from char*.
- * mem-break.c (memory_insert_breakpoint,
- memory_remove_breakpoint): Pass address of bplen.
- * remote-array.c (array_insert_breakpoint): Change bp_addr to
- CORE_ADDR type.
-Tue Nov 24 15:46:33 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h (TARGET_VIRTUAL_FRAME_POINTER):
- new target macro.
- * mn10300-tdep.c (mn10300_virtual_frame_pointer): new function.
- * tracepoint.c (encode_actions): Use the new target macro to
- determine the virtual frame pointer, for collecting locals/args.
- (add_local_symbols, collect_symbol): add a register/offset pair of
- arguments so that the virtual frame pointer can be passed in.
-1998-11-24 Felix Lee <>
- * procfs.c (procfs_wait): handle syscall events first.
- * procfs.c (GDB_GREGSET_TYPE, GDB_FPREGSET_TYPE): new macros.
- * config/sparc/xm-sun4sol2.h: use them.
- * core-sol2.c: don't #undef gregset_t and fpregset_t.
- * sol-thread.c: ditto.
- * sparc-tdep.c: ditto.
-Tue Nov 24 14:13:10 1998 Andrew Cagney <cagney@chook>
- * breakpoint.c (memory_breakpoint_size): Delete global.
- (read_memory_nobpt): Determine real breakpoint address and size
- * defs.h (breakpoint_from_pc_fn): BREAKPOINT_FROM_PC function
- template.
- * target.h, mem-break.c (memory_breakpoint_from_pc):
- Rewrite. Always define. Return NULL when memory breakpoints are
- not supported.
- (memory_insert_breakpoint, memory_remove_breakpoint): Call
- * target.h (BREAKPOINT_FROM_PC): Provide default.
- * gdbint.texinfo (BREAKPOINT_FROM_PC): Document.
- * config/rs6000/tm-rs6000.h (BREAKPOINT): Delete macro.
- ({BIG,LITTLE}_BREAKPOINT): Move macros from here.
- * rs6000-tdep.c: To here.
- (rs6000_breakpoint_from_pc): New function.
- * config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h (BREAKPOINT): Delete macro.
- (BREAKPOINT_FROM_PC): Define, call.
- * mn10300-tdep.c (mn10300_breakpoint_from_pc): New function.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h ({BIG,LITTLE}_BREAKPOINT,
- MIPS16_{BIG,LITTLE}_BREAKPOINT): Move macros from here.
- * mips-tdep.c: To here.
- * config/arm/tm-arm.h ({BIG,LITTLE}_BREAKPOINT): Delete macros.
- ({ARM,THUMB}_{BE,LE}_BREAKPOINT): Move macros from here.
- * arm-tdep.c: To here.
- * remote-array.c (memory_breakpoint_size): Delete variable.
- (array_insert_breakpoint): Obtain breakpoint size using
- * remote-st.c (memory_breakpoint_size, st2000_insert_breakpoint):
- Ditto.
- * remote-os9k.c (memory_breakpoint_size,
- rombug_insert_breakpoint): Ditto.
- * remote-e7000.c (memory_breakpoint_size): Ditto.
-Mon Nov 23 11:38:40 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * symfile.c (deduce_language_from_filename): rewrite so as to
- work from a table of filename extensions, modifiable by the user.
- (filename_language_table): new data structure.
- (set_ext_lang_command): new function for new command, "set
- extension-language". (info_extension_language_command): new
- function for new command "info extension-languages".
- (add_filename_language, init_filename_language_table): new
- support functions for the above.
- * language.c (language_enum): new function. Support for above.
-Mon Nov 23 10:47:54 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * config/sh/tm-sh.h, config/mn10200/tm-mn10200.h,
- config/m32r/tm-m32r.h, config/arm/tm-arm.h, config/i960/tm-i960.h,
- config/gould/tm-np1.h, config/d10v/tm-d10v.h,
- config/v850/tm-v850.h, config/pa/tm-hppa.h, config/a29k/tm-a29k.h,
- config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h, config/mips/tm-mips.h
- (USE_STRUCT_CONVENTION): Cleanup, define macro as function.
- * sh-tdep.c (sh_use_struct_convention), mn10200-tdep.c
- (mn10200_use_struct_convention), i960-tdep.c
- (i960_use_struct_convention), gould-tdep.c
- (gould_use_struct_convention), d10v-tdep.c
- (d10v_use_struct_convention), v850-tdep.c
- (v850_use_struct_convention), hppa-tdep.c
- (hpha_use_struct_convention), m32r-tdep.c
- (m32r_use_struct_convention), arm-tdep.c
- (arm_use_struct_convention), mn10300-tdep.c
- (mn10300_use_struct_convention), a29k-tdep.c
- (a29k_use_struct_convention), mips-tdep.c
- (mips_use_struct_convention): New functions
- * value.h, values.c (generic_use_struct_convention): New function,
- replace macro.
- * values.c (USE_STRUCT_CONVENTION): Macro defaults to function
- generic_use_struct_convention.
-Sat Nov 21 17:15:40 1998 Philippe De Muyter <>
- * breakpoint.c (bpstat_stop_status): Do not increment hit_count
- of breakpoint if condition is not true.
- * coffread.c (coff_symtab_read): Discard C_LABEL's that are not
- function entry points, to avoid getting them in the stack dump
- instead of the actual function.
- * config/m68k/ (NAT_FILE): Undo 1998-08-18 change;
- without NAT_FILE definition, configure will assume that GDB cannot
- run native.
- * config/m68k/nm-delta68.h (KERNEL_U_SIZE): New macro.
- * delta68-nat.c (kernel_u_size): New function.
-Fri Nov 20 10:13:03 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * buildsym.c (end_symtab): Cleanup PROCESS_LINENUMBER_HOOK.
-Thu Nov 19 15:21:04 1998 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * rdi-share/host.h: if compiling under Cygwin, make sure new
- preprocessor define is defined. Define it if not.
- * rdi-share/hostchan.h: ditto
- * rdi-share/aclocal.m4: regenerate
- * rdi-share/configure: regenerate
-Thu Nov 19 14:43:44 1998 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * switch back to checking __CYGWIN32__
- * configure: regenerate
-Thu Nov 19 09:53:00 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * exec.c (exec_file_command): Cleanup. Replace #if
- NEED_TEXT_START_END with if().
- * config/pa/nm-hppah.h (NEED_TEXT_START_END): Redefine to be 1.
- * config/convex/tm-convex.h (NEED_TEXT_START_END): Ditto.
- * config/gould/tm-np1.h (NEED_TEXT_START_END): Ditto.
- * config/a29k/tm-a29k.h (NEED_TEXT_START_END): Ditto.
-Thu Nov 19 13:06:22 1998 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * main.c: Wait until more time has passed before calling
- new cygwin_ funcs, revert back to the cygwin32_ ones for now.
- * win32-nat.c: Ditto.
-Wed Nov 18 15:03:17 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * 29k-share/udi/udip2soc.c (UDIConnect): Replace sys_errlist with
- strerror.
-Mon Nov 16 14:17:05 1998 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * defs.h: if compiling under Cygwin, define __CYGWIN__ if
- __CYGWIN32__ is defined and __CYGWIN__ isn't for backwards
- compatibility.
-Fri Nov 13 00:15:08 1998 Geoffrey Noer <>
- Changes to account for name change from cygwin32 to cygwin and
- clean up Win32-related ifdefs.
- * configure.tgt: check for cygwin* instead of cygwin32.
- New cygwin gdb_target variable loses the "32".
- * check for cygwin* instead of cygwin32.
- New cygwin gdb_host variable loses the "32".
- * test __CYGWIN__ instead of __CYGWIN32__,
- rename gdb_cv_os_cygwin32 variable to drop the "32". Call
- AM_EXEEXT instead of AC_EXEEXT since that isn't in a released
- autoconf yet.
- * configure: regenerate.
- * main.c: drop "32" from cygwin_ funcs, include sys/cygwin.h where
- cygwin path conv protos live, instead of adding a proto here for
- them here.
- * {main.c, ser-tcp.c, ser-unix.c, top.c}: check __CYGWIN__
- instead of __CYGWIN32__.
- * source.c: thoughout, check _WIN32 instead of WIN32.
- * config/i386/ delete.
- * config/i386/ new file, was
- * config/i386/ delete.
- * config/i386/ new file, was
- * config/i386/tm-cygwin32.h: delete.
- * config/i386/tm-cygwin.h: new file, was tm-cygwin32.h.
- * config/i386/xm-cygwin32.h: delete.
- * config/i386/xm-cygwin.h: new file, was xm-cygwin32.h.
- * config/i386/xm-windows.h: #include xm-cygwin.h now.
- * config/powerpc/ delete.
- * config/powerpc/ new file, was
- * config/powerpc/ delete.
- * config/powerpc/ new file, was
- * config/powerpc/tm-cygwin32.h: delete.
- * config/powerpc/tm-cygwin.h: new file, was tm-cygwin32.h.
- * config/powerpc/xm-cygwin32.h: delete.
- * config/powerpc/xm-cygwin.h: new file, was xm-cygwin32.h.
- * rdi-share/aclocal.m4: regenerate with aclocal.
- * rdi-share/configure: regenerate with autoconf.
- * rdi-share/{host.h, hostchan.c, hostchan.h, serdrv.c, serpardr.c,
- unixcomm.c}: check __CYGWIN__ instead of __CYGWIN32__.
-Thu Nov 12 17:19:43 1998 John Metzler <>
- * remote.c (remote_get_threadinfo): Support for remote
- multithread debugging.
- (remote_get_threadlist): get a partial list of threads
- (remote_threadlist_iterator): Step through all the threads
- (init_remote_threadtests): Optional builtin unit test commands.
- * thread.c (bind_target_thread_vector): Implementa a more dynamic
- way of accessing target specific thread info functions than
- (target_thread_info): Function to get extended thread information.
- * gdbthread.h: Export internal data structures corresponding to
- external detailed thread info response. This is more like a 'ps'
- command than what might be expected of host based threads. This
- is for embedded systems.
-Wed Nov 11 15:47:00 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * procfs.c (proc_set_exec_trap): don't set PR_ASYNC or PR_FORK
- in the child process for UnixWare (causes processes forked by
- the debuggee to hang).
-Mon Nov 9 12:00:36 1998 Dave Brolley <>
- * config/fr30/ New file.
- * config/fr30/tm-fr30.h: New file.
-1998-11-05 Jim Wilson <>
- * remote-vx.c (net_read_registers, net_write_registers,
- vx_xver_memory, vx_resume, vx_attach, vx_detach, vx_kill):
- Change errno to errno_num.
- * vx-share/xdr_ptrace.c (xdr_ptrace_return): Likewise.
- * vx-share/xdr_ptrace.h (struct ptrace_return): Likewise.
-Thu Nov 5 08:41:33 1998 Christopher Faylor <>
- * top.c (gdb_readline): Allow CRLF line termination on systems
- which define CRLF_SOURCE_FILES.
- * win32-nat.c: 1) Add thread support, 2) fix ability to attach to
- a running process, and 3) implement limited support for cygwin
- signals.
- (thread_rec): New function.
- (child_add_thread): Ditto.
- (child_init_thread_list): Ditto.
- (child_delete_thread): Ditto.
- (do_child_fetch_inferior_registers): Ditto.
- (do_child_store_inferior_registers): Ditto.
- (handle_output_debug_string): Ditto.
- (child_fetch_inferior_registers): Use do_* function to perform
- operation.
- (child_store_inferior_registers): Ditto.
- (child_continue): Ditto.
- (child_thread_alive): Ditto.
- (cygwin_pid_to_str): Ditto.
- (handle_load_dll): Reorganize, add first attempt at reading
- dll names from attached processes. Change info messages to provide
- more information when dll is already loaded.
- (handle_exception): Changes mandated by new thread-aware structures.
- (child_wait): Track thread creation/destruction. Handle cygwin
- signals.
- (child_create_inferior): Ditto.
- (child_resume): Ditto.
- (child_kill_inferior): Ditto. Close child process handle to avoid a
- handle leak.
- (child_ops): Fill out child_ops fields that deal with threads.
- * config/i386/tm-cygwin32.h: Declare function and macro needed
- for converting a cygwin "pid" to a string.
- * config/i386/xm-cygwin32.h: define HAVE_SIGSETMASK as 0 since
- sigsetmask is not defined in cygwin.
-Thu Nov 5 08:38:18 1998 Christopher Faylor <>
- * win32-nat.c: Remove obsolete PPC conditionals.
-Wed Nov 4 18:44:31 1998 Dave Brolley <>
- * configure.tgt: Add fr30-*-elf*.
-1998-11-03 Jim Wilson <>
- * c-exp.y (parse_number): Check TARGET_LONG_LONG_BIT when setting
- high_bit to avoid undefined negative shift.
-Mon Nov 2 15:26:33 1998 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * Check cygwin* instead of cygwin32*.
- * configure: regenerate
-Thu Oct 29 10:04:20 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- [Support for trace debugging: registers that were not collected.]
- * remote.c (remote_fetch_registers): accept 'xxxx' in the register
- packet, with the meaning "register value is not available".
- Set register_valid to -1, which will connote "no value available".
- * findvar.c (read_relative_register_raw_bytes): return failure if
- register_valid == -1. (value_of_register): return failure if
- register_valid == -1. (read_var_value): return error if
- value_of_register fails for a register variable.
- (value_from_register): return failure if register_valid == -1.
- * eval.c (evaluate_subexp_standard): return error if
- value_of_register fails for a register used in an expression.
- * infcmd.c (do_registers_info): display "value not available"
- for registers for which register_valid == -1.
- * tracepoint.c (set_raw_tracepoint): just save the filename as is
- from the symbol table, rather than trying to prepend the dir name.
- Also save the bfd section. (tracepoints_info): use the section
- when looking up the function name.
- * tracepoint.h: add section field to tracepoint struct.
-Wed Oct 28 08:01:38 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * sparcl-tdep.c (send_resp, sparclite_serial_start,
- sparclite_serial_write): Use remote_timeout instead of hardcoded
- two second timeout.
- (download): Fix adjustment of a.out load addresses.
-Wed Oct 28 12:32:58 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * (--enable-build-warnings): Finish rename from
- --enable-warnings.
- (enable-build-warnings): Add -Wpointer-arth, allow =* for
- sim/common compatibility.
- * configure: Re-generate.
-Wed Oct 21 08:44:30 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * 29k-share/udi/udip2soc.c: Replace sys_errlist with strerror().
-Thu Oct 22 09:56:55 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * config/rs6000/ (NATDEPFILES): Move xcoffread.o from here.
- * config/rs6000/ (TDEPFILES): To here.
-Wed Oct 21 10:02:31 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * rdi-share/unixcomm.c: Provide definitions of SERPORT and PARPORT
- on BSD hosts.
-1998-10-19 Jason Molenda (
- * (AM_EXEEXT): Use AC_EXEEXT instead.
- * configure: Regenerated.
-Sat Oct 17 17:39:23 1998 Felix Lee <>
- * core-sol2.c: #include <sys/types.h>, for sol2.7 weirdness.
-Fri Oct 16 15:31:38 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * m32r-tdep.c (decode_prologue): Return failure if we reach
- the end of the function without finding the end of the prologue.
-1998-10-16 Jason Molenda (
- * command.c copying.c copying.awk core-aout.c core-regset.c
- corelow.c dcache.c i386-tdep.c i386v4-nat.c i387-tdep.c
- infcmd.c infptrace.c infrun.c remote.c solib.c symfile.c
- symmisc.c valarith.c: Add prototypes.
- * defs.h: Add prototype for utils.c::do_run_cleanups.
- * gdbtypes.c: Add prototypes.
- (make_pointer_type): Add braces to remove nested if-else ambiguity.
- (make_reference_type): Ditto.
- * printcmd.c (printf_command): Initialize 'f' and 'string' at
- function startup to suppress possibly-used-before-initialized warning.
- * remote-utils.c: Add prototypes.
- (sr_pollchar): Add braces to remove nested if-else ambiguity.
- * ser-tcp.c: Add prototypes.
- (wait_for): Add braces to remove nested if-else ambiguity.
- (tcp_readchar): Ditto.
- * ser-unix.c: Add prototypes.
- (get_tty_state): Don't define errno here.
- (hardwire_readchar): Only define 't' if we are compiling in a Cygwin
- environment.
- * symtab.c: Add prototypes.
- (find_methods): Add braces to remove nested if-else ambiguity.
- (search_symbols): Set 'i' to an initial value to suppress a
- possibly-used-before-initialized warning.
- * valops.c: Add prototypes.
- (value_cast): Set 'eltype2' to an initial value to suppress a
- possibly-used-before-initialized warning.
- (value_of_variable): Add braces to remove nested if-else ambiguity.
- (value_of_this): Ditto.
- * valprint.c: Add prototypes.
- (print_floating): Add braces to remove nested if-else ambiguity.
-Thu Oct 15 19:50:48 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- Remove, nevermore used.
-Thu Oct 15 16:55:00 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * command.c: Include "wait.h" after, rather than before, <wait.h>.
- "wait.h" was defining all WIF* macro's instead of filling in those
- that <wait.h> missed.
-1998-10-14 Jason Molenda (
- * defs.h: Move _initialize_printcmd, _initialize_stack,
- _initialize_blockframe out of here and in to their respective .c
- files.
- * blockframe.c: Move _initialize_blockframe prototype to here.
- * printcmd.c: Move _initialize_printcmd prototype to here.
- * stack.c: Move _initialize_stack prototype to here.
- * source.c, symtab.h: Move _initialize_source prototype to the .c
- file.
- * values.c, value.h: Move _initialize_values prototype to the .c file.
- * gdbthread.h, thread.c: Move _initialize_thread prototype to the .c
- file.
- * breakpoint.c, breakpoint.h: Move _initialize_breakpoint prototype
- to the .c file.
- * abug-rom.c alpha-nat.c alpha-tdep.c annotate.c ax-gdb.c bcache.c:
- Standardize comments for the prototype section of these files.
- * Look in libc for wctype before looking for it in libc.
-Tue Oct 13 18:56:51 1998 Felix Lee <>
- * sol-thread.c (ps_pstop, etc): simple test for proc_service.h
- version didn't work for sol2.6; pushed it to autoconf.
- * (gdb_cv_proc_service_is_old): new test.
- * acconfig.h (PROC_SERVICE_IS_OLD): new define.
- * configure, regenerate.
-1998-10-13 Jason Molenda (
- * blockframe.c (find_pc_sect_partial_function): Add braces to avoid
- possible nested-if confusion.
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_here_p): Ditto.
- (breakpoint_inserted_here_p): Ditto.
- (breakpoint_thread_match): Ditto.
- * gnu-regex.c: Define _REGEX_RE_COMP only if it isn't already defined.
- * gnu-regex.h: Define _REGEX_RE_COMP to pick up old compatability
- prototypes.
- * symtab.h: Add prototype for _initialize_source.
- * value.h: Add prototype for _initialize_value.
- * defs.h: Include sys/types.h or stddef.h to get size_t.
- (make_cleanup): Add make_cleanup_func typedef and switch to using
- a prototype for this function.
- (mfree): Add prototypes for mmalloc, mrealloc, mfree if we aren't
- using mmalloc.
- * ax-gdb.c breakpoint.c coffread.c corelow.c dbxread.c
- dwarf2read.c dwarfread.c elfread.c eval.c exec.c infcmd.c infrun.c
- mipsread.c nlmread.c os9kread.c parse.c printcmd.c symfile.c
- symmisc.c symtab.c thread.c top.c tracepoint.c typeprint.c
- valops.c: Cast parameters passed to make_cleanup to use the new
- make_cleanup_func typedef.
-Tue Oct 13 00:51:48 1998 Felix Lee <>
- * sol-thread.c (ps_pstop, etc): different solaris versions have
- slightly different prototypes in proc_service.h; compensate.
-1998-10-12 Jason Molenda (
- * (AWK): Unused; remove.
- * Remove unused autoconf checks for MINIX, memcpy,
- poll, select, strings.h.
- * Regenerated.
- * configure: Regenerated.
-1998-10-12 Jason Molenda (
- * Check for sys/debugreg.h, asm/debugreg.h.
- * i386v-nat.c: Include asm/debugreg.h, sys/debugreg.h if it is not
- present.
-Sun Oct 11 12:08:07 1998 Peter Schauer <>
- * dwarf2read.c (dwarf2_build_psymtabs_hard): Do not adjust the
- address range of a compilation unit without children.
- * mdebugread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Fix handling of stabs
- continuations, use xmalloc and xrealloc.
-Fri Oct 9 18:14:43 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * rs6000-tdep.c: Don't include tm.h twice.
-1998-10-08 Keith Seitz <>
- * main.c (main): Remove calls to {pre,post}_add_symbol_hooks.
- There should be sufficient information/hooks now to eliminate
- this hack.
- * exec.c (file_command): Add a new hook here to inform ui's
- when the exec file has changed. Adding it here allows the
- ui to be informed after symbol reading.
- * gdbcore.h: Add declaration of file_changed_hook.
-Thu Oct 8 08:40:42 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * rs6000-tdep.c (get_saved_register): Define only if
-1998-10-06 Jason Molenda (
- Eliminate a few warnings from the compiler.
- * breakpoint.h: Add prototype.
- * breakpoint.c (do_enable_breakpoint): cast mem_cnt, i to (void).
- * Check if strdup declaration is necessary.
- * configure: Regenerated.
- * defs.h: Add prototypes.
- * gdb_string.h: Only define strdup if necessary.
- * gdbthread.h: Add prototypes.
- * printcmd.c: Add prototyptes.
- (disassemble_command): Remove unused variable 'section'.
- * symtab.c: Add prototypes.
- * symtab.h: Include gnu-regex.h, add prototype.
- * thread.c: Add prototype.
-Mon Oct 5 19:44:39 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- From David Purves <>:
- * stabsread.c (rs6000_builtin_type): Create a complex float instead
- of an error.
- (read_sun_floating_type): Similarly.
- (read_range_type): Create a complex float if self_subrange is
- true.
-Fri Oct 2 19:42:31 1998 Stu Grossman <>
- * c-lang.c (emit_char c_printchar c_printstr), c-lang.h (c_printstr)
- ch-lang.c (chill_printstr chill_printchar) c-valprint.c (c_val_print)
- ch-valprint.c (chill_val_print) expprint.c (print_subexp) f-lang.c
- (f_printstr f_printchar emit_char) f-valprint.c (f_val_print)
- jv-lang.c (java_printchar java_emit_char) jv-valprint.c
- (java_value_print java_val_print) language.c (unk_lang_printchar
- unk_lang_printstr unk_lang_emit_char) language.h (struct
- language_defn LA_PRINT_STRING LA_EMIT_CHAR) m2-lang.c (m2_printstr
- m2_printchar emit_char) printcmd.c (print_formatted) scm-lang.c
- (scm_printstr) valprint.c (val_print_string) value.h
- (val_print_string): Add emit_char routines to language_desc struct
- to allow finer control over language specific character output issues.
- Add character width arg to printstr routines to allow handling of
- wchar_t/Unicode strings. Fix c_printstr to handle wide characters.
- Supply width argument to LA_PRINT_STRING and val_print_string.
- * jv-lang.c (java_object_type dynamics_objfile java_link_class_type
- get_dynamics_objfile get_java_object_type) jv-lang.h
- (get_java_object_type): Make lots of things static.
- * expprint.c (dump_prefix_expression dump_subexp): Move opcode name
- printing to common routine (op_name).
- * (dump_subexp): Add support for OP_SCOPE.
-Fri Oct 2 16:25:54 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- * (i[3456]86-*-windows): Remove, no longer used.
- * mswin: Remove directory, no longer used.
-Fri Oct 2 18:52:20 1998 Fernando Nasser <>
- * sol-thread.c: Fixed prototypes and calls to supply_fpregset and
- fill_fpregset
-1998-10-02 Keith Seitz <>
- * remote.c (remote_interrupt): Rewrite to use remote_stop.
- (remote_interrupt_twice): Remove. remote_stop now handles it.
- (remote_stop): New function which handles interrupting the
- remote target so that CLUI and GUI use the same core functions
- to achieve the same goal.
- (remote_wait): Change to handle remote_stop properly.
- [interrupted_already]: New static global to help remote_stop.
- [remote_ops, extended_remote_ops]: Add remote_stop for to_stop member.
- * target.c: Rename static function "ignore" to "target_ignore" and
- export it so that gdb can determin if some target vector member is
- actually not defined. Replace all occurances of ignore.
- * target.h: Export target_ignore.
-Fri Oct 2 03:51:48 1998 Peter Schauer <>
- * target.c (target_xfer_memory): Handle requests with zero
- transfer length right away.
- * values.c (unpack_double): Set up code, length and signedness of
- type _after_ checking for typedef.
-Thu Oct 1 15:39:27 EDT 1998 Frank Ch. Eigler <>
- * breakpoint.c (bpstat_stop_status): Do not consider an
- untripped watchpoint as a "hit".
-Thu Oct 1 20:52:39 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * exec.c (exec_file_command), convex-tdep.c (exec_file_command),
- arm-xdep.c (exec_file_command), remote-rdp.c
- (remote_rdp_create_inferior), remote-os9k.c
- (rombug_create_inferior), remote-mm.c (mm_create_inferior),
- remote-eb.c (eb_create_inferior), remote-es.c
- (es1800_create_inferior), remote-rdi.c (arm_rdi_create_inferior),
- remote-sim.c (gdbsim_create_inferior), remote-utils.c
- (gr_create_inferior), remote-st.c (st2000_create_inferior),
- remote-nindy.c (nindy_create_inferior), remote-hms.c
- (hms_create_inferior), remote-e7000.c (e7000_create_inferior),
- remote-array.c (array_create_inferior), remote-adapt.c
- (adapt_create_inferior): Replace "exec" with "executable" in
- messages.
-1998-09-25 Keith Seitz <>
- * rdi-share/unixcomm.c: If using cygwin32, also use the SERPORT and
- PARPORT defines for win32.
- (Unix_MatchValidSerialDevice): For cygwin32, valid serial port names
- start with "com", not "/dev/tty".
- (Unix_OpenSerial): Do not use O_NONBLOCK on cygwin32.
- * rdi-share/devsw.c (DevSW_Close): Free the device's state
- (SwitcherState) so that the device may be reopened.
- * remote-rdi.c (mywritec): Send all output through gdb's *_unfiltered
- functions, ignoring non-ASCII chars, so that non-tty UI's can snarf
- the output from fputs_hook.
- (mywrite): Ditto.
- (arm_rdi_open): Set inferior_pid.
- (arm_rdi_detach): Pop the target off the target stack so that
- users can attach and detach multiple times.
- (arm_rdi_close): Close the opened device and reset inferior_pid, too.
-1998-09-24 Jason Molenda (
- * Change --enable-warnings to --enable-build-warnings.
- * configure: Updated.
-1998-09-24 Jason Molenda (
- * (WARN_CFLAGS): Add -Wmissing-prototypes.
- * configure: Regenerated.
-1998-09-24 Jason Molenda (
- * Add --enable-warnings.
- Adjust whitespace of other --with and --enable options so that
- configure --help lines up correctly.
- * aclocal.m4: Ditto.
- * (WARN_CFLAGS): Add. Set by configure.
- * configure: Regenerated.
-Thu Sep 24 15:44:34 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote-rdi.c: Fix formatting, remove some commented-out code.
- (init_rdi_ops): Omit needless initializations.
-Wed Sep 23 18:21:03 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote.c (remote_address_masked): New function - mask address
- according to REMOTE_ADDRESS_SIZE.
- (remote_address_size): New global.
- (hexnumstr): New function - convert arbitrary unsigned to hex.
- (remote_write_bytes, remote_read_bytes): Use hexnumstr to
- construct packet address. Mask address when necessary.
- (_initialize_remote): Add "set remoteaddresssize" command, set
- * NEWS: Update.
-Wed Sep 23 18:08:52 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote.c (_initialize_remote, packet_command, print_packet):
- Pretty print code.
-Wed Sep 23 12:32:54 1998 <>
- * remote.c (packet_command): Test REMOTE_DESC to determine if
- remote connection is open.
-Tue Sep 22 22:27:24 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- Patch from Dawn Perchik <>:
- * rs6000-tdep.c (pop_frame): Handle generic dummy frames.
- (push_arguments): Likewise.
- (frame_saved_pc): Likewise.
- (rs6000_frame_chain): Likewise.
- (ppc_push_return_address): New function.
- (get_saved_register): New function.
- * config/powerpc/tm-ppc-eabi.h: Add generic dummy frame macros.
-Mon Sep 21 19:29:32 1998 Stu Grossman <>
- * defs.h utils.c (fputc_filtered): New function. Does the obvious...
- * jv-lang.c (java_printchar): Fix output of chars > 0xff. Fold
- java_emit_char into java_printchar.
- * language.h (PRINT_LITERAL_FORM): Reformat for readability.
-Mon Sep 21 14:38:03 1998 Catherine Moore <>
- * config/arm/tm-arm.h (*_BREAKPOINT): Define both little endian
- and big endian breakpoint patterns.
- * arm-tdep.c (arm_break_point_from_pc): Insert either big endian
- or little endian breakpoints depending upon target byte order.
-Fri Sep 18 07:53:08 1998 Peter Schauer <>
- * sol-thread.c (sol_thread_notice_signals): Use PIDGET when
- passing pid down to procfs_notice_signals.
-Wed Sep 16 14:57:14 1998 Stu Grossman <>
- * stabsread.c (resolve_symbol_reference): Return 1 on success, 0 on
- failure.
- * (define_symbol): Check return value from resolve_symbol_reference,
- and drop symbol if it fails.
-Tue Sep 15 15:24:16 1998 Stu Grossman <>
- * stabsread.c: Make all complaints static.
- * Fix formatting of live range splitting code.
- * (resolve_symbol_reference define_symbol resolve_live_range): Change
- errors to complaints so that bad live range symbols won't abort the
- entire symbol table. Handle errors by aborting just the current
- symbol.
- * (ref_init): Goes away. Folded into ref_add().
- * (REF_MAP_SIZE): Put parens around parameter so that args like
- `1 + 2' get handled correctly (yes, this was a real bug).
- * (ref_add): Remove check for allocation failures. Not necessary
- when using xrealloc(). Fix pointer arithmetic problem when clearing
- memory. This and the previous patch prevent random SEGV's when there
- are lots of live range symbols.
-Tue Sep 15 14:02:01 1998 Nick Clifton <>
- * remote-rdi.c: Prevent multiple attempts to close the remote
- connection.
-Tue Sep 15 10:24:17 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * printcmd.c (examine_i_type): New static - type for instructions.
- (do_examine): For "i" format, specify examine_i_type.
- (do_examine): Call value_at_lazy instead of value_at so that
- examine data is only fetched if it is used.
- (x_command): If examine data was not fetched, set convenience
- variable "__" to void.
- (_initialize_printcmd): Initialize examine_i_type.
-Sun Sep 13 01:34:59 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * blockframe.c (find_pc_sect_partial_function): use bfd section
- of msymbol for end of section comparison.
-Fri Sep 11 14:02:49 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * tracepoint.c: clean up several unused variables and such.
-Fri Sep 11 12:38:34 EDT 1998 Zdenek Radouch (
- * arm-tdep.c (arm_push_arguments): fixed frame construction
-Thu Sep 10 20:51:23 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * mn10300-tdep.c (mn10300_analyze_prologue): guard against NULL.
-Wed Sep 9 19:37:36 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- * dbxread.c (IGNORE_SYMBOL): Remove definition, is never used.
- * os9kread.c: Remove comment mentioning IGNORE_SYMBOL.
-Wed Sep 9 11:39:05 1998 Ron Unrau <>
- * blockframe.c(find_pc_sect_partial_function): look for min syms in
- the same section when trying to guess the end of a function.
- * symfile.c(list_overlays_command): use print_address_numeric
- * remote-sim.c: export simulator_command
-1998-09-08 Jason Molenda (
- * breakpoint.c (bpstat_stop_status): Declare a bp match if the
- current fp matches the bp->fp OR if the current fp is less than
- the bp->fp if we're looking at a bp_step_resume breakpoint.
-Tue Sep 8 19:42:58 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- * symtab.h (struct symtab): Remove EXTRA_SYMTAB_INFO hook,
- not currently used.
- * symfile.c (allocate_symtab): Deprecate use of
-Fri Sep 4 15:33:25 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- * README: Update remote debugging and testsuite info.
-Thu Sep 3 13:50:20 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * config/mn10300/tm-mn10300.h (FP_REGNUM): Redefine to be a
- pseudo-register, not the same as a3.
- * mn10300-tdep.c (fix_frame_pointer): New function.
- (set_movm_offsets): Use register number macros instead of
- hard-coded constants.
- (mn10300_analyze_prologue): Fix to handle redefinition of FP_REGNUM.
- (mn10300_frame_chain): Fix to handle redefinition of FP_REGNUM;
- use register number macros instead of hard-coded constants;
- add missing parameter to call of mn10300_analyze_prologue.
- (mn10300_frame_saved_pc): Use register number macros instead of
- hard-coded constants.
-Tue Sep 1 12:04:57 EDT 1998 Zdenek Radouch (
- Changes to support/fix ARM/ELF port. Use MAKE_MSYMBOL_SPECIAL for
- both ELF and COFF;
- * elfread.c (elf_symtab_read): use ELF specific macro
- * coffread.c (coff_symtab_read): use COFF_MAKE_MSYMBOL_SPECIAL()
- * arm-tdep.c: separate COFF and ELF thumb processing
- disable --mapcs-float processing
- * dwarf2read.c: Disabled building of minimal symbols
- * config/arm/tm-arm.h: new macros for distinguishing arm/thumb
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h: use ELF specific macro
-Mon Aug 31 15:42:10 1998 Tom Tromey <>
- * top.c (context_hook): Define.
-Tue Aug 25 13:21:58 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * ax-gdb.c (gen_var_ref): Allow for typedef types.
- (gen_cast, gen_bitfield_ref, gen_expr, gen_deref): ditto.
-Mon Aug 24 18:29:03 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * tracepoint.c (collect_symbol): Handle register doubles that
- are stored in two registers.
-Mon Aug 24 14:39:08 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * sh-stub.c (undoSStep): Improve comment.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_extract_struct_value_address): Simplify to use
- same method on both 32-bit and 64-bit machines.
- * sparcl-tdep.c (sparclite_check_watch_resources): Simulator doesn't
- support hardware breakpoints.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h (CALL_DUMMY): Improve comments.
-1998-08-20 Jason Molenda (
- * rdi-share/ (INCLUDES): Fix typeo.
- * rdi-share/ Regenerated.
-1998-08-19 Jason Molenda (
- * rdi-share/ Use just `INCLUDES' not `libname_INCLUDES'.
- * rdi-share/ Regenerated.
-1998-08-19 Keith Seitz <>
- * v850ice.c (v850ice_stop): New function to stop the ICE.
- (v850ice_load) Pass filename to ICE DLL.
- (ice_stepi, ice_nexti, ice_cont): Do not directly call the gdb
- commands -- let the GUI do it so that it can retain control
- of the display.
-Wed Aug 19 15:53:52 1998 Anthony Green <>
- * i386v4-nat.c: Include sys/reg.h if present.
-Wed Aug 19 03:07:53 1998 Richard Henderson <>
- * config/alpha/alpha-linux (XDEPFILES): Build ser-tcp.
-1998-08-18 Fernando Nasser <>
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): For minimal symbol, SKIP_PROLOG to
- make sure we stop after the frame pointer is locaded and backtrace
- prints an accurate stack. Complements changes made on Mon Jul 27
- 10:45:56 1998
- (decode_line_2): Replaced the whitespace after ">" in a prompt
- which has been taken away by changes made on Sun Jul 19 02:11:45
- 1998
-1998-08-18 Keith Seitz <>
- * stack.c: Define new hook, selected_frame_level_changed_hook, which
- will be called whenever the selected stack level changes.
- (select_frame): Call the selected_frame_level_changed_hook.
-Tue Aug 18 18:03:42 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote-rdi.c (arm_rdi_open): Pass serial device name to
- Adp_OpenDevice, and include it in error reports.
-1998-08-18 Jason Molenda (
- * Add more header files to AC_CHECK_HEADERS.
- * configure: Regenerated.
- * command.c: Include wait.h or sys/wait.h if present.
- * inftarg.c: Ditto.
- * core-aout.c: Include ptrace.h or sys/ptrace.h if present, based
- on autoconf test.
- * infptrace.c: Ditto.
- * expprint.c: Include ctype.h for isprint prototype.
- * i386aix-nat.c: Include sys/reg.h if autoconf says it is present.
- * i386v-nat.c: Include ptrace.h, sys/ptrace.h, and sys/reg.h if
- present, based on autoconf test.
- * utils.c: Include curses.h and term.h if present.
- (puts_debug): Change 'carriage_return' local variable to return_p
- to avoid name clash.
- * config/m68k/nm-apollo68b.h: Don't define PTRACE_IN_WRONG_PLACE,
- determine it with autoconf.
- * config/i386/nm-linux.h: Don't define NO_SYS_REG_H, determine it
- with autoconf.
- * config/i386/nm-i386sco.h: Don't define NO_PTRACE_H, determine it
- with autoconf.
- * config/i386/nm-i386v.h: Ditto.
- * config/i386/nm-symmetry.h: Ditto.
- * config/m88k/xm-cxux.h: Ditto.
- * config/m88k/xm-dgux.h: Ditto.
- * config/m68k/ (NAT_FILE): nm-delta68.h no longer necessary.
- * config/m68k/nm-delta68.h: Removed.
-Fri Aug 14 11:14:03 1998 Jeffrey A Law (
- * mn10300-tdep.c (set_movm_offsets): Change second argument to
- be the actual args to movm itself. All callers changed. Only set
- fi->fsr.regs[x] if reg X is saved by the movm instruction.
-Fri Aug 14 04:18:23 1998 Peter Schauer <>
- * sol-thread.c (lwp_to_thread): Fix error message for failing
- td_ta_map_lwp2thr call.
- (ps_lgetLDT): Mask off upper bits in GS register when comparing
- with selector.
-Wed Aug 12 16:30:01 1998 Frank Ch. Eigler <>
- * remote-sim.c (simulator_command): Reset register cache after
- simulator command.
-Wed Aug 12 09:00:26 1998 Stu Grossman <>
- * expprint.c (dump_prefix/postfix_expression): Don't try to print
- type expressions.
-Tue Aug 11 11:33:25 1998 Stu Grossman <>
- * c-typeprint.c (c_print_type): Don't crash if varstring is null.
- * expprint.c expression.h (dump_expression): Rename to
- dump_prefix_expression.
- * Print out the expression in normal form. Call print_longest
- instead of trying to do it ourselves.
- * (dump_postfix_expression): New function, prints out the expression
- with indentation and better formatting and interpretation.
- * parse.c (parse_exp_1): Put calls to dump expressions under ifdef
- MAINTENANCE_CMDS and expressiondebug variable.
-Thu Aug 6 13:20:02 1998 Ron Unrau <>
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): use stop_func_name instead of
- stop_func_start to decide that no debug info exists.
-Thu Jul 30 13:53:50 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * mips-tdep.c (mask_address_p): New variable.
- (mips_addr_bits_remove): Test mask_address_p to decide whether
- to mask off the upper 32 bits of addresses.
- (_initialize_mips_tdep): Add command to set mask_address_p.
- (mips_call_dummy_address): New function.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (CALL_DUMMY_ADDRESS): Redefine to
- call mips_call_dummy_address.
-1998-07-29 Fernando Nasser <>
- * symfile.c (add_symbol_file_command): Test for the from_tty
- parameter and avoid query when not interactive.
-Mon Jul 27 16:11:42 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * tracepoint.c (remote_set_transparent_ranges): new function.
- Send the start and end addresses of all loadable read-only
- sections down to the trace target, so that it can treat them
- as "transparent" (ie. don't care if they were collected or not).
-Mon Jul 27 15:38:07 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * mn10300-tdep.c (mn10300_analyze_prologue): Undo previous fix
- for setting frame address in optimized code; made unnecessary
- by compiler fixes.
-Mon Jul 27 10:45:56 1998 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): For minimal symbol, call
- find_pc_sect_line() to make sure the line number gets set
- properly.
- (print_symbol_info): Redeclare function void.
-1998-07-27 Jason Molenda (
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h (REGISTER_NAMES): sp -> r15. The
- stack pointer et al are synthesized from the SP_REGNUM (etc)
- defines and should not be mentioned in REGISTER_NAMES.
-Fri Jul 24 14:41:19 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * tracepoint.c (encode_actions): Treat register names and simple
- variable names as special cases and don't convert them to byte-
- codes: these things can be collected far more efficiently
- without invoking the bytecode interpreter.
-Fri Jul 24 13:32:46 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * config/i386/tm-i386.h (STORE_STRUCT_RETURN): Make it
- work on hosts of any endianness.
- * config/i386/tm-i386v.h: Ditto.
-Fri Jul 24 07:41:12 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * mn10300-tdep.c (set_movm_offsets): New helper function
- for mn10300_analyze_prologue.
- (mn10300_analyze_prologue): Simplify by factoring out common code.
- Fix bugs in setting frame address for optimized code.
- Use read_memory_nobpt instead of target_read_memory.
-Thu Jul 23 17:01:17 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * tracepoint.c (collect_symbol): handle LOC_ARG case.
-Thu Jul 23 15:07:40 1998 Dawn Perchik <>
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_init_extra_frame_info): Recognize when we're
- in a function prologue before the SAVE instruction.
- (sparc_frame_saved_pc): Ditto.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h (EXTRA_FRAME_INFO): Add in_prologue flag.
-Thu Jul 23 14:58:09 1998 Dawn Perchik <>
- * i386-tdep.c (i386_get_frame_setup): Recognize function
- prologues in code compiled with -fcheck-stack.
-Thu Jul 23 14:49:27 1998 Dawn Perchik <>
- * remote-mips.c (remote_mips_insert_hw_breakpoint,
- remote_mips_remove_hw_breakpoint): New functions for hardware
- breakpoints on LSI targets.
- * config/mips/tm-embed.h (target_remove_hw_breakpoint,
- target_insert_hw_breakpoint): Define to call
- remote_mips_insert_hw_breakpoint and remote_mips_remove_hw_breakpoint,
- respectively.
-1998-07-21 Fernando Nasser <>
- * source.c (print_source_lines): Print "No such file or directory"
- just once.
- (directory_command): same as above; resets if user issues dir.
-Sun Jul 19 02:11:45 1998 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * symtab.c (decode_line_2): Instead of printing a prompt
- and calling command_line_input() without a prompt, just
- call it with the proper args. This makes the GUI work too.
-Fri Jul 17 9:26:50 1998 Ron Unrau <>
- * blockframe.c (find_pc_sect_partial_function): allow for the possi-
- bility of multiple symbols at the same address when finding high.
- * breakpoint.c (resolve_sal_pc): if the function based section lookup
- fails, try getting the section from the minimal symbol table.
- * parse.c (write_exp_msymbol): use symbol_overlayed_address to get
- the LMA of a minimal symbol if unmapped.
- * symtab.c (find_line_symtab): change interface to return symtab
- containing the best linetable found.
- (decode_line_1): use find_line_symtab to set val.symtab. This should
- improve support for source files with multiple symtabs.
-Wed Jul 15 11:51:33 1998 Keith Seitz <>
- * main.c (main): Fix violations of GNU coding standard.
- * breakpoint.c: Export delete_command.
- * infcmd.c: Export continue_command, stepi_command, and nexti_command.
- * Add target for v850ice.o.
- * configure.tgt: Add cygwin32 dependencies for v850 ice.
-Wed Jul 15 10:58:29 1998 Nick Clifton <>
- * tracepoint.c (set_raw_tracepoint): Cope with symbols that do not
- have an associated directory.
-Mon Jul 13 15:21:04 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * utils.c (puts_debug): Display non-printable characters in hex
- instead of octal.
-Thu Jul 9 16:16:47 1998 Jeffrey A Law (
- * mn10300-tdep.c (mn10300_generic_register_names): New variable.
- (set_machine_hook): New function. Copy the appropriate register
- names into reg_names.
- (_initialize_mn10300_tdep): Set up to call set_machine_hook.
- * tm-mn10300 (NUM_REGS): Bump to 32.
- (REGISTER_NAMES): Updated accordingly.
-Tue Jul 7 7:40:13 1998 Ron Unrau <>
- * symtab.c (find_pc_sect_psymbol): allow case where textlow is 0
-Thu Jul 2 15:57:58 1998 Frank Ch. Eigler <>
- * breakpoint.c (resolve_sal_pc): Accept absence of innermost
- Lexical block for breakpoint resolution.
-Thu Jul 2 10:22:00 1998 Dawn Perchik <>
- * mdebugread.c (parse_partial_symbols): Go ahead and read the .mdebug
- section, but just don't add a 2nd minimal symbol if this is an .mdebug
- section in an ELF file.
-1998-07-01 Jim Blandy <>
- * (ax-general.o): Depend on $(defs_h) too.
- (ax_h): Bother to define this.
-Mon Jun 29 19:01:18 1998 Jim Wilson <>
- * gnu-regex.c (re_comp): Add cast to char * before gettext calls.
-Sun Jun 28 11:35:48 1998 Peter Schauer <>
- Improve support for SunPro F77.
- * dbxread.c (end_psymtab, process_one_symbol): Handle minimal
- symbols with trailing underscore names.
- * minsyms.c (find_stab_function_addr): Ditto.
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): Ignore N_ALIAS for now.
- * partial-stab.h (case N_ALIAS): Ditto.
- * stabsread.c (read_sun_builtin_type): Handle boolean types.
-Fri Jun 26 14:03:01 1998 Keith Seitz <>
- * symtab.h (enum namespace): Add new namespaces FUNCTIONS_NAMESPACE,
- new search_symbols.
- Add prototype for search_symbols and free_search_symbols.
- * symtab.c (list_symbols): Rewrite to use new search_symbols.
- (file_matches): New helper function for search_symbols.
- (free_search_symbols): New function which frees data returned from
- search_symbols.
- (print_symbol_info): New helper function which prints info about a
- matched symbol to stdout. Extracted from old list_symbols.
- (print_msymbol_info): New helper function which prints info about
- a matched msymbol to stdout. Extracted from old list_symbols.
- (symtab_symbol_info): Extracted from old list_symbols.
- (variables_info): Use symtab_symbol_info.
- (functions_info): Use symtab_symbol_info.
- (types_info): Use symtab_symbol_info.
- (rbreak_command): Rewrite to use new search_symbols.
-Thu Jun 25 22:38:32 1998 Frank Ch. Eigler <>
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_push_arguments): Use 128-bit stack frame
- alignment for inferior calls.
-Wed Jun 24 23:17:12 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * mn10200-tdep.c (mn10200_analyze_prologue): Fix calculation
- of jsr target address.
-Tue Jun 23 19:37:46 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * config/mn10200/tm-mn10200.h (SAVED_PC_AFTER_CALL): Don't
- zero upper byte of address.
-Tue Jun 23 17:32:26 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * rs6000-tdep.c (pop_dummy_frame): use memcpy.
- (push_arguments): use memset.
- (various other places): fix up indentation and long lines.
-Tue Jun 23 11:58:35 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * s/lXext/-lXext/ for Jillian's change.
-Tue Jun 23 11:14:04 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * source.c (find_source_lines): fix indentation.
- * config/mips/tm-irix5.h: Modify to work better on irix 6, by
- making FP registers 8 bytes instead of 4.
- REGISTER_BYTES: redefine. REGISTER_BYTE(): redefine.
- * irix5-nat.c (fetch_core_registers): read 8 bytes per FP register.
- * mips-tdep.c (FP_REGISTER_DOUBLE): new macro to distinguish
- targets with 8-byte FP registers (don't use TARGET_MIPS64).
- (STACK_ARGSIZE): new macro, how much space is taken up on the
- stack for each function argument (don't use TARGET_MIPS64).
- (mips_push_arguments): modify logic to work better on Irix 6
- (n32 ABI).
-Tue Jun 23 12:29:53 1998 Jillian Ye <>
- * Add -lXext to mips_extra_libs
- * configure: Regenerated.
-Sun Jun 21 09:31:12 1998 Ron Unrau (
- * symtab.c (find_line_pc): assumed that a PC of 0 is illegal.
- Changed to pass PC as arg and return 1 if valid (0 otherwise).
- * symtab.h: Change prototype to match.
- * symtab.c (find_line_pc_range): Use new interface.
- * breakpoint.c (resolve_sal_pc): Ditto.
-Wed Jun 17 15:50:00 1998 Ron Unrau (
- * parse.c (target_map_name_to_register): Check target specific
- aliases *first* so that it can over-ride architectural names
-Wed Jun 17 17:13:38 1998 Said Ziouani (
- * remote-sds.c (sds_start_remote): Fix printf call.
-Tue Jun 16 16:32:08 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * mn10200-tdep.c (mn10200_analyze_prologue): Fix null pointer
- crash when in "start".
-Tue Jun 16 14:38:40 1998 Ron Unrau (
- * dbxread.c: reset function_start_offset after a finishing N_FUN
- is seen.
- * remote-sim.c: allow TARGET_REDEFINE_DEFAULT_OPS to override
- target vectors as needed.
-Sun Jun 14 08:46:25 1998 Ron Unrau (
- * partial-stab.h: 'F' and 'f' type N_FUN psymbols should pass
- CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE as CORE_ADDR instead of long
- * buildsym.[ch]: export pending_blocks list
-Sat Jun 13 13:02:32 1998 Dawn Perchik (
- * remote.c: Fix remote help string to match that of help.exp.
-Fri Jun 12 14:22:55 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * (LIBS): Add -lw to the list of libraries if needed.
-Thu Jun 11 15:05:10 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * btowc.c: Removed.
- * Don't see if we need to replace btowc().
- * Don't include LIBOBJS.
- * configure: Regenerated.
- * gnu-regex.c (regex_compile): Only support i18n [:foo:] if
- we have btowc().
-Wed Jun 10 15:39:14 1998 Stu Grossman <>
- * c-exp.y: Fix problems with parsing "''::func".
- Some languages allow symbols with dots.
- * gdbtypes.c (check_stub_method): Cosmetic. Use more descriptive
- names for parameters.
- * jv-exp.y: Parser now accepts primitive types.
- * (parse_number): Use correct ifdef for scanf long double support.
- * jv-lang.c (java_array_type): Initial cut at array support.
- * language.c language.h (set_language): Now returns previous language.
- * symtab.c (find_methods): Make static. Cosmetic changes, including
- indentation, and adding descriptive comments. Move local variable
- defs into the block they are used in.
- * Don't call check_stub_method any more. Use gdb_mangle_name to
- generate the full method name. find_method doesn't need all the other
- goobldegook that check_stub_method does.
- * (gdb_mangle_name): Use more descriptive names for parameters. Fix
- comment.
- * (lookup_partial_symbol lookup_block_symbol): Check for java to
- ensure we can find mangled names.
- * (decode_line_1): Move local variable defs into the block they are
- used in. (Improves code readability.)
-Wed Jun 10 18:04:35 1998 Frank Ch. Eigler <>
- * gdbtypes.c (get_discrete_bounds): Assign unsigned type flag for
- all-positive enum.
- (create_set_type): Ditto for all-positive set values.
- * values.c (unpack_field_as_long): Check for typedef in struct
- field unpacking.
-Wed Jun 10 14:06:05 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * Add some tests for gnu-regex.c's benefit.
- See if btowc() function is provided in C library.
- * configure, Regenerated.
- * (CLIBS, CDEPS): Add @LIBOBJS@ to build btowc.c
- if necessary.
- * btowc.c: New file.
- * gnu-regex.c: Reorder wchar.h and wctype.h includes for Solaris'
- benefit.
- Drop namespace preserving defines for now.
-Wed Jun 10 11:53:42 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * gnu-regex.c: Include "gnu-regex.h", not "regex.h".
-Wed Jun 10 11:34:07 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * gnu-regex.c, gnu-regex.h: Change LGPL license to GPL license
- to stay consistent with the rest of GDB.
-Wed Jun 10 11:27:39 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * gnu-regex.c, gnu-regex.h: Update to current FSF (glibc) versions.
-Wed Jun 10 10:58:18 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * printcmd.c (disassemble_command): move overlay mapping code
- "up" into find_pc_partial_function.
- * blockframe.c (find_pc_partial_function): adjust start address
- and end address for overlays (mapped vs. unmapped addresses),
- so that all callers of this function may benefit.
- * m32r-tdep.c (m32r_skip_prologue): adjust indentation.
-Mon Jun 8 16:08:10 1998 Ron Unrau <>
- * objfiles.c (add_to_objfile_sections): All targets to define
- TARGET_KEEP_SECTION to permit them to retain bfd sections that
- GDB would otherwise have discarded.
-Fri Jun 5 13:56:19 1998 Doug Evans <>
- * dbxread.c (read_dbx_symtab): Don't lower texthigh for last psymtab.
-Thu Jun 4 18:35:04 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- * remote.c (init_extended_remote_ops): Make extended_remote_ops
- by copying from remote_ops, move it and init_remote_ops to
- usual place at end of file, remove "void" from arg lists.
-Thu Jun 4 17:51:06 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_fix_call_dummy): Byte-swap the call dummy
- on bi-endian machines.
- (sparc_extract_return_value): Handle values smaller than int on
- machines with little-endian data.
- (sparc_target_architecture_hook): Set bi_endian flag.
-Thu Jun 4 12:14:48 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * printcmd.c (disassemble_command): Fix off-by-one error for
- disassembling functions in unmapped overlay sections.
-Thu Jun 4 10:15:03 1998 Elena Zannoni <>
- * remote.c: merged.
- - Jim Blandy <>
- (print_packet, remote_packet_command): New functions.
- (_initialize_remote): Register the remote-packet command.
- - David Taylor <>
- (_initialize_remote): remote-compare is now
- compare-sections.
- - Elena Zannoni <>
- (remote_compare_command): added warning, issued in case
- of mismatch only.
-Thu Jun 4 08:25:38 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * remote.c (remote_compare_command): New function, new command.
- Compare object file binary image with corresponding memory on
- remote target. Report differences.
-Tue Jun 2 19:05:04 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_target_architecture_hook): Set target
- byte order only when it's selectable.
-Tue Jun 2 02:01:56 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_target_architecture_hook): New function to
- set endianness based on machine type.
- (_initialize_sparc_tdep): Initialize target_architecture_hook.
- (sparc_print_register_hook): Print PSR and FPSR in fancy format
- on 32-bit machines.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h (PRINT_REGISTER_HOOK): Redefine to
- call sparc_print_register_hook instead of using inline code.
- * config/sparc/tm-sp64.h (PRINT_REGISTER_HOOK): Remove.
-Thu May 28 17:19:14 1998 Keith Seitz <>
- * main.c (main): Check for NULL from getenv on CYGWIN32.
-Thu May 28 09:41:44 1998 Nick Clifton <>
- * monitor.c (monitor_vsprintf): Handle %%. Patch courtesy of
- Felix Lee (
-Thu May 28 00:27:35 1998 Peter Schauer <>
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_push_dummy_frame): Fix calculation of
-Mon Apr 27 14:37:49 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * config/v850/tm-v850.h (REGISTER_BYTE): FP_REGNUM and
- FP_RAW_REGNUM use the same register location.
- * v850-tdep.c (v850_scan_prologue): Use FP_RAW_REGNUM instead of
- (v850_frame_chain): Ditto.
- * config/v850/tm-v850.h (REGISTER_NAMES): Add "fp".
- (NUM_REGS): Update.
- (FP_REGNUM): Update.
- (FP_RAW_REGNUM): Define.
-Wed May 27 14:22:31 1998 Keith Seitz <>
- * main.c (main): Convert the path returned from getenv to a posix
- path on cygwin32 hosts.
-Mon May 25 13:31:27 1998 Keith Seitz <>
- * remote.c (remote_open_1): If an error occurs starting the remote,
- pop the target AND return.
-Sat May 23 02:23:09 1998 Peter Schauer <>
- * dwarf2read.c (read_subroutine_type): Set TYPE_FLAG_PROTOTYPED
- on C++ functions.
- * valops.c (value_arg_coerce): Add new argument to indicate whether
- the function has a prototype, handle integer and float promotions
- accordingly.
- (call_function_by_hand): Always call value_arg_coerce, pass down
- prototype information.
-Fri May 22 10:56:36 1998 John Metzler <>
- * remote.c (_initialize_remote): Typo extended__remote
-Thu May 21 13:14:25 1998 John Metzler <>
- * gnu-nat.c (init_gnu_ops): Initialization of target ops by assignment.
- (_initialize_gnu_nat): Call new init
- * mac-nat.c (init_child_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_mac_nat): Ditto.
- * monitor.c (init_base_monitor_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_remote_monitors): Ditto.
- * ppc-bdm.c (init_bdm_ppc_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_bdm_ppc): Ditto.
- * remote-adapt.c (init_adapt_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_remote_adapt): Ditto.
- * remote-array.c (init_array_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_array): Ditto.
- * remote-bug (init_bug_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_remote_bug): Ditto.
- * remote-e7000.c (init_e7000_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_remote_e7000): Ditto.
- * remote-eb.c (init_eb_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_remote_eb): Ditto.
- * remote-es.c (init_es1800_ops): Ditto.
- (init_es1800_child_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_es1800): Ditto.
- * remote-hms.c (init_hms_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_remote_hms): Ditto.
- * remote-mm.c (init_mm_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_remote_mm): Ditto.
- * remote-nindy.c (init_nindy_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_nindy): Ditto.
- * remote_nrom.c (init_nrom_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_remote_nrom): Ditto.
- * remote-os9k (init_rombug_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_remote_os9k): Ditto.
- * remote-rdi.c (init_rdi_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_remote_rdi): Ditto.
- * remote-rdp.c (init_remote_rdp_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_remote_rdp): Ditto.
- * remote-sds.c (init_sds_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_remote_sds): Ditto.
- * remote-sim.c (init_gdbsim_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_remote_sim): Ditto.
- * remote-st.c (init_st2000_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_remote_st2000): Ditto.
- * remote-udi.c (init_udi_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_remote_udi): Ditto.
- * remote-vx.c (init_vx_ops): Ditto.
- (init_vx_run_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_vx): Ditto.
- * remote.c (init_remote_ops): Ditto.
- (init_extended_remote_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_remote): Ditto.
- * sparcl-tdep.c (init_sparclite_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_sparcl_tdep): Ditto.
- * v850ice.c (init_850ice_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_v850ice): Ditto.
- * win32-nat.c (init_child_ops): Ditto.
- (_initialize_inftarg): Ditto.
-1998-05-21 Jim Blandy <>
- * ax-gdb.c (const_var_ref): Don't handle function names. I don't
- want to implement all the "usual unary conversion" rules for
- constants.
- (gen_usual_unary): Turn "function" values into "pointer to
- function" values, in accordance with ANSI.
- (gen_deref): Don't do the usual unary conversions here. Let the
- caller do it. Note that dereferencing a function pointer yields
- a function designator, which we call an rvalue, not an lvalue.
- (gen_address_of): Handle functions specially.
- (gen_struct_ref): Perform the usual unary conversions before
- calling gen_deref.
- (gen_expr): In case for the prefix '*' operator, call
- gen_usual_unary manually.
-Wed May 20 15:29:41 1998 Gavin Koch <>
- * mips/tm-tx39.h (MIPS_DEFAULT_FPU_TYPE): Defined as MIPS_FPU_NONE.
- * mips/tm-tx39l.h: Same.
-Wed May 20 10:12:11 1998 John Metzler <>
- * m32r-tdep.c (decode_prologue): Handle frames compiled with -Os.
- Split out as separate function called by skip prologue and scan
- prologue. new formula handles optimization in which the prologue
- is interleaved with the body of the function. Also recognizes new
- variations of prologue encoding. Use of frame pointer is
- essential to debugging, -fno-omit-frame-pointer
- (m32r_skip_prologue): Call decode prologue, ignore line info
- (m32r_scan_prologue): Call decode prologue, ignore line info.
-Tue May 19 17:23:54 1998 John Metzler <>
- * w89k-rom.c (_initialize_w89k): Call new init function
- (init_w89k_cmds): Convert to dynamic initialization of monitor_ops
- data structure for forward compatability with additions to the
- data structure.
- * dbug-rom.c (_initialize_dbug_rom): ditto
- (init_dbug_cmds): ditto
- * m32r-rom.c (_initialize_m32r_rom): ditto
- (init_m32r_cmds): ditto
-Tue May 19 14:54:11 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * tracepoint.c (memrange_cmp): use const void * args to avoid
- ANSI compiler warnings.
-1998-05-19 Jim Blandy <>
- * ax-gdb.c (gen_fetch, gen_var_ref, gen_deref, find_field,
- gen_bitfield_ref, gen_expr): Call error, not abort.
- * ax-general.c (read_const, generic_ext, ax_trace_quick,
- ax_label, ax_const_d, ax_reg, ax_print): Same.
- * tracepoint.c: Remove the $(...) syntax for memranges.
- (validate_actionline, encode_actions, trace_dump_command): Remove
- clauses for the $(...) syntax.
- (parse_and_eval_memrange): Function deleted.
- (_initialize_tracepoint): Update function description.
- * ax-gdb.c (_initialize_ax_gdb): Make the "agent" command a
- subcommand of "maintenance", as it should have been from the
- beginning. #include "gdbcmd.h", to get the declaration for
- maintenancelist.
- * Document that dependency.
-Tue May 19 12:00:58 1998 Elena Zannoni <>
- * tracepoint.c (get_tracepoint_by_number): new function, to access
- traceframe_number for use of the GUI.
- * tracepoint.h: added prototype for get_traceframe_number.
-Mon May 18 13:34:27 1998 Keith Seitz <>
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): If block addresses are relative to
- function start addresses, reset function_start_address whenever a new
- source file is seen.
-Mon May 18 13:04:27 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * tracepoint.c (get_tracepoint_by_number): make sure to advance
- arg pointer even if we fail to parse a useful number. Otherwise,
- since this function is called in a loop, it may loop forever!
- Also change strtol call to allow arbitrary radix.
- (map_args_over_tracepoints (and other places)): add QUIT; call
- to loop, to allow breakout using control-C. Not all loops were
- analyzed to make sure they could terminate cleanly, but even
- terminating with a messed-up tracepoint list would be better
- than not terminating at all!
- (tdump_command): check to see if we're connected to a trace-
- capable target (currently only "remote") before doing anything
- else.
-Sat May 16 22:21:48 1998 Frank Ch. Eigler <>
- * config/d30v/tm-d30v.h (INIT_FRAME_PC_FIRST): Fill in PC into
- frame struct before extracting saved register offsets.
-Fri May 15 22:47:45 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * tracepoint.c (encode_actions): fix typo in printf format string.
-1998-05-15 Jim Blandy <>
- Implement a few more tracing operators: ^ | & ~ !
- * ax-gdb.c (gen_integral_promotions, gen_logical_not,
- gen_complement): New functions.
- (gen_binop): New argument MAY_CARRY, indicating whether we need to
- correct the upper bits of the value after performing the
- operation. Callers changed.
- (gen_expr): Handle BINOP_BITWISE_AND, BINOP_BITWISE_IOR, and
- BINOP_BITWISE_XOR here as well, by calling gen_binop. Handle
- * ax-gdb.c (gen_conversion): Reworked to avoid some unnecessary
- sign extension.
- * ax-gdb.c (gen_usual_arithmetic): Renamed from gen_usual_binary,
- to match the ANSI C standard better. Callers changed.
- * ax-gdb.c (gen_traced_pop): Add prototyped declaration.
-Fri May 15 18:18:38 1998 David Taylor <>
- * tracepoint.c (stringify_collections_list): return a collection
- of strings rather than a single string.
- (free_actions_list): new function.
- (encode_actions): process collection of strings returned by
- stringify_collections_list.
-1998-05-15 Jim Blandy <>
- * ax-gdb.c (gen_traced_pop): New function.
- (gen_expr): Call it for comma operator.
- (gen_trace_for_expr): Call it, instead of writing it out.
- Add facilities for sending arbitrary packets to the remote agent.
- There are a bunch of improvements to make (make it generic; handle
- 'O' replies properly), but I just want to get this onto the branch.
- * remote.c (print_packet, remote_packet_command): New functions.
- (_initialize_remote): Register the remote-packet command.
-Thu May 14 17:52:31 1998 Elena Zannoni <>
- * tracepoint.c: move actionline_type definition to tracepoint.h.
- (validate_actionline): make non static.
- * tracepoint.h: move actioline_type definition from tracepoint.c.
- (validate_actionline) moved prototype from tracepoint.c.
-Thu May 14 11:49:18 1998 David Taylor <>
- * tracepoint.c (validate_actionline): add additional error
- checking, remove some dead code.
- (encode_actions): additional cleanups.
- (trace_find_command): remove some dead code.
- (trace_find_pc_command): ditto.
- (trace_find_tracepoint_command): ditto.
- (trace_find_line_command): ditto.
- (trace_find_range_command): ditto.
- (trace_find_outside_command): ditto.
-Thu May 14 5:51:00 1998 Ron Unrau <>
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): set section for "break *<addr>"
-Wed May 13 20:58:02 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * corefile.c (reopen_exec_file): Reopen the exec file if
- it has changed.
-Wed May 13 15:22:02 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * sparc-tdep.c (fetch_instruction): New function.
- (single_step, sparc_init_extra_frame_info, examine_prologue):
- Use fetch_instruction instead of read_memory_integer
- to ensure that instructions are always read as big-endian.
-Wed May 13 14:42:21 1998 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * defs.h: Check HAVE_ALLOCA_H rather than sparc. Add _AIX pragma
- alloca.
- * configure: Rebuild.
- * (jv-lang.o, jv-typeprint.o, jv-valprint.o): New
- targets.
-Wed May 13 11:19:08 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * tracepoint.c (trace_command): Remove old diagnostic code that was
- preventing tracepoints from being defined with a full-path filename.
-Tue May 12 13:17:35 1998 Frank Ch. Eigler <>
- * stabsread.c (read_one_struct_field): Check for typedef in type
- tree before clearing bitfield information.
-1998-05-11 Jim Blandy <>
- * ax-gdb.c (gen_binop): New function, based on gen_mul, to replace
- gen_mul and gen_div, and handle `%' op as well. Correctly tests
- type of arguments.
- (gen_expr): Factor out common code in binary arithmetic operators.
- Add support for `%'.
- (gen_mul, gen_div): Removed.
-Thu May 7 14:49:38 1998 Bob Manson <>
- * config/sparc/tm-sp64.h (CALL_DUMMY): Store and retrieve
- %o0-%o5 as 64-bit values; compensate for stack bias.
- (USE_STRUCT_CONVENTION): We only pass pointers to structs
- if they're larger than 32 bytes.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_init_extra_frame_info): Use read_sp()
- instead of read_register. If the target is a sparc64 and the frame
- pointer is odd, compensate for the stack bias.
- (get_saved_register): Use read_sp().
- (sparc_push_dummy_frame): Use read_sp()/write_sp(). On sparc64,
- save the PC, NPC, CCR, FSR, FPRS, Y and ASI registers.
- (sparc_frame_find_saved_regs): Use read_sp(). Read the PC, NPC,
- CCR, FSR, FPRS, Y and ASI registers from the frame, if it's a
- dummy frame.
- (sparc_pop_frame): Use write_sp(). If the target is a sparc64 and
- the FP is odd, compensate for stack bias.
- (sparc_store_return_value): Right-justify the return value before
- writing it to %o0.
- (sparc_fix_call_dummy): Don't NOP out part of the call dummy on
- sparc64.
- (sparc64_read_sp, sparc64_read_fp, sparc64_write_sp,
- sparc64_write_fp, sp64_push_arguments,
- sparc64_extract_return_value): New functions to support the
- sparc64 ABI.
- * dwarfread.c (handle_producer): Set processing_gcc_compilation to
- the right version number.
- * dwarf2read.c (read_file_scope): Assume we're processing
- GCC2 output.
-Wed May 6 16:34:03 1998 Jeffrey A Law (
- * somsolib.c: Include gdb_stat.h.
-Mon May 4 18:34:01 1998 David Taylor <>
- * ax-gdb.c (gen_mul): new function; (gen_div): new function;
- (gen_expr): add support for * and / operators, call gen_mul and
- gen_div as appropriate.
-Mon May 4 16:24:22 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * defs.h (make_run_cleanup): Declare.
- * solib.c (find_solib): Pass correct number of arguments to
- make_run_cleanup.
-Mon May 4 07:08:25 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * tracepoint.c (trace_actions_command): actions command must set
- step_count to zero (in case previous actions have set it but the
- new set does not).
-Sat May 2 09:35:07 1998 Stu Grossman <>
- * ocd.h: Add new flags, function codes, and processor types to
- support new Wiggler capabilities.
- * (ocd_write_bytes_size): New function to allow atomic writes of
- memory in sizes larger than a byte.
- * ser-unix.c (baudtab): Add 57600, 115200, 230400, and 460800 baud.
-Fri May 1 19:51:32 1998 Frank Ch. Eigler <>
- * stabsread.c (read_one_struct_field): Do not override supplied
- bitfield size for a range type value.
- * gdbtypes.c (create_range_type): For a range with positive
- lower limit, declare range type as unsigned.
-Fri May 1 10:58:34 1998 John Metzler <>
- * monitor.c: Turn off debug
-Fri May 1 09:29:56 1998 Peter Schauer <>
- * breakpoint.c (delete_command): Skip internal breakpoints when
- all breakpoints are requested.
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): Record parameter types from Sunpro
- function stabs in the TYPE_FIELDS of the function type.
-Thu Apr 30 15:59:54 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * (config-check-targets, config-check-hosts): Removed.
-1998-04-30 Paul Eggert <>
- * (maintainer-clean):
- Don't get ahead of yourself and delete Makefile
- before running `make'.
- (local-maintainer-clean, do-maintainer-clean): New rules.
-Wed Apr 29 14:02:59 1998 David Taylor <>
- * ax-gdb.c (gen_add): when adding a pointer and an int, use
- the size of the pointer, not the int (typo) to decide how
- to extend the result.
-Wed Apr 29 10:20:40 1998 John Metzler <>
- * monitor.h: Defined additional hooks for dmpregs, configure_hooks
- and wait_filter. These additions require that all ROM monitor
- interfaces be recoded to initialize monitor ops using assignments
- rather than static structure initialization. Added new bits to
- * monitor.c (RDEBUG): Conditional tracing throughout the file.
- (fromhex): Now recognized upper cse hex digits
- (monitor_printf_noecho):
- (monitor_readchar): Tracing interferes with input timing.
- (monitor_open): Register different memory write functions with
- dcache_init if MO_HAS_BLOCKWRITES.
- (flush_monior_dcache): Added as an additional utilty.
- (monitor-resume): Call continue hook if one has been supplied.
- (monitor_wait_filter): New function Factored out of monitor wait
- and used if alternate wait-filter has not been provided.
- (monitor_wait): call alternate wait filter if provided. Call
- monitor_dump_regs, a new function factored out from inline code.
- (monitor_dump_block): A new function used as a utility when
- monitors must dump several blocks of registers using different
- commands.
- (monitor_dump_regs): Call alternate function if provided. Uses new
- hook in monitor.h.
- (monitor_write_memory): Engage previouly added hook
- (monitor_write_even_block): new function supports writing long
- blocks of 4byte words.
- (longlongendswap): new internal function
- (monitor_write_memory_longlongs): new function writes large blocks
- using command to enter a long long.
- (monitor_write-memory_block): new Function figures out which block
- mod to use.
- (monitor_read_memory): Can now handle dump formats in which the bytes
- preceeding the requested data is not printed.
-Tue Apr 28 19:41:33 1998 Tom Tromey <>
- * tracepoint.c (memrange_cmp): Another typo fix; `memrbnge' ->
- `memrange'.
- * tracepoint.c (memrange_cmp): Fixed typo in function intro.
-Tue Apr 28 17:41:20 1998 Philippe De Muyter <>
- * symfile.c (overlay_auto_command): Add forgotten parameter
- definitions.
- (overlay_manual_command, overlay_off_command): Likewise.
- (overlay_load_command): Likewise.
- * tracepoint.c (memrange_cmp): Parameters have type void *, not
- struct memrange *.
-Tue Apr 28 11:08:25 1998 John Metzler <>
- * rom68k-rom.c (_initialize_rom68k): Fix unresolved init_rom_68kcmds.
-Mon Apr 27 14:32:21 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h (CALL_DUMMY): Shorten it drastically,
- make it work on the simulator.
- (FIX_CALL_DUMMY): Convert to function call instead of inline code.
- (sparc_fix_call_dummy): Declare.
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_fix_call_dummy): New function, taken from
- old FIX_CALL_DUMMY macro, with additional fixes for simulator.
- (sparc_push_dummy_frame): Set registers differently on simulator
- to prevent corrupted register window save areas.
-Mon Apr 27 13:46:40 1998 John Metzler <>
- * rom68k-rom.c (_initialize_rom68k, init_rom68k_cmds):
- Convert all static initializations of monitor ops structures to
- executable initializations in order that additions to the data
- structure definition can me made without repeating this editing
- exercise.
- * abug-rom.c (_initialize_abug_rom, init_abug-cmds): Ditto.
- * cpu32bug-rom.c (_initialize_cpu32bug_rom, init_cpu32bug_cmds): Ditto.
- * mon960-rom.c (initialize_mon960, init_mon960_cmds): Ditto.
- * op50-rom.c (initialize_op50n, init_op50n_cmds): Ditto.
- * ppcbug-rom.c (_initialize_ppcbug_rom, init_ppc_cmds): Ditto.
- * sh3-rom.c (_initialize_sh3_rom, init_sh3_cmds): Ditto.
- * sparclet-rom.c (_initialize_sparclet, init_sparclet_cmds): Ditto.
- * remote-est.c (_initialize_est, init_est_cmds): Ditto.
- * remote-hms.c ( _initialize_remote_hms, init_hms_cmds): Ditto.
-Mon Apr 27 10:43:04 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * gdb_string.h (strdup): Don't specify arguments in prototype.
-Sun Apr 26 07:57:21 1998 Peter Schauer <>
- * rs6000-nat.c (vmap_ldinfo): Issue warning instead of error if
- fstat on ldinfo_fd fails. Use objfile->obfd instead of vp->bfd
- to check for reference to the same file.
- * target.c (target_read_string): Handle string transfers at the
- end of a memory section gracefully.
-Fri Apr 24 17:18:56 1998 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * enable EXEEXT setting
-Fri Apr 24 11:53:49 1998 David Taylor <>
- * tracepoint.c (add_local_symbols): change type of type from
- char to int so that type shows up as 'A' or 'L' not 0.
-Thu Apr 23 16:37:20 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * README: Minor changes for 4.17 release.
-Thu Apr 23 15:44:39 1998 Per Bothner <>
- * symfile.c (deduce_language_from_filename): .class implies java.
-Thu Apr 23 12:52:21 1998 Philippe De Muyter <>
- * (strerror): Check if function must be declared.
- * acconfig.h (NEED_DECLARATION_STRERROR): New define slot.
- * gdb_string.h (strerror): Function declaration issued if
- * configure, Files regenerated.
-Thu Apr 23 12:27:43 1998 Philippe De Muyter <>
- * symfile.c (simple_overlay_update_1): Do not prefix array address
- by `&'.
- * bcache.h (BCACHE_DATA_ALIGNMENT): Ditto.
- * tracepoint.c (encode_actions): Ditto.
- * language.c, complaints.c, utils.c (varargs.h): Do not include that
- file here, it is already included indirectly by defs.h.
- * dbxread.c (dbx_symfile_init, process_one_symbol): Cast xmalloc return
- value to the appropriate pointer type.
- * utils.c (floatformat_from_doublest): Ditto.
- * tracepoint.c (read_actions, _initialize_tracepoint): Ditto.
- (add_memrange): Likewise with xrealloc return value.
- * stabsread.c (ref_add): Ditto.
- * coffread.c (coff_symfile_init): Likewise for xmmalloc return value.
- * elfread.c (elf_symfile_read): Ditto.
- * os9kread.c (os9k_symfile_init): Ditto.
-Thu Apr 23 00:32:08 1998 Tom Tromey <>
- * Rebuilt.
-Wed Apr 22 15:38:56 1998 Tom Tromey <>
- * configure: Rebuilt.
- * (top_builddir): New macro.
- (INTL): Define to @INTLLIBS@.
- (INTL_DEPS): New macro.
- (CDEPS): Reference INTL_DEPS, not INTL.
-Wed Apr 22 12:58:23 1998 Peter Schauer (
- Handle missing shared libraries during the examination of a core
- dump gracefully.
- * solib.c (find_solib): Use catch_errors around call to
- solib_map_sections. Use warning instead of error if reading of
- the shared library name fails.
- (solib_map_sections): Change return and argument types to make
- it callable from catch_errors.
- (symbol_add_stub): Avoid GDB core dump if solib->abfd is NULL.
- * irix5-nat.c, osfsolib.c (xfer_link_map_member, solib_map_sections,
- symbol_add_stub): Ditto.
-Wed Apr 22 14:34:49 1998 Michael Meissner <>
- * (INTL*): Add support to link in the intl library,
- and to add -I options to its source and object directories.
- (C{LIBS,DEPS}): Ditto.
-Tue Apr 21 11:20:54 1998 Frank Ch. Eigler <>
- * mips-tdep.c (gdb_print_insn_mips): Disassemble MIPS instructions
- with subtarget-specific `mach', rather than fixed default.
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (TM_PRINT_INSN_MACH): New macro, default
- disassembly `mach'.
-Mon Apr 20 15:35:03 1998 Philippe De Muyter <>
- * coffread.c (decode_base_type): Treat a long field with size greater
- than TARGET_LONG_BIT as long long.
- * values.c (value_from_longest): Print code value in error message.
-Mon Apr 20 15:32:21 1998 Mark Kettenis <>
- * gdb/gdb_string.h (strdup): Declare only if not defined as a
- macro.
-Mon Apr 20 14:18:45 1998 J. Kean Johnston <>
- * procfs.c: Added replacement macros for LWP stuff. Fixed support
- for UnixWare / SVR4.2MP targets and any targets which use
- multi-file /proc entries. Fixed support for hardware watchpoints.
- * solib.c: SCO needs some of the same code as SunOS. Change
- preprocessor conditionals.
- * config/i386/ New file.
- * config/i386/tm-i386sco5.h: New file.
- * config/i386/ (NATDEPFILES): add i386v-nat.o.
- * config/i386/nm-i386v42mp.h
- Add other macros for hardware assisted watchpoints.
- * config/i386/nm-i386sco5.h: Correct attributions.
- * config/i386/nm-linux.h (target_remote_watchpoint): Pass
- 'type' through to i386_insert_watchpoint.
-Mon Apr 20 14:12:30 1998 Peter Schauer (
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Don't add signalled processes
- as new threads.
- * procfs.c (wait_fd): Note if LWP has exited.
- (procfs_wait): use GETPID to get process ID.
-Sat Apr 18 15:21:04 1998 Stan Cox <>
- * configure.tgt: Added sparc86x support.
-Thu Apr 16 13:13:24 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * rdi-share/etherdrv.c (EthernetWrite): Use strerror to get
- error string if in an ANSI C-ish environment.
-Wed Apr 15 18:59:48 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * sparc-tdep.c (SPARC_HAS_FPU): Define.
- (sparc_extract_return_value): New function, required to handle
- machines without floating point.
- (sparc_store_return_value): Ditto.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h (EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE): Call
- sparc_extract_return_value instead of using inline code.
- (sparc_extract_return_value): Declare.
- (STORE_RETURN_VALUE): Call sparc_store_return_value instead
- of using inline code.
- (sparc_store_return_value): Declare.
-Wed Apr 15 12:19:42 1998 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * solib.c (enable_break): Only call warning once
- instead of three times.
-Tue Apr 14 16:52:59 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * sparc-tdep.c (sparc_extract_struct_value_address): Make it
- work correctly on little-endian hosts.
- (sparc_push_arguments): New function.
- (gdb_print_insn_sparc): New function.
- (_initialize_sparc_tdep): Make gdb_print_insn_sparc the default
- disassembler, so that SPARClite-specific instructions will
- be recognized.
- * sparcl-tdep.c (readchar): Print debugging information.
- (debug_serial_write): New function, a replacement for SERIAL_WRITE
- that prints debugging information.
- * config/sparc/tm-sparc.h (PUSH_ARGUMENTS): Define.
- (sparc_push_arguments): Declare.
-Tue Apr 14 15:43:49 1998 John Metzler <>
- * gdbcfgxref (xref_menu): Call new regex and wild card searches
- Now you can type in a specific triple like mips64-vr4300-elf or
- somthing like mips*.h
- (triple_search, wildcardsearch): The new functions
-Mon Apr 13 16:28:07 1998 Elena Zannoni <>
- * utils.c (warning): added call to warning_hook
- * source.c (find_source_lines): modified to call warning in case
- of source vs. executable time stamp mismatch. Simplified object
- file check. Initialized mtime to 0.
- * defs.h: added warning_hook prototype
- * top.c: added warning_hook prototype.
-Mon Apr 13 09:54:08 1998 Keith Seitz <>
- * config/sparc/tm-sun4os4.h (IS_STATIC_TRANSFORM_NAME): Add missing
- definition.
-Fri Apr 10 22:36:28 1998 Peter Schauer (
- Update support for x86 Solaris 2.
- * config/i386/tm-i386sol2.h, nm-i386sol2.h: New configuration
- files for x86 Solaris 2.
- * config/i386/, Use them.
- * config/sparc/tm-sun4sol2.h (PROCFS_GET_CARRY): New macro, extract
- carry flag from a given regset.
- (IS_STATIC_TRANSFORM_NAME): New macro, check if a symbol name
- is a SunPro transformed name.
- * i386-tdep.c (sunpro_static_transform_name): New function to
- extract the source name from a SunPro transformed name.
- * inferior.h (procfs_first_available, procfs_get_pid_fd):
- Add prototypes.
- * infrun.c (wait_for_inferior): Handle breakpoint hit in
- signal handler without intervening stop in sigtramp.
- * procfs.c (procfs_lwp_creation_handler): Use PROCFS_GET_CARRY
- instead of direct access to the status register.
- (procfs_get_pid_fd): New function, returns procfs fd for a given pid.
- * sol-thread.c (ps_lgetLDT): New function, returns LDT for a given
- lwpid.
- (sol_find_new_threads): Handle failed libthread_db initialization
- gracefully.
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): Use IS_STATIC_TRANSFORM_NAME
- to check for a SunPro transformed symbol name.
-Fri Apr 10 10:35:35 1998 John Metzler <>
- * utils.c (fmthex): A formatting function for hexdumps
- * mips-tdep.c (unpack_mips16): Fixed instruction decoding, lots of
- bit pattern interpretations. mips_fetch_instruction does not work
- for 16 bit instructions. Some confusion remains about sign
- extension in backward branches.
- (mips32_relative_offset): Sign extension
- (mips32_next_pc): Major debugging, bit pattern interpretation
- (print_unpack): debugging printf
- (fetch_mips_16): new funtion, key on PC low bit, not symbol table
- (mips16_next_16): Initial major debugging of this function. Lots
- of bit pattern mistakes.
- (mips_next_pc): key on low bit of PC, not symbol table.
- * symfile.c (generic_load): Added a download verification which
- reads back the loaded code. Download chunk size is now a defined
- macro. Fixed a bug in which downloading slips into loading one
- byte at a time. Lower level functions in monitor.c can load long
- sequences of bytes and make use of these fixups. Referencing
- bfd-start_address directly was incorrectly getting zero for start.
-Thu Apr 9 19:20:32 1998 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * mips-tdep.c (do_fp_register_row): Use alloca rather than arrays
- with dynamic size.
-Wed Apr 8 19:21:42 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * top.c (print_gdb_version): Print 1998 now.
-Wed Apr 8 16:57:22 1998 Philippe De Muyter <>
- * source.c: Remove obsolete decl of strstr().
-Wed Apr 8 16:47:33 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * solib.c (solib_create_inferior_hook): Remove Ulrich Drepper's
- patch of March 23 1998.
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_re_set_one): Remove Ulrich Drepper's
- patch of March 23 1998.
-Sat Apr 4 10:05:00 1998 Dawn Perchik <>
- * mdebugread.c (parse_partial_symbols): If this is an .mdebug
- section in an ELF file, override a symbol's ECOFF section with its
- ELF section. Also, fix stabs continuation where a stabs string
- continues for more than one continuation.
-Mon Apr 6 09:17:48 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * mips-tdep.c (mips_push_arguments): Specify dimention of valbuf
-Sat Apr 4 10:05:00 1998 Dawn Perchik <>
- * infrun.c: Fix prototype of signals_info to match static funtion.
-Thu Apr 2 12:47:41 1998 Frank Ch. Eigler <>
- * sol-thread.c (sol_thread_store_registers): Save & restore new
- value of single updated register to prevent accidental clobbering.
-Wed Apr 1 22:01:09 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * config/sparc/tm-sparclite.h (TARGET_BYTE_ORDER_SELECTABLE): Define.
- * config/sparc/ Link in the erc32 simulator.
-Wed Apr 1 16:30:49 1998 Ian Dall <>
- * ns32k-tdep.c (flip_bytes, ns32k_localcount,
- ns32k_get_enter_addr, sign_extend): Restore functions mysteriously
- deleted.
- * ns32knbsd-nat.c: New (?) file to support fetching and storing
- registers on NetBSD hosts.
- * (NATDEPFILES): put ns32knbsd-nat.o instead of
- ns32k-nat.o
- * ns32km3-nat.c (reg_offset): Get order of floating point
- registers correct. Add extra 32382 register offsets.
- (REG_ADDRESS): define to point at correct part of thread
- state. Use calls to "warning" instead of "message".
- * tm-nbsd.h, tm-ns32km3.h (REGISTER_NAMES, NUM_REGS,
- REGISTER_BYTES, REGISTER_BYTE): redefine allowing for 32382
- fpu registers.
-Wed Apr 1 13:43:07 1998 Philippe De Muyter <>
- * NEWS: m68k-motorola-sysv host support added.
- * coffread.c (coff_start_symtab): Accept the filename as an argument,
- set it here. Callers updated.
-Wed Apr 1 23:13:23 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h (REGISTER_VIRTUAL_TYPE): Handle 32 bit SR,
- FSR and FIR registers.
- * config/mips/tm-mips64.h: Ditto.
-Tue Mar 31 21:30:39 1998 Nick Clifton <>
- * arm-tdep.c (gdb_print_insn_arm): Attach a fake Thumb symbol
- vector to the info structure when disassembling thumb
- instructions.
- * coffread.c (coff_symtab_read, read_one_sym,
- process_coff_symbol): Support Thumb symbol types.
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol): Call SMASH_TEXT_ADDRESS (if it
- is defined) for function symbols.
-Tue Mar 31 16:39:28 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * tracepoint.c (get_tracepoint_by_number): change warning to note.
- (delete_trace_command): suppress y/n query if no tracepoints, or
- if not from_tty. (trace_pass_command): reject junk at end of args.
- (read_actions): an action list consisting only of "end" is discarded.
- (validate_actionline (for collect command)): an argument beginning
- with a dollar_sign but not recognized as a special argument is
- parsed like any other expression -- if it isn't a register name,
- it's rejected. Also reject an empty argument to while-stepping.
- (trace_find_command): reject a negative frame number argument.
- (_initialize_tracepoint): set $traceframe initially to -1.
-Mon Mar 30 16:42:12 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * rdi-share/, rdi-share/aclocal.m4,
- rdi-share/configure: New files.
- * rdi-share/ Rewritten to be an autoconf input file.
- * rdi-share/, rdi-share/configure: Generated by
- automake/autoconf.
- * rdi-share/dbg_hif.h, etherdrv.c, hostchan.c: Use autoconf tests
- to check environment.
-Sun Mar 29 15:17:16 1998 Keith Seitz <>
- * tracepoint.c (trace_start_command): Set trace_running_p.
- (trace_stop_command): Clear trace_running_p.
-Sat Mar 28 15:19:48 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- * NEWS: Update for 4.17 release.
-Fri Mar 27 10:15:50 1998 David Taylor <>
- * tracepoint.c (parse_and_eval_memrange): Fix memory leaks.
- (encode_actions): Use the new gen_trace_for_expr function
- instead of expr_to_address_and_size; collect registers when
- using expressions. (clear_collection_list): Fix memory leak.
-1998-03-26 Jim Blandy <>
- * ax-gdb.h (gen_trace_for_expr): Add prototype.
-Thu Mar 26 17:24:23 1998 David Taylor <>
- * tracepoint.c (validate_actionline): Fix memory leak.
- (encode_actions): Fix memory leak.
-Thu Mar 26 16:16:55 1998 David Taylor <>
- * tracepoint.c (trace_mention): New function.
- (trace_command): Call it.
-1998-03-26 Jim Blandy <>
- * ax-general.c (ax_reqs): New function.
- * ax.h (enum agent_flaws, struct agent_reqs): New types.
- (agent_reqs): New extern prototype. Well, actually, this was
- there before, due to a premature checkin.
- (struct aop_map): Add new `data_size' member.
- * ax-general.c (aop_map): Supply its value.
- * ax-gdb.c (agent_command): Call ax_reqs, for testing.
- * ax-general.c (ax_print): If we encounter an invalid or
- incomplete opcode, don't abort; just print an error message.
- * ax-gdb.c: Generate trace bytecodes, as appropriate.
- (trace_kludge): New variable.
- (gen_fetch, gen_bitfield_ref): Emit trace bytecodes, if asked
- nicely.
- (expr_to_agent): Ask for no trace bytecodes.
- (gen_trace_for_expr): New function.
- (agent_command): Call it, and display the result appropriately ---
- no struct axs_value, so no type or kind information.
- * ax-gdb.c: Use TARGET_CHAR_BIT throughout, not HOST_CHAR_BIT.
-Thu Mar 26 22:29:28 1998 Elena Zannoni <>
- * tracepoint.c (trace_status_command): Recognize a boolean return
- value from the stub to indicate whether trace experiment is
- running. Export this value as a global state variable.
- (trace_running_p) for use by the GUI. (from Michael Snyder)
- (trace_pass_command) added call to modify_tracepoint_hook.
- * tracepoint.h export trace_running_p.
-Thu Mar 26 13:08:01 1998 David Taylor <>
- * tracepoint.c (validate_actionline): do not error out if
- exp->elts[0].opcode is not on short line -- let
- expr_to_address_and_size handle it.
-1998-03-26 Jim Blandy <>
- * tracepoint.c: Include "ax.h", not "agentexpr.h".
- * tracepoint.c (encode_actions): Call expr_to_address_and_size,
- not simply expr_to_agent.
- * ax-general.c: Comment out code in progress, so everyone else can
- at least compile.
- * gdbtypes.c: Doc fix.
- * ax.h, ax-gdb.h, ax-general.c, ax-gdb.c: New files.
- * (REMOTE_OBJS): Add ax-general.o and ax-gdb.o.
- (SFILES): Add ax-general.c, ax-gdb.c.
- (ax_h): New variable.
- (ax-general.o, ax-gdb.o): New rules.
-Tue Mar 24 16:22:40 1998 Stu Grossman <>
- * Derive SHELL from configure.
- * config/d10v/ config/m32r/
- config/mn10200/ config/mn10300/
- config/d30v/ Remove -lm from SIM. This prevents
- dependency checking of -lm (under NT native builds). (It is
- automatically added by configure if it exists.)
- * doc/configure mswin/configure nlm/configure
- testsuite/gdb.base/configure testsuite/gdb.c++/configure
- testsuite/gdb.chill/configure testsuite/gdb.disasm/configure
- testsuite/gdb.stabs/configure testsuite/gdb.threads/configure:
- Regenerate with autoconf 2.12.1 to fix shell issues for NT native
- builds.
-Mon Mar 23 18:10:57 1998 Ulrich Drepper (
- * solib.c (solib_create_inferior_hook): Rewrite previous
- change to check the type of file via BFD.
-Mon Mar 23 13:52:28 1998 Ulrich Drepper (
- * breakpoint.c (breakpoint_re_set_one): Treat bp_shlib_events
- like bp_breakpoints.
- * solib.c (solib_create_inferior_hook): Relocate section addresses
- if the alleged start address doesn't agree with the PC.
-Sat Mar 21 19:34:49 1998 Elena Zannoni <>
- merged changes from Foundry (list follows by file/author):
- - Tom Tromey <>
- * (gdbres.o): New target.
- (WINDRES): New define.
- * configure: Rebuilt.
- * (WINDRES): Define.
- (CONFIG_OBS): Include gdbres.o on Windows.
- * gdbtool.ico: New file.
- * gdb.rc: New file.
- * ser-unix.c
- - Keith Seitz <>
- (wait_for): Don't reset the timeout_remaining for CYGWIN32,
- since we now effectively poll the serial port.
- Don't reset the current_timeout, either, since this member is used
- by hardwire_readchar to track the timeout and call the ui_loop_hook.
- (hardwire_readchar): Poll the serial port for Cygwin32. We timeout
- every second, update the UI, and loop around doing this until we
- have hit the real timeout or we get data or an error. This will
- allow the UI to stay active while gdb is "blocked" talking to the
- target.
- - Martin M. Hunt <>
- (wait_for): Do reset current_timeout because it is only used to
- keep track of what the current timeout for the scb is.
- * top.c
- - Martin M. Hunt <>
- (quit_confirm): Change exit message again
- for GUI.
- (pc_changed_hook): Add prototype.
- - Tom Tromey <>
- (quit_confirm): Added missing `else'.
- (quit_confirm): Special-case message if init_ui_hook is
- set.
- * symtab.c
- - Martin M. Hunt <>
- (find_pc_sect_line): If no symbol information
- is found, return correct pc anyway.
- (find_methods): Comment out an apparently
- bogus error message because it messes up Foundry.
- * serial.c
- - Martin M. Hunt <>
- (_initialize_serial): Add a description of
- "set remotelogbase".
- * findvar.c
- - Martin M. Hunt <>
- (write_register_gen): Add call to
- pc_changed_hook if the PC is being changed.
- * defs.h
- - Martin M. Hunt <>
- (pc_changed_hook): Define.
- * command.c
- - Martin M. Hunt <>
- (do_setshow_command): If no arguments are supplied,
- don't dump core, instead print out an error message.
- * breakpoint.c
- - Martin M. Hunt <>
- Make set_raw_breakpoint, set_breakpoint_count,
- and breakpoint_count non-static so they are accessible from
- elsewhere.
- (enable_breakpoint): Enable breakpoint
- with same disposition instead of changing all breakpoints
- to donttouch.
- * annotate.h
- - Keith Seitz <>
- Add declarations for annotation hooks.
- * annotate.c
- - Keith Seitz <>
- Add hooks: annotate_starting_hook, annotate_stopped_hook,
- annotate_signalled_hook, annotate_exited_hook.
- (annotate_starting): If hook exists, call it instead.
- (annotate_stopped): If hook exists, call it instead.
- (annotate_exited): If hook exists, call it instead.
- (annotate_signalled): If hook exists, call it instead.
-Fri Mar 20 14:45:36 1998 Michael Snyder <>
- * gdbserver/ add dependency on XM_CLIBS.
- * gdbserver/low-sim.c (registers) force into alignment.
- (create_inferior): Fix typo on new_argv; add abfd arg to
- sim_open, sim_create_inferior. Add reg_size arg to
- sim_fetch_register, sim_store_register. Make simulator
- take a single-step to get into a known running state.
- * gdbserver/gdbreplay.c: include fcntl.h for def'n of F_SETFL.
- * gdbserver/server.c: Add remote_debug variable to control
- debug output.
- * gdbserver/server.h: Add prototypes for enable/disable_async_io.
- * gdbserver/remote-utils.c: add verbose debugging output controlled
- by "remote_debug" variable. Add call to "disable_async_io()"
- to avoid being killed by async SIGIO signals.
- * config/m32r/ define GDBSERVER_(LIBS and DEPFILES),
- so that gdbserver can be built with the m32r simulator.
-Fri Mar 20 09:04:06 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * gdbtypes.h (builtin_type_{,u}int{8,16,32,64}): New gdb builtin
- types.
- * gdbtypes.c (_initialize_gdbtypes): Initialize new types.
- * mips-tdep.c (do_gp_register_row): Pad register value when GP
- register is smaller than MIPS_REGSIZE.
- * findvar.c (value_of_register): When raw and virtual register
- values identical, check that sizes are consistent.
-Thu Mar 19 11:32:15 1998 Michael Snyder (
- * minsyms.c (compare_minimal_symbols): If addresses are identical,
- then compare on names. Sorted list should have symbols with
- identical addresses AND names adjacent, so dups can be discarded.
-Wed Mar 18 12:50:17 1998 Jeff Law (
- * stabsread.c (define_symbol): Don't look for ',' as a LRS
- indicator.
-Wed Mar 18 10:34:51 1998 Nick Clifton <>
- * rdi-share/etherdrv.c: Set sys_errlist[] as char * not const char *.
-Fri Mar 13 15:43:53 1998 Peter Schauer (
- * config/mips/xm-mips.h (CC_HAS_LONG_LONG): Undefine for Ultrix
- when compiling with native cc, the compiler has broken long long
- support.
-Fri Mar 13 15:37:02 1998 Peter Schauer (
- * config/m68k/xm-sun3os4.h: Remove malloc declarations, they
- are handled via autoconf now.
- * remote.c (remote_ops, extended_remote_ops): Replace static
- forward declaration by moving the static definition to the top of
- the file, for old K&R compilers.
- * tracepoint.c (collect_symbol, trace_start_command):
- Replace ANSI string concatenation with K&R compatible simple string.
-1998-03-11 Fred Fish <>
- * source.c (select_source_symtab): Don't reach error if we have
- a current_source_symtab from reading in partial symbol table.
-Fri Mar 6 13:10:27 1998 Fred Fish <>
- * utils.c (quit): Call SERIAL_DRAIN_OUTPUT rather than
- * serial.h (struct serial_ops): Add drain_output, pointer to
- function that waits for output to drain.
- (SERIAL_DRAIN_OUTPUT): Macro to wait for output to drain.
- * ser-unix.c (hardwire_drain_output): New function and prototype.
- * ser-unix.c (hardwire_ops): Add entry for drain_output function.
- * ser-tcp.c (tcp_ops): Ditto.
- * ser-ocd.c (ocd_ops): Ditto.
- * ser-mac.c (mac_ops): Ditto.
- * ser-go32.c (dos_ops): Ditto.
- * ser-e7kpc.c (e7000pc_ops): Ditto.
-Thu Mar 5 16:07:41 1998 Michael Snyder (
- * sparcl-tdep.c: fix #endif comments
-Thu Mar 5 15:10:35 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * (BISON): Configure substitutes in @YACC@, not @BISON@.
-Thu Mar 5 14:42:41 1998 Keith Seitz <>
- * ocd.c (ocd_open): If we fail ocd_start_remote, make sure we
- error () so that we abort out of bdm_ppc_open.
-Wed Mar 4 16:53:52 1998 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * serial.c (_initialize_serial): Add a description of
- "set remotelogbase".
- * command.c (do_setshow_command): If no arguments are supplied,
- don't dump core, instead print out an error message.
-Wed Mar 4 01:39:08 1998 Ron Unrau <>
- * elfread.c (elf_symtab_read): merge SYMBOL_IS_SPECIAL into
- * config/mips/tm-mips.h: ditto
-Tue Mar 3 17:19:08 1998 John Metzler <>
- * dwarfread.c (read_tag_pointer_type): Pointer sizes now come from
- TARGET_PTR_BIT rather from sizeof(char *) on host.
-Tue Mar 3 14:37:02 1998 Peter Schauer (
- * alpha-nat.c (fetch_osf_core_registers): Renamed from
- fetch_aout_core_registers.
- (alpha_osf_core_fns): Renamed from alpha_aout_core_fns, change
- flavour to bfd_target_unknown_flavour for OSF core files.
-Mon Mar 2 17:44:13 1998 Michael Snyder (
- * breakpoint.c (_initialize_breakpoint): Make "en" an alias
- for "enable" (so that it doesn't conflict with "end").
-Mon Mar 2 17:04:25 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * Makefile (VERSION): Bump to 4.17.1.
-Mon Mar 2 16:59:15 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * rdi-share/etherdrv.c (sys_errlist): Add correct decl for Linux.
-Mon Mar 2 16:51:44 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * (YYFILES): Remove in maintainer-clean, not distclean.
-Mon Mar 2 16:47:11 1998 Philippe De Muyter <>
- * (distclean): Add `rm $(YYFILES)'.
-Mon Mar 2 16:45:48 1998 Philippe De Muyter <>
- * coffread.c (coff_read_enum_type): Set TYPE_FLAG_UNSIGNED if enum
- is unsigned.
-Sun Mar 2 15:16:13 1998 Richard Henderson <>
- *, configure.tgt: Add sparc-linux.
- * sparc-nat.c: Include <asm/reg.h> not <machine/reg.h> for Linux.
- * config/sparc/*linux*: New files.
-Mon Mar 2 12:12:41 1998 Anthony Thompson (
- * arm-tdep.c (gdb_print_insn_arm): Call print_insn_big_arm
- if we're big endian; else call print_insn_little_arm.
-Mon Feb 24 11:24:57 1998 Richard Henderson <>
- * (BISON): Don't even pretend to use yacc.
- ( Use bison -o to use a unique intermediate file.
- (, Likewise.
- ( Likewise.
-Tue Feb 24 03:32:59 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_fetch_register): Don't abort when the
- register size is wrong.
-Thu Feb 19 16:49:48 1998 John Metzler <>
- * target.c (debug_to_fetch_registers,debug_to_store_registers,
- debug-to_insert_breakpoint,debug_to_remove_breakpoint): tracing
- 64 bit targets crashed long long printfs.
-Tue Feb 17 16:36:22 1998 Michael Snyder (
- * symfile.c (read_target_int_array): rename read_target_long_array
- and force the sizeof an ovly_table element to sizeof(long),
- instead of sizeof(int).
-Tue Feb 17 18:05:05 1998 Frank Ch. Eigler <>
- * remote-mips.c (mips_request): Use unsigned long during parsing
- returned value from monitor, to prevent accidental sign extension.
-Tue Feb 17 14:28:33 1998 Peter Schauer <>
- * acconfig.h: FORCE_MMCHECK changed to MMCHECK_FORCE.
- * Ditto.
- * configure: Regenerated.
-Tue Feb 17 14:07:34 1998 Peter Schauer <>
- * gdbtypes.c (check_typedef): Do not try to resolve the length of
- a type which has TYPE_FLAG_TARGET_STUB set, if the target type has
- set TYPE_FLAG_TARGET_STUB as well.
-Tue Feb 17 14:32:18 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_fetch_register, gdbsim_store_register):
- Pass register size to sim_{fetch,store}_register. Check nr of
- register bytes transfered is correct.
-Mon Feb 16 14:05:54 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote-d10v.c (remote_d10v_open): Call push_remote_target
- instead of open_remote_target.
- * remote.c (remote_xfer_memory): Use REMOTE_TRANSLATE_XFER_ADDRESS
- to translate addr/size when defined.
- (open_remote_target): Delete.
- * target.h (open_remote_target): Delete.
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h (REMOTE_TRANSLATE_XFER_ADDRESS): Define.
-Mon Feb 16 14:05:54 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * d10v-tdep.c (d10v_extract_return_value): Wierd. GCC wants to
- return odd sized register quantities with only half of the first
- register used!
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h (USE_STRUCT_CONVENTION): Use stack when
- size > 8.
-Mon Feb 16 14:05:54 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h (USE_STRUCT_CONVENTION): Define. True when
- sizeof type > 1.
-Sun Feb 15 16:10:50 1998 Ron Unrau <>
- * parse.c (write_dollar_variable): call new function
- target_map_name_to_register to allow targets to define their own
- register name aliases.
- * infcmd.c (registers_info): use target_map_name_to_register so that
- "print $reg" and "info reg $reg" use the same register name aliases.
-Fri Feb 13 16:40:30 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- * config/i386/ (OBJFORMATS): Delete, no longer used.
- * config/i386/xm-i386mk.h: Fix an include.
- * config/pyr/tm-pyr.h (PC_INNER_THAN): Remove, never used.
-Thu Feb 12 16:12:07 1998 Frank Ch. Eigler <>
- * remote-mips.c (mips_enter_debug): Sleep before sending CR to
- monitor.
- (mips_exit_debug): Accept any whitespace / verbiage before monitor
- prompt reappears.
-Thu Feb 12 18:25:42 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * d10v-tdep.c (show_regs): Avoid use of %llx when printing 8 byte
- accumulators.
-Thu Feb 12 17:10:22 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * valops.c (value_at): For d10v, make read pointers with
- read_target_unsigned_integer, keep addresses unsigned.
- (value_fetch_lazy): Ditto.
-Thu Feb 12 12:14:02 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote-d10v.c: New file. Layer the d10v GDB->remote memory map
- on top of the remote serial memory transfer functions.
- * config/d10v/ (TDEPFILES): Add remote-d10v.o
- * (remote-d10v.o): Add dependencies.
- * remote.c (remote_open_1): Add arg extended_p, engage extended
- protocol when extended_p.
- (remote_open, extended_remote_open): Pass !extended_p /
- extended_p to remote_open_1.
- * remote.c (open_remote_target), target.h: New function.
-Wed Feb 11 08:41:15 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * config/i386/ (XDEPFILES): Add ser-tcp.o.
-Tue Feb 10 17:50:37 1998 Keith Seitz <>
- * tracepoint.c (tracepoint_operation): Call the modify_tracepoint_hook
- if it exists.
- Remove static declaration of free_actions.
- * tracepoint.h: Add declaration of free_actions.
-Tue Feb 10 12:17:13 1998 Fred Fish <>
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): Revert change that mistakenly
- removed assignment of sals[0].pc field.
-Mon Feb 10 12:37:47 1998 Philippe De Muyter <>
- * m68k/tm-delta68.h (EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE): Type argument for
- (STORE_RETURN_VALUE): Ditto, and offset for `write_register_bytes'
- (FRAME_NUM_ARGS): New macro.
- * delta68-nat.c (clear_insn_cache): New function, forgotten in previous
- patch.
-Mon Feb 9 11:10:06 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * d10v-tdep.c: Replace references to IMEM_ADDR and DMEM_ADDR with
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h (IMEM_START): Move to 0x01......
- (DMEM_START): Move to 0x00......
- (STACK_START): Move to 0x00..7ffe.
- (D10V_MAKE_IADDR, D10V_MAKE_DADDR): Translate unconditionally.
- * d10v-tdep.c (d10v_xlate_addr): Delete function.
-Mon Feb 9 15:10:21 1998 Fred Fish <>
- * symtab.c (fixup_psymbol_section): Move forward declaration to
- top of file with other such decls. Make it a static function.
- * symtab.h: Minor formatting tweaks.
-Mon Feb 9 13:14:12 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- * config/, config/i960/ (REMOTE_OBS):
- Remove redefinition.
- * config/i960/tm-i960.h (BREAKPOINT): Define.
-Mon Feb 9 15:35:38 1998 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * (init.c): Ignore errors when making init.c. Seems
- necessary to work around bug in Solaris make.
-Sun Feb 6 02:44:28 1998 Philippe De Muyter <>
- * m68k/tm-delta68.h (CPLUS_MARKER): Macro deleted.
- because floating-point values return via %fp0.
- (CLEAR_INSN_CACHE): New macro.
- * m68k/tm-m68k.h (REGISTER_CONVERT_TO_VIRTUAL): Macro fixed
- to use DOUBLEST.
- * infptrace.c (child_xfer_memory): If CLEAR_INSN_CACHE is defined,
- call it after having written in child process's memory.
- * inflow.c (PROCESS_GROUP_TYPE): Macro defined if HAVE_TERMIO.
- (gdb_has_a_terminal, terminal_ours_1): Functions fixed for HAVE_TERMIO.
-Fri Feb 6 16:17:30 1998 Jeffrey A Law (
- * config/mips/tm-mips64.h (TARGET_LONG_BIT): Allow final target to
- override.
- (TARGET_PTR_BIT): Likewise.
-Fri Feb 6 17:42:22 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h (D10V_CONVERT_IADDR_TO_RAW,
- * d10v-tdep.c (d10v_push_arguments): Re-write. Pass arguments in
- registers, regardless of their size, when they fit.
-Thu Feb 5 13:16:36 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * d10v-tdep.c (d10v_extract_return_value): For function pointers
- translate address to IMAP area.
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h (EXTRA_FRAME_INFO): Delete dummy from
- struct.
- (POP_FRAME): Point at generic_pop_current_frame.
- * d10v-tdep.c (d10v_pop_frame): Delete code handling dummy frames,
- handled earlier.
- (d10v_push_return_address): New function.
- (d10v_pop_dummy_frame): Delete.
- (d10v_fix_call_dummy): Delete.
- (d10v_call_dummy_address): Delete.
- * d10v-tdep.c (d10v_init_extra_frame_info): Clear dummy and
- frameless.
- * d10v-tdep.c (d10v_push_arguments): Keep stack word aligned.
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h (EXTRACT_STRUCT_VALUE_ADDRESS): Extract
- address of structure from first ARG1_REGNUM.
- * d10v-tdep.c (d10v_push_arguments): Force 4 byte args into
- even-odd register pair. Store 1 and 2 byte args in registers.
- * valops.c (value_fetch_lazy): Ensure that a D10V function pointer
- is fetched in the correct byte order.
- (value_at): Ditto. Also ensure data pointers are mapped to data
- segment.
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h (D10V_DADDR_P, D10V_IADDR_P):
- * d10v-tdep.c: Replace 2 with REGISTER_RAW_SIZE.
- (d10v_pop_frame): Replace R13 with LR_REGNUM.
- (d10v_push_arguments): Replace R2 with ARG1_REGNUM.
- (d10v_push_arguments): Replace 6 with ARGN_REGNUM.
- (d10v_extract_return_value): Access return value with RET1_REGNUM.
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h (ARG1_REGNUM, ARGN_REGNUM, RET1_REGNUM):
- Define.
- (STORE_RETURN_VALUE): Specify return register using RET1_REGNUM.
- (STORE_STRUCT_RETURN): Specify ARG1_REGNUM as the struct ptr
- location.
-Thu Feb 5 13:16:36 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * blockframe.c (generic_pop_dummy_frame): Flush the frame, no
- longer valid.
- * blockframe.c (generic_pop_current_frame), frames.h: New
- function.
-Thu Feb 5 17:18:16 1998 Andrew Cagney <>
- * remote-sim.c (gdbsim_create_inferior): clear_proceed_status
- before /re/starting the simulator.
-Thu Feb 5 15:55:31 1998 C. M. Heard (
- * top.c (do_nothing): Remove signal handler after signal is caught.
-Thu Feb 5 11:57:06 1998 Michael Snyder (
- * tracepoint.c (tracepoint_operation): call free_actions instead
- of free. (free_actions): eliminate some memory leaks for actions.
- (validate_actionline): pass string arg by reference, so we can
- change the pointer. Change all memrange collection arguments to
- canonical form (literal address and size), to enforce early
- evaluation. Accept UNOP_MEMVAL (assembly variables) for
- trace collection. (parse_and_eval_memrange): accept expressions
- for the address and size fields of a memrange (and evaluate
- them immediately). (several places): use -1 instead of zero
- to distinguish an absolute memrange from a register-relative one.
- (encode_actions): add handling for UNOP_MEMVAL (assembly variable).
-Wed Feb 4 17:40:21 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * (SFILES): add tracepoint.c.
- (SOURCES): Ditto.
- * (CONFIG_SRCS): Mirror use of CONFIG_OBS.
- * configure: Regenerated.
-Tue Feb 3 16:12:32 1998 Gordon W. Ross (
- * infptrace.c (child_resume): Don't try to step if
- NO_SINGLE_STEP is defined.
-Mon Feb 2 19:06:13 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * (VERSION): Bump to 4.16.2.
-Mon Feb 2 17:18:25 1998 Richard Henderson <>
- * alpha-nat.c (fetch_aout_core_registers): Rename from
- fetch_core_registers.
- (fetch_elf_core_registers): New function.
- (supply_gregset): Use ALPHA_REGSET_BASE.
- (supply_fpregset): Likewise.
- (fill_fpregset): Likewise.
- (alpha_aout_core_fns): Rename from alpha_core_fns.
- (alpha_elf_core_fns): New.
- * config/alpha/ (NATDEPFILES): solib.o not osfsolib.o.
- Disable MMALLOC.
- * config/alpha/nm-linux.h (SVR4_SHARED_LIBS): Define if ELF.
- (TARGET_ELF64): Likewise.
- * config/alpha/nm-osf.h (ALPHA_REGSET_BASE): New.
- * config/alpha/tm-alphalinux.h: Include tm-sysv4.h.
- * solib.c (elf_locate_base): Add TARGET_ELF64 support.
- (info_sharedlibary_command): Likewise.
- * Match alpha*.
- * configure.tgt: Likewise.
-Fri Jan 30 15:11:38 1998 David Taylor <>
- Changes by <Peter.Schauer@Regent.E-Technik.TU-Muenchen.DE>
- * infrun.c (IN_SOLIB_DYNSYM_RESOLVE_CODE): new macro for detecting
- whether we are in the dynamic symbol resolution code
- (wait_for_inferior): invoke it.
- * solib.c (in_svr4_dynsym_resolve_code): new function
- (enable_break): record start and end of the dynamic linker
- text and plt sections for use in in_svr4_dynsym_resolve_code.
- * solib.h (IN_SOLIB_DYNSYM_RESOLVE_CODE): add svr4 definition;
- (in_svr4_dynsym_resolve_code): declare it.
- * config/nm-gnu.h (solib.h): move inclusion to after definition
- * config/nm-sysv4.h (solib.h): ditto.
- * config/i386/nm-i386sco5.h (solib.h): ditto.
- * config/i386/nm-linux.h (solib.h): ditto.
- * config/mips/nm-irix5.h (IN_SOLIB_DYNSYM_RESOLVE_CODE): undefine.
-Thu Jan 29 19:39:31 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- * coffread.c (coff_symtab_read) [SEM]: Remove code, macro can
- never be defined.
- * dbxread.c (process_one_symbol) [BLOCK_ADDRESS_ABSOLUTE]:
- Remove, no longer needed.
- * hppa-tdep.c (N_SET_MAGIC): Remove, no longer used.
- * config/pa/xm-hppab.h (SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END): Ditto.
- * config/mips/tm-mipsm3.h (NUMERIC_REG_NAMES): Ditto.
- * config/mips/ (TDEPFILES): Remove mipsread.o.
-Wed Jan 28 14:46:52 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- Suggested by Chris Walter <>:
- * dwarfread.c (set_cu_language): Recognize Fortran.
- * dwarf2read.c (set_cu_language): Ditto.
- (read_array_type): Fix language test.
-Wed Jan 28 12:51:08 1998 Michael Snyder (
- * blockframe.c (generic_frame_chain_valid): A frame pointer may
- be valid if it is equal to the frame pointer of its caller (ie.
- not necessarily strictly INNER_THAN). Allows frameless functions.
-Wed Jan 28 11:23:25 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * monitor.c (monitor_vsprintf): New function to handle
- printing of large addresses using %A format specifier.
- (monitor_printf_noecho, monitor_printf): Use monitor_vsprintf
- instead of vsprintf.
- * dve3900-rom.c (_initialize_r3900_rom): Use %A instead of %Lx
- to print addresses.
-Tue Jan 27 16:14:23 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * (CONFIG_LDFLAGS): Only add -export-dynamic
- when using GNU ld.
-Mon Jan 26 19:07:46 1998 Jason Molenda (
- * config/alpha/tm-alphalinux.h (alpha_linux_sigtramp_offset):
- Add closing parenthesis. From HJ Lu.
-Mon Jan 26 17:54:45 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * dve3900-rom.c: Improve performance by using memory commands
- that print less fluff. Minor cosmetic changes.
- Eliminate compiler warnings.
-Sat Jan 24 23:44:43 1998 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * breakpoint.c (enable_breakpoint): Preserve breakpoint
- disposition when enabling a breakpoint.
- * symtab.c (find_pc_sect_line): If no symbol information
- is found, return correct pc anyway.
-Fri Jan 23 17:26:22 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- * (i[3456]86-*-osf1mk*, mips-*-mach3*,
- ns32k-*-mach3*): Fix file names.
- (i[3456]86-*-os9k, m88*-*-mach3*, w65-*-*): Remove config
- recognition, no source files for these.
- * configure.tgt (powerpc-*-aix4*): Remove config, now identical
- to powerpc-*-aix*.
- * config/powerpc/{,,tm-ppc-aix4.h}: Remove files,
- no longer needed.
-Fri Jan 23 16:49:41 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * monitor.c (monitor_write, monitor_readchar): New functions.
- * monitor.h (monitor_write, monitor_readchar): Declare.
- * dve3900-rom.c: Add support for fast loading on ethernet connections.
-Fri Jan 23 07:47:06 1998 Fred Fish <>
- * config/d10v/tm-d10v.h (CALL_DUMMY): Define as "{ 0 }".
- (TARGET_READ_FP): Define to d10v_read_fp rather than d10v_read_sp.
- (TARGET_WRITE_FP): Define to d10v_write_fp rather than d10v_write_sp.
- (d10v_write_fp, d10v_read_fp): Add prototypes.
- * symtab.c (decode_line_1): Remove assignment of sals[0].pc field.
- * symfile.c (simple_overlay_update, simple_overlay_update_1):
- Ignore the size of overlay sections. This check is redundant anyway.
- * printcmd.c (print_frame_args): Ditto.
- * valops.c (value_fetch_lazy): Ditto.
- * values.c (unpack_long): Ditto.
- * d10v-tdep.c (d10v_frame_chain, d10v_frame_find_saved_regs,
- d10v_init_extra_frame_info): Fix some minor bugs so the finish command
- works properly.
- (show_regs): Change num1 and num2 types from "long long" to "LONGEST".
- (d10v_read_fp, d10v_write_fp): New functions.
- (d10v_push_arguments): Remove unneeded assigns to "val" and "contents".
- (d10v_push_arguments): Fix for pointers and structs.
- (d10v_extract_return_value): Fix for pointers and chars.
-Tue Jan 20 18:53:18 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- * configure.tgt (i386-*-mach*, m88*-*-mach3*): Remove config
- recognition, no source files for these (note that the i386 Mach
- config is for pre-Mach 3).
- (mips*-*-mach3*, ns32k-*-mach3*): Fix file names.
- * config/mips/ Remove, never referenced.
-Mon Jan 19 14:01:28 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- * top.c (print_gdb_version): Restore to original message.
-Mon Jan 19 13:34:40 1998 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- From (Chris Faylor):
- * win32-nat.c (child_mourn_inferior): Call ContinueDebugEvent to
- let the child exit.
- (child_kill_inferior): Respond to all debug events as the child is
- terminating.
- * (all): Change gdb dependency to gdb$(EXEEXT).
- (uninstall): Add $(EXEEXT) to file name to remove.
- (gdb$(EXEEXT)): Rename target from plain gdb.
- (gdb1$(EXEEXT)): Rename target from plain gdb1.
- (clean, mostlyclean): Add $(EXEEXT) to binary names to remove.
-1998-01-16 Felix Lee <>
- * top.c (print_gdb_version): delete stutter.
-Thu Jan 15 12:29:13 1998 Nick Clifton <>
- * remote-rdi.c (arm_rdi_open): Patch from
- to prevent spurous error messages on non-ICE targets.
-Wed Jan 14 19:27:02 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- * config/mips/{,,tm-r3900.h,tm-r3900l.h}:
- Remove, no longer used.
-Wed Jan 14 18:11:26 1998 Michael Meissner <>
- Patch from Jim Wilson.
- * d30v-tdep.c (d30v_frame_find_saved_regs_offsets): Properly
- declare void function before use.
- * config/d30v/tm-d30v.h (CALL_DUMMY): Initialize as { 0 }, not {}.
-Tue Jan 13 16:38:48 1998 Fred Fish <>
- * (--with-mmalloc): Add new configure arg to use the
- mmalloc package. Default is to not use it.
- (START_INFERIOR_TRAPS_EXPECTED): Define to the integer 2, not
- the string "2".
- * acconfig.h (USE_MMALLOC, FORCE_MMCHECK): Add #undef.
- * configure: Regenerated.
- * Regenerated.
- (MMALLOC): Set using configure.
- (MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Set using configure.
- * config/i386/tm-linux.h (sys_quotactl): Define to 1 rather
- than just defining it.
- * mpw-make.sed: Undefine USE_MMALLOC rather than defining NO_MMALLOC.
- * utils.c (NO_MMALLOC): Use USE_MMALLOC instead.
- * objfiles.c: ditto.
- * defs.h: ditto.
- * config/sparc/ (MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Remove.
- * config/m68k/ (MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Remove.
- * config/i386/ (MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Remove.
- * config/alpha/ (MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Remove.
- * config/alpha/ (MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Remove.
- * gdbserver/ (MMALLOC_*): Remove.
- * config/rs6000/ (MMALLOC, MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Remove.
- * config/rs6000/ (MMALLOC, MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Remove.
- * config/powerpc/ (MMALLOC, MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Remove.
- * config/powerpc/ (MMALLOC, MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Remove.
- * config/ns32k/ (MMALLOC, MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Remove.
- * config/mips/ (MMALLOC, MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Remove.
- * config/mips/ (MMALLOC, MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Remove.
- * config/m88k/ (MMALLOC, MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Remove.
- * config/i386/xm-windows.h (NO_MMALLOC, NO_MMCHECK): Remove.
- * config/i386/ (MMALLOC, MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Remove.
- * config/i386/ (MMALLOC, MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Remove.
- * config/i386/ (MMALLOC, MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Remove.
- * config/alpha/ (MMALLOC, MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Remove.
- * config/alpha/ (MMALLOC, MMALLOC_CFLAGS): Remove.
-Mon Jan 12 11:46:51 1998 Michael Snyder (
- * config/m68k/tm-m68k.h (REGISTER_VIRTUAL_TYPE): make A0 thru A7
- default to void pointer type (so that their default radix is hex).
- * symtab.c: move rbreak_command from no_class to class_breakpoint
- so it will be listed under "help breakpoints".
-Sat Jan 10 14:58:04 1998 Stan Shebs <>
- * rdi-share/hostchan.c: Remove gettimeofday declaration.
-Thu Jan 8 11:03:59 1998 Nick Clifton <>
- * remote-rdp.c: Applied patches submitted by
- to implement the Angel remote debugging interface.
- * Add build rules for remote-rdi.c and
- rdi-share/libangsd.a.
- * configure.tgt: Updated from source on branch.
- * config/arm/tm-arm.h: Updated from source on branch.
- * arm-tdep.c: Updated from source on branch.
- * rdi-share: New directory, RDI library contributed by ARM.
-Mon Jan 5 20:21:59 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * monitor.h (MO_PRINT_PROGRAM_OUTPUT): Define.
- * monitor.c (monitor_wait): Echo program output.
- * dve3900-rom.c (_initialize_r3900_rom): Remove MO_HANDLE_NL flag,
-Mon Jan 5 18:21:11 1998 David Taylor <>
- SIGLONGJMP appropriately based on whether HAVE_SIGSETJMP is
- defined.
- * top.c (return_to_top_level, catch_errors): use the new macros
- * main.c (SET_TOP_LEVEL): ditto.
- * config/xm-sysv4.h (HAVE_SIGSETJMP): Define.
-Fri Jan 2 18:48:58 1998 Mark Alexander <>
- * Double up brackets in shell case pattern.
-Fri Jan 2 17:06:05 1998 Michael Snyder (
- * tracepoint.c (finish_tfind_command): improved algorithm for
- deciding when we've "stepped" into a new stack frame.
- (map_args_over_tracepoints): loop over tracepoint list "safely",
- since list elements may be deleted during loop.
- (read_actions): add actions to history list.
-For older changes see ChangeLog-97
-Local Variables:
-mode: change-log
-left-margin: 8
-fill-column: 74
-version-control: never
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/arm-convert.s b/contrib/gdb/gdb/arm-convert.s
deleted file mode 100644
index 8124052bb100..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/arm-convert.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-/* OBSOLETE .text */
-/* OBSOLETE .global _convert_from_extended */
-/* OBSOLETE _convert_from_extended: */
-/* OBSOLETE ldfe f0,[a1] */
-/* OBSOLETE stfd f0,[a2] */
-/* OBSOLETE movs pc,lr */
-/* OBSOLETE .global _convert_to_extended */
-/* OBSOLETE _convert_to_extended: */
-/* OBSOLETE ldfd f0,[a1] */
-/* OBSOLETE stfe f0,[a2] */
-/* OBSOLETE movs pc,lr */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/arm-xdep.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/arm-xdep.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 64ca9003665e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/arm-xdep.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
-/* OBSOLETE /* Acorn Risc Machine host machine support. */
-/* OBSOLETE Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. */
-/* OBSOLETE This file is part of GDB. */
-/* OBSOLETE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
-/* OBSOLETE it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
-/* OBSOLETE the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
-/* OBSOLETE (at your option) any later version. */
-/* OBSOLETE This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
-/* OBSOLETE but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
-/* OBSOLETE GNU General Public License for more details. */
-/* OBSOLETE You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
-/* OBSOLETE along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
-/* OBSOLETE Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, */
-/* OBSOLETE Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE #include "defs.h" */
-/* OBSOLETE #include "frame.h" */
-/* OBSOLETE #include "inferior.h" */
-/* OBSOLETE #include "opcode/arm.h" */
-/* OBSOLETE #include <sys/param.h> */
-/* OBSOLETE #include <sys/dir.h> */
-/* OBSOLETE #include <signal.h> */
-/* OBSOLETE #include <sys/ioctl.h> */
-/* OBSOLETE #include <sys/ptrace.h> */
-/* OBSOLETE #include <machine/reg.h> */
-/* OBSOLETE #define N_TXTADDR(hdr) 0x8000 */
-/* OBSOLETE #define N_DATADDR(hdr) (hdr.a_text + 0x8000) */
-/* OBSOLETE #include "gdbcore.h" */
-/* OBSOLETE #include <sys/user.h> /* After a.out.h *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE #include <sys/file.h> */
-/* OBSOLETE #include "gdb_stat.h" */
-/* OBSOLETE #include <errno.h> */
-/* OBSOLETE void */
-/* OBSOLETE fetch_inferior_registers (regno) */
-/* OBSOLETE int regno; /* Original value discarded *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE register unsigned int regaddr; */
-/* OBSOLETE register int i; */
-/* OBSOLETE struct user u; */
-/* OBSOLETE unsigned int offset = (char *) &u.u_ar0 - (char *) &u; */
-/* OBSOLETE offset = ptrace (PT_READ_U, inferior_pid, (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) offset, 0) */
-/* OBSOLETE registers_fetched (); */
-/* OBSOLETE for (regno = 0; regno < 16; regno++) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE regaddr = offset + regno * 4; */
-/* OBSOLETE *(int *) &buf[0] = ptrace (PT_READ_U, inferior_pid, */
-/* OBSOLETE (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) regaddr, 0); */
-/* OBSOLETE if (regno == PC_REGNUM) */
-/* OBSOLETE *(int *) &buf[0] = GET_PC_PART (*(int *) &buf[0]); */
-/* OBSOLETE supply_register (regno, buf); */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE *(int *) &buf[0] = ptrace (PT_READ_U, inferior_pid, */
-/* OBSOLETE (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) (offset + PC * 4), 0); */
-/* OBSOLETE supply_register (PS_REGNUM, buf); /* set virtual register ps same as pc *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE /* read the floating point registers *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE offset = (char *) &u.u_fp_regs - (char *) &u; */
-/* OBSOLETE *(int *) buf = ptrace (PT_READ_U, inferior_pid, (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) offset, 0); */
-/* OBSOLETE supply_register (FPS_REGNUM, buf); */
-/* OBSOLETE for (regno = 16; regno < 24; regno++) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE regaddr = offset + 4 + 12 * (regno - 16); */
-/* OBSOLETE for (i = 0; i < 12; i += sizeof (int)) */
-/* OBSOLETE *(int *) &buf[i] = ptrace (PT_READ_U, inferior_pid, */
-/* OBSOLETE (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) (regaddr + i), 0); */
-/* OBSOLETE supply_register (regno, buf); */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Store our register values back into the inferior. */
-/* OBSOLETE If REGNO is -1, do this for all registers. */
-/* OBSOLETE Otherwise, REGNO specifies which register (so we can save time). *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE void */
-/* OBSOLETE store_inferior_registers (regno) */
-/* OBSOLETE int regno; */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE register unsigned int regaddr; */
-/* OBSOLETE char buf[80]; */
-/* OBSOLETE struct user u; */
-/* OBSOLETE unsigned long value; */
-/* OBSOLETE unsigned int offset = (char *) &u.u_ar0 - (char *) &u; */
-/* OBSOLETE offset = ptrace (PT_READ_U, inferior_pid, (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) offset, 0) */
-/* OBSOLETE if (regno >= 0) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE if (regno >= 16) */
-/* OBSOLETE return; */
-/* OBSOLETE regaddr = offset + 4 * regno; */
-/* OBSOLETE errno = 0; */
-/* OBSOLETE value = read_register (regno); */
-/* OBSOLETE if (regno == PC_REGNUM) */
-/* OBSOLETE value = SET_PC_PART (read_register (PS_REGNUM), value); */
-/* OBSOLETE ptrace (PT_WRITE_U, inferior_pid, (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) regaddr, value); */
-/* OBSOLETE if (errno != 0) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE sprintf (buf, "writing register number %d", regno); */
-/* OBSOLETE perror_with_name (buf); */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE else */
-/* OBSOLETE for (regno = 0; regno < 15; regno++) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE regaddr = offset + regno * 4; */
-/* OBSOLETE errno = 0; */
-/* OBSOLETE value = read_register (regno); */
-/* OBSOLETE if (regno == PC_REGNUM) */
-/* OBSOLETE value = SET_PC_PART (read_register (PS_REGNUM), value); */
-/* OBSOLETE ptrace (6, inferior_pid, (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) regaddr, value); */
-/* OBSOLETE if (errno != 0) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE sprintf (buf, "writing all regs, number %d", regno); */
-/* OBSOLETE perror_with_name (buf); */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Work with core dump and executable files, for GDB. */
-/* OBSOLETE This code would be in corefile.c if it weren't machine-dependent. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Structure to describe the chain of shared libraries used */
-/* OBSOLETE by the execfile. */
-/* OBSOLETE e.g. prog shares Xt which shares X11 which shares c. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE struct shared_library */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE struct exec_header header; */
-/* OBSOLETE char name[SHLIBLEN]; */
-/* OBSOLETE CORE_ADDR text_start; /* CORE_ADDR of 1st byte of text, this file *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE long data_offset; /* offset of data section in file *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE int chan; /* file descriptor for the file *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE struct shared_library *shares; /* library this one shares *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE }; */
-/* OBSOLETE static struct shared_library *shlib = 0; */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Hook for `exec_file_command' command to call. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE extern void (*exec_file_display_hook) (); */
-/* OBSOLETE static CORE_ADDR unshared_text_start; */
-/* OBSOLETE /* extended header from exec file (for shared library info) *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE static struct exec_header exec_header; */
-/* OBSOLETE void */
-/* OBSOLETE core_file_command (filename, from_tty) */
-/* OBSOLETE char *filename; */
-/* OBSOLETE int from_tty; */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE int val; */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Discard all vestiges of any previous core file */
-/* OBSOLETE and mark data and stack spaces as empty. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE if (corefile) */
-/* OBSOLETE free (corefile); */
-/* OBSOLETE corefile = 0; */
-/* OBSOLETE if (corechan >= 0) */
-/* OBSOLETE close (corechan); */
-/* OBSOLETE corechan = -1; */
-/* OBSOLETE data_start = 0; */
-/* OBSOLETE data_end = 0; */
-/* OBSOLETE stack_start = STACK_END_ADDR; */
-/* OBSOLETE stack_end = STACK_END_ADDR; */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Now, if a new core file was specified, open it and digest it. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE if (filename) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE filename = tilde_expand (filename); */
-/* OBSOLETE make_cleanup (free, filename); */
-/* OBSOLETE if (have_inferior_p ()) */
-/* OBSOLETE error ("To look at a core file, you must kill the program with \"kill\"."); */
-/* OBSOLETE corechan = open (filename, O_RDONLY, 0); */
-/* OBSOLETE if (corechan < 0) */
-/* OBSOLETE perror_with_name (filename); */
-/* OBSOLETE /* 4.2-style (and perhaps also sysV-style) core dump file. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE struct user u; */
-/* OBSOLETE unsigned int reg_offset, fp_reg_offset; */
-/* OBSOLETE val = myread (corechan, &u, sizeof u); */
-/* OBSOLETE if (val < 0) */
-/* OBSOLETE perror_with_name ("Not a core file: reading upage"); */
-/* OBSOLETE if (val != sizeof u) */
-/* OBSOLETE error ("Not a core file: could only read %d bytes", val); */
-/* OBSOLETE /* We are depending on exec_file_command having been called */
-/* OBSOLETE previously to set exec_data_start. Since the executable */
-/* OBSOLETE and the core file share the same text segment, the address */
-/* OBSOLETE of the data segment will be the same in both. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE data_start = exec_data_start; */
-/* OBSOLETE data_end = data_start + NBPG * u.u_dsize; */
-/* OBSOLETE stack_start = stack_end - NBPG * u.u_ssize; */
-/* OBSOLETE data_offset = NBPG * UPAGES; */
-/* OBSOLETE stack_offset = NBPG * (UPAGES + u.u_dsize); */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Some machines put an absolute address in here and some put */
-/* OBSOLETE the offset in the upage of the regs. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE reg_offset = (int) u.u_ar0; */
-/* OBSOLETE if (reg_offset > NBPG * UPAGES) */
-/* OBSOLETE reg_offset -= KERNEL_U_ADDR; */
-/* OBSOLETE fp_reg_offset = (char *) &u.u_fp_regs - (char *) &u; */
-/* OBSOLETE /* I don't know where to find this info. */
-/* OBSOLETE So, for now, mark it as not available. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE N_SET_MAGIC (core_aouthdr, 0); */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Read the register values out of the core file and store */
-/* OBSOLETE them where `read_register' will find them. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE register int regno; */
-/* OBSOLETE for (regno = 0; regno < NUM_REGS; regno++) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE if (regno < 16) */
-/* OBSOLETE val = lseek (corechan, reg_offset + 4 * regno, 0); */
-/* OBSOLETE else if (regno < 24) */
-/* OBSOLETE val = lseek (corechan, fp_reg_offset + 4 + 12 * (regno - 24), 0); */
-/* OBSOLETE else if (regno == 24) */
-/* OBSOLETE val = lseek (corechan, fp_reg_offset, 0); */
-/* OBSOLETE else if (regno == 25) */
-/* OBSOLETE val = lseek (corechan, reg_offset + 4 * PC, 0); */
-/* OBSOLETE if (val < 0 */
-/* OBSOLETE || (val = myread (corechan, buf, sizeof buf)) < 0) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE char *buffer = (char *) alloca (strlen (REGISTER_NAME (regno)) */
-/* OBSOLETE + 30); */
-/* OBSOLETE strcpy (buffer, "Reading register "); */
-/* OBSOLETE strcat (buffer, REGISTER_NAME (regno)); */
-/* OBSOLETE perror_with_name (buffer); */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE if (regno == PC_REGNUM) */
-/* OBSOLETE *(int *) buf = GET_PC_PART (*(int *) buf); */
-/* OBSOLETE supply_register (regno, buf); */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE if (filename[0] == '/') */
-/* OBSOLETE corefile = savestring (filename, strlen (filename)); */
-/* OBSOLETE else */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE corefile = concat (current_directory, "/", filename, NULL); */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE flush_cached_frames (); */
-/* OBSOLETE select_frame (get_current_frame (), 0); */
-/* OBSOLETE validate_files (); */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE else if (from_tty) */
-/* OBSOLETE printf ("No core file now.\n"); */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE #if 0 */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Work with core dump and executable files, for GDB. */
-/* OBSOLETE This code would be in corefile.c if it weren't machine-dependent. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Structure to describe the chain of shared libraries used */
-/* OBSOLETE by the execfile. */
-/* OBSOLETE e.g. prog shares Xt which shares X11 which shares c. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE struct shared_library */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE struct exec_header header; */
-/* OBSOLETE char name[SHLIBLEN]; */
-/* OBSOLETE CORE_ADDR text_start; /* CORE_ADDR of 1st byte of text, this file *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE long data_offset; /* offset of data section in file *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE int chan; /* file descriptor for the file *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE struct shared_library *shares; /* library this one shares *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE }; */
-/* OBSOLETE static struct shared_library *shlib = 0; */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Hook for `exec_file_command' command to call. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE extern void (*exec_file_display_hook) (); */
-/* OBSOLETE static CORE_ADDR unshared_text_start; */
-/* OBSOLETE /* extended header from exec file (for shared library info) *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE static struct exec_header exec_header; */
-/* OBSOLETE void */
-/* OBSOLETE exec_file_command (filename, from_tty) */
-/* OBSOLETE char *filename; */
-/* OBSOLETE int from_tty; */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE int val; */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Eliminate all traces of old exec file. */
-/* OBSOLETE Mark text segment as empty. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE if (execfile) */
-/* OBSOLETE free (execfile); */
-/* OBSOLETE execfile = 0; */
-/* OBSOLETE data_start = 0; */
-/* OBSOLETE data_end -= exec_data_start; */
-/* OBSOLETE text_start = 0; */
-/* OBSOLETE unshared_text_start = 0; */
-/* OBSOLETE text_end = 0; */
-/* OBSOLETE exec_data_start = 0; */
-/* OBSOLETE exec_data_end = 0; */
-/* OBSOLETE if (execchan >= 0) */
-/* OBSOLETE close (execchan); */
-/* OBSOLETE execchan = -1; */
-/* OBSOLETE if (shlib) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE close_shared_library (shlib); */
-/* OBSOLETE shlib = 0; */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Now open and digest the file the user requested, if any. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE if (filename) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE filename = tilde_expand (filename); */
-/* OBSOLETE make_cleanup (free, filename); */
-/* OBSOLETE execchan = openp (getenv ("PATH"), 1, filename, O_RDONLY, 0, */
-/* OBSOLETE &execfile); */
-/* OBSOLETE if (execchan < 0) */
-/* OBSOLETE perror_with_name (filename); */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE struct stat st_exec; */
-/* OBSOLETE HEADER_SEEK_FD (execchan); */
-/* OBSOLETE #endif */
-/* OBSOLETE val = myread (execchan, &exec_header, sizeof exec_header); */
-/* OBSOLETE exec_aouthdr = exec_header.a_exec; */
-/* OBSOLETE if (val < 0) */
-/* OBSOLETE perror_with_name (filename); */
-/* OBSOLETE text_start = 0x8000; */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Look for shared library if needed *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE if (exec_header.a_exec.a_magic & MF_USES_SL) */
-/* OBSOLETE shlib = open_shared_library (exec_header.a_shlibname, text_start); */
-/* OBSOLETE text_offset = N_TXTOFF (exec_aouthdr); */
-/* OBSOLETE exec_data_offset = N_TXTOFF (exec_aouthdr) + exec_aouthdr.a_text; */
-/* OBSOLETE if (shlib) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE unshared_text_start = shared_text_end (shlib) & ~0x7fff; */
-/* OBSOLETE stack_start = shlib->header.a_exec.a_sldatabase; */
-/* OBSOLETE stack_end = STACK_END_ADDR; */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE else */
-/* OBSOLETE unshared_text_start = 0x8000; */
-/* OBSOLETE text_end = unshared_text_start + exec_aouthdr.a_text; */
-/* OBSOLETE exec_data_start = unshared_text_start + exec_aouthdr.a_text; */
-/* OBSOLETE exec_data_end = exec_data_start + exec_aouthdr.a_data; */
-/* OBSOLETE data_start = exec_data_start; */
-/* OBSOLETE data_end += exec_data_start; */
-/* OBSOLETE fstat (execchan, &st_exec); */
-/* OBSOLETE exec_mtime = st_exec.st_mtime; */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE validate_files (); */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE else if (from_tty) */
-/* OBSOLETE printf ("No executable file now.\n"); */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Tell display code (if any) about the changed file name. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE if (exec_file_display_hook) */
-/* OBSOLETE (*exec_file_display_hook) (filename); */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE #endif */
-/* OBSOLETE #if 0 */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Read from the program's memory (except for inferior processes). */
-/* OBSOLETE This function is misnamed, since it only reads, never writes; and */
-/* OBSOLETE since it will use the core file and/or executable file as necessary. */
-/* OBSOLETE It should be extended to write as well as read, FIXME, for patching files. */
-/* OBSOLETE Return 0 if address could be read, EIO if addresss out of bounds. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE int */
-/* OBSOLETE xfer_core_file (memaddr, myaddr, len) */
-/* OBSOLETE CORE_ADDR memaddr; */
-/* OBSOLETE char *myaddr; */
-/* OBSOLETE int len; */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE register int i; */
-/* OBSOLETE register int val; */
-/* OBSOLETE int xferchan; */
-/* OBSOLETE char **xferfile; */
-/* OBSOLETE int fileptr; */
-/* OBSOLETE int returnval = 0; */
-/* OBSOLETE while (len > 0) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE xferfile = 0; */
-/* OBSOLETE xferchan = 0; */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Determine which file the next bunch of addresses reside in, */
-/* OBSOLETE and where in the file. Set the file's read/write pointer */
-/* OBSOLETE to point at the proper place for the desired address */
-/* OBSOLETE and set xferfile and xferchan for the correct file. */
-/* OBSOLETE If desired address is nonexistent, leave them zero. */
-/* OBSOLETE i is set to the number of bytes that can be handled */
-/* OBSOLETE along with the next address. */
-/* OBSOLETE We put the most likely tests first for efficiency. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Note that if there is no core file */
-/* OBSOLETE data_start and data_end are equal. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE if (memaddr >= data_start && memaddr < data_end) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE i = min (len, data_end - memaddr); */
-/* OBSOLETE fileptr = memaddr - data_start + data_offset; */
-/* OBSOLETE xferfile = &corefile; */
-/* OBSOLETE xferchan = corechan; */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Note that if there is no core file */
-/* OBSOLETE stack_start and stack_end define the shared library data. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE else if (memaddr >= stack_start && memaddr < stack_end) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE if (corechan < 0) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE struct shared_library *lib; */
-/* OBSOLETE for (lib = shlib; lib; lib = lib->shares) */
-/* OBSOLETE if (memaddr >= lib->header.a_exec.a_sldatabase && */
-/* OBSOLETE memaddr < lib->header.a_exec.a_sldatabase + */
-/* OBSOLETE lib->header.a_exec.a_data) */
-/* OBSOLETE break; */
-/* OBSOLETE if (lib) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE i = min (len, lib->header.a_exec.a_sldatabase + */
-/* OBSOLETE lib->header.a_exec.a_data - memaddr); */
-/* OBSOLETE fileptr = lib->data_offset + memaddr - */
-/* OBSOLETE lib->header.a_exec.a_sldatabase; */
-/* OBSOLETE xferfile = execfile; */
-/* OBSOLETE xferchan = lib->chan; */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE else */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE i = min (len, stack_end - memaddr); */
-/* OBSOLETE fileptr = memaddr - stack_start + stack_offset; */
-/* OBSOLETE xferfile = &corefile; */
-/* OBSOLETE xferchan = corechan; */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE else if (corechan < 0 */
-/* OBSOLETE && memaddr >= exec_data_start && memaddr < exec_data_end) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE i = min (len, exec_data_end - memaddr); */
-/* OBSOLETE fileptr = memaddr - exec_data_start + exec_data_offset; */
-/* OBSOLETE xferfile = &execfile; */
-/* OBSOLETE xferchan = execchan; */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE else if (memaddr >= text_start && memaddr < text_end) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE struct shared_library *lib; */
-/* OBSOLETE for (lib = shlib; lib; lib = lib->shares) */
-/* OBSOLETE if (memaddr >= lib->text_start && */
-/* OBSOLETE memaddr < lib->text_start + lib->header.a_exec.a_text) */
-/* OBSOLETE break; */
-/* OBSOLETE if (lib) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE i = min (len, lib->header.a_exec.a_text + */
-/* OBSOLETE lib->text_start - memaddr); */
-/* OBSOLETE fileptr = memaddr - lib->text_start + text_offset; */
-/* OBSOLETE xferfile = &execfile; */
-/* OBSOLETE xferchan = lib->chan; */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE else */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE i = min (len, text_end - memaddr); */
-/* OBSOLETE fileptr = memaddr - unshared_text_start + text_offset; */
-/* OBSOLETE xferfile = &execfile; */
-/* OBSOLETE xferchan = execchan; */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE else if (memaddr < text_start) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE i = min (len, text_start - memaddr); */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE else if (memaddr >= text_end */
-/* OBSOLETE && memaddr < (corechan >= 0 ? data_start : exec_data_start)) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE i = min (len, data_start - memaddr); */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE else if (corechan >= 0 */
-/* OBSOLETE && memaddr >= data_end && memaddr < stack_start) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE i = min (len, stack_start - memaddr); */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE else if (corechan < 0 && memaddr >= exec_data_end) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE i = min (len, -memaddr); */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE else if (memaddr >= stack_end && stack_end != 0) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE i = min (len, -memaddr); */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE else */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Address did not classify into one of the known ranges. */
-/* OBSOLETE This shouldn't happen; we catch the endpoints. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE internal_error ("Bad case logic in xfer_core_file."); */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE /* Now we know which file to use. */
-/* OBSOLETE Set up its pointer and transfer the data. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE if (xferfile) */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE if (*xferfile == 0) */
-/* OBSOLETE if (xferfile == &execfile) */
-/* OBSOLETE error ("No program file to examine."); */
-/* OBSOLETE else */
-/* OBSOLETE error ("No core dump file or running program to examine."); */
-/* OBSOLETE val = lseek (xferchan, fileptr, 0); */
-/* OBSOLETE if (val < 0) */
-/* OBSOLETE perror_with_name (*xferfile); */
-/* OBSOLETE val = myread (xferchan, myaddr, i); */
-/* OBSOLETE if (val < 0) */
-/* OBSOLETE perror_with_name (*xferfile); */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE /* If this address is for nonexistent memory, */
-/* OBSOLETE read zeros if reading, or do nothing if writing. */
-/* OBSOLETE Actually, we never right. *x/ */
-/* OBSOLETE else */
-/* OBSOLETE { */
-/* OBSOLETE memset (myaddr, '\0', i); */
-/* OBSOLETE returnval = EIO; */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE memaddr += i; */
-/* OBSOLETE myaddr += i; */
-/* OBSOLETE len -= i; */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE return returnval; */
-/* OBSOLETE } */
-/* OBSOLETE #endif */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ b/contrib/gdb/gdb/
deleted file mode 100644
index 46ff4363d0ee..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2865 +0,0 @@
-/* A Bison parser, made from c-exp.y
- by GNU Bison version 1.27
- */
-#define YYBISON 1 /* Identify Bison output. */
-#define INT 257
-#define FLOAT 258
-#define STRING 259
-#define NAME 260
-#define TYPENAME 261
-#define NAME_OR_INT 262
-#define STRUCT 263
-#define CLASS 264
-#define UNION 265
-#define ENUM 266
-#define SIZEOF 267
-#define UNSIGNED 268
-#define COLONCOLON 269
-#define TEMPLATE 270
-#define ERROR 271
-#define SIGNED_KEYWORD 272
-#define LONG 273
-#define SHORT 274
-#define INT_KEYWORD 275
-#define CONST_KEYWORD 276
-#define DOUBLE_KEYWORD 278
-#define VARIABLE 279
-#define ASSIGN_MODIFY 280
-#define THIS 281
-#define TRUEKEYWORD 282
-#define FALSEKEYWORD 283
-#define ABOVE_COMMA 284
-#define OROR 285
-#define ANDAND 286
-#define EQUAL 287
-#define NOTEQUAL 288
-#define LEQ 289
-#define GEQ 290
-#define LSH 291
-#define RSH 292
-#define UNARY 293
-#define INCREMENT 294
-#define DECREMENT 295
-#define ARROW 296
-#define BLOCKNAME 297
-#define FILENAME 298
-#line 38 "c-exp.y"
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "gdb_string.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "expression.h"
-#include "value.h"
-#include "parser-defs.h"
-#include "language.h"
-#include "c-lang.h"
-#include "bfd.h" /* Required by objfiles.h. */
-#include "symfile.h" /* Required by objfiles.h. */
-#include "objfiles.h" /* For have_full_symbols and have_partial_symbols */
-/* Flag indicating we're dealing with HP-compiled objects */
-extern int hp_som_som_object_present;
-/* Remap normal yacc parser interface names (yyparse, yylex, yyerror, etc),
- as well as gratuitiously global symbol names, so we can have multiple
- yacc generated parsers in gdb. Note that these are only the variables
- produced by yacc. If other parser generators (bison, byacc, etc) produce
- additional global names that conflict at link time, then those parser
- generators need to be fixed instead of adding those names to this list. */
-#define yymaxdepth c_maxdepth
-#define yyparse c_parse
-#define yylex c_lex
-#define yyerror c_error
-#define yylval c_lval
-#define yychar c_char
-#define yydebug c_debug
-#define yypact c_pact
-#define yyr1 c_r1
-#define yyr2 c_r2
-#define yydef c_def
-#define yychk c_chk
-#define yypgo c_pgo
-#define yyact c_act
-#define yyexca c_exca
-#define yyerrflag c_errflag
-#define yynerrs c_nerrs
-#define yyps c_ps
-#define yypv c_pv
-#define yys c_s
-#define yy_yys c_yys
-#define yystate c_state
-#define yytmp c_tmp
-#define yyv c_v
-#define yy_yyv c_yyv
-#define yyval c_val
-#define yylloc c_lloc
-#define yyreds c_reds /* With YYDEBUG defined */
-#define yytoks c_toks /* With YYDEBUG defined */
-#define yylhs c_yylhs
-#define yylen c_yylen
-#define yydefred c_yydefred
-#define yydgoto c_yydgoto
-#define yysindex c_yysindex
-#define yyrindex c_yyrindex
-#define yygindex c_yygindex
-#define yytable c_yytable
-#define yycheck c_yycheck
-#ifndef YYDEBUG
-#define YYDEBUG 0 /* Default to no yydebug support */
-yyparse PARAMS ((void));
-static int
-yylex PARAMS ((void));
-yyerror PARAMS ((char *));
-#line 120 "c-exp.y"
-typedef union
- {
- LONGEST lval;
- struct {
- LONGEST val;
- struct type *type;
- } typed_val_int;
- struct {
- DOUBLEST dval;
- struct type *type;
- } typed_val_float;
- struct symbol *sym;
- struct type *tval;
- struct stoken sval;
- struct ttype tsym;
- struct symtoken ssym;
- int voidval;
- struct block *bval;
- enum exp_opcode opcode;
- struct internalvar *ivar;
- struct type **tvec;
- int *ivec;
-#line 145 "c-exp.y"
-/* YYSTYPE gets defined by %union */
-static int
-parse_number PARAMS ((char *, int, int, YYSTYPE *));
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-#ifndef __STDC__
-#define const
-#define YYFINAL 214
-#define YYFLAG -32768
-#define YYNTBASE 69
-#define YYTRANSLATE(x) ((unsigned)(x) <= 298 ? yytranslate[x] : 91)
-static const char yytranslate[] = { 0,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 62, 2, 2, 2, 52, 38, 2, 59,
- 65, 50, 48, 30, 49, 57, 51, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 68, 2, 41,
- 32, 42, 33, 47, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 58, 2, 64, 37, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 66, 36, 67, 63, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6,
- 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
- 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
- 27, 28, 29, 31, 34, 35, 39, 40, 43, 44,
- 45, 46, 53, 54, 55, 56, 60, 61
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
-static const short yyprhs[] = { 0,
- 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24,
- 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 46, 50, 55, 59,
- 63, 68, 73, 74, 80, 82, 83, 85, 89, 91,
- 95, 100, 105, 109, 113, 117, 121, 125, 129, 133,
- 137, 141, 145, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165, 169, 173,
- 177, 181, 185, 191, 195, 199, 201, 203, 205, 207,
- 209, 214, 216, 218, 220, 222, 224, 226, 230, 234,
- 238, 243, 245, 248, 250, 252, 255, 258, 261, 265,
- 269, 271, 274, 276, 279, 281, 285, 288, 290, 293,
- 295, 298, 302, 305, 309, 311, 315, 317, 319, 321,
- 323, 326, 330, 333, 337, 341, 346, 349, 353, 355,
- 358, 361, 364, 367, 370, 373, 375, 378, 380, 386,
- 389, 392, 394, 396, 398, 400, 402, 406, 408, 410,
- 412, 414, 416
-static const short yyrhs[] = { 71,
- 0, 70, 0, 85, 0, 72, 0, 71, 30, 72,
- 0, 50, 72, 0, 38, 72, 0, 49, 72, 0,
- 62, 72, 0, 63, 72, 0, 54, 72, 0, 55,
- 72, 0, 72, 54, 0, 72, 55, 0, 13, 72,
- 0, 72, 56, 89, 0, 72, 56, 79, 0, 72,
- 56, 50, 72, 0, 72, 57, 89, 0, 72, 57,
- 79, 0, 72, 57, 50, 72, 0, 72, 58, 71,
- 64, 0, 0, 72, 59, 73, 75, 65, 0, 66,
- 0, 0, 72, 0, 75, 30, 72, 0, 67, 0,
- 74, 75, 76, 0, 74, 85, 76, 72, 0, 59,
- 85, 65, 72, 0, 59, 71, 65, 0, 72, 47,
- 72, 0, 72, 50, 72, 0, 72, 51, 72, 0,
- 72, 52, 72, 0, 72, 48, 72, 0, 72, 49,
- 72, 0, 72, 45, 72, 0, 72, 46, 72, 0,
- 72, 39, 72, 0, 72, 40, 72, 0, 72, 43,
- 72, 0, 72, 44, 72, 0, 72, 41, 72, 0,
- 72, 42, 72, 0, 72, 38, 72, 0, 72, 37,
- 72, 0, 72, 36, 72, 0, 72, 35, 72, 0,
- 72, 34, 72, 0, 72, 33, 72, 68, 72, 0,
- 72, 32, 72, 0, 72, 26, 72, 0, 3, 0,
- 8, 0, 4, 0, 78, 0, 25, 0, 13, 59,
- 85, 65, 0, 5, 0, 27, 0, 28, 0, 29,
- 0, 60, 0, 61, 0, 77, 15, 89, 0, 77,
- 15, 89, 0, 86, 15, 89, 0, 86, 15, 63,
- 89, 0, 79, 0, 15, 89, 0, 90, 0, 86,
- 0, 86, 22, 0, 86, 23, 0, 86, 81, 0,
- 86, 22, 81, 0, 86, 23, 81, 0, 50, 0,
- 50, 81, 0, 38, 0, 38, 81, 0, 82, 0,
- 59, 81, 65, 0, 82, 83, 0, 83, 0, 82,
- 84, 0, 84, 0, 58, 64, 0, 58, 3, 64,
- 0, 59, 65, 0, 59, 88, 65, 0, 80, 0,
- 86, 15, 50, 0, 7, 0, 21, 0, 19, 0,
- 20, 0, 19, 21, 0, 14, 19, 21, 0, 19,
- 19, 0, 19, 19, 21, 0, 14, 19, 19, 0,
- 14, 19, 19, 21, 0, 20, 21, 0, 14, 20,
- 21, 0, 24, 0, 19, 24, 0, 9, 89, 0,
- 10, 89, 0, 11, 89, 0, 12, 89, 0, 14,
- 87, 0, 14, 0, 18, 87, 0, 18, 0, 16,
- 89, 41, 85, 42, 0, 22, 86, 0, 23, 86,
- 0, 7, 0, 21, 0, 19, 0, 20, 0, 85,
- 0, 88, 30, 85, 0, 6, 0, 60, 0, 7,
- 0, 8, 0, 6, 0, 60, 0
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
-static const short yyrline[] = { 0,
- 230, 231, 234, 241, 242, 247, 250, 253, 257, 261,
- 265, 269, 273, 277, 281, 285, 291, 299, 303, 309,
- 317, 321, 325, 329, 335, 339, 342, 346, 350, 353,
- 360, 366, 372, 378, 382, 386, 390, 394, 398, 402,
- 406, 410, 414, 418, 422, 426, 430, 434, 438, 442,
- 446, 450, 454, 458, 462, 468, 475, 486, 493, 496,
- 500, 508, 533, 538, 545, 554, 562, 568, 579, 595,
- 608, 632, 633, 667, 725, 731, 732, 733, 735, 737,
- 741, 743, 745, 747, 749, 752, 754, 759, 766, 768,
- 772, 774, 778, 780, 792, 793, 798, 800, 802, 804,
- 806, 808, 810, 812, 814, 816, 818, 820, 822, 824,
- 826, 829, 832, 835, 838, 840, 842, 844, 849, 856,
- 857, 860, 861, 867, 873, 882, 887, 894, 895, 896,
- 897, 900, 901
-#if YYDEBUG != 0 || defined (YYERROR_VERBOSE)
-static const char * const yytname[] = { "$","error","$undefined.","INT","FLOAT",
-"type","typebase","typename","nonempty_typelist","name","name_not_typename", NULL
-static const short yyr1[] = { 0,
- 69, 69, 70, 71, 71, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72,
- 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72,
- 72, 72, 73, 72, 74, 75, 75, 75, 76, 72,
- 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72,
- 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72,
- 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72,
- 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 77, 77, 77, 78, 79,
- 79, 78, 78, 78, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80,
- 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 82, 82, 82, 82, 82,
- 83, 83, 84, 84, 85, 85, 86, 86, 86, 86,
- 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86,
- 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86,
- 86, 87, 87, 87, 87, 88, 88, 89, 89, 89,
- 89, 90, 90
-static const short yyr2[] = { 0,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3,
- 4, 4, 0, 5, 1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 3,
- 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
- 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
- 3, 3, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3,
- 4, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3,
- 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1,
- 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 1, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 5, 2,
- 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1
-static const short yydefact[] = { 0,
- 56, 58, 62, 132, 97, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 116, 0, 0, 118, 99, 100, 98, 0, 0,
- 109, 60, 63, 64, 65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 133, 67, 0, 0, 25, 2, 1, 4, 26,
- 0, 59, 72, 95, 3, 75, 74, 128, 130, 131,
- 129, 111, 112, 113, 114, 0, 15, 0, 122, 124,
- 125, 123, 115, 73, 0, 124, 125, 117, 103, 101,
- 110, 107, 120, 121, 7, 8, 6, 11, 12, 0,
- 0, 9, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, 14, 0, 0,
- 0, 23, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 77, 83,
- 81, 0, 0, 78, 85, 88, 90, 0, 0, 105,
- 102, 108, 0, 104, 33, 0, 5, 55, 54, 0,
- 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 42, 43, 46, 47, 44,
- 45, 40, 41, 34, 38, 39, 35, 36, 37, 130,
- 0, 17, 16, 0, 20, 19, 0, 26, 0, 29,
- 30, 0, 69, 96, 0, 70, 79, 80, 84, 82,
- 0, 91, 93, 0, 126, 75, 0, 0, 87, 89,
- 61, 106, 0, 32, 0, 18, 21, 22, 0, 28,
- 31, 71, 92, 86, 0, 0, 94, 119, 53, 24,
- 127, 0, 0, 0
-static const short yydefgoto[] = { 212,
- 37, 80, 39, 168, 40, 114, 171, 41, 42, 43,
- 44, 124, 125, 126, 127, 185, 58, 63, 187, 176,
- 47
-static const short yypact[] = { 205,
--32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768, 46, 46, 46, 46,
- 269, 57, 46, 46, 100, 134, -14,-32768, 228, 228,
--32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768, 205, 205, 205, 205, 205,
- 205, 21,-32768, 205, 205,-32768,-32768, -16, 504, 205,
- 22,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768, 107,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,
--32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768, 205, 14, 23,-32768, 7,
- 24,-32768,-32768,-32768, 10,-32768,-32768,-32768, 34,-32768,
--32768,-32768,-32768,-32768, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, -26,
- -21, 14, 14, 205, 205, 205, 205, 205, 205, 205,
- 205, 205, 205, 205, 205, 205, 205, 205, 205, 205,
- 205, 205, 205, 205, 205, 205,-32768,-32768, 419, 438,
- 205,-32768, 504, -25, -2, 46, 53, 8, 8, 8,
- 8, -1, 359,-32768, -41,-32768,-32768, 9, 42, 54,
--32768,-32768, 228,-32768,-32768, 205, 504, 504, 504, 467,
- 556, 580, 603, 625, 646, 665, 665, 254, 254, 254,
- 254, 124, 124, 356, 416, 416, 14, 14, 14, 89,
- 205,-32768,-32768, 205,-32768,-32768, -17, 205, 205,-32768,
--32768, 205, 93,-32768, 46,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,
- 45,-32768,-32768, 50,-32768, 146, -22, 128,-32768,-32768,
- 333,-32768, 68, 14, 205, 14, 14,-32768, -3, 504,
- 14,-32768,-32768,-32768, 67, 228,-32768,-32768, 531,-32768,
--32768, 125, 126,-32768
-static const short yypgoto[] = {-32768,
--32768, 3, -5,-32768,-32768, -44, 12,-32768,-32768, -76,
--32768, 79,-32768, 11, 16, 1, 0, 113,-32768, 2,
-#define YYLAST 724
-static const short yytable[] = { 46,
- 45, 181, 38, 84, 169, 57, 72, 206, 52, 53,
- 54, 55, 84, 84, 64, 65, 122, 188, 73, 74,
- 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 130, 169, 131, 82, 83,
- 46, 81, 162, 165, 113, -66, 116, 129, 135, 46,
- 115, 170, 207, 136, 132, 120, 198, 48, 49, 50,
- 133, 48, 49, 50, 134, 46, 128, 121, 48, 49,
- 50, 210, 182, 59, 170, 122, 123, 107, 108, 109,
- 110, 111, 112, 191, 192, 60, 61, 62, 137, 138,
- 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148,
- 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158,
- 159, 51, 174, -97, 175, 51, 59, -68, 203, 208,
- 163, 166, 51, 167, 204, 175, 174, 173, 66, 67,
- 62, 117, 186, 199, 213, 214, 172, 68, 118, 119,
- 194, 0, 186, 193, 5, 189, 7, 8, 9, 10,
- 190, 12, 0, 14, 120, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
- 20, 21, 69, 0, 70, 196, 121, 71, 197, 0,
- 205, 0, 113, 200, 122, 123, 201, 118, 119, 0,
- 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 202, 107, 108, 109,
- 110, 111, 112, 120, 0, 194, 0, 186, 0, 209,
- 0, 0, 183, 0, 0, 121, 177, 178, 179, 180,
- 0, 184, 0, 122, 123, 186, 211, 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
- 14, 0, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
- 0, 23, 24, 25, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10,
- 0, 12, 26, 14, 0, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
- 20, 21, 0, 27, 28, 0, 0, 0, 29, 30,
- 0, 0, 0, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 0, 0,
- 36, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
- 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 0, 15, 16, 17, 18,
- 19, 20, 21, 22, 0, 23, 24, 25, 99, 100,
- 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 26, 107, 108, 109,
- 110, 111, 112, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 28, 0,
- 0, 0, 29, 30, 0, 0, 0, 56, 32, 33,
- 34, 35, 0, 0, 36, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
- 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 0,
- 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 0, 23,
- 24, 25, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9,
- 10, 0, 12, 0, 14, 0, 15, 16, 17, 18,
- 19, 20, 21, 0, 0, 0, 29, 30, 0, 0,
- 0, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 120, 0, 36, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 121, 107,
- 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 0, 122, 123, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 183, 48, 160, 50, 7, 8, 9,
- 10, 0, 12, 0, 14, 0, 15, 16, 17, 18,
- 19, 20, 21, 48, 160, 50, 7, 8, 9, 10,
- 0, 12, 0, 14, 0, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
- 20, 21, 0, 0, 0, 104, 105, 106, 161, 107,
- 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 0, 0, 0, 51, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 164, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 85, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 86, 87,
- 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97,
- 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 0,
- 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 0, 0, 0, 85,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 195, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90,
- 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100,
- 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 0, 107, 108, 109,
- 110, 111, 112, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93,
- 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103,
- 104, 105, 106, 0, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112,
- 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98,
- 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 0, 107,
- 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94,
- 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104,
- 105, 106, 0, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 91,
- 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,
- 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 0, 107, 108, 109, 110,
- 111, 112, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,
- 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 0, 107, 108,
- 109, 110, 111, 112, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98,
- 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 0, 107,
- 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,
- 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 0, 107, 108,
- 109, 110, 111, 112
-static const short yycheck[] = { 0,
- 0, 3, 0, 30, 30, 11, 21, 30, 7, 8,
- 9, 10, 30, 30, 13, 14, 58, 59, 19, 20,
- 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 19, 30, 21, 34, 35,
- 31, 31, 109, 110, 40, 15, 15, 15, 65, 40,
- 40, 67, 65, 65, 21, 38, 64, 6, 7, 8,
- 41, 6, 7, 8, 21, 56, 56, 50, 6, 7,
- 8, 65, 64, 7, 67, 58, 59, 54, 55, 56,
- 57, 58, 59, 65, 21, 19, 20, 21, 84, 85,
- 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95,
- 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105,
- 106, 60, 50, 15, 63, 60, 7, 15, 64, 42,
- 109, 110, 60, 111, 65, 63, 50, 116, 19, 20,
- 21, 15, 123, 168, 0, 0, 115, 15, 22, 23,
- 136, -1, 133, 133, 7, 125, 9, 10, 11, 12,
- 125, 14, -1, 16, 38, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
- 23, 24, 19, -1, 21, 161, 50, 24, 164, -1,
- 15, -1, 168, 169, 58, 59, 172, 22, 23, -1,
- 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 175, 54, 55, 56,
- 57, 58, 59, 38, -1, 191, -1, 188, -1, 195,
- -1, -1, 65, -1, -1, 50, 118, 119, 120, 121,
- -1, 123, -1, 58, 59, 206, 206, 3, 4, 5,
- 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
- 16, -1, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
- -1, 27, 28, 29, 7, -1, 9, 10, 11, 12,
- -1, 14, 38, 16, -1, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
- 23, 24, -1, 49, 50, -1, -1, -1, 54, 55,
- -1, -1, -1, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, -1, -1,
- 66, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
- 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, -1, 18, 19, 20, 21,
- 22, 23, 24, 25, -1, 27, 28, 29, 45, 46,
- 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 38, 54, 55, 56,
- 57, 58, 59, -1, -1, -1, -1, 49, 50, -1,
- -1, -1, 54, 55, -1, -1, -1, 59, 60, 61,
- 62, 63, -1, -1, 66, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
- 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, -1,
- 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, -1, 27,
- 28, 29, -1, -1, -1, 7, -1, 9, 10, 11,
- 12, -1, 14, -1, 16, -1, 18, 19, 20, 21,
- 22, 23, 24, -1, -1, -1, 54, 55, -1, -1,
- -1, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 38, -1, 66, -1,
- -1, -1, -1, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 50, 54,
- 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, -1, 58, 59, -1, -1,
- -1, -1, -1, 65, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
- 12, -1, 14, -1, 16, -1, 18, 19, 20, 21,
- 22, 23, 24, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
- -1, 14, -1, 16, -1, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
- 23, 24, -1, -1, -1, 50, 51, 52, 50, 54,
- 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, -1, -1, -1, 60, -1,
- -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 50, -1, -1,
- -1, -1, 26, -1, -1, -1, -1, 60, 32, 33,
- 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43,
- 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, -1,
- 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, -1, -1, -1, 26,
- -1, -1, -1, -1, 68, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
- 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
- 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, -1, 54, 55, 56,
- 57, 58, 59, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
- 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
- 50, 51, 52, -1, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,
- 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,
- 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, -1, 54,
- 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
- 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
- 51, 52, -1, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 37,
- 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
- 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, -1, 54, 55, 56, 57,
- 58, 59, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,
- 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, -1, 54, 55,
- 56, 57, 58, 59, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,
- 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, -1, 54,
- 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,
- 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, -1, 54, 55,
- 56, 57, 58, 59
-/* -*-C-*- Note some compilers choke on comments on `#line' lines. */
-#line 3 "/usr/lib/bison.simple"
-/* This file comes from bison-1.27. */
-/* Skeleton output parser for bison,
- Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* As a special exception, when this file is copied by Bison into a
- Bison output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
- This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation
- in version 1.24 of Bison. */
-/* This is the parser code that is written into each bison parser
- when the %semantic_parser declaration is not specified in the grammar.
- It was written by Richard Stallman by simplifying the hairy parser
- used when %semantic_parser is specified. */
-#ifdef alloca
-#else /* alloca not defined */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define alloca __builtin_alloca
-#else /* not GNU C. */
-#if (!defined (__STDC__) && defined (sparc)) || defined (__sparc__) || defined (__sparc) || defined (__sgi) || (defined (__sun) && defined (__i386))
-#include <alloca.h>
-#else /* not sparc */
-/* We think this test detects Watcom and Microsoft C. */
-/* This used to test MSDOS, but that is a bad idea
- since that symbol is in the user namespace. */
-#if (defined (_MSDOS) || defined (_MSDOS_)) && !defined (__TURBOC__)
-#if 0 /* No need for xmalloc.h, which pollutes the namespace;
- instead, just don't use alloca. */
-#else /* not MSDOS, or __TURBOC__ */
-#if defined(_AIX)
-/* I don't know what this was needed for, but it pollutes the namespace.
- So I turned it off. rms, 2 May 1997. */
- #pragma alloca
-#else /* not MSDOS, or __TURBOC__, or _AIX */
-#if 0
-#ifdef __hpux /* says this works for HPUX 9.05 and up,
- and on HPUX 10. Eventually we can turn this on. */
-#define alloca __builtin_alloca
-#endif /* __hpux */
-#endif /* not _AIX */
-#endif /* not MSDOS, or __TURBOC__ */
-#endif /* not sparc */
-#endif /* not GNU C */
-#endif /* alloca not defined */
-#endif /* YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA not defined */
-#define YYSTACK_ALLOC alloca
-#define YYSTACK_ALLOC xmalloc
-/* Note: there must be only one dollar sign in this file.
- It is replaced by the list of actions, each action
- as one case of the switch. */
-#define yyerrok (yyerrstatus = 0)
-#define yyclearin (yychar = YYEMPTY)
-#define YYEMPTY -2
-#define YYEOF 0
-#define YYACCEPT goto yyacceptlab
-#define YYABORT goto yyabortlab
-#define YYERROR goto yyerrlab1
-/* Like YYERROR except do call yyerror.
- This remains here temporarily to ease the
- transition to the new meaning of YYERROR, for GCC.
- Once GCC version 2 has supplanted version 1, this can go. */
-#define YYFAIL goto yyerrlab
-#define YYRECOVERING() (!!yyerrstatus)
-#define YYBACKUP(token, value) \
-do \
- if (yychar == YYEMPTY && yylen == 1) \
- { yychar = (token), yylval = (value); \
- yychar1 = YYTRANSLATE (yychar); \
- goto yybackup; \
- } \
- else \
- { yyerror ("syntax error: cannot back up"); YYERROR; } \
-while (0)
-#define YYTERROR 1
-#define YYERRCODE 256
-#ifndef YYPURE
-#define YYLEX yylex()
-#ifdef YYPURE
-#define YYLEX yylex(&yylval, &yylloc, YYLEX_PARAM)
-#define YYLEX yylex(&yylval, &yylloc)
-#else /* not YYLSP_NEEDED */
-#define YYLEX yylex(&yylval, YYLEX_PARAM)
-#define YYLEX yylex(&yylval)
-#endif /* not YYLSP_NEEDED */
-/* If nonreentrant, generate the variables here */
-#ifndef YYPURE
-int yychar; /* the lookahead symbol */
-YYSTYPE yylval; /* the semantic value of the */
- /* lookahead symbol */
-YYLTYPE yylloc; /* location data for the lookahead */
- /* symbol */
-int yynerrs; /* number of parse errors so far */
-#endif /* not YYPURE */
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
-int yydebug; /* nonzero means print parse trace */
-/* Since this is uninitialized, it does not stop multiple parsers
- from coexisting. */
-/* YYINITDEPTH indicates the initial size of the parser's stacks */
-#define YYINITDEPTH 200
-/* YYMAXDEPTH is the maximum size the stacks can grow to
- (effective only if the built-in stack extension method is used). */
-#if YYMAXDEPTH == 0
-#define YYMAXDEPTH 10000
-/* Define __yy_memcpy. Note that the size argument
- should be passed with type unsigned int, because that is what the non-GCC
- definitions require. With GCC, __builtin_memcpy takes an arg
- of type size_t, but it can handle unsigned int. */
-#if __GNUC__ > 1 /* GNU C and GNU C++ define this. */
-#define __yy_memcpy(TO,FROM,COUNT) __builtin_memcpy(TO,FROM,COUNT)
-#else /* not GNU C or C++ */
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-/* This is the most reliable way to avoid incompatibilities
- in available built-in functions on various systems. */
-static void
-__yy_memcpy (to, from, count)
- char *to;
- char *from;
- unsigned int count;
- register char *f = from;
- register char *t = to;
- register int i = count;
- while (i-- > 0)
- *t++ = *f++;
-#else /* __cplusplus */
-/* This is the most reliable way to avoid incompatibilities
- in available built-in functions on various systems. */
-static void
-__yy_memcpy (char *to, char *from, unsigned int count)
- register char *t = to;
- register char *f = from;
- register int i = count;
- while (i-- > 0)
- *t++ = *f++;
-#line 216 "/usr/lib/bison.simple"
-/* The user can define YYPARSE_PARAM as the name of an argument to be passed
- into yyparse. The argument should have type void *.
- It should actually point to an object.
- Grammar actions can access the variable by casting it
- to the proper pointer type. */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#else /* not __cplusplus */
-#endif /* not __cplusplus */
-#else /* not YYPARSE_PARAM */
-#endif /* not YYPARSE_PARAM */
-/* Prevent warning if -Wstrict-prototypes. */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-int yyparse (void *);
-int yyparse (void);
- register int yystate;
- register int yyn;
- register short *yyssp;
- register YYSTYPE *yyvsp;
- int yyerrstatus; /* number of tokens to shift before error messages enabled */
- int yychar1 = 0; /* lookahead token as an internal (translated) token number */
- short yyssa[YYINITDEPTH]; /* the state stack */
- YYSTYPE yyvsa[YYINITDEPTH]; /* the semantic value stack */
- short *yyss = yyssa; /* refer to the stacks thru separate pointers */
- YYSTYPE *yyvs = yyvsa; /* to allow yyoverflow to xreallocate them elsewhere */
- YYLTYPE yylsa[YYINITDEPTH]; /* the location stack */
- YYLTYPE *yyls = yylsa;
- YYLTYPE *yylsp;
-#define YYPOPSTACK (yyvsp--, yyssp--, yylsp--)
-#define YYPOPSTACK (yyvsp--, yyssp--)
- int yystacksize = YYINITDEPTH;
- int yyfree_stacks = 0;
-#ifdef YYPURE
- int yychar;
- YYSTYPE yylval;
- int yynerrs;
- YYLTYPE yylloc;
- YYSTYPE yyval; /* the variable used to return */
- /* semantic values from the action */
- /* routines */
- int yylen;
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Starting parse\n");
- yystate = 0;
- yyerrstatus = 0;
- yynerrs = 0;
- yychar = YYEMPTY; /* Cause a token to be read. */
- /* Initialize stack pointers.
- Waste one element of value and location stack
- so that they stay on the same level as the state stack.
- The wasted elements are never initialized. */
- yyssp = yyss - 1;
- yyvsp = yyvs;
- yylsp = yyls;
-/* Push a new state, which is found in yystate . */
-/* In all cases, when you get here, the value and location stacks
- have just been pushed. so pushing a state here evens the stacks. */
- *++yyssp = yystate;
- if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)
- {
- /* Give user a chance to xreallocate the stack */
- /* Use copies of these so that the &'s don't force the real ones into memory. */
- YYSTYPE *yyvs1 = yyvs;
- short *yyss1 = yyss;
- YYLTYPE *yyls1 = yyls;
- /* Get the current used size of the three stacks, in elements. */
- int size = yyssp - yyss + 1;
-#ifdef yyoverflow
- /* Each stack pointer address is followed by the size of
- the data in use in that stack, in bytes. */
- /* This used to be a conditional around just the two extra args,
- but that might be undefined if yyoverflow is a macro. */
- yyoverflow("parser stack overflow",
- &yyss1, size * sizeof (*yyssp),
- &yyvs1, size * sizeof (*yyvsp),
- &yyls1, size * sizeof (*yylsp),
- &yystacksize);
- yyoverflow("parser stack overflow",
- &yyss1, size * sizeof (*yyssp),
- &yyvs1, size * sizeof (*yyvsp),
- &yystacksize);
- yyss = yyss1; yyvs = yyvs1;
- yyls = yyls1;
-#else /* no yyoverflow */
- /* Extend the stack our own way. */
- if (yystacksize >= YYMAXDEPTH)
- {
- yyerror("parser stack overflow");
- if (yyfree_stacks)
- {
- free (yyss);
- free (yyvs);
- free (yyls);
- }
- return 2;
- }
- yystacksize *= 2;
- if (yystacksize > YYMAXDEPTH)
- yystacksize = YYMAXDEPTH;
- yyfree_stacks = 1;
- yyss = (short *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (yystacksize * sizeof (*yyssp));
- __yy_memcpy ((char *)yyss, (char *)yyss1,
- size * (unsigned int) sizeof (*yyssp));
- yyvs = (YYSTYPE *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (yystacksize * sizeof (*yyvsp));
- __yy_memcpy ((char *)yyvs, (char *)yyvs1,
- size * (unsigned int) sizeof (*yyvsp));
- yyls = (YYLTYPE *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (yystacksize * sizeof (*yylsp));
- __yy_memcpy ((char *)yyls, (char *)yyls1,
- size * (unsigned int) sizeof (*yylsp));
-#endif /* no yyoverflow */
- yyssp = yyss + size - 1;
- yyvsp = yyvs + size - 1;
- yylsp = yyls + size - 1;
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Stack size increased to %d\n", yystacksize);
- if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)
- }
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Entering state %d\n", yystate);
- goto yybackup;
- yybackup:
-/* Do appropriate processing given the current state. */
-/* Read a lookahead token if we need one and don't already have one. */
-/* yyresume: */
- /* First try to decide what to do without reference to lookahead token. */
- yyn = yypact[yystate];
- if (yyn == YYFLAG)
- goto yydefault;
- /* Not known => get a lookahead token if don't already have one. */
- /* yychar is either YYEMPTY or YYEOF
- or a valid token in external form. */
- if (yychar == YYEMPTY)
- {
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Reading a token: ");
- yychar = YYLEX;
- }
- /* Convert token to internal form (in yychar1) for indexing tables with */
- if (yychar <= 0) /* This means end of input. */
- {
- yychar1 = 0;
- yychar = YYEOF; /* Don't call YYLEX any more */
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Now at end of input.\n");
- }
- else
- {
- yychar1 = YYTRANSLATE(yychar);
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Next token is %d (%s", yychar, yytname[yychar1]);
- /* Give the individual parser a way to print the precise meaning
- of a token, for further debugging info. */
-#ifdef YYPRINT
- YYPRINT (stderr, yychar, yylval);
- fprintf (stderr, ")\n");
- }
- }
- yyn += yychar1;
- if (yyn < 0 || yyn > YYLAST || yycheck[yyn] != yychar1)
- goto yydefault;
- yyn = yytable[yyn];
- /* yyn is what to do for this token type in this state.
- Negative => reduce, -yyn is rule number.
- Positive => shift, yyn is new state.
- New state is final state => don't bother to shift,
- just return success.
- 0, or most negative number => error. */
- if (yyn < 0)
- {
- if (yyn == YYFLAG)
- goto yyerrlab;
- yyn = -yyn;
- goto yyreduce;
- }
- else if (yyn == 0)
- goto yyerrlab;
- if (yyn == YYFINAL)
- /* Shift the lookahead token. */
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Shifting token %d (%s), ", yychar, yytname[yychar1]);
- /* Discard the token being shifted unless it is eof. */
- if (yychar != YYEOF)
- yychar = YYEMPTY;
- *++yyvsp = yylval;
- *++yylsp = yylloc;
- /* count tokens shifted since error; after three, turn off error status. */
- if (yyerrstatus) yyerrstatus--;
- yystate = yyn;
- goto yynewstate;
-/* Do the default action for the current state. */
- yyn = yydefact[yystate];
- if (yyn == 0)
- goto yyerrlab;
-/* Do a reduction. yyn is the number of a rule to reduce with. */
- yylen = yyr2[yyn];
- if (yylen > 0)
- yyval = yyvsp[1-yylen]; /* implement default value of the action */
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- {
- int i;
- fprintf (stderr, "Reducing via rule %d (line %d), ",
- yyn, yyrline[yyn]);
- /* Print the symbols being reduced, and their result. */
- for (i = yyprhs[yyn]; yyrhs[i] > 0; i++)
- fprintf (stderr, "%s ", yytname[yyrhs[i]]);
- fprintf (stderr, " -> %s\n", yytname[yyr1[yyn]]);
- }
- switch (yyn) {
-case 3:
-#line 235 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode(OP_TYPE);
- write_exp_elt_type(yyvsp[0].tval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode(OP_TYPE);;
- break;}
-case 5:
-#line 243 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_COMMA); ;
- break;}
-case 6:
-#line 248 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_IND); ;
- break;}
-case 7:
-#line 251 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_ADDR); ;
- break;}
-case 8:
-#line 254 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_NEG); ;
- break;}
-case 9:
-#line 258 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_LOGICAL_NOT); ;
- break;}
-case 10:
-#line 262 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_COMPLEMENT); ;
- break;}
-case 11:
-#line 266 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_PREINCREMENT); ;
- break;}
-case 12:
-#line 270 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_PREDECREMENT); ;
- break;}
-case 13:
-#line 274 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_POSTINCREMENT); ;
- break;}
-case 14:
-#line 278 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_POSTDECREMENT); ;
- break;}
-case 15:
-#line 282 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_SIZEOF); ;
- break;}
-case 16:
-#line 286 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (STRUCTOP_PTR);
- write_exp_string (yyvsp[0].sval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (STRUCTOP_PTR); ;
- break;}
-case 17:
-#line 292 "c-exp.y"
-{ /* exp->type::name becomes exp->*(&type::name) */
- /* Note: this doesn't work if name is a
- static member! FIXME */
- write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_ADDR);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (STRUCTOP_MPTR); ;
- break;}
-case 18:
-#line 300 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (STRUCTOP_MPTR); ;
- break;}
-case 19:
-#line 304 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (STRUCTOP_STRUCT);
- write_exp_string (yyvsp[0].sval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (STRUCTOP_STRUCT); ;
- break;}
-case 20:
-#line 310 "c-exp.y"
-{ /* exp.type::name becomes exp.*(&type::name) */
- /* Note: this doesn't work if name is a
- static member! FIXME */
- write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_ADDR);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (STRUCTOP_MEMBER); ;
- break;}
-case 21:
-#line 318 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (STRUCTOP_MEMBER); ;
- break;}
-case 22:
-#line 322 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_SUBSCRIPT); ;
- break;}
-case 23:
-#line 328 "c-exp.y"
-{ start_arglist (); ;
- break;}
-case 24:
-#line 330 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_FUNCALL);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) end_arglist ());
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_FUNCALL); ;
- break;}
-case 25:
-#line 336 "c-exp.y"
-{ start_arglist (); ;
- break;}
-case 27:
-#line 343 "c-exp.y"
-{ arglist_len = 1; ;
- break;}
-case 28:
-#line 347 "c-exp.y"
-{ arglist_len++; ;
- break;}
-case 29:
-#line 351 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.lval = end_arglist () - 1; ;
- break;}
-case 30:
-#line 354 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_ARRAY);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) 0);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) yyvsp[0].lval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_ARRAY); ;
- break;}
-case 31:
-#line 361 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_MEMVAL);
- write_exp_elt_type (yyvsp[-2].tval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_MEMVAL); ;
- break;}
-case 32:
-#line 367 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_CAST);
- write_exp_elt_type (yyvsp[-2].tval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_CAST); ;
- break;}
-case 33:
-#line 373 "c-exp.y"
-{ ;
- break;}
-case 34:
-#line 379 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_REPEAT); ;
- break;}
-case 35:
-#line 383 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_MUL); ;
- break;}
-case 36:
-#line 387 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_DIV); ;
- break;}
-case 37:
-#line 391 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_REM); ;
- break;}
-case 38:
-#line 395 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_ADD); ;
- break;}
-case 39:
-#line 399 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_SUB); ;
- break;}
-case 40:
-#line 403 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LSH); ;
- break;}
-case 41:
-#line 407 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_RSH); ;
- break;}
-case 42:
-#line 411 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_EQUAL); ;
- break;}
-case 43:
-#line 415 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_NOTEQUAL); ;
- break;}
-case 44:
-#line 419 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LEQ); ;
- break;}
-case 45:
-#line 423 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_GEQ); ;
- break;}
-case 46:
-#line 427 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LESS); ;
- break;}
-case 47:
-#line 431 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_GTR); ;
- break;}
-case 48:
-#line 435 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_BITWISE_AND); ;
- break;}
-case 49:
-#line 439 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_BITWISE_XOR); ;
- break;}
-case 50:
-#line 443 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_BITWISE_IOR); ;
- break;}
-case 51:
-#line 447 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LOGICAL_AND); ;
- break;}
-case 52:
-#line 451 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LOGICAL_OR); ;
- break;}
-case 53:
-#line 455 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (TERNOP_COND); ;
- break;}
-case 54:
-#line 459 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_ASSIGN); ;
- break;}
-case 55:
-#line 463 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_ASSIGN_MODIFY);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (yyvsp[-1].opcode);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_ASSIGN_MODIFY); ;
- break;}
-case 56:
-#line 469 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- write_exp_elt_type (yyvsp[0].typed_val_int.type);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST)(yyvsp[0].typed_val_int.val));
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG); ;
- break;}
-case 57:
-#line 476 "c-exp.y"
-{ YYSTYPE val;
- parse_number (yyvsp[0].ssym.stoken.ptr, yyvsp[0].ssym.stoken.length, 0, &val);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- write_exp_elt_type (val.typed_val_int.type);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST)val.typed_val_int.val);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- ;
- break;}
-case 58:
-#line 487 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_DOUBLE);
- write_exp_elt_type (yyvsp[0].typed_val_float.type);
- write_exp_elt_dblcst (yyvsp[0].typed_val_float.dval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_DOUBLE); ;
- break;}
-case 61:
-#line 501 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- write_exp_elt_type (builtin_type_int);
- CHECK_TYPEDEF (yyvsp[-1].tval);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) TYPE_LENGTH (yyvsp[-1].tval));
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG); ;
- break;}
-case 62:
-#line 509 "c-exp.y"
-{ /* C strings are converted into array constants with
- an explicit null byte added at the end. Thus
- the array upper bound is the string length.
- There is no such thing in C as a completely empty
- string. */
- char *sp = yyvsp[0].sval.ptr; int count = yyvsp[0].sval.length;
- while (count-- > 0)
- {
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- write_exp_elt_type (builtin_type_char);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST)(*sp++));
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- }
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- write_exp_elt_type (builtin_type_char);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST)'\0');
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_ARRAY);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) 0);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) (yyvsp[0].sval.length));
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_ARRAY); ;
- break;}
-case 63:
-#line 534 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_THIS);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_THIS); ;
- break;}
-case 64:
-#line 539 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- write_exp_elt_type (builtin_type_bool);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) 1);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG); ;
- break;}
-case 65:
-#line 546 "c-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- write_exp_elt_type (builtin_type_bool);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) 0);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG); ;
- break;}
-case 66:
-#line 555 "c-exp.y"
- if (yyvsp[0].ssym.sym)
- yyval.bval = SYMBOL_BLOCK_VALUE (yyvsp[0].ssym.sym);
- else
- error ("No file or function \"%s\".",
- copy_name (yyvsp[0].ssym.stoken));
- ;
- break;}
-case 67:
-#line 563 "c-exp.y"
- yyval.bval = yyvsp[0].bval;
- ;
- break;}
-case 68:
-#line 569 "c-exp.y"
-{ struct symbol *tem
- = lookup_symbol (copy_name (yyvsp[0].sval), yyvsp[-2].bval,
- (struct symtab **) NULL);
- if (!tem || SYMBOL_CLASS (tem) != LOC_BLOCK)
- error ("No function \"%s\" in specified context.",
- copy_name (yyvsp[0].sval));
- yyval.bval = SYMBOL_BLOCK_VALUE (tem); ;
- break;}
-case 69:
-#line 580 "c-exp.y"
-{ struct symbol *sym;
- sym = lookup_symbol (copy_name (yyvsp[0].sval), yyvsp[-2].bval,
- (struct symtab **) NULL);
- if (sym == 0)
- error ("No symbol \"%s\" in specified context.",
- copy_name (yyvsp[0].sval));
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_VAR_VALUE);
- /* block_found is set by lookup_symbol. */
- write_exp_elt_block (block_found);
- write_exp_elt_sym (sym);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_VAR_VALUE); ;
- break;}
-case 70:
-#line 596 "c-exp.y"
- struct type *type = yyvsp[-2].tval;
- error ("`%s' is not defined as an aggregate type.",
- TYPE_NAME (type));
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_SCOPE);
- write_exp_elt_type (type);
- write_exp_string (yyvsp[0].sval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_SCOPE);
- ;
- break;}
-case 71:
-#line 609 "c-exp.y"
- struct type *type = yyvsp[-3].tval;
- struct stoken tmp_token;
- error ("`%s' is not defined as an aggregate type.",
- TYPE_NAME (type));
- tmp_token.ptr = (char*) alloca (yyvsp[0].sval.length + 2);
- tmp_token.length = yyvsp[0].sval.length + 1;
- tmp_token.ptr[0] = '~';
- memcpy (tmp_token.ptr+1, yyvsp[0].sval.ptr, yyvsp[0].sval.length);
- tmp_token.ptr[tmp_token.length] = 0;
- /* Check for valid destructor name. */
- destructor_name_p (tmp_token.ptr, type);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_SCOPE);
- write_exp_elt_type (type);
- write_exp_string (tmp_token);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_SCOPE);
- ;
- break;}
-case 73:
-#line 634 "c-exp.y"
- char *name = copy_name (yyvsp[0].sval);
- struct symbol *sym;
- struct minimal_symbol *msymbol;
- sym =
- lookup_symbol (name, (const struct block *) NULL,
- (struct symtab **) NULL);
- if (sym)
- {
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_VAR_VALUE);
- write_exp_elt_block (NULL);
- write_exp_elt_sym (sym);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_VAR_VALUE);
- break;
- }
- msymbol = lookup_minimal_symbol (name, NULL, NULL);
- if (msymbol != NULL)
- {
- write_exp_msymbol (msymbol,
- lookup_function_type (builtin_type_int),
- builtin_type_int);
- }
- else
- if (!have_full_symbols () && !have_partial_symbols ())
- error ("No symbol table is loaded. Use the \"file\" command.");
- else
- error ("No symbol \"%s\" in current context.", name);
- ;
- break;}
-case 74:
-#line 668 "c-exp.y"
-{ struct symbol *sym = yyvsp[0].ssym.sym;
- if (sym)
- {
- if (symbol_read_needs_frame (sym))
- {
- if (innermost_block == 0 ||
- contained_in (block_found,
- innermost_block))
- innermost_block = block_found;
- }
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_VAR_VALUE);
- /* We want to use the selected frame, not
- another more inner frame which happens to
- be in the same block. */
- write_exp_elt_block (NULL);
- write_exp_elt_sym (sym);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_VAR_VALUE);
- }
- else if (yyvsp[0].ssym.is_a_field_of_this)
- {
- /* C++: it hangs off of `this'. Must
- not inadvertently convert from a method call
- to data ref. */
- if (innermost_block == 0 ||
- contained_in (block_found, innermost_block))
- innermost_block = block_found;
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_THIS);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_THIS);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (STRUCTOP_PTR);
- write_exp_string (yyvsp[0].ssym.stoken);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (STRUCTOP_PTR);
- }
- else
- {
- struct minimal_symbol *msymbol;
- register char *arg = copy_name (yyvsp[0].ssym.stoken);
- msymbol =
- lookup_minimal_symbol (arg, NULL, NULL);
- if (msymbol != NULL)
- {
- write_exp_msymbol (msymbol,
- lookup_function_type (builtin_type_int),
- builtin_type_int);
- }
- else if (!have_full_symbols () && !have_partial_symbols ())
- error ("No symbol table is loaded. Use the \"file\" command.");
- else
- error ("No symbol \"%s\" in current context.",
- copy_name (yyvsp[0].ssym.stoken));
- }
- ;
- break;}
-case 78:
-#line 734 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = follow_types (yyvsp[-1].tval); ;
- break;}
-case 79:
-#line 736 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = follow_types (yyvsp[-2].tval); ;
- break;}
-case 80:
-#line 738 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = follow_types (yyvsp[-2].tval); ;
- break;}
-case 81:
-#line 742 "c-exp.y"
-{ push_type (tp_pointer); yyval.voidval = 0; ;
- break;}
-case 82:
-#line 744 "c-exp.y"
-{ push_type (tp_pointer); yyval.voidval = yyvsp[0].voidval; ;
- break;}
-case 83:
-#line 746 "c-exp.y"
-{ push_type (tp_reference); yyval.voidval = 0; ;
- break;}
-case 84:
-#line 748 "c-exp.y"
-{ push_type (tp_reference); yyval.voidval = yyvsp[0].voidval; ;
- break;}
-case 86:
-#line 753 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.voidval = yyvsp[-1].voidval; ;
- break;}
-case 87:
-#line 755 "c-exp.y"
- push_type_int (yyvsp[0].lval);
- push_type (tp_array);
- ;
- break;}
-case 88:
-#line 760 "c-exp.y"
- push_type_int (yyvsp[0].lval);
- push_type (tp_array);
- yyval.voidval = 0;
- ;
- break;}
-case 89:
-#line 767 "c-exp.y"
-{ push_type (tp_function); ;
- break;}
-case 90:
-#line 769 "c-exp.y"
-{ push_type (tp_function); ;
- break;}
-case 91:
-#line 773 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.lval = -1; ;
- break;}
-case 92:
-#line 775 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.lval = yyvsp[-1].typed_val_int.val; ;
- break;}
-case 93:
-#line 779 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.voidval = 0; ;
- break;}
-case 94:
-#line 781 "c-exp.y"
-{ free ((PTR)yyvsp[-1].tvec); yyval.voidval = 0; ;
- break;}
-case 96:
-#line 794 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = lookup_member_type (builtin_type_int, yyvsp[-2].tval); ;
- break;}
-case 97:
-#line 799 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = yyvsp[0].tsym.type; ;
- break;}
-case 98:
-#line 801 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_int; ;
- break;}
-case 99:
-#line 803 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_long; ;
- break;}
-case 100:
-#line 805 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_short; ;
- break;}
-case 101:
-#line 807 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_long; ;
- break;}
-case 102:
-#line 809 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_unsigned_long; ;
- break;}
-case 103:
-#line 811 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_long_long; ;
- break;}
-case 104:
-#line 813 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_long_long; ;
- break;}
-case 105:
-#line 815 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_unsigned_long_long; ;
- break;}
-case 106:
-#line 817 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_unsigned_long_long; ;
- break;}
-case 107:
-#line 819 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_short; ;
- break;}
-case 108:
-#line 821 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_unsigned_short; ;
- break;}
-case 109:
-#line 823 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_double; ;
- break;}
-case 110:
-#line 825 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_long_double; ;
- break;}
-case 111:
-#line 827 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = lookup_struct (copy_name (yyvsp[0].sval),
- expression_context_block); ;
- break;}
-case 112:
-#line 830 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = lookup_struct (copy_name (yyvsp[0].sval),
- expression_context_block); ;
- break;}
-case 113:
-#line 833 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = lookup_union (copy_name (yyvsp[0].sval),
- expression_context_block); ;
- break;}
-case 114:
-#line 836 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = lookup_enum (copy_name (yyvsp[0].sval),
- expression_context_block); ;
- break;}
-case 115:
-#line 839 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = lookup_unsigned_typename (TYPE_NAME(yyvsp[0].tsym.type)); ;
- break;}
-case 116:
-#line 841 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_unsigned_int; ;
- break;}
-case 117:
-#line 843 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = lookup_signed_typename (TYPE_NAME(yyvsp[0].tsym.type)); ;
- break;}
-case 118:
-#line 845 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_int; ;
- break;}
-case 119:
-#line 850 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = lookup_template_type(copy_name(yyvsp[-3].sval), yyvsp[-1].tval,
- expression_context_block);
- ;
- break;}
-case 120:
-#line 856 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = yyvsp[0].tval; ;
- break;}
-case 121:
-#line 857 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = yyvsp[0].tval; ;
- break;}
-case 123:
-#line 862 "c-exp.y"
- yyval.tsym.stoken.ptr = "int";
- yyval.tsym.stoken.length = 3;
- yyval.tsym.type = builtin_type_int;
- ;
- break;}
-case 124:
-#line 868 "c-exp.y"
- yyval.tsym.stoken.ptr = "long";
- yyval.tsym.stoken.length = 4;
- yyval.tsym.type = builtin_type_long;
- ;
- break;}
-case 125:
-#line 874 "c-exp.y"
- yyval.tsym.stoken.ptr = "short";
- yyval.tsym.stoken.length = 5;
- yyval.tsym.type = builtin_type_short;
- ;
- break;}
-case 126:
-#line 883 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tvec = (struct type **) xmalloc (sizeof (struct type *) * 2);
- yyval.ivec[0] = 1; /* Number of types in vector */
- yyval.tvec[1] = yyvsp[0].tval;
- ;
- break;}
-case 127:
-#line 888 "c-exp.y"
-{ int len = sizeof (struct type *) * (++(yyvsp[-2].ivec[0]) + 1);
- yyval.tvec = (struct type **) xrealloc ((char *) yyvsp[-2].tvec, len);
- yyval.tvec[yyval.ivec[0]] = yyvsp[0].tval;
- ;
- break;}
-case 128:
-#line 894 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.sval = yyvsp[0].ssym.stoken; ;
- break;}
-case 129:
-#line 895 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.sval = yyvsp[0].ssym.stoken; ;
- break;}
-case 130:
-#line 896 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.sval = yyvsp[0].tsym.stoken; ;
- break;}
-case 131:
-#line 897 "c-exp.y"
-{ yyval.sval = yyvsp[0].ssym.stoken; ;
- break;}
- /* the action file gets copied in in place of this dollarsign */
-#line 542 "/usr/lib/bison.simple"
- yyvsp -= yylen;
- yyssp -= yylen;
- yylsp -= yylen;
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- {
- short *ssp1 = yyss - 1;
- fprintf (stderr, "state stack now");
- while (ssp1 != yyssp)
- fprintf (stderr, " %d", *++ssp1);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- }
- *++yyvsp = yyval;
- yylsp++;
- if (yylen == 0)
- {
- yylsp->first_line = yylloc.first_line;
- yylsp->first_column = yylloc.first_column;
- yylsp->last_line = (yylsp-1)->last_line;
- yylsp->last_column = (yylsp-1)->last_column;
- yylsp->text = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- yylsp->last_line = (yylsp+yylen-1)->last_line;
- yylsp->last_column = (yylsp+yylen-1)->last_column;
- }
- /* Now "shift" the result of the reduction.
- Determine what state that goes to,
- based on the state we popped back to
- and the rule number reduced by. */
- yyn = yyr1[yyn];
- yystate = yypgoto[yyn - YYNTBASE] + *yyssp;
- if (yystate >= 0 && yystate <= YYLAST && yycheck[yystate] == *yyssp)
- yystate = yytable[yystate];
- else
- yystate = yydefgoto[yyn - YYNTBASE];
- goto yynewstate;
-yyerrlab: /* here on detecting error */
- if (! yyerrstatus)
- /* If not already recovering from an error, report this error. */
- {
- ++yynerrs;
- yyn = yypact[yystate];
- if (yyn > YYFLAG && yyn < YYLAST)
- {
- int size = 0;
- char *msg;
- int x, count;
- count = 0;
- /* Start X at -yyn if nec to avoid negative indexes in yycheck. */
- for (x = (yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0);
- x < (sizeof(yytname) / sizeof(char *)); x++)
- if (yycheck[x + yyn] == x)
- size += strlen(yytname[x]) + 15, count++;
- msg = (char *) xmalloc(size + 15);
- if (msg != 0)
- {
- strcpy(msg, "parse error");
- if (count < 5)
- {
- count = 0;
- for (x = (yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0);
- x < (sizeof(yytname) / sizeof(char *)); x++)
- if (yycheck[x + yyn] == x)
- {
- strcat(msg, count == 0 ? ", expecting `" : " or `");
- strcat(msg, yytname[x]);
- strcat(msg, "'");
- count++;
- }
- }
- yyerror(msg);
- free(msg);
- }
- else
- yyerror ("parse error; also virtual memory exceeded");
- }
- else
-#endif /* YYERROR_VERBOSE */
- yyerror("parse error");
- }
- goto yyerrlab1;
-yyerrlab1: /* here on error raised explicitly by an action */
- if (yyerrstatus == 3)
- {
- /* if just tried and failed to reuse lookahead token after an error, discard it. */
- /* return failure if at end of input */
- if (yychar == YYEOF)
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Discarding token %d (%s).\n", yychar, yytname[yychar1]);
- yychar = YYEMPTY;
- }
- /* Else will try to reuse lookahead token
- after shifting the error token. */
- yyerrstatus = 3; /* Each real token shifted decrements this */
- goto yyerrhandle;
-yyerrdefault: /* current state does not do anything special for the error token. */
-#if 0
- /* This is wrong; only states that explicitly want error tokens
- should shift them. */
- yyn = yydefact[yystate]; /* If its default is to accept any token, ok. Otherwise pop it.*/
- if (yyn) goto yydefault;
-yyerrpop: /* pop the current state because it cannot handle the error token */
- if (yyssp == yyss) YYABORT;
- yyvsp--;
- yystate = *--yyssp;
- yylsp--;
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- {
- short *ssp1 = yyss - 1;
- fprintf (stderr, "Error: state stack now");
- while (ssp1 != yyssp)
- fprintf (stderr, " %d", *++ssp1);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- }
- yyn = yypact[yystate];
- if (yyn == YYFLAG)
- goto yyerrdefault;
- yyn += YYTERROR;
- if (yyn < 0 || yyn > YYLAST || yycheck[yyn] != YYTERROR)
- goto yyerrdefault;
- yyn = yytable[yyn];
- if (yyn < 0)
- {
- if (yyn == YYFLAG)
- goto yyerrpop;
- yyn = -yyn;
- goto yyreduce;
- }
- else if (yyn == 0)
- goto yyerrpop;
- if (yyn == YYFINAL)
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Shifting error token, ");
- *++yyvsp = yylval;
- *++yylsp = yylloc;
- yystate = yyn;
- goto yynewstate;
- yyacceptlab:
- /* YYACCEPT comes here. */
- if (yyfree_stacks)
- {
- free (yyss);
- free (yyvs);
- free (yyls);
- }
- return 0;
- yyabortlab:
- /* YYABORT comes here. */
- if (yyfree_stacks)
- {
- free (yyss);
- free (yyvs);
- free (yyls);
- }
- return 1;
-#line 911 "c-exp.y"
-/* Take care of parsing a number (anything that starts with a digit).
- Set yylval and return the token type; update lexptr.
- LEN is the number of characters in it. */
-/*** Needs some error checking for the float case ***/
-static int
-parse_number (p, len, parsed_float, putithere)
- register char *p;
- register int len;
- int parsed_float;
- YYSTYPE *putithere;
- /* FIXME: Shouldn't these be unsigned? We don't deal with negative values
- here, and we do kind of silly things like cast to unsigned. */
- register LONGEST n = 0;
- register LONGEST prevn = 0;
- register int i = 0;
- register int c;
- register int base = input_radix;
- int unsigned_p = 0;
- /* Number of "L" suffixes encountered. */
- int long_p = 0;
- /* We have found a "L" or "U" suffix. */
- int found_suffix = 0;
- ULONGEST high_bit;
- struct type *signed_type;
- struct type *unsigned_type;
- if (parsed_float)
- {
- /* It's a float since it contains a point or an exponent. */
- char c;
- int num = 0; /* number of tokens scanned by scanf */
- char saved_char = p[len];
- p[len] = 0; /* null-terminate the token */
- if (sizeof (putithere->typed_val_float.dval) <= sizeof (float))
- num = sscanf (p, "%g%c", (float *) &putithere->typed_val_float.dval,&c);
- else if (sizeof (putithere->typed_val_float.dval) <= sizeof (double))
- num = sscanf (p, "%lg%c", (double *) &putithere->typed_val_float.dval,&c);
- else
- {
- num = sscanf (p, "%Lg%c", &putithere->typed_val_float.dval,&c);
- /* Scan it into a double, then assign it to the long double.
- This at least wins with values representable in the range
- of doubles. */
- double temp;
- num = sscanf (p, "%lg%c", &temp,&c);
- putithere->typed_val_float.dval = temp;
- }
- p[len] = saved_char; /* restore the input stream */
- if (num != 1) /* check scanf found ONLY a float ... */
- return ERROR;
- /* See if it has `f' or `l' suffix (float or long double). */
- c = tolower (p[len - 1]);
- if (c == 'f')
- putithere->typed_val_float.type = builtin_type_float;
- else if (c == 'l')
- putithere->typed_val_float.type = builtin_type_long_double;
- else if (isdigit (c) || c == '.')
- putithere->typed_val_float.type = builtin_type_double;
- else
- return ERROR;
- return FLOAT;
- }
- /* Handle base-switching prefixes 0x, 0t, 0d, 0 */
- if (p[0] == '0')
- switch (p[1])
- {
- case 'x':
- case 'X':
- if (len >= 3)
- {
- p += 2;
- base = 16;
- len -= 2;
- }
- break;
- case 't':
- case 'T':
- case 'd':
- case 'D':
- if (len >= 3)
- {
- p += 2;
- base = 10;
- len -= 2;
- }
- break;
- default:
- base = 8;
- break;
- }
- while (len-- > 0)
- {
- c = *p++;
- if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
- c += 'a' - 'A';
- if (c != 'l' && c != 'u')
- n *= base;
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- {
- if (found_suffix)
- return ERROR;
- n += i = c - '0';
- }
- else
- {
- if (base > 10 && c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
- {
- if (found_suffix)
- return ERROR;
- n += i = c - 'a' + 10;
- }
- else if (c == 'l')
- {
- ++long_p;
- found_suffix = 1;
- }
- else if (c == 'u')
- {
- unsigned_p = 1;
- found_suffix = 1;
- }
- else
- return ERROR; /* Char not a digit */
- }
- if (i >= base)
- return ERROR; /* Invalid digit in this base */
- /* Portably test for overflow (only works for nonzero values, so make
- a second check for zero). FIXME: Can't we just make n and prevn
- unsigned and avoid this? */
- if (c != 'l' && c != 'u' && (prevn >= n) && n != 0)
- unsigned_p = 1; /* Try something unsigned */
- /* Portably test for unsigned overflow.
- FIXME: This check is wrong; for example it doesn't find overflow
- on 0x123456789 when LONGEST is 32 bits. */
- if (c != 'l' && c != 'u' && n != 0)
- {
- if ((unsigned_p && (ULONGEST) prevn >= (ULONGEST) n))
- error ("Numeric constant too large.");
- }
- prevn = n;
- }
- /* An integer constant is an int, a long, or a long long. An L
- suffix forces it to be long; an LL suffix forces it to be long
- long. If not forced to a larger size, it gets the first type of
- the above that it fits in. To figure out whether it fits, we
- shift it right and see whether anything remains. Note that we
- can't shift sizeof (LONGEST) * HOST_CHAR_BIT bits or more in one
- operation, because many compilers will warn about such a shift
- (which always produces a zero result). Sometimes TARGET_INT_BIT
- or TARGET_LONG_BIT will be that big, sometimes not. To deal with
- the case where it is we just always shift the value more than
- once, with fewer bits each time. */
- un = (ULONGEST)n >> 2;
- if (long_p == 0
- && (un >> (TARGET_INT_BIT - 2)) == 0)
- {
- high_bit = ((ULONGEST)1) << (TARGET_INT_BIT-1);
- /* A large decimal (not hex or octal) constant (between INT_MAX
- and UINT_MAX) is a long or unsigned long, according to ANSI,
- never an unsigned int, but this code treats it as unsigned
- int. This probably should be fixed. GCC gives a warning on
- such constants. */
- unsigned_type = builtin_type_unsigned_int;
- signed_type = builtin_type_int;
- }
- else if (long_p <= 1
- && (un >> (TARGET_LONG_BIT - 2)) == 0)
- {
- high_bit = ((ULONGEST)1) << (TARGET_LONG_BIT-1);
- unsigned_type = builtin_type_unsigned_long;
- signed_type = builtin_type_long;
- }
- else
- {
- int shift;
- /* A long long does not fit in a LONGEST. */
- shift = (sizeof (ULONGEST) * HOST_CHAR_BIT - 1);
- else
- shift = (TARGET_LONG_LONG_BIT - 1);
- high_bit = (ULONGEST) 1 << shift;
- unsigned_type = builtin_type_unsigned_long_long;
- signed_type = builtin_type_long_long;
- }
- putithere->typed_val_int.val = n;
- /* If the high bit of the worked out type is set then this number
- has to be unsigned. */
- if (unsigned_p || (n & high_bit))
- {
- putithere->typed_val_int.type = unsigned_type;
- }
- else
- {
- putithere->typed_val_int.type = signed_type;
- }
- return INT;
-struct token
- char *operator;
- int token;
- enum exp_opcode opcode;
-static const struct token tokentab3[] =
- {
- };
-static const struct token tokentab2[] =
- {
- {"->", ARROW, BINOP_END},
- {"&&", ANDAND, BINOP_END},
- {"||", OROR, BINOP_END},
- {"<<", LSH, BINOP_END},
- {">>", RSH, BINOP_END},
- {"==", EQUAL, BINOP_END},
- {"<=", LEQ, BINOP_END},
- {">=", GEQ, BINOP_END}
- };
-/* Read one token, getting characters through lexptr. */
-static int
-yylex ()
- int c;
- int namelen;
- unsigned int i;
- char *tokstart;
- char *tokptr;
- int tempbufindex;
- static char *tempbuf;
- static int tempbufsize;
- struct symbol * sym_class = NULL;
- char * token_string = NULL;
- int class_prefix = 0;
- int unquoted_expr;
- retry:
- unquoted_expr = 1;
- tokstart = lexptr;
- /* See if it is a special token of length 3. */
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof tokentab3 / sizeof tokentab3[0]; i++)
- if (STREQN (tokstart, tokentab3[i].operator, 3))
- {
- lexptr += 3;
- yylval.opcode = tokentab3[i].opcode;
- return tokentab3[i].token;
- }
- /* See if it is a special token of length 2. */
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof tokentab2 / sizeof tokentab2[0]; i++)
- if (STREQN (tokstart, tokentab2[i].operator, 2))
- {
- lexptr += 2;
- yylval.opcode = tokentab2[i].opcode;
- return tokentab2[i].token;
- }
- switch (c = *tokstart)
- {
- case 0:
- return 0;
- case ' ':
- case '\t':
- case '\n':
- lexptr++;
- goto retry;
- case '\'':
- /* We either have a character constant ('0' or '\177' for example)
- or we have a quoted symbol reference ('foo(int,int)' in C++
- for example). */
- lexptr++;
- c = *lexptr++;
- if (c == '\\')
- c = parse_escape (&lexptr);
- else if (c == '\'')
- error ("Empty character constant.");
- yylval.typed_val_int.val = c;
- yylval.typed_val_int.type = builtin_type_char;
- c = *lexptr++;
- if (c != '\'')
- {
- namelen = skip_quoted (tokstart) - tokstart;
- if (namelen > 2)
- {
- lexptr = tokstart + namelen;
- unquoted_expr = 0;
- if (lexptr[-1] != '\'')
- error ("Unmatched single quote.");
- namelen -= 2;
- tokstart++;
- goto tryname;
- }
- error ("Invalid character constant.");
- }
- return INT;
- case '(':
- paren_depth++;
- lexptr++;
- return c;
- case ')':
- if (paren_depth == 0)
- return 0;
- paren_depth--;
- lexptr++;
- return c;
- case ',':
- if (comma_terminates && paren_depth == 0)
- return 0;
- lexptr++;
- return c;
- case '.':
- /* Might be a floating point number. */
- if (lexptr[1] < '0' || lexptr[1] > '9')
- goto symbol; /* Nope, must be a symbol. */
- /* FALL THRU into number case. */
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- {
- /* It's a number. */
- int got_dot = 0, got_e = 0, toktype;
- register char *p = tokstart;
- int hex = input_radix > 10;
- if (c == '0' && (p[1] == 'x' || p[1] == 'X'))
- {
- p += 2;
- hex = 1;
- }
- else if (c == '0' && (p[1]=='t' || p[1]=='T' || p[1]=='d' || p[1]=='D'))
- {
- p += 2;
- hex = 0;
- }
- for (;; ++p)
- {
- /* This test includes !hex because 'e' is a valid hex digit
- and thus does not indicate a floating point number when
- the radix is hex. */
- if (!hex && !got_e && (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E'))
- got_dot = got_e = 1;
- /* This test does not include !hex, because a '.' always indicates
- a decimal floating point number regardless of the radix. */
- else if (!got_dot && *p == '.')
- got_dot = 1;
- else if (got_e && (p[-1] == 'e' || p[-1] == 'E')
- && (*p == '-' || *p == '+'))
- /* This is the sign of the exponent, not the end of the
- number. */
- continue;
- /* We will take any letters or digits. parse_number will
- complain if past the radix, or if L or U are not final. */
- else if ((*p < '0' || *p > '9')
- && ((*p < 'a' || *p > 'z')
- && (*p < 'A' || *p > 'Z')))
- break;
- }
- toktype = parse_number (tokstart, p - tokstart, got_dot|got_e, &yylval);
- if (toktype == ERROR)
- {
- char *err_copy = (char *) alloca (p - tokstart + 1);
- memcpy (err_copy, tokstart, p - tokstart);
- err_copy[p - tokstart] = 0;
- error ("Invalid number \"%s\".", err_copy);
- }
- lexptr = p;
- return toktype;
- }
- case '+':
- case '-':
- case '*':
- case '/':
- case '%':
- case '|':
- case '&':
- case '^':
- case '~':
- case '!':
- case '@':
- case '<':
- case '>':
- case '[':
- case ']':
- case '?':
- case ':':
- case '=':
- case '{':
- case '}':
- symbol:
- lexptr++;
- return c;
- case '"':
- /* Build the gdb internal form of the input string in tempbuf,
- translating any standard C escape forms seen. Note that the
- buffer is null byte terminated *only* for the convenience of
- debugging gdb itself and printing the buffer contents when
- the buffer contains no embedded nulls. Gdb does not depend
- upon the buffer being null byte terminated, it uses the length
- string instead. This allows gdb to handle C strings (as well
- as strings in other languages) with embedded null bytes */
- tokptr = ++tokstart;
- tempbufindex = 0;
- do {
- /* Grow the static temp buffer if necessary, including allocating
- the first one on demand. */
- if (tempbufindex + 1 >= tempbufsize)
- {
- tempbuf = (char *) xrealloc (tempbuf, tempbufsize += 64);
- }
- switch (*tokptr)
- {
- case '\0':
- case '"':
- /* Do nothing, loop will terminate. */
- break;
- case '\\':
- tokptr++;
- c = parse_escape (&tokptr);
- if (c == -1)
- {
- continue;
- }
- tempbuf[tempbufindex++] = c;
- break;
- default:
- tempbuf[tempbufindex++] = *tokptr++;
- break;
- }
- } while ((*tokptr != '"') && (*tokptr != '\0'));
- if (*tokptr++ != '"')
- {
- error ("Unterminated string in expression.");
- }
- tempbuf[tempbufindex] = '\0'; /* See note above */
- yylval.sval.ptr = tempbuf;
- yylval.sval.length = tempbufindex;
- lexptr = tokptr;
- return (STRING);
- }
- if (!(c == '_' || c == '$'
- || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')))
- /* We must have come across a bad character (e.g. ';'). */
- error ("Invalid character '%c' in expression.", c);
- /* It's a name. See how long it is. */
- namelen = 0;
- for (c = tokstart[namelen];
- (c == '_' || c == '$' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '<');)
- {
- /* Template parameter lists are part of the name.
- FIXME: This mishandles `print $a<4&&$a>3'. */
- if (c == '<')
- {
- if (hp_som_som_object_present)
- {
- /* Scan ahead to get rest of the template specification. Note
- that we look ahead only when the '<' adjoins non-whitespace
- characters; for comparison expressions, e.g. "a < b > c",
- there must be spaces before the '<', etc. */
- char * p = find_template_name_end (tokstart + namelen);
- if (p)
- namelen = p - tokstart;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- int i = namelen;
- int nesting_level = 1;
- while (tokstart[++i])
- {
- if (tokstart[i] == '<')
- nesting_level++;
- else if (tokstart[i] == '>')
- {
- if (--nesting_level == 0)
- break;
- }
- }
- if (tokstart[i] == '>')
- namelen = i;
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- c = tokstart[++namelen];
- }
- /* The token "if" terminates the expression and is NOT
- removed from the input stream. */
- if (namelen == 2 && tokstart[0] == 'i' && tokstart[1] == 'f')
- {
- return 0;
- }
- lexptr += namelen;
- tryname:
- /* Catch specific keywords. Should be done with a data structure. */
- switch (namelen)
- {
- case 8:
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "unsigned", 8))
- return UNSIGNED;
- if (current_language->la_language == language_cplus
- && STREQN (tokstart, "template", 8))
- return TEMPLATE;
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "volatile", 8))
- break;
- case 6:
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "struct", 6))
- return STRUCT;
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "signed", 6))
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "sizeof", 6))
- return SIZEOF;
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "double", 6))
- break;
- case 5:
- if (current_language->la_language == language_cplus)
- {
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "false", 5))
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "class", 5))
- return CLASS;
- }
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "union", 5))
- return UNION;
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "short", 5))
- return SHORT;
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "const", 5))
- break;
- case 4:
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "enum", 4))
- return ENUM;
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "long", 4))
- return LONG;
- if (current_language->la_language == language_cplus)
- {
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "true", 4))
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "this", 4))
- {
- static const char this_name[] =
- { CPLUS_MARKER, 't', 'h', 'i', 's', '\0' };
- if (lookup_symbol (this_name, expression_context_block,
- (struct symtab **) NULL))
- return THIS;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "int", 3))
- return INT_KEYWORD;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- yylval.sval.ptr = tokstart;
- yylval.sval.length = namelen;
- if (*tokstart == '$')
- {
- write_dollar_variable (yylval.sval);
- return VARIABLE;
- }
- /* Look ahead and see if we can consume more of the input
- string to get a reasonable class/namespace spec or a
- fully-qualified name. This is a kludge to get around the
- HP aCC compiler's generation of symbol names with embedded
- colons for namespace and nested classes. */
- if (unquoted_expr)
- {
- /* Only do it if not inside single quotes */
- sym_class = parse_nested_classes_for_hpacc (yylval.sval.ptr, yylval.sval.length,
- &token_string, &class_prefix, &lexptr);
- if (sym_class)
- {
- /* Replace the current token with the bigger one we found */
- yylval.sval.ptr = token_string;
- yylval.sval.length = strlen (token_string);
- }
- }
- /* Use token-type BLOCKNAME for symbols that happen to be defined as
- functions or symtabs. If this is not so, then ...
- Use token-type TYPENAME for symbols that happen to be defined
- currently as names of types; NAME for other symbols.
- The caller is not constrained to care about the distinction. */
- {
- char *tmp = copy_name (yylval.sval);
- struct symbol *sym;
- int is_a_field_of_this = 0;
- int hextype;
- sym = lookup_symbol (tmp, expression_context_block,
- current_language->la_language == language_cplus
- ? &is_a_field_of_this : (int *) NULL,
- (struct symtab **) NULL);
- /* Call lookup_symtab, not lookup_partial_symtab, in case there are
- no psymtabs (coff, xcoff, or some future change to blow away the
- psymtabs once once symbols are read). */
- if (sym && SYMBOL_CLASS (sym) == LOC_BLOCK)
- {
- yylval.ssym.sym = sym;
- yylval.ssym.is_a_field_of_this = is_a_field_of_this;
- return BLOCKNAME;
- }
- else if (!sym)
- { /* See if it's a file name. */
- struct symtab *symtab;
- symtab = lookup_symtab (tmp);
- if (symtab)
- {
- return FILENAME;
- }
- }
- if (sym && SYMBOL_CLASS (sym) == LOC_TYPEDEF)
- {
-#if 1
- /* Despite the following flaw, we need to keep this code enabled.
- Because we can get called from check_stub_method, if we don't
- handle nested types then it screws many operations in any
- program which uses nested types. */
- /* In "A::x", if x is a member function of A and there happens
- to be a type (nested or not, since the stabs don't make that
- distinction) named x, then this code incorrectly thinks we
- are dealing with nested types rather than a member function. */
- char *p;
- char *namestart;
- struct symbol *best_sym;
- /* Look ahead to detect nested types. This probably should be
- done in the grammar, but trying seemed to introduce a lot
- of shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conflicts. It's possible
- that it could be done, though. Or perhaps a non-grammar, but
- less ad hoc, approach would work well. */
- /* Since we do not currently have any way of distinguishing
- a nested type from a non-nested one (the stabs don't tell
- us whether a type is nested), we just ignore the
- containing type. */
- p = lexptr;
- best_sym = sym;
- while (1)
- {
- /* Skip whitespace. */
- while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\n')
- ++p;
- if (*p == ':' && p[1] == ':')
- {
- /* Skip the `::'. */
- p += 2;
- /* Skip whitespace. */
- while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\n')
- ++p;
- namestart = p;
- while (*p == '_' || *p == '$' || (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
- || (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z')
- || (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z'))
- ++p;
- if (p != namestart)
- {
- struct symbol *cur_sym;
- /* As big as the whole rest of the expression, which is
- at least big enough. */
- char *ncopy = alloca (strlen (tmp)+strlen (namestart)+3);
- char *tmp1;
- tmp1 = ncopy;
- memcpy (tmp1, tmp, strlen (tmp));
- tmp1 += strlen (tmp);
- memcpy (tmp1, "::", 2);
- tmp1 += 2;
- memcpy (tmp1, namestart, p - namestart);
- tmp1[p - namestart] = '\0';
- cur_sym = lookup_symbol (ncopy, expression_context_block,
- (struct symtab **) NULL);
- if (cur_sym)
- {
- if (SYMBOL_CLASS (cur_sym) == LOC_TYPEDEF)
- {
- best_sym = cur_sym;
- lexptr = p;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- yylval.tsym.type = SYMBOL_TYPE (best_sym);
-#else /* not 0 */
- yylval.tsym.type = SYMBOL_TYPE (sym);
-#endif /* not 0 */
- return TYPENAME;
- }
- if ((yylval.tsym.type = lookup_primitive_typename (tmp)) != 0)
- return TYPENAME;
- /* Input names that aren't symbols but ARE valid hex numbers,
- when the input radix permits them, can be names or numbers
- depending on the parse. Note we support radixes > 16 here. */
- if (!sym &&
- ((tokstart[0] >= 'a' && tokstart[0] < 'a' + input_radix - 10) ||
- (tokstart[0] >= 'A' && tokstart[0] < 'A' + input_radix - 10)))
- {
- YYSTYPE newlval; /* Its value is ignored. */
- hextype = parse_number (tokstart, namelen, 0, &newlval);
- if (hextype == INT)
- {
- yylval.ssym.sym = sym;
- yylval.ssym.is_a_field_of_this = is_a_field_of_this;
- return NAME_OR_INT;
- }
- }
- /* Any other kind of symbol */
- yylval.ssym.sym = sym;
- yylval.ssym.is_a_field_of_this = is_a_field_of_this;
- return NAME;
- }
-yyerror (msg)
- char *msg;
- error ("A %s in expression, near `%s'.", (msg ? msg : "error"), lexptr);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/callback.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/callback.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d59ecdabd7a1..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/callback.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-/* Host callback routines for GDB.
- Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by Cygnus Support.
- This file is part of GDB.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file provides a standard way for targets to talk to the host OS
- level.
- This interface will probably need a bit more banging to make it
- smooth. Currently the simulator uses this file to provide the
- callbacks for itself when it's built standalone, which is rather
- ugly. */
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "callback.h"
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <time.h>
-/* Set the callback copy of errno from what we see now. */
-static int
-wrap (p, val)
- host_callback *p;
- int val;
- p->last_errno = errno;
- return val;
-/* Make sure the FD provided is ok. If not, return non-zero
- and set errno. */
-static int
-fdbad (p, fd)
- host_callback *p;
- int fd;
- if (fd < 0 || fd > MAX_CALLBACK_FDS || !p->fdopen[fd])
- {
- p->last_errno = EINVAL;
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-static int
-fdmap (p, fd)
- host_callback *p;
- int fd;
- return p->fdmap[fd];
-os_close (p, fd)
- host_callback *p;
- int fd;
- int result;
- result = fdbad (p, fd);
- if (result)
- return result;
- result = wrap (p, close (fdmap (p, fd)));
- return result;
-os_get_errno (p)
- host_callback *p;
- /* !!! fixme, translate from host to taget errno value */
- return p->last_errno;
-os_isatty (p, fd)
- host_callback *p;
- int fd;
- int result;
- result = fdbad (p, fd);
- if (result)
- return result;
- result = wrap (p, isatty (fdmap (fd)));
- return result;
-os_lseek (p, fd, off, way)
- host_callback *p;
- int fd;
- long off;
- int way;
- int result;
- result = fdbad (p, fd);
- if (result)
- return result;
- result = lseek (fdmap (p, fd), off, way);
- return result;
-os_open (p, name, flags)
- host_callback *p;
- const char *name;
- int flags;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_CALLBACK_FDS; i++)
- {
- if (!p->fdopen[i])
- {
- int f = open (name, flags);
- if (f < 0)
- {
- p->last_errno = errno;
- return f;
- }
- p->fdopen[i] = 1;
- p->fdmap[i] = f;
- return i;
- }
- }
- p->last_errno = EMFILE;
- return -1;
-os_read (p, fd, buf, len)
- host_callback *p;
- int fd;
- char *buf;
- int len;
- int result;
- result = fdbad (p, fd);
- if (result)
- return result;
- result = wrap (p, read (fdmap (p, fd), buf, len));
- return result;
-os_read_stdin (p, buf, len)
- host_callback *p;
- char *buf;
- int len;
- return wrap (p, read (0, buf, len));
-os_write (p, fd, buf, len)
- host_callback *p;
- int fd;
- const char *buf;
- int len;
- int result;
- result = fdbad (p, fd);
- if (result)
- return result;
- result = wrap (p, write (fdmap (p, fd), buf, len));
- return result;
-/* ignore the grossness of INSIDE_SIMULATOR, it will go away one day. */
-os_write_stdout (p, buf, len)
- host_callback *p;
- const char *buf;
- int len;
- return os_write (p, 1, buf, len);
- int i;
- char b[2];
- for (i = 0; i< len; i++)
- {
- b[0] = buf[i];
- b[1] = 0;
- if (target_output_hook)
- target_output_hook (b);
- else
- fputs_filtered (b, gdb_stdout);
- }
- return len;
-os_rename (p, f1, f2)
- host_callback *p;
- const char *f1;
- const char *f2;
- return wrap (p, rename (f1, f2));
-os_system (p, s)
- host_callback *p;
- const char *s;
- return wrap (p, system (s));
-os_time (p, t)
- host_callback *p;
- long *t;
- return wrap (p, time (t));
-os_unlink (p, f1)
- host_callback *p;
- const char *f1;
- return wrap (p, unlink (f1));
-os_shutdown (p)
-host_callback *p;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_CALLBACK_FDS; i++)
- {
- if (p->fdopen[i] && !p->alwaysopen[i]) {
- close (p->fdmap[i]);
- p->fdopen[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-int os_init(p)
-host_callback *p;
- int i;
- os_shutdown (p);
- for (i= 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- p->fdmap[i] = i;
- p->fdopen[i] = 1;
- p->alwaysopen[i] = 1;
- }
- return 1;
-/* !!fixme!!
- This bit is ugly. When the interface has settled down I'll
- move the whole file into sim/common and remove this bit. */
-/* VARARGS */
-os_printf_filtered (host_callback *p, const char *format, ...)
-os_printf_filtered (p, va_alist)
- host_callback *p;
- va_dcl
- va_list args;
- va_start (args, format);
- char *format;
- va_start (args);
- format = va_arg (args, char *);
- vprintf (format, args);
- vfprintf_filtered (stdout, format, args);
- va_end (args);
-host_callback default_callback =
- os_close,
- os_get_errno,
- os_isatty,
- os_lseek,
- os_open,
- os_read,
- os_read_stdin,
- os_rename,
- os_system,
- os_time,
- os_unlink,
- os_write,
- os_write_stdout,
- os_shutdown,
- os_init,
- os_printf_filtered,
- 0, /* last errno */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/callback.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/callback.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b97c3b2ce81e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/callback.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef CALLBACK_H
-#define CALLBACK_H
-typedef struct host_callback_struct host_callback;
-#define MAX_CALLBACK_FDS 10
-struct host_callback_struct
- int (*close) PARAMS ((host_callback *,int));
- int (*get_errno) PARAMS ((host_callback *));
- int (*isatty) PARAMS ((host_callback *, int));
- int (*lseek) PARAMS ((host_callback *, int, long , int));
- int (*open) PARAMS ((host_callback *, const char*, int mode));
- int (*read) PARAMS ((host_callback *,int, char *, int));
- int (*read_stdin) PARAMS (( host_callback *, char *, int));
- int (*rename) PARAMS ((host_callback *, const char *, const char *));
- int (*system) PARAMS ((host_callback *, const char *));
- long (*time) PARAMS ((host_callback *, long *));
- int (*unlink) PARAMS ((host_callback *, const char *));
- int (*write) PARAMS ((host_callback *,int, const char *, int));
- int (*write_stdout) PARAMS ((host_callback *, const char *, int));
- /* Used when the target has gone away, so we can close open
- handles and free memory etc etc. */
- int (*shutdown) PARAMS ((host_callback *));
- int (*init) PARAMS ((host_callback *));
- /* Talk to the user on a console. */
- void (*printf_filtered) PARAMS ((host_callback *, const char *, ...));
- int last_errno; /* host format */
- int fdmap[MAX_CALLBACK_FDS];
- char fdopen[MAX_CALLBACK_FDS];
- char alwaysopen[MAX_CALLBACK_FDS];
-extern host_callback default_callback;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/command.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/command.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 58af56701f5f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/command.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1564 +0,0 @@
-/* Handle lists of commands, their decoding and documentation, for GDB.
- Copyright 1986, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "gdbcmd.h"
-#include "symtab.h"
-#include "value.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "gdb_string.h"
-#include <unistd.h>
-#ifdef HAVE_WAIT_H
-# include <wait.h>
-# ifdef HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H
-# include <sys/wait.h>
-# endif
-#include "wait.h"
-/* Prototypes for local functions */
-static void undef_cmd_error PARAMS ((char *, char *));
-static void show_user PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void show_user_1 PARAMS ((struct cmd_list_element *, GDB_FILE *));
-static void make_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void shell_escape PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static int parse_binary_operation PARAMS ((char *));
-static void print_doc_line PARAMS ((GDB_FILE *, char *));
-void _initialize_command PARAMS ((void));
-/* Add element named NAME.
- CLASS is the top level category into which commands are broken down
- for "help" purposes.
- FUN should be the function to execute the command;
- it will get a character string as argument, with leading
- and trailing blanks already eliminated.
- DOC is a documentation string for the command.
- Its first line should be a complete sentence.
- It should start with ? for a command that is an abbreviation
- or with * for a command that most users don't need to know about.
- Add this command to command list *LIST.
- Returns a pointer to the added command (not necessarily the head
- of *LIST). */
-struct cmd_list_element *
-add_cmd (name, class, fun, doc, list)
- char *name;
- enum command_class class;
- void (*fun) PARAMS ((char *, int));
- char *doc;
- struct cmd_list_element **list;
- register struct cmd_list_element *c
- = (struct cmd_list_element *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct cmd_list_element));
- struct cmd_list_element *p;
- delete_cmd (name, list);
- if (*list == NULL || STRCMP ((*list)->name, name) >= 0)
- {
- c->next = *list;
- *list = c;
- }
- else
- {
- p = *list;
- while (p->next && STRCMP (p->next->name, name) <= 0)
- {
- p = p->next;
- }
- c->next = p->next;
- p->next = c;
- }
- c->name = name;
- c->class = class;
- c->function.cfunc = fun;
- c->doc = doc;
- c->hook = NULL;
- c->prefixlist = NULL;
- c->prefixname = NULL;
- c->allow_unknown = 0;
- c->abbrev_flag = 0;
- c->completer = make_symbol_completion_list;
- c->type = not_set_cmd;
- c->var = NULL;
- c->var_type = var_boolean;
- c->enums = NULL;
- c->user_commands = NULL;
- c->hookee = NULL;
- c->cmd_pointer = NULL;
- return c;
-/* Same as above, except that the abbrev_flag is set. */
-#if 0 /* Currently unused */
-struct cmd_list_element *
-add_abbrev_cmd (name, class, fun, doc, list)
- char *name;
- enum command_class class;
- void (*fun) PARAMS ((char *, int));
- char *doc;
- struct cmd_list_element **list;
- register struct cmd_list_element *c
- = add_cmd (name, class, fun, doc, list);
- c->abbrev_flag = 1;
- return c;
-struct cmd_list_element *
-add_alias_cmd (name, oldname, class, abbrev_flag, list)
- char *name;
- char *oldname;
- enum command_class class;
- int abbrev_flag;
- struct cmd_list_element **list;
- /* Must do this since lookup_cmd tries to side-effect its first arg */
- char *copied_name;
- register struct cmd_list_element *old;
- register struct cmd_list_element *c;
- copied_name = (char *) alloca (strlen (oldname) + 1);
- strcpy (copied_name, oldname);
- old = lookup_cmd (&copied_name, *list, "", 1, 1);
- if (old == 0)
- {
- delete_cmd (name, list);
- return 0;
- }
- c = add_cmd (name, class, old->function.cfunc, old->doc, list);
- c->prefixlist = old->prefixlist;
- c->prefixname = old->prefixname;
- c->allow_unknown = old->allow_unknown;
- c->abbrev_flag = abbrev_flag;
- c->cmd_pointer = old;
- return c;
-/* Like add_cmd but adds an element for a command prefix:
- a name that should be followed by a subcommand to be looked up
- in another command list. PREFIXLIST should be the address
- of the variable containing that list. */
-struct cmd_list_element *
-add_prefix_cmd (name, class, fun, doc, prefixlist, prefixname,
- allow_unknown, list)
- char *name;
- enum command_class class;
- void (*fun) PARAMS ((char *, int));
- char *doc;
- struct cmd_list_element **prefixlist;
- char *prefixname;
- int allow_unknown;
- struct cmd_list_element **list;
- register struct cmd_list_element *c = add_cmd (name, class, fun, doc, list);
- c->prefixlist = prefixlist;
- c->prefixname = prefixname;
- c->allow_unknown = allow_unknown;
- return c;
-/* Like add_prefix_cmd but sets the abbrev_flag on the new command. */
-struct cmd_list_element *
-add_abbrev_prefix_cmd (name, class, fun, doc, prefixlist, prefixname,
- allow_unknown, list)
- char *name;
- enum command_class class;
- void (*fun) PARAMS ((char *, int));
- char *doc;
- struct cmd_list_element **prefixlist;
- char *prefixname;
- int allow_unknown;
- struct cmd_list_element **list;
- register struct cmd_list_element *c = add_cmd (name, class, fun, doc, list);
- c->prefixlist = prefixlist;
- c->prefixname = prefixname;
- c->allow_unknown = allow_unknown;
- c->abbrev_flag = 1;
- return c;
-/* This is an empty "cfunc". */
-not_just_help_class_command (args, from_tty)
- char *args;
- int from_tty;
-/* This is an empty "sfunc". */
-static void empty_sfunc PARAMS ((char *, int, struct cmd_list_element *));
-static void
-empty_sfunc (args, from_tty, c)
- char *args;
- int from_tty;
- struct cmd_list_element *c;
-/* Add element named NAME to command list LIST (the list for set
- or some sublist thereof).
- CLASS is as in add_cmd.
- VAR_TYPE is the kind of thing we are setting.
- VAR is address of the variable being controlled by this command.
- DOC is the documentation string. */
-struct cmd_list_element *
-add_set_cmd (name, class, var_type, var, doc, list)
- char *name;
- enum command_class class;
- var_types var_type;
- char *var;
- char *doc;
- struct cmd_list_element **list;
- struct cmd_list_element *c
- = add_cmd (name, class, NO_FUNCTION, doc, list);
- c->type = set_cmd;
- c->var_type = var_type;
- c->var = var;
- /* This needs to be something besides NO_FUNCTION so that this isn't
- treated as a help class. */
- c->function.sfunc = empty_sfunc;
- return c;
-/* Add element named NAME to command list LIST (the list for set
- or some sublist thereof).
- CLASS is as in add_cmd.
- ENUMLIST is a list of strings which may follow NAME.
- VAR is address of the variable which will contain the matching string
- (from ENUMLIST).
- DOC is the documentation string. */
-struct cmd_list_element *
-add_set_enum_cmd (name, class, enumlist, var, doc, list)
- char *name;
- enum command_class class;
- char *enumlist[];
- char *var;
- char *doc;
- struct cmd_list_element **list;
- struct cmd_list_element *c
- = add_set_cmd (name, class, var_enum, var, doc, list);
- c->enums = enumlist;
- return c;
-/* Where SETCMD has already been added, add the corresponding show
- command to LIST and return a pointer to the added command (not
- necessarily the head of LIST). */
-struct cmd_list_element *
-add_show_from_set (setcmd, list)
- struct cmd_list_element *setcmd;
- struct cmd_list_element **list;
- struct cmd_list_element *showcmd =
- (struct cmd_list_element *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct cmd_list_element));
- struct cmd_list_element *p;
- memcpy (showcmd, setcmd, sizeof (struct cmd_list_element));
- delete_cmd (showcmd->name, list);
- showcmd->type = show_cmd;
- /* Replace "set " at start of docstring with "show ". */
- if (setcmd->doc[0] == 'S' && setcmd->doc[1] == 'e'
- && setcmd->doc[2] == 't' && setcmd->doc[3] == ' ')
- showcmd->doc = concat ("Show ", setcmd->doc + 4, NULL);
- else
- fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stderr, "GDB internal error: Bad docstring for set command\n");
- if (*list == NULL || STRCMP ((*list)->name, showcmd->name) >= 0)
- {
- showcmd->next = *list;
- *list = showcmd;
- }
- else
- {
- p = *list;
- while (p->next && STRCMP (p->next->name, showcmd->name) <= 0)
- {
- p = p->next;
- }
- showcmd->next = p->next;
- p->next = showcmd;
- }
- return showcmd;
-/* Remove the command named NAME from the command list. */
-delete_cmd (name, list)
- char *name;
- struct cmd_list_element **list;
- register struct cmd_list_element *c;
- struct cmd_list_element *p;
- while (*list && STREQ ((*list)->name, name))
- {
- if ((*list)->hookee)
- (*list)->hookee->hook = 0; /* Hook slips out of its mouth */
- p = (*list)->next;
- free ((PTR)*list);
- *list = p;
- }
- if (*list)
- for (c = *list; c->next;)
- {
- if (STREQ (c->next->name, name))
- {
- if (c->next->hookee)
- c->next->hookee->hook = 0; /* hooked cmd gets away. */
- p = c->next->next;
- free ((PTR)c->next);
- c->next = p;
- }
- else
- c = c->next;
- }
-/* This command really has to deal with two things:
- * 1) I want documentation on *this string* (usually called by
- * "help commandname").
- * 2) I want documentation on *this list* (usually called by
- * giving a command that requires subcommands. Also called by saying
- * just "help".)
- *
- * I am going to split this into two seperate comamnds, help_cmd and
- * help_list.
- */
-help_cmd (command, stream)
- char *command;
- GDB_FILE *stream;
- struct cmd_list_element *c;
- extern struct cmd_list_element *cmdlist;
- if (!command)
- {
- help_list (cmdlist, "", all_classes, stream);
- return;
- }
- c = lookup_cmd (&command, cmdlist, "", 0, 0);
- if (c == 0)
- return;
- /* There are three cases here.
- If c->prefixlist is nonzero, we have a prefix command.
- Print its documentation, then list its subcommands.
- If c->function is nonzero, we really have a command.
- Print its documentation and return.
- If c->function is zero, we have a class name.
- Print its documentation (as if it were a command)
- and then set class to the number of this class
- so that the commands in the class will be listed. */
- fputs_filtered (c->doc, stream);
- fputs_filtered ("\n", stream);
- if (c->prefixlist == 0 && c->function.cfunc != NULL)
- return;
- fprintf_filtered (stream, "\n");
- /* If this is a prefix command, print it's subcommands */
- if (c->prefixlist)
- help_list (*c->prefixlist, c->prefixname, all_commands, stream);
- /* If this is a class name, print all of the commands in the class */
- if (c->function.cfunc == NULL)
- help_list (cmdlist, "", c->class, stream);
- if (c->hook)
- fprintf_filtered (stream, "\nThis command has a hook defined: %s\n",
- c->hook->name);
- * Get a specific kind of help on a command list.
- *
- * LIST is the list.
- * CMDTYPE is the prefix to use in the title string.
- * CLASS is the class with which to list the nodes of this list (see
- * documentation for help_cmd_list below), As usual, ALL_COMMANDS for
- * everything, ALL_CLASSES for just classes, and non-negative for only things
- * in a specific class.
- * and STREAM is the output stream on which to print things.
- * If you call this routine with a class >= 0, it recurses.
- */
-help_list (list, cmdtype, class, stream)
- struct cmd_list_element *list;
- char *cmdtype;
- enum command_class class;
- GDB_FILE *stream;
- int len;
- char *cmdtype1, *cmdtype2;
- /* If CMDTYPE is "foo ", CMDTYPE1 gets " foo" and CMDTYPE2 gets "foo sub" */
- len = strlen (cmdtype);
- cmdtype1 = (char *) alloca (len + 1);
- cmdtype1[0] = 0;
- cmdtype2 = (char *) alloca (len + 4);
- cmdtype2[0] = 0;
- if (len)
- {
- cmdtype1[0] = ' ';
- strncpy (cmdtype1 + 1, cmdtype, len - 1);
- cmdtype1[len] = 0;
- strncpy (cmdtype2, cmdtype, len - 1);
- strcpy (cmdtype2 + len - 1, " sub");
- }
- if (class == all_classes)
- fprintf_filtered (stream, "List of classes of %scommands:\n\n", cmdtype2);
- else
- fprintf_filtered (stream, "List of %scommands:\n\n", cmdtype2);
- help_cmd_list (list, class, cmdtype, (int)class >= 0, stream);
- if (class == all_classes)
- fprintf_filtered (stream, "\n\
-Type \"help%s\" followed by a class name for a list of commands in that class.",
- cmdtype1);
- fprintf_filtered (stream, "\n\
-Type \"help%s\" followed by %scommand name for full documentation.\n\
-Command name abbreviations are allowed if unambiguous.\n",
- cmdtype1, cmdtype2);
-/* Print only the first line of STR on STREAM. */
-static void
-print_doc_line (stream, str)
- GDB_FILE *stream;
- char *str;
- static char *line_buffer = 0;
- static int line_size;
- register char *p;
- if (!line_buffer)
- {
- line_size = 80;
- line_buffer = (char *) xmalloc (line_size);
- }
- p = str;
- while (*p && *p != '\n' && *p != '.' && *p != ',')
- p++;
- if (p - str > line_size - 1)
- {
- line_size = p - str + 1;
- free ((PTR)line_buffer);
- line_buffer = (char *) xmalloc (line_size);
- }
- strncpy (line_buffer, str, p - str);
- line_buffer[p - str] = '\0';
- if (islower (line_buffer[0]))
- line_buffer[0] = toupper (line_buffer[0]);
- fputs_filtered (line_buffer, stream);
- * Implement a help command on command list LIST.
- * RECURSE should be non-zero if this should be done recursively on
- * all sublists of LIST.
- * PREFIX is the prefix to print before each command name.
- * STREAM is the stream upon which the output should be written.
- * CLASS should be:
- * A non-negative class number to list only commands in that
- * class.
- * ALL_COMMANDS to list all commands in list.
- * ALL_CLASSES to list all classes in list.
- *
- * Note that RECURSE will be active on *all* sublists, not just the
- * ones selected by the criteria above (ie. the selection mechanism
- * is at the low level, not the high-level).
- */
-help_cmd_list (list, class, prefix, recurse, stream)
- struct cmd_list_element *list;
- enum command_class class;
- char *prefix;
- int recurse;
- GDB_FILE *stream;
- register struct cmd_list_element *c;
- for (c = list; c; c = c->next)
- {
- if (c->abbrev_flag == 0 &&
- (class == all_commands
- || (class == all_classes && c->function.cfunc == NULL)
- || (class == c->class && c->function.cfunc != NULL)))
- {
- fprintf_filtered (stream, "%s%s -- ", prefix, c->name);
- print_doc_line (stream, c->doc);
- fputs_filtered ("\n", stream);
- }
- if (recurse
- && c->prefixlist != 0
- && c->abbrev_flag == 0)
- help_cmd_list (*c->prefixlist, class, c->prefixname, 1, stream);
- }
-/* Search the input clist for 'command'. Return the command if
- found (or NULL if not), and return the number of commands
- found in nfound */
-static struct cmd_list_element *
-find_cmd(command, len, clist, ignore_help_classes, nfound)
- char *command;
- struct cmd_list_element *clist;
- int ignore_help_classes;
- int *nfound;
- struct cmd_list_element *found, *c;
- found = (struct cmd_list_element *)NULL;
- *nfound = 0;
- for (c = clist; c; c = c->next)
- if (!strncmp (command, c->name, len)
- && (!ignore_help_classes || c->function.cfunc))
- {
- found = c;
- (*nfound)++;
- if (c->name[len] == '\0')
- {
- *nfound = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- return found;
-/* This routine takes a line of TEXT and a CLIST in which to start the
- lookup. When it returns it will have incremented the text pointer past
- the section of text it matched, set *RESULT_LIST to point to the list in
- which the last word was matched, and will return a pointer to the cmd
- list element which the text matches. It will return NULL if no match at
- all was possible. It will return -1 (cast appropriately, ick) if ambigous
- matches are possible; in this case *RESULT_LIST will be set to point to
- the list in which there are ambiguous choices (and *TEXT will be set to
- the ambiguous text string).
- If the located command was an abbreviation, this routine returns the base
- command of the abbreviation.
- It does no error reporting whatsoever; control will always return
- to the superior routine.
- In the case of an ambiguous return (-1), *RESULT_LIST will be set to point
- at the prefix_command (ie. the best match) *or* (special case) will be NULL
- if no prefix command was ever found. For example, in the case of "info a",
- "info" matches without ambiguity, but "a" could be "args" or "address", so
- *RESULT_LIST is set to the cmd_list_element for "info". So in this case
- RESULT_LIST should not be interpeted as a pointer to the beginning of a
- list; it simply points to a specific command. In the case of an ambiguous
- return *TEXT is advanced past the last non-ambiguous prefix (e.g.
- "info t" can be "info types" or "info target"; upon return *TEXT has been
- advanced past "info ").
- If RESULT_LIST is NULL, don't set *RESULT_LIST (but don't otherwise
- affect the operation).
- This routine does *not* modify the text pointed to by TEXT.
- If IGNORE_HELP_CLASSES is nonzero, ignore any command list elements which
- are actually help classes rather than commands (i.e. the function field of
- the struct cmd_list_element is NULL). */
-struct cmd_list_element *
-lookup_cmd_1 (text, clist, result_list, ignore_help_classes)
- char **text;
- struct cmd_list_element *clist, **result_list;
- int ignore_help_classes;
- char *p, *command;
- int len, tmp, nfound;
- struct cmd_list_element *found, *c;
- while (**text == ' ' || **text == '\t')
- (*text)++;
- /* Treating underscores as part of command words is important
- so that "set args_foo()" doesn't get interpreted as
- "set args _foo()". */
- for (p = *text;
- *p && (isalnum(*p) || *p == '-' || *p == '_' ||
- (tui_version &&
- (*p == '+' || *p == '<' || *p == '>' || *p == '$')) ||
- (xdb_commands && (*p == '!' || *p == '/' || *p == '?')));
- p++)
- ;
- /* If nothing but whitespace, return 0. */
- if (p == *text)
- return 0;
- len = p - *text;
- /* *text and p now bracket the first command word to lookup (and
- it's length is len). We copy this into a local temporary */
- command = (char *) alloca (len + 1);
- for (tmp = 0; tmp < len; tmp++)
- {
- char x = (*text)[tmp];
- command[tmp] = x;
- }
- command[len] = '\0';
- /* Look it up. */
- found = 0;
- nfound = 0;
- found = find_cmd(command, len, clist, ignore_help_classes, &nfound);
- /*
- ** We didn't find the command in the entered case, so lower case it
- ** and search again.
- */
- if (!found || nfound == 0)
- {
- for (tmp = 0; tmp < len; tmp++)
- {
- char x = command[tmp];
- command[tmp] = isupper(x) ? tolower(x) : x;
- }
- found = find_cmd(command, len, clist, ignore_help_classes, &nfound);
- }
- /* If nothing matches, we have a simple failure. */
- if (nfound == 0)
- return 0;
- if (nfound > 1)
- {
- if (result_list != NULL)
- /* Will be modified in calling routine
- if we know what the prefix command is. */
- *result_list = 0;
- return (struct cmd_list_element *) -1; /* Ambiguous. */
- }
- /* We've matched something on this list. Move text pointer forward. */
- *text = p;
- /* If this was an abbreviation, use the base command instead. */
- if (found->cmd_pointer)
- found = found->cmd_pointer;
- /* If we found a prefix command, keep looking. */
- if (found->prefixlist)
- {
- c = lookup_cmd_1 (text, *found->prefixlist, result_list,
- ignore_help_classes);
- if (!c)
- {
- /* Didn't find anything; this is as far as we got. */
- if (result_list != NULL)
- *result_list = clist;
- return found;
- }
- else if (c == (struct cmd_list_element *) -1)
- {
- /* We've gotten this far properly, but the next step
- is ambiguous. We need to set the result list to the best
- we've found (if an inferior hasn't already set it). */
- if (result_list != NULL)
- if (!*result_list)
- /* This used to say *result_list = *found->prefixlist
- If that was correct, need to modify the documentation
- at the top of this function to clarify what is supposed
- to be going on. */
- *result_list = found;
- return c;
- }
- else
- {
- /* We matched! */
- return c;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (result_list != NULL)
- *result_list = clist;
- return found;
- }
-/* All this hair to move the space to the front of cmdtype */
-static void
-undef_cmd_error (cmdtype, q)
- char *cmdtype, *q;
- error ("Undefined %scommand: \"%s\". Try \"help%s%.*s\".",
- cmdtype,
- q,
- *cmdtype? " ": "",
- strlen(cmdtype)-1,
- cmdtype);
-/* Look up the contents of *LINE as a command in the command list LIST.
- LIST is a chain of struct cmd_list_element's.
- If it is found, return the struct cmd_list_element for that command
- and update *LINE to point after the command name, at the first argument.
- If not found, call error if ALLOW_UNKNOWN is zero
- otherwise (or if error returns) return zero.
- Call error if specified command is ambiguous,
- unless ALLOW_UNKNOWN is negative.
- CMDTYPE precedes the word "command" in the error message.
- If INGNORE_HELP_CLASSES is nonzero, ignore any command list
- elements which are actually help classes rather than commands (i.e.
- the function field of the struct cmd_list_element is 0). */
-struct cmd_list_element *
-lookup_cmd (line, list, cmdtype, allow_unknown, ignore_help_classes)
- char **line;
- struct cmd_list_element *list;
- char *cmdtype;
- int allow_unknown;
- int ignore_help_classes;
- struct cmd_list_element *last_list = 0;
- struct cmd_list_element *c =
- lookup_cmd_1 (line, list, &last_list, ignore_help_classes);
-#if 0
- /* This is wrong for complete_command. */
- char *ptr = (*line) + strlen (*line) - 1;
- /* Clear off trailing whitespace. */
- while (ptr >= *line && (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t'))
- ptr--;
- *(ptr + 1) = '\0';
- if (!c)
- {
- if (!allow_unknown)
- {
- if (!*line)
- error ("Lack of needed %scommand", cmdtype);
- else
- {
- char *p = *line, *q;
- while (isalnum(*p) || *p == '-')
- p++;
- q = (char *) alloca (p - *line + 1);
- strncpy (q, *line, p - *line);
- q[p - *line] = '\0';
- undef_cmd_error (cmdtype, q);
- }
- }
- else
- return 0;
- }
- else if (c == (struct cmd_list_element *) -1)
- {
- /* Ambigous. Local values should be off prefixlist or called
- values. */
- int local_allow_unknown = (last_list ? last_list->allow_unknown :
- allow_unknown);
- char *local_cmdtype = last_list ? last_list->prefixname : cmdtype;
- struct cmd_list_element *local_list =
- (last_list ? *(last_list->prefixlist) : list);
- if (local_allow_unknown < 0)
- {
- if (last_list)
- return last_list; /* Found something. */
- else
- return 0; /* Found nothing. */
- }
- else
- {
- /* Report as error. */
- int amb_len;
- char ambbuf[100];
- for (amb_len = 0;
- ((*line)[amb_len] && (*line)[amb_len] != ' '
- && (*line)[amb_len] != '\t');
- amb_len++)
- ;
- ambbuf[0] = 0;
- for (c = local_list; c; c = c->next)
- if (!strncmp (*line, c->name, amb_len))
- {
- if (strlen (ambbuf) + strlen (c->name) + 6 < (int)sizeof ambbuf)
- {
- if (strlen (ambbuf))
- strcat (ambbuf, ", ");
- strcat (ambbuf, c->name);
- }
- else
- {
- strcat (ambbuf, "..");
- break;
- }
- }
- error ("Ambiguous %scommand \"%s\": %s.", local_cmdtype,
- *line, ambbuf);
- return 0; /* lint */
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* We've got something. It may still not be what the caller
- wants (if this command *needs* a subcommand). */
- while (**line == ' ' || **line == '\t')
- (*line)++;
- if (c->prefixlist && **line && !c->allow_unknown)
- undef_cmd_error (c->prefixname, *line);
- /* Seems to be what he wants. Return it. */
- return c;
- }
- return 0;
-#if 0
-/* Look up the contents of *LINE as a command in the command list LIST.
- LIST is a chain of struct cmd_list_element's.
- If it is found, return the struct cmd_list_element for that command
- and update *LINE to point after the command name, at the first argument.
- If not found, call error if ALLOW_UNKNOWN is zero
- otherwise (or if error returns) return zero.
- Call error if specified command is ambiguous,
- unless ALLOW_UNKNOWN is negative.
- CMDTYPE precedes the word "command" in the error message. */
-struct cmd_list_element *
-lookup_cmd (line, list, cmdtype, allow_unknown)
- char **line;
- struct cmd_list_element *list;
- char *cmdtype;
- int allow_unknown;
- register char *p;
- register struct cmd_list_element *c, *found;
- int nfound;
- char ambbuf[100];
- char *processed_cmd;
- int i, cmd_len;
- /* Skip leading whitespace. */
- while (**line == ' ' || **line == '\t')
- (*line)++;
- /* Clear out trailing whitespace. */
- p = *line + strlen (*line);
- while (p != *line && (p[-1] == ' ' || p[-1] == '\t'))
- p--;
- *p = 0;
- /* Find end of command name. */
- p = *line;
- while (*p == '-' || isalnum(*p))
- p++;
- /* Look up the command name.
- If exact match, keep that.
- Otherwise, take command abbreviated, if unique. Note that (in my
- opinion) a null string does *not* indicate ambiguity; simply the
- end of the argument. */
- if (p == *line)
- {
- if (!allow_unknown)
- error ("Lack of needed %scommand", cmdtype);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Copy over to a local buffer, converting to lowercase on the way.
- This is in case the command being parsed is a subcommand which
- doesn't match anything, and that's ok. We want the original
- untouched for the routine of the original command. */
- processed_cmd = (char *) alloca (p - *line + 1);
- for (cmd_len = 0; cmd_len < p - *line; cmd_len++)
- {
- char x = (*line)[cmd_len];
- if (isupper(x))
- processed_cmd[cmd_len] = tolower(x);
- else
- processed_cmd[cmd_len] = x;
- }
- processed_cmd[cmd_len] = '\0';
- /* Check all possibilities in the current command list. */
- found = 0;
- nfound = 0;
- for (c = list; c; c = c->next)
- {
- if (!strncmp (processed_cmd, c->name, cmd_len))
- {
- found = c;
- nfound++;
- if (c->name[cmd_len] == 0)
- {
- nfound = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Report error for undefined command name. */
- if (nfound != 1)
- {
- if (nfound > 1 && allow_unknown >= 0)
- {
- ambbuf[0] = 0;
- for (c = list; c; c = c->next)
- if (!strncmp (processed_cmd, c->name, cmd_len))
- {
- if (strlen (ambbuf) + strlen (c->name) + 6 < sizeof ambbuf)
- {
- if (strlen (ambbuf))
- strcat (ambbuf, ", ");
- strcat (ambbuf, c->name);
- }
- else
- {
- strcat (ambbuf, "..");
- break;
- }
- }
- error ("Ambiguous %scommand \"%s\": %s.", cmdtype,
- processed_cmd, ambbuf);
- }
- else if (!allow_unknown)
- error ("Undefined %scommand: \"%s\".", cmdtype, processed_cmd);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Skip whitespace before the argument. */
- while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++;
- *line = p;
- if (found->prefixlist && *p)
- {
- c = lookup_cmd (line, *found->prefixlist, found->prefixname,
- found->allow_unknown);
- if (c)
- return c;
- }
- return found;
-/* Helper function for SYMBOL_COMPLETION_FUNCTION. */
-/* Return a vector of char pointers which point to the different
- possible completions in LIST of TEXT.
- WORD points in the same buffer as TEXT, and completions should be
- returned relative to this position. For example, suppose TEXT is "foo"
- and we want to complete to "foobar". If WORD is "oo", return
- "oobar"; if WORD is "baz/foo", return "baz/foobar". */
-char **
-complete_on_cmdlist (list, text, word)
- struct cmd_list_element *list;
- char *text;
- char *word;
- struct cmd_list_element *ptr;
- char **matchlist;
- int sizeof_matchlist;
- int matches;
- int textlen = strlen (text);
- sizeof_matchlist = 10;
- matchlist = (char **) xmalloc (sizeof_matchlist * sizeof (char *));
- matches = 0;
- for (ptr = list; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
- if (!strncmp (ptr->name, text, textlen)
- && !ptr->abbrev_flag
- && (ptr->function.cfunc
- || ptr->prefixlist))
- {
- if (matches == sizeof_matchlist)
- {
- sizeof_matchlist *= 2;
- matchlist = (char **) xrealloc ((char *)matchlist,
- (sizeof_matchlist
- * sizeof (char *)));
- }
- matchlist[matches] = (char *)
- xmalloc (strlen (word) + strlen (ptr->name) + 1);
- if (word == text)
- strcpy (matchlist[matches], ptr->name);
- else if (word > text)
- {
- /* Return some portion of ptr->name. */
- strcpy (matchlist[matches], ptr->name + (word - text));
- }
- else
- {
- /* Return some of text plus ptr->name. */
- strncpy (matchlist[matches], word, text - word);
- matchlist[matches][text - word] = '\0';
- strcat (matchlist[matches], ptr->name);
- }
- ++matches;
- }
- if (matches == 0)
- {
- free ((PTR)matchlist);
- matchlist = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- matchlist = (char **) xrealloc ((char *)matchlist, ((matches + 1)
- * sizeof (char *)));
- matchlist[matches] = (char *) 0;
- }
- return matchlist;
-/* Helper function for SYMBOL_COMPLETION_FUNCTION. */
-/* Return a vector of char pointers which point to the different
- possible completions in CMD of TEXT.
- WORD points in the same buffer as TEXT, and completions should be
- returned relative to this position. For example, suppose TEXT is "foo"
- and we want to complete to "foobar". If WORD is "oo", return
- "oobar"; if WORD is "baz/foo", return "baz/foobar". */
-char **
-complete_on_enum (enumlist, text, word)
- char **enumlist;
- char *text;
- char *word;
- char **matchlist;
- int sizeof_matchlist;
- int matches;
- int textlen = strlen (text);
- int i;
- char *name;
- sizeof_matchlist = 10;
- matchlist = (char **) xmalloc (sizeof_matchlist * sizeof (char *));
- matches = 0;
- for (i = 0; (name = enumlist[i]) != NULL; i++)
- if (strncmp (name, text, textlen) == 0)
- {
- if (matches == sizeof_matchlist)
- {
- sizeof_matchlist *= 2;
- matchlist = (char **) xrealloc ((char *)matchlist,
- (sizeof_matchlist
- * sizeof (char *)));
- }
- matchlist[matches] = (char *)
- xmalloc (strlen (word) + strlen (name) + 1);
- if (word == text)
- strcpy (matchlist[matches], name);
- else if (word > text)
- {
- /* Return some portion of name. */
- strcpy (matchlist[matches], name + (word - text));
- }
- else
- {
- /* Return some of text plus name. */
- strncpy (matchlist[matches], word, text - word);
- matchlist[matches][text - word] = '\0';
- strcat (matchlist[matches], name);
- }
- ++matches;
- }
- if (matches == 0)
- {
- free ((PTR)matchlist);
- matchlist = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- matchlist = (char **) xrealloc ((char *)matchlist, ((matches + 1)
- * sizeof (char *)));
- matchlist[matches] = (char *) 0;
- }
- return matchlist;
-static int
-parse_binary_operation (arg)
- char *arg;
- int length;
- if (!arg || !*arg)
- return 1;
- length = strlen (arg);
- while (arg[length - 1] == ' ' || arg[length - 1] == '\t')
- length--;
- if (!strncmp (arg, "on", length)
- || !strncmp (arg, "1", length)
- || !strncmp (arg, "yes", length))
- return 1;
- else
- if (!strncmp (arg, "off", length)
- || !strncmp (arg, "0", length)
- || !strncmp (arg, "no", length))
- return 0;
- else
- {
- error ("\"on\" or \"off\" expected.");
- return 0;
- }
-/* Do a "set" or "show" command. ARG is NULL if no argument, or the text
- of the argument, and FROM_TTY is nonzero if this command is being entered
- directly by the user (i.e. these are just like any other
- command). C is the command list element for the command. */
-do_setshow_command (arg, from_tty, c)
- char *arg;
- int from_tty;
- struct cmd_list_element *c;
- if (c->type == set_cmd)
- {
- switch (c->var_type)
- {
- case var_string:
- {
- char *new;
- char *p;
- char *q;
- int ch;
- if (arg == NULL)
- arg = "";
- new = (char *) xmalloc (strlen (arg) + 2);
- p = arg; q = new;
- while ((ch = *p++) != '\000')
- {
- if (ch == '\\')
- {
- /* \ at end of argument is used after spaces
- so they won't be lost. */
- /* This is obsolete now that we no longer strip
- trailing whitespace and actually, the backslash
- didn't get here in my test, readline or
- something did something funky with a backslash
- right before a newline. */
- if (*p == 0)
- break;
- ch = parse_escape (&p);
- if (ch == 0)
- break; /* C loses */
- else if (ch > 0)
- *q++ = ch;
- }
- else
- *q++ = ch;
- }
-#if 0
- if (*(p - 1) != '\\')
- *q++ = ' ';
- *q++ = '\0';
- new = (char *) xrealloc (new, q - new);
- if (*(char **)c->var != NULL)
- free (*(char **)c->var);
- *(char **) c->var = new;
- }
- break;
- case var_string_noescape:
- if (arg == NULL)
- arg = "";
- if (*(char **)c->var != NULL)
- free (*(char **)c->var);
- *(char **) c->var = savestring (arg, strlen (arg));
- break;
- case var_filename:
- if (arg == NULL)
- error_no_arg ("filename to set it to.");
- if (*(char **)c->var != NULL)
- free (*(char **)c->var);
- *(char **)c->var = tilde_expand (arg);
- break;
- case var_boolean:
- *(int *) c->var = parse_binary_operation (arg);
- break;
- case var_uinteger:
- if (arg == NULL)
- error_no_arg ("integer to set it to.");
- *(unsigned int *) c->var = parse_and_eval_address (arg);
- if (*(unsigned int *) c->var == 0)
- *(unsigned int *) c->var = UINT_MAX;
- break;
- case var_integer:
- {
- unsigned int val;
- if (arg == NULL)
- error_no_arg ("integer to set it to.");
- val = parse_and_eval_address (arg);
- if (val == 0)
- *(int *) c->var = INT_MAX;
- else if (val >= INT_MAX)
- error ("integer %u out of range", val);
- else
- *(int *) c->var = val;
- break;
- }
- case var_zinteger:
- if (arg == NULL)
- error_no_arg ("integer to set it to.");
- *(int *) c->var = parse_and_eval_address (arg);
- break;
- case var_enum:
- {
- int i;
- int len;
- int nmatches;
- char *match = NULL;
- char *p;
- /* if no argument was supplied, print an informative error message */
- if (arg == NULL)
- {
- char msg[1024];
- strcpy (msg, "Requires an argument. Valid arguments are ");
- for (i = 0; c->enums[i]; i++)
- {
- if (i != 0)
- strcat (msg, ", ");
- strcat (msg, c->enums[i]);
- }
- strcat (msg, ".");
- error (msg);
- }
- p = strchr (arg, ' ');
- if (p)
- len = p - arg;
- else
- len = strlen (arg);
- nmatches = 0;
- for (i = 0; c->enums[i]; i++)
- if (strncmp (arg, c->enums[i], len) == 0)
- {
- match = c->enums[i];
- nmatches++;
- }
- if (nmatches <= 0)
- error ("Undefined item: \"%s\".", arg);
- if (nmatches > 1)
- error ("Ambiguous item \"%s\".", arg);
- *(char **)c->var = match;
- }
- break;
- default:
- error ("gdb internal error: bad var_type in do_setshow_command");
- }
- }
- else if (c->type == show_cmd)
- {
- /* Print doc minus "show" at start. */
- print_doc_line (gdb_stdout, c->doc + 5);
- fputs_filtered (" is ", gdb_stdout);
- wrap_here (" ");
- switch (c->var_type)
- {
- case var_string:
- {
- unsigned char *p;
- fputs_filtered ("\"", gdb_stdout);
- if (*(unsigned char **)c->var)
- for (p = *(unsigned char **) c->var; *p != '\0'; p++)
- gdb_printchar (*p, gdb_stdout, '"');
- fputs_filtered ("\"", gdb_stdout);
- }
- break;
- case var_string_noescape:
- case var_filename:
- case var_enum:
- fputs_filtered ("\"", gdb_stdout);
- if (*(char **)c->var)
- fputs_filtered (*(char **) c->var, gdb_stdout);
- fputs_filtered ("\"", gdb_stdout);
- break;
- case var_boolean:
- fputs_filtered (*(int *) c->var ? "on" : "off", gdb_stdout);
- break;
- case var_uinteger:
- if (*(unsigned int *) c->var == UINT_MAX) {
- fputs_filtered ("unlimited", gdb_stdout);
- break;
- }
- /* else fall through */
- case var_zinteger:
- fprintf_filtered (gdb_stdout, "%u", *(unsigned int *) c->var);
- break;
- case var_integer:
- if (*(int *) c->var == INT_MAX)
- {
- fputs_filtered ("unlimited", gdb_stdout);
- }
- else
- fprintf_filtered (gdb_stdout, "%d", *(int *) c->var);
- break;
- default:
- error ("gdb internal error: bad var_type in do_setshow_command");
- }
- fputs_filtered (".\n", gdb_stdout);
- }
- else
- error ("gdb internal error: bad cmd_type in do_setshow_command");
- (*c->function.sfunc) (NULL, from_tty, c);
-/* Show all the settings in a list of show commands. */
-cmd_show_list (list, from_tty, prefix)
- struct cmd_list_element *list;
- int from_tty;
- char *prefix;
- for (; list != NULL; list = list->next) {
- /* If we find a prefix, run its list, prefixing our output by its
- prefix (with "show " skipped). */
- if (list->prefixlist && !list->abbrev_flag)
- cmd_show_list (*list->prefixlist, from_tty, list->prefixname + 5);
- if (list->type == show_cmd)
- {
- fputs_filtered (prefix, gdb_stdout);
- fputs_filtered (list->name, gdb_stdout);
- fputs_filtered (": ", gdb_stdout);
- do_setshow_command ((char *)NULL, from_tty, list);
- }
- }
-static void
-shell_escape (arg, from_tty)
- char *arg;
- int from_tty;
-#ifdef CANT_FORK
- /* FIXME: what about errors (I don't know how GO32 system() handles
- them)? */
- system (arg);
-#else /* Can fork. */
- int rc, status, pid;
- char *p, *user_shell;
- if ((user_shell = (char *) getenv ("SHELL")) == NULL)
- user_shell = "/bin/sh";
- /* Get the name of the shell for arg0 */
- if ((p = strrchr (user_shell, '/')) == NULL)
- p = user_shell;
- else
- p++; /* Get past '/' */
- if ((pid = fork()) == 0)
- {
- if (!arg)
- execl (user_shell, p, 0);
- else
- execl (user_shell, p, "-c", arg, 0);
- fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stderr, "Cannot execute %s: %s\n", user_shell,
- safe_strerror (errno));
- gdb_flush (gdb_stderr);
- _exit (0177);
- }
- if (pid != -1)
- while ((rc = wait (&status)) != pid && rc != -1)
- ;
- else
- error ("Fork failed");
-#endif /* Can fork. */
-static void
-make_command (arg, from_tty)
- char *arg;
- int from_tty;
- char *p;
- if (arg == 0)
- p = "make";
- else
- {
- p = xmalloc (sizeof("make ") + strlen(arg));
- strcpy (p, "make ");
- strcpy (p + sizeof("make ")-1, arg);
- }
- shell_escape (p, from_tty);
-static void
-show_user_1 (c, stream)
- struct cmd_list_element *c;
- GDB_FILE *stream;
- register struct command_line *cmdlines;
- cmdlines = c->user_commands;
- if (!cmdlines)
- return;
- fputs_filtered ("User command ", stream);
- fputs_filtered (c->name, stream);
- fputs_filtered (":\n", stream);
- while (cmdlines)
- {
- print_command_line (cmdlines, 4);
- cmdlines = cmdlines->next;
- }
- fputs_filtered ("\n", stream);
-static void
-show_user (args, from_tty)
- char *args;
- int from_tty;
- struct cmd_list_element *c;
- extern struct cmd_list_element *cmdlist;
- if (args)
- {
- c = lookup_cmd (&args, cmdlist, "", 0, 1);
- if (c->class != class_user)
- error ("Not a user command.");
- show_user_1 (c, gdb_stdout);
- }
- else
- {
- for (c = cmdlist; c; c = c->next)
- {
- if (c->class == class_user)
- show_user_1 (c, gdb_stdout);
- }
- }
-_initialize_command ()
- add_com ("shell", class_support, shell_escape,
- "Execute the rest of the line as a shell command. \n\
-With no arguments, run an inferior shell.");
- if (xdb_commands)
- add_com_alias("!", "shell", class_support, 0);
- add_com ("make", class_support, make_command,
- "Run the ``make'' program using the rest of the line as arguments.");
- add_cmd ("user", no_class, show_user,
- "Show definitions of user defined commands.\n\
-Argument is the name of the user defined command.\n\
-With no argument, show definitions of all user defined commands.", &showlist);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/ b/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/
deleted file mode 100644
index 25f15cfcd031..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/ b/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/
deleted file mode 100644
index 22b45473ad61..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# Target: Intel 386 run win32
-TDEPFILES= i386-tdep.o i387-tdep.o
-TM_FILE= tm-cygwin32.h
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/nm-sun386.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/nm-sun386.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f7a904b4f1a3..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/nm-sun386.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-/* Native support for Sun 386i, for GDB, the GNU debugger.
- Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1989, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Do implement the attach and detach commands. */
-/* Override copies of {fetch,store}_inferior_registers in infptrace.c. */
-#define CHILD_PREPARE_TO_STORE() read_register_bytes (0, NULL, REGISTER_BYTES)
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/ b/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/
deleted file mode 100644
index d2496610b173..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Host: Sun 386i
-XM_FILE= xm-sun386.h
-NAT_FILE= nm-sun386.h
-NATDEPFILES= infptrace.o inftarg.o fork-child.o sun386-nat.o
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/ b/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/
deleted file mode 100644
index 665ca643fd55..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# Target: Sun 386i target configuration file.
-TDEPFILES= i386-tdep.o solib.o
-TM_FILE= tm-sun386.h
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/tm-cygwin32.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/tm-cygwin32.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f7464ba66cba..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/tm-cygwin32.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-/* Macro definitions for i386 running under the win32 API Unix.
- Copyright 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GDB.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "i386/tm-i386v.h"
-#undef NUM_REGS
-/* Number of machine registers */
-#define NUM_REGS 24
-/* Initializer for an array of names of registers.
- There should be NUM_REGS strings in this initializer. */
-/* the order of the first 8 registers must match the compiler's
- * numbering scheme (which is the same as the 386 scheme)
- * also, this table must match regmap in i386-pinsn.c.
- */
-#define REGISTER_NAMES { "eax", "ecx", "edx", "ebx", \
- "esp", "ebp", "esi", "edi", \
- "eip", "ps", "cs", "ss", \
- "ds", "es", "fs", "gs", \
- "st", "st(1)","st(2)","st(3)",\
- "st(4)","st(5)","st(6)","st(7)",}
-#define FP0_REGNUM 16
-/* Total amount of space needed to store our copies of the machine's
- register state, the array `registers'. */
-#define REGISTER_BYTES (16 * 4 + 8 * 10)
-/* Index within `registers' of the first byte of the space for
- register N. */
-#define REGISTER_BYTE(N) (((N) < 16) ? (N) * 4 : (((N) - 16) * 10) + (16 * 4))
-/* Number of bytes of storage in the actual machine representation
- for register N. */
-#define REGISTER_RAW_SIZE(N) (((N) < 16) ? 4 : 10)
-/* Number of bytes of storage in the program's representation
- for register N. */
-#define REGISTER_VIRTUAL_SIZE(N) (((N) < 16) ? 4 : 10)
-/* Largest value REGISTER_RAW_SIZE can have. */
-/* Largest value REGISTER_VIRTUAL_SIZE can have. */
-/* Nonzero if register N requires conversion
- from raw format to virtual format. */
- ((N < FP0_REGNUM) ? 0 : 1)
-/* Convert data from raw format for register REGNUM in buffer FROM
- to virtual format with type TYPE in buffer TO. */
-extern void
-i387_to_double PARAMS ((char *, char *));
-{ \
- double val; \
- i387_to_double ((FROM), (char *)&val); \
- store_floating ((TO), TYPE_LENGTH (TYPE), val); \
-extern void
-double_to_i387 PARAMS ((char *, char *));
-{ \
- double val = extract_floating ((FROM), TYPE_LENGTH (TYPE)); \
- double_to_i387((char *)&val, (TO)); \
-/* Return the GDB type object for the "standard" data type
- of data in register N. */
- ((N < FP0_REGNUM) ? builtin_type_int : \
- builtin_type_double)
-#define IN_SOLIB_CALL_TRAMPOLINE(pc, name) skip_trampoline_code (pc, name)
-#define SKIP_TRAMPOLINE_CODE(pc) skip_trampoline_code (pc, 0)
-extern CORE_ADDR skip_trampoline_code PARAMS ((CORE_ADDR pc, char *name));
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/tm-sun386.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/tm-sun386.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 259fd5182387..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/tm-sun386.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-/* Parameters for a Sun 386i target machine, for GDB, the GNU debugger.
- Copyright 1986, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#if !defined (TM_SUN386_H)
-#define TM_SUN386_H 1
-#include "i386/tm-i386.h"
-#ifndef sun386
-#define sun386
-#define GDB_TARGET_IS_SUN386 1
-#define SUNOS4
-/* Perhaps some day this will work even without the following #define */
-/* Avoid conflicts between our include files and <sys/exec.h>
- (maybe not needed anymore). */
-#define _EXEC_
-/* sun386 ptrace seems unable to change the frame pointer */
-#define PTRACE_FP_BUG
-/* Address of end of stack space. */
-#define STACK_END_ADDR 0xfc000000
-/* Number of machine registers */
-#undef NUM_REGS
-#define NUM_REGS 35
-/* Initializer for an array of names of registers. There should be NUM_REGS
- strings in this initializer. The order of the first 8 registers must match
- the compiler's numbering scheme (which is the same as the 386 scheme) also,
- this table must match regmap in i386-pinsn.c. */
-#define REGISTER_NAMES { "gs", "fs", "es", "ds", \
- "edi", "esi", "ebp", "esp", \
- "ebx", "edx", "ecx", "eax", \
- "retaddr", "trapnum", "errcode", "ip", \
- "cs", "ps", "sp", "ss", \
- "fst0", "fst1", "fst2", "fst3", \
- "fst4", "fst5", "fst6", "fst7", \
- "fctrl", "fstat", "ftag", "fip", \
- "fcs", "fopoff", "fopsel" \
- }
-/* Register numbers of various important registers.
- Note that some of these values are "real" register numbers,
- and correspond to the general registers of the machine,
- and some are "phony" register numbers which are too large
- to be actual register numbers as far as the user is concerned
- but do serve to get the desired values when passed to read_register. */
-#undef FP_REGNUM
-#define FP_REGNUM 6 /* (ebp) Contains address of executing stack frame */
-#undef SP_REGNUM
-#define SP_REGNUM 18 /* (usp) Contains address of top of stack */
-#undef PS_REGNUM
-#define PS_REGNUM 17 /* (ps) Contains processor status */
-#undef PC_REGNUM
-#define PC_REGNUM 15 /* (eip) Contains program counter */
-#undef FP0_REGNUM
-#define FP0_REGNUM 20 /* Floating point register 0 */
-#undef FPC_REGNUM
-#define FPC_REGNUM 28 /* 80387 control register */
-/* Total amount of space needed to store our copies of the machine's
- register state, the array `registers'. */
-#define REGISTER_BYTES (20*4+8*10+7*4)
-/* Index within `registers' of the first byte of the space for
- register N. */
-#define REGISTER_BYTE(N) \
- ((N) >= FPC_REGNUM ? (((N) - FPC_REGNUM) * 4) + 160 \
- : (N) >= FP0_REGNUM ? (((N) - FP0_REGNUM) * 10) + 80 \
- : (N) * 4)
-/* Number of bytes of storage in the actual machine representation
- for register N. */
-#define REGISTER_RAW_SIZE(N) (((unsigned)((N) - FP0_REGNUM)) < 8 ? 10 : 4)
-/* Number of bytes of storage in the program's representation
- for register N. */
-#define REGISTER_VIRTUAL_SIZE(N) (((unsigned)((N) - FP0_REGNUM)) < 8 ? 8 : 4)
-/* Nonzero if register N requires conversion
- from raw format to virtual format. */
-#define REGISTER_CONVERTIBLE(N) (((unsigned)((N) - FP0_REGNUM)) < 8)
-/* Convert data from raw format for register REGNUM in buffer FROM
- to virtual format with type TYPE in buffer TO. */
-{ \
- double val; \
- i387_to_double ((FROM), (char *)&val); \
- store_floating ((TO), TYPE_LENGTH (TYPE), val); \
-extern void
-i387_to_double PARAMS ((char *, char *));
-/* Convert data from virtual format with type TYPE in buffer FROM
- to raw format for register REGNUM in buffer TO. */
-{ \
- double val = extract_floating ((FROM), TYPE_LENGTH (TYPE)); \
- double_to_i387((char *)&val, (TO)); \
-extern void
-double_to_i387 PARAMS ((char *, char *));
-/* Return the GDB type object for the "standard" data type
- of data in register N. */
- (((unsigned)((N) - FP0_REGNUM)) < 8 ? builtin_type_double : builtin_type_int)
-/* Extract from an array REGBUF containing the (raw) register state
- a function return value of type TYPE, and copy that, in virtual format,
- into VALBUF. */
-/* Write into appropriate registers a function return value
- of type TYPE, given in virtual format. */
-/* Describe the pointer in each stack frame to the previous stack frame
- (its caller). */
-/* FRAME_CHAIN takes a frame's nominal address
- and produces the frame's chain-pointer. */
-#define FRAME_CHAIN(thisframe) \
- (!inside_entry_file ((thisframe)->pc) ? \
- read_memory_integer ((thisframe)->frame, 4) :\
- 0)
-/* Define other aspects of the stack frame. */
-/* A macro that tells us whether the function invocation represented
- by FI does not have a frame on the stack associated with it. If it
- does not, FRAMELESS is set to 1, else 0. */
-{ (FRAMELESS) = frameless_look_for_prologue (FI); }
-#define FRAME_SAVED_PC(FRAME) (read_memory_integer ((FRAME)->frame + 4, 4))
-/* Insert the specified number of args and function address
- into a call sequence of the above form stored at DUMMYNAME. */
-#define FIX_CALL_DUMMY(dummyname, pc, fun, nargs, args, type, gcc_p) \
-{ \
- *(int *)((char *)(dummyname) + 1) = (int)(fun) - (pc) - 5; \
-#endif /* !defined (TM_SUN386_H) */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/ b/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3933a6e00533..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# gdbwin.o and ser-win32s.c have to be named because they have
-# _initialize functions that need to be found by init.c
-# gui.ores has to be named, or else msvc won't link it in.
- mswin/gdbwin.o \
- mswin/ser-win32s.o \
- mswin/gui.ores \
- mswin/libwingdb.a
- rootme=`pwd` ; export rootme ; \
- ( cd mswin ; \
- $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) all )
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/xm-cygwin32.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/xm-cygwin32.h
deleted file mode 100644
index becbebe08ba3..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/xm-cygwin32.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* Definitions for hosting on WIN32, for GDB.
- Copyright 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "fopen-bin.h"
-#define GDBINIT_FILENAME "gdb.ini"
-#define SLASH_P(X) ((X)=='\\' || (X) == '/')
-#define ROOTED_P(X) ((SLASH_P((X)[0]))|| ((X)[1] ==':'))
-#define SLASH_CHAR '/'
-#define SLASH_STRING "/"
-/* If we longjmp out of the signal handler we never get another one.
- So disable immediate_quit inside request_quit */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/xm-i386lynx.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/xm-i386lynx.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6078cb6f2cba..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/xm-i386lynx.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-/* Host-dependent definitions for Intel 386 running LynxOS.
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Get generic LynxOS host definitions. */
-#include "xm-lynx.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/xm-linux.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/xm-linux.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 217c6d4d0949..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/xm-linux.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* Native support for GNU/Linux, for GDB, the GNU debugger.
- Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1989, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef XM_LINUX_H
-#define XM_LINUX_H
-/* This is the amount to subtract from u.u_ar0
- to get the offset in the core file of the register values. */
-#define KERNEL_U_ADDR 0x0
-/* Need R_OK etc, but USG isn't defined. */
-#include <unistd.h>
-#endif /* #ifndef XM_LINUX_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/xm-sun386.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/xm-sun386.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 51c3b58c11b6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/xm-sun386.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-/* Host support for Sun 386i, for GDB, the GNU debugger.
- Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1989, 1992, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/xm-windows.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/xm-windows.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e083010067cd..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/xm-windows.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* Definitions for hosting on WIN32, built with Microsoft Visual C/C++, for GDB.
- Copyright 1996, 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "i386/xm-cygwin.h"
-#undef HAVE_SGTTY_H
-#undef HAVE_SBRK
-#define CANT_FORK
-#include <malloc.h>
-#define SIGQUIT 3
-#define SIGTRAP 5
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/nm-empty.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/nm-empty.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7069d8c8a4e8..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/nm-empty.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-/* This is just a dummy file to symlink to when GDB is configured as a
- cross-only debugger. */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/xm-lynx.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/xm-lynx.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f19abdb8105..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/xm-lynx.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Host-dependent definitions for any CPU running LynxOS.
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* for INT_MIN, to avoid "INT_MIN redefined" warnings from defs.h */
-#include <limits.h>
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/xm-mpw.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/xm-mpw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c473d755726..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/config/xm-mpw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-/* Macro definitions for running GDB on Apple Macintoshes.
- Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "mpw.h"
-#include "fopen-bin.h"
-#include "spin.h"
-#define CANT_FORK
-/* Map these standard functions to versions that can do I/O in a console
- window. */
-#define printf hacked_printf
-#define fprintf hacked_fprintf
-#define vprintf hacked_vfprintf
-#define fputs hacked_fputs
-#define fputc hacked_fputc
-#undef putc
-#define putc hacked_putc
-#define fflush hacked_fflush
-#define fgetc hacked_fgetc
-#define POSIX_UTIME
-/* No declaration of strdup in MPW's string.h, oddly enough. */
-char *strdup (char *s1);
-/* '.' indicates drivers on the Mac, so we need a different filename. */
-#define GDBINIT_FILENAME "_gdbinit"
-/* Commas are more common to separate dirnames in a path on Macs. */
-/* This is a real crufty hack. */
-#define HAVE_TERMIO
-/* Addons to the basic MPW-supported signal list. */
-#ifndef SIGQUIT
-#define SIGQUIT (1<<6)
-#ifndef SIGHUP
-#define SIGHUP (1<<7)
-/* If __STDC__ is on, then this definition will be missing. */
-#ifndef fileno
-#define fileno(p) (p)->_file
-#ifndef R_OK
-#define R_OK 4
-extern int StandAlone;
-extern int mac_app;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/doc/GDBvn.texi b/contrib/gdb/gdb/doc/GDBvn.texi
deleted file mode 100644
index fd722bde8f0e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/doc/GDBvn.texi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-@set GDBVN 4.18
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/doc/HPPA-cfg.texi b/contrib/gdb/gdb/doc/HPPA-cfg.texi
deleted file mode 100644
index 88a138cab8b0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/doc/HPPA-cfg.texi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-@c GDB MANUAL configuration file.
-@c Copyright (c) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-@c NOTE: While the GDB manual is configurable (by changing these
-@c switches), its configuration is ***NOT*** automatically tied in to
-@c source configuration---because the authors expect that, save in
-@c unusual cases, the most inclusive form of the manual is appropriate
-@c no matter how the program itself is configured.
-@c The only automatically-varying variable is the GDB version number,
-@c which the Makefile rewrites based on the VERSION variable from
-@c `../'.
-@c GDB version number is recorded in the variable GDBVN
-@include GDBvn.texi
-@c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-@clear GENERIC
-@c HP PA-RISC target:
-@set HPPA
-@c Hitachi H8/300 target:
-@clear H8
-@c Hitachi H8/300 target ONLY:
-@c remote MIPS target:
-@clear MIPS
-@c SPARC target:
-@clear SPARC
-@c AMD 29000 target:
-@clear AMD29K
-@c Intel 960 target:
-@clear I960
-@c Tandem ST2000 (phone switch) target:
-@clear ST2000
-@c Zilog 8000 target:
-@clear Z8K
-@c Wind River Systems VxWorks environment:
-@clear VXWORKS
-@c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-@c Bare-board target?
-@c Restrict languages discussed to C?
-@c This is backward. As time permits, change this to language-specific
-@c switches for what to include.
-@clear CONLY
-@c Discuss Fortran?
-@clear FORTRAN
-@c Discuss Modula 2?
-@clear MOD2
-@c Specifically for host machine running DOS?
-@clear DOSHOST
-@c Talk about CPU simulator targets?
-@clear SIMS
-@c Remote serial line settings of interest?
-@set SERIAL
-@c Discuss features requiring Posix or similar OS environment?
-@set POSIX
-@c Discuss remote serial debugging stub?
-@c Discuss gdbserver?
-@c Discuss gdbserve.nlm?
-@c Refrain from discussing how to configure sw and format doc?
-@c Refrain from referring to unfree publications?
-@set FSFDOC
-@c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-@c Name of GDB program. Used also for (gdb) prompt string.
-@set GDBP gdb
-@c Name of GDB product. Used in running text.
-@set GDBN GDB
-@c Name of target.
-@set TARGET HP 9000 Systems
-@c Name of host. Should not be used in generic configs, but generic
-@c value may catch some flubs.
-@set HOST machine specific
-@c Name of GCC product
-@set NGCC GCC
-@c Name of GCC program
-@set GCC gcc
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/doc/h8-cfg.texi b/contrib/gdb/gdb/doc/h8-cfg.texi
deleted file mode 100644
index 823c7c244b5a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/doc/h8-cfg.texi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-@c GDB version number is recorded in the variable GDBVN
-@include GDBvn.texi
-@clear AMD29K
-@clear CONLY
-@clear FORTRAN
-@clear FSFDOC
-@clear GENERIC
-@set H8
-@clear HAVE-FLOAT
-@clear I960
-@clear MOD2
-@clear NOVEL
-@clear POSIX
-@set SIMS
-@clear SERIAL
-@clear SPARC
-@clear ST2000
-@clear VXWORKS
-@clear Z8K
-@c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-@c Name of GDB program. Used also for (gdb) prompt string.
-@set GDBP gdb
-@c Name of GDB product. Used in running text.
-@set GDBN GDB
-@c Name of GDB initialization file.
-@set GDBINIT .gdbinit
-@c Name of target.
-@set TARGET Hitachi Microprocessors
-@c Name of GCC product
-@set NGCC GCC
-@c Name of GCC program
-@set GCC gcc
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/doc/libgdb.texinfo b/contrib/gdb/gdb/doc/libgdb.texinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fadcb2c9b58..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/doc/libgdb.texinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,878 +0,0 @@
-\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
-@c %**start of header
-@settitle Libgdb
-@setchapternewpage off
-@c %**end of header
-This file documents libgdb, the GNU symbolic debugger in a library.
-This is Edition 0.3, Oct 1993, of @cite{Libgdb}.
-Copyright 1993 Cygnus Support
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
-this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
-are preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the
-results, provided the printed document carries copying permission
-notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph
-(this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual).
-@end ignore
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the
-entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
-permission notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.
-@end ifinfo
-@c This title page illustrates only one of the
-@c two methods of forming a title page.
-@title Libgdb
-@subtitle Version 0.3
-@subtitle Oct 1993
-@author Thomas Lord
-@c The following two commands
-@c start the copyright page.
-@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
-this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
-are preserved on all copies.
-Copyright @copyright{} 1993 Cygnus Support
-@end titlepage
-@node Top, Overview, (dir), (dir)
-This info file documents libgdb: an API for GDB, the GNU symbolic debugger.
-* Overview:: The basics of libgdb and this document.
-* Interpreter:: Libgdb is an Interpreter-Based Server.
-* Top Level:: You Provide the Top Level for the Libgdb
- Command Interpreter .
-* I/O:: How the Server's I/O Can be Used.
-* Invoking:: Invoking the Interpreter, Executing
- Commands.
-* Defining Commands:: How New Commands are Created.
-* Variables:: How Builtin Variables are Defined.
-* Asynchronous:: Scheduling Asynchronous Computations.
-* Commands:: Debugger Commands for Libgdb Applications
-@end menu
-@end ifinfo
-@node Overview, Interpreter, top, top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@chapter Overview
-@cindex overview
-@cindex definitions
-@heading Function and Purpose
-Libgdb is a package which provides an API to the functionality of GDB,
-the GNU symbolic debugger. It is specifically intended to support the
-development of a symbolic debugger with a graphic interface.
-@heading This Document
-This document is a specification of the libgdb API. It is written in
-the form of a programmer's manual. So the goal of this document is to
-explain what functions make up the API, and how they can be used in a
-running application.
-@heading Terminology
-In this document, @dfn{libgdb} refers to a library containing the
-functions defined herein, @dfn{application} refers to any program built
-with that library.
-@heading Dependencies
-Programs which are linked with libgdb must be linked with libbfd,
-libopcodes, libiberty, and libmmalloc.
-@heading Acknowledgments
-Essential contributions to this design were made by Stu Grossman, Jim
-Kingdon, and Rich Pixley.
-@node Interpreter, Top Level, Overview, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@chapter Libgdb is an Interpreter Based Server
-@cindex interpreter
-@cindex server
-To understand libgdb, it is necessary to understand how the library is
-structured. Historically, GDB is written as a small interpreter for a
-simple command language. The commands of the language perform useful
-debugging functions.
-Libgdb is built from GDB by turning the interpreter into a debugging
-server. The server reads debugging commands from any source and
-interprets them, directing the output arbitrarily.
-In addition to changing GDB from a tty-based program to a server, a
-number of new GDB commands have been added to make the server more
-useful for a program with a graphic interface.
-Finally, libgdb includes provisions for asynchronous processing within
-the application.
-Most operations that can be carried out with libgdb involve the GDB
-command interpreter. The usual mode of operation is that the operation
-is expressed as a string of GDB commands, which the interpreter is then
-invoked to carry out. The output from commands executed in this manner
-can be redirected in a variety of useful ways for further processing by
-the application.
-The command interpreter provides an extensive system of hooks so an
-application can monitor any aspect of the debugging library's state. An
-application can set its own breakpoints and attach commands and
-conditions to those. It is possible to attach hooks to any debugger
-command; the hooks are invoked whenever that command is about to be
-invoked. By means of these, the displays of a graphical interface can
-be kept fully up to date at all times.
-We show you how to define new primitives in the command language. By
-defining new primitives and using them in breakpoint scripts and command
-hooks, an application can schedule the execution of arbitrary C-code at
-almost any point of interest in the operation of libgdb.
-We show you how to define new GDB convenience variables for which your
-code computes a value on demand. Referring to such variables in a
-breakpoint condition is a convenient way to conditionalize breakpoints
-in novel ways.
-To summarize: in libgdb, the gdb command language is turned into a
-debugging server. The server takes commands as input, and the server's
-output is redirectable. An application uses libgdb by formatting
-debugging commands and invoking the interpreter. The application might
-maintain breakpoints, watchpoints and many kinds of hooks. An application
-can define new primitives for the interpreter.
-@node Top Level, I/O, Interpreter, Top
-@chapter You Provide the Top Level for the Libgdb Command Interpreter
-@cindex {top level}
-When you use libgdb, your code is providing a @dfn{top level} for the
-command language interpreter. The top level is significant because it
-provides commands for the the interpreter to execute. In addition, the
-top level is responsible for handling some kinds of errors, and
-performing certain cleanup operations on behalf of the interpreter.
-@heading Initialization
-Before calling any other libgdb functions, call this:
-@deftypefun void gdb_init (void)
-Perform one-time initialization for libgdb.
-@end deftypefun
-An application may wish to evaluate specific gdb commands as part of its
-own initialization. The details of how this can be accomplished are
-explained below.
-@heading The Top-Level Loop
-There is a strong presumption in libgdb that the application has
-the form of a loop. Here is what such a loop might look like:
-while (gdb_still_going ())
- @{
- if (!GDB_TOP_LEVEL ())
- @{
- char * command;
- gdb_start_top_loop ();
- command = process_events ();
- gdb_execute_command (command);
- gdb_finish_top_loop ();
- @}
- @}
-@end example
-The function @code{gdb_still_going} returns 1 until the gdb command
-`quit' is run.
-The macro @code{GDB_TOP_LEVEL} invokes setjmp to set the top level error
-handler. When a command results in an error, the interpreter exits with
-a longjmp. There is nothing special libgdb requires of the top level
-error handler other than it be present and that it restart the top level
-loop. Errors are explained in detail in a later chapter.
-Each time through the top level loop two important things happen: a
-debugger command is constructed on the basis of user input, and the
-interpreter is invoked to execute that command. In the sample code, the
-call to the imaginary function @code{process_events} represents the
-point at which a graphical interface should read input events until
-ready to execute a debugger command. The call to
-@code{gdb_execute_command} invokes the command interpreter (what happens
-to the output from the command will be explained later).
-Libgdb manages some resources using the top-level loop. The primary
-reason for this is error-handling: even if a command terminates with an
-error, it may already have allocated resources which need to be freed.
-The freeing of such resources takes place at the top-level, regardless
-of how the the command exits. The calls to @code{gdb_start_top_loop}
-and @code{gdb_finish_top_loop} let libgdb know when it is safe to
-perform operations associated with these resources.
-@heading Breakpoint Commands
-Breakpoint commands are scripts of GDB operations associated with
-particular breakpoints. When a breakpoint is reached, its associated
-commands are executed.
-Breakpoint commands are invoked by the libgdb function
-Notice that if control returns to the top-level error handler, the
-execution of breakpoint commands is bypassed. This can happen as a
-result of errors during either @code{gdb_execute_command} or
-@heading Application Initialization
-Sometimes it is inconvenient to execute commands via a command loop for
-example, the commands an application uses to initialize itself. An
-alternative to @code{execute_command} is @code{execute_catching_errors}.
-When @code{execute_catching_errors} is used, no top level error handler
-need be in effect, and it is not necessary to call
-@code{gdb_start_top_loop} or @code{gdb_finish_top_loop}.
-@heading Cleanup
-The debugger command ``quit'' performs all necessary cleanup for libgdb.
-After it has done so, it changes the return value of
-@code{gdb_still_going} to 0 and returns to the top level error handler.
-@node I/O, Invoking, Top Level, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@chapter How the Server's I/O Can be Used
-@cindex I/O
-In the last chapter it was pointed out that a libgdb application is
-responsible for providing commands for the interpreter to execute.
-However some commands require further input (for example, the ``quit''
-command might ask for confirmation). Almost all commands produce output
-of some kind. The purpose of this section is to explain how libgdb
-performs its I/O, and how an application can take advantage of
-@heading I/O Vectors
-Libgdb has no fixed strategy for I/O. Instead, all operations are
-performed by functions called via structures of function pointers.
-Applications supply theses structures and can change them at any
-@deftp Type {struct gdb_input_vector}
-@deftpx Type {struct gdb_output_vector}
-These structures contain a set of function pointers. Each function
-determines how a particular type of i/o is performed. The details of
-these strucutres are explained below.
-The application allocates these structures, initializes them to all bits
-zero, fills in the function pointers, and then registers names for them
-them with libgdb.
-@end deftp
-@deftypefun void gdb_name_input_vector (@var{name}, @var{vec})
-@deftypefunx void gdb_remove_input_vector (@var{name}, @var{vec})
-@deftypefunx void gdb_name_output_vector (@var{name}, @var{vec})
-@deftypefunx void gdb_remove_input_vector (@var{name}, @var{vec})
- char * @var{name};
- struct gdb_output_vector * @var{vec};
-@end example
-These functions are used to give and remove names to i/o vectors. Note
-that if a name is used twice, the most recent definition applies.
-@end deftypefun
-@subheading Output
-An output vector is a structure with at least these fields:
-struct gdb_output_vector
- /* output */
- void (*put_string) (struct gdb_output_vector *, char * str);
-@end example
-Use the function @code{memset} or something equivalent to initialize an
-output vector to all bits zero. Then fill in the function pointer with
-your function.
-A debugger command can produce three kinds of output: error messages
-(such as when trying to delete a non-existent breakpoint), informational
-messages (such as the notification printed when a breakpoint is hit),
-and the output specifically requested by a command (for example, the
-value printed by the ``print'' command). At any given time, then,
-libgdb has three output vectors. These are called the @dfn{error},
-@dfn{info}, @dfn{value} vector respectively.
-@subheading Input
-struct gdb_input_vector
- int (*query) (struct gdb_input_vector *,
- char * prompt,
- int quit_allowed);
- int * (*selection) (struct gdb_input_vector *,
- char * prompt,
- char ** choices);
- char * (*read_string) (struct gdb_input_vector *,
- char * prompt);
- char ** (*read_strings) (struct gdb_input_vector *,
- char * prompt);
-@end example
-Use the function @code{memset} or something equivalent to initialize an
-input vector to all bits zero. Then fill in the function pointers with
-your functions.
-There are four kinds of input requests explicitly made by libgdb.
-A @dfn{query} is a yes or no question. The user can respond to a query
-with an affirmative or negative answer, or by telling gdb to abort the
-command (in some cases an abort is not permitted). Query should return
-'y' or 'n' or 0 to abort.
-A @dfn{selection} is a list of options from which the user selects a subset.
-Selections should return a NULL terminated array of integers, which are
-indexes into the array of choices. It can return NULL instead to abort
-the command. The array returned by this function will be passed to
-@code{free} by libgdb.
-A @dfn{read_string} asks the user to supply an arbitrary string. It may
-return NULL to abort the command. The string returned by @code{read_string}
-should be allocated by @code{malloc}; it will be freed by libgdb.
-A @dfn{read_strings} asks the user to supply multiple lines of input
-(for example, the body of a command created using `define'). It, too,
-may return NULL to abort. The array and the strings returned by this
-function will be freed by libgdb.
-@heading I/O Redirection from the Application Top-Level
-@deftypefun struct gdb_io_vecs gdb_set_io (struct gdb_io_vecs *)
-struct gdb_io_vecs
- struct gdb_input_vector * input;
- struct gdb_output_vector * error;
- struct gdb_output_vector * info;
- struct gdb_output_vector * value;
-@end example
-This establishes a new set of i/o vectors, and returns the old setting.
-Any of the pointers in this structure may be NULL, indicating that the
-current value should be used.
-This function is useful for setting up i/o vectors before any libgdb
-commands have been invoked (hence before any input or output has taken
-@end deftypefun
-It is explained in a later chapter how to redirect output temporarily.
-@heading I/O Redirection in Debugger Commands
-A libgdb application creates input and output vectors and assigns them names.
-Which input and output vectors are used by libgdb is established by
-executing these debugger commands:
-@defun {set input-vector} name
-@defunx {set error-output-vector} name
-@defunx {set info-output-vector} name
-@defunx {set value-output-vector} name
-Choose an I/O vector by name.
-@end defun
-A few debugger commands are for use only within commands defined using
-the debugger command `define' (they have no effect at other times).
-These commands exist so that an application can maintain hooks which
-redirect output without affecting the global I/O vectors.
-@defun with-input-vector name
-@defunx with-error-output-vector name
-@defunx with-info-output-vector name
-@defunx with-value-output-vector name
-Set an I/O vector, but only temporarily. The setting has effect only
-within the command definition in which it occurs.
-@end defun
-@heading Initial Conditions
-When libgdb is initialized, a set of default I/O vectors is put in
-place. The default vectors are called @code{default-input-vector},
-@code{default-output-vector}, &c.
-The default query function always returns `y'. Other input functions
-always abort. The default output functions discard output silently.
-@node Invoking, Defining Commands, I/O, Top
-@chapter Invoking the Interpreter, Executing Commands
-@cindex {executing commands}
-@cindex {invoking the interpreter}
-This section introduces the libgdb functions which invoke the command
-@deftypefun void gdb_execute_command (@var{command})
-char * @var{command};
-@end example
-Interpret the argument debugger command. An error handler must be set
-when this function is called. (@xref{Top Level}.)
-@end deftypefun
-It is possible to override the current I/O vectors for the duration of a
-single command:
-@deftypefun void gdb_execute_with_io (@var{command}, @var{vecs})
-char * @var{command};
-struct gdb_io_vecs * @var{vecs};
-struct gdb_io_vecs
- struct gdb_input_vector * input;
- struct gdb_output_vector * error;
- struct gdb_output_vector * info;
- struct gdb_output_vector * value;
-@end example
-Execute @var{command}, temporarily using the i/o vectors in @var{vecs}.
-Any of the vectors may be NULL, indicating that the current value should
-be used. An error handler must be in place when this function is used.
-@end deftypefun
-@deftypefun {struct gdb_str_output} gdb_execute_for_strings (@var{cmd})
-char * cmd;
-@end example
-@deftypefunx {struct gdb_str_output} gdb_execute_for_strings2 (@var{cmd}, @var{input})
-char * cmd;
-struct gdb_input_vector * input;
-@end example
-struct gdb_str_output
- char * error;
- char * info;
- char * value;
-@end example
-Execute @var{cmd}, collecting its output as strings. If no error
-occurs, all three strings will be present in the structure, the
-empty-string rather than NULL standing for no output of a particular
-If the command aborts with an error, then the @code{value} field will be
-NULL, though the other two strings will be present.
-In all cases, the strings returned are allocated by malloc and should be
-freed by the caller.
-The first form listed uses the current input vector, but overrides the
-current output vector. The second form additionally allows the input
-vector to be overridden.
-This function does not require that an error handler be installed.
-@end deftypefun
-@deftypefun void execute_catching_errors (@var{command})
-char * @var{command};
-@end example
-Like @code{execute_command} except that no error handler is required.
-@end deftypefun
-@deftypefun void execute_with_text (@var{command}, @var{text})
-char * @var{command};
-char ** @var{text};
-@end example
-Like @code{execute_catching_errors}, except that the input vector is
-overridden. The new input vector handles only calls to @code{query} (by
-returning 'y') and calls to @code{read_strings} by returning a copy of
-@var{text} and the strings it points to.
-This form of execute_command is useful for commands like @code{define},
-@code{document}, and @code{commands}.
-@end deftypefun
-@node Defining Commands, Variables, Invoking, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@chapter How New Commands are Created
-@cindex {commands, defining}
-Applications are, of course, free to take advantage of the existing GDB
-macro definition capability (the @code{define} and @code{document}
-In addition, an application can add new primitives to the GDB command
-@deftypefun void gdb_define_app_command (@var{name}, @var{fn}, @var{doc})
-char * @var{name};
-gdb_cmd_fn @var{fn};
-char * @var{doc};
-typedef void (*gdb_cmd_fn) (char * args);
-@end example
-Create a new command call @var{name}. The new command is in the
-@code{application} help class. When invoked, the command-line arguments
-to the command are passed as a single string.
-Calling this function twice with the same name replaces an earlier
-definition, but application commands can not replace builtin commands of
-the same name.
-The documentation string of the command is set to a copy the string
-@end deftypefun
-@node Variables, Asynchronous, Defining Commands, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@chapter How Builtin Variables are Defined
-@cindex {variables, defining}
-Convenience variables provide a way for values maintained by libgdb to
-be referenced in expressions (e.g. @code{$bpnum}). Libgdb includes a
-means by which the application can define new, integer valued
-convenience variables:
-@deftypefun void gdb_define_int_var (@var{name}, @var{fn}, @var{fn_arg})
-char * @var{name};
-int (*@var{fn}) (void *);
-void * @var{fn_arg};
-@end example
-This function defines (or undefines) a convenience variable called @var{name}.
-If @var{fn} is NULL, the variable becomes undefined. Otherwise,
-@var{fn} is a function which, when passed @var{fn_arg} returns the value
-of the newly defined variable.
-No libgdb functions should be called by @var{fn}.
-@end deftypefun
-One use for this function is to create breakpoint conditions computed in
-novel ways. This is done by defining a convenience variable and
-referring to that variable in a breakpoint condition expression.
-@node Asynchronous, Commands, Variables, Top
-@chapter Scheduling Asynchronous Computations
-@cindex asynchronous
-A running libgdb function can take a long time. Libgdb includes a hook
-so that an application can run intermittently during long debugger
-@deftypefun void gdb_set_poll_fn (@var{fn}, @var{fn_arg})
-void (*@var{fn})(void * fn_arg, int (*gdb_poll)());
-void * @var{fn_arg};
-@end example
-Arrange to call @var{fn} periodically during lengthy debugger operations.
-If @var{fn} is NULL, polling is turned off. @var{fn} should take two
-arguments: an opaque pointer passed as @var{fn_arg} to
-@code{gdb_set_poll_fn}, and a function pointer. The function pointer
-passed to @var{fn} is provided by libgdb and points to a function that
-returns 0 when the poll function should return. That is, when
-@code{(*gdb_poll)()} returns 0, libgdb is ready to continue @var{fn}
-should return quickly.
-It is possible that @code{(*gdb_poll)()} will return 0 the first time it
-is called, so it is reasonable for an application to do minimal processing
-before checking whether to return.
-No libgdb functions should be called from an application's poll function,
-with one exception: @code{gdb_request_quit}.
-@end deftypefun
-@deftypefun void gdb_request_quit (void)
-This function, if called from a poll function, requests that the
-currently executing libgdb command be interrupted as soon as possible,
-and that control be returned to the top-level via an error.
-The quit is not immediate. It will not occur until at least after the
-application's poll function returns.
-@end deftypefun
-@node Commands, Top, Asynchronous, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@chapter Debugger Commands for Libgdb Applications
-The debugger commands available to libgdb applications are the same commands
-available interactively via GDB. This section is an overview of the
-commands newly created as part of libgdb.
-This section is not by any means a complete reference to the GDB command
-language. See the GDB manual for such a reference.
-* Command Hooks:: Setting Hooks to Execute With Debugger Commands.
-* View Commands:: View Commands Mirror Show Commands
-* Breakpoints:: The Application Can Have Its Own Breakpoints
-@end menu
-@node Command Hooks, View Commands, Commands, Commands
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section Setting Hooks to Execute With Debugger Commands.
-Debugger commands support hooks. A command hook is executed just before
-the interpreter invokes the hooked command.
-There are two hooks allowed for every command. By convention, one hook
-is for use by users, the other is for use by the application.
-A user hook is created for a command XYZZY by using
-@code{define-command} to create a command called @code{hook-XYZZY}.
-An application hook is created for a command XYZZY by using
-@code{define-command} to create a command called @code{apphook-XYZZY}.
-Application hooks are useful for interfaces which wish to continuously
-monitor certain aspects of debugger state. The application can set a
-hook on all commands that might modify the watched state. When the hook
-is executed, it can use i/o redirection to notify parts of the
-application that previous data may be out of date. After the top-level loop
-resumes, the application can recompute any values that may have changed.
-@node View Commands, Breakpoints, Command Hooks, Commands
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section View Commands Mirror Show Commands
-The GDB command language contains many @code{set} and @code{show}
-commands. These commands are used to modify or examine parameters to
-the debugger.
-It is difficult to get the current state of a parameter from the
-@code{show} command because @code{show} is very verbose.
-(gdb) show check type
-Type checking is "auto; currently off".
-(gdb) show width
-Number of characters gdb thinks are in a line is 80.
-@end example
-For every @code{show} command, libgdb includes a @code{view} command.
-@code{view} is like @code{show} without the verbose commentary:
-(gdb) view check type
-auto; currently off
-(gdb) view width
-@end example
-(The precise format of the ouput from @code{view} is subject to change.
-In particular, @code{view} may one-day print values which can be used as
-arguments to the corresponding @code{set} command.)
-@node Breakpoints, Structured Output, View Commands, Commands
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section The Application Can Have Its Own Breakpoints
-The GDB breakpoint commands were written with a strong presumption that
-all breakpoints are managed by a human user. Therefore, the command
-language contains commands like `delete' which affect all breakpoints
-without discrimination.
-In libgdb, there is added support for breakpoints and watchpoints which
-are set by the application and which should not be affected by ordinary,
-indiscriminate commands. These are called @dfn{protected} breakpoints.
-@deffn {Debugger Command} break-protected ...
-@deffnx {Debugger Command} watch-protected ...
-These work like @code{break} and @code{watch} except that the resulting
-breakpoint is given a negative number. Negative numbered breakpoints do
-not appear in the output of @code{info breakpoints} but do in that of
-@code{info all-breakpoints}. Negative numbered breakpoints are not
-affected by commands which ordinarily affect `all' breakpoints (e.g.
-@code{delete} with no arguments).
-Note that libgdb itself creates protected breakpoints, so programs
-should not rely on being able to allocate particular protected
-breakpoint numbers for themselves.
-@end deffn
-More than one breakpoint may be set at a given location. Libgdb adds
-the concept of @dfn{priority} to breakpoints. A priority is an integer,
-assigned to each breakpoint. When a breakpoint is reached, the
-conditions of all breakpoints at the same location are evaluated in
-order of ascending priority. When breakpoint commands are executed,
-they are also executed in ascending priority (until all have been
-executed, an error occurs, or one set of commands continues the
-@deffn {Debugger Command} priority n bplist
-Set the priority for breakpoints @var{bplist} to @var{n}.
-By default, breakpoints are assigned a priority of zero.
-@end deffn
-@node Structured Output, Commands, Breakpoints, Commands
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section Structured Output, The @code{Explain} Command
-(This section may be subject to considerable revision.)
-When GDB prints a the value of an expression, the printed representation
-contains information that can be usefully fed back into future commands
-and expressions. For example,
-(gdb) print foo
-$16 = @{v = 0x38ae0, v_length = 40@}
-@end example
-On the basis of this output, a user knows, for example, that
-@code{$16.v} refers to a pointer valued @code{0x38ae0}
-A new output command helps to make information like this available to
-the application.
-@deffn {Debugger Command} explain expression
-@deffnx {Debugger Command} explain /format expression
-Print the value of @var{expression} in the manner of the @code{print}
-command, but embed that output in a list syntax containing information
-about the structure of the output.
-@end deffn
-As an example, @code{explain argv} might produce this output:
- ((expression "$19")
- (type "char **")
- (address "48560")
- (deref-expression "*$19"))
- "$19 = 0x3800\n")
-@end example
-The syntax of output from @code{explain} is:
-<explanation> := <quoted-string>
- | (exp-concat <explanation> <explanation>*)
- | (exp-attribute <property-list> <explanation>)
-<property-list> := ( <property-pair>* )
-<property-pair> := ( <property-name> <quoted-string> )
-@end example
-The string-concatenation of all of the @code{<quoted-string>} (except
-those in property lists) yields the output generated by the equivalent
-@code{print} command. Quoted strings may contain quotes and backslashes
-if they are escaped by backslash. "\n" in a quoted string stands for
-newline; unescaped newlines do not occur within the strings output by
-Property names are made up of alphabetic characters, dashes, and
-The set of properties is open-ended. As GDB acquires support for new
-source languages and other new capabilities, new property types may be
-added to the output of this command. Future commands may offer
-applications some selectivity concerning which properties are reported.
-The initial set of properties defined includes:
-@itemize @bullet
-@item @code{expression}
-This is an expression, such as @code{$42} or @code{$42.x}. The
-expression can be used to refer to the value printed in the attributed
-part of the string.
-@item @code{type}
-This is a user-readable name for the type of the attributed value.
-@item @code{address}
-If the value is stored in a target register, this is a register number.
-If the value is stored in a GDB convenience variable, this is an integer
-that is unique among all the convenience variables. Otherwise, this is
-the address in the target where the value is stored.
-@item @code{deref-expression}
-If the attributed value is a pointer type, this is an expression that
-refers to the dereferenced value.
-@end itemize
-Here is a larger example, using the same object passed to @code{print}
-in an earlier example of this section.
-(gdb) explain foo
- ( (expression "$16")
- (type "struct bytecode_vector")
- (address 14336) )
- (exp-concat
- "$16 = @{"
- (exp-attribute
- ( (expression "$16.v")
- (type "char *")
- (address 14336)
- (deref-expression "*$16.v") )
- "v = 0x38ae0")
- (exp-attribute
- ( (expression "$16.v_length")
- (type "int")
- (address 14340) )
- ", v_length = 40")
- "@}\n"))
-@end example
-It is undefined how libgdb will indent these lines of output or
-where newlines will be included.
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/doc/refcard.dvi b/contrib/gdb/gdb/doc/refcard.dvi
deleted file mode 100644
index e152395d31db..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/doc/refcard.dvi
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/doc/remote.texi b/contrib/gdb/gdb/doc/remote.texi
deleted file mode 100644
index 816b65837de9..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/doc/remote.texi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1708 +0,0 @@
-@c -*- Texinfo -*-
-@c Copyright (c) 1990 1991 1992 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-@c This file is part of the source for the GDB manual.
-@c This text diverted to "Remote Debugging" section in general case;
-@c however, if we're doing a manual specifically for one of these, it
-@c belongs up front (in "Getting In and Out" chapter).
-@node Remote Serial
-@subsection The @value{GDBN} remote serial protocol
-@cindex remote serial debugging, overview
-To debug a program running on another machine (the debugging
-@dfn{target} machine), you must first arrange for all the usual
-prerequisites for the program to run by itself. For example, for a C
-program, you need:
-A startup routine to set up the C runtime environment; these usually
-have a name like @file{crt0}. The startup routine may be supplied by
-your hardware supplier, or you may have to write your own.
-You probably need a C subroutine library to support your program's
-subroutine calls, notably managing input and output.
-A way of getting your program to the other machine---for example, a
-download program. These are often supplied by the hardware
-manufacturer, but you may have to write your own from hardware
-@end enumerate
-The next step is to arrange for your program to use a serial port to
-communicate with the machine where @value{GDBN} is running (the @dfn{host}
-machine). In general terms, the scheme looks like this:
-@table @emph
-@item On the host,
-@value{GDBN} already understands how to use this protocol; when everything
-else is set up, you can simply use the @samp{target remote} command
-(@pxref{Targets,,Specifying a Debugging Target}).
-@item On the target,
-you must link with your program a few special-purpose subroutines that
-implement the @value{GDBN} remote serial protocol. The file containing these
-subroutines is called a @dfn{debugging stub}.
-On certain remote targets, you can use an auxiliary program
-@code{gdbserver} instead of linking a stub into your program.
-@xref{Server,,Using the @code{gdbserver} program}, for details.
-@end ifset
-@end table
-The debugging stub is specific to the architecture of the remote
-machine; for example, use @file{sparc-stub.c} to debug programs on
-@sc{sparc} boards.
-@cindex remote serial stub list
-These working remote stubs are distributed with @value{GDBN}:
-@table @code
-@item i386-stub.c
-@kindex i386-stub.c
-@cindex Intel
-@cindex i386
-For Intel 386 and compatible architectures.
-@item m68k-stub.c
-@kindex m68k-stub.c
-@cindex Motorola 680x0
-@cindex m680x0
-For Motorola 680x0 architectures.
-@item sh-stub.c
-@kindex sh-stub.c
-@cindex Hitachi
-@cindex SH
-For Hitachi SH architectures.
-@item sparc-stub.c
-@kindex sparc-stub.c
-@cindex Sparc
-For @sc{sparc} architectures.
-@item sparcl-stub.c
-@kindex sparcl-stub.c
-@cindex Fujitsu
-@cindex SparcLite
-For Fujitsu @sc{sparclite} architectures.
-@end table
-The @file{README} file in the @value{GDBN} distribution may list other
-recently added stubs.
-* Stub Contents:: What the stub can do for you
-* Bootstrapping:: What you must do for the stub
-* Debug Session:: Putting it all together
-* Protocol:: Outline of the communication protocol
-* Server:: Using the `gdbserver' program
-@end ifset
-@ifset GDBSERVE
-* NetWare:: Using the `gdbserve.nlm' program
-@end ifset
-@end menu
-@node Stub Contents
-@subsubsection What the stub can do for you
-@cindex remote serial stub
-The debugging stub for your architecture supplies these three
-@table @code
-@item set_debug_traps
-@kindex set_debug_traps
-@cindex remote serial stub, initialization
-This routine arranges for @code{handle_exception} to run when your
-program stops. You must call this subroutine explicitly near the
-beginning of your program.
-@item handle_exception
-@kindex handle_exception
-@cindex remote serial stub, main routine
-This is the central workhorse, but your program never calls it
-explicitly---the setup code arranges for @code{handle_exception} to
-run when a trap is triggered.
-@code{handle_exception} takes control when your program stops during
-execution (for example, on a breakpoint), and mediates communications
-with @value{GDBN} on the host machine. This is where the communications
-protocol is implemented; @code{handle_exception} acts as the @value{GDBN}
-representative on the target machine; it begins by sending summary
-information on the state of your program, then continues to execute,
-retrieving and transmitting any information @value{GDBN} needs, until you
-execute a @value{GDBN} command that makes your program resume; at that point,
-@code{handle_exception} returns control to your own code on the target
-@item breakpoint
-@cindex @code{breakpoint} subroutine, remote
-Use this auxiliary subroutine to make your program contain a
-breakpoint. Depending on the particular situation, this may be the only
-way for @value{GDBN} to get control. For instance, if your target
-machine has some sort of interrupt button, you won't need to call this;
-pressing the interrupt button transfers control to
-@code{handle_exception}---in effect, to @value{GDBN}. On some machines,
-simply receiving characters on the serial port may also trigger a trap;
-again, in that situation, you don't need to call @code{breakpoint} from
-your own program---simply running @samp{target remote} from the host
-@value{GDBN} session gets control.
-Call @code{breakpoint} if none of these is true, or if you simply want
-to make certain your program stops at a predetermined point for the
-start of your debugging session.
-@end table
-@node Bootstrapping
-@subsubsection What you must do for the stub
-@cindex remote stub, support routines
-The debugging stubs that come with @value{GDBN} are set up for a particular
-chip architecture, but they have no information about the rest of your
-debugging target machine.
-First of all you need to tell the stub how to communicate with the
-serial port.
-@table @code
-@item int getDebugChar()
-@kindex getDebugChar
-Write this subroutine to read a single character from the serial port.
-It may be identical to @code{getchar} for your target system; a
-different name is used to allow you to distinguish the two if you wish.
-@item void putDebugChar(int)
-@kindex putDebugChar
-Write this subroutine to write a single character to the serial port.
-It may be identical to @code{putchar} for your target system; a
-different name is used to allow you to distinguish the two if you wish.
-@end table
-@cindex control C, and remote debugging
-@cindex interrupting remote targets
-If you want @value{GDBN} to be able to stop your program while it is
-running, you need to use an interrupt-driven serial driver, and arrange
-for it to stop when it receives a @code{^C} (@samp{\003}, the control-C
-character). That is the character which @value{GDBN} uses to tell the
-remote system to stop.
-Getting the debugging target to return the proper status to @value{GDBN}
-probably requires changes to the standard stub; one quick and dirty way
-is to just execute a breakpoint instruction (the ``dirty'' part is that
-@value{GDBN} reports a @code{SIGTRAP} instead of a @code{SIGINT}).
-Other routines you need to supply are:
-@table @code
-@item void exceptionHandler (int @var{exception_number}, void *@var{exception_address})
-@kindex exceptionHandler
-Write this function to install @var{exception_address} in the exception
-handling tables. You need to do this because the stub does not have any
-way of knowing what the exception handling tables on your target system
-are like (for example, the processor's table might be in @sc{rom},
-containing entries which point to a table in @sc{ram}).
-@var{exception_number} is the exception number which should be changed;
-its meaning is architecture-dependent (for example, different numbers
-might represent divide by zero, misaligned access, etc). When this
-exception occurs, control should be transferred directly to
-@var{exception_address}, and the processor state (stack, registers,
-and so on) should be just as it is when a processor exception occurs. So if
-you want to use a jump instruction to reach @var{exception_address}, it
-should be a simple jump, not a jump to subroutine.
-For the 386, @var{exception_address} should be installed as an interrupt
-gate so that interrupts are masked while the handler runs. The gate
-should be at privilege level 0 (the most privileged level). The
-@sc{sparc} and 68k stubs are able to mask interrup themselves without
-help from @code{exceptionHandler}.
-@item void flush_i_cache()
-@kindex flush_i_cache
-(sparc and sparclite only) Write this subroutine to flush the
-instruction cache, if any, on your target machine. If there is no
-instruction cache, this subroutine may be a no-op.
-On target machines that have instruction caches, @value{GDBN} requires this
-function to make certain that the state of your program is stable.
-@end table
-You must also make sure this library routine is available:
-@table @code
-@item void *memset(void *, int, int)
-@kindex memset
-This is the standard library function @code{memset} that sets an area of
-memory to a known value. If you have one of the free versions of
-@code{libc.a}, @code{memset} can be found there; otherwise, you must
-either obtain it from your hardware manufacturer, or write your own.
-@end table
-If you do not use the GNU C compiler, you may need other standard
-library subroutines as well; this varies from one stub to another,
-but in general the stubs are likely to use any of the common library
-subroutines which @code{gcc} generates as inline code.
-@node Debug Session
-@subsubsection Putting it all together
-@cindex remote serial debugging summary
-In summary, when your program is ready to debug, you must follow these
-Make sure you have the supporting low-level routines
-(@pxref{Bootstrapping,,What you must do for the stub}):
-@code{getDebugChar}, @code{putDebugChar},
-@code{flush_i_cache}, @code{memset}, @code{exceptionHandler}.
-@end display
-Insert these lines near the top of your program:
-@end example
-For the 680x0 stub only, you need to provide a variable called
-@code{exceptionHook}. Normally you just use:
-void (*exceptionHook)() = 0;
-@end example
-but if before calling @code{set_debug_traps}, you set it to point to a
-function in your program, that function is called when
-@code{@value{GDBN}} continues after stopping on a trap (for example, bus
-error). The function indicated by @code{exceptionHook} is called with
-one parameter: an @code{int} which is the exception number.
-Compile and link together: your program, the @value{GDBN} debugging stub for
-your target architecture, and the supporting subroutines.
-Make sure you have a serial connection between your target machine and
-the @value{GDBN} host, and identify the serial port on the host.
-@c The "remote" target now provides a `load' command, so we should
-@c document that. FIXME.
-Download your program to your target machine (or get it there by
-whatever means the manufacturer provides), and start it.
-To start remote debugging, run @value{GDBN} on the host machine, and specify
-as an executable file the program that is running in the remote machine.
-This tells @value{GDBN} how to find your program's symbols and the contents
-of its pure text.
-@cindex serial line, @code{target remote}
-Then establish communication using the @code{target remote} command.
-Its argument specifies how to communicate with the target
-machine---either via a devicename attached to a direct serial line, or a
-TCP port (usually to a terminal server which in turn has a serial line
-to the target). For example, to use a serial line connected to the
-device named @file{/dev/ttyb}:
-target remote /dev/ttyb
-@end example
-@cindex TCP port, @code{target remote}
-To use a TCP connection, use an argument of the form
-@code{@var{host}:port}. For example, to connect to port 2828 on a
-terminal server named @code{manyfarms}:
-target remote manyfarms:2828
-@end example
-@end enumerate
-Now you can use all the usual commands to examine and change data and to
-step and continue the remote program.
-To resume the remote program and stop debugging it, use the @code{detach}
-@cindex interrupting remote programs
-@cindex remote programs, interrupting
-Whenever @value{GDBN} is waiting for the remote program, if you type the
-interrupt character (often @key{C-C}), @value{GDBN} attempts to stop the
-program. This may or may not succeed, depending in part on the hardware
-and the serial drivers the remote system uses. If you type the
-interrupt character once again, @value{GDBN} displays this prompt:
-Interrupted while waiting for the program.
-Give up (and stop debugging it)? (y or n)
-@end example
-If you type @kbd{y}, @value{GDBN} abandons the remote debugging session.
-(If you decide you want to try again later, you can use @samp{target
-remote} again to connect once more.) If you type @kbd{n}, @value{GDBN}
-goes back to waiting.
-@node Protocol
-@subsubsection Communication protocol
-@cindex debugging stub, example
-@cindex remote stub, example
-@cindex stub example, remote debugging
-The stub files provided with @value{GDBN} implement the target side of the
-communication protocol, and the @value{GDBN} side is implemented in the
-@value{GDBN} source file @file{remote.c}. Normally, you can simply allow
-these subroutines to communicate, and ignore the details. (If you're
-implementing your own stub file, you can still ignore the details: start
-with one of the existing stub files. @file{sparc-stub.c} is the best
-organized, and therefore the easiest to read.)
-However, there may be occasions when you need to know something about
-the protocol---for example, if there is only one serial port to your
-target machine, you might want your program to do something special if
-it recognizes a packet meant for @value{GDBN}.
-@cindex protocol, @value{GDBN} remote serial
-@cindex serial protocol, @value{GDBN} remote
-@cindex remote serial protocol
-All @value{GDBN} commands and responses (other than acknowledgements, which
-are single characters) are sent as a packet which includes a
-checksum. A packet is introduced with the character @samp{$}, and ends
-with the character @samp{#} followed by a two-digit checksum:
-$@var{packet info}#@var{checksum}
-@end example
-@cindex checksum, for @value{GDBN} remote
-@var{checksum} is computed as the modulo 256 sum of the @var{packet
-info} characters.
-When either the host or the target machine receives a packet, the first
-response expected is an acknowledgement: a single character, either
-@samp{+} (to indicate the package was received correctly) or @samp{-}
-(to request retransmission).
-The host (@value{GDBN}) sends commands, and the target (the debugging stub
-incorporated in your program) sends data in response. The target also
-sends data when your program stops.
-Command packets are distinguished by their first character, which
-identifies the kind of command.
-These are some of the commands currently supported (for a complete list of
-commands, look in @file{gdb/remote.c.}):
-@table @code
-@item g
-Requests the values of CPU registers.
-@item G
-Sets the values of CPU registers.
-@item m@var{addr},@var{count}
-Read @var{count} bytes at location @var{addr}.
-@item M@var{addr},@var{count}:@dots{}
-Write @var{count} bytes at location @var{addr}.
-@need 500
-@item c
-@itemx c@var{addr}
-Resume execution at the current address (or at @var{addr} if supplied).
-@need 500
-@item s
-@itemx s@var{addr}
-Step the target program for one instruction, from either the current
-program counter or from @var{addr} if supplied.
-@item k
-Kill the target program.
-@item ?
-Report the most recent signal. To allow you to take advantage of the
-@value{GDBN} signal handling commands, one of the functions of the debugging
-stub is to report CPU traps as the corresponding POSIX signal values.
-@item T
-Allows the remote stub to send only the registers that @value{GDBN} needs
-to make a quick decision about single-stepping or conditional breakpoints.
-This eliminates the need to fetch the entire register set for each instruction
-being stepped through.
-@value{GDBN} now implements a write-through cache for registers and only
-re-reads the registers if the target has run.
-@end table
-@kindex set remotedebug
-@kindex show remotedebug
-@cindex packets, reporting on stdout
-@cindex serial connections, debugging
-If you have trouble with the serial connection, you can use the command
-@code{set remotedebug}. This makes @value{GDBN} report on all packets sent
-back and forth across the serial line to the remote machine. The
-packet-debugging information is printed on the @value{GDBN} standard output
-stream. @code{set remotedebug off} turns it off, and @code{show
-remotedebug} shows you its current state.
-@node Server
-@subsubsection Using the @code{gdbserver} program
-@kindex gdbserver
-@cindex remote connection without stubs
-@code{gdbserver} is a control program for Unix-like systems, which
-allows you to connect your program with a remote @value{GDBN} via
-@code{target remote}---but without linking in the usual debugging stub.
-@code{gdbserver} is not a complete replacement for the debugging stubs,
-because it requires essentially the same operating-system facilities
-that @value{GDBN} itself does. In fact, a system that can run
-@code{gdbserver} to connect to a remote @value{GDBN} could also run
-@value{GDBN} locally! @code{gdbserver} is sometimes useful nevertheless,
-because it is a much smaller program than @value{GDBN} itself. It is
-also easier to port than all of @value{GDBN}, so you may be able to get
-started more quickly on a new system by using @code{gdbserver}.
-Finally, if you develop code for real-time systems, you may find that
-the tradeoffs involved in real-time operation make it more convenient to
-do as much development work as possible on another system, for example
-by cross-compiling. You can use @code{gdbserver} to make a similar
-choice for debugging.
-@value{GDBN} and @code{gdbserver} communicate via either a serial line
-or a TCP connection, using the standard @value{GDBN} remote serial
-@table @emph
-@item On the target machine,
-you need to have a copy of the program you want to debug.
-@code{gdbserver} does not need your program's symbol table, so you can
-strip the program if necessary to save space. @value{GDBN} on the host
-system does all the symbol handling.
-To use the server, you must tell it how to communicate with @value{GDBN};
-the name of your program; and the arguments for your program. The
-syntax is:
-target> gdbserver @var{comm} @var{program} [ @var{args} @dots{} ]
-@end smallexample
-@var{comm} is either a device name (to use a serial line) or a TCP
-hostname and portnumber. For example, to debug Emacs with the argument
-@samp{foo.txt} and communicate with @value{GDBN} over the serial port
-target> gdbserver /dev/com1 emacs foo.txt
-@end smallexample
-@code{gdbserver} waits passively for the host @value{GDBN} to communicate
-with it.
-To use a TCP connection instead of a serial line:
-target> gdbserver host:2345 emacs foo.txt
-@end smallexample
-The only difference from the previous example is the first argument,
-specifying that you are communicating with the host @value{GDBN} via
-TCP. The @samp{host:2345} argument means that @code{gdbserver} is to
-expect a TCP connection from machine @samp{host} to local TCP port 2345.
-(Currently, the @samp{host} part is ignored.) You can choose any number
-you want for the port number as long as it does not conflict with any
-TCP ports already in use on the target system (for example, @code{23} is
-reserved for @code{telnet}).@footnote{If you choose a port number that
-conflicts with another service, @code{gdbserver} prints an error message
-and exits.} You must use the same port number with the host @value{GDBN}
-@code{target remote} command.
-@item On the @value{GDBN} host machine,
-you need an unstripped copy of your program, since @value{GDBN} needs
-symbols and debugging information. Start up @value{GDBN} as usual,
-using the name of the local copy of your program as the first argument.
-(You may also need the @w{@samp{--baud}} option if the serial line is
-running at anything other than 9600 bps.) After that, use @code{target
-remote} to establish communications with @code{gdbserver}. Its argument
-is either a device name (usually a serial device, like
-@file{/dev/ttyb}), or a TCP port descriptor in the form
-@code{@var{host}:@var{PORT}}. For example:
-(@value{GDBP}) target remote /dev/ttyb
-@end smallexample
-communicates with the server via serial line @file{/dev/ttyb}, and
-(@value{GDBP}) target remote the-target:2345
-@end smallexample
-communicates via a TCP connection to port 2345 on host @w{@file{the-target}}.
-For TCP connections, you must start up @code{gdbserver} prior to using
-the @code{target remote} command. Otherwise you may get an error whose
-text depends on the host system, but which usually looks something like
-@samp{Connection refused}.
-@end table
-@end ifset
-@ifset GDBSERVE
-@node NetWare
-@subsubsection Using the @code{gdbserve.nlm} program
-@kindex gdbserve.nlm
-@code{gdbserve.nlm} is a control program for NetWare systems, which
-allows you to connect your program with a remote @value{GDBN} via
-@code{target remote}.
-@value{GDBN} and @code{gdbserve.nlm} communicate via a serial line,
-using the standard @value{GDBN} remote serial protocol.
-@table @emph
-@item On the target machine,
-you need to have a copy of the program you want to debug.
-@code{gdbserve.nlm} does not need your program's symbol table, so you
-can strip the program if necessary to save space. @value{GDBN} on the
-host system does all the symbol handling.
-To use the server, you must tell it how to communicate with
-@value{GDBN}; the name of your program; and the arguments for your
-program. The syntax is:
-load gdbserve [ BOARD=@var{board} ] [ PORT=@var{port} ]
- [ BAUD=@var{baud} ] @var{program} [ @var{args} @dots{} ]
-@end smallexample
-@var{board} and @var{port} specify the serial line; @var{baud} specifies
-the baud rate used by the connection. @var{port} and @var{node} default
-to 0, @var{baud} defaults to 9600 bps.
-For example, to debug Emacs with the argument @samp{foo.txt}and
-communicate with @value{GDBN} over serial port number 2 or board 1
-using a 19200 bps connection:
-load gdbserve BOARD=1 PORT=2 BAUD=19200 emacs foo.txt
-@end smallexample
-@item On the @value{GDBN} host machine,
-you need an unstripped copy of your program, since @value{GDBN} needs
-symbols and debugging information. Start up @value{GDBN} as usual,
-using the name of the local copy of your program as the first argument.
-(You may also need the @w{@samp{--baud}} option if the serial line is
-running at anything other than 9600 bps. After that, use @code{target
-remote} to establish communications with @code{gdbserve.nlm}. Its
-argument is a device name (usually a serial device, like
-@file{/dev/ttyb}). For example:
-(@value{GDBP}) target remote /dev/ttyb
-@end smallexample
-communications with the server via serial line @file{/dev/ttyb}.
-@end table
-@end ifset
-@end ifset
-@ifset I960
-@node i960-Nindy Remote
-@subsection @value{GDBN} with a remote i960 (Nindy)
-@cindex Nindy
-@cindex i960
-@dfn{Nindy} is a ROM Monitor program for Intel 960 target systems. When
-@value{GDBN} is configured to control a remote Intel 960 using Nindy, you can
-tell @value{GDBN} how to connect to the 960 in several ways:
-@itemize @bullet
-Through command line options specifying serial port, version of the
-Nindy protocol, and communications speed;
-By responding to a prompt on startup;
-By using the @code{target} command at any point during your @value{GDBN}
-session. @xref{Target Commands, ,Commands for managing targets}.
-@end itemize
-* Nindy Startup:: Startup with Nindy
-* Nindy Options:: Options for Nindy
-* Nindy Reset:: Nindy reset command
-@end menu
-@node Nindy Startup
-@subsubsection Startup with Nindy
-If you simply start @code{@value{GDBP}} without using any command-line
-options, you are prompted for what serial port to use, @emph{before} you
-reach the ordinary @value{GDBN} prompt:
-Attach /dev/ttyNN -- specify NN, or "quit" to quit:
-@end example
-Respond to the prompt with whatever suffix (after @samp{/dev/tty})
-identifies the serial port you want to use. You can, if you choose,
-simply start up with no Nindy connection by responding to the prompt
-with an empty line. If you do this and later wish to attach to Nindy,
-use @code{target} (@pxref{Target Commands, ,Commands for managing targets}).
-@node Nindy Options
-@subsubsection Options for Nindy
-These are the startup options for beginning your @value{GDBN} session with a
-Nindy-960 board attached:
-@table @code
-@item -r @var{port}
-Specify the serial port name of a serial interface to be used to connect
-to the target system. This option is only available when @value{GDBN} is
-configured for the Intel 960 target architecture. You may specify
-@var{port} as any of: a full pathname (e.g. @samp{-r /dev/ttya}), a
-device name in @file{/dev} (e.g. @samp{-r ttya}), or simply the unique
-suffix for a specific @code{tty} (e.g. @samp{-r a}).
-@item -O
-(An uppercase letter ``O'', not a zero.) Specify that @value{GDBN} should use
-the ``old'' Nindy monitor protocol to connect to the target system.
-This option is only available when @value{GDBN} is configured for the Intel 960
-target architecture.
-@emph{Warning:} if you specify @samp{-O}, but are actually trying to
-connect to a target system that expects the newer protocol, the connection
-fails, appearing to be a speed mismatch. @value{GDBN} repeatedly
-attempts to reconnect at several different line speeds. You can abort
-this process with an interrupt.
-@end quotation
-@item -brk
-Specify that @value{GDBN} should first send a @code{BREAK} signal to the target
-system, in an attempt to reset it, before connecting to a Nindy target.
-@emph{Warning:} Many target systems do not have the hardware that this
-requires; it only works with a few boards.
-@end quotation
-@end table
-The standard @samp{-b} option controls the line speed used on the serial
-@c @group
-@node Nindy Reset
-@subsubsection Nindy reset command
-@table @code
-@item reset
-@kindex reset
-For a Nindy target, this command sends a ``break'' to the remote target
-system; this is only useful if the target has been equipped with a
-circuit to perform a hard reset (or some other interesting action) when
-a break is detected.
-@end table
-@c @end group
-@end ifset
-@ifset AMD29K
-@node UDI29K Remote
-@subsection The UDI protocol for AMD29K
-@cindex UDI
-@cindex AMD29K via UDI
-@value{GDBN} supports AMD's UDI (``Universal Debugger Interface'')
-protocol for debugging the a29k processor family. To use this
-configuration with AMD targets running the MiniMON monitor, you need the
-program @code{MONTIP}, available from AMD at no charge. You can also
-use @value{GDBN} with the UDI-conformant a29k simulator program
-@code{ISSTIP}, also available from AMD.
-@table @code
-@item target udi @var{keyword}
-@kindex udi
-Select the UDI interface to a remote a29k board or simulator, where
-@var{keyword} is an entry in the AMD configuration file @file{udi_soc}.
-This file contains keyword entries which specify parameters used to
-connect to a29k targets. If the @file{udi_soc} file is not in your
-working directory, you must set the environment variable @samp{UDICONF}
-to its pathname.
-@end table
-@node EB29K Remote
-@subsection The EBMON protocol for AMD29K
-@cindex EB29K board
-@cindex running 29K programs
-AMD distributes a 29K development board meant to fit in a PC, together
-with a DOS-hosted monitor program called @code{EBMON}. As a shorthand
-term, this development system is called the ``EB29K''. To use
-@value{GDBN} from a Unix system to run programs on the EB29K board, you
-must first connect a serial cable between the PC (which hosts the EB29K
-board) and a serial port on the Unix system. In the following, we
-assume you've hooked the cable between the PC's @file{COM1} port and
-@file{/dev/ttya} on the Unix system.
-* Comms (EB29K):: Communications setup
-* gdb-EB29K:: EB29K cross-debugging
-* Remote Log:: Remote log
-@end menu
-@node Comms (EB29K)
-@subsubsection Communications setup
-The next step is to set up the PC's port, by doing something like this
-in DOS on the PC:
-C:\> MODE com1:9600,n,8,1,none
-@end example
-This example---run on an MS DOS 4.0 system---sets the PC port to 9600
-bps, no parity, eight data bits, one stop bit, and no ``retry'' action;
-you must match the communications parameters when establishing the Unix
-end of the connection as well.
-@c FIXME: Who knows what this "no retry action" crud from the DOS manual may
-@c mean? It's optional; leave it out?, 25feb91
-To give control of the PC to the Unix side of the serial line, type
-the following at the DOS console:
-C:\> CTTY com1
-@end example
-(Later, if you wish to return control to the DOS console, you can use
-the command @code{CTTY con}---but you must send it over the device that
-had control, in our example over the @file{COM1} serial line).
-From the Unix host, use a communications program such as @code{tip} or
-@code{cu} to communicate with the PC; for example,
-cu -s 9600 -l /dev/ttya
-@end example
-The @code{cu} options shown specify, respectively, the linespeed and the
-serial port to use. If you use @code{tip} instead, your command line
-may look something like the following:
-tip -9600 /dev/ttya
-@end example
-Your system may require a different name where we show
-@file{/dev/ttya} as the argument to @code{tip}. The communications
-parameters, including which port to use, are associated with the
-@code{tip} argument in the ``remote'' descriptions file---normally the
-system table @file{/etc/remote}.
-@c FIXME: What if anything needs doing to match the "n,8,1,none" part of
-@c the DOS side's comms setup? cu can support -o (odd
-@c parity), -e (even parity)---apparently no settings for no parity or
-@c for character size. Taken from stty maybe...? John points out tip
-@c can set these as internal variables, eg ~s parity=none; man stty
-@c suggests that it *might* work to stty these options with stdin or
-@c stdout redirected..., 25feb91
-@kindex EBMON
-Using the @code{tip} or @code{cu} connection, change the DOS working
-directory to the directory containing a copy of your 29K program, then
-start the PC program @code{EBMON} (an EB29K control program supplied
-with your board by AMD). You should see an initial display from
-@code{EBMON} similar to the one that follows, ending with the
-@code{EBMON} prompt @samp{#}---
-C:\> G:
-G:\> CD \usr\joe\work29k
-Am29000 PC Coprocessor Board Monitor, version 3.0-18
-Copyright 1990 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
-Written by Gibbons and Associates, Inc.
-Enter '?' or 'H' for help
-PC Coprocessor Type = EB29K
-I/O Base = 0x208
-Memory Base = 0xd0000
-Data Memory Size = 2048KB
-Available I-RAM Range = 0x8000 to 0x1fffff
-Available D-RAM Range = 0x80002000 to 0x801fffff
-PageSize = 0x400
-Register Stack Size = 0x800
-Memory Stack Size = 0x1800
-CPU PRL = 0x3
-Am29027 Available = No
-Byte Write Available = Yes
-# ~.
-@end example
-Then exit the @code{cu} or @code{tip} program (done in the example by
-typing @code{~.} at the @code{EBMON} prompt). @code{EBMON} keeps
-running, ready for @value{GDBN} to take over.
-For this example, we've assumed what is probably the most convenient
-way to make sure the same 29K program is on both the PC and the Unix
-system: a PC/NFS connection that establishes ``drive @code{G:}'' on the
-PC as a file system on the Unix host. If you do not have PC/NFS or
-something similar connecting the two systems, you must arrange some
-other way---perhaps floppy-disk transfer---of getting the 29K program
-from the Unix system to the PC; @value{GDBN} does @emph{not} download it over the
-serial line.
-@node gdb-EB29K
-@subsubsection EB29K cross-debugging
-Finally, @code{cd} to the directory containing an image of your 29K
-program on the Unix system, and start @value{GDBN}---specifying as argument the
-name of your 29K program:
-cd /usr/joe/work29k
-@value{GDBP} myfoo
-@end example
-@need 500
-Now you can use the @code{target} command:
-target amd-eb /dev/ttya 9600 MYFOO
-@c FIXME: test above 'target amd-eb' as spelled, with caps! caps are meant to
-@c emphasize that this is the name as seen by DOS (since I think DOS is
-@c single-minded about case of letters)., 25feb91
-@end example
-In this example, we've assumed your program is in a file called
-@file{myfoo}. Note that the filename given as the last argument to
-@code{target amd-eb} should be the name of the program as it appears to DOS.
-In our example this is simply @code{MYFOO}, but in general it can include
-a DOS path, and depending on your transfer mechanism may not resemble
-the name on the Unix side.
-At this point, you can set any breakpoints you wish; when you are ready
-to see your program run on the 29K board, use the @value{GDBN} command
-To stop debugging the remote program, use the @value{GDBN} @code{detach}
-To return control of the PC to its console, use @code{tip} or @code{cu}
-once again, after your @value{GDBN} session has concluded, to attach to
-@code{EBMON}. You can then type the command @code{q} to shut down
-@code{EBMON}, returning control to the DOS command-line interpreter.
-Type @code{CTTY con} to return command input to the main DOS console,
-and type @kbd{~.} to leave @code{tip} or @code{cu}.
-@node Remote Log
-@subsubsection Remote log
-@kindex eb.log
-@cindex log file for EB29K
-The @code{target amd-eb} command creates a file @file{eb.log} in the
-current working directory, to help debug problems with the connection.
-@file{eb.log} records all the output from @code{EBMON}, including echoes
-of the commands sent to it. Running @samp{tail -f} on this file in
-another window often helps to understand trouble with @code{EBMON}, or
-unexpected events on the PC side of the connection.
-@end ifset
-@ifset ST2000
-@node ST2000 Remote
-@subsection @value{GDBN} with a Tandem ST2000
-To connect your ST2000 to the host system, see the manufacturer's
-manual. Once the ST2000 is physically attached, you can run:
-target st2000 @var{dev} @var{speed}
-@end example
-to establish it as your debugging environment. @var{dev} is normally
-the name of a serial device, such as @file{/dev/ttya}, connected to the
-ST2000 via a serial line. You can instead specify @var{dev} as a TCP
-connection (for example, to a serial line attached via a terminal
-concentrator) using the syntax @code{@var{hostname}:@var{portnumber}}.
-The @code{load} and @code{attach} commands are @emph{not} defined for
-this target; you must load your program into the ST2000 as you normally
-would for standalone operation. @value{GDBN} reads debugging information
-(such as symbols) from a separate, debugging version of the program
-available on your host computer.
-@c FIXME!! This is terribly vague; what little content is here is
-@c basically hearsay.
-@cindex ST2000 auxiliary commands
-These auxiliary @value{GDBN} commands are available to help you with the ST2000
-@table @code
-@item st2000 @var{command}
-@kindex st2000 @var{cmd}
-@cindex STDBUG commands (ST2000)
-@cindex commands to STDBUG (ST2000)
-Send a @var{command} to the STDBUG monitor. See the manufacturer's
-manual for available commands.
-@item connect
-@cindex connect (to STDBUG)
-Connect the controlling terminal to the STDBUG command monitor. When
-you are done interacting with STDBUG, typing either of two character
-sequences gets you back to the @value{GDBN} command prompt:
-@kbd{@key{RET}~.} (Return, followed by tilde and period) or
-@kbd{@key{RET}~@key{C-d}} (Return, followed by tilde and control-D).
-@end table
-@end ifset
-@ifset VXWORKS
-@node VxWorks Remote
-@subsection @value{GDBN} and VxWorks
-@cindex VxWorks
-@value{GDBN} enables developers to spawn and debug tasks running on networked
-VxWorks targets from a Unix host. Already-running tasks spawned from
-the VxWorks shell can also be debugged. @value{GDBN} uses code that runs on
-both the Unix host and on the VxWorks target. The program
-@code{gdb} is installed and executed on the Unix host. (It may be
-installed with the name @code{vxgdb}, to distinguish it from a
-@value{GDBN} for debugging programs on the host itself.)
-@table @code
-@item VxWorks-timeout @var{args}
-@kindex vxworks-timeout
-All VxWorks-based targets now support the option @code{vxworks-timeout}.
-This option is set by the user, and @var{args} represents the number of
-seconds @value{GDBN} waits for responses to rpc's. You might use this if
-your VxWorks target is a slow software simulator or is on the far side
-of a thin network line.
-@end table
-The following information on connecting to VxWorks was current when
-this manual was produced; newer releases of VxWorks may use revised
-@kindex INCLUDE_RDB
-To use @value{GDBN} with VxWorks, you must rebuild your VxWorks kernel
-to include the remote debugging interface routines in the VxWorks
-library @file{rdb.a}. To do this, define @code{INCLUDE_RDB} in the
-VxWorks configuration file @file{configAll.h} and rebuild your VxWorks
-kernel. The resulting kernel contains @file{rdb.a}, and spawns the
-source debugging task @code{tRdbTask} when VxWorks is booted. For more
-information on configuring and remaking VxWorks, see the manufacturer's
-@c VxWorks, see the @cite{VxWorks Programmer's Guide}.
-Once you have included @file{rdb.a} in your VxWorks system image and set
-your Unix execution search path to find @value{GDBN}, you are ready to
-run @value{GDBN}. From your Unix host, run @code{gdb} (or @code{vxgdb},
-depending on your installation).
-@value{GDBN} comes up showing the prompt:
-@end example
-* VxWorks Connection:: Connecting to VxWorks
-* VxWorks Download:: VxWorks download
-* VxWorks Attach:: Running tasks
-@end menu
-@node VxWorks Connection
-@subsubsection Connecting to VxWorks
-The @value{GDBN} command @code{target} lets you connect to a VxWorks target on the
-network. To connect to a target whose host name is ``@code{tt}'', type:
-(vxgdb) target vxworks tt
-@end example
-@need 750
-@value{GDBN} displays messages like these:
-Attaching remote machine across net...
-Connected to tt.
-@end smallexample
-@need 1000
-@value{GDBN} then attempts to read the symbol tables of any object modules
-loaded into the VxWorks target since it was last booted. @value{GDBN} locates
-these files by searching the directories listed in the command search
-path (@pxref{Environment, ,Your program's environment}); if it fails
-to find an object file, it displays a message such as:
-prog.o: No such file or directory.
-@end example
-When this happens, add the appropriate directory to the search path with
-the @value{GDBN} command @code{path}, and execute the @code{target}
-command again.
-@node VxWorks Download
-@subsubsection VxWorks download
-@cindex download to VxWorks
-If you have connected to the VxWorks target and you want to debug an
-object that has not yet been loaded, you can use the @value{GDBN}
-@code{load} command to download a file from Unix to VxWorks
-incrementally. The object file given as an argument to the @code{load}
-command is actually opened twice: first by the VxWorks target in order
-to download the code, then by @value{GDBN} in order to read the symbol
-table. This can lead to problems if the current working directories on
-the two systems differ. If both systems have NFS mounted the same
-filesystems, you can avoid these problems by using absolute paths.
-Otherwise, it is simplest to set the working directory on both systems
-to the directory in which the object file resides, and then to reference
-the file by its name, without any path. For instance, a program
-@file{prog.o} may reside in @file{@var{vxpath}/vw/demo/rdb} in VxWorks
-and in @file{@var{hostpath}/vw/demo/rdb} on the host. To load this
-program, type this on VxWorks:
--> cd "@var{vxpath}/vw/demo/rdb"
-@end example
-Then, in @value{GDBN}, type:
-(vxgdb) cd @var{hostpath}/vw/demo/rdb
-(vxgdb) load prog.o
-@end example
-@value{GDBN} displays a response similar to this:
-Reading symbol data from wherever/vw/demo/rdb/prog.o... done.
-@end smallexample
-You can also use the @code{load} command to reload an object module
-after editing and recompiling the corresponding source file. Note that
-this makes @value{GDBN} delete all currently-defined breakpoints,
-auto-displays, and convenience variables, and to clear the value
-history. (This is necessary in order to preserve the integrity of
-debugger data structures that reference the target system's symbol
-@node VxWorks Attach
-@subsubsection Running tasks
-@cindex running VxWorks tasks
-You can also attach to an existing task using the @code{attach} command as
-(vxgdb) attach @var{task}
-@end example
-where @var{task} is the VxWorks hexadecimal task ID. The task can be running
-or suspended when you attach to it. Running tasks are suspended at
-the time of attachment.
-@end ifset
-@ifset SPARCLET
-@node Sparclet Remote
-@subsection @value{GDBN} and Sparclet
-@cindex Sparclet
-@value{GDBN} enables developers to debug tasks running on
-Sparclet targets from a Unix host.
-@value{GDBN} uses code that runs on
-both the Unix host and on the Sparclet target. The program
-@code{gdb} is installed and executed on the Unix host.
-@table @code
-@item timeout @var{args}
-@kindex remotetimeout
-@value{GDBN} now supports the option @code{remotetimeout}.
-This option is set by the user, and @var{args} represents the number of
-seconds @value{GDBN} waits for responses.
-@end table
-@kindex Compiling
-When compiling for debugging, include the options "-g" to get debug
-information and "-Ttext" to relocate the program to where you wish to
-load it on the target. You may also want to add the options "-n" or
-"-N" in order to reduce the size of the sections.
-sparclet-aout-gcc prog.c -Ttext 0x12010000 -g -o prog -N
-@end example
-You can use objdump to verify that the addresses are what you intended.
-sparclet-aout-objdump --headers --syms prog
-@end example
-@kindex Running
-Once you have set
-your Unix execution search path to find @value{GDBN}, you are ready to
-run @value{GDBN}. From your Unix host, run @code{gdb}
-(or @code{sparclet-aout-gdb}, depending on your installation).
-@value{GDBN} comes up showing the prompt:
-@end example
-* Sparclet File:: Setting the file to debug
-* Sparclet Connection:: Connecting to Sparclet
-* Sparclet Download:: Sparclet download
-* Sparclet Execution:: Running and debugging
-@end menu
-@node Sparclet File
-@subsubsection Setting file to debug
-The @value{GDBN} command @code{file} lets you choose with program to debug.
-(gdbslet) file prog
-@end example
-@need 1000
-@value{GDBN} then attempts to read the symbol table of @file{prog}.
-@value{GDBN} locates
-the file by searching the directories listed in the command search
-If the file was compiled with debug information (option "-g"), source
-files will be searched as well.
-@value{GDBN} locates
-the source files by searching the directories listed in the directory search
-path (@pxref{Environment, ,Your program's environment}).
-If it fails
-to find a file, it displays a message such as:
-prog: No such file or directory.
-@end example
-When this happens, add the appropriate directories to the search paths with
-the @value{GDBN} commands @code{path} and @code{dir}, and execute the
-@code{target} command again.
-@node Sparclet Connection
-@subsubsection Connecting to Sparclet
-The @value{GDBN} command @code{target} lets you connect to a Sparclet target.
-To connect to a target on serial port ``@code{ttya}'', type:
-(gdbslet) target sparclet /dev/ttya
-Remote target sparclet connected to /dev/ttya
-main () at ../prog.c:3
-@end example
-@need 750
-@value{GDBN} displays messages like these:
-Connected to ttya.
-@end smallexample
-@node Sparclet Download
-@subsubsection Sparclet download
-@cindex download to Sparclet
-Once connected to the Sparclet target,
-you can use the @value{GDBN}
-@code{load} command to download the file from the host to the target.
-The file name and load offset should be given as arguments to the @code{load}
-Since the file format is aout, the program must be loaded to the starting
-address. You can use objdump to find out what this value is. The load
-offset is an offset which is added to the VMA (virtual memory address)
-of each of the file's sections.
-For instance, if the program
-@file{prog} was linked to text address 0x1201000, with data at 0x12010160
-and bss at 0x12010170, in @value{GDBN}, type:
-(gdbslet) load prog 0x12010000
-Loading section .text, size 0xdb0 vma 0x12010000
-@end example
-If the code is loaded at a different address then what the program was linked
-to, you may need to use the @code{section} and @code{add-symbol-file} commands
-to tell @value{GDBN} where to map the symbol table.
-@node Sparclet Execution
-@subsubsection Running and debugging
-@cindex running and debugging Sparclet programs
-You can now begin debugging the task using @value{GDBN}'s execution control
-commands, @code{b}, @code{step}, @code{run}, etc. See the @value{GDBN}
-manual for the list of commands.
-(gdbslet) b main
-Breakpoint 1 at 0x12010000: file prog.c, line 3.
-(gdbslet) run
-Starting program: prog
-Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0xeffff21c) at prog.c:3
-3 char *symarg = 0;
-(gdbslet) step
-4 char *execarg = "hello!";
-@end example
-@end ifset
-@ifset H8
-@node Hitachi Remote
-@subsection @value{GDBN} and Hitachi microprocessors
-@value{GDBN} needs to know these things to talk to your
-Hitachi SH, H8/300, or H8/500:
-that you want to use @samp{target hms}, the remote debugging interface
-for Hitachi microprocessors, or @samp{target e7000}, the in-circuit
-emulator for the Hitachi SH and the Hitachi 300H. (@samp{target hms} is
-the default when GDB is configured specifically for the Hitachi SH,
-H8/300, or H8/500.)
-what serial device connects your host to your Hitachi board (the first
-serial device available on your host is the default).
-@ifclear H8EXCLUSIVE
-@c this is only for Unix hosts, not of interest to Hitachi
-what speed to use over the serial device.
-@end ifclear
-@end enumerate
-* Hitachi Boards:: Connecting to Hitachi boards.
-* Hitachi ICE:: Using the E7000 In-Circuit Emulator.
-* Hitachi Special:: Special @value{GDBN} commands for Hitachi micros.
-@end menu
-@node Hitachi Boards
-@subsubsection Connecting to Hitachi boards
-@ifclear H8EXCLUSIVE
-@c only for Unix hosts
-@kindex device
-@cindex serial device, Hitachi micros
-Use the special @code{@value{GDBP}} command @samp{device @var{port}} if you
-need to explicitly set the serial device. The default @var{port} is the
-first available port on your host. This is only necessary on Unix
-hosts, where it is typically something like @file{/dev/ttya}.
-@kindex speed
-@cindex serial line speed, Hitachi micros
-@code{@value{GDBP}} has another special command to set the communications
-speed: @samp{speed @var{bps}}. This command also is only used from Unix
-hosts; on DOS hosts, set the line speed as usual from outside GDB with
-the DOS @kbd{mode} command (for instance, @w{@samp{mode
-com2:9600,n,8,1,p}} for a 9600 bps connection).
-The @samp{device} and @samp{speed} commands are available only when you
-use a Unix host to debug your Hitachi microprocessor programs. If you
-use a DOS host,
-@end ifclear
-@value{GDBN} depends on an auxiliary terminate-and-stay-resident program
-called @code{asynctsr} to communicate with the development board
-through a PC serial port. You must also use the DOS @code{mode} command
-to set up the serial port on the DOS side.
-@ifset DOSHOST
-The following sample session illustrates the steps needed to start a
-program under @value{GDBN} control on an H8/300. The example uses a
-sample H8/300 program called @file{t.x}. The procedure is the same for
-the Hitachi SH and the H8/500.
-First hook up your development board. In this example, we use a
-board attached to serial port @code{COM2}; if you use a different serial
-port, substitute its name in the argument of the @code{mode} command.
-When you call @code{asynctsr}, the auxiliary comms program used by the
-degugger, you give it just the numeric part of the serial port's name;
-for example, @samp{asyncstr 2} below runs @code{asyncstr} on
-C:\H8300\TEST> asynctsr 2
-C:\H8300\TEST> mode com2:9600,n,8,1,p
-Resident portion of MODE loaded
-COM2: 9600, n, 8, 1, p
-@end example
-@emph{Warning:} We have noticed a bug in PC-NFS that conflicts with
-@code{asynctsr}. If you also run PC-NFS on your DOS host, you may need to
-disable it, or even boot without it, to use @code{asynctsr} to control
-your development board.
-@end quotation
-@kindex target hms
-Now that serial communications are set up, and the development board is
-connected, you can start up @value{GDBN}. Call @code{@value{GDBP}} with
-the name of your program as the argument. @code{@value{GDBP}} prompts
-you, as usual, with the prompt @samp{(@value{GDBP})}. Use two special
-commands to begin your debugging session: @samp{target hms} to specify
-cross-debugging to the Hitachi board, and the @code{load} command to
-download your program to the board. @code{load} displays the names of
-the program's sections, and a @samp{*} for each 2K of data downloaded.
-(If you want to refresh @value{GDBN} data on symbols or on the
-executable file without downloading, use the @value{GDBN} commands
-@code{file} or @code{symbol-file}. These commands, and @code{load}
-itself, are described in @ref{Files,,Commands to specify files}.)
-(eg-C:\H8300\TEST) @value{GDBP} t.x
-GDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies
- of it under certain conditions; type "show copying" to see
- the conditions.
-There is absolutely no warranty for GDB; type "show warranty"
-for details.
-GDB @value{GDBVN}, Copyright 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc...
-(gdb) target hms
-Connected to remote H8/300 HMS system.
-(gdb) load t.x
-.text : 0x8000 .. 0xabde *********** : 0xabde .. 0xad30 *
-.stack : 0xf000 .. 0xf014 *
-@end smallexample
-At this point, you're ready to run or debug your program. From here on,
-you can use all the usual @value{GDBN} commands. The @code{break} command
-sets breakpoints; the @code{run} command starts your program;
-@code{print} or @code{x} display data; the @code{continue} command
-resumes execution after stopping at a breakpoint. You can use the
-@code{help} command at any time to find out more about @value{GDBN} commands.
-Remember, however, that @emph{operating system} facilities aren't
-available on your development board; for example, if your program hangs,
-you can't send an interrupt---but you can press the @sc{reset} switch!
-Use the @sc{reset} button on the development board
-@itemize @bullet
-to interrupt your program (don't use @kbd{ctl-C} on the DOS host---it has
-no way to pass an interrupt signal to the development board); and
-to return to the @value{GDBN} command prompt after your program finishes
-normally. The communications protocol provides no other way for @value{GDBN}
-to detect program completion.
-@end itemize
-In either case, @value{GDBN} sees the effect of a @sc{reset} on the
-development board as a ``normal exit'' of your program.
-@end ifset
-@node Hitachi ICE
-@subsubsection Using the E7000 in-circuit emulator
-@kindex target e7000
-You can use the E7000 in-circuit emulator to develop code for either the
-Hitachi SH or the H8/300H. Use one of these forms of the @samp{target
-e7000} command to connect @value{GDBN} to your E7000:
-@table @code
-@item target e7000 @var{port} @var{speed}
-Use this form if your E7000 is connected to a serial port. The
-@var{port} argument identifies what serial port to use (for example,
-@samp{com2}). The third argument is the line speed in bits per second
-(for example, @samp{9600}).
-@item target e7000 @var{hostname}
-If your E7000 is installed as a host on a TCP/IP network, you can just
-specify its hostname; @value{GDBN} uses @code{telnet} to connect.
-@end table
-@node Hitachi Special
-@subsubsection Special @value{GDBN} commands for Hitachi micros
-Some @value{GDBN} commands are available only on the H8/300 or the
-H8/500 configurations:
-@table @code
-@kindex set machine
-@kindex show machine
-@item set machine h8300
-@itemx set machine h8300h
-Condition @value{GDBN} for one of the two variants of the H8/300
-architecture with @samp{set machine}. You can use @samp{show machine}
-to check which variant is currently in effect.
-@kindex set memory @var{mod}
-@cindex memory models, H8/500
-@item set memory @var{mod}
-@itemx show memory
-Specify which H8/500 memory model (@var{mod}) you are using with
-@samp{set memory}; check which memory model is in effect with @samp{show
-memory}. The accepted values for @var{mod} are @code{small},
-@code{big}, @code{medium}, and @code{compact}.
-@end table
-@end ifset
-@ifset MIPS
-@node MIPS Remote
-@subsection @value{GDBN} and remote MIPS boards
-@cindex MIPS boards
-@value{GDBN} can use the MIPS remote debugging protocol to talk to a
-MIPS board attached to a serial line. This is available when
-you configure @value{GDBN} with @samp{--target=mips-idt-ecoff}.
-@need 1000
-Use these @value{GDBN} commands to specify the connection to your target board:
-@table @code
-@item target mips @var{port}
-@kindex target mips @var{port}
-To run a program on the board, start up @code{@value{GDBP}} with the
-name of your program as the argument. To connect to the board, use the
-command @samp{target mips @var{port}}, where @var{port} is the name of
-the serial port connected to the board. If the program has not already
-been downloaded to the board, you may use the @code{load} command to
-download it. You can then use all the usual @value{GDBN} commands.
-For example, this sequence connects to the target board through a serial
-port, and loads and runs a program called @var{prog} through the
-host$ @value{GDBP} @var{prog}
-GDB is free software and @dots{}
-(gdb) target mips /dev/ttyb
-(gdb) load @var{prog}
-(gdb) run
-@end example
-@item target mips @var{hostname}:@var{portnumber}
-On some @value{GDBN} host configurations, you can specify a TCP
-connection (for instance, to a serial line managed by a terminal
-concentrator) instead of a serial port, using the syntax
-@item target pmon @var{port}
-@kindex target pmon @var{port}
-@item target ddb @var{port}
-@kindex target ddb @var{port}
-@item target lsi @var{port}
-@kindex target lsi @var{port}
-@end table
-@value{GDBN} also supports these special commands for MIPS targets:
-@table @code
-@item set processor @var{args}
-@itemx show processor
-@kindex set processor @var{args}
-@kindex show processor
-Use the @code{set processor} command to set the type of MIPS
-processor when you want to access processor-type-specific registers.
-For example, @code{set processor @var{r3041}} tells @value{GDBN}
-to use the CPO registers appropriate for the 3041 chip.
-Use the @code{show processor} command to see what MIPS processor @value{GDBN}
-is using. Use the @code{info reg} command to see what registers
-@value{GDBN} is using.
-@item set mipsfpu double
-@itemx set mipsfpu single
-@itemx set mipsfpu none
-@itemx show mipsfpu
-@kindex set mipsfpu
-@kindex show mipsfpu
-@cindex MIPS remote floating point
-@cindex floating point, MIPS remote
-If your target board does not support the MIPS floating point
-coprocessor, you should use the command @samp{set mipsfpu none} (if you
-need this, you may wish to put the command in your @value{GDBINIT}
-file). This tells @value{GDBN} how to find the return value of
-functions which return floating point values. It also allows
-@value{GDBN} to avoid saving the floating point registers when calling
-functions on the board. If you are using a floating point coprocessor
-with only single precision floating point support, as on the @sc{r4650}
-processor, use the command @samp{set mipsfpu single}. The default
-double precision floating point coprocessor may be selected using
-@samp{set mipsfpu double}.
-In previous versions the only choices were double precision or no
-floating point, so @samp{set mipsfpu on} will select double precision
-and @samp{set mipsfpu off} will select no floating point.
-As usual, you can inquire about the @code{mipsfpu} variable with
-@samp{show mipsfpu}.
-@item set remotedebug @var{n}
-@itemx show remotedebug
-@kindex set remotedebug
-@kindex show remotedebug
-@cindex @code{remotedebug}, MIPS protocol
-@cindex MIPS @code{remotedebug} protocol
-@c FIXME! For this to be useful, you must know something about the MIPS
-@c FIXME...protocol. Where is it described?
-You can see some debugging information about communications with the board
-by setting the @code{remotedebug} variable. If you set it to @code{1} using
-@samp{set remotedebug 1}, every packet is displayed. If you set it
-to @code{2}, every character is displayed. You can check the current value
-at any time with the command @samp{show remotedebug}.
-@item set timeout @var{seconds}
-@itemx set retransmit-timeout @var{seconds}
-@itemx show timeout
-@itemx show retransmit-timeout
-@cindex @code{timeout}, MIPS protocol
-@cindex @code{retransmit-timeout}, MIPS protocol
-@kindex set timeout
-@kindex show timeout
-@kindex set retransmit-timeout
-@kindex show retransmit-timeout
-You can control the timeout used while waiting for a packet, in the MIPS
-remote protocol, with the @code{set timeout @var{seconds}} command. The
-default is 5 seconds. Similarly, you can control the timeout used while
-waiting for an acknowledgement of a packet with the @code{set
-retransmit-timeout @var{seconds}} command. The default is 3 seconds.
-You can inspect both values with @code{show timeout} and @code{show
-retransmit-timeout}. (These commands are @emph{only} available when
-@value{GDBN} is configured for @samp{--target=mips-idt-ecoff}.)
-The timeout set by @code{set timeout} does not apply when @value{GDBN}
-is waiting for your program to stop. In that case, @value{GDBN} waits
-forever because it has no way of knowing how long the program is going
-to run before stopping.
-@end table
-@end ifset
-@ifset SIMS
-@node Simulator
-@subsection Simulated CPU target
-@ifset GENERIC
-@cindex simulator
-@cindex simulator, Z8000
-@cindex Z8000 simulator
-@cindex simulator, H8/300 or H8/500
-@cindex H8/300 or H8/500 simulator
-@cindex simulator, Hitachi SH
-@cindex Hitachi SH simulator
-@cindex CPU simulator
-For some configurations, @value{GDBN} includes a CPU simulator that you
-can use instead of a hardware CPU to debug your programs.
-Currently, simulators are available for ARM, D10V, D30V, FR30, H8/300,
-H8/500, i960, M32R, MIPS, MN10200, MN10300, PowerPC, SH, Sparc, V850,
-W65, and Z8000.
-@end ifset
-@ifclear GENERIC
-@ifset H8
-@cindex simulator, H8/300 or H8/500
-@cindex Hitachi H8/300 or H8/500 simulator
-@cindex simulator, Hitachi SH
-@cindex Hitachi SH simulator
-When configured for debugging Hitachi microprocessor targets,
-@value{GDBN} includes a CPU simulator for the target chip (a Hitachi SH,
-H8/300, or H8/500).
-@end ifset
-@ifset Z8K
-@cindex simulator, Z8000
-@cindex Zilog Z8000 simulator
-When configured for debugging Zilog Z8000 targets, @value{GDBN} includes
-a Z8000 simulator.
-@end ifset
-@end ifclear
-@ifset Z8K
-For the Z8000 family, @samp{target sim} simulates either the Z8002 (the
-unsegmented variant of the Z8000 architecture) or the Z8001 (the
-segmented variant). The simulator recognizes which architecture is
-appropriate by inspecting the object code.
-@end ifset
-@table @code
-@item target sim @var{args}
-@kindex sim
-@kindex target sim
-Debug programs on a simulated CPU. If the simulator supports setup
-options, specify them via @var{args}.
-@end table
-After specifying this target, you can debug programs for the simulated
-CPU in the same style as programs for your host computer; use the
-@code{file} command to load a new program image, the @code{run} command
-to run your program, and so on.
-As well as making available all the usual machine registers (see
-@code{info reg}), the Z8000 simulator provides three additional items
-of information as specially named registers:
-@table @code
-@item cycles
-Counts clock-ticks in the simulator.
-@item insts
-Counts instructions run in the simulator.
-@item time
-Execution time in 60ths of a second.
-@end table
-You can refer to these values in @value{GDBN} expressions with the usual
-conventions; for example, @w{@samp{b fputc if $cycles>5000}} sets a
-conditional breakpoint that suspends only after at least 5000
-simulated clock ticks.
-@end ifset
-@c need to add much more detail about sims!
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ b/contrib/gdb/gdb/
deleted file mode 100644
index c4932484bf32..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2155 +0,0 @@
-/* A Bison parser, made from f-exp.y
- by GNU Bison version 1.27
- */
-#define YYBISON 1 /* Identify Bison output. */
-#define INT 257
-#define FLOAT 258
-#define STRING_LITERAL 259
-#define BOOLEAN_LITERAL 260
-#define NAME 261
-#define TYPENAME 262
-#define NAME_OR_INT 263
-#define SIZEOF 264
-#define ERROR 265
-#define INT_KEYWORD 266
-#define INT_S2_KEYWORD 267
-#define LOGICAL_S1_KEYWORD 268
-#define LOGICAL_S2_KEYWORD 269
-#define LOGICAL_KEYWORD 270
-#define REAL_KEYWORD 271
-#define REAL_S8_KEYWORD 272
-#define REAL_S16_KEYWORD 273
-#define COMPLEX_S8_KEYWORD 274
-#define COMPLEX_S16_KEYWORD 275
-#define COMPLEX_S32_KEYWORD 276
-#define BOOL_AND 277
-#define BOOL_OR 278
-#define BOOL_NOT 279
-#define CHARACTER 280
-#define VARIABLE 281
-#define ASSIGN_MODIFY 282
-#define ABOVE_COMMA 283
-#define EQUAL 284
-#define NOTEQUAL 285
-#define LESSTHAN 286
-#define GREATERTHAN 287
-#define LEQ 288
-#define GEQ 289
-#define LSH 290
-#define RSH 291
-#define UNARY 292
-#line 43 "f-exp.y"
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "gdb_string.h"
-#include "expression.h"
-#include "value.h"
-#include "parser-defs.h"
-#include "language.h"
-#include "f-lang.h"
-#include "bfd.h" /* Required by objfiles.h. */
-#include "symfile.h" /* Required by objfiles.h. */
-#include "objfiles.h" /* For have_full_symbols and have_partial_symbols */
-/* Remap normal yacc parser interface names (yyparse, yylex, yyerror, etc),
- as well as gratuitiously global symbol names, so we can have multiple
- yacc generated parsers in gdb. Note that these are only the variables
- produced by yacc. If other parser generators (bison, byacc, etc) produce
- additional global names that conflict at link time, then those parser
- generators need to be fixed instead of adding those names to this list. */
-#define yymaxdepth f_maxdepth
-#define yyparse f_parse
-#define yylex f_lex
-#define yyerror f_error
-#define yylval f_lval
-#define yychar f_char
-#define yydebug f_debug
-#define yypact f_pact
-#define yyr1 f_r1
-#define yyr2 f_r2
-#define yydef f_def
-#define yychk f_chk
-#define yypgo f_pgo
-#define yyact f_act
-#define yyexca f_exca
-#define yyerrflag f_errflag
-#define yynerrs f_nerrs
-#define yyps f_ps
-#define yypv f_pv
-#define yys f_s
-#define yy_yys f_yys
-#define yystate f_state
-#define yytmp f_tmp
-#define yyv f_v
-#define yy_yyv f_yyv
-#define yyval f_val
-#define yylloc f_lloc
-#define yyreds f_reds /* With YYDEBUG defined */
-#define yytoks f_toks /* With YYDEBUG defined */
-#define yylhs f_yylhs
-#define yylen f_yylen
-#define yydefred f_yydefred
-#define yydgoto f_yydgoto
-#define yysindex f_yysindex
-#define yyrindex f_yyrindex
-#define yygindex f_yygindex
-#define yytable f_yytable
-#define yycheck f_yycheck
-#ifndef YYDEBUG
-#define YYDEBUG 1 /* Default to no yydebug support */
-int yyparse PARAMS ((void));
-static int yylex PARAMS ((void));
-void yyerror PARAMS ((char *));
-static void growbuf_by_size PARAMS ((int));
-static int match_string_literal PARAMS ((void));
-#line 122 "f-exp.y"
-typedef union
- {
- LONGEST lval;
- struct {
- LONGEST val;
- struct type *type;
- } typed_val;
- DOUBLEST dval;
- struct symbol *sym;
- struct type *tval;
- struct stoken sval;
- struct ttype tsym;
- struct symtoken ssym;
- int voidval;
- struct block *bval;
- enum exp_opcode opcode;
- struct internalvar *ivar;
- struct type **tvec;
- int *ivec;
-#line 144 "f-exp.y"
-/* YYSTYPE gets defined by %union */
-static int parse_number PARAMS ((char *, int, int, YYSTYPE *));
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-#ifndef __STDC__
-#define const
-#define YYFINAL 125
-#define YYFLAG -32768
-#define YYNTBASE 55
-#define YYTRANSLATE(x) ((unsigned)(x) <= 292 ? yytranslate[x] : 71)
-static const char yytranslate[] = { 0,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 49, 35, 2, 51,
- 52, 47, 45, 29, 46, 2, 48, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 54, 2, 2,
- 31, 2, 32, 44, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 34, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 33, 2, 53, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6,
- 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
- 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
- 27, 28, 30, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
- 43, 50
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
-static const short yyprhs[] = { 0,
- 0, 2, 4, 6, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25,
- 28, 29, 35, 36, 38, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56,
- 61, 65, 69, 73, 77, 81, 85, 89, 93, 97,
- 101, 105, 109, 113, 117, 121, 125, 129, 133, 137,
- 141, 145, 147, 149, 151, 153, 155, 160, 162, 164,
- 166, 168, 170, 173, 175, 178, 180, 183, 185, 189,
- 192, 194, 197, 201, 203, 205, 207, 209, 211, 213,
- 215, 217, 219, 221, 223, 225, 227, 229, 231, 235,
- 237, 239, 241
-static const short yyrhs[] = { 57,
- 0, 56, 0, 63, 0, 51, 57, 52, 0, 47,
- 57, 0, 35, 57, 0, 46, 57, 0, 25, 57,
- 0, 53, 57, 0, 10, 57, 0, 0, 57, 51,
- 58, 59, 52, 0, 0, 57, 0, 60, 0, 59,
- 29, 57, 0, 57, 54, 57, 0, 57, 29, 57,
- 0, 51, 61, 52, 0, 51, 63, 52, 57, 0,
- 57, 44, 57, 0, 57, 47, 57, 0, 57, 48,
- 57, 0, 57, 49, 57, 0, 57, 45, 57, 0,
- 57, 46, 57, 0, 57, 42, 57, 0, 57, 43,
- 57, 0, 57, 36, 57, 0, 57, 37, 57, 0,
- 57, 40, 57, 0, 57, 41, 57, 0, 57, 38,
- 57, 0, 57, 39, 57, 0, 57, 35, 57, 0,
- 57, 34, 57, 0, 57, 33, 57, 0, 57, 23,
- 57, 0, 57, 24, 57, 0, 57, 31, 57, 0,
- 57, 28, 57, 0, 3, 0, 9, 0, 4, 0,
- 62, 0, 27, 0, 10, 51, 63, 52, 0, 6,
- 0, 5, 0, 70, 0, 64, 0, 68, 0, 68,
- 65, 0, 47, 0, 47, 65, 0, 35, 0, 35,
- 65, 0, 66, 0, 51, 65, 52, 0, 66, 67,
- 0, 67, 0, 51, 52, 0, 51, 69, 52, 0,
- 8, 0, 12, 0, 13, 0, 26, 0, 16, 0,
- 15, 0, 14, 0, 17, 0, 18, 0, 19, 0,
- 20, 0, 21, 0, 22, 0, 8, 0, 63, 0,
- 69, 29, 63, 0, 7, 0, 8, 0, 9, 0,
- 7, 0
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
-static const short yyrline[] = { 0,
- 221, 222, 225, 231, 236, 239, 242, 246, 250, 254,
- 263, 265, 271, 274, 278, 281, 285, 290, 294, 298,
- 306, 310, 314, 318, 322, 326, 330, 334, 338, 342,
- 346, 350, 354, 358, 362, 366, 370, 374, 379, 383,
- 387, 393, 400, 409, 416, 419, 422, 430, 437, 445,
- 489, 492, 493, 536, 538, 540, 542, 544, 547, 549,
- 551, 555, 557, 562, 564, 566, 568, 570, 572, 574,
- 576, 578, 580, 582, 584, 586, 590, 594, 599, 606,
- 608, 610, 614
-#if YYDEBUG != 0 || defined (YYERROR_VERBOSE)
-static const char * const yytname[] = { "$","error","$undefined.","INT","FLOAT",
-"abs_decl","direct_abs_decl","func_mod","typebase","nonempty_typelist","name_not_typename", NULL
-static const short yyr1[] = { 0,
- 55, 55, 56, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57,
- 58, 57, 59, 59, 59, 59, 60, 61, 57, 57,
- 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57,
- 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57,
- 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 62,
- 63, 64, 64, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 66, 66,
- 66, 67, 67, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68,
- 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, -1, 69, 69, -1,
- -1, -1, 70
-static const short yyr2[] = { 0,
- 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 0, 5, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4,
- 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
- 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
- 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2,
- 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1,
- 1, 1, 1
-static const short yydefact[] = { 0,
- 42, 44, 49, 48, 83, 64, 43, 0, 65, 66,
- 70, 69, 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 0,
- 67, 46, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 45,
- 3, 51, 52, 50, 0, 10, 8, 6, 7, 5,
- 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 56, 54, 0, 53,
- 58, 61, 0, 0, 4, 19, 0, 38, 39, 41,
- 40, 37, 36, 35, 29, 30, 33, 34, 31, 32,
- 27, 28, 21, 25, 26, 22, 23, 24, 13, 57,
- 55, 62, 78, 0, 0, 0, 60, 47, 18, 20,
- 14, 0, 15, 59, 0, 63, 0, 0, 12, 79,
- 17, 16, 0, 0, 0
-static const short yydefgoto[] = { 123,
- 28, 41, 99, 112, 113, 42, 30, 103, 32, 70,
- 71, 72, 33, 105, 34
-static const short yypact[] = { 75,
--32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768, 126,-32768,-32768,
--32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768, 135,
--32768,-32768, 135, 135, 135, 75, 135,-32768, 309,-32768,
--32768,-32768, -34,-32768, 75, -49, -49, -49, -49, -49,
- 279, -46, -45, -49, 135, 135, 135, 135, 135, 135,
- 135, 135, 135, 135, 135, 135, 135, 135, 135, 135,
- 135, 135, 135, 135, 135,-32768, -34, -34, 206,-32768,
- -42,-32768, -36, 135,-32768,-32768, 135, 355, 336, 309,
- 309, 390, 407, 161, 221, 221, -11, -11, -11, -11,
- 22, 22, 58, -37, -37, -49, -49, -49, 135,-32768,
--32768,-32768,-32768, -33, -26, 230,-32768, 186, 309, -49,
- 250, -24,-32768,-32768, 397,-32768, 135, 135,-32768,-32768,
- 309, 309, 15, 18,-32768
-static const short yypgoto[] = {-32768,
--32768, 0,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768, 4,-32768, -25,
--32768, -50,-32768,-32768,-32768
-#define YYLAST 458
-static const short yytable[] = { 29,
- 67, 66, 115, 31, 118, 76, 77, 36, 106, 63,
- 64, 65, 68, 66, 124, 108, 69, 125, 114, 37,
- 107, 0, 38, 39, 40, 116, 44, 119, 0, 43,
- 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 73, 66,
- 0, 100, 101, 104, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83,
- 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93,
- 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64,
- 65, 0, 66, 109, 0, 0, 110, 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 9, 10, 11, 12,
- 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 0, 111, 20,
- 21, 22, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 110, 66, 23,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 121, 122, 120, 0,
- 24, 25, 0, 0, 0, 26, 0, 27, 1, 2,
- 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 0, 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 20, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20,
- 23, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 23,
- 0, 24, 25, 0, 0, 0, 35, 0, 27, 0,
- 24, 25, 0, 0, 0, 26, 0, 27, 1, 2,
- 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 52, 53, 54, 55,
- 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65,
- 20, 66, 22, 6, 0, 0, 0, 9, 10, 11,
- 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 0, 0,
- 0, 21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26, 6, 27, 0,
- 67, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
- 18, 19, 68, 0, 0, 21, 69, 102, 54, 55,
- 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65,
- 0, 66, 45, 46, 0, 0, 0, 47, 0, 0,
- 48, 102, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
- 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 0,
- 66, 45, 46, 117, 0, 0, 47, 74, 0, 48,
- 0, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,
- 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 0, 66,
- 75, 45, 46, 0, 0, 0, 47, 0, 0, 48,
- 0, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,
- 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 45, 66,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 49, 50,
- 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60,
- 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 0, 66, 49, 50, 51,
- 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,
- 62, 63, 64, 65, 6, 66, 0, 0, 9, 10,
- 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 0,
- 0, 0, 21, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
- 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 0,
- 66, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,
- 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 0, 66
-static const short yycheck[] = { 0,
- 35, 51, 29, 0, 29, 52, 52, 8, 51, 47,
- 48, 49, 47, 51, 0, 52, 51, 0, 52, 20,
- 71, -1, 23, 24, 25, 52, 27, 52, -1, 26,
- 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 35, 51,
- -1, 67, 68, 69, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
- 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60,
- 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48,
- 49, -1, 51, 74, -1, -1, 77, 3, 4, 5,
- 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, -1, 12, 13, 14, 15,
- 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, -1, 99, 25,
- 26, 27, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 108, 51, 35,
- -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 117, 118, 115, -1,
- 46, 47, -1, -1, -1, 51, -1, 53, 3, 4,
- 5, 6, 7, -1, 9, 10, -1, 3, 4, 5,
- 6, 7, -1, 9, 10, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
- 25, -1, 27, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 25,
- 35, 27, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 35,
- -1, 46, 47, -1, -1, -1, 51, -1, 53, -1,
- 46, 47, -1, -1, -1, 51, -1, 53, 3, 4,
- 5, 6, 7, -1, 9, 10, 36, 37, 38, 39,
- 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
- 25, 51, 27, 8, -1, -1, -1, 12, 13, 14,
- 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, -1, -1,
- -1, 26, -1, -1, -1, -1, 51, 8, 53, -1,
- 35, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
- 21, 22, 47, -1, -1, 26, 51, 52, 38, 39,
- 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
- -1, 51, 23, 24, -1, -1, -1, 28, -1, -1,
- 31, 52, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
- 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, -1,
- 51, 23, 24, 54, -1, -1, 28, 29, -1, 31,
- -1, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,
- 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, -1, 51,
- 52, 23, 24, -1, -1, -1, 28, -1, -1, 31,
- -1, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,
- 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 23, 51,
- -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 33, 34,
- 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,
- 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, -1, 51, 33, 34, 35,
- 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,
- 46, 47, 48, 49, 8, 51, -1, -1, 12, 13,
- 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, -1,
- -1, -1, 26, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
- 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, -1,
- 51, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43,
- 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, -1, 51
-/* -*-C-*- Note some compilers choke on comments on `#line' lines. */
-#line 3 "/usr/lib/bison.simple"
-/* This file comes from bison-1.27. */
-/* Skeleton output parser for bison,
- Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* As a special exception, when this file is copied by Bison into a
- Bison output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
- This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation
- in version 1.24 of Bison. */
-/* This is the parser code that is written into each bison parser
- when the %semantic_parser declaration is not specified in the grammar.
- It was written by Richard Stallman by simplifying the hairy parser
- used when %semantic_parser is specified. */
-#ifdef alloca
-#else /* alloca not defined */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define alloca __builtin_alloca
-#else /* not GNU C. */
-#if (!defined (__STDC__) && defined (sparc)) || defined (__sparc__) || defined (__sparc) || defined (__sgi) || (defined (__sun) && defined (__i386))
-#include <alloca.h>
-#else /* not sparc */
-/* We think this test detects Watcom and Microsoft C. */
-/* This used to test MSDOS, but that is a bad idea
- since that symbol is in the user namespace. */
-#if (defined (_MSDOS) || defined (_MSDOS_)) && !defined (__TURBOC__)
-#if 0 /* No need for xmalloc.h, which pollutes the namespace;
- instead, just don't use alloca. */
-#else /* not MSDOS, or __TURBOC__ */
-#if defined(_AIX)
-/* I don't know what this was needed for, but it pollutes the namespace.
- So I turned it off. rms, 2 May 1997. */
- #pragma alloca
-#else /* not MSDOS, or __TURBOC__, or _AIX */
-#if 0
-#ifdef __hpux /* says this works for HPUX 9.05 and up,
- and on HPUX 10. Eventually we can turn this on. */
-#define alloca __builtin_alloca
-#endif /* __hpux */
-#endif /* not _AIX */
-#endif /* not MSDOS, or __TURBOC__ */
-#endif /* not sparc */
-#endif /* not GNU C */
-#endif /* alloca not defined */
-#endif /* YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA not defined */
-#define YYSTACK_ALLOC alloca
-#define YYSTACK_ALLOC xmalloc
-/* Note: there must be only one dollar sign in this file.
- It is replaced by the list of actions, each action
- as one case of the switch. */
-#define yyerrok (yyerrstatus = 0)
-#define yyclearin (yychar = YYEMPTY)
-#define YYEMPTY -2
-#define YYEOF 0
-#define YYACCEPT goto yyacceptlab
-#define YYABORT goto yyabortlab
-#define YYERROR goto yyerrlab1
-/* Like YYERROR except do call yyerror.
- This remains here temporarily to ease the
- transition to the new meaning of YYERROR, for GCC.
- Once GCC version 2 has supplanted version 1, this can go. */
-#define YYFAIL goto yyerrlab
-#define YYRECOVERING() (!!yyerrstatus)
-#define YYBACKUP(token, value) \
-do \
- if (yychar == YYEMPTY && yylen == 1) \
- { yychar = (token), yylval = (value); \
- yychar1 = YYTRANSLATE (yychar); \
- goto yybackup; \
- } \
- else \
- { yyerror ("syntax error: cannot back up"); YYERROR; } \
-while (0)
-#define YYTERROR 1
-#define YYERRCODE 256
-#ifndef YYPURE
-#define YYLEX yylex()
-#ifdef YYPURE
-#define YYLEX yylex(&yylval, &yylloc, YYLEX_PARAM)
-#define YYLEX yylex(&yylval, &yylloc)
-#else /* not YYLSP_NEEDED */
-#define YYLEX yylex(&yylval, YYLEX_PARAM)
-#define YYLEX yylex(&yylval)
-#endif /* not YYLSP_NEEDED */
-/* If nonreentrant, generate the variables here */
-#ifndef YYPURE
-int yychar; /* the lookahead symbol */
-YYSTYPE yylval; /* the semantic value of the */
- /* lookahead symbol */
-YYLTYPE yylloc; /* location data for the lookahead */
- /* symbol */
-int yynerrs; /* number of parse errors so far */
-#endif /* not YYPURE */
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
-int yydebug; /* nonzero means print parse trace */
-/* Since this is uninitialized, it does not stop multiple parsers
- from coexisting. */
-/* YYINITDEPTH indicates the initial size of the parser's stacks */
-#define YYINITDEPTH 200
-/* YYMAXDEPTH is the maximum size the stacks can grow to
- (effective only if the built-in stack extension method is used). */
-#if YYMAXDEPTH == 0
-#define YYMAXDEPTH 10000
-/* Define __yy_memcpy. Note that the size argument
- should be passed with type unsigned int, because that is what the non-GCC
- definitions require. With GCC, __builtin_memcpy takes an arg
- of type size_t, but it can handle unsigned int. */
-#if __GNUC__ > 1 /* GNU C and GNU C++ define this. */
-#define __yy_memcpy(TO,FROM,COUNT) __builtin_memcpy(TO,FROM,COUNT)
-#else /* not GNU C or C++ */
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-/* This is the most reliable way to avoid incompatibilities
- in available built-in functions on various systems. */
-static void
-__yy_memcpy (to, from, count)
- char *to;
- char *from;
- unsigned int count;
- register char *f = from;
- register char *t = to;
- register int i = count;
- while (i-- > 0)
- *t++ = *f++;
-#else /* __cplusplus */
-/* This is the most reliable way to avoid incompatibilities
- in available built-in functions on various systems. */
-static void
-__yy_memcpy (char *to, char *from, unsigned int count)
- register char *t = to;
- register char *f = from;
- register int i = count;
- while (i-- > 0)
- *t++ = *f++;
-#line 216 "/usr/lib/bison.simple"
-/* The user can define YYPARSE_PARAM as the name of an argument to be passed
- into yyparse. The argument should have type void *.
- It should actually point to an object.
- Grammar actions can access the variable by casting it
- to the proper pointer type. */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#else /* not __cplusplus */
-#endif /* not __cplusplus */
-#else /* not YYPARSE_PARAM */
-#endif /* not YYPARSE_PARAM */
-/* Prevent warning if -Wstrict-prototypes. */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-int yyparse (void *);
-int yyparse (void);
- register int yystate;
- register int yyn;
- register short *yyssp;
- register YYSTYPE *yyvsp;
- int yyerrstatus; /* number of tokens to shift before error messages enabled */
- int yychar1 = 0; /* lookahead token as an internal (translated) token number */
- short yyssa[YYINITDEPTH]; /* the state stack */
- YYSTYPE yyvsa[YYINITDEPTH]; /* the semantic value stack */
- short *yyss = yyssa; /* refer to the stacks thru separate pointers */
- YYSTYPE *yyvs = yyvsa; /* to allow yyoverflow to xreallocate them elsewhere */
- YYLTYPE yylsa[YYINITDEPTH]; /* the location stack */
- YYLTYPE *yyls = yylsa;
- YYLTYPE *yylsp;
-#define YYPOPSTACK (yyvsp--, yyssp--, yylsp--)
-#define YYPOPSTACK (yyvsp--, yyssp--)
- int yystacksize = YYINITDEPTH;
- int yyfree_stacks = 0;
-#ifdef YYPURE
- int yychar;
- YYSTYPE yylval;
- int yynerrs;
- YYLTYPE yylloc;
- YYSTYPE yyval; /* the variable used to return */
- /* semantic values from the action */
- /* routines */
- int yylen;
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Starting parse\n");
- yystate = 0;
- yyerrstatus = 0;
- yynerrs = 0;
- yychar = YYEMPTY; /* Cause a token to be read. */
- /* Initialize stack pointers.
- Waste one element of value and location stack
- so that they stay on the same level as the state stack.
- The wasted elements are never initialized. */
- yyssp = yyss - 1;
- yyvsp = yyvs;
- yylsp = yyls;
-/* Push a new state, which is found in yystate . */
-/* In all cases, when you get here, the value and location stacks
- have just been pushed. so pushing a state here evens the stacks. */
- *++yyssp = yystate;
- if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)
- {
- /* Give user a chance to xreallocate the stack */
- /* Use copies of these so that the &'s don't force the real ones into memory. */
- YYSTYPE *yyvs1 = yyvs;
- short *yyss1 = yyss;
- YYLTYPE *yyls1 = yyls;
- /* Get the current used size of the three stacks, in elements. */
- int size = yyssp - yyss + 1;
-#ifdef yyoverflow
- /* Each stack pointer address is followed by the size of
- the data in use in that stack, in bytes. */
- /* This used to be a conditional around just the two extra args,
- but that might be undefined if yyoverflow is a macro. */
- yyoverflow("parser stack overflow",
- &yyss1, size * sizeof (*yyssp),
- &yyvs1, size * sizeof (*yyvsp),
- &yyls1, size * sizeof (*yylsp),
- &yystacksize);
- yyoverflow("parser stack overflow",
- &yyss1, size * sizeof (*yyssp),
- &yyvs1, size * sizeof (*yyvsp),
- &yystacksize);
- yyss = yyss1; yyvs = yyvs1;
- yyls = yyls1;
-#else /* no yyoverflow */
- /* Extend the stack our own way. */
- if (yystacksize >= YYMAXDEPTH)
- {
- yyerror("parser stack overflow");
- if (yyfree_stacks)
- {
- free (yyss);
- free (yyvs);
- free (yyls);
- }
- return 2;
- }
- yystacksize *= 2;
- if (yystacksize > YYMAXDEPTH)
- yystacksize = YYMAXDEPTH;
- yyfree_stacks = 1;
- yyss = (short *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (yystacksize * sizeof (*yyssp));
- __yy_memcpy ((char *)yyss, (char *)yyss1,
- size * (unsigned int) sizeof (*yyssp));
- yyvs = (YYSTYPE *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (yystacksize * sizeof (*yyvsp));
- __yy_memcpy ((char *)yyvs, (char *)yyvs1,
- size * (unsigned int) sizeof (*yyvsp));
- yyls = (YYLTYPE *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (yystacksize * sizeof (*yylsp));
- __yy_memcpy ((char *)yyls, (char *)yyls1,
- size * (unsigned int) sizeof (*yylsp));
-#endif /* no yyoverflow */
- yyssp = yyss + size - 1;
- yyvsp = yyvs + size - 1;
- yylsp = yyls + size - 1;
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Stack size increased to %d\n", yystacksize);
- if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)
- }
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Entering state %d\n", yystate);
- goto yybackup;
- yybackup:
-/* Do appropriate processing given the current state. */
-/* Read a lookahead token if we need one and don't already have one. */
-/* yyresume: */
- /* First try to decide what to do without reference to lookahead token. */
- yyn = yypact[yystate];
- if (yyn == YYFLAG)
- goto yydefault;
- /* Not known => get a lookahead token if don't already have one. */
- /* yychar is either YYEMPTY or YYEOF
- or a valid token in external form. */
- if (yychar == YYEMPTY)
- {
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Reading a token: ");
- yychar = YYLEX;
- }
- /* Convert token to internal form (in yychar1) for indexing tables with */
- if (yychar <= 0) /* This means end of input. */
- {
- yychar1 = 0;
- yychar = YYEOF; /* Don't call YYLEX any more */
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Now at end of input.\n");
- }
- else
- {
- yychar1 = YYTRANSLATE(yychar);
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Next token is %d (%s", yychar, yytname[yychar1]);
- /* Give the individual parser a way to print the precise meaning
- of a token, for further debugging info. */
-#ifdef YYPRINT
- YYPRINT (stderr, yychar, yylval);
- fprintf (stderr, ")\n");
- }
- }
- yyn += yychar1;
- if (yyn < 0 || yyn > YYLAST || yycheck[yyn] != yychar1)
- goto yydefault;
- yyn = yytable[yyn];
- /* yyn is what to do for this token type in this state.
- Negative => reduce, -yyn is rule number.
- Positive => shift, yyn is new state.
- New state is final state => don't bother to shift,
- just return success.
- 0, or most negative number => error. */
- if (yyn < 0)
- {
- if (yyn == YYFLAG)
- goto yyerrlab;
- yyn = -yyn;
- goto yyreduce;
- }
- else if (yyn == 0)
- goto yyerrlab;
- if (yyn == YYFINAL)
- /* Shift the lookahead token. */
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Shifting token %d (%s), ", yychar, yytname[yychar1]);
- /* Discard the token being shifted unless it is eof. */
- if (yychar != YYEOF)
- yychar = YYEMPTY;
- *++yyvsp = yylval;
- *++yylsp = yylloc;
- /* count tokens shifted since error; after three, turn off error status. */
- if (yyerrstatus) yyerrstatus--;
- yystate = yyn;
- goto yynewstate;
-/* Do the default action for the current state. */
- yyn = yydefact[yystate];
- if (yyn == 0)
- goto yyerrlab;
-/* Do a reduction. yyn is the number of a rule to reduce with. */
- yylen = yyr2[yyn];
- if (yylen > 0)
- yyval = yyvsp[1-yylen]; /* implement default value of the action */
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- {
- int i;
- fprintf (stderr, "Reducing via rule %d (line %d), ",
- yyn, yyrline[yyn]);
- /* Print the symbols being reduced, and their result. */
- for (i = yyprhs[yyn]; yyrhs[i] > 0; i++)
- fprintf (stderr, "%s ", yytname[yyrhs[i]]);
- fprintf (stderr, " -> %s\n", yytname[yyr1[yyn]]);
- }
- switch (yyn) {
-case 3:
-#line 226 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode(OP_TYPE);
- write_exp_elt_type(yyvsp[0].tval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode(OP_TYPE); ;
- break;}
-case 4:
-#line 232 "f-exp.y"
-{ ;
- break;}
-case 5:
-#line 237 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_IND); ;
- break;}
-case 6:
-#line 240 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_ADDR); ;
- break;}
-case 7:
-#line 243 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_NEG); ;
- break;}
-case 8:
-#line 247 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_LOGICAL_NOT); ;
- break;}
-case 9:
-#line 251 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_COMPLEMENT); ;
- break;}
-case 10:
-#line 255 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_SIZEOF); ;
- break;}
-case 11:
-#line 264 "f-exp.y"
-{ start_arglist (); ;
- break;}
-case 12:
-#line 266 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_F77_UNDETERMINED_ARGLIST);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) end_arglist ());
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_F77_UNDETERMINED_ARGLIST); ;
- break;}
-case 14:
-#line 275 "f-exp.y"
-{ arglist_len = 1; ;
- break;}
-case 15:
-#line 279 "f-exp.y"
-{ arglist_len = 2;;
- break;}
-case 16:
-#line 282 "f-exp.y"
-{ arglist_len++; ;
- break;}
-case 17:
-#line 286 "f-exp.y"
-{ ;
- break;}
-case 18:
-#line 291 "f-exp.y"
-{ ;
- break;}
-case 19:
-#line 295 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode(OP_COMPLEX); ;
- break;}
-case 20:
-#line 299 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_CAST);
- write_exp_elt_type (yyvsp[-2].tval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_CAST); ;
- break;}
-case 21:
-#line 307 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_REPEAT); ;
- break;}
-case 22:
-#line 311 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_MUL); ;
- break;}
-case 23:
-#line 315 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_DIV); ;
- break;}
-case 24:
-#line 319 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_REM); ;
- break;}
-case 25:
-#line 323 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_ADD); ;
- break;}
-case 26:
-#line 327 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_SUB); ;
- break;}
-case 27:
-#line 331 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LSH); ;
- break;}
-case 28:
-#line 335 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_RSH); ;
- break;}
-case 29:
-#line 339 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_EQUAL); ;
- break;}
-case 30:
-#line 343 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_NOTEQUAL); ;
- break;}
-case 31:
-#line 347 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LEQ); ;
- break;}
-case 32:
-#line 351 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_GEQ); ;
- break;}
-case 33:
-#line 355 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LESS); ;
- break;}
-case 34:
-#line 359 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_GTR); ;
- break;}
-case 35:
-#line 363 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_BITWISE_AND); ;
- break;}
-case 36:
-#line 367 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_BITWISE_XOR); ;
- break;}
-case 37:
-#line 371 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_BITWISE_IOR); ;
- break;}
-case 38:
-#line 375 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LOGICAL_AND); ;
- break;}
-case 39:
-#line 380 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LOGICAL_OR); ;
- break;}
-case 40:
-#line 384 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_ASSIGN); ;
- break;}
-case 41:
-#line 388 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_ASSIGN_MODIFY);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (yyvsp[-1].opcode);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_ASSIGN_MODIFY); ;
- break;}
-case 42:
-#line 394 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- write_exp_elt_type (yyvsp[0].typed_val.type);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST)(yyvsp[0].typed_val.val));
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG); ;
- break;}
-case 43:
-#line 401 "f-exp.y"
-{ YYSTYPE val;
- parse_number (yyvsp[0].ssym.stoken.ptr, yyvsp[0].ssym.stoken.length, 0, &val);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- write_exp_elt_type (val.typed_val.type);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST)val.typed_val.val);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG); ;
- break;}
-case 44:
-#line 410 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_DOUBLE);
- write_exp_elt_type (builtin_type_f_real_s8);
- write_exp_elt_dblcst (yyvsp[0].dval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_DOUBLE); ;
- break;}
-case 47:
-#line 423 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- write_exp_elt_type (builtin_type_f_integer);
- CHECK_TYPEDEF (yyvsp[-1].tval);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) TYPE_LENGTH (yyvsp[-1].tval));
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG); ;
- break;}
-case 48:
-#line 431 "f-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_BOOL);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) yyvsp[0].lval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_BOOL);
- ;
- break;}
-case 49:
-#line 438 "f-exp.y"
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_STRING);
- write_exp_string (yyvsp[0].sval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_STRING);
- ;
- break;}
-case 50:
-#line 446 "f-exp.y"
-{ struct symbol *sym = yyvsp[0].ssym.sym;
- if (sym)
- {
- if (symbol_read_needs_frame (sym))
- {
- if (innermost_block == 0 ||
- contained_in (block_found,
- innermost_block))
- innermost_block = block_found;
- }
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_VAR_VALUE);
- /* We want to use the selected frame, not
- another more inner frame which happens to
- be in the same block. */
- write_exp_elt_block (NULL);
- write_exp_elt_sym (sym);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_VAR_VALUE);
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- struct minimal_symbol *msymbol;
- register char *arg = copy_name (yyvsp[0].ssym.stoken);
- msymbol =
- lookup_minimal_symbol (arg, NULL, NULL);
- if (msymbol != NULL)
- {
- write_exp_msymbol (msymbol,
- lookup_function_type (builtin_type_int),
- builtin_type_int);
- }
- else if (!have_full_symbols () && !have_partial_symbols ())
- error ("No symbol table is loaded. Use the \"file\" command.");
- else
- error ("No symbol \"%s\" in current context.",
- copy_name (yyvsp[0].ssym.stoken));
- }
- ;
- break;}
-case 53:
-#line 494 "f-exp.y"
- /* This is where the interesting stuff happens. */
- int done = 0;
- int array_size;
- struct type *follow_type = yyvsp[-1].tval;
- struct type *range_type;
- while (!done)
- switch (pop_type ())
- {
- case tp_end:
- done = 1;
- break;
- case tp_pointer:
- follow_type = lookup_pointer_type (follow_type);
- break;
- case tp_reference:
- follow_type = lookup_reference_type (follow_type);
- break;
- case tp_array:
- array_size = pop_type_int ();
- if (array_size != -1)
- {
- range_type =
- create_range_type ((struct type *) NULL,
- builtin_type_f_integer, 0,
- array_size - 1);
- follow_type =
- create_array_type ((struct type *) NULL,
- follow_type, range_type);
- }
- else
- follow_type = lookup_pointer_type (follow_type);
- break;
- case tp_function:
- follow_type = lookup_function_type (follow_type);
- break;
- }
- yyval.tval = follow_type;
- ;
- break;}
-case 54:
-#line 537 "f-exp.y"
-{ push_type (tp_pointer); yyval.voidval = 0; ;
- break;}
-case 55:
-#line 539 "f-exp.y"
-{ push_type (tp_pointer); yyval.voidval = yyvsp[0].voidval; ;
- break;}
-case 56:
-#line 541 "f-exp.y"
-{ push_type (tp_reference); yyval.voidval = 0; ;
- break;}
-case 57:
-#line 543 "f-exp.y"
-{ push_type (tp_reference); yyval.voidval = yyvsp[0].voidval; ;
- break;}
-case 59:
-#line 548 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.voidval = yyvsp[-1].voidval; ;
- break;}
-case 60:
-#line 550 "f-exp.y"
-{ push_type (tp_function); ;
- break;}
-case 61:
-#line 552 "f-exp.y"
-{ push_type (tp_function); ;
- break;}
-case 62:
-#line 556 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.voidval = 0; ;
- break;}
-case 63:
-#line 558 "f-exp.y"
-{ free ((PTR)yyvsp[-1].tvec); yyval.voidval = 0; ;
- break;}
-case 64:
-#line 563 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = yyvsp[0].tsym.type; ;
- break;}
-case 65:
-#line 565 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_f_integer; ;
- break;}
-case 66:
-#line 567 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_f_integer_s2; ;
- break;}
-case 67:
-#line 569 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_f_character; ;
- break;}
-case 68:
-#line 571 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_f_logical;;
- break;}
-case 69:
-#line 573 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_f_logical_s2;;
- break;}
-case 70:
-#line 575 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_f_logical_s1;;
- break;}
-case 71:
-#line 577 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_f_real;;
- break;}
-case 72:
-#line 579 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_f_real_s8;;
- break;}
-case 73:
-#line 581 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_f_real_s16;;
- break;}
-case 74:
-#line 583 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_f_complex_s8;;
- break;}
-case 75:
-#line 585 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_f_complex_s16;;
- break;}
-case 76:
-#line 587 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = builtin_type_f_complex_s32;;
- break;}
-case 78:
-#line 595 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tvec = (struct type **) xmalloc (sizeof (struct type *) * 2);
- yyval.ivec[0] = 1; /* Number of types in vector */
- yyval.tvec[1] = yyvsp[0].tval;
- ;
- break;}
-case 79:
-#line 600 "f-exp.y"
-{ int len = sizeof (struct type *) * (++(yyvsp[-2].ivec[0]) + 1);
- yyval.tvec = (struct type **) xrealloc ((char *) yyvsp[-2].tvec, len);
- yyval.tvec[yyval.ivec[0]] = yyvsp[0].tval;
- ;
- break;}
-case 80:
-#line 607 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.sval = yyvsp[0].ssym.stoken; ;
- break;}
-case 81:
-#line 609 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.sval = yyvsp[0].tsym.stoken; ;
- break;}
-case 82:
-#line 611 "f-exp.y"
-{ yyval.sval = yyvsp[0].ssym.stoken; ;
- break;}
- /* the action file gets copied in in place of this dollarsign */
-#line 542 "/usr/lib/bison.simple"
- yyvsp -= yylen;
- yyssp -= yylen;
- yylsp -= yylen;
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- {
- short *ssp1 = yyss - 1;
- fprintf (stderr, "state stack now");
- while (ssp1 != yyssp)
- fprintf (stderr, " %d", *++ssp1);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- }
- *++yyvsp = yyval;
- yylsp++;
- if (yylen == 0)
- {
- yylsp->first_line = yylloc.first_line;
- yylsp->first_column = yylloc.first_column;
- yylsp->last_line = (yylsp-1)->last_line;
- yylsp->last_column = (yylsp-1)->last_column;
- yylsp->text = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- yylsp->last_line = (yylsp+yylen-1)->last_line;
- yylsp->last_column = (yylsp+yylen-1)->last_column;
- }
- /* Now "shift" the result of the reduction.
- Determine what state that goes to,
- based on the state we popped back to
- and the rule number reduced by. */
- yyn = yyr1[yyn];
- yystate = yypgoto[yyn - YYNTBASE] + *yyssp;
- if (yystate >= 0 && yystate <= YYLAST && yycheck[yystate] == *yyssp)
- yystate = yytable[yystate];
- else
- yystate = yydefgoto[yyn - YYNTBASE];
- goto yynewstate;
-yyerrlab: /* here on detecting error */
- if (! yyerrstatus)
- /* If not already recovering from an error, report this error. */
- {
- ++yynerrs;
- yyn = yypact[yystate];
- if (yyn > YYFLAG && yyn < YYLAST)
- {
- int size = 0;
- char *msg;
- int x, count;
- count = 0;
- /* Start X at -yyn if nec to avoid negative indexes in yycheck. */
- for (x = (yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0);
- x < (sizeof(yytname) / sizeof(char *)); x++)
- if (yycheck[x + yyn] == x)
- size += strlen(yytname[x]) + 15, count++;
- msg = (char *) xmalloc(size + 15);
- if (msg != 0)
- {
- strcpy(msg, "parse error");
- if (count < 5)
- {
- count = 0;
- for (x = (yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0);
- x < (sizeof(yytname) / sizeof(char *)); x++)
- if (yycheck[x + yyn] == x)
- {
- strcat(msg, count == 0 ? ", expecting `" : " or `");
- strcat(msg, yytname[x]);
- strcat(msg, "'");
- count++;
- }
- }
- yyerror(msg);
- free(msg);
- }
- else
- yyerror ("parse error; also virtual memory exceeded");
- }
- else
-#endif /* YYERROR_VERBOSE */
- yyerror("parse error");
- }
- goto yyerrlab1;
-yyerrlab1: /* here on error raised explicitly by an action */
- if (yyerrstatus == 3)
- {
- /* if just tried and failed to reuse lookahead token after an error, discard it. */
- /* return failure if at end of input */
- if (yychar == YYEOF)
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Discarding token %d (%s).\n", yychar, yytname[yychar1]);
- yychar = YYEMPTY;
- }
- /* Else will try to reuse lookahead token
- after shifting the error token. */
- yyerrstatus = 3; /* Each real token shifted decrements this */
- goto yyerrhandle;
-yyerrdefault: /* current state does not do anything special for the error token. */
-#if 0
- /* This is wrong; only states that explicitly want error tokens
- should shift them. */
- yyn = yydefact[yystate]; /* If its default is to accept any token, ok. Otherwise pop it.*/
- if (yyn) goto yydefault;
-yyerrpop: /* pop the current state because it cannot handle the error token */
- if (yyssp == yyss) YYABORT;
- yyvsp--;
- yystate = *--yyssp;
- yylsp--;
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- {
- short *ssp1 = yyss - 1;
- fprintf (stderr, "Error: state stack now");
- while (ssp1 != yyssp)
- fprintf (stderr, " %d", *++ssp1);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- }
- yyn = yypact[yystate];
- if (yyn == YYFLAG)
- goto yyerrdefault;
- yyn += YYTERROR;
- if (yyn < 0 || yyn > YYLAST || yycheck[yyn] != YYTERROR)
- goto yyerrdefault;
- yyn = yytable[yyn];
- if (yyn < 0)
- {
- if (yyn == YYFLAG)
- goto yyerrpop;
- yyn = -yyn;
- goto yyreduce;
- }
- else if (yyn == 0)
- goto yyerrpop;
- if (yyn == YYFINAL)
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Shifting error token, ");
- *++yyvsp = yylval;
- *++yylsp = yylloc;
- yystate = yyn;
- goto yynewstate;
- yyacceptlab:
- /* YYACCEPT comes here. */
- if (yyfree_stacks)
- {
- free (yyss);
- free (yyvs);
- free (yyls);
- }
- return 0;
- yyabortlab:
- /* YYABORT comes here. */
- if (yyfree_stacks)
- {
- free (yyss);
- free (yyvs);
- free (yyls);
- }
- return 1;
-#line 624 "f-exp.y"
-/* Take care of parsing a number (anything that starts with a digit).
- Set yylval and return the token type; update lexptr.
- LEN is the number of characters in it. */
-/*** Needs some error checking for the float case ***/
-static int
-parse_number (p, len, parsed_float, putithere)
- register char *p;
- register int len;
- int parsed_float;
- YYSTYPE *putithere;
- register LONGEST n = 0;
- register LONGEST prevn = 0;
- register int i;
- register int c;
- register int base = input_radix;
- int unsigned_p = 0;
- int long_p = 0;
- ULONGEST high_bit;
- struct type *signed_type;
- struct type *unsigned_type;
- if (parsed_float)
- {
- /* It's a float since it contains a point or an exponent. */
- /* [dD] is not understood as an exponent by atof, change it to 'e'. */
- char *tmp, *tmp2;
- tmp = strsave (p);
- for (tmp2 = tmp; *tmp2; ++tmp2)
- if (*tmp2 == 'd' || *tmp2 == 'D')
- *tmp2 = 'e';
- putithere->dval = atof (tmp);
- free (tmp);
- return FLOAT;
- }
- /* Handle base-switching prefixes 0x, 0t, 0d, 0 */
- if (p[0] == '0')
- switch (p[1])
- {
- case 'x':
- case 'X':
- if (len >= 3)
- {
- p += 2;
- base = 16;
- len -= 2;
- }
- break;
- case 't':
- case 'T':
- case 'd':
- case 'D':
- if (len >= 3)
- {
- p += 2;
- base = 10;
- len -= 2;
- }
- break;
- default:
- base = 8;
- break;
- }
- while (len-- > 0)
- {
- c = *p++;
- if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
- c += 'a' - 'A';
- if (c != 'l' && c != 'u')
- n *= base;
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- n += i = c - '0';
- else
- {
- if (base > 10 && c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
- n += i = c - 'a' + 10;
- else if (len == 0 && c == 'l')
- long_p = 1;
- else if (len == 0 && c == 'u')
- unsigned_p = 1;
- else
- return ERROR; /* Char not a digit */
- }
- if (i >= base)
- return ERROR; /* Invalid digit in this base */
- /* Portably test for overflow (only works for nonzero values, so make
- a second check for zero). */
- if ((prevn >= n) && n != 0)
- unsigned_p=1; /* Try something unsigned */
- /* If range checking enabled, portably test for unsigned overflow. */
- if (RANGE_CHECK && n != 0)
- {
- if ((unsigned_p && (unsigned)prevn >= (unsigned)n))
- range_error("Overflow on numeric constant.");
- }
- prevn = n;
- }
- /* If the number is too big to be an int, or it's got an l suffix
- then it's a long. Work out if this has to be a long by
- shifting right and and seeing if anything remains, and the
- target int size is different to the target long size.
- In the expression below, we could have tested
- to see if it was zero,
- but too many compilers warn about that, when ints and longs
- are the same size. So we shift it twice, with fewer bits
- each time, for the same result. */
- && ((n >> 2) >> (TARGET_INT_BIT-2))) /* Avoid shift warning */
- || long_p)
- {
- high_bit = ((ULONGEST)1) << (TARGET_LONG_BIT-1);
- unsigned_type = builtin_type_unsigned_long;
- signed_type = builtin_type_long;
- }
- else
- {
- high_bit = ((ULONGEST)1) << (TARGET_INT_BIT-1);
- unsigned_type = builtin_type_unsigned_int;
- signed_type = builtin_type_int;
- }
- putithere->typed_val.val = n;
- /* If the high bit of the worked out type is set then this number
- has to be unsigned. */
- if (unsigned_p || (n & high_bit))
- putithere->typed_val.type = unsigned_type;
- else
- putithere->typed_val.type = signed_type;
- return INT;
-struct token
- char *operator;
- int token;
- enum exp_opcode opcode;
-static const struct token dot_ops[] =
- { ".and.", BOOL_AND, BINOP_END },
- { ".or.", BOOL_OR, BINOP_END },
- { ".OR.", BOOL_OR, BINOP_END },
- { ".not.", BOOL_NOT, BINOP_END },
- { ".eq.", EQUAL, BINOP_END },
- { ".EQ.", EQUAL, BINOP_END },
- { ".eqv.", EQUAL, BINOP_END },
- { ".neqv.", NOTEQUAL, BINOP_END },
- { ".EQV.", EQUAL, BINOP_END },
- { ".ne.", NOTEQUAL, BINOP_END },
- { ".le.", LEQ, BINOP_END },
- { ".LE.", LEQ, BINOP_END },
- { ".ge.", GEQ, BINOP_END },
- { ".GE.", GEQ, BINOP_END },
- { ".lt.", LESSTHAN, BINOP_END },
- { NULL, 0, 0 }
-struct f77_boolean_val
- char *name;
- int value;
-static const struct f77_boolean_val boolean_values[] =
- { ".true.", 1 },
- { ".TRUE.", 1 },
- { ".false.", 0 },
- { ".FALSE.", 0 },
- { NULL, 0 }
-static const struct token f77_keywords[] =
- { "complex_16", COMPLEX_S16_KEYWORD, BINOP_END },
- { "complex_32", COMPLEX_S32_KEYWORD, BINOP_END },
- { "character", CHARACTER, BINOP_END },
- { "integer_2", INT_S2_KEYWORD, BINOP_END },
- { "logical_1", LOGICAL_S1_KEYWORD, BINOP_END },
- { "logical_2", LOGICAL_S2_KEYWORD, BINOP_END },
- { "complex_8", COMPLEX_S8_KEYWORD, BINOP_END },
- { "integer", INT_KEYWORD, BINOP_END },
- { "logical", LOGICAL_KEYWORD, BINOP_END },
- { "real_16", REAL_S16_KEYWORD, BINOP_END },
- { "complex", COMPLEX_S8_KEYWORD, BINOP_END },
- { "sizeof", SIZEOF, BINOP_END },
- { "real_8", REAL_S8_KEYWORD, BINOP_END },
- { "real", REAL_KEYWORD, BINOP_END },
- { NULL, 0, 0 }
-/* Implementation of a dynamically expandable buffer for processing input
- characters acquired through lexptr and building a value to return in
- yylval. Ripped off from ch-exp.y */
-static char *tempbuf; /* Current buffer contents */
-static int tempbufsize; /* Size of allocated buffer */
-static int tempbufindex; /* Current index into buffer */
-#define GROWBY_MIN_SIZE 64 /* Minimum amount to grow buffer by */
-#define CHECKBUF(size) \
- do { \
- if (tempbufindex + (size) >= tempbufsize) \
- { \
- growbuf_by_size (size); \
- } \
- } while (0);
-/* Grow the static temp buffer if necessary, including allocating the first one
- on demand. */
-static void
-growbuf_by_size (count)
- int count;
- int growby;
- growby = max (count, GROWBY_MIN_SIZE);
- tempbufsize += growby;
- if (tempbuf == NULL)
- tempbuf = (char *) xmalloc (tempbufsize);
- else
- tempbuf = (char *) xrealloc (tempbuf, tempbufsize);
-/* Blatantly ripped off from ch-exp.y. This routine recognizes F77
- string-literals.
- Recognize a string literal. A string literal is a nonzero sequence
- of characters enclosed in matching single quotes, except that
- a single character inside single quotes is a character literal, which
- we reject as a string literal. To embed the terminator character inside
- a string, it is simply doubled (I.E. 'this''is''one''string') */
-static int
-match_string_literal ()
- char *tokptr = lexptr;
- for (tempbufindex = 0, tokptr++; *tokptr != '\0'; tokptr++)
- {
- if (*tokptr == *lexptr)
- {
- if (*(tokptr + 1) == *lexptr)
- tokptr++;
- else
- break;
- }
- tempbuf[tempbufindex++] = *tokptr;
- }
- if (*tokptr == '\0' /* no terminator */
- || tempbufindex == 0) /* no string */
- return 0;
- else
- {
- tempbuf[tempbufindex] = '\0';
- yylval.sval.ptr = tempbuf;
- yylval.sval.length = tempbufindex;
- lexptr = ++tokptr;
- }
-/* Read one token, getting characters through lexptr. */
-static int
-yylex ()
- int c;
- int namelen;
- unsigned int i,token;
- char *tokstart;
- retry:
- tokstart = lexptr;
- /* First of all, let us make sure we are not dealing with the
- special tokens .true. and .false. which evaluate to 1 and 0. */
- if (*lexptr == '.')
- {
- for (i = 0; boolean_values[i].name != NULL; i++)
- {
- if STREQN (tokstart, boolean_values[i].name,
- strlen (boolean_values[i].name))
- {
- lexptr += strlen (boolean_values[i].name);
- yylval.lval = boolean_values[i].value;
- }
- }
- }
- /* See if it is a special .foo. operator */
- for (i = 0; dot_ops[i].operator != NULL; i++)
- if (STREQN (tokstart, dot_ops[i].operator, strlen (dot_ops[i].operator)))
- {
- lexptr += strlen (dot_ops[i].operator);
- yylval.opcode = dot_ops[i].opcode;
- return dot_ops[i].token;
- }
- switch (c = *tokstart)
- {
- case 0:
- return 0;
- case ' ':
- case '\t':
- case '\n':
- lexptr++;
- goto retry;
- case '\'':
- token = match_string_literal ();
- if (token != 0)
- return (token);
- break;
- case '(':
- paren_depth++;
- lexptr++;
- return c;
- case ')':
- if (paren_depth == 0)
- return 0;
- paren_depth--;
- lexptr++;
- return c;
- case ',':
- if (comma_terminates && paren_depth == 0)
- return 0;
- lexptr++;
- return c;
- case '.':
- /* Might be a floating point number. */
- if (lexptr[1] < '0' || lexptr[1] > '9')
- goto symbol; /* Nope, must be a symbol. */
- /* FALL THRU into number case. */
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- {
- /* It's a number. */
- int got_dot = 0, got_e = 0, got_d = 0, toktype;
- register char *p = tokstart;
- int hex = input_radix > 10;
- if (c == '0' && (p[1] == 'x' || p[1] == 'X'))
- {
- p += 2;
- hex = 1;
- }
- else if (c == '0' && (p[1]=='t' || p[1]=='T' || p[1]=='d' || p[1]=='D'))
- {
- p += 2;
- hex = 0;
- }
- for (;; ++p)
- {
- if (!hex && !got_e && (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E'))
- got_dot = got_e = 1;
- else if (!hex && !got_d && (*p == 'd' || *p == 'D'))
- got_dot = got_d = 1;
- else if (!hex && !got_dot && *p == '.')
- got_dot = 1;
- else if (((got_e && (p[-1] == 'e' || p[-1] == 'E'))
- || (got_d && (p[-1] == 'd' || p[-1] == 'D')))
- && (*p == '-' || *p == '+'))
- /* This is the sign of the exponent, not the end of the
- number. */
- continue;
- /* We will take any letters or digits. parse_number will
- complain if past the radix, or if L or U are not final. */
- else if ((*p < '0' || *p > '9')
- && ((*p < 'a' || *p > 'z')
- && (*p < 'A' || *p > 'Z')))
- break;
- }
- toktype = parse_number (tokstart, p - tokstart, got_dot|got_e|got_d,
- &yylval);
- if (toktype == ERROR)
- {
- char *err_copy = (char *) alloca (p - tokstart + 1);
- memcpy (err_copy, tokstart, p - tokstart);
- err_copy[p - tokstart] = 0;
- error ("Invalid number \"%s\".", err_copy);
- }
- lexptr = p;
- return toktype;
- }
- case '+':
- case '-':
- case '*':
- case '/':
- case '%':
- case '|':
- case '&':
- case '^':
- case '~':
- case '!':
- case '@':
- case '<':
- case '>':
- case '[':
- case ']':
- case '?':
- case ':':
- case '=':
- case '{':
- case '}':
- symbol:
- lexptr++;
- return c;
- }
- if (!(c == '_' || c == '$'
- || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')))
- /* We must have come across a bad character (e.g. ';'). */
- error ("Invalid character '%c' in expression.", c);
- namelen = 0;
- for (c = tokstart[namelen];
- (c == '_' || c == '$' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'));
- c = tokstart[++namelen]);
- /* The token "if" terminates the expression and is NOT
- removed from the input stream. */
- if (namelen == 2 && tokstart[0] == 'i' && tokstart[1] == 'f')
- return 0;
- lexptr += namelen;
- /* Catch specific keywords. */
- for (i = 0; f77_keywords[i].operator != NULL; i++)
- if (STREQN(tokstart, f77_keywords[i].operator,
- strlen(f77_keywords[i].operator)))
- {
- /* lexptr += strlen(f77_keywords[i].operator); */
- yylval.opcode = f77_keywords[i].opcode;
- return f77_keywords[i].token;
- }
- yylval.sval.ptr = tokstart;
- yylval.sval.length = namelen;
- if (*tokstart == '$')
- {
- write_dollar_variable (yylval.sval);
- return VARIABLE;
- }
- /* Use token-type TYPENAME for symbols that happen to be defined
- currently as names of types; NAME for other symbols.
- The caller is not constrained to care about the distinction. */
- {
- char *tmp = copy_name (yylval.sval);
- struct symbol *sym;
- int is_a_field_of_this = 0;
- int hextype;
- sym = lookup_symbol (tmp, expression_context_block,
- current_language->la_language == language_cplus
- ? &is_a_field_of_this : NULL,
- NULL);
- if (sym && SYMBOL_CLASS (sym) == LOC_TYPEDEF)
- {
- yylval.tsym.type = SYMBOL_TYPE (sym);
- return TYPENAME;
- }
- if ((yylval.tsym.type = lookup_primitive_typename (tmp)) != 0)
- return TYPENAME;
- /* Input names that aren't symbols but ARE valid hex numbers,
- when the input radix permits them, can be names or numbers
- depending on the parse. Note we support radixes > 16 here. */
- if (!sym
- && ((tokstart[0] >= 'a' && tokstart[0] < 'a' + input_radix - 10)
- || (tokstart[0] >= 'A' && tokstart[0] < 'A' + input_radix - 10)))
- {
- YYSTYPE newlval; /* Its value is ignored. */
- hextype = parse_number (tokstart, namelen, 0, &newlval);
- if (hextype == INT)
- {
- yylval.ssym.sym = sym;
- yylval.ssym.is_a_field_of_this = is_a_field_of_this;
- return NAME_OR_INT;
- }
- }
- /* Any other kind of symbol */
- yylval.ssym.sym = sym;
- yylval.ssym.is_a_field_of_this = is_a_field_of_this;
- return NAME;
- }
-yyerror (msg)
- char *msg;
- error ("A %s in expression, near `%s'.", (msg ? msg : "error"), lexptr);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/gdba.el b/contrib/gdb/gdb/gdba.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f7158642280..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/gdba.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2607 +0,0 @@
-(defmacro gud (form)
- (` (save-excursion (set-buffer "*gud-a.out*") (, form))))
-(defun dbug (foo &optional fun)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*trace*"))
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (insert "***" (symbol-name foo) "\n")
- (if fun
- (funcall fun))))
-;;; gud.el --- Grand Unified Debugger mode for gdb, sdb, dbx, or xdb
-;;; under Emacs
-;; Author: Eric S. Raymond <>
-;; Maintainer: FSF
-;; Version: 1.3
-;; Keywords: unix, tools
-;; Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs; if not, write to the Free Software
-;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; The ancestral gdb.el was by W. Schelter <>
-;; It was later rewritten by rms. Some ideas were due to Masanobu.
-;; Grand Unification (sdb/dbx support) by Eric S. Raymond <>
-;; The overloading code was then rewritten by Barry Warsaw <>,
-;; who also hacked the mode to use comint.el. Shane Hartman <>
-;; added support for xdb (HPUX debugger).
-;; Cygnus Support added support for gdb's --annotate=2.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'comint)
-(require 'etags)
-;; ======================================================================
-;; GUD commands must be visible in C buffers visited by GUD
-(defvar gud-key-prefix "\C-x\C-a"
- "Prefix of all GUD commands valid in C buffers.")
-(global-set-key (concat gud-key-prefix "\C-l") 'gud-refresh)
-(global-set-key "\C-x " 'gud-break) ;; backward compatibility hack
-;; ======================================================================
-;; the overloading mechanism
-(defun gud-overload-functions (gud-overload-alist)
- "Overload functions defined in GUD-OVERLOAD-ALIST.
-This association list has elements of the form
- (mapcar
- (function (lambda (p) (fset (car p) (symbol-function (cdr p)))))
- gud-overload-alist))
-(defun gud-massage-args (file args)
- (error "GUD not properly entered."))
-(defun gud-marker-filter (str)
- (error "GUD not properly entered."))
-(defun gud-find-file (f)
- (error "GUD not properly entered."))
-;; ======================================================================
-;; command definition
-;; This macro is used below to define some basic debugger interface commands.
-;; Of course you may use `gud-def' with any other debugger command, including
-;; user defined ones.
-;; A macro call like (gud-def FUNC NAME KEY DOC) expands to a form
-;; which defines FUNC to send the command NAME to the debugger, gives
-;; it the docstring DOC, and binds that function to KEY in the GUD
-;; major mode. The function is also bound in the global keymap with the
-;; GUD prefix.
-(defmacro gud-def (func cmd key &optional doc)
- "Define FUNC to be a command sending STR and bound to KEY, with
-optional doc string DOC. Certain %-escapes in the string arguments
-are interpreted specially if present. These are:
- %f name (without directory) of current source file.
- %d directory of current source file.
- %l number of current source line
- %e text of the C lvalue or function-call expression surrounding point.
- %a text of the hexadecimal address surrounding point
- %p prefix argument to the command (if any) as a number
- The `current' source file is the file of the current buffer (if
-we're in a C file) or the source file current at the last break or
-step (if we're in the GUD buffer).
- The `current' line is that of the current buffer (if we're in a
-source file) or the source line number at the last break or step (if
-we're in the GUD buffer)."
- (list 'progn
- (list 'defun func '(arg)
- (or doc "")
- '(interactive "p")
- (list 'gud-call cmd 'arg))
- (if key
- (list 'define-key
- '(current-local-map)
- (concat "\C-c" key)
- (list 'quote func)))
- (if key
- (list 'global-set-key
- (list 'concat 'gud-key-prefix key)
- (list 'quote func)))))
-;; Where gud-display-frame should put the debugging arrow. This is
-;; set by the marker-filter, which scans the debugger's output for
-;; indications of the current program counter.
-(defvar gud-last-frame nil)
-;; Used by gud-refresh, which should cause gud-display-frame to redisplay
-;; the last frame, even if it's been called before and gud-last-frame has
-;; been set to nil.
-(defvar gud-last-last-frame nil)
-;; All debugger-specific information is collected here.
-;; Here's how it works, in case you ever need to add a debugger to the mode.
-;; Each entry must define the following at startup:
-;; comint-prompt-regexp
-;; gud-<name>-massage-args
-;; gud-<name>-marker-filter
-;; gud-<name>-find-file
-;; The job of the massage-args method is to modify the given list of
-;; debugger arguments before running the debugger.
-;; The job of the marker-filter method is to detect file/line markers in
-;; strings and set the global gud-last-frame to indicate what display
-;; action (if any) should be triggered by the marker. Note that only
-;; whatever the method *returns* is displayed in the buffer; thus, you
-;; can filter the debugger's output, interpreting some and passing on
-;; the rest.
-;; The job of the find-file method is to visit and return the buffer indicated
-;; by the car of gud-tag-frame. This may be a file name, a tag name, or
-;; something else.
-;; ======================================================================
-;; gdb functions
-;;; History of argument lists passed to gdb.
-(defvar gud-gdb-history nil)
-(defun gud-gdb-massage-args (file args)
- (cons "--annotate=2" (cons file args)))
-;; In this world, there are gdb instance objects (of unspecified
-;; representation) and buffers associated with those objects.
-;; gdb-instance objects
-(defun make-gdb-instance (proc)
- "Create a gdb instance object from a gdb process."
- (setq last-proc proc)
- (let ((instance (cons 'gdb-instance proc)))
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
- (setq gdb-buffer-instance instance)
- (progn
- (mapcar 'make-variable-buffer-local gdb-instance-variables)
- (setq gdb-buffer-type 'gud)
- ;; If we're taking over the buffer of another process,
- ;; take over it's ancillery buffers as well.
- ;;
- (let ((dead (or old-gdb-buffer-instance)))
- (mapcar
- (function
- (lambda (b)
- (progn
- (set-buffer b)
- (if (eq dead gdb-buffer-instance)
- (setq gdb-buffer-instance instance)))))
- (buffer-list)))))
- instance))
-(defun gdb-instance-process (inst) (cdr inst))
-;;; The list of instance variables is built up by the expansions of
-(defvar gdb-instance-variables '()
- "A list of variables that are local to the gud buffer associated
-with a gdb instance.")
-(defmacro def-gdb-variable
- (name accessor setter &optional default doc)
- (`
- (progn
- (defvar (, name) (, default) (, (or doc "undocumented")))
- (if (not (memq '(, name) gdb-instance-variables))
- (setq gdb-instance-variables
- (cons '(, name) gdb-instance-variables)))
- (, (and accessor
- (`
- (defun (, accessor) (instance)
- (let
- ((buffer (gdb-get-instance-buffer instance 'gud)))
- (and buffer
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer buffer)
- (, name))))))))
- (, (and setter
- (`
- (defun (, setter) (instance val)
- (let
- ((buffer (gdb-get-instance-buffer instance 'gud)))
- (and buffer
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer buffer)
- (setq (, name) val)))))))))))
-(defmacro def-gdb-var (root-symbol &optional default doc)
- (let* ((root (symbol-name root-symbol))
- (accessor (intern (concat "gdb-instance-" root)))
- (setter (intern (concat "set-gdb-instance-" root)))
- (var-name (intern (concat "gdb-" root))))
- (` (def-gdb-variable
- (, var-name) (, accessor) (, setter)
- (, default) (, doc)))))
-(def-gdb-var buffer-instance nil
- "In an instance buffer, the buffer's instance.")
-(def-gdb-var buffer-type nil
- "One of the symbols bound in gdb-instance-buffer-rules")
-(def-gdb-var burst ""
- "A string of characters from gdb that have not yet been processed.")
-(def-gdb-var input-queue ()
- "A list of high priority gdb command objects.")
-(def-gdb-var idle-input-queue ()
- "A list of low priority gdb command objects.")
-(def-gdb-var prompting nil
- "True when gdb is idle with no pending input.")
-(def-gdb-var output-sink 'user
- "The disposition of the output of the current gdb command.
-Possible values are these symbols:
- user -- gdb output should be copied to the gud buffer
- for the user to see.
- inferior -- gdb output should be copied to the inferior-io buffer
- pre-emacs -- output should be ignored util the post-prompt
- annotation is received. Then the output-sink
- becomes:...
- emacs -- output should be collected in the partial-output-buffer
- for subsequent processing by a command. This is the
- disposition of output generated by commands that
- gud mode sends to gdb on its own behalf.
- post-emacs -- ignore input until the prompt annotation is
- received, then go to USER disposition.
-(def-gdb-var current-item nil
- "The most recent command item sent to gdb.")
-(def-gdb-var pending-triggers '()
- "A list of trigger functions that have run later than their output
-(defun in-gdb-instance-context (instance form)
- "Funcall `form' in the gud buffer of `instance'"
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (gdb-get-instance-buffer instance 'gud))
- (funcall form)))
-;; end of instance vars
-;; finding instances
-(defun gdb-proc->instance (proc)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
- gdb-buffer-instance))
-(defun gdb-mru-instance-buffer ()
- "Return the most recently used (non-auxiliary) gdb gud buffer."
- (save-excursion
- (gdb-goto-first-gdb-instance (buffer-list))))
-(defun gdb-goto-first-gdb-instance (blist)
- "Use gdb-mru-instance-buffer -- not this."
- (and blist
- (progn
- (set-buffer (car blist))
- (or (and gdb-buffer-instance
- (eq gdb-buffer-type 'gud)
- (car blist))
- (gdb-goto-first-gdb-instance (cdr blist))))))
-(defun buffer-gdb-instance (buf)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer buf)
- gdb-buffer-instance))
-(defun gdb-needed-default-instance ()
- "Return the most recently used gdb instance or signal an error."
- (let ((buffer (gdb-mru-instance-buffer)))
- (or (and buffer (buffer-gdb-instance buffer))
- (error "No instance of gdb found."))))
-(defun gdb-instance-target-string (instance)
- "The apparent name of the program being debugged by a gdb instance.
-For sure this the root string used in smashing together the gud
-buffer's name, even if that doesn't happen to be the name of a
- (in-gdb-instance-context
- instance
- (function (lambda () gud-target-name))))
-;; Instance Buffers.
-;; More than one buffer can be associated with a gdb instance.
-;; Each buffer has a TYPE -- a symbol that identifies the function
-;; of that particular buffer.
-;; The usual gud interaction buffer is given the type `gud' and
-;; is constructed specially.
-;; Others are constructed by gdb-get-create-instance-buffer and
-;; named according to the rules set forth in the gdb-instance-buffer-rules-assoc
-(defun gdb-get-instance-buffer (instance key)
- "Return the instance buffer for `instance' tagged with type `key'.
-The key should be one of the cars in `gdb-instance-buffer-rules-assoc'."
- (save-excursion
- (gdb-look-for-tagged-buffer instance key (buffer-list))))
-(defun gdb-get-create-instance-buffer (instance key)
- "Create a new gdb instance buffer of the type specified by `key'.
-The key should be one of the cars in `gdb-instance-buffer-rules-assoc'."
- (or (gdb-get-instance-buffer instance key)
- (let* ((rules (assoc key gdb-instance-buffer-rules-assoc))
- (name (funcall (gdb-rules-name-maker rules) instance))
- (new (get-buffer-create name)))
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer new)
- (make-variable-buffer-local 'gdb-buffer-type)
- (setq gdb-buffer-type key)
- (make-variable-buffer-local 'gdb-buffer-instance)
- (setq gdb-buffer-instance instance)
- (if (cdr (cdr rules))
- (funcall (car (cdr (cdr rules)))))
- new))))
-(defun gdb-rules-name-maker (rules) (car (cdr rules)))
-(defun gdb-look-for-tagged-buffer (instance key bufs)
- (let ((retval nil))
- (while (and (not retval) bufs)
- (set-buffer (car bufs))
- (if (and (eq gdb-buffer-instance instance)
- (eq gdb-buffer-type key))
- (setq retval (car bufs)))
- (setq bufs (cdr bufs))
- )
- retval))
-(defun gdb-instance-buffer-p (buf)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer buf)
- (and gdb-buffer-type
- (not (eq gdb-buffer-type 'gud)))))
-;; This assoc maps buffer type symbols to rules. Each rule is a list of
-;; at least one and possible more functions. The functions have these
-;; roles in defining a buffer type:
-;; NAME - take an instance, return a name for this type buffer for that
-;; instance.
-;; The remaining function(s) are optional:
-;; MODE - called in new new buffer with no arguments, should establish
-;; the proper mode for the buffer.
-(defvar gdb-instance-buffer-rules-assoc '())
-(defun gdb-set-instance-buffer-rules (buffer-type &rest rules)
- (let ((binding (assoc buffer-type gdb-instance-buffer-rules-assoc)))
- (if binding
- (setcdr binding rules)
- (setq gdb-instance-buffer-rules-assoc
- (cons (cons buffer-type rules)
- gdb-instance-buffer-rules-assoc)))))
-(gdb-set-instance-buffer-rules 'gud 'error) ; gud buffers are an exception to the rules
-;; partial-output buffers
-;; These accumulate output from a command executed on
-;; behalf of emacs (rather than the user).
-(gdb-set-instance-buffer-rules 'gdb-partial-output-buffer
- 'gdb-partial-output-name)
-(defun gdb-partial-output-name (instance)
- (concat "*partial-output-"
- (gdb-instance-target-string instance)
- "*"))
-(gdb-set-instance-buffer-rules 'gdb-inferior-io
- 'gdb-inferior-io-name
- 'gud-inferior-io-mode)
-(defun gdb-inferior-io-name (instance)
- (concat "*input/output of "
- (gdb-instance-target-string instance)
- "*"))
-(defvar gdb-inferior-io-mode-map (copy-keymap comint-mode-map))
-(define-key comint-mode-map "\C-c\C-c" 'gdb-inferior-io-interrupt)
-(define-key comint-mode-map "\C-c\C-z" 'gdb-inferior-io-stop)
-(define-key comint-mode-map "\C-c\C-\\" 'gdb-inferior-io-quit)
-(define-key comint-mode-map "\C-c\C-d" 'gdb-inferior-io-eof)
-(defun gud-inferior-io-mode ()
- "Major mode for gud inferior-io.
- ;; We want to use comint because it has various nifty and familiar
- ;; features. We don't need a process, but comint wants one, so create
- ;; a dummy one.
- (make-comint (substring (buffer-name) 1 (- (length (buffer-name)) 1))
- "/bin/cat")
- (setq major-mode 'gud-inferior-io-mode)
- (setq mode-name "Debuggee I/O")
- (setq comint-input-sender 'gud-inferior-io-sender)
-(defun gud-inferior-io-sender (proc string)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
- (let ((instance gdb-buffer-instance))
- (set-buffer (gdb-get-instance-buffer instance 'gud))
- (let ((gud-proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
- (process-send-string gud-proc string)
- (process-send-string gud-proc "\n")
- ))
- ))
-(defun gdb-inferior-io-interrupt (instance)
- "Interrupt the program being debugged."
- (interactive (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)))
- (interrupt-process
- (get-buffer-process (gdb-get-instance-buffer instance 'gud)) comint-ptyp))
-(defun gdb-inferior-io-quit (instance)
- "Send quit signal to the program being debugged."
- (interactive (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)))
- (quit-process
- (get-buffer-process (gdb-get-instance-buffer instance 'gud)) comint-ptyp))
-(defun gdb-inferior-io-stop (instance)
- "Stop the program being debugged."
- (interactive (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)))
- (stop-process
- (get-buffer-process (gdb-get-instance-buffer instance 'gud)) comint-ptyp))
-(defun gdb-inferior-io-eof (instance)
- "Send end-of-file to the program being debugged."
- (interactive (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)))
- (process-send-eof
- (get-buffer-process (gdb-get-instance-buffer instance 'gud))))
-;; gdb communications
-;; INPUT: things sent to gdb
-;; Each instance has a high and low priority
-;; input queue. Low priority input is sent only
-;; when the high priority queue is idle.
-;; The queues are lists. Each element is either
-;; a string (indicating user or user-like input)
-;; or a list of the form:
-;; The handler function will be called from the
-;; partial-output buffer when the command completes.
-;; This is the way to write commands which
-;; invoke gdb commands autonomously.
-;; These lists are consumed tail first.
-(defun gdb-send (proc string)
- "A comint send filter for gdb.
-This filter may simply queue output for a later time."
- (let ((instance (gdb-proc->instance proc)))
- (gdb-instance-enqueue-input instance (concat string "\n"))))
-;; Note: Stuff enqueued here will be sent to the next prompt, even if it
-;; is a query, or other non-top-level prompt. To guarantee stuff will get
-;; sent to the top-level prompt, currently it must be put in the idle queue.
-;; ^^^^^^^^^
-;; [This should encourage gud extentions that invoke gdb commands to let
-;; the user go first; it is not a bug. -t]
-(defun gdb-instance-enqueue-input (instance item)
- (if (gdb-instance-prompting instance)
- (progn
- (gdb-send-item instance item)
- (set-gdb-instance-prompting instance nil))
- (set-gdb-instance-input-queue
- instance
- (cons item (gdb-instance-input-queue instance)))))
-(defun gdb-instance-dequeue-input (instance)
- (let ((queue (gdb-instance-input-queue instance)))
- (and queue
- (if (not (cdr queue))
- (let ((answer (car queue)))
- (set-gdb-instance-input-queue instance '())
- answer)
- (gdb-take-last-elt queue)))))
-(defun gdb-instance-enqueue-idle-input (instance item)
- (if (and (gdb-instance-prompting instance)
- (not (gdb-instance-input-queue instance)))
- (progn
- (gdb-send-item instance item)
- (set-gdb-instance-prompting instance nil))
- (set-gdb-instance-idle-input-queue
- instance
- (cons item (gdb-instance-idle-input-queue instance)))))
-(defun gdb-instance-dequeue-idle-input (instance)
- (let ((queue (gdb-instance-idle-input-queue instance)))
- (and queue
- (if (not (cdr queue))
- (let ((answer (car queue)))
- (set-gdb-instance-idle-input-queue instance '())
- answer)
- (gdb-take-last-elt queue)))))
-; Don't use this in general.
-(defun gdb-take-last-elt (l)
- (if (cdr (cdr l))
- (gdb-take-last-elt (cdr l))
- (let ((answer (car (cdr l))))
- (setcdr l '())
- answer)))
-;; output -- things gdb prints to emacs
-;; GDB output is a stream interrupted by annotations.
-;; Annotations can be recognized by their beginning
-;; with \C-j\C-z\C-z<tag><opt>\C-j
-;; The tag is a string obeying symbol syntax.
-;; The optional part `<opt>' can be either the empty string
-;; or a space followed by more data relating to the annotation.
-;; For example, the SOURCE annotation is followed by a filename,
-;; line number and various useless goo. This data must not include
-;; any newlines.
-(defun gud-gdb-marker-filter (string)
- "A gud marker filter for gdb."
- ;; Bogons don't tell us the process except through scoping crud.
- (let ((instance (gdb-proc->instance proc)))
- (gdb-output-burst instance string)))
-(defvar gdb-annotation-rules
- '(("frames-invalid" gdb-invalidate-frames)
- ("breakpoints-invalid" gdb-invalidate-breakpoints)
- ("pre-prompt" gdb-pre-prompt)
- ("prompt" gdb-prompt)
- ("commands" gdb-subprompt)
- ("overload-choice" gdb-subprompt)
- ("query" gdb-subprompt)
- ("prompt-for-continue" gdb-subprompt)
- ("post-prompt" gdb-post-prompt)
- ("source" gdb-source)
- ("starting" gdb-starting)
- ("exited" gdb-stopping)
- ("signalled" gdb-stopping)
- ("signal" gdb-stopping)
- ("breakpoint" gdb-stopping)
- ("watchpoint" gdb-stopping)
- ("stopped" gdb-stopped)
- )
- "An assoc mapping annotation tags to functions which process them.")
-(defun gdb-ignore-annotation (instance args)
- nil)
-(defconst gdb-source-spec-regexp
- "\\(.*\\):\\([0-9]*\\):[0-9]*:[a-z]*:0x[a-f0-9]*")
-;; Do not use this except as an annotation handler."
-(defun gdb-source (instance args)
- (string-match gdb-source-spec-regexp args)
- ;; Extract the frame position from the marker.
- (setq gud-last-frame
- (cons
- (substring args (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
- (string-to-int (substring args
- (match-beginning 2)
- (match-end 2))))))
-;; An annotation handler for `prompt'.
-;; This sends the next command (if any) to gdb.
-(defun gdb-prompt (instance ignored)
- (let ((sink (gdb-instance-output-sink instance)))
- (cond
- ((eq sink 'user) t)
- ((eq sink 'post-emacs)
- (set-gdb-instance-output-sink instance 'user))
- (t
- (set-gdb-instance-output-sink instance 'user)
- (error "Phase error in gdb-prompt (got %s)" sink))))
- (let ((highest (gdb-instance-dequeue-input instance)))
- (if highest
- (gdb-send-item instance highest)
- (let ((lowest (gdb-instance-dequeue-idle-input instance)))
- (if lowest
- (gdb-send-item instance lowest)
- (progn
- (set-gdb-instance-prompting instance t)
- (gud-display-frame)))))))
-;; An annotation handler for non-top-level prompts.
-(defun gdb-subprompt (instance ignored)
- (let ((highest (gdb-instance-dequeue-input instance)))
- (if highest
- (gdb-send-item instance highest)
- (set-gdb-instance-prompting instance t))))
-(defun gdb-send-item (instance item)
- (set-gdb-instance-current-item instance item)
- (if (stringp item)
- (progn
- (set-gdb-instance-output-sink instance 'user)
- (process-send-string (gdb-instance-process instance)
- item))
- (progn
- (gdb-clear-partial-output instance)
- (set-gdb-instance-output-sink instance 'pre-emacs)
- (process-send-string (gdb-instance-process instance)
- (car item)))))
-;; An annotation handler for `pre-prompt'.
-;; This terminates the collection of output from a previous
-;; command if that happens to be in effect.
-(defun gdb-pre-prompt (instance ignored)
- (let ((sink (gdb-instance-output-sink instance)))
- (cond
- ((eq sink 'user) t)
- ((eq sink 'emacs)
- (set-gdb-instance-output-sink instance 'post-emacs)
- (let ((handler
- (car (cdr (gdb-instance-current-item instance)))))
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (gdb-get-create-instance-buffer
- instance 'gdb-partial-output-buffer))
- (funcall handler))))
- (t
- (set-gdb-instance-output-sink instance 'user)
- (error "Output sink phase error 1.")))))
-;; An annotation handler for `starting'. This says that I/O for the subprocess
-;; is now the program being debugged, not GDB.
-(defun gdb-starting (instance ignored)
- (let ((sink (gdb-instance-output-sink instance)))
- (cond
- ((eq sink 'user)
- (set-gdb-instance-output-sink instance 'inferior)
- ;; FIXME: need to send queued input
- )
- (t (error "Unexpected `starting' annotation")))))
-;; An annotation handler for `exited' and other annotations which say that
-;; I/O for the subprocess is now GDB, not the program being debugged.
-(defun gdb-stopping (instance ignored)
- (let ((sink (gdb-instance-output-sink instance)))
- (cond
- ((eq sink 'inferior)
- (set-gdb-instance-output-sink instance 'user)
- )
- (t (error "Unexpected stopping annotation")))))
-;; An annotation handler for `stopped'. It is just like gdb-stopping, except
-;; that if we already set the output sink to 'user in gdb-stopping, that is
-;; fine.
-(defun gdb-stopped (instance ignored)
- (let ((sink (gdb-instance-output-sink instance)))
- (cond
- ((eq sink 'inferior)
- (set-gdb-instance-output-sink instance 'user)
- )
- ((eq sink 'user)
- t)
- (t (error "Unexpected stopping annotation")))))
-;; An annotation handler for `post-prompt'.
-;; This begins the collection of output from the current
-;; command if that happens to be appropriate."
-(defun gdb-post-prompt (instance ignored)
- (gdb-invalidate-registers instance ignored)
- (let ((sink (gdb-instance-output-sink instance)))
- (cond
- ((eq sink 'user) t)
- ((eq sink 'pre-emacs)
- (set-gdb-instance-output-sink instance 'emacs))
- (t
- (set-gdb-instance-output-sink instance 'user)
- (error "Output sink phase error 3.")))))
-;; Handle a burst of output from a gdb instance.
-;; This function is (indirectly) used as a gud-marker-filter.
-;; It must return output (if any) to be insterted in the gud
-;; buffer.
-(defun gdb-output-burst (instance string)
- "Handle a burst of output from a gdb instance.
-This function is (indirectly) used as a gud-marker-filter.
-It must return output (if any) to be insterted in the gud
- (save-match-data
- (let (
- ;; Recall the left over burst from last time
- (burst (concat (gdb-instance-burst instance) string))
- ;; Start accumulating output for the gud buffer
- (output ""))
- ;; Process all the complete markers in this chunk.
- (while (string-match "\n\032\032\\(.*\\)\n" burst)
- (let ((annotation (substring burst
- (match-beginning 1)
- (match-end 1))))
- ;; Stuff prior to the match is just ordinary output.
- ;; It is either concatenated to OUTPUT or directed
- ;; elsewhere.
- (setq output
- (gdb-concat-output
- instance
- output
- (substring burst 0 (match-beginning 0))))
- ;; Take that stuff off the burst.
- (setq burst (substring burst (match-end 0)))
- ;; Parse the tag from the annotation, and maybe its arguments.
- (string-match "\\(\\S-*\\) ?\\(.*\\)" annotation)
- (let* ((annotation-type (substring annotation
- (match-beginning 1)
- (match-end 1)))
- (annotation-arguments (substring annotation
- (match-beginning 2)
- (match-end 2)))
- (annotation-rule (assoc annotation-type
- gdb-annotation-rules)))
- ;; Call the handler for this annotation.
- (if annotation-rule
- (funcall (car (cdr annotation-rule))
- instance
- annotation-arguments)
- ;; Else the annotation is not recognized. Ignore it silently,
- ;; so that GDB can add new annotations without causing
- ;; us to blow up.
- ))))
- ;; Does the remaining text end in a partial line?
- ;; If it does, then keep part of the burst until we get more.
- (if (string-match "\n\\'\\|\n\032\\'\\|\n\032\032.*\\'"
- burst)
- (progn
- ;; Everything before the potential marker start can be output.
- (setq output
- (gdb-concat-output
- instance
- output
- (substring burst 0 (match-beginning 0))))
- ;; Everything after, we save, to combine with later input.
- (setq burst (substring burst (match-beginning 0))))
- ;; In case we know the burst contains no partial annotations:
- (progn
- (setq output (gdb-concat-output instance output burst))
- (setq burst "")))
- ;; Save the remaining burst for the next call to this function.
- (set-gdb-instance-burst instance burst)
- output)))
-(defun gdb-concat-output (instance so-far new)
- (let ((sink (gdb-instance-output-sink instance)))
- (cond
- ((eq sink 'user) (concat so-far new))
- ((or (eq sink 'pre-emacs) (eq sink 'post-emacs)) so-far)
- ((eq sink 'emacs)
- (gdb-append-to-partial-output instance new)
- so-far)
- ((eq sink 'inferior)
- (gdb-append-to-inferior-io instance new)
- so-far)
- (t (error "Bogon output sink %S" sink)))))
-(defun gdb-append-to-partial-output (instance string)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer
- (gdb-get-create-instance-buffer
- instance 'gdb-partial-output-buffer))
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (insert string)))
-(defun gdb-clear-partial-output (instance)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer
- (gdb-get-create-instance-buffer
- instance 'gdb-partial-output-buffer))
- (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))))
-(defun gdb-append-to-inferior-io (instance string)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer
- (gdb-get-create-instance-buffer
- instance 'gdb-inferior-io))
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (insert-before-markers string))
- (gud-display-buffer
- (gdb-get-create-instance-buffer instance
- 'gdb-inferior-io)))
-(defun gdb-clear-inferior-io (instance)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer
- (gdb-get-create-instance-buffer
- instance 'gdb-inferior-io))
- (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))))
-;; One trick is to have a command who's output is always available in
-;; a buffer of it's own, and is always up to date. We build several
-;; buffers of this type.
-;; There are two aspects to this: gdb has to tell us when the output
-;; for that command might have changed, and we have to be able to run
-;; the command behind the user's back.
-;; The idle input queue and the output phasing associated with
-;; the instance variable `(gdb-instance-output-sink instance)' help
-;; us to run commands behind the user's back.
-;; Below is the code for specificly managing buffers of output from one
-;; command.
-;; The trigger function is suitable for use in the assoc GDB-ANNOTATION-RULES
-;; It adds an idle input for the command we are tracking. It should be the
-;; annotation rule binding of whatever gdb sends to tell us this command
-;; might have changed it's output.
-;; NAME is the fucntion name. DEMAND-PREDICATE tests if output is really needed.
-;; GDB-COMMAND is a string of such. OUTPUT-HANDLER is the function bound to the
-;; input in the input queue (see comment about ``gdb communications'' above).
-(defmacro def-gdb-auto-update-trigger (name demand-predicate gdb-command output-handler)
- (`
- (defun (, name) (instance &optional ignored)
- (if (and ((, demand-predicate) instance)
- (not (member '(, name)
- (gdb-instance-pending-triggers instance))))
- (progn
- (gdb-instance-enqueue-idle-input
- instance
- (list (, gdb-command) '(, output-handler)))
- (set-gdb-instance-pending-triggers
- instance
- (cons '(, name)
- (gdb-instance-pending-triggers instance))))))))
-(defmacro def-gdb-auto-update-handler (name trigger buf-key)
- (`
- (defun (, name) ()
- (set-gdb-instance-pending-triggers
- instance
- (delq '(, trigger)
- (gdb-instance-pending-triggers instance)))
- (let ((buf (gdb-get-instance-buffer instance
- '(, buf-key))))
- (and buf
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer buf)
- (let ((p (point))
- (buffer-read-only nil))
- (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
- (insert-buffer (gdb-get-create-instance-buffer
- instance
- 'gdb-partial-output-buffer))
- (goto-char p))))))))
-(defmacro def-gdb-auto-updated-buffer
- (buffer-key trigger-name gdb-command output-handler-name)
- (`
- (progn
- (def-gdb-auto-update-trigger (, trigger-name)
- ;; The demand predicate:
- (lambda (instance)
- (gdb-get-instance-buffer instance '(, buffer-key)))
- (, gdb-command)
- (, output-handler-name))
- (def-gdb-auto-update-handler (, output-handler-name)
- (, trigger-name) (, buffer-key)))))
-;; Breakpoint buffers
-;; These display the output of `info breakpoints'.
-(gdb-set-instance-buffer-rules 'gdb-breakpoints-buffer
- 'gdb-breakpoints-buffer-name
- 'gud-breakpoints-mode)
-(def-gdb-auto-updated-buffer gdb-breakpoints-buffer
- ;; This defines the auto update rule for buffers of type
- ;; `gdb-breakpoints-buffer'.
- ;;
- ;; It defines a function to serve as the annotation handler that
- ;; handles the `foo-invalidated' message. That function is called:
- gdb-invalidate-breakpoints
- ;; To update the buffer, this command is sent to gdb.
- "server info breakpoints\n"
- ;; This also defines a function to be the handler for the output
- ;; from the command above. That function will copy the output into
- ;; the appropriately typed buffer. That function will be called:
- gdb-info-breakpoints-handler)
-(defun gdb-breakpoints-buffer-name (instance)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (process-buffer (gdb-instance-process instance)))
- (concat "*breakpoints of " (gdb-instance-target-string instance) "*")))
-(defun gud-display-breakpoints-buffer (instance)
- (interactive (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)))
- (gud-display-buffer
- (gdb-get-create-instance-buffer instance
- 'gdb-breakpoints-buffer)))
-(defun gud-frame-breakpoints-buffer (instance)
- (interactive (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)))
- (gud-frame-buffer
- (gdb-get-create-instance-buffer instance
- 'gdb-breakpoints-buffer)))
-(defvar gud-breakpoints-mode-map nil)
-(setq gud-breakpoints-mode-map (make-keymap))
-(suppress-keymap gud-breakpoints-mode-map)
-(define-key gud-breakpoints-mode-map " " 'gud-toggle-bp-this-line)
-(define-key gud-breakpoints-mode-map "d" 'gud-delete-bp-this-line)
-(defun gud-breakpoints-mode ()
- "Major mode for gud breakpoints.
- (setq major-mode 'gud-breakpoints-mode)
- (setq mode-name "Breakpoints")
- (use-local-map gud-breakpoints-mode-map)
- (setq buffer-read-only t)
- (gdb-invalidate-breakpoints gdb-buffer-instance))
-(defun gud-toggle-bp-this-line ()
- (interactive)
- (save-excursion
- (beginning-of-line 1)
- (if (not (looking-at "\\([0-9]*\\)\\s-*\\S-*\\s-*\\S-*\\s-*\\(.\\)"))
- (error "Not recognized as breakpoint line (demo foo).")
- (gdb-instance-enqueue-idle-input
- gdb-buffer-instance
- (list
- (concat
- (if (eq ?y (char-after (match-beginning 2)))
- "server disable "
- "server enable ")
- (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0)
- (match-end 1))
- "\n")
- '(lambda () nil)))
- )))
-(defun gud-delete-bp-this-line ()
- (interactive)
- (save-excursion
- (beginning-of-line 1)
- (if (not (looking-at "\\([0-9]*\\)\\s-*\\S-*\\s-*\\S-*\\s-*\\(.\\)"))
- (error "Not recognized as breakpoint line (demo foo).")
- (gdb-instance-enqueue-idle-input
- gdb-buffer-instance
- (list
- (concat
- "server delete "
- (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0)
- (match-end 1))
- "\n")
- '(lambda () nil)))
- )))
-;; Frames buffers. These display a perpetually correct bactracktrace
-;; (from the command `where').
-;; Alas, if your stack is deep, they are costly.
-(gdb-set-instance-buffer-rules 'gdb-stack-buffer
- 'gdb-stack-buffer-name
- 'gud-frames-mode)
-(def-gdb-auto-updated-buffer gdb-stack-buffer
- gdb-invalidate-frames
- "server where\n"
- gdb-info-frames-handler)
-(defun gdb-stack-buffer-name (instance)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (process-buffer (gdb-instance-process instance)))
- (concat "*stack frames of "
- (gdb-instance-target-string instance) "*")))
-(defun gud-display-stack-buffer (instance)
- (interactive (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)))
- (gud-display-buffer
- (gdb-get-create-instance-buffer instance
- 'gdb-stack-buffer)))
-(defun gud-frame-stack-buffer (instance)
- (interactive (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)))
- (gud-frame-buffer
- (gdb-get-create-instance-buffer instance
- 'gdb-stack-buffer)))
-(defvar gud-frames-mode-map nil)
-(setq gud-frames-mode-map (make-keymap))
-(suppress-keymap gud-frames-mode-map)
-(define-key gud-frames-mode-map [mouse-2]
- 'gud-frames-select-by-mouse)
-(defun gud-frames-mode ()
- "Major mode for gud frames.
- (setq major-mode 'gud-frames-mode)
- (setq mode-name "Frames")
- (setq buffer-read-only t)
- (use-local-map gud-frames-mode-map)
- (gdb-invalidate-frames gdb-buffer-instance))
-(defun gud-get-frame-number ()
- (save-excursion
- (let* ((pos (re-search-backward "^#\\([0-9]*\\)" nil t))
- (n (or (and pos
- (string-to-int
- (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
- (match-end 1))))
- 0)))
- n)))
-(defun gud-frames-select-by-mouse (e)
- (interactive "e")
- (let (selection)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-end e))))
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (posn-point (event-end e)))
- (setq selection (gud-get-frame-number))))
- (select-window (posn-window (event-end e)))
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (gdb-get-instance-buffer (gdb-needed-default-instance) 'gud))
- (gud-call "fr %p" selection)
- (gud-display-frame))))
-;; Registers buffers
-(def-gdb-auto-updated-buffer gdb-registers-buffer
- gdb-invalidate-registers
- "server info registers\n"
- gdb-info-registers-handler)
-(gdb-set-instance-buffer-rules 'gdb-registers-buffer
- 'gdb-registers-buffer-name
- 'gud-registers-mode)
-(defvar gud-registers-mode-map nil)
-(setq gud-registers-mode-map (make-keymap))
-(suppress-keymap gud-registers-mode-map)
-(defun gud-registers-mode ()
- "Major mode for gud registers.
- (setq major-mode 'gud-registers-mode)
- (setq mode-name "Registers")
- (setq buffer-read-only t)
- (use-local-map gud-registers-mode-map)
- (gdb-invalidate-registers gdb-buffer-instance))
-(defun gdb-registers-buffer-name (instance)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (process-buffer (gdb-instance-process instance)))
- (concat "*registers of " (gdb-instance-target-string instance) "*")))
-(defun gud-display-registers-buffer (instance)
- (interactive (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)))
- (gud-display-buffer
- (gdb-get-create-instance-buffer instance
- 'gdb-registers-buffer)))
-(defun gud-frame-registers-buffer (instance)
- (interactive (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)))
- (gud-frame-buffer
- (gdb-get-create-instance-buffer instance
- 'gdb-registers-buffer)))
-;;;; Menu windows:
-;; MENU-LIST is ((option option option...) (option option ...)...)
-(defun gud-display-menu (menu-list)
- (setq fill-column (min 120 (- (window-width)
- (min 8 (window-width)))))
- (while menu-list
- (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (insert (symbol-name x) " "))) (car menu-list))
- (fill-paragraph nil)
- (insert "\n\n")
- (setq menu-list (cdr menu-list)))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward "\\([^ \n]+\\)\\(\n\\| \\)" nil t)
- (put-text-property (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)
- 'mouse-face 'highlight))
- (goto-char (point-min)))
-(defun gud-goto-menu (menu)
- (setq gud-menu-position menu)
- (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
- (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
- (gud-display-menu menu)))
-(defun gud-menu-pick (event)
- "Choose an item from a gdb command menu."
- (interactive "e")
- (let (choice)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-start event))))
- (goto-char (posn-point (event-start event)))
- (let (beg end)
- (skip-chars-forward "^ \t\n")
- (setq end (point))
- (skip-chars-backward "^ \t\n")
- (setq beg (point))
- (setq choice (buffer-substring beg end))
- (message choice)
- (gud-invoke-menu (intern choice))))))
-(defun gud-invoke-menu (symbol)
- (let ((meaning (assoc symbol gud-menu-rules)))
- (cond
- ((and (consp meaning)
- (consp (car (cdr meaning))))
- (gud-goto-menu (car (cdr meaning))))
- (meaning (call-interactively (car (cdr meaning)))))))
-(gdb-set-instance-buffer-rules 'gdb-command-buffer
- 'gdb-command-buffer-name
- 'gud-command-mode)
-(defvar gud-command-mode-map nil)
-(setq gud-command-mode-map (make-keymap))
-(suppress-keymap gud-command-mode-map)
-(define-key gud-command-mode-map [mouse-2] 'gud-menu-pick)
-(defun gud-command-mode ()
- "Major mode for gud menu.
-\\{gud-command-mode-map}" (interactive) (setq major-mode 'gud-command-mode)
- (setq mode-name "Menu") (setq buffer-read-only t) (use-local-map
- gud-command-mode-map) (make-variable-buffer-local 'gud-menu-position)
- (if (not gud-menu-position) (gud-goto-menu gud-running-menu)))
-(defun gdb-command-buffer-name (instance)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (process-buffer (gdb-instance-process instance)))
- (concat "*menu of " (gdb-instance-target-string instance) "*")))
-(defun gud-display-command-buffer (instance)
- (interactive (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)))
- (gud-display-buffer
- (gdb-get-create-instance-buffer instance
- 'gdb-command-buffer)
- 6))
-(defun gud-frame-command-buffer (instance)
- (interactive (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)))
- (gud-frame-buffer
- (gdb-get-create-instance-buffer instance
- 'gdb-command-buffer)))
-(defvar gud-selected-menu-titles ())
-(setq gud-selected-menu-titles
-(setq gud-running-menu
- (list
- '(RUNNING stack breakpoints files)
- '(target run next step continue finish stepi kill help-running)))
-(setq gud-stack-menu
- (list
- '(running STACK breakpoints files)
- '(up down frame backtrace return help-stack)))
-(setq gud-data-menu
- (list
- '(running stack DATA breakpoints files)
- '(whatis ptype print set display undisplay disassemble help-data)))
-(setq gud-breakpoints-menu
- (list
- '(running stack BREAKPOINTS files)
- '(awatch rwatch watch break delete enable disable condition ignore help-breakpoints)))
-(setq gud-files-menu
- (list
- '(running stack breakpoints FILES)
- '(file core-file help-files)
- '(exec-file load symbol-file add-symbol-file sharedlibrary)))
-(setq gud-menu-rules
- (list
- (list 'running gud-running-menu)
- (list 'RUNNING gud-running-menu)
- (list 'stack gud-stack-menu)
- (list 'STACK gud-stack-menu)
- (list 'data gud-data-menu)
- (list 'DATA gud-data-menu)
- (list 'breakpoints gud-breakpoints-menu)
- (list 'BREAKPOINTS gud-breakpoints-menu)
- (list 'files gud-files-menu)
- (list 'FILES gud-files-menu)
- (list 'target 'gud-target)
- (list 'kill 'gud-kill)
- (list 'stepi 'gud-stepi)
- (list 'step 'gud-step)
- (list 'next 'gud-next)
- (list 'finish 'gud-finish)
- (list 'continue 'gud-cont)
- (list 'run 'gud-run)
- (list 'backtrace 'gud-backtrace)
- (list 'frame 'gud-frame)
- (list 'down 'gud-down)
- (list 'up 'gud-up)
- (list 'return 'gud-return)
- (list 'file 'gud-file)
- (list 'core-file 'gud-core-file)
- (list 'cd 'gud-cd)
- (list 'exec-file 'gud-exec-file)
- (list 'load 'gud-load)
- (list 'symbol-file 'gud-symbol-file)
- (list 'add-symbol-file 'gud-add-symbol-file)
- (list 'sharedlibrary 'gud-sharedlibrary)
- ))
-(defun gdb-call-showing-gud (instance command)
- (gud-display-gud-buffer instance)
- (comint-input-sender (gdb-instance-process instance) command))
-(defvar gud-target-history ())
-(defun gud-temp-buffer-show (buf)
- (let ((ow (selected-window)))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (pop-to-buffer buf)
- ;; This insertion works around a bug in emacs.
- ;; The bug is that all the empty space after a
- ;; highlighted word that terminates a buffer
- ;; gets highlighted. That's really ugly, so
- ;; make sure a highlighted word can't ever
- ;; terminate the buffer.
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (insert "\n")
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (if (< (window-height) 10)
- (enlarge-window (- 10 (window-height)))))
- (select-window ow))))
-(defun gud-target (instance command)
- (interactive
- (let* ((instance (gdb-needed-default-instance))
- (temp-buffer-show-function (function gud-temp-buffer-show))
- (target-name (completing-read (format "Target type: ")
- '(("remote")
- ("core")
- ("child")
- ("exec"))
- nil
- t
- nil
- 'gud-target-history)))
- (list instance
- (cond
- ((equal target-name "child") "run")
- ((equal target-name "core")
- (concat "target core "
- (read-file-name "core file: "
- nil
- "core"
- t)))
- ((equal target-name "exec")
- (concat "target exec "
- (read-file-name "exec file: "
- nil
- "a.out"
- t)))
- ((equal target-name "remote")
- (concat "target remote "
- (read-file-name "serial line for remote: "
- "/dev/"
- "ttya"
- t)))
- (t "echo No such target command!")))))
- (gud-display-gud-buffer instance)
- (apply comint-input-sender
- (list (gdb-instance-process instance) command)))
-(defun gud-backtrace ()
- (interactive)
- (let ((instance (gdb-needed-default-instance)))
- (gud-display-gud-buffer instance)
- (apply comint-input-sender
- (list (gdb-instance-process instance)
- "backtrace"))))
-(defun gud-frame ()
- (interactive)
- (let ((instance (gdb-needed-default-instance)))
- (apply comint-input-sender
- (list (gdb-instance-process instance)
- "frame"))))
-(defun gud-return (instance command)
- (interactive
- (let ((temp-buffer-show-function (function gud-temp-buffer-show)))
- (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)
- (concat "return " (read-string "Expression to return: ")))))
- (gud-display-gud-buffer instance)
- (apply comint-input-sender
- (list (gdb-instance-process instance) command)))
-(defun gud-file (instance command)
- (interactive
- (let ((temp-buffer-show-function (function gud-temp-buffer-show)))
- (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)
- (concat "file " (read-file-name "Executable to debug: "
- nil
- "a.out"
- t)))))
- (gud-display-gud-buffer instance)
- (apply comint-input-sender
- (list (gdb-instance-process instance) command)))
-(defun gud-core-file (instance command)
- (interactive
- (let ((temp-buffer-show-function (function gud-temp-buffer-show)))
- (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)
- (concat "core " (read-file-name "Core file to debug: "
- nil
- "core-file"
- t)))))
- (gud-display-gud-buffer instance)
- (apply comint-input-sender
- (list (gdb-instance-process instance) command)))
-(defun gud-cd (dir)
- (interactive "FChange GDB's default directory: ")
- (let ((instance (gdb-needed-default-instance)))
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (gdb-get-instance-buffer instance 'gud))
- (cd dir))
- (gud-display-gud-buffer instance)
- (apply comint-input-sender
- (list (gdb-instance-process instance)
- (concat "cd " dir)))))
-(defun gud-exec-file (instance command)
- (interactive
- (let ((temp-buffer-show-function (function gud-temp-buffer-show)))
- (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)
- (concat "exec-file " (read-file-name "Init memory from executable: "
- nil
- "a.out"
- t)))))
- (gud-display-gud-buffer instance)
- (apply comint-input-sender
- (list (gdb-instance-process instance) command)))
-(defun gud-load (instance command)
- (interactive
- (let ((temp-buffer-show-function (function gud-temp-buffer-show)))
- (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)
- (concat "load " (read-file-name "Dynamicly load from file: "
- nil
- "a.out"
- t)))))
- (gud-display-gud-buffer instance)
- (apply comint-input-sender
- (list (gdb-instance-process instance) command)))
-(defun gud-symbol-file (instance command)
- (interactive
- (let ((temp-buffer-show-function (function gud-temp-buffer-show)))
- (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)
- (concat "symbol-file " (read-file-name "Read symbol table from file: "
- nil
- "a.out"
- t)))))
- (gud-display-gud-buffer instance)
- (apply comint-input-sender
- (list (gdb-instance-process instance) command)))
-(defun gud-add-symbol-file (instance command)
- (interactive
- (let ((temp-buffer-show-function (function gud-temp-buffer-show)))
- (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)
- (concat "add-symbol-file "
- (read-file-name "Add symbols from file: "
- nil
- "a.out"
- t)))))
- (gud-display-gud-buffer instance)
- (apply comint-input-sender
- (list (gdb-instance-process instance) command)))
-(defun gud-sharedlibrary (instance command)
- (interactive
- (let ((temp-buffer-show-function (function gud-temp-buffer-show)))
- (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)
- (concat "sharedlibrary "
- (read-string "Load symbols for files matching regexp: ")))))
- (gud-display-gud-buffer instance)
- (apply comint-input-sender
- (list (gdb-instance-process instance) command)))
-;;;; Window management
-;;; FIXME: This should only return true for buffers in the current instance
-(defun gud-protected-buffer-p (buffer)
- "Is BUFFER a buffer which we want to leave displayed?"
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer buffer)
- (or gdb-buffer-type
- overlay-arrow-position)))
-;;; The way we abuse the dedicated-p flag is pretty gross, but seems
-;;; to do the right thing. Seeing as there is no way for Lisp code to
-;;; get at the use_time field of a window, I'm not sure there exists a
-;;; more elegant solution without writing C code.
-(defun gud-display-buffer (buf &optional size)
- (let ((must-split nil)
- (answer nil))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (walk-windows
- '(lambda (win)
- (if (gud-protected-buffer-p (window-buffer win))
- (set-window-dedicated-p win t))))
- (setq answer (get-buffer-window buf))
- (if (not answer)
- (let ((window (get-lru-window)))
- (if window
- (progn
- (set-window-buffer window buf)
- (setq answer window))
- (setq must-split t)))))
- (walk-windows
- '(lambda (win)
- (if (gud-protected-buffer-p (window-buffer win))
- (set-window-dedicated-p win nil)))))
- (if must-split
- (let* ((largest (get-largest-window))
- (cur-size (window-height largest))
- (new-size (and size (< size cur-size) (- cur-size size))))
- (setq answer (split-window largest new-size))
- (set-window-buffer answer buf)))
- answer))
-(defun existing-source-window (buffer)
- (catch 'found
- (save-excursion
- (walk-windows
- (function
- (lambda (win)
- (if (and overlay-arrow-position
- (eq (window-buffer win)
- (marker-buffer overlay-arrow-position)))
- (progn
- (set-window-buffer win buffer)
- (throw 'found win))))))
- nil)))
-(defun gud-display-source-buffer (buffer)
- (or (existing-source-window buffer)
- (gud-display-buffer buffer)))
-(defun gud-frame-buffer (buf)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer buf)
- (make-frame)))
-;;; Shared keymap initialization:
-(defun make-windows-menu (map)
- (define-key map [menu-bar displays]
- (cons "GDB-Windows" (make-sparse-keymap "GDB-Windows")))
- (define-key map [menu-bar displays gdb]
- '("Gdb" . gud-display-gud-buffer))
- (define-key map [menu-bar displays registers]
- '("Registers" . gud-display-registers-buffer))
- (define-key map [menu-bar displays frames]
- '("Stack" . gud-display-stack-buffer))
- (define-key map [menu-bar displays breakpoints]
- '("Breakpoints" . gud-display-breakpoints-buffer))
- (define-key map [menu-bar displays commands]
- '("Commands" . gud-display-command-buffer)))
-(defun gud-display-gud-buffer (instance)
- (interactive (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)))
- (gud-display-buffer
- (gdb-get-create-instance-buffer instance 'gud)))
-(make-windows-menu gud-breakpoints-mode-map)
-(make-windows-menu gud-frames-mode-map)
-(make-windows-menu gud-registers-mode-map)
-(defun make-frames-menu (map)
- (define-key map [menu-bar frames]
- (cons "GDB-Frames" (make-sparse-keymap "GDB-Frames")))
- (define-key map [menu-bar frames gdb]
- '("Gdb" . gud-frame-gud-buffer))
- (define-key map [menu-bar frames registers]
- '("Registers" . gud-frame-registers-buffer))
- (define-key map [menu-bar frames frames]
- '("Stack" . gud-frame-stack-buffer))
- (define-key map [menu-bar frames breakpoints]
- '("Breakpoints" . gud-frame-breakpoints-buffer))
- (define-key map [menu-bar displays commands]
- '("Commands" . gud-display-command-buffer)))
-(defun gud-frame-gud-buffer (instance)
- (interactive (list (gdb-needed-default-instance)))
- (gud-frame-buffer
- (gdb-get-create-instance-buffer instance 'gud)))
-(make-frames-menu gud-breakpoints-mode-map)
-(make-frames-menu gud-frames-mode-map)
-(make-frames-menu gud-registers-mode-map)
-(defun gud-gdb-find-file (f)
- (find-file-noselect f))
-(defun gdb (command-line)
- "Run gdb on program FILE in buffer *gud-FILE*.
-The directory containing FILE becomes the initial working directory
-and source-file directory for your debugger."
- (interactive
- (list (read-from-minibuffer "Run gdb (like this): "
- (if (consp gud-gdb-history)
- (car gud-gdb-history)
- "gdb ")
- nil nil
- '(gud-gdb-history . 1))))
- (gud-overload-functions
- '((gud-massage-args . gud-gdb-massage-args)
- (gud-marker-filter . gud-gdb-marker-filter)
- (gud-find-file . gud-gdb-find-file)
- ))
- (let* ((words (gud-chop-words command-line))
- (program (car words))
- (file-word (let ((w (cdr words)))
- (while (and w (= ?- (aref (car w) 0)))
- (setq w (cdr w)))
- (car w)))
- (args (delq file-word (cdr words)))
- (file (expand-file-name file-word))
- (filepart (file-name-nondirectory file))
- (buffer-name (concat "*gud-" filepart "*")))
- (setq gdb-first-time (not (get-buffer-process buffer-name))))
- (gud-common-init command-line)
- (gud-def gud-break "break %f:%l" "\C-b" "Set breakpoint at current line.")
- (gud-def gud-tbreak "tbreak %f:%l" "\C-t" "Set breakpoint at current line.")
- (gud-def gud-remove "clear %l" "\C-d" "Remove breakpoint at current line")
- (gud-def gud-kill "kill" nil "Kill the program.")
- (gud-def gud-run "run" nil "Run the program.")
- (gud-def gud-stepi "stepi %p" "\C-i" "Step one instruction with display.")
- (gud-def gud-step "step %p" "\C-s" "Step one source line with display.")
- (gud-def gud-next "next %p" "\C-n" "Step one line (skip functions).")
- (gud-def gud-finish "finish" "\C-f" "Finish executing current function.")
- (gud-def gud-cont "cont" "\C-r" "Continue with display.")
- (gud-def gud-up "up %p" "<" "Up N stack frames (numeric arg).")
- (gud-def gud-down "down %p" ">" "Down N stack frames (numeric arg).")
- (gud-def gud-print "print %e" "\C-p" "Evaluate C expression at point.")
- (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^(.*gdb[+]?) *")
- (setq comint-input-sender 'gdb-send)
- (run-hooks 'gdb-mode-hook)
- (let ((instance
- (make-gdb-instance (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
- ))
- (if gdb-first-time (gdb-clear-inferior-io instance)))
- )
-;; ======================================================================
-;; sdb functions
-;;; History of argument lists passed to sdb.
-(defvar gud-sdb-history nil)
-(defvar gud-sdb-needs-tags (not (file-exists-p "/var"))
- "If nil, we're on a System V Release 4 and don't need the tags hack.")
-(defvar gud-sdb-lastfile nil)
-(defun gud-sdb-massage-args (file args)
- (cons file args))
-(defun gud-sdb-marker-filter (string)
- (cond
- ;; System V Release 3.2 uses this format
- ((string-match "\\(^0x\\w* in \\|^\\|\n\\)\\([^:\n]*\\):\\([0-9]*\\):.*\n"
- string)
- (setq gud-last-frame
- (cons
- (substring string (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
- (string-to-int
- (substring string (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3))))))
- ;; System V Release 4.0
- ((string-match "^\\(BREAKPOINT\\|STEPPED\\) process [0-9]+ function [^ ]+ in \\(.+\\)\n"
- string)
- (setq gud-sdb-lastfile
- (substring string (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))))
- ((and gud-sdb-lastfile (string-match "^\\([0-9]+\\):" string))
- (setq gud-last-frame
- (cons
- gud-sdb-lastfile
- (string-to-int
- (substring string (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))))
- (t
- (setq gud-sdb-lastfile nil)))
- string)
-(defun gud-sdb-find-file (f)
- (if gud-sdb-needs-tags
- (find-tag-noselect f)
- (find-file-noselect f)))
-(defun sdb (command-line)
- "Run sdb on program FILE in buffer *gud-FILE*.
-The directory containing FILE becomes the initial working directory
-and source-file directory for your debugger."
- (interactive
- (list (read-from-minibuffer "Run sdb (like this): "
- (if (consp gud-sdb-history)
- (car gud-sdb-history)
- "sdb ")
- nil nil
- '(gud-sdb-history . 1))))
- (if (and gud-sdb-needs-tags
- (not (and (boundp 'tags-file-name) (file-exists-p tags-file-name))))
- (error "The sdb support requires a valid tags table to work."))
- (gud-overload-functions '((gud-massage-args . gud-sdb-massage-args)
- (gud-marker-filter . gud-sdb-marker-filter)
- (gud-find-file . gud-sdb-find-file)
- ))
- (gud-common-init command-line)
- (gud-def gud-break "%l b" "\C-b" "Set breakpoint at current line.")
- (gud-def gud-tbreak "%l c" "\C-t" "Set temporary breakpoint at current line.")
- (gud-def gud-remove "%l d" "\C-d" "Remove breakpoint at current line")
- (gud-def gud-step "s %p" "\C-s" "Step one source line with display.")
- (gud-def gud-stepi "i %p" "\C-i" "Step one instruction with display.")
- (gud-def gud-next "S %p" "\C-n" "Step one line (skip functions).")
- (gud-def gud-cont "c" "\C-r" "Continue with display.")
- (gud-def gud-print "%e/" "\C-p" "Evaluate C expression at point.")
- (setq comint-prompt-regexp "\\(^\\|\n\\)\\*")
- (run-hooks 'sdb-mode-hook)
- )
-;; ======================================================================
-;; dbx functions
-;;; History of argument lists passed to dbx.
-(defvar gud-dbx-history nil)
-(defun gud-dbx-massage-args (file args)
- (cons file args))
-(defun gud-dbx-marker-filter (string)
- (if (or (string-match
- "stopped in .* at line \\([0-9]*\\) in file \"\\([^\"]*\\)\""
- string)
- (string-match
- "signal .* in .* at line \\([0-9]*\\) in file \"\\([^\"]*\\)\""
- string))
- (setq gud-last-frame
- (cons
- (substring string (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
- (string-to-int
- (substring string (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))))
- string)
-(defun gud-dbx-find-file (f)
- (find-file-noselect f))
-(defun dbx (command-line)
- "Run dbx on program FILE in buffer *gud-FILE*.
-The directory containing FILE becomes the initial working directory
-and source-file directory for your debugger."
- (interactive
- (list (read-from-minibuffer "Run dbx (like this): "
- (if (consp gud-dbx-history)
- (car gud-dbx-history)
- "dbx ")
- nil nil
- '(gud-dbx-history . 1))))
- (gud-overload-functions '((gud-massage-args . gud-dbx-massage-args)
- (gud-marker-filter . gud-dbx-marker-filter)
- (gud-find-file . gud-dbx-find-file)
- ))
- (gud-common-init command-line)
- (gud-def gud-break "file \"%d%f\"\nstop at %l"
- "\C-b" "Set breakpoint at current line.")
-;; (gud-def gud-break "stop at \"%f\":%l"
-;; "\C-b" "Set breakpoint at current line.")
- (gud-def gud-remove "clear %l" "\C-d" "Remove breakpoint at current line")
- (gud-def gud-step "step %p" "\C-s" "Step one line with display.")
- (gud-def gud-stepi "stepi %p" "\C-i" "Step one instruction with display.")
- (gud-def gud-next "next %p" "\C-n" "Step one line (skip functions).")
- (gud-def gud-cont "cont" "\C-r" "Continue with display.")
- (gud-def gud-up "up %p" "<" "Up (numeric arg) stack frames.")
- (gud-def gud-down "down %p" ">" "Down (numeric arg) stack frames.")
- (gud-def gud-print "print %e" "\C-p" "Evaluate C expression at point.")
- (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^[^)]*dbx) *")
- (run-hooks 'dbx-mode-hook)
- )
-;; ======================================================================
-;; xdb (HP PARISC debugger) functions
-;;; History of argument lists passed to xdb.
-(defvar gud-xdb-history nil)
-(defvar gud-xdb-directories nil
- "*A list of directories that xdb should search for source code.
-If nil, only source files in the program directory
-will be known to xdb.
-The file names should be absolute, or relative to the directory
-containing the executable being debugged.")
-(defun gud-xdb-massage-args (file args)
- (nconc (let ((directories gud-xdb-directories)
- (result nil))
- (while directories
- (setq result (cons (car directories) (cons "-d" result)))
- (setq directories (cdr directories)))
- (nreverse (cons file result)))
- args))
-(defun gud-xdb-file-name (f)
- "Transform a relative pathname to a full pathname in xdb mode"
- (let ((result nil))
- (if (file-exists-p f)
- (setq result (expand-file-name f))
- (let ((directories gud-xdb-directories))
- (while directories
- (let ((path (concat (car directories) "/" f)))
- (if (file-exists-p path)
- (setq result (expand-file-name path)
- directories nil)))
- (setq directories (cdr directories)))))
- result))
-;; xdb does not print the lines all at once, so we have to accumulate them
-(defvar gud-xdb-accumulation "")
-(defun gud-xdb-marker-filter (string)
- (let (result)
- (if (or (string-match comint-prompt-regexp string)
- (string-match ".*\012" string))
- (setq result (concat gud-xdb-accumulation string)
- gud-xdb-accumulation "")
- (setq gud-xdb-accumulation (concat gud-xdb-accumulation string)))
- (if result
- (if (or (string-match "\\([^\n \t:]+\\): [^:]+: \\([0-9]+\\):" result)
- (string-match "[^: \t]+:[ \t]+\\([^:]+\\): [^:]+: \\([0-9]+\\):"
- result))
- (let ((line (string-to-int
- (substring result (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))))
- (file (gud-xdb-file-name
- (substring result (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))))
- (if file
- (setq gud-last-frame (cons file line))))))
- (or result "")))
-(defun gud-xdb-find-file (f)
- (let ((realf (gud-xdb-file-name f)))
- (if realf (find-file-noselect realf))))
-(defun xdb (command-line)
- "Run xdb on program FILE in buffer *gud-FILE*.
-The directory containing FILE becomes the initial working directory
-and source-file directory for your debugger.
-You can set the variable 'gud-xdb-directories' to a list of program source
-directories if your program contains sources from more than one directory."
- (interactive
- (list (read-from-minibuffer "Run xdb (like this): "
- (if (consp gud-xdb-history)
- (car gud-xdb-history)
- "xdb ")
- nil nil
- '(gud-xdb-history . 1))))
- (gud-overload-functions '((gud-massage-args . gud-xdb-massage-args)
- (gud-marker-filter . gud-xdb-marker-filter)
- (gud-find-file . gud-xdb-find-file)))
- (gud-common-init command-line)
- (gud-def gud-break "b %f:%l" "\C-b" "Set breakpoint at current line.")
- (gud-def gud-tbreak "b %f:%l\\t" "\C-t"
- "Set temporary breakpoint at current line.")
- (gud-def gud-remove "db" "\C-d" "Remove breakpoint at current line")
- (gud-def gud-step "s %p" "\C-s" "Step one line with display.")
- (gud-def gud-next "S %p" "\C-n" "Step one line (skip functions).")
- (gud-def gud-cont "c" "\C-r" "Continue with display.")
- (gud-def gud-up "up %p" "<" "Up (numeric arg) stack frames.")
- (gud-def gud-down "down %p" ">" "Down (numeric arg) stack frames.")
- (gud-def gud-finish "bu\\t" "\C-f" "Finish executing current function.")
- (gud-def gud-print "p %e" "\C-p" "Evaluate C expression at point.")
- (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^>")
- (make-local-variable 'gud-xdb-accumulation)
- (setq gud-xdb-accumulation "")
- (run-hooks 'xdb-mode-hook))
-;; ======================================================================
-;; perldb functions
-;;; History of argument lists passed to perldb.
-(defvar gud-perldb-history nil)
-(defun gud-perldb-massage-args (file args)
- (cons "-d" (cons file (cons "-emacs" args))))
-;; There's no guarantee that Emacs will hand the filter the entire
-;; marker at once; it could be broken up across several strings. We
-;; might even receive a big chunk with several markers in it. If we
-;; receive a chunk of text which looks like it might contain the
-;; beginning of a marker, we save it here between calls to the
-;; filter.
-(defvar gud-perldb-marker-acc "")
-(defun gud-perldb-marker-filter (string)
- (save-match-data
- (setq gud-perldb-marker-acc (concat gud-perldb-marker-acc string))
- (let ((output ""))
- ;; Process all the complete markers in this chunk.
- (while (string-match "^\032\032\\([^:\n]*\\):\\([0-9]*\\):.*\n"
- gud-perldb-marker-acc)
- (setq
- ;; Extract the frame position from the marker.
- gud-last-frame
- (cons (substring gud-perldb-marker-acc (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
- (string-to-int (substring gud-perldb-marker-acc
- (match-beginning 2)
- (match-end 2))))
- ;; Append any text before the marker to the output we're going
- ;; to return - we don't include the marker in this text.
- output (concat output
- (substring gud-perldb-marker-acc 0 (match-beginning 0)))
- ;; Set the accumulator to the remaining text.
- gud-perldb-marker-acc (substring gud-perldb-marker-acc (match-end 0))))
- ;; Does the remaining text look like it might end with the
- ;; beginning of another marker? If it does, then keep it in
- ;; gud-perldb-marker-acc until we receive the rest of it. Since we
- ;; know the full marker regexp above failed, it's pretty simple to
- ;; test for marker starts.
- (if (string-match "^\032.*\\'" gud-perldb-marker-acc)
- (progn
- ;; Everything before the potential marker start can be output.
- (setq output (concat output (substring gud-perldb-marker-acc
- 0 (match-beginning 0))))
- ;; Everything after, we save, to combine with later input.
- (setq gud-perldb-marker-acc
- (substring gud-perldb-marker-acc (match-beginning 0))))
- (setq output (concat output gud-perldb-marker-acc)
- gud-perldb-marker-acc ""))
- output)))
-(defun gud-perldb-find-file (f)
- (find-file-noselect f))
-(defun perldb (command-line)
- "Run perldb on program FILE in buffer *gud-FILE*.
-The directory containing FILE becomes the initial working directory
-and source-file directory for your debugger."
- (interactive
- (list (read-from-minibuffer "Run perldb (like this): "
- (if (consp gud-perldb-history)
- (car gud-perldb-history)
- "perl ")
- nil nil
- '(gud-perldb-history . 1))))
- (gud-overload-functions '((gud-massage-args . gud-perldb-massage-args)
- (gud-marker-filter . gud-perldb-marker-filter)
- (gud-find-file . gud-perldb-find-file)
- ))
- (gud-common-init command-line)
- (gud-def gud-break "b %l" "\C-b" "Set breakpoint at current line.")
- (gud-def gud-remove "d %l" "\C-d" "Remove breakpoint at current line")
- (gud-def gud-step "s" "\C-s" "Step one source line with display.")
- (gud-def gud-next "n" "\C-n" "Step one line (skip functions).")
- (gud-def gud-cont "c" "\C-r" "Continue with display.")
-; (gud-def gud-finish "finish" "\C-f" "Finish executing current function.")
-; (gud-def gud-up "up %p" "<" "Up N stack frames (numeric arg).")
-; (gud-def gud-down "down %p" ">" "Down N stack frames (numeric arg).")
- (gud-def gud-print "%e" "\C-p" "Evaluate perl expression at point.")
- (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^ DB<[0-9]+> ")
- (run-hooks 'perldb-mode-hook)
- )
-;; End of debugger-specific information
-;;; When we send a command to the debugger via gud-call, it's annoying
-;;; to see the command and the new prompt inserted into the debugger's
-;;; buffer; we have other ways of knowing the command has completed.
-;;; If the buffer looks like this:
-;;; --------------------
-;;; (gdb) set args foo bar
-;;; (gdb) -!-
-;;; --------------------
-;;; (the -!- marks the location of point), and we type `C-x SPC' in a
-;;; source file to set a breakpoint, we want the buffer to end up like
-;;; this:
-;;; --------------------
-;;; (gdb) set args foo bar
-;;; Breakpoint 1 at 0x92: file make-docfile.c, line 49.
-;;; (gdb) -!-
-;;; --------------------
-;;; Essentially, the old prompt is deleted, and the command's output
-;;; and the new prompt take its place.
-;;; Not echoing the command is easy enough; you send it directly using
-;;; comint-input-sender, and it never enters the buffer. However,
-;;; getting rid of the old prompt is trickier; you don't want to do it
-;;; when you send the command, since that will result in an annoying
-;;; flicker as the prompt is deleted, redisplay occurs while Emacs
-;;; waits for a response from the debugger, and the new prompt is
-;;; inserted. Instead, we'll wait until we actually get some output
-;;; from the subprocess before we delete the prompt. If the command
-;;; produced no output other than a new prompt, that prompt will most
-;;; likely be in the first chunk of output received, so we will delete
-;;; the prompt and then replace it with an identical one. If the
-;;; command produces output, the prompt is moving anyway, so the
-;;; flicker won't be annoying.
-;;; So - when we want to delete the prompt upon receipt of the next
-;;; chunk of debugger output, we position gud-delete-prompt-marker at
-;;; the start of the prompt; the process filter will notice this, and
-;;; delete all text between it and the process output marker. If
-;;; gud-delete-prompt-marker points nowhere, we leave the current
-;;; prompt alone.
-(defvar gud-delete-prompt-marker nil)
-(defvar gdbish-comint-mode-map (copy-keymap comint-mode-map))
-(define-key gdbish-comint-mode-map "\C-c\M-\C-r" 'gud-display-registers-buffer)
-(define-key gdbish-comint-mode-map "\C-c\M-\C-f" 'gud-display-stack-buffer)
-(define-key gdbish-comint-mode-map "\C-c\M-\C-b" 'gud-display-breakpoints-buffer)
-(make-windows-menu gdbish-comint-mode-map)
-(make-frames-menu gdbish-comint-mode-map)
-(defun gud-mode ()
- "Major mode for interacting with an inferior debugger process.
- You start it up with one of the commands M-x gdb, M-x sdb, M-x dbx,
-or M-x xdb. Each entry point finishes by executing a hook; `gdb-mode-hook',
-`sdb-mode-hook', `dbx-mode-hook' or `xdb-mode-hook' respectively.
-After startup, the following commands are available in both the GUD
-interaction buffer and any source buffer GUD visits due to a breakpoint stop
-or step operation:
-\\[gud-break] sets a breakpoint at the current file and line. In the
-GUD buffer, the current file and line are those of the last breakpoint or
-step. In a source buffer, they are the buffer's file and current line.
-\\[gud-remove] removes breakpoints on the current file and line.
-\\[gud-refresh] displays in the source window the last line referred to
-in the gud buffer.
-\\[gud-step], \\[gud-next], and \\[gud-stepi] do a step-one-line,
-step-one-line (not entering function calls), and step-one-instruction
-and then update the source window with the current file and position.
-\\[gud-cont] continues execution.
-\\[gud-print] tries to find the largest C lvalue or function-call expression
-around point, and sends it to the debugger for value display.
-The above commands are common to all supported debuggers except xdb which
-does not support stepping instructions.
-Under gdb, sdb and xdb, \\[gud-tbreak] behaves exactly like \\[gud-break],
-except that the breakpoint is temporary; that is, it is removed when
-execution stops on it.
-Under gdb, dbx, and xdb, \\[gud-up] pops up through an enclosing stack
-frame. \\[gud-down] drops back down through one.
-If you are using gdb or xdb, \\[gud-finish] runs execution to the return from
-the current function and stops.
-All the keystrokes above are accessible in the GUD buffer
-with the prefix C-c, and in all buffers through the prefix C-x C-a.
-All pre-defined functions for which the concept make sense repeat
-themselves the appropriate number of times if you give a prefix
-You may use the `gud-def' macro in the initialization hook to define other
-Other commands for interacting with the debugger process are inherited from
-comint mode, which see."
- (interactive)
- (comint-mode)
- (setq major-mode 'gud-mode)
- (setq mode-name "Debugger")
- (setq mode-line-process '(": %s"))
- (use-local-map (copy-keymap gdbish-comint-mode-map))
- (setq gud-last-frame nil)
- (make-local-variable 'comint-prompt-regexp)
- (make-local-variable 'gud-delete-prompt-marker)
- (setq gud-delete-prompt-marker (make-marker))
- (run-hooks 'gud-mode-hook)
-(defvar gud-comint-buffer nil)
-;; Chop STRING into words separated by SPC or TAB and return a list of them.
-(defun gud-chop-words (string)
- (let ((i 0) (beg 0)
- (len (length string))
- (words nil))
- (while (< i len)
- (if (memq (aref string i) '(?\t ? ))
- (progn
- (setq words (cons (substring string beg i) words)
- beg (1+ i))
- (while (and (< beg len) (memq (aref string beg) '(?\t ? )))
- (setq beg (1+ beg)))
- (setq i (1+ beg)))
- (setq i (1+ i))))
- (if (< beg len)
- (setq words (cons (substring string beg) words)))
- (nreverse words)))
-(defvar gud-target-name "--unknown--"
- "The apparent name of the program being debugged in a gud buffer.
-For sure this the root string used in smashing together the gud
-buffer's name, even if that doesn't happen to be the name of a
-;; Perform initializations common to all debuggers.
-(defun gud-common-init (command-line)
- (let* ((words (gud-chop-words command-line))
- (program (car words))
- (file-word (let ((w (cdr words)))
- (while (and w (= ?- (aref (car w) 0)))
- (setq w (cdr w)))
- (car w)))
- (args (delq file-word (cdr words)))
- (file (expand-file-name file-word))
- (filepart (file-name-nondirectory file))
- (buffer-name (concat "*gud-" filepart "*")))
- (switch-to-buffer buffer-name)
- (setq default-directory (file-name-directory file))
- (or (bolp) (newline))
- (insert "Current directory is " default-directory "\n")
- (let ((old-instance gdb-buffer-instance))
- (apply 'make-comint (concat "gud-" filepart) program nil
- (gud-massage-args file args))
- (gud-mode)
- (make-variable-buffer-local 'old-gdb-buffer-instance)
- (setq old-gdb-buffer-instance old-instance))
- (make-variable-buffer-local 'gud-target-name)
- (setq gud-target-name filepart))
- (set-process-filter (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) 'gud-filter)
- (set-process-sentinel (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) 'gud-sentinel)
- (gud-set-buffer)
- )
-(defun gud-set-buffer ()
- (cond ((eq major-mode 'gud-mode)
- (setq gud-comint-buffer (current-buffer)))))
-;; These functions are responsible for inserting output from your debugger
-;; into the buffer. The hard work is done by the method that is
-;; the value of gud-marker-filter.
-(defun gud-filter (proc string)
- ;; Here's where the actual buffer insertion is done
- (let ((inhibit-quit t))
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
- (let (moving output-after-point)
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (process-mark proc))
- ;; If we have been so requested, delete the debugger prompt.
- (if (marker-buffer gud-delete-prompt-marker)
- (progn
- (delete-region (point) gud-delete-prompt-marker)
- (set-marker gud-delete-prompt-marker nil)))
- (insert-before-markers (gud-marker-filter string))
- (setq moving (= (point) (process-mark proc)))
- (setq output-after-point (< (point) (process-mark proc)))
- ;; Check for a filename-and-line number.
- ;; Don't display the specified file
- ;; unless (1) point is at or after the position where output appears
- ;; and (2) this buffer is on the screen.
- (if (and gud-last-frame
- (not output-after-point)
- (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))
- (gud-display-frame)))
- (if moving (goto-char (process-mark proc)))))))
-(defun gud-proc-died (proc)
- ;; Stop displaying an arrow in a source file.
- (setq overlay-arrow-position nil)
- ;; Kill the dummy process, so that C-x C-c won't worry about it.
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
- (kill-process
- (get-buffer-process
- (gdb-get-instance-buffer gdb-buffer-instance 'gdb-inferior-io))))
- )
-(defun gud-sentinel (proc msg)
- (cond ((null (buffer-name (process-buffer proc)))
- ;; buffer killed
- (gud-proc-died proc)
- (set-process-buffer proc nil))
- ((memq (process-status proc) '(signal exit))
- (gud-proc-died proc)
- ;; Fix the mode line.
- (setq mode-line-process
- (concat ": "
- (symbol-name (process-status proc))))
- (let* ((obuf (current-buffer)))
- ;; save-excursion isn't the right thing if
- ;; process-buffer is current-buffer
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- ;; Write something in *compilation* and hack its mode line,
- (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
- ;; Force mode line redisplay soon
- (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p))
- (if (eobp)
- (insert ?\n mode-name " " msg)
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (insert ?\n mode-name " " msg)))
- ;; If buffer and mode line will show that the process
- ;; is dead, we can delete it now. Otherwise it
- ;; will stay around until M-x list-processes.
- (delete-process proc))
- ;; Restore old buffer, but don't restore old point
- ;; if obuf is the gud buffer.
- (set-buffer obuf))))))
-(defun gud-display-frame ()
- "Find and obey the last filename-and-line marker from the debugger.
-Obeying it means displaying in another window the specified file and line."
- (interactive)
- (if gud-last-frame
- (progn
-; (gud-set-buffer)
- (gud-display-line (car gud-last-frame) (cdr gud-last-frame))
- (setq gud-last-last-frame gud-last-frame
- gud-last-frame nil))))
-;; Make sure the file named TRUE-FILE is in a buffer that appears on the screen
-;; and that its line LINE is visible.
-;; Put the overlay-arrow on the line LINE in that buffer.
-;; Most of the trickiness in here comes from wanting to preserve the current
-;; region-restriction if that's possible. We use an explicit display-buffer
-;; to get around the fact that this is called inside a save-excursion.
-(defun gud-display-line (true-file line)
- (let* ((buffer (gud-find-file true-file))
- (window (gud-display-source-buffer buffer))
- (pos))
- (if (not window)
- (error "foo bar baz"))
-;;; (if (equal buffer (current-buffer))
-;;; nil
-;;; (setq buffer-read-only nil))
- (save-excursion
-;;; (setq buffer-read-only t)
- (set-buffer buffer)
- (save-restriction
- (widen)
- (goto-line line)
- (setq pos (point))
- (setq overlay-arrow-string "=>")
- (or overlay-arrow-position
- (setq overlay-arrow-position (make-marker)))
- (set-marker overlay-arrow-position (point) (current-buffer)))
- (cond ((or (< pos (point-min)) (> pos (point-max)))
- (widen)
- (goto-char pos))))
- (set-window-point window overlay-arrow-position)))
-;;; The gud-call function must do the right thing whether its invoking
-;;; keystroke is from the GUD buffer itself (via major-mode binding)
-;;; or a C buffer. In the former case, we want to supply data from
-;;; gud-last-frame. Here's how we do it:
-(defun gud-format-command (str arg)
- (let ((insource (not (eq (current-buffer) gud-comint-buffer))))
- (if (string-match "\\(.*\\)%f\\(.*\\)" str)
- (setq str (concat
- (substring str (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
- (file-name-nondirectory (if insource
- (buffer-file-name)
- (car gud-last-frame)))
- (substring str (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))))
- (if (string-match "\\(.*\\)%d\\(.*\\)" str)
- (setq str (concat
- (substring str (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
- (file-name-directory (if insource
- (buffer-file-name)
- (car gud-last-frame)))
- (substring str (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))))
- (if (string-match "\\(.*\\)%l\\(.*\\)" str)
- (setq str (concat
- (substring str (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
- (if insource
- (save-excursion
- (beginning-of-line)
- (save-restriction (widen)
- (1+ (count-lines 1 (point)))))
- (cdr gud-last-frame))
- (substring str (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))))
- (if (string-match "\\(.*\\)%e\\(.*\\)" str)
- (setq str (concat
- (substring str (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
- (find-c-expr)
- (substring str (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))))
- (if (string-match "\\(.*\\)%a\\(.*\\)" str)
- (setq str (concat
- (substring str (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
- (gud-read-address)
- (substring str (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))))
- (if (string-match "\\(.*\\)%p\\(.*\\)" str)
- (setq str (concat
- (substring str (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
- (if arg (int-to-string arg) "")
- (substring str (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))))
- )
- str
- )
-(defun gud-read-address ()
- "Return a string containing the core-address found in the buffer at point."
- (save-excursion
- (let ((pt (point)) found begin)
- (setq found (if (search-backward "0x" (- pt 7) t) (point)))
- (cond
- (found (forward-char 2)
- (buffer-substring found
- (progn (re-search-forward "[^0-9a-f]")
- (forward-char -1)
- (point))))
- (t (setq begin (progn (re-search-backward "[^0-9]")
- (forward-char 1)
- (point)))
- (forward-char 1)
- (re-search-forward "[^0-9]")
- (forward-char -1)
- (buffer-substring begin (point)))))))
-(defun gud-call (fmt &optional arg)
- (let ((msg (gud-format-command fmt arg)))
- (message "Command: %s" msg)
- (sit-for 0)
- (gud-basic-call msg)))
-(defun gud-basic-call (command)
- "Invoke the debugger COMMAND displaying source in other window."
- (interactive)
- (gud-set-buffer)
- (let ((proc (get-buffer-process gud-comint-buffer)))
- ;; Arrange for the current prompt to get deleted.
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer gud-comint-buffer)
- (goto-char (process-mark proc))
- (beginning-of-line)
- (if (looking-at comint-prompt-regexp)
- (set-marker gud-delete-prompt-marker (point)))
- (apply comint-input-sender (list proc command)))))
-(defun gud-refresh (&optional arg)
- "Fix up a possibly garbled display, and redraw the arrow."
- (interactive "P")
- (recenter arg)
- (or gud-last-frame (setq gud-last-frame gud-last-last-frame))
- (gud-display-frame))
-;;; Code for parsing expressions out of C code. The single entry point is
-;;; find-c-expr, which tries to return an lvalue expression from around point.
-;;; The rest of this file is a hacked version of gdbsrc.el by
-;;; Debby Ayers <>,
-;;; Rich Schaefer <> Schlumberger, Austin, Tx.
-(defun find-c-expr ()
- "Returns the C expr that surrounds point."
- (interactive)
- (save-excursion
- (let ((p) (expr) (test-expr))
- (setq p (point))
- (setq expr (expr-cur))
- (setq test-expr (expr-prev))
- (while (expr-compound test-expr expr)
- (setq expr (cons (car test-expr) (cdr expr)))
- (goto-char (car expr))
- (setq test-expr (expr-prev)))
- (goto-char p)
- (setq test-expr (expr-next))
- (while (expr-compound expr test-expr)
- (setq expr (cons (car expr) (cdr test-expr)))
- (setq test-expr (expr-next))
- )
- (buffer-substring (car expr) (cdr expr)))))
-(defun expr-cur ()
- "Returns the expr that point is in; point is set to beginning of expr.
-The expr is represented as a cons cell, where the car specifies the point in
-the current buffer that marks the beginning of the expr and the cdr specifies
-the character after the end of the expr."
- (let ((p (point)) (begin) (end))
- (expr-backward-sexp)
- (setq begin (point))
- (expr-forward-sexp)
- (setq end (point))
- (if (>= p end)
- (progn
- (setq begin p)
- (goto-char p)
- (expr-forward-sexp)
- (setq end (point))
- )
- )
- (goto-char begin)
- (cons begin end)))
-(defun expr-backward-sexp ()
- "Version of `backward-sexp' that catches errors."
- (condition-case nil
- (backward-sexp)
- (error t)))
-(defun expr-forward-sexp ()
- "Version of `forward-sexp' that catches errors."
- (condition-case nil
- (forward-sexp)
- (error t)))
-(defun expr-prev ()
- "Returns the previous expr, point is set to beginning of that expr.
-The expr is represented as a cons cell, where the car specifies the point in
-the current buffer that marks the beginning of the expr and the cdr specifies
-the character after the end of the expr"
- (let ((begin) (end))
- (expr-backward-sexp)
- (setq begin (point))
- (expr-forward-sexp)
- (setq end (point))
- (goto-char begin)
- (cons begin end)))
-(defun expr-next ()
- "Returns the following expr, point is set to beginning of that expr.
-The expr is represented as a cons cell, where the car specifies the point in
-the current buffer that marks the beginning of the expr and the cdr specifies
-the character after the end of the expr."
- (let ((begin) (end))
- (expr-forward-sexp)
- (expr-forward-sexp)
- (setq end (point))
- (expr-backward-sexp)
- (setq begin (point))
- (cons begin end)))
-(defun expr-compound-sep (span-start span-end)
- "Returns '.' for '->' & '.', returns ' ' for white space,
-returns '?' for other punctuation."
- (let ((result ? )
- (syntax))
- (while (< span-start span-end)
- (setq syntax (char-syntax (char-after span-start)))
- (cond
- ((= syntax ? ) t)
- ((= syntax ?.) (setq syntax (char-after span-start))
- (cond
- ((= syntax ?.) (setq result ?.))
- ((and (= syntax ?-) (= (char-after (+ span-start 1)) ?>))
- (setq result ?.)
- (setq span-start (+ span-start 1)))
- (t (setq span-start span-end)
- (setq result ??)))))
- (setq span-start (+ span-start 1)))
- result))
-(defun expr-compound (first second)
- "Non-nil if concatenating FIRST and SECOND makes a single C token.
-The two exprs are represented as a cons cells, where the car
-specifies the point in the current buffer that marks the beginning of the
-expr and the cdr specifies the character after the end of the expr.
-Link exprs of the form:
- Expr -> Expr
- Expr . Expr
- Expr (Expr)
- Expr [Expr]
- (Expr) Expr
- [Expr] Expr"
- (let ((span-start (cdr first))
- (span-end (car second))
- (syntax))
- (setq syntax (expr-compound-sep span-start span-end))
- (cond
- ((= (car first) (car second)) nil)
- ((= (cdr first) (cdr second)) nil)
- ((= syntax ?.) t)
- ((= syntax ? )
- (setq span-start (char-after (- span-start 1)))
- (setq span-end (char-after span-end))
- (cond
- ((= span-start ?) ) t )
- ((= span-start ?] ) t )
- ((= span-end ?( ) t )
- ((= span-end ?[ ) t )
- (t nil))
- )
- (t nil))))
-(provide 'gud)
-;;; gud.el ends here
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/gdbserver/low-linux.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/gdbserver/low-linux.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 106021057a3c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/gdbserver/low-linux.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,451 +0,0 @@
-/* Low level interface to ptrace, for the remote server for GDB.
- Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "defs.h"
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include "frame.h"
-#include "inferior.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/dir.h>
-#include <sys/user.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#if 0
-#include <sgtty.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-/***************Begin MY defs*********************/
-int quit_flag = 0;
-char registers[REGISTER_BYTES];
-/* Index within `registers' of the first byte of the space for
- register N. */
-/***************End MY defs*********************/
-#include <sys/ptrace.h>
-#if __GLIBC__ > 2 || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 1)
-#include <sys/reg.h>
-extern char **environ;
-extern int errno;
-extern int inferior_pid;
-void quit (), perror_with_name ();
-int query ();
-/* Start an inferior process and returns its pid.
- ALLARGS is a vector of program-name and args.
- ENV is the environment vector to pass. */
-create_inferior (program, allargs)
- char *program;
- char **allargs;
- int pid;
- pid = fork ();
- if (pid < 0)
- perror_with_name ("fork");
- if (pid == 0)
- {
- ptrace (PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, 0, 0);
- execv (program, allargs);
- fprintf (stderr, "Cannot exec %s: %s.\n", program,
- errno < sys_nerr ? sys_errlist[errno] : "unknown error");
- fflush (stderr);
- _exit (0177);
- }
- return pid;
-/* Kill the inferior process. Make us have no inferior. */
-kill_inferior ()
- if (inferior_pid == 0)
- return;
- ptrace (PTRACE_KILL, inferior_pid, 0, 0);
- wait (0);
- /*************inferior_died ();****VK**************/
-/* Return nonzero if the given thread is still alive. */
-mythread_alive (pid)
- int pid;
- return 1;
-/* Wait for process, returns status */
-unsigned char
-mywait (status)
- char *status;
- int pid;
- union wait w;
- pid = wait (&w);
- if (pid != inferior_pid)
- perror_with_name ("wait");
- if (WIFEXITED (w))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "\nChild exited with retcode = %x \n", WEXITSTATUS (w));
- *status = 'W';
- return ((unsigned char) WEXITSTATUS (w));
- }
- else if (!WIFSTOPPED (w))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "\nChild terminated with signal = %x \n", WTERMSIG (w));
- *status = 'X';
- return ((unsigned char) WTERMSIG (w));
- }
- fetch_inferior_registers (0);
- *status = 'T';
- return ((unsigned char) WSTOPSIG (w));
-/* Resume execution of the inferior process.
- If STEP is nonzero, single-step it.
- If SIGNAL is nonzero, give it that signal. */
-myresume (step, signal)
- int step;
- int signal;
- errno = 0;
- ptrace (step ? PTRACE_SINGLESTEP : PTRACE_CONT, inferior_pid, 1, signal);
- if (errno)
- perror_with_name ("ptrace");
-#if !defined (offsetof)
-#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((unsigned long) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)
-/* U_REGS_OFFSET is the offset of the registers within the u area. */
-#if !defined (U_REGS_OFFSET)
-#define U_REGS_OFFSET \
- ptrace (PT_READ_U, inferior_pid, \
- (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) (offsetof (struct user, u_ar0)), 0) \
-#ifndef TARGET_M68K
-/* this table must line up with REGISTER_NAMES in tm-i386v.h */
-/* symbols like 'EAX' come from <sys/reg.h> */
-static int regmap[] =
- DS, ES, FS, GS,
-i386_register_u_addr (blockend, regnum)
- int blockend;
- int regnum;
-#if 0
- /* this will be needed if fp registers are reinstated */
- /* for now, you can look at them with 'info float'
- * sys5 wont let you change them with ptrace anyway
- */
- if (regnum >= FP0_REGNUM && regnum <= FP7_REGNUM)
- {
- int ubase, fpstate;
- struct user u;
- ubase = blockend + 4 * (SS + 1) - KSTKSZ;
- fpstate = ubase + ((char *)&u.u_fpstate - (char *)&u);
- return (fpstate + 0x1c + 10 * (regnum - FP0_REGNUM));
- }
- else
- return (blockend + 4 * regmap[regnum]);
-#else /* TARGET_M68K */
-/* This table must line up with REGISTER_NAMES in tm-m68k.h */
-static int regmap[] =
-#ifdef PT_D0
- PT_D0, PT_D1, PT_D2, PT_D3, PT_D4, PT_D5, PT_D6, PT_D7,
- PT_A0, PT_A1, PT_A2, PT_A3, PT_A4, PT_A5, PT_A6, PT_USP,
- 14, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15,
- 17, 18,
-#ifdef PT_FP0
- PT_FP0, PT_FP1, PT_FP2, PT_FP3, PT_FP4, PT_FP5, PT_FP6, PT_FP7,
- 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 46, 47
-/* BLOCKEND is the value of u.u_ar0, and points to the place where GS
- is stored. */
-m68k_linux_register_u_addr (blockend, regnum)
- int blockend;
- int regnum;
- return (blockend + 4 * regmap[regnum]);
-register_addr (regno, blockend)
- int regno;
- CORE_ADDR blockend;
- CORE_ADDR addr;
- if (regno < 0 || regno >= ARCH_NUM_REGS)
- error ("Invalid register number %d.", regno);
- REGISTER_U_ADDR (addr, blockend, regno);
- return addr;
-/* Fetch one register. */
-static void
-fetch_register (regno)
- int regno;
- register unsigned int regaddr;
- register int i;
- /* Offset of registers within the u area. */
- unsigned int offset;
- offset = U_REGS_OFFSET;
- regaddr = register_addr (regno, offset);
- for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_RAW_SIZE (regno); i += sizeof (int))
- {
- errno = 0;
- *(int *) &registers[ regno * 4 + i] = ptrace (PTRACE_PEEKUSR, inferior_pid,
- (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) regaddr, 0);
- regaddr += sizeof (int);
- if (errno != 0)
- {
- /* Warning, not error, in case we are attached; sometimes the
- kernel doesn't let us at the registers. */
- char *err = strerror (errno);
- char *msg = alloca (strlen (err) + 128);
- sprintf (msg, "reading register %d: %s", regno, err);
- error (msg);
- goto error_exit;
- }
- }
- error_exit:;
-/* Fetch all registers, or just one, from the child process. */
-fetch_inferior_registers (regno)
- int regno;
- if (regno == -1 || regno == 0)
- for (regno = 0; regno < NUM_REGS-NUM_FREGS; regno++)
- fetch_register (regno);
- else
- fetch_register (regno);
-/* Store our register values back into the inferior.
- If REGNO is -1, do this for all registers.
- Otherwise, REGNO specifies which register (so we can save time). */
-store_inferior_registers (regno)
- int regno;
- register unsigned int regaddr;
- register int i;
- unsigned int offset = U_REGS_OFFSET;
- if (regno >= 0)
- {
-#if 0
- return;
- regaddr = register_addr (regno, offset);
- errno = 0;
-#if 0
- if (regno == PCOQ_HEAD_REGNUM || regno == PCOQ_TAIL_REGNUM)
- {
- scratch = *(int *) &registers[REGISTER_BYTE (regno)] | 0x3;
- ptrace (PT_WUREGS, inferior_pid, (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) regaddr,
- scratch, 0);
- if (errno != 0)
- {
- /* Error, even if attached. Failing to write these two
- registers is pretty serious. */
- sprintf (buf, "writing register number %d", regno);
- perror_with_name (buf);
- }
- }
- else
- for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_RAW_SIZE (regno); i += sizeof(int))
- {
- errno = 0;
- ptrace (PTRACE_POKEUSR, inferior_pid, (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) regaddr,
- *(int *) &registers[REGISTER_BYTE (regno) + i]);
- if (errno != 0)
- {
- /* Warning, not error, in case we are attached; sometimes the
- kernel doesn't let us at the registers. */
- char *err = strerror (errno);
- char *msg = alloca (strlen (err) + 128);
- sprintf (msg, "writing register %d: %s",
- regno, err);
- error (msg);
- return;
- }
- regaddr += sizeof(int);
- }
- }
- else
- for (regno = 0; regno < NUM_REGS-NUM_FREGS; regno++)
- store_inferior_registers (regno);
-/* NOTE! I tried using PTRACE_READDATA, etc., to read and write memory
- in the NEW_SUN_PTRACE case.
- It ought to be straightforward. But it appears that writing did
- not write the data that I specified. I cannot understand where
- it got the data that it actually did write. */
-/* Copy LEN bytes from inferior's memory starting at MEMADDR
- to debugger memory starting at MYADDR. */
-read_inferior_memory (memaddr, myaddr, len)
- CORE_ADDR memaddr;
- char *myaddr;
- int len;
- register int i;
- /* Round starting address down to longword boundary. */
- register CORE_ADDR addr = memaddr & -sizeof (int);
- /* Round ending address up; get number of longwords that makes. */
- register int count
- = (((memaddr + len) - addr) + sizeof (int) - 1) / sizeof (int);
- /* Allocate buffer of that many longwords. */
- register int *buffer = (int *) alloca (count * sizeof (int));
- /* Read all the longwords */
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++, addr += sizeof (int))
- {
- buffer[i] = ptrace (PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, inferior_pid, addr, 0);
- }
- /* Copy appropriate bytes out of the buffer. */
- memcpy (myaddr, (char *) buffer + (memaddr & (sizeof (int) - 1)), len);
-/* Copy LEN bytes of data from debugger memory at MYADDR
- to inferior's memory at MEMADDR.
- On failure (cannot write the inferior)
- returns the value of errno. */
-write_inferior_memory (memaddr, myaddr, len)
- CORE_ADDR memaddr;
- char *myaddr;
- int len;
- register int i;
- /* Round starting address down to longword boundary. */
- register CORE_ADDR addr = memaddr & -sizeof (int);
- /* Round ending address up; get number of longwords that makes. */
- register int count
- = (((memaddr + len) - addr) + sizeof (int) - 1) / sizeof (int);
- /* Allocate buffer of that many longwords. */
- register int *buffer = (int *) alloca (count * sizeof (int));
- extern int errno;
- /* Fill start and end extra bytes of buffer with existing memory data. */
- buffer[0] = ptrace (PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, inferior_pid, addr, 0);
- if (count > 1)
- {
- buffer[count - 1]
- = ptrace (PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, inferior_pid,
- addr + (count - 1) * sizeof (int), 0);
- }
- /* Copy data to be written over corresponding part of buffer */
- memcpy ((char *) buffer + (memaddr & (sizeof (int) - 1)), myaddr, len);
- /* Write the entire buffer. */
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++, addr += sizeof (int))
- {
- errno = 0;
- ptrace (PTRACE_POKETEXT, inferior_pid, addr, buffer[i]);
- if (errno)
- return errno;
- }
- return 0;
-initialize ()
- inferior_pid = 0;
-have_inferior_p ()
- return inferior_pid != 0;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/gnu-regex.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/gnu-regex.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 84db70f79520..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/gnu-regex.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5797 +0,0 @@
-/* Extended regular expression matching and search library,
- version 0.12.
- (Implements POSIX draft P1003.2/D11.2, except for some of the
- internationalization features.)
- Copyright (C) 1993, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- NOTE: The canonical source of this file is maintained with the
- GNU C Library. Bugs can be reported to
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
- later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* AIX requires this to be the first thing in the file. */
-#if defined _AIX && !defined REGEX_MALLOC
- #pragma alloca
-#undef _GNU_SOURCE
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-# include <config.h>
-#ifndef PARAMS
-# if defined __GNUC__ || (defined __STDC__ && __STDC__)
-# define PARAMS(args) args
-# else
-# define PARAMS(args) ()
-# endif /* GCC. */
-#endif /* Not PARAMS. */
-#if defined STDC_HEADERS && !defined emacs
-# include <stddef.h>
-/* We need this for `gnu-regex.h', and perhaps for the Emacs include files. */
-# include <sys/types.h>
-/* For platform which support the ISO C amendement 1 functionality we
- support user defined character classes. */
-#if defined _LIBC || (defined HAVE_WCTYPE_H && defined HAVE_WCHAR_H)
- /* Solaris 2.5 has a bug: <wchar.h> must be included before <wctype.h>. */
-# include <wchar.h>
-# include <wctype.h>
-/* This is for other GNU distributions with internationalized messages. */
-/* CYGNUS LOCAL: ../intl will handle this for us */
-#ifdef ENABLE_NLS
-# include <libintl.h>
-# define gettext(msgid) (msgid)
-#ifndef gettext_noop
-/* This define is so xgettext can find the internationalizable
- strings. */
-# define gettext_noop(String) String
-/* The `emacs' switch turns on certain matching commands
- that make sense only in Emacs. */
-#ifdef emacs
-# include "lisp.h"
-# include "buffer.h"
-# include "syntax.h"
-#else /* not emacs */
-/* If we are not linking with Emacs proper,
- we can't use the relocating allocator
- even if config.h says that we can. */
-# undef REL_ALLOC
-# if defined STDC_HEADERS || defined _LIBC
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# else
-char *malloc ();
-char *realloc ();
-# endif
-/* When used in Emacs's lib-src, we need to get bzero and bcopy somehow.
- If nothing else has been done, use the method below. */
-# if !(defined HAVE_BZERO && defined HAVE_BCOPY)
-# if !defined bzero && !defined bcopy
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-/* This is the normal way of making sure we have a bcopy and a bzero.
- This is used in most programs--a few other programs avoid this
- by defining INHIBIT_STRING_HEADER. */
-# if defined HAVE_STRING_H || defined STDC_HEADERS || defined _LIBC
-# include <string.h>
-# ifndef bzero
-# ifndef _LIBC
-# define bzero(s, n) (memset (s, '\0', n), (s))
-# else
-# define bzero(s, n) __bzero (s, n)
-# endif
-# endif
-# else
-# include <strings.h>
-# ifndef memcmp
-# define memcmp(s1, s2, n) bcmp (s1, s2, n)
-# endif
-# ifndef memcpy
-# define memcpy(d, s, n) (bcopy (s, d, n), (d))
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-/* Define the syntax stuff for \<, \>, etc. */
-/* This must be nonzero for the wordchar and notwordchar pattern
- commands in re_match_2. */
-# ifndef Sword
-# define Sword 1
-# endif
-# define SWITCH_ENUM_CAST(x) ((int)(x))
-# else
-# define SWITCH_ENUM_CAST(x) (x)
-# endif
-/* How many characters in the character set. */
-# define CHAR_SET_SIZE 256
-/* GDB LOCAL: define _REGEX_RE_COMP to get BSD style re_comp and re_exec */
-#ifndef _REGEX_RE_COMP
-#define _REGEX_RE_COMP
-extern char *re_syntax_table;
-# else /* not SYNTAX_TABLE */
-static char re_syntax_table[CHAR_SET_SIZE];
-static void
-init_syntax_once ()
- register int c;
- static int done = 0;
- if (done)
- return;
- bzero (re_syntax_table, sizeof re_syntax_table);
- for (c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++)
- re_syntax_table[c] = Sword;
- for (c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++)
- re_syntax_table[c] = Sword;
- for (c = '0'; c <= '9'; c++)
- re_syntax_table[c] = Sword;
- re_syntax_table['_'] = Sword;
- done = 1;
-# endif /* not SYNTAX_TABLE */
-# define SYNTAX(c) re_syntax_table[c]
-#endif /* not emacs */
-/* Get the interface, including the syntax bits. */
-/* CYGNUS LOCAL: call it gnu-regex.h, not regex.h, to avoid name conflicts */
-#include "gnu-regex.h"
-/* isalpha etc. are used for the character classes. */
-#include <ctype.h>
-/* Jim Meyering writes:
- "... Some ctype macros are valid only for character codes that
- isascii says are ASCII (SGI's IRIX-4.0.5 is one such system --when
- using /bin/cc or gcc but without giving an ansi option). So, all
- ctype uses should be through macros like ISPRINT... If
- STDC_HEADERS is defined, then autoconf has verified that the ctype
- macros don't need to be guarded with references to isascii. ...
- Defining isascii to 1 should let any compiler worth its salt
- eliminate the && through constant folding."
- Solaris defines some of these symbols so we must undefine them first. */
-#undef ISASCII
-#if defined STDC_HEADERS || (!defined isascii && !defined HAVE_ISASCII)
-# define ISASCII(c) 1
-# define ISASCII(c) isascii(c)
-#ifdef isblank
-# define ISBLANK(c) (ISASCII (c) && isblank (c))
-# define ISBLANK(c) ((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t')
-#ifdef isgraph
-# define ISGRAPH(c) (ISASCII (c) && isgraph (c))
-# define ISGRAPH(c) (ISASCII (c) && isprint (c) && !isspace (c))
-#undef ISPRINT
-#define ISPRINT(c) (ISASCII (c) && isprint (c))
-#define ISDIGIT(c) (ISASCII (c) && isdigit (c))
-#define ISALNUM(c) (ISASCII (c) && isalnum (c))
-#define ISALPHA(c) (ISASCII (c) && isalpha (c))
-#define ISCNTRL(c) (ISASCII (c) && iscntrl (c))
-#define ISLOWER(c) (ISASCII (c) && islower (c))
-#define ISPUNCT(c) (ISASCII (c) && ispunct (c))
-#define ISSPACE(c) (ISASCII (c) && isspace (c))
-#define ISUPPER(c) (ISASCII (c) && isupper (c))
-#define ISXDIGIT(c) (ISASCII (c) && isxdigit (c))
-#ifndef NULL
-# define NULL (void *)0
-/* We remove any previous definition of `SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR',
- since ours (we hope) works properly with all combinations of
- machines, compilers, `char' and `unsigned char' argument types.
- (Per Bothner suggested the basic approach.) */
-#if __STDC__
-# define SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR(c) ((signed char) (c))
-#else /* not __STDC__ */
-/* As in Harbison and Steele. */
-# define SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR(c) ((((unsigned char) (c)) ^ 128) - 128)
-/* Should we use malloc or alloca? If REGEX_MALLOC is not defined, we
- use `alloca' instead of `malloc'. This is because using malloc in
- re_search* or re_match* could cause memory leaks when C-g is used in
- Emacs; also, malloc is slower and causes storage fragmentation. On
- the other hand, malloc is more portable, and easier to debug.
- Because we sometimes use alloca, some routines have to be macros,
- not functions -- `alloca'-allocated space disappears at the end of the
- function it is called in. */
-# define REGEX_ALLOCATE malloc
-# define REGEX_REALLOCATE(source, osize, nsize) realloc (source, nsize)
-# define REGEX_FREE free
-#else /* not REGEX_MALLOC */
-/* Emacs already defines alloca, sometimes. */
-# ifndef alloca
-/* Make alloca work the best possible way. */
-# ifdef __GNUC__
-# define alloca __builtin_alloca
-# else /* not __GNUC__ */
-# include <alloca.h>
-# endif /* HAVE_ALLOCA_H */
-# endif /* not __GNUC__ */
-# endif /* not alloca */
-# define REGEX_ALLOCATE alloca
-/* Assumes a `char *destination' variable. */
-# define REGEX_REALLOCATE(source, osize, nsize) \
- (destination = (char *) alloca (nsize), \
- memcpy (destination, source, osize))
-/* No need to do anything to free, after alloca. */
-# define REGEX_FREE(arg) ((void)0) /* Do nothing! But inhibit gcc warning. */
-#endif /* not REGEX_MALLOC */
-/* Define how to allocate the failure stack. */
-#if defined REL_ALLOC && defined REGEX_MALLOC
-# define REGEX_ALLOCATE_STACK(size) \
- r_alloc (&failure_stack_ptr, (size))
-# define REGEX_REALLOCATE_STACK(source, osize, nsize) \
- r_re_alloc (&failure_stack_ptr, (nsize))
-# define REGEX_FREE_STACK(ptr) \
- r_alloc_free (&failure_stack_ptr)
-#else /* not using relocating allocator */
-# define REGEX_ALLOCATE_STACK malloc
-# define REGEX_REALLOCATE_STACK(source, osize, nsize) realloc (source, nsize)
-# define REGEX_FREE_STACK free
-# else /* not REGEX_MALLOC */
-# define REGEX_ALLOCATE_STACK alloca
-# define REGEX_REALLOCATE_STACK(source, osize, nsize) \
- REGEX_REALLOCATE (source, osize, nsize)
-/* No need to explicitly free anything. */
-# define REGEX_FREE_STACK(arg)
-# endif /* not REGEX_MALLOC */
-#endif /* not using relocating allocator */
-/* True if `size1' is non-NULL and PTR is pointing anywhere inside
- `string1' or just past its end. This works if PTR is NULL, which is
- a good thing. */
-#define FIRST_STRING_P(ptr) \
- (size1 && string1 <= (ptr) && (ptr) <= string1 + size1)
-/* (Re)Allocate N items of type T using malloc, or fail. */
-#define TALLOC(n, t) ((t *) malloc ((n) * sizeof (t)))
-#define RETALLOC(addr, n, t) ((addr) = (t *) realloc (addr, (n) * sizeof (t)))
-#define RETALLOC_IF(addr, n, t) \
- if (addr) RETALLOC((addr), (n), t); else (addr) = TALLOC ((n), t)
-#define REGEX_TALLOC(n, t) ((t *) REGEX_ALLOCATE ((n) * sizeof (t)))
-#define BYTEWIDTH 8 /* In bits. */
-#define STREQ(s1, s2) ((strcmp (s1, s2) == 0))
-#undef MAX
-#undef MIN
-#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
-#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
-typedef char boolean;
-#define false 0
-#define true 1
-static int re_match_2_internal PARAMS ((struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp,
- const char *string1, int size1,
- const char *string2, int size2,
- int pos,
- struct re_registers *regs,
- int stop));
-/* These are the command codes that appear in compiled regular
- expressions. Some opcodes are followed by argument bytes. A
- command code can specify any interpretation whatsoever for its
- arguments. Zero bytes may appear in the compiled regular expression. */
-typedef enum
- no_op = 0,
- /* Succeed right away--no more backtracking. */
- succeed,
- /* Followed by one byte giving n, then by n literal bytes. */
- exactn,
- /* Matches any (more or less) character. */
- anychar,
- /* Matches any one char belonging to specified set. First
- following byte is number of bitmap bytes. Then come bytes
- for a bitmap saying which chars are in. Bits in each byte
- are ordered low-bit-first. A character is in the set if its
- bit is 1. A character too large to have a bit in the map is
- automatically not in the set. */
- charset,
- /* Same parameters as charset, but match any character that is
- not one of those specified. */
- charset_not,
- /* Start remembering the text that is matched, for storing in a
- register. Followed by one byte with the register number, in
- the range 0 to one less than the pattern buffer's re_nsub
- field. Then followed by one byte with the number of groups
- inner to this one. (This last has to be part of the
- start_memory only because we need it in the on_failure_jump
- of re_match_2.) */
- start_memory,
- /* Stop remembering the text that is matched and store it in a
- memory register. Followed by one byte with the register
- number, in the range 0 to one less than `re_nsub' in the
- pattern buffer, and one byte with the number of inner groups,
- just like `start_memory'. (We need the number of inner
- groups here because we don't have any easy way of finding the
- corresponding start_memory when we're at a stop_memory.) */
- stop_memory,
- /* Match a duplicate of something remembered. Followed by one
- byte containing the register number. */
- duplicate,
- /* Fail unless at beginning of line. */
- begline,
- /* Fail unless at end of line. */
- endline,
- /* Succeeds if at beginning of buffer (if emacs) or at beginning
- of string to be matched (if not). */
- begbuf,
- /* Analogously, for end of buffer/string. */
- endbuf,
- /* Followed by two byte relative address to which to jump. */
- jump,
- /* Same as jump, but marks the end of an alternative. */
- jump_past_alt,
- /* Followed by two-byte relative address of place to resume at
- in case of failure. */
- on_failure_jump,
- /* Like on_failure_jump, but pushes a placeholder instead of the
- current string position when executed. */
- on_failure_keep_string_jump,
- /* Throw away latest failure point and then jump to following
- two-byte relative address. */
- pop_failure_jump,
- /* Change to pop_failure_jump if know won't have to backtrack to
- match; otherwise change to jump. This is used to jump
- back to the beginning of a repeat. If what follows this jump
- clearly won't match what the repeat does, such that we can be
- sure that there is no use backtracking out of repetitions
- already matched, then we change it to a pop_failure_jump.
- Followed by two-byte address. */
- maybe_pop_jump,
- /* Jump to following two-byte address, and push a dummy failure
- point. This failure point will be thrown away if an attempt
- is made to use it for a failure. A `+' construct makes this
- before the first repeat. Also used as an intermediary kind
- of jump when compiling an alternative. */
- dummy_failure_jump,
- /* Push a dummy failure point and continue. Used at the end of
- alternatives. */
- push_dummy_failure,
- /* Followed by two-byte relative address and two-byte number n.
- After matching N times, jump to the address upon failure. */
- succeed_n,
- /* Followed by two-byte relative address, and two-byte number n.
- Jump to the address N times, then fail. */
- jump_n,
- /* Set the following two-byte relative address to the
- subsequent two-byte number. The address *includes* the two
- bytes of number. */
- set_number_at,
- wordchar, /* Matches any word-constituent character. */
- notwordchar, /* Matches any char that is not a word-constituent. */
- wordbeg, /* Succeeds if at word beginning. */
- wordend, /* Succeeds if at word end. */
- wordbound, /* Succeeds if at a word boundary. */
- notwordbound /* Succeeds if not at a word boundary. */
-#ifdef emacs
- ,before_dot, /* Succeeds if before point. */
- at_dot, /* Succeeds if at point. */
- after_dot, /* Succeeds if after point. */
- /* Matches any character whose syntax is specified. Followed by
- a byte which contains a syntax code, e.g., Sword. */
- syntaxspec,
- /* Matches any character whose syntax is not that specified. */
- notsyntaxspec
-#endif /* emacs */
-} re_opcode_t;
-/* Common operations on the compiled pattern. */
-/* Store NUMBER in two contiguous bytes starting at DESTINATION. */
-#define STORE_NUMBER(destination, number) \
- do { \
- (destination)[0] = (number) & 0377; \
- (destination)[1] = (number) >> 8; \
- } while (0)
-/* Same as STORE_NUMBER, except increment DESTINATION to
- the byte after where the number is stored. Therefore, DESTINATION
- must be an lvalue. */
-#define STORE_NUMBER_AND_INCR(destination, number) \
- do { \
- STORE_NUMBER (destination, number); \
- (destination) += 2; \
- } while (0)
-/* Put into DESTINATION a number stored in two contiguous bytes starting
- at SOURCE. */
-#define EXTRACT_NUMBER(destination, source) \
- do { \
- (destination) = *(source) & 0377; \
- (destination) += SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR (*((source) + 1)) << 8; \
- } while (0)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-static void extract_number _RE_ARGS ((int *dest, unsigned char *source));
-static void
-extract_number (dest, source)
- int *dest;
- unsigned char *source;
- int temp = SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR (*(source + 1));
- *dest = *source & 0377;
- *dest += temp << 8;
-# ifndef EXTRACT_MACROS /* To debug the macros. */
-# define EXTRACT_NUMBER(dest, src) extract_number (&dest, src)
-# endif /* not EXTRACT_MACROS */
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-/* Same as EXTRACT_NUMBER, except increment SOURCE to after the number.
- SOURCE must be an lvalue. */
-#define EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR(destination, source) \
- do { \
- EXTRACT_NUMBER (destination, source); \
- (source) += 2; \
- } while (0)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-static void extract_number_and_incr _RE_ARGS ((int *destination,
- unsigned char **source));
-static void
-extract_number_and_incr (destination, source)
- int *destination;
- unsigned char **source;
- extract_number (destination, *source);
- *source += 2;
-# define EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR(dest, src) \
- extract_number_and_incr (&dest, &src)
-# endif /* not EXTRACT_MACROS */
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-/* If DEBUG is defined, Regex prints many voluminous messages about what
- it is doing (if the variable `debug' is nonzero). If linked with the
- main program in `iregex.c', you can enter patterns and strings
- interactively. And if linked with the main program in `main.c' and
- the other test files, you can run the already-written tests. */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-/* We use standard I/O for debugging. */
-# include <stdio.h>
-/* It is useful to test things that ``must'' be true when debugging. */
-# include <assert.h>
-static int debug = 0;
-# define DEBUG_STATEMENT(e) e
-# define DEBUG_PRINT1(x) if (debug) printf (x)
-# define DEBUG_PRINT2(x1, x2) if (debug) printf (x1, x2)
-# define DEBUG_PRINT3(x1, x2, x3) if (debug) printf (x1, x2, x3)
-# define DEBUG_PRINT4(x1, x2, x3, x4) if (debug) printf (x1, x2, x3, x4)
- if (debug) print_partial_compiled_pattern (s, e)
-# define DEBUG_PRINT_DOUBLE_STRING(w, s1, sz1, s2, sz2) \
- if (debug) print_double_string (w, s1, sz1, s2, sz2)
-/* Print the fastmap in human-readable form. */
-print_fastmap (fastmap)
- char *fastmap;
- unsigned was_a_range = 0;
- unsigned i = 0;
- while (i < (1 << BYTEWIDTH))
- {
- if (fastmap[i++])
- {
- was_a_range = 0;
- putchar (i - 1);
- while (i < (1 << BYTEWIDTH) && fastmap[i])
- {
- was_a_range = 1;
- i++;
- }
- if (was_a_range)
- {
- printf ("-");
- putchar (i - 1);
- }
- }
- }
- putchar ('\n');
-/* Print a compiled pattern string in human-readable form, starting at
- the START pointer into it and ending just before the pointer END. */
-print_partial_compiled_pattern (start, end)
- unsigned char *start;
- unsigned char *end;
- int mcnt, mcnt2;
- unsigned char *p1;
- unsigned char *p = start;
- unsigned char *pend = end;
- if (start == NULL)
- {
- printf ("(null)\n");
- return;
- }
- /* Loop over pattern commands. */
- while (p < pend)
- {
- printf ("%d:\t", p - start);
- switch ((re_opcode_t) *p++)
- {
- case no_op:
- printf ("/no_op");
- break;
- case exactn:
- mcnt = *p++;
- printf ("/exactn/%d", mcnt);
- do
- {
- putchar ('/');
- putchar (*p++);
- }
- while (--mcnt);
- break;
- case start_memory:
- mcnt = *p++;
- printf ("/start_memory/%d/%d", mcnt, *p++);
- break;
- case stop_memory:
- mcnt = *p++;
- printf ("/stop_memory/%d/%d", mcnt, *p++);
- break;
- case duplicate:
- printf ("/duplicate/%d", *p++);
- break;
- case anychar:
- printf ("/anychar");
- break;
- case charset:
- case charset_not:
- {
- register int c, last = -100;
- register int in_range = 0;
- printf ("/charset [%s",
- (re_opcode_t) *(p - 1) == charset_not ? "^" : "");
- assert (p + *p < pend);
- for (c = 0; c < 256; c++)
- if (c / 8 < *p
- && (p[1 + (c/8)] & (1 << (c % 8))))
- {
- /* Are we starting a range? */
- if (last + 1 == c && ! in_range)
- {
- putchar ('-');
- in_range = 1;
- }
- /* Have we broken a range? */
- else if (last + 1 != c && in_range)
- {
- putchar (last);
- in_range = 0;
- }
- if (! in_range)
- putchar (c);
- last = c;
- }
- if (in_range)
- putchar (last);
- putchar (']');
- p += 1 + *p;
- }
- break;
- case begline:
- printf ("/begline");
- break;
- case endline:
- printf ("/endline");
- break;
- case on_failure_jump:
- extract_number_and_incr (&mcnt, &p);
- printf ("/on_failure_jump to %d", p + mcnt - start);
- break;
- case on_failure_keep_string_jump:
- extract_number_and_incr (&mcnt, &p);
- printf ("/on_failure_keep_string_jump to %d", p + mcnt - start);
- break;
- case dummy_failure_jump:
- extract_number_and_incr (&mcnt, &p);
- printf ("/dummy_failure_jump to %d", p + mcnt - start);
- break;
- case push_dummy_failure:
- printf ("/push_dummy_failure");
- break;
- case maybe_pop_jump:
- extract_number_and_incr (&mcnt, &p);
- printf ("/maybe_pop_jump to %d", p + mcnt - start);
- break;
- case pop_failure_jump:
- extract_number_and_incr (&mcnt, &p);
- printf ("/pop_failure_jump to %d", p + mcnt - start);
- break;
- case jump_past_alt:
- extract_number_and_incr (&mcnt, &p);
- printf ("/jump_past_alt to %d", p + mcnt - start);
- break;
- case jump:
- extract_number_and_incr (&mcnt, &p);
- printf ("/jump to %d", p + mcnt - start);
- break;
- case succeed_n:
- extract_number_and_incr (&mcnt, &p);
- p1 = p + mcnt;
- extract_number_and_incr (&mcnt2, &p);
- printf ("/succeed_n to %d, %d times", p1 - start, mcnt2);
- break;
- case jump_n:
- extract_number_and_incr (&mcnt, &p);
- p1 = p + mcnt;
- extract_number_and_incr (&mcnt2, &p);
- printf ("/jump_n to %d, %d times", p1 - start, mcnt2);
- break;
- case set_number_at:
- extract_number_and_incr (&mcnt, &p);
- p1 = p + mcnt;
- extract_number_and_incr (&mcnt2, &p);
- printf ("/set_number_at location %d to %d", p1 - start, mcnt2);
- break;
- case wordbound:
- printf ("/wordbound");
- break;
- case notwordbound:
- printf ("/notwordbound");
- break;
- case wordbeg:
- printf ("/wordbeg");
- break;
- case wordend:
- printf ("/wordend");
-# ifdef emacs
- case before_dot:
- printf ("/before_dot");
- break;
- case at_dot:
- printf ("/at_dot");
- break;
- case after_dot:
- printf ("/after_dot");
- break;
- case syntaxspec:
- printf ("/syntaxspec");
- mcnt = *p++;
- printf ("/%d", mcnt);
- break;
- case notsyntaxspec:
- printf ("/notsyntaxspec");
- mcnt = *p++;
- printf ("/%d", mcnt);
- break;
-# endif /* emacs */
- case wordchar:
- printf ("/wordchar");
- break;
- case notwordchar:
- printf ("/notwordchar");
- break;
- case begbuf:
- printf ("/begbuf");
- break;
- case endbuf:
- printf ("/endbuf");
- break;
- default:
- printf ("?%d", *(p-1));
- }
- putchar ('\n');
- }
- printf ("%d:\tend of pattern.\n", p - start);
-print_compiled_pattern (bufp)
- struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp;
- unsigned char *buffer = bufp->buffer;
- print_partial_compiled_pattern (buffer, buffer + bufp->used);
- printf ("%ld bytes used/%ld bytes allocated.\n",
- bufp->used, bufp->allocated);
- if (bufp->fastmap_accurate && bufp->fastmap)
- {
- printf ("fastmap: ");
- print_fastmap (bufp->fastmap);
- }
- printf ("re_nsub: %d\t", bufp->re_nsub);
- printf ("regs_alloc: %d\t", bufp->regs_allocated);
- printf ("can_be_null: %d\t", bufp->can_be_null);
- printf ("newline_anchor: %d\n", bufp->newline_anchor);
- printf ("no_sub: %d\t", bufp->no_sub);
- printf ("not_bol: %d\t", bufp->not_bol);
- printf ("not_eol: %d\t", bufp->not_eol);
- printf ("syntax: %lx\n", bufp->syntax);
- /* Perhaps we should print the translate table? */
-print_double_string (where, string1, size1, string2, size2)
- const char *where;
- const char *string1;
- const char *string2;
- int size1;
- int size2;
- int this_char;
- if (where == NULL)
- printf ("(null)");
- else
- {
- if (FIRST_STRING_P (where))
- {
- for (this_char = where - string1; this_char < size1; this_char++)
- putchar (string1[this_char]);
- where = string2;
- }
- for (this_char = where - string2; this_char < size2; this_char++)
- putchar (string2[this_char]);
- }
-printchar (c)
- int c;
- putc (c, stderr);
-#else /* not DEBUG */
-# undef assert
-# define assert(e)
-# define DEBUG_STATEMENT(e)
-# define DEBUG_PRINT1(x)
-# define DEBUG_PRINT2(x1, x2)
-# define DEBUG_PRINT3(x1, x2, x3)
-# define DEBUG_PRINT4(x1, x2, x3, x4)
-# define DEBUG_PRINT_DOUBLE_STRING(w, s1, sz1, s2, sz2)
-#endif /* not DEBUG */
-/* Set by `re_set_syntax' to the current regexp syntax to recognize. Can
- also be assigned to arbitrarily: each pattern buffer stores its own
- syntax, so it can be changed between regex compilations. */
-/* This has no initializer because initialized variables in Emacs
- become read-only after dumping. */
-reg_syntax_t re_syntax_options;
-/* Specify the precise syntax of regexps for compilation. This provides
- for compatibility for various utilities which historically have
- different, incompatible syntaxes.
- The argument SYNTAX is a bit mask comprised of the various bits
- defined in gnu-regex.h. We return the old syntax. */
-re_set_syntax (syntax)
- reg_syntax_t syntax;
- reg_syntax_t ret = re_syntax_options;
- re_syntax_options = syntax;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- if (syntax & RE_DEBUG)
- debug = 1;
- else if (debug) /* was on but now is not */
- debug = 0;
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- return ret;
-#ifdef _LIBC
-weak_alias (__re_set_syntax, re_set_syntax)
-/* This table gives an error message for each of the error codes listed
- in gnu-regex.h. Obviously the order here has to be same as there.
- POSIX doesn't require that we do anything for REG_NOERROR,
- but why not be nice? */
-static const char *re_error_msgid[] =
- {
- gettext_noop ("Success"), /* REG_NOERROR */
- gettext_noop ("No match"), /* REG_NOMATCH */
- gettext_noop ("Invalid regular expression"), /* REG_BADPAT */
- gettext_noop ("Invalid collation character"), /* REG_ECOLLATE */
- gettext_noop ("Invalid character class name"), /* REG_ECTYPE */
- gettext_noop ("Trailing backslash"), /* REG_EESCAPE */
- gettext_noop ("Invalid back reference"), /* REG_ESUBREG */
- gettext_noop ("Unmatched [ or [^"), /* REG_EBRACK */
- gettext_noop ("Unmatched ( or \\("), /* REG_EPAREN */
- gettext_noop ("Unmatched \\{"), /* REG_EBRACE */
- gettext_noop ("Invalid content of \\{\\}"), /* REG_BADBR */
- gettext_noop ("Invalid range end"), /* REG_ERANGE */
- gettext_noop ("Memory exhausted"), /* REG_ESPACE */
- gettext_noop ("Invalid preceding regular expression"), /* REG_BADRPT */
- gettext_noop ("Premature end of regular expression"), /* REG_EEND */
- gettext_noop ("Regular expression too big"), /* REG_ESIZE */
- gettext_noop ("Unmatched ) or \\)"), /* REG_ERPAREN */
- };
-/* Avoiding alloca during matching, to placate r_alloc. */
-/* Define MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE unless we need to make sure that the
- searching and matching functions should not call alloca. On some
- systems, alloca is implemented in terms of malloc, and if we're
- using the relocating allocator routines, then malloc could cause a
- relocation, which might (if the strings being searched are in the
- ralloc heap) shift the data out from underneath the regexp
- routines.
- Here's another reason to avoid allocation: Emacs
- processes input from X in a signal handler; processing X input may
- call malloc; if input arrives while a matching routine is calling
- malloc, then we're scrod. But Emacs can't just block input while
- calling matching routines; then we don't notice interrupts when
- they come in. So, Emacs blocks input around all regexp calls
- except the matching calls, which it leaves unprotected, in the
- faith that they will not malloc. */
-/* Normally, this is fine. */
-/* When using GNU C, we are not REALLY using the C alloca, no matter
- what config.h may say. So don't take precautions for it. */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-# undef C_ALLOCA
-/* The match routines may not allocate if (1) they would do it with malloc
- and (2) it's not safe for them to use malloc.
- Note that if REL_ALLOC is defined, matching would not use malloc for the
- failure stack, but we would still use it for the register vectors;
- so REL_ALLOC should not affect this. */
-#if (defined C_ALLOCA || defined REGEX_MALLOC) && defined emacs
-/* Failure stack declarations and macros; both re_compile_fastmap and
- re_match_2 use a failure stack. These have to be macros because of
-/* Number of failure points for which to initially allocate space
- when matching. If this number is exceeded, we allocate more
- space, so it is not a hard limit. */
-/* Roughly the maximum number of failure points on the stack. Would be
- exactly that if always used MAX_FAILURE_ITEMS items each time we failed.
- This is a variable only so users of regex can assign to it; we never
- change it ourselves. */
-#ifdef INT_IS_16BIT
-# if defined MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE
-/* 4400 was enough to cause a crash on Alpha OSF/1,
- whose default stack limit is 2mb. */
-long int re_max_failures = 4000;
-# else
-long int re_max_failures = 2000;
-# endif
-union fail_stack_elt
- unsigned char *pointer;
- long int integer;
-typedef union fail_stack_elt fail_stack_elt_t;
-typedef struct
- fail_stack_elt_t *stack;
- unsigned long int size;
- unsigned long int avail; /* Offset of next open position. */
-} fail_stack_type;
-#else /* not INT_IS_16BIT */
-# if defined MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE
-/* 4400 was enough to cause a crash on Alpha OSF/1,
- whose default stack limit is 2mb. */
-int re_max_failures = 20000;
-# else
-int re_max_failures = 2000;
-# endif
-union fail_stack_elt
- unsigned char *pointer;
- int integer;
-typedef union fail_stack_elt fail_stack_elt_t;
-typedef struct
- fail_stack_elt_t *stack;
- unsigned size;
- unsigned avail; /* Offset of next open position. */
-} fail_stack_type;
-#endif /* INT_IS_16BIT */
-#define FAIL_STACK_EMPTY() (fail_stack.avail == 0)
-#define FAIL_STACK_PTR_EMPTY() (fail_stack_ptr->avail == 0)
-#define FAIL_STACK_FULL() (fail_stack.avail == fail_stack.size)
-/* Define macros to initialize and free the failure stack.
- Do `return -2' if the alloc fails. */
-# define INIT_FAIL_STACK() \
- do { \
- fail_stack.stack = (fail_stack_elt_t *) \
- REGEX_ALLOCATE_STACK (INIT_FAILURE_ALLOC * sizeof (fail_stack_elt_t)); \
- \
- if (fail_stack.stack == NULL) \
- return -2; \
- \
- fail_stack.size = INIT_FAILURE_ALLOC; \
- fail_stack.avail = 0; \
- } while (0)
-# define RESET_FAIL_STACK() REGEX_FREE_STACK (fail_stack.stack)
-# define INIT_FAIL_STACK() \
- do { \
- fail_stack.avail = 0; \
- } while (0)
-# define RESET_FAIL_STACK()
-/* Double the size of FAIL_STACK, up to approximately `re_max_failures' items.
- Return 1 if succeeds, and 0 if either ran out of memory
- allocating space for it or it was already too large.
- REGEX_REALLOCATE_STACK requires `destination' be declared. */
-#define DOUBLE_FAIL_STACK(fail_stack) \
- ((fail_stack).size > (unsigned) (re_max_failures * MAX_FAILURE_ITEMS) \
- ? 0 \
- : ((fail_stack).stack = (fail_stack_elt_t *) \
- REGEX_REALLOCATE_STACK ((fail_stack).stack, \
- (fail_stack).size * sizeof (fail_stack_elt_t), \
- ((fail_stack).size << 1) * sizeof (fail_stack_elt_t)), \
- \
- (fail_stack).stack == NULL \
- ? 0 \
- : ((fail_stack).size <<= 1, \
- 1)))
-/* Push pointer POINTER on FAIL_STACK.
- Return 1 if was able to do so and 0 if ran out of memory allocating
- space to do so. */
- ? 0 \
- : ((FAIL_STACK).stack[(FAIL_STACK).avail++].pointer = POINTER, \
- 1))
-/* Push a pointer value onto the failure stack.
- Assumes the variable `fail_stack'. Probably should only
- be called from within `PUSH_FAILURE_POINT'. */
-#define PUSH_FAILURE_POINTER(item) \
- fail_stack.stack[fail_stack.avail++].pointer = (unsigned char *) (item)
-/* This pushes an integer-valued item onto the failure stack.
- Assumes the variable `fail_stack'. Probably should only
- be called from within `PUSH_FAILURE_POINT'. */
-#define PUSH_FAILURE_INT(item) \
- fail_stack.stack[fail_stack.avail++].integer = (item)
-/* Push a fail_stack_elt_t value onto the failure stack.
- Assumes the variable `fail_stack'. Probably should only
- be called from within `PUSH_FAILURE_POINT'. */
-#define PUSH_FAILURE_ELT(item) \
- fail_stack.stack[fail_stack.avail++] = (item)
-/* These three POP... operations complement the three PUSH... operations.
- All assume that `fail_stack' is nonempty. */
-#define POP_FAILURE_POINTER() fail_stack.stack[--fail_stack.avail].pointer
-#define POP_FAILURE_INT() fail_stack.stack[--fail_stack.avail].integer
-#define POP_FAILURE_ELT() fail_stack.stack[--fail_stack.avail]
-/* Used to omit pushing failure point id's when we're not debugging. */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-# define DEBUG_POP(item_addr) *(item_addr) = POP_FAILURE_INT ()
-# define DEBUG_PUSH(item)
-# define DEBUG_POP(item_addr)
-/* Push the information about the state we will need
- if we ever fail back to it.
- Requires variables fail_stack, regstart, regend, reg_info, and
- num_regs_pushed be declared. DOUBLE_FAIL_STACK requires `destination'
- be declared.
- Does `return FAILURE_CODE' if runs out of memory. */
-#define PUSH_FAILURE_POINT(pattern_place, string_place, failure_code) \
- do { \
- char *destination; \
- /* Must be int, so when we don't save any registers, the arithmetic \
- of 0 + -1 isn't done as unsigned. */ \
- /* Can't be int, since there is not a shred of a guarantee that int \
- is wide enough to hold a value of something to which pointer can \
- be assigned */ \
- active_reg_t this_reg; \
- \
- DEBUG_STATEMENT (failure_id++); \
- DEBUG_STATEMENT (nfailure_points_pushed++); \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("\nPUSH_FAILURE_POINT #%u:\n", failure_id); \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" Before push, next avail: %d\n", (fail_stack).avail);\
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" size: %d\n", (fail_stack).size);\
- \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" slots needed: %ld\n", NUM_FAILURE_ITEMS); \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" available: %d\n", REMAINING_AVAIL_SLOTS); \
- \
- /* Ensure we have enough space allocated for what we will push. */ \
- { \
- if (!DOUBLE_FAIL_STACK (fail_stack)) \
- return failure_code; \
- \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("\n Doubled stack; size now: %d\n", \
- (fail_stack).size); \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" slots available: %d\n", REMAINING_AVAIL_SLOTS);\
- } \
- \
- /* Push the info, starting with the registers. */ \
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("\n"); \
- \
- if (1) \
- for (this_reg = lowest_active_reg; this_reg <= highest_active_reg; \
- this_reg++) \
- { \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" Pushing reg: %lu\n", this_reg); \
- DEBUG_STATEMENT (num_regs_pushed++); \
- \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" start: %p\n", regstart[this_reg]); \
- PUSH_FAILURE_POINTER (regstart[this_reg]); \
- \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" end: %p\n", regend[this_reg]); \
- PUSH_FAILURE_POINTER (regend[this_reg]); \
- \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" info: %p\n ", \
- reg_info[this_reg].word.pointer); \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" match_null=%d", \
- REG_MATCH_NULL_STRING_P (reg_info[this_reg])); \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" active=%d", IS_ACTIVE (reg_info[this_reg])); \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" matched_something=%d", \
- MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[this_reg])); \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" ever_matched=%d", \
- EVER_MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[this_reg])); \
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("\n"); \
- PUSH_FAILURE_ELT (reg_info[this_reg].word); \
- } \
- \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" Pushing low active reg: %ld\n", lowest_active_reg);\
- PUSH_FAILURE_INT (lowest_active_reg); \
- \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" Pushing high active reg: %ld\n", highest_active_reg);\
- PUSH_FAILURE_INT (highest_active_reg); \
- \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" Pushing pattern %p:\n", pattern_place); \
- DEBUG_PRINT_COMPILED_PATTERN (bufp, pattern_place, pend); \
- PUSH_FAILURE_POINTER (pattern_place); \
- \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" Pushing string %p: `", string_place); \
- DEBUG_PRINT_DOUBLE_STRING (string_place, string1, size1, string2, \
- size2); \
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("'\n"); \
- PUSH_FAILURE_POINTER (string_place); \
- \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" Pushing failure id: %u\n", failure_id); \
- DEBUG_PUSH (failure_id); \
- } while (0)
-/* This is the number of items that are pushed and popped on the stack
- for each register. */
-#define NUM_REG_ITEMS 3
-/* Individual items aside from the registers. */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-# define NUM_NONREG_ITEMS 5 /* Includes failure point id. */
-# define NUM_NONREG_ITEMS 4
-/* We push at most this many items on the stack. */
-/* We used to use (num_regs - 1), which is the number of registers
- this regexp will save; but that was changed to 5
- to avoid stack overflow for a regexp with lots of parens. */
-/* We actually push this many items. */
- (((0 \
- ? 0 : highest_active_reg - lowest_active_reg + 1) \
-/* How many items can still be added to the stack without overflowing it. */
-#define REMAINING_AVAIL_SLOTS ((fail_stack).size - (fail_stack).avail)
-/* Pops what PUSH_FAIL_STACK pushes.
- We restore into the parameters, all of which should be lvalues:
- STR -- the saved data position.
- PAT -- the saved pattern position.
- LOW_REG, HIGH_REG -- the highest and lowest active registers.
- REGSTART, REGEND -- arrays of string positions.
- REG_INFO -- array of information about each subexpression.
- Also assumes the variables `fail_stack' and (if debugging), `bufp',
- `pend', `string1', `size1', `string2', and `size2'. */
-#define POP_FAILURE_POINT(str, pat, low_reg, high_reg, regstart, regend, reg_info)\
-{ \
- DEBUG_STATEMENT (unsigned failure_id;) \
- active_reg_t this_reg; \
- const unsigned char *string_temp; \
- \
- assert (!FAIL_STACK_EMPTY ()); \
- \
- /* Remove failure points and point to how many regs pushed. */ \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" Before pop, next avail: %d\n", fail_stack.avail); \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" size: %d\n", fail_stack.size); \
- \
- assert (fail_stack.avail >= NUM_NONREG_ITEMS); \
- \
- DEBUG_POP (&failure_id); \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" Popping failure id: %u\n", failure_id); \
- \
- /* If the saved string location is NULL, it came from an \
- on_failure_keep_string_jump opcode, and we want to throw away the \
- saved NULL, thus retaining our current position in the string. */ \
- string_temp = POP_FAILURE_POINTER (); \
- if (string_temp != NULL) \
- str = (const char *) string_temp; \
- \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" Popping string %p: `", str); \
- DEBUG_PRINT_DOUBLE_STRING (str, string1, size1, string2, size2); \
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("'\n"); \
- \
- pat = (unsigned char *) POP_FAILURE_POINTER (); \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" Popping pattern %p:\n", pat); \
- DEBUG_PRINT_COMPILED_PATTERN (bufp, pat, pend); \
- \
- /* Restore register info. */ \
- high_reg = (active_reg_t) POP_FAILURE_INT (); \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" Popping high active reg: %ld\n", high_reg); \
- \
- low_reg = (active_reg_t) POP_FAILURE_INT (); \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" Popping low active reg: %ld\n", low_reg); \
- \
- if (1) \
- for (this_reg = high_reg; this_reg >= low_reg; this_reg--) \
- { \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" Popping reg: %ld\n", this_reg); \
- \
- reg_info[this_reg].word = POP_FAILURE_ELT (); \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" info: %p\n", \
- reg_info[this_reg].word.pointer); \
- \
- regend[this_reg] = (const char *) POP_FAILURE_POINTER (); \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" end: %p\n", regend[this_reg]); \
- \
- regstart[this_reg] = (const char *) POP_FAILURE_POINTER (); \
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" start: %p\n", regstart[this_reg]); \
- } \
- else \
- { \
- for (this_reg = highest_active_reg; this_reg > high_reg; this_reg--) \
- { \
- reg_info[this_reg].word.integer = 0; \
- regend[this_reg] = 0; \
- regstart[this_reg] = 0; \
- } \
- highest_active_reg = high_reg; \
- } \
- \
- set_regs_matched_done = 0; \
- DEBUG_STATEMENT (nfailure_points_popped++); \
-/* Structure for per-register (a.k.a. per-group) information.
- Other register information, such as the
- starting and ending positions (which are addresses), and the list of
- inner groups (which is a bits list) are maintained in separate
- variables.
- We are making a (strictly speaking) nonportable assumption here: that
- the compiler will pack our bit fields into something that fits into
- the type of `word', i.e., is something that fits into one item on the
- failure stack. */
-/* Declarations and macros for re_match_2. */
-typedef union
- fail_stack_elt_t word;
- struct
- {
- /* This field is one if this group can match the empty string,
- zero if not. If not yet determined, `MATCH_NULL_UNSET_VALUE'. */
- unsigned match_null_string_p : 2;
- unsigned is_active : 1;
- unsigned matched_something : 1;
- unsigned ever_matched_something : 1;
- } bits;
-} register_info_type;
-#define REG_MATCH_NULL_STRING_P(R) ((R).bits.match_null_string_p)
-#define IS_ACTIVE(R) ((R).bits.is_active)
-#define MATCHED_SOMETHING(R) ((R).bits.matched_something)
-#define EVER_MATCHED_SOMETHING(R) ((R).bits.ever_matched_something)
-/* Call this when have matched a real character; it sets `matched' flags
- for the subexpressions which we are currently inside. Also records
- that those subexprs have matched. */
-#define SET_REGS_MATCHED() \
- do \
- { \
- if (!set_regs_matched_done) \
- { \
- active_reg_t r; \
- set_regs_matched_done = 1; \
- for (r = lowest_active_reg; r <= highest_active_reg; r++) \
- { \
- MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[r]) \
- = EVER_MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[r]) \
- = 1; \
- } \
- } \
- } \
- while (0)
-/* Registers are set to a sentinel when they haven't yet matched. */
-static char reg_unset_dummy;
-#define REG_UNSET_VALUE (&reg_unset_dummy)
-#define REG_UNSET(e) ((e) == REG_UNSET_VALUE)
-/* Subroutine declarations and macros for regex_compile. */
-static reg_errcode_t regex_compile _RE_ARGS ((const char *pattern, size_t size,
- reg_syntax_t syntax,
- struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp));
-static void store_op1 _RE_ARGS ((re_opcode_t op, unsigned char *loc, int arg));
-static void store_op2 _RE_ARGS ((re_opcode_t op, unsigned char *loc,
- int arg1, int arg2));
-static void insert_op1 _RE_ARGS ((re_opcode_t op, unsigned char *loc,
- int arg, unsigned char *end));
-static void insert_op2 _RE_ARGS ((re_opcode_t op, unsigned char *loc,
- int arg1, int arg2, unsigned char *end));
-static boolean at_begline_loc_p _RE_ARGS ((const char *pattern, const char *p,
- reg_syntax_t syntax));
-static boolean at_endline_loc_p _RE_ARGS ((const char *p, const char *pend,
- reg_syntax_t syntax));
-static reg_errcode_t compile_range _RE_ARGS ((const char **p_ptr,
- const char *pend,
- char *translate,
- reg_syntax_t syntax,
- unsigned char *b));
-/* Fetch the next character in the uncompiled pattern---translating it
- if necessary. Also cast from a signed character in the constant
- string passed to us by the user to an unsigned char that we can use
- as an array index (in, e.g., `translate'). */
-#ifndef PATFETCH
-# define PATFETCH(c) \
- do {if (p == pend) return REG_EEND; \
- c = (unsigned char) *p++; \
- if (translate) c = (unsigned char) translate[c]; \
- } while (0)
-/* Fetch the next character in the uncompiled pattern, with no
- translation. */
-#define PATFETCH_RAW(c) \
- do {if (p == pend) return REG_EEND; \
- c = (unsigned char) *p++; \
- } while (0)
-/* Go backwards one character in the pattern. */
-#define PATUNFETCH p--
-/* If `translate' is non-null, return translate[D], else just D. We
- cast the subscript to translate because some data is declared as
- `char *', to avoid warnings when a string constant is passed. But
- when we use a character as a subscript we must make it unsigned. */
-#ifndef TRANSLATE
-# define TRANSLATE(d) \
- (translate ? (char) translate[(unsigned char) (d)] : (d))
-/* Macros for outputting the compiled pattern into `buffer'. */
-/* If the buffer isn't allocated when it comes in, use this. */
-#define INIT_BUF_SIZE 32
-/* Make sure we have at least N more bytes of space in buffer. */
-#define GET_BUFFER_SPACE(n) \
- while ((unsigned long) (b - bufp->buffer + (n)) > bufp->allocated) \
-/* Make sure we have one more byte of buffer space and then add C to it. */
-#define BUF_PUSH(c) \
- do { \
- *b++ = (unsigned char) (c); \
- } while (0)
-/* Ensure we have two more bytes of buffer space and then append C1 and C2. */
-#define BUF_PUSH_2(c1, c2) \
- do { \
- *b++ = (unsigned char) (c1); \
- *b++ = (unsigned char) (c2); \
- } while (0)
-/* As with BUF_PUSH_2, except for three bytes. */
-#define BUF_PUSH_3(c1, c2, c3) \
- do { \
- *b++ = (unsigned char) (c1); \
- *b++ = (unsigned char) (c2); \
- *b++ = (unsigned char) (c3); \
- } while (0)
-/* Store a jump with opcode OP at LOC to location TO. We store a
- relative address offset by the three bytes the jump itself occupies. */
-#define STORE_JUMP(op, loc, to) \
- store_op1 (op, loc, (int) ((to) - (loc) - 3))
-/* Likewise, for a two-argument jump. */
-#define STORE_JUMP2(op, loc, to, arg) \
- store_op2 (op, loc, (int) ((to) - (loc) - 3), arg)
-/* Like `STORE_JUMP', but for inserting. Assume `b' is the buffer end. */
-#define INSERT_JUMP(op, loc, to) \
- insert_op1 (op, loc, (int) ((to) - (loc) - 3), b)
-/* Like `STORE_JUMP2', but for inserting. Assume `b' is the buffer end. */
-#define INSERT_JUMP2(op, loc, to, arg) \
- insert_op2 (op, loc, (int) ((to) - (loc) - 3), arg, b)
-/* This is not an arbitrary limit: the arguments which represent offsets
- into the pattern are two bytes long. So if 2^16 bytes turns out to
- be too small, many things would have to change. */
-/* Any other compiler which, like MSC, has allocation limit below 2^16
- bytes will have to use approach similar to what was done below for
- MSC and drop MAX_BUF_SIZE a bit. Otherwise you may end up
- reallocating to 0 bytes. Such thing is not going to work too well.
- You have been warned!! */
-#if defined _MSC_VER && !defined WIN32
-/* Microsoft C 16-bit versions limit malloc to approx 65512 bytes.
- The REALLOC define eliminates a flurry of conversion warnings,
- but is not required. */
-# define MAX_BUF_SIZE 65500L
-# define REALLOC(p,s) realloc ((p), (size_t) (s))
-# define MAX_BUF_SIZE (1L << 16)
-# define REALLOC(p,s) realloc ((p), (s))
-/* Extend the buffer by twice its current size via realloc and
- reset the pointers that pointed into the old block to point to the
- correct places in the new one. If extending the buffer results in it
- being larger than MAX_BUF_SIZE, then flag memory exhausted. */
-#define EXTEND_BUFFER() \
- do { \
- unsigned char *old_buffer = bufp->buffer; \
- if (bufp->allocated == MAX_BUF_SIZE) \
- return REG_ESIZE; \
- bufp->allocated <<= 1; \
- if (bufp->allocated > MAX_BUF_SIZE) \
- bufp->allocated = MAX_BUF_SIZE; \
- bufp->buffer = (unsigned char *) REALLOC (bufp->buffer, bufp->allocated);\
- if (bufp->buffer == NULL) \
- return REG_ESPACE; \
- /* If the buffer moved, move all the pointers into it. */ \
- if (old_buffer != bufp->buffer) \
- { \
- b = (b - old_buffer) + bufp->buffer; \
- begalt = (begalt - old_buffer) + bufp->buffer; \
- if (fixup_alt_jump) \
- fixup_alt_jump = (fixup_alt_jump - old_buffer) + bufp->buffer;\
- if (laststart) \
- laststart = (laststart - old_buffer) + bufp->buffer; \
- if (pending_exact) \
- pending_exact = (pending_exact - old_buffer) + bufp->buffer; \
- } \
- } while (0)
-/* Since we have one byte reserved for the register number argument to
- {start,stop}_memory, the maximum number of groups we can report
- things about is what fits in that byte. */
-#define MAX_REGNUM 255
-/* But patterns can have more than `MAX_REGNUM' registers. We just
- ignore the excess. */
-typedef unsigned regnum_t;
-/* Macros for the compile stack. */
-/* Since offsets can go either forwards or backwards, this type needs to
- be able to hold values from -(MAX_BUF_SIZE - 1) to MAX_BUF_SIZE - 1. */
-/* int may be not enough when sizeof(int) == 2. */
-typedef long pattern_offset_t;
-typedef struct
- pattern_offset_t begalt_offset;
- pattern_offset_t fixup_alt_jump;
- pattern_offset_t inner_group_offset;
- pattern_offset_t laststart_offset;
- regnum_t regnum;
-} compile_stack_elt_t;
-typedef struct
- compile_stack_elt_t *stack;
- unsigned size;
- unsigned avail; /* Offset of next open position. */
-} compile_stack_type;
-#define COMPILE_STACK_EMPTY (compile_stack.avail == 0)
-#define COMPILE_STACK_FULL (compile_stack.avail == compile_stack.size)
-/* The next available element. */
-#define COMPILE_STACK_TOP (compile_stack.stack[compile_stack.avail])
-/* Set the bit for character C in a list. */
-#define SET_LIST_BIT(c) \
- (b[((unsigned char) (c)) / BYTEWIDTH] \
- |= 1 << (((unsigned char) c) % BYTEWIDTH))
-/* Get the next unsigned number in the uncompiled pattern. */
-#define GET_UNSIGNED_NUMBER(num) \
- { if (p != pend) \
- { \
- PATFETCH (c); \
- while (ISDIGIT (c)) \
- { \
- if (num < 0) \
- num = 0; \
- num = num * 10 + c - '0'; \
- if (p == pend) \
- break; \
- PATFETCH (c); \
- } \
- } \
- }
-#if defined _LIBC || (defined HAVE_WCTYPE_H && defined HAVE_WCHAR_H)
-/* The GNU C library provides support for user-defined character classes
- and the functions from ISO C amendement 1. */
-# else
-/* This shouldn't happen but some implementation might still have this
- problem. Use a reasonable default value. */
-# endif
-# ifdef _LIBC
-# define IS_CHAR_CLASS(string) __wctype (string)
-# else
-# define IS_CHAR_CLASS(string) wctype (string)
-# endif
-# define CHAR_CLASS_MAX_LENGTH 6 /* Namely, `xdigit'. */
-# define IS_CHAR_CLASS(string) \
- (STREQ (string, "alpha") || STREQ (string, "upper") \
- || STREQ (string, "lower") || STREQ (string, "digit") \
- || STREQ (string, "alnum") || STREQ (string, "xdigit") \
- || STREQ (string, "space") || STREQ (string, "print") \
- || STREQ (string, "punct") || STREQ (string, "graph") \
- || STREQ (string, "cntrl") || STREQ (string, "blank"))
-/* If we cannot allocate large objects within re_match_2_internal,
- we make the fail stack and register vectors global.
- The fail stack, we grow to the maximum size when a regexp
- is compiled.
- The register vectors, we adjust in size each time we
- compile a regexp, according to the number of registers it needs. */
-static fail_stack_type fail_stack;
-/* Size with which the following vectors are currently allocated.
- That is so we can make them bigger as needed,
- but never make them smaller. */
-static int regs_allocated_size;
-static const char ** regstart, ** regend;
-static const char ** old_regstart, ** old_regend;
-static const char **best_regstart, **best_regend;
-static register_info_type *reg_info;
-static const char **reg_dummy;
-static register_info_type *reg_info_dummy;
-/* Make the register vectors big enough for NUM_REGS registers,
- but don't make them smaller. */
-regex_grow_registers (num_regs)
- int num_regs;
- if (num_regs > regs_allocated_size)
- {
- RETALLOC_IF (regstart, num_regs, const char *);
- RETALLOC_IF (regend, num_regs, const char *);
- RETALLOC_IF (old_regstart, num_regs, const char *);
- RETALLOC_IF (old_regend, num_regs, const char *);
- RETALLOC_IF (best_regstart, num_regs, const char *);
- RETALLOC_IF (best_regend, num_regs, const char *);
- RETALLOC_IF (reg_info, num_regs, register_info_type);
- RETALLOC_IF (reg_dummy, num_regs, const char *);
- RETALLOC_IF (reg_info_dummy, num_regs, register_info_type);
- regs_allocated_size = num_regs;
- }
-#endif /* not MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE */
-static boolean group_in_compile_stack _RE_ARGS ((compile_stack_type
- compile_stack,
- regnum_t regnum));
-/* `regex_compile' compiles PATTERN (of length SIZE) according to SYNTAX.
- Returns one of error codes defined in `gnu-regex.h', or zero for success.
- Assumes the `allocated' (and perhaps `buffer') and `translate'
- fields are set in BUFP on entry.
- If it succeeds, results are put in BUFP (if it returns an error, the
- contents of BUFP are undefined):
- `buffer' is the compiled pattern;
- `syntax' is set to SYNTAX;
- `used' is set to the length of the compiled pattern;
- `fastmap_accurate' is zero;
- `re_nsub' is the number of subexpressions in PATTERN;
- `not_bol' and `not_eol' are zero;
- The `fastmap' and `newline_anchor' fields are neither
- examined nor set. */
-/* Return, freeing storage we allocated. */
-#define FREE_STACK_RETURN(value) \
- return (free (compile_stack.stack), value)
-static reg_errcode_t
-regex_compile (pattern, size, syntax, bufp)
- const char *pattern;
- size_t size;
- reg_syntax_t syntax;
- struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp;
- /* We fetch characters from PATTERN here. Even though PATTERN is
- `char *' (i.e., signed), we declare these variables as unsigned, so
- they can be reliably used as array indices. */
- register unsigned char c, c1;
- /* A random temporary spot in PATTERN. */
- const char *p1;
- /* Points to the end of the buffer, where we should append. */
- register unsigned char *b;
- /* Keeps track of unclosed groups. */
- compile_stack_type compile_stack;
- /* Points to the current (ending) position in the pattern. */
- const char *p = pattern;
- const char *pend = pattern + size;
- /* How to translate the characters in the pattern. */
- RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE translate = bufp->translate;
- /* Address of the count-byte of the most recently inserted `exactn'
- command. This makes it possible to tell if a new exact-match
- character can be added to that command or if the character requires
- a new `exactn' command. */
- unsigned char *pending_exact = 0;
- /* Address of start of the most recently finished expression.
- This tells, e.g., postfix * where to find the start of its
- operand. Reset at the beginning of groups and alternatives. */
- unsigned char *laststart = 0;
- /* Address of beginning of regexp, or inside of last group. */
- unsigned char *begalt;
- /* Place in the uncompiled pattern (i.e., the {) to
- which to go back if the interval is invalid. */
- const char *beg_interval;
- /* Address of the place where a forward jump should go to the end of
- the containing expression. Each alternative of an `or' -- except the
- last -- ends with a forward jump of this sort. */
- unsigned char *fixup_alt_jump = 0;
- /* Counts open-groups as they are encountered. Remembered for the
- matching close-group on the compile stack, so the same register
- number is put in the stop_memory as the start_memory. */
- regnum_t regnum = 0;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("\nCompiling pattern: ");
- if (debug)
- {
- unsigned debug_count;
- for (debug_count = 0; debug_count < size; debug_count++)
- putchar (pattern[debug_count]);
- putchar ('\n');
- }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- /* Initialize the compile stack. */
- compile_stack.stack = TALLOC (INIT_COMPILE_STACK_SIZE, compile_stack_elt_t);
- if (compile_stack.stack == NULL)
- return REG_ESPACE;
- compile_stack.size = INIT_COMPILE_STACK_SIZE;
- compile_stack.avail = 0;
- /* Initialize the pattern buffer. */
- bufp->syntax = syntax;
- bufp->fastmap_accurate = 0;
- bufp->not_bol = bufp->not_eol = 0;
- /* Set `used' to zero, so that if we return an error, the pattern
- printer (for debugging) will think there's no pattern. We reset it
- at the end. */
- bufp->used = 0;
- /* Always count groups, whether or not bufp->no_sub is set. */
- bufp->re_nsub = 0;
-#if !defined emacs && !defined SYNTAX_TABLE
- /* Initialize the syntax table. */
- init_syntax_once ();
- if (bufp->allocated == 0)
- {
- if (bufp->buffer)
- { /* If zero allocated, but buffer is non-null, try to realloc
- enough space. This loses if buffer's address is bogus, but
- that is the user's responsibility. */
- RETALLOC (bufp->buffer, INIT_BUF_SIZE, unsigned char);
- }
- else
- { /* Caller did not allocate a buffer. Do it for them. */
- bufp->buffer = TALLOC (INIT_BUF_SIZE, unsigned char);
- }
- if (!bufp->buffer) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_ESPACE);
- bufp->allocated = INIT_BUF_SIZE;
- }
- begalt = b = bufp->buffer;
- /* Loop through the uncompiled pattern until we're at the end. */
- while (p != pend)
- {
- switch (c)
- {
- case '^':
- {
- if ( /* If at start of pattern, it's an operator. */
- p == pattern + 1
- /* If context independent, it's an operator. */
- /* Otherwise, depends on what's come before. */
- || at_begline_loc_p (pattern, p, syntax))
- BUF_PUSH (begline);
- else
- goto normal_char;
- }
- break;
- case '$':
- {
- if ( /* If at end of pattern, it's an operator. */
- p == pend
- /* If context independent, it's an operator. */
- /* Otherwise, depends on what's next. */
- || at_endline_loc_p (p, pend, syntax))
- BUF_PUSH (endline);
- else
- goto normal_char;
- }
- break;
- case '+':
- case '?':
- if ((syntax & RE_BK_PLUS_QM)
- || (syntax & RE_LIMITED_OPS))
- goto normal_char;
- handle_plus:
- case '*':
- /* If there is no previous pattern... */
- if (!laststart)
- {
- if (syntax & RE_CONTEXT_INVALID_OPS)
- else if (!(syntax & RE_CONTEXT_INDEP_OPS))
- goto normal_char;
- }
- {
- /* Are we optimizing this jump? */
- boolean keep_string_p = false;
- /* 1 means zero (many) matches is allowed. */
- char zero_times_ok = 0, many_times_ok = 0;
- /* If there is a sequence of repetition chars, collapse it
- down to just one (the right one). We can't combine
- interval operators with these because of, e.g., `a{2}*',
- which should only match an even number of `a's. */
- for (;;)
- {
- zero_times_ok |= c != '+';
- many_times_ok |= c != '?';
- if (p == pend)
- break;
- if (c == '*'
- || (!(syntax & RE_BK_PLUS_QM) && (c == '+' || c == '?')))
- ;
- else if (syntax & RE_BK_PLUS_QM && c == '\\')
- {
- PATFETCH (c1);
- if (!(c1 == '+' || c1 == '?'))
- {
- break;
- }
- c = c1;
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- /* If we get here, we found another repeat character. */
- }
- /* Star, etc. applied to an empty pattern is equivalent
- to an empty pattern. */
- if (!laststart)
- break;
- /* Now we know whether or not zero matches is allowed
- and also whether or not two or more matches is allowed. */
- if (many_times_ok)
- { /* More than one repetition is allowed, so put in at the
- end a backward relative jump from `b' to before the next
- jump we're going to put in below (which jumps from
- laststart to after this jump).
- But if we are at the `*' in the exact sequence `.*\n',
- insert an unconditional jump backwards to the .,
- instead of the beginning of the loop. This way we only
- push a failure point once, instead of every time
- through the loop. */
- assert (p - 1 > pattern);
- /* Allocate the space for the jump. */
- /* We know we are not at the first character of the pattern,
- because laststart was nonzero. And we've already
- incremented `p', by the way, to be the character after
- the `*'. Do we have to do something analogous here
- for null bytes, because of RE_DOT_NOT_NULL? */
- if (TRANSLATE (*(p - 2)) == TRANSLATE ('.')
- && zero_times_ok
- && p < pend && TRANSLATE (*p) == TRANSLATE ('\n')
- && !(syntax & RE_DOT_NEWLINE))
- { /* We have .*\n. */
- STORE_JUMP (jump, b, laststart);
- keep_string_p = true;
- }
- else
- /* Anything else. */
- STORE_JUMP (maybe_pop_jump, b, laststart - 3);
- /* We've added more stuff to the buffer. */
- b += 3;
- }
- /* On failure, jump from laststart to b + 3, which will be the
- end of the buffer after this jump is inserted. */
- INSERT_JUMP (keep_string_p ? on_failure_keep_string_jump
- : on_failure_jump,
- laststart, b + 3);
- pending_exact = 0;
- b += 3;
- if (!zero_times_ok)
- {
- /* At least one repetition is required, so insert a
- `dummy_failure_jump' before the initial
- `on_failure_jump' instruction of the loop. This
- effects a skip over that instruction the first time
- we hit that loop. */
- INSERT_JUMP (dummy_failure_jump, laststart, laststart + 6);
- b += 3;
- }
- }
- break;
- case '.':
- laststart = b;
- BUF_PUSH (anychar);
- break;
- case '[':
- {
- boolean had_char_class = false;
- if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EBRACK);
- /* Ensure that we have enough space to push a charset: the
- opcode, the length count, and the bitset; 34 bytes in all. */
- laststart = b;
- /* We test `*p == '^' twice, instead of using an if
- statement, so we only need one BUF_PUSH. */
- BUF_PUSH (*p == '^' ? charset_not : charset);
- if (*p == '^')
- p++;
- /* Remember the first position in the bracket expression. */
- p1 = p;
- /* Push the number of bytes in the bitmap. */
- /* Clear the whole map. */
- bzero (b, (1 << BYTEWIDTH) / BYTEWIDTH);
- /* charset_not matches newline according to a syntax bit. */
- if ((re_opcode_t) b[-2] == charset_not
- && (syntax & RE_HAT_LISTS_NOT_NEWLINE))
- SET_LIST_BIT ('\n');
- /* Read in characters and ranges, setting map bits. */
- for (;;)
- {
- if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EBRACK);
- /* \ might escape characters inside [...] and [^...]. */
- if ((syntax & RE_BACKSLASH_ESCAPE_IN_LISTS) && c == '\\')
- {
- PATFETCH (c1);
- SET_LIST_BIT (c1);
- continue;
- }
- /* Could be the end of the bracket expression. If it's
- not (i.e., when the bracket expression is `[]' so
- far), the ']' character bit gets set way below. */
- if (c == ']' && p != p1 + 1)
- break;
- /* Look ahead to see if it's a range when the last thing
- was a character class. */
- if (had_char_class && c == '-' && *p != ']')
- /* Look ahead to see if it's a range when the last thing
- was a character: if this is a hyphen not at the
- beginning or the end of a list, then it's the range
- operator. */
- if (c == '-'
- && !(p - 2 >= pattern && p[-2] == '[')
- && !(p - 3 >= pattern && p[-3] == '[' && p[-2] == '^')
- && *p != ']')
- {
- reg_errcode_t ret
- = compile_range (&p, pend, translate, syntax, b);
- if (ret != REG_NOERROR) FREE_STACK_RETURN (ret);
- }
- else if (p[0] == '-' && p[1] != ']')
- { /* This handles ranges made up of characters only. */
- reg_errcode_t ret;
- /* Move past the `-'. */
- PATFETCH (c1);
- ret = compile_range (&p, pend, translate, syntax, b);
- if (ret != REG_NOERROR) FREE_STACK_RETURN (ret);
- }
- /* See if we're at the beginning of a possible character
- class. */
- else if (syntax & RE_CHAR_CLASSES && c == '[' && *p == ':')
- { /* Leave room for the null. */
- char str[CHAR_CLASS_MAX_LENGTH + 1];
- c1 = 0;
- /* If pattern is `[[:'. */
- if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EBRACK);
- for (;;)
- {
- if ((c == ':' && *p == ']') || p == pend
- break;
- str[c1++] = c;
- }
- str[c1] = '\0';
- /* If isn't a word bracketed by `[:' and `:]':
- undo the ending character, the letters, and leave
- the leading `:' and `[' (but set bits for them). */
- if (c == ':' && *p == ']')
- {
-/* CYGNUS LOCAL: Skip this code if we don't have btowc(). btowc() is */
-/* defined in the 1994 Amendment 1 to ISO C and may not be present on */
-/* systems where we have wchar.h and wctype.h. */
-#if defined _LIBC || (defined HAVE_WCTYPE_H && defined HAVE_WCHAR_H && defined HAVE_BTOWC)
- boolean is_lower = STREQ (str, "lower");
- boolean is_upper = STREQ (str, "upper");
- wctype_t wt;
- int ch;
- wt = IS_CHAR_CLASS (str);
- if (wt == 0)
- /* Throw away the ] at the end of the character
- class. */
- if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EBRACK);
- for (ch = 0; ch < 1 << BYTEWIDTH; ++ch)
- {
-# ifdef _LIBC
- if (__iswctype (__btowc (ch), wt))
- SET_LIST_BIT (ch);
- if (iswctype (btowc (ch), wt))
- SET_LIST_BIT (ch);
- if (translate && (is_upper || is_lower)
- && (ISUPPER (ch) || ISLOWER (ch)))
- SET_LIST_BIT (ch);
- }
- had_char_class = true;
- int ch;
- boolean is_alnum = STREQ (str, "alnum");
- boolean is_alpha = STREQ (str, "alpha");
- boolean is_blank = STREQ (str, "blank");
- boolean is_cntrl = STREQ (str, "cntrl");
- boolean is_digit = STREQ (str, "digit");
- boolean is_graph = STREQ (str, "graph");
- boolean is_lower = STREQ (str, "lower");
- boolean is_print = STREQ (str, "print");
- boolean is_punct = STREQ (str, "punct");
- boolean is_space = STREQ (str, "space");
- boolean is_upper = STREQ (str, "upper");
- boolean is_xdigit = STREQ (str, "xdigit");
- if (!IS_CHAR_CLASS (str))
- /* Throw away the ] at the end of the character
- class. */
- if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EBRACK);
- for (ch = 0; ch < 1 << BYTEWIDTH; ch++)
- {
- /* This was split into 3 if's to
- avoid an arbitrary limit in some compiler. */
- if ( (is_alnum && ISALNUM (ch))
- || (is_alpha && ISALPHA (ch))
- || (is_blank && ISBLANK (ch))
- || (is_cntrl && ISCNTRL (ch)))
- SET_LIST_BIT (ch);
- if ( (is_digit && ISDIGIT (ch))
- || (is_graph && ISGRAPH (ch))
- || (is_lower && ISLOWER (ch))
- || (is_print && ISPRINT (ch)))
- SET_LIST_BIT (ch);
- if ( (is_punct && ISPUNCT (ch))
- || (is_space && ISSPACE (ch))
- || (is_upper && ISUPPER (ch))
- || (is_xdigit && ISXDIGIT (ch)))
- SET_LIST_BIT (ch);
- if ( translate && (is_upper || is_lower)
- && (ISUPPER (ch) || ISLOWER (ch)))
- SET_LIST_BIT (ch);
- }
- had_char_class = true;
-#endif /* libc || wctype.h */
- }
- else
- {
- c1++;
- while (c1--)
- SET_LIST_BIT ('[');
- SET_LIST_BIT (':');
- had_char_class = false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- had_char_class = false;
- }
- }
- /* Discard any (non)matching list bytes that are all 0 at the
- end of the map. Decrease the map-length byte too. */
- while ((int) b[-1] > 0 && b[b[-1] - 1] == 0)
- b[-1]--;
- b += b[-1];
- }
- break;
- case '(':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_PARENS)
- goto handle_open;
- else
- goto normal_char;
- case ')':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_PARENS)
- goto handle_close;
- else
- goto normal_char;
- case '\n':
- if (syntax & RE_NEWLINE_ALT)
- goto handle_alt;
- else
- goto normal_char;
- case '|':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_VBAR)
- goto handle_alt;
- else
- goto normal_char;
- case '{':
- if (syntax & RE_INTERVALS && syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES)
- goto handle_interval;
- else
- goto normal_char;
- case '\\':
- /* Do not translate the character after the \, so that we can
- distinguish, e.g., \B from \b, even if we normally would
- translate, e.g., B to b. */
- switch (c)
- {
- case '(':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_PARENS)
- goto normal_backslash;
- handle_open:
- bufp->re_nsub++;
- regnum++;
- {
- RETALLOC (compile_stack.stack, compile_stack.size << 1,
- compile_stack_elt_t);
- if (compile_stack.stack == NULL) return REG_ESPACE;
- compile_stack.size <<= 1;
- }
- /* These are the values to restore when we hit end of this
- group. They are all relative offsets, so that if the
- whole pattern moves because of realloc, they will still
- be valid. */
- COMPILE_STACK_TOP.begalt_offset = begalt - bufp->buffer;
- COMPILE_STACK_TOP.fixup_alt_jump
- = fixup_alt_jump ? fixup_alt_jump - bufp->buffer + 1 : 0;
- COMPILE_STACK_TOP.laststart_offset = b - bufp->buffer;
- COMPILE_STACK_TOP.regnum = regnum;
- /* We will eventually replace the 0 with the number of
- groups inner to this one. But do not push a
- start_memory for groups beyond the last one we can
- represent in the compiled pattern. */
- if (regnum <= MAX_REGNUM)
- {
- COMPILE_STACK_TOP.inner_group_offset = b - bufp->buffer + 2;
- BUF_PUSH_3 (start_memory, regnum, 0);
- }
- compile_stack.avail++;
- fixup_alt_jump = 0;
- laststart = 0;
- begalt = b;
- /* If we've reached MAX_REGNUM groups, then this open
- won't actually generate any code, so we'll have to
- clear pending_exact explicitly. */
- pending_exact = 0;
- break;
- case ')':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_PARENS) goto normal_backslash;
- {
- goto normal_backslash;
- else
- }
- handle_close:
- if (fixup_alt_jump)
- { /* Push a dummy failure point at the end of the
- alternative for a possible future
- `pop_failure_jump' to pop. See comments at
- `push_dummy_failure' in `re_match_2'. */
- BUF_PUSH (push_dummy_failure);
- /* We allocated space for this jump when we assigned
- to `fixup_alt_jump', in the `handle_alt' case below. */
- STORE_JUMP (jump_past_alt, fixup_alt_jump, b - 1);
- }
- /* See similar code for backslashed left paren above. */
- {
- goto normal_char;
- else
- }
- /* Since we just checked for an empty stack above, this
- ``can't happen''. */
- assert (compile_stack.avail != 0);
- {
- /* We don't just want to restore into `regnum', because
- later groups should continue to be numbered higher,
- as in `(ab)c(de)' -- the second group is #2. */
- regnum_t this_group_regnum;
- compile_stack.avail--;
- begalt = bufp->buffer + COMPILE_STACK_TOP.begalt_offset;
- fixup_alt_jump
- = COMPILE_STACK_TOP.fixup_alt_jump
- ? bufp->buffer + COMPILE_STACK_TOP.fixup_alt_jump - 1
- : 0;
- laststart = bufp->buffer + COMPILE_STACK_TOP.laststart_offset;
- this_group_regnum = COMPILE_STACK_TOP.regnum;
- /* If we've reached MAX_REGNUM groups, then this open
- won't actually generate any code, so we'll have to
- clear pending_exact explicitly. */
- pending_exact = 0;
- /* We're at the end of the group, so now we know how many
- groups were inside this one. */
- if (this_group_regnum <= MAX_REGNUM)
- {
- unsigned char *inner_group_loc
- = bufp->buffer + COMPILE_STACK_TOP.inner_group_offset;
- *inner_group_loc = regnum - this_group_regnum;
- BUF_PUSH_3 (stop_memory, this_group_regnum,
- regnum - this_group_regnum);
- }
- }
- break;
- case '|': /* `\|'. */
- if (syntax & RE_LIMITED_OPS || syntax & RE_NO_BK_VBAR)
- goto normal_backslash;
- handle_alt:
- if (syntax & RE_LIMITED_OPS)
- goto normal_char;
- /* Insert before the previous alternative a jump which
- jumps to this alternative if the former fails. */
- INSERT_JUMP (on_failure_jump, begalt, b + 6);
- pending_exact = 0;
- b += 3;
- /* The alternative before this one has a jump after it
- which gets executed if it gets matched. Adjust that
- jump so it will jump to this alternative's analogous
- jump (put in below, which in turn will jump to the next
- (if any) alternative's such jump, etc.). The last such
- jump jumps to the correct final destination. A picture:
- _____ _____
- | | | |
- | v | v
- a | b | c
- If we are at `b', then fixup_alt_jump right now points to a
- three-byte space after `a'. We'll put in the jump, set
- fixup_alt_jump to right after `b', and leave behind three
- bytes which we'll fill in when we get to after `c'. */
- if (fixup_alt_jump)
- STORE_JUMP (jump_past_alt, fixup_alt_jump, b);
- /* Mark and leave space for a jump after this alternative,
- to be filled in later either by next alternative or
- when know we're at the end of a series of alternatives. */
- fixup_alt_jump = b;
- b += 3;
- laststart = 0;
- begalt = b;
- break;
- case '{':
- /* If \{ is a literal. */
- if (!(syntax & RE_INTERVALS)
- /* If we're at `\{' and it's not the open-interval
- operator. */
- || ((syntax & RE_INTERVALS) && (syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES))
- || (p - 2 == pattern && p == pend))
- goto normal_backslash;
- handle_interval:
- {
- /* If got here, then the syntax allows intervals. */
- /* At least (most) this many matches must be made. */
- int lower_bound = -1, upper_bound = -1;
- beg_interval = p - 1;
- if (p == pend)
- {
- if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES)
- goto unfetch_interval;
- else
- }
- GET_UNSIGNED_NUMBER (lower_bound);
- if (c == ',')
- {
- GET_UNSIGNED_NUMBER (upper_bound);
- if (upper_bound < 0) upper_bound = RE_DUP_MAX;
- }
- else
- /* Interval such as `{1}' => match exactly once. */
- upper_bound = lower_bound;
- if (lower_bound < 0 || upper_bound > RE_DUP_MAX
- || lower_bound > upper_bound)
- {
- if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES)
- goto unfetch_interval;
- else
- }
- if (!(syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES))
- {
- if (c != '\\') FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EBRACE);
- }
- if (c != '}')
- {
- if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES)
- goto unfetch_interval;
- else
- }
- /* We just parsed a valid interval. */
- /* If it's invalid to have no preceding re. */
- if (!laststart)
- {
- if (syntax & RE_CONTEXT_INVALID_OPS)
- else if (syntax & RE_CONTEXT_INDEP_OPS)
- laststart = b;
- else
- goto unfetch_interval;
- }
- /* If the upper bound is zero, don't want to succeed at
- all; jump from `laststart' to `b + 3', which will be
- the end of the buffer after we insert the jump. */
- if (upper_bound == 0)
- {
- INSERT_JUMP (jump, laststart, b + 3);
- b += 3;
- }
- /* Otherwise, we have a nontrivial interval. When
- we're all done, the pattern will look like:
- set_number_at <jump count> <upper bound>
- set_number_at <succeed_n count> <lower bound>
- succeed_n <after jump addr> <succeed_n count>
- <body of loop>
- jump_n <succeed_n addr> <jump count>
- (The upper bound and `jump_n' are omitted if
- `upper_bound' is 1, though.) */
- else
- { /* If the upper bound is > 1, we need to insert
- more at the end of the loop. */
- unsigned nbytes = 10 + (upper_bound > 1) * 10;
- GET_BUFFER_SPACE (nbytes);
- /* Initialize lower bound of the `succeed_n', even
- though it will be set during matching by its
- attendant `set_number_at' (inserted next),
- because `re_compile_fastmap' needs to know.
- Jump to the `jump_n' we might insert below. */
- INSERT_JUMP2 (succeed_n, laststart,
- b + 5 + (upper_bound > 1) * 5,
- lower_bound);
- b += 5;
- /* Code to initialize the lower bound. Insert
- before the `succeed_n'. The `5' is the last two
- bytes of this `set_number_at', plus 3 bytes of
- the following `succeed_n'. */
- insert_op2 (set_number_at, laststart, 5, lower_bound, b);
- b += 5;
- if (upper_bound > 1)
- { /* More than one repetition is allowed, so
- append a backward jump to the `succeed_n'
- that starts this interval.
- When we've reached this during matching,
- we'll have matched the interval once, so
- jump back only `upper_bound - 1' times. */
- STORE_JUMP2 (jump_n, b, laststart + 5,
- upper_bound - 1);
- b += 5;
- /* The location we want to set is the second
- parameter of the `jump_n'; that is `b-2' as
- an absolute address. `laststart' will be
- the `set_number_at' we're about to insert;
- `laststart+3' the number to set, the source
- for the relative address. But we are
- inserting into the middle of the pattern --
- so everything is getting moved up by 5.
- Conclusion: (b - 2) - (laststart + 3) + 5,
- i.e., b - laststart.
- We insert this at the beginning of the loop
- so that if we fail during matching, we'll
- reinitialize the bounds. */
- insert_op2 (set_number_at, laststart, b - laststart,
- upper_bound - 1, b);
- b += 5;
- }
- }
- pending_exact = 0;
- beg_interval = NULL;
- }
- break;
- unfetch_interval:
- /* If an invalid interval, match the characters as literals. */
- assert (beg_interval);
- p = beg_interval;
- beg_interval = NULL;
- /* normal_char and normal_backslash need `c'. */
- if (!(syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES))
- {
- if (p > pattern && p[-1] == '\\')
- goto normal_backslash;
- }
- goto normal_char;
-#ifdef emacs
- /* There is no way to specify the before_dot and after_dot
- operators. rms says this is ok. --karl */
- case '=':
- BUF_PUSH (at_dot);
- break;
- case 's':
- laststart = b;
- BUF_PUSH_2 (syntaxspec, syntax_spec_code[c]);
- break;
- case 'S':
- laststart = b;
- BUF_PUSH_2 (notsyntaxspec, syntax_spec_code[c]);
- break;
-#endif /* emacs */
- case 'w':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_GNU_OPS)
- goto normal_char;
- laststart = b;
- BUF_PUSH (wordchar);
- break;
- case 'W':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_GNU_OPS)
- goto normal_char;
- laststart = b;
- BUF_PUSH (notwordchar);
- break;
- case '<':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_GNU_OPS)
- goto normal_char;
- BUF_PUSH (wordbeg);
- break;
- case '>':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_GNU_OPS)
- goto normal_char;
- BUF_PUSH (wordend);
- break;
- case 'b':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_GNU_OPS)
- goto normal_char;
- BUF_PUSH (wordbound);
- break;
- case 'B':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_GNU_OPS)
- goto normal_char;
- BUF_PUSH (notwordbound);
- break;
- case '`':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_GNU_OPS)
- goto normal_char;
- BUF_PUSH (begbuf);
- break;
- case '\'':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_GNU_OPS)
- goto normal_char;
- BUF_PUSH (endbuf);
- break;
- case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5':
- case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_REFS)
- goto normal_char;
- c1 = c - '0';
- if (c1 > regnum)
- /* Can't back reference to a subexpression if inside of it. */
- if (group_in_compile_stack (compile_stack, (regnum_t) c1))
- goto normal_char;
- laststart = b;
- BUF_PUSH_2 (duplicate, c1);
- break;
- case '+':
- case '?':
- if (syntax & RE_BK_PLUS_QM)
- goto handle_plus;
- else
- goto normal_backslash;
- default:
- normal_backslash:
- /* You might think it would be useful for \ to mean
- not to translate; but if we don't translate it
- it will never match anything. */
- c = TRANSLATE (c);
- goto normal_char;
- }
- break;
- default:
- /* Expects the character in `c'. */
- normal_char:
- /* If no exactn currently being built. */
- if (!pending_exact
- /* If last exactn not at current position. */
- || pending_exact + *pending_exact + 1 != b
- /* We have only one byte following the exactn for the count. */
- || *pending_exact == (1 << BYTEWIDTH) - 1
- /* If followed by a repetition operator. */
- || *p == '*' || *p == '^'
- || ((syntax & RE_BK_PLUS_QM)
- ? *p == '\\' && (p[1] == '+' || p[1] == '?')
- : (*p == '+' || *p == '?'))
- || ((syntax & RE_INTERVALS)
- && ((syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES)
- ? *p == '{'
- : (p[0] == '\\' && p[1] == '{'))))
- {
- /* Start building a new exactn. */
- laststart = b;
- BUF_PUSH_2 (exactn, 0);
- pending_exact = b - 1;
- }
- BUF_PUSH (c);
- (*pending_exact)++;
- break;
- } /* switch (c) */
- } /* while p != pend */
- /* Through the pattern now. */
- if (fixup_alt_jump)
- STORE_JUMP (jump_past_alt, fixup_alt_jump, b);
- /* If we don't want backtracking, force success
- the first time we reach the end of the compiled pattern. */
- BUF_PUSH (succeed);
- free (compile_stack.stack);
- /* We have succeeded; set the length of the buffer. */
- bufp->used = b - bufp->buffer;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- if (debug)
- {
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("\nCompiled pattern: \n");
- print_compiled_pattern (bufp);
- }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- /* Initialize the failure stack to the largest possible stack. This
- isn't necessary unless we're trying to avoid calling alloca in
- the search and match routines. */
- {
- int num_regs = bufp->re_nsub + 1;
- /* Since DOUBLE_FAIL_STACK refuses to double only if the current size
- is strictly greater than re_max_failures, the largest possible stack
- is 2 * re_max_failures failure points. */
- if (fail_stack.size < (2 * re_max_failures * MAX_FAILURE_ITEMS))
- {
- fail_stack.size = (2 * re_max_failures * MAX_FAILURE_ITEMS);
-# ifdef emacs
- if (! fail_stack.stack)
- fail_stack.stack
- = (fail_stack_elt_t *) xmalloc (fail_stack.size
- * sizeof (fail_stack_elt_t));
- else
- fail_stack.stack
- = (fail_stack_elt_t *) xrealloc (fail_stack.stack,
- (fail_stack.size
- * sizeof (fail_stack_elt_t)));
-# else /* not emacs */
- if (! fail_stack.stack)
- fail_stack.stack
- = (fail_stack_elt_t *) malloc (fail_stack.size
- * sizeof (fail_stack_elt_t));
- else
- fail_stack.stack
- = (fail_stack_elt_t *) realloc (fail_stack.stack,
- (fail_stack.size
- * sizeof (fail_stack_elt_t)));
-# endif /* not emacs */
- }
- regex_grow_registers (num_regs);
- }
-#endif /* not MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE */
- return REG_NOERROR;
-} /* regex_compile */
-/* Subroutines for `regex_compile'. */
-/* Store OP at LOC followed by two-byte integer parameter ARG. */
-static void
-store_op1 (op, loc, arg)
- re_opcode_t op;
- unsigned char *loc;
- int arg;
- *loc = (unsigned char) op;
- STORE_NUMBER (loc + 1, arg);
-/* Like `store_op1', but for two two-byte parameters ARG1 and ARG2. */
-static void
-store_op2 (op, loc, arg1, arg2)
- re_opcode_t op;
- unsigned char *loc;
- int arg1, arg2;
- *loc = (unsigned char) op;
- STORE_NUMBER (loc + 1, arg1);
- STORE_NUMBER (loc + 3, arg2);
-/* Copy the bytes from LOC to END to open up three bytes of space at LOC
- for OP followed by two-byte integer parameter ARG. */
-static void
-insert_op1 (op, loc, arg, end)
- re_opcode_t op;
- unsigned char *loc;
- int arg;
- unsigned char *end;
- register unsigned char *pfrom = end;
- register unsigned char *pto = end + 3;
- while (pfrom != loc)
- *--pto = *--pfrom;
- store_op1 (op, loc, arg);
-/* Like `insert_op1', but for two two-byte parameters ARG1 and ARG2. */
-static void
-insert_op2 (op, loc, arg1, arg2, end)
- re_opcode_t op;
- unsigned char *loc;
- int arg1, arg2;
- unsigned char *end;
- register unsigned char *pfrom = end;
- register unsigned char *pto = end + 5;
- while (pfrom != loc)
- *--pto = *--pfrom;
- store_op2 (op, loc, arg1, arg2);
-/* P points to just after a ^ in PATTERN. Return true if that ^ comes
- after an alternative or a begin-subexpression. We assume there is at
- least one character before the ^. */
-static boolean
-at_begline_loc_p (pattern, p, syntax)
- const char *pattern, *p;
- reg_syntax_t syntax;
- const char *prev = p - 2;
- boolean prev_prev_backslash = prev > pattern && prev[-1] == '\\';
- return
- /* After a subexpression? */
- (*prev == '(' && (syntax & RE_NO_BK_PARENS || prev_prev_backslash))
- /* After an alternative? */
- || (*prev == '|' && (syntax & RE_NO_BK_VBAR || prev_prev_backslash));
-/* The dual of at_begline_loc_p. This one is for $. We assume there is
- at least one character after the $, i.e., `P < PEND'. */
-static boolean
-at_endline_loc_p (p, pend, syntax)
- const char *p, *pend;
- reg_syntax_t syntax;
- const char *next = p;
- boolean next_backslash = *next == '\\';
- const char *next_next = p + 1 < pend ? p + 1 : 0;
- return
- /* Before a subexpression? */
- (syntax & RE_NO_BK_PARENS ? *next == ')'
- : next_backslash && next_next && *next_next == ')')
- /* Before an alternative? */
- || (syntax & RE_NO_BK_VBAR ? *next == '|'
- : next_backslash && next_next && *next_next == '|');
-/* Returns true if REGNUM is in one of COMPILE_STACK's elements and
- false if it's not. */
-static boolean
-group_in_compile_stack (compile_stack, regnum)
- compile_stack_type compile_stack;
- regnum_t regnum;
- int this_element;
- for (this_element = compile_stack.avail - 1;
- this_element >= 0;
- this_element--)
- if (compile_stack.stack[this_element].regnum == regnum)
- return true;
- return false;
-/* Read the ending character of a range (in a bracket expression) from the
- uncompiled pattern *P_PTR (which ends at PEND). We assume the
- starting character is in `P[-2]'. (`P[-1]' is the character `-'.)
- Then we set the translation of all bits between the starting and
- ending characters (inclusive) in the compiled pattern B.
- Return an error code.
- We use these short variable names so we can use the same macros as
- `regex_compile' itself. */
-static reg_errcode_t
-compile_range (p_ptr, pend, translate, syntax, b)
- const char **p_ptr, *pend;
- RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE translate;
- reg_syntax_t syntax;
- unsigned char *b;
- unsigned this_char;
- const char *p = *p_ptr;
- unsigned int range_start, range_end;
- if (p == pend)
- return REG_ERANGE;
- /* Even though the pattern is a signed `char *', we need to fetch
- with unsigned char *'s; if the high bit of the pattern character
- is set, the range endpoints will be negative if we fetch using a
- signed char *.
- We also want to fetch the endpoints without translating them; the
- appropriate translation is done in the bit-setting loop below. */
- /* The SVR4 compiler on the 3B2 had trouble with unsigned const char *. */
- range_start = ((const unsigned char *) p)[-2];
- range_end = ((const unsigned char *) p)[0];
- /* Have to increment the pointer into the pattern string, so the
- caller isn't still at the ending character. */
- (*p_ptr)++;
- /* If the start is after the end, the range is empty. */
- if (range_start > range_end)
- /* Here we see why `this_char' has to be larger than an `unsigned
- char' -- the range is inclusive, so if `range_end' == 0xff
- (assuming 8-bit characters), we would otherwise go into an infinite
- loop, since all characters <= 0xff. */
- for (this_char = range_start; this_char <= range_end; this_char++)
- {
- SET_LIST_BIT (TRANSLATE (this_char));
- }
- return REG_NOERROR;
-/* re_compile_fastmap computes a ``fastmap'' for the compiled pattern in
- BUFP. A fastmap records which of the (1 << BYTEWIDTH) possible
- characters can start a string that matches the pattern. This fastmap
- is used by re_search to skip quickly over impossible starting points.
- The caller must supply the address of a (1 << BYTEWIDTH)-byte data
- area as BUFP->fastmap.
- We set the `fastmap', `fastmap_accurate', and `can_be_null' fields in
- the pattern buffer.
- Returns 0 if we succeed, -2 if an internal error. */
-re_compile_fastmap (bufp)
- struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp;
- int j, k;
- fail_stack_type fail_stack;
- char *destination;
- register char *fastmap = bufp->fastmap;
- unsigned char *pattern = bufp->buffer;
- unsigned char *p = pattern;
- register unsigned char *pend = pattern + bufp->used;
-#ifdef REL_ALLOC
- /* This holds the pointer to the failure stack, when
- it is allocated relocatably. */
- fail_stack_elt_t *failure_stack_ptr;
- /* Assume that each path through the pattern can be null until
- proven otherwise. We set this false at the bottom of switch
- statement, to which we get only if a particular path doesn't
- match the empty string. */
- boolean path_can_be_null = true;
- /* We aren't doing a `succeed_n' to begin with. */
- boolean succeed_n_p = false;
- assert (fastmap != NULL && p != NULL);
- bzero (fastmap, 1 << BYTEWIDTH); /* Assume nothing's valid. */
- bufp->fastmap_accurate = 1; /* It will be when we're done. */
- bufp->can_be_null = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- if (p == pend || *p == succeed)
- {
- /* We have reached the (effective) end of pattern. */
- {
- bufp->can_be_null |= path_can_be_null;
- /* Reset for next path. */
- path_can_be_null = true;
- p = fail_stack.stack[--fail_stack.avail].pointer;
- continue;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- /* We should never be about to go beyond the end of the pattern. */
- assert (p < pend);
- switch (SWITCH_ENUM_CAST ((re_opcode_t) *p++))
- {
- /* I guess the idea here is to simply not bother with a fastmap
- if a backreference is used, since it's too hard to figure out
- the fastmap for the corresponding group. Setting
- `can_be_null' stops `re_search_2' from using the fastmap, so
- that is all we do. */
- case duplicate:
- bufp->can_be_null = 1;
- goto done;
- /* Following are the cases which match a character. These end
- with `break'. */
- case exactn:
- fastmap[p[1]] = 1;
- break;
- case charset:
- for (j = *p++ * BYTEWIDTH - 1; j >= 0; j--)
- if (p[j / BYTEWIDTH] & (1 << (j % BYTEWIDTH)))
- fastmap[j] = 1;
- break;
- case charset_not:
- /* Chars beyond end of map must be allowed. */
- for (j = *p * BYTEWIDTH; j < (1 << BYTEWIDTH); j++)
- fastmap[j] = 1;
- for (j = *p++ * BYTEWIDTH - 1; j >= 0; j--)
- if (!(p[j / BYTEWIDTH] & (1 << (j % BYTEWIDTH))))
- fastmap[j] = 1;
- break;
- case wordchar:
- for (j = 0; j < (1 << BYTEWIDTH); j++)
- if (SYNTAX (j) == Sword)
- fastmap[j] = 1;
- break;
- case notwordchar:
- for (j = 0; j < (1 << BYTEWIDTH); j++)
- if (SYNTAX (j) != Sword)
- fastmap[j] = 1;
- break;
- case anychar:
- {
- int fastmap_newline = fastmap['\n'];
- /* `.' matches anything ... */
- for (j = 0; j < (1 << BYTEWIDTH); j++)
- fastmap[j] = 1;
- /* ... except perhaps newline. */
- if (!(bufp->syntax & RE_DOT_NEWLINE))
- fastmap['\n'] = fastmap_newline;
- /* Return if we have already set `can_be_null'; if we have,
- then the fastmap is irrelevant. Something's wrong here. */
- else if (bufp->can_be_null)
- goto done;
- /* Otherwise, have to check alternative paths. */
- break;
- }
-#ifdef emacs
- case syntaxspec:
- k = *p++;
- for (j = 0; j < (1 << BYTEWIDTH); j++)
- if (SYNTAX (j) == (enum syntaxcode) k)
- fastmap[j] = 1;
- break;
- case notsyntaxspec:
- k = *p++;
- for (j = 0; j < (1 << BYTEWIDTH); j++)
- if (SYNTAX (j) != (enum syntaxcode) k)
- fastmap[j] = 1;
- break;
- /* All cases after this match the empty string. These end with
- `continue'. */
- case before_dot:
- case at_dot:
- case after_dot:
- continue;
-#endif /* emacs */
- case no_op:
- case begline:
- case endline:
- case begbuf:
- case endbuf:
- case wordbound:
- case notwordbound:
- case wordbeg:
- case wordend:
- case push_dummy_failure:
- continue;
- case jump_n:
- case pop_failure_jump:
- case maybe_pop_jump:
- case jump:
- case jump_past_alt:
- case dummy_failure_jump:
- p += j;
- if (j > 0)
- continue;
- /* Jump backward implies we just went through the body of a
- loop and matched nothing. Opcode jumped to should be
- `on_failure_jump' or `succeed_n'. Just treat it like an
- ordinary jump. For a * loop, it has pushed its failure
- point already; if so, discard that as redundant. */
- if ((re_opcode_t) *p != on_failure_jump
- && (re_opcode_t) *p != succeed_n)
- continue;
- p++;
- p += j;
- /* If what's on the stack is where we are now, pop it. */
- && fail_stack.stack[fail_stack.avail - 1].pointer == p)
- fail_stack.avail--;
- continue;
- case on_failure_jump:
- case on_failure_keep_string_jump:
- handle_on_failure_jump:
- /* For some patterns, e.g., `(a?)?', `p+j' here points to the
- end of the pattern. We don't want to push such a point,
- since when we restore it above, entering the switch will
- increment `p' past the end of the pattern. We don't need
- to push such a point since we obviously won't find any more
- fastmap entries beyond `pend'. Such a pattern can match
- the null string, though. */
- if (p + j < pend)
- {
- if (!PUSH_PATTERN_OP (p + j, fail_stack))
- {
- return -2;
- }
- }
- else
- bufp->can_be_null = 1;
- if (succeed_n_p)
- {
- EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (k, p); /* Skip the n. */
- succeed_n_p = false;
- }
- continue;
- case succeed_n:
- /* Get to the number of times to succeed. */
- p += 2;
- /* Increment p past the n for when k != 0. */
- if (k == 0)
- {
- p -= 4;
- succeed_n_p = true; /* Spaghetti code alert. */
- goto handle_on_failure_jump;
- }
- continue;
- case set_number_at:
- p += 4;
- continue;
- case start_memory:
- case stop_memory:
- p += 2;
- continue;
- default:
- abort (); /* We have listed all the cases. */
- } /* switch *p++ */
- /* Getting here means we have found the possible starting
- characters for one path of the pattern -- and that the empty
- string does not match. We need not follow this path further.
- Instead, look at the next alternative (remembered on the
- stack), or quit if no more. The test at the top of the loop
- does these things. */
- path_can_be_null = false;
- p = pend;
- } /* while p */
- /* Set `can_be_null' for the last path (also the first path, if the
- pattern is empty). */
- bufp->can_be_null |= path_can_be_null;
- done:
- return 0;
-} /* re_compile_fastmap */
-#ifdef _LIBC
-weak_alias (__re_compile_fastmap, re_compile_fastmap)
-/* Set REGS to hold NUM_REGS registers, storing them in STARTS and
- ENDS. Subsequent matches using PATTERN_BUFFER and REGS will use
- this memory for recording register information. STARTS and ENDS
- must be allocated using the malloc library routine, and must each
- be at least NUM_REGS * sizeof (regoff_t) bytes long.
- If NUM_REGS == 0, then subsequent matches should allocate their own
- register data.
- Unless this function is called, the first search or match using
- PATTERN_BUFFER will allocate its own register data, without
- freeing the old data. */
-re_set_registers (bufp, regs, num_regs, starts, ends)
- struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp;
- struct re_registers *regs;
- unsigned num_regs;
- regoff_t *starts, *ends;
- if (num_regs)
- {
- bufp->regs_allocated = REGS_REALLOCATE;
- regs->num_regs = num_regs;
- regs->start = starts;
- regs->end = ends;
- }
- else
- {
- bufp->regs_allocated = REGS_UNALLOCATED;
- regs->num_regs = 0;
- regs->start = regs->end = (regoff_t *) 0;
- }
-#ifdef _LIBC
-weak_alias (__re_set_registers, re_set_registers)
-/* Searching routines. */
-/* Like re_search_2, below, but only one string is specified, and
- doesn't let you say where to stop matching. */
-re_search (bufp, string, size, startpos, range, regs)
- struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp;
- const char *string;
- int size, startpos, range;
- struct re_registers *regs;
- return re_search_2 (bufp, NULL, 0, string, size, startpos, range,
- regs, size);
-#ifdef _LIBC
-weak_alias (__re_search, re_search)
-/* Using the compiled pattern in BUFP->buffer, first tries to match the
- virtual concatenation of STRING1 and STRING2, starting first at index
- STARTPOS, then at STARTPOS + 1, and so on.
- STRING1 and STRING2 have length SIZE1 and SIZE2, respectively.
- RANGE is how far to scan while trying to match. RANGE = 0 means try
- only at STARTPOS; in general, the last start tried is STARTPOS +
- In REGS, return the indices of the virtual concatenation of STRING1
- and STRING2 that matched the entire BUFP->buffer and its contained
- subexpressions.
- Do not consider matching one past the index STOP in the virtual
- concatenation of STRING1 and STRING2.
- We return either the position in the strings at which the match was
- found, -1 if no match, or -2 if error (such as failure
- stack overflow). */
-re_search_2 (bufp, string1, size1, string2, size2, startpos, range, regs, stop)
- struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp;
- const char *string1, *string2;
- int size1, size2;
- int startpos;
- int range;
- struct re_registers *regs;
- int stop;
- int val;
- register char *fastmap = bufp->fastmap;
- register RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE translate = bufp->translate;
- int total_size = size1 + size2;
- int endpos = startpos + range;
- /* Check for out-of-range STARTPOS. */
- if (startpos < 0 || startpos > total_size)
- return -1;
- /* Fix up RANGE if it might eventually take us outside
- the virtual concatenation of STRING1 and STRING2.
- Make sure we won't move STARTPOS below 0 or above TOTAL_SIZE. */
- if (endpos < 0)
- range = 0 - startpos;
- else if (endpos > total_size)
- range = total_size - startpos;
- /* If the search isn't to be a backwards one, don't waste time in a
- search for a pattern that must be anchored. */
- if (bufp->used > 0 && (re_opcode_t) bufp->buffer[0] == begbuf && range > 0)
- {
- if (startpos > 0)
- return -1;
- else
- range = 1;
- }
-#ifdef emacs
- /* In a forward search for something that starts with \=.
- don't keep searching past point. */
- if (bufp->used > 0 && (re_opcode_t) bufp->buffer[0] == at_dot && range > 0)
- {
- range = PT - startpos;
- if (range <= 0)
- return -1;
- }
-#endif /* emacs */
- /* Update the fastmap now if not correct already. */
- if (fastmap && !bufp->fastmap_accurate)
- if (re_compile_fastmap (bufp) == -2)
- return -2;
- /* Loop through the string, looking for a place to start matching. */
- for (;;)
- {
- /* If a fastmap is supplied, skip quickly over characters that
- cannot be the start of a match. If the pattern can match the
- null string, however, we don't need to skip characters; we want
- the first null string. */
- if (fastmap && startpos < total_size && !bufp->can_be_null)
- {
- if (range > 0) /* Searching forwards. */
- {
- register const char *d;
- register int lim = 0;
- int irange = range;
- if (startpos < size1 && startpos + range >= size1)
- lim = range - (size1 - startpos);
- d = (startpos >= size1 ? string2 - size1 : string1) + startpos;
- /* Written out as an if-else to avoid testing `translate'
- inside the loop. */
- if (translate)
- while (range > lim
- && !fastmap[(unsigned char)
- translate[(unsigned char) *d++]])
- range--;
- else
- while (range > lim && !fastmap[(unsigned char) *d++])
- range--;
- startpos += irange - range;
- }
- else /* Searching backwards. */
- {
- register char c = (size1 == 0 || startpos >= size1
- ? string2[startpos - size1]
- : string1[startpos]);
- if (!fastmap[(unsigned char) TRANSLATE (c)])
- goto advance;
- }
- }
- /* If can't match the null string, and that's all we have left, fail. */
- if (range >= 0 && startpos == total_size && fastmap
- && !bufp->can_be_null)
- return -1;
- val = re_match_2_internal (bufp, string1, size1, string2, size2,
- startpos, regs, stop);
-# ifdef C_ALLOCA
- alloca (0);
-# endif
- if (val >= 0)
- return startpos;
- if (val == -2)
- return -2;
- advance:
- if (!range)
- break;
- else if (range > 0)
- {
- range--;
- startpos++;
- }
- else
- {
- range++;
- startpos--;
- }
- }
- return -1;
-} /* re_search_2 */
-#ifdef _LIBC
-weak_alias (__re_search_2, re_search_2)
-/* This converts PTR, a pointer into one of the search strings `string1'
- and `string2' into an offset from the beginning of that string. */
-#define POINTER_TO_OFFSET(ptr) \
- (FIRST_STRING_P (ptr) \
- ? ((regoff_t) ((ptr) - string1)) \
- : ((regoff_t) ((ptr) - string2 + size1)))
-/* Macros for dealing with the split strings in re_match_2. */
-#define MATCHING_IN_FIRST_STRING (dend == end_match_1)
-/* Call before fetching a character with *d. This switches over to
- string2 if necessary. */
-#define PREFETCH() \
- while (d == dend) \
- { \
- /* End of string2 => fail. */ \
- if (dend == end_match_2) \
- goto fail; \
- /* End of string1 => advance to string2. */ \
- d = string2; \
- dend = end_match_2; \
- }
-/* Test if at very beginning or at very end of the virtual concatenation
- of `string1' and `string2'. If only one string, it's `string2'. */
-#define AT_STRINGS_BEG(d) ((d) == (size1 ? string1 : string2) || !size2)
-#define AT_STRINGS_END(d) ((d) == end2)
-/* Test if D points to a character which is word-constituent. We have
- two special cases to check for: if past the end of string1, look at
- the first character in string2; and if before the beginning of
- string2, look at the last character in string1. */
-#define WORDCHAR_P(d) \
- (SYNTAX ((d) == end1 ? *string2 \
- : (d) == string2 - 1 ? *(end1 - 1) : *(d)) \
- == Sword)
-/* Disabled due to a compiler bug -- see comment at case wordbound */
-#if 0
-/* Test if the character before D and the one at D differ with respect
- to being word-constituent. */
-#define AT_WORD_BOUNDARY(d) \
- || WORDCHAR_P (d - 1) != WORDCHAR_P (d))
-/* Free everything we malloc. */
-# define FREE_VAR(var) if (var) REGEX_FREE (var); var = NULL
-# define FREE_VARIABLES() \
- do { \
- REGEX_FREE_STACK (fail_stack.stack); \
- FREE_VAR (regstart); \
- FREE_VAR (regend); \
- FREE_VAR (old_regstart); \
- FREE_VAR (old_regend); \
- FREE_VAR (best_regstart); \
- FREE_VAR (best_regend); \
- FREE_VAR (reg_info); \
- FREE_VAR (reg_dummy); \
- FREE_VAR (reg_info_dummy); \
- } while (0)
-# define FREE_VARIABLES() ((void)0) /* Do nothing! But inhibit gcc warning. */
-#endif /* not MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE */
-/* These values must meet several constraints. They must not be valid
- register values; since we have a limit of 255 registers (because
- we use only one byte in the pattern for the register number), we can
- use numbers larger than 255. They must differ by 1, because of
- NUM_FAILURE_ITEMS above. And the value for the lowest register must
- be larger than the value for the highest register, so we do not try
- to actually save any registers when none are active. */
-/* Matching routines. */
-#ifndef emacs /* Emacs never uses this. */
-/* re_match is like re_match_2 except it takes only a single string. */
-re_match (bufp, string, size, pos, regs)
- struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp;
- const char *string;
- int size, pos;
- struct re_registers *regs;
- int result = re_match_2_internal (bufp, NULL, 0, string, size,
- pos, regs, size);
-# ifndef REGEX_MALLOC
-# ifdef C_ALLOCA
- alloca (0);
-# endif
-# endif
- return result;
-# ifdef _LIBC
-weak_alias (__re_match, re_match)
-# endif
-#endif /* not emacs */
-static boolean group_match_null_string_p _RE_ARGS ((unsigned char **p,
- unsigned char *end,
- register_info_type *reg_info));
-static boolean alt_match_null_string_p _RE_ARGS ((unsigned char *p,
- unsigned char *end,
- register_info_type *reg_info));
-static boolean common_op_match_null_string_p _RE_ARGS ((unsigned char **p,
- unsigned char *end,
- register_info_type *reg_info));
-static int bcmp_translate _RE_ARGS ((const char *s1, const char *s2,
- int len, char *translate));
-/* re_match_2 matches the compiled pattern in BUFP against the
- the (virtual) concatenation of STRING1 and STRING2 (of length SIZE1
- and SIZE2, respectively). We start matching at POS, and stop
- matching at STOP.
- If REGS is non-null and the `no_sub' field of BUFP is nonzero, we
- store offsets for the substring each group matched in REGS. See the
- documentation for exactly how many groups we fill.
- We return -1 if no match, -2 if an internal error (such as the
- failure stack overflowing). Otherwise, we return the length of the
- matched substring. */
-re_match_2 (bufp, string1, size1, string2, size2, pos, regs, stop)
- struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp;
- const char *string1, *string2;
- int size1, size2;
- int pos;
- struct re_registers *regs;
- int stop;
- int result = re_match_2_internal (bufp, string1, size1, string2, size2,
- pos, regs, stop);
-# ifdef C_ALLOCA
- alloca (0);
-# endif
- return result;
-#ifdef _LIBC
-weak_alias (__re_match_2, re_match_2)
-/* This is a separate function so that we can force an alloca cleanup
- afterwards. */
-static int
-re_match_2_internal (bufp, string1, size1, string2, size2, pos, regs, stop)
- struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp;
- const char *string1, *string2;
- int size1, size2;
- int pos;
- struct re_registers *regs;
- int stop;
- /* General temporaries. */
- int mcnt;
- unsigned char *p1;
- /* Just past the end of the corresponding string. */
- const char *end1, *end2;
- /* Pointers into string1 and string2, just past the last characters in
- each to consider matching. */
- const char *end_match_1, *end_match_2;
- /* Where we are in the data, and the end of the current string. */
- const char *d, *dend;
- /* Where we are in the pattern, and the end of the pattern. */
- unsigned char *p = bufp->buffer;
- register unsigned char *pend = p + bufp->used;
- /* Mark the opcode just after a start_memory, so we can test for an
- empty subpattern when we get to the stop_memory. */
- unsigned char *just_past_start_mem = 0;
- /* We use this to map every character in the string. */
- RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE translate = bufp->translate;
- /* Failure point stack. Each place that can handle a failure further
- down the line pushes a failure point on this stack. It consists of
- restart, regend, and reg_info for all registers corresponding to
- the subexpressions we're currently inside, plus the number of such
- registers, and, finally, two char *'s. The first char * is where
- to resume scanning the pattern; the second one is where to resume
- scanning the strings. If the latter is zero, the failure point is
- a ``dummy''; if a failure happens and the failure point is a dummy,
- it gets discarded and the next next one is tried. */
-#ifdef MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE /* otherwise, this is global. */
- fail_stack_type fail_stack;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- static unsigned failure_id = 0;
- unsigned nfailure_points_pushed = 0, nfailure_points_popped = 0;
-#ifdef REL_ALLOC
- /* This holds the pointer to the failure stack, when
- it is allocated relocatably. */
- fail_stack_elt_t *failure_stack_ptr;
- /* We fill all the registers internally, independent of what we
- return, for use in backreferences. The number here includes
- an element for register zero. */
- size_t num_regs = bufp->re_nsub + 1;
- /* The currently active registers. */
- active_reg_t lowest_active_reg = NO_LOWEST_ACTIVE_REG;
- active_reg_t highest_active_reg = NO_HIGHEST_ACTIVE_REG;
- /* Information on the contents of registers. These are pointers into
- the input strings; they record just what was matched (on this
- attempt) by a subexpression part of the pattern, that is, the
- regnum-th regstart pointer points to where in the pattern we began
- matching and the regnum-th regend points to right after where we
- stopped matching the regnum-th subexpression. (The zeroth register
- keeps track of what the whole pattern matches.) */
-#ifdef MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE /* otherwise, these are global. */
- const char **regstart, **regend;
- /* If a group that's operated upon by a repetition operator fails to
- match anything, then the register for its start will need to be
- restored because it will have been set to wherever in the string we
- are when we last see its open-group operator. Similarly for a
- register's end. */
-#ifdef MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE /* otherwise, these are global. */
- const char **old_regstart, **old_regend;
- /* The is_active field of reg_info helps us keep track of which (possibly
- nested) subexpressions we are currently in. The matched_something
- field of reg_info[reg_num] helps us tell whether or not we have
- matched any of the pattern so far this time through the reg_num-th
- subexpression. These two fields get reset each time through any
- loop their register is in. */
-#ifdef MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE /* otherwise, this is global. */
- register_info_type *reg_info;
- /* The following record the register info as found in the above
- variables when we find a match better than any we've seen before.
- This happens as we backtrack through the failure points, which in
- turn happens only if we have not yet matched the entire string. */
- unsigned best_regs_set = false;
-#ifdef MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE /* otherwise, these are global. */
- const char **best_regstart, **best_regend;
- /* Logically, this is `best_regend[0]'. But we don't want to have to
- allocate space for that if we're not allocating space for anything
- else (see below). Also, we never need info about register 0 for
- any of the other register vectors, and it seems rather a kludge to
- treat `best_regend' differently than the rest. So we keep track of
- the end of the best match so far in a separate variable. We
- initialize this to NULL so that when we backtrack the first time
- and need to test it, it's not garbage. */
- const char *match_end = NULL;
- /* This helps SET_REGS_MATCHED avoid doing redundant work. */
- int set_regs_matched_done = 0;
- /* Used when we pop values we don't care about. */
-#ifdef MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE /* otherwise, these are global. */
- const char **reg_dummy;
- register_info_type *reg_info_dummy;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- /* Counts the total number of registers pushed. */
- unsigned num_regs_pushed = 0;
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("\n\nEntering re_match_2.\n");
- /* Do not bother to initialize all the register variables if there are
- no groups in the pattern, as it takes a fair amount of time. If
- there are groups, we include space for register 0 (the whole
- pattern), even though we never use it, since it simplifies the
- array indexing. We should fix this. */
- if (bufp->re_nsub)
- {
- regstart = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, const char *);
- regend = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, const char *);
- old_regstart = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, const char *);
- old_regend = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, const char *);
- best_regstart = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, const char *);
- best_regend = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, const char *);
- reg_info = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, register_info_type);
- reg_dummy = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, const char *);
- reg_info_dummy = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, register_info_type);
- if (!(regstart && regend && old_regstart && old_regend && reg_info
- && best_regstart && best_regend && reg_dummy && reg_info_dummy))
- {
- return -2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* We must initialize all our variables to NULL, so that
- `FREE_VARIABLES' doesn't try to free them. */
- regstart = regend = old_regstart = old_regend = best_regstart
- = best_regend = reg_dummy = NULL;
- reg_info = reg_info_dummy = (register_info_type *) NULL;
- }
-#endif /* MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE */
- /* The starting position is bogus. */
- if (pos < 0 || pos > size1 + size2)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- /* Initialize subexpression text positions to -1 to mark ones that no
- start_memory/stop_memory has been seen for. Also initialize the
- register information struct. */
- for (mcnt = 1; (unsigned) mcnt < num_regs; mcnt++)
- {
- regstart[mcnt] = regend[mcnt]
- = old_regstart[mcnt] = old_regend[mcnt] = REG_UNSET_VALUE;
- IS_ACTIVE (reg_info[mcnt]) = 0;
- MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[mcnt]) = 0;
- EVER_MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[mcnt]) = 0;
- }
- /* We move `string1' into `string2' if the latter's empty -- but not if
- `string1' is null. */
- if (size2 == 0 && string1 != NULL)
- {
- string2 = string1;
- size2 = size1;
- string1 = 0;
- size1 = 0;
- }
- end1 = string1 + size1;
- end2 = string2 + size2;
- /* Compute where to stop matching, within the two strings. */
- if (stop <= size1)
- {
- end_match_1 = string1 + stop;
- end_match_2 = string2;
- }
- else
- {
- end_match_1 = end1;
- end_match_2 = string2 + stop - size1;
- }
- /* `p' scans through the pattern as `d' scans through the data.
- `dend' is the end of the input string that `d' points within. `d'
- is advanced into the following input string whenever necessary, but
- this happens before fetching; therefore, at the beginning of the
- loop, `d' can be pointing at the end of a string, but it cannot
- equal `string2'. */
- if (size1 > 0 && pos <= size1)
- {
- d = string1 + pos;
- dend = end_match_1;
- }
- else
- {
- d = string2 + pos - size1;
- dend = end_match_2;
- }
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("The compiled pattern is:\n");
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("The string to match is: `");
- DEBUG_PRINT_DOUBLE_STRING (d, string1, size1, string2, size2);
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("'\n");
- /* This loops over pattern commands. It exits by returning from the
- function if the match is complete, or it drops through if the match
- fails at this starting point in the input data. */
- for (;;)
- {
-#ifdef _LIBC
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("\n%p: ", p);
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("\n0x%x: ", p);
- if (p == pend)
- { /* End of pattern means we might have succeeded. */
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("end of pattern ... ");
- /* If we haven't matched the entire string, and we want the
- longest match, try backtracking. */
- if (d != end_match_2)
- {
- /* 1 if this match ends in the same string (string1 or string2)
- as the best previous match. */
- boolean same_str_p = (FIRST_STRING_P (match_end)
- /* 1 if this match is the best seen so far. */
- boolean best_match_p;
- /* AIX compiler got confused when this was combined
- with the previous declaration. */
- if (same_str_p)
- best_match_p = d > match_end;
- else
- best_match_p = !MATCHING_IN_FIRST_STRING;
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("backtracking.\n");
- { /* More failure points to try. */
- /* If exceeds best match so far, save it. */
- if (!best_regs_set || best_match_p)
- {
- best_regs_set = true;
- match_end = d;
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("\nSAVING match as best so far.\n");
- for (mcnt = 1; (unsigned) mcnt < num_regs; mcnt++)
- {
- best_regstart[mcnt] = regstart[mcnt];
- best_regend[mcnt] = regend[mcnt];
- }
- }
- goto fail;
- }
- /* If no failure points, don't restore garbage. And if
- last match is real best match, don't restore second
- best one. */
- else if (best_regs_set && !best_match_p)
- {
- restore_best_regs:
- /* Restore best match. It may happen that `dend ==
- end_match_1' while the restored d is in string2.
- For example, the pattern `x.*y.*z' against the
- strings `x-' and `y-z-', if the two strings are
- not consecutive in memory. */
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("Restoring best registers.\n");
- d = match_end;
- dend = ((d >= string1 && d <= end1)
- ? end_match_1 : end_match_2);
- for (mcnt = 1; (unsigned) mcnt < num_regs; mcnt++)
- {
- regstart[mcnt] = best_regstart[mcnt];
- regend[mcnt] = best_regend[mcnt];
- }
- }
- } /* d != end_match_2 */
- succeed_label:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("Accepting match.\n");
- /* If caller wants register contents data back, do it. */
- if (regs && !bufp->no_sub)
- {
- /* Have the register data arrays been allocated? */
- if (bufp->regs_allocated == REGS_UNALLOCATED)
- { /* No. So allocate them with malloc. We need one
- extra element beyond `num_regs' for the `-1' marker
- GNU code uses. */
- regs->num_regs = MAX (RE_NREGS, num_regs + 1);
- regs->start = TALLOC (regs->num_regs, regoff_t);
- regs->end = TALLOC (regs->num_regs, regoff_t);
- if (regs->start == NULL || regs->end == NULL)
- {
- return -2;
- }
- bufp->regs_allocated = REGS_REALLOCATE;
- }
- else if (bufp->regs_allocated == REGS_REALLOCATE)
- { /* Yes. If we need more elements than were already
- allocated, reallocate them. If we need fewer, just
- leave it alone. */
- if (regs->num_regs < num_regs + 1)
- {
- regs->num_regs = num_regs + 1;
- RETALLOC (regs->start, regs->num_regs, regoff_t);
- RETALLOC (regs->end, regs->num_regs, regoff_t);
- if (regs->start == NULL || regs->end == NULL)
- {
- return -2;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* These braces fend off a "empty body in an else-statement"
- warning under GCC when assert expands to nothing. */
- assert (bufp->regs_allocated == REGS_FIXED);
- }
- /* Convert the pointer data in `regstart' and `regend' to
- indices. Register zero has to be set differently,
- since we haven't kept track of any info for it. */
- if (regs->num_regs > 0)
- {
- regs->start[0] = pos;
- regs->end[0] = (MATCHING_IN_FIRST_STRING
- ? ((regoff_t) (d - string1))
- : ((regoff_t) (d - string2 + size1)));
- }
- /* Go through the first `min (num_regs, regs->num_regs)'
- registers, since that is all we initialized. */
- for (mcnt = 1; (unsigned) mcnt < MIN (num_regs, regs->num_regs);
- mcnt++)
- {
- if (REG_UNSET (regstart[mcnt]) || REG_UNSET (regend[mcnt]))
- regs->start[mcnt] = regs->end[mcnt] = -1;
- else
- {
- regs->start[mcnt]
- = (regoff_t) POINTER_TO_OFFSET (regstart[mcnt]);
- regs->end[mcnt]
- = (regoff_t) POINTER_TO_OFFSET (regend[mcnt]);
- }
- }
- /* If the regs structure we return has more elements than
- were in the pattern, set the extra elements to -1. If
- we (re)allocated the registers, this is the case,
- because we always allocate enough to have at least one
- -1 at the end. */
- for (mcnt = num_regs; (unsigned) mcnt < regs->num_regs; mcnt++)
- regs->start[mcnt] = regs->end[mcnt] = -1;
- } /* regs && !bufp->no_sub */
- DEBUG_PRINT4 ("%u failure points pushed, %u popped (%u remain).\n",
- nfailure_points_pushed, nfailure_points_popped,
- nfailure_points_pushed - nfailure_points_popped);
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("%u registers pushed.\n", num_regs_pushed);
- mcnt = d - pos - (MATCHING_IN_FIRST_STRING
- ? string1
- : string2 - size1);
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("Returning %d from re_match_2.\n", mcnt);
- return mcnt;
- }
- /* Otherwise match next pattern command. */
- switch (SWITCH_ENUM_CAST ((re_opcode_t) *p++))
- {
- /* Ignore these. Used to ignore the n of succeed_n's which
- currently have n == 0. */
- case no_op:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING no_op.\n");
- break;
- case succeed:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING succeed.\n");
- goto succeed_label;
- /* Match the next n pattern characters exactly. The following
- byte in the pattern defines n, and the n bytes after that
- are the characters to match. */
- case exactn:
- mcnt = *p++;
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("EXECUTING exactn %d.\n", mcnt);
- /* This is written out as an if-else so we don't waste time
- testing `translate' inside the loop. */
- if (translate)
- {
- do
- {
- if ((unsigned char) translate[(unsigned char) *d++]
- != (unsigned char) *p++)
- goto fail;
- }
- while (--mcnt);
- }
- else
- {
- do
- {
- if (*d++ != (char) *p++) goto fail;
- }
- while (--mcnt);
- }
- break;
- /* Match any character except possibly a newline or a null. */
- case anychar:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING anychar.\n");
- if ((!(bufp->syntax & RE_DOT_NEWLINE) && TRANSLATE (*d) == '\n')
- || (bufp->syntax & RE_DOT_NOT_NULL && TRANSLATE (*d) == '\000'))
- goto fail;
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" Matched `%d'.\n", *d);
- d++;
- break;
- case charset:
- case charset_not:
- {
- register unsigned char c;
- boolean not = (re_opcode_t) *(p - 1) == charset_not;
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("EXECUTING charset%s.\n", not ? "_not" : "");
- c = TRANSLATE (*d); /* The character to match. */
- /* Cast to `unsigned' instead of `unsigned char' in case the
- bit list is a full 32 bytes long. */
- if (c < (unsigned) (*p * BYTEWIDTH)
- && p[1 + c / BYTEWIDTH] & (1 << (c % BYTEWIDTH)))
- not = !not;
- p += 1 + *p;
- if (!not) goto fail;
- d++;
- break;
- }
- /* The beginning of a group is represented by start_memory.
- The arguments are the register number in the next byte, and the
- number of groups inner to this one in the next. The text
- matched within the group is recorded (in the internal
- registers data structure) under the register number. */
- case start_memory:
- DEBUG_PRINT3 ("EXECUTING start_memory %d (%d):\n", *p, p[1]);
- /* Find out if this group can match the empty string. */
- p1 = p; /* To send to group_match_null_string_p. */
- REG_MATCH_NULL_STRING_P (reg_info[*p])
- = group_match_null_string_p (&p1, pend, reg_info);
- /* Save the position in the string where we were the last time
- we were at this open-group operator in case the group is
- operated upon by a repetition operator, e.g., with `(a*)*b'
- against `ab'; then we want to ignore where we are now in
- the string in case this attempt to match fails. */
- old_regstart[*p] = REG_MATCH_NULL_STRING_P (reg_info[*p])
- ? REG_UNSET (regstart[*p]) ? d : regstart[*p]
- : regstart[*p];
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" old_regstart: %d\n",
- POINTER_TO_OFFSET (old_regstart[*p]));
- regstart[*p] = d;
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" regstart: %d\n", POINTER_TO_OFFSET (regstart[*p]));
- IS_ACTIVE (reg_info[*p]) = 1;
- MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[*p]) = 0;
- /* Clear this whenever we change the register activity status. */
- set_regs_matched_done = 0;
- /* This is the new highest active register. */
- highest_active_reg = *p;
- /* If nothing was active before, this is the new lowest active
- register. */
- if (lowest_active_reg == NO_LOWEST_ACTIVE_REG)
- lowest_active_reg = *p;
- /* Move past the register number and inner group count. */
- p += 2;
- just_past_start_mem = p;
- break;
- /* The stop_memory opcode represents the end of a group. Its
- arguments are the same as start_memory's: the register
- number, and the number of inner groups. */
- case stop_memory:
- DEBUG_PRINT3 ("EXECUTING stop_memory %d (%d):\n", *p, p[1]);
- /* We need to save the string position the last time we were at
- this close-group operator in case the group is operated
- upon by a repetition operator, e.g., with `((a*)*(b*)*)*'
- against `aba'; then we want to ignore where we are now in
- the string in case this attempt to match fails. */
- old_regend[*p] = REG_MATCH_NULL_STRING_P (reg_info[*p])
- ? REG_UNSET (regend[*p]) ? d : regend[*p]
- : regend[*p];
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" old_regend: %d\n",
- POINTER_TO_OFFSET (old_regend[*p]));
- regend[*p] = d;
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" regend: %d\n", POINTER_TO_OFFSET (regend[*p]));
- /* This register isn't active anymore. */
- IS_ACTIVE (reg_info[*p]) = 0;
- /* Clear this whenever we change the register activity status. */
- set_regs_matched_done = 0;
- /* If this was the only register active, nothing is active
- anymore. */
- if (lowest_active_reg == highest_active_reg)
- {
- lowest_active_reg = NO_LOWEST_ACTIVE_REG;
- highest_active_reg = NO_HIGHEST_ACTIVE_REG;
- }
- else
- { /* We must scan for the new highest active register, since
- it isn't necessarily one less than now: consider
- (a(b)c(d(e)f)g). When group 3 ends, after the f), the
- new highest active register is 1. */
- unsigned char r = *p - 1;
- while (r > 0 && !IS_ACTIVE (reg_info[r]))
- r--;
- /* If we end up at register zero, that means that we saved
- the registers as the result of an `on_failure_jump', not
- a `start_memory', and we jumped to past the innermost
- `stop_memory'. For example, in ((.)*) we save
- registers 1 and 2 as a result of the *, but when we pop
- back to the second ), we are at the stop_memory 1.
- Thus, nothing is active. */
- if (r == 0)
- {
- lowest_active_reg = NO_LOWEST_ACTIVE_REG;
- highest_active_reg = NO_HIGHEST_ACTIVE_REG;
- }
- else
- highest_active_reg = r;
- }
- /* If just failed to match something this time around with a
- group that's operated on by a repetition operator, try to
- force exit from the ``loop'', and restore the register
- information for this group that we had before trying this
- last match. */
- if ((!MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[*p])
- || just_past_start_mem == p - 1)
- && (p + 2) < pend)
- {
- boolean is_a_jump_n = false;
- p1 = p + 2;
- mcnt = 0;
- switch ((re_opcode_t) *p1++)
- {
- case jump_n:
- is_a_jump_n = true;
- case pop_failure_jump:
- case maybe_pop_jump:
- case jump:
- case dummy_failure_jump:
- if (is_a_jump_n)
- p1 += 2;
- break;
- default:
- /* do nothing */ ;
- }
- p1 += mcnt;
- /* If the next operation is a jump backwards in the pattern
- to an on_failure_jump right before the start_memory
- corresponding to this stop_memory, exit from the loop
- by forcing a failure after pushing on the stack the
- on_failure_jump's jump in the pattern, and d. */
- if (mcnt < 0 && (re_opcode_t) *p1 == on_failure_jump
- && (re_opcode_t) p1[3] == start_memory && p1[4] == *p)
- {
- /* If this group ever matched anything, then restore
- what its registers were before trying this last
- failed match, e.g., with `(a*)*b' against `ab' for
- regstart[1], and, e.g., with `((a*)*(b*)*)*'
- against `aba' for regend[3].
- Also restore the registers for inner groups for,
- e.g., `((a*)(b*))*' against `aba' (register 3 would
- otherwise get trashed). */
- if (EVER_MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[*p]))
- {
- unsigned r;
- EVER_MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[*p]) = 0;
- /* Restore this and inner groups' (if any) registers. */
- for (r = *p; r < (unsigned) *p + (unsigned) *(p + 1);
- r++)
- {
- regstart[r] = old_regstart[r];
- /* xx why this test? */
- if (old_regend[r] >= regstart[r])
- regend[r] = old_regend[r];
- }
- }
- p1++;
- PUSH_FAILURE_POINT (p1 + mcnt, d, -2);
- goto fail;
- }
- }
- /* Move past the register number and the inner group count. */
- p += 2;
- break;
- /* \<digit> has been turned into a `duplicate' command which is
- followed by the numeric value of <digit> as the register number. */
- case duplicate:
- {
- register const char *d2, *dend2;
- int regno = *p++; /* Get which register to match against. */
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("EXECUTING duplicate %d.\n", regno);
- /* Can't back reference a group which we've never matched. */
- if (REG_UNSET (regstart[regno]) || REG_UNSET (regend[regno]))
- goto fail;
- /* Where in input to try to start matching. */
- d2 = regstart[regno];
- /* Where to stop matching; if both the place to start and
- the place to stop matching are in the same string, then
- set to the place to stop, otherwise, for now have to use
- the end of the first string. */
- dend2 = ((FIRST_STRING_P (regstart[regno])
- == FIRST_STRING_P (regend[regno]))
- ? regend[regno] : end_match_1);
- for (;;)
- {
- /* If necessary, advance to next segment in register
- contents. */
- while (d2 == dend2)
- {
- if (dend2 == end_match_2) break;
- if (dend2 == regend[regno]) break;
- /* End of string1 => advance to string2. */
- d2 = string2;
- dend2 = regend[regno];
- }
- /* At end of register contents => success */
- if (d2 == dend2) break;
- /* If necessary, advance to next segment in data. */
- /* How many characters left in this segment to match. */
- mcnt = dend - d;
- /* Want how many consecutive characters we can match in
- one shot, so, if necessary, adjust the count. */
- if (mcnt > dend2 - d2)
- mcnt = dend2 - d2;
- /* Compare that many; failure if mismatch, else move
- past them. */
- if (translate
- ? bcmp_translate (d, d2, mcnt, translate)
- : memcmp (d, d2, mcnt))
- goto fail;
- d += mcnt, d2 += mcnt;
- /* Do this because we've match some characters. */
- }
- }
- break;
- /* begline matches the empty string at the beginning of the string
- (unless `not_bol' is set in `bufp'), and, if
- `newline_anchor' is set, after newlines. */
- case begline:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING begline.\n");
- if (AT_STRINGS_BEG (d))
- {
- if (!bufp->not_bol) break;
- }
- else if (d[-1] == '\n' && bufp->newline_anchor)
- {
- break;
- }
- /* In all other cases, we fail. */
- goto fail;
- /* endline is the dual of begline. */
- case endline:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING endline.\n");
- if (AT_STRINGS_END (d))
- {
- if (!bufp->not_eol) break;
- }
- /* We have to ``prefetch'' the next character. */
- else if ((d == end1 ? *string2 : *d) == '\n'
- && bufp->newline_anchor)
- {
- break;
- }
- goto fail;
- /* Match at the very beginning of the data. */
- case begbuf:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING begbuf.\n");
- if (AT_STRINGS_BEG (d))
- break;
- goto fail;
- /* Match at the very end of the data. */
- case endbuf:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING endbuf.\n");
- if (AT_STRINGS_END (d))
- break;
- goto fail;
- /* on_failure_keep_string_jump is used to optimize `.*\n'. It
- pushes NULL as the value for the string on the stack. Then
- `pop_failure_point' will keep the current value for the
- string, instead of restoring it. To see why, consider
- matching `foo\nbar' against `.*\n'. The .* matches the foo;
- then the . fails against the \n. But the next thing we want
- to do is match the \n against the \n; if we restored the
- string value, we would be back at the foo.
- Because this is used only in specific cases, we don't need to
- check all the things that `on_failure_jump' does, to make
- sure the right things get saved on the stack. Hence we don't
- share its code. The only reason to push anything on the
- stack at all is that otherwise we would have to change
- `anychar's code to do something besides goto fail in this
- case; that seems worse than this. */
- case on_failure_keep_string_jump:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING on_failure_keep_string_jump");
-#ifdef _LIBC
- DEBUG_PRINT3 (" %d (to %p):\n", mcnt, p + mcnt);
- DEBUG_PRINT3 (" %d (to 0x%x):\n", mcnt, p + mcnt);
- PUSH_FAILURE_POINT (p + mcnt, NULL, -2);
- break;
- /* Uses of on_failure_jump:
- Each alternative starts with an on_failure_jump that points
- to the beginning of the next alternative. Each alternative
- except the last ends with a jump that in effect jumps past
- the rest of the alternatives. (They really jump to the
- ending jump of the following alternative, because tensioning
- these jumps is a hassle.)
- Repeats start with an on_failure_jump that points past both
- the repetition text and either the following jump or
- pop_failure_jump back to this on_failure_jump. */
- case on_failure_jump:
- on_failure:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING on_failure_jump");
-#ifdef _LIBC
- DEBUG_PRINT3 (" %d (to %p)", mcnt, p + mcnt);
- DEBUG_PRINT3 (" %d (to 0x%x)", mcnt, p + mcnt);
- /* If this on_failure_jump comes right before a group (i.e.,
- the original * applied to a group), save the information
- for that group and all inner ones, so that if we fail back
- to this point, the group's information will be correct.
- For example, in \(a*\)*\1, we need the preceding group,
- and in \(zz\(a*\)b*\)\2, we need the inner group. */
- /* We can't use `p' to check ahead because we push
- a failure point to `p + mcnt' after we do this. */
- p1 = p;
- /* We need to skip no_op's before we look for the
- start_memory in case this on_failure_jump is happening as
- the result of a completed succeed_n, as in \(a\)\{1,3\}b\1
- against aba. */
- while (p1 < pend && (re_opcode_t) *p1 == no_op)
- p1++;
- if (p1 < pend && (re_opcode_t) *p1 == start_memory)
- {
- /* We have a new highest active register now. This will
- get reset at the start_memory we are about to get to,
- but we will have saved all the registers relevant to
- this repetition op, as described above. */
- highest_active_reg = *(p1 + 1) + *(p1 + 2);
- if (lowest_active_reg == NO_LOWEST_ACTIVE_REG)
- lowest_active_reg = *(p1 + 1);
- }
- DEBUG_PRINT1 (":\n");
- PUSH_FAILURE_POINT (p + mcnt, d, -2);
- break;
- /* A smart repeat ends with `maybe_pop_jump'.
- We change it to either `pop_failure_jump' or `jump'. */
- case maybe_pop_jump:
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("EXECUTING maybe_pop_jump %d.\n", mcnt);
- {
- register unsigned char *p2 = p;
- /* Compare the beginning of the repeat with what in the
- pattern follows its end. If we can establish that there
- is nothing that they would both match, i.e., that we
- would have to backtrack because of (as in, e.g., `a*a')
- then we can change to pop_failure_jump, because we'll
- never have to backtrack.
- This is not true in the case of alternatives: in
- `(a|ab)*' we do need to backtrack to the `ab' alternative
- (e.g., if the string was `ab'). But instead of trying to
- detect that here, the alternative has put on a dummy
- failure point which is what we will end up popping. */
- /* Skip over open/close-group commands.
- If what follows this loop is a ...+ construct,
- look at what begins its body, since we will have to
- match at least one of that. */
- while (1)
- {
- if (p2 + 2 < pend
- && ((re_opcode_t) *p2 == stop_memory
- || (re_opcode_t) *p2 == start_memory))
- p2 += 3;
- else if (p2 + 6 < pend
- && (re_opcode_t) *p2 == dummy_failure_jump)
- p2 += 6;
- else
- break;
- }
- p1 = p + mcnt;
- /* p1[0] ... p1[2] are the `on_failure_jump' corresponding
- to the `maybe_finalize_jump' of this case. Examine what
- follows. */
- /* If we're at the end of the pattern, we can change. */
- if (p2 == pend)
- {
- /* Consider what happens when matching ":\(.*\)"
- against ":/". I don't really understand this code
- yet. */
- p[-3] = (unsigned char) pop_failure_jump;
- (" End of pattern: change to `pop_failure_jump'.\n");
- }
- else if ((re_opcode_t) *p2 == exactn
- || (bufp->newline_anchor && (re_opcode_t) *p2 == endline))
- {
- register unsigned char c
- = *p2 == (unsigned char) endline ? '\n' : p2[2];
- if ((re_opcode_t) p1[3] == exactn && p1[5] != c)
- {
- p[-3] = (unsigned char) pop_failure_jump;
- DEBUG_PRINT3 (" %c != %c => pop_failure_jump.\n",
- c, p1[5]);
- }
- else if ((re_opcode_t) p1[3] == charset
- || (re_opcode_t) p1[3] == charset_not)
- {
- int not = (re_opcode_t) p1[3] == charset_not;
- if (c < (unsigned char) (p1[4] * BYTEWIDTH)
- && p1[5 + c / BYTEWIDTH] & (1 << (c % BYTEWIDTH)))
- not = !not;
- /* `not' is equal to 1 if c would match, which means
- that we can't change to pop_failure_jump. */
- if (!not)
- {
- p[-3] = (unsigned char) pop_failure_jump;
- DEBUG_PRINT1 (" No match => pop_failure_jump.\n");
- }
- }
- }
- else if ((re_opcode_t) *p2 == charset)
- {
-#ifdef DEBUG
- register unsigned char c
- = *p2 == (unsigned char) endline ? '\n' : p2[2];
-#if 0
- if ((re_opcode_t) p1[3] == exactn
- && ! ((int) p2[1] * BYTEWIDTH > (int) p1[5]
- && (p2[2 + p1[5] / BYTEWIDTH]
- & (1 << (p1[5] % BYTEWIDTH)))))
- if ((re_opcode_t) p1[3] == exactn
- && ! ((int) p2[1] * BYTEWIDTH > (int) p1[4]
- && (p2[2 + p1[4] / BYTEWIDTH]
- & (1 << (p1[4] % BYTEWIDTH)))))
- {
- p[-3] = (unsigned char) pop_failure_jump;
- DEBUG_PRINT3 (" %c != %c => pop_failure_jump.\n",
- c, p1[5]);
- }
- else if ((re_opcode_t) p1[3] == charset_not)
- {
- int idx;
- /* We win if the charset_not inside the loop
- lists every character listed in the charset after. */
- for (idx = 0; idx < (int) p2[1]; idx++)
- if (! (p2[2 + idx] == 0
- || (idx < (int) p1[4]
- && ((p2[2 + idx] & ~ p1[5 + idx]) == 0))))
- break;
- if (idx == p2[1])
- {
- p[-3] = (unsigned char) pop_failure_jump;
- DEBUG_PRINT1 (" No match => pop_failure_jump.\n");
- }
- }
- else if ((re_opcode_t) p1[3] == charset)
- {
- int idx;
- /* We win if the charset inside the loop
- has no overlap with the one after the loop. */
- for (idx = 0;
- idx < (int) p2[1] && idx < (int) p1[4];
- idx++)
- if ((p2[2 + idx] & p1[5 + idx]) != 0)
- break;
- if (idx == p2[1] || idx == p1[4])
- {
- p[-3] = (unsigned char) pop_failure_jump;
- DEBUG_PRINT1 (" No match => pop_failure_jump.\n");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- p -= 2; /* Point at relative address again. */
- if ((re_opcode_t) p[-1] != pop_failure_jump)
- {
- p[-1] = (unsigned char) jump;
- DEBUG_PRINT1 (" Match => jump.\n");
- goto unconditional_jump;
- }
- /* Note fall through. */
- /* The end of a simple repeat has a pop_failure_jump back to
- its matching on_failure_jump, where the latter will push a
- failure point. The pop_failure_jump takes off failure
- points put on by this pop_failure_jump's matching
- on_failure_jump; we got through the pattern to here from the
- matching on_failure_jump, so didn't fail. */
- case pop_failure_jump:
- {
- /* We need to pass separate storage for the lowest and
- highest registers, even though we don't care about the
- actual values. Otherwise, we will restore only one
- register from the stack, since lowest will == highest in
- `pop_failure_point'. */
- active_reg_t dummy_low_reg, dummy_high_reg;
- unsigned char *pdummy;
- const char *sdummy;
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING pop_failure_jump.\n");
- POP_FAILURE_POINT (sdummy, pdummy,
- dummy_low_reg, dummy_high_reg,
- reg_dummy, reg_dummy, reg_info_dummy);
- }
- /* Note fall through. */
- unconditional_jump:
-#ifdef _LIBC
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("\n%p: ", p);
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("\n0x%x: ", p);
- /* Note fall through. */
- /* Unconditionally jump (without popping any failure points). */
- case jump:
- EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (mcnt, p); /* Get the amount to jump. */
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("EXECUTING jump %d ", mcnt);
- p += mcnt; /* Do the jump. */
-#ifdef _LIBC
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("(to %p).\n", p);
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("(to 0x%x).\n", p);
- break;
- /* We need this opcode so we can detect where alternatives end
- in `group_match_null_string_p' et al. */
- case jump_past_alt:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING jump_past_alt.\n");
- goto unconditional_jump;
- /* Normally, the on_failure_jump pushes a failure point, which
- then gets popped at pop_failure_jump. We will end up at
- pop_failure_jump, also, and with a pattern of, say, `a+', we
- are skipping over the on_failure_jump, so we have to push
- something meaningless for pop_failure_jump to pop. */
- case dummy_failure_jump:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING dummy_failure_jump.\n");
- /* It doesn't matter what we push for the string here. What
- the code at `fail' tests is the value for the pattern. */
- goto unconditional_jump;
- /* At the end of an alternative, we need to push a dummy failure
- point in case we are followed by a `pop_failure_jump', because
- we don't want the failure point for the alternative to be
- popped. For example, matching `(a|ab)*' against `aab'
- requires that we match the `ab' alternative. */
- case push_dummy_failure:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING push_dummy_failure.\n");
- /* See comments just above at `dummy_failure_jump' about the
- two zeroes. */
- break;
- /* Have to succeed matching what follows at least n times.
- After that, handle like `on_failure_jump'. */
- case succeed_n:
- EXTRACT_NUMBER (mcnt, p + 2);
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("EXECUTING succeed_n %d.\n", mcnt);
- assert (mcnt >= 0);
- /* Originally, this is how many times we HAVE to succeed. */
- if (mcnt > 0)
- {
- mcnt--;
- p += 2;
-#ifdef _LIBC
- DEBUG_PRINT3 (" Setting %p to %d.\n", p - 2, mcnt);
- DEBUG_PRINT3 (" Setting 0x%x to %d.\n", p - 2, mcnt);
- }
- else if (mcnt == 0)
- {
-#ifdef _LIBC
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" Setting two bytes from %p to no_op.\n", p+2);
- DEBUG_PRINT2 (" Setting two bytes from 0x%x to no_op.\n", p+2);
- p[2] = (unsigned char) no_op;
- p[3] = (unsigned char) no_op;
- goto on_failure;
- }
- break;
- case jump_n:
- EXTRACT_NUMBER (mcnt, p + 2);
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("EXECUTING jump_n %d.\n", mcnt);
- /* Originally, this is how many times we CAN jump. */
- if (mcnt)
- {
- mcnt--;
- STORE_NUMBER (p + 2, mcnt);
-#ifdef _LIBC
- DEBUG_PRINT3 (" Setting %p to %d.\n", p + 2, mcnt);
- DEBUG_PRINT3 (" Setting 0x%x to %d.\n", p + 2, mcnt);
- goto unconditional_jump;
- }
- /* If don't have to jump any more, skip over the rest of command. */
- else
- p += 4;
- break;
- case set_number_at:
- {
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING set_number_at.\n");
- p1 = p + mcnt;
-#ifdef _LIBC
- DEBUG_PRINT3 (" Setting %p to %d.\n", p1, mcnt);
- DEBUG_PRINT3 (" Setting 0x%x to %d.\n", p1, mcnt);
- STORE_NUMBER (p1, mcnt);
- break;
- }
-#if 0
- /* The DEC Alpha C compiler 3.x generates incorrect code for the
- test WORDCHAR_P (d - 1) != WORDCHAR_P (d) in the expansion of
- AT_WORD_BOUNDARY, so this code is disabled. Expanding the
- macro and introducing temporary variables works around the bug. */
- case wordbound:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING wordbound.\n");
- break;
- goto fail;
- case notwordbound:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING notwordbound.\n");
- goto fail;
- break;
- case wordbound:
- {
- boolean prevchar, thischar;
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING wordbound.\n");
- break;
- prevchar = WORDCHAR_P (d - 1);
- thischar = WORDCHAR_P (d);
- if (prevchar != thischar)
- break;
- goto fail;
- }
- case notwordbound:
- {
- boolean prevchar, thischar;
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING notwordbound.\n");
- goto fail;
- prevchar = WORDCHAR_P (d - 1);
- thischar = WORDCHAR_P (d);
- if (prevchar != thischar)
- goto fail;
- break;
- }
- case wordbeg:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING wordbeg.\n");
- if (WORDCHAR_P (d) && (AT_STRINGS_BEG (d) || !WORDCHAR_P (d - 1)))
- break;
- goto fail;
- case wordend:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING wordend.\n");
- if (!AT_STRINGS_BEG (d) && WORDCHAR_P (d - 1)
- && (!WORDCHAR_P (d) || AT_STRINGS_END (d)))
- break;
- goto fail;
-#ifdef emacs
- case before_dot:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING before_dot.\n");
- if (PTR_CHAR_POS ((unsigned char *) d) >= point)
- goto fail;
- break;
- case at_dot:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING at_dot.\n");
- if (PTR_CHAR_POS ((unsigned char *) d) != point)
- goto fail;
- break;
- case after_dot:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING after_dot.\n");
- if (PTR_CHAR_POS ((unsigned char *) d) <= point)
- goto fail;
- break;
- case syntaxspec:
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("EXECUTING syntaxspec %d.\n", mcnt);
- mcnt = *p++;
- goto matchsyntax;
- case wordchar:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING Emacs wordchar.\n");
- mcnt = (int) Sword;
- matchsyntax:
- /* Can't use *d++ here; SYNTAX may be an unsafe macro. */
- d++;
- if (SYNTAX (d[-1]) != (enum syntaxcode) mcnt)
- goto fail;
- break;
- case notsyntaxspec:
- DEBUG_PRINT2 ("EXECUTING notsyntaxspec %d.\n", mcnt);
- mcnt = *p++;
- goto matchnotsyntax;
- case notwordchar:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING Emacs notwordchar.\n");
- mcnt = (int) Sword;
- matchnotsyntax:
- /* Can't use *d++ here; SYNTAX may be an unsafe macro. */
- d++;
- if (SYNTAX (d[-1]) == (enum syntaxcode) mcnt)
- goto fail;
- break;
-#else /* not emacs */
- case wordchar:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING non-Emacs wordchar.\n");
- if (!WORDCHAR_P (d))
- goto fail;
- d++;
- break;
- case notwordchar:
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING non-Emacs notwordchar.\n");
- if (WORDCHAR_P (d))
- goto fail;
- d++;
- break;
-#endif /* not emacs */
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- continue; /* Successfully executed one pattern command; keep going. */
- /* We goto here if a matching operation fails. */
- fail:
- { /* A restart point is known. Restore to that state. */
- DEBUG_PRINT1 ("\nFAIL:\n");
- lowest_active_reg, highest_active_reg,
- regstart, regend, reg_info);
- /* If this failure point is a dummy, try the next one. */
- if (!p)
- goto fail;
- /* If we failed to the end of the pattern, don't examine *p. */
- assert (p <= pend);
- if (p < pend)
- {
- boolean is_a_jump_n = false;
- /* If failed to a backwards jump that's part of a repetition
- loop, need to pop this failure point and use the next one. */
- switch ((re_opcode_t) *p)
- {
- case jump_n:
- is_a_jump_n = true;
- case maybe_pop_jump:
- case pop_failure_jump:
- case jump:
- p1 = p + 1;
- p1 += mcnt;
- if ((is_a_jump_n && (re_opcode_t) *p1 == succeed_n)
- || (!is_a_jump_n
- && (re_opcode_t) *p1 == on_failure_jump))
- goto fail;
- break;
- default:
- /* do nothing */ ;
- }
- }
- if (d >= string1 && d <= end1)
- dend = end_match_1;
- }
- else
- break; /* Matching at this starting point really fails. */
- } /* for (;;) */
- if (best_regs_set)
- goto restore_best_regs;
- return -1; /* Failure to match. */
-} /* re_match_2 */
-/* Subroutine definitions for re_match_2. */
-/* We are passed P pointing to a register number after a start_memory.
- Return true if the pattern up to the corresponding stop_memory can
- match the empty string, and false otherwise.
- If we find the matching stop_memory, sets P to point to one past its number.
- Otherwise, sets P to an undefined byte less than or equal to END.
- We don't handle duplicates properly (yet). */
-static boolean
-group_match_null_string_p (p, end, reg_info)
- unsigned char **p, *end;
- register_info_type *reg_info;
- int mcnt;
- /* Point to after the args to the start_memory. */
- unsigned char *p1 = *p + 2;
- while (p1 < end)
- {
- /* Skip over opcodes that can match nothing, and return true or
- false, as appropriate, when we get to one that can't, or to the
- matching stop_memory. */
- switch ((re_opcode_t) *p1)
- {
- /* Could be either a loop or a series of alternatives. */
- case on_failure_jump:
- p1++;
- /* If the next operation is not a jump backwards in the
- pattern. */
- if (mcnt >= 0)
- {
- /* Go through the on_failure_jumps of the alternatives,
- seeing if any of the alternatives cannot match nothing.
- The last alternative starts with only a jump,
- whereas the rest start with on_failure_jump and end
- with a jump, e.g., here is the pattern for `a|b|c':
- /on_failure_jump/0/6/exactn/1/a/jump_past_alt/0/6
- /on_failure_jump/0/6/exactn/1/b/jump_past_alt/0/3
- /exactn/1/c
- So, we have to first go through the first (n-1)
- alternatives and then deal with the last one separately. */
- /* Deal with the first (n-1) alternatives, which start
- with an on_failure_jump (see above) that jumps to right
- past a jump_past_alt. */
- while ((re_opcode_t) p1[mcnt-3] == jump_past_alt)
- {
- /* `mcnt' holds how many bytes long the alternative
- is, including the ending `jump_past_alt' and
- its number. */
- if (!alt_match_null_string_p (p1, p1 + mcnt - 3,
- reg_info))
- return false;
- /* Move to right after this alternative, including the
- jump_past_alt. */
- p1 += mcnt;
- /* Break if it's the beginning of an n-th alternative
- that doesn't begin with an on_failure_jump. */
- if ((re_opcode_t) *p1 != on_failure_jump)
- break;
- /* Still have to check that it's not an n-th
- alternative that starts with an on_failure_jump. */
- p1++;
- if ((re_opcode_t) p1[mcnt-3] != jump_past_alt)
- {
- /* Get to the beginning of the n-th alternative. */
- p1 -= 3;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Deal with the last alternative: go back and get number
- of the `jump_past_alt' just before it. `mcnt' contains
- the length of the alternative. */
- EXTRACT_NUMBER (mcnt, p1 - 2);
- if (!alt_match_null_string_p (p1, p1 + mcnt, reg_info))
- return false;
- p1 += mcnt; /* Get past the n-th alternative. */
- } /* if mcnt > 0 */
- break;
- case stop_memory:
- assert (p1[1] == **p);
- *p = p1 + 2;
- return true;
- default:
- if (!common_op_match_null_string_p (&p1, end, reg_info))
- return false;
- }
- } /* while p1 < end */
- return false;
-} /* group_match_null_string_p */
-/* Similar to group_match_null_string_p, but doesn't deal with alternatives:
- It expects P to be the first byte of a single alternative and END one
- byte past the last. The alternative can contain groups. */
-static boolean
-alt_match_null_string_p (p, end, reg_info)
- unsigned char *p, *end;
- register_info_type *reg_info;
- int mcnt;
- unsigned char *p1 = p;
- while (p1 < end)
- {
- /* Skip over opcodes that can match nothing, and break when we get
- to one that can't. */
- switch ((re_opcode_t) *p1)
- {
- /* It's a loop. */
- case on_failure_jump:
- p1++;
- p1 += mcnt;
- break;
- default:
- if (!common_op_match_null_string_p (&p1, end, reg_info))
- return false;
- }
- } /* while p1 < end */
- return true;
-} /* alt_match_null_string_p */
-/* Deals with the ops common to group_match_null_string_p and
- alt_match_null_string_p.
- Sets P to one after the op and its arguments, if any. */
-static boolean
-common_op_match_null_string_p (p, end, reg_info)
- unsigned char **p, *end;
- register_info_type *reg_info;
- int mcnt;
- boolean ret;
- int reg_no;
- unsigned char *p1 = *p;
- switch ((re_opcode_t) *p1++)
- {
- case no_op:
- case begline:
- case endline:
- case begbuf:
- case endbuf:
- case wordbeg:
- case wordend:
- case wordbound:
- case notwordbound:
-#ifdef emacs
- case before_dot:
- case at_dot:
- case after_dot:
- break;
- case start_memory:
- reg_no = *p1;
- assert (reg_no > 0 && reg_no <= MAX_REGNUM);
- ret = group_match_null_string_p (&p1, end, reg_info);
- /* Have to set this here in case we're checking a group which
- contains a group and a back reference to it. */
- REG_MATCH_NULL_STRING_P (reg_info[reg_no]) = ret;
- if (!ret)
- return false;
- break;
- /* If this is an optimized succeed_n for zero times, make the jump. */
- case jump:
- if (mcnt >= 0)
- p1 += mcnt;
- else
- return false;
- break;
- case succeed_n:
- /* Get to the number of times to succeed. */
- p1 += 2;
- if (mcnt == 0)
- {
- p1 -= 4;
- p1 += mcnt;
- }
- else
- return false;
- break;
- case duplicate:
- if (!REG_MATCH_NULL_STRING_P (reg_info[*p1]))
- return false;
- break;
- case set_number_at:
- p1 += 4;
- default:
- /* All other opcodes mean we cannot match the empty string. */
- return false;
- }
- *p = p1;
- return true;
-} /* common_op_match_null_string_p */
-/* Return zero if TRANSLATE[S1] and TRANSLATE[S2] are identical for LEN
- bytes; nonzero otherwise. */
-static int
-bcmp_translate (s1, s2, len, translate)
- const char *s1, *s2;
- register int len;
- RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE translate;
- register const unsigned char *p1 = (const unsigned char *) s1;
- register const unsigned char *p2 = (const unsigned char *) s2;
- while (len)
- {
- if (translate[*p1++] != translate[*p2++]) return 1;
- len--;
- }
- return 0;
-/* Entry points for GNU code. */
-/* re_compile_pattern is the GNU regular expression compiler: it
- compiles PATTERN (of length SIZE) and puts the result in BUFP.
- Returns 0 if the pattern was valid, otherwise an error string.
- Assumes the `allocated' (and perhaps `buffer') and `translate' fields
- are set in BUFP on entry.
- We call regex_compile to do the actual compilation. */
-const char *
-re_compile_pattern (pattern, length, bufp)
- const char *pattern;
- size_t length;
- struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp;
- reg_errcode_t ret;
- /* GNU code is written to assume at least RE_NREGS registers will be set
- (and at least one extra will be -1). */
- bufp->regs_allocated = REGS_UNALLOCATED;
- /* And GNU code determines whether or not to get register information
- by passing null for the REGS argument to re_match, etc., not by
- setting no_sub. */
- bufp->no_sub = 0;
- /* Match anchors at newline. */
- bufp->newline_anchor = 1;
- ret = regex_compile (pattern, length, re_syntax_options, bufp);
- if (!ret)
- return NULL;
- return gettext (re_error_msgid[(int) ret]);
-#ifdef _LIBC
-weak_alias (__re_compile_pattern, re_compile_pattern)
-/* Entry points compatible with 4.2 BSD regex library. We don't define
- them unless specifically requested. */
-#if defined _REGEX_RE_COMP || defined _LIBC
-/* BSD has one and only one pattern buffer. */
-static struct re_pattern_buffer re_comp_buf;
-char *
-#ifdef _LIBC
-/* Make these definitions weak in libc, so POSIX programs can redefine
- these names if they don't use our functions, and still use
- regcomp/regexec below without link errors. */
-re_comp (s)
- const char *s;
- reg_errcode_t ret;
- if (!s)
- {
- if (!re_comp_buf.buffer)
- return gettext ("No previous regular expression");
- return 0;
- }
- if (!re_comp_buf.buffer)
- {
- re_comp_buf.buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc (200);
- if (re_comp_buf.buffer == NULL)
- return (char *) gettext (re_error_msgid[(int) REG_ESPACE]);
- re_comp_buf.allocated = 200;
- re_comp_buf.fastmap = (char *) malloc (1 << BYTEWIDTH);
- if (re_comp_buf.fastmap == NULL)
- return (char *) gettext (re_error_msgid[(int) REG_ESPACE]);
- }
- /* Since `re_exec' always passes NULL for the `regs' argument, we
- don't need to initialize the pattern buffer fields which affect it. */
- /* Match anchors at newlines. */
- re_comp_buf.newline_anchor = 1;
- ret = regex_compile (s, strlen (s), re_syntax_options, &re_comp_buf);
- if (!ret)
- return NULL;
- /* Yes, we're discarding `const' here if !HAVE_LIBINTL. */
- return (char *) gettext (re_error_msgid[(int) ret]);
-#ifdef _LIBC
-re_exec (s)
- const char *s;
- const int len = strlen (s);
- return
- 0 <= re_search (&re_comp_buf, s, len, 0, len, (struct re_registers *) 0);
-#endif /* _REGEX_RE_COMP */
-/* POSIX.2 functions. Don't define these for Emacs. */
-#ifndef emacs
-/* regcomp takes a regular expression as a string and compiles it.
- PREG is a regex_t *. We do not expect any fields to be initialized,
- since POSIX says we shouldn't. Thus, we set
- `buffer' to the compiled pattern;
- `used' to the length of the compiled pattern;
- `syntax' to RE_SYNTAX_POSIX_EXTENDED if the
- REG_EXTENDED bit in CFLAGS is set; otherwise, to
- `newline_anchor' to REG_NEWLINE being set in CFLAGS;
- `fastmap' and `fastmap_accurate' to zero;
- `re_nsub' to the number of subexpressions in PATTERN.
- PATTERN is the address of the pattern string.
- CFLAGS is a series of bits which affect compilation.
- If REG_EXTENDED is set, we use POSIX extended syntax; otherwise, we
- use POSIX basic syntax.
- If REG_NEWLINE is set, then . and [^...] don't match newline.
- Also, regexec will try a match beginning after every newline.
- If REG_ICASE is set, then we considers upper- and lowercase
- versions of letters to be equivalent when matching.
- If REG_NOSUB is set, then when PREG is passed to regexec, that
- routine will report only success or failure, and nothing about the
- registers.
- It returns 0 if it succeeds, nonzero if it doesn't. (See gnu-regex.h for
- the return codes and their meanings.) */
-regcomp (preg, pattern, cflags)
- regex_t *preg;
- const char *pattern;
- int cflags;
- reg_errcode_t ret;
- reg_syntax_t syntax
- = (cflags & REG_EXTENDED) ?
- /* regex_compile will allocate the space for the compiled pattern. */
- preg->buffer = 0;
- preg->allocated = 0;
- preg->used = 0;
- /* Don't bother to use a fastmap when searching. This simplifies the
- REG_NEWLINE case: if we used a fastmap, we'd have to put all the
- characters after newlines into the fastmap. This way, we just try
- every character. */
- preg->fastmap = 0;
- if (cflags & REG_ICASE)
- {
- unsigned i;
- preg->translate
- * sizeof (*(RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE)0));
- if (preg->translate == NULL)
- return (int) REG_ESPACE;
- /* Map uppercase characters to corresponding lowercase ones. */
- for (i = 0; i < CHAR_SET_SIZE; i++)
- preg->translate[i] = ISUPPER (i) ? tolower (i) : i;
- }
- else
- preg->translate = NULL;
- /* If REG_NEWLINE is set, newlines are treated differently. */
- if (cflags & REG_NEWLINE)
- { /* REG_NEWLINE implies neither . nor [^...] match newline. */
- syntax &= ~RE_DOT_NEWLINE;
- /* It also changes the matching behavior. */
- preg->newline_anchor = 1;
- }
- else
- preg->newline_anchor = 0;
- preg->no_sub = !!(cflags & REG_NOSUB);
- /* POSIX says a null character in the pattern terminates it, so we
- can use strlen here in compiling the pattern. */
- ret = regex_compile (pattern, strlen (pattern), syntax, preg);
- /* POSIX doesn't distinguish between an unmatched open-group and an
- unmatched close-group: both are REG_EPAREN. */
- if (ret == REG_ERPAREN) ret = REG_EPAREN;
- return (int) ret;
-#ifdef _LIBC
-weak_alias (__regcomp, regcomp)
-/* regexec searches for a given pattern, specified by PREG, in the
- string STRING.
- If NMATCH is zero or REG_NOSUB was set in the cflags argument to
- `regcomp', we ignore PMATCH. Otherwise, we assume PMATCH has at
- least NMATCH elements, and we set them to the offsets of the
- corresponding matched substrings.
- EFLAGS specifies `execution flags' which affect matching: if
- REG_NOTBOL is set, then ^ does not match at the beginning of the
- string; if REG_NOTEOL is set, then $ does not match at the end.
- We return 0 if we find a match and REG_NOMATCH if not. */
-regexec (preg, string, nmatch, pmatch, eflags)
- const regex_t *preg;
- const char *string;
- size_t nmatch;
- regmatch_t pmatch[];
- int eflags;
- int ret;
- struct re_registers regs;
- regex_t private_preg;
- int len = strlen (string);
- boolean want_reg_info = !preg->no_sub && nmatch > 0;
- private_preg = *preg;
- private_preg.not_bol = !!(eflags & REG_NOTBOL);
- private_preg.not_eol = !!(eflags & REG_NOTEOL);
- /* The user has told us exactly how many registers to return
- information about, via `nmatch'. We have to pass that on to the
- matching routines. */
- private_preg.regs_allocated = REGS_FIXED;
- if (want_reg_info)
- {
- regs.num_regs = nmatch;
- regs.start = TALLOC (nmatch, regoff_t);
- regs.end = TALLOC (nmatch, regoff_t);
- if (regs.start == NULL || regs.end == NULL)
- return (int) REG_NOMATCH;
- }
- /* Perform the searching operation. */
- ret = re_search (&private_preg, string, len,
- /* start: */ 0, /* range: */ len,
- want_reg_info ? &regs : (struct re_registers *) 0);
- /* Copy the register information to the POSIX structure. */
- if (want_reg_info)
- {
- if (ret >= 0)
- {
- unsigned r;
- for (r = 0; r < nmatch; r++)
- {
- pmatch[r].rm_so = regs.start[r];
- pmatch[r].rm_eo = regs.end[r];
- }
- }
- /* If we needed the temporary register info, free the space now. */
- free (regs.start);
- free (regs.end);
- }
- /* We want zero return to mean success, unlike `re_search'. */
- return ret >= 0 ? (int) REG_NOERROR : (int) REG_NOMATCH;
-#ifdef _LIBC
-weak_alias (__regexec, regexec)
-/* Returns a message corresponding to an error code, ERRCODE, returned
- from either regcomp or regexec. We don't use PREG here. */
-__regerror (errcode, preg, errbuf, errbuf_size)
- int errcode;
- const regex_t *preg;
- char *errbuf;
- size_t errbuf_size;
- const char *msg;
- size_t msg_size;
- if (errcode < 0
- || errcode >= (int) (sizeof (re_error_msgid)
- / sizeof (re_error_msgid[0])))
- /* Only error codes returned by the rest of the code should be passed
- to this routine. If we are given anything else, or if other regex
- code generates an invalid error code, then the program has a bug.
- Dump core so we can fix it. */
- abort ();
- msg = gettext (re_error_msgid[errcode]);
- msg_size = strlen (msg) + 1; /* Includes the null. */
- if (errbuf_size != 0)
- {
- if (msg_size > errbuf_size)
- {
-#if defined HAVE_MEMPCPY || defined _LIBC
- *((char *) __mempcpy (errbuf, msg, errbuf_size - 1)) = '\0';
- memcpy (errbuf, msg, errbuf_size - 1);
- errbuf[errbuf_size - 1] = 0;
- }
- else
- memcpy (errbuf, msg, msg_size);
- }
- return msg_size;
-#ifdef _LIBC
-weak_alias (__regerror, regerror)
-/* Free dynamically allocated space used by PREG. */
-regfree (preg)
- regex_t *preg;
- if (preg->buffer != NULL)
- free (preg->buffer);
- preg->buffer = NULL;
- preg->allocated = 0;
- preg->used = 0;
- if (preg->fastmap != NULL)
- free (preg->fastmap);
- preg->fastmap = NULL;
- preg->fastmap_accurate = 0;
- if (preg->translate != NULL)
- free (preg->translate);
- preg->translate = NULL;
-#ifdef _LIBC
-weak_alias (__regfree, regfree)
-#endif /* not emacs */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/gnu-regex.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/gnu-regex.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9153ea1b07d0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/gnu-regex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,576 +0,0 @@
-/* Definitions for data structures and routines for the regular
- expression library, version 0.12.
- Copyright (C) 1985,89,90,91,92,93,95,96,97,98 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- NOTE: The canonical source of this file is maintained with the
- GNU C Library. Bugs can be reported to
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
- later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef _REGEX_H
-#define _REGEX_H 1
-/* Allow the use in C++ code. */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* POSIX says that <sys/types.h> must be included (by the caller) before
- <regex.h>. */
-#if !defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE && !defined _POSIX_SOURCE && defined VMS
-/* VMS doesn't have `size_t' in <sys/types.h>, even though POSIX says it
- should be there. */
-# include <stddef.h>
-/* GDB LOCAL: define _REGEX_RE_COMP to get BSD style re_comp and re_exec */
-#ifndef _REGEX_RE_COMP
-#define _REGEX_RE_COMP
-/* The following two types have to be signed and unsigned integer type
- wide enough to hold a value of a pointer. For most ANSI compilers
- ptrdiff_t and size_t should be likely OK. Still size of these two
- types is 2 for Microsoft C. Ugh... */
-typedef long int s_reg_t;
-typedef unsigned long int active_reg_t;
-/* The following bits are used to determine the regexp syntax we
- recognize. The set/not-set meanings are chosen so that Emacs syntax
- remains the value 0. The bits are given in alphabetical order, and
- the definitions shifted by one from the previous bit; thus, when we
- add or remove a bit, only one other definition need change. */
-typedef unsigned long int reg_syntax_t;
-/* If this bit is not set, then \ inside a bracket expression is literal.
- If set, then such a \ quotes the following character. */
-#define RE_BACKSLASH_ESCAPE_IN_LISTS ((unsigned long int) 1)
-/* If this bit is not set, then + and ? are operators, and \+ and \? are
- literals.
- If set, then \+ and \? are operators and + and ? are literals. */
-/* If this bit is set, then character classes are supported. They are:
- [:alpha:], [:upper:], [:lower:], [:digit:], [:alnum:], [:xdigit:],
- [:space:], [:print:], [:punct:], [:graph:], and [:cntrl:].
- If not set, then character classes are not supported. */
-/* If this bit is set, then ^ and $ are always anchors (outside bracket
- expressions, of course).
- If this bit is not set, then it depends:
- ^ is an anchor if it is at the beginning of a regular
- expression or after an open-group or an alternation operator;
- $ is an anchor if it is at the end of a regular expression, or
- before a close-group or an alternation operator.
- This bit could be (re)combined with RE_CONTEXT_INDEP_OPS, because
- POSIX draft 11.2 says that * etc. in leading positions is undefined.
- We already implemented a previous draft which made those constructs
- invalid, though, so we haven't changed the code back. */
-/* If this bit is set, then special characters are always special
- regardless of where they are in the pattern.
- If this bit is not set, then special characters are special only in
- some contexts; otherwise they are ordinary. Specifically,
- * + ? and intervals are only special when not after the beginning,
- open-group, or alternation operator. */
-/* If this bit is set, then *, +, ?, and { cannot be first in an re or
- immediately after an alternation or begin-group operator. */
-/* If this bit is set, then . matches newline.
- If not set, then it doesn't. */
-/* If this bit is set, then . doesn't match NUL.
- If not set, then it does. */
-/* If this bit is set, nonmatching lists [^...] do not match newline.
- If not set, they do. */
-/* If this bit is set, either \{...\} or {...} defines an
- interval, depending on RE_NO_BK_BRACES.
- If not set, \{, \}, {, and } are literals. */
-/* If this bit is set, +, ? and | aren't recognized as operators.
- If not set, they are. */
-/* If this bit is set, newline is an alternation operator.
- If not set, newline is literal. */
-/* If this bit is set, then `{...}' defines an interval, and \{ and \}
- are literals.
- If not set, then `\{...\}' defines an interval. */
-/* If this bit is set, (...) defines a group, and \( and \) are literals.
- If not set, \(...\) defines a group, and ( and ) are literals. */
-/* If this bit is set, then \<digit> matches <digit>.
- If not set, then \<digit> is a back-reference. */
-#define RE_NO_BK_REFS (RE_NO_BK_PARENS << 1)
-/* If this bit is set, then | is an alternation operator, and \| is literal.
- If not set, then \| is an alternation operator, and | is literal. */
-#define RE_NO_BK_VBAR (RE_NO_BK_REFS << 1)
-/* If this bit is set, then an ending range point collating higher
- than the starting range point, as in [z-a], is invalid.
- If not set, then when ending range point collates higher than the
- starting range point, the range is ignored. */
-/* If this bit is set, then an unmatched ) is ordinary.
- If not set, then an unmatched ) is invalid. */
-/* If this bit is set, succeed as soon as we match the whole pattern,
- without further backtracking. */
-/* If this bit is set, do not process the GNU regex operators.
- If not set, then the GNU regex operators are recognized. */
-/* If this bit is set, turn on internal regex debugging.
- If not set, and debugging was on, turn it off.
- This only works if regex.c is compiled -DDEBUG.
- We define this bit always, so that all that's needed to turn on
- debugging is to recompile regex.c; the calling code can always have
- this bit set, and it won't affect anything in the normal case. */
-#define RE_DEBUG (RE_NO_GNU_OPS << 1)
-/* This global variable defines the particular regexp syntax to use (for
- some interfaces). When a regexp is compiled, the syntax used is
- stored in the pattern buffer, so changing this does not affect
- already-compiled regexps. */
-extern reg_syntax_t re_syntax_options;
-/* Define combinations of the above bits for the standard possibilities.
- (The [[[ comments delimit what gets put into the Texinfo file, so
- don't delete them!) */
-/* [[[begin syntaxes]]] */
-#define RE_SYNTAX_EMACS 0
-#define RE_SYNTAX_AWK \
-#define RE_SYNTAX_GNU_AWK \
-#define RE_SYNTAX_GREP \
-#define RE_SYNTAX_EGREP \
-/* P1003.2/D11.2, section, lines 5078ff. */
-/* Syntax bits common to both basic and extended POSIX regex syntax. */
-/* Differs from ..._POSIX_BASIC only in that RE_BK_PLUS_QM becomes
- RE_LIMITED_OPS, i.e., \? \+ \| are not recognized. Actually, this
- isn't minimal, since other operators, such as \`, aren't disabled. */
-/* Differs from ..._POSIX_EXTENDED in that RE_CONTEXT_INVALID_OPS
- replaces RE_CONTEXT_INDEP_OPS and RE_NO_BK_REFS is added. */
-/* [[[end syntaxes]]] */
-/* Maximum number of duplicates an interval can allow. Some systems
- (erroneously) define this in other header files, but we want our
- value, so remove any previous define. */
-#ifdef RE_DUP_MAX
-# undef RE_DUP_MAX
-/* If sizeof(int) == 2, then ((1 << 15) - 1) overflows. */
-#define RE_DUP_MAX (0x7fff)
-/* POSIX `cflags' bits (i.e., information for `regcomp'). */
-/* If this bit is set, then use extended regular expression syntax.
- If not set, then use basic regular expression syntax. */
-#define REG_EXTENDED 1
-/* If this bit is set, then ignore case when matching.
- If not set, then case is significant. */
-#define REG_ICASE (REG_EXTENDED << 1)
-/* If this bit is set, then anchors do not match at newline
- characters in the string.
- If not set, then anchors do match at newlines. */
-#define REG_NEWLINE (REG_ICASE << 1)
-/* If this bit is set, then report only success or fail in regexec.
- If not set, then returns differ between not matching and errors. */
-#define REG_NOSUB (REG_NEWLINE << 1)
-/* POSIX `eflags' bits (i.e., information for regexec). */
-/* If this bit is set, then the beginning-of-line operator doesn't match
- the beginning of the string (presumably because it's not the
- beginning of a line).
- If not set, then the beginning-of-line operator does match the
- beginning of the string. */
-#define REG_NOTBOL 1
-/* Like REG_NOTBOL, except for the end-of-line. */
-#define REG_NOTEOL (1 << 1)
-/* If any error codes are removed, changed, or added, update the
- `re_error_msg' table in regex.c. */
-typedef enum
-#if (_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) == 500
- REG_NOSYS = -1, /* This will never happen for this implementation. */
- REG_NOERROR = 0, /* Success. */
- REG_NOMATCH, /* Didn't find a match (for regexec). */
- /* POSIX regcomp return error codes. (In the order listed in the
- standard.) */
- REG_BADPAT, /* Invalid pattern. */
- REG_ECOLLATE, /* Not implemented. */
- REG_ECTYPE, /* Invalid character class name. */
- REG_EESCAPE, /* Trailing backslash. */
- REG_ESUBREG, /* Invalid back reference. */
- REG_EBRACK, /* Unmatched left bracket. */
- REG_EPAREN, /* Parenthesis imbalance. */
- REG_EBRACE, /* Unmatched \{. */
- REG_BADBR, /* Invalid contents of \{\}. */
- REG_ERANGE, /* Invalid range end. */
- REG_ESPACE, /* Ran out of memory. */
- REG_BADRPT, /* No preceding re for repetition op. */
- /* Error codes we've added. */
- REG_EEND, /* Premature end. */
- REG_ESIZE, /* Compiled pattern bigger than 2^16 bytes. */
- REG_ERPAREN /* Unmatched ) or \); not returned from regcomp. */
-} reg_errcode_t;
-/* This data structure represents a compiled pattern. Before calling
- the pattern compiler, the fields `buffer', `allocated', `fastmap',
- `translate', and `no_sub' can be set. After the pattern has been
- compiled, the `re_nsub' field is available. All other fields are
- private to the regex routines. */
-# define RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE char *
-struct re_pattern_buffer
-/* [[[begin pattern_buffer]]] */
- /* Space that holds the compiled pattern. It is declared as
- `unsigned char *' because its elements are
- sometimes used as array indexes. */
- unsigned char *buffer;
- /* Number of bytes to which `buffer' points. */
- unsigned long int allocated;
- /* Number of bytes actually used in `buffer'. */
- unsigned long int used;
- /* Syntax setting with which the pattern was compiled. */
- reg_syntax_t syntax;
- /* Pointer to a fastmap, if any, otherwise zero. re_search uses
- the fastmap, if there is one, to skip over impossible
- starting points for matches. */
- char *fastmap;
- /* Either a translate table to apply to all characters before
- comparing them, or zero for no translation. The translation
- is applied to a pattern when it is compiled and to a string
- when it is matched. */
- RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE translate;
- /* Number of subexpressions found by the compiler. */
- size_t re_nsub;
- /* Zero if this pattern cannot match the empty string, one else.
- Well, in truth it's used only in `re_search_2', to see
- whether or not we should use the fastmap, so we don't set
- this absolutely perfectly; see `re_compile_fastmap' (the
- `duplicate' case). */
- unsigned can_be_null : 1;
- /* If REGS_UNALLOCATED, allocate space in the `regs' structure
- for `max (RE_NREGS, re_nsub + 1)' groups.
- If REGS_REALLOCATE, reallocate space if necessary.
- If REGS_FIXED, use what's there. */
-#define REGS_FIXED 2
- unsigned regs_allocated : 2;
- /* Set to zero when `regex_compile' compiles a pattern; set to one
- by `re_compile_fastmap' if it updates the fastmap. */
- unsigned fastmap_accurate : 1;
- /* If set, `re_match_2' does not return information about
- subexpressions. */
- unsigned no_sub : 1;
- /* If set, a beginning-of-line anchor doesn't match at the
- beginning of the string. */
- unsigned not_bol : 1;
- /* Similarly for an end-of-line anchor. */
- unsigned not_eol : 1;
- /* If true, an anchor at a newline matches. */
- unsigned newline_anchor : 1;
-/* [[[end pattern_buffer]]] */
-typedef struct re_pattern_buffer regex_t;
-/* Type for byte offsets within the string. POSIX mandates this. */
-typedef int regoff_t;
-/* This is the structure we store register match data in. See
- regex.texinfo for a full description of what registers match. */
-struct re_registers
- unsigned num_regs;
- regoff_t *start;
- regoff_t *end;
-/* If `regs_allocated' is REGS_UNALLOCATED in the pattern buffer,
- `re_match_2' returns information about at least this many registers
- the first time a `regs' structure is passed. */
-#ifndef RE_NREGS
-# define RE_NREGS 30
-/* POSIX specification for registers. Aside from the different names than
- `re_registers', POSIX uses an array of structures, instead of a
- structure of arrays. */
-typedef struct
- regoff_t rm_so; /* Byte offset from string's start to substring's start. */
- regoff_t rm_eo; /* Byte offset from string's start to substring's end. */
-} regmatch_t;
-/* Declarations for routines. */
-/* To avoid duplicating every routine declaration -- once with a
- prototype (if we are ANSI), and once without (if we aren't) -- we
- use the following macro to declare argument types. This
- unfortunately clutters up the declarations a bit, but I think it's
- worth it. */
-#if __STDC__
-# define _RE_ARGS(args) args
-#else /* not __STDC__ */
-# define _RE_ARGS(args) ()
-#endif /* not __STDC__ */
-/* Sets the current default syntax to SYNTAX, and return the old syntax.
- You can also simply assign to the `re_syntax_options' variable. */
-extern reg_syntax_t __re_set_syntax _RE_ARGS ((reg_syntax_t syntax));
-extern reg_syntax_t re_set_syntax _RE_ARGS ((reg_syntax_t syntax));
-/* Compile the regular expression PATTERN, with length LENGTH
- and syntax given by the global `re_syntax_options', into the buffer
- BUFFER. Return NULL if successful, and an error string if not. */
-extern const char *__re_compile_pattern
- _RE_ARGS ((const char *pattern, size_t length,
- struct re_pattern_buffer *buffer));
-extern const char *re_compile_pattern
- _RE_ARGS ((const char *pattern, size_t length,
- struct re_pattern_buffer *buffer));
-/* Compile a fastmap for the compiled pattern in BUFFER; used to
- accelerate searches. Return 0 if successful and -2 if was an
- internal error. */
-extern int __re_compile_fastmap _RE_ARGS ((struct re_pattern_buffer *buffer));
-extern int re_compile_fastmap _RE_ARGS ((struct re_pattern_buffer *buffer));
-/* Search in the string STRING (with length LENGTH) for the pattern
- compiled into BUFFER. Start searching at position START, for RANGE
- characters. Return the starting position of the match, -1 for no
- match, or -2 for an internal error. Also return register
- information in REGS (if REGS and BUFFER->no_sub are nonzero). */
-extern int __re_search
- _RE_ARGS ((struct re_pattern_buffer *buffer, const char *string,
- int length, int start, int range, struct re_registers *regs));
-extern int re_search
- _RE_ARGS ((struct re_pattern_buffer *buffer, const char *string,
- int length, int start, int range, struct re_registers *regs));
-/* Like `re_search', but search in the concatenation of STRING1 and
- STRING2. Also, stop searching at index START + STOP. */
-extern int __re_search_2
- _RE_ARGS ((struct re_pattern_buffer *buffer, const char *string1,
- int length1, const char *string2, int length2,
- int start, int range, struct re_registers *regs, int stop));
-extern int re_search_2
- _RE_ARGS ((struct re_pattern_buffer *buffer, const char *string1,
- int length1, const char *string2, int length2,
- int start, int range, struct re_registers *regs, int stop));
-/* Like `re_search', but return how many characters in STRING the regexp
- in BUFFER matched, starting at position START. */
-extern int __re_match
- _RE_ARGS ((struct re_pattern_buffer *buffer, const char *string,
- int length, int start, struct re_registers *regs));
-extern int re_match
- _RE_ARGS ((struct re_pattern_buffer *buffer, const char *string,
- int length, int start, struct re_registers *regs));
-/* Relates to `re_match' as `re_search_2' relates to `re_search'. */
-extern int __re_match_2
- _RE_ARGS ((struct re_pattern_buffer *buffer, const char *string1,
- int length1, const char *string2, int length2,
- int start, struct re_registers *regs, int stop));
-extern int re_match_2
- _RE_ARGS ((struct re_pattern_buffer *buffer, const char *string1,
- int length1, const char *string2, int length2,
- int start, struct re_registers *regs, int stop));
-/* Set REGS to hold NUM_REGS registers, storing them in STARTS and
- ENDS. Subsequent matches using BUFFER and REGS will use this memory
- for recording register information. STARTS and ENDS must be
- allocated with malloc, and must each be at least `NUM_REGS * sizeof
- (regoff_t)' bytes long.
- If NUM_REGS == 0, then subsequent matches should allocate their own
- register data.
- Unless this function is called, the first search or match using
- PATTERN_BUFFER will allocate its own register data, without
- freeing the old data. */
-extern void __re_set_registers
- _RE_ARGS ((struct re_pattern_buffer *buffer, struct re_registers *regs,
- unsigned num_regs, regoff_t *starts, regoff_t *ends));
-extern void re_set_registers
- _RE_ARGS ((struct re_pattern_buffer *buffer, struct re_registers *regs,
- unsigned num_regs, regoff_t *starts, regoff_t *ends));
-#ifdef _REGEX_RE_COMP
-# ifndef _CRAY
-/* 4.2 bsd compatibility. */
-extern char *re_comp _RE_ARGS ((const char *));
-extern int re_exec _RE_ARGS ((const char *));
-# endif
-/* POSIX compatibility. */
-extern int __regcomp _RE_ARGS ((regex_t *__preg, const char *__pattern,
- int __cflags));
-extern int regcomp _RE_ARGS ((regex_t *__preg, const char *__pattern,
- int __cflags));
-extern int __regexec _RE_ARGS ((const regex_t *__preg,
- const char *__string, size_t __nmatch,
- regmatch_t __pmatch[], int __eflags));
-extern int regexec _RE_ARGS ((const regex_t *__preg,
- const char *__string, size_t __nmatch,
- regmatch_t __pmatch[], int __eflags));
-extern size_t __regerror _RE_ARGS ((int __errcode, const regex_t *__preg,
- char *__errbuf, size_t __errbuf_size));
-extern size_t regerror _RE_ARGS ((int __errcode, const regex_t *__preg,
- char *__errbuf, size_t __errbuf_size));
-extern void __regfree _RE_ARGS ((regex_t *__preg));
-extern void regfree _RE_ARGS ((regex_t *__preg));
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* C++ */
-#endif /* regex.h */
-Local variables:
-make-backup-files: t
-version-control: t
-trim-versions-without-asking: nil
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/go32-xdep.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/go32-xdep.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 01c817a6b41b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/go32-xdep.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* Host-dependent code for dos running GO32 for GDB, the GNU debugger.
- Copyright 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include <stdio.h>
-sigsetmask (mask)
- int mask;
- return 0;
-strlwr (str)
- char *str;
- for (; *str; str++)
- *str = tolower(*str);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/hp-psymtab-read.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/hp-psymtab-read.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5926ada3f3e7..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/hp-psymtab-read.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2381 +0,0 @@
-/* Read hp debug symbols and convert to internal format, for GDB.
- Copyright 1993, 1996, 1998, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GDB.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Written by the Center for Software Science at the University of Utah
- and by Cygnus Support. */
-/* Common include file for hp_symtab_read.c and hp_psymtab_read.c.
- This has nested includes of a bunch of stuff. */
-#include "hpread.h"
-#include "demangle.h"
-/* To generate dumping code, uncomment this define. The dumping
- itself is controlled by routine-local statics called "dumping". */
-/* #define DUMPING 1 */
-/* To use the quick look-up tables, uncomment this define. */
-#define QUICK_LOOK_UP 1
-/* To call PXDB to process un-processed files, uncomment this define. */
-#define USE_PXDB 1
-/* Forward procedure declarations */
-void hpread_symfile_init
- PARAMS ((struct objfile *));
-do_pxdb PARAMS ((bfd *));
-void hpread_build_psymtabs
- PARAMS ((struct objfile *, struct section_offsets *, int));
-void hpread_symfile_finish
- PARAMS ((struct objfile *));
-static union dnttentry *hpread_get_gntt
- PARAMS ((int, struct objfile *));
-static unsigned long hpread_get_textlow
- PARAMS ((int, int, struct objfile *, int));
-static struct partial_symtab *hpread_start_psymtab
- PARAMS ((struct objfile *, struct section_offsets *, char *, CORE_ADDR, int,
- struct partial_symbol **, struct partial_symbol **));
-static struct partial_symtab *hpread_end_psymtab
- PARAMS ((struct partial_symtab *, char **, int, int, CORE_ADDR,
- struct partial_symtab **, int));
-/* End of forward routine declarations */
-#ifdef USE_PXDB
-/* NOTE use of system files! May not be portable. */
-#define PXDB_SVR4 "/opt/langtools/bin/pxdb"
-#define PXDB_BSD "/usr/bin/pxdb"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-/* check for the existance of a file, given its full pathname */
-file_exists (filename)
- char *filename;
- if (filename)
- return (access (filename, F_OK) == 0);
- return 0;
-/* Translate from the "hp_language" enumeration in hp-symtab.h
- used in the debug info to gdb's generic enumeration in defs.h. */
-static enum language
-trans_lang (in_lang)
- enum hp_language in_lang;
- if (in_lang == HP_LANGUAGE_C)
- return language_c;
- else if (in_lang == HP_LANGUAGE_CPLUSPLUS)
- return language_cplus;
- else if (in_lang == HP_LANGUAGE_F77)
- return language_fortran;
- else
- return language_unknown;
-static char main_string[] = "main";
-/* Call PXDB to process our file.
- Approach copied from DDE's "dbgk_run_pxdb". Note: we
- don't check for BSD location of pxdb, nor for existance
- of pxdb itself, etc.
- NOTE: uses system function and string functions directly.
- Return value: 1 if ok, 0 if not */
-hpread_call_pxdb (file_name)
- char *file_name;
- char *p;
- int status;
- int retval;
- if (file_exists (PXDB_SVR4))
- {
- p = malloc (strlen (PXDB_SVR4) + strlen (file_name) + 2);
- strcpy (p, PXDB_SVR4);
- strcat (p, " ");
- strcat (p, file_name);
- warning ("File not processed by pxdb--about to process now.\n");
- status = system (p);
- retval = (status == 0);
- }
- else
- {
- warning ("pxdb not found at standard location: /opt/langtools/bin\ngdb will not be able to debug %s.\nPlease install pxdb at the above location and then restart gdb.\nYou can also run pxdb on %s with the command\n\"pxdb %s\" and then restart gdb.", file_name, file_name, file_name);
- retval = 0;
- }
- return retval;
-} /* hpread_call_pxdb */
-/* Return 1 if the file turns out to need pre-processing
- by PXDB, and we have thus called PXDB to do this processing
- and the file therefore needs to be re-loaded. Otherwise
- return 0. */
-hpread_pxdb_needed (sym_bfd)
- bfd *sym_bfd;
- asection *pinfo_section, *debug_section, *header_section;
- unsigned int do_pxdb;
- char *buf;
- bfd_size_type header_section_size;
- unsigned long tmp;
- unsigned int pxdbed;
- header_section = bfd_get_section_by_name (sym_bfd, "$HEADER$");
- if (!header_section)
- {
- return 0; /* No header at all, can't recover... */
- }
- debug_section = bfd_get_section_by_name (sym_bfd, "$DEBUG$");
- pinfo_section = bfd_get_section_by_name (sym_bfd, "$PINFO$");
- if (pinfo_section && !debug_section)
- {
- /* Debug info with DOC, has different header format.
- this only happens if the file was pxdbed and compiled optimized
- otherwise the PINFO section is not there. */
- header_section_size = bfd_section_size (objfile->obfd, header_section);
- if (header_section_size == (bfd_size_type) sizeof (DOC_info_PXDB_header))
- {
- buf = alloca (sizeof (DOC_info_PXDB_header));
- if (!bfd_get_section_contents (sym_bfd,
- header_section,
- buf, 0,
- header_section_size))
- error ("bfd_get_section_contents\n");
- tmp = bfd_get_32 (sym_bfd, (bfd_byte *) (buf + sizeof (int) * 4));
- pxdbed = (tmp >> 31) & 0x1;
- if (!pxdbed)
- error ("file debug header info invalid\n");
- do_pxdb = 0;
- }
- else
- error ("invalid $HEADER$ size in executable \n");
- }
- else
- {
- /* this can be three different cases:
- 1. pxdbed and not doc
- - DEBUG and HEADER sections are there
- - header is PXDB_header type
- - pxdbed flag is set to 1
- 2. not pxdbed and doc
- - DEBUG and HEADER sections are there
- - header is DOC_info_header type
- - pxdbed flag is set to 0
- 3. not pxdbed and not doc
- - DEBUG and HEADER sections are there
- - header is XDB_header type
- - pxdbed flag is set to 0
- NOTE: the pxdbed flag is meaningful also in the not
- already pxdb processed version of the header,
- because in case on non-already processed by pxdb files
- that same bit in the header would be always zero.
- Why? Because the bit is the leftmost bit of a word
- which contains a 'length' which is always a positive value
- so that bit is never set to 1 (otherwise it would be negative)
- Given the above, we have two choices : either we ignore the
- size of the header itself and just look at the pxdbed field,
- or we check the size and then we (for safety and paranoia related
- issues) check the bit.
- The first solution is used by DDE, the second by PXDB itself.
- I am using the second one here, because I already wrote it,
- and it is the end of a long day.
- Also, using the first approach would still involve size issues
- because we need to read in the contents of the header section, and
- give the correct amount of stuff we want to read to the
- get_bfd_section_contents function. */
- /* decide which case depending on the size of the header section.
- The size is as defined in hp-symtab.h */
- header_section_size = bfd_section_size (objfile->obfd, header_section);
- if (header_section_size == (bfd_size_type) sizeof (PXDB_header)) /* pxdb and not doc */
- {
- buf = alloca (sizeof (PXDB_header));
- if (!bfd_get_section_contents (sym_bfd,
- header_section,
- buf, 0,
- header_section_size))
- error ("bfd_get_section_contents\n");
- tmp = bfd_get_32 (sym_bfd, (bfd_byte *) (buf + sizeof (int) * 3));
- pxdbed = (tmp >> 31) & 0x1;
- if (pxdbed)
- do_pxdb = 0;
- else
- error ("file debug header invalid\n");
- }
- else /*not pxdbed and doc OR not pxdbed and non doc */
- do_pxdb = 1;
- }
- if (do_pxdb)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- return 0;
- }
-} /* hpread_pxdb_needed */
-/* Check whether the file needs to be preprocessed by pxdb.
- If so, call pxdb. */
-do_pxdb (sym_bfd)
- bfd *sym_bfd;
- /* The following code is HP-specific. The "right" way of
- doing this is unknown, but we bet would involve a target-
- specific pre-file-load check using a generic mechanism. */
- /* This code will not be executed if the file is not in SOM
- format (i.e. if compiled with gcc) */
- if (hpread_pxdb_needed (sym_bfd))
- {
- /*This file has not been pre-processed. Preprocess now */
- if (hpread_call_pxdb (sym_bfd->filename))
- {
- /* The call above has changed the on-disk file,
- we can close the file anyway, because the
- symbols will be reread in when the target is run */
- bfd_close (sym_bfd);
- }
- }
-/* Code to handle quick lookup-tables follows. */
-/* Some useful macros */
-#define VALID_FILE(i) ((i) < pxdb_header_p->fd_entries)
-#define VALID_MODULE(i) ((i) < pxdb_header_p->md_entries)
-#define VALID_PROC(i) ((i) < pxdb_header_p->pd_entries)
-#define VALID_CLASS(i) ((i) < pxdb_header_p->cd_entries)
-#define FILE_START(i) (qFD[i].adrStart)
-#define MODULE_START(i) (qMD[i].adrStart)
-#define PROC_START(i) (qPD[i].adrStart)
-#define FILE_END(i) (qFD[i].adrEnd)
-#define MODULE_END(i) (qMD[i].adrEnd)
-#define PROC_END(i) (qPD[i].adrEnd)
-#define FILE_ISYM(i) (qFD[i].isym)
-#define MODULE_ISYM(i) (qMD[i].isym)
-#define PROC_ISYM(i) (qPD[i].isym)
-#define VALID_CURR_FILE (curr_fd < pxdb_header_p->fd_entries)
-#define VALID_CURR_MODULE (curr_md < pxdb_header_p->md_entries)
-#define VALID_CURR_PROC (curr_pd < pxdb_header_p->pd_entries)
-#define VALID_CURR_CLASS (curr_cd < pxdb_header_p->cd_entries)
-#define CURR_FILE_START (qFD[curr_fd].adrStart)
-#define CURR_MODULE_START (qMD[curr_md].adrStart)
-#define CURR_PROC_START (qPD[curr_pd].adrStart)
-#define CURR_FILE_END (qFD[curr_fd].adrEnd)
-#define CURR_MODULE_END (qMD[curr_md].adrEnd)
-#define CURR_PROC_END (qPD[curr_pd].adrEnd)
-#define CURR_FILE_ISYM (qFD[curr_fd].isym)
-#define CURR_MODULE_ISYM (qMD[curr_md].isym)
-#define CURR_PROC_ISYM (qPD[curr_pd].isym)
-#define TELL_OBJFILE \
- do { \
- if( !told_objfile ) { \
- told_objfile = 1; \
- warning ("\nIn object file \"%s\":\n", \
- objfile->name); \
- } \
- } while (0)
-/* Keeping track of the start/end symbol table (LNTT) indices of
- psymtabs created so far */
-typedef struct
- {
- int start;
- int end;
- }
-static pst_syms_struct *pst_syms_array = 0;
-static pst_syms_count = 0;
-static pst_syms_size = 0;
-/* used by the TELL_OBJFILE macro */
-static boolean told_objfile = 0;
-/* Set up psymtab symbol index stuff */
-static void
-init_pst_syms ()
- pst_syms_count = 0;
- pst_syms_size = 20;
- pst_syms_array = (pst_syms_struct *) xmalloc (20 * sizeof (pst_syms_struct));
-/* Clean up psymtab symbol index stuff */
-static void
-clear_pst_syms ()
- pst_syms_count = 0;
- pst_syms_size = 0;
- free (pst_syms_array);
- pst_syms_array = 0;
-/* Add information about latest psymtab to symbol index table */
-static void
-record_pst_syms (start_sym, end_sym)
- int start_sym;
- int end_sym;
- if (++pst_syms_count > pst_syms_size)
- {
- pst_syms_array = (pst_syms_struct *) xrealloc (pst_syms_array,
- 2 * pst_syms_size * sizeof (pst_syms_struct));
- pst_syms_size *= 2;
- }
- pst_syms_array[pst_syms_count - 1].start = start_sym;
- pst_syms_array[pst_syms_count - 1].end = end_sym;
-/* Find a suitable symbol table index which can serve as the upper
- bound of a psymtab that starts at INDEX
- This scans backwards in the psymtab symbol index table to find a
- "hole" in which the given index can fit. This is a heuristic!!
- We don't search the entire table to check for multiple holes,
- we don't care about overlaps, etc.
- Return 0 => not found */
-static int
-find_next_pst_start (index)
- int index;
- int i;
- for (i = pst_syms_count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- if (pst_syms_array[i].end <= index)
- return (i == pst_syms_count - 1) ? 0 : pst_syms_array[i + 1].start - 1;
- if (pst_syms_array[0].start > index)
- return pst_syms_array[0].start - 1;
- return 0;
-/* Utility functions to find the ending symbol index for a psymtab */
-/* Find the next file entry that begins beyond INDEX, and return
- its starting symbol index - 1.
- QFD is the file table, CURR_FD is the file entry from where to start,
- PXDB_HEADER_P as in hpread_quick_traverse (to allow macros to work).
- Return 0 => not found */
-static int
-find_next_file_isym (index, qFD, curr_fd, pxdb_header_p)
- int index;
- quick_file_entry *qFD;
- int curr_fd;
- PXDB_header_ptr pxdb_header_p;
- {
- if (CURR_FILE_ISYM >= index)
- return CURR_FILE_ISYM - 1;
- curr_fd++;
- }
- return 0;
-/* Find the next procedure entry that begins beyond INDEX, and return
- its starting symbol index - 1.
- QPD is the procedure table, CURR_PD is the proc entry from where to start,
- PXDB_HEADER_P as in hpread_quick_traverse (to allow macros to work).
- Return 0 => not found */
-static int
-find_next_proc_isym (index, qPD, curr_pd, pxdb_header_p)
- int index;
- quick_procedure_entry *qPD;
- int curr_pd;
- PXDB_header_ptr pxdb_header_p;
- {
- if (CURR_PROC_ISYM >= index)
- return CURR_PROC_ISYM - 1;
- curr_pd++;
- }
- return 0;
-/* Find the next module entry that begins beyond INDEX, and return
- its starting symbol index - 1.
- QMD is the module table, CURR_MD is the modue entry from where to start,
- PXDB_HEADER_P as in hpread_quick_traverse (to allow macros to work).
- Return 0 => not found */
-static int
-find_next_module_isym (index, qMD, curr_md, pxdb_header_p)
- int index;
- quick_module_entry *qMD;
- int curr_md;
- PXDB_header_ptr pxdb_header_p;
- {
- if (CURR_MODULE_ISYM >= index)
- return CURR_MODULE_ISYM - 1;
- curr_md++;
- }
- return 0;
-/* Scan and record partial symbols for all functions starting from index
- pointed to by CURR_PD_P, and between code addresses START_ADR and END_ADR.
- Other parameters are explained in comments below. */
-/* This used to be inline in hpread_quick_traverse, but now that we do essentially the
- same thing for two different cases (modules and module-less files), it's better
- organized in a separate routine, although it does take lots of arguments. pai/1997-10-08 */
-static int
-scan_procs (curr_pd_p, qPD, max_procs, start_adr, end_adr, pst, vt_bits, objfile, section_offsets)
- int *curr_pd_p; /* pointer to current proc index */
- quick_procedure_entry *qPD; /* the procedure quick lookup table */
- int max_procs; /* number of entries in proc. table */
- CORE_ADDR start_adr; /* beginning of code range for current psymtab */
- CORE_ADDR end_adr; /* end of code range for current psymtab */
- struct partial_symtab *pst; /* current psymtab */
- char *vt_bits; /* strings table of SOM debug space */
- struct objfile *objfile; /* current object file */
- struct section_offsets *section_offsets; /* not really used for HP-UX currently */
- union dnttentry *dn_bufp;
- int symbol_count = 0; /* Total number of symbols in this psymtab */
- int curr_pd = *curr_pd_p; /* Convenience variable -- avoid dereferencing pointer all the time */
-#ifdef DUMPING
- /* Turn this on for lots of debugging information in this routine */
- static int dumping = 0;
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- {
- printf ("Scan_procs called, addresses %x to %x, proc %x\n", start_adr, end_adr, curr_pd);
- }
- while ((CURR_PROC_START <= end_adr) && (curr_pd < max_procs))
- {
- char *rtn_name; /* mangled name */
- char *rtn_dem_name; /* qualified demangled name */
- char *class_name;
- int class;
- if ((trans_lang ((enum hp_language) qPD[curr_pd].language) == language_cplus) &&
- vt_bits[(long) qPD[curr_pd].sbAlias]) /* not a null string */
- {
- /* Get mangled name for the procedure, and demangle it */
- rtn_name = &vt_bits[(long) qPD[curr_pd].sbAlias];
- rtn_dem_name = cplus_demangle (rtn_name, DMGL_ANSI | DMGL_PARAMS);
- }
- else
- {
- rtn_name = &vt_bits[(long) qPD[curr_pd].sbProc];
- rtn_dem_name = NULL;
- }
- /* Hack to get around HP C/C++ compilers' insistence on providing
- "_MAIN_" as an alternate name for "main" */
- if ((strcmp (rtn_name, "_MAIN_") == 0) &&
- (strcmp (&vt_bits[(long) qPD[curr_pd].sbProc], "main") == 0))
- rtn_dem_name = rtn_name = main_string;
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- {
- printf ("..add %s (demangled %s), index %x to this psymtab\n", rtn_name, rtn_dem_name, curr_pd);
- }
- /* Check for module-spanning routines. */
- if (CURR_PROC_END > end_adr)
- {
- warning ("Procedure \"%s\" [0x%x] spans file or module boundaries.", rtn_name, curr_pd);
- }
- /* Add this routine symbol to the list in the objfile.
- Unfortunately we have to go to the LNTT to determine the
- correct list to put it on. An alternative (which the
- code used to do) would be to not check and always throw
- it on the "static" list. But if we go that route, then
- symbol_lookup() needs to be tweaked a bit to account
- for the fact that the function might not be found on
- the correct list in the psymtab. - RT */
- dn_bufp = hpread_get_lntt (qPD[curr_pd].isym, objfile);
- if (dn_bufp->
- add_psymbol_with_dem_name_to_list (rtn_name,
- strlen (rtn_name),
- rtn_dem_name,
- strlen (rtn_dem_name),
- LOC_BLOCK, /* "I am a routine" */
- &objfile->global_psymbols,
- (qPD[curr_pd].adrStart + /* Starting address of rtn */
- ANOFFSET (section_offsets, SECT_OFF_TEXT)),
- 0, /* core addr?? */
- trans_lang ((enum hp_language) qPD[curr_pd].language),
- objfile);
- else
- add_psymbol_with_dem_name_to_list (rtn_name,
- strlen (rtn_name),
- rtn_dem_name,
- strlen (rtn_dem_name),
- LOC_BLOCK, /* "I am a routine" */
- &objfile->static_psymbols,
- (qPD[curr_pd].adrStart + /* Starting address of rtn */
- ANOFFSET (section_offsets, SECT_OFF_TEXT)),
- 0, /* core addr?? */
- trans_lang ((enum hp_language) qPD[curr_pd].language),
- objfile);
- symbol_count++;
- *curr_pd_p = ++curr_pd; /* bump up count & reflect in caller */
- } /* loop over procedures */
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- {
- if (symbol_count == 0)
- printf ("Scan_procs: no symbols found!\n");
- }
- return symbol_count;
-/* Traverse the quick look-up tables, building a set of psymtabs.
- This constructs a psymtab for modules and files in the quick lookup
- tables.
- Mostly, modules correspond to compilation units, so we try to
- create psymtabs that correspond to modules; however, in some cases
- a file can result in a compiled object which does not have a module
- entry for it, so in such cases we create a psymtab for the file. */
-hpread_quick_traverse (objfile, section_offsets, gntt_bits, vt_bits, pxdb_header_p)
- struct objfile *objfile; /* The object file descriptor */
- struct section_offsets *section_offsets; /* ?? Null for HP */
- char *gntt_bits; /* GNTT entries, loaded in from the file */
- char *vt_bits; /* VT (string) entries ditto. */
- PXDB_header_ptr pxdb_header_p; /* Pointer to pxdb header ditto */
- struct partial_symtab *pst;
- char *addr;
- quick_procedure_entry *qPD;
- quick_file_entry *qFD;
- quick_module_entry *qMD;
- quick_class_entry *qCD;
- int idx;
- int i;
- CORE_ADDR start_adr; /* current psymtab's starting code addr */
- CORE_ADDR end_adr; /* current psymtab's ending code addr */
- CORE_ADDR next_mod_adr; /* next module's starting code addr */
- int curr_pd; /* current procedure */
- int curr_fd; /* current file */
- int curr_md; /* current module */
- int start_sym; /* current psymtab's starting symbol index */
- int end_sym; /* current psymtab's ending symbol index */
- int max_LNTT_sym_index;
- int syms_in_pst;
- B_TYPE *class_entered;
- struct partial_symbol **global_syms; /* We'll be filling in the "global" */
- struct partial_symbol **static_syms; /* and "static" tables in the objfile
- as we go, so we need a pair of
- current pointers. */
-#ifdef DUMPING
- /* Turn this on for lots of debugging information in this routine.
- You get a blow-by-blow account of quick lookup table reading */
- static int dumping = 0;
- pst = (struct partial_symtab *) 0;
- /* Clear out some globals */
- init_pst_syms ();
- told_objfile = 0;
- /* Demangling style -- if EDG style already set, don't change it,
- as HP style causes some problems with the KAI EDG compiler */
- if (current_demangling_style != edg_demangling)
- {
- /* Otherwise, ensure that we are using HP style demangling */
- set_demangling_style (HP_DEMANGLING_STYLE_STRING);
- }
- /* First we need to find the starting points of the quick
- look-up tables in the GNTT. */
- addr = gntt_bits;
- qPD = (quick_procedure_entry_ptr) addr;
- addr += pxdb_header_p->pd_entries * sizeof (quick_procedure_entry);
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- {
- printf ("\n Printing routines as we see them\n");
- for (i = 0; VALID_PROC (i); i++)
- {
- idx = (long) qPD[i].sbProc;
- printf ("%s %x..%x\n", &vt_bits[idx],
- (int) PROC_START (i),
- (int) PROC_END (i));
- }
- }
- qFD = (quick_file_entry_ptr) addr;
- addr += pxdb_header_p->fd_entries * sizeof (quick_file_entry);
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- {
- printf ("\n Printing files as we see them\n");
- for (i = 0; VALID_FILE (i); i++)
- {
- idx = (long) qFD[i].sbFile;
- printf ("%s %x..%x\n", &vt_bits[idx],
- (int) FILE_START (i),
- (int) FILE_END (i));
- }
- }
- qMD = (quick_module_entry_ptr) addr;
- addr += pxdb_header_p->md_entries * sizeof (quick_module_entry);
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- {
- printf ("\n Printing modules as we see them\n");
- for (i = 0; i < pxdb_header_p->md_entries; i++)
- {
- idx = (long) qMD[i].sbMod;
- printf ("%s\n", &vt_bits[idx]);
- }
- }
- qCD = (quick_class_entry_ptr) addr;
- addr += pxdb_header_p->cd_entries * sizeof (quick_class_entry);
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- {
- printf ("\n Printing classes as we see them\n");
- for (i = 0; VALID_CLASS (i); i++)
- {
- idx = (long) qCD[i].sbClass;
- printf ("%s\n", &vt_bits[idx]);
- }
- printf ("\n Done with dump, on to build!\n");
- }
- /* We need this index only while hp-symtab-read.c expects
- a byte offset to the end of the LNTT entries for a given
- psymtab. Thus the need for it should go away someday.
- When it goes away, then we won't have any need to load the
- LNTT from the objfile at psymtab-time, and start-up will be
- faster. To make that work, we'll need some way to create
- a null pst for the "globals" pseudo-module. */
- max_LNTT_sym_index = LNTT_SYMCOUNT (objfile);
- /* Scan the module descriptors and make a psymtab for each.
- We know the MDs, FDs and the PDs are in order by starting
- address. We use that fact to traverse all three arrays in
- parallel, knowing when the next PD is in a new file
- and we need to create a new psymtab. */
- curr_pd = 0; /* Current procedure entry */
- curr_fd = 0; /* Current file entry */
- curr_md = 0; /* Current module entry */
- start_adr = 0; /* Current psymtab code range */
- end_adr = 0;
- start_sym = 0; /* Current psymtab symbol range */
- end_sym = 0;
- syms_in_pst = 0; /* Symbol count for psymtab */
- /* Psts actually just have pointers into the objfile's
- symbol table, not their own symbol tables. */
- global_syms = objfile->global_psymbols.list;
- static_syms = objfile->static_psymbols.list;
- /* First skip over pseudo-entries with address 0. These represent inlined
- routines and abstract (uninstantiated) template routines.
- FIXME: These should be read in and available -- even if we can't set
- breakpoints, etc., there's some information that can be presented
- to the user. pai/1997-10-08 */
- curr_pd++;
- /* Loop over files, modules, and procedures in code address order. Each
- time we enter an iteration of this loop, curr_pd points to the first
- unprocessed procedure, curr_fd points to the first unprocessed file, and
- curr_md to the first unprocessed module. Each iteration of this loop
- updates these as required -- any or all of them may be bumpd up
- each time around. When we exit this loop, we are done with all files
- and modules in the tables -- there may still be some procedures, however.
- Note: This code used to loop only over module entries, under the assumption
- that files can occur via inclusions and are thus unreliable, while a
- compiled object always corresponds to a module. With CTTI in the HP aCC
- compiler, it turns out that compiled objects may have only files and no
- modules; so we have to loop over files and modules, creating psymtabs for
- either as appropriate. Unfortunately there are some problems (notably:
- 1. the lack of "SRC_FILE_END" entries in the LNTT, 2. the lack of pointers
- to the ending symbol indices of a module or a file) which make it quite hard
- to do this correctly. Currently it uses a bunch of heuristics to start and
- end psymtabs; they seem to work well with most objects generated by aCC, but
- who knows when that will change... */
- {
- char *mod_name_string;
- char *full_name_string;
- /* First check for modules like "version.c", which have no code
- in them but still have qMD entries. They also have no qFD or
- qPD entries. Their start address is -1 and their end address
- is 0. */
- {
- mod_name_string = &vt_bits[(long) qMD[curr_md].sbMod];
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- printf ("Module with data only %s\n", mod_name_string);
- /* We'll skip the rest (it makes error-checking easier), and
- just make an empty pst. Right now empty psts are not put
- in the pst chain, so all this is for naught, but later it
- might help. */
- pst = hpread_start_psymtab (objfile,
- section_offsets, /* ?? */
- mod_name_string,
- CURR_MODULE_START, /* Low text address: bogus! */
- (CURR_MODULE_ISYM * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block)),
- /* ldsymoff */
- global_syms,
- static_syms);
- pst = hpread_end_psymtab (pst,
- NULL, /* psymtab_include_list */
- 0, /* includes_used */
- end_sym * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block),
- /* byte index in LNTT of end
- = capping symbol offset
- = LDSYMOFF of nextfile */
- 0, /* text high */
- NULL, /* dependency_list */
- 0); /* dependencies_used */
- global_syms = objfile->;
- static_syms = objfile->;
- curr_md++;
- }
- else if (VALID_CURR_MODULE &&
- (CURR_MODULE_END == 0) || (CURR_MODULE_END == -1)))
- {
- warning ("Module \"%s\" [0x%x] has non-standard addresses. It starts at 0x%x, ends at 0x%x, and will be skipped.",
- mod_name_string, curr_md, start_adr, end_adr);
- /* On to next module */
- curr_md++;
- }
- else
- {
- /* First check if we are looking at a file with code in it
- that does not overlap the current module's code range */
- {
- /* Looking at file not corresponding to any module,
- create a psymtab for it */
- full_name_string = &vt_bits[(long) qFD[curr_fd].sbFile];
- start_adr = CURR_FILE_START;
- end_adr = CURR_FILE_END;
- start_sym = CURR_FILE_ISYM;
- /* Check if there are any procedures not handled until now, that
- begin before the start address of this file, and if so, adjust
- this module's start address to include them. This handles routines that
- are in between file or module ranges for some reason (probably
- indicates a compiler bug */
- if (CURR_PROC_START < start_adr)
- {
- warning ("Found procedure \"%s\" [0x%x] that is not in any file or module.",
- &vt_bits[(long) qPD[curr_pd].sbProc], curr_pd);
- start_adr = CURR_PROC_START;
- if (CURR_PROC_ISYM < start_sym)
- start_sym = CURR_PROC_ISYM;
- }
- /* Sometimes (compiler bug -- COBOL) the module end address is higher
- than the start address of the next module, so check for that and
- adjust accordingly */
- if (VALID_FILE (curr_fd + 1) && (FILE_START (curr_fd + 1) <= end_adr))
- {
- warning ("File \"%s\" [0x%x] has ending address after starting address of next file; adjusting ending address down.",
- full_name_string, curr_fd);
- end_adr = FILE_START (curr_fd + 1) - 1; /* Is -4 (or -8 for 64-bit) better? */
- }
- if (VALID_MODULE (curr_md) && (CURR_MODULE_START <= end_adr))
- {
- warning ("File \"%s\" [0x%x] has ending address after starting address of next module; adjusting ending address down.",
- full_name_string, curr_fd);
- end_adr = CURR_MODULE_START - 1; /* Is -4 (or -8 for 64-bit) better? */
- }
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- {
- printf ("Make new psymtab for file %s (%x to %x).\n",
- full_name_string, start_adr, end_adr);
- }
- /* Create the basic psymtab, connecting it in the list
- for this objfile and pointing its symbol entries
- to the current end of the symbol areas in the objfile.
- The "ldsymoff" parameter is the byte offset in the LNTT
- of the first symbol in this file. Some day we should
- turn this into an index (fix in hp-symtab-read.c as well).
- And it's not even the right byte offset, as we're using
- the size of a union! FIXME! */
- pst = hpread_start_psymtab (objfile,
- section_offsets, /* ?? */
- full_name_string,
- start_adr, /* Low text address */
- (start_sym * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block)),
- /* ldsymoff */
- global_syms,
- static_syms);
- /* Set up to only enter each class referenced in this module once. */
- class_entered = malloc (B_BYTES (pxdb_header_p->cd_entries));
- B_CLRALL (class_entered, pxdb_header_p->cd_entries);
- /* Scan the procedure descriptors for procedures in the current
- file, based on the starting addresses. */
- syms_in_pst = scan_procs (&curr_pd, qPD, pxdb_header_p->pd_entries,
- start_adr, end_adr,
- pst, vt_bits, objfile, section_offsets);
- /* Get ending symbol offset */
- end_sym = 0;
- /* First check for starting index before previous psymtab */
- if (pst_syms_count && start_sym < pst_syms_array[pst_syms_count - 1].end)
- {
- end_sym = find_next_pst_start (start_sym);
- }
- /* Look for next start index of a file or module, or procedure */
- if (!end_sym)
- {
- int next_file_isym = find_next_file_isym (start_sym, qFD, curr_fd + 1, pxdb_header_p);
- int next_module_isym = find_next_module_isym (start_sym, qMD, curr_md, pxdb_header_p);
- int next_proc_isym = find_next_proc_isym (start_sym, qPD, curr_pd, pxdb_header_p);
- if (next_file_isym && next_module_isym)
- {
- /* pick lower of next file or module start index */
- end_sym = min (next_file_isym, next_module_isym);
- }
- else
- {
- /* one of them is zero, pick the other */
- end_sym = max (next_file_isym, next_module_isym);
- }
- /* As a precaution, check next procedure index too */
- if (!end_sym)
- end_sym = next_proc_isym;
- else
- end_sym = min (end_sym, next_proc_isym);
- }
- /* Couldn't find procedure, file, or module, use globals as default */
- if (!end_sym)
- end_sym = pxdb_header_p->globals;
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- {
- printf ("File psymtab indices: %x to %x\n", start_sym, end_sym);
- }
- pst = hpread_end_psymtab (pst,
- NULL, /* psymtab_include_list */
- 0, /* includes_used */
- end_sym * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block),
- /* byte index in LNTT of end
- = capping symbol offset
- = LDSYMOFF of nextfile */
- end_adr, /* text high */
- NULL, /* dependency_list */
- 0); /* dependencies_used */
- record_pst_syms (start_sym, end_sym);
- if (NULL == pst)
- warning ("No symbols in psymtab for file \"%s\" [0x%x].", full_name_string, curr_fd);
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- {
- printf ("Made new psymtab for file %s (%x to %x), sym %x to %x.\n",
- full_name_string, start_adr, end_adr, CURR_FILE_ISYM, end_sym);
- }
- /* Prepare for the next psymtab. */
- global_syms = objfile->;
- static_syms = objfile->;
- free (class_entered);
- curr_fd++;
- } /* Psymtab for file */
- else
- {
- /* We have a module for which we create a psymtab */
- mod_name_string = &vt_bits[(long) qMD[curr_md].sbMod];
- /* We will include the code ranges of any files that happen to
- overlap with this module */
- /* So, first pick the lower of the file's and module's start addresses */
- start_adr = CURR_MODULE_START;
- {
- {
- warning ("File \"%s\" [0x%x] crosses beginning of module \"%s\".",
- &vt_bits[(long) qFD[curr_fd].sbFile],
- curr_fd, mod_name_string);
- start_adr = CURR_FILE_START;
- }
- }
- /* Also pick the lower of the file's and the module's start symbol indices */
- start_sym = CURR_MODULE_ISYM;
- start_sym = CURR_FILE_ISYM;
- /* For the end address, we scan through the files till we find one
- that overlaps the current module but ends beyond it; if no such file exists we
- simply use the module's start address.
- (Note, if file entries themselves overlap
- we take the longest overlapping extension beyond the end of the module...)
- We assume that modules never overlap. */
- end_adr = CURR_MODULE_END;
- {
- while (VALID_CURR_FILE && (CURR_FILE_START < end_adr))
- {
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- printf ("Maybe skipping file %s which overlaps with module %s\n",
- &vt_bits[(long) qFD[curr_fd].sbFile], mod_name_string);
- if (CURR_FILE_END > end_adr)
- {
- warning ("File \"%s\" [0x%x] crosses end of module \"%s\".",
- &vt_bits[(long) qFD[curr_fd].sbFile],
- curr_fd, mod_name_string);
- end_adr = CURR_FILE_END;
- }
- curr_fd++;
- }
- curr_fd--; /* back up after going too far */
- }
- /* Sometimes (compiler bug -- COBOL) the module end address is higher
- than the start address of the next module, so check for that and
- adjust accordingly */
- if (VALID_MODULE (curr_md + 1) && (MODULE_START (curr_md + 1) <= end_adr))
- {
- warning ("Module \"%s\" [0x%x] has ending address after starting address of next module; adjusting ending address down.",
- mod_name_string, curr_md);
- end_adr = MODULE_START (curr_md + 1) - 1; /* Is -4 (or -8 for 64-bit) better? */
- }
- if (VALID_FILE (curr_fd + 1) && (FILE_START (curr_fd + 1) <= end_adr))
- {
- warning ("Module \"%s\" [0x%x] has ending address after starting address of next file; adjusting ending address down.",
- mod_name_string, curr_md);
- end_adr = FILE_START (curr_fd + 1) - 1; /* Is -4 (or -8 for 64-bit) better? */
- }
- /* Use one file to get the full name for the module. This
- situation can arise if there is executable code in a #include
- file. Each file with code in it gets a qFD. Files which don't
- contribute code don't get a qFD, even if they include files
- which do, e.g.:
- body.c: rtn.h:
- int x; int main() {
- #include "rtn.h" return x;
- }
- There will a qFD for "rtn.h",and a qMD for "body.c",
- but no qMD for "rtn.h" or qFD for "body.c"!
- We pick the name of the last file to overlap with this
- module. C convention is to put include files first. In a
- perfect world, we could check names and use the file whose full
- path name ends with the module name. */
- full_name_string = &vt_bits[(long) qFD[curr_fd].sbFile];
- else
- full_name_string = mod_name_string;
- /* Check if there are any procedures not handled until now, that
- begin before the start address we have now, and if so, adjust
- this psymtab's start address to include them. This handles routines that
- are in between file or module ranges for some reason (probably
- indicates a compiler bug */
- if (CURR_PROC_START < start_adr)
- {
- warning ("Found procedure \"%s\" [0x%x] that is not in any file or module.",
- &vt_bits[(long) qPD[curr_pd].sbProc], curr_pd);
- start_adr = CURR_PROC_START;
- if (CURR_PROC_ISYM < start_sym)
- start_sym = CURR_PROC_ISYM;
- }
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- {
- printf ("Make new psymtab for module %s (%x to %x), using file %s\n",
- mod_name_string, start_adr, end_adr, full_name_string);
- }
- /* Create the basic psymtab, connecting it in the list
- for this objfile and pointing its symbol entries
- to the current end of the symbol areas in the objfile.
- The "ldsymoff" parameter is the byte offset in the LNTT
- of the first symbol in this file. Some day we should
- turn this into an index (fix in hp-symtab-read.c as well).
- And it's not even the right byte offset, as we're using
- the size of a union! FIXME! */
- pst = hpread_start_psymtab (objfile,
- section_offsets, /* ?? */
- full_name_string,
- start_adr, /* Low text address */
- (start_sym * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block)),
- /* ldsymoff */
- global_syms,
- static_syms);
- /* Set up to only enter each class referenced in this module once. */
- class_entered = malloc (B_BYTES (pxdb_header_p->cd_entries));
- B_CLRALL (class_entered, pxdb_header_p->cd_entries);
- /* Scan the procedure descriptors for procedures in the current
- module, based on the starting addresses. */
- syms_in_pst = scan_procs (&curr_pd, qPD, pxdb_header_p->pd_entries,
- start_adr, end_adr,
- pst, vt_bits, objfile, section_offsets);
- /* Get ending symbol offset */
- end_sym = 0;
- /* First check for starting index before previous psymtab */
- if (pst_syms_count && start_sym < pst_syms_array[pst_syms_count - 1].end)
- {
- end_sym = find_next_pst_start (start_sym);
- }
- /* Look for next start index of a file or module, or procedure */
- if (!end_sym)
- {
- int next_file_isym = find_next_file_isym (start_sym, qFD, curr_fd + 1, pxdb_header_p);
- int next_module_isym = find_next_module_isym (start_sym, qMD, curr_md + 1, pxdb_header_p);
- int next_proc_isym = find_next_proc_isym (start_sym, qPD, curr_pd, pxdb_header_p);
- if (next_file_isym && next_module_isym)
- {
- /* pick lower of next file or module start index */
- end_sym = min (next_file_isym, next_module_isym);
- }
- else
- {
- /* one of them is zero, pick the other */
- end_sym = max (next_file_isym, next_module_isym);
- }
- /* As a precaution, check next procedure index too */
- if (!end_sym)
- end_sym = next_proc_isym;
- else
- end_sym = min (end_sym, next_proc_isym);
- }
- /* Couldn't find procedure, file, or module, use globals as default */
- if (!end_sym)
- end_sym = pxdb_header_p->globals;
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- {
- printf ("Module psymtab indices: %x to %x\n", start_sym, end_sym);
- }
- pst = hpread_end_psymtab (pst,
- NULL, /* psymtab_include_list */
- 0, /* includes_used */
- end_sym * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block),
- /* byte index in LNTT of end
- = capping symbol offset
- = LDSYMOFF of nextfile */
- end_adr, /* text high */
- NULL, /* dependency_list */
- 0); /* dependencies_used */
- record_pst_syms (start_sym, end_sym);
- if (NULL == pst)
- warning ("No symbols in psymtab for module \"%s\" [0x%x].", mod_name_string, curr_md);
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- {
- printf ("Made new psymtab for module %s (%x to %x), sym %x to %x.\n",
- mod_name_string, start_adr, end_adr, CURR_MODULE_ISYM, end_sym);
- }
- /* Prepare for the next psymtab. */
- global_syms = objfile->;
- static_syms = objfile->;
- free (class_entered);
- curr_md++;
- curr_fd++;
- } /* psymtab for module */
- } /* psymtab for non-bogus file or module */
- } /* End of while loop over all files & modules */
- /* There may be some routines after all files and modules -- these will get
- inserted in a separate new module of their own */
- {
- start_adr = CURR_PROC_START;
- end_adr = qPD[pxdb_header_p->pd_entries - 1].adrEnd;
- warning ("Found functions beyond end of all files and modules [0x%x].", curr_pd);
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- {
- printf ("Orphan functions at end, PD %d and beyond (%x to %x)\n",
- curr_pd, start_adr, end_adr);
- }
- pst = hpread_start_psymtab (objfile,
- section_offsets, /* ?? */
- "orphans",
- start_adr, /* Low text address */
- (CURR_PROC_ISYM * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block)),
- /* ldsymoff */
- global_syms,
- static_syms);
- scan_procs (&curr_pd, qPD, pxdb_header_p->pd_entries,
- start_adr, end_adr,
- pst, vt_bits, objfile, section_offsets);
- pst = hpread_end_psymtab (pst,
- NULL, /* psymtab_include_list */
- 0, /* includes_used */
- pxdb_header_p->globals * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block),
- /* byte index in LNTT of end
- = capping symbol offset
- = LDSYMOFF of nextfile */
- end_adr, /* text high */
- NULL, /* dependency_list */
- 0); /* dependencies_used */
- }
- /* Now build psts for non-module things (in the tail of
- the LNTT, after the last END MODULE entry).
- If null psts were kept on the chain, this would be
- a solution. FIXME */
- pst = hpread_start_psymtab (objfile,
- section_offsets,
- "globals",
- 0,
- (pxdb_header_p->globals
- * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block)),
- objfile->,
- objfile->;
- hpread_end_psymtab (pst,
- NULL, 0,
- (max_LNTT_sym_index * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block)),
- 0,
- NULL, 0);
- clear_pst_syms ();
- return 1;
-} /* End of hpread_quick_traverse. */
-/* Get appropriate header, based on pxdb type.
- Return value: 1 if ok, 0 if not */
-hpread_get_header (objfile, pxdb_header_p)
- struct objfile *objfile;
- PXDB_header_ptr pxdb_header_p;
- asection *pinfo_section, *debug_section, *header_section;
-#ifdef DUMPING
- /* Turn on for debugging information */
- static int dumping = 0;
- header_section = bfd_get_section_by_name (objfile->obfd, "$HEADER$");
- if (!header_section)
- {
- /* We don't have either PINFO or DEBUG sections. But
- stuff like "" has no debug info. There's no
- need to warn the user of this, as it may be ok. The
- caller will figure it out and issue any needed
- messages. */
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- printf ("==No debug info at all for %s.\n", objfile->name);
- return 0;
- }
- /* We would like either a $DEBUG$ or $PINFO$ section.
- Once we know which, we can understand the header
- data (which we have defined to suit the more common
- $DEBUG$ case). */
- debug_section = bfd_get_section_by_name (objfile->obfd, "$DEBUG$");
- pinfo_section = bfd_get_section_by_name (objfile->obfd, "$PINFO$");
- if (debug_section)
- {
- /* The expected case: normal pxdb header. */
- bfd_get_section_contents (objfile->obfd, header_section,
- pxdb_header_p, 0, sizeof (PXDB_header));
- if (!pxdb_header_p->pxdbed)
- {
- /* This shouldn't happen if we check in "symfile.c". */
- return 0;
- } /* DEBUG section */
- }
- else if (pinfo_section)
- {
- /* The DOC case; we need to translate this into a
- regular header. */
- DOC_info_PXDB_header doc_header;
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- {
- printf ("==OOps, PINFO, let's try to handle this, %s.\n", objfile->name);
- }
- bfd_get_section_contents (objfile->obfd,
- header_section,
- &doc_header, 0,
- sizeof (DOC_info_PXDB_header));
- if (!doc_header.pxdbed)
- {
- /* This shouldn't happen if we check in "symfile.c". */
- warning ("File \"%s\" not processed by pxdb!", objfile->name);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Copy relevent fields to standard header passed in. */
- pxdb_header_p->pd_entries = doc_header.pd_entries;
- pxdb_header_p->fd_entries = doc_header.fd_entries;
- pxdb_header_p->md_entries = doc_header.md_entries;
- pxdb_header_p->pxdbed = doc_header.pxdbed;
- pxdb_header_p->bighdr = doc_header.bighdr;
- pxdb_header_p->sa_header = doc_header.sa_header;
- pxdb_header_p->inlined = doc_header.inlined;
- pxdb_header_p->globals = doc_header.globals;
- pxdb_header_p->time = doc_header.time;
- pxdb_header_p->pg_entries = doc_header.pg_entries;
- pxdb_header_p->functions = doc_header.functions;
- pxdb_header_p->files = doc_header.files;
- pxdb_header_p->cd_entries = doc_header.cd_entries;
- pxdb_header_p->aa_entries = doc_header.aa_entries;
- pxdb_header_p->oi_entries = doc_header.oi_entries;
- pxdb_header_p->version = doc_header.version;
- } /* PINFO section */
- else
- {
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- printf ("==No debug info at all for %s.\n", objfile->name);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-} /* End of hpread_get_header */
-#endif /* QUICK_LOOK_UP */
-/* Initialization for reading native HP C debug symbols from OBJFILE.
- Its only purpose in life is to set up the symbol reader's private
- per-objfile data structures, and read in the raw contents of the debug
- sections (attaching pointers to the debug info into the private data
- structures).
- Since BFD doesn't know how to read debug symbols in a format-independent
- way (and may never do so...), we have to do it ourselves. Note we may
- be called on a file without native HP C debugging symbols.
- FIXME, there should be a cleaner peephole into the BFD environment
- here. */
-hpread_symfile_init (objfile)
- struct objfile *objfile;
- asection *vt_section, *slt_section, *lntt_section, *gntt_section;
- /* Allocate struct to keep track of the symfile */
- objfile->sym_private = (PTR)
- xmmalloc (objfile->md, sizeof (struct hpread_symfile_info));
- memset (objfile->sym_private, 0, sizeof (struct hpread_symfile_info));
- /* We haven't read in any types yet. */
- TYPE_VECTOR (objfile) = 0;
- /* Read in data from the $GNTT$ subspace. */
- gntt_section = bfd_get_section_by_name (objfile->obfd, "$GNTT$");
- if (!gntt_section)
- return;
- GNTT (objfile)
- = obstack_alloc (&objfile->symbol_obstack,
- bfd_section_size (objfile->obfd, gntt_section));
- bfd_get_section_contents (objfile->obfd, gntt_section, GNTT (objfile),
- 0, bfd_section_size (objfile->obfd, gntt_section));
- GNTT_SYMCOUNT (objfile)
- = bfd_section_size (objfile->obfd, gntt_section)
- / sizeof (struct dntt_type_block);
- /* Read in data from the $LNTT$ subspace. Also keep track of the number
- of LNTT symbols.
- FIXME: this could be moved into the psymtab-to-symtab expansion
- code, and save startup time. At the moment this data is
- still used, though. We'd need a way to tell hp-symtab-read.c
- whether or not to load the LNTT. */
- lntt_section = bfd_get_section_by_name (objfile->obfd, "$LNTT$");
- if (!lntt_section)
- return;
- LNTT (objfile)
- = obstack_alloc (&objfile->symbol_obstack,
- bfd_section_size (objfile->obfd, lntt_section));
- bfd_get_section_contents (objfile->obfd, lntt_section, LNTT (objfile),
- 0, bfd_section_size (objfile->obfd, lntt_section));
- LNTT_SYMCOUNT (objfile)
- = bfd_section_size (objfile->obfd, lntt_section)
- / sizeof (struct dntt_type_block);
- /* Read in data from the $SLT$ subspace. $SLT$ contains information
- on source line numbers. */
- slt_section = bfd_get_section_by_name (objfile->obfd, "$SLT$");
- if (!slt_section)
- return;
- SLT (objfile) =
- obstack_alloc (&objfile->symbol_obstack,
- bfd_section_size (objfile->obfd, slt_section));
- bfd_get_section_contents (objfile->obfd, slt_section, SLT (objfile),
- 0, bfd_section_size (objfile->obfd, slt_section));
- /* Read in data from the $VT$ subspace. $VT$ contains things like
- names and constants. Keep track of the number of symbols in the VT. */
- vt_section = bfd_get_section_by_name (objfile->obfd, "$VT$");
- if (!vt_section)
- return;
- VT_SIZE (objfile) = bfd_section_size (objfile->obfd, vt_section);
- VT (objfile) =
- (char *) obstack_alloc (&objfile->symbol_obstack,
- VT_SIZE (objfile));
- bfd_get_section_contents (objfile->obfd, vt_section, VT (objfile),
- 0, VT_SIZE (objfile));
-/* Scan and build partial symbols for a symbol file.
- The minimal symbol table (either SOM or HP a.out) has already been
- read in; all we need to do is setup partial symbols based on the
- native debugging information.
- Note that the minimal table is produced by the linker, and has
- only global routines in it; the psymtab is based on compiler-
- generated debug information and has non-global
- routines in it as well as files and class information.
- We assume hpread_symfile_init has been called to initialize the
- symbol reader's private data structures.
- SECTION_OFFSETS contains offsets relative to which the symbols in the
- various sections are (depending where the sections were actually loaded).
- MAINLINE is true if we are reading the main symbol table (as
- opposed to a shared lib or dynamically loaded file). */
-hpread_build_psymtabs (objfile, section_offsets, mainline)
- struct objfile *objfile;
- struct section_offsets *section_offsets;
- int mainline;
-#ifdef DUMPING
- /* Turn this on to get debugging output. */
- static int dumping = 0;
- char *namestring;
- int past_first_source_file = 0;
- struct cleanup *old_chain;
- int hp_symnum, symcount, i;
- int scan_start = 0;
- union dnttentry *dn_bufp;
- unsigned long valu;
- char *p;
- int texthigh = 0;
- int have_name = 0;
- /* Current partial symtab */
- struct partial_symtab *pst;
- /* List of current psymtab's include files */
- char **psymtab_include_list;
- int includes_allocated;
- int includes_used;
- /* Index within current psymtab dependency list */
- struct partial_symtab **dependency_list;
- int dependencies_used, dependencies_allocated;
- /* Just in case the stabs reader left turds lying around. */
- free_pending_blocks ();
- make_cleanup ((make_cleanup_func) really_free_pendings, 0);
- pst = (struct partial_symtab *) 0;
- /* We shouldn't use alloca, instead use malloc/free. Doing so avoids
- a number of problems with cross compilation and creating useless holes
- in the stack when we have to allocate new entries. FIXME. */
- includes_allocated = 30;
- includes_used = 0;
- psymtab_include_list = (char **) alloca (includes_allocated *
- sizeof (char *));
- dependencies_allocated = 30;
- dependencies_used = 0;
- dependency_list =
- (struct partial_symtab **) alloca (dependencies_allocated *
- sizeof (struct partial_symtab *));
- old_chain = make_cleanup ((make_cleanup_func) free_objfile, objfile);
- last_source_file = 0;
- {
- /* Begin code for new-style loading of quick look-up tables. */
- /* elz: this checks whether the file has beeen processed by pxdb.
- If not we would like to try to read the psymbols in
- anyway, but it turns out to be not so easy. So this could
- actually be commented out, but I leave it in, just in case
- we decide to add support for non-pxdb-ed stuff in the future. */
- PXDB_header pxdb_header;
- int found_modules_in_program;
- if (hpread_get_header (objfile, &pxdb_header))
- {
- /* Build a minimal table. No types, no global variables,
- no include files.... */
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- printf ("\nNew method for %s\n", objfile->name);
- /* elz: quick_traverse returns true if it found
- some modules in the main source file, other
- than those in end.c
- In C and C++, all the files have MODULES entries
- in the LNTT, and the quick table traverse is all
- based on finding these MODULES entries. Without
- those it cannot work.
- It happens that F77 programs don't have MODULES
- so the quick traverse gets confused. F90 programs
- have modules, and the quick method still works.
- So, if modules (other than those in end.c) are
- not found we give up on the quick table stuff,
- and fall back on the slower method */
- found_modules_in_program = hpread_quick_traverse (objfile,
- section_offsets,
- GNTT (objfile),
- VT (objfile),
- &pxdb_header);
- discard_cleanups (old_chain);
- /* Set up to scan the global section of the LNTT.
- This field is not always correct: if there are
- no globals, it will point to the last record in
- the regular LNTT, which is usually an END MODULE.
- Since it might happen that there could be a file
- with just one global record, there's no way to
- tell other than by looking at the record, so that's
- done below. */
- if (found_modules_in_program)
- scan_start = pxdb_header.globals;
- }
-#ifdef DUMPING
- else
- {
- if (dumping)
- printf ("\nGoing on to old method for %s\n", objfile->name);
- }
- }
-#endif /* QUICK_LOOK_UP */
- /* Make two passes, one over the GNTT symbols, the other for the
- LNTT symbols.
- JB comment: above isn't true--they only make one pass, over
- the LNTT. */
- for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
- {
- int within_function = 0;
- if (i)
- symcount = GNTT_SYMCOUNT (objfile);
- else
- symcount = LNTT_SYMCOUNT (objfile);
- for (hp_symnum = scan_start; hp_symnum < symcount; hp_symnum++)
- {
- if (i)
- dn_bufp = hpread_get_gntt (hp_symnum, objfile);
- else
- dn_bufp = hpread_get_lntt (hp_symnum, objfile);
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.extension)
- continue;
- /* Only handle things which are necessary for minimal symbols.
- everything else is ignored. */
- switch (dn_bufp->dblock.kind)
- {
- {
- if (scan_start == hp_symnum
- && symcount == hp_symnum + 1)
- {
- /* If there are NO globals in an executable,
- PXDB's index to the globals will point to
- the last record in the file, which
- could be this record. (this happened for F77 libraries)
- ignore it and be done! */
- continue;
- }
-#endif /* QUICK_LOOK_UP */
- /* A source file of some kind. Note this may simply
- be an included file. */
- SET_NAMESTRING (dn_bufp, &namestring, objfile);
- /* Check if this is the source file we are already working
- with. */
- if (pst && !strcmp (namestring, pst->filename))
- continue;
- /* Check if this is an include file, if so check if we have
- already seen it. Add it to the include list */
- p = strrchr (namestring, '.');
- if (!strcmp (p, ".h"))
- {
- int j, found;
- found = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < includes_used; j++)
- if (!strcmp (namestring, psymtab_include_list[j]))
- {
- found = 1;
- break;
- }
- if (found)
- continue;
- /* Add it to the list of includes seen so far and
- allocate more include space if necessary. */
- psymtab_include_list[includes_used++] = namestring;
- if (includes_used >= includes_allocated)
- {
- char **orig = psymtab_include_list;
- psymtab_include_list = (char **)
- alloca ((includes_allocated *= 2) *
- sizeof (char *));
- memcpy ((PTR) psymtab_include_list, (PTR) orig,
- includes_used * sizeof (char *));
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (pst)
- {
- if (!have_name)
- {
- pst->filename = (char *)
- obstack_alloc (&pst->objfile->psymbol_obstack,
- strlen (namestring) + 1);
- strcpy (pst->filename, namestring);
- have_name = 1;
- continue;
- }
- continue;
- }
- /* This is a bonafide new source file.
- End the current partial symtab and start a new one. */
- if (pst && past_first_source_file)
- {
- hpread_end_psymtab (pst, psymtab_include_list,
- includes_used,
- (hp_symnum
- * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block)),
- texthigh,
- dependency_list, dependencies_used);
- pst = (struct partial_symtab *) 0;
- includes_used = 0;
- dependencies_used = 0;
- }
- else
- past_first_source_file = 1;
- valu = hpread_get_textlow (i, hp_symnum, objfile, symcount);
- valu += ANOFFSET (section_offsets, SECT_OFF_TEXT);
- pst = hpread_start_psymtab (objfile, section_offsets,
- namestring, valu,
- (hp_symnum
- * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block)),
- objfile->,
- objfile->;
- texthigh = valu;
- have_name = 1;
- continue;
- }
- /* A source file. It's still unclear to me what the
- real difference between a DNTT_TYPE_SRCFILE and DNTT_TYPE_MODULE
- is supposed to be. */
- /* First end the previous psymtab */
- if (pst)
- {
- hpread_end_psymtab (pst, psymtab_include_list, includes_used,
- ((hp_symnum - 1)
- * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block)),
- texthigh,
- dependency_list, dependencies_used);
- pst = (struct partial_symtab *) 0;
- includes_used = 0;
- dependencies_used = 0;
- have_name = 0;
- }
- /* Now begin a new module and a new psymtab for it */
- SET_NAMESTRING (dn_bufp, &namestring, objfile);
- valu = hpread_get_textlow (i, hp_symnum, objfile, symcount);
- valu += ANOFFSET (section_offsets, SECT_OFF_TEXT);
- if (!pst)
- {
- pst = hpread_start_psymtab (objfile, section_offsets,
- namestring, valu,
- (hp_symnum
- * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block)),
- objfile->,
- objfile->;
- texthigh = valu;
- have_name = 0;
- }
- continue;
- /* The beginning of a function. DNTT_TYPE_ENTRY may also denote
- a secondary entry point. */
- valu = dn_bufp->dfunc.hiaddr + ANOFFSET (section_offsets,
- if (valu > texthigh)
- texthigh = valu;
- valu = dn_bufp->dfunc.lowaddr +
- ANOFFSET (section_offsets, SECT_OFF_TEXT);
- SET_NAMESTRING (dn_bufp, &namestring, objfile);
- if (dn_bufp->
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, strlen (namestring),
- &objfile->global_psymbols, valu,
- 0, language_unknown, objfile);
- else
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, strlen (namestring),
- &objfile->static_psymbols, valu,
- 0, language_unknown, objfile);
- within_function = 1;
- continue;
- valu = dn_bufp->ddocfunc.hiaddr + ANOFFSET (section_offsets,
- if (valu > texthigh)
- texthigh = valu;
- valu = dn_bufp->ddocfunc.lowaddr +
- ANOFFSET (section_offsets, SECT_OFF_TEXT);
- SET_NAMESTRING (dn_bufp, &namestring, objfile);
- if (dn_bufp->
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, strlen (namestring),
- &objfile->global_psymbols, valu,
- 0, language_unknown, objfile);
- else
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, strlen (namestring),
- &objfile->static_psymbols, valu,
- 0, language_unknown, objfile);
- within_function = 1;
- continue;
- /* We don't check MODULE end here, because there can be
- symbols beyond the module end which properly belong to the
- current psymtab -- so we wait till the next MODULE start */
- if (scan_start == hp_symnum
- && symcount == hp_symnum + 1)
- {
- /* If there are NO globals in an executable,
- PXDB's index to the globals will point to
- the last record in the file, which is
- probably an END MODULE, i.e. this record.
- ignore it and be done! */
- continue;
- }
-#endif /* QUICK_LOOK_UP */
- /* Scope block begin/end. We only care about function
- and file blocks right now. */
- if ((dn_bufp->dend.endkind == DNTT_TYPE_FUNCTION) ||
- (dn_bufp->dend.endkind == DNTT_TYPE_DOC_FUNCTION))
- within_function = 0;
- continue;
- {
- /* Variables, typedefs an the like. */
- enum address_class storage;
- namespace_enum namespace;
- /* Don't add locals to the partial symbol table. */
- if (within_function
- && (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_SVAR
- || dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_DVAR))
- continue;
- /* TAGDEFs go into the structure namespace. */
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_TAGDEF)
- namespace = STRUCT_NAMESPACE;
- else
- namespace = VAR_NAMESPACE;
- /* What kind of "storage" does this use? */
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_SVAR)
- storage = LOC_STATIC;
- else if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_DVAR
- && dn_bufp->ddvar.regvar)
- storage = LOC_REGISTER;
- else if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_DVAR)
- storage = LOC_LOCAL;
- else
- storage = LOC_UNDEF;
- SET_NAMESTRING (dn_bufp, &namestring, objfile);
- if (!pst)
- {
- pst = hpread_start_psymtab (objfile, section_offsets,
- "globals", 0,
- (hp_symnum
- * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block)),
- objfile->,
- objfile->;
- }
- /* Compute address of the data symbol */
- valu = dn_bufp->dsvar.location;
- /* Relocate in case it's in a shared library */
- if (storage == LOC_STATIC)
- valu += ANOFFSET (section_offsets, SECT_OFF_DATA);
- /* Luckily, dvar, svar, typedef, and tagdef all
- have their "global" bit in the same place, so it works
- (though it's bad programming practice) to reference
- "" even though we may be looking at
- any of the above four types. */
- if (dn_bufp->
- {
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, strlen (namestring),
- namespace, storage,
- &objfile->global_psymbols,
- valu,
- 0, language_unknown, objfile);
- }
- else
- {
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, strlen (namestring),
- namespace, storage,
- &objfile->static_psymbols,
- valu,
- 0, language_unknown, objfile);
- }
- /* For TAGDEF's, the above code added the tagname to the
- struct namespace. This will cause tag "t" to be found
- on a reference of the form "(struct t) x". But for
- C++ classes, "t" will also be a typename, which we
- want to find on a reference of the form "ptype t".
- Therefore, we also add "t" to the var namespace.
- Do the same for enum's due to the way aCC generates
- debug info for these (see more extended comment
- in hp-symtab-read.c).
- We do the same for templates, so that "ptype t"
- where "t" is a template also works. */
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_TAGDEF &&
- dn_bufp->dtype.type.dnttp.index < LNTT_SYMCOUNT (objfile))
- {
- int global = dn_bufp->;
- /* Look ahead to see if it's a C++ class */
- dn_bufp = hpread_get_lntt (dn_bufp->dtype.type.dnttp.index, objfile);
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_CLASS ||
- dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_ENUM ||
- dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_TEMPLATE)
- {
- if (global)
- {
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, strlen (namestring),
- VAR_NAMESPACE, storage,
- &objfile->global_psymbols,
- dn_bufp->dsvar.location,
- 0, language_unknown, objfile);
- }
- else
- {
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, strlen (namestring),
- VAR_NAMESPACE, storage,
- &objfile->static_psymbols,
- dn_bufp->dsvar.location,
- 0, language_unknown, objfile);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- continue;
- /* Constants and members of enumerated types. */
- SET_NAMESTRING (dn_bufp, &namestring, objfile);
- if (!pst)
- {
- pst = hpread_start_psymtab (objfile, section_offsets,
- "globals", 0,
- (hp_symnum
- * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block)),
- objfile->,
- objfile->;
- }
- if (dn_bufp->
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, strlen (namestring),
- &objfile->global_psymbols, 0,
- 0, language_unknown, objfile);
- else
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, strlen (namestring),
- &objfile->static_psymbols, 0,
- 0, language_unknown, objfile);
- continue;
- default:
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- /* End any pending partial symbol table. */
- if (pst)
- {
- hpread_end_psymtab (pst, psymtab_include_list, includes_used,
- hp_symnum * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block),
- 0, dependency_list, dependencies_used);
- }
- discard_cleanups (old_chain);
-/* Perform any local cleanups required when we are done with a particular
- objfile. I.E, we are in the process of discarding all symbol information
- for an objfile, freeing up all memory held for it, and unlinking the
- objfile struct from the global list of known objfiles. */
-hpread_symfile_finish (objfile)
- struct objfile *objfile;
- if (objfile->sym_private != NULL)
- {
- mfree (objfile->md, objfile->sym_private);
- }
-/* The remaining functions are all for internal use only. */
-/* Various small functions to get entries in the debug symbol sections. */
-union dnttentry *
-hpread_get_lntt (index, objfile)
- int index;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- return (union dnttentry *)
- &(LNTT (objfile)[(index * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block))]);
-static union dnttentry *
-hpread_get_gntt (index, objfile)
- int index;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- return (union dnttentry *)
- &(GNTT (objfile)[(index * sizeof (struct dntt_type_block))]);
-union sltentry *
-hpread_get_slt (index, objfile)
- int index;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- return (union sltentry *) &(SLT (objfile)[index * sizeof (union sltentry)]);
-/* Get the low address associated with some symbol (typically the start
- of a particular source file or module). Since that information is not
- stored as part of the DNTT_TYPE_MODULE or DNTT_TYPE_SRCFILE symbol we must infer it from
- the existance of DNTT_TYPE_FUNCTION symbols. */
-static unsigned long
-hpread_get_textlow (global, index, objfile, symcount)
- int global;
- int index;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- int symcount;
- union dnttentry *dn_bufp;
- struct minimal_symbol *msymbol;
- /* Look for a DNTT_TYPE_FUNCTION symbol. */
- if (index < symcount) /* symcount is the number of symbols in */
- { /* the dbinfo, LNTT table */
- do
- {
- if (global)
- dn_bufp = hpread_get_gntt (index++, objfile);
- else
- dn_bufp = hpread_get_lntt (index++, objfile);
- }
- while (dn_bufp->dblock.kind != DNTT_TYPE_FUNCTION
- && dn_bufp->dblock.kind != DNTT_TYPE_DOC_FUNCTION
- && dn_bufp->dblock.kind != DNTT_TYPE_END
- && index < symcount);
- }
- /* Avoid going past a DNTT_TYPE_END when looking for a DNTT_TYPE_FUNCTION. This
- might happen when a sourcefile has no functions. */
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_END)
- return 0;
- /* Avoid going past the end of the LNTT file */
- if (index == symcount)
- return 0;
- /* The minimal symbols are typically more accurate for some reason. */
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_FUNCTION)
- msymbol = lookup_minimal_symbol (dn_bufp-> + VT (objfile), NULL,
- objfile);
- else /* must be a DNTT_TYPE_DOC_FUNCTION */
- msymbol = lookup_minimal_symbol (dn_bufp-> + VT (objfile), NULL,
- objfile);
- if (msymbol)
- return SYMBOL_VALUE_ADDRESS (msymbol);
- else
- return dn_bufp->dfunc.lowaddr;
-/* Allocate and partially fill a partial symtab. It will be
- completely filled at the end of the symbol list.
- SYMFILE_NAME is the name of the symbol-file we are reading from, and ADDR
- is the address relative to which its symbols are (incremental) or 0
- (normal). */
-static struct partial_symtab *
-hpread_start_psymtab (objfile, section_offsets,
- filename, textlow, ldsymoff, global_syms, static_syms)
- struct objfile *objfile;
- struct section_offsets *section_offsets;
- char *filename;
- CORE_ADDR textlow;
- int ldsymoff;
- struct partial_symbol **global_syms;
- struct partial_symbol **static_syms;
- int offset = ANOFFSET (section_offsets, SECT_OFF_TEXT);
- extern void hpread_psymtab_to_symtab ();
- struct partial_symtab *result =
- start_psymtab_common (objfile, section_offsets,
- filename, textlow, global_syms, static_syms);
- result->textlow += offset;
- result->read_symtab_private = (char *)
- obstack_alloc (&objfile->psymbol_obstack, sizeof (struct symloc));
- LDSYMOFF (result) = ldsymoff;
- result->read_symtab = hpread_psymtab_to_symtab;
- return result;
-/* Close off the current usage of PST.
- Returns PST or NULL if the partial symtab was empty and thrown away.
- capping_symbol_offset --Byte index in LNTT or GNTT of the
- last symbol processed during the build
- of the previous pst.
- FIXME: List variables and peculiarities of same. */
-static struct partial_symtab *
-hpread_end_psymtab (pst, include_list, num_includes, capping_symbol_offset,
- capping_text, dependency_list, number_dependencies)
- struct partial_symtab *pst;
- char **include_list;
- int num_includes;
- int capping_symbol_offset;
- CORE_ADDR capping_text;
- struct partial_symtab **dependency_list;
- int number_dependencies;
- int i;
- struct objfile *objfile = pst->objfile;
- int offset = ANOFFSET (pst->section_offsets, SECT_OFF_TEXT);
-#ifdef DUMPING
- /* Turn on to see what kind of a psymtab we've built. */
- static int dumping = 0;
- if (capping_symbol_offset != -1)
- LDSYMLEN (pst) = capping_symbol_offset - LDSYMOFF (pst);
- else
- LDSYMLEN (pst) = 0;
- pst->texthigh = capping_text + offset;
- pst->n_global_syms =
- objfile-> - (objfile->global_psymbols.list + pst->globals_offset);
- pst->n_static_syms =
- objfile-> - (objfile->static_psymbols.list + pst->statics_offset);
-#ifdef DUMPING
- if (dumping)
- {
- printf ("\nPst %s, LDSYMOFF %x (%x), LDSYMLEN %x (%x), globals %d, statics %d\n",
- pst->filename,
- LDSYMOFF (pst),
- LDSYMOFF (pst) / sizeof (struct dntt_type_block),
- LDSYMLEN (pst),
- LDSYMLEN (pst) / sizeof (struct dntt_type_block),
- pst->n_global_syms, pst->n_static_syms);
- }
- pst->number_of_dependencies = number_dependencies;
- if (number_dependencies)
- {
- pst->dependencies = (struct partial_symtab **)
- obstack_alloc (&objfile->psymbol_obstack,
- number_dependencies * sizeof (struct partial_symtab *));
- memcpy (pst->dependencies, dependency_list,
- number_dependencies * sizeof (struct partial_symtab *));
- }
- else
- pst->dependencies = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < num_includes; i++)
- {
- struct partial_symtab *subpst =
- allocate_psymtab (include_list[i], objfile);
- subpst->section_offsets = pst->section_offsets;
- subpst->read_symtab_private =
- (char *) obstack_alloc (&objfile->psymbol_obstack,
- sizeof (struct symloc));
- LDSYMOFF (subpst) =
- LDSYMLEN (subpst) =
- subpst->textlow =
- subpst->texthigh = 0;
- /* We could save slight bits of space by only making one of these,
- shared by the entire set of include files. FIXME-someday. */
- subpst->dependencies = (struct partial_symtab **)
- obstack_alloc (&objfile->psymbol_obstack,
- sizeof (struct partial_symtab *));
- subpst->dependencies[0] = pst;
- subpst->number_of_dependencies = 1;
- subpst->globals_offset =
- subpst->n_global_syms =
- subpst->statics_offset =
- subpst->n_static_syms = 0;
- subpst->readin = 0;
- subpst->symtab = 0;
- subpst->read_symtab = pst->read_symtab;
- }
- sort_pst_symbols (pst);
- /* If there is already a psymtab or symtab for a file of this name, remove it.
- (If there is a symtab, more drastic things also happen.)
- This happens in VxWorks. */
- free_named_symtabs (pst->filename);
- if (num_includes == 0
- && number_dependencies == 0
- && pst->n_global_syms == 0
- && pst->n_static_syms == 0)
- {
- /* Throw away this psymtab, it's empty. We can't deallocate it, since
- it is on the obstack, but we can forget to chain it on the list.
- Empty psymtabs happen as a result of header files which don't have
- any symbols in them. There can be a lot of them. But this check
- is wrong, in that a psymtab with N_SLINE entries but nothing else
- is not empty, but we don't realize that. Fixing that without slowing
- things down might be tricky.
- It's also wrong if we're using the quick look-up tables, as
- we can get empty psymtabs from modules with no routines in
- them. */
- discard_psymtab (pst);
- /* Indicate that psymtab was thrown away. */
- pst = (struct partial_symtab *) NULL;
- }
- return pst;
-/* End of hp-psymtab-read.c */
-/* Set indentation to 4 spaces for Emacs; this file is
- mostly non-GNU-ish in its style :-( */
-#if 0
-***Local Variables:
-***c - basic - offset:4
-*** End:
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/hp-symtab-read.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/hp-symtab-read.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 90d4a10c6bc9..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/hp-symtab-read.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3988 +0,0 @@
-/* Read hp debug symbols and convert to internal format, for GDB.
- Copyright 1993, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GDB.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Written by the Center for Software Science at the University of Utah
- and by Cygnus Support. */
-/* Common include for hp-symtab-read.c and hp-psymtab-read.c.
- * Note this has nested includes for a bunch of stuff.
- */
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "symtab.h"
-#include "gdbtypes.h"
-#include "hpread.h"
-#include "demangle.h"
-#include "complaints.h"
-static struct complaint hpread_unhandled_end_common_complaint =
- "unhandled symbol in hp-symtab-read.c: DNTT_TYPE_COMMON/DNTT_TYPE_END.\n", 0, 0
-static struct complaint hpread_unhandled_type_complaint =
- "hpread_type_translate: unhandled type code.", 0, 0
-static struct complaint hpread_struct_complaint =
- "hpread_read_struct_type: expected SVAR type...", 0, 0
-static struct complaint hpread_array_complaint =
- "error in hpread_array_type.", 0, 0
-static struct complaint hpread_type_lookup_complaint =
- "error in hpread_type_lookup().", 0, 0
-static struct complaint hpread_unexpected_end_complaint =
- "internal error in hp-symtab-read.c: Unexpected DNTT_TYPE_END kind.", 0, 0
-static struct complaint hpread_tagdef_complaint =
- "error processing class tagdef", 0, 0
-static struct complaint hpread_unhandled_common_complaint =
- "unhandled symbol in hp-symtab-read.c: DNTT_TYPE_COMMON.", 0, 0
-static struct complaint hpread_unhandled_blockdata_complaint =
- "unhandled symbol in hp-symtab-read.c: DNTT_TYPE_BLOCKDATA.", 0, 0
-/* Forward procedure declarations */
-static unsigned long hpread_get_scope_start
- PARAMS ((sltpointer, struct objfile *));
-static unsigned long hpread_get_line
- PARAMS ((sltpointer, struct objfile *));
-static CORE_ADDR hpread_get_location
- PARAMS ((sltpointer, struct objfile *));
-static void hpread_psymtab_to_symtab_1
- PARAMS ((struct partial_symtab *));
-void hpread_psymtab_to_symtab
- PARAMS ((struct partial_symtab *));
-static struct symtab *hpread_expand_symtab
- PARAMS ((struct objfile *, int, int, CORE_ADDR, int,
- struct section_offsets *, char *));
-static int hpread_type_translate
- PARAMS ((dnttpointer));
-static struct type **hpread_lookup_type
- PARAMS ((dnttpointer, struct objfile *));
-static struct type *hpread_alloc_type
- PARAMS ((dnttpointer, struct objfile *));
-static struct type *hpread_read_enum_type
- PARAMS ((dnttpointer, union dnttentry *, struct objfile *));
-static struct type *hpread_read_function_type
- PARAMS ((dnttpointer, union dnttentry *, struct objfile *, int));
-static struct type *hpread_read_doc_function_type
- PARAMS ((dnttpointer, union dnttentry *, struct objfile *, int));
-static struct type *hpread_read_struct_type
- PARAMS ((dnttpointer, union dnttentry *, struct objfile *));
-static struct type *hpread_get_nth_template_arg
- PARAMS ((struct objfile *, int));
-static struct type * hpread_read_templ_arg_type
- PARAMS ((dnttpointer, union dnttentry *, struct objfile *, char *));
-static struct type *hpread_read_set_type
- PARAMS ((dnttpointer, union dnttentry *, struct objfile *));
-static struct type * hpread_read_array_type
- PARAMS ((dnttpointer, union dnttentry *dn_bufp, struct objfile *objfile));
-static struct type *hpread_read_subrange_type
- PARAMS ((dnttpointer, union dnttentry *, struct objfile *));
-static struct type * hpread_type_lookup
- PARAMS ((dnttpointer, struct objfile *));
-static sltpointer hpread_record_lines
- PARAMS ((struct subfile *, sltpointer, sltpointer,
- struct objfile *, CORE_ADDR));
-static void hpread_process_one_debug_symbol
- PARAMS ((union dnttentry *, char *, struct section_offsets *,
- struct objfile *, CORE_ADDR, int, char *, int, int * ));
-static int hpread_get_scope_depth
- PARAMS ((union dnttentry *, struct objfile *, int));
-static void fix_static_member_physnames
- PARAMS ((struct type *, char *, struct objfile *));
-static void fixup_class_method_type
- PARAMS ((struct type *, struct type *, struct objfile *));
-static void hpread_adjust_bitoffsets PARAMS ((struct type *, int));
-static dnttpointer hpread_get_next_skip_over_anon_unions
- PARAMS ((int, dnttpointer, union dnttentry **, struct objfile *));
-/* Global to indicate presence of HP-compiled objects,
- in particular, SOM executable file with SOM debug info
- Defined in symtab.c, used in hppa-tdep.c. */
-extern int hp_som_som_object_present;
-/* Static used to indicate a class type that requires a
- fix-up of one of its method types */
-static struct type * fixup_class = NULL;
-/* Static used to indicate the method type that is to be
- used to fix-up the type for fixup_class */
-static struct type * fixup_method = NULL;
-/* Get the nesting depth for the source line identified by INDEX. */
-static unsigned long
-hpread_get_scope_start (index, objfile)
- sltpointer index;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- union sltentry *sl_bufp;
- sl_bufp = hpread_get_slt (index, objfile);
- return sl_bufp->sspec.backptr.dnttp.index;
-/* Get the source line number the the line identified by INDEX. */
-static unsigned long
-hpread_get_line (index, objfile)
- sltpointer index;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- union sltentry *sl_bufp;
- sl_bufp = hpread_get_slt (index, objfile);
- return sl_bufp->snorm.line;
-/* Find the code address associated with a given sltpointer */
-static CORE_ADDR
-hpread_get_location (index, objfile)
- sltpointer index;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- union sltentry *sl_bufp;
- int i;
- /* code location of special sltentrys is determined from context */
- sl_bufp = hpread_get_slt (index, objfile);
- if (sl_bufp->snorm.sltdesc == SLT_END)
- {
- /* find previous normal sltentry and get address */
- for (i = 0; ((sl_bufp->snorm.sltdesc != SLT_NORMAL) &&
- (sl_bufp->snorm.sltdesc != SLT_NORMAL_OFFSET) &&
- (sl_bufp->snorm.sltdesc != SLT_EXIT)); i++)
- sl_bufp = hpread_get_slt (index - i, objfile);
- if (sl_bufp->snorm.sltdesc == SLT_NORMAL_OFFSET)
- return sl_bufp->snormoff.address;
- else
- return sl_bufp->snorm.address;
- }
- /* find next normal sltentry and get address */
- for (i = 0; ((sl_bufp->snorm.sltdesc != SLT_NORMAL) &&
- (sl_bufp->snorm.sltdesc != SLT_NORMAL_OFFSET) &&
- (sl_bufp->snorm.sltdesc != SLT_EXIT)); i++)
- sl_bufp = hpread_get_slt (index + i, objfile);
- if (sl_bufp->snorm.sltdesc == SLT_NORMAL_OFFSET)
- return sl_bufp->snormoff.address;
- else
- return sl_bufp->snorm.address;
-/* Return 1 if an HP debug symbol of type KIND has a name associated with
- * it, else return 0. (This function is not currently used, but I'll
- * leave it here in case it proves useful later on. - RT).
- */
-hpread_has_name (kind)
- enum dntt_entry_type kind;
- switch (kind)
- {
- case DNTT_TYPE_SA:
- return 1;
- /* DNTT_TYPE_INLN ? */
- default:
- return 0;
- }
-/* Do the dirty work of reading in the full symbol from a partial symbol
- table. */
-static void
-hpread_psymtab_to_symtab_1 (pst)
- struct partial_symtab *pst;
- struct cleanup *old_chain;
- int i;
- /* Get out quick if passed junk. */
- if (!pst)
- return;
- /* Complain if we've already read in this symbol table. */
- if (pst->readin)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Psymtab for %s already read in. Shouldn't happen.\n",
- pst->filename);
- return;
- }
- /* Read in all partial symtabs on which this one is dependent */
- for (i = 0; i < pst->number_of_dependencies; i++)
- if (!pst->dependencies[i]->readin)
- {
- /* Inform about additional files that need to be read in. */
- if (info_verbose)
- {
- fputs_filtered (" ", gdb_stdout);
- wrap_here ("");
- fputs_filtered ("and ", gdb_stdout);
- wrap_here ("");
- printf_filtered ("%s...", pst->dependencies[i]->filename);
- wrap_here (""); /* Flush output */
- gdb_flush (gdb_stdout);
- }
- hpread_psymtab_to_symtab_1 (pst->dependencies[i]);
- }
- /* If it's real... */
- if (LDSYMLEN (pst))
- {
- /* Init stuff necessary for reading in symbols */
- buildsym_init ();
- old_chain = make_cleanup (really_free_pendings, 0);
- pst->symtab =
- hpread_expand_symtab (pst->objfile, LDSYMOFF (pst), LDSYMLEN (pst),
- pst->textlow, pst->texthigh - pst->textlow,
- pst->section_offsets, pst->filename);
- sort_symtab_syms (pst->symtab);
- do_cleanups (old_chain);
- }
- pst->readin = 1;
-/* Read in all of the symbols for a given psymtab for real.
- Be verbose about it if the user wants that. */
-hpread_psymtab_to_symtab (pst)
- struct partial_symtab *pst;
- /* Get out quick if given junk. */
- if (!pst)
- return;
- /* Sanity check. */
- if (pst->readin)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Psymtab for %s already read in. Shouldn't happen.\n",
- pst->filename);
- return;
- }
- /* elz: setting the flag to indicate that the code of the target
- was compiled using an HP compiler (aCC, cc)
- the processing_acc_compilation variable is declared in the
- file buildsym.h, the HP_COMPILED_TARGET is defined to be equal
- to 3 in the file tm_hppa.h*/
- processing_gcc_compilation = 0;
- if (LDSYMLEN (pst) || pst->number_of_dependencies)
- {
- /* Print the message now, before reading the string table,
- to avoid disconcerting pauses. */
- if (info_verbose)
- {
- printf_filtered ("Reading in symbols for %s...", pst->filename);
- gdb_flush (gdb_stdout);
- }
- hpread_psymtab_to_symtab_1 (pst);
- /* Match with global symbols. This only needs to be done once,
- after all of the symtabs and dependencies have been read in. */
- scan_file_globals (pst->objfile);
- /* Finish up the debug error message. */
- if (info_verbose)
- printf_filtered ("done.\n");
- }
-/* Read in a defined section of a specific object file's symbols.
- DESC is the file descriptor for the file, positioned at the
- beginning of the symtab
- SYM_OFFSET is the offset within the file of
- the beginning of the symbols we want to read
- SYM_SIZE is the size of the symbol info to read in.
- TEXT_OFFSET is the beginning of the text segment we are reading symbols for
- TEXT_SIZE is the size of the text segment read in.
- SECTION_OFFSETS are the relocation offsets which get added to each symbol. */
-static struct symtab *
-hpread_expand_symtab (objfile, sym_offset, sym_size, text_offset, text_size,
- section_offsets, filename)
- struct objfile *objfile;
- int sym_offset;
- int sym_size;
- CORE_ADDR text_offset;
- int text_size;
- struct section_offsets *section_offsets;
- char *filename;
- char *namestring;
- union dnttentry *dn_bufp;
- unsigned max_symnum;
- int at_module_boundary = 0;
- /* 1 => at end, -1 => at beginning */
- int sym_index = sym_offset / sizeof (struct dntt_type_block);
- current_objfile = objfile;
- subfile_stack = 0;
- last_source_file = 0;
- /* Demangling style -- if EDG style already set, don't change it,
- as HP style causes some problems with the KAI EDG compiler */
- if (current_demangling_style != edg_demangling) {
- /* Otherwise, ensure that we are using HP style demangling */
- set_demangling_style (HP_DEMANGLING_STYLE_STRING);
- }
- dn_bufp = hpread_get_lntt (sym_index, objfile);
- if (!((dn_bufp->dblock.kind == (unsigned char) DNTT_TYPE_SRCFILE) ||
- (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == (unsigned char) DNTT_TYPE_MODULE)))
- {
- start_symtab ("globals", NULL, 0);
- record_debugformat ("HP");
- }
- /* The psymtab builder (hp-psymtab-read.c) is the one that
- * determined the "sym_size" argument (i.e. how many DNTT symbols
- * are in this symtab), which we use to compute "max_symnum"
- * (point in DNTT to which we read).
- *
- * Perhaps this should be changed so that
- * process_one_debug_symbol() "knows" when
- * to stop reading (based on reading from the MODULE to the matching
- * END), and take out this reliance on a #-syms being passed in...
- * (I'm worried about the reliability of this number). But I'll
- * leave it as-is, for now. - RT
- *
- * The change above has been made. I've left the "for" loop control
- * in to prepare for backing this out again. -JB
- */
- max_symnum = sym_size / sizeof (struct dntt_type_block);
- /* No reason to multiply on pst side and divide on sym side... FIXME */
- /* Read in and process each debug symbol within the specified range.
- */
- for (symnum = 0;
- symnum < max_symnum;
- symnum++)
- {
- QUIT; /* Allow this to be interruptable */
- dn_bufp = hpread_get_lntt (sym_index + symnum, objfile);
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.extension)
- continue;
- /* Yow! We call SET_NAMESTRING on things without names! */
- SET_NAMESTRING (dn_bufp, &namestring, objfile);
- hpread_process_one_debug_symbol (dn_bufp, namestring, section_offsets,
- objfile, text_offset, text_size,
- filename, symnum + sym_index,
- &at_module_boundary
- );
- /* OLD COMMENTS: This routine is only called for psts. All psts
- * correspond to MODULES. If we ever do lazy-reading of globals
- * from the LNTT, then there will be a pst which ends when the
- * LNTT ends, and not at an END MODULE entry. Then we'll have
- * to re-visit this break.
- if( at_end_of_module )
- break;
- */
- /* We no longer break out of the loop when we reach the end of a
- module. The reason is that with CTTI, the compiler can generate
- function symbols (for template function instantiations) which are not
- in any module; typically they show up beyond a module's end, and
- before the next module's start. We include them in the current
- module. However, we still don't trust the MAX_SYMNUM value from
- the psymtab, so we break out if we enter a new module. */
- if (at_module_boundary == -1)
- break;
- }
- current_objfile = NULL;
- hp_som_som_object_present = 1; /* Indicate we've processed an HP SOM SOM file */
- return end_symtab (text_offset + text_size, objfile, 0);
-/* Convert basic types from HP debug format into GDB internal format. */
-static int
-hpread_type_translate (typep)
- dnttpointer typep;
- if (!typep.dntti.immediate) {
- error ("error in hpread_type_translate\n.");
- return;
- }
- switch (typep.dntti.type)
- {
- return FT_BOOLEAN;
- case HP_TYPE_CHAR: /* C signed char, C++ plain char */
- return FT_CHAR;
- case HP_TYPE_INT:
- if (typep.dntti.bitlength <= 8)
- return FT_SIGNED_CHAR; /* C++ signed char */
- if (typep.dntti.bitlength <= 16)
- return FT_SHORT;
- if (typep.dntti.bitlength <= 32)
- return FT_INTEGER;
- return FT_LONG_LONG;
- case HP_TYPE_LONG:
- if (typep.dntti.bitlength <= 8)
- return FT_SIGNED_CHAR; /* C++ signed char. */
- return FT_LONG;
- if (typep.dntti.bitlength <= 8)
- return FT_UNSIGNED_CHAR; /* C/C++ unsigned char */
- if (typep.dntti.bitlength <= 16)
- if (typep.dntti.bitlength <= 32)
- if (typep.dntti.bitlength <= 8)
- if (typep.dntti.bitlength <= 16)
- if (typep.dntti.bitlength <= 32)
- case HP_TYPE_REAL:
- case HP_TYPE_REAL_3000:
- if (typep.dntti.bitlength == 64)
- if (typep.dntti.bitlength == 128)
- return FT_FLOAT;
- case HP_TYPE_COMPLEXS3000:
- if (typep.dntti.bitlength == 128)
- if (typep.dntti.bitlength == 192)
- return FT_COMPLEX;
- case HP_TYPE_VOID:
- return FT_VOID;
- case HP_TYPE_STRING200:
- case HP_TYPE_MOD_STRING_3000:
- return FT_STRING;
- case HP_TYPE_TEXT:
- default:
- warning ("hpread_type_translate: unhandled type code.\n");
- return FT_VOID;
- }
-/* Given a position in the DNTT, return a pointer to the
- * already-built "struct type" (if any), for the type defined
- * at that position.
- */
-static struct type **
-hpread_lookup_type (hp_type, objfile)
- dnttpointer hp_type;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- unsigned old_len;
- int index = hp_type.dnttp.index;
- int size_changed = 0;
- /* The immediate flag indicates this doesn't actually point to
- * a type DNTT.
- */
- if (hp_type.dntti.immediate)
- return NULL;
- /* For each objfile, we maintain a "type vector".
- * This an array of "struct type *"'s with one pointer per DNTT index.
- * Given a DNTT index, we look in this array to see if we have
- * already processed this DNTT and if it is a type definition.
- * If so, then we can locate a pointer to the already-built
- * "struct type", and not build it again.
- *
- * The need for this arises because our DNTT-walking code wanders
- * around. In particular, it will encounter the same type multiple
- * times (once for each object of that type). We don't want to
- * built multiple "struct type"'s for the same thing.
- *
- * Having said this, I should point out that this type-vector is
- * an expensive way to keep track of this. If most DNTT entries are
- * 3 words, the type-vector will be 1/3 the size of the DNTT itself.
- * Alternative solutions:
- * - Keep a compressed or hashed table. Less memory, but more expensive
- * to search and update.
- * - (Suggested by JB): Overwrite the DNTT entry itself
- * with the info. Create a new type code "ALREADY_BUILT", and modify
- * the DNTT to have that type code and point to the already-built entry.
- * -RT
- */
- if (index < LNTT_SYMCOUNT (objfile))
- {
- if (index >= TYPE_VECTOR_LENGTH (objfile))
- {
- old_len = TYPE_VECTOR_LENGTH (objfile);
- /* See if we need to allocate a type-vector. */
- if (old_len == 0)
- {
- TYPE_VECTOR_LENGTH(objfile) = LNTT_SYMCOUNT (objfile) + GNTT_SYMCOUNT (objfile);
- TYPE_VECTOR (objfile) = (struct type **)
- xmmalloc (objfile->md, TYPE_VECTOR_LENGTH (objfile) * sizeof (struct type *));
- memset (&TYPE_VECTOR (objfile)[old_len], 0,
- (TYPE_VECTOR_LENGTH (objfile) - old_len) *
- sizeof (struct type *));
- }
- /* See if we need to resize type-vector. With my change to
- * initially allocate a correct-size type-vector, this code
- * should no longer trigger.
- */
- while (index >= TYPE_VECTOR_LENGTH (objfile)) {
- TYPE_VECTOR_LENGTH (objfile) *= 2;
- size_changed = 1;
- }
- if (size_changed) {
- TYPE_VECTOR (objfile) = (struct type **)
- xmrealloc (objfile -> md,
- (char *) TYPE_VECTOR (objfile),
- (TYPE_VECTOR_LENGTH (objfile) * sizeof (struct type *)));
- memset (&TYPE_VECTOR (objfile)[old_len], 0,
- (TYPE_VECTOR_LENGTH (objfile) - old_len) *
- sizeof (struct type *));
- }
- }
- return &TYPE_VECTOR (objfile)[index];
- }
- else
- return NULL;
-/* Possibly allocate a GDB internal type so we can internalize HP_TYPE.
- Note we'll just return the address of a GDB internal type if we already
- have it lying around. */
-static struct type *
-hpread_alloc_type (hp_type, objfile)
- dnttpointer hp_type;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- struct type **type_addr;
- type_addr = hpread_lookup_type (hp_type, objfile);
- if (*type_addr == 0) {
- *type_addr = alloc_type (objfile);
- /* A hack - if we really are a C++ class symbol, then this default
- * will get overriden later on.
- */
- TYPE_CPLUS_SPECIFIC (*type_addr)
- = (struct cplus_struct_type *) &cplus_struct_default;
- }
- return *type_addr;
-/* Read a native enumerated type and return it in GDB internal form. */
-static struct type *
-hpread_read_enum_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile)
- dnttpointer hp_type;
- union dnttentry *dn_bufp;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- struct type *type;
- struct pending **symlist, *osyms, *syms;
- struct pending *local_list = NULL;
- int o_nsyms, nsyms = 0;
- dnttpointer mem;
- union dnttentry *memp;
- char *name;
- long n;
- struct symbol *sym;
- /* Allocate a GDB type. If we've already read in this enum type,
- * it'll return the already built GDB type, so stop here.
- * (Note: I added this check, to conform with what's done for
- * struct, union, class.
- * I assume this is OK. - RT)
- */
- type = hpread_alloc_type (hp_type, objfile);
- if (TYPE_CODE (type) == TYPE_CODE_ENUM)
- return type;
- /* HP C supports "sized enums", where a specifier such as "short" or
- "char" can be used to get enums of different sizes. So don't assume
- an enum is always 4 bytes long. pai/1997-08-21 */
- TYPE_LENGTH (type) = dn_bufp->denum.bitlength / 8;
- symlist = &file_symbols;
- osyms = *symlist;
- o_nsyms = osyms ? osyms->nsyms : 0;
- /* Get a name for each member and add it to our list of members.
- * The list of "mem" SOM records we are walking should all be
- * SOM type DNTT_TYPE_MEMENUM (not checked).
- */
- mem = dn_bufp->denum.firstmem;
- while (mem.word && mem.word != DNTTNIL)
- {
- memp = hpread_get_lntt (mem.dnttp.index, objfile);
- name = VT (objfile) + memp->;
- sym = (struct symbol *) obstack_alloc (&objfile->symbol_obstack,
- sizeof (struct symbol));
- memset (sym, 0, sizeof (struct symbol));
- SYMBOL_NAME (sym) = obsavestring (name, strlen (name),
- &objfile->symbol_obstack);
- SYMBOL_VALUE (sym) = memp->dmember.value;
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, symlist);
- nsyms++;
- mem = memp->dmember.nextmem;
- }
- /* Now that we know more about the enum, fill in more info. */
- TYPE_NFIELDS (type) = nsyms;
- TYPE_FIELDS (type) = (struct field *)
- obstack_alloc (&objfile->type_obstack, sizeof (struct field) * nsyms);
- /* Find the symbols for the members and put them into the type.
- The symbols can be found in the symlist that we put them on
- to cause them to be defined. osyms contains the old value
- of that symlist; everything up to there was defined by us.
- Note that we preserve the order of the enum constants, so
- that in something like "enum {FOO, LAST_THING=FOO}" we print
- FOO, not LAST_THING. */
- for (syms = *symlist, n = 0; syms; syms = syms->next)
- {
- int j = 0;
- if (syms == osyms)
- j = o_nsyms;
- for (; j < syms->nsyms; j++, n++)
- {
- struct symbol *xsym = syms->symbol[j];
- SYMBOL_TYPE (xsym) = type;
- TYPE_FIELD_NAME (type, n) = SYMBOL_NAME (xsym);
- TYPE_FIELD_BITPOS (type, n) = SYMBOL_VALUE (xsym);
- TYPE_FIELD_BITSIZE (type, n) = 0;
- }
- if (syms == osyms)
- break;
- }
- return type;
-/* Read and internalize a native function debug symbol. */
-static struct type *
-hpread_read_function_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile, newblock)
- dnttpointer hp_type;
- union dnttentry *dn_bufp;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- int newblock;
- struct type *type, *type1;
- struct pending *syms;
- struct pending *local_list = NULL;
- int nsyms = 0;
- dnttpointer param;
- union dnttentry *paramp;
- char *name;
- long n;
- struct symbol *sym;
- int record_args = 1;
- /* See if we've already read in this type. */
- type = hpread_alloc_type (hp_type, objfile);
- if (TYPE_CODE (type) == TYPE_CODE_FUNC)
- {
- record_args = 0; /* already read in, don't modify type */
- }
- else
- {
- /* Nope, so read it in and store it away. */
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_FUNCTION ||
- dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_MEMFUNC)
- type1 = lookup_function_type (hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dfunc.retval,
- objfile));
- else if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_FUNCTYPE)
- type1 = lookup_function_type (hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dfunctype.retval,
- objfile));
- else /* expect DNTT_TYPE_FUNC_TEMPLATE */
- type1 = lookup_function_type (hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dfunc_template.retval,
- objfile));
- memcpy ((char *) type, (char *) type1, sizeof (struct type));
- /* Mark it -- in the middle of processing */
- }
- /* Now examine each parameter noting its type, location, and a
- wealth of other information. */
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_FUNCTION ||
- dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_MEMFUNC)
- param = dn_bufp->dfunc.firstparam;
- else if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_FUNCTYPE)
- param = dn_bufp->dfunctype.firstparam;
- else /* expect DNTT_TYPE_FUNC_TEMPLATE */
- param = dn_bufp->dfunc_template.firstparam;
- while (param.word && param.word != DNTTNIL)
- {
- paramp = hpread_get_lntt (param.dnttp.index, objfile);
- nsyms++;
- param = paramp->dfparam.nextparam;
- /* Get the name. */
- name = VT (objfile) + paramp->;
- sym = (struct symbol *) obstack_alloc (&objfile->symbol_obstack,
- sizeof (struct symbol));
- (void) memset (sym, 0, sizeof (struct symbol));
- SYMBOL_NAME (sym) = obsavestring (name, strlen (name),
- &objfile->symbol_obstack);
- /* Figure out where it lives. */
- if (paramp->dfparam.regparam)
- else if (paramp->dfparam.indirect)
- else
- if (paramp->dfparam.copyparam)
- {
- SYMBOL_VALUE (sym) = paramp->dfparam.location ;
- /* This is likely a pass-by-invisible reference parameter,
- Hack on the symbol class to make GDB happy. */
- /* ??rehrauer: This appears to be broken w/r/t to passing
- C values of type float and struct. Perhaps this ought
- to be highighted as a special case, but for now, just
- allowing these to be LOC_ARGs seems to work fine.
- */
-#if 0
- }
- else
- SYMBOL_VALUE (sym) = paramp->dfparam.location;
- /* Get its type. */
- SYMBOL_TYPE (sym) = hpread_type_lookup (paramp->dfparam.type, objfile);
- /* Add it to the symbol list. */
- /* Note 1 (RT) At the moment, add_symbol_to_list() is also being
- * called on FPARAM symbols from the process_one_debug_symbol()
- * level... so parameters are getting added twice! (this shows
- * up in the symbol dump you get from "maint print symbols ...").
- * Note 2 (RT) I took out the processing of FPARAM from the
- * process_one_debug_symbol() level, so at the moment parameters are only
- * being processed here. This seems to have no ill effect.
- */
- /* Note 3 (pai/1997-08-11) I removed the add_symbol_to_list() which put
- each fparam on the local_symbols list from here. Now we use the
- local_list to which fparams are added below, and set the param_symbols
- global to point to that at the end of this routine. */
- /* elz: I added this new list of symbols which is local to the function.
- this list is the one which is actually used to build the type for the
- function rather than the gloabal list pointed to by symlist.
- Using a global list to keep track of the parameters is wrong, because
- this function is called recursively if one parameter happend to be
- a function itself with more parameters in it. Adding parameters to the
- same global symbol list would not work!
- Actually it did work in case of cc compiled programs where you do
- not check the parameter lists of the arguments. */
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &local_list);
- }
- /* If type was read in earlier, don't bother with modifying
- the type struct */
- if (!record_args)
- goto finish;
- /* Note how many parameters we found. */
- TYPE_NFIELDS (type) = nsyms;
- TYPE_FIELDS (type) = (struct field *)
- obstack_alloc (&objfile->type_obstack,
- sizeof (struct field) * nsyms);
- /* Find the symbols for the parameters and
- use them to fill parameter-type information into the function-type.
- The parameter symbols can be found in the local_list that we just put them on. */
- /* Note that we preserve the order of the parameters, so
- that in something like "enum {FOO, LAST_THING=FOO}" we print
- FOO, not LAST_THING. */
- /* get the parameters types from the local list not the global list
- so that the type can be correctly constructed for functions which
- have function as parameters */
- for (syms = local_list, n = 0; syms; syms = syms->next)
- {
- int j = 0;
- for (j=0; j < syms->nsyms; j++, n++)
- {
- struct symbol *xsym = syms->symbol[j];
- TYPE_FIELD_NAME (type, n) = SYMBOL_NAME (xsym);
- TYPE_FIELD_TYPE (type, n) = SYMBOL_TYPE (xsym);
- TYPE_FIELD_BITPOS (type, n) = n;
- TYPE_FIELD_BITSIZE (type, n) = 0;
- }
- }
- /* Mark it as having been processed */
- /* Check whether we need to fix-up a class type with this function's type */
- if (fixup_class && (fixup_method == type))
- {
- fixup_class_method_type (fixup_class, fixup_method, objfile);
- fixup_class = NULL;
- fixup_method = NULL;
- }
- /* Set the param list of this level of the context stack
- to our local list. Do this only if this function was
- called for creating a new block, and not if it was called
- simply to get the function type. This prevents recursive
- invocations from trashing param_symbols. */
- if (newblock)
- param_symbols = local_list;
- return type;
-/* Read and internalize a native DOC function debug symbol. */
-/* This is almost identical to hpread_read_function_type(), except
- * for references to dn_bufp->ddocfunc instead of db_bufp->dfunc.
- * Since debug information for DOC functions is more likely to be
- * volatile, please leave it this way.
- */
-static struct type *
-hpread_read_doc_function_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile, newblock)
- dnttpointer hp_type;
- union dnttentry *dn_bufp;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- int newblock;
- struct type *type, *type1;
- struct pending *syms;
- struct pending *local_list = NULL;
- int nsyms = 0;
- dnttpointer param;
- union dnttentry *paramp;
- char *name;
- long n;
- struct symbol *sym;
- int record_args = 1;
- /* See if we've already read in this type. */
- type = hpread_alloc_type (hp_type, objfile);
- if (TYPE_CODE (type) == TYPE_CODE_FUNC)
- {
- record_args = 0; /* already read in, don't modify type */
- }
- else
- {
- /* Nope, so read it in and store it away. */
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_DOC_FUNCTION ||
- dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_DOC_MEMFUNC)
- type1 = lookup_function_type (hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->ddocfunc.retval,
- objfile));
- memcpy ((char *) type, (char *) type1, sizeof (struct type));
- /* Mark it -- in the middle of processing */
- }
- /* Now examine each parameter noting its type, location, and a
- wealth of other information. */
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_DOC_FUNCTION ||
- dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_DOC_MEMFUNC)
- param = dn_bufp->ddocfunc.firstparam;
- while (param.word && param.word != DNTTNIL)
- {
- paramp = hpread_get_lntt (param.dnttp.index, objfile);
- nsyms++;
- param = paramp->dfparam.nextparam;
- /* Get the name. */
- name = VT (objfile) + paramp->;
- sym = (struct symbol *) obstack_alloc (&objfile->symbol_obstack,
- sizeof (struct symbol));
- (void) memset (sym, 0, sizeof (struct symbol));
- SYMBOL_NAME (sym) = name;
- /* Figure out where it lives. */
- if (paramp->dfparam.regparam)
- else if (paramp->dfparam.indirect)
- else
- if (paramp->dfparam.copyparam)
- {
- SYMBOL_VALUE (sym) = paramp->dfparam.location ;
- /* This is likely a pass-by-invisible reference parameter,
- Hack on the symbol class to make GDB happy. */
- /* ??rehrauer: This appears to be broken w/r/t to passing
- C values of type float and struct. Perhaps this ought
- to be highighted as a special case, but for now, just
- allowing these to be LOC_ARGs seems to work fine.
- */
-#if 0
- }
- else
- SYMBOL_VALUE (sym) = paramp->dfparam.location;
- /* Get its type. */
- SYMBOL_TYPE (sym) = hpread_type_lookup (paramp->dfparam.type, objfile);
- /* Add it to the symbol list. */
- /* Note 1 (RT) At the moment, add_symbol_to_list() is also being
- * called on FPARAM symbols from the process_one_debug_symbol()
- * level... so parameters are getting added twice! (this shows
- * up in the symbol dump you get from "maint print symbols ...").
- * Note 2 (RT) I took out the processing of FPARAM from the
- * process_one_debug_symbol() level, so at the moment parameters are only
- * being processed here. This seems to have no ill effect.
- */
- /* Note 3 (pai/1997-08-11) I removed the add_symbol_to_list() which put
- each fparam on the local_symbols list from here. Now we use the
- local_list to which fparams are added below, and set the param_symbols
- global to point to that at the end of this routine. */
- /* elz: I added this new list of symbols which is local to the function.
- this list is the one which is actually used to build the type for the
- function rather than the gloabal list pointed to by symlist.
- Using a global list to keep track of the parameters is wrong, because
- this function is called recursively if one parameter happend to be
- a function itself with more parameters in it. Adding parameters to the
- same global symbol list would not work!
- Actually it did work in case of cc compiled programs where you do not check the
- parameter lists of the arguments. */
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &local_list);
- }
- /* If type was read in earlier, don't bother with modifying
- the type struct */
- if (!record_args)
- goto finish;
- /* Note how many parameters we found. */
- TYPE_NFIELDS (type) = nsyms;
- TYPE_FIELDS (type) = (struct field *)
- obstack_alloc (&objfile->type_obstack,
- sizeof (struct field) * nsyms);
- /* Find the symbols for the parameters and
- use them to fill parameter-type information into the function-type.
- The parameter symbols can be found in the local_list that we just put them on. */
- /* Note that we preserve the order of the parameters, so
- that in something like "enum {FOO, LAST_THING=FOO}" we print
- FOO, not LAST_THING. */
- /* get the parameters types from the local list not the global list
- so that the type can be correctly constructed for functions which
- have function as parameters
- */
- for (syms = local_list, n = 0; syms; syms = syms->next)
- {
- int j = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < syms->nsyms; j++, n++)
- {
- struct symbol *xsym = syms->symbol[j];
- TYPE_FIELD_NAME (type, n) = SYMBOL_NAME (xsym);
- TYPE_FIELD_TYPE (type, n) = SYMBOL_TYPE (xsym);
- TYPE_FIELD_BITPOS (type, n) = n;
- TYPE_FIELD_BITSIZE (type, n) = 0;
- }
- }
- /* Mark it as having been processed */
- /* Check whether we need to fix-up a class type with this function's type */
- if (fixup_class && (fixup_method == type))
- {
- fixup_class_method_type (fixup_class, fixup_method, objfile);
- fixup_class = NULL;
- fixup_method = NULL;
- }
- /* Set the param list of this level of the context stack
- to our local list. Do this only if this function was
- called for creating a new block, and not if it was called
- simply to get the function type. This prevents recursive
- invocations from trashing param_symbols. */
- if (newblock)
- param_symbols = local_list;
- return type;
-/* A file-level variable which keeps track of the current-template
- * being processed. Set in hpread_read_struct_type() while processing
- * a template type. Referred to in hpread_get_nth_templ_arg().
- * Yes, this is a kludge, but it arises from the kludge that already
- * exists in symtab.h, namely the fact that they encode
- * "template argument n" with fundamental type FT_TEMPLATE_ARG and
- * bitlength n. This means that deep in processing fundamental types
- * I need to ask the question "what template am I in the middle of?".
- * The alternative to stuffing a global would be to pass an argument
- * down the chain of calls just for this purpose.
- *
- * There may be problems handling nested templates... tough.
- */
-static struct type * current_template = NULL;
-/* Read in and internalize a structure definition.
- * This same routine is called for struct, union, and class types.
- * Also called for templates, since they build a very similar
- * type entry as for class types.
- */
-static struct type *
-hpread_read_struct_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile)
- dnttpointer hp_type;
- union dnttentry *dn_bufp;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- /* The data members get linked together into a list of struct nextfield's */
- struct nextfield
- {
- struct nextfield *next;
- struct field field;
- unsigned char attributes; /* store visibility and virtuality info */
-# define ATTR_VIRTUAL 1
-# define ATTR_PRIVATE 2
-# define ATTR_PROTECT 3
- };
- /* The methods get linked together into a list of struct next_fn_field's */
- struct next_fn_field
- {
- struct next_fn_field *next;
- struct fn_fieldlist field;
- struct fn_field fn_field;
- int num_fn_fields;
- };
- /* The template args get linked together into a list of struct next_template's */
- struct next_template
- {
- struct next_template *next;
- struct template_arg arg;
- };
- /* The template instantiations get linked together into a list of these... */
- struct next_instantiation
- {
- struct next_instantiation * next;
- struct type * t;
- };
- struct type *type;
- struct type *baseclass;
- struct type *memtype;
- struct nextfield *list = 0, *tmp_list = 0;
- struct next_fn_field *fn_list = 0;
- struct next_fn_field *fn_p;
- struct next_template *t_new, *t_list = 0;
- struct nextfield *new;
- struct next_fn_field *fn_new;
- struct next_instantiation *i_new, *i_list = 0;
- int n, nfields = 0, n_fn_fields = 0, n_fn_fields_total = 0;
- int n_base_classes = 0, n_templ_args = 0;
- int ninstantiations = 0;
- dnttpointer field, fn_field, parent;
- union dnttentry *fieldp, *fn_fieldp, *parentp;
- int i;
- int static_member = 0;
- int const_member = 0;
- int volatile_member = 0;
- unsigned long vtbl_offset;
- int need_bitvectors = 0;
- char * method_name = NULL;
- char * method_alias = NULL;
- /* Is it something we've already dealt with? */
- type = hpread_alloc_type (hp_type, objfile);
- if ((TYPE_CODE (type) == TYPE_CODE_STRUCT) ||
- (TYPE_CODE (type) == TYPE_CODE_UNION) ||
- (TYPE_CODE (type) == TYPE_CODE_CLASS) ||
- return type;
- /* Get the basic type correct. */
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_STRUCT)
- {
- TYPE_LENGTH (type) = dn_bufp->dstruct.bitlength / 8;
- }
- else if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_UNION)
- {
- TYPE_LENGTH (type) = dn_bufp->dunion.bitlength / 8;
- }
- else if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_CLASS)
- {
- TYPE_LENGTH (type) = dn_bufp->dclass.bitlength / 8;
- /* Overrides the TYPE_CPLUS_SPECIFIC(type) with allocated memory
- * rather than &cplus_struct_default.
- */
- allocate_cplus_struct_type(type);
- /* Fill in declared-type.
- * (The C++ compiler will emit TYPE_CODE_CLASS
- * for all 3 of "class", "struct"
- * "union", and we have to look at the "class_decl" field if we
- * want to know how it was really declared)
- */
- /* (0==class, 1==union, 2==struct) */
- TYPE_DECLARED_TYPE(type) = dn_bufp->dclass.class_decl;
- }
- else if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_TEMPLATE)
- {
- /* Get the basic type correct. */
- allocate_cplus_struct_type(type);
- }
- else
- return type;
- /* For classes, read the parent list.
- * Question (RT): Do we need to do this for templates also?
- */
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_CLASS) {
- /* First read the parent-list (classes from which we derive fields) */
- parent = dn_bufp->dclass.parentlist;
- while (parent.word && parent.word != DNTTNIL) {
- parentp = hpread_get_lntt (parent.dnttp.index, objfile);
- /* "parentp" should point to a DNTT_TYPE_INHERITANCE record */
- /* Get space to record the next field/data-member. */
- new = (struct nextfield *) alloca (sizeof (struct nextfield));
- new->next = list;
- list = new;
- FIELD_BITSIZE (list->field) = 0;
- /* The "classname" field is actually a DNTT pointer to the base class */
- baseclass = hpread_type_lookup (parentp->dinheritance.classname,
- objfile);
- FIELD_TYPE (list->field) = baseclass;
- list-> = type_name_no_tag(FIELD_TYPE (list->field));
- list->attributes = 0;
- /* Check for virtuality of base, and set the
- * offset of the base subobject within the object.
- * (Offset set to -1 for virtual bases (for now).)
- */
- if (parentp->dinheritance.Virtual)
- {
- B_SET(&(list->attributes), ATTR_VIRTUAL);
- parentp->dinheritance.offset = -1;
- }
- else
- FIELD_BITPOS (list->field) = parentp->dinheritance.offset;
- /* Check visibility */
- switch (parentp->dinheritance.visibility)
- {
- case 1:
- B_SET(&(list->attributes), ATTR_PROTECT);
- break;
- case 2:
- B_SET(&(list->attributes), ATTR_PRIVATE);
- break;
- }
- n_base_classes++;
- nfields++;
- parent = parentp->;
- }
- }
- /* For templates, read the template argument list.
- * This must be done before processing the member list, because
- * the member list may refer back to this. E.g.:
- * template <class T1, class T2> class q2 {
- * public:
- * T1 a;
- * T2 b;
- * };
- * We need to read the argument list "T1", "T2" first.
- */
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_TEMPLATE) {
- /* Kludge alert: This stuffs a global "current_template" which
- * is referred to by hpread_get_nth_templ_arg(). The global
- * is cleared at the end of this routine.
- */
- current_template = type;
- /* Read in the argument list */
- field = dn_bufp->dtemplate.arglist;
- while (field.word && field.word != DNTTNIL) {
- /* Get this template argument*/
- fieldp = hpread_get_lntt (field.dnttp.index, objfile);
- if (fieldp->dblock.kind != DNTT_TYPE_TEMPLATE_ARG)
- {
- warning ("Invalid debug info: Template argument entry is of wrong kind");
- break;
- }
- /* Bump the count */
- n_templ_args++;
- /* Allocate and fill in a struct next_template */
- t_new = (struct next_template *) alloca (sizeof (struct next_template));
- t_new->next = t_list;
- t_list = t_new;
- t_list-> = VT (objfile) + fieldp->;
- t_list->arg.type = hpread_read_templ_arg_type(field, fieldp,
- objfile, t_list->;
- /* Walk to the next template argument */
- field = fieldp->dtempl_arg.nextarg;
- }
- }
- TYPE_NTEMPLATE_ARGS(type) = n_templ_args;
- if (n_templ_args > 0)
- TYPE_TEMPLATE_ARGS(type) = (struct template_arg *)
- obstack_alloc (&objfile->type_obstack, sizeof (struct template_arg) * n_templ_args);
- for (n = n_templ_args; t_list; t_list = t_list->next)
- {
- n -= 1;
- TYPE_TEMPLATE_ARG(type, n) = t_list->arg;
- }
- /* Next read in and internalize all the fields/members. */
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_STRUCT)
- field = dn_bufp->dstruct.firstfield;
- else if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_UNION)
- field = dn_bufp->dunion.firstfield;
- else if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_CLASS)
- field = dn_bufp->dclass.memberlist;
- else if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_TEMPLATE)
- field = dn_bufp->dtemplate.memberlist;
- else
- field.word = DNTTNIL;
- while (field.word && field.word != DNTTNIL)
- {
- fieldp = hpread_get_lntt (field.dnttp.index, objfile);
- /* At this point "fieldp" may point to either a DNTT_TYPE_FIELD
- * or a DNTT_TYPE_GENFIELD record.
- */
- vtbl_offset = 0;
- static_member = 0;
- const_member = 0;
- volatile_member = 0;
- if (fieldp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_GENFIELD) {
- /* The type will be GENFIELD if the field is a method or
- * a static member (or some other cases -- see below)
- */
- /* Follow a link to get to the record for the field. */
- fn_field = fieldp->dgenfield.field;
- fn_fieldp = hpread_get_lntt(fn_field.dnttp.index, objfile);
- /* Virtual funcs are indicated by a VFUNC which points to the
- * real entry
- */
- if (fn_fieldp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_VFUNC) {
- vtbl_offset = fn_fieldp->dvfunc.vtbl_offset;
- fn_field = fn_fieldp->dvfunc.funcptr;
- fn_fieldp = hpread_get_lntt(fn_field.dnttp.index, objfile);
- }
- /* A function's entry may be preceded by a modifier which
- * labels it static/constant/volatile.
- */
- if (fn_fieldp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_MODIFIER) {
- static_member = fn_fieldp->dmodifier.m_static;
- const_member = fn_fieldp->dmodifier.m_const;
- volatile_member = fn_fieldp->dmodifier.m_volatile;
- fn_field = fn_fieldp->dmodifier.type;
- fn_fieldp = hpread_get_lntt(fn_field.dnttp.index, objfile);
- }
- /* Check whether we have a method */
- if ((fn_fieldp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_MEMFUNC) ||
- (fn_fieldp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_FUNCTION) ||
- (fn_fieldp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_DOC_MEMFUNC) ||
- (fn_fieldp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_DOC_FUNCTION)) {
- /* Method found */
- short ix = 0;
- /* Look up function type of method */
- memtype = hpread_type_lookup (fn_field, objfile);
- /* Methods can be seen before classes in the SOM records.
- If we are processing this class because it's a parameter of a
- method, at this point the method's type is actually incomplete;
- we'll have to fix it up later; mark the class for this. */
- if (TYPE_INCOMPLETE (memtype))
- {
- if (fixup_class)
- warning ("Two classes to fix up for method?? Type information may be incorrect for some classes.");
- if (fixup_method)
- warning ("Two methods to be fixed up at once?? Type information may be incorrect for some classes.");
- fixup_class = type; /* remember this class has to be fixed up */
- fixup_method = memtype; /* remember the method type to be used in fixup */
- }
- /* HP aCC generates operator names without the "operator" keyword, and
- generates null strings as names for operators that are
- user-defined type conversions to basic types (e.g. operator int ()).
- So try to reconstruct name as best as possible. */
- method_name = (char *) (VT (objfile) + fn_fieldp->;
- method_alias = (char *) (VT (objfile) + fn_fieldp->dfunc.alias);
- if (!method_name || /* no name */
- !*method_name || /* or null name */
- cplus_mangle_opname (method_name, DMGL_ANSI)) /* or name is an operator like "<" */
- {
- char * tmp_name = cplus_demangle (method_alias, DMGL_ANSI);
- char * op_string = strstr (tmp_name, "operator");
- method_name = xmalloc (strlen (op_string) + 1); /* don't overwrite VT! */
- strcpy (method_name, op_string);
- }
- /* First check if a method of the same name has already been seen. */
- fn_p = fn_list;
- while (fn_p)
- {
- if (STREQ (fn_p->, method_name))
- break;
- fn_p = fn_p->next;
- }
- /* If no such method was found, allocate a new entry in the list */
- if (!fn_p)
- {
- /* Get space to record this member function */
- /* Note: alloca used; this will disappear on routine exit */
- fn_new = (struct next_fn_field *) alloca (sizeof (struct next_fn_field));
- fn_new->next = fn_list;
- fn_list = fn_new;
- /* Fill in the fields of the struct nextfield */
- /* Record the (unmangled) method name */
- fn_list-> = method_name;
- /* Initial space for overloaded methods */
- /* Note: xmalloc is used; this will persist after this routine exits */
- fn_list->field.fn_fields = (struct fn_field *) xmalloc (5 * (sizeof (struct fn_field)));
- fn_list->field.length = 1; /* Init # of overloaded instances */
- fn_list->num_fn_fields = 5; /* # of entries for which space allocated */
- fn_p = fn_list;
- ix = 0; /* array index for fn_field */
- /* Bump the total count of the distinctly named methods */
- n_fn_fields++;
- }
- else /* Another overloaded instance of an already seen method name */
- {
- if (++(fn_p->field.length) > fn_p->num_fn_fields)
- {
- /* Increase space allocated for overloaded instances */
- fn_p->field.fn_fields
- = (struct fn_field *) xrealloc (fn_p->field.fn_fields,
- (fn_p->num_fn_fields + 5) * sizeof (struct fn_field));
- fn_p->num_fn_fields += 5;
- }
- ix = fn_p->field.length -1; /* array index for fn_field */
- }
- /* "physname" is intended to be the name of this overloaded instance. */
- if ((fn_fieldp->dfunc.language == HP_LANGUAGE_CPLUSPLUS) &&
- method_alias &&
- *method_alias) /* not a null string */
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].physname = method_alias;
- else
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].physname = method_name;
- /* What's expected here is the function type */
- /* But mark it as NULL if the method was incompletely processed
- We'll fix this up later when the method is fully processed */
- if (TYPE_INCOMPLETE (memtype))
- {
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].type = NULL;
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].args = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].type = memtype;
- /* The argument list */
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].type->type_specific.arg_types =
- (struct type **) obstack_alloc(&objfile->type_obstack,
- sizeof(struct type *) * (memtype->nfields + 1));
- for (i = 0; i < memtype->nfields; i++)
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].type->type_specific.arg_types[i] = memtype->fields[i].type;
- /* void termination */
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].type->type_specific.arg_types[memtype->nfields] = builtin_type_void;
- /* pai: It's not clear why this args field has to be set. Perhaps
- * it should be eliminated entirely. */
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].args =
- (struct type **) obstack_alloc(&objfile->type_obstack,
- sizeof(struct type *) * (memtype->nfields + 1));
- for (i = 0; i < memtype->nfields; i++)
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].args[i] = memtype->fields[i].type;
- /* null-terminated, unlike arg_types above e*/
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].args[memtype->nfields] = NULL;
- }
- /* For virtual functions, fill in the voffset field with the
- * virtual table offset. (This is just copied over from the
- * SOM record; not sure if it is what GDB expects here...).
- * But if the function is a static method, set it to 1.
- *
- * Note that we have to add 1 because 1 indicates a static
- * method, and 0 indicates a non-static, non-virtual method */
- if (static_member)
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].voffset = VOFFSET_STATIC;
- else
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].voffset = vtbl_offset ? vtbl_offset + 1 : 0;
- /* Also fill in the fcontext field with the current
- * class. (The latter isn't quite right: should be the baseclass
- * that defines the virtual function... Note we do have
- * a variable "baseclass" that we could stuff into the fcontext
- * field, but "baseclass" isn't necessarily right either,
- * since the virtual function could have been defined more
- * than one level up).
- */
- if (vtbl_offset != 0)
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].fcontext = type;
- else
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].fcontext = NULL;
- /* Other random fields pertaining to this method */
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].is_const = const_member;
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].is_volatile = volatile_member; /* ?? */
- switch (fieldp->dgenfield.visibility) {
- case 1:
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].is_protected = 1;
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].is_private = 0;
- break;
- case 2:
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].is_protected = 0;
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].is_private = 1;
- break;
- default: /* public */
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].is_protected = 0;
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].is_private = 0;
- }
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].is_stub = 0;
- /* HP aCC emits both MEMFUNC and FUNCTION entries for a method;
- if the class points to the FUNCTION, there is usually separate
- code for the method; but if we have a MEMFUNC, the method has
- been inlined (and there is usually no FUNCTION entry)
- FIXME Not sure if this test is accurate. pai/1997-08-22 */
- if ((fn_fieldp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_MEMFUNC) ||
- (fn_fieldp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_DOC_MEMFUNC))
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].is_inlined = 1;
- else
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].is_inlined = 0;
- fn_p->field.fn_fields[ix].dummy = 0;
- /* Bump the total count of the member functions */
- n_fn_fields_total++;
- } else if (fn_fieldp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_SVAR) {
- /* This case is for static data members of classes */
- /* pai:: FIXME -- check that "staticmem" bit is set */
- /* Get space to record this static member */
- new = (struct nextfield *) alloca (sizeof (struct nextfield));
- new->next = list;
- list = new;
- list-> = VT (objfile) + fn_fieldp->;
- FIELD_BITSIZE (list->field) = -1; /* indicates static member */
- SET_FIELD_PHYSNAME (list->field, 0); /* initialize to empty */
- memtype = hpread_type_lookup (fn_fieldp->dsvar.type, objfile);
- FIELD_TYPE (list->field) = memtype;
- list->attributes = 0;
- switch (fieldp->dgenfield.visibility) {
- case 1:
- B_SET(&(list->attributes), ATTR_PROTECT);
- break;
- case 2:
- B_SET(&(list->attributes), ATTR_PRIVATE);
- break;
- }
- nfields++;
- }
- else if (fn_fieldp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_FIELD)
- {
- /* FIELDs follow GENFIELDs for fields of anonymous unions.
- Code below is replicated from the case for FIELDs further
- below, except that fieldp is replaced by fn_fieldp */
- if (!fn_fieldp->dfield.a_union)
- warning ("Debug info inconsistent: FIELD of anonymous union doesn't have a_union bit set");
- /* Get space to record the next field/data-member. */
- new = (struct nextfield *) alloca (sizeof (struct nextfield));
- new->next = list;
- list = new;
- list-> = VT (objfile) + fn_fieldp->;
- FIELD_BITPOS (list->field) = fn_fieldp->dfield.bitoffset;
- if (fn_fieldp->dfield.bitlength % 8)
- list->field.bitsize = fn_fieldp->dfield.bitlength;
- else
- list->field.bitsize = 0;
- memtype = hpread_type_lookup (fn_fieldp->dfield.type, objfile);
- list->field.type = memtype;
- list->attributes = 0;
- switch (fn_fieldp->dfield.visibility) {
- case 1:
- B_SET(&(list->attributes), ATTR_PROTECT);
- break;
- case 2:
- B_SET(&(list->attributes), ATTR_PRIVATE);
- break;
- }
- nfields++;
- }
- else if (fn_fieldp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_SVAR)
- {
- /* Field of anonymous union; union is not inside a class */
- if (!fn_fieldp->dsvar.a_union)
- warning ("Debug info inconsistent: SVAR field in anonymous union doesn't have a_union bit set");
- /* Get space to record the next field/data-member. */
- new = (struct nextfield *) alloca (sizeof (struct nextfield));
- new->next = list;
- list = new;
- list-> = VT (objfile) + fn_fieldp->;
- FIELD_BITPOS (list->field) = 0; /* FIXME is this always true? */
- FIELD_BITSIZE (list->field) = 0; /* use length from type */
- memtype = hpread_type_lookup (fn_fieldp->dsvar.type, objfile);
- list->field.type = memtype;
- list->attributes = 0;
- /* No info to set visibility -- always public */
- nfields++;
- }
- else if (fn_fieldp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_DVAR)
- {
- /* Field of anonymous union; union is not inside a class */
- if (!fn_fieldp->ddvar.a_union)
- warning ("Debug info inconsistent: DVAR field in anonymous union doesn't have a_union bit set");
- /* Get space to record the next field/data-member. */
- new = (struct nextfield *) alloca (sizeof (struct nextfield));
- new->next = list;
- list = new;
- list-> = VT (objfile) + fn_fieldp->;
- FIELD_BITPOS (list->field) = 0; /* FIXME is this always true? */
- FIELD_BITSIZE (list->field) = 0; /* use length from type */
- memtype = hpread_type_lookup (fn_fieldp->ddvar.type, objfile);
- list->field.type = memtype;
- list->attributes = 0;
- /* No info to set visibility -- always public */
- nfields++;
- }
- else { /* Not a method, nor a static data member, nor an anon union field */
- /* This case is for miscellaneous type entries (local enums,
- local function templates, etc.) that can be present
- inside a class. */
- /* Enums -- will be handled by other code that takes care
- of DNTT_TYPE_ENUM; here we see only DNTT_TYPE_MEMENUM so
- it's not clear we could have handled them here at all. */
- /* FUNC_TEMPLATE: is handled by other code (??). */
- /* MEMACCESS: modified access for inherited member. Not
- sure what to do with this, ignoriing it at present. */
- /* What other entries can appear following a GENFIELD which
- we do not handle above? (MODIFIER, VFUNC handled above.) */
- if ((fn_fieldp->dblock.kind != DNTT_TYPE_MEMACCESS) &&
- (fn_fieldp->dblock.kind != DNTT_TYPE_MEMENUM) &&
- (fn_fieldp->dblock.kind != DNTT_TYPE_FUNC_TEMPLATE))
- warning ("Internal error: Unexpected debug record kind %d found following DNTT_GENFIELD",
- fn_fieldp->dblock.kind);
- }
- /* walk to the next FIELD or GENFIELD */
- field = fieldp->dgenfield.nextfield;
- }
- else if (fieldp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_FIELD) {
- /* Ordinary structure/union/class field */
- struct type * anon_union_type;
- /* Get space to record the next field/data-member. */
- new = (struct nextfield *) alloca (sizeof (struct nextfield));
- new->next = list;
- list = new;
- list-> = VT (objfile) + fieldp->;
- /* A FIELD by itself (without a GENFIELD) can also be a static member */
- if (fieldp->dfield.staticmem)
- {
- FIELD_BITPOS (list->field) = -1;
- FIELD_BITSIZE (list->field) = 0;
- }
- else /* Non-static data member */
- {
- FIELD_BITPOS (list->field) = fieldp->dfield.bitoffset;
- if (fieldp->dfield.bitlength % 8)
- FIELD_BITSIZE (list->field) = fieldp->dfield.bitlength;
- else
- FIELD_BITSIZE (list->field) = 0;
- }
- memtype = hpread_type_lookup (fieldp->dfield.type, objfile);
- FIELD_TYPE (list->field) = memtype;
- list->attributes = 0;
- switch (fieldp->dfield.visibility) {
- case 1:
- B_SET(&(list->attributes), ATTR_PROTECT);
- break;
- case 2:
- B_SET(&(list->attributes), ATTR_PRIVATE);
- break;
- }
- nfields++;
- /* Note 1: First, we have to check if the current field is an anonymous
- union. If it is, then *its* fields are threaded along in the
- nextfield chain. :-( This was supposed to help debuggers, but is
- really just a nuisance since we deal with anonymous unions anyway by
- checking that the name is null. So anyway, we skip over the fields
- of the anonymous union. pai/1997-08-22 */
- /* Note 2: In addition, the bitoffsets for the fields of the anon union
- are relative to the enclosing struct, *NOT* relative to the anon
- union! This is an even bigger nuisance -- we have to go in and munge
- the anon union's type information appropriately. pai/1997-08-22 */
- /* Both tasks noted above are done by a separate function. This takes us
- to the next FIELD or GENFIELD, skipping anon unions, and recursively
- processing intermediate types. */
- field = hpread_get_next_skip_over_anon_unions (1, field, &fieldp, objfile);
- } else {
- /* neither field nor genfield ?? is this possible?? */
- /* pai:: FIXME walk to the next -- how? */
- warning ("Internal error: unexpected DNTT kind %d encountered as field of struct");
- warning ("Skipping remaining fields of struct");
- break; /* get out of loop of fields */
- }
- }
- /* If it's a template, read in the instantiation list */
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_TEMPLATE) {
- ninstantiations = 0;
- field = dn_bufp->dtemplate.expansions;
- while (field.word && field.word != DNTTNIL) {
- fieldp = hpread_get_lntt (field.dnttp.index, objfile);
- /* The expansions or nextexp should point to a tagdef */
- if (fieldp->dblock.kind != DNTT_TYPE_TAGDEF)
- break;
- i_new = (struct next_instantiation *) alloca (sizeof (struct next_instantiation));
- i_new->next = i_list;
- i_list = i_new;
- i_list->t = hpread_type_lookup (field, objfile);
- ninstantiations++;
- /* And the "type" field of that should point to a class */
- field = fieldp->dtag.type;
- fieldp = hpread_get_lntt (field.dnttp.index, objfile);
- if (fieldp->dblock.kind != DNTT_TYPE_CLASS)
- break;
- /* Get the next expansion */
- field = fieldp->dclass.nextexp;
- }
- }
- TYPE_NINSTANTIATIONS(type) = ninstantiations;
- if (ninstantiations > 0)
- TYPE_INSTANTIATIONS(type) = (struct type **)
- obstack_alloc (&objfile->type_obstack, sizeof (struct type *) * ninstantiations);
- for (n = ninstantiations; i_list; i_list = i_list->next)
- {
- n -= 1;
- TYPE_INSTANTIATION(type, n) = i_list->t;
- }
- /* Copy the field-list to GDB's symbol table */
- TYPE_NFIELDS (type) = nfields;
- TYPE_N_BASECLASSES (type) = n_base_classes;
- TYPE_FIELDS (type) = (struct field *)
- obstack_alloc (&objfile->type_obstack, sizeof (struct field) * nfields);
- /* Copy the saved-up fields into the field vector. */
- for (n = nfields, tmp_list = list; tmp_list; tmp_list = tmp_list->next)
- {
- n -= 1;
- TYPE_FIELD (type, n) = tmp_list->field;
- }
- /* Copy the "function-field-list" (i.e., the list of member
- * functions in the class) to GDB's symbol table
- */
- TYPE_NFN_FIELDS (type) = n_fn_fields;
- TYPE_NFN_FIELDS_TOTAL (type) = n_fn_fields_total;
- TYPE_FN_FIELDLISTS(type) = (struct fn_fieldlist *)
- obstack_alloc (&objfile->type_obstack, sizeof (struct fn_fieldlist) * n_fn_fields);
- for (n = n_fn_fields; fn_list; fn_list = fn_list->next)
- {
- n -= 1;
- TYPE_FN_FIELDLIST(type, n) = fn_list->field;
- }
- /* pai:: FIXME -- perhaps each bitvector should be created individually */
- for (n = nfields, tmp_list = list; tmp_list; tmp_list = tmp_list->next)
- {
- n -= 1;
- if (tmp_list->attributes)
- {
- need_bitvectors = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (need_bitvectors)
- {
- /* pai:: this step probably redundant */
- (B_TYPE *) TYPE_ALLOC (type, B_BYTES (nfields));
- (B_TYPE *) TYPE_ALLOC (type, B_BYTES (nfields));
- (B_TYPE *) TYPE_ALLOC (type, B_BYTES (nfields));
- /* this field vector isn't actually used with HP aCC */
- (B_TYPE *) TYPE_ALLOC (type, B_BYTES (nfields));
- B_CLRALL (TYPE_FIELD_IGNORE_BITS (type), nfields);
- while (nfields-- > 0)
- {
- if (B_TST(&(list->attributes),ATTR_VIRTUAL))
- SET_TYPE_FIELD_VIRTUAL (type, nfields);
- if (B_TST(&(list->attributes),ATTR_PRIVATE))
- SET_TYPE_FIELD_PRIVATE (type, nfields);
- if (B_TST(&(list->attributes),ATTR_PROTECT))
- SET_TYPE_FIELD_PROTECTED (type, nfields);
- list = list->next;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- }
- if (has_vtable(type))
- {
- /* Allocate space for class runtime information */
- TYPE_RUNTIME_PTR(type) = (struct runtime_info *) xmalloc (sizeof(struct runtime_info));
- /* Set flag for vtable */
- TYPE_VTABLE(type) = 1;
- /* The first non-virtual base class with a vtable. */
- TYPE_PRIMARY_BASE(type) = primary_base_class(type);
- /* The virtual base list. */
- TYPE_VIRTUAL_BASE_LIST(type) = virtual_base_list(type);
- }
- else
- /* If this is a local type (C++ - declared inside a function), record file name & line # */
- if (hpread_get_scope_depth (dn_bufp, objfile, 1 /* no need for real depth */))
- {
- TYPE_LOCALTYPE_PTR (type) = (struct local_type_info *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct local_type_info));
- TYPE_LOCALTYPE_FILE (type) = (char *) xmalloc (strlen (current_subfile->name) + 1);
- strcpy (TYPE_LOCALTYPE_FILE (type), current_subfile->name);
- if (current_subfile->line_vector && (current_subfile->line_vector->nitems > 0))
- TYPE_LOCALTYPE_LINE (type) = current_subfile->line_vector->item[current_subfile->line_vector->nitems - 1].line;
- else
- }
- else
- /* Clear the global saying what template we are in the middle of processing */
- current_template = NULL;
- return type;
-/* Adjust the physnames for each static member of a struct
- or class type to be something like "A::x"; then various
- other pieces of code that do a lookup_symbol on the phyname
- work correctly.
- TYPE is a pointer to the struct/class type
- NAME is a char * (string) which is the class/struct name
- Void return */
-static void
-fix_static_member_physnames (type, class_name, objfile)
- struct type * type;
- char * class_name;
- struct objfile * objfile;
- int i;
- /* We fix the member names only for classes or structs */
- return;
- for (i=0; i < TYPE_NFIELDS (type); i++)
- if (TYPE_FIELD_STATIC (type, i))
- {
- return; /* physnames are already set */
- SET_FIELD_PHYSNAME (type->fields[i],
- obstack_alloc (&objfile->type_obstack,
- strlen (class_name) + strlen (TYPE_FIELD_NAME (type, i)) + 3));
- strcpy (TYPE_FIELD_STATIC_PHYSNAME (type, i), class_name);
- strcat (TYPE_FIELD_STATIC_PHYSNAME (type, i), "::");
- strcat (TYPE_FIELD_STATIC_PHYSNAME (type, i), TYPE_FIELD_NAME (type, i));
- }
-/* Fix-up the type structure for a CLASS so that the type entry
- * for a method (previously marked with a null type in hpread_read_struct_type()
- * is set correctly to METHOD.
- * OBJFILE is as for other such functions.
- * Void return. */
-static void
-fixup_class_method_type (class, method, objfile)
- struct type * class;
- struct type * method;
- struct objfile * objfile;
- int i, j, k;
- if (!class || !method || !objfile)
- return;
- /* Only for types that have methods */
- if ((TYPE_CODE (class) != TYPE_CODE_CLASS) &&
- return;
- /* Loop over all methods and find the one marked with a NULL type */
- for (i = 0; i < TYPE_NFN_FIELDS (class); i++)
- for (j = 0; j < TYPE_FN_FIELDLIST_LENGTH (class, i); j++)
- if (TYPE_FN_FIELD_TYPE (TYPE_FN_FIELDLIST1 (class, i), j) == NULL)
- {
- /* Set the method type */
- TYPE_FN_FIELD_TYPE (TYPE_FN_FIELDLIST1 (class, i), j) = method;
- /* The argument list */
- (TYPE_FN_FIELD_TYPE (TYPE_FN_FIELDLIST1 (class, i), j))->type_specific.arg_types
- = (struct type **) obstack_alloc(&objfile->type_obstack,
- sizeof(struct type *) * (method->nfields + 1));
- for (k = 0; k < method->nfields; k++)
- (TYPE_FN_FIELD_TYPE (TYPE_FN_FIELDLIST1 (class, i), j))->type_specific.arg_types[k] = method->fields[k].type;
- /* void termination */
- (TYPE_FN_FIELD_TYPE (TYPE_FN_FIELDLIST1 (class, i), j))->type_specific.arg_types[method->nfields] = builtin_type_void;
- /* pai: It's not clear why this args field has to be set. Perhaps
- * it should be eliminated entirely. */
- (TYPE_FN_FIELD (TYPE_FN_FIELDLIST1 (class, i), j)).args
- = (struct type **) obstack_alloc(&objfile->type_obstack,
- sizeof(struct type *) * (method->nfields + 1));
- for (k = 0; k < method->nfields; k++)
- (TYPE_FN_FIELD (TYPE_FN_FIELDLIST1 (class, i), j)).args[k] = method->fields[k].type;
- /* null-terminated, unlike arg_types above */
- (TYPE_FN_FIELD (TYPE_FN_FIELDLIST1 (class, i), j)).args[method->nfields] = NULL;
- /* Break out of both loops -- only one method to fix up in a class */
- goto finish;
- }
-/* If we're in the middle of processing a template, get a pointer
- * to the Nth template argument.
- * An example may make this clearer:
- * template <class T1, class T2> class q2 {
- * public:
- * T1 a;
- * T2 b;
- * };
- * The type for "a" will be "first template arg" and
- * the type for "b" will be "second template arg".
- * We need to look these up in order to fill in "a" and "b"'s type.
- * This is called from hpread_type_lookup().
- */
-static struct type *
-hpread_get_nth_template_arg(objfile, n)
- struct objfile *objfile;
- int n;
- if (current_template != NULL)
- return TYPE_TEMPLATE_ARG(current_template, n).type;
- else
- return lookup_fundamental_type (objfile, FT_TEMPLATE_ARG);
-/* Read in and internalize a TEMPL_ARG (template arg) symbol. */
-static struct type *
-hpread_read_templ_arg_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile, name)
- dnttpointer hp_type;
- union dnttentry *dn_bufp;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- char * name;
- struct type *type;
- /* See if it's something we've already deal with. */
- type = hpread_alloc_type (hp_type, objfile);
- return type;
- /* Nope. Fill in the appropriate fields. */
- TYPE_LENGTH (type) = 0;
- TYPE_NFIELDS (type) = 0;
- TYPE_NAME (type) = name;
- return type;
-/* Read in and internalize a set debug symbol. */
-static struct type *
-hpread_read_set_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile)
- dnttpointer hp_type;
- union dnttentry *dn_bufp;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- struct type *type;
- /* See if it's something we've already deal with. */
- type = hpread_alloc_type (hp_type, objfile);
- if (TYPE_CODE (type) == TYPE_CODE_SET)
- return type;
- /* Nope. Fill in the appropriate fields. */
- TYPE_LENGTH (type) = dn_bufp->dset.bitlength / 8;
- TYPE_NFIELDS (type) = 0;
- TYPE_TARGET_TYPE (type) = hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dset.subtype,
- objfile);
- return type;
-/* Read in and internalize an array debug symbol. */
-static struct type *
-hpread_read_array_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile)
- dnttpointer hp_type;
- union dnttentry *dn_bufp;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- struct type *type;
- /* Allocate an array type symbol.
- * Why no check for already-read here, like in the other
- * hpread_read_xxx_type routines? Because it kept us
- * from properly determining the size of the array!
- */
- type = hpread_alloc_type (hp_type, objfile);
- /* Although the hp-symtab.h does not *require* this to be the case,
- * GDB is assuming that "arrayisbytes" and "elemisbytes" be consistent.
- * I.e., express both array-length and element-length in bits,
- * or express both array-length and element-length in bytes.
- */
- if (!((dn_bufp->darray.arrayisbytes && dn_bufp->darray.elemisbytes) ||
- (!dn_bufp->darray.arrayisbytes && !dn_bufp->darray.elemisbytes))) {
- warning ("error in hpread_array_type.\n");
- return;
- } else if (dn_bufp->darray.arraylength == 0x7fffffff) {
- /* The HP debug format represents char foo[]; as an array with
- * length 0x7fffffff. Internally GDB wants to represent this
- * as an array of length zero.
- */
- TYPE_LENGTH (type) = 0;
- } else if (dn_bufp->darray.arrayisbytes)
- TYPE_LENGTH (type) = dn_bufp->darray.arraylength;
- else /* arraylength is in bits */
- TYPE_LENGTH (type) = dn_bufp->darray.arraylength / 8;
- TYPE_TARGET_TYPE (type) = hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->darray.elemtype,
- objfile);
- /* The one "field" is used to store the subscript type */
- /* Since C and C++ multi-dimensional arrays are simply represented
- * as: array of array of ..., we only need one subscript-type
- * per array. This subscript type is typically a subrange of integer.
- * If this gets extended to support languages like Pascal, then
- * we need to fix this to represent multi-dimensional arrays properly.
- */
- TYPE_NFIELDS (type) = 1;
- TYPE_FIELDS (type) = (struct field *)
- obstack_alloc (&objfile->type_obstack, sizeof (struct field));
- TYPE_FIELD_TYPE (type, 0) = hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->darray.indextype,
- objfile);
- return type;
-/* Read in and internalize a subrange debug symbol. */
-static struct type *
-hpread_read_subrange_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile)
- dnttpointer hp_type;
- union dnttentry *dn_bufp;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- struct type *type;
- /* Is it something we've already dealt with. */
- type = hpread_alloc_type (hp_type, objfile);
- if (TYPE_CODE (type) == TYPE_CODE_RANGE)
- return type;
- /* Nope, internalize it. */
- TYPE_LENGTH (type) = dn_bufp->dsubr.bitlength / 8;
- TYPE_NFIELDS (type) = 2;
- TYPE_FIELDS (type)
- = (struct field *) obstack_alloc (&objfile->type_obstack,
- 2 * sizeof (struct field));
- if (dn_bufp->dsubr.dyn_low)
- TYPE_FIELD_BITPOS (type, 0) = 0;
- else
- TYPE_FIELD_BITPOS (type, 0) = dn_bufp->dsubr.lowbound;
- if (dn_bufp->dsubr.dyn_high)
- TYPE_FIELD_BITPOS (type, 1) = -1;
- else
- TYPE_FIELD_BITPOS (type, 1) = dn_bufp->dsubr.highbound;
- TYPE_TARGET_TYPE (type) = hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dsubr.subtype,
- objfile);
- return type;
-/* struct type * hpread_type_lookup(hp_type, objfile)
- * Arguments:
- * hp_type: A pointer into the DNTT specifying what type we
- * are about to "look up"., or else [for fundamental types
- * like int, float, ...] an "immediate" structure describing
- * the type.
- * objfile: ?
- * Return value: A pointer to a "struct type" (representation of a
- * type in GDB's internal symbol table - see gdbtypes.h)
- * Routine description:
- * There are a variety of places when scanning the DNTT when we
- * need to interpret a "type" field. The simplest and most basic
- * example is when we're processing the symbol table record
- * for a data symbol (a SVAR or DVAR record). That has
- * a "type" field specifying the type of the data symbol. That
- * "type" field is either an "immediate" type specification (for the
- * fundamental types) or a DNTT pointer (for more complicated types).
- * For the more complicated types, we may or may not have already
- * processed the pointed-to type. (Multiple data symbols can of course
- * share the same type).
- * The job of hpread_type_lookup() is to process this "type" field.
- * Most of the real work is done in subroutines. Here we interpret
- * the immediate flag. If not immediate, chase the DNTT pointer to
- * find our way to the SOM record describing the type, switch on
- * the SOM kind, and then call an appropriate subroutine depending
- * on what kind of type we are constructing. (e.g., an array type,
- * a struct/class type, etc).
- */
-static struct type *
-hpread_type_lookup (hp_type, objfile)
- dnttpointer hp_type;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- union dnttentry *dn_bufp;
- struct type * tmp_type;
- /* First see if it's a simple builtin type. */
- if (hp_type.dntti.immediate)
- /* If this is a template argument, the argument number is
- * encoded in the bitlength. All other cases, just return
- * GDB's representation of this fundamental type.
- */
- if (hp_type.dntti.type == HP_TYPE_TEMPLATE_ARG)
- return hpread_get_nth_template_arg(objfile, hp_type.dntti.bitlength);
- else
- return lookup_fundamental_type (objfile, hpread_type_translate (hp_type));
- /* Not a builtin type. We'll have to read it in. */
- if (hp_type.dnttp.index < LNTT_SYMCOUNT (objfile))
- dn_bufp = hpread_get_lntt (hp_type.dnttp.index, objfile);
- else
- /* This is a fancy way of returning NULL */
- return lookup_fundamental_type (objfile, FT_VOID);
- switch (dn_bufp->dblock.kind)
- {
- case DNTT_TYPE_SA:
- /* These are not types - something went wrong. */
- /* This is a fancy way of returning NULL */
- return lookup_fundamental_type (objfile, FT_VOID);
- /* We wind up here when dealing with class member functions
- * (called from hpread_read_struct_type(), i.e. when processing
- * the class definition itself).
- */
- return hpread_read_function_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile, 0);
- return hpread_read_doc_function_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile, 0);
- {
- /* A typedef - chase it down by making a recursive call */
- struct type *structtype = hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dtype.type,
- objfile);
- /* The following came from the base hpread.c that we inherited.
- * It is WRONG so I have commented it out. - RT
- *...
- char *suffix;
- suffix = VT (objfile) + dn_bufp->;
- TYPE_NAME (structtype) = suffix;
- * ... further explanation ....
- *
- * What we have here is a typedef pointing to a typedef.
- * E.g.,
- * typedef int foo;
- * typedef foo fum;
- *
- * What we desire to build is (these are pictures
- * of "struct type"'s):
- *
- * +---------+ +----------+ +------------+
- * | typedef | | typedef | | fund. type |
- * | type| -> | type| -> | |
- * | "fum" | | "foo" | | "int" |
- * +---------+ +----------+ +------------+
- *
- * What this commented-out code is doing is smashing the
- * name of pointed-to-type to be the same as the pointed-from
- * type. So we wind up with something like:
- *
- * +---------+ +----------+ +------------+
- * | typedef | | typedef | | fund. type |
- * | type| -> | type| -> | |
- * | "fum" | | "fum" | | "fum" |
- * +---------+ +----------+ +------------+
- *
- */
- return structtype;
- }
- {
- /* Just a little different from above. We have to tack on
- * an identifier of some kind (struct, union, enum, class, etc).
- */
- struct type *structtype = hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dtype.type,
- objfile);
- char *prefix, *suffix;
- suffix = VT (objfile) + dn_bufp->;
- /* Lookup the next type in the list. It should be a structure,
- * union, class, enum, or template type.
- * We will need to attach that to our name.
- */
- if (dn_bufp->dtype.type.dnttp.index < LNTT_SYMCOUNT (objfile))
- dn_bufp = hpread_get_lntt (dn_bufp->dtype.type.dnttp.index, objfile);
- else {
- complain (&hpread_type_lookup_complaint);
- return;
- }
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_STRUCT) {
- prefix = "struct ";
- } else if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_UNION) {
- prefix = "union ";
- } else if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_CLASS) {
- /* Further field for CLASS saying how it was really declared */
- /* 0==class, 1==union, 2==struct */
- if (dn_bufp->dclass.class_decl == 0)
- prefix = "class ";
- else if (dn_bufp->dclass.class_decl == 1)
- prefix = "union ";
- else if (dn_bufp->dclass.class_decl == 2)
- prefix = "struct ";
- else
- prefix = "";
- } else if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_ENUM) {
- prefix = "enum ";
- } else if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_TEMPLATE) {
- prefix = "template ";
- } else {
- prefix = "";
- }
- /* Build the correct name. */
- structtype->name
- = (char *) obstack_alloc (&objfile->type_obstack,
- strlen (prefix) + strlen (suffix) + 1);
- TYPE_NAME (structtype) = strcpy (TYPE_NAME (structtype), prefix);
- TYPE_NAME (structtype) = strcat (TYPE_NAME (structtype), suffix);
- TYPE_TAG_NAME (structtype) = suffix;
- /* For classes/structs, we have to set the static member "physnames"
- to point to strings like "Class::Member" */
- if (TYPE_CODE (structtype) == TYPE_CODE_STRUCT)
- fix_static_member_physnames (structtype, suffix, objfile);
- return structtype;
- }
- /* Pointer type - call a routine in gdbtypes.c that constructs
- * the appropriate GDB type.
- */
- return make_pointer_type (
- hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dptr.pointsto,
- objfile),
- NULL);
- /* C++ reference type - call a routine in gdbtypes.c that constructs
- * the appropriate GDB type.
- */
- return make_reference_type (
- hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dreference.pointsto,
- objfile),
- NULL);
- return hpread_read_enum_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile);
- return hpread_read_set_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile);
- return hpread_read_subrange_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile);
- return hpread_read_array_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile);
- return hpread_read_struct_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile);
- return hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dfield.type, objfile);
- /* Here we want to read the function SOMs and return a
- * type for it. We get here, for instance, when processing
- * pointer-to-function type.
- */
- return hpread_read_function_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile, 0);
- /* Declares a C++ pointer-to-data-member type.
- * The "pointsto" field defines the class,
- * while the "memtype" field defines the pointed-to-type.
- */
- {
- struct type * ptrmemtype;
- struct type * class_type;
- struct type * memtype;
- memtype = hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dptrmem.memtype,
- objfile),
- class_type = hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dptrmem.pointsto,
- objfile),
- ptrmemtype = alloc_type(objfile);
- smash_to_member_type(ptrmemtype, class_type, memtype);
- return make_pointer_type(ptrmemtype, NULL);
- }
- break;
- /* Defines a C++ pointer-to-function-member type.
- * The "pointsto" field defines the class,
- * while the "memtype" field defines the pointed-to-type.
- */
- {
- struct type * ptrmemtype;
- struct type * class_type;
- struct type * functype;
- struct type * retvaltype;
- int nargs;
- int i;
- struct type ** args_type;
- class_type = hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dptrmem.pointsto,
- objfile);
- functype = hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dptrmem.memtype,
- objfile);
- retvaltype = TYPE_TARGET_TYPE (functype);
- nargs = TYPE_NFIELDS (functype);
- args_type = (struct type **) xmalloc ((nargs+1) * sizeof (struct type *));
- for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
- args_type[i] = TYPE_FIELD_TYPE (functype, i);
- }
- args_type[nargs] = NULL;
- ptrmemtype = alloc_type(objfile);
- smash_to_method_type(ptrmemtype, class_type, retvaltype, args_type);
- return make_pointer_type(ptrmemtype, NULL);
- }
- break;
- return hpread_read_struct_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile);
- /* Chase pointer from GENFIELD to FIELD, and make recursive
- * call on that.
- */
- return hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dgenfield.field, objfile);
- /* C++ virtual function.
- * We get here in the course of processing a class type which
- * contains virtual functions. Just go through another level
- * of indirection to get to the pointed-to function SOM.
- */
- return hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dvfunc.funcptr, objfile);
- /* Check the modifiers and then just make a recursive call on
- * the "type" pointed to by the modifier DNTT.
- *
- * pai:: FIXME -- do we ever want to handle "m_duplicate" and
- * "m_void" modifiers? Is static_flag really needed here?
- * (m_static used for methods of classes, elsewhere).
- */
- tmp_type = make_cv_type (dn_bufp->dmodifier.m_const,
- dn_bufp->dmodifier.m_volatile,
- hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dmodifier.type, objfile),
- 0);
- return tmp_type;
- /* Member function. Treat like a function.
- * I think we get here in the course of processing a
- * pointer-to-member-function type...
- */
- return hpread_read_function_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile, 0);
- return hpread_read_doc_function_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile, 0);
- /* Template - sort of the header for a template definition,
- * which like a class, points to a member list and also points
- * to a TEMPLATE_ARG list of type-arguments.
- */
- return hpread_read_struct_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile);
- {
- char * name;
- /* The TEMPLATE record points to an argument list of
- * TEMPLATE_ARG records, each of which describes one
- * of the type-arguments.
- */
- name = VT (objfile) + dn_bufp->;
- return hpread_read_templ_arg_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile, name);
- }
- /* We wind up here when processing a TEMPLATE type,
- * if the template has member function(s).
- * Treat it like a FUNCTION.
- */
- return hpread_read_function_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile, 0);
- /* The LINK record is used to link up templates with instantiations.
- * There is no type associated with the LINK record per se.
- */
- return lookup_fundamental_type (objfile, FT_VOID);
- /* Also not yet handled... */
- /* case DNTT_TYPE_BEGIN_EXT: */
- /* case DNTT_TYPE_INLN: */
- /* case DNTT_TYPE_INLN_LIST: */
- /* case DNTT_TYPE_ALIAS: */
- default:
- /* A fancy way of returning NULL */
- return lookup_fundamental_type (objfile, FT_VOID);
- }
-static sltpointer
-hpread_record_lines (subfile, s_idx, e_idx, objfile, offset)
- struct subfile *subfile;
- sltpointer s_idx, e_idx;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- CORE_ADDR offset;
- union sltentry *sl_bufp;
- while (s_idx <= e_idx)
- {
- sl_bufp = hpread_get_slt (s_idx, objfile);
- /* Only record "normal" entries in the SLT. */
- if (sl_bufp->snorm.sltdesc == SLT_NORMAL
- || sl_bufp->snorm.sltdesc == SLT_EXIT)
- record_line (subfile, sl_bufp->snorm.line,
- sl_bufp->snorm.address + offset);
- else if (sl_bufp->snorm.sltdesc == SLT_NORMAL_OFFSET)
- record_line (subfile, sl_bufp->snormoff.line,
- sl_bufp->snormoff.address + offset);
- s_idx++;
- }
- return e_idx;
-/* Given a function "f" which is a member of a class, find
- * the classname that it is a member of. Used to construct
- * the name (e.g., "c::f") which GDB will put in the
- * "demangled name" field of the function's symbol.
- * Called from hpread_process_one_debug_symbol()
- * If "f" is not a member function, return NULL.
- */
-char * class_of (functype)
-struct type * functype;
- struct type * first_param_type;
- char * first_param_name;
- struct type * pointed_to_type;
- char * class_name;
- /* Check that the function has a first argument "this",
- * and that "this" is a pointer to a class. If not,
- * functype is not a member function, so return NULL.
- */
- if (TYPE_NFIELDS(functype) == 0)
- return NULL;
- first_param_name = TYPE_FIELD_NAME (functype, 0);
- if (first_param_name == NULL)
- return NULL; /* paranoia */
- if (strcmp(first_param_name, "this"))
- return NULL;
- first_param_type = TYPE_FIELD_TYPE (functype, 0);
- if (first_param_type == NULL)
- return NULL; /* paranoia */
- if (TYPE_CODE(first_param_type) != TYPE_CODE_PTR)
- return NULL;
- /* Get the thing that "this" points to, check that
- * it's a class, and get its class name.
- */
- pointed_to_type = TYPE_TARGET_TYPE(first_param_type);
- if (pointed_to_type == NULL)
- return NULL; /* paranoia */
- if (TYPE_CODE(pointed_to_type) != TYPE_CODE_CLASS)
- return NULL;
- class_name = TYPE_NAME(pointed_to_type);
- if (class_name == NULL)
- return NULL; /* paranoia */
- /* The class name may be of the form "class c", in which case
- * we want to strip off the leading "class ".
- */
- if (strncmp(class_name, "class ", 6) == 0)
- class_name += 6;
- return class_name;
-/* Internalize one native debug symbol.
- * Called in a loop from hpread_expand_symtab().
- * Arguments:
- * dn_bufp:
- * name:
- * section_offsets:
- * objfile:
- * text_offset:
- * text_size:
- * filename:
- * index: Index of this symbol
- * at_module_boundary_p Pointer to boolean flag to control caller's loop.
- */
-static void
-hpread_process_one_debug_symbol (dn_bufp, name, section_offsets, objfile,
- text_offset, text_size, filename,
- index, at_module_boundary_p
- )
- union dnttentry *dn_bufp;
- char *name;
- struct section_offsets *section_offsets;
- struct objfile *objfile;
- CORE_ADDR text_offset;
- int text_size;
- char *filename;
- int index;
- int *at_module_boundary_p;
- unsigned long desc;
- int type;
- CORE_ADDR valu;
- int offset = ANOFFSET (section_offsets, SECT_OFF_TEXT);
- int data_offset = ANOFFSET (section_offsets, SECT_OFF_DATA);
- union dnttentry *dn_temp;
- dnttpointer hp_type;
- struct symbol *sym;
- struct context_stack *new;
- char * class_scope_name;
- extern int is_in_import_list (); /* in somread.c */
- /* Allocate one GDB debug symbol and fill in some default values. */
- sym = (struct symbol *) obstack_alloc (&objfile->symbol_obstack,
- sizeof (struct symbol));
- memset (sym, 0, sizeof (struct symbol));
- SYMBOL_NAME (sym) = obsavestring (name, strlen (name), &objfile->symbol_obstack);
- SYMBOL_LANGUAGE (sym) = language_auto;
- SYMBOL_LINE (sym) = 0;
- SYMBOL_VALUE (sym) = 0;
- /* Just a trick in case the SOM debug symbol is a type definition.
- * There are routines that are set up to build a GDB type symbol, given
- * a SOM dnttpointer. So we set up a dummy SOM dnttpointer "hp_type".
- * This allows us to call those same routines.
- */
- hp_type.dnttp.extension = 1;
- hp_type.dnttp.immediate = 0;
- = 0;
- hp_type.dnttp.index = index;
- /* This "type" is the type of SOM record.
- * Switch on SOM type.
- */
- type = dn_bufp->dblock.kind;
- switch (type)
- {
- /* This type of symbol indicates from which source file or
- * include file any following data comes. It may indicate:
- *
- * o The start of an entirely new source file (and thus
- * a new module)
- *
- * o The start of a different source file due to #include
- *
- * o The end of an include file and the return to the original
- * file. Thus if "foo.c" includes "bar.h", we see first
- * a SRCFILE for foo.c, then one for bar.h, and then one for
- * foo.c again.
- *
- * If it indicates the start of a new module then we must
- * finish the symbol table of the previous module
- * (if any) and start accumulating a new symbol table.
- */
- valu = text_offset;
- if (!last_source_file ) {
- /*
- * A note on "last_source_file": this is a char* pointing
- * to the actual file name. "start_symtab" sets it,
- * "end_symtab" clears it.
- *
- * So if "last_source_file" is NULL, then either this is
- * the first record we are looking at, or a previous call
- * to "end_symtab()" was made to close out the previous
- * module. Since we're now quitting the scan loop when we
- * see a MODULE END record, we should never get here, except
- * in the case that we're not using the quick look-up tables
- * and have to use the old system as a fall-back.
- */
- start_symtab (name, NULL, valu);
- record_debugformat ("HP");
- SL_INDEX (objfile) = dn_bufp->dsfile.address;
- }
- else {
- /* Either a new include file, or a SRCFILE record
- * saying we are back in the main source (or out of
- * a nested include file) again.
- */
- SL_INDEX (objfile) = hpread_record_lines (current_subfile,
- SL_INDEX (objfile),
- dn_bufp->dsfile.address,
- objfile, offset);
- }
- /* A note on "start_subfile". This routine will check
- * the name we pass it and look for an existing subfile
- * of that name. There's thus only one sub-file for the
- * actual source (e.g. for "foo.c" in foo.c), despite the
- * fact that we'll see lots of SRCFILE entries for foo.c
- * inside foo.c.
- */
- start_subfile (name, NULL);
- break;
- /*
- * We no longer ignore DNTT_TYPE_MODULE symbols. The module
- * represents the meaningful semantic structure of a compilation
- * unit. We expect to start the psymtab-to-symtab expansion
- * looking at a MODULE entry, and to end it at the corresponding
- * END MODULE entry.
- *
- *--Begin outdated comments
- *
- * This record signifies the start of a new source module
- * In C/C++ there is no explicit "module" construct in the language,
- * but each compilation unit is implicitly a module and they
- * do emit the DNTT_TYPE_MODULE records.
- * The end of the module is marked by a matching DNTT_TYPE_END record.
- *
- * The reason GDB gets away with ignoring the DNTT_TYPE_MODULE record
- * is it notices the DNTT_TYPE_END record for the previous
- * module (see comments under DNTT_TYPE_END case), and then treats
- * the next DNTT_TYPE_SRCFILE record as if it were the module-start record.
- * (i.e., it makes a start_symtab() call).
- * This scheme seems a little convoluted, but I'll leave it
- * alone on the principle "if it ain't broke don't fix
- * it". (RT).
- *
- *-- End outdated comments
- */
- valu = text_offset;
- if (!last_source_file )
- {
- /* Start of a new module. We know this because "last_source_file"
- * is NULL, which can only happen the first time or if we just
- * made a call to end_symtab() to close out the previous module.
- */
- start_symtab (name, NULL, valu);
- SL_INDEX (objfile) = dn_bufp->dmodule.address;
- }
- else
- {
- /* This really shouldn't happen if we're using the quick
- * look-up tables, as it would mean we'd scanned past an
- * END MODULE entry. But if we're not using the tables,
- * we started the module on the SRCFILE entry, so it's ok.
- * For now, accept this.
- */
- /* warning( "Error expanding psymtab, missed module end, found entry for %s",
- * name );
- */
- *at_module_boundary_p = -1;
- }
- start_subfile (name, NULL);
- break;
- /* A function or secondary entry point. */
- valu = dn_bufp->dfunc.lowaddr + offset;
- /* Record lines up to this point. */
- SL_INDEX (objfile) = hpread_record_lines (current_subfile,
- SL_INDEX (objfile),
- dn_bufp->dfunc.address,
- objfile, offset);
- WITHIN_FUNCTION (objfile) = 1;
- CURRENT_FUNCTION_VALUE (objfile) = valu;
- /* Stack must be empty now. */
- if (context_stack_depth != 0)
- complain (&lbrac_unmatched_complaint, (char *) symnum);
- new = push_context (0, valu);
- /* Built a type for the function. This includes processing
- * the symbol records for the function parameters.
- */
- SYMBOL_TYPE (sym) = hpread_read_function_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile, 1);
- /* The "SYMBOL_NAME" field is expected to be the mangled name
- * (if any), which we get from the "alias" field of the SOM record
- * if that exists.
- */
- if ((dn_bufp->dfunc.language == HP_LANGUAGE_CPLUSPLUS) &&
- dn_bufp->dfunc.alias && /* has an alias */
- *(char *)(VT (objfile) + dn_bufp->dfunc.alias)) /* not a null string */
- SYMBOL_NAME (sym) = VT (objfile) + dn_bufp->dfunc.alias;
- else
- SYMBOL_NAME (sym) = VT (objfile) + dn_bufp->;
- /* Special hack to get around HP compilers' insistence on
- * reporting "main" as "_MAIN_" for C/C++ */
- if ((strcmp (SYMBOL_NAME (sym), "_MAIN_") == 0) &&
- (strcmp (VT (objfile) + dn_bufp->, "main") == 0))
- SYMBOL_NAME (sym) = VT (objfile) + dn_bufp->;
- /* The SYMBOL_CPLUS_DEMANGLED_NAME field is expected to
- * be the demangled name.
- */
- if (dn_bufp->dfunc.language == HP_LANGUAGE_CPLUSPLUS)
- {
- /* SYMBOL_INIT_DEMANGLED_NAME is a macro which winds up
- * calling the demangler in libiberty (cplus_demangle()) to
- * do the job. This generally does the job, even though
- * it's intended for the GNU compiler and not the aCC compiler
- * Note that SYMBOL_INIT_DEMANGLED_NAME calls the
- * demangler with arguments DMGL_PARAMS | DMGL_ANSI.
- * Generally, we don't want params when we display
- * a demangled name, but when I took out the DMGL_PARAMS,
- * some things broke, so I'm leaving it in here, and
- * working around the issue in stack.c. - RT
- */
- SYMBOL_INIT_DEMANGLED_NAME (sym, &objfile->symbol_obstack);
- if ((SYMBOL_NAME (sym) == VT (objfile) + dn_bufp->dfunc.alias) &&
- /* Well, the symbol name is mangled, but the
- * demangler in libiberty failed so the demangled
- * field is still NULL. Try to
- * do the job ourselves based on the "name" field
- * in the SOM record. A complication here is that
- * the name field contains only the function name
- * (like "f"), whereas we want the class qualification
- * (as in "c::f"). Try to reconstruct that.
- */
- char * basename;
- char * classname;
- char * dem_name;
- basename = VT (objfile) + dn_bufp->;
- classname = class_of(SYMBOL_TYPE(sym));
- if (classname) {
- dem_name = xmalloc(strlen(basename)+strlen(classname)+3);
- strcpy(dem_name, classname);
- strcat(dem_name, "::");
- strcat(dem_name, basename);
- SYMBOL_LANGUAGE (sym) = language_cplus;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Add the function symbol to the list of symbols in this blockvector */
- if (dn_bufp->
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &global_symbols);
- else
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &file_symbols);
- new->name = sym;
- /* Search forward to the next BEGIN and also read
- * in the line info up to that point.
- * Not sure why this is needed.
- * In HP FORTRAN this code is harmful since there
- * may not be a BEGIN after the FUNCTION.
- * So I made it C/C++ specific. - RT
- */
- if (dn_bufp->dfunc.language == HP_LANGUAGE_C ||
- dn_bufp->dfunc.language == HP_LANGUAGE_CPLUSPLUS) {
- while (dn_bufp->dblock.kind != DNTT_TYPE_BEGIN)
- {
- dn_bufp = hpread_get_lntt (++index, objfile);
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.extension)
- continue;
- }
- SL_INDEX (objfile) = hpread_record_lines (current_subfile,
- SL_INDEX (objfile),
- dn_bufp->dbegin.address,
- objfile, offset);
- SYMBOL_LINE (sym) = hpread_get_line (dn_bufp->dbegin.address, objfile);
- }
- record_line (current_subfile, SYMBOL_LINE (sym), valu);
- break;
- valu = dn_bufp->ddocfunc.lowaddr + offset;
- /* Record lines up to this point. */
- SL_INDEX (objfile) = hpread_record_lines (current_subfile,
- SL_INDEX (objfile),
- dn_bufp->ddocfunc.address,
- objfile, offset);
- WITHIN_FUNCTION (objfile) = 1;
- CURRENT_FUNCTION_VALUE (objfile) = valu;
- /* Stack must be empty now. */
- if (context_stack_depth != 0)
- complain (&lbrac_unmatched_complaint, (char *) symnum);
- new = push_context (0, valu);
- /* Built a type for the function. This includes processing
- * the symbol records for the function parameters.
- */
- SYMBOL_TYPE (sym) = hpread_read_doc_function_type (hp_type, dn_bufp, objfile, 1);
- /* The "SYMBOL_NAME" field is expected to be the mangled name
- * (if any), which we get from the "alias" field of the SOM record
- * if that exists.
- */
- if ((dn_bufp->ddocfunc.language == HP_LANGUAGE_CPLUSPLUS) &&
- dn_bufp->ddocfunc.alias && /* has an alias */
- *(char *)(VT (objfile) + dn_bufp->ddocfunc.alias)) /* not a null string */
- SYMBOL_NAME (sym) = VT (objfile) + dn_bufp->ddocfunc.alias;
- else
- SYMBOL_NAME (sym) = VT (objfile) + dn_bufp->;
- /* Special hack to get around HP compilers' insistence on
- * reporting "main" as "_MAIN_" for C/C++ */
- if ((strcmp (SYMBOL_NAME (sym), "_MAIN_") == 0) &&
- (strcmp (VT (objfile) + dn_bufp->, "main") == 0))
- SYMBOL_NAME (sym) = VT (objfile) + dn_bufp->;
- if (dn_bufp->ddocfunc.language == HP_LANGUAGE_CPLUSPLUS) {
- /* SYMBOL_INIT_DEMANGLED_NAME is a macro which winds up
- * calling the demangler in libiberty (cplus_demangle()) to
- * do the job. This generally does the job, even though
- * it's intended for the GNU compiler and not the aCC compiler
- * Note that SYMBOL_INIT_DEMANGLED_NAME calls the
- * demangler with arguments DMGL_PARAMS | DMGL_ANSI.
- * Generally, we don't want params when we display
- * a demangled name, but when I took out the DMGL_PARAMS,
- * some things broke, so I'm leaving it in here, and
- * working around the issue in stack.c. - RT
- */
- SYMBOL_INIT_DEMANGLED_NAME (sym, &objfile->symbol_obstack);
- if ((SYMBOL_NAME (sym) == VT (objfile) + dn_bufp->ddocfunc.alias) &&
- /* Well, the symbol name is mangled, but the
- * demangler in libiberty failed so the demangled
- * field is still NULL. Try to
- * do the job ourselves based on the "name" field
- * in the SOM record. A complication here is that
- * the name field contains only the function name
- * (like "f"), whereas we want the class qualification
- * (as in "c::f"). Try to reconstruct that.
- */
- char * basename;
- char * classname;
- char * dem_name;
- basename = VT (objfile) + dn_bufp->;
- classname = class_of(SYMBOL_TYPE(sym));
- if (classname) {
- dem_name = xmalloc(strlen(basename)+strlen(classname)+3);
- strcpy(dem_name, classname);
- strcat(dem_name, "::");
- strcat(dem_name, basename);
- SYMBOL_LANGUAGE (sym) = language_cplus;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Add the function symbol to the list of symbols in this blockvector */
- if (dn_bufp->
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &global_symbols);
- else
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &file_symbols);
- new->name = sym;
- /* Search forward to the next BEGIN and also read
- * in the line info up to that point.
- * Not sure why this is needed.
- * In HP FORTRAN this code is harmful since there
- * may not be a BEGIN after the FUNCTION.
- * So I made it C/C++ specific. - RT
- */
- if (dn_bufp->ddocfunc.language == HP_LANGUAGE_C ||
- dn_bufp->ddocfunc.language == HP_LANGUAGE_CPLUSPLUS) {
- while (dn_bufp->dblock.kind != DNTT_TYPE_BEGIN)
- {
- dn_bufp = hpread_get_lntt (++index, objfile);
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.extension)
- continue;
- }
- SL_INDEX (objfile) = hpread_record_lines (current_subfile,
- SL_INDEX (objfile),
- dn_bufp->dbegin.address,
- objfile, offset);
- SYMBOL_LINE (sym) = hpread_get_line (dn_bufp->dbegin.address, objfile);
- }
- record_line (current_subfile, SYMBOL_LINE (sym), valu);
- break;
- /* Begin a new scope. */
- if (context_stack_depth == 1 /* this means we're at function level */ &&
- context_stack[0].name != NULL /* this means it's a function */ &&
- context_stack[0].depth == 0 /* this means it's the first BEGIN
- we've seen after the FUNCTION */
- )
- {
- /* This is the first BEGIN after a FUNCTION.
- * We ignore this one, since HP compilers always insert
- * at least one BEGIN, i.e. it's:
- *
- * argument symbols
- * local symbols
- * (possibly nested BEGIN ... END's if there are inner { } blocks)
- * END
- * END
- *
- * By ignoring this first BEGIN, the local symbols get treated
- * as belonging to the function scope, and "print func::local_sym"
- * works (which is what we want).
- */
- /* All we do here is increase the depth count associated with
- * the FUNCTION entry in the context stack. This ensures that
- * the next BEGIN we see (if any), representing a real nested { }
- * block, will get processed.
- */
- context_stack[0].depth++;
- } else {
- /* Record lines up to this SLT pointer. */
- SL_INDEX (objfile) = hpread_record_lines (current_subfile,
- SL_INDEX (objfile),
- dn_bufp->dbegin.address,
- objfile, offset);
- /* Calculate start address of new scope */
- valu = hpread_get_location (dn_bufp->dbegin.address, objfile);
- valu += offset; /* Relocate for dynamic loading */
- /* We use the scope start DNTT index as nesting depth identifier! */
- desc = hpread_get_scope_start (dn_bufp->dbegin.address, objfile);
- new = push_context (desc, valu);
- }
- break;
- /* End a scope. */
- /* Valid end kinds are:
- * WITH
- */
- SL_INDEX (objfile) = hpread_record_lines (current_subfile,
- SL_INDEX (objfile),
- dn_bufp->dend.address,
- objfile, offset);
- switch (dn_bufp->dend.endkind)
- {
- /* Ending a module ends the symbol table for that module.
- * Calling end_symtab() has the side effect of clearing the
- * last_source_file pointer, which in turn signals
- * process_one_debug_symbol() to treat the next DNTT_TYPE_SRCFILE
- * record as a module-begin.
- */
- valu = text_offset + text_size + offset;
- /* Tell our caller that we're done with expanding the
- * debug information for a module.
- */
- *at_module_boundary_p = 1;
- /* Don't do this, as our caller will do it!
- *
- * (void) end_symtab (valu, objfile, 0);
- */
- break;
- /* Ending a function, well, ends the function's scope. */
- dn_temp = hpread_get_lntt (dn_bufp->dend.beginscope.dnttp.index,
- objfile);
- valu = dn_temp->dfunc.hiaddr + offset;
- /* Insert func params into local list */
- merge_symbol_lists (&param_symbols, &local_symbols);
- new = pop_context ();
- /* Make a block for the local symbols within. */
- finish_block (new->name, &local_symbols, new->old_blocks,
- new->start_addr, valu, objfile);
- WITHIN_FUNCTION (objfile) = 0; /* This may have to change for Pascal */
- local_symbols = new->locals;
- param_symbols = new->params;
- break;
- if (context_stack_depth == 1 &&
- context_stack[0].name != NULL &&
- context_stack[0].depth == 1)
- {
- /* This is the END corresponding to the
- * BEGIN which we ignored - see DNTT_TYPE_BEGIN case above.
- */
- context_stack[0].depth--;
- } else {
- /* Ending a local scope. */
- valu = hpread_get_location (dn_bufp->dend.address, objfile);
- /* Why in the hell is this needed? */
- valu += offset + 9; /* Relocate for dynamic loading */
- new = pop_context ();
- desc = dn_bufp->dend.beginscope.dnttp.index;
- if (desc != new->depth)
- complain (&lbrac_mismatch_complaint, (char *) symnum);
- /* Make a block for the local symbols within. */
- finish_block (new->name, &local_symbols, new->old_blocks,
- new->start_addr, valu, objfile);
- local_symbols = new->locals;
- param_symbols = new->params;
- }
- break;
- /* Since we ignore the DNTT_TYPE_WITH that starts the scope,
- * we can ignore the DNTT_TYPE_END that ends it.
- */
- break;
- /* End a FORTRAN common block. We don't currently handle these */
- complain (&hpread_unhandled_end_common_complaint);
- break;
- /* pai: FIXME Not handling nested classes for now -- must
- * maintain a stack */
- class_scope_name = NULL;
-#if 0
- /* End a class scope */
- valu = hpread_get_location (dn_bufp->dend.address, objfile);
- /* Why in the hell is this needed? */
- valu += offset + 9; /* Relocate for dynamic loading */
- new = pop_context ();
- desc = dn_bufp->dend.beginscope.dnttp.index;
- if (desc != new->depth)
- complain (&lbrac_mismatch_complaint, (char *) symnum);
- /* Make a block for the local symbols within. */
- finish_block (new->name, &local_symbols, new->old_blocks,
- new->start_addr, valu, objfile);
- local_symbols = new->locals;
- param_symbols = new->params;
- break;
- default:
- complain (&hpread_unexpected_end_complaint);
- break;
- }
- break;
- /* DNTT_TYPE_IMPORT is not handled */
- break;
- /* Function parameters. */
- /* Note 1: This code was present in the 4.16 sources, and then
- removed, because fparams are handled in
- hpread_read_function_type(). However, while fparam symbols
- are indeed handled twice, this code here cannot be removed
- because then they don't get added to the local symbol list of
- the function's code block, which leads to a failure to look
- up locals, "this"-relative member names, etc. So I've put
- this code back in. pai/1997-07-21 */
- /* Note 2: To fix a defect, we stopped adding FPARAMS to local_symbols
- in hpread_read_function_type(), so FPARAMS had to be handled
- here. I changed the location to be the appropriate argument
- kinds rather than LOC_LOCAL. pai/1997-08-08 */
- /* Note 3: Well, the fix in Note 2 above broke argument printing
- in traceback frames, and further it makes assumptions about the
- order of the FPARAM entries from HP compilers (cc and aCC in particular
- generate them in reverse orders -- fixing one breaks for the other).
- So I've added code in hpread_read_function_type() to add fparams
- to a param_symbols list for the current context level. These are
- then merged into local_symbols when a function end is reached.
- pai/1997-08-11 */
- break; /* do nothing; handled in hpread_read_function_type() */
-#if 0 /* Old code */
- if (dn_bufp->dfparam.regparam)
- else if (dn_bufp->dfparam.indirect)
- else
- if (dn_bufp->dfparam.copyparam)
- {
- SYMBOL_VALUE (sym) = dn_bufp->dfparam.location;
- }
- else
- SYMBOL_VALUE (sym) = dn_bufp->dfparam.location;
- SYMBOL_TYPE (sym) = hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dfparam.type, objfile);
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &fparam_symbols);
- break;
- /* Static variables. */
- /* Note: There is a case that arises with globals in shared
- * libraries where we need to set the address to LOC_INDIRECT.
- * This case is if you have a global "g" in one library, and
- * it is referenced "extern <type> g;" in another library.
- * If we're processing the symbols for the referencing library,
- * we'll see a global "g", but in this case the address given
- * in the symbol table contains a pointer to the real "g".
- * We use the storage class LOC_INDIRECT to indicate this. RT
- */
- if (is_in_import_list (SYMBOL_NAME(sym), objfile))
- SYMBOL_VALUE_ADDRESS (sym) = dn_bufp->dsvar.location + data_offset;
- SYMBOL_TYPE (sym) = hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dsvar.type, objfile);
- if (dn_bufp->
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &global_symbols);
- else if (WITHIN_FUNCTION (objfile))
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &local_symbols);
- else
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &file_symbols);
- if (dn_bufp->dsvar.thread_specific)
- {
- /* Thread-local variable.
- */
- if( objfile->flags & OBJF_SHARED ) {
- /*
- * This variable is not only thread local but
- * in a shared library.
- *
- * Alas, the shared lib structures are private
- * to "somsolib.c". But C lets us point to one.
- */
- struct so_list *so;
- if( objfile->obj_private == NULL )
- error( "Internal error in reading shared library information." );
- so = ((obj_private_data_t *)(objfile->obj_private))->so_info;
- if( so == NULL )
- error( "Internal error in reading shared library information." );
- /* Thread-locals in shared libraries do NOT have the
- * standard offset ("data_offset"), so we re-calculate
- * where to look for this variable, using a call-back
- * to interpret the private shared-library data.
- */
- SYMBOL_VALUE_ADDRESS(sym) = dn_bufp->dsvar.location +
- so_lib_thread_start_addr( so );
- }
- }
- break;
- /* Dynamic variables. */
- if (dn_bufp->ddvar.regvar)
- else
- SYMBOL_VALUE (sym) = dn_bufp->ddvar.location;
- SYMBOL_TYPE (sym) = hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->ddvar.type, objfile);
- if (dn_bufp->
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &global_symbols);
- else if (WITHIN_FUNCTION (objfile))
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &local_symbols);
- else
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &file_symbols);
- break;
- /* A constant (pascal?). */
- SYMBOL_VALUE (sym) = dn_bufp->dconst.location;
- SYMBOL_TYPE (sym) = hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dconst.type, objfile);
- if (dn_bufp->
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &global_symbols);
- else if (WITHIN_FUNCTION (objfile))
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &local_symbols);
- else
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &file_symbols);
- break;
- /* A typedef. We do want to process these, since a name is
- * added to the namespace for the typedef'ed name.
- */
- SYMBOL_TYPE (sym) = hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dtype.type, objfile);
- if (dn_bufp->
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &global_symbols);
- else if (WITHIN_FUNCTION (objfile))
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &local_symbols);
- else
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &file_symbols);
- break;
- {
- int global = dn_bufp->;
- /* Structure, union, enum, template, or class tag definition */
- /* We do want to process these, since a name is
- * added to the namespace for the tag name (and if C++ class,
- * for the typename also).
- */
- /* The tag contains in its "type" field a pointer to the
- * record that actually defines the type.
- */
- SYMBOL_TYPE (sym) = hpread_type_lookup (dn_bufp->dtype.type, objfile);
- TYPE_NAME (sym->type) = SYMBOL_NAME (sym);
- TYPE_TAG_NAME (sym->type) = SYMBOL_NAME (sym);
- if (dn_bufp->
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &global_symbols);
- else if (WITHIN_FUNCTION (objfile))
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &local_symbols);
- else
- add_symbol_to_list (sym, &file_symbols);
- /* If this is a C++ class, then we additionally
- * need to define a typedef for the
- * class type. E.g., so that the name "c" becomes visible as
- * a type name when the user says "class c { ... }".
- * In order to figure this out, we need to chase down the "type"
- * field to get to the DNTT_TYPE_CLASS record.
- *
- * We also add the typename for ENUM. Though this isn't
- * strictly correct, it is necessary because of the debug info
- * generated by the aCC compiler, in which we cannot
- * distinguish between:
- * enum e { ... };
- * and
- * typedef enum { ... } e;
- * I.e., the compiler emits the same debug info for the above
- * two cases, in both cases "e" appearing as a tagdef.
- * Therefore go ahead and generate the typename so that
- * "ptype e" will work in the above cases.
- *
- * We also add the typename for TEMPLATE, so as to allow "ptype t"
- * when "t" is a template name.
- */
- if (dn_bufp->dtype.type.dnttp.index < LNTT_SYMCOUNT (objfile))
- dn_bufp = hpread_get_lntt (dn_bufp->dtag.type.dnttp.index, objfile);
- else {
- complain (&hpread_tagdef_complaint);
- return;
- }
- if (dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_CLASS ||
- dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_ENUM ||
- dn_bufp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_TEMPLATE) {
- struct symbol *newsym;
- newsym = (struct symbol *) obstack_alloc (&objfile->symbol_obstack,
- sizeof (struct symbol));
- memset (newsym, 0, sizeof (struct symbol));
- SYMBOL_NAME (newsym) = name;
- SYMBOL_LANGUAGE (newsym) = language_auto;
- SYMBOL_LINE (newsym) = 0;
- SYMBOL_VALUE (newsym) = 0;
- SYMBOL_TYPE (newsym) = sym->type;
- if (global)
- add_symbol_to_list (newsym, &global_symbols);
- else if (WITHIN_FUNCTION (objfile))
- add_symbol_to_list (newsym, &local_symbols);
- else
- add_symbol_to_list (newsym, &file_symbols);
- }
- }
- break;
- /* Declares a pointer type. Should not be necessary to do anything
- * with the type at this level; these are processed
- * at the hpread_type_lookup() level.
- */
- break;
- /* Declares an enum type. Should not be necessary to do anything
- * with the type at this level; these are processed
- * at the hpread_type_lookup() level.
- */
- break;
- /* Member of enum */
- /* Ignored at this level, but hpread_read_enum_type() will take
- * care of walking the list of enumeration members.
- */
- break;
- /* Declares a set type. Should not be necessary to do anything
- * with the type at this level; these are processed
- * at the hpread_type_lookup() level.
- */
- break;
- /* Declares a subrange type. Should not be necessary to do anything
- * with the type at this level; these are processed
- * at the hpread_type_lookup() level.
- */
- break;
- /* Declares an array type. Should not be necessary to do anything
- * with the type at this level; these are processed
- * at the hpread_type_lookup() level.
- */
- break;
- /* Declares an struct/union type.
- * Should not be necessary to do anything
- * with the type at this level; these are processed
- * at the hpread_type_lookup() level.
- */
- break;
- /* Structure/union/class field */
- /* Ignored at this level, but hpread_read_struct_type() will take
- * care of walking the list of structure/union/class members.
- */
- break;
- /* DNTT_TYPE_VARIANT is not handled by GDB */
- /* DNTT_TYPE_FILE is not handled by GDB */
- /* Function type */
- /* Ignored at this level, handled within hpread_type_lookup() */
- break;
- /* This is emitted within methods to indicate "with <class>"
- * scoping rules (i.e., indicate that the class data members
- * are directly visible).
- * However, since GDB already infers this by looking at the
- * "this" argument, interpreting the DNTT_TYPE_WITH
- * symbol record is unnecessary.
- */
- break;
- /* FORTRAN common. Not yet handled. */
- complain (&hpread_unhandled_common_complaint);
- break;
- /* DNTT_TYPE_COBSTRUCT is not handled by GDB. */
- /* DNTT_TYPE_XREF is not handled by GDB. */
- /* DNTT_TYPE_SA is not handled by GDB. */
- /* DNTT_TYPE_MACRO is not handled by GDB */
- /* Not sure what this is - part of FORTRAN support maybe?
- * Anyway, not yet handled.
- */
- complain (&hpread_unhandled_blockdata_complaint);
- break;
- /* The compiler brackets member functions with a CLASS_SCOPE/END
- * pair of records, presumably to put them in a different scope
- * from the module scope where they are normally defined.
- * E.g., in the situation:
- * void f() { ... }
- * void c::f() { ...}
- * The member function "c::f" will be bracketed by a CLASS_SCOPE/END.
- * This causes "break f" at the module level to pick the
- * the file-level function f(), not the member function
- * (which needs to be referenced via "break c::f").
- *
- * Here we record the class name to generate the demangled names of
- * member functions later.
- *
- * FIXME Not being used now for anything -- cplus_demangle seems
- * enough for getting the class-qualified names of functions. We
- * may need this for handling nested classes and types. */
- /* pai: FIXME Not handling nested classes for now -- need to
- * maintain a stack */
- dn_temp = hpread_get_lntt (dn_bufp->dclass_scope.type.dnttp.index, objfile);
- if (dn_temp->dblock.kind == DNTT_TYPE_TAGDEF)
- class_scope_name = VT (objfile) + dn_temp->;
- else
- class_scope_name = NULL;
-#if 0
- /* Begin a new scope. */
- SL_INDEX (objfile) = hpread_record_lines (current_subfile,
- SL_INDEX (objfile),
- dn_bufp->dclass_scope.address,
- objfile, offset);
- valu = hpread_get_location (dn_bufp->dclass_scope.address, objfile);
- valu += offset; /* Relocate for dynamic loading */
- desc = hpread_get_scope_start (dn_bufp->dclass_scope.address, objfile);
- /* We use the scope start DNTT index as the nesting depth identifier! */
- new = push_context (desc, valu);
- break;
- /* Declares a C++ reference type. Should not be necessary to do anything
- * with the type at this level; these are processed
- * at the hpread_type_lookup() level.
- */
- break;
- /* Declares a C++ pointer-to-data-member type. This does not
- * need to be handled at this level; being a type description it
- * is instead handled at the hpread_type_lookup() level.
- */
- break;
- /* Declares a C++ pointer-to-function-member type. This does not
- * need to be handled at this level; being a type description it
- * is instead handled at the hpread_type_lookup() level.
- */
- break;
- /* Declares a class type.
- * Should not be necessary to do anything
- * with the type at this level; these are processed
- * at the hpread_type_lookup() level.
- */
- break;
- /* I believe this is used for class member functions */
- /* Ignored at this level, but hpread_read_struct_type() will take
- * care of walking the list of class members.
- */
- break;
- /* Virtual function */
- /* This does not have to be handled at this level; handled in
- * the course of processing class symbols.
- */
- break;
- /* DDE ignores this symbol table record.
- * It has something to do with "modified access" to class members.
- * I'll assume we can safely ignore it too.
- */
- break;
- /* These don't have to be handled here, since they are handled
- * within hpread_read_struct_type() in the process of constructing
- * a class type.
- */
- break;
- /* These can safely be ignored, as GDB doesn't need this
- * info. DDE only uses it in "describe". We may later want
- * to extend GDB's "ptype" to give this info, but for now
- * it seems safe enough to ignore it.
- */
- break;
- /* Intended to supply "modified access" to a type */
- /* From the way DDE handles this, it looks like it always
- * modifies a type. Therefore it is safe to ignore it at this
- * level, and handle it in hpread_type_lookup().
- */
- break;
- /* Just ignore this - that's all DDE does */
- break;
- /* Member function */
- /* This does not have to be handled at this level; handled in
- * the course of processing class symbols.
- */
- break;
- /* Member function */
- /* This does not have to be handled at this level; handled in
- * the course of processing class symbols.
- */
- break;
- /* Template - sort of the header for a template definition,
- * which like a class, points to a member list and also points
- * to a TEMPLATE_ARG list of type-arguments.
- * We do not need to process TEMPLATE records at this level though.
- */
- break;
- /* The TEMPLATE record points to an argument list of
- * TEMPLATE_ARG records, each of which describes one
- * of the type-arguments.
- * We do not need to process TEMPLATE_ARG records at this level though.
- */
- break;
- /* This will get emitted for member functions of templates.
- * But we don't need to process this record at this level though,
- * we will process it in the course of processing a TEMPLATE
- * record.
- */
- break;
- /* The LINK record is used to link up templates with instantiations. */
- /* It is not clear why this is needed, and furthermore aCC does
- * not appear to generate this, so I think we can safely ignore it. - RT
- */
- break;
- /* DNTT_TYPE_DYN_ARRAY_DESC is not handled by GDB */
- /* DNTT_TYPE_DESC_SUBRANGE is not handled by GDB */
- /* DNTT_TYPE_BEGIN_EXT is not handled by GDB */
- /* DNTT_TYPE_INLN is not handled by GDB */
- /* DNTT_TYPE_INLN_LIST is not handled by GDB */
- /* DNTT_TYPE_ALIAS is not handled by GDB */
- default:
- break;
- }
-/* Get nesting depth for a DNTT entry.
- * DN_BUFP points to a DNTT entry.
- * OBJFILE is the object file.
- * REPORT_NESTED is a flag; if 0, real nesting depth is
- * reported, if it is 1, the function simply returns a
- * non-zero value if the nesting depth is anything > 0.
- *
- * Return value is an integer. 0 => not a local type / name
- * positive return => type or name is local to some
- * block or function.
- */
- this function now returns 0 right away. It was taking too much time
- at start up. Now, though, the local types are not handled correctly.
-static int
-hpread_get_scope_depth (dn_bufp, objfile, report_nested)
- union dnttentry * dn_bufp;
- struct objfile * objfile;
- int report_nested;
- register int index;
- register union dnttentry * dn_tmp;
- register short depth = 0;
- return 0;
- index = (((char *) dn_bufp) - LNTT (objfile)) / (sizeof (struct dntt_type_block));
- while (--index >= 0)
- {
- dn_tmp = hpread_get_lntt (index, objfile);
- switch (dn_tmp->dblock.kind)
- {
- return depth;
- /* index is signed int; dnttp.index is 29-bit unsigned int! */
- index = (int) dn_tmp->dend.beginscope.dnttp.index;
- break;
- depth++;
- if (report_nested)
- return 1;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- return depth;
-/* Adjust the bitoffsets for all fields of an anonymous union of
- type TYPE by negative BITS. This handles HP aCC's hideous habit
- of giving members of anonymous unions bit offsets relative to the
- enclosing structure instead of relative to the union itself. */
-static void
-hpread_adjust_bitoffsets (type, bits)
- struct type * type;
- int bits;
- register int i;
- /* This is done only for unions; caller had better check that
- it is an anonymous one. */
- if (TYPE_CODE (type) != TYPE_CODE_UNION)
- return;
- /* Adjust each field; since this is a union, there are no base
- classes. Also no static membes. Also, no need for recursion as
- the members of this union if themeselves structs or unions, have
- the correct bitoffsets; if an anonymous union is a member of this
- anonymous union, the code in hpread_read_struct_type() will
- adjust for that. */
- for (i = 0; i < TYPE_NFIELDS (type); i++)
- TYPE_FIELD_BITPOS (type, i) -= bits;
-/* Because of quirks in HP compilers' treatment of anonymous unions inside
- classes, we have to chase through a chain of threaded FIELD entries.
- If we encounter an anonymous union in the chain, we must recursively skip over
- that too.
- This function does a "next" in the chain of FIELD entries, but transparently
- skips over anonymous unions' fields (recursively).
- Inputs are the number of times to do "next" at the top level, the dnttpointer
- (FIELD) and entry pointer (FIELDP) for the dntt record corresponding to it,
- and the ubiquitous objfile parameter. (Note: FIELDP is a **.) Return value
- is a dnttpointer for the new field after all the skipped ones */
-static dnttpointer
-hpread_get_next_skip_over_anon_unions (skip_fields, field, fieldp, objfile)
- int skip_fields;
- dnttpointer field;
- union dnttentry ** fieldp;
- struct objfile * objfile;
- struct type * anon_type;
- register int i;
- int bitoffset;
- char * name;
- for (i=0; i < skip_fields; i++)
- {
- /* Get type of item we're looking at now; recursively processes the types
- of these intermediate items we skip over, so they aren't lost. */
- anon_type = hpread_type_lookup ((*fieldp)->dfield.type, objfile);
- anon_type = CHECK_TYPEDEF (anon_type);
- bitoffset = (*fieldp)->dfield.bitoffset;
- name = VT (objfile) + (*fieldp)->;
- /* First skip over one item to avoid stack death on recursion */
- field = (*fieldp)->dfield.nextfield;
- *fieldp = hpread_get_lntt (field.dnttp.index, objfile);
- /* Do we have another anonymous union? If so, adjust the bitoffsets
- of its members and skip over its members. */
- if ((TYPE_CODE (anon_type) == TYPE_CODE_UNION) &&
- (!name || STREQ (name, "")))
- {
- hpread_adjust_bitoffsets (anon_type, bitoffset);
- field = hpread_get_next_skip_over_anon_unions (TYPE_NFIELDS (anon_type), field, fieldp, objfile);
- }
- }
- return field;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/hpread.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/hpread.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7864dd651502..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/hpread.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-/* hpread.h
- * Common include file for:
- * hp_symtab_read.c
- * hp_psymtab_read.c
- */
-/* Copyright 1993, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GDB.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Written by the Center for Software Science at the University of Utah
- and by Cygnus Support. */
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "gdb_string.h"
-#include "hp-symtab.h"
-#include "syms.h"
-#include "symtab.h"
-#include "symfile.h"
-#include "objfiles.h"
-#include "buildsym.h"
-#include "complaints.h"
-#include "gdb-stabs.h"
-#include "gdbtypes.h"
-#include "demangle.h"
-/* Private information attached to an objfile which we use to find
- and internalize the HP C debug symbols within that objfile. */
-struct hpread_symfile_info
- /* The contents of each of the debug sections (there are 4 of them). */
- char *gntt;
- char *lntt;
- char *slt;
- char *vt;
- /* We keep the size of the $VT$ section for range checking. */
- unsigned int vt_size;
- /* Some routines still need to know the number of symbols in the
- main debug sections ($LNTT$ and $GNTT$). */
- unsigned int lntt_symcount;
- unsigned int gntt_symcount;
- /* To keep track of all the types we've processed. */
- struct type **type_vector;
- int type_vector_length;
- /* Keeps track of the beginning of a range of source lines. */
- sltpointer sl_index;
- /* Some state variables we'll need. */
- int within_function;
- /* Keep track of the current function's address. We may need to look
- up something based on this address. */
- unsigned int current_function_value;
-/* Accessor macros to get at the fields. */
-#define HPUX_SYMFILE_INFO(o) \
- ((struct hpread_symfile_info *)((o)->sym_private))
-#define GNTT(o) (HPUX_SYMFILE_INFO(o)->gntt)
-#define LNTT(o) (HPUX_SYMFILE_INFO(o)->lntt)
-#define SLT(o) (HPUX_SYMFILE_INFO(o)->slt)
-#define VT(o) (HPUX_SYMFILE_INFO(o)->vt)
-#define VT_SIZE(o) (HPUX_SYMFILE_INFO(o)->vt_size)
-#define LNTT_SYMCOUNT(o) (HPUX_SYMFILE_INFO(o)->lntt_symcount)
-#define GNTT_SYMCOUNT(o) (HPUX_SYMFILE_INFO(o)->gntt_symcount)
-#define TYPE_VECTOR(o) (HPUX_SYMFILE_INFO(o)->type_vector)
-#define TYPE_VECTOR_LENGTH(o) (HPUX_SYMFILE_INFO(o)->type_vector_length)
-#define SL_INDEX(o) (HPUX_SYMFILE_INFO(o)->sl_index)
-#define WITHIN_FUNCTION(o) (HPUX_SYMFILE_INFO(o)->within_function)
-#define CURRENT_FUNCTION_VALUE(o) (HPUX_SYMFILE_INFO(o)->current_function_value)
-/* Given the native debug symbol SYM, set NAMEP to the name associated
- with the debug symbol. Note we may be called with a debug symbol which
- has no associated name, in that case we return an empty string.
- Also note we "know" that the name for any symbol is always in the
- same place. Hence we don't have to conditionalize on the symbol type. */
- if (! hpread_has_name ((SYM)->dblock.kind)) \
- *NAMEP = ""; \
- else if (((unsigned)(SYM)-> >= VT_SIZE (OBJFILE)) \
- { \
- complain (&string_table_offset_complaint, (char *) symnum); \
- *NAMEP = ""; \
- } \
- else \
-/* We put a pointer to this structure in the read_symtab_private field
- of the psymtab. */
-struct symloc
- /* The offset within the file symbol table of first local symbol for
- this file. */
- int ldsymoff;
- /* Length (in bytes) of the section of the symbol table devoted to
- this file's symbols (actually, the section bracketed may contain
- more than just this file's symbols). If ldsymlen is 0, the only
- reason for this thing's existence is the dependency list.
- Nothing else will happen when it is read in. */
- int ldsymlen;
-#define LDSYMOFF(p) (((struct symloc *)((p)->read_symtab_private))->ldsymoff)
-#define LDSYMLEN(p) (((struct symloc *)((p)->read_symtab_private))->ldsymlen)
-#define SYMLOC(p) ((struct symloc *)((p)->read_symtab_private))
-/* FIXME: Shouldn't this stuff be in a .h file somewhere? */
-/* Nonzero means give verbose info on gdb action. */
-extern int info_verbose;
-/* Complaints about the symbols we have encountered. */
-extern struct complaint string_table_offset_complaint;
-extern struct complaint lbrac_unmatched_complaint;
-extern struct complaint lbrac_mismatch_complaint;
-extern union sltentry *hpread_get_slt
- PARAMS ((int, struct objfile *));
-extern union dnttentry *hpread_get_lntt
- PARAMS ((int, struct objfile *));
-int hpread_has_name
- PARAMS ((enum dntt_entry_type));
-/* end of hpread.h */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/isi-xdep.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/isi-xdep.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8773c83ea7a9..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/isi-xdep.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include <machine/reg.h>
-int rloc[] = {
- R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, FP, SP, PS, PC
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ b/contrib/gdb/gdb/
deleted file mode 100644
index 39920caea20e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2351 +0,0 @@
-/* A Bison parser, made from jv-exp.y
- by GNU Bison version 1.25
- */
-#define YYBISON 1 /* Identify Bison output. */
-#define INTEGER_LITERAL 258
-#define IDENTIFIER 260
-#define STRING_LITERAL 261
-#define BOOLEAN_LITERAL 262
-#define TYPENAME 263
-#define NAME_OR_INT 264
-#define ERROR 265
-#define LONG 266
-#define SHORT 267
-#define BYTE 268
-#define INT 269
-#define CHAR 270
-#define BOOLEAN 271
-#define DOUBLE 272
-#define FLOAT 273
-#define VARIABLE 274
-#define ASSIGN_MODIFY 275
-#define THIS 276
-#define SUPER 277
-#define NEW 278
-#define OROR 279
-#define ANDAND 280
-#define EQUAL 281
-#define NOTEQUAL 282
-#define LEQ 283
-#define GEQ 284
-#define LSH 285
-#define RSH 286
-#define INCREMENT 287
-#define DECREMENT 288
-#line 38 "jv-exp.y"
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "gdb_string.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "expression.h"
-#include "value.h"
-#include "parser-defs.h"
-#include "language.h"
-#include "jv-lang.h"
-#include "bfd.h" /* Required by objfiles.h. */
-#include "symfile.h" /* Required by objfiles.h. */
-#include "objfiles.h" /* For have_full_symbols and have_partial_symbols */
-/* Remap normal yacc parser interface names (yyparse, yylex, yyerror, etc),
- as well as gratuitiously global symbol names, so we can have multiple
- yacc generated parsers in gdb. Note that these are only the variables
- produced by yacc. If other parser generators (bison, byacc, etc) produce
- additional global names that conflict at link time, then those parser
- generators need to be fixed instead of adding those names to this list. */
-#define yymaxdepth java_maxdepth
-#define yyparse java_parse
-#define yylex java_lex
-#define yyerror java_error
-#define yylval java_lval
-#define yychar java_char
-#define yydebug java_debug
-#define yypact java_pact
-#define yyr1 java_r1
-#define yyr2 java_r2
-#define yydef java_def
-#define yychk java_chk
-#define yypgo java_pgo
-#define yyact java_act
-#define yyexca java_exca
-#define yyerrflag java_errflag
-#define yynerrs java_nerrs
-#define yyps java_ps
-#define yypv java_pv
-#define yys java_s
-#define yy_yys java_yys
-#define yystate java_state
-#define yytmp java_tmp
-#define yyv java_v
-#define yy_yyv java_yyv
-#define yyval java_val
-#define yylloc java_lloc
-#define yyreds java_reds /* With YYDEBUG defined */
-#define yytoks java_toks /* With YYDEBUG defined */
-#define yylhs java_yylhs
-#define yylen java_yylen
-#define yydefred java_yydefred
-#define yydgoto java_yydgoto
-#define yysindex java_yysindex
-#define yyrindex java_yyrindex
-#define yygindex java_yygindex
-#define yytable java_yytable
-#define yycheck java_yycheck
-#ifndef YYDEBUG
-#define YYDEBUG 0 /* Default to no yydebug support */
-yyparse PARAMS ((void));
-static int
-yylex PARAMS ((void));
-yyerror PARAMS ((char *));
-static struct type * java_type_from_name PARAMS ((struct stoken));
-static void push_expression_name PARAMS ((struct stoken));
-static void push_fieldnames PARAMS ((struct stoken));
-static struct expression *copy_exp PARAMS ((struct expression *, int));
-static void insert_exp PARAMS ((int, struct expression *));
-#line 124 "jv-exp.y"
-typedef union
- {
- LONGEST lval;
- struct {
- LONGEST val;
- struct type *type;
- } typed_val_int;
- struct {
- DOUBLEST dval;
- struct type *type;
- } typed_val_float;
- struct symbol *sym;
- struct type *tval;
- struct stoken sval;
- struct ttype tsym;
- struct symtoken ssym;
- struct block *bval;
- enum exp_opcode opcode;
- struct internalvar *ivar;
- int *ivec;
-#line 146 "jv-exp.y"
-/* YYSTYPE gets defined by %union */
-static int
-parse_number PARAMS ((char *, int, int, YYSTYPE *));
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-#ifndef __STDC__
-#define const
-#define YYFINAL 208
-#define YYFLAG -32768
-#define YYNTBASE 57
-#define YYTRANSLATE(x) ((unsigned)(x) <= 288 ? yytranslate[x] : 112)
-static const char yytranslate[] = { 0,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 55, 2, 2, 2, 44, 31, 2, 49,
- 50, 42, 40, 24, 41, 47, 43, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 56, 2, 34,
- 25, 35, 26, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 48, 2, 53, 30, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 51, 29, 52, 54, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
- 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
- 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28,
- 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 45, 46
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
-static const short yyprhs[] = { 0,
- 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18,
- 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38,
- 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 51, 54, 56, 58, 60,
- 62, 64, 66, 70, 72, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84,
- 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 100, 102, 104, 110, 112,
- 116, 117, 119, 124, 129, 131, 134, 138, 141, 145,
- 147, 148, 152, 156, 161, 168, 175, 180, 185, 190,
- 192, 194, 196, 198, 200, 203, 206, 208, 210, 213,
- 216, 219, 221, 224, 227, 229, 232, 235, 237, 243,
- 248, 254, 256, 260, 264, 268, 270, 274, 278, 280,
- 284, 288, 290, 294, 298, 302, 306, 308, 312, 316,
- 318, 322, 324, 328, 330, 334, 336, 340, 342, 346,
- 348, 354, 356, 358, 362, 366, 368, 370, 372, 374
-static const short yyrhs[] = { 73,
- 0, 58, 0, 59, 0, 62, 0, 68, 0, 6,
- 0, 3, 0, 9, 0, 4, 0, 7, 0, 60,
- 0, 63, 0, 16, 0, 64, 0, 65, 0, 13,
- 0, 12, 0, 14, 0, 11, 0, 15, 0, 18,
- 0, 17, 0, 69, 0, 66, 0, 62, 84, 0,
- 69, 84, 0, 5, 0, 72, 0, 71, 0, 72,
- 0, 5, 0, 9, 0, 69, 47, 71, 0, 111,
- 0, 73, 24, 111, 0, 75, 0, 81, 0, 61,
- 0, 21, 0, 49, 111, 50, 0, 78, 0, 86,
- 0, 87, 0, 88, 0, 76, 79, 77, 0, 51,
- 0, 52, 0, 23, 67, 49, 80, 50, 0, 111,
- 0, 79, 24, 111, 0, 0, 79, 0, 23, 62,
- 82, 85, 0, 23, 66, 82, 85, 0, 83, 0,
- 82, 83, 0, 48, 111, 53, 0, 48, 53, 0,
- 84, 48, 53, 0, 84, 0, 0, 74, 47, 71,
- 0, 19, 47, 71, 0, 69, 49, 80, 50, 0,
- 74, 47, 71, 49, 80, 50, 0, 22, 47, 71,
- 49, 80, 50, 0, 69, 48, 111, 53, 0, 19,
- 48, 111, 53, 0, 75, 48, 111, 53, 0, 74,
- 0, 69, 0, 19, 0, 90, 0, 91, 0, 89,
- 45, 0, 89, 46, 0, 93, 0, 94, 0, 40,
- 92, 0, 41, 92, 0, 42, 92, 0, 95, 0,
- 45, 92, 0, 46, 92, 0, 89, 0, 54, 92,
- 0, 55, 92, 0, 96, 0, 49, 62, 85, 50,
- 92, 0, 49, 111, 50, 95, 0, 49, 69, 84,
- 50, 95, 0, 92, 0, 97, 42, 92, 0, 97,
- 43, 92, 0, 97, 44, 92, 0, 97, 0, 98,
- 40, 97, 0, 98, 41, 97, 0, 98, 0, 99,
- 38, 98, 0, 99, 39, 98, 0, 99, 0, 100,
- 34, 99, 0, 100, 35, 99, 0, 100, 36, 99,
- 0, 100, 37, 99, 0, 100, 0, 101, 32, 100,
- 0, 101, 33, 100, 0, 101, 0, 102, 31, 101,
- 0, 102, 0, 103, 30, 102, 0, 103, 0, 104,
- 29, 103, 0, 104, 0, 105, 28, 104, 0, 105,
- 0, 106, 27, 105, 0, 106, 0, 106, 26, 111,
- 56, 107, 0, 107, 0, 109, 0, 110, 25, 107,
- 0, 110, 20, 107, 0, 70, 0, 19, 0, 86,
- 0, 88, 0, 108, 0
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
-static const short yyrline[] = { 0,
- 203, 204, 207, 215, 217, 220, 229, 235, 243, 248,
- 253, 263, 265, 269, 271, 274, 277, 279, 281, 283,
- 287, 290, 301, 306, 310, 313, 317, 319, 322, 324,
- 327, 329, 332, 356, 357, 361, 363, 366, 368, 371,
- 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 383, 388, 393, 398, 401,
- 405, 408, 411, 414, 418, 420, 423, 427, 430, 434,
- 436, 440, 443, 448, 451, 453, 457, 475, 477, 481,
- 483, 485, 487, 488, 491, 496, 501, 503, 504, 505,
- 507, 509, 512, 517, 522, 524, 526, 528, 531, 536,
- 557, 564, 566, 568, 570, 574, 576, 578, 582, 584,
- 586, 591, 593, 595, 597, 599, 604, 606, 608, 612,
- 614, 618, 620, 623, 625, 629, 631, 635, 637, 641,
- 643, 647, 649, 652, 655, 661, 664, 666, 667, 671
-#if YYDEBUG != 0 || defined (YYERROR_VERBOSE)
-static const char * const yytname[] = { "$","error","$undefined.","INTEGER_LITERAL",
-"LeftHandSide","Expression", NULL
-static const short yyr1[] = { 0,
- 57, 57, 58, 59, 59, 60, 61, 61, 61, 61,
- 61, 62, 62, 63, 63, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
- 65, 65, 66, 67, 68, 68, 69, 69, 70, 70,
- 71, 71, 72, 73, 73, 74, 74, 75, 75, 75,
- 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 79,
- 80, 80, 81, 81, 82, 82, 83, 84, 84, 85,
- 85, 86, 86, 87, 87, 87, 88, 88, 88, 89,
- 89, 89, 89, 89, 90, 91, 92, 92, 92, 92,
- 92, 92, 93, 94, 95, 95, 95, 95, 96, 96,
- 96, 97, 97, 97, 97, 98, 98, 98, 99, 99,
- 99, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 101, 101, 101, 102,
- 102, 103, 103, 104, 104, 105, 105, 106, 106, 107,
- 107, 108, 108, 109, 109, 110, 110, 110, 110, 111
-static const short yyr2[] = { 0,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 5, 1, 3,
- 0, 1, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1,
- 0, 3, 3, 4, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2,
- 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 5, 4,
- 5, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 1, 3,
- 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 1,
- 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1,
- 5, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
-static const short yydefact[] = { 0,
- 7, 9, 27, 6, 10, 8, 19, 17, 16, 18,
- 20, 13, 22, 21, 72, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 46, 0, 0, 2, 3, 11,
- 38, 4, 12, 14, 15, 5, 71, 126, 29, 28,
- 1, 70, 36, 0, 41, 37, 42, 43, 44, 85,
- 73, 74, 92, 77, 78, 82, 88, 96, 99, 102,
- 107, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 130, 123,
- 0, 34, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 24, 0, 23,
- 28, 8, 72, 71, 42, 44, 79, 80, 81, 83,
- 84, 61, 71, 0, 86, 87, 0, 25, 0, 0,
- 51, 26, 0, 0, 0, 0, 49, 75, 76, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 31, 32, 63, 0, 0, 0, 61, 55, 61, 51,
- 0, 60, 0, 0, 40, 58, 0, 33, 0, 52,
- 0, 35, 62, 0, 0, 47, 45, 93, 94, 95,
- 97, 98, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109,
- 111, 113, 115, 117, 0, 119, 125, 124, 68, 51,
- 0, 0, 56, 53, 54, 0, 0, 0, 90, 59,
- 67, 64, 51, 69, 50, 0, 0, 57, 48, 89,
- 91, 0, 121, 66, 65, 0, 0, 0
-static const short yydefgoto[] = { 206,
- 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 78, 79,
- 36, 84, 38, 39, 81, 41, 42, 43, 44, 157,
- 45, 150, 151, 46, 137, 138, 142, 143, 85, 48,
- 86, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58,
- 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68,
- 69, 70, 71, 107
-static const short yypact[] = { 206,
--32768,-32768, -5,-32768,-32768, -3,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,
--32768,-32768,-32768,-32768, 1,-32768, -34, 225, 312, 312,
- 312, 312, 312, 206,-32768, 312, 312,-32768,-32768,-32768,
--32768, -23,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768, 34,-32768,-32768, 7,
- 4, -28, -17, 365,-32768,-32768, 15,-32768, 21, 74,
--32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768, 45, 44, 86,
- 35, 96, 3, 23, 8, 51, 104,-32768,-32768,-32768,
- 32,-32768, 46, 365, 46,-32768, 25, 25, 14, 55,
--32768,-32768, 87, 47,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,
--32768, -23, 34, 40,-32768,-32768, 57, 50, 46, 259,
- 365, 50, 365, 46, 365, -13,-32768,-32768,-32768, 312,
- 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312,
- 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 365, 312, 312, 312,
--32768,-32768,-32768, 61, 59, 365, 56,-32768, 56, 365,
- 365, 50, 66, 43, 372,-32768, 69,-32768, 73, 108,
- 106,-32768, 111, 109, 365,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,
- 45, 45, 44, 44, 86, 86, 86, 86, 35, 35,
- 96, 3, 23, 8, 107, 51,-32768,-32768,-32768, 365,
- 112, 259,-32768,-32768,-32768, 114, 312, 372,-32768,-32768,
--32768,-32768, 365,-32768,-32768, 312, 116,-32768,-32768,-32768,
--32768, 118,-32768,-32768,-32768, 169, 170,-32768
-static const short yypgoto[] = {-32768,
--32768,-32768,-32768,-32768, -8,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,
--32768, 5,-32768, -66, 0,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,
--32768, 127, -126,-32768, 94, -94, -29, -40, 6,-32768,
- 12,-32768,-32768,-32768, 39,-32768,-32768, -141,-32768, 24,
- 28, -42, 36, 52, 53, 49, 58, 48,-32768, -128,
--32768,-32768,-32768, 18
-#define YYLAST 427
-static const short yytable[] = { 40,
- 177, 178, 98, 189, 37, 47, 133, 102, 135, 77,
- 155, 49, 75, 186, -31, 92, -32, 72, 104, -31,
- -127, -32, 80, 40, 97, -127, -30, 103, 93, 47,
- 105, -30, 148, 123, -128, 49, 125, 153, 156, -128,
- -129, 94, 183, 40, 183, -129, 201, 73, 74, 47,
- 131, 129, 124, 197, 132, 49, 130, 87, 88, 89,
- 90, 91, 140, 144, 95, 96, 202, 203, 117, 118,
- 119, 120, 136, 40, 165, 166, 167, 168, 126, 47,
- 99, 100, 101, 113, 114, 49, 110, 111, 112, 145,
- 147, 134, 188, 99, 141, 101, 184, 147, 185, 40,
- 40, 99, 40, 182, 40, 47, 47, 180, 47, 146,
- 47, 49, 49, 179, 49, 187, 49, 149, 108, 109,
- 152, 190, 154, 115, 116, 191, 40, 121, 122, 127,
- 128, 155, 47, 73, 74, 40, 161, 162, 49, 40,
- 40, 47, 163, 164, 175, 47, 47, 49, 158, 159,
- 160, 49, 49, 181, 40, 192, 169, 170, 149, 193,
- 47, 194, 196, 199, 198, 204, 49, 205, 207, 208,
- 106, 139, 195, 173, 171, 176, 172, 0, 0, 40,
- 0, 40, 0, 174, 0, 47, 0, 47, 0, 0,
- 0, 49, 40, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0, 47, 181,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 49, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2,
- 3, 4, 5, 0, 6, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10,
- 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 200, 16, 17, 18, 76,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
- 12, 13, 14, 0, 0, 19, 20, 21, 0, 0,
- 22, 23, 0, 0, 24, 0, 25, 0, 0, 26,
- 27, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 6, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0, 16,
- 17, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 20,
- 21, 0, 0, 22, 23, 0, 0, 24, 0, 25,
- 0, 146, 26, 27, 1, 2, 76, 4, 5, 0,
- 82, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 83, 0, 16, 17, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 19, 20, 21, 0, 0, 22, 23, 0, 0,
- 24, 0, 25, 0, 0, 26, 27, 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 0, 6, 1, 2, 76, 4, 5, 0,
- 82, 0, 0, 15, 0, 16, 17, 18, 0, 0,
- 83, 0, 16, 17, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 20, 21, 0, 0, 22,
- 23, 0, 0, 24, 0, 25, 0, 0, 26, 27,
- 24, 0, 25, 0, 0, 26, 27
-static const short yycheck[] = { 0,
- 129, 130, 32, 145, 0, 0, 73, 37, 75, 18,
- 24, 0, 47, 140, 20, 24, 20, 0, 47, 25,
- 20, 25, 18, 24, 48, 25, 20, 24, 24, 24,
- 48, 25, 99, 31, 20, 24, 29, 104, 52, 25,
- 20, 24, 137, 44, 139, 25, 188, 47, 48, 44,
- 5, 20, 30, 180, 9, 44, 25, 19, 20, 21,
- 22, 23, 49, 93, 26, 27, 193, 196, 34, 35,
- 36, 37, 48, 74, 117, 118, 119, 120, 28, 74,
- 47, 48, 49, 40, 41, 74, 42, 43, 44, 50,
- 48, 74, 50, 47, 48, 49, 137, 48, 139, 100,
- 101, 47, 103, 48, 105, 100, 101, 49, 103, 53,
- 105, 100, 101, 53, 103, 50, 105, 100, 45, 46,
- 103, 53, 105, 38, 39, 53, 127, 32, 33, 26,
- 27, 24, 127, 47, 48, 136, 113, 114, 127, 140,
- 141, 136, 115, 116, 127, 140, 141, 136, 110, 111,
- 112, 140, 141, 136, 155, 50, 121, 122, 141, 49,
- 155, 53, 56, 50, 53, 50, 155, 50, 0, 0,
- 44, 78, 155, 125, 123, 128, 124, -1, -1, 180,
- -1, 182, -1, 126, -1, 180, -1, 182, -1, -1,
- -1, 180, 193, 182, -1, -1, -1, -1, 193, 182,
- -1, -1, -1, -1, 193, -1, -1, -1, 3, 4,
- 5, 6, 7, -1, 9, -1, 11, 12, 13, 14,
- 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 187, 21, 22, 23, 5,
- -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
- 16, 17, 18, -1, -1, 40, 41, 42, -1, -1,
- 45, 46, -1, -1, 49, -1, 51, -1, -1, 54,
- 55, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, -1, 9, -1, -1,
- -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 19, -1, 21,
- 22, 23, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
- -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 40, 41,
- 42, -1, -1, 45, 46, -1, -1, 49, -1, 51,
- -1, 53, 54, 55, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, -1,
- 9, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
- 19, -1, 21, 22, 23, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
- -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
- -1, 40, 41, 42, -1, -1, 45, 46, -1, -1,
- 49, -1, 51, -1, -1, 54, 55, 3, 4, 5,
- 6, 7, -1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, -1,
- 9, -1, -1, 19, -1, 21, 22, 23, -1, -1,
- 19, -1, 21, 22, 23, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
- -1, -1, -1, -1, 40, 41, 42, -1, -1, 45,
- 46, -1, -1, 49, -1, 51, -1, -1, 54, 55,
- 49, -1, 51, -1, -1, 54, 55
-/* -*-C-*- Note some compilers choke on comments on `#line' lines. */
-#line 3 "/stone/jimb/main-98r2/share/bison.simple"
-/* Skeleton output parser for bison,
- Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
-/* As a special exception, when this file is copied by Bison into a
- Bison output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
- This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation
- in version 1.24 of Bison. */
-#ifndef alloca
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define alloca __builtin_alloca
-#else /* not GNU C. */
-#if (!defined (__STDC__) && defined (sparc)) || defined (__sparc__) || defined (__sparc) || defined (__sgi)
-#include <alloca.h>
-#else /* not sparc */
-#if defined (MSDOS) && !defined (__TURBOC__)
-#else /* not MSDOS, or __TURBOC__ */
-#if defined(_AIX)
- #pragma alloca
-#else /* not MSDOS, __TURBOC__, or _AIX */
-#ifdef __hpux
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-void *alloca (unsigned int);
-#else /* not __cplusplus */
-void *alloca ();
-#endif /* not __cplusplus */
-#endif /* __hpux */
-#endif /* not _AIX */
-#endif /* not MSDOS, or __TURBOC__ */
-#endif /* not sparc. */
-#endif /* not GNU C. */
-#endif /* alloca not defined. */
-/* This is the parser code that is written into each bison parser
- when the %semantic_parser declaration is not specified in the grammar.
- It was written by Richard Stallman by simplifying the hairy parser
- used when %semantic_parser is specified. */
-/* Note: there must be only one dollar sign in this file.
- It is replaced by the list of actions, each action
- as one case of the switch. */
-#define yyerrok (yyerrstatus = 0)
-#define yyclearin (yychar = YYEMPTY)
-#define YYEMPTY -2
-#define YYEOF 0
-#define YYACCEPT return(0)
-#define YYABORT return(1)
-#define YYERROR goto yyerrlab1
-/* Like YYERROR except do call yyerror.
- This remains here temporarily to ease the
- transition to the new meaning of YYERROR, for GCC.
- Once GCC version 2 has supplanted version 1, this can go. */
-#define YYFAIL goto yyerrlab
-#define YYRECOVERING() (!!yyerrstatus)
-#define YYBACKUP(token, value) \
-do \
- if (yychar == YYEMPTY && yylen == 1) \
- { yychar = (token), yylval = (value); \
- yychar1 = YYTRANSLATE (yychar); \
- goto yybackup; \
- } \
- else \
- { yyerror ("syntax error: cannot back up"); YYERROR; } \
-while (0)
-#define YYTERROR 1
-#define YYERRCODE 256
-#ifndef YYPURE
-#define YYLEX yylex()
-#ifdef YYPURE
-#define YYLEX yylex(&yylval, &yylloc, YYLEX_PARAM)
-#define YYLEX yylex(&yylval, &yylloc)
-#else /* not YYLSP_NEEDED */
-#define YYLEX yylex(&yylval, YYLEX_PARAM)
-#define YYLEX yylex(&yylval)
-#endif /* not YYLSP_NEEDED */
-/* If nonreentrant, generate the variables here */
-#ifndef YYPURE
-int yychar; /* the lookahead symbol */
-YYSTYPE yylval; /* the semantic value of the */
- /* lookahead symbol */
-YYLTYPE yylloc; /* location data for the lookahead */
- /* symbol */
-int yynerrs; /* number of parse errors so far */
-#endif /* not YYPURE */
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
-int yydebug; /* nonzero means print parse trace */
-/* Since this is uninitialized, it does not stop multiple parsers
- from coexisting. */
-/* YYINITDEPTH indicates the initial size of the parser's stacks */
-#define YYINITDEPTH 200
-/* YYMAXDEPTH is the maximum size the stacks can grow to
- (effective only if the built-in stack extension method is used). */
-#if YYMAXDEPTH == 0
-#define YYMAXDEPTH 10000
-/* Prevent warning if -Wstrict-prototypes. */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-int yyparse (void);
-#if __GNUC__ > 1 /* GNU C and GNU C++ define this. */
-#define __yy_memcpy(TO,FROM,COUNT) __builtin_memcpy(TO,FROM,COUNT)
-#else /* not GNU C or C++ */
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-/* This is the most reliable way to avoid incompatibilities
- in available built-in functions on various systems. */
-static void
-__yy_memcpy (to, from, count)
- char *to;
- char *from;
- int count;
- register char *f = from;
- register char *t = to;
- register int i = count;
- while (i-- > 0)
- *t++ = *f++;
-#else /* __cplusplus */
-/* This is the most reliable way to avoid incompatibilities
- in available built-in functions on various systems. */
-static void
-__yy_memcpy (char *to, char *from, int count)
- register char *f = from;
- register char *t = to;
- register int i = count;
- while (i-- > 0)
- *t++ = *f++;
-#line 196 "/stone/jimb/main-98r2/share/bison.simple"
-/* The user can define YYPARSE_PARAM as the name of an argument to be passed
- into yyparse. The argument should have type void *.
- It should actually point to an object.
- Grammar actions can access the variable by casting it
- to the proper pointer type. */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#else /* not __cplusplus */
-#endif /* not __cplusplus */
-#else /* not YYPARSE_PARAM */
-#endif /* not YYPARSE_PARAM */
- register int yystate;
- register int yyn;
- register short *yyssp;
- register YYSTYPE *yyvsp;
- int yyerrstatus; /* number of tokens to shift before error messages enabled */
- int yychar1 = 0; /* lookahead token as an internal (translated) token number */
- short yyssa[YYINITDEPTH]; /* the state stack */
- YYSTYPE yyvsa[YYINITDEPTH]; /* the semantic value stack */
- short *yyss = yyssa; /* refer to the stacks thru separate pointers */
- YYSTYPE *yyvs = yyvsa; /* to allow yyoverflow to xreallocate them elsewhere */
- YYLTYPE yylsa[YYINITDEPTH]; /* the location stack */
- YYLTYPE *yyls = yylsa;
- YYLTYPE *yylsp;
-#define YYPOPSTACK (yyvsp--, yyssp--, yylsp--)
-#define YYPOPSTACK (yyvsp--, yyssp--)
- int yystacksize = YYINITDEPTH;
-#ifdef YYPURE
- int yychar;
- YYSTYPE yylval;
- int yynerrs;
- YYLTYPE yylloc;
- YYSTYPE yyval; /* the variable used to return */
- /* semantic values from the action */
- /* routines */
- int yylen;
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Starting parse\n");
- yystate = 0;
- yyerrstatus = 0;
- yynerrs = 0;
- yychar = YYEMPTY; /* Cause a token to be read. */
- /* Initialize stack pointers.
- Waste one element of value and location stack
- so that they stay on the same level as the state stack.
- The wasted elements are never initialized. */
- yyssp = yyss - 1;
- yyvsp = yyvs;
- yylsp = yyls;
-/* Push a new state, which is found in yystate . */
-/* In all cases, when you get here, the value and location stacks
- have just been pushed. so pushing a state here evens the stacks. */
- *++yyssp = yystate;
- if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)
- {
- /* Give user a chance to xreallocate the stack */
- /* Use copies of these so that the &'s don't force the real ones into memory. */
- YYSTYPE *yyvs1 = yyvs;
- short *yyss1 = yyss;
- YYLTYPE *yyls1 = yyls;
- /* Get the current used size of the three stacks, in elements. */
- int size = yyssp - yyss + 1;
-#ifdef yyoverflow
- /* Each stack pointer address is followed by the size of
- the data in use in that stack, in bytes. */
- /* This used to be a conditional around just the two extra args,
- but that might be undefined if yyoverflow is a macro. */
- yyoverflow("parser stack overflow",
- &yyss1, size * sizeof (*yyssp),
- &yyvs1, size * sizeof (*yyvsp),
- &yyls1, size * sizeof (*yylsp),
- &yystacksize);
- yyoverflow("parser stack overflow",
- &yyss1, size * sizeof (*yyssp),
- &yyvs1, size * sizeof (*yyvsp),
- &yystacksize);
- yyss = yyss1; yyvs = yyvs1;
- yyls = yyls1;
-#else /* no yyoverflow */
- /* Extend the stack our own way. */
- if (yystacksize >= YYMAXDEPTH)
- {
- yyerror("parser stack overflow");
- return 2;
- }
- yystacksize *= 2;
- if (yystacksize > YYMAXDEPTH)
- yystacksize = YYMAXDEPTH;
- yyss = (short *) alloca (yystacksize * sizeof (*yyssp));
- __yy_memcpy ((char *)yyss, (char *)yyss1, size * sizeof (*yyssp));
- yyvs = (YYSTYPE *) alloca (yystacksize * sizeof (*yyvsp));
- __yy_memcpy ((char *)yyvs, (char *)yyvs1, size * sizeof (*yyvsp));
- yyls = (YYLTYPE *) alloca (yystacksize * sizeof (*yylsp));
- __yy_memcpy ((char *)yyls, (char *)yyls1, size * sizeof (*yylsp));
-#endif /* no yyoverflow */
- yyssp = yyss + size - 1;
- yyvsp = yyvs + size - 1;
- yylsp = yyls + size - 1;
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Stack size increased to %d\n", yystacksize);
- if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)
- }
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Entering state %d\n", yystate);
- goto yybackup;
- yybackup:
-/* Do appropriate processing given the current state. */
-/* Read a lookahead token if we need one and don't already have one. */
-/* yyresume: */
- /* First try to decide what to do without reference to lookahead token. */
- yyn = yypact[yystate];
- if (yyn == YYFLAG)
- goto yydefault;
- /* Not known => get a lookahead token if don't already have one. */
- /* yychar is either YYEMPTY or YYEOF
- or a valid token in external form. */
- if (yychar == YYEMPTY)
- {
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Reading a token: ");
- yychar = YYLEX;
- }
- /* Convert token to internal form (in yychar1) for indexing tables with */
- if (yychar <= 0) /* This means end of input. */
- {
- yychar1 = 0;
- yychar = YYEOF; /* Don't call YYLEX any more */
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Now at end of input.\n");
- }
- else
- {
- yychar1 = YYTRANSLATE(yychar);
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Next token is %d (%s", yychar, yytname[yychar1]);
- /* Give the individual parser a way to print the precise meaning
- of a token, for further debugging info. */
-#ifdef YYPRINT
- YYPRINT (stderr, yychar, yylval);
- fprintf (stderr, ")\n");
- }
- }
- yyn += yychar1;
- if (yyn < 0 || yyn > YYLAST || yycheck[yyn] != yychar1)
- goto yydefault;
- yyn = yytable[yyn];
- /* yyn is what to do for this token type in this state.
- Negative => reduce, -yyn is rule number.
- Positive => shift, yyn is new state.
- New state is final state => don't bother to shift,
- just return success.
- 0, or most negative number => error. */
- if (yyn < 0)
- {
- if (yyn == YYFLAG)
- goto yyerrlab;
- yyn = -yyn;
- goto yyreduce;
- }
- else if (yyn == 0)
- goto yyerrlab;
- if (yyn == YYFINAL)
- /* Shift the lookahead token. */
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Shifting token %d (%s), ", yychar, yytname[yychar1]);
- /* Discard the token being shifted unless it is eof. */
- if (yychar != YYEOF)
- yychar = YYEMPTY;
- *++yyvsp = yylval;
- *++yylsp = yylloc;
- /* count tokens shifted since error; after three, turn off error status. */
- if (yyerrstatus) yyerrstatus--;
- yystate = yyn;
- goto yynewstate;
-/* Do the default action for the current state. */
- yyn = yydefact[yystate];
- if (yyn == 0)
- goto yyerrlab;
-/* Do a reduction. yyn is the number of a rule to reduce with. */
- yylen = yyr2[yyn];
- if (yylen > 0)
- yyval = yyvsp[1-yylen]; /* implement default value of the action */
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- {
- int i;
- fprintf (stderr, "Reducing via rule %d (line %d), ",
- yyn, yyrline[yyn]);
- /* Print the symbols being reduced, and their result. */
- for (i = yyprhs[yyn]; yyrhs[i] > 0; i++)
- fprintf (stderr, "%s ", yytname[yyrhs[i]]);
- fprintf (stderr, " -> %s\n", yytname[yyr1[yyn]]);
- }
- switch (yyn) {
-case 3:
-#line 208 "jv-exp.y"
- write_exp_elt_opcode(OP_TYPE);
- write_exp_elt_type(yyvsp[0].tval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode(OP_TYPE);
- ;
- break;}
-case 6:
-#line 222 "jv-exp.y"
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_STRING);
- write_exp_string (yyvsp[0].sval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_STRING);
- ;
- break;}
-case 7:
-#line 231 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- write_exp_elt_type (yyvsp[0].typed_val_int.type);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST)(yyvsp[0].typed_val_int.val));
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG); ;
- break;}
-case 8:
-#line 236 "jv-exp.y"
-{ YYSTYPE val;
- parse_number (yyvsp[0].sval.ptr, yyvsp[0].sval.length, 0, &val);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- write_exp_elt_type (val.typed_val_int.type);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST)val.typed_val_int.val);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- ;
- break;}
-case 9:
-#line 244 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_DOUBLE);
- write_exp_elt_type (yyvsp[0].typed_val_float.type);
- write_exp_elt_dblcst (yyvsp[0].typed_val_float.dval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_DOUBLE); ;
- break;}
-case 10:
-#line 249 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- write_exp_elt_type (java_boolean_type);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST)yyvsp[0].lval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG); ;
- break;}
-case 13:
-#line 266 "jv-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = java_boolean_type; ;
- break;}
-case 16:
-#line 276 "jv-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = java_byte_type; ;
- break;}
-case 17:
-#line 278 "jv-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = java_short_type; ;
- break;}
-case 18:
-#line 280 "jv-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = java_int_type; ;
- break;}
-case 19:
-#line 282 "jv-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = java_long_type; ;
- break;}
-case 20:
-#line 284 "jv-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = java_char_type; ;
- break;}
-case 21:
-#line 289 "jv-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = java_float_type; ;
- break;}
-case 22:
-#line 291 "jv-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = java_double_type; ;
- break;}
-case 23:
-#line 303 "jv-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = java_type_from_name (yyvsp[0].sval); ;
- break;}
-case 25:
-#line 312 "jv-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = java_array_type (yyvsp[-1].tval, yyvsp[0].lval); ;
- break;}
-case 26:
-#line 314 "jv-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = java_array_type (java_type_from_name (yyvsp[-1].sval), yyvsp[0].lval); ;
- break;}
-case 33:
-#line 334 "jv-exp.y"
-{ yyval.sval.length = yyvsp[-2].sval.length + yyvsp[0].sval.length + 1;
- if (yyvsp[-2].sval.ptr + yyvsp[-2].sval.length + 1 == yyvsp[0].sval.ptr
- && yyvsp[-2].sval.ptr[yyvsp[-2].sval.length] == '.')
- yyval.sval.ptr = yyvsp[-2].sval.ptr; /* Optimization. */
- else
- {
- yyval.sval.ptr = (char *) xmalloc (yyval.sval.length + 1);
- make_cleanup (free, yyval.sval.ptr);
- sprintf (yyval.sval.ptr, "%.*s.%.*s",
- yyvsp[-2].sval.length, yyvsp[-2].sval.ptr, yyvsp[0].sval.length, yyvsp[0].sval.ptr);
- } ;
- break;}
-case 35:
-#line 358 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_COMMA); ;
- break;}
-case 39:
-#line 369 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_THIS);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_THIS); ;
- break;}
-case 45:
-#line 377 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_ARRAY);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) 0);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) yyvsp[0].lval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_ARRAY); ;
- break;}
-case 46:
-#line 385 "jv-exp.y"
-{ start_arglist (); ;
- break;}
-case 47:
-#line 390 "jv-exp.y"
-{ yyval.lval = end_arglist () - 1; ;
- break;}
-case 48:
-#line 395 "jv-exp.y"
-{ error ("FIXME - ClassInstanceCreationExpression"); ;
- break;}
-case 49:
-#line 400 "jv-exp.y"
-{ arglist_len = 1; ;
- break;}
-case 50:
-#line 402 "jv-exp.y"
-{ arglist_len++; ;
- break;}
-case 51:
-#line 407 "jv-exp.y"
-{ arglist_len = 0; ;
- break;}
-case 53:
-#line 413 "jv-exp.y"
-{ error ("FIXME - ArrayCreatiionExpression"); ;
- break;}
-case 54:
-#line 415 "jv-exp.y"
-{ error ("FIXME - ArrayCreatiionExpression"); ;
- break;}
-case 58:
-#line 429 "jv-exp.y"
-{ yyval.lval = 1; ;
- break;}
-case 59:
-#line 431 "jv-exp.y"
-{ yyval.lval = yyvsp[-2].lval + 1; ;
- break;}
-case 61:
-#line 437 "jv-exp.y"
-{ yyval.lval = 0; ;
- break;}
-case 62:
-#line 442 "jv-exp.y"
-{ push_fieldnames (yyvsp[0].sval); ;
- break;}
-case 63:
-#line 444 "jv-exp.y"
-{ push_fieldnames (yyvsp[0].sval); ;
- break;}
-case 64:
-#line 450 "jv-exp.y"
-{ error ("method invocation not implemented"); ;
- break;}
-case 65:
-#line 452 "jv-exp.y"
-{ error ("method invocation not implemented"); ;
- break;}
-case 66:
-#line 454 "jv-exp.y"
-{ error ("method invocation not implemented"); ;
- break;}
-case 67:
-#line 459 "jv-exp.y"
- /* Emit code for the Name now, then exchange it in the
- expout array with the Expression's code. We could
- introduce a OP_SWAP code or a reversed version of
- BINOP_SUBSCRIPT, but that makes the rest of GDB pay
- for our parsing kludges. */
- struct expression *name_expr;
- push_expression_name (yyvsp[-3].sval);
- name_expr = copy_exp (expout, expout_ptr);
- expout_ptr -= name_expr->nelts;
- insert_exp (expout_ptr-length_of_subexp (expout, expout_ptr),
- name_expr);
- free (name_expr);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_SUBSCRIPT);
- ;
- break;}
-case 68:
-#line 476 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_SUBSCRIPT); ;
- break;}
-case 69:
-#line 478 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_SUBSCRIPT); ;
- break;}
-case 71:
-#line 484 "jv-exp.y"
-{ push_expression_name (yyvsp[0].sval); ;
- break;}
-case 75:
-#line 493 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_POSTINCREMENT); ;
- break;}
-case 76:
-#line 498 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_POSTDECREMENT); ;
- break;}
-case 80:
-#line 506 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_NEG); ;
- break;}
-case 81:
-#line 508 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_IND); ;
- break;}
-case 83:
-#line 514 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_PREINCREMENT); ;
- break;}
-case 84:
-#line 519 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_PREDECREMENT); ;
- break;}
-case 86:
-#line 525 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_COMPLEMENT); ;
- break;}
-case 87:
-#line 527 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_LOGICAL_NOT); ;
- break;}
-case 89:
-#line 533 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_CAST);
- write_exp_elt_type (java_array_type (yyvsp[-3].tval, yyvsp[-2].lval));
- write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_CAST); ;
- break;}
-case 90:
-#line 537 "jv-exp.y"
- int exp_size = expout_ptr;
- int last_exp_size = length_of_subexp(expout, expout_ptr);
- struct type *type;
- int i;
- int base = expout_ptr - last_exp_size - 3;
- if (base < 0 || expout->elts[base+2].opcode != OP_TYPE)
- error ("invalid cast expression");
- type = expout->elts[base+1].type;
- /* Remove the 'Expression' and slide the
- UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus down to replace it. */
- for (i = 0; i < last_exp_size; i++)
- expout->elts[base + i] = expout->elts[base + i + 3];
- expout_ptr -= 3;
- type = lookup_pointer_type (type);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_CAST);
- write_exp_elt_type (type);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_CAST);
- ;
- break;}
-case 91:
-#line 558 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_CAST);
- write_exp_elt_type (java_array_type (java_type_from_name (yyvsp[-3].sval), yyvsp[-2].lval));
- write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_CAST); ;
- break;}
-case 93:
-#line 567 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_MUL); ;
- break;}
-case 94:
-#line 569 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_DIV); ;
- break;}
-case 95:
-#line 571 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_REM); ;
- break;}
-case 97:
-#line 577 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_ADD); ;
- break;}
-case 98:
-#line 579 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_SUB); ;
- break;}
-case 100:
-#line 585 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LSH); ;
- break;}
-case 101:
-#line 587 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_RSH); ;
- break;}
-case 103:
-#line 594 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LESS); ;
- break;}
-case 104:
-#line 596 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_GTR); ;
- break;}
-case 105:
-#line 598 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LEQ); ;
- break;}
-case 106:
-#line 600 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_GEQ); ;
- break;}
-case 108:
-#line 607 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_EQUAL); ;
- break;}
-case 109:
-#line 609 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_NOTEQUAL); ;
- break;}
-case 111:
-#line 615 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_BITWISE_AND); ;
- break;}
-case 113:
-#line 621 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_BITWISE_XOR); ;
- break;}
-case 115:
-#line 626 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_BITWISE_IOR); ;
- break;}
-case 117:
-#line 632 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LOGICAL_AND); ;
- break;}
-case 119:
-#line 638 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LOGICAL_OR); ;
- break;}
-case 121:
-#line 644 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (TERNOP_COND); ;
- break;}
-case 124:
-#line 654 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_ASSIGN); ;
- break;}
-case 125:
-#line 656 "jv-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_ASSIGN_MODIFY);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (yyvsp[-1].opcode);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_ASSIGN_MODIFY); ;
- break;}
-case 126:
-#line 663 "jv-exp.y"
-{ push_expression_name (yyvsp[0].sval); ;
- break;}
- /* the action file gets copied in in place of this dollarsign */
-#line 498 "/stone/jimb/main-98r2/share/bison.simple"
- yyvsp -= yylen;
- yyssp -= yylen;
- yylsp -= yylen;
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- {
- short *ssp1 = yyss - 1;
- fprintf (stderr, "state stack now");
- while (ssp1 != yyssp)
- fprintf (stderr, " %d", *++ssp1);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- }
- *++yyvsp = yyval;
- yylsp++;
- if (yylen == 0)
- {
- yylsp->first_line = yylloc.first_line;
- yylsp->first_column = yylloc.first_column;
- yylsp->last_line = (yylsp-1)->last_line;
- yylsp->last_column = (yylsp-1)->last_column;
- yylsp->text = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- yylsp->last_line = (yylsp+yylen-1)->last_line;
- yylsp->last_column = (yylsp+yylen-1)->last_column;
- }
- /* Now "shift" the result of the reduction.
- Determine what state that goes to,
- based on the state we popped back to
- and the rule number reduced by. */
- yyn = yyr1[yyn];
- yystate = yypgoto[yyn - YYNTBASE] + *yyssp;
- if (yystate >= 0 && yystate <= YYLAST && yycheck[yystate] == *yyssp)
- yystate = yytable[yystate];
- else
- yystate = yydefgoto[yyn - YYNTBASE];
- goto yynewstate;
-yyerrlab: /* here on detecting error */
- if (! yyerrstatus)
- /* If not already recovering from an error, report this error. */
- {
- ++yynerrs;
- yyn = yypact[yystate];
- if (yyn > YYFLAG && yyn < YYLAST)
- {
- int size = 0;
- char *msg;
- int x, count;
- count = 0;
- /* Start X at -yyn if nec to avoid negative indexes in yycheck. */
- for (x = (yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0);
- x < (sizeof(yytname) / sizeof(char *)); x++)
- if (yycheck[x + yyn] == x)
- size += strlen(yytname[x]) + 15, count++;
- msg = (char *) xmalloc(size + 15);
- if (msg != 0)
- {
- strcpy(msg, "parse error");
- if (count < 5)
- {
- count = 0;
- for (x = (yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0);
- x < (sizeof(yytname) / sizeof(char *)); x++)
- if (yycheck[x + yyn] == x)
- {
- strcat(msg, count == 0 ? ", expecting `" : " or `");
- strcat(msg, yytname[x]);
- strcat(msg, "'");
- count++;
- }
- }
- yyerror(msg);
- free(msg);
- }
- else
- yyerror ("parse error; also virtual memory exceeded");
- }
- else
-#endif /* YYERROR_VERBOSE */
- yyerror("parse error");
- }
- goto yyerrlab1;
-yyerrlab1: /* here on error raised explicitly by an action */
- if (yyerrstatus == 3)
- {
- /* if just tried and failed to reuse lookahead token after an error, discard it. */
- /* return failure if at end of input */
- if (yychar == YYEOF)
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Discarding token %d (%s).\n", yychar, yytname[yychar1]);
- yychar = YYEMPTY;
- }
- /* Else will try to reuse lookahead token
- after shifting the error token. */
- yyerrstatus = 3; /* Each real token shifted decrements this */
- goto yyerrhandle;
-yyerrdefault: /* current state does not do anything special for the error token. */
-#if 0
- /* This is wrong; only states that explicitly want error tokens
- should shift them. */
- yyn = yydefact[yystate]; /* If its default is to accept any token, ok. Otherwise pop it.*/
- if (yyn) goto yydefault;
-yyerrpop: /* pop the current state because it cannot handle the error token */
- if (yyssp == yyss) YYABORT;
- yyvsp--;
- yystate = *--yyssp;
- yylsp--;
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- {
- short *ssp1 = yyss - 1;
- fprintf (stderr, "Error: state stack now");
- while (ssp1 != yyssp)
- fprintf (stderr, " %d", *++ssp1);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- }
- yyn = yypact[yystate];
- if (yyn == YYFLAG)
- goto yyerrdefault;
- yyn += YYTERROR;
- if (yyn < 0 || yyn > YYLAST || yycheck[yyn] != YYTERROR)
- goto yyerrdefault;
- yyn = yytable[yyn];
- if (yyn < 0)
- {
- if (yyn == YYFLAG)
- goto yyerrpop;
- yyn = -yyn;
- goto yyreduce;
- }
- else if (yyn == 0)
- goto yyerrpop;
- if (yyn == YYFINAL)
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Shifting error token, ");
- *++yyvsp = yylval;
- *++yylsp = yylloc;
- yystate = yyn;
- goto yynewstate;
-#line 675 "jv-exp.y"
-/* Take care of parsing a number (anything that starts with a digit).
- Set yylval and return the token type; update lexptr.
- LEN is the number of characters in it. */
-/*** Needs some error checking for the float case ***/
-static int
-parse_number (p, len, parsed_float, putithere)
- register char *p;
- register int len;
- int parsed_float;
- YYSTYPE *putithere;
- register ULONGEST n = 0;
- ULONGEST limit, limit_div_base;
- register int c;
- register int base = input_radix;
- struct type *type;
- if (parsed_float)
- {
- /* It's a float since it contains a point or an exponent. */
- char c;
- int num = 0; /* number of tokens scanned by scanf */
- char saved_char = p[len];
- p[len] = 0; /* null-terminate the token */
- if (sizeof (putithere->typed_val_float.dval) <= sizeof (float))
- num = sscanf (p, "%g%c", (float *) &putithere->typed_val_float.dval, &c);
- else if (sizeof (putithere->typed_val_float.dval) <= sizeof (double))
- num = sscanf (p, "%lg%c", (double *) &putithere->typed_val_float.dval, &c);
- else
- {
- num = sscanf (p, "%Lg%c", &putithere->typed_val_float.dval, &c);
- /* Scan it into a double, then assign it to the long double.
- This at least wins with values representable in the range
- of doubles. */
- double temp;
- num = sscanf (p, "%lg%c", &temp, &c);
- putithere->typed_val_float.dval = temp;
- }
- p[len] = saved_char; /* restore the input stream */
- if (num != 1) /* check scanf found ONLY a float ... */
- return ERROR;
- /* See if it has `f' or `d' suffix (float or double). */
- c = tolower (p[len - 1]);
- if (c == 'f' || c == 'F')
- putithere->typed_val_float.type = builtin_type_float;
- else if (isdigit (c) || c == '.' || c == 'd' || c == 'D')
- putithere->typed_val_float.type = builtin_type_double;
- else
- return ERROR;
- }
- /* Handle base-switching prefixes 0x, 0t, 0d, 0 */
- if (p[0] == '0')
- switch (p[1])
- {
- case 'x':
- case 'X':
- if (len >= 3)
- {
- p += 2;
- base = 16;
- len -= 2;
- }
- break;
- case 't':
- case 'T':
- case 'd':
- case 'D':
- if (len >= 3)
- {
- p += 2;
- base = 10;
- len -= 2;
- }
- break;
- default:
- base = 8;
- break;
- }
- c = p[len-1];
- limit = (ULONGEST)0xffffffff;
- if (c == 'l' || c == 'L')
- {
- type = java_long_type;
- len--;
- /* A paranoid calculation of (1<<64)-1. */
- limit = ((limit << 16) << 16) | limit;
- }
- else
- {
- type = java_int_type;
- }
- limit_div_base = limit / (ULONGEST) base;
- while (--len >= 0)
- {
- c = *p++;
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- c -= '0';
- else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
- c -= 'A' - 10;
- else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
- c -= 'a' - 10;
- else
- return ERROR; /* Char not a digit */
- if (c >= base)
- return ERROR;
- if (n > limit_div_base
- || (n *= base) > limit - c)
- error ("Numeric constant too large.");
- n += c;
- }
- putithere->typed_val_int.val = n;
- putithere->typed_val_int.type = type;
-struct token
- char *operator;
- int token;
- enum exp_opcode opcode;
-static const struct token tokentab3[] =
- {
- };
-static const struct token tokentab2[] =
- {
- {"&&", ANDAND, BINOP_END},
- {"||", OROR, BINOP_END},
- {"<<", LSH, BINOP_END},
- {">>", RSH, BINOP_END},
- {"==", EQUAL, BINOP_END},
- {"<=", LEQ, BINOP_END},
- {">=", GEQ, BINOP_END}
- };
-/* Read one token, getting characters through lexptr. */
-static int
-yylex ()
- int c;
- int namelen;
- unsigned int i;
- char *tokstart;
- char *tokptr;
- int tempbufindex;
- static char *tempbuf;
- static int tempbufsize;
- retry:
- tokstart = lexptr;
- /* See if it is a special token of length 3. */
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof tokentab3 / sizeof tokentab3[0]; i++)
- if (STREQN (tokstart, tokentab3[i].operator, 3))
- {
- lexptr += 3;
- yylval.opcode = tokentab3[i].opcode;
- return tokentab3[i].token;
- }
- /* See if it is a special token of length 2. */
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof tokentab2 / sizeof tokentab2[0]; i++)
- if (STREQN (tokstart, tokentab2[i].operator, 2))
- {
- lexptr += 2;
- yylval.opcode = tokentab2[i].opcode;
- return tokentab2[i].token;
- }
- switch (c = *tokstart)
- {
- case 0:
- return 0;
- case ' ':
- case '\t':
- case '\n':
- lexptr++;
- goto retry;
- case '\'':
- /* We either have a character constant ('0' or '\177' for example)
- or we have a quoted symbol reference ('foo(int,int)' in C++
- for example). */
- lexptr++;
- c = *lexptr++;
- if (c == '\\')
- c = parse_escape (&lexptr);
- else if (c == '\'')
- error ("Empty character constant.");
- yylval.typed_val_int.val = c;
- yylval.typed_val_int.type = builtin_type_char;
- c = *lexptr++;
- if (c != '\'')
- {
- namelen = skip_quoted (tokstart) - tokstart;
- if (namelen > 2)
- {
- lexptr = tokstart + namelen;
- if (lexptr[-1] != '\'')
- error ("Unmatched single quote.");
- namelen -= 2;
- tokstart++;
- goto tryname;
- }
- error ("Invalid character constant.");
- }
- case '(':
- paren_depth++;
- lexptr++;
- return c;
- case ')':
- if (paren_depth == 0)
- return 0;
- paren_depth--;
- lexptr++;
- return c;
- case ',':
- if (comma_terminates && paren_depth == 0)
- return 0;
- lexptr++;
- return c;
- case '.':
- /* Might be a floating point number. */
- if (lexptr[1] < '0' || lexptr[1] > '9')
- goto symbol; /* Nope, must be a symbol. */
- /* FALL THRU into number case. */
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- {
- /* It's a number. */
- int got_dot = 0, got_e = 0, toktype;
- register char *p = tokstart;
- int hex = input_radix > 10;
- if (c == '0' && (p[1] == 'x' || p[1] == 'X'))
- {
- p += 2;
- hex = 1;
- }
- else if (c == '0' && (p[1]=='t' || p[1]=='T' || p[1]=='d' || p[1]=='D'))
- {
- p += 2;
- hex = 0;
- }
- for (;; ++p)
- {
- /* This test includes !hex because 'e' is a valid hex digit
- and thus does not indicate a floating point number when
- the radix is hex. */
- if (!hex && !got_e && (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E'))
- got_dot = got_e = 1;
- /* This test does not include !hex, because a '.' always indicates
- a decimal floating point number regardless of the radix. */
- else if (!got_dot && *p == '.')
- got_dot = 1;
- else if (got_e && (p[-1] == 'e' || p[-1] == 'E')
- && (*p == '-' || *p == '+'))
- /* This is the sign of the exponent, not the end of the
- number. */
- continue;
- /* We will take any letters or digits. parse_number will
- complain if past the radix, or if L or U are not final. */
- else if ((*p < '0' || *p > '9')
- && ((*p < 'a' || *p > 'z')
- && (*p < 'A' || *p > 'Z')))
- break;
- }
- toktype = parse_number (tokstart, p - tokstart, got_dot|got_e, &yylval);
- if (toktype == ERROR)
- {
- char *err_copy = (char *) alloca (p - tokstart + 1);
- memcpy (err_copy, tokstart, p - tokstart);
- err_copy[p - tokstart] = 0;
- error ("Invalid number \"%s\".", err_copy);
- }
- lexptr = p;
- return toktype;
- }
- case '+':
- case '-':
- case '*':
- case '/':
- case '%':
- case '|':
- case '&':
- case '^':
- case '~':
- case '!':
- case '<':
- case '>':
- case '[':
- case ']':
- case '?':
- case ':':
- case '=':
- case '{':
- case '}':
- symbol:
- lexptr++;
- return c;
- case '"':
- /* Build the gdb internal form of the input string in tempbuf,
- translating any standard C escape forms seen. Note that the
- buffer is null byte terminated *only* for the convenience of
- debugging gdb itself and printing the buffer contents when
- the buffer contains no embedded nulls. Gdb does not depend
- upon the buffer being null byte terminated, it uses the length
- string instead. This allows gdb to handle C strings (as well
- as strings in other languages) with embedded null bytes */
- tokptr = ++tokstart;
- tempbufindex = 0;
- do {
- /* Grow the static temp buffer if necessary, including allocating
- the first one on demand. */
- if (tempbufindex + 1 >= tempbufsize)
- {
- tempbuf = (char *) xrealloc (tempbuf, tempbufsize += 64);
- }
- switch (*tokptr)
- {
- case '\0':
- case '"':
- /* Do nothing, loop will terminate. */
- break;
- case '\\':
- tokptr++;
- c = parse_escape (&tokptr);
- if (c == -1)
- {
- continue;
- }
- tempbuf[tempbufindex++] = c;
- break;
- default:
- tempbuf[tempbufindex++] = *tokptr++;
- break;
- }
- } while ((*tokptr != '"') && (*tokptr != '\0'));
- if (*tokptr++ != '"')
- {
- error ("Unterminated string in expression.");
- }
- tempbuf[tempbufindex] = '\0'; /* See note above */
- yylval.sval.ptr = tempbuf;
- yylval.sval.length = tempbufindex;
- lexptr = tokptr;
- return (STRING_LITERAL);
- }
- if (!(c == '_' || c == '$'
- || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')))
- /* We must have come across a bad character (e.g. ';'). */
- error ("Invalid character '%c' in expression.", c);
- /* It's a name. See how long it is. */
- namelen = 0;
- for (c = tokstart[namelen];
- (c == '_'
- || c == '$'
- || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
- || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
- || c == '<');
- )
- {
- if (c == '<')
- {
- int i = namelen;
- while (tokstart[++i] && tokstart[i] != '>');
- if (tokstart[i] == '>')
- namelen = i;
- }
- c = tokstart[++namelen];
- }
- /* The token "if" terminates the expression and is NOT
- removed from the input stream. */
- if (namelen == 2 && tokstart[0] == 'i' && tokstart[1] == 'f')
- {
- return 0;
- }
- lexptr += namelen;
- tryname:
- /* Catch specific keywords. Should be done with a data structure. */
- switch (namelen)
- {
- case 7:
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "boolean", 7))
- return BOOLEAN;
- break;
- case 6:
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "double", 6))
- return DOUBLE;
- break;
- case 5:
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "short", 5))
- return SHORT;
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "false", 5))
- {
- yylval.lval = 0;
- }
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "super", 5))
- return SUPER;
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "float", 5))
- return FLOAT;
- break;
- case 4:
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "long", 4))
- return LONG;
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "byte", 4))
- return BYTE;
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "char", 4))
- return CHAR;
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "true", 4))
- {
- yylval.lval = 1;
- }
- if (current_language->la_language == language_cplus
- && STREQN (tokstart, "this", 4))
- {
- static const char this_name[] =
- { CPLUS_MARKER, 't', 'h', 'i', 's', '\0' };
- if (lookup_symbol (this_name, expression_context_block,
- (struct symtab **) NULL))
- return THIS;
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "int", 3))
- return INT;
- if (STREQN (tokstart, "new", 3))
- return NEW;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- yylval.sval.ptr = tokstart;
- yylval.sval.length = namelen;
- if (*tokstart == '$')
- {
- write_dollar_variable (yylval.sval);
- return VARIABLE;
- }
- /* Input names that aren't symbols but ARE valid hex numbers,
- when the input radix permits them, can be names or numbers
- depending on the parse. Note we support radixes > 16 here. */
- if (((tokstart[0] >= 'a' && tokstart[0] < 'a' + input_radix - 10) ||
- (tokstart[0] >= 'A' && tokstart[0] < 'A' + input_radix - 10)))
- {
- YYSTYPE newlval; /* Its value is ignored. */
- int hextype = parse_number (tokstart, namelen, 0, &newlval);
- if (hextype == INTEGER_LITERAL)
- return NAME_OR_INT;
- }
- return IDENTIFIER;
-yyerror (msg)
- char *msg;
- error ("A %s in expression, near `%s'.", (msg ? msg : "error"), lexptr);
-static struct type *
-java_type_from_name (name)
- struct stoken name;
- char *tmp = copy_name (name);
- struct type *typ = java_lookup_class (tmp);
- if (typ == NULL || TYPE_CODE (typ) != TYPE_CODE_STRUCT)
- error ("No class named %s.", tmp);
- return typ;
-/* If NAME is a valid variable name in this scope, push it and return 1.
- Otherwise, return 0. */
-static int
-push_variable (name)
- struct stoken name;
- char *tmp = copy_name (name);
- int is_a_field_of_this = 0;
- struct symbol *sym;
- sym = lookup_symbol (tmp, expression_context_block, VAR_NAMESPACE,
- &is_a_field_of_this, (struct symtab **) NULL);
- if (sym && SYMBOL_CLASS (sym) != LOC_TYPEDEF)
- {
- if (symbol_read_needs_frame (sym))
- {
- if (innermost_block == 0 ||
- contained_in (block_found, innermost_block))
- innermost_block = block_found;
- }
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_VAR_VALUE);
- /* We want to use the selected frame, not another more inner frame
- which happens to be in the same block. */
- write_exp_elt_block (NULL);
- write_exp_elt_sym (sym);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_VAR_VALUE);
- return 1;
- }
- if (is_a_field_of_this)
- {
- /* it hangs off of `this'. Must not inadvertently convert from a
- method call to data ref. */
- if (innermost_block == 0 ||
- contained_in (block_found, innermost_block))
- innermost_block = block_found;
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_THIS);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_THIS);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (STRUCTOP_PTR);
- write_exp_string (name);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (STRUCTOP_PTR);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-/* Assuming a reference expression has been pushed, emit the
- STRUCTOP_STRUCT ops to access the field named NAME. If NAME is a
- qualified name (has '.'), generate a field access for each part. */
-static void
-push_fieldnames (name)
- struct stoken name;
- int i;
- struct stoken token;
- token.ptr = name.ptr;
- for (i = 0; ; i++)
- {
- if (i == name.length || name.ptr[i] == '.')
- {
- /* token.ptr is start of current field name. */
- token.length = &name.ptr[i] - token.ptr;
- write_exp_elt_opcode (STRUCTOP_STRUCT);
- write_exp_string (token);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (STRUCTOP_STRUCT);
- token.ptr += token.length + 1;
- }
- if (i >= name.length)
- break;
- }
-/* Helper routine for push_expression_name.
- Handle a qualified name, where DOT_INDEX is the index of the first '.' */
-static void
-push_qualified_expression_name (name, dot_index)
- struct stoken name;
- int dot_index;
- struct stoken token;
- char *tmp;
- struct type *typ;
- token.ptr = name.ptr;
- token.length = dot_index;
- if (push_variable (token))
- {
- token.ptr = name.ptr + dot_index + 1;
- token.length = name.length - dot_index - 1;
- push_fieldnames (token);
- return;
- }
- token.ptr = name.ptr;
- for (;;)
- {
- token.length = dot_index;
- tmp = copy_name (token);
- typ = java_lookup_class (tmp);
- if (typ != NULL)
- {
- if (dot_index == name.length)
- {
- write_exp_elt_opcode(OP_TYPE);
- write_exp_elt_type(typ);
- write_exp_elt_opcode(OP_TYPE);
- return;
- }
- dot_index++; /* Skip '.' */
- name.ptr += dot_index;
- name.length -= dot_index;
- dot_index = 0;
- while (dot_index < name.length && name.ptr[dot_index] != '.')
- dot_index++;
- token.ptr = name.ptr;
- token.length = dot_index;
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_SCOPE);
- write_exp_elt_type (typ);
- write_exp_string (token);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_SCOPE);
- if (dot_index < name.length)
- {
- dot_index++;
- name.ptr += dot_index;
- name.length -= dot_index;
- push_fieldnames (name);
- }
- return;
- }
- else if (dot_index >= name.length)
- break;
- dot_index++; /* Skip '.' */
- while (dot_index < name.length && name.ptr[dot_index] != '.')
- dot_index++;
- }
- error ("unknown type `%.*s'", name.length, name.ptr);
-/* Handle Name in an expression (or LHS).
-static void
-push_expression_name (name)
- struct stoken name;
- char *tmp;
- struct type *typ;
- char *ptr;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < name.length; i++)
- {
- if (name.ptr[i] == '.')
- {
- /* It's a Qualified Expression Name. */
- push_qualified_expression_name (name, i);
- return;
- }
- }
- /* It's a Simple Expression Name. */
- if (push_variable (name))
- return;
- tmp = copy_name (name);
- typ = java_lookup_class (tmp);
- if (typ != NULL)
- {
- write_exp_elt_opcode(OP_TYPE);
- write_exp_elt_type(typ);
- write_exp_elt_opcode(OP_TYPE);
- }
- else
- {
- struct minimal_symbol *msymbol;
- msymbol = lookup_minimal_symbol (tmp, NULL, NULL);
- if (msymbol != NULL)
- {
- write_exp_msymbol (msymbol,
- lookup_function_type (builtin_type_int),
- builtin_type_int);
- }
- else if (!have_full_symbols () && !have_partial_symbols ())
- error ("No symbol table is loaded. Use the \"file\" command.");
- else
- error ("No symbol \"%s\" in current context.", tmp);
- }
-/* The following two routines, copy_exp and insert_exp, aren't specific to
- Java, so they could go in parse.c, but their only purpose is to support
- the parsing kludges we use in this file, so maybe it's best to isolate
- them here. */
-/* Copy the expression whose last element is at index ENDPOS - 1 in EXPR
- into a freshly xmalloc'ed struct expression. Its language_defn is set
- to null. */
-static struct expression *
-copy_exp (expr, endpos)
- struct expression *expr;
- int endpos;
- int len = length_of_subexp (expr, endpos);
- struct expression *new
- = (struct expression *) xmalloc (sizeof (*new) + EXP_ELEM_TO_BYTES (len));
- new->nelts = len;
- memcpy (new->elts, expr->elts + endpos - len, EXP_ELEM_TO_BYTES (len));
- new->language_defn = 0;
- return new;
-/* Insert the expression NEW into the current expression (expout) at POS. */
-static void
-insert_exp (pos, new)
- int pos;
- struct expression *new;
- int newlen = new->nelts;
- /* Grow expout if necessary. In this function's only use at present,
- this should never be necessary. */
- if (expout_ptr + newlen > expout_size)
- {
- expout_size = max (expout_size * 2, expout_ptr + newlen + 10);
- expout = (struct expression *)
- xrealloc ((char *) expout, (sizeof (struct expression)
- + EXP_ELEM_TO_BYTES (expout_size)));
- }
- {
- int i;
- for (i = expout_ptr - 1; i >= pos; i--)
- expout->elts[i + newlen] = expout->elts[i];
- }
- memcpy (expout->elts + pos, new->elts, EXP_ELEM_TO_BYTES (newlen));
- expout_ptr += newlen;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/kdb-start.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/kdb-start.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a4acb712089..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/kdb-start.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* Main loop for the standalone kernel debugger, for GDB, the GNU Debugger.
- Copyright 1989, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GDB.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "defs.h"
-static char *args[] =
-{"kdb", "kdb-symbols", 0};
-static char *environment[] =
-char **environ;
-start ()
- INIT_STACK (kdb_stack_beg, kdb_stack_end);
- environ = environment;
- main (2, args, environment);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ b/contrib/gdb/gdb/
deleted file mode 100644
index eefdf807ef7c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2162 +0,0 @@
-/* A Bison parser, made from m2-exp.y
- by GNU Bison version 1.27
- */
-#define YYBISON 1 /* Identify Bison output. */
-#define INT 257
-#define HEX 258
-#define ERROR 259
-#define UINT 260
-#define M2_TRUE 261
-#define M2_FALSE 262
-#define CHAR 263
-#define FLOAT 264
-#define STRING 265
-#define NAME 266
-#define BLOCKNAME 267
-#define IDENT 268
-#define VARNAME 269
-#define TYPENAME 270
-#define SIZE 271
-#define CAP 272
-#define ORD 273
-#define HIGH 274
-#define ABS 275
-#define MIN_FUNC 276
-#define MAX_FUNC 277
-#define FLOAT_FUNC 278
-#define VAL 279
-#define CHR 280
-#define ODD 281
-#define TRUNC 282
-#define INC 283
-#define DEC 284
-#define INCL 285
-#define EXCL 286
-#define COLONCOLON 287
-#define INTERNAL_VAR 288
-#define ABOVE_COMMA 289
-#define ASSIGN 290
-#define LEQ 291
-#define GEQ 292
-#define NOTEQUAL 293
-#define IN 294
-#define OROR 295
-#define LOGICAL_AND 296
-#define DIV 297
-#define MOD 298
-#define UNARY 299
-#define DOT 300
-#define NOT 301
-#define QID 302
-#line 40 "m2-exp.y"
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "gdb_string.h"
-#include "expression.h"
-#include "language.h"
-#include "value.h"
-#include "parser-defs.h"
-#include "m2-lang.h"
-#include "bfd.h" /* Required by objfiles.h. */
-#include "symfile.h" /* Required by objfiles.h. */
-#include "objfiles.h" /* For have_full_symbols and have_partial_symbols */
-/* Remap normal yacc parser interface names (yyparse, yylex, yyerror, etc),
- as well as gratuitiously global symbol names, so we can have multiple
- yacc generated parsers in gdb. Note that these are only the variables
- produced by yacc. If other parser generators (bison, byacc, etc) produce
- additional global names that conflict at link time, then those parser
- generators need to be fixed instead of adding those names to this list. */
-#define yymaxdepth m2_maxdepth
-#define yyparse m2_parse
-#define yylex m2_lex
-#define yyerror m2_error
-#define yylval m2_lval
-#define yychar m2_char
-#define yydebug m2_debug
-#define yypact m2_pact
-#define yyr1 m2_r1
-#define yyr2 m2_r2
-#define yydef m2_def
-#define yychk m2_chk
-#define yypgo m2_pgo
-#define yyact m2_act
-#define yyexca m2_exca
-#define yyerrflag m2_errflag
-#define yynerrs m2_nerrs
-#define yyps m2_ps
-#define yypv m2_pv
-#define yys m2_s
-#define yy_yys m2_yys
-#define yystate m2_state
-#define yytmp m2_tmp
-#define yyv m2_v
-#define yy_yyv m2_yyv
-#define yyval m2_val
-#define yylloc m2_lloc
-#define yyreds m2_reds /* With YYDEBUG defined */
-#define yytoks m2_toks /* With YYDEBUG defined */
-#define yylhs m2_yylhs
-#define yylen m2_yylen
-#define yydefred m2_yydefred
-#define yydgoto m2_yydgoto
-#define yysindex m2_yysindex
-#define yyrindex m2_yyrindex
-#define yygindex m2_yygindex
-#define yytable m2_yytable
-#define yycheck m2_yycheck
-#ifndef YYDEBUG
-#define YYDEBUG 0 /* Default to no yydebug support */
-yyparse PARAMS ((void));
-static int
-yylex PARAMS ((void));
-yyerror PARAMS ((char *));
-#if 0
-static char *
-make_qualname PARAMS ((char *, char *));
-static int
-parse_number PARAMS ((int));
-/* The sign of the number being parsed. */
-static int number_sign = 1;
-/* The block that the module specified by the qualifer on an identifer is
- contained in, */
-#if 0
-static struct block *modblock=0;
-#line 135 "m2-exp.y"
-typedef union
- {
- LONGEST lval;
- ULONGEST ulval;
- DOUBLEST dval;
- struct symbol *sym;
- struct type *tval;
- struct stoken sval;
- int voidval;
- struct block *bval;
- enum exp_opcode opcode;
- struct internalvar *ivar;
- struct type **tvec;
- int *ivec;
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-#ifndef __STDC__
-#define const
-#define YYFINAL 181
-#define YYFLAG -32768
-#define YYNTBASE 68
-#define YYTRANSLATE(x) ((unsigned)(x) <= 302 ? yytranslate[x] : 82)
-static const char yytranslate[] = { 0,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 44, 2, 2, 48, 2, 60,
- 64, 52, 50, 35, 51, 2, 53, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 38,
- 42, 39, 2, 49, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 59, 2, 67, 57, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 65, 2, 66, 62, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6,
- 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
- 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
- 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37,
- 40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 54, 55, 56, 58,
- 61, 63
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
-static const short yyprhs[] = { 0,
- 0, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 14, 17, 20, 22,
- 24, 29, 34, 39, 44, 49, 54, 59, 66, 71,
- 76, 81, 84, 89, 96, 101, 108, 112, 114, 118,
- 125, 132, 136, 141, 142, 148, 149, 155, 156, 158,
- 162, 164, 168, 173, 178, 182, 186, 190, 194, 198,
- 202, 206, 210, 214, 218, 222, 226, 230, 234, 238,
- 242, 246, 250, 252, 254, 256, 258, 260, 262, 264,
- 269, 271, 273, 275, 279, 281, 283, 287, 289
-static const short yyrhs[] = { 70,
- 0, 69, 0, 81, 0, 70, 57, 0, 0, 51,
- 71, 70, 0, 50, 70, 0, 72, 70, 0, 61,
- 0, 62, 0, 18, 60, 70, 64, 0, 19, 60,
- 70, 64, 0, 21, 60, 70, 64, 0, 20, 60,
- 70, 64, 0, 22, 60, 81, 64, 0, 23, 60,
- 81, 64, 0, 24, 60, 70, 64, 0, 25, 60,
- 81, 35, 70, 64, 0, 26, 60, 70, 64, 0,
- 27, 60, 70, 64, 0, 28, 60, 70, 64, 0,
- 17, 70, 0, 29, 60, 70, 64, 0, 29, 60,
- 70, 35, 70, 64, 0, 30, 60, 70, 64, 0,
- 30, 60, 70, 35, 70, 64, 0, 70, 58, 12,
- 0, 73, 0, 70, 45, 73, 0, 31, 60, 70,
- 35, 70, 64, 0, 32, 60, 70, 35, 70, 64,
- 0, 65, 76, 66, 0, 81, 65, 76, 66, 0,
- 0, 70, 59, 74, 77, 67, 0, 0, 70, 60,
- 75, 76, 64, 0, 0, 70, 0, 76, 35, 70,
- 0, 70, 0, 77, 35, 70, 0, 65, 81, 66,
- 70, 0, 81, 60, 70, 64, 0, 60, 70, 64,
- 0, 70, 49, 70, 0, 70, 52, 70, 0, 70,
- 53, 70, 0, 70, 54, 70, 0, 70, 55, 70,
- 0, 70, 50, 70, 0, 70, 51, 70, 0, 70,
- 42, 70, 0, 70, 43, 70, 0, 70, 44, 70,
- 0, 70, 40, 70, 0, 70, 41, 70, 0, 70,
- 38, 70, 0, 70, 39, 70, 0, 70, 47, 70,
- 0, 70, 46, 70, 0, 70, 37, 70, 0, 7,
- 0, 8, 0, 3, 0, 6, 0, 9, 0, 10,
- 0, 80, 0, 17, 60, 81, 64, 0, 11, 0,
- 79, 0, 13, 0, 78, 33, 13, 0, 79, 0,
- 34, 0, 78, 33, 12, 0, 12, 0, 16, 0
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
-static const short yyrline[] = { 0,
- 204, 205, 208, 217, 220, 222, 227, 231, 235, 236,
- 239, 243, 247, 251, 255, 261, 267, 271, 277, 281,
- 285, 289, 294, 298, 304, 308, 314, 320, 323, 327,
- 331, 334, 336, 342, 347, 353, 357, 363, 366, 370,
- 375, 380, 385, 391, 397, 405, 409, 413, 417, 421,
- 425, 429, 433, 437, 439, 443, 447, 451, 455, 459,
- 463, 467, 474, 480, 486, 493, 502, 510, 517, 520,
- 527, 534, 538, 547, 559, 567, 571, 587, 638
-#if YYDEBUG != 0 || defined (YYERROR_VERBOSE)
-static const char * const yytname[] = { "$","error","$undefined.","INT","HEX",
-"block","fblock","variable","type", NULL
-static const short yyr1[] = { 0,
- 68, 68, 69, 70, 71, 70, 70, 70, 72, 72,
- 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70,
- 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70,
- 70, 73, 73, 74, 70, 75, 70, 76, 76, 76,
- 77, 77, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70,
- 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70,
- 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70,
- 70, 78, 79, 79, 80, 80, 80, 80, 81
-static const short yyr2[] = { 0,
- 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1,
- 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 4, 4,
- 4, 2, 4, 6, 4, 6, 3, 1, 3, 6,
- 6, 3, 4, 0, 5, 0, 5, 0, 1, 3,
- 1, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
- 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
- 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4,
- 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1
-static const short yydefact[] = { 0,
- 65, 66, 63, 64, 67, 68, 71, 78, 73, 79,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 0, 5, 0,
- 9, 10, 38, 2, 1, 0, 28, 0, 75, 69,
- 3, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7,
- 0, 0, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 34, 36, 8, 0, 0,
- 38, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 45, 0,
- 32, 0, 62, 58, 59, 56, 57, 53, 54, 55,
- 38, 29, 0, 61, 60, 46, 51, 52, 47, 48,
- 49, 50, 27, 0, 38, 77, 74, 0, 0, 70,
- 11, 12, 14, 13, 15, 16, 17, 0, 19, 20,
- 21, 0, 23, 0, 25, 0, 0, 40, 43, 41,
- 0, 0, 44, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 35, 37, 18, 24, 26, 30, 31, 42, 0, 0,
- 0
-static const short yydefgoto[] = { 179,
- 34, 63, 61, 36, 37, 134, 135, 64, 161, 38,
- 39, 40, 44
-static const short yypact[] = { 155,
- 215, -27, -22, -20, -19, 14, 24, 26, 27, 28,
- 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36,-32768, 155,-32768, 155,
--32768,-32768, 155,-32768, 742, 155,-32768, -6, -4,-32768,
- -34, 155, 5, -34, 155, 155, 155, 155, 44, 44,
- 155, 44, 155, 155, 155, 155, 155, 155, 155, 5,
- 155, 272, 742, -31, -41, 155, 155, 155, 155, 155,
- 155, 155, 155, -15, 155, 155, 155, 155, 155, 155,
- 155, 155, 155,-32768, 85,-32768,-32768, 5, -5, 155,
- 155, -21, 300, 328, 356, 384, 34, 39, 412, 64,
- 440, 468, 496, 78, 244, 692, 718, 5,-32768, 155,
--32768, 155, 766, -37, -37, -37, -37, -37, -37, -37,
- 155,-32768, 40, 141, 201, 777, 786, 786, 5, 5,
- 5, 5,-32768, 155, 155,-32768,-32768, 524, -29,-32768,
--32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768, 155,-32768,-32768,
--32768, 155,-32768, 155,-32768, 155, 155, 742, 5, 742,
- -33, -32,-32768,-32768, 552, 580, 608, 636, 664, 155,
--32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768, 742, 100, 106,
-static const short yypgoto[] = {-32768,
--32768, 0,-32768,-32768, 37,-32768,-32768, -86,-32768,-32768,
--32768,-32768, 52
-#define YYLAST 846
-static const short yytable[] = { 35,
- 10, 170, 110, 110, 139, 110, 136, 137, 75, 76,
- 43, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 90, 84,
- 85, 86, 87, 91, 112, 90, 89, 60, -72, 62,
- 91, 172, 45, 171, 111, 88, 164, 46, 90, 47,
- 48, 62, 140, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 162, 121,
- 99, 41, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 10,
- 108, 84, 85, 86, 87, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117,
- 118, 119, 120, 49, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129,
- 130, 131, 132, 50, 65, 51, 52, 53, 54, 138,
- 55, 56, 57, 92, 58, 59, 133, 145, 148, 180,
- 97, 98, 146, 100, 91, 181, 0, 0, 0, 158,
- 122, 159, 152, 0, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71,
- 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 123, 77, 78, 79, 80,
- 81, 82, 83, 160, 84, 85, 86, 87, 0, 0,
- 0, 153, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 165, 0, 0,
- 0, 166, 0, 167, 0, 168, 169, 1, 0, 0,
- 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 178,
- 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
- 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 76, 27, 77,
- 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 0, 84, 85, 86,
- 87, 0, 0, 0, 28, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 31, 32, 1, 0, 33,
- 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 0,
- 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
- 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 0, 27, 77,
- 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 0, 84, 85, 86,
- 87, 0, 0, 0, 28, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 31, 32, 0, 154, 33,
- 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75,
- 76, 0, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 0,
- 84, 85, 86, 87, 0, 0, 0, 155, 66, 67,
- 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 0,
- 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 0, 84, 85,
- 86, 87, 0, 0, 0, 109, 66, 67, 68, 69,
- 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 0, 77, 78,
- 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 0, 84, 85, 86, 87,
- 0, 0, 0, 141, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71,
- 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 0, 77, 78, 79, 80,
- 81, 82, 83, 0, 84, 85, 86, 87, 0, 0,
- 0, 142, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,
- 74, 75, 76, 0, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82,
- 83, 0, 84, 85, 86, 87, 0, 0, 0, 143,
- 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75,
- 76, 0, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 0,
- 84, 85, 86, 87, 0, 0, 0, 144, 66, 67,
- 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 0,
- 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 0, 84, 85,
- 86, 87, 0, 0, 0, 147, 66, 67, 68, 69,
- 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 0, 77, 78,
- 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 0, 84, 85, 86, 87,
- 0, 0, 0, 149, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71,
- 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 0, 77, 78, 79, 80,
- 81, 82, 83, 0, 84, 85, 86, 87, 0, 0,
- 0, 150, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,
- 74, 75, 76, 0, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82,
- 83, 0, 84, 85, 86, 87, 0, 0, 0, 151,
- 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75,
- 76, 0, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 0,
- 84, 85, 86, 87, 0, 0, 0, 163, 66, 67,
- 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 0,
- 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 0, 84, 85,
- 86, 87, 0, 0, 0, 173, 66, 67, 68, 69,
- 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 0, 77, 78,
- 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 0, 84, 85, 86, 87,
- 0, 0, 0, 174, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71,
- 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 0, 77, 78, 79, 80,
- 81, 82, 83, 0, 84, 85, 86, 87, 0, 0,
- 0, 175, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,
- 74, 75, 76, 0, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82,
- 83, 0, 84, 85, 86, 87, 0, 0, 0, 176,
- 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75,
- 76, 0, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 0,
- 84, 85, 86, 87, 0, 0, 156, 177, 66, 67,
- 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 0,
- 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 0, 84, 85,
- 86, 87, 157, 0, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71,
- 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 0, 77, 78, 79, 80,
- 81, 82, 83, 0, 84, 85, 86, 87, 66, 67,
- 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 0,
- 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 0, 84, 85,
- 86, 87,-32768, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,
- 74, 75, 76, 0, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82,
- 83, 0, 84, 85, 86, 87, 78, 79, 80, 81,
- 82, 83, 0, 84, 85, 86, 87, 80, 81, 82,
- 83, 0, 84, 85, 86, 87
-static const short yycheck[] = { 0,
- 16, 35, 35, 35, 91, 35, 12, 13, 46, 47,
- 11, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 60, 57,
- 58, 59, 60, 65, 66, 60, 33, 28, 33, 30,
- 65, 64, 60, 67, 66, 36, 66, 60, 60, 60,
- 60, 42, 64, 65, 45, 46, 47, 48, 135, 65,
- 51, 0, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 16,
- 61, 57, 58, 59, 60, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70,
- 71, 72, 73, 60, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80,
- 81, 82, 83, 60, 33, 60, 60, 60, 60, 90,
- 60, 60, 60, 42, 60, 60, 12, 64, 35, 0,
- 49, 50, 64, 52, 65, 0, -1, -1, -1, 110,
- 74, 112, 35, -1, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
- 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 74, 49, 50, 51, 52,
- 53, 54, 55, 134, 57, 58, 59, 60, -1, -1,
- -1, 64, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 148, -1, -1,
- -1, 152, -1, 154, -1, 156, 157, 3, -1, -1,
- 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, -1, 170,
- 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
- 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 47, 34, 49,
- 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, -1, 57, 58, 59,
- 60, -1, -1, -1, 50, 51, -1, -1, -1, -1,
- -1, -1, -1, -1, 60, 61, 62, 3, -1, 65,
- 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, -1, -1,
- 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
- 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, -1, 34, 49,
- 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, -1, 57, 58, 59,
- 60, -1, -1, -1, 50, 51, -1, -1, -1, -1,
- -1, -1, -1, -1, 60, 61, 62, -1, 35, 65,
- 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
- 47, -1, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, -1,
- 57, 58, 59, 60, -1, -1, -1, 64, 37, 38,
- 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, -1,
- 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, -1, 57, 58,
- 59, 60, -1, -1, -1, 64, 37, 38, 39, 40,
- 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, -1, 49, 50,
- 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, -1, 57, 58, 59, 60,
- -1, -1, -1, 64, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
- 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, -1, 49, 50, 51, 52,
- 53, 54, 55, -1, 57, 58, 59, 60, -1, -1,
- -1, 64, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,
- 45, 46, 47, -1, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
- 55, -1, 57, 58, 59, 60, -1, -1, -1, 64,
- 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
- 47, -1, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, -1,
- 57, 58, 59, 60, -1, -1, -1, 64, 37, 38,
- 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, -1,
- 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, -1, 57, 58,
- 59, 60, -1, -1, -1, 64, 37, 38, 39, 40,
- 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, -1, 49, 50,
- 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, -1, 57, 58, 59, 60,
- -1, -1, -1, 64, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
- 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, -1, 49, 50, 51, 52,
- 53, 54, 55, -1, 57, 58, 59, 60, -1, -1,
- -1, 64, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,
- 45, 46, 47, -1, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
- 55, -1, 57, 58, 59, 60, -1, -1, -1, 64,
- 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
- 47, -1, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, -1,
- 57, 58, 59, 60, -1, -1, -1, 64, 37, 38,
- 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, -1,
- 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, -1, 57, 58,
- 59, 60, -1, -1, -1, 64, 37, 38, 39, 40,
- 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, -1, 49, 50,
- 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, -1, 57, 58, 59, 60,
- -1, -1, -1, 64, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
- 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, -1, 49, 50, 51, 52,
- 53, 54, 55, -1, 57, 58, 59, 60, -1, -1,
- -1, 64, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,
- 45, 46, 47, -1, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
- 55, -1, 57, 58, 59, 60, -1, -1, -1, 64,
- 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
- 47, -1, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, -1,
- 57, 58, 59, 60, -1, -1, 35, 64, 37, 38,
- 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, -1,
- 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, -1, 57, 58,
- 59, 60, 35, -1, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
- 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, -1, 49, 50, 51, 52,
- 53, 54, 55, -1, 57, 58, 59, 60, 37, 38,
- 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, -1,
- 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, -1, 57, 58,
- 59, 60, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,
- 45, 46, 47, -1, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
- 55, -1, 57, 58, 59, 60, 50, 51, 52, 53,
- 54, 55, -1, 57, 58, 59, 60, 52, 53, 54,
- 55, -1, 57, 58, 59, 60
-/* -*-C-*- Note some compilers choke on comments on `#line' lines. */
-#line 3 "/usr/lib/bison.simple"
-/* This file comes from bison-1.27. */
-/* Skeleton output parser for bison,
- Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* As a special exception, when this file is copied by Bison into a
- Bison output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
- This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation
- in version 1.24 of Bison. */
-/* This is the parser code that is written into each bison parser
- when the %semantic_parser declaration is not specified in the grammar.
- It was written by Richard Stallman by simplifying the hairy parser
- used when %semantic_parser is specified. */
-#ifdef alloca
-#else /* alloca not defined */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define alloca __builtin_alloca
-#else /* not GNU C. */
-#if (!defined (__STDC__) && defined (sparc)) || defined (__sparc__) || defined (__sparc) || defined (__sgi) || (defined (__sun) && defined (__i386))
-#include <alloca.h>
-#else /* not sparc */
-/* We think this test detects Watcom and Microsoft C. */
-/* This used to test MSDOS, but that is a bad idea
- since that symbol is in the user namespace. */
-#if (defined (_MSDOS) || defined (_MSDOS_)) && !defined (__TURBOC__)
-#if 0 /* No need for xmalloc.h, which pollutes the namespace;
- instead, just don't use alloca. */
-#else /* not MSDOS, or __TURBOC__ */
-#if defined(_AIX)
-/* I don't know what this was needed for, but it pollutes the namespace.
- So I turned it off. rms, 2 May 1997. */
- #pragma alloca
-#else /* not MSDOS, or __TURBOC__, or _AIX */
-#if 0
-#ifdef __hpux /* says this works for HPUX 9.05 and up,
- and on HPUX 10. Eventually we can turn this on. */
-#define alloca __builtin_alloca
-#endif /* __hpux */
-#endif /* not _AIX */
-#endif /* not MSDOS, or __TURBOC__ */
-#endif /* not sparc */
-#endif /* not GNU C */
-#endif /* alloca not defined */
-#endif /* YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA not defined */
-#define YYSTACK_ALLOC alloca
-#define YYSTACK_ALLOC xmalloc
-/* Note: there must be only one dollar sign in this file.
- It is replaced by the list of actions, each action
- as one case of the switch. */
-#define yyerrok (yyerrstatus = 0)
-#define yyclearin (yychar = YYEMPTY)
-#define YYEMPTY -2
-#define YYEOF 0
-#define YYACCEPT goto yyacceptlab
-#define YYABORT goto yyabortlab
-#define YYERROR goto yyerrlab1
-/* Like YYERROR except do call yyerror.
- This remains here temporarily to ease the
- transition to the new meaning of YYERROR, for GCC.
- Once GCC version 2 has supplanted version 1, this can go. */
-#define YYFAIL goto yyerrlab
-#define YYRECOVERING() (!!yyerrstatus)
-#define YYBACKUP(token, value) \
-do \
- if (yychar == YYEMPTY && yylen == 1) \
- { yychar = (token), yylval = (value); \
- yychar1 = YYTRANSLATE (yychar); \
- goto yybackup; \
- } \
- else \
- { yyerror ("syntax error: cannot back up"); YYERROR; } \
-while (0)
-#define YYTERROR 1
-#define YYERRCODE 256
-#ifndef YYPURE
-#define YYLEX yylex()
-#ifdef YYPURE
-#define YYLEX yylex(&yylval, &yylloc, YYLEX_PARAM)
-#define YYLEX yylex(&yylval, &yylloc)
-#else /* not YYLSP_NEEDED */
-#define YYLEX yylex(&yylval, YYLEX_PARAM)
-#define YYLEX yylex(&yylval)
-#endif /* not YYLSP_NEEDED */
-/* If nonreentrant, generate the variables here */
-#ifndef YYPURE
-int yychar; /* the lookahead symbol */
-YYSTYPE yylval; /* the semantic value of the */
- /* lookahead symbol */
-YYLTYPE yylloc; /* location data for the lookahead */
- /* symbol */
-int yynerrs; /* number of parse errors so far */
-#endif /* not YYPURE */
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
-int yydebug; /* nonzero means print parse trace */
-/* Since this is uninitialized, it does not stop multiple parsers
- from coexisting. */
-/* YYINITDEPTH indicates the initial size of the parser's stacks */
-#define YYINITDEPTH 200
-/* YYMAXDEPTH is the maximum size the stacks can grow to
- (effective only if the built-in stack extension method is used). */
-#if YYMAXDEPTH == 0
-#define YYMAXDEPTH 10000
-/* Define __yy_memcpy. Note that the size argument
- should be passed with type unsigned int, because that is what the non-GCC
- definitions require. With GCC, __builtin_memcpy takes an arg
- of type size_t, but it can handle unsigned int. */
-#if __GNUC__ > 1 /* GNU C and GNU C++ define this. */
-#define __yy_memcpy(TO,FROM,COUNT) __builtin_memcpy(TO,FROM,COUNT)
-#else /* not GNU C or C++ */
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-/* This is the most reliable way to avoid incompatibilities
- in available built-in functions on various systems. */
-static void
-__yy_memcpy (to, from, count)
- char *to;
- char *from;
- unsigned int count;
- register char *f = from;
- register char *t = to;
- register int i = count;
- while (i-- > 0)
- *t++ = *f++;
-#else /* __cplusplus */
-/* This is the most reliable way to avoid incompatibilities
- in available built-in functions on various systems. */
-static void
-__yy_memcpy (char *to, char *from, unsigned int count)
- register char *t = to;
- register char *f = from;
- register int i = count;
- while (i-- > 0)
- *t++ = *f++;
-#line 216 "/usr/lib/bison.simple"
-/* The user can define YYPARSE_PARAM as the name of an argument to be passed
- into yyparse. The argument should have type void *.
- It should actually point to an object.
- Grammar actions can access the variable by casting it
- to the proper pointer type. */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#else /* not __cplusplus */
-#endif /* not __cplusplus */
-#else /* not YYPARSE_PARAM */
-#endif /* not YYPARSE_PARAM */
-/* Prevent warning if -Wstrict-prototypes. */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-int yyparse (void *);
-int yyparse (void);
- register int yystate;
- register int yyn;
- register short *yyssp;
- register YYSTYPE *yyvsp;
- int yyerrstatus; /* number of tokens to shift before error messages enabled */
- int yychar1 = 0; /* lookahead token as an internal (translated) token number */
- short yyssa[YYINITDEPTH]; /* the state stack */
- YYSTYPE yyvsa[YYINITDEPTH]; /* the semantic value stack */
- short *yyss = yyssa; /* refer to the stacks thru separate pointers */
- YYSTYPE *yyvs = yyvsa; /* to allow yyoverflow to xreallocate them elsewhere */
- YYLTYPE yylsa[YYINITDEPTH]; /* the location stack */
- YYLTYPE *yyls = yylsa;
- YYLTYPE *yylsp;
-#define YYPOPSTACK (yyvsp--, yyssp--, yylsp--)
-#define YYPOPSTACK (yyvsp--, yyssp--)
- int yystacksize = YYINITDEPTH;
- int yyfree_stacks = 0;
-#ifdef YYPURE
- int yychar;
- YYSTYPE yylval;
- int yynerrs;
- YYLTYPE yylloc;
- YYSTYPE yyval; /* the variable used to return */
- /* semantic values from the action */
- /* routines */
- int yylen;
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Starting parse\n");
- yystate = 0;
- yyerrstatus = 0;
- yynerrs = 0;
- yychar = YYEMPTY; /* Cause a token to be read. */
- /* Initialize stack pointers.
- Waste one element of value and location stack
- so that they stay on the same level as the state stack.
- The wasted elements are never initialized. */
- yyssp = yyss - 1;
- yyvsp = yyvs;
- yylsp = yyls;
-/* Push a new state, which is found in yystate . */
-/* In all cases, when you get here, the value and location stacks
- have just been pushed. so pushing a state here evens the stacks. */
- *++yyssp = yystate;
- if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)
- {
- /* Give user a chance to xreallocate the stack */
- /* Use copies of these so that the &'s don't force the real ones into memory. */
- YYSTYPE *yyvs1 = yyvs;
- short *yyss1 = yyss;
- YYLTYPE *yyls1 = yyls;
- /* Get the current used size of the three stacks, in elements. */
- int size = yyssp - yyss + 1;
-#ifdef yyoverflow
- /* Each stack pointer address is followed by the size of
- the data in use in that stack, in bytes. */
- /* This used to be a conditional around just the two extra args,
- but that might be undefined if yyoverflow is a macro. */
- yyoverflow("parser stack overflow",
- &yyss1, size * sizeof (*yyssp),
- &yyvs1, size * sizeof (*yyvsp),
- &yyls1, size * sizeof (*yylsp),
- &yystacksize);
- yyoverflow("parser stack overflow",
- &yyss1, size * sizeof (*yyssp),
- &yyvs1, size * sizeof (*yyvsp),
- &yystacksize);
- yyss = yyss1; yyvs = yyvs1;
- yyls = yyls1;
-#else /* no yyoverflow */
- /* Extend the stack our own way. */
- if (yystacksize >= YYMAXDEPTH)
- {
- yyerror("parser stack overflow");
- if (yyfree_stacks)
- {
- free (yyss);
- free (yyvs);
- free (yyls);
- }
- return 2;
- }
- yystacksize *= 2;
- if (yystacksize > YYMAXDEPTH)
- yystacksize = YYMAXDEPTH;
- yyfree_stacks = 1;
- yyss = (short *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (yystacksize * sizeof (*yyssp));
- __yy_memcpy ((char *)yyss, (char *)yyss1,
- size * (unsigned int) sizeof (*yyssp));
- yyvs = (YYSTYPE *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (yystacksize * sizeof (*yyvsp));
- __yy_memcpy ((char *)yyvs, (char *)yyvs1,
- size * (unsigned int) sizeof (*yyvsp));
- yyls = (YYLTYPE *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (yystacksize * sizeof (*yylsp));
- __yy_memcpy ((char *)yyls, (char *)yyls1,
- size * (unsigned int) sizeof (*yylsp));
-#endif /* no yyoverflow */
- yyssp = yyss + size - 1;
- yyvsp = yyvs + size - 1;
- yylsp = yyls + size - 1;
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Stack size increased to %d\n", yystacksize);
- if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)
- }
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Entering state %d\n", yystate);
- goto yybackup;
- yybackup:
-/* Do appropriate processing given the current state. */
-/* Read a lookahead token if we need one and don't already have one. */
-/* yyresume: */
- /* First try to decide what to do without reference to lookahead token. */
- yyn = yypact[yystate];
- if (yyn == YYFLAG)
- goto yydefault;
- /* Not known => get a lookahead token if don't already have one. */
- /* yychar is either YYEMPTY or YYEOF
- or a valid token in external form. */
- if (yychar == YYEMPTY)
- {
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Reading a token: ");
- yychar = YYLEX;
- }
- /* Convert token to internal form (in yychar1) for indexing tables with */
- if (yychar <= 0) /* This means end of input. */
- {
- yychar1 = 0;
- yychar = YYEOF; /* Don't call YYLEX any more */
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Now at end of input.\n");
- }
- else
- {
- yychar1 = YYTRANSLATE(yychar);
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Next token is %d (%s", yychar, yytname[yychar1]);
- /* Give the individual parser a way to print the precise meaning
- of a token, for further debugging info. */
-#ifdef YYPRINT
- YYPRINT (stderr, yychar, yylval);
- fprintf (stderr, ")\n");
- }
- }
- yyn += yychar1;
- if (yyn < 0 || yyn > YYLAST || yycheck[yyn] != yychar1)
- goto yydefault;
- yyn = yytable[yyn];
- /* yyn is what to do for this token type in this state.
- Negative => reduce, -yyn is rule number.
- Positive => shift, yyn is new state.
- New state is final state => don't bother to shift,
- just return success.
- 0, or most negative number => error. */
- if (yyn < 0)
- {
- if (yyn == YYFLAG)
- goto yyerrlab;
- yyn = -yyn;
- goto yyreduce;
- }
- else if (yyn == 0)
- goto yyerrlab;
- if (yyn == YYFINAL)
- /* Shift the lookahead token. */
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Shifting token %d (%s), ", yychar, yytname[yychar1]);
- /* Discard the token being shifted unless it is eof. */
- if (yychar != YYEOF)
- yychar = YYEMPTY;
- *++yyvsp = yylval;
- *++yylsp = yylloc;
- /* count tokens shifted since error; after three, turn off error status. */
- if (yyerrstatus) yyerrstatus--;
- yystate = yyn;
- goto yynewstate;
-/* Do the default action for the current state. */
- yyn = yydefact[yystate];
- if (yyn == 0)
- goto yyerrlab;
-/* Do a reduction. yyn is the number of a rule to reduce with. */
- yylen = yyr2[yyn];
- if (yylen > 0)
- yyval = yyvsp[1-yylen]; /* implement default value of the action */
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- {
- int i;
- fprintf (stderr, "Reducing via rule %d (line %d), ",
- yyn, yyrline[yyn]);
- /* Print the symbols being reduced, and their result. */
- for (i = yyprhs[yyn]; yyrhs[i] > 0; i++)
- fprintf (stderr, "%s ", yytname[yyrhs[i]]);
- fprintf (stderr, " -> %s\n", yytname[yyr1[yyn]]);
- }
- switch (yyn) {
-case 3:
-#line 209 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode(OP_TYPE);
- write_exp_elt_type(yyvsp[0].tval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode(OP_TYPE);
- ;
- break;}
-case 4:
-#line 218 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_IND); ;
- break;}
-case 5:
-#line 221 "m2-exp.y"
-{ number_sign = -1; ;
- break;}
-case 6:
-#line 223 "m2-exp.y"
-{ number_sign = 1;
- write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_NEG); ;
- break;}
-case 7:
-#line 228 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode(UNOP_PLUS); ;
- break;}
-case 8:
-#line 232 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_LOGICAL_NOT); ;
- break;}
-case 11:
-#line 240 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_CAP); ;
- break;}
-case 12:
-#line 244 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_ORD); ;
- break;}
-case 13:
-#line 248 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_ABS); ;
- break;}
-case 14:
-#line 252 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_HIGH); ;
- break;}
-case 15:
-#line 256 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_MIN);
- write_exp_elt_type (yyvsp[-1].tval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_MIN); ;
- break;}
-case 16:
-#line 262 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_MAX);
- write_exp_elt_type (yyvsp[-1].tval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_MIN); ;
- break;}
-case 17:
-#line 268 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_FLOAT); ;
- break;}
-case 18:
-#line 272 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_VAL);
- write_exp_elt_type (yyvsp[-3].tval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_VAL); ;
- break;}
-case 19:
-#line 278 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_CHR); ;
- break;}
-case 20:
-#line 282 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_ODD); ;
- break;}
-case 21:
-#line 286 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_TRUNC); ;
- break;}
-case 22:
-#line 290 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_SIZEOF); ;
- break;}
-case 23:
-#line 295 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode(UNOP_PREINCREMENT); ;
- break;}
-case 24:
-#line 299 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode(BINOP_ASSIGN_MODIFY);
- write_exp_elt_opcode(BINOP_ADD);
- write_exp_elt_opcode(BINOP_ASSIGN_MODIFY); ;
- break;}
-case 25:
-#line 305 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode(UNOP_PREDECREMENT);;
- break;}
-case 26:
-#line 309 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode(BINOP_ASSIGN_MODIFY);
- write_exp_elt_opcode(BINOP_SUB);
- write_exp_elt_opcode(BINOP_ASSIGN_MODIFY); ;
- break;}
-case 27:
-#line 315 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (STRUCTOP_STRUCT);
- write_exp_string (yyvsp[0].sval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (STRUCTOP_STRUCT); ;
- break;}
-case 29:
-#line 324 "m2-exp.y"
-{ error("Sets are not implemented.");;
- break;}
-case 30:
-#line 328 "m2-exp.y"
-{ error("Sets are not implemented.");;
- break;}
-case 31:
-#line 332 "m2-exp.y"
-{ error("Sets are not implemented.");;
- break;}
-case 32:
-#line 335 "m2-exp.y"
-{ error("Sets are not implemented.");;
- break;}
-case 33:
-#line 337 "m2-exp.y"
-{ error("Sets are not implemented.");;
- break;}
-case 34:
-#line 346 "m2-exp.y"
-{ start_arglist(); ;
- break;}
-case 35:
-#line 348 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (MULTI_SUBSCRIPT);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) end_arglist());
- write_exp_elt_opcode (MULTI_SUBSCRIPT); ;
- break;}
-case 36:
-#line 356 "m2-exp.y"
-{ start_arglist (); ;
- break;}
-case 37:
-#line 358 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_FUNCALL);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) end_arglist ());
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_FUNCALL); ;
- break;}
-case 39:
-#line 367 "m2-exp.y"
-{ arglist_len = 1; ;
- break;}
-case 40:
-#line 371 "m2-exp.y"
-{ arglist_len++; ;
- break;}
-case 41:
-#line 376 "m2-exp.y"
-{ arglist_len = 1; ;
- break;}
-case 42:
-#line 381 "m2-exp.y"
-{ arglist_len++; ;
- break;}
-case 43:
-#line 386 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_MEMVAL);
- write_exp_elt_type (yyvsp[-2].tval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_MEMVAL); ;
- break;}
-case 44:
-#line 392 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_CAST);
- write_exp_elt_type (yyvsp[-3].tval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (UNOP_CAST); ;
- break;}
-case 45:
-#line 398 "m2-exp.y"
-{ ;
- break;}
-case 46:
-#line 406 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_REPEAT); ;
- break;}
-case 47:
-#line 410 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_MUL); ;
- break;}
-case 48:
-#line 414 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_DIV); ;
- break;}
-case 49:
-#line 418 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_INTDIV); ;
- break;}
-case 50:
-#line 422 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_REM); ;
- break;}
-case 51:
-#line 426 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_ADD); ;
- break;}
-case 52:
-#line 430 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_SUB); ;
- break;}
-case 53:
-#line 434 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_EQUAL); ;
- break;}
-case 54:
-#line 438 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_NOTEQUAL); ;
- break;}
-case 55:
-#line 440 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_NOTEQUAL); ;
- break;}
-case 56:
-#line 444 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LEQ); ;
- break;}
-case 57:
-#line 448 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_GEQ); ;
- break;}
-case 58:
-#line 452 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LESS); ;
- break;}
-case 59:
-#line 456 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_GTR); ;
- break;}
-case 60:
-#line 460 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LOGICAL_AND); ;
- break;}
-case 61:
-#line 464 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_LOGICAL_OR); ;
- break;}
-case 62:
-#line 468 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (BINOP_ASSIGN); ;
- break;}
-case 63:
-#line 475 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_BOOL);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) yyvsp[0].ulval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_BOOL); ;
- break;}
-case 64:
-#line 481 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_BOOL);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) yyvsp[0].ulval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_BOOL); ;
- break;}
-case 65:
-#line 487 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- write_exp_elt_type (builtin_type_m2_int);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) yyvsp[0].lval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG); ;
- break;}
-case 66:
-#line 494 "m2-exp.y"
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- write_exp_elt_type (builtin_type_m2_card);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) yyvsp[0].ulval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- ;
- break;}
-case 67:
-#line 503 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- write_exp_elt_type (builtin_type_m2_char);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) yyvsp[0].ulval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG); ;
- break;}
-case 68:
-#line 511 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_DOUBLE);
- write_exp_elt_type (builtin_type_m2_real);
- write_exp_elt_dblcst (yyvsp[0].dval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_DOUBLE); ;
- break;}
-case 70:
-#line 521 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG);
- write_exp_elt_type (builtin_type_int);
- write_exp_elt_longcst ((LONGEST) TYPE_LENGTH (yyvsp[-1].tval));
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_LONG); ;
- break;}
-case 71:
-#line 528 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_M2_STRING);
- write_exp_string (yyvsp[0].sval);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_M2_STRING); ;
- break;}
-case 72:
-#line 535 "m2-exp.y"
-{ yyval.bval = SYMBOL_BLOCK_VALUE(yyvsp[0].sym); ;
- break;}
-case 73:
-#line 539 "m2-exp.y"
-{ struct symbol *sym
- = lookup_symbol (copy_name (yyvsp[0].sval), expression_context_block,
- yyval.sym = sym;;
- break;}
-case 74:
-#line 548 "m2-exp.y"
-{ struct symbol *tem
- = lookup_symbol (copy_name (yyvsp[0].sval), yyvsp[-2].bval,
- if (!tem || SYMBOL_CLASS (tem) != LOC_BLOCK)
- error ("No function \"%s\" in specified context.",
- copy_name (yyvsp[0].sval));
- yyval.sym = tem;
- ;
- break;}
-case 75:
-#line 560 "m2-exp.y"
-{ write_exp_elt_opcode(OP_VAR_VALUE);
- write_exp_elt_block (NULL);
- write_exp_elt_sym (yyvsp[0].sym);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_VAR_VALUE); ;
- break;}
-case 77:
-#line 572 "m2-exp.y"
-{ struct symbol *sym;
- sym = lookup_symbol (copy_name (yyvsp[0].sval), yyvsp[-2].bval,
- if (sym == 0)
- error ("No symbol \"%s\" in specified context.",
- copy_name (yyvsp[0].sval));
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_VAR_VALUE);
- /* block_found is set by lookup_symbol. */
- write_exp_elt_block (block_found);
- write_exp_elt_sym (sym);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_VAR_VALUE); ;
- break;}
-case 78:
-#line 588 "m2-exp.y"
-{ struct symbol *sym;
- int is_a_field_of_this;
- sym = lookup_symbol (copy_name (yyvsp[0].sval),
- expression_context_block,
- &is_a_field_of_this,
- NULL);
- if (sym)
- {
- if (symbol_read_needs_frame (sym))
- {
- if (innermost_block == 0 ||
- contained_in (block_found,
- innermost_block))
- innermost_block = block_found;
- }
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_VAR_VALUE);
- /* We want to use the selected frame, not
- another more inner frame which happens to
- be in the same block. */
- write_exp_elt_block (NULL);
- write_exp_elt_sym (sym);
- write_exp_elt_opcode (OP_VAR_VALUE);
- }
- else
- {
- struct minimal_symbol *msymbol;
- register char *arg = copy_name (yyvsp[0].sval);
- msymbol =
- lookup_minimal_symbol (arg, NULL, NULL);
- if (msymbol != NULL)
- {
- write_exp_msymbol
- (msymbol,
- lookup_function_type (builtin_type_int),
- builtin_type_int);
- }
- else if (!have_full_symbols () && !have_partial_symbols ())
- error ("No symbol table is loaded. Use the \"symbol-file\" command.");
- else
- error ("No symbol \"%s\" in current context.",
- copy_name (yyvsp[0].sval));
- }
- ;
- break;}
-case 79:
-#line 639 "m2-exp.y"
-{ yyval.tval = lookup_typename (copy_name (yyvsp[0].sval),
- expression_context_block, 0); ;
- break;}
- /* the action file gets copied in in place of this dollarsign */
-#line 542 "/usr/lib/bison.simple"
- yyvsp -= yylen;
- yyssp -= yylen;
- yylsp -= yylen;
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- {
- short *ssp1 = yyss - 1;
- fprintf (stderr, "state stack now");
- while (ssp1 != yyssp)
- fprintf (stderr, " %d", *++ssp1);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- }
- *++yyvsp = yyval;
- yylsp++;
- if (yylen == 0)
- {
- yylsp->first_line = yylloc.first_line;
- yylsp->first_column = yylloc.first_column;
- yylsp->last_line = (yylsp-1)->last_line;
- yylsp->last_column = (yylsp-1)->last_column;
- yylsp->text = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- yylsp->last_line = (yylsp+yylen-1)->last_line;
- yylsp->last_column = (yylsp+yylen-1)->last_column;
- }
- /* Now "shift" the result of the reduction.
- Determine what state that goes to,
- based on the state we popped back to
- and the rule number reduced by. */
- yyn = yyr1[yyn];
- yystate = yypgoto[yyn - YYNTBASE] + *yyssp;
- if (yystate >= 0 && yystate <= YYLAST && yycheck[yystate] == *yyssp)
- yystate = yytable[yystate];
- else
- yystate = yydefgoto[yyn - YYNTBASE];
- goto yynewstate;
-yyerrlab: /* here on detecting error */
- if (! yyerrstatus)
- /* If not already recovering from an error, report this error. */
- {
- ++yynerrs;
- yyn = yypact[yystate];
- if (yyn > YYFLAG && yyn < YYLAST)
- {
- int size = 0;
- char *msg;
- int x, count;
- count = 0;
- /* Start X at -yyn if nec to avoid negative indexes in yycheck. */
- for (x = (yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0);
- x < (sizeof(yytname) / sizeof(char *)); x++)
- if (yycheck[x + yyn] == x)
- size += strlen(yytname[x]) + 15, count++;
- msg = (char *) xmalloc(size + 15);
- if (msg != 0)
- {
- strcpy(msg, "parse error");
- if (count < 5)
- {
- count = 0;
- for (x = (yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0);
- x < (sizeof(yytname) / sizeof(char *)); x++)
- if (yycheck[x + yyn] == x)
- {
- strcat(msg, count == 0 ? ", expecting `" : " or `");
- strcat(msg, yytname[x]);
- strcat(msg, "'");
- count++;
- }
- }
- yyerror(msg);
- free(msg);
- }
- else
- yyerror ("parse error; also virtual memory exceeded");
- }
- else
-#endif /* YYERROR_VERBOSE */
- yyerror("parse error");
- }
- goto yyerrlab1;
-yyerrlab1: /* here on error raised explicitly by an action */
- if (yyerrstatus == 3)
- {
- /* if just tried and failed to reuse lookahead token after an error, discard it. */
- /* return failure if at end of input */
- if (yychar == YYEOF)
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Discarding token %d (%s).\n", yychar, yytname[yychar1]);
- yychar = YYEMPTY;
- }
- /* Else will try to reuse lookahead token
- after shifting the error token. */
- yyerrstatus = 3; /* Each real token shifted decrements this */
- goto yyerrhandle;
-yyerrdefault: /* current state does not do anything special for the error token. */
-#if 0
- /* This is wrong; only states that explicitly want error tokens
- should shift them. */
- yyn = yydefact[yystate]; /* If its default is to accept any token, ok. Otherwise pop it.*/
- if (yyn) goto yydefault;
-yyerrpop: /* pop the current state because it cannot handle the error token */
- if (yyssp == yyss) YYABORT;
- yyvsp--;
- yystate = *--yyssp;
- yylsp--;
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- {
- short *ssp1 = yyss - 1;
- fprintf (stderr, "Error: state stack now");
- while (ssp1 != yyssp)
- fprintf (stderr, " %d", *++ssp1);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- }
- yyn = yypact[yystate];
- if (yyn == YYFLAG)
- goto yyerrdefault;
- yyn += YYTERROR;
- if (yyn < 0 || yyn > YYLAST || yycheck[yyn] != YYTERROR)
- goto yyerrdefault;
- yyn = yytable[yyn];
- if (yyn < 0)
- {
- if (yyn == YYFLAG)
- goto yyerrpop;
- yyn = -yyn;
- goto yyreduce;
- }
- else if (yyn == 0)
- goto yyerrpop;
- if (yyn == YYFINAL)
-#if YYDEBUG != 0
- if (yydebug)
- fprintf(stderr, "Shifting error token, ");
- *++yyvsp = yylval;
- *++yylsp = yylloc;
- yystate = yyn;
- goto yynewstate;
- yyacceptlab:
- /* YYACCEPT comes here. */
- if (yyfree_stacks)
- {
- free (yyss);
- free (yyvs);
- free (yyls);
- }
- return 0;
- yyabortlab:
- /* YYABORT comes here. */
- if (yyfree_stacks)
- {
- free (yyss);
- free (yyvs);
- free (yyls);
- }
- return 1;
-#line 644 "m2-exp.y"
-#if 0 /* FIXME! */
- long a,b;
- return (MAX_OF_TYPE(builtin_type_m2_int) - b) < a;
- unsigned long a,b;
- return (MAX_OF_TYPE(builtin_type_m2_card) - b) < a;
-#endif /* FIXME */
-/* Take care of parsing a number (anything that starts with a digit).
- Set yylval and return the token type; update lexptr.
- LEN is the number of characters in it. */
-/*** Needs some error checking for the float case ***/
-static int
-parse_number (olen)
- int olen;
- register char *p = lexptr;
- register LONGEST n = 0;
- register LONGEST prevn = 0;
- register int c,i,ischar=0;
- register int base = input_radix;
- register int len = olen;
- int unsigned_p = number_sign == 1 ? 1 : 0;
- if(p[len-1] == 'H')
- {
- base = 16;
- len--;
- }
- else if(p[len-1] == 'C' || p[len-1] == 'B')
- {
- base = 8;
- ischar = p[len-1] == 'C';
- len--;
- }
- /* Scan the number */
- for (c = 0; c < len; c++)
- {
- if (p[c] == '.' && base == 10)
- {
- /* It's a float since it contains a point. */
- yylval.dval = atof (p);
- lexptr += len;
- return FLOAT;
- }
- if (p[c] == '.' && base != 10)
- error("Floating point numbers must be base 10.");
- if (base == 10 && (p[c] < '0' || p[c] > '9'))
- error("Invalid digit \'%c\' in number.",p[c]);
- }
- while (len-- > 0)
- {
- c = *p++;
- n *= base;
- if( base == 8 && (c == '8' || c == '9'))
- error("Invalid digit \'%c\' in octal number.",c);
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- i = c - '0';
- else
- {
- if (base == 16 && c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
- i = c - 'A' + 10;
- else
- return ERROR;
- }
- n+=i;
- if(i >= base)
- return ERROR;
- if(!unsigned_p && number_sign == 1 && (prevn >= n))
- unsigned_p=1; /* Try something unsigned */
- /* Don't do the range check if n==i and i==0, since that special
- case will give an overflow error. */
- if(RANGE_CHECK && n!=i && i)
- {
- if((unsigned_p && (unsigned)prevn >= (unsigned)n) ||
- ((!unsigned_p && number_sign==-1) && -prevn <= -n))
- range_error("Overflow on numeric constant.");
- }
- prevn=n;
- }
- lexptr = p;
- if(*p == 'B' || *p == 'C' || *p == 'H')
- lexptr++; /* Advance past B,C or H */
- if (ischar)
- {
- yylval.ulval = n;
- return CHAR;
- }
- else if ( unsigned_p && number_sign == 1)
- {
- yylval.ulval = n;
- return UINT;
- }
- else if((unsigned_p && (n<0))) {
- range_error("Overflow on numeric constant -- number too large.");
- /* But, this can return if range_check == range_warn. */
- }
- yylval.lval = n;
- return INT;
-/* Some tokens */
-static struct
- char name[2];
- int token;
-} tokentab2[] =
- { {'<', '>'}, NOTEQUAL },
- { {':', '='}, ASSIGN },
- { {'<', '='}, LEQ },
- { {'>', '='}, GEQ },
- { {':', ':'}, COLONCOLON },
-/* Some specific keywords */
-struct keyword {
- char keyw[10];
- int token;
-static struct keyword keytab[] =
- {"OR" , OROR },
- {"IN", IN },/* Note space after IN */
- {"ABS", ABS },
- {"CHR", CHR },
- {"DEC", DEC },
- {"NOT", NOT },
- {"DIV", DIV },
- {"INC", INC },
- {"MAX", MAX_FUNC },
- {"MIN", MIN_FUNC },
- {"MOD", MOD },
- {"ODD", ODD },
- {"CAP", CAP },
- {"ORD", ORD },
- {"VAL", VAL },
- {"EXCL", EXCL },
- {"HIGH", HIGH },
- {"INCL", INCL },
- {"SIZE", SIZE },
- {"TRUNC", TRUNC },
-/* Read one token, getting characters through lexptr. */
-/* This is where we will check to make sure that the language and the operators used are
- compatible */
-static int
-yylex ()
- register int c;
- register int namelen;
- register int i;
- register char *tokstart;
- register char quote;
- retry:
- tokstart = lexptr;
- /* See if it is a special token of length 2 */
- for( i = 0 ; i < (int) (sizeof tokentab2 / sizeof tokentab2[0]) ; i++)
- if(STREQN(tokentab2[i].name, tokstart, 2))
- {
- lexptr += 2;
- return tokentab2[i].token;
- }
- switch (c = *tokstart)
- {
- case 0:
- return 0;
- case ' ':
- case '\t':
- case '\n':
- lexptr++;
- goto retry;
- case '(':
- paren_depth++;
- lexptr++;
- return c;
- case ')':
- if (paren_depth == 0)
- return 0;
- paren_depth--;
- lexptr++;
- return c;
- case ',':
- if (comma_terminates && paren_depth == 0)
- return 0;
- lexptr++;
- return c;
- case '.':
- /* Might be a floating point number. */
- if (lexptr[1] >= '0' && lexptr[1] <= '9')
- break; /* Falls into number code. */
- else
- {
- lexptr++;
- return DOT;
- }
-/* These are character tokens that appear as-is in the YACC grammar */
- case '+':
- case '-':
- case '*':
- case '/':
- case '^':
- case '<':
- case '>':
- case '[':
- case ']':
- case '=':
- case '{':
- case '}':
- case '#':
- case '@':
- case '~':
- case '&':
- lexptr++;
- return c;
- case '\'' :
- case '"':
- quote = c;
- for (namelen = 1; (c = tokstart[namelen]) != quote && c != '\0'; namelen++)
- if (c == '\\')
- {
- c = tokstart[++namelen];
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- {
- c = tokstart[++namelen];
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- c = tokstart[++namelen];
- }
- }
- if(c != quote)
- error("Unterminated string or character constant.");
- yylval.sval.ptr = tokstart + 1;
- yylval.sval.length = namelen - 1;
- lexptr += namelen + 1;
- if(namelen == 2) /* Single character */
- {
- yylval.ulval = tokstart[1];
- return CHAR;
- }
- else
- return STRING;
- }
- /* Is it a number? */
- /* Note: We have already dealt with the case of the token '.'.
- See case '.' above. */
- if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9'))
- {
- /* It's a number. */
- int got_dot = 0, got_e = 0;
- register char *p = tokstart;
- int toktype;
- for (++p ;; ++p)
- {
- if (!got_e && (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E'))
- got_dot = got_e = 1;
- else if (!got_dot && *p == '.')
- got_dot = 1;
- else if (got_e && (p[-1] == 'e' || p[-1] == 'E')
- && (*p == '-' || *p == '+'))
- /* This is the sign of the exponent, not the end of the
- number. */
- continue;
- else if ((*p < '0' || *p > '9') &&
- (*p < 'A' || *p > 'F') &&
- (*p != 'H')) /* Modula-2 hexadecimal number */
- break;
- }
- toktype = parse_number (p - tokstart);
- if (toktype == ERROR)
- {
- char *err_copy = (char *) alloca (p - tokstart + 1);
- memcpy (err_copy, tokstart, p - tokstart);
- err_copy[p - tokstart] = 0;
- error ("Invalid number \"%s\".", err_copy);
- }
- lexptr = p;
- return toktype;
- }
- if (!(c == '_' || c == '$'
- || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')))
- /* We must have come across a bad character (e.g. ';'). */
- error ("Invalid character '%c' in expression.", c);
- /* It's a name. See how long it is. */
- namelen = 0;
- for (c = tokstart[namelen];
- (c == '_' || c == '$' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'));
- c = tokstart[++namelen])
- ;
- /* The token "if" terminates the expression and is NOT
- removed from the input stream. */
- if (namelen == 2 && tokstart[0] == 'i' && tokstart[1] == 'f')
- {
- return 0;
- }
- lexptr += namelen;
- /* Lookup special keywords */
- for(i = 0 ; i < (int) (sizeof(keytab) / sizeof(keytab[0])) ; i++)
- if(namelen == strlen(keytab[i].keyw) && STREQN(tokstart,keytab[i].keyw,namelen))
- return keytab[i].token;
- yylval.sval.ptr = tokstart;
- yylval.sval.length = namelen;
- if (*tokstart == '$')
- {
- write_dollar_variable (yylval.sval);
- return INTERNAL_VAR;
- }
- /* Use token-type BLOCKNAME for symbols that happen to be defined as
- functions. If this is not so, then ...
- Use token-type TYPENAME for symbols that happen to be defined
- currently as names of types; NAME for other symbols.
- The caller is not constrained to care about the distinction. */
- {
- char *tmp = copy_name (yylval.sval);
- struct symbol *sym;
- if (lookup_partial_symtab (tmp))
- return BLOCKNAME;
- sym = lookup_symbol (tmp, expression_context_block,
- if (sym && SYMBOL_CLASS (sym) == LOC_BLOCK)
- return BLOCKNAME;
- if (lookup_typename (copy_name (yylval.sval), expression_context_block, 1))
- return TYPENAME;
- if(sym)
- {
- switch(sym->aclass)
- {
- case LOC_STATIC:
- case LOC_ARG:
- case LOC_REF_ARG:
- case LOC_LOCAL:
- case LOC_CONST:
- return NAME;
- return TYPENAME;
- case LOC_BLOCK:
- return BLOCKNAME;
- case LOC_UNDEF:
- error("internal: Undefined class in m2lex()");
- case LOC_LABEL:
- error("internal: Unforseen case in m2lex()");
- default:
- error ("unhandled token in m2lex()");
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Built-in BOOLEAN type. This is sort of a hack. */
- if(STREQN(tokstart,"TRUE",4))
- {
- yylval.ulval = 1;
- return M2_TRUE;
- }
- else if(STREQN(tokstart,"FALSE",5))
- {
- yylval.ulval = 0;
- return M2_FALSE;
- }
- }
- /* Must be another type of name... */
- return NAME;
- }
-#if 0 /* Unused */
-static char *
- char *mod, *ident;
- char *new = xmalloc(strlen(mod)+strlen(ident)+2);
- strcpy(new,mod);
- strcat(new,".");
- strcat(new,ident);
- return new;
-#endif /* 0 */
-yyerror (msg)
- char *msg;
- error ("A %s in expression, near `%s'.", (msg ? msg : "error"), lexptr);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ b/contrib/gdb/gdb/
deleted file mode 100644
index ed07878338bc..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration fragment for GDB.
-If "{host_canonical}" =~ /m68k-apple-mpw/
- forward-include "{srcdir}"config:m68k:xm-mpw.h xm.h
- Set siow_lib '"{Libraries}"SIOW.o'
-Else If "{host_canonical}" =~ /powerpc-apple-mpw/
- forward-include "{srcdir}"config:powerpc:xm-mpw.h xm.h
- Set siow_lib '"{PPCLibraries}"PPCSIOW.o'
-End If
-Set xdepfiles '"{o}"mac-xdep.c.o'
-Set enable_cflags ""
-# Make a copy of this file and give it a different name, so it
-# won't be confused with GDB's serial.h.
-Duplicate -y "{CIncludes}"Serial.h MacSerial.h
-Echo "/* dummy */" >termio.h
-If "{target_canonical}" =~ /m68k-apple-macos/
- forward-include "{srcdir}"config:m68k:tm-mac.h tm.h
- forward-include "{srcdir}"config:m68k:tm-m68k.h 'm68k/tm-m68k.h'
- Set tdepfiles '"{o}"m68k-tdep.c.o'
-Else If "{target_canonical}" =~ /powerpc-apple-macos/
- forward-include "{srcdir}"config:powerpc:tm-macos.h tm.h
- forward-include "{srcdir}"config:rs6000:tm-rs6000.h 'rs6000/tm-rs6000.h'
- Set tdepfiles '"{o}"rs6000-tdep.c.o "{o}"xcoffread.c.o'
-Else If "{target_canonical}" =~ /i386-unknown-go32/
- forward-include "{srcdir}"config:i386:tm-i386v.h tm.h
- Set tdepfiles '"{o}"i386-tdep.c.o'
-Else If "{target_canonical}" =~ /mips-idt-ecoff/
- forward-include "{srcdir}"config:mips:tm-embed.h tm.h
- forward-include "{srcdir}"config:mips:tm-bigmips.h 'mips/tm-bigmips.h'
- forward-include "{srcdir}"config:mips:tm-mips.h 'mips/tm-mips.h'
- Set tdepfiles '"{o}"mips-tdep.c.o "{o}"remote-mips.c.o'
-Else If "{target_canonical}" =~ /sh-hitachi-hms/
- forward-include "{srcdir}"config:sh:tm-sh.h tm.h
- Set tdepfiles '"{o}"sh-tdep.c.o'
-End If
-If "{target_canonical}" =~ /m68k-apple-macos/
- forward-include "{srcdir}"config:m68k:nm-macos.h nm.h
- Set natdepfiles '"{o}"mac-nat.c.o'
-Else If "{target_canonical}" =~ /powerpc-apple-macos/
- forward-include "{srcdir}"config:powerpc:nm-macos.h nm.h
- Set natdepfiles '"{o}"mac-nat.c.o'
- forward-include "{srcdir}"config:nm-empty.h nm.h
- Set natdepfiles ' '
-End If
-Echo '# From' > "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo "TDEPFILES = " {tdepfiles} >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo "XDEPFILES = " {xdepfiles} >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo "NATDEPFILES = " {natdepfiles} >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo "XM_ADD_FILES = " >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo "TM_ADD_FILES = " >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo "NAT_ADD_FILES = " >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo "XM_CDEPS = " >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo "TM_CDEPS = " >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo "NAT_CDEPS = " >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo "SIOW_LIB = " {siow_lib} >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo "ENABLE_CFLAGS = " {enable_cflags} >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo '# End from' >> "{o}"mk.tmp
-Echo '/* config.h. Generated by mpw-configure. */' > "{o}"
-Echo '#include "mpw.h"' >> "{o}"
-MoveIfChange "{o}" "{o}"config.h
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/mpw-make.sed b/contrib/gdb/gdb/mpw-make.sed
deleted file mode 100644
index ce6a9ecdb155..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/mpw-make.sed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# Sed commands that finish translating the GDB Unix Makefile to MPW syntax.
-/^host_alias =/s/^/#/
-/^target_alias =/s/^/#/
-# Edit all the symbolic definitions pointing to various libraries and such.
-/^INCLUDE_DIR = /s/"{srcdir}":include/"{topsrcdir}"include:/
-/^MMALLOC_DIR = /s/::mmalloc/mmalloc:/
-/^MMALLOC_SRC = /s/"{srcdir}"/"{topsrcdir}"/
-/^MMALLOC =/s/=.*$/=/
-/^BFD_DIR = /s/::bfd/bfd:/
-/^BFD = /s/{BFD_DIR}:libbfd/{BFD_DIR}libbfd/
-/^BFD_SRC = /s/"{srcdir}"/"{topsrcdir}"/
-/^READLINE_DIR = /s/::readline/readline:/
-/^READLINE =/s/=.*$/=/
-/^READLINE_SRC = /s/"{srcdir}"/"{topsrcdir}"/
-/^INCLUDE_CFLAGS = /s/$/ -i "{topsrcdir}"include:mpw: -i ::extra-include:/
-/^SER_HARDWIRE =/s/ser-unix/ser-mac/
-/^TERMCAP =/s/ =.*$/ =/
-# Whack out various autoconf vars that we don't need.
-# Whack out autoconf hook for thread debugging.
-# Fix up paths to include directories.
-/{BFD_DIR}/s/\([ ]\){BFD_DIR}/\1::{BFD_DIR}/g
-/{BFD_DIR}/s/\([ ]\)"{BFD_DIR}"/\1::"{BFD_DIR}"/g
-/^readline_headers =/,/^$/c\
-readline_headers =\
-# This isn't really useful, and seems to cause nonsensical complaints.
-/^copying.c \\Option-f /,/^$/d
-# Fix the syntax of bits of C code that go into version.c.
-/char /s/'char .Option-x/'char */
-# Point at files in the obj dir rather than src dir.
-# Fix up the generation of version.c.
-/"{o}"version.c \\Option-f Makefile/,/^$/c\
-"{o}"version.c \\Option-f Makefile\
- echo -n 'char *version = "' >"{o}"version.c\
- echo -n "{VERSION}" >>"{o}"version.c\
- echo '";' >>"{o}"version.c\
- echo -n 'char *host_name = "' >>"{o}"version.c\
- echo -n "{host_alias}" >>"{o}"version.c\
- echo '";' >>"{o}"version.c\
- echo -n 'char *target_name = "' >>"{o}"version.c\
- echo -n "{target_alias}" >>"{o}"version.c\
- echo '";' >>"{o}"version.c\
-/ansidecl/s/include "{s}""ansidecl.h"/include "ansidecl.h"/
-# Open-brace in a command causes much confusion; replace with the
-# result from a script.
-/initialize_all_files ()/c\
- Echo -n 'void initialize_all_files () ' >> "{o}"init.c-tmp\
- open-brace >> "{o}"init.c-tmp
-# Replace the whole sed bit for init.c; it's simpler that way...
-/echo {OBS} {TSOBS}/,/echo '}'/c\
- For i in {OBS} {TSOBS}\
- Set filename "`Echo {i} | sed \\Option-d\
- -e '/^Onindy.c.o/d' \\Option-d\
- -e '/^nindy.c.o/d' \\Option-d\
- -e '/ttyflush.c.o/d' \\Option-d\
- -e '/xdr_ld.c.o/d' \\Option-d\
- -e '/xdr_ptrace.c.o/d' \\Option-d\
- -e '/xdr_rdb.c.o/d' \\Option-d\
- -e '/udr.c.o/d' \\Option-d\
- -e '/udip2soc.c.o/d' \\Option-d\
- -e '/udi2go32.c.o/d' \\Option-d\
- -e '/version.c.o/d' \\Option-d\
- -e '/[a-z0-9A-Z_]*' \\Option-d\
- -e 's/\\.c\\.o/.c/' \\Option-d\
- -e 's/^://'`"\
- If "{filename}" != ""\
- sed <"{s}""{filename}" >>"{o}"init.c-tmp -n \\Option-d\
- -e '/^_initialize_[a-z_0-9A-Z]* *(/s/^\\([a-z_0-9A-Z]*\\).*/ {extern void \\1 (); \\1 ();}/p'\
- End If\
- End For\
- Echo '}' >>"{o}"init.c-tmp
-# Fix the main compile/link command.
-/{CC_LD} {INTERNAL_LDFLAGS} -o gdb/,/"{o}"init.c.o {OBS} {TSOBS} {ADD_FILES} {CLIBS} {LOADLIBES}/c\
- {REZ} "{s}"mac-gdb.r -o gdb -append -d PROG_NAME='"'gdb'"' -d VERSION_STRING='"'{version}'"'\
-# Replace the install actions with MPW-friendly script.
-/^install \\Option-f /,/^$/c\
-install \\Option-f all install-only\
-install-only \\Option-f \
- NewFolderRecursive "{bindir}"\
- Duplicate -y gdb "{bindir}"gdb\
- If "`Exists SiowGDB`" != ""\
- Duplicate -y SiowGDB "{bindir}"SiowGDB\
- End If\
-# Don't do any recursive subdir stuff.
-/ subdir_do/s/{MAKE}/null-command/
-# Edit out actions that only confuse MPW Make.
-/^config.status \\Option-f/,/^$/d
-/^Makefile \\Option-f/,/^$/d
-# Don't test config.h dependencies.
-/^"{o}"config.h \\Option-f/s/^/#/
-# Add an action to build SIOWgdb.
-SIOWgdb \\Option-f {OBS} {TSOBS} {ADD_DEPS} {CDEPS} "{o}"init.c.o\
- Delete -i -y SIOWgdb\
- {MAKEPEF} SIOWgdb{PROG_EXT} -o SIOWgdb -ft 'APPL' -fc 'gdb ' {MAKEPEF_FLAGS} \
- {REZ} -o SIOWgdb "{RIncludes}"siow.r -append -d __kPrefSize=5000 -d __kMinSize=2000 -d APPNAME='"'SIOWgdb'"' \
- {REZ} "{s}"mac-gdb.r -o SIOWgdb -append -d VERSION_STRING='"'{version}'"'\
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/news-xdep.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/news-xdep.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f57aeb1d46a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/news-xdep.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-/* Low level interface to ptrace, for GDB when running under Unix.
- Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-/* Bad implement execle(3). It's depend for "/bin/cc".
- main()
- {
- printf("execle:\n");
- execle(FILE, ARGS, envp);
- exit(1);
- }
- GCC:
- link a6,#0
- pea LC5 ; call printf
- jbsr _printf
- ; ; (not popd stack)
- pea _envp ; call execle
- clrl sp@-
- pea LC4
- pea LC4
- pea LC4
- pea LC3
- pea LC6
- jbsr _execle
- addw #32,sp ; delayed pop !!
- /bin/cc:
- link.l fp,#L23
- movem.l #L24,(sp)
- pea L26 ; call printf
- jbsr _printf
- addq.l #4,sp ; <--- popd stack !!
- pea _envp ; call execle
- clr.l -(sp)
- pea L32
- */
-execle(name, args)
- char *name, *args;
- register char **env = &args;
- while (*env++)
- ;
- execve(name, (char **)&args, (char **)*env);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ns32km3-nat.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/ns32km3-nat.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cdafb9ce0d44..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ns32km3-nat.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-/* Low level interface to ns532 running mach 3.0.
- Copyright (C) 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "inferior.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <mach.h>
-#include <mach/message.h>
-#include <mach/exception.h>
-#include <mach_error.h>
-#define private static
-/* Find offsets to thread states at compile time.
- * If your compiler does not grok this, calculate offsets
- * offsets yourself and use them (or get a compatible compiler :-)
- */
-#define REG_N_OFFSET(reg) (int)(&((struct ns532_combined_state *)0)->ts.reg)
-#define REG_F_OFFSET(reg) (int)(&((struct ns532_combined_state *)0)->fs.reg)
-/* at reg_offset[i] is the offset to the ns532_combined_state
- * location where the gdb registers[i] is stored.
- */
-static int reg_offset[] =
- REG_F_OFFSET(fsr),
-#define REG_ADDRESS(state,regnum) ((char *)(state)+reg_offset[regnum])
-/* Fetch COUNT contiguous registers from thread STATE starting from REGNUM
- * Caller knows that the regs handled in one transaction are of same size.
- */
-#define FETCH_REGS(state, regnum, count) \
- memcpy (&registers[REGISTER_BYTE (regnum)], \
- (char *)state+reg_offset[ regnum ], \
-/* Store COUNT contiguous registers to thread STATE starting from REGNUM */
-#define STORE_REGS(state, regnum, count) \
- memcpy ((char *)state+reg_offset[ regnum ], \
- &registers[REGISTER_BYTE (regnum)], \
- * Fetch inferiors registers for gdb.
- * REGNO specifies which (as gdb views it) register, -1 for all.
- */
-fetch_inferior_registers (regno)
- int regno;
- kern_return_t ret;
- thread_state_data_t state;
- unsigned int stateCnt = NS532_COMBINED_STATE_COUNT;
- int index;
- if (! MACH_PORT_VALID (current_thread))
- error ("fetch inferior registers: Invalid thread");
- if (must_suspend_thread)
- setup_thread (current_thread, 1);
- ret = thread_get_state (current_thread,
- state,
- &stateCnt);
- if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS)
- warning ("fetch_inferior_registers: %s ",
- mach_error_string (ret));
-#if 0
- /* It may be more effective to store validate all of them,
- * since we fetched them all anyway
- */
- else if (regno != -1)
- supply_register (regno, (char *)state+reg_offset[regno]);
- else
- {
- for (index = 0; index < NUM_REGS; index++)
- supply_register (index, (char *)state+reg_offset[index]);
- }
- if (must_suspend_thread)
- setup_thread (current_thread, 0);
-/* Store our register values back into the inferior.
- * If REGNO is -1, do this for all registers.
- * Otherwise, REGNO specifies which register
- *
- * On mach3 all registers are always saved in one call.
- */
-store_inferior_registers (regno)
- int regno;
- kern_return_t ret;
- thread_state_data_t state;
- unsigned int stateCnt = NS532_COMBINED_STATE_COUNT;
- register int index;
- if (! MACH_PORT_VALID (current_thread))
- error ("store inferior registers: Invalid thread");
- if (must_suspend_thread)
- setup_thread (current_thread, 1);
- /* Fetch the state of the current thread */
- ret = thread_get_state (current_thread,
- state,
- &stateCnt);
- if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS)
- {
- warning ("store_inferior_registers (get): %s",
- mach_error_string (ret));
- if (must_suspend_thread)
- setup_thread (current_thread, 0);
- return;
- }
- /* move gdb's registers to thread's state
- *
- * Since we save all registers anyway, save the ones
- * that gdb thinks are valid (e.g. ignore the regno
- * parameter)
- */
-#if 0
- if (regno != -1)
- STORE_REGS (state, regno, 1);
- else
- {
- for (index = 0; index < NUM_REGS; index++)
- STORE_REGS (state, index, 1);
- }
- /* Write gdb's current view of register to the thread
- */
- ret = thread_set_state (current_thread,
- state,
- if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS)
- warning ("store_inferior_registers (set): %s",
- mach_error_string (ret));
- if (must_suspend_thread)
- setup_thread (current_thread, 0);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/partial-stab.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/partial-stab.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d74c1c9ca5f4..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/partial-stab.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,812 +0,0 @@
-/* Shared code to pre-read a stab (dbx-style), when building a psymtab.
- Copyright 1986, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 1998
- Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* The following need to be defined:
- SET_NAMESTRING() --Set namestring to name of symbol.
- CUR_SYMBOL_TYPE --Type code of current symbol.
- CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE --Value field of current symbol. May be adjusted here.
- namestring - variable pointing to the name of the stab.
- section_offsets - variable pointing to the section offsets.
- pst - the partial symbol table being built.
- psymtab_include_list, includes_used, includes_allocated - list of include
- file names (N_SOL) seen so far.
- dependency_list, dependencies_used, dependencies_allocated - list of
- N_EXCL stabs seen so far.
- END_PSYMTAB -- end a partial symbol table.
- START_PSYMTAB -- start a partial symbol table.
- */
-/* End of macro definitions, now let's handle them symbols! */
- switch (CUR_SYMBOL_TYPE)
- {
- char *p;
- /*
- * Standard, external, non-debugger, symbols
- */
- case N_TEXT | N_EXT:
- case N_NBTEXT | N_EXT:
- goto record_it;
- case N_DATA | N_EXT:
- case N_NBDATA | N_EXT:
- goto record_it;
- case N_BSS:
- case N_BSS | N_EXT:
- case N_NBBSS | N_EXT:
- case N_SETV | N_EXT: /* FIXME, is this in BSS? */
- goto record_it;
- case N_ABS | N_EXT:
- record_it:
- bss_ext_symbol:
- record_minimal_symbol (namestring, CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE,
- CUR_SYMBOL_TYPE, objfile); /* Always */
-#endif /* DBXREAD_ONLY */
- continue;
- /* Standard, local, non-debugger, symbols */
- case N_NBTEXT:
- /* We need to be able to deal with both N_FN or N_TEXT,
- because we have no way of knowing whether the sys-supplied ld
- or GNU ld was used to make the executable. Sequents throw
- in another wrinkle -- they renumbered N_FN. */
- case N_FN:
- case N_FN_SEQ:
- case N_TEXT:
- if ((namestring[0] == '-' && namestring[1] == 'l')
- || (namestring [(nsl = strlen (namestring)) - 1] == 'o'
- && namestring [nsl - 2] == '.'))
- {
- if (objfile -> ei.entry_point < CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE &&
- objfile -> ei.entry_point >= last_o_file_start)
- {
- objfile -> ei.entry_file_lowpc = last_o_file_start;
- objfile -> ei.entry_file_highpc = CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE;
- }
- if (past_first_source_file && pst
- /* The gould NP1 uses low values for .o and -l symbols
- which are not the address. */
- && CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE >= pst->textlow)
- {
- END_PSYMTAB (pst, psymtab_include_list, includes_used,
- symnum * symbol_size,
- CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE > pst->texthigh
- ? CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE : pst->texthigh,
- dependency_list, dependencies_used, textlow_not_set);
- pst = (struct partial_symtab *) 0;
- includes_used = 0;
- dependencies_used = 0;
- }
- else
- past_first_source_file = 1;
- last_o_file_start = CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE;
- }
- else
- goto record_it;
-#endif /* DBXREAD_ONLY */
- continue;
- case N_DATA:
- goto record_it;
- case N_UNDF | N_EXT:
- if (CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE != 0) {
- /* This is a "Fortran COMMON" symbol. See if the target
- environment knows where it has been relocated to. */
- CORE_ADDR reladdr;
- if (target_lookup_symbol (namestring, &reladdr)) {
- continue; /* Error in lookup; ignore symbol for now. */
- }
- CUR_SYMBOL_TYPE ^= (N_BSS^N_UNDF); /* Define it as a bss-symbol */
- CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE = reladdr;
- goto bss_ext_symbol;
- }
-#endif /* DBXREAD_ONLY */
- continue; /* Just undefined, not COMMON */
- case N_UNDF:
- if (processing_acc_compilation && CUR_SYMBOL_STRX == 1) {
- /* Deal with relative offsets in the string table
- used in ELF+STAB under Solaris. If we want to use the
- n_strx field, which contains the name of the file,
- we must adjust file_string_table_offset *before* calling
- past_first_source_file = 1;
- file_string_table_offset = next_file_string_table_offset;
- next_file_string_table_offset =
- file_string_table_offset + CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE;
- if (next_file_string_table_offset < file_string_table_offset)
- error ("string table offset backs up at %d", symnum);
- /* FIXME -- replace error() with complaint. */
- continue;
- }
-#endif /* DBXREAD_ONLY */
- continue;
- /* Lots of symbol types we can just ignore. */
- case N_ABS:
- case N_NBDATA:
- case N_NBBSS:
- continue;
- /* Keep going . . .*/
- /*
- * Special symbol types for GNU
- */
- case N_INDR:
- case N_INDR | N_EXT:
- case N_SETA:
- case N_SETA | N_EXT:
- case N_SETT:
- case N_SETT | N_EXT:
- case N_SETD:
- case N_SETD | N_EXT:
- case N_SETB:
- case N_SETB | N_EXT:
- case N_SETV:
- continue;
- /*
- * Debugger symbols
- */
- case N_SO: {
- unsigned long valu;
- static int prev_so_symnum = -10;
- static int first_so_symnum;
- char *p;
- int prev_textlow_not_set;
- valu = CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE + ANOFFSET (section_offsets, SECT_OFF_TEXT);
- prev_textlow_not_set = textlow_not_set;
- /* A zero value is probably an indication for the SunPRO 3.0
- compiler. end_psymtab explicitly tests for zero, so
- don't relocate it. */
- if (CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE == 0)
- {
- textlow_not_set = 1;
- valu = 0;
- }
- else
- textlow_not_set = 0;
- textlow_not_set = 0;
- past_first_source_file = 1;
- if (prev_so_symnum != symnum - 1)
- { /* Here if prev stab wasn't N_SO */
- first_so_symnum = symnum;
- if (pst)
- {
- END_PSYMTAB (pst, psymtab_include_list, includes_used,
- symnum * symbol_size,
- valu > pst->texthigh ? valu : pst->texthigh,
- dependency_list, dependencies_used,
- prev_textlow_not_set);
- pst = (struct partial_symtab *) 0;
- includes_used = 0;
- dependencies_used = 0;
- }
- }
- prev_so_symnum = symnum;
- /* End the current partial symtab and start a new one */
- /* Null name means end of .o file. Don't start a new one. */
- if (*namestring == '\000')
- continue;
- /* Some compilers (including gcc) emit a pair of initial N_SOs.
- The first one is a directory name; the second the file name.
- If pst exists, is empty, and has a filename ending in '/',
- we assume the previous N_SO was a directory name. */
- p = strrchr (namestring, '/');
- if (p && *(p+1) == '\000')
- continue; /* Simply ignore directory name SOs */
- /* Some other compilers (C++ ones in particular) emit useless
- SOs for non-existant .c files. We ignore all subsequent SOs that
- immediately follow the first. */
- if (!pst)
- pst = START_PSYMTAB (objfile, section_offsets,
- namestring, valu,
- first_so_symnum * symbol_size,
- objfile ->,
- objfile ->;
- continue;
- }
- case N_BINCL:
- {
- enum language tmp_language;
- /* Add this bincl to the bincl_list for future EXCLs. No
- need to save the string; it'll be around until
- read_dbx_symtab function returns */
- tmp_language = deduce_language_from_filename (namestring);
- /* Only change the psymtab's language if we've learned
- something useful (eg. tmp_language is not language_unknown).
- In addition, to match what start_subfile does, never change
- from C++ to C. */
- if (tmp_language != language_unknown
- && (tmp_language != language_c
- || psymtab_language != language_cplus))
- psymtab_language = tmp_language;
- if (pst == NULL)
- {
- /* FIXME: we should not get here without a PST to work on.
- Attempt to recover. */
- complain (&unclaimed_bincl_complaint, namestring, symnum);
- continue;
- }
- add_bincl_to_list (pst, namestring, CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE);
- /* Mark down an include file in the current psymtab */
- goto record_include_file;
-#else /* DBXREAD_ONLY */
- continue;
- }
- case N_SOL:
- {
- enum language tmp_language;
- /* Mark down an include file in the current psymtab */
- tmp_language = deduce_language_from_filename (namestring);
- /* Only change the psymtab's language if we've learned
- something useful (eg. tmp_language is not language_unknown).
- In addition, to match what start_subfile does, never change
- from C++ to C. */
- if (tmp_language != language_unknown
- && (tmp_language != language_c
- || psymtab_language != language_cplus))
- psymtab_language = tmp_language;
- /* In C++, one may expect the same filename to come round many
- times, when code is coming alternately from the main file
- and from inline functions in other files. So I check to see
- if this is a file we've seen before -- either the main
- source file, or a previously included file.
- This seems to be a lot of time to be spending on N_SOL, but
- things like "break c-exp.y:435" need to work (I
- suppose the psymtab_include_list could be hashed or put
- in a binary tree, if profiling shows this is a major hog). */
- if (pst && STREQ (namestring, pst->filename))
- continue;
- {
- register int i;
- for (i = 0; i < includes_used; i++)
- if (STREQ (namestring, psymtab_include_list[i]))
- {
- i = -1;
- break;
- }
- if (i == -1)
- continue;
- }
- record_include_file:
- psymtab_include_list[includes_used++] = namestring;
- if (includes_used >= includes_allocated)
- {
- char **orig = psymtab_include_list;
- psymtab_include_list = (char **)
- alloca ((includes_allocated *= 2) *
- sizeof (char *));
- memcpy ((PTR)psymtab_include_list, (PTR)orig,
- includes_used * sizeof (char *));
- }
- continue;
- }
- case N_LSYM: /* Typedef or automatic variable. */
- case N_STSYM: /* Data seg var -- static */
- case N_LCSYM: /* BSS " */
- case N_ROSYM: /* Read-only data seg var -- static. */
- case N_NBSTS: /* Gould nobase. */
- case N_NBLCS: /* symbols. */
- case N_FUN:
- case N_GSYM: /* Global (extern) variable; can be
- data or bss (sigh FIXME). */
- /* Following may probably be ignored; I'll leave them here
- for now (until I do Pascal and Modula 2 extensions). */
- case N_PC: /* I may or may not need this; I
- suspect not. */
- case N_M2C: /* I suspect that I can ignore this here. */
- case N_SCOPE: /* Same. */
- /* See if this is an end of function stab. */
- if (CUR_SYMBOL_TYPE == N_FUN && *namestring == '\000')
- {
- unsigned long valu;
- /* It's value is the size (in bytes) of the function for
- function relative stabs, or the address of the function's
- end for old style stabs. */
- valu = CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE + last_function_start;
- if (pst->texthigh == 0 || valu > pst->texthigh)
- pst->texthigh = valu;
- break;
- }
- p = (char *) strchr (namestring, ':');
- if (!p)
- continue; /* Not a debugging symbol. */
- /* Main processing section for debugging symbols which
- the initial read through the symbol tables needs to worry
- about. If we reach this point, the symbol which we are
- considering is definitely one we are interested in.
- p must also contain the (valid) index into the namestring
- which indicates the debugging type symbol. */
- switch (p[1])
- {
- case 'S':
- namestring = STATIC_TRANSFORM_NAME (namestring);
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, p - namestring,
- &objfile->static_psymbols,
- psymtab_language, objfile);
- continue;
- case 'G':
- /* The addresses in these entries are reported to be
- wrong. See the code that reads 'G's for symtabs. */
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, p - namestring,
- &objfile->global_psymbols,
- psymtab_language, objfile);
- continue;
- case 'T':
- if (p != namestring) /* a name is there, not just :T... */
- {
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, p - namestring,
- &objfile->static_psymbols,
- psymtab_language, objfile);
- if (p[2] == 't')
- {
- /* Also a typedef with the same name. */
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, p - namestring,
- &objfile->static_psymbols,
- psymtab_language, objfile);
- p += 1;
- }
- /* The semantics of C++ state that "struct foo { ... }"
- also defines a typedef for "foo". Unfortuantely, cfront
- never makes the typedef when translating from C++ to C.
- We make the typedef here so that "ptype foo" works as
- expected for cfront translated code. */
- else if (psymtab_language == language_cplus)
- {
- /* Also a typedef with the same name. */
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, p - namestring,
- &objfile->static_psymbols,
- psymtab_language, objfile);
- }
- }
- goto check_enum;
- case 't':
- if (p != namestring) /* a name is there, not just :T... */
- {
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, p - namestring,
- &objfile->static_psymbols,
- psymtab_language, objfile);
- }
- check_enum:
- /* If this is an enumerated type, we need to
- add all the enum constants to the partial symbol
- table. This does not cover enums without names, e.g.
- "enum {a, b} c;" in C, but fortunately those are
- rare. There is no way for GDB to find those from the
- enum type without spending too much time on it. Thus
- to solve this problem, the compiler needs to put out the
- enum in a nameless type. GCC2 does this. */
- /* We are looking for something of the form
- <name> ":" ("t" | "T") [<number> "="] "e"
- {<constant> ":" <value> ","} ";". */
- /* Skip over the colon and the 't' or 'T'. */
- p += 2;
- /* This type may be given a number. Also, numbers can come
- in pairs like (0,26). Skip over it. */
- while ((*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
- || *p == '(' || *p == ',' || *p == ')'
- || *p == '=')
- p++;
- if (*p++ == 'e')
- {
- /* The aix4 compiler emits extra crud before the members. */
- if (*p == '-')
- {
- /* Skip over the type (?). */
- while (*p != ':')
- p++;
- /* Skip over the colon. */
- p++;
- }
- /* We have found an enumerated type. */
- /* According to comments in read_enum_type
- a comma could end it instead of a semicolon.
- I don't know where that happens.
- Accept either. */
- while (*p && *p != ';' && *p != ',')
- {
- char *q;
- /* Check for and handle cretinous dbx symbol name
- continuation! */
- if (*p == '\\' || (*p == '?' && p[1] == '\0'))
- p = next_symbol_text (objfile);
- /* Point to the character after the name
- of the enum constant. */
- for (q = p; *q && *q != ':'; q++)
- ;
- /* Note that the value doesn't matter for
- enum constants in psymtabs, just in symtabs. */
- add_psymbol_to_list (p, q - p,
- &objfile->static_psymbols, 0,
- 0, psymtab_language, objfile);
- /* Point past the name. */
- p = q;
- /* Skip over the value. */
- while (*p && *p != ',')
- p++;
- /* Advance past the comma. */
- if (*p)
- p++;
- }
- }
- continue;
- case 'c':
- /* Constant, e.g. from "const" in Pascal. */
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, p - namestring,
- &objfile->static_psymbols, CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE,
- 0, psymtab_language, objfile);
- continue;
- case 'f':
- /* Keep track of the start of the last function so we
- can handle end of function symbols. */
- last_function_start = CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE;
- /* Kludges for ELF/STABS with Sun ACC */
- last_function_name = namestring;
- /* Do not fix textlow==0 for .o or NLM files, as 0 is a legit
- value for the bottom of the text seg in those cases. */
- if (pst && textlow_not_set)
- {
- pst->textlow =
- find_stab_function_addr (namestring, pst, objfile);
- textlow_not_set = 0;
- }
-#if 0
- if (startup_file_end == 0)
- startup_file_end = CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE;
- /* End kludge. */
- /* In reordered executables this function may lie outside
- the bounds created by N_SO symbols. If that's the case
- use the address of this function as the low bound for
- the partial symbol table. */
- if (textlow_not_set
- || (CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE < pst->textlow
- != ANOFFSET (section_offsets, SECT_OFF_TEXT)))
- {
- pst->textlow = CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE;
- textlow_not_set = 0;
- }
-#endif /* DBXREAD_ONLY */
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, p - namestring,
- &objfile->static_psymbols,
- psymtab_language, objfile);
- continue;
- /* Global functions were ignored here, but now they
- are put into the global psymtab like one would expect.
- They're also in the minimal symbol table. */
- case 'F':
- /* Keep track of the start of the last function so we
- can handle end of function symbols. */
- last_function_start = CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE;
- /* Kludges for ELF/STABS with Sun ACC */
- last_function_name = namestring;
- /* Do not fix textlow==0 for .o or NLM files, as 0 is a legit
- value for the bottom of the text seg in those cases. */
- if (pst && textlow_not_set)
- {
- pst->textlow =
- find_stab_function_addr (namestring, pst, objfile);
- textlow_not_set = 0;
- }
-#if 0
- if (startup_file_end == 0)
- startup_file_end = CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE;
- /* End kludge. */
- /* In reordered executables this function may lie outside
- the bounds created by N_SO symbols. If that's the case
- use the address of this function as the low bound for
- the partial symbol table. */
- if (textlow_not_set
- || (CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE < pst->textlow
- != ANOFFSET (section_offsets, SECT_OFF_TEXT)))
- {
- pst->textlow = CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE;
- textlow_not_set = 0;
- }
-#endif /* DBXREAD_ONLY */
- add_psymbol_to_list (namestring, p - namestring,
- &objfile->global_psymbols,
- psymtab_language, objfile);
- continue;
- /* Two things show up here (hopefully); static symbols of
- local scope (static used inside braces) or extensions
- of structure symbols. We can ignore both. */
- case 'V':
- case '(':
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- case '-':
- case '#': /* for symbol identification (used in live ranges) */
- /* added to support cfront stabs strings */
- case 'Z': /* for definition continuations */
- case 'P': /* for prototypes */
- continue;
- case ':':
- /* It is a C++ nested symbol. We don't need to record it
- (I don't think); if we try to look up foo::bar::baz,
- then symbols for the symtab containing foo should get
- read in, I think. */
- /* Someone says sun cc puts out symbols like
- /foo/baz/maclib::/usr/local/bin/maclib,
- which would get here with a symbol type of ':'. */
- continue;
- default:
- /* Unexpected symbol descriptor. The second and subsequent stabs
- of a continued stab can show up here. The question is
- whether they ever can mimic a normal stab--it would be
- nice if not, since we certainly don't want to spend the
- time searching to the end of every string looking for
- a backslash. */
- complain (&unknown_symchar_complaint, p[1]);
- /* Ignore it; perhaps it is an extension that we don't
- know about. */
- continue;
- }
- case N_EXCL:
- /* Find the corresponding bincl and mark that psymtab on the
- psymtab dependency list */
- {
- struct partial_symtab *needed_pst =
- find_corresponding_bincl_psymtab (namestring, CUR_SYMBOL_VALUE);
- /* If this include file was defined earlier in this file,
- leave it alone. */
- if (needed_pst == pst) continue;
- if (needed_pst)
- {
- int i;
- int found = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < dependencies_used; i++)
- if (dependency_list[i] == needed_pst)
- {
- found = 1;
- break;
- }
- /* If it's already in the list, skip the rest. */
- if (found) continue;
- dependency_list[dependencies_used++] = needed_pst;
- if (dependencies_used >= dependencies_allocated)
- {
- struct partial_symtab **orig = dependency_list;
- dependency_list =
- (struct partial_symtab **)
- alloca ((dependencies_allocated *= 2)
- * sizeof (struct partial_symtab *));
- memcpy ((PTR)dependency_list, (PTR)orig,
- (dependencies_used
- * sizeof (struct partial_symtab *)));
-#ifdef DEBUG_INFO
- fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stderr, "Had to reallocate dependency list.\n");
- fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stderr, "New dependencies allocated: %d\n",
- dependencies_allocated);
- }
- }
- }
-#endif /* DBXREAD_ONLY */
- continue;
- case N_ENDM:
- /* Solaris 2 end of module, finish current partial symbol table.
- END_PSYMTAB will set pst->texthigh to the proper value, which
- is necessary if a module compiled without debugging info
- follows this module. */
- if (pst)
- {
- END_PSYMTAB (pst, psymtab_include_list, includes_used,
- symnum * symbol_size,
- (CORE_ADDR) 0,
- dependency_list, dependencies_used, textlow_not_set);
- pst = (struct partial_symtab *) 0;
- includes_used = 0;
- dependencies_used = 0;
- }
- continue;
- case N_RBRAC:
- continue;
- case N_EINCL:
- case N_DSLINE:
- case N_BSLINE:
- case N_SSYM: /* Claim: Structure or union element.
- Hopefully, I can ignore this. */
- case N_ENTRY: /* Alternate entry point; can ignore. */
- case N_MAIN: /* Can definitely ignore this. */
- case N_CATCH: /* These are GNU C++ extensions */
- case N_EHDECL: /* that can safely be ignored here. */
- case N_LENG:
- case N_BCOMM:
- case N_ECOMM:
- case N_ECOML:
- case N_FNAME:
- case N_SLINE:
- case N_RSYM:
- case N_PSYM:
- case N_LBRAC:
- case N_NSYMS: /* Ultrix 4.0: symbol count */
- case N_DEFD: /* GNU Modula-2 */
- case N_ALIAS: /* SunPro F77: alias name, ignore for now. */
- case N_OBJ: /* useless types from Solaris */
- case N_OPT:
- /* These symbols aren't interesting; don't worry about them */
- continue;
- default:
- /* If we haven't found it yet, ignore it. It's probably some
- new type we don't know about yet. */
- complain (&unknown_symtype_complaint,
- local_hex_string (CUR_SYMBOL_TYPE));
- continue;
- }
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/pyr-tdep.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/pyr-tdep.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 85e9a072f3c4..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/pyr-tdep.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-/* Pyramid target-dependent code for GDB.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "defs.h"
-/*** Prettier register printing. ***/
-/* Print registers in the same format as pyramid's dbx, adb, sdb. */
-pyr_print_registers(reg_buf, regnum)
- long *reg_buf[];
- register int regno;
- int usp, ksp;
- struct user u;
- for (regno = 0; regno < 16; regno++) {
- printf_unfiltered/*_filtered*/ ("%6.6s: %8x %6.6s: %8x %6s: %8x %6s: %8x\n",
- REGISTER_NAME (regno), reg_buf[regno],
- REGISTER_NAME (regno+16), reg_buf[regno+16],
- REGISTER_NAME (regno+32), reg_buf[regno+32],
- REGISTER_NAME (regno+48), reg_buf[regno+48]);
- }
- usp = ptrace (3, inferior_pid,
- (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) ((char *)&u.u_pcb.pcb_usp) -
- ((char *)&u), 0);
- ksp = ptrace (3, inferior_pid,
- (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) ((char *)&u.u_pcb.pcb_ksp) -
- ((char *)&u), 0);
- printf_unfiltered/*_filtered*/ ("\n%6.6s: %8x %6.6s: %8x (%08x) %6.6s %8x\n",
- "usp", usp);
-/* Print the register regnum, or all registers if regnum is -1.
- fpregs is currently ignored. */
-pyr_do_registers_info (regnum, fpregs)
- int regnum;
- int fpregs;
- /* On a pyr, we know a virtual register can always fit in an long.
- Here (and elsewhere) we take advantage of that. Yuk. */
- register int i;
- for (i = 0 ; i < 64 ; i++) {
- read_relative_register_raw_bytes(i, raw_regs+i);
- }
- if (regnum == -1)
- pyr_print_registers (raw_regs, regnum);
- else
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_REGS; i++)
- if (i == regnum) {
- long val = raw_regs[i];
- fputs_filtered (REGISTER_NAME (i), gdb_stdout);
- printf_filtered(":");
- print_spaces_filtered (6 - strlen (REGISTER_NAME (i)), gdb_stdout);
- if (val == 0)
- printf_filtered ("0");
- else
- printf_filtered ("%s %d", local_hex_string_custom(val,"08"), val);
- printf_filtered("\n");
- }
-/*** Debugging editions of various macros from m-pyr.h ****/
-CORE_ADDR frame_locals_address (frame)
- struct frame_info *frame;
- register int addr = find_saved_register (frame,CFP_REGNUM);
- register int result = read_memory_integer (addr, 4);
- fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stderr,
- "\t[[..frame_locals:%8x, %s= %x @%x fcfp= %x foo= %x\n\t gr13=%x pr13=%x tr13=%x @%x]]\n",
- frame->frame,
- result, addr,
- frame->frame_cfp, (CFP_REGNUM),
- read_register(13), read_register(29), read_register(61),
- find_saved_register(frame, 61));
- /* FIXME: I thought read_register (CFP_REGNUM) should be the right answer;
- or at least CFP_REGNUM relative to FRAME (ie, result).
- There seems to be a bug in the way the innermost frame is set up. */
- return ((frame->next) ? result: frame->frame_cfp);
-CORE_ADDR frame_args_addr (frame)
- struct frame_info *frame;
- register int addr = find_saved_register (frame,CFP_REGNUM);
- register int result = read_memory_integer (addr, 4);
- fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stderr,
- "\t[[..frame_args:%8x, %s= %x @%x fcfp= %x r_r= %x\n\t gr13=%x pr13=%x tr13=%x @%x]]\n",
- frame->frame,
- result, addr,
- frame->frame_cfp, read_register(CFP_REGNUM),
- read_register(13), read_register(29), read_register(61),
- find_saved_register(frame, 61));
- /* FIXME: I thought read_register (CFP_REGNUM) should be the right answer;
- or at least CFP_REGNUM relative to FRAME (ie, result).
- There seems to be a bug in the way the innermost frame is set up. */
- return ((frame->next) ? result: frame->frame_cfp);
-#include "symtab.h"
-#include "opcode/pyr.h"
-#include "gdbcore.h"
-/* A couple of functions used for debugging frame-handling on
- Pyramids. (The Pyramid-dependent handling of register values for
- windowed registers is known to be buggy.)
- When debugging, these functions can supplant the normal definitions of some
- of the macros in tm-pyramid.h The quantity of information produced
- when these functions are used makes the gdb unusable as a
- debugger for user programs. */
-extern unsigned pyr_saved_pc(), pyr_frame_chain();
-CORE_ADDR pyr_frame_chain(frame)
- CORE_ADDR frame;
- int foo=frame - CONTROL_STACK_FRAME_SIZE;
- /* printf_unfiltered ("...following chain from %x: got %x\n", frame, foo);*/
- return foo;
-CORE_ADDR pyr_saved_pc(frame)
- CORE_ADDR frame;
- int foo=0;
- foo = read_memory_integer (((CORE_ADDR)(frame))+60, 4);
- printf_unfiltered ("..reading pc from frame 0x%0x+%d regs: got %0x\n",
- frame, 60/4, foo);
- return foo;
-/* Pyramid instructions are never longer than this many bytes. */
-#define MAXLEN 24
-/* Number of elements in the opcode table. */
-/*const*/ static int nopcodes = (sizeof (pyr_opcodes) / sizeof( pyr_opcodes[0]));
-#define NOPCODES (nopcodes)
-/* Let's be byte-independent so we can use this as a cross-assembler. */
-#define NEXTLONG(p) \
- (p += 4, (((((p[-4] << 8) + p[-3]) << 8) + p[-2]) << 8) + p[-1])
-/* Print one instruction at address MEMADDR in debugged memory,
- on STREAM. Returns length of the instruction, in bytes. */
-pyr_print_insn (memaddr, stream)
- CORE_ADDR memaddr;
- GDB_FILE *stream;
- unsigned char buffer[MAXLEN];
- register int i, nargs, insn_size =4;
- register unsigned char *p;
- register char *d;
- register int insn_opcode, operand_mode;
- register int index_multiplier, index_reg_regno, op_1_regno, op_2_regno ;
- long insn; /* first word of the insn, not broken down. */
- pyr_insn_format insn_decode; /* the same, broken out into op{code,erands} */
- long extra_1, extra_2;
- read_memory (memaddr, buffer, MAXLEN);
- insn_decode = *((pyr_insn_format *) buffer);
- insn = * ((int *) buffer);
- insn_opcode = insn_decode.operator;
- operand_mode = insn_decode.mode;
- index_multiplier = insn_decode.index_scale;
- index_reg_regno = insn_decode.index_reg;
- op_1_regno = insn_decode.operand_1;
- op_2_regno = insn_decode.operand_2;
- if (*((int *)buffer) == 0x0) {
- /* "halt" looks just like an invalid "jump" to the insn decoder,
- so is dealt with as a special case */
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream, "halt");
- return (4);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < NOPCODES; i++)
- if (pyr_opcodes[i].datum.code == insn_opcode)
- break;
- if (i == NOPCODES)
- /* FIXME: Handle unrecognised instructions better. */
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream, "???\t#%08x\t(op=%x mode =%x)",
- insn, insn_decode.operator, insn_decode.mode);
- else
- {
- /* Print the mnemonic for the instruction. Pyramid insn operands
- are so regular that we can deal with almost all of them
- separately.
- Unconditional branches are an exception: they are encoded as
- conditional branches (branch if false condition, I think)
- with no condition specified. The average user will not be
- aware of this. To maintain their illusion that an
- unconditional branch insn exists, we will have to FIXME to
- treat the insn mnemnonic of all branch instructions here as a
- special case: check the operands of branch insn and print an
- appropriate mnemonic. */
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream, "%s\t", pyr_opcodes[i].name);
- /* Print the operands of the insn (as specified in
- insn.operand_mode).
- Branch operands of branches are a special case: they are a word
- offset, not a byte offset. */
- if (insn_decode.operator == 0x01 || insn_decode.operator == 0x02) {
- register int bit_codes=(insn >> 16)&0xf;
- register int i;
- register int displacement = (insn & 0x0000ffff) << 2;
- static char cc_bit_names[] = "cvzn"; /* z,n,c,v: strange order? */
- /* Is bfc and no bits specified an unconditional branch?*/
- for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
- if ((bit_codes) & 0x1)
- fputc_unfiltered (cc_bit_names[i], stream);
- bit_codes >>= 1;
- }
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream, ",%0x",
- displacement + memaddr);
- return (insn_size);
- }
- switch (operand_mode) {
- case 0:
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream, "%s,%s",
- REGISTER_NAME (op_1_regno),
- REGISTER_NAME (op_2_regno));
- break;
- case 1:
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream, " 0x%0x,%s",
- op_1_regno,
- REGISTER_NAME (op_2_regno));
- break;
- case 2:
- read_memory (memaddr+4, buffer, MAXLEN);
- insn_size += 4;
- extra_1 = * ((int *) buffer);
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream, " $0x%0x,%s",
- extra_1,
- REGISTER_NAME (op_2_regno));
- break;
- case 3:
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream, " (%s),%s",
- REGISTER_NAME (op_1_regno),
- REGISTER_NAME (op_2_regno));
- break;
- case 4:
- read_memory (memaddr+4, buffer, MAXLEN);
- insn_size += 4;
- extra_1 = * ((int *) buffer);
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream, " 0x%0x(%s),%s",
- extra_1,
- REGISTER_NAME (op_1_regno),
- REGISTER_NAME (op_2_regno));
- break;
- /* S1 destination mode */
- case 5:
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream,
- ((index_reg_regno) ? "%s,(%s)[%s*%1d]" : "%s,(%s)"),
- REGISTER_NAME (op_1_regno),
- REGISTER_NAME (op_2_regno),
- REGISTER_NAME (index_reg_regno),
- index_multiplier);
- break;
- case 6:
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream,
- ((index_reg_regno) ? " $%#0x,(%s)[%s*%1d]"
- : " $%#0x,(%s)"),
- op_1_regno,
- REGISTER_NAME (op_2_regno),
- REGISTER_NAME (index_reg_regno),
- index_multiplier);
- break;
- case 7:
- read_memory (memaddr+4, buffer, MAXLEN);
- insn_size += 4;
- extra_1 = * ((int *) buffer);
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream,
- ((index_reg_regno) ? " $%#0x,(%s)[%s*%1d]"
- : " $%#0x,(%s)"),
- extra_1,
- REGISTER_NAME (op_2_regno),
- REGISTER_NAME (index_reg_regno),
- index_multiplier);
- break;
- case 8:
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream,
- ((index_reg_regno) ? " (%s),(%s)[%s*%1d]" : " (%s),(%s)"),
- REGISTER_NAME (op_1_regno),
- REGISTER_NAME (op_2_regno),
- REGISTER_NAME (index_reg_regno),
- index_multiplier);
- break;
- case 9:
- read_memory (memaddr+4, buffer, MAXLEN);
- insn_size += 4;
- extra_1 = * ((int *) buffer);
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream,
- ((index_reg_regno)
- ? "%#0x(%s),(%s)[%s*%1d]"
- : "%#0x(%s),(%s)"),
- extra_1,
- REGISTER_NAME (op_1_regno),
- REGISTER_NAME (op_2_regno),
- REGISTER_NAME (index_reg_regno),
- index_multiplier);
- break;
- /* S2 destination mode */
- case 10:
- read_memory (memaddr+4, buffer, MAXLEN);
- insn_size += 4;
- extra_1 = * ((int *) buffer);
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream,
- ((index_reg_regno) ? "%s,%#0x(%s)[%s*%1d]" : "%s,%#0x(%s)"),
- REGISTER_NAME (op_1_regno),
- extra_1,
- REGISTER_NAME (op_2_regno),
- REGISTER_NAME (index_reg_regno),
- index_multiplier);
- break;
- case 11:
- read_memory (memaddr+4, buffer, MAXLEN);
- insn_size += 4;
- extra_1 = * ((int *) buffer);
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream,
- ((index_reg_regno) ?
- " $%#0x,%#0x(%s)[%s*%1d]" : " $%#0x,%#0x(%s)"),
- op_1_regno,
- extra_1,
- REGISTER_NAME (op_2_regno),
- REGISTER_NAME (index_reg_regno),
- index_multiplier);
- break;
- case 12:
- read_memory (memaddr+4, buffer, MAXLEN);
- insn_size += 4;
- extra_1 = * ((int *) buffer);
- read_memory (memaddr+8, buffer, MAXLEN);
- insn_size += 4;
- extra_2 = * ((int *) buffer);
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream,
- ((index_reg_regno) ?
- " $%#0x,%#0x(%s)[%s*%1d]" : " $%#0x,%#0x(%s)"),
- extra_1,
- extra_2,
- REGISTER_NAME (op_2_regno),
- REGISTER_NAME (index_reg_regno),
- index_multiplier);
- break;
- case 13:
- read_memory (memaddr+4, buffer, MAXLEN);
- insn_size += 4;
- extra_1 = * ((int *) buffer);
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream,
- ((index_reg_regno)
- ? " (%s),%#0x(%s)[%s*%1d]"
- : " (%s),%#0x(%s)"),
- REGISTER_NAME (op_1_regno),
- extra_1,
- REGISTER_NAME (op_2_regno),
- REGISTER_NAME (index_reg_regno),
- index_multiplier);
- break;
- case 14:
- read_memory (memaddr+4, buffer, MAXLEN);
- insn_size += 4;
- extra_1 = * ((int *) buffer);
- read_memory (memaddr+8, buffer, MAXLEN);
- insn_size += 4;
- extra_2 = * ((int *) buffer);
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream,
- ((index_reg_regno) ? "%#0x(%s),%#0x(%s)[%s*%1d]"
- : "%#0x(%s),%#0x(%s) "),
- extra_1,
- REGISTER_NAME (op_1_regno),
- extra_2,
- REGISTER_NAME (op_2_regno),
- REGISTER_NAME (index_reg_regno),
- index_multiplier);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream,
- ((index_reg_regno) ? "%s,%s [%s*%1d]" : "%s,%s"),
- REGISTER_NAME (op_1_regno),
- REGISTER_NAME (op_2_regno),
- REGISTER_NAME (index_reg_regno),
- index_multiplier);
- fprintf_unfiltered (stream,
- "\t\t# unknown mode in %08x",
- insn);
- break;
- } /* switch */
- }
- {
- return insn_size;
- }
- abort ();
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/pyr-xdep.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/pyr-xdep.c
deleted file mode 100644
index dd6d9a92400e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/pyr-xdep.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-/* Low level Pyramid interface to ptrace, for GDB when running under Unix.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "frame.h"
-#include "inferior.h"
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/dir.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-/* #include <fcntl.h> Can we live without this? */
-#include "gdbcore.h"
-#include <sys/user.h> /* After a.out.h */
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#include "gdb_stat.h"
-fetch_inferior_registers (regno)
- int regno;
- register int datum;
- register unsigned int regaddr;
- int reg_buf[NUM_REGS+1];
- struct user u;
- register int skipped_frames = 0;
- registers_fetched ();
- for (regno = 0; regno < 64; regno++) {
- reg_buf[regno] = ptrace (3, inferior_pid, (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) regno, 0);
- printf_unfiltered ("Fetching register %s, got %0x\n",
- REGISTER_NAME (regno),
- reg_buf[regno]);
- if (reg_buf[regno] == -1 && errno == EIO) {
- printf_unfiltered("fetch_interior_registers: fetching register %s\n",
- REGISTER_NAME (regno));
- errno = 0;
- }
- supply_register (regno, reg_buf+regno);
- }
- /* that leaves regs 64, 65, and 66 */
- datum = ptrace (3, inferior_pid,
- (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) (((char *)&u.u_pcb.pcb_csp) -
- ((char *)&u)), 0);
- /* FIXME: Find the Current Frame Pointer (CFP). CFP is a global
- register (ie, NOT windowed), that gets saved in a frame iff
- the code for that frame has a prologue (ie, "adsf N"). If
- there is a prologue, the adsf insn saves the old cfp in
- pr13, cfp is set to sp, and N bytes of locals are allocated
- (sp is decremented by n).
- This makes finding CFP hard. I guess the right way to do it
- is:
- - If this is the innermost frame, believe ptrace() or
- the core area.
- - Otherwise:
- Find the first insn of the current frame.
- - find the saved pc;
- - find the call insn that saved it;
- - figure out where the call is to;
- - if the first insn is an adsf, we got a frame
- pointer. */
- /* Normal processors have separate stack pointers for user and
- kernel mode. Getting the last user mode frame on such
- machines is easy: the kernel context of the ptrace()'d
- process is on the kernel stack, and the USP points to what
- we want. But Pyramids only have a single cfp for both user and
- kernel mode. And processes being ptrace()'d have some
- kernel-context control frames on their stack.
- To avoid tracing back into the kernel context of an inferior,
- we skip 0 or more contiguous control frames where the pc is
- in the kernel. */
- while (1) {
- register int inferior_saved_pc;
- inferior_saved_pc = ptrace (1, inferior_pid,
- (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) (datum+((32+15)*4)), 0);
- if (inferior_saved_pc > 0) break;
- printf_unfiltered("skipping kernel frame %08x, pc=%08x\n", datum,
- inferior_saved_pc);
- skipped_frames++;
- }
- reg_buf[CSP_REGNUM] = datum;
- supply_register(CSP_REGNUM, reg_buf+CSP_REGNUM);
- if (skipped_frames) {
- fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stderr,
- "skipped %d frames from %x to %x; cfp was %x, now %x\n",
- skipped_frames, reg_buf[CSP_REGNUM]);
- }
-/* Store our register values back into the inferior.
- If REGNO is -1, do this for all registers.
- Otherwise, REGNO specifies which register (so we can save time). */
-store_inferior_registers (regno)
- int regno;
- register unsigned int regaddr;
- char buf[80];
- if (regno >= 0)
- {
- if ((0 <= regno) && (regno < 64)) {
- /*regaddr = register_addr (regno, offset);*/
- regaddr = regno;
- errno = 0;
- ptrace (6, inferior_pid, (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) regaddr,
- read_register (regno));
- if (errno != 0)
- {
- sprintf (buf, "writing register number %d", regno);
- perror_with_name (buf);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (regno = 0; regno < NUM_REGS; regno++)
- {
- /*regaddr = register_addr (regno, offset);*/
- regaddr = regno;
- errno = 0;
- ptrace (6, inferior_pid, (PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE) regaddr,
- read_register (regno));
- if (errno != 0)
- {
- sprintf (buf, "writing all regs, number %d", regno);
- perror_with_name (buf);
- }
- }
-/*** Extensions to core and dump files, for GDB. */
-extern unsigned int last_frame_offset;
-/* Can't make definitions here static, since corefile.c needs them
- to do bounds checking on the core-file areas. O well. */
-/* have two stacks: one for data, one for register windows. */
-extern CORE_ADDR reg_stack_start;
-extern CORE_ADDR reg_stack_end;
-/* need this so we can find the global registers: they never get saved. */
-CORE_ADDR global_reg_offset;
-static CORE_ADDR last_frame_address;
-CORE_ADDR last_frame_offset;
-/* Address in core file of start of register window stack area.
- Don't know if is this any of meaningful, useful or necessary. */
-extern int reg_stack_offset;
-#endif /* PYRAMID_CORE */
-/* Work with core dump and executable files, for GDB.
- This code would be in corefile.c if it weren't machine-dependent. */
-core_file_command (filename, from_tty)
- char *filename;
- int from_tty;
- int val;
- extern char registers[];
- /* Discard all vestiges of any previous core file
- and mark data and stack spaces as empty. */
- if (corefile)
- free (corefile);
- corefile = 0;
- if (corechan >= 0)
- close (corechan);
- corechan = -1;
- data_start = 0;
- data_end = 0;
- stack_start = STACK_END_ADDR;
- stack_end = STACK_END_ADDR;
- reg_stack_start = CONTROL_STACK_ADDR;
- reg_stack_end = CONTROL_STACK_ADDR; /* this isn't strictly true...*/
-#endif /* PYRAMID_CORE */
- /* Now, if a new core file was specified, open it and digest it. */
- if (filename)
- {
- filename = tilde_expand (filename);
- make_cleanup (free, filename);
- if (have_inferior_p ())
- error ("To look at a core file, you must kill the program with \"kill\".");
- corechan = open (filename, O_RDONLY, 0);
- if (corechan < 0)
- perror_with_name (filename);
- /* 4.2-style (and perhaps also sysV-style) core dump file. */
- {
- struct user u;
- unsigned int reg_offset;
- val = myread (corechan, &u, sizeof u);
- if (val < 0)
- perror_with_name ("Not a core file: reading upage");
- if (val != sizeof u)
- error ("Not a core file: could only read %d bytes", val);
- data_start = exec_data_start;
- data_end = data_start + NBPG * u.u_dsize;
- data_offset = NBPG * UPAGES;
- stack_offset = NBPG * (UPAGES + u.u_dsize);
- /* find registers in core file */
- stack_start = stack_end - NBPG * u.u_ussize;
- reg_stack_offset = stack_offset + (NBPG *u.u_ussize);
- reg_stack_end = reg_stack_start + NBPG * u.u_cssize;
- last_frame_address = ((int) u.u_pcb.pcb_csp);
- last_frame_offset = reg_stack_offset + last_frame_address
- global_reg_offset = (char *)&u - (char *)&u.u_pcb.pcb_gr0 ;
- /* skip any control-stack frames that were executed in the
- kernel. */
- while (1) {
- char buf[4];
- val = lseek (corechan, last_frame_offset+(47*4), 0);
- if (val < 0)
- perror_with_name (filename);
- val = myread (corechan, buf, sizeof buf);
- if (val < 0)
- perror_with_name (filename);
- if (*(int *)buf >= 0)
- break;
- printf_unfiltered ("skipping frame %s\n", local_hex_string (last_frame_address));
- last_frame_offset -= CONTROL_STACK_FRAME_SIZE;
- last_frame_address -= CONTROL_STACK_FRAME_SIZE;
- }
- reg_offset = last_frame_offset;
- printf_unfiltered ("Control stack pointer = %s\n",
- local_hex_string (u.u_pcb.pcb_csp));
- printf_unfiltered ("offset to control stack %d outermost frame %d (%s)\n",
- reg_stack_offset, reg_offset, local_hex_string (last_frame_address));
-#else /* not PYRAMID_CORE */
- stack_start = stack_end - NBPG * u.u_ssize;
- reg_offset = (int) u.u_ar0 - KERNEL_U_ADDR;
-#endif /* not PYRAMID_CORE */
-#ifdef __not_on_pyr_yet
- /* Some machines put an absolute address in here and some put
- the offset in the upage of the regs. */
- reg_offset = (int) u.u_ar0;
- if (reg_offset > NBPG * UPAGES)
- reg_offset -= KERNEL_U_ADDR;
- /* I don't know where to find this info.
- So, for now, mark it as not available. */
- N_SET_MAGIC (core_aouthdr, 0);
- /* Read the register values out of the core file and store
- them where `read_register' will find them. */
- {
- register int regno;
- for (regno = 0; regno < 64; regno++)
- {
- val = lseek (corechan, register_addr (regno, reg_offset), 0);
- if (val < 0
- || (val = myread (corechan, buf, sizeof buf)) < 0)
- {
- char * buffer = (char *) alloca (strlen (REGISTER_NAME (regno))
- + 30);
- strcpy (buffer, "Reading register ");
- strcat (buffer, REGISTER_NAME (regno));
- perror_with_name (buffer);
- }
- if (val < 0)
- perror_with_name (filename);
- printf_unfiltered ("[reg %s(%d), offset in file %s=0x%0x, addr =0x%0x, =%0x]\n",
- REGISTER_NAME (regno), regno, filename,
- register_addr(regno, reg_offset),
- regno * 4 + last_frame_address,
- *((int *)buf));
- supply_register (regno, buf);
- }
- }
- }
- if (filename[0] == '/')
- corefile = savestring (filename, strlen (filename));
- else
- {
- corefile = concat (current_directory, "/", filename, NULL);
- }
- printf_unfiltered ("Providing CSP (%s) as nominal address of current frame.\n",
- local_hex_string(last_frame_address));
- /* FIXME: Which of the following is correct? */
-#if 0
- set_current_frame ( create_new_frame (read_register (FP_REGNUM),
- read_pc ()));
- set_current_frame ( create_new_frame (last_frame_address,
- read_pc ()));
- select_frame (get_current_frame (), 0);
- validate_files ();
- }
- else if (from_tty)
- printf_unfiltered ("No core file now.\n");
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/remote-d10v.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/remote-d10v.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d529b2180f6a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/remote-d10v.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-/* Remote target communications for d10v connected via a serial line.
- Copyright 1988, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Free
- Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "gdb_string.h"
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include "frame.h"
-#include "inferior.h"
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "symfile.h"
-#include "target.h"
-#include "wait.h"
-/*#include "terminal.h"*/
-#include "gdbcmd.h"
-#include "objfiles.h"
-#include "gdb-stabs.h"
-#include "gdbthread.h"
-#include "dcache.h"
-#ifdef USG
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include "serial.h"
-/* Prototypes for local functions */
-static void remote_d10v_open PARAMS ((char *name, int from_tty));
-/* Define the target subroutine names */
-static struct target_ops remote_d10v_ops;
-/* Open a connection to a remote debugger.
- NAME is the filename used for communication. */
-static void
-remote_d10v_open (name, from_tty)
- char *name;
- int from_tty;
- pop_target ();
- push_remote_target (name, from_tty);
-/* Translate a GDB virtual ADDR/LEN into a format the remote target
- understands. Returns number of bytes that can be transfered
- starting at taddr, ZERO if no bytes can be transfered. */
-remote_d10v_translate_xfer_address (memaddr, nr_bytes, taddr)
- CORE_ADDR memaddr;
- int nr_bytes;
- CORE_ADDR *taddr;
- CORE_ADDR phys;
- CORE_ADDR seg;
- CORE_ADDR off;
- char *from = "unknown";
- char *to = "unknown";
- unsigned short imap0 = read_register (IMAP0_REGNUM);
- unsigned short imap1 = read_register (IMAP1_REGNUM);
- unsigned short dmap = read_register (DMAP_REGNUM);
- /* GDB interprets addresses as:
- 0x00xxxxxx: Logical data address segment (DMAP translated memory)
- 0x01xxxxxx: Logical instruction address segment (IMAP translated memory)
- 0x10xxxxxx: Physical data memory segment (On-chip data memory)
- 0x11xxxxxx: Physical instruction memory segment (On-chip insn memory)
- 0x12xxxxxx: Phisical unified memory segment (Unified memory)
- The remote d10v board interprets addresses as:
- 0x00xxxxxx: Phisical unified memory segment (Unified memory)
- 0x01xxxxxx: Physical instruction memory segment (On-chip insn memory)
- 0x02xxxxxx: Physical data memory segment (On-chip data memory)
- Translate according to current IMAP/dmap registers */
- enum {
- targ_unified = 0x00000000,
- targ_insn = 0x01000000,
- targ_data = 0x02000000,
- };
- seg = (memaddr >> 24);
- off = (memaddr & 0xffffffL);
- switch (seg)
- {
- case 0x00: /* in logical data address segment */
- {
- from = "logical-data";
- if (off <= 0x7fffL)
- {
- /* On chip data */
- phys = targ_data + off;
- if (off + nr_bytes > 0x7fffL)
- /* don't cross VM boundary */
- nr_bytes = 0x7fffL - off + 1;
- to = "chip-data";
- }
- else if (off <= 0xbfffL)
- {
- short map = dmap;
- if (map & 0x1000)
- {
- /* Instruction memory */
- phys = targ_insn | ((map & 0xf) << 14) | (off & 0x3fff);
- to = "chip-insn";
- }
- else
- {
- /* Unified memory */
- phys = targ_unified | ((map & 0x3ff) << 14) | (off & 0x3fff);
- to = "unified";
- }
- if (off + nr_bytes > 0xbfffL)
- /* don't cross VM boundary */
- nr_bytes = (0xbfffL - off + 1);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Logical address out side of data segments, not supported */
- return (0);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 0x01: /* in logical instruction address segment */
- {
- short map;
- from = "logical-insn";
- if (off <= 0x1ffffL)
- {
- map = imap0;
- }
- else if (off <= 0x3ffffL)
- {
- map = imap1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Logical address outside of IMAP[01] segment, not
- supported */
- return (0);
- }
- if ((off & 0x1ffff) + nr_bytes > 0x1ffffL)
- {
- /* don't cross VM boundary */
- nr_bytes = 0x1ffffL - (off & 0x1ffffL) + 1;
- }
- if (map & 0x1000)
- /* Instruction memory */
- {
- phys = targ_insn | off;
- to = "chip-insn";
- }
- else
- {
- phys = ((map & 0x7fL) << 17) + (off & 0x1ffffL);
- if (phys > 0xffffffL)
- /* Address outside of unified address segment */
- return (0);
- phys |= targ_unified;
- to = "unified";
- }
- break;
- }
- case 0x10: /* Physical data memory segment */
- from = "phys-data";
- phys = targ_data | off;
- to = "chip-data";
- break;
- case 0x11: /* Physical instruction memory */
- from = "phys-insn";
- phys = targ_insn | off;
- to = "chip-insn";
- break;
- case 0x12: /* Physical unified memory */
- from = "phys-unified";
- phys = targ_unified | off;
- to = "unified";
- break;
- default:
- return (0);
- }
- *taddr = phys;
- return nr_bytes;
-_initialize_remote_d10v ()
- remote_d10v_ops.to_shortname = "d10v";
- remote_d10v_ops.to_longname = "Remote d10v serial target in gdb-specific protocol";
- remote_d10v_ops.to_doc = "Use a remote d10v via a serial line, using a gdb-specific protocol.\n\
-Specify the serial device it is connected to (e.g. /dev/ttya).";
- remote_d10v_ops.to_open = remote_d10v_open;
- add_target (&remote_d10v_ops);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/remote-pa.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/remote-pa.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1121e15effaa..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/remote-pa.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1540 +0,0 @@
-/* Remote target communications for serial-line targets in custom GDB protocol
- Copyright 1988, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Remote communication protocol.
- A debug packet whose contents are <data>
- is encapsulated for transmission in the form:
- $ <data> # CSUM1 CSUM2
- <data> must be ASCII alphanumeric and cannot include characters
- '$' or '#'. If <data> starts with two characters followed by
- ':', then the existing stubs interpret this as a sequence number.
- CSUM1 and CSUM2 are ascii hex representation of an 8-bit
- checksum of <data>, the most significant nibble is sent first.
- the hex digits 0-9,a-f are used.
- Receiver responds with:
- + - if CSUM is correct and ready for next packet
- - - if CSUM is incorrect
- <data> is as follows:
- All values are encoded in ascii hex digits.
- Request Packet
- read registers g
- reply XX....X Each byte of register data
- is described by two hex digits.
- Registers are in the internal order
- for GDB, and the bytes in a register
- are in the same order the machine uses.
- or ENN for an error.
- write regs GXX..XX Each byte of register data
- is described by two hex digits.
- reply OK for success
- ENN for an error
- write reg Pn...=r... Write register n... with value r...,
- which contains two hex digits for each
- byte in the register (target byte
- order).
- reply OK for success
- ENN for an error
- (not supported by all stubs).
- read mem mAA..AA,LLLL AA..AA is address, LLLL is length.
- reply XX..XX XX..XX is mem contents
- Can be fewer bytes than requested
- if able to read only part of the data.
- or ENN NN is errno
- write mem MAA..AA,LLLL:XX..XX
- AA..AA is address,
- LLLL is number of bytes,
- XX..XX is data
- reply OK for success
- ENN for an error (this includes the case
- where only part of the data was
- written).
- cont cAA..AA AA..AA is address to resume
- If AA..AA is omitted,
- resume at same address.
- step sAA..AA AA..AA is address to resume
- If AA..AA is omitted,
- resume at same address.
- last signal ? Reply the current reason for stopping.
- This is the same reply as is generated
- for step or cont : SAA where AA is the
- signal number.
- There is no immediate reply to step or cont.
- The reply comes when the machine stops.
- It is SAA AA is the "signal number"
- or... TAAn...:r...;n:r...;n...:r...;
- AA = signal number
- n... = register number
- r... = register contents
- or... WAA The process exited, and AA is
- the exit status. This is only
- applicable for certains sorts of
- targets.
- kill request k
- toggle debug d toggle debug flag (see 386 & 68k stubs)
- reset r reset -- see sparc stub.
- reserved <other> On other requests, the stub should
- ignore the request and send an empty
- response ($#<checksum>). This way
- we can extend the protocol and GDB
- can tell whether the stub it is
- talking to uses the old or the new.
- search tAA:PP,MM Search backwards starting at address
- AA for a match with pattern PP and
- mask MM. PP and MM are 4 bytes.
- Not supported by all stubs.
- general query qXXXX Request info about XXXX.
- general set QXXXX=yyyy Set value of XXXX to yyyy.
- query sect offs qOffsets Get section offsets. Reply is
- Text=xxx;Data=yyy;Bss=zzz
- console output Otext Send text to stdout. Only comes from
- remote target.
- Responses can be run-length encoded to save space. A '*' means that
- the next character is an ASCII encoding giving a repeat count which
- stands for that many repititions of the character preceding the '*'.
- The encoding is n+29, yielding a printable character where n >=3
- (which is where rle starts to win). Don't use an n > 126.
- So
- "0* " means the same as "0000". */
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "gdb_string.h"
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include "frame.h"
-#include "inferior.h"
-#include "bfd.h"
-#include "symfile.h"
-#include "target.h"
-#include "wait.h"
-#include "terminal.h"
-#include "gdbcmd.h"
-#include "objfiles.h"
-#include "gdb-stabs.h"
-#include "remote-utils.h"
-#include "dcache.h"
-#ifdef USG
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include "serial.h"
-/* Prototypes for local functions */
-static int
-remote_write_bytes PARAMS ((CORE_ADDR memaddr, char *myaddr, int len));
-static int
-remote_read_bytes PARAMS ((CORE_ADDR memaddr, char *myaddr, int len));
-static void
-remote_files_info PARAMS ((struct target_ops *ignore));
-static int
-remote_xfer_memory PARAMS ((CORE_ADDR memaddr, char *myaddr, int len,
- int should_write, struct target_ops *target));
-static void
-remote_prepare_to_store PARAMS ((void));
-static void
-remote_fetch_registers PARAMS ((int regno));
-static void
-remote_resume PARAMS ((int pid, int step, enum target_signal siggnal));
-static int
-remote_start_remote PARAMS ((char *dummy));
-static void
-remote_open PARAMS ((char *name, int from_tty));
-static void
-remote_close PARAMS ((int quitting));
-static void
-remote_store_registers PARAMS ((int regno));
-static void
-getpkt PARAMS ((char *buf, int forever));
-static void
-putpkt PARAMS ((char *buf));
-static void
-remote_send PARAMS ((char *buf));
-static int
-readchar PARAMS ((int timeout));
-static int
-remote_wait PARAMS ((int pid, struct target_waitstatus *status));
-static int
-tohex PARAMS ((int nib));
-static int
-fromhex PARAMS ((int a));
-static void
-remote_detach PARAMS ((char *args, int from_tty));
-static void
-remote_interrupt PARAMS ((int signo));
-static void
-remote_interrupt_twice PARAMS ((int signo));
-static void
-interrupt_query PARAMS ((void));
-static void
-hppro_load PARAMS ((char *name, int from_tty));
-extern struct target_ops remote_ops; /* Forward decl */
-/* This was 5 seconds, which is a long time to sit and wait.
- Unless this is going though some terminal server or multiplexer or
- other form of hairy serial connection, I would think 2 seconds would
- be plenty. */
-static int remote_timeout = 2;
-/* Descriptor for I/O to remote machine. Initialize it to NULL so that
- remote_open knows that we don't have a file open when the program
- starts. */
-extern serial_t remote_desc;
-/* Having this larger than 400 causes us to be incompatible with m68k-stub.c
- and i386-stub.c. Normally, no one would notice because it only matters
- for writing large chunks of memory (e.g. in downloads). Also, this needs
- to be more than 400 if required to hold the registers (see below, where
- we round it up based on REGISTER_BYTES). */
-#define PBUFSIZ 400
-/* Maximum number of bytes to read/write at once. The value here
- is chosen to fill up a packet (the headers account for the 32). */
-#define MAXBUFBYTES ((PBUFSIZ-32)/2)
-/* Round up PBUFSIZ to hold all the registers, at least. */
-/* The blank line after the #if seems to be required to work around a
- bug in HP's PA compiler. */
-#undef PBUFSIZ
-#define PBUFSIZ (REGISTER_BYTES * 2 + 32)
-/* Should we try the 'P' request? If this is set to one when the stub
- doesn't support 'P', the only consequence is some unnecessary traffic. */
-static int stub_supports_P = 1;
-/* sets the download protocol, choices are srec, generic, boot */
-char *loadtype;
-static char *loadtype_str;
-static void set_loadtype_command
-PARAMS ((char *, int, struct cmd_list_element *));
-static void
-hppro_load (file, from_tty)
- char *file;
- int from_tty;
- puts ("Loading... HA!");
-/* Clean up connection to a remote debugger. */
-static void
-remote_close (quitting)
- int quitting;
- if (remote_desc)
- SERIAL_CLOSE (remote_desc);
- remote_desc = NULL;
-/* Query the remote side for the text, data and bss offsets. */
-static void
-get_offsets ()
- unsigned char buf[PBUFSIZ];
- int nvals;
- CORE_ADDR text_addr, data_addr, bss_addr;
- struct section_offsets *offs;
- putpkt ("qOffsets");
- getpkt (buf, 0);
- if (buf[0] == '\000')
- return; /* Return silently. Stub doesn't support this
- command. */
- if (buf[0] == 'E')
- {
- warning ("Remote failure reply: %s", buf);
- return;
- }
- nvals = sscanf (buf, "Text=%lx;Data=%lx;Bss=%lx", &text_addr, &data_addr,
- &bss_addr);
- if (nvals != 3)
- error ("Malformed response to offset query, %s", buf);
- if (symfile_objfile == NULL)
- return;
- offs = (struct section_offsets *) alloca (sizeof (struct section_offsets)
- + symfile_objfile->num_sections
- * sizeof (offs->offsets));
- memcpy (offs, symfile_objfile->section_offsets,
- sizeof (struct section_offsets)
- + symfile_objfile->num_sections
- * sizeof (offs->offsets));
- /* FIXME: This code assumes gdb-stabs.h is being used; it's broken
- for xcoff, dwarf, sdb-coff, etc. But there is no simple
- canonical representation for this stuff. (Just what does "text"
- as seen by the stub mean, anyway? I think it means all sections
- with SEC_CODE set, but we currently have no way to deal with that). */
- ANOFFSET (offs, SECT_OFF_TEXT) = text_addr;
- /* This is a temporary kludge to force data and bss to use the same offsets
- because that's what nlmconv does now. The real solution requires changes
- to the stub and remote.c that I don't have time to do right now. */
- ANOFFSET (offs, SECT_OFF_DATA) = data_addr;
- ANOFFSET (offs, SECT_OFF_BSS) = data_addr;
- objfile_relocate (symfile_objfile, offs);
-#define INBUFSIZE 10
- char c;
- char buf[INBUFSIZE];
- char *ptr;
- /* See if we can connect to the boot ROM command line */
- ptr = buf;
- while (1) {
- SERIAL_WRITE (remote_desc, "\r\n", 2);
- c = readchar (2);
- if ((sr_get_debug() > 2) && (isascii(c)))
- putchar (c);
- if (c == SERIAL_TIMEOUT) {
- if (sr_get_debug())
- puts_filtered ("Timed out.\n");
- break;
- }
- if (c == '&') {
- if (sr_get_debug() > 2)
- puts ("Got ACK from stub");
- break;
- }
- if (c == '>') {
- if (sr_get_debug() > 2)
- puts ("Got prompt from ROM monitor");
- break;
- }
- }
-/* Stub for catch_errors. */
-static int
-remote_start_remote (dummy)
- char *dummy;
- int timeout;
- immediate_quit = 1; /* Allow user to interrupt it */
- /* Ack any packet which the remote side has already sent. */
- if (sr_get_debug())
- puts ("Trying a '+' to ACK the target.");
- SERIAL_WRITE (remote_desc, "+", 1);
-#if 0
- boot_board();
- get_offsets (); /* Get text, data & bss offsets */
- putpkt ("?"); /* initiate a query from remote machine */
- immediate_quit = 0;
- start_remote (); /* Initialize gdb process mechanisms */
- return 1;
-/* Open a connection to a remote debugger.
- NAME is the filename used for communication. */
-static DCACHE *remote_dcache;
-static void
-remote_open (name, from_tty)
- char *name;
- int from_tty;
- if (name == 0)
- error (
-"To open a remote debug connection, you need to specify what serial\n\
-device is attached to the remote system (e.g. /dev/ttya).");
- target_preopen (from_tty);
- unpush_target (&remote_ops);
- remote_dcache = dcache_init (remote_read_bytes, remote_write_bytes);
- remote_desc = SERIAL_OPEN (name);
- if (!remote_desc)
- perror_with_name (name);
- if (baud_rate != -1)
- {
- if (SERIAL_SETBAUDRATE (remote_desc, baud_rate))
- {
- SERIAL_CLOSE (remote_desc);
- perror_with_name (name);
- }
- }
- SERIAL_RAW (remote_desc);
- /* If there is something sitting in the buffer we might take it as a
- response to a command, which would be bad. */
- SERIAL_FLUSH_INPUT (remote_desc);
- if (from_tty)
- {
- puts_filtered ("Remote debugging using ");
- puts_filtered (name);
- puts_filtered ("\n");
- }
- push_target (&remote_ops); /* Switch to using remote target now */
- /* Start out by trying the 'P' request to set registers. We set this each
- time that we open a new target so that if the user switches from one
- stub to another, we can (if the target is closed and reopened) cope. */
- stub_supports_P = 1;
- /* Without this, some commands which require an active target (such as kill)
- won't work. This variable serves (at least) double duty as both the pid
- of the target process (if it has such), and as a flag indicating that a
- target is active. These functions should be split out into seperate
- variables, especially since GDB will someday have a notion of debugging
- several processes. */
- inferior_pid = 42000;
- /* Start the remote connection; if error (0), discard this target.
- In particular, if the user quits, be sure to discard it
- (we'd be in an inconsistent state otherwise). */
- if (!catch_errors (remote_start_remote, (char *)0,
- "Couldn't establish connection to remote target\n", RETURN_MASK_ALL))
- pop_target();
-/* remote_detach()
- takes a program previously attached to and detaches it.
- We better not have left any breakpoints
- in the program or it'll die when it hits one.
- Close the open connection to the remote debugger.
- Use this when you want to detach and do something else
- with your gdb. */
-static void
-remote_detach (args, from_tty)
- char *args;
- int from_tty;
- if (args)
- error ("Argument given to \"detach\" when remotely debugging.");
- pop_target ();
- if (from_tty)
- puts_filtered ("Ending remote debugging.\n");
-/* Convert hex digit A to a number. */
-static int
-fromhex (a)
- int a;
- if (a >= '0' && a <= '9')
- return a - '0';
- else if (a >= 'a' && a <= 'f')
- return a - 'a' + 10;
- else
- error ("Reply contains invalid hex digit");
-/* Convert number NIB to a hex digit. */
-static int
-tohex (nib)
- int nib;
- if (nib < 10)
- return '0'+nib;
- else
- return 'a'+nib-10;
-/* Tell the remote machine to resume. */
-static void
-remote_resume (pid, step, siggnal)
- int pid, step;
- enum target_signal siggnal;
- char buf[PBUFSIZ];
- if (siggnal)
- {
- target_terminal_ours_for_output ();
- printf_filtered
- ("Can't send signals to a remote system. %s not sent.\n",
- target_signal_to_name (siggnal)); target_terminal_inferior ();
- }
- dcache_flush (remote_dcache);
- strcpy (buf, step ? "s": "c");
- putpkt (buf);
-/* Send ^C to target to halt it. Target will respond, and send us a
- packet. */
-static void
-remote_interrupt (signo)
- int signo;
- /* If this doesn't work, try more severe steps. */
- signal (signo, remote_interrupt_twice);
- if (remote_debug)
- printf_unfiltered ("remote_interrupt called\n");
- SERIAL_WRITE (remote_desc, "\003", 1); /* Send a ^C */
-static void (*ofunc)();
-/* The user typed ^C twice. */
-static void
-remote_interrupt_twice (signo)
- int signo;
- signal (signo, ofunc);
- interrupt_query ();
- signal (signo, remote_interrupt);
-/* Ask the user what to do when an interrupt is received. */
-static void
-interrupt_query ()
- target_terminal_ours ();
- if (query ("Interrupted while waiting for the program.\n\
-Give up (and stop debugging it)? "))
- {
- target_mourn_inferior ();
- return_to_top_level (RETURN_QUIT);
- }
- target_terminal_inferior ();
-/* Wait until the remote machine stops, then return,
- storing status in STATUS just as `wait' would.
- Returns "pid" (though it's not clear what, if anything, that
- means in the case of this target). */
-static int
-remote_wait (pid, status)
- int pid;
- struct target_waitstatus *status;
- unsigned char buf[PBUFSIZ];
- status->kind = TARGET_WAITKIND_EXITED;
- status->value.integer = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- unsigned char *p;
- ofunc = (void (*)()) signal (SIGINT, remote_interrupt);
- getpkt ((char *) buf, 1);
- signal (SIGINT, ofunc);
- switch (buf[0])
- {
- case 'E': /* Error of some sort */
- warning ("Remote failure reply: %s", buf);
- continue;
- case 'T': /* Status with PC, SP, FP, ... */
- {
- int i;
- long regno;
- /* Expedited reply, containing Signal, {regno, reg} repeat */
- /* format is: 'Tssn...:r...;n...:r...;n...:r...;#cc', where
- ss = signal number
- n... = register number
- r... = register contents
- */
- p = &buf[3]; /* after Txx */
- while (*p)
- {
- unsigned char *p1;
- regno = strtol (p, (char **) &p1, 16); /* Read the register number */
- if (p1 == p)
- warning ("Remote sent badly formed register number: %s\nPacket: '%s'\n",
- p1, buf);
- p = p1;
- if (*p++ != ':')
- warning ("Malformed packet (missing colon): %s\nPacket: '%s'\n",
- p, buf);
- if (regno >= NUM_REGS)
- warning ("Remote sent bad register number %d: %s\nPacket: '%s'\n",
- regno, p, buf);
- for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_RAW_SIZE (regno); i++)
- {
- if (p[0] == 0 || p[1] == 0)
- warning ("Remote reply is too short: %s", buf);
- regs[i] = fromhex (p[0]) * 16 + fromhex (p[1]);
- p += 2;
- }
- if (*p++ != ';')
- warning ("Remote register badly formatted: %s", buf);
- supply_register (regno, regs);
- }
- }
- /* fall through */
- case 'S': /* Old style status, just signal only */
- status->value.sig = (enum target_signal)
- (((fromhex (buf[1])) << 4) + (fromhex (buf[2])));
- return inferior_pid;
- case 'W': /* Target exited */
- {
- /* The remote process exited. */
- status->kind = TARGET_WAITKIND_EXITED;
- status->value.integer = (fromhex (buf[1]) << 4) + fromhex (buf[2]);
- return inferior_pid;
- }
- case 'O': /* Console output */
- fputs_filtered (buf + 1, gdb_stdout);
- continue;
- default:
- warning ("Invalid remote reply: %s", buf);
- continue;
- }
- }
- return inferior_pid;
-/* Number of bytes of registers this stub implements. */
-static int register_bytes_found;
-/* Read the remote registers into the block REGS. */
-/* Currently we just read all the registers, so we don't use regno. */
-static void
-remote_fetch_registers (regno)
- int regno;
- char buf[PBUFSIZ];
- int i;
- char *p;
- char regs[REGISTER_BYTES];
- sprintf (buf, "g");
- remote_send (buf);
- /* Unimplemented registers read as all bits zero. */
- memset (regs, 0, REGISTER_BYTES);
- /* We can get out of synch in various cases. If the first character
- in the buffer is not a hex character, assume that has happened
- and try to fetch another packet to read. */
- while ((buf[0] < '0' || buf[0] > '9')
- && (buf[0] < 'a' || buf[0] > 'f'))
- {
- if (remote_debug)
- printf_unfiltered ("Bad register packet; fetching a new packet\n");
- getpkt (buf, 0);
- }
- /* Reply describes registers byte by byte, each byte encoded as two
- hex characters. Suck them all up, then supply them to the
- register cacheing/storage mechanism. */
- p = buf;
- for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BYTES; i++)
- {
- if (p[0] == 0)
- break;
- if (p[1] == 0)
- {
- warning ("Remote reply is of odd length: %s", buf);
- /* Don't change register_bytes_found in this case, and don't
- print a second warning. */
- goto supply_them;
- }
- regs[i] = fromhex (p[0]) * 16 + fromhex (p[1]);
- p += 2;
- }
- if (i != register_bytes_found)
- {
- register_bytes_found = i;
- warning ("Remote reply is too short: %s", buf);
- }
- supply_them:
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_REGS; i++)
- supply_register (i, &regs[REGISTER_BYTE(i)]);
-/* Prepare to store registers. Since we may send them all (using a
- 'G' request), we have to read out the ones we don't want to change
- first. */
-static void
-remote_prepare_to_store ()
- /* Make sure the entire registers array is valid. */
- read_register_bytes (0, (char *)NULL, REGISTER_BYTES);
-/* Store register REGNO, or all registers if REGNO == -1, from the contents
- of REGISTERS. FIXME: ignores errors. */
-static void
-remote_store_registers (regno)
- int regno;
- char buf[PBUFSIZ];
- int i;
- char *p;
- if (regno >= 0 && stub_supports_P)
- {
- /* Try storing a single register. */
- char *regp;
- sprintf (buf, "P%x=", regno);
- p = buf + strlen (buf);
- regp = &registers[REGISTER_BYTE (regno)];
- for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_RAW_SIZE (regno); ++i)
- {
- *p++ = tohex ((regp[i] >> 4) & 0xf);
- *p++ = tohex (regp[i] & 0xf);
- }
- *p = '\0';
- remote_send (buf);
- if (buf[0] != '\0')
- {
- /* The stub understands the 'P' request. We are done. */
- return;
- }
- /* The stub does not support the 'P' request. Use 'G' instead,
- and don't try using 'P' in the future (it will just waste our
- time). */
- stub_supports_P = 0;
- }
- buf[0] = 'G';
- /* Command describes registers byte by byte,
- each byte encoded as two hex characters. */
- p = buf + 1;
- /* remote_prepare_to_store insures that register_bytes_found gets set. */
- for (i = 0; i < register_bytes_found; i++)
- {
- *p++ = tohex ((registers[i] >> 4) & 0xf);
- *p++ = tohex (registers[i] & 0xf);
- }
- *p = '\0';
- remote_send (buf);
-#if 0
-/* Use of the data cache is disabled because it loses for looking at
- and changing hardware I/O ports and the like. Accepting `volatile'
- would perhaps be one way to fix it. Another idea would be to use the
- executable file for the text segment (for all SEC_CODE sections?
- For all SEC_READONLY sections?). This has problems if you want to
- actually see what the memory contains (e.g. self-modifying code,
- clobbered memory, user downloaded the wrong thing). */
-/* Read a word from remote address ADDR and return it.
- This goes through the data cache. */
-static int
-remote_fetch_word (addr)
- CORE_ADDR addr;
- return dcache_fetch (remote_dcache, addr);
-/* Write a word WORD into remote address ADDR.
- This goes through the data cache. */
-static void
-remote_store_word (addr, word)
- CORE_ADDR addr;
- int word;
- dcache_poke (remote_dcache, addr, word);
-#endif /* 0 */
-/* Write memory data directly to the remote machine.
- This does not inform the data cache; the data cache uses this.
- MEMADDR is the address in the remote memory space.
- MYADDR is the address of the buffer in our space.
- LEN is the number of bytes.
- Returns number of bytes transferred, or 0 for error. */
-static int
-remote_write_bytes (memaddr, myaddr, len)
- CORE_ADDR memaddr;
- char *myaddr;
- int len;
- char buf[PBUFSIZ];
- int i;
- char *p;
- /* FIXME-32x64: Need a version of print_address_numeric which puts the
- result in a buffer like sprintf. */
- sprintf (buf, "M%lx,%x:", (unsigned long) memaddr, len);
- /* We send target system values byte by byte, in increasing byte addresses,
- each byte encoded as two hex characters. */
- p = buf + strlen (buf);
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- *p++ = tohex ((myaddr[i] >> 4) & 0xf);
- *p++ = tohex (myaddr[i] & 0xf);
- }
- *p = '\0';
- putpkt (buf);
- getpkt (buf, 0);
- if (buf[0] == 'E')
- {
- /* There is no correspondance between what the remote protocol uses
- for errors and errno codes. We would like a cleaner way of
- representing errors (big enough to include errno codes, bfd_error
- codes, and others). But for now just return EIO. */
- errno = EIO;
- return 0;
- }
- return len;
-/* Read memory data directly from the remote machine.
- This does not use the data cache; the data cache uses this.
- MEMADDR is the address in the remote memory space.
- MYADDR is the address of the buffer in our space.
- LEN is the number of bytes.
- Returns number of bytes transferred, or 0 for error. */
-static int
-remote_read_bytes (memaddr, myaddr, len)
- CORE_ADDR memaddr;
- char *myaddr;
- int len;
- char buf[PBUFSIZ];
- int i;
- char *p;
- if (len > PBUFSIZ / 2 - 1)
- abort ();
- /* FIXME-32x64: Need a version of print_address_numeric which puts the
- result in a buffer like sprintf. */
- sprintf (buf, "m%lx,%x", (unsigned long) memaddr, len);
- putpkt (buf);
- getpkt (buf, 0);
- if (buf[0] == 'E')
- {
- /* There is no correspondance between what the remote protocol uses
- for errors and errno codes. We would like a cleaner way of
- representing errors (big enough to include errno codes, bfd_error
- codes, and others). But for now just return EIO. */
- errno = EIO;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Reply describes memory byte by byte,
- each byte encoded as two hex characters. */
- p = buf;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- if (p[0] == 0 || p[1] == 0)
- /* Reply is short. This means that we were able to read only part
- of what we wanted to. */
- break;
- myaddr[i] = fromhex (p[0]) * 16 + fromhex (p[1]);
- p += 2;
- }
- return i;
-/* Read or write LEN bytes from inferior memory at MEMADDR, transferring
- to or from debugger address MYADDR. Write to inferior if SHOULD_WRITE is
- nonzero. Returns length of data written or read; 0 for error. */
-static int
-remote_xfer_memory(memaddr, myaddr, len, should_write, target)
- CORE_ADDR memaddr;
- char *myaddr;
- int len;
- int should_write;
- struct target_ops *target; /* ignored */
- int xfersize;
- int bytes_xferred;
- int total_xferred = 0;
- while (len > 0)
- {
- if (len > MAXBUFBYTES)
- xfersize = MAXBUFBYTES;
- else
- xfersize = len;
- if (should_write)
- bytes_xferred = remote_write_bytes (memaddr, myaddr, xfersize);
- else
- bytes_xferred = remote_read_bytes (memaddr, myaddr, xfersize);
- /* If we get an error, we are done xferring. */
- if (bytes_xferred == 0)
- break;
- memaddr += bytes_xferred;
- myaddr += bytes_xferred;
- len -= bytes_xferred;
- total_xferred += bytes_xferred;
- }
- return total_xferred;
-#if 0
-/* Enable after 4.12. */
-remote_search (len, data, mask, startaddr, increment, lorange, hirange
- addr_found, data_found)
- int len;
- char *data;
- char *mask;
- CORE_ADDR startaddr;
- int increment;
- CORE_ADDR lorange;
- CORE_ADDR hirange;
- CORE_ADDR *addr_found;
- char *data_found;
- if (increment == -4 && len == 4)
- {
- long mask_long, data_long;
- long data_found_long;
- CORE_ADDR addr_we_found;
- char buf[PBUFSIZ];
- long returned_long[2];
- char *p;
- mask_long = extract_unsigned_integer (mask, len);
- data_long = extract_unsigned_integer (data, len);
- sprintf (buf, "t%x:%x,%x", startaddr, data_long, mask_long);
- putpkt (buf);
- getpkt (buf, 0);
- if (buf[0] == '\0')
- {
- /* The stub doesn't support the 't' request. We might want to
- remember this fact, but on the other hand the stub could be
- switched on us. Maybe we should remember it only until
- the next "target remote". */
- generic_search (len, data, mask, startaddr, increment, lorange,
- hirange, addr_found, data_found);
- return;
- }
- if (buf[0] == 'E')
- /* There is no correspondance between what the remote protocol uses
- for errors and errno codes. We would like a cleaner way of
- representing errors (big enough to include errno codes, bfd_error
- codes, and others). But for now just use EIO. */
- memory_error (EIO, startaddr);
- p = buf;
- addr_we_found = 0;
- while (*p != '\0' && *p != ',')
- addr_we_found = (addr_we_found << 4) + fromhex (*p++);
- if (*p == '\0')
- error ("Protocol error: short return for search");
- data_found_long = 0;
- while (*p != '\0' && *p != ',')
- data_found_long = (data_found_long << 4) + fromhex (*p++);
- /* Ignore anything after this comma, for future extensions. */
- if (addr_we_found < lorange || addr_we_found >= hirange)
- {
- *addr_found = 0;
- return;
- }
- *addr_found = addr_we_found;
- *data_found = store_unsigned_integer (data_we_found, len);
- return;
- }
- generic_search (len, data, mask, startaddr, increment, lorange,
- hirange, addr_found, data_found);
-#endif /* 0 */
-static void
-remote_files_info (ignore)
- struct target_ops *ignore;
- puts_filtered ("Debugging a target over a serial line.\n");
-/* Stuff for dealing with the packets which are part of this protocol.
- See comment at top of file for details. */
-/* Read a single character from the remote end, masking it down to 7 bits. */
-static int
-readchar (timeout)
- int timeout;
- int ch;
- ch = SERIAL_READCHAR (remote_desc, timeout);
- switch (ch)
- {
- case SERIAL_EOF:
- error ("Remote connection closed");
- perror_with_name ("Remote communication error");
- return ch;
- default:
- return ch & 0x7f;
- }
-/* Send the command in BUF to the remote machine,
- and read the reply into BUF.
- Report an error if we get an error reply. */
-static void
-remote_send (buf)
- char *buf;
- putpkt (buf);
- getpkt (buf, 0);
- if (buf[0] == 'E')
- error ("Remote failure reply: %s", buf);
-/* Send a packet to the remote machine, with error checking.
- The data of the packet is in BUF. */
-static void
-putpkt (buf)
- char *buf;
- int i;
- unsigned char csum = 0;
- char buf2[PBUFSIZ];
- int cnt = strlen (buf);
- int ch;
- char *p;
- /* Copy the packet into buffer BUF2, encapsulating it
- and giving it a checksum. */
- if (cnt > sizeof(buf2) - 5) /* Prosanity check */
- abort();
- p = buf2;
- *p++ = '$';
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
- {
- csum += buf[i];
- *p++ = buf[i];
- }
- *p++ = '#';
- *p++ = tohex ((csum >> 4) & 0xf);
- *p++ = tohex (csum & 0xf);
- /* Send it over and over until we get a positive ack. */
- while (1)
- {
- int started_error_output = 0;
- if (remote_debug)
- {
- *p = '\0';
- printf_unfiltered ("Sending packet: %s...", buf2);
- gdb_flush(gdb_stdout);
- }
- if (SERIAL_WRITE (remote_desc, buf2, p - buf2))
- perror_with_name ("putpkt: write failed");
- /* read until either a timeout occurs (-2) or '+' is read */
- while (1)
- {
- ch = readchar (remote_timeout);
- if (remote_debug)
- {
- switch (ch)
- {
- case '+':
- case '$':
- if (started_error_output)
- {
- putchar_unfiltered ('\n');
- started_error_output = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- switch (ch)
- {
- case '+':
- if (remote_debug)
- printf_unfiltered("Got Ack\n");
- return;
- break; /* Retransmit buffer */
- case '$':
- {
- unsigned char junkbuf[PBUFSIZ];
- /* It's probably an old response, and we're out of sync. Just
- gobble up the packet and ignore it. */
- getpkt (junkbuf, 0);
- continue; /* Now, go look for + */
- }
- default:
- if (remote_debug)
- {
- if (!started_error_output)
- {
- started_error_output = 1;
- printf_unfiltered ("putpkt: Junk: ");
- }
- putchar_unfiltered (ch & 0177);
- }
- continue;
- }
- break; /* Here to retransmit */
- }
-#if 0
- /* This is wrong. If doing a long backtrace, the user should be
- able to get out next time we call QUIT, without anything as violent
- as interrupt_query. If we want to provide a way out of here
- without getting to the next QUIT, it should be based on hitting
- ^C twice as in remote_wait. */
- if (quit_flag)
- {
- quit_flag = 0;
- interrupt_query ();
- }
- }
-/* Come here after finding the start of the frame. Collect the rest into BUF,
- verifying the checksum, length, and handling run-length compression.
- Returns 0 on any error, 1 on success. */
-static int
-read_frame (buf)
- char *buf;
- unsigned char csum;
- char *bp;
- int c;
- csum = 0;
- bp = buf;
- while (1)
- {
- c = readchar (remote_timeout);
- switch (c)
- {
- if (remote_debug)
- puts_filtered ("Timeout in mid-packet, retrying\n");
- return 0;
- case '$':
- if (remote_debug)
- puts_filtered ("Saw new packet start in middle of old one\n");
- return 0; /* Start a new packet, count retries */
- case '#':
- {
- unsigned char pktcsum;
- *bp = '\000';
- pktcsum = fromhex (readchar (remote_timeout)) << 4;
- pktcsum |= fromhex (readchar (remote_timeout));
- if (csum == pktcsum)
- return 1;
- printf_filtered ("Bad checksum, sentsum=0x%x, csum=0x%x, buf=",
- pktcsum, csum);
- puts_filtered (buf);
- puts_filtered ("\n");
- return 0;
- }
- case '*': /* Run length encoding */
- csum += c;
- c = readchar (remote_timeout);
- csum += c;
- c = c - ' ' + 3; /* Compute repeat count */
- if (bp + c - 1 < buf + PBUFSIZ - 1)
- {
- memset (bp, *(bp - 1), c);
- bp += c;
- continue;
- }
- *bp = '\0';
- printf_filtered ("Repeat count %d too large for buffer: ", c);
- puts_filtered (buf);
- puts_filtered ("\n");
- return 0;
- default:
- if (bp < buf + PBUFSIZ - 1)
- {
- *bp++ = c;
- csum += c;
- continue;
- }
- *bp = '\0';
- puts_filtered ("Remote packet too long: ");
- puts_filtered (buf);
- puts_filtered ("\n");
- return 0;
- }
- }
-/* Read a packet from the remote machine, with error checking,
- and store it in BUF. BUF is expected to be of size PBUFSIZ.
- If FOREVER, wait forever rather than timing out; this is used
- while the target is executing user code. */
-static void
-getpkt (buf, forever)
- char *buf;
- int forever;
- char *bp;
- int c;
- int tries;
- int timeout;
- int val;
- if (forever)
- timeout = -1;
- else
- timeout = remote_timeout;
-#define MAX_TRIES 10
- for (tries = 1; tries <= MAX_TRIES; tries++)
- {
- /* This can loop forever if the remote side sends us characters
- continuously, but if it pauses, we'll get a zero from readchar
- because of timeout. Then we'll count that as a retry. */
- /* Note that we will only wait forever prior to the start of a packet.
- After that, we expect characters to arrive at a brisk pace. They
- should show up within remote_timeout intervals. */
- do
- {
- c = readchar (timeout);
- if (c == SERIAL_TIMEOUT)
- {
- if (remote_debug)
- puts_filtered ("Timed out.\n");
- goto retry;
- }
- }
- while (c != '$');
- /* We've found the start of a packet, now collect the data. */
- val = read_frame (buf);
- if (val == 1)
- {
- if (remote_debug)
- fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stderr, "Packet received: %s\n", buf);
- SERIAL_WRITE (remote_desc, "+", 1);
- return;
- }
- /* Try the whole thing again. */
- SERIAL_WRITE (remote_desc, "-", 1);
- }
- /* We have tried hard enough, and just can't receive the packet. Give up. */
- printf_unfiltered ("Ignoring packet error, continuing...\n");
- SERIAL_WRITE (remote_desc, "+", 1);
-static void
-remote_kill ()
- putpkt ("k");
- /* Don't wait for it to die. I'm not really sure it matters whether
- we do or not. For the existing stubs, kill is a noop. */
- target_mourn_inferior ();
-static void
-remote_mourn ()
- unpush_target (&remote_ops);
- generic_mourn_inferior ();
-/* On some machines, e.g. 68k, we may use a different breakpoint instruction
- than other targets. */
-static unsigned char break_insn[] = REMOTE_BREAKPOINT;
-#else /* No REMOTE_BREAKPOINT. */
-/* Same old breakpoint instruction. This code does nothing different
- than mem-break.c. */
-static unsigned char break_insn[] = BREAKPOINT;
-#endif /* No REMOTE_BREAKPOINT. */
-/* Insert a breakpoint on targets that don't have any better breakpoint
- support. We read the contents of the target location and stash it,
- then overwrite it with a breakpoint instruction. ADDR is the target
- location in the target machine. CONTENTS_CACHE is a pointer to
- memory allocated for saving the target contents. It is guaranteed
- by the caller to be long enough to save sizeof BREAKPOINT bytes (this
- is accomplished via BREAKPOINT_MAX). */
-static int
-remote_insert_breakpoint (addr, contents_cache)
- CORE_ADDR addr;
- char *contents_cache;
- int val;
- val = target_read_memory (addr, contents_cache, sizeof break_insn);
- if (val == 0)
- val = target_write_memory (addr, (char *)break_insn, sizeof break_insn);
- return val;
-static int
-remote_remove_breakpoint (addr, contents_cache)
- CORE_ADDR addr;
- char *contents_cache;
- return target_write_memory (addr, contents_cache, sizeof break_insn);
-/* Define the target subroutine names */
-struct target_ops remote_hppro_ops = {
- "hppro", /* to_shortname */
- "Remote serial target for HP-PRO targets", /* to_longname */
- "Use a remote computer via a serial line, using a gdb-specific protocol.\n\
-This is for targets that supports the HP-PRO standard.\n\
-Specify the serial device it is connected to (e.g. /dev/ttya) or telnet port.", /* to_doc */
- remote_open, /* to_open */
- remote_close, /* to_close */
- NULL, /* to_attach */
- remote_detach, /* to_detach */
- remote_resume, /* to_resume */
- remote_wait, /* to_wait */
- remote_fetch_registers, /* to_fetch_registers */
- remote_store_registers, /* to_store_registers */
- remote_prepare_to_store, /* to_prepare_to_store */
- remote_xfer_memory, /* to_xfer_memory */
- remote_files_info, /* to_files_info */
- remote_insert_breakpoint, /* to_insert_breakpoint */
- remote_remove_breakpoint, /* to_remove_breakpoint */
- NULL, /* to_terminal_init */
- NULL, /* to_terminal_inferior */
- NULL, /* to_terminal_ours_for_output */
- NULL, /* to_terminal_ours */
- NULL, /* to_terminal_info */
- remote_kill, /* to_kill */
- hppro_load, /* to_load */
- NULL, /* to_lookup_symbol */
- NULL, /* to_create_inferior */
- remote_mourn, /* to_mourn_inferior */
- 0, /* to_can_run */
- 0, /* to_notice_signals */
- 0, /* to_thread_alive */
- 0, /* to_stop */
- process_stratum, /* to_stratum */
- NULL, /* to_next */
- 1, /* to_has_all_memory */
- 1, /* to_has_memory */
- 1, /* to_has_stack */
- 1, /* to_has_registers */
- 1, /* to_has_execution */
- NULL, /* sections */
- NULL, /* sections_end */
- OPS_MAGIC /* to_magic */
-_initialize_remote_hppro ()
- struct cmd_list_element *c;
- add_target (&remote_hppro_ops);
- /* this sets the type of download protocol */
- c = add_set_cmd ("loadtype", no_class, var_string, (char *)&loadtype_str,
- "Set the type of the remote load protocol.\n", &setlist);
- c->function.sfunc = set_loadtype_command;
- add_show_from_set (c, &showlist);
- loadtype_str = savestring ("generic", 8);
- /* this adds a command to boot the board */
- add_com ("boot", class_support, boot_board,
- "Boot the damn target board.\n");
-static void
-set_loadtype_command (ignore, from_tty, c)
- char *ignore;
- int from_tty;
- struct cmd_list_element *c;
- loadtype_str = savestring (*(char **) c->var, strlen (*(char **) c->var));
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/remote-sim.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/remote-sim.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c106a29262a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/remote-sim.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-/* This file defines the interface between the simulator and gdb.
- Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#if !defined (REMOTE_SIM_H)
-#define REMOTE_SIM_H 1
-#include "callback.h"
-/* This file is used when building stand-alone simulators, so isolate this
- file from gdb. */
-/* Pick up CORE_ADDR_TYPE if defined (from gdb), otherwise use same value as
- gdb does (unsigned int - from defs.h). */
-typedef unsigned int SIM_ADDR;
-/* Callbacks.
- The simulator may use the following callbacks (gdb routines) which the
- standalone program must provide.
- void printf_filtered (char *msg, ...);
- void error /-* noreturn *-/ (char *msg, ...);
- void *xmalloc (long size);
- int sim_callback_write_stdout (char *, int len);
- The new way of doing I/O is to use the pointer provided by GDB
- via the sim_set_callbacks call, look in callbacks.c to see what
- can be done.
-/* Main simulator entry points ...
- All functions that can get an error must call the gdb routine `error',
- they can only return upon success. */
-/* Initialize the simulator. This function is called when the simulator
- is selected from the command line. ARGS is passed from the command line
- and can be used to select whatever run time options the simulator provides.
- ARGS is the raw character string and must be parsed by the simulator,
- which is trivial to do with the buildargv function in libiberty.
- It is ok to do nothing. */
-void sim_open PARAMS ((char *args));
-/* Terminate usage of the simulator. This may involve freeing target memory
- and closing any open files and mmap'd areas. You cannot assume sim_kill
- has already been called.
- QUITTING is non-zero if we cannot hang on errors. */
-void sim_close PARAMS ((int quitting));
-/* Load program PROG into the simulator.
- Return non-zero if you wish the caller to handle it
- (it is done this way because most simulators can use gr_load_image,
- but defining it as a callback seems awkward). */
-int sim_load PARAMS ((char *prog, int from_tty));
-/* Prepare to run the simulated program.
- START_ADDRESS is, yes, you guessed it, the start address of the program.
- ARGV and ENV are NULL terminated lists of pointers.
- Gdb will set the start address via sim_store_register as well, but
- standalone versions of existing simulators are not set up to cleanly call
- sim_store_register, so the START_ADDRESS argument is there as a
- workaround. */
-void sim_create_inferior PARAMS ((SIM_ADDR start_address,
- char **argv, char **env));
-/* Kill the running program.
- This may involve closing any open files and deleting any mmap'd areas. */
-void sim_kill PARAMS ((void));
-/* Read LENGTH bytes of the simulated program's memory and store in BUF.
- Result is number of bytes read, or zero if error. */
-int sim_read PARAMS ((SIM_ADDR mem, unsigned char *buf, int length));
-/* Store LENGTH bytes from BUF in the simulated program's memory.
- Result is number of bytes write, or zero if error. */
-int sim_write PARAMS ((SIM_ADDR mem, unsigned char *buf, int length));
-/* Fetch register REGNO and store the raw value in BUF. */
-void sim_fetch_register PARAMS ((int regno, unsigned char *buf));
-/* Store register REGNO from BUF (in raw format). */
-void sim_store_register PARAMS ((int regno, unsigned char *buf));
-/* Print some interesting information about the simulator.
- VERBOSE is non-zero for the wordy version. */
-void sim_info PARAMS ((int verbose));
-/* Fetch why the program stopped.
- SIGRC will contain either the argument to exit() or the signal number. */
-enum sim_stop { sim_exited, sim_stopped, sim_signalled };
-void sim_stop_reason PARAMS ((enum sim_stop *reason, int *sigrc));
-/* Run (or resume) the program. */
-void sim_resume PARAMS ((int step, int siggnal));
-/* Passthru for other commands that the simulator might support. */
-void sim_do_command PARAMS ((char *cmd));
-/* Callbacks for the simulator to use. */
-int sim_callback_write_stdout PARAMS ((char *, int));
-/* Provide simulator with a standard host_callback_struct. */
-void sim_set_callbacks PARAMS ((struct host_callback_struct *));
-#endif /* !defined (REMOTE_SIM_H) */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ser-mac.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/ser-mac.c
deleted file mode 100644
index df0040edbf20..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ser-mac.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-/* Remote serial interface for local (hardwired) serial ports for Macintosh.
- Copyright 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by Cygnus Support. Written by Stan Shebs.
- This file is part of GDB.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "serial.h"
-#include <Types.h>
-#include <Devices.h>
-/* This is the regular Mac Serial.h, but copied to a different name
- so as not to get confused with the GDB serial.h above. */
-#include "MacSerial.h"
-/* This is unused for now. We just return a placeholder. */
-struct mac_ttystate
- {
- int bogus;
- };
-static int mac_open PARAMS ((serial_t scb, const char *name));
-static void mac_raw PARAMS ((serial_t scb));
-static int mac_readchar PARAMS ((serial_t scb, int timeout));
-static int mac_setbaudrate PARAMS ((serial_t scb, int rate));
-static int mac_write PARAMS ((serial_t scb, const char *str, int len));
-static void mac_close PARAMS ((serial_t scb));
-static serial_ttystate mac_get_tty_state PARAMS ((serial_t scb));
-static int mac_set_tty_state PARAMS ((serial_t scb, serial_ttystate state));
-static char *aptr PARAMS ((short p));
-short input_refnum;
-short output_refnum;
-char *mac_input_buffer;
-char *mac_output_buffer;
-static int
-mac_open (scb, name)
- serial_t scb;
- const char *name;
- OSErr err;
- /* Alloc buffer space first - that way any allocation failures are
- intercepted before the serial driver gets involved. */
- if (mac_input_buffer == NULL)
- mac_input_buffer = (char *) xmalloc (4096);
- /* Match on a name and open a port. */
- if (strcmp (name, "modem") == 0)
- {
- err = OpenDriver ("\p.AIn", &input_refnum);
- if (err != 0)
- {
- return (-1);
- }
- err = OpenDriver ("\p.AOut", &output_refnum);
- if (err != 0)
- {
- CloseDriver (input_refnum);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- else if (strcmp (name, "printer") == 0)
- {
- err = OpenDriver ("\p.BIn", &input_refnum);
- if (err != 0)
- {
- return (-1);
- }
- err = OpenDriver ("\p.BOut", &output_refnum);
- if (err != 0)
- {
- CloseDriver (input_refnum);
- return (-1);
- }
- /* fake */
- scb->fd = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- error ("You must specify a valid serial port name; your choices are `modem' or `printer'.");
- errno = ENOENT;
- return (-1);
- }
- /* We got something open. */
- if (1 /* using custom buffer */)
- SerSetBuf (input_refnum, mac_input_buffer, 4096);
- /* Set to a GDB-preferred state. */
- SerReset (input_refnum, stop10|noParity|data8|baud9600);
- SerReset (output_refnum, stop10|noParity|data8|baud9600);
- {
- CntrlParam cb;
- struct SerShk *handshake;
- cb.ioCRefNum = output_refnum;
- cb.csCode = 14;
- handshake = (struct SerShk *) &cb.csParam[0];
- handshake->fXOn = 0;
- handshake->fCTS = 0;
- handshake->xOn = 0;
- handshake->xOff = 0;
- handshake->errs = 0;
- handshake->evts = 0;
- handshake->fInX = 0;
- handshake->fDTR = 0;
- err = PBControl ((ParmBlkPtr) &cb, 0);
- if (err < 0)
- return (-1);
- }
- /* fake */
- scb->fd = 1;
- return 0;
-static int
-mac_noop (scb)
- serial_t scb;
- return 0;
-static void
-mac_raw (scb)
- serial_t scb;
- /* Always effectively in raw mode. */
-/* Read a character with user-specified timeout. TIMEOUT is number of seconds
- to wait, or -1 to wait forever. Use timeout of 0 to effect a poll. Returns
- char if successful. Returns -2 if timeout expired, EOF if line dropped
- dead, or -3 for any other error (see errno in that case). */
-static int
-mac_readchar (scb, timeout)
- serial_t scb;
- int timeout;
- int status, n;
- /* time_t */ unsigned long start_time, now;
- OSErr err;
- CntrlParam cb;
- IOParam pb;
- if (scb->bufcnt-- > 0)
- return *scb->bufp++;
- time (&start_time);
- while (1)
- {
- cb.ioCRefNum = input_refnum;
- cb.csCode = 2;
- err = PBStatus ((ParmBlkPtr) &cb, 0);
- if (err < 0)
- return SERIAL_ERROR;
- n = *((long *) &cb.csParam[0]);
- if (n > 0)
- {
- pb.ioRefNum = input_refnum;
- pb.ioBuffer = (Ptr) (scb->buf);
- pb.ioReqCount = (n > 64 ? 64 : n);
- err = PBRead ((ParmBlkPtr) &pb, 0);
- if (err < 0)
- return SERIAL_ERROR;
- scb->bufcnt = pb.ioReqCount;
- scb->bufcnt--;
- scb->bufp = scb->buf;
- return *scb->bufp++;
- }
- else if (timeout == 0)
- else if (timeout == -1)
- ;
- else
- {
- time (&now);
- if (now > start_time + timeout)
- }
- }
-/* mac_{get set}_tty_state() are both dummys to fill out the function
- vector. Someday, they may do something real... */
-static serial_ttystate
-mac_get_tty_state (scb)
- serial_t scb;
- struct mac_ttystate *state;
- state = (struct mac_ttystate *) xmalloc (sizeof *state);
- return (serial_ttystate) state;
-static int
-mac_set_tty_state (scb, ttystate)
- serial_t scb;
- serial_ttystate ttystate;
- return 0;
-static int
-mac_noflush_set_tty_state (scb, new_ttystate, old_ttystate)
- serial_t scb;
- serial_ttystate new_ttystate;
- serial_ttystate old_ttystate;
- return 0;
-static void
-mac_print_tty_state (scb, ttystate)
- serial_t scb;
- serial_ttystate ttystate;
- /* Nothing to print. */
- return;
-/* If there is a tricky formula to relate real baud rates
- to what the serial driver wants, we should use it. Until
- we get one, this table will have to do. */
-static struct {
- int real_rate;
- int bits;
-} mac_baud_rate_table[] = {
- { 57600, baud57600 },
- { 38400, 1 },
- { 19200, baud19200 },
- { 9600, baud9600 },
- { 7200, baud7200 },
- { 4800, baud4800 },
- { 3600, baud3600 },
- { 2400, baud2400 },
- { 1800, baud1800 },
- { 1200, baud1200 },
- { 600, baud600 },
- { 300, baud300 },
- { 0, 0 }
-static int
-mac_set_baud_rate (scb, rate)
- serial_t scb;
- int rate;
- int i, bits;
- for (i = 0; mac_baud_rate_table[i].real_rate != 0; ++i)
- {
- if (mac_baud_rate_table[i].real_rate == rate)
- {
- bits = mac_baud_rate_table[i].bits;
- break;
- }
- }
- SerReset (input_refnum, stop10|noParity|data8|bits);
- SerReset (output_refnum, stop10|noParity|data8|bits);
-static int
-mac_set_stop_bits (scb, num)
- serial_t scb;
- int num;
- return 0;
-int first_mac_write = 0;
-static int
-mac_write (scb, str, len)
- serial_t scb;
- const char *str;
- int len;
- OSErr err;
- IOParam pb;
- if (first_mac_write++ < 4)
- {
- sleep (1);
- }
- pb.ioRefNum = output_refnum;
- pb.ioBuffer = (Ptr) str;
- pb.ioReqCount = len;
- err = PBWrite ((ParmBlkPtr) &pb, 0);
- if (err < 0)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static void
-mac_close (serial_t scb)
- if (input_refnum)
- {
- if (1 /* custom buffer */)
- SerSetBuf (input_refnum, mac_input_buffer, 0);
- CloseDriver (input_refnum);
- input_refnum = 0;
- }
- if (output_refnum)
- {
- if (0 /* custom buffer */)
- SerSetBuf (input_refnum, mac_output_buffer, 0);
- CloseDriver (output_refnum);
- output_refnum = 0;
- }
-static struct serial_ops mac_ops =
- "hardwire",
- 0,
- mac_open,
- mac_close,
- mac_readchar,
- mac_write,
- mac_noop, /* flush output */
- mac_noop, /* flush input */
- mac_noop, /* send break -- currently only for nindy */
- mac_raw,
- mac_get_tty_state,
- mac_set_tty_state,
- mac_print_tty_state,
- mac_noflush_set_tty_state,
- mac_set_baud_rate,
- mac_set_stop_bits,
- mac_noop, /* wait for output to drain */
-_initialize_ser_mac ()
- serial_add_interface (&mac_ops);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ser-ocd.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/ser-ocd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 971f84e049c4..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ser-ocd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-/* Remote serial interface for Macraigor Systems implementation of
- On-Chip Debugging using serial target box or serial wiggler
- Copyright 1994, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GDB.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "serial.h"
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#include <windows.h>
-static int ser_ocd_open PARAMS ((serial_t scb, const char *name));
-static void ser_ocd_raw PARAMS ((serial_t scb));
-static int ser_ocd_readchar PARAMS ((serial_t scb, int timeout));
-static int ser_ocd_setbaudrate PARAMS ((serial_t scb, int rate));
-static int ser_ocd_write PARAMS ((serial_t scb, const char *str, int len));
-static void ser_ocd_close PARAMS ((serial_t scb));
-static serial_ttystate ser_ocd_get_tty_state PARAMS ((serial_t scb));
-static int ser_ocd_set_tty_state PARAMS ((serial_t scb, serial_ttystate state));
-#ifdef _WIN32
-/* On Windows, this function pointer is initialized to a function in
- the wiggler DLL. */
-static int (*dll_do_command) PARAMS ((const char *, char *));
-static int
-ocd_open (scb, name)
- serial_t scb;
- const char *name;
-#ifdef _WIN32
- /* Find the wiggler DLL which talks to the board. */
- if (dll_do_command == NULL)
- {
- HINSTANCE handle;
- /* FIXME: Should the user be able to configure this? */
- handle = LoadLibrary ("Wigglers.dll");
- if (handle == NULL)
- error ("Can't load Wigglers.dll");
- dll_do_command = ((int (*) PARAMS ((const char *, char *)))
- GetProcAddress (handle, "do_command"));
- if (dll_do_command == NULL)
- error ("Can't find do_command function in Wigglers.dll");
- }
- /* No wiggler DLLs on Unix yet, fail. */
- error ("Wiggler library not available for this type of host.");
-#endif /* _WIN32 */
- return 0;
-static int
-ocd_noop (scb)
- serial_t scb;
- return 0;
-static void
-ocd_raw (scb)
- serial_t scb;
- /* Always in raw mode */
-static void
-ocd_readremote ()
-/* We need a buffer to store responses from the Wigglers.dll */
-#define WIGGLER_BUFF_SIZE 512
-unsigned char from_wiggler_buffer[WIGGLER_BUFF_SIZE];
-unsigned char * wiggler_buffer_ptr; /* curr spot in buffer */
-static int
-ocd_readchar (scb, timeout)
- serial_t scb;
- int timeout;
- /* Catch attempts at reading past the end of the buffer */
- if (wiggler_buffer_ptr >
- (from_wiggler_buffer + (sizeof (char *) * WIGGLER_BUFF_SIZE)))
- error ("ocd_readchar asked to read past the end of the buffer!");
- return (int) *wiggler_buffer_ptr++; /* return curr char and increment ptr */
-struct ocd_ttystate {
- int dummy;
-/* ocd_{get set}_tty_state() are both dummys to fill out the function
- vector. Someday, they may do something real... */
-static serial_ttystate
-ocd_get_tty_state (scb)
- serial_t scb;
- struct ocd_ttystate *state;
- state = (struct ocd_ttystate *) xmalloc (sizeof *state);
- return (serial_ttystate) state;
-static int
-ocd_set_tty_state (scb, ttystate)
- serial_t scb;
- serial_ttystate ttystate;
- return 0;
-static int
-ocd_noflush_set_tty_state (scb, new_ttystate, old_ttystate)
- serial_t scb;
- serial_ttystate new_ttystate;
- serial_ttystate old_ttystate;
- return 0;
-static void
-ocd_print_tty_state (scb, ttystate)
- serial_t scb;
- serial_ttystate ttystate;
- /* Nothing to print. */
- return;
-static int
-ocd_setbaudrate (scb, rate)
- serial_t scb;
- int rate;
- return 0;
-static int
-ocd_write (scb, str, len)
- serial_t scb;
- const char *str;
- int len;
- char c;
-#ifdef _WIN32
- /* send packet to Wigglers.dll and store response so we can give it to
- remote-wiggler.c when get_packet is run */
- dll_do_command (str, from_wiggler_buffer);
- wiggler_buffer_ptr = from_wiggler_buffer;
- return 0;
-static void
-ocd_close (scb)
- serial_t scb;
-static struct serial_ops ocd_ops =
- "ocd",
- 0,
- ocd_open,
- ocd_close,
- ocd_readchar,
- ocd_write,
- ocd_noop, /* flush output */
- ocd_noop, /* flush input */
- ocd_noop, /* send break -- currently used only for nindy */
- ocd_raw,
- ocd_get_tty_state,
- ocd_set_tty_state,
- ocd_print_tty_state,
- ocd_noflush_set_tty_state,
- ocd_setbaudrate,
- ocd_noop, /* wait for output to drain */
-_initialize_ser_ocd_bdm ()
- serial_add_interface (&ocd_ops);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/signals.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/signals.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a1348b637330..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/signals.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-/* Signal handler definitions for GDB, the GNU Debugger.
- Copyright (C) 1986, 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file is almost the same as including <signal.h> except that it
- eliminates certain signal names when job control is not supported,
- (or, on some systems, when job control is there but doesn't work
- the way GDB expects it to work). */
-/* This has been superceded by the job_control variable in serial.h. */
-#include <signal.h>
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/stuff.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/stuff.c
deleted file mode 100644
index babd29fae6f3..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/stuff.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-/* Program to stuff files into a specially prepared space in kdb.
- Copyright (C) 1986, 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GDB.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Written 13-Mar-86 by David Bridgham. */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <a.out.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include "gdb_stat.h"
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- register char *cp;
- char *outfile;
- register int i;
- int offset;
- int out_fd, in_fd;
- struct stat stat_buf;
- int size, pad;
- char buf[1024];
- static char zeros[4] =
- {0};
- if (argc < 4)
- err ("Not enough arguments\nUsage: %s -o kdb file1 file2 ...\n",
- argv[0]);
- outfile = 0;
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
- {
- if (STREQ (argv[i], "-o"))
- outfile = argv[++i];
- }
- if (outfile == 0)
- err ("Output file not specified\n");
- offset = get_offset (outfile, "_heap");
- out_fd = open (outfile, O_WRONLY);
- if (out_fd < 0)
- err ("Error opening %s for write: %s\n", outfile, strerror (errno));
- if (lseek (out_fd, offset, 0) < 0)
- err ("Error seeking to heap in %s: %s\n", outfile, strerror (errno));
- /* For each file listed on the command line, write it into the
- * 'heap' of the output file. Make sure to skip the arguments
- * that name the output file. */
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
- {
- if (STREQ (argv[i], "-o"))
- continue;
- if ((in_fd = open (argv[i], O_RDONLY)) < 0)
- err ("Error opening %s for read: %s\n", argv[i],
- strerror (errno));
- if (fstat (in_fd, &stat_buf) < 0)
- err ("Error stat'ing %s: %s\n", argv[i], strerror (errno));
- size = strlen (argv[i]);
- pad = 4 - (size & 3);
- size += pad + stat_buf.st_size + sizeof (int);
- write (out_fd, &size, sizeof (int));
- write (out_fd, argv[i], strlen (argv[i]));
- write (out_fd, zeros, pad);
- while ((size = read (in_fd, buf, sizeof (buf))) > 0)
- write (out_fd, buf, size);
- close (in_fd);
- }
- size = 0;
- write (out_fd, &size, sizeof (int));
- close (out_fd);
- return (0);
-/* Read symbol table from file and returns the offset into the file
- * where symbol sym_name is located. If error, print message and
- * exit. */
-get_offset (file, sym_name)
- char *file;
- char *sym_name;
- int f;
- struct exec file_hdr;
- struct nlist *symbol_table;
- int size;
- char *strings;
- f = open (file, O_RDONLY);
- if (f < 0)
- err ("Error opening %s: %s\n", file, strerror (errno));
- if (read (f, &file_hdr, sizeof (file_hdr)) < 0)
- err ("Error reading exec structure: %s\n", strerror (errno));
- if (N_BADMAG (file_hdr))
- err ("File %s not an a.out file\n", file);
- /* read in symbol table */
- if ((symbol_table = (struct nlist *) malloc (file_hdr.a_syms)) == 0)
- err ("Couldn't allocate space for symbol table\n");
- if (lseek (f, N_SYMOFF (file_hdr), 0) == -1)
- err ("lseek error: %s\n", strerror (errno));
- if (read (f, symbol_table, file_hdr.a_syms) == -1)
- err ("Error reading symbol table from %s: %s\n", file,
- strerror (errno));
- /* read in string table */
- if (read (f, &size, 4) == -1)
- err ("reading string table size: %s\n", strerror (errno));
- if ((strings = (char *) malloc (size)) == 0)
- err ("Couldn't allocate memory for string table\n");
- if (read (f, strings, size - 4) == -1)
- err ("reading string table: %s\n", strerror (errno));
- /* Find the core address at which the first byte of kdb text segment
- should be loaded into core when kdb is run. */
- origin = find_symbol ("_etext", symbol_table, file_hdr.a_syms, strings)
- - file_hdr.a_text;
- /* Find the core address at which the heap will appear. */
- coreaddr = find_symbol (sym_name, symbol_table, file_hdr.a_syms, strings);
- /* Return address in file of the heap data space. */
- return (N_TXTOFF (file_hdr) + core_addr - origin);
-find_symbol (sym_name, symbol_table, length, strings)
- char *sym_name;
- struct nlist *symbol_table;
- int length;
- char *strings;
- register struct nlist *sym;
- /* Find symbol in question */
- for (sym = symbol_table;
- sym != (struct nlist *) ((char *) symbol_table + length);
- sym++)
- {
- if ((sym->n_type & N_TYPE) != N_DATA)
- continue;
- if (sym->n_un.n_strx == 0)
- continue;
- if (STREQ (sym_name, strings + sym->n_un.n_strx - 4))
- return sym->n_value;
- }
- err ("Data symbol %s not found in %s\n", sym_name, file);
-/* VARARGS */
-err (va_alist)
- va_dcl
- va_list args;
- char *string;
- va_start (args);
- string = va_arg (args, char *);
- vfprintf (gdb_stderr, string, args);
- va_end (args);
- exit (-1);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/thread.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/thread.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6777887af2e5..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/thread.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-/* Multi-process/thread control defs for GDB, the GNU debugger.
- Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993
- Contributed by Lynx Real-Time Systems, Inc. Los Gatos, CA.
- Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef THREAD_H
-#define THREAD_H
-extern void init_thread_list PARAMS ((void));
-extern void add_thread PARAMS ((int pid));
-extern int in_thread_list PARAMS ((int pid));
-extern int pid_to_thread_id PARAMS ((int pid));
-extern int valid_thread_id PARAMS ((int thread));
-extern void load_infrun_state PARAMS ((int, CORE_ADDR *, CORE_ADDR *, char **,
- int *, struct breakpoint **,
- struct breakpoint **, CORE_ADDR *,
- CORE_ADDR *, CORE_ADDR *, int *, int *));
-extern void save_infrun_state PARAMS ((int, CORE_ADDR, CORE_ADDR, char *,
- int, struct breakpoint *,
- struct breakpoint *, CORE_ADDR,
- CORE_ADDR, CORE_ADDR, int, int));
-#endif /* THREAD_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/ChangeLog b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dc1bf60460b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-1999-01-26 Jason Molenda (
- * tui.h: Include stdarg.h instead of varargs.h if we're on an ISO Cish
- system.
-Thu Dec 31 12:08:32 1998 David Taylor <>
- The following changes were made by Jim Blandy <>,
- Edith Epstein <>, Elena Zannoni
- <> Stan Shebs <>, and David
- Taylor <>, as part of the project to merge in
- changes originally made by HP; HP did not create ChangeLog
- entries.
- * New file; we're merging HP's changes into GDB, and
- we've moved the TUI files into a subdirectory, so we need a new
- Makefile.
- * tui.c:
- #include <term.h>, if we have it, to get declarations for
- the termcap functions on Solaris.
- (tgoto): Add external K&R declaration for this; Solaris doesn't
- bother to actually declare it in their header files.
- (_tuiReset): Ignore the #definition of TIOCGETC if USG is defined;
- we'd rather use the USG mechanisms than the Berkeley mechanisms
- (TIOCGETC is one of the Berkeley terminal control ioctls).
- Apologies if this causes trouble later; this should all be handled
- by autoconf...
- (strcat_to_buf, strcat_to_buf_with_fmt): New functions, moved here
- from ../utils.h.
- (tuiFree): replace safe_free with free.
- (strcat_to_buf): new function, copied from utils.c.
- (tuiInit): Add ignored `argv0' argument, to match the type that
- init_ui_hook expects; updated declaration. Call the
- initialize_tui_files function constructed above. Initialize
- flush_hook to NULL.
- (tuiInitWindows): Call tuiSetLocatorContent, to get the first
- element of the locator window's content allocated. This seems
- wrong, because it must have been initialized somehow in HP's
- sources, and we should do it the same way now. But we do get
- further before it segfaults. [Postscript: HP didn't bother to
- initialize it; they compile
- (va_catch_errors, vcatch_errors): Functions moved here from
- ../utils.c in HP's sources. They're not used anywhere else.
- (xdb_style): Delete this variable, and remove all references to
- it. It's always true.
- (tuiInit, _tui_vDo): References removed.
- * tui.h: Add prototypes.
- Don't #include "gendefs.h"; it's only used in the TUI.
- Integrate its contents into this file:
- #include <ansidecl.h> here.
- (Opaque, OpaqueFuncPtr): Typedefs moved to here.
- * tuiCommand.c: #include "defs.h", so we get the appropriate
- definition of GDB_FILE.
- * tuiData.c
- (freeWindow): replace safe_free with free.
- (tui_version): don't define it here; it's defined in main.c now.
- * tuiDisassem.c
- (tuiSetDisassemContent): Call strcat_address_numeric instead of
- strcat_address. Simplify the control structure. Use predefined
- GDB function to print asm inst address. Use GDB_FILE to collect
- output into buffers.
- * tuiIO.c
- (tgoto): Add external K&R declaration for this here too.
- (tuiGetc, tuiTermSetup, tuiTermUnsetup): Same.
- (tuiPuts_unfiltered): change FILE to GDB_FILE.
- (tui_tputs): fix prototype for 3rd argument.
- * tuiIO.h (tuiPuts_unfiltered): change declaration.
- * tuiLayout.c
- (_tuiSetLayoutTo): for displaying registers, hook up the HP code
- that decides which registers to display (i.e. single precision
- float, double precision float, general, special). Previously,
- only handled TUI_GENERAL_REGS. Now that the code is hooked up,
- compiling with -z poses a problem. When the first layout command
- is 'layout regs', dataWin->detail is a NULL pointer, and gdb
- core dumps.
- * tuiLayout.c (_tuiSetLayoutTo): replace safe_free with free.
- * tuiRegs.c #include "defs.h" earlier, to avoid problems in
- <stdarg.h>. No idea exactly what's conflicting with what, but the
- errors went away...
- (_tuiRegisterFormat): Change so that function creates a GDB_FILE
- object, calls pa_do_strcat_registers_info, copies the register
- info into a buffer, and deallocates the GDB_FILE object. Remove
- some code that is not executed. Also, call to
- pa_do_strcat_registers_info has an additional parameter,
- precision. This code requires some new per-target functions that
- we don't want to merge. Dyke it out, with #ifdef
- (_tuiSetSpecialRegsContent): this function was ifdefed out.
- Hooked this up.
- (_tuiSetGeneralAndSpecialRegsContent): this function was ifdefed
- out. Hooked it up.
- (IS_64BIT): Just define this to be zero; we're not merging in the
- 64-bit support.
- (tuiShowRegisters): Comment out all references to the "special"
- regs; we don't have a distinction between the "special" and
- "non-special" regs in most of our machine descriptions. This code
- is PA-specific in other ways as well, and needs to be redesigned
- to be portable to other processors.
- * tuiWin.c: #include <string.h>, to get a declaration for
- strchr.
- * tui.c, tuiCommand.c, tuiData.c, tuiDataWin.c, tuiDisassem.c,
- tuiGeneralWin.c, tuiIO.c, tuiLayout.c, tuiRegs.c, tuiSource.c,
- tuiSourceWin.c, tuiStack.c, tuiWin.c: New files (from HP). Changed
- bool to int throughout. Re-indented, GNU style.
- * tui.h, tuiCommand.h, tuiData.h, tuiDataWin.h, tuiDisassem.h,
- tuiGeneralWin.h, tuiIO.h, tuiLayout.h, tuiRegs.h, tuiSource.h,
- tuiSourceWin.h, tuiStack.h, tuiWin.h: new files (from HP).
- Changed bool to int throughout.
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/Makefile b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ed89c6e61769..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-# Generated automatically from by configure.
-# Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GDB.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-all: libtui.a
-SHELL = /bin/sh
-CFLAGS=-g -O2
-# Host and target-dependent makefile fragments come in here.
-# Host: Sun 4 or Sparcstation, running SunOS 4
-XDEPFILES= ser-tcp.o
-XM_FILE= xm-sun4os4.h
-NAT_FILE= nm-sun4os4.h
-NATDEPFILES= fork-child.o infptrace.o inftarg.o corelow.o sparc-nat.o
-# Setting XM_CLIBS=-lresolv would let us use the DNS, but that would screw
-# anyone who wants to use NIS, which includes at least one Cygnus customer
-# (PR 3593). So leave it this way until/unless we find a resolver which can
-# get names from either DNS or NIS from the same GDB binary.
-# Target: Sun 4 or Sparcstation, running SunOS 4
-TDEPFILES= sparc-tdep.o solib.o
-TM_FILE= tm-sun4os4.h
-# End of host and target-dependent makefile fragments
-# Where is our "include" directory? Typically $(srcdir)/../include.
-# This is essentially the header file directory for the library
-# routines in libiberty.
-INCLUDE_DIR = $(srcdir)/../../include
-# Configured by the --with-mmalloc option to configure.
-# Where is the BFD library? Typically in ../bfd.
-BFD_DIR = ../../bfd
-BFD_SRC = $(srcdir)/$(BFD_DIR)
-# Where is the READLINE library? Typically in ../readline.
-READLINE_DIR = ../../readline
-# Where is the INTL library? Typically in ../intl.
-INTL_DIR = ../../intl
-INTL_SRC = $(srcdir)/$(INTL_DIR)
-# Where is the TCL library? Typically in ../tcl.
-# Where is the TK library? Typically in ../tk.
-# Where is Itcl? Typically in ../itcl.
-# Where is Tix? Typically in ../tix.
-GUI_CFLAGS_X = -I$(srcdir)/../../libgui/src
-IDE_CFLAGS_X = -I$(srcdir)/../../libidetcl/src -I$(srcdir)/../../libide/src \
- `if [ x"$(ENABLE_IDE)" != x ] ; then \
- echo -DIDE -I$(srcdir)/../../ilu/runtime/mainloop;\
- fi`
-# -I. for config files.
-# -I$(srcdir) for gdb internal headers and possibly for gnu-regex.h also.
-# -I$(srcdir)/config for more generic config files.
-# It is also possible that you will need to add -I/usr/include/sys if
-# your system doesn't have fcntl.h in /usr/include (which is where it
-# should be according to Posix).
-GDB_CFLAGS = -I. -I.. -I$(srcdir) -I$(srcdir)/.. -I$(srcdir)/../config $(DEFS)
-# M{H,T}_CFLAGS, if defined, have host- and target-dependent CFLAGS
-# from the config directory.
-# INTERNAL_CFLAGS is the aggregate of all other *CFLAGS macros.
-HEADERS = tuiIO.h tuiData.h tuiGeneralWin.h tuiLayout.h tuiStack.h \
- tuiSource.h tuiCommand.h tuiWin.h tuiDisassem.h \
- tuiSourceWin.h tuiRegs.h tuiDataWin.h
-SOURCES = tui.c tuiData.c tuiSource.c tuiStack.c tuiIO.c \
- tuiGeneralWin.c tuiLayout.c tuiWin.c tuiCommand.c \
- tuiDisassem.c tuiSourceWin.c tuiRegs.c tuiDataWin.c
-OBJECTS = tui.o tuiData.o tuiSource.o tuiStack.o tuiIO.o \
- tuiGeneralWin.o tuiLayout.o tuiWin.o tuiCommand.o \
- tuiDisassem.o tuiSourceWin.o tuiRegs.o tuiDataWin.o \
- tuiInit.o
-# Prevent Sun make from putting in the machine type. Setting
-# TARGET_ARCH to nothing works for SunOS 3, 4.0, but not for 4.1.
- $(CC) -c $(INTERNAL_CFLAGS) $<
-.SUFFIXES: .cpp
- $(CC) -E $(INTERNAL_CFLAGS) $< > $@
-libtui.a: $(OBJECTS)
- rm -f libtui.a
- $(AR) rc libtui.a $(OBJECTS)
- $(RANLIB) libtui.a
-tui.o: tui.c tui.h tuiData.h tuiLayout.h tuiIO.h tuiRegs.h tuiWin.h
-tuiCommand.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiWin.h tuiIO.h
-tuiData.o: tui.h tuiData.h
-tuiDataWin.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiRegs.h
-tuiDisassem.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiLayout.h tuiSourceWin.h tuiStack.h
-tuiGeneralWin.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiGeneralWin.h
-tuiIO.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiIO.h tuiCommand.h tuiWin.h
-tuiLayout.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiGeneralWin.h tuiStack.h tuiRegs.h \
- tuiDisassem.h
-tuiRegs.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiLayout.h tuiWin.h
-tuiSource.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiStack.h tuiSourceWin.h tuiSource.h
-tuiSourceWin.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiStack.h tuiSourceWin.h tuiSource.h \
- tuiDisassem.h
-tuiStack.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiStack.h tuiSourceWin.h
-tuiWin.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiGeneralWin.h tuiStack.h tuiSourceWin.h \
- tuiDataWin.h
-tuiInit.o: tuiInit.c
-tuiInit.c: $(SOURCES)
- @echo Making tuiInit.c
- @rm -f init.c-tmp
- @echo '/* Do not modify this file. */' >init.c-tmp
- @echo '/* It is created automatically by the Makefile. */'>>init.c-tmp
- @echo '#include "ansidecl.h"' >>init.c-tmp
- @echo 'extern void initialize_tui_files PARAMS ((void));' >>init.c-tmp
- @echo 'void initialize_tui_files PARAMS ((void)) {' >>init.c-tmp
- @-( cd $(srcdir) ; grep '^_initialize_[a-z_0-9A-Z]* *(' $(SOURCES) ) 2>/dev/null \
- | sed -e 's/^.*://' -e 's/^\([a-z_0-9A-Z]*\).*/ {extern void \1 PARAMS ((void)); \1 ();}/' >>init.c-tmp
- @echo '}' >>init.c-tmp
- @mv init.c-tmp tuiInit.c
- rm -f *.o *.a
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/ b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 256464b5bc5e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GDB.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-all: libtui.a
-VPATH = @srcdir@
-# Host and target-dependent makefile fragments come in here.
-# End of host and target-dependent makefile fragments
-# Where is our "include" directory? Typically $(srcdir)/../include.
-# This is essentially the header file directory for the library
-# routines in libiberty.
-INCLUDE_DIR = $(srcdir)/../../include
-# Configured by the --with-mmalloc option to configure.
-# Where is the BFD library? Typically in ../bfd.
-BFD_DIR = ../../bfd
-BFD_SRC = $(srcdir)/$(BFD_DIR)
-# Where is the READLINE library? Typically in ../readline.
-READLINE_DIR = ../../readline
-# Where is the INTL library? Typically in ../intl.
-INTL_DIR = ../../intl
-INTL_SRC = $(srcdir)/$(INTL_DIR)
-# Where is the TCL library? Typically in ../tcl.
-# Where is the TK library? Typically in ../tk.
-# Where is Itcl? Typically in ../itcl.
-# Where is Tix? Typically in ../tix.
-GUI_CFLAGS_X = -I$(srcdir)/../../libgui/src
-IDE_CFLAGS_X = -I$(srcdir)/../../libidetcl/src -I$(srcdir)/../../libide/src \
- `if [ x"$(ENABLE_IDE)" != x ] ; then \
- echo -DIDE -I$(srcdir)/../../ilu/runtime/mainloop;\
- fi`
-# -I. for config files.
-# -I$(srcdir) for gdb internal headers and possibly for gnu-regex.h also.
-# -I$(srcdir)/config for more generic config files.
-# It is also possible that you will need to add -I/usr/include/sys if
-# your system doesn't have fcntl.h in /usr/include (which is where it
-# should be according to Posix).
-GDB_CFLAGS = -I. -I.. -I$(srcdir) -I$(srcdir)/.. -I$(srcdir)/../config $(DEFS)
-# M{H,T}_CFLAGS, if defined, have host- and target-dependent CFLAGS
-# from the config directory.
-# INTERNAL_CFLAGS is the aggregate of all other *CFLAGS macros.
-HEADERS = tuiIO.h tuiData.h tuiGeneralWin.h tuiLayout.h tuiStack.h \
- tuiSource.h tuiCommand.h tuiWin.h tuiDisassem.h \
- tuiSourceWin.h tuiRegs.h tuiDataWin.h
-SOURCES = tui.c tuiData.c tuiSource.c tuiStack.c tuiIO.c \
- tuiGeneralWin.c tuiLayout.c tuiWin.c tuiCommand.c \
- tuiDisassem.c tuiSourceWin.c tuiRegs.c tuiDataWin.c
-OBJECTS = tui.o tuiData.o tuiSource.o tuiStack.o tuiIO.o \
- tuiGeneralWin.o tuiLayout.o tuiWin.o tuiCommand.o \
- tuiDisassem.o tuiSourceWin.o tuiRegs.o tuiDataWin.o \
- tuiInit.o
-# Prevent Sun make from putting in the machine type. Setting
-# TARGET_ARCH to nothing works for SunOS 3, 4.0, but not for 4.1.
- $(CC) -c $(INTERNAL_CFLAGS) $<
-.SUFFIXES: .cpp
- $(CC) -E $(INTERNAL_CFLAGS) $< > $@
-libtui.a: $(OBJECTS)
- rm -f libtui.a
- $(AR) rc libtui.a $(OBJECTS)
- $(RANLIB) libtui.a
-tui.o: tui.c tui.h tuiData.h tuiLayout.h tuiIO.h tuiRegs.h tuiWin.h
-tuiCommand.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiWin.h tuiIO.h
-tuiData.o: tui.h tuiData.h
-tuiDataWin.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiRegs.h
-tuiDisassem.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiLayout.h tuiSourceWin.h tuiStack.h
-tuiGeneralWin.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiGeneralWin.h
-tuiIO.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiIO.h tuiCommand.h tuiWin.h
-tuiLayout.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiGeneralWin.h tuiStack.h tuiRegs.h \
- tuiDisassem.h
-tuiRegs.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiLayout.h tuiWin.h
-tuiSource.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiStack.h tuiSourceWin.h tuiSource.h
-tuiSourceWin.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiStack.h tuiSourceWin.h tuiSource.h \
- tuiDisassem.h
-tuiStack.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiStack.h tuiSourceWin.h
-tuiWin.o: tui.h tuiData.h tuiGeneralWin.h tuiStack.h tuiSourceWin.h \
- tuiDataWin.h
-tuiInit.o: tuiInit.c
-tuiInit.c: $(SOURCES)
- @echo Making tuiInit.c
- @rm -f init.c-tmp
- @echo '/* Do not modify this file. */' >init.c-tmp
- @echo '/* It is created automatically by the Makefile. */'>>init.c-tmp
- @echo '#include "ansidecl.h"' >>init.c-tmp
- @echo 'extern void initialize_tui_files PARAMS ((void));' >>init.c-tmp
- @echo 'void initialize_tui_files PARAMS ((void)) {' >>init.c-tmp
- @-( cd $(srcdir) ; grep '^_initialize_[a-z_0-9A-Z]* *(' $(SOURCES) ) 2>/dev/null \
- | sed -e 's/^.*://' -e 's/^\([a-z_0-9A-Z]*\).*/ {extern void \1 PARAMS ((void)); \1 ();}/' >>init.c-tmp
- @echo '}' >>init.c-tmp
- @mv init.c-tmp tuiInit.c
- rm -f *.o *.a
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tui.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tui.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f64db4442a86..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tui.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,830 +0,0 @@
-** tui.c
-** General functions for the WDB TUI
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include <curses.h>
-#ifdef HAVE_TERM_H
-#include <term.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <termio.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "gdbcmd.h"
-#include "tui.h"
-#include "tuiData.h"
-#include "tuiLayout.h"
-#include "tuiIO.h"
-#include "tuiRegs.h"
-#include "tuiWin.h"
-/* The Solaris header files seem to provide no declaration for this at
- all when __STDC__ is defined. This shouldn't conflict with
- anything. */
-extern char *tgoto ();
-** Local Definitions
-#define FILEDES 2
-/* Solaris <sys/termios.h> defines CTRL. */
-#ifndef CTRL
-#define CTRL(x) (x & ~0140)
-#define CHK(val, dft) (val<=0 ? dft : val)
-#define TOGGLE_USAGE "Usage:toggle breakpoints"
-#define TUI_TOGGLE_USAGE "Usage:\ttoggle $fregs\n\ttoggle breakpoints"
-** Local static forward decls
-static void _tuiReset PARAMS ((void));
-static void _toggle_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tui_vToggle_command PARAMS ((va_list));
-static Opaque _tui_vDo PARAMS ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr, va_list));
-** Public Functions
-** tuiInit().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiInit (char *argv0)
-tuiInit (argv0)
- char *argv0;
- extern void init_page_info ();
- extern void initialize_tui_files PARAMS ((void));
- initialize_tui_files ();
- initializeStaticData ();
- initscr ();
- refresh ();
- setTermHeightTo (LINES);
- setTermWidthTo (COLS);
- tuiInitWindows ();
- wrefresh (cmdWin->generic.handle);
- init_page_info ();
- /* Don't hook debugger output if doing command-window
- * the XDB way. However, one thing we do want to do in
- * XDB style is set up the scrolling region to be
- * the bottom of the screen (tuiTermUnsetup()).
- */
- fputs_unfiltered_hook = NULL;
- flush_hook = NULL;
- rl_initialize (); /* need readline initialization to
- * create termcap sequences
- */
- tuiTermUnsetup (1, cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch);
- return;
-} /* tuiInit */
-** tuiInitWindows().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiInitWindows (void)
-tuiInitWindows ()
- TuiWinType type;
- tuiSetLocatorContent (0);
- showLayout (SRC_COMMAND);
- keypad (cmdWin->generic.handle, TRUE);
- echo ();
- crmode ();
- nl ();
- tuiSetWinFocusTo (srcWin);
- return;
-} /* tuiInitWindows */
-** tuiCleanUp().
-** Kill signal handler and cleanup termination method
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiResetScreen (void)
-tuiResetScreen ()
- TuiWinType type = SRC_WIN;
- keypad (cmdWin->generic.handle, FALSE);
- for (; type < MAX_MAJOR_WINDOWS; type++)
- {
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (winList[type]) &&
- winList[type]->generic.type != UNDEFINED_WIN &&
- !winList[type]->generic.isVisible)
- tuiDelWindow (winList[type]);
- }
- endwin ();
- initscr ();
- refresh ();
- echo ();
- crmode ();
- nl ();
- return;
-} /* tuiResetScreen */
-** tuiCleanUp().
-** Kill signal handler and cleanup termination method
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiCleanUp (void)
-tuiCleanUp ()
- char *buffer;
- extern char *term_cursor_move;
- signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
- tuiTermSetup (0); /* Restore scrolling region to whole screen */
- keypad (cmdWin->generic.handle, FALSE);
- freeAllWindows ();
- endwin ();
- buffer = tgoto (term_cursor_move, 0, termHeight ());
- tputs (buffer, 1, putchar);
- _tuiReset ();
- return;
-} /* tuiCleanUp */
-** tuiError().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiError (
- char *string,
- int exitGdb)
-tuiError (string, exitGdb)
- char *string;
- int exitGdb;
- puts_unfiltered (string);
- if (exitGdb)
- {
- tuiCleanUp ();
- exit (-1);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiError */
-** tui_vError()
-** tuiError with args in a va_list.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tui_vError (
- va_list args)
-tui_vError (args)
- va_list args;
- char *string;
- int exitGdb;
- string = va_arg (args, char *);
- exitGdb = va_arg (args, int);
- tuiError (string, exitGdb);
- return;
-} /* tui_vError */
-** tuiFree()
-** Wrapper on top of free() to ensure that input address is greater than 0x0
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiFree (
- char *ptr)
-tuiFree (ptr)
- char *ptr;
- if (ptr != (char *) NULL)
- {
- free (ptr);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiFree */
-/* tuiGetLowDisassemblyAddress().
-** Determine what the low address will be to display in the TUI's
-** disassembly window. This may or may not be the same as the
-** low address input.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiGetLowDisassemblyAddress (
- Opaque low,
- Opaque pc)
-tuiGetLowDisassemblyAddress (low, pc)
- Opaque low;
- Opaque pc;
- int line;
- Opaque newLow;
- /*
- ** Determine where to start the disassembly so that the pc is about in the
- ** middle of the viewport.
- */
- for (line = 0, newLow = pc;
- (newLow > low &&
- line < (tuiDefaultWinViewportHeight (DISASSEM_WIN,
- {
- bfd_byte buffer[4];
- newLow -= sizeof (bfd_getb32 (buffer));
- line++;
- }
- return newLow;
-} /* tuiGetLowDisassemblyAddress */
-/* tui_vGetLowDisassemblyAddress().
-** Determine what the low address will be to display in the TUI's
-** disassembly window with args in a va_list.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tui_vGetLowDisassemblyAddress (
- va_list args)
-tui_vGetLowDisassemblyAddress (args)
- va_list args;
- int line;
- Opaque newLow;
- Opaque low;
- Opaque pc;
- low = va_arg (args, Opaque);
- pc = va_arg (args, Opaque);
- return (tuiGetLowDisassemblyAddress (low, pc));
-} /* tui_vGetLowDisassemblyAddress */
-** tuiDo().
-** General purpose function to execute a tui function. Transitions
-** between curses and the are handled here. This function is called
-** by non-tui gdb functions.
-** Errors are caught here.
-** If there is no error, the value returned by 'func' is returned.
-** If there is an error, then zero is returned.
-** Must not be called with immediate_quit in effect (bad things might
-** happen, say we got a signal in the middle of a memcpy to quit_return).
-** This is an OK restriction; with very few exceptions immediate_quit can
-** be replaced by judicious use of QUIT.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiDo (
- TuiOpaqueFuncPtr func,...)
-tuiDo (func, va_alist)
- TuiOpaqueFuncPtr func;
- va_dcl
- extern int terminal_is_ours;
- Opaque ret = (Opaque) NULL;
- /* It is an error to be tuiDo'ing if we
- * don't own the terminal.
- */
- if (!terminal_is_ours)
- return ret;
- if (tui_version)
- {
- va_list args;
-#ifdef __STDC__
- va_start (args, func);
- va_start (args);
- ret = _tui_vDo (func, args);
- va_end (args);
- }
- return ret;
-} /* tuiDo */
-** tuiDoAndReturnToTop().
-** General purpose function to execute a tui function. Transitions
-** between curses and the are handled here. This function is called
-** by non-tui gdb functions who wish to reset gdb to the top level.
-** After the tuiDo is performed, a return to the top level occurs.
-** Errors are caught here.
-** If there is no error, the value returned by 'func' is returned.
-** If there is an error, then zero is returned.
-** Must not be called with immediate_quit in effect (bad things might
-** happen, say we got a signal in the middle of a memcpy to quit_return).
-** This is an OK restriction; with very few exceptions immediate_quit can
-** be replaced by judicious use of QUIT.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiDoAndReturnToTop (
- TuiOpaqueFuncPtr func,...)
-tuiDoAndReturnToTop (func, va_alist)
- TuiOpaqueFuncPtr func;
- va_dcl
- extern int terminal_is_ours;
- Opaque ret = (Opaque) NULL;
- /* It is an error to be tuiDo'ing if we
- * don't own the terminal.
- */
- if (!terminal_is_ours)
- return ret;
- if (tui_version)
- {
- va_list args;
-#ifdef __STDC__
- va_start (args, func);
- va_start (args);
- ret = _tui_vDo (func, args);
- /* force a return to the top level */
- return_to_top_level (RETURN_ERROR);
- }
- return ret;
-} /* tuiDoAndReturnToTop */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tui_vSelectSourceSymtab (
- va_list args)
-tui_vSelectSourceSymtab (args)
- va_list args;
- struct symtab *s = va_arg (args, struct symtab *);
- select_source_symtab (s);
- return;
-} /* tui_vSelectSourceSymtab */
-** _initialize_tui().
-** Function to initialize gdb commands, for tui window manipulation.
-_initialize_tui ()
-#if 0
- if (tui_version)
- {
- add_com ("toggle", class_tui, _toggle_command,
- "Toggle Terminal UI Features\n\
-Usage: Toggle $fregs\n\
-\tToggles between single and double precision floating point registers.\n");
- }
- char *helpStr;
- if (tui_version)
- helpStr = "Toggle Specified Features\n\
-Usage:\ttoggle $fregs\n\ttoggle breakpoints";
- else
- helpStr = "Toggle Specified Features\nUsage:toggle breakpoints";
- add_abbrev_prefix_cmd ("toggle",
- class_tui,
- _toggle_command,
- helpStr,
- &togglelist,
- "toggle ",
- 1,
- &cmdlist);
-} /* _initialize_tui*/
-** va_catch_errors().
-** General purpose function to execute a function, catching errors.
-** If there is no error, the value returned by 'func' is returned.
-** If there is error, then zero is returned.
-** Note that 'func' must take a variable argument list as well.
-** Must not be called with immediate_quit in effect (bad things might
-** happen, say we got a signal in the middle of a memcpy to quit_return).
-** This is an OK restriction; with very few exceptions immediate_quit can
-** be replaced by judicious use of QUIT.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-va_catch_errors (
- TuiOpaqueFuncPtr func,
- va_list args)
-va_catch_errors (func, args)
- TuiOpaqueFuncPtr func;
- va_list args;
- Opaque ret = (Opaque) NULL;
- /*
- ** We could have used catch_errors(), but it doesn't handle variable args.
- ** Also, for the tui, we always want to catch all errors, so we don't
- ** need to pass a mask, or an error string.
- */
- jmp_buf saved_error;
- jmp_buf saved_quit;
- jmp_buf tmp_jmp;
- struct cleanup *saved_cleanup_chain;
- char *saved_error_pre_print;
- char *saved_quit_pre_print;
- extern jmp_buf error_return;
- extern jmp_buf quit_return;
- saved_cleanup_chain = save_cleanups ();
- saved_error_pre_print = error_pre_print;
- saved_quit_pre_print = quit_pre_print;
- memcpy ((char *) saved_error, (char *) error_return, sizeof (jmp_buf));
- error_pre_print = "";
- memcpy (saved_quit, quit_return, sizeof (jmp_buf));
- quit_pre_print = "";
- if (setjmp (tmp_jmp) == 0)
- {
- va_list argList = args;
- memcpy (error_return, tmp_jmp, sizeof (jmp_buf));
- memcpy (quit_return, tmp_jmp, sizeof (jmp_buf));
- ret = func (argList);
- }
- restore_cleanups (saved_cleanup_chain);
- memcpy (error_return, saved_error, sizeof (jmp_buf));
- error_pre_print = saved_error_pre_print;
- memcpy (quit_return, saved_quit, sizeof (jmp_buf));
- quit_pre_print = saved_quit_pre_print;
- return ret;
-** vcatch_errors().
-** Catch errors occurring in tui or non tui function, handling
-** variable param lists. Note that 'func' must take a variable
-** argument list as well.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-vcatch_errors (
- OpaqueFuncPtr func,...)
-vcatch_errors (va_alist)
- va_dcl
-vcatch_errors(func, va_alist)
- OpaqueFuncPtr func;
- va_dcl
- Opaque ret = (Opaque) NULL;
- va_list args;
-#ifdef __STDC__
- va_start (args, func);
- va_arg(args, OpaqueFuncPtr);
- OpaqueFuncPtr func;
- va_start (args);
- func = va_arg (args, OpaqueFuncPtr);
- ret = va_catch_errors (func, args);
- va_end (args);
- return ret;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-strcat_to_buf (
- char *buf,
- int buflen,
- char *itemToAdd)
-strcat_to_buf (buf, buflen, itemToAdd)
- char *buf;
- int buflen;
- char *itemToAdd;
- if (itemToAdd != (char *) NULL && buf != (char *) NULL)
- {
- if ((strlen (buf) + strlen (itemToAdd)) <= buflen)
- strcat (buf, itemToAdd);
- else
- strncat (buf, itemToAdd, (buflen - strlen (buf)));
- }
- return;
-} /* strcat_to_buf */
-/* VARARGS */
-strcat_to_buf_with_fmt (
- char *buf,
- int bufLen,
- char *format,...)
-strcat_to_buf_with_fmt (va_alist)
- va_dcl
- char *linebuffer;
- struct cleanup *old_cleanups;
- va_list args;
- va_start (args, format);
- char *buf;
- int bufLen;
- char *format;
- va_start (args);
- buf = va_arg (args, char *);
- bufLen = va_arg (args, int);
- format = va_arg (args, char *);
- vasprintf (&linebuffer, format, args);
- old_cleanups = make_cleanup (free, linebuffer);
- strcat_to_buf (buf, bufLen, linebuffer);
- do_cleanups (old_cleanups);
- va_end (args);
-** Static Functions
-** _tui_vDo().
-** General purpose function to execute a tui function. Transitions
-** between curses and the are handled here. This function is called
-** by non-tui gdb functions.
-** Errors are caught here.
-** If there is no error, the value returned by 'func' is returned.
-** If there is an error, then zero is returned.
-** Must not be called with immediate_quit in effect (bad things might
-** happen, say we got a signal in the middle of a memcpy to quit_return).
-** This is an OK restriction; with very few exceptions immediate_quit can
-** be replaced by judicious use of QUIT.
-static Opaque
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tui_vDo (
- TuiOpaqueFuncPtr func,
- va_list args)
-_tui_vDo (func, args)
- TuiOpaqueFuncPtr func;
- va_list args;
- extern int terminal_is_ours;
- Opaque ret = (Opaque) NULL;
- /* It is an error to be tuiDo'ing if we
- * don't own the terminal.
- */
- if (!terminal_is_ours)
- return ret;
- if (tui_version)
- {
- /* If doing command window the "XDB way" (command window
- * is unmanaged by curses...
- */
- /* Set up terminal for TUI */
- tuiTermSetup (1);
- ret = va_catch_errors (func, args);
- /* Set up terminal for command window */
- tuiTermUnsetup (1, cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch);
- }
- return ret;
-} /* _tui_vDo */
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_toggle_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_toggle_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- printf_filtered ("Specify feature to toggle.\n%s\n",
- (tui_version) ? TUI_TOGGLE_USAGE : TOGGLE_USAGE);
- tuiDo((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr)_Toggle_command, arg, fromTTY);
-** _tui_vToggle_command().
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tui_vToggle_command (
- va_list args)
-_tui_vToggle_command (args)
- va_list args;
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- arg = va_arg (args, char *);
- if (arg == (char *) NULL)
- printf_filtered (TOGGLE_USAGE);
- else
- {
- char *ptr = (char *) tuiStrDup (arg);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; (ptr[i]); i++)
- ptr[i] = toupper (arg[i]);
- if (subsetCompare (ptr, TUI_FLOAT_REGS_NAME))
- tuiToggleFloatRegs ();
-/* else if (subsetCompare(ptr, "ANOTHER TOGGLE OPTION"))
- ...
- else
- printf_filtered (TOGGLE_USAGE);
- tuiFree (ptr);
- }
- return;
-} /* _tuiToggle_command */
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiReset (void)
-_tuiReset ()
- struct termio mode;
- /*
- ** reset the teletype mode bits to a sensible state.
- ** Copied tset.c
- */
-#if ! defined (USG) && defined (TIOCGETC)
- struct tchars tbuf;
-#endif /* !USG && TIOCGETC */
-#ifdef UCB_NTTY
- struct ltchars ltc;
- if (ldisc == NTTYDISC)
- {
- ioctl (FILEDES, TIOCGLTC, &ltc);
- ltc.t_suspc = CHK (ltc.t_suspc, CTRL ('Z'));
- ltc.t_dsuspc = CHK (ltc.t_dsuspc, CTRL ('Y'));
- ltc.t_rprntc = CHK (ltc.t_rprntc, CTRL ('R'));
- ltc.t_flushc = CHK (ltc.t_flushc, CTRL ('O'));
- ltc.t_werasc = CHK (ltc.t_werasc, CTRL ('W'));
- ltc.t_lnextc = CHK (ltc.t_lnextc, CTRL ('V'));
- ioctl (FILEDES, TIOCSLTC, &ltc);
- }
-#endif /* UCB_NTTY */
-#ifndef USG
-#ifdef TIOCGETC
- ioctl (FILEDES, TIOCGETC, &tbuf);
- tbuf.t_intrc = CHK (tbuf.t_intrc, CTRL ('?'));
- tbuf.t_quitc = CHK (tbuf.t_quitc, CTRL ('\\'));
- tbuf.t_startc = CHK (tbuf.t_startc, CTRL ('Q'));
- tbuf.t_stopc = CHK (tbuf.t_stopc, CTRL ('S'));
- tbuf.t_eofc = CHK (tbuf.t_eofc, CTRL ('D'));
- /* brkc is left alone */
- ioctl (FILEDES, TIOCSETC, &tbuf);
-#endif /* TIOCGETC */
- mode.sg_flags &= ~(RAW
-#ifdef CBREAK
-#endif /* CBREAK */
- mode.sg_flags |= XTABS | ECHO | CRMOD | ANYP;
-#else /*USG*/
- ioctl (FILEDES, TCGETA, &mode);
- mode.c_cc[VINTR] = CHK (mode.c_cc[VINTR], CTRL ('?'));
- mode.c_cc[VQUIT] = CHK (mode.c_cc[VQUIT], CTRL ('\\'));
- mode.c_cc[VEOF] = CHK (mode.c_cc[VEOF], CTRL ('D'));
- mode.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | PARMRK | INPCK | INLCR | IGNCR | IUCLC | IXOFF);
- mode.c_iflag |= (BRKINT | ISTRIP | ICRNL | IXON);
- mode.c_oflag &= ~(OLCUC | OCRNL | ONOCR | ONLRET | OFILL | OFDEL |
- mode.c_oflag |= (OPOST | ONLCR);
- mode.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARODD | CLOCAL);
-#ifndef hp9000s800
- mode.c_cflag |= (CS8 | CREAD);
-#else /*hp9000s800*/
- mode.c_cflag |= (CS8 | CSTOPB | CREAD);
-#endif /* hp9000s800 */
- mode.c_lflag &= ~(XCASE | ECHONL | NOFLSH);
- mode.c_lflag |= (ISIG | ICANON | ECHO | ECHOK);
- ioctl (FILEDES, TCSETAW, &mode);
-#endif /* USG */
- return;
-} /* _tuiReset */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tui.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tui.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bc9fb31e6496..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tui.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-/* External/Public TUI Header File */
-#ifndef TUI_H
-#define TUI_H
-#include <curses.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#if defined(reg)
-#undef reg
-#if defined(chtype)
-#undef chtype
-/* Opaque data type */
-typedef char *Opaque;
-typedef Opaque (*OpaqueFuncPtr) PARAMS ((va_list));
-typedef char **OpaqueList;
-typedef OpaqueList OpaquePtr;
-/* Generic function pointer */
-typedef void (*TuiVoidFuncPtr) PARAMS ((va_list));
-typedef int (*TuiIntFuncPtr) PARAMS ((va_list));
-typedef Opaque (*TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) PARAMS ((va_list));
-typedef OpaqueFuncPtr TuiOpaqueFuncPtr;
-extern Opaque vcatch_errors PARAMS ((OpaqueFuncPtr, ...));
-extern Opaque va_catch_errors PARAMS ((OpaqueFuncPtr, va_list));
-extern void strcat_to_buf PARAMS ((char *, int, char *));
-extern void strcat_to_buf_with_fmt PARAMS ((char *, int, char *, ...));
-/* Types of error returns */
-typedef enum {
-} TuiStatus, *TuiStatusPtr;
-/* Types of windows */
-typedef enum {
- SRC_WIN = 0,
- /* This must ALWAYS be AFTER the major windows last */
- /* auxillary windows */
- /* This must ALWAYS be next to last */
-} TuiWinType, *TuiWinTypePtr;
-/* This is a point definition */
-typedef struct _TuiPoint {
- int x, y;
-} TuiPoint, *TuiPointPtr;
-/* Generic window information */
-typedef struct _TuiGenWinInfo {
- WINDOW *handle; /* window handle */
- TuiWinType type; /* type of window */
- int width; /* window width */
- int height; /* window height */
- TuiPoint origin; /* origin of window */
- OpaquePtr content; /* content of window */
- int contentSize; /* Size of content (# of elements) */
- int contentInUse; /* Can it be used, or is it already used? */
- int viewportHeight; /* viewport height */
- int lastVisibleLine; /* index of last visible line */
- int isVisible; /* whether the window is visible or not */
-} TuiGenWinInfo, *TuiGenWinInfoPtr;
-/* tui.c */
-extern void tuiInit PARAMS ((char *argv0));
-extern void tuiInitWindows PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiResetScreen PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiCleanUp PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiError PARAMS ((char *, int));
-extern void tui_vError PARAMS ((va_list));
-extern void tuiFree PARAMS ((char *));
-extern Opaque tuiDo PARAMS ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr, ...));
-extern Opaque tuiDoAndReturnToTop PARAMS ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr, ...));
-extern Opaque tuiGetLowDisassemblyAddress PARAMS ((Opaque, Opaque));
-extern Opaque tui_vGetLowDisassemblyAddress PARAMS ((va_list));
-extern void tui_vSelectSourceSymtab PARAMS ((va_list));
-/* tuiDataWin.c */
-extern void tui_vCheckDataValues PARAMS ((va_list));
-/* tuiIO.c */
-extern void tui_vStartNewLines PARAMS ((va_list));
-/* tuiLayout.c */
-extern void tui_vAddWinToLayout PARAMS ((va_list));
-extern TuiStatus tui_vSetLayoutTo PARAMS ((va_list));
-/* tuiSourceWin.c */
-extern void tuiDisplayMainFunction PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiUpdateAllExecInfos PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiUpdateOnEnd PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tui_vAllSetHasBreakAt PARAMS ((va_list));
-extern void tui_vUpdateSourceWindowsWithAddr PARAMS ((va_list));
-/* tuiStack.c */
-extern void tui_vShowFrameInfo PARAMS ((va_list));
-extern void tui_vUpdateLocatorFilename PARAMS ((va_list));
-#endif /* TUI_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiCommand.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiCommand.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 454dc62e8572..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiCommand.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-** tuiCommand.c
-** This module contains functions specific to command window processing.
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "tui.h"
-#include "tuiData.h"
-#include "tuiWin.h"
-#include "tuiIO.h"
-** tuiDispatchCtrlChar().
-** Dispatch the correct tui function based upon the control character.
-unsigned int
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiDispatchCtrlChar (
- unsigned int ch)
-tuiDispatchCtrlChar (ch)
- unsigned int ch;
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo = tuiWinWithFocus ();
- /*
- ** If the command window has the logical focus, or no-one does
- ** assume it is the command window; in this case, pass the
- ** character on through and do nothing here.
- */
- if (winInfo == (TuiWinInfoPtr) NULL || winInfo == cmdWin)
- return ch;
- else
- {
- unsigned int c = 0, chCopy = ch;
- register int i;
- char *term;
- /* If this is an xterm, page next/prev keys aren't returned
- ** by keypad as a single char, so we must handle them here.
- ** Seems like a bug in the curses library?
- */
- term = (char *) getenv ("TERM");
- for (i = 0; (term && term[i]); i++)
- term[i] = toupper (term[i]);
- if ((strcmp (term, "XTERM") == 0) && m_isStartSequence (ch))
- {
- unsigned int pageCh = 0, tmpChar;
- tmpChar = 0;
- while (!m_isEndSequence (tmpChar))
- {
- tmpChar = (int) wgetch (cmdWin->generic.handle);
- if (!tmpChar)
- break;
- if (tmpChar == 53)
- pageCh = KEY_PPAGE;
- else if (tmpChar == 54)
- pageCh = KEY_NPAGE;
- }
- chCopy = pageCh;
- }
- switch (chCopy)
- {
- case KEY_NPAGE:
- tuiScrollForward (winInfo, 0);
- break;
- case KEY_PPAGE:
- tuiScrollBackward (winInfo, 0);
- break;
- case KEY_DOWN:
- case KEY_SF:
- tuiScrollForward (winInfo, 1);
- break;
- case KEY_UP:
- case KEY_SR:
- tuiScrollBackward (winInfo, 1);
- break;
- case KEY_RIGHT:
- tuiScrollLeft (winInfo, 1);
- break;
- case KEY_LEFT:
- tuiScrollRight (winInfo, 1);
- break;
- case '\f':
- tuiRefreshAll ();
- break;
- default:
- c = chCopy;
- break;
- }
- return c;
- }
-} /* tuiDispatchCtrlChar */
-** tuiIncrCommandCharCountBy()
-** Increment the current character count in the command window,
-** checking for overflow. Returns the new value of the char count.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiIncrCommandCharCountBy (
- int count)
-tuiIncrCommandCharCountBy (count)
- int count;
- if (tui_version)
- {
- if ((count + cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch) >= cmdWin->generic.width)
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch =
- (count + cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch) - cmdWin->generic.width;
- else
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch += count;
- }
- return cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch;
-} /* tuiIncrCommandCharCountBy */
-** tuiDecrCommandCharCountBy()
-** Decrement the current character count in the command window,
-** checking for overflow. Returns the new value of the char count.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiDecrCommandCharCountBy (
- int count)
-tuiDecrCommandCharCountBy (count)
- int count;
- if (tui_version)
- {
- if ((cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch - count) < 0)
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch =
- cmdWin->generic.width + (cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch - count);
- else
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch -= count;
- }
- return cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch;
-} /* tuiDecrCommandCharCountBy */
-** tuiSetCommandCharCountTo()
-** Set the character count to count.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiSetCommandCharCountTo (
- int count)
-tuiSetCommandCharCountTo (count)
- int count;
- if (tui_version)
- {
- if (count > cmdWin->generic.width - 1)
- {
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch = 0;
- tuiIncrCommandCharCountBy (count);
- }
- else
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch -= count;
- }
- return cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch;
-} /* tuiSetCommandCharCountTo */
-** tuiClearCommandCharCount()
-** Clear the character count to count.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiClearCommandCharCount (void)
-tuiClearCommandCharCount ()
- if (tui_version)
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch = 0;
- return cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch;
-} /* tuiClearCommandCharCount */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiCommand.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiCommand.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 206d918dd56e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiCommand.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _TUI_COMMAND_H
-#define _TUI_COMMAND_H
-** This header file supports
-extern unsigned int tuiDispatchCtrlChar PARAMS ((unsigned int));
-extern int tuiIncrCommandCharCountBy PARAMS ((int));
-extern int tuiDecrCommandCharCountBy PARAMS ((int));
-extern int tuiSetCommandCharCountTo PARAMS ((int));
-extern int tuiClearCommandCharCount PARAMS ((void));
-#endif /*_TUI_COMMAND_H*/
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiData.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiData.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 758a6cde492d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiData.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1624 +0,0 @@
-** tuiData.c
-** This module contains functions for manipulating the data
-** structures used by the TUI
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "tui.h"
-#include "tuiData.h"
-TuiWinInfoPtr winList[MAX_MAJOR_WINDOWS];
-** Private Definitions
-#define FILE_WIDTH 30
-#define PROC_WIDTH 40
-#define LINE_WIDTH 4
-#define PC_WIDTH 8
-** Private data
-static char *_tuiNullStr = TUI_NULL_STR;
-static char *_tuiBlankStr = " ";
-static char *_tuiLocationStr = " >";
-static char *_tuiBreakStr = " * ";
-static char *_tuiBreakLocationStr = " *>";
-static TuiLayoutType _currentLayout = UNDEFINED_LAYOUT;
-static int _termHeight, _termWidth;
-static int _historyLimit = DEFAULT_HISTORY_COUNT;
-static TuiGenWinInfo _locator;
-static TuiGenWinInfo _execInfo[2];
-static TuiWinInfoPtr _srcWinList[2];
-static TuiList _sourceWindows =
-{(OpaqueList) _srcWinList, 0};
-static int _defaultTabLen = DEFAULT_TAB_LEN;
-static TuiWinInfoPtr _winWithFocus = (TuiWinInfoPtr) NULL;
-static TuiLayoutDef _layoutDef =
-{SRC_WIN, /* displayMode */
- FALSE, /* split */
- TUI_UNDEFINED_REGS, /* regsDisplayType */
- TUI_SFLOAT_REGS}; /* floatRegsDisplayType */
-static int _winResized = FALSE;
-** Static function forward decls
-static void freeContent PARAMS ((TuiWinContent, int, TuiWinType));
-static void freeContentElements PARAMS ((TuiWinContent, int, TuiWinType));
-** tuiWinResized().
-** Answer a whether the terminal window has been resized or not
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiWinResized (void)
-tuiWinResized ()
- return _winResized;
-} /* tuiWinResized */
-** tuiSetWinResized().
-** Set a whether the terminal window has been resized or not
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiSetWinResizedTo (
- int resized)
-tuiSetWinResizedTo (resized)
- int resized;
- _winResized = resized;
- return;
-} /* tuiSetWinResizedTo */
-** tuiLayoutDef().
-** Answer a pointer to the current layout definition
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiLayoutDef (void)
-tuiLayoutDef ()
- return &_layoutDef;
-} /* tuiLayoutDef */
-** tuiWinWithFocus().
-** Answer the window with the logical focus
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiWinWithFocus (void)
-tuiWinWithFocus ()
- return _winWithFocus;
-} /* tuiWinWithFocus */
-** tuiSetWinWithFocus().
-** Set the window that has the logical focus
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiSetWinWithFocus (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-tuiSetWinWithFocus (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- _winWithFocus = winInfo;
- return;
-} /* tuiSetWinWithFocus */
-** tuiDefaultTabLen().
-** Answer the length in chars, of tabs
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiDefaultTabLen (void)
-tuiDefaultTabLen ()
- return _defaultTabLen;
-} /* tuiDefaultTabLen */
-** tuiSetDefaultTabLen().
-** Set the length in chars, of tabs
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiSetDefaultTabLen (
- int len)
-tuiSetDefaultTabLen (len)
- int len;
- _defaultTabLen = len;
- return;
-} /* tuiSetDefaultTabLen */
-** currentSourceWin()
-** Accessor for the current source window. Usually there is only
-** one source window (either source or disassembly), but both can
-** be displayed at the same time.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-sourceWindows (void)
-sourceWindows ()
- return &_sourceWindows;
-} /* currentSourceWindows */
-** clearSourceWindows()
-** Clear the list of source windows. Usually there is only one
-** source window (either source or disassembly), but both can be
-** displayed at the same time.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-clearSourceWindows (void)
-clearSourceWindows ()
- _sourceWindows.list[0] = (Opaque) NULL;
- _sourceWindows.list[1] = (Opaque) NULL;
- _sourceWindows.count = 0;
- return;
-} /* currentSourceWindows */
-** clearSourceWindowsDetail()
-** Clear the pertinant detail in the source windows.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-clearSourceWindowsDetail (void)
-clearSourceWindowsDetail ()
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < (sourceWindows ())->count; i++)
- clearWinDetail ((TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[i]);
- return;
-} /* currentSourceWindows */
-** addSourceWindowToList().
-** Add a window to the list of source windows. Usually there is
-** only one source window (either source or disassembly), but
-** both can be displayed at the same time.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-addToSourceWindows (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-addToSourceWindows (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- if (_sourceWindows.count < 2)
- _sourceWindows.list[_sourceWindows.count++] = (Opaque) winInfo;
- return;
-} /* addToSourceWindows */
-** clearWinDetail()
-** Clear the pertinant detail in the windows.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-clearWinDetail (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-clearWinDetail (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (winInfo))
- {
- switch (winInfo->generic.type)
- {
- case SRC_WIN:
- winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.startLineOrAddr.addr = (Opaque) NULL;
- winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.horizontalOffset = 0;
- break;
- case CMD_WIN:
- winInfo->detail.commandInfo.curLine =
- winInfo->detail.commandInfo.curch = 0;
- break;
- case DATA_WIN:
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.dataContent =
- (TuiWinContent) NULL;
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.dataContentCount = 0;
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContent =
- (TuiWinContent) NULL;
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount = 0;
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType =
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsColumnCount = 1;
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.displayRegs = FALSE;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- return;
-} /* clearWinDetail */
-** blankStr()
-** Accessor for the blank string.
-char *
-#ifdef __STDC__
-blankStr (void)
-blankStr ()
- return _tuiBlankStr;
-} /* blankStr */
-** locationStr()
-** Accessor for the location string.
-char *
-#ifdef __STDC__
-locationStr (void)
-locationStr ()
- return _tuiLocationStr;
-} /* locationStr */
-** breakStr()
-** Accessor for the break string.
-char *
-#ifdef __STDC__
-breakStr (void)
-breakStr ()
- return _tuiBreakStr;
-} /* breakStr */
-** breakLocationStr()
-** Accessor for the breakLocation string.
-char *
-#ifdef __STDC__
-breakLocationStr (void)
-breakLocationStr ()
- return _tuiBreakLocationStr;
-} /* breakLocationStr */
-** nullStr()
-** Accessor for the null string.
-char *
-#ifdef __STDC__
-nullStr (void)
-nullStr ()
- return _tuiNullStr;
-} /* nullStr */
-** sourceExecInfoPtr().
-** Accessor for the source execution info ptr.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-sourceExecInfoWinPtr (void)
-sourceExecInfoWinPtr ()
- return &_execInfo[0];
-} /* sourceExecInfoWinPtr */
-** disassemExecInfoPtr().
-** Accessor for the disassem execution info ptr.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-disassemExecInfoWinPtr (void)
-disassemExecInfoWinPtr ()
- return &_execInfo[1];
-} /* disassemExecInfoWinPtr */
-** locatorWinInfoPtr().
-** Accessor for the locator win info. Answers a pointer to the
-** static locator win info struct.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-locatorWinInfoPtr (void)
-locatorWinInfoPtr ()
- return &_locator;
-} /* locatorWinInfoPtr */
-** historyLimit().
-** Accessor for the history limit
-#ifdef __STDC__
-historyLimit (void)
-historyLimit ()
- return _historyLimit;
-} /* historyLimit */
-** setHistoryLimitTo().
-** Mutator for the history limit
-#ifdef __STDC__
-setHistoryLimitTo (
- int h)
-setHistoryLimitTo (h)
- int h;
- _historyLimit = h;
- return;
-} /* setHistoryLimitTo */
-** termHeight().
-** Accessor for the termHeight
-#ifdef __STDC__
-termHeight (void)
-termHeight ()
- return _termHeight;
-} /* termHeight */
-** setTermHeightTo().
-** Mutator for the term height
-#ifdef __STDC__
-setTermHeightTo (
- int h)
-setTermHeightTo (h)
- int h;
- _termHeight = h;
- return;
-} /* setTermHeightTo */
-** termWidth().
-** Accessor for the termWidth
-#ifdef __STDC__
-termWidth (void)
-termWidth ()
- return _termWidth;
-} /* termWidth */
-** setTermWidth().
-** Mutator for the termWidth
-#ifdef __STDC__
-setTermWidthTo (
- int w)
-setTermWidthTo (w)
- int w;
- _termWidth = w;
- return;
-} /* setTermWidthTo */
-** currentLayout().
-** Accessor for the current layout
-#ifdef __STDC__
-currentLayout (void)
-currentLayout ()
- return _currentLayout;
-} /* currentLayout */
-** setCurrentLayoutTo().
-** Mutator for the current layout
-#ifdef __STDC__
-setCurrentLayoutTo (
- TuiLayoutType newLayout)
-setCurrentLayoutTo (newLayout)
- TuiLayoutType newLayout;
- _currentLayout = newLayout;
- return;
-} /* setCurrentLayoutTo */
-** setGenWinOrigin().
-** Set the origin of the window
-#ifdef __STDC__
-setGenWinOrigin (
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- int x,
- int y)
-setGenWinOrigin (winInfo, x, y)
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- int x;
- int y;
- winInfo->origin.x = x;
- winInfo->origin.y = y;
- return;
-} /* setGenWinOrigin */
-** tuiNextWin().
-** Answer the next window in the list, cycling back to the top
-** if necessary
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiNextWin (
- TuiWinInfoPtr curWin)
-tuiNextWin (curWin)
- TuiWinInfoPtr curWin;
- TuiWinType type = curWin->generic.type;
- TuiWinInfoPtr nextWin = (TuiWinInfoPtr) NULL;
- if (curWin->generic.type == CMD_WIN)
- type = SRC_WIN;
- else
- type = curWin->generic.type + 1;
- while (type != curWin->generic.type && m_winPtrIsNull (nextWin))
- {
- if (winList[type]->generic.isVisible)
- nextWin = winList[type];
- else
- {
- if (type == CMD_WIN)
- type = SRC_WIN;
- else
- type++;
- }
- }
- return nextWin;
-} /* tuiNextWin */
-** tuiPrevWin().
-** Answer the prev window in the list, cycling back to the bottom
-** if necessary
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiPrevWin (
- TuiWinInfoPtr curWin)
-tuiPrevWin (curWin)
- TuiWinInfoPtr curWin;
- TuiWinType type = curWin->generic.type;
- TuiWinInfoPtr prev = (TuiWinInfoPtr) NULL;
- if (curWin->generic.type == SRC_WIN)
- type = CMD_WIN;
- else
- type = curWin->generic.type - 1;
- while (type != curWin->generic.type && m_winPtrIsNull (prev))
- {
- if (winList[type]->generic.isVisible)
- prev = winList[type];
- else
- {
- if (type == SRC_WIN)
- type = CMD_WIN;
- else
- type--;
- }
- }
- return prev;
-} /* tuiPrevWin */
-** displayableWinContentOf().
-** Answer a the content at the location indicated by index. Note
-** that if this is a locator window, the string returned should be
-** freed after use.
-char *
-#ifdef __STDC__
-displayableWinContentOf (
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- TuiWinElementPtr elementPtr)
-displayableWinContentOf (winInfo, elementPtr)
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- TuiWinElementPtr elementPtr;
- char *string = nullStr ();
- if (elementPtr != (TuiWinElementPtr) NULL || winInfo->type == LOCATOR_WIN)
- {
- /*
- ** Now convert the line to a displayable string
- */
- switch (winInfo->type)
- {
- case SRC_WIN:
- string = elementPtr->whichElement.source.line;
- break;
- case CMD_WIN:
- string = elementPtr->whichElement.command.line;
- break;
- if ((string = (char *) xmalloc (
- (termWidth () + 1) * sizeof (char))) == (char *) NULL)
- string = nullStr ();
- else
- {
- char lineNo[50], pc[50], buf[50], *fname, *pname;
- register int strSize = termWidth (), i, procWidth, fileWidth;
- /*
- ** First determine the amount of file/proc name width
- ** we have available
- */
- i = strSize - (PC_WIDTH + LINE_WIDTH
- + 25 /* pc and line labels */
- + strlen (FILE_PREFIX) + 1 /* file label */
- + 15 /* procedure label */ );
- {
- fileWidth = FILE_WIDTH;
- procWidth = PROC_WIDTH;
- }
- else
- {
- fileWidth = i / 2;
- procWidth = i - fileWidth;
- }
- /* Now convert elements to string form */
- if (elementPtr != (TuiWinElementPtr) NULL &&
- *elementPtr->whichElement.locator.fileName != (char) 0 &&
- srcWin->generic.isVisible)
- fname = elementPtr->whichElement.locator.fileName;
- else
- fname = "??";
- if (elementPtr != (TuiWinElementPtr) NULL &&
- *elementPtr->whichElement.locator.procName != (char) 0)
- pname = elementPtr->whichElement.locator.procName;
- else
- pname = "??";
- if (elementPtr != (TuiWinElementPtr) NULL &&
- elementPtr->whichElement.locator.lineNo > 0)
- sprintf (lineNo, "%d",
- elementPtr->whichElement.locator.lineNo);
- else
- strcpy (lineNo, "??");
- if (elementPtr != (TuiWinElementPtr) NULL &&
- elementPtr->whichElement.locator.addr > (Opaque) 0)
- sprintf (pc, "0x%x",
- elementPtr->whichElement.locator.addr);
- else
- strcpy (pc, "??");
- /*
- ** Now create the locator line from the string version
- ** of the elements. We could use sprintf() here but
- ** that wouldn't ensure that we don't overrun the size
- ** of the allocated buffer. strcat_to_buf() will.
- */
- *string = (char) 0;
- /* Filename */
- strcat_to_buf (string, strSize, " ");
- strcat_to_buf (string, strSize, FILE_PREFIX);
- if (strlen (fname) > fileWidth)
- {
- strncpy (buf, fname, fileWidth - 1);
- buf[fileWidth - 1] = '*';
- buf[fileWidth] = (char) 0;
- }
- else
- strcpy (buf, fname);
- strcat_to_buf (string, strSize, buf);
- /* procedure/class name */
- sprintf (buf, "%15s", PROC_PREFIX);
- strcat_to_buf (string, strSize, buf);
- if (strlen (pname) > procWidth)
- {
- strncpy (buf, pname, procWidth - 1);
- buf[procWidth - 1] = '*';
- buf[procWidth] = (char) 0;
- }
- else
- strcpy (buf, pname);
- strcat_to_buf (string, strSize, buf);
- sprintf (buf, "%10s", LINE_PREFIX);
- strcat_to_buf (string, strSize, buf);
- strcat_to_buf (string, strSize, lineNo);
- sprintf (buf, "%10s", PC_PREFIX);
- strcat_to_buf (string, strSize, buf);
- strcat_to_buf (string, strSize, pc);
- for (i = strlen (string); i < strSize; i++)
- string[i] = ' ';
- string[strSize] = (char) 0;
- }
- break;
- string = elementPtr->whichElement.simpleString;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- return string;
-} /* displayableWinContentOf */
-** winContentAt().
-** Answer a the content at the location indicated by index
-char *
-#ifdef __STDC__
-displayableWinContentAt (
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- int index)
-displayableWinContentAt (winInfo, index)
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- int index;
- return (displayableWinContentOf (winInfo, (TuiWinElementPtr) winInfo->content[index]));
-} /* winContentAt */
-** winElementHeight().
-** Answer the height of the element in lines
-#ifdef __STDC__
-winElementHeight (
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- TuiWinElementPtr element)
-winElementHeight (winInfo, element)
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- TuiWinElementPtr element;
- int h;
- if (winInfo->type == DATA_WIN)
- h = 1;
- else
- h = 1;
- return h;
-} /* winElementHeight */
-** winByName().
-** Answer the window represented by name
-#ifdef __STDC__
-winByName (
- char *name)
-winByName (name)
- char *name;
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo = (TuiWinInfoPtr) NULL;
- int i = 0;
- while (i < MAX_MAJOR_WINDOWS && m_winPtrIsNull (winInfo))
- {
- if (strcmp (name, winName (&(winList[i]->generic))) == 0)
- winInfo = winList[i];
- i++;
- }
- return winInfo;
-} /* winByName */
-** partialWinByName().
-** Answer the window represented by name
-#ifdef __STDC__
-partialWinByName (
- char *name)
-partialWinByName (name)
- char *name;
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo = (TuiWinInfoPtr) NULL;
- if (name != (char *) NULL)
- {
- int i = 0;
- while (i < MAX_MAJOR_WINDOWS && m_winPtrIsNull (winInfo))
- {
- char *curName = winName (&winList[i]->generic);
- if (strlen (name) <= strlen (curName) &&
- strncmp (name, curName, strlen (name)) == 0)
- winInfo = winList[i];
- i++;
- }
- }
- return winInfo;
-} /* partialWinByName */
-** winName().
-** Answer the name of the window
-char *
-#ifdef __STDC__
-winName (
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-winName (winInfo)
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- char *name = (char *) NULL;
- switch (winInfo->type)
- {
- case SRC_WIN:
- name = SRC_NAME;
- break;
- case CMD_WIN:
- name = CMD_NAME;
- break;
- break;
- case DATA_WIN:
- name = DATA_NAME;
- break;
- default:
- name = "";
- break;
- }
- return name;
-} /* winName */
-** initializeStaticData
-#ifdef __STDC__
-initializeStaticData (void)
-initializeStaticData ()
- initGenericPart (sourceExecInfoWinPtr ());
- initGenericPart (disassemExecInfoWinPtr ());
- initGenericPart (locatorWinInfoPtr ());
- return;
-} /* initializeStaticData */
-** allocGenericWinInfo().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-allocGenericWinInfo (void)
-allocGenericWinInfo ()
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr win;
- if ((win = (TuiGenWinInfoPtr) xmalloc (
- sizeof (TuiGenWinInfoPtr))) != (TuiGenWinInfoPtr) NULL)
- initGenericPart (win);
- return win;
-} /* allocGenericWinInfo */
-** initGenericPart().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-initGenericPart (
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr win)
-initGenericPart (win)
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr win;
- win->width =
- win->height =
- win->origin.x =
- win->origin.y =
- win->viewportHeight =
- win->contentSize =
- win->lastVisibleLine = 0;
- win->handle = (WINDOW *) NULL;
- win->content = (OpaquePtr) NULL;
- win->contentInUse =
- win->isVisible = FALSE;
- return;
-} /* initGenericPart */
-** initContentElement().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-initContentElement (
- TuiWinElementPtr element,
- TuiWinType type)
-initContentElement (element, type)
- TuiWinElementPtr element;
- TuiWinType type;
- element->highlight = FALSE;
- switch (type)
- {
- case SRC_WIN:
- element->whichElement.source.line = (char *) NULL;
- element->whichElement.source.lineOrAddr.lineNo = 0;
- element->whichElement.source.isExecPoint = FALSE;
- element->whichElement.source.hasBreak = FALSE;
- break;
- case DATA_WIN:
- initGenericPart (&element->whichElement.dataWindow);
- element->whichElement.dataWindow.type = DATA_ITEM_WIN;
- ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr) & element->whichElement.dataWindow)->content =
- (OpaquePtr) allocContent (1, DATA_ITEM_WIN);
- ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr)
- & element->whichElement.dataWindow)->contentSize = 1;
- break;
- case CMD_WIN:
- element->whichElement.command.line = (char *) NULL;
- break;
- element-> = (char *) NULL;
- element-> = TUI_REGISTER;
- element-> = UNDEFINED_ITEM;
- element-> = (Opaque) NULL;
- element-> = FALSE;
- break;
- element->whichElement.locator.fileName[0] =
- element->whichElement.locator.procName[0] = (char) 0;
- element->whichElement.locator.lineNo = 0;
- element->whichElement.locator.addr = 0;
- break;
- element->whichElement.simpleString = blankStr ();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
-} /* initContentElement */
-** initWinInfo().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-initWinInfo (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-initWinInfo (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- initGenericPart (&winInfo->generic);
- winInfo->canHighlight =
- winInfo->isHighlighted = FALSE;
- switch (winInfo->generic.type)
- {
- case SRC_WIN:
- winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo = (TuiGenWinInfoPtr) NULL;
- winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.hasLocator = FALSE;
- winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.horizontalOffset = 0;
- winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.startLineOrAddr.addr = (Opaque) NULL;
- break;
- case DATA_WIN:
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.dataContent = (TuiWinContent) NULL;
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.dataContentCount = 0;
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContent = (TuiWinContent) NULL;
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount = 0;
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType =
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsColumnCount = 1;
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.displayRegs = FALSE;
- break;
- case CMD_WIN:
- winInfo->detail.commandInfo.curLine = 0;
- winInfo->detail.commandInfo.curch = 0;
- break;
- default:
- winInfo->detail.opaque = (Opaque) NULL;
- break;
- }
- return;
-} /* initWinInfo */
-** allocWinInfo().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-allocWinInfo (
- TuiWinType type)
-allocWinInfo (type)
- TuiWinType type;
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo = (TuiWinInfoPtr) NULL;
- winInfo = (TuiWinInfoPtr) xmalloc (sizeof (TuiWinInfo));
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (winInfo))
- {
- winInfo->generic.type = type;
- initWinInfo (winInfo);
- }
- return winInfo;
-} /* allocWinInfo */
-** allocContent().
-** Allocates the content and elements in a block.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-allocContent (
- int numElements,
- TuiWinType type)
-allocContent (numElements, type)
- int numElements;
- TuiWinType type;
- TuiWinContent content = (TuiWinContent) NULL;
- char *elementBlockPtr = (char *) NULL;
- int i;
- if ((content = (TuiWinContent)
- xmalloc (sizeof (TuiWinElementPtr) * numElements)) != (TuiWinContent) NULL)
- { /*
- ** All windows, except the data window, can allocate the elements
- ** in a chunk. The data window cannot because items can be
- ** added/removed from the data display by the user at any time.
- */
- if (type != DATA_WIN)
- {
- if ((elementBlockPtr = (char *)
- xmalloc (sizeof (TuiWinElement) * numElements)) != (char *) NULL)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
- {
- content[i] = (TuiWinElementPtr) elementBlockPtr;
- initContentElement (content[i], type);
- elementBlockPtr += sizeof (TuiWinElement);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- tuiFree ((char *) content);
- content = (TuiWinContent) NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- return content;
-} /* allocContent */
-** addContentElements().
-** Adds the input number of elements to the windows's content. If
-** no content has been allocated yet, allocContent() is called to
-** do this. The index of the first element added is returned,
-** unless there is a memory allocation error, in which case, (-1)
-** is returned.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-addContentElements (
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- int numElements)
-addContentElements (winInfo, numElements)
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- int numElements;
- TuiWinElementPtr elementPtr;
- int i, indexStart;
- if (winInfo->content == (OpaquePtr) NULL)
- {
- winInfo->content = (OpaquePtr) allocContent (numElements, winInfo->type);
- indexStart = 0;
- }
- else
- indexStart = winInfo->contentSize;
- if (winInfo->content != (OpaquePtr) NULL)
- {
- for (i = indexStart; (i < numElements + indexStart); i++)
- {
- if ((elementPtr = (TuiWinElementPtr)
- xmalloc (sizeof (TuiWinElement))) != (TuiWinElementPtr) NULL)
- {
- winInfo->content[i] = (Opaque) elementPtr;
- initContentElement (elementPtr, winInfo->type);
- winInfo->contentSize++;
- }
- else /* things must be really hosed now! We ran out of memory!?*/
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- return indexStart;
-} /* addContentElements */
-** tuiDelWindow().
-** Delete all curses windows associated with winInfo, leaving everything
-** else in tact.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiDelWindow (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-tuiDelWindow (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- Opaque detail;
- int i;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr genericWin;
- switch (winInfo->generic.type)
- {
- case SRC_WIN:
- genericWin = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- if (genericWin != (TuiGenWinInfoPtr) NULL)
- {
- tuiDelwin (genericWin->handle);
- genericWin->handle = (WINDOW *) NULL;
- genericWin->isVisible = FALSE;
- }
- genericWin = winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo;
- if (genericWin != (TuiGenWinInfoPtr) NULL)
- {
- tuiDelwin (genericWin->handle);
- genericWin->handle = (WINDOW *) NULL;
- genericWin->isVisible = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case DATA_WIN:
- if (winInfo->generic.content != (OpaquePtr) NULL)
- {
- int i;
- tuiDelDataWindows (
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContent,
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount);
- tuiDelDataWindows (
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.dataContent,
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.dataContentCount);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (winInfo->generic.handle != (WINDOW *) NULL)
- {
- tuiDelwin (winInfo->generic.handle);
- winInfo->generic.handle = (WINDOW *) NULL;
- winInfo->generic.isVisible = FALSE;
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiDelWindow */
-** freeWindow().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-freeWindow (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-freeWindow (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- Opaque detail;
- int i;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr genericWin;
- switch (winInfo->generic.type)
- {
- case SRC_WIN:
- genericWin = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- if (genericWin != (TuiGenWinInfoPtr) NULL)
- {
- tuiDelwin (genericWin->handle);
- genericWin->handle = (WINDOW *) NULL;
- }
- freeWinContent (genericWin);
- genericWin = winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo;
- if (genericWin != (TuiGenWinInfoPtr) NULL)
- {
- tuiDelwin (genericWin->handle);
- genericWin->handle = (WINDOW *) NULL;
- freeWinContent (genericWin);
- }
- break;
- case DATA_WIN:
- if (winInfo->generic.content != (OpaquePtr) NULL)
- {
- freeDataContent (
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContent,
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount);
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContent =
- (TuiWinContent) NULL;
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount = 0;
- freeDataContent (
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.dataContent,
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.dataContentCount);
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.dataContent =
- (TuiWinContent) NULL;
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.dataContentCount = 0;
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType =
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsColumnCount = 1;
- winInfo->detail.dataDisplayInfo.displayRegs = FALSE;
- winInfo->generic.content = (OpaquePtr) NULL;
- winInfo->generic.contentSize = 0;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (winInfo->generic.handle != (WINDOW *) NULL)
- {
- tuiDelwin (winInfo->generic.handle);
- winInfo->generic.handle = (WINDOW *) NULL;
- freeWinContent (&winInfo->generic);
- }
- free (winInfo);
- return;
-} /* freeWindow */
-** freeAllSourceWinsContent().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-freeAllSourceWinsContent (void)
-freeAllSourceWinsContent ()
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < (sourceWindows ())->count; i++)
- {
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo = (TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[i];
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (winInfo))
- {
- freeWinContent (&(winInfo->generic));
- freeWinContent (winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo);
- }
- }
- return;
-} /* freeAllSourceWinsContent */
-** freeWinContent().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-freeWinContent (
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-freeWinContent (winInfo)
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- if (winInfo->content != (OpaquePtr) NULL)
- {
- freeContent ((TuiWinContent) winInfo->content,
- winInfo->contentSize,
- winInfo->type);
- winInfo->content = (OpaquePtr) NULL;
- }
- winInfo->contentSize = 0;
- return;
-} /* freeWinContent */
-** freeAllWindows().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-freeAllWindows (void)
-freeAllWindows ()
- TuiWinType type = SRC_WIN;
- for (; type < MAX_MAJOR_WINDOWS; type++)
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (winList[type]) &&
- winList[type]->generic.type != UNDEFINED_WIN)
- freeWindow (winList[type]);
- return;
-} /* freeAllWindows */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiDelDataWindows (
- TuiWinContent content,
- int contentSize)
-tuiDelDataWindows (content, contentSize)
- TuiWinContent content;
- int contentSize;
- int i;
- /*
- ** Remember that data window content elements are of type TuiGenWinInfoPtr,
- ** each of which whose single element is a data element.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < contentSize; i++)
- {
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr genericWin = &content[i]->whichElement.dataWindow;
- if (genericWin != (TuiGenWinInfoPtr) NULL)
- {
- tuiDelwin (genericWin->handle);
- genericWin->handle = (WINDOW *) NULL;
- genericWin->isVisible = FALSE;
- }
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiDelDataWindows */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-freeDataContent (
- TuiWinContent content,
- int contentSize)
-freeDataContent (content, contentSize)
- TuiWinContent content;
- int contentSize;
- int i;
- /*
- ** Remember that data window content elements are of type TuiGenWinInfoPtr,
- ** each of which whose single element is a data element.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < contentSize; i++)
- {
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr genericWin = &content[i]->whichElement.dataWindow;
- if (genericWin != (TuiGenWinInfoPtr) NULL)
- {
- tuiDelwin (genericWin->handle);
- genericWin->handle = (WINDOW *) NULL;
- freeWinContent (genericWin);
- }
- }
- freeContent (content,
- contentSize,
- return;
-} /* freeDataContent */
-** freeContent().
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-freeContent (
- TuiWinContent content,
- int contentSize,
- TuiWinType winType)
-freeContent (content, contentSize, winType)
- TuiWinContent content;
- int contentSize;
- TuiWinType winType;
- if (content != (TuiWinContent) NULL)
- {
- freeContentElements (content, contentSize, winType);
- tuiFree ((char *) content);
- }
- return;
-} /* freeContent */
-** freeContentElements().
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-freeContentElements (
- TuiWinContent content,
- int contentSize,
- TuiWinType type)
-freeContentElements (content, contentSize, type)
- TuiWinContent content;
- int contentSize;
- TuiWinType type;
- if (content != (TuiWinContent) NULL)
- {
- int i;
- if (type == SRC_WIN || type == DISASSEM_WIN)
- {
- /* free whole source block */
- if (content[0]->whichElement.source.line != (char *) NULL)
- tuiFree (content[0]->whichElement.source.line);
- }
- else
- {
- for (i = 0; i < contentSize; i++)
- {
- TuiWinElementPtr element;
- element = content[i];
- if (element != (TuiWinElementPtr) NULL)
- {
- switch (type)
- {
- case DATA_WIN:
- tuiFree ((char *) element);
- break;
- /*
- ** Note that data elements are not allocated
- ** in a single block, but individually, as needed.
- */
- if (element-> != TUI_REGISTER)
- tuiFree ((char *)
- element->;
- tuiFree ((char *) element->;
- tuiFree ((char *) element);
- break;
- case CMD_WIN:
- tuiFree ((char *) element->whichElement.command.line);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (type != DATA_WIN && type != DATA_ITEM_WIN)
- tuiFree ((char *) content[0]); /* free the element block */
- }
- return;
-} /* freeContentElements */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiData.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiData.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bb4d19c90e2d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiData.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef TUI_DATA_H
-#define TUI_DATA_H
-/* Constant definitions */
-#define DEFAULT_TAB_LEN 8
-#define NO_SRC_STRING "[ No Source Available ]"
-#define NO_DISASSEM_STRING "[ No Assembly Available ]"
-#define NO_REGS_STRING "[ Register Values Unavailable ]"
-#define NO_DATA_STRING "[ No Data Values Displayed ]"
-#define MAX_CONTENT_COUNT 100
-#define SRC_NAME "SRC"
-#define CMD_NAME "CMD"
-#define DATA_NAME "REGS"
-#define TUI_NULL_STR ""
-#define HILITE TRUE
-#define UNDEFINED_ITEM -1
-#define MIN_WIN_HEIGHT 3
-#define FILE_PREFIX "File: "
-#define PROC_PREFIX "Procedure: "
-#define LINE_PREFIX "Line: "
-#define PC_PREFIX "pc: "
-#define TUI_FLOAT_REGS_NAME_LOWER "$fregs"
-/* Scroll direction enum */
-typedef enum {
-} TuiScrollDirection, *TuiScrollDirectionPtr;
-/* General list struct */
-typedef struct _TuiList {
- OpaqueList list;
- int count;
-} TuiList, *TuiListPtr;
-/* The kinds of layouts available */
-typedef enum {
-} TuiLayoutType, *TuiLayoutTypePtr;
-/* Basic data types that can be displayed in the data window. */
-typedef enum _TuiDataType {
-} TuiDataType, TuiDataTypePtr;
-/* Types of register displays */
-typedef enum _TuiRegisterDisplayType {
-} TuiRegisterDisplayType, *TuiRegisterDisplayTypePtr;
-/* Structure describing source line or line address */
-typedef union _TuiLineOrAddress {
- int lineNo;
- Opaque addr;
-} TuiLineOrAddress, *TuiLineOrAddressPtr;
-/* Current Layout definition */
-typedef struct _TuiLayoutDef {
- TuiWinType displayMode;
- int split;
- TuiRegisterDisplayType regsDisplayType;
- TuiRegisterDisplayType floatRegsDisplayType;
-} TuiLayoutDef, *TuiLayoutDefPtr;
-/* Elements in the Source/Disassembly Window */
-typedef struct _TuiSourceElement
- char *line;
- TuiLineOrAddress lineOrAddr;
- int isExecPoint;
- int hasBreak;
-} TuiSourceElement, *TuiSourceElementPtr;
-/* Elements in the data display window content */
-typedef struct _TuiDataElement
- char *name;
- int itemNo; /* the register number, or data display number */
- TuiDataType type;
- Opaque value;
- int highlight;
-} TuiDataElement, *TuiDataElementPtr;
-/* Elements in the command window content */
-typedef struct _TuiCommandElement
- char *line;
-} TuiCommandElement, *TuiCommandElementPtr;
-/* Elements in the locator window content */
-typedef struct _TuiLocatorElement
- int lineNo;
- Opaque addr;
-} TuiLocatorElement, *TuiLocatorElementPtr;
-/* An content element in a window */
-typedef union
- TuiSourceElement source; /* the source elements */
- TuiGenWinInfo dataWindow; /* data display elements */
- TuiDataElement data; /* elements of dataWindow */
- TuiCommandElement command; /* command elements */
- TuiLocatorElement locator; /* locator elements */
- char *simpleString; /* simple char based elements */
-} TuiWhichElement, *TuiWhichElementPtr;
-typedef struct _TuiWinElement
- int highlight;
- TuiWhichElement whichElement;
-} TuiWinElement, *TuiWinElementPtr;
-/* This describes the content of the window. */
-typedef TuiWinElementPtr *TuiWinContent;
-/* This struct defines the specific information about a data display window */
-typedef struct _TuiDataInfo {
- TuiWinContent dataContent; /* start of data display content */
- int dataContentCount;
- TuiWinContent regsContent; /* start of regs display content */
- int regsContentCount;
- TuiRegisterDisplayType regsDisplayType;
- int regsColumnCount;
- int displayRegs; /* Should regs be displayed at all? */
-} TuiDataInfo, *TuiDataInfoPtr;
-typedef struct _TuiSourceInfo {
- int hasLocator; /* Does locator belongs to this window? */
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr executionInfo; /* execution information window */
- int horizontalOffset; /* used for horizontal scroll */
- TuiLineOrAddress startLineOrAddr;
-} TuiSourceInfo, *TuiSourceInfoPtr;
-typedef struct _TuiCommandInfo {
- int curLine; /* The current line position */
- int curch; /* The current cursor position */
-} TuiCommandInfo, *TuiCommandInfoPtr;
-/* This defines information about each logical window */
-typedef struct _TuiWinInfo {
- TuiGenWinInfo generic; /* general window information */
- union {
- TuiSourceInfo sourceInfo;
- TuiDataInfo dataDisplayInfo;
- TuiCommandInfo commandInfo;
- Opaque opaque;
- } detail;
- int canHighlight; /* Can this window ever be highlighted? */
- int isHighlighted; /* Is this window highlighted? */
-} TuiWinInfo, *TuiWinInfoPtr;
-/* MACROS (prefixed with m_) */
-/* Testing macros */
-#define m_genWinPtrIsNull(winInfo) \
- ((winInfo) == (TuiGenWinInfoPtr)NULL)
-#define m_genWinPtrNotNull(winInfo) \
- ((winInfo) != (TuiGenWinInfoPtr)NULL)
-#define m_winPtrIsNull(winInfo) \
- ((winInfo) == (TuiWinInfoPtr)NULL)
-#define m_winPtrNotNull(winInfo) \
- ((winInfo) != (TuiWinInfoPtr)NULL)
-#define m_winIsSourceType(type) \
- (type == SRC_WIN || type == DISASSEM_WIN)
-#define m_winIsAuxillary(winType) \
-#define m_hasLocator(winInfo) \
- ( ((winInfo) != (TuiWinInfoPtr)NULL) ? \
- (winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.hasLocator) : \
-#define m_setWinHighlightOn(winInfo) \
- if ((winInfo) != (TuiWinInfoPtr)NULL) \
- (winInfo)->isHighlighted = TRUE
-#define m_setWinHighlightOff(winInfo) \
- if ((winInfo) != (TuiWinInfoPtr)NULL) \
- (winInfo)->isHighlighted = FALSE
-/* Global Data */
-extern TuiWinInfoPtr winList[MAX_MAJOR_WINDOWS];
-extern int tui_version;
-/* Macros */
-#define srcWin winList[SRC_WIN]
-#define disassemWin winList[DISASSEM_WIN]
-#define dataWin winList[DATA_WIN]
-#define cmdWin winList[CMD_WIN]
-/* Data Manipulation Functions */
-extern void initializeStaticData PARAMS ((void));
-extern TuiGenWinInfoPtr allocGenericWinInfo PARAMS ((void));
-extern TuiWinInfoPtr allocWinInfo PARAMS ((TuiWinType));
-extern void initGenericPart PARAMS ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr));
-extern void initWinInfo PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern TuiWinContent allocContent PARAMS ((int, TuiWinType));
-extern int addContentElements
- PARAMS ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr, int));
-extern void initContentElement
- PARAMS ((TuiWinElementPtr, TuiWinType));
-extern void freeWindow PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern void freeAllWindows PARAMS ((void));
-extern void freeWinContent PARAMS ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr));
-extern void freeDataContent PARAMS ((TuiWinContent, int));
-extern void freeAllSourceWinsContent PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiDelWindow PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern void tuiDelDataWindows PARAMS ((TuiWinContent, int));
-extern TuiWinInfoPtr winByName PARAMS ((char *));
-extern TuiWinInfoPtr partialWinByName PARAMS ((char *));
-extern char *winName PARAMS ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr));
-extern char *displayableWinContentOf
- PARAMS ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr, TuiWinElementPtr));
-extern char *displayableWinContentAt
- PARAMS ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr, int));
-extern int winElementHeight
- PARAMS ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr, TuiWinElementPtr));
-extern TuiLayoutType currentLayout PARAMS ((void));
-extern void setCurrentLayoutTo PARAMS ((TuiLayoutType));
-extern int termHeight PARAMS ((void));
-extern void setTermHeight PARAMS ((int));
-extern int termWidth PARAMS ((void));
-extern void setTermWidth PARAMS ((int));
-extern int historyLimit PARAMS ((void));
-extern void setHistoryLimit PARAMS ((int));
-extern void setGenWinOrigin PARAMS ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr, int, int));
-extern TuiGenWinInfoPtr locatorWinInfoPtr PARAMS ((void));
-extern TuiGenWinInfoPtr sourceExecInfoWinPtr PARAMS ((void));
-extern TuiGenWinInfoPtr disassemExecInfoWinPtr PARAMS ((void));
-extern char *nullStr PARAMS ((void));
-extern char *blankStr PARAMS ((void));
-extern char *locationStr PARAMS ((void));
-extern char *breakStr PARAMS ((void));
-extern char *breakLocationStr PARAMS ((void));
-extern TuiListPtr sourceWindows PARAMS ((void));
-extern void clearSourceWindows PARAMS ((void));
-extern void clearSourceWindowsDetail PARAMS ((void));
-extern void clearWinDetail PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo));
-extern void tuiAddToSourceWindows PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern int tuiDefaultTabLen PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiSetDefaultTabLen PARAMS ((int));
-extern TuiWinInfoPtr tuiWinWithFocus PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiSetWinWithFocus PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern TuiLayoutDefPtr tuiLayoutDef PARAMS ((void));
-extern int tuiWinResized PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiSetWinResizedTo PARAMS ((int));
-extern TuiWinInfoPtr tuiNextWin PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern TuiWinInfoPtr tuiPrevWin PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-#endif /* TUI_DATA_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiDataWin.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiDataWin.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 522730ae2fdd..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiDataWin.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-** tuiDataWin.c
-** This module contains functions to support the data/register window display.
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "tui.h"
-#include "tuiData.h"
-#include "tuiRegs.h"
-** tuiFirstDataItemDisplayed()
-** Answer the index first element displayed.
-** If none are displayed, then return (-1).
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiFirstDataItemDisplayed (void)
-tuiFirstDataItemDisplayed ()
- int elementNo = (-1);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; (i < dataWin->generic.contentSize && elementNo < 0); i++)
- {
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr dataItemWin;
- dataItemWin = &((TuiWinContent)
- dataWin->generic.content)[i]->whichElement.dataWindow;
- if (dataItemWin->handle != (WINDOW *) NULL && dataItemWin->isVisible)
- elementNo = i;
- }
- return elementNo;
-} /* tuiFirstDataItemDisplayed */
-** tuiFirstDataElementNoInLine()
-** Answer the index of the first element in lineNo. If lineNo is
-** past the data area (-1) is returned.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiFirstDataElementNoInLine (
- int lineNo)
-tuiFirstDataElementNoInLine (lineNo)
- int lineNo;
- int firstElementNo = (-1);
- /*
- ** First see if there is a register on lineNo, and if so, set the
- ** first element number
- */
- if ((firstElementNo = tuiFirstRegElementNoInLine (lineNo)) == -1)
- { /*
- ** Looking at the general data, the 1st element on lineNo
- */
- }
- return firstElementNo;
-} /* tuiFirstDataElementNoInLine */
-** tuiDeleteDataContentWindows()
-** Function to delete all the item windows in the data window.
-** This is usually done when the data window is scrolled.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiDeleteDataContentWindows (void)
-tuiDeleteDataContentWindows ()
- int i;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr dataItemWinPtr;
- for (i = 0; (i < dataWin->generic.contentSize); i++)
- {
- dataItemWinPtr = &((TuiWinContent)
- dataWin->generic.content)[i]->whichElement.dataWindow;
- tuiDelwin (dataItemWinPtr->handle);
- dataItemWinPtr->handle = (WINDOW *) NULL;
- dataItemWinPtr->isVisible = FALSE;
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiDeleteDataContentWindows */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiEraseDataContent (
- char *prompt)
-tuiEraseDataContent (prompt)
- char *prompt;
- werase (dataWin->generic.handle);
- checkAndDisplayHighlightIfNeeded (dataWin);
- if (prompt != (char *) NULL)
- {
- int halfWidth = (dataWin->generic.width - 2) / 2;
- int xPos;
- if (strlen (prompt) >= halfWidth)
- xPos = 1;
- else
- xPos = halfWidth - strlen (prompt);
- mvwaddstr (dataWin->generic.handle,
- (dataWin->generic.height / 2),
- xPos,
- prompt);
- }
- wrefresh (dataWin->generic.handle);
- return;
-} /* tuiEraseDataContent */
-** tuiDisplayAllData().
-** This function displays the data that is in the data window's
-** content. It does not set the content.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiDisplayAllData (void)
-tuiDisplayAllData ()
- if (dataWin->generic.contentSize <= 0)
- tuiEraseDataContent (NO_DATA_STRING);
- else
- {
- tuiEraseDataContent ((char *) NULL);
- tuiDeleteDataContentWindows ();
- checkAndDisplayHighlightIfNeeded (dataWin);
- tuiDisplayRegistersFrom (0);
- /*
- ** Then display the other data
- */
- if (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.dataContent !=
- (TuiWinContent) NULL &&
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.dataContentCount > 0)
- {
- }
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiDisplayAllData */
-** tuiDisplayDataFromLine()
-** Function to display the data starting at line, lineNo, in the
-** data window.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiDisplayDataFromLine (
- int lineNo)
-tuiDisplayDataFromLine (lineNo)
- int lineNo;
- int _lineNo = lineNo;
- if (lineNo < 0)
- _lineNo = 0;
- checkAndDisplayHighlightIfNeeded (dataWin);
- /* there is no general data, force regs to display (if there are any) */
- if (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.dataContentCount <= 0)
- tuiDisplayRegistersFromLine (_lineNo, TRUE);
- else
- {
- int elementNo, startLineNo;
- int regsLastLine = tuiLastRegsLineNo ();
- /* display regs if we can */
- if (tuiDisplayRegistersFromLine (_lineNo, FALSE) < 0)
- { /*
- ** _lineNo is past the regs display, so calc where the
- ** start data element is
- */
- if (regsLastLine < _lineNo)
- { /* figure out how many lines each element is to obtain
- the start elementNo */
- }
- }
- else
- { /*
- ** calculate the starting element of the data display, given
- ** regsLastLine and how many lines each element is, up to
- ** _lineNo
- */
- }
- /* Now display the data , starting at elementNo */
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiDisplayDataFromLine */
-** tuiDisplayDataFrom()
-** Display data starting at element elementNo
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiDisplayDataFrom (
- int elementNo,
- int reuseWindows)
-tuiDisplayDataFrom (elementNo, reuseWindows)
- int elementNo;
- int reuseWindows;
- int firstLine = (-1);
- if (elementNo < dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount)
- firstLine = tuiLineFromRegElementNo (elementNo);
- else
- { /* calculate the firstLine from the element number */
- }
- if (firstLine >= 0)
- {
- tuiEraseDataContent ((char *) NULL);
- if (!reuseWindows)
- tuiDeleteDataContentWindows ();
- tuiDisplayDataFromLine (firstLine);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiDisplayDataFrom */
-** tuiRefreshDataWin()
-** Function to redisplay the contents of the data window.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiRefreshDataWin (void)
-tuiRefreshDataWin ()
- tuiEraseDataContent ((char *) NULL);
- if (dataWin->generic.contentSize > 0)
- {
- int firstElement = tuiFirstDataItemDisplayed ();
- if (firstElement >= 0) /* re-use existing windows */
- tuiDisplayDataFrom (firstElement, TRUE);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiRefreshDataWin */
-** tuiCheckDataValues().
-** Function to check the data values and hilite any that have changed
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiCheckDataValues (
- struct frame_info *frame)
-tuiCheckDataValues (frame)
- struct frame_info *frame;
- tuiCheckRegisterValues (frame);
- /* Now check any other data values that there are */
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (dataWin) && dataWin->generic.isVisible)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.dataContentCount; i++)
- {
-#ifdef LATER
- TuiDataElementPtr dataElementPtr;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr dataItemWinPtr;
- Opaque newValue;
- dataItemPtr = &dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.
- dataContent[i]->whichElement.dataWindow;
- dataElementPtr = &((TuiWinContent)
- dataItemWinPtr->content)[0]->;
- if value
- has changed (dataElementPtr, frame, &newValue)
- {
- dataElementPtr->value = newValue;
- update the display with the new value, hiliting it.
- }
- }
- }
-} /* tuiCheckDataValues */
-** tui_vCheckDataValues().
-** Function to check the data values and hilite any that have
-** changed with args in a va_list
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tui_vCheckDataValues (
- va_list args)
-tui_vCheckDataValues (args)
- va_list args;
- struct frame_info *frame = va_arg (args, struct frame_info *);
- tuiCheckDataValues (frame);
- return;
-} /* tui_vCheckDataValues */
-** tuiVerticalDataScroll()
-** Scroll the data window vertically forward or backward.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiVerticalDataScroll (
- TuiScrollDirection scrollDirection,
- int numToScroll)
-tuiVerticalDataScroll (scrollDirection, numToScroll)
- TuiScrollDirection scrollDirection;
- int numToScroll;
- int firstElementNo;
- int firstLine = (-1);
- firstElementNo = tuiFirstDataItemDisplayed ();
- if (firstElementNo < dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount)
- firstLine = tuiLineFromRegElementNo (firstElementNo);
- else
- { /* calculate the first line from the element number which is in
- ** the general data content
- */
- }
- if (firstLine >= 0)
- {
- int lastElementNo, lastLine;
- if (scrollDirection == FORWARD_SCROLL)
- firstLine += numToScroll;
- else
- firstLine -= numToScroll;
- tuiEraseDataContent ((char *) NULL);
- tuiDeleteDataContentWindows ();
- tuiDisplayDataFromLine (firstLine);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiVerticalDataScroll */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiDataWin.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiDataWin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f9e46d80e7e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiDataWin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _TUI_DATAWIN_H
-#define _TUI_DATAWIN_H
-** This header file supports the display of registers/data in the data window.
-extern void tuiEraseDataContent PARAMS ((char *));
-extern void tuiDisplayAllData PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiCheckDataValues PARAMS ((struct frame_info *));
-extern void tui_vCheckDataValues PARAMS ((va_list));
-extern void tuiDisplayDataFromLine PARAMS ((int));
-extern int tuiFirstDataItemDisplayed PARAMS ((void));
-extern int tuiFirstDataElementNoInLine PARAMS ((int));
-extern void tuiDeleteDataContentWindows PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiRefreshDataWin PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiDisplayDataFrom PARAMS ((int, int));
-extern void tuiVerticalDataScroll PARAMS ((TuiScrollDirection, int));
-#endif /*_TUI_DATAWIN_H*/
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiDisassem.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiDisassem.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ad0b70f655df..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiDisassem.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-** tuiDisassem.c
-** This module contains functions for handling disassembly display.
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "symtab.h"
-#include "breakpoint.h"
-#include "frame.h"
-#include "tui.h"
-#include "tuiData.h"
-#include "tuiLayout.h"
-#include "tuiSourceWin.h"
-#include "tuiStack.h"
-static struct breakpoint *_hasBreak PARAMS ((CORE_ADDR));
-** tuiSetDisassemContent().
-** Function to set the disassembly window's content.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiSetDisassemContent (
- struct symtab *s,
- Opaque startAddr)
- tuiSetDisassemContent (s, startAddr)
- struct symtab *s;
- Opaque startAddr;
- TuiStatus ret = TUI_FAILURE;
- GDB_FILE *gdb_dis_out;
- if (startAddr != (Opaque) NULL)
- {
- register int i, desc;
- if ((ret = tuiAllocSourceBuffer (disassemWin)) == TUI_SUCCESS)
- {
- register int offset = disassemWin->detail.sourceInfo.horizontalOffset;
- register int threshold, curLine = 0, lineWidth, maxLines;
- CORE_ADDR newpc, pc;
- disassemble_info asmInfo;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- extern void strcat_address PARAMS ((CORE_ADDR, char *, int));
- extern void strcat_address_numeric PARAMS ((CORE_ADDR, int, char *, int));
- int curLen = 0;
- int tab_len = tuiDefaultTabLen ();
- maxLines = disassemWin->generic.height - 2; /* account for hilite */
- lineWidth = disassemWin->generic.width - 1;
- threshold = (lineWidth - 1) + offset;
- /* now init the gdb_file structure */
- gdb_dis_out = gdb_file_init_astring (threshold);
- INIT_DISASSEMBLE_INFO_NO_ARCH (asmInfo, gdb_dis_out, (fprintf_ftype) fprintf_filtered);
- asmInfo.read_memory_func = dis_asm_read_memory;
- asmInfo.memory_error_func = dis_asm_memory_error;
- disassemWin->detail.sourceInfo.startLineOrAddr.addr = startAddr;
- /* Now construct each line */
- for (curLine = 0, pc = (CORE_ADDR) startAddr; (curLine < maxLines);)
- {
- TuiWinElementPtr element = (TuiWinElementPtr)disassemWin->generic.content[curLine];
- struct breakpoint *bp;
- print_address (pc, gdb_dis_out);
- curLen = strlen (gdb_file_get_strbuf (gdb_dis_out));
- i = curLen - ((curLen / tab_len) * tab_len);
- /* adjust buffer length if necessary */
- gdb_file_adjust_strbuf ((tab_len - i > 0) ? (tab_len - i ) : 0, gdb_dis_out);
- /* Add spaces to make the instructions start onthe same column */
- while (i < tab_len)
- {
- gdb_file_get_strbuf (gdb_dis_out)[curLen] = ' ';
- i++;
- curLen++;
- }
- gdb_file_get_strbuf (gdb_dis_out)[curLen] = '\0';
- newpc = pc + ((*tm_print_insn) (pc, &asmInfo));
- /* Now copy the line taking the offset into account */
- if (strlen (gdb_file_get_strbuf (gdb_dis_out)) > offset)
- strcpy (element->whichElement.source.line,
- &(gdb_file_get_strbuf (gdb_dis_out)[offset]));
- else
- element->whichElement.source.line[0] = '\0';
- element->whichElement.source.lineOrAddr.addr = (Opaque) pc;
- element->whichElement.source.isExecPoint =
- (pc == (CORE_ADDR) ((TuiWinElementPtr)locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator.addr);
- bp = _hasBreak (pc);
- element->whichElement.source.hasBreak =
- (bp != (struct breakpoint *) NULL &&
- (!element->whichElement.source.isExecPoint ||
- (bp->disposition != del || bp->hit_count <= 0)));
- curLine++;
- pc = newpc;
- /* reset the buffer to empty */
- gdb_file_get_strbuf (gdb_dis_out)[0] = '\0';
- }
- gdb_file_deallocate (&gdb_dis_out);
- disassemWin->generic.contentSize = curLine;
- ret = TUI_SUCCESS;
- }
- }
- return ret;
-} /* tuiSetDisassemContent */
-** tuiShowDisassem().
-** Function to display the disassembly window with disassembled code.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiShowDisassem (
- Opaque startAddr)
-tuiShowDisassem (startAddr)
- Opaque startAddr;
- struct symtab *s = find_pc_symtab ((CORE_ADDR) startAddr);
- TuiWinInfoPtr winWithFocus = tuiWinWithFocus ();
- tuiAddWinToLayout (DISASSEM_WIN);
- tuiUpdateSourceWindow (disassemWin, s, startAddr, FALSE);
- /*
- ** if the focus was in the src win, put it in the asm win, if the
- ** source view isn't split
- */
- if (currentLayout () != SRC_DISASSEM_COMMAND && winWithFocus == srcWin)
- tuiSetWinFocusTo (disassemWin);
- return;
-} /* tuiShowDisassem */
-** tuiShowDisassemAndUpdateSource().
-** Function to display the disassembly window.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiShowDisassemAndUpdateSource (
- Opaque startAddr)
-tuiShowDisassemAndUpdateSource (startAddr)
- Opaque startAddr;
- struct symtab_and_line sal;
- tuiShowDisassem (startAddr);
- if (currentLayout () == SRC_DISASSEM_COMMAND)
- {
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- /*
- ** Update what is in the source window if it is displayed too,
- ** note that it follows what is in the disassembly window and visa-versa
- */
- sal = find_pc_line ((CORE_ADDR) startAddr, 0);
- current_source_symtab = sal.symtab;
- tuiUpdateSourceWindow (srcWin, sal.symtab, (Opaque) sal.line, TRUE);
- tuiUpdateLocatorFilename (sal.symtab->filename);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiShowDisassemAndUpdateSource */
-** tuiShowDisassemAsIs().
-** Function to display the disassembly window. This function shows
-** the disassembly as specified by the horizontal offset.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiShowDisassemAsIs (
- Opaque addr)
-tuiShowDisassemAsIs (addr)
- Opaque addr;
- tuiAddWinToLayout (DISASSEM_WIN);
- tuiUpdateSourceWindowAsIs (disassemWin, (struct symtab *) NULL, addr, FALSE);
- /*
- ** Update what is in the source window if it is displayed too, not that it
- ** follows what is in the disassembly window and visa-versa
- */
- if (currentLayout () == SRC_DISASSEM_COMMAND)
- tuiShowSourceContent (srcWin); /*???? Need to do more? */
- return;
-} /* tuiShowDisassem */
-** tuiGetBeginAsmAddress().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiGetBeginAsmAddress (void)
-tuiGetBeginAsmAddress ()
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator;
- TuiLocatorElementPtr element;
- Opaque addr;
- locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- element = &((TuiWinElementPtr) locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator;
- if (element->addr == (Opaque) 0)
- {
- /*the target is not executing, because the pc is 0*/
- addr = (Opaque) parse_and_eval_address ("main");
- if (addr == (Opaque) 0)
- addr = (Opaque) parse_and_eval_address ("MAIN");
- }
- else /* the target is executing */
- addr = element->addr;
- return addr;
-} /* tuiGetBeginAsmAddress */
-** tuiVerticalDisassemScroll().
-** Scroll the disassembly forward or backward vertically
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiVerticalDisassemScroll (
- TuiScrollDirection scrollDirection,
- int numToScroll)
-tuiVerticalDisassemScroll (scrollDirection, numToScroll)
- TuiScrollDirection scrollDirection;
- int numToScroll;
- if (disassemWin->generic.content != (OpaquePtr) NULL)
- {
- Opaque pc, lowAddr;
- TuiWinContent content;
- struct symtab *s;
- content = (TuiWinContent) disassemWin->generic.content;
- if (current_source_symtab == (struct symtab *) NULL)
- s = find_pc_symtab (selected_frame->pc);
- else
- s = current_source_symtab;
- pc = content[0]->whichElement.source.lineOrAddr.addr;
- if (find_pc_partial_function ((CORE_ADDR) pc,
- (char **) NULL,
- (CORE_ADDR *) & lowAddr,
- (CORE_ADDR) NULL) == 0)
- error ("No function contains prgram counter for selected frame.\n");
- else
- {
- register int line = 0;
- register Opaque newLow;
- bfd_byte buffer[4];
- newLow = pc;
- if (scrollDirection == FORWARD_SCROLL)
- {
- for (; line < numToScroll; line++)
- newLow += sizeof (bfd_getb32 (buffer));
- }
- else
- {
- for (; newLow >= (Opaque) 0 && line < numToScroll; line++)
- newLow -= sizeof (bfd_getb32 (buffer));
- }
- tuiUpdateSourceWindowAsIs (disassemWin, s, newLow, FALSE);
- }
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiVerticalDisassemScroll */
-** _hasBreak().
-** Answer whether there is a break point at the input line in the
-** source file indicated
-static struct breakpoint *
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_hasBreak (
- CORE_ADDR addr)
-_hasBreak (addr)
- CORE_ADDR addr;
- struct breakpoint *bpWithBreak = (struct breakpoint *) NULL;
- struct breakpoint *bp;
- extern struct breakpoint *breakpoint_chain;
- for (bp = breakpoint_chain;
- (bp != (struct breakpoint *) NULL &&
- bpWithBreak == (struct breakpoint *) NULL);
- bp = bp->next)
- if (addr == bp->address)
- bpWithBreak = bp;
- return bpWithBreak;
-} /* _hasBreak */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiDisassem.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiDisassem.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 711ac48587d2..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiDisassem.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _TUI_DISASSEM_H
-#define _TUI_DISASSEM_H
-** This header file supports
-extern TuiStatus tuiSetDisassemContent PARAMS ((struct symtab *, Opaque));
-extern void tuiShowDisassem PARAMS ((Opaque));
-extern void tuiShowDisassemAndUpdateSource PARAMS ((Opaque));
-extern void tuiVerticalDisassemScroll PARAMS ((TuiScrollDirection, int));
-extern Opaque tuiGetBeginAsmAddress PARAMS ((void));
-#endif /*_TUI_DISASSEM_H*/
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiGeneralWin.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiGeneralWin.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5af0cd7a92e8..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiGeneralWin.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
-** TuiGeneralWin.c
-** This module supports general window behavior
-#include <curses.h>
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "tui.h"
-#include "tuiData.h"
-#include "tuiGeneralWin.h"
-** local support functions
-static void _winResize PARAMS ((void));
-** tuiRefreshWin()
-** Refresh the window
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiRefreshWin (
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-tuiRefreshWin (winInfo)
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- if (winInfo->type == DATA_WIN && winInfo->contentSize > 0)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; (i < winInfo->contentSize); i++)
- {
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr dataItemWinPtr;
- dataItemWinPtr = &((TuiWinContent)
- winInfo->content)[i]->whichElement.dataWindow;
- if (m_genWinPtrNotNull (dataItemWinPtr) &&
- dataItemWinPtr->handle != (WINDOW *) NULL)
- wrefresh (dataItemWinPtr->handle);
- }
- }
- else if (winInfo->type == CMD_WIN)
- {
- /* Do nothing */
- }
- else
- {
- if (winInfo->handle != (WINDOW *) NULL)
- wrefresh (winInfo->handle);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiRefreshWin */
-** tuiDelwin()
-** Function to delete the curses window, checking for null
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiDelwin (
- WINDOW * window)
-tuiDelwin (window)
- WINDOW *window;
- if (window != (WINDOW *) NULL)
- delwin (window);
- return;
-} /* tuiDelwin */
-** boxWin().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-boxWin (
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- int highlightFlag)
-boxWin (winInfo, highlightFlag)
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- int highlightFlag;
- if (m_genWinPtrNotNull (winInfo) && winInfo->handle != (WINDOW *) NULL)
- {
- if (highlightFlag == HILITE)
- box (winInfo->handle, '|', '-');
- else
- {
-/* wattron(winInfo->handle, A_DIM);*/
- box (winInfo->handle, ':', '.');
-/* wattroff(winInfo->handle, A_DIM);*/
- }
- }
- return;
-} /* boxWin */
-** unhighlightWin().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-unhighlightWin (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-unhighlightWin (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (winInfo) && winInfo->generic.handle != (WINDOW *) NULL)
- {
- boxWin ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr) winInfo, NO_HILITE);
- wrefresh (winInfo->generic.handle);
- m_setWinHighlightOff (winInfo);
- }
-} /* unhighlightWin */
-** highlightWin().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-highlightWin (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-highlightWin (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (winInfo) &&
- winInfo->canHighlight && winInfo->generic.handle != (WINDOW *) NULL)
- {
- boxWin ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr) winInfo, HILITE);
- wrefresh (winInfo->generic.handle);
- m_setWinHighlightOn (winInfo);
- }
-} /* highlightWin */
-** checkAndDisplayHighlightIfNecessay
-#ifdef __STDC__
-checkAndDisplayHighlightIfNeeded (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-checkAndDisplayHighlightIfNeeded (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (winInfo) && winInfo->generic.type != CMD_WIN)
- {
- if (winInfo->isHighlighted)
- highlightWin (winInfo);
- else
- unhighlightWin (winInfo);
- }
- return;
-} /* checkAndDisplayHighlightIfNeeded */
-** makeWindow().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-makeWindow (
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- int boxIt)
-makeWindow (winInfo, boxIt)
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- int boxIt;
- WINDOW *handle;
- handle = newwin (winInfo->height,
- winInfo->width,
- winInfo->origin.y,
- winInfo->origin.x);
- winInfo->handle = handle;
- if (handle != (WINDOW *) NULL)
- {
- if (boxIt == BOX_WINDOW)
- boxWin (winInfo, NO_HILITE);
- winInfo->isVisible = TRUE;
- scrollok (handle, TRUE);
- tuiRefreshWin (winInfo);
-#ifndef FOR_TEST
- if ( /*!m_WinIsAuxillary(winInfo->type) && */
- (winInfo->type != CMD_WIN) &&
- (winInfo->content == (OpaquePtr) NULL))
- {
- mvwaddstr (handle, 1, 1, winName (winInfo));
- tuiRefreshWin (winInfo);
- }
-#endif /*FOR_TEST*/
- }
- return;
-} /* makeWindow */
-** tuiClearWin().
-** Clear the window of all contents without calling wclear.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiClearWin (
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-tuiClearWin (winInfo)
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- if (m_genWinPtrNotNull (winInfo) && winInfo->handle != (WINDOW *) NULL)
- {
- int curRow, curCol;
- for (curRow = 0; (curRow < winInfo->height); curRow++)
- for (curCol = 0; (curCol < winInfo->width); curCol++)
- mvwaddch (winInfo->handle, curRow, curCol, ' ');
- tuiRefreshWin (winInfo);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiClearWin */
-** makeVisible().
-** We can't really make windows visible, or invisible. So we
-** have to delete the entire window when making it visible,
-** and create it again when making it visible.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-makeVisible (
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- int visible)
-makeVisible (winInfo, visible)
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- int visible;
- /* Don't tear down/recreate command window */
- if (winInfo->type == CMD_WIN)
- return;
- if (visible)
- {
- if (!winInfo->isVisible)
- {
- makeWindow (
- winInfo,
- (winInfo->type != CMD_WIN && !m_winIsAuxillary (winInfo->type)));
- winInfo->isVisible = TRUE;
- }
- tuiRefreshWin (winInfo);
- }
- else if (!visible &&
- winInfo->isVisible && winInfo->handle != (WINDOW *) NULL)
- {
- winInfo->isVisible = FALSE;
- tuiClearWin (winInfo);
- tuiDelwin (winInfo->handle);
- winInfo->handle = (WINDOW *) NULL;
- }
- return;
-} /* makeVisible */
-** makeAllVisible().
-** Makes all windows invisible (except the command and locator windows)
-#ifdef __STDC__
-makeAllVisible (
- int visible)
-makeAllVisible (visible)
- int visible;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_MAJOR_WINDOWS; i++)
- {
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (winList[i]) &&
- ((winList[i])->generic.type) != CMD_WIN)
- {
- if (m_winIsSourceType ((winList[i])->generic.type))
- makeVisible ((winList[i])->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo,
- visible);
- makeVisible ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr) winList[i], visible);
- }
- }
- return;
-} /* makeAllVisible */
-** scrollWinForward
-#ifdef __STDC__
-scrollWinForward (
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- int numLines)
-scrollWinForward (winInfo, numLines)
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- int numLines;
- if (winInfo->content != (OpaquePtr) NULL &&
- winInfo->lastVisibleLine < winInfo->contentSize - 1)
- {
- int i, firstLine, newLastLine;
- firstLine = winInfo->lastVisibleLine - winInfo->viewportHeight + 1;
- if (winInfo->lastVisibleLine + numLines > winInfo->contentSize)
- newLastLine = winInfo->contentSize - 1;
- else
- newLastLine = winInfo->lastVisibleLine + numLines - 1;
- for (i = (newLastLine - winInfo->viewportHeight);
- (i <= newLastLine); i++)
- {
- TuiWinElementPtr line;
- int lineHeight;
- line = (TuiWinElementPtr) winInfo->content[i];
- if (line->highlight)
- wstandout (winInfo->handle);
- mvwaddstr (winInfo->handle,
- i - (newLastLine - winInfo->viewportHeight),
- 1,
- displayableWinContentOf (winInfo, line));
- if (line->highlight)
- wstandend (winInfo->handle);
- lineHeight = winElementHeight (winInfo, line);
- newLastLine += (lineHeight - 1);
- }
- winInfo->lastVisibleLine = newLastLine;
- }
- return;
-} /* scrollWinForward */
-** scrollWinBackward
-#ifdef __STDC__
-scrollWinBackward (
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- int numLines)
-scrollWinBackward (winInfo, numLines)
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- int numLines;
- if (winInfo->content != (OpaquePtr) NULL &&
- (winInfo->lastVisibleLine - winInfo->viewportHeight) > 0)
- {
- int i, newLastLine, firstLine;
- firstLine = winInfo->lastVisibleLine - winInfo->viewportHeight + 1;
- if ((firstLine - numLines) < 0)
- newLastLine = winInfo->viewportHeight - 1;
- else
- newLastLine = winInfo->lastVisibleLine - numLines + 1;
- for (i = newLastLine - winInfo->viewportHeight; (i <= newLastLine); i++)
- {
- TuiWinElementPtr line;
- int lineHeight;
- line = (TuiWinElementPtr) winInfo->content[i];
- if (line->highlight)
- wstandout (winInfo->handle);
- mvwaddstr (winInfo->handle,
- i - (newLastLine - winInfo->viewportHeight),
- 1,
- displayableWinContentOf (winInfo, line));
- if (line->highlight)
- wstandend (winInfo->handle);
- lineHeight = winElementHeight (winInfo, line);
- newLastLine += (lineHeight - 1);
- }
- winInfo->lastVisibleLine = newLastLine;
- }
- return;
-} /* scrollWinBackward */
-** refreshAll().
-** Function to refresh all the windows currently displayed
-#ifdef __STDC__
-refreshAll (
- TuiWinInfoPtr * list)
-refreshAll (list)
- TuiWinInfoPtr *list;
- TuiWinType type;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- for (type = SRC_WIN; (type < MAX_MAJOR_WINDOWS); type++)
- {
- if (list[type]->generic.isVisible)
- {
- if (type == SRC_WIN || type == DISASSEM_WIN)
- {
- touchwin (list[type]->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo->handle);
- tuiRefreshWin (list[type]->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo);
- }
- touchwin (list[type]->generic.handle);
- tuiRefreshWin (&list[type]->generic);
- }
- }
- if (locator->isVisible)
- {
- touchwin (locator->handle);
- tuiRefreshWin (locator);
- }
- return;
-} /* refreshAll */
-** Local Static Functions
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiGeneralWin.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiGeneralWin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 559f8ab33398..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiGeneralWin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-** Functions
-extern void tuiClearWin PARAMS ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr));
-extern void unhighlightWin PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern void makeVisible PARAMS ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr, int));
-extern void makeAllVisible PARAMS ((int));
-extern void scrollWinForward PARAMS ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr, int));
-extern void scrollWinBackward PARAMS ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr, int));
-extern void makeWindow PARAMS ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr, int));
-extern TuiWinInfoPtr copyWin PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern void boxWin PARAMS ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr, int));
-extern void highlightWin PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern void checkAndDisplayHighlightIfNeeded PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern void refreshAll PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr *));
-extern void tuiDelwin PARAMS ((WINDOW *window));
-extern void tuiRefreshWin PARAMS ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr));
-** Macros
-#define m_beVisible(winInfo) makeVisible((TuiGenWinInfoPtr)(winInfo), TRUE)
-#define m_beInvisible(winInfo) \
- makeVisible((TuiGenWinInfoPtr)(winInfo), FALSE)
-#define m_allBeVisible() makeAllVisible(TRUE)
-#define m_allBeInvisible() makeAllVisible(FALSE)
-#endif /*TUI_GENERAL_WIN_H*/
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiIO.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiIO.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 29a3613f9686..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiIO.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,734 +0,0 @@
-** This module contains functions to support i/o in the TUI
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "terminal.h"
-#include "tui.h"
-#include "tuiData.h"
-#include "tuiIO.h"
-#include "tuiCommand.h"
-#include "tuiWin.h"
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-/* The Solaris header files seem to provide no declaration for this at
- all when __STDC__ is defined. This shouldn't conflict with
- anything. */
-extern char *tgoto ();
-int insert_mode = 0;
-static void _updateCommandInfo PARAMS ((int));
-static unsigned int _tuiHandleResizeDuringIO PARAMS ((unsigned int));
-** tuiPuts_unfiltered().
-** Function to put a string to the command window
-** When running in TUI mode, this is the "hook"
-** for fputs_unfiltered(). That is, all debugger
-** output eventually makes it's way to the bottom-level
-** routine fputs_unfiltered (main.c), which (in TUI
-** mode), calls tuiPuts_unfiltered().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiPuts_unfiltered (
- const char *string,
- GDB_FILE * stream)
-tuiPuts_unfiltered (string, stream)
- char *string;
- GDB_FILE *stream;
- int len = strlen (string);
- int i, linech;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- if (string[i] == '\n' || string[i] == '\r')
- m_tuiStartNewLine;
- else
- {
- if ((cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch + 1) > cmdWin->generic.width)
- m_tuiStartNewLine;
- if (insert_mode)
- {
- mvwinsch (cmdWin->generic.handle,
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curLine,
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch++,
- string[i]);
- wmove (cmdWin->generic.handle,
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curLine,
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch);
- }
- else
- mvwaddch (cmdWin->generic.handle,
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curLine,
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch++,
- string[i]);
- }
- }
- tuiRefreshWin (&cmdWin->generic);
- return;
-} /* tuiPuts_unfiltered */
-/* A cover routine for tputs().
- * tputs() is called from the readline package to put
- * out strings representing cursor positioning.
- * In TUI mode (non-XDB-style), tui_tputs() is called instead.
- *
- * The reason we need to hook tputs() is:
- * Since the output is going to curses and not to
- * a raw terminal, we need to intercept these special
- * sequences, and handle them them here.
- *
- * This function seems to be correctly handling all sequences
- * aimed at hpterm's, but there is additional work to do
- * for xterm's and dtterm's. I abandoned further work on this
- * in favor of "XDB style". In "XDB style", the command region
- * looks like terminal, not a curses window, and this routine
- * is not called. - RT
- */
-tui_tputs (str, affcnt, putfunc)
- char *str;
- int affcnt;
- int (*putfunc) PARAMS ((int));
- extern char *rl_prompt; /* the prompt string */
- /* This set of globals are defined and initialized
- * by the readline package.
- *
- * Note we're assuming tui_tputs() is being called
- * by the readline package. That's because we're recognizing
- * that a given string is being passed by
- * matching the string address against readline's
- * term_<whatever> global. To make this more general,
- * we'd have to actually recognize the termcap sequence
- * inside the string (more work than I want to do). - RT
- *
- * We don't see or need to handle every one of these here;
- * this is just the full list defined in readline/readline.c
- */
- extern char *term_backspace;
- extern char *term_clreol;
- extern char *term_clrpag;
- extern char *term_cr;
- extern char *term_dc;
- extern char *term_ei;
- extern char *term_goto;
- extern char *term_ic;
- extern char *term_im;
- extern char *term_mm;
- extern char *term_mo;
- extern char *term_up;
- extern char *term_scroll_region;
- extern char *term_memory_lock;
- extern char *term_memory_unlock;
- extern char *term_cursor_move;
- extern char *visible_bell;
- /* Sanity check - if not TUI, just call tputs() */
- if (!tui_version)
- tputs (str, affcnt, putfunc);
- /* The strings we special-case are handled first */
- if (str == term_backspace)
- {
- /* Backspace. */
- /* We see this on an emacs control-B.
- * I.e., it's like the left-arrow key (not like the backspace key).
- * The effect that readline wants when it transmits this
- * character to us is simply to back up one character
- * (but not to write a space over the old character).
- */
- _updateCommandInfo (-1);
- wmove (cmdWin->generic.handle,
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curLine,
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch);
- wrefresh (cmdWin->generic.handle);
- }
- else if (str == term_clreol)
- {
- /* Clear to end of line. */
- wclrtoeol (cmdWin->generic.handle);
- wrefresh (cmdWin->generic.handle);
- }
- else if (str == term_cr)
- {
- /* Carriage return */
- _updateCommandInfo (-cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch);
- wmove (cmdWin->generic.handle,
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curLine,
- 0 /* readline will rewrite the prompt from 0 */ );
- wrefresh (cmdWin->generic.handle);
- }
- else if (str == term_goto)
- {
- /* This is actually a tgoto() specifying a character position,
- * followed by either a term_IC/term_DC which [I think] means
- * insert/delete one character at that position.
- * There are complications with this one - need to either
- * extract the position from the string, or have a backdoor
- * means of communicating it from ../readline/display.c.
- * So this one is not yet implemented.
- * Not doing it seems to have no ill effects on command-line-editing
- * that I've noticed so far. - RT
- */
- }
- else if (str == term_dc)
- {
- /* Delete character at current cursor position */
- wdelch (cmdWin->generic.handle);
- wrefresh (cmdWin->generic.handle);
- }
- else if (str == term_im)
- {
- /* Turn on insert mode. */
- insert_mode = 1;
- }
- else if (str == term_ei)
- {
- /* Turn off insert mode. */
- insert_mode = 0;
- /* Strings we know about but don't handle
- * specially here are just passed along to tputs().
- *
- * These are not handled because (as far as I can tell)
- * they are not actually emitted by the readline package
- * in the course of doing command-line editing. Some of them
- * theoretically could be used in the future, in which case we'd
- * need to handle them.
- */
- }
- else if (str == term_ic || /* insert character */
- str == term_cursor_move || /* cursor move */
- str == term_clrpag ||/* clear page */
- str == term_mm || /* turn on meta key */
- str == term_mo || /* turn off meta key */
- str == term_up || /* up one line (not expected) */
- str == term_scroll_region || /* set scroll region */
- str == term_memory_lock || /* lock screen above cursor */
- str == term_memory_unlock || /* unlock screen above cursor */
- str == visible_bell)
- { /* flash screen */
- tputs (str, affcnt, putfunc);
- }
- else
- { /* something else */
- tputs (str, affcnt, putfunc);
- }
-} /* tui_tputs */
-** tui_vwgetch()
-** Wrapper around wgetch with the window in a va_list
-unsigned int
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tui_vwgetch (va_list args)
-tui_vwgetch (args)
- va_list args;
- unsigned int ch;
- WINDOW *window;
- window = va_arg (args, WINDOW *);
- return ((unsigned int) wgetch (window));
-} /* tui_vwgetch */
-** tui_vread()
-** Wrapper around read() with paramets in a va_list
-unsigned int
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tui_vread (va_list args)
-tui_vread (args)
- va_list args;
- int result = 0;
- int filedes = va_arg (args, int);
- char *buf = va_arg (args, char *);
- int nbytes = va_arg (args, int);
- result = read (filedes, buf, nbytes);
- return result;
-} /* tui_vread() */
-** tuiRead()
-** Function to perform a read() catching resize events
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiRead (
- int filedes,
- char *buf,
- int nbytes)
-tuiRead (filedes, buf, nbytes)
- int filedes;
- char *buf;
- int nbytes;
- int result = 0;
- result = (int) vcatch_errors ((OpaqueFuncPtr) tui_vread, filedes, buf, nbytes);
- *buf = _tuiHandleResizeDuringIO (*buf);
- return result;
-} /* tuiRead */
-** tuiGetc().
-** Get a character from the command window.
-** This is called from the readline package,
-** that is, we have:
-** tuiGetc() [here], called from
-** readline code [in ../readline/], called from
-** command_line_input() in top.c
-unsigned int
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiGetc (void)
-tuiGetc ()
- unsigned int ch;
- extern char *rl_prompt;
- extern char *rl_line_buffer;
- extern int rl_point;
- /* Call the curses routine that reads one character */
-#ifndef COMMENT
- ch = (unsigned int) vcatch_errors ((OpaqueFuncPtr) tui_vwgetch,
- cmdWin->generic.handle);
- ch = wgetch (cmdWin->generic.handle);
- ch = _tuiHandleResizeDuringIO (ch);
- if (m_isCommandChar (ch))
- { /* Handle prev/next/up/down here */
- tuiTermSetup (0);
- ch = tuiDispatchCtrlChar (ch);
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch = strlen (rl_prompt) + rl_point;
- tuiTermUnsetup (0, cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch);
- }
- if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\f')
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch = 0;
- else
- tuiIncrCommandCharCountBy (1);
- return ch;
-} /* tuiGetc */
-** tuiBufferGetc().
-/*elz: this function reads a line of input from the user and
-puts it in a static buffer. Subsequent calls to this same function
-obtain one char at the time, providing the caller with a behavior
-similar to fgetc. When the input is buffered, the backspaces have
-the needed effect, i.e. ignore the last char active in the buffer*/
-/* so far this function is called only from the query function in
-unsigned int
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiBufferGetc (void)
-tuiBufferGetc ()
- unsigned int ch;
- static unsigned char _ibuffer[512];
- static int index_read = -1;
- static int length_of_answer = -1;
- int pos = 0;
- if (length_of_answer == -1)
- {
- /* this is the first time through, need to read the answer*/
- do
- {
- /* Call the curses routine that reads one character */
- ch = (unsigned int) wgetch (cmdWin->generic.handle);
- if (ch != '\b')
- {
- _ibuffer[pos] = ch;
- pos++;
- }
- else
- pos--;
- }
- while (ch != '\r' && ch != '\n');
- length_of_answer = pos;
- index_read = 0;
- }
- ch = _ibuffer[index_read];
- index_read++;
- if (index_read == length_of_answer)
- {
- /*this is the last time through, reset for next query*/
- index_read = -1;
- length_of_answer = -1;
- }
- wrefresh (cmdWin->generic.handle);
- return (ch);
-} /* tuiBufferGetc */
-** tuiStartNewLines().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiStartNewLines (
- int numLines)
-tuiStartNewLines (numLines)
- int numLines;
- if (numLines > 0)
- {
- if (cmdWin->generic.viewportHeight > 1 &&
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curLine < cmdWin->generic.viewportHeight)
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curLine += numLines;
- else
- scroll (cmdWin->generic.handle);
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch = 0;
- wmove (cmdWin->generic.handle,
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curLine,
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch);
- tuiRefreshWin (&cmdWin->generic);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiStartNewLines */
-** tui_vStartNewLines().
-** With numLines in a va_list
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tui_vStartNewLines (
- va_list args)
-tui_vStartNewLines (args)
- va_list args;
- int numLines = va_arg (args, int);
- tuiStartNewLines (numLines);
- return;
-} /* tui_vStartNewLines */
-** _tuiHandleResizeDuringIO
-** This function manages the cleanup when a resize has occured
-** From within a call to getch() or read. Returns the character
-** to return from getc or read.
-static unsigned int
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiHandleResizeDuringIO (
- unsigned int originalCh) /* the char just read */
-_tuiHandleResizeDuringIO (originalCh)
- unsigned int originalCh;
- if (tuiWinResized ())
- {
- tuiDo ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) tuiRefreshAll);
- dont_repeat ();
- tuiSetWinResizedTo (FALSE);
- rl_reset ();
- return '\n';
- }
- else
- return originalCh;
-} /* _tuiHandleResizeDuringIO */
-** _updateCommandInfo().
-** Function to update the command window information.
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_updateCommandInfo (
- int sizeOfString)
-_updateCommandInfo (sizeOfString)
- int sizeOfString;
- if ((sizeOfString +
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch) > cmdWin->generic.width)
- {
- int newCurch = sizeOfString + cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch;
- tuiStartNewLines (1);
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch = newCurch - cmdWin->generic.width;
- }
- else
- cmdWin->detail.commandInfo.curch += sizeOfString;
- return;
-} /* _updateCommandInfo */
-/* Looked at in main.c, fputs_unfiltered(), to decide
- * if it's safe to do standard output to the command window.
- */
-int tui_owns_terminal = 0;
-/* Called to set up the terminal for TUI (curses) I/O.
- * We do this either on our way "in" to GDB after target
- * program execution, or else within tuiDo just before
- * going off to TUI routines.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiTermSetup (
- int turn_off_echo)
-tuiTermSetup (turn_off_echo)
- int turn_off_echo;
- char *buffer;
- int start;
- int end;
- int endcol;
- extern char *term_scroll_region;
- extern char *term_cursor_move;
- extern char *term_memory_lock;
- extern char *term_memory_unlock;
- /* Turn off echoing, since the TUI does not
- * expect echoing. Below I only put in the TERMIOS
- * case, since that is what applies on HP-UX. turn_off_echo
- * is 1 except for the case where we're being called
- * on a "quit", in which case we want to leave echo on.
- */
- if (turn_off_echo)
- {
- struct termios tio;
- tcgetattr (0, &tio);
- tio.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO);
- tcsetattr (0, TCSANOW, &tio);
- }
- /* Compute the start and end lines of the command
- * region. (Actually we only use end here)
- */
- start = winList[CMD_WIN]->generic.origin.y;
- end = start + winList[CMD_WIN]->generic.height - 1;
- endcol = winList[CMD_WIN]->generic.width - 1;
- if (term_memory_unlock)
- {
- /* Un-do the effect of the memory lock in terminal_inferior() */
- tputs (term_memory_unlock, 1, (int (*)PARAMS ((int))) putchar);
- fflush (stdout);
- }
- else if (term_scroll_region)
- {
- /* Un-do the effect of setting scroll region in terminal_inferior() */
- /* I'm actually not sure how to do this (we don't know for
- * sure what the scroll region was *before* we changed it),
- * but I'll guess that setting it to the whole screen is
- * the right thing. So, ...
- */
- /* Set scroll region to be 0..end */
- buffer = (char *) tgoto (term_scroll_region, end, 0);
- tputs (buffer, 1, (int (*)PARAMS ((int))) putchar);
- } /* else we're out of luck */
- /* This is an attempt to keep the logical & physical
- * cursor in synch, going into curses. Without this,
- * curses seems to be confused by the fact that
- * GDB has physically moved the curser on it. One
- * visible effect of removing this code is that the
- * locator window fails to get updated and the line
- * of text that *should* go into the locator window
- * often goes to the wrong place.
- */
- /* What's done here is to tell curses to write a ' '
- * at the bottom right corner of the screen.
- * The idea is to wind up with the cursor in a known
- * place.
- * Note I'm relying on refresh()
- * only writing what changed (the space),
- * not the whole screen.
- */
- standend ();
- move (end, endcol - 1);
- addch (' ');
- refresh ();
- tui_owns_terminal = 1;
-} /* tuiTermSetup */
-/* Called to set up the terminal for target program I/O, meaning I/O
- * is confined to the command-window area. We also call this on our
- * way out of tuiDo, thus setting up the terminal this way for
- * debugger command I/O. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiTermUnsetup (
- int turn_on_echo,
- int to_column)
-tuiTermUnsetup (turn_on_echo, to_column)
- int turn_on_echo;
- int to_column;
- int start;
- int end;
- int curline;
- char *buffer;
- /* The next bunch of things are from readline */
- extern char *term_scroll_region;
- extern char *term_cursor_move;
- extern char *term_memory_lock;
- extern char *term_memory_unlock;
- extern char *term_se;
- /* We need to turn on echoing, since the TUI turns it off */
- /* Below I only put in the TERMIOS case, since that
- * is what applies on HP-UX.
- */
- if (turn_on_echo)
- {
- struct termios tio;
- tcgetattr (0, &tio);
- tio.c_lflag |= (ECHO);
- tcsetattr (0, TCSANOW, &tio);
- }
- /* Compute the start and end lines of the command
- * region, as well as the last "real" line of
- * the region (normally same as end, except when
- * we're first populating the region)
- */
- start = winList[CMD_WIN]->generic.origin.y;
- end = start + winList[CMD_WIN]->generic.height - 1;
- curline = start + winList[CMD_WIN]->detail.commandInfo.curLine;
- /* We want to confine target I/O to the command region.
- * In order to do so, we must either have "memory lock"
- * (hpterm's) or "scroll regions" (xterm's).
- */
- if (term_cursor_move && term_memory_lock)
- {
- /* Memory lock means lock region above cursor.
- * So first position the cursor, then call memory lock.
- */
- buffer = tgoto (term_cursor_move, 0, start);
- tputs (buffer, 1, (int (*)PARAMS ((int))) putchar);
- tputs (term_memory_lock, 1, (int (*)PARAMS ((int))) putchar);
- }
- else if (term_scroll_region)
- {
- /* Set the scroll region to the command window */
- buffer = tgoto (term_scroll_region, end, start);
- tputs (buffer, 1, (int (*)PARAMS ((int))) putchar);
- } /* else we can't do anything about target I/O */
- /* Also turn off standout mode, in case it is on */
- if (term_se != NULL)
- tputs (term_se, 1, (int (*)PARAMS ((int))) putchar);
- /* Now go to the appropriate spot on the end line */
- buffer = tgoto (term_cursor_move, to_column, end);
- tputs (buffer, 1, (int (*)PARAMS ((int))) putchar);
- fflush (stdout);
- tui_owns_terminal = 0;
-} /* tuiTermUnsetup */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiIO.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiIO.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bcbeffe4edcc..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiIO.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _TUI_IO_H
-#define _TUI_IO_H
-** This header contains defitions to support tuiIO.c
-#include <stdio.h>
-extern void tuiPuts_unfiltered PARAMS ((const char *, GDB_FILE *));
-extern unsigned int tuiGetc PARAMS ((void));
-extern unsigned int tuiBufferGetc PARAMS ((void));
-extern int tuiRead PARAMS ((int, char *, int));
-extern void tuiStartNewLines PARAMS ((int));
-extern void tui_vStartNewLines PARAMS ((va_list));
-extern unsigned int tui_vwgetch PARAMS ((va_list));
-extern void tuiTermSetup PARAMS ((int));
-extern void tuiTermUnsetup PARAMS ((int, int));
-#define m_tuiStartNewLine tuiStartNewLines(1)
-#define m_isStartSequence(ch) (ch == 27)
-#define m_isEndSequence(ch) (ch == 126)
-#define m_isBackspace(ch) (ch == 8)
-#define m_isDeleteChar(ch) (ch == KEY_DC)
-#define m_isDeleteLine(ch) (ch == KEY_DL)
-#define m_isDeleteToEol(ch) (ch == KEY_EOL)
-#define m_isNextPage(ch) (ch == KEY_NPAGE)
-#define m_isPrevPage(ch) (ch == KEY_PPAGE)
-#define m_isLeftArrow(ch) (ch == KEY_LEFT)
-#define m_isRightArrow(ch) (ch == KEY_RIGHT)
-#define m_isCommandChar(ch) (m_isNextPage(ch) || m_isPrevPage(ch) || \
- m_isLeftArrow(ch) || m_isRightArrow(ch) || \
- (ch == KEY_UP) || (ch == KEY_DOWN) || \
- (ch == KEY_SF) || (ch == KEY_SR) || \
- (ch == (int)'\f') || m_isStartSequence(ch))
-#define m_isXdbStyleCommandChar(ch) (m_isNextPage(ch) || m_isPrevPage(ch))
-#endif /*_TUI_IO_H*/
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiLayout.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiLayout.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6aa380cfe41c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiLayout.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1410 +0,0 @@
-** tuiLayout.c
-** This module contains procedures for handling the layout of the windows.
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "command.h"
-#include "symtab.h"
-#include "frame.h"
-#include "tui.h"
-#include "tuiData.h"
-#include "tuiGeneralWin.h"
-#include "tuiStack.h"
-#include "tuiRegs.h"
-#include "tuiDisassem.h"
-** Static Local Decls
-static void _initGenWinInfo PARAMS
- ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr, TuiWinType, int, int, int, int));
-static void _initAndMakeWin PARAMS
- ((Opaque *, TuiWinType, int, int, int, int, int));
-static void _showSourceOrDisassemAndCommand PARAMS
- ((TuiLayoutType));
-static void _makeSourceOrDisassemWindow PARAMS
- ((TuiWinInfoPtr *, TuiWinType, int, int));
-static void _makeCommandWindow PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr *, int, int));
-static void _makeSourceWindow PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr *, int, int));
-static void _makeDisassemWindow PARAMS
- ((TuiWinInfoPtr *, int, int));
-static void _makeDataWindow PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr *, int, int));
-static void _showSourceCommand PARAMS ((void));
-static void _showDisassemCommand PARAMS ((void));
-static void _showSourceDisassemCommand PARAMS ((void));
-static void _showData PARAMS ((TuiLayoutType));
-static TuiLayoutType _nextLayout PARAMS ((void));
-static TuiLayoutType _prevLayout PARAMS ((void));
-static void _tuiLayout_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tuiToggleLayout_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tui_vToggleLayout_command PARAMS ((va_list));
-static void _tuiToggleSplitLayout_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tui_vToggleSplitLayout_command PARAMS ((va_list));
-static Opaque _extractDisplayStartAddr PARAMS ((void));
-static void _tuiHandleXDBLayout PARAMS ((TuiLayoutDefPtr));
-static TuiStatus _tuiSetLayoutTo PARAMS ((char *));
-#define LAYOUT_USAGE "Usage: layout prev | next | <layout_name> \n"
-** Static Local Data
-static TuiLayoutType lastLayout = UNDEFINED_LAYOUT;
-** showLayout().
-** Show the screen layout defined
-#ifdef __STDC__
-showLayout (
- TuiLayoutType layout)
-showLayout (layout)
- TuiLayoutType layout;
- TuiLayoutType curLayout = currentLayout ();
- if (layout != curLayout)
- {
- /*
- ** Since the new layout may cause changes in window size, we
- ** should free the content and reallocate on next display of
- ** source/asm
- */
- tuiClearAllSourceWinsContent (NO_EMPTY_SOURCE_PROMPT);
- freeAllSourceWinsContent ();
- clearSourceWindows ();
- if (layout == SRC_DATA_COMMAND || layout == DISASSEM_DATA_COMMAND)
- {
- _showData (layout);
- refreshAll (winList);
- }
- else
- {
- /* First make the current layout be invisible */
- m_allBeInvisible ();
- m_beInvisible (locatorWinInfoPtr ());
- switch (layout)
- {
- /* Now show the new layout */
- _showSourceCommand ();
- addToSourceWindows (srcWin);
- break;
- _showDisassemCommand ();
- addToSourceWindows (disassemWin);
- break;
- _showSourceDisassemCommand ();
- addToSourceWindows (srcWin);
- addToSourceWindows (disassemWin);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return;
-} /* showLayout */
-** tuiSetLayout()
-** Function to set the layout to SRC_COMMAND, DISASSEM_COMMAND,
-** UNDEFINED_LAYOUT, then the data window is populated according
-** to regsDisplayType.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiSetLayout (
- TuiLayoutType layoutType,
- TuiRegisterDisplayType regsDisplayType)
-tuiSetLayout (layoutType, regsDisplayType)
- TuiLayoutType layoutType;
- TuiRegisterDisplayType regsDisplayType;
- TuiStatus status = TUI_SUCCESS;
- if (layoutType != UNDEFINED_LAYOUT || regsDisplayType != TUI_UNDEFINED_REGS)
- {
- TuiLayoutType curLayout = currentLayout (), newLayout = UNDEFINED_LAYOUT;
- int regsPopulate = FALSE;
- Opaque addr = _extractDisplayStartAddr ();
- TuiWinInfoPtr newWinWithFocus = (TuiWinInfoPtr) NULL, winWithFocus = tuiWinWithFocus ();
- TuiLayoutDefPtr layoutDef = tuiLayoutDef ();
- if (layoutType == UNDEFINED_LAYOUT &&
- regsDisplayType != TUI_UNDEFINED_REGS)
- {
- if (curLayout == SRC_DISASSEM_COMMAND)
- else if (curLayout == SRC_COMMAND || curLayout == SRC_DATA_COMMAND)
- newLayout = SRC_DATA_COMMAND;
- else if (curLayout == DISASSEM_COMMAND ||
- }
- else
- newLayout = layoutType;
- regsPopulate = (newLayout == SRC_DATA_COMMAND ||
- regsDisplayType != TUI_UNDEFINED_REGS);
- if (newLayout != curLayout || regsDisplayType != TUI_UNDEFINED_REGS)
- {
- if (newLayout != curLayout)
- {
- if (winWithFocus != cmdWin)
- tuiClearWinFocus ();
- showLayout (newLayout);
- /*
- ** Now determine where focus should be
- */
- if (winWithFocus != cmdWin)
- {
- switch (newLayout)
- {
- tuiSetWinFocusTo (srcWin);
- layoutDef->displayMode = SRC_WIN;
- layoutDef->split = FALSE;
- break;
- /* the previous layout was not showing
- ** code. this can happen if there is no
- ** source available:
- ** 1. if the source file is in another dir OR
- ** 2. if target was compiled without -g
- ** We still want to show the assembly though!
- */
- addr = vcatch_errors ((OpaqueFuncPtr)
- tuiGetBeginAsmAddress);
- tuiSetWinFocusTo (disassemWin);
- layoutDef->displayMode = DISASSEM_WIN;
- layoutDef->split = FALSE;
- break;
- /* the previous layout was not showing
- ** code. this can happen if there is no
- ** source available:
- ** 1. if the source file is in another dir OR
- ** 2. if target was compiled without -g
- ** We still want to show the assembly though!
- */
- addr = vcatch_errors ((OpaqueFuncPtr)
- tuiGetBeginAsmAddress);
- if (winWithFocus == srcWin)
- tuiSetWinFocusTo (srcWin);
- else
- tuiSetWinFocusTo (disassemWin);
- layoutDef->split = TRUE;
- break;
- if (winWithFocus != dataWin)
- tuiSetWinFocusTo (srcWin);
- else
- tuiSetWinFocusTo (dataWin);
- layoutDef->displayMode = SRC_WIN;
- layoutDef->split = FALSE;
- break;
- /* the previous layout was not showing
- ** code. this can happen if there is no
- ** source available:
- ** 1. if the source file is in another dir OR
- ** 2. if target was compiled without -g
- ** We still want to show the assembly though!
- */
- addr = vcatch_errors ((OpaqueFuncPtr)
- tuiGetBeginAsmAddress);
- if (winWithFocus != dataWin)
- tuiSetWinFocusTo (disassemWin);
- else
- tuiSetWinFocusTo (dataWin);
- layoutDef->displayMode = DISASSEM_WIN;
- layoutDef->split = FALSE;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- if (newWinWithFocus != (TuiWinInfoPtr) NULL)
- tuiSetWinFocusTo (newWinWithFocus);
- /*
- ** Now update the window content
- */
- if (!regsPopulate &&
- (newLayout == SRC_DATA_COMMAND ||
- tuiDisplayAllData ();
- tuiUpdateSourceWindowsWithAddr (addr);
- }
- if (regsPopulate)
- {
- layoutDef->regsDisplayType =
- (regsDisplayType == TUI_UNDEFINED_REGS ?
- TUI_GENERAL_REGS : regsDisplayType);
- tuiShowRegisters (layoutDef->regsDisplayType);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- status = TUI_FAILURE;
- return status;
-} /* tuiSetLayout */
-** tui_vSetLayoutTo()
-** Function to set the layout to SRC, ASM, SPLIT, NEXT, PREV, DATA,
-** REGS, $REGS, $GREGS, $FREGS, $SREGS with arguments in a va_list
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tui_vSetLayoutTo (
- va_list args)
-tui_vSetLayoutTo (args)
- va_list args;
- char *layoutName;
- layoutName = va_arg (args, char *);
- return (_tuiSetLayoutTo (layoutName));
-} /* tui_vSetLayoutTo */
-** tuiAddWinToLayout().
-** Add the specified window to the layout in a logical way.
-** This means setting up the most logical layout given the
-** window to be added.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiAddWinToLayout (
- TuiWinType type)
-tuiAddWinToLayout (type)
- TuiWinType type;
- TuiLayoutType curLayout = currentLayout ();
- switch (type)
- {
- case SRC_WIN:
- if (curLayout != SRC_COMMAND &&
- curLayout != SRC_DISASSEM_COMMAND &&
- curLayout != SRC_DATA_COMMAND)
- {
- clearSourceWindowsDetail ();
- if (curLayout == DISASSEM_DATA_COMMAND)
- showLayout (SRC_DATA_COMMAND);
- else
- showLayout (SRC_COMMAND);
- }
- break;
- if (curLayout != DISASSEM_COMMAND &&
- curLayout != SRC_DISASSEM_COMMAND &&
- {
- clearSourceWindowsDetail ();
- if (curLayout == SRC_DATA_COMMAND)
- else
- showLayout (DISASSEM_COMMAND);
- }
- break;
- case DATA_WIN:
- if (curLayout != SRC_DATA_COMMAND &&
- {
- if (curLayout == DISASSEM_COMMAND)
- else
- showLayout (SRC_DATA_COMMAND);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiAddWinToLayout */
-** tui_vAddWinToLayout().
-** Add the specified window to the layout in a logical way,
-** with arguments in a va_list.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tui_vAddWinToLayout (
- va_list args)
-tui_vAddWinToLayout (args)
- va_list args;
- TuiWinType type = va_arg (args, TuiWinType);
- tuiAddWinToLayout (type);
- return;
-} /* tui_vAddWinToLayout */
-** tuiDefaultWinHeight().
-** Answer the height of a window. If it hasn't been created yet,
-** answer what the height of a window would be based upon its
-** type and the layout.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiDefaultWinHeight (
- TuiWinType type,
- TuiLayoutType layout)
-tuiDefaultWinHeight (type, layout)
- TuiWinType type;
- TuiLayoutType layout;
- int h;
- if (winList[type] != (TuiWinInfoPtr) NULL)
- h = winList[type]->generic.height;
- else
- {
- switch (layout)
- {
- if (m_winPtrIsNull (cmdWin))
- h = termHeight () / 2;
- else
- h = termHeight () - cmdWin->generic.height;
- break;
- if (m_winPtrIsNull (cmdWin))
- h = termHeight () / 3;
- else
- h = (termHeight () - cmdWin->generic.height) / 2;
- break;
- default:
- h = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- return h;
-} /* tuiDefaultWinHeight */
-** tuiDefaultWinViewportHeight().
-** Answer the height of a window. If it hasn't been created yet,
-** answer what the height of a window would be based upon its
-** type and the layout.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiDefaultWinViewportHeight (
- TuiWinType type,
- TuiLayoutType layout)
-tuiDefaultWinViewportHeight (type, layout)
- TuiWinType type;
- TuiLayoutType layout;
- int h;
- h = tuiDefaultWinHeight (type, layout);
- if (winList[type] == cmdWin)
- h -= 1;
- else
- h -= 2;
- return h;
-} /* tuiDefaultWinViewportHeight */
-** _initialize_tuiLayout().
-** Function to initialize gdb commands, for tui window layout
-** manipulation.
-_initialize_tuiLayout ()
- if (tui_version)
- {
- add_com ("layout", class_tui, _tuiLayout_command,
- "Change the layout of windows.\n\
-Usage: layout prev | next | <layout_name> \n\
-Layout names are:\n\
- src : Displays source and command windows.\n\
- asm : Displays disassembly and command windows.\n\
- split : Displays source, disassembly and command windows.\n\
- regs : Displays register window. If existing layout\n\
- is source/command or assembly/command, the \n\
- register window is displayed. If the\n\
- source/assembly/command (split) is displayed, \n\
- the register window is displayed with \n\
- the window that has current logical focus.\n");
- if (xdb_commands)
- {
- add_com ("td", class_tui, _tuiToggleLayout_command,
- "Toggle between Source/Command and Disassembly/Command layouts.\n");
- add_com ("ts", class_tui, _tuiToggleSplitLayout_command,
- "Toggle between Source/Command or Disassembly/Command and \n\
-Source/Disassembly/Command layouts.\n");
- }
- }
- return;
-} /* _intialize_tuiLayout */
-** _tuiSetLayoutTo()
-** Function to set the layout to SRC, ASM, SPLIT, NEXT, PREV, DATA, REGS,
-static TuiStatus
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiSetLayoutTo (
- char *layoutName)
-_tuiSetLayoutTo (layoutName)
- char *layoutName;
- TuiStatus status = TUI_SUCCESS;
- if (layoutName != (char *) NULL)
- {
- register int i;
- register char *bufPtr;
- TuiLayoutType newLayout = UNDEFINED_LAYOUT;
- TuiRegisterDisplayType dpyType = TUI_UNDEFINED_REGS;
- TuiLayoutType curLayout = currentLayout ();
- bufPtr = (char *) tuiStrDup (layoutName);
- for (i = 0; (i < strlen (layoutName)); i++)
- bufPtr[i] = toupper (bufPtr[i]);
- /* First check for ambiguous input */
- if (strlen (bufPtr) <= 1 && (*bufPtr == 'S' || *bufPtr == '$'))
- {
- warning ("Ambiguous command input.\n");
- status = TUI_FAILURE;
- }
- else
- {
- if (subsetCompare (bufPtr, "SRC"))
- newLayout = SRC_COMMAND;
- else if (subsetCompare (bufPtr, "ASM"))
- else if (subsetCompare (bufPtr, "SPLIT"))
- else if (subsetCompare (bufPtr, "REGS") ||
- subsetCompare (bufPtr, TUI_GENERAL_SPECIAL_REGS_NAME) ||
- subsetCompare (bufPtr, TUI_GENERAL_REGS_NAME) ||
- subsetCompare (bufPtr, TUI_FLOAT_REGS_NAME) ||
- subsetCompare (bufPtr, TUI_SPECIAL_REGS_NAME))
- {
- if (curLayout == SRC_COMMAND || curLayout == SRC_DATA_COMMAND)
- newLayout = SRC_DATA_COMMAND;
- else
-/* could ifdef out the following code. when compile with -z, there are null
- pointer references that cause a core dump if 'layout regs' is the first
- layout command issued by the user. HP has asked us to hook up this code
- - edie epstein
- */
- if (subsetCompare (bufPtr, TUI_FLOAT_REGS_NAME))
- {
- if (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType !=
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType !=
- dpyType = TUI_SFLOAT_REGS;
- else
- dpyType =
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType;
- }
- else if (subsetCompare (bufPtr,
- else if (subsetCompare (bufPtr, TUI_GENERAL_REGS_NAME))
- else if (subsetCompare (bufPtr, TUI_SPECIAL_REGS_NAME))
- else
- {
- if (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType !=
- dpyType =
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType;
- else
- }
-/* end of potential ifdef
- */
-/* if ifdefed out code above, then assume that the user wishes to display the
- general purpose registers
- */
-/* dpyType = TUI_GENERAL_REGS;
- */
- }
- else if (subsetCompare (bufPtr, "NEXT"))
- newLayout = _nextLayout ();
- else if (subsetCompare (bufPtr, "PREV"))
- newLayout = _prevLayout ();
- else
- status = TUI_FAILURE;
- free (bufPtr);
- tuiSetLayout (newLayout, dpyType);
- }
- }
- else
- status = TUI_FAILURE;
- return status;
-} /* _tuiSetLayoutTo */
-static Opaque
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_extractDisplayStartAddr (void)
-_extractDisplayStartAddr ()
- TuiLayoutType curLayout = currentLayout ();
- Opaque addr;
- switch (curLayout)
- {
- addr = (Opaque) find_line_pc (
- current_source_symtab,
- srcWin->detail.sourceInfo.startLineOrAddr.lineNo);
- break;
- addr = disassemWin->detail.sourceInfo.startLineOrAddr.addr;
- break;
- default:
- addr = (Opaque) NULL;
- break;
- }
- return addr;
-} /* _extractDisplayStartAddr */
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiHandleXDBLayout (
- TuiLayoutDefPtr layoutDef)
-_tuiHandleXDBLayout (layoutDef)
- TuiLayoutDefPtr layoutDef;
- if (layoutDef->split)
- {
- tuiSetWinFocusTo (winList[layoutDef->displayMode]);
- }
- else
- {
- if (layoutDef->displayMode == SRC_WIN)
- else
- tuiSetLayout (DISASSEM_DATA_COMMAND, layoutDef->regsDisplayType);
- }
- return;
-} /* _tuiHandleXDBLayout */
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiToggleLayout_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiToggleLayout_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- tuiDo ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) _tui_vToggleLayout_command, arg, fromTTY);
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tui_vToggleLayout_command (
- va_list args)
-_tui_vToggleLayout_command (args)
- va_list args;
- TuiLayoutDefPtr layoutDef = tuiLayoutDef ();
- if (layoutDef->displayMode == SRC_WIN)
- layoutDef->displayMode = DISASSEM_WIN;
- else
- layoutDef->displayMode = SRC_WIN;
- if (!layoutDef->split)
- _tuiHandleXDBLayout (layoutDef);
- return;
-} /* _tuiToggleLayout_command */
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiToggleSplitLayout_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiToggleSplitLayout_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- tuiDo ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) _tui_vToggleSplitLayout_command, arg, fromTTY);
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tui_vToggleSplitLayout_command (
- va_list args)
-_tui_vToggleSplitLayout_command (args)
- va_list args;
- TuiLayoutDefPtr layoutDef = tuiLayoutDef ();
- layoutDef->split = (!layoutDef->split);
- _tuiHandleXDBLayout (layoutDef);
- return;
-} /* _tui_vToggleSplitLayout_command */
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiLayout_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiLayout_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- if ((TuiStatus) tuiDo (
- (TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) tui_vSetLayoutTo, arg) != TUI_SUCCESS)
- warning ("Invalid layout specified.\n%s" LAYOUT_USAGE);
- return;
-} /* _tuiLayout_command */
-** _nextLayout().
-** Answer the previous layout to cycle to.
-static TuiLayoutType
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_nextLayout (void)
-_nextLayout ()
- TuiLayoutType newLayout;
- newLayout = currentLayout ();
- if (newLayout == UNDEFINED_LAYOUT)
- newLayout = SRC_COMMAND;
- else
- {
- newLayout++;
- if (newLayout == UNDEFINED_LAYOUT)
- newLayout = SRC_COMMAND;
- }
- return newLayout;
-} /* _nextLayout */
-** _prevLayout().
-** Answer the next layout to cycle to.
-static TuiLayoutType
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_prevLayout (void)
-_prevLayout ()
- TuiLayoutType newLayout;
- newLayout = currentLayout ();
- if (newLayout == SRC_COMMAND)
- else
- {
- newLayout--;
- if (newLayout == UNDEFINED_LAYOUT)
- }
- return newLayout;
-} /* _prevLayout */
-** _makeCommandWindow().
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_makeCommandWindow (
- TuiWinInfoPtr * winInfoPtr,
- int height,
- int originY)
-_makeCommandWindow (winInfoPtr, height, originY)
- TuiWinInfoPtr *winInfoPtr;
- int height;
- int originY;
- _initAndMakeWin ((Opaque *) winInfoPtr,
- height,
- termWidth (),
- 0,
- originY,
- (*winInfoPtr)->canHighlight = FALSE;
- return;
-} /* _makeCommandWindow */
-** _makeSourceWindow().
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_makeSourceWindow (
- TuiWinInfoPtr * winInfoPtr,
- int height,
- int originY)
-_makeSourceWindow (winInfoPtr, height, originY)
- TuiWinInfoPtr *winInfoPtr;
- int height;
- int originY;
- _makeSourceOrDisassemWindow (winInfoPtr, SRC_WIN, height, originY);
- return;
-} /* _makeSourceWindow */
-** _makeDisassemWindow().
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_makeDisassemWindow (
- TuiWinInfoPtr * winInfoPtr,
- int height,
- int originY)
-_makeDisassemWindow (winInfoPtr, height, originY)
- TuiWinInfoPtr *winInfoPtr;
- int height;
- int originY;
- _makeSourceOrDisassemWindow (winInfoPtr, DISASSEM_WIN, height, originY);
- return;
-} /* _makeDisassemWindow */
-** _makeDataWindow().
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_makeDataWindow (
- TuiWinInfoPtr * winInfoPtr,
- int height,
- int originY)
-_makeDataWindow (winInfoPtr, height, originY)
- TuiWinInfoPtr *winInfoPtr;
- int height;
- int originY;
- _initAndMakeWin ((Opaque *) winInfoPtr,
- height,
- termWidth (),
- 0,
- originY,
- return;
-} /* _makeDataWindow */
-** _showSourceCommand().
-** Show the Source/Command layout
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_showSourceCommand (void)
-_showSourceCommand ()
- _showSourceOrDisassemAndCommand (SRC_COMMAND);
- return;
-} /* _showSourceCommand */
-** _showDisassemCommand().
-** Show the Dissassem/Command layout
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_showDisassemCommand (void)
-_showDisassemCommand ()
- _showSourceOrDisassemAndCommand (DISASSEM_COMMAND);
- return;
-} /* _showDisassemCommand */
-** _showSourceDisassemCommand().
-** Show the Source/Disassem/Command layout
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_showSourceDisassemCommand (void)
-_showSourceDisassemCommand ()
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- if (currentLayout () != SRC_DISASSEM_COMMAND)
- {
- int cmdHeight, srcHeight, asmHeight;
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (cmdWin))
- cmdHeight = cmdWin->generic.height;
- else
- cmdHeight = termHeight () / 3;
- srcHeight = (termHeight () - cmdHeight) / 2;
- asmHeight = termHeight () - (srcHeight + cmdHeight);
- if (m_winPtrIsNull (srcWin))
- _makeSourceWindow (&srcWin, srcHeight, 0);
- else
- {
- _initGenWinInfo (&srcWin->generic,
- srcWin->generic.type,
- srcHeight,
- srcWin->generic.width,
- srcWin->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo->width,
- 0);
- srcWin->canHighlight = TRUE;
- _initGenWinInfo (srcWin->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo,
- srcHeight,
- 3,
- 0,
- 0);
- m_beVisible (srcWin);
- m_beVisible (srcWin->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo);
- srcWin->detail.sourceInfo.hasLocator = FALSE;;
- }
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (srcWin))
- {
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- tuiShowSourceContent (srcWin);
- if (m_winPtrIsNull (disassemWin))
- {
- _makeDisassemWindow (&disassemWin, asmHeight, srcHeight - 1);
- _initAndMakeWin ((Opaque *) & locator,
- 2 /* 1 */ ,
- termWidth (),
- 0,
- (srcHeight + asmHeight) - 1,
- }
- else
- {
- _initGenWinInfo (locator,
- 2 /* 1 */ ,
- termWidth (),
- 0,
- (srcHeight + asmHeight) - 1);
- disassemWin->detail.sourceInfo.hasLocator = TRUE;
- _initGenWinInfo (
- &disassemWin->generic,
- disassemWin->generic.type,
- asmHeight,
- disassemWin->generic.width,
- disassemWin->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo->width,
- srcHeight - 1);
- _initGenWinInfo (disassemWin->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo,
- asmHeight,
- 3,
- 0,
- srcHeight - 1);
- disassemWin->canHighlight = TRUE;
- m_beVisible (disassemWin);
- m_beVisible (disassemWin->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo);
- }
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (disassemWin))
- {
- srcWin->detail.sourceInfo.hasLocator = FALSE;
- disassemWin->detail.sourceInfo.hasLocator = TRUE;
- m_beVisible (locator);
- tuiShowLocatorContent ();
- tuiShowSourceContent (disassemWin);
- if (m_winPtrIsNull (cmdWin))
- _makeCommandWindow (&cmdWin,
- cmdHeight,
- termHeight () - cmdHeight);
- else
- {
- _initGenWinInfo (&cmdWin->generic,
- cmdWin->generic.type,
- cmdWin->generic.height,
- cmdWin->generic.width,
- 0,
- cmdWin->generic.origin.y);
- cmdWin->canHighlight = FALSE;
- m_beVisible (cmdWin);
- }
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (cmdWin))
- tuiRefreshWin (&cmdWin->generic);
- }
- }
- setCurrentLayoutTo (SRC_DISASSEM_COMMAND);
- }
- return;
-} /* _showSourceDisassemCommand */
-** _showData().
-** Show the Source/Data/Command or the Dissassembly/Data/Command layout
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_showData (
- TuiLayoutType newLayout)
-_showData (newLayout)
- TuiLayoutType newLayout;
- int totalHeight = (termHeight () - cmdWin->generic.height);
- int srcHeight, dataHeight;
- TuiWinType winType;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- dataHeight = totalHeight / 2;
- srcHeight = totalHeight - dataHeight;
- m_allBeInvisible ();
- m_beInvisible (locator);
- _makeDataWindow (&dataWin, dataHeight, 0);
- dataWin->canHighlight = TRUE;
- if (newLayout == SRC_DATA_COMMAND)
- winType = SRC_WIN;
- else
- winType = DISASSEM_WIN;
- if (m_winPtrIsNull (winList[winType]))
- {
- if (winType == SRC_WIN)
- _makeSourceWindow (&winList[winType], srcHeight, dataHeight - 1);
- else
- _makeDisassemWindow (&winList[winType], srcHeight, dataHeight - 1);
- _initAndMakeWin ((Opaque *) & locator,
- 2 /* 1 */ ,
- termWidth (),
- 0,
- totalHeight - 1,
- }
- else
- {
- _initGenWinInfo (&winList[winType]->generic,
- winList[winType]->generic.type,
- srcHeight,
- winList[winType]->generic.width,
- winList[winType]->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo->width,
- dataHeight - 1);
- _initGenWinInfo (winList[winType]->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo,
- srcHeight,
- 3,
- 0,
- dataHeight - 1);
- m_beVisible (winList[winType]);
- m_beVisible (winList[winType]->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo);
- _initGenWinInfo (locator,
- 2 /* 1 */ ,
- termWidth (),
- 0,
- totalHeight - 1);
- }
- winList[winType]->detail.sourceInfo.hasLocator = TRUE;
- m_beVisible (locator);
- tuiShowLocatorContent ();
- addToSourceWindows (winList[winType]);
- setCurrentLayoutTo (newLayout);
- return;
-} /* _showData */
-** _initGenWinInfo().
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_initGenWinInfo (
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- TuiWinType type,
- int height,
- int width,
- int originX,
- int originY)
-_initGenWinInfo (winInfo, type, height, width, originX, originY)
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- TuiWinType type;
- int height;
- int width;
- int originX;
- int originY;
- int h = height;
- winInfo->type = type;
- winInfo->width = width;
- winInfo->height = h;
- if (h > 1)
- {
- winInfo->viewportHeight = h - 1;
- if (winInfo->type != CMD_WIN)
- winInfo->viewportHeight--;
- }
- else
- winInfo->viewportHeight = 1;
- winInfo->origin.x = originX;
- winInfo->origin.y = originY;
- return;
-} /* _initGenWinInfo */
-** _initAndMakeWin().
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_initAndMakeWin (
- Opaque * winInfoPtr,
- TuiWinType winType,
- int height,
- int width,
- int originX,
- int originY,
- int boxIt)
-_initAndMakeWin (winInfoPtr, winType, height, width, originX, originY, boxIt)
- Opaque *winInfoPtr;
- TuiWinType winType;
- int height;
- int width;
- int originX;
- int originY;
- int boxIt;
- Opaque opaqueWinInfo = *winInfoPtr;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr generic;
- if (opaqueWinInfo == (Opaque) NULL)
- {
- if (m_winIsAuxillary (winType))
- opaqueWinInfo = (Opaque) allocGenericWinInfo ();
- else
- opaqueWinInfo = (Opaque) allocWinInfo (winType);
- }
- if (m_winIsAuxillary (winType))
- generic = (TuiGenWinInfoPtr) opaqueWinInfo;
- else
- generic = &((TuiWinInfoPtr) opaqueWinInfo)->generic;
- if (opaqueWinInfo != (Opaque) NULL)
- {
- _initGenWinInfo (generic, winType, height, width, originX, originY);
- if (!m_winIsAuxillary (winType))
- {
- if (generic->type == CMD_WIN)
- ((TuiWinInfoPtr) opaqueWinInfo)->canHighlight = FALSE;
- else
- ((TuiWinInfoPtr) opaqueWinInfo)->canHighlight = TRUE;
- }
- makeWindow (generic, boxIt);
- if (winType == LOCATOR_WIN)
- tuiClearLocatorDisplay ();
- echo ();
- }
- *winInfoPtr = opaqueWinInfo;
- return;
-} /* _initAndMakeWin */
-** _makeSourceOrDisassemWindow().
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_makeSourceOrDisassemWindow (
- TuiWinInfoPtr * winInfoPtr,
- TuiWinType type,
- int height,
- int originY)
-_makeSourceOrDisassemWindow (winInfoPtr, type, height, originY)
- TuiWinInfoPtr *winInfoPtr;
- TuiWinType type;
- int height;
- int originY;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr executionInfo = (TuiGenWinInfoPtr) NULL;
- /*
- ** Create the exeuction info window.
- */
- if (type == SRC_WIN)
- executionInfo = sourceExecInfoWinPtr ();
- else
- executionInfo = disassemExecInfoWinPtr ();
- _initAndMakeWin ((Opaque *) & executionInfo,
- height,
- 3,
- 0,
- originY,
- /*
- ** Now create the source window.
- */
- _initAndMakeWin ((Opaque *) winInfoPtr,
- type,
- height,
- termWidth () - executionInfo->width,
- executionInfo->width,
- originY,
- (*winInfoPtr)->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo = executionInfo;
- return;
-} /* _makeSourceOrDisassemWindow */
-** _showSourceOrDisassemAndCommand().
-** Show the Source/Command or the Disassem layout
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_showSourceOrDisassemAndCommand (
- TuiLayoutType layoutType)
-_showSourceOrDisassemAndCommand (layoutType)
- TuiLayoutType layoutType;
- if (currentLayout () != layoutType)
- {
- TuiWinInfoPtr *winInfoPtr;
- int areaLeft;
- int srcHeight, cmdHeight;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (cmdWin))
- cmdHeight = cmdWin->generic.height;
- else
- cmdHeight = termHeight () / 3;
- srcHeight = termHeight () - cmdHeight;
- if (layoutType == SRC_COMMAND)
- winInfoPtr = &srcWin;
- else
- winInfoPtr = &disassemWin;
- if (m_winPtrIsNull (*winInfoPtr))
- {
- if (layoutType == SRC_COMMAND)
- _makeSourceWindow (winInfoPtr, srcHeight - 1, 0);
- else
- _makeDisassemWindow (winInfoPtr, srcHeight - 1, 0);
- _initAndMakeWin ((Opaque *) & locator,
- 2 /* 1 */ ,
- termWidth (),
- 0,
- srcHeight - 1,
- }
- else
- {
- _initGenWinInfo (locator,
- 2 /* 1 */ ,
- termWidth (),
- 0,
- srcHeight - 1);
- (*winInfoPtr)->detail.sourceInfo.hasLocator = TRUE;
- _initGenWinInfo (
- &(*winInfoPtr)->generic,
- (*winInfoPtr)->generic.type,
- srcHeight - 1,
- (*winInfoPtr)->generic.width,
- (*winInfoPtr)->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo->width,
- 0);
- _initGenWinInfo ((*winInfoPtr)->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo,
- srcHeight - 1,
- 3,
- 0,
- 0);
- (*winInfoPtr)->canHighlight = TRUE;
- m_beVisible (*winInfoPtr);
- m_beVisible ((*winInfoPtr)->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo);
- }
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (*winInfoPtr))
- {
- (*winInfoPtr)->detail.sourceInfo.hasLocator = TRUE;
- m_beVisible (locator);
- tuiShowLocatorContent ();
- tuiShowSourceContent (*winInfoPtr);
- if (m_winPtrIsNull (cmdWin))
- {
- _makeCommandWindow (&cmdWin, cmdHeight, srcHeight);
- tuiRefreshWin (&cmdWin->generic);
- }
- else
- {
- _initGenWinInfo (&cmdWin->generic,
- cmdWin->generic.type,
- cmdWin->generic.height,
- cmdWin->generic.width,
- cmdWin->generic.origin.x,
- cmdWin->generic.origin.y);
- cmdWin->canHighlight = FALSE;
- m_beVisible (cmdWin);
- }
- }
- setCurrentLayoutTo (layoutType);
- }
- return;
-} /* _showSourceOrDisassemAndCommand */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiLayout.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiLayout.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 57d8bbc90b6e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiLayout.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef TUI_LAYOUT_H
-#define TUI_LAYOUT_H
-extern void showLayout PARAMS ((TuiLayoutType));
-extern void tuiAddWinToLayout PARAMS ((TuiWinType));
-extern void tui_vAddWinToLayout PARAMS ((va_list));
-extern int tuiDefaultWinHeight
- PARAMS ((TuiWinType, TuiLayoutType));
-extern int tuiDefaultWinViewportHeight
- PARAMS ((TuiWinType, TuiLayoutType));
-extern TuiStatus tuiSetLayout
- PARAMS ((TuiLayoutType, TuiRegisterDisplayType));
-extern TuiStatus tui_vSetLayoutTo PARAMS ((va_list));
-#endif /*TUI_LAYOUT_H*/
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiRegs.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiRegs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b78b9bc873cd..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiRegs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1210 +0,0 @@
-** tuiRegs.c
-** This module contains functions to support display of registers
-** in the data window.
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "tui.h"
-#include "tuiData.h"
-#include "symtab.h"
-#include "gdbtypes.h"
-#include "gdbcmd.h"
-#include "frame.h"
-#include "inferior.h"
-#include "target.h"
-#include "tuiLayout.h"
-#include "tuiWin.h"
-#define DOUBLE_FLOAT_LABEL_FMT "%6.6s: "
-#define DOUBLE_FLOAT_VALUE_WIDTH 30 /*min of 16 but may be in sci notation */
-#define SINGLE_FLOAT_LABEL_FMT "%6.6s: "
-#define SINGLE_FLOAT_VALUE_WIDTH 25 /* min of 8 but may be in sci notation */
-#define SINGLE_LABEL_FMT "%10.10s: "
-#define SINGLE_VALUE_WIDTH 14/* minimum of 8 but may be in sci notation */
-/* In the code HP gave Cygnus, this was actually a function call to a
- PA-specific function, which was supposed to determine whether the
- target was a 64-bit or 32-bit processor. However, the 64-bit
- support wasn't complete, so we didn't merge that in, so we leave
- this here as a stub. */
-#define IS_64BIT 0
-static TuiStatus _tuiSetRegsContent
- PARAMS ((int, int, struct frame_info *,
- TuiRegisterDisplayType, int));
-static char *_tuiRegisterName PARAMS ((int));
-static TuiStatus _tuiGetRegisterRawValue
- PARAMS ((int, char *, struct frame_info *));
-static void _tuiSetRegisterElement
- PARAMS ((int, struct frame_info *,
- TuiDataElementPtr, int));
-static void _tuiDisplayRegister
- PARAMS ((int, TuiGenWinInfoPtr, enum precision_type));
-static void _tuiRegisterFormat
- PARAMS ((char *, int, int, TuiDataElementPtr,
- enum precision_type));
-static TuiStatus _tuiSetGeneralRegsContent PARAMS ((int));
-static TuiStatus _tuiSetSpecialRegsContent PARAMS ((int));
-static TuiStatus _tuiSetGeneralAndSpecialRegsContent PARAMS ((int));
-static TuiStatus _tuiSetFloatRegsContent PARAMS ((TuiRegisterDisplayType, int));
-static int _tuiRegValueHasChanged
- PARAMS ((TuiDataElementPtr, struct frame_info *,
- char *));
-static void _tuiShowFloat_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tuiShowGeneral_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tuiShowSpecial_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tui_vShowRegisters_commandSupport PARAMS ((va_list));
-static void _tuiToggleFloatRegs_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tuiScrollRegsForward_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tuiScrollRegsBackward_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tui_vShowRegisters_commandSupport PARAMS ((va_list));
-** tuiLastRegsLineNo()
-** Answer the number of the last line in the regs display.
-** If there are no registers (-1) is returned.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiLastRegsLineNo (void)
-tuiLastRegsLineNo ()
- register int numLines = (-1);
- if (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount > 0)
- {
- numLines = (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount /
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsColumnCount);
- if (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount %
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsColumnCount)
- numLines++;
- }
- return numLines;
-} /* tuiLastRegsLineNo */
-** tuiLineFromRegElementNo()
-** Answer the line number that the register element at elementNo is
-** on. If elementNo is greater than the number of register elements
-** there are, -1 is returned.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiLineFromRegElementNo (
- int elementNo)
-tuiLineFromRegElementNo (elementNo)
- int elementNo;
- if (elementNo < dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount)
- {
- int i, line = (-1);
- i = 1;
- while (line == (-1))
- {
- if (elementNo <
- (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsColumnCount * i))
- line = i - 1;
- else
- i++;
- }
- return line;
- }
- else
- return (-1);
-} /* tuiLineFromRegElementNo */
-** tuiFirstRegElementNoInLine()
-** Answer the index of the first element in lineNo. If lineNo is
-** past the register area (-1) is returned.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiFirstRegElementNoInLine (
- int lineNo)
-tuiFirstRegElementNoInLine (lineNo)
- int lineNo;
- if ((lineNo * dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsColumnCount)
- <= dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount)
- return ((lineNo + 1) *
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsColumnCount) -
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsColumnCount;
- else
- return (-1);
-} /* tuiFirstRegElementNoInLine */
-** tuiLastRegElementNoInLine()
-** Answer the index of the last element in lineNo. If lineNo is past
-** the register area (-1) is returned.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiLastRegElementNoInLine (
- int lineNo)
-tuiLastRegElementNoInLine (lineNo)
- int lineNo;
- if ((lineNo * dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsColumnCount) <=
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount)
- return ((lineNo + 1) *
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsColumnCount) - 1;
- else
- return (-1);
-} /* tuiLastRegElementNoInLine */
-** tuiCalculateRegsColumnCount
-** Calculate the number of columns that should be used to display
-** the registers.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiCalculateRegsColumnCount (
- TuiRegisterDisplayType dpyType)
-tuiCalculateRegsColumnCount (dpyType)
- TuiRegisterDisplayType dpyType;
- int colCount, colWidth;
- if (IS_64BIT || dpyType == TUI_DFLOAT_REGS)
- else
- {
- if (dpyType == TUI_SFLOAT_REGS)
- else
- }
- colCount = (dataWin->generic.width - 2) / colWidth;
- return colCount;
-} /* tuiCalulateRegsColumnCount */
-** tuiShowRegisters().
-** Show the registers int the data window as indicated by dpyType.
-** If there is any other registers being displayed, then they are
-** cleared. What registers are displayed is dependent upon dpyType.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiShowRegisters (
- TuiRegisterDisplayType dpyType)
-tuiShowRegisters (dpyType)
- TuiRegisterDisplayType dpyType;
- TuiStatus ret = TUI_FAILURE;
- int refreshValuesOnly = FALSE;
- /* Say that registers should be displayed, even if there is a problem */
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.displayRegs = TRUE;
- if (target_has_registers)
- {
- refreshValuesOnly =
- (dpyType == dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType);
- switch (dpyType)
- {
- ret = _tuiSetGeneralRegsContent (refreshValuesOnly);
- break;
- ret = _tuiSetFloatRegsContent (dpyType, refreshValuesOnly);
- break;
-/* could ifdef out */
- ret = _tuiSetSpecialRegsContent (refreshValuesOnly);
- break;
- ret = _tuiSetGeneralAndSpecialRegsContent (refreshValuesOnly);
- break;
-/* end of potential if def */
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- if (ret == TUI_FAILURE)
- {
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType = TUI_UNDEFINED_REGS;
- tuiEraseDataContent (NO_REGS_STRING);
- }
- else
- {
- int i;
- /* Clear all notation of changed values */
- for (i = 0; (i < dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount); i++)
- {
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr dataItemWin;
- dataItemWin = &dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.
- regsContent[i]->whichElement.dataWindow;
- (&((TuiWinElementPtr)
- dataItemWin->content[0])->>highlight = FALSE;
- }
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType = dpyType;
- tuiDisplayAllData ();
- }
- (tuiLayoutDef ())->regsDisplayType = dpyType;
- return;
-} /* tuiShowRegisters */
-** tuiDisplayRegistersFrom().
-** Function to display the registers in the content from
-** 'startElementNo' until the end of the register content or the
-** end of the display height. No checking for displaying past
-** the end of the registers is done here.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiDisplayRegistersFrom (
- int startElementNo)
-tuiDisplayRegistersFrom (startElementNo)
- int startElementNo;
- if (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContent != (TuiWinContent) NULL &&
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount > 0)
- {
- register int i = startElementNo;
- int j, valueCharsWide, charsWide, itemWinWidth, curY, labelWidth;
- enum precision_type precision;
- precision = (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType
- double_precision : unspecified_precision;
- if (IS_64BIT ||
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType == TUI_DFLOAT_REGS)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- if (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType ==
- {
- }
- else
- {
- valueCharsWide = SINGLE_VALUE_WIDTH;
- labelWidth = SINGLE_LABEL_WIDTH;
- }
- }
- itemWinWidth = valueCharsWide + labelWidth;
- /*
- ** Now create each data "sub" window, and write the display into it.
- */
- curY = 1;
- while (i < dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount &&
- curY <= dataWin->generic.viewportHeight)
- {
- for (j = 0;
- (j < dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsColumnCount &&
- i < dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount); j++)
- {
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr dataItemWin;
- TuiDataElementPtr dataElementPtr;
- /* create the window if necessary*/
- dataItemWin = &dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.
- regsContent[i]->whichElement.dataWindow;
- dataElementPtr = &((TuiWinElementPtr)
- dataItemWin->content[0])->;
- if (dataItemWin->handle == (WINDOW *) NULL)
- {
- dataItemWin->height = 1;
- dataItemWin->width = (precision == double_precision) ?
- itemWinWidth + 2 : itemWinWidth + 1;
- dataItemWin->origin.x = (itemWinWidth * j) + 1;
- dataItemWin->origin.y = curY;
- makeWindow (dataItemWin, DONT_BOX_WINDOW);
- }
- /*
- ** Get the printable representation of the register
- ** and display it
- */
- _tuiDisplayRegister (
- dataElementPtr->itemNo, dataItemWin, precision);
- i++; /* next register */
- }
- curY++; /* next row; */
- }
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiDisplayRegistersFrom */
-** tuiDisplayRegElementAtLine().
-** Function to display the registers in the content from
-** 'startElementNo' on 'startLineNo' until the end of the
-** register content or the end of the display height.
-** This function checks that we won't display off the end
-** of the register display.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiDisplayRegElementAtLine (
- int startElementNo,
- int startLineNo)
-tuiDisplayRegElementAtLine (startElementNo, startLineNo)
- int startElementNo;
- int startLineNo;
- if (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContent != (TuiWinContent) NULL &&
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount > 0)
- {
- register int elementNo = startElementNo;
- if (startElementNo != 0 && startLineNo != 0)
- {
- register int lastLineNo, firstLineOnLastPage;
- lastLineNo = tuiLastRegsLineNo ();
- firstLineOnLastPage = lastLineNo - (dataWin->generic.height - 2);
- if (firstLineOnLastPage < 0)
- firstLineOnLastPage = 0;
- /*
- ** If there is no other data displayed except registers,
- ** and the elementNo causes us to scroll past the end of the
- ** registers, adjust what element to really start the display at.
- */
- if (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.dataContentCount <= 0 &&
- startLineNo > firstLineOnLastPage)
- elementNo = tuiFirstRegElementNoInLine (firstLineOnLastPage);
- }
- tuiDisplayRegistersFrom (elementNo);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiDisplayRegElementAtLine */
-** tuiDisplayRegistersFromLine().
-** Function to display the registers starting at line lineNo in
-** the data window. Answers the line number that the display
-** actually started from. If nothing is displayed (-1) is returned.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiDisplayRegistersFromLine (
- int lineNo,
- int forceDisplay)
-tuiDisplayRegistersFromLine (lineNo, forceDisplay)
- int lineNo;
- int forceDisplay;
- int elementNo;
- if (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount > 0)
- {
- int line, elementNo;
- if (lineNo < 0)
- line = 0;
- else if (forceDisplay)
- { /*
- ** If we must display regs (forceDisplay is true), then make
- ** sure that we don't display off the end of the registers.
- */
- if (lineNo >= tuiLastRegsLineNo ())
- {
- if ((line = tuiLineFromRegElementNo (
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount - 1)) < 0)
- line = 0;
- }
- else
- line = lineNo;
- }
- else
- line = lineNo;
- elementNo = tuiFirstRegElementNoInLine (line);
- if (elementNo < dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount)
- tuiDisplayRegElementAtLine (elementNo, line);
- else
- line = (-1);
- return line;
- }
- return (-1); /* nothing was displayed */
-} /* tuiDisplayRegistersFromLine */
-** tuiCheckRegisterValues()
-** This function check all displayed registers for changes in
-** values, given a particular frame. If the values have changed,
-** they are updated with the new value and highlighted.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiCheckRegisterValues (
- struct frame_info *frame)
-tuiCheckRegisterValues (frame)
- struct frame_info *frame;
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (dataWin) && dataWin->generic.isVisible)
- {
- if (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount <= 0 &&
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.displayRegs)
- tuiShowRegisters ((tuiLayoutDef ())->regsDisplayType);
- else
- {
- int i, j;
- for (i = 0;
- (i < dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount); i++)
- {
- TuiDataElementPtr dataElementPtr;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr dataItemWinPtr;
- int wasHilighted;
- dataItemWinPtr = &dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.
- regsContent[i]->whichElement.dataWindow;
- dataElementPtr = &((TuiWinElementPtr)
- dataItemWinPtr->content[0])->;
- wasHilighted = dataElementPtr->highlight;
- dataElementPtr->highlight =
- _tuiRegValueHasChanged (dataElementPtr, frame, &rawBuf[0]);
- if (dataElementPtr->highlight)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < MAX_REGISTER_RAW_SIZE; j++)
- ((char *) dataElementPtr->value)[j] = rawBuf[j];
- _tuiDisplayRegister (
- dataElementPtr->itemNo,
- dataItemWinPtr,
- ((dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType ==
- double_precision : unspecified_precision));
- }
- else if (wasHilighted)
- {
- dataElementPtr->highlight = FALSE;
- _tuiDisplayRegister (
- dataElementPtr->itemNo,
- dataItemWinPtr,
- ((dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType ==
- double_precision : unspecified_precision));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiCheckRegisterValues */
-** tuiToggleFloatRegs().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiToggleFloatRegs (void)
-tuiToggleFloatRegs ()
- TuiLayoutDefPtr layoutDef = tuiLayoutDef ();
- if (layoutDef->floatRegsDisplayType == TUI_SFLOAT_REGS)
- layoutDef->floatRegsDisplayType = TUI_DFLOAT_REGS;
- else
- layoutDef->floatRegsDisplayType = TUI_SFLOAT_REGS;
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (dataWin) && dataWin->generic.isVisible &&
- (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType == TUI_SFLOAT_REGS ||
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType == TUI_DFLOAT_REGS))
- tuiShowRegisters (layoutDef->floatRegsDisplayType);
- return;
-} /* tuiToggleFloatRegs */
-_initialize_tuiRegs ()
- if (tui_version && xdb_commands)
- {
- add_com ("fr", class_tui, _tuiShowFloat_command,
- "Display only floating point registers\n");
- add_com ("gr", class_tui, _tuiShowGeneral_command,
- "Display only general registers\n");
- add_com ("sr", class_tui, _tuiShowSpecial_command,
- "Display only special registers\n");
- add_com ("+r", class_tui, _tuiScrollRegsForward_command,
- "Scroll the registers window forward\n");
- add_com ("-r", class_tui, _tuiScrollRegsBackward_command,
- "Scroll the register window backward\n");
- add_com ("tf", class_tui, _tuiToggleFloatRegs_command,
- "Toggle between single and double precision floating point registers.\n");
- class_tui,
- _tuiToggleFloatRegs_command,
- "Toggle between single and double precision floating point \
- &togglelist);
- }
- return;
-} /* _initialize_tuiRegs */
-** _tuiRegisterName().
-** Return the register name.
-static char *
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiRegisterName (
- int regNum)
-_tuiRegisterName (regNum)
- int regNum;
- if (reg_names[regNum] != (char *) NULL && *(reg_names[regNum]) != (char) 0)
- return reg_names[regNum];
- else
- return ((char *) NULL);
-} /* tuiGetRegisterName */
-** _tuiRegisterFormat
-** Function to format the register name and value into a buffer,
-** suitable for printing or display
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiRegisterFormat (
- char *buf,
- int bufLen,
- int regNum,
- TuiDataElementPtr dataElement,
- enum precision_type precision)
-_tuiRegisterFormat (buf, bufLen, regNum, dataElement, precision)
- char *buf;
- int bufLen;
- int regNum;
- TuiDataElementPtr dataElement;
- enum precision_type precision;
- char tmpBuf[15];
- char *fmt;
- GDB_FILE *stream;
- stream = gdb_file_init_astring(bufLen);
- pa_do_strcat_registers_info (regNum, 0, stream, precision);
- strcpy (buf, gdb_file_get_strbuf(stream));
- gdb_file_deallocate(&stream);
- return;
-} /* _tuiRegisterFormat */
-#define NUM_GENERAL_REGS 32
-** _tuiSetGeneralRegsContent().
-** Set the content of the data window to consist of the general registers.
-static TuiStatus
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiSetGeneralRegsContent (
- int refreshValuesOnly)
-_tuiSetGeneralRegsContent (refreshValuesOnly)
- int refreshValuesOnly;
- return (_tuiSetRegsContent (0,
- selected_frame,
- refreshValuesOnly));
-} /* _tuiSetGeneralRegsContent */
-** _tuiSetSpecialRegsContent().
-** Set the content of the data window to consist of the special registers.
-static TuiStatus
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiSetSpecialRegsContent (
- int refreshValuesOnly)
-_tuiSetSpecialRegsContent (refreshValuesOnly)
- int refreshValuesOnly;
- TuiStatus ret = TUI_FAILURE;
- int i, endRegNum;
- endRegNum = FP0_REGNUM - 1;
-#if 0
- endRegNum = (-1);
- for (i = START_SPECIAL_REGS; (i < ARCH_NUM_REGS && endRegNum < 0); i++)
- endRegNum = i - 1;
- ret = _tuiSetRegsContent (START_SPECIAL_REGS,
- endRegNum,
- selected_frame,
- refreshValuesOnly);
- return ret;
-} /* _tuiSetSpecialRegsContent */
-** _tuiSetGeneralAndSpecialRegsContent().
-** Set the content of the data window to consist of the special registers.
-static TuiStatus
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiSetGeneralAndSpecialRegsContent (
- int refreshValuesOnly)
-_tuiSetGeneralAndSpecialRegsContent (refreshValuesOnly)
- int refreshValuesOnly;
- TuiStatus ret = TUI_FAILURE;
- int i, endRegNum = (-1);
- endRegNum = FP0_REGNUM - 1;
-#if 0
- endRegNum = (-1);
- for (i = 0; (i < ARCH_NUM_REGS && endRegNum < 0); i++)
- endRegNum = i - 1;
- ret = _tuiSetRegsContent (
- 0, endRegNum, selected_frame, TUI_SPECIAL_REGS, refreshValuesOnly);
- return ret;
-} /* _tuiSetGeneralAndSpecialRegsContent */
-** _tuiSetFloatRegsContent().
-** Set the content of the data window to consist of the float registers.
-static TuiStatus
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiSetFloatRegsContent (
- TuiRegisterDisplayType dpyType,
- int refreshValuesOnly)
-_tuiSetFloatRegsContent (dpyType, refreshValuesOnly)
- TuiRegisterDisplayType dpyType;
- int refreshValuesOnly;
- TuiStatus ret = TUI_FAILURE;
- int i, startRegNum;
- startRegNum = FP0_REGNUM;
-#if 0
- startRegNum = (-1);
- for (i = ARCH_NUM_REGS - 1; (i >= 0 && startRegNum < 0); i--)
- startRegNum = i + 1;
- ret = _tuiSetRegsContent (startRegNum,
- selected_frame,
- dpyType,
- refreshValuesOnly);
- return ret;
-} /* _tuiSetFloatRegsContent */
-** _tuiRegValueHasChanged().
-** Answer TRUE if the register's value has changed, FALSE otherwise.
-** If TRUE, newValue is filled in with the new value.
-static int
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiRegValueHasChanged (
- TuiDataElementPtr dataElement,
- struct frame_info *frame,
- char *newValue)
-_tuiRegValueHasChanged (dataElement, frame, newValue)
- TuiDataElementPtr dataElement;
- struct frame_info *frame;
- char *newValue;
- int hasChanged = FALSE;
- if (dataElement->itemNo != UNDEFINED_ITEM &&
- _tuiRegisterName (dataElement->itemNo) != (char *) NULL)
- {
- int i;
- if (_tuiGetRegisterRawValue (
- dataElement->itemNo, rawBuf, frame) == TUI_SUCCESS)
- {
- for (i = 0; (i < MAX_REGISTER_RAW_SIZE && !hasChanged); i++)
- hasChanged = (((char *) dataElement->value)[i] != rawBuf[i]);
- if (hasChanged && newValue != (char *) NULL)
- {
- for (i = 0; (i < MAX_REGISTER_RAW_SIZE); i++)
- newValue[i] = rawBuf[i];
- }
- }
- }
- return hasChanged;
-} /* _tuiRegValueHasChanged */
-** _tuiGetRegisterRawValue().
-** Get the register raw value. The raw value is returned in regValue.
-static TuiStatus
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiGetRegisterRawValue (
- int regNum,
- char *regValue,
- struct frame_info *frame)
-_tuiGetRegisterRawValue (regNum, regValue, frame)
- int regNum;
- char *regValue;
- struct frame_info *frame;
- TuiStatus ret = TUI_FAILURE;
- if (target_has_registers)
- {
- read_relative_register_raw_bytes_for_frame (regNum, regValue, frame);
- ret = TUI_SUCCESS;
- }
- return ret;
-} /* _tuiGetRegisterRawValue */
-** _tuiSetRegisterElement().
-** Function to initialize a data element with the input and
-** the register value.
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiSetRegisterElement (
- int regNum,
- struct frame_info *frame,
- TuiDataElementPtr dataElement,
- int refreshValueOnly)
-_tuiSetRegisterElement (regNum, frame, dataElement, refreshValueOnly)
- int regNum;
- struct frame_info *frame;
- TuiDataElementPtr dataElement;
- int refreshValueOnly;
- if (dataElement != (TuiDataElementPtr) NULL)
- {
- if (!refreshValueOnly)
- {
- dataElement->itemNo = regNum;
- dataElement->name = _tuiRegisterName (regNum);
- dataElement->highlight = FALSE;
- }
- if (dataElement->value == (Opaque) NULL)
- dataElement->value = (Opaque) xmalloc (MAX_REGISTER_RAW_SIZE);
- if (dataElement->value != (Opaque) NULL)
- _tuiGetRegisterRawValue (regNum, dataElement->value, frame);
- }
- return;
-} /* _tuiSetRegisterElement */
-** _tuiSetRegsContent().
-** Set the content of the data window to consist of the registers
-** numbered from startRegNum to endRegNum. Note that if
-** refreshValuesOnly is TRUE, startRegNum and endRegNum are ignored.
-static TuiStatus
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiSetRegsContent (
- int startRegNum,
- int endRegNum,
- struct frame_info *frame,
- TuiRegisterDisplayType dpyType,
- int refreshValuesOnly)
-_tuiSetRegsContent (startRegNum, endRegNum, frame, dpyType, refreshValuesOnly)
- int startRegNum;
- int endRegNum;
- struct frame_info *frame;
- TuiRegisterDisplayType dpyType;
- int refreshValuesOnly;
- TuiStatus ret = TUI_FAILURE;
- int numRegs = endRegNum - startRegNum + 1;
- int allocatedHere = FALSE;
- if (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount > 0 &&
- !refreshValuesOnly)
- {
- freeDataContent (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContent,
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount);
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount = 0;
- }
- if (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount <= 0)
- {
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContent =
- allocContent (numRegs, DATA_WIN);
- allocatedHere = TRUE;
- }
- if (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContent != (TuiWinContent) NULL)
- {
- int i;
- if (!refreshValuesOnly || allocatedHere)
- {
- dataWin->generic.content = (OpaquePtr) NULL;
- dataWin->generic.contentSize = 0;
- addContentElements (&dataWin->generic, numRegs);
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContent =
- (TuiWinContent) dataWin->generic.content;
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount = numRegs;
- }
- /*
- ** Now set the register names and values
- */
- for (i = startRegNum; (i <= endRegNum); i++)
- {
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr dataItemWin;
- dataItemWin = &dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.
- regsContent[i - startRegNum]->whichElement.dataWindow;
- _tuiSetRegisterElement (
- i,
- frame,
- &((TuiWinElementPtr) dataItemWin->content[0])->,
- !allocatedHere && refreshValuesOnly);
- }
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsColumnCount =
- tuiCalculateRegsColumnCount (dpyType);
-#ifdef LATER
- if (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.dataContentCount > 0)
- {
- /* delete all the windows? */
- /* realloc content equal to dataContentCount + regsContentCount */
- /* append dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.dataContent to content */
- }
- dataWin->generic.contentSize =
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsContentCount +
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.dataContentCount;
- ret = TUI_SUCCESS;
- }
- return ret;
-} /* _tuiSetRegsContent */
-** _tuiDisplayRegister().
-** Function to display a register in a window. If hilite is TRUE,
-** than the value will be displayed in reverse video
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiDisplayRegister (
- int regNum,
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo, /* the data item window */
- enum precision_type precision)
-_tuiDisplayRegister (regNum, winInfo, precision)
- int regNum;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr winInfo; /* the data item window */
- enum precision_type precision;
- if (winInfo->handle != (WINDOW *) NULL)
- {
- char buf[100];
- int valueCharsWide, labelWidth;
- TuiDataElementPtr dataElementPtr = &((TuiWinContent)
- winInfo->content)[0]->;
- if (IS_64BIT ||
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType == TUI_DFLOAT_REGS)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- if (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType ==
- {
- }
- else
- {
- valueCharsWide = SINGLE_VALUE_WIDTH;
- labelWidth = SINGLE_LABEL_WIDTH;
- }
- }
- buf[0] = (char) 0;
- _tuiRegisterFormat (buf,
- valueCharsWide + labelWidth,
- regNum,
- dataElementPtr,
- precision);
- if (dataElementPtr->highlight)
- wstandout (winInfo->handle);
- werase (winInfo->handle);
- wmove (winInfo->handle, 0, 0);
- waddstr (winInfo->handle, buf);
- if (dataElementPtr->highlight)
- wstandend (winInfo->handle);
- tuiRefreshWin (winInfo);
- }
- return;
-} /* _tuiDisplayRegister */
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tui_vShowRegisters_commandSupport (
- va_list args)
-_tui_vShowRegisters_commandSupport (args)
- va_list args;
- TuiRegisterDisplayType dpyType = va_arg (args, TuiRegisterDisplayType);
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (dataWin) && dataWin->generic.isVisible)
- { /* Data window already displayed, show the registers */
- if (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType != dpyType)
- tuiShowRegisters (dpyType);
- }
- else
- (tuiLayoutDef ())->regsDisplayType = dpyType;
- return;
-} /* _tui_vShowRegisters_commandSupport */
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiShowFloat_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiShowFloat_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- if (m_winPtrIsNull (dataWin) || !dataWin->generic.isVisible ||
- (dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType != TUI_SFLOAT_REGS &&
- dataWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType != TUI_DFLOAT_REGS))
- tuiDo ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) _tui_vShowRegisters_commandSupport,
- (tuiLayoutDef ())->floatRegsDisplayType);
- return;
-} /* _tuiShowFloat_command */
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiShowGeneral_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiShowGeneral_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- tuiDo ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) _tui_vShowRegisters_commandSupport,
- return;
-} /* _tuiShowGeneral_command */
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiShowSpecial_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiShowSpecial_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- tuiDo ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) _tui_vShowRegisters_commandSupport,
- return;
-} /* _tuiShowSpecial_command */
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiToggleFloatRegs_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiToggleFloatRegs_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (dataWin) && dataWin->generic.isVisible)
- tuiDo ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) tuiToggleFloatRegs);
- else
- {
- TuiLayoutDefPtr layoutDef = tuiLayoutDef ();
- if (layoutDef->floatRegsDisplayType == TUI_SFLOAT_REGS)
- layoutDef->floatRegsDisplayType = TUI_DFLOAT_REGS;
- else
- layoutDef->floatRegsDisplayType = TUI_SFLOAT_REGS;
- }
- return;
-} /* _tuiToggleFloatRegs_command */
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiScrollRegsForward_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiScrollRegsForward_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- tuiDo ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) tui_vScroll, FORWARD_SCROLL, dataWin, 1);
- return;
-} /* _tuiScrollRegsForward_command */
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiScrollRegsBackward_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiScrollRegsBackward_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- tuiDo ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) tui_vScroll, BACKWARD_SCROLL, dataWin, 1);
- return;
-} /* _tuiScrollRegsBackward_command */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiRegs.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiRegs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a777ec9a9b6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiRegs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _TUI_REGS_H
-#define _TUI_REGS_H
-** This header file supports the display of registers in the data window.
-extern void tuiCheckRegisterValues PARAMS ((struct frame_info *));
-extern void tuiShowRegisters PARAMS ((TuiRegisterDisplayType));
-extern void tuiDisplayRegistersFrom PARAMS ((int));
-extern int tuiDisplayRegistersFromLine PARAMS ((int, int));
-extern int tuiLastRegsLineNo PARAMS ((void));
-extern int tuiFirstRegElementInLine PARAMS ((int));
-extern int tuiLastRegElementInLine PARAMS ((int));
-extern int tuiLineFromRegElementNo PARAMS ((int));
-extern void tuiToggleFloatRegs PARAMS ((void));
-extern int tuiCalculateRegsColumnCount PARAMS ((TuiRegisterDisplayType));
-#endif /*_TUI_REGS_H*/
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiSource.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiSource.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e0259d014b43..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiSource.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
-** tuiSource.c
-** This module contains functions for displaying source in the source window
-#include "defs.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "symtab.h"
-#include "frame.h"
-#include "breakpoint.h"
-#include "tui.h"
-#include "tuiData.h"
-#include "tuiStack.h"
-#include "tuiSourceWin.h"
-#include "tuiSource.h"
-extern int open_source_file PARAMS ((struct symtab *));
-extern void find_source_lines PARAMS ((struct symtab *, int));
-extern int current_source_line;
-extern struct symtab *current_source_symtab;
-static struct breakpoint *_hasBreak PARAMS ((char *, int));
-** tuiSetSourceContent().
-** Function to display source in the source window.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiSetSourceContent (
- struct symtab *s,
- int lineNo,
- int noerror)
-tuiSetSourceContent (s, lineNo, noerror)
- struct symtab *s;
- int lineNo;
- int noerror;
- TuiStatus ret = TUI_FAILURE;
- if (s != (struct symtab *) NULL && s->filename != (char *) NULL)
- {
- register FILE *stream;
- register int i, desc, c, lineWidth, nlines;
- register char *srcLine;
- if ((ret = tuiAllocSourceBuffer (srcWin)) == TUI_SUCCESS)
- {
- lineWidth = srcWin->generic.width - 1;
- /*
- ** Take hilite (window border) into account, when calculating
- ** the number of lines
- */
- nlines = (lineNo + (srcWin->generic.height - 2)) - lineNo;
- desc = open_source_file (s);
- if (desc < 0)
- {
- if (!noerror)
- {
- char *name = alloca (strlen (s->filename) + 100);
- sprintf (name, "%s:%d", s->filename, lineNo);
- print_sys_errmsg (name, errno);
- }
- ret = TUI_FAILURE;
- }
- else
- {
- if (s->line_charpos == 0)
- find_source_lines (s, desc);
- if (lineNo < 1 || lineNo > s->nlines)
- {
- close (desc);
- printf_unfiltered (
- "Line number %d out of range; %s has %d lines.\n",
- lineNo, s->filename, s->nlines);
- }
- else if (lseek (desc, s->line_charpos[lineNo - 1], 0) < 0)
- {
- close (desc);
- perror_with_name (s->filename);
- }
- else
- {
- register int offset, curLineNo, curLine, curLen, threshold;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- /*
- ** Determine the threshold for the length of the line
- ** and the offset to start the display
- */
- offset = srcWin->detail.sourceInfo.horizontalOffset;
- threshold = (lineWidth - 1) + offset;
- stream = fdopen (desc, FOPEN_RT);
- clearerr (stream);
- curLine = 0;
- curLineNo =
- srcWin->detail.sourceInfo.startLineOrAddr.lineNo = lineNo;
- if (offset > 0)
- srcLine = (char *) xmalloc (
- (threshold + 1) * sizeof (char));
- while (curLine < nlines)
- {
- TuiWinElementPtr element = (TuiWinElementPtr)
- srcWin->generic.content[curLine];
- struct breakpoint *bp;
- /* get the first character in the line */
- c = fgetc (stream);
- if (offset == 0)
- srcLine = ((TuiWinElementPtr)
- srcWin->generic.content[
- curLine])->whichElement.source.line;
- /* Init the line with the line number */
- sprintf (srcLine, "%-6d", curLineNo);
- curLen = strlen (srcLine);
- i = curLen -
- ((curLen / tuiDefaultTabLen ()) * tuiDefaultTabLen ());
- while (i < tuiDefaultTabLen ())
- {
- srcLine[curLen] = ' ';
- i++;
- curLen++;
- }
- srcLine[curLen] = (char) 0;
- /*
- ** Set whether element is the execution point and
- ** whether there is a break point on it.
- */
- element->whichElement.source.lineOrAddr.lineNo =
- curLineNo;
- element->whichElement.source.isExecPoint =
- (strcmp (((TuiWinElementPtr)
- locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator.fileName,
- s->filename) == 0
- && curLineNo == ((TuiWinElementPtr)
- locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator.lineNo);
- bp = _hasBreak (s->filename, curLineNo);
- element->whichElement.source.hasBreak =
- (bp != (struct breakpoint *) NULL &&
- (!element->whichElement.source.isExecPoint ||
- (bp->disposition != del || bp->hit_count <= 0)));
- if (c != EOF)
- {
- i = strlen (srcLine) - 1;
- do
- {
- if ((c != '\n') &&
- (c != '\r') && (++i < threshold))
- {
- if (c < 040 && c != '\t')
- {
- srcLine[i++] = '^';
- srcLine[i] = c + 0100;
- }
- else if (c == 0177)
- {
- srcLine[i++] = '^';
- srcLine[i] = '?';
- }
- else
- { /*
- ** Store the charcter in the line
- ** buffer. If it is a tab, then
- ** translate to the correct number of
- ** chars so we don't overwrite our
- ** buffer.
- */
- if (c == '\t')
- {
- int j, maxTabLen = tuiDefaultTabLen ();
- for (j = i - (
- (i / maxTabLen) * maxTabLen);
- ((j < maxTabLen) &&
- i < threshold);
- i++, j++)
- srcLine[i] = ' ';
- i--;
- }
- else
- srcLine[i] = c;
- }
- srcLine[i + 1] = 0;
- }
- else
- { /*
- ** if we have not reached EOL, then eat
- ** chars until we do
- */
- while (c != EOF && c != '\n' && c != '\r')
- c = fgetc (stream);
- }
- }
- while (c != EOF && c != '\n' && c != '\r' &&
- i < threshold && (c = fgetc (stream)));
- }
- /* Now copy the line taking the offset into account */
- if (strlen (srcLine) > offset)
- strcpy (((TuiWinElementPtr) srcWin->generic.content[
- curLine])->whichElement.source.line,
- &srcLine[offset]);
- else
- ((TuiWinElementPtr)
- srcWin->generic.content[
- curLine])->whichElement.source.line[0] = (char) 0;
- curLine++;
- curLineNo++;
- }
- if (offset > 0)
- tuiFree (srcLine);
- fclose (stream);
- srcWin->generic.contentSize = nlines;
- ret = TUI_SUCCESS;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return ret;
-} /* tuiSetSourceContent */
-/* elz: this function sets the contents of the source window to empty
- except for a line in the middle with a warning message about the
- source not being available. This function is called by
- tuiEraseSourceContents, which in turn is invoked when the source files
- cannot be accessed*/
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiSetSourceContentNil (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- char *warning_string)
-tuiSetSourceContentNil (winInfo, warning_string)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- char *warning_string;
- int lineWidth;
- int nLines;
- int curr_line = 0;
- lineWidth = winInfo->generic.width - 1;
- nLines = winInfo->generic.height - 2;
- /* set to empty each line in the window, except for the one
- which contains the message*/
- while (curr_line < winInfo->generic.contentSize)
- {
- /* set the information related to each displayed line
- to null: i.e. the line number is 0, there is no bp,
- it is not where the program is stopped */
- TuiWinElementPtr element =
- (TuiWinElementPtr) winInfo->generic.content[curr_line];
- element->whichElement.source.lineOrAddr.lineNo = 0;
- element->whichElement.source.isExecPoint = FALSE;
- element->whichElement.source.hasBreak = FALSE;
- /* set the contents of the line to blank*/
- element->whichElement.source.line[0] = (char) 0;
- /* if the current line is in the middle of the screen, then we want to
- display the 'no source available' message in it.
- Note: the 'weird' arithmetic with the line width and height comes from
- the function tuiEraseSourceContent. We need to keep the screen and the
- window's actual contents in synch */
- if (curr_line == (nLines / 2 + 1))
- {
- int i;
- int xpos;
- int warning_length = strlen (warning_string);
- char *srcLine;
- srcLine = element->whichElement.source.line;
- if (warning_length >= ((lineWidth - 1) / 2))
- xpos = 1;
- else
- xpos = (lineWidth - 1) / 2 - warning_length;
- for (i = 0; i < xpos; i++)
- srcLine[i] = ' ';
- sprintf (srcLine + i, "%s", warning_string);
- for (i = xpos + warning_length; i < lineWidth; i++)
- srcLine[i] = ' ';
- srcLine[i] = '\n';
- } /* end if */
- curr_line++;
- } /* end while*/
-} /*tuiSetSourceContentNil*/
-** tuiShowSource().
-** Function to display source in the source window. This function
-** initializes the horizontal scroll to 0.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiShowSource (
- struct symtab *s,
- Opaque line,
- int noerror)
-tuiShowSource (s, line, noerror)
- struct symtab *s;
- Opaque line;
- int noerror;
- srcWin->detail.sourceInfo.horizontalOffset = 0;
- m_tuiShowSourceAsIs (s, line, noerror);
- return;
-} /* tuiShowSource */
-** tuiSourceIsDisplayed().
-** Answer whether the source is currently displayed in the source window.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiSourceIsDisplayed (
- char *fname)
-tuiSourceIsDisplayed (fname)
- char *fname;
- return (srcWin->generic.contentInUse &&
- (strcmp (((TuiWinElementPtr) (locatorWinInfoPtr ())->
- content[0])->whichElement.locator.fileName, fname) == 0));
-} /* tuiSourceIsDisplayed */
-** tuiVerticalSourceScroll().
-** Scroll the source forward or backward vertically
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiVerticalSourceScroll (
- TuiScrollDirection scrollDirection,
- int numToScroll)
-tuiVerticalSourceScroll (scrollDirection, numToScroll)
- TuiScrollDirection scrollDirection;
- int numToScroll;
- if (srcWin->generic.content != (OpaquePtr) NULL)
- {
- int line;
- Opaque addr;
- struct symtab *s;
- TuiWinContent content = (TuiWinContent) srcWin->generic.content;
- if (current_source_symtab == (struct symtab *) NULL)
- s = find_pc_symtab (selected_frame->pc);
- else
- s = current_source_symtab;
- if (scrollDirection == FORWARD_SCROLL)
- {
- line = content[0]->whichElement.source.lineOrAddr.lineNo +
- numToScroll;
- if (line > s->nlines)
- /*line = s->nlines - winInfo->generic.contentSize + 1;*/
- /*elz: fix for dts 23398*/
- line = content[0]->whichElement.source.lineOrAddr.lineNo;
- }
- else
- {
- line = content[0]->whichElement.source.lineOrAddr.lineNo -
- numToScroll;
- if (line <= 0)
- line = 1;
- }
- tuiUpdateSourceWindowAsIs (srcWin, s, (Opaque) line, FALSE);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiVerticalSourceScroll */
-** _hasBreak().
-** Answer whether there is a break point at the input line in
-** the source file indicated
-static struct breakpoint *
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_hasBreak (
- char *sourceFileName,
- int lineNo)
-_hasBreak (sourceFileName, lineNo)
- char *sourceFileName;
- int lineNo;
- struct breakpoint *bpWithBreak = (struct breakpoint *) NULL;
- struct breakpoint *bp;
- extern struct breakpoint *breakpoint_chain;
- for (bp = breakpoint_chain;
- (bp != (struct breakpoint *) NULL &&
- bpWithBreak == (struct breakpoint *) NULL);
- bp = bp->next)
- if ((strcmp (sourceFileName, bp->source_file) == 0) &&
- (lineNo == bp->line_number))
- bpWithBreak = bp;
- return bpWithBreak;
-} /* _hasBreak */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiSource.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiSource.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f898c611c714..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiSource.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _TUI_SOURCE_H
-#define _TUI_SOURCE_H
-** This header file supports
-#include "defs.h"
-#if 0
-#include "symtab.h"
-#include "breakpoint.h"
-extern TuiStatus tuiSetSourceContent PARAMS ((struct symtab *, int, int));
-extern void tuiShowSource PARAMS ((struct symtab *, Opaque, int));
-extern void tuiShowSourceAsIs PARAMS ((struct symtab *, Opaque, int));
-extern int tuiSourceIsDisplayed PARAMS ((char *));
-extern void tuiVerticalSourceScroll PARAMS ((TuiScrollDirection, int));
-** MACROS **
-#define m_tuiShowSourceAsIs(s, line, noerror) tuiUpdateSourceWindowAsIs(srcWin, s, line, noerror)
-#endif /*_TUI_SOURCE_H*/
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiSourceWin.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiSourceWin.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e20392598ad7..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiSourceWin.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1098 +0,0 @@
-** tuiSourceWin.c
-** This module contains functions for displaying source or assembly in the "source" window.
-* The "source" window may be the assembly or the source windows.
-#include "defs.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "symtab.h"
-#include "frame.h"
-#include "breakpoint.h"
-#include "tui.h"
-#include "tuiData.h"
-#include "tuiStack.h"
-#include "tuiSourceWin.h"
-#include "tuiSource.h"
-#include "tuiDisassem.h"
-extern int current_source_line;
-extern struct symtab *current_source_symtab;
-** tuiSrcWinIsDisplayed().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiSrcWinIsDisplayed (void)
-tuiSrcWinIsDisplayed ()
- return (m_winPtrNotNull (srcWin) && srcWin->generic.isVisible);
-} /* tuiSrcWinIsDisplayed */
-** tuiAsmWinIsDisplayed().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiAsmWinIsDisplayed (void)
-tuiAsmWinIsDisplayed ()
- return (m_winPtrNotNull (disassemWin) && disassemWin->generic.isVisible);
-} /* tuiAsmWinIsDisplayed */
-** tuiDisplayMainFunction().
-** Function to display the "main" routine"
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiDisplayMainFunction (void)
-tuiDisplayMainFunction ()
- if ((sourceWindows ())->count > 0)
- {
- CORE_ADDR addr;
- addr = parse_and_eval_address ("main");
- if (addr <= (CORE_ADDR) 0)
- addr = parse_and_eval_address ("MAIN");
- if (addr > (CORE_ADDR) 0)
- {
- struct symtab_and_line sal;
- tuiUpdateSourceWindowsWithAddr ((Opaque) addr);
- sal = find_pc_line (addr, 0);
- tuiSwitchFilename (sal.symtab->filename);
- }
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiDisplayMainFunction */
-** tuiUpdateSourceWindow().
-** Function to display source in the source window. This function
-** initializes the horizontal scroll to 0.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiUpdateSourceWindow (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- struct symtab *s,
- Opaque lineOrAddr,
- int noerror)
-tuiUpdateSourceWindow (winInfo, s, lineOrAddr, noerror)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- struct symtab *s;
- Opaque lineOrAddr;
- int noerror;
- winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.horizontalOffset = 0;
- tuiUpdateSourceWindowAsIs (winInfo, s, lineOrAddr, noerror);
- return;
-} /* tuiUpdateSourceWindow */
-** tuiUpdateSourceWindowAsIs().
-** Function to display source in the source/asm window. This
-** function shows the source as specified by the horizontal offset.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiUpdateSourceWindowAsIs (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- struct symtab *s,
- Opaque lineOrAddr,
- int noerror)
-tuiUpdateSourceWindowAsIs (winInfo, s, lineOrAddr, noerror)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- struct symtab *s;
- Opaque lineOrAddr;
- int noerror;
- TuiStatus ret;
- if (winInfo->generic.type == SRC_WIN)
- ret = tuiSetSourceContent (s, (int) lineOrAddr, noerror);
- else
- ret = tuiSetDisassemContent (s, (Opaque) lineOrAddr);
- if (ret == TUI_FAILURE)
- {
- tuiClearSourceContent (winInfo, EMPTY_SOURCE_PROMPT);
- tuiClearExecInfoContent (winInfo);
- }
- else
- {
- tuiEraseSourceContent (winInfo, NO_EMPTY_SOURCE_PROMPT);
- tuiShowSourceContent (winInfo);
- tuiUpdateExecInfo (winInfo);
- if (winInfo->generic.type == SRC_WIN)
- {
- current_source_line = (int) lineOrAddr +
- (winInfo->generic.contentSize - 2);
- current_source_symtab = s;
- /*
- ** If the focus was in the asm win, put it in the src
- ** win if we don't have a split layout
- */
- if (tuiWinWithFocus () == disassemWin &&
- currentLayout () != SRC_DISASSEM_COMMAND)
- tuiSetWinFocusTo (srcWin);
- }
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiUpdateSourceWindowAsIs */
-** tuiUpdateSourceWindowsWithAddr().
-** Function to ensure that the source and/or disassemly windows
-** reflect the input address.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiUpdateSourceWindowsWithAddr (
- Opaque addr)
-tuiUpdateSourceWindowsWithAddr (addr)
- Opaque addr;
- if (addr > (Opaque) NULL)
- {
- struct symtab_and_line sal;
- switch (currentLayout ())
- {
- tuiShowDisassem (addr);
- break;
- tuiShowDisassemAndUpdateSource (addr);
- break;
- default:
- sal = find_pc_line ((CORE_ADDR) addr, 0);
- tuiShowSource (sal.symtab,
- (Opaque) sal.line,
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < (sourceWindows ())->count; i++)
- {
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo = (TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[i];
- tuiClearSourceContent (winInfo, EMPTY_SOURCE_PROMPT);
- tuiClearExecInfoContent (winInfo);
- }
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiUpdateSourceWindowsWithAddr */
-** tui_vUpdateSourceWindowsWithAddr()
-** Update the source window with the address in a va_list
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tui_vUpdateSourceWindowsWithAddr (
- va_list args)
-tui_vUpdateSourceWindowsWithAddr (args)
- va_list args;
- Opaque addr = va_arg (args, Opaque);
- tuiUpdateSourceWindowsWithAddr (addr);
- return;
-} /* tui_vUpdateSourceWindowsWithAddr */
-** tuiUpdateSourceWindowsWithLine().
-** Function to ensure that the source and/or disassemly windows
-** reflect the input address.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiUpdateSourceWindowsWithLine (
- struct symtab *s,
- int line)
-tuiUpdateSourceWindowsWithLine (s, line)
- struct symtab *s;
- int line;
- switch (currentLayout ())
- {
- tuiUpdateSourceWindowsWithAddr ((Opaque) find_line_pc (s, line));
- break;
- default:
- tuiShowSource (s, (Opaque) line, FALSE);
- if (currentLayout () == SRC_DISASSEM_COMMAND)
- tuiShowDisassem ((Opaque) find_line_pc (s, line));
- break;
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiUpdateSourceWindowsWithLine */
-** tui_vUpdateSourceWindowsWithLine()
-** Update the source window with the line number in a va_list
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tui_vUpdateSourceWindowsWithLine (
- va_list args)
-tui_vUpdateSourceWindowsWithLine (args)
- va_list args;
- struct symtab *s = va_arg (args, struct symtab *);
- int line = va_arg (args, int);
- tuiUpdateSourceWindowsWithLine (s, line);
- return;
-} /* tui_vUpdateSourceWindowsWithLine */
-** tuiClearSourceContent().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiClearSourceContent (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- int displayPrompt)
-tuiClearSourceContent (winInfo, displayPrompt)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- int displayPrompt;
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (winInfo))
- {
- register int i;
- winInfo->generic.contentInUse = FALSE;
- tuiEraseSourceContent (winInfo, displayPrompt);
- for (i = 0; i < winInfo->generic.contentSize; i++)
- {
- TuiWinElementPtr element =
- (TuiWinElementPtr) winInfo->generic.content[i];
- element->whichElement.source.hasBreak = FALSE;
- element->whichElement.source.isExecPoint = FALSE;
- }
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiClearSourceContent */
-** tuiClearAllSourceWinsContent().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiClearAllSourceWinsContent (
- int displayPrompt)
-tuiClearAllSourceWinsContent (displayPrompt)
- int displayPrompt;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < (sourceWindows ())->count; i++)
- tuiClearSourceContent ((TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[i],
- displayPrompt);
- return;
-} /* tuiClearAllSourceWinsContent */
-** tuiEraseSourceContent().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiEraseSourceContent (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- int displayPrompt)
-tuiEraseSourceContent (winInfo, displayPrompt)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- int displayPrompt;
- int xPos;
- int halfWidth = (winInfo->generic.width - 2) / 2;
- if (winInfo->generic.handle != (WINDOW *) NULL)
- {
- werase (winInfo->generic.handle);
- checkAndDisplayHighlightIfNeeded (winInfo);
- if (displayPrompt == EMPTY_SOURCE_PROMPT)
- {
- char *noSrcStr;
- if (winInfo->generic.type == SRC_WIN)
- noSrcStr = NO_SRC_STRING;
- else
- if (strlen (noSrcStr) >= halfWidth)
- xPos = 1;
- else
- xPos = halfWidth - strlen (noSrcStr);
- mvwaddstr (winInfo->generic.handle,
- (winInfo->generic.height / 2),
- xPos,
- noSrcStr);
- /* elz: added this function call to set the real contents of
- the window to what is on the screen, so that later calls
- to refresh, do display
- the correct stuff, and not the old image */
- tuiSetSourceContentNil (winInfo, noSrcStr);
- }
- tuiRefreshWin (&winInfo->generic);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiEraseSourceContent */
-** tuiEraseAllSourceContent().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiEraseAllSourceWinsContent (
- int displayPrompt)
-tuiEraseAllSourceWinsContent (displayPrompt)
- int displayPrompt;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < (sourceWindows ())->count; i++)
- tuiEraseSourceContent ((TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[i],
- displayPrompt);
- return;
-} /* tuiEraseAllSourceWinsContent */
-** tuiShowSourceContent().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiShowSourceContent (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-tuiShowSourceContent (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- int curLine, i, curX;
- tuiEraseSourceContent (winInfo, (winInfo->generic.contentSize <= 0));
- if (winInfo->generic.contentSize > 0)
- {
- char *line;
- for (curLine = 1; (curLine <= winInfo->generic.contentSize); curLine++)
- mvwaddstr (
- winInfo->generic.handle,
- curLine,
- 1,
- ((TuiWinElementPtr)
- winInfo->generic.content[curLine - 1])->whichElement.source.line);
- }
- checkAndDisplayHighlightIfNeeded (winInfo);
- tuiRefreshWin (&winInfo->generic);
- winInfo->generic.contentInUse = TRUE;
- return;
-} /* tuiShowSourceContent */
-** tuiShowAllSourceWinsContent()
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiShowAllSourceWinsContent (void)
-tuiShowAllSourceWinsContent ()
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < (sourceWindows ())->count; i++)
- tuiShowSourceContent ((TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[i]);
- return;
-} /* tuiShowAllSourceWinsContent */
-** tuiHorizontalSourceScroll().
-** Scroll the source forward or backward horizontally
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiHorizontalSourceScroll (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- TuiScrollDirection direction,
- int numToScroll)
-tuiHorizontalSourceScroll (winInfo, direction, numToScroll)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- TuiScrollDirection direction;
- int numToScroll;
- if (winInfo->generic.content != (OpaquePtr) NULL)
- {
- int offset;
- struct symtab *s;
- if (current_source_symtab == (struct symtab *) NULL)
- s = find_pc_symtab (selected_frame->pc);
- else
- s = current_source_symtab;
- if (direction == LEFT_SCROLL)
- offset = winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.horizontalOffset + numToScroll;
- else
- {
- if ((offset =
- winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.horizontalOffset - numToScroll) < 0)
- offset = 0;
- }
- winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.horizontalOffset = offset;
- tuiUpdateSourceWindowAsIs (
- winInfo,
- s,
- ((winInfo == srcWin) ?
- (Opaque) ((TuiWinElementPtr)
- winInfo->generic.content[0])->whichElement.source.lineOrAddr.lineNo :
- (Opaque) ((TuiWinElementPtr)
- winInfo->generic.content[0])->whichElement.source.lineOrAddr.addr),
- (int) FALSE);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiHorizontalSourceScroll */
-** tuiSetHasExecPointAt().
-** Set or clear the hasBreak flag in the line whose line is lineNo.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiSetIsExecPointAt (
- Opaque lineOrAddr,
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-tuiSetIsExecPointAt (lineOrAddr, winInfo)
- Opaque lineOrAddr;
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- int i;
- TuiWinContent content = (TuiWinContent) winInfo->generic.content;
- i = 0;
- while (i < winInfo->generic.contentSize)
- {
- if (content[i]->whichElement.source.lineOrAddr.addr == lineOrAddr)
- content[i]->whichElement.source.isExecPoint = TRUE;
- else
- content[i]->whichElement.source.isExecPoint = FALSE;
- i++;
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiSetIsExecPointAt */
-** tuiSetHasBreakAt().
-** Set or clear the hasBreak flag in the line whose line is lineNo.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiSetHasBreakAt (
- struct breakpoint *bp,
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- int hasBreak)
-tuiSetHasBreakAt (bp, winInfo, hasBreak)
- struct breakpoint *bp;
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- int hasBreak;
- int i;
- TuiWinContent content = (TuiWinContent) winInfo->generic.content;
- i = 0;
- while (i < winInfo->generic.contentSize)
- {
- int gotIt;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- if (winInfo == srcWin)
- {
- char *fileNameDisplayed = (char *) NULL;
- if (((TuiWinElementPtr)
- locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator.fileName !=
- (char *) NULL)
- fileNameDisplayed = ((TuiWinElementPtr)
- locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator.fileName;
- else if (current_source_symtab != (struct symtab *) NULL)
- fileNameDisplayed = current_source_symtab->filename;
- gotIt = (fileNameDisplayed != (char *) NULL &&
- (strcmp (bp->source_file, fileNameDisplayed) == 0) &&
- content[i]->whichElement.source.lineOrAddr.lineNo ==
- bp->line_number);
- }
- else
- gotIt = (content[i]->whichElement.source.lineOrAddr.addr
- == (Opaque) bp->address);
- if (gotIt)
- {
- content[i]->whichElement.source.hasBreak = hasBreak;
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiSetHasBreakAt */
-** tuiAllSetHasBreakAt().
-** Set or clear the hasBreak flag in all displayed source windows.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiAllSetHasBreakAt (
- struct breakpoint *bp,
- int hasBreak)
-tuiAllSetHasBreakAt (bp, hasBreak)
- struct breakpoint *bp;
- int hasBreak;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < (sourceWindows ())->count; i++)
- tuiSetHasBreakAt (bp,
- (TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[i], hasBreak);
- return;
-} /* tuiAllSetHasBreakAt */
-** tui_vAllSetHasBreakAt()
-** Set or clear the hasBreak flag in all displayed source windows,
-** with params in a va_list
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tui_vAllSetHasBreakAt (
- va_list args)
-tui_vAllSetHasBreakAt (args)
- va_list args;
- struct breakpoint *bp = va_arg (args, struct breakpoint *);
- int hasBreak = va_arg (args, int);
- tuiAllSetHasBreakAt (bp, hasBreak);
- return;
-} /* tui_vAllSetHasBreakAt */
-** tuiSetExecInfoContent().
-** Function to initialize the content of the execution info window,
-** based upon the input window which is either the source or
-** disassembly window.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiSetExecInfoContent (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-tuiSetExecInfoContent (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- TuiStatus ret = TUI_SUCCESS;
- if (winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo != (TuiGenWinInfoPtr) NULL)
- {
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr execInfoPtr = winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo;
- if (execInfoPtr->content == (OpaquePtr) NULL)
- execInfoPtr->content =
- (OpaquePtr) allocContent (winInfo->generic.height,
- execInfoPtr->type);
- if (execInfoPtr->content != (OpaquePtr) NULL)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < winInfo->generic.contentSize; i++)
- {
- TuiWinElementPtr element;
- TuiWinElementPtr srcElement;
- element = (TuiWinElementPtr) execInfoPtr->content[i];
- srcElement = (TuiWinElementPtr) winInfo->generic.content[i];
- /*
- ** First check to see if we have a breakpoint that is
- ** temporary. If so, and this is our current execution point,
- ** then clear the break indicator.
- */
- if (srcElement->whichElement.source.hasBreak &&
- srcElement->whichElement.source.isExecPoint)
- {
- struct breakpoint *bp;
- int found = FALSE;
- extern struct breakpoint *breakpoint_chain;
- for (bp = breakpoint_chain;
- (bp != (struct breakpoint *) NULL && !found);
- bp = bp->next)
- {
- found =
- (winInfo == srcWin &&
- bp->line_number ==
- srcElement->whichElement.source.lineOrAddr.lineNo) ||
- (winInfo == disassemWin &&
- bp->address == (CORE_ADDR)
- srcElement->whichElement.source.lineOrAddr.addr);
- if (found)
- srcElement->whichElement.source.hasBreak =
- (bp->disposition != del || bp->hit_count <= 0);
- }
- if (!found)
- srcElement->whichElement.source.hasBreak = FALSE;
- }
- /*
- ** Now update the exec info content based upon the state
- ** of each line as indicated by the source content.
- */
- if (srcElement->whichElement.source.hasBreak &&
- srcElement->whichElement.source.isExecPoint)
- element->whichElement.simpleString = breakLocationStr ();
- else if (srcElement->whichElement.source.hasBreak)
- element->whichElement.simpleString = breakStr ();
- else if (srcElement->whichElement.source.isExecPoint)
- element->whichElement.simpleString = locationStr ();
- else
- element->whichElement.simpleString = blankStr ();
- }
- execInfoPtr->contentSize = winInfo->generic.contentSize;
- }
- else
- ret = TUI_FAILURE;
- }
- return ret;
-} /* tuiSetExecInfoContent */
-** tuiShowExecInfoContent().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiShowExecInfoContent (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-tuiShowExecInfoContent (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr execInfo = winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo;
- int curLine;
- werase (execInfo->handle);
- tuiRefreshWin (execInfo);
- for (curLine = 1; (curLine <= execInfo->contentSize); curLine++)
- mvwaddstr (execInfo->handle,
- curLine,
- 0,
- ((TuiWinElementPtr)
- execInfo->content[curLine - 1])->whichElement.simpleString);
- tuiRefreshWin (execInfo);
- execInfo->contentInUse = TRUE;
- return;
-} /* tuiShowExecInfoContent */
-** tuiShowAllExecInfosContent()
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiShowAllExecInfosContent (void)
-tuiShowAllExecInfosContent ()
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < (sourceWindows ())->count; i++)
- tuiShowExecInfoContent ((TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[i]);
- return;
-} /* tuiShowAllExecInfosContent */
-** tuiEraseExecInfoContent().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiEraseExecInfoContent (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-tuiEraseExecInfoContent (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr execInfo = winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo;
- werase (execInfo->handle);
- tuiRefreshWin (execInfo);
- return;
-} /* tuiEraseExecInfoContent */
-** tuiEraseAllExecInfosContent()
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiEraseAllExecInfosContent (void)
-tuiEraseAllExecInfosContent ()
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < (sourceWindows ())->count; i++)
- tuiEraseExecInfoContent ((TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[i]);
- return;
-} /* tuiEraseAllExecInfosContent */
-** tuiClearExecInfoContent().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiClearExecInfoContent (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-tuiClearExecInfoContent (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo->contentInUse = FALSE;
- tuiEraseExecInfoContent (winInfo);
- return;
-} /* tuiClearExecInfoContent */
-** tuiClearAllExecInfosContent()
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiClearAllExecInfosContent (void)
-tuiClearAllExecInfosContent ()
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < (sourceWindows ())->count; i++)
- tuiClearExecInfoContent ((TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[i]);
- return;
-} /* tuiClearAllExecInfosContent */
-** tuiUpdateExecInfo().
-** Function to update the execution info window
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiUpdateExecInfo (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-tuiUpdateExecInfo (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- tuiSetExecInfoContent (winInfo);
- tuiShowExecInfoContent (winInfo);
-} /* tuiUpdateExecInfo
-** tuiUpdateAllExecInfos()
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiUpdateAllExecInfos (void)
-tuiUpdateAllExecInfos ()
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < (sourceWindows ())->count; i++)
- tuiUpdateExecInfo ((TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[i]);
- return;
-} /* tuiUpdateAllExecInfos*/
-/* tuiUpdateOnEnd()
-** elz: This function clears the execution info from the source windows
-** and resets the locator to display no line info, procedure info, pc
-** info. It is called by stack_publish_stopped_with_no_frame, which
-** is called then the target terminates execution
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiUpdateOnEnd (void)
-tuiUpdateOnEnd ()
- int i;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator;
- char *filename;
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- /* for all the windows (src, asm) */
- for (i = 0; i < (sourceWindows ())->count; i++)
- {
- winInfo = (TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[i];
- tuiSetIsExecPointAt ((Opaque) - 1, winInfo); /* the target is'n running */
- /* -1 should not match any line number or pc */
- tuiSetExecInfoContent (winInfo); /*set winInfo so that > is'n displayed*/
- tuiShowExecInfoContent (winInfo); /* display the new contents */
- }
- /*now update the locator*/
- tuiClearLocatorDisplay ();
- tuiGetLocatorFilename (locator, &filename);
- tuiSetLocatorInfo (
- filename,
- (char *) NULL,
- 0,
- (Opaque) NULL,
- &((TuiWinElementPtr) locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator);
- tuiShowLocatorContent ();
- return;
-} /* tuiUpdateOnEnd */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiAllocSourceBuffer (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-tuiAllocSourceBuffer (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- register char *srcLine, *srcLineBuf;
- register int i, lineWidth, c, maxLines;
- TuiStatus ret = TUI_FAILURE;
- maxLines = winInfo->generic.height; /* less the highlight box */
- lineWidth = winInfo->generic.width - 1;
- /*
- ** Allocate the buffer for the source lines. Do this only once since they
- ** will be re-used for all source displays. The only other time this will
- ** be done is when a window's size changes.
- */
- if (winInfo->generic.content == (OpaquePtr) NULL)
- {
- srcLineBuf = (char *) xmalloc ((maxLines * lineWidth) * sizeof (char));
- if (srcLineBuf == (char *) NULL)
- fputs_unfiltered (
- "Unable to Allocate Memory for Source or Disassembly Display.\n",
- gdb_stderr);
- else
- {
- /* allocate the content list */
- if ((winInfo->generic.content =
- (OpaquePtr) allocContent (maxLines, SRC_WIN)) == (OpaquePtr) NULL)
- {
- tuiFree (srcLineBuf);
- srcLineBuf = (char *) NULL;
- fputs_unfiltered (
- "Unable to Allocate Memory for Source or Disassembly Display.\n",
- gdb_stderr);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < maxLines; i++)
- ((TuiWinElementPtr)
- winInfo->generic.content[i])->whichElement.source.line =
- srcLineBuf + (lineWidth * i);
- ret = TUI_SUCCESS;
- }
- else
- ret = TUI_SUCCESS;
- return ret;
-} /* tuiAllocSourceBuffer */
-** tuiLineIsDisplayed().
-** Answer whether the a particular line number or address is displayed
-** in the current source window.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiLineIsDisplayed (
- Opaque lineNoOrAddr,
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- int checkThreshold)
-tuiLineIsDisplayed (lineNoOrAddr, winInfo, checkThreshold)
- Opaque lineNoOrAddr;
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- int checkThreshold;
- int isDisplayed = FALSE;
- int i, threshold;
- if (checkThreshold)
- threshold = SCROLL_THRESHOLD;
- else
- threshold = 0;
- i = 0;
- while (i < winInfo->generic.contentSize - threshold && !isDisplayed)
- {
- if (winInfo == srcWin)
- isDisplayed = (((TuiWinElementPtr)
- winInfo->generic.content[i])->whichElement.source.lineOrAddr.lineNo
- == (int) lineNoOrAddr);
- else
- isDisplayed = (((TuiWinElementPtr)
- winInfo->generic.content[i])->whichElement.source.lineOrAddr.addr
- == lineNoOrAddr);
- i++;
- }
- return isDisplayed;
-} /* tuiLineIsDisplayed */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiSourceWin.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiSourceWin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 13f3a78ab180..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiSourceWin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-** This header file supports
-extern void tuiDisplayMainFunction PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiUpdateSourceWindow PARAMS
- ((TuiWinInfoPtr, struct symtab *, Opaque, int));
-extern void tuiUpdateSourceWindowAsIs PARAMS
- ((TuiWinInfoPtr, struct symtab *, Opaque, int));
-extern void tuiUpdateSourceWindowsWithAddr PARAMS ((Opaque));
-extern void tui_vUpdateSourceWindowsWithAddr PARAMS ((va_list));
-extern void tuiUpdateSourceWindowsWithLine PARAMS ((struct symtab *, int));
-extern void tui_vUpdateSourceWindowsWithLine PARAMS ((va_list));
-extern void tuiUpdateSourceWindowsFromLocator PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiClearSourceContent PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr, int));
-extern void tuiClearAllSourceWinsContent PARAMS ((int));
-extern void tuiEraseSourceContent PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr, int));
-extern void tuiEraseAllSourceWinsContent PARAMS ((int));
-extern void tuiSetSourceContentNil PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr, char *));
-extern void tuiShowSourceContent PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern void tuiShowAllSourceWinsContent PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiHorizontalSourceScroll PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr, TuiScrollDirection, int));
-extern void tuiUpdateOnEnd PARAMS ((void));
-extern TuiStatus tuiSetExecInfoContent PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern void tuiShowExecInfoContent PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern void tuiShowAllExecInfosContent PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiEraseExecInfoContent PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern void tuiEraseAllExecInfosContent PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiClearExecInfoContent PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern void tuiClearAllExecInfosContent PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiUpdateExecInfo PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern void tuiUpdateAllExecInfos PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiSetIsExecPointAt PARAMS ((Opaque, TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern void tuiSetHasBreakAt PARAMS ((struct breakpoint *, TuiWinInfoPtr, int));
-extern void tuiAllSetHasBreakAt PARAMS ((struct breakpoint *, int));
-extern void tui_vAllSetHasBreakAt PARAMS ((va_list));
-extern TuiStatus tuiAllocSourceBuffer PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern int tuiLineIsDisplayed PARAMS ((Opaque, TuiWinInfoPtr, int));
-** Constant definitions
-#define SCROLL_THRESHOLD 2 /* threshold for lazy scroll */
-** Macros
-#define m_tuiSetBreakAt(bp, winInfo) tuiSetHasBreakAt((bp, winInfo, TRUE)
-#define m_tuiClearBreakAt(bp, winInfo) tuiSetHasBreakAt(bp, winInfo, FALSE)
-#define m_tuiAllSetBreakAt(bp) tuiAllSetHasBreakAt(bp, TRUE)
-#define m_tuiAllClearBreakAt(bp) tuiAllSetHasBreakAt(bp, FALSE)
-#define m_tuiSrcLineDisplayed(lineNo) tuiLineIsDisplayed((Opaque)(lineNo), srcWin, FALSE)
-#define m_tuiSrcAddrDisplayed(addr) tuiLineIsDisplayed((Opaque)(addr), disassemWin, FALSE)
-#define m_tuiSrcLineDisplayedWithinThreshold(lineNo) \
- tuiLineIsDisplayed((Opaque)(lineNo), srcWin, TRUE)
-#define m_tuiSrcAddrDisplayedWithinThreshold(addr) \
- tuiLineIsDisplayed((Opaque)(addr), disassemWin, TRUE)
-#define m_tuiLineDisplayedWithinThreshold(winInfo, lineOrAddr) \
- ( (winInfo == srcWin) ? \
- m_tuiSrcLineDisplayedWithinThreshold(lineOrAddr) : \
- m_tuiSrcAddrDisplayedWithinThreshold(lineOrAddr) )
-#endif /*_TUI_SOURCEWIN_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiStack.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiStack.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 401dfe23d82c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiStack.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-** This module contains functions for displaying the locator information in the locator window.
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "symtab.h"
-#include "breakpoint.h"
-#include "frame.h"
-#include "tui.h"
-#include "tuiData.h"
-#include "tuiStack.h"
-#include "tuiSourceWin.h"
-static char *_getFuncNameFromFrame PARAMS ((struct frame_info *));
-static void _tuiUpdateLocation_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-** tuiClearLocatorDisplay()
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiClearLocatorDisplay (void)
-tuiClearLocatorDisplay ()
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- int i;
- if (locator->handle != (WINDOW *) NULL)
- {
- /* No need to werase, since writing a line of
- * blanks which we do below, is equivalent.
- */
- /* werase(locator->handle); */
- wmove (locator->handle, 0, 0);
- wstandout (locator->handle);
- for (i = 0; i < locator->width; i++)
- waddch (locator->handle, ' ');
- wstandend (locator->handle);
- tuiRefreshWin (locator);
- wmove (locator->handle, 0, 0);
- locator->contentInUse = FALSE;
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiClearLocatorDisplay */
-** tuiShowLocatorContent()
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiShowLocatorContent (void)
-tuiShowLocatorContent ()
- char *string;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator;
- locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- if (m_genWinPtrNotNull (locator) && locator->handle != (WINDOW *) NULL)
- {
- string = displayableWinContentAt (locator, 0);
- if (string != (char *) NULL)
- {
- wmove (locator->handle, 0, 0);
- wstandout (locator->handle);
- waddstr (locator->handle, string);
- wstandend (locator->handle);
- tuiRefreshWin (locator);
- wmove (locator->handle, 0, 0);
- if (string != nullStr ())
- tuiFree (string);
- locator->contentInUse = TRUE;
- }
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiShowLocatorContent */
-** tuiSetLocatorInfo().
-** Function to update the locator, with the provided arguments.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiSetLocatorInfo (
- char *fname,
- char *procname,
- int lineNo,
- Opaque addr,
- TuiLocatorElementPtr element)
-tuiSetLocatorInfo (fname, procname, lineNo, addr, element)
- char *fname;
- char *procname;
- int lineNo;
- Opaque addr;
- TuiLocatorElementPtr element;
-#ifdef COMMENT
- /* first free the old info */
- if (element->fileName)
- tuiFree (element->fileName);
- if (element->procName)
- tuiFree (element->procName);
- if (fname == (char *) NULL)
- element->fileName = fname;
- else
- element->fileName = tuiStrDup (fname);
- if (procname == (char *) NULL)
- element->procName = procname;
- else
- element->procName = tuiStrDup (procname);
- element->fileName[0] = (char) 0;
- element->procName[0] = (char) 0;
- strcat_to_buf (element->fileName, MAX_LOCATOR_ELEMENT_LEN, fname);
- strcat_to_buf (element->procName, MAX_LOCATOR_ELEMENT_LEN, procname);
- element->lineNo = lineNo;
- element->addr = (Opaque) addr;
- return;
-} /* tuiSetLocatorInfo */
-** tuiUpdateLocatorFilename().
-** Update only the filename portion of the locator.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiUpdateLocatorFilename (
- char *fileName)
-tuiUpdateLocatorFilename (fileName)
- char *fileName;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- if (locator->content[0] == (Opaque) NULL)
- tuiSetLocatorContent ((struct frame_info *) NULL);
- ((TuiWinElementPtr) locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator.fileName[0] = (char) 0;
- strcat_to_buf (((TuiWinElementPtr) locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator.fileName,
- fileName);
- tuiShowLocatorContent ();
- return;
-} /* tuiUpdateLocatorFilename */
-** tui_vUpdateLocatorFilename().
-** Update only the filename portion of the locator with args in a va_list.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tui_vUpdateLocatorFilename (
- va_list args)
-tui_vUpdateLocatorFilename (args)
- va_list args;
- char *fileName;
- fileName = va_arg (args, char *);
- tuiUpdateLocatorFilename (fileName);
- return;
-} /* tui_vUpdateLocatorFilename */
-** tuiSwitchFilename().
-** Update the filename portion of the locator. Clear the other info in locator.
-** (elz)
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiSwitchFilename (
- char *fileName)
-tuiSwitchFilename (fileName)
- char *fileName;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- if (locator->content[0] == (Opaque) NULL)
- tuiSetLocatorContent ((struct frame_info *) NULL);
- ((TuiWinElementPtr) locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator.fileName[0] = (char) 0;
- tuiSetLocatorInfo (fileName,
- (char *) NULL,
- 0,
- (Opaque) NULL,
- &((TuiWinElementPtr) locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator);
- tuiShowLocatorContent ();
- return;
-} /* tuiSwitchFilename */
-** tuiGetLocatorFilename().
-** Get the filename portion of the locator.
-** (elz)
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiGetLocatorFilename (
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator,
- char **filename)
-tuiGetLocatorFilename (locator, filename)
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator;
- char **filename;
- /* the current filename could be non known, in which case the xmalloc would
- allocate no memory, because the length would be 0 */
- if (((TuiWinElementPtr) locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator.fileName)
- {
- int name_length =
- strlen (((TuiWinElementPtr) locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator.fileName);
- (*filename) = (char *) xmalloc (name_length + 1);
- strcpy ((*filename),
- ((TuiWinElementPtr) locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator.fileName);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiGetLocatorFilename */
-** tuiUpdateLocatorInfoFromFrame().
-** Function to update the locator, with the information extracted from frameInfo
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiUpdateLocatorInfoFromFrame (
- struct frame_info *frameInfo,
- TuiLocatorElementPtr element)
-tuiUpdateLocatorInfoFromFrame (frameInfo, element)
- struct frame_info *frameInfo;
- TuiLocatorElementPtr element;
- struct symtab_and_line symtabAndLine;
- /* now get the new info */
- symtabAndLine = find_pc_line (frameInfo->pc,
- (frameInfo->next != (struct frame_info *) NULL &&
- !frameInfo->next->signal_handler_caller &&
- !frame_in_dummy (frameInfo->next)));
- if (symtabAndLine.symtab && symtabAndLine.symtab->filename)
- tuiSetLocatorInfo (symtabAndLine.symtab->filename,
- _getFuncNameFromFrame (frameInfo),
- symtabAndLine.line,
- (Opaque) frameInfo->pc,
- element);
- else
- tuiSetLocatorInfo ((char *) NULL,
- _getFuncNameFromFrame (frameInfo),
- 0,
- (Opaque) frameInfo->pc,
- element);
- return;
-} /* tuiUpdateLocatorInfoFromFrame */
-** tuiSetLocatorContent().
-** Function to set the content of the locator
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiSetLocatorContent (
- struct frame_info *frameInfo)
-tuiSetLocatorContent (frameInfo)
- struct frame_info *frameInfo;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- TuiWinElementPtr element;
- struct symtab_and_line symtabAndLine;
- /* Allocate the element if necessary */
- if (locator->contentSize <= 0)
- {
- TuiWinContent contentPtr;
- if ((locator->content = (OpaquePtr) allocContent (1, locator->type)) == (OpaquePtr) NULL)
- error ("Unable to Allocate Memory to Display Location.");
- locator->contentSize = 1;
- }
- if (frameInfo != (struct frame_info *) NULL)
- tuiUpdateLocatorInfoFromFrame (frameInfo,
- &((TuiWinElementPtr) locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator);
- else
- tuiSetLocatorInfo ((char *) NULL,
- (char *) NULL,
- 0,
- (Opaque) NULL,
- &((TuiWinElementPtr) locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator);
- return;
-} /* tuiSetLocatorContent */
-** tuiUpdateLocatorDisplay().
-** Function to update the locator display
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiUpdateLocatorDisplay (
- struct frame_info *frameInfo)
-tuiUpdateLocatorDisplay (frameInfo)
- struct frame_info *frameInfo;
- tuiClearLocatorDisplay ();
- tuiSetLocatorContent (frameInfo);
- tuiShowLocatorContent ();
- return;
-} /* tuiUpdateLocatorDisplay */
-** tuiShowFrameInfo().
-** Function to print the frame inforrmation for the TUI.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiShowFrameInfo (
- struct frame_info *fi)
-tuiShowFrameInfo (fi)
- struct frame_info *fi;
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- register int i;
- if (fi)
- {
- register int startLine, i;
- register struct symtab *s;
- CORE_ADDR low;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- int sourceAlreadyDisplayed;
- s = find_pc_symtab (fi->pc);
- sourceAlreadyDisplayed = tuiSourceIsDisplayed (s->filename);
- tuiUpdateLocatorDisplay (fi);
- for (i = 0; i < (sourceWindows ())->count; i++)
- {
- winInfo = (TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[i];
- if (winInfo == srcWin)
- {
- startLine =
- (((TuiWinElementPtr) locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator.lineNo -
- (winInfo->generic.viewportHeight / 2)) + 1;
- if (startLine <= 0)
- startLine = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if (find_pc_partial_function (fi->pc, (char **) NULL, &low, (CORE_ADDR) NULL) == 0)
- error ("No function contains program counter for selected frame.\n");
- else
- low = (CORE_ADDR) tuiGetLowDisassemblyAddress ((Opaque) low, (Opaque) fi->pc);
- }
- if (winInfo == srcWin)
- {
- if (!(sourceAlreadyDisplayed && m_tuiLineDisplayedWithinThreshold (
- winInfo,
- ((TuiWinElementPtr) locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator.lineNo)))
- tuiUpdateSourceWindow (winInfo, s, (Opaque) startLine, TRUE);
- else
- tuiSetIsExecPointAt ((Opaque)
- ((TuiWinElementPtr) locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator.lineNo,
- winInfo);
- }
- else
- {
- if (winInfo == disassemWin)
- {
- if (!m_tuiLineDisplayedWithinThreshold (winInfo,
- ((TuiWinElementPtr) locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator.addr))
- tuiUpdateSourceWindow (winInfo, s, (Opaque) low, TRUE);
- else
- tuiSetIsExecPointAt ((Opaque)
- ((TuiWinElementPtr) locator->content[0])->whichElement.locator.addr,
- winInfo);
- }
- }
- tuiUpdateExecInfo (winInfo);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- tuiUpdateLocatorDisplay (fi);
- for (i = 0; i < (sourceWindows ())->count; i++)
- {
- winInfo = (TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[i];
- tuiClearSourceContent (winInfo, EMPTY_SOURCE_PROMPT);
- tuiUpdateExecInfo (winInfo);
- }
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiShowFrameInfo */
-** tui_vShowFrameInfo().
-** Function to print the frame inforrmation for the TUI with args in a va_list.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tui_vShowFrameInfo (
- va_list args)
-tui_vShowFrameInfo (args)
- va_list args;
- struct frame_info *fi;
- fi = va_arg (args, struct frame_info *);
- tuiShowFrameInfo (fi);
- return;
-} /* tui_vShowFrameInfo */
-** _initialize_tuiStack().
-** Function to initialize gdb commands, for tui window stack manipulation.
-_initialize_tuiStack ()
- if (tui_version)
- {
- add_com ("update", class_tui, _tuiUpdateLocation_command,
- "Update the source window and locator to display the current execution point.\n");
- }
- return;
-} /* _initialize_tuiStack */
-** _getFuncNameFromFrame().
-static char *
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_getFuncNameFromFrame (
- struct frame_info *frameInfo)
-_getFuncNameFromFrame (frameInfo)
- struct frame_info *frameInfo;
- char *funcName = (char *) NULL;
- find_pc_partial_function (frameInfo->pc,
- &funcName,
- return funcName;
-} /* _getFuncNameFromFrame */
-** _tuiUpdateLocation_command().
-** Command to update the display with the current execution point
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiUpdateLocation_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiUpdateLocation_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
-#ifndef TRY
- extern void frame_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
- frame_command ("0", FALSE);
- struct frame_info *curFrame;
- /* Obtain the current execution point */
- if ((curFrame = get_current_frame ()) != (struct frame_info *) NULL)
- {
- struct frame_info *frame;
- int curLevel = 0;
- for (frame = get_prev_frame (curLevel);
- (frame != (struct frame_info *) NULL && (frame != curFrame));
- frame = get_prev_frame (frame))
- curLevel++;
- if (curFrame != (struct frame_info *) NULL)
- print_frame_info (frame, curLevel, 0, 1);
- }
- return;
-} /* _tuiUpdateLocation_command */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiStack.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiStack.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 20e9a92c61c2..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiStack.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _TUI_STACK_H
-#define _TUI_STACK_H
-** This header file supports
-extern void tuiSetLocatorInfo PARAMS ((char *, char *, int, Opaque, TuiLocatorElementPtr));
-extern void tuiUpdateLocatorFilename PARAMS ((char *));
-extern void tui_vUpdateLocatorFilename PARAMS ((va_list));
-extern void tuiUpdateLocatorInfoFromFrame
- PARAMS ((struct frame_info *, TuiLocatorElementPtr));
-extern void tuiUpdateLocatorDisplay PARAMS ((struct frame_info *));
-extern void tuiSetLocatorContent PARAMS ((struct frame_info *));
-extern void tuiShowLocatorContent PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiClearLocatorContent PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiSwitchFilename PARAMS ((char *));
-extern void tuiShowFrameInfo PARAMS ((struct frame_info *));
-extern void tui_vShowFrameInfo PARAMS ((va_list));
-extern void tuiGetLocatorFilename PARAMS ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr, char **));
-#endif /*_TUI_STACK_H*/
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiWin.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiWin.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 45bb0f6a4e92..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiWin.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1650 +0,0 @@
-** tuiWin.c
-** This module contains procedures for handling tui window functions
-** like resize, scrolling, scrolling, changing focus, etc.
-** Author: Susan B. Macchia
-#include <string.h>
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "command.h"
-#include "symtab.h"
-#include "breakpoint.h"
-#include "frame.h"
-#include "tui.h"
-#include "tuiData.h"
-#include "tuiGeneralWin.h"
-#include "tuiStack.h"
-#include "tuiSourceWin.h"
-#include "tuiDataWin.h"
-** External Declarations
-extern void init_page_info ();
-** Static Local Decls
-static void _makeVisibleWithNewHeight PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-static void _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr, int));
-static TuiStatus _tuiAdjustWinHeights PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr, int));
-static int _newHeightOk PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr, int));
-static void _tuiSetTabWidth_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tuiRefreshAll_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tuiSetWinHeight_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tuiXDBsetWinHeight_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tuiAllWindowsInfo PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tuiSetFocus_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tuiScrollForward_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tuiScrollBackward_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tuiScrollLeft_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _tuiScrollRight_command PARAMS ((char *, int));
-static void _parseScrollingArgs PARAMS ((char *, TuiWinInfoPtr *, int *));
-#define WIN_HEIGHT_USAGE "Usage: winheight <win_name> [+ | -] <#lines>\n"
-#define XDBWIN_HEIGHT_USAGE "Usage: w <#lines>\n"
-#define FOCUS_USAGE "Usage: focus {<win> | next | prev}\n"
-** _initialize_tuiWin().
-** Function to initialize gdb commands, for tui window manipulation.
-_initialize_tuiWin ()
- if (tui_version)
- {
- add_com ("refresh", class_tui, _tuiRefreshAll_command,
- "Refresh the terminal display.\n");
- if (xdb_commands)
- add_com_alias ("U", "refresh", class_tui, 0);
- add_com ("tabset", class_tui, _tuiSetTabWidth_command,
- "Set the width (in characters) of tab stops.\n\
-Usage: tabset <n>\n");
- add_com ("winheight", class_tui, _tuiSetWinHeight_command,
- "Set the height of a specified window.\n\
-Usage: winheight <win_name> [+ | -] <#lines>\n\
-Window names are:\n\
-src : the source window\n\
-cmd : the command window\n\
-asm : the disassembly window\n\
-regs : the register display\n");
- add_com_alias ("wh", "winheight", class_tui, 0);
- add_info ("win", _tuiAllWindowsInfo,
- "List of all displayed windows.\n");
- add_com ("focus", class_tui, _tuiSetFocus_command,
- "Set focus to named window or next/prev window.\n\
-Usage: focus {<win> | next | prev}\n\
-Valid Window names are:\n\
-src : the source window\n\
-asm : the disassembly window\n\
-regs : the register display\n\
-cmd : the command window\n");
- add_com_alias ("fs", "focus", class_tui, 0);
- add_com ("+", class_tui, _tuiScrollForward_command,
- "Scroll window forward.\nUsage: + [win] [n]\n");
- add_com ("-", class_tui, _tuiScrollBackward_command,
- "Scroll window backward.\nUsage: - [win] [n]\n");
- add_com ("<", class_tui, _tuiScrollLeft_command,
- "Scroll window forward.\nUsage: < [win] [n]\n");
- add_com (">", class_tui, _tuiScrollRight_command,
- "Scroll window backward.\nUsage: > [win] [n]\n");
- if (xdb_commands)
- add_com ("w", class_xdb, _tuiXDBsetWinHeight_command,
- "XDB compatibility command for setting the height of a command window.\n\
-Usage: w <#lines>\n");
- }
- return;
-} /* _intialize_tuiWin */
-** tuiClearWinFocusFrom
-** Clear the logical focus from winInfo
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiClearWinFocusFrom (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-tuiClearWinFocusFrom (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (winInfo))
- {
- if (winInfo->generic.type != CMD_WIN)
- unhighlightWin (winInfo);
- tuiSetWinWithFocus ((TuiWinInfoPtr) NULL);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiClearWinFocusFrom */
-** tuiClearWinFocus().
-** Clear the window that has focus.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiClearWinFocus (void)
-tuiClearWinFocus ()
- tuiClearWinFocusFrom (tuiWinWithFocus ());
- return;
-} /* tuiClearWinFocus */
-** tuiSetWinFocusTo
-** Set the logical focus to winInfo
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiSetWinFocusTo (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-tuiSetWinFocusTo (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (winInfo))
- {
- TuiWinInfoPtr winWithFocus = tuiWinWithFocus ();
- if (m_winPtrNotNull (winWithFocus) &&
- winWithFocus->generic.type != CMD_WIN)
- unhighlightWin (winWithFocus);
- tuiSetWinWithFocus (winInfo);
- if (winInfo->generic.type != CMD_WIN)
- highlightWin (winInfo);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiSetWinFocusTo */
-char *
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiStrDup (
- char *str)
-tuiStrDup (str)
- char *str;
- char *newStr = (char *) NULL;
- if (str != (char *) NULL)
- {
- newStr = (char *) xmalloc (strlen (str) + 1);
- strcpy (newStr, str);
- }
- return newStr;
-} /* tuiStrDup */
-** tuiScrollForward().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiScrollForward (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winToScroll,
- int numToScroll)
-tuiScrollForward (winToScroll, numToScroll)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winToScroll;
- int numToScroll;
- if (winToScroll != cmdWin)
- {
- int _numToScroll = numToScroll;
- if (numToScroll == 0)
- _numToScroll = winToScroll->generic.height - 3;
- /*
- ** If we are scrolling the source or disassembly window, do a
- ** "psuedo" scroll since not all of the source is in memory,
- ** only what is in the viewport. If winToScroll is the
- ** command window do nothing since the term should handle it.
- */
- if (winToScroll == srcWin)
- tuiVerticalSourceScroll (FORWARD_SCROLL, _numToScroll);
- else if (winToScroll == disassemWin)
- tuiVerticalDisassemScroll (FORWARD_SCROLL, _numToScroll);
- else if (winToScroll == dataWin)
- tuiVerticalDataScroll (FORWARD_SCROLL, _numToScroll);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiScrollForward */
-** tuiScrollBackward().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiScrollBackward (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winToScroll,
- int numToScroll)
-tuiScrollBackward (winToScroll, numToScroll)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winToScroll;
- int numToScroll;
- if (winToScroll != cmdWin)
- {
- int _numToScroll = numToScroll;
- if (numToScroll == 0)
- _numToScroll = winToScroll->generic.height - 3;
- /*
- ** If we are scrolling the source or disassembly window, do a
- ** "psuedo" scroll since not all of the source is in memory,
- ** only what is in the viewport. If winToScroll is the
- ** command window do nothing since the term should handle it.
- */
- if (winToScroll == srcWin)
- tuiVerticalSourceScroll (BACKWARD_SCROLL, _numToScroll);
- else if (winToScroll == disassemWin)
- tuiVerticalDisassemScroll (BACKWARD_SCROLL, _numToScroll);
- else if (winToScroll == dataWin)
- tuiVerticalDataScroll (BACKWARD_SCROLL, _numToScroll);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiScrollBackward */
-** tuiScrollLeft().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiScrollLeft (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winToScroll,
- int numToScroll)
-tuiScrollLeft (winToScroll, numToScroll)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winToScroll;
- int numToScroll;
- if (winToScroll != cmdWin)
- {
- int _numToScroll = numToScroll;
- if (_numToScroll == 0)
- _numToScroll = 1;
- /*
- ** If we are scrolling the source or disassembly window, do a
- ** "psuedo" scroll since not all of the source is in memory,
- ** only what is in the viewport. If winToScroll is the
- ** command window do nothing since the term should handle it.
- */
- if (winToScroll == srcWin || winToScroll == disassemWin)
- tuiHorizontalSourceScroll (winToScroll, LEFT_SCROLL, _numToScroll);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiScrollLeft */
-** tuiScrollRight().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiScrollRight (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winToScroll,
- int numToScroll)
-tuiScrollRight (winToScroll, numToScroll)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winToScroll;
- int numToScroll;
- if (winToScroll != cmdWin)
- {
- int _numToScroll = numToScroll;
- if (_numToScroll == 0)
- _numToScroll = 1;
- /*
- ** If we are scrolling the source or disassembly window, do a
- ** "psuedo" scroll since not all of the source is in memory,
- ** only what is in the viewport. If winToScroll is the
- ** command window do nothing since the term should handle it.
- */
- if (winToScroll == srcWin || winToScroll == disassemWin)
- tuiHorizontalSourceScroll (winToScroll, RIGHT_SCROLL, _numToScroll);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiScrollRight */
-** tui_vScroll().
-** Scroll a window. Arguments are passed through a va_list.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tui_vScroll (
- va_list args)
-tui_vScroll (args)
- va_list args;
- TuiScrollDirection direction = va_arg (args, TuiScrollDirection);
- TuiWinInfoPtr winToScroll = va_arg (args, TuiWinInfoPtr);
- int numToScroll = va_arg (args, int);
- switch (direction)
- {
- tuiScrollForward (winToScroll, numToScroll);
- break;
- tuiScrollBackward (winToScroll, numToScroll);
- break;
- tuiScrollLeft (winToScroll, numToScroll);
- break;
- tuiScrollRight (winToScroll, numToScroll);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
-} /* tui_vScroll */
-** tuiRefreshAll().
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiRefreshAll (void)
-tuiRefreshAll ()
- TuiWinType type;
- refreshAll (winList);
- for (type = SRC_WIN; type < MAX_MAJOR_WINDOWS; type++)
- {
- if (winList[type]->generic.isVisible)
- {
- switch (type)
- {
- case SRC_WIN:
- tuiClearWin (&winList[type]->generic);
- if (winList[type]->detail.sourceInfo.hasLocator)
- tuiClearLocatorDisplay ();
- tuiShowSourceContent (winList[type]);
- checkAndDisplayHighlightIfNeeded (winList[type]);
- tuiEraseExecInfoContent (winList[type]);
- tuiUpdateExecInfo (winList[type]);
- break;
- case DATA_WIN:
- tuiRefreshDataWin ();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- tuiClearLocatorDisplay ();
- tuiShowLocatorContent ();
- return;
-} /* tuiRefreshAll */
-** tuiResizeAll().
-** Resize all the windows based on the the terminal size. This
-** function gets called from within the readline sinwinch handler.
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiResizeAll (void)
-tuiResizeAll ()
- int heightDiff, widthDiff;
- extern int screenheight, screenwidth; /* in readline */
- widthDiff = screenwidth - termWidth ();
- heightDiff = screenheight - termHeight ();
- if (heightDiff || widthDiff)
- {
- TuiLayoutType curLayout = currentLayout ();
- TuiWinInfoPtr winWithFocus = tuiWinWithFocus ();
- TuiWinInfoPtr firstWin, secondWin;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- TuiWinType winType;
- int i, newHeight, splitDiff, cmdSplitDiff, numWinsDisplayed = 2;
- /* turn keypad off while we resize */
- if (winWithFocus != cmdWin)
- keypad (cmdWin->generic.handle, FALSE);
- init_page_info ();
- setTermHeightTo (screenheight);
- setTermWidthTo (screenwidth);
- if (curLayout == SRC_DISASSEM_COMMAND ||
- curLayout == SRC_DATA_COMMAND || curLayout == DISASSEM_DATA_COMMAND)
- numWinsDisplayed++;
- splitDiff = heightDiff / numWinsDisplayed;
- cmdSplitDiff = splitDiff;
- if (heightDiff % numWinsDisplayed)
- {
- if (heightDiff < 0)
- cmdSplitDiff--;
- else
- cmdSplitDiff++;
- }
- /* now adjust each window */
- clear ();
- refresh ();
- switch (curLayout)
- {
- firstWin = (TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[0];
- firstWin->generic.width += widthDiff;
- locator->width += widthDiff;
- /* check for invalid heights */
- if (heightDiff == 0)
- newHeight = firstWin->generic.height;
- else if ((firstWin->generic.height + splitDiff) >=
- (screenheight - MIN_CMD_WIN_HEIGHT - 1))
- newHeight = screenheight - MIN_CMD_WIN_HEIGHT - 1;
- else if ((firstWin->generic.height + splitDiff) <= 0)
- newHeight = MIN_WIN_HEIGHT;
- else
- newHeight = firstWin->generic.height + splitDiff;
- _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight (firstWin, newHeight);
- cmdWin->generic.origin.y = locator->origin.y + 1;
- cmdWin->generic.width += widthDiff;
- newHeight = screenheight - cmdWin->generic.origin.y;
- _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight (cmdWin, newHeight);
- _makeVisibleWithNewHeight (firstWin);
- _makeVisibleWithNewHeight (cmdWin);
- if (firstWin->generic.contentSize <= 0)
- tuiEraseSourceContent (firstWin, EMPTY_SOURCE_PROMPT);
- break;
- default:
- if (curLayout == SRC_DISASSEM_COMMAND)
- {
- firstWin = srcWin;
- firstWin->generic.width += widthDiff;
- secondWin = disassemWin;
- secondWin->generic.width += widthDiff;
- }
- else
- {
- firstWin = dataWin;
- firstWin->generic.width += widthDiff;
- secondWin = (TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[0];
- secondWin->generic.width += widthDiff;
- }
- /* Change the first window's height/width */
- /* check for invalid heights */
- if (heightDiff == 0)
- newHeight = firstWin->generic.height;
- else if ((firstWin->generic.height +
- secondWin->generic.height + (splitDiff * 2)) >=
- (screenheight - MIN_CMD_WIN_HEIGHT - 1))
- newHeight = (screenheight - MIN_CMD_WIN_HEIGHT - 1) / 2;
- else if ((firstWin->generic.height + splitDiff) <= 0)
- newHeight = MIN_WIN_HEIGHT;
- else
- newHeight = firstWin->generic.height + splitDiff;
- _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight (firstWin, newHeight);
- if (firstWin == dataWin && widthDiff != 0)
- firstWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsColumnCount =
- tuiCalculateRegsColumnCount (
- firstWin->detail.dataDisplayInfo.regsDisplayType);
- locator->width += widthDiff;
- /* Change the second window's height/width */
- /* check for invalid heights */
- if (heightDiff == 0)
- newHeight = secondWin->generic.height;
- else if ((firstWin->generic.height +
- secondWin->generic.height + (splitDiff * 2)) >=
- (screenheight - MIN_CMD_WIN_HEIGHT - 1))
- {
- newHeight = screenheight - MIN_CMD_WIN_HEIGHT - 1;
- if (newHeight % 2)
- newHeight = (newHeight / 2) + 1;
- else
- newHeight /= 2;
- }
- else if ((secondWin->generic.height + splitDiff) <= 0)
- newHeight = MIN_WIN_HEIGHT;
- else
- newHeight = secondWin->generic.height + splitDiff;
- secondWin->generic.origin.y = firstWin->generic.height - 1;
- _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight (secondWin, newHeight);
- /* Change the command window's height/width */
- cmdWin->generic.origin.y = locator->origin.y + 1;
- _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight (
- cmdWin, cmdWin->generic.height + cmdSplitDiff);
- _makeVisibleWithNewHeight (firstWin);
- _makeVisibleWithNewHeight (secondWin);
- _makeVisibleWithNewHeight (cmdWin);
- if (firstWin->generic.contentSize <= 0)
- tuiEraseSourceContent (firstWin, EMPTY_SOURCE_PROMPT);
- if (secondWin->generic.contentSize <= 0)
- tuiEraseSourceContent (secondWin, EMPTY_SOURCE_PROMPT);
- break;
- }
- /*
- ** Now remove all invisible windows, and their content so that they get
- ** created again when called for with the new size
- */
- for (winType = SRC_WIN; (winType < MAX_MAJOR_WINDOWS); winType++)
- {
- if (winType != CMD_WIN && m_winPtrNotNull (winList[winType]) &&
- !winList[winType]->generic.isVisible)
- {
- freeWindow (winList[winType]);
- winList[winType] = (TuiWinInfoPtr) NULL;
- }
- }
- tuiSetWinResizedTo (TRUE);
- /* turn keypad back on, unless focus is in the command window */
- if (winWithFocus != cmdWin)
- keypad (cmdWin->generic.handle, TRUE);
- }
- return;
-} /* tuiResizeAll */
-** tuiSigwinchHandler()
-** SIGWINCH signal handler for the tui. This signal handler is
-** always called, even when the readline package clears signals
-** because it is set as the old_sigwinch() (TUI only)
-#ifdef __STDC__
-tuiSigwinchHandler (
- int signal)
-tuiSigwinchHandler (signal)
- int signal;
- /*
- ** Say that a resize was done so that the readline can do it
- ** later when appropriate.
- */
- tuiSetWinResizedTo (TRUE);
- return;
-} /* tuiSigwinchHandler */
-** _tuiScrollForward_command().
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiScrollForward_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiScrollForward_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- int numToScroll = 1;
- TuiWinInfoPtr winToScroll;
- if (arg == (char *) NULL)
- _parseScrollingArgs (arg, &winToScroll, (int *) NULL);
- else
- _parseScrollingArgs (arg, &winToScroll, &numToScroll);
- tuiDo ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) tui_vScroll,
- winToScroll,
- numToScroll);
- return;
-} /* _tuiScrollForward_command */
-** _tuiScrollBackward_command().
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiScrollBackward_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiScrollBackward_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- int numToScroll = 1;
- TuiWinInfoPtr winToScroll;
- if (arg == (char *) NULL)
- _parseScrollingArgs (arg, &winToScroll, (int *) NULL);
- else
- _parseScrollingArgs (arg, &winToScroll, &numToScroll);
- tuiDo ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) tui_vScroll,
- winToScroll,
- numToScroll);
- return;
-} /* _tuiScrollBackward_command */
-** _tuiScrollLeft_command().
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiScrollLeft_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiScrollLeft_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- int numToScroll;
- TuiWinInfoPtr winToScroll;
- _parseScrollingArgs (arg, &winToScroll, &numToScroll);
- tuiDo ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) tui_vScroll,
- winToScroll,
- numToScroll);
- return;
-} /* _tuiScrollLeft_command */
-** _tuiScrollRight_command().
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiScrollRight_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiScrollRight_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- int numToScroll;
- TuiWinInfoPtr winToScroll;
- _parseScrollingArgs (arg, &winToScroll, &numToScroll);
- tuiDo ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) tui_vScroll,
- winToScroll,
- numToScroll);
- return;
-} /* _tuiScrollRight_command */
-** _tuiSetFocus().
-** Set focus to the window named by 'arg'
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiSetFocus (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiSetFocus (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- if (arg != (char *) NULL)
- {
- char *bufPtr = (char *) tuiStrDup (arg);
- int i;
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo = (TuiWinInfoPtr) NULL;
- for (i = 0; (i < strlen (bufPtr)); i++)
- bufPtr[i] = toupper (arg[i]);
- if (subsetCompare (bufPtr, "NEXT"))
- winInfo = tuiNextWin (tuiWinWithFocus ());
- else if (subsetCompare (bufPtr, "PREV"))
- winInfo = tuiPrevWin (tuiWinWithFocus ());
- else
- winInfo = partialWinByName (bufPtr);
- if (winInfo == (TuiWinInfoPtr) NULL || !winInfo->generic.isVisible)
- warning ("Invalid window specified. \n\
-The window name specified must be valid and visible.\n");
- else
- {
- tuiSetWinFocusTo (winInfo);
- keypad (cmdWin->generic.handle, (winInfo != cmdWin));
- }
- if (dataWin->generic.isVisible)
- tuiRefreshDataWin ();
- tuiFree (bufPtr);
- printf_filtered ("Focus set to %s window.\n",
- winName ((TuiGenWinInfoPtr) tuiWinWithFocus ()));
- }
- else
- warning ("Incorrect Number of Arguments.\n%s", FOCUS_USAGE);
- return;
-} /* _tuiSetFocus */
-** _tui_vSetFocus()
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tui_vSetFocus (
- va_list args)
-_tui_vSetFocus (args)
- va_list args;
- char *arg = va_arg (args, char *);
- int fromTTY = va_arg (args, int);
- _tuiSetFocus (arg, fromTTY);
- return;
-} /* tui_vSetFocus */
-** _tuiSetFocus_command()
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiSetFocus_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiSetFocus_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- tuiDo ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) _tui_vSetFocus, arg, fromTTY);
- return;
-} /* tui_SetFocus */
-** _tuiAllWindowsInfo().
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiAllWindowsInfo (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiAllWindowsInfo (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- TuiWinType type;
- TuiWinInfoPtr winWithFocus = tuiWinWithFocus ();
- for (type = SRC_WIN; (type < MAX_MAJOR_WINDOWS); type++)
- if (winList[type]->generic.isVisible)
- {
- if (winWithFocus == winList[type])
- printf_filtered (" %s\t(%d lines) <has focus>\n",
- winName (&winList[type]->generic),
- winList[type]->generic.height);
- else
- printf_filtered (" %s\t(%d lines)\n",
- winName (&winList[type]->generic),
- winList[type]->generic.height);
- }
- return;
-} /* _tuiAllWindowsInfo */
-** _tuiRefreshAll_command().
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiRefreshAll_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiRefreshAll_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- tuiDo ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) tuiRefreshAll);
-** _tuiSetWinTabWidth_command().
-** Set the height of the specified window.
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiSetTabWidth_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiSetTabWidth_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- if (arg != (char *) NULL)
- {
- int ts;
- ts = atoi (arg);
- if (ts > 0)
- tuiSetDefaultTabLen (ts);
- else
- warning ("Tab widths greater than 0 must be specified.\n");
- }
- return;
-} /* _tuiSetTabWidth_command */
-** _tuiSetWinHeight().
-** Set the height of the specified window.
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiSetWinHeight (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiSetWinHeight (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- if (arg != (char *) NULL)
- {
- char *buf = tuiStrDup (arg);
- char *bufPtr = buf;
- char *wname = (char *) NULL;
- int newHeight, i;
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- wname = bufPtr;
- bufPtr = strchr (bufPtr, ' ');
- if (bufPtr != (char *) NULL)
- {
- *bufPtr = (char) 0;
- /*
- ** Validate the window name
- */
- for (i = 0; i < strlen (wname); i++)
- wname[i] = toupper (wname[i]);
- winInfo = partialWinByName (wname);
- if (winInfo == (TuiWinInfoPtr) NULL || !winInfo->generic.isVisible)
- warning ("Invalid window specified. \n\
-The window name specified must be valid and visible.\n");
- else
- {
- /* Process the size */
- while (*(++bufPtr) == ' ')
- ;
- if (*bufPtr != (char) 0)
- {
- int negate = FALSE;
- int fixedSize = TRUE;
- int inputNo;;
- if (*bufPtr == '+' || *bufPtr == '-')
- {
- if (*bufPtr == '-')
- negate = TRUE;
- fixedSize = FALSE;
- bufPtr++;
- }
- inputNo = atoi (bufPtr);
- if (inputNo > 0)
- {
- if (negate)
- inputNo *= (-1);
- if (fixedSize)
- newHeight = inputNo;
- else
- newHeight = winInfo->generic.height + inputNo;
- /*
- ** Now change the window's height, and adjust all
- ** other windows around it
- */
- if (_tuiAdjustWinHeights (winInfo,
- newHeight) == TUI_FAILURE)
- warning ("Invalid window height specified.\n%s",
- else
- init_page_info ();
- }
- else
- warning ("Invalid window height specified.\n%s",
- }
- }
- }
- else
- printf_filtered (WIN_HEIGHT_USAGE);
- if (buf != (char *) NULL)
- tuiFree (buf);
- }
- else
- printf_filtered (WIN_HEIGHT_USAGE);
- return;
-} /* _tuiSetWinHeight */
-** _tui_vSetWinHeight().
-** Set the height of the specified window, with va_list.
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tui_vSetWinHeight (
- va_list args)
-_tui_vSetWinHeight (args)
- va_list args;
- char *arg = va_arg (args, char *);
- int fromTTY = va_arg (args, int);
- _tuiSetWinHeight (arg, fromTTY);
- return;
-} /* _tui_vSetWinHeight */
-** _tuiSetWinHeight_command().
-** Set the height of the specified window, with va_list.
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiSetWinHeight_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiSetWinHeight_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- tuiDo ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) _tui_vSetWinHeight, arg, fromTTY);
- return;
-} /* _tuiSetWinHeight_command */
-** _tuiXDBsetWinHeight().
-** XDB Compatibility command for setting the window height. This will
-** increase or decrease the command window by the specified amount.
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiXDBsetWinHeight (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiXDBsetWinHeight (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- if (arg != (char *) NULL)
- {
- int inputNo = atoi (arg);
- if (inputNo > 0)
- { /* Add 1 for the locator */
- int newHeight = termHeight () - (inputNo + 1);
- if (!_newHeightOk (winList[CMD_WIN], newHeight) ||
- _tuiAdjustWinHeights (winList[CMD_WIN],
- newHeight) == TUI_FAILURE)
- warning ("Invalid window height specified.\n%s",
- }
- else
- warning ("Invalid window height specified.\n%s",
- }
- else
- warning ("Invalid window height specified.\n%s", XDBWIN_HEIGHT_USAGE);
- return;
-} /* _tuiXDBsetWinHeight */
-** _tui_vXDBsetWinHeight().
-** Set the height of the specified window, with va_list.
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tui_vXDBsetWinHeight (
- va_list args)
-_tui_vXDBsetWinHeight (args)
- va_list args;
- char *arg = va_arg (args, char *);
- int fromTTY = va_arg (args, int);
- _tuiXDBsetWinHeight (arg, fromTTY);
- return;
-} /* _tui_vXDBsetWinHeight */
-** _tuiSetWinHeight_command().
-** Set the height of the specified window, with va_list.
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiXDBsetWinHeight_command (
- char *arg,
- int fromTTY)
-_tuiXDBsetWinHeight_command (arg, fromTTY)
- char *arg;
- int fromTTY;
- tuiDo ((TuiOpaqueFuncPtr) _tui_vXDBsetWinHeight, arg, fromTTY);
- return;
-} /* _tuiXDBsetWinHeight_command */
-** _tuiAdjustWinHeights().
-** Function to adjust all window heights around the primary
-static TuiStatus
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_tuiAdjustWinHeights (
- TuiWinInfoPtr primaryWinInfo,
- int newHeight)
-_tuiAdjustWinHeights (primaryWinInfo, newHeight)
- TuiWinInfoPtr primaryWinInfo;
- int newHeight;
- TuiStatus status = TUI_FAILURE;
- if (_newHeightOk (primaryWinInfo, newHeight))
- {
- status = TUI_SUCCESS;
- if (newHeight != primaryWinInfo->generic.height)
- {
- int i, diff;
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr locator = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- TuiLayoutType curLayout = currentLayout ();
- diff = (newHeight - primaryWinInfo->generic.height) * (-1);
- if (curLayout == SRC_COMMAND || curLayout == DISASSEM_COMMAND)
- {
- TuiWinInfoPtr srcWinInfo;
- _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight (primaryWinInfo, newHeight);
- if (primaryWinInfo->generic.type == CMD_WIN)
- {
- winInfo = (TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[0];
- srcWinInfo = winInfo;
- }
- else
- {
- winInfo = winList[CMD_WIN];
- srcWinInfo = primaryWinInfo;
- }
- _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight (winInfo,
- winInfo->generic.height + diff);
- cmdWin->generic.origin.y = locator->origin.y + 1;
- _makeVisibleWithNewHeight (winInfo);
- _makeVisibleWithNewHeight (primaryWinInfo);
- if (srcWinInfo->generic.contentSize <= 0)
- tuiEraseSourceContent (srcWinInfo, EMPTY_SOURCE_PROMPT);
- }
- else
- {
- TuiWinInfoPtr firstWin, secondWin;
- if (curLayout == SRC_DISASSEM_COMMAND)
- {
- firstWin = srcWin;
- secondWin = disassemWin;
- }
- else
- {
- firstWin = dataWin;
- secondWin = (TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[0];
- }
- if (primaryWinInfo == cmdWin)
- { /*
- ** Split the change in height accross the 1st & 2nd windows
- ** adjusting them as well.
- */
- int firstSplitDiff = diff / 2; /* subtract the locator */
- int secondSplitDiff = firstSplitDiff;
- if (diff % 2)
- {
- if (firstWin->generic.height >
- secondWin->generic.height)
- if (diff < 0)
- firstSplitDiff--;
- else
- firstSplitDiff++;
- else
- {
- if (diff < 0)
- secondSplitDiff--;
- else
- secondSplitDiff++;
- }
- }
- /* make sure that the minimum hieghts are honored */
- while ((firstWin->generic.height + firstSplitDiff) < 3)
- {
- firstSplitDiff++;
- secondSplitDiff--;
- }
- while ((secondWin->generic.height + secondSplitDiff) < 3)
- {
- secondSplitDiff++;
- firstSplitDiff--;
- }
- _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight (
- firstWin,
- firstWin->generic.height + firstSplitDiff);
- secondWin->generic.origin.y = firstWin->generic.height - 1;
- _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight (
- secondWin, secondWin->generic.height + secondSplitDiff);
- cmdWin->generic.origin.y = locator->origin.y + 1;
- _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight (cmdWin, newHeight);
- }
- else
- {
- if ((cmdWin->generic.height + diff) < 1)
- { /*
- ** If there is no way to increase the command window
- ** take real estate from the 1st or 2nd window.
- */
- if ((cmdWin->generic.height + diff) < 1)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = cmdWin->generic.height + diff;
- (i < 1); i++)
- if (primaryWinInfo == firstWin)
- secondWin->generic.height--;
- else
- firstWin->generic.height--;
- }
- }
- if (primaryWinInfo == firstWin)
- _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight (firstWin, newHeight);
- else
- _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight (
- firstWin,
- firstWin->generic.height);
- secondWin->generic.origin.y = firstWin->generic.height - 1;
- if (primaryWinInfo == secondWin)
- _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight (secondWin, newHeight);
- else
- _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight (
- secondWin, secondWin->generic.height);
- cmdWin->generic.origin.y = locator->origin.y + 1;
- if ((cmdWin->generic.height + diff) < 1)
- _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight (cmdWin, 1);
- else
- _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight (
- cmdWin, cmdWin->generic.height + diff);
- }
- _makeVisibleWithNewHeight (cmdWin);
- _makeVisibleWithNewHeight (secondWin);
- _makeVisibleWithNewHeight (firstWin);
- if (firstWin->generic.contentSize <= 0)
- tuiEraseSourceContent (firstWin, EMPTY_SOURCE_PROMPT);
- if (secondWin->generic.contentSize <= 0)
- tuiEraseSourceContent (secondWin, EMPTY_SOURCE_PROMPT);
- }
- }
- }
- return status;
-} /* _tuiAdjustWinHeights */
-** _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight().
-** Function make the target window (and auxillary windows associated
-** with the targer) invisible, and set the new height and location.
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo,
- int height)
-_makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight (winInfo, height)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- int height;
- int i;
- struct symtab *s;
- TuiGenWinInfoPtr genWinInfo;
- m_beInvisible (&winInfo->generic);
- winInfo->generic.height = height;
- if (height > 1)
- winInfo->generic.viewportHeight = height - 1;
- else
- winInfo->generic.viewportHeight = height;
- if (winInfo != cmdWin)
- winInfo->generic.viewportHeight--;
- /* Now deal with the auxillary windows associated with winInfo */
- switch (winInfo->generic.type)
- {
- case SRC_WIN:
- genWinInfo = winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo;
- m_beInvisible (genWinInfo);
- genWinInfo->height = height;
- genWinInfo->origin.y = winInfo->generic.origin.y;
- if (height > 1)
- genWinInfo->viewportHeight = height - 1;
- else
- genWinInfo->viewportHeight = height;
- if (winInfo != cmdWin)
- genWinInfo->viewportHeight--;
- if (m_hasLocator (winInfo))
- {
- genWinInfo = locatorWinInfoPtr ();
- m_beInvisible (genWinInfo);
- genWinInfo->origin.y = winInfo->generic.origin.y + height;
- }
- break;
- case DATA_WIN:
- /* delete all data item windows */
- for (i = 0; i < winInfo->generic.contentSize; i++)
- {
- genWinInfo = (TuiGenWinInfoPtr) & ((TuiWinElementPtr)
- winInfo->generic.content[i])->whichElement.dataWindow;
- tuiDelwin (genWinInfo->handle);
- genWinInfo->handle = (WINDOW *) NULL;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
-} /* _makeInvisibleAndSetNewHeight */
-** _makeVisibleWithNewHeight().
-** Function to make the windows with new heights visible.
-** This means re-creating the windows' content since the window
-** had to be destroyed to be made invisible.
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_makeVisibleWithNewHeight (
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo)
-_makeVisibleWithNewHeight (winInfo)
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- int i;
- struct symtab *s;
- m_beVisible (&winInfo->generic);
- checkAndDisplayHighlightIfNeeded (winInfo);
- switch (winInfo->generic.type)
- {
- case SRC_WIN:
- freeWinContent (winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo);
- m_beVisible (winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.executionInfo);
- if (winInfo->generic.content != (OpaquePtr) NULL)
- {
- TuiLineOrAddress lineOrAddr;
- if (winInfo->generic.type == SRC_WIN)
- lineOrAddr.lineNo =
- winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.startLineOrAddr.lineNo;
- else
- lineOrAddr.addr =
- winInfo->detail.sourceInfo.startLineOrAddr.addr;
- freeWinContent (&winInfo->generic);
- tuiUpdateSourceWindow (winInfo,
- current_source_symtab,
- ((winInfo->generic.type == SRC_WIN) ?
- (Opaque) lineOrAddr.lineNo :
- lineOrAddr.addr),
- TRUE);
- }
- else if (selected_frame != (struct frame_info *) NULL)
- {
- Opaque line = 0;
- extern int current_source_line;
- s = find_pc_symtab (selected_frame->pc);
- if (winInfo->generic.type == SRC_WIN)
- line = (Opaque) current_source_line;
- else
- line = (Opaque) find_line_pc (s, current_source_line);
- tuiUpdateSourceWindow (winInfo, s, line, TRUE);
- }
- if (m_hasLocator (winInfo))
- {
- m_beVisible (locatorWinInfoPtr ());
- tuiClearLocatorDisplay ();
- tuiShowLocatorContent ();
- }
- break;
- case DATA_WIN:
- tuiDisplayAllData ();
- break;
- case CMD_WIN:
- winInfo->detail.commandInfo.curLine = 0;
- winInfo->detail.commandInfo.curch = 0;
- wmove (winInfo->generic.handle,
- winInfo->detail.commandInfo.curLine,
- winInfo->detail.commandInfo.curch);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
-} /* _makeVisibleWithNewHeight */
-static int
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_newHeightOk (
- TuiWinInfoPtr primaryWinInfo,
- int newHeight)
-_newHeightOk (primaryWinInfo, newHeight)
- TuiWinInfoPtr primaryWinInfo;
- int newHeight;
- int ok = (newHeight < termHeight ());
- if (ok)
- {
- int diff, curHeight;
- TuiLayoutType curLayout = currentLayout ();
- diff = (newHeight - primaryWinInfo->generic.height) * (-1);
- if (curLayout == SRC_COMMAND || curLayout == DISASSEM_COMMAND)
- {
- ok = ((primaryWinInfo->generic.type == CMD_WIN &&
- newHeight <= (termHeight () - 4) &&
- newHeight >= MIN_CMD_WIN_HEIGHT) ||
- (primaryWinInfo->generic.type != CMD_WIN &&
- newHeight <= (termHeight () - 2) &&
- newHeight >= MIN_WIN_HEIGHT));
- if (ok)
- { /* check the total height */
- TuiWinInfoPtr winInfo;
- if (primaryWinInfo == cmdWin)
- winInfo = (TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[0];
- else
- winInfo = cmdWin;
- ok = ((newHeight +
- (winInfo->generic.height + diff)) <= termHeight ());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- int curTotalHeight, totalHeight, minHeight;
- TuiWinInfoPtr firstWin, secondWin;
- if (curLayout == SRC_DISASSEM_COMMAND)
- {
- firstWin = srcWin;
- secondWin = disassemWin;
- }
- else
- {
- firstWin = dataWin;
- secondWin = (TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[0];
- }
- /*
- ** We could simply add all the heights to obtain the same result
- ** but below is more explicit since we subtract 1 for the
- ** line that the first and second windows share, and add one
- ** for the locator.
- */
- curTotalHeight =
- (firstWin->generic.height + secondWin->generic.height - 1)
- + cmdWin->generic.height + 1 /*locator*/ ;
- if (primaryWinInfo == cmdWin)
- {
- /* locator included since first & second win share a line */
- ok = ((firstWin->generic.height +
- secondWin->generic.height + diff) >=
- (MIN_WIN_HEIGHT * 2) &&
- newHeight >= MIN_CMD_WIN_HEIGHT);
- if (ok)
- {
- totalHeight = newHeight + (firstWin->generic.height +
- secondWin->generic.height + diff);
- minHeight = MIN_CMD_WIN_HEIGHT;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- minHeight = MIN_WIN_HEIGHT;
- /*
- ** First see if we can increase/decrease the command
- ** window. And make sure that the command window is
- ** at least 1 line
- */
- ok = ((cmdWin->generic.height + diff) > 0);
- if (!ok)
- { /*
- ** Looks like we have to increase/decrease one of
- ** the other windows
- */
- if (primaryWinInfo == firstWin)
- ok = (secondWin->generic.height + diff) >= minHeight;
- else
- ok = (firstWin->generic.height + diff) >= minHeight;
- }
- if (ok)
- {
- if (primaryWinInfo == firstWin)
- totalHeight = newHeight +
- secondWin->generic.height +
- cmdWin->generic.height + diff;
- else
- totalHeight = newHeight +
- firstWin->generic.height +
- cmdWin->generic.height + diff;
- }
- }
- /*
- ** Now make sure that the proposed total height doesn't exceed
- ** the old total height.
- */
- if (ok)
- ok = (newHeight >= minHeight && totalHeight <= curTotalHeight);
- }
- }
- return ok;
-} /* _newHeightOk */
-** _parseScrollingArgs().
-static void
-#ifdef __STDC__
-_parseScrollingArgs (
- char *arg,
- TuiWinInfoPtr * winToScroll,
- int *numToScroll)
-_parseScrollingArgs (arg, winToScroll, numToScroll)
- char *arg;
- TuiWinInfoPtr *winToScroll;
- int *numToScroll;
- if (numToScroll)
- *numToScroll = 0;
- *winToScroll = tuiWinWithFocus ();
- /*
- ** First set up the default window to scroll, in case there is no
- ** window name arg
- */
- if (arg != (char *) NULL)
- {
- char *buf, *bufPtr;
- /* process the number of lines to scroll */
- buf = bufPtr = tuiStrDup (arg);
- if (isdigit (*bufPtr))
- {
- char *numStr;
- numStr = bufPtr;
- bufPtr = strchr (bufPtr, ' ');
- if (bufPtr != (char *) NULL)
- {
- *bufPtr = (char) 0;
- if (numToScroll)
- *numToScroll = atoi (numStr);
- bufPtr++;
- }
- else if (numToScroll)
- *numToScroll = atoi (numStr);
- }
- /* process the window name if one is specified */
- if (bufPtr != (char *) NULL)
- {
- char *wname;
- int i;
- if (*bufPtr == ' ')
- while (*(++bufPtr) == ' ')
- ;
- if (*bufPtr != (char) 0)
- wname = bufPtr;
- /* Validate the window name */
- for (i = 0; i < strlen (wname); i++)
- wname[i] = toupper (wname[i]);
- *winToScroll = partialWinByName (wname);
- if (*winToScroll == (TuiWinInfoPtr) NULL ||
- !(*winToScroll)->generic.isVisible)
- warning ("Invalid window specified. \n\
-The window name specified must be valid and visible.\n");
- else if (*winToScroll == cmdWin)
- *winToScroll = (TuiWinInfoPtr) (sourceWindows ())->list[0];
- }
- tuiFree (buf);
- }
- return;
-} /* _parseScrollingArgs */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiWin.h b/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiWin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cb8455dd8e08..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/tui/tuiWin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _TUI_WIN_H
-#define _TUI_WIN_H
-** This header file supports
-extern void tuiScrollForward PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr, int));
-extern void tuiScrollBackward PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr, int));
-extern void tuiScrollLeft PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr, int));
-extern void tuiScrollRight PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr, int));
-extern void tui_vScroll PARAMS ((va_list));
-extern void tuiSetWinFocusTo PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern void tuiClearWinFocusFrom PARAMS ((TuiWinInfoPtr));
-extern void tuiClearWinFocus PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiResizeAll PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiRefreshAll PARAMS ((void));
-extern void tuiSigwinchHandler PARAMS ((int));
-#endif /*_TUI_WIN_H*/
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/umax-xdep.c b/contrib/gdb/gdb/umax-xdep.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d54519e63846..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/gdb/umax-xdep.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-/* umax host stuff.
- Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "frame.h"
-#include "inferior.h"
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/dir.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include "gdbcore.h"
-#include <sys/ptrace.h>
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#include "gdb_stat.h"
-/* Work with core dump and executable files, for GDB.
- This code would be in corefile.c if it weren't machine-dependent. */
-core_file_command (filename, from_tty)
- char *filename;
- int from_tty;
- int val;
- extern char registers[];
- /* Discard all vestiges of any previous core file
- and mark data and stack spaces as empty. */
- if (corefile)
- free (corefile);
- corefile = 0;
- if (corechan >= 0)
- close (corechan);
- corechan = -1;
- data_start = 0;
- data_end = 0;
- stack_start = STACK_END_ADDR;
- stack_end = STACK_END_ADDR;
- /* Now, if a new core file was specified, open it and digest it. */
- if (filename)
- {
- filename = tilde_expand (filename);
- make_cleanup (free, filename);
- if (have_inferior_p ())
- error ("To look at a core file, you must kill the program with \"kill\".");
- corechan = open (filename, O_RDONLY, 0);
- if (corechan < 0)
- perror_with_name (filename);
- /* 4.2-style (and perhaps also sysV-style) core dump file. */
- {
- struct ptrace_user u;
- int reg_offset;
- val = myread (corechan, &u, sizeof u);
- if (val < 0)
- perror_with_name (filename);
- data_start = exec_data_start;
- data_end = data_start + u.pt_dsize;
- stack_start = stack_end - u.pt_ssize;
- data_offset = sizeof u;
- stack_offset = data_offset + u.pt_dsize;
- reg_offset = 0;
- memcpy (&core_aouthdr, &u.pt_aouthdr, sizeof (AOUTHDR));
- printf_unfiltered ("Core file is from \"%s\".\n", u.pt_comm);
- if (u.pt_signal > 0)
- printf_unfiltered ("Program terminated with signal %d, %s.\n",
- u.pt_signal, safe_strsignal (u.pt_signal));
- /* Read the register values out of the core file and store
- them where `read_register' will find them. */
- {
- register int regno;
- for (regno = 0; regno < NUM_REGS; regno++)
- {
- val = lseek (corechan, register_addr (regno, reg_offset), 0);
- if (val < 0)
- perror_with_name (filename);
- val = myread (corechan, buf, sizeof buf);
- if (val < 0)
- perror_with_name (filename);
- supply_register (regno, buf);
- }
- }
- }
- if (filename[0] == '/')
- corefile = savestring (filename, strlen (filename));
- else
- {
- corefile = concat (current_directory, "/", filename, NULL);
- }
- flush_cached_frames ();
- select_frame (get_current_frame (), 0);
- validate_files ();
- }
- else if (from_tty)
- printf_unfiltered ("No core file now.\n");
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/COPYING b/contrib/gdb/include/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index a43ea2126fb6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/ChangeLog b/contrib/gdb/include/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 3594591bb962..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,973 +0,0 @@
-Tue Mar 12 17:29:46 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup): Declare.
- (struct bfd_link_info): Add wrap_hash field.
-Wed Feb 14 16:49:17 1996 Martin Anantharaman <>
- * ieee.h (ieee_record_enum_type): Define
- ieee_external_reference_info_enum.
-Fri Feb 2 17:09:25 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * dis-asm.h (DISASM_RAW_INSN): Delete.
-Tue Jan 23 09:21:47 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * dis-asm.h (INIT_DISASSEMBLE_INFO): Set endian to BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN.
- New argument FPRINTF_FUNC.
-Mon Jan 22 16:37:59 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * dis-asm.h (disassemble_info): New members arch, mach, endian.
- (INIT_DISASSEMBLE_INFO): Initialize them.
-Thu Jan 18 11:32:38 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * demangle.h (cplus_demangle_opname): Change opname parameter to
- const char *.
- (cplus_mangle_opname): Change return type and opname parameter to
- const char *.
-Fri Jan 5 00:01:22 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * ieee.h (enum ieee_record): Add ieee_asn_record_enum,
- ieee_at_record_enum, ieee_ty_record_enum, ieee_atn_record_enum,
- ieee_bb_record_enum, and ieee_be_record_enum.
-Wed Jan 3 13:12:09 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * obstack.h: Update copyright to 1996.
- (_obstack_memory_used): Declare.
- (obstack_memory_used): Define macro.
-Thu Dec 28 11:42:12 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * libiberty.h (xstrdup): Declare.
-Thu Dec 21 14:47:17 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * wait.h: Protect all macros with #ifndef.
-Tue Oct 24 21:45:40 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Add static_link field.
-Tue Sep 12 16:28:04 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_callbacks): Add symbol parameter to
- warning callback.
-Fri Sep 1 13:11:51 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_callbacks): Change warning callback
- to take BFD, section, and address arguments.
-Thu Aug 31 16:45:12 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Remove PE stuff.
-Tue Aug 22 03:18:23 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * libiberty.h: Declare xstrerror. From Pat Rankin.
-Mon Aug 21 18:11:36 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Remove PE stuff.
-Wed Aug 2 08:14:12 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * dis-asm.h (print_insn_sparc64): Declare.
-Mon Jul 10 13:26:49 1995 Eric Youngdale <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Add new field symbolic.
-Sun Jul 2 17:48:40 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Change type of base_file to
- PTR.
-Thu Jun 29 00:02:45 1995 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Added base_file member.
-Tue Jun 20 16:40:04 1995 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * ansidecl.h: win32s is ANSI enough.
-Thu May 18 04:25:50 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- Wed May 10 14:28:16 1995 Richard Earnshaw (
- * dis-asm.h (print_insn_arm): Delete declaration.
- (print_insn_{little,big}_arm): New declarations.
- * floatformat.h (floatformat_arm_ext): Declare.
-Sat May 13 10:14:08 1995 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * coff/pe.h: New file.
- * bfdlink.h (subsytem, stack_heap_parameters): New.
- * coff/internal.h (internal_filehdr): New fields for PE.
- (internal_aouthdr): New fields for PE.
-Thu May 4 14:36:42 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * demangle.h: Don't include ansidecl.h if IN_GCC.
-Tue Feb 21 00:37:28 1995 Jeff Law (
- * hp-symtab.h: Don't use bitfield enumerations, the HP C compiler
- does not handle them correctly.
-Thu Feb 9 14:20:27 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * libiberty.h (basename): Don't declare parameter type; some
- systems have this in their header files.
-Wed Feb 8 17:35:38 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_hash_entry): Change format of common
- symbol information, to remove restrictions on maximum size and
- alignment power, by using a pointer to a structure instead.
-Mon Feb 6 14:55:32 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (enum bfd_link_hash_type): Rename bfd_link_hash_weak
- to bfd_link_hash_undefweak. Add bfd_link_hash_defweak.
-Mon Jan 16 21:00:23 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * dis-asm.h (GDB_INIT_DISASSEMBLE_INFO, etc): Remove all
- GDB-specific definitions.
-Sun Jan 15 18:39:35 1995 Steve Chamberlain <sac@splat>
- * dis-asm.h (print_insn_w65): Declare.
-Thu Jan 12 17:51:17 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * libiberty.h (hex_p): Fix sense of test.
-Wed Jan 11 22:36:40 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * libiberty.h (_hex_array_size, _hex_bad, _hex_value, hex_init,
- hex_p, hex_value): New macros and declarations, for hex.c.
-Fri Jan 6 17:44:14 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * dis-asm.h: Make idempotent.
-Wed Dec 14 13:08:43 1994 Stan Shebs <>
- * progress.h: New file, empty definitions for progress macros.
-Fri Nov 25 00:14:05 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hp-symtab.h: New file describing the debug symbols emitted
- by the HP C compilers.
-Fri Nov 11 15:48:37 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_hash_entry): Change u.c.size from 24
- to 26 bits, and change u.c.alignment_power from 8 to 6 bits. 6
- bit in the alignment power is enough for a 64 bit address space.
-Mon Oct 31 13:02:51 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * demangle.h (cplus_mangle_opname): Declare.
-Tue Oct 25 11:38:02 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_callbacks): Fix comments for
- multiple_common field.
-Sun Sep 04 17:58:10 1994 Richard Earnshaw (
- * aout/aout64.h: Only define QMAGIC if it isn't already defined.
- * dis-asm.h: Add support for the ARM.
-Wed Aug 10 12:51:41 1994 Doug Evans (
- * libiberty.h (strsignal): Document its existence even if we
- can't declare it.
-Tue Aug 2 14:40:03 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * os9k.h: Remove u_int16, u_int32, and owner_id typedefs and
- expand their uses. Those names conflict with Mach headers.
-Fri Jul 22 14:17:12 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_hash_entry): Change u.c.size into a
- bitfield. Add field u.c.alignment_power.
-Sun Jul 10 00:26:39 1994 Ian Dall (
- * dis-asm.h: Add print_insn_ns32k declaration.
-Mon Jun 20 17:13:29 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfdlink.h (bfd_link_hash_table): Make creator a const pointer.
-Sat Jun 18 16:09:32 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * demangle.h (cplus_demangle_opname): Declare.
-Thu Jun 16 15:19:03 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Add new field shared.
-Mon Jun 6 14:39:44 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_hash_entry): Remove written field:
- not needed for all backends.
-Thu Apr 28 19:06:50 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * dis-asm.h (disassembler): Declare.
-Fri Apr 1 00:38:17 1994 Jim Wilson (
- * obstack.h: Delete use of IN_GCC to control whether
- stddef.h or gstddef.h is included.
-Tue Mar 22 13:06:02 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfdlink.h (enum bfd_link_order_type): Add bfd_data_link_order.
- (struct bfd_link_order): Add data field to union.
-Mon Mar 21 18:45:26 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_callbacks): Change bitsize argument
- to add_to_set to reloc. Remove bitsize argument from constructor.
- Comment that reloc_overflow, reloc_dangerous and unattached_reloc
- must handle NULL pointers for reloc location.
- (enum bfd_link_order_type): Add bfd_section_reloc_link_order and
- bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order.
- (struct bfd_link_order): Add reloc field to union.
- (struct bfd_link_order_reloc): Define.
-Mon Mar 14 12:27:50 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ieee-float.h: Removed; no longer used.
-Tue Mar 1 18:10:49 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * os9k.h: os9000 target specific header file, the header of the
- object file is used now.
-Sun Feb 27 21:52:26 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * floatformat.h: New file, intended to replace ieee-float.h.
-Sun Feb 20 17:15:42 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ansidecl.h (ANSI_PROTOTYPES): Define if using ANSI prototypes.
-Wed Feb 16 01:07:12 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * libiberty.h: Don't declare strsignal, to avoid conflicts with
- Solaris system header files.
-Sat Feb 12 22:11:32 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * libiberty.h (xexit): Use __volatile__ to avoid losing if
- compiling with gcc -traditional.
-Thu Feb 10 14:05:41 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * libiberty.h: New file. Declares functions provided by
- libiberty.
-Tue Feb 8 05:19:52 1994 David J. Mackenzie (
- Handle obstack_chunk_alloc returning NULL. This allows
- obstacks to be used by libraries, without forcing them
- to call exit or longjmp.
- * obstack.h (struct obstack): Add alloc_failed flag.
- _obstack_begin, _obstack_begin_1): Declare to return int, not void.
- (obstack_finish): If alloc_failed, return NULL.
- (obstack_base, obstack_next_free, objstack_object_size):
- If alloc_failed, return 0.
- (obstack_grow, obstack_grow0, obstack_1grow, obstack_ptr_grow,
- obstack_int_grow, obstack_blank): If alloc_failed, do nothing that
- could corrupt the obstack.
-Mon Jan 24 15:06:05 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_callbacks): Add name, reloc_name and
- addend argments to reloc_overflow callback.
-Fri Jan 21 19:13:12 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * dis-asm.h (print_insn_big_powerpc, print_insn_little_powerpc,
- print_insn_rs6000): Declare.
-Thu Jan 6 14:15:55 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_callbacks): Add bitsize argument to
- add_to_set field. Add new callback named constructor.
-Thu Dec 30 10:44:06 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfdlink.h: New file for new BFD linker backend routines.
-Mon Nov 29 10:43:57 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * dis-asm.h (enum dis_insn_tyupe): Remove non-ANSI trailing comma.
-Sat Oct 2 20:42:26 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * dis-asm.h: Move comment to right place.
-Mon Aug 9 19:03:35 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
- * obstack.h (obstack_chunkfun, obstack_freefun): Add defns from
- previous version. Are these Cygnus local changes?
-Fri Aug 6 17:05:47 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
- * getopt.h, obstack.h: Update to latest FSF version.
-Mon Aug 2 16:37:14 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * coff/i386.h: Add Lynx magic number.
-Mon Aug 2 14:45:29 1993 John Gilmore (
- * dis-asm.h: Move enum outside of struct defn to avoid warnings.
-Mon Aug 2 08:49:30 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * wait.h (WEXITSTATUS, WSTOPSIG): Mask down to 8 bits. This is
- for systems that store stuff into the high 16 bits of a wait
- status.
-Fri Jul 30 18:38:02 1993 John Gilmore (
- * dis-asm.h: Add new fields insn_info_valid, branch_delay_insns,
- data_size, insn_type, target, target2. These are used to return
- information from the instruction decoders back to the calling
- program. Add comments, make more readable.
-Mon Jul 19 22:14:14 1993 Fred Fish (
- * nlm: New directory containing NLM/NetWare includes.
-Thu Jul 15 12:10:04 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * dis-asm.h (struct disassemble_info): New field application_data.
-Thu Jul 15 12:41:15 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * dis-asm.h: Added declaration of print_insn_m88k.
-Thu Jul 8 09:05:26 1993 Doug Evans (
- * opcode/h8300.h: Lots of little fixes for the h8/300h.
-Fri Jul 2 10:31:59 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ansidecl.h: Use ANSI macros if __mips and _SYSTYPE_SVR4 are
- defined, since RISC/OS cc handles ANSI declarations in SVR4 mode
- but does not define __STDC__.
-Sun Jun 20 18:27:52 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * dis-asm.h: Don't need to include ansidecl.h any more.
-Fri Jun 18 03:22:10 1993 John Gilmore (
- * oasys.h: Eliminate "int8_type", "int16_type", "int32_type", and
- their variants. These changes are coordinated with corresponding
- changes in ../bfd/oasys.c.
-Wed Jun 16 10:43:08 1993 Fred Fish (
- * bfd.h: Note that it has been removed.
-Tue Jun 8 12:16:03 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- Support for H8/300-H
- * dis-asm.h (print_insn_h8300, print_insn_h8300h): Declare it.
- * coff/h8300.h: New magic number.
- * coff/internal.h: New relocations.
- * opcode/h8300.h: Lots of new opcodes.
-Tue Jun 1 07:35:03 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * ansidecl.h (const): Don't define it if it's already defined.
-Thu May 27 18:19:51 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * dis-asm.h (print_insn_hppa): Declare it.
- * bfd.h: Moved to bfd directory. Small stub here includes it
- without requiring "-I../bfd".
-Thu Apr 29 12:06:13 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * bfd.h: Updated with BSF_FUNCTION.
-Mon Apr 26 18:15:50 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * bfd.h, dis-asm.h: Updated with Hitachi SH.
-Fri Apr 23 18:41:38 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * bfd.h: Updated with alpha changes.
- * dis-asm.h: Added alpha.
-Fri Apr 16 17:35:30 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * bfd.h: Update for signed bfd_*get_*.
-Thu Apr 15 09:24:21 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * bfd.h: Updated for file_truncated error.
-Thu Apr 8 10:53:47 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ansidecl.h: If no ANSI, define const to be empty.
-Thu Apr 1 09:00:10 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * dis-asm.h: Declare a29k and i960 print_insn_*.
- * dis-asm.h: Add print_address_func and related stuff.
- * dis-asm.h (dis_asm_read_memory): Fix prototype.
-Wed Mar 31 17:40:16 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * dis-asm.h: Add print_insn_sparc.
-Wed Mar 31 17:51:42 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfd.h: Updated for BFD_RELOC_MIPS_GPREL and bfd_[gs]et_gp_size
- prototypes.
-Wed Mar 31 16:35:12 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * dis-asm.h: (disassemble_info): Fix typo in prototype of
- dis_asm_memory_error().
-Tue Mar 30 19:09:23 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * dis-asm.h (disassembler_info): Add read_memory_func,
- memory_error_func, buffer, and length.
- print_insn_*: Remove second argument.
-Tue Mar 30 14:48:55 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * bfd.h: Update for lma field of section.
-Tue Mar 30 12:22:55 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * ansidecl.h: Use ANSI versions on AIX regardless of __STDC__.
-Fri Mar 19 14:49:49 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * dis-asm.h: Add h8500.
-Thu Mar 18 13:49:09 1993 Per Bothner (
- * ieee-float.h: Moved from ../gdb.
- * dis-asm.h: New file. Interface to dis-assembler.
-Thu Mar 11 10:52:57 1993 Fred Fish (
- * demangle.h (DMGL_NO_OPTS): Add define (set to 0) to use
- in place of bare 0, for readability reasons.
-Tue Mar 2 17:50:11 1993 Fred Fish (
- * demangle.h: Replace all references to cfront with ARM.
-Tue Feb 23 12:21:14 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfd.h: Update for new elements in JUMP_TABLE.
-Tue Feb 16 00:51:30 1993 John Gilmore (
- * bfd.h: Update for BFD_VERSION 2.1.
-Tue Jan 26 11:49:20 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfd.h: Update for SEC_IS_COMMON flag.
-Tue Jan 19 12:25:12 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfd.h: Update for bfd_asymbol_value bug fix.
-Fri Jan 8 16:37:18 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfd.h: Update to include ECOFF tdata and target_flavour.
-Sun Dec 27 17:52:30 1992 Fred Fish (
- * bfd.h: Add declaration for bfd_get_size().
-Tue Dec 22 22:42:46 1992 Fred Fish (
- * demangle.h: Protect file from multiple inclusions with
- #if !defined(DEMANGLE_H)...#define DEMANGLE_H...#endif.
-Mon Dec 21 21:25:50 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * bfd.h: Update to get hppa_core_struct from bfd.c.
-Thu Dec 17 00:42:35 1992 John Gilmore (
- * bfd.h: Update to get tekhex tdata name change from bfd.
-Mon Nov 9 23:55:42 1992 John Gilmore (
- * ansidecl.h: Update comments to discourage use of EXFUN.
-Thu Nov 5 16:35:44 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfd.h: Update to bring in SEC_SHARED_LIBRARY.
-Thu Nov 5 03:21:32 1992 John Gilmore (
- * bfd.h: Update to match EXFUN, bfd_seclet_struct, and SDEF
- cleanups in bfd.
-Wed Nov 4 07:28:05 1992 Ken Raeburn (
- * bout.h (N_CALLNAME, N_BALNAME): Define as char-type values, so
- widening works consistently.
-Fri Oct 16 03:17:08 1992 John Gilmore (
- * getopt.h: Update to Revised Standard FSF Version.
-Thu Oct 15 21:43:22 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * getopt.h (struct option): use the provided enum for has_arg.
- LUCID_DEMANGLING): ultrix compilers require enums to be
- enums and ints to be ints and casts where they meet. cast some
- enums into ints.
-Thu Oct 15 04:35:51 1992 John Gilmore (
- * bfd.h: Update after comment changes.
-Thu Oct 8 09:03:02 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * bfd.h (bfd_get_symbol_leading_char): new macro for getting in xvec
-Thu Sep 3 09:10:50 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * bfd.h (struct reloc_howto_struct): size needs to be signed if
- it's going to hold negative values.
-Sun Aug 30 17:50:27 1992 Per Bothner (
- * demangle.h: New file, moved from ../gdb. Made independent
- of gdb. Allow demangling style option to be passed as a
- parameter to cplus_demangle(), but using the
- current_demangling_style global as the default.
-Sat Aug 29 10:07:55 1992 Fred Fish (
- * obstack.h: Merge comment change from current FSF version.
-Thu Aug 27 12:59:29 1992 Brendan Kehoe (
- * bfd.h: add we32k
-Tue Aug 25 15:07:47 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * bfd.h: new after Z8000 stuff
-Mon Aug 17 09:01:23 1992 Ken Raeburn (
- * bfd.h: Regenerated after page/segment size changes.
-Sat Aug 1 13:46:31 1992 Fred Fish (
- * obstack.h: Merge changes from current FSF version.
-Mon Jul 20 21:06:23 1992 Fred Fish (
- * obstack.h (area_id, flags): Remove, replace with extra_arg,
- use_extra_arg, and maybe_empty_object.
- Remove, replaced by maybe_empty_object and use_extra_arg bitfields.
- * obstack.h (obstack_full_begin, _obstack_begin): Remove area_id
- and flags arguments.
- * obstack.h (obstack_alloc_arg): New macro to set extra_arg.
-Thu Jul 16 08:12:44 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * bfd.h: new after adding BFD_IS_RELAXABLE
-Sat Jul 4 03:22:23 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * bfd.h: Regen after adding BSF_FILE.
-Mon Jun 29 14:18:36 1992 Fred Fish (fnf at sunfish)
- * obstack.h: Convert bcopy() use to memcpy(), which is more
- portable, more standard, and can take advantage of gcc's builtin
- functions for increased performance.
-Thu Jun 25 04:46:08 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * ansidecl.h (PARAMS): Incorporate this macro from gdb's defs.h.
- It's a cleaner way to forward-declare function prototypes.
-Fri Jun 19 15:46:32 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * bfd.h: HPPA merge.
-Tue Jun 16 21:30:56 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * getopt.h: gratuitous white space changes merged from other prep
- releases.
-Thu Jun 11 01:10:55 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * bfd.h: Regen'd from bfd.c after removing elf_core_tdata_struct.
-Mon May 18 17:29:03 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * getopt.h: merged changes from make-3.62.11.
- * getopt.h: merged changes from grep-1.6 (alpha).
-Fri May 8 14:53:32 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * getopt.h: merged changes from bison-1.18.
-Sat Mar 14 17:25:20 1992 Fred Fish (
- * obstack.h: Add "area_id" and "flags" members to obstack
- structure. Add obstack_chunkfun() and obstack_freefun() to
- set functions explicitly. Convert maybe_empty_object to
- a bit in "flags".
-Thu Feb 27 22:01:02 1992 Per Bothner (
- * wait.h (WIFSTOPPED): Add IBM rs6000-specific version.
-Fri Feb 21 20:49:20 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * obstack.h: Add obstack_full_begin.
- * bfd.h, obstack.h: Protolint.
-Thu Jan 30 01:18:42 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * bfd.h: Remove comma from enum declaration.
-Mon Jan 27 22:01:13 1992 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
- * bfd.h : new target entr, bfd_relax_section
-Wed Dec 18 17:19:44 1991 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * bfd.h, ieee.h, opcode/m68k.h, opcode/sparc.h: ANSIfy enums.
-Thu Dec 12 20:59:56 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * fopen-same.h, fopen-bin.h: New files for configuring
- whether fopen distinguishes binary files or not. For use
- by host-dependent config files.
-Sat Nov 30 20:46:43 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
- * bfd.h: change the documentation format.
- * created coff, elf and opcode and aout directories. Moved:
- aout64.h ==> aout/aout64.h
- ar.h ==> aout/ar.h
- a.out.encap.h ==> aout/encap.h
- ==> aout/host.h
- a.out.hp.h ==> aout/hp.h
- a.out.sun4.h ==> aout/sun4.h
- ranlib.h ==> aout/ranlib.h
- reloc.h ==> aout/reloc.h
- stab.def ==> aout/stab.def
- stab.gnu.h ==> aout/stab_gnu.h
- coff-a29k.h ==> coff/a29k.h
- coff-h8300.h ==> coff/h8300.h
- coff-i386.h ==> coff/i386.h
- coff-i960.h ==> coff/i960.h
- internalcoff.h ==> coff/internal.h
- coff-m68k.h ==> coff/m68k.h
- coff-m88k.h ==> coff/m88k.h
- coff-mips.h ==> coff/mips.h
- coff-rs6000.h ==> coff/rs6000.h
- elf-common.h ==> elf/common.h
- dwarf.h ==> elf/dwarf.h
- elf-external.h ==> elf/external.h
- elf-internal.h ==> elf/internal.h
- a29k-opcode.h ==> opcode/a29k.h
- arm-opcode.h ==> opcode/arm.h
- h8300-opcode.h ==> opcode/h8300.h
- i386-opcode.h ==> opcode/i386.h
- i860-opcode.h ==> opcode/i860.h
- i960-opcode.h ==> opcode/i960.h
- m68k-opcode.h ==> opcode/m68k.h
- m88k-opcode.h ==> opcode/m88k.h
- mips-opcode.h ==> opcode/mips.h
- np1-opcode.h ==> opcode/np1.h
- ns32k-opcode.h ==> opcode/ns32k.h
- pn-opcode.h ==> opcode/pn.h
- pyr-opcode.h ==> opcode/pyr.h
- sparc-opcode.h ==> opcode/sparc.h
- tahoe-opcode.h ==> opcode/tahoe.h
- vax-opcode.h ==> opcode/vax.h
-Wed Nov 27 10:38:31 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
- * internalcoff.h: (internal_scnhdr) took out #def dependency, now
- s_nreloc and s_nlnno are always long. (internal_reloc): allways
- has an offset field now.
-Fri Nov 22 08:12:58 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * coff-rs6000.h: Lint; use unsigned chars for external fields.
- * internalcoff.h: Lint; cast storage classes to signed char.
-Thu Nov 21 21:01:05 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * stab.def: Remove the GNU extended type codes (e.g. N_SETT).
- * aout64.h: The heuristic for distinguishing between
- sunos-style and bsd-style ZMAGIC files (wrt. where the
- text segment starts) is moved into (the default definition of)
- the macro N_HEADER_IN_TEXT. This definition is only used
- if no other definition is used - e.g. bfd/newsos3.c defines
- N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) to be always 0 (as before).
-Thu Nov 21 11:53:03 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * aout64.h (N_TXTADDR, N_TXTOFF, N_TXTSIZE): New definitions
- that should handle all uses. LOGICAL_ versions deleted.
- Eliminate N_HEADER_IN_TEXT, using a_entry to determine which
- kind of zmagic a.out file we are looking at.
- * coff-rs6000.h: Typo.
-Tue Nov 19 18:43:37 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- (Note: This is a revised entry, as was aout64.h.)
- * aout64.h: Some cleanups of N_TXTADDR and N_TXTOFF:
- Will now work for both old- and new-style ZMAGIC files,
- depending on N_HEADER_IN_TEXT macro.
- that don't count the exec header as part
- of the text segment, to be consistent with bfd.
- * a.out.sun4.h: Simplified/fixed for previous change.
-Mon Nov 18 00:02:06 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * dwarf.h: Update to DWARF draft 5 version from gcc2.
-Thu Nov 14 19:44:59 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * stab.def: Added defs for extended GNU symbol types,
- such as N_SETT. These are normally ifdef'd out (because
- of conflicts with a.out.gnu.h), but are used by bfb_stab_name().
-Thu Nov 14 19:17:03 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * elf-common.h: Add defines to support ELF symbol table code.
-Mon Nov 11 19:01:06 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * elf-internal.h, elf-external.h, elf-common.h: Add support for
- note sections, which are used in ELF core files to hold copies
- of various /proc structures.
-Thu Nov 7 08:58:26 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
- * internalcoff.h: took out the M88 dependency in the lineno
- struct.
- * coff-m88k.h: defines GET_LINENO_LNNO and PUT_LINENO_LNNO to use
- 32bit linno entries.
- * a29k-opcode.h: fixed encoding of mtacc
-Sun Nov 3 11:54:22 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * bfd.h: Updated from ../bfd/bfd-in.h (q.v).
-Fri Nov 1 11:13:53 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * internalcoff.h: Add x_csect defines.
-Fri Oct 25 03:18:20 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * Rename COFF-related files in `coff-ARCH.h' form.
- coff-a29k.h, coff-i386.h, coff-i960.h, coff-m68k.h, coff-m88k.h,
- coff-mips.h, coff-rs6000.h to be exact.
-Thu Oct 24 22:11:11 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- RS/6000 support, by Metin G. Ozisik, Mimi Phûông-Thåo Võ, and
- John Gilmore.
- * a.out.gnu.h: Update slightly.
- * bfd.h: Add new error code, fix doc, add bfd_arch_rs6000.
- * internalcoff.h: Add more F_ codes for filehdr. Add
- rs/6000-dependent fields to aouthdr. Add storage classes
- to syments. Add 6000-specific auxent. Add r_size in reloc.
- * rs6000coff.c: New file.
-Thu Oct 24 04:13:20 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * dwarf.h: New file for dwarf support. Copied from gcc2
- distribution.
-Wed Oct 16 13:31:45 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * aout64.h: Remove PAGE_SIZE defines; they are target-dependent.
- Add N_FN_SEQ for N_FN symbol type used on Sequent machines.
- * stab.def: Include N_FN_SEQ in table.
- * bout.h: External formats of structures use unsigned chars.
-Fri Oct 11 12:40:43 1991 Steve Chamberlain (steve at
- * bfd.h:upgrade from bfd.c
- * internalcoff.h: add n_name, n_zeroes and n_offset macros
- * amdcoff.h: Define OMAGIC and AOUTHDRSZ.
-Fri Oct 11 10:58:06 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * Change SEGMENT_SIZE to 0x1000 for Sony.
- * bfd.h (align_power): Add (actually move) comment.
-Tue Oct 8 15:29:32 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * sys/h-rtbsd.h: Define MISSING_VFPRINT (for binutils/bucomm.c).
-Sun Oct 6 19:24:39 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * aout64.h: Move struct internal_exec to ../bfd/libaout.h so
- it can be shared by all `a.out-family' code. Rename
- for nlist members, and make strx integral rather than pointer.
- More commentary on n_type values.
- * bout.h: Provide a struct external_exec rather than an
- internal_exec.
- * m68kcoff.h: Remove `tagentries' which snuck in from the i960
- COFF port.
-Fri Oct 4 01:25:59 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * h8300-opcode.h: Remove `_enum' from the typedef for an enum.
- * bfd.h: Update to match bfd changes.
- * sys/h-i386mach.h, sysdep.h: Add 386 Mach host support.
-Tue Oct 1 04:58:42 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * bfd.h, elf-common.h, elf-external.h, elf-internal.h:
- Add preliminary ELF support, sufficient for GDB, from Fred Fish.
- * sysdep.h, sys/h-amix.h: Support Amiga SVR4.
- * sys/h-vaxult.h: Make it work. (David Taylor <>)
- * a.out.vax.h: Remove unused and confusing file.
-Mon Sep 30 12:52:35 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * sysdep.h: Define NEWSOS3_SYS, and use it.
-Fri Sep 20 13:38:21 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * a.out.gnu.h (N_FN): Its value *really is* 0x1F.
- Fix it, and add comments warning about or-ing N_EXT with it
- and/or N_WARNING.
- * aout64.h (N_FN): Fix value, add comments about N_EXT.
- * stab.def (table at end): Update to show all the type
- values <0x20, including low order bits. Move N_FN to
- its rightful place.
-Tue Sep 17 17:41:37 1991 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * sys/h-irix3.h: sgi/irix support.
-Tue Sep 17 07:52:59 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * stab.def (N_DEFD): Add GNU Modula-2 debug stab, from Andrew
- Beers.
-Thu Sep 12 14:12:59 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * internalcoff.h (SYMNMLEN, FILNMLEN, DIMNUM): Define these
- for internalcoff, separately from the various external coff's.
- * amdcoff.h, bcs88kcoff.h, i386coff.h, intel-coff.h, m68kcoff.h,
- m88k-bcs.h: Prefix SYMNMLEN, FILNMLEN, and DIMNUM with E_'s for
- the external struct definitions.
- * ecoff.h: Remove these #define's, kludge no longer needed.
- * sys/h-ultra3.h: Add new Ultracomputer host.
- * sysdep.h: Add ULTRA3_SYM1_SYS and use it.
-Tue Sep 10 10:11:46 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * i386coff.h (LINESZ): Always 6, not based on sizeof().
- (Fix from Peter Schauer <>.)
-Wed Sep 4 08:58:37 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * a.out.gnu.h, aout64.h: Add N_WARNING. Change N_FN to 0x0E,
- to match SunOS and BSD. Add N_COMM as 0x12 for SunOS shared lib
- support.
- * stab.def: Add N_COMM to table, fix overlap comment.
-Tue Sep 3 06:29:20 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- Merge with latest FSF versions of these files.
- * stab.gnu.h: Add LAST_UNUSED_STAB_CODE.
- * stab.def: Update to GPL2. Move N_WARNING out, since not a
- debug symbol. Change comments, and reorder table to numeric
- order. Update final table comment.
- (N_DSLINE, N_BSLINE): Renumber from 0x66 and 0x68, to 0x46 and 0x48.
- * obstack.h: GPL2. Merge.
-Fri Aug 23 01:54:23 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * a.out.gnu.h, a.out.sun4.h: Make SEGMENT_SIZE able to depend
- on the particular a.out being examined.
- * a.out.sun4.h: Define segment sizes for Sun-3's and Sun-4's.
- * FIXME: a.out.gnu.h is almost obsolete.
- * FIXME: a.out.sun4.h should be renamed a.out.sun.h now.
-Wed Aug 21 20:32:13 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * Start a ChangeLog for the includes directory.
- * a.out.gnu.h (N_FN): Fix value -- was 15, should be 0x1E.
- * stab.def: Update allocation table in comments at end,
- to reflect reality as I know it.
-Local Variables:
-mode: indented-text
-left-margin: 8
-fill-column: 74
-version-control: never
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/ansidecl.h b/contrib/gdb/include/ansidecl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index be04e42d56a3..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/ansidecl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-/* ANSI and traditional C compatability macros
- Copyright 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of the GNU C Library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* ANSI and traditional C compatibility macros
- ANSI C is assumed if __STDC__ is #defined.
- Macro ANSI C definition Traditional C definition
- ----- ---- - ---------- ----------- - ----------
- PTR `void *' `char *'
- LONG_DOUBLE `long double' `double'
- VOLATILE `volatile' `'
- SIGNED `signed' `'
- PTRCONST `void *const' `char *'
- ANSI_PROTOTYPES 1 not defined
- CONST is also defined, but is obsolete. Just use const.
- DEFUN (name, arglist, args)
- Defines function NAME.
- ARGLIST lists the arguments, separated by commas and enclosed in
- parentheses. ARGLIST becomes the argument list in traditional C.
- ARGS list the arguments with their types. It becomes a prototype in
- ANSI C, and the type declarations in traditional C. Arguments should
- be separated with `AND'. For functions with a variable number of
- arguments, the last thing listed should be `DOTS'.
- DEFUN_VOID (name)
- Defines a function NAME, which takes no arguments.
- obsolete -- EXFUN (name, (prototype)) -- obsolete.
- Replaced by PARAMS. Do not use; will disappear someday soon.
- Was used in external function declarations.
- In ANSI C it is `NAME PROTOTYPE' (so PROTOTYPE should be enclosed in
- parentheses). In traditional C it is `NAME()'.
- For a function that takes no arguments, PROTOTYPE should be `(void)'.
- PARAMS ((args))
- We could use the EXFUN macro to handle prototype declarations, but
- the name is misleading and the result is ugly. So we just define a
- simple macro to handle the parameter lists, as in:
- static int foo PARAMS ((int, char));
- This produces: `static int foo();' or `static int foo (int, char);'
- EXFUN would have done it like this:
- static int EXFUN (foo, (int, char));
- but the function is not external...and it's hard to visually parse
- the function name out of the mess. EXFUN should be considered
- obsolete; new code should be written to use PARAMS.
- For example:
- extern int printf PARAMS ((CONST char *format DOTS));
- int DEFUN(fprintf, (stream, format),
- FILE *stream AND CONST char *format DOTS) { ... }
- void DEFUN_VOID(abort) { ... }
-#ifndef _ANSIDECL_H
-#define _ANSIDECL_H 1
-/* Every source file includes this file,
- so they will all get the switch for lint. */
-#if defined (__STDC__) || defined (_AIX) || (defined (__mips) && defined (_SYSTYPE_SVR4)) || defined(WIN32)
-/* All known AIX compilers implement these things (but don't always
- define __STDC__). The RISC/OS MIPS compiler defines these things
- in SVR4 mode, but does not define __STDC__. */
-#define PTR void *
-#define PTRCONST void *CONST
-#define LONG_DOUBLE long double
-#define AND ,
-#define NOARGS void
-#define CONST const
-#define VOLATILE volatile
-#define SIGNED signed
-#define DOTS , ...
-#define EXFUN(name, proto) name proto
-#define DEFUN(name, arglist, args) name(args)
-#define DEFUN_VOID(name) name(void)
-#define PROTO(type, name, arglist) type name arglist
-#define PARAMS(paramlist) paramlist
-#else /* Not ANSI C. */
-#define PTR char *
-#define LONG_DOUBLE double
-#define AND ;
-#define NOARGS
-#define CONST
-#ifndef const /* some systems define it in header files for non-ansi mode */
-#define const
-#define VOLATILE
-#define SIGNED
-#define DOTS
-#define EXFUN(name, proto) name()
-#define DEFUN(name, arglist, args) name arglist args;
-#define DEFUN_VOID(name) name()
-#define PROTO(type, name, arglist) type name ()
-#define PARAMS(paramlist) ()
-#endif /* ANSI C. */
-#endif /* ansidecl.h */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/ChangeLog b/contrib/gdb/include/aout/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 307448bc87fd..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-Mon Mar 11 12:15:52 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * stab.def: Use __define_stab_duplicate rather than __define_stab
- for duplicate entries N_BROWS and N_MOD2.
- * stab_gnu.h (__define_stab_duplicate): Define before including
- stab.def.
-Fri Oct 27 17:47:16 1995 Niklas Hallqvist <>
- * aout64.h, host.h, hp300hpux.h, sun4.h: Changed PAGE_SIZE to
-Tue Sep 12 12:07:02 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * sun4.h (struct internal_sun4_dynamic_link): Change all fields
- from long to unsigned long.
-Wed Jul 12 00:15:13 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * sun4.h (PAGE_SIZE): Undefine before defining.
-Thu Jun 16 14:22:55 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * aout64.h (BMAGIC): Define.
-Sat Jun 11 16:16:09 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- Add weak symbols as an extension to a.out.
- * aout64.h (N_WEAKU, N_WEAKA, N_WEAKT, N_WEAKD, N_WEAKB): Define.
- * stab.def: Update symbol value table.
-Thu Jun 2 17:13:38 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * sun4.h (EXTERNAL_SUN4_DYNAMIC_DEBUGGER_SIZE): Correct from 28 to
- 24. Fix up ld_got comment.
-Wed Mar 30 00:31:49 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * dynix3.h: Cleanup, adapt to current bfd version.
-Sat Feb 26 10:25:53 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * aout64.h: Add casts to avoid warnings from SVR4 cc.
-Fri Feb 11 12:56:04 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * ar.h (ARMAG, ARMAGB, ARFMAG): Change '\n' to '\012', for greater
- portability.
-Fri Jan 21 00:59:06 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * sun4.h: Added information about SunOS shared libraries.
-Fri Jan 7 08:20:13 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * aout64.h (N_TXTADDR): Add comment regarding OMAGIC and NMAGIC.
-Sat Dec 25 14:55:41 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * aout64.h (N_DATOFF): Don't pad (revert change of 8 Jul 1993).
-Tue Nov 16 15:43:46 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * aout64.h: New macros ZMAGIC_DISK_BLOCK_SIZE and N_DISK_BLOCK_SIZE
- for Linux ZMAGIC.
- (N_TXTOFF, N_DATOFF): Use them.
-Thu Nov 4 00:33:48 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * aout64.h (RELOC_STD_BITS_RELATIVE_LITTLE): Fixed value to match
- sun3 system; used to overlap other fields.
-Wed Nov 3 13:48:27 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
- * aout64.h (RELOC_STD_BITS_BASEREL_LITTLE): Make it 0x10 (Ken's
- suggestion) to avoid conflict with RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE.
-Fri Oct 29 15:09:52 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * hp300hpux.h (N_SHARED_LIB): Define to be 0.
-Mon Sep 13 21:00:56 1993 John Gilmore (
- * ar.h (ARMAP_TIME_OFFSET): Add and describe.
-Mon Aug 23 Sean Fagan (
- * aout64.h [ARCH_SIZE != 64]: Allow N_BADMAG to be overridden.
-Mon Aug 16 14:30:14 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stab_gnu.h: Include aout/stab.def not just stab.def.
-Sun Jul 18 21:41:47 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * dynix3.h: New, for symmetry running dynix.
-Thu Jul 8 12:52:22 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * aout64.h (N_BADMAG): Recognize QMAGIC.
- N_DATOFF: Pad text size if we need to.
-Fri Jun 18 19:19:38 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stab.def (N_ECOML): Fix comment.
-Mon May 31 09:21:30 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * stab.def: Remove Solaris information on N_FUN stabstring grammar;
- I've transferred it to gdb/doc/stabs.texinfo, where it belongs.
-Mon May 10 05:48:43 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * hp300hpux.h: Patch from Glenn Engel for linker problem and
- compatibility fix:
- (OMAGIC, NMAGIC): New definitions.
- (SHAREMAGIC): Deleted.
- (HPUX_DOT_O_MAGIC): New macro.
- (_N_BADMAG): Adjusted.
- (N_HEADER_IN_TEXT, N_DATADDR): New macros.
-Thu Apr 29 12:07:37 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * hp300hpux.h: New file from Glenn Engel,
-Tue Apr 27 05:51:04 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * aout64.h (struct external_exec, *MAGIC, N_BADMAG): Don't define
- if `external_exec' is already defined as a macro.
- if already defined.
- (struct external_nlist, EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE): Don't define if
- `external_nlist' is already defined as a macro.
-Sat Aug 15 04:23:02 1992 John Gilmore (
- * adobe.h: Add description of a.out.adobe format.
-Fri Jul 3 00:36:52 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * stab.def: Update more Solaris definitions.
- * stab_gnu.h: Add N_SO language types, and Solaris basic float types.
-Sun Jun 14 10:53:53 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * stab.def: Update descriptions of Solaris-2 stabs; add N_UNDF.
-Thu Jun 11 01:12:07 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * stab.def: Add N_OBJ and N_OPT from Solaris-2.
-Thu Jan 30 18:12:44 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * aout/aout64.h: N_TXTSIZE needs some more parentheses.
- I don't trust C precedence.
-Wed Dec 18 14:32:01 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * aout/aout64.h: Move common sunos-specific test
- to recognize shared libraries into new macro N_SHARED_LIB.
- Use it to simplify&reformat N_TXTADDR, N_TXTOFF, N_TXTSIZE.
-Sat Nov 30 20:34:52 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
- * ChangeLog, aout64.h, ar.h, encap.h, host.h, hp.h, ranlib.h,
- reloc.h, stab.def, stab_gnu.h, sun4.h: All moved from the
- devo/include directory
-Local Variables:
-version-control: never
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/adobe.h b/contrib/gdb/include/aout/adobe.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d2f15c6cb72..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/adobe.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-/* `a.out.adobe' differences from standard a.out files */
-#ifndef __A_OUT_ADOBE_H__
-#define __A_OUT_ADOBE_H__
-#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
-/* Struct external_exec is the same. */
-/* This is the layout on disk of the 32-bit or 64-bit exec header. */
-struct external_exec
- bfd_byte e_info[4]; /* magic number and stuff */
- bfd_byte e_text[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of text section in bytes */
- bfd_byte e_data[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of data section in bytes */
- bfd_byte e_bss[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of bss area in bytes */
- bfd_byte e_syms[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of symbol table in bytes */
- bfd_byte e_entry[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* start address */
- bfd_byte e_trsize[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of text relocation info */
- bfd_byte e_drsize[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of data relocation info */
-#define EXEC_BYTES_SIZE (4 + BYTES_IN_WORD * 7)
-/* Magic numbers for a.out files */
-#undef ZMAGIC
-#define ZMAGIC 0xAD0BE /* Cute, eh? */
-#undef OMAGIC
-#undef NMAGIC
-#define N_BADMAG(x) ((x).a_info != ZMAGIC)
-/* By default, segment size is constant. But some machines override this
- to be a function of the a.out header (e.g. machine type). */
-#ifndef N_SEGSIZE
-/* Segment information for the a.out.Adobe format is specified after the
- file header. It contains N segment descriptors, followed by one with
- a type of zero.
- The actual text of the segments starts at N_TXTOFF in the file,
- regardless of how many or how few segment headers there are. */
-struct external_segdesc {
- unsigned char e_type[1];
- unsigned char e_size[3];
- unsigned char e_virtbase[4];
- unsigned char e_filebase[4];
-struct internal_segdesc {
- unsigned int a_type:8; /* Segment type N_TEXT, N_DATA, 0 */
- unsigned int a_size:24; /* Segment size */
- bfd_vma a_virtbase; /* Virtual address */
- unsigned int a_filebase; /* Base address in object file */
-#define N_TXTADDR(x) \
-/* This is documented to be at 1024, but appears to really be at 2048.
- FIXME?! */
-#define N_TXTOFF(x) 2048
-#define N_TXTSIZE(x) ((x).a_text)
-#define N_DATADDR(x)
-#define N_BSSADDR(x)
-/* Offsets of the various portions of the file after the text segment. */
-#define N_DATOFF(x) ( N_TXTOFF(x) + N_TXTSIZE(x) )
-#define N_TRELOFF(x) ( N_DATOFF(x) + (x).a_data )
-#define N_DRELOFF(x) ( N_TRELOFF(x) + (x).a_trsize )
-#define N_SYMOFF(x) ( N_DRELOFF(x) + (x).a_drsize )
-#define N_STROFF(x) ( N_SYMOFF(x) + (x).a_syms )
-/* Symbols */
-struct external_nlist {
- bfd_byte e_strx[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* index into string table of name */
- bfd_byte e_type[1]; /* type of symbol */
- bfd_byte e_other[1]; /* misc info (usually empty) */
- bfd_byte e_desc[2]; /* description field */
- bfd_byte e_value[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* value of symbol */
-struct internal_nlist {
- unsigned long n_strx; /* index into string table of name */
- unsigned char n_type; /* type of symbol */
- unsigned char n_other; /* misc info (usually empty) */
- unsigned short n_desc; /* description field */
- bfd_vma n_value; /* value of symbol */
-/* The n_type field is the symbol type, containing: */
-#define N_UNDF 0 /* Undefined symbol */
-#define N_ABS 2 /* Absolute symbol -- defined at particular addr */
-#define N_TEXT 4 /* Text sym -- defined at offset in text seg */
-#define N_DATA 6 /* Data sym -- defined at offset in data seg */
-#define N_BSS 8 /* BSS sym -- defined at offset in zero'd seg */
-#define N_COMM 0x12 /* Common symbol (visible after shared lib dynlink) */
-#define N_FN 0x1f /* File name of .o file */
-#define N_FN_SEQ 0x0C /* N_FN from Sequent compilers (sigh) */
-/* Note: N_EXT can only be usefully OR-ed with N_UNDF, N_ABS, N_TEXT,
- N_DATA, or N_BSS. When the low-order bit of other types is set,
- (e.g. N_WARNING versus N_FN), they are two different types. */
-#define N_EXT 1 /* External symbol (as opposed to local-to-this-file) */
-#define N_TYPE 0x1e
-#define N_STAB 0xe0 /* If any of these bits are on, it's a debug symbol */
-#define N_INDR 0x0a
-/* The following symbols refer to set elements.
- All the N_SET[ATDB] symbols with the same name form one set.
- Space is allocated for the set in the text section, and each set
- elements value is stored into one word of the space.
- The first word of the space is the length of the set (number of elements).
- The address of the set is made into an N_SETV symbol
- whose name is the same as the name of the set.
- This symbol acts like a N_DATA global symbol
- in that it can satisfy undefined external references. */
-/* These appear as input to LD, in a .o file. */
-#define N_SETA 0x14 /* Absolute set element symbol */
-#define N_SETT 0x16 /* Text set element symbol */
-#define N_SETD 0x18 /* Data set element symbol */
-#define N_SETB 0x1A /* Bss set element symbol */
-/* This is output from LD. */
-#define N_SETV 0x1C /* Pointer to set vector in data area. */
-/* Warning symbol. The text gives a warning message, the next symbol
- in the table will be undefined. When the symbol is referenced, the
- message is printed. */
-#define N_WARNING 0x1e
-/* Relocations
- There are two types of relocation flavours for a.out systems,
- standard and extended. The standard form is used on systems where the
- instruction has room for all the bits of an offset to the operand, whilst
- the extended form is used when an address operand has to be split over n
- instructions. Eg, on the 68k, each move instruction can reference
- the target with a displacement of 16 or 32 bits. On the sparc, move
- instructions use an offset of 14 bits, so the offset is stored in
- the reloc field, and the data in the section is ignored.
-/* This structure describes a single relocation to be performed.
- The text-relocation section of the file is a vector of these structures,
- all of which apply to the text section.
- Likewise, the data-relocation section applies to the data section. */
-struct reloc_std_external {
- bfd_byte r_address[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* offset of of data to relocate */
- bfd_byte r_index[3]; /* symbol table index of symbol */
- bfd_byte r_type[1]; /* relocation type */
-#define RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_SH_BIG 5 /* To shift to units place */
-#define RELOC_STD_SIZE (BYTES_IN_WORD + 3 + 1) /* Bytes per relocation entry */
-struct reloc_std_internal
- bfd_vma r_address; /* Address (within segment) to be relocated. */
- /* The meaning of r_symbolnum depends on r_extern. */
- unsigned int r_symbolnum:24;
- /* Nonzero means value is a pc-relative offset
- and it should be relocated for changes in its own address
- as well as for changes in the symbol or section specified. */
- unsigned int r_pcrel:1;
- /* Length (as exponent of 2) of the field to be relocated.
- Thus, a value of 2 indicates 1<<2 bytes. */
- unsigned int r_length:2;
- /* 1 => relocate with value of symbol.
- r_symbolnum is the index of the symbol
- in files the symbol table.
- 0 => relocate with the address of a segment.
- r_symbolnum is N_TEXT, N_DATA, N_BSS or N_ABS
- (the N_EXT bit may be set also, but signifies nothing). */
- unsigned int r_extern:1;
- /* The next three bits are for SunOS shared libraries, and seem to
- be undocumented. */
- unsigned int r_baserel:1; /* Linkage table relative */
- unsigned int r_jmptable:1; /* pc-relative to jump table */
- unsigned int r_relative:1; /* "relative relocation" */
- /* unused */
- unsigned int r_pad:1; /* Padding -- set to zero */
-struct reloc_ext_external {
- bfd_byte r_address[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* offset of of data to relocate */
- bfd_byte r_index[3]; /* symbol table index of symbol */
- bfd_byte r_type[1]; /* relocation type */
- bfd_byte r_addend[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* datum addend */
-/* Bytes per relocation entry */
-enum reloc_type
- /* simple relocations */
- RELOC_8, /* data[0:7] = addend + sv */
- RELOC_16, /* data[0:15] = addend + sv */
- RELOC_32, /* data[0:31] = addend + sv */
- /* pc-rel displacement */
- RELOC_DISP8, /* data[0:7] = addend - pc + sv */
- RELOC_DISP16, /* data[0:15] = addend - pc + sv */
- RELOC_DISP32, /* data[0:31] = addend - pc + sv */
- /* Special */
- RELOC_WDISP30, /* data[0:29] = (addend + sv - pc)>>2 */
- RELOC_WDISP22, /* data[0:21] = (addend + sv - pc)>>2 */
- RELOC_HI22, /* data[0:21] = (addend + sv)>>10 */
- RELOC_22, /* data[0:21] = (addend + sv) */
- RELOC_13, /* data[0:12] = (addend + sv) */
- RELOC_LO10, /* data[0:9] = (addend + sv) */
- /* P.I.C. (base-relative) */
- RELOC_BASE10, /* Not sure - maybe we can do this the */
- RELOC_BASE13, /* right way now */
- /* for some sort of pc-rel P.I.C. (?) */
- /* P.I.C. jump table */
- /* reputedly for shared libraries somehow */
- RELOC_11,
- RELOC_HHI22, /* data[0:21] = (addend + sv) >> 42 */
- RELOC_HLO10, /* data[0:9] = (addend + sv) >> 32 */
- /* 29K relocation types */
- };
-struct reloc_internal {
- bfd_vma r_address; /* offset of of data to relocate */
- long r_index; /* symbol table index of symbol */
- enum reloc_type r_type; /* relocation type */
- bfd_vma r_addend; /* datum addend */
-#endif /* __A_OUT_ADOBE_H__ */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/aout64.h b/contrib/gdb/include/aout/aout64.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 76f1140b6826..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/aout64.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-/* `a.out' object-file definitions, including extensions to 64-bit fields */
-#ifndef __A_OUT_64_H__
-#define __A_OUT_64_H__
-/* This is the layout on disk of the 32-bit or 64-bit exec header. */
-#ifndef external_exec
-struct external_exec
- bfd_byte e_info[4]; /* magic number and stuff */
- bfd_byte e_text[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of text section in bytes */
- bfd_byte e_data[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of data section in bytes */
- bfd_byte e_bss[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of bss area in bytes */
- bfd_byte e_syms[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of symbol table in bytes */
- bfd_byte e_entry[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* start address */
- bfd_byte e_trsize[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of text relocation info */
- bfd_byte e_drsize[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of data relocation info */
-#define EXEC_BYTES_SIZE (4 + BYTES_IN_WORD * 7)
-/* Magic numbers for a.out files */
-#if ARCH_SIZE==64
-#define OMAGIC 0x1001 /* Code indicating object file */
-#define ZMAGIC 0x1002 /* Code indicating demand-paged executable. */
-#define NMAGIC 0x1003 /* Code indicating pure executable. */
-/* There is no 64-bit QMAGIC as far as I know. */
-#define N_BADMAG(x) (N_MAGIC(x) != OMAGIC \
- && N_MAGIC(x) != NMAGIC \
- && N_MAGIC(x) != ZMAGIC)
-#define OMAGIC 0407 /* ...object file or impure executable. */
-#define NMAGIC 0410 /* Code indicating pure executable. */
-#define ZMAGIC 0413 /* Code indicating demand-paged executable. */
-#define BMAGIC 0415 /* Used by a b.out object. */
-/* This indicates a demand-paged executable with the header in the text.
- It is used by 386BSD (and variants) and Linux, at least. */
-#ifndef QMAGIC
-#define QMAGIC 0314
-# ifndef N_BADMAG
-# define N_BADMAG(x) (N_MAGIC(x) != OMAGIC \
- && N_MAGIC(x) != NMAGIC \
- && N_MAGIC(x) != ZMAGIC \
- && N_MAGIC(x) != QMAGIC)
-# endif /* N_BADMAG */
-#ifdef QMAGIC
-#define N_IS_QMAGIC(x) (N_MAGIC (x) == QMAGIC)
-#define N_IS_QMAGIC(x) (0)
-/* The difference between TARGET_PAGE_SIZE and N_SEGSIZE is that TARGET_PAGE_SIZE is
- the finest granularity at which you can page something, thus it
- controls the padding (if any) before the text segment of a ZMAGIC
- file. N_SEGSIZE is the resolution at which things can be marked as
- read-only versus read/write, so it controls the padding between the
- text segment and the data segment (in memory; on disk the padding
- between them is TARGET_PAGE_SIZE). TARGET_PAGE_SIZE and N_SEGSIZE are the same
- for most machines, but different for sun3. */
-/* By default, segment size is constant. But some machines override this
- to be a function of the a.out header (e.g. machine type). */
-#ifndef N_SEGSIZE
-/* Virtual memory address of the text section.
- This is getting very complicated. A good reason to discard a.out format
- for something that specifies these fields explicitly. But til then...
- * OMAGIC and NMAGIC files:
- (object files: text for "relocatable addr 0" right after the header)
- start at 0, offset is EXEC_BYTES_SIZE, size as stated.
- * The text address, offset, and size of ZMAGIC files depend
- on the entry point of the file:
- * entry point below TEXT_START_ADDR:
- (hack for SunOS shared libraries)
- start at 0, offset is 0, size as stated.
- * If N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) is true (which defaults to being the
- case when the entry point is EXEC_BYTES_SIZE or further into a page):
- no padding is needed; text can start after exec header. Sun
- considers the text segment of such files to include the exec header;
- for BFD's purposes, we don't, which makes more work for us.
- size as stated minus EXEC_BYTES_SIZE.
- * If N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) is false (which defaults to being the case when
- the entry point is less than EXEC_BYTES_SIZE into a page (e.g. page
- aligned)): (padding is needed so that text can start at a page boundary)
- start at TEXT_START_ADDR, offset TARGET_PAGE_SIZE, size as stated.
- Specific configurations may want to hardwire N_HEADER_IN_TEXT,
- for efficiency or to allow people to play games with the entry point.
- In that case, you would #define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) as 1 for sunos,
- and as 0 for most other hosts (Sony News, Vax Ultrix, etc).
- (Do this in the appropriate bfd target file.)
- (The default is a heuristic that will break if people try changing
- the entry point, perhaps with the ld -e flag.)
- * QMAGIC is always like a ZMAGIC for which N_HEADER_IN_TEXT is true,
- and for which the starting address is TARGET_PAGE_SIZE (or should this be
- SEGMENT_SIZE?) (TEXT_START_ADDR only applies to ZMAGIC, not to QMAGIC).
- */
-/* This macro is only relevant for ZMAGIC files; QMAGIC always has the header
- in the text. */
-#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) (((x).a_entry & (TARGET_PAGE_SIZE-1)) >= EXEC_BYTES_SIZE)
-/* Sun shared libraries, not linux. This macro is only relevant for ZMAGIC
- files. */
-#ifndef N_SHARED_LIB
-#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) ((x).a_entry < TEXT_START_ADDR)
-/* Returning 0 not TEXT_START_ADDR for OMAGIC and NMAGIC is based on
- the assumption that we are dealing with a .o file, not an
- executable. This is necessary for OMAGIC (but means we don't work
- right on the output from ld -N); more questionable for NMAGIC. */
-#ifndef N_TXTADDR
-#define N_TXTADDR(x) \
- (/* The address of a QMAGIC file is always one page in, */ \
- /* with the header in the text. */ \
- N_MAGIC(x) != ZMAGIC ? 0 : /* object file or NMAGIC */\
- N_SHARED_LIB(x) ? 0 : \
- TEXT_START_ADDR + EXEC_BYTES_SIZE : /* no padding */\
- TEXT_START_ADDR /* a page of padding */\
- )
-/* If N_HEADER_IN_TEXT is not true for ZMAGIC, there is some padding
- to make the text segment start at a certain boundary. For most
- systems, this boundary is TARGET_PAGE_SIZE. But for Linux, in the
- time-honored tradition of crazy ZMAGIC hacks, it is 1024 which is
- not what TARGET_PAGE_SIZE needs to be for QMAGIC. */
-#define N_DISK_BLOCK_SIZE(x) \
-/* Offset in an a.out of the start of the text section. */
-#ifndef N_TXTOFF
-#define N_TXTOFF(x) \
- (/* For {O,N,Q}MAGIC, no padding. */ \
- N_SHARED_LIB(x) ? 0 : \
- EXEC_BYTES_SIZE : /* no padding */\
- ZMAGIC_DISK_BLOCK_SIZE /* a page of padding */\
- )
-/* Size of the text section. It's always as stated, except that we
- offset it to `undo' the adjustment to N_TXTADDR and N_TXTOFF
- for ZMAGIC files that nominally include the exec header
- as part of the first page of text. (BFD doesn't consider the
- exec header to be part of the text segment.) */
-#ifndef N_TXTSIZE
-#define N_TXTSIZE(x) \
- (/* For QMAGIC, we don't consider the header part of the text section. */\
- N_IS_QMAGIC (x) ? (x).a_text - EXEC_BYTES_SIZE : \
- (N_MAGIC(x) != ZMAGIC || N_SHARED_LIB(x)) ? (x).a_text : \
- (x).a_text - EXEC_BYTES_SIZE: /* no padding */\
- (x).a_text /* a page of padding */\
- )
-/* The address of the data segment in virtual memory.
- It is the text segment address, plus text segment size, rounded
- up to a N_SEGSIZE boundary for pure or pageable files. */
-#ifndef N_DATADDR
-#define N_DATADDR(x) \
- : (N_SEGSIZE(x) + ((N_TXTADDR(x)+N_TXTSIZE(x)-1) & ~(N_SEGSIZE(x)-1))))
-/* The address of the BSS segment -- immediately after the data segment. */
-#define N_BSSADDR(x) (N_DATADDR(x) + (x).a_data)
-/* Offsets of the various portions of the file after the text segment. */
-/* For {Q,Z}MAGIC, there is padding to make the data segment start on
- a page boundary. Most of the time the a_text field (and thus
- N_TXTSIZE) already contains this padding. It is possible that for
- BSDI and/or 386BSD it sometimes doesn't contain the padding, and
- perhaps we should be adding it here. But this seems kind of
- questionable and probably should be BSDI/386BSD-specific if we do
- do it.
- For NMAGIC (at least for hp300 BSD, probably others), there is
- padding in memory only, not on disk, so we must *not* ever pad here
- for NMAGIC. */
-#ifndef N_DATOFF
-#define N_DATOFF(x) \
- (N_TXTOFF(x) + N_TXTSIZE(x))
-#ifndef N_TRELOFF
-#define N_TRELOFF(x) ( N_DATOFF(x) + (x).a_data )
-#ifndef N_DRELOFF
-#define N_DRELOFF(x) ( N_TRELOFF(x) + (x).a_trsize )
-#ifndef N_SYMOFF
-#define N_SYMOFF(x) ( N_DRELOFF(x) + (x).a_drsize )
-#ifndef N_STROFF
-#define N_STROFF(x) ( N_SYMOFF(x) + (x).a_syms )
-/* Symbols */
-#ifndef external_nlist
-struct external_nlist {
- bfd_byte e_strx[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* index into string table of name */
- bfd_byte e_type[1]; /* type of symbol */
- bfd_byte e_other[1]; /* misc info (usually empty) */
- bfd_byte e_desc[2]; /* description field */
- bfd_byte e_value[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* value of symbol */
-struct internal_nlist {
- unsigned long n_strx; /* index into string table of name */
- unsigned char n_type; /* type of symbol */
- unsigned char n_other; /* misc info (usually empty) */
- unsigned short n_desc; /* description field */
- bfd_vma n_value; /* value of symbol */
-/* The n_type field is the symbol type, containing: */
-#define N_UNDF 0 /* Undefined symbol */
-#define N_ABS 2 /* Absolute symbol -- defined at particular addr */
-#define N_TEXT 4 /* Text sym -- defined at offset in text seg */
-#define N_DATA 6 /* Data sym -- defined at offset in data seg */
-#define N_BSS 8 /* BSS sym -- defined at offset in zero'd seg */
-#define N_COMM 0x12 /* Common symbol (visible after shared lib dynlink) */
-#define N_FN 0x1f /* File name of .o file */
-#define N_FN_SEQ 0x0C /* N_FN from Sequent compilers (sigh) */
-/* Note: N_EXT can only be usefully OR-ed with N_UNDF, N_ABS, N_TEXT,
- N_DATA, or N_BSS. When the low-order bit of other types is set,
- (e.g. N_WARNING versus N_FN), they are two different types. */
-#define N_EXT 1 /* External symbol (as opposed to local-to-this-file) */
-#define N_TYPE 0x1e
-#define N_STAB 0xe0 /* If any of these bits are on, it's a debug symbol */
-#define N_INDR 0x0a
-/* The following symbols refer to set elements.
- All the N_SET[ATDB] symbols with the same name form one set.
- Space is allocated for the set in the text section, and each set
- elements value is stored into one word of the space.
- The first word of the space is the length of the set (number of elements).
- The address of the set is made into an N_SETV symbol
- whose name is the same as the name of the set.
- This symbol acts like a N_DATA global symbol
- in that it can satisfy undefined external references. */
-/* These appear as input to LD, in a .o file. */
-#define N_SETA 0x14 /* Absolute set element symbol */
-#define N_SETT 0x16 /* Text set element symbol */
-#define N_SETD 0x18 /* Data set element symbol */
-#define N_SETB 0x1A /* Bss set element symbol */
-/* This is output from LD. */
-#define N_SETV 0x1C /* Pointer to set vector in data area. */
-/* Warning symbol. The text gives a warning message, the next symbol
- in the table will be undefined. When the symbol is referenced, the
- message is printed. */
-#define N_WARNING 0x1e
-/* Weak symbols. These are a GNU extension to the a.out format. The
- semantics are those of ELF weak symbols. Weak symbols are always
- externally visible. The N_WEAK? values are squeezed into the
- available slots. The value of a N_WEAKU symbol is 0. The values
- of the other types are the definitions. */
-#define N_WEAKU 0x0d /* Weak undefined symbol. */
-#define N_WEAKA 0x0e /* Weak absolute symbol. */
-#define N_WEAKT 0x0f /* Weak text symbol. */
-#define N_WEAKD 0x10 /* Weak data symbol. */
-#define N_WEAKB 0x11 /* Weak bss symbol. */
-/* Relocations
- There are two types of relocation flavours for a.out systems,
- standard and extended. The standard form is used on systems where the
- instruction has room for all the bits of an offset to the operand, whilst
- the extended form is used when an address operand has to be split over n
- instructions. Eg, on the 68k, each move instruction can reference
- the target with a displacement of 16 or 32 bits. On the sparc, move
- instructions use an offset of 14 bits, so the offset is stored in
- the reloc field, and the data in the section is ignored.
-/* This structure describes a single relocation to be performed.
- The text-relocation section of the file is a vector of these structures,
- all of which apply to the text section.
- Likewise, the data-relocation section applies to the data section. */
-struct reloc_std_external {
- bfd_byte r_address[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* offset of of data to relocate */
- bfd_byte r_index[3]; /* symbol table index of symbol */
- bfd_byte r_type[1]; /* relocation type */
-#define RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x80)
-#define RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x01)
-#define RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x60)
-#define RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x06)
-#define RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x10)
-#define RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x08)
-#define RELOC_STD_BITS_BASEREL_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x08)
-#define RELOC_STD_BITS_BASEREL_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x10)
-#define RELOC_STD_BITS_JMPTABLE_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x04)
-#define RELOC_STD_BITS_JMPTABLE_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x20)
-#define RELOC_STD_BITS_RELATIVE_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x02)
-#define RELOC_STD_BITS_RELATIVE_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x40)
-#define RELOC_STD_SIZE (BYTES_IN_WORD + 3 + 1) /* Bytes per relocation entry */
-struct reloc_std_internal
- bfd_vma r_address; /* Address (within segment) to be relocated. */
- /* The meaning of r_symbolnum depends on r_extern. */
- unsigned int r_symbolnum:24;
- /* Nonzero means value is a pc-relative offset
- and it should be relocated for changes in its own address
- as well as for changes in the symbol or section specified. */
- unsigned int r_pcrel:1;
- /* Length (as exponent of 2) of the field to be relocated.
- Thus, a value of 2 indicates 1<<2 bytes. */
- unsigned int r_length:2;
- /* 1 => relocate with value of symbol.
- r_symbolnum is the index of the symbol
- in files the symbol table.
- 0 => relocate with the address of a segment.
- r_symbolnum is N_TEXT, N_DATA, N_BSS or N_ABS
- (the N_EXT bit may be set also, but signifies nothing). */
- unsigned int r_extern:1;
- /* The next three bits are for SunOS shared libraries, and seem to
- be undocumented. */
- unsigned int r_baserel:1; /* Linkage table relative */
- unsigned int r_jmptable:1; /* pc-relative to jump table */
- unsigned int r_relative:1; /* "relative relocation" */
- /* unused */
- unsigned int r_pad:1; /* Padding -- set to zero */
-struct reloc_ext_external {
- bfd_byte r_address[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* offset of of data to relocate */
- bfd_byte r_index[3]; /* symbol table index of symbol */
- bfd_byte r_type[1]; /* relocation type */
- bfd_byte r_addend[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* datum addend */
-#define RELOC_EXT_BITS_EXTERN_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x80)
-#define RELOC_EXT_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x01)
-#define RELOC_EXT_BITS_TYPE_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x1F)
-#define RELOC_EXT_BITS_TYPE_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0xF8)
-/* Bytes per relocation entry */
-enum reloc_type
- /* simple relocations */
- RELOC_8, /* data[0:7] = addend + sv */
- RELOC_16, /* data[0:15] = addend + sv */
- RELOC_32, /* data[0:31] = addend + sv */
- /* pc-rel displacement */
- RELOC_DISP8, /* data[0:7] = addend - pc + sv */
- RELOC_DISP16, /* data[0:15] = addend - pc + sv */
- RELOC_DISP32, /* data[0:31] = addend - pc + sv */
- /* Special */
- RELOC_WDISP30, /* data[0:29] = (addend + sv - pc)>>2 */
- RELOC_WDISP22, /* data[0:21] = (addend + sv - pc)>>2 */
- RELOC_HI22, /* data[0:21] = (addend + sv)>>10 */
- RELOC_22, /* data[0:21] = (addend + sv) */
- RELOC_13, /* data[0:12] = (addend + sv) */
- RELOC_LO10, /* data[0:9] = (addend + sv) */
- /* P.I.C. (base-relative) */
- RELOC_BASE10, /* Not sure - maybe we can do this the */
- RELOC_BASE13, /* right way now */
- /* for some sort of pc-rel P.I.C. (?) */
- /* P.I.C. jump table */
- /* reputedly for shared libraries somehow */
- RELOC_11,
- RELOC_HHI22, /* data[0:21] = (addend + sv) >> 42 */
- RELOC_HLO10, /* data[0:9] = (addend + sv) >> 32 */
- /* 29K relocation types */
- /* All the new ones I can think of, for sparc v9 */
- RELOC_64, /* data[0:63] = addend + sv */
- RELOC_DISP64, /* data[0:63] = addend - pc + sv */
- RELOC_WDISP21, /* data[0:20] = (addend + sv - pc)>>2 */
- RELOC_DISP21, /* data[0:20] = addend - pc + sv */
- RELOC_DISP14, /* data[0:13] = addend - pc + sv */
- /* Q .
- What are the other ones,
- Since this is a clean slate, can we throw away the ones we dont
- understand ? Should we sort the values ? What about using a
- microcode format like the 68k ?
- */
- };
-struct reloc_internal {
- bfd_vma r_address; /* offset of of data to relocate */
- long r_index; /* symbol table index of symbol */
- enum reloc_type r_type; /* relocation type */
- bfd_vma r_addend; /* datum addend */
-/* Q.
- Should the length of the string table be 4 bytes or 8 bytes ?
- Q.
- What about archive indexes ?
- */
-#endif /* __A_OUT_64_H__ */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/ar.h b/contrib/gdb/include/aout/ar.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b5dcdabd106..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/ar.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* archive file definition for GNU software */
-/* So far this is correct for BSDish archives. Don't forget that
- files must begin on an even byte boundary. */
-#ifndef __GNU_AR_H__
-#define __GNU_AR_H__
-/* Note that the usual '\n' in magic strings may translate to different
- characters, as allowed by ANSI. '\012' has a fixed value, and remains
- compatible with existing BSDish archives. */
-#define ARMAG "!<arch>\012" /* For COFF and a.out archives */
-#define ARMAGB "!<bout>\012" /* For b.out archives */
-#define SARMAG 8
-#define ARFMAG "`\012"
-/* The ar_date field of the armap (__.SYMDEF) member of an archive
- must be greater than the modified date of the entire file, or
- BSD-derived linkers complain. We originally write the ar_date with
- this offset from the real file's mod-time. After finishing the
- file, we rewrite ar_date if it's not still greater than the mod date. */
-struct ar_hdr {
- char ar_name[16]; /* name of this member */
- char ar_date[12]; /* file mtime */
- char ar_uid[6]; /* owner uid; printed as decimal */
- char ar_gid[6]; /* owner gid; printed as decimal */
- char ar_mode[8]; /* file mode, printed as octal */
- char ar_size[10]; /* file size, printed as decimal */
- char ar_fmag[2]; /* should contain ARFMAG */
-#endif /* __GNU_AR_H__ */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/dynix3.h b/contrib/gdb/include/aout/dynix3.h
deleted file mode 100644
index efeeebfc4ccd..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/dynix3.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- * a.out specifics for Sequent Symmetry running Dynix 3.x
- */
-#ifndef A_OUT_DYNIX3_H
-#define A_OUT_DYNIX3_H
-#define external_exec dynix_external_exec
-/* struct exec for Dynix 3
- *
- * a_gdtbl and a_bootstrap are only for standalone binaries.
- * Shared data fields are not supported by the kernel as of Dynix 3.1,
- * but are supported by Dynix compiler programs.
- */
-struct dynix_external_exec {
- unsigned char e_info[4];
- unsigned char e_text[4];
- unsigned char e_data[4];
- unsigned char e_bss[4];
- unsigned char e_syms[4];
- unsigned char e_entry[4];
- unsigned char e_trsize[4];
- unsigned char e_drsize[4];
- unsigned char e_g_code[8], e_g_data[8], e_g_desc[8];
- unsigned char e_shdata[4];
- unsigned char e_shbss[4];
- unsigned char e_shdrsize[4];
- unsigned char e_bootstrap[44];
- unsigned char e_reserved[12];
- unsigned char e_version[4];
-#define EXEC_BYTES_SIZE (128)
- * All executables under Dynix are demand paged with read-only text,
- * Thus no NMAGIC.
- *
- * ZMAGIC has a page of 0s at virtual 0,
- * XMAGIC has an invalid page at virtual 0
- */
-#define OMAGIC 0x12eb /* .o */
-#define ZMAGIC 0x22eb /* zero @ 0, demand load */
-#define XMAGIC 0x32eb /* invalid @ 0, demand load */
-#define SMAGIC 0x42eb /* standalone, not supported here */
-#define N_BADMAG(x) ((OMAGIC != N_MAGIC(x)) && \
- (ZMAGIC != N_MAGIC(x)) && \
- (XMAGIC != N_MAGIC(x)) && \
- (SMAGIC != N_MAGIC(x)))
-#define N_ADDRADJ(x) ((ZMAGIC == N_MAGIC(x) || XMAGIC == N_MAGIC(x)) ? 0x1000 : 0)
-#define N_DATOFF(x) (N_TXTOFF(x) + N_TXTSIZE(x))
-#define N_SHDATOFF(x) (N_DATOFF(x) + (x).a_data)
-#define N_TRELOFF(x) (N_SHDATOFF(x) + (x).a_shdata)
-#define N_DRELOFF(x) (N_TRELOFF(x) + (x).a_trsize)
-#define N_SHDRELOFF(x) (N_DRELOFF(x) + (x).a_drsize)
-#define N_SYMOFF(x) (N_SHDRELOFF(x) + (x).a_shdrsize)
-#define N_STROFF(x) (N_SYMOFF(x) + (x).a_syms)
-#define N_TXTADDR(x) \
- (((OMAGIC == N_MAGIC(x)) || (SMAGIC == N_MAGIC(x))) ? 0 \
-#define N_TXTSIZE(x) \
- (((OMAGIC == N_MAGIC(x)) || (SMAGIC == N_MAGIC(x))) ? ((x).a_text) \
- : ((x).a_text - N_ADDRADJ(x) - EXEC_BYTES_SIZE))
-#endif /* A_OUT_DYNIX3_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/encap.h b/contrib/gdb/include/aout/encap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b215d49be168..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/encap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-/* Yet Another Try at encapsulating bsd object files in coff.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Pace Willisson 12/9/88
- This file is obsolete. It needs to be converted to just define a bunch
- of stuff that BFD can use to do coff-encapsulated files.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- * We only use the coff headers to tell the kernel
- * how to exec the file. Therefore, the only fields that need to
- * be filled in are the scnptr and vaddr for the text and data
- * sections, and the vaddr for the bss. As far as coff is concerned,
- * there is no symbol table, relocation, or line numbers.
- *
- * A normal bsd header (struct exec) is placed after the coff headers,
- * and before the real text. I defined a the new fields 'a_machtype'
- * and a_flags. If a_machtype is M_386, and a_flags & A_ENCAP is
- * true, then the bsd header is preceeded by a coff header. Macros
- * like N_TXTOFF and N_TXTADDR use this field to find the bsd header.
- *
- * The only problem is to track down the bsd exec header. The
- * macros HEADER_OFFSET, etc do this.
- */
-#define N_FLAGS_COFF_ENCAPSULATE 0x20 /* coff header precedes bsd header */
-/* Describe the COFF header used for encapsulation. */
-struct coffheader
- /* filehdr */
- unsigned short f_magic;
- unsigned short f_nscns;
- long f_timdat;
- long f_symptr;
- long f_nsyms;
- unsigned short f_opthdr;
- unsigned short f_flags;
- /* aouthdr */
- short magic;
- short vstamp;
- long tsize;
- long dsize;
- long bsize;
- long entry;
- long text_start;
- long data_start;
- struct coffscn
- {
- char s_name[8];
- long s_paddr;
- long s_vaddr;
- long s_size;
- long s_scnptr;
- long s_relptr;
- long s_lnnoptr;
- unsigned short s_nreloc;
- unsigned short s_nlnno;
- long s_flags;
- } scns[3];
-/* Describe some of the parameters of the encapsulation,
- including how to find the encapsulated BSD header. */
-/* FIXME, this is dumb. The same tools can't handle a.outs for different
- architectures, just because COFF_MAGIC is different; so you need a
- separate GNU nm for every architecture!!? Unfortunately, it needs to
- be this way, since the COFF_MAGIC value is determined by the kernel
- we're trying to fool here. */
-#define COFF_MAGIC_I386 0514 /* I386MAGIC */
-#define COFF_MAGIC_M68K 0520 /* MC68MAGIC */
-#define COFF_MAGIC_A29K 0x17A /* Used by asm29k cross-tools */
-#ifdef COFF_MAGIC
-short __header_offset_temp;
-#define HEADER_OFFSET(f) \
- (__header_offset_temp = 0, \
- fread ((char *)&__header_offset_temp, sizeof (short), 1, (f)), \
- fseek ((f), -sizeof (short), 1), \
- __header_offset_temp==COFF_MAGIC ? sizeof(struct coffheader) : 0)
-#define HEADER_OFFSET(f) 0
-#define HEADER_SEEK(f) (fseek ((f), HEADER_OFFSET((f)), 1))
-/* Describe the characteristics of the BSD header
- that appears inside the encapsulation. */
-/* Encapsulated coff files that are linked ZMAGIC have a text segment
- offset just past the header (and a matching TXTADDR), excluding
- the headers from the text segment proper but keeping the physical
- layout and the virtual memory layout page-aligned.
- Non-encapsulated a.out files that are linked ZMAGIC have a text
- segment that starts at 0 and an N_TXTADR similarly offset to 0.
- They too are page-aligned with each other, but they include the
- a.out header as part of the text.
- The _N_HDROFF gets sizeof struct exec added to it, so we have
- to compensate here. See <a.out.gnu.h>. */
-#undef _N_HDROFF
-#undef N_TXTADDR
-#undef N_DATADDR
- sizeof (struct coffheader) : 0)
-/* Address of text segment in memory after it is loaded. */
-#define N_TXTADDR(x) \
- sizeof (struct coffheader) + sizeof (struct exec) : 0)
-#define SEGMENT_SIZE 0x400000
-#define N_DATADDR(x) \
- (SEGMENT_SIZE + ((N_TXTADDR(x)+(x).a_text-1) & ~(SEGMENT_SIZE-1))) : \
- (N_TXTADDR(x)+(x).a_text))
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/host.h b/contrib/gdb/include/aout/host.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e36212716c1..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/host.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Parameters about the a.out format, based on the host system on which
- the program is compiled. */
-/* Address of data segment in memory after it is loaded.
- It is up to you to define SEGMENT_SIZE
- on machines not listed here. */
-#if defined(hp300) || defined(pyr)
-#define SEGMENT_SIZE page_size
-#ifdef sony
-#define SEGMENT_SIZE 0x1000
-#endif /* Sony. */
-#ifdef is68k
-#define SEGMENT_SIZE 0x20000
-#if defined(m68k) && defined(PORTAR)
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 0x400
-#endif /*!defined(SEGMENT_SIZE)*/
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/hp.h b/contrib/gdb/include/aout/hp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 002f49cf453d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/hp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-/* Special version of <a.out.h> for use under hp-ux.
- Copyright 1988, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* THIS FILE IS OBSOLETE. It needs to be revised as a variant "external"
- a.out format for use with BFD. */
-/* The `exec' structure and overall layout must be close to HP's when
- we are running on an HP system, otherwise we will not be able to
- execute the resulting file. */
-/* Allow this file to be included twice. */
-#ifndef __GNU_EXEC_MACROS__
-struct exec
- unsigned short a_machtype; /* machine type */
- unsigned short a_magic; /* magic number */
- unsigned long a_spare1;
- unsigned long a_spare2;
- unsigned long a_text; /* length of text, in bytes */
- unsigned long a_data; /* length of data, in bytes */
- unsigned long a_bss; /* length of uninitialized data area for file, in bytes */
- unsigned long a_trsize; /* length of relocation info for text, in bytes */
- unsigned long a_drsize; /* length of relocation info for data, in bytes */
- unsigned long a_spare3; /* HP = pascal interface size */
- unsigned long a_spare4; /* HP = symbol table size */
- unsigned long a_spare5; /* HP = debug name table size */
- unsigned long a_entry; /* start address */
- unsigned long a_spare6; /* HP = source line table size */
- unsigned long a_spare7; /* HP = value table size */
- unsigned long a_syms; /* length of symbol table data in file, in bytes */
- unsigned long a_spare8;
-/* Tell a.out.gnu.h not to define `struct exec'. */
-#include "../a.out.gnu.h"
-#undef N_MAGIC
-#undef N_MACHTYPE
-#undef N_FLAGS
-#undef N_SET_INFO
-#undef N_SET_MAGIC
-#undef N_SET_FLAGS
-#define N_MAGIC(exec) ((exec) . a_magic)
-#define N_MACHTYPE(exec) ((exec) . a_machtype)
-#define N_SET_MAGIC(exec, magic) (((exec) . a_magic) = (magic))
-#define N_SET_MACHTYPE(exec, machtype) (((exec) . a_machtype) = (machtype))
-#undef N_BADMAG
-#define N_BADMAG(x) ((_N_BADMAG (x)) || (_N_BADMACH (x)))
-#define _N_BADMACH(x) \
-(((N_MACHTYPE (x)) != HP9000S200_ID) && \
- ((N_MACHTYPE (x)) != HP98x6_ID))
-#define HP98x6_ID 0x20A
-#define HP9000S200_ID 0x20C
-#undef _N_HDROFF
-#define _N_HDROFF(x) (SEGMENT_SIZE - (sizeof (struct exec)))
-#define SEGMENT_SIZE 0x1000
-#endif /* __GNU_EXEC_MACROS__ */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/hp300hpux.h b/contrib/gdb/include/aout/hp300hpux.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 44d5196144da..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/hp300hpux.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-/* Special version of <a.out.h> for use under hp-ux.
- Copyright (C) 1988,1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc. */
-struct hp300hpux_exec_bytes
- unsigned char e_info[4]; /* a_machtype/a_magic */
- unsigned char e_spare1[4];
- unsigned char e_spare2[4];
- unsigned char e_text[4]; /* length of text, in bytes */
- unsigned char e_data[4]; /* length of data, in bytes */
- unsigned char e_bss[4]; /* length of uninitialized data area , in bytes */
- unsigned char e_trsize[4]; /* length of relocation info for text, in bytes*/
- unsigned char e_drsize[4]; /* length of relocation info for data, in bytes*/
- unsigned char e_passize[4];/* HP = pascal interface size */
- unsigned char e_syms[4]; /* HP = symbol table size */
- unsigned char e_spare5[4]; /* HP = debug name table size */
- unsigned char e_entry[4]; /* start address */
- unsigned char e_spare6[4]; /* HP = source line table size */
- unsigned char e_supsize[4];/* HP = value table size */
- unsigned char e_drelocs[4];
- unsigned char e_extension[4]; /* file offset of extension */
-#define EXEC_BYTES_SIZE 64
-struct hp300hpux_nlist_bytes
- {
- unsigned char e_value[4];
- unsigned char e_type[1];
- unsigned char e_length[1]; /* length of ascii symbol name */
- unsigned char e_almod[2]; /* alignment mod */
- unsigned char e_shlib[2]; /* info about dynamic linking */
- };
-struct hp300hpux_reloc
- {
- unsigned char r_address[4];/* offset of of data to relocate */
- unsigned char r_index[2]; /* symbol table index of symbol */
- unsigned char r_type[1]; /* relocation type */
- unsigned char r_length[1]; /* length of item to reloc */
- };
-struct hp300hpux_header_extension
- unsigned char e_syms[4];
- unsigned char unique_headers[12*4];
- unsigned char e_header[2]; /* type of header */
- unsigned char e_version[2]; /* version */
- unsigned char e_size[4]; /* bytes following*/
- unsigned char e_extension[4];/* file offset of next extension */
-/* hpux separates object files (0x106) and impure executables (0x107) */
-/* but the bfd code does not distinguish between them. Since we want to*/
-/* read hpux .o files, we add an special define and use it below in */
-/* offset and address calculations. */
-#define HPUX_DOT_O_MAGIC 0x106
-#define OMAGIC 0x107 /* object file or impure executable. */
-#define NMAGIC 0x108 /* Code indicating pure executable. */
-#define ZMAGIC 0x10B /* demand-paged executable. */
-#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) 0
-#if 0 /* libaout.h only uses the lower 8 bits */
-#define HP98x6_ID 0x20A
-#define HP9000S200_ID 0x20C
-#define HP98x6_ID 0x0A
-#define HP9000S200_ID 0x0C
-#define N_BADMAG(x) ((_N_BADMAG (x)) || (_N_BADMACH (x)))
-#define N_DATADDR(x) \
- : (N_SEGSIZE(x) + ((N_TXTADDR(x)+N_TXTSIZE(x)-1) & ~(N_SEGSIZE(x)-1))))
-#define _N_BADMACH(x) \
-(((N_MACHTYPE (x)) != HP9000S200_ID) && \
- ((N_MACHTYPE (x)) != HP98x6_ID))
-#define _N_BADMAG(x) (N_MAGIC(x) != HPUX_DOT_O_MAGIC \
- && N_MAGIC(x) != OMAGIC \
- && N_MAGIC(x) != NMAGIC \
- && N_MAGIC(x) != ZMAGIC )
-#undef _N_HDROFF
-#define _N_HDROFF(x) (SEGMENT_SIZE - (sizeof (struct exec)))
-#undef N_DATOFF
-#undef N_PASOFF
-#undef N_SYMOFF
-#undef N_SUPOFF
-#undef N_TRELOFF
-#undef N_DRELOFF
-#undef N_STROFF
-#define N_DATOFF(x) ( N_TXTOFF(x) + N_TXTSIZE(x) )
-#define N_PASOFF(x) ( N_DATOFF(x) + (x).a_data)
-#define N_SYMOFF(x) ( N_PASOFF(x) /* + (x).a_passize*/ )
-#define N_SUPOFF(x) ( N_SYMOFF(x) + (x).a_syms )
-#define N_TRELOFF(x) ( N_SUPOFF(x) /* + 0 (x).a_supsize*/ )
-#define N_DRELOFF(x) ( N_TRELOFF(x) + (x).a_trsize )
-#define N_EXTHOFF(x) ( N_DRELOFF(x) /* + 0 (x).a_drsize */)
-#define N_STROFF(x) ( 0 /* no string table */ )
-/* use these when the file has gnu symbol tables */
-#define N_GNU_TRELOFF(x) (N_DATOFF(x) + (x).a_data)
-#define N_GNU_DRELOFF(x) (N_GNU_TRELOFF(x) + (x).a_trsize)
-#define N_GNU_SYMOFF(x) (N_GNU_DRELOFF(x) + (x).a_drsize)
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 0x1000
-#define SEGMENT_SIZE 0x1000
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR 0
-#undef N_SHARED_LIB
-#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) ( 0 /* no shared libraries */ )
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/hppa.h b/contrib/gdb/include/aout/hppa.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e185de768a4..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/hppa.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#include "filehdr.h"
-#include "aouthdr.h"
-#include "scnhdr.h"
-#include "spacehdr.h"
-#include "syms.h"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/ranlib.h b/contrib/gdb/include/aout/ranlib.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 982600514b65..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/ranlib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-/* ranlib.h -- archive library index member definition for GNU.
- Copyright 1990-1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* The Symdef member of an archive contains two things:
- a table that maps symbol-string offsets to file offsets,
- and a symbol-string table. All the symbol names are
- run together (each with trailing null) in the symbol-string
- table. There is a single longword bytecount on the front
- of each of these tables. Thus if we have two symbols,
- "foo" and "_bar", that are in archive members at offsets
- 200 and 900, it would look like this:
- 16 ; byte count of index table
- 0 ; offset of "foo" in string table
- 200 ; offset of foo-module in file
- 4 ; offset of "bar" in string table
- 900 ; offset of bar-module in file
- 9 ; byte count of string table
- "foo\0_bar\0" ; string table */
-#define RANLIBMAG "__.SYMDEF" /* Archive file name containing index */
-#define RANLIBSKEW 3 /* Creation time offset */
-/* Format of __.SYMDEF:
- First, a longword containing the size of the 'symdef' data that follows.
- Second, zero or more 'symdef' structures.
- Third, a longword containing the length of symbol name strings.
- Fourth, zero or more symbol name strings (each followed by a null). */
-struct symdef
- {
- union
- {
- unsigned long string_offset; /* In the file */
- char *name; /* In memory, sometimes */
- } s;
- /* this points to the front of the file header (AKA member header --
- a struct ar_hdr), not to the front of the file or into the file).
- in other words it only tells you which file to read */
- unsigned long file_offset;
- };
-/* Compatability with BSD code */
-#define ranlib symdef
-#define ran_un s
-#define ran_strx string_offset
-#define ran_name name
-#define ran_off file_offset
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/reloc.h b/contrib/gdb/include/aout/reloc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 563c552a3578..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/reloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-/* reloc.h -- Header file for relocation information.
- Copyright 1989-1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Relocation types for a.out files using reloc_info_extended
- (SPARC and AMD 29000). */
-#ifndef _RELOC_H_READ_
-#define _RELOC_H_READ_ 1
-enum reloc_type
- {
- RELOC_8, RELOC_16, RELOC_32, /* simple relocations */
- RELOC_DISP8, RELOC_DISP16, RELOC_DISP32, /* pc-rel displacement */
- RELOC_BASE10, RELOC_BASE13, RELOC_BASE22, /* P.I.C. (base-relative) */
- RELOC_PC10, RELOC_PC22, /* for some sort of pc-rel P.I.C. (?) */
- RELOC_JMP_TBL, /* P.I.C. jump table */
- RELOC_SEGOFF16, /* reputedly for shared libraries somehow */
- RELOC_11,
- /* 29K relocation types */
- };
-"8", "16", "32", "DISP8", \
-"DISP16", "DISP32", "WDISP30", "WDISP22", \
-"HI22", "22", "13", "LO10", \
-"SFA_BASE", "SFAOFF13", "BASE10", "BASE13", \
-"BASE22", "PC10", "PC22", "JMP_TBL", \
-"11", "WDISP2_14", "WDISP19", "HHI22", \
-"HLO10", \
-"WDISP21", \
-#endif /* _RELOC_H_READ_ */
-/* end of reloc.h */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/stab.def b/contrib/gdb/include/aout/stab.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c6b456d3a97..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/stab.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-/* Table of DBX symbol codes for the GNU system.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* New stab from Solaris 2. This uses an n_type of 0, which in a.out files
- overlaps the N_UNDF used for ordinary symbols. In ELF files, the
- debug information is in a different file section, so there is no conflict.
- This symbol's n_value gives the size of the string section associated
- with this file. The symbol's n_strx (relative to the just-updated
- string section start address) gives the name of the source file,
- e.g. "foo.c", without any path information. The symbol's n_desc gives
- the count of upcoming symbols associated with this file (not including
- this one). */
-/* __define_stab (N_UNDF, 0x00, "UNDF") */
-/* Global variable. Only the name is significant.
- To find the address, look in the corresponding external symbol. */
-__define_stab (N_GSYM, 0x20, "GSYM")
-/* Function name for BSD Fortran. Only the name is significant.
- To find the address, look in the corresponding external symbol. */
-__define_stab (N_FNAME, 0x22, "FNAME")
-/* Function name or text-segment variable for C. Value is its address.
- Desc is supposedly starting line number, but GCC doesn't set it
- and DBX seems not to miss it. */
-__define_stab (N_FUN, 0x24, "FUN")
-/* Data-segment variable with internal linkage. Value is its address.
- "Static Sym". */
-__define_stab (N_STSYM, 0x26, "STSYM")
-/* BSS-segment variable with internal linkage. Value is its address. */
-__define_stab (N_LCSYM, 0x28, "LCSYM")
-/* Name of main routine. Only the name is significant. */
-__define_stab (N_MAIN, 0x2a, "MAIN")
-/* Solaris2: Read-only data symbols. */
-__define_stab (N_ROSYM, 0x2c, "ROSYM")
-/* Global symbol in Pascal.
- Supposedly the value is its line number; I'm skeptical. */
-__define_stab (N_PC, 0x30, "PC")
-/* Number of symbols: 0, files,,funcs,lines according to Ultrix V4.0. */
-__define_stab (N_NSYMS, 0x32, "NSYMS")
-/* "No DST map for sym: name, ,0,type,ignored" according to Ultrix V4.0. */
-__define_stab (N_NOMAP, 0x34, "NOMAP")
-/* New stab from Solaris 2. Like N_SO, but for the object file. Two in
- a row provide the build directory and the relative path of the .o from it.
- Solaris2 uses this to avoid putting the stabs info into the linked
- executable; this stab goes into the ".stab.index" section, and the debugger
- reads the real stabs directly from the .o files instead. */
-__define_stab (N_OBJ, 0x38, "OBJ")
-/* New stab from Solaris 2. Options for the debugger, related to the
- source language for this module. E.g. whether to use ANSI
- integral promotions or traditional integral promotions. */
-__define_stab (N_OPT, 0x3c, "OPT")
-/* Register variable. Value is number of register. */
-__define_stab (N_RSYM, 0x40, "RSYM")
-/* Modula-2 compilation unit. Can someone say what info it contains? */
-__define_stab (N_M2C, 0x42, "M2C")
-/* Line number in text segment. Desc is the line number;
- value is corresponding address. On Solaris2, the line number is
- relative to the start of the current function. */
-__define_stab (N_SLINE, 0x44, "SLINE")
-/* Similar, for data segment. */
-__define_stab (N_DSLINE, 0x46, "DSLINE")
-/* Similar, for bss segment. */
-__define_stab (N_BSLINE, 0x48, "BSLINE")
-/* Sun's source-code browser stabs. ?? Don't know what the fields are.
- Supposedly the field is "path to associated .cb file". THIS VALUE
-__define_stab_duplicate (N_BROWS, 0x48, "BROWS")
-/* GNU Modula-2 definition module dependency. Value is the modification time
- of the definition file. Other is non-zero if it is imported with the
- GNU M2 keyword %INITIALIZE. Perhaps N_M2C can be used if there
- are enough empty fields? */
-__define_stab(N_DEFD, 0x4a, "DEFD")
-/* New in Solaris2. Function start/body/end line numbers. */
-__define_stab(N_FLINE, 0x4C, "FLINE")
-/* THE FOLLOWING TWO STAB VALUES CONFLICT. Happily, one is for Modula-2
- and one is for C++. Still,... */
-/* GNU C++ exception variable. Name is variable name. */
-__define_stab (N_EHDECL, 0x50, "EHDECL")
-/* Modula2 info "for imc": name,,0,0,0 according to Ultrix V4.0. */
-__define_stab_duplicate (N_MOD2, 0x50, "MOD2")
-/* GNU C++ `catch' clause. Value is its address. Desc is nonzero if
- this entry is immediately followed by a CAUGHT stab saying what exception
- was caught. Multiple CAUGHT stabs means that multiple exceptions
- can be caught here. If Desc is 0, it means all exceptions are caught
- here. */
-__define_stab (N_CATCH, 0x54, "CATCH")
-/* Structure or union element. Value is offset in the structure. */
-__define_stab (N_SSYM, 0x60, "SSYM")
-/* Solaris2: Last stab emitted for module. */
-__define_stab (N_ENDM, 0x62, "ENDM")
-/* Name of main source file.
- Value is starting text address of the compilation.
- If multiple N_SO's appear, the first to contain a trailing / is the
- compilation directory. The first to not contain a trailing / is the
- source file name, relative to the compilation directory. Others (perhaps
- resulting from cfront) are ignored.
- On Solaris2, value is undefined, but desc is a source-language code. */
-__define_stab (N_SO, 0x64, "SO")
-/* Automatic variable in the stack. Value is offset from frame pointer.
- Also used for type descriptions. */
-__define_stab (N_LSYM, 0x80, "LSYM")
-/* Beginning of an include file. Only Sun uses this.
- In an object file, only the name is significant.
- The Sun linker puts data into some of the other fields. */
-__define_stab (N_BINCL, 0x82, "BINCL")
-/* Name of sub-source file (#include file).
- Value is starting text address of the compilation. */
-__define_stab (N_SOL, 0x84, "SOL")
-/* Parameter variable. Value is offset from argument pointer.
- (On most machines the argument pointer is the same as the frame pointer. */
-__define_stab (N_PSYM, 0xa0, "PSYM")
-/* End of an include file. No name.
- This and N_BINCL act as brackets around the file's output.
- In an object file, there is no significant data in this entry.
- The Sun linker puts data into some of the fields. */
-__define_stab (N_EINCL, 0xa2, "EINCL")
-/* Alternate entry point. Value is its address. */
-__define_stab (N_ENTRY, 0xa4, "ENTRY")
-/* Beginning of lexical block.
- The desc is the nesting level in lexical blocks.
- The value is the address of the start of the text for the block.
- The variables declared inside the block *precede* the N_LBRAC symbol.
- On Solaris2, the value is relative to the start of the current function. */
-__define_stab (N_LBRAC, 0xc0, "LBRAC")
-/* Place holder for deleted include file. Replaces a N_BINCL and everything
- up to the corresponding N_EINCL. The Sun linker generates these when
- it finds multiple identical copies of the symbols from an include file.
- This appears only in output from the Sun linker. */
-__define_stab (N_EXCL, 0xc2, "EXCL")
-/* Modula-2 scope information. Can someone say what info it contains? */
-__define_stab (N_SCOPE, 0xc4, "SCOPE")
-/* End of a lexical block. Desc matches the N_LBRAC's desc.
- The value is the address of the end of the text for the block.
- On Solaris2, the value is relative to the start of the current function. */
-__define_stab (N_RBRAC, 0xe0, "RBRAC")
-/* Begin named common block. Only the name is significant. */
-__define_stab (N_BCOMM, 0xe2, "BCOMM")
-/* End named common block. Only the name is significant
- (and it should match the N_BCOMM). */
-__define_stab (N_ECOMM, 0xe4, "ECOMM")
-/* Member of a common block; value is offset within the common block.
- This should occur within a BCOMM/ECOMM pair. */
-__define_stab (N_ECOML, 0xe8, "ECOML")
-/* Solaris2: Pascal "with" statement: type,,0,0,offset */
-__define_stab (N_WITH, 0xea, "WITH")
-/* These STAB's are used on Gould systems for Non-Base register symbols
- or something like that. FIXME. I have assigned the values at random
- since I don't have a Gould here. Fixups from Gould folk welcome... */
-__define_stab (N_NBTEXT, 0xF0, "NBTEXT")
-__define_stab (N_NBDATA, 0xF2, "NBDATA")
-__define_stab (N_NBBSS, 0xF4, "NBBSS")
-__define_stab (N_NBSTS, 0xF6, "NBSTS")
-__define_stab (N_NBLCS, 0xF8, "NBLCS")
-/* Second symbol entry containing a length-value for the preceding entry.
- The value is the length. */
-__define_stab (N_LENG, 0xfe, "LENG")
-/* The above information, in matrix format.
- _________________________________________________
- | 00 - 1F are not dbx stab symbols |
- | In most cases, the low bit is the EXTernal bit|
- | 00 UNDEF | 02 ABS | 04 TEXT | 06 DATA |
- | 01 |EXT | 03 |EXT | 05 |EXT | 07 |EXT |
- | 08 BSS | 0A INDR | 0C FN_SEQ | 0E WEAKA |
- | 09 |EXT | 0B | 0D WEAKU | 0F WEAKT |
- | 10 WEAKD | 12 COMM | 14 SETA | 16 SETT |
- | 11 WEAKB | 13 | 15 | 17 |
- | 18 SETD | 1A SETB | 1C SETV | 1E WARNING|
- | 19 | 1B | 1D | 1F FN |
- |_______________________________________________|
- | Debug entries with bit 01 set are unused. |
- | 20 GSYM | 22 FNAME | 24 FUN | 26 STSYM |
- | 28 LCSYM | 2A MAIN | 2C ROSYM | 2E |
- | 30 PC | 32 NSYMS | 34 NOMAP | 36 |
- | 38 OBJ | 3A | 3C OPT | 3E |
- | 40 RSYM | 42 M2C | 44 SLINE | 46 DSLINE |
- | 48 BSLINE*| 4A DEFD | 4C FLINE | 4E |
- | 50 EHDECL*| 52 | 54 CATCH | 56 |
- | 58 | 5A | 5C | 5E |
- | 60 SSYM | 62 ENDM | 64 SO | 66 |
- | 68 | 6A | 6C | 6E |
- | 70 | 72 | 74 | 76 |
- | 78 | 7A | 7C | 7E |
- | 80 LSYM | 82 BINCL | 84 SOL | 86 |
- | 88 | 8A | 8C | 8E |
- | 90 | 92 | 94 | 96 |
- | 98 | 9A | 9C | 9E |
- | A0 PSYM | A2 EINCL | A4 ENTRY | A6 |
- | A8 | AA | AC | AE |
- | B0 | B2 | B4 | B6 |
- | B8 | BA | BC | BE |
- | C0 LBRAC | C2 EXCL | C4 SCOPE | C6 |
- | C8 | CA | CC | CE |
- | D0 | D2 | D4 | D6 |
- | D8 | DA | DC | DE |
- | E0 RBRAC | E2 BCOMM | E4 ECOMM | E6 |
- | E8 ECOML | EA WITH | EC | EE |
- | F0 | F2 | F4 | F6 |
- | F8 | FA | FC | FE LENG |
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- * 50 EHDECL is also MOD2.
- * 48 BSLINE is also BROWS.
- */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/stab_gnu.h b/contrib/gdb/include/aout/stab_gnu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d18e14a2634..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/stab_gnu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __GNU_STAB__
-/* Indicate the GNU stab.h is in use. */
-#define __GNU_STAB__
-#define __define_stab(NAME, CODE, STRING) NAME=CODE,
-#define __define_stab_duplicate(NAME, CODE, STRING) NAME=CODE,
-enum __stab_debug_code
-#include "aout/stab.def"
-#undef __define_stab
-/* Definitions of "desc" field for N_SO stabs in Solaris2. */
-#define N_SO_AS 1
-#define N_SO_C 2
-#define N_SO_ANSI_C 3
-#define N_SO_CC 4 /* C++ */
-#define N_SO_FORTRAN 5
-#define N_SO_PASCAL 6
-/* Solaris2: Floating point type values in basic types. */
-#define NF_NONE 0
-#define NF_SINGLE 1 /* IEEE 32-bit */
-#define NF_DOUBLE 2 /* IEEE 64-bit */
-#define NF_COMPLEX 3 /* Fortran complex */
-#define NF_COMPLEX16 4 /* Fortran double complex */
-#define NF_COMPLEX32 5 /* Fortran complex*16 */
-#define NF_LDOUBLE 6 /* Long double (whatever that is) */
-#endif /* __GNU_STAB_ */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/sun4.h b/contrib/gdb/include/aout/sun4.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f42a0dd45988..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/aout/sun4.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-/* SPARC-specific values for a.out files */
-/* Some systems, e.g., AIX, may have defined this in header files already
- included. */
-#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 0x2000 /* 8K. aka NBPG in <sys/param.h> */
-/* Note that some SPARCs have 4K pages, some 8K, some others. */
-#define SEG_SIZE_SUN3 0x20000 /* Resolution of r/w protection hw */
-#define TEXT_START_ADDR TARGET_PAGE_SIZE /* Location 0 is not accessible */
-#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) 1
-/* Non-default definitions of the accessor macros... */
-/* Segment size varies on Sun-3 versus Sun-4. */
- N_MACHTYPE(x) == M_68020? SEG_SIZE_SUN3: \
- /* Guess? */ TARGET_PAGE_SIZE)
-/* Virtual Address of text segment from the a.out file. For OMAGIC,
- (almost always "unlinked .o's" these days), should be zero.
- Sun added a kludge so that shared libraries linked ZMAGIC get
- an address of zero if a_entry (!!!) is lower than the otherwise
- expected text address. These kludges have gotta go!
- For linked files, should reflect reality if we know it. */
-/* This differs from the version in aout64.h (which we override by defining
- it here) only for NMAGIC (we return TEXT_START_ADDR+EXEC_BYTES_SIZE;
- they return 0). */
-#define N_TXTADDR(x) \
- (N_MAGIC(x)==OMAGIC? 0 \
- : (N_MAGIC(x) == ZMAGIC && (x).a_entry < TEXT_START_ADDR)? 0 \
-/* When a file is linked against a shared library on SunOS 4, the
- dynamic bit in the exec header is set, and the first symbol in the
- symbol table is __DYNAMIC. Its value is the address of the
- following structure. */
-struct external_sun4_dynamic
- /* The version number of the structure. SunOS 4.1.x creates files
- with version number 3, which is what this structure is based on.
- According to gdb, version 2 is similar. I believe that version 2
- used a different type of procedure linkage table, and there may
- have been other differences. */
- bfd_byte ld_version[4];
- /* The virtual address of a 28 byte structure used in debugging.
- The contents are filled in at run time by */
- bfd_byte ldd[4];
- /* The virtual address of another structure with information about
- how to relocate the executable at run time. */
- bfd_byte ld[4];
-/* The size of the debugging structure pointed to by the debugger
- field of __DYNAMIC. */
-/* The structure pointed to by the linker field of __DYNAMIC. As far
- as I can tell, most of the addresses in this structure are offsets
- within the file, but some are actually virtual addresses. */
-struct internal_sun4_dynamic_link
- /* Linked list of loaded objects. This is filled in at runtime by
- and probably by dlopen. */
- unsigned long ld_loaded;
- /* The address of the list of names of shared objects which must be
- included at runtime. Each entry in the list is 16 bytes: the 4
- byte address of the string naming the object (e.g., for -lc this
- is "c"); 4 bytes of flags--the high bit is whether to search for
- the object using the library path; the 2 byte major version
- number; the 2 byte minor version number; the 4 byte address of
- the next entry in the list (zero if this is the last entry). The
- version numbers seem to only be non-zero when doing library
- searching. */
- unsigned long ld_need;
- /* The address of the path to search for the shared objects which
- must be included. This points to a string in PATH format which
- is generated from the -L arguments to the linker. According to
- the man page, implicitly adds ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} to the
- beginning of this string and /lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib to the
- end. The string is terminated by a null byte. This field is
- zero if there is no additional path. */
- unsigned long ld_rules;
- /* The address of the global offset table. This appears to be a
- virtual address, not a file offset. The first entry in the
- global offset table seems to be the virtual address of the
- sun4_dynamic structure (the same value as the __DYNAMIC symbol).
- The global offset table is used for PIC code to hold the
- addresses of variables. A dynamically linked file which does not
- itself contain PIC code has a four byte global offset table. */
- unsigned long ld_got;
- /* The address of the procedure linkage table. This appears to be a
- virtual address, not a file offset.
- On a SPARC, the table is composed of 12 byte entries, each of
- which consists of three instructions. The first entry is
- sethi %hi(0),%g1
- jmp %g1
- nop
- These instructions are changed by into a jump directly into
- itself. Each subsequent entry is
- save %sp, -96, %sp
- call <address of first entry in procedure linkage table>
- <reloc_number | 0x01000000>
- The reloc_number is the number of the reloc to use to resolve
- this entry. The reloc will be a JMP_SLOT reloc against some
- symbol that is not defined in this object file but should be
- defined in a shared object (if it is not, will report a
- runtime error and exit). The constant 0x010000000 turns the
- reloc number into a sethi of %g0, which does nothing since %g0 is
- hardwired to zero.
- When one of these entries is executed, it winds up calling into
- looks at the reloc number, available via the return
- address, to determine which entry this is. It then looks at the
- reloc and patches up the entry in the table into a sethi and jmp
- to the real address followed by a nop. This means that the reloc
- lookup only has to happen once, and it also means that the
- relocation only needs to be done if the function is actually
- called. The relocation is expensive because must look up
- the symbol by name.
- The size of the procedure linkage table is given by the ld_plt_sz
- field. */
- unsigned long ld_plt;
- /* The address of the relocs. These are in the same format as
- ordinary relocs. Symbol index numbers refer to the symbols
- pointed to by ld_stab. I think the only way to determine the
- number of relocs is to assume that all the bytes from ld_rel to
- ld_hash contain reloc entries. */
- unsigned long ld_rel;
- /* The address of a hash table of symbols. The hash table has
- roughly the same number of entries as there are dynamic symbols;
- I think the only way to get the exact size is to assume that
- every byte from ld_hash to ld_stab is devoted to the hash table.
- Each entry in the hash table is eight bytes. The first four
- bytes are a symbol index into the dynamic symbols. The second
- four bytes are the index of the next hash table entry in the
- bucket. The ld_buckets field gives the number of buckets, say B.
- The first B entries in the hash table each start a bucket which
- is chained through the second four bytes of each entry. A value
- of zero ends the chain.
- The hash function is simply
- h = 0;
- while (*string != '\0')
- h = (h << 1) + *string++;
- h &= 0x7fffffff;
- To look up a symbol, compute the hash value of the name. Take
- the modulos of hash value and the number of buckets. Start at
- that entry in the hash table. See if the symbol (from the first
- four bytes of the hash table entry) has the name you are looking
- for. If not, use the chain field (the second four bytes of the
- hash table entry) to move on to the next entry in this bucket.
- If the chain field is zero you have reached the end of the
- bucket, and the symbol is not in the hash table. */
- unsigned long ld_hash;
- /* The address of the symbol table. This is a list of
- external_nlist structures. The string indices are relative to
- the ld_symbols field. I think the only way to determine the
- number of symbols is to assume that all the bytes between ld_stab
- and ld_symbols are external_nlist structures. */
- unsigned long ld_stab;
- /* I don't know what this is for. It seems to always be zero. */
- unsigned long ld_stab_hash;
- /* The number of buckets in the hash table. */
- unsigned long ld_buckets;
- /* The address of the symbol string table. The first string in this
- string table need not be the empty string. */
- unsigned long ld_symbols;
- /* The size in bytes of the symbol string table. */
- unsigned long ld_symb_size;
- /* The size in bytes of the text segment. */
- unsigned long ld_text;
- /* The size in bytes of the procedure linkage table. */
- unsigned long ld_plt_sz;
-/* The external form of the structure. */
-struct external_sun4_dynamic_link
- bfd_byte ld_loaded[4];
- bfd_byte ld_need[4];
- bfd_byte ld_rules[4];
- bfd_byte ld_got[4];
- bfd_byte ld_plt[4];
- bfd_byte ld_rel[4];
- bfd_byte ld_hash[4];
- bfd_byte ld_stab[4];
- bfd_byte ld_stab_hash[4];
- bfd_byte ld_buckets[4];
- bfd_byte ld_symbols[4];
- bfd_byte ld_symb_size[4];
- bfd_byte ld_text[4];
- bfd_byte ld_plt_sz[4];
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/bfdlink.h b/contrib/gdb/include/bfdlink.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 47d80b8c195f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/bfdlink.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-/* bfdlink.h -- header file for BFD link routines
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Steve Chamberlain and Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef BFDLINK_H
-#define BFDLINK_H
-/* Which symbols to strip during a link. */
-enum bfd_link_strip
- strip_none, /* Don't strip any symbols. */
- strip_debugger, /* Strip debugging symbols. */
- strip_some, /* keep_hash is the list of symbols to keep. */
- strip_all /* Strip all symbols. */
-/* Which local symbols to discard during a link. This is irrelevant
- if strip_all is used. */
-enum bfd_link_discard
- discard_none, /* Don't discard any locals. */
- discard_l, /* Discard locals with a certain prefix. */
- discard_all /* Discard all locals. */
-/* These are the possible types of an entry in the BFD link hash
- table. */
-enum bfd_link_hash_type
- bfd_link_hash_new, /* Symbol is new. */
- bfd_link_hash_undefined, /* Symbol seen before, but undefined. */
- bfd_link_hash_undefweak, /* Symbol is weak and undefined. */
- bfd_link_hash_defined, /* Symbol is defined. */
- bfd_link_hash_defweak, /* Symbol is weak and defined. */
- bfd_link_hash_common, /* Symbol is common. */
- bfd_link_hash_indirect, /* Symbol is an indirect link. */
- bfd_link_hash_warning /* Like indirect, but warn if referenced. */
-/* The linking routines use a hash table which uses this structure for
- its elements. */
-struct bfd_link_hash_entry
- /* Base hash table entry structure. */
- struct bfd_hash_entry root;
- /* Type of this entry. */
- enum bfd_link_hash_type type;
- /* Undefined and common symbols are kept in a linked list through
- this field. This field is not in the union because that would
- force us to remove entries from the list when we changed their
- type, which would force the list to be doubly linked, which would
- waste more memory. When an undefined or common symbol is
- created, it should be added to this list, the head of which is in
- the link hash table itself. As symbols are defined, they need
- not be removed from the list; anything which reads the list must
- doublecheck the symbol type.
- Weak symbols are not kept on this list.
- Defined and defweak symbols use this field as a reference marker.
- If the field is not NULL, or this structure is the tail of the
- undefined symbol list, the symbol has been referenced. If the
- symbol is undefined and becomes defined, this field will
- automatically be non-NULL since the symbol will have been on the
- undefined symbol list. */
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *next;
- /* A union of information depending upon the type. */
- union
- {
- /* Nothing is kept for bfd_hash_new. */
- /* bfd_link_hash_undefined, bfd_link_hash_undefweak. */
- struct
- {
- bfd *abfd; /* BFD symbol was found in. */
- } undef;
- /* bfd_link_hash_defined, bfd_link_hash_defweak. */
- struct
- {
- bfd_vma value; /* Symbol value. */
- asection *section; /* Symbol section. */
- } def;
- /* bfd_link_hash_indirect, bfd_link_hash_warning. */
- struct
- {
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *link; /* Real symbol. */
- const char *warning; /* Warning (bfd_link_hash_warning only). */
- } i;
- /* bfd_link_hash_common. */
- struct
- {
- /* The linker needs to know three things about common
- symbols: the size, the alignment, and the section in
- which the symbol should be placed. We store the size
- here, and we allocate a small structure to hold the
- section and the alignment. The alignment is stored as a
- power of two. We don't store all the information
- directly because we don't want to increase the size of
- the union; this structure is a major space user in the
- linker. */
- bfd_size_type size; /* Common symbol size. */
- struct bfd_link_hash_common_entry
- {
- unsigned int alignment_power; /* Alignment. */
- asection *section; /* Symbol section. */
- } *p;
- } c;
- } u;
-/* This is the link hash table. It is a derived class of
- bfd_hash_table. */
-struct bfd_link_hash_table
- /* The hash table itself. */
- struct bfd_hash_table table;
- /* The back end which created this hash table. This indicates the
- type of the entries in the hash table, which is sometimes
- important information when linking object files of different
- types together. */
- const bfd_target *creator;
- /* A linked list of undefined and common symbols, linked through the
- next field in the bfd_link_hash_entry structure. */
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *undefs;
- /* Entries are added to the tail of the undefs list. */
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *undefs_tail;
-/* Look up an entry in a link hash table. If FOLLOW is true, this
- follows bfd_link_hash_indirect and bfd_link_hash_warning links to
- the real symbol. */
-extern struct bfd_link_hash_entry *bfd_link_hash_lookup
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_table *, const char *, boolean create,
- boolean copy, boolean follow));
-/* Look up an entry in the main linker hash table if the symbol might
- be wrapped. This should only be used for references to an
- undefined symbol, not for definitions of a symbol. */
-extern struct bfd_link_hash_entry *bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup
- PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *, boolean, boolean,
- boolean));
-/* Traverse a link hash table. */
-extern void bfd_link_hash_traverse
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_table *,
- boolean (*) (struct bfd_link_hash_entry *, PTR),
- PTR));
-/* Add an entry to the undefs list. */
-extern void bfd_link_add_undef
- PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_table *, struct bfd_link_hash_entry *));
-/* This structure holds all the information needed to communicate
- between BFD and the linker when doing a link. */
-struct bfd_link_info
- /* Function callbacks. */
- const struct bfd_link_callbacks *callbacks;
- /* true if BFD should generate a relocateable object file. */
- boolean relocateable;
- /* true if BFD should generate a shared object. */
- boolean shared;
- /* true if BFD should pre-bind symbols in a shared object. */
- boolean symbolic;
- /* true if shared objects should be linked directly, not shared. */
- boolean static_link;
- /* Which symbols to strip. */
- enum bfd_link_strip strip;
- /* Which local symbols to discard. */
- enum bfd_link_discard discard;
- /* The local symbol prefix to discard if using discard_l. */
- unsigned int lprefix_len;
- const char *lprefix;
- /* true if symbols should be retained in memory, false if they
- should be freed and reread. */
- boolean keep_memory;
- /* The list of input BFD's involved in the link. These are chained
- together via the link_next field. */
- bfd *input_bfds;
- /* If a symbol should be created for each input BFD, this is section
- where those symbols should be placed. It must be a section in
- the output BFD. It may be NULL, in which case no such symbols
- will be created. This is to support CREATE_OBJECT_SYMBOLS in the
- linker command language. */
- asection *create_object_symbols_section;
- /* Hash table handled by BFD. */
- struct bfd_link_hash_table *hash;
- /* Hash table of symbols to keep. This is NULL unless strip is
- strip_some. */
- struct bfd_hash_table *keep_hash;
- /* Hash table of symbols to report back via notice_callback. If
- this is NULL no symbols are reported back. */
- struct bfd_hash_table *notice_hash;
- /* Hash table of symbols which are being wrapped (the --wrap linker
- option). If this is NULL, no symbols are being wrapped. */
- struct bfd_hash_table *wrap_hash;
- /* If a base output file is wanted, then this points to it */
- PTR base_file;
-/* This structures holds a set of callback functions. These are
- called by the BFD linker routines. The first argument to each
- callback function is the bfd_link_info structure being used. Each
- function returns a boolean value. If the function returns false,
- then the BFD function which called it will return with a failure
- indication. */
-struct bfd_link_callbacks
- /* A function which is called when an object is added from an
- archive. ABFD is the archive element being added. NAME is the
- name of the symbol which caused the archive element to be pulled
- in. */
- boolean (*add_archive_element) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *,
- bfd *abfd,
- const char *name));
- /* A function which is called when a symbol is found with multiple
- definitions. NAME is the symbol which is defined multiple times.
- OBFD is the old BFD, OSEC is the old section, OVAL is the old
- value, NBFD is the new BFD, NSEC is the new section, and NVAL is
- the new value. OBFD may be NULL. OSEC and NSEC may be
- bfd_com_section or bfd_ind_section. */
- boolean (*multiple_definition) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *,
- const char *name,
- bfd *obfd,
- asection *osec,
- bfd_vma oval,
- bfd *nbfd,
- asection *nsec,
- bfd_vma nval));
- /* A function which is called when a common symbol is defined
- multiple times. NAME is the symbol appearing multiple times.
- OBFD is the BFD of the existing symbol; it may be NULL if this is
- not known. OTYPE is the type of the existing symbol, which may
- be bfd_link_hash_defined, bfd_link_hash_defweak,
- bfd_link_hash_common, or bfd_link_hash_indirect. If OTYPE is
- bfd_link_hash_common, OSIZE is the size of the existing symbol.
- NBFD is the BFD of the new symbol. NTYPE is the type of the new
- symbol, one of bfd_link_hash_defined, bfd_link_hash_common, or
- bfd_link_hash_indirect. If NTYPE is bfd_link_hash_common, NSIZE
- is the size of the new symbol. */
- boolean (*multiple_common) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *,
- const char *name,
- bfd *obfd,
- enum bfd_link_hash_type otype,
- bfd_vma osize,
- bfd *nbfd,
- enum bfd_link_hash_type ntype,
- bfd_vma nsize));
- /* A function which is called to add a symbol to a set. ENTRY is
- the link hash table entry for the set itself (e.g.,
- __CTOR_LIST__). RELOC is the relocation to use for an entry in
- the set when generating a relocateable file, and is also used to
- get the size of the entry when generating an executable file.
- ABFD, SEC and VALUE identify the value to add to the set. */
- boolean (*add_to_set) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *,
- struct bfd_link_hash_entry *entry,
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type reloc,
- bfd *abfd, asection *sec, bfd_vma value));
- /* A function which is called when the name of a g++ constructor or
- destructor is found. This is only called by some object file
- formats. CONSTRUCTOR is true for a constructor, false for a
- destructor. This will use BFD_RELOC_CTOR when generating a
- relocateable file. NAME is the name of the symbol found. ABFD,
- SECTION and VALUE are the value of the symbol. */
- boolean (*constructor) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *,
- boolean constructor,
- const char *name, bfd *abfd, asection *sec,
- bfd_vma value));
- /* A function which is called to issue a linker warning. For
- example, this is called when there is a reference to a warning
- symbol. WARNING is the warning to be issued. SYMBOL is the name
- of the symbol which triggered the warning; it may be NULL if
- there is none. ABFD, SECTION and ADDRESS identify the location
- which trigerred the warning; either ABFD or SECTION or both may
- be NULL if the location is not known. */
- boolean (*warning) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *,
- const char *warning, const char *symbol,
- bfd *abfd, asection *section,
- bfd_vma address));
- /* A function which is called when a relocation is attempted against
- an undefined symbol. NAME is the symbol which is undefined.
- ABFD, SECTION and ADDRESS identify the location from which the
- reference is made. In some cases SECTION may be NULL. */
- boolean (*undefined_symbol) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *,
- const char *name, bfd *abfd,
- asection *section, bfd_vma address));
- /* A function which is called when a reloc overflow occurs. NAME is
- the name of the symbol or section the reloc is against,
- RELOC_NAME is the name of the relocation, and ADDEND is any
- addend that is used. ABFD, SECTION and ADDRESS identify the
- location at which the overflow occurs; if this is the result of a
- bfd_section_reloc_link_order or bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order, then
- ABFD will be NULL. */
- boolean (*reloc_overflow) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *,
- const char *name,
- const char *reloc_name, bfd_vma addend,
- bfd *abfd, asection *section,
- bfd_vma address));
- /* A function which is called when a dangerous reloc is performed.
- The canonical example is an a29k IHCONST reloc which does not
- follow an IHIHALF reloc. MESSAGE is an appropriate message.
- ABFD, SECTION and ADDRESS identify the location at which the
- problem occurred; if this is the result of a
- bfd_section_reloc_link_order or bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order, then
- ABFD will be NULL. */
- boolean (*reloc_dangerous) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *,
- const char *message,
- bfd *abfd, asection *section,
- bfd_vma address));
- /* A function which is called when a reloc is found to be attached
- to a symbol which is not being written out. NAME is the name of
- the symbol. ABFD, SECTION and ADDRESS identify the location of
- the reloc; if this is the result of a
- bfd_section_reloc_link_order or bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order, then
- ABFD will be NULL. */
- boolean (*unattached_reloc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *,
- const char *name,
- bfd *abfd, asection *section,
- bfd_vma address));
- /* A function which is called when a symbol in notice_hash is
- defined or referenced. NAME is the symbol. ABFD, SECTION and
- ADDRESS are the value of the symbol. If SECTION is
- bfd_und_section, this is a reference. */
- boolean (*notice) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, const char *name,
- bfd *abfd, asection *section, bfd_vma address));
-/* The linker builds link_order structures which tell the code how to
- include input data in the output file. */
-/* These are the types of link_order structures. */
-enum bfd_link_order_type
- bfd_undefined_link_order, /* Undefined. */
- bfd_indirect_link_order, /* Built from a section. */
- bfd_fill_link_order, /* Fill with a 16 bit constant. */
- bfd_data_link_order, /* Set to explicit data. */
- bfd_section_reloc_link_order, /* Relocate against a section. */
- bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order /* Relocate against a symbol. */
-/* This is the link_order structure itself. These form a chain
- attached to the section whose contents they are describing. */
-struct bfd_link_order
- /* Next link_order in chain. */
- struct bfd_link_order *next;
- /* Type of link_order. */
- enum bfd_link_order_type type;
- /* Offset within output section. */
- bfd_vma offset;
- /* Size within output section. */
- bfd_size_type size;
- /* Type specific information. */
- union
- {
- struct
- {
- /* Section to include. If this is used, then
- section->output_section must be the section the
- link_order is attached to, section->output_offset must
- equal the link_order offset field, and section->_raw_size
- must equal the link_order size field. Maybe these
- restrictions should be relaxed someday. */
- asection *section;
- } indirect;
- struct
- {
- /* Value to fill with. */
- unsigned int value;
- } fill;
- struct
- {
- /* Data to put into file. The size field gives the number
- of bytes which this field points to. */
- bfd_byte *contents;
- } data;
- struct
- {
- /* Description of reloc to generate. Used for
- bfd_section_reloc_link_order and
- bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order. */
- struct bfd_link_order_reloc *p;
- } reloc;
- } u;
-/* A linker order of type bfd_section_reloc_link_order or
- bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order means to create a reloc against a
- section or symbol, respectively. This is used to implement -Ur to
- generate relocs for the constructor tables. The
- bfd_link_order_reloc structure describes the reloc that BFD should
- create. It is similar to a arelent, but I didn't use arelent
- because the linker does not know anything about most symbols, and
- any asymbol structure it creates will be partially meaningless.
- This information could logically be in the bfd_link_order struct,
- but I didn't want to waste the space since these types of relocs
- are relatively rare. */
-struct bfd_link_order_reloc
- /* Reloc type. */
- bfd_reloc_code_real_type reloc;
- union
- {
- /* For type bfd_section_reloc_link_order, this is the section
- the reloc should be against. This must be a section in the
- output BFD, not any of the input BFDs. */
- asection *section;
- /* For type bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order, this is the name of the
- symbol the reloc should be against. */
- const char *name;
- } u;
- /* Addend to use. The object file should contain zero. The BFD
- backend is responsible for filling in the contents of the object
- file correctly. For some object file formats (e.g., COFF) the
- addend must be stored into in the object file, and for some
- (e.g., SPARC a.out) it is kept in the reloc. */
- bfd_vma addend;
-/* Allocate a new link_order for a section. */
-extern struct bfd_link_order *bfd_new_link_order PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *));
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/bout.h b/contrib/gdb/include/bout.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fc28cc3d6d7..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/bout.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
- * This file is a modified version of 'a.out.h'. It is to be used in all
- * GNU tools modified to support the i80960 (or tools that operate on
- * object files created by such tools).
- *
- * All i80960 development is done in a CROSS-DEVELOPMENT environment. I.e.,
- * object code is generated on, and executed under the direction of a symbolic
- * debugger running on, a host system. We do not want to be subject to the
- * vagaries of which host it is or whether it supports COFF or a.out format,
- * or anything else. We DO want to:
- *
- * o always generate the same format object files, regardless of host.
- *
- * o have an 'a.out' header that we can modify for our own purposes
- * (the 80960 is typically an embedded processor and may require
- * enhanced linker support that the normal a.out.h header can't
- * accommodate).
- *
- * As for byte-ordering, the following rules apply:
- *
- * o Text and data that is actually downloaded to the target is always
- * in i80960 (little-endian) order.
- *
- * o All other numbers (in the header, symbols, relocation directives)
- * are in host byte-order: object files CANNOT be lifted from a
- * little-end host and used on a big-endian (or vice versa) without
- * modification.
- *
- * o The downloader ('comm960') takes care to generate a pseudo-header
- * with correct (i80960) byte-ordering before shipping text and data
- * off to the NINDY monitor in the target systems. Symbols and
- * relocation info are never sent to the target.
- */
-#define BMAGIC 0415
-/* We don't accept the following (see N_BADMAG macro).
- * They're just here so GNU code will compile.
- */
-#define OMAGIC 0407 /* old impure format */
-#define NMAGIC 0410 /* read-only text */
-#define ZMAGIC 0413 /* demand load format */
- * All 'lengths' are given as a number of bytes.
- * All 'alignments' are for relinkable files only; an alignment of
- * 'n' indicates the corresponding segment must begin at an
- * address that is a multiple of (2**n).
- */
-struct external_exec {
- /* Standard stuff */
- unsigned char e_info[4]; /* Identifies this as a b.out file */
- unsigned char e_text[4]; /* Length of text */
- unsigned char e_data[4]; /* Length of data */
- unsigned char e_bss[4]; /* Length of uninitialized data area */
- unsigned char e_syms[4]; /* Length of symbol table */
- unsigned char e_entry[4]; /* Runtime start address */
- unsigned char e_trsize[4]; /* Length of text relocation info */
- unsigned char e_drsize[4]; /* Length of data relocation info */
- /* Added for i960 */
- unsigned char e_tload[4]; /* Text runtime load address */
- unsigned char e_dload[4]; /* Data runtime load address */
- unsigned char e_talign[1]; /* Alignment of text segment */
- unsigned char e_dalign[1]; /* Alignment of data segment */
- unsigned char e_balign[1]; /* Alignment of bss segment */
- unsigned char e_relaxable[1]; /* Assembled with enough info to allow linker to relax */
-#define EXEC_BYTES_SIZE (sizeof (struct external_exec))
-/* These macros use the a_xxx field names, since they operate on the exec
- structure after it's been byte-swapped and realigned on the host machine. */
-#define N_BADMAG(x) (((x).a_info)!=BMAGIC)
-#define N_DATOFF(x) ( N_TXTOFF(x) + (x).a_text )
-#define N_TROFF(x) ( N_DATOFF(x) + (x).a_data )
-#define N_DROFF(x) ( N_TROFF(x) + (x).a_trsize )
-#define N_SYMOFF(x) ( N_DROFF(x) + (x).a_drsize )
-#define N_STROFF(x) ( N_SYMOFF(x) + (x).a_syms )
-#define N_DATADDR(x) ( (x).a_dload )
-/* Address of text segment in memory after it is loaded. */
-#if !defined (N_TXTADDR)
-#define N_TXTADDR(x) 0
-/* A single entry in the symbol table
- */
-struct nlist {
- union {
- char *n_name;
- struct nlist *n_next;
- long n_strx; /* Index into string table */
- } n_un;
- unsigned char n_type; /* See below */
- char n_other; /* Used in i80960 support -- see below */
- short n_desc;
- unsigned long n_value;
-/* Legal values of n_type
- */
-#define N_UNDF 0 /* Undefined symbol */
-#define N_ABS 2 /* Absolute symbol */
-#define N_TEXT 4 /* Text symbol */
-#define N_DATA 6 /* Data symbol */
-#define N_BSS 8 /* BSS symbol */
-#define N_FN 31 /* Filename symbol */
-#define N_EXT 1 /* External symbol (OR'd in with one of above) */
-#define N_TYPE 036 /* Mask for all the type bits */
-#define N_STAB 0340 /* Mask for all bits used for SDB entries */
-/* MEANING OF 'n_other'
- *
- * If non-zero, the 'n_other' fields indicates either a leaf procedure or
- * a system procedure, as follows:
- *
- * 1 <= n_other <= 32 :
- * The symbol is the entry point to a system procedure.
- * 'n_value' is the address of the entry, as for any other
- * procedure. The system procedure number (which can be used in
- * a 'calls' instruction) is (n_other-1). These entries come from
- * '.sysproc' directives.
- *
- * n_other == N_CALLNAME
- * the symbol is the 'call' entry point to a leaf procedure.
- * The *next* symbol in the symbol table must be the corresponding
- * 'bal' entry point to the procedure (see following). These
- * entries come from '.leafproc' directives in which two different
- * symbols are specified (the first one is represented here).
- *
- *
- * n_other == N_BALNAME
- * the symbol is the 'bal' entry point to a leaf procedure.
- * These entries result from '.leafproc' directives in which only
- * one symbol is specified, or in which the same symbol is
- * specified twice.
- *
- * Note that an N_CALLNAME entry *must* have a corresponding N_BALNAME entry,
- * but not every N_BALNAME entry must have an N_CALLNAME entry.
- */
-#define N_CALLNAME ((char)-1)
-#define N_BALNAME ((char)-2)
-#define IS_CALLNAME(x) (N_CALLNAME == (x))
-#define IS_BALNAME(x) (N_BALNAME == (x))
-#define IS_OTHER(x) ((x)>0 && (x) <=32)
-#define b_out_relocation_info relocation_info
-struct relocation_info {
- int r_address; /* File address of item to be relocated */
- unsigned
-#define r_index r_symbolnum
- r_symbolnum:24,/* Index of symbol on which relocation is based,
- * if r_extern is set. Otherwise set to
- * either N_TEXT, N_DATA, or N_BSS to
- * indicate section on which relocation is
- * based.
- */
- r_pcrel:1, /* 1 => relocate PC-relative; else absolute
- * On i960, pc-relative implies 24-bit
- * address, absolute implies 32-bit.
- */
- r_length:2, /* Number of bytes to relocate:
- * 0 => 1 byte
- * 1 => 2 bytes -- used for 13 bit pcrel
- * 2 => 4 bytes
- */
- r_extern:1,
- r_bsr:1, /* Something for the GNU NS32K assembler */
- r_disp:1, /* Something for the GNU NS32K assembler */
- r_callj:1, /* 1 if relocation target is an i960 'callj' */
- r_relaxable:1; /* 1 if enough info is left to relax
- the data */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/ChangeLog b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 06c7f80f468a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,622 +0,0 @@
-Thu Mar 14 15:22:44 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * internal.h (R_MEM_INDIRECT): New reloc for the h8300.
-Fri Feb 9 10:44:11 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * aux-coff.h: Rename from aux.h, to avoid problems on hapless DOS
- systems which think that aux is a com port.
-Mon Feb 5 18:35:00 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * i960.h (F_I960HX): Define.
-Wed Jan 31 13:11:54 1996 Richard Henderson <>
- * aux.h: New file.
- * internal.h, m68k.h: Protect against multiple inclusion.
-Wed Nov 22 13:48:39 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * symconst.h (scRConst): Define.
-Tue Nov 14 18:54:29 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * internal.h (C_NT_WEAK): Define.
-Thu Nov 9 14:08:30 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * rs6000.h (STYP_OVRFLO): Define.
-Tue Nov 7 14:38:45 1995 Kim Knuttila <>
- * coff/powerpc.h (IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR_MAGIC): Added define.
- * coff/pe.h: Added defines for file level flags
-Mon Nov 6 17:28:01 1995 Harry Dolan <>
- * i860.h: New file, based on i386.h.
-Wed Nov 1 15:25:18 1995 Manfred Hollstein KS/EF4A 60/1F/110 #40283 <>
- * m68k.h (PAGEMAGICEXECSWAPPED): Define.
- * m88k.h (_COMMENT): Define.
-Wed Oct 18 18:36:19 1995 Geoffrey Noer <>
- * sym.h: #if 0'd out runtime_pdr struct because it chokes
- Visual C++ and there aren't any references to it elsewhere in gdb.
-Mon Oct 16 11:12:24 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * rs6000.h (SMALL_AOUTSZ): Define.
- * internal.h (XMC_TD): Define.
-Tue Oct 10 18:41:03 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * internal.h (struct internal_aouthdr): Add o_cputype field.
- * rs6000.h (AOUTHDR): Rename o_resv1 to o_cputype.
-Mon Oct 9 14:45:46 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * rs6000.h (AOUTHDR): Add o_maxdata field. Add comments.
- (_PAD, _LOADER): Define.
- (STYP_LOADER): Define.
- * internal.h (struct internal_aouthdr): Add o_maxdata field.
-Thu Oct 5 10:02:57 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * ecoff.h: Define section name macros and STYP macros for various
- Alpha sections: .got, .hash, .dynsym, .dynstr, .rel.dyn, .conflic,
- .comment, .liblist, .dynamic.
-Wed Oct 4 10:56:35 1995 Kim Knuttila <>
- * pe.h: Moved DOSMAGIC and NT_SIGNATURE defines here
- * powerpc.h: removed DOSMAGIC, NT_SIGNATURE, and DEFAULT_* defines
- Also removed other unused defines (various MAGIC ones)
- * i386.h: removed DOSMAGIC, NT_SIGNATURE, and DEFAULT_* defines
- * arm.h: removed DOSMAGIC, NT_SIGNATURE, and DEFAULT_* defines
- * apollo.h: removed unused DEFAULT_* defines
- * alpha.h: removed unused DEFAULT_* defines
- * h8500.h: removed unused DEFAULT_* defines
- * h8300.h: removed unused DEFAULT_* defines
- * i960.h: removed unused DEFAULT_* defines
- * m88k.h: removed unused DEFAULT_* defines
- * we32k.h: removed unused DEFAULT_* defines
- * rs6000.h: removed unused DEFAULT_* defines
- * mips.h: removed unused DEFAULT_* defines
- * m68k.h: removed unused DEFAULT_* defines
- * z8k.h: removed unused DEFAULT_* defines
- * w65.h: removed unused DEFAULT_* defines
- * sparc.h: removed unused DEFAULT_* defines
- * sh.h: removed unused DEFAULT_* defines
-Fri Sep 29 08:40:08 1995 Kim Knuttila <>
- * powerpc.h: Reformatted to GNU coding conventions.
-Wed Sep 27 06:50:50 1995 Kim Knuttila <krk@nellie>
- * pe.h: added defines for more section characteristics
- * powerpc.h (new file): base coff definitions for ppc PE
-Tue Sep 12 12:08:20 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * internal.h (struct internal_syment): Change n_numaux field from
- char to unsigned char.
-Fri Sep 1 15:39:36 1995 Kazumoto Kojima <>
- * mips.h (struct rpdr_ext): Define.
-Thu Aug 31 16:51:50 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * internal.h (internal_aouthdr, internal_filehdr):
- don't indirect the pe stuff.
-Tue Aug 29 14:16:07 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * i386.h (NT_DEF_RESERVE, NT_DEF_COMMIT): Make the same
- as 'the other' compiler.
- * internal.h (NT_IMAGE_BASE): Deleted.
-Mon Aug 21 18:12:19 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * internal.h: (internal_filehdr): Moved PE stuff into
- internal_extra_pe_filehdr.
- (internal_aouthdr): Moved PE stuff into
- interanl_extra_pe_aouthdr.
-Mon Jul 24 14:05:39 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * internal.h: Move R_SH_* relocs from here...
- * sh.h: here.
- (R_SH_SWITCH16, R_SH_SWITCH32): Define.
-Thu Jun 29 00:04:25 1995 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * internal.h (NT_DEF_RESERVE, NT_DEF_COMMIT): Increase a lot.
-Tue May 16 15:08:20 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * internal.h (NT_subsystem, NT_stack_heap): Delete
-Tue May 16 15:08:20 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * internal.h (NT_subsystem, NT_stack_heap): Now extern.
-Tue Feb 14 17:59:37 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * ecoff.h (struct ecoff_fdrtab_entry): Define.
- (struct ecoff_find_line): Define.
-Sat Feb 4 14:38:03 1995 David Mosberger-Tang <>
- * sym.h (struct pdr): field "prof" added.
- * alpha.h (PDR_BITS1_PROF_*): added, macros for PDR_BITS*_RESERVED_*
- updated accordingly.
-Sun Jan 15 18:38:33 1995 Steve Chamberlain <sac@splat>
- * w65.h: New file.
-Wed Nov 23 22:43:38 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- (SHBADMAG): Changed to suit.
-Tue Jul 26 17:46:08 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * i960.h (F_I960JX): New macro.
-Wed Jul 6 00:48:57 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * alpha.h: Add definitions for alpha file header flags, encoding
- the object type of the file.
-Mon Jun 20 13:47:01 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ecoff.h (ecoff_swap_tir_in): Remove declaration.
- (ecoff_swap_tir_out): Likewise.
- (ecoff_swap_rndx_in, ecoff_swap_rndx_out): Likewise.
- (struct ecoff_debug_swap): Add new fields: swap_tir_in,
- swap_rndx_in, swap_tir_out, swap_rndx_out, read_debug_info.
-Sun Jun 12 03:51:52 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * symconst.h: Pick up SGI define for stIndirect.
-Fri Apr 22 13:05:28 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ecoff.h (REGINFO): Don't define.
- (struct ecoff_reginfo): Don't define.
- * sh.h (SH_ARCH_MAGIC): Rename from SHMAGIC. SHMAGIC is used by
- several targets to mean a shared library.
- (SHBADMAG): Corresponding change.
-Thu Apr 14 13:00:53 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h (RELOC_BITS3_TYPE_BIG): Changed from 0x1e to 0x3e.
- (MIPS_R_PCREL16): Change value from 8 to 12 to match Irix 4.
- (MIPS_R_RELHI): Define.
- (MIPS_R_RELLO): Define.
- (MIPS_R_SWITCH): Change value from 9 to 22.
-Thu Apr 7 14:19:35 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h (MIPS_R_SWITCH): Define.
-Thu Mar 31 19:28:33 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * internal.h (internal_aouthdr): Added comments for Apollo fields.
-Thu Mar 31 16:28:02 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ecoff.h (STYP_ECOFF_LIB): Define as used on Irix 4.
-Fri Mar 25 17:16:55 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ecoff.h (struct ecoff_debug_info): Add adjust field.
- (struct ecoff_value_adjust): Define.
-Tue Mar 22 13:22:47 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h (MIPS_R_PCREL16): Define.
-Sat Feb 26 10:26:38 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ecoff.h: Add casts to avoid warnings from SVR4 cc.
-Mon Feb 21 09:48:46 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * sym.h (struct runtime_pdr): Make field adr bfd_vma, not unsigned
- long.
- (SYMR): Make field value bfd_vma, not long.
-Fri Feb 4 23:35:53 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * rs6000.h (STYP_DEBUG): Define.
-Wed Feb 2 14:31:37 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * internal.h (union internal_auxent): Change x_csect.x_scnlen into
- a union of a long and a pointer to a symbol. XCOFF sometimes uses
- this field as a symbol index.
-Mon Jan 10 23:54:25 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ecoff.h (ecoff_debug_info): Remove fields line_end,
- external_dnr_end, external_pdr_end, external_sym_end,
- external_opt_end, external_aux_end, ss_end, external_fdr_end.
- Replace ifdbase with ifdmap.
-Wed Jan 5 17:05:36 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- Define.
-Wed Jan 5 16:58:24 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ecoff.h (NUM_RELOC_SECTIONS): Define.
-Tue Dec 21 09:24:56 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * sparc.h (struct external_reloc): Rename field r_addend to
- r_offset.
-Sat Dec 11 16:12:32 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * internal.h (R_DISP7, R_SH_IMM16): New reloc types.
-Tue Nov 23 14:23:19 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ecoff.h (struct ecoff_debug_swap): Added *_end fields for all
- the symbolic information pointers.
- * sym.h: Named the EXTR structure ecoff_extr.
-Fri Nov 19 08:21:18 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * sparc.h (RELSZ): Use correct size.
-Wed Nov 17 17:18:16 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h (struct ecoff_debug_info): Define.
-Tue Nov 2 17:56:57 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ecoff.h (struct ecoff_debug_swap): Define.
-Thu Oct 28 17:07:50 1993 Stan Shebs (
- * i386.h (I386LYNXMAGIC): Rename to LYNXCOFFMAGIC.
- * m68k.h (LYNXCOFFMAGIC): Define.
- * sparc.h: New file.
-Tue Oct 19 15:34:50 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * alpha.h (external_aouthdr): Split four byte padding field into
- two byte bldrev field and two byte padding field.
- * ecoff.h (_LITA, _PDATA, _XDATA, STYP_LITA): Defined.
-Wed Oct 13 15:52:34 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- Sun Oct 10 17:27:10 1993 Troy Rollo (
- * coff/internal.h: Added o_sri, o_inlib and o_vid for Apollos
- as well as R_DIR16.
- * coff/apollo.h: New file
-Mon Oct 11 17:16:48 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ecoff.h (REGINFO, struct ecoff_reginfo): Define.
-Tue Oct 5 10:52:53 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * rs6000.h: Change non-ASCII characters in comment to octal
- escapes.
-Tue Sep 28 03:27:04 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * ecoff.h (_FINI, STYP_ECOFF_FINI): Add to support .fini section.
-Fri Sep 24 11:53:53 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h (BADMAG): Recognize MIPS_MAGIC_LITTLE3 and MIPS_MAGIC_BIG3.
- * ecoff.h: Define MIPS_MAGIC_LITTLE3 and MIPS_MAGIC_BIG3.
-Thu Sep 23 21:07:14 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * mips.h (BADMAG): Recognize MIPS_MAGIC_LITTLE2 and MIPS_MAGIC_BIG2.
- * ecoff.h: Define MIPS_MAGIC_LITTLE2 and MIPS_MAGIC_BIG2.
-Thu Sep 16 20:27:21 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * sym.h, symconst.h: Add comment stating these files are not part
- of GDB, GAS, etc. In 1991, when we asked rms whether we could
- include these files in GDB (although they are copyrighted by
- someone besides the FSF), he said it was OK if they were not
- considered part of GDB.
-Fri Sep 10 17:40:35 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ecoff.h (AUX_PUT_ANY): Cast val argument to bfd_vma.
- * alpha.c (external_aouthdr): Need four bytes of padding between
- vstamp and tsize.
-Tue Sep 7 14:20:43 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ecoff.h (AUX_GET_ANY, AUX_PUT_ANY): Changed to reflect further
- change in bfd swapping routine names.
-Tue Sep 7 10:15:17 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * ecoff.h (AUX_GET_ANY): Change name of _do_getb32 to reflect bfd
- changes.
-Fri Aug 13 14:30:32 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ecoff.h (RELOC_SECTION_NONE): Define.
-Thu Aug 12 11:24:42 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * alpha.h (struct external_reloc): Add r_symndx field.
- (RELSZ): Correct.
- (RELOC_BITS*): Correct.
- (ALPHA_R_*): Define.
- (r_extern): Undefine.
- * internal.h (struct internal_reloc): Make r_vaddr bfd_vma rather
- than long. Add r_extern field.
- * alpha.h (PDR_BITS*): Define.
- * sym.h (PDR): Give correct names to new fields.
- * ecoff.h: Moved MIPS reloc definitions from here...
- * mips.h: to here.
-Tue Aug 3 11:17:53 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * alpha.h: Corrected external symbolic debugging structures to
- match actual usage.
- * internal.h (internal_filehdr, internal_aouthdr,
- internal_scnhdr): Changed type of some fields to bfd_vma so they
- can hold 64 bits.
- * sym.h (HDRR, FDR, PDR, EXTR): Likewise.
- (PDR): Added new fields found on Alpha.
- * symconst.h (magicSym2): Define; new value found on Alpha.
- * ecoff.h: New file.
- * alpha.h, mips.h: Moved common information into ecoff.h. Moved
- external structure definitions in from ecoff-ext.h.
- * ecoff-ext.h: Removed; information now in alpha.h and mips.h.
-Sun Jul 18 21:43:59 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * i386.h: Recognize I386PTXMAGIC.
-Fri Jul 16 09:54:35 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h (MIPS_AOUT_{OZ}MAGIC): Renamed from {OZ}MAGIC.
-Thu Jul 15 12:23:55 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * m88k.h (union external_auxent): Move x_fcn back inside x_fcnary.
- ({GET,PUT}_FCN_{LNNOPTR,ENDNDX}): Adjust accordingly.
-Sun Jul 11 18:00:18 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * m68k.h: Define MC68KBCSMAGIC.
-Thu Jun 10 11:46:28 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h (_INIT, STYP_MIPS_INIT): Define (used on Irix4).
-Wed Jun 9 15:09:09 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h (OMAGIC): Define.
-Mon Apr 26 18:04:47 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * internal.h, sh.h: Support for SH.
-Sat Apr 24 21:34:59 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * a29k.h: Define _LIT.
-Fri Apr 23 18:41:23 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * alpha.h: New file.
-Thu Apr 8 12:36:34 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * internal.h (C_SHADOW, C_VERSION): Copied in from m88k.h.
- * m88k.h, i386.h, we32k.h: Don't define all the storage classes;
- they're already in internal.h.
-Wed Apr 7 11:51:24 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * internal.h: Change n_sclass to unsigned char.
- Change C_EFCN to 0xff, change RS/6000 dbx symbols
- to no longer be signed.
-Fri Mar 19 14:52:56 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * internal.h: Add H8/500 reloc types.
-Wed Mar 17 09:46:03 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ecoff-ext.h (AUX_PUT_ANY): Don't use void values in branches of
- conditional expression.
-Thu Mar 4 14:12:06 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ecoff-ext.h (AUX_GET_*): Rewrote to use new macro AUX_GET_ANY.
- (AUX_PUT_*): New macros corresponding to the AUX_GET macros.
- (ecoff_swap_tir_out): Added prototype.
- * mips.h (N_BTMASK, N_TMASK, N_BTSHFT, N_TSHIFT): Define; these
- are needed to interpret gcc debugging output.
-Tue Feb 9 07:43:27 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * we32k.h (BTYPE, ISPTR, ISFCN, ISARY, DECREF): Removed
- more definitions duplicated in internal.h.
-Wed Feb 3 09:18:24 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h (RELOC_BITS3_TYPE_*): Correct for big endian machines.
-Mon Jan 25 11:35:51 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * internal.h (internal_aouthdr): Added additional fields used only
-Thu Jan 21 10:28:38 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h (AOUTHDR): Added additional fields used by ECOFF.
-Tue Jan 19 12:21:19 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * i386.h, we32k.h (N_*, T_*, DT_*): Removed still more definitions
- duplicated in internal.h.
- * mips.h (RELOC_SECTION_*, ECOFF_R_*): Defined constants for ECOFF
- relocs.
-Fri Jan 15 18:17:00 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ecoff-ext.h: Added prototypes for new ECOFF swapping functions.
- (opt_ext): New structure.
- * mips.h (ZMAGIC): Defined to be 0413.
- (_LIB): Defined to be ".lib"
- (external_reloc): MIPS ECOFF relocs are only 8 bytes. Added
- macros to aid in swapping.
-Fri Jan 8 16:19:26 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ecoff-ext.h: Added prototypes for ECOFF swapping functions.
- * internal.h (internal_scnhdr): Always provide s_align field, not
- just on i960.
- (internal_reloc): Always provide r_size field, not just on
- RS/6000.
- * mips.h (_RDATA, _SDATA, _SBSS, _LIT4, _LIT8, STYP_RDATA,
- STABS_SYMBOL): Moved in from gdb/mipsread.c.
-Wed Jan 6 14:01:46 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * i386.h, we32k.h: removed STYP_* defines, since they duplicated
- those in internal.h.
-Tue Dec 29 15:40:07 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * i386.h: define I386AIXMAGIC for Danbury AIX PS/2 compiler.
-Sat Dec 12 16:07:57 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * i386.h: don't define BTYPE, ISPTR, ISFCN, ISARY, DECREF: they
- are defined in internal.h.
-Thu Nov 12 09:52:01 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * internal.h: (internal_reloc): r_offset is now a long.
- * z8k.h: slight comment enhancement
-Wed Sep 30 07:46:08 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * internal.h: changed z8k reloc types
-Fri Aug 28 10:16:31 1992 Brendan Kehoe (
- * we32k.h: new file
-Thu Aug 27 13:00:01 1992 Brendan Kehoe (
- * symconst.h: comment out cruft at the end of #endif
-Tue Aug 25 15:06:49 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * internal.h: added #define for STYP_LIT, removed from a29k and
- h8300.
- * z8k.h: added z8000 support
-Thu Jul 16 16:32:00 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * internal.h: added R_RELLONG_NEG reloc type
-Fri Jun 12 20:11:04 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * symconst.h: Fix unterminated comment.
-Wed Jun 10 07:57:49 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * i386.h: a.out magic numbers from
-Mon Jun 8 20:13:33 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * ecoff-ext.h, mips.h: Use unsigned chars everywhere.
- (Suggested by Antti Miettinen.)
-Tue Apr 14 15:18:44 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * sym.h: Add comments.
- * symconst.h: Merge with Fred's changes.
-Tue Apr 14 14:30:05 1992 Fred Fish (
- * symconst.h: Pick up SGI defines for stStruct, stUnion, stEnum,
- langCplusplus, and langCplusplusV2.
-Thu Apr 2 19:47:43 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * sym.h, symconst.h: MIPS has provided redistributable versions
- of these files. Thanks!
- * ecoff-ext.h: Add weakext bit to match new sym.h.
-Fri Mar 6 00:10:46 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * ecoff-ext.h: Add relative file descriptors.
-Thu Feb 27 11:53:04 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * ecoff-ext.h: New file for external (in-file) form of ecoff
- symbol structures.
-Thu Feb 6 11:33:32 1992 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
- * h8300.h: made the external_lineno l_lnno field 4 bytes wide.
- andded GET/PUT_LINENO_LNNO macros
-Sat Nov 30 20:38:35 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
- * ChangeLog, a29k.h, h8300.h, i386.h, i960.h, internal.h, m68k.h,
- m88k.h, mips.h, rs6000.h: move from above coff-<foo>.h
-Local Variables:
-version-control: never
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/a29k.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/a29k.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 13b35f251afd..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/a29k.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-/* COFF spec for AMD 290*0
- Contributed by David Wood @ New York University.
- */
-#ifndef AMD
-# define AMD
-** File Header and related definitions
-struct external_filehdr
- char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ sizeof (FILHDR)
-/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
-** Magic numbers for Am29000
-** (AT&T will assign the "real" magic number)
-#define SIPFBOMAGIC 0572 /* Am29000 (Byte 0 is MSB) */
-#define SIPRBOMAGIC 0573 /* Am29000 (Byte 0 is LSB) */
-#define A29KBADMAG(x) (((x).f_magic!=A29K_MAGIC_BIG) && \
- ((x).f_magic!=A29K_MAGIC_LITTLE))
-/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
-** File header flags currently known to us.
-** Am29000 will use the F_AR32WR and F_AR32W flags to indicate
-** the byte ordering in the file.
-** Optional (a.out) header
-typedef struct external_aouthdr
- char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- char tsize[4]; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- char dsize[4]; /* initialized data " " */
- char bsize[4]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- char entry[4]; /* entry pt. */
- char text_start[4]; /* base of text used for this file */
- char data_start[4]; /* base of data used for this file */
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-#define AOUTHDRSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-/* aouthdr magic numbers */
-#define NMAGIC 0410 /* separate i/d executable */
-#define SHMAGIC 0406 /* NYU/Ultra3 shared data executable
- (writable text) */
-#define _ETEXT "_etext"
-** Section header and related definitions
-struct external_scnhdr
- char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- char s_paddr[4]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- char s_vaddr[4]; /* virtual address */
- char s_size[4]; /* section size */
- char s_scnptr[4]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- char s_relptr[4]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- char s_lnnoptr[4]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- char s_nreloc[2]; /* number of relocation entries */
- char s_nlnno[2]; /* number of line number entries*/
- char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof (SCNHDR)
- * names of "special" sections
- */
-#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-#define _LIT ".lit"
-/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
-** Section types - with additional section type for global
-** registers which will be relocatable for the Am29000.
-** In instances where it is necessary for a linker to produce an
-** output file which contains text or data not based at virtual
-** address 0, e.g. for a ROM, then the linker should accept
-** address base information as command input and use PAD sections
-** to skip over unused addresses.
-#define STYP_BSSREG 0x1200 /* Global register area (like STYP_INFO) */
-#define STYP_ENVIR 0x2200 /* Environment (like STYP_INFO) */
-#define STYP_ABS 0x4000 /* Absolute (allocated, not reloc, loaded) */
-** Relocation information declaration and related definitions
-struct external_reloc {
- char r_vaddr[4]; /* (virtual) address of reference */
- char r_symndx[4]; /* index into symbol table */
- char r_type[2]; /* relocation type */
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ 10 /* sizeof (RELOC) */
-/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
-** Relocation types for the Am29000
-#define R_ABS 0 /* reference is absolute */
-#define R_IREL 030 /* instruction relative (jmp/call) */
-#define R_IABS 031 /* instruction absolute (jmp/call) */
-#define R_ILOHALF 032 /* instruction low half (const) */
-#define R_IHIHALF 033 /* instruction high half (consth) part 1 */
-#define R_IHCONST 034 /* instruction high half (consth) part 2 */
- /* constant offset of R_IHIHALF relocation */
-#define R_BYTE 035 /* relocatable byte value */
-#define R_HWORD 036 /* relocatable halfword value */
-#define R_WORD 037 /* relocatable word value */
-#define R_IGLBLRC 040 /* instruction global register RC */
-#define R_IGLBLRA 041 /* instruction global register RA */
-#define R_IGLBLRB 042 /* instruction global register RB */
-All the "I" forms refer to 29000 instruction formats. The linker is
-expected to know how the numeric information is split and/or aligned
-within the instruction word(s). R_BYTE works for instructions, too.
-If the parameter to a CONSTH instruction is a relocatable type, two
-relocation records are written. The first has an r_type of R_IHIHALF
-(33 octal) and a normal r_vaddr and r_symndx. The second relocation
-record has an r_type of R_IHCONST (34 octal), a normal r_vaddr (which
-is redundant), and an r_symndx containing the 32-bit constant offset
-to the relocation instead of the actual symbol table index. This
-second record is always written, even if the constant offset is zero.
-The constant fields of the instruction are set to zero.
-** Line number entry declaration and related definitions
-struct external_lineno
- union {
- char l_symndx[4]; /* function name symbol index, iff l_lnno == 0*/
- char l_paddr[4]; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr;
- char l_lnno[2]; /* line number */
-#define LINENO struct external_lineno
-#define LINESZ 6 /* sizeof (LINENO) */
-** Symbol entry declaration and related definitions
-#define E_SYMNMLEN 8 /* Number of characters in a symbol name */
-struct external_syment
- union {
- char e_name[E_SYMNMLEN];
- struct {
- char e_zeroes[4];
- char e_offset[4];
- } e;
- } e;
- char e_value[4];
- char e_scnum[2];
- char e_type[2];
- char e_sclass[1];
- char e_numaux[1];
-#define SYMENT struct external_syment
-#define SYMESZ sizeof(SYMENT)
-/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
-** Storage class definitions - new classes for global registers.
-#define C_GLBLREG 19 /* global register */
-#define C_EXTREG 20 /* external global register */
-#define C_DEFREG 21 /* ext. def. of global register */
-/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
-** Derived symbol mask/shifts.
-#define N_BTMASK (0xf)
-#define N_BTSHFT (4)
-#define N_TMASK (0x30)
-#define N_TSHIFT (2)
-** Auxiliary symbol table entry declaration and related
-** definitions.
-#define E_FILNMLEN 14 /* # characters in a file name */
-#define E_DIMNUM 4 /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-union external_auxent {
- struct {
- char x_tagndx[4]; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- union {
- struct {
- char x_lnno[2]; /* declaration line number */
- char x_size[2]; /* str/union/array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- char x_fsize[4]; /* size of function */
- } x_misc;
- union {
- struct { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- char x_lnnoptr[4]; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- char x_endndx[4]; /* entry ndx past block end */
- } x_fcn;
- struct { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- char x_dimen[E_DIMNUM][2];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- char x_tvndx[2]; /* tv index */
- } x_sym;
- union {
- char x_fname[E_FILNMLEN];
- struct {
- char x_zeroes[4];
- char x_offset[4];
- } x_n;
- } x_file;
- struct {
- char x_scnlen[4]; /* section length */
- char x_nreloc[2]; /* # relocation entries */
- char x_nlinno[2]; /* # line numbers */
- } x_scn;
- struct {
- char x_tvfill[4]; /* tv fill value */
- char x_tvlen[2]; /* length of .tv */
- char x_tvran[2][2]; /* tv range */
- } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent of symbol .tv)) */
-#define AUXENT union external_auxent
-#define AUXESZ 18
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/alpha.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/alpha.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f1bfb6ccc7f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/alpha.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-/* ECOFF support on Alpha machines.
- coff/ecoff.h must be included before this file. */
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-struct external_filehdr {
- unsigned char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- unsigned char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- unsigned char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- unsigned char f_symptr[8]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- unsigned char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- unsigned char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- unsigned char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-/* Magic numbers are defined in coff/ecoff.h. */
-#define ALPHA_ECOFF_BADMAG(x) ((x).f_magic!=ALPHA_MAGIC)
-/* The object type is encoded in the f_flags. */
-#define F_ALPHA_OBJECT_TYPE_MASK 0x3000
-#define F_ALPHA_NO_SHARED 0x1000
-#define F_ALPHA_SHARABLE 0x2000
-#define F_ALPHA_CALL_SHARED 0x3000
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR)
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-typedef struct external_aouthdr
- unsigned char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- unsigned char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- unsigned char bldrev[2]; /* ?? */
- unsigned char padding[2]; /* pad to quadword boundary */
- unsigned char tsize[8]; /* text size in bytes */
- unsigned char dsize[8]; /* initialized data " " */
- unsigned char bsize[8]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- unsigned char entry[8]; /* entry pt. */
- unsigned char text_start[8]; /* base of text used for this file */
- unsigned char data_start[8]; /* base of data used for this file */
- unsigned char bss_start[8]; /* base of bss used for this file */
- unsigned char gprmask[4]; /* bitmask of general registers used */
- unsigned char fprmask[4]; /* bitmask of floating point registers used */
- unsigned char gp_value[8]; /* value for gp register */
-/* compute size of a header */
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct external_scnhdr {
- unsigned char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- unsigned char s_paddr[8]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- unsigned char s_vaddr[8]; /* virtual address */
- unsigned char s_size[8]; /* section size */
- unsigned char s_scnptr[8]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- unsigned char s_relptr[8]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- unsigned char s_lnnoptr[8]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- unsigned char s_nreloc[2]; /* number of relocation entries */
- unsigned char s_nlnno[2]; /* number of line number entries*/
- unsigned char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-struct external_reloc {
- unsigned char r_vaddr[8];
- unsigned char r_symndx[4];
- unsigned char r_bits[4];
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ 16
-/* Constants to unpack the r_bits field. The Alpha seems to always be
- little endian, so I haven't bothered to define big endian variants
- of these. */
-/* The r_type field in a reloc is one of the following values. */
-#define ALPHA_R_IGNORE 0
-#define ALPHA_R_REFLONG 1
-#define ALPHA_R_REFQUAD 2
-#define ALPHA_R_GPREL32 3
-#define ALPHA_R_LITERAL 4
-#define ALPHA_R_LITUSE 5
-#define ALPHA_R_GPDISP 6
-#define ALPHA_R_BRADDR 7
-#define ALPHA_R_HINT 8
-#define ALPHA_R_SREL16 9
-#define ALPHA_R_SREL32 10
-#define ALPHA_R_SREL64 11
-#define ALPHA_R_OP_PUSH 12
-#define ALPHA_R_OP_STORE 13
-#define ALPHA_R_OP_PSUB 14
-#define ALPHA_R_OP_PRSHIFT 15
-#define ALPHA_R_GPVALUE 16
-/********************** SYMBOLIC INFORMATION **********************/
-/* Written by John Gilmore. */
-/* ECOFF uses COFF-like section structures, but its own symbol format.
- This file defines the symbol format in fields whose size and alignment
- will not vary on different host systems. */
-/* File header as a set of bytes */
-struct hdr_ext {
- unsigned char h_magic[2];
- unsigned char h_vstamp[2];
- unsigned char h_ilineMax[4];
- unsigned char h_idnMax[4];
- unsigned char h_ipdMax[4];
- unsigned char h_isymMax[4];
- unsigned char h_ioptMax[4];
- unsigned char h_iauxMax[4];
- unsigned char h_issMax[4];
- unsigned char h_issExtMax[4];
- unsigned char h_ifdMax[4];
- unsigned char h_crfd[4];
- unsigned char h_iextMax[4];
- unsigned char h_cbLine[8];
- unsigned char h_cbLineOffset[8];
- unsigned char h_cbDnOffset[8];
- unsigned char h_cbPdOffset[8];
- unsigned char h_cbSymOffset[8];
- unsigned char h_cbOptOffset[8];
- unsigned char h_cbAuxOffset[8];
- unsigned char h_cbSsOffset[8];
- unsigned char h_cbSsExtOffset[8];
- unsigned char h_cbFdOffset[8];
- unsigned char h_cbRfdOffset[8];
- unsigned char h_cbExtOffset[8];
-/* File descriptor external record */
-struct fdr_ext {
- unsigned char f_adr[8];
- unsigned char f_cbLineOffset[8];
- unsigned char f_cbLine[8];
- unsigned char f_cbSs[8];
- unsigned char f_rss[4];
- unsigned char f_issBase[4];
- unsigned char f_isymBase[4];
- unsigned char f_csym[4];
- unsigned char f_ilineBase[4];
- unsigned char f_cline[4];
- unsigned char f_ioptBase[4];
- unsigned char f_copt[4];
- unsigned char f_ipdFirst[4];
- unsigned char f_cpd[4];
- unsigned char f_iauxBase[4];
- unsigned char f_caux[4];
- unsigned char f_rfdBase[4];
- unsigned char f_crfd[4];
- unsigned char f_bits1[1];
- unsigned char f_bits2[3];
- unsigned char f_padding[4];
-#define FDR_BITS1_LANG_BIG 0xF8
-#define FDR_BITS1_LANG_SH_BIG 3
-#define FDR_BITS1_FMERGE_BIG 0x04
-#define FDR_BITS1_FREADIN_BIG 0x02
-#define FDR_BITS2_GLEVEL_BIG 0xC0
-/* We ignore the `reserved' field in bits2. */
-/* Procedure descriptor external record */
-struct pdr_ext {
- unsigned char p_adr[8];
- unsigned char p_cbLineOffset[8];
- unsigned char p_isym[4];
- unsigned char p_iline[4];
- unsigned char p_regmask[4];
- unsigned char p_regoffset[4];
- unsigned char p_iopt[4];
- unsigned char p_fregmask[4];
- unsigned char p_fregoffset[4];
- unsigned char p_frameoffset[4];
- unsigned char p_lnLow[4];
- unsigned char p_lnHigh[4];
- unsigned char p_gp_prologue[1];
- unsigned char p_bits1[1];
- unsigned char p_bits2[1];
- unsigned char p_localoff[1];
- unsigned char p_framereg[2];
- unsigned char p_pcreg[2];
-#define PDR_BITS1_GP_USED_BIG 0x80
-#define PDR_BITS1_REG_FRAME_BIG 0x40
-#define PDR_BITS1_PROF_BIG 0x20
-#define PDR_BITS1_RESERVED_BIG 0x1f
-#define PDR_BITS2_RESERVED_BIG 0xff
-#define PDR_BITS1_GP_USED_LITTLE 0x01
-#define PDR_BITS1_PROF_LITTLE 0x04
-/* Line numbers */
-struct line_ext {
- unsigned char l_line[4];
-/* Symbol external record */
-struct sym_ext {
- unsigned char s_value[8];
- unsigned char s_iss[4];
- unsigned char s_bits1[1];
- unsigned char s_bits2[1];
- unsigned char s_bits3[1];
- unsigned char s_bits4[1];
-#define SYM_BITS1_ST_BIG 0xFC
-#define SYM_BITS1_ST_SH_BIG 2
-#define SYM_BITS1_ST_LITTLE 0x3F
-#define SYM_BITS1_SC_BIG 0x03
-#define SYM_BITS1_SC_LITTLE 0xC0
-#define SYM_BITS2_SC_BIG 0xE0
-#define SYM_BITS2_SC_SH_BIG 5
-#define SYM_BITS2_SC_LITTLE 0x07
-#define SYM_BITS2_RESERVED_BIG 0x10
-#define SYM_BITS2_INDEX_BIG 0x0F
-/* External symbol external record */
-struct ext_ext {
- struct sym_ext es_asym;
- unsigned char es_bits1[1];
- unsigned char es_bits2[3];
- unsigned char es_ifd[4];
-#define EXT_BITS1_JMPTBL_BIG 0x80
-#define EXT_BITS1_COBOL_MAIN_BIG 0x40
-#define EXT_BITS1_WEAKEXT_BIG 0x20
-/* Dense numbers external record */
-struct dnr_ext {
- unsigned char d_rfd[4];
- unsigned char d_index[4];
-/* Relative file descriptor */
-struct rfd_ext {
- unsigned char rfd[4];
-/* Optimizer symbol external record */
-struct opt_ext {
- unsigned char o_bits1[1];
- unsigned char o_bits2[1];
- unsigned char o_bits3[1];
- unsigned char o_bits4[1];
- struct rndx_ext o_rndx;
- unsigned char o_offset[4];
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/apollo.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/apollo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c481d482e8bf..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/apollo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-/*** coff information for Apollo M68K */
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-struct external_filehdr {
- char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-/* Motorola 68000/68008/68010/68020 */
-#define MC68MAGIC 0520
-#define MC68KWRMAGIC 0520 /* writeable text segments */
-#define MC68TVMAGIC 0521
-#define MC68KROMAGIC 0521 /* readonly shareable text segments */
-#define MC68KPGMAGIC 0522 /* demand paged text segments */
-#define M68MAGIC 0210
-#define M68TVMAGIC 0211
-/* Apollo 68000-based machines have a different magic number. This comes
- * from /usr/include/apollo/filehdr.h
- */
-#define APOLLOM68KMAGIC 0627
-#define OMAGIC M68MAGIC
-#define M68KBADMAG(x) (((x).f_magic!=MC68MAGIC) && ((x).f_magic!=MC68KWRMAGIC) && ((x).f_magic!=MC68TVMAGIC) && \
- ((x).f_magic!=MC68KROMAGIC) && ((x).f_magic!=MC68KPGMAGIC) && ((x).f_magic!=M68MAGIC) && ((x).f_magic!=M68TVMAGIC) && \
- ((x).f_magic!=APOLLOM68KMAGIC) )
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR)
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-typedef struct
- char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- char tsize[4]; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- char dsize[4]; /* initialized data " " */
- char bsize[4]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- char entry[4]; /* entry pt. */
- char text_start[4]; /* base of text used for this file */
- char data_start[4]; /* base of data used for this file */
- char o_sri[4]; /* Apollo specific - .sri data pointer */
- char o_inlib[4]; /* Apollo specific - .inlib data pointer */
- char vid[8]; /* Apollo specific - 64 bit version ID */
-#define APOLLO_COFF_VERSION_NUMBER 1 /* the value of the aouthdr magic */
-#define AOUTHDRSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct external_scnhdr {
- /* Apollo allow for larger section names by allowing it to be in
- * the string table.
- */
- char s_name[8];
- char s_paddr[4]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- char s_vaddr[4]; /* virtual address */
- char s_size[4]; /* section size */
- char s_scnptr[4]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- char s_relptr[4]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- char s_lnnoptr[4]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- char s_nreloc[2]; /* number of relocation entries */
- char s_nlnno[2]; /* number of line number entries*/
- char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
-/* If s_zeores is all zeroes, s_offset gives the real location of the name
- * in the string table.
- */
-#define s_zeroes section_name.s_name
-#define s_offset (section_name.s_name+4)
- * names of "special" sections
- */
-#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-#define _TV ".tv"
-#define _INIT ".init"
-#define _FINI ".fini"
-#define _LINES ".lines"
-#define _BLOCKS ".blocks"
-#define _SRI ".sri" /* Static Resource Information (systype,
- et al.) */
-#define _MIR ".mir" /* Module Information Records */
-#define _APTV ".aptv" /* Apollo-style transfer vectors. */
-#define _INLIB ".inlib" /* Shared Library information */
-#define _RWDI ".rwdi" /* Read/write data initialization directives for
- compressed sections */
-#define _UNWIND ".unwind" /* Stack unwind information */
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
-/********************** LINE NUMBERS **********************/
-/* 1 line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section.
- * Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; first entry in a function
- * grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the
- * symbol table index of the function name.
- */
-struct external_lineno {
- union {
- char l_symndx[4]; /* function name symbol index, iff l_lnno == 0*/
- char l_paddr[4]; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr;
- char l_lnno[2]; /* line number */
-#define LINENO struct external_lineno
-#define LINESZ sizeof(LINENO)
-/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
-#define E_SYMNMLEN 8 /* # characters in a symbol name */
-#define E_FILNMLEN 14 /* # characters in a file name */
-#define E_DIMNUM 4 /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-struct external_syment
- union {
- char e_name[E_SYMNMLEN];
- struct {
- char e_zeroes[4];
- char e_offset[4];
- } e;
- } e;
- char e_value[4];
- char e_scnum[2];
- char e_type[2];
- char e_sclass[1];
- char e_numaux[1];
-#define N_BTMASK (017)
-#define N_TMASK (060)
-#define N_BTSHFT (4)
-#define N_TSHIFT (2)
-union external_auxent {
- struct {
- char x_tagndx[4]; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- union {
- struct {
- char x_lnno[2]; /* declaration line number */
- char x_size[2]; /* str/union/array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- char x_fsize[4]; /* size of function */
- } x_misc;
- union {
- struct { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- char x_lnnoptr[4]; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- char x_endndx[4]; /* entry ndx past block end */
- } x_fcn;
- struct { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- char x_dimen[E_DIMNUM][2];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- char x_tvndx[2]; /* tv index */
- } x_sym;
- union {
- char x_fname[E_FILNMLEN];
- struct {
- char x_zeroes[4];
- char x_offset[4];
- } x_n;
- } x_file;
- struct {
- char x_scnlen[4]; /* section length */
- char x_nreloc[2]; /* # relocation entries */
- char x_nlinno[2]; /* # line numbers */
- } x_scn;
- struct {
- char x_tvfill[4]; /* tv fill value */
- char x_tvlen[2]; /* length of .tv */
- char x_tvran[2][2]; /* tv range */
- } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent of symbol .tv)) */
-#define SYMENT struct external_syment
-#define SYMESZ 18
-#define AUXENT union external_auxent
-#define AUXESZ 18
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-struct external_reloc {
- char r_vaddr[4];
- char r_symndx[4];
- char r_type[2];
-#ifdef M68K_COFF_OFFSET
- char r_offset[4];
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ sizeof(struct external_reloc)
-/* Apollo specific STYP flags */
-#define STYP_RELOCATED_NOT_LOADED 0x00010000 /* Section is relocated normally during linking, but need
- not be loaded during program execution */
-#define STYP_DEBUG 0x00020000 /* debug section */
-#define STYP_OVERLAY 0x00040000 /* Section is overlayed */
-#define STYP_INSTRUCTION 0x00200000 /* Section contains executable code */
-#define STYP_ZERO 0x00800000 /* Section is initialized to zero */
-#define STYP_INSTALLED 0x02000000 /* Section should be installable in KGT */
-#define STYP_LOOK_INSTALLED 0x04000000 /* Look for section in KGT */
-#define STYP_SECALIGN1 0x08000000 /* Specially aligned section */
-#define STYP_SECALIGN2 0x10000000 /* " " " */
-#define STYP_COMPRESSED 0x20000000 /* No section data per se (s_scnptr = 0), but there are
- initialization directives for it in .rwdi section
- (used in conjunction with STYP_BSS) */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/arm.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/arm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 33b11cbb1de8..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/arm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-/*** coff information for the ARM */
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-struct external_filehdr {
- char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-/* Bits for f_flags:
- * F_RELFLG relocation info stripped from file
- * F_EXEC file is executable (no unresolved external references)
- * F_LNNO line numbers stripped from file
- * F_LSYMS local symbols stripped from file
- * F_AR32WR file has byte ordering of an AR32WR machine (e.g. vax)
- */
-#define F_RELFLG (0x0001)
-#define F_EXEC (0x0002)
-#define F_LNNO (0x0004)
-#define F_LSYMS (0x0008)
-#define ARMMAGIC 0xa00 /* I just made these up */
-#define ARMBADMAG(x) (((x).f_magic != ARMMAGIC))
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR)
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-typedef struct
- char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- char tsize[4]; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- char dsize[4]; /* initialized data " " */
- char bsize[4]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- char entry[4]; /* entry pt. */
- char text_start[4]; /* base of text used for this file */
- char data_start[4]; /* base of data used for this file */
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-#define OMAGIC 0404 /* object files, eg as output */
-#define ZMAGIC 0413 /* demand load format, eg normal ld output */
-#define STMAGIC 0401 /* target shlib */
-#define SHMAGIC 0443 /* host shlib */
-/* define some NT default values */
-/* #define NT_IMAGE_BASE 0x400000 moved to internal.h */
-#define NT_SECTION_ALIGNMENT 0x1000
-#define NT_FILE_ALIGNMENT 0x200
-#define NT_DEF_RESERVE 0x100000
-#define NT_DEF_COMMIT 0x1000
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct external_scnhdr {
- char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- char s_paddr[4]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- char s_vaddr[4]; /* virtual address */
- char s_size[4]; /* section size */
- char s_scnptr[4]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- char s_relptr[4]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- char s_lnnoptr[4]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- char s_nreloc[2]; /* number of relocation entries */
- char s_nlnno[2]; /* number of line number entries*/
- char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
- * names of "special" sections
- */
-#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-#define _COMMENT ".comment"
-#define _LIB ".lib"
-/********************** LINE NUMBERS **********************/
-/* 1 line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section.
- * Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; first entry in a function
- * grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the
- * symbol table index of the function name.
- */
-struct external_lineno {
- union {
- char l_symndx[4]; /* function name symbol index, iff l_lnno == 0*/
- char l_paddr[4]; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr;
- char l_lnno[2]; /* line number */
-#define LINENO struct external_lineno
-#define LINESZ 6
-/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
-#define E_SYMNMLEN 8 /* # characters in a symbol name */
-#define E_FILNMLEN 14 /* # characters in a file name */
-#define E_DIMNUM 4 /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-struct external_syment
- union {
- char e_name[E_SYMNMLEN];
- struct {
- char e_zeroes[4];
- char e_offset[4];
- } e;
- } e;
- char e_value[4];
- char e_scnum[2];
- char e_type[2];
- char e_sclass[1];
- char e_numaux[1];
-#define N_BTMASK (0xf)
-#define N_TMASK (0x30)
-#define N_BTSHFT (4)
-#define N_TSHIFT (2)
-union external_auxent {
- struct {
- char x_tagndx[4]; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- union {
- struct {
- char x_lnno[2]; /* declaration line number */
- char x_size[2]; /* str/union/array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- char x_fsize[4]; /* size of function */
- } x_misc;
- union {
- struct { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- char x_lnnoptr[4]; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- char x_endndx[4]; /* entry ndx past block end */
- } x_fcn;
- struct { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- char x_dimen[E_DIMNUM][2];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- char x_tvndx[2]; /* tv index */
- } x_sym;
- union {
- char x_fname[E_FILNMLEN];
- struct {
- char x_zeroes[4];
- char x_offset[4];
- } x_n;
- } x_file;
- struct {
- char x_scnlen[4]; /* section length */
- char x_nreloc[2]; /* # relocation entries */
- char x_nlinno[2]; /* # line numbers */
- } x_scn;
- struct {
- char x_tvfill[4]; /* tv fill value */
- char x_tvlen[2]; /* length of .tv */
- char x_tvran[2][2]; /* tv range */
- } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent of symbol .tv)) */
-#define SYMENT struct external_syment
-#define SYMESZ 18
-#define AUXENT union external_auxent
-#define AUXESZ 18
-# define _ETEXT "etext"
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-struct external_reloc {
- char r_vaddr[4];
- char r_symndx[4];
- char r_type[2];
- char r_offset[4];
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ sizeof (RELOC)
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/aux-coff.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/aux-coff.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c89c124d3e05..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/aux-coff.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* Modifications of internal.h and m68k.h needed by A/UX
- Suggested by Ian Lance Taylor <> */
-#ifndef GNU_COFF_AUX_H
-#define GNU_COFF_AUX_H 1
-#include "coff/internal.h"
-#include "coff/m68k.h"
-/* Section contains 64-byte padded pathnames of shared libraries */
-#undef STYP_LIB
-#define STYP_LIB 0x200
-/* Section contains shared library initialization code */
-#undef STYP_INIT
-#define STYP_INIT 0x400
-/* Section contains .ident information */
-#undef STYP_IDENT
-#define STYP_IDENT 0x800
-/* Section types used by bfd and gas not defined (directly) by A/UX */
-#undef STYP_OVER
-#define STYP_OVER 0
-#undef STYP_INFO
-/* Traditional name of the section tagged with STYP_LIB */
-#define _LIB ".lib"
-#endif /* GNU_COFF_AUX_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/ecoff.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/ecoff.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 120f88849e0e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/ecoff.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ECOFF_H
-#define ECOFF_H
-/* Generic ECOFF support.
- This does not include symbol information, found in sym.h and
- symconst.h. */
-/* Mips magic numbers used in filehdr. MIPS_MAGIC_LITTLE is used on
- little endian machines. MIPS_MAGIC_BIG is used on big endian
- machines. Where is MIPS_MAGIC_1 from? */
-#define MIPS_MAGIC_1 0x0180
-#define MIPS_MAGIC_LITTLE 0x0162
-#define MIPS_MAGIC_BIG 0x0160
-/* These are the magic numbers used for MIPS code compiled at ISA
- level 2. */
-#define MIPS_MAGIC_LITTLE2 0x0166
-#define MIPS_MAGIC_BIG2 0x0163
-/* These are the magic numbers used for MIPS code compiled at ISA
- level 3. */
-#define MIPS_MAGIC_LITTLE3 0x142
-#define MIPS_MAGIC_BIG3 0x140
-/* Alpha magic numbers used in filehdr. */
-#define ALPHA_MAGIC 0x183
-/* Magic numbers used in a.out header. */
-#define ECOFF_AOUT_OMAGIC 0407 /* not demand paged (ld -N). */
-#define ECOFF_AOUT_ZMAGIC 0413 /* demand load format, eg normal ld output */
-/* Names of special sections. */
-#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-#define _RDATA ".rdata"
-#define _SDATA ".sdata"
-#define _SBSS ".sbss"
-#define _LITA ".lita"
-#define _LIT4 ".lit4"
-#define _LIT8 ".lit8"
-#define _LIB ".lib"
-#define _INIT ".init"
-#define _FINI ".fini"
-#define _PDATA ".pdata"
-#define _XDATA ".xdata"
-#define _GOT ".got"
-#define _HASH ".hash"
-#define _DYNSYM ".dynsym"
-#define _DYNSTR ".dynstr"
-#define _RELDYN ".rel.dyn"
-#define _CONFLIC ".conflic"
-#define _COMMENT ".comment"
-#define _LIBLIST ".liblist"
-#define _DYNAMIC ".dynamic"
-#define _RCONST ".rconst"
-/* ECOFF uses some additional section flags. */
-#define STYP_RDATA 0x100
-#define STYP_SDATA 0x200
-#define STYP_SBSS 0x400
-#define STYP_GOT 0x1000
-#define STYP_DYNAMIC 0x2000
-#define STYP_DYNSYM 0x4000
-#define STYP_RELDYN 0x8000
-#define STYP_DYNSTR 0x10000
-#define STYP_HASH 0x20000
-#define STYP_LIBLIST 0x40000
-#define STYP_CONFLIC 0x100000
-#define STYP_ECOFF_FINI 0x1000000
-#define STYP_EXTENDESC 0x2000000 /* 0x02FFF000 bits => scn type, rest clr */
-#define STYP_LITA 0x4000000
-#define STYP_LIT8 0x8000000
-#define STYP_LIT4 0x10000000
-#define STYP_ECOFF_LIB 0x40000000
-#define STYP_ECOFF_INIT 0x80000000
-/* extended section types */
-#define STYP_COMMENT 0x2100000
-#define STYP_RCONST 0x2200000
-#define STYP_XDATA 0x2400000
-#define STYP_PDATA 0x2800000
-/* The linker needs a section to hold small common variables while
- linking. There is no convenient way to create it when the linker
- needs it, so we always create one for each BFD. We then avoid
- writing it out. */
-#define SCOMMON ".scommon"
-/* If the extern bit in a reloc is 1, then r_symndx is an index into
- the external symbol table. If the extern bit is 0, then r_symndx
- indicates a section, and is one of the following values. */
-/********************** STABS **********************/
-/* gcc uses mips-tfile to output type information in special stabs
- entries. These must match the corresponding definition in
- gcc/config/mips.h. At some point, these should probably go into a
- shared include file, but currently gcc and gdb do not share any
- directories. */
-#define CODE_MASK 0x8F300
-#define ECOFF_IS_STAB(sym) (((sym)->index & 0xFFF00) == CODE_MASK)
-#define ECOFF_MARK_STAB(code) ((code)+CODE_MASK)
-#define ECOFF_UNMARK_STAB(code) ((code)-CODE_MASK)
-#define STABS_SYMBOL "@stabs"
-/********************** COFF **********************/
-/* gcc also uses mips-tfile to output COFF debugging information.
- These are the values it uses when outputting the .type directive.
- These should also be in a shared include file. */
-#define N_BTMASK (017)
-#define N_TMASK (060)
-#define N_BTSHFT (4)
-#define N_TSHIFT (2)
-/********************** AUX **********************/
-/* The auxiliary type information is the same on all known ECOFF
- targets. I can't see any reason that it would ever change, so I am
- going to gamble and define the external structures here, in the
- target independent ECOFF header file. The internal forms are
- defined in coff/sym.h, which was originally donated by MIPS
- Computer Systems. */
-/* Type information external record */
-struct tir_ext {
- unsigned char t_bits1[1];
- unsigned char t_tq45[1];
- unsigned char t_tq01[1];
- unsigned char t_tq23[1];
-#define TIR_BITS1_FBITFIELD_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x80)
-#define TIR_BITS1_FBITFIELD_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x01)
-#define TIR_BITS1_CONTINUED_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x40)
-#define TIR_BITS1_CONTINUED_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x02)
-#define TIR_BITS1_BT_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x3F)
-#define TIR_BITS1_BT_SH_BIG 0
-#define TIR_BITS1_BT_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0xFC)
-#define TIR_BITS_TQ4_BIG ((unsigned int) 0xF0)
-#define TIR_BITS_TQ4_SH_BIG 4
-#define TIR_BITS_TQ5_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x0F)
-#define TIR_BITS_TQ5_SH_BIG 0
-#define TIR_BITS_TQ4_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x0F)
-#define TIR_BITS_TQ5_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0xF0)
-#define TIR_BITS_TQ0_BIG ((unsigned int) 0xF0)
-#define TIR_BITS_TQ0_SH_BIG 4
-#define TIR_BITS_TQ1_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x0F)
-#define TIR_BITS_TQ1_SH_BIG 0
-#define TIR_BITS_TQ0_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x0F)
-#define TIR_BITS_TQ1_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0xF0)
-#define TIR_BITS_TQ2_BIG ((unsigned int) 0xF0)
-#define TIR_BITS_TQ2_SH_BIG 4
-#define TIR_BITS_TQ3_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x0F)
-#define TIR_BITS_TQ3_SH_BIG 0
-#define TIR_BITS_TQ2_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x0F)
-#define TIR_BITS_TQ3_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0xF0)
-/* Relative symbol external record */
-struct rndx_ext {
- unsigned char r_bits[4];
-#define RNDX_BITS1_RFD_BIG ((unsigned int) 0xF0)
-#define RNDX_BITS1_RFD_SH_BIG 4
-#define RNDX_BITS1_RFD_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x0F)
-#define RNDX_BITS1_INDEX_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x0F)
-#define RNDX_BITS1_INDEX_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0xF0)
-/* Auxiliary symbol information external record */
-union aux_ext {
- struct tir_ext a_ti;
- struct rndx_ext a_rndx;
- unsigned char a_dnLow[4];
- unsigned char a_dnHigh[4];
- unsigned char a_isym[4];
- unsigned char a_iss[4];
- unsigned char a_width[4];
- unsigned char a_count[4];
-#define AUX_GET_ANY(bigend, ax, field) \
- ((bigend) ? bfd_getb32 ((ax)->field) : bfd_getl32 ((ax)->field))
-#define AUX_GET_DNLOW(bigend, ax) AUX_GET_ANY ((bigend), (ax), a_dnLow)
-#define AUX_GET_DNHIGH(bigend, ax) AUX_GET_ANY ((bigend), (ax), a_dnHigh)
-#define AUX_GET_ISYM(bigend, ax) AUX_GET_ANY ((bigend), (ax), a_isym)
-#define AUX_GET_ISS(bigend, ax) AUX_GET_ANY ((bigend), (ax), a_iss)
-#define AUX_GET_WIDTH(bigend, ax) AUX_GET_ANY ((bigend), (ax), a_width)
-#define AUX_GET_COUNT(bigend, ax) AUX_GET_ANY ((bigend), (ax), a_count)
-#define AUX_PUT_ANY(bigend, val, ax, field) \
- ((bigend) \
- ? (bfd_putb32 ((bfd_vma) (val), (ax)->field), 0) \
- : (bfd_putl32 ((bfd_vma) (val), (ax)->field), 0))
-#define AUX_PUT_DNLOW(bigend, val, ax) \
- AUX_PUT_ANY ((bigend), (val), (ax), a_dnLow)
-#define AUX_PUT_DNHIGH(bigend, val, ax) \
- AUX_PUT_ANY ((bigend), (val), (ax), a_dnHigh)
-#define AUX_PUT_ISYM(bigend, val, ax) \
- AUX_PUT_ANY ((bigend), (val), (ax), a_isym)
-#define AUX_PUT_ISS(bigend, val, ax) \
- AUX_PUT_ANY ((bigend), (val), (ax), a_iss)
-#define AUX_PUT_WIDTH(bigend, val, ax) \
- AUX_PUT_ANY ((bigend), (val), (ax), a_width)
-#define AUX_PUT_COUNT(bigend, val, ax) \
- AUX_PUT_ANY ((bigend), (val), (ax), a_count)
-/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
-/* For efficiency, gdb deals directly with the unswapped symbolic
- information (that way it only takes the time to swap information
- that it really needs to read). gdb originally retrieved the
- information directly from the BFD backend information, but that
- strategy, besides being sort of ugly, does not work for MIPS ELF,
- which also uses ECOFF debugging information. This structure holds
- pointers to the (mostly) unswapped symbolic information. */
-struct ecoff_debug_info
- /* The swapped ECOFF symbolic header. */
- HDRR symbolic_header;
- /* Pointers to the unswapped symbolic information. Note that the
- pointers to external structures point to different sorts of
- information on different ECOFF targets. The ecoff_debug_swap
- structure provides the sizes of the structures and the functions
- needed to swap the information in and out. These pointers are
- all pointers to arrays, not single structures. They will be NULL
- if there are no instances of the relevant structure. These
- fields are also used by the assembler to output ECOFF debugging
- information. */
- unsigned char *line;
- PTR external_dnr; /* struct dnr_ext */
- PTR external_pdr; /* struct pdr_ext */
- PTR external_sym; /* struct sym_ext */
- PTR external_opt; /* struct opt_ext */
- union aux_ext *external_aux;
- char *ss;
- char *ssext;
- PTR external_fdr; /* struct fdr_ext */
- PTR external_rfd; /* struct rfd_ext */
- PTR external_ext; /* struct ext_ext */
- /* These fields are used when linking. They may disappear at some
- point. */
- char *ssext_end;
- PTR external_ext_end;
- /* When linking, this field holds a mapping from the input FDR
- numbers to the output numbers, and is used when writing out the
- external symbols. It is NULL if no mapping is required. */
- RFDT *ifdmap;
- /* The swapped FDR information. Currently this is never NULL, but
- code using this structure should probably double-check in case
- this changes in the future. This is a pointer to an array, not a
- single structure. */
- FDR *fdr;
- /* When relaxing MIPS embedded PIC code, we may need to adjust
- symbol values when they are output. This is a linked list of
- structures indicating how values should be adjusted. There is no
- requirement that the entries be in any order, or that they not
- overlap. This field is normally NULL, in which case no
- adjustments need to be made. */
- struct ecoff_value_adjust *adjust;
-/* This structure describes how to adjust symbol values when
- outputting MIPS embedded PIC code. These adjustments only apply to
- the internal symbols, as the external symbol values will come from
- the hash table and have already been adjusted. */
-struct ecoff_value_adjust
- /* Next entry on adjustment list. */
- struct ecoff_value_adjust *next;
- /* Starting VMA of adjustment. This is the VMA in the ECOFF file,
- not the offset from the start of the section. Thus it should
- indicate a particular section. */
- bfd_vma start;
- /* Ending VMA of adjustment. */
- bfd_vma end;
- /* Adjustment. This should be added to the value of the symbol, or
- FDR. This is zero for the last entry in the array. */
- long adjust;
-/* These structures are used by the ECOFF find_nearest_line function. */
-struct ecoff_fdrtab_entry
- /* Base address in .text of this FDR. */
- bfd_vma base_addr;
- FDR *fdr;
-struct ecoff_find_line
- /* Allocated memory to hold function and file names. */
- char *find_buffer;
- /* FDR table, sorted by address: */
- long fdrtab_len;
- struct ecoff_fdrtab_entry *fdrtab;
-/********************** SWAPPING **********************/
-/* The generic ECOFF code needs to be able to swap debugging
- information in and out in the specific format used by a particular
- ECOFF implementation. This structure provides the information
- needed to do this. */
-struct ecoff_debug_swap
- /* Symbol table magic number. */
- int sym_magic;
- /* Alignment of debugging information. E.g., 4. */
- bfd_size_type debug_align;
- /* Sizes of external symbolic information. */
- bfd_size_type external_hdr_size;
- bfd_size_type external_dnr_size;
- bfd_size_type external_pdr_size;
- bfd_size_type external_sym_size;
- bfd_size_type external_opt_size;
- bfd_size_type external_fdr_size;
- bfd_size_type external_rfd_size;
- bfd_size_type external_ext_size;
- /* Functions to swap in external symbolic data. */
- void (*swap_hdr_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, HDRR *));
- void (*swap_dnr_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, DNR *));
- void (*swap_pdr_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, PDR *));
- void (*swap_sym_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, SYMR *));
- void (*swap_opt_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, OPTR *));
- void (*swap_fdr_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, FDR *));
- void (*swap_rfd_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, RFDT *));
- void (*swap_ext_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, EXTR *));
- void (*swap_tir_in) PARAMS ((int, const struct tir_ext *, TIR *));
- void (*swap_rndx_in) PARAMS ((int, const struct rndx_ext *, RNDXR *));
- /* Functions to swap out external symbolic data. */
- void (*swap_hdr_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, const HDRR *, PTR));
- void (*swap_dnr_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, const DNR *, PTR));
- void (*swap_pdr_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, const PDR *, PTR));
- void (*swap_sym_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, const SYMR *, PTR));
- void (*swap_opt_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, const OPTR *, PTR));
- void (*swap_fdr_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, const FDR *, PTR));
- void (*swap_rfd_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, const RFDT *, PTR));
- void (*swap_ext_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, const EXTR *, PTR));
- void (*swap_tir_out) PARAMS ((int, const TIR *, struct tir_ext *));
- void (*swap_rndx_out) PARAMS ((int, const RNDXR *, struct rndx_ext *));
- /* Function to read symbol data and set up pointers in
- ecoff_debug_info structure. The section argument is used for
- ELF, not straight ECOFF. */
- boolean (*read_debug_info) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *,
- struct ecoff_debug_info *));
-#endif /* ! defined (ECOFF_H) */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/h8300.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/h8300.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fe8f6165fed..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/h8300.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-/*** coff information for Hitachi H8/300 and H8/300-H */
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-struct external_filehdr {
- char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-#define H8300MAGIC 0x8300
-#define H8300HMAGIC 0x8301
-#define H8300BADMAG(x) (((x).f_magic!=H8300MAGIC))
-#define H8300HBADMAG(x) (((x).f_magic!=H8300HMAGIC))
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR)
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-typedef struct
- char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- char tsize[4]; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- char dsize[4]; /* initialized data " " */
- char bsize[4]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- char entry[4]; /* entry pt. */
- char text_start[4]; /* base of text used for this file */
- char data_start[4]; /* base of data used for this file */
-#define AOUTHDRSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct external_scnhdr {
- char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- char s_paddr[4]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- char s_vaddr[4]; /* virtual address */
- char s_size[4]; /* section size */
- char s_scnptr[4]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- char s_relptr[4]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- char s_lnnoptr[4]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- char s_nreloc[2]; /* number of relocation entries */
- char s_nlnno[2]; /* number of line number entries*/
- char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
- * names of "special" sections
- */
-#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
-/********************** LINE NUMBERS **********************/
-/* 1 line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section.
- * Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; first entry in a function
- * grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the
- * symbol table index of the function name.
- */
-struct external_lineno {
- union {
- char l_symndx[4]; /* function name symbol index, iff l_lnno == 0*/
- char l_paddr[4]; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr;
- char l_lnno[4]; /* line number */
-#define GET_LINENO_LNNO(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) (ext->l_lnno));
-#define PUT_LINENO_LNNO(abfd,val, ext) bfd_h_put_32(abfd,val, (bfd_byte *) (ext->l_lnno));
-#define LINENO struct external_lineno
-#define LINESZ sizeof(LINENO)
-/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
-#define E_SYMNMLEN 8 /* # characters in a symbol name */
-#define E_FILNMLEN 14 /* # characters in a file name */
-#define E_DIMNUM 4 /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-struct external_syment
- union {
- char e_name[E_SYMNMLEN];
- struct {
- char e_zeroes[4];
- char e_offset[4];
- } e;
- } e;
- char e_value[4];
- char e_scnum[2];
- char e_type[2];
- char e_sclass[1];
- char e_numaux[1];
-#define N_BTMASK (017)
-#define N_TMASK (060)
-#define N_BTSHFT (4)
-#define N_TSHIFT (2)
-union external_auxent {
- struct {
- char x_tagndx[4]; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- union {
- struct {
- char x_lnno[2]; /* declaration line number */
- char x_size[2]; /* str/union/array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- char x_fsize[4]; /* size of function */
- } x_misc;
- union {
- struct { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- char x_lnnoptr[4]; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- char x_endndx[4]; /* entry ndx past block end */
- } x_fcn;
- struct { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- char x_dimen[E_DIMNUM][2];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- char x_tvndx[2]; /* tv index */
- } x_sym;
- union {
- char x_fname[E_FILNMLEN];
- struct {
- char x_zeroes[4];
- char x_offset[4];
- } x_n;
- } x_file;
- struct {
- char x_scnlen[4]; /* section length */
- char x_nreloc[2]; /* # relocation entries */
- char x_nlinno[2]; /* # line numbers */
- } x_scn;
- struct {
- char x_tvfill[4]; /* tv fill value */
- char x_tvlen[2]; /* length of .tv */
- char x_tvran[2][2]; /* tv range */
- } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent of symbol .tv)) */
-#define SYMENT struct external_syment
-#define SYMESZ 18
-#define AUXENT union external_auxent
-#define AUXESZ 18
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-/* The external reloc has an offset field, because some of the reloc
- types on the h8 don't have room in the instruction for the entire
- offset - eg the strange jump and high page addressing modes */
-struct external_reloc {
- char r_vaddr[4];
- char r_symndx[4];
- char r_offset[4];
- char r_type[2];
- char r_stuff[2];
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ 16
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/h8500.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/h8500.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a8c9feace90..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/h8500.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-/*** coff information for Hitachi H8/500 */
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-struct external_filehdr {
- char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-#define H8500MAGIC 0x8500
-#define H8500BADMAG(x) ((0xffff && ((x).f_magic)!=H8500MAGIC))
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR)
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-typedef struct
- char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- char tsize[4]; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- char dsize[4]; /* initialized data " " */
- char bsize[4]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- char entry[4]; /* entry pt. */
- char text_start[4]; /* base of text used for this file */
- char data_start[4]; /* base of data used for this file */
-#define AOUTHDRSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct external_scnhdr {
- char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- char s_paddr[4]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- char s_vaddr[4]; /* virtual address */
- char s_size[4]; /* section size */
- char s_scnptr[4]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- char s_relptr[4]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- char s_lnnoptr[4]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- char s_nreloc[2]; /* number of relocation entries */
- char s_nlnno[2]; /* number of line number entries*/
- char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
- * names of "special" sections
- */
-#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
-/********************** LINE NUMBERS **********************/
-/* 1 line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section.
- * Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; first entry in a function
- * grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the
- * symbol table index of the function name.
- */
-struct external_lineno {
- union {
- char l_symndx[4]; /* function name symbol index, iff l_lnno == 0*/
- char l_paddr[4]; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr;
- char l_lnno[4]; /* line number */
-#define GET_LINENO_LNNO(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) (ext->l_lnno));
-#define PUT_LINENO_LNNO(abfd,val, ext) bfd_h_put_32(abfd,val, (bfd_byte *) (ext->l_lnno));
-#define LINENO struct external_lineno
-#define LINESZ sizeof(LINENO)
-/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
-#define E_SYMNMLEN 8 /* # characters in a symbol name */
-#define E_FILNMLEN 14 /* # characters in a file name */
-#define E_DIMNUM 4 /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-struct external_syment
- union {
- char e_name[E_SYMNMLEN];
- struct {
- char e_zeroes[4];
- char e_offset[4];
- } e;
- } e;
- char e_value[4];
- char e_scnum[2];
- char e_type[2];
- char e_sclass[1];
- char e_numaux[1];
-#define N_BTMASK (017)
-#define N_TMASK (060)
-#define N_BTSHFT (4)
-#define N_TSHIFT (2)
-union external_auxent {
- struct {
- char x_tagndx[4]; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- union {
- struct {
- char x_lnno[2]; /* declaration line number */
- char x_size[2]; /* str/union/array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- char x_fsize[4]; /* size of function */
- } x_misc;
- union {
- struct { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- char x_lnnoptr[4]; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- char x_endndx[4]; /* entry ndx past block end */
- } x_fcn;
- struct { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- char x_dimen[E_DIMNUM][2];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- char x_tvndx[2]; /* tv index */
- } x_sym;
- union {
- char x_fname[E_FILNMLEN];
- struct {
- char x_zeroes[4];
- char x_offset[4];
- } x_n;
- } x_file;
- struct {
- char x_scnlen[4]; /* section length */
- char x_nreloc[2]; /* # relocation entries */
- char x_nlinno[2]; /* # line numbers */
- } x_scn;
- struct {
- char x_tvfill[4]; /* tv fill value */
- char x_tvlen[2]; /* length of .tv */
- char x_tvran[2][2]; /* tv range */
- } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent of symbol .tv)) */
-#define SYMENT struct external_syment
-#define SYMESZ 18
-#define AUXENT union external_auxent
-#define AUXESZ 18
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-/* The external reloc has an offset field, because some of the reloc
- types on the h8 don't have room in the instruction for the entire
- offset - eg the strange jump and high page addressing modes */
-struct external_reloc {
- char r_vaddr[4];
- char r_symndx[4];
- char r_offset[4];
- char r_type[2];
- char r_stuff[2];
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ 16
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/i386.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/i386.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b7ecf0b6e140..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/i386.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-/*** coff information for Intel 386/486. */
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-struct external_filehdr {
- char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-/* Bits for f_flags:
- * F_RELFLG relocation info stripped from file
- * F_EXEC file is executable (no unresolved external references)
- * F_LNNO line numbers stripped from file
- * F_LSYMS local symbols stripped from file
- * F_AR32WR file has byte ordering of an AR32WR machine (e.g. vax)
- */
-#define F_RELFLG (0x0001)
-#define F_EXEC (0x0002)
-#define F_LNNO (0x0004)
-#define F_LSYMS (0x0008)
-#define I386MAGIC 0x14c
-#define I386PTXMAGIC 0x154
-#define I386AIXMAGIC 0x175
-/* This is Lynx's all-platform magic number for executables. */
-#define LYNXCOFFMAGIC 0415
-#define I386BADMAG(x) (((x).f_magic != I386MAGIC) \
- && (x).f_magic != I386AIXMAGIC \
- && (x).f_magic != I386PTXMAGIC \
- && (x).f_magic != LYNXCOFFMAGIC)
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR)
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-typedef struct
- char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- char tsize[4]; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- char dsize[4]; /* initialized data " " */
- char bsize[4]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- char entry[4]; /* entry pt. */
- char text_start[4]; /* base of text used for this file */
- char data_start[4]; /* base of data used for this file */
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-#define OMAGIC 0404 /* object files, eg as output */
-#define ZMAGIC 0413 /* demand load format, eg normal ld output */
-#define STMAGIC 0401 /* target shlib */
-#define SHMAGIC 0443 /* host shlib */
-/* define some NT default values */
-/* #define NT_IMAGE_BASE 0x400000 moved to internal.h */
-#define NT_SECTION_ALIGNMENT 0x1000
-#define NT_FILE_ALIGNMENT 0x200
-#define NT_DEF_RESERVE 0x100000
-#define NT_DEF_COMMIT 0x1000
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct external_scnhdr {
- char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- char s_paddr[4]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- char s_vaddr[4]; /* virtual address */
- char s_size[4]; /* section size */
- char s_scnptr[4]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- char s_relptr[4]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- char s_lnnoptr[4]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- char s_nreloc[2]; /* number of relocation entries */
- char s_nlnno[2]; /* number of line number entries*/
- char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
- * names of "special" sections
- */
-#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-#define _COMMENT ".comment"
-#define _LIB ".lib"
-/********************** LINE NUMBERS **********************/
-/* 1 line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section.
- * Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; first entry in a function
- * grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the
- * symbol table index of the function name.
- */
-struct external_lineno {
- union {
- char l_symndx[4]; /* function name symbol index, iff l_lnno == 0*/
- char l_paddr[4]; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr;
- char l_lnno[2]; /* line number */
-#define LINENO struct external_lineno
-#define LINESZ 6
-/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
-#define E_SYMNMLEN 8 /* # characters in a symbol name */
-#define E_FILNMLEN 14 /* # characters in a file name */
-#define E_DIMNUM 4 /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-struct external_syment
- union {
- char e_name[E_SYMNMLEN];
- struct {
- char e_zeroes[4];
- char e_offset[4];
- } e;
- } e;
- char e_value[4];
- char e_scnum[2];
- char e_type[2];
- char e_sclass[1];
- char e_numaux[1];
-#define N_BTMASK (0xf)
-#define N_TMASK (0x30)
-#define N_BTSHFT (4)
-#define N_TSHIFT (2)
-union external_auxent {
- struct {
- char x_tagndx[4]; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- union {
- struct {
- char x_lnno[2]; /* declaration line number */
- char x_size[2]; /* str/union/array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- char x_fsize[4]; /* size of function */
- } x_misc;
- union {
- struct { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- char x_lnnoptr[4]; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- char x_endndx[4]; /* entry ndx past block end */
- } x_fcn;
- struct { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- char x_dimen[E_DIMNUM][2];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- char x_tvndx[2]; /* tv index */
- } x_sym;
- union {
- char x_fname[E_FILNMLEN];
- struct {
- char x_zeroes[4];
- char x_offset[4];
- } x_n;
- } x_file;
- struct {
- char x_scnlen[4]; /* section length */
- char x_nreloc[2]; /* # relocation entries */
- char x_nlinno[2]; /* # line numbers */
- } x_scn;
- struct {
- char x_tvfill[4]; /* tv fill value */
- char x_tvlen[2]; /* length of .tv */
- char x_tvran[2][2]; /* tv range */
- } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent of symbol .tv)) */
-#define SYMENT struct external_syment
-#define SYMESZ 18
-#define AUXENT union external_auxent
-#define AUXESZ 18
-# define _ETEXT "etext"
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-struct external_reloc {
- char r_vaddr[4];
- char r_symndx[4];
- char r_type[2];
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ 10
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/i860.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/i860.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e09ec5f0e51b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/i860.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-/* This file was hacked from i386.h [] */
-/*** coff information for Intel 860. */
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-struct external_filehdr {
- char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-/* Bits for f_flags:
- * F_RELFLG relocation info stripped from file
- * F_EXEC file is executable (no unresolved external references)
- * F_LNNO line numbers stripped from file
- * F_LSYMS local symbols stripped from file
- * F_AR32WR file has byte ordering of an AR32WR machine (e.g. vax)
- */
-#define F_RELFLG (0x0001)
-#define F_EXEC (0x0002)
-#define F_LNNO (0x0004)
-#define F_LSYMS (0x0008)
-#define I860MAGIC 0x14d
-#define I860BADMAG(x) ((x).f_magic != I860MAGIC)
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR)
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-typedef struct
- char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- char tsize[4]; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- char dsize[4]; /* initialized data " " */
- char bsize[4]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- char entry[4]; /* entry pt. */
- char text_start[4]; /* base of text used for this file */
- char data_start[4]; /* base of data used for this file */
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-/* FIXME: What are the a.out magic numbers? */
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct external_scnhdr {
- char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- char s_paddr[4]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- char s_vaddr[4]; /* virtual address */
- char s_size[4]; /* section size */
- char s_scnptr[4]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- char s_relptr[4]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- char s_lnnoptr[4]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- char s_nreloc[2]; /* number of relocation entries */
- char s_nlnno[2]; /* number of line number entries*/
- char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
- * names of "special" sections
- */
-#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-#define _COMMENT ".comment"
-#define _LIB ".lib"
-/********************** LINE NUMBERS **********************/
-/* 1 line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section.
- * Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; first entry in a function
- * grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the
- * symbol table index of the function name.
- */
-struct external_lineno {
- union {
- char l_symndx[4]; /* function name symbol index, iff l_lnno == 0*/
- char l_paddr[4]; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr;
- char l_lnno[2]; /* line number */
-#define LINENO struct external_lineno
-#define LINESZ 6
-/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
-#define E_SYMNMLEN 8 /* # characters in a symbol name */
-#define E_FILNMLEN 14 /* # characters in a file name */
-#define E_DIMNUM 4 /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-struct external_syment
- union {
- char e_name[E_SYMNMLEN];
- struct {
- char e_zeroes[4];
- char e_offset[4];
- } e;
- } e;
- char e_value[4];
- char e_scnum[2];
- char e_type[2];
- char e_sclass[1];
- char e_numaux[1];
-#define N_BTMASK (0xf)
-#define N_TMASK (0x30)
-#define N_BTSHFT (4)
-#define N_TSHIFT (2)
-union external_auxent {
- struct {
- char x_tagndx[4]; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- union {
- struct {
- char x_lnno[2]; /* declaration line number */
- char x_size[2]; /* str/union/array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- char x_fsize[4]; /* size of function */
- } x_misc;
- union {
- struct { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- char x_lnnoptr[4]; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- char x_endndx[4]; /* entry ndx past block end */
- } x_fcn;
- struct { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- char x_dimen[E_DIMNUM][2];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- char x_tvndx[2]; /* tv index */
- } x_sym;
- union {
- char x_fname[E_FILNMLEN];
- struct {
- char x_zeroes[4];
- char x_offset[4];
- } x_n;
- } x_file;
- struct {
- char x_scnlen[4]; /* section length */
- char x_nreloc[2]; /* # relocation entries */
- char x_nlinno[2]; /* # line numbers */
- } x_scn;
- struct {
- char x_tvfill[4]; /* tv fill value */
- char x_tvlen[2]; /* length of .tv */
- char x_tvran[2][2]; /* tv range */
- } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent of symbol .tv)) */
-#define SYMENT struct external_syment
-#define SYMESZ 18
-#define AUXENT union external_auxent
-#define AUXESZ 18
-# define _ETEXT "etext"
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-struct external_reloc {
- char r_vaddr[4];
- char r_symndx[4];
- char r_type[2];
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ 10
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/i960.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/i960.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c20893c94781..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/i960.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-/*** coff information for 80960. Origins: Intel corp, natch. */
-/* NOTE: Tagentries (cf TAGBITS) are no longer used by the 960 */
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-struct external_filehdr {
- char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-#define OMAGIC (0407) /* old impure format. data immediately
- follows text. both sections are rw. */
-#define NMAGIC (0410) /* split i&d, read-only text */
-* Intel 80960 (I960) processor flags.
-* F_I960TYPE == mask for processor type field.
-#define F_I960TYPE (0xf000)
-#define F_I960CORE (0x1000)
-#define F_I960KB (0x2000)
-#define F_I960SB (0x2000)
-#define F_I960MC (0x3000)
-#define F_I960XA (0x4000)
-#define F_I960CA (0x5000)
-#define F_I960KA (0x6000)
-#define F_I960SA (0x6000)
-#define F_I960JX (0x7000)
-#define F_I960HX (0x8000)
-/** i80960 Magic Numbers
-#define I960ROMAGIC (0x160) /* read-only text segments */
-#define I960RWMAGIC (0x161) /* read-write text segments */
-#define I960BADMAG(x) (((x).f_magic!=I960ROMAGIC) && ((x).f_magic!=I960RWMAGIC))
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ 20
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-typedef struct {
- unsigned long phys_addr;
- unsigned long bitarray;
-typedef struct
- char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- char tsize[4]; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- char dsize[4]; /* initialized data " " */
- char bsize[4]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- char entry[4]; /* entry pt. */
- char text_start[4]; /* base of text used for this file */
- char data_start[4]; /* base of data used for this file */
- char tagentries[4]; /* number of tag entries to follow */
-/* return a pointer to the tag bits array */
-#define TAGPTR(aout) ((TAGBITS *) (&(aout.tagentries)+1))
-/* compute size of a header */
-/*#define AOUTSZ(aout) (sizeof(AOUTHDR)+(aout.tagentries*sizeof(TAGBITS)))*/
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct external_scnhdr {
- char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- char s_paddr[4]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- char s_vaddr[4]; /* virtual address */
- char s_size[4]; /* section size */
- char s_scnptr[4]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- char s_relptr[4]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- char s_lnnoptr[4]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- char s_nreloc[2]; /* number of relocation entries */
- char s_nlnno[2]; /* number of line number entries*/
- char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
- char s_align[4]; /* section alignment */
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
- * names of "special" sections
- */
-#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-/********************** LINE NUMBERS **********************/
-/* 1 line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section.
- * Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; first entry in a function
- * grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the
- * symbol table index of the function name.
- */
-struct external_lineno {
- union {
- char l_symndx[4]; /* function name symbol index, iff l_lnno == 0*/
- char l_paddr[4]; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr;
- char l_lnno[2]; /* line number */
- char padding[2]; /* force alignment */
-#define LINENO struct external_lineno
-#define LINESZ 8
-/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
-#define E_SYMNMLEN 8 /* # characters in a symbol name */
-#define E_FILNMLEN 14 /* # characters in a file name */
-#define E_DIMNUM 4 /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-struct external_syment
- union {
- char e_name[E_SYMNMLEN];
- struct {
- char e_zeroes[4];
- char e_offset[4];
- } e;
- } e;
- char e_value[4];
- char e_scnum[2];
- char e_flags[2];
- char e_type[4];
- char e_sclass[1];
- char e_numaux[1];
- char pad2[2];
-#define N_BTMASK (0x1f)
-#define N_TMASK (0x60)
-#define N_BTSHFT (5)
-#define N_TSHIFT (2)
-union external_auxent {
- struct {
- char x_tagndx[4]; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- union {
- struct {
- char x_lnno[2]; /* declaration line number */
- char x_size[2]; /* str/union/array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- char x_fsize[4]; /* size of function */
- } x_misc;
- union {
- struct { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- char x_lnnoptr[4]; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- char x_endndx[4]; /* entry ndx past block end */
- } x_fcn;
- struct { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- char x_dimen[E_DIMNUM][2];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- char x_tvndx[2]; /* tv index */
- } x_sym;
- union {
- char x_fname[E_FILNMLEN];
- struct {
- char x_zeroes[4];
- char x_offset[4];
- } x_n;
- } x_file;
- struct {
- char x_scnlen[4]; /* section length */
- char x_nreloc[2]; /* # relocation entries */
- char x_nlinno[2]; /* # line numbers */
- } x_scn;
- struct {
- char x_tvfill[4]; /* tv fill value */
- char x_tvlen[2]; /* length of .tv */
- char x_tvran[2][2]; /* tv range */
- } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent of symbol .tv)) */
- /******************************************
- * I960-specific *2nd* aux. entry formats
- ******************************************/
- struct {
- /* This is a very old typo that keeps getting propagated. */
-#define x_stdindx x_stindx
- char x_stindx[4]; /* sys. table entry */
- } x_sc; /* system call entry */
- struct {
- char x_balntry[4]; /* BAL entry point */
- } x_bal; /* BAL-callable function */
- struct {
- char x_timestamp[4]; /* time stamp */
- char x_idstring[20]; /* producer identity string */
- } x_ident; /* Producer ident info */
-#define SYMENT struct external_syment
-#define SYMESZ sizeof(SYMENT) /* FIXME - calc by hand */
-#define AUXENT union external_auxent
-#define AUXESZ sizeof(AUXENT) /* FIXME - calc by hand */
-# define _ETEXT "_etext"
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-struct external_reloc {
- char r_vaddr[4];
- char r_symndx[4];
- char r_type[2];
- char pad[2];
-/* Relevent values for r_type and i960. Would someone please document them */
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ 12
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/internal.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/internal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b43cf766421c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/internal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,648 +0,0 @@
-/* Internal format of COFF object file data structures, for GNU BFD.
- This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library. */
-/* First, make "signed char" work, even on old compilers. */
-#ifndef signed
-#ifndef __STDC__
-#define signed /**/
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-/* extra stuff in a PE header. */
-struct internal_extra_pe_filehdr
- /* DOS header data follows for PE stuff */
- unsigned short e_magic; /* Magic number, 0x5a4d */
- unsigned short e_cblp; /* Bytes on last page of file, 0x90 */
- unsigned short e_cp; /* Pages in file, 0x3 */
- unsigned short e_crlc; /* Relocations, 0x0 */
- unsigned short e_cparhdr; /* Size of header in paragraphs, 0x4 */
- unsigned short e_minalloc; /* Minimum extra paragraphs needed, 0x0 */
- unsigned short e_maxalloc; /* Maximum extra paragraphs needed, 0xFFFF */
- unsigned short e_ss; /* Initial (relative) SS value, 0x0 */
- unsigned short e_sp; /* Initial SP value, 0xb8 */
- unsigned short e_csum; /* Checksum, 0x0 */
- unsigned short e_ip; /* Initial IP value, 0x0 */
- unsigned short e_cs; /* Initial (relative) CS value, 0x0 */
- unsigned short e_lfarlc; /* File address of relocation table, 0x40 */
- unsigned short e_ovno; /* Overlay number, 0x0 */
- unsigned short e_res[4]; /* Reserved words, all 0x0 */
- unsigned short e_oemid; /* OEM identifier (for e_oeminfo), 0x0 */
- unsigned short e_oeminfo; /* OEM information; e_oemid specific, 0x0 */
- unsigned short e_res2[10]; /* Reserved words, all 0x0 */
- bfd_vma e_lfanew; /* File address of new exe header, 0x80 */
- unsigned long dos_message[16]; /* text which always follows dos header */
- bfd_vma nt_signature; /* required NT signature, 0x4550 */
-struct internal_filehdr
- struct internal_extra_pe_filehdr pe;
- /* standard coff internal info */
- unsigned short f_magic; /* magic number */
- unsigned short f_nscns; /* number of sections */
- long f_timdat; /* time & date stamp */
- bfd_vma f_symptr; /* file pointer to symtab */
- long f_nsyms; /* number of symtab entries */
- unsigned short f_opthdr; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- unsigned short f_flags; /* flags */
-/* Bits for f_flags:
- * F_RELFLG relocation info stripped from file
- * F_EXEC file is executable (no unresolved external references)
- * F_LNNO line numbers stripped from file
- * F_LSYMS local symbols stripped from file
- * F_AR16WR file is 16-bit little-endian
- * F_AR32WR file is 32-bit little-endian
- * F_AR32W file is 32-bit big-endian
- * F_DYNLOAD rs/6000 aix: dynamically loadable w/imports & exports
- * F_SHROBJ rs/6000 aix: file is a shared object
- * F_DLL PE format DLL
- */
-#define F_RELFLG (0x0001)
-#define F_EXEC (0x0002)
-#define F_LNNO (0x0004)
-#define F_LSYMS (0x0008)
-#define F_AR16WR (0x0080)
-#define F_AR32WR (0x0100)
-#define F_AR32W (0x0200)
-#define F_DYNLOAD (0x1000)
-#define F_SHROBJ (0x2000)
-#define F_DLL (0x2000)
-/* extra structure which is used in the optional header */
-typedef struct _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY
- bfd_vma VirtualAddress;
- long Size;
-/* default image base for NT */
-#define NT_EXE_IMAGE_BASE 0x400000
-#define NT_DLL_IMAGE_BASE 0x10000000
-/* Extra stuff in a PE aouthdr */
-#define PE_DEF_FILE_ALIGNMENT 0x200
-struct internal_extra_pe_aouthdr
- /* PE stuff */
- bfd_vma ImageBase; /* address of specific location in memory that
- file is located, NT default 0x10000 */
- bfd_vma SectionAlignment; /* section alignment default 0x1000 */
- bfd_vma FileAlignment; /* file alignment default 0x200 */
- short MajorOperatingSystemVersion; /* minimum version of the operating */
- short MinorOperatingSystemVersion; /* system req'd for exe, default to 1*/
- short MajorImageVersion; /* user defineable field to store version of */
- short MinorImageVersion; /* exe or dll being created, default to 0 */
- short MajorSubsystemVersion; /* minimum subsystem version required to */
- short MinorSubsystemVersion; /* run exe; default to 3.1 */
- long Reserved1; /* seems to be 0 */
- long SizeOfImage; /* size of memory to allocate for prog */
- long SizeOfHeaders; /* size of PE header and section table */
- long CheckSum; /* set to 0 */
- short Subsystem;
- /* type of subsystem exe uses for user interface,
- possible values:
- 1 - NATIVE Doesn't require a subsystem
- 2 - WINDOWS_GUI runs in Windows GUI subsystem
- 3 - WINDOWS_CUI runs in Windows char sub. (console app)
- 5 - OS2_CUI runs in OS/2 character subsystem
- 7 - POSIX_CUI runs in Posix character subsystem */
- short DllCharacteristics; /* flags for DLL init, use 0 */
- bfd_vma SizeOfStackReserve; /* amount of memory to reserve */
- bfd_vma SizeOfStackCommit; /* amount of memory initially committed for
- initial thread's stack, default is 0x1000 */
- bfd_vma SizeOfHeapReserve; /* amount of virtual memory to reserve and */
- bfd_vma SizeOfHeapCommit; /* commit, don't know what to defaut it to */
- long LoaderFlags; /* can probably set to 0 */
- long NumberOfRvaAndSizes; /* number of entries in next entry, 16 */
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-struct internal_aouthdr
- short magic; /* type of file */
- short vstamp; /* version stamp */
- bfd_vma tsize; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- bfd_vma dsize; /* initialized data " " */
- bfd_vma bsize; /* uninitialized data " " */
- bfd_vma entry; /* entry pt. */
- bfd_vma text_start; /* base of text used for this file */
- bfd_vma data_start; /* base of data used for this file */
- /* i960 stuff */
- unsigned long tagentries; /* number of tag entries to follow */
- /* RS/6000 stuff */
- unsigned long o_toc; /* address of TOC */
- short o_snentry; /* section number for entry point */
- short o_sntext; /* section number for text */
- short o_sndata; /* section number for data */
- short o_sntoc; /* section number for toc */
- short o_snloader; /* section number for loader section */
- short o_snbss; /* section number for bss */
- short o_algntext; /* max alignment for text */
- short o_algndata; /* max alignment for data */
- short o_modtype; /* Module type field, 1R,RE,RO */
- short o_cputype; /* Encoded CPU type */
- unsigned long o_maxstack; /* max stack size allowed. */
- unsigned long o_maxdata; /* max data size allowed. */
- /* ECOFF stuff */
- bfd_vma bss_start; /* Base of bss section. */
- bfd_vma gp_value; /* GP register value. */
- unsigned long gprmask; /* General registers used. */
- unsigned long cprmask[4]; /* Coprocessor registers used. */
- unsigned long fprmask; /* Floating pointer registers used. */
- /* Apollo stuff */
- long o_inlib; /* inlib data */
- long o_sri; /* Static Resource Information */
- long vid[2]; /* Version id */
- struct internal_extra_pe_aouthdr pe;
-/********************** STORAGE CLASSES **********************/
-/* This used to be defined as -1, but now n_sclass is unsigned. */
-#define C_EFCN 0xff /* physical end of function */
-#define C_NULL 0
-#define C_AUTO 1 /* automatic variable */
-#define C_EXT 2 /* external symbol */
-#define C_STAT 3 /* static */
-#define C_REG 4 /* register variable */
-#define C_EXTDEF 5 /* external definition */
-#define C_LABEL 6 /* label */
-#define C_ULABEL 7 /* undefined label */
-#define C_MOS 8 /* member of structure */
-#define C_ARG 9 /* function argument */
-#define C_STRTAG 10 /* structure tag */
-#define C_MOU 11 /* member of union */
-#define C_UNTAG 12 /* union tag */
-#define C_TPDEF 13 /* type definition */
-#define C_USTATIC 14 /* undefined static */
-#define C_ENTAG 15 /* enumeration tag */
-#define C_MOE 16 /* member of enumeration */
-#define C_REGPARM 17 /* register parameter */
-#define C_FIELD 18 /* bit field */
-#define C_AUTOARG 19 /* auto argument */
-#define C_LASTENT 20 /* dummy entry (end of block) */
-#define C_BLOCK 100 /* ".bb" or ".eb" */
-#define C_FCN 101 /* ".bf" or ".ef" */
-#define C_EOS 102 /* end of structure */
-#define C_FILE 103 /* file name */
-#define C_LINE 104 /* line # reformatted as symbol table entry */
-#define C_ALIAS 105 /* duplicate tag */
-#define C_HIDDEN 106 /* ext symbol in dmert public lib */
-/* New storage classes for WINDOWS_NT */
-#define C_SECTION 104 /* section name */
-#define C_NT_WEAK 105 /* weak external */
- /* New storage classes for 80960 */
-/* C_LEAFPROC is obsolete. Use C_LEAFEXT or C_LEAFSTAT */
-#define C_LEAFPROC 108 /* Leaf procedure, "call" via BAL */
-#define C_SCALL 107 /* Procedure reachable via system call */
-#define C_LEAFEXT 108 /* External leaf */
-#define C_LEAFSTAT 113 /* Static leaf */
-#define C_OPTVAR 109 /* Optimized variable */
-#define C_DEFINE 110 /* Preprocessor #define */
-#define C_PRAGMA 111 /* Advice to compiler or linker */
-#define C_SEGMENT 112 /* 80960 segment name */
- /* Storage classes for m88k */
-#define C_SHADOW 107 /* shadow symbol */
-#define C_VERSION 108 /* coff version symbol */
- /* New storage classes for RS/6000 */
-#define C_HIDEXT 107 /* Un-named external symbol */
-#define C_BINCL 108 /* Marks beginning of include file */
-#define C_EINCL 109 /* Marks ending of include file */
- /* storage classes for stab symbols for RS/6000 */
-#define C_GSYM (0x80)
-#define C_LSYM (0x81)
-#define C_PSYM (0x82)
-#define C_RSYM (0x83)
-#define C_RPSYM (0x84)
-#define C_STSYM (0x85)
-#define C_TCSYM (0x86)
-#define C_BCOMM (0x87)
-#define C_ECOML (0x88)
-#define C_ECOMM (0x89)
-#define C_DECL (0x8c)
-#define C_ENTRY (0x8d)
-#define C_FUN (0x8e)
-#define C_BSTAT (0x8f)
-#define C_ESTAT (0x90)
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct internal_scnhdr
- char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- bfd_vma s_paddr; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- bfd_vma s_vaddr; /* virtual address */
- bfd_vma s_size; /* section size */
- bfd_vma s_scnptr; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- bfd_vma s_relptr; /* file ptr to relocation */
- bfd_vma s_lnnoptr; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- unsigned long s_nreloc; /* number of relocation entries */
- unsigned long s_nlnno; /* number of line number entries*/
- long s_flags; /* flags */
- long s_align; /* used on I960 */
- * s_flags "type"
- */
-#define STYP_REG (0x0000) /* "regular": allocated, relocated, loaded */
-#define STYP_DSECT (0x0001) /* "dummy": relocated only*/
-#define STYP_NOLOAD (0x0002) /* "noload": allocated, relocated, not loaded */
-#define STYP_GROUP (0x0004) /* "grouped": formed of input sections */
-#define STYP_PAD (0x0008) /* "padding": not allocated, not relocated, loaded */
-#define STYP_COPY (0x0010) /* "copy": for decision function used by field update; not allocated, not relocated,
- loaded; reloc & lineno entries processed normally */
-#define STYP_TEXT (0x0020) /* section contains text only */
-#define S_SHRSEG (0x0020) /* In 3b Update files (output of ogen), sections which appear in SHARED segments of the Pfile
- will have the S_SHRSEG flag set by ogen, to inform dufr that updating 1 copy of the proc. will
- update all process invocations. */
-#define STYP_DATA (0x0040) /* section contains data only */
-#define STYP_BSS (0x0080) /* section contains bss only */
-#define S_NEWFCN (0x0100) /* In a minimal file or an update file, a new function (as compared with a replaced function) */
-#define STYP_INFO (0x0200) /* comment: not allocated not relocated, not loaded */
-#define STYP_OVER (0x0400) /* overlay: relocated not allocated or loaded */
-#define STYP_LIB (0x0800) /* for .lib: same as INFO */
-#define STYP_MERGE (0x2000) /* merge section -- combines with text, data or bss sections only */
-#define STYP_REVERSE_PAD (0x4000) /* section will be padded with no-op instructions wherever padding is necessary and there is a
- word of contiguous bytes
- beginning on a word boundary. */
-#define STYP_LIT 0x8020 /* Literal data (like STYP_TEXT) */
-/********************** LINE NUMBERS **********************/
-/* 1 line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section.
- * Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; first entry in a function
- * grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the
- * symbol table index of the function name.
- */
-struct internal_lineno
- union
- {
- long l_symndx; /* function name symbol index, iff l_lnno == 0*/
- long l_paddr; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr;
- unsigned long l_lnno; /* line number */
-/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
-#define SYMNMLEN 8 /* # characters in a symbol name */
-#define FILNMLEN 14 /* # characters in a file name */
-#define DIMNUM 4 /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-struct internal_syment
- union
- {
- char _n_name[SYMNMLEN]; /* old COFF version */
- struct
- {
- long _n_zeroes; /* new == 0 */
- long _n_offset; /* offset into string table */
- } _n_n;
- char *_n_nptr[2]; /* allows for overlaying */
- } _n;
- long n_value; /* value of symbol */
- short n_scnum; /* section number */
- unsigned short n_flags; /* copy of flags from filhdr */
- unsigned short n_type; /* type and derived type */
- unsigned char n_sclass; /* storage class */
- unsigned char n_numaux; /* number of aux. entries */
-#define n_name _n._n_name
-#define n_zeroes _n._n_n._n_zeroes
-#define n_offset _n._n_n._n_offset
-/* Relocatable symbols have number of the section in which they are defined,
- or one of the following: */
-#define N_UNDEF ((short)0) /* undefined symbol */
-#define N_ABS ((short)-1) /* value of symbol is absolute */
-#define N_DEBUG ((short)-2) /* debugging symbol -- value is meaningless */
-#define N_TV ((short)-3) /* indicates symbol needs preload transfer vector */
-#define P_TV ((short)-4) /* indicates symbol needs postload transfer vector*/
- * Type of a symbol, in low N bits of the word
- */
-#define T_NULL 0
-#define T_VOID 1 /* function argument (only used by compiler) */
-#define T_CHAR 2 /* character */
-#define T_SHORT 3 /* short integer */
-#define T_INT 4 /* integer */
-#define T_LONG 5 /* long integer */
-#define T_FLOAT 6 /* floating point */
-#define T_DOUBLE 7 /* double word */
-#define T_STRUCT 8 /* structure */
-#define T_UNION 9 /* union */
-#define T_ENUM 10 /* enumeration */
-#define T_MOE 11 /* member of enumeration*/
-#define T_UCHAR 12 /* unsigned character */
-#define T_USHORT 13 /* unsigned short */
-#define T_UINT 14 /* unsigned integer */
-#define T_ULONG 15 /* unsigned long */
-#define T_LNGDBL 16 /* long double */
- * derived types, in n_type
-#define DT_NON (0) /* no derived type */
-#define DT_PTR (1) /* pointer */
-#define DT_FCN (2) /* function */
-#define DT_ARY (3) /* array */
-#define BTYPE(x) ((x) & N_BTMASK)
-#define ISPTR(x) (((x) & N_TMASK) == (DT_PTR << N_BTSHFT))
-#define ISFCN(x) (((x) & N_TMASK) == (DT_FCN << N_BTSHFT))
-#define ISARY(x) (((x) & N_TMASK) == (DT_ARY << N_BTSHFT))
-#define ISTAG(x) ((x)==C_STRTAG||(x)==C_UNTAG||(x)==C_ENTAG)
-#define DECREF(x) ((((x)>>N_TSHIFT)&~N_BTMASK)|((x)&N_BTMASK))
-union internal_auxent
- struct
- {
- union
- {
- long l; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- struct coff_ptr_struct *p;
- } x_tagndx;
- union
- {
- struct
- {
- unsigned short x_lnno; /* declaration line number */
- unsigned short x_size; /* str/union/array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- long x_fsize; /* size of function */
- } x_misc;
- union
- {
- struct
- { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- long x_lnnoptr; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- union
- { /* entry ndx past block end */
- long l;
- struct coff_ptr_struct *p;
- } x_endndx;
- } x_fcn;
- struct
- { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- unsigned short x_dimen[DIMNUM];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- unsigned short x_tvndx; /* tv index */
- } x_sym;
- union
- {
- char x_fname[FILNMLEN];
- struct
- {
- long x_zeroes;
- long x_offset;
- } x_n;
- } x_file;
- struct
- {
- long x_scnlen; /* section length */
- unsigned short x_nreloc; /* # relocation entries */
- unsigned short x_nlinno; /* # line numbers */
- } x_scn;
- struct
- {
- long x_tvfill; /* tv fill value */
- unsigned short x_tvlen; /* length of .tv */
- unsigned short x_tvran[2]; /* tv range */
- } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent of symbol .tv)) */
- /******************************************
- * RS/6000-specific auxent - last auxent for every external symbol
- ******************************************/
- struct
- {
- union
- { /* csect length or enclosing csect */
- long l;
- struct coff_ptr_struct *p;
- } x_scnlen;
- long x_parmhash; /* parm type hash index */
- unsigned short x_snhash; /* sect num with parm hash */
- unsigned char x_smtyp; /* symbol align and type */
- /* 0-4 - Log 2 of alignment */
- /* 5-7 - symbol type */
- unsigned char x_smclas; /* storage mapping class */
- long x_stab; /* dbx stab info index */
- unsigned short x_snstab; /* sect num with dbx stab */
- } x_csect; /* csect definition information */
-/* x_smtyp values: */
-#define SMTYP_ALIGN(x) ((x) >> 3) /* log2 of alignment */
-#define SMTYP_SMTYP(x) ((x) & 0x7) /* symbol type */
-/* Symbol type values: */
-#define XTY_ER 0 /* External reference */
-#define XTY_SD 1 /* Csect definition */
-#define XTY_LD 2 /* Label definition */
-#define XTY_CM 3 /* .BSS */
-#define XTY_EM 4 /* Error message */
-#define XTY_US 5 /* "Reserved for internal use" */
-/* x_smclas values: */
-#define XMC_PR 0 /* Read-only program code */
-#define XMC_RO 1 /* Read-only constant */
-#define XMC_DB 2 /* Read-only debug dictionary table */
-#define XMC_TC 3 /* Read-write general TOC entry */
-#define XMC_UA 4 /* Read-write unclassified */
-#define XMC_RW 5 /* Read-write data */
-#define XMC_GL 6 /* Read-only global linkage */
-#define XMC_XO 7 /* Read-only extended operation */
-#define XMC_SV 8 /* Read-only supervisor call */
-#define XMC_BS 9 /* Read-write BSS */
-#define XMC_DS 10 /* Read-write descriptor csect */
-#define XMC_UC 11 /* Read-write unnamed Fortran common */
-#define XMC_TI 12 /* Read-only traceback index csect */
-#define XMC_TB 13 /* Read-only traceback table csect */
-/* 14 ??? */
-#define XMC_TC0 15 /* Read-write TOC anchor */
-#define XMC_TD 16 /* Read-write data in TOC */
- /******************************************
- * I960-specific *2nd* aux. entry formats
- ******************************************/
- struct
- {
- /* This is a very old typo that keeps getting propagated. */
-#define x_stdindx x_stindx
- long x_stindx; /* sys. table entry */
- } x_sc; /* system call entry */
- struct
- {
- unsigned long x_balntry; /* BAL entry point */
- } x_bal; /* BAL-callable function */
- struct
- {
- unsigned long x_timestamp; /* time stamp */
- char x_idstring[20]; /* producer identity string */
- } x_ident; /* Producer ident info */
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-struct internal_reloc
- bfd_vma r_vaddr; /* Virtual address of reference */
- long r_symndx; /* Index into symbol table */
- unsigned short r_type; /* Relocation type */
- unsigned char r_size; /* Used by RS/6000 and ECOFF */
- unsigned char r_extern; /* Used by ECOFF */
- unsigned long r_offset; /* Used by Alpha ECOFF, SPARC, others */
-#define R_RELBYTE 017
-#define R_RELWORD 020
-#define R_PCRBYTE 022
-#define R_PCRWORD 023
-#define R_PCRLONG 024
-#define R_DIR16 01
-#define R_DIR32 06
-#define R_PCLONG 020
-#define R_RELBYTE 017
-#define R_RELWORD 020
-#define R_IMAGEBASE 07
-#define R_PCR16L 128
-#define R_PCR26L 129
-#define R_VRT16 130
-#define R_HVRT16 131
-#define R_LVRT16 132
-#define R_VRT32 133
-#define R_RELLONG (0x11) /* Direct 32-bit relocation */
-#define R_IPRSHORT (0x18)
-#define R_IPRMED (0x19) /* 24-bit ip-relative relocation */
-#define R_IPRLONG (0x1a)
-#define R_OPTCALL (0x1b) /* 32-bit optimizable call (leafproc/sysproc) */
-#define R_OPTCALLX (0x1c) /* 64-bit optimizable call (leafproc/sysproc) */
-#define R_GETSEG (0x1d)
-#define R_GETPA (0x1e)
-#define R_TAGWORD (0x1f)
-#define R_JUMPTARG 0x20 /* strange 29k 00xx00xx reloc */
-#define R_MOVB1 0x41 /* Special h8 16bit or 8 bit reloc for mov.b */
-#define R_MOVB2 0x42 /* Special h8 opcode for 8bit which could be 16 */
-#define R_JMP1 0x43 /* Special h8 16bit jmp which could be pcrel */
-#define R_JMP2 0x44 /* a branch which used to be a jmp */
-#define R_RELLONG_NEG 0x45
-#define R_JMPL1 0x46 /* Special h8 24bit jmp which could be pcrel */
-#define R_JMPL_B8 0x47 /* a 8 bit pcrel which used to be a jmp */
-#define R_MOVLB1 0x48 /* Special h8 24bit or 8 bit reloc for mov.b */
-#define R_MOVLB2 0x49 /* Special h8 opcode for 8bit which could be 24 */
-/* An h8300 memory indirect jump/call. Forces the address of the jump/call
- target into the function vector (in page zero), and the address of the
- vector entry to be placed in the jump/call instruction. */
-#define R_MEM_INDIRECT 0x4a
-/* Z8k modes */
-#define R_IMM16 0x01 /* 16 bit abs */
-#define R_JR 0x02 /* jr 8 bit disp */
-#define R_IMM4L 0x23 /* low nibble */
-#define R_IMM8 0x22 /* 8 bit abs */
-#define R_IMM32 R_RELLONG /* 32 bit abs */
-#define R_CALL R_DA /* Absolute address which could be a callr */
-#define R_JP R_DA /* Absolute address which could be a jp */
-#define R_REL16 0x04 /* 16 bit PC rel */
-#define R_CALLR 0x05 /* callr 12 bit disp */
-#define R_SEG 0x10 /* set if in segmented mode */
-#define R_IMM4H 0x24 /* high nibble */
-#define R_DISP7 0x25 /* djnz displacement */
-/* H8500 modes */
-#define R_H8500_IMM8 1 /* 8 bit immediate */
-#define R_H8500_IMM16 2 /* 16 bit immediate */
-#define R_H8500_PCREL8 3 /* 8 bit pcrel */
-#define R_H8500_PCREL16 4 /* 16 bit pcrel */
-#define R_H8500_HIGH8 5 /* high 8 bits of 24 bit address */
-#define R_H8500_LOW16 7 /* low 16 bits of 24 bit immediate */
-#define R_H8500_IMM24 6 /* 24 bit immediate */
-#define R_H8500_IMM32 8 /* 32 bit immediate */
-#define R_H8500_HIGH16 9 /* high 16 bits of 32 bit immediate */
-/* W65 modes */
-#define R_W65_ABS8 1 /* addr & 0xff */
-#define R_W65_ABS16 2 /* addr & 0xffff */
-#define R_W65_ABS24 3 /* addr & 0xffffff */
-#define R_W65_ABS8S8 4 /* (addr >> 8) & 0xff */
-#define R_W65_ABS8S16 5 /* (addr >> 16) & 0xff */
-#define R_W65_ABS16S8 6 /* (addr >> 8) & 0ffff */
-#define R_W65_ABS16S16 7 /* (addr >> 16) & 0ffff */
-#define R_W65_PCR8 8
-#define R_W65_PCR16 9
-#define R_W65_DP 10 /* direct page 8 bits only */
-#endif /* GNU_COFF_INTERNAL_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/m68k.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/m68k.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a3c15be16184..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/m68k.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-/*** coff information for M68K */
-#ifndef GNU_COFF_M68K_H
-#define GNU_COFF_M68K_H 1
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-struct external_filehdr {
- char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-/* Motorola 68000/68008/68010/68020 */
-#define MC68MAGIC 0520
-#define MC68KWRMAGIC 0520 /* writeable text segments */
-#define MC68TVMAGIC 0521
-#define MC68KROMAGIC 0521 /* readonly shareable text segments */
-#define MC68KPGMAGIC 0522 /* demand paged text segments */
-#define M68MAGIC 0210
-#define M68TVMAGIC 0211
-/* this is the magic of the Bull dpx/2 */
-#define MC68KBCSMAGIC 0526
-/* This is Lynx's all-platform magic number for executables. */
-#define LYNXCOFFMAGIC 0415
-#define OMAGIC M68MAGIC
-/* This intentionally does not include MC68KBCSMAGIC; it only includes
- magic numbers which imply that names do not have underscores. */
-#define M68KBADMAG(x) (((x).f_magic!=MC68MAGIC) && ((x).f_magic!=MC68KWRMAGIC) && ((x).f_magic!=MC68TVMAGIC) && \
- ((x).f_magic!=MC68KROMAGIC) && ((x).f_magic!=MC68KPGMAGIC) && ((x).f_magic!=M68MAGIC) && ((x).f_magic!=M68TVMAGIC) && ((x).f_magic!=LYNXCOFFMAGIC) )
-/* Magic numbers for the a.out header. */
-#define PAGEMAGICEXECSWAPPED 0407 /* executable (swapped) */
-#define PAGEMAGICPEXECSWAPPED 0410 /* pure executable (swapped) */
-#define PAGEMAGICPEXECTSHLIB 0443 /* pure executable (target shared library) */
-#define PAGEMAGICPEXECPAGED 0413 /* pure executable (paged) */
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR)
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-typedef struct
- char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- char tsize[4]; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- char dsize[4]; /* initialized data " " */
- char bsize[4]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- char entry[4]; /* entry pt. */
- char text_start[4]; /* base of text used for this file */
- char data_start[4]; /* base of data used for this file */
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct external_scnhdr {
- char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- char s_paddr[4]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- char s_vaddr[4]; /* virtual address */
- char s_size[4]; /* section size */
- char s_scnptr[4]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- char s_relptr[4]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- char s_lnnoptr[4]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- char s_nreloc[2]; /* number of relocation entries */
- char s_nlnno[2]; /* number of line number entries*/
- char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
- * names of "special" sections
- */
-#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-#define _COMMENT ".comment"
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
-/********************** LINE NUMBERS **********************/
-/* 1 line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section.
- * Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; first entry in a function
- * grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the
- * symbol table index of the function name.
- */
-struct external_lineno {
- union {
- char l_symndx[4]; /* function name symbol index, iff l_lnno == 0*/
- char l_paddr[4]; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr;
- char l_lnno[2]; /* line number */
-#define LINENO struct external_lineno
-#define LINESZ sizeof(LINENO)
-/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
-#define E_SYMNMLEN 8 /* # characters in a symbol name */
-#define E_FILNMLEN 14 /* # characters in a file name */
-#define E_DIMNUM 4 /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-struct external_syment
- union {
- char e_name[E_SYMNMLEN];
- struct {
- char e_zeroes[4];
- char e_offset[4];
- } e;
- } e;
- char e_value[4];
- char e_scnum[2];
- char e_type[2];
- char e_sclass[1];
- char e_numaux[1];
-#define N_BTMASK (017)
-#define N_TMASK (060)
-#define N_BTSHFT (4)
-#define N_TSHIFT (2)
-union external_auxent {
- struct {
- char x_tagndx[4]; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- union {
- struct {
- char x_lnno[2]; /* declaration line number */
- char x_size[2]; /* str/union/array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- char x_fsize[4]; /* size of function */
- } x_misc;
- union {
- struct { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- char x_lnnoptr[4]; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- char x_endndx[4]; /* entry ndx past block end */
- } x_fcn;
- struct { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- char x_dimen[E_DIMNUM][2];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- char x_tvndx[2]; /* tv index */
- } x_sym;
- union {
- char x_fname[E_FILNMLEN];
- struct {
- char x_zeroes[4];
- char x_offset[4];
- } x_n;
- } x_file;
- struct {
- char x_scnlen[4]; /* section length */
- char x_nreloc[2]; /* # relocation entries */
- char x_nlinno[2]; /* # line numbers */
- } x_scn;
- struct {
- char x_tvfill[4]; /* tv fill value */
- char x_tvlen[2]; /* length of .tv */
- char x_tvran[2][2]; /* tv range */
- } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent of symbol .tv)) */
-#define SYMENT struct external_syment
-#define SYMESZ 18
-#define AUXENT union external_auxent
-#define AUXESZ 18
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-struct external_reloc {
- char r_vaddr[4];
- char r_symndx[4];
- char r_type[2];
-#ifdef M68K_COFF_OFFSET
- char r_offset[4];
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ sizeof(struct external_reloc)
-#endif /* GNU_COFF_M68K_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/m88k.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/m88k.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9068dd3f1245..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/m88k.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-/*** coff information for 88k bcs */
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-struct external_filehdr {
- char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-#define MC88MAGIC 0540 /* 88k BCS executable */
-#define MC88DMAGIC 0541 /* DG/UX executable */
-#define MC88OMAGIC 0555 /* Object file */
-#define MC88BADMAG(x) (((x).f_magic!=MC88MAGIC) &&((x).f_magic!=MC88DMAGIC) && ((x).f_magic != MC88OMAGIC))
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR)
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-#define PAGEMAGIC3 0414 /* Split i&d, zero mapped */
-#define PAGEMAGICBCS 0413
-typedef struct
- char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- char tsize[4]; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- char dsize[4]; /* initialized data " " */
- char bsize[4]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- char entry[4]; /* entry pt. */
- char text_start[4]; /* base of text used for this file */
- char data_start[4]; /* base of data used for this file */
-/* compute size of a header */
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct external_scnhdr
- char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- char s_paddr[4]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- char s_vaddr[4]; /* virtual address */
- char s_size[4]; /* section size */
- char s_scnptr[4]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- char s_relptr[4]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- char s_lnnoptr[4]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- char s_nreloc[4]; /* number of relocation entries */
- char s_nlnno[4]; /* number of line number entries*/
- char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
- * names of "special" sections
- */
-#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-#define _COMMENT ".comment"
-/********************** LINE NUMBERS **********************/
-/* 1 line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section.
- * Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; first entry in a function
- * grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the
- * symbol table index of the function name.
- */
-struct external_lineno{
- union {
- char l_symndx[4]; /* function name symbol index, iff l_lnno == 0*/
- char l_paddr[4]; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr;
- char l_lnno[4];
-#define LINENO struct external_lineno
-#define LINESZ 8
-/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
-#define E_SYMNMLEN 8 /* # characters in a symbol name */
-#define E_FILNMLEN 14 /* # characters in a file name */
-#define E_DIMNUM 4 /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-struct external_syment
- union {
- char e_name[E_SYMNMLEN];
- struct {
- char e_zeroes[4];
- char e_offset[4];
- } e;
- } e;
- char e_value[4];
- char e_scnum[2];
- char e_type[2];
- char e_sclass[1];
- char e_numaux[1];
- char pad2[2];
-#define N_BTMASK 017
-#define N_TMASK 060
-#define N_BTSHFT 4
-#define N_TSHIFT 2
-/* Note that this isn't the same shape as other coffs */
-union external_auxent {
- struct {
- char x_tagndx[4]; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- /* 4 */
- union {
- char x_fsize[4]; /* size of function */
- struct {
- char x_lnno[4]; /* declaration line number */
- char x_size[4]; /* str/union/array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- } x_misc;
- /* 12 */
- union {
- struct { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- char x_lnnoptr[4]; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- char x_endndx[4]; /* entry ndx past block end */
- } x_fcn;
- struct { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- char x_dimen[E_DIMNUM][2];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- /* 20 */
- } x_sym;
- union {
- char x_fname[E_FILNMLEN];
- struct {
- char x_zeroes[4];
- char x_offset[4];
- } x_n;
- } x_file;
- struct {
- char x_scnlen[4]; /* section length */
- char x_nreloc[4]; /* # relocation entries */
- char x_nlinno[4]; /* # line numbers */
- } x_scn;
- struct {
- char x_tvfill[4]; /* tv fill value */
- char x_tvlen[2]; /* length of .tv */
- char x_tvran[2][2]; /* tv range */
- } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent of symbol .tv)) */
-#define GET_FCN_LNNOPTR(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr)
-#define GET_FCN_ENDNDX(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx)
-#define PUT_FCN_LNNOPTR(abfd, in, ext) bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr)
-#define PUT_FCN_ENDNDX(abfd, in, ext) bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx)
-#define GET_LNSZ_SIZE(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size)
-#define GET_LNSZ_LNNO(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno)
-#define PUT_LNSZ_LNNO(abfd, in, ext) bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno)
-#define PUT_LNSZ_SIZE(abfd, in, ext) bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size)
-#define GET_SCN_SCNLEN(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_scn.x_scnlen)
-#define GET_SCN_NRELOC(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_scn.x_nreloc)
-#define GET_SCN_NLINNO(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_scn.x_nlinno)
-#define PUT_SCN_SCNLEN(abfd,in, ext) bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_scn.x_scnlen)
-#define PUT_SCN_NRELOC(abfd,in, ext) bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *)ext->x_scn.x_nreloc)
-#define PUT_SCN_NLINNO(abfd,in, ext) bfd_h_put_32(abfd,in, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_scn.x_nlinno)
-#define GET_LINENO_LNNO(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) (ext->l_lnno))
-#define PUT_LINENO_LNNO(abfd,val, ext) bfd_h_put_32(abfd,val, (bfd_byte *) (ext->l_lnno));
-#define SYMENT struct external_syment
-#define SYMESZ 20
-#define AUXENT union external_auxent
-#define AUXESZ 20
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-struct external_reloc {
- char r_vaddr[4];
- char r_symndx[4];
- char r_type[2];
- char r_offset[2];
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ 12
-#define NO_TVNDX
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/mips.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/mips.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f35187e83b17..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/mips.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-/* ECOFF support on MIPS machines.
- coff/ecoff.h must be included before this file. */
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-struct external_filehdr {
- unsigned char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- unsigned char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- unsigned char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- unsigned char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- unsigned char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- unsigned char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- unsigned char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-/* Magic numbers are defined in coff/ecoff.h. */
-#define MIPS_ECOFF_BADMAG(x) (((x).f_magic!=MIPS_MAGIC_1) && \
- ((x).f_magic!=MIPS_MAGIC_LITTLE) &&\
- ((x).f_magic!=MIPS_MAGIC_BIG) && \
- ((x).f_magic!=MIPS_MAGIC_LITTLE2) && \
- ((x).f_magic!=MIPS_MAGIC_BIG2) && \
- ((x).f_magic!=MIPS_MAGIC_LITTLE3) && \
- ((x).f_magic!=MIPS_MAGIC_BIG3))
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ 20
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-typedef struct external_aouthdr
- unsigned char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- unsigned char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- unsigned char tsize[4]; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- unsigned char dsize[4]; /* initialized data " " */
- unsigned char bsize[4]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- unsigned char entry[4]; /* entry pt. */
- unsigned char text_start[4]; /* base of text used for this file */
- unsigned char data_start[4]; /* base of data used for this file */
- unsigned char bss_start[4]; /* base of bss used for this file */
- unsigned char gprmask[4]; /* ?? */
- unsigned char cprmask[4][4]; /* ?? */
- unsigned char gp_value[4]; /* value for gp register */
-/* compute size of a header */
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct external_scnhdr {
- unsigned char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- unsigned char s_paddr[4]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- unsigned char s_vaddr[4]; /* virtual address */
- unsigned char s_size[4]; /* section size */
- unsigned char s_scnptr[4]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- unsigned char s_relptr[4]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- unsigned char s_lnnoptr[4]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- unsigned char s_nreloc[2]; /* number of relocation entries */
- unsigned char s_nlnno[2]; /* number of line number entries*/
- unsigned char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-struct external_reloc {
- unsigned char r_vaddr[4];
- unsigned char r_bits[4];
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ 8
-/* MIPS ECOFF uses a packed 8 byte format for relocs. These constants
- are used to unpack the r_bits field. */
-/* Originally, ECOFF used four bits for the reloc type and had three
- reserved bits. Irix 4 added another bit for the reloc type, which
- was easy because it was big endian and one of the spare bits became
- the new most significant bit. To make this also work for little
- endian ECOFF, we need to wrap one of the reserved bits around to
- become the most significant bit of the reloc type. */
-#define RELOC_BITS3_TYPE_BIG 0x3E
-#define RELOC_BITS3_EXTERN_BIG 0x01
-/* The r_type field in a reloc is one of the following values. I
- don't know if any other values can appear. These seem to be all
- that occur in the Ultrix 4.2 libraries. */
-#define MIPS_R_IGNORE 0
-#define MIPS_R_REFHALF 1
-#define MIPS_R_REFWORD 2
-#define MIPS_R_JMPADDR 3
-#define MIPS_R_REFHI 4
-#define MIPS_R_REFLO 5
-#define MIPS_R_GPREL 6
-#define MIPS_R_LITERAL 7
-/* These reloc types are a Cygnus extension used when generating
- position independent code for embedded systems. The numbers are
- taken from Irix 4, but at least for internal relocs Irix 5 does not
- give them the same meaning. For an internal reloc the symbol index
- of RELHI and RELLO is modified as described below for
-#define MIPS_R_PCREL16 12
-#define MIPS_R_RELHI 13
-#define MIPS_R_RELLO 14
-/* This reloc type is a Cygnus extension used when generating position
- independent code for embedded systems. It is used for an entry in
- a switch table, which looks like this:
- .word $L3-$LS12
- The object file will contain the correct difference, and does not
- require adjustment. However, when the linker is relaxing PC
- relative calls, it is possible for $L3 to move farther away. This
- reloc always appears in the .text section, and is always against
- the .text section. However, the symbol index is not
- RELOC_SECTION_TEXT. It is, instead, the distance between this
- switch table entry and $LS12. Thus, the original value of $L12 is
- vaddr - symndx
- and the original value of $L3 is
- vaddr - symndx + addend
- where addend is the value in the object file. Knowing this, the
- linker can know whether the addend in the object file must be
- adjusted. */
-#define MIPS_R_SWITCH 22
-/********************** STABS **********************/
-/********************** SYMBOLIC INFORMATION **********************/
-/* Written by John Gilmore. */
-/* ECOFF uses COFF-like section structures, but its own symbol format.
- This file defines the symbol format in fields whose size and alignment
- will not vary on different host systems. */
-/* File header as a set of bytes */
-struct hdr_ext {
- unsigned char h_magic[2];
- unsigned char h_vstamp[2];
- unsigned char h_ilineMax[4];
- unsigned char h_cbLine[4];
- unsigned char h_cbLineOffset[4];
- unsigned char h_idnMax[4];
- unsigned char h_cbDnOffset[4];
- unsigned char h_ipdMax[4];
- unsigned char h_cbPdOffset[4];
- unsigned char h_isymMax[4];
- unsigned char h_cbSymOffset[4];
- unsigned char h_ioptMax[4];
- unsigned char h_cbOptOffset[4];
- unsigned char h_iauxMax[4];
- unsigned char h_cbAuxOffset[4];
- unsigned char h_issMax[4];
- unsigned char h_cbSsOffset[4];
- unsigned char h_issExtMax[4];
- unsigned char h_cbSsExtOffset[4];
- unsigned char h_ifdMax[4];
- unsigned char h_cbFdOffset[4];
- unsigned char h_crfd[4];
- unsigned char h_cbRfdOffset[4];
- unsigned char h_iextMax[4];
- unsigned char h_cbExtOffset[4];
-/* File descriptor external record */
-struct fdr_ext {
- unsigned char f_adr[4];
- unsigned char f_rss[4];
- unsigned char f_issBase[4];
- unsigned char f_cbSs[4];
- unsigned char f_isymBase[4];
- unsigned char f_csym[4];
- unsigned char f_ilineBase[4];
- unsigned char f_cline[4];
- unsigned char f_ioptBase[4];
- unsigned char f_copt[4];
- unsigned char f_ipdFirst[2];
- unsigned char f_cpd[2];
- unsigned char f_iauxBase[4];
- unsigned char f_caux[4];
- unsigned char f_rfdBase[4];
- unsigned char f_crfd[4];
- unsigned char f_bits1[1];
- unsigned char f_bits2[3];
- unsigned char f_cbLineOffset[4];
- unsigned char f_cbLine[4];
-#define FDR_BITS1_LANG_BIG 0xF8
-#define FDR_BITS1_LANG_SH_BIG 3
-#define FDR_BITS1_FMERGE_BIG 0x04
-#define FDR_BITS1_FREADIN_BIG 0x02
-#define FDR_BITS2_GLEVEL_BIG 0xC0
-/* We ignore the `reserved' field in bits2. */
-/* Procedure descriptor external record */
-struct pdr_ext {
- unsigned char p_adr[4];
- unsigned char p_isym[4];
- unsigned char p_iline[4];
- unsigned char p_regmask[4];
- unsigned char p_regoffset[4];
- unsigned char p_iopt[4];
- unsigned char p_fregmask[4];
- unsigned char p_fregoffset[4];
- unsigned char p_frameoffset[4];
- unsigned char p_framereg[2];
- unsigned char p_pcreg[2];
- unsigned char p_lnLow[4];
- unsigned char p_lnHigh[4];
- unsigned char p_cbLineOffset[4];
-/* Runtime procedure table */
-struct rpdr_ext {
- unsigned char p_adr[4];
- unsigned char p_regmask[4];
- unsigned char p_regoffset[4];
- unsigned char p_fregmask[4];
- unsigned char p_fregoffset[4];
- unsigned char p_frameoffset[4];
- unsigned char p_framereg[2];
- unsigned char p_pcreg[2];
- unsigned char p_irpss[4];
- unsigned char p_reserved[4];
- unsigned char p_exception_info[4];
-/* Line numbers */
-struct line_ext {
- unsigned char l_line[4];
-/* Symbol external record */
-struct sym_ext {
- unsigned char s_iss[4];
- unsigned char s_value[4];
- unsigned char s_bits1[1];
- unsigned char s_bits2[1];
- unsigned char s_bits3[1];
- unsigned char s_bits4[1];
-#define SYM_BITS1_ST_BIG 0xFC
-#define SYM_BITS1_ST_SH_BIG 2
-#define SYM_BITS1_ST_LITTLE 0x3F
-#define SYM_BITS1_SC_BIG 0x03
-#define SYM_BITS1_SC_LITTLE 0xC0
-#define SYM_BITS2_SC_BIG 0xE0
-#define SYM_BITS2_SC_SH_BIG 5
-#define SYM_BITS2_SC_LITTLE 0x07
-#define SYM_BITS2_RESERVED_BIG 0x10
-#define SYM_BITS2_INDEX_BIG 0x0F
-/* External symbol external record */
-struct ext_ext {
- unsigned char es_bits1[1];
- unsigned char es_bits2[1];
- unsigned char es_ifd[2];
- struct sym_ext es_asym;
-#define EXT_BITS1_JMPTBL_BIG 0x80
-#define EXT_BITS1_COBOL_MAIN_BIG 0x40
-#define EXT_BITS1_WEAKEXT_BIG 0x20
-/* Dense numbers external record */
-struct dnr_ext {
- unsigned char d_rfd[4];
- unsigned char d_index[4];
-/* Relative file descriptor */
-struct rfd_ext {
- unsigned char rfd[4];
-/* Optimizer symbol external record */
-struct opt_ext {
- unsigned char o_bits1[1];
- unsigned char o_bits2[1];
- unsigned char o_bits3[1];
- unsigned char o_bits4[1];
- struct rndx_ext o_rndx;
- unsigned char o_offset[4];
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/pe.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/pe.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f13b8b979ea6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/pe.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-/* PE COFF header information */
-#ifndef _PE_H
-#define _PE_H
-/* NT specific file attributes */
-#define IMAGE_FILE_32BIT_MACHINE 0x0100
-#define IMAGE_FILE_SYSTEM 0x1000
-#define IMAGE_FILE_DLL 0x2000
-/* additional flags to be set for section headers to allow the NT loader to
- read and write to the section data (to replace the addresses of data in
- dlls for one thing); also to execute the section in .text's case */
-#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE 0x02000000
-#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE 0x20000000
-#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 0x40000000
-#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE 0x80000000
- * Section characteristics added for ppc-nt
- */
-#define IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_NO_PAD 0x00000008 /* Reserved. */
-#define IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE 0x00000020 /* Section contains code. */
-#define IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA 0x00000040 /* Section contains initialized data. */
-#define IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA 0x00000080 /* Section contains uninitialized data. */
-#define IMAGE_SCN_LNK_OTHER 0x00000100 /* Reserved. */
-#define IMAGE_SCN_LNK_INFO 0x00000200 /* Section contains comments or some other type of information. */
-#define IMAGE_SCN_LNK_REMOVE 0x00000800 /* Section contents will not become part of image. */
-#define IMAGE_SCN_LNK_COMDAT 0x00001000 /* Section contents comdat. */
-#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_FARDATA 0x00008000
-#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PURGEABLE 0x00020000
-#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_16BIT 0x00020000
-#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_LOCKED 0x00040000
-#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PRELOAD 0x00080000
-#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_1BYTES 0x00100000
-#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_2BYTES 0x00200000
-#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_4BYTES 0x00300000
-#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_8BYTES 0x00400000
-#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_16BYTES 0x00500000 /* Default alignment if no others are specified. */
-#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_32BYTES 0x00600000
-#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_64BYTES 0x00700000
-#define IMAGE_SCN_LNK_NRELOC_OVFL 0x01000000 /* Section contains extended relocations. */
-#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_CACHED 0x04000000 /* Section is not cachable. */
-#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_PAGED 0x08000000 /* Section is not pageable. */
-#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SHARED 0x10000000 /* Section is shareable. */
-/* Magic values that are true for all dos/nt implementations */
-#define DOSMAGIC 0x5a4d
-#define NT_SIGNATURE 0x00004550
- /* NT allows long filenames, we want to accommodate this. This may break
- some of the bfd functions */
-#undef FILNMLEN
-#define FILNMLEN 18 /* # characters in a file name */
-/* The filehdr is only weired in images */
-#undef FILHDR
-struct external_PE_filehdr
- /* DOS header fields */
- char e_magic[2]; /* Magic number, 0x5a4d */
- char e_cblp[2]; /* Bytes on last page of file, 0x90 */
- char e_cp[2]; /* Pages in file, 0x3 */
- char e_crlc[2]; /* Relocations, 0x0 */
- char e_cparhdr[2]; /* Size of header in paragraphs, 0x4 */
- char e_minalloc[2]; /* Minimum extra paragraphs needed, 0x0 */
- char e_maxalloc[2]; /* Maximum extra paragraphs needed, 0xFFFF */
- char e_ss[2]; /* Initial (relative) SS value, 0x0 */
- char e_sp[2]; /* Initial SP value, 0xb8 */
- char e_csum[2]; /* Checksum, 0x0 */
- char e_ip[2]; /* Initial IP value, 0x0 */
- char e_cs[2]; /* Initial (relative) CS value, 0x0 */
- char e_lfarlc[2]; /* File address of relocation table, 0x40 */
- char e_ovno[2]; /* Overlay number, 0x0 */
- char e_res[4][2]; /* Reserved words, all 0x0 */
- char e_oemid[2]; /* OEM identifier (for e_oeminfo), 0x0 */
- char e_oeminfo[2]; /* OEM information; e_oemid specific, 0x0 */
- char e_res2[10][2]; /* Reserved words, all 0x0 */
- char e_lfanew[4]; /* File address of new exe header, 0x80 */
- char dos_message[16][4]; /* other stuff, always follow DOS header */
- char nt_signature[4]; /* required NT signature, 0x4550 */
- /* From standard header */
- char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-#define FILHDR struct external_PE_filehdr
-typedef struct
- AOUTHDR standard;
- /* NT extra fields; see internal.h for descriptions */
- char ImageBase[4];
- char SectionAlignment[4];
- char FileAlignment[4];
- char MajorOperatingSystemVersion[2];
- char MinorOperatingSystemVersion[2];
- char MajorImageVersion[2];
- char MinorImageVersion[2];
- char MajorSubsystemVersion[2];
- char MinorSubsystemVersion[2];
- char Reserved1[4];
- char SizeOfImage[4];
- char SizeOfHeaders[4];
- char CheckSum[4];
- char Subsystem[2];
- char DllCharacteristics[2];
- char SizeOfStackReserve[4];
- char SizeOfStackCommit[4];
- char SizeOfHeapReserve[4];
- char SizeOfHeapCommit[4];
- char LoaderFlags[4];
- char NumberOfRvaAndSizes[4];
- char DataDirectory[16][2][4]; /* 16 entries, 2 elements/entry, 4 chars */
-#undef AOUTSZ
-#define AOUTSZ sizeof(PEAOUTHDR)
-#undef E_FILNMLEN
-#define E_FILNMLEN 18 /* # characters in a file name */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/powerpc.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/powerpc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6866fc8a0dc7..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/powerpc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-/* Basic coff information for the PowerPC
- *
- * Based on coff/rs6000.h, coff/i386.h and others.
- *
- * Initial release: Kim Knuttila (
- */
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-struct external_filehdr {
- char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR)
-/* Bits for f_flags:
- * F_RELFLG relocation info stripped from file
- * F_EXEC file is executable (no unresolved external references)
- * F_LNNO line numbers stripped from file
- * F_LSYMS local symbols stripped from file
- * F_AR32WR file has byte ordering of an AR32WR machine (e.g. vax)
- */
-#define F_RELFLG (0x0001)
-#define F_EXEC (0x0002)
-#define F_LNNO (0x0004)
-#define F_LSYMS (0x0008)
-/* extra NT defines */
-#define PPCMAGIC 0760 /* peeked on aa PowerPC Windows NT box */
-#define DOSMAGIC 0x5a4d /* from arm.h, i386.h */
-#define NT_SIGNATURE 0x00004550 /* from arm.h, i386.h */
-/* from winnt.h */
-#define PPCBADMAG(x) ((x).f_magic != PPCMAGIC)
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-typedef struct
- char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- char tsize[4]; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- char dsize[4]; /* initialized data " " */
- char bsize[4]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- char entry[4]; /* entry pt. */
- char text_start[4]; /* base of text used for this file */
- char data_start[4]; /* base of data used for this file */
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct external_scnhdr {
- char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- char s_paddr[4]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- char s_vaddr[4]; /* virtual address */
- char s_size[4]; /* section size */
- char s_scnptr[4]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- char s_relptr[4]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- char s_lnnoptr[4]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- char s_nreloc[2]; /* number of relocation entries */
- char s_nlnno[2]; /* number of line number entries */
- char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
- * names of "special" sections
- */
-#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-#define _COMMENT ".comment"
-#define _LIB ".lib"
-/********************** LINE NUMBERS **********************/
-/* 1 line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section.
- * Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; first entry in a function
- * grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the
- * symbol table index of the function name.
- */
-struct external_lineno {
- union {
- char l_symndx[4]; /* function name symbol index, iff l_lnno == 0 */
- char l_paddr[4]; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr;
- char l_lnno[2]; /* line number */
-#define LINENO struct external_lineno
-#define LINESZ 6
-/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
-#define E_SYMNMLEN 8 /* # characters in a symbol name */
-/* Allow the file name length to be overridden in the including file */
-#ifndef E_FILNMLEN
-#define E_FILNMLEN 14
-#define E_DIMNUM 4 /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-struct external_syment
- union {
- char e_name[E_SYMNMLEN];
- struct {
- char e_zeroes[4];
- char e_offset[4];
- } e;
- } e;
- char e_value[4];
- char e_scnum[2];
- char e_type[2];
- char e_sclass[1];
- char e_numaux[1];
-#define SYMENT struct external_syment
-#define SYMESZ 18
-#define N_BTMASK (0xf)
-#define N_TMASK (0x30)
-#define N_BTSHFT (4)
-#define N_TSHIFT (2)
-union external_auxent {
- struct {
- char x_tagndx[4]; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- union {
- struct {
- char x_lnno[2]; /* declaration line number */
- char x_size[2]; /* str/union/array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- char x_fsize[4]; /* size of function */
- } x_misc;
- union {
- struct { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- char x_lnnoptr[4]; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- char x_endndx[4]; /* entry ndx past block end */
- } x_fcn;
- struct { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- char x_dimen[E_DIMNUM][2];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- char x_tvndx[2]; /* tv index */
- } x_sym;
- union {
- char x_fname[E_FILNMLEN];
- struct {
- char x_zeroes[4];
- char x_offset[4];
- } x_n;
- } x_file;
- struct {
- char x_scnlen[4]; /* section length */
- char x_nreloc[2]; /* # relocation entries */
- char x_nlinno[2]; /* # line numbers */
- } x_scn;
-#define AUXENT union external_auxent
-#define AUXESZ 18
-#define _ETEXT "etext"
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-struct external_reloc {
- char r_vaddr[4];
- char r_symndx[4];
- char r_type[2];
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ 10
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/rs6000.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/rs6000.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 62a6f86cc7c8..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/rs6000.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-/* IBM RS/6000 "XCOFF" file definitions for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- FIXME: Can someone provide a transliteration of this name into ASCII?
- Using the following chars caused a compiler warning on HIUX (so I replaced
- them with octal escapes), and isn't useful without an understanding of what
- character set it is.
- Written by Mimi Ph\373\364ng-Th\345o V\365 of IBM
- and John Gilmore of Cygnus Support. */
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-struct external_filehdr {
- char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
- /* IBM RS/6000 */
-#define U802WRMAGIC 0730 /* writeable text segments **chh** */
-#define U802ROMAGIC 0735 /* readonly sharable text segments */
-#define U802TOCMAGIC 0737 /* readonly text segments and TOC */
-#define BADMAG(x) \
- ((x).f_magic != U802ROMAGIC && (x).f_magic != U802WRMAGIC && \
- (x).f_magic != U802TOCMAGIC)
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR)
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-typedef struct
- unsigned char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- unsigned char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- unsigned char tsize[4]; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry */
- unsigned char dsize[4]; /* initialized data " " */
- unsigned char bsize[4]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- unsigned char entry[4]; /* entry pt. */
- unsigned char text_start[4]; /* base of text used for this file */
- unsigned char data_start[4]; /* base of data used for this file */
- unsigned char o_toc[4]; /* address of TOC */
- unsigned char o_snentry[2]; /* section number of entry point */
- unsigned char o_sntext[2]; /* section number of .text section */
- unsigned char o_sndata[2]; /* section number of .data section */
- unsigned char o_sntoc[2]; /* section number of TOC */
- unsigned char o_snloader[2]; /* section number of .loader section */
- unsigned char o_snbss[2]; /* section number of .bss section */
- unsigned char o_algntext[2]; /* .text alignment */
- unsigned char o_algndata[2]; /* .data alignment */
- unsigned char o_modtype[2]; /* module type (??) */
- unsigned char o_cputype[2]; /* cpu type */
- unsigned char o_maxstack[4]; /* max stack size (??) */
- unsigned char o_maxdata[4]; /* max data size (??) */
- unsigned char o_resv2[12]; /* reserved */
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-#define SMALL_AOUTSZ (28)
-#define RS6K_AOUTHDR_OMAGIC 0x0107 /* old: text & data writeable */
-#define RS6K_AOUTHDR_NMAGIC 0x0108 /* new: text r/o, data r/w */
-#define RS6K_AOUTHDR_ZMAGIC 0x010B /* paged: text r/o, both page-aligned */
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct external_scnhdr {
- char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- char s_paddr[4]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- char s_vaddr[4]; /* virtual address */
- char s_size[4]; /* section size */
- char s_scnptr[4]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- char s_relptr[4]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- char s_lnnoptr[4]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- char s_nreloc[2]; /* number of relocation entries */
- char s_nlnno[2]; /* number of line number entries*/
- char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
- * names of "special" sections
- */
-#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-#define _PAD ".pad"
-#define _LOADER ".loader"
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
-/* XCOFF uses a special .loader section with type STYP_LOADER. */
-#define STYP_LOADER 0x1000
-/* XCOFF uses a special .debug section with type STYP_DEBUG. */
-#define STYP_DEBUG 0x2000
-/* XCOFF handles line number or relocation overflow by creating
- another section header with STYP_OVRFLO set. */
-#define STYP_OVRFLO 0x8000
-/********************** LINE NUMBERS **********************/
-/* 1 line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section.
- * Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; first entry in a function
- * grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the
- * symbol table index of the function name.
- */
-struct external_lineno {
- union {
- char l_symndx[4]; /* function name symbol index, iff l_lnno == 0*/
- char l_paddr[4]; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr;
- char l_lnno[2]; /* line number */
-#define LINENO struct external_lineno
-#define LINESZ sizeof(LINENO)
-/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
-#define E_SYMNMLEN 8 /* # characters in a symbol name */
-#define E_FILNMLEN 14 /* # characters in a file name */
-#define E_DIMNUM 4 /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-struct external_syment
- union {
- char e_name[E_SYMNMLEN];
- struct {
- char e_zeroes[4];
- char e_offset[4];
- } e;
- } e;
- char e_value[4];
- char e_scnum[2];
- char e_type[2];
- char e_sclass[1];
- char e_numaux[1];
-#define N_BTMASK (017)
-#define N_TMASK (060)
-#define N_BTSHFT (4)
-#define N_TSHIFT (2)
-union external_auxent {
- struct {
- char x_tagndx[4]; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- union {
- struct {
- char x_lnno[2]; /* declaration line number */
- char x_size[2]; /* str/union/array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- char x_fsize[4]; /* size of function */
- } x_misc;
- union {
- struct { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- char x_lnnoptr[4]; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- char x_endndx[4]; /* entry ndx past block end */
- } x_fcn;
- struct { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- char x_dimen[E_DIMNUM][2];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- char x_tvndx[2]; /* tv index */
- } x_sym;
- union {
- char x_fname[E_FILNMLEN];
- struct {
- char x_zeroes[4];
- char x_offset[4];
- } x_n;
- } x_file;
- struct {
- char x_scnlen[4]; /* section length */
- char x_nreloc[2]; /* # relocation entries */
- char x_nlinno[2]; /* # line numbers */
- } x_scn;
- struct {
- char x_tvfill[4]; /* tv fill value */
- char x_tvlen[2]; /* length of .tv */
- char x_tvran[2][2]; /* tv range */
- } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent of symbol .tv)) */
- struct {
- unsigned char x_scnlen[4];
- unsigned char x_parmhash[4];
- unsigned char x_snhash[2];
- unsigned char x_smtyp[1];
- unsigned char x_smclas[1];
- unsigned char x_stab[4];
- unsigned char x_snstab[2];
- } x_csect;
-#define SYMENT struct external_syment
-#define SYMESZ 18
-#define AUXENT union external_auxent
-#define AUXESZ 18
-#define DBXMASK 0x80 /* for dbx storage mask */
-#define SYMNAME_IN_DEBUG(symptr) ((symptr)->n_sclass & DBXMASK)
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-struct external_reloc {
- char r_vaddr[4];
- char r_symndx[4];
- char r_size[1];
- char r_type[1];
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ 10
-/* For new sections we havn't heard of before */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/sh.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/sh.h
deleted file mode 100644
index af49674a9ee8..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/sh.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-/*** coff information for Hitachi SH */
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-struct external_filehdr {
- char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-#define SH_ARCH_MAGIC_BIG 0x0500
-#define SH_ARCH_MAGIC_LITTLE 0x0550 /* Little endian SH */
-#define SHBADMAG(x) \
- (((x).f_magic!=SH_ARCH_MAGIC_BIG) && \
- ((x).f_magic!=SH_ARCH_MAGIC_LITTLE))
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR)
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-typedef struct
- char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- char tsize[4]; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- char dsize[4]; /* initialized data " " */
- char bsize[4]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- char entry[4]; /* entry pt. */
- char text_start[4]; /* base of text used for this file */
- char data_start[4]; /* base of data used for this file */
-#define AOUTHDRSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct external_scnhdr {
- char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- char s_paddr[4]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- char s_vaddr[4]; /* virtual address */
- char s_size[4]; /* section size */
- char s_scnptr[4]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- char s_relptr[4]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- char s_lnnoptr[4]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- char s_nreloc[2]; /* number of relocation entries */
- char s_nlnno[2]; /* number of line number entries*/
- char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
- * names of "special" sections
- */
-#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
-/********************** LINE NUMBERS **********************/
-/* 1 line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section.
- * Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; first entry in a function
- * grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the
- * symbol table index of the function name.
- */
-struct external_lineno {
- union {
- char l_symndx[4]; /* function name symbol index, iff l_lnno == 0*/
- char l_paddr[4]; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr;
- char l_lnno[4]; /* line number */
-#define GET_LINENO_LNNO(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) (ext->l_lnno));
-#define PUT_LINENO_LNNO(abfd,val, ext) bfd_h_put_32(abfd,val, (bfd_byte *) (ext->l_lnno));
-#define LINENO struct external_lineno
-#define LINESZ sizeof(LINENO)
-/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
-#define E_SYMNMLEN 8 /* # characters in a symbol name */
-#define E_FILNMLEN 14 /* # characters in a file name */
-#define E_DIMNUM 4 /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-struct external_syment
- union {
- char e_name[E_SYMNMLEN];
- struct {
- char e_zeroes[4];
- char e_offset[4];
- } e;
- } e;
- char e_value[4];
- char e_scnum[2];
- char e_type[2];
- char e_sclass[1];
- char e_numaux[1];
-#define N_BTMASK (017)
-#define N_TMASK (060)
-#define N_BTSHFT (4)
-#define N_TSHIFT (2)
-union external_auxent {
- struct {
- char x_tagndx[4]; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- union {
- struct {
- char x_lnno[2]; /* declaration line number */
- char x_size[2]; /* str/union/array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- char x_fsize[4]; /* size of function */
- } x_misc;
- union {
- struct { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- char x_lnnoptr[4]; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- char x_endndx[4]; /* entry ndx past block end */
- } x_fcn;
- struct { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- char x_dimen[E_DIMNUM][2];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- char x_tvndx[2]; /* tv index */
- } x_sym;
- union {
- char x_fname[E_FILNMLEN];
- struct {
- char x_zeroes[4];
- char x_offset[4];
- } x_n;
- } x_file;
- struct {
- char x_scnlen[4]; /* section length */
- char x_nreloc[2]; /* # relocation entries */
- char x_nlinno[2]; /* # line numbers */
- } x_scn;
- struct {
- char x_tvfill[4]; /* tv fill value */
- char x_tvlen[2]; /* length of .tv */
- char x_tvran[2][2]; /* tv range */
- } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent of symbol .tv)) */
-#define SYMENT struct external_syment
-#define SYMESZ 18
-#define AUXENT union external_auxent
-#define AUXESZ 18
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-/* The external reloc has an offset field, because some of the reloc
- types on the h8 don't have room in the instruction for the entire
- offset - eg the strange jump and high page addressing modes */
-struct external_reloc {
- char r_vaddr[4];
- char r_symndx[4];
- char r_offset[4];
- char r_type[2];
- char r_stuff[2];
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ 16
-/* SH relocation types. Not all of these are actually used. */
-#define R_SH_UNUSED 0 /* only used internally */
-#define R_SH_PCREL8 3 /* 8 bit pcrel */
-#define R_SH_PCREL16 4 /* 16 bit pcrel */
-#define R_SH_HIGH8 5 /* high 8 bits of 24 bit address */
-#define R_SH_LOW16 7 /* low 16 bits of 24 bit immediate */
-#define R_SH_IMM24 6 /* 24 bit immediate */
-#define R_SH_PCDISP8BY4 9 /* PC rel 8 bits *4 +ve */
-#define R_SH_PCDISP8BY2 10 /* PC rel 8 bits *2 +ve */
-#define R_SH_PCDISP8 11 /* 8 bit branch */
-#define R_SH_PCDISP 12 /* 12 bit branch */
-#define R_SH_IMM32 14 /* 32 bit immediate */
-#define R_SH_IMM8 16 /* 8 bit immediate */
-#define R_SH_IMM8BY2 17 /* 8 bit immediate *2 */
-#define R_SH_IMM8BY4 18 /* 8 bit immediate *4 */
-#define R_SH_IMM4 19 /* 4 bit immediate */
-#define R_SH_IMM4BY2 20 /* 4 bit immediate *2 */
-#define R_SH_IMM4BY4 21 /* 4 bit immediate *4 */
-#define R_SH_PCRELIMM8BY2 22 /* PC rel 8 bits *2 unsigned */
-#define R_SH_PCRELIMM8BY4 23 /* PC rel 8 bits *4 unsigned */
-#define R_SH_IMM16 24 /* 16 bit immediate */
-/* The switch table reloc types are used for relaxing. They are
- generated for expressions such as
- .word L1 - L2
- The r_offset field holds the difference between the reloc address
- and L2. */
-#define R_SH_SWITCH16 25 /* 16 bit switch table entry */
-#define R_SH_SWITCH32 26 /* 16 bit switch table entry */
-/* The USES reloc type is used for relaxing. The compiler will
- generate .uses pseudo-ops when it finds a function call which it
- can relax. The r_offset field of the USES reloc holds the PC
- relative offset to the instruction which loads the register used in
- the function call. */
-#define R_SH_USES 27 /* .uses pseudo-op */
-/* The COUNT reloc type is used for relaxing. The assembler will
- generate COUNT relocs for addresses referred to by the register
- loads associated with USES relocs. The r_offset field of the COUNT
- reloc holds the number of times the address is references in the
- object file. */
-#define R_SH_COUNT 28 /* Count of constant pool uses */
-/* The ALIGN reloc type is used for relaxing. The r_offset field is
- the power of two to which subsequent portions of the object file
- must be aligned. */
-#define R_SH_ALIGN 29 /* .align pseudo-op */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/sparc.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/sparc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e3217b25f13..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/sparc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-/*** coff information for Sparc. */
-/* This file is an amalgamation of several standard include files that
- define coff format, such as filehdr.h, aouthdr.h, and so forth. In
- addition, all datatypes have been translated into character arrays of
- (presumed) equivalent size. This is necessary so that this file can
- be used with different systems while still yielding the same results. */
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-struct external_filehdr
- char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-#define F_RELFLG (0x0001) /* relocation info stripped */
-#define F_EXEC (0x0002) /* file is executable */
-#define F_LNNO (0x0004) /* line numbers stripped */
-#define F_LSYMS (0x0008) /* local symbols stripped */
-#define SPARCMAGIC (0540)
-/* This is Lynx's all-platform magic number for executables. */
-#define LYNXCOFFMAGIC (0415)
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR)
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-typedef struct
- char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- char tsize[4]; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- char dsize[4]; /* initialized data " " */
- char bsize[4]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- char entry[4]; /* entry pt. */
- char text_start[4]; /* base of text used for this file */
- char data_start[4]; /* base of data used for this file */
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-#define OMAGIC 0404 /* object files, eg as output */
-#define ZMAGIC 0413 /* demand load format, eg normal ld output */
-#define STMAGIC 0401 /* target shlib */
-#define SHMAGIC 0443 /* host shlib */
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct external_scnhdr
- char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- char s_paddr[4]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- char s_vaddr[4]; /* virtual address */
- char s_size[4]; /* section size */
- char s_scnptr[4]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- char s_relptr[4]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- char s_lnnoptr[4]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- char s_nreloc[2]; /* number of relocation entries */
- char s_nlnno[2]; /* number of line number entries*/
- char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
-/* Names of "special" sections. */
-#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-#define _TV ".tv"
-#define _INIT ".init"
-#define _FINI ".fini"
-#define _COMMENT ".comment"
-#define _LIB ".lib"
-/********************** LINE NUMBERS **********************/
-/* 1 line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section.
- Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; first entry in a function
- grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the
- symbol table index of the function name. */
-struct external_lineno
- union {
- char l_symndx[4]; /* fn name symbol index, iff l_lnno == 0 */
- char l_paddr[4]; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr;
- char l_lnno[2]; /* line number */
-#define LINENO struct external_lineno
-#define LINESZ (6)
-/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
-#define E_SYMNMLEN (8) /* # characters in a symbol name */
-#define E_FILNMLEN (14) /* # characters in a file name */
-#define E_DIMNUM (4) /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-struct external_syment
- union {
- char e_name[E_SYMNMLEN];
- struct {
- char e_zeroes[4];
- char e_offset[4];
- } e;
-#if 0 /* of doubtful value */
- char e_nptr[2][4];
- struct {
- char e_leading_zero[1];
- char e_dbx_type[1];
- char e_dbx_desc[2];
- } e_dbx;
- } e;
- char e_value[4];
- char e_scnum[2];
- char e_type[2];
- char e_sclass[1];
- char e_numaux[1];
- char padding[2];
-#define N_BTMASK (0xf)
-#define N_TMASK (0x30)
-#define N_BTSHFT (4)
-#define N_TSHIFT (2)
-union external_auxent
- struct {
- char x_tagndx[4]; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- union {
- struct {
- char x_lnno[2]; /* declaration line number */
- char x_size[2]; /* str/union/array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- char x_fsize[4]; /* size of function */
- } x_misc;
- union {
- struct { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- char x_lnnoptr[4]; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- char x_endndx[4]; /* entry ndx past block end */
- } x_fcn;
- struct { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- char x_dimen[E_DIMNUM][2];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- char x_tvndx[2]; /* tv index */
- } x_sym;
- union {
- char x_fname[E_FILNMLEN];
- struct {
- char x_zeroes[4];
- char x_offset[4];
- } x_n;
- } x_file;
- struct {
- char x_scnlen[4]; /* section length */
- char x_nreloc[2]; /* # relocation entries */
- char x_nlinno[2]; /* # line numbers */
- } x_scn;
- struct {
- char x_tvfill[4]; /* tv fill value */
- char x_tvlen[2]; /* length of .tv */
- char x_tvran[2][2]; /* tv range */
- } x_tv; /* .tv section info (in auxent of sym .tv)) */
- char x_fill[20]; /* forces to 20-byte size */
-#define SYMENT struct external_syment
-#define SYMESZ 20
-#define AUXENT union external_auxent
-#define AUXESZ 20
-#define _ETEXT "etext"
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-struct external_reloc {
- char r_vaddr[4];
- char r_symndx[4];
- char r_type[2];
- char r_spare[2];
- char r_offset[4];
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ sizeof (RELOC)
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/sym.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/sym.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 76204af59adc..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/sym.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,484 +0,0 @@
-/* Declarations of internal format of MIPS ECOFF symbols.
- Originally contributed by MIPS Computer Systems and Third Eye Software.
- Changes contributed by Cygnus Support are in the public domain.
- This file is just aggregated with the files that make up the GNU
- release; it is not considered part of GAS, GDB, or other GNU
- programs. */
- * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
- * | Copyright (c) 1992, 1991, 1990 MIPS Computer Systems, Inc.|
- * | MIPS Computer Systems, Inc. grants reproduction and use |
- * | rights to all parties, PROVIDED that this comment is |
- * | maintained in the copy. |
- * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
- */
-#ifndef _SYM_H
-#define _SYM_H
-/* (C) Copyright 1984 by Third Eye Software, Inc.
- *
- * Third Eye Software, Inc. grants reproduction and use rights to
- * all parties, PROVIDED that this comment is maintained in the copy.
- *
- * Third Eye makes no claims about the applicability of this
- * symbol table to a particular use.
- */
- * This file contains the definition of the Third Eye Symbol Table.
- *
- * Symbols are assumed to be in 'encounter order' - i.e. the order that
- * the things they represent were encountered by the compiler/assembler/loader.
- * EXCEPT for globals! These are assumed to be bunched together,
- * probably right after the last 'normal' symbol. Globals ARE sorted
- * in ascending order.
- *
- * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * A brief word about Third Eye naming/use conventions:
- *
- * All arrays and index's are 0 based.
- * All "ifooMax" values are the highest legal value PLUS ONE. This makes
- * them good for allocating arrays, etc. All checks are "ifoo < ifooMax".
- *
- * "isym" Index into the SYMbol table.
- * "ipd" Index into the Procedure Descriptor array.
- * "ifd" Index into the File Descriptor array.
- * "iss" Index into String Space.
- * "cb" Count of Bytes.
- * "rgPd" array whose domain is "0..ipdMax-1" and RanGe is PDR.
- * "rgFd" array whose domain is "0..ifdMax-1" and RanGe is FDR.
- */
- * Symbolic Header (HDR) structure.
- * As long as all the pointers are set correctly,
- * we don't care WHAT order the various sections come out in!
- *
- * A file produced solely for the use of CDB will probably NOT have
- * any instructions or data areas in it, as these are available
- * in the original.
- */
-typedef struct {
- short magic; /* to verify validity of the table */
- short vstamp; /* version stamp */
- long ilineMax; /* number of line number entries */
- bfd_vma cbLine; /* number of bytes for line number entries */
- bfd_vma cbLineOffset; /* offset to start of line number entries*/
- long idnMax; /* max index into dense number table */
- bfd_vma cbDnOffset; /* offset to start dense number table */
- long ipdMax; /* number of procedures */
- bfd_vma cbPdOffset; /* offset to procedure descriptor table */
- long isymMax; /* number of local symbols */
- bfd_vma cbSymOffset; /* offset to start of local symbols*/
- long ioptMax; /* max index into optimization symbol entries */
- bfd_vma cbOptOffset; /* offset to optimization symbol entries */
- long iauxMax; /* number of auxillary symbol entries */
- bfd_vma cbAuxOffset; /* offset to start of auxillary symbol entries*/
- long issMax; /* max index into local strings */
- bfd_vma cbSsOffset; /* offset to start of local strings */
- long issExtMax; /* max index into external strings */
- bfd_vma cbSsExtOffset; /* offset to start of external strings */
- long ifdMax; /* number of file descriptor entries */
- bfd_vma cbFdOffset; /* offset to file descriptor table */
- long crfd; /* number of relative file descriptor entries */
- bfd_vma cbRfdOffset; /* offset to relative file descriptor table */
- long iextMax; /* max index into external symbols */
- bfd_vma cbExtOffset; /* offset to start of external symbol entries*/
- /* If you add machine dependent fields, add them here */
- } HDRR, *pHDRR;
-#define cbHDRR sizeof(HDRR)
-#define hdrNil ((pHDRR)0)
- * The FDR and PDR structures speed mapping of address <-> name.
- * They are sorted in ascending memory order and are kept in
- * memory by CDB at runtime.
- */
- * File Descriptor
- *
- * There is one of these for EVERY FILE, whether compiled with
- * full debugging symbols or not. The name of a file should be
- * the path name given to the compiler. This allows the user
- * to simply specify the names of the directories where the COMPILES
- * were done, and we will be able to find their files.
- * A field whose comment starts with "R - " indicates that it will be
- * setup at runtime.
- */
-typedef struct fdr {
- bfd_vma adr; /* memory address of beginning of file */
- long rss; /* file name (of source, if known) */
- long issBase; /* file's string space */
- bfd_vma cbSs; /* number of bytes in the ss */
- long isymBase; /* beginning of symbols */
- long csym; /* count file's of symbols */
- long ilineBase; /* file's line symbols */
- long cline; /* count of file's line symbols */
- long ioptBase; /* file's optimization entries */
- long copt; /* count of file's optimization entries */
- unsigned short ipdFirst;/* start of procedures for this file */
- short cpd; /* count of procedures for this file */
- long iauxBase; /* file's auxiliary entries */
- long caux; /* count of file's auxiliary entries */
- long rfdBase; /* index into the file indirect table */
- long crfd; /* count file indirect entries */
- unsigned lang: 5; /* language for this file */
- unsigned fMerge : 1; /* whether this file can be merged */
- unsigned fReadin : 1; /* true if it was read in (not just created) */
- unsigned fBigendian : 1;/* if set, was compiled on big endian machine */
- /* aux's will be in compile host's sex */
- unsigned glevel : 2; /* level this file was compiled with */
- unsigned reserved : 22; /* reserved for future use */
- bfd_vma cbLineOffset; /* byte offset from header for this file ln's */
- bfd_vma cbLine; /* size of lines for this file */
- } FDR, *pFDR;
-#define cbFDR sizeof(FDR)
-#define fdNil ((pFDR)0)
-#define ifdNil -1
-#define ifdTemp 0
-#define ilnNil -1
- * Procedure Descriptor
- *
- * There is one of these for EVERY TEXT LABEL.
- * If a procedure is in a file with full symbols, then isym
- * will point to the PROC symbols, else it will point to the
- * global symbol for the label.
- */
-typedef struct pdr {
- bfd_vma adr; /* memory address of start of procedure */
- long isym; /* start of local symbol entries */
- long iline; /* start of line number entries*/
- long regmask; /* save register mask */
- long regoffset; /* save register offset */
- long iopt; /* start of optimization symbol entries*/
- long fregmask; /* save floating point register mask */
- long fregoffset; /* save floating point register offset */
- long frameoffset; /* frame size */
- short framereg; /* frame pointer register */
- short pcreg; /* offset or reg of return pc */
- long lnLow; /* lowest line in the procedure */
- long lnHigh; /* highest line in the procedure */
- bfd_vma cbLineOffset; /* byte offset for this procedure from the fd base */
- /* These fields are new for 64 bit ECOFF. */
- unsigned gp_prologue : 8; /* byte size of GP prologue */
- unsigned gp_used : 1; /* true if the procedure uses GP */
- unsigned reg_frame : 1; /* true if register frame procedure */
- unsigned prof : 1; /* true if compiled with -pg */
- unsigned reserved : 13; /* reserved: must be zero */
- unsigned localoff : 8; /* offset of local variables from vfp */
- } PDR, *pPDR;
-#define cbPDR sizeof(PDR)
-#define pdNil ((pPDR) 0)
-#define ipdNil -1
- * The structure of the runtime procedure descriptor created by the loader
- * for use by the static exception system.
- */
- * If 0'd out because exception_info chokes Visual C++ and because there
- * don't seem to be any references to this structure elsewhere in gdb.
- */
-#if 0
-typedef struct runtime_pdr {
- bfd_vma adr; /* memory address of start of procedure */
- long regmask; /* save register mask */
- long regoffset; /* save register offset */
- long fregmask; /* save floating point register mask */
- long fregoffset; /* save floating point register offset */
- long frameoffset; /* frame size */
- short framereg; /* frame pointer register */
- short pcreg; /* offset or reg of return pc */
- long irpss; /* index into the runtime string table */
- long reserved;
- struct exception_info *exception_info;/* pointer to exception array */
-} RPDR, *pRPDR;
-#define cbRPDR sizeof(RPDR)
-#define rpdNil ((pRPDR) 0)
- * Line Numbers
- *
- * Line Numbers are segregated from the normal symbols because they
- * are [1] smaller , [2] are of no interest to your
- * average loader, and [3] are never needed in the middle of normal
- * scanning and therefore slow things down.
- *
- * By definition, the first LINER for any given procedure will have
- * the first line of a procedure and represent the first address.
- */
-typedef long LINER, *pLINER;
-#define lineNil ((pLINER)0)
-#define cbLINER sizeof(LINER)
-#define ilineNil -1
- * The Symbol Structure (GFW, to those who Know!)
- */
-typedef struct {
- long iss; /* index into String Space of name */
- bfd_vma value; /* value of symbol */
- unsigned st : 6; /* symbol type */
- unsigned sc : 5; /* storage class - text, data, etc */
- unsigned reserved : 1; /* reserved */
- unsigned index : 20; /* index into sym/aux table */
- } SYMR, *pSYMR;
-#define symNil ((pSYMR)0)
-#define cbSYMR sizeof(SYMR)
-#define isymNil -1
-#define indexNil 0xfffff
-#define issNil -1
-#define issNull 0
-/* The following converts a memory resident string to an iss.
- * This hack is recognized in SbFIss, in sym.c of the debugger.
- */
-#define IssFSb(sb) (0x80000000 | ((unsigned long)(sb)))
-/* E X T E R N A L S Y M B O L R E C O R D
- *
- * Same as the SYMR except it contains file context to determine where
- * the index is.
- */
-typedef struct ecoff_extr {
- unsigned jmptbl:1; /* symbol is a jump table entry for shlibs */
- unsigned cobol_main:1; /* symbol is a cobol main procedure */
- unsigned weakext:1; /* symbol is weak external */
- unsigned reserved:13; /* reserved for future use */
- int ifd; /* where the iss and index fields point into */
- SYMR asym; /* symbol for the external */
- } EXTR, *pEXTR;
-#define extNil ((pEXTR)0)
-#define cbEXTR sizeof(EXTR)
-/* A U X I L L A R Y T Y P E I N F O R M A T I O N */
- * Type Information Record
- */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned fBitfield : 1; /* set if bit width is specified */
- unsigned continued : 1; /* indicates additional TQ info in next AUX */
- unsigned bt : 6; /* basic type */
- unsigned tq4 : 4;
- unsigned tq5 : 4;
- /* ---- 16 bit boundary ---- */
- unsigned tq0 : 4;
- unsigned tq1 : 4; /* 6 type qualifiers - tqPtr, etc. */
- unsigned tq2 : 4;
- unsigned tq3 : 4;
- } TIR, *pTIR;
-#define cbTIR sizeof(TIR)
-#define tiNil ((pTIR)0)
-#define itqMax 6
- * Relative symbol record
- *
- * If the rfd field is 4095, the index field indexes into the global symbol
- * table.
- */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned rfd : 12; /* index into the file indirect table */
- unsigned index : 20; /* index int sym/aux/iss tables */
-#define cbRNDXR sizeof(RNDXR)
-#define rndxNil ((pRNDXR)0)
-/* dense numbers or sometimes called block numbers are stored in this type,
- * a rfd of 0xffffffff is an index into the global table.
- */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned long rfd; /* index into the file table */
- unsigned long index; /* index int sym/aux/iss tables */
- } DNR, *pDNR;
-#define cbDNR sizeof(DNR)
-#define dnNil ((pDNR)0)
- * Auxillary information occurs only if needed.
- * It ALWAYS occurs in this order when present.
- isymMac used by stProc only
- TIR type info
- TIR additional TQ info (if first TIR was not enough)
- rndx if (bt == btStruct,btUnion,btEnum,btSet,btRange,
- btTypedef):
- rsym.index == iaux for btSet or btRange
- else rsym.index == isym
- dimLow btRange, btSet
- dimMac btRange, btSet
- rndx0 As many as there are tq arrays
- dimLow0
- dimHigh0
- ...
- rndxMax-1
- dimLowMax-1
- dimHighMax-1
- width in bits if (bit field), width in bits.
- */
-#define cAuxMax (6 + (idimMax*3))
-/* a union of all possible info in the AUX universe */
-typedef union {
- TIR ti; /* type information record */
- RNDXR rndx; /* relative index into symbol table */
- long dnLow; /* low dimension */
- long dnHigh; /* high dimension */
- long isym; /* symbol table index (end of proc) */
- long iss; /* index into string space (not used) */
- long width; /* width for non-default sized struc fields */
- long count; /* count of ranges for variant arm */
- } AUXU, *pAUXU;
-#define cbAUXU sizeof(AUXU)
-#define auxNil ((pAUXU)0)
-#define iauxNil -1
- * Optimization symbols
- *
- * Optimization symbols contain some overlap information with the normal
- * symbol table. In particular, the proc information
- * is somewhat redundant but necessary to easily find the other information
- * present.
- *
- * All of the offsets are relative to the beginning of the last otProc
- */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned ot: 8; /* optimization type */
- unsigned value: 24; /* address where we are moving it to */
- RNDXR rndx; /* points to a symbol or opt entry */
- unsigned long offset; /* relative offset this occured */
- } OPTR, *pOPTR;
-#define optNil ((pOPTR) 0)
-#define cbOPTR sizeof(OPTR)
-#define ioptNil -1
- * File Indirect
- *
- * When a symbol is referenced across files the following procedure is used:
- * 1) use the file index to get the File indirect entry.
- * 2) use the file indirect entry to get the File descriptor.
- * 3) add the sym index to the base of that file's sym table
- *
- */
-typedef long RFDT, *pRFDT;
-#define cbRFDT sizeof(RFDT)
-#define rfdNil -1
- * The file indirect table in the mips loader is known as an array of FITs.
- * This is done to keep the code in the loader readable in the area where
- * these tables are merged. Note this is only a name change.
- */
-typedef long FIT, *pFIT;
-#define cbFIT sizeof(FIT)
-#define ifiNil -1
-#define fiNil ((pFIT) 0)
-#define ifdNil -1
-#define ilnNil -1
-#define ipdNil -1
-#define ilineNil -1
-#define isymNil -1
-#define indexNil 16#fffff
-#define issNil -1
-#define issNull 0
-#define itqMax 6
-#define iauxNil -1
-#define ioptNil -1
-#define rfdNil -1
-#define ifiNil -1
-#endif /* _LANGUAGE_PASCAL */
-/* Dense numbers
- *
- * Rather than use file index, symbol index pairs to represent symbols
- * and globals, we use dense number so that they can be easily embeded
- * in intermediate code and the programs that process them can
- * use direct access tabls instead of hash table (which would be
- * necesary otherwise because of the sparse name space caused by
- * file index, symbol index pairs. Dense number are represented
- * by RNDXRs.
- */
- * The following table defines the meaning of each SYM field as
- * a function of the "st". (scD/B == scData OR scBss)
- *
- * Note: the value "isymMac" is used by symbols that have the concept
- * of enclosing a block of related information. This value is the
- * isym of the first symbol AFTER the end associated with the primary
- * symbol. For example if a procedure was at isym==90 and had an
- * isymMac==155, the associated end would be at isym==154, and the
- * symbol at 155 would probably (although not necessarily) be the
- * symbol for the next procedure. This allows rapid skipping over
- * internal information of various sorts. "stEnd"s ALWAYS have the
- * isym of the primary symbol that started the block.
- *
--------- ------ -------- ------
-stFile scText address isymMac
-stLabel scText address ---
-stGlobal scD/B address iaux
-stStatic scD/B address iaux
-stParam scAbs offset iaux
-stLocal scAbs offset iaux
-stProc scText address iaux (isymMac is first AUX)
-stStaticProc scText address iaux (isymMac is first AUX)
-stMember scNil ordinal --- (if member of enum)
- (mipsread thinks the case below has a bit, not byte, offset.)
-stMember scNil byte offset iaux (if member of struct/union)
-stMember scBits bit offset iaux (bit field spec)
-stBlock scText address isymMac (text block)
- (the code seems to think that rather than scNil, we see scInfo for
- the two cases below.)
-stBlock scNil cb isymMac (struct/union member define)
-stBlock scNil cMembers isymMac (enum member define)
- (New types added by SGI to simplify things:)
-stStruct scInfo cb isymMac (struct type define)
-stUnion scInfo cb isymMac (union type define)
-stEnum scInfo cMembers isymMac (enum type define)
-stEnd scText address isymStart
-stEnd scNil ------- isymStart (struct/union/enum)
-stTypedef scNil ------- iaux
-stRegReloc sc??? value old register number
-stForward sc??? new address isym to original symbol
-stConstant scInfo value --- (scalar)
-stConstant scInfo iss --- (complex, e.g. string)
- *
- */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/symconst.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/symconst.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f40eef2a3115..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/symconst.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-/* Declarations of constants for internal format of MIPS ECOFF symbols.
- Originally contributed by MIPS Computer Systems and Third Eye Software.
- Changes contributed by Cygnus Support are in the public domain.
- This file is just aggregated with the files that make up the GNU
- release; it is not considered part of GAS, GDB, or other GNU
- programs. */
- * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
- * | Copyright (c) 1992, 1991, 1990 MIPS Computer Systems, Inc.|
- * | MIPS Computer Systems, Inc. grants reproduction and use |
- * | rights to all parties, PROVIDED that this comment is |
- * | maintained in the copy. |
- * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
- */
-/* (C) Copyright 1984 by Third Eye Software, Inc.
- *
- * Third Eye Software, Inc. grants reproduction and use rights to
- * all parties, PROVIDED that this comment is maintained in the copy.
- *
- * Third Eye makes no claims about the applicability of this
- * symbol table to a particular use.
- */
-/* glevels for field in FDR */
-#define GLEVEL_0 2
-#define GLEVEL_1 1
-#define GLEVEL_2 0 /* for upward compat reasons. */
-#define GLEVEL_3 3
-/* magic number fo symheader */
-#define magicSym 0x7009
-/* The Alpha uses this value instead, for some reason. */
-#define magicSym2 0x1992
-/* Language codes */
-#define langC 0
-#define langPascal 1
-#define langFortran 2
-#define langAssembler 3 /* one Assembley inst might map to many mach */
-#define langMachine 4
-#define langNil 5
-#define langAda 6
-#define langPl1 7
-#define langCobol 8
-#define langStdc 9 /* FIXME: Collides with SGI langCplusplus */
-#define langCplusplus 9 /* FIXME: Collides with langStdc */
-#define langCplusplusV2 10 /* SGI addition */
-#define langMax 11 /* maximun allowed 32 -- 5 bits */
-/* The following are value definitions for the fields in the SYMR */
- * Storage Classes
- */
-#define scNil 0
-#define scText 1 /* text symbol */
-#define scData 2 /* initialized data symbol */
-#define scBss 3 /* un-initialized data symbol */
-#define scRegister 4 /* value of symbol is register number */
-#define scAbs 5 /* value of symbol is absolute */
-#define scUndefined 6 /* who knows? */
-#define scCdbLocal 7 /* variable's value is IN se->va.?? */
-#define scBits 8 /* this is a bit field */
-#define scCdbSystem 9 /* variable's value is IN CDB's address space */
-#define scDbx 9 /* overlap dbx internal use */
-#define scRegImage 10 /* register value saved on stack */
-#define scInfo 11 /* symbol contains debugger information */
-#define scUserStruct 12 /* address in struct user for current process */
-#define scSData 13 /* load time only small data */
-#define scSBss 14 /* load time only small common */
-#define scRData 15 /* load time only read only data */
-#define scVar 16 /* Var parameter (fortran,pascal) */
-#define scCommon 17 /* common variable */
-#define scSCommon 18 /* small common */
-#define scVarRegister 19 /* Var parameter in a register */
-#define scVariant 20 /* Variant record */
-#define scSUndefined 21 /* small undefined(external) data */
-#define scInit 22 /* .init section symbol */
-#define scBasedVar 23 /* Fortran or PL/1 ptr based var */
-#define scXData 24 /* exception handling data */
-#define scPData 25 /* Procedure section */
-#define scFini 26 /* .fini section */
-#define scRConst 27 /* .rconst section */
-#define scMax 32
- * Symbol Types
- */
-#define stNil 0 /* Nuthin' special */
-#define stGlobal 1 /* external symbol */
-#define stStatic 2 /* static */
-#define stParam 3 /* procedure argument */
-#define stLocal 4 /* local variable */
-#define stLabel 5 /* label */
-#define stProc 6 /* " " Procedure */
-#define stBlock 7 /* beginnning of block */
-#define stEnd 8 /* end (of anything) */
-#define stMember 9 /* member (of anything - struct/union/enum */
-#define stTypedef 10 /* type definition */
-#define stFile 11 /* file name */
-#define stRegReloc 12 /* register relocation */
-#define stForward 13 /* forwarding address */
-#define stStaticProc 14 /* load time only static procs */
-#define stConstant 15 /* const */
-#define stStaParam 16 /* Fortran static parameters */
- /* These new symbol types have been recently added to SGI machines. */
-#define stStruct 26 /* Beginning of block defining a struct type */
-#define stUnion 27 /* Beginning of block defining a union type */
-#define stEnum 28 /* Beginning of block defining an enum type */
-#define stIndirect 34 /* Indirect type specification */
- /* Pseudo-symbols - internal to debugger */
-#define stStr 60 /* string */
-#define stNumber 61 /* pure number (ie. 4 NOR 2+2) */
-#define stExpr 62 /* 2+2 vs. 4 */
-#define stType 63 /* post-coersion SER */
-#define stMax 64
-/* definitions for fields in TIR */
-/* type qualifiers for ti.tq0 -> ti.(itqMax-1) */
-#define tqNil 0 /* bt is what you see */
-#define tqPtr 1 /* pointer */
-#define tqProc 2 /* procedure */
-#define tqArray 3 /* duh */
-#define tqFar 4 /* longer addressing - 8086/8 land */
-#define tqVol 5 /* volatile */
-#define tqConst 6 /* const */
-#define tqMax 8
-/* basic types as seen in */
-#define btNil 0 /* undefined (also, enum members) */
-#define btAdr 1 /* address - integer same size as pointer */
-#define btChar 2 /* character */
-#define btUChar 3 /* unsigned character */
-#define btShort 4 /* short */
-#define btUShort 5 /* unsigned short */
-#define btInt 6 /* int */
-#define btUInt 7 /* unsigned int */
-#define btLong 8 /* long */
-#define btULong 9 /* unsigned long */
-#define btFloat 10 /* float (real) */
-#define btDouble 11 /* Double (real) */
-#define btStruct 12 /* Structure (Record) */
-#define btUnion 13 /* Union (variant) */
-#define btEnum 14 /* Enumerated */
-#define btTypedef 15 /* defined via a typedef, isymRef points */
-#define btRange 16 /* subrange of int */
-#define btSet 17 /* pascal sets */
-#define btComplex 18 /* fortran complex */
-#define btDComplex 19 /* fortran double complex */
-#define btIndirect 20 /* forward or unnamed typedef */
-#define btFixedDec 21 /* Fixed Decimal */
-#define btFloatDec 22 /* Float Decimal */
-#define btString 23 /* Varying Length Character String */
-#define btBit 24 /* Aligned Bit String */
-#define btPicture 25 /* Picture */
-#define btVoid 26 /* void */
-#define btLongLong 27 /* long long */
-#define btULongLong 28 /* unsigned long long */
-#define btMax 64
-#if (_MFG == _MIPS)
-/* optimization type codes */
-#define otNil 0
-#define otReg 1 /* move var to reg */
-#define otBlock 2 /* begin basic block */
-#define otProc 3 /* procedure */
-#define otInline 4 /* inline procedure */
-#define otEnd 5 /* whatever you started */
-#define otMax 6 /* KEEP UP TO DATE */
-#endif /* (_MFG == _MIPS) */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/w65.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/w65.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c80b9fee5de0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/w65.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-/*** coff information for WDC 65816 */
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-struct external_filehdr {
- char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-#define W65MAGIC 0x6500
-#define W65BADMAG(x) (((x).f_magic!=W65MAGIC))
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR)
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-typedef struct
- char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- char tsize[4]; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- char dsize[4]; /* initialized data " " */
- char bsize[4]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- char entry[4]; /* entry pt. */
- char text_start[4]; /* base of text used for this file */
- char data_start[4]; /* base of data used for this file */
-#define AOUTHDRSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct external_scnhdr {
- char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- char s_paddr[4]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- char s_vaddr[4]; /* virtual address */
- char s_size[4]; /* section size */
- char s_scnptr[4]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- char s_relptr[4]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- char s_lnnoptr[4]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- char s_nreloc[2]; /* number of relocation entries */
- char s_nlnno[2]; /* number of line number entries*/
- char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
- * names of "special" sections
- */
-#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
-/********************** LINE NUMBERS **********************/
-/* 1 line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section.
- * Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; first entry in a function
- * grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the
- * symbol table index of the function name.
- */
-struct external_lineno {
- union {
- char l_symndx[4]; /* function name symbol index, iff l_lnno == 0*/
- char l_paddr[4]; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr;
- char l_lnno[4]; /* line number */
-#define GET_LINENO_LNNO(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) (ext->l_lnno));
-#define PUT_LINENO_LNNO(abfd,val, ext) bfd_h_put_32(abfd,val, (bfd_byte *) (ext->l_lnno));
-#define LINENO struct external_lineno
-#define LINESZ sizeof(LINENO)
-/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
-#define E_SYMNMLEN 8 /* # characters in a symbol name */
-#define E_FILNMLEN 14 /* # characters in a file name */
-#define E_DIMNUM 4 /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-struct external_syment
- union {
- char e_name[E_SYMNMLEN];
- struct {
- char e_zeroes[4];
- char e_offset[4];
- } e;
- } e;
- char e_value[4];
- char e_scnum[2];
- char e_type[2];
- char e_sclass[1];
- char e_numaux[1];
-#define N_BTMASK (017)
-#define N_TMASK (060)
-#define N_BTSHFT (4)
-#define N_TSHIFT (2)
-union external_auxent {
- struct {
- char x_tagndx[4]; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- union {
- struct {
- char x_lnno[2]; /* declaration line number */
- char x_size[2]; /* str/union/array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- char x_fsize[4]; /* size of function */
- } x_misc;
- union {
- struct { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- char x_lnnoptr[4]; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- char x_endndx[4]; /* entry ndx past block end */
- } x_fcn;
- struct { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- char x_dimen[E_DIMNUM][2];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- char x_tvndx[2]; /* tv index */
- } x_sym;
- union {
- char x_fname[E_FILNMLEN];
- struct {
- char x_zeroes[4];
- char x_offset[4];
- } x_n;
- } x_file;
- struct {
- char x_scnlen[4]; /* section length */
- char x_nreloc[2]; /* # relocation entries */
- char x_nlinno[2]; /* # line numbers */
- } x_scn;
- struct {
- char x_tvfill[4]; /* tv fill value */
- char x_tvlen[2]; /* length of .tv */
- char x_tvran[2][2]; /* tv range */
- } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent of symbol .tv)) */
-#define SYMENT struct external_syment
-#define SYMESZ 18
-#define AUXENT union external_auxent
-#define AUXESZ 18
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-/* The external reloc has an offset field, because some of the reloc
- types on the w65 don't have room in the instruction for the entire
- offset - eg the strange jump and high page addressing modes */
-struct external_reloc {
- char r_vaddr[4];
- char r_symndx[4];
- char r_offset[4];
- char r_type[2];
- char r_stuff[2];
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ 16
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/we32k.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/we32k.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 414c4506e0b0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/we32k.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-/*** coff information for we32k */
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-struct external_filehdr {
- char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-/* Bits for f_flags:
- * F_RELFLG relocation info stripped from file
- * F_EXEC file is executable (no unresolved external references)
- * F_LNNO line numbers stripped from file
- * F_LSYMS local symbols stripped from file
- * F_AR32WR file has byte ordering of an AR32WR machine (e.g. vax)
- */
-#define F_RELFLG (0x0001)
-#define F_EXEC (0x0002)
-#define F_LNNO (0x0004)
-#define F_LSYMS (0x0008)
-#define F_BM32B (0020000)
-#define F_BM32MAU (0040000)
-#define WE32KMAGIC 0x170 /* we32k sans transfer vector */
-#define FBOMAGIC 0x170 /* we32k sans transfer vector */
-#define MTVMAGIC 0x171 /* we32k with transfer vector */
-#define RBOMAGIC 0x172 /* reserved */
-#define WE32KBADMAG(x) (((x).f_magic != WE32KMAGIC) \
- && ((x).f_magic != FBOMAGIC) \
- && ((x).f_magic != RBOMAGIC) \
- && ((x).f_magic != MTVMAGIC))
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR)
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-typedef struct
- char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- char tsize[4]; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- char dsize[4]; /* initialized data " " */
- char bsize[4]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- char entry[4]; /* entry pt. */
- char text_start[4]; /* base of text used for this file */
- char data_start[4]; /* base of data used for this file */
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct external_scnhdr {
- char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- char s_paddr[4]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- char s_vaddr[4]; /* virtual address */
- char s_size[4]; /* section size */
- char s_scnptr[4]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- char s_relptr[4]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- char s_lnnoptr[4]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- char s_nreloc[2]; /* number of relocation entries */
- char s_nlnno[2]; /* number of line number entries*/
- char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
- * names of "special" sections
- */
-#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-#define _TV ".tv"
-#define _INIT ".init"
-#define _FINI ".fini"
-/********************** LINE NUMBERS **********************/
-/* 1 line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section.
- * Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; first entry in a function
- * grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the
- * symbol table index of the function name.
- */
-struct external_lineno {
- union {
- char l_symndx[4]; /* function name symbol index, iff l_lnno == 0*/
- char l_paddr[4]; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr;
- char l_lnno[2]; /* line number */
-#define LINENO struct external_lineno
-#define LINESZ sizeof(LINENO)
-/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
-#define E_SYMNMLEN 8 /* # characters in a symbol name */
-#define E_FILNMLEN 14 /* # characters in a file name */
-#define E_DIMNUM 4 /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-struct external_syment
- union {
- char e_name[E_SYMNMLEN];
- struct {
- char e_zeroes[4];
- char e_offset[4];
- } e;
- } e;
- char e_value[4];
- char e_scnum[2];
- char e_type[2];
- char e_sclass[1];
- char e_numaux[1];
-#define N_BTMASK (0xf)
-#define N_TMASK (0x30)
-#define N_BTSHFT (4)
-#define N_TSHIFT (2)
-union external_auxent {
- struct {
- char x_tagndx[4]; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- union {
- struct {
- char x_lnno[2]; /* declaration line number */
- char x_size[2]; /* str/union/array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- char x_fsize[4]; /* size of function */
- } x_misc;
- union {
- struct { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- char x_lnnoptr[4]; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- char x_endndx[4]; /* entry ndx past block end */
- } x_fcn;
- struct { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- char x_dimen[E_DIMNUM][2];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- char x_tvndx[2]; /* tv index */
- } x_sym;
- union {
- char x_fname[E_FILNMLEN];
- struct {
- char x_zeroes[4];
- char x_offset[4];
- } x_n;
- } x_file;
- struct {
- char x_scnlen[4]; /* section length */
- char x_nreloc[2]; /* # relocation entries */
- char x_nlinno[2]; /* # line numbers */
- } x_scn;
- struct {
- char x_tvfill[4]; /* tv fill value */
- char x_tvlen[2]; /* length of .tv */
- char x_tvran[2][2]; /* tv range */
- } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent of symbol .tv)) */
-#define SYMENT struct external_syment
-#define SYMESZ 18
-#define AUXENT union external_auxent
-#define AUXESZ 18
-# define _ETEXT "etext"
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-struct external_reloc {
- char r_vaddr[4];
- char r_symndx[4];
- char r_type[2];
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ sizeof(RELOC)
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/z8k.h b/contrib/gdb/include/coff/z8k.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 48817952829f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/coff/z8k.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-/*** coff information for Zilog Z800N */
-/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
-struct external_filehdr {
- char f_magic[2]; /* magic number */
- char f_nscns[2]; /* number of sections */
- char f_timdat[4]; /* time & date stamp */
- char f_symptr[4]; /* file pointer to symtab */
- char f_nsyms[4]; /* number of symtab entries */
- char f_opthdr[2]; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
- char f_flags[2]; /* flags */
-/* Type of cpu is stored in flags */
-#define F_Z8001 0x1000
-#define F_Z8002 0x2000
-#define F_MACHMASK 0xf000
-#define Z8KMAGIC 0x8000
-#define Z8KBADMAG(x) (((x).f_magic!=Z8KMAGIC))
-#define FILHDR struct external_filehdr
-#define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR)
-/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
-typedef struct
- char magic[2]; /* type of file */
- char vstamp[2]; /* version stamp */
- char tsize[4]; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
- char dsize[4]; /* initialized data " " */
- char bsize[4]; /* uninitialized data " " */
- char entry[4]; /* entry pt. */
- char text_start[4]; /* base of text used for this file */
- char data_start[4]; /* base of data used for this file */
-#define AOUTHDRSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
-/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
-struct external_scnhdr {
- char s_name[8]; /* section name */
- char s_paddr[4]; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
- char s_vaddr[4]; /* virtual address */
- char s_size[4]; /* section size */
- char s_scnptr[4]; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
- char s_relptr[4]; /* file ptr to relocation */
- char s_lnnoptr[4]; /* file ptr to line numbers */
- char s_nreloc[2]; /* number of relocation entries */
- char s_nlnno[2]; /* number of line number entries*/
- char s_flags[4]; /* flags */
- * names of "special" sections
- */
-#define _TEXT ".text"
-#define _DATA ".data"
-#define _BSS ".bss"
-#define SCNHDR struct external_scnhdr
-#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
-/********************** LINE NUMBERS **********************/
-/* 1 line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section.
- * Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; first entry in a function
- * grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the
- * symbol table index of the function name.
- */
-struct external_lineno {
- union {
- char l_symndx[4]; /* function name symbol index, iff l_lnno == 0*/
- char l_paddr[4]; /* (physical) address of line number */
- } l_addr;
- char l_lnno[4]; /* line number */
-#define GET_LINENO_LNNO(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) (ext->l_lnno));
-#define PUT_LINENO_LNNO(abfd,val, ext) bfd_h_put_32(abfd,val, (bfd_byte *) (ext->l_lnno));
-#define LINENO struct external_lineno
-#define LINESZ sizeof(LINENO)
-/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
-#define E_SYMNMLEN 8 /* # characters in a symbol name */
-#define E_FILNMLEN 14 /* # characters in a file name */
-#define E_DIMNUM 4 /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
-struct external_syment
- union {
- char e_name[E_SYMNMLEN];
- struct {
- char e_zeroes[4];
- char e_offset[4];
- } e;
- } e;
- char e_value[4];
- char e_scnum[2];
- char e_type[2];
- char e_sclass[1];
- char e_numaux[1];
-#define N_BTMASK (017)
-#define N_TMASK (060)
-#define N_BTSHFT (4)
-#define N_TSHIFT (2)
-union external_auxent {
- struct {
- char x_tagndx[4]; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
- union {
- struct {
- char x_lnno[2]; /* declaration line number */
- char x_size[2]; /* str/union/array size */
- } x_lnsz;
- char x_fsize[4]; /* size of function */
- } x_misc;
- union {
- struct { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
- char x_lnnoptr[4]; /* ptr to fcn line # */
- char x_endndx[4]; /* entry ndx past block end */
- } x_fcn;
- struct { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
- char x_dimen[E_DIMNUM][2];
- } x_ary;
- } x_fcnary;
- char x_tvndx[2]; /* tv index */
- } x_sym;
- union {
- char x_fname[E_FILNMLEN];
- struct {
- char x_zeroes[4];
- char x_offset[4];
- } x_n;
- } x_file;
- struct {
- char x_scnlen[4]; /* section length */
- char x_nreloc[2]; /* # relocation entries */
- char x_nlinno[2]; /* # line numbers */
- } x_scn;
- struct {
- char x_tvfill[4]; /* tv fill value */
- char x_tvlen[2]; /* length of .tv */
- char x_tvran[2][2]; /* tv range */
- } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent of symbol .tv)) */
-#define SYMENT struct external_syment
-#define SYMESZ 18
-#define AUXENT union external_auxent
-#define AUXESZ 18
-/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
-/* The external reloc has an offset field, because some of the reloc
- types on the z8k don't have room in the instruction for the entire
- offset - eg with segments */
-struct external_reloc {
- char r_vaddr[4];
- char r_symndx[4];
- char r_offset[4];
- char r_type[2];
- char r_stuff[2];
-#define RELOC struct external_reloc
-#define RELSZ 16
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/demangle.h b/contrib/gdb/include/demangle.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d4d0a3f428e3..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/demangle.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-/* Defs for interface to demanglers.
- Copyright 1992, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#if !defined (DEMANGLE_H)
-#define DEMANGLE_H
-#ifdef IN_GCC
-/* Add prototype support. */
-#ifndef PROTO
-#if defined (USE_PROTOTYPES) ? USE_PROTOTYPES : defined (__STDC__)
-#define PROTO(ARGS) ()
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#define PTR void *
-#ifndef const
-#define const
-#define PTR char *
-#else /* ! IN_GCC */
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-#endif /* IN_GCC */
-/* Options passed to cplus_demangle (in 2nd parameter). */
-#define DMGL_NO_OPTS 0 /* For readability... */
-#define DMGL_PARAMS (1 << 0) /* Include function args */
-#define DMGL_ANSI (1 << 1) /* Include const, volatile, etc */
-#define DMGL_AUTO (1 << 8)
-#define DMGL_GNU (1 << 9)
-#define DMGL_LUCID (1 << 10)
-#define DMGL_ARM (1 << 11)
-/* If none of these are set, use 'current_demangling_style' as the default. */
-/* Enumeration of possible demangling styles.
- Lucid and ARM styles are still kept logically distinct, even though
- they now both behave identically. The resulting style is actual the
- union of both. I.E. either style recognizes both "__pt__" and "__rf__"
- for operator "->", even though the first is lucid style and the second
- is ARM style. (FIXME?) */
-extern enum demangling_styles
- unknown_demangling = 0,
- auto_demangling = DMGL_AUTO,
- gnu_demangling = DMGL_GNU,
- lucid_demangling = DMGL_LUCID,
- arm_demangling = DMGL_ARM
-} current_demangling_style;
-/* Define string names for the various demangling styles. */
-/* Some macros to test what demangling style is active. */
-#define CURRENT_DEMANGLING_STYLE current_demangling_style
-extern char *
-cplus_demangle PARAMS ((const char *mangled, int options));
-extern int
-cplus_demangle_opname PARAMS ((const char *opname, char *result, int options));
-extern const char *
-cplus_mangle_opname PARAMS ((const char *opname, int options));
-/* Note: This sets global state. FIXME if you care about multi-threading. */
-extern void
-set_cplus_marker_for_demangling PARAMS ((int ch));
-#endif /* DEMANGLE_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/dis-asm.h b/contrib/gdb/include/dis-asm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d70bd514e9cd..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/dis-asm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-/* Interface between the opcode library and its callers.
- Written by Cygnus Support, 1993.
- The opcode library (libopcodes.a) provides instruction decoders for
- a large variety of instruction sets, callable with an identical
- interface, for making instruction-processing programs more independent
- of the instruction set being processed. */
-#ifndef DIS_ASM_H
-#define DIS_ASM_H
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "bfd.h"
-typedef int (*fprintf_ftype) PARAMS((FILE*, const char*, ...));
-enum dis_insn_type {
- dis_noninsn, /* Not a valid instruction */
- dis_nonbranch, /* Not a branch instruction */
- dis_branch, /* Unconditional branch */
- dis_condbranch, /* Conditional branch */
- dis_jsr, /* Jump to subroutine */
- dis_condjsr, /* Conditional jump to subroutine */
- dis_dref, /* Data reference instruction */
- dis_dref2 /* Two data references in instruction */
-/* This struct is passed into the instruction decoding routine,
- and is passed back out into each callback. The various fields are used
- for conveying information from your main routine into your callbacks,
- for passing information into the instruction decoders (such as the
- addresses of the callback functions), or for passing information
- back from the instruction decoders to their callers.
- It must be initialized before it is first passed; this can be done
- by hand, or using one of the initialization macros below. */
-typedef struct disassemble_info {
- fprintf_ftype fprintf_func;
- FILE *stream;
- PTR application_data;
- /* Target description. We could replace this with a pointer to the bfd,
- but that would require one. There currently isn't any such requirement
- so to avoid introducing one we record these explicitly. */
- /* The bfd_arch value. */
- enum bfd_architecture arch;
- /* The bfd_mach value. */
- unsigned long mach;
- /* Endianness (for bi-endian cpus). Mono-endian cpus can ignore this. */
- enum bfd_endian endian;
- /* For use by the disassembler.
- The top 16 bits are reserved for public use (and are documented here).
- The bottom 16 bits are for the internal use of the disassembler. */
- unsigned long flags;
- PTR private_data;
- /* Function used to get bytes to disassemble. MEMADDR is the
- address of the stuff to be disassembled, MYADDR is the address to
- put the bytes in, and LENGTH is the number of bytes to read.
- INFO is a pointer to this struct.
- Returns an errno value or 0 for success. */
- int (*read_memory_func)
- PARAMS ((bfd_vma memaddr, bfd_byte *myaddr, int length,
- struct disassemble_info *info));
- /* Function which should be called if we get an error that we can't
- recover from. STATUS is the errno value from read_memory_func and
- MEMADDR is the address that we were trying to read. INFO is a
- pointer to this struct. */
- void (*memory_error_func)
- PARAMS ((int status, bfd_vma memaddr, struct disassemble_info *info));
- /* Function called to print ADDR. */
- void (*print_address_func)
- PARAMS ((bfd_vma addr, struct disassemble_info *info));
- /* These are for buffer_read_memory. */
- bfd_byte *buffer;
- bfd_vma buffer_vma;
- int buffer_length;
- /* Results from instruction decoders. Not all decoders yet support
- this information. This info is set each time an instruction is
- decoded, and is only valid for the last such instruction.
- To determine whether this decoder supports this information, set
- insn_info_valid to 0, decode an instruction, then check it. */
- char insn_info_valid; /* Branch info has been set. */
- char branch_delay_insns; /* How many sequential insn's will run before
- a branch takes effect. (0 = normal) */
- char data_size; /* Size of data reference in insn, in bytes */
- enum dis_insn_type insn_type; /* Type of instruction */
- bfd_vma target; /* Target address of branch or dref, if known;
- zero if unknown. */
- bfd_vma target2; /* Second target address for dref2 */
-} disassemble_info;
-/* Standard disassemblers. Disassemble one instruction at the given
- target address. Return number of bytes processed. */
-typedef int (*disassembler_ftype)
- PARAMS((bfd_vma, disassemble_info *));
-extern int print_insn_big_mips PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_little_mips PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_i386 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_m68k PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_z8001 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_z8002 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_h8300 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_h8300h PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_h8500 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_alpha PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_big_arm PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_little_arm PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_sparc PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_sparc64 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_big_a29k PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_little_a29k PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_i960 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_sh PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_shl PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_hppa PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_m88k PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_ns32k PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_big_powerpc PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_little_powerpc PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_rs6000 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_w65 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-/* Fetch the disassembler for a given BFD, if that support is available. */
-extern disassembler_ftype disassembler PARAMS ((bfd *));
-/* This block of definitions is for particular callers who read instructions
- into a buffer before calling the instruction decoder. */
-/* Here is a function which callers may wish to use for read_memory_func.
- It gets bytes from a buffer. */
-extern int buffer_read_memory
- PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *, int, struct disassemble_info *));
-/* This function goes with buffer_read_memory.
- It prints a message using info->fprintf_func and info->stream. */
-extern void perror_memory PARAMS ((int, bfd_vma, struct disassemble_info *));
-/* Just print the address in hex. This is included for completeness even
- though both GDB and objdump provide their own (to print symbolic
- addresses). */
-extern void generic_print_address
- PARAMS ((bfd_vma, struct disassemble_info *));
-/* Macro to initialize a disassemble_info struct. This should be called
- by all applications creating such a struct. */
- (INFO).fprintf_func = (FPRINTF_FUNC), \
- (INFO).stream = (STREAM), \
- (INFO).buffer = NULL, \
- (INFO).buffer_vma = 0, \
- (INFO).buffer_length = 0, \
- (INFO).read_memory_func = buffer_read_memory, \
- (INFO).memory_error_func = perror_memory, \
- (INFO).print_address_func = generic_print_address, \
- (INFO).arch = bfd_arch_unknown, \
- (INFO).mach = 0, \
- (INFO).flags = 0, \
- (INFO).insn_info_valid = 0
-#endif /* ! defined (DIS_ASM_H) */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/elf/ChangeLog b/contrib/gdb/include/elf/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index b56f9bb1d8dd..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/elf/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-Mon Feb 19 01:55:56 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc.h (R_SPARC_{PLT32,HIPLT22,LOPLT10,PCPLT32,PCPLT22,
- PCPLT10,5,6}): Don't define ifdef SPARC64_OLD_RELOCS.
-Tue Feb 6 11:33:58 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc.h (enum sparc_elf_reloc_type): Define.
-Wed Jan 17 09:09:16 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * common.h: Define EM_SPARC32PLUS.
- * sparc.h: New file.
-Thu Jan 11 16:27:34 1996 Michael Meissner <>
- * ppc.h (SHF_EXCLUDE, SHT_ORDERED): New fields from the abi.
-Thu Nov 30 16:47:18 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * internal.h (struct elf_segment_map): Add includes_filehdr and
- includes_phdrs fields.
-Tue Nov 28 16:58:10 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * internal.h (struct elf_segment_map): Define.
-Tue Oct 31 15:19:36 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * common.h, dwarf.h, external.h, hppa.h, internal.h,
- mips.h, ppc.h: Protect against multiple inclusions.
-Thu Sep 21 13:51:58 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * ppc.h (EF_PPC_RELOCATABLE_LIB): Add new flag bit.
-Fri Sep 1 15:32:17 1995 Kazumoto Kojima <>
- * mips.h: Add some definitions used on Irix 5.
-Tue Jun 20 10:18:28 1995 Jeff Law (
- * hppa.h (CPU_PA_RISC1_0): Protect from redefinitions.
- (CPU_PA_RISC1_1): Likewise.
-Wed Mar 8 18:14:37 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * ppc.h: New file for PowerPC support.
-Tue Feb 14 13:59:13 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * common.h (EM_PPC): Use offical value of 20, not 17.
- (EM_PPC_OLD): Define this to be the old value of EM_PPC.
-Tue Jan 24 09:40:59 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * common.h (EM_PPC): New macro, PowerPC machine id.
-Tue Jan 17 10:51:38 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
-Mon Oct 17 13:43:59 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * internal.h (Elf_Internal_Shdr): Remove rawdata and size fields.
- Add bfd_section field.
-Tue May 24 16:11:50 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h (Elf32_External_gptab): Define.
-Mon May 16 13:22:04 1994 Jeff Law (
- * common.h (EM_HPPA): Delete.
- (EM_PARISC): Add.
- * hppa.h: New file.
-Mon May 9 13:27:03 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * common.h (SHN_LORESERVE): Rename from SHN_LORESERV.
- (ELF32_R_TYPE, ELF32_R_INFO): Don't rely on size of unsigned char.
- (ELF64_R_TYPE): Don't rely on size of unsigned long.
-Mon Apr 25 15:53:09 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * internal.h (Elf_Internal_Shdr): Use PTR, not void *.
-Fri Mar 11 00:34:59 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * mips.h (SHN_MIPS_TEXT, SHN_MIPS_DATA): Define.
-Sat Mar 5 14:08:54 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * internal.h: Remove Elf32_*, Elf64_* typedefs. These names
- cause conflicts with system headers, e.g. link.h in gdb/solib.c.
- Combine 32- and 64-bit versions of *_Internal_Dyn.
- * common.h: Replace uses of Elf64_Word, Elf64_Xword typedefs
- by their expansion.
- * mips.h: Replace uses of Elf32_Word, Elf32_Sword, Elf32_Addr
- typedefs by their expansion. Add DT_MIPS_RLD_MAP definition.
-Fri Feb 18 10:39:54 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * common.h (EM_CYGNUS_POWERPC): Define. This may be temporary,
- depending upon how quickly I can find a real PowerPC ABI.
-Mon Feb 7 08:27:13 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * internal.h: Change HOST_64_BIT to BFD_HOST_64_BIT.
-Wed Feb 2 14:12:18 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * common.h: Add comments regarding value of EM_HPPA and how to
- pick an unofficial value.
-Wed Nov 17 17:14:26 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h (SHT_MIPS_OPTIONS): Define.
-Mon Nov 8 17:57:00 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h: Added some more MIPS ABI macro definitions.
-Wed Nov 3 22:07:17 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * common.h (EM_MIPS_RS4_BE): New macro.
-Tue Oct 12 07:28:18 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h: New file. MIPS ABI specific information.
-Mon Jun 21 13:13:43 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * internal.h: Combined 32- and 64-bit versions of all structures
- except *_Internal_Dyn. This will simply the assembler interface,
- and some bfd code.
-Tue May 25 02:00:16 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * external.h, internal.h, common.h: Added 64-bit versions of some
- structures and macros. Renamed old versions to put "32" in the
- name. Some are unchanged.
-Thu Apr 29 12:12:20 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * common.h (EM_HPPA, NT_VERSION, STN_UNDEF, DT_*): New macros.
- * external.h (Elf_External_Dyn): New type.
- * internal.h (Elf_Intenral_Shdr): New field `size'.
- (Elf_Internal_Dyn): New type.
-Tue Apr 20 16:03:45 1993 Fred Fish (
- * dwarf.h (LANG_CHILL): Change value to one randomly picked in
- the user defined range, to reduce probability of collisions.
-Sun Nov 15 09:34:02 1992 Fred Fish (
- * dwarf.h (AT_src_coords): Whitespace change only.
- * dwarf.h (AT_body_begin, AT_body_end, LANG_MODULA2):
- Add from latest gcc.
- * dwarf.h (LANG_CHILL): Add as GNU extension.
-Sat Aug 1 13:46:53 1992 Fred Fish (
- * dwarf.h: Replace with current version from gcc distribution.
-Fri Jun 19 19:05:09 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * internal.h: Add real struct tags to all the Type_Defs, so they
- can be used in prototypes where the Type_Defs are not known.
-Fri Apr 3 20:58:58 1992 Mark Eichin (eichin at
- * common.h: added ELF_R_{SYM,TYPE,INFO} for handling relocation
- info
- added EM_MIPS, and corrected value of EM_860 based on System V ABI
- manual.
- * external.h: added Elf_External_{Rel,Rela}.
- * internal.h: added Elf_Internal_{Rel,Rela}.
- added rawdata to Elf_Internal_Shdr.
-Sat Nov 30 20:43:59 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
- * common.h, dwarf.h, external.h, internal.h, ChangeLog; moved from
- ../elf-<foo>
-Local Variables:
-version-control: never
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/elf/common.h b/contrib/gdb/include/elf/common.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c9e74741c575..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/elf/common.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-/* ELF support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Fred Fish @ Cygnus Support, from information published
- in "UNIX System V Release 4, Programmers Guide: ANSI C and
- Programming Support Tools".
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file is part of ELF support for BFD, and contains the portions
- that are common to both the internal and external representations.
- For example, ELFMAG0 is the byte 0x7F in both the internal (in-memory)
- and external (in-file) representations. */
-#ifndef _ELF_COMMON_H
-#define _ELF_COMMON_H
-/* Fields in e_ident[] */
-#define EI_MAG0 0 /* File identification byte 0 index */
-#define ELFMAG0 0x7F /* Magic number byte 0 */
-#define EI_MAG1 1 /* File identification byte 1 index */
-#define ELFMAG1 'E' /* Magic number byte 1 */
-#define EI_MAG2 2 /* File identification byte 2 index */
-#define ELFMAG2 'L' /* Magic number byte 2 */
-#define EI_MAG3 3 /* File identification byte 3 index */
-#define ELFMAG3 'F' /* Magic number byte 3 */
-#define EI_CLASS 4 /* File class */
-#define ELFCLASSNONE 0 /* Invalid class */
-#define ELFCLASS32 1 /* 32-bit objects */
-#define ELFCLASS64 2 /* 64-bit objects */
-#define EI_DATA 5 /* Data encoding */
-#define ELFDATANONE 0 /* Invalid data encoding */
-#define ELFDATA2LSB 1 /* 2's complement, little endian */
-#define ELFDATA2MSB 2 /* 2's complement, big endian */
-#define EI_VERSION 6 /* File version */
-#define EI_PAD 7 /* Start of padding bytes */
-/* Values for e_type, which identifies the object file type */
-#define ET_NONE 0 /* No file type */
-#define ET_REL 1 /* Relocatable file */
-#define ET_EXEC 2 /* Executable file */
-#define ET_DYN 3 /* Shared object file */
-#define ET_CORE 4 /* Core file */
-#define ET_LOPROC 0xFF00 /* Processor-specific */
-#define ET_HIPROC 0xFFFF /* Processor-specific */
-/* Values for e_machine, which identifies the architecture */
-#define EM_NONE 0 /* No machine */
-#define EM_M32 1 /* AT&T WE 32100 */
-#define EM_SPARC 2 /* SUN SPARC */
-#define EM_386 3 /* Intel 80386 */
-#define EM_68K 4 /* Motorola m68k family */
-#define EM_88K 5 /* Motorola m88k family */
-#define EM_860 7 /* Intel 80860 */
-#define EM_MIPS 8 /* MIPS R3000 (officially, big-endian only) */
-#define EM_MIPS_RS4_BE 10 /* MIPS R4000 big-endian */
-#define EM_SPARC64 11 /* SPARC v9 (not official) 64-bit */
-#define EM_PARISC 15 /* HPPA */
-#define EM_SPARC32PLUS 18 /* Sun's "v8plus" */
-#define EM_PPC 20 /* PowerPC */
-/* If it is necessary to assign new unofficial EM_* values, please pick large
- random numbers (0x8523, 0xa7f2, etc.) to minimize the chances of collision
- with official or non-GNU unofficial values. */
-/* Cygnus PowerPC ELF backend. Written in the absence of an ABI. */
-#define EM_CYGNUS_POWERPC 0x9025
-/* Old version of PowerPC, this should be removed shortly. */
-#define EM_PPC_OLD 17
-/* Values for e_version */
-#define EV_NONE 0 /* Invalid ELF version */
-#define EV_CURRENT 1 /* Current version */
-/* Values for program header, p_type field */
-#define PT_NULL 0 /* Program header table entry unused */
-#define PT_LOAD 1 /* Loadable program segment */
-#define PT_DYNAMIC 2 /* Dynamic linking information */
-#define PT_INTERP 3 /* Program interpreter */
-#define PT_NOTE 4 /* Auxiliary information */
-#define PT_SHLIB 5 /* Reserved, unspecified semantics */
-#define PT_PHDR 6 /* Entry for header table itself */
-#define PT_LOPROC 0x70000000 /* Processor-specific */
-#define PT_HIPROC 0x7FFFFFFF /* Processor-specific */
-/* Program segment permissions, in program header p_flags field */
-#define PF_X (1 << 0) /* Segment is executable */
-#define PF_W (1 << 1) /* Segment is writable */
-#define PF_R (1 << 2) /* Segment is readable */
-#define PF_MASKPROC 0xF0000000 /* Processor-specific reserved bits */
-/* Values for section header, sh_type field */
-#define SHT_NULL 0 /* Section header table entry unused */
-#define SHT_PROGBITS 1 /* Program specific (private) data */
-#define SHT_SYMTAB 2 /* Link editing symbol table */
-#define SHT_STRTAB 3 /* A string table */
-#define SHT_RELA 4 /* Relocation entries with addends */
-#define SHT_HASH 5 /* A symbol hash table */
-#define SHT_DYNAMIC 6 /* Information for dynamic linking */
-#define SHT_NOTE 7 /* Information that marks file */
-#define SHT_NOBITS 8 /* Section occupies no space in file */
-#define SHT_REL 9 /* Relocation entries, no addends */
-#define SHT_SHLIB 10 /* Reserved, unspecified semantics */
-#define SHT_DYNSYM 11 /* Dynamic linking symbol table */
-#define SHT_LOPROC 0x70000000 /* Processor-specific semantics, lo */
-#define SHT_HIPROC 0x7FFFFFFF /* Processor-specific semantics, hi */
-#define SHT_LOUSER 0x80000000 /* Application-specific semantics */
-#define SHT_HIUSER 0x8FFFFFFF /* Application-specific semantics */
-/* Values for section header, sh_flags field */
-#define SHF_WRITE (1 << 0) /* Writable data during execution */
-#define SHF_ALLOC (1 << 1) /* Occupies memory during execution */
-#define SHF_EXECINSTR (1 << 2) /* Executable machine instructions */
-#define SHF_MASKPROC 0xF0000000 /* Processor-specific semantics */
-/* Values of note segment descriptor types for core files. */
-#define NT_PRSTATUS 1 /* Contains copy of prstatus struct */
-#define NT_FPREGSET 2 /* Contains copy of fpregset struct */
-#define NT_PRPSINFO 3 /* Contains copy of prpsinfo struct */
-/* Values of note segment descriptor types for object files. */
-/* (Only for hppa right now. Should this be moved elsewhere?) */
-#define NT_VERSION 1 /* Contains a version string. */
-/* These three macros disassemble and assemble a symbol table st_info field,
- which contains the symbol binding and symbol type. The STB_ and STT_
- defines identify the binding and type. */
-#define ELF_ST_BIND(val) (((unsigned int)(val)) >> 4)
-#define ELF_ST_TYPE(val) ((val) & 0xF)
-#define ELF_ST_INFO(bind,type) (((bind) << 4) + ((type) & 0xF))
-#define STN_UNDEF 0 /* undefined symbol index */
-#define STB_LOCAL 0 /* Symbol not visible outside obj */
-#define STB_GLOBAL 1 /* Symbol visible outside obj */
-#define STB_WEAK 2 /* Like globals, lower precedence */
-#define STB_LOPROC 13 /* Application-specific semantics */
-#define STB_HIPROC 15 /* Application-specific semantics */
-#define STT_NOTYPE 0 /* Symbol type is unspecified */
-#define STT_OBJECT 1 /* Symbol is a data object */
-#define STT_FUNC 2 /* Symbol is a code object */
-#define STT_SECTION 3 /* Symbol associated with a section */
-#define STT_FILE 4 /* Symbol gives a file name */
-#define STT_LOPROC 13 /* Application-specific semantics */
-#define STT_HIPROC 15 /* Application-specific semantics */
-/* Special section indices, which may show up in st_shndx fields, among
- other places. */
-#define SHN_UNDEF 0 /* Undefined section reference */
-#define SHN_LORESERVE 0xFF00 /* Begin range of reserved indices */
-#define SHN_LOPROC 0xFF00 /* Begin range of appl-specific */
-#define SHN_HIPROC 0xFF1F /* End range of appl-specific */
-#define SHN_ABS 0xFFF1 /* Associated symbol is absolute */
-#define SHN_COMMON 0xFFF2 /* Associated symbol is in common */
-#define SHN_HIRESERVE 0xFFFF /* End range of reserved indices */
-/* relocation info handling macros */
-#define ELF32_R_SYM(i) ((i) >> 8)
-#define ELF32_R_TYPE(i) ((i) & 0xff)
-#define ELF32_R_INFO(s,t) (((s) << 8) + ((t) & 0xff))
-#define ELF64_R_SYM(i) ((i) >> 32)
-#define ELF64_R_TYPE(i) ((i) & 0xffffffff)
-#define ELF64_R_INFO(s,t) (((bfd_vma) (s) << 32) + (bfd_vma) (t))
-/* Dynamic section tags */
-#define DT_NULL 0
-#define DT_NEEDED 1
-#define DT_PLTRELSZ 2
-#define DT_PLTGOT 3
-#define DT_HASH 4
-#define DT_STRTAB 5
-#define DT_SYMTAB 6
-#define DT_RELA 7
-#define DT_RELASZ 8
-#define DT_RELAENT 9
-#define DT_STRSZ 10
-#define DT_SYMENT 11
-#define DT_INIT 12
-#define DT_FINI 13
-#define DT_SONAME 14
-#define DT_RPATH 15
-#define DT_SYMBOLIC 16
-#define DT_REL 17
-#define DT_RELSZ 18
-#define DT_RELENT 19
-#define DT_PLTREL 20
-#define DT_DEBUG 21
-#define DT_TEXTREL 22
-#define DT_JMPREL 23
-#define DT_LOPROC 0x70000000
-#define DT_HIPROC 0x7fffffff
-#endif /* _ELF_COMMON_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/elf/dwarf.h b/contrib/gdb/include/elf/dwarf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4333d5eda40f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/elf/dwarf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-/* Declarations and definitions of codes relating to the DWARF symbolic
- debugging information format.
- Written by Ron Guilmette (
-Copyright (C) 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GNU CC.
-GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file is derived from the DWARF specification (a public document)
- Revision 1.0.1 (April 8, 1992) developed by the UNIX International
- Programming Languages Special Interest Group (UI/PLSIG) and distributed
- by UNIX International. Copies of this specification are available from
- UNIX International, 20 Waterview Boulevard, Parsippany, NJ, 07054.
-#ifndef _ELF_DWARF_H
-#define _ELF_DWARF_H
-/* Tag names and codes. */
-enum dwarf_tag {
- TAG_padding = 0x0000,
- TAG_array_type = 0x0001,
- TAG_class_type = 0x0002,
- TAG_entry_point = 0x0003,
- TAG_enumeration_type = 0x0004,
- TAG_formal_parameter = 0x0005,
- TAG_global_subroutine = 0x0006,
- TAG_global_variable = 0x0007,
- /* 0x0008 -- reserved */
- /* 0x0009 -- reserved */
- TAG_label = 0x000a,
- TAG_lexical_block = 0x000b,
- TAG_local_variable = 0x000c,
- TAG_member = 0x000d,
- /* 0x000e -- reserved */
- TAG_pointer_type = 0x000f,
- TAG_reference_type = 0x0010,
- TAG_compile_unit = 0x0011,
- TAG_string_type = 0x0012,
- TAG_structure_type = 0x0013,
- TAG_subroutine = 0x0014,
- TAG_subroutine_type = 0x0015,
- TAG_typedef = 0x0016,
- TAG_union_type = 0x0017,
- TAG_unspecified_parameters = 0x0018,
- TAG_variant = 0x0019,
- TAG_common_block = 0x001a,
- TAG_common_inclusion = 0x001b,
- TAG_inheritance = 0x001c,
- TAG_inlined_subroutine = 0x001d,
- TAG_module = 0x001e,
- TAG_ptr_to_member_type = 0x001f,
- TAG_set_type = 0x0020,
- TAG_subrange_type = 0x0021,
- TAG_with_stmt = 0x0022,
- /* GNU extensions */
- TAG_format_label = 0x8000, /* for FORTRAN 77 and Fortran 90 */
- TAG_namelist = 0x8001, /* For Fortran 90 */
- TAG_function_template = 0x8002, /* for C++ */
- TAG_class_template = 0x8003 /* for C++ */
-#define TAG_lo_user 0x8000 /* implementation-defined range start */
-#define TAG_hi_user 0xffff /* implementation-defined range end */
-#define TAG_source_file TAG_compile_unit /* for backward compatibility */
-/* Form names and codes. */
-enum dwarf_form {
- FORM_ADDR = 0x1,
- FORM_REF = 0x2,
- FORM_BLOCK2 = 0x3,
- FORM_BLOCK4 = 0x4,
- FORM_DATA2 = 0x5,
- FORM_DATA4 = 0x6,
- FORM_DATA8 = 0x7,
-/* Attribute names and codes. */
-enum dwarf_attribute {
- AT_sibling = (0x0010|FORM_REF),
- AT_location = (0x0020|FORM_BLOCK2),
- AT_name = (0x0030|FORM_STRING),
- AT_fund_type = (0x0050|FORM_DATA2),
- AT_mod_fund_type = (0x0060|FORM_BLOCK2),
- AT_user_def_type = (0x0070|FORM_REF),
- AT_mod_u_d_type = (0x0080|FORM_BLOCK2),
- AT_ordering = (0x0090|FORM_DATA2),
- AT_subscr_data = (0x00a0|FORM_BLOCK2),
- AT_byte_size = (0x00b0|FORM_DATA4),
- AT_bit_offset = (0x00c0|FORM_DATA2),
- AT_bit_size = (0x00d0|FORM_DATA4),
- /* (0x00e0|FORM_xxxx) -- reserved */
- AT_element_list = (0x00f0|FORM_BLOCK4),
- AT_stmt_list = (0x0100|FORM_DATA4),
- AT_low_pc = (0x0110|FORM_ADDR),
- AT_high_pc = (0x0120|FORM_ADDR),
- AT_language = (0x0130|FORM_DATA4),
- AT_member = (0x0140|FORM_REF),
- AT_discr = (0x0150|FORM_REF),
- AT_discr_value = (0x0160|FORM_BLOCK2),
- /* (0x0170|FORM_xxxx) -- reserved */
- /* (0x0180|FORM_xxxx) -- reserved */
- AT_string_length = (0x0190|FORM_BLOCK2),
- AT_common_reference = (0x01a0|FORM_REF),
- AT_comp_dir = (0x01b0|FORM_STRING),
- AT_const_value_string = (0x01c0|FORM_STRING),
- AT_const_value_data2 = (0x01c0|FORM_DATA2),
- AT_const_value_data4 = (0x01c0|FORM_DATA4),
- AT_const_value_data8 = (0x01c0|FORM_DATA8),
- AT_const_value_block2 = (0x01c0|FORM_BLOCK2),
- AT_const_value_block4 = (0x01c0|FORM_BLOCK4),
- AT_containing_type = (0x01d0|FORM_REF),
- AT_default_value_addr = (0x01e0|FORM_ADDR),
- AT_default_value_data2 = (0x01e0|FORM_DATA2),
- AT_default_value_data4 = (0x01e0|FORM_DATA4),
- AT_default_value_data8 = (0x01e0|FORM_DATA8),
- AT_default_value_string = (0x01e0|FORM_STRING),
- AT_friends = (0x01f0|FORM_BLOCK2),
- AT_inline = (0x0200|FORM_STRING),
- AT_is_optional = (0x0210|FORM_STRING),
- AT_lower_bound_ref = (0x0220|FORM_REF),
- AT_lower_bound_data2 = (0x0220|FORM_DATA2),
- AT_lower_bound_data4 = (0x0220|FORM_DATA4),
- AT_lower_bound_data8 = (0x0220|FORM_DATA8),
- AT_private = (0x0240|FORM_STRING),
- AT_producer = (0x0250|FORM_STRING),
- AT_program = (0x0230|FORM_STRING),
- AT_protected = (0x0260|FORM_STRING),
- AT_prototyped = (0x0270|FORM_STRING),
- AT_public = (0x0280|FORM_STRING),
- AT_pure_virtual = (0x0290|FORM_STRING),
- AT_return_addr = (0x02a0|FORM_BLOCK2),
- AT_abstract_origin = (0x02b0|FORM_REF),
- AT_start_scope = (0x02c0|FORM_DATA4),
- AT_stride_size = (0x02e0|FORM_DATA4),
- AT_upper_bound_ref = (0x02f0|FORM_REF),
- AT_upper_bound_data2 = (0x02f0|FORM_DATA2),
- AT_upper_bound_data4 = (0x02f0|FORM_DATA4),
- AT_upper_bound_data8 = (0x02f0|FORM_DATA8),
- AT_virtual = (0x0300|FORM_STRING),
- /* GNU extensions. */
- AT_sf_names = (0x8000|FORM_DATA4),
- AT_src_info = (0x8010|FORM_DATA4),
- AT_mac_info = (0x8020|FORM_DATA4),
- AT_src_coords = (0x8030|FORM_DATA4),
- AT_body_begin = (0x8040|FORM_ADDR),
- AT_body_end = (0x8050|FORM_ADDR)
-#define AT_lo_user 0x8000 /* implementation-defined range start */
-#define AT_hi_user 0xffff /* implementation-defined range end */
-/* Location atom names and codes. */
-enum dwarf_location_atom {
- OP_REG = 0x01,
- OP_BASEREG = 0x02,
- OP_ADDR = 0x03,
- OP_CONST = 0x04,
- OP_DEREF2 = 0x05,
- OP_DEREF4 = 0x06,
- OP_ADD = 0x07
-#define OP_LO_USER 0x80 /* implementation-defined range start */
-#define OP_HI_USER 0xff /* implementation-defined range end */
-/* Fundamental type names and codes. */
-enum dwarf_fundamental_type {
- FT_char = 0x0001,
- FT_signed_char = 0x0002,
- FT_unsigned_char = 0x0003,
- FT_short = 0x0004,
- FT_signed_short = 0x0005,
- FT_unsigned_short = 0x0006,
- FT_integer = 0x0007,
- FT_signed_integer = 0x0008,
- FT_unsigned_integer = 0x0009,
- FT_long = 0x000a,
- FT_signed_long = 0x000b,
- FT_unsigned_long = 0x000c,
- FT_pointer = 0x000d, /* an alias for (void *) */
- FT_float = 0x000e,
- FT_dbl_prec_float = 0x000f,
- FT_ext_prec_float = 0x0010, /* breaks "classic" svr4 SDB */
- FT_complex = 0x0011, /* breaks "classic" svr4 SDB */
- FT_dbl_prec_complex = 0x0012, /* breaks "classic" svr4 SDB */
- /* 0x0013 -- reserved */
- FT_void = 0x0014,
- FT_boolean = 0x0015, /* breaks "classic" svr4 SDB */
- FT_ext_prec_complex = 0x0016, /* breaks "classic" svr4 SDB */
- FT_label = 0x0017,
- /* GNU extensions
- The low order byte must indicate the size (in bytes) for the type.
- All of these types will probably break "classic" svr4 SDB */
- FT_long_long = 0x8008,
- FT_signed_long_long = 0x8108,
- FT_unsigned_long_long = 0x8208,
- FT_int8 = 0x9001,
- FT_signed_int8 = 0x9101,
- FT_unsigned_int8 = 0x9201,
- FT_int16 = 0x9302,
- FT_signed_int16 = 0x9402,
- FT_unsigned_int16 = 0x9502,
- FT_int32 = 0x9604,
- FT_signed_int32 = 0x9704,
- FT_unsigned_int32 = 0x9804,
- FT_int64 = 0x9908,
- FT_signed_int64 = 0x9a08,
- FT_unsigned_int64 = 0x9b08,
- FT_real32 = 0xa004,
- FT_real64 = 0xa108,
- FT_real96 = 0xa20c,
- FT_real128 = 0xa310
-#define FT_lo_user 0x8000 /* implementation-defined range start */
-#define FT_hi_user 0xffff /* implementation defined range end */
-/* Type modifier names and codes. */
-enum dwarf_type_modifier {
- MOD_pointer_to = 0x01,
- MOD_reference_to = 0x02,
- MOD_const = 0x03,
- MOD_volatile = 0x04
-#define MOD_lo_user 0x80 /* implementation-defined range start */
-#define MOD_hi_user 0xff /* implementation-defined range end */
-/* Array ordering names and codes. */
-enum dwarf_array_dim_ordering {
- ORD_row_major = 0,
- ORD_col_major = 1
-/* Array subscript format names and codes. */
-enum dwarf_subscr_data_formats {
- FMT_FT_C_C = 0x0,
- FMT_FT_C_X = 0x1,
- FMT_FT_X_C = 0x2,
- FMT_FT_X_X = 0x3,
- FMT_UT_C_C = 0x4,
- FMT_UT_C_X = 0x5,
- FMT_UT_X_C = 0x6,
- FMT_UT_X_X = 0x7,
- FMT_ET = 0x8
-/* Derived from above for ease of use. */
- (((_FUNDAMENTAL_TYPE_P) ? 0 : 4) \
- | ((_UB_CONST_P) ? 0 : 2) \
- | ((_LB_CONST_P) ? 0 : 1))
-/* Source language names and codes. */
-enum dwarf_source_language {
- LANG_C89 = 0x00000001,
- LANG_C = 0x00000002,
- LANG_ADA83 = 0x00000003,
- LANG_C_PLUS_PLUS = 0x00000004,
- LANG_COBOL74 = 0x00000005,
- LANG_COBOL85 = 0x00000006,
- LANG_FORTRAN77 = 0x00000007,
- LANG_FORTRAN90 = 0x00000008,
- LANG_PASCAL83 = 0x00000009,
- LANG_MODULA2 = 0x0000000a,
- /* GNU extensions */
- LANG_CHILL = 0x00009af3 /* random value for GNU Chill */
-#define LANG_lo_user 0x00008000 /* implementation-defined range start */
-#define LANG_hi_user 0x0000ffff /* implementation-defined range end */
-/* Names and codes for GNU "macinfo" extension. */
-enum dwarf_macinfo_record_type {
- MACINFO_start = 's',
- MACINFO_resume = 'r',
- MACINFO_define = 'd',
- MACINFO_undef = 'u'
-#endif /* _ELF_DWARF_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/elf/external.h b/contrib/gdb/include/elf/external.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e6618cb752fa..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/elf/external.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-/* ELF support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Fred Fish @ Cygnus Support, from information published
- in "UNIX System V Release 4, Programmers Guide: ANSI C and
- Programming Support Tools".
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file is part of ELF support for BFD, and contains the portions
- that describe how ELF is represented externally by the BFD library.
- I.E. it describes the in-file representation of ELF. It requires
- the elf-common.h file which contains the portions that are common to
- both the internal and external representations. */
-/* The 64-bit stuff is kind of random. Perhaps someone will publish a
- spec someday. */
-#ifndef _ELF_EXTERNAL_H
-#define _ELF_EXTERNAL_H
-/* ELF Header (32-bit implementations) */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char e_ident[16]; /* ELF "magic number" */
- unsigned char e_type[2]; /* Identifies object file type */
- unsigned char e_machine[2]; /* Specifies required architecture */
- unsigned char e_version[4]; /* Identifies object file version */
- unsigned char e_entry[4]; /* Entry point virtual address */
- unsigned char e_phoff[4]; /* Program header table file offset */
- unsigned char e_shoff[4]; /* Section header table file offset */
- unsigned char e_flags[4]; /* Processor-specific flags */
- unsigned char e_ehsize[2]; /* ELF header size in bytes */
- unsigned char e_phentsize[2]; /* Program header table entry size */
- unsigned char e_phnum[2]; /* Program header table entry count */
- unsigned char e_shentsize[2]; /* Section header table entry size */
- unsigned char e_shnum[2]; /* Section header table entry count */
- unsigned char e_shstrndx[2]; /* Section header string table index */
-} Elf32_External_Ehdr;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char e_ident[16]; /* ELF "magic number" */
- unsigned char e_type[2]; /* Identifies object file type */
- unsigned char e_machine[2]; /* Specifies required architecture */
- unsigned char e_version[4]; /* Identifies object file version */
- unsigned char e_entry[8]; /* Entry point virtual address */
- unsigned char e_phoff[8]; /* Program header table file offset */
- unsigned char e_shoff[8]; /* Section header table file offset */
- unsigned char e_flags[4]; /* Processor-specific flags */
- unsigned char e_ehsize[2]; /* ELF header size in bytes */
- unsigned char e_phentsize[2]; /* Program header table entry size */
- unsigned char e_phnum[2]; /* Program header table entry count */
- unsigned char e_shentsize[2]; /* Section header table entry size */
- unsigned char e_shnum[2]; /* Section header table entry count */
- unsigned char e_shstrndx[2]; /* Section header string table index */
-} Elf64_External_Ehdr;
-/* Program header */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char p_type[4]; /* Identifies program segment type */
- unsigned char p_offset[4]; /* Segment file offset */
- unsigned char p_vaddr[4]; /* Segment virtual address */
- unsigned char p_paddr[4]; /* Segment physical address */
- unsigned char p_filesz[4]; /* Segment size in file */
- unsigned char p_memsz[4]; /* Segment size in memory */
- unsigned char p_flags[4]; /* Segment flags */
- unsigned char p_align[4]; /* Segment alignment, file & memory */
-} Elf32_External_Phdr;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char p_type[4]; /* Identifies program segment type */
- unsigned char p_flags[4]; /* Segment flags */
- unsigned char p_offset[8]; /* Segment file offset */
- unsigned char p_vaddr[8]; /* Segment virtual address */
- unsigned char p_paddr[8]; /* Segment physical address */
- unsigned char p_filesz[8]; /* Segment size in file */
- unsigned char p_memsz[8]; /* Segment size in memory */
- unsigned char p_align[8]; /* Segment alignment, file & memory */
-} Elf64_External_Phdr;
-/* Section header */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char sh_name[4]; /* Section name, index in string tbl */
- unsigned char sh_type[4]; /* Type of section */
- unsigned char sh_flags[4]; /* Miscellaneous section attributes */
- unsigned char sh_addr[4]; /* Section virtual addr at execution */
- unsigned char sh_offset[4]; /* Section file offset */
- unsigned char sh_size[4]; /* Size of section in bytes */
- unsigned char sh_link[4]; /* Index of another section */
- unsigned char sh_info[4]; /* Additional section information */
- unsigned char sh_addralign[4]; /* Section alignment */
- unsigned char sh_entsize[4]; /* Entry size if section holds table */
-} Elf32_External_Shdr;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char sh_name[4]; /* Section name, index in string tbl */
- unsigned char sh_type[4]; /* Type of section */
- unsigned char sh_flags[8]; /* Miscellaneous section attributes */
- unsigned char sh_addr[8]; /* Section virtual addr at execution */
- unsigned char sh_offset[8]; /* Section file offset */
- unsigned char sh_size[8]; /* Size of section in bytes */
- unsigned char sh_link[4]; /* Index of another section */
- unsigned char sh_info[4]; /* Additional section information */
- unsigned char sh_addralign[8]; /* Section alignment */
- unsigned char sh_entsize[8]; /* Entry size if section holds table */
-} Elf64_External_Shdr;
-/* Symbol table entry */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char st_name[4]; /* Symbol name, index in string tbl */
- unsigned char st_value[4]; /* Value of the symbol */
- unsigned char st_size[4]; /* Associated symbol size */
- unsigned char st_info[1]; /* Type and binding attributes */
- unsigned char st_other[1]; /* No defined meaning, 0 */
- unsigned char st_shndx[2]; /* Associated section index */
-} Elf32_External_Sym;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char st_name[4]; /* Symbol name, index in string tbl */
- unsigned char st_info[1]; /* Type and binding attributes */
- unsigned char st_other[1]; /* No defined meaning, 0 */
- unsigned char st_shndx[2]; /* Associated section index */
- unsigned char st_value[8]; /* Value of the symbol */
- unsigned char st_size[8]; /* Associated symbol size */
-} Elf64_External_Sym;
-/* Note segments */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char namesz[4]; /* Size of entry's owner string */
- unsigned char descsz[4]; /* Size of the note descriptor */
- unsigned char type[4]; /* Interpretation of the descriptor */
- char name[1]; /* Start of the name+desc data */
-} Elf_External_Note;
-/* Relocation Entries */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char r_offset[4]; /* Location at which to apply the action */
- unsigned char r_info[4]; /* index and type of relocation */
-} Elf32_External_Rel;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char r_offset[4]; /* Location at which to apply the action */
- unsigned char r_info[4]; /* index and type of relocation */
- unsigned char r_addend[4]; /* Constant addend used to compute value */
-} Elf32_External_Rela;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char r_offset[8]; /* Location at which to apply the action */
- unsigned char r_info[8]; /* index and type of relocation */
-} Elf64_External_Rel;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char r_offset[8]; /* Location at which to apply the action */
- unsigned char r_info[8]; /* index and type of relocation */
- unsigned char r_addend[8]; /* Constant addend used to compute value */
-} Elf64_External_Rela;
-/* dynamic section structure */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char d_tag[4]; /* entry tag value */
- union {
- unsigned char d_val[4];
- unsigned char d_ptr[4];
- } d_un;
-} Elf32_External_Dyn;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char d_tag[8]; /* entry tag value */
- union {
- unsigned char d_val[8];
- unsigned char d_ptr[8];
- } d_un;
-} Elf64_External_Dyn;
-#endif /* _ELF_EXTERNAL_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/elf/hppa.h b/contrib/gdb/include/elf/hppa.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c34077fa1947..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/elf/hppa.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-/* HPPA ELF support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file holds definitions specific to the HPPA ELF ABI. Note
- that most of this is not actually implemented by BFD. */
-#ifndef _ELF_HPPA_H
-#define _ELF_HPPA_H
-/* Processor specific flags for the ELF header e_flags field. */
-/* Target processor IDs to be placed in the low 16 bits of the flags
- field. Note these names are shared with SOM, and therefore do not
- follow ELF naming conventions. */
-/* PA 1.0 big endian. */
-#ifndef CPU_PA_RISC1_0
-#define CPU_PA_RISC1_0 0x0000020b
-/* PA 1.1 big endian. */
-#ifndef CPU_PA_RISC1_1
-#define CPU_PA_RISC1_1 0x00000210
-/* PA 1.0 little endian (unsupported) is 0x0000028b. */
-/* PA 1.1 little endian (unsupported) is 0x00000290. */
-/* Trap null address dereferences. */
-#define ELF_PARISC_TRAPNIL 0x00010000
-/* .PARISC.archext section is present. */
-#define EF_PARISC_EXT 0x00020000
-/* Processor specific section types. */
-/* Holds the global offset table, a table of pointers to external
- data. */
-/* Nonloadable section containing information in architecture
- extensions used by the code. */
-/* Section in which $global$ is defined. */
-/* Section holding millicode routines (mul, div, rem, dyncall, etc. */
-/* Section holding unwind information for use by debuggers. */
-/* Section holding the procedure linkage table. */
-/* Short initialized and uninitialized data. */
-/* Optional section holding argument location/relocation info. */
-/* Option section for linker stubs. */
-/* Processor specific section flags. */
-/* This section is near the global data pointer and thus allows short
- addressing modes to be used. */
-#define SHF_PARISC_SHORT 0x20000000
-/* Processor specific symbol types. */
-/* Millicode function entry point. */
-#endif /* _ELF_HPPA_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/elf/internal.h b/contrib/gdb/include/elf/internal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6375e892051d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/elf/internal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-/* ELF support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Fred Fish @ Cygnus Support, from information published
- in "UNIX System V Release 4, Programmers Guide: ANSI C and
- Programming Support Tools".
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file is part of ELF support for BFD, and contains the portions
- that describe how ELF is represented internally in the BFD library.
- I.E. it describes the in-memory representation of ELF. It requires
- the elf-common.h file which contains the portions that are common to
- both the internal and external representations. */
-/* NOTE that these structures are not kept in the same order as they appear
- in the object file. In some cases they've been reordered for more optimal
- packing under various circumstances. */
-#ifndef _ELF_INTERNAL_H
-#define _ELF_INTERNAL_H
-/* ELF Header */
-#define EI_NIDENT 16 /* Size of e_ident[] */
-typedef struct elf_internal_ehdr {
- unsigned char e_ident[EI_NIDENT]; /* ELF "magic number" */
- bfd_vma e_entry; /* Entry point virtual address */
- bfd_signed_vma e_phoff; /* Program header table file offset */
- bfd_signed_vma e_shoff; /* Section header table file offset */
- unsigned long e_version; /* Identifies object file version */
- unsigned long e_flags; /* Processor-specific flags */
- unsigned short e_type; /* Identifies object file type */
- unsigned short e_machine; /* Specifies required architecture */
- unsigned short e_ehsize; /* ELF header size in bytes */
- unsigned short e_phentsize; /* Program header table entry size */
- unsigned short e_phnum; /* Program header table entry count */
- unsigned short e_shentsize; /* Section header table entry size */
- unsigned short e_shnum; /* Section header table entry count */
- unsigned short e_shstrndx; /* Section header string table index */
-} Elf_Internal_Ehdr;
-#define elf32_internal_ehdr elf_internal_ehdr
-#define Elf32_Internal_Ehdr Elf_Internal_Ehdr
-#define elf64_internal_ehdr elf_internal_ehdr
-#define Elf64_Internal_Ehdr Elf_Internal_Ehdr
-/* Program header */
-struct elf_internal_phdr {
- unsigned long p_type; /* Identifies program segment type */
- unsigned long p_flags; /* Segment flags */
- bfd_vma p_offset; /* Segment file offset */
- bfd_vma p_vaddr; /* Segment virtual address */
- bfd_vma p_paddr; /* Segment physical address */
- bfd_vma p_filesz; /* Segment size in file */
- bfd_vma p_memsz; /* Segment size in memory */
- bfd_vma p_align; /* Segment alignment, file & memory */
-typedef struct elf_internal_phdr Elf_Internal_Phdr;
-#define elf32_internal_phdr elf_internal_phdr
-#define Elf32_Internal_Phdr Elf_Internal_Phdr
-#define elf64_internal_phdr elf_internal_phdr
-#define Elf64_Internal_Phdr Elf_Internal_Phdr
-/* Section header */
-typedef struct elf_internal_shdr {
- unsigned int sh_name; /* Section name, index in string tbl */
- unsigned int sh_type; /* Type of section */
- bfd_vma sh_flags; /* Miscellaneous section attributes */
- bfd_vma sh_addr; /* Section virtual addr at execution */
- bfd_size_type sh_size; /* Size of section in bytes */
- bfd_size_type sh_entsize; /* Entry size if section holds table */
- unsigned long sh_link; /* Index of another section */
- unsigned long sh_info; /* Additional section information */
- file_ptr sh_offset; /* Section file offset */
- unsigned int sh_addralign; /* Section alignment */
- /* The internal rep also has some cached info associated with it. */
- asection * bfd_section; /* Associated BFD section. */
- PTR contents; /* Section contents. */
-} Elf_Internal_Shdr;
-#define elf32_internal_shdr elf_internal_shdr
-#define Elf32_Internal_Shdr Elf_Internal_Shdr
-#define elf64_internal_shdr elf_internal_shdr
-#define Elf64_Internal_Shdr Elf_Internal_Shdr
-/* Symbol table entry */
-struct elf_internal_sym {
- bfd_vma st_value; /* Value of the symbol */
- bfd_vma st_size; /* Associated symbol size */
- unsigned long st_name; /* Symbol name, index in string tbl */
- unsigned char st_info; /* Type and binding attributes */
- unsigned char st_other; /* No defined meaning, 0 */
- unsigned short st_shndx; /* Associated section index */
-typedef struct elf_internal_sym Elf_Internal_Sym;
-#define elf32_internal_sym elf_internal_sym
-#define elf64_internal_sym elf_internal_sym
-#define Elf32_Internal_Sym Elf_Internal_Sym
-#define Elf64_Internal_Sym Elf_Internal_Sym
-/* Note segments */
-typedef struct elf_internal_note {
- unsigned long namesz; /* Size of entry's owner string */
- unsigned long descsz; /* Size of the note descriptor */
- unsigned long type; /* Interpretation of the descriptor */
- char name[1]; /* Start of the name+desc data */
-} Elf_Internal_Note;
-#define Elf32_Internal_Note Elf_Internal_Note
-#define elf32_internal_note elf_internal_note
-/* Relocation Entries */
-typedef struct elf_internal_rel {
- bfd_vma r_offset; /* Location at which to apply the action */
- /* This needs to support 64-bit values in elf64. */
- bfd_vma r_info; /* index and type of relocation */
-} Elf_Internal_Rel;
-#define elf32_internal_rel elf_internal_rel
-#define Elf32_Internal_Rel Elf_Internal_Rel
-#define elf64_internal_rel elf_internal_rel
-#define Elf64_Internal_Rel Elf_Internal_Rel
-typedef struct elf_internal_rela {
- bfd_vma r_offset; /* Location at which to apply the action */
- bfd_vma r_info; /* Index and Type of relocation */
- bfd_signed_vma r_addend; /* Constant addend used to compute value */
-} Elf_Internal_Rela;
-#define elf32_internal_rela elf_internal_rela
-#define elf64_internal_rela elf_internal_rela
-#define Elf32_Internal_Rela Elf_Internal_Rela
-#define Elf64_Internal_Rela Elf_Internal_Rela
-/* dynamic section structure */
-typedef struct elf_internal_dyn {
- /* This needs to support 64-bit values in elf64. */
- bfd_vma d_tag; /* entry tag value */
- union {
- /* This needs to support 64-bit values in elf64. */
- bfd_vma d_val;
- bfd_vma d_ptr;
- } d_un;
-} Elf_Internal_Dyn;
-#define elf32_internal_dyn elf_internal_dyn
-#define elf64_internal_dyn elf_internal_dyn
-#define Elf32_Internal_Dyn Elf_Internal_Dyn
-#define Elf64_Internal_Dyn Elf_Internal_Dyn
-/* This structure is used to describe how sections should be assigned
- to program segments. */
-struct elf_segment_map
- /* Next program segment. */
- struct elf_segment_map *next;
- /* Program segment type. */
- unsigned long p_type;
- /* Program segment flags. */
- unsigned long p_flags;
- /* Program segment physical address. */
- bfd_vma p_paddr;
- /* Whether the p_flags field is valid; if not, the flags are based
- on the section flags. */
- unsigned int p_flags_valid : 1;
- /* Whether the p_paddr field is valid; if not, the physical address
- is based on the section lma values. */
- unsigned int p_paddr_valid : 1;
- /* Whether this segment includes the file header. */
- unsigned int includes_filehdr : 1;
- /* Whether this segment includes the program headers. */
- unsigned int includes_phdrs : 1;
- /* Number of sections (may be 0). */
- unsigned int count;
- /* Sections. Actual number of elements is in count field. */
- asection *sections[1];
-#endif /* _ELF_INTERNAL_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/elf/mips.h b/contrib/gdb/include/elf/mips.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f0d8cd789650..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/elf/mips.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-/* MIPS ELF support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- By Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support, <>, from
- information in the System V Application Binary Interface, MIPS
- Processor Supplement.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file holds definitions specific to the MIPS ELF ABI. Note
- that most of this is not actually implemented by BFD. */
-#ifndef _ELF_MIPS_H
-#define _ELF_MIPS_H
-/* Processor specific flags for the ELF header e_flags field. */
-/* At least one .noreorder directive appears in the source. */
-#define EF_MIPS_NOREORDER 0x00000001
-/* File contains position independent code. */
-#define EF_MIPS_PIC 0x00000002
-/* Code in file uses the standard calling sequence for calling
- position independent code. */
-#define EF_MIPS_CPIC 0x00000004
-/* Four bit MIPS architecture field. */
-#define EF_MIPS_ARCH 0xf0000000
-/* -mips1 code. */
-#define E_MIPS_ARCH_1 0x00000000
-/* -mips2 code. */
-#define E_MIPS_ARCH_2 0x10000000
-/* -mips3 code. */
-#define E_MIPS_ARCH_3 0x20000000
-/* Processor specific section indices. These sections do not actually
- exist. Symbols with a st_shndx field corresponding to one of these
- values have a special meaning. */
-/* Defined and allocated common symbol. Value is virtual address. If
- relocated, alignment must be preserved. */
-#define SHN_MIPS_ACOMMON 0xff00
-/* Defined and allocated text symbol. Value is virtual address.
- Occur in the dynamic symbol table of Alpha OSF/1 and Irix 5 executables. */
-#define SHN_MIPS_TEXT 0xff01
-/* Defined and allocated data symbol. Value is virtual address.
- Occur in the dynamic symbol table of Alpha OSF/1 and Irix 5 executables. */
-#define SHN_MIPS_DATA 0xff02
-/* Small common symbol. */
-#define SHN_MIPS_SCOMMON 0xff03
-/* Small undefined symbol. */
-#define SHN_MIPS_SUNDEFINED 0xff04
-/* Processor specific section types. */
-/* Section contains the set of dynamic shared objects used when
- statically linking. */
-#define SHT_MIPS_LIBLIST 0x70000000
-/* I'm not sure what this is, but it's used on Irix 5. */
-#define SHT_MIPS_MSYM 0x70000001
-/* Section contains list of symbols whose definitions conflict with
- symbols defined in shared objects. */
-#define SHT_MIPS_CONFLICT 0x70000002
-/* Section contains the global pointer table. */
-#define SHT_MIPS_GPTAB 0x70000003
-/* Section contains microcode information. The exact format is
- unspecified. */
-#define SHT_MIPS_UCODE 0x70000004
-/* Section contains some sort of debugging information. The exact
- format is unspecified. It's probably ECOFF symbols. */
-#define SHT_MIPS_DEBUG 0x70000005
-/* Section contains register usage information. */
-#define SHT_MIPS_REGINFO 0x70000006
-/* Section contains miscellaneous options (used on Irix). */
-#define SHT_MIPS_OPTIONS 0x7000000d
-/* DWARF debugging section (used on Irix 6). */
-#define SHT_MIPS_DWARF 0x7000001e
-/* Events section. This appears on Irix 6. I don't know what it
- means. */
-#define SHT_MIPS_EVENTS 0x70000021
-/* A section of type SHT_MIPS_LIBLIST contains an array of the
- following structure. The sh_link field is the section index of the
- string table. The sh_info field is the number of entries in the
- section. */
-typedef struct
- /* String table index for name of shared object. */
- unsigned long l_name;
- /* Time stamp. */
- unsigned long l_time_stamp;
- /* Checksum of symbol names and common sizes. */
- unsigned long l_checksum;
- /* String table index for version. */
- unsigned long l_version;
- /* Flags. */
- unsigned long l_flags;
-} Elf32_Lib;
-/* The l_flags field of an Elf32_Lib structure may contain the
- following flags. */
-/* Require an exact match at runtime. */
-#define LL_EXACT_MATCH 0x00000001
-/* Ignore version incompatibilities at runtime. */
-#define LL_IGNORE_INT_VER 0x00000002
-/* A section of type SHT_MIPS_CONFLICT is an array of indices into the
- .dynsym section. Each element has the following type. */
-typedef unsigned long Elf32_Conflict;
-/* A section of type SHT_MIPS_GPTAB contains information about how
- much GP space would be required for different -G arguments. This
- information is only used so that the linker can provide informative
- suggestions as to the best -G value to use. The sh_info field is
- the index of the section for which this information applies. The
- contents of the section are an array of the following union. The
- first element uses the gt_header field. The remaining elements use
- the gt_entry field. */
-typedef union
- struct
- {
- /* -G value actually used for this object file. */
- unsigned long gt_current_g_value;
- /* Unused. */
- unsigned long gt_unused;
- } gt_header;
- struct
- {
- /* If this -G argument has been used... */
- unsigned long gt_g_value;
- /* ...this many GP section bytes would be required. */
- unsigned long gt_bytes;
- } gt_entry;
-} Elf32_gptab;
-/* The external version of Elf32_gptab. */
-typedef union
- struct
- {
- unsigned char gt_current_g_value[4];
- unsigned char gt_unused[4];
- } gt_header;
- struct
- {
- unsigned char gt_g_value[4];
- unsigned char gt_bytes[4];
- } gt_entry;
-} Elf32_External_gptab;
-/* A section of type SHT_MIPS_REGINFO contains the following
- structure. */
-typedef struct
- /* Mask of general purpose registers used. */
- unsigned long ri_gprmask;
- /* Mask of co-processor registers used. */
- unsigned long ri_cprmask[4];
- /* GP register value for this object file. */
- long ri_gp_value;
-} Elf32_RegInfo;
-/* The external version of the Elf_RegInfo structure. */
-typedef struct
- unsigned char ri_gprmask[4];
- unsigned char ri_cprmask[4][4];
- unsigned char ri_gp_value[4];
-} Elf32_External_RegInfo;
-/* MIPS ELF .reginfo swapping routines. */
-extern void bfd_mips_elf32_swap_reginfo_in
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const Elf32_External_RegInfo *, Elf32_RegInfo *));
-extern void bfd_mips_elf32_swap_reginfo_out
- PARAMS ((bfd *, const Elf32_RegInfo *, Elf32_External_RegInfo *));
-/* Processor specific section flags. */
-/* This section must be in the global data area. */
-#define SHF_MIPS_GPREL 0x10000000
-/* Processor specific program header types. */
-/* Register usage information. Identifies one .reginfo section. */
-#define PT_MIPS_REGINFO 0x70000000
-/* Runtime procedure table. */
-#define PT_MIPS_RTPROC 0x70000001
-/* Processor specific dynamic array tags. */
-/* 32 bit version number for runtime linker interface. */
-#define DT_MIPS_RLD_VERSION 0x70000001
-/* Time stamp. */
-#define DT_MIPS_TIME_STAMP 0x70000002
-/* Checksum of external strings and common sizes. */
-#define DT_MIPS_ICHECKSUM 0x70000003
-/* Index of version string in string table. */
-#define DT_MIPS_IVERSION 0x70000004
-/* 32 bits of flags. */
-#define DT_MIPS_FLAGS 0x70000005
-/* Base address of the segment. */
-#define DT_MIPS_BASE_ADDRESS 0x70000006
-/* Address of .conflict section. */
-#define DT_MIPS_CONFLICT 0x70000008
-/* Address of .liblist section. */
-#define DT_MIPS_LIBLIST 0x70000009
-/* Number of local global offset table entries. */
-#define DT_MIPS_LOCAL_GOTNO 0x7000000a
-/* Number of entries in the .conflict section. */
-#define DT_MIPS_CONFLICTNO 0x7000000b
-/* Number of entries in the .liblist section. */
-#define DT_MIPS_LIBLISTNO 0x70000010
-/* Number of entries in the .dynsym section. */
-#define DT_MIPS_SYMTABNO 0x70000011
-/* Index of first external dynamic symbol not referenced locally. */
-#define DT_MIPS_UNREFEXTNO 0x70000012
-/* Index of first dynamic symbol in global offset table. */
-#define DT_MIPS_GOTSYM 0x70000013
-/* Number of page table entries in global offset table. */
-#define DT_MIPS_HIPAGENO 0x70000014
-/* Address of run time loader map, used for debugging. */
-#define DT_MIPS_RLD_MAP 0x70000016
-/* Flags which may appear in a DT_MIPS_FLAGS entry. */
-/* No flags. */
-#define RHF_NONE 0x00000000
-/* Uses shortcut pointers. */
-#define RHF_QUICKSTART 0x00000001
-/* Hash size is not a power of two. */
-#define RHF_NOTPOT 0x00000002
-/* Ignore LD_LIBRARY_PATH. */
- 0x00000004
-/* Special values for the st_other field in the symbol table. These
- are used in an Irix 5 dynamic symbol table. */
-#define STO_DEFAULT 0x00
-#define STO_INTERNAL 0x01
-#define STO_HIDDEN 0x02
-#define STO_PROTECTED 0x03
-#endif /* _ELF_MIPS_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/elf/ppc.h b/contrib/gdb/include/elf/ppc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1da118ddd842..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/elf/ppc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-/* PPC ELF support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- By Michael Meissner, Cygnus Support, <>, from information
- in the System V Application Binary Interface, PowerPC Processor Supplement
- and the PowerPC Embedded Application Binary Interface (eabi).
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file holds definitions specific to the PPC ELF ABI. Note
- that most of this is not actually implemented by BFD. */
-#ifndef _ELF_PPC_H
-#define _ELF_PPC_H
-/* Processor specific flags for the ELF header e_flags field. */
-#define EF_PPC_EMB 0x80000000 /* PowerPC embedded flag */
- /* CYGNUS local bits below */
-#define EF_PPC_RELOCATABLE 0x00010000 /* PowerPC -mrelocatable flag */
-#define EF_PPC_RELOCATABLE_LIB 0x00008000 /* PowerPC -mrelocatable-lib flag */
-/* Processor specific section headers, sh_type field */
-#define SHT_ORDERED SHT_HIPROC /* Link editor is to sort the \
- entries in this section \
- based on the address \
- specified in the associated \
- symbol table entry. */
-/* Processor specific section flags, sh_flags field */
-#define SHF_EXCLUDE 0x80000000 /* Link editor is to exclude \
- this section from executable \
- and shared objects that it \
- builds when those objects \
- are not to be furhter \
- relocated. */
-#endif /* _ELF_PPC_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/elf/sparc.h b/contrib/gdb/include/elf/sparc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 84408e31adda..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/elf/sparc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-/* SPARC ELF support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- By Doug Evans, Cygnus Support, <>.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef _ELF_SPARC_H
-#define _ELF_SPARC_H
-/* Processor specific flags for the ELF header e_flags field. */
-/* These are defined by Sun. */
-#define EF_SPARC_32PLUS_MASK 0xffff00 /* bits indicating V8+ type */
-#define EF_SPARC_32PLUS 0x000100 /* generic V8+ features */
-#define EF_SPARC_SUN_US1 0x000200 /* Sun UltraSPARC1 extensions */
-/* Relocation types. */
-enum elf_sparc_reloc_type {
- R_SPARC_8, R_SPARC_16, R_SPARC_32,
- /* ??? These 6 relocs are new but not currently used. For binary
- compatility in the sparc64-elf toolchain, we leave them out.
- A non-binary upward compatible change is expected for sparc64-elf. */
- /* ??? New relocs on the UltraSPARC. Not sure what they're for yet. */
- /* v9 relocs */
- R_SPARC_10, R_SPARC_11, R_SPARC_64,
- R_SPARC_7,
- R_SPARC_max
-#endif /* _ELF_SPARC_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/floatformat.h b/contrib/gdb/include/floatformat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 01e3dcb2944d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/floatformat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-/* IEEE floating point support declarations, for GDB, the GNU Debugger.
- Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#if !defined (FLOATFORMAT_H)
-#define FLOATFORMAT_H 1
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-/* A floatformat consists of a sign bit, an exponent and a mantissa. Once the
- bytes are concatenated according to the byteorder flag, then each of those
- fields is contiguous. We number the bits with 0 being the most significant
- (i.e. BITS_BIG_ENDIAN type numbering), and specify which bits each field
- contains with the *_start and *_len fields. */
-enum floatformat_byteorders { floatformat_little, floatformat_big };
-enum floatformat_intbit { floatformat_intbit_yes, floatformat_intbit_no };
-struct floatformat
- enum floatformat_byteorders byteorder;
- unsigned int totalsize; /* Total size of number in bits */
- /* Sign bit is always one bit long. 1 means negative, 0 means positive. */
- unsigned int sign_start;
- unsigned int exp_start;
- unsigned int exp_len;
- /* Amount added to "true" exponent. 0x3fff for many IEEE extendeds. */
- unsigned int exp_bias;
- /* Exponent value which indicates NaN. This is the actual value stored in
- the float, not adjusted by the exp_bias. This usually consists of all
- one bits. */
- unsigned int exp_nan;
- unsigned int man_start;
- unsigned int man_len;
- /* Is the integer bit explicit or implicit? */
- enum floatformat_intbit intbit;
-/* floatformats for IEEE single and double, big and little endian. */
-extern const struct floatformat floatformat_ieee_single_big;
-extern const struct floatformat floatformat_ieee_single_little;
-extern const struct floatformat floatformat_ieee_double_big;
-extern const struct floatformat floatformat_ieee_double_little;
-/* floatformats for various extendeds. */
-extern const struct floatformat floatformat_i387_ext;
-extern const struct floatformat floatformat_m68881_ext;
-extern const struct floatformat floatformat_i960_ext;
-extern const struct floatformat floatformat_m88110_ext;
-extern const struct floatformat floatformat_arm_ext;
-/* Convert from FMT to a double.
- FROM is the address of the extended float.
- Store the double in *TO. */
-extern void
-floatformat_to_double PARAMS ((const struct floatformat *, char *, double *));
-/* The converse: convert the double *FROM to FMT
- and store where TO points. */
-extern void
-floatformat_from_double PARAMS ((const struct floatformat *,
- double *, char *));
-#endif /* defined (FLOATFORMAT_H) */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/fopen-bin.h b/contrib/gdb/include/fopen-bin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b868f63d46d1..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/fopen-bin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-/* Macros for the 'type' part of an fopen, freopen or fdopen.
- <Read|Write>[Update]<Binary file|text file>
- This version is for "binary" systems, where text and binary files are
- different. An example is Mess-Dose. Many Unix systems could also
- cope with a "b" in the string, indicating binary files, but some reject this
- (and thereby don't conform to ANSI C, but what else is new?).
- This file is designed for inclusion by host-dependent .h files. No
- user application should include it directly, since that would make
- the application unable to be configured for both "same" and "binary"
- variant systems. */
-#define FOPEN_RB "rb"
-#define FOPEN_WB "wb"
-#define FOPEN_AB "ab"
-#define FOPEN_RUB "r+b"
-#define FOPEN_WUB "w+b"
-#define FOPEN_AUB "a+b"
-#define FOPEN_RT "r"
-#define FOPEN_WT "w"
-#define FOPEN_AT "a"
-#define FOPEN_RUT "r+"
-#define FOPEN_WUT "w+"
-#define FOPEN_AUT "a+"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/fopen-same.h b/contrib/gdb/include/fopen-same.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f37529d33e0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/fopen-same.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-/* Macros for the 'type' part of an fopen, freopen or fdopen.
- <Read|Write>[Update]<Binary file|text file>
- This version is for "same" systems, where text and binary files are
- the same. An example is Unix. Many Unix systems could also add a
- "b" to the string, indicating binary files, but some reject this
- (and thereby don't conform to ANSI C, but what else is new?).
- This file is designed for inclusion by host-dependent .h files. No
- user application should include it directly, since that would make
- the application unable to be configured for both "same" and "binary"
- variant systems. */
-#define FOPEN_RB "r"
-#define FOPEN_WB "w"
-#define FOPEN_AB "a"
-#define FOPEN_RUB "r+"
-#define FOPEN_WUB "w+"
-#define FOPEN_AUB "a+"
-#define FOPEN_RT "r"
-#define FOPEN_WT "w"
-#define FOPEN_AT "a"
-#define FOPEN_RUT "r+"
-#define FOPEN_WUT "w+"
-#define FOPEN_AUT "a+"
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/gdbm.h b/contrib/gdb/include/gdbm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ebc26d198a7..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/gdbm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-/* GNU DBM - DataBase Manager include file
- Copyright 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Philip A. Nelson.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* You may contact the author by:
- e-mail:
- us-mail: Philip A. Nelson
- Computer Science Department
- Western Washington University
- Bellingham, WA 98226
- phone: (206) 676-3035
-/* Parameters to gdbm_open for READERS, WRITERS, and WRITERS who
- can create the database. */
-#define GDBM_READER 0
-#define GDBM_WRITER 1
-#define GDBM_WRCREAT 2
-#define GDBM_NEWDB 3
-/* Parameters to gdbm_store for simple insertion or replacement. */
-#define GDBM_INSERT 0
-#define GDBM_REPLACE 1
-/* The data and key structure. This structure is defined for compatibility. */
-typedef struct {
- char *dptr;
- int dsize;
- } datum;
-/* The file information header. This is good enough for most applications. */
-typedef struct {int dummy[10];} *GDBM_FILE;
-/* These are the routines! */
-extern GDBM_FILE gdbm_open ();
-extern void gdbm_close ();
-extern datum gdbm_fetch ();
-extern int gdbm_store ();
-extern int gdbm_delete ();
-extern datum gdbm_firstkey ();
-extern datum gdbm_nextkey ();
-extern int gdbm_reorganize ();
-/* gdbm sends back the following error codes in the variable gdbm_errno. */
-typedef enum { NO_ERROR,
- gdbm_error;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/getopt.h b/contrib/gdb/include/getopt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index abf915383200..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/getopt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-/* Declarations for getopt.
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef _GETOPT_H
-#define _GETOPT_H 1
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* For communication from `getopt' to the caller.
- When `getopt' finds an option that takes an argument,
- the argument value is returned here.
- Also, when `ordering' is RETURN_IN_ORDER,
- each non-option ARGV-element is returned here. */
-extern char *optarg;
-/* Index in ARGV of the next element to be scanned.
- This is used for communication to and from the caller
- and for communication between successive calls to `getopt'.
- On entry to `getopt', zero means this is the first call; initialize.
- When `getopt' returns EOF, this is the index of the first of the
- non-option elements that the caller should itself scan.
- Otherwise, `optind' communicates from one call to the next
- how much of ARGV has been scanned so far. */
-extern int optind;
-/* Callers store zero here to inhibit the error message `getopt' prints
- for unrecognized options. */
-extern int opterr;
-/* Set to an option character which was unrecognized. */
-extern int optopt;
-/* Describe the long-named options requested by the application.
- The LONG_OPTIONS argument to getopt_long or getopt_long_only is a vector
- of `struct option' terminated by an element containing a name which is
- zero.
- The field `has_arg' is:
- no_argument (or 0) if the option does not take an argument,
- required_argument (or 1) if the option requires an argument,
- optional_argument (or 2) if the option takes an optional argument.
- If the field `flag' is not NULL, it points to a variable that is set
- to the value given in the field `val' when the option is found, but
- left unchanged if the option is not found.
- To have a long-named option do something other than set an `int' to
- a compiled-in constant, such as set a value from `optarg', set the
- option's `flag' field to zero and its `val' field to a nonzero
- value (the equivalent single-letter option character, if there is
- one). For long options that have a zero `flag' field, `getopt'
- returns the contents of the `val' field. */
-struct option
-#if __STDC__
- const char *name;
- char *name;
- /* has_arg can't be an enum because some compilers complain about
- type mismatches in all the code that assumes it is an int. */
- int has_arg;
- int *flag;
- int val;
-/* Names for the values of the `has_arg' field of `struct option'. */
-#define no_argument 0
-#define required_argument 1
-#define optional_argument 2
-#if __STDC__
-#if defined(__GNU_LIBRARY__)
-/* Many other libraries have conflicting prototypes for getopt, with
- differences in the consts, in stdlib.h. To avoid compilation
- errors, only prototype getopt for the GNU C library. */
-extern int getopt (int argc, char *const *argv, const char *shortopts);
-#else /* not __GNU_LIBRARY__ */
-extern int getopt ();
-#endif /* not __GNU_LIBRARY__ */
-extern int getopt_long (int argc, char *const *argv, const char *shortopts,
- const struct option *longopts, int *longind);
-extern int getopt_long_only (int argc, char *const *argv,
- const char *shortopts,
- const struct option *longopts, int *longind);
-/* Internal only. Users should not call this directly. */
-extern int _getopt_internal (int argc, char *const *argv,
- const char *shortopts,
- const struct option *longopts, int *longind,
- int long_only);
-#else /* not __STDC__ */
-extern int getopt ();
-extern int getopt_long ();
-extern int getopt_long_only ();
-extern int _getopt_internal ();
-#endif /* not __STDC__ */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _GETOPT_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/hp-symtab.h b/contrib/gdb/include/hp-symtab.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 051c4c63ed2d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/hp-symtab.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,983 +0,0 @@
-/* Definitions and structures for reading debug symbols from the
- native HP C compiler.
- Written by the Center for Software Science at the University of Utah
- and by Cygnus Support.
- Copyright 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* General information:
- This header file defines and describes only the basic data structures
- necessary to read debug symbols produced by the HP C compiler using the
- SOM object file format. Definitions and structures used by other compilers
- for other languages or object file formats may be missing.
- (For a full description of the debug format, ftp hpux-symtab.h from
- Debug symbols are contained entirely within an unloadable space called
- $DEBUG$. $DEBUG$ contains several subspaces which group related
- debug symbols.
- $GNTT$ contains information for global variables, types and contants.
- $LNTT$ contains information for procedures (including nesting), scoping
- information, local variables, types, and constants.
- $SLT$ contains source line information so that code addresses may be
- mapped to source lines.
- $VT$ contains various strings and constants for named objects (variables,
- typedefs, functions, etc). Strings are stored as null-terminated character
- lists. Constants always begin on word boundaries. The first byte of
- the VT must be zero (a null string).
- $XT$ is not currently used by GDB.
- Many structures within the subspaces point to other structures within
- the same subspace, or to structures within a different subspace. These
- pointers are represented as a structure index from the beginning of
- the appropriate subspace. */
-/* Used to describe where a constant is stored. */
-enum location_type
-/* Languages supported by this debug format. Within the data structures
- this type is limited to 4 bits for a maximum of 16 languages. */
-enum hp_language
-/* Basic data types available in this debug format. Within the data
- structures this type is limited to 5 bits for a maximum of 32 basic
- data types. */
-enum hp_type
- HP_TYPE_REAL_3000,
-/* An immediate name and type table entry.
- extension and immediate will always be one.
- global will always be zero.
- hp_type is the basic type this entry describes.
- bitlength is the length in bits for the basic type. */
-struct dnttp_immediate
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int immediate: 1;
- unsigned int global: 1;
- unsigned int type: 5;
- unsigned int bitlength: 24;
-/* A nonimmediate name and type table entry.
- extension will always be one.
- immediate will always be zero.
- if global is zero, this entry points into the LNTT
- if global is one, this entry points into the GNTT
- index is the index within the GNTT or LNTT for this entry. */
-struct dnttp_nonimmediate
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int immediate: 1;
- unsigned int global: 1;
- unsigned int index: 29;
-/* A pointer to an entry in the GNTT and LNTT tables. It has two
- forms depending on the type being described.
- The immediate form is used for simple entries and is one
- word.
- The nonimmediate form is used for complex entries and contains
- an index into the LNTT or GNTT which describes the entire type.
- If a dnttpointer is -1, then it is a NIL entry. */
-#define DNTTNIL (-1)
-typedef union dnttpointer
- struct dnttp_immediate dntti;
- struct dnttp_nonimmediate dnttp;
- int word;
-} dnttpointer;
-/* An index into the source line table. As with dnttpointers, a sltpointer
- of -1 indicates a NIL entry. */
-#define SLTNIL (-1)
-typedef int sltpointer;
-/* Unsigned byte offset into the VT. */
-typedef unsigned int vtpointer;
-/* A DNTT entry (used within the GNTT and LNTT).
- DNTT entries are variable sized objects, but are always a multiple
- of 3 words (we call each group of 3 words a "block").
- The first bit in each block is an extension bit. This bit is zero
- for the first block of a DNTT entry. If the entry requires more
- than one block, then this bit is set to one in all blocks after
- the first one. */
-/* Each DNTT entry describes a particular debug symbol (beginning of
- a source file, a function, variables, structures, etc.
- The type of the DNTT entry is stored in the "kind" field within the
- DNTT entry itself. */
-enum dntt_entry_type
- One DNTT_TYPE_SRCFILE symbol is output for the start of each source
- file and at the begin and end of an included file. A DNTT_TYPE_SRCFILE
- entry is also output before each DNTT_TYPE_FUNC symbol so that debuggers
- can determine what file a function was defined in.
- LANGUAGE describes the source file's language.
- NAME points to an VT entry providing the source file's name.
- Note the name used for DNTT_TYPE_SRCFILE entries are exactly as seen
- by the compiler (ie they may be relative or absolute). C include files
- via <> inclusion must use absolute paths.
- ADDRESS points to an SLT entry from which line number and code locations
- may be determined. */
-struct dntt_type_srcfile
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int language: 4;
- unsigned int unused: 17;
- vtpointer name;
- sltpointer address;
- A DNTT_TYPE_MODULE symbol is emitted for the start of a pascal
- module or C source file.
- Each DNTT_TYPE_MODULE must have an associated DNTT_TYPE_END symbol.
- NAME points to a VT entry providing the module's name. Note C
- source files are considered nameless modules.
- ALIAS point to a VT entry providing a secondary name.
- ADDRESS points to an SLT entry from which line number and code locations
- may be determined. */
-struct dntt_type_module
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int unused: 21;
- vtpointer name;
- vtpointer alias;
- dnttpointer unused2;
- sltpointer address;
- A DNTT_TYPE_FUNCTION symbol is emitted for each function definition;
- a DNTT_TYPE_ENTRY symbols is used for secondary entry points. Both
- symbols used the dntt_type_function structure.
- Each DNTT_TYPE_FUNCTION must have a matching DNTT_TYPE_END.
- GLOBAL is nonzero if the function has global scope.
- LANGUAGE describes the function's source language.
- OPT_LEVEL describes the optimization level the function was compiled
- with.
- VARARGS is nonzero if the function uses varargs.
- NAME points to a VT entry providing the function's name.
- ALIAS points to a VT entry providing a secondary name for the function.
- FIRSTPARAM points to a LNTT entry which describes the parameter list.
- ADDRESS points to an SLT entry from which line number and code locations
- may be determined.
- ENTRYADDR is the memory address corresponding the the function's entry point
- RETVAL points to a LNTT entry describing the function's return value.
- LOWADDR is the lowest memory address associated with this function.
- HIADDR is the highest memory address associated with this function. */
-struct dntt_type_function
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int global: 1;
- unsigned int language: 4;
- unsigned int nest_level: 5;
- unsigned int opt_level: 2;
- unsigned int varargs: 1;
- unsigned int lang_info: 4;
- unsigned int inlined: 1;
- unsigned int localalloc: 1;
- unsigned int expansion: 1;
- unsigned int unused: 1;
- vtpointer name;
- vtpointer alias;
- dnttpointer firstparam;
- sltpointer address;
- CORE_ADDR entryaddr;
- dnttpointer retval;
- CORE_ADDR lowaddr;
- CORE_ADDR hiaddr;
- A DNTT_TYPE_BEGIN symbol is emitted to begin a new nested scope.
- Every DNTT_TYPE_BEGIN symbol must have a matching DNTT_TYPE_END symbol.
- CLASSFLAG is nonzero if this is the beginning of a c++ class definition.
- ADDRESS points to an SLT entry from which line number and code locations
- may be determined. */
-struct dntt_type_begin
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int classflag: 1;
- unsigned int unused: 20;
- sltpointer address;
- A DNTT_TYPE_END symbol is emitted when closing a scope started by
- ENDKIND describes what type of scope the DNTT_TYPE_END is closing
- CLASSFLAG is nonzero if this is the end of a c++ class definition.
- ADDRESS points to an SLT entry from which line number and code locations
- may be determined.
- BEGINSCOPE points to the LNTT entry which opened the scope. */
-struct dntt_type_end
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int endkind: 10;
- unsigned int classflag: 1;
- unsigned int unused: 10;
- sltpointer address;
- dnttpointer beginscope;
-/* DNTT_TYPE_IMPORT is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_LABEL is unused by GDB. */
- A DNTT_TYPE_FPARAM symbol is emitted for a function argument. When
- chained together the symbols represent an argument list for a function.
- REGPARAM is nonzero if this parameter was passed in a register.
- INDIRECT is nonzero if this parameter is a pointer to the parameter
- (pass by reference or pass by value for large items).
- LONGADDR is nonzero if the parameter is a 64bit pointer.
- NAME is a pointer into the VT for the parameter's name.
- LOCATION describes where the parameter is stored. Depending on the
- parameter type LOCATION could be a register number, or an offset
- from the stack pointer.
- TYPE points to a NTT entry describing the type of this parameter.
- NEXTPARAM points to the LNTT entry describing the next parameter. */
-struct dntt_type_fparam
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int regparam: 1;
- unsigned int indirect: 1;
- unsigned int longaddr: 1;
- unsigned int copyparam: 1;
- unsigned int dflt: 1;
- unsigned int unused: 16;
- vtpointer name;
- int location;
- dnttpointer type;
- dnttpointer nextparam;
- int misc;
- A DNTT_TYPE_SVAR is emitted to describe a variable in static storage.
- GLOBAL is nonzero if the variable has global scope.
- INDIRECT is nonzero if the variable is a pointer to an object.
- LONGADDR is nonzero if the variable is in long pointer space.
- STATICMEM is nonzero if the variable is a member of a class.
- A_UNION is nonzero if the variable is an anonymous union member.
- NAME is a pointer into the VT for the variable's name.
- LOCATION provides the memory address for the variable.
- TYPE is a pointer into either the GNTT or LNTT which describes
- the type of this variable. */
-struct dntt_type_svar
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int global: 1;
- unsigned int indirect: 1;
- unsigned int longaddr: 1;
- unsigned int staticmem: 1;
- unsigned int a_union: 1;
- unsigned int unused: 16;
- vtpointer name;
- CORE_ADDR location;
- dnttpointer type;
- unsigned int offset;
- unsigned int displacement;
- A DNTT_TYPE_DVAR is emitted to describe automatic variables and variables
- held in registers.
- GLOBAL is nonzero if the variable has global scope.
- INDIRECT is nonzero if the variable is a pointer to an object.
- REGVAR is nonzero if the variable is in a register.
- A_UNION is nonzero if the variable is an anonymous union member.
- NAME is a pointer into the VT for the variable's name.
- LOCATION provides the memory address or register number for the variable.
- TYPE is a pointer into either the GNTT or LNTT which describes
- the type of this variable. */
-struct dntt_type_dvar
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int global: 1;
- unsigned int indirect: 1;
- unsigned int regvar: 1;
- unsigned int a_union: 1;
- unsigned int unused: 17;
- vtpointer name;
- int location;
- dnttpointer type;
- unsigned int offset;
- A DNTT_TYPE_CONST symbol is emitted for program constants.
- GLOBAL is nonzero if the constant has global scope.
- INDIRECT is nonzero if the constant is a pointer to an object.
- LOCATION_TYPE describes where to find the constant's value
- (in the VT, memory, or embedded in an instruction).
- CLASSMEM is nonzero if the constant is a member of a class.
- NAME is a pointer into the VT for the constant's name.
- LOCATION provides the memory address, register number or pointer
- into the VT for the constant's value.
- TYPE is a pointer into either the GNTT or LNTT which describes
- the type of this variable. */
-struct dntt_type_const
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int global: 1;
- unsigned int indirect: 1;
- unsigned int: 3;
- unsigned int classmem: 1;
- unsigned int unused: 15;
- vtpointer name;
- CORE_ADDR location;
- dnttpointer type;
- unsigned int offset;
- unsigned int displacement;
- The same structure is used to describe typedefs and tagdefs.
- DNTT_TYPE_TYPEDEFS are associated with C "typedefs".
- DNTT_TYPE_TAGDEFs are associated with C "struct", "union", and "enum"
- tags, which may have the same name as a typedef in the same scope.
- GLOBAL is nonzero if the typedef/tagdef has global scope.
- TYPEINFO is used to determine if full type information is available
- for a tag. (usually 1, but can be zero for opaque types in C).
- NAME is a pointer into the VT for the constant's name.
- TYPE points to the underlying type for the typedef/tagdef in the
- GNTT or LNTT. */
-struct dntt_type_type
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int global: 1;
- unsigned int typeinfo: 1;
- unsigned int unused: 19;
- vtpointer name;
- dnttpointer type;
- Used to describe a pointer to an underlying type.
- POINTSTO is a pointer into the GNTT or LNTT for the type which this
- pointer points to.
- BITLENGTH is the length of the pointer (not the underlying type). */
-struct dntt_type_pointer
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int unused: 21;
- dnttpointer pointsto;
- unsigned int bitlength;
- Used to describe enumerated types.
- FIRSTMEM is a pointer to a DNTT_TYPE_MEMENUM in the GNTT/LNTT which
- describes the first member (and contains a pointer to the chain of
- members).
- BITLENGTH is the number of bits used to hold the values of the enum's
- members. */
-struct dntt_type_enum
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int unused: 21;
- dnttpointer firstmem;
- unsigned int bitlength;
- Used to describe members of an enumerated type.
- CLASSMEM is nonzero if this member is part of a class.
- NAME points into the VT for the name of this member.
- VALUE is the value of this enumeration member.
- NEXTMEM points to the next DNTT_TYPE_MEMENUM in the chain. */
-struct dntt_type_memenum
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int classmem: 1;
- unsigned int unused: 20;
- vtpointer name;
- unsigned int value;
- dnttpointer nextmem;
- DECLARATION describes the bitpacking of the set.
- SUBTYPE points to a DNTT entry describing the type of the members.
- BITLENGTH is the size of the set. */
-struct dntt_type_set
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int declaration: 2;
- unsigned int unused: 19;
- dnttpointer subtype;
- unsigned int bitlength;
- DYN_LOW describes the lower bound of the subrange:
- 00 for a constant lower bound (found in LOWBOUND).
- 01 for a dynamic lower bound with the lower bound found in the the
- memory address pointed to by LOWBOUND.
- 10 for a dynamic lower bound described by an variable found in the
- DNTT/LNTT (LOWBOUND would be a pointer into the DNTT/LNTT).
- DYN_HIGH is similar to DYN_LOW, except it describes the upper bound.
- SUBTYPE points to the type of the subrange.
- BITLENGTH is the length in bits needed to describe the subrange's
- values. */
-struct dntt_type_subrange
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int dyn_low: 2;
- unsigned int dyn_high: 2;
- unsigned int unused: 17;
- int lowbound;
- int highbound;
- dnttpointer subtype;
- unsigned int bitlength;
- DECLARATION describes the bit packing used in the array.
- ARRAYISBYTES is nonzero if the field in arraylength describes the
- length in bytes rather than in bits. A value of zero is used to
- describe an array with size 2**32.
- ELEMISBYTES is nonzero if the length if each element in the array
- is describes in bytes rather than bits. A value of zero is used
- to an element with size 2**32.
- ELEMORDER is nonzero if the elements are indexed in increasing order.
- JUSTIFIED if the elements are left justified to index zero.
- ARRAYLENGTH is the length of the array.
- INDEXTYPE is a DNTT pointer to the type used to index the array.
- ELEMTYPE is a DNTT pointer to the type for the array elements.
- ELEMLENGTH is the length of each element in the array (including
- any padding).
- Multi-dimensional arrays are represented by ELEMTYPE pointing to
- another DNTT_TYPE_ARRAY. */
-struct dntt_type_array
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int declaration: 2;
- unsigned int dyn_low: 2;
- unsigned int dyn_high: 2;
- unsigned int arrayisbytes: 1;
- unsigned int elemisbytes: 1;
- unsigned int elemorder: 1;
- unsigned int justified: 1;
- unsigned int unused: 11;
- unsigned int arraylength;
- dnttpointer indextype;
- dnttpointer elemtype;
- unsigned int elemlength;
- DNTT_TYPE_STRUCT is used to describe a C structure.
- DECLARATION describes the bitpacking used.
- FIRSTFIELD is a DNTT pointer to the first field of the structure
- (each field contains a pointer to the next field, walk the list
- to access all fields of the structure).
- VARTAGFIELD and VARLIST are used for Pascal variant records.
- BITLENGTH is the size of the structure in bits. */
-struct dntt_type_struct
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int declaration: 2;
- unsigned int unused: 19;
- dnttpointer firstfield;
- dnttpointer vartagfield;
- dnttpointer varlist;
- unsigned int bitlength;
- DNTT_TYPE_UNION is used to describe a C union.
- FIRSTFIELD is a DNTT pointer to the beginning of the field chain.
- BITLENGTH is the size of the union in bits. */
-struct dntt_type_union
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int unused: 21;
- dnttpointer firstfield;
- unsigned int bitlength;
- DNTT_TYPE_FIELD describes one field in a structure or union.
- VISIBILITY is used to describe the visibility of the field
- (for c++. public = 0, protected = 1, private = 2).
- A_UNION is nonzero if this field is a member of an anonymous union.
- STATICMEM is nonzero if this field is a static member of a template.
- NAME is a pointer into the VT for the name of the field.
- BITOFFSET gives the offset of this field in bits from the beginning
- of the structure or union this field is a member of.
- TYPE is a DNTT pointer to the type describing this field.
- BITLENGTH is the size of the entry in bits.
- NEXTFIELD is a DNTT pointer to the next field in the chain. */
-struct dntt_type_field
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int visibility: 2;
- unsigned int a_union: 1;
- unsigned int staticmem: 1;
- unsigned int unused: 17;
- vtpointer name;
- unsigned int bitoffset;
- dnttpointer type;
- unsigned int bitlength;
- dnttpointer nextfield;
-/* DNTT_TYPE_VARIANT is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_FILE is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_COMMON is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_LINK is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_FFUNC_LINK is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_TEMPLATE is unused by GDB. */
- VARARGS is nonzero if this function uses varargs.
- FIRSTPARAM is a DNTT pointer to the first entry in the parameter
- chain.
- RETVAL is a DNTT pointer to the type of the return value. */
-struct dntt_type_functype
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int varargs: 1;
- unsigned int info: 4;
- unsigned int unused: 16;
- unsigned int bitlength;
- dnttpointer firstparam;
- dnttpointer retval;
-/* DNTT_TYPE_WITH is unued by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_COBSTRUCT is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_MODIFIER is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_GENFIELD is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_MEMACCESS is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_VFUNC is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_CLASS_SCOPE is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_FRIEND_CLASS is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_FRIEND_FUNC is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_CLASS unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_TEMPLATE unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_TEMPL_ARG is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_PTRMEM not used by GDB */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_INHERITANCE is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_OBJECT_ID is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_XREF is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_SA is unused by GDB. */
-/* DNTT_TYPE_GENERIC and DNTT_TYPE_BLOCK are convience structures
- so we can examine a DNTT entry in a generic fashion. */
-struct dntt_type_generic
- unsigned int word[9];
-struct dntt_type_block
- unsigned int extension: 1;
- unsigned int kind: 10;
- unsigned int unused: 21;
- unsigned int word[2];
-/* One entry in a DNTT (either the LNTT or GNTT). */
-union dnttentry
- struct dntt_type_srcfile dsfile;
- struct dntt_type_module dmodule;
- struct dntt_type_function dfunc;
- struct dntt_type_function dentry;
- struct dntt_type_begin dbegin;
- struct dntt_type_end dend;
- struct dntt_type_fparam dfparam;
- struct dntt_type_svar dsvar;
- struct dntt_type_dvar ddvar;
- struct dntt_type_const dconst;
- struct dntt_type_type dtype;
- struct dntt_type_type dtag;
- struct dntt_type_pointer dptr;
- struct dntt_type_enum denum;
- struct dntt_type_memenum dmember;
- struct dntt_type_set dset;
- struct dntt_type_subrange dsubr;
- struct dntt_type_array darray;
- struct dntt_type_struct dstruct;
- struct dntt_type_union dunion;
- struct dntt_type_field dfield;
- struct dntt_type_functype dfunctype;
- struct dntt_type_generic dgeneric;
- struct dntt_type_block dblock;
-/* Source line entry types. */
-enum slttype
-/* A normal source line entry. Simply provides a mapping of a source
- line number to a code address.
- SLTDESC will always be SLT_NORMAL or SLT_EXIT. */
-struct slt_normal
- unsigned int sltdesc: 4;
- unsigned int line: 28;
- CORE_ADDR address;
-/* A special source line entry. Provides a mapping of a declaration
- to a line number. These entries point back into the DNTT which
- references them. */
-struct slt_special
- unsigned int sltdesc: 4;
- unsigned int line: 28;
- dnttpointer backptr;
-/* Used to describe nesting.
- For nested languages, an slt_assist entry must follow each SLT_FUNC
- entry in the SLT. The address field will point forward to the
- first slt_normal entry within the function's scope. */
-struct slt_assist
- unsigned int sltdesc: 4;
- unsigned int unused: 28;
- sltpointer address;
-struct slt_generic
- unsigned int word[2];
-union sltentry
- struct slt_normal snorm;
- struct slt_special sspec;
- struct slt_assist sasst;
- struct slt_generic sgeneric;
-#endif /* HP_SYMTAB_INCLUDED */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/ieee.h b/contrib/gdb/include/ieee.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ade39d33e35..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/ieee.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-/* IEEE Standard 695-1980 "Universal Format for Object Modules" header file
- Contributed by Cygnus Support. */
-#define N_W_VARIABLES 8
-#define Module_Beginning 0xe0
-typedef struct ieee_module {
- char *processor;
- char *module_name;
-} ieee_module_begin_type;
-#define Address_Descriptor 0xec
-typedef struct ieee_address {
-bfd_vma number_of_bits_mau;
- bfd_vma number_of_maus_in_address;
- unsigned char byte_order;
-#define IEEE_LITTLE 0xcc
-#define IEEE_BIG 0xcd
-} ieee_address_descriptor_type;
-typedef union ieee_w_variable {
- file_ptr offset[N_W_VARIABLES];
- struct {
- file_ptr extension_record;
- file_ptr environmental_record;
- file_ptr section_part;
- file_ptr external_part;
- file_ptr debug_information_part;
- file_ptr data_part;
- file_ptr trailer_part;
- file_ptr me_record;
- } r;
-} ieee_w_variable_type;
-typedef enum ieee_record
- ieee_number_start_enum = 0x00,
- ieee_number_end_enum=0x7f,
- ieee_number_repeat_start_enum = 0x80,
- ieee_number_repeat_end_enum = 0x88,
- ieee_number_repeat_4_enum = 0x84,
- ieee_number_repeat_3_enum = 0x83,
- ieee_number_repeat_2_enum = 0x82,
- ieee_number_repeat_1_enum = 0x81,
- ieee_module_beginning_enum = 0xe0,
- ieee_module_end_enum = 0xe1,
- ieee_extension_length_1_enum = 0xde,
- ieee_extension_length_2_enum = 0xdf,
- ieee_section_type_enum = 0xe6,
- ieee_section_alignment_enum = 0xe7,
- ieee_external_symbol_enum = 0xe8,
- ieee_comma = 0x90,
- ieee_external_reference_enum = 0xe9,
- ieee_set_current_section_enum = 0xe5,
- ieee_address_descriptor_enum = 0xec,
- ieee_load_constant_bytes_enum = 0xed,
- ieee_load_with_relocation_enum = 0xe4,
- ieee_variable_A_enum = 0xc1,
- ieee_variable_B_enum = 0xc2,
- ieee_variable_C_enum = 0xc3,
- ieee_variable_D_enum = 0xc4,
- ieee_variable_E_enum = 0xc5,
- ieee_variable_F_enum = 0xc6,
- ieee_variable_G_enum = 0xc7,
- ieee_variable_H_enum = 0xc8,
- ieee_variable_I_enum = 0xc9,
- ieee_variable_J_enum = 0xca,
- ieee_variable_K_enum = 0xcb,
- ieee_variable_L_enum = 0xcc,
- ieee_variable_M_enum = 0xcd,
- ieee_variable_N_enum = 0xce,
- ieee_variable_O_enum = 0xcf,
- ieee_variable_P_enum = 0xd0,
- ieee_variable_Q_enum = 0xd1,
- ieee_variable_R_enum = 0xd2,
- ieee_variable_S_enum = 0xd3,
- ieee_variable_T_enum = 0xd4,
- ieee_variable_U_enum = 0xd5,
- ieee_variable_V_enum = 0xd6,
- ieee_variable_W_enum = 0xd7,
- ieee_variable_X_enum = 0xd8,
- ieee_variable_Y_enum = 0xd9,
- ieee_variable_Z_enum = 0xda,
- ieee_function_plus_enum = 0xa5,
- ieee_function_minus_enum = 0xa6,
- ieee_function_signed_open_b_enum = 0xba,
- ieee_function_signed_close_b_enum = 0xbb,
- ieee_function_unsigned_open_b_enum = 0xbc,
- ieee_function_unsigned_close_b_enum = 0xbd,
- ieee_function_either_open_b_enum = 0xbe,
- ieee_function_either_close_b_enum = 0xbf,
- ieee_record_seperator_enum = 0xdb,
- ieee_e2_first_byte_enum = 0xe2,
- ieee_section_size_enum = 0xe2d3,
- ieee_physical_region_size_enum = 0xe2c1,
- ieee_region_base_address_enum = 0xe2c2,
- ieee_mau_size_enum = 0xe2c6,
- ieee_m_value_enum = 0xe2cd,
- ieee_section_base_address_enum = 0xe2cc,
- ieee_asn_record_enum = 0xe2ce,
- ieee_section_offset_enum = 0xe2d2,
- ieee_value_starting_address_enum = 0xe2c7,
- ieee_assign_value_to_variable_enum = 0xe2d7,
- ieee_set_current_pc_enum = 0xe2d0,
- ieee_value_record_enum = 0xe2c9,
- ieee_nn_record = 0xf0,
- ieee_at_record_enum = 0xf1,
- ieee_ty_record_enum = 0xf2,
- ieee_attribute_record_enum = 0xf1c9,
- ieee_atn_record_enum = 0xf1ce,
- ieee_external_reference_info_record_enum = 0xf1d8,
- ieee_weak_external_reference_enum= 0xf4,
- ieee_repeat_data_enum = 0xf7,
- ieee_bb_record_enum = 0xf8,
- ieee_be_record_enum = 0xf9
-} ieee_record_enum_type;
-typedef struct ieee_section {
- unsigned int section_index;
- unsigned int section_type;
- char *section_name;
- unsigned int parent_section_index;
- unsigned int sibling_section_index;
- unsigned int context_index;
-} ieee_section_type;
-#define IEEE_PUBLIC_BASE 32
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/libiberty.h b/contrib/gdb/include/libiberty.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dc083c8fe38a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/libiberty.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-/* Function declarations for libiberty.
- Written by Cygnus Support, 1994.
- The libiberty library provides a number of functions which are
- missing on some operating systems. We do not declare those here,
- to avoid conflicts with the system header files on operating
- systems that do support those functions. In this file we only
- declare those functions which are specific to libiberty. */
-#ifndef LIBIBERTY_H
-#define LIBIBERTY_H
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-/* Build an argument vector from a string. Allocates memory using
- malloc. Use freeargv to free the vector. */
-extern char **buildargv PARAMS ((char *));
-/* Free a vector returned by buildargv. */
-extern void freeargv PARAMS ((char **));
-/* Return the last component of a path name. */
-extern char *basename ();
-/* Concatenate an arbitrary number of strings, up to (char *) NULL.
- Allocates memory using xmalloc. */
-extern char *concat PARAMS ((const char *, ...));
-/* Check whether two file descriptors refer to the same file. */
-extern int fdmatch PARAMS ((int fd1, int fd2));
-/* Get the amount of time the process has run, in microseconds. */
-extern long get_run_time PARAMS ((void));
-/* Allocate memory filled with spaces. Allocates using malloc. */
-extern const char *spaces PARAMS ((int count));
-/* Return the maximum error number for which strerror will return a
- string. */
-extern int errno_max PARAMS ((void));
-/* Return the name of an errno value (e.g., strerrno (EINVAL) returns
- "EINVAL"). */
-extern const char *strerrno PARAMS ((int));
-/* Given the name of an errno value, return the value. */
-extern int strtoerrno PARAMS ((const char *));
-/* ANSI's strerror(), but more robust. */
-extern char *xstrerror PARAMS ((int));
-/* Return the maximum signal number for which strsignal will return a
- string. */
-extern int signo_max PARAMS ((void));
-/* Return a signal message string for a signal number
- (e.g., strsignal (SIGHUP) returns something like "Hangup"). */
-/* This is commented out as it can conflict with one in system headers.
- We still document its existence though. */
-/*extern const char *strsignal PARAMS ((int));*/
-/* Return the name of a signal number (e.g., strsigno (SIGHUP) returns
- "SIGHUP"). */
-extern const char *strsigno PARAMS ((int));
-/* Given the name of a signal, return its number. */
-extern int strtosigno PARAMS ((const char *));
-/* Register a function to be run by xexit. Returns 0 on success. */
-extern int xatexit PARAMS ((void (*fn) (void)));
-/* Exit, calling all the functions registered with xatexit. */
-#ifndef __GNUC__
-extern void xexit PARAMS ((int status));
-typedef void libiberty_voidfn PARAMS ((int status));
-__volatile__ libiberty_voidfn xexit;
-/* Set the program name used by xmalloc. */
-extern void xmalloc_set_program_name PARAMS ((const char *));
-/* Allocate memory without fail. If malloc fails, this will print a
- message to stderr (using the name set by xmalloc_set_program_name,
- if any) and then call xexit.
- FIXME: We do not declare the parameter type (size_t) in order to
- avoid conflicts with other declarations of xmalloc that exist in
- programs which use libiberty. */
-extern PTR xmalloc ();
-/* Reallocate memory without fail. This works like xmalloc.
- FIXME: We do not declare the parameter types for the same reason as
- xmalloc. */
-extern PTR xrealloc ();
-/* Copy a string into a memory buffer without fail. */
-extern char *xstrdup PARAMS ((const char *));
-/* hex character manipulation routines */
-#define _hex_array_size 256
-#define _hex_bad 99
-extern char _hex_value[_hex_array_size];
-extern void hex_init PARAMS ((void));
-#define hex_p(c) (hex_value (c) != _hex_bad)
-/* If you change this, note well: Some code relies on side effects in
- the argument being performed exactly once. */
-#define hex_value(c) (_hex_value[(unsigned char) (c)])
-#endif /* ! defined (LIBIBERTY_H) */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/ChangeLog b/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dbad87eab47..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-Tue Feb 27 12:23:04 1996 Raymond Jou <>
- * mpw.h (HAVE_VPRINTF): Add and define to have the value 1.
-Fri Dec 29 14:40:46 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw.h (HAVE_STDLIB_H, etc): Define to have the value 1.
- (HAVE_FCNTL_H): Define.
-Mon Dec 11 15:39:06 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw.h (open, access): Define as mpw_open and mpw_access.
-Thu Nov 9 15:38:37 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw.h: Include unix.h if USE_MW_HEADERS, otherwise include
- various original MPW include files (ioctl.h, etc).
- (EIO): Define if not defined.
- * sys/ioctl.h: Remove, not needed.
-Wed Oct 25 12:30:44 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw.h: Don't include errno.h or ioctl.h.
- (ENOENT, EACCES, ENOSYS): Define if not defined.
- (fdopen): Declare if __STDC__.
- (R_OK, W_OK, X_OK): Define if not defined.
-Tue Sep 26 14:57:21 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw.h: New file, universally useful MPW host definitions.
- Many of these used to live in bfd/hosts/mpw.h.
- * grp.h: Remove RCS comment.
- * sys/ioctl.h: Add a comment line.
-Wed Dec 14 13:12:14 1994 Stan Shebs <>
- * spin.h: New file, cursor spinning for progress.
-Thu Jun 30 15:32:07 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * fcntl.h (open): Allow optional third arg.
-Thu Apr 14 12:54:51 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * dir.h, dirent.h, fcntl.h, grp.h, pwd.h, stat.h: New files.
- * sys/ioctl.h: New file.
-Mon Feb 21 09:44:45 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * sys/stat.h (struct stat): New field st_rsize.
- (S_IFMT, etc): Use different bit positions.
- (fstat): Add parameter names to prototype.
-Mon Jan 31 19:30:16 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * README: New file.
- * utime.h, varargs.h: New files, simulated Posix.
- * sys/{file,param,resource,stat,time,types}.h: New files, more
- simulated Posix.
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/README b/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 10e92de79f68..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-This is a collection of include files that help imitate Posix in MPW.
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/dir.h b/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/dir.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e6ccd2d59227..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/dir.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-/* The <dir.h> header gives the layout of a directory. */
-#pragma once
-#ifndef _DIR_H
-#define _DIR_H
-#ifndef _TYPES_H /* not quite right */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#define DIRBLKSIZ 512 /* size of directory block */
-#ifndef DIRSIZ
-#define DIRSIZ 14
-struct direct {
- ino_t d_ino;
- char d_name[DIRSIZ];
-#endif /* _DIR_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/dirent.h b/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/dirent.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 38000b2c5f36..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/dirent.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __dirent_h
-#define __dirent_h
-#include "sys/dir.h"
-struct dirent {
- long d_ino; /* inode number of entry */
- off_t d_off; /* offset of disk directory entry */
- unsigned short d_reclen; /* length of this record */
- char d_name[1]; /* name of file */
- (((struct dirent *) 0)->d_name - (char *) 0)
-#define DIRENTSIZE(namelen) \
- ((DIRENTBASESIZE + (namelen) + NBPW) & ~(NBPW - 1))
-/* from Mips posix/dirent.h */
-#undef rewinddir
-extern DIR *opendir();
-extern struct dirent *readdir();
-extern void rewinddir();
-extern int closedir();
-#endif /* ! __dirent_h */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/fcntl.h b/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/fcntl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 30999b4b17df..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/fcntl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
- * FCntl.h -- faccess(), fcntl(), and open() mode flags
- *
- * Portions copyright American Telephone & Telegraph
- * Used with permission, Apple Computer Inc. (1985,1988,1990,1992)
- * All rights reserved.
- */
-#ifndef __FCNTL__
-#define __FCNTL__
-#ifndef __TYPES__
-#include <Types.h>
- * For use by lseek():
- */
-#ifndef __STDIO__ /* these defns exactly paralled in StdIO.h for fseek() */
-#define SEEK_CUR 1
-#define SEEK_END 2
-#define SEEK_SET 0
- * faccess() commands; for general use
- */
- /* 'd' => "directory" ops */
-#define F_DELETE (('d'<<8)|0x01)
-#define F_RENAME (('d'<<8)|0x02)
- * more faccess() commands; for use only by MPW tools
- */
-#define F_OPEN (('d'<<8)|0x00) /* reserved for operating system use */
- /* 'e' => "editor" ops */
-#define F_GTABINFO (('e'<<8)|0x00) /* get tab offset for file */
-#define F_STABINFO (('e'<<8)|0x01) /* set " " " " */
-#define F_GFONTINFO (('e'<<8)|0x02) /* get font number and size for file */
-#define F_SFONTINFO (('e'<<8)|0x03) /* set " " " " " " */
-#define F_GPRINTREC (('e'<<8)|0x04) /* get print record for file */
-#define F_SPRINTREC (('e'<<8)|0x05) /* set " " " " */
-#define F_GSELINFO (('e'<<8)|0x06) /* get selection information for file */
-#define F_SSELINFO (('e'<<8)|0x07) /* set " " " " */
-#define F_GWININFO (('e'<<8)|0x08) /* get current window position */
-#define F_SWININFO (('e'<<8)|0x09) /* set " " " */
-#define F_GSCROLLINFO (('e'<<8)|0x0A) /* get scroll information */
-#define F_SSCROLLINFO (('e'<<8)|0x0B) /* set " " */
-#define F_GMARKER (('e'<<8)|0x0D) /* Get Marker */
-#define F_SMARKER (('e'<<8)|0x0C) /* Set " */
-#define F_GSAVEONCLOSE (('e'<<8)|0x0F) /* Get Save on close */
-#define F_SSAVEONCLOSE (('e'<<8)|0x0E) /* Set " " " */
- * argument structures used by various faccess() commands
- */
-struct MarkElement {
- int start; /* start position of mark */
- int end; /* end position */
- unsigned char charCount; /* number of chars in mark name */
- char name[64]; /* mark name */
-} ; /* note: marker names may be up to 64 characters long */
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-typedef struct MarkElement MarkElement;
-struct SelectionRecord {
- long startingPos;
- long endingPos;
- long displayTop;
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-typedef struct SelectionRecord SelectionRecord;
- * Mode values accessible to open()
- */
-#define O_RDONLY 0 /* Bits 0 and 1 are used internally */
-#define O_WRONLY 1 /* Values 0..2 are historical */
-#define O_RDWR 2 /* NOTE: it goes 0, 1, 2, *!* 8, 16, 32, ... */
-#define O_APPEND (1<< 3) /* append (writes guaranteed at the end) */
-#define O_RSRC (1<< 4) /* Open the resource fork */
-#define O_ALIAS (1<< 5) /* Open alias file */
-#define O_CREAT (1<< 8) /* Open with file create */
-#define O_TRUNC (1<< 9) /* Open with truncation */
-#define O_EXCL (1<<10) /* w/ O_CREAT: Exclusive "create-only" */
-#define O_BINARY (1<<11) /* Open as a binary stream */
-#define O_NRESOLVE (1<<14) /* Don't resolve any aliases */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * function prototypes
- */
-int close(int);
-int creat(const char*);
-int dup(int filedes); /* OBSOLETE: fcntl(filedes, F_DUPFD, 0) is preferred */
-int faccess(char*, unsigned int, long*);
-int fcntl(int, unsigned int, int);
-long lseek(int, long, int);
-int open(const char*, int, ...);
-int read(int, char*, unsigned);
-int unlink(char*);
-int write(int, const char*, unsigned);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- * fcntl() commands
- */
-#define F_DUPFD 0 /* Duplicate files (file descriptor) */
-#endif __FCNTL__
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/grp.h b/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/grp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index faf2c6a6be9b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/grp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "sys/types.h"
-struct group {
- char *gr_name;
- gid_t gr_gid;
- char *gr_passwd;
- char **gr_mem;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/mpw.h b/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/mpw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 58702e725ff8..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/mpw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-/* Mac MPW host-specific definitions. */
-#ifndef __INCLUDE_MPW_H
-#define __INCLUDE_MPW_H
-#ifndef MPW
-#define MPW
-/* MPW C is basically ANSI, but doesn't actually enable __STDC__,
- nor does it allow __STDC__ to be #defined. */
-#ifndef ALMOST_STDC
-#define ALMOST_STDC
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#define HAVE_TIME_T_IN_TIME_H 1
-#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1
-#define HAVE_ERRNO_H 1
-#define HAVE_STDDEF_H 1
-#define HAVE_STRING_H 1
-#define HAVE_STDARG_H 1
-#define HAVE_VPRINTF 1
-#include <unix.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#define HAVE_FCNTL_H 1
-#ifndef O_ACCMODE
-#ifndef fileno
-#define fileno(fp) ((fp)->_file)
-/* stdio.h does not define this if __STDC__, so define here. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-FILE *fdopen(int fildes, const char *mode);
-#endif /* USE_MW_HEADERS */
-/* Add ersatz definitions, for systems that lack them. */
-#ifndef EIO
-#define EIO 96
-#ifndef ENOENT
-#define ENOENT 97
-#ifndef EACCES
-#define EACCES 98
-#ifndef ENOSYS
-#define ENOSYS 99
-#ifndef R_OK
-#define R_OK 4
-#define W_OK 2
-#define X_OK 1
-/* Binary files have different characteristics; for instance, no cr/nl
- translation. */
-#include <spin.h>
-#ifdef MPW_C
-#undef __PTR_TO_INT
-#define __PTR_TO_INT(P) ((int)(P))
-#undef __INT_TO_PTR
-#define __INT_TO_PTR(P) ((char *)(P))
-#endif /* MPW_C */
-#define NO_FCNTL
-int fstat ();
-FILE *mpw_fopen ();
-int mpw_fseek ();
-int mpw_fread ();
-int mpw_fwrite ();
-int mpw_access ();
-int mpw_open ();
-int mpw_creat ();
-void mpw_abort (void);
-/* Map these standard functions to improved versions in libiberty. */
-#define fopen mpw_fopen
-#define fseek mpw_fseek
-#define fread mpw_fread
-#define fwrite mpw_fwrite
-#define open mpw_open
-#define access mpw_access
-#define creat mpw_creat
-#define abort mpw_abort
-#define POSIX_UTIME
-/* Define this so that files will be closed before being unlinked. */
-#endif /* __INCLUDE_MPW_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/pwd.h b/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/pwd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d4fb70401aa..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/pwd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __pwd_h
-#define __pwd_h
-#include <sys/types.h>
-struct passwd {
- char *pw_name;
- uid_t pw_uid;
- gid_t pw_gid;
- char *pw_dir;
- char *pw_shell;
- char *pw_passwd;
-#endif /* ! __pwd_h */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/spin.h b/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/spin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 867d14502c00..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/spin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-/* Progress macros that use SpinCursor in MPW.
- Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef _SPIN_H
-#define _SPIN_H
-/* For MPW, progress macros just need to "spin the cursor" frequently,
- preferably several times per second on a 68K Mac. */
-/* In order to determine if we're meeting the goal, define this macro
- and information about frequency of spinning will be collected and
- displayed. */
-#include <CursorCtl.h>
-/* Programs use this macro to indicate the start of a lengthy
- activity. STR identifies the particular activity, while N
- indicates the expected duration, in unspecified units. If N is
- zero, then the expected time to completion is unknown. */
-#define START_PROGRESS(STR,N) mpw_start_progress (STR, N, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-/* Programs use this macro to indicate that progress has been made on a
- lengthy activity. */
-#undef PROGRESS
-#define PROGRESS(X) mpw_progress_measured (X, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-#define PROGRESS(X) mpw_progress (X);
-/* Programs use this macro to indicate the end of a lengthy activity.
- STR must match a STR passed to START_PROGRESS previously. */
-#define END_PROGRESS(STR) mpw_end_progress (STR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-extern void mpw_start_progress (char *, int, char *, int);
-extern void mpw_progress (int);
-extern void mpw_progress_measured (int, char *, int);
-extern void mpw_end_progress (char *, char *, int);
-#endif /* _SPIN_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/stat.h b/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/stat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 057b8d531139..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/stat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-/* The <sys/stat.h> header defines a struct that is used in the stat() and
- * fstat functions. The information in this struct comes from the i-node of
- * some file. These calls are the only approved way to inspect i-nodes.
- */
-#ifndef _STAT_H
-#define _STAT_H
-#ifndef _TYPES_H /* not quite right */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-struct stat {
- dev_t st_dev; /* major/minor device number */
- ino_t st_ino; /* i-node number */
- mode_t st_mode; /* file mode, protection bits, etc. */
- short int st_nlink; /* # links; TEMPORARY HACK: should be nlink_t*/
- uid_t st_uid; /* uid of the file's owner */
- short int st_gid; /* gid; TEMPORARY HACK: should be gid_t */
- dev_t st_rdev;
- off_t st_size; /* file size */
- time_t st_atime; /* time of last access */
- time_t st_mtime; /* time of last data modification */
- time_t st_ctime; /* time of last file status change */
-/* Traditional mask definitions for st_mode. */
-#define S_IFMT 0170000 /* type of file */
-#define S_IFREG 0100000 /* regular */
-#define S_IFBLK 0060000 /* block special */
-#define S_IFDIR 0040000 /* directory */
-#define S_IFCHR 0020000 /* character special */
-#define S_IFIFO 0010000 /* this is a FIFO */
-#define S_ISUID 0004000 /* set user id on execution */
-#define S_ISGID 0002000 /* set group id on execution */
- /* next is reserved for future use */
-#define S_ISVTX 01000 /* save swapped text even after use */
-/* POSIX masks for st_mode. */
-#define S_IRWXU 00700 /* owner: rwx------ */
-#define S_IRUSR 00400 /* owner: r-------- */
-#define S_IWUSR 00200 /* owner: -w------- */
-#define S_IXUSR 00100 /* owner: --x------ */
-#define S_IRWXG 00070 /* group: ---rwx--- */
-#define S_IRGRP 00040 /* group: ---r----- */
-#define S_IWGRP 00020 /* group: ----w---- */
-#define S_IXGRP 00010 /* group: -----x--- */
-#define S_IRWXO 00007 /* others: ------rwx */
-#define S_IROTH 00004 /* others: ------r-- */
-#define S_IWOTH 00002 /* others: -------w- */
-#define S_IXOTH 00001 /* others: --------x */
-/* The following macros test st_mode (from POSIX Sec. */
-#define S_ISREG(m) ((m & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG) /* is a reg file */
-#define S_ISDIR(m) ((m & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) /* is a directory */
-#define S_ISCHR(m) ((m & S_IFMT) == S_IFCHR) /* is a char spec */
-#define S_ISBLK(m) ((m & S_IFMT) == S_IFBLK) /* is a block spec */
-#define S_ISFIFO(m) ((m & S_IFMT) == S_IFIFO) /* is a pipe/FIFO */
-/* Function Prototypes. */
-#ifndef _ANSI_H
-#include <ansi.h>
-_PROTOTYPE( int chmod, (const char *_path, int _mode) );
-_PROTOTYPE( int fstat, (int _fildes, struct stat *_buf) );
-_PROTOTYPE( int mkdir, (const char *_path, int _mode) );
-_PROTOTYPE( int mkfifo, (const char *_path, int _mode) );
-_PROTOTYPE( int stat , (const char *_path, struct stat *_buf) );
-_PROTOTYPE( mode_t umask, (int _cmask) );
-#endif /* _STAT_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/sys/file.h b/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/sys/file.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 40a8c178f10d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/sys/file.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* empty */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/sys/param.h b/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/sys/param.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 40a8c178f10d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/sys/param.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* empty */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/sys/resource.h b/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/sys/resource.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d39439d61d52..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/sys/resource.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __SYS_RESOURCE_H__
-#define __SYS_RESOURCE_H__
-struct rusage {
- struct timeval ru_utime;
- struct timeval ru_stime;
-#endif /* __SYS_RESOURCE_H__ */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/sys/stat.h b/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/sys/stat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b65c72e10c6a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/sys/stat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-/* Imitation sys/stat.h. */
-#ifndef __SYS_STAT_H__
-#define __SYS_STAT_H__
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <time.h>
-struct stat {
- dev_t st_dev;
- ino_t st_ino;
- mode_t st_mode;
- short st_nlink;
- uid_t st_uid;
- gid_t st_gid;
- dev_t st_rdev;
- off_t st_size;
- off_t st_rsize;
- time_t st_atime;
- int st_spare1;
- time_t st_mtime;
- int st_spare2;
- time_t st_ctime;
- int st_spare3;
- long st_blksize;
- long st_blocks;
- long st_spare4[2];
-#define S_IFMT 0170000L
-#define S_IFDIR 0040000L
-#define S_IFREG 0100000L
-#define S_IREAD 0400
-#define S_IWRITE 0200
-#define S_IEXEC 0100
-#define S_IFIFO 010000 /* FIFO special */
-#define S_IFCHR 020000 /* character special */
-#define S_IFBLK 030000 /* block special */
-int stat (char *path, struct stat *buf);
-int fstat (int fd, struct stat *buf);
-#endif /* __SYS_STAT_H___ */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/sys/time.h b/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/sys/time.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f9e485232a21..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/sys/time.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-/* Imitation sys/time.h. */
-#ifndef __SYS_TIME_H__
-#define __SYS_TIME_H__
-#include <time.h>
-struct timeval {
- long tv_sec;
- long tv_usec;
-#endif /* __SYS_TIME_H__ */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/sys/types.h b/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/sys/types.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d7d9c9f44ba0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/sys/types.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* Imitation sys/types.h. */
-#ifndef __SYS_TYPES_H__
-#define __SYS_TYPES_H__
-#include <Types.h>
-typedef short dev_t;
-typedef short ino_t;
-typedef unsigned short mode_t;
-typedef unsigned short uid_t;
-typedef unsigned short gid_t;
-typedef long off_t;
-#endif /* __SYS_TYPES_H__ */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/utime.h b/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/utime.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e8bf66f2ba5c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/utime.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-struct utimbuf {
- time_t actime;
- time_t modtime;
-int utime (char *, struct utimbuf *);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/varargs.h b/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/varargs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index acb9e4504a2d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/mpw/varargs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* varargs.h. */
-#ifndef __va_list__
-#define __va_list__
-typedef char *va_list;
-#define va_dcl int va_alist;
-#define va_start(list) list = (char *) &va_alist
-#define va_end(list)
-#define va_arg(list,mode) ((mode *)(list += sizeof(mode)))[-1]
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/ChangeLog b/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index d9ea3d09e0aa..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-Fri May 6 13:31:04 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * external.h (nlmNAME(External_Custom_Header)): Add length,
- dataOffset, and dataStamp field.
- (nlmNAME(External_Cygnus_Ext_Header)): Remove.
- * internal.h (Nlm_Internal_Custom_Header): Add hdrLength,
- dataOffset, dataStamp and hdr fields.
-Fri Apr 22 11:12:39 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * external.h (struct nlmNAME(external_cygnus_ext_header)): Rename
- from nlmNAME(external_cygnus_section_header). Change stamp field
- to 8 bytes. Add bytes field.
- * internal.h (nlm_internal_cygnus_ext_header): Rename from
- nlm_internal_cygnus_section_header. Change stamp field to 8
- bytes.
-Thu Apr 21 11:57:09 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * internal.h (struct nlm_internal_cygnus_section_header): Define.
- * external.h (struct nlmNAME(external_cygnus_section_header):
- Define.
-Wed Apr 20 14:27:43 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * internal.h (struct nlm_internal_custom_header): Remove
- debugRecOffset and debugRecLength fields. Add data field.
- * external.h (struct nlmNAME(external_custom_header)): Remove
- debugRecOffset and debugRecLength fields.
-Mon Feb 7 08:28:40 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * internal.h: Change HOST_64_BIT to BFD_HOST_64_BIT.
-Thu Dec 2 14:14:48 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * alpha-ext.h: New file describing formats of information in Alpha
- NetWare files.
- * common.h: Define some non-external Alpha information.
-Wed Nov 17 17:38:58 1993 Sean Eric Fagan (
- * external.h: Don't define external_fixed_header here.
- * i386-ext.h, sparc32-ext.h: New header files to define
- external_fixed_header for particular CPU's.
-Wed Oct 27 11:45:56 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * internal.h (Nlm_Internal_Extended_Header): Added fields
- sharedDebugRecordOffset and sharedDebugRecordCount.
- * external.h (NlmNAME(External_Extended_Header)): Likewise.
- * common.h (NLM_SIGNATURE): Do not define (it's different for each
- backend).
-Tue Aug 31 13:24:15 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * internal.h: Change length fields of type char to type unsigned
- char.
-Sat Jul 31 02:12:14 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * common.h (NLM_HIBIT, NLM_HEADER_VERSION): Define.
-Thu Jul 22 16:09:47 1993 Fred Fish (
- macros.
- macros, convert usages to NLM_ equivalents.
- * external.h: Use nlmNAME and NlmNAME macros to derive both
- 32 and 64 bit versions.
-Mon Jul 19 22:12:40 1993 Fred Fish (
- * (common.h, external.h, internal.h): New files for NLM/NetWare
- support.
-Local Variables:
-version-control: never
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/alpha-ext.h b/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/alpha-ext.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 37199dd1dc0d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/alpha-ext.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-/* Alpha NLM (NetWare Loadable Module) support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- By Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* An Alpha NLM starts with an instance of this structure. */
-struct nlm32_alpha_external_prefix_header
- /* Magic number. Must be NLM32_ALPHA_MAGIC. */
- unsigned char magic[4];
- /* Format descriptor. Current value is 2. */
- unsigned char format[4];
- /* Size of prefix header. */
- unsigned char size[4];
- /* Padding. */
- unsigned char pad1[4];
- /* More fields may be added later, supposedly. */
-/* The external format of an Alpha NLM reloc. This is the same as an
- Alpha ECOFF reloc. */
-struct nlm32_alpha_external_reloc
- unsigned char r_vaddr[8];
- unsigned char r_symndx[4];
- unsigned char r_bits[4];
-/* Constants to unpack the r_bits field of a reloc. */
-/* The external format of the fixed header. */
-typedef struct nlm32_alpha_external_fixed_header
- /* The signature field identifies the file as an NLM. It must contain
- the signature string, which depends upon the NLM target. */
- unsigned char signature[24];
- /* The version of the header. At this time, the highest version number
- is 4. */
- unsigned char version[4];
- /* The name of the module, which must be a DOS name (1-8 characters followed
- by a period and a 1-3 character extension). The first byte is the byte
- length of the name and the last byte is a null terminator byte. This
- field is fixed length, and any unused bytes should be null bytes. The
- value is set by the OUTPUT keyword to NLMLINK. */
- unsigned char moduleName[14];
- /* Padding to make it come out correct. */
- unsigned char pad1[2];
- /* The byte offset of the code image from the start of the file. */
- unsigned char codeImageOffset[4];
- /* The size of the code image, in bytes. */
- unsigned char codeImageSize[4];
- /* The byte offset of the data image from the start of the file. */
- unsigned char dataImageOffset[4];
- /* The size of the data image, in bytes. */
- unsigned char dataImageSize[4];
- /* The size of the uninitialized data region that the loader is to be
- allocated at load time. Uninitialized data follows the initialized
- data in the NLM address space. */
- unsigned char uninitializedDataSize[4];
- /* The byte offset of the custom data from the start of the file. The
- custom data is set by the CUSTOM keyword to NLMLINK. It is possible
- for this to be EOF if there is no custom data. */
- unsigned char customDataOffset[4];
- /* The size of the custom data, in bytes. */
- unsigned char customDataSize[4];
- /* The byte offset of the module dependencies from the start of the file.
- The module dependencies are determined by the MODULE keyword in
- unsigned char moduleDependencyOffset[4];
- /* The number of module dependencies at the moduleDependencyOffset. */
- unsigned char numberOfModuleDependencies[4];
- /* The byte offset of the relocation fixup data from the start of the file */
- unsigned char relocationFixupOffset[4];
- unsigned char numberOfRelocationFixups[4];
- unsigned char externalReferencesOffset[4];
- unsigned char numberOfExternalReferences[4];
- unsigned char publicsOffset[4];
- unsigned char numberOfPublics[4];
- /* The byte offset of the internal debug info from the start of the file.
- It is possible for this to be EOF if there is no debug info. */
- unsigned char debugInfoOffset[4];
- unsigned char numberOfDebugRecords[4];
- unsigned char codeStartOffset[4];
- unsigned char exitProcedureOffset[4];
- unsigned char checkUnloadProcedureOffset[4];
- unsigned char moduleType[4];
- unsigned char flags[4];
-} Nlm32_alpha_External_Fixed_Header;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/common.h b/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/common.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e96550a92f6d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/common.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-/* NLM (NetWare Loadable Module) support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Fred Fish @ Cygnus Support
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file is part of NLM support for BFD, and contains the portions
- that are common to both the internal and external representations. */
-/* Semi-portable string concatenation in cpp.
- The NLM_CAT4 hack is to avoid a problem with some strict ANSI C
- preprocessors. The problem is, "32_" or "64_" are not a valid
- preprocessing tokens, and we don't want extra underscores (e.g.,
- "nlm_32_"). The XNLM_CAT2 macro will cause the inner NLM_CAT macros
- to be evaluated first, producing still-valid pp-tokens. Then the
- final concatenation can be done. (Sigh.) */
-#ifdef SABER
-# define NLM_CAT(a,b) a##b
-# define NLM_CAT3(a,b,c) a##b##c
-# define NLM_CAT4(a,b,c,d) a##b##c##d
-# ifdef __STDC__
-# define NLM_CAT(a,b) a##b
-# define NLM_CAT3(a,b,c) a##b##c
-# define XNLM_CAT2(a,b) NLM_CAT(a,b)
-# define NLM_CAT4(a,b,c,d) XNLM_CAT2(NLM_CAT(a,b),NLM_CAT(c,d))
-# else
-# define NLM_CAT(a,b) a/**/b
-# define NLM_CAT3(a,b,c) a/**/b/**/c
-# define NLM_CAT4(a,b,c,d) a/**/b/**/c/**/d
-# endif
-/* If NLM_ARCH_SIZE is not defined, default to 32. NLM_ARCH_SIZE is
- optionally defined by the application. */
-#ifndef NLM_ARCH_SIZE
-# define NLM_ARCH_SIZE 32
-#if NLM_ARCH_SIZE == 32
-# define NLM_NAME(x,y) NLM_CAT4(x,32,_,y)
-# define NLM_HIBIT (((bfd_vma) 1) << 31)
-#if NLM_ARCH_SIZE == 64
-# define NLM_NAME(x,y) NLM_CAT4(x,64,_,y)
-# define NLM_HIBIT (((bfd_vma) 1) << 63)
-#define NlmNAME(X) NLM_NAME(Nlm,X)
-#define nlmNAME(X) NLM_NAME(nlm,X)
-/* Give names to things that should not change. */
-#define NLM_OTHER_DATA_LENGTH 400 /* FIXME */
-#define NLM_DEFAULT_STACKSIZE (8 * 1024)
-/* Alpha information. This should probably be in a separate Alpha
- header file, but it can't go in alpha-ext.h because some of it is
- needed by nlmconv.c. */
-/* Magic number in Alpha prefix header. */
-#define NLM32_ALPHA_MAGIC (0x83561840)
-/* The r_type field in an Alpha reloc is one of the following values. */
-#define ALPHA_R_IGNORE 0
-#define ALPHA_R_REFLONG 1
-#define ALPHA_R_REFQUAD 2
-#define ALPHA_R_GPREL32 3
-#define ALPHA_R_LITERAL 4
-#define ALPHA_R_LITUSE 5
-#define ALPHA_R_GPDISP 6
-#define ALPHA_R_BRADDR 7
-#define ALPHA_R_HINT 8
-#define ALPHA_R_SREL16 9
-#define ALPHA_R_SREL32 10
-#define ALPHA_R_SREL64 11
-#define ALPHA_R_OP_PUSH 12
-#define ALPHA_R_OP_STORE 13
-#define ALPHA_R_OP_PSUB 14
-#define ALPHA_R_OP_PRSHIFT 15
-#define ALPHA_R_GPVALUE 16
-#define ALPHA_R_NW_RELOC 250
-/* A local reloc, other than ALPHA_R_GPDISP or ALPHA_R_IGNORE, must be
- against one of these symbol indices. */
-/* An ALPHA_R_NW_RELOC has one of these values in the size field. If
- it is SETGP, the r_vaddr field holds the GP value to use. If it is
- LITA, the r_vaddr field holds the address of the .lita section and
- the r_symndx field holds the size of the .lita section. */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/external.h b/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/external.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f77a5bb3dda0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/external.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-/* NLM (NetWare Loadable Module) support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Fred Fish @ Cygnus Support
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file is part of NLM support for BFD, and contains the portions
- that describe how NLM is represented externally by the BFD library.
- I.E. it describes the in-file representation of NLM. It requires
- the nlm/common.h file which contains the portions that are common to
- both the internal and external representations.
- Note that an NLM header consists of three parts:
- (1) A fixed length header that has specific fields of known length,
- at specific offsets in the file.
- (2) A variable length header that has specific fields in a specific
- order, but some fields may be variable length.
- (3) A auxiliary header that has various optional fields in no specific
- order. There is no way to identify the end of the auxiliary headers
- except by finding a header without a recognized 'stamp'.
- The exact format of the fixed length header unfortunately varies
- from one NLM target to another, due to padding. Each target
- defines the correct external format in a separate header file.
-/* NLM Header */
-/* The version header is one of the optional auxiliary headers and
- follows the fixed length and variable length NLM headers. */
-typedef struct nlmNAME(external_version_header)
- /* The header is recognized by "VeRsIoN#" in the stamp field. */
- char stamp[8];
- unsigned char majorVersion[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char minorVersion[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char revision[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char year[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char month[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char day[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
-} NlmNAME(External_Version_Header);
-typedef struct nlmNAME(external_copyright_header)
- /* The header is recognized by "CoPyRiGhT=" in the stamp field. */
- char stamp[10];
- unsigned char copyrightMessageLength[1];
- /* There is a variable length field here called 'copyrightMessage'
- that is the length specified by copyrightMessageLength. */
-} NlmNAME(External_Copyright_Header);
-typedef struct nlmNAME(external_extended_header)
- /* The header is recognized by "MeSsAgEs" in the stamp field. */
- char stamp[8];
- unsigned char languageID[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char messageFileOffset[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char messageFileLength[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char messageCount[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char helpFileOffset[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char helpFileLength[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char RPCDataOffset[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char RPCDataLength[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char sharedCodeOffset[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char sharedCodeLength[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char sharedDataOffset[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char sharedDataLength[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char sharedRelocationFixupOffset[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char sharedRelocationFixupCount[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char sharedExternalReferenceOffset[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char sharedExternalReferenceCount[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char sharedPublicsOffset[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char sharedPublicsCount[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char sharedDebugRecordOffset[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char sharedDebugRecordCount[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char sharedInitializationOffset[NLM_TARGET_ADDRESS_SIZE];
- unsigned char SharedExitProcedureOffset[NLM_TARGET_ADDRESS_SIZE];
- unsigned char productID[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char reserved0[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char reserved1[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char reserved2[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char reserved3[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char reserved4[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- unsigned char reserved5[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
-} NlmNAME(External_Extended_Header);
-typedef struct nlmNAME(external_custom_header)
- /* The header is recognized by "CuStHeAd" in the stamp field. */
- char stamp[8];
- /* Length of this header. */
- unsigned char length[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- /* Offset to data. */
- unsigned char dataOffset[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- /* Length of data. */
- unsigned char dataLength[NLM_TARGET_LONG_SIZE];
- /* Stamp for this customer header--we recognize "CyGnUsEx". */
- char dataStamp[8];
-} NlmNAME(External_Custom_Header);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/i386-ext.h b/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/i386-ext.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d33ad2da770a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/i386-ext.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-/* i386 NLM (NetWare Loadable Module) support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* The external format of the fixed header. */
-typedef struct nlm32_i386_external_fixed_header
- /* The signature field identifies the file as an NLM. It must contain
- the signature string, which depends upon the NLM target. */
- unsigned char signature[24];
- /* The version of the header. At this time, the highest version number
- is 4. */
- unsigned char version[4];
- /* The name of the module, which must be a DOS name (1-8 characters followed
- by a period and a 1-3 character extension). The first byte is the byte
- length of the name and the last byte is a null terminator byte. This
- field is fixed length, and any unused bytes should be null bytes. The
- value is set by the OUTPUT keyword to NLMLINK. */
- unsigned char moduleName[14];
- /* The byte offset of the code image from the start of the file. */
- unsigned char codeImageOffset[4];
- /* The size of the code image, in bytes. */
- unsigned char codeImageSize[4];
- /* The byte offset of the data image from the start of the file. */
- unsigned char dataImageOffset[4];
- /* The size of the data image, in bytes. */
- unsigned char dataImageSize[4];
- /* The size of the uninitialized data region that the loader is to be
- allocated at load time. Uninitialized data follows the initialized
- data in the NLM address space. */
- unsigned char uninitializedDataSize[4];
- /* The byte offset of the custom data from the start of the file. The
- custom data is set by the CUSTOM keyword to NLMLINK. It is possible
- for this to be EOF if there is no custom data. */
- unsigned char customDataOffset[4];
- /* The size of the custom data, in bytes. */
- unsigned char customDataSize[4];
- /* The byte offset of the module dependencies from the start of the file.
- The module dependencies are determined by the MODULE keyword in
- unsigned char moduleDependencyOffset[4];
- /* The number of module dependencies at the moduleDependencyOffset. */
- unsigned char numberOfModuleDependencies[4];
- /* The byte offset of the relocation fixup data from the start of the file */
- unsigned char relocationFixupOffset[4];
- unsigned char numberOfRelocationFixups[4];
- unsigned char externalReferencesOffset[4];
- unsigned char numberOfExternalReferences[4];
- unsigned char publicsOffset[4];
- unsigned char numberOfPublics[4];
- /* The byte offset of the internal debug info from the start of the file.
- It is possible for this to be EOF if there is no debug info. */
- unsigned char debugInfoOffset[4];
- unsigned char numberOfDebugRecords[4];
- unsigned char codeStartOffset[4];
- unsigned char exitProcedureOffset[4];
- unsigned char checkUnloadProcedureOffset[4];
- unsigned char moduleType[4];
- unsigned char flags[4];
-} Nlm32_i386_External_Fixed_Header;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/internal.h b/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/internal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dd27dc407f59..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/internal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-/* NLM (NetWare Loadable Module) support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Fred Fish @ Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file is part of NLM support for BFD, and contains the portions
- that describe how NLM is represented internally in the BFD library.
- I.E. it describes the in-memory representation of NLM. It requires
- the nlm/common.h file which contains the portions that are common to
- both the internal and external representations. */
-#if 0
-/* Types used by various structures, functions, etc. */
-typedef unsigned long Nlm32_Addr; /* Unsigned program address */
-typedef unsigned long Nlm32_Off; /* Unsigned file offset */
-typedef long Nlm32_Sword; /* Signed large integer */
-typedef unsigned long Nlm32_Word; /* Unsigned large integer */
-typedef unsigned short Nlm32_Half; /* Unsigned medium integer */
-typedef unsigned char Nlm32_Char; /* Unsigned tiny integer */
-#ifdef BFD_HOST_64_BIT
-typedef unsigned BFD_HOST_64_BIT Nlm64_Addr;
-typedef unsigned BFD_HOST_64_BIT Nlm64_Off;
-typedef BFD_HOST_64_BIT Nlm64_Sxword;
-typedef unsigned BFD_HOST_64_BIT Nlm64_Xword;
-typedef long Nlm64_Sword;
-typedef unsigned long Nlm64_Word;
-typedef unsigned short Nlm64_Half;
-#endif /* 0 */
-/* This structure contains the internal form of the portion of the NLM
- header that is fixed length. */
-typedef struct nlm_internal_fixed_header
- /* The signature field identifies the file as an NLM. It must contain
- the signature string, which depends upon the NLM target. */
- char signature[NLM_SIGNATURE_SIZE];
- /* The version of the header. At this time, the highest version number
- is 4. */
- long version;
- /* The name of the module, which must be a DOS name (1-8 characters followed
- by a period and a 1-3 character extension. The first byte is the byte
- length of the name and the last byte is a null terminator byte. This
- field is fixed length, and any unused bytes should be null bytes. The
- value is set by the OUTPUT keyword to NLMLINK. */
- char moduleName[NLM_MODULE_NAME_SIZE];
- /* The byte offset of the code image from the start of the file. */
- file_ptr codeImageOffset;
- /* The size of the code image, in bytes. */
- bfd_size_type codeImageSize;
- /* The byte offset of the data image from the start of the file. */
- file_ptr dataImageOffset;
- /* The size of the data image, in bytes. */
- bfd_size_type dataImageSize;
- /* The size of the uninitialized data region that the loader is to be
- allocated at load time. Uninitialized data follows the initialized
- data in the NLM address space. */
- bfd_size_type uninitializedDataSize;
- /* The byte offset of the custom data from the start of the file. The
- custom data is set by the CUSTOM keyword to NLMLINK. */
- file_ptr customDataOffset;
- /* The size of the custom data, in bytes. */
- bfd_size_type customDataSize;
- /* The byte offset of the module dependencies from the start of the file.
- The module dependencies are determined by the MODULE keyword in
- file_ptr moduleDependencyOffset;
- /* The number of module dependencies at the moduleDependencyOffset. */
- long numberOfModuleDependencies;
- /* The byte offset of the relocation fixup data from the start of the file */
- file_ptr relocationFixupOffset;
- long numberOfRelocationFixups;
- file_ptr externalReferencesOffset;
- long numberOfExternalReferences;
- file_ptr publicsOffset;
- long numberOfPublics;
- file_ptr debugInfoOffset;
- long numberOfDebugRecords;
- file_ptr codeStartOffset;
- file_ptr exitProcedureOffset;
- file_ptr checkUnloadProcedureOffset;
- long moduleType;
- long flags;
-} Nlm_Internal_Fixed_Header;
-#define nlm32_internal_fixed_header nlm_internal_fixed_header
-#define Nlm32_Internal_Fixed_Header Nlm_Internal_Fixed_Header
-#define nlm64_internal_fixed_header nlm_internal_fixed_header
-#define Nlm64_Internal_Fixed_Header Nlm_Internal_Fixed_Header
-/* This structure contains the portions of the NLM header that are either
- variable in size in the external representation, or else are not at a
- fixed offset relative to the start of the NLM header due to preceding
- variable sized fields.
- Note that all the fields must exist in the external header, and in
- the order used here (the same order is used in the internal form
- for consistency, not out of necessity). */
-typedef struct nlm_internal_variable_header
- /* The descriptionLength field contains the length of the text in
- descriptionText, excluding the null terminator. The descriptionText
- field contains the NLM description obtained from the DESCRIPTION
- keyword in NLMLINK plus the null byte terminator. The descriptionText
- can be up to NLM_MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH characters. */
- unsigned char descriptionLength;
- char descriptionText[NLM_MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH + 1];
- /* The stackSize field contains the size of the stack in bytes, as
- specified by the STACK or STACKSIZE keyword in NLMLINK. If no size
- is specified, the default is NLM_DEFAULT_STACKSIZE. */
- long stackSize;
- /* The reserved field is included only for completeness. It should contain
- zero. */
- long reserved;
- /* This field is fixed length, should contain " LONG" (note leading
- space), and is unused. */
- char oldThreadName[NLM_OLD_THREAD_NAME_LENGTH];
- /* The screenNameLength field contains the length of the actual text stored
- in the screenName field, excluding the null byte terminator. The
- screenName field contains the screen name as specified by the SCREENNAME
- keyword in NLMLINK, and can be up to NLM_MAX_SCREEN_NAME_LENGTH
- characters. */
- unsigned char screenNameLength;
- char screenName[NLM_MAX_SCREEN_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
- /* The threadNameLength field contains the length of the actual text stored
- in the threadName field, excluding the null byte terminator. The
- threadName field contains the thread name as specified by the THREADNAME
- keyword in NLMLINK, and can be up to NLM_MAX_THREAD_NAME_LENGTH
- characters. */
- unsigned char threadNameLength;
- char threadName[NLM_MAX_THREAD_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
-} Nlm_Internal_Variable_Header;
-#define nlm32_internal_variable_header nlm_internal_variable_header
-#define Nlm32_Internal_Variable_Header Nlm_Internal_Variable_Header
-#define nlm64_internal_variable_header nlm_internal_variable_header
-#define Nlm64_Internal_Variable_Header Nlm_Internal_Variable_Header
-/* The version header is one of the optional auxiliary headers and
- follows the fixed length and variable length NLM headers. */
-typedef struct nlm_internal_version_header
- /* The header is recognized by "VeRsIoN#" in the stamp field. */
- char stamp[8];
- long majorVersion;
- long minorVersion;
- long revision;
- long year;
- long month;
- long day;
-} Nlm_Internal_Version_Header;
-#define nlm32_internal_version_header nlm_internal_version_header
-#define Nlm32_Internal_Version_Header Nlm_Internal_Version_Header
-#define nlm64_internal_version_header nlm_internal_version_header
-#define Nlm64_Internal_Version_Header Nlm_Internal_Version_Header
-typedef struct nlm_internal_copyright_header
- /* The header is recognized by "CoPyRiGhT=" in the stamp field. */
- char stamp[10];
- unsigned char copyrightMessageLength;
- char copyrightMessage[NLM_MAX_COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
-} Nlm_Internal_Copyright_Header;
-#define nlm32_internal_copyright_header nlm_internal_copyright_header
-#define Nlm32_Internal_Copyright_Header Nlm_Internal_Copyright_Header
-#define nlm64_internal_copyright_header nlm_internal_copyright_header
-#define Nlm64_Internal_Copyright_Header Nlm_Internal_Copyright_Header
-typedef struct nlm_internal_extended_header
- /* The header is recognized by "MeSsAgEs" in the stamp field. */
- char stamp[8];
- long languageID;
- file_ptr messageFileOffset;
- bfd_size_type messageFileLength;
- long messageCount;
- file_ptr helpFileOffset;
- bfd_size_type helpFileLength;
- file_ptr RPCDataOffset;
- bfd_size_type RPCDataLength;
- file_ptr sharedCodeOffset;
- bfd_size_type sharedCodeLength;
- file_ptr sharedDataOffset;
- bfd_size_type sharedDataLength;
- file_ptr sharedRelocationFixupOffset;
- long sharedRelocationFixupCount;
- file_ptr sharedExternalReferenceOffset;
- long sharedExternalReferenceCount;
- file_ptr sharedPublicsOffset;
- long sharedPublicsCount;
- file_ptr sharedDebugRecordOffset;
- long sharedDebugRecordCount;
- bfd_vma SharedInitializationOffset;
- bfd_vma SharedExitProcedureOffset;
- long productID;
- long reserved0;
- long reserved1;
- long reserved2;
- long reserved3;
- long reserved4;
- long reserved5;
-} Nlm_Internal_Extended_Header;
-#define nlm32_internal_extended_header nlm_internal_extended_header
-#define Nlm32_Internal_Extended_Header Nlm_Internal_Extended_Header
-#define nlm64_internal_extended_header nlm_internal_extended_header
-#define Nlm64_Internal_Extended_Header Nlm_Internal_Extended_Header
-/* The format of a custom header as stored internally is different
- from the external format. This is how we store a custom header
- which we do not recognize. */
-typedef struct nlm_internal_custom_header
- /* The header is recognized by "CuStHeAd" in the stamp field. */
- char stamp[8];
- bfd_size_type hdrLength;
- file_ptr dataOffset;
- bfd_size_type dataLength;
- char dataStamp[8];
- PTR hdr;
-} Nlm_Internal_Custom_Header;
-#define nlm32_internal_custom_header nlm_internal_custom_header
-#define Nlm32_Internal_Custom_Header Nlm_Internal_Custom_Header
-#define nlm64_internal_custom_header nlm_internal_custom_header
-#define Nlm64_Internal_Custom_Header Nlm_Internal_Custom_Header
-/* The internal Cygnus header is written out externally as a custom
- header. We don't try to replicate that structure here. */
-typedef struct nlm_internal_cygnus_ext_header
- /* The header is recognized by "CyGnUsEx" in the stamp field. */
- char stamp[8];
- /* File location of debugging information. */
- file_ptr offset;
- /* Length of debugging information. */
- bfd_size_type length;
-} Nlm_Internal_Cygnus_Ext_Header;
-#define nlm32_internal_cygnus_ext_header nlm_internal_cygnus_ext_header
-#define Nlm32_Internal_Cygnus_Ext_Header Nlm_Internal_Cygnus_Ext_Header
-#define nlm64_internal_cygnus_ext_header nlm_internal_cygnus_ext_header
-#define Nlm64_Internal_Cygnus_Ext_Header Nlm_Internal_Cygnus_Ext_Header
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/ppc-ext.h b/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/ppc-ext.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0aae10772f56..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/ppc-ext.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-/* PowerPC NLM (NetWare Loadable Module) support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* The format of a PowerPC NLM changed. These structures are only
- used in the old format. */
-/* A PowerPC NLM starts with an instance of this structure. */
-struct nlm32_powerpc_external_prefix_header
- /* Signature. Must be "AppleNLM". */
- char signature[8];
- /* Version number. Current value is 1. */
- unsigned char headerVersion[4];
- /* ??. Should be set to 0. */
- unsigned char origins[4];
- /* File creation date in standard Unix time format (seconds since
- 1/1/70). */
- unsigned char date[4];
-/* The external format of a PowerPC NLM reloc. This is the same as an
- XCOFF dynamic reloc. */
-struct nlm32_powerpc_external_reloc
- /* Address. */
- unsigned char l_vaddr[4];
- /* Symbol table index. This is 0 for .text and 1 for .data. 2
- means .bss, but I don't know if it is used. In XCOFF, larger
- numbers are indices into the dynamic symbol table, but they are
- presumably not used in an NLM. */
- unsigned char l_symndx[4];
- /* Relocation type. */
- unsigned char l_rtype[2];
- /* Section number being relocated. */
- unsigned char l_rsecnm[2];
-#endif /* OLDFORMAT */
-/* The external format of the fixed header. */
-typedef struct nlm32_powerpc_external_fixed_header
- /* The signature field identifies the file as an NLM. It must contain
- the signature string, which depends upon the NLM target. */
- unsigned char signature[24];
- /* The version of the header. At this time, the highest version number
- is 4. */
- unsigned char version[4];
- /* The name of the module, which must be a DOS name (1-8 characters followed
- by a period and a 1-3 character extension). The first byte is the byte
- length of the name and the last byte is a null terminator byte. This
- field is fixed length, and any unused bytes should be null bytes. The
- value is set by the OUTPUT keyword to NLMLINK. */
- unsigned char moduleName[14];
- /* Padding to make it come out correct. */
- unsigned char pad1[2];
- /* The byte offset of the code image from the start of the file. */
- unsigned char codeImageOffset[4];
- /* The size of the code image, in bytes. */
- unsigned char codeImageSize[4];
- /* The byte offset of the data image from the start of the file. */
- unsigned char dataImageOffset[4];
- /* The size of the data image, in bytes. */
- unsigned char dataImageSize[4];
- /* The size of the uninitialized data region that the loader is to be
- allocated at load time. Uninitialized data follows the initialized
- data in the NLM address space. */
- unsigned char uninitializedDataSize[4];
- /* The byte offset of the custom data from the start of the file. The
- custom data is set by the CUSTOM keyword to NLMLINK. It is possible
- for this to be EOF if there is no custom data. */
- unsigned char customDataOffset[4];
- /* The size of the custom data, in bytes. */
- unsigned char customDataSize[4];
- /* The byte offset of the module dependencies from the start of the file.
- The module dependencies are determined by the MODULE keyword in
- unsigned char moduleDependencyOffset[4];
- /* The number of module dependencies at the moduleDependencyOffset. */
- unsigned char numberOfModuleDependencies[4];
- /* The byte offset of the relocation fixup data from the start of the file */
- unsigned char relocationFixupOffset[4];
- unsigned char numberOfRelocationFixups[4];
- unsigned char externalReferencesOffset[4];
- unsigned char numberOfExternalReferences[4];
- unsigned char publicsOffset[4];
- unsigned char numberOfPublics[4];
- /* The byte offset of the internal debug info from the start of the file.
- It is possible for this to be EOF if there is no debug info. */
- unsigned char debugInfoOffset[4];
- unsigned char numberOfDebugRecords[4];
- unsigned char codeStartOffset[4];
- unsigned char exitProcedureOffset[4];
- unsigned char checkUnloadProcedureOffset[4];
- unsigned char moduleType[4];
- unsigned char flags[4];
-} Nlm32_powerpc_External_Fixed_Header;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/sparc32-ext.h b/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/sparc32-ext.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0deb2dee9230..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/nlm/sparc32-ext.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-/* SPARC NLM (NetWare Loadable Module) support for BFD.
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* The external format of the fixed header. */
-typedef struct nlm32_sparc_external_fixed_header
- /* The signature field identifies the file as an NLM. It must contain
- the signature string, which depends upon the NLM target. */
- unsigned char signature[24];
- /* The version of the header. At this time, the highest version number
- is 4. */
- unsigned char version[4];
- /* The name of the module, which must be a DOS name (1-8 characters followed
- by a period and a 1-3 character extension). The first byte is the byte
- length of the name and the last byte is a null terminator byte. This
- field is fixed length, and any unused bytes should be null bytes. The
- value is set by the OUTPUT keyword to NLMLINK. */
- unsigned char moduleName[14];
- /* Padding to make it come out correct. */
- unsigned char pad1[2];
- /* The byte offset of the code image from the start of the file. */
- unsigned char codeImageOffset[4];
- /* The size of the code image, in bytes. */
- unsigned char codeImageSize[4];
- /* The byte offset of the data image from the start of the file. */
- unsigned char dataImageOffset[4];
- /* The size of the data image, in bytes. */
- unsigned char dataImageSize[4];
- /* The size of the uninitialized data region that the loader is to be
- allocated at load time. Uninitialized data follows the initialized
- data in the NLM address space. */
- unsigned char uninitializedDataSize[4];
- /* The byte offset of the custom data from the start of the file. The
- custom data is set by the CUSTOM keyword to NLMLINK. It is possible
- for this to be EOF if there is no custom data. */
- unsigned char customDataOffset[4];
- /* The size of the custom data, in bytes. */
- unsigned char customDataSize[4];
- /* The byte offset of the module dependencies from the start of the file.
- The module dependencies are determined by the MODULE keyword in
- unsigned char moduleDependencyOffset[4];
- /* The number of module dependencies at the moduleDependencyOffset. */
- unsigned char numberOfModuleDependencies[4];
- /* The byte offset of the relocation fixup data from the start of the file */
- unsigned char relocationFixupOffset[4];
- unsigned char numberOfRelocationFixups[4];
- unsigned char externalReferencesOffset[4];
- unsigned char numberOfExternalReferences[4];
- unsigned char publicsOffset[4];
- unsigned char numberOfPublics[4];
- /* The byte offset of the internal debug info from the start of the file.
- It is possible for this to be EOF if there is no debug info. */
- unsigned char debugInfoOffset[4];
- unsigned char numberOfDebugRecords[4];
- unsigned char codeStartOffset[4];
- unsigned char exitProcedureOffset[4];
- unsigned char checkUnloadProcedureOffset[4];
- unsigned char moduleType[4];
- unsigned char flags[4];
-} Nlm32_sparc_External_Fixed_Header;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/oasys.h b/contrib/gdb/include/oasys.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 867d2503134e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/oasys.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-/* Oasys object format header file for BFD.
- Contributed by Cygnus Support. */
-/* **** */
-typedef struct oasys_archive_header {
- unsigned int version;
- char create_date[12];
- char revision_date[12];
- unsigned int mod_count;
- file_ptr mod_tbl_offset;
- unsigned int sym_tbl_size;
- unsigned int sym_count;
- file_ptr sym_tbl_offset;
- unsigned int xref_count;
- file_ptr xref_lst_offset;
-} oasys_archive_header_type;
-typedef struct oasys_extarchive_header {
- bfd_byte version[4];
- bfd_byte create_date[12];
- bfd_byte revision_date[12];
- bfd_byte mod_count[4];
- bfd_byte mod_tbl_offset[4];
- bfd_byte sym_tbl_size[4];
- bfd_byte sym_count[4];
- bfd_byte sym_tbl_offset[4];
- bfd_byte xref_count[4];
- bfd_byte xref_lst_offset[4];
-} oasys_extarchive_header_type;
-typedef struct oasys_module_table {
- int mod_number;
- char mod_date[12];
- unsigned int mod_size;
- unsigned int dep_count;
- unsigned int depee_count;
- file_ptr file_offset;
- unsigned int sect_count;
- char *module_name;
- unsigned int module_name_size;
-} oasys_module_table_type;
-typedef struct oasys_extmodule_table_a {
- bfd_byte mod_number[4];
- bfd_byte mod_date[12];
- bfd_byte mod_size[4];
- bfd_byte dep_count[4];
- bfd_byte depee_count[4];
- bfd_byte sect_count[4];
- bfd_byte file_offset[4];
- bfd_byte mod_name[32];
-} oasys_extmodule_table_type_a_type;
-typedef struct oasys_extmodule_table_b {
- bfd_byte mod_number[4];
- bfd_byte mod_date[12];
- bfd_byte mod_size[4];
- bfd_byte dep_count[4];
- bfd_byte depee_count[4];
- bfd_byte sect_count[4];
- bfd_byte file_offset[4];
- bfd_byte mod_name_length[4];
-} oasys_extmodule_table_type_b_type;
-typedef enum oasys_record {
- oasys_record_is_end_enum = 0,
- oasys_record_is_data_enum = 1,
- oasys_record_is_symbol_enum = 2,
- oasys_record_is_header_enum = 3,
- oasys_record_is_named_section_enum = 4,
- oasys_record_is_com_enum = 5,
- oasys_record_is_debug_enum = 6,
- oasys_record_is_section_enum = 7,
- oasys_record_is_debug_file_enum = 8,
- oasys_record_is_module_enum = 9,
- oasys_record_is_local_enum = 10
-} oasys_record_enum_type;
-typedef struct oasys_record_header {
- unsigned char length;
- unsigned char check_sum;
- unsigned char type;
- unsigned char fill;
-} oasys_record_header_type;
-typedef struct oasys_data_record {
- oasys_record_header_type header;
- unsigned char relb;
- bfd_byte addr[4];
- /* maximum total size of data record is 255 bytes */
- bfd_byte data[246];
-} oasys_data_record_type;
-typedef struct oasys_header_record {
- oasys_record_header_type header;
- unsigned char version_number;
- unsigned char rev_number;
- char module_name[26-6];
- char description[64-26];
-} oasys_header_record_type;
-typedef struct oasys_symbol_record {
- oasys_record_header_type header;
- unsigned char relb;
- bfd_byte value[4];
- bfd_byte refno[2];
- char name[64];
-} oasys_symbol_record_type;
-#define RELOCATION_32BIT_BIT 0x40
-typedef struct oasys_section_record {
- oasys_record_header_type header;
- unsigned char relb;
- bfd_byte value[4];
- bfd_byte vma[4];
- bfd_byte fill[3];
-} oasys_section_record_type;
-typedef struct oasys_end_record {
- oasys_record_header_type header;
- unsigned char relb;
- bfd_byte entry[4];
- bfd_byte fill[2];
- bfd_byte zero;
-} oasys_end_record_type;
-typedef union oasys_record_union {
- oasys_record_header_type header;
- oasys_data_record_type data;
- oasys_section_record_type section;
- oasys_symbol_record_type symbol;
- oasys_header_record_type first;
- oasys_end_record_type end;
- bfd_byte pad[256];
-} oasys_record_union_type;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/obstack.h b/contrib/gdb/include/obstack.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 416b8bf53151..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/obstack.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,518 +0,0 @@
-/* obstack.h - object stack macros
- Copyright (C) 1988, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
-later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Summary:
-All the apparent functions defined here are macros. The idea
-is that you would use these pre-tested macros to solve a
-very specific set of problems, and they would run fast.
-Caution: no side-effects in arguments please!! They may be
-evaluated MANY times!!
-These macros operate a stack of objects. Each object starts life
-small, and may grow to maturity. (Consider building a word syllable
-by syllable.) An object can move while it is growing. Once it has
-been "finished" it never changes address again. So the "top of the
-stack" is typically an immature growing object, while the rest of the
-stack is of mature, fixed size and fixed address objects.
-These routines grab large chunks of memory, using a function you
-supply, called `obstack_chunk_alloc'. On occasion, they free chunks,
-by calling `obstack_chunk_free'. You must define them and declare
-them before using any obstack macros.
-Each independent stack is represented by a `struct obstack'.
-Each of the obstack macros expects a pointer to such a structure
-as the first argument.
-One motivation for this package is the problem of growing char strings
-in symbol tables. Unless you are "fascist pig with a read-only mind"
---Gosper's immortal quote from HAKMEM item 154, out of context--you
-would not like to put any arbitrary upper limit on the length of your
-In practice this often means you will build many short symbols and a
-few long symbols. At the time you are reading a symbol you don't know
-how long it is. One traditional method is to read a symbol into a
-buffer, realloc()ating the buffer every time you try to read a symbol
-that is longer than the buffer. This is beaut, but you still will
-want to copy the symbol from the buffer to a more permanent
-symbol-table entry say about half the time.
-With obstacks, you can work differently. Use one obstack for all symbol
-names. As you read a symbol, grow the name in the obstack gradually.
-When the name is complete, finalize it. Then, if the symbol exists already,
-free the newly read name.
-The way we do this is to take a large chunk, allocating memory from
-low addresses. When you want to build a symbol in the chunk you just
-add chars above the current "high water mark" in the chunk. When you
-have finished adding chars, because you got to the end of the symbol,
-you know how long the chars are, and you can create a new object.
-Mostly the chars will not burst over the highest address of the chunk,
-because you would typically expect a chunk to be (say) 100 times as
-long as an average object.
-In case that isn't clear, when we have enough chars to make up
-so we just point to it where it lies. No moving of chars is
-needed and this is the second win: potentially long strings need
-never be explicitly shuffled. Once an object is formed, it does not
-change its address during its lifetime.
-When the chars burst over a chunk boundary, we allocate a larger
-chunk, and then copy the partly formed object from the end of the old
-chunk to the beginning of the new larger chunk. We then carry on
-accreting characters to the end of the object as we normally would.
-A special macro is provided to add a single char at a time to a
-growing object. This allows the use of register variables, which
-break the ordinary 'growth' macro.
- We allocate large chunks.
- We carve out one object at a time from the current chunk.
- Once carved, an object never moves.
- We are free to append data of any size to the currently
- growing object.
- Exactly one object is growing in an obstack at any one time.
- You can run one obstack per control block.
- You may have as many control blocks as you dare.
- Because of the way we do it, you can `unwind' an obstack
- back to a previous state. (You may remove objects much
- as you would with a stack.)
-/* Don't do the contents of this file more than once. */
-#ifndef __OBSTACK_H__
-#define __OBSTACK_H__
-/* We use subtraction of (char *)0 instead of casting to int
- because on word-addressable machines a simple cast to int
- may ignore the byte-within-word field of the pointer. */
-#ifndef __PTR_TO_INT
-#define __PTR_TO_INT(P) ((P) - (char *)0)
-#ifndef __INT_TO_PTR
-#define __INT_TO_PTR(P) ((P) + (char *)0)
-/* We need the type of the resulting object. In ANSI C it is ptrdiff_t
- but in traditional C it is usually long. If we are in ANSI C and
- don't already have ptrdiff_t get it. */
-#if defined (__STDC__) && ! defined (offsetof)
-#if defined (__GNUC__) && defined (IN_GCC)
-/* On Next machine, the system's stddef.h screws up if included
- after we have defined just ptrdiff_t, so include all of stddef.h.
- Otherwise, define just ptrdiff_t, which is all we need. */
-#ifndef __NeXT__
-#define __need_ptrdiff_t
-#include <stddef.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#define PTR_INT_TYPE ptrdiff_t
-#define PTR_INT_TYPE long
-struct _obstack_chunk /* Lives at front of each chunk. */
- char *limit; /* 1 past end of this chunk */
- struct _obstack_chunk *prev; /* address of prior chunk or NULL */
- char contents[4]; /* objects begin here */
-struct obstack /* control current object in current chunk */
- long chunk_size; /* preferred size to allocate chunks in */
- struct _obstack_chunk* chunk; /* address of current struct obstack_chunk */
- char *object_base; /* address of object we are building */
- char *next_free; /* where to add next char to current object */
- char *chunk_limit; /* address of char after current chunk */
- PTR_INT_TYPE temp; /* Temporary for some macros. */
- int alignment_mask; /* Mask of alignment for each object. */
- struct _obstack_chunk *(*chunkfun) (); /* User's fcn to allocate a chunk. */
- void (*freefun) (); /* User's function to free a chunk. */
- char *extra_arg; /* first arg for chunk alloc/dealloc funcs */
- unsigned use_extra_arg:1; /* chunk alloc/dealloc funcs take extra arg */
- unsigned maybe_empty_object:1;/* There is a possibility that the current
- chunk contains a zero-length object. This
- prevents freeing the chunk if we allocate
- a bigger chunk to replace it. */
- unsigned alloc_failed:1; /* chunk alloc func returned 0 */
-/* Declare the external functions we use; they are in obstack.c. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-extern void _obstack_newchunk (struct obstack *, int);
-extern void _obstack_free (struct obstack *, void *);
-extern int _obstack_begin (struct obstack *, int, int,
- void *(*) (), void (*) ());
-extern int _obstack_begin_1 (struct obstack *, int, int,
- void *(*) (), void (*) (), void *);
-extern int _obstack_memory_used (struct obstack *);
-extern void _obstack_newchunk ();
-extern void _obstack_free ();
-extern int _obstack_begin ();
-extern int _obstack_begin_1 ();
-extern int _obstack_memory_used ();
-#ifdef __STDC__
-/* Do the function-declarations after the structs
- but before defining the macros. */
-void obstack_init (struct obstack *obstack);
-void * obstack_alloc (struct obstack *obstack, int size);
-void * obstack_copy (struct obstack *obstack, void *address, int size);
-void * obstack_copy0 (struct obstack *obstack, void *address, int size);
-void obstack_free (struct obstack *obstack, void *block);
-void obstack_blank (struct obstack *obstack, int size);
-void obstack_grow (struct obstack *obstack, void *data, int size);
-void obstack_grow0 (struct obstack *obstack, void *data, int size);
-void obstack_1grow (struct obstack *obstack, int data_char);
-void obstack_ptr_grow (struct obstack *obstack, void *data);
-void obstack_int_grow (struct obstack *obstack, int data);
-void * obstack_finish (struct obstack *obstack);
-int obstack_object_size (struct obstack *obstack);
-int obstack_room (struct obstack *obstack);
-void obstack_1grow_fast (struct obstack *obstack, int data_char);
-void obstack_ptr_grow_fast (struct obstack *obstack, void *data);
-void obstack_int_grow_fast (struct obstack *obstack, int data);
-void obstack_blank_fast (struct obstack *obstack, int size);
-void * obstack_base (struct obstack *obstack);
-void * obstack_next_free (struct obstack *obstack);
-int obstack_alignment_mask (struct obstack *obstack);
-int obstack_chunk_size (struct obstack *obstack);
-int obstack_memory_used (struct obstack *obstack);
-#endif /* __STDC__ */
-/* Non-ANSI C cannot really support alternative functions for these macros,
- so we do not declare them. */
-/* Pointer to beginning of object being allocated or to be allocated next.
- Note that this might not be the final address of the object
- because a new chunk might be needed to hold the final size. */
-#define obstack_base(h) ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : (h)->object_base)
-/* Size for allocating ordinary chunks. */
-#define obstack_chunk_size(h) ((h)->chunk_size)
-/* Pointer to next byte not yet allocated in current chunk. */
-#define obstack_next_free(h) ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : (h)->next_free)
-/* Mask specifying low bits that should be clear in address of an object. */
-#define obstack_alignment_mask(h) ((h)->alignment_mask)
-#define obstack_init(h) \
- _obstack_begin ((h), 0, 0, \
- (void *(*) ()) obstack_chunk_alloc, (void (*) ()) obstack_chunk_free)
-#define obstack_begin(h, size) \
- _obstack_begin ((h), (size), 0, \
- (void *(*) ()) obstack_chunk_alloc, (void (*) ()) obstack_chunk_free)
-#define obstack_specify_allocation(h, size, alignment, chunkfun, freefun) \
- _obstack_begin ((h), (size), (alignment), \
- (void *(*) ()) (chunkfun), (void (*) ()) (freefun))
-#define obstack_specify_allocation_with_arg(h, size, alignment, chunkfun, freefun, arg) \
- _obstack_begin_1 ((h), (size), (alignment), \
- (void *(*) ()) (chunkfun), (void (*) ()) (freefun), (arg))
-#define obstack_chunkfun(h, newchunkfun) \
- ((h) -> chunkfun = (struct _obstack_chunk *(*)()) (newchunkfun))
-#define obstack_freefun(h, newfreefun) \
- ((h) -> freefun = (void (*)()) (newfreefun))
-#define obstack_1grow_fast(h,achar) (*((h)->next_free)++ = achar)
-#define obstack_blank_fast(h,n) ((h)->next_free += (n))
-#define obstack_memory_used(h) _obstack_memory_used (h)
-#if defined (__GNUC__) && defined (__STDC__)
-#if __GNUC__ < 2
-#define __extension__
-/* For GNU C, if not -traditional,
- we can define these macros to compute all args only once
- without using a global variable.
- Also, we can avoid using the `temp' slot, to make faster code. */
-#define obstack_object_size(OBSTACK) \
- __extension__ \
- ({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \
- __o->alloc_failed ? 0 : \
- (unsigned) (__o->next_free - __o->object_base); })
-#define obstack_room(OBSTACK) \
- __extension__ \
- ({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \
- (unsigned) (__o->chunk_limit - __o->next_free); })
-#define obstack_grow(OBSTACK,where,length) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \
- int __len = (length); \
- if (__o->next_free + __len > __o->chunk_limit) \
- _obstack_newchunk (__o, __len); \
- if (!__o->alloc_failed) \
- { \
- bcopy (where, __o->next_free, __len); \
- __o->next_free += __len; \
- } \
- (void) 0; })
-#define obstack_grow0(OBSTACK,where,length) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \
- int __len = (length); \
- if (__o->next_free + __len + 1 > __o->chunk_limit) \
- _obstack_newchunk (__o, __len + 1); \
- if (!__o->alloc_failed) \
- { \
- bcopy (where, __o->next_free, __len); \
- __o->next_free += __len; \
- *(__o->next_free)++ = 0; \
- } \
- (void) 0; })
-#define obstack_1grow(OBSTACK,datum) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \
- if (__o->next_free + 1 > __o->chunk_limit) \
- _obstack_newchunk (__o, 1); \
- if (!__o->alloc_failed) \
- *(__o->next_free)++ = (datum); \
- (void) 0; })
-/* These assume that the obstack alignment is good enough for pointers or ints,
- and that the data added so far to the current object
- shares that much alignment. */
-#define obstack_ptr_grow(OBSTACK,datum) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \
- if (__o->next_free + sizeof (void *) > __o->chunk_limit) \
- _obstack_newchunk (__o, sizeof (void *)); \
- if (!__o->alloc_failed) \
- *((void **)__o->next_free)++ = ((void *)datum); \
- (void) 0; })
-#define obstack_int_grow(OBSTACK,datum) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \
- if (__o->next_free + sizeof (int) > __o->chunk_limit) \
- _obstack_newchunk (__o, sizeof (int)); \
- if (!__o->alloc_failed) \
- *((int *)__o->next_free)++ = ((int)datum); \
- (void) 0; })
-#define obstack_ptr_grow_fast(h,aptr) (*((void **)(h)->next_free)++ = (void *)aptr)
-#define obstack_int_grow_fast(h,aint) (*((int *)(h)->next_free)++ = (int)aint)
-#define obstack_blank(OBSTACK,length) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \
- int __len = (length); \
- if (__o->chunk_limit - __o->next_free < __len) \
- _obstack_newchunk (__o, __len); \
- if (!__o->alloc_failed) \
- __o->next_free += __len; \
- (void) 0; })
-#define obstack_alloc(OBSTACK,length) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__h = (OBSTACK); \
- obstack_blank (__h, (length)); \
- obstack_finish (__h); })
-#define obstack_copy(OBSTACK,where,length) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__h = (OBSTACK); \
- obstack_grow (__h, (where), (length)); \
- obstack_finish (__h); })
-#define obstack_copy0(OBSTACK,where,length) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__h = (OBSTACK); \
- obstack_grow0 (__h, (where), (length)); \
- obstack_finish (__h); })
-/* The local variable is named __o1 to avoid a name conflict
- when obstack_blank is called. */
-#define obstack_finish(OBSTACK) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__o1 = (OBSTACK); \
- void *value; \
- if (__o1->alloc_failed) \
- value = 0; \
- else \
- { \
- value = (void *) __o1->object_base; \
- if (__o1->next_free == value) \
- __o1->maybe_empty_object = 1; \
- __o1->next_free \
- = __INT_TO_PTR ((__PTR_TO_INT (__o1->next_free)+__o1->alignment_mask)\
- & ~ (__o1->alignment_mask)); \
- if (__o1->next_free - (char *)__o1->chunk \
- > __o1->chunk_limit - (char *)__o1->chunk) \
- __o1->next_free = __o1->chunk_limit; \
- __o1->object_base = __o1->next_free; \
- } \
- value; })
-#define obstack_free(OBSTACK, OBJ) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \
- void *__obj = (OBJ); \
- if (__obj > (void *)__o->chunk && __obj < (void *)__o->chunk_limit) \
- __o->next_free = __o->object_base = __obj; \
- else (obstack_free) (__o, __obj); })
-#else /* not __GNUC__ or not __STDC__ */
-#define obstack_object_size(h) \
- (unsigned) ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : (h)->next_free - (h)->object_base)
-#define obstack_room(h) \
- (unsigned) ((h)->chunk_limit - (h)->next_free)
-/* Note that the call to _obstack_newchunk is enclosed in (..., 0)
- so that we can avoid having void expressions
- in the arms of the conditional expression.
- Casting the third operand to void was tried before,
- but some compilers won't accept it. */
-#define obstack_grow(h,where,length) \
-( (h)->temp = (length), \
- (((h)->next_free + (h)->temp > (h)->chunk_limit) \
- ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), (h)->temp), 0) : 0), \
- ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : \
- (bcopy (where, (h)->next_free, (h)->temp), \
- (h)->next_free += (h)->temp)))
-#define obstack_grow0(h,where,length) \
-( (h)->temp = (length), \
- (((h)->next_free + (h)->temp + 1 > (h)->chunk_limit) \
- ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), (h)->temp + 1), 0) : 0), \
- ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : \
- (bcopy (where, (h)->next_free, (h)->temp), \
- (h)->next_free += (h)->temp, \
- *((h)->next_free)++ = 0)))
-#define obstack_1grow(h,datum) \
-( (((h)->next_free + 1 > (h)->chunk_limit) \
- ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), 1), 0) : 0), \
- ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : \
- (*((h)->next_free)++ = (datum))))
-#define obstack_ptr_grow(h,datum) \
-( (((h)->next_free + sizeof (char *) > (h)->chunk_limit) \
- ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), sizeof (char *)), 0) : 0), \
- ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : \
- (*((char **)(((h)->next_free+=sizeof(char *))-sizeof(char *))) = ((char *)datum))))
-#define obstack_int_grow(h,datum) \
-( (((h)->next_free + sizeof (int) > (h)->chunk_limit) \
- ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), sizeof (int)), 0) : 0), \
- ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : \
- (*((int *)(((h)->next_free+=sizeof(int))-sizeof(int))) = ((int)datum))))
-#define obstack_ptr_grow_fast(h,aptr) (*((char **)(h)->next_free)++ = (char *)aptr)
-#define obstack_int_grow_fast(h,aint) (*((int *)(h)->next_free)++ = (int)aint)
-#define obstack_blank(h,length) \
-( (h)->temp = (length), \
- (((h)->chunk_limit - (h)->next_free < (h)->temp) \
- ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), (h)->temp), 0) : 0), \
- ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : \
- ((h)->next_free += (h)->temp)))
-#define obstack_alloc(h,length) \
- (obstack_blank ((h), (length)), obstack_finish ((h)))
-#define obstack_copy(h,where,length) \
- (obstack_grow ((h), (where), (length)), obstack_finish ((h)))
-#define obstack_copy0(h,where,length) \
- (obstack_grow0 ((h), (where), (length)), obstack_finish ((h)))
-#define obstack_finish(h) \
-( (h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : \
- (((h)->next_free == (h)->object_base \
- ? (((h)->maybe_empty_object = 1), 0) \
- : 0), \
- (h)->temp = __PTR_TO_INT ((h)->object_base), \
- (h)->next_free \
- = __INT_TO_PTR ((__PTR_TO_INT ((h)->next_free)+(h)->alignment_mask) \
- & ~ ((h)->alignment_mask)), \
- (((h)->next_free - (char *)(h)->chunk \
- > (h)->chunk_limit - (char *)(h)->chunk) \
- ? ((h)->next_free = (h)->chunk_limit) : 0), \
- (h)->object_base = (h)->next_free, \
- __INT_TO_PTR ((h)->temp)))
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#define obstack_free(h,obj) \
-( (h)->temp = (char *)(obj) - (char *) (h)->chunk, \
- (((h)->temp > 0 && (h)->temp < (h)->chunk_limit - (char *) (h)->chunk)\
- ? (int) ((h)->next_free = (h)->object_base \
- = (h)->temp + (char *) (h)->chunk) \
- : (((obstack_free) ((h), (h)->temp + (char *) (h)->chunk), 0), 0)))
-#define obstack_free(h,obj) \
-( (h)->temp = (char *)(obj) - (char *) (h)->chunk, \
- (((h)->temp > 0 && (h)->temp < (h)->chunk_limit - (char *) (h)->chunk)\
- ? (int) ((h)->next_free = (h)->object_base \
- = (h)->temp + (char *) (h)->chunk) \
- : (_obstack_free ((h), (h)->temp + (char *) (h)->chunk), 0)))
-#endif /* not __GNUC__ or not __STDC__ */
-#endif /* not __OBSTACK_H__ */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/ChangeLog b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index f56df4bd5985..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,812 +0,0 @@
-Thu Mar 7 15:08:23 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc.h (O): Mark operand letter as in use.
-Tue Feb 20 20:46:21 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc.h (sparc_{encode,decode}_sparclet_cpreg): Declare.
- Mark operand letters uU as in use.
-Mon Feb 19 01:59:08 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc.h (sparc_opcode_arch_val): Add SPARC_OPCODE_ARCH_SPARCLET.
- (sparc_opcode_arch): Delete member `conflicts'. Add `supported'.
- (F_NOTV9): Delete.
-Fri Feb 16 12:23:34 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * sparc.h (sparc_opcode_lookup_arch) Make return type in
- declaration consistent with return type in definition.
-Wed Feb 14 18:14:11 1996 Alan Modra <>
- * i386.h (i386_optab): Remove Data32 from pushf and popf.
-Thu Feb 8 14:27:21 1996 James Carlson <>
- * i386.h (i386_regtab): Add 80486 test registers.
-Mon Feb 5 18:35:46 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * i960.h (I_HX): Define.
- (i960_opcodes): Add HX instruction.
-Mon Jan 29 12:43:39 1996 Ken Raeburn <>
- * i386.h: Fix waiting forms of finit, fstenv, fsave, fstsw, fstcw,
- and fclex.
-Wed Jan 24 22:36:59 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc.h (enum sparc_opcode_arch_val): Replaces sparc_architecture.
- (bfd_* defines): Delete.
- (sparc_opcode_archs): Replaces architecture_pname.
- (sparc_opcode_lookup_arch): Declare.
- (NUMOPCODES): Delete.
-Mon Jan 22 08:24:32 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc.h (enum sparc_architecture): Add v9a.
-Thu Dec 28 13:27:53 1995 John Hassey <>
- * i386.h: Added Pentium Pro instructions.
-Thu Nov 2 22:59:22 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * m68k.h: Document new 'W' operand place.
-Tue Oct 24 10:49:10 1995 Jeffrey A Law (
- * hppa.h: Add lci and syncdma instructions.
-Mon Oct 23 11:09:16 1995 James G. Smith <>
- * mips.h: Added INSN_4100 flag to mark NEC VR4100 specific
- instructions.
-Mon Oct 16 10:28:15 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * ppc.h (PPC_OPCODE_{COMMON,ANY}): New opcode flags for
- assembler's -mcom and -many switches.
-Wed Oct 11 16:56:33 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * i386.h: Fix cmpxchg8b extension opcode description.
-Thu Oct 5 18:03:36 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * i386.h: Add Pentium instructions wrmsr, rdtsc, rdmsr, cmpxchg8b,
- and register cr4.
-Tue Sep 19 15:26:43 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * m68k.h: Change comment: split type P into types 0, 1 and 2.
-Wed Aug 30 13:50:55 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc.h (sparc_{encode,decode}_prefetch): Declare.
-Tue Aug 29 15:34:58 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc.h (sparc_{encode,decode}_{asi,membar}): Declare.
-Wed Aug 2 18:32:19 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * m68kmri.h: Remove.
- * m68k.h: Move tables into opcodes/m68k-opc.c, leaving just the
- declarations. Remove F_ALIAS and flag field of struct
- m68k_opcode. Change arch field of struct m68k_opcode to unsigned
- int. Make name and args fields of struct m68k_opcode const.
-Wed Aug 2 08:16:46 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc.h (F_NOTV9): Define.
-Tue Jul 11 14:20:42 1995 Jeff Spiegel <>
- * mips.h (INSN_4010): Define.
-Wed Jun 21 18:49:51 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * m68k.h (TBL1): Reverse sense of "round" argument in result.
- Changes from Andreas Schwab <>:
- * m68k.h: Fix argument descriptions of coprocessor
- instructions to allow only alterable operands where appropriate.
- [!NO_DEFAULT_SIZES]: An omitted size defaults to `w'.
- (m68k_opcode_aliases): Add more aliases.
-Fri Apr 14 22:15:34 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * m68k.h: Added explcitly short-sized conditional branches, and a
- bunch of aliases (fmov*, ftest*, tdivul) to support gcc's
- svr4-based configurations.
-Mon Mar 13 21:30:01 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- Mon Feb 27 08:36:39 1995 Bryan Ford <>
- * i386.h: added missing Data16/Data32 flags to a few instructions.
-Wed Mar 8 15:19:53 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * mips.h (OP_MASK_FR, OP_SH_FR): Define.
- (OP_MASK_BCC, OP_SH_BCC): Define.
- (OP_MASK_CCC, OP_SH_CCC): Define.
- (INSN_READ_FPR_R): Define.
- (INSN_RFE): Delete.
-Wed Mar 8 03:13:23 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * m68k.h (enum m68k_architecture): Deleted.
- (struct m68k_opcode_alias): New type.
- (m68k_opcodes): Now const. Deleted opcode aliases with exactly
- matching constraints, values and flags. As a side effect of this,
- the MOTOROLA_SYNTAX_ONLY and MIT_SYNTAX_ONLY macros, which so far
- as I know were never used, now may need re-examining.
- (numopcodes): Now const.
- (m68k_opcode_aliases, numaliases): New variables.
- (endop): Deleted.
- [DONT_DEFINE_TABLE]: Declare numopcodes, numaliases, and
- m68k_opcode_aliases; update declaration of m68k_opcodes.
-Mon Mar 6 10:02:00 1995 Jeff Law (
- * hppa.h (delay_type): Delete unused enumeration.
- (pa_opcode): Replace unused delayed field with an architecture
- field.
- (pa_opcodes): Mark each instruction as either PA1.0 or PA1.1.
-Fri Mar 3 16:10:24 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * mips.h (INSN_ISA4): Define.
-Fri Feb 24 19:13:37 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * mips.h (M_DLA_AB, M_DLI): Define.
-Thu Feb 23 17:33:09 1995 Jeff Law (
- * hppa.h (fstwx): Fix single-bit error.
-Wed Feb 15 12:19:52 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * mips.h (M_ULD, M_ULD_A, M_USD, M_USD_A): Define.
-Mon Feb 6 10:35:23 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * i386.h: added cpuid instruction , and dr[0-7] aliases for the
- debug registers. From Charles Hannum (
-Mon Feb 6 03:31:54 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- Changes from Bryan Ford <> for 16-bit
- i386 support:
- * i386.h (MOV_AX_DISP32): New macro.
- (i386_optab): Added Data16 and Data32 as needed. Added "w" forms
- of several call/return instructions.
- (ADDR_PREFIX_OPCODE): New macro.
-Mon Jan 23 16:45:43 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- Sat Jan 21 17:50:38 1995 Pat Rankin (
- * ../include/opcode/vax.h (struct vot_wot, field `args'): make
- it pointer to const char;
- (struct vot, field `name'): ditto.
-Thu Jan 19 14:47:53 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * vax.h: Supply and properly group all values in end sentinel.
-Tue Jan 17 10:55:30 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * mips.h (INSN_ISA, INSN_4650): Define.
-Wed Oct 19 13:34:17 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * a29k.h: Add operand type 'I' for `inv' and `iretinv'. On
- systems with a separate instruction and data cache, such as the
- 29040, these instructions take an optional argument.
-Wed Sep 14 17:44:20 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h (INSN_STORE_MEMORY): Correct value to not conflict with
-Tue Sep 6 11:39:08 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h (INSN_STORE_MEMORY): Define.
-Thu Jul 28 19:28:07 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * sparc.h: Document new operand type 'x'.
-Tue Jul 26 17:48:05 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * i960.h (I_CX2): New instruction category. It includes
- instructions available on Cx and Jx processors.
- (I_JX): New instruction category, for JX-only instructions.
- (i960_opcodes): Put eshro and sysctl in I_CX2 category. Added
- Jx-only instructions, in I_JX category.
-Wed Jul 13 18:43:47 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * ns32k.h (endop): Made pointer const too.
-Sun Jul 10 11:01:09 1994 Ian Dall (
- * ns32k.h: Drop Q operand type as there is no correct use
- for it. Add I and Z operand types which allow better checking.
-Thu Jul 7 12:34:48 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * h8300.h (xor.l) :fix bit pattern.
- (L_2): New size of operand.
- (trapa): Use it.
-Fri Jun 10 16:38:11 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * m68k.h: Move "trap" before "tpcc" to change disassembly.
-Fri Jun 3 15:57:36 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * sparc.h: Include v9 definitions.
-Thu Jun 2 12:23:17 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * m68k.h (m68060): Defined.
- (m68040up, mfloat, mmmu): Include it.
- (struct m68k_opcode): Widen `arch' field.
- (m68k_opcodes): Updated for M68060. Removed comments that were
- instructions commented out by "JF" years ago.
-Thu Apr 28 18:31:14 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * m68k.h (struct m68k_opcode): Shorten `arch' field to 8 bits, and
- add a one-bit `flags' field.
- (F_ALIAS): New macro.
-Wed Apr 27 11:29:52 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * h8300.h (dec, inc): Get encoding right.
-Mon Apr 4 13:12:43 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ppc.h (struct powerpc_operand): Removed signedp field; just use
- a flag instead.
-Thu Mar 31 19:34:08 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * i386.h (IS_JUMP_ON_ECX_ZERO, "jcxz" pattern): Operand size
- prefix is 0x66, not 0x67. Patch from H.J. Lu (
-Thu Mar 3 15:51:05 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * i386.h: Reverse last change. It'll be handled in gas instead.
-Thu Feb 24 15:29:05 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * i386.h (sar): Disabled the two-operand Imm1 form, since it was
- slower on the 486 and used the implicit shift count despite the
- explicit operand. The one-operand form is still available to get
- the shorter form with the implicit shift count.
-Thu Feb 17 12:27:52 1994 Torbjorn Granlund (
- * hppa.h: Fix typo in fstws arg string.
-Wed Feb 9 21:23:52 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ppc.h (struct powerpc_opcode): Make operands field unsigned.
-Mon Feb 7 19:14:58 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ppc.h (PPC_OPCODE_601): Define.
-Fri Feb 4 23:43:50 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * hppa.h (addb): Use '@' for addb and addib pseudo ops.
- (so we can determine valid completers for both addb and addb[tf].)
- * hppa.h (xmpyu): No floating point format specifier for the
- xmpyu instruction.
-Fri Feb 4 23:36:52 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ppc.h (PPC_OPERAND_NEXT): Define.
- (PPC_OPERAND_NEGATIVE): Change value to make room for above.
- (struct powerpc_macro): Define.
- (powerpc_macros, powerpc_num_macros): Declare.
-Fri Jan 21 19:13:50 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ppc.h: New file. Header file for PowerPC opcode table.
-Mon Jan 17 00:14:23 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * hppa.h: More minor template fixes for sfu and copr (to allow
- for easier disassembly).
- * hppa.h: Fix templates for all the sfu and copr instructions.
-Wed Dec 15 15:12:42 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * i386.h (push): Permit Imm16 operand too.
-Sat Dec 11 16:14:06 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * h8300.h (andc): Exists in base arch.
-Wed Dec 1 12:15:32 1993 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * From Hisashi MINAMINO <>
- * hppa.h: #undef NONE to avoid conflict with hiux include files.
-Sun Nov 21 22:06:57 1993 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * hppa.h: Add FP quadword store instructions.
-Wed Nov 17 17:13:16 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h: (M_J_A): Added.
- (M_LA): Removed.
-Mon Nov 8 12:12:47 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h (OP_MASK_CACHE, OP_SH_CACHE): Define. From Ted Lemon
- <>.
-Sun Nov 7 00:30:11 1993 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * hppa.h: Immediate field in probei instructions is unsigned,
- not low-sign extended.
-Wed Nov 3 10:30:00 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * m88k.h (RRI10MASK): Change from 0xfc00ffe0 to 0xfc00fc00.
-Tue Nov 2 12:41:30 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * i386.h: Add "fxch" without operand.
-Mon Nov 1 18:13:03 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h (M_JAL_1, M_JAL_2, M_JAL_A): Added.
-Sat Oct 2 22:26:11 1993 Jeffrey A Law (
- * hppa.h: Add gfw and gfr to the opcode table.
-Wed Sep 29 16:23:00 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * m88k.h: extended to handle m88110.
-Tue Sep 28 19:19:08 1993 Jeffrey A Law (
- * hppa.h (be, ble): Use operand type 'z' to denote absolute branch
- addresses.
-Tue Sep 14 14:04:35 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * i960.h (i960_opcodes): Properly bracket initializers.
-Mon Sep 13 12:50:52 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * m88k.h (BOFLAG): rewrite to avoid nested comment.
-Mon Sep 13 15:46:06 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * m68k.h (two): Protect second argument with parentheses.
-Fri Sep 10 16:29:47 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * i386.h (i386_optab): Added new instruction "rsm" (for i386sl).
- Deleted old in/out instructions in "#if 0" section.
-Thu Sep 9 17:42:19 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * i386.h (i386_optab): Properly bracket initializers.
-Wed Aug 25 13:50:56 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * hppa.h (pa_opcode): Use '|' for movb and movib insns. (From
- Jeff Law,
-Mon Aug 23 16:55:03 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * i386.h (lcall): Accept Imm32 operand also.
-Mon Aug 23 12:43:11 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h (M_ABSU): Removed (absolute value of unsigned number??).
- (M_DABS): Added.
-Thu Aug 19 15:08:37 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h (INSN_*): Changed values. Removed unused definitions.
- (M_*): Added new values for r6000 and r4000 macros.
- (ANY_DELAY): Removed.
-Wed Aug 18 15:37:48 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h: Added M_LI_S and M_LI_SS.
-Tue Aug 17 07:08:08 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * h8300.h: Get some rare correct.
-Thu Aug 5 09:15:17 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * sparc.h: Don't define const ourself; rely on ansidecl.h having
- been included.
-Fri Jul 30 18:41:11 1993 John Gilmore (
- * sparc.h (F_JSR, F_UNBR, F_CONDBR): Add new flags to mark
- jump instructions, for use in disassemblers.
-Thu Jul 22 07:25:27 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * m88k.h: Make bitfields just unsigned, not unsigned long or
- unsigned short.
-Wed Jul 21 11:55:31 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * hppa.h: New argument type 'y'. Use in various float instructions.
-Mon Jul 19 17:17:03 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * hppa.h (break): First immediate field is unsigned.
- * hppa.h: Add rfir instruction.
-Sun Jul 18 16:28:08 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * mips.h: Split the actual table out into ../../opcodes/mips-opc.c.
-Fri Jul 16 09:59:29 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h: Reworked the hazard information somewhat, and fixed some
- bugs in the instruction hazard descriptions.
-Thu Jul 15 12:42:01 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * m88k.h: Corrected a couple of opcodes.
-Tue Jul 6 15:17:35 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h: Replaced with version from Ralph Campbell and OSF. The
- new version includes instruction hazard information, but is
- otherwise reasonably similar.
-Thu Jul 1 20:36:17 1993 Doug Evans (
- * h8300.h: Fix typo in UNOP3 (affected sh[al][lr].l).
-Fri Jun 11 18:38:44 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- Patches from Jeff Law,
- * hppa.h: Clean up some of the OLD_TABLE, non-OLD_TABLE braindamage.
- Make the tables be the same for the following instructions:
- "bb", "addb[tf]", "addib[tf]", "add", "add[loc]", "addco",
- "sh[123]add", "sh[123]add[lo]", "sub", "sub[obt]", "sub[bt]o",
- "ds", "comclr", "addi", "addi[ot]", "addito", "subi", "subio",
- "comiclr", "fadd", "fsub", "fmpy", "fdiv", "fsqrt", "fabs",
- "frnd", "fcpy", "fcnvff", "fcnvxf", "fcnvfx", "fcnvfxt",
- "fcmp", and "ftest".
- * hppa.h: Make new and old tables the same for "break", "mtctl",
- "mfctl", "bb", "ssm", "rsm", "xmpyu", "fmpyadd", "fmpysub".
- Fix typo in last patch. Collapse several #ifdefs into a
- single #ifdef.
- * hppa.h: Delete remaining OLD_TABLE code. Bring some
- of the comments up-to-date.
- * hppa.h: Update "free list" of letters and update
- comments describing each letter's function.
-Fri Jun 4 15:41:37 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * h8300.h: checkpoint, includes H8/300-H opcodes.
-Thu Jun 3 15:42:59 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * Patches from Jeffrey Law <>.
- * hppa.h: Rework single precision FP
- instructions so that they correctly disassemble code
- PA1.1 code.
-Thu May 27 19:21:22 1993 Bruce Bauman (
- * i386.h (i386_optab, mov pattern): Remove Mem16 restriction from
- mov to allow instructions like mov ss,xyz(ecx) to assemble.
-Tue May 25 00:39:40 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * hppa.h: Use new version from Utah if OLD_TABLE isn't defined;
- gdb will define it for now.
-Mon May 24 15:20:06 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * sparc.h: Don't end enumerator list with comma.
-Fri May 14 15:15:50 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * Based on patches from davidj@ICSI.Berkeley.EDU (David Johnson):
- * mips.h (OP_MASK_COPZ, OP_SH_COPZ): Define.
- ("bc2t"): Correct typo.
- ("[ls]wc[023]"): Use T rather than t.
- ("c[0123]"): Define general coprocessor instructions.
-Mon May 10 06:02:25 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * m68k.h: Move split point for gcc compilation more towards
- middle.
-Fri Apr 9 13:26:16 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * rs6k.h: Clean up instructions for primary opcode 19 (many were
- simply wrong, ics, rfi, & rfsvc were missing).
- Add "a" to opr_ext for "bb". Doc fix.
-Thu Mar 18 13:45:31 1993 Per Bothner (
- * i386.h: 486 extensions from John Hassey (
- * mips.h: Add casts, to suppress warnings about shifting too much.
- * m68k.h: Document the placement code '9'.
-Thu Feb 18 02:03:14 1993 John Gilmore (
- * m68k.h (BREAK_UP_BIG_DECL, AND_OTHER_PART): Add kludge which
- allows callers to break up the large initialized struct full of
- opcodes into two half-sized ones. This permits GCC to compile
- this module, since it takes exponential space for initializers.
- (numopcodes, endop): Revise to use AND_OTHER_PART in size calcs.
-Thu Feb 4 02:06:56 1993 John Gilmore (
- * a29k.h: Remove RCS crud, update GPL to v2, update copyrights.
- * convex.h: Added, from GDB's convx-opcode.h. Added CONST to all
- initialized structs in it.
-Thu Jan 28 21:32:22 1993 John Gilmore (
- Delta 88 changes inspired by Carl Greco, <cgreco@Creighton.Edu>:
- * m88k.h (PMEM): Avoid previous definition from <sys/param.h>.
- (AND): Change to AND_ to avoid ansidecl.h `AND' conflict.
-Sat Jan 23 18:10:49 PST 1993 Ralph Campbell (
- * mips.h: document "i" and "j" operands correctly.
-Thu Jan 7 15:58:13 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips.h: Removed endianness dependency.
-Sun Jan 3 14:13:35 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * h8300.h: include info on number of cycles per instruction.
-Mon Dec 21 21:29:08 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * hppa.h: Move handy aliases to the front. Fix masks for extract
- and deposit instructions.
-Sat Dec 12 16:09:48 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * i386.h: accept shld and shrd both with and without the shift
- count argument, which is always %cl.
-Fri Nov 27 17:13:18 1992 Ken Raeburn (raeburn at
- * i386.h (i386_optab_end, i386_regtab_end): Now const.
- (one_byte_segment_defaults, two_byte_segment_defaults,
- i386_prefixtab_end): Ditto.
-Mon Nov 23 10:47:25 1992 Ken Raeburn (
- * vax.h (bb*): Use "v" (bitfield type), not "a" (address operand)
- for operand 2; from John Carr,
-Wed Nov 4 07:36:49 1992 Ken Raeburn (
- * m68k.h: Define FIXED_SIZE_BRANCH, so bsr and bra instructions
- always use 16-bit offsets. Makes calculated-size jump tables
- feasible.
-Fri Oct 16 22:52:43 1992 Ken Raeburn (
- * i386.h: Fix one-operand forms of in* and out* patterns.
-Tue Sep 22 14:08:14 1992 Ken Raeburn (
- * m68k.h: Added CPU32 support.
-Tue Sep 22 00:38:41 1992 John Gilmore (
- * mips.h (break): Disassemble the argument. Patch from
- (Jonathan Stone).
-Wed Sep 9 11:25:28 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * m68k.h: merged Motorola and MIT syntax.
-Thu Sep 3 09:33:22 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * m68k.h (pmove): make the tests less strict, the 68k book is
- wrong.
-Tue Aug 25 23:25:19 1992 Ken Raeburn (
- * m68k.h (m68ec030): Defined as alias for 68030.
- (m68k_opcodes): New type characters "3" for 68030 MMU regs and "t"
- for immediate 0-7 added. Set up some opcodes (ptest, bkpt) to use
- them. Tightened description of "fmovex" to distinguish it from
- some "pmove" encodings. Added "pmove" for 68030 MMU regs, cleaned
- up descriptions that claimed versions were available for chips not
- supporting them. Added "pmovefd".
-Mon Aug 24 12:04:51 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * m68k.h: fix where the . goes in divull
-Wed Aug 19 11:22:24 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * m68k.h: the cas2 instruction is supposed to be written with
- indirection on the last two operands, which can be either data or
- address registers. Added a new operand type 'r' which accepts
- either register type. Added new cases for cas2l and cas2w which
- use them. Corrected masks for cas2 which failed to recognize use
- of address register.
-Fri Aug 14 14:20:38 1992 Per Bothner (
- * m68k.h: Merged in patches (mostly m68040-specific) from
- Colin Smith <>.
- * m68k.h: Merged m68kmri.h and m68k.h (using the former as a
- base). Also cleaned up duplicates, re-ordered instructions for
- the sake of dis-assembling (so aliases come after standard names).
- * m68kmri.h: Now just defines some macros, and #includes m68k.h.
-Wed Aug 12 16:38:15 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * m68kmri.h: added various opcodes. Moved jbxx to bxxes. Filled in
- all missing .s
-Mon Aug 10 23:22:33 1992 Ken Raeburn (
- * sparc.h: Moved tables to BFD library.
- * i386.h (i386_optab): Add fildq, fistpq aliases used by gcc.
-Sun Jun 28 13:29:03 1992 Fred Fish (
- * h8300.h: Finish filling in all the holes in the opcode table,
- so that the Lucid C compiler can digest this as well...
-Fri Jun 26 21:27:17 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * i386.h: Add setc, setnc, addr16, data16, repz, repnz aliases.
- Fix opcodes on various sizes of fild/fist instructions
- (16bit=no suffix, 32bit="l" suffix, 64bit="ll" suffix).
- Use tabs to indent for comments. Fixes suggested by Minh Tran-Le.
-Thu Jun 25 16:13:26 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * h8300.h: Fill in all the holes in the opcode table so that the
- losing HPUX C compiler can digest this...
-Thu Jun 11 12:15:25 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * mips.h: Fix decoding of coprocessor instructions, somewhat.
- (Fix by Eric Anderson,
-Thu May 28 11:17:44 1992 Jim Wilson (
- * sparc.h: Add new architecture variant sparclite; add its scan
- and divscc opcodes. Define ARCHITECTURES_CONFLICT_P macro.
-Tue May 5 14:23:27 1992 Per Bothner (
- * mips.h: Add some more opcode synonyms (from Frank Yellin,
-Thu Apr 16 18:25:26 1992 Per Bothner (
- * rs6k.h: New version from IBM (Metin).
-Thu Apr 9 00:31:19 1992 Per Bothner (
- * rs6k.h: Fix incorrect extended opcode for instructions `fm'
- and `fd'. (From (Metin G. Ozisik).)
-Tue Apr 7 13:38:47 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * rs6k.h: Move from ../../gdb/rs6k-opcode.h.
-Fri Apr 3 11:30:20 1992 Fred Fish (
- * m68k.h (one, two): Cast macro args to unsigned to suppress
- complaints from compiler and lint about integer overflow during
- shift.
-Sun Mar 29 12:22:08 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * sparc.h (OP): Avoid signed overflow when shifting to high order bit.
-Fri Mar 6 00:22:38 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * mips.h: Make bitfield layout depend on the HOST compiler,
- not on the TARGET system.
-Fri Feb 21 01:29:51 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * i386.h: added inb, inw, outb, outw opcodes, added att syntax for
- scmp, slod, smov, ssca, ssto. Curtesy Minh Tran-Le
-Thu Jan 30 07:31:44 1992 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
- * h8300.h: turned op_type enum into #define list
-Thu Jan 30 01:07:24 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * sparc.h: Remove "cypress" architecture. Remove "fitox" and
- similar instructions -- they've been renamed to "fitoq", etc.
- REALLY fix tsubcctv. Fix "fcmpeq" and "fcmpq" which had wrong
- number of arguments.
- * h8300.h: Remove extra ; which produces compiler warning.
-Tue Jan 28 22:59:22 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * sparc.h: fix opcode for tsubcctv.
-Tue Jan 7 17:19:39 1992 K. Richard Pixley (rich at
- * sparc.h: fba and cba are now aliases for fb and cb respectively.
-Fri Dec 27 10:55:50 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * sparc.h (nop): Made the 'lose' field be even tighter,
- so only a standard 'nop' is disassembled as a nop.
-Sun Dec 22 12:18:18 1991 Michael Tiemann (tiemann at
- * sparc.h (nop): Add RD_GO to `lose' so that only %g0 in dest is
- disassembled as a nop.
-Tue Dec 10 00:22:20 1991 K. Richard Pixley (rich at
- * sparc.h: fix a typo.
-Sat Nov 30 20:40:51 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
- * a29k.h, arm.h, h8300.h, i386.h, i860.h, i960.h , m68k.h,
- m88k.h, mips.h , np1.h, ns32k.h, pn.h, pyr.h, sparc.h, tahoe.h,
- vax.h, ChangeLog: renamed from ../<foo>-opcode.h
-Local Variables:
-version-control: never
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/a29k.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/a29k.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 002e127d15ef..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/a29k.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-/* Table of opcodes for the AMD 29000 family.
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB and GAS.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-struct a29k_opcode {
- /* Name of the instruction. */
- char *name;
- /* Opcode word */
- unsigned long opcode;
- /* A string of characters which describe the operands.
- Valid characters are:
- , Itself. The character appears in the assembly code.
- a RA. The register number is in bits 8-15 of the instruction.
- b RB. The register number is in bits 0-7 of the instruction.
- c RC. The register number is in bits 16-23 of the instruction.
- i An immediate operand is in bits 0-7 of the instruction.
- x Bits 0-7 and 16-23 of the instruction are bits 0-7 and 8-15
- (respectively) of the immediate operand.
- h Same as x but the instruction contains bits 16-31 of the
- immediate operand.
- X Same as x but bits 16-31 of the signed immediate operand
- are set to 1 (thus the operand is always negative).
- P,A Bits 0-7 and 16-23 of the instruction are bits 2-9 and 10-17
- (respectively) of the immediate operand.
- P=PC-relative, sign-extended to 32 bits.
- A=Absolute, zero-extended to 32 bits.
- e CE bit (bit 23) for a load/store instruction.
- n Control field (bits 16-22) for a load/store instruction.
- v Immediate operand in bits 16-23 of the instruction.
- (used for trap numbers).
- s SA. Special-purpose register number in bits 8-15
- of the instruction.
- u UI--bit 7 of the instruction.
- r RND--bits 4-6 of the instruction.
- d FD--bits 2-3 of the instruction.
- f FS--bits 0-1 of the instruction.
- I ID--bits 16-17 of the instruction.
- Extensions for 29050:
- d FMT--bits 2-3 of the instruction (not really new).
- f ACN--bits 0-1 of the instruction (not really new).
- F FUNC--Special function in bits 18-21 of the instruction.
- C ACN--bits 16-17 specifying the accumlator register. */
- char *args;
-#ifndef CONST
-#define CONST
-#endif /* CONST */
-static CONST struct a29k_opcode a29k_opcodes[] =
-{ "add", 0x14000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "add", 0x15000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "addc", 0x1c000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "addc", 0x1d000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "addcs", 0x18000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "addcs", 0x19000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "addcu", 0x1a000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "addcu", 0x1b000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "adds", 0x10000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "adds", 0x11000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "addu", 0x12000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "addu", 0x13000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "and", 0x90000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "and", 0x91000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "andn", 0x9c000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "andn", 0x9d000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "aseq", 0x70000000, "v,a,b" },
-{ "aseq", 0x71000000, "v,a,i" },
-{ "asge", 0x5c000000, "v,a,b" },
-{ "asge", 0x5d000000, "v,a,i" },
-{ "asgeu", 0x5e000000, "v,a,b" },
-{ "asgeu", 0x5f000000, "v,a,i" },
-{ "asgt", 0x58000000, "v,a,b" },
-{ "asgt", 0x59000000, "v,a,i" },
-{ "asgtu", 0x5a000000, "v,a,b" },
-{ "asgtu", 0x5b000000, "v,a,i" },
-{ "asle", 0x54000000, "v,a,b" },
-{ "asle", 0x55000000, "v,a,i" },
-{ "asleu", 0x56000000, "v,a,b" },
-{ "asleu", 0x57000000, "v,a,i" },
-{ "aslt", 0x50000000, "v,a,b" },
-{ "aslt", 0x51000000, "v,a,i" },
-{ "asltu", 0x52000000, "v,a,b" },
-{ "asltu", 0x53000000, "v,a,i" },
-{ "asneq", 0x72000000, "v,a,b" },
-{ "asneq", 0x73000000, "v,a,i" },
-{ "call", 0xa8000000, "a,P" },
-{ "call", 0xa9000000, "a,A" },
-{ "calli", 0xc8000000, "a,b" },
-{ "class", 0xe6000000, "c,a,f" },
-{ "clz", 0x08000000, "c,b" },
-{ "clz", 0x09000000, "c,i" },
-{ "const", 0x03000000, "a,x" },
-{ "consth", 0x02000000, "a,h" },
-{ "consthz", 0x05000000, "a,h" },
-{ "constn", 0x01000000, "a,X" },
-{ "convert", 0xe4000000, "c,a,u,r,d,f" },
-{ "cpbyte", 0x2e000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "cpbyte", 0x2f000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "cpeq", 0x60000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "cpeq", 0x61000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "cpge", 0x4c000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "cpge", 0x4d000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "cpgeu", 0x4e000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "cpgeu", 0x4f000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "cpgt", 0x48000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "cpgt", 0x49000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "cpgtu", 0x4a000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "cpgtu", 0x4b000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "cple", 0x44000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "cple", 0x45000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "cpleu", 0x46000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "cpleu", 0x47000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "cplt", 0x40000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "cplt", 0x41000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "cpltu", 0x42000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "cpltu", 0x43000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "cpneq", 0x62000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "cpneq", 0x63000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "dadd", 0xf1000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "ddiv", 0xf7000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "deq", 0xeb000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "dge", 0xef000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "dgt", 0xed000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "div", 0x6a000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "div", 0x6b000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "div0", 0x68000000, "c,b" },
-{ "div0", 0x69000000, "c,i" },
-{ "divide", 0xe1000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "dividu", 0xe3000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "divl", 0x6c000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "divl", 0x6d000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "divrem", 0x6e000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "divrem", 0x6f000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "dmac", 0xd9000000, "F,C,a,b" },
-{ "dmsm", 0xdb000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "dmul", 0xf5000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "dsub", 0xf3000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "emulate", 0xd7000000, "v,a,b" },
-{ "exbyte", 0x0a000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "exbyte", 0x0b000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "exhw", 0x7c000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "exhw", 0x7d000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "exhws", 0x7e000000, "c,a" },
-{ "extract", 0x7a000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "extract", 0x7b000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "fadd", 0xf0000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "fdiv", 0xf6000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "fdmul", 0xf9000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "feq", 0xea000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "fge", 0xee000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "fgt", 0xec000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "fmac", 0xd8000000, "F,C,a,b" },
-{ "fmsm", 0xda000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "fmul", 0xf4000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "fsub", 0xf2000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "halt", 0x89000000, "" },
-{ "inbyte", 0x0c000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "inbyte", 0x0d000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "inhw", 0x78000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "inhw", 0x79000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "inv", 0x9f000000, "I" },
-{ "iret", 0x88000000, "" },
-{ "iretinv", 0x8c000000, "I" },
-{ "jmp", 0xa0000000, "P" },
-{ "jmp", 0xa1000000, "A" },
-{ "jmpf", 0xa4000000, "a,P" },
-{ "jmpf", 0xa5000000, "a,A" },
-{ "jmpfdec", 0xb4000000, "a,P" },
-{ "jmpfdec", 0xb5000000, "a,A" },
-{ "jmpfi", 0xc4000000, "a,b" },
-{ "jmpi", 0xc0000000, "b" },
-{ "jmpt", 0xac000000, "a,P" },
-{ "jmpt", 0xad000000, "a,A" },
-{ "jmpti", 0xcc000000, "a,b" },
-{ "load", 0x16000000, "e,n,a,b" },
-{ "load", 0x17000000, "e,n,a,i" },
-{ "loadl", 0x06000000, "e,n,a,b" },
-{ "loadl", 0x07000000, "e,n,a,i" },
-{ "loadm", 0x36000000, "e,n,a,b" },
-{ "loadm", 0x37000000, "e,n,a,i" },
-{ "loadset", 0x26000000, "e,n,a,b" },
-{ "loadset", 0x27000000, "e,n,a,i" },
-{ "mfacc", 0xe9000100, "c,d,f" },
-{ "mfsr", 0xc6000000, "c,s" },
-{ "mftlb", 0xb6000000, "c,a" },
-{ "mtacc", 0xe8010000, "a,d,f" },
-{ "mtsr", 0xce000000, "s,b" },
-{ "mtsrim", 0x04000000, "s,x" },
-{ "mttlb", 0xbe000000, "a,b" },
-{ "mul", 0x64000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "mul", 0x65000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "mull", 0x66000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "mull", 0x67000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "multiplu", 0xe2000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "multiply", 0xe0000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "multm", 0xde000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "multmu", 0xdf000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "mulu", 0x74000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "mulu", 0x75000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "nand", 0x9a000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "nand", 0x9b000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "nop", 0x70400101, "" },
-{ "nor", 0x98000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "nor", 0x99000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "or", 0x92000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "or", 0x93000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "orn", 0xaa000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "orn", 0xab000000, "c,a,i" },
-/* The description of "setip" in Chapter 8 ("instruction set") of the user's
- manual claims that these are absolute register numbers. But section
- 7.2.1 explains that they are not. The latter is correct, so print
- these normally ("lr0", "lr5", etc.). */
-{ "setip", 0x9e000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "sll", 0x80000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "sll", 0x81000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "sqrt", 0xe5000000, "c,a,f" },
-{ "sra", 0x86000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "sra", 0x87000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "srl", 0x82000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "srl", 0x83000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "store", 0x1e000000, "e,n,a,b" },
-{ "store", 0x1f000000, "e,n,a,i" },
-{ "storel", 0x0e000000, "e,n,a,b" },
-{ "storel", 0x0f000000, "e,n,a,i" },
-{ "storem", 0x3e000000, "e,n,a,b" },
-{ "storem", 0x3f000000, "e,n,a,i" },
-{ "sub", 0x24000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "sub", 0x25000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "subc", 0x2c000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "subc", 0x2d000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "subcs", 0x28000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "subcs", 0x29000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "subcu", 0x2a000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "subcu", 0x2b000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "subr", 0x34000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "subr", 0x35000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "subrc", 0x3c000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "subrc", 0x3d000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "subrcs", 0x38000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "subrcs", 0x39000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "subrcu", 0x3a000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "subrcu", 0x3b000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "subrs", 0x30000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "subrs", 0x31000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "subru", 0x32000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "subru", 0x33000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "subs", 0x20000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "subs", 0x21000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "subu", 0x22000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "subu", 0x23000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "xnor", 0x96000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "xnor", 0x97000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "xor", 0x94000000, "c,a,b" },
-{ "xor", 0x95000000, "c,a,i" },
-{ "", 0x0, "" } /* Dummy entry, not included in NUM_OPCODES. This
- lets code examine entry i+1 without checking
- if we've run off the end of the table. */
-CONST unsigned int num_opcodes = (((sizeof a29k_opcodes) / (sizeof a29k_opcodes[0])) - 1);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/arm.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/arm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c7087eb9ed4c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/arm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-/* ARM opcode list.
- Copyright (C) 1989, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB and GAS.
-GDB and GAS are free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GDB and GAS are distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GDB or GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* types of instruction (encoded in bits 26 and 27 of the instruction) */
-#define TYPE_LDR_STR 1
-#define TYPE_SWI 3
-/* bit 25 decides whether an instruction is a block move or a branch */
-#define SUBTYPE_BLOCK 0
-/* codes to distinguish the arithmetic instructions */
-#define OPCODE_AND 0
-#define OPCODE_EOR 1
-#define OPCODE_SUB 2
-#define OPCODE_RSB 3
-#define OPCODE_ADD 4
-#define OPCODE_ADC 5
-#define OPCODE_SBC 6
-#define OPCODE_RSC 7
-#define OPCODE_TST 8
-#define OPCODE_TEQ 9
-#define OPCODE_CMP 10
-#define OPCODE_CMN 11
-#define OPCODE_ORR 12
-#define OPCODE_MOV 13
-#define OPCODE_BIC 14
-#define OPCODE_MVN 15
-/* condition codes */
-#define COND_EQ 0
-#define COND_NE 1
-#define COND_CS 2
-#define COND_CC 3
-#define COND_MI 4
-#define COND_PL 5
-#define COND_VS 6
-#define COND_VC 7
-#define COND_HI 8
-#define COND_LS 9
-#define COND_GE 10
-#define COND_LT 11
-#define COND_GT 12
-#define COND_LE 13
-#define COND_AL 14
-#define COND_NV 15
-/* Describes the format of an ARM machine instruction */
-struct generic_fmt {
- unsigned rest :25; /* the rest of the instruction */
- unsigned subtype :1; /* used to decide between block and branch */
- unsigned type :2; /* one of TYPE_* */
- unsigned cond :4; /* one of COND_* defined above */
-struct arith_fmt {
- unsigned operand2 :12; /* #nn or rn or rn shift #m or rn shift rm */
- unsigned dest :4; /* place where the answer goes */
- unsigned operand1 :4; /* first operand to instruction */
- unsigned set :1; /* == 1 means set processor flags */
- unsigned opcode :4; /* one of OPCODE_* defined above */
- unsigned immed :1; /* operand2 is an immediate value */
- unsigned type :2; /* == TYPE_ARITHMETIC */
- unsigned cond :4; /* one of COND_* defined above */
-struct ldr_str_fmt {
- unsigned offset :12; /* #nn or rn or rn shift #m */
- unsigned reg :4; /* destination for LDR, source for STR */
- unsigned base :4; /* base register */
- unsigned is_load :1; /* == 1 for LDR */
- unsigned writeback :1; /* == 1 means write back (base+offset) into base */
- unsigned byte :1; /* == 1 means byte access else word */
- unsigned up :1; /* == 1 means add offset else subtract it */
- unsigned pre_index :1; /* == 1 means [a,b] form else [a],b form */
- unsigned immed :1; /* == 0 means immediate offset */
- unsigned type :2; /* == TYPE_LDR_STR */
- unsigned cond :4; /* one of COND_* defined above */
-struct block_fmt {
- unsigned mask :16; /* register mask */
- unsigned base :4; /* register used as base of move */
- unsigned is_load :1; /* == 1 for LDM */
- unsigned writeback :1; /* == 1 means update base after move */
- unsigned set :1; /* == 1 means set flags in pc if included in mask */
- unsigned increment :1; /* == 1 means increment base register */
- unsigned before :1; /* == 1 means inc/dec before each move */
- unsigned is_block :1; /* == SUBTYPE_BLOCK */
- unsigned type :2; /* == TYPE_BLOCK_BRANCH */
- unsigned cond :4; /* one of COND_* defined above */
-struct branch_fmt {
- unsigned dest :24; /* destination of the branch */
- unsigned link :1; /* branch with link (function call) */
- unsigned is_branch :1; /* == SUBTYPE_BRANCH */
- unsigned type :2; /* == TYPE_BLOCK_BRANCH */
- unsigned cond :4; /* one of COND_* defined above */
-#define ROUND_N 0
-#define ROUND_P 1
-#define ROUND_M 2
-#define ROUND_Z 3
-#define FLOAT2_MVF 0
-#define FLOAT2_MNF 1
-#define FLOAT2_ABS 2
-#define FLOAT2_RND 3
-#define FLOAT2_SQT 4
-#define FLOAT2_LOG 5
-#define FLOAT2_LGN 6
-#define FLOAT2_EXP 7
-#define FLOAT2_SIN 8
-#define FLOAT2_COS 9
-#define FLOAT2_TAN 10
-#define FLOAT2_ASN 11
-#define FLOAT2_ACS 12
-#define FLOAT2_ATN 13
-#define FLOAT3_ADF 0
-#define FLOAT3_MUF 1
-#define FLOAT3_SUF 2
-#define FLOAT3_RSF 3
-#define FLOAT3_DVF 4
-#define FLOAT3_RDF 5
-#define FLOAT3_POW 6
-#define FLOAT3_RPW 7
-#define FLOAT3_RMF 8
-#define FLOAT3_FML 9
-#define FLOAT3_FDV 10
-#define FLOAT3_FRD 11
-#define FLOAT3_POL 12
-struct float2_fmt {
- unsigned operand2 :3; /* second operand */
- unsigned immed :1; /* == 1 if second operand is a constant */
- unsigned pad1 :1; /* == 0 */
- unsigned rounding :2; /* ROUND_* */
- unsigned is_double :1; /* == 1 if precision is double (only if not extended) */
- unsigned pad2 :4; /* == 1 */
- unsigned dest :3; /* destination */
- unsigned is_2_op :1; /* == 1 if 2 operand ins */
- unsigned operand1 :3; /* first operand (only of is_2_op == 0) */
- unsigned is_extended :1; /* == 1 if precision is extended */
- unsigned opcode :4; /* FLOAT2_* or FLOAT3_* depending on is_2_op */
- unsigned must_be_2 :2; /* == 2 */
- unsigned type :2; /* == TYPE_SWI */
- unsigned cond :4; /* COND_* */
-struct swi_fmt {
- unsigned argument :24; /* argument to SWI (syscall number) */
- unsigned must_be_3 :2; /* == 3 */
- unsigned type :2; /* == TYPE_SWI */
- unsigned cond :4; /* one of COND_* defined above */
-union insn_fmt {
- struct generic_fmt generic;
- struct arith_fmt arith;
- struct ldr_str_fmt ldr_str;
- struct block_fmt block;
- struct branch_fmt branch;
- struct swi_fmt swi;
- unsigned long ins;
-struct opcode {
- unsigned long value, mask; /* recognise instruction if (op&mask)==value */
- char *assembler; /* how to disassemble this instruction */
-/* format of the assembler string :
- %% %
- %<bitfield>d print the bitfield in decimal
- %<bitfield>x print the bitfield in hex
- %<bitfield>r print as an ARM register
- %<bitfield>f print a floating point constant if >7 else an fp register
- %c print condition code (always bits 28-31)
- %P print floating point precision in arithmetic insn
- %Q print floating point precision in ldf/stf insn
- %R print floating point rounding mode
- %<bitnum>'c print specified char iff bit is one
- %<bitnum>`c print specified char iff bit is zero
- %<bitnum>?ab print a if bit is one else print b
- %p print 'p' iff bits 12-15 are 15
- %o print operand2 (immediate or register + shift)
- %a print address for ldr/str instruction
- %b print branch destination
- %A print address for ldc/stc/ldf/stf instruction
- %m print register mask for ldm/stm instruction
-static struct opcode opcodes[] = {
- /* ARM instructions */
- 0x00000090, 0x0fe000f0, "mul%20's %12-15r, %16-19r, %0-3r",
- 0x00200090, 0x0fe000f0, "mla%20's %12-15r, %16-19r, %0-3r, %8-11r",
- 0x00000000, 0x0de00000, "and%c%20's %12-15r, %16-19r, %o",
- 0x00200000, 0x0de00000, "eor%c%20's %12-15r, %16-19r, %o",
- 0x00400000, 0x0de00000, "sub%c%20's %12-15r, %16-19r, %o",
- 0x00600000, 0x0de00000, "rsb%c%20's %12-15r, %16-19r, %o",
- 0x00800000, 0x0de00000, "add%c%20's %12-15r, %16-19r, %o",
- 0x00a00000, 0x0de00000, "adc%c%20's %12-15r, %16-19r, %o",
- 0x00c00000, 0x0de00000, "sbc%c%20's %12-15r, %16-19r, %o",
- 0x00e00000, 0x0de00000, "rsc%c%20's %12-15r, %16-19r, %o",
- 0x01000000, 0x0de00000, "tst%c%p %16-19r, %o",
- 0x01200000, 0x0de00000, "teq%c%p %16-19r, %o",
- 0x01400000, 0x0de00000, "cmp%c%p %16-19r, %o",
- 0x01600000, 0x0de00000, "cmn%c%p %16-19r, %o",
- 0x01800000, 0x0de00000, "orr%c%20's %12-15r, %16-19r, %o",
- 0x01a00000, 0x0de00000, "mov%c%20's %12-15r, %o",
- 0x01c00000, 0x0de00000, "bic%c%20's %12-15r, %16-19r, %o",
- 0x01e00000, 0x0de00000, "mvn%c%20's %12-15r, %o",
- 0x04000000, 0x0c100000, "str%c%22'b %12-15r, %a",
- 0x04100000, 0x0c100000, "ldr%c%22'b %12-15r, %a",
- 0x08000000, 0x0e100000, "stm%c%23?id%24?ba %16-19r%22`!, %m",
- 0x08100000, 0x0e100000, "ldm%c%23?id%24?ba %16-19r%22`!, %m%22'^",
- 0x0a000000, 0x0e000000, "b%c%24'l %b",
- 0x0f000000, 0x0f000000, "swi%c %0-23x",
- /* Floating point coprocessor instructions */
- 0x0e000100, 0x0ff08f10, "adf%c%P%R %12-14f, %16-18f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e100100, 0x0ff08f10, "muf%c%P%R %12-14f, %16-18f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e200100, 0x0ff08f10, "suf%c%P%R %12-14f, %16-18f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e300100, 0x0ff08f10, "rsf%c%P%R %12-14f, %16-18f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e400100, 0x0ff08f10, "dvf%c%P%R %12-14f, %16-18f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e500100, 0x0ff08f10, "rdf%c%P%R %12-14f, %16-18f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e600100, 0x0ff08f10, "pow%c%P%R %12-14f, %16-18f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e700100, 0x0ff08f10, "rpw%c%P%R %12-14f, %16-18f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e800100, 0x0ff08f10, "rmf%c%P%R %12-14f, %16-18f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e900100, 0x0ff08f10, "fml%c%P%R %12-14f, %16-18f, %0-3f",
- 0x0ea00100, 0x0ff08f10, "fdv%c%P%R %12-14f, %16-18f, %0-3f",
- 0x0eb00100, 0x0ff08f10, "frd%c%P%R %12-14f, %16-18f, %0-3f",
- 0x0ec00100, 0x0ff08f10, "pol%c%P%R %12-14f, %16-18f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e008100, 0x0ff08f10, "mvf%c%P%R %12-14f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e108100, 0x0ff08f10, "mnf%c%P%R %12-14f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e208100, 0x0ff08f10, "abs%c%P%R %12-14f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e308100, 0x0ff08f10, "rnd%c%P%R %12-14f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e408100, 0x0ff08f10, "sqt%c%P%R %12-14f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e508100, 0x0ff08f10, "log%c%P%R %12-14f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e608100, 0x0ff08f10, "lgn%c%P%R %12-14f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e708100, 0x0ff08f10, "exp%c%P%R %12-14f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e808100, 0x0ff08f10, "sin%c%P%R %12-14f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e908100, 0x0ff08f10, "cos%c%P%R %12-14f, %0-3f",
- 0x0ea08100, 0x0ff08f10, "tan%c%P%R %12-14f, %0-3f",
- 0x0eb08100, 0x0ff08f10, "asn%c%P%R %12-14f, %0-3f",
- 0x0ec08100, 0x0ff08f10, "acs%c%P%R %12-14f, %0-3f",
- 0x0ed08100, 0x0ff08f10, "atn%c%P%R %12-14f, %0-3f",
- 0x0e000110, 0x0ff00f1f, "flt%c%P%R %16-18f, %12-15r",
- 0x0e100110, 0x0fff0f98, "fix%c%R %12-15r, %0-2f",
- 0x0e200110, 0x0fff0fff, "wfs%c %12-15r",
- 0x0e300110, 0x0fff0fff, "rfs%c %12-15r",
- 0x0e400110, 0x0fff0fff, "wfc%c %12-15r",
- 0x0e500110, 0x0fff0fff, "rfc%c %12-15r",
- 0x0e90f110, 0x0ff8fff0, "cmf%c %16-18f, %0-3f",
- 0x0eb0f110, 0x0ff8fff0, "cnf%c %16-18f, %0-3f",
- 0x0ed0f110, 0x0ff8fff0, "cmfe%c %16-18f, %0-3f",
- 0x0ef0f110, 0x0ff8fff0, "cnfe%c %16-18f, %0-3f",
- 0x0c000100, 0x0e100f00, "stf%c%Q %12-14f, %A",
- 0x0c100100, 0x0e100f00, "ldf%c%Q %12-14f, %A",
- /* Generic coprocessor instructions */
- 0x0e000000, 0x0f000010, "cdp%c %8-11d, %20-23d, cr%12-15d, cr%16-19d, cr%0-3d, {%5-7d}",
- 0x0e000010, 0x0f100010, "mrc%c %8-11d, %21-23d, %12-15r, cr%16-19d, cr%0-3d, {%5-7d}",
- 0x0e100010, 0x0f100010, "mcr%c %8-11d, %21-23d, %12-15r, cr%16-19d, cr%0-3d, {%5-7d}",
- 0x0c000000, 0x0e100000, "stc%c%22`l %8-11d, cr%12-15d, %A",
- 0x0c100000, 0x0e100000, "ldc%c%22`l %8-11d, cr%12-15d, %A",
- /* the rest */
- 0x00000000, 0x00000000, "undefined instruction %0-31x",
-#define N_OPCODES (sizeof opcodes / sizeof opcodes[0])
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/convex.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/convex.h
deleted file mode 100644
index efaeebb65a5f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/convex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1711 +0,0 @@
-/* Information for instruction disassembly on the Convex.
- Copyright 1989, 1993 Free Software Foundation.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef CONST
-#define CONST
-#endif /* CONST */
-#define xxx 0
-#define rrr 1
-#define rr 2
-#define rxr 3
-#define r 4
-#define nops 5
-#define nr 6
-#define pcrel 7
-#define lr 8
-#define rxl 9
-#define rlr 10
-#define rrl 11
-#define iml 12
-#define imr 13
-#define a1r 14
-#define a1l 15
-#define a2r 16
-#define a2l 17
-#define a3 18
-#define a4 19
-#define a5 20
-#define V 1
-#define S 2
-#define VM 3
-#define A 4
-#define VL 5
-#define VS 6
-#define VLS 7
-#define PSW 8
-/* Prevent an error during "make depend". */
-#if !defined (PC)
-#define PC 9
-#define ITR 10
-#define VV 11
-#define ITSR 12
-#define TOC 13
-#define CIR 14
-#define TTR 15
-#define VMU 16
-#define VML 17
-#define ICR 18
-#define TCPU 19
-#define CPUID 20
-#define TID 21
-CONST char *op[] = {
- "",
- "v0\0v1\0v2\0v3\0v4\0v5\0v6\0v7",
- "s0\0s1\0s2\0s3\0s4\0s5\0s6\0s7",
- "vm",
- "sp\0a1\0a2\0a3\0a4\0a5\0ap\0fp",
- "vl",
- "vs",
- "vls",
- "psw",
- "pc",
- "itr",
- "vv",
- "itsr",
- "toc",
- "cir",
- "ttr",
- "vmu",
- "vml",
- "icr",
- "tcpu",
- "cpuid",
- "tid",
-CONST struct formstr format0[] = {
- {0,0,rrr,V,S,S}, /* mov */
- {0,0,rrr,S,S,V}, /* mov */
- {1,1,rrr,V,V,V}, /* merg.t */
- {2,1,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mask.t */
- {1,2,rrr,V,S,V}, /* merg.f */
- {2,2,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mask.f */
- {1,1,rrr,V,S,V}, /* merg.t */
- {2,1,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mask.t */
- {3,3,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mul.s */
- {3,4,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mul.d */
- {4,3,rrr,V,V,V}, /* div.s */
- {4,4,rrr,V,V,V}, /* div.d */
- {3,3,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mul.s */
- {3,4,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mul.d */
- {4,3,rrr,V,S,V}, /* div.s */
- {4,4,rrr,V,S,V}, /* div.d */
- {5,0,rrr,V,V,V}, /* and */
- {6,0,rrr,V,V,V}, /* or */
- {7,0,rrr,V,V,V}, /* xor */
- {8,0,rrr,V,V,V}, /* shf */
- {5,0,rrr,V,S,V}, /* and */
- {6,0,rrr,V,S,V}, /* or */
- {7,0,rrr,V,S,V}, /* xor */
- {8,0,rrr,V,S,V}, /* shf */
- {9,3,rrr,V,V,V}, /* add.s */
- {9,4,rrr,V,V,V}, /* add.d */
- {10,3,rrr,V,V,V}, /* sub.s */
- {10,4,rrr,V,V,V}, /* sub.d */
- {9,3,rrr,V,S,V}, /* add.s */
- {9,4,rrr,V,S,V}, /* add.d */
- {10,3,rrr,V,S,V}, /* sub.s */
- {10,4,rrr,V,S,V}, /* sub.d */
- {9,5,rrr,V,V,V}, /* add.b */
- {9,6,rrr,V,V,V}, /* add.h */
- {9,7,rrr,V,V,V}, /* add.w */
- {9,8,rrr,V,V,V}, /* add.l */
- {9,5,rrr,V,S,V}, /* add.b */
- {9,6,rrr,V,S,V}, /* add.h */
- {9,7,rrr,V,S,V}, /* add.w */
- {9,8,rrr,V,S,V}, /* add.l */
- {10,5,rrr,V,V,V}, /* sub.b */
- {10,6,rrr,V,V,V}, /* sub.h */
- {10,7,rrr,V,V,V}, /* sub.w */
- {10,8,rrr,V,V,V}, /* sub.l */
- {10,5,rrr,V,S,V}, /* sub.b */
- {10,6,rrr,V,S,V}, /* sub.h */
- {10,7,rrr,V,S,V}, /* sub.w */
- {10,8,rrr,V,S,V}, /* sub.l */
- {3,5,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mul.b */
- {3,6,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mul.h */
- {3,7,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mul.w */
- {3,8,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mul.l */
- {3,5,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mul.b */
- {3,6,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mul.h */
- {3,7,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mul.w */
- {3,8,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mul.l */
- {4,5,rrr,V,V,V}, /* div.b */
- {4,6,rrr,V,V,V}, /* div.h */
- {4,7,rrr,V,V,V}, /* div.w */
- {4,8,rrr,V,V,V}, /* div.l */
- {4,5,rrr,V,S,V}, /* div.b */
- {4,6,rrr,V,S,V}, /* div.h */
- {4,7,rrr,V,S,V}, /* div.w */
- {4,8,rrr,V,S,V}, /* div.l */
-CONST struct formstr format1[] = {
- {11,0,xxx,0,0,0}, /* exit */
- {12,0,a3,0,0,0}, /* jmp */
- {13,2,a3,0,0,0}, /* jmpi.f */
- {13,1,a3,0,0,0}, /* jmpi.t */
- {14,2,a3,0,0,0}, /* jmpa.f */
- {14,1,a3,0,0,0}, /* jmpa.t */
- {15,2,a3,0,0,0}, /* jmps.f */
- {15,1,a3,0,0,0}, /* jmps.t */
- {16,0,a3,0,0,0}, /* tac */
- {17,0,a1r,A,0,0}, /* ldea */
- {18,8,a1l,VLS,0,0}, /* ld.l */
- {18,9,a1l,VM,0,0}, /* ld.x */
- {19,0,a3,0,0,0}, /* tas */
- {20,0,a3,0,0,0}, /* pshea */
- {21,8,a2l,VLS,0,0}, /* st.l */
- {21,9,a2l,VM,0,0}, /* st.x */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {22,0,a3,0,0,0}, /* call */
- {23,0,a3,0,0,0}, /* calls */
- {24,0,a3,0,0,0}, /* callq */
- {25,0,a1r,A,0,0}, /* pfork */
- {26,5,a2r,S,0,0}, /* ste.b */
- {26,6,a2r,S,0,0}, /* ste.h */
- {26,7,a2r,S,0,0}, /* ste.w */
- {26,8,a2r,S,0,0}, /* ste.l */
- {18,5,a1r,A,0,0}, /* ld.b */
- {18,6,a1r,A,0,0}, /* ld.h */
- {18,7,a1r,A,0,0}, /* ld.w */
- {27,7,a1r,A,0,0}, /* incr.w */
- {21,5,a2r,A,0,0}, /* st.b */
- {21,6,a2r,A,0,0}, /* st.h */
- {21,7,a2r,A,0,0}, /* st.w */
- {27,8,a1r,S,0,0}, /* incr.l */
- {18,5,a1r,S,0,0}, /* ld.b */
- {18,6,a1r,S,0,0}, /* ld.h */
- {18,7,a1r,S,0,0}, /* ld.w */
- {18,8,a1r,S,0,0}, /* ld.l */
- {21,5,a2r,S,0,0}, /* st.b */
- {21,6,a2r,S,0,0}, /* st.h */
- {21,7,a2r,S,0,0}, /* st.w */
- {21,8,a2r,S,0,0}, /* st.l */
- {18,5,a1r,V,0,0}, /* ld.b */
- {18,6,a1r,V,0,0}, /* ld.h */
- {18,7,a1r,V,0,0}, /* ld.w */
- {18,8,a1r,V,0,0}, /* ld.l */
- {21,5,a2r,V,0,0}, /* st.b */
- {21,6,a2r,V,0,0}, /* st.h */
- {21,7,a2r,V,0,0}, /* st.w */
- {21,8,a2r,V,0,0}, /* st.l */
-CONST struct formstr format2[] = {
- {28,5,rr,A,A,0}, /* cvtw.b */
- {28,6,rr,A,A,0}, /* cvtw.h */
- {29,7,rr,A,A,0}, /* cvtb.w */
- {30,7,rr,A,A,0}, /* cvth.w */
- {28,5,rr,S,S,0}, /* cvtw.b */
- {28,6,rr,S,S,0}, /* cvtw.h */
- {29,7,rr,S,S,0}, /* cvtb.w */
- {30,7,rr,S,S,0}, /* cvth.w */
- {28,3,rr,S,S,0}, /* cvtw.s */
- {31,7,rr,S,S,0}, /* cvts.w */
- {32,3,rr,S,S,0}, /* cvtd.s */
- {31,4,rr,S,S,0}, /* cvts.d */
- {31,8,rr,S,S,0}, /* cvts.l */
- {32,8,rr,S,S,0}, /* cvtd.l */
- {33,3,rr,S,S,0}, /* cvtl.s */
- {33,4,rr,S,S,0}, /* cvtl.d */
- {34,0,rr,A,A,0}, /* ldpa */
- {8,0,nr,A,0,0}, /* shf */
- {18,6,nr,A,0,0}, /* ld.h */
- {18,7,nr,A,0,0}, /* ld.w */
- {33,7,rr,S,S,0}, /* cvtl.w */
- {28,8,rr,S,S,0}, /* cvtw.l */
- {35,1,rr,S,S,0}, /* plc.t */
- {36,0,rr,S,S,0}, /* tzc */
- {37,6,rr,A,A,0}, /* eq.h */
- {37,7,rr,A,A,0}, /* eq.w */
- {37,6,nr,A,0,0}, /* eq.h */
- {37,7,nr,A,0,0}, /* eq.w */
- {37,5,rr,S,S,0}, /* eq.b */
- {37,6,rr,S,S,0}, /* eq.h */
- {37,7,rr,S,S,0}, /* eq.w */
- {37,8,rr,S,S,0}, /* eq.l */
- {38,6,rr,A,A,0}, /* leu.h */
- {38,7,rr,A,A,0}, /* leu.w */
- {38,6,nr,A,0,0}, /* leu.h */
- {38,7,nr,A,0,0}, /* leu.w */
- {38,5,rr,S,S,0}, /* leu.b */
- {38,6,rr,S,S,0}, /* leu.h */
- {38,7,rr,S,S,0}, /* leu.w */
- {38,8,rr,S,S,0}, /* leu.l */
- {39,6,rr,A,A,0}, /* ltu.h */
- {39,7,rr,A,A,0}, /* ltu.w */
- {39,6,nr,A,0,0}, /* ltu.h */
- {39,7,nr,A,0,0}, /* ltu.w */
- {39,5,rr,S,S,0}, /* ltu.b */
- {39,6,rr,S,S,0}, /* ltu.h */
- {39,7,rr,S,S,0}, /* ltu.w */
- {39,8,rr,S,S,0}, /* ltu.l */
- {40,6,rr,A,A,0}, /* le.h */
- {40,7,rr,A,A,0}, /* le.w */
- {40,6,nr,A,0,0}, /* le.h */
- {40,7,nr,A,0,0}, /* le.w */
- {40,5,rr,S,S,0}, /* le.b */
- {40,6,rr,S,S,0}, /* le.h */
- {40,7,rr,S,S,0}, /* le.w */
- {40,8,rr,S,S,0}, /* le.l */
- {41,6,rr,A,A,0}, /* lt.h */
- {41,7,rr,A,A,0}, /* lt.w */
- {41,6,nr,A,0,0}, /* lt.h */
- {41,7,nr,A,0,0}, /* lt.w */
- {41,5,rr,S,S,0}, /* lt.b */
- {41,6,rr,S,S,0}, /* lt.h */
- {41,7,rr,S,S,0}, /* lt.w */
- {41,8,rr,S,S,0}, /* lt.l */
- {9,7,rr,S,A,0}, /* add.w */
- {8,0,rr,A,A,0}, /* shf */
- {0,0,rr,A,A,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,rr,S,A,0}, /* mov */
- {0,7,rr,S,S,0}, /* mov.w */
- {8,0,rr,S,S,0}, /* shf */
- {0,0,rr,S,S,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,rr,A,S,0}, /* mov */
- {5,0,rr,A,A,0}, /* and */
- {6,0,rr,A,A,0}, /* or */
- {7,0,rr,A,A,0}, /* xor */
- {42,0,rr,A,A,0}, /* not */
- {5,0,rr,S,S,0}, /* and */
- {6,0,rr,S,S,0}, /* or */
- {7,0,rr,S,S,0}, /* xor */
- {42,0,rr,S,S,0}, /* not */
- {40,3,rr,S,S,0}, /* le.s */
- {40,4,rr,S,S,0}, /* le.d */
- {41,3,rr,S,S,0}, /* lt.s */
- {41,4,rr,S,S,0}, /* lt.d */
- {9,3,rr,S,S,0}, /* add.s */
- {9,4,rr,S,S,0}, /* add.d */
- {10,3,rr,S,S,0}, /* sub.s */
- {10,4,rr,S,S,0}, /* sub.d */
- {37,3,rr,S,S,0}, /* eq.s */
- {37,4,rr,S,S,0}, /* eq.d */
- {43,6,rr,A,A,0}, /* neg.h */
- {43,7,rr,A,A,0}, /* neg.w */
- {3,3,rr,S,S,0}, /* mul.s */
- {3,4,rr,S,S,0}, /* mul.d */
- {4,3,rr,S,S,0}, /* div.s */
- {4,4,rr,S,S,0}, /* div.d */
- {9,6,rr,A,A,0}, /* add.h */
- {9,7,rr,A,A,0}, /* add.w */
- {9,6,nr,A,0,0}, /* add.h */
- {9,7,nr,A,0,0}, /* add.w */
- {9,5,rr,S,S,0}, /* add.b */
- {9,6,rr,S,S,0}, /* add.h */
- {9,7,rr,S,S,0}, /* add.w */
- {9,8,rr,S,S,0}, /* add.l */
- {10,6,rr,A,A,0}, /* sub.h */
- {10,7,rr,A,A,0}, /* sub.w */
- {10,6,nr,A,0,0}, /* sub.h */
- {10,7,nr,A,0,0}, /* sub.w */
- {10,5,rr,S,S,0}, /* sub.b */
- {10,6,rr,S,S,0}, /* sub.h */
- {10,7,rr,S,S,0}, /* sub.w */
- {10,8,rr,S,S,0}, /* sub.l */
- {3,6,rr,A,A,0}, /* mul.h */
- {3,7,rr,A,A,0}, /* mul.w */
- {3,6,nr,A,0,0}, /* mul.h */
- {3,7,nr,A,0,0}, /* mul.w */
- {3,5,rr,S,S,0}, /* mul.b */
- {3,6,rr,S,S,0}, /* mul.h */
- {3,7,rr,S,S,0}, /* mul.w */
- {3,8,rr,S,S,0}, /* mul.l */
- {4,6,rr,A,A,0}, /* div.h */
- {4,7,rr,A,A,0}, /* div.w */
- {4,6,nr,A,0,0}, /* div.h */
- {4,7,nr,A,0,0}, /* div.w */
- {4,5,rr,S,S,0}, /* div.b */
- {4,6,rr,S,S,0}, /* div.h */
- {4,7,rr,S,S,0}, /* div.w */
- {4,8,rr,S,S,0}, /* div.l */
-CONST struct formstr format3[] = {
- {32,3,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtd.s */
- {31,4,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvts.d */
- {33,4,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtl.d */
- {32,8,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtd.l */
- {0,0,rrl,S,S,VM}, /* mov */
- {0,0,rlr,S,VM,S}, /* mov */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {44,0,rr,S,S,0}, /* lop */
- {36,0,rr,V,V,0}, /* tzc */
- {44,0,rr,V,V,0}, /* lop */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {42,0,rr,V,V,0}, /* not */
- {8,0,rr,S,V,0}, /* shf */
- {35,1,rr,V,V,0}, /* plc.t */
- {45,2,rr,V,V,0}, /* cprs.f */
- {45,1,rr,V,V,0}, /* cprs.t */
- {37,3,rr,V,V,0}, /* eq.s */
- {37,4,rr,V,V,0}, /* eq.d */
- {43,3,rr,V,V,0}, /* neg.s */
- {43,4,rr,V,V,0}, /* neg.d */
- {37,3,rr,S,V,0}, /* eq.s */
- {37,4,rr,S,V,0}, /* eq.d */
- {43,3,rr,S,S,0}, /* neg.s */
- {43,4,rr,S,S,0}, /* neg.d */
- {40,3,rr,V,V,0}, /* le.s */
- {40,4,rr,V,V,0}, /* le.d */
- {41,3,rr,V,V,0}, /* lt.s */
- {41,4,rr,V,V,0}, /* lt.d */
- {40,3,rr,S,V,0}, /* le.s */
- {40,4,rr,S,V,0}, /* le.d */
- {41,3,rr,S,V,0}, /* lt.s */
- {41,4,rr,S,V,0}, /* lt.d */
- {37,5,rr,V,V,0}, /* eq.b */
- {37,6,rr,V,V,0}, /* eq.h */
- {37,7,rr,V,V,0}, /* eq.w */
- {37,8,rr,V,V,0}, /* eq.l */
- {37,5,rr,S,V,0}, /* eq.b */
- {37,6,rr,S,V,0}, /* eq.h */
- {37,7,rr,S,V,0}, /* eq.w */
- {37,8,rr,S,V,0}, /* eq.l */
- {40,5,rr,V,V,0}, /* le.b */
- {40,6,rr,V,V,0}, /* le.h */
- {40,7,rr,V,V,0}, /* le.w */
- {40,8,rr,V,V,0}, /* le.l */
- {40,5,rr,S,V,0}, /* le.b */
- {40,6,rr,S,V,0}, /* le.h */
- {40,7,rr,S,V,0}, /* le.w */
- {40,8,rr,S,V,0}, /* le.l */
- {41,5,rr,V,V,0}, /* lt.b */
- {41,6,rr,V,V,0}, /* lt.h */
- {41,7,rr,V,V,0}, /* lt.w */
- {41,8,rr,V,V,0}, /* lt.l */
- {41,5,rr,S,V,0}, /* lt.b */
- {41,6,rr,S,V,0}, /* lt.h */
- {41,7,rr,S,V,0}, /* lt.w */
- {41,8,rr,S,V,0}, /* lt.l */
- {43,5,rr,V,V,0}, /* neg.b */
- {43,6,rr,V,V,0}, /* neg.h */
- {43,7,rr,V,V,0}, /* neg.w */
- {43,8,rr,V,V,0}, /* neg.l */
- {43,5,rr,S,S,0}, /* neg.b */
- {43,6,rr,S,S,0}, /* neg.h */
- {43,7,rr,S,S,0}, /* neg.w */
- {43,8,rr,S,S,0}, /* neg.l */
-CONST struct formstr format4[] = {
- {46,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* nop */
- {47,0,pcrel,0,0,0}, /* br */
- {48,2,pcrel,0,0,0}, /* bri.f */
- {48,1,pcrel,0,0,0}, /* bri.t */
- {49,2,pcrel,0,0,0}, /* bra.f */
- {49,1,pcrel,0,0,0}, /* bra.t */
- {50,2,pcrel,0,0,0}, /* brs.f */
- {50,1,pcrel,0,0,0}, /* brs.t */
-CONST struct formstr format5[] = {
- {51,5,rr,V,V,0}, /* ldvi.b */
- {51,6,rr,V,V,0}, /* ldvi.h */
- {51,7,rr,V,V,0}, /* ldvi.w */
- {51,8,rr,V,V,0}, /* ldvi.l */
- {28,3,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtw.s */
- {31,7,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvts.w */
- {28,8,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtw.l */
- {33,7,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtl.w */
- {52,5,rxr,V,V,0}, /* stvi.b */
- {52,6,rxr,V,V,0}, /* stvi.h */
- {52,7,rxr,V,V,0}, /* stvi.w */
- {52,8,rxr,V,V,0}, /* stvi.l */
- {52,5,rxr,S,V,0}, /* stvi.b */
- {52,6,rxr,S,V,0}, /* stvi.h */
- {52,7,rxr,S,V,0}, /* stvi.w */
- {52,8,rxr,S,V,0}, /* stvi.l */
-CONST struct formstr format6[] = {
- {53,0,r,A,0,0}, /* ldsdr */
- {54,0,r,A,0,0}, /* ldkdr */
- {55,3,r,S,0,0}, /* ln.s */
- {55,4,r,S,0,0}, /* ln.d */
- {56,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* patu */
- {57,0,r,A,0,0}, /* pate */
- {58,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* pich */
- {59,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* plch */
- {0,0,lr,PSW,A,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,rxl,A,PSW,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,lr,PC,A,0}, /* mov */
- {60,0,r,S,0,0}, /* idle */
- {0,0,lr,ITR,S,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,rxl,S,ITR,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,rxl,S,ITSR,0}, /* mov */
- {61,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* rtnq */
- {62,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* cfork */
- {63,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* rtn */
- {64,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* wfork */
- {65,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* join */
- {66,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* rtnc */
- {67,3,r,S,0,0}, /* exp.s */
- {67,4,r,S,0,0}, /* exp.d */
- {68,3,r,S,0,0}, /* sin.s */
- {68,4,r,S,0,0}, /* sin.d */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {69,3,r,S,0,0}, /* cos.s */
- {69,4,r,S,0,0}, /* cos.d */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {70,7,r,A,0,0}, /* psh.w */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {71,7,r,A,0,0}, /* pop.w */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {70,7,r,S,0,0}, /* psh.w */
- {70,8,r,S,0,0}, /* psh.l */
- {71,7,r,S,0,0}, /* pop.w */
- {71,8,r,S,0,0}, /* pop.l */
- {72,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* eni */
- {73,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* dsi */
- {74,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* bkpt */
- {75,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* msync */
- {76,0,r,S,0,0}, /* mski */
- {77,0,r,S,0,0}, /* xmti */
- {0,0,rxl,S,VV,0}, /* mov */
- {78,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* tstvv */
- {0,0,lr,VS,A,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,rxl,A,VS,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,lr,VL,A,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,rxl,A,VL,0}, /* mov */
- {0,7,lr,VS,S,0}, /* mov.w */
- {0,7,rxl,S,VS,0}, /* mov.w */
- {0,7,lr,VL,S,0}, /* mov.w */
- {0,7,rxl,S,VL,0}, /* mov.w */
- {79,0,r,A,0,0}, /* diag */
- {80,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* pbkpt */
- {81,3,r,S,0,0}, /* sqrt.s */
- {81,4,r,S,0,0}, /* sqrt.d */
- {82,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* casr */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {83,3,r,S,0,0}, /* atan.s */
- {83,4,r,S,0,0}, /* atan.d */
-CONST struct formstr format7[] = {
- {84,5,r,V,0,0}, /* sum.b */
- {84,6,r,V,0,0}, /* sum.h */
- {84,7,r,V,0,0}, /* sum.w */
- {84,8,r,V,0,0}, /* sum.l */
- {85,0,r,V,0,0}, /* all */
- {86,0,r,V,0,0}, /* any */
- {87,0,r,V,0,0}, /* parity */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {88,5,r,V,0,0}, /* max.b */
- {88,6,r,V,0,0}, /* max.h */
- {88,7,r,V,0,0}, /* max.w */
- {88,8,r,V,0,0}, /* max.l */
- {89,5,r,V,0,0}, /* min.b */
- {89,6,r,V,0,0}, /* min.h */
- {89,7,r,V,0,0}, /* min.w */
- {89,8,r,V,0,0}, /* min.l */
- {84,3,r,V,0,0}, /* sum.s */
- {84,4,r,V,0,0}, /* sum.d */
- {90,3,r,V,0,0}, /* prod.s */
- {90,4,r,V,0,0}, /* prod.d */
- {88,3,r,V,0,0}, /* max.s */
- {88,4,r,V,0,0}, /* max.d */
- {89,3,r,V,0,0}, /* min.s */
- {89,4,r,V,0,0}, /* min.d */
- {90,5,r,V,0,0}, /* prod.b */
- {90,6,r,V,0,0}, /* prod.h */
- {90,7,r,V,0,0}, /* prod.w */
- {90,8,r,V,0,0}, /* prod.l */
- {35,2,lr,VM,S,0}, /* plc.f */
- {35,1,lr,VM,S,0}, /* plc.t */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
-CONST struct formstr formatx[] = {
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
-CONST struct formstr format1a[] = {
- {91,0,imr,A,0,0}, /* halt */
- {92,0,a4,0,0,0}, /* sysc */
- {18,6,imr,A,0,0}, /* ld.h */
- {18,7,imr,A,0,0}, /* ld.w */
- {5,0,imr,A,0,0}, /* and */
- {6,0,imr,A,0,0}, /* or */
- {7,0,imr,A,0,0}, /* xor */
- {8,0,imr,A,0,0}, /* shf */
- {9,6,imr,A,0,0}, /* add.h */
- {9,7,imr,A,0,0}, /* add.w */
- {10,6,imr,A,0,0}, /* sub.h */
- {10,7,imr,A,0,0}, /* sub.w */
- {3,6,imr,A,0,0}, /* mul.h */
- {3,7,imr,A,0,0}, /* mul.w */
- {4,6,imr,A,0,0}, /* div.h */
- {4,7,imr,A,0,0}, /* div.w */
- {18,7,iml,VL,0,0}, /* ld.w */
- {18,7,iml,VS,0,0}, /* ld.w */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {8,7,imr,S,0,0}, /* shf.w */
- {93,0,a5,0,0,0}, /* trap */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {37,6,imr,A,0,0}, /* eq.h */
- {37,7,imr,A,0,0}, /* eq.w */
- {38,6,imr,A,0,0}, /* leu.h */
- {38,7,imr,A,0,0}, /* leu.w */
- {39,6,imr,A,0,0}, /* ltu.h */
- {39,7,imr,A,0,0}, /* ltu.w */
- {40,6,imr,A,0,0}, /* le.h */
- {40,7,imr,A,0,0}, /* le.w */
- {41,6,imr,A,0,0}, /* lt.h */
- {41,7,imr,A,0,0}, /* lt.w */
-CONST struct formstr format1b[] = {
- {18,4,imr,S,0,0}, /* ld.d */
- {18,10,imr,S,0,0}, /* ld.u */
- {18,8,imr,S,0,0}, /* ld.l */
- {18,7,imr,S,0,0}, /* ld.w */
- {5,0,imr,S,0,0}, /* and */
- {6,0,imr,S,0,0}, /* or */
- {7,0,imr,S,0,0}, /* xor */
- {8,0,imr,S,0,0}, /* shf */
- {9,6,imr,S,0,0}, /* add.h */
- {9,7,imr,S,0,0}, /* add.w */
- {10,6,imr,S,0,0}, /* sub.h */
- {10,7,imr,S,0,0}, /* sub.w */
- {3,6,imr,S,0,0}, /* mul.h */
- {3,7,imr,S,0,0}, /* mul.w */
- {4,6,imr,S,0,0}, /* div.h */
- {4,7,imr,S,0,0}, /* div.w */
- {9,3,imr,S,0,0}, /* add.s */
- {10,3,imr,S,0,0}, /* sub.s */
- {3,3,imr,S,0,0}, /* mul.s */
- {4,3,imr,S,0,0}, /* div.s */
- {40,3,imr,S,0,0}, /* le.s */
- {41,3,imr,S,0,0}, /* lt.s */
- {37,6,imr,S,0,0}, /* eq.h */
- {37,7,imr,S,0,0}, /* eq.w */
- {38,6,imr,S,0,0}, /* leu.h */
- {38,7,imr,S,0,0}, /* leu.w */
- {39,6,imr,S,0,0}, /* ltu.h */
- {39,7,imr,S,0,0}, /* ltu.w */
- {40,6,imr,S,0,0}, /* le.h */
- {40,7,imr,S,0,0}, /* le.w */
- {41,6,imr,S,0,0}, /* lt.h */
- {41,7,imr,S,0,0}, /* lt.w */
-CONST struct formstr e0_format0[] = {
- {10,3,rrr,S,V,V}, /* sub.s */
- {10,4,rrr,S,V,V}, /* sub.d */
- {4,3,rrr,S,V,V}, /* div.s */
- {4,4,rrr,S,V,V}, /* div.d */
- {10,11,rrr,S,V,V}, /* sub.s.f */
- {10,12,rrr,S,V,V}, /* sub.d.f */
- {4,11,rrr,S,V,V}, /* div.s.f */
- {4,12,rrr,S,V,V}, /* div.d.f */
- {3,11,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mul.s.f */
- {3,12,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mul.d.f */
- {4,11,rrr,V,V,V}, /* div.s.f */
- {4,12,rrr,V,V,V}, /* div.d.f */
- {3,11,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mul.s.f */
- {3,12,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mul.d.f */
- {4,11,rrr,V,S,V}, /* div.s.f */
- {4,12,rrr,V,S,V}, /* div.d.f */
- {5,2,rrr,V,V,V}, /* and.f */
- {6,2,rrr,V,V,V}, /* or.f */
- {7,2,rrr,V,V,V}, /* xor.f */
- {8,2,rrr,V,V,V}, /* shf.f */
- {5,2,rrr,V,S,V}, /* and.f */
- {6,2,rrr,V,S,V}, /* or.f */
- {7,2,rrr,V,S,V}, /* xor.f */
- {8,2,rrr,V,S,V}, /* shf.f */
- {9,11,rrr,V,V,V}, /* add.s.f */
- {9,12,rrr,V,V,V}, /* add.d.f */
- {10,11,rrr,V,V,V}, /* sub.s.f */
- {10,12,rrr,V,V,V}, /* sub.d.f */
- {9,11,rrr,V,S,V}, /* add.s.f */
- {9,12,rrr,V,S,V}, /* add.d.f */
- {10,11,rrr,V,S,V}, /* sub.s.f */
- {10,12,rrr,V,S,V}, /* sub.d.f */
- {9,13,rrr,V,V,V}, /* add.b.f */
- {9,14,rrr,V,V,V}, /* add.h.f */
- {9,15,rrr,V,V,V}, /* add.w.f */
- {9,16,rrr,V,V,V}, /* add.l.f */
- {9,13,rrr,V,S,V}, /* add.b.f */
- {9,14,rrr,V,S,V}, /* add.h.f */
- {9,15,rrr,V,S,V}, /* add.w.f */
- {9,16,rrr,V,S,V}, /* add.l.f */
- {10,13,rrr,V,V,V}, /* sub.b.f */
- {10,14,rrr,V,V,V}, /* sub.h.f */
- {10,15,rrr,V,V,V}, /* sub.w.f */
- {10,16,rrr,V,V,V}, /* sub.l.f */
- {10,13,rrr,V,S,V}, /* sub.b.f */
- {10,14,rrr,V,S,V}, /* sub.h.f */
- {10,15,rrr,V,S,V}, /* sub.w.f */
- {10,16,rrr,V,S,V}, /* sub.l.f */
- {3,13,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mul.b.f */
- {3,14,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mul.h.f */
- {3,15,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mul.w.f */
- {3,16,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mul.l.f */
- {3,13,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mul.b.f */
- {3,14,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mul.h.f */
- {3,15,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mul.w.f */
- {3,16,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mul.l.f */
- {4,13,rrr,V,V,V}, /* div.b.f */
- {4,14,rrr,V,V,V}, /* div.h.f */
- {4,15,rrr,V,V,V}, /* div.w.f */
- {4,16,rrr,V,V,V}, /* div.l.f */
- {4,13,rrr,V,S,V}, /* div.b.f */
- {4,14,rrr,V,S,V}, /* div.h.f */
- {4,15,rrr,V,S,V}, /* div.w.f */
- {4,16,rrr,V,S,V}, /* div.l.f */
-CONST struct formstr e0_format1[] = {
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {94,0,a3,0,0,0}, /* tst */
- {95,0,a3,0,0,0}, /* lck */
- {96,0,a3,0,0,0}, /* ulk */
- {17,0,a1r,S,0,0}, /* ldea */
- {97,0,a1r,A,0,0}, /* spawn */
- {98,0,a1r,A,0,0}, /* ldcmr */
- {99,0,a2r,A,0,0}, /* stcmr */
- {100,0,a1r,A,0,0}, /* popr */
- {101,0,a2r,A,0,0}, /* pshr */
- {102,7,a1r,A,0,0}, /* rcvr.w */
- {103,7,a2r,A,0,0}, /* matm.w */
- {104,7,a2r,A,0,0}, /* sndr.w */
- {104,8,a2r,S,0,0}, /* sndr.l */
- {102,8,a1r,S,0,0}, /* rcvr.l */
- {103,8,a2r,S,0,0}, /* matm.l */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {105,7,a2r,A,0,0}, /* putr.w */
- {105,8,a2r,S,0,0}, /* putr.l */
- {106,7,a1r,A,0,0}, /* getr.w */
- {106,8,a1r,S,0,0}, /* getr.l */
- {26,13,a2r,S,0,0}, /* ste.b.f */
- {26,14,a2r,S,0,0}, /* ste.h.f */
- {26,15,a2r,S,0,0}, /* ste.w.f */
- {26,16,a2r,S,0,0}, /* ste.l.f */
- {107,7,a2r,A,0,0}, /* matr.w */
- {108,7,a2r,A,0,0}, /* mat.w */
- {109,7,a1r,A,0,0}, /* get.w */
- {110,7,a1r,A,0,0}, /* rcv.w */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {111,7,a1r,A,0,0}, /* inc.w */
- {112,7,a2r,A,0,0}, /* put.w */
- {113,7,a2r,A,0,0}, /* snd.w */
- {107,8,a2r,S,0,0}, /* matr.l */
- {108,8,a2r,S,0,0}, /* mat.l */
- {109,8,a1r,S,0,0}, /* get.l */
- {110,8,a1r,S,0,0}, /* rcv.l */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {111,8,a1r,S,0,0}, /* inc.l */
- {112,8,a2r,S,0,0}, /* put.l */
- {113,8,a2r,S,0,0}, /* snd.l */
- {18,13,a1r,V,0,0}, /* ld.b.f */
- {18,14,a1r,V,0,0}, /* ld.h.f */
- {18,15,a1r,V,0,0}, /* ld.w.f */
- {18,16,a1r,V,0,0}, /* ld.l.f */
- {21,13,a2r,V,0,0}, /* st.b.f */
- {21,14,a2r,V,0,0}, /* st.h.f */
- {21,15,a2r,V,0,0}, /* st.w.f */
- {21,16,a2r,V,0,0}, /* st.l.f */
-CONST struct formstr e0_format2[] = {
- {28,5,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtw.b */
- {28,6,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtw.h */
- {29,7,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtb.w */
- {30,7,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvth.w */
- {28,13,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtw.b.f */
- {28,14,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtw.h.f */
- {29,15,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtb.w.f */
- {30,15,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvth.w.f */
- {31,8,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvts.l */
- {32,7,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtd.w */
- {33,3,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtl.s */
- {28,4,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtw.d */
- {31,16,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvts.l.f */
- {32,15,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtd.w.f */
- {33,11,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtl.s.f */
- {28,12,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtw.d.f */
- {114,0,rr,S,S,0}, /* enal */
- {8,7,rr,S,S,0}, /* shf.w */
- {115,0,rr,S,S,0}, /* enag */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {28,4,rr,S,S,0}, /* cvtw.d */
- {32,7,rr,S,S,0}, /* cvtd.w */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {116,3,rr,S,S,0}, /* frint.s */
- {116,4,rr,S,S,0}, /* frint.d */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {116,3,rr,V,V,0}, /* frint.s */
- {116,4,rr,V,V,0}, /* frint.d */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {116,11,rr,V,V,0}, /* frint.s.f */
- {116,12,rr,V,V,0}, /* frint.d.f */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {81,3,rr,V,V,0}, /* sqrt.s */
- {81,4,rr,V,V,0}, /* sqrt.d */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {81,11,rr,V,V,0}, /* sqrt.s.f */
- {81,12,rr,V,V,0}, /* sqrt.d.f */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
-CONST struct formstr e0_format3[] = {
- {32,11,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtd.s.f */
- {31,12,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvts.d.f */
- {33,12,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtl.d.f */
- {32,16,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtd.l.f */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {36,2,rr,V,V,0}, /* tzc.f */
- {44,2,rr,V,V,0}, /* lop.f */
- {117,2,rr,V,V,0}, /* xpnd.f */
- {42,2,rr,V,V,0}, /* not.f */
- {8,2,rr,S,V,0}, /* shf.f */
- {35,17,rr,V,V,0}, /* plc.t.f */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {37,11,rr,V,V,0}, /* eq.s.f */
- {37,12,rr,V,V,0}, /* eq.d.f */
- {43,11,rr,V,V,0}, /* neg.s.f */
- {43,12,rr,V,V,0}, /* neg.d.f */
- {37,11,rr,S,V,0}, /* eq.s.f */
- {37,12,rr,S,V,0}, /* eq.d.f */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {40,11,rr,V,V,0}, /* le.s.f */
- {40,12,rr,V,V,0}, /* le.d.f */
- {41,11,rr,V,V,0}, /* lt.s.f */
- {41,12,rr,V,V,0}, /* lt.d.f */
- {40,11,rr,S,V,0}, /* le.s.f */
- {40,12,rr,S,V,0}, /* le.d.f */
- {41,11,rr,S,V,0}, /* lt.s.f */
- {41,12,rr,S,V,0}, /* lt.d.f */
- {37,13,rr,V,V,0}, /* eq.b.f */
- {37,14,rr,V,V,0}, /* eq.h.f */
- {37,15,rr,V,V,0}, /* eq.w.f */
- {37,16,rr,V,V,0}, /* eq.l.f */
- {37,13,rr,S,V,0}, /* eq.b.f */
- {37,14,rr,S,V,0}, /* eq.h.f */
- {37,15,rr,S,V,0}, /* eq.w.f */
- {37,16,rr,S,V,0}, /* eq.l.f */
- {40,13,rr,V,V,0}, /* le.b.f */
- {40,14,rr,V,V,0}, /* le.h.f */
- {40,15,rr,V,V,0}, /* le.w.f */
- {40,16,rr,V,V,0}, /* le.l.f */
- {40,13,rr,S,V,0}, /* le.b.f */
- {40,14,rr,S,V,0}, /* le.h.f */
- {40,15,rr,S,V,0}, /* le.w.f */
- {40,16,rr,S,V,0}, /* le.l.f */
- {41,13,rr,V,V,0}, /* lt.b.f */
- {41,14,rr,V,V,0}, /* lt.h.f */
- {41,15,rr,V,V,0}, /* lt.w.f */
- {41,16,rr,V,V,0}, /* lt.l.f */
- {41,13,rr,S,V,0}, /* lt.b.f */
- {41,14,rr,S,V,0}, /* lt.h.f */
- {41,15,rr,S,V,0}, /* lt.w.f */
- {41,16,rr,S,V,0}, /* lt.l.f */
- {43,13,rr,V,V,0}, /* neg.b.f */
- {43,14,rr,V,V,0}, /* neg.h.f */
- {43,15,rr,V,V,0}, /* neg.w.f */
- {43,16,rr,V,V,0}, /* neg.l.f */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
-CONST struct formstr e0_format4[] = {
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
-CONST struct formstr e0_format5[] = {
- {51,13,rr,V,V,0}, /* ldvi.b.f */
- {51,14,rr,V,V,0}, /* ldvi.h.f */
- {51,15,rr,V,V,0}, /* ldvi.w.f */
- {51,16,rr,V,V,0}, /* ldvi.l.f */
- {28,11,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtw.s.f */
- {31,15,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvts.w.f */
- {28,16,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtw.l.f */
- {33,15,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtl.w.f */
- {52,13,rxr,V,V,0}, /* stvi.b.f */
- {52,14,rxr,V,V,0}, /* stvi.h.f */
- {52,15,rxr,V,V,0}, /* stvi.w.f */
- {52,16,rxr,V,V,0}, /* stvi.l.f */
- {52,13,rxr,S,V,0}, /* stvi.b.f */
- {52,14,rxr,S,V,0}, /* stvi.h.f */
- {52,15,rxr,S,V,0}, /* stvi.w.f */
- {52,16,rxr,S,V,0}, /* stvi.l.f */
-CONST struct formstr e0_format6[] = {
- {0,0,rxl,S,CIR,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,lr,CIR,S,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,lr,TOC,S,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,lr,CPUID,S,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,rxl,S,TTR,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,lr,TTR,S,0}, /* mov */
- {118,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* ctrsl */
- {119,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* ctrsg */
- {0,0,rxl,S,VMU,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,lr,VMU,S,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,rxl,S,VML,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,lr,VML,S,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,rxl,S,ICR,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,lr,ICR,S,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,rxl,S,TCPU,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,lr,TCPU,S,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {120,0,nops,0,0,0}, /* stop */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,rxl,S,TID,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,lr,TID,S,0}, /* mov */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
-CONST struct formstr e0_format7[] = {
- {84,13,r,V,0,0}, /* sum.b.f */
- {84,14,r,V,0,0}, /* sum.h.f */
- {84,15,r,V,0,0}, /* sum.w.f */
- {84,16,r,V,0,0}, /* sum.l.f */
- {85,2,r,V,0,0}, /* all.f */
- {86,2,r,V,0,0}, /* any.f */
- {87,2,r,V,0,0}, /* parity.f */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {88,13,r,V,0,0}, /* max.b.f */
- {88,14,r,V,0,0}, /* max.h.f */
- {88,15,r,V,0,0}, /* max.w.f */
- {88,16,r,V,0,0}, /* max.l.f */
- {89,13,r,V,0,0}, /* min.b.f */
- {89,14,r,V,0,0}, /* min.h.f */
- {89,15,r,V,0,0}, /* min.w.f */
- {89,16,r,V,0,0}, /* min.l.f */
- {84,11,r,V,0,0}, /* sum.s.f */
- {84,12,r,V,0,0}, /* sum.d.f */
- {90,11,r,V,0,0}, /* prod.s.f */
- {90,12,r,V,0,0}, /* prod.d.f */
- {88,11,r,V,0,0}, /* max.s.f */
- {88,12,r,V,0,0}, /* max.d.f */
- {89,11,r,V,0,0}, /* min.s.f */
- {89,12,r,V,0,0}, /* min.d.f */
- {90,13,r,V,0,0}, /* prod.b.f */
- {90,14,r,V,0,0}, /* prod.h.f */
- {90,15,r,V,0,0}, /* prod.w.f */
- {90,16,r,V,0,0}, /* prod.l.f */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
-CONST struct formstr e1_format0[] = {
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {10,18,rrr,S,V,V}, /* sub.s.t */
- {10,19,rrr,S,V,V}, /* sub.d.t */
- {4,18,rrr,S,V,V}, /* div.s.t */
- {4,19,rrr,S,V,V}, /* div.d.t */
- {3,18,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mul.s.t */
- {3,19,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mul.d.t */
- {4,18,rrr,V,V,V}, /* div.s.t */
- {4,19,rrr,V,V,V}, /* div.d.t */
- {3,18,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mul.s.t */
- {3,19,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mul.d.t */
- {4,18,rrr,V,S,V}, /* div.s.t */
- {4,19,rrr,V,S,V}, /* div.d.t */
- {5,1,rrr,V,V,V}, /* and.t */
- {6,1,rrr,V,V,V}, /* or.t */
- {7,1,rrr,V,V,V}, /* xor.t */
- {8,1,rrr,V,V,V}, /* shf.t */
- {5,1,rrr,V,S,V}, /* and.t */
- {6,1,rrr,V,S,V}, /* or.t */
- {7,1,rrr,V,S,V}, /* xor.t */
- {8,1,rrr,V,S,V}, /* shf.t */
- {9,18,rrr,V,V,V}, /* add.s.t */
- {9,19,rrr,V,V,V}, /* add.d.t */
- {10,18,rrr,V,V,V}, /* sub.s.t */
- {10,19,rrr,V,V,V}, /* sub.d.t */
- {9,18,rrr,V,S,V}, /* add.s.t */
- {9,19,rrr,V,S,V}, /* add.d.t */
- {10,18,rrr,V,S,V}, /* sub.s.t */
- {10,19,rrr,V,S,V}, /* sub.d.t */
- {9,20,rrr,V,V,V}, /* add.b.t */
- {9,21,rrr,V,V,V}, /* add.h.t */
- {9,22,rrr,V,V,V}, /* add.w.t */
- {9,23,rrr,V,V,V}, /* add.l.t */
- {9,20,rrr,V,S,V}, /* add.b.t */
- {9,21,rrr,V,S,V}, /* add.h.t */
- {9,22,rrr,V,S,V}, /* add.w.t */
- {9,23,rrr,V,S,V}, /* add.l.t */
- {10,20,rrr,V,V,V}, /* sub.b.t */
- {10,21,rrr,V,V,V}, /* sub.h.t */
- {10,22,rrr,V,V,V}, /* sub.w.t */
- {10,23,rrr,V,V,V}, /* sub.l.t */
- {10,20,rrr,V,S,V}, /* sub.b.t */
- {10,21,rrr,V,S,V}, /* sub.h.t */
- {10,22,rrr,V,S,V}, /* sub.w.t */
- {10,23,rrr,V,S,V}, /* sub.l.t */
- {3,20,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mul.b.t */
- {3,21,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mul.h.t */
- {3,22,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mul.w.t */
- {3,23,rrr,V,V,V}, /* mul.l.t */
- {3,20,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mul.b.t */
- {3,21,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mul.h.t */
- {3,22,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mul.w.t */
- {3,23,rrr,V,S,V}, /* mul.l.t */
- {4,20,rrr,V,V,V}, /* div.b.t */
- {4,21,rrr,V,V,V}, /* div.h.t */
- {4,22,rrr,V,V,V}, /* div.w.t */
- {4,23,rrr,V,V,V}, /* div.l.t */
- {4,20,rrr,V,S,V}, /* div.b.t */
- {4,21,rrr,V,S,V}, /* div.h.t */
- {4,22,rrr,V,S,V}, /* div.w.t */
- {4,23,rrr,V,S,V}, /* div.l.t */
-CONST struct formstr e1_format1[] = {
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {26,20,a2r,S,0,0}, /* ste.b.t */
- {26,21,a2r,S,0,0}, /* ste.h.t */
- {26,22,a2r,S,0,0}, /* ste.w.t */
- {26,23,a2r,S,0,0}, /* ste.l.t */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {18,20,a1r,V,0,0}, /* ld.b.t */
- {18,21,a1r,V,0,0}, /* ld.h.t */
- {18,22,a1r,V,0,0}, /* ld.w.t */
- {18,23,a1r,V,0,0}, /* ld.l.t */
- {21,20,a2r,V,0,0}, /* st.b.t */
- {21,21,a2r,V,0,0}, /* st.h.t */
- {21,22,a2r,V,0,0}, /* st.w.t */
- {21,23,a2r,V,0,0}, /* st.l.t */
-CONST struct formstr e1_format2[] = {
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {28,20,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtw.b.t */
- {28,21,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtw.h.t */
- {29,22,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtb.w.t */
- {30,22,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvth.w.t */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {31,23,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvts.l.t */
- {32,22,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtd.w.t */
- {33,18,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtl.s.t */
- {28,19,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtw.d.t */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {116,18,rr,V,V,0}, /* frint.s.t */
- {116,19,rr,V,V,0}, /* frint.d.t */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {81,18,rr,V,V,0}, /* sqrt.s.t */
- {81,19,rr,V,V,0}, /* sqrt.d.t */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
-CONST struct formstr e1_format3[] = {
- {32,18,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtd.s.t */
- {31,19,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvts.d.t */
- {33,19,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtl.d.t */
- {32,23,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtd.l.t */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {36,1,rr,V,V,0}, /* tzc.t */
- {44,1,rr,V,V,0}, /* lop.t */
- {117,1,rr,V,V,0}, /* xpnd.t */
- {42,1,rr,V,V,0}, /* not.t */
- {8,1,rr,S,V,0}, /* shf.t */
- {35,24,rr,V,V,0}, /* plc.t.t */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {37,18,rr,V,V,0}, /* eq.s.t */
- {37,19,rr,V,V,0}, /* eq.d.t */
- {43,18,rr,V,V,0}, /* neg.s.t */
- {43,19,rr,V,V,0}, /* neg.d.t */
- {37,18,rr,S,V,0}, /* eq.s.t */
- {37,19,rr,S,V,0}, /* eq.d.t */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {40,18,rr,V,V,0}, /* le.s.t */
- {40,19,rr,V,V,0}, /* le.d.t */
- {41,18,rr,V,V,0}, /* lt.s.t */
- {41,19,rr,V,V,0}, /* lt.d.t */
- {40,18,rr,S,V,0}, /* le.s.t */
- {40,19,rr,S,V,0}, /* le.d.t */
- {41,18,rr,S,V,0}, /* lt.s.t */
- {41,19,rr,S,V,0}, /* lt.d.t */
- {37,20,rr,V,V,0}, /* eq.b.t */
- {37,21,rr,V,V,0}, /* eq.h.t */
- {37,22,rr,V,V,0}, /* eq.w.t */
- {37,23,rr,V,V,0}, /* eq.l.t */
- {37,20,rr,S,V,0}, /* eq.b.t */
- {37,21,rr,S,V,0}, /* eq.h.t */
- {37,22,rr,S,V,0}, /* eq.w.t */
- {37,23,rr,S,V,0}, /* eq.l.t */
- {40,20,rr,V,V,0}, /* le.b.t */
- {40,21,rr,V,V,0}, /* le.h.t */
- {40,22,rr,V,V,0}, /* le.w.t */
- {40,23,rr,V,V,0}, /* le.l.t */
- {40,20,rr,S,V,0}, /* le.b.t */
- {40,21,rr,S,V,0}, /* le.h.t */
- {40,22,rr,S,V,0}, /* le.w.t */
- {40,23,rr,S,V,0}, /* le.l.t */
- {41,20,rr,V,V,0}, /* lt.b.t */
- {41,21,rr,V,V,0}, /* lt.h.t */
- {41,22,rr,V,V,0}, /* lt.w.t */
- {41,23,rr,V,V,0}, /* lt.l.t */
- {41,20,rr,S,V,0}, /* lt.b.t */
- {41,21,rr,S,V,0}, /* lt.h.t */
- {41,22,rr,S,V,0}, /* lt.w.t */
- {41,23,rr,S,V,0}, /* lt.l.t */
- {43,20,rr,V,V,0}, /* neg.b.t */
- {43,21,rr,V,V,0}, /* neg.h.t */
- {43,22,rr,V,V,0}, /* neg.w.t */
- {43,23,rr,V,V,0}, /* neg.l.t */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
-CONST struct formstr e1_format4[] = {
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
-CONST struct formstr e1_format5[] = {
- {51,20,rr,V,V,0}, /* ldvi.b.t */
- {51,21,rr,V,V,0}, /* ldvi.h.t */
- {51,22,rr,V,V,0}, /* ldvi.w.t */
- {51,23,rr,V,V,0}, /* ldvi.l.t */
- {28,18,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtw.s.t */
- {31,22,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvts.w.t */
- {28,23,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtw.l.t */
- {33,22,rr,V,V,0}, /* cvtl.w.t */
- {52,20,rxr,V,V,0}, /* stvi.b.t */
- {52,21,rxr,V,V,0}, /* stvi.h.t */
- {52,22,rxr,V,V,0}, /* stvi.w.t */
- {52,23,rxr,V,V,0}, /* stvi.l.t */
- {52,20,rxr,S,V,0}, /* stvi.b.t */
- {52,21,rxr,S,V,0}, /* stvi.h.t */
- {52,22,rxr,S,V,0}, /* stvi.w.t */
- {52,23,rxr,S,V,0}, /* stvi.l.t */
-CONST struct formstr e1_format6[] = {
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
-CONST struct formstr e1_format7[] = {
- {84,20,r,V,0,0}, /* sum.b.t */
- {84,21,r,V,0,0}, /* sum.h.t */
- {84,22,r,V,0,0}, /* sum.w.t */
- {84,23,r,V,0,0}, /* sum.l.t */
- {85,1,r,V,0,0}, /* all.t */
- {86,1,r,V,0,0}, /* any.t */
- {87,1,r,V,0,0}, /* parity.t */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {88,20,r,V,0,0}, /* max.b.t */
- {88,21,r,V,0,0}, /* max.h.t */
- {88,22,r,V,0,0}, /* max.w.t */
- {88,23,r,V,0,0}, /* max.l.t */
- {89,20,r,V,0,0}, /* min.b.t */
- {89,21,r,V,0,0}, /* min.h.t */
- {89,22,r,V,0,0}, /* min.w.t */
- {89,23,r,V,0,0}, /* min.l.t */
- {84,18,r,V,0,0}, /* sum.s.t */
- {84,19,r,V,0,0}, /* sum.d.t */
- {90,18,r,V,0,0}, /* prod.s.t */
- {90,19,r,V,0,0}, /* prod.d.t */
- {88,18,r,V,0,0}, /* max.s.t */
- {88,19,r,V,0,0}, /* max.d.t */
- {89,18,r,V,0,0}, /* min.s.t */
- {89,19,r,V,0,0}, /* min.d.t */
- {90,20,r,V,0,0}, /* prod.b.t */
- {90,21,r,V,0,0}, /* prod.h.t */
- {90,22,r,V,0,0}, /* prod.w.t */
- {90,23,r,V,0,0}, /* prod.l.t */
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0,0,0},
-char *lop[] = {
- "mov", /* 0 */
- "merg", /* 1 */
- "mask", /* 2 */
- "mul", /* 3 */
- "div", /* 4 */
- "and", /* 5 */
- "or", /* 6 */
- "xor", /* 7 */
- "shf", /* 8 */
- "add", /* 9 */
- "sub", /* 10 */
- "exit", /* 11 */
- "jmp", /* 12 */
- "jmpi", /* 13 */
- "jmpa", /* 14 */
- "jmps", /* 15 */
- "tac", /* 16 */
- "ldea", /* 17 */
- "ld", /* 18 */
- "tas", /* 19 */
- "pshea", /* 20 */
- "st", /* 21 */
- "call", /* 22 */
- "calls", /* 23 */
- "callq", /* 24 */
- "pfork", /* 25 */
- "ste", /* 26 */
- "incr", /* 27 */
- "cvtw", /* 28 */
- "cvtb", /* 29 */
- "cvth", /* 30 */
- "cvts", /* 31 */
- "cvtd", /* 32 */
- "cvtl", /* 33 */
- "ldpa", /* 34 */
- "plc", /* 35 */
- "tzc", /* 36 */
- "eq", /* 37 */
- "leu", /* 38 */
- "ltu", /* 39 */
- "le", /* 40 */
- "lt", /* 41 */
- "not", /* 42 */
- "neg", /* 43 */
- "lop", /* 44 */
- "cprs", /* 45 */
- "nop", /* 46 */
- "br", /* 47 */
- "bri", /* 48 */
- "bra", /* 49 */
- "brs", /* 50 */
- "ldvi", /* 51 */
- "stvi", /* 52 */
- "ldsdr", /* 53 */
- "ldkdr", /* 54 */
- "ln", /* 55 */
- "patu", /* 56 */
- "pate", /* 57 */
- "pich", /* 58 */
- "plch", /* 59 */
- "idle", /* 60 */
- "rtnq", /* 61 */
- "cfork", /* 62 */
- "rtn", /* 63 */
- "wfork", /* 64 */
- "join", /* 65 */
- "rtnc", /* 66 */
- "exp", /* 67 */
- "sin", /* 68 */
- "cos", /* 69 */
- "psh", /* 70 */
- "pop", /* 71 */
- "eni", /* 72 */
- "dsi", /* 73 */
- "bkpt", /* 74 */
- "msync", /* 75 */
- "mski", /* 76 */
- "xmti", /* 77 */
- "tstvv", /* 78 */
- "diag", /* 79 */
- "pbkpt", /* 80 */
- "sqrt", /* 81 */
- "casr", /* 82 */
- "atan", /* 83 */
- "sum", /* 84 */
- "all", /* 85 */
- "any", /* 86 */
- "parity", /* 87 */
- "max", /* 88 */
- "min", /* 89 */
- "prod", /* 90 */
- "halt", /* 91 */
- "sysc", /* 92 */
- "trap", /* 93 */
- "tst", /* 94 */
- "lck", /* 95 */
- "ulk", /* 96 */
- "spawn", /* 97 */
- "ldcmr", /* 98 */
- "stcmr", /* 99 */
- "popr", /* 100 */
- "pshr", /* 101 */
- "rcvr", /* 102 */
- "matm", /* 103 */
- "sndr", /* 104 */
- "putr", /* 105 */
- "getr", /* 106 */
- "matr", /* 107 */
- "mat", /* 108 */
- "get", /* 109 */
- "rcv", /* 110 */
- "inc", /* 111 */
- "put", /* 112 */
- "snd", /* 113 */
- "enal", /* 114 */
- "enag", /* 115 */
- "frint", /* 116 */
- "xpnd", /* 117 */
- "ctrsl", /* 118 */
- "ctrsg", /* 119 */
- "stop", /* 120 */
-char *rop[] = {
- "", /* 0 */
- ".t", /* 1 */
- ".f", /* 2 */
- ".s", /* 3 */
- ".d", /* 4 */
- ".b", /* 5 */
- ".h", /* 6 */
- ".w", /* 7 */
- ".l", /* 8 */
- ".x", /* 9 */
- ".u", /* 10 */
- ".s.f", /* 11 */
- ".d.f", /* 12 */
- ".b.f", /* 13 */
- ".h.f", /* 14 */
- ".w.f", /* 15 */
- ".l.f", /* 16 */
- ".t.f", /* 17 */
- ".s.t", /* 18 */
- ".d.t", /* 19 */
- ".b.t", /* 20 */
- ".h.t", /* 21 */
- ".w.t", /* 22 */
- ".l.t", /* 23 */
- ".t.t", /* 24 */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/h8300.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/h8300.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d726e2e38e6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/h8300.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
-/* Opcode table for the H8-300
- Copyright (C) 1991,1992 Free Software Foundation.
- Written by Steve Chamberlain,
- This file is part of GDB, the GNU Debugger and GAS, the GNU Assembler.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Instructions are stored as a sequence of nibbles.
- If the nibble has value 15 or less then the representation is complete.
- Otherwise, we record what it contains with several flags. */
-typedef int op_type;
-#define Hex0 0
-#define Hex1 1
-#define Hex2 2
-#define Hex3 3
-#define Hex4 4
-#define Hex5 5
-#define Hex6 6
-#define Hex7 7
-#define Hex8 8
-#define Hex9 9
-#define HexA 10
-#define HexB 11
-#define HexC 12
-#define HexD 13
-#define HexE 14
-#define HexF 15
-#define START 0x20
-#define SRC 0x40
-#define DST 0x80
-#define L_8 0x01
-#define L_16 0x02
-#define L_32 0x04
-#define L_P 0x08
-#define L_24 0x10
-#define REG 0x100
-#define IMM 0x1000
-#define DISP 0x2000
-#define IND 0x4000
-#define INC 0x8000
-#define DEC 0x10000
-#define L_3 0x20000
-#define KBIT 0x40000
-#define DBIT 0x80000
-#define DISPREG 0x100000
-#define IGNORE 0x200000
-#define E 0x400000 /* FIXME: end of nibble sequence? */
-#define L_2 0x800000
-#define CCR 0x4000000
-#define ABS 0x8000000
-#define B30 0x1000000 /* bit 3 must be low */
-#define B31 0x2000000 /* bit 3 must be high */
-#define ABSJMP 0x10000000
-#define ABSMOV 0x20000000
-#define PCREL 0x40000000
-#define MEMIND 0x80000000
-#define IMM3 IMM|L_3
-#define IMM2 IMM|L_2
-#define SIZE (L_2|L_3|L_8|L_16|L_32|L_P|L_24)
-#define RD8 (DST|L_8|REG)
-#define RD16 (DST|L_16|REG)
-#define RD32 (DST|L_32|REG)
-#define RS8 (SRC|L_8|REG)
-#define RS16 (SRC|L_16|REG)
-#define RS32 (SRC|L_32|REG)
-#define RSP (SRC|L_P|REG)
-#define RDP (DST|L_P|REG)
-#define IMM8 (IMM|SRC|L_8)
-#define IMM16 (IMM|SRC|L_16)
-#define IMM32 (IMM|SRC|L_32)
-#define ABS8SRC (SRC|ABS|L_8)
-#define ABS8DST (DST|ABS|L_8)
-#define DISP8 (PCREL|L_8)
-#define DISP16 (PCREL|L_16)
-#define DISP8SRC (DISP|L_8|SRC)
-#define DISP16SRC (DISP|L_16|SRC)
-#define DISP8DST (DISP|L_8|DST)
-#define DISP16DST (DISP|L_16|DST)
-#define ABS16SRC (SRC|ABS|L_16)
-#define ABS16DST (DST|ABS|L_16)
-#define ABS24SRC (SRC|ABS|L_24)
-#define ABS24DST (DST|ABS|L_24)
-#define RDDEC (DST|DEC)
-#define RSINC (SRC|INC)
-#define RDIND (DST|IND)
-#define RSIND (SRC|IND)
-#if 1
-#define OR8 RS8 /* ??? OR as in One Register? */
-#define OR16 RS16
-#define OR32 RS32
-#define OR8 RD8
-#define OR16 RD16
-#define OR32 RD32
-struct code
- op_type nib[30];
-struct arg
- op_type nib[3];
-struct h8_opcode
- int how;
- int inbase;
- int time;
- char *name;
- struct arg args;
- struct code data;
- int length;
- int noperands;
- int idx;
- int size;
-#define BITOP(code, imm, name, op00, op01,op10,op11, op20,op21)\
-{ code, 1, 2, name, {imm,RD8,E}, {op00, op01, imm, RD8, E, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, 0, 0, 0},\
-{ code, 1, 6, name, {imm,RDIND,E}, {op10, op11, B30|RDIND, 0, op00,op01, imm, 0, E}, 0, 0, 0, 0},\
-{ code, 1, 6, name, {imm,ABS8DST,E},{op20, op21, ABS8DST, IGNORE, op00,op01, imm, 0,E}, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-#define EBITOP(code, imm, name, op00, op01,op10,op11, op20,op21)\
- BITOP(code,imm, name, op00+1, op01, op10,op11, op20,op21),\
- BITOP(code,RS8, name, op00, op01, op10,op11, op20,op21)
-#define WTWOP(code,name, op1, op2) \
-{ code, 1, 2, name, {RS16, RD16, E}, { op1, op2, RS16, RD16, E, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-#define BRANCH(code, name, op) \
-{ code, 1, 4,name,{DISP8,E,0}, { 0x4, op, DISP8, IGNORE, E, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, 0, 0, 0}, \
-{ code, 0, 6,name,{DISP16,E,0}, { 0x5, 0x8, op, 0x0, DISP16, IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE, E,0}, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-#define SOP(code, x,name) \
-{code, 1, x, name
-#define NEW_SOP(code, in,x,name) \
-{code, in, x, name
-#define EOP ,0,0,0 }
-#define TWOOP(code, name, op1, op2,op3) \
-{ code,1, 2,name, {IMM8, RD8, E}, { op1, RD8, IMM8, IGNORE, E, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, 0, 0, 0},\
-{ code, 1, 2,name, {RS8, RD8, E}, { op2, op3, RS8, RD8, E, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-#define UNOP(code,name, op1, op2) \
-{ code, 1, 2, name, {OR8, E, 0}, { op1, op2, 0, OR8, E, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-#define UNOP3(code, name, op1, op2, op3) \
-{ O(code,SB), 1, 2, name, {OR8, E, 0}, {op1, op2, op3+0, OR8, E, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, 0, 0, 0}, \
-{ O(code,SW), 0, 2, name, {OR16, E, 0}, {op1, op2, op3+1, OR16, E, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, 0, 0, 0}, \
-{ O(code,SL), 0, 2, name, {OR32, E, 0}, {op1, op2, op3+3, OR32|B30, E, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-#define PREFIX32 0x0,0x1,0x0,0x0
-#define PREFIXLDC 0x0,0x1,0x4,0x0
-#define O(op, size) (op*4+size)
-#define O_RECOMPILE 0
-#define O_ADD 1
-#define O_ADDX 2
-#define O_AND 3
-#define O_BAND 4
-#define O_BRA 5
-#define O_BRN 6
-#define O_BHI 7
-#define O_BLS 8
-#define O_BCC 9
-#define O_BCS 10
-#define O_BNE 11
-#define O_BVC 12
-#define O_BVS 13
-#define O_BPL 14
-#define O_BMI 15
-#define O_BGE 16
-#define O_BLT 17
-#define O_BGT 18
-#define O_BLE 19
-#define O_ANDC 20
-#define O_BEQ 21
-#define O_BCLR 22
-#define O_BIAND 23
-#define O_BILD 24
-#define O_BIOR 25
-#define O_BIXOR 26
-#define O_BIST 27
-#define O_BLD 28
-#define O_BNOT 29
-#define O_BSET 30
-#define O_BSR 31
-#define O_BXOR 32
-#define O_CMP 33
-#define O_DAA 34
-#define O_DAS 35
-#define O_DEC 36
-#define O_DIVU 37
-#define O_DIVS 38
-#define O_INC 39
-#define O_LDC 40
-#define O_MOV_TO_MEM 41
-#define O_OR 42
-#define O_ROTL 43
-#define O_ROTR 44
-#define O_ROTXL 45
-#define O_ROTXR 46
-#define O_BPT 47
-#define O_SHAL 48
-#define O_SHAR 49
-#define O_SHLL 50
-#define O_SHLR 51
-#define O_SUB 52
-#define O_SUBS 53
-#define O_TRAPA 54
-#define O_XOR 55
-#define O_XORC 56
-#define O_BOR 57
-#define O_BST 58
-#define O_BTST 59
-#define O_EEPMOV 60
-#define O_EXTS 61
-#define O_EXTU 62
-#define O_JMP 63
-#define O_JSR 64
-#define O_MULU 65
-#define O_MULS 66
-#define O_NOP 67
-#define O_NOT 68
-#define O_ORC 69
-#define O_RTE 70
-#define O_STC 71
-#define O_SUBX 72
-#define O_NEG 73
-#define O_RTS 74
-#define O_SLEEP 75
-#define O_ILL 76
-#define O_ADDS 77
-#define O_SYSCALL 78
-#define O_MOV_TO_REG 79
-#define O_LAST 80
-#define SB 0
-#define SW 1
-#define SL 2
-/* FIXME: Lots of insns have "E, 0, 0, 0, 0" in the nibble code sequences.
- Methinks the zeroes aren't necessary. Once confirmed, nuke 'em. */
-struct h8_opcode h8_opcodes[] =
- TWOOP(O(O_ADD,SB),"add.b", 0x8, 0x0,0x8),
- NEW_SOP(O(O_ADD,SW),1,2,"add.w"),{RS16,RD16,E },{0x0,0x9,RS16,RD16,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_ADD,SW),0,4,"add.w"),{IMM16,RD16,E },{0x7,0x9,0x1,RD16,IMM16,IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_ADD,SL),0,2,"add.l"),{RS32,RD32,E }, {0x0,0xA,B31|RS32,B30|RD32,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_ADD,SL),0,6,"add.l"),{IMM32,RD32,E },{0x7,0xA,0x1,B30|RD32,IMM32LIST,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_ADDS,SL),1,2,"adds"), {KBIT,RDP,E}, {0x0,0xB,KBIT,RDP,E,0,0,0,0} EOP,
- TWOOP(O(O_ADDX,SB),"addx",0x9,0x0,0xE),
- TWOOP(O(O_AND,SB), "and.b",0xE,0x1,0x6),
- NEW_SOP(O(O_AND,SW),0,2,"and.w"),{RS16,RD16,E },{0x6,0x6,RS16,RD16,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_AND,SW),0,4,"and.w"),{IMM16,RD16,E },{0x7,0x9,0x6,RD16,IMM16,IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_AND,SL),0,6,"and.l"),{IMM32,RD32,E },{0x7,0xA,0x6,B30|RD32,IMM32LIST,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_AND,SL),0,2,"and.l") ,{RS32,RD32,E },{0x0,0x1,0xF,0x0,0x6,0x6,B30|RS32,B30|RD32,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_ANDC,SB),1,2,"andc"), {IMM8,CCR,E},{ 0x0,0x6,IMM8,IGNORE,E,0,0,0,0} EOP,
- BITOP(O(O_BAND,SB), IMM3,"band",0x7,0x6,0x7,0xC,0x7,0xE),
- BRANCH(O(O_BRA,SB),"bra",0x0),
- BRANCH(O(O_BRA,SB),"bt",0x0),
- BRANCH(O(O_BRN,SB),"brn",0x1),
- BRANCH(O(O_BRN,SB),"bf",0x1),
- BRANCH(O(O_BHI,SB),"bhi",0x2),
- BRANCH(O(O_BLS,SB),"bls",0x3),
- BRANCH(O(O_BCC,SB),"bcc",0x4),
- BRANCH(O(O_BCC,SB),"bhs",0x4),
- BRANCH(O(O_BCS,SB),"bcs",0x5),
- BRANCH(O(O_BCS,SB),"blo",0x5),
- BRANCH(O(O_BNE,SB),"bne",0x6),
- BRANCH(O(O_BEQ,SB),"beq",0x7),
- BRANCH(O(O_BVC,SB),"bvc",0x8),
- BRANCH(O(O_BVS,SB),"bvs",0x9),
- BRANCH(O(O_BPL,SB),"bpl",0xA),
- BRANCH(O(O_BMI,SB),"bmi",0xB),
- BRANCH(O(O_BGE,SB),"bge",0xC),
- BRANCH(O(O_BLT,SB),"blt",0xD),
- BRANCH(O(O_BGT,SB),"bgt",0xE),
- BRANCH(O(O_BLE,SB),"ble",0xF),
- EBITOP(O(O_BCLR,SB),IMM3, "bclr", 0x6,0x2,0x7,0xD,0x7,0xF),
- BITOP(O(O_BIAND,SB),IMM3|B31,"biand",0x7,0x6,0x7,0xC,0x7,0xE),
- BITOP(O(O_BILD,SB), IMM3|B31,"bild", 0x7,0x7,0x7,0xC,0x7,0xE),
- BITOP(O(O_BIOR,SB), IMM3|B31,"bior", 0x7,0x4,0x7,0xC,0x7,0xE),
- BITOP(O(O_BIST,SB), IMM3|B31,"bist", 0x6,0x7,0x7,0xD,0x7,0xF),
- BITOP(O(O_BIXOR,SB),IMM3|B31,"bixor",0x7,0x5,0x7,0xC,0x7,0xE),
- BITOP(O(O_BLD,SB), IMM3|B30,"bld", 0x7,0x7,0x7,0xC,0x7,0xE),
- EBITOP(O(O_BNOT,SB),IMM3|B30,"bnot", 0x6,0x1,0x7,0xD,0x7,0xF),
- BITOP(O(O_BOR,SB), IMM3|B30,"bor", 0x7,0x4,0x7,0xC,0x7,0xE),
- EBITOP(O(O_BSET,SB),IMM3|B30,"bset", 0x6,0x0,0x7,0xD,0x7,0xF),
- SOP(O(O_BSR,SB),6,"bsr"),{DISP8,E,0},{ 0x5,0x5,DISP8,IGNORE,E,0,0,0,0} EOP,
- SOP(O(O_BSR,SB),6,"bsr"),{DISP16,E,0},{ 0x5,0xC,0x0,0x0,DISP16,IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE,E,0,0,0,0} EOP,
- BITOP(O(O_BST,SB), IMM3|B30,"bst",0x6,0x7,0x7,0xD,0x7,0xF),
- EBITOP(O(O_BTST,SB), IMM3|B30,"btst",0x6,0x3,0x7,0xC,0x7,0xE),
- BITOP(O(O_BXOR,SB), IMM3|B30,"bxor",0x7,0x5,0x7,0xC,0x7,0xE),
- TWOOP(O(O_CMP,SB), "cmp.b",0xA,0x1,0xC),
- WTWOP(O(O_CMP,SW), "cmp.w",0x1,0xD),
- NEW_SOP(O(O_CMP,SW),1,2,"cmp.w"),{RS16,RD16,E },{0x1,0xD,RS16,RD16,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_CMP,SW),0,4,"cmp.w"),{IMM16,RD16,E },{0x7,0x9,0x2,RD16,IMM16,IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_CMP,SL),0,6,"cmp.l"),{IMM32,RD32,E },{0x7,0xA,0x2,B30|RD32,IMM32LIST,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_CMP,SL),0,2,"cmp.l") ,{RS32,RD32,E },{0x1,0xF,B31|RS32,B30|RD32,E} EOP,
- UNOP(O(O_DAA,SB), "daa",0x0,0xF),
- UNOP(O(O_DAS,SB), "das",0x1,0xF),
- UNOP(O(O_DEC,SB), "dec.b",0x1,0xA),
- NEW_SOP(O(O_DEC, SW),0,2,"dec.w") ,{DBIT,RD16,E },{0x1,0xB,0x5|DBIT,RD16,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_DEC, SL),0,2,"dec.l") ,{DBIT,RD32,E },{0x1,0xB,0x7|DBIT,RD32|B30,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_DIVU,SB),1,6,"divxu.b"), {RS8,RD16,E}, {0x5,0x1,RS8,RD16,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_DIVU,SW),0,20,"divxu.w"),{RS16,RD32,E},{0x5,0x3,RS16,B30|RD32,E}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_DIVS,SB),0,20,"divxs.b") ,{RS8,RD16,E },{0x0,0x1,0xD,0x0,0x5,0x1,RS8,RD16,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_DIVS,SW),0,02,"divxs.w") ,{RS16,RD32,E },{0x0,0x1,0xD,0x0,0x5,0x3,RS16,B30|RD32,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_EEPMOV,SB),1,50,"eepmov"),{ E,0,0},{0x7,0xB,0x5,0xC,0x5,0x9,0x8,0xF,E}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_EEPMOV,SW),0,50,"eepmovw"),{E,0,0},{0x7,0xB,0xD,0x4,0x5,0x9,0x8,0xF,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_EXTS,SW),0,2,"exts.w"),{OR16,E,0},{0x1,0x7,0xD,OR16,E }EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_EXTS,SL),0,2,"exts.l"),{OR32,E,0},{0x1,0x7,0xF,OR32|B30,E }EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_EXTU,SW),0,2,"extu.w"),{OR16,E,0},{0x1,0x7,0x5,OR16,E }EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_EXTU,SL),0,2,"extu.l"),{OR32,E,0},{0x1,0x7,0x7,OR32|B30,E }EOP,
- UNOP(O(O_INC,SB), "inc",0x0,0xA),
- NEW_SOP(O(O_INC,SW),0,2,"inc.w") ,{DBIT,RD16,E },{0x0,0xB,0x5|DBIT,RD16,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_INC,SL),0,2,"inc.l") ,{DBIT,RD32,E },{0x0,0xB,0x7|DBIT,RD32|B30,E} EOP,
- SOP(O(O_JMP,SB),4,"jmp"),{RSIND,E,0},{0x5,0x9,B30|RSIND,0x0,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_JMP,SB),8,"jmp"),{SRC|MEMIND,E,0},{0x5,0xB,SRC|MEMIND,IGNORE,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_JSR,SB),6,"jsr"),{SRC|RSIND,E,0}, {0x5,0xD,B30|RSIND,0x0,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_JSR,SB),8,"jsr"),{SRC|MEMIND,E,0},{0x5,0xF,SRC|MEMIND,IGNORE,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_LDC,SB),1,2,"ldc"),{IMM8,CCR,E}, { 0x0,0x7,IMM8,IGNORE,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_LDC,SB),1,2,"ldc"),{OR8,CCR,E}, { 0x0,0x3,0x0,OR8,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_LDC,SB),0,2,"ldc"),{ABS24SRC,CCR,E}, {PREFIXLDC,0x6,0xB,0x2,0x0,0x0,0x0,SRC|ABS24LIST,E}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_LDC,SB),0,2,"ldc"),{DISP|SRC|L_24,CCR,E},{PREFIXLDC,0x7,0x8,B30|DISPREG,0,0x6,0xB,0x2,0x0,0x0,0x0,SRC|DISP24LIST,E}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_LDC,SB),0,2,"ldc"),{RSINC,CCR,E}, {PREFIXLDC,0x6,0xD,B30|RSINC,0x0,E}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_LDC,SB),0,2,"ldc"),{RSIND,CCR,E}, {PREFIXLDC,0x6,0x9,B30|RDIND,0x0,E} EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SB),4,"mov.b"),{ABSMOV|ABS|SRC|L_16,RD8,E}, { 0x6,0xA,0x0,RD8,ABSMOV|SRC|ABS|A16LIST,E}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SB),6,"mov.b"),{ABSMOV|ABS|SRC|L_24,RD8,E }, { 0x6,0xA,0x2,RD8,0x0,0x0,SRC|ABSMOV|ABS|A24LIST,E }EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_MEM,SB),4,"mov.b"),{RS8,ABSMOV|ABS|L_16|DST,E}, { 0x6,0xA,0x8,RS8,ABSMOV|DST|ABS|A16LIST,E}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_MEM,SB),6,"mov.b"),{RS8,ABSMOV|ABS|DST|L_24,E }, { 0x6,0xA,0xA,RS8,0x0,0x0,DST|ABSMOV|ABS|A24LIST,E }EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SB),6,"mov.b"),{DISP|L_24|SRC,RD8,E}, { 0x7,0x8,B30|DISPREG,0x0,0x6,0xA,0x2,RD8,0x0,0x0,SRC|DISP24LIST,E}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_MEM,SB),6,"mov.b"),{RS8,DISP|L_24|DST,E}, { 0x7,0x8,B30|DISPREG,0x0,0x6,0xA,0xA,RS8,0x0,0x0,DST|DISP24LIST,E}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SB),2,"mov.b"),{RS8,RD8,E}, { 0x0,0xC,RS8,RD8,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SB),2,"mov.b"),{IMM8,RD8,E}, { 0xF,RD8,IMM8,IGNORE,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SB),4,"mov.b"),{RSIND,RD8,E}, { 0x6,0x8,B30|RSIND,RD8,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SB),6,"mov.b"),{RSINC,RD8,E}, { 0x6,0xC,B30|RSINC,RD8,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SB),4,"mov.b"),{ABS8SRC,RD8,E}, { 0x2,RD8,ABS8SRC,IGNORE,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_MEM,SB),4,"mov.b"),{RS8,RDIND,E}, { 0x6,0x8,RDIND|B31,RS8,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_MEM,SB),6,"mov.b"),{RS8,RDDEC|B31,E}, { 0x6,0xC,RDDEC|B31,RS8,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_MEM,SB),4,"mov.b"),{RS8,ABS8DST,E}, { 0x3,RS8,ABS8DST,IGNORE,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_MEM,SW),6,"mov.w"),{RS16,RDIND,E}, { 0x6,0x9,RDIND|B31,RS16,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SW),6,"mov.w"),{DISP|L_24|SRC,RD16,E},{ 0x7,0x8,B30|DISPREG,0x0,0x6,0xB,0x2,RD16,0x0,0x0,SRC|DISP24LIST,E}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_MEM,SW),6,"mov.w"),{RS16,DISP|L_24|DST,E},{ 0x7,0x8,B30|DISPREG,0x0,0x6,0xB,0xA,RS16,0x0,0x0,DST|DISP24LIST,E}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SW),6,"mov.w"),{ABS|L_24|SRC,RD16,E },{ 0x6,0xB,0x2,RD16,0x0,0x0,SRC|ABS24LIST,E }EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_MEM,SW),6,"mov.w"),{RS16,ABS|L_24|DST,E },{ 0x6,0xB,0xA,RS16,0x0,0x0,DST|ABS24LIST,E }EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SW),2,"mov.w"),{RS16,RD16,E}, { 0x0,0xD,RS16, RD16,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SW),4,"mov.w"),{IMM16,RD16,E}, { 0x7,0x9,0x0,RD16,IMM16,IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE,E}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SW),4,"mov.w"),{RSIND,RD16,E}, { 0x6,0x9,B30|RSIND,RD16,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SW),6,"mov.w"),{RSINC,RD16,E}, { 0x6,0xD,B30|RSINC,RD16,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SW),6,"mov.w"),{ABS16SRC,RD16,E}, { 0x6,0xB,0x0,RD16,ABS16SRC,IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE,E}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_MEM,SW),6,"mov.w"),{RS16,RDDEC,E}, { 0x6,0xD,RDDEC|B31,RS16,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_MEM,SW),6,"mov.w"),{RS16,ABS16DST,E}, { 0x6,0xB,0x8,RS16,ABS16DST,IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE,E}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SL),4,"mov.l"),{IMM32,RD32,E}, { 0x7,0xA,0x0,B30|RD32,IMM32LIST,E}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SL),2,"mov.l"),{RS32,RD32,E}, { 0x0,0xF,B31|RS32,B30|RD32,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SL),4,"mov.l"),{RSIND,RD32,E}, { PREFIX32,0x6,0x9,RSIND|B30,B30|RD32,E,0,0,0,0 }EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SL),6,"mov.l"),{DISP|L_24|SRC,RD32,E},{ PREFIX32,0x7,0x8,B30|DISPREG,0x0,0x6,0xB,0x2,B30|RD32,0x0,0x0,SRC|DISP24LIST,E }EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SL),6,"mov.l"),{RSINC,RD32,E}, { PREFIX32,0x6,0xD,B30|RSINC,B30|RD32,E,0,0,0,0 }EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SL),6,"mov.l"),{ABS16SRC,RD32,E}, { PREFIX32,0x6,0xB,0x0,B30|RD32,ABS16SRC,IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE,E }EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SL),6,"mov.l"),{ABS24SRC,RD32,E }, { PREFIX32,0x6,0xB,0x2,B30|RD32,0x0,0x0,SRC|ABS24LIST,E }EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_MEM,SL),6,"mov.l"),{RS32,RDIND,E}, { PREFIX32,0x6,0x9,RDIND|B31,B30|RS32,E,0,0,0,0 }EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_MEM,SL),6,"mov.l"),{RS32,DISP|L_24|DST,E},{ PREFIX32,0x7,0x8,B31|DISPREG,0x0,0x6,0xB,0xA,B30|RS32,0x0,0x0,DST|DISP24LIST,E }EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_MEM,SL),6,"mov.l"),{RS32,RDDEC,E}, { PREFIX32,0x6,0xD,RDDEC|B31,B30|RS32,E,0,0,0,0 }EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_MEM,SL),6,"mov.l"),{RS32,ABS16DST,E}, { PREFIX32,0x6,0xB,0x8,B30|RS32,ABS16DST,IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE,E }EOP,
- SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_MEM,SL),6,"mov.l"),{RS32,ABS24DST,E }, { PREFIX32,0x6,0xB,0xA,B30|RS32,0x0,0x0,DST|ABS24LIST,E }EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_MULU,SB),1,14,"mulxu.b"),{RS8,RD16,E}, { 0x5,0x0,RS8,RD16,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_MULU,SW),0,14,"mulxu.w"),{RS16,RD32,E},{ 0x5,0x2,RS16,B30|RD32,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_MULS,SB),0,20,"mulxs.b"),{RS8,RD16,E}, { 0x0,0x1,0xc,0x0,0x5,0x0,RS8,RD16,E}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_MULS,SW),0,20,"mulxs.w"),{RS16,RD32,E},{ 0x0,0x1,0xc,0x0,0x5,0x2,RS16,B30|RD32,E}EOP,
- /* ??? This can use UNOP3. */
- NEW_SOP(O(O_NEG,SB),1,2,"neg.b"),{ OR8,E, 0},{ 0x1,0x7,0x8,OR8,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_NEG,SW),0,2,"neg.w"),{ OR16,E,0},{ 0x1,0x7,0x9,OR16,E}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_NEG,SL),0,2,"neg.l"),{ OR32,E,0},{ 0x1,0x7,0xB,B30|OR32,E}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_NOP,SB),1,2,"nop"),{E,0,0},{ 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- /* ??? This can use UNOP3. */
- NEW_SOP(O(O_NOT,SB),1,2,"not.b"),{ OR8,E, 0},{ 0x1,0x7,0x0,OR8,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_NOT,SW),0,2,"not.w"),{ OR16,E,0},{ 0x1,0x7,0x1,OR16,E}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_NOT,SL),0,2,"not.l"),{ OR32,E,0},{ 0x1,0x7,0x3,B30|OR32,E}EOP,
- TWOOP(O(O_OR, SB),"or.b",0xC,0x1,0x4),
- NEW_SOP(O(O_OR,SW),0,4,"or.w"),{IMM16,RD16,E },{0x7,0x9,0x4,RD16,IMM16,IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_OR,SW),0,2,"or.w"),{RS16,RD16,E },{0x6,0x4,RS16,RD16,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_OR,SL),0,6,"or.l"),{IMM32,RD32,E },{0x7,0xA,0x4,B30|RD32,IMM32LIST,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_OR,SL),0,2,"or.l"),{RS32,RD32,E },{0x0,0x1,0xF,0x0,0x6,0x4,B30|RS32,B30|RD32,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_ORC,SB),1,2,"orc"),{IMM8,CCR,E},{ 0x0,0x4,IMM8,IGNORE,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SW),1,6,"pop.w"),{OR16,E,0},{ 0x6,0xD,0x7,OR16,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_REG,SL),0,6,"pop.l"),{OR32,E,0},{ PREFIX32,0x6,0xD,0x7,OR32|B30,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_MEM,SW),1,6,"push.w"),{OR16,E,0},{ 0x6,0xD,0xF,OR16,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_MOV_TO_MEM,SL),0,6,"push.l"),{OR32,E,0},{ PREFIX32,0x6,0xD,0xF,OR32|B30,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- UNOP3(O_ROTL, "rotl", 0x1,0x2,0x8),
- UNOP3(O_ROTR, "rotr", 0x1,0x3,0x8),
- UNOP3(O_ROTXL, "rotxl",0x1,0x2,0x0),
- UNOP3(O_ROTXR, "rotxr",0x1,0x3,0x0),
- SOP(O(O_BPT,SB), 10,"bpt"),{E,0,0},{ 0x7,0xA,0xF,0xF,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_RTE,SB), 10,"rte"),{E,0,0},{ 0x5,0x6,0x7,0x0,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_RTS,SB), 8,"rts"),{E,0,0},{ 0x5,0x4,0x7,0x0,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- UNOP3(O_SHAL, "shal",0x1,0x0,0x8),
- UNOP3(O_SHAR, "shar",0x1,0x1,0x8),
- UNOP3(O_SHLL, "shll",0x1,0x0,0x0),
- UNOP3(O_SHLR, "shlr",0x1,0x1,0x0),
- SOP(O(O_SLEEP,SB),2,"sleep"),{E,0,0},{ 0x0,0x1,0x8,0x0,E,0,0,0,0} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_STC,SB), 1,2,"stc"),{CCR,RD8,E},{ 0x0,0x2,0x0,RD8,E,0,0,0,0} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_STC,SB),0,2,"stc"),{CCR,RSIND,E}, {PREFIXLDC,0x6,0x9,B31|RDIND,0x0,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_STC,SB),0,2,"stc"),{CCR,DISP|DST|L_24,E},{PREFIXLDC,0x7,0x8,B31|DISPREG,0,0x6,0xB,0x2,0x0,0x0,0x0,DST|DISP24LIST,E}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_STC,SB),0,2,"stc"),{CCR,RDDEC,E}, {PREFIXLDC,0x6,0xD,B31|RDDEC,0x0,E}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_STC,SB),0,2,"stc"),{CCR,ABS24SRC,E}, {PREFIXLDC,0x6,0xB,0xA,0x0,0x0,0x0,DST|ABS24LIST,E}EOP,
- SOP(O(O_SUB,SB),2,"sub.b"),{RS8,RD8,E},{ 0x1,0x8,RS8,RD8,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_SUB,SW),1,2,"sub.w"),{RS16,RD16,E }, {0x1,0x9,RS16,RD16,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_SUB,SW),0,4,"sub.w"),{IMM16,RD16,E }, {0x7,0x9,0x3,RD16,IMM16,IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_SUB,SL),0,2,"sub.l") ,{RS32,RD32,E }, {0x1,0xA,B31|RS32,B30|RD32,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_SUB,SL),0,6,"sub.l"), {IMM32,RD32,E },{0x7,0xA,0x3,B30|RD32,IMM32LIST,E} EOP,
- SOP(O(O_SUBS,SL),2,"subs"),{KBIT,RDP,E},{ 0x1,0xB,KBIT,RDP,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- TWOOP(O(O_SUBX,SB),"subx",0xB,0x1,0xE),
- NEW_SOP(O(O_TRAPA,SB),0,2,"trapa"),{ IMM2,E}, {0x5,0x7,IMM2,IGNORE,E }EOP,
- TWOOP(O(O_XOR, SB),"xor",0xD,0x1,0x5),
- NEW_SOP(O(O_XOR,SW),0,4,"xor.w"),{IMM16,RD16,E },{0x7,0x9,0x5,RD16,IMM16,IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_XOR,SW),0,2,"xor.w"),{RS16,RD16,E },{0x6,0x5,RS16,RD16,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_XOR,SL),0,6,"xor.l"),{IMM32,RD32,E },{0x7,0xA,0x5,B30|RD32,IMM32LIST,E} EOP,
- NEW_SOP(O(O_XOR,SL),0,2,"xor.l") ,{RS32,RD32,E },{0x0,0x1,0xF,0x0,0x6,0x5,B30|RS32,B30|RD32,E} EOP,
- SOP(O(O_XORC,SB),2,"xorc"),{IMM8,CCR,E},{ 0x0,0x5,IMM8,IGNORE,E,0,0,0,0}EOP,
- 0
-extern struct h8_opcode h8_opcodes[] ;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/hppa.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/hppa.h
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index 6f50e6bbea62..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/hppa.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,471 +0,0 @@
-/* Table of opcodes for the PA-RISC.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by the Center for Software Science at the
- University of Utah (
-This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler, and GDB, the GNU disassembler.
-GAS/GDB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GAS/GDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GAS or GDB; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#if !defined(__STDC__) && !defined(const)
-#define const
- * Structure of an opcode table entry.
- */
-/* There are two kinds of delay slot nullification: normal which is
- * controled by the nullification bit, and conditional, which depends
- * on the direction of the branch and its success or failure.
- *
- * NONE is unfortunately #defined in the hiux system include files.
- * #undef it away.
- */
-#undef NONE
-struct pa_opcode
- const char *name;
- unsigned long int match; /* Bits that must be set... */
- unsigned long int mask; /* ... in these bits. */
- char *args;
- enum pa_arch arch;
- All hppa opcodes are 32 bits.
- The match component is a mask saying which bits must match a
- particular opcode in order for an instruction to be an instance
- of that opcode.
- The args component is a string containing one character
- for each operand of the instruction.
- Bit positions in this description follow HP usage of lsb = 31,
- "at" is lsb of field.
- In the args field, the following characters must match exactly:
- '+,() '
- In the args field, the following characters are unused:
- ' "#$% *+- ./ 3 :; = '
- ' B L [\] _'
- ' e gh lm qr { } '
- Here are all the characters:
- ' !"#$%&'()*+-,./0123456789:;<=>?@'
- 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'
-Kinds of operands:
- x integer register field at 15.
- b integer register field at 10.
- t integer register field at 31.
- y floating point register field at 31
- 5 5 bit immediate at 15.
- s 2 bit space specifier at 17.
- S 3 bit space specifier at 18.
- c indexed load completer.
- C short load and store completer.
- Y Store Bytes Short completer
- < non-negated compare/subtract conditions.
- a compare/subtract conditions
- d non-negated add conditions
- & logical instruction conditions
- U unit instruction conditions
- > shift/extract/deposit conditions.
- ~ bvb,bb conditions
- V 5 bit immediate value at 31
- i 11 bit immediate value at 31
- j 14 bit immediate value at 31
- k 21 bit immediate value at 31
- n nullification for branch instructions
- N nullification for spop and copr instructions
- w 12 bit branch displacement
- W 17 bit branch displacement (PC relative)
- z 17 bit branch displacement (just a number, not an address)
-Also these:
- p 5 bit shift count at 26 (to support the SHD instruction) encoded as
- 31-p
- P 5 bit bit position at 26
- T 5 bit field length at 31 (encoded as 32-T)
- A 13 bit immediate at 18 (to support the BREAK instruction)
- ^ like b, but describes a control register
- Z System Control Completer (to support LPA, LHA, etc.)
- D 26 bit immediate at 31 (to support the DIAG instruction)
- f 3 bit Special Function Unit identifier at 25
- O 20 bit Special Function Unit operation split between 15 bits at 20
- and 5 bits at 31
- o 15 bit Special Function Unit operation at 20
- 2 22 bit Special Function Unit operation split between 17 bits at 20
- and 5 bits at 31
- 1 15 bit Special Function Unit operation split between 10 bits at 20
- and 5 bits at 31
- 0 10 bit Special Function Unit operation split between 5 bits at 20
- and 5 bits at 31
- u 3 bit coprocessor unit identifier at 25
- F Source Floating Point Operand Format Completer encoded 2 bits at 20
- I Source Floating Point Operand Format Completer encoded 1 bits at 20
- (for 0xe format FP instructions)
- G Destination Floating Point Operand Format Completer encoded 2 bits at 18
- M Floating-Point Compare Conditions (encoded as 5 bits at 31)
- ? non-negated/negated compare/subtract conditions.
- @ non-negated/negated add conditions.
- ! non-negated add conditions.
- s 2 bit space specifier at 17.
- b register field at 10.
- r 5 bit immediate value at 31 (for the break instruction)
- (very similar to V above, except the value is unsigned instead of
- low_sign_ext)
- R 5 bit immediate value at 15 (for the ssm, rsm, probei instructions)
- (same as r above, except the value is in a different location)
- Q 5 bit immediate value at 10 (a bit position specified in
- the bb instruction. It's the same as r above, except the
- value is in a different location)
- | shift/extract/deposit conditions when used in a conditional branch
-And these (PJH) for PA-89 F.P. registers and instructions:
- v a 't' operand type extended to handle L/R register halves.
- E a 'b' operand type extended to handle L/R register halves.
- X an 'x' operand type extended to handle L/R register halves.
- J a 'b' operand type further extended to handle extra 1.1 registers
- K a 'x' operand type further extended to handle extra 1.1 registers
- 4 a variation of the 'b' operand type for 'fmpyadd' and 'fmpysub'
- 6 a variation of the 'x' operand type for 'fmpyadd' and 'fmpysub'
- 7 a variation of the 't' operand type for 'fmpyadd' and 'fmpysub'
- 8 5 bit register field at 20 (used in 'fmpyadd' and 'fmpysub')
- 9 5 bit register field at 25 (used in 'fmpyadd' and 'fmpysub')
- H Floating Point Operand Format at 26 for 'fmpyadd' and 'fmpysub'
- (very similar to 'F')
-/* The order of the opcodes in this table is significant:
- * The assembler requires that all instances of the same mnemonic must be
- consecutive. If they aren't, the assembler will bomb at runtime.
- * The disassembler should not care about the order of the opcodes. */
-static const struct pa_opcode pa_opcodes[] =
-/* pseudo-instructions */
-{ "b", 0xe8000000, 0xffe0e000, "nW", pa10}, /* bl foo,r0 */
-{ "ldi", 0x34000000, 0xffe0c000, "j,x", pa10}, /* ldo val(r0),r */
-{ "comib", 0x84000000, 0xfc000000, "?n5,b,w", pa10}, /* comib{tf}*/
-{ "comb", 0x80000000, 0xfc000000, "?nx,b,w", pa10}, /* comb{tf} */
-{ "addb", 0xa0000000, 0xfc000000, "@nx,b,w", pa10}, /* addb{tf} */
-{ "addib", 0xa4000000, 0xfc000000, "@n5,b,w", pa10}, /* addib{tf}*/
-{ "nop", 0x08000240, 0xffffffff, "", pa10}, /* or 0,0,0 */
-{ "copy", 0x08000240, 0xffe0ffe0, "x,t", pa10}, /* or r,0,t */
-{ "mtsar", 0x01601840, 0xffe0ffff, "x", pa10}, /* mtctl r,cr11 */
-/* Loads and Stores for integer registers. */
-{ "ldw", 0x48000000, 0xfc000000, "j(s,b),x", pa10},
-{ "ldw", 0x48000000, 0xfc000000, "j(b),x", pa10},
-{ "ldh", 0x44000000, 0xfc000000, "j(s,b),x", pa10},
-{ "ldh", 0x44000000, 0xfc000000, "j(b),x", pa10},
-{ "ldb", 0x40000000, 0xfc000000, "j(s,b),x", pa10},
-{ "ldb", 0x40000000, 0xfc000000, "j(b),x", pa10},
-{ "stw", 0x68000000, 0xfc000000, "x,j(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "stw", 0x68000000, 0xfc000000, "x,j(b)", pa10},
-{ "sth", 0x64000000, 0xfc000000, "x,j(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "sth", 0x64000000, 0xfc000000, "x,j(b)", pa10},
-{ "stb", 0x60000000, 0xfc000000, "x,j(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "stb", 0x60000000, 0xfc000000, "x,j(b)", pa10},
-{ "ldwm", 0x4c000000, 0xfc000000, "j(s,b),x", pa10},
-{ "ldwm", 0x4c000000, 0xfc000000, "j(b),x", pa10},
-{ "stwm", 0x6c000000, 0xfc000000, "x,j(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "stwm", 0x6c000000, 0xfc000000, "x,j(b)", pa10},
-{ "ldwx", 0x0c000080, 0xfc001fc0, "cx(s,b),t", pa10},
-{ "ldwx", 0x0c000080, 0xfc001fc0, "cx(b),t", pa10},
-{ "ldhx", 0x0c000040, 0xfc001fc0, "cx(s,b),t", pa10},
-{ "ldhx", 0x0c000040, 0xfc001fc0, "cx(b),t", pa10},
-{ "ldbx", 0x0c000000, 0xfc001fc0, "cx(s,b),t", pa10},
-{ "ldbx", 0x0c000000, 0xfc001fc0, "cx(b),t", pa10},
-{ "ldwax", 0x0c000180, 0xfc00dfc0, "cx(b),t", pa10},
-{ "ldcwx", 0x0c0001c0, 0xfc001fc0, "cx(s,b),t", pa10},
-{ "ldcwx", 0x0c0001c0, 0xfc001fc0, "cx(b),t", pa10},
-{ "ldws", 0x0c001080, 0xfc001fc0, "C5(s,b),t", pa10},
-{ "ldws", 0x0c001080, 0xfc001fc0, "C5(b),t", pa10},
-{ "ldhs", 0x0c001040, 0xfc001fc0, "C5(s,b),t", pa10},
-{ "ldhs", 0x0c001040, 0xfc001fc0, "C5(b),t", pa10},
-{ "ldbs", 0x0c001000, 0xfc001fc0, "C5(s,b),t", pa10},
-{ "ldbs", 0x0c001000, 0xfc001fc0, "C5(b),t", pa10},
-{ "ldwas", 0x0c001180, 0xfc00dfc0, "C5(b),t", pa10},
-{ "ldcws", 0x0c0011c0, 0xfc001fc0, "C5(s,b),t", pa10},
-{ "ldcws", 0x0c0011c0, 0xfc001fc0, "C5(b),t", pa10},
-{ "stws", 0x0c001280, 0xfc001fc0, "Cx,V(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "stws", 0x0c001280, 0xfc001fc0, "Cx,V(b)", pa10},
-{ "sths", 0x0c001240, 0xfc001fc0, "Cx,V(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "sths", 0x0c001240, 0xfc001fc0, "Cx,V(b)", pa10},
-{ "stbs", 0x0c001200, 0xfc001fc0, "Cx,V(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "stbs", 0x0c001200, 0xfc001fc0, "Cx,V(b)", pa10},
-{ "stwas", 0x0c001380, 0xfc00dfc0, "Cx,V(b)", pa10},
-{ "stbys", 0x0c001300, 0xfc001fc0, "Yx,V(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "stbys", 0x0c001300, 0xfc001fc0, "Yx,V(b)", pa10},
-/* Immediate instructions. */
-{ "ldo", 0x34000000, 0xfc00c000, "j(b),x", pa10},
-{ "ldil", 0x20000000, 0xfc000000, "k,b", pa10},
-{ "addil", 0x28000000, 0xfc000000, "k,b", pa10},
-/* Branching instructions. */
-{ "bl", 0xe8000000, 0xfc00e000, "nW,b", pa10},
-{ "gate", 0xe8002000, 0xfc00e000, "nW,b", pa10},
-{ "blr", 0xe8004000, 0xfc00e001, "nx,b", pa10},
-{ "bv", 0xe800c000, 0xfc00e001, "nx(b)", pa10},
-{ "bv", 0xe800c000, 0xfc00e001, "n(b)", pa10},
-{ "be", 0xe0000000, 0xfc000000, "nz(S,b)", pa10},
-{ "ble", 0xe4000000, 0xfc000000, "nz(S,b)", pa10},
-{ "movb", 0xc8000000, 0xfc000000, "|nx,b,w", pa10},
-{ "movib", 0xcc000000, 0xfc000000, "|n5,b,w", pa10},
-{ "combt", 0x80000000, 0xfc000000, "<nx,b,w", pa10},
-{ "combf", 0x88000000, 0xfc000000, "<nx,b,w", pa10},
-{ "comibt", 0x84000000, 0xfc000000, "<n5,b,w", pa10},
-{ "comibf", 0x8c000000, 0xfc000000, "<n5,b,w", pa10},
-{ "addbt", 0xa0000000, 0xfc000000, "!nx,b,w", pa10},
-{ "addbf", 0xa8000000, 0xfc000000, "!nx,b,w", pa10},
-{ "addibt", 0xa4000000, 0xfc000000, "!n5,b,w", pa10},
-{ "addibf", 0xac000000, 0xfc000000, "!n5,b,w", pa10},
-{ "bvb", 0xc0000000, 0xffe00000, "~nx,w", pa10},
-{ "bb", 0xc4000000, 0xfc000000, "~nx,Q,w", pa10},
-/* Computation Instructions */
-{ "add", 0x08000600, 0xfc000fe0, "dx,b,t", pa10},
-{ "addl", 0x08000a00, 0xfc000fe0, "dx,b,t", pa10},
-{ "addo", 0x08000e00, 0xfc000fe0, "dx,b,t", pa10},
-{ "addc", 0x08000700, 0xfc000fe0, "dx,b,t", pa10},
-{ "addco", 0x08000f00, 0xfc000fe0, "dx,b,t", pa10},
-{ "sh1add", 0x08000640, 0xfc000fe0, "dx,b,t", pa10},
-{ "sh1addl", 0x08000a40, 0xfc000fe0, "dx,b,t", pa10},
-{ "sh1addo", 0x08000e40, 0xfc000fe0, "dx,b,t", pa10},
-{ "sh2add", 0x08000680, 0xfc000fe0, "dx,b,t", pa10},
-{ "sh2addl", 0x08000a80, 0xfc000fe0, "dx,b,t", pa10},
-{ "sh2addo", 0x08000e80, 0xfc000fe0, "dx,b,t", pa10},
-{ "sh3add", 0x080006c0, 0xfc000fe0, "dx,b,t", pa10},
-{ "sh3addl", 0x08000ac0, 0xfc000fe0, "dx,b,t", pa10},
-{ "sh3addo", 0x08000ec0, 0xfc000fe0, "dx,b,t", pa10},
-{ "sub", 0x08000400, 0xfc000fe0, "ax,b,t", pa10},
-{ "subo", 0x08000c00, 0xfc000fe0, "ax,b,t", pa10},
-{ "subb", 0x08000500, 0xfc000fe0, "ax,b,t", pa10},
-{ "subbo", 0x08000d00, 0xfc000fe0, "ax,b,t", pa10},
-{ "subt", 0x080004c0, 0xfc000fe0, "ax,b,t", pa10},
-{ "subto", 0x08000cc0, 0xfc000fe0, "ax,b,t", pa10},
-{ "ds", 0x08000440, 0xfc000fe0, "ax,b,t", pa10},
-{ "comclr", 0x08000880, 0xfc000fe0, "ax,b,t", pa10},
-{ "or", 0x08000240, 0xfc000fe0, "&x,b,t", pa10},
-{ "xor", 0x08000280, 0xfc000fe0, "&x,b,t", pa10},
-{ "and", 0x08000200, 0xfc000fe0, "&x,b,t", pa10},
-{ "andcm", 0x08000000, 0xfc000fe0, "&x,b,t", pa10},
-{ "uxor", 0x08000380, 0xfc000fe0, "Ux,b,t", pa10},
-{ "uaddcm", 0x08000980, 0xfc000fe0, "Ux,b,t", pa10},
-{ "uaddcmt", 0x080009c0, 0xfc000fe0, "Ux,b,t", pa10},
-{ "dcor", 0x08000b80, 0xfc1f0fe0, "Ub,t", pa10},
-{ "idcor", 0x08000bc0, 0xfc1f0fe0, "Ub,t", pa10},
-{ "addi", 0xb4000000, 0xfc000800, "di,b,x", pa10},
-{ "addio", 0xb4000800, 0xfc000800, "di,b,x", pa10},
-{ "addit", 0xb0000000, 0xfc000800, "di,b,x", pa10},
-{ "addito", 0xb0000800, 0xfc000800, "di,b,x", pa10},
-{ "subi", 0x94000000, 0xfc000800, "ai,b,x", pa10},
-{ "subio", 0x94000800, 0xfc000800, "ai,b,x", pa10},
-{ "comiclr", 0x90000000, 0xfc000800, "ai,b,x", pa10},
-/* Extract and Deposit Instructions */
-{ "vshd", 0xd0000000, 0xfc001fe0, ">x,b,t", pa10},
-{ "shd", 0xd0000800, 0xfc001c00, ">x,b,p,t", pa10},
-{ "vextru", 0xd0001000, 0xfc001fe0, ">b,T,x", pa10},
-{ "vextrs", 0xd0001400, 0xfc001fe0, ">b,T,x", pa10},
-{ "extru", 0xd0001800, 0xfc001c00, ">b,P,T,x", pa10},
-{ "extrs", 0xd0001c00, 0xfc001c00, ">b,P,T,x", pa10},
-{ "zvdep", 0xd4000000, 0xfc001fe0, ">x,T,b", pa10},
-{ "vdep", 0xd4000400, 0xfc001fe0, ">x,T,b", pa10},
-{ "zdep", 0xd4000800, 0xfc001c00, ">x,p,T,b", pa10},
-{ "dep", 0xd4000c00, 0xfc001c00, ">x,p,T,b", pa10},
-{ "zvdepi", 0xd4001000, 0xfc001fe0, ">5,T,b", pa10},
-{ "vdepi", 0xd4001400, 0xfc001fe0, ">5,T,b", pa10},
-{ "zdepi", 0xd4001800, 0xfc001c00, ">5,p,T,b", pa10},
-{ "depi", 0xd4001c00, 0xfc001c00, ">5,p,T,b", pa10},
-/* System Control Instructions */
-{ "break", 0x00000000, 0xfc001fe0, "r,A", pa10},
-{ "rfi", 0x00000c00, 0xffffffff, "", pa10},
-{ "rfir", 0x00000ca0, 0xffffffff, "", pa11},
-{ "ssm", 0x00000d60, 0xffe0ffe0, "R,t", pa10},
-{ "rsm", 0x00000e60, 0xffe0ffe0, "R,t", pa10},
-{ "mtsm", 0x00001860, 0xffe0ffff, "x", pa10},
-{ "ldsid", 0x000010a0, 0xfc1f3fe0, "(s,b),t", pa10},
-{ "ldsid", 0x000010a0, 0xfc1f3fe0, "(b),t", pa10},
-{ "mtsp", 0x00001820, 0xffe01fff, "x,S", pa10},
-{ "mtctl", 0x00001840, 0xfc00ffff, "x,^", pa10},
-{ "mfsp", 0x000004a0, 0xffff1fe0, "S,t", pa10},
-{ "mfctl", 0x000008a0, 0xfc1fffe0, "^,t", pa10},
-{ "sync", 0x00000400, 0xffffffff, "", pa10},
-{ "syncdma", 0x00100400, 0xffffffff, "", pa10},
-{ "prober", 0x04001180, 0xfc003fe0, "(s,b),x,t", pa10},
-{ "prober", 0x04001180, 0xfc003fe0, "(b),x,t", pa10},
-{ "proberi", 0x04003180, 0xfc003fe0, "(s,b),R,t", pa10},
-{ "proberi", 0x04003180, 0xfc003fe0, "(b),R,t", pa10},
-{ "probew", 0x040011c0, 0xfc003fe0, "(s,b),x,t", pa10},
-{ "probew", 0x040011c0, 0xfc003fe0, "(b),x,t", pa10},
-{ "probewi", 0x040031c0, 0xfc003fe0, "(s,b),R,t", pa10},
-{ "probewi", 0x040031c0, 0xfc003fe0, "(b),R,t", pa10},
-{ "lpa", 0x04001340, 0xfc003fc0, "Zx(s,b),t", pa10},
-{ "lpa", 0x04001340, 0xfc003fc0, "Zx(b),t", pa10},
-{ "lha", 0x04001300, 0xfc003fc0, "Zx(s,b),t", pa10},
-{ "lha", 0x04001300, 0xfc003fc0, "Zx(b),t", pa10},
-{ "lci", 0x04001300, 0xfc003fe0, "x(s,b),t", pa10},
-{ "lci", 0x04001300, 0xfc003fe0, "x(b),t", pa10},
-{ "pdtlb", 0x04001200, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "pdtlb", 0x04001200, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(b)", pa10},
-{ "pitlb", 0x04000200, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "pitlb", 0x04000200, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(b)", pa10},
-{ "pdtlbe", 0x04001240, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "pdtlbe", 0x04001240, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(b)", pa10},
-{ "pitlbe", 0x04000240, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "pitlbe", 0x04000240, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(b)", pa10},
-{ "idtlba", 0x04001040, 0xfc003fff, "x,(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "idtlba", 0x04001040, 0xfc003fff, "x,(b)", pa10},
-{ "iitlba", 0x04000040, 0xfc003fff, "x,(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "iitlba", 0x04000040, 0xfc003fff, "x,(b)", pa10},
-{ "idtlbp", 0x04001000, 0xfc003fff, "x,(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "idtlbp", 0x04001000, 0xfc003fff, "x,(b)", pa10},
-{ "iitlbp", 0x04000000, 0xfc003fff, "x,(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "iitlbp", 0x04000000, 0xfc003fff, "x,(b)", pa10},
-{ "pdc", 0x04001380, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "pdc", 0x04001380, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(b)", pa10},
-{ "fdc", 0x04001280, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "fdc", 0x04001280, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(b)", pa10},
-{ "fic", 0x04000280, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "fic", 0x04000280, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(b)", pa10},
-{ "fdce", 0x040012c0, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "fdce", 0x040012c0, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(b)", pa10},
-{ "fice", 0x040002c0, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "fice", 0x040002c0, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(b)", pa10},
-{ "diag", 0x14000000, 0xfc000000, "D", pa10},
-/* gfw and gfr are not in the HP PA 1.1 manual, but they are in either
- the Timex FPU or the Mustang ERS (not sure which) manual. */
-{ "gfw", 0x04001680, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(s,b)", pa11},
-{ "gfw", 0x04001680, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(b)", pa11},
-{ "gfr", 0x04001a80, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(s,b)", pa11},
-{ "gfr", 0x04001a80, 0xfc003fdf, "Zx(b)", pa11},
-/* Floating Point Coprocessor Instructions */
-{ "fldwx", 0x24000000, 0xfc001f80, "cx(s,b),v", pa10},
-{ "fldwx", 0x24000000, 0xfc001f80, "cx(b),v", pa10},
-{ "flddx", 0x2c000000, 0xfc001fc0, "cx(s,b),y", pa10},
-{ "flddx", 0x2c000000, 0xfc001fc0, "cx(b),y", pa10},
-{ "fstwx", 0x24000200, 0xfc001f80, "cv,x(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "fstwx", 0x24000200, 0xfc001f80, "cv,x(b)", pa10},
-{ "fstdx", 0x2c000200, 0xfc001fc0, "cy,x(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "fstdx", 0x2c000200, 0xfc001fc0, "cy,x(b)", pa10},
-{ "fstqx", 0x3c000200, 0xfc001fc0, "cy,x(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "fstqx", 0x3c000200, 0xfc001fc0, "cy,x(b)", pa10},
-{ "fldws", 0x24001000, 0xfc001f80, "C5(s,b),v", pa10},
-{ "fldws", 0x24001000, 0xfc001f80, "C5(b),v", pa10},
-{ "fldds", 0x2c001000, 0xfc001fc0, "C5(s,b),y", pa10},
-{ "fldds", 0x2c001000, 0xfc001fc0, "C5(b),y", pa10},
-{ "fstws", 0x24001200, 0xfc001f80, "Cv,5(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "fstws", 0x24001200, 0xfc001f80, "Cv,5(b)", pa10},
-{ "fstds", 0x2c001200, 0xfc001fc0, "Cy,5(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "fstds", 0x2c001200, 0xfc001fc0, "Cy,5(b)", pa10},
-{ "fstqs", 0x3c001200, 0xfc001fc0, "Cy,5(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "fstqs", 0x3c001200, 0xfc001fc0, "Cy,5(b)", pa10},
-{ "fadd", 0x30000600, 0xfc00e7e0, "FE,X,v", pa10},
-{ "fadd", 0x38000600, 0xfc00e720, "IJ,K,v", pa10},
-{ "fsub", 0x30002600, 0xfc00e7e0, "FE,X,v", pa10},
-{ "fsub", 0x38002600, 0xfc00e720, "IJ,K,v", pa10},
-{ "fmpy", 0x30004600, 0xfc00e7e0, "FE,X,v", pa10},
-{ "fmpy", 0x38004600, 0xfc00e720, "IJ,K,v", pa10},
-{ "fdiv", 0x30006600, 0xfc00e7e0, "FE,X,v", pa10},
-{ "fdiv", 0x38006600, 0xfc00e720, "IJ,K,v", pa10},
-{ "fsqrt", 0x30008000, 0xfc1fe7e0, "FE,v", pa10},
-{ "fsqrt", 0x38008000, 0xfc1fe720, "FJ,v", pa10},
-{ "fabs", 0x30006000, 0xfc1fe7e0, "FE,v", pa10},
-{ "fabs", 0x38006000, 0xfc1fe720, "FJ,v", pa10},
-{ "frem", 0x30008600, 0xfc00e7e0, "FE,X,v", pa10},
-{ "frem", 0x38008600, 0xfc00e720, "FJ,K,v", pa10},
-{ "frnd", 0x3000a000, 0xfc1fe7e0, "FE,v", pa10},
-{ "frnd", 0x3800a000, 0xfc1fe720, "FJ,v", pa10},
-{ "fcpy", 0x30004000, 0xfc1fe7e0, "FE,v", pa10},
-{ "fcpy", 0x38004000, 0xfc1fe720, "FJ,v", pa10},
-{ "fcnvff", 0x30000200, 0xfc1f87e0, "FGE,v", pa10},
-{ "fcnvff", 0x38000200, 0xfc1f8720, "FGJ,v", pa10},
-{ "fcnvxf", 0x30008200, 0xfc1f87e0, "FGE,v", pa10},
-{ "fcnvxf", 0x38008200, 0xfc1f8720, "FGJ,v", pa10},
-{ "fcnvfx", 0x30010200, 0xfc1f87e0, "FGE,v", pa10},
-{ "fcnvfx", 0x38010200, 0xfc1f8720, "FGJ,v", pa10},
-{ "fcnvfxt", 0x30018200, 0xfc1f87e0, "FGE,v", pa10},
-{ "fcnvfxt", 0x38018200, 0xfc1f8720, "FGJ,v", pa10},
-{ "fcmp", 0x30000400, 0xfc00e7e0, "FME,X", pa10},
-{ "fcmp", 0x38000400, 0xfc00e720, "IMJ,K", pa10},
-{ "xmpyu", 0x38004700, 0xfc00e720, "E,X,v", pa11},
-{ "fmpyadd", 0x18000000, 0xfc000000, "H4,6,7,9,8", pa11},
-{ "fmpysub", 0x98000000, 0xfc000000, "H4,6,7,9,8", pa11},
-{ "ftest", 0x30002420, 0xffffffff, "", pa10},
-/* Assist Instructions */
-{ "spop0", 0x10000000, 0xfc000600, "f,ON", pa10},
-{ "spop1", 0x10000200, 0xfc000600, "f,oNt", pa10},
-{ "spop2", 0x10000400, 0xfc000600, "f,1Nb", pa10},
-{ "spop3", 0x10000600, 0xfc000600, "f,0Nx,b", pa10},
-{ "copr", 0x30000000, 0xfc000000, "u,2N", pa10},
-{ "cldwx", 0x24000000, 0xfc001e00, "ucx(s,b),t", pa10},
-{ "cldwx", 0x24000000, 0xfc001e00, "ucx(b),t", pa10},
-{ "clddx", 0x2c000000, 0xfc001e00, "ucx(s,b),t", pa10},
-{ "clddx", 0x2c000000, 0xfc001e00, "ucx(b),t", pa10},
-{ "cstwx", 0x24000200, 0xfc001e00, "uct,x(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "cstwx", 0x24000200, 0xfc001e00, "uct,x(b)", pa10},
-{ "cstdx", 0x2c000200, 0xfc001e00, "uct,x(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "cstdx", 0x2c000200, 0xfc001e00, "uct,x(b)", pa10},
-{ "cldws", 0x24001000, 0xfc001e00, "uC5(s,b),t", pa10},
-{ "cldws", 0x24001000, 0xfc001e00, "uC5(b),t", pa10},
-{ "cldds", 0x2c001000, 0xfc001e00, "uC5(s,b),t", pa10},
-{ "cldds", 0x2c001000, 0xfc001e00, "uC5(b),t", pa10},
-{ "cstws", 0x24001200, 0xfc001e00, "uCt,5(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "cstws", 0x24001200, 0xfc001e00, "uCt,5(b)", pa10},
-{ "cstds", 0x2c001200, 0xfc001e00, "uCt,5(s,b)", pa10},
-{ "cstds", 0x2c001200, 0xfc001e00, "uCt,5(b)", pa10},
-#define NUMOPCODES ((sizeof pa_opcodes)/(sizeof pa_opcodes[0]))
-/* SKV 12/18/92. Added some denotations for various operands. */
-#define PA_IMM11_AT_31 'i'
-#define PA_IMM14_AT_31 'j'
-#define PA_IMM21_AT_31 'k'
-#define PA_DISP12 'w'
-#define PA_DISP17 'W'
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/i386.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/i386.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 849a86fa7b25..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/i386.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,898 +0,0 @@
-/* i386-opcode.h -- Intel 80386 opcode table
- Copyright 1989, 1991, 1992, 1995 Free Software Foundation.
-This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler, and GDB, the GNU Debugger.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-static const template i386_optab[] = {
-#define _ None
-/* move instructions */
-#define MOV_AX_DISP32 0xa0
-{ "mov", 2, 0xa0, _, DW|NoModrm, { Disp32, Acc, 0 } },
-{ "mov", 2, 0x88, _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0 } },
-{ "mov", 2, 0xb0, _, ShortFormW, { Imm, Reg, 0 } },
-{ "mov", 2, 0xc6, _, W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0 } },
-{ "mov", 2, 0x8c, _, D|Modrm, { SReg3|SReg2, Reg16|Mem, 0 } },
-/* move to/from control debug registers */
-{ "mov", 2, 0x0f20, _, D|Modrm, { Control, Reg32, 0} },
-{ "mov", 2, 0x0f21, _, D|Modrm, { Debug, Reg32, 0} },
-{ "mov", 2, 0x0f24, _, D|Modrm, { Test, Reg32, 0} },
-/* move with sign extend */
-/* "movsbl" & "movsbw" must not be unified into "movsb" to avoid
- conflict with the "movs" string move instruction. Thus,
- {"movsb", 2, 0x0fbe, _, ReverseRegRegmem|Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, Reg16|Reg32, 0} },
- is not kosher; we must seperate the two instructions. */
-{"movsbl", 2, 0x0fbe, _, ReverseRegRegmem|Modrm|Data32, { Reg8|Mem, Reg32, 0} },
-{"movsbw", 2, 0x0fbe, _, ReverseRegRegmem|Modrm|Data16, { Reg8|Mem, Reg16, 0} },
-{"movswl", 2, 0x0fbf, _, ReverseRegRegmem|Modrm, { Reg16|Mem, Reg32, 0} },
-/* move with zero extend */
-{"movzb", 2, 0x0fb6, _, ReverseRegRegmem|Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, Reg16|Reg32, 0} },
-{"movzwl", 2, 0x0fb7, _, ReverseRegRegmem|Modrm, { Reg16|Mem, Reg32, 0} },
-/* push instructions */
-{"push", 1, 0x50, _, ShortForm, { WordReg,0,0 } },
-{"push", 1, 0xff, 0x6, Modrm, { WordReg|WordMem, 0, 0 } },
-{"push", 1, 0x6a, _, NoModrm, { Imm8S, 0, 0} },
-{"push", 1, 0x68, _, NoModrm, { Imm16|Imm32, 0, 0} },
-{"push", 1, 0x06, _, Seg2ShortForm, { SReg2,0,0 } },
-{"push", 1, 0x0fa0, _, Seg3ShortForm, { SReg3,0,0 } },
-/* push all */
-{"pusha", 0, 0x60, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0 } },
-/* pop instructions */
-{"pop", 1, 0x58, _, ShortForm, { WordReg,0,0 } },
-{"pop", 1, 0x8f, 0x0, Modrm, { WordReg|WordMem, 0, 0 } },
-#define POP_SEG_SHORT 0x7
-{"pop", 1, 0x07, _, Seg2ShortForm, { SReg2,0,0 } },
-{"pop", 1, 0x0fa1, _, Seg3ShortForm, { SReg3,0,0 } },
-/* pop all */
-{"popa", 0, 0x61, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0 } },
-/* xchg exchange instructions
- xchg commutes: we allow both operand orders */
-{"xchg", 2, 0x90, _, ShortForm, { WordReg, Acc, 0 } },
-{"xchg", 2, 0x90, _, ShortForm, { Acc, WordReg, 0 } },
-{"xchg", 2, 0x86, _, W|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0 } },
-{"xchg", 2, 0x86, _, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, Reg, 0 } },
-/* in/out from ports */
-{"in", 2, 0xe4, _, W|NoModrm, { Imm8, Acc, 0 } },
-{"in", 2, 0xec, _, W|NoModrm, { InOutPortReg, Acc, 0 } },
-{"in", 1, 0xe4, _, W|NoModrm, { Imm8, 0, 0 } },
-{"in", 1, 0xec, _, W|NoModrm, { InOutPortReg, 0, 0 } },
-{"out", 2, 0xe6, _, W|NoModrm, { Acc, Imm8, 0 } },
-{"out", 2, 0xee, _, W|NoModrm, { Acc, InOutPortReg, 0 } },
-{"out", 1, 0xe6, _, W|NoModrm, { Imm8, 0, 0 } },
-{"out", 1, 0xee, _, W|NoModrm, { InOutPortReg, 0, 0 } },
-/* load effective address */
-{"lea", 2, 0x8d, _, Modrm, { WordMem, WordReg, 0 } },
-/* load segment registers from memory */
-{"lds", 2, 0xc5, _, Modrm, { Mem, Reg32, 0} },
-{"les", 2, 0xc4, _, Modrm, { Mem, Reg32, 0} },
-{"lfs", 2, 0x0fb4, _, Modrm, { Mem, Reg32, 0} },
-{"lgs", 2, 0x0fb5, _, Modrm, { Mem, Reg32, 0} },
-{"lss", 2, 0x0fb2, _, Modrm, { Mem, Reg32, 0} },
-/* flags register instructions */
-{"clc", 0, 0xf8, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"cld", 0, 0xfc, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"cli", 0, 0xfa, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"clts", 0, 0x0f06, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"cmc", 0, 0xf5, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"lahf", 0, 0x9f, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"sahf", 0, 0x9e, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"pushfl", 0, 0x9c, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"popfl", 0, 0x9d, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"pushfw", 0, 0x9c, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"popfw", 0, 0x9d, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"pushf", 0, 0x9c, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"popf", 0, 0x9d, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"stc", 0, 0xf9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"std", 0, 0xfd, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"sti", 0, 0xfb, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"add", 2, 0x0, _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"add", 2, 0x83, 0, Modrm, { Imm8S, WordReg|WordMem, 0} },
-{"add", 2, 0x4, _, W|NoModrm, { Imm, Acc, 0} },
-{"add", 2, 0x80, 0, W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"inc", 1, 0x40, _, ShortForm, { WordReg, 0, 0} },
-{"inc", 1, 0xfe, 0, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"sub", 2, 0x28, _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"sub", 2, 0x83, 5, Modrm, { Imm8S, WordReg|WordMem, 0} },
-{"sub", 2, 0x2c, _, W|NoModrm, { Imm, Acc, 0} },
-{"sub", 2, 0x80, 5, W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"dec", 1, 0x48, _, ShortForm, { WordReg, 0, 0} },
-{"dec", 1, 0xfe, 1, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"sbb", 2, 0x18, _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"sbb", 2, 0x83, 3, Modrm, { Imm8S, WordReg|WordMem, 0} },
-{"sbb", 2, 0x1c, _, W|NoModrm, { Imm, Acc, 0} },
-{"sbb", 2, 0x80, 3, W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"cmp", 2, 0x38, _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"cmp", 2, 0x83, 7, Modrm, { Imm8S, WordReg|WordMem, 0} },
-{"cmp", 2, 0x3c, _, W|NoModrm, { Imm, Acc, 0} },
-{"cmp", 2, 0x80, 7, W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"test", 2, 0x84, _, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, Reg, 0} },
-{"test", 2, 0x84, _, W|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"test", 2, 0xa8, _, W|NoModrm, { Imm, Acc, 0} },
-{"test", 2, 0xf6, 0, W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"and", 2, 0x20, _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"and", 2, 0x83, 4, Modrm, { Imm8S, WordReg|WordMem, 0} },
-{"and", 2, 0x24, _, W|NoModrm, { Imm, Acc, 0} },
-{"and", 2, 0x80, 4, W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"or", 2, 0x08, _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"or", 2, 0x83, 1, Modrm, { Imm8S, WordReg|WordMem, 0} },
-{"or", 2, 0x0c, _, W|NoModrm, { Imm, Acc, 0} },
-{"or", 2, 0x80, 1, W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"xor", 2, 0x30, _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"xor", 2, 0x83, 6, Modrm, { Imm8S, WordReg|WordMem, 0} },
-{"xor", 2, 0x34, _, W|NoModrm, { Imm, Acc, 0} },
-{"xor", 2, 0x80, 6, W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"adc", 2, 0x10, _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"adc", 2, 0x83, 2, Modrm, { Imm8S, WordReg|WordMem, 0} },
-{"adc", 2, 0x14, _, W|NoModrm, { Imm, Acc, 0} },
-{"adc", 2, 0x80, 2, W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"neg", 1, 0xf6, 3, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"not", 1, 0xf6, 2, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"aaa", 0, 0x37, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"aas", 0, 0x3f, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"daa", 0, 0x27, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"das", 0, 0x2f, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"aad", 0, 0xd50a, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"aam", 0, 0xd40a, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-/* conversion insns */
-/* conversion: intel naming */
-{"cbw", 0, 0x98, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"cwd", 0, 0x99, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"cwde", 0, 0x98, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"cdq", 0, 0x99, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
-/* att naming */
-{"cbtw", 0, 0x98, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"cwtl", 0, 0x98, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"cwtd", 0, 0x99, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"cltd", 0, 0x99, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
-/* Warning! the mul/imul (opcode 0xf6) must only have 1 operand! They are
- expanding 64-bit multiplies, and *cannot* be selected to accomplish
- 'imul %ebx, %eax' (opcode 0x0faf must be used in this case)
- These multiplies can only be selected with single operand forms. */
-{"mul", 1, 0xf6, 4, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"imul", 1, 0xf6, 5, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-/* imulKludge here is needed to reverse the i.rm.reg & i.rm.regmem fields.
- These instructions are exceptions: 'imul $2, %eax, %ecx' would put
- '%eax' in the reg field and '%ecx' in the regmem field if we did not
- switch them. */
-{"imul", 2, 0x0faf, _, Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|Mem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"imul", 3, 0x6b, _, Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { Imm8S, WordReg|Mem, WordReg} },
-{"imul", 3, 0x69, _, Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { Imm16|Imm32, WordReg|Mem, WordReg} },
- imul with 2 operands mimicks imul with 3 by puting register both
- in i.rm.reg & i.rm.regmem fields
-{"imul", 2, 0x6b, _, Modrm|imulKludge, { Imm8S, WordReg, 0} },
-{"imul", 2, 0x69, _, Modrm|imulKludge, { Imm16|Imm32, WordReg, 0} },
-{"div", 1, 0xf6, 6, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"div", 2, 0xf6, 6, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, Acc, 0} },
-{"idiv", 1, 0xf6, 7, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"idiv", 2, 0xf6, 7, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, Acc, 0} },
-{"rol", 2, 0xd0, 0, W|Modrm, { Imm1, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"rol", 2, 0xc0, 0, W|Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"rol", 2, 0xd2, 0, W|Modrm, { ShiftCount, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"rol", 1, 0xd0, 0, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"ror", 2, 0xd0, 1, W|Modrm, { Imm1, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"ror", 2, 0xc0, 1, W|Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"ror", 2, 0xd2, 1, W|Modrm, { ShiftCount, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"ror", 1, 0xd0, 1, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"rcl", 2, 0xd0, 2, W|Modrm, { Imm1, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"rcl", 2, 0xc0, 2, W|Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"rcl", 2, 0xd2, 2, W|Modrm, { ShiftCount, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"rcl", 1, 0xd0, 2, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"rcr", 2, 0xd0, 3, W|Modrm, { Imm1, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"rcr", 2, 0xc0, 3, W|Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"rcr", 2, 0xd2, 3, W|Modrm, { ShiftCount, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"rcr", 1, 0xd0, 3, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"sal", 2, 0xd0, 4, W|Modrm, { Imm1, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"sal", 2, 0xc0, 4, W|Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"sal", 2, 0xd2, 4, W|Modrm, { ShiftCount, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"sal", 1, 0xd0, 4, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"shl", 2, 0xd0, 4, W|Modrm, { Imm1, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"shl", 2, 0xc0, 4, W|Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"shl", 2, 0xd2, 4, W|Modrm, { ShiftCount, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"shl", 1, 0xd0, 4, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"shld", 3, 0x0fa4, _, Modrm, { Imm8, WordReg, WordReg|Mem} },
-{"shld", 3, 0x0fa5, _, Modrm, { ShiftCount, WordReg, WordReg|Mem} },
-{"shld", 2, 0x0fa5, _, Modrm, { WordReg, WordReg|Mem, 0} },
-{"shr", 2, 0xd0, 5, W|Modrm, { Imm1, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"shr", 2, 0xc0, 5, W|Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"shr", 2, 0xd2, 5, W|Modrm, { ShiftCount, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"shr", 1, 0xd0, 5, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"shrd", 3, 0x0fac, _, Modrm, { Imm8, WordReg, WordReg|Mem} },
-{"shrd", 3, 0x0fad, _, Modrm, { ShiftCount, WordReg, WordReg|Mem} },
-{"shrd", 2, 0x0fad, _, Modrm, { WordReg, WordReg|Mem, 0} },
-{"sar", 2, 0xd0, 7, W|Modrm, { Imm1, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"sar", 2, 0xc0, 7, W|Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"sar", 2, 0xd2, 7, W|Modrm, { ShiftCount, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"sar", 1, 0xd0, 7, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-/* control transfer instructions */
-#define CALL_PC_RELATIVE 0xe8
-{"call", 1, 0xe8, _, JumpDword, { Disp32, 0, 0} },
-{"call", 1, 0xff, 2, Modrm|Data32, { Reg|Mem|JumpAbsolute, 0, 0} },
-{"callw", 1, 0xff, 2, Modrm|Data16, { Reg|Mem|JumpAbsolute, 0, 0} },
-#define CALL_FAR_IMMEDIATE 0x9a
-{"lcall", 2, 0x9a, _, JumpInterSegment, { Imm16, Abs32|Imm32, 0} },
-{"lcall", 1, 0xff, 3, Modrm|Data32, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"lcallw", 1, 0xff, 3, Modrm|Data16, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-#define JUMP_PC_RELATIVE 0xeb
-{"jmp", 1, 0xeb, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jmp", 1, 0xff, 4, Modrm, { Reg32|Mem|JumpAbsolute, 0, 0} },
-#define JUMP_FAR_IMMEDIATE 0xea
-{"ljmp", 2, 0xea, _, JumpInterSegment, { Imm16, Imm32, 0} },
-{"ljmp", 1, 0xff, 5, Modrm|Data32, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"ret", 0, 0xc3, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"ret", 1, 0xc2, _, NoModrm|Data32, { Imm16, 0, 0} },
-{"retw", 0, 0xc3, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"retw", 1, 0xc2, _, NoModrm|Data16, { Imm16, 0, 0} },
-{"lret", 0, 0xcb, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"lret", 1, 0xca, _, NoModrm|Data32, { Imm16, 0, 0} },
-{"lretw", 0, 0xcb, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"lretw", 1, 0xca, _, NoModrm|Data16, { Imm16, 0, 0} },
-{"enter", 2, 0xc8, _, NoModrm|Data32, { Imm16, Imm8, 0} },
-{"leave", 0, 0xc9, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"enterw", 2, 0xc8, _, NoModrm|Data16, { Imm16, Imm8, 0} },
-{"leavew", 0, 0xc9, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
-/* conditional jumps */
-{"jo", 1, 0x70, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jno", 1, 0x71, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jb", 1, 0x72, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jc", 1, 0x72, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jnae", 1, 0x72, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jnb", 1, 0x73, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jnc", 1, 0x73, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jae", 1, 0x73, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"je", 1, 0x74, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jz", 1, 0x74, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jne", 1, 0x75, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jnz", 1, 0x75, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jbe", 1, 0x76, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jna", 1, 0x76, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jnbe", 1, 0x77, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"ja", 1, 0x77, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"js", 1, 0x78, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jns", 1, 0x79, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jp", 1, 0x7a, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jpe", 1, 0x7a, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jnp", 1, 0x7b, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jpo", 1, 0x7b, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jl", 1, 0x7c, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jnge", 1, 0x7c, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jnl", 1, 0x7d, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jge", 1, 0x7d, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jle", 1, 0x7e, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jng", 1, 0x7e, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jnle", 1, 0x7f, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jg", 1, 0x7f, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-#if 0 /* XXX where are these macros used?
- To get them working again, they need to take
- an entire template as the parameter,
- and check for Data16/Data32 flags. */
-/* these turn into pseudo operations when disp is larger than 8 bits */
-#define IS_JUMP_ON_CX_ZERO(o) \
- (o == 0x66e3)
-#define IS_JUMP_ON_ECX_ZERO(o) \
- (o == 0xe3)
-{"jcxz", 1, 0xe3, _, JumpByte|Data16, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"jecxz", 1, 0xe3, _, JumpByte|Data32, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-#define IS_LOOP_ECX_TIMES(o) \
- (o == 0xe2 || o == 0xe1 || o == 0xe0)
-{"loop", 1, 0xe2, _, JumpByte, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"loopz", 1, 0xe1, _, JumpByte, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"loope", 1, 0xe1, _, JumpByte, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"loopnz", 1, 0xe0, _, JumpByte, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-{"loopne", 1, 0xe0, _, JumpByte, { Disp, 0, 0} },
-/* set byte on flag instructions */
-{"seto", 1, 0x0f90, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setno", 1, 0x0f91, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setb", 1, 0x0f92, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setc", 1, 0x0f92, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setnae", 1, 0x0f92, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setnb", 1, 0x0f93, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setnc", 1, 0x0f93, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setae", 1, 0x0f93, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"sete", 1, 0x0f94, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setz", 1, 0x0f94, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setne", 1, 0x0f95, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setnz", 1, 0x0f95, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setbe", 1, 0x0f96, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setna", 1, 0x0f96, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setnbe", 1, 0x0f97, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"seta", 1, 0x0f97, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"sets", 1, 0x0f98, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setns", 1, 0x0f99, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setp", 1, 0x0f9a, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setpe", 1, 0x0f9a, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setnp", 1, 0x0f9b, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setpo", 1, 0x0f9b, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setl", 1, 0x0f9c, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setnge", 1, 0x0f9c, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setnl", 1, 0x0f9d, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setge", 1, 0x0f9d, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setle", 1, 0x0f9e, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setng", 1, 0x0f9e, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setnle", 1, 0x0f9f, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"setg", 1, 0x0f9f, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
- ((o) == 0xa6 || (o) == 0x6c || (o) == 0x6e || (o) == 0x6e || \
- (o) == 0xac || (o) == 0xa4 || (o) == 0xae || (o) == 0xaa || \
- (o) == 0xd7)
-/* string manipulation */
-{"cmps", 0, 0xa6, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"scmp", 0, 0xa6, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"ins", 0, 0x6c, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"outs", 0, 0x6e, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"lods", 0, 0xac, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"slod", 0, 0xac, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"movs", 0, 0xa4, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"smov", 0, 0xa4, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"scas", 0, 0xae, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"ssca", 0, 0xae, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"stos", 0, 0xaa, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"ssto", 0, 0xaa, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"xlat", 0, 0xd7, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-/* bit manipulation */
-{"bsf", 2, 0x0fbc, _, Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { Reg|Mem, Reg, 0} },
-{"bsr", 2, 0x0fbd, _, Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { Reg|Mem, Reg, 0} },
-{"bt", 2, 0x0fa3, _, Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"bt", 2, 0x0fba, 4, Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"btc", 2, 0x0fbb, _, Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"btc", 2, 0x0fba, 7, Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"btr", 2, 0x0fb3, _, Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"btr", 2, 0x0fba, 6, Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"bts", 2, 0x0fab, _, Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-{"bts", 2, 0x0fba, 5, Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
-/* interrupts & op. sys insns */
-/* See gas/config/tc-i386.c for conversion of 'int $3' into the special
- int 3 insn. */
-#define INT_OPCODE 0xcd
-#define INT3_OPCODE 0xcc
-{"int", 1, 0xcd, _, NoModrm, { Imm8, 0, 0} },
-{"int3", 0, 0xcc, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"into", 0, 0xce, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"iret", 0, 0xcf, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"iretw", 0, 0xcf, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
-/* i386sl, i486sl, later 486, and Pentium */
-{"rsm", 0, 0x0faa, _, NoModrm,{ 0, 0, 0} },
-{"boundl", 2, 0x62, _, Modrm|Data32, { Reg32, Mem, 0} },
-{"boundw", 2, 0x62, _, Modrm|Data16, { Reg16, Mem, 0} },
-{"hlt", 0, 0xf4, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"wait", 0, 0x9b, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-/* nop is actually 'xchgl %eax, %eax' */
-{"nop", 0, 0x90, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-/* protection control */
-{"arpl", 2, 0x63, _, Modrm, { Reg16, Reg16|Mem, 0} },
-{"lar", 2, 0x0f02, _, Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|Mem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"lgdt", 1, 0x0f01, 2, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"lidt", 1, 0x0f01, 3, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"lldt", 1, 0x0f00, 2, Modrm, { WordReg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"lmsw", 1, 0x0f01, 6, Modrm, { WordReg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"lsl", 2, 0x0f03, _, Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|Mem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"ltr", 1, 0x0f00, 3, Modrm, { WordReg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"sgdt", 1, 0x0f01, 0, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"sidt", 1, 0x0f01, 1, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"sldt", 1, 0x0f00, 0, Modrm, { WordReg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"smsw", 1, 0x0f01, 4, Modrm, { WordReg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"str", 1, 0x0f00, 1, Modrm, { Reg16|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"verr", 1, 0x0f00, 4, Modrm, { WordReg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"verw", 1, 0x0f00, 5, Modrm, { WordReg|Mem, 0, 0} },
-/* floating point instructions */
-/* load */
-{"fld", 1, 0xd9c0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} }, /* register */
-{"flds", 1, 0xd9, 0, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 <-- mem float */
-{"fldl", 1, 0xdd, 0, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 <-- mem double */
-{"fldl", 1, 0xd9c0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} }, /* register */
-{"fild", 1, 0xdf, 0, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 <-- mem word (16) */
-{"fildl", 1, 0xdb, 0, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 <-- mem dword (32) */
-{"fildq",1, 0xdf, 5, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 <-- mem qword (64) */
-{"fildll",1, 0xdf, 5, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 <-- mem qword (64) */
-{"fldt", 1, 0xdb, 5, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 <-- mem efloat */
-{"fbld", 1, 0xdf, 4, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 <-- mem bcd */
-/* store (no pop) */
-{"fst", 1, 0xddd0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} }, /* register */
-{"fsts", 1, 0xd9, 2, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 --> mem float */
-{"fstl", 1, 0xdd, 2, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 --> mem double */
-{"fstl", 1, 0xddd0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} }, /* register */
-{"fist", 1, 0xdf, 2, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 --> mem word (16) */
-{"fistl", 1, 0xdb, 2, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 --> mem dword (32) */
-/* store (with pop) */
-{"fstp", 1, 0xddd8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} }, /* register */
-{"fstps", 1, 0xd9, 3, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 --> mem float */
-{"fstpl", 1, 0xdd, 3, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 --> mem double */
-{"fstpl", 1, 0xddd8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} }, /* register */
-{"fistp", 1, 0xdf, 3, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 --> mem word (16) */
-{"fistpl",1, 0xdb, 3, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 --> mem dword (32) */
-{"fistpq",1, 0xdf, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 --> mem qword (64) */
-{"fistpll",1,0xdf, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 --> mem qword (64) */
-{"fstpt", 1, 0xdb, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 --> mem efloat */
-{"fbstp", 1, 0xdf, 6, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 --> mem bcd */
-/* exchange %st<n> with %st0 */
-{"fxch", 1, 0xd9c8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"fxch", 0, 0xd9c9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* alias for fxch %st, %st(1) */
-/* comparison (without pop) */
-{"fcom", 1, 0xd8d0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"fcoms", 1, 0xd8, 2, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* compare %st0, mem float */
-{"ficoml", 1, 0xda, 2, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* compare %st0, mem word */
-{"fcoml", 1, 0xdc, 2, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* compare %st0, mem double */
-{"fcoml", 1, 0xd8d0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"ficoms", 1, 0xde, 2, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* compare %st0, mem dword */
-/* comparison (with pop) */
-{"fcomp", 1, 0xd8d8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"fcomps", 1, 0xd8, 3, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* compare %st0, mem float */
-{"ficompl", 1, 0xda, 3, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* compare %st0, mem word */
-{"fcompl", 1, 0xdc, 3, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* compare %st0, mem double */
-{"fcompl", 1, 0xd8d8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"ficomps", 1, 0xde, 3, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* compare %st0, mem dword */
-{"fcompp", 0, 0xded9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* compare %st0, %st1 & pop 2 */
-/* unordered comparison (with pop) */
-{"fucom", 1, 0xdde0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"fucomp", 1, 0xdde8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"fucompp", 0, 0xdae9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* ucompare %st0, %st1 & pop twice */
-{"ftst", 0, 0xd9e4, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* test %st0 */
-{"fxam", 0, 0xd9e5, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* examine %st0 */
-/* load constants into %st0 */
-{"fld1", 0, 0xd9e8, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 <-- 1.0 */
-{"fldl2t", 0, 0xd9e9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 <-- log2(10) */
-{"fldl2e", 0, 0xd9ea, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 <-- log2(e) */
-{"fldpi", 0, 0xd9eb, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 <-- pi */
-{"fldlg2", 0, 0xd9ec, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 <-- log10(2) */
-{"fldln2", 0, 0xd9ed, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 <-- ln(2) */
-{"fldz", 0, 0xd9ee, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 <-- 0.0 */
-/* arithmetic */
-/* add */
-{"fadd", 1, 0xd8c0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"fadd", 2, 0xd8c0, _, ShortForm|FloatD, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fadd", 0, 0xdcc1, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* alias for fadd %st, %st(1) */
-{"faddp", 1, 0xdac0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"faddp", 2, 0xdac0, _, ShortForm|FloatD, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"faddp", 0, 0xdec1, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* alias for faddp %st, %st(1) */
-{"fadds", 1, 0xd8, 0, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fiaddl", 1, 0xda, 0, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"faddl", 1, 0xdc, 0, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fiadds", 1, 0xde, 0, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-/* sub */
-/* Note: intel has decided that certain of these operations are reversed
- in assembler syntax. */
-{"fsub", 1, 0xd8e0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"fsub", 2, 0xd8e0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fsub", 2, 0xdce8, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
-{"fsub", 2, 0xdce0, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
-{"fsub", 0, 0xdce1, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fsubp", 1, 0xdae0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"fsubp", 2, 0xdae0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fsubp", 2, 0xdee8, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
-{"fsubp", 2, 0xdee0, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
-{"fsubp", 0, 0xdee1, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fsubs", 1, 0xd8, 4, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fisubl", 1, 0xda, 4, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fsubl", 1, 0xdc, 4, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fisubs", 1, 0xde, 4, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-/* sub reverse */
-{"fsubr", 1, 0xd8e8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"fsubr", 2, 0xd8e8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fsubr", 2, 0xdce0, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
-{"fsubr", 2, 0xdce8, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
-{"fsubr", 0, 0xdce9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fsubrp", 1, 0xdae8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"fsubrp", 2, 0xdae8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fsubrp", 2, 0xdee0, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
-{"fsubrp", 2, 0xdee8, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
-{"fsubrp", 0, 0xdee9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fsubrs", 1, 0xd8, 5, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fisubrl", 1, 0xda, 5, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fsubrl", 1, 0xdc, 5, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fisubrs", 1, 0xde, 5, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-/* mul */
-{"fmul", 1, 0xd8c8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"fmul", 2, 0xd8c8, _, ShortForm|FloatD, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fmul", 0, 0xdcc9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fmulp", 1, 0xdac8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"fmulp", 2, 0xdac8, _, ShortForm|FloatD, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fmulp", 0, 0xdec9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fmuls", 1, 0xd8, 1, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fimull", 1, 0xda, 1, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fmull", 1, 0xdc, 1, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fimuls", 1, 0xde, 1, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-/* div */
-/* Note: intel has decided that certain of these operations are reversed
- in assembler syntax. */
-{"fdiv", 1, 0xd8f0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"fdiv", 2, 0xd8f0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fdiv", 2, 0xdcf8, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
-{"fdiv", 2, 0xdcf0, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
-{"fdiv", 0, 0xdcf1, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fdivp", 1, 0xdaf0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"fdivp", 2, 0xdaf0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fdivp", 2, 0xdef8, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
-{"fdivp", 2, 0xdef0, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
-{"fdivp", 0, 0xdef1, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fdivs", 1, 0xd8, 6, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fidivl", 1, 0xda, 6, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fdivl", 1, 0xdc, 6, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fidivs", 1, 0xde, 6, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-/* div reverse */
-{"fdivr", 1, 0xd8f8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"fdivr", 2, 0xd8f8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fdivr", 2, 0xdcf0, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
-{"fdivr", 2, 0xdcf8, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
-{"fdivr", 0, 0xdcf9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fdivrp", 1, 0xdaf8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"fdivrp", 2, 0xdaf8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fdivrp", 2, 0xdef0, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
-{"fdivrp", 2, 0xdef8, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
-{"fdivrp", 0, 0xdef9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fdivrs", 1, 0xd8, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fidivrl", 1, 0xda, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fdivrl", 1, 0xdc, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fidivrs", 1, 0xde, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"f2xm1", 0, 0xd9f0, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fyl2x", 0, 0xd9f1, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fptan", 0, 0xd9f2, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fpatan", 0, 0xd9f3, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fxtract", 0, 0xd9f4, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fprem1", 0, 0xd9f5, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fdecstp", 0, 0xd9f6, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fincstp", 0, 0xd9f7, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fprem", 0, 0xd9f8, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fyl2xp1", 0, 0xd9f9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fsqrt", 0, 0xd9fa, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fsincos", 0, 0xd9fb, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"frndint", 0, 0xd9fc, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fscale", 0, 0xd9fd, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fsin", 0, 0xd9fe, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fcos", 0, 0xd9ff, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fchs", 0, 0xd9e0, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fabs", 0, 0xd9e1, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-/* processor control */
-{"fninit", 0, 0xdbe3, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"finit", 0, 0x9bdbe3, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fldcw", 1, 0xd9, 5, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fnstcw", 1, 0xd9, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fstcw", 1, 0x9bd9, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fnstsw", 1, 0xdfe0, _, NoModrm, { Acc, 0, 0} },
-{"fnstsw", 1, 0xdd, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fnstsw", 0, 0xdfe0, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fstsw", 1, 0x9bdfe0, _, NoModrm, { Acc, 0, 0} },
-{"fstsw", 1, 0x9bdd, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fstsw", 0, 0x9bdfe0, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fnclex", 0, 0xdbe2, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fclex", 0, 0x9bdbe2, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
- We ignore the short format (287) versions of fstenv/fldenv & fsave/frstor
- instructions; i'm not sure how to add them or how they are different.
- My 386/387 book offers no details about this.
-{"fnstenv", 1, 0xd9, 6, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fstenv", 1, 0x9bd9, 6, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fldenv", 1, 0xd9, 4, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fnsave", 1, 0xdd, 6, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"fsave", 1, 0x9bdd, 6, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"frstor", 1, 0xdd, 4, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-{"ffree", 1, 0xddc0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
-{"fnop", 0, 0xd9d0, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fwait", 0, 0x9b, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
- opcode prefixes; we allow them as seperate insns too
- (see prefix table below)
-{"aword", 0, 0x67, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"addr16", 0, 0x67, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"word", 0, 0x66, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"data16", 0, 0x66, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"lock", 0, 0xf0, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"cs", 0, 0x2e, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"ds", 0, 0x3e, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"es", 0, 0x26, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"fs", 0, 0x64, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"gs", 0, 0x65, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"ss", 0, 0x36, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"rep", 0, 0xf3, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"repe", 0, 0xf3, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"repz", 0, 0xf3, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"repne", 0, 0xf2, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"repnz", 0, 0xf2, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-/* 486 extensions */
-{"bswap", 1, 0x0fc8, _, ShortForm, { Reg32,0,0 } },
-{"xadd", 2, 0x0fc0, _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0 } },
-{"cmpxchg", 2, 0x0fb0, _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0 } },
-{"invd", 0, 0x0f08, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"wbinvd", 0, 0x0f09, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"invlpg", 1, 0x0f01, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-/* 586 and late 486 extensions */
-{"cpuid", 0, 0x0fa2, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-/* Pentium extensions */
-{"wrmsr", 0, 0x0f30, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"rdtsc", 0, 0x0f31, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"rdmsr", 0, 0x0f32, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"cmpxchg8b", 1, 0x0fc7, 1, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
-/* Pentium Pro extensions */
-{"rdpmc", 0, 0x0f33, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
-{"cmovo", 2, 0x0f40, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"cmovno", 2, 0x0f41, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"cmovb", 2, 0x0f42, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"cmovae", 2, 0x0f43, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"cmove", 2, 0x0f44, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"cmovne", 2, 0x0f45, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"cmovbe", 2, 0x0f46, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"cmova", 2, 0x0f47, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"cmovs", 2, 0x0f48, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"cmovns", 2, 0x0f49, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"cmovp", 2, 0x0f4a, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"cmovnp", 2, 0x0f4b, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"cmovl", 2, 0x0f4c, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"cmovge", 2, 0x0f4d, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"cmovle", 2, 0x0f4e, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"cmovg", 2, 0x0f4f, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 0} },
-{"fcmovb", 2, 0xdac0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fcmove", 2, 0xdac8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fcmovbe",2, 0xdad0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fcmovu", 2, 0xdad8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fcmovnb", 2, 0xdbc0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fcmovne", 2, 0xdbc8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fcmovnbe",2, 0xdbd0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fcmovnu", 2, 0xdbd8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fcomi", 2, 0xdbf0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fucomi", 2, 0xdbe8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fcomip", 2, 0xdff0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"fucomip",2, 0xdfe8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
-{"", 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0} } /* sentinel */
-#undef _
-static const template *const i386_optab_end
- = i386_optab + sizeof (i386_optab)/sizeof(i386_optab[0]);
-/* 386 register table */
-static const reg_entry i386_regtab[] = {
- /* 8 bit regs */
- {"al", Reg8|Acc, 0}, {"cl", Reg8|ShiftCount, 1}, {"dl", Reg8, 2},
- {"bl", Reg8, 3},
- {"ah", Reg8, 4}, {"ch", Reg8, 5}, {"dh", Reg8, 6}, {"bh", Reg8, 7},
- /* 16 bit regs */
- {"ax", Reg16|Acc, 0}, {"cx", Reg16, 1}, {"dx", Reg16|InOutPortReg, 2}, {"bx", Reg16, 3},
- {"sp", Reg16, 4}, {"bp", Reg16, 5}, {"si", Reg16, 6}, {"di", Reg16, 7},
- /* 32 bit regs */
- {"eax", Reg32|Acc, 0}, {"ecx", Reg32, 1}, {"edx", Reg32, 2}, {"ebx", Reg32, 3},
- {"esp", Reg32, 4}, {"ebp", Reg32, 5}, {"esi", Reg32, 6}, {"edi", Reg32, 7},
- /* segment registers */
- {"es", SReg2, 0}, {"cs", SReg2, 1}, {"ss", SReg2, 2},
- {"ds", SReg2, 3}, {"fs", SReg3, 4}, {"gs", SReg3, 5},
- /* control registers */
- {"cr0", Control, 0}, {"cr2", Control, 2}, {"cr3", Control, 3},
- {"cr4", Control, 4},
- /* debug registers */
- {"db0", Debug, 0}, {"db1", Debug, 1}, {"db2", Debug, 2},
- {"db3", Debug, 3}, {"db6", Debug, 6}, {"db7", Debug, 7},
- {"dr0", Debug, 0}, {"dr1", Debug, 1}, {"dr2", Debug, 2},
- {"dr3", Debug, 3}, {"dr6", Debug, 6}, {"dr7", Debug, 7},
- /* test registers */
- {"tr3", Test, 3}, {"tr4", Test, 4}, {"tr5", Test, 5},
- {"tr6", Test, 6}, {"tr7", Test, 7},
- /* float registers */
- {"st(0)", FloatReg|FloatAcc, 0},
- {"st", FloatReg|FloatAcc, 0},
- {"st(1)", FloatReg, 1}, {"st(2)", FloatReg, 2},
- {"st(3)", FloatReg, 3}, {"st(4)", FloatReg, 4}, {"st(5)", FloatReg, 5},
- {"st(6)", FloatReg, 6}, {"st(7)", FloatReg, 7}
-#define MAX_REG_NAME_SIZE 8 /* for parsing register names from input */
-static const reg_entry *const i386_regtab_end
- = i386_regtab + sizeof(i386_regtab)/sizeof(i386_regtab[0]);
-/* segment stuff */
-static const seg_entry cs = { "cs", 0x2e };
-static const seg_entry ds = { "ds", 0x3e };
-static const seg_entry ss = { "ss", 0x36 };
-static const seg_entry es = { "es", 0x26 };
-static const seg_entry fs = { "fs", 0x64 };
-static const seg_entry gs = { "gs", 0x65 };
-static const seg_entry null = { "", 0x0 };
- This table is used to store the default segment register implied by all
- possible memory addressing modes.
- It is indexed by the mode & modrm entries of the modrm byte as follows:
- index = (mode<<3) | modrm;
-static const seg_entry *const one_byte_segment_defaults[] = {
- /* mode 0 */
- &ds, &ds, &ds, &ds, &null, &ds, &ds, &ds,
- /* mode 1 */
- &ds, &ds, &ds, &ds, &null, &ss, &ds, &ds,
- /* mode 2 */
- &ds, &ds, &ds, &ds, &null, &ss, &ds, &ds,
- /* mode 3 --- not a memory reference; never referenced */
-static const seg_entry *const two_byte_segment_defaults[] = {
- /* mode 0 */
- &ds, &ds, &ds, &ds, &ss, &ds, &ds, &ds,
- /* mode 1 */
- &ds, &ds, &ds, &ds, &ss, &ds, &ds, &ds,
- /* mode 2 */
- &ds, &ds, &ds, &ds, &ss, &ds, &ds, &ds,
- /* mode 3 --- not a memory reference; never referenced */
-static const prefix_entry i386_prefixtab[] = {
-#define ADDR_PREFIX_OPCODE 0x67
- { "addr16", 0x67 }, /* address size prefix ==> 16bit addressing
- * (How is this useful?) */
-#define WORD_PREFIX_OPCODE 0x66
- { "data16", 0x66 }, /* operand size prefix */
- { "lock", 0xf0 }, /* bus lock prefix */
- { "wait", 0x9b }, /* wait for coprocessor */
- { "cs", 0x2e }, { "ds", 0x3e }, /* segment overrides ... */
- { "es", 0x26 }, { "fs", 0x64 },
- { "gs", 0x65 }, { "ss", 0x36 },
-/* REPE & REPNE used to detect rep/repne with a non-string instruction */
-#define REPNE 0xf2
-#define REPE 0xf3
- { "rep", 0xf3 }, /* repeat string instructions */
- { "repe", 0xf3 }, { "repz", 0xf3 },
- { "repne", 0xf2 }, { "repnz", 0xf2 }
-static const prefix_entry *const i386_prefixtab_end
- = i386_prefixtab + sizeof(i386_prefixtab)/sizeof(i386_prefixtab[0]);
-/* end of i386-opcode.h */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/i860.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/i860.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b6ebd25c6487..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/i860.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
-/* Table of opcodes for the i860.
- Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler, and GDB, the GNU disassembler.
-GAS/GDB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GAS/GDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GAS or GDB; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#if !defined(__STDC__) && !defined(const)
-#define const
- * Structure of an opcode table entry.
- */
-struct i860_opcode
- const char *name;
- unsigned long match; /* Bits that must be set. */
- unsigned long lose; /* Bits that must not be set. */
- const char *args;
- /* Nonzero if this is a possible expand-instruction. */
- char expand;
-enum expand_type
- E_MOV = 1, E_ADDR, E_U32, E_AND, E_S32, E_DELAY
- All i860 opcodes are 32 bits, except for the pseudoinstructions
- and the operations utilizing a 32-bit address expression, an
- unsigned 32-bit constant, or a signed 32-bit constant.
- These opcodes are expanded into a two-instruction sequence for
- any situation where the immediate operand does not fit in 32 bits.
- In the case of the add and subtract operations the expansion is
- to a three-instruction sequence (ex: orh, or, adds). In cases
- where the address is to be relocated, the instruction is
- expanded to handle the worse case, this could be optimized at
- the final link if the actual address were known.
- The pseudoinstructions are: mov, fmov, pmov, nop, and fnop.
- These instructions are implemented as a one or two instruction
- sequence of other operations.
- The match component is a mask saying which bits must match a
- particular opcode in order for an instruction to be an instance
- of that opcode.
- The args component is a string containing one character
- for each operand of the instruction.
-Kinds of operands:
- # Number used by optimizer. It is ignored.
- 1 src1 integer register.
- 2 src2 integer register.
- d dest register.
- c ctrlreg control register.
- i 16 bit immediate.
- I 16 bit immediate, aligned.
- 5 5 bit immediate.
- l lbroff 26 bit PC relative immediate.
- r sbroff 16 bit PC relative immediate.
- s split 16 bit immediate.
- S split 16 bit immediate, aligned.
- e src1 floating point register.
- f src2 floating point register.
- g dest floating point register.
-/* The order of the opcodes in this table is significant:
- * The assembler requires that all instances of the same mnemonic must be
- consecutive. If they aren't, the assembler will bomb at runtime.
- * The disassembler should not care about the order of the opcodes. */
-static struct i860_opcode i860_opcodes[] =
-/* REG-Format Instructions */
-{ "ld.c", 0x30000000, 0xcc000000, "c,d", 0 }, /* ld.c csrc2,idest */
-{ "ld.b", 0x00000000, 0xfc000000, "1(2),d", 0 }, /* ld.b isrc1(isrc2),idest */
-{ "ld.b", 0x04000000, 0xf8000000, "I(2),d", E_ADDR }, /* ld.b #const(isrc2),idest */
-{ "ld.s", 0x10000000, 0xec000001, "1(2),d", 0 }, /* ld.s isrc1(isrc2),idest */
-{ "ld.s", 0x14000001, 0xe8000000, "I(2),d", E_ADDR }, /* ld.s #const(isrc2),idest */
-{ "ld.l", 0x10000001, 0xec000000, "1(2),d", 0 }, /* ld.l isrc1(isrc2),idest */
-{ "ld.l", 0x14000001, 0xe8000000, "I(2),d", E_ADDR }, /* ld.l #const(isrc2),idest */
-{ "st.c", 0x38000000, 0xc4000000, "1,c", 0 }, /* st.c isrc1ni,csrc2 */
-{ "st.b", 0x0c000000, 0xf0000000, "1,S(2)", E_ADDR }, /* st.b isrc1ni,#const(isrc2) */
-{ "st.s", 0x1c000000, 0xe0000000, "1,S(2)", E_ADDR }, /* st.s isrc1ni,#const(isrc2) */
-{ "st.l", 0x1c000001, 0xe0000000, "1,S(2)", E_ADDR }, /* st.l isrc1ni,#const(isrc2) */
-{ "ixfr", 0x08000000, 0xf4000000, "1,g", 0 }, /* ixfr isrc1ni,fdest */
-{ "fld.l", 0x20000002, 0xdc000001, "1(2),g", 0 }, /* fld.l isrc1(isrc2),fdest */
-{ "fld.l", 0x24000002, 0xd8000001, "i(2),g", E_ADDR }, /* fld.l #const(isrc2),fdest */
-{ "fld.l", 0x20000003, 0xdc000000, "1(2)++,g", 0 }, /* fld.l isrc1(isrc2)++,fdest */
-{ "fld.l", 0x24000003, 0xd8000000, "i(2)++,g", E_ADDR }, /* fld.l #const(isrc2)++,fdest */
-{ "fld.d", 0x20000000, 0xdc000007, "1(2),g", 0 }, /* fld.d isrc1(isrc2),fdest */
-{ "fld.d", 0x24000000, 0xd8000007, "i(2),g", E_ADDR }, /* fld.d #const(isrc2),fdest */
-{ "fld.d", 0x20000001, 0xdc000006, "1(2)++,g", 0 }, /* fld.d isrc1(isrc2)++,fdest */
-{ "fld.d", 0x24000001, 0xd8000006, "i(2)++,g", E_ADDR }, /* fld.d #const(isrc2)++,fdest */
-{ "fld.q", 0x20000004, 0xdc000003, "1(2),g", 0 }, /* fld.q isrc1(isrc2),fdest */
-{ "fld.q", 0x24000004, 0xd8000003, "i(2),g", E_ADDR }, /* fld.q #const(isrc2),fdest */
-{ "fld.q", 0x20000005, 0xdc000002, "1(2)++,g", 0 }, /* fld.q isrc1(isrc2)++,fdest */
-{ "fld.q", 0x24000005, 0xd8000002, "i(2)++,g", E_ADDR }, /* fld.q #const(isrc2)++,fdest */
-{ "pfld.l", 0x60000000, 0x9c000003, "1(2),g", 0 }, /* pfld.l isrc1(isrc2),fdest */
-{ "pfld.l", 0x64000000, 0x98000003, "i(2),g", E_ADDR }, /* pfld.l #const(isrc2),fdest */
-{ "pfld.l", 0x60000001, 0x9c000002, "1(2)++,g", 0 }, /* pfld.l isrc1(isrc2)++,fdest */
-{ "pfld.l", 0x64000001, 0x98000002, "i(2)++,g", E_ADDR }, /* pfld.l #const(isrc2)++,fdest */
-{ "pfld.d", 0x60000000, 0x9c000007, "1(2),g", 0 }, /* pfld.d isrc1(isrc2),fdest */
-{ "pfld.d", 0x64000000, 0x98000007, "i(2),g", E_ADDR }, /* pfld.d #const(isrc2),fdest */
-{ "pfld.d", 0x60000001, 0x9c000006, "1(2)++,g", 0 }, /* pfld.d isrc1(isrc2)++,fdest */
-{ "pfld.d", 0x64000001, 0x98000006, "i(2)++,g", E_ADDR }, /* pfld.d #const(isrc2)++,fdest */
-{ "fst.l", 0x28000002, 0xd4000001, "g,1(2)", 0 }, /* fst.l fdest,isrc1(isrc2) */
-{ "fst.l", 0x2c000002, 0xd0000001, "g,i(2)", E_ADDR }, /* fst.l fdest,#const(isrc2) */
-{ "fst.l", 0x28000003, 0xd4000000, "g,1(2)++", 0 }, /* fst.l fdest,isrc1(isrc2)++ */
-{ "fst.l", 0x2c000003, 0xd0000000, "g,i(2)++", E_ADDR }, /* fst.l fdest,#const(isrc2)++ */
-{ "fst.d", 0x28000000, 0xd4000007, "g,1(2)", 0 }, /* fst.d fdest,isrc1(isrc2) */
-{ "fst.d", 0x2c000000, 0xd0000007, "g,i(2)", E_ADDR }, /* fst.d fdest,#const(isrc2) */
-{ "fst.d", 0x28000001, 0xd4000006, "g,1(2)++", 0 }, /* fst.d fdest,isrc1(isrc2)++ */
-{ "fst.d", 0x2c000001, 0xd0000006, "g,i(2)++", E_ADDR }, /* fst.d fdest,#const(isrc2)++ */
-{ "pst.d", 0x3c000000, 0xc0000007, "g,i(2)", E_ADDR }, /* pst.d fdest,#const(isrc2) */
-{ "pst.d", 0x3c000001, 0xc0000006, "g,i(2)++", E_ADDR }, /* pst.d fdest,#const(isrc2)++ */
-{ "addu", 0x80000000, 0x7c000000, "1,2,d", 0 }, /* addu isrc1,isrc2,idest */
-{ "addu", 0x84000000, 0x78000000, "i,2,d", E_S32 }, /* addu #const,isrc2,idest */
-{ "adds", 0x90000000, 0x6c000000, "1,2,d", 0 }, /* adds isrc1,isrc2,idest */
-{ "adds", 0x94000000, 0x68000000, "i,2,d", E_S32 }, /* adds #const,isrc2,idest */
-{ "subu", 0x88000000, 0x74000000, "1,2,d", 0 }, /* subu isrc1,isrc2,idest */
-{ "subu", 0x8c000000, 0x70000000, "i,2,d", E_S32 }, /* subu #const,isrc2,idest */
-{ "subs", 0x98000000, 0x64000000, "1,2,d", 0 }, /* subs isrc1,isrc2,idest */
-{ "subs", 0x9c000000, 0x60000000, "i,2,d", E_S32 }, /* subs #const,isrc2,idest */
-{ "shl", 0xa0000000, 0x5c000000, "1,2,d", 0 }, /* shl isrc1,isrc2,idest */
-{ "shl", 0xa4000000, 0x58000000, "i,2,d", 0 }, /* shl #const,isrc2,idest */
-{ "shr", 0xa8000000, 0x54000000, "1,2,d", 0 }, /* shr isrc1,isrc2,idest */
-{ "shr", 0xac000000, 0x50000000, "i,2,d", 0 }, /* shr #const,isrc2,idest */
-{ "shrd", 0xb0000000, 0x4c000000, "1,2,d", 0 }, /* shrd isrc1,isrc2,idest */
-{ "shra", 0xb8000000, 0x44000000, "1,2,d", 0 }, /* shra isrc1,isrc2,idest */
-{ "shra", 0xbc000000, 0x40000000, "i,2,d", 0 }, /* shra #const,isrc2,idest */
-{ "mov", 0xa0000000, 0x5c00f800, "2,d", 0 }, /* shl r0,isrc2,idest */
-{ "mov", 0x94000000, 0x69e00000, "i,d", E_MOV }, /* adds #const,r0,idest */
-{ "nop", 0xa0000000, 0x5ffff800, "", 0 }, /* shl r0,r0,r0 */
-{ "fnop", 0xb0000000, 0x4ffff800, "", 0 }, /* shrd r0,r0,r0 */
-{ "trap", 0x44000000, 0xb8000000, "1,2,d", 0 }, /* trap isrc1ni,isrc2,idest */
-{ "flush", 0x34000000, 0xc81f0001, "i(2)", E_ADDR }, /* flush #const(isrc2) */
-{ "flush", 0x34000001, 0xc81f0000, "i(2)++", E_ADDR }, /* flush #const(isrc2)++ */
-{ "and", 0xc0000000, 0x3c000000, "1,2,d", 0 }, /* and isrc1,isrc2,idest */
-{ "and", 0xc4000000, 0x38000000, "i,2,d", E_AND }, /* and #const,isrc2,idest */
-{ "andh", 0xc8000000, 0x34000000, "1,2,d", 0 }, /* andh isrc1,isrc2,idest */
-{ "andh", 0xcc000000, 0x30000000, "i,2,d", 0 }, /* andh #const,isrc2,idest */
-{ "andnot", 0xd0000000, 0x2c000000, "1,2,d", 0 }, /* andnot isrc1,isrc2,idest */
-{ "andnot", 0xd4000000, 0x28000000, "i,2,d", E_U32 }, /* andnot #const,isrc2,idest */
-{ "andnoth", 0xd8000000, 0x24000000, "1,2,d", 0 }, /* andnoth isrc1,isrc2,idest */
-{ "andnoth", 0xdc000000, 0x20000000, "i,2,d", 0 }, /* andnoth #const,isrc2,idest */
-{ "or", 0xe0000000, 0x1c000000, "1,2,d", 0 }, /* or isrc1,isrc2,idest */
-{ "or", 0xe4000000, 0x18000000, "i,2,d", E_U32 }, /* or #const,isrc2,idest */
-{ "orh", 0xe8000000, 0x14000000, "1,2,d", 0 }, /* orh isrc1,isrc2,idest */
-{ "orh", 0xec000000, 0x10000000, "i,2,d", 0 }, /* orh #const,isrc2,idest */
-{ "xor", 0xf0000000, 0x0c000000, "1,2,d", 0 }, /* xor isrc1,isrc2,idest */
-{ "xor", 0xf4000000, 0x08000000, "i,2,d", E_U32 }, /* xor #const,isrc2,idest */
-{ "xorh", 0xf8000000, 0x04000000, "1,2,d", 0 }, /* xorh isrc1,isrc2,idest */
-{ "xorh", 0xfc000000, 0x00000000, "i,2,d", 0 }, /* xorh #const,isrc2,idest */
-{ "bte", 0x58000000, 0xa4000000, "1,2,s", 0 }, /* bte isrc1s,isrc2,sbroff */
-{ "bte", 0x5c000000, 0xa0000000, "5,2,s", 0 }, /* bte #const5,isrc2,sbroff */
-{ "btne", 0x50000000, 0xac000000, "1,2,s", 0 }, /* btne isrc1s,isrc2,sbroff */
-{ "btne", 0x54000000, 0xa8000000, "5,2,s", 0 }, /* btne #const5,isrc2,sbroff */
-{ "bla", 0xb4000000, 0x48000000, "1,2,s", E_DELAY }, /* bla isrc1s,isrc2,sbroff */
-{ "bri", 0x40000000, 0xbc000000, "1", E_DELAY }, /* bri isrc1ni */
-/* Core Escape Instruction Format */
-{ "lock", 0x4c000001, 0xb000001e, "", 0 }, /* lock set BL in dirbase */
-{ "calli", 0x4c000002, 0xb000001d, "1", E_DELAY }, /* calli isrc1ni */
-{ "intovr", 0x4c000004, 0xb000001b, "", 0 }, /* intovr trap on integer overflow */
-{ "unlock", 0x4c000007, 0xb0000018, "", 0 }, /* unlock clear BL in dirbase */
-/* CTRL-Format Instructions */
-{ "br", 0x68000000, 0x94000000, "l", E_DELAY }, /* br lbroff */
-{ "call", 0x6c000000, 0x90000000, "l", E_DELAY }, /* call lbroff */
-{ "bc", 0x70000000, 0x8c000000, "l", 0 }, /* bc lbroff */
-{ "bc.t", 0x74000000, 0x88000000, "l", E_DELAY }, /* bc.t lbroff */
-{ "bnc", 0x78000000, 0x84000000, "l", 0 }, /* bnc lbroff */
-{ "bnc.t", 0x7c000000, 0x80000000, "l", E_DELAY }, /* bnc.t lbroff */
-/* Floating Point Escape Instruction Format - pfam.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x48000400, 0xb40003ff, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000480, 0xb400037f, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "r2p1.dd", 0x48000580, 0xb400027f, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000401, 0xb40003fe, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000481, 0xb400037e, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "r2pt.dd", 0x48000581, 0xb400027e, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000402, 0xb40003fd, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000482, 0xb400037d, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "r2ap1.dd", 0x48000582, 0xb400027d, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000403, 0xb40003fc, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000483, 0xb400037c, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "r2apt.dd", 0x48000583, 0xb400027c, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000404, 0xb40003fb, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000484, 0xb400037b, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "i2p1.dd", 0x48000584, 0xb400027b, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000405, 0xb40003fa, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000485, 0xb400037a, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "i2pt.dd", 0x48000585, 0xb400027a, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000406, 0xb40003f9, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000486, 0xb4000379, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "i2ap1.dd", 0x48000586, 0xb4000279, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000407, 0xb40003f8, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000487, 0xb4000378, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "i2apt.dd", 0x48000587, 0xb4000278, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000408, 0xb40003f7, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000488, 0xb4000377, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "rat1p2.dd", 0x48000588, 0xb4000277, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000409, 0xb40003f6, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000489, 0xb4000376, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "m12apm.dd", 0x48000589, 0xb4000276, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800040a, 0xb40003f5, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800048a, 0xb4000375, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "ra1p2.dd", 0x4800058a, 0xb4000275, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800040b, 0xb40003f4, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800048b, 0xb4000374, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "m12ttpa.dd", 0x4800058b, 0xb4000274, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800040c, 0xb40003f3, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800048c, 0xb4000373, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "iat1p2.dd", 0x4800058c, 0xb4000273, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800040d, 0xb40003f2, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800048d, 0xb4000372, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "m12tpm.dd", 0x4800058d, 0xb4000272, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800040e, 0xb40003f1, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800048e, 0xb4000371, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "ia1p2.dd", 0x4800058e, 0xb4000271, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800040f, 0xb40003f0, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800048f, 0xb4000370, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "m12tpa.dd", 0x4800058f, 0xb4000270, "e,f,g", 0 },
-/* Floating Point Escape Instruction Format - pfsm.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x48000410, 0xb40003ef, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000490, 0xb400036f, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "r2s1.dd", 0x48000590, 0xb400026f, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000411, 0xb40003ee, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000491, 0xb400036e, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "r2st.dd", 0x48000591, 0xb400026e, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000412, 0xb40003ed, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000492, 0xb400036d, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "r2as1.dd", 0x48000592, 0xb400026d, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000413, 0xb40003ec, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000493, 0xb400036c, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "r2ast.dd", 0x48000593, 0xb400026c, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000414, 0xb40003eb, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000494, 0xb400036b, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "i2s1.dd", 0x48000594, 0xb400026b, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000415, 0xb40003ea, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000495, 0xb400036a, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "i2st.dd", 0x48000595, 0xb400026a, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000416, 0xb40003e9, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000496, 0xb4000369, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "i2as1.dd", 0x48000596, 0xb4000269, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000417, 0xb40003e8, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000497, 0xb4000368, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "i2ast.dd", 0x48000597, 0xb4000268, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000418, 0xb40003e7, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000498, 0xb4000367, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "rat1s2.dd", 0x48000598, 0xb4000267, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000419, 0xb40003e6, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000499, 0xb4000366, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "m12asm.dd", 0x48000599, 0xb4000266, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800041a, 0xb40003e5, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800049a, 0xb4000365, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "ra1s2.dd", 0x4800059a, 0xb4000265, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800041b, 0xb40003e4, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800049b, 0xb4000364, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "m12ttsa.dd", 0x4800059b, 0xb4000264, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800041c, 0xb40003e3, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800049c, 0xb4000363, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "iat1s2.dd", 0x4800059c, 0xb4000263, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800041d, 0xb40003e2, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800049d, 0xb4000362, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "m12tsm.dd", 0x4800059d, 0xb4000262, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800041e, 0xb40003e1, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800049e, 0xb4000361, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "ia1s2.dd", 0x4800059e, 0xb4000261, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800041f, 0xb40003e0, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800049f, 0xb4000360, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "m12tsa.dd", 0x4800059f, 0xb4000260, "e,f,g", 0 },
-/* Floating Point Escape Instruction Format - pfmam.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x48000000, 0xb40007ff, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000080, 0xb400077f, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mr2p1.dd", 0x48000180, 0xb400067f, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000001, 0xb40007fe, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000081, 0xb400077e, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mr2pt.dd", 0x48000181, 0xb400067e, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000002, 0xb40007fd, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000082, 0xb400077d, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mr2mp1.dd", 0x48000182, 0xb400067d, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000003, 0xb40007fc, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000083, 0xb400077c, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mr2mpt.dd", 0x48000183, 0xb400067c, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000004, 0xb40007fb, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000084, 0xb400077b, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mi2p1.dd", 0x48000184, 0xb400067b, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000005, 0xb40007fa, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000085, 0xb400077a, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mi2pt.dd", 0x48000185, 0xb400067a, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000006, 0xb40007f9, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000086, 0xb4000779, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mi2mp1.dd", 0x48000186, 0xb4000679, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000007, 0xb40007f8, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000087, 0xb4000778, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mi2mpt.dd", 0x48000187, 0xb4000678, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000008, 0xb40007f7, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000088, 0xb4000777, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mrmt1p2.dd", 0x48000188, 0xb4000677, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000009, 0xb40007f6, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000089, 0xb4000776, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mm12mpm.dd", 0x48000189, 0xb4000676, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800000a, 0xb40007f5, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800008a, 0xb4000775, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mrm1p2.dd", 0x4800018a, 0xb4000675, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "",0x4800000b, 0xb40007f4, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "",0x4800008b, 0xb4000774, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mm12ttpm.dd",0x4800018b, 0xb4000674, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800000c, 0xb40007f3, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800008c, 0xb4000773, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mimt1p2.dd", 0x4800018c, 0xb4000673, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800000d, 0xb40007f2, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800008d, 0xb4000772, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mm12tpm.dd", 0x4800018d, 0xb4000672, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800000e, 0xb40007f1, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800008e, 0xb4000771, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mim1p2.dd", 0x4800018e, 0xb4000671, "e,f,g", 0 },
-/* Floating Point Escape Instruction Format - pfmsm.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x48000010, 0xb40007ef, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000090, 0xb400076f, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mr2s1.dd", 0x48000190, 0xb400066f, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000011, 0xb40007ee, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000091, 0xb400076e, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mr2st.dd", 0x48000191, 0xb400066e, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000012, 0xb40007ed, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000092, 0xb400076d, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mr2ms1.dd", 0x48000192, 0xb400066d, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000013, 0xb40007ec, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000093, 0xb400076c, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mr2mst.dd", 0x48000193, 0xb400066c, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000014, 0xb40007eb, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000094, 0xb400076b, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mi2s1.dd", 0x48000194, 0xb400066b, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000015, 0xb40007ea, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000095, 0xb400076a, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mi2st.dd", 0x48000195, 0xb400066a, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000016, 0xb40007e9, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000096, 0xb4000769, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mi2ms1.dd", 0x48000196, 0xb4000669, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000017, 0xb40007e8, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000097, 0xb4000768, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mi2mst.dd", 0x48000197, 0xb4000668, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000018, 0xb40007e7, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000098, 0xb4000767, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mrmt1s2.dd", 0x48000198, 0xb4000667, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000019, 0xb40007e6, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000099, 0xb4000766, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mm12msm.dd", 0x48000199, 0xb4000666, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800001a, 0xb40007e5, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800009a, 0xb4000765, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mrm1s2.dd", 0x4800019a, 0xb4000665, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "",0x4800001b, 0xb40007e4, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "",0x4800009b, 0xb4000764, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mm12ttsm.dd",0x4800019b, 0xb4000664, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800001c, 0xb40007e3, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800009c, 0xb4000763, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mimt1s2.dd", 0x4800019c, 0xb4000663, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800001d, 0xb40007e2, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800009d, 0xb4000762, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mm12tsm.dd", 0x4800019d, 0xb4000662, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800001e, 0xb40007e1, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x4800009e, 0xb4000761, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "mim1s2.dd", 0x4800019e, 0xb4000661, "e,f,g", 0 },
-{ "", 0x48000020, 0xb40007df, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* fmul.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x480000a0, 0xb400075f, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* fmul.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "fmul.dd", 0x480001a0, 0xb400065f, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* fmul.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x48000420, 0xb40003df, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfmul.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x480004a0, 0xb400035f, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfmul.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "pfmul.dd", 0x480005a0, 0xb400025f, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfmul.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "pfmul3.dd", 0x480005a4, 0xb400025b, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfmul3.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "fmlow.dd", 0x480001a1, 0xb400065e, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* fmlow.dd fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x48000022, 0xb40007dd, "f,g", 0 }, /* frcp.p fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x480000a2, 0xb400075d, "f,g", 0 }, /* frcp.p fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "frcp.dd", 0x480001a2, 0xb400065d, "f,g", 0 }, /* frcp.p fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x48000023, 0xb40007dc, "f,g", 0 }, /* frsqr.p fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x480000a3, 0xb400075c, "f,g", 0 }, /* frsqr.p fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "frsqr.dd", 0x480001a3, 0xb400065c, "f,g", 0 }, /* frsqr.p fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x48000030, 0xb40007cf, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* fadd.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x480000b0, 0xb400074f, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* fadd.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "fadd.dd", 0x480001b0, 0xb400064f, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* fadd.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x48000430, 0xb40003cf, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfadd.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x480004b0, 0xb400034f, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfadd.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "pfadd.dd", 0x480005b0, 0xb400024f, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfadd.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x48000031, 0xb40007ce, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* fsub.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x480000b1, 0xb400074e, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* fsub.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "fsub.dd", 0x480001b1, 0xb400064e, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* fsub.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x48000431, 0xb40003ce, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfsub.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x480004b1, 0xb400034e, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfsub.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "pfsub.dd", 0x480005b1, 0xb400024e, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfsub.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x48000032, 0xb40007cd, "e,g", 0 }, /* fix.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "", 0x480000b2, 0xb400074d, "e,g", 0 }, /* fix.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "fix.dd", 0x480001b2, 0xb400064d, "e,g", 0 }, /* fix.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "", 0x48000432, 0xb40003cd, "e,g", 0 }, /* pfix.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "", 0x480004b2, 0xb400034d, "e,g", 0 }, /* pfix.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "pfix.dd", 0x480005b2, 0xb400024d, "e,g", 0 }, /* pfix.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "", 0x48000033, 0xb40007cc, "e,g", 0 }, /* famov.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "famov.ds", 0x48000133, 0xb40006cc, "e,g", 0 }, /* famov.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "", 0x480000b3, 0xb400074c, "e,g", 0 }, /* famov.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "famov.dd", 0x480001b3, 0xb400064c, "e,g", 0 }, /* famov.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "", 0x48000433, 0xb40003cc, "e,g", 0 }, /* pfamov.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "pfamov.ds", 0x48000533, 0xb40002cc, "e,g", 0 }, /* pfamov.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "", 0x480004b3, 0xb400034c, "e,g", 0 }, /* pfamov.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "pfamov.dd", 0x480005b3, 0xb400024c, "e,g", 0 }, /* pfamov.p fsrc1,fdest */
-/* pfgt has R bit cleared; pfle has R bit set */
-{ "", 0x48000434, 0xb40003cb, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfgt.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x48000434, 0xb40003cb, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfgt.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "pfgt.dd", 0x48000534, 0xb40002cb, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfgt.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-/* pfgt has R bit cleared; pfle has R bit set */
-{ "", 0x480004b4, 0xb400034b, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfle.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x480004b4, 0xb400034b, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfle.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "pfle.dd", 0x480005b4, 0xb400024b, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfle.p fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x4800003a, 0xb40007c5, "e,g", 0 }, /* ftrunc.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "", 0x480000ba, 0xb4000745, "e,g", 0 }, /* ftrunc.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "ftrunc.dd", 0x480001ba, 0xb4000645, "e,g", 0 }, /* ftrunc.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "", 0x4800043a, 0xb40003c5, "e,g", 0 }, /* pftrunc.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "", 0x480004ba, 0xb4000345, "e,g", 0 }, /* pftrunc.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "pftrunc.dd", 0x480005ba, 0xb4000245, "e,g", 0 }, /* pftrunc.p fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "fxfr", 0x48000040, 0xb40007bf, "e,d", 0 }, /* fxfr fsrc1,idest */
-{ "", 0x48000049, 0xb40007b6, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* fiadd.w fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "fiadd.dd", 0x480001c9, 0xb4000636, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* fiadd.w fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x48000449, 0xb40003b6, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfiadd.w fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "pfiadd.dd", 0x480005c9, 0xb4000236, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfiadd.w fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x4800004d, 0xb40007b2, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* fisub.w fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "fisub.dd", 0x480001cd, 0xb4000632, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* fisub.w fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "", 0x4800044d, 0xb40003b2, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfisub.w fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "pfisub.dd", 0x480005cd, 0xb4000232, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfisub.w fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "fzchkl", 0x48000057, 0xb40007a8, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* fzchkl fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "pfzchkl", 0x48000457, 0xb40003a8, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfzchkl fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "fzchks", 0x4800005f, 0xb40007a0, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* fzchks fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "pfzchks", 0x4800045f, 0xb40003a0, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfzchks fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "faddp", 0x48000050, 0xb40007af, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* faddp fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "pfaddp", 0x48000450, 0xb40003af, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfaddp fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "faddz", 0x48000051, 0xb40007ae, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* faddz fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "pfaddz", 0x48000451, 0xb40003ae, "e,f,g", 0 }, /* pfaddz fsrc1,fsrc2,fdest */
-{ "form", 0x4800005a, 0xb40007a5, "e,g", 0 }, /* form fsrc1,fdest */
-{ "pform", 0x4800045a, 0xb40003a5, "e,g", 0 }, /* pform fsrc1,fdest */
-/* Floating point pseudo-instructions */
-{ "", 0x48000049, 0xb7e007b6, "e,g", 0 }, /* fsrc1,f0,fdest */
-{ "fmov.dd", 0x480001c9, 0xb7e00636, "e,g", 0 }, /* fiadd.dd fsrc1,f0,fdest */
-{ "", 0x480000b0, 0xb7e0074f, "e,g", 0 }, /* fsrc1,f0,fdest */
-{ "fmov.ds", 0x48000130, 0xb7e006cf, "e,g", 0 }, /* fadd.ds fsrc1,f0,fdest */
-{ "pfmov.ds", 0x48000530, 0xb73002cf, "e,g", 0 }, /* pfadd.ds fsrc1,f0,fdest */
-{ "pfmov.dd", 0x480005c9, 0xb7e00236, "e,g", 0 }, /* pfiadd.dd fsrc1,f0,fdest */
-#define NUMOPCODES ((sizeof i860_opcodes)/(sizeof i860_opcodes[0]))
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/i960.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/i960.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8030ad8a843e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/i960.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
-/* Basic 80960 instruction formats.
- *
- * The 'COJ' instructions are actually COBR instructions with the 'b' in
- * the mnemonic replaced by a 'j'; they are ALWAYS "de-optimized" if necessary:
- * if the displacement will not fit in 13 bits, the assembler will replace them
- * with the corresponding compare and branch instructions.
- *
- * All of the 'MEMn' instructions are the same format; the 'n' in the name
- * indicates the default index scale factor (the size of the datum operated on).
- *
- * The FBRA formats are not actually an instruction format. They are the
- * "convenience directives" for branching on floating-point comparisons,
- * each of which generates 2 instructions (a 'bno' and one other branch).
- *
- * The CALLJ format is not actually an instruction format. It indicates that
- * the instruction generated (a CTRL-format 'call') should have its relocation
- * specially flagged for link-time replacement with a 'bal' or 'calls' if
- * appropriate.
- */
-#define CTRL 0
-#define COBR 1
-#define COJ 2
-#define REG 3
-#define MEM1 4
-#define MEM2 5
-#define MEM4 6
-#define MEM8 7
-#define MEM12 8
-#define MEM16 9
-#define FBRA 10
-#define CALLJ 11
-/* Masks for the mode bits in REG format instructions */
-#define M1 0x0800
-#define M2 0x1000
-#define M3 0x2000
-/* Generate the 12-bit opcode for a REG format instruction by placing the
- * high 8 bits in instruction bits 24-31, the low 4 bits in instruction bits
- * 7-10.
- */
-#define REG_OPC(opc) ((opc & 0xff0) << 20) | ((opc & 0xf) << 7)
-/* Generate a template for a REG format instruction: place the opcode bits
- * in the appropriate fields and OR in mode bits for the operands that will not
- * be used. I.e.,
- * set m1=1, if src1 will not be used
- * set m2=1, if src2 will not be used
- * set m3=1, if dst will not be used
- *
- * Setting the "unused" mode bits to 1 speeds up instruction execution(!).
- * The information is also useful to us because some 1-operand REG instructions
- * use the src1 field, others the dst field; and some 2-operand REG instructions
- * use src1/src2, others src1/dst. The set mode bits enable us to distinguish.
- */
-#define R_0(opc) ( REG_OPC(opc) | M1 | M2 | M3 ) /* No operands */
-#define R_1(opc) ( REG_OPC(opc) | M2 | M3 ) /* 1 operand: src1 */
-#define R_1D(opc) ( REG_OPC(opc) | M1 | M2 ) /* 1 operand: dst */
-#define R_2(opc) ( REG_OPC(opc) | M3 ) /* 2 ops: src1/src2 */
-#define R_2D(opc) ( REG_OPC(opc) | M2 ) /* 2 ops: src1/dst */
-#define R_3(opc) ( REG_OPC(opc) ) /* 3 operands */
- *
- * Interpret names as follows:
- * R: global or local register only
- * RS: global, local, or (if target allows) special-function register only
- * RL: global or local register, or integer literal
- * RSL: global, local, or (if target allows) special-function register;
- * or integer literal
- * F: global, local, or floating-point register
- * FL: global, local, or floating-point register; or literal (including
- * floating point)
- *
- * A number appended to a name indicates that registers must be aligned,
- * as follows:
- * 2: register number must be multiple of 2
- * 4: register number must be multiple of 4
- */
-#define SFR 0x10 /* Mask for the "sfr-OK" bit */
-#define LIT 0x08 /* Mask for the "literal-OK" bit */
-#define FP 0x04 /* Mask for "floating-point-OK" bit */
-/* This macro ors the bits together. Note that 'align' is a mask
- * for the low 0, 1, or 2 bits of the register number, as appropriate.
- */
-#define OP(align,lit,fp,sfr) ( align | lit | fp | sfr )
-#define R OP( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
-#define RS OP( 0, 0, 0, SFR )
-#define RL OP( 0, LIT, 0, 0 )
-#define RSL OP( 0, LIT, 0, SFR )
-#define F OP( 0, 0, FP, 0 )
-#define FL OP( 0, LIT, FP, 0 )
-#define R2 OP( 1, 0, 0, 0 )
-#define RL2 OP( 1, LIT, 0, 0 )
-#define F2 OP( 1, 0, FP, 0 )
-#define FL2 OP( 1, LIT, FP, 0 )
-#define R4 OP( 3, 0, 0, 0 )
-#define RL4 OP( 3, LIT, 0, 0 )
-#define F4 OP( 3, 0, FP, 0 )
-#define FL4 OP( 3, LIT, FP, 0 )
-#define M 0x7f /* Memory operand (MEMA & MEMB format instructions) */
-/* Macros to extract info from the register operand descriptor byte 'od'.
- */
-#define SFR_OK(od) (od & SFR) /* TRUE if sfr operand allowed */
-#define LIT_OK(od) (od & LIT) /* TRUE if literal operand allowed */
-#define FP_OK(od) (od & FP) /* TRUE if floating-point op allowed */
-#define REG_ALIGN(od,n) ((od & 0x3 & n) == 0)
- /* TRUE if reg #n is properly aligned */
-#define MEMOP(od) (od == M) /* TRUE if operand is a memory operand*/
-/* Description of a single i80960 instruction */
-struct i960_opcode {
- long opcode; /* 32 bits, constant fields filled in, rest zeroed */
- char *name; /* Assembler mnemonic */
- short iclass; /* Class: see #defines below */
- char format; /* REG, COBR, CTRL, MEMn, COJ, FBRA, or CALLJ */
- char num_ops; /* Number of operands */
- char operand[3];/* Operand descriptors; same order as assembler instr */
-/* Classes of 960 intructions:
- * - each instruction falls into one class.
- * - each target architecture supports one or more classes.
- *
- * EACH CONSTANT MUST CONTAIN 1 AND ONLY 1 SET BIT!: see targ_has_iclass().
- */
-#define I_BASE 0x01 /* 80960 base instruction set */
-#define I_CX 0x02 /* 80960Cx instruction */
-#define I_DEC 0x04 /* Decimal instruction */
-#define I_FP 0x08 /* Floating point instruction */
-#define I_KX 0x10 /* 80960Kx instruction */
-#define I_MIL 0x20 /* Military instruction */
-#define I_CASIM 0x40 /* CA simulator instruction */
-#define I_CX2 0x80 /* Cx/Jx/Hx instructions */
-#define I_JX 0x100 /* Jx/Hx instruction */
-#define I_HX 0x200 /* Hx instructions */
- *
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
-const struct i960_opcode i960_opcodes[] = {
- /* if a CTRL instruction has an operand, it's always a displacement */
- /* callj default=='call' */
- { 0x09000000, "callj", I_BASE, CALLJ, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x08000000, "b", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x09000000, "call", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x0a000000, "ret", I_BASE, CTRL, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x0b000000, "bal", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x10000000, "bno", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- /* bf same as bno */
- { 0x10000000, "bf", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- /* bru same as bno */
- { 0x10000000, "bru", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x11000000, "bg", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- /* brg same as bg */
- { 0x11000000, "brg", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x12000000, "be", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- /* bre same as be */
- { 0x12000000, "bre", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x13000000, "bge", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- /* brge same as bge */
- { 0x13000000, "brge", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x14000000, "bl", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- /* brl same as bl */
- { 0x14000000, "brl", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x15000000, "bne", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- /* brlg same as bne */
- { 0x15000000, "brlg", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x16000000, "ble", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- /* brle same as ble */
- { 0x16000000, "brle", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x17000000, "bo", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- /* bt same as bo */
- { 0x17000000, "bt", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- /* bro same as bo */
- { 0x17000000, "bro", I_BASE, CTRL, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x18000000, "faultno", I_BASE, CTRL, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- /* faultf same as faultno */
- { 0x18000000, "faultf", I_BASE, CTRL, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x19000000, "faultg", I_BASE, CTRL, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x1a000000, "faulte", I_BASE, CTRL, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x1b000000, "faultge", I_BASE, CTRL, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x1c000000, "faultl", I_BASE, CTRL, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x1d000000, "faultne", I_BASE, CTRL, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x1e000000, "faultle", I_BASE, CTRL, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x1f000000, "faulto", I_BASE, CTRL, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- /* faultt syn for faulto */
- { 0x1f000000, "faultt", I_BASE, CTRL, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x01000000, "syscall", I_CASIM,CTRL, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- /* If a COBR (or COJ) has 3 operands, the last one is always a
- * displacement and does not appear explicitly in the table.
- */
- { 0x20000000, "testno", I_BASE, COBR, 1, { R, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x21000000, "testg", I_BASE, COBR, 1, { R, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x22000000, "teste", I_BASE, COBR, 1, { R, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x23000000, "testge", I_BASE, COBR, 1, { R, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x24000000, "testl", I_BASE, COBR, 1, { R, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x25000000, "testne", I_BASE, COBR, 1, { R, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x26000000, "testle", I_BASE, COBR, 1, { R, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x27000000, "testo", I_BASE, COBR, 1, { R, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x30000000, "bbc", I_BASE, COBR, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x31000000, "cmpobg", I_BASE, COBR, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x32000000, "cmpobe", I_BASE, COBR, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x33000000, "cmpobge", I_BASE, COBR, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x34000000, "cmpobl", I_BASE, COBR, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x35000000, "cmpobne", I_BASE, COBR, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x36000000, "cmpoble", I_BASE, COBR, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x37000000, "bbs", I_BASE, COBR, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x38000000, "cmpibno", I_BASE, COBR, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x39000000, "cmpibg", I_BASE, COBR, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x3a000000, "cmpibe", I_BASE, COBR, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x3b000000, "cmpibge", I_BASE, COBR, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x3c000000, "cmpibl", I_BASE, COBR, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x3d000000, "cmpibne", I_BASE, COBR, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x3e000000, "cmpible", I_BASE, COBR, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x3f000000, "cmpibo", I_BASE, COBR, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x31000000, "cmpojg", I_BASE, COJ, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x32000000, "cmpoje", I_BASE, COJ, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x33000000, "cmpojge", I_BASE, COJ, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x34000000, "cmpojl", I_BASE, COJ, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x35000000, "cmpojne", I_BASE, COJ, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x36000000, "cmpojle", I_BASE, COJ, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x38000000, "cmpijno", I_BASE, COJ, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x39000000, "cmpijg", I_BASE, COJ, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x3a000000, "cmpije", I_BASE, COJ, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x3b000000, "cmpijge", I_BASE, COJ, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x3c000000, "cmpijl", I_BASE, COJ, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x3d000000, "cmpijne", I_BASE, COJ, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x3e000000, "cmpijle", I_BASE, COJ, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x3f000000, "cmpijo", I_BASE, COJ, 3, { RL, RS, 0 } },
- { 0x80000000, "ldob", I_BASE, MEM1, 2, { M, R, 0 } },
- { 0x82000000, "stob", I_BASE, MEM1, 2, { R, M, 0 } },
- { 0x84000000, "bx", I_BASE, MEM1, 1, { M, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x85000000, "balx", I_BASE, MEM1, 2, { M, R, 0 } },
- { 0x86000000, "callx", I_BASE, MEM1, 1, { M, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x88000000, "ldos", I_BASE, MEM2, 2, { M, R, 0 } },
- { 0x8a000000, "stos", I_BASE, MEM2, 2, { R, M, 0 } },
- { 0x8c000000, "lda", I_BASE, MEM1, 2, { M, R, 0 } },
- { 0x90000000, "ld", I_BASE, MEM4, 2, { M, R, 0 } },
- { 0x92000000, "st", I_BASE, MEM4, 2, { R, M, 0 } },
- { 0x98000000, "ldl", I_BASE, MEM8, 2, { M, R2, 0 } },
- { 0x9a000000, "stl", I_BASE, MEM8, 2, { R2, M, 0 } },
- { 0xa0000000, "ldt", I_BASE, MEM12, 2, { M, R4, 0 } },
- { 0xa2000000, "stt", I_BASE, MEM12, 2, { R4, M, 0 } },
- { 0xb0000000, "ldq", I_BASE, MEM16, 2, { M, R4, 0 } },
- { 0xb2000000, "stq", I_BASE, MEM16, 2, { R4, M, 0 } },
- { 0xc0000000, "ldib", I_BASE, MEM1, 2, { M, R, 0 } },
- { 0xc2000000, "stib", I_BASE, MEM1, 2, { R, M, 0 } },
- { 0xc8000000, "ldis", I_BASE, MEM2, 2, { M, R, 0 } },
- { 0xca000000, "stis", I_BASE, MEM2, 2, { R, M, 0 } },
- { R_3(0x580), "notbit", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x581), "and", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x582), "andnot", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x583), "setbit", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x584), "notand", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x586), "xor", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x587), "or", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x588), "nor", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x589), "xnor", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_2D(0x58a), "not", I_BASE, REG, 2, { RSL,RS, 0 } },
- { R_3(0x58b), "ornot", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x58c), "clrbit", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x58d), "notor", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x58e), "nand", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x58f), "alterbit", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x590), "addo", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x591), "addi", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x592), "subo", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x593), "subi", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x598), "shro", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x59a), "shrdi", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x59b), "shri", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x59c), "shlo", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x59d), "rotate", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x59e), "shli", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_2(0x5a0), "cmpo", I_BASE, REG, 2, { RSL,RSL, 0 } },
- { R_2(0x5a1), "cmpi", I_BASE, REG, 2, { RSL,RSL, 0 } },
- { R_2(0x5a2), "concmpo", I_BASE, REG, 2, { RSL,RSL, 0 } },
- { R_2(0x5a3), "concmpi", I_BASE, REG, 2, { RSL,RSL, 0 } },
- { R_3(0x5a4), "cmpinco", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x5a5), "cmpinci", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x5a6), "cmpdeco", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x5a7), "cmpdeci", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_2(0x5ac), "scanbyte", I_BASE, REG, 2, { RSL,RSL, 0 } },
- { R_2(0x5ae), "chkbit", I_BASE, REG, 2, { RSL,RSL, 0 } },
- { R_3(0x5b0), "addc", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x5b2), "subc", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_2D(0x5cc), "mov", I_BASE, REG, 2, { RSL,RS, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x5dc), "movl", I_BASE, REG, 2, { RL2,R2, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x5ec), "movt", I_BASE, REG, 2, { RL4,R4, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x5fc), "movq", I_BASE, REG, 2, { RL4,R4, 0 } },
- { R_3(0x610), "atmod", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RS, RSL,R } },
- { R_3(0x612), "atadd", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RS, RSL,RS } },
- { R_2D(0x640), "spanbit", I_BASE, REG, 2, { RSL,RS, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x641), "scanbit", I_BASE, REG, 2, { RSL,RS, 0 } },
- { R_3(0x645), "modac", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x650), "modify", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,R } },
- { R_3(0x651), "extract", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,R } },
- { R_3(0x654), "modtc", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x655), "modpc", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,R } },
- { R_1(0x660), "calls", I_BASE, REG, 1, { RSL, 0, 0 } },
- { R_0(0x66b), "mark", I_BASE, REG, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { R_0(0x66c), "fmark", I_BASE, REG, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { R_0(0x66d), "flushreg", I_BASE, REG, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { R_0(0x66f), "syncf", I_BASE, REG, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { R_3(0x670), "emul", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,R2 } },
- { R_3(0x671), "ediv", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RL2,RS } },
- { R_2D(0x672), "cvtadr", I_CASIM,REG, 2, { RL, R2, 0 } },
- { R_3(0x701), "mulo", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x708), "remo", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x70b), "divo", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x741), "muli", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x748), "remi", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x749), "modi", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x74b), "divi", I_BASE, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- /* Floating-point instructions */
- { R_2D(0x674), "cvtir", I_FP, REG, 2, { RL, F, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x675), "cvtilr", I_FP, REG, 2, { RL, F, 0 } },
- { R_3(0x676), "scalerl", I_FP, REG, 3, { RL, FL2,F2 } },
- { R_3(0x677), "scaler", I_FP, REG, 3, { RL, FL, F } },
- { R_3(0x680), "atanr", I_FP, REG, 3, { FL, FL, F } },
- { R_3(0x681), "logepr", I_FP, REG, 3, { FL, FL, F } },
- { R_3(0x682), "logr", I_FP, REG, 3, { FL, FL, F } },
- { R_3(0x683), "remr", I_FP, REG, 3, { FL, FL, F } },
- { R_2(0x684), "cmpor", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL, FL, 0 } },
- { R_2(0x685), "cmpr", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL, FL, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x688), "sqrtr", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL, F, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x689), "expr", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL, F, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x68a), "logbnr", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL, F, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x68b), "roundr", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL, F, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x68c), "sinr", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL, F, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x68d), "cosr", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL, F, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x68e), "tanr", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL, F, 0 } },
- { R_1(0x68f), "classr", I_FP, REG, 1, { FL, 0, 0 } },
- { R_3(0x690), "atanrl", I_FP, REG, 3, { FL2,FL2,F2 } },
- { R_3(0x691), "logeprl", I_FP, REG, 3, { FL2,FL2,F2 } },
- { R_3(0x692), "logrl", I_FP, REG, 3, { FL2,FL2,F2 } },
- { R_3(0x693), "remrl", I_FP, REG, 3, { FL2,FL2,F2 } },
- { R_2(0x694), "cmporl", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL2,FL2, 0 } },
- { R_2(0x695), "cmprl", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL2,FL2, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x698), "sqrtrl", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL2,F2, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x699), "exprl", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL2,F2, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x69a), "logbnrl", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL2,F2, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x69b), "roundrl", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL2,F2, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x69c), "sinrl", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL2,F2, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x69d), "cosrl", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL2,F2, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x69e), "tanrl", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL2,F2, 0 } },
- { R_1(0x69f), "classrl", I_FP, REG, 1, { FL2, 0, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x6c0), "cvtri", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL, R, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x6c1), "cvtril", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL, R2, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x6c2), "cvtzri", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL, R, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x6c3), "cvtzril", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL, R2, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x6c9), "movr", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL, F, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x6d9), "movrl", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL2,F2, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x6e1), "movre", I_FP, REG, 2, { FL4,F4, 0 } },
- { R_3(0x6e2), "cpysre", I_FP, REG, 3, { FL4,FL4,F4 } },
- { R_3(0x6e3), "cpyrsre", I_FP, REG, 3, { FL4,FL4,F4 } },
- { R_3(0x78b), "divr", I_FP, REG, 3, { FL, FL, F } },
- { R_3(0x78c), "mulr", I_FP, REG, 3, { FL, FL, F } },
- { R_3(0x78d), "subr", I_FP, REG, 3, { FL, FL, F } },
- { R_3(0x78f), "addr", I_FP, REG, 3, { FL, FL, F } },
- { R_3(0x79b), "divrl", I_FP, REG, 3, { FL2,FL2,F2 } },
- { R_3(0x79c), "mulrl", I_FP, REG, 3, { FL2,FL2,F2 } },
- { R_3(0x79d), "subrl", I_FP, REG, 3, { FL2,FL2,F2 } },
- { R_3(0x79f), "addrl", I_FP, REG, 3, { FL2,FL2,F2 } },
- /* These are the floating point branch instructions. Each actually
- * generates 2 branch instructions: the first a CTRL instruction with
- * the indicated opcode, and the second a 'bno'.
- */
- { 0x12000000, "brue", I_FP, FBRA, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x11000000, "brug", I_FP, FBRA, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x13000000, "bruge", I_FP, FBRA, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x14000000, "brul", I_FP, FBRA, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x16000000, "brule", I_FP, FBRA, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { 0x15000000, "brulg", I_FP, FBRA, 1, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- /* Decimal instructions */
- { R_3(0x642), "daddc", I_DEC, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x643), "dsubc", I_DEC, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_2D(0x644), "dmovt", I_DEC, REG, 2, { RSL,RS, 0 } },
- /* KX extensions */
- { R_2(0x600), "synmov", I_KX, REG, 2, { R, R, 0 } },
- { R_2(0x601), "synmovl", I_KX, REG, 2, { R, R, 0 } },
- { R_2(0x602), "synmovq", I_KX, REG, 2, { R, R, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x615), "synld", I_KX, REG, 2, { R, R, 0 } },
- /* MC extensions */
- { R_3(0x603), "cmpstr", I_MIL, REG, 3, { R, R, RL } },
- { R_3(0x604), "movqstr", I_MIL, REG, 3, { R, R, RL } },
- { R_3(0x605), "movstr", I_MIL, REG, 3, { R, R, RL } },
- { R_2D(0x613), "inspacc", I_MIL, REG, 2, { R, R, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x614), "ldphy", I_MIL, REG, 2, { R, R, 0 } },
- { R_3(0x617), "fill", I_MIL, REG, 3, { R, RL, RL } },
- { R_2D(0x646), "condrec", I_MIL, REG, 2, { R, R, 0 } },
- { R_2D(0x656), "receive", I_MIL, REG, 2, { R, R, 0 } },
- { R_3(0x662), "send", I_MIL, REG, 3, { R, RL, R } },
- { R_1(0x663), "sendserv", I_MIL, REG, 1, { R, 0, 0 } },
- { R_1(0x664), "resumprcs", I_MIL, REG, 1, { R, 0, 0 } },
- { R_1(0x665), "schedprcs", I_MIL, REG, 1, { R, 0, 0 } },
- { R_0(0x666), "saveprcs", I_MIL, REG, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { R_1(0x668), "condwait", I_MIL, REG, 1, { R, 0, 0 } },
- { R_1(0x669), "wait", I_MIL, REG, 1, { R, 0, 0 } },
- { R_1(0x66a), "signal", I_MIL, REG, 1, { R, 0, 0 } },
- { R_1D(0x673), "ldtime", I_MIL, REG, 1, { R2, 0, 0 } },
- /* CX extensions */
- { R_3(0x5d8), "eshro", I_CX2, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x630), "sdma", I_CX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RL } },
- { R_3(0x631), "udma", I_CX, REG, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { R_3(0x659), "sysctl", I_CX2, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RL } },
- /* Jx extensions. */
- { R_3(0x780), "addono", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x790), "addog", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7a0), "addoe", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7b0), "addoge", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7c0), "addol", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7d0), "addone", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7e0), "addole", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7f0), "addoo", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x781), "addino", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x791), "addig", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7a1), "addie", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7b1), "addige", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7c1), "addil", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7d1), "addine", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7e1), "addile", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7f1), "addio", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_2D(0x5ad), "bswap", I_JX, REG, 2, { RSL, RS, 0 } },
- { R_2(0x594), "cmpob", I_JX, REG, 2, { RSL,RSL, 0 } },
- { R_2(0x595), "cmpib", I_JX, REG, 2, { RSL,RSL, 0 } },
- { R_2(0x596), "cmpos", I_JX, REG, 2, { RSL,RSL, 0 } },
- { R_2(0x597), "cmpis", I_JX, REG, 2, { RSL,RSL, 0 } },
- { R_3(0x784), "selno", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x794), "selg", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7a4), "sele", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7b4), "selge", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7c4), "sell", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7d4), "selne", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7e4), "selle", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7f4), "selo", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x782), "subono", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x792), "subog", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7a2), "suboe", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7b2), "suboge", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7c2), "subol", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7d2), "subone", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7e2), "subole", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7f2), "suboo", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x783), "subino", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x793), "subig", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7a3), "subie", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7b3), "subige", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7c3), "subil", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7d3), "subine", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7e3), "subile", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x7f3), "subio", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_3(0x65c), "dcctl", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RL } },
- { R_3(0x65b), "icctl", I_JX, REG, 3, { RSL,RSL,RS } },
- { R_2D(0x658), "intctl", I_JX, REG, 2, { RSL, RS, 0 } },
- { R_0(0x5b4), "intdis", I_JX, REG, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { R_0(0x5b5), "inten", I_JX, REG, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- { R_0(0x65d), "halt", I_JX, REG, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
- /* Hx extensions. */
- { 0xac000000, "dcinva", I_HX, MEM1, 1, { M, 0, 0 } },
- /* END OF TABLE */
- { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } }
- /* end of i960-opcode.h */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/m68k.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/m68k.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e0b371c92bb7..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/m68k.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-/* Opcode table header for m680[01234]0/m6888[12]/m68851.
- Copyright 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation.
-This file is part of GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils.
-GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils are free software; you can redistribute
-them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-1, or (at your option) any later version.
-GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils are distributed in the hope that they
-will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-the GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this file; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-02111-1307, USA. */
-/* These are used as bit flags for the arch field in the m68k_opcode
- structure. */
-#define _m68k_undef 0
-#define m68000 0x001
-#define m68008 m68000 /* synonym for -m68000. otherwise unused. */
-#define m68010 0x002
-#define m68020 0x004
-#define m68030 0x008
-#define m68ec030 m68030 /* similar enough to -m68030 to ignore differences;
- gas will deal with the few differences. */
-#define m68040 0x010
-/* there is no 68050 */
-#define m68060 0x020
-#define m68881 0x040
-#define m68882 m68881 /* synonym for -m68881. otherwise unused. */
-#define m68851 0x080
-#define cpu32 0x100 /* e.g., 68332 */
- /* handy aliases */
-#define m68040up (m68040 | m68060)
-#define m68030up (m68030 | m68040up)
-#define m68020up (m68020 | m68030up)
-#define m68010up (m68010 | cpu32 | m68020up)
-#define m68000up (m68000 | m68010up)
-#define mfloat (m68881 | m68882 | m68040 | m68060)
-#define mmmu (m68851 | m68030 | m68040 | m68060)
-/* The structure used to hold information for an opcode. */
-struct m68k_opcode
- /* The opcode name. */
- const char *name;
- /* The opcode itself. */
- unsigned long opcode;
- /* The mask used by the disassembler. */
- unsigned long match;
- /* The arguments. */
- const char *args;
- /* The architectures which support this opcode. */
- unsigned int arch;
-/* The structure used to hold information for an opcode alias. */
-struct m68k_opcode_alias
- /* The alias name. */
- const char *alias;
- /* The instruction for which this is an alias. */
- const char *primary;
-/* We store four bytes of opcode for all opcodes because that is the
- most any of them need. The actual length of an instruction is
- always at least 2 bytes, and is as much longer as necessary to hold
- the operands it has.
- The match field is a mask saying which bits must match particular
- opcode in order for an instruction to be an instance of that
- opcode.
- The args field is a string containing two characters for each
- operand of the instruction. The first specifies the kind of
- operand; the second, the place it is stored. */
-/* Kinds of operands:
- Characters used: AaBCcDdFfIJkLlMOQRrSsTtUVWXYZ0123|*~%;@!&$?/#^+-
- D data register only. Stored as 3 bits.
- A address register only. Stored as 3 bits.
- a address register indirect only. Stored as 3 bits.
- R either kind of register. Stored as 4 bits.
- r either kind of register indirect only. Stored as 4 bits.
- At the moment, used only for cas2 instruction.
- F floating point coprocessor register only. Stored as 3 bits.
- O an offset (or width): immediate data 0-31 or data register.
- Stored as 6 bits in special format for BF... insns.
- + autoincrement only. Stored as 3 bits (number of the address register).
- - autodecrement only. Stored as 3 bits (number of the address register).
- Q quick immediate data. Stored as 3 bits.
- This matches an immediate operand only when value is in range 1 .. 8.
- M moveq immediate data. Stored as 8 bits.
- This matches an immediate operand only when value is in range -128..127
- T trap vector immediate data. Stored as 4 bits.
- k K-factor for fmove.p instruction. Stored as a 7-bit constant or
- a three bit register offset, depending on the field type.
- # immediate data. Stored in special places (b, w or l)
- which say how many bits to store.
- ^ immediate data for floating point instructions. Special places
- are offset by 2 bytes from '#'...
- B pc-relative address, converted to an offset
- that is treated as immediate data.
- d displacement and register. Stores the register as 3 bits
- and stores the displacement in the entire second word.
- C the CCR. No need to store it; this is just for filtering validity.
- S the SR. No need to store, just as with CCR.
- U the USP. No need to store, just as with CCR.
- I Coprocessor ID. Not printed if 1. The Coprocessor ID is always
- extracted from the 'd' field of word one, which means that an extended
- coprocessor opcode can be skipped using the 'i' place, if needed.
- s System Control register for the floating point coprocessor.
- J Misc register for movec instruction, stored in 'j' format.
- Possible values:
- 0x000 SFC Source Function Code reg [60, 40, 30, 20, 10]
- 0x001 DFC Data Function Code reg [60, 40, 30, 20, 10]
- 0x002 CACR Cache Control Register [60, 40, 30, 20]
- 0x003 TC MMU Translation Control [60, 40]
- 0x004 ITT0 Instruction Transparent
- Translation reg 0 [60, 40]
- 0x005 ITT1 Instruction Transparent
- Translation reg 1 [60, 40]
- 0x006 DTT0 Data Transparent
- Translation reg 0 [60, 40]
- 0x007 DTT1 Data Transparent
- Translation reg 1 [60, 40]
- 0x008 BUSCR Bus Control Register [60]
- 0x800 USP User Stack Pointer [60, 40, 30, 20, 10]
- 0x801 VBR Vector Base reg [60, 40, 30, 20, 10]
- 0x802 CAAR Cache Address Register [ 30, 20]
- 0x803 MSP Master Stack Pointer [ 40, 30, 20]
- 0x804 ISP Interrupt Stack Pointer [ 40, 30, 20]
- 0x805 MMUSR MMU Status reg [ 40]
- 0x806 URP User Root Pointer [60, 40]
- 0x807 SRP Supervisor Root Pointer [60, 40]
- 0x808 PCR Processor Configuration reg [60]
- L Register list of the type d0-d7/a0-a7 etc.
- (New! Improved! Can also hold fp0-fp7, as well!)
- The assembler tries to see if the registers match the insn by
- looking at where the insn wants them stored.
- l Register list like L, but with all the bits reversed.
- Used for going the other way. . .
- c cache identifier which may be "nc" for no cache, "ic"
- for instruction cache, "dc" for data cache, or "bc"
- for both caches. Used in cinv and cpush. Always
- stored in position "d".
- The remainder are all stored as 6 bits using an address mode and a
- register number; they differ in which addressing modes they match.
- * all (modes 0-6,7.*)
- ~ alterable memory (modes 2-6,7.0,7.1)
- (not 0,1,7.~)
- % alterable (modes 0-6,7.0,7.1)(not 7.~)
- ; data (modes 0,2-6,7.*)(not 1)
- @ data, but not immediate (modes 0,2-6,7.? ? ?)
- (not 1,7.?)
- This may really be ;,
- the 68020 book says it is
- ! control (modes 2,5,6,7.*-)
- (not 0,1,3,4,7.4)
- & alterable control (modes 2,5,6,7.0,7.1)
- (not 0,1,7.? ? ?)
- $ alterable data (modes 0,2-6,7.0,7.1)
- (not 1,7.~)
- ? alterable control, or data register (modes 0,2,5,6,7.0,7.1)
- (not 1,3,4,7.~)
- / control, or data register (modes 0,2,5,6,7.0,7.1,7.2,7.3)
- (not 1,3,4,7.4)
- ` control, plus pre-dec, not simple indir. (modes 4,5,6,7.*-)
- (not 0,1,2,3,7.4) */
-/* For the 68851: */
- I didn't use much imagination in choosing the
- following codes, so many of them aren't very
- mnemonic. -rab
- 0 32 bit pmmu register
- Possible values:
- 000 TC Translation Control Register (68030, 68851)
- 1 16 bit pmmu register
- 111 AC Access Control (68851)
- 2 8 bit pmmu register
- 100 CAL Current Access Level (68851)
- 101 VAL Validate Access Level (68851)
- 110 SCC Stack Change Control (68851)
- 3 68030-only pmmu registers (32 bit)
- 010 TT0 Transparent Translation reg 0
- (aka Access Control reg 0 -- AC0 -- on 68ec030)
- 011 TT1 Transparent Translation reg 1
- (aka Access Control reg 1 -- AC1 -- on 68ec030)
- W wide pmmu registers
- Possible values:
- 001 DRP Dma Root Pointer (68851)
- 010 SRP Supervisor Root Pointer (68030, 68851)
- 011 CRP Cpu Root Pointer (68030, 68851)
- f function code register (68030, 68851)
- 0 SFC
- 1 DFC
- V VAL register only (68851)
- X BADx, BACx (16 bit)
- 100 BAD Breakpoint Acknowledge Data (68851)
- 101 BAC Breakpoint Acknowledge Control (68851)
- Y PSR (68851) (MMUSR on 68030) (ACUSR on 68ec030)
- Z PCSR (68851)
- | memory (modes 2-6, 7.*)
- t address test level (68030 only)
- Stored as 3 bits, range 0-7.
- Also used for breakpoint instruction now.
-/* Places to put an operand, for non-general operands:
- s source, low bits of first word.
- d dest, shifted 9 in first word
- 1 second word, shifted 12
- 2 second word, shifted 6
- 3 second word, shifted 0
- 4 third word, shifted 12
- 5 third word, shifted 6
- 6 third word, shifted 0
- 7 second word, shifted 7
- 8 second word, shifted 10
- 9 second word, shifted 5
- D store in both place 1 and place 3; for divul and divsl.
- B first word, low byte, for branch displacements
- W second word (entire), for branch displacements
- L second and third words (entire), for branch displacements
- (also overloaded for move16)
- b second word, low byte
- w second word (entire) [variable word/long branch offset for dbra]
- W second word (entire) (must be signed 16 bit value)
- l second and third word (entire)
- g variable branch offset for bra and similar instructions.
- The place to store depends on the magnitude of offset.
- t store in both place 7 and place 8; for floating point operations
- c branch offset for cpBcc operations.
- The place to store is word two if bit six of word one is zero,
- and words two and three if bit six of word one is one.
- i Increment by two, to skip over coprocessor extended operands. Only
- works with the 'I' format.
- k Dynamic K-factor field. Bits 6-4 of word 2, used as a register number.
- Also used for dynamic fmovem instruction.
- C floating point coprocessor constant - 7 bits. Also used for static
- K-factors...
- j Movec register #, stored in 12 low bits of second word.
- Places to put operand, for general operands:
- d destination, shifted 6 bits in first word
- b source, at low bit of first word, and immediate uses one byte
- w source, at low bit of first word, and immediate uses two bytes
- l source, at low bit of first word, and immediate uses four bytes
- s source, at low bit of first word.
- Used sometimes in contexts where immediate is not allowed anyway.
- f single precision float, low bit of 1st word, immediate uses 4 bytes
- F double precision float, low bit of 1st word, immediate uses 8 bytes
- x extended precision float, low bit of 1st word, immediate uses 12 bytes
- p packed float, low bit of 1st word, immediate uses 12 bytes
-extern const struct m68k_opcode m68k_opcodes[];
-extern const struct m68k_opcode_alias m68k_opcode_aliases[];
-extern const int m68k_numopcodes, m68k_numaliases;
-/* end of m68k-opcode.h */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/m88k.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/m88k.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a17fa0361dac..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/m88k.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,923 +0,0 @@
-/* Table of opcodes for the motorola 88k family.
- Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB and GAS.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- * Disassembler Instruction Table
- *
- * The first field of the table is the opcode field. If an opcode
- * is specified which has any non-opcode bits on, a system error
- * will occur when the system attempts the install it into the
- * instruction table. The second parameter is a pointer to the
- * instruction mnemonic. Each operand is specified by offset, width,
- * and type. The offset is the bit number of the least significant
- * bit of the operand with bit 0 being the least significant bit of
- * the instruction. The width is the number of bits used to specify
- * the operand. The type specifies the output format to be used for
- * the operand. The valid formats are: register, register indirect,
- * hex constant, and bit field specification. The last field is a
- * pointer to the next instruction in the linked list. These pointers
- * are initialized by init_disasm().
- *
- * Structure Format
- *
- * struct INSTAB {
- * UPINT opcode;
- * char *mnemonic;
- * struct OPSPEC op1,op2,op3;
- * struct SIM_FLAGS flgs;
- * struct INSTAB *next;
- * }
- *
- * struct OPSPEC {
- * UPINT offset:5;
- * UPINT width:6;
- * UPINT type:5;
- * }
- *
- * Revision History
- *
- * Revision 1.0 11/08/85 Creation date
- * 1.1 02/05/86 Updated instruction mnemonic table MD
- * 1.2 06/16/86 Updated SIM_FLAGS for floating point
- * 1.3 09/20/86 Updated for new encoding
- * 05/11/89 R. Trawick adapted from Motorola disassembler
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
- * This file contains the structures and constants needed to build the M88000
- * simulator. It is the main include file, containing all the
- * structures, macros and definitions except for the floating point
- * instruction set.
- */
- * The following flag informs the Simulator as to what type of byte ordering
- * will be used. For instance, a BOFLAG = 1 indicates a DEC VAX and IBM type
- * of ordering shall be used.
-/* # define BOFLAG 1 */ /* BYTE ORDERING FLAG */
-/* define the number of bits in the primary opcode field of the instruction,
- * the destination field, the source 1 and source 2 fields.
- */
-# define OP 8 /* size of opcode field */
-# define DEST 6 /* size of destination */
-# define SOURCE1 6 /* size of source1 */
-# define SOURCE2 6 /* size of source2 */
-# define REGs 32 /* number of registers */
-# define WORD long
-# define FLAG unsigned
-# define STATE short
-# define TRUE 1
-# define FALSE 0
-# define READ 0
-# define WRITE 1
-/* The next four equates define the priorities that the various classes
- * of instructions have regarding writing results back into registers and
- * signalling exceptions.
- */
-/* PMEM is also defined in <sys/param.h> on Delta 88's. Sigh! */
-#undef PMEM
-# define PINT 0 /* Integer Priority */
-# define PFLT 1 /* Floating Point Priority */
-# define PMEM 2 /* Memory Priority */
-# define NA 3 /* Not Applicable, instruction doesnt write to regs */
-# define HIPRI 3 /* highest of these priorities */
-/* The instruction registers are an artificial mechanism to speed up
- * simulator execution. In the real processor, an instruction register
- * is 32 bits wide. In the simulator, the 32 bit instruction is kept in
- * a structure field called rawop, and the instruction is partially decoded,
- * and split into various fields and flags which make up the other fields
- * of the structure.
- * The partial decode is done when the instructions are initially loaded
- * into simulator memory. The simulator code memory is not an array of
- * 32 bit words, but is an array of instruction register structures.
- * Yes this wastes memory, but it executes much quicker.
- */
-struct IR_FIELDS {
- unsigned op:OP,
- dest: DEST,
- src1: SOURCE1,
- src2: SOURCE2;
- int ltncy,
- extime,
- wb_pri; /* writeback priority */
- unsigned imm_flags:2,/* immediate size */
- rs1_used:1, /* register source 1 used */
- rs2_used:1, /* register source 2 used */
- rsd_used:1, /* register source/dest. used */
- c_flag:1, /* complement */
- u_flag:1, /* upper half word */
- n_flag:1, /* execute next */
- wb_flag:1, /* uses writeback slot */
- dest_64:1, /* dest size */
- s1_64:1, /* source 1 size */
- s2_64:1, /* source 2 size */
- scale_flag:1, /* scaled register */
- brk_flg:1;
- };
-struct mem_segs {
- struct mem_wrd *seg; /* pointer (returned by calloc) to segment */
- unsigned long baseaddr; /* base load address from file headers */
- unsigned long endaddr; /* Ending address of segment */
- int flags; /* segment control flags (none defined 12/5/86) */
-#define MAXSEGS (10) /* max number of segment allowed */
-#define MEMSEGSIZE (sizeof(struct mem_segs))/* size of mem_segs structure */
-#define BRK_RD (0x01) /* break on memory read */
-#define BRK_WR (0x02) /* break on memory write */
-#define BRK_EXEC (0x04) /* break on execution */
-#define BRK_CNT (0x08) /* break on terminal count */
-struct mem_wrd {
- struct IR_FIELDS opcode; /* simulator instruction break down */
- union {
- unsigned long l; /* memory element break down */
- unsigned short s[2];
- unsigned char c[4];
- } mem;
-#define MEMWRDSIZE (sizeof(struct mem_wrd)) /* size of each 32 bit memory model */
-/* External declarations */
-extern struct mem_segs memory[];
-extern struct PROCESSOR m78000;
-struct PROCESSOR {
- unsigned WORD
- ip, /* execute instruction pointer */
- vbr, /* vector base register */
- psr; /* processor status register */
- WORD S1bus, /* source 1 */
- S2bus, /* source 2 */
- Dbus, /* destination */
- DAbus, /* data address bus */
- ALU,
- Regs[REGs], /* data registers */
- time_left[REGs], /* max clocks before reg is available */
- wb_pri[REGs], /* writeback priority of reg */
- SFU0_regs[REGs], /* integer unit control regs */
- SFU1_regs[REGs], /* floating point control regs */
- Scoreboard[REGs],
- Vbr;
- unsigned WORD scoreboard,
- Psw,
- Tpsw;
- FLAG jump_pending:1; /* waiting for a jump instr. */
- };
-# define i26bit 1 /* size of immediate field */
-# define i16bit 2
-# define i10bit 3
-/* Definitions for fields in psr */
-# define mode 31
-# define rbo 30
-# define ser 29
-# define carry 28
-# define sf7m 11
-# define sf6m 10
-# define sf5m 9
-# define sf4m 8
-# define sf3m 7
-# define sf2m 6
-# define sf1m 5
-# define mam 4
-# define inm 3
-# define exm 2
-# define trm 1
-# define ovfm 0
-#define MODEMASK (1<<(mode-1))
-# define SILENT 0 /* simulate without output to crt */
-# define VERBOSE 1 /* simulate in verbose mode */
-# define PR_INSTR 2 /* only print instructions */
-# define RESET 16 /* reset phase */
-# define PHASE1 0 /* data path phases */
-# define PHASE2 1
-/* the 1 clock operations */
-# define ADDU 1
-# define ADDC 2
-# define ADDUC 3
-# define ADD 4
-# define SUBU ADD+1
-# define SUBB ADD+2
-# define SUBUB ADD+3
-# define SUB ADD+4
-# define AND_ ADD+5
-# define OR ADD+6
-# define XOR ADD+7
-# define CMP ADD+8
-/* the LOADS */
-# define LDAB CMP+1
-# define LDAH CMP+2
-# define LDA CMP+3
-# define LDAD CMP+4
-# define LDB LDAD+1
-# define LDH LDAD+2
-# define LD LDAD+3
-# define LDD LDAD+4
-# define LDBU LDAD+5
-# define LDHU LDAD+6
-/* the STORES */
-# define STB LDHU+1
-# define STH LDHU+2
-# define ST LDHU+3
-# define STD LDHU+4
-/* the exchange */
-# define XMEMBU LDHU+5
-# define XMEM LDHU+6
-/* the branches */
-# define JSR STD+1
-# define BSR STD+2
-# define BR STD+3
-# define JMP STD+4
-# define BB1 STD+5
-# define BB0 STD+6
-# define RTN STD+7
-# define BCND STD+8
-/* the TRAPS */
-# define TB1 BCND+1
-# define TB0 BCND+2
-# define TCND BCND+3
-# define RTE BCND+4
-# define TBND BCND+5
-/* the MISC instructions */
-# define MUL TBND + 1
-# define DIV MUL +2
-# define DIVU MUL +3
-# define MASK MUL +4
-# define FF0 MUL +5
-# define FF1 MUL +6
-# define CLR MUL +7
-# define SET MUL +8
-# define EXT MUL +9
-# define EXTU MUL +10
-# define MAK MUL +11
-# define ROT MUL +12
-/* control register manipulations */
-# define LDCR ROT +1
-# define STCR ROT +2
-# define XCR ROT +3
-# define FLDCR ROT +4
-# define FSTCR ROT +5
-# define FXCR ROT +6
-# define NOP XCR +1
-/* floating point instructions */
-# define FADD NOP +1
-# define FSUB NOP +2
-# define FMUL NOP +3
-# define FDIV NOP +4
-# define FSQRT NOP +5
-# define FCMP NOP +6
-# define FIP NOP +7
-# define FLT NOP +8
-# define INT NOP +9
-# define NINT NOP +10
-# define TRNC NOP +11
-# define FLDC NOP +12
-# define FSTC NOP +13
-# define FXC NOP +14
-# define UEXT(src,off,wid) ((((unsigned int)(src))>>(off)) & ((1<<(wid)) - 1))
-# define SEXT(src,off,wid) (((((int)(src))<<(32-((off)+(wid)))) >>(32-(wid))) )
-# define MAKE(src,off,wid) \
- ((((unsigned int)(src)) & ((1<<(wid)) - 1)) << (off))
-# define opword(n) (unsigned long) (memaddr->mem.l)
-/* Constants and Masks */
-#define SFU0 0x80000000
-#define SFU1 0x84000000
-#define SFU7 0x9c000000
-#define RRI10 0xf0000000
-#define RRR 0xf4000000
-#define SFUMASK 0xfc00ffe0
-#define RRRMASK 0xfc00ffe0
-#define RRI10MASK 0xfc00fc00
-#define DEFMASK 0xfc000000
-#define CTRL 0x0000f000
-#define CTRLMASK 0xfc00f800
-/* Operands types */
-enum operand_type {
- HEX = 1,
- REG = 2,
- CONT = 3,
- IND = 3,
- BF = 4,
- REGSC = 5 /* scaled register */,
- CRREG = 6 /* control register */,
- FCRREG = 7 /* floating point control register */,
- PCREL = 8,
- XREG = 10, /* extended register */
- DEC = 11, /* decimal */
-/* Hashing Specification */
-#define HASHVAL 79
-/* Type definitions */
-typedef unsigned int UINT;
-/* Structure templates */
-#if never
-typedef struct {
- unsigned int offset:5;
- unsigned int width:6;
- unsigned int type:5;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned int offset;
- unsigned int width;
- enum operand_type type;
- struct SIM_FLAGS {
- int ltncy, /* latency (max number of clocks needed to execute) */
- extime, /* execution time (min number of clocks needed to execute) */
- wb_pri; /* writeback slot priority */
- unsigned op:OP, /* simulator version of opcode */
- imm_flags:2, /* 10,16 or 26 bit immediate flags */
- rs1_used:1, /* register source 1 used */
- rs2_used:1, /* register source 2 used */
- rsd_used:1, /* register source/dest used */
- c_flag:1, /* complement */
- u_flag:1, /* upper half word */
- n_flag:1, /* execute next */
- wb_flag:1, /* uses writeback slot */
- dest_64:1, /* double precision dest */
- s1_64:1, /* double precision source 1 */
- s2_64:1, /* double precision source 2 */
- scale_flag:1; /* register is scaled */
-typedef struct INSTRUCTAB {
- unsigned int opcode;
- char *mnemonic;
- OPSPEC op1,op2,op3;
- struct SIM_FLAGS flgs;
- struct INSTRUCTAB *next;
-#define NO_OPERAND {0,0,0}
-/* Opcode Mnemonic Op 1 Spec Op 2 Spec Op 3 Spec Simflags Next */
-static INSTAB instructions[] = {
- {0xf400c800,"jsr ",{0,5,REG} ,NO_OPERAND ,NO_OPERAND , {2,2,NA,JSR , 0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf400cc00,"jsr.n ",{0,5,REG} ,NO_OPERAND ,NO_OPERAND , {1,1,NA,JSR , 0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf400c000,"jmp ",{0,5,REG} ,NO_OPERAND ,NO_OPERAND , {2,2,NA,JMP , 0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf400c400,"jmp.n ",{0,5,REG} ,NO_OPERAND ,NO_OPERAND , {1,1,NA,JMP , 0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xc8000000,"bsr ",{0,26,PCREL},NO_OPERAND ,NO_OPERAND , {2,2,NA,BSR , i26bit,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xcc000000,"bsr.n ",{0,26,PCREL},NO_OPERAND ,NO_OPERAND , {1,1,NA,BSR , i26bit,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xc0000000,"br ",{0,26,PCREL},NO_OPERAND ,NO_OPERAND , {2,2,NA,BR , i26bit,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xc4000000,"br.n ",{0,26,PCREL},NO_OPERAND ,NO_OPERAND , {1,1,NA,BR , i26bit,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xd0000000,"bb0 ",{21,5,HEX} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,16,PCREL},{2,2,NA,BB0, i16bit,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xd4000000,"bb0.n ",{21,5,HEX} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,16,PCREL},{1,1,NA,BB0, i16bit,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xd8000000,"bb1 ",{21,5,HEX},{16,5,REG} ,{0,16,PCREL},{2,2,NA,BB1, i16bit,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xdc000000,"bb1.n ",{21,5,HEX},{16,5,REG} ,{0,16,PCREL},{1,1,NA,BB1, i16bit,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf000d000,"tb0 ",{21,5,HEX} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,10,HEX}, {2,2,NA,TB0 , i10bit,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf000d800,"tb1 ",{21,5,HEX} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,10,HEX}, {2,2,NA,TB1 , i10bit,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xe8000000,"bcnd ",{21,5,CONDMASK},{16,5,REG},{0,16,PCREL},{2,2,NA,BCND, i16bit,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xec000000,"bcnd.n ",{21,5,CONDMASK},{16,5,REG},{0,16,PCREL},{1,1,NA,BCND, i16bit,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf000e800,"tcnd ",{21,5,CONDMASK},{16,5,REG},{0,10,HEX}, {2,2,NA,TCND, i10bit,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf8000000,"tbnd ",{16,5,REG} ,{0,16,HEX} ,NO_OPERAND , {2,2,NA,TBND, i10bit,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf400f800,"tbnd ",{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} ,NO_OPERAND , {2,2,NA,TBND, 0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf400fc00,"rte ",NO_OPERAND ,NO_OPERAND ,NO_OPERAND , {2,2,NA,RTE , 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0x1c000000,"ld.b ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,16,HEX}, {3,1,PMEM,LDB ,i16bit,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4001c00,"ld.b ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {3,1,PMEM,LDB , 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0x0c000000,"ld.bu ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,16,HEX}, {3,1,PMEM,LDBU, i16bit,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4000c00,"ld.bu ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {3,1,PMEM,LDBU ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0x18000000,"ld.h ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,16,HEX}, {3,1,PMEM,LDH ,i16bit,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4001800,"ld.h ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {3,1,PMEM,LDH ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4001a00,"ld.h ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REGSC},{3,1,PMEM,LDH ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1}, NULL },
- {0x08000000," ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,16,HEX}, {3,1,PMEM,LDHU, i16bit,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4000800," ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {3,1,PMEM,LDHU ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4000a00," ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REGSC},{3,1,PMEM,LDHU ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1}, NULL },
- {0x14000000,"ld ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,16,HEX}, {3,1,PMEM,LD ,i16bit,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4001400,"ld ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {3,1,PMEM,LD ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4001600,"ld ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REGSC},{3,1,PMEM,LD ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1}, NULL },
- {0x10000000,"ld.d ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,16,HEX}, {3,1,PMEM,LDD ,i16bit,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4001000,"ld.d ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {3,1,PMEM,LDD ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4001200,"ld.d ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REGSC},{3,1,PMEM,LDD ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1}, NULL },
- {0xf4001500,"ld.usr ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {3,1,PMEM,LD ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4001700,"ld.usr ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REGSC},{3,1,PMEM,LD ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1}, NULL },
- {0x2c000000,"st.b ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,16,HEX}, {1,1,NA,STB ,i16bit,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4002c00,"st.b ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,NA,STB ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0x28000000,"st.h ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,16,HEX}, {1,1,NA,STH ,i16bit,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4002800,"st.h ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,NA,STH ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4002a00,"st.h ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REGSC},{1,1,NA,STH ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1}, NULL },
- {0x24000000,"st ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,16,HEX}, {1,1,NA,ST ,i16bit,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4002400,"st ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,NA,ST ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4002600,"st ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REGSC},{1,1,NA,ST ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1} ,NULL },
- {0x20000000,"st.d ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,16,HEX}, {1,1,NA,STD ,i16bit,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4002000,"st.d ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,NA,STD ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4002200,"st.d ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REGSC},{1,1,NA,STD ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1} ,NULL },
- {0xf4002500,"st.usr ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,NA,ST ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4002700,"st.usr ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REGSC},{1,1,NA,ST ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1} ,NULL },
-/* m88100 only:
- {0x00000000,"xmem.bu ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,16,HEX}, {3,1,PMEM,XMEMBU ,i16bit,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- */
- {0xf4000000,"xmem.bu ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {3,1,PMEM,XMEM ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
-/* m88100 only:
- {0x04000000,"xmem ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,16,HEX}, {3,1,PMEM,XMEM ,i16bit,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- */
- {0xf4000400,"xmem ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {3,1,PMEM,XMEM ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4000600,"xmem ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REGSC},{3,1,PMEM,XMEM ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1} ,NULL },
- {0xf4000500,"xmem.usr ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {3,1,PMEM,XMEM ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4000700,"xmem.usr ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REGSC},{3,1,PMEM,XMEM ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1} ,NULL },
-/* m88100 only:
- {0xf4003e00,"lda.b ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REGSC},{1,1,PINT,LDAH, 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1} ,NULL },
- */
- {0xf4003e00,"lda.x ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REGSC},{1,1,PINT,LDAH, 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1} ,NULL },
- {0xf4003a00,"lda.h ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REGSC},{1,1,PINT,LDAH, 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1} ,NULL },
- {0xf4003600,"lda ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REGSC},{1,1,PINT,LDA , 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1} ,NULL },
- {0xf4003200,"lda.d ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REGSC},{1,1,PINT,LDAD, 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1} ,NULL },
- {0x80004000,"ldcr ",{21,5,REG} ,{5,6,CRREG} ,NO_OPERAND ,{1,1,PINT,LDCR, 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0x80008000,"stcr ",{16,5,REG} ,{5,6,CRREG} ,NO_OPERAND ,{1,1,PINT,STCR, 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0x8000c000,"xcr ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{5,6,CRREG},{1,1,PINT,XCR, 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4006000,"addu ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,PINT,ADDU, 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4006200," ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,PINT,ADDU, 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4006100," ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,PINT,ADDU, 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4006300,"addu.cio ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,PINT,ADDU, 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4006400,"subu ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,PINT,SUBU, 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4006600," ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,PINT,SUBU, 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4006500," ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,PINT,SUBU, 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4006700,"subu.cio ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,PINT,SUBU, 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4006800,"divu ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {32,32,PINT,DIVU, 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4006900,"divu.d ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,}, NULL },
- {0xf4006e00,"muls ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,}, NULL },
- {0xf4006c00,"mulu ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,4,PINT,MUL, 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4007000,"add ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,PINT,ADD , 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4007200," ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,PINT,ADD , 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4007100," ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,PINT,ADD , 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4007300,"add.cio ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,PINT,ADD , 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4007400,"sub ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,PINT,SUB , 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4007600," ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,PINT,SUB , 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4007500," ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,PINT,SUB , 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4007700,"sub.cio ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {1,1,PINT,SUB , 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
- {0xf4007800,"divs ",{21,5,REG} ,{16,5,REG} ,{0,5,REG} , {32,32,PINT,DIV , 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ,NULL },
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-/* The following are new for the 88110. */
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- {0xf0002800,"st.x ", {21,5,XREG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REG}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf0002900,"st.x.usr ", {21,5,XREG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REG}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf0002980,"st.x.usr.wt ", {21,5,XREG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REG}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf0002880,"st.x.wt ", {21,5,XREG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REG}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4002f80,"st.b.usr.wt ", {21,5,REG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4002e80,"st.b.wt ", {21,5,REG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4002380,"st.d.usr.wt ", {21,5,REG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4002280,"st.d.wt ", {21,5,REG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4002b80,"st.h.usr.wt ", {21,5,REG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4002a80,"st.h.wt ", {21,5,REG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4002780,"st.usr.wt ", {21,5,REG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf4002680,"st.wt ", {21,5,REG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf0002600,"st ", {21,5,XREG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf0002200,"st.d ", {21,5,XREG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf0002300,"st.d.usr ", {21,5,XREG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf0002380,"st.d.usr.wt ", {21,5,XREG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf0002280,"st.d.wt ", {21,5,XREG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf0002700,"st.usr ", {21,5,XREG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf0002780,"st.usr.wt ", {21,5,XREG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf0002680,"st.wt ", {21,5,XREG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf0002a00,"st.x ", {21,5,XREG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf0002b00,"st.x.usr ", {21,5,XREG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf0002b80,"st.x.usr.wt ", {21,5,XREG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0xf0002a80,"st.x.wt ", {21,5,XREG}, {16,5,REG}, {0,5,REGSC}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0x8400d880," ", {21,5,REG}, {0,5,XREG}, NO_OPERAND, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0x8400d800," ", {21,5,REG}, {0,5,XREG}, NO_OPERAND, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- {0x8400d900," ", {21,5,REG}, {0,5,XREG}, NO_OPERAND, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, NULL },
- * Local Variables:
- * fill-column: 131
- * End:
- */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/mips.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/mips.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 14ceec96119a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/mips.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
-/* mips.h. Mips opcode list for GDB, the GNU debugger.
- Copyright 1993, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by Ralph Campbell and OSF
- Commented and modified by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support
-This file is part of GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils.
-GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils are free software; you can redistribute
-them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-1, or (at your option) any later version.
-GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils are distributed in the hope that they
-will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-the GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this file; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* These are bit masks and shift counts to use to access the various
- fields of an instruction. To retrieve the X field of an
- instruction, use the expression
- (i >> OP_SH_X) & OP_MASK_X
- To set the same field (to j), use
- i = (i &~ (OP_MASK_X << OP_SH_X)) | (j << OP_SH_X)
- Make sure you use fields that are appropriate for the instruction,
- of course.
- The 'i' format uses OP, RS, RT and IMMEDIATE.
- The 'j' format uses OP and TARGET.
- The 'r' format uses OP, RS, RT, RD, SHAMT and FUNCT.
- The 'b' format uses OP, RS, RT and DELTA.
- The floating point 'i' format uses OP, RS, RT and IMMEDIATE.
- The floating point 'r' format uses OP, FMT, FT, FS, FD and FUNCT.
- A breakpoint instruction uses OP, CODE and SPEC (10 bits of the
- breakpoint instruction are not defined; Kane says the breakpoint
- code field in BREAK is 20 bits; yet MIPS assemblers and debuggers
- only use ten bits).
- The syscall instruction uses SYSCALL.
- The general coprocessor instructions use COPZ. */
-#define OP_MASK_OP 0x3f
-#define OP_SH_OP 26
-#define OP_MASK_RS 0x1f
-#define OP_SH_RS 21
-#define OP_MASK_FR 0x1f
-#define OP_SH_FR 21
-#define OP_MASK_FMT 0x1f
-#define OP_SH_FMT 21
-#define OP_MASK_BCC 0x7
-#define OP_SH_BCC 18
-#define OP_MASK_CODE 0x3ff
-#define OP_SH_CODE 16
-#define OP_MASK_RT 0x1f
-#define OP_SH_RT 16
-#define OP_MASK_FT 0x1f
-#define OP_SH_FT 16
-#define OP_MASK_CACHE 0x1f
-#define OP_SH_CACHE 16
-#define OP_MASK_RD 0x1f
-#define OP_SH_RD 11
-#define OP_MASK_FS 0x1f
-#define OP_SH_FS 11
-#define OP_MASK_PREFX 0x1f
-#define OP_SH_PREFX 11
-#define OP_MASK_CCC 0x7
-#define OP_SH_CCC 8
-#define OP_MASK_SYSCALL 0xfffff
-#define OP_SH_SYSCALL 6
-#define OP_MASK_SHAMT 0x1f
-#define OP_SH_SHAMT 6
-#define OP_MASK_FD 0x1f
-#define OP_SH_FD 6
-#define OP_MASK_TARGET 0x3ffffff
-#define OP_SH_TARGET 0
-#define OP_MASK_COPZ 0x1ffffff
-#define OP_SH_COPZ 0
-#define OP_MASK_IMMEDIATE 0xffff
-#define OP_SH_IMMEDIATE 0
-#define OP_MASK_DELTA 0xffff
-#define OP_SH_DELTA 0
-#define OP_MASK_FUNCT 0x3f
-#define OP_SH_FUNCT 0
-#define OP_MASK_SPEC 0x3f
-#define OP_SH_SPEC 0
-/* This structure holds information for a particular instruction. */
-struct mips_opcode
- /* The name of the instruction. */
- const char *name;
- /* A string describing the arguments for this instruction. */
- const char *args;
- /* The basic opcode for the instruction. When assembling, this
- opcode is modified by the arguments to produce the actual opcode
- that is used. If pinfo is INSN_MACRO, then this is instead the
- ISA level of the macro (0 or 1 is always supported, 2 is ISA 2,
- etc.). */
- unsigned long match;
- /* If pinfo is not INSN_MACRO, then this is a bit mask for the
- relevant portions of the opcode when disassembling. If the
- actual opcode anded with the match field equals the opcode field,
- then we have found the correct instruction. If pinfo is
- INSN_MACRO, then this field is the macro identifier. */
- unsigned long mask;
- /* For a macro, this is INSN_MACRO. Otherwise, it is a collection
- of bits describing the instruction, notably any relevant hazard
- information. */
- unsigned long pinfo;
-/* These are the characters which may appears in the args field of an
- instruction. They appear in the order in which the fields appear
- when the instruction is used. Commas and parentheses in the args
- string are ignored when assembling, and written into the output
- when disassembling.
- Each of these characters corresponds to a mask field defined above.
- "<" 5 bit shift amount (OP_*_SHAMT)
- ">" shift amount between 32 and 63, stored after subtracting 32 (OP_*_SHAMT)
- "a" 26 bit target address (OP_*_TARGET)
- "b" 5 bit base register (OP_*_RS)
- "c" 10 bit breakpoint code (OP_*_CODE)
- "d" 5 bit destination register specifier (OP_*_RD)
- "h" 5 bit prefx hint (OP_*_PREFX)
- "i" 16 bit unsigned immediate (OP_*_IMMEDIATE)
- "j" 16 bit signed immediate (OP_*_DELTA)
- "k" 5 bit cache opcode in target register position (OP_*_CACHE)
- "o" 16 bit signed offset (OP_*_DELTA)
- "p" 16 bit PC relative branch target address (OP_*_DELTA)
- "r" 5 bit same register used as both source and target (OP_*_RS)
- "s" 5 bit source register specifier (OP_*_RS)
- "t" 5 bit target register (OP_*_RT)
- "u" 16 bit upper 16 bits of address (OP_*_IMMEDIATE)
- "v" 5 bit same register used as both source and destination (OP_*_RS)
- "w" 5 bit same register used as both target and destination (OP_*_RT)
- "C" 25 bit coprocessor function code (OP_*_COPZ)
- "B" 20 bit syscall function code (OP_*_SYSCALL)
- "x" accept and ignore register name
- "z" must be zero register
- Floating point instructions:
- "D" 5 bit destination register (OP_*_FD)
- "M" 3 bit compare condition code (OP_*_CCC) (only used for mips4 and up)
- "N" 3 bit branch condition code (OP_*_BCC) (only used for mips4 and up)
- "S" 5 bit fs source 1 register (OP_*_FS)
- "T" 5 bit ft source 2 register (OP_*_FT)
- "R" 5 bit fr source 3 register (OP_*_FR)
- "V" 5 bit same register used as floating source and destination (OP_*_FS)
- "W" 5 bit same register used as floating target and destination (OP_*_FT)
- Coprocessor instructions:
- "E" 5 bit target register (OP_*_RT)
- "G" 5 bit destination register (OP_*_RD)
- Macro instructions:
- "A" General 32 bit expression
- "I" 32 bit immediate
- "F" 64 bit floating point constant in .rdata
- "L" 64 bit floating point constant in .lit8
- "f" 32 bit floating point constant
- "l" 32 bit floating point constant in .lit4
-/* These are the bits which may be set in the pinfo field of an
- instructions, if it is not equal to INSN_MACRO. */
-/* Modifies the general purpose register in OP_*_RD. */
-#define INSN_WRITE_GPR_D 0x00000001
-/* Modifies the general purpose register in OP_*_RT. */
-#define INSN_WRITE_GPR_T 0x00000002
-/* Modifies general purpose register 31. */
-#define INSN_WRITE_GPR_31 0x00000004
-/* Modifies the floating point register in OP_*_FD. */
-#define INSN_WRITE_FPR_D 0x00000008
-/* Modifies the floating point register in OP_*_FS. */
-#define INSN_WRITE_FPR_S 0x00000010
-/* Modifies the floating point register in OP_*_FT. */
-#define INSN_WRITE_FPR_T 0x00000020
-/* Reads the general purpose register in OP_*_RS. */
-#define INSN_READ_GPR_S 0x00000040
-/* Reads the general purpose register in OP_*_RT. */
-#define INSN_READ_GPR_T 0x00000080
-/* Reads the floating point register in OP_*_FS. */
-#define INSN_READ_FPR_S 0x00000100
-/* Reads the floating point register in OP_*_FT. */
-#define INSN_READ_FPR_T 0x00000200
-/* Reads the floating point register in OP_*_FR. */
-#define INSN_READ_FPR_R 0x00000400
-/* Modifies coprocessor condition code. */
-#define INSN_WRITE_COND_CODE 0x00000800
-/* Reads coprocessor condition code. */
-#define INSN_READ_COND_CODE 0x00001000
-/* TLB operation. */
-#define INSN_TLB 0x00002000
-/* Reads coprocessor register other than floating point register. */
-#define INSN_COP 0x00004000
-/* Instruction loads value from memory, requiring delay. */
-#define INSN_LOAD_MEMORY_DELAY 0x00008000
-/* Instruction loads value from coprocessor, requiring delay. */
-#define INSN_LOAD_COPROC_DELAY 0x00010000
-/* Instruction has unconditional branch delay slot. */
-#define INSN_UNCOND_BRANCH_DELAY 0x00020000
-/* Instruction has conditional branch delay slot. */
-#define INSN_COND_BRANCH_DELAY 0x00040000
-/* Conditional branch likely: if branch not taken, insn nullified. */
-#define INSN_COND_BRANCH_LIKELY 0x00080000
-/* Moves to coprocessor register, requiring delay. */
-#define INSN_COPROC_MOVE_DELAY 0x00100000
-/* Loads coprocessor register from memory, requiring delay. */
-#define INSN_COPROC_MEMORY_DELAY 0x00200000
-/* Reads the HI register. */
-#define INSN_READ_HI 0x00400000
-/* Reads the LO register. */
-#define INSN_READ_LO 0x00800000
-/* Modifies the HI register. */
-#define INSN_WRITE_HI 0x01000000
-/* Modifies the LO register. */
-#define INSN_WRITE_LO 0x02000000
-/* Takes a trap (easier to keep out of delay slot). */
-#define INSN_TRAP 0x04000000
-/* Instruction stores value into memory. */
-#define INSN_STORE_MEMORY 0x08000000
-/* MIPS ISA field--CPU level at which insn is supported. */
-#define INSN_ISA 0x70000000
-/* MIPS ISA 2 instruction (R6000 or R4000). */
-#define INSN_ISA2 0x10000000
-/* MIPS ISA 3 instruction (R4000). */
-#define INSN_ISA3 0x20000000
-/* MIPS R4650 instruction. */
-#define INSN_4650 0x30000000
-/* MIPS ISA 4 instruction (R8000). */
-#define INSN_ISA4 0x40000000
-/* LSI R4010 instruction. */
-#define INSN_4010 0x50000000
-/* NEC VR4100 instruction. */
-#define INSN_4100 0x60000000
-/* Instruction is actually a macro. It should be ignored by the
- disassembler, and requires special treatment by the assembler. */
-#define INSN_MACRO 0xffffffff
-/* This is a list of macro expanded instructions.
- *
- * _I appended means immediate
- * _A appended means address
- * _AB appended means address with base register
- * _D appended means 64 bit floating point constant
- * _S appended means 32 bit floating point constant
- */
-enum {
- M_ABS,
- M_ADD_I,
- M_AND_I,
- M_BEQ_I,
- M_BGE,
- M_BGE_I,
- M_BGT,
- M_BGT_I,
- M_BLE,
- M_BLE_I,
- M_BLT,
- M_BLT_I,
- M_BNE_I,
- M_DDIV_3,
- M_DDIV_3I,
- M_DDIVU_3,
- M_DIV_3,
- M_DIV_3I,
- M_DIVU_3,
- M_DIVU_3I,
- M_DLI,
- M_DREM_3,
- M_DREM_3I,
- M_DREMU_3,
- M_J_A,
- M_JAL_1,
- M_JAL_2,
- M_JAL_A,
- M_L_DOB,
- M_L_DAB,
- M_LA_AB,
- M_LB_A,
- M_LB_AB,
- M_LBU_A,
- M_LD_A,
- M_LD_OB,
- M_LD_AB,
- M_LDC1_AB,
- M_LDC2_AB,
- M_LDC3_AB,
- M_LH_A,
- M_LH_AB,
- M_LHU_A,
- M_LI,
- M_LI_D,
- M_LI_DD,
- M_LI_S,
- M_LI_SS,
- M_LL_AB,
- M_LS_A,
- M_LW_A,
- M_LW_AB,
- M_LWC0_A,
- M_LWC0_AB,
- M_LWC1_A,
- M_LWC1_AB,
- M_LWC2_A,
- M_LWC2_AB,
- M_LWC3_A,
- M_LWC3_AB,
- M_LWL_A,
- M_LWR_A,
- M_MUL,
- M_MUL_I,
- M_NOR_I,
- M_OR_I,
- M_REM_3,
- M_REM_3I,
- M_REMU_3,
- M_REMU_3I,
- M_ROL,
- M_ROL_I,
- M_ROR,
- M_ROR_I,
- M_S_DA,
- M_S_DOB,
- M_S_DAB,
- M_S_S,
- M_SC_AB,
- M_SD_A,
- M_SD_OB,
- M_SD_AB,
- M_SDC1_AB,
- M_SDC2_AB,
- M_SDC3_AB,
- M_SEQ,
- M_SEQ_I,
- M_SGE,
- M_SGE_I,
- M_SGT,
- M_SGT_I,
- M_SLE,
- M_SLE_I,
- M_SLT_I,
- M_SNE,
- M_SNE_I,
- M_SB_A,
- M_SB_AB,
- M_SH_A,
- M_SH_AB,
- M_SW_A,
- M_SW_AB,
- M_SWC0_A,
- M_SWC0_AB,
- M_SWC1_A,
- M_SWC1_AB,
- M_SWC2_A,
- M_SWC2_AB,
- M_SWC3_A,
- M_SWC3_AB,
- M_SWL_A,
- M_SWR_A,
- M_SUB_I,
- M_TEQ_I,
- M_TGE_I,
- M_TLT_I,
- M_TNE_I,
- M_ULD,
- M_ULD_A,
- M_ULH,
- M_ULH_A,
- M_ULW,
- M_ULW_A,
- M_USH,
- M_USH_A,
- M_USW,
- M_USW_A,
- M_USD,
- M_USD_A,
-/* The order of overloaded instructions matters. Label arguments and
- register arguments look the same. Instructions that can have either
- for arguments must apear in the correct order in this table for the
- assembler to pick the right one. In other words, entries with
- immediate operands must apear after the same instruction with
- registers.
- Many instructions are short hand for other instructions (i.e., The
- jal <register> instruction is short for jalr <register>). */
-extern const struct mips_opcode mips_opcodes[];
-extern const int bfd_mips_num_opcodes;
-#define NUMOPCODES bfd_mips_num_opcodes
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/np1.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/np1.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d23adc7566cf..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/np1.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
-/* Print GOULD NPL instructions for GDB, the GNU debugger.
- Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-GDB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GDB; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-struct gld_opcode
- char *name;
- unsigned long opcode;
- unsigned long mask;
- char *args;
- int length;
-/* We store four bytes of opcode for all opcodes because that
- is the most any of them need. The actual length of an instruction
- is always at least 2 bytes, and at most four. The length of the
- instruction is based on the opcode.
- The mask component is a mask saying which bits must match
- particular opcode in order for an instruction to be an instance
- of that opcode.
- The args component is a string containing characters
- that are used to format the arguments to the instruction. */
-/* Kinds of operands:
- r Register in first field
- R Register in second field
- b Base register in first field
- B Base register in second field
- v Vector register in first field
- V Vector register in first field
- A Optional address register (base register)
- X Optional index register
- I Immediate data (16bits signed)
- O Offset field (16bits signed)
- h Offset field (15bits signed)
- d Offset field (14bits signed)
- S Shift count field
- any other characters are printed as is...
-/* The assembler requires that this array be sorted as follows:
- all instances of the same mnemonic must be consecutive.
- All instances of the same mnemonic with the same number of operands
- must be consecutive.
- */
-struct gld_opcode gld_opcodes[] =
-{ "lb", 0xb4080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lnb", 0xb8080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lbs", 0xec080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lh", 0xb4000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lnh", 0xb8000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lw", 0xb4000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lnw", 0xb8000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "ld", 0xb4000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lnd", 0xb8000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "li", 0xf8000000, 0xfc7f0000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "lpa", 0x50080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "la", 0x50000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "labr", 0x58080000, 0xfc080000, "b,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lbp", 0x90080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lhp", 0x90000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lwp", 0x90000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "ldp", 0x90000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "suabr", 0x58000000, 0xfc080000, "b,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lf", 0xbc000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lfbr", 0xbc080000, 0xfc080000, "b,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lwbr", 0x5c000000, 0xfc080000, "b,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stb", 0xd4080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "sth", 0xd4000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stw", 0xd4000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "std", 0xd4000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stf", 0xdc000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stfbr", 0xdc080000, 0xfc080000, "b,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stwbr", 0x54000000, 0xfc080000, "b,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "zmb", 0xd8080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "zmh", 0xd8000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "zmw", 0xd8000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "zmd", 0xd8000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stbp", 0x94080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "sthp", 0x94000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stwp", 0x94000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stdp", 0x94000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lil", 0xf80b0000, 0xfc7f0000, "r,D", 4 },
-{ "lwsl1", 0xec000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lwsl2", 0xfc000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lwsl3", 0xfc080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lvb", 0xb0080000, 0xfc080000, "v,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lvh", 0xb0000001, 0xfc080001, "v,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lvw", 0xb0000000, 0xfc080000, "v,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lvd", 0xb0000002, 0xfc080002, "v,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "liv", 0x3c040000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "livf", 0x3c080000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "stvb", 0xd0080000, 0xfc080000, "v,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stvh", 0xd0000001, 0xfc080001, "v,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stvw", 0xd0000000, 0xfc080000, "v,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stvd", 0xd0000002, 0xfc080002, "v,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "trr", 0x2c000000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "trn", 0x2c040000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "trnd", 0x2c0c0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "trabs", 0x2c010000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "trabsd", 0x2c090000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "trc", 0x2c030000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "xcr", 0x28040000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "cxcr", 0x2c060000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "cxcrd", 0x2c0e0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "tbrr", 0x2c020000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,B", 2 },
-{ "trbr", 0x28030000, 0xfc0f0000, "b,R", 2 },
-{ "xcbr", 0x28020000, 0xfc0f0000, "b,B", 2 },
-{ "tbrbr", 0x28010000, 0xfc0f0000, "b,B", 2 },
-{ "trvv", 0x28050000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "trvvn", 0x2c050000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "trvvnd", 0x2c0d0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "trvab", 0x2c070000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "trvabd", 0x2c0f0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "cmpv", 0x14060000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "expv", 0x14070000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "mrvvlt", 0x10030000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "mrvvle", 0x10040000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "mrvvgt", 0x14030000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "mrvvge", 0x14040000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "mrvveq", 0x10050000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "mrvvne", 0x10050000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "mrvrlt", 0x100d0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "mrvrle", 0x100e0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "mrvrgt", 0x140d0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "mrvrge", 0x140e0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "mrvreq", 0x100f0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "mrvrne", 0x140f0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "trvr", 0x140b0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,V", 2 },
-{ "trrv", 0x140c0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "bu", 0x40000000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bns", 0x70080000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bnco", 0x70880000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bge", 0x71080000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bne", 0x71880000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bunge", 0x72080000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bunle", 0x72880000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bgt", 0x73080000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bnany", 0x73880000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bs" , 0x70000000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bco", 0x70800000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "blt", 0x71000000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "beq", 0x71800000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "buge", 0x72000000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bult", 0x72800000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "ble", 0x73000000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bany", 0x73800000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "brlnk", 0x44000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bib", 0x48000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bih", 0x48080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "biw", 0x4c000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bid", 0x4c080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bivb", 0x60000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bivh", 0x60080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bivw", 0x64000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bivd", 0x64080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bvsb", 0x68000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bvsh", 0x68080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bvsw", 0x6c000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bvsd", 0x6c080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "camb", 0x80080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "camh", 0x80000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "camw", 0x80000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "camd", 0x80000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "car", 0x10000000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "card", 0x14000000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "ci", 0xf8050000, 0xfc7f0000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "chkbnd", 0x5c080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "cavv", 0x10010000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "cavr", 0x10020000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "cavvd", 0x10090000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "cavrd", 0x100b0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "anmb", 0x84080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "anmh", 0x84000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "anmw", 0x84000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "anmd", 0x84000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "anr", 0x04000000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "ani", 0xf8080000, 0xfc7f0000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "ormb", 0xb8080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "ormh", 0xb8000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "ormw", 0xb8000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "ormd", 0xb8000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "orr", 0x08000000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "oi", 0xf8090000, 0xfc7f0000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "eomb", 0x8c080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "eomh", 0x8c000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "eomw", 0x8c000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "eomd", 0x8c000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "eor", 0x0c000000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "eoi", 0xf80a0000, 0xfc7f0000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "anvv", 0x04010000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "anvr", 0x04020000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "orvv", 0x08010000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "orvr", 0x08020000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "eovv", 0x0c010000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "eovr", 0x0c020000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "sacz", 0x100c0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "sla", 0x1c400000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "sll", 0x1c600000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "slc", 0x24400000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "slad", 0x20400000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "slld", 0x20600000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "sra", 0x1c000000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "srl", 0x1c200000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "src", 0x24000000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "srad", 0x20000000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "srld", 0x20200000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "sda", 0x3c030000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "sdl", 0x3c020000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "sdc", 0x3c010000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "sdad", 0x3c0b0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "sdld", 0x3c0a0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "svda", 0x3c070000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "svdl", 0x3c060000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "svdc", 0x3c050000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "svdad", 0x3c0e0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "svdld", 0x3c0d0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "sbm", 0xac080000, 0xfc080000, "f,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "zbm", 0xac000000, 0xfc080000, "f,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "tbm", 0xa8080000, 0xfc080000, "f,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "incmb", 0xa0000000, 0xfc080000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "incmh", 0xa0080000, 0xfc080000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "incmw", 0xa4000000, 0xfc080000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "incmd", 0xa4080000, 0xfc080000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "sbmd", 0x7c080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "zbmd", 0x7c000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "tbmd", 0x78080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "ssm", 0x9c080000, 0xfc080000, "f,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "zsm", 0x9c000000, 0xfc080000, "f,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "tsm", 0x98080000, 0xfc080000, "f,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "admb", 0xc8080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "admh", 0xc8000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "admw", 0xc8000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "admd", 0xc8000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "adr", 0x38000000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "armb", 0xe8080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "armh", 0xe8000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "armw", 0xe8000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "armd", 0xe8000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "adi", 0xf8010000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "sumb", 0xcc080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "sumh", 0xcc000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "sumw", 0xcc000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "sumd", 0xcc000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "sur", 0x3c000000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "sui", 0xf8020000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "mpmb", 0xc0080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "mpmh", 0xc0000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "mpmw", 0xc0000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "mpr", 0x38020000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "mprd", 0x3c0f0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "mpi", 0xf8030000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "dvmb", 0xc4080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "dvmh", 0xc4000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "dvmw", 0xc4000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "dvr", 0x380a0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "dvi", 0xf8040000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "exs", 0x38080000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "advv", 0x30000000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "advvd", 0x30080000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "adrv", 0x34000000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "adrvd", 0x34080000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "suvv", 0x30010000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "suvvd", 0x30090000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "surv", 0x34010000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "survd", 0x34090000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "mpvv", 0x30020000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "mprv", 0x34020000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "adfw", 0xe0080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "adfd", 0xe0080002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "adrfw", 0x38010000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "adrfd", 0x38090000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "surfw", 0xe0000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "surfd", 0xe0000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "surfw", 0x38030000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "surfd", 0x380b0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "mpfw", 0xe4080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "mpfd", 0xe4080002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "mprfw", 0x38060000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "mprfd", 0x380e0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "rfw", 0xe4000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "rfd", 0xe4000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "rrfw", 0x0c0e0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "rrfd", 0x0c0f0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "advvfw", 0x30040000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "advvfd", 0x300c0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "adrvfw", 0x34040000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "adrvfd", 0x340c0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "suvvfw", 0x30050000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "suvvfd", 0x300d0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "survfw", 0x34050000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "survfd", 0x340d0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "mpvvfw", 0x30060000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "mpvvfd", 0x300e0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "mprvfw", 0x34060000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "mprvfd", 0x340e0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,R", 2 },
-{ "rvfw", 0x30070000, 0xfc0f0000, "v", 2 },
-{ "rvfd", 0x300f0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v", 2 },
-{ "fltw", 0x38070000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "fltd", 0x380f0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "fixw", 0x38050000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "fixd", 0x380d0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "cfpds", 0x3c090000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "fltvw", 0x080d0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "fltvd", 0x080f0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "fixvw", 0x080c0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "fixvd", 0x080e0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "cfpvds", 0x0c0d0000, 0xfc0f0000, "v,V", 2 },
-{ "orvrn", 0x000a0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,V", 2 },
-{ "andvrn", 0x00080000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,V", 2 },
-{ "frsteq", 0x04090000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,V", 2 },
-{ "sigma", 0x0c080000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,V", 2 },
-{ "sigmad", 0x0c0a0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,V", 2 },
-{ "sigmf", 0x08080000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,V", 2 },
-{ "sigmfd", 0x080a0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,V", 2 },
-{ "prodf", 0x04080000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,V", 2 },
-{ "prodfd", 0x040a0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,V", 2 },
-{ "maxv", 0x10080000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,V", 2 },
-{ "maxvd", 0x100a0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,V", 2 },
-{ "minv", 0x14080000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,V", 2 },
-{ "minvd", 0x140a0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,V", 2 },
-{ "lpsd", 0xf0000000, 0xfc080000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "ldc", 0xf0080000, 0xfc080000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "spm", 0x040c0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "rpm", 0x040d0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "tritr", 0x00070000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "trrit", 0x00060000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "rpswt", 0x04080000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "exr", 0xf8070000, 0xfc0f0000, "", 4 },
-{ "halt", 0x00000000, 0xfc0f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "wait", 0x00010000, 0xfc0f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "nop", 0x00020000, 0xfc0f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "eiae", 0x00030000, 0xfc0f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "efae", 0x000d0000, 0xfc0f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "diae", 0x000e0000, 0xfc0f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "dfae", 0x000f0000, 0xfc0f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "spvc", 0xf8060000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,T,N", 4 },
-{ "rdsts", 0x00090000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "setcpu", 0x000c0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "cmc", 0x000b0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "trrcu", 0x00040000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "attnio", 0x00050000, 0xfc0f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "fudit", 0x28080000, 0xfc0f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "break", 0x28090000, 0xfc0f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "frzss", 0x280a0000, 0xfc0f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "ripi", 0x04040000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "xcp", 0x04050000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "block", 0x04060000, 0xfc0f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "unblock", 0x04070000, 0xfc0f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "trsc", 0x08060000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "tscr", 0x08070000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "fq", 0x04080000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "flupte", 0x2c080000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "rviu", 0x040f0000, 0xfc0f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "ldel", 0x280c0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "ldu", 0x280d0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "stdecc", 0x280b0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "trpc", 0x08040000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "tpcr", 0x08050000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "ghalt", 0x0c050000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "grun", 0x0c040000, 0xfc0f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "tmpr", 0x2c0a0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "trmp", 0x2c0b0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "trrve", 0x28060000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "trver", 0x28070000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "trvlr", 0x280f0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "linkfl", 0x18000000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "linkbl", 0x18020000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "linkfp", 0x18010000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "linkbp", 0x18030000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "linkpl", 0x18040000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "ulinkl", 0x18080000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "ulinkp", 0x18090000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "ulinktl", 0x180a0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "ulinktp", 0x180b0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-int numopcodes = sizeof(gld_opcodes) / sizeof(gld_opcodes[0]);
-struct gld_opcode *endop = gld_opcodes + sizeof(gld_opcodes) /
- sizeof(gld_opcodes[0]);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/ns32k.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/ns32k.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 42bb8b87aad6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/ns32k.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
-/* ns32k-opcode.h -- Opcode table for National Semi 32k processor
- Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
-GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#define DEF_MODEC 20
-#define DEF_MODEL 21
-#ifndef DEF_MODEC
-#define DEF_MODEC 20
-#ifndef DEF_MODEL
-#define DEF_MODEL 20
- After deciding the instruction entry (via hash.c) the instruction parser
- will try to match the operands after the instruction to the required set
- given in the entry operandfield. Every operand will result in a change in
- the opcode or the addition of data to the opcode.
- The operands in the source instruction are checked for inconsistent
- semantics.
- F : 32 bit float general form
- L : 64 bit float "
- B : byte "
- W : word "
- D : double-word "
- A : double-word gen-address-form ie no regs, no immediate
- I : integer writeable gen int except immediate (A + reg)
- Z : floating writeable gen float except immediate (Z + freg)
- d : displacement
- b : displacement - pc relative addressing acb
- p : displacement - pc relative addressing br bcond bsr cxp
- q : quick
- i : immediate (8 bits)
- This is not a standard ns32k operandtype, it is used to build
- instructions like svc arg1,arg2
- Svc is the instruction SuperVisorCall and is sometimes used to
- call OS-routines from usermode. Some args might be handy!
- r : register number (3 bits)
- O : setcfg instruction optionslist
- C : cinv instruction optionslist
- S : stringinstruction optionslist
- U : registerlist save,enter
- u : registerlist restore,exit
- M : mmu register
- P : cpu register
- g : 3:rd operand of inss or exts instruction
- G : 4:th operand of inss or exts instruction
- Those operands are encoded in the same byte.
- This byte is placed last in the instruction.
- f : operand of sfsr
- H : sequent-hack for bsr (Warning)
-column 1 instructions
- 2 number of bits in opcode.
- 3 number of bits in opcode explicitly
- determined by the instruction type.
- 4 opcodeseed, the number we build our opcode
- from.
- 5 operandtypes, used by operandparser.
- 6 size in bytes of immediate
-struct ns32k_opcode {
- char *name;
- unsigned char opcode_id_size; /* not used by the assembler */
- unsigned char opcode_size;
- unsigned long opcode_seed;
- char *operands;
- unsigned char im_size; /* not used by dissassembler */
- char *default_args; /* default to those args when none given */
- char default_modec; /* default to this addr-mode when ambigous
- ie when the argument of a general addr-mode
- is a plain constant */
- char default_model; /* is a plain label */
-#ifdef comment
-/* This section was from the gdb version of this file. */
-#ifndef ns32k_opcodeT
-#define ns32k_opcodeT int
-#endif /* no ns32k_opcodeT */
-struct not_wot /* ns32k opcode table: wot to do with this */
- /* particular opcode */
- int obits; /* number of opcode bits */
- int ibits; /* number of instruction bits */
- ns32k_opcodeT code; /* op-code (may be > 8 bits!) */
- char *args; /* how to compile said opcode */
-struct not /* ns32k opcode text */
- char * name; /* opcode name: lowercase string [key] */
- struct not_wot detail; /* rest of opcode table [datum] */
-/* Instructions look like this:
- basic instruction--1, 2, or 3 bytes
- index byte for operand A, if operand A is indexed--1 byte
- index byte for operand B, if operand B is indexed--1 byte
- addressing extension for operand A
- addressing extension for operand B
- implied operands
- Operand A is the operand listed first in the following opcode table.
- Operand B is the operand listed second in the following opcode table.
- All instructions have at most 2 general operands, so this is enough.
- The implied operands are associated with operands other than A and B.
- Each operand has a digit and a letter.
- The digit gives the position in the assembly language. The letter,
- one of the following, tells us what kind of operand it is. */
-/* F : 32 bit float
- * L : 64 bit float
- * B : byte
- * W : word
- * D : double-word
- * I : integer not immediate
- * Z : floating not immediate
- * d : displacement
- * q : quick
- * i : immediate (8 bits)
- * r : register number (3 bits)
- * p : displacement - pc relative addressing
-#endif /* comment */
-static const struct ns32k_opcode ns32k_opcodes[]=
- { "absf", 14,24, 0x35be, "1F2Z", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "absl", 14,24, 0x34be, "1L2Z", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "absb", 14,24, 0x304e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "absw", 14,24, 0x314e, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "absd", 14,24, 0x334e, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "acbb", 7,16, 0x4c, "2I1q3p", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "acbw", 7,16, 0x4d, "2I1q3p", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "acbd", 7,16, 0x4f, "2I1q3p", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "addf", 14,24, 0x01be, "1F2Z", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "addl", 14,24, 0x00be, "1L2Z", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "addb", 6,16, 0x00, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "addw", 6,16, 0x01, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "addd", 6,16, 0x03, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "addcb", 6,16, 0x10, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "addcw", 6,16, 0x11, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "addcd", 6,16, 0x13, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "addpb", 14,24, 0x3c4e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "addpw", 14,24, 0x3d4e, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "addpd", 14,24, 0x3f4e, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "addqb", 7,16, 0x0c, "2I1q", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "addqw", 7,16, 0x0d, "2I1q", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "addqd", 7,16, 0x0f, "2I1q", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "addr", 6,16, 0x27, "1A2I", 4, "", 21,21 },
- { "adjspb", 11,16, 0x057c, "1B", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "adjspw", 11,16, 0x057d, "1W", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "adjspd", 11,16, 0x057f, "1D", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "andb", 6,16, 0x28, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "andw", 6,16, 0x29, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "andd", 6,16, 0x2b, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "ashb", 14,24, 0x044e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "ashw", 14,24, 0x054e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "ashd", 14,24, 0x074e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "beq", 8,8, 0x0a, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "bne", 8,8, 0x1a, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "bcs", 8,8, 0x2a, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "bcc", 8,8, 0x3a, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "bhi", 8,8, 0x4a, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "bls", 8,8, 0x5a, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "bgt", 8,8, 0x6a, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "ble", 8,8, 0x7a, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "bfs", 8,8, 0x8a, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "bfc", 8,8, 0x9a, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "blo", 8,8, 0xaa, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "bhs", 8,8, 0xba, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "blt", 8,8, 0xca, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "bge", 8,8, 0xda, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "but", 8,8, 0xea, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "buf", 8,8, 0xfa, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "bicb", 6,16, 0x08, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "bicw", 6,16, 0x09, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "bicd", 6,16, 0x0b, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "bicpsrb", 11,16, 0x17c, "1B", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "bicpsrw", 11,16, 0x17d, "1W", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "bispsrb", 11,16, 0x37c, "1B", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "bispsrw", 11,16, 0x37d, "1W", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "bpt", 8,8, 0xf2, "", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "br", 8,8, 0xea, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "bsr", 8,8, 0x02, "1H", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "bsr", 8,8, 0x02, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "caseb", 11,16, 0x77c, "1B", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "casew", 11,16, 0x77d, "1W", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cased", 11,16, 0x77f, "1D", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cbitb", 14,24, 0x084e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cbitw", 14,24, 0x094e, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cbitd", 14,24, 0x0b4e, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cbitib", 14,24, 0x0c4e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cbitiw", 14,24, 0x0d4e, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cbitid", 14,24, 0x0f4e, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "checkb", 11,24, 0x0ee, "2A3B1r", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "checkw", 11,24, 0x1ee, "2A3W1r", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "checkd", 11,24, 0x3ee, "2A3D1r", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cinv", 14,24, 0x271e, "2D1C", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cmpf", 14,24, 0x09be, "1F2F", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cmpl", 14,24, 0x08be, "1L2L", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cmpb", 6,16, 0x04, "1B2B", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cmpw", 6,16, 0x05, "1W2W", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cmpd", 6,16, 0x07, "1D2D", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cmpmb", 14,24, 0x04ce, "1A2A3b", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cmpmw", 14,24, 0x05ce, "1A2A3b", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cmpmd", 14,24, 0x07ce, "1A2A3b", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cmpqb", 7,16, 0x1c, "2B1q", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cmpqw", 7,16, 0x1d, "2W1q", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cmpqd", 7,16, 0x1f, "2D1q", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cmpsb", 16,24, 0x040e, "1S", 0, "[]", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cmpsw", 16,24, 0x050e, "1S", 0, "[]", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cmpsd", 16,24, 0x070e, "1S", 0, "[]", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cmpst", 16,24, 0x840e, "1S", 0, "[]", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "comb", 14,24, 0x344e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "comw", 14,24, 0x354e, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "comd", 14,24, 0x374e, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cvtp", 11,24, 0x036e, "2A3D1r", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "cxp", 8,8, 0x22, "1p", 0, "", 21,21 },
- { "cxpd", 11,16, 0x07f, "1A", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "deib", 14,24, 0x2cce, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "deiw", 14,24, 0x2dce, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "deid", 14,24, 0x2fce, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "dia", 8,8, 0xc2, "", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "divf", 14,24, 0x21be, "1F2Z", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "divl", 14,24, 0x20be, "1L2Z", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "divb", 14,24, 0x3cce, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "divw", 14,24, 0x3dce, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "divd", 14,24, 0x3fce, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "enter", 8,8, 0x82, "1U2d", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "exit", 8,8, 0x92, "1u", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "extb", 11,24, 0x02e, "2I3B1r4d", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "extw", 11,24, 0x12e, "2I3W1r4d", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "extd", 11,24, 0x32e, "2I3D1r4d", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "extsb", 14,24, 0x0cce, "1I2I4G3g", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "extsw", 14,24, 0x0dce, "1I2I4G3g", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "extsd", 14,24, 0x0fce, "1I2I4G3g", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "ffsb", 14,24, 0x046e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "ffsw", 14,24, 0x056e, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "ffsd", 14,24, 0x076e, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "flag", 8,8, 0xd2, "", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "floorfb", 14,24, 0x3c3e, "1F2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "floorfw", 14,24, 0x3d3e, "1F2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "floorfd", 14,24, 0x3f3e, "1F2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "floorlb", 14,24, 0x383e, "1L2I", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "floorlw", 14,24, 0x393e, "1L2I", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "floorld", 14,24, 0x3b3e, "1L2I", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "ibitb", 14,24, 0x384e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "ibitw", 14,24, 0x394e, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "ibitd", 14,24, 0x3b4e, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "indexb", 11,24, 0x42e, "2B3B1r", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "indexw", 11,24, 0x52e, "2W3W1r", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "indexd", 11,24, 0x72e, "2D3D1r", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "insb", 11,24, 0x0ae, "2B3I1r4d", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "insw", 11,24, 0x1ae, "2W3I1r4d", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "insd", 11,24, 0x3ae, "2D3I1r4d", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "inssb", 14,24, 0x08ce, "1B2I4G3g", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "inssw", 14,24, 0x09ce, "1W2I4G3g", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "inssd", 14,24, 0x0bce, "1D2I4G3g", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "jsr", 11,16, 0x67f, "1A", 4, "", 21,21 },
- { "jump", 11,16, 0x27f, "1A", 4, "", 21,21 },
- { "lfsr", 19,24, 0x00f3e,"1D", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "lmr", 15,24, 0x0b1e, "2D1M", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "lprb", 7,16, 0x6c, "2B1P", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "lprw", 7,16, 0x6d, "2W1P", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "lprd", 7,16, 0x6f, "2D1P", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "lshb", 14,24, 0x144e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "lshw", 14,24, 0x154e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "lshd", 14,24, 0x174e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "meib", 14,24, 0x24ce, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "meiw", 14,24, 0x25ce, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "meid", 14,24, 0x27ce, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "modb", 14,24, 0x38ce, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "modw", 14,24, 0x39ce, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "modd", 14,24, 0x3bce, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movf", 14,24, 0x05be, "1F2Z", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movl", 14,24, 0x04be, "1L2Z", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movb", 6,16, 0x14, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movw", 6,16, 0x15, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movd", 6,16, 0x17, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movbf", 14,24, 0x043e, "1B2Z", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movwf", 14,24, 0x053e, "1W2Z", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movdf", 14,24, 0x073e, "1D2Z", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movbl", 14,24, 0x003e, "1B2Z", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movwl", 14,24, 0x013e, "1W2Z", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movdl", 14,24, 0x033e, "1D2Z", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movfl", 14,24, 0x1b3e, "1F2Z", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movlf", 14,24, 0x163e, "1L2Z", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movmb", 14,24, 0x00ce, "1A2A3b", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movmw", 14,24, 0x01ce, "1A2A3b", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movmd", 14,24, 0x03ce, "1A2A3b", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movqb", 7,16, 0x5c, "2I1q", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movqw", 7,16, 0x5d, "2I1q", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movqd", 7,16, 0x5f, "2I1q", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movsb", 16,24, 0x000e, "1S", 0, "[]", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movsw", 16,24, 0x010e, "1S", 0, "[]", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movsd", 16,24, 0x030e, "1S", 0, "[]", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movst", 16,24, 0x800e, "1S", 0, "[]", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movsub", 14,24, 0x0cae, "1A2A", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movsuw", 14,24, 0x0dae, "1A2A", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movsud", 14,24, 0x0fae, "1A2A", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movusb", 14,24, 0x1cae, "1A2A", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movusw", 14,24, 0x1dae, "1A2A", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movusd", 14,24, 0x1fae, "1A2A", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movxbd", 14,24, 0x1cce, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movxwd", 14,24, 0x1dce, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movxbw", 14,24, 0x10ce, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movzbd", 14,24, 0x18ce, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movzwd", 14,24, 0x19ce, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "movzbw", 14,24, 0x14ce, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "mulf", 14,24, 0x31be, "1F2Z", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "mull", 14,24, 0x30be, "1L2Z", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "mulb", 14,24, 0x20ce, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "mulw", 14,24, 0x21ce, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "muld", 14,24, 0x23ce, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "negf", 14,24, 0x15be, "1F2Z", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "negl", 14,24, 0x14be, "1L2Z", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "negb", 14,24, 0x204e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "negw", 14,24, 0x214e, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "negd", 14,24, 0x234e, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "nop", 8,8, 0xa2, "", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "notb", 14,24, 0x244e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "notw", 14,24, 0x254e, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "notd", 14,24, 0x274e, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "orb", 6,16, 0x18, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "orw", 6,16, 0x19, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "ord", 6,16, 0x1b, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "quob", 14,24, 0x30ce, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "quow", 14,24, 0x31ce, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "quod", 14,24, 0x33ce, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "rdval", 19,24, 0x0031e,"1A", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "remb", 14,24, 0x34ce, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "remw", 14,24, 0x35ce, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "remd", 14,24, 0x37ce, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "restore", 8,8, 0x72, "1u", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "ret", 8,8, 0x12, "1d", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "reti", 8,8, 0x52, "", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "rett", 8,8, 0x42, "1d", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "rotb", 14,24, 0x004e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "rotw", 14,24, 0x014e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "rotd", 14,24, 0x034e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "roundfb", 14,24, 0x243e, "1F2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "roundfw", 14,24, 0x253e, "1F2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "roundfd", 14,24, 0x273e, "1F2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "roundlb", 14,24, 0x203e, "1L2I", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "roundlw", 14,24, 0x213e, "1L2I", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "roundld", 14,24, 0x233e, "1L2I", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "rxp", 8,8, 0x32, "1d", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "seqb", 11,16, 0x3c, "1B", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "seqw", 11,16, 0x3d, "1W", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "seqd", 11,16, 0x3f, "1D", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sneb", 11,16, 0xbc, "1B", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "snew", 11,16, 0xbd, "1W", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sned", 11,16, 0xbf, "1D", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "scsb", 11,16, 0x13c, "1B", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "scsw", 11,16, 0x13d, "1W", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "scsd", 11,16, 0x13f, "1D", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sccb", 11,16, 0x1bc, "1B", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sccw", 11,16, 0x1bd, "1W", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sccd", 11,16, 0x1bf, "1D", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "shib", 11,16, 0x23c, "1B", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "shiw", 11,16, 0x23d, "1W", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "shid", 11,16, 0x23f, "1D", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "slsb", 11,16, 0x2bc, "1B", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "slsw", 11,16, 0x2bd, "1W", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "slsd", 11,16, 0x2bf, "1D", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sgtb", 11,16, 0x33c, "1B", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sgtw", 11,16, 0x33d, "1W", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sgtd", 11,16, 0x33f, "1D", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sleb", 11,16, 0x3bc, "1B", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "slew", 11,16, 0x3bd, "1W", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sled", 11,16, 0x3bf, "1D", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sfsb", 11,16, 0x43c, "1B", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sfsw", 11,16, 0x43d, "1W", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sfsd", 11,16, 0x43f, "1D", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sfcb", 11,16, 0x4bc, "1B", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sfcw", 11,16, 0x4bd, "1W", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sfcd", 11,16, 0x4bf, "1D", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "slob", 11,16, 0x53c, "1B", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "slow", 11,16, 0x53d, "1W", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "slod", 11,16, 0x53f, "1D", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "shsb", 11,16, 0x5bc, "1B", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "shsw", 11,16, 0x5bd, "1W", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "shsd", 11,16, 0x5bf, "1D", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sltb", 11,16, 0x63c, "1B", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sltw", 11,16, 0x63d, "1W", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sltd", 11,16, 0x63f, "1D", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sgeb", 11,16, 0x6bc, "1B", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sgew", 11,16, 0x6bd, "1W", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sged", 11,16, 0x6bf, "1D", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sutb", 11,16, 0x73c, "1B", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sutw", 11,16, 0x73d, "1W", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sutd", 11,16, 0x73f, "1D", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sufb", 11,16, 0x7bc, "1B", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sufw", 11,16, 0x7bd, "1W", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sufd", 11,16, 0x7bf, "1D", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "save", 8,8, 0x62, "1U", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sbitb", 14,24, 0x184e, "1B2A", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sbitw", 14,24, 0x194e, "1W2A", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sbitd", 14,24, 0x1b4e, "1D2A", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sbitib", 14,24, 0x1c4e, "1B2A", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sbitiw", 14,24, 0x1d4e, "1W2A", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sbitid", 14,24, 0x1f4e, "1D2A", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "setcfg", 15,24, 0x0b0e, "1O", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sfsr", 14,24, 0x373e, "1f", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "skpsb", 16,24, 0x0c0e, "1S", 0, "[]", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "skpsw", 16,24, 0x0d0e, "1S", 0, "[]", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "skpsd", 16,24, 0x0f0e, "1S", 0, "[]", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "skpst", 16,24, 0x8c0e, "1S", 0, "[]", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "smr", 15,24, 0x0f1e, "2I1M", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sprb", 7,16, 0x2c, "2I1P", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sprw", 7,16, 0x2d, "2I1P", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "sprd", 7,16, 0x2f, "2I1P", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "subf", 14,24, 0x11be, "1F2Z", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "subl", 14,24, 0x10be, "1L2Z", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "subb", 6,16, 0x20, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "subw", 6,16, 0x21, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "subd", 6,16, 0x23, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "subcb", 6,16, 0x30, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "subcw", 6,16, 0x31, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "subcd", 6,16, 0x33, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "subpb", 14,24, 0x2c4e, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "subpw", 14,24, 0x2d4e, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "subpd", 14,24, 0x2f4e, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "svc", 8,8, 0xe2, "2i1i", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL }, /* not really, but some unix uses it */
- { "svc", 8,8, 0xe2, "", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "tbitb", 6,16, 0x34, "1B2A", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "tbitw", 6,16, 0x35, "1W2A", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "tbitd", 6,16, 0x37, "1D2A", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "truncfb", 14,24, 0x2c3e, "1F2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "truncfw", 14,24, 0x2d3e, "1F2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "truncfd", 14,24, 0x2f3e, "1F2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "trunclb", 14,24, 0x283e, "1L2I", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "trunclw", 14,24, 0x293e, "1L2I", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "truncld", 14,24, 0x2b3e, "1L2I", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "wait", 8,8, 0xb2, "", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "wrval", 19,24, 0x0071e,"1A", 0, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "xorb", 6,16, 0x38, "1B2I", 1, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "xorw", 6,16, 0x39, "1W2I", 2, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "xord", 6,16, 0x3b, "1D2I", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "dotf", 14,24, 0x0dfe, "1F2F", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "dotl", 14,24, 0x0cfe, "1L2L", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "logbf", 14,24, 0x15fe, "1F2Z", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "logbl", 14,24, 0x14fe, "1L2Z", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "polyf", 14,24, 0x09fe, "1F2F", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "polyl", 14,24, 0x08fe, "1L2L", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "scalbf", 14,24, 0x11fe, "1F2Z", 4, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
- { "scalbl", 14,24, 0x10fe, "1L2Z", 8, "", DEF_MODEC,DEF_MODEL },
-static const int numopcodes=sizeof(ns32k_opcodes)/sizeof(ns32k_opcodes[0]);
-static const struct ns32k_opcode *const endop = ns32k_opcodes+sizeof(ns32k_opcodes)/sizeof(ns32k_opcodes[0]);
-#define MAX_ARGS 4
-#define ARG_LEN 50
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/pn.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/pn.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f59a2a53ce9..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/pn.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-/* Print GOULD PN (PowerNode) instructions for GDB, the GNU debugger.
- Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-GDB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GDB; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-struct gld_opcode
- char *name;
- unsigned long opcode;
- unsigned long mask;
- char *args;
- int length;
-/* We store four bytes of opcode for all opcodes because that
- is the most any of them need. The actual length of an instruction
- is always at least 2 bytes, and at most four. The length of the
- instruction is based on the opcode.
- The mask component is a mask saying which bits must match
- particular opcode in order for an instruction to be an instance
- of that opcode.
- The args component is a string containing characters
- that are used to format the arguments to the instruction. */
-/* Kinds of operands:
- r Register in first field
- R Register in second field
- b Base register in first field
- B Base register in second field
- v Vector register in first field
- V Vector register in first field
- A Optional address register (base register)
- X Optional index register
- I Immediate data (16bits signed)
- O Offset field (16bits signed)
- h Offset field (15bits signed)
- d Offset field (14bits signed)
- S Shift count field
- any other characters are printed as is...
-/* The assembler requires that this array be sorted as follows:
- all instances of the same mnemonic must be consecutive.
- All instances of the same mnemonic with the same number of operands
- must be consecutive.
- */
-struct gld_opcode gld_opcodes[] =
-{ "abm", 0xa0080000, 0xfc080000, "f,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "abr", 0x18080000, 0xfc0c0000, "r,f", 2 },
-{ "aci", 0xfc770000, 0xfc7f8000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "adfd", 0xe0080002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "adfw", 0xe0080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "adi", 0xc8010000, 0xfc7f0000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "admb", 0xb8080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "admd", 0xb8000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "admh", 0xb8000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "admw", 0xb8000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "adr", 0x38000000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "adrfd", 0x38090000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "adrfw", 0x38010000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "adrm", 0x38080000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "ai", 0xfc030000, 0xfc07ffff, "I", 4 },
-{ "anmb", 0x84080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "anmd", 0x84000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "anmh", 0x84000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "anmw", 0x84000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "anr", 0x04000000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "armb", 0xe8080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "armd", 0xe8000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "armh", 0xe8000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "armw", 0xe8000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bcf", 0xf0000000, 0xfc080000, "I,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bct", 0xec000000, 0xfc080000, "I,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bei", 0x00060000, 0xffff0000, "", 2 },
-{ "bft", 0xf0000000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bib", 0xf4000000, 0xfc780000, "r,xOA", 4 },
-{ "bid", 0xf4600000, 0xfc780000, "r,xOA", 4 },
-{ "bih", 0xf4200000, 0xfc780000, "r,xOA", 4 },
-{ "biw", 0xf4400000, 0xfc780000, "r,xOA", 4 },
-{ "bl", 0xf8800000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "bsub", 0x5c080000, 0xff8f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "bsubm", 0x28080000, 0xfc080000, "", 4 },
-{ "bu", 0xec000000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "call", 0x28080000, 0xfc0f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "callm", 0x5c080000, 0xff880000, "", 4 },
-{ "camb", 0x90080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "camd", 0x90000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "camh", 0x90000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "camw", 0x90000000, 0xfc080000, "r.xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "car", 0x10000000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "cd", 0xfc060000, 0xfc070000, "r,f", 4 },
-{ "cea", 0x000f0000, 0xffff0000, "", 2 },
-{ "ci", 0xc8050000, 0xfc7f0000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "cmc", 0x040a0000, 0xfc7f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "cmmb", 0x94080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "cmmd", 0x94000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "cmmh", 0x94000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "cmmw", 0x94000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "cmr", 0x14000000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "daci", 0xfc7f0000, 0xfc7f8000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "dae", 0x000e0000, 0xffff0000, "", 2 },
-{ "dai", 0xfc040000, 0xfc07ffff, "I", 4 },
-{ "dci", 0xfc6f0000, 0xfc7f8000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "di", 0xfc010000, 0xfc07ffff, "I", 4 },
-{ "dvfd", 0xe4000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "dvfw", 0xe4000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "dvi", 0xc8040000, 0xfc7f0000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "dvmb", 0xc4080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "dvmh", 0xc4000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "dvmw", 0xc4000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "dvr", 0x380a0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "dvrfd", 0x380c0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 4 },
-{ "dvrfw", 0x38040000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "eae", 0x00080000, 0xffff0000, "", 2 },
-{ "eci", 0xfc670000, 0xfc7f8080, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "ecwcs", 0xfc4f0000, 0xfc7f8000, "", 4 },
-{ "ei", 0xfc000000, 0xfc07ffff, "I", 4 },
-{ "eomb", 0x8c080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "eomd", 0x8c000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "eomh", 0x8c000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "eomw", 0x8c000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "eor", 0x0c000000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "eorm", 0x0c080000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "es", 0x00040000, 0xfc7f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "exm", 0xa8000000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "exr", 0xc8070000, 0xfc7f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "exrr", 0xc8070002, 0xfc7f0002, "r", 2 },
-{ "fixd", 0x380d0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "fixw", 0x38050000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "fltd", 0x380f0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "fltw", 0x38070000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "grio", 0xfc3f0000, 0xfc7f8000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "halt", 0x00000000, 0xffff0000, "", 2 },
-{ "hio", 0xfc370000, 0xfc7f8000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "jwcs", 0xfa080000, 0xff880000, "xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "la", 0x50000000, 0xfc000000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "labr", 0x58080000, 0xfc080000, "b,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lb", 0xac080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lcs", 0x00030000, 0xfc7f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "ld", 0xac000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lear", 0x80000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lf", 0xcc000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lfbr", 0xcc080000, 0xfc080000, "b,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lh", 0xac000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "li", 0xc8000000, 0xfc7f0000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "lmap", 0x2c070000, 0xfc7f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "lmb", 0xb0080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lmd", 0xb0000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lmh", 0xb0000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lmw", 0xb0000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lnb", 0xb4080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lnd", 0xb4000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lnh", 0xb4000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lnw", 0xb4000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lpsd", 0xf9800000, 0xff880000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lpsdcm", 0xfa800000, 0xff880000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lw", 0xac000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "lwbr", 0x5c000000, 0xfc080000, "b,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "mpfd", 0xe4080002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "mpfw", 0xe4080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "mpi", 0xc8030000, 0xfc7f0000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "mpmb", 0xc0080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "mpmh", 0xc0000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "mpmw", 0xc0000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "mpr", 0x38020000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "mprfd", 0x380e0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "mprfw", 0x38060000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "nop", 0x00020000, 0xffff0000, "", 2 },
-{ "ormb", 0x88080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "ormd", 0x88000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "ormh", 0x88000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "ormw", 0x88000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "orr", 0x08000000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "orrm", 0x08080000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "rdsts", 0x00090000, 0xfc7f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "return", 0x280e0000, 0xfc7f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "ri", 0xfc020000, 0xfc07ffff, "I", 4 },
-{ "rnd", 0x00050000, 0xfc7f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "rpswt", 0x040b0000, 0xfc7f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "rschnl", 0xfc2f0000, 0xfc7f8000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "rsctl", 0xfc470000, 0xfc7f8000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "rwcs", 0x000b0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "sacz", 0x10080000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "sbm", 0x98080000, 0xfc080000, "f,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "sbr", 0x18000000, 0xfc0c0000, "r,f", 4 },
-{ "sea", 0x000d0000, 0xffff0000, "", 2 },
-{ "setcpu", 0x2c090000, 0xfc7f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "sio", 0xfc170000, 0xfc7f8000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "sipu", 0x000a0000, 0xffff0000, "", 2 },
-{ "sla", 0x1c400000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "slad", 0x20400000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "slc", 0x24400000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "sll", 0x1c600000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "slld", 0x20600000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "smc", 0x04070000, 0xfc070000, "", 2 },
-{ "sra", 0x1c000000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "srad", 0x20000000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "src", 0x24000000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "srl", 0x1c200000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "srld", 0x20200000, 0xfc600000, "r,S", 2 },
-{ "stb", 0xd4080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "std", 0xd4000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stf", 0xdc000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stfbr", 0x54000000, 0xfc080000, "b,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "sth", 0xd4000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stmb", 0xd8080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stmd", 0xd8000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stmh", 0xd8000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stmw", 0xd8000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stpio", 0xfc270000, 0xfc7f8000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "stw", 0xd4000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "stwbr", 0x54000000, 0xfc080000, "b,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "suabr", 0x58000000, 0xfc080000, "b,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "sufd", 0xe0000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "sufw", 0xe0000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "sui", 0xc8020000, 0xfc7f0000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "sumb", 0xbc080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "sumd", 0xbc000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "sumh", 0xbc000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "sumw", 0xbc000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "sur", 0x3c000000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "surfd", 0x380b0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "surfw", 0x38030000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "surm", 0x3c080000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "svc", 0xc8060000, 0xffff0000, "", 4 },
-{ "tbm", 0xa4080000, 0xfc080000, "f,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "tbr", 0x180c0000, 0xfc0c0000, "r,f", 2 },
-{ "tbrr", 0x2c020000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,B", 2 },
-{ "tccr", 0x28040000, 0xfc7f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "td", 0xfc050000, 0xfc070000, "r,f", 4 },
-{ "tio", 0xfc1f0000, 0xfc7f8000, "r,I", 4 },
-{ "tmapr", 0x2c0a0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "tpcbr", 0x280c0000, 0xfc7f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "trbr", 0x2c010000, 0xfc0f0000, "b,R", 2 },
-{ "trc", 0x2c030000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "trcc", 0x28050000, 0xfc7f0000, "", 2 },
-{ "trcm", 0x2c0b0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "trn", 0x2c040000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "trnm", 0x2c0c0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "trr", 0x2c000000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "trrm", 0x2c080000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "trsc", 0x2c0e0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "trsw", 0x28000000, 0xfc7f0000, "r", 2 },
-{ "tscr", 0x2c0f0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "uei", 0x00070000, 0xffff0000, "", 2 },
-{ "wait", 0x00010000, 0xffff0000, "", 2 },
-{ "wcwcs", 0xfc5f0000, 0xfc7f8000, "", 4 },
-{ "wwcs", 0x000c0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "xcbr", 0x28020000, 0xfc0f0000, "b,B", 2 },
-{ "xcr", 0x2c050000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "xcrm", 0x2c0d0000, 0xfc0f0000, "r,R", 2 },
-{ "zbm", 0x9c080000, 0xfc080000, "f,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "zbr", 0x18040000, 0xfc0c0000, "r,f", 2 },
-{ "zmb", 0xf8080000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "zmd", 0xf8000002, 0xfc080002, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "zmh", 0xf8000001, 0xfc080001, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "zmw", 0xf8000000, 0xfc080000, "r,xOA,X", 4 },
-{ "zr", 0x0c000000, 0xfc0f0000, "r", 2 },
-int numopcodes = sizeof(gld_opcodes) / sizeof(gld_opcodes[0]);
-struct gld_opcode *endop = gld_opcodes + sizeof(gld_opcodes) /
- sizeof(gld_opcodes[0]);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/ppc.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/ppc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a9e3b24ab30e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/ppc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-/* ppc.h -- Header file for PowerPC opcode table
- Copyright 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support
-This file is part of GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils.
-GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils are free software; you can redistribute
-them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-1, or (at your option) any later version.
-GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils are distributed in the hope that they
-will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-the GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this file; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef PPC_H
-#define PPC_H
-/* The opcode table is an array of struct powerpc_opcode. */
-struct powerpc_opcode
- /* The opcode name. */
- const char *name;
- /* The opcode itself. Those bits which will be filled in with
- operands are zeroes. */
- unsigned long opcode;
- /* The opcode mask. This is used by the disassembler. This is a
- mask containing ones indicating those bits which must match the
- opcode field, and zeroes indicating those bits which need not
- match (and are presumably filled in by operands). */
- unsigned long mask;
- /* One bit flags for the opcode. These are used to indicate which
- specific processors support the instructions. The defined values
- are listed below. */
- unsigned long flags;
- /* An array of operand codes. Each code is an index into the
- operand table. They appear in the order which the operands must
- appear in assembly code, and are terminated by a zero. */
- unsigned char operands[8];
-/* The table itself is sorted by major opcode number, and is otherwise
- in the order in which the disassembler should consider
- instructions. */
-extern const struct powerpc_opcode powerpc_opcodes[];
-extern const int powerpc_num_opcodes;
-/* Values defined for the flags field of a struct powerpc_opcode. */
-/* Opcode is defined for the PowerPC architecture. */
-#define PPC_OPCODE_PPC (01)
-/* Opcode is defined for the POWER (RS/6000) architecture. */
-#define PPC_OPCODE_POWER (02)
-/* Opcode is defined for the POWER2 (Rios 2) architecture. */
-#define PPC_OPCODE_POWER2 (04)
-/* Opcode is only defined on 32 bit architectures. */
-#define PPC_OPCODE_32 (010)
-/* Opcode is only defined on 64 bit architectures. */
-#define PPC_OPCODE_64 (020)
-/* Opcode is supported by the Motorola PowerPC 601 processor. The 601
- is assumed to support all PowerPC (PPC_OPCODE_PPC) instructions,
- but it also supports many additional POWER instructions. */
-#define PPC_OPCODE_601 (040)
-/* Opcode is supported in both the Power and PowerPC architectures
- (ie, compiler's -mcpu=common or assembler's -mcom). */
-#define PPC_OPCODE_COMMON (0100)
-/* Opcode is supported for any Power or PowerPC platform (this is
- for the assembler's -many option, and it eliminates duplicates). */
-#define PPC_OPCODE_ANY (0200)
-/* A macro to extract the major opcode from an instruction. */
-#define PPC_OP(i) (((i) >> 26) & 0x3f)
-/* The operands table is an array of struct powerpc_operand. */
-struct powerpc_operand
- /* The number of bits in the operand. */
- int bits;
- /* How far the operand is left shifted in the instruction. */
- int shift;
- /* Insertion function. This is used by the assembler. To insert an
- operand value into an instruction, check this field.
- If it is NULL, execute
- i |= (op & ((1 << o->bits) - 1)) << o->shift;
- (i is the instruction which we are filling in, o is a pointer to
- this structure, and op is the opcode value; this assumes twos
- complement arithmetic).
- If this field is not NULL, then simply call it with the
- instruction and the operand value. It will return the new value
- of the instruction. If the ERRMSG argument is not NULL, then if
- the operand value is illegal, *ERRMSG will be set to a warning
- string (the operand will be inserted in any case). If the
- operand value is legal, *ERRMSG will be unchanged (most operands
- can accept any value). */
- unsigned long (*insert) PARAMS ((unsigned long instruction, long op,
- const char **errmsg));
- /* Extraction function. This is used by the disassembler. To
- extract this operand type from an instruction, check this field.
- If it is NULL, compute
- op = ((i) >> o->shift) & ((1 << o->bits) - 1);
- if ((o->flags & PPC_OPERAND_SIGNED) != 0
- && (op & (1 << (o->bits - 1))) != 0)
- op -= 1 << o->bits;
- (i is the instruction, o is a pointer to this structure, and op
- is the result; this assumes twos complement arithmetic).
- If this field is not NULL, then simply call it with the
- instruction value. It will return the value of the operand. If
- the INVALID argument is not NULL, *INVALID will be set to
- non-zero if this operand type can not actually be extracted from
- this operand (i.e., the instruction does not match). If the
- operand is valid, *INVALID will not be changed. */
- long (*extract) PARAMS ((unsigned long instruction, int *invalid));
- /* One bit syntax flags. */
- unsigned long flags;
-/* Elements in the table are retrieved by indexing with values from
- the operands field of the powerpc_opcodes table. */
-extern const struct powerpc_operand powerpc_operands[];
-/* Values defined for the flags field of a struct powerpc_operand. */
-/* This operand takes signed values. */
-#define PPC_OPERAND_SIGNED (01)
-/* This operand takes signed values, but also accepts a full positive
- range of values when running in 32 bit mode. That is, if bits is
- 16, it takes any value from -0x8000 to 0xffff. In 64 bit mode,
- this flag is ignored. */
-/* This operand does not actually exist in the assembler input. This
- is used to support extended mnemonics such as mr, for which two
- operands fields are identical. The assembler should call the
- insert function with any op value. The disassembler should call
- the extract function, ignore the return value, and check the value
- placed in the valid argument. */
-#define PPC_OPERAND_FAKE (04)
-/* The next operand should be wrapped in parentheses rather than
- separated from this one by a comma. This is used for the load and
- store instructions which want their operands to look like
- reg,displacement(reg)
- */
-#define PPC_OPERAND_PARENS (010)
-/* This operand may use the symbolic names for the CR fields, which
- are
- lt 0 gt 1 eq 2 so 3 un 3
- cr0 0 cr1 1 cr2 2 cr3 3
- cr4 4 cr5 5 cr6 6 cr7 7
- These may be combined arithmetically, as in cr2*4+gt. These are
- only supported on the PowerPC, not the POWER. */
-#define PPC_OPERAND_CR (020)
-/* This operand names a register. The disassembler uses this to print
- register names with a leading 'r'. */
-#define PPC_OPERAND_GPR (040)
-/* This operand names a floating point register. The disassembler
- prints these with a leading 'f'. */
-#define PPC_OPERAND_FPR (0100)
-/* This operand is a relative branch displacement. The disassembler
- prints these symbolically if possible. */
-#define PPC_OPERAND_RELATIVE (0200)
-/* This operand is an absolute branch address. The disassembler
- prints these symbolically if possible. */
-#define PPC_OPERAND_ABSOLUTE (0400)
-/* This operand is optional, and is zero if omitted. This is used for
- the optional BF and L fields in the comparison instructions. The
- assembler must count the number of operands remaining on the line,
- and the number of operands remaining for the opcode, and decide
- whether this operand is present or not. The disassembler should
- print this operand out only if it is not zero. */
-#define PPC_OPERAND_OPTIONAL (01000)
-/* This flag is only used with PPC_OPERAND_OPTIONAL. If this operand
- is omitted, then for the next operand use this operand value plus
- 1, ignoring the next operand field for the opcode. This wretched
- hack is needed because the Power rotate instructions can take
- either 4 or 5 operands. The disassembler should print this operand
- out regardless of the PPC_OPERAND_OPTIONAL field. */
-#define PPC_OPERAND_NEXT (02000)
-/* This operand should be regarded as a negative number for the
- purposes of overflow checking (i.e., the normal most negative
- number is disallowed and one more than the normal most positive
- number is allowed). This flag will only be set for a signed
- operand. */
-#define PPC_OPERAND_NEGATIVE (04000)
-/* The POWER and PowerPC assemblers use a few macros. We keep them
- with the operands table for simplicity. The macro table is an
- array of struct powerpc_macro. */
-struct powerpc_macro
- /* The macro name. */
- const char *name;
- /* The number of operands the macro takes. */
- unsigned int operands;
- /* One bit flags for the opcode. These are used to indicate which
- specific processors support the instructions. The values are the
- same as those for the struct powerpc_opcode flags field. */
- unsigned long flags;
- /* A format string to turn the macro into a normal instruction.
- Each %N in the string is replaced with operand number N (zero
- based). */
- const char *format;
-extern const struct powerpc_macro powerpc_macros[];
-extern const int powerpc_num_macros;
-#endif /* PPC_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/pyr.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/pyr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 06632b8d9197..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/pyr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-/* pyramid.opcode.h -- gdb initial attempt. */
-/* pyramid opcode table: wot to do with this
- particular opcode */
-struct pyr_datum
- char nargs;
- char * args; /* how to compile said opcode */
- unsigned long mask; /* Bit vector: which operand modes are valid
- for this opcode */
- unsigned char code; /* op-code (always 6(?) bits */
-typedef struct pyr_insn_format {
- unsigned int mode :4;
- unsigned int operator :8;
- unsigned int index_scale :2;
- unsigned int index_reg :6;
- unsigned int operand_1 :6;
- unsigned int operand_2:6;
-} pyr_insn_format;
-/* We store four bytes of opcode for all opcodes.
- Pyramid is sufficiently RISCy that:
- - insns are always an integral number of words;
- - the length of any insn can be told from the first word of
- the insn. (ie, if there are zero, one, or two words of
- immediate operand/offset).
- The args component is a string containing two characters for each
- operand of the instruction. The first specifies the kind of operand;
- the second, the place it is stored. */
-/* Kinds of operands:
- mask assembler syntax description
- 0x0001: movw Rn,Rn register to register
- 0x0002: movw K,Rn quick immediate to register
- 0x0004: movw I,Rn long immediate to register
- 0x0008: movw (Rn),Rn register indirect to register
- movw (Rn)[x],Rn register indirect to register
- 0x0010: movw I(Rn),Rn offset register indirect to register
- movw I(Rn)[x],Rn offset register indirect, indexed, to register
- 0x0020: movw Rn,(Rn) register to register indirect
- 0x0040: movw K,(Rn) quick immediate to register indirect
- 0x0080: movw I,(Rn) long immediate to register indirect
- 0x0100: movw (Rn),(Rn) register indirect to-register indirect
- 0x0100: movw (Rn),(Rn) register indirect to-register indirect
- 0x0200: movw I(Rn),(Rn) register indirect+offset to register indirect
- 0x0200: movw I(Rn),(Rn) register indirect+offset to register indirect
- 0x0400: movw Rn,I(Rn) register to register indirect+offset
- 0x0800: movw K,I(Rn) quick immediate to register indirect+offset
- 0x1000: movw I,I(Rn) long immediate to register indirect+offset
- 0x1000: movw (Rn),I(Rn) register indirect to-register indirect+offset
- 0x1000: movw I(Rn),I(Rn) register indirect+offset to register indirect
- +offset
- 0x0000: (irregular) ???
- Each insn has a four-bit field encoding the type(s) of its operands.
-/* Some common combinations
- */
-/* the first 5,(0x1|0x2|0x4|0x8|0x10) ie (1|2|4|8|16), ie ( 32 -1)*/
-#define GEN_TO_REG (31)
-#define UNKNOWN ((unsigned long)-1)
-#define ANY (GEN_TO_REG | (GEN_TO_REG << 5) | (GEN_TO_REG << 15))
-#define CONVERT (1|8|0x10|0x20|0x200)
-#define K_TO_REG (2)
-#define I_TO_REG (4)
-/* The assembler requires that this array be sorted as follows:
- all instances of the same mnemonic must be consecutive.
- All instances of the same mnemonic with the same number of operands
- must be consecutive.
- */
-struct pyr_opcode /* pyr opcode text */
- char * name; /* opcode name: lowercase string [key] */
- struct pyr_datum datum; /* rest of opcode table [datum] */
-#define pyr_how args
-#define pyr_nargs nargs
-#define pyr_mask mask
-#define pyr_name name
-struct pyr_opcode pyr_opcodes[] =
- {"movb", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x11}, },
- {"movh", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x12} },
- {"movw", { 2, "", ANY, 0x10} },
- {"movl", { 2, "", ANY, 0x13} },
- {"mnegw", { 2, "", (0x1|0x8|0x10), 0x14} },
- {"mnegf", { 2, "", 0x1, 0x15} },
- {"mnegd", { 2, "", 0x1, 0x16} },
- {"mcomw", { 2, "", (0x1|0x8|0x10), 0x17} },
- {"mabsw", { 2, "", (0x1|0x8|0x10), 0x18} },
- {"mabsf", { 2, "", 0x1, 0x19} },
- {"mabsd", { 2, "", 0x1, 0x1a} },
- {"mtstw", { 2, "", (0x1|0x8|0x10), 0x1c} },
- {"mtstf", { 2, "", 0x1, 0x1d} },
- {"mtstd", { 2, "", 0x1, 0x1e} },
- {"mova", { 2, "", 0x8|0x10, 0x1f} },
- {"movzbw", { 2, "", (0x1|0x8|0x10), 0x20} },
- {"movzhw", { 2, "", (0x1|0x8|0x10), 0x21} },
- /* 2 insns out of order here */
- {"movbl", { 2, "", 1, 0x4f} },
- {"filbl", { 2, "", 1, 0x4e} },
- {"cvtbw", { 2, "", CONVERT, 0x22} },
- {"cvthw", { 2, "", CONVERT, 0x23} },
- {"cvtwb", { 2, "", CONVERT, 0x24} },
- {"cvtwh", { 2, "", CONVERT, 0x25} },
- {"cvtwf", { 2, "", CONVERT, 0x26} },
- {"cvtwd", { 2, "", CONVERT, 0x27} },
- {"cvtfw", { 2, "", CONVERT, 0x28} },
- {"cvtfd", { 2, "", CONVERT, 0x29} },
- {"cvtdw", { 2, "", CONVERT, 0x2a} },
- {"cvtdf", { 2, "", CONVERT, 0x2b} },
- {"addw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x40} },
- {"addwc", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x41} },
- {"subw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x42} },
- {"subwb", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x43} },
- {"rsubw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x44} },
- {"mulw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x45} },
- {"emul", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x47} },
- {"umulw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x46} },
- {"divw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x48} },
- {"ediv", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x4a} },
- {"rdivw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x4b} },
- {"udivw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x49} },
- {"modw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x4c} },
- {"umodw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x4d} },
- {"addf", { 2, "", 1, 0x50} },
- {"addd", { 2, "", 1, 0x51} },
- {"subf", { 2, "", 1, 0x52} },
- {"subd", { 2, "", 1, 0x53} },
- {"mulf", { 2, "", 1, 0x56} },
- {"muld", { 2, "", 1, 0x57} },
- {"divf", { 2, "", 1, 0x58} },
- {"divd", { 2, "", 1, 0x59} },
- {"cmpb", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x61} },
- {"cmph", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x62} },
- {"cmpw", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x60} },
- {"ucmpb", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x66} },
- /* WHY no "ucmph"??? */
- {"ucmpw", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x65} },
- {"xchw", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x0f} },
- {"andw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x30} },
- {"orw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x31} },
- {"xorw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x32} },
- {"bicw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x33} },
- {"lshlw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x38} },
- {"ashlw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x3a} },
- {"ashll", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x3c} },
- {"ashrw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x3b} },
- {"ashrl", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x3d} },
- {"rotlw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x3e} },
- {"rotrw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x3f} },
- /* push and pop insns are "going away next release". */
- {"pushw", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x0c} },
- {"popw", { 2, "", (0x1|0x8|0x10), 0x0d} },
- {"pusha", { 2, "", (0x8|0x10), 0x0e} },
- {"bitsw", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x35} },
- {"bitcw", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x36} },
- /* some kind of ibra/dbra insns??*/
- {"icmpw", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x67} },
- {"dcmpw", { 2, "", (1|4|0x20|0x80|0x400|0x1000), 0x69} },/*FIXME*/
- {"acmpw", { 2, "", 1, 0x6b} },
- /* Call is written as a 1-op insn, but is always (dis)assembled as a 2-op
- insn with a 2nd op of tr14. The assembler will have to grok this. */
- {"call", { 2, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x04} },
- {"call", { 1, "", GEN_TO_REG, 0x04} },
- {"callk", { 1, "", UNKNOWN, 0x06} },/* system call?*/
- /* Ret is usually written as a 0-op insn, but gets disassembled as a
- 1-op insn. The operand is always tr15. */
- {"ret", { 0, "", UNKNOWN, 0x09} },
- {"ret", { 1, "", UNKNOWN, 0x09} },
- {"adsf", { 2, "", (1|2|4), 0x08} },
- {"retd", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x0a} },
- {"btc", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x01} },
- {"bfc", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x02} },
- /* Careful: halt is 0x00000000. Jump must have some other (mode?)bit set?? */
- {"jump", { 1, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"btp", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0xf00} },
- /* read control-stack pointer is another 1-or-2 operand insn. */
- {"rcsp", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x01f} },
- {"rcsp", { 1, "", UNKNOWN, 0x01f} }
-/* end: pyramid.opcode.h */
-/* One day I will have to take the time to find out what operands
- are valid for these insns, and guess at what they mean.
- I can't imagine what the "I???" insns (iglob, etc) do.
- the arithmetic-sounding insns ending in "p" sound awfully like BCD
- arithmetic insns:
- dshlp -> Decimal SHift Left Packed
- dshrp -> Decimal SHift Right Packed
- and cvtlp would be convert long to packed.
- I have no idea how the operands are interpreted; but having them be
- a long register with (address, length) of an in-memory packed BCD operand
- would not be surprising.
- They are unlikely to be a packed bcd string: 64 bits of long give
- is only 15 digits+sign, which isn't enough for COBOL.
- */
-#if 0
- {"wcsp", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /*write csp?*/
- /* The OSx Operating System Porting Guide claims SSL does things
- with tr12 (a register reserved to it) to do with static block-structure
- references. SSL=Set Static Link? It's "Going away next release". */
- {"ssl", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"ccmps", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"lcd", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"uemul", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /*unsigned emul*/
- {"srf", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /*Gidget time???*/
- {"mnegp", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /move-neg phys?*/
- {"ldp", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /*load phys?*/
- {"ldti", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"ldb", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"stp", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"stti", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"stb", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"stu", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"addp", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"subp", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"mulp", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"divp", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"dshlp", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /* dec shl packed? */
- {"dshrp", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /* dec shr packed? */
- {"movs", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /*move (string?)?*/
- {"cmpp", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /* cmp phys?*/
- {"cmps", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /* cmp (string?)?*/
- {"cvtlp", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /* cvt long to p??*/
- {"cvtpl", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /* cvt p to l??*/
- {"dintr", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /* ?? intr ?*/
- {"rphysw", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /* read phys word?*/
- {"wphysw", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /* write phys word?*/
- {"cmovs", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"rsubw", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"bicpsw", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /* clr bit in psw? */
- {"bispsw", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /* set bit in psw? */
- {"eio", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /* ?? ?io ? */
- {"callp", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /* call phys?*/
- {"callr", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"lpcxt", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /*load proc context*/
- {"rei", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /*ret from intrpt*/
- {"rport", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /*read-port?*/
- {"rtod", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /*read-time-of-day?*/
- {"ssi", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"vtpa", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /*virt-to-phys-addr?*/
- {"wicl", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /* write icl ? */
- {"wport", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /*write-port?*/
- {"wtod", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /*write-time-of-day?*/
- {"flic", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"iglob", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /* I global? */
- {"iphys", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /* I physical? */
- {"ipid", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /* I pid? */
- {"ivect", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} }, /* I vector? */
- {"lamst", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
- {"tio", { 2, "", UNKNOWN, 0x00} },
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/rs6k.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/rs6k.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fac9cf43f354..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/rs6k.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-/* IBM RS/6000 instruction set definitions, for GNU software. */
-/* These are all possible instruction formats as used in IBM Assembler
- Language Reference, Appendix A. */
-typedef enum { A=0, B, D, I, M, SC, X, XL, XO, XFL, XFX } InsnFmt;
-/* Extended opcode masks. Used for extracting extended opcode values from
- instructions. Each instruction's format decides which mask applies.
- They *should* retain the same order as the above formats. */
-static int eopMask[] =
- { 0x1f, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x3ff, 0x3ff, 0x1ff, 0x3ff, 0x3ff };
-/* All the things you need to know about an opcode. */
-typedef struct rs6000_insn {
- char *operator; /* opcode name */
- char *opr_ext; /* opcode name extension */
- InsnFmt format; /* opcode format */
- char p_opcode; /* primary opcode */
- int e_opcode; /* extended opcode */
- char oprnd_format[6]; /* operand format */
-/* operand format specifiers */
-#define TO 1
-#define RA 2
-#define SI 3
-#define RT 4
-#define UI 5
-#define BF 6
-#define BFA 7
-#define BT 8
-#define BA 9
-#define BB 10
-#define BO 11
-#define BI 12
-#define RB 13
-#define RS 14
-#define SH 15
-#define MB 16
-#define ME 17
-#define SPR 18
-#define DIS 19
-#define FXM 21
-#define FRT 22
-#define NB 23
-#define FRS 24
-#define FRA 25
-#define FRB 26
-#define FRC 27
-#define FLM 28
-#define I 29
-#define LI 30
-#define A2 31
-#define TA14 32 /* 14 bit representation of target address */
-#define TA24 33 /* 24 bit representation of target address */
-#define FL1 34
-#define FL2 35
-#define LEV 36
- (sorted on primary and extended opcode)
- oprtr primary ext.
-operator ext format opcode opcode operand format
-------- ------- ------ ------- ------ --------------- */
-struct rs6000_insn rs6k_ops [] = {
-{"ti", 0, D, 3, -1, {TO,RA,SI,0} },
-{"muli", 0, D, 7, -1, {RT,RA,SI,0} },
-{"sfi", 0, D, 8, -1, {RT,RA,SI,0} },
-{"dozi", 0, D, 9, -1, {RT,RA,SI,0} },
-{"cmpli", 0, D, 10, -1, {BF,RA,UI,0} },
-{"cmpi", 0, D, 11, -1, {BF,RA,SI,0} },
-{"ai", 0, D, 12, -1, {RT,RA,SI,0} },
-{"ai.", 0, D, 13, -1, {RT,RA,SI,0} },
-{"lil", 0, D, 14, -1, {RT,SI,0} }, /* same as `cal' */
-{"cal", 0, D, 14, -1, {RT,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"liu", 0, D, 15, -1, {RT, UI,0} }, /* same as `cau' */
-{"cau", 0, D, 15, -1, {RT,RA,UI,0} },
-/* "1" indicates an exception--"bb" is only usable for some values of
- BO, so the disassembler first matches this instruction and then changes
- it to "bc" if that is the case. */
-{"bb", "1tfla", B, 16, -1, {LI,A2,0} },
-{"bc", "la", B, 16, -1, {BO,BI,TA14,0} },
-{"svc", "la", SC, 17, -1, {LEV,FL1,FL2,0} },
-{"b", "la", I, 18, -1, {TA24,0} },
-{"mcrf", 0, XL, 19, 0, {BF,BFA,0} },
-{"bcr", "l", XL, 19, 16, {BO,BI,0} },
-{"crnor", 0, XL, 19, 33, {BT,BA,BB,0} },
-{"rfi", 0, X, 19, 50, {0} },
-{"rfsvc", 0, X, 19, 82, {0} },
-{"crandc", 0, XL, 19, 129, {BT,BA,BB,0} },
-{"ics", 0, X, 19, 150, {0} },
-{"crxor", 0, XL, 19, 193, {BT,BA,BB,0} },
-{"crnand", 0, XL, 19, 225, {BT,BA,BB,0} },
-{"crand", 0, XL, 19, 257, {BT,BA,BB,0} },
-{"creqv", 0, XL, 19, 289, {BT,BA,BB,0} },
-{"crorc", 0, XL, 19, 417, {BT,BA,BB,0} },
-{"cror", 0, XL, 19, 449, {BT,BA,BB,0} },
-{"bcc", "l", XL, 19, 528, {BO,BI,0} },
-{"rlimi", ".", M, 20, -1, {RA,RS,SH,MB,ME,0} /*??*/},
-{"rlinm", ".", M, 21, -1, {RA,RS,SH,MB,ME,0} /*??*/},
-{"rlmi", ".", M, 22, -1, {RA,RS,RB,MB,ME,0} /*??*/},
-{"rlnm", ".", M, 23, -1, {RA,RS,RB,MB,ME,0} /*??*/},
-{"oril", 0, D, 24, -1, {RA,RS,UI,0} },
-{"oriu", 0, D, 25, -1, {RA,RS,UI,0} },
-{"xoril", 0, D, 26, -1, {RA,RS,UI,0} },
-{"xoriu", 0, D, 27, -1, {RA,RS,UI,0} },
-{"andil.", 0, D, 28, -1, {RA,RS,UI,0} },
-{"andiu.", 0, D, 29, -1, {RA,RS,UI,0} },
-{"cmp", 0, X, 31, 0, {BF,RA,RB,0} },
-{"t", 0, X, 31, 4, {TO,RA,RB,0} },
-{"sf", "o.", XO, 31, 8, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"a", "o.", XO, 31, 10, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"mfcr", 0, X, 31, 19, {RT,0} },
-{"lx", 0, X, 31, 23, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"sl", ".", X, 31, 24, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"cntlz", ".", XO, 31, 26, {RA,RS,0} },
-{"and", ".", X, 31, 28, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"maskg", ".", X, 31, 29, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"cmpl", 0, X, 31, 32, {BF,RA,RB,0} },
-{"sfe", "o.", XO, 31, 136, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"lux", 0, X, 31, 55, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"andc", ".", X, 31, 60, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"mfmsr", 0, X, 31, 83, {RT,0} },
-{"lbzx", 0, X, 31, 87, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"neg", "o.", XO, 31, 104, {RT,RA,0} },
-{"mul", "o.", XO, 31, 107, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"lbzux", 0, X, 31, 119, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"nor", ".", X, 31, 124, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"ae", "o.", XO, 31, 138, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"mtcrf", 0, XFX, 31, 144, {FXM,RS,0} },
-{"stx", 0, X, 31, 151, {RS,RA,RB,0} },
-{"slq", ".", X, 31, 152, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"sle", ".", X, 31, 153, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"stux", 0, X, 31, 183, {RS,RA,RB,0} },
-{"sliq", ".", X, 31, 184, {RA,RS,SH,0} },
-{"sfze", "o.", XO, 31, 200, {RT,RA,0} },
-{"aze", "o.", XO, 31, 202, {RT,RA,0} },
-{"stbx", 0, X, 31, 215, {RS,RA,RB,0} },
-{"sllq", ".", X, 31, 216, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"sleq", ".", X, 31, 217, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"sfme", "o.", XO, 31, 232, {RT,RA,0} },
-{"ame", "o.", XO, 31, 234, {RT,RA,0} },
-{"muls", "o.", XO, 31, 235, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"stbux", 0, X, 31, 247, {RS,RA,RB,0} },
-{"slliq", ".", X, 31, 248, {RA,RS,SH,0} },
-{"doz", "o.", X, 31, 264, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"cax", "o.", XO, 31, 266, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"lscbx", ".", X, 31, 277, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"lhzx", 0, X, 31, 279, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"eqv", ".", X, 31, 284, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"lhzux", 0, X, 31, 311, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"xor", ".", X, 31, 316, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"div", "o.", XO, 31, 331, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"mfspr", 0, X, 31, 339, {RT,SPR,0} },
-{"lhax", 0, X, 31, 343, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"abs", "o.", XO, 31, 360, {RT,RA,0} },
-{"divs", "o.", XO, 31, 363, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"lhaux", 0, X, 31, 375, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"sthx", 0, X, 31, 407, {RS,RA,RB,0} },
-{"orc", ".", X, 31, 412, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"sthux", 0, X, 31, 439, {RS,RA,RB,0} },
-{"or", ".", X, 31, 444, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"mtspr", 0, X, 31, 467, {SPR,RS,0} },
-{"nand", ".", X, 31, 476, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"nabs", "o.", XO, 31, 488, {RT,RA,0} },
-{"mcrxr", 0, X, 31, 512, {BF,0} },
-{"lsx", 0, X, 31, 533, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"lbrx", 0, X, 31, 534, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"lfsx", 0, X, 31, 535, {FRT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"sr", ".", X, 31, 536, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"rrib", ".", X, 31, 537, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"maskir", ".", X, 31, 541, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"lfsux", 0, X, 31, 567, {FRT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"lsi", 0, X, 31, 597, {RT,RA,NB,0} },
-{"lfdx", 0, X, 31, 599, {FRT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"lfdux", 0, X, 31, 631, {FRT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"stsx", 0, X, 31, 661, {RS,RA,RB,0} },
-{"stbrx", 0, X, 31, 662, {RS,RA,RB,0} },
-{"stfsx", 0, X, 31, 663, {FRS,RA,RB,0} },
-{"srq", ".", X, 31, 664, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"sre", ".", X, 31, 665, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"stfsux", 0, X, 31, 695, {FRS,RA,RB,0} },
-{"sriq", ".", X, 31, 696, {RA,RS,SH,0} },
-{"stsi", 0, X, 31, 725, {RS,RA,NB,0} },
-{"stfdx", 0, X, 31, 727, {FRS,RA,RB,0} },
-{"srlq", ".", X, 31, 728, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"sreq", ".", X, 31, 729, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"stfdux", 0, X, 31, 759, {FRS,RA,RB,0} },
-{"srliq", ".", X, 31, 760, {RA,RS,SH,0} },
-{"lhbrx", 0, X, 31, 790, {RT,RA,RB,0} },
-{"sra", ".", X, 31, 792, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"srai", ".", X, 31, 824, {RA,RS,SH,0} },
-{"sthbrx", 0, X, 31, 918, {RS,RA,RB,0} },
-{"sraq", ".", X, 31, 920, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"srea", ".", X, 31, 921, {RA,RS,RB,0} },
-{"exts", ".", X, 31, 922, {RA,RS,0} },
-{"sraiq", ".", X, 31, 952, {RA,RS,SH,0} },
-{"l", 0, D, 32, -1, {RT,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"lu", 0, D, 33, -1, {RT,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"lbz", 0, D, 34, -1, {RT,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"lbzu", 0, D, 35, -1, {RT,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"st", 0, D, 36, -1, {RS,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"stu", 0, D, 37, -1, {RS,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"stb", 0, D, 38, -1, {RS,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"stbu", 0, D, 39, -1, {RS,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"lhz", 0, D, 40, -1, {RT,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"lhzu", 0, D, 41, -1, {RT,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"lha", 0, D, 42, -1, {RT,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"lhau", 0, D, 43, -1, {RT,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"sth", 0, D, 44, -1, {RS,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"sthu", 0, D, 45, -1, {RS,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"lm", 0, D, 46, -1, {RT,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"stm", 0, D, 47, -1, {RS,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"lfs", 0, D, 48, -1, {FRT,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"lfsu", 0, D, 49, -1, {FRT,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"lfd", 0, D, 50, -1, {FRT,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"lfdu", 0, D, 51, -1, {FRT,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"stfs", 0, D, 52, -1, {FRS,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"stfsu", 0, D, 53, -1, {FRS,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"stfd", 0, D, 54, -1, {FRS,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"stfdu", 0, D, 55, -1, {FRS,DIS,RA,0} },
-{"fcmpu", 0, X, 63, 0, {BF,FRA,FRB,0} },
-{"frsp", ".", X, 63, 12, {FRT,FRB,0} },
-{"fd", ".", A, 63, 18, {FRT,FRA,FRB,0} },
-{"fs", ".", A, 63, 20, {FRT,FRA,FRB,0} },
-{"fa", ".", A, 63, 21, {FRT,FRA,FRB,0} },
-{"fm", ".", A, 63, 25, {FRT,FRA,FRC,0} },
-{"fms", ".", A, 63, 28, {FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB,0} },
-{"fma", ".", A, 63, 29, {FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB,0} },
-{"fnms", ".", A, 63, 30, {FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB,0} },
-{"fnma", ".", A, 63, 31, {FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB,0} },
-{"fcmpo", 0, X, 63, 32, {BF,FRA,FRB,0} },
-{"mtfsb1", ".", X, 63, 38, {BT,0} },
-{"fneg", ".", X, 63, 40, {FRT,FRB,0} },
-{"mcrfs", 0, X, 63, 64, {BF,BFA,0} },
-{"mtfsb0", ".", X, 63, 70, {BT,0} },
-{"fmr", ".", X, 63, 72, {FRT,FRB,0} },
-{"mtfsfi", ".", X, 63, 134, {BF,I,0} },
-{"fnabs", ".", X, 63, 136, {FRT,FRB,0} },
-{"fabs", ".", X, 63, 264, {FRT,FRB,0} },
-{"mffs", ".", X, 63, 583, {FRT,0} },
-{"mtfsf", ".", XFL, 63, 711, {FLM,FRB,0} },
-#define NOPCODES (sizeof (rs6k_ops) / sizeof (struct rs6000_insn))
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/sparc.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/sparc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b9281e6070cb..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/sparc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-/* Definitions for opcode table for the sparc.
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991, 1992, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler, GDB, the GNU debugger, and
-the GNU Binutils.
-GAS/GDB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GAS/GDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GAS or GDB; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* The SPARC opcode table (and other related data) is defined in
- the opcodes library in sparc-opc.c. If you change anything here, make
- sure you fix up that file, and vice versa. */
- /* FIXME-someday: perhaps the ,a's and such should be embedded in the
- instruction's name rather than the args. This would make gas faster, pinsn
- slower, but would mess up some macros a bit. xoxorich. */
-/* List of instruction sets variations.
- These values are such that each element is either a superset of a
- preceding each one or they conflict in which case SPARC_OPCODE_CONFLICT_P
- returns non-zero.
- The values are indices into `sparc_opcode_archs' defined in sparc-opc.c.
- Don't change this without updating sparc-opc.c. */
-enum sparc_opcode_arch_val {
- /* v9 variants must appear last */
- SPARC_OPCODE_ARCH_V9A, /* v9 with ultrasparc additions */
- SPARC_OPCODE_ARCH_BAD /* error return from sparc_opcode_lookup_arch */
-/* The highest architecture in the table. */
-/* Table of cpu variants. */
-struct sparc_opcode_arch {
- const char *name;
- /* Mask of sparc_opcode_arch_val's supported.
- EG: For v7 this would be ((1 << v6) | (1 << v7)). */
- /* These are short's because sparc_opcode.architecture is. */
- short supported;
-extern const struct sparc_opcode_arch sparc_opcode_archs[];
-/* Given architecture name, look up it's sparc_opcode_arch_val value. */
-extern enum sparc_opcode_arch_val sparc_opcode_lookup_arch ();
-/* Return the bitmask of supported architectures for ARCH. */
-#define SPARC_OPCODE_SUPPORTED(ARCH) (sparc_opcode_archs[ARCH].supported)
-/* Non-zero if ARCH1 conflicts with ARCH2.
- IE: ARCH1 as a supported bit set that ARCH2 doesn't, and vice versa. */
-/* Structure of an opcode table entry. */
-struct sparc_opcode {
- const char *name;
- unsigned long match; /* Bits that must be set. */
- unsigned long lose; /* Bits that must not be set. */
- const char *args;
- /* This was called "delayed" in versions before the flags. */
- char flags;
- short architecture; /* Bitmask of sparc_opcode_arch_val's. */
-#define F_DELAYED 1 /* Delayed branch */
-#define F_ALIAS 2 /* Alias for a "real" instruction */
-#define F_UNBR 4 /* Unconditional branch */
-#define F_CONDBR 8 /* Conditional branch */
-#define F_JSR 16 /* Subroutine call */
-/* FIXME: Add F_ANACHRONISTIC flag for v9. */
-All sparc opcodes are 32 bits, except for the `set' instruction (really a
-macro), which is 64 bits. It is handled as a special case.
-The match component is a mask saying which bits must match a particular
-opcode in order for an instruction to be an instance of that opcode.
-The args component is a string containing one character for each operand of the
-Kinds of operands:
- # Number used by optimizer. It is ignored.
- 1 rs1 register.
- 2 rs2 register.
- d rd register.
- e frs1 floating point register.
- v frs1 floating point register (double/even).
- V frs1 floating point register (quad/multiple of 4).
- f frs2 floating point register.
- B frs2 floating point register (double/even).
- R frs2 floating point register (quad/multiple of 4).
- g frsd floating point register.
- H frsd floating point register (double/even).
- J frsd floating point register (quad/multiple of 4).
- b crs1 coprocessor register
- c crs2 coprocessor register
- D crsd coprocessor register
- m alternate space register (asr) in rd
- M alternate space register (asr) in rs1
- h 22 high bits.
- K MEMBAR mask (7 bits). (v9)
- j 10 bit Immediate. (v9)
- I 11 bit Immediate. (v9)
- i 13 bit Immediate.
- n 22 bit immediate.
- k 2+14 bit PC relative immediate. (v9)
- G 19 bit PC relative immediate. (v9)
- l 22 bit PC relative immediate.
- L 30 bit PC relative immediate.
- a Annul. The annul bit is set.
- A Alternate address space. Stored as 8 bits.
- C Coprocessor state register.
- F floating point state register.
- p Processor state register.
- N Branch predict clear ",pn" (v9)
- T Branch predict set ",pt" (v9)
- z %icc. (v9)
- Z %xcc. (v9)
- q Floating point queue.
- r Single register that is both rs1 and rd.
- O Single register that is both rs2 and rd.
- Q Coprocessor queue.
- S Special case.
- t Trap base register.
- w Window invalid mask register.
- y Y register.
- u sparclet coprocessor registers in rd position
- U sparclet coprocessor registers in rs1 position
- E %ccr. (v9)
- s %fprs. (v9)
- P %pc. (v9)
- W %tick. (v9)
- o %asi. (v9)
- 6 %fcc0. (v9)
- 7 %fcc1. (v9)
- 8 %fcc2. (v9)
- 9 %fcc3. (v9)
- ! Privileged Register in rd (v9)
- ? Privileged Register in rs1 (v9)
- * Prefetch function constant. (v9)
- x OPF field (v9 impdep).
-The following chars are unused: (note: ,[] are used as punctuation)
-#define OP2(x) (((x)&0x7) << 22) /* op2 field of format2 insns */
-#define OP3(x) (((x)&0x3f) << 19) /* op3 field of format3 insns */
-#define OP(x) ((unsigned)((x)&0x3) << 30) /* op field of all insns */
-#define OPF(x) (((x)&0x1ff) << 5) /* opf field of float insns */
-#define OPF_LOW5(x) OPF((x)&0x1f) /* v9 */
-#define F3F(x, y, z) (OP(x) | OP3(y) | OPF(z)) /* format3 float insns */
-#define F3I(x) (((x)&0x1) << 13) /* immediate field of format 3 insns */
-#define F2(x, y) (OP(x) | OP2(y)) /* format 2 insns */
-#define F3(x, y, z) (OP(x) | OP3(y) | F3I(z)) /* format3 insns */
-#define F1(x) (OP(x))
-#define DISP30(x) ((x)&0x3fffffff)
-#define ASI(x) (((x)&0xff) << 5) /* asi field of format3 insns */
-#define RS2(x) ((x)&0x1f) /* rs2 field */
-#define SIMM13(x) ((x)&0x1fff) /* simm13 field */
-#define RD(x) (((x)&0x1f) << 25) /* destination register field */
-#define RS1(x) (((x)&0x1f) << 14) /* rs1 field */
-#define ASI_RS2(x) (SIMM13(x))
-#define MEMBAR(x) ((x)&0x7f)
-#define ANNUL (1<<29)
-#define BPRED (1<<19) /* v9 */
-#define IMMED F3I(1)
-#define RD_G0 RD(~0)
-#define RS1_G0 RS1(~0)
-#define RS2_G0 RS2(~0)
-extern struct sparc_opcode sparc_opcodes[];
-extern const int sparc_num_opcodes;
-int sparc_encode_asi ();
-char *sparc_decode_asi ();
-int sparc_encode_membar ();
-char *sparc_decode_membar ();
-int sparc_encode_prefetch ();
-char *sparc_decode_prefetch ();
-int sparc_encode_sparclet_cpreg ();
-char *sparc_decode_sparclet_cpreg ();
- * Local Variables:
- * fill-column: 131
- * comment-column: 0
- * End:
- */
-/* end of sparc.h */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/tahoe.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/tahoe.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b5cee249ee44..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/tahoe.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
- * Ported by the State University of New York at Buffalo by the Distributed
- * Computer Systems Lab, Department of Computer Science, 1991.
- */
-#ifndef tahoe_opcodeT
-#define tahoe_opcodeT int
-#endif /* no tahoe_opcodeT */
-struct vot_wot /* tahoe opcode table: wot to do with this */
- /* particular opcode */
- char * args; /* how to compile said opcode */
- tahoe_opcodeT code; /* op-code (may be > 8 bits!) */
-struct vot /* tahoe opcode text */
- char * name; /* opcode name: lowercase string [key] */
- struct vot_wot detail; /* rest of opcode table [datum] */
-#define vot_how args
-#define vot_code code
-#define vot_detail detail
-#define vot_name name
-static struct vot
-votstrs[] =
-{ "halt", {"", 0x00 } },
-{ "sinf", {"", 0x05 } },
-{ "ldf", {"rl", 0x06 } },
-{ "ldd", {"rq", 0x07 } },
-{ "addb2", {"rbmb", 0x08 } },
-{ "movb", {"rbwb", 0x09 } },
-{ "addw2", {"rwmw", 0x0a } },
-{ "movw", {"rwww", 0x0b } },
-{ "addl2", {"rlml", 0x0c } },
-{ "movl", {"rlwl", 0x0d } },
-{ "bbs", {"rlvlbw", 0x0e } },
-{ "nop", {"", 0x10 } },
-{ "brb", {"bb", 0x11 } },
-{ "brw", {"bw", 0x13 } },
-{ "cosf", {"", 0x15 } },
-{ "lnf", {"rl", 0x16 } },
-{ "lnd", {"rq", 0x17 } },
-{ "addb3", {"rbrbwb", 0x18 } },
-{ "cmpb", {"rbwb", 0x19 } },
-{ "addw3", {"rwrwww", 0x1a } },
-{ "cmpw", {"rwww", 0x1b } },
-{ "addl3", {"rlrlwl", 0x1c } },
-{ "cmpl", {"rlwl", 0x1d } },
-{ "bbc", {"rlvlbw", 0x1e } },
-{ "rei", {"", 0x20 } },
-{ "bneq", {"bb", 0x21 } },
-{ "bnequ", {"bb", 0x21 } },
-{ "cvtwl", {"rwwl", 0x23 } },
-{ "stf", {"wl", 0x26 } },
-{ "std", {"wq", 0x27 } },
-{ "subb2", {"rbmb", 0x28 } },
-{ "mcomb", {"rbwb", 0x29 } },
-{ "subw2", {"rwmw", 0x2a } },
-{ "mcomw", {"rwww", 0x2b } },
-{ "subl2", {"rlml", 0x2c } },
-{ "mcoml", {"rlwl", 0x2d } },
-{ "emul", {"rlrlrlwq", 0x2e } },
-{ "aoblss", {"rlmlbw", 0x2f } },
-{ "bpt", {"", 0x30 } },
-{ "beql", {"bb", 0x31 } },
-{ "beqlu", {"bb", 0x31 } },
-{ "cvtwb", {"rwwb", 0x33 } },
-{ "logf", {"", 0x35 } },
-{ "cmpf", {"rl", 0x36 } },
-{ "cmpd", {"rq", 0x37 } },
-{ "subb3", {"rbrbwb", 0x38 } },
-{ "bitb", {"rbrb", 0x39 } },
-{ "subw3", {"rwrwww", 0x3a } },
-{ "bitw", {"rwrw", 0x3b } },
-{ "subl3", {"rlrlwl", 0x3c } },
-{ "bitl", {"rlrl", 0x3d } },
-{ "ediv", {"rlrqwlwl", 0x3e } },
-{ "aobleq", {"rlmlbw", 0x3f } },
-{ "ret", {"", 0x40 } },
-{ "bgtr", {"bb", 0x41 } },
-{ "sqrtf", {"", 0x45 } },
-{ "cmpf2", {"rl", 0x46 } },
-{ "cmpd2", {"rqrq", 0x47 } },
-{ "shll", {"rbrlwl", 0x48 } },
-{ "clrb", {"wb", 0x49 } },
-{ "shlq", {"rbrqwq", 0x4a } },
-{ "clrw", {"ww", 0x4b } },
-{ "mull2", {"rlml", 0x4c } },
-{ "clrl", {"wl", 0x4d } },
-{ "shal", {"rbrlwl", 0x4e } },
-{ "bleq", {"bb", 0x51 } },
-{ "expf", {"", 0x55 } },
-{ "tstf", {"", 0x56 } },
-{ "tstd", {"", 0x57 } },
-{ "shrl", {"rbrlwl", 0x58 } },
-{ "tstb", {"rb", 0x59 } },
-{ "shrq", {"rbrqwq", 0x5a } },
-{ "tstw", {"rw", 0x5b } },
-{ "mull3", {"rlrlwl", 0x5c } },
-{ "tstl", {"rl", 0x5d } },
-{ "shar", {"rbrlwl", 0x5e } },
-{ "bbssi", {"rlmlbw", 0x5f } },
-{ "ldpctx", {"", 0x60 } },
-{ "pushd", {"", 0x67 } },
-{ "incb", {"mb", 0x69 } },
-{ "incw", {"mw", 0x6b } },
-{ "divl2", {"rlml", 0x6c } },
-{ "incl", {"ml", 0x6d } },
-{ "cvtlb", {"rlwb", 0x6f } },
-{ "svpctx", {"", 0x70 } },
-{ "jmp", {"ab", 0x71 } },
-{ "cvlf", {"rl", 0x76 } },
-{ "cvld", {"rl", 0x77 } },
-{ "decb", {"mb", 0x79 } },
-{ "decw", {"mw", 0x7b } },
-{ "divl3", {"rlrlwl", 0x7c } },
-{ "decl", {"ml", 0x7d } },
-{ "cvtlw", {"rlww", 0x7f } },
-{ "bgeq", {"bb", 0x81 } },
-{ "movs2", {"abab", 0x82 } },
-{ "cvfl", {"wl", 0x86 } },
-{ "cvdl", {"wl", 0x87 } },
-{ "orb2", {"rbmb", 0x88 } },
-{ "cvtbl", {"rbwl", 0x89 } },
-{ "orw2", {"rwmw", 0x8a } },
-{ "bispsw", {"rw", 0x8b } },
-{ "orl2", {"rlml", 0x8c } },
-{ "adwc", {"rlml", 0x8d } },
-{ "adda", {"rlml", 0x8e } },
-{ "blss", {"bb", 0x91 } },
-{ "cmps2", {"abab", 0x92 } },
-{ "ldfd", {"rl", 0x97 } },
-{ "orb3", {"rbrbwb", 0x98 } },
-{ "cvtbw", {"rbww", 0x99 } },
-{ "orw3", {"rwrwww", 0x9a } },
-{ "bicpsw", {"rw", 0x9b } },
-{ "orl3", {"rlrlwl", 0x9c } },
-{ "sbwc", {"rlml", 0x9d } },
-{ "suba", {"rlml", 0x9e } },
-{ "bgtru", {"bb", 0xa1 } },
-{ "cvdf", {"", 0xa6 } },
-{ "andb2", {"rbmb", 0xa8 } },
-{ "movzbl", {"rbwl", 0xa9 } },
-{ "andw2", {"rwmw", 0xaa } },
-{ "loadr", {"rwal", 0xab } },
-{ "andl2", {"rlml", 0xac } },
-{ "mtpr", {"rlrl", 0xad } },
-{ "ffs", {"rlwl", 0xae } },
-{ "blequ", {"bb", 0xb1 } },
-{ "negf", {"", 0xb6 } },
-{ "negd", {"", 0xb7 } },
-{ "andb3", {"rbrbwb", 0xb8 } },
-{ "movzbw", {"rbww", 0xb9 } },
-{ "andw3", {"rwrwww", 0xba } },
-{ "storer", {"rwal", 0xbb } },
-{ "andl3", {"rlrlwl", 0xbc } },
-{ "mfpr", {"rlwl", 0xbd } },
-{ "ffc", {"rlwl", 0xbe } },
-{ "calls", {"rbab", 0xbf } },
-{ "prober", {"rbabrl", 0xc0 } },
-{ "bvc", {"bb", 0xc1 } },
-{ "movs3", {"ababrw", 0xc2 } },
-{ "movzwl", {"rwwl", 0xc3 } },
-{ "addf", {"rl", 0xc6 } },
-{ "addd", {"rq", 0xc7 } },
-{ "xorb2", {"rbmb", 0xc8 } },
-{ "movob", {"rbwb", 0xc9 } },
-{ "xorw2", {"rwmw", 0xca } },
-{ "movow", {"rwww", 0xcb } },
-{ "xorl2", {"rlml", 0xcc } },
-{ "movpsl", {"wl", 0xcd } },
-{ "kcall", {"rw", 0xcf } },
-{ "probew", {"rbabrl", 0xd0 } },
-{ "bvs", {"bb", 0xd1 } },
-{ "cmps3", {"ababrw", 0xd2 } },
-{ "subf", {"rq", 0xd6 } },
-{ "subd", {"rq", 0xd7 } },
-{ "xorb3", {"rbrbwb", 0xd8 } },
-{ "pushb", {"rb", 0xd9 } },
-{ "xorw3", {"rwrwww", 0xda } },
-{ "pushw", {"rw", 0xdb } },
-{ "xorl3", {"rlrlwl", 0xdc } },
-{ "pushl", {"rl", 0xdd } },
-{ "insque", {"abab", 0xe0 } },
-{ "bcs", {"bb", 0xe1 } },
-{ "bgequ", {"bb", 0xe1 } },
-{ "mulf", {"rq", 0xe6 } },
-{ "muld", {"rq", 0xe7 } },
-{ "mnegb", {"rbwb", 0xe8 } },
-{ "movab", {"abwl", 0xe9 } },
-{ "mnegw", {"rwww", 0xea } },
-{ "movaw", {"awwl", 0xeb } },
-{ "mnegl", {"rlwl", 0xec } },
-{ "moval", {"alwl", 0xed } },
-{ "remque", {"ab", 0xf0 } },
-{ "bcc", {"bb", 0xf1 } },
-{ "blssu", {"bb", 0xf1 } },
-{ "divf", {"rq", 0xf6 } },
-{ "divd", {"rq", 0xf7 } },
-{ "movblk", {"alalrw", 0xf8 } },
-{ "pushab", {"ab", 0xf9 } },
-{ "pushaw", {"aw", 0xfb } },
-{ "casel", {"rlrlrl", 0xfc } },
-{ "pushal", {"al", 0xfd } },
-{ "callf", {"rbab", 0xfe } },
-{ "" , "" } /* empty is end sentinel */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/vax.h b/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/vax.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f3afebde7e3b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/opcode/vax.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-/* Vax opcde list.
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB and GAS.
-GDB and GAS are free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GDB and GAS are distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GDB or GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef vax_opcodeT
-#define vax_opcodeT int
-#endif /* no vax_opcodeT */
-struct vot_wot /* vax opcode table: wot to do with this */
- /* particular opcode */
- const char *args; /* how to compile said opcode */
- vax_opcodeT code; /* op-code (may be > 8 bits!) */
-struct vot /* vax opcode text */
- const char *name; /* opcode name: lowercase string [key] */
- struct vot_wot detail; /* rest of opcode table [datum] */
-#define vot_how args
-#define vot_code code
-#define vot_detail detail
-#define vot_name name
-static const struct vot
-votstrs[] =
-{ "halt", {"", 0x00 } },
-{ "nop", {"", 0x01 } },
-{ "rei", {"", 0x02 } },
-{ "bpt", {"", 0x03 } },
-{ "ret", {"", 0x04 } },
-{ "rsb", {"", 0x05 } },
-{ "ldpctx", {"", 0x06 } },
-{ "svpctx", {"", 0x07 } },
-{ "cvtps", {"rwabrwab", 0x08 } },
-{ "cvtsp", {"rwabrwab", 0x09 } },
-{ "index", {"rlrlrlrlrlwl", 0x0a } },
-{ "crc", {"abrlrwab", 0x0b } },
-{ "prober", {"rbrwab", 0x0c } },
-{ "probew", {"rbrwab", 0x0d } },
-{ "insque", {"abab", 0x0e } },
-{ "remque", {"abwl", 0x0f } },
-{ "bsbb", {"bb", 0x10 } },
-{ "brb", {"bb", 0x11 } },
-{ "bneq", {"bb", 0x12 } },
-{ "bnequ", {"bb", 0x12 } },
-{ "beql", {"bb", 0x13 } },
-{ "beqlu", {"bb", 0x13 } },
-{ "bgtr", {"bb", 0x14 } },
-{ "bleq", {"bb", 0x15 } },
-{ "jsb", {"ab", 0x16 } },
-{ "jmp", {"ab", 0x17 } },
-{ "bgeq", {"bb", 0x18 } },
-{ "blss", {"bb", 0x19 } },
-{ "bgtru", {"bb", 0x1a } },
-{ "blequ", {"bb", 0x1b } },
-{ "bvc", {"bb", 0x1c } },
-{ "bvs", {"bb", 0x1d } },
-{ "bcc", {"bb", 0x1e } },
-{ "bgequ", {"bb", 0x1e } },
-{ "blssu", {"bb", 0x1f } },
-{ "bcs", {"bb", 0x1f } },
-{ "addp4", {"rwabrwab", 0x20 } },
-{ "addp6", {"rwabrwabrwab", 0x21 } },
-{ "subp4", {"rwabrwab", 0x22 } },
-{ "subp6", {"rwabrwabrwab", 0x23 } },
-{ "cvtpt", {"rwababrwab", 0x24 } },
-{ "mulp", {"rwabrwabrwab", 0x25 } },
-{ "cvttp", {"rwababrwab", 0x26 } },
-{ "divp", {"rwabrwabrwab", 0x27 } },
-{ "movc3", {"rwabab", 0x28 } },
-{ "cmpc3", {"rwabab", 0x29 } },
-{ "scanc", {"rwababrb", 0x2a } },
-{ "spanc", {"rwababrb", 0x2b } },
-{ "movc5", {"rwabrbrwab", 0x2c } },
-{ "cmpc5", {"rwabrbrwab", 0x2d } },
-{ "movtc", {"rwabrbabrwab", 0x2e } },
-{ "movtuc", {"rwabrbabrwab", 0x2f } },
-{ "bsbw", {"bw", 0x30 } },
-{ "brw", {"bw", 0x31 } },
-{ "cvtwl", {"rwwl", 0x32 } },
-{ "cvtwb", {"rwwb", 0x33 } },
-{ "movp", {"rwabab", 0x34 } },
-{ "cmpp3", {"rwabab", 0x35 } },
-{ "cvtpl", {"rwabwl", 0x36 } },
-{ "cmpp4", {"rwabrwab", 0x37 } },
-{ "editpc", {"rwababab", 0x38 } },
-{ "matchc", {"rwabrwab", 0x39 } },
-{ "locc", {"rbrwab", 0x3a } },
-{ "skpc", {"rbrwab", 0x3b } },
-{ "movzwl", {"rwwl", 0x3c } },
-{ "acbw", {"rwrwmwbw", 0x3d } },
-{ "movaw", {"awwl", 0x3e } },
-{ "pushaw", {"aw", 0x3f } },
-{ "addf2", {"rfmf", 0x40 } },
-{ "addf3", {"rfrfwf", 0x41 } },
-{ "subf2", {"rfmf", 0x42 } },
-{ "subf3", {"rfrfwf", 0x43 } },
-{ "mulf2", {"rfmf", 0x44 } },
-{ "mulf3", {"rfrfwf", 0x45 } },
-{ "divf2", {"rfmf", 0x46 } },
-{ "divf3", {"rfrfwf", 0x47 } },
-{ "cvtfb", {"rfwb", 0x48 } },
-{ "cvtfw", {"rfww", 0x49 } },
-{ "cvtfl", {"rfwl", 0x4a } },
-{ "cvtrfl", {"rfwl", 0x4b } },
-{ "cvtbf", {"rbwf", 0x4c } },
-{ "cvtwf", {"rwwf", 0x4d } },
-{ "cvtlf", {"rlwf", 0x4e } },
-{ "acbf", {"rfrfmfbw", 0x4f } },
-{ "movf", {"rfwf", 0x50 } },
-{ "cmpf", {"rfrf", 0x51 } },
-{ "mnegf", {"rfwf", 0x52 } },
-{ "tstf", {"rf", 0x53 } },
-{ "emodf", {"rfrbrfwlwf", 0x54 } },
-{ "polyf", {"rfrwab", 0x55 } },
-{ "cvtfd", {"rfwd", 0x56 } },
- /* opcode 57 is not defined yet */
-{ "adawi", {"rwmw", 0x58 } },
- /* opcode 59 is not defined yet */
- /* opcode 5a is not defined yet */
- /* opcode 5b is not defined yet */
-{ "insqhi", {"abaq", 0x5c } },
-{ "insqti", {"abaq", 0x5d } },
-{ "remqhi", {"aqwl", 0x5e } },
-{ "remqti", {"aqwl", 0x5f } },
-{ "addd2", {"rdmd", 0x60 } },
-{ "addd3", {"rdrdwd", 0x61 } },
-{ "subd2", {"rdmd", 0x62 } },
-{ "subd3", {"rdrdwd", 0x63 } },
-{ "muld2", {"rdmd", 0x64 } },
-{ "muld3", {"rdrdwd", 0x65 } },
-{ "divd2", {"rdmd", 0x66 } },
-{ "divd3", {"rdrdwd", 0x67 } },
-{ "cvtdb", {"rdwb", 0x68 } },
-{ "cvtdw", {"rdww", 0x69 } },
-{ "cvtdl", {"rdwl", 0x6a } },
-{ "cvtrdl", {"rdwl", 0x6b } },
-{ "cvtbd", {"rbwd", 0x6c } },
-{ "cvtwd", {"rwwd", 0x6d } },
-{ "cvtld", {"rlwd", 0x6e } },
-{ "acbd", {"rdrdmdbw", 0x6f } },
-{ "movd", {"rdwd", 0x70 } },
-{ "cmpd", {"rdrd", 0x71 } },
-{ "mnegd", {"rdwd", 0x72 } },
-{ "tstd", {"rd", 0x73 } },
-{ "emodd", {"rdrbrdwlwd", 0x74 } },
-{ "polyd", {"rdrwab", 0x75 } },
-{ "cvtdf", {"rdwf", 0x76 } },
- /* opcode 77 is not defined yet */
-{ "ashl", {"rbrlwl", 0x78 } },
-{ "ashq", {"rbrqwq", 0x79 } },
-{ "emul", {"rlrlrlwq", 0x7a } },
-{ "ediv", {"rlrqwlwl", 0x7b } },
-{ "clrd", {"wd", 0x7c } },
-{ "clrg", {"wg", 0x7c } },
-{ "clrq", {"wd", 0x7c } },
-{ "movq", {"rqwq", 0x7d } },
-{ "movaq", {"aqwl", 0x7e } },
-{ "movad", {"adwl", 0x7e } },
-{ "pushaq", {"aq", 0x7f } },
-{ "pushad", {"ad", 0x7f } },
-{ "addb2", {"rbmb", 0x80 } },
-{ "addb3", {"rbrbwb", 0x81 } },
-{ "subb2", {"rbmb", 0x82 } },
-{ "subb3", {"rbrbwb", 0x83 } },
-{ "mulb2", {"rbmb", 0x84 } },
-{ "mulb3", {"rbrbwb", 0x85 } },
-{ "divb2", {"rbmb", 0x86 } },
-{ "divb3", {"rbrbwb", 0x87 } },
-{ "bisb2", {"rbmb", 0x88 } },
-{ "bisb3", {"rbrbwb", 0x89 } },
-{ "bicb2", {"rbmb", 0x8a } },
-{ "bicb3", {"rbrbwb", 0x8b } },
-{ "xorb2", {"rbmb", 0x8c } },
-{ "xorb3", {"rbrbwb", 0x8d } },
-{ "mnegb", {"rbwb", 0x8e } },
-{ "caseb", {"rbrbrb", 0x8f } },
-{ "movb", {"rbwb", 0x90 } },
-{ "cmpb", {"rbrb", 0x91 } },
-{ "mcomb", {"rbwb", 0x92 } },
-{ "bitb", {"rbrb", 0x93 } },
-{ "clrb", {"wb", 0x94 } },
-{ "tstb", {"rb", 0x95 } },
-{ "incb", {"mb", 0x96 } },
-{ "decb", {"mb", 0x97 } },
-{ "cvtbl", {"rbwl", 0x98 } },
-{ "cvtbw", {"rbww", 0x99 } },
-{ "movzbl", {"rbwl", 0x9a } },
-{ "movzbw", {"rbww", 0x9b } },
-{ "rotl", {"rbrlwl", 0x9c } },
-{ "acbb", {"rbrbmbbw", 0x9d } },
-{ "movab", {"abwl", 0x9e } },
-{ "pushab", {"ab", 0x9f } },
-{ "addw2", {"rwmw", 0xa0 } },
-{ "addw3", {"rwrwww", 0xa1 } },
-{ "subw2", {"rwmw", 0xa2 } },
-{ "subw3", {"rwrwww", 0xa3 } },
-{ "mulw2", {"rwmw", 0xa4 } },
-{ "mulw3", {"rwrwww", 0xa5 } },
-{ "divw2", {"rwmw", 0xa6 } },
-{ "divw3", {"rwrwww", 0xa7 } },
-{ "bisw2", {"rwmw", 0xa8 } },
-{ "bisw3", {"rwrwww", 0xa9 } },
-{ "bicw2", {"rwmw", 0xaa } },
-{ "bicw3", {"rwrwww", 0xab } },
-{ "xorw2", {"rwmw", 0xac } },
-{ "xorw3", {"rwrwww", 0xad } },
-{ "mnegw", {"rwww", 0xae } },
-{ "casew", {"rwrwrw", 0xaf } },
-{ "movw", {"rwww", 0xb0 } },
-{ "cmpw", {"rwrw", 0xb1 } },
-{ "mcomw", {"rwww", 0xb2 } },
-{ "bitw", {"rwrw", 0xb3 } },
-{ "clrw", {"ww", 0xb4 } },
-{ "tstw", {"rw", 0xb5 } },
-{ "incw", {"mw", 0xb6 } },
-{ "decw", {"mw", 0xb7 } },
-{ "bispsw", {"rw", 0xb8 } },
-{ "bicpsw", {"rw", 0xb9 } },
-{ "popr", {"rw", 0xba } },
-{ "pushr", {"rw", 0xbb } },
-{ "chmk", {"rw", 0xbc } },
-{ "chme", {"rw", 0xbd } },
-{ "chms", {"rw", 0xbe } },
-{ "chmu", {"rw", 0xbf } },
-{ "addl2", {"rlml", 0xc0 } },
-{ "addl3", {"rlrlwl", 0xc1 } },
-{ "subl2", {"rlml", 0xc2 } },
-{ "subl3", {"rlrlwl", 0xc3 } },
-{ "mull2", {"rlml", 0xc4 } },
-{ "mull3", {"rlrlwl", 0xc5 } },
-{ "divl2", {"rlml", 0xc6 } },
-{ "divl3", {"rlrlwl", 0xc7 } },
-{ "bisl2", {"rlml", 0xc8 } },
-{ "bisl3", {"rlrlwl", 0xc9 } },
-{ "bicl2", {"rlml", 0xca } },
-{ "bicl3", {"rlrlwl", 0xcb } },
-{ "xorl2", {"rlml", 0xcc } },
-{ "xorl3", {"rlrlwl", 0xcd } },
-{ "mnegl", {"rlwl", 0xce } },
-{ "casel", {"rlrlrl", 0xcf } },
-{ "movl", {"rlwl", 0xd0 } },
-{ "cmpl", {"rlrl", 0xd1 } },
-{ "mcoml", {"rlwl", 0xd2 } },
-{ "bitl", {"rlrl", 0xd3 } },
-{ "clrf", {"wf", 0xd4 } },
-{ "clrl", {"wl", 0xd4 } },
-{ "tstl", {"rl", 0xd5 } },
-{ "incl", {"ml", 0xd6 } },
-{ "decl", {"ml", 0xd7 } },
-{ "adwc", {"rlml", 0xd8 } },
-{ "sbwc", {"rlml", 0xd9 } },
-{ "mtpr", {"rlrl", 0xda } },
-{ "mfpr", {"rlwl", 0xdb } },
-{ "movpsl", {"wl", 0xdc } },
-{ "pushl", {"rl", 0xdd } },
-{ "moval", {"alwl", 0xde } },
-{ "movaf", {"afwl", 0xde } },
-{ "pushal", {"al", 0xdf } },
-{ "pushaf", {"af", 0xdf } },
-{ "bbs", {"rlvbbb", 0xe0 } },
-{ "bbc", {"rlvbbb", 0xe1 } },
-{ "bbss", {"rlvbbb", 0xe2 } },
-{ "bbcs", {"rlvbbb", 0xe3 } },
-{ "bbsc", {"rlvbbb", 0xe4 } },
-{ "bbcc", {"rlvbbb", 0xe5 } },
-{ "bbssi", {"rlvbbb", 0xe6 } },
-{ "bbcci", {"rlvbbb", 0xe7 } },
-{ "blbs", {"rlbb", 0xe8 } },
-{ "blbc", {"rlbb", 0xe9 } },
-{ "ffs", {"rlrbvbwl", 0xea } },
-{ "ffc", {"rlrbvbwl", 0xeb } },
-{ "cmpv", {"rlrbvbrl", 0xec } },
-{ "cmpzv", {"rlrbvbrl", 0xed } },
-{ "extv", {"rlrbvbwl", 0xee } },
-{ "extzv", {"rlrbvbwl", 0xef } },
-{ "insv", {"rlrlrbvb", 0xf0 } },
-{ "acbl", {"rlrlmlbw", 0xf1 } },
-{ "aoblss", {"rlmlbb", 0xf2 } },
-{ "aobleq", {"rlmlbb", 0xf3 } },
-{ "sobgeq", {"mlbb", 0xf4 } },
-{ "sobgtr", {"mlbb", 0xf5 } },
-{ "cvtlb", {"rlwb", 0xf6 } },
-{ "cvtlw", {"rlww", 0xf7 } },
-{ "ashp", {"rbrwabrbrwab", 0xf8 } },
-{ "cvtlp", {"rlrwab", 0xf9 } },
-{ "callg", {"abab", 0xfa } },
-{ "calls", {"rlab", 0xfb } },
-{ "xfc", {"", 0xfc } },
- /* undefined opcodes here */
-{ "cvtdh", {"rdwh", 0x32fd } },
-{ "cvtgf", {"rgwh", 0x33fd } },
-{ "addg2", {"rgmg", 0x40fd } },
-{ "addg3", {"rgrgwg", 0x41fd } },
-{ "subg2", {"rgmg", 0x42fd } },
-{ "subg3", {"rgrgwg", 0x43fd } },
-{ "mulg2", {"rgmg", 0x44fd } },
-{ "mulg3", {"rgrgwg", 0x45fd } },
-{ "divg2", {"rgmg", 0x46fd } },
-{ "divg3", {"rgrgwg", 0x47fd } },
-{ "cvtgb", {"rgwb", 0x48fd } },
-{ "cvtgw", {"rgww", 0x49fd } },
-{ "cvtgl", {"rgwl", 0x4afd } },
-{ "cvtrgl", {"rgwl", 0x4bfd } },
-{ "cvtbg", {"rbwg", 0x4cfd } },
-{ "cvtwg", {"rwwg", 0x4dfd } },
-{ "cvtlg", {"rlwg", 0x4efd } },
-{ "acbg", {"rgrgmgbw", 0x4ffd } },
-{ "movg", {"rgwg", 0x50fd } },
-{ "cmpg", {"rgrg", 0x51fd } },
-{ "mnegg", {"rgwg", 0x52fd } },
-{ "tstg", {"rg", 0x53fd } },
-{ "emodg", {"rgrwrgwlwg", 0x54fd } },
-{ "polyg", {"rgrwab", 0x55fd } },
-{ "cvtgh", {"rgwh", 0x56fd } },
- /* undefined opcodes here */
-{ "addh2", {"rhmh", 0x60fd } },
-{ "addh3", {"rhrhwh", 0x61fd } },
-{ "subh2", {"rhmh", 0x62fd } },
-{ "subh3", {"rhrhwh", 0x63fd } },
-{ "mulh2", {"rhmh", 0x64fd } },
-{ "mulh3", {"rhrhwh", 0x65fd } },
-{ "divh2", {"rhmh", 0x66fd } },
-{ "divh3", {"rhrhwh", 0x67fd } },
-{ "cvthb", {"rhwb", 0x68fd } },
-{ "cvthw", {"rhww", 0x69fd } },
-{ "cvthl", {"rhwl", 0x6afd } },
-{ "cvtrhl", {"rhwl", 0x6bfd } },
-{ "cvtbh", {"rbwh", 0x6cfd } },
-{ "cvtwh", {"rwwh", 0x6dfd } },
-{ "cvtlh", {"rlwh", 0x6efd } },
-{ "acbh", {"rhrhmhbw", 0x6ffd } },
-{ "movh", {"rhwh", 0x70fd } },
-{ "cmph", {"rhrh", 0x71fd } },
-{ "mnegh", {"rhwh", 0x72fd } },
-{ "tsth", {"rh", 0x73fd } },
-{ "emodh", {"rhrwrhwlwh", 0x74fd } },
-{ "polyh", {"rhrwab", 0x75fd } },
-{ "cvthg", {"rhwg", 0x76fd } },
- /* undefined opcodes here */
-{ "clrh", {"wh", 0x7cfd } },
-{ "clro", {"wo", 0x7cfd } },
-{ "movo", {"rowo", 0x7dfd } },
-{ "movah", {"ahwl", 0x7efd } },
-{ "movao", {"aowl", 0x7efd } },
-{ "pushah", {"ah", 0x7ffd } },
-{ "pushao", {"ao", 0x7ffd } },
- /* undefined opcodes here */
-{ "cvtfh", {"rfwh", 0x98fd } },
-{ "cvtfg", {"rfwg", 0x99fd } },
- /* undefined opcodes here */
-{ "cvthf", {"rhwf", 0xf6fd } },
-{ "cvthd", {"rhwd", 0xf7fd } },
- /* undefined opcodes here */
-{ "bugl", {"rl", 0xfdff } },
-{ "bugw", {"rw", 0xfeff } },
- /* undefined opcodes here */
-{ "", {"", 0} } /* empty is end sentinel */
-}; /* votstrs */
-/* end: vax.opcode.h */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/os9k.h b/contrib/gdb/include/os9k.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f2eed2d3b1b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/os9k.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-#if !defined(_MODULE_H)
-#define _MODULE_H
-/* OS-9000 i386 module header definitions */
-#define _MPF386
-/* sizeof common header less parity field */
-#define N_M_PARITY (sizeof(mh_com)-sizeof(unisgned short))
-#define OLD_M_PARITY 46
-#ifdef _MPF68K
-#define MODSYNC 0x4afd /* module header sync code for 680x0 processors */
-#ifdef _MPF386
-#define MODSYNC 0x4afc /* module header sync code for 80386 processors */
-#define MODREV 1 /* module format revision 1 */
-#define CRCCON 0x800fe3 /* crc polynomial constant */
-/* Module access permission values */
-#define MP_OWNER_READ 0x0001
-#define MP_OWNER_WRITE 0x0002
-#define MP_OWNER_EXEC 0x0004
-#define MP_GROUP_READ 0x0010
-#define MP_GROUP_WRITE 0x0020
-#define MP_GROUP_EXEC 0x0040
-#define MP_WORLD_READ 0x0100
-#define MP_WORLD_WRITE 0x0200
-#define MP_WORLD_EXEC 0x0400
-#define MP_WORLD_ACCESS 0x0777
-#define MP_OWNER_MASK 0x000f
-#define MP_GROUP_MASK 0x00f0
-#define MP_WORLD_MASK 0x0f00
-#define MP_SYSTM_MASK 0xf000
-/* Module Type/Language values */
-#define MT_ANY 0
-#define MT_PROGRAM 0x0001
-#define MT_SUBROUT 0x0002
-#define MT_MULTI 0x0003
-#define MT_DATA 0x0004
-#define MT_TRAPLIB 0x000b
-#define MT_SYSTEM 0x000c
-#define MT_FILEMAN 0x000d
-#define MT_DEVDRVR 0x000e
-#define MT_DEVDESC 0x000f
-#define MT_MASK 0xff00
-#define ML_ANY 0
-#define ML_OBJECT 1
-#define ML_ICODE 2
-#define ML_PCODE 3
-#define ML_CCODE 4
-#define ML_CBLCODE 5
-#define ML_FRTNCODE 6
-#define ML_MASK 0x00ff
-#define mktypelang(type,lang) (((type)<<8)|(lang))
-/* Module Attribute values */
-#define MA_REENT 0x80
-#define MA_GHOST 0x40
-#define MA_SUPER 0x20
-#define MA_MASK 0xff00
-#define MR_MASK 0x00ff
-#define mkattrevs(attr, revs) (((attr)<<8)|(revs))
-#define m_user m_owner.grp_usr.usr
-#define m_group m_owner.grp_usr.grp
-#define m_group_user m_owner.group_user
-/* macro definitions for accessing module header fields */
-#define MODNAME(mod) ((u_char*)((u_char*)mod + ((Mh_com)mod)->m_name))
-#if 0
-/* Appears not to be used, and the u_int32 typedef is gone (because it
- conflicted with a Mach header. */
-#define MODSIZE(mod) ((u_int32)((Mh_com)mod)->m_size)
-#endif /* 0 */
-#define MHCOM_BYTES_SIZE 80
-#define N_BADMAG(a) (((a).a_info) != MODSYNC)
-typedef struct mh_com {
- /* sync bytes ($4afc). */
- unsigned char m_sync[2];
- unsigned char m_sysrev[2]; /* system revision check value */
- unsigned char
- m_size[4]; /* module size */
- unsigned char
- m_owner[4]; /* group/user id */
- unsigned char
- m_name[4]; /* offset to module name */
- unsigned char
- m_access[2], /* access permissions */
- m_tylan[2], /* type/lang */
- m_attrev[2], /* rev/attr */
- m_edit[2]; /* edition */
- unsigned char
- m_needs[4], /* module hardware requirements flags. (reserved) */
- m_usage[4], /* comment string offset */
- m_symbol[4], /* symbol table offset */
- m_exec[4], /* offset to execution entry point */
- m_excpt[4], /* offset to exception entry point */
- m_data[4], /* data storage requirement */
- m_stack[4], /* stack size */
- m_idata[4], /* offset to initialized data */
- m_idref[4], /* offset to data reference lists */
- m_init[4], /* initialization routine offset */
- m_term[4]; /* termination routine offset */
- unsigned char
- m_ident[2]; /* ident code for ident program */
- char
- m_spare[8]; /* reserved bytes */
- unsigned char
- m_parity[2]; /* header parity */
-} mh_com,*Mh_com;
-/* Executable memory module */
-typedef mh_com *Mh_exec,mh_exec;
-/* Data memory module */
-typedef mh_com *Mh_data,mh_data;
-/* File manager memory module */
-typedef mh_com *Mh_fman,mh_fman;
-/* device driver module */
-typedef mh_com *Mh_drvr,mh_drvr;
-/* trap handler module */
-typedef mh_com mh_trap, *Mh_trap;
-/* Device descriptor module */
-typedef mh_com *Mh_dev,mh_dev;
-/* Configuration module */
-typedef mh_com *Mh_config, mh_config;
-#if 0
-#if !defined(_MODDIR_H)
-/* go get _os_fmod (and others) */
-#include <moddir.h>
-error_code _os_crc(void *, u_int32, int *);
-error_code _os_datmod(char *, u_int32, u_int16 *, u_int16 *, u_int32, void **, mh_data **);
-error_code _os_get_moddir(void *, u_int32 *);
-error_code _os_initdata(mh_com *, void *);
-error_code _os_link(char **, mh_com **, void **, u_int16 *, u_int16 *);
-error_code _os_linkm(mh_com *, void **, u_int16 *, u_int16 *);
-error_code _os_load(char *, mh_com **, void **, u_int32, u_int16 *, u_int16 *, u_int32);
-error_code _os_mkmodule(char *, u_int32, u_int16 *, u_int16 *, u_int32, void **, mh_com **, u_int32);
-error_code _os_modaddr(void *, mh_com **);
-error_code _os_setcrc(mh_com *);
-error_code _os_slink(u_int32, char *, void **, void **, mh_com **);
-error_code _os_slinkm(u_int32, mh_com *, void **, void **);
-error_code _os_unlink(mh_com *);
-error_code _os_unload(char *, u_int32);
-error_code _os_tlink(u_int32, char *, void **, mh_trap **, void *, u_int32);
-error_code _os_tlinkm(u_int32, mh_com *, void **, void *, u_int32);
-error_code _os_iodel(mh_com *);
-error_code _os_vmodul(mh_com *, mh_com *, u_int32);
-#endif /* 0 */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/progress.h b/contrib/gdb/include/progress.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f18318a45140..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/progress.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-/* Default definitions for progress macros.
- Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* The default definitions below are intended to be replaced by real
- definitions, if building the tools for an interactive programming
- environment. */
-#ifndef _PROGRESS_H
-#define _PROGRESS_H
-#ifndef PROGRESS
-#define PROGRESS(X)
-#endif /* _PROGRESS_H */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/include/wait.h b/contrib/gdb/include/wait.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fa3c9ccb1d7e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/include/wait.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-/* Define how to access the int that the wait system call stores.
- This has been compatible in all Unix systems since time immemorial,
- but various well-meaning people have defined various different
- words for the same old bits in the same old int (sometimes claimed
- to be a struct). We just know it's an int and we use these macros
- to access the bits. */
-/* The following macros are defined equivalently to their definitions
- in POSIX.1. We fail to define WNOHANG and WUNTRACED, which POSIX.1
- <sys/wait.h> defines, since our code does not use waitpid(). We
- also fail to declare wait() and waitpid(). */
-#ifndef WIFEXITED
-#define WIFEXITED(w) (((w)&0377) == 0)
-#define WIFSIGNALED(w) (((w)&0377) != 0177 && ((w)&~0377) == 0)
-#ifdef IBM6000
-/* Unfortunately, the above comment (about being compatible in all Unix
- systems) is not quite correct for AIX, sigh. And AIX 3.2 can generate
- status words like 0x57c (sigtrap received after load), and gdb would
- choke on it. */
-#define WIFSTOPPED(w) ((w)&0x40)
-#define WIFSTOPPED(w) (((w)&0377) == 0177)
-#define WEXITSTATUS(w) (((w) >> 8) & 0377) /* same as WRETCODE */
-#ifndef WTERMSIG
-#define WTERMSIG(w) ((w) & 0177)
-#ifndef WSTOPSIG
-/* These are not defined in POSIX, but are used by our programs. */
-#define WAITTYPE int
-#ifndef WCOREDUMP
-#define WCOREDUMP(w) (((w)&0200) != 0)
-#ifndef WSETEXIT
-#define WSETEXIT(w,status) ((w) = (0 | ((status) << 8)))
-#ifndef WSETSTOP
-#define WSETSTOP(w,sig) ((w) = (0177 | ((sig) << 8)))
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/ b/contrib/gdb/
deleted file mode 100755
index c92d510dd11b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-# install - install a program, script, or datafile
-# This comes from X11R5.
-# $XConsortium:,v 1.2 89/12/18 14:47:22 jim Exp $
-# This script is compatible with the BSD install script, but was written
-# from scratch.
-# set DOITPROG to echo to test this script
-# Don't use :- since 4.3BSD and earlier shells don't like it.
-# put in absolute paths if you don't have them in your path; or use env. vars.
-chmodcmd="$chmodprog 0755"
-rmcmd="$rmprog -f"
-while [ x"$1" != x ]; do
- case $1 in
- -c) instcmd="$cpprog"
- shift
- continue;;
- -d) dir_arg=true
- shift
- continue;;
- -m) chmodcmd="$chmodprog $2"
- shift
- shift
- continue;;
- -o) chowncmd="$chownprog $2"
- shift
- shift
- continue;;
- -g) chgrpcmd="$chgrpprog $2"
- shift
- shift
- continue;;
- -s) stripcmd="$stripprog"
- shift
- continue;;
- -t=*) transformarg=`echo $1 | sed 's/-t=//'`
- shift
- continue;;
- -b=*) transformbasename=`echo $1 | sed 's/-b=//'`
- shift
- continue;;
- *) if [ x"$src" = x ]
- then
- src=$1
- else
- # this colon is to work around a 386BSD /bin/sh bug
- :
- dst=$1
- fi
- shift
- continue;;
- esac
-if [ x"$src" = x ]
- echo "install: no input file specified"
- exit 1
- true
-if [ x"$dir_arg" != x ]; then
- dst=$src
- src=""
- if [ -d $dst ]; then
- instcmd=:
- else
- instcmd=mkdir
- fi
-# Waiting for this to be detected by the "$instcmd $src $dsttmp" command
-# might cause directories to be created, which would be especially bad
-# if $src (and thus $dsttmp) contains '*'.
- if [ -f $src -o -d $src ]
- then
- true
- else
- echo "install: $src does not exist"
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ x"$dst" = x ]
- then
- echo "install: no destination specified"
- exit 1
- else
- true
- fi
-# If destination is a directory, append the input filename; if your system
-# does not like double slashes in filenames, you may need to add some logic
- if [ -d $dst ]
- then
- dst="$dst"/`basename $src`
- else
- true
- fi
-## this sed command emulates the dirname command
-dstdir=`echo $dst | sed -e 's,[^/]*$,,;s,/$,,;s,^$,.,'`
-# Make sure that the destination directory exists.
-# this part is taken from Noah Friedman's mkinstalldirs script
-# Skip lots of stat calls in the usual case.
-if [ ! -d "$dstdir" ]; then
-# Some sh's can't handle IFS=/ for some reason.
-set - `echo ${dstdir} | sed -e 's@/@%@g' -e 's@^%@/@'`
-while [ $# -ne 0 ] ; do
- pathcomp="${pathcomp}${1}"
- shift
- if [ ! -d "${pathcomp}" ] ;
- then
- $mkdirprog "${pathcomp}"
- else
- true
- fi
- pathcomp="${pathcomp}/"
-if [ x"$dir_arg" != x ]
- $doit $instcmd $dst &&
- if [ x"$chowncmd" != x ]; then $doit $chowncmd $dst; else true ; fi &&
- if [ x"$chgrpcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chgrpcmd $dst; else true ; fi &&
- if [ x"$stripcmd" != x ]; then $doit $stripcmd $dst; else true ; fi &&
- if [ x"$chmodcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chmodcmd $dst; else true ; fi
-# If we're going to rename the final executable, determine the name now.
- if [ x"$transformarg" = x ]
- then
- dstfile=`basename $dst`
- else
- dstfile=`basename $dst $transformbasename |
- sed $transformarg`$transformbasename
- fi
-# don't allow the sed command to completely eliminate the filename
- if [ x"$dstfile" = x ]
- then
- dstfile=`basename $dst`
- else
- true
- fi
-# Make a temp file name in the proper directory.
- dsttmp=$dstdir/#inst.$$#
-# Move or copy the file name to the temp name
- $doit $instcmd $src $dsttmp &&
- trap "rm -f ${dsttmp}" 0 &&
-# and set any options; do chmod last to preserve setuid bits
-# If any of these fail, we abort the whole thing. If we want to
-# ignore errors from any of these, just make sure not to ignore
-# errors from the above "$doit $instcmd $src $dsttmp" command.
- if [ x"$chowncmd" != x ]; then $doit $chowncmd $dsttmp; else true;fi &&
- if [ x"$chgrpcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chgrpcmd $dsttmp; else true;fi &&
- if [ x"$stripcmd" != x ]; then $doit $stripcmd $dsttmp; else true;fi &&
- if [ x"$chmodcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chmodcmd $dsttmp; else true;fi &&
-# Now rename the file to the real destination.
- $doit $rmcmd -f $dstdir/$dstfile &&
- $doit $mvcmd $dsttmp $dstdir/$dstfile
-fi &&
-exit 0
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/COPYING.LIB b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/COPYING.LIB
deleted file mode 100644
index eb685a5ec981..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/COPYING.LIB
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-[This is the first released version of the library GPL. It is
- numbered 2 because it goes with version 2 of the ordinary GPL.]
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
-free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
- This license, the Library General Public License, applies to some
-specially designated Free Software Foundation software, and to any
-other libraries whose authors decide to use it. You can use it for
-your libraries, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if
-you distribute copies of the library, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
-or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
-you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
-code. If you link a program with the library, you must provide
-complete object files to the recipients so that they can relink them
-with the library, after making changes to the library and recompiling
-it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
- Our method of protecting your rights has two steps: (1) copyright
-the library, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal
-permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
- Also, for each distributor's protection, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-library. If the library is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original
-version, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on
-the original authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that companies distributing free
-software will individually obtain patent licenses, thus in effect
-transforming the program into proprietary software. To prevent this,
-we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's
-free use or not licensed at all.
- Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary
-GNU General Public License, which was designed for utility programs. This
-license, the GNU Library General Public License, applies to certain
-designated libraries. This license is quite different from the ordinary
-one; be sure to read it in full, and don't assume that anything in it is
-the same as in the ordinary license.
- The reason we have a separate public license for some libraries is that
-they blur the distinction we usually make between modifying or adding to a
-program and simply using it. Linking a program with a library, without
-changing the library, is in some sense simply using the library, and is
-analogous to running a utility program or application program. However, in
-a textual and legal sense, the linked executable is a combined work, a
-derivative of the original library, and the ordinary General Public License
-treats it as such.
- Because of this blurred distinction, using the ordinary General
-Public License for libraries did not effectively promote software
-sharing, because most developers did not use the libraries. We
-concluded that weaker conditions might promote sharing better.
- However, unrestricted linking of non-free programs would deprive the
-users of those programs of all benefit from the free status of the
-libraries themselves. This Library General Public License is intended to
-permit developers of non-free programs to use free libraries, while
-preserving your freedom as a user of such programs to change the free
-libraries that are incorporated in them. (We have not seen how to achieve
-this as regards changes in header files, but we have achieved it as regards
-changes in the actual functions of the Library.) The hope is that this
-will lead to faster development of free libraries.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a
-"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The
-former contains code derived from the library, while the latter only
-works together with the library.
- Note that it is possible for a library to be covered by the ordinary
-General Public License rather than by this special one.
- 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library which
-contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized
-party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Library
-General Public License (also called "this License"). Each licensee is
-addressed as "you".
- A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
-prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
-(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
- The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
-which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the
-Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
-copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
-portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
-straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is
-included without limitation in the term "modification".)
- "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means
-all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
-interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
-and installation of the library.
- Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
-such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
-on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
-writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
-and what the program that uses the Library does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
-complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
-you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
-appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
-all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
-warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
- You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
-and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
- b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
- charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
- d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
- table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
- the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
- is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
- in the event an application does not supply such function or
- table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
- its purpose remains meaningful.
- (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
- a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
- application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
- application-supplied function or table used by this function must
- be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
- root function must still compute square roots.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Library.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
-with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
-License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do
-this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
-that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
-instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the
-ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
-that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in
-these notices.
- Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
-that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
-subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
- This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
-the Library into a program that is not a library.
- 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
-derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
-under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
-it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
-must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
-medium customarily used for software interchange.
- If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
-from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
-source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
-distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
-Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
-linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a
-work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
-therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
- However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
-creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
-contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
-library". The executable is therefore covered by this License.
-Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
- When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
-that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
-derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
-Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
-linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The
-threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
- If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
-structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
-functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
-file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
-work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
-Library will still fall under Section 6.)
- Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
-distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
-Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
-whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
- 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also compile or
-link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
-work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
-under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
-modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
-engineering for debugging such modifications.
- You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
-Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
-this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work
-during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
-copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
-directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one
-of these things:
- a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
- machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
- changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
- Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
- with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
- uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
- user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
- executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood
- that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
- Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
- to use the modified definitions.)
- b) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
- least three years, to give the same user the materials
- specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
- than the cost of performing this distribution.
- c) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
- from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
- specified materials from the same place.
- d) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
- materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
- For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
-Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
-reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception,
-the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally
-distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
-components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
-which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
-the executable.
- It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
-restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
-accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot
-use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
- 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
-Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
-facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
-library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
-the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
-permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
- a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
- based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
- facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the
- Sections above.
- b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
- that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
- where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
- 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
-the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any
-attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
-distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
-rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies,
-or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
-terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
- 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Library or works based on it.
- 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
-subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
-particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
-and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
-an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
-so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
-excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
-written in the body of this License.
- 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
-versions of the Library General Public License from time to time.
-Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
-but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
-"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
-conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
-the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a
-license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
-the Free Software Foundation.
- 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
-write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is
-copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
-Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our
-decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
-of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
-and reuse of software generally.
- Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
- If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
-everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting
-redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the
-ordinary General Public License).
- To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is
-safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
-"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
- library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-That's all there is to it!
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/ChangeLog b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index b28ef2f6ed52..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1815 +0,0 @@
-Tue Mar 19 22:02:07 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_template): Fix for non-mangled pointer
- arguments.
-Fri Mar 8 17:24:18 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * If srcdir is `.' and with_target_subdir is not
- `.', then set MULTISRCTOP before calling
-Thu Mar 7 13:37:10 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw.c (mpw_open): Add debugging output option.
-Wed Mar 6 17:36:03 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_template): Fix for address-of-extern arguments.
-Tue Feb 27 12:00:50 1996 Raymond Jou <>
- * mpw.c (mpwify_filename): Change 6 to 5 in
- strncmp (unixname, "/tmp/", 5).
-Tue Feb 20 10:55:53 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_template): Initialize is_bool. Correctly
- handle 0 as a pointer value parameter.
-Mon Feb 5 16:41:44 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * (all): Depend upon required-list.
- (required-list): New target.
- (clean): Remove required-list.
-Wed Jan 31 10:19:41 1996 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * win32.c: Deleted.
- * config.table (i386-*-win32): Deleted.
- * config/mh-i386win32: Deleted.
-Thu Jan 18 11:34:17 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * cplus-dem.c (cplus_demangle_opname): Change opname parameter to
- const char *.
- (cplus_mangle_opname): Change return type and opname parameter to
- const char *. Don't cast return value.
-Tue Jan 16 12:13:11 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw.c: Include Timer.h, in order to get m68k Microseconds trap
- definition.
-Wed Jan 3 13:15:04 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * obstack.c: Update copyright to 1996.
- (_obstack_memory_used): Define new function. Called via
- obstack_memory_used macro.
-Thu Dec 28 11:39:40 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * xstrdup.c: New file.
- * (CFILES): Add xstrdup.c.
- (REQUIRED_OFILES): Add xstrdup.o.
- (xstrdup.o): New target.
-Mon Dec 11 18:18:52 1995 Mike Stump <>
- * atexit.c: New stub to provide atexit on systems that have
- on_exit, like SunOS 4.1.x systems.
- * functions.def (on_exit, atexit): Ditto.
-Mon Dec 11 15:42:14 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw.c (mpw_abort): Remove decl.
- (mpw_access): Move debugging printf.
-Sat Dec 2 01:25:23 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * config.table: Consistently use ${host} rather than ${xhost} or
- ${target}.
- * Don't bother to set ${xhost} before calling
- config.table.
-Tue Nov 28 14:16:57 1995 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * (.c.o): Use test instead of the left bracket, to
- avoid problems with some versions of make.
-Tue Nov 28 11:45:17 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw-make.sed: Fix INCDIR edit to work with Nov 14 change.
-Tue Nov 21 11:26:34 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * config/mh-hpux: Remove. It was only used to define EXTRA_OFILES,
- which was set to just alloca.o, which is now automatically marked
- as needed by the autoconfiguration process.
-Tue Nov 21 14:15:06 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * config.table: Check ${with_cross_host} rather than comparing
- ${host} and ${target}.
-Thu Nov 16 14:34:42 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * If with_target_subdir is empty, set xhost to
- ${host} rather than ${target} before calling config.table.
-Tue Nov 14 01:38:30 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * (MULTITOP): Deleted.
- (install_to_libdir): Add $(MULTISUBDIR). Call $(MULTIDO).
- * Delete call to Call
- instead of
- (cross-compile check): Change to test for with_target_subdir.
- (EXTRA_LINKS): Delete.
-Sun Nov 12 12:13:04 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw-make.sed: Add getpagesize.c.o to needed-list.
- * mpw.c [USE_MW_HEADERS]: Conditionalize compiling of
- functions that are supplied by Metrowerks libraries.
- (fstat): Clean up descriptor->pointer conversion code.
- (InstallConsole, etc): Empty definitions, for when linking
- with SIOUX.
-Sun Nov 5 19:25:27 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (FLAGS_TO_PASS): Also pass PICFLAGS.
- (.c.o): Stylistic change.
-Thu Nov 2 12:06:29 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * strtol.c, strtoul.c: Don't include <stdlib.h>. From
- (Philippe De Muyter).
-Wed Nov 1 11:59:36 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Correct sed call.
-Mon Oct 30 13:03:45 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * Clean up / simplify for native.
- * Merge in stuff from ../xiberty/
- * (CC): Add definition (so it can be overrridden
- by ../configure).
-Tue Oct 24 17:57:27 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw-make.sed: Leave strerror.c.o in standard list of functions.
- * mpw.c (R_OK, ENOENT, EACCESS, ENOSYS): Remove.
- (link): Remove useless definition with error return.
- (last_microseconds, warn_if_spin_delay, record_for_spin_delay):
- Use UnsignedWide type for microsecond counts.
-Thu Oct 19 10:52:07 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * memcmp.c (memcmp): Argument types are const void *, not void
- *const.
- * strncasecmp.c (strncasecmp): Include ansidecl.h/stdarg.h, not
- sys/types.h.
- * strcasecmp.c (strcasecmp): Ditto.
-Tue Oct 10 11:03:24 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * (BISON): Remove macro.
-Tue Sep 26 15:06:46 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * (HFILES): Add default empty definition.
- * (config.h): Only update if changed.
- * Remove.
- * mpw-make.sed: New file, edits into MPW makefile.
- * mpw.c: Remove semi-clone of strerror code.
- (sys_nerr, sys_errlist): Define here.
- (Microseconds): Only define as A-line trap if m68k Mac.
-Wed Sep 20 12:53:32 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * (maintainer-clean): New synonym for distclean.
-Mon Aug 28 19:47:52 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * config.table: For host, generalize rs6000-ibm-aix*
- to *-ibm-aix* so we also include powerpc.
-Tue Aug 22 03:18:05 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- Fri Jun 16 18:35:40 1995 Pat Rankin (
- * xstrerror.c: New file.
- *, Compile it.
-Mon Jul 31 12:16:32 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * config.table (i386-*-win32): New.
-Fri Jul 21 11:35:52 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * (MULTITOP): New variable.
- (all): Add multilib support.
- (install_to_tooldir, *clean): Likewise.
-Mon Jul 10 11:47:27 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * makefile.dos (OBJS): Add hex.o. From DJ Delorie.
-Fri Jun 30 17:28:59 1995 Pat Rankin (
- * create "new-lib.olb", build libiberty under that
- name, and then make it become "liberty.olb" when done, so that an
- incomplete build attempt never leaves behind something which looks
- like a complete library.
-Thu Jun 29 00:22:02 1995 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * config/mh-i386pe: New file for PE hosts.
- * config.table: Understand PE hosts.
-Wed Jun 28 19:13:23 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * cplus-dem.c: Update from gcc.
- * argv.c, dummy.c: If __STDC__, #include "alloca-conf.h" after
- <stddef.h>.
- * alloca-norm.h: If __STDC__, declare alloca with its parameter.
-Thu Jun 22 18:57:47 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * (ALL_CFLAGS): Define NEED_basename.
- * mpw.c: Only test DebugPI once whenever printing debug info.
- (mpwify_filename): If filename is /tmp/foo, change it into :_foo,
- also fix to not write on input filename buffer.
- (mpw_access): Use stat() instead of open(), works for directories
- as well as files.
-Mon Jun 19 00:33:22 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * Massage broken shells that require 'else true'.
-Sat Jun 17 23:21:58 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * alloca-norm.h: Declare alloca as type "PTR" to match functions.def.
- Declare __builtin_alloca in the sparc case, as argv.c did.
- * argv.c: Replace inline version of alloca-norm.h at start of file with
- a #include of alloca-conf.h. Precede it with an include of ansidecl.h
- because alloca-norm.h needs to declare alloca as "PTR".
-Mon Jun 12 14:24:26 1995 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * win32.c: New file.
-Fri Jun 9 15:16:14 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * dummy.c: #include "alloca-conf.h".
-Wed Jun 7 11:46:23 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (mostlyclean): Remove stamp-picdir.
- (clean): Don't.
-Mon Jun 5 18:46:06 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config.table (frags): Use toplevel pic frags.
- * (PICFLAG): New macro.
- (all): Depend on stamp-picdir.
- (needed-list): Ditto.
- (.c.o): Also build pic object.
- (stamp-picdir): New rule.
- (mostlyclean): Remove pic.
- (clean): Remove stamp-picdir.
-Fri Mar 24 16:55:48 1995 Pat Rankin (
- * (config.h): Add `#define NEED_basename'.
-Tue May 23 10:12:46 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * clock.c, getopt.c, strtod.c, vsprintf.c: Change from using LGPL
- to libio-style copyright.
- * getpagesize.c: Remove FSF copyright.
-Sat May 20 12:30:23 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- Added improved VMS support from Pat Rankin:
- Fri Mar 17 18:40:36 1995 Pat Rankin (
- * new file.
- * getpagesize.c (getpagesize): implement for VMS;
- * strerror.c (strerror, strerrno, strtoerrno): add rudimentary
- support for EVMSERR.
-Thu May 18 17:01:42 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- Wed May 10 14:28:16 1995 Richard Earnshaw (
- * floatformat.c (floatformat_arm_ext): Define.
-Tue May 16 13:30:59 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * basename.c, bcmp.c, getcwd.c, insque.c, rename.c, sigsetmask.c,
- strerror.c, strsignal.c: Remove FSF copyright.
- * sigsetmask.c: #include <sys/types.h> - seems to be needed by ISC.
-Mon May 15 19:53:17 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * bcopy.c, bzero.c, memcmp.c, memcpy.c, memset.c, strchr.c,
- strrchr.c, strstr.c, vfork.c: Remove FSF Copyright, because this
- might contaminate libstdc++ with the LGPL. (OK'd by RMS 11 Oct 94.)
- * strchr.c, strrchr.c: Add cast to suppress const warning.
-Thu May 4 14:36:42 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * cplus-dem.c: Use const instead of CONST. Don't include
- ansidecl.h directly.
-Wed Apr 19 01:30:27 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * cplus-dem.c: Don't include libiberty.h. Do declare xmalloc and
- xrealloc.
- (-DMAIN): Don't rely on an externally-defined version number;
- instead, require the version number to be defined as a
- preprocessor macro. Handle the RS/6000 leading dot. Define
- xmalloc, xrealloc and fatal. Don't strip a leading underscore
- if we couldn't demangle the word.
-Tue Apr 4 13:03:51 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- (Old mpw.c change descriptions retained for informational value.)
- * mpw.c (warning_threshold): Default to .4 sec.
- (overflow_count, current_progress): New globals.
- (warn_if_spin_delay): Include current progress type,
- such as program name, in message.
- (mpw_start_progress): Set current_progress variable from arg.
- (mpw_end_progress): Report spin delays by power-of-two-size
- buckets instead of constant-size buckets.
- * mpw.c: Clean up formatting, types, returns, etc.
- (ENOSYS): Define.
- (mpw_fread, mpw_fwrite): Define.
- (sleep): Define correctly.
- * mpw.c: New code to implement cursor spinning support.
- (umask): New function.
- (mpw_fopen, mpw_fseek, stat, fstat): Call PROGRESS.
- * mpw.c (mpw_basename, mpw_mixed_basename): New functions, find
- basenames for MPW and MPW/Unix filenames.
- (mpw_special_init): New function, calls Macsbug if desired.
- * mpw.c: Add GPL notice.
- (mpwify_filename): Add more transformations.
- (mpw_fopen): Call mpwify_filename on file names.
- (rename): Remove.
- (chdir, getcwd): Add simple definitions.
- * mpw.c: Random cleanups, remove unused code bits.
- Added copy of strerror.c for gcc's use.
- (stat, fstat, _stat): New versions based on Guido van Rossum code.
- * mpw.c (mpw_fseek): Make it work correctly when doing SEEK_CUR.
- * mpw.c (stat): Remove hack definition, get from sys/stat.h.
- (fork, vfork, etc): Print error messages if called.
- (getrusage, sbrk, environ, isatty, link, utime, mkdir, rmdir,
- rename, chown): Define.
- * New file, MPW version of
- * New file, MPW version of
- * mpw.c: New file, MPW compatibility routines.
-Fri Mar 24 14:10:30 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * basename.c: Include config.h before checking for NEED_basename.
-Thu Mar 23 19:09:54 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * functions.def: Add DEFFUNC for basename.
- * basename.c: Only define basename if NEED_basename.
-Thu Mar 16 13:36:05 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config.table: Fix --enable-shared logic for native builds.
-Mon Mar 13 11:05:11 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_template): Demangle bool literals properly.
-Mon Mar 6 23:57:28 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * strtol.c strtoul.c: Replace these with less buggy versions from
- NetBSD. (strtoul in particular couldn't handle base 16.)
-Wed Mar 1 15:59:01 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * config/mt-vxworks5 (HDEFINES): Define NO_SYS_PARAM_H.
- * clock.c: If NO_SYS_PARAM_H is defined, don't include
- <sys/param.h>.
- * getcwd.c, getpagesize.c, getruntime.c: Likewise.
-Fri Feb 17 15:40:55 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * getruntime.c (get_run_time): Don't assume that CLOCKS_PER_SEC is
- a number; ANSI appears to permit any expression, including a
- function call.
- * config.table (*-*-vxworks5*): Use mt-vxworks5 when configuring
- xiberty.
- * config/mt-vxworks5: New file.
-Thu Feb 9 14:19:45 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * basename.c (basename): Change argument to be const.
-Wed Feb 8 18:06:52 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (lneeded-list): Don't worry about xmalloc.
-Sun Jan 15 00:40:36 1995 Jeff Law (
- * (distclean): Delete xhost-mkfrag.
-Thu Jan 12 16:54:18 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (lneeded-list): If alloca.o is needed, so is xmalloc.o.
-Wed Jan 11 22:39:56 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * hex.c: New file.
- (hex.o): Add dependencies.
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_prefix): For GNU style constructor and
- destructor names, try demangling the remainder of the string.
-Wed Dec 28 00:49:15 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * vasprintf.c (int_vasprintf): New static function.
- (vasprintf): Use int_vasprintf. Removes assumption that va_list
- is assignment compatible.
-Sat Nov 5 19:29:12 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * (LIBCFLAGS): New variable.
- (FLAGS_TO_PASS): Pass it.
- (.c.o): Use it.
-Thu Nov 3 19:09:47 1994 Ken Raeburn <>
- * getopt.c, getopt1.c: Do compile these functions under Linux,
- since many native versions are based on glibc but are buggy.
-Mon Oct 24 15:16:46 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * vasprintf.c: Make 'format' arg be const, to avoid a mismatch
- with prototype in GNU libc. Support stdarg.h as well as varargs.h.
-Tue Oct 11 17:48:27 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * (REQUIRED_OFILES): Add vasprintf.o.
- * functions.def: Remove vasprintf.
-Wed Sep 14 17:04:55 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * xmalloc.c (first_break): New static variable.
- (xmalloc_set_program_name): Record sbrk (0) in first_break.
- (xmalloc): If memory allocation fails, try to report how much
- memory was allocated by the program up to this point.
- (xrealloc): Likewise.
-Sun Sep 04 17:58:10 1994 Richard Earnshaw (
- * (ERRORS_CC): New variable, defaulted to $(CC). Use it
- when linking dummy.
- * config.table: Add host RISCiX Makefile frag.
- * config/mh-riscix: New file.
-Thu Aug 25 17:29:44 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (FLAGS_TO_PASS): Define.
- ($(RULE1)): Use $(FLAGS_TO_PASS).
-Wed Aug 24 17:08:47 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * vasprintf.c: Include <string.h>.
- (vasprintf): Add casts to void for va_arg to avoid gcc warnings.
- * xatexit.c: Declare malloc.
-Fri Aug 19 15:29:12 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_args): Fix a bug in previous patch (the
- one below).
-Thu Aug 18 14:37:14 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle args): Handle ARM repeat encoding where
- the type index is greater than 9.
-Wed Aug 17 16:13:49 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_qualified): accept optional '_' between
- qualified name. This is baecause the template name may end with
- numeric and can mixed up with the length of next qualified name.
-Wed Aug 3 05:52:14 1994 D. V. Henkel-Wallace (
- * config/mt-sunos4: Use our standard location for cross-includes
- and cross-libs when the target is also a "host" environment (ie no
- newlib; includes and such don't belong to us). This is specific
- to the Cygnus Support environment.
-Tue Aug 2 15:25:12 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_template): demangle as xxx<'Q'> not
- xxx<ch=81>.
-Mon Aug 1 17:02:48 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c (main): flush stdout to make pipe work.
-Sat Jul 16 12:56:32 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * config.table (*-*-cxux7*): Recognize.
- * floatformat.c (floatformat_m88110_ext) [HARRIS_FLOAT_FORMAT]:
- Harris-specific float format.
- * config/mh-cxux7: New file.
-Wed Jun 29 00:26:17 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_template): Make sure that the result of
- consume_count doesn't index beyond the end of the string.
-Mon Jun 20 23:54:37 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * cplus-dem.c (gnu_special): Handle vtable mangling of gcc-2.4.5 and
- earlier. Improve test for new vtable mangling. Change output back
- to `virtual table'.
-Mon Jun 20 11:37:30 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * obstack.c: Always compile this code, even if using the GNU
- library. Avoids problems with relatively recent binary
- incompatibility.
-Thu Jun 16 17:54:01 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * cplus-dem.c: Include libiberty.h.
- (xmalloc, xrealloc, free): Don't declare.
- (strstr): Don't declare parameters.
- (xmalloc, xrealloc): Don't define.
- (long_options): Add no-strip-underscores.
- (main): Call xmalloc_set_program_name. Pass n in short options to
- getopt_long. Handle option 'n' to not strip underscores.
- (usage): Mention -n and --no-strip-underscores.
-Sun Jun 12 01:37:09 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_template): Separate consecutive >'s with a
- space.
- (gnu_special): Demangle template and qualified names in a vtable name.
-Fri May 27 12:27:52 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- From gas-2.3 and binutils-2.4 net releases:
- Wed May 11 22:32:00 1994 DJ Delorie (
- * makefile.dos: [new] Makefile for dos/go32
- * configure.bat: update for latest files
- * msdos.c: remove some functions now in libc.a
-Fri May 20 18:53:32 1994 Per Bothner (
- * cplus-dem.c (gnu_special): Recognize thunks, as well as
- the new naming style for vtables (when -fvtable-thunks).
-Wed May 18 13:34:06 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (XTRAFLAGS): Don't define.
- (.c.o, dummy.o): Don't use XTRAFLAGS.
- ($(RULE1)): Don't pass XTRAFLAGS down in recursive call.
-Fri May 13 16:02:12 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * vasprintf.c: New file.
- *, functions.def: Add it.
-Fri May 13 16:20:28 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_fund_type): Grok bool.
-Fri May 6 14:44:21 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * config.table: Add go32
- * config/mh-go32: New template.
-Fri May 6 11:01:59 1994 D. V. Henkel-Wallace (
- * config.table, config/mt-sunos4: config for when sun4 is cross target.
-Mon Apr 11 00:54:33 1994 Richard Stallman (
- * getopt.c [not __GNU_LIBRARY__] [__GCC__] [not __STDC__]:
- Declare strlen to return int. Don't include stddef.h.
-Fri Apr 1 00:38:17 1994 Jim Wilson (
- * getopt.c: Delete use of IN_GCC to control whether
- stddef.h or gstddef.h is included.
-Thu Apr 14 14:00:56 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_signature): Fix a bug in template function
- type numbering.
-Wed Apr 13 17:23:03 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_signature): Fix template function with arm
- style argument type number, Tn.
-Wed Apr 13 17:11:15 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * cplus-dem.c (optable): Add new[] and delete[].
-Fri Apr 8 11:21:42 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * argv.c (buildargv): Don't produce empty argument just because
- there is trailing whitespace.
-Wed Apr 6 11:42:14 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_template): fix 'Q' qualified name bug.
- Handle 'p' same as 'P'.
- * cplus-dem.c (do_type): Handle 'p' same as 'P'.
-Sat Mar 26 12:00:13 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * floatformat.c (get_field, put_field): Fix off by one error in
- little endian case.
-Thu Mar 24 10:40:19 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * floatformat.c (floatformat_from_double): Pass unsigned char *,
- not char *, to put_field.
-Fri Mar 18 12:34:33 1994 Per Bothner (
- * memmove.c: Re-wrote; placed in public domain.
-Wed Mar 16 10:33:07 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_prefix): If ARM demangling, don't treat
- __Q* as a constructor.
-Mon Mar 14 12:26:02 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ieee-float.c: Removed; no longer used.
- * Changed accordingly.
-Mon Mar 7 12:28:17 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * floatformat.c (get_field): Removed unused local variable i.
- (put_field): Removed unused local variable i.
-Sun Feb 27 21:50:11 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * floatformat.c: New file, intended to replace ieee-float.c.
- * Change accordingly.
-Thu Feb 24 11:51:12 1994 David J. Mackenzie (
- * getopt.c: Remove #ifdef GETOPT_COMPAT and #if 0 code.
- (_getopt_initialize): New function, broken out of _getopt_internal.
- (_getopt_internal):
- If long_only and the ARGV-element has the form "-f", where f is
- a valid short option, don't consider it an abbreviated form of
- a long option that starts with f. Otherwise there would be no
- way to give the -f short option.
-Thu Feb 10 14:44:16 1994 Richard Stallman (
- * getopt.c [not __GNU_LIBRARY__] [__GNUC__] [not IN_GCC]:
- Test just __STDC__, not emacs.
-Wed Feb 9 00:14:00 1994 Richard Stallman (
- * getopt.c [not __GNU_LIBRARY__] [__GNUC__] [not IN_GCC]
- [emacs] [not __STDC__]: Don't include stddef.h. Don't declare strlen.
-Fri Dec 24 19:43:00 1993 Noah Friedman (
- * getopt.c (_NO_PROTO): Define before config.h is included.
-Mon Sep 20 15:59:03 1993 Roland McGrath (
- * getopt.c, getopt1.c [emacs || CONFIG_BROKETS]: Include
- <config.h> only under these, else "config.h".
-Thu Aug 12 18:16:49 1993 Roland McGrath (
- * getopt.c, getopt1.c [HAVE_CONFIG_H]: Include
- <config.h> instead of "config.h".
-Sun Feb 20 17:17:01 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * concat.c: Check ANSI_PROTOTYPES rather than __STDC__ to decide
- whether to use prototypes or not.
- * strerror.c (const): Never undefine; let ansidecl.h handle it.
- * strsignal.c (const): Likewise.
-Thu Feb 17 13:27:35 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * xatexit.c (_xexit_cleanup): Declare as extern; don't initialize.
- Merging common and initialized variables need not be supported by
- ANSI C compilers.
- (xatexit): Initialize _xexit_cleanup if not already set.
- * xexit.c: Comment fix.
-Wed Feb 16 01:15:36 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * xmalloc.c: Don't declare xexit; it's declared in libiberty.h.
- (xrealloc): If oldmem is NULL, allocate with malloc, rather than
- assuming that realloc works correctly.
-Tue Feb 15 09:26:16 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * concat.c, ieee-float.c: Replace inclusion of <string.h>
- with explicit function declarations, as recommended by Ian Taylor.
-Sat Feb 12 10:31:11 1994 David J. Mackenzie (
- * xmalloc.c (xmalloc, xrealloc): Use PTR and size_t throughout.
- (malloc, realloc): Declare.
-Thu Feb 10 17:08:19 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * argv.c, basename.c: Include ansidecl.h and libiberty.h.
- * concat.c, fdmatch.c, getruntime.c, spaces.c: Likewise.
- * strerror.c, strsignal.c, xatexit.c, xexit.c: Likewise.
- * xmalloc.c: Likewise.
- * concat.c: Don't declare xmalloc. If __STDC__, use <stdarg.h>
- macros, not <varargs.h> macros.
- * spaces.c (spaces): Make return type const. Don't crash if
- malloc returns NULL.
- * strerror.c (struct error_info): Make name and msg fields const.
- (error_names): Make const.
- (strerrno): Make const.
- (strtoerrno): Make argument const.
- * strsignal.c (struct signal_info): Make name and msg fields
- const.
- (signal_names, sys_siglist): Make const.
- (strsignal, strsigno): Make const.
- (strtosigno): Make argument const.
- * xatexit.c: Declare parameter types.
- * xmalloc.c (name): Make const.
- (xmalloc_set_program_name): Make argument const.
- * (INCDIR): Define.
- (.c.o): Use $(INCDIR).
- (dummy.o): Likewise.
- (argv.o, basename.o): New targets; depend on libiberty.h.
- (concat.o, fdmatch.o, getruntime.o, spaces.o): Likewise.
- (strerror.o, strsignal.o, xatexit.o, xexit.o): Likewise.
- (xmalloc.o): Likewise.
- (cplus-dem.o): New target; depend on demangle.h.
- (getopt.o, getopt1.o): New targets; depend on getopt.h.
- (ieee-float.o): New target; depend on ieee-float.h.
- (obstack.o): New target; depend on obstack.h.
-Tue Feb 8 05:29:08 1994 David J. Mackenzie (
- Handle obstack_chunk_alloc returning NULL. This allows
- obstacks to be used by libraries, without forcing them
- to call exit or longjmp.
- * obstack.c (_obstack_begin, _obstack_begin_1, _obstack_newchunk):
- If CALL_CHUNKFUN returns NULL, set alloc_failed, else clear it.
- (_obstack_begin, _obstack_begin_1): Return 1 if successful, 0 if not.
-Tue Feb 8 00:32:28 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * concat.c, ieee-float.c: Include <string.h>.
-Sun Feb 6 21:28:46 1994 David J. Mackenzie (
- * xmalloc.c (xmalloc_set_program_name): New function.
- (xmalloc, xrealloc): Include the name in the error message, if set.
- * Replace atexit.c with xatexit.c.
- * (CFILES), functions.def: Change references.
-Sat Feb 5 14:02:32 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * getruntime.c (get_run_time): Use getrusage or times if
-Fri Feb 4 15:49:38 1994 David J. Mackenzie (
- * atexit.c: New file.
- * (CFILES), functions.def: Add it.
- * xexit.c: New file.
- * xmalloc.c (xmalloc, xrealloc): Call xexit instead of exit.
- Change request for 0 bytes into request for 1 byte.
-Wed Feb 2 11:36:49 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * xmalloc.c (xmalloc, xrealloc): Print size using %lu, and cast to
- unsigned long, to avoid warnings.
-Fri Jan 28 17:49:06 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * dummy.c: Don't include time.h ever; always define clock_t as
- "unsigned long". Until gcc/fixincludes ensures that clock_t
- exists, __STDC__ isn't a sufficient test. And if clock() doesn't
- exist, clock_t probably doesn't either.
-Mon Jan 24 11:52:31 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * clock.c, getruntime.c: New files.
- * Add to file lists.
- * functions.def (clock): Add to list.
- * dummy.c (time.h): Add if __STDC__.
- (clock_t): #define as "unsigned long" if not __STDC__.
-Tue Jan 11 11:27:44 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * strtod.c: Declare atof. From (Jan
- Edler).
-Tue Dec 28 14:17:30 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (errors): Use CFLAGS as well as LDFLAGS when
- linking.
-Fri Dec 17 12:26:07 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_arm_pt): New function. Common code
- for ARM template demangling.
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_class_name): Use demangle_arm_pt.
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_prefix): Likewise.
-Tue Nov 30 15:47:48 1993 Jason Merrill (
- * cplus-dem.c (cplus_demangle_opname): Add CONST to please gcc.
-Sat Nov 27 11:05:50 1993 Fred Fish (
- Merge changes from (Tom R.Hageman)
- * strerror.c, strsignal.c: As a small space optimization, don't
- include messages when they aren't actually used.
- Merge changes from!joe (Josef Leherbauer)
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_prefix, demangle_function_name,
- cplus_demangle_opname): Fixes for systems where cplus_marker
- is something other than '$'.
-Fri Nov 26 13:51:11 1993 Per Bothner (
- * waitpid.c: Simple-minded approcimation to waitpid
- using vanilla wait.
- * functions.def, Update accordingly,
-Thu Nov 18 18:01:15 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c(demangle_template): fix bug template instantiation
- with value of user defined type.
-Wed Nov 17 18:30:21 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c(cplus_demangle_opname): add the subject new function
- to support unified search of operator in class.
-Wed Nov 10 09:47:22 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- gcc -Wall lint:
- * strtoul.c (strtoul): use "(digit = *s) != '\0'" not just
- "digit = *s" as condition in while loop.
-Tue Nov 9 15:52:22 1993 Mark Eichin (
- * pass SHELL to recursive make
-Thu Nov 4 12:09:26 1993 Per Bothner (
- * vfprintf.c, vprintf.c, vsprintf.c: Make format arg
- be (const char*), for ANSI (and gcc w/fixproto) consistency.
-Thu Nov 4 08:29:04 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config.table: Make *-*-hiux* use mh-hpux.
-Fri Oct 22 07:53:15 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config.table: Add * to end of all OS names.
-Tue Oct 19 17:12:01 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- * (lneeded-list): ensure that object file names are
- not duplicated, as multiple instances of the same object file in
- a library causes problems on some machines
-Mon Oct 18 21:59:28 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * strcasecmp.c, strncasecmp.c: Change u_char to unsigned char.
-Fri Oct 15 22:17:11 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- * strncasecmp.c: new file, implements strncasecmp
- * strcasecmp.c: new file, implement strcasecmp
- * (CFILES): list these two new source files
- * functions.def: add strcasecmp and strncasecmp entries
-Fri Oct 15 14:53:05 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * strtoul.c (strtoul), strtol.c (strtol): Handle overflow
- according to ANSI C.
-Thu Oct 14 16:34:19 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c: add support of ARM global constructor/destructor,
- and 'G' for passing record or union in parameter.
-Wed Oct 13 13:36:19 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Fix comment to clarify that stuff in REQUIRED_OFILES
- should not be in functions.def.
-Wed Oct 13 13:13:38 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * functions.def: Removed xmalloc. Stuff in REQUIRED_OFILES should
- not be in functions.def.
-Mon Oct 4 18:26:39 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c: change globl constructor/destructor to proper name
-Tue Sep 28 18:11:07 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c: fix bug in constructor/destructor
-Tue Sep 28 16:20:49 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c: support both old and new _vt$... vtbl mangled names
-Fri Sep 24 19:07:16 1993 Jason Merrill (
- * cplus-dem.c: Fix demangle_template prototype
-Fri Sep 24 17:32:55 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c: fix template demangling
- * cplus-dem.c: fix const type demangling
- * cplus-dem.c: fix constructor/destructor, virtual table,
- qualifier, global constructor/destructor demangling
-Wed Sep 1 23:13:11 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * strsignal.c, strerror.c: Use fully-bracketed initializer to
- keep gcc -Wall happy.
-Fri Aug 27 10:30:09 1993 Jason Merrill (
- * cplus-dem.c (do_type): Add CONSTS to make gcc happy with last
- patch.
-Fri Aug 27 11:24:54 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- Patch from Paul Flinders:
- * cplus-dem.c (do_type): Deal with arrays.
-Tue Aug 24 14:23:50 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_qualified: Deal with GNU format for more
- than 9 classes.
-Wed Aug 18 19:50:29 1993 Jason Merrill (
- * (dummy.o): Redirect to /dev/null to avoid "variable
- not initialized" warnings under HP/UX
-Sun Aug 15 20:42:40 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * strerror.c: Move include of stdio.h after sys_errlist #define.
- Also remove NULL definition (stdio.h always defines NULL, so it
- never did anything but clutter up the code).
-Sat Aug 14 14:21:49 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- *, functions.def: handle xmalloc.c
- * xmalloc.c: provide xmalloc and xrealloc functions
-Thu Aug 12 17:38:57 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
- * cplus-dem.c: Fix a comment.
-Sat Aug 7 13:56:35 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
- * getopt1.c: Declare const the way getopt.c does.
-Fri Aug 6 17:03:13 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
- * obstack.c, alloca.c: Update from FSF.
- * getopt.c, getopt1.c: Update to current FSF version, which
- doesn't use alloca.
-Tue Jul 27 14:03:57 1993 Brendan Kehoe (
- * (demangle): Add the target with a message saying
- where demangle went.
-Mon Jul 26 15:49:54 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Remove obsolete `demangle' target.
-Thu Jul 22 08:31:01 1993 Fred Fish (
- * cplus-dem.c (arm_special): Apply patch from to
- avoid infinite loop on vtbl symbols with disambiguating "junk"
- tacked on the end.
-Mon Jul 19 14:10:37 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- * strsignal.c: work around some systems losing definitions of
- sys_siglist
- * config/mh-lynxos: this system has a losing definition of
- sys_siglist
- * config.table: use mh-lynxos for *-*-lynxos
-Mon Jul 19 17:08:52 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * config.table: Add support for HPPA BSD hosts.
- * config/mh-hpbsd: New file.
-Mon Jul 12 18:00:40 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * (TAGS): make work when srcdir != objdir.
-Sun Jun 27 15:35:31 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
- * cplus-dem.c (main): Add long options, including --help and
- --version.
- (usage): New function from code in main.
-Tue Jun 22 11:37:38 1993 Per Bothner (
- * config.table: New shell scipt, sourced by both ./configure,in
- and ../xiberty/, to avoid maintainance lossages.
- * and ../xiberty/ Use config.table.
- * Don't use mh-aix for AIX 3.2, only for 3.1.
- * Map *-*-irix* (except irix4) to mh-sysv.
- * ../xiberty/ Update from ./
-Tue Jun 15 17:05:31 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * remove parentdir support
-Wed May 26 12:59:09 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * cplus-dem.c (xrealloc): Match definition with prototype.
-Tue May 25 14:27:51 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_prefix): Demangle cfront
- local variables as an extension to ARM demangling.
-Fri May 21 09:53:57 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * ieee-float.c: Don't require pointers to double to be aligned.
-Tue May 18 17:12:10 1993 Fred Fish (
- (merge changes from
- * cplus-dem.c (consume_count): Simplify.
- * cplus-dem.c (arm_pt, demangle_class_name): New functions.
- * cplus-dem.c (various): Calls to arm_pt, demangle_class_name.
- * cplus-dem.c (xmalloc, xrealloc, strstr): Make extern decls into
- full prototypes.
- * cplus-dem.c (free): Add prototype.
- * cplus-dem.c (optable): Fully bracketize initializer.
-Fri May 14 17:13:05 1993 Per Bothner (
- * cplus-dem.c: Whether initial underscores are stripped
- depends on the external variable prepends_underscore
- (which is generated by the binutils Makefile).
-Fri May 14 07:32:20 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * cplus-dem.c (mop_up, arm_special): Remove some unused variables.
-Tue May 4 20:31:59 1993 Fred Fish (
- * cplus-dem.c (consume_count): Return zero if arg does not
- start with digit, and don't consume any input.
-Tue May 4 08:10:28 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * (demangle): Use ${srcdir} not $^.
- * strtod.c: New file, needed at least for BSD 4.3.
-Sun May 2 11:30:42 1993 Fred Fish (
- * strsignal.c (sys_siglist): For ANSI compilations, type is
- "const char *const". Also remove conditionalization on __STDC__
- since const is defined away for non-ANSI.
-Wed Apr 28 19:29:55 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * Recognize *-*-hpux.
- * config/mh-hpux: New file.
-Tue Apr 27 15:22:19 1993 Per Bothner (
- * tmpnam.c: Added ANSI tmpnam() function.
- * functions.def, Update accordingly.
-Tue Apr 27 13:38:38 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_function_name): Get the demangling of
- stop__1A right.
-Fri Apr 16 23:48:24 1993 Jim Kingdon (kingdon at calvin)
- * cplus-dem.c: Declare strstr return type.
-Fri Mar 26 12:01:26 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * strsignal.c: Add some AIX signals.
-Thu Mar 25 15:17:23 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (MAKEOVERRIDES): Define to be empty.
-Wed Mar 24 01:59:25 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * add installcheck & dvi targets
-Thu Mar 18 14:05:44 1993 Per Bothner (
- * ieee-float.c: New file, moved from ../gdb (since it is
- needed by ../opcode/m68k-dis.c).
-Tue Mar 2 17:47:31 1993 Fred Fish (
- * cplus-dem.c: Replace all references to cfront with ARM.
-Fri Feb 26 00:17:07 1993 Per Bothner (
- * cplus-dem.c: Fix main program (when compiled with -DMAIN)
- to be more useful as a filter.
-Sat Feb 20 21:41:39 1993 Brendan Kehoe (
- * (install_to_libdir, install_to_tooldir): Go into the
- destination directory before running $(RANLIB), in case that
- program tries to create a file in the current directory as part of
- its work.
-Thu Feb 18 23:00:19 1993 John Gilmore (
- * strsignal.c (sys_siglist): Remove yet another *%^&%&$# "const"
- because BSD 4.4 lacks one. Isn't this fun?
-Thu Feb 18 11:24:25 1993 Fred Fish (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_signature): Set func_done after
- demangling a template.
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_template): Fix several small bugs
- in demangling GNU style templates.
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_prefix): Fix for templates in GNU
- style constructors.
- * cplus-dem.c (gnu_special): Fix for templates in GNU style
- static data members.
-Tue Feb 16 17:28:35 1993 Fred Fish (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_signature): Modify to include type
- modifiers like static and const in remembered types.
-Thu Feb 11 22:20:47 1993 Fred Fish (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangled_qualified): Add new parameter that tells
- whether to prepend or append the qualifiers.
- * cplus-dem.c (string_prepends): Used now, remove #if 0.
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_signature): Call demangle_qualified
- with prepending.
- * cplus_dem.c (gnu_special): Recognize static data members that
- use qualified names.
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_qualified): Accumulate qualifiers in a
- temporary buffer and the prepend or append them to the result,
- as specified by the new "append" flag.
- * cplus-dem.c (do_type): Call demangled_qualified with
- appending.
-Mon Dec 28 10:47:19 1992 Ken Raeburn (
- * strsignal.c (signal_table): Now const.
- (init_signal_tables): Variable eip now points to const.
- * strerror.c (error_table): Now const.
- (init_error_tables): Variable eip now points to const.
-Tue Dec 15 15:36:50 1992 Per Bothner (
- * memchr.c (memchr): New (ANSI standard) function.
- *, functions.def: Added memchr.
- * (AR_FLAGS): Use rc instad of non-standard cq.
-Wed Dec 2 22:49:10 1992 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * getopt.c: remove use of USG around <alloca.h>, which never meant
- anything anyway
- * config/mh-{aix,apollo68,ncr3000,sysv,sysv4}: removed definitions
- of USG and USGr4
-Thu Nov 19 03:09:33 1992 Brendan Kehoe (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_fund_type): Recognize `w', a wide character;
- it's now a type according to the ANSI X3J16 working paper; output
- "wchar_t" for it.
- (demangle_template): Accept `w' as an integral type.
- (xmalloc, xrealloc): Use `char *', not `PTR'. Cast calls to their
- counterparts malloc and realloc to `char *'.
- (main): Exit with a 0 status.
- * (demangle): Don't expect the user to define
- DEMANGLE, instead force to be cplus-dem.c. Look in $(srcdir)/../include
- for demangle.h. Pass it any HDEFINES or XTRAFLAGS.
-Wed Nov 18 18:56:20 1992 John Gilmore (
- * (AR_FLAGS): Avoid verbosity.
- * config/mh-sysv4: Remove AR_FLAGS override, use INSTALL=cp,
- replace USGr4 with HAVE_SYSCONF.
- * config/mh-solaris: Remove; mh-sysv4 works now.
- * getpagesize.c: Replace USGr4 with HAVE_SYSCONF.
- * Simplify host matching table, remove separate
- solaris config file.
-Sun Nov 15 09:35:16 1992 Fred Fish (
- * (i[34]86-*-solaris2*): Add, use mh-sysv4.
-Tue Nov 3 21:27:03 1992 Brendan Kehoe (
- * cplus-dem.c (xmalloc, xrealloc): Add decls.
- (remember_type): Don't cast xmalloc.
- (string_need): Likewise; don't cast xrealloc either.
-Fri Oct 23 08:52:01 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- *, functions.defs, rename.c: added simple
- implementation of rename, since some binutils programs use it.
-Thu Oct 15 15:18:22 1992 Per Bothner (
- * strsignal.c: Add appropriate 'const' to sys_siglist
- extern declaration (if __STDC__). (Needed for Linux.)
- * strsignal.c (strsignal): Add cast to remove const-ness.
-Fri Oct 9 03:22:55 1992 John Gilmore (
- * (needed.awk, needed2.awk): Remove erroneous \'s
- before "'s, diagnosed by BSD 4.4 awk.
-Thu Oct 8 15:25:12 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * create config.h and needed-list through $(CONFIG_H)
- and $(NEEDED_LIST), to give some hooks for xiberty.
-Thu Oct 1 23:31:42 1992 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * use cpu-vendor-triple instead of nested cases
-Wed Sep 30 11:26:59 1992 Per Bothner (
- *, argv.c, basename.c, bcmp.c, bcopy.c, bzero.c,
- concat.c, cplus-dem.c, fdmatch.c, getcwd.c, getopt.c, getopt1.c,
- getpagesize.c, insque.c, memcmp.c, memcpy.c, memmove.c, memset.c,
- obstack.c, sigsetmask.c, spaces.c, strchr.c, strerror.c,
- strrchr.c, strsignal.c, strstr.c, vfork.c, vsprintf.c:
- Convert from using GPL to LGPL.
-Sat Sep 26 04:01:30 1992 John Gilmore (
- * (errors): Leave dummy.o and dummy around so that
- we can see how the needed list was generated (it's sometimes wrong).
- (mostlyclean): Remove them.
-Mon Sep 21 14:50:42 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * getcwd.c: supply a default if MAXPATHLEN is not defined.
- * config/mh-irix4: set EXTRA_OFILES to alloca.o, from WRS.
-Wed Sep 9 12:41:48 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * Use XTRAFLAGS when compiling, so that xiberty works
- when cross-compiling.
-Thu Sep 3 13:29:39 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * cplus-dem.c: (demangle_prefix): reduction in strength of strstr
- as a time optimization.
- * cplus-dem.c (cplus_demangle): remove strpbrk test. Appears to
- be more expensive than simply demangling.
- * cplus-dem.c (cplus_match): new function.
-Tue Sep 1 15:24:04 1992 Per Bothner (
- * cplus-dem.c: #include <stdio.h>, to define NULL.
- Define current_demangling_style.
-Sun Aug 30 17:58:19 1992 Per Bothner (
- * cplus-dem.c: New file, moved from ../gdb.
- * cplus-dem.c (set_cplus_marker_for_demangling): New exported
- function, to avoid compiling in target-dependency for CPLUS_MARKER.
- * cplus-dem.c (cplus_demangle): Allow demangling style option
- to be passed as a parameter, but using the global variable
- current_demangling_style as a default.
- * Update for cplus-dem.c
-Sat Aug 29 10:44:09 1992 Fred Fish (
- * obstack.c: Merge in comment changes from FSF version. Now
- matches the FSF version exactly.
-Fri Aug 28 18:39:08 1992 John Gilmore (
- * obstack.c (CALL_FREEFUN): Can't use ?: with void values (at
- least on losing DECstations!); use if-then-else instead.
-Wed Aug 19 14:40:34 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * always create installation directories.
-Mon Aug 10 17:33:40 1992 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * clean up definition of CFILES, more comments
-Sat Aug 8 23:10:59 1992 Fred Fish (
- * getopt.c (my_index): Make first arg const to match strchr,
- which it sometimes is remapped to.
-Sat Aug 1 13:48:50 1992 Fred Fish (
- * obstack.c (DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT): Update to match FSF version.
- * obstack.c (_obstack_begin): Initialize use_extra_arg.
- * obstack.c (_obstack_begin_1): New, from FSF version.
-Mon Jul 20 21:07:58 1992 Fred Fish (
- * obstack.c (CALL_CHECKFUN, CALL_FREEFUN): Use use_extra_arg and
- extra_arg.
- * obstack.c (_obstack_begin): Remove area_id and flags arguments
- (previously added for mmalloc support, interface has changed).
- Also convert flags usage to use use_extra_arg and maybe_empty_object.
-Fri Jul 10 00:41:53 1992 Fred Fish (
- * argv.c: Move expandargv inline and eliminate static variables.
- Rewrite to always allocate in powers of two. Fix to return an
- argv with a single null string arg if passed a null string.
-Fri Jul 3 20:27:29 1992 Fred Fish (
- * random.c, sigsetmask.c, strerror.c, strsignal.c: Remove
- "(void)" casts from function calls where the return value is
- ignored, in accordance with GNU coding standards.
-Mon Jun 29 10:54:19 1992 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * bcopy.c, strerror.c, strsignal.c: Lint.
-Thu Jun 25 09:18:41 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * getopt.c: merge changes from make.
-Thu Jun 25 04:43:22 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * alloca.c: Incorporate fixes from gdb/alloca.c.
- FIXME: Eventually move gdb's alloca configuration files here,
- and remove gdb/alloca.c and its support.
-Tue Jun 23 21:56:30 1992 Fred Fish (
- * dummy.c: Define NOTHING to /*nothing*/, change return type
- of main to int and return zero.
- * functions.def: Supply NOTHING as the fourth arg to macros
- that don't have an explicit arg, to satisfy picky preprocessors.
-Wed Jun 17 18:13:58 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Clean up *clean rules, as per standards.texi.
-Tue Jun 16 16:11:59 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * getopt.c, getopt1.c: merged largely gratuitous, mostly
- whitespace diffs from other prep distributions.
-Mon Jun 15 12:25:46 1992 Fred Fish (
- * config/mh-ncr3000 (INSTALL): Don't use /usr/ucb/install,
- it is broken on ncr 3000's.
-Mon Jun 15 01:03:26 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * sigsetmask.c: Rewrite. Old one was very confused about its
- arguments and result. New one can't do much, but at least knows
- what it can't do, and it's good enough for GDB's use.
-Sun Jun 14 15:17:40 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * functions.def: Use proper prototype for strtoul.
-Fri Jun 12 19:22:40 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * Add random.c.
- * config/mh-*: Use "true" rather than "echo >/dev/null" for ranlib.
- * update solaris2 config.
-Wed Jun 10 16:31:29 1992 Fred Fish (
- * random.c: Add for random() and srandom().
- * functions.def: Add random
-Tue Jun 9 17:27:18 1992 Fred Fish (
- * config/{mh-ncr3000, mh-sysv4}: Add definition for INSTALL
- using /usr/ucb/install.
-Mon Jun 1 13:20:17 1992 Per Bothner (
- * strerror.c: Kludge to guard against a conflict with
- possible declaration of sys_errlist in errno.h.
-Sun May 31 15:07:47 1992 Mark Eichin (eichin at
- *, config/mh-solaris: add solaris2 config support.
-Fri May 29 17:23:23 1992 Per Bothner (
- * sigsetmask.c: #ifdef out sigsetmask if SIG_SETMASK
- is not defined (should be defined in signal.h, says Posix.).
-Mon May 18 17:35:04 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * getopt.c: merged changes from make-3.62.11.
-Fri May 8 14:53:07 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * getopt.c: merged changes from bison-1.18.
-Tue May 5 11:51:40 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Don't have $(EXTRA_OFILES) depend on config.h,
- since that introduces a circular dependency.
- ($(EXTRA_OFILES) are used to build config.h.)
- * strtoul.c: Fixes to handle non-decimal bases better.
-Wed Apr 22 09:27:51 1992 Fred Fish (
- * config/mh-ncr3000: Replace MINUS_G with CFLAGS.
- * Makefile.dos: Finish MINUS_G eradication.
- * (CFILES): Add strsignal.c.
- * (REQUIRED_OFILES): Add strerror.o strsignal.o
- * (needed-list): Split creation of errors file to
- separate make target.
- * (config.h, needed2.awk, errors): New targets.
- * (clean): Split to multiple lines, add needed2.awk
- and config.h.
- * dummy.c (DEFFUNC, DEFVAR): Add defines and undefs.
- * functions.def (strerror): Remove from optional list.
- * functions.def (sys_nerr, sys_errlist, sys_siglist): DEFVAR's
- * functions.def (strerror, psignal): DEFFUNC's
- * strerror.c: Rewrite from scratch to use sys_errlist only if
- available, add errno_max(), add strerrno(), add strtoerrno(),
- add test driver.
- * strsignal.c: New file, signal equivalent to strerror.c.
- Uses sys_siglist if available, defines signo_max(), strsignal(),
- strsigno(), strtosigno(), psignal(), and test driver.
-Mon Apr 20 20:49:32 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * do not print recursion line.
- * allow CFLAGS to be passed in from command line.
- Removed MINUS_G. Default CFLAGS to -g.
-Mon Apr 20 12:57:46 1992 Per Bothner (
- * config/mh-aix: New. EXTRA_OFILES lists copysign.o,
- so libg++ users don't have to be inconvenienced by a
- libc.a bug (libc.a needs copysign, but doesn't define it!).
- * Use config/mh-aix.
- * strtoul.c: Handle '-' as required by ANSI.
- Clean up radix handling.
- * strstr.c: Fix buggy algorithm.
- * Change so that ${EXTRA_OFILES} is
- appended to needed-list (which is used by libg++).
-Fri Apr 10 22:51:41 1992 Fred Fish (
- * Recognize new ncr3000 config.
- * config/mh-ncr3000: New config file.
-Wed Apr 1 23:31:43 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * argv.c, dummy.c: Lint.
-Tue Mar 31 18:46:44 1992 Fred Fish (
- * config/mh-sysv4: New config file.
- * (host_makefile_frag): Set to config/mh-sysv4 for
- host_os == sysv4.
- * getpagesize.c: For SVR4, use sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE) to get
- pagesize.
-Sun Mar 29 12:26:42 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * getopt.c: Lint.
-Fri Mar 27 08:32:55 1992 Fred Fish (
- * functions.def (alloca): Fix return type and args to avoid
- type clash with gcc's builtin alloca.
-Tue Mar 24 23:33:42 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- *, config/mh-irix4: irix4 support.
- *, functions.def, alloca.c: added alloca.
-Tue Mar 24 17:34:46 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * obstack.c (CALL_FREEFUN): Make it compile on DECstations.
-Thu Mar 19 13:57:42 1992 Fred Fish (
- * argv.c: Fix various external function definitions to be
- correct in an ANSI compilation environment.
-Sat Mar 14 17:28:17 1992 Fred Fish (
- * obstack.c: Changes to support calling mmalloc functions,
- which take an additional argument over malloc functions.
-Fri Mar 6 22:01:10 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * added check target.
-Thu Feb 27 22:19:39 1992 Per Bothner (
- * argv.c: #include alloca-conf.h (needed by AIX).
-Wed Feb 26 18:04:40 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- *, removed traces of namesubdir,
- -subdirs, $(subdir), $(unsubdir), some rcs triggers. Forced
- copyrights to '92, changed some from Cygnus to FSF.
-Sat Feb 22 01:09:21 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * argv.c: Check in Fred's version which fixes problems with
- alloca().
-Fri Feb 7 21:46:08 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * makefile.dos: Remove NUL to keep patch from failing.
-Thu Jan 30 22:48:41 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * getopt.c (_getopt_internal): Fix usage of enum has_arg.
-Mon Jan 20 18:53:23 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * getopt.c, getopt1.c, ../include/getopt.h: Get latest versions.
-Sat Jan 18 16:53:01 1992 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * argv.c: New file to build and destroy standard argument
- vectors from a command string.
- * Add argv.c and argv.o to appropriate macros.
-Fri Dec 20 12:12:57 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * Change svr4 references to sysv4.
- * rindex.c: Declare return type of externally used function
- strrchr().
-Thu Dec 19 18:35:03 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * Remove "***" in normal output, since Make produces
- this on errors, and it's convenient to search for.
-Tue Dec 17 23:21:30 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * memcmp.c, memcpy.c, memmove.c, memset.c, strchr.c, strrchr.c:
- New ANSI functions. The old non-ANSI functions (such as bcopy)
- should be avoided.
- * bcopy.c: Fix to correctly handle overlapping regions.
- * index.c, rindex.c: Re-write in terms of strchr() and strrchr().
- * functions.def: Add the new functions.
- * functions.def: Add 4th parameter to DEF macro,
- an ansidecl.h-style prototype.
- * dummy.c: Use expanded DEF macro to create a dummy function
- call, with correct parameter types. (This avoids some
- complaints from gcc about predefined builtins.)
- Move the functionality of config/mh-default into
- This avoid duplication, and simplifies things slightly.
- * Tweak so we don't need config/mh-default.
- * README: Update.
- * No longer need config/mh-default.
- * config/mh-default: Deleted.
- * config/mh-sysv: Remove lines copied from old mh-default.
-Tue Dec 17 05:46:46 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * fdmatch.c (fdmatch): Don't compare st_rdev, which is for
- 'mknod' device numbers.
-Mon Dec 16 12:25:34 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * fdmatch.c, Add new function that takes two
- open file descriptors and returns nonzero if they refer to
- the same file, zero otherwise. (used in gdb)
-Wed Dec 11 17:40:39 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
- From DJ:
- * msdos.c: stub functions for dos.
- * makefile.dos, configdj.bat: new.
- * getopt.c: Don't include alloca-conf.h in a GO32 world.
-Tue Dec 10 04:14:49 1991 K. Richard Pixley (rich at
- * infodir belongs in datadir.
-Fri Dec 6 23:26:45 1991 K. Richard Pixley (rich at
- * remove spaces following hyphens because bsd make
- can't cope. added standards.text support. install using
- * remove commontargets as it is no longer a
- recognized hook.
-Thu Dec 5 22:46:46 1991 K. Richard Pixley (rich at
- * idestdir and ddestdir go away. Added copyrights
- and shift gpl to v2. Added ChangeLog if it didn't exist. docdir
- and mandir now keyed off datadir by default.
-Fri Nov 22 19:15:29 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * find-needed.awk does not fit in 14 chars.
- * Suppress error checking when compiling the test
- program, because Ultrix make/sh aborts there due to a bug.
-Fri Nov 22 12:23:17 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * Re-did how EXTRA_OFILES is used to be more useful.
- * README: Explained how the auto-configuration works,
- and how to add new files and/or configurations.
-Fri Nov 22 09:45:23 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * strtoul.c: Avoid defining ULONG_MAX if already defined;
- cast a const char * to char * for pedants.
- * getopt.c: Only define "const" after local include files get to,
- and only if they haven't defined it.
-Thu Nov 21 16:58:53 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * getcwd.c (remove getwd.c): GNU code should call getcwd(). We
- emulate it with getwd() if available. This avoids callers having
- to find a MAXPATHLEN or PATH_MAX value from somewhere.
- *, functions.def: getwd->getcwd.
- * Use generic case for every system.
- * config/mh-{delta88,mach,rs6000,svr4}: Remove.
- * config/mh-sysv: Use default handling, just add -DUSG.
-Thu Nov 14 10:58:05 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- *, config/mh-default: Re-do make magic
- so that for the default ("automatic") mode we only
- compile the files we actually need. Do this using
- a recursive make: The top-level generates the list
- of needed files (loosely, the ones missing in libc),
- and then passes that list to the recursive make.
- * config/mh-mach: Remove obsolete STRERROR-{C,O} macros.
-Tue Nov 12 19:10:57 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- RS/6000 host support (grumble).
- * Build alloca-conf.h file from alloca-norm.h
- (everything else) or alloca-botch.h (rs/6000).
- * Include . on the include path.
- * getopt.c: Use alloca-conf.h.
- * alloca-norm.h: How to declare alloca on reasonable machines.
- * alloca-botch.h: How to declare alloca on braindead machines.
-Tue Nov 12 09:21:48 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * concat.c : New file, like concat() in gdb but can take a
- variable number of arguments rather than fixed at 3 args. For
- now, client applications must supply an xmalloc(), which is a
- front end function to malloc() that deals with out-of-memory
- conditions.
- * Add concat.c and concat.o to appropriate macros.
-Sat Nov 9 13:29:59 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * config/mh-svr4: Add sigsetmask to list of required functions.
-Sun Nov 3 11:57:56 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * vsprintf.c: New file.
- * functions.def, Add vsprintf.
-Sun Oct 27 16:31:22 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- *, config/mh-rs6000: Add rs/6000 host support.
- * Compile with debug info.
-Fri Oct 25 17:01:12 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- *,, and new files: dummy.c, functions.def,
- config/mf-default: Added a default configuration mode,
- which includes into libiberty.a functions that are "missing" in libc.
- * strdup.c, vprintf.c, vfprintf.c: New files.
-Thu Oct 24 02:29:26 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * config/hmake-svr4: New file.
- * config/hmake-sysv: Add HOST_CFILES and HOST_OFILES.
- * basename.c, bcmp.c, bcopy.c, bzero.c, getpagesize.c getwd.c,
- index.c, insque.c, rindex.c, spaces.c, strstr.c, vfork.c: New
- files containing either portable C versions or emulations using
- native library calls.
- * strerror.c: Add copyright, internal documentation, etc.
- * strtol.c: Replace hardwired hex constants with some more
- portable macros. Remove illegal (according to gcc) cast.
- * strtoul.c: Replace hardwired hex constant with more portable
- macro.
- * Move TARGETLIB and CFLAGS where makefile fragments
- can override them. Add new source and object file names to CFILES
- and OFILES respectively.
- * Add support for SVR4 makefile fragments.
-Tue Oct 22 19:00:23 1991 Steve Chamberlain (steve at
- * Move RANLIB, AR and AR_FLAGS to where they can be
- over-ridden by config/hmake-*
- * added m88kcvs to sysv list
-Fri Oct 4 01:29:08 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * Most hosts need strerror, but one or two don't,
- and they override these definitions in the host-dependent makefile
- fragment.
- * config/hmake-mach: The odd man out on strerror -- it's supplied.
- * strerror.c: New file.
- * strtol.c, strtoul.c: Add strtol to libiberty, since Mach lacks
- it and bfd uses it.
- *,, config/hmake-mach: Only configure
- strtol & strotoul in on Mach.
-Tue Sep 3 06:36:23 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * obstack.c: Merge with latest FSF version.
-Local Variables:
-version-control: never
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/ b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f11d51439de..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile
-# Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995 Free Software Foundation
-# This file is part of the libiberty library.
-# Libiberty is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# Libiberty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Library General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-# License along with libiberty; see the file COPYING.LIB. If
-# not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# This file was written, and is maintained by K. Richard Pixley
-# <>.
-# Makefile for libiberty directory
-srcdir = .
-prefix = /usr/local
-exec_prefix = $(prefix)
-bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
-libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
-datadir = $(prefix)/lib
-mandir = $(prefix)/man
-man1dir = $(mandir)/man1
-man2dir = $(mandir)/man2
-man3dir = $(mandir)/man3
-man4dir = $(mandir)/man4
-man5dir = $(mandir)/man5
-man6dir = $(mandir)/man6
-man7dir = $(mandir)/man7
-man8dir = $(mandir)/man8
-man9dir = $(mandir)/man9
-infodir = $(prefix)/info
-includedir = $(prefix)/include
-oldincludedir =
-docdir = $(datadir)/doc
-SHELL = /bin/sh
-# Multilib support variables.
-MULTIDO = true
-INSTALL = install -c
-AR = ar
-AR_FLAGS = rc
-CC = cc
-CFLAGS = -g
-MAKEINFO = makeinfo
-RANLIB = ranlib
-TARGETLIB = libiberty.a
-CONFIG_H = lconfig.h
-NEEDED_LIST = lneeded-list
-# HOST_OFILES contains the list of objects that should be in the
-# library (in addition to the REQUIRED_OFILES and EXTRA_OFILES).
-# A configuration may override this with a fixed list a object files
-# names (hard to maintain), or some other way to generate a list.
-HOST_OFILES=`cat needed-list`
-# Extra targets that the top-level target depends on.
-# Specifically, what needs to be made before HOST_OFILES can be used.
-# Can be empty if HOST_OFILES is just a list of file names.
-DO_ALSO = needed-list
-# A configuration can specify extra .o files that should be included,
-# even if they are in libc. (Perhaps the libc version is buggy.)
-# Flags to pass to a recursive make.
- "AR=$(AR)" \
- "CC=$(CC)" \
-all: stamp-picdir $(TARGETLIB) required-list
- @if [ "$(RULE1)" != "not-used" ]; then \
- $(MULTIDO) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) multi-do DO=all; \
- else true; \
- fi
-.PHONY: check installcheck
-check installcheck:
-#### Host, target, and site specific Makefile fragments come in here.
- test -z "$(PICFLAG)" || \
- $(COMPILE.c) $(PICFLAG) $< -o pic/$@
- $(COMPILE.c) $<
-# The default target just invokes make recursively.
-# However, the automatic configuration (in config/mh_default).
-# first causes it to figure out the objects missing in libc.
-info install-info clean-info dvi:
-# Include files that are in this directory.
-# NOTE: If you add new files to the library, add them to this list
-# (alphabetical), and add them to REQUIRED_OFILES or 'functions.def'.
-CFILES = alloca.c argv.c basename.c bcmp.c bcopy.c bzero.c \
- clock.c concat.c cplus-dem.c fdmatch.c \
- getcwd.c getopt.c getopt1.c getpagesize.c getruntime.c \
- floatformat.c hex.c index.c insque.c \
- memchr.c memcmp.c memcpy.c memmove.c memset.c \
- obstack.c random.c rename.c rindex.c sigsetmask.c spaces.c \
- strcasecmp.c strncasecmp.c \
- strchr.c strdup.c strerror.c strrchr.c strsignal.c \
- strstr.c strtod.c strtol.c strtoul.c tmpnam.c \
- vasprintf.c vfork.c vfprintf.c vprintf.c vsprintf.c waitpid.c \
- xatexit.c xexit.c xmalloc.c xstrdup.c xstrerror.c
-# These are always included in the library.
-REQUIRED_OFILES = argv.o basename.o concat.o cplus-dem.o fdmatch.o \
- getopt.o getopt1.o getruntime.o hex.o \
- floatformat.o obstack.o spaces.o strerror.o strsignal.o \
- vasprintf.o xatexit.o xexit.o xmalloc.o xstrdup.o xstrerror.o
-# Do we want/need any config overrides?
-INSTALL_DEST = libdir
-install: install_to_$(INSTALL_DEST)
-install_to_libdir: all
- ( cd $(libdir) ; $(RANLIB) $(libdir)/$(TARGETLIB).n )
- mv -f $(libdir)/$(TARGETLIB).n $(libdir)$(MULTISUBDIR)/$(TARGETLIB)
- @$(MULTIDO) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) multi-do DO=install
-install_to_tooldir: all
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(TARGETLIB) $(tooldir)/lib/$(TARGETLIB).n
- ( cd $(tooldir) ; $(RANLIB) $(tooldir)/lib/$(TARGETLIB).n )
- mv -f $(tooldir)/lib/$(TARGETLIB).n $(tooldir)/lib$(MULTISUBDIR)/$(TARGETLIB)
- @$(MULTIDO) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) multi-do DO=install
-# The default configuration adds to libiberty all those functions that are
-# missing in libc. More precisely, it includes whatever $(CC) fails to find.
-# Then a sed+awk combination translates the ld error messages into
-# a list of .o files.
-needed-list: stamp-picdir $(NEEDED_LIST)
- cp $(NEEDED_LIST) needed-list
-lneeded-list: $(EXTRA_OFILES) needed.awk errors
- rm -f lneeded-list
- f=""; \
- for i in `awk -f needed.awk <errors` $(EXTRA_OFILES) ; do \
- case " $$f " in \
- *" $$i "*) ;; \
- *) f="$$f $$i" ;; \
- esac ; \
- done ; \
- echo $$f >>lneeded-list
-# Generate an awk script that looks for functions in functions.def
-needed.awk: $(srcdir)/functions.def Makefile
- echo "# !Automatically generated from $(srcdir)/functions.def"\
- "- DO NOT EDIT!" >needed.awk
- grep '^DEF(' < $(srcdir)/functions.def \
- | sed -e '/DEF/s|DEF.\([^,]*\).*|/\1/ { printf "\1.o " }|' \
- >>needed.awk
-config.h: $(CONFIG_H)
- cp $(CONFIG_H) config.h
-lconfig.h: needed2.awk errors
- echo "/* !Automatically generated from $(srcdir)/functions.def"\
- "- DO NOT EDIT! */" >lconfig.h
- awk -f needed2.awk <errors >>lconfig.h
-# Generate an awk script that looks for variables in functions.def
-needed2.awk: $(srcdir)/functions.def Makefile
- echo "# !Automatically generated from $(srcdir)/functions.def"\
- "- DO NOT EDIT!" >needed2.awk
- grep '^DEFVAR(' < $(srcdir)/functions.def \
- | sed -e '/DEFVAR/s|DEFVAR.\([^,]*\).*|/\1/ { printf "#ifndef NEED_\1\\n#define NEED_\1\\n#endif\\n" }|' \
- >>needed2.awk
- grep '^DEFFUNC(' < $(srcdir)/functions.def \
- | sed -e '/DEFFUNC/s|DEFFUNC.\([^,]*\).*|/\1/ { printf "#ifndef NEED_\1\\n#define NEED_\1\\n#endif\\n" }|' \
- >>needed2.awk
-dummy.o: $(srcdir)/dummy.c $(srcdir)/functions.def
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -I. -I$(INCDIR) $(HDEFINES) $(srcdir)/dummy.c 2>/dev/null
-errors: dummy.o $(EXTRA_OFILES)
- -($(ERRORS_CC) -o dummy $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(ERRORS_LDFLAGS) dummy.o $(EXTRA_OFILES) $(LOADLIBES)) >errors 2>&1 || true
-# required-list is used when building a shared bfd/opcodes/libiberty library.
-required-list: Makefile
- echo $(REQUIRED_OFILES) > required-list
-$(RULE1): $(REQUIRED_OFILES) $(DO_ALSO) .always.
-# Rule invoked by recursive make in $(RULE1).
-RULE2 = not-used
- rm -rf $(TARGETLIB)
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ] && [ ! -d pic ]; then \
- mkdir pic; \
- else true; fi
- touch stamp-picdir
-# Do nothing.
-.PHONY: all etags tags ls clean stage1 stage2 .always.
-etags tags: TAGS
- etags `for i in $(HFILES) $(CFILES); do echo $(srcdir)/$$i ; done`
-# The standalone demangler (c++filt) has been moved to binutils.
- @echo "The standalone demangler, now named c++filt, is now"
- @echo "a part of binutils."
- @false
- @echo Makefile $(HFILES) $(CFILES)
-# Need to deal with profiled libraries, too.
- rm -rf *.o pic core errs \#* *.E a.out
- rm -f needed.awk needed2.awk errors dummy needed-list config.h
- rm -f $(CONFIG_H) $(NEEDED_LIST) stamp-picdir
- @$(MULTICLEAN) multi-clean DO=mostlyclean
-clean: mostlyclean
- rm -f *.a required-list
- @$(MULTICLEAN) multi-clean DO=clean
-distclean: clean
- rm -f *~ Makefile config.status alloca-conf.h xhost-mkfrag TAGS
- @$(MULTICLEAN) multi-clean DO=distclean
-maintainer-clean realclean: distclean
-Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(host_makefile_frag) $(target_makefile_frag)
- $(SHELL) ./config.status
-argv.o: $(INCDIR)/libiberty.h
-basename.o: $(INCDIR)/libiberty.h
-concat.o: $(INCDIR)/libiberty.h
-cplus-dem.o: $(INCDIR)/demangle.h
-fdmatch.o: $(INCDIR)/libiberty.h
-getopt.o: $(INCDIR)/getopt.h
-getopt1.o: $(INCDIR)/getopt.h
-getruntime.o: $(INCDIR)/libiberty.h
-hex.o: $(INCDIR)/libiberty.h
-floatformat.o: $(INCDIR)/floatformat.h
-obstack.o: $(INCDIR)/obstack.h
-spaces.o: $(INCDIR)/libiberty.h
-strerror.o: $(INCDIR)/libiberty.h
-strsignal.o: $(INCDIR)/libiberty.h
-xatexit.o: $(INCDIR)/libiberty.h
-xexit.o: $(INCDIR)/libiberty.h
-xmalloc.o: $(INCDIR)/libiberty.h
-xstrdup.o: $(INCDIR)/libiberty.h
-xstrerror.o: $(INCDIR)/libiberty.h
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/README b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 5081bbac1968..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains the -liberty library of free software.
-It is a collection of subroutines used by various GNU programs.
-Current members include:
- getopt -- get options from command line
- obstack -- stacks of arbitrarily-sized objects
- strerror -- error message strings corresponding to errno
- strtol -- string-to-long conversion
- strtoul -- string-to-unsigned-long conversion
-We expect many of the GNU subroutines that are floating around to
-eventually arrive here.
-To build the library, do:
- ./configure HOSTTYPE
- make
-Please report bugs and fixes to "". Thank you.
-There are two sets of files: Those that are "required" will be
-included in the library for all configurations, while those
-that are "optional" will be included in the library only if "needed."
-To add a new required file, edit Makefile to add the source file
-name to CFILES and the object file to REQUIRED_OFILES.
-Adding a new optional file is more fragile. As a general rule,
-an optional file will be included in the library if it provides
-functionality missing in the "standard" C library.
-For most hosts, the Makefile automatically figures out which
-functionality is missing by compiling and linking a dummy test
-program, and examining the error messages.
-So to get this to work, you should do the following:
-1) Select one function defined in the file you're adding.
-For example, the getcwd function.
-2) Add that function to the list in the file functions.def.
-3) The name of the new file must be the same as the function
-you've chosen with the .c suffix added. E.g. getcwd() must be
-defined in getcwd.c. (The file can define other functions as well.)
-4) In, add the name of the source file (e.g. getcwd.c)
-The file you've added (e.g. getcwd.c) should compile and work
-on all hosts where it is needed (e.g. not found when linking
-the dummy.c program). It does not have to work or even
-compile on hosts where it is not needed.
-The libiberty.a target (in RULE1) depends on $(DO_ALSO).
-For normal configurations, DO_ALSO=needed-list.
-So needed-list is first made. The needed-list rule compiles
-dummy.c. Because dummy.c includes functions.def, the
-resulting object file will contain a call to each of the
-optional functions (for simplicity assume each optional file
-defines a single function). This object file will be linked
-against the standard libraries (as defined by using $(CC)
-and various flags). Any function missing will causes the
-linker to emit an error message. We assume the name
-of the missing function(s) are in the error message(s).
-The awk script find-needed.awk has been generated from
-functions.def. It is used to search the linker output
-messages for words that match the functions listed in
-functions.def. The list of functions found is written
-on a single line to the file needed-list.
-After needed-list has been generated, the libiberty.a
-target (in RULE1) just calls 'make' recursively.
-It passes the contents of needed-list using the
-definition (expanded) HOST_OFILES="`cat needed-list`".
-It also tells the inferior 'make' to use RULE2.
-The inferior 'make' is very conventional: The main
-rule is $(RULE2) (which is libiberty.a). It depends
-on a list of object files: $(REQUIRED_OFILES) $(HOST_OFILES)
-(and $(EXTRA_OFILES), which is usually empty). The superior
-'make' passes in $(HOST_OFILES); the others are fixed
-in the Makefile.
-On most hosts you should be able to use the scheme for automatically
-figuring out which files are needed. In that case, you probably
-don't need a special Makefile stub for that configuration.
-If the fully automatic scheme doesn't work, you may be able to get
-by with defining EXTRA_OFILES in your Makefile stub. This is
-a list of object file names that should be treated as required
-for this configuration - they will be included in libiberty.a,
-regardless of whatever might be in the C library. Moreover,
-when the dummy.c program is linked, it will be linked with
-$(EXTRA_OFILES). Therefore, if a function in functions.def
-is defined by one of the EXTRA_OFILES, it will not be listed as
-"needed". Thus if your hal9000 host needs a special implementation
-of getcwd, you can just create hal9000-getcwd.c, and define:
- EXTRA_OFILES=hal9000-getcwd.o
-Or if you want to use the libiberty version of strstr(),
-even though there is a version in the C library (it might be
-buggy or slow), just define:
- EXTRA_OFILES=strstr.o
-You can create a "manual" host configuration FOO with a file
-config/mh-FOO. In it, the HOST_OFILES macro should explicitly
-list that subset of the optional files that should be in the
-library. You should also set:
-This overrides all of the magic needed to automatically
-determine which files are "needed." However, keeping that list
-up to date is another matter...
-This also uses a recursive make, but the superior make
-does not do anything interesting - it just calls the
-inferior make with HOST_OFILES defined as $(HOST_OFILES),
-which is the list you created in your configuration.
-You probably don't want to depend on manual configuration,
-because keeping the HOST_OFILES list up-to-date will be a pain.
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/alloca-botch.h b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/alloca-botch.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c909573f58c6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/alloca-botch.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-/* RS/6000 AIX botched alloca and requires a pragma, which ordinary compilers
- throw up about, so we have to put it in a specially-configured file.
- Like this one. */
-#pragma alloca
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/alloca-norm.h b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/alloca-norm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d91b5ad4295..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/alloca-norm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-/* "Normal" configuration for alloca. */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define alloca __builtin_alloca
-#else /* not __GNUC__ */
-#ifdef sparc
-#include <alloca.h>
-extern char *__builtin_alloca(); /* Stupid include file doesn't declare it */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-PTR alloca (size_t);
-PTR alloca (); /* must agree with functions.def */
-#endif /* sparc */
-#endif /* not __GNUC__ */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/alloca.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/alloca.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c472ead6dfc..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/alloca.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-/* alloca.c -- allocate automatically reclaimed memory
- (Mostly) portable public-domain implementation -- D A Gwyn
- This implementation of the PWB library alloca function,
- which is used to allocate space off the run-time stack so
- that it is automatically reclaimed upon procedure exit,
- was inspired by discussions with J. Q. Johnson of Cornell.
- J.Otto Tennant <> contributed the Cray support.
- There are some preprocessor constants that can
- be defined when compiling for your specific system, for
- improved efficiency; however, the defaults should be okay.
- The general concept of this implementation is to keep
- track of all alloca-allocated blocks, and reclaim any
- that are found to be deeper in the stack than the current
- invocation. This heuristic does not reclaim storage as
- soon as it becomes invalid, but it will do so eventually.
- As a special case, alloca(0) reclaims storage without
- allocating any. It is a good idea to use alloca(0) in
- your main control loop, etc. to force garbage collection. */
-#include "config.h"
-/* If compiling with GCC, this file's not needed. */
-#ifndef alloca
-#ifdef emacs
-#ifdef static
-/* actually, only want this if static is defined as ""
- -- this is for usg, in which emacs must undefine static
- in order to make unexec workable
- */
--- must know STACK_DIRECTION at compile-time
-#endif /* STACK_DIRECTION undefined */
-#endif /* static */
-#endif /* emacs */
-/* If your stack is a linked list of frames, you have to
- provide an "address metric" ADDRESS_FUNCTION macro. */
-#if defined (CRAY) && defined (CRAY_STACKSEG_END)
-long i00afunc ();
-#define ADDRESS_FUNCTION(arg) (char *) i00afunc (&(arg))
-#define ADDRESS_FUNCTION(arg) &(arg)
-#if __STDC__
-typedef void *pointer;
-typedef char *pointer;
-#define NULL 0
-/* Different portions of Emacs need to call different versions of
- malloc. The Emacs executable needs alloca to call xmalloc, because
- ordinary malloc isn't protected from input signals. On the other
- hand, the utilities in lib-src need alloca to call malloc; some of
- them are very simple, and don't have an xmalloc routine.
- Non-Emacs programs expect this to call use xmalloc.
- Callers below should use malloc. */
-#ifndef emacs
-#define malloc xmalloc
-extern pointer xmalloc ();
-/* Define STACK_DIRECTION if you know the direction of stack
- growth for your system; otherwise it will be automatically
- deduced at run-time.
- STACK_DIRECTION > 0 => grows toward higher addresses
- STACK_DIRECTION < 0 => grows toward lower addresses
- STACK_DIRECTION = 0 => direction of growth unknown */
-#define STACK_DIRECTION 0 /* Direction unknown. */
-#define STACK_DIR STACK_DIRECTION /* Known at compile-time. */
-#else /* STACK_DIRECTION == 0; need run-time code. */
-static int stack_dir; /* 1 or -1 once known. */
-#define STACK_DIR stack_dir
-static void
-find_stack_direction ()
- static char *addr = NULL; /* Address of first `dummy', once known. */
- auto char dummy; /* To get stack address. */
- if (addr == NULL)
- { /* Initial entry. */
- addr = ADDRESS_FUNCTION (dummy);
- find_stack_direction (); /* Recurse once. */
- }
- else
- {
- /* Second entry. */
- if (ADDRESS_FUNCTION (dummy) > addr)
- stack_dir = 1; /* Stack grew upward. */
- else
- stack_dir = -1; /* Stack grew downward. */
- }
-#endif /* STACK_DIRECTION == 0 */
-/* An "alloca header" is used to:
- (a) chain together all alloca'ed blocks;
- (b) keep track of stack depth.
- It is very important that sizeof(header) agree with malloc
- alignment chunk size. The following default should work okay. */
-#ifndef ALIGN_SIZE
-#define ALIGN_SIZE sizeof(double)
-typedef union hdr
- char align[ALIGN_SIZE]; /* To force sizeof(header). */
- struct
- {
- union hdr *next; /* For chaining headers. */
- char *deep; /* For stack depth measure. */
- } h;
-} header;
-static header *last_alloca_header = NULL; /* -> last alloca header. */
-/* Return a pointer to at least SIZE bytes of storage,
- which will be automatically reclaimed upon exit from
- the procedure that called alloca. Originally, this space
- was supposed to be taken from the current stack frame of the
- caller, but that method cannot be made to work for some
- implementations of C, for example under Gould's UTX/32. */
-alloca (size)
- unsigned size;
- auto char probe; /* Probes stack depth: */
- register char *depth = ADDRESS_FUNCTION (probe);
- if (STACK_DIR == 0) /* Unknown growth direction. */
- find_stack_direction ();
- /* Reclaim garbage, defined as all alloca'd storage that
- was allocated from deeper in the stack than currently. */
- {
- register header *hp; /* Traverses linked list. */
- for (hp = last_alloca_header; hp != NULL;)
- if ((STACK_DIR > 0 && hp->h.deep > depth)
- || (STACK_DIR < 0 && hp->h.deep < depth))
- {
- register header *np = hp->;
- free ((pointer) hp); /* Collect garbage. */
- hp = np; /* -> next header. */
- }
- else
- break; /* Rest are not deeper. */
- last_alloca_header = hp; /* -> last valid storage. */
- }
- if (size == 0)
- return NULL; /* No allocation required. */
- /* Allocate combined header + user data storage. */
- {
- register pointer new = malloc (sizeof (header) + size);
- /* Address of header. */
- ((header *) new)-> = last_alloca_header;
- ((header *) new)->h.deep = depth;
- last_alloca_header = (header *) new;
- /* User storage begins just after header. */
- return (pointer) ((char *) new + sizeof (header));
- }
-#if defined (CRAY) && defined (CRAY_STACKSEG_END)
-#ifdef DEBUG_I00AFUNC
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifndef CRAY_STACK
-#define CRAY_STACK
-#ifndef CRAY2
-/* Stack structures for CRAY-1, CRAY X-MP, and CRAY Y-MP */
-struct stack_control_header
- {
- long shgrow:32; /* Number of times stack has grown. */
- long shaseg:32; /* Size of increments to stack. */
- long shhwm:32; /* High water mark of stack. */
- long shsize:32; /* Current size of stack (all segments). */
- };
-/* The stack segment linkage control information occurs at
- the high-address end of a stack segment. (The stack
- grows from low addresses to high addresses.) The initial
- part of the stack segment linkage control information is
- 0200 (octal) words. This provides for register storage
- for the routine which overflows the stack. */
-struct stack_segment_linkage
- {
- long ss[0200]; /* 0200 overflow words. */
- long sssize:32; /* Number of words in this segment. */
- long ssbase:32; /* Offset to stack base. */
- long:32;
- long sspseg:32; /* Offset to linkage control of previous
- segment of stack. */
- long:32;
- long sstcpt:32; /* Pointer to task common address block. */
- long sscsnm; /* Private control structure number for
- microtasking. */
- long ssusr1; /* Reserved for user. */
- long ssusr2; /* Reserved for user. */
- long sstpid; /* Process ID for pid based multi-tasking. */
- long ssgvup; /* Pointer to multitasking thread giveup. */
- long sscray[7]; /* Reserved for Cray Research. */
- long ssa0;
- long ssa1;
- long ssa2;
- long ssa3;
- long ssa4;
- long ssa5;
- long ssa6;
- long ssa7;
- long sss0;
- long sss1;
- long sss2;
- long sss3;
- long sss4;
- long sss5;
- long sss6;
- long sss7;
- };
-#else /* CRAY2 */
-/* The following structure defines the vector of words
- returned by the STKSTAT library routine. */
-struct stk_stat
- {
- long now; /* Current total stack size. */
- long maxc; /* Amount of contiguous space which would
- be required to satisfy the maximum
- stack demand to date. */
- long high_water; /* Stack high-water mark. */
- long overflows; /* Number of stack overflow ($STKOFEN) calls. */
- long hits; /* Number of internal buffer hits. */
- long extends; /* Number of block extensions. */
- long stko_mallocs; /* Block allocations by $STKOFEN. */
- long underflows; /* Number of stack underflow calls ($STKRETN). */
- long stko_free; /* Number of deallocations by $STKRETN. */
- long stkm_free; /* Number of deallocations by $STKMRET. */
- long segments; /* Current number of stack segments. */
- long maxs; /* Maximum number of stack segments so far. */
- long pad_size; /* Stack pad size. */
- long current_address; /* Current stack segment address. */
- long current_size; /* Current stack segment size. This
- number is actually corrupted by STKSTAT to
- include the fifteen word trailer area. */
- long initial_address; /* Address of initial segment. */
- long initial_size; /* Size of initial segment. */
- };
-/* The following structure describes the data structure which trails
- any stack segment. I think that the description in 'asdef' is
- out of date. I only describe the parts that I am sure about. */
-struct stk_trailer
- {
- long this_address; /* Address of this block. */
- long this_size; /* Size of this block (does not include
- this trailer). */
- long unknown2;
- long unknown3;
- long link; /* Address of trailer block of previous
- segment. */
- long unknown5;
- long unknown6;
- long unknown7;
- long unknown8;
- long unknown9;
- long unknown10;
- long unknown11;
- long unknown12;
- long unknown13;
- long unknown14;
- };
-#endif /* CRAY2 */
-#endif /* not CRAY_STACK */
-#ifdef CRAY2
-/* Determine a "stack measure" for an arbitrary ADDRESS.
- I doubt that "lint" will like this much. */
-static long
-i00afunc (long *address)
- struct stk_stat status;
- struct stk_trailer *trailer;
- long *block, size;
- long result = 0;
- /* We want to iterate through all of the segments. The first
- step is to get the stack status structure. We could do this
- more quickly and more directly, perhaps, by referencing the
- $LM00 common block, but I know that this works. */
- STKSTAT (&status);
- /* Set up the iteration. */
- trailer = (struct stk_trailer *) (status.current_address
- + status.current_size
- - 15);
- /* There must be at least one stack segment. Therefore it is
- a fatal error if "trailer" is null. */
- if (trailer == 0)
- abort ();
- /* Discard segments that do not contain our argument address. */
- while (trailer != 0)
- {
- block = (long *) trailer->this_address;
- size = trailer->this_size;
- if (block == 0 || size == 0)
- abort ();
- trailer = (struct stk_trailer *) trailer->link;
- if ((block <= address) && (address < (block + size)))
- break;
- }
- /* Set the result to the offset in this segment and add the sizes
- of all predecessor segments. */
- result = address - block;
- if (trailer == 0)
- {
- return result;
- }
- do
- {
- if (trailer->this_size <= 0)
- abort ();
- result += trailer->this_size;
- trailer = (struct stk_trailer *) trailer->link;
- }
- while (trailer != 0);
- /* We are done. Note that if you present a bogus address (one
- not in any segment), you will get a different number back, formed
- from subtracting the address of the first block. This is probably
- not what you want. */
- return (result);
-#else /* not CRAY2 */
-/* Stack address function for a CRAY-1, CRAY X-MP, or CRAY Y-MP.
- Determine the number of the cell within the stack,
- given the address of the cell. The purpose of this
- routine is to linearize, in some sense, stack addresses
- for alloca. */
-static long
-i00afunc (long address)
- long stkl = 0;
- long size, pseg, this_segment, stack;
- long result = 0;
- struct stack_segment_linkage *ssptr;
- /* Register B67 contains the address of the end of the
- current stack segment. If you (as a subprogram) store
- your registers on the stack and find that you are past
- the contents of B67, you have overflowed the segment.
- B67 also points to the stack segment linkage control
- area, which is what we are really interested in. */
- stkl = CRAY_STACKSEG_END ();
- ssptr = (struct stack_segment_linkage *) stkl;
- /* If one subtracts 'size' from the end of the segment,
- one has the address of the first word of the segment.
- If this is not the first segment, 'pseg' will be
- nonzero. */
- pseg = ssptr->sspseg;
- size = ssptr->sssize;
- this_segment = stkl - size;
- /* It is possible that calling this routine itself caused
- a stack overflow. Discard stack segments which do not
- contain the target address. */
- while (!(this_segment <= address && address <= stkl))
- {
-#ifdef DEBUG_I00AFUNC
- fprintf (stderr, "%011o %011o %011o\n", this_segment, address, stkl);
- if (pseg == 0)
- break;
- stkl = stkl - pseg;
- ssptr = (struct stack_segment_linkage *) stkl;
- size = ssptr->sssize;
- pseg = ssptr->sspseg;
- this_segment = stkl - size;
- }
- result = address - this_segment;
- /* If you subtract pseg from the current end of the stack,
- you get the address of the previous stack segment's end.
- This seems a little convoluted to me, but I'll bet you save
- a cycle somewhere. */
- while (pseg != 0)
- {
-#ifdef DEBUG_I00AFUNC
- fprintf (stderr, "%011o %011o\n", pseg, size);
- stkl = stkl - pseg;
- ssptr = (struct stack_segment_linkage *) stkl;
- size = ssptr->sssize;
- pseg = ssptr->sspseg;
- result += size;
- }
- return (result);
-#endif /* not CRAY2 */
-#endif /* CRAY */
-#endif /* no alloca */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/argv.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/argv.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 40582abe4082..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/argv.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-/* Create and destroy argument vectors (argv's)
- Copyright (C) 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Fred Fish @ Cygnus Support
-This file is part of the libiberty library.
-Libiberty is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-Libiberty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with libiberty; see the file COPYING.LIB. If
-not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Create and destroy argument vectors. An argument vector is simply an
- array of string pointers, terminated by a NULL pointer. */
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "libiberty.h"
-#define isspace(ch) ((ch) == ' ' || (ch) == '\t')
-/* Routines imported from standard C runtime libraries. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stddef.h>
-extern void *memcpy (void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n); /* */
-extern size_t strlen (const char *s); /* */
-extern void *malloc (size_t size); /* */
-extern void *realloc (void *ptr, size_t size); /* */
-extern void free (void *ptr); /* */
-extern char *strdup (const char *s); /* Non-ANSI */
-#else /* !__STDC__ */
-extern char *memcpy (); /* Copy memory region */
-extern int strlen (); /* Count length of string */
-extern char *malloc (); /* Standard memory allocater */
-extern char *realloc (); /* Standard memory reallocator */
-extern void free (); /* Free malloc'd memory */
-extern char *strdup (); /* Duplicate a string */
-#endif /* __STDC__ */
-#include "alloca-conf.h"
-#ifndef NULL
-#define NULL 0
-#ifndef EOS
-#define EOS '\0'
-#define INITIAL_MAXARGC 8 /* Number of args + NULL in initial argv */
- freeargv -- free an argument vector
- void freeargv (vector)
- char **vector;
- Free an argument vector that was built using buildargv. Simply scans
- through the vector, freeing the memory for each argument until the
- terminating NULL is found, and then frees the vector itself.
- No value.
-void freeargv (vector)
-char **vector;
- register char **scan;
- if (vector != NULL)
- {
- for (scan = vector; *scan != NULL; scan++)
- {
- free (*scan);
- }
- free (vector);
- }
- buildargv -- build an argument vector from a string
- char **buildargv (sp)
- char *sp;
- Given a pointer to a string, parse the string extracting fields
- separated by whitespace and optionally enclosed within either single
- or double quotes (which are stripped off), and build a vector of
- pointers to copies of the string for each field. The input string
- remains unchanged.
- All of the memory for the pointer array and copies of the string
- is obtained from malloc. All of the memory can be returned to the
- system with the single function call freeargv, which takes the
- returned result of buildargv, as it's argument.
- The memory for the argv array is dynamically expanded as necessary.
- Returns a pointer to the argument vector if successful. Returns NULL
- if the input string pointer is NULL or if there is insufficient
- memory to complete building the argument vector.
- In order to provide a working buffer for extracting arguments into,
- with appropriate stripping of quotes and translation of backslash
- sequences, we allocate a working buffer at least as long as the input
- string. This ensures that we always have enough space in which to
- work, since the extracted arg is never larger than the input string.
- If the input is a null string (as opposed to a NULL pointer), then
- buildarg returns an argv that has one arg, a null string.
- Argv is always kept terminated with a NULL arg pointer, so it can
- be passed to freeargv at any time, or returned, as appropriate.
-char **buildargv (input)
-char *input;
- char *arg;
- char *copybuf;
- int squote = 0;
- int dquote = 0;
- int bsquote = 0;
- int argc = 0;
- int maxargc = 0;
- char **argv = NULL;
- char **nargv;
- if (input != NULL)
- {
- copybuf = alloca (strlen (input) + 1);
- /* Is a do{}while to always execute the loop once. Always return an
- argv, even for null strings. See NOTES above, test case below. */
- do
- {
- /* Pick off argv[argc] */
- while (isspace (*input))
- {
- input++;
- }
- if ((maxargc == 0) || (argc >= (maxargc - 1)))
- {
- /* argv needs initialization, or expansion */
- if (argv == NULL)
- {
- maxargc = INITIAL_MAXARGC;
- nargv = (char **) malloc (maxargc * sizeof (char *));
- }
- else
- {
- maxargc *= 2;
- nargv = (char **) realloc (argv, maxargc * sizeof (char *));
- }
- if (nargv == NULL)
- {
- if (argv != NULL)
- {
- freeargv (argv);
- argv = NULL;
- }
- break;
- }
- argv = nargv;
- argv[argc] = NULL;
- }
- /* Begin scanning arg */
- arg = copybuf;
- while (*input != EOS)
- {
- if (isspace (*input) && !squote && !dquote && !bsquote)
- {
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if (bsquote)
- {
- bsquote = 0;
- *arg++ = *input;
- }
- else if (*input == '\\')
- {
- bsquote = 1;
- }
- else if (squote)
- {
- if (*input == '\'')
- {
- squote = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- *arg++ = *input;
- }
- }
- else if (dquote)
- {
- if (*input == '"')
- {
- dquote = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- *arg++ = *input;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (*input == '\'')
- {
- squote = 1;
- }
- else if (*input == '"')
- {
- dquote = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- *arg++ = *input;
- }
- }
- input++;
- }
- }
- *arg = EOS;
- argv[argc] = strdup (copybuf);
- if (argv[argc] == NULL)
- {
- freeargv (argv);
- argv = NULL;
- break;
- }
- argc++;
- argv[argc] = NULL;
- while (isspace (*input))
- {
- input++;
- }
- }
- while (*input != EOS);
- }
- return (argv);
-#ifdef MAIN
-/* Simple little test driver. */
-static char *tests[] =
- "a simple command line",
- "arg 'foo' is single quoted",
- "arg \"bar\" is double quoted",
- "arg \"foo bar\" has embedded whitespace",
- "arg 'Jack said \\'hi\\'' has single quotes",
- "arg 'Jack said \\\"hi\\\"' has double quotes",
- "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9",
- /* This should be expanded into only one argument. */
- "trailing-whitespace ",
- "",
-main ()
- char **argv;
- char **test;
- char **targs;
- for (test = tests; *test != NULL; test++)
- {
- printf ("buildargv(\"%s\")\n", *test);
- if ((argv = buildargv (*test)) == NULL)
- {
- printf ("failed!\n\n");
- }
- else
- {
- for (targs = argv; *targs != NULL; targs++)
- {
- printf ("\t\"%s\"\n", *targs);
- }
- printf ("\n");
- }
- freeargv (argv);
- }
-#endif /* MAIN */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/atexit.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/atexit.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4463cb695018..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/atexit.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-/* Wrapper to implement ANSI C's atexit using SunOS's on_exit. */
-/* This function is in the public domain. --Mike Stump. */
-#ifndef NEED_on_exit
- void (*f)();
- /* If the system doesn't provide a definition for atexit, use on_exit
- if the system provides that. */
- on_exit (f, 0);
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/basename.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/basename.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 689b0c2d39a0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/basename.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* Return the basename of a pathname.
- This file is in the public domain. */
- basename -- return pointer to last component of a pathname
- char *basename (const char *name)
- Given a pointer to a string containing a typical pathname
- (/usr/src/cmd/ls/ls.c for example), returns a pointer to the
- last component of the pathname ("ls.c" in this case).
- Presumes a UNIX style path with UNIX style separators.
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "libiberty.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#ifdef NEED_basename
-char *
-basename (name)
- const char *name;
- const char *base = name;
- while (*name)
- {
- if (*name++ == '/')
- {
- base = name;
- }
- }
- return (char *) base;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/bcmp.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/bcmp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 11e4417db159..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/bcmp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/* bcmp
- This function is in the public domain. */
- bcmp -- compare two memory regions
- int bcmp (char *from, char *to, int count)
- Compare two memory regions and return zero if they are identical,
- non-zero otherwise. If count is zero, return zero.
- No guarantee is made about the non-zero returned value. In
- particular, the results may be signficantly different than
- strcmp(), where the return value is guaranteed to be less than,
- equal to, or greater than zero, according to lexicographical
- sorting of the compared regions.
-bcmp (from, to, count)
- char *from, *to;
- int count;
- int rtnval = 0;
- while (count-- > 0)
- {
- if (*from++ != *to++)
- {
- rtnval = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- return (rtnval);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/bcopy.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/bcopy.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b655363d879e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/bcopy.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* bcopy -- copy memory regions of arbitary length
- bcopy -- copy memory regions of arbitrary length
- void bcopy (char *in, char *out, int length)
- Copy LENGTH bytes from memory region pointed to by IN to memory
- region pointed to by OUT.
- Significant speed improvements can be made in some cases by
- implementing copies of multiple bytes simultaneously, or unrolling
- the copy loop.
-bcopy (src, dest, len)
- register char *src, *dest;
- int len;
- if (dest < src)
- while (len--)
- *dest++ = *src++;
- else
- {
- char *lasts = src + (len-1);
- char *lastd = dest + (len-1);
- while (len--)
- *(char *)lastd-- = *(char *)lasts--;
- }
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/bzero.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/bzero.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d01644b7f4b8..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/bzero.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* Portable version of bzero for systems without it.
- This function is in the public domain. */
- bzero -- zero the contents of a specified memory region
- void bzero (char *to, int count)
- Zero COUNT bytes of memory pointed to by TO.
- Significant speed enhancements may be made in some environments
- by zeroing more than a single byte at a time, or by unrolling the
- loop.
-bzero (to, count)
- char *to;
- int count;
- while (count-- > 0)
- {
- *to++ = 0;
- }
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/clock.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/clock.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b60de1657a45..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/clock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-/* ANSI-compatible clock function.
- Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of the libiberty library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#ifdef HAVE_TIMES
-#ifndef NO_SYS_PARAM_H
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/times.h>
-/* FIXME: should be able to declare as clock_t. */
-clock ()
- struct rusage rusage;
- getrusage (0, &rusage);
- return (rusage.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000 + rusage.ru_utime.tv_usec
- + rusage.ru_stime.tv_sec * 1000000 + rusage.ru_stime.tv_usec);
-#ifdef HAVE_TIMES
- struct tms tms;
- times (&tms);
- return (tms.tms_utime + tms.tms_stime) * (1000000 / HZ);
-#ifdef VMS
- struct
- {
- int proc_user_time;
- int proc_system_time;
- int child_user_time;
- int child_system_time;
- } vms_times;
- times (&vms_times);
- return (vms_times.proc_user_time + vms_times.proc_system_time) * 10000;
- /* A fallback, if nothing else available. */
- return 0;
-#endif /* VMS */
-#endif /* HAVE_TIMES */
-#endif /* HAVE_GETRUSAGE */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/concat.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/concat.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b132c85764f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/concat.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-/* Concatenate variable number of strings.
- Copyright (C) 1991, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Fred Fish @ Cygnus Support
-This file is part of the libiberty library.
-Libiberty is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-Libiberty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with libiberty; see the file COPYING.LIB. If
-not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- concat -- concatenate a variable number of strings
- #include <varargs.h>
- char *concat (s1, s2, s3, ..., NULL)
- Concatenate a variable number of strings and return the result
- in freshly malloc'd memory.
- Returns NULL if insufficient memory is available. The argument
- list is terminated by the first NULL pointer encountered. Pointers
- to empty strings are ignored.
- This function uses xmalloc() which is expected to be a front end
- function to malloc() that deals with low memory situations. In
- typical use, if malloc() returns NULL then xmalloc() diverts to an
- error handler routine which never returns, and thus xmalloc will
- never return a NULL pointer. If the client application wishes to
- deal with low memory situations itself, it should supply an xmalloc
- that just directly invokes malloc and blindly returns whatever
- malloc returns.
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "libiberty.h"
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stddef.h>
-extern size_t strlen (const char *s);
-extern int strlen ();
-#define NULLP (char *)0
-/* VARARGS */
-char *
-concat (const char *first, ...)
-char *
-concat (va_alist)
- va_dcl
- register int length;
- register char *newstr;
- register char *end;
- register const char *arg;
- va_list args;
- const char *first;
- /* First compute the size of the result and get sufficient memory. */
- va_start (args, first);
- va_start (args);
- first = va_arg (args, const char *);
- if (first == NULLP)
- length = 0;
- else
- {
- length = strlen (first);
- while ((arg = va_arg (args, const char *)) != NULLP)
- {
- length += strlen (arg);
- }
- }
- newstr = (char *) xmalloc (length + 1);
- va_end (args);
- /* Now copy the individual pieces to the result string. */
- if (newstr != NULLP)
- {
- va_start (args, first);
- va_start (args);
- first = va_arg (args, const char *);
- end = newstr;
- if (first != NULLP)
- {
- arg = first;
- while (*arg)
- {
- *end++ = *arg++;
- }
- while ((arg = va_arg (args, const char *)) != NULLP)
- {
- while (*arg)
- {
- *end++ = *arg++;
- }
- }
- }
- *end = '\000';
- va_end (args);
- }
- return (newstr);
-#ifdef MAIN
-/* Simple little test driver. */
-#include <stdio.h>
-main ()
- printf ("\"\" = \"%s\"\n", concat (NULLP));
- printf ("\"a\" = \"%s\"\n", concat ("a", NULLP));
- printf ("\"ab\" = \"%s\"\n", concat ("a", "b", NULLP));
- printf ("\"abc\" = \"%s\"\n", concat ("a", "b", "c", NULLP));
- printf ("\"abcd\" = \"%s\"\n", concat ("ab", "cd", NULLP));
- printf ("\"abcde\" = \"%s\"\n", concat ("ab", "c", "de", NULLP));
- printf ("\"abcdef\" = \"%s\"\n", concat ("", "a", "", "bcd", "ef", NULLP));
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config.table b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config.table
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b67dd5ae883..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config.table
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-case "${host}" in
- rs6000-ibm-aix3.1 | rs6000-ibm-aix)
- frag=mh-aix
- files=${xsrcdir}alloca-botch.h ;;
- *-ibm-aix*) files=${xsrcdir}alloca-botch.h ;;
- arm-*-riscix*) frag=mh-riscix ;;
- m68k-apollo-bsd*) frag=mh-a68bsd ;;
- m68k-apollo-sysv*) frag=mh-apollo68 ;;
- i[345]86-ncr-sysv4*) frag=mh-ncr3000 ;;
- *-*-cxux7*) frag=mh-cxux7 ;;
- *-*-lynxos*) frag=mh-lynxos ;;
- *-*-dgux*) frag=mh-sysv ;;
- hppa*-hp-bsd*) frag=mh-hpbsd ;;
- *-*-hpux*) frag=mh-hpux ;;
- *-*-hiux*) frag=mh-hpux ;;
- *-*-irix4*) frag=mh-irix4 ;;
- *-*-irix*) frag=mh-sysv ;;
- *-*-m88kbcs*) frag=mh-sysv ;;
- *-*-solaris2*) frag=mh-sysv4 ;;
- *-*-sysv4*) frag=mh-sysv4 ;;
- *-*-sysv*) frag=mh-sysv ;;
- *-*-go32) frag=mh-go32 ;;
- *-*-vxworks5*)
- # VxWorks 5 needs special action, because the usual
- # autoconfiguration scheme does not work.
- frag=mt-vxworks5
- ;;
-# Try to handle funky case of solaris 2 -> sun 4.
-case "${host}" in
- sparc-sun-sunos4.1.3)
- if [ "${with_cross_host}" != "${host}" ] ; then
- frag=mt-sunos4
- fi
- ;;
-# If they didn't specify --enable-shared, don't generate shared libs.
-if [ "${enable_shared}" = "yes" ]; then
- case "${host}" in
- hppa*-*-*) frags="${frags} ../../config/mh-papic" ;;
- i[345]86-*-*) frags="${frags} ../../config/mh-x86pic" ;;
- *-*-*) frags="${frags} ../../config/mh-${host_cpu}pic" ;;
- esac
-echo "# Warning: this fragment is automatically generated" > temp-frag
-for frag in ${frags}; do
- frag=${srcdir}/${xsrcdir}config/$frag
- if [ -f ${frag} ]; then
- echo "Appending ${frag} to xhost-mkfrag"
- echo "# Following fragment copied from ${frag}" >> temp-frag
- cat ${frag} >> temp-frag
- fi
-${moveifchange} temp-frag xhost-mkfrag
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-a68bsd b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-a68bsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c5a237e60ba..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-a68bsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-CC= cc -A ansi -A runtype,any -A systype,any -U__STDC__
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-aix b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-aix
deleted file mode 100644
index c7b848d976aa..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-aix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Most releases of AIX 3.1 include an incorrect internal version of copysign
-# in libc.a for use by some libc public functions including modf. The public
-# version of copysign in libm.a is usable. For the sake of libg++ (which
-# uses modf), we add copysign here. Supposedly, this problem is fixed in AIX
-# 3.1.8 and above, including all releases of AIX 3.2.
-EXTRA_OFILES = copysign.o
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-apollo68 b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-apollo68
deleted file mode 100644
index 651770ce31cd..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-apollo68
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-CC= cc -A ansi -A runtype,any -A systype,any -U__STDC__
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-cxux7 b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-cxux7
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d4d30bf46ff..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-cxux7
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-go32 b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-go32
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c9fe4fa0bf0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-go32
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-CC=i386-go32-gcc -O2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-hpbsd b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-hpbsd
deleted file mode 100644
index ce11dcd6ac98..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-hpbsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# HPPA hosts using BSD
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-irix4 b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-irix4
deleted file mode 100644
index ace767827122..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-irix4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-CC = cc -cckr
-RANLIB = true
-EXTRA_OFILES = alloca.o
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-lynxos b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-lynxos
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f22110e880c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-lynxos
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-ncr3000 b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-ncr3000
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a45c22b1281..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-ncr3000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Host configuration file for an NCR 3000 (i486/SVR4) system.
-# The NCR 3000 ships with a MetaWare compiler installed as /bin/cc.
-# This compiler not only emits obnoxious copyright messages every time
-# you run it, but it chokes and dies on a whole bunch of GNU source
-# files. Default to using the AT&T compiler installed in /usr/ccs/ATT/cc.
-# Unfortunately though, the AT&T compiler sometimes generates code that
-# the assembler barfs on if -g is used, so disable it by default as well.
-CC = /usr/ccs/ATT/cc
-RANLIB = true
-# The /usr/ucb/install program is incompatible (complains about unknown
-# group staff). Use good old cp...
-# The l flag generates a warning from the SVR4 archiver, remove it.
-AR_FLAGS = cq
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-riscix b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-riscix
deleted file mode 100644
index 0209279de56a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-riscix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# The native linker only reports the first undefined symbol if linking with a
-# shared library. So build using gcc and link statically (this requires
-# gcc 2.6.0 or above).
-ERRORS_CC = gcc
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-sysv b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-sysv
deleted file mode 100644
index eb102d550108..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-sysv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-sysv4 b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-sysv4
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d1aa3cd61d5..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mh-sysv4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mt-sunos4 b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mt-sunos4
deleted file mode 100644
index c25baa6ead68..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mt-sunos4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-XTRAFLAGS = -isystem /s1/cygnus/dejagnu/sparc-sun-sunos4.1.3/include/
-LOADLIBES = -L/s1/cygnus/dejagnu/sparc-sun-sunos4.1.3/lib
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mt-vxworks5 b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mt-vxworks5
deleted file mode 100644
index f1a46d361ae2..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/config/mt-vxworks5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# VxWorks 5.x target Makefile fragment.
-# The autoconfiguration fails for a VxWorks target, because the
-# libraries are actually on the target board, not in the file system.
-# Therefore, we compute the dependencies by hand.
-CONFIG_H = vxconfig.h
-NEEDED_LIST = vxneeded-list
-vxconfig.h: Makefile
- if [ -f ../newlib/Makefile ]; then \
- $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) xconfig.h; \
- cp xconfig.h vxconfig.h; \
- else \
- echo "#define NEED_sys_nerr 1" >vxconfig.h; \
- echo "#define NEED_sys_errlist 1" >>vxconfig.h; \
- echo "#define NEED_sys_siglist 1" >>vxconfig.h; \
- echo "#define NEED_psignal 1" >>vxconfig.h; \
- fi
-vxneeded-list: Makefile
- if [ -f ../newlib/Makefile ]; then \
- $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) xneeded-list; \
- cp xneeded-list vxneeded-list; \
- else \
- echo getopt.o getpagesize.o insque.o random.o strcasecmp.o strncasecmp.o strdup.o vfork.o sigsetmask.o waitpid.o >vxneeded-list; \
- fi
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/configure.bat b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/configure.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index ed33777174b3..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/configure.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-if "%1" == "h8/300" goto h8300
-echo Configuring libiberty for go32
-copy Makefile.dos Makefile
-echo #define NEED_sys_siglist 1 >> config.h
-echo #define NEED_psignal 1 >> config.h
-update alloca-normal.h alloca-conf.h
-goto exit
-echo Configuring libiberty for H8/300
-copy Makefile.dos Makefile
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/ b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/
deleted file mode 100644
index 84e4eac6c89e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# This file is a shell script fragment that supplies the information
-# necessary for a configure script to process the program in
-# this directory. For more information, look at ../configure.
-srcname="-liberty library"
-# per-host:
-. ${srcdir}/config.table
-# per-target:
-# post-target:
-# If this is the target libiberty, check at compile time whether we are using
-# newlib. If we are, we already know the files we need, since the linker
-# will fail when run on some of the newlib targets.
-if [ -n "${with_target_subdir}" ] ; then
- cat > Makefile.tem <<'!EOF!'
-CONFIG_H = xconfig.h
-NEEDED_LIST = xneeded-list
-xconfig.h: Makefile
- if [ -f ../newlib/Makefile ]; then \
- echo "#define NEED_sys_nerr 1" >xconfig.h; \
- echo "#define NEED_sys_errlist 1" >>xconfig.h; \
- echo "#define NEED_sys_siglist 1" >>xconfig.h; \
- echo "#define NEED_psignal 1" >>xconfig.h; \
- else \
- $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) lconfig.h; \
- cp lconfig.h xconfig.h; \
- fi
-xneeded-list: Makefile
- if [ -f ../newlib/Makefile ]; then \
- echo insque.o random.o strdup.o alloca.o >xneeded-list; \
- else \
- $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) lneeded-list; \
- cp lneeded-list xneeded-list; \
- fi
-sed -e "/^####/ r Makefile.tem" \
- -e '/INSTALL_DEST =/s/libdir/tooldir/' ${Makefile} > Makefile.tem3
-mv Makefile.tem3 ${Makefile}
-rm -f Makefile.tem
-# We need multilib support, but only if configuring for the target.
-if [ -n "${with_target_subdir}" ] ; then
- case ${srcdir} in
- .)
- if [ "${with_target_subdir}" != "." ] ; then
- # Set MULTISRCTOP to the value we need if we are not doing
- # multilib. This will be overridden if --enable-multilib was
- # used.
- sed -e "s:^MULTISRCTOP[ ]*=.*$:MULTISRCTOP = ../:" \
- ${Makefile} > Makefile.tem
- rm -f ${Makefile}
- mv Makefile.tem ${Makefile}
- . ${srcdir}/${with_multisrctop}../../
- else
- . ${srcdir}/${with_multisrctop}../
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- . ${srcdir}/../
- ;;
- esac
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/copysign.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/copysign.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b5f8c3d9df8..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/copysign.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-typedef union
- double value;
- struct
- {
- unsigned int sign : 1;
- unsigned int exponent: 11;
- unsigned int fraction0:4;
- unsigned int fraction1:16;
- unsigned int fraction2:16;
- unsigned int fraction3:16;
- } number;
- struct
- {
- unsigned int sign : 1;
- unsigned int exponent: 11;
- unsigned int quiet:1;
- unsigned int function0:3;
- unsigned int function1:16;
- unsigned int function2:16;
- unsigned int function3:16;
- } nan;
- struct
- {
- unsigned long msw;
- unsigned long lsw;
- } parts;
- long aslong[2];
-} __ieee_double_shape_type;
-typedef union
- double value;
- struct
- {
- unsigned int fraction3:16;
- unsigned int fraction2:16;
- unsigned int fraction1:16;
- unsigned int fraction0: 4;
- unsigned int fraction1:32;
- unsigned int fraction0:20;
- unsigned int exponent :11;
- unsigned int sign : 1;
- } number;
- struct
- {
- unsigned int function3:16;
- unsigned int function2:16;
- unsigned int function1:16;
- unsigned int function0:3;
- unsigned int function1:32;
- unsigned int function0:19;
- unsigned int quiet:1;
- unsigned int exponent: 11;
- unsigned int sign : 1;
- } nan;
- struct
- {
- unsigned long lsw;
- unsigned long msw;
- } parts;
- long aslong[2];
-} __ieee_double_shape_type;
-typedef union
- float value;
- struct
- {
- unsigned int sign : 1;
- unsigned int exponent: 8;
- unsigned int fraction0: 7;
- unsigned int fraction1: 16;
- } number;
- struct
- {
- unsigned int sign:1;
- unsigned int exponent:8;
- unsigned int quiet:1;
- unsigned int function0:6;
- unsigned int function1:16;
- } nan;
- long p1;
-} __ieee_float_shape_type;
-typedef union
- float value;
- struct
- {
- unsigned int fraction0: 7;
- unsigned int fraction1: 16;
- unsigned int exponent: 8;
- unsigned int sign : 1;
- } number;
- struct
- {
- unsigned int function1:16;
- unsigned int function0:6;
- unsigned int quiet:1;
- unsigned int exponent:8;
- unsigned int sign:1;
- } nan;
- long p1;
-} __ieee_float_shape_type;
-double DEFUN(copysign, (x, y), double x AND double y)
- __ieee_double_shape_type a,b;
- b.value = y;
- a.value = x;
- a.number.sign =b.number.sign;
- return a.value;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/cplus-dem.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/cplus-dem.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a7f868022789..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/cplus-dem.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3019 +0,0 @@
-/* Demangler for GNU C++
- Copyright 1989, 1991, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by James Clark (jjc@jclark.uucp)
- Rewritten by Fred Fish ( for ARM and Lucid demangling
-This file is part of the libiberty library.
-Libiberty is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-Libiberty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with libiberty; see the file COPYING.LIB. If
-not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file exports two functions; cplus_mangle_opname and cplus_demangle.
- This file imports xmalloc and xrealloc, which are like malloc and
- realloc except that they generate a fatal error if there is no
- available memory. */
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <demangle.h>
-#define CURRENT_DEMANGLING_STYLE work->options
-extern char *xmalloc PARAMS((unsigned));
-extern char *xrealloc PARAMS((char *, unsigned));
-char *
-mystrstr (s1, s2)
- char *s1, *s2;
- register char *p = s1;
- register int len = strlen (s2);
- for (; (p = strchr (p, *s2)) != 0; p++)
- {
- if (strncmp (p, s2, len) == 0)
- {
- return (p);
- }
- }
- return (0);
-/* In order to allow a single demangler executable to demangle strings
- using various common values of CPLUS_MARKER, as well as any specific
- one set at compile time, we maintain a string containing all the
- commonly used ones, and check to see if the marker we are looking for
- is in that string. CPLUS_MARKER is usually '$' on systems where the
- assembler can deal with that. Where the assembler can't, it's usually
- '.' (but on many systems '.' is used for other things). We put the
- current defined CPLUS_MARKER first (which defaults to '$'), followed
- by the next most common value, followed by an explicit '$' in case
- the value of CPLUS_MARKER is not '$'.
- We could avoid this if we could just get g++ to tell us what the actual
- cplus marker character is as part of the debug information, perhaps by
- ensuring that it is the character that terminates the gcc<n>_compiled
- marker symbol (FIXME). */
-#if !defined (CPLUS_MARKER)
-#define CPLUS_MARKER '$'
-enum demangling_styles current_demangling_style = gnu_demangling;
-static char cplus_markers[] = { CPLUS_MARKER, '.', '$', '\0' };
-set_cplus_marker_for_demangling (ch)
- int ch;
- cplus_markers[0] = ch;
-/* Stuff that is shared between sub-routines.
- * Using a shared structure allows cplus_demangle to be reentrant. */
-struct work_stuff
- int options;
- char **typevec;
- int ntypes;
- int typevec_size;
- int constructor;
- int destructor;
- int static_type; /* A static member function */
- int const_type; /* A const member function */
-#define PRINT_ANSI_QUALIFIERS (work -> options & DMGL_ANSI)
-#define PRINT_ARG_TYPES (work -> options & DMGL_PARAMS)
-static const struct optable
- const char *in;
- const char *out;
- int flags;
-} optable[] = {
- {"nw", " new", DMGL_ANSI}, /* new (1.92, ansi) */
- {"dl", " delete", DMGL_ANSI}, /* new (1.92, ansi) */
- {"new", " new", 0}, /* old (1.91, and 1.x) */
- {"delete", " delete", 0}, /* old (1.91, and 1.x) */
- {"vn", " new []", DMGL_ANSI}, /* GNU, pending ansi */
- {"vd", " delete []", DMGL_ANSI}, /* GNU, pending ansi */
- {"as", "=", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"ne", "!=", DMGL_ANSI}, /* old, ansi */
- {"eq", "==", DMGL_ANSI}, /* old, ansi */
- {"ge", ">=", DMGL_ANSI}, /* old, ansi */
- {"gt", ">", DMGL_ANSI}, /* old, ansi */
- {"le", "<=", DMGL_ANSI}, /* old, ansi */
- {"lt", "<", DMGL_ANSI}, /* old, ansi */
- {"plus", "+", 0}, /* old */
- {"pl", "+", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"apl", "+=", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"minus", "-", 0}, /* old */
- {"mi", "-", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"ami", "-=", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"mult", "*", 0}, /* old */
- {"ml", "*", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"amu", "*=", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi (ARM/Lucid) */
- {"aml", "*=", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi (GNU/g++) */
- {"convert", "+", 0}, /* old (unary +) */
- {"negate", "-", 0}, /* old (unary -) */
- {"trunc_mod", "%", 0}, /* old */
- {"md", "%", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"amd", "%=", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"trunc_div", "/", 0}, /* old */
- {"dv", "/", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"adv", "/=", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"truth_andif", "&&", 0}, /* old */
- {"aa", "&&", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"truth_orif", "||", 0}, /* old */
- {"oo", "||", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"truth_not", "!", 0}, /* old */
- {"nt", "!", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"postincrement","++", 0}, /* old */
- {"pp", "++", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"postdecrement","--", 0}, /* old */
- {"mm", "--", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"bit_ior", "|", 0}, /* old */
- {"or", "|", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"aor", "|=", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"bit_xor", "^", 0}, /* old */
- {"er", "^", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"aer", "^=", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"bit_and", "&", 0}, /* old */
- {"ad", "&", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"aad", "&=", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"bit_not", "~", 0}, /* old */
- {"co", "~", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"call", "()", 0}, /* old */
- {"cl", "()", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"alshift", "<<", 0}, /* old */
- {"ls", "<<", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"als", "<<=", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"arshift", ">>", 0}, /* old */
- {"rs", ">>", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"ars", ">>=", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"component", "->", 0}, /* old */
- {"pt", "->", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi; Lucid C++ form */
- {"rf", "->", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi; ARM/GNU form */
- {"indirect", "*", 0}, /* old */
- {"method_call", "->()", 0}, /* old */
- {"addr", "&", 0}, /* old (unary &) */
- {"array", "[]", 0}, /* old */
- {"vc", "[]", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"compound", ", ", 0}, /* old */
- {"cm", ", ", DMGL_ANSI}, /* ansi */
- {"cond", "?:", 0}, /* old */
- {"cn", "?:", DMGL_ANSI}, /* pseudo-ansi */
- {"max", ">?", 0}, /* old */
- {"mx", ">?", DMGL_ANSI}, /* pseudo-ansi */
- {"min", "<?", 0}, /* old */
- {"mn", "<?", DMGL_ANSI}, /* pseudo-ansi */
- {"nop", "", 0}, /* old (for operator=) */
- {"rm", "->*", DMGL_ANSI} /* ansi */
-typedef struct string /* Beware: these aren't required to be */
-{ /* '\0' terminated. */
- char *b; /* pointer to start of string */
- char *p; /* pointer after last character */
- char *e; /* pointer after end of allocated space */
-} string;
-#define STRING_EMPTY(str) ((str) -> b == (str) -> p)
-#define PREPEND_BLANK(str) {if (!STRING_EMPTY(str)) \
- string_prepend(str, " ");}
-#define APPEND_BLANK(str) {if (!STRING_EMPTY(str)) \
- string_append(str, " ");}
-#define ARM_VTABLE_STRING "__vtbl__" /* Lucid/ARM virtual table prefix */
-#define ARM_VTABLE_STRLEN 8 /* strlen (ARM_VTABLE_STRING) */
-/* Prototypes for local functions */
-static char *
-mop_up PARAMS ((struct work_stuff *, string *, int));
-#if 0
-static int
-demangle_method_args PARAMS ((struct work_stuff *work, const char **, string *));
-static int
-demangle_template PARAMS ((struct work_stuff *work, const char **, string *,
- string *));
-static int
-demangle_qualified PARAMS ((struct work_stuff *, const char **, string *,
- int, int));
-static int
-demangle_class PARAMS ((struct work_stuff *, const char **, string *));
-static int
-demangle_fund_type PARAMS ((struct work_stuff *, const char **, string *));
-static int
-demangle_signature PARAMS ((struct work_stuff *, const char **, string *));
-static int
-demangle_prefix PARAMS ((struct work_stuff *, const char **, string *));
-static int
-gnu_special PARAMS ((struct work_stuff *, const char **, string *));
-static int
-arm_special PARAMS ((struct work_stuff *, const char **, string *));
-static void
-string_need PARAMS ((string *, int));
-static void
-string_delete PARAMS ((string *));
-static void
-string_init PARAMS ((string *));
-static void
-string_clear PARAMS ((string *));
-#if 0
-static int
-string_empty PARAMS ((string *));
-static void
-string_append PARAMS ((string *, const char *));
-static void
-string_appends PARAMS ((string *, string *));
-static void
-string_appendn PARAMS ((string *, const char *, int));
-static void
-string_prepend PARAMS ((string *, const char *));
-static void
-string_prependn PARAMS ((string *, const char *, int));
-static int
-get_count PARAMS ((const char **, int *));
-static int
-consume_count PARAMS ((const char **));
-static int
-demangle_args PARAMS ((struct work_stuff *, const char **, string *));
-static int
-do_type PARAMS ((struct work_stuff *, const char **, string *));
-static int
-do_arg PARAMS ((struct work_stuff *, const char **, string *));
-static void
-demangle_function_name PARAMS ((struct work_stuff *, const char **, string *,
- const char *));
-static void
-remember_type PARAMS ((struct work_stuff *, const char *, int));
-static void
-forget_types PARAMS ((struct work_stuff *));
-static void
-string_prepends PARAMS ((string *, string *));
-/* Translate count to integer, consuming tokens in the process.
- Conversion terminates on the first non-digit character.
- Trying to consume something that isn't a count results in
- no consumption of input and a return of 0. */
-static int
-consume_count (type)
- const char **type;
- int count = 0;
- while (isdigit (**type))
- {
- count *= 10;
- count += **type - '0';
- (*type)++;
- }
- return (count);
-cplus_demangle_opname (opname, result, options)
- const char *opname;
- char *result;
- int options;
- int len, i, len1, ret;
- string type;
- struct work_stuff work[1];
- const char *tem;
- len = strlen(opname);
- result[0] = '\0';
- ret = 0;
- work->options = options;
- if (opname[0] == '_' && opname[1] == '_'
- && opname[2] == 'o' && opname[3] == 'p')
- {
- /* ANSI. */
- /* type conversion operator. */
- tem = opname + 4;
- if (do_type (work, &tem, &type))
- {
- strcat (result, "operator ");
- strncat (result, type.b, type.p - type.b);
- string_delete (&type);
- ret = 1;
- }
- }
- else if (opname[0] == '_' && opname[1] == '_'
- && opname[2] >= 'a' && opname[2] <= 'z'
- && opname[3] >= 'a' && opname[3] <= 'z')
- {
- if (opname[4] == '\0')
- {
- /* Operator. */
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (optable) / sizeof (optable[0]); i++)
- {
- if (strlen (optable[i].in) == 2
- && memcmp (optable[i].in, opname + 2, 2) == 0)
- {
- strcat (result, "operator");
- strcat (result, optable[i].out);
- ret = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (opname[2] == 'a' && opname[5] == '\0')
- {
- /* Assignment. */
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (optable) / sizeof (optable[0]); i++)
- {
- if (strlen (optable[i].in) == 3
- && memcmp (optable[i].in, opname + 2, 3) == 0)
- {
- strcat (result, "operator");
- strcat (result, optable[i].out);
- ret = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (len >= 3
- && opname[0] == 'o'
- && opname[1] == 'p'
- && strchr (cplus_markers, opname[2]) != NULL)
- {
- /* see if it's an assignment expression */
- if (len >= 10 /* op$assign_ */
- && memcmp (opname + 3, "assign_", 7) == 0)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (optable) / sizeof (optable[0]); i++)
- {
- len1 = len - 10;
- if (strlen (optable[i].in) == len1
- && memcmp (optable[i].in, opname + 10, len1) == 0)
- {
- strcat (result, "operator");
- strcat (result, optable[i].out);
- strcat (result, "=");
- ret = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (optable) / sizeof (optable[0]); i++)
- {
- len1 = len - 3;
- if (strlen (optable[i].in) == len1
- && memcmp (optable[i].in, opname + 3, len1) == 0)
- {
- strcat (result, "operator");
- strcat (result, optable[i].out);
- ret = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (len >= 5 && memcmp (opname, "type", 4) == 0
- && strchr (cplus_markers, opname[4]) != NULL)
- {
- /* type conversion operator */
- tem = opname + 5;
- if (do_type (work, &tem, &type))
- {
- strcat (result, "operator ");
- strncat (result, type.b, type.p - type.b);
- string_delete (&type);
- ret = 1;
- }
- }
- return ret;
-/* Takes operator name as e.g. "++" and returns mangled
- operator name (e.g. "postincrement_expr"), or NULL if not found.
- If OPTIONS & DMGL_ANSI == 1, return the ANSI name;
- if OPTIONS & DMGL_ANSI == 0, return the old GNU name. */
-const char *
-cplus_mangle_opname (opname, options)
- const char *opname;
- int options;
- int i;
- int len;
- len = strlen (opname);
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (optable) / sizeof (optable[0]); i++)
- {
- if (strlen (optable[i].out) == len
- && (options & DMGL_ANSI) == (optable[i].flags & DMGL_ANSI)
- && memcmp (optable[i].out, opname, len) == 0)
- return optable[i].in;
- }
- return (0);
-/* check to see whether MANGLED can match TEXT in the first TEXT_LEN
- characters. */
-int cplus_match (mangled, text, text_len)
- const char *mangled;
- char *text;
- int text_len;
- if (strncmp (mangled, text, text_len) != 0) {
- return(0); /* cannot match either */
- } else {
- return(1); /* matches mangled, may match demangled */
- }
-/* char *cplus_demangle (const char *mangled, int options)
- If MANGLED is a mangled function name produced by GNU C++, then
- a pointer to a malloced string giving a C++ representation
- of the name will be returned; otherwise NULL will be returned.
- It is the caller's responsibility to free the string which
- is returned.
- The OPTIONS arg may contain one or more of the following bits:
- DMGL_ANSI ANSI qualifiers such as `const' and `void' are
- included.
- DMGL_PARAMS Function parameters are included.
- For example,
- cplus_demangle ("foo__1Ai", DMGL_PARAMS) => "A::foo(int)"
- cplus_demangle ("foo__1Ai", DMGL_PARAMS | DMGL_ANSI) => "A::foo(int)"
- cplus_demangle ("foo__1Ai", 0) => "A::foo"
- cplus_demangle ("foo__1Afe", DMGL_PARAMS) => "A::foo(float,...)"
- cplus_demangle ("foo__1Afe", DMGL_PARAMS | DMGL_ANSI)=> "A::foo(float,...)"
- cplus_demangle ("foo__1Afe", 0) => "A::foo"
- Note that any leading underscores, or other such characters prepended by
- the compilation system, are presumed to have already been stripped from
-char *
-cplus_demangle (mangled, options)
- const char *mangled;
- int options;
- string decl;
- int success = 0;
- struct work_stuff work[1];
- char *demangled = NULL;
- if ((mangled != NULL) && (*mangled != '\0'))
- {
- memset ((char *) work, 0, sizeof (work));
- work -> options = options;
- if ((work->options & DMGL_STYLE_MASK) == 0)
- work->options |= (int)current_demangling_style & DMGL_STYLE_MASK;
- string_init (&decl);
- /* First check to see if gnu style demangling is active and if the
- string to be demangled contains a CPLUS_MARKER. If so, attempt to
- recognize one of the gnu special forms rather than looking for a
- standard prefix. In particular, don't worry about whether there
- is a "__" string in the mangled string. Consider "_$_5__foo" for
- example. */
- {
- success = gnu_special (work, &mangled, &decl);
- }
- if (!success)
- {
- success = demangle_prefix (work, &mangled, &decl);
- }
- if (success && (*mangled != '\0'))
- {
- success = demangle_signature (work, &mangled, &decl);
- }
- if (work->constructor == 2)
- {
- string_prepend(&decl, "global constructors keyed to ");
- work->constructor = 0;
- }
- else if (work->destructor == 2)
- {
- string_prepend(&decl, "global destructors keyed to ");
- work->destructor = 0;
- }
- demangled = mop_up (work, &decl, success);
- }
- return (demangled);
-static char *
-mop_up (work, declp, success)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- string *declp;
- int success;
- char *demangled = NULL;
- /* Discard the remembered types, if any. */
- forget_types (work);
- if (work -> typevec != NULL)
- {
- free ((char *) work -> typevec);
- }
- /* If demangling was successful, ensure that the demangled string is null
- terminated and return it. Otherwise, free the demangling decl. */
- if (!success)
- {
- string_delete (declp);
- }
- else
- {
- string_appendn (declp, "", 1);
- demangled = declp -> b;
- }
- return (demangled);
- demangle_signature -- demangle the signature part of a mangled name
- static int
- demangle_signature (struct work_stuff *work, const char **mangled,
- string *declp);
- Consume and demangle the signature portion of the mangled name.
- DECLP is the string where demangled output is being built. At
- entry it contains the demangled root name from the mangled name
- prefix. I.E. either a demangled operator name or the root function
- name. In some special cases, it may contain nothing.
- *MANGLED points to the current unconsumed location in the mangled
- name. As tokens are consumed and demangling is performed, the
- pointer is updated to continuously point at the next token to
- be consumed.
- Demangling GNU style mangled names is nasty because there is no
- explicit token that marks the start of the outermost function
- argument list.
-static int
-demangle_signature (work, mangled, declp)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- const char **mangled;
- string *declp;
- int success = 1;
- int func_done = 0;
- int expect_func = 0;
- const char *oldmangled = NULL;
- string trawname;
- string tname;
- while (success && (**mangled != '\0'))
- {
- switch (**mangled)
- {
- case 'Q':
- oldmangled = *mangled;
- success = demangle_qualified (work, mangled, declp, 1, 0);
- if (success)
- {
- remember_type (work, oldmangled, *mangled - oldmangled);
- }
- {
- expect_func = 1;
- }
- oldmangled = NULL;
- break;
- case 'S':
- /* Static member function */
- if (oldmangled == NULL)
- {
- oldmangled = *mangled;
- }
- (*mangled)++;
- work -> static_type = 1;
- break;
- case 'C':
- /* a const member function */
- if (oldmangled == NULL)
- {
- oldmangled = *mangled;
- }
- (*mangled)++;
- work -> const_type = 1;
- break;
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
- case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
- if (oldmangled == NULL)
- {
- oldmangled = *mangled;
- }
- success = demangle_class (work, mangled, declp);
- if (success)
- {
- remember_type (work, oldmangled, *mangled - oldmangled);
- }
- {
- expect_func = 1;
- }
- oldmangled = NULL;
- break;
- case 'F':
- /* Function */
- /* ARM style demangling includes a specific 'F' character after
- the class name. For GNU style, it is just implied. So we can
- safely just consume any 'F' at this point and be compatible
- with either style. */
- oldmangled = NULL;
- func_done = 1;
- (*mangled)++;
- /* For lucid/ARM style we have to forget any types we might
- have remembered up to this point, since they were not argument
- types. GNU style considers all types seen as available for
- back references. See comment in demangle_args() */
- {
- forget_types (work);
- }
- success = demangle_args (work, mangled, declp);
- break;
- case 't':
- /* G++ Template */
- string_init(&trawname);
- string_init(&tname);
- if (oldmangled == NULL)
- {
- oldmangled = *mangled;
- }
- success = demangle_template (work, mangled, &tname, &trawname);
- if (success)
- {
- remember_type (work, oldmangled, *mangled - oldmangled);
- }
- string_append(&tname, "::");
- string_prepends(declp, &tname);
- if (work -> destructor & 1)
- {
- string_prepend (&trawname, "~");
- string_appends (declp, &trawname);
- work->destructor -= 1;
- }
- if ((work->constructor & 1) || (work->destructor & 1))
- {
- string_appends (declp, &trawname);
- work->constructor -= 1;
- }
- string_delete(&trawname);
- string_delete(&tname);
- oldmangled = NULL;
- expect_func = 1;
- break;
- case '_':
- /* At the outermost level, we cannot have a return type specified,
- so if we run into another '_' at this point we are dealing with
- a mangled name that is either bogus, or has been mangled by
- some algorithm we don't know how to deal with. So just
- reject the entire demangling. */
- success = 0;
- break;
- default:
- {
- /* Assume we have stumbled onto the first outermost function
- argument token, and start processing args. */
- func_done = 1;
- success = demangle_args (work, mangled, declp);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Non-GNU demanglers use a specific token to mark the start
- of the outermost function argument tokens. Typically 'F',
- for ARM-demangling, for example. So if we find something
- we are not prepared for, it must be an error. */
- success = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- if (success && expect_func)
- {
- func_done = 1;
- success = demangle_args (work, mangled, declp);
- }
- }
- }
- if (success && !func_done)
- {
- {
- /* With GNU style demangling, bar__3foo is 'foo::bar(void)', and
- bar__3fooi is 'foo::bar(int)'. We get here when we find the
- first case, and need to ensure that the '(void)' gets added to
- the current declp. Note that with ARM, the first case
- represents the name of a static data member 'foo::bar',
- which is in the current declp, so we leave it alone. */
- success = demangle_args (work, mangled, declp);
- }
- }
- if (success && work -> static_type && PRINT_ARG_TYPES)
- {
- string_append (declp, " static");
- }
- if (success && work -> const_type && PRINT_ARG_TYPES)
- {
- string_append (declp, " const");
- }
- return (success);
-#if 0
-static int
-demangle_method_args (work, mangled, declp)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- const char **mangled;
- string *declp;
- int success = 0;
- if (work -> static_type)
- {
- string_append (declp, *mangled + 1);
- *mangled += strlen (*mangled);
- success = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- success = demangle_args (work, mangled, declp);
- }
- return (success);
-static int
-demangle_template (work, mangled, tname, trawname)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- const char **mangled;
- string *tname;
- string *trawname;
- int i;
- int is_pointer;
- int is_real;
- int is_integral;
- int is_char;
- int is_bool;
- int r;
- int need_comma = 0;
- int success = 0;
- int done;
- const char *old_p;
- const char *start;
- int symbol_len;
- string temp;
- (*mangled)++;
- start = *mangled;
- /* get template name */
- if ((r = consume_count (mangled)) == 0 || strlen (*mangled) < r)
- {
- return (0);
- }
- if (trawname)
- string_appendn (trawname, *mangled, r);
- string_appendn (tname, *mangled, r);
- *mangled += r;
- string_append (tname, "<");
- /* get size of template parameter list */
- if (!get_count (mangled, &r))
- {
- return (0);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < r; i++)
- {
- if (need_comma)
- {
- string_append (tname, ", ");
- }
- /* Z for type parameters */
- if (**mangled == 'Z')
- {
- (*mangled)++;
- /* temp is initialized in do_type */
- success = do_type (work, mangled, &temp);
- if (success)
- {
- string_appends (tname, &temp);
- }
- string_delete(&temp);
- if (!success)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* otherwise, value parameter */
- old_p = *mangled;
- is_pointer = 0;
- is_real = 0;
- is_integral = 0;
- is_char = 0;
- is_bool = 0;
- done = 0;
- /* temp is initialized in do_type */
- success = do_type (work, mangled, &temp);
- if (success)
- {
- string_appends (tname, &temp);
- }
- string_delete(&temp);
- if (!success)
- {
- break;
- }
- string_append (tname, "=");
- while (*old_p && !done)
- {
- switch (*old_p)
- {
- case 'P':
- case 'p':
- case 'R':
- done = is_pointer = 1;
- break;
- case 'C': /* const */
- case 'S': /* explicitly signed [char] */
- case 'U': /* unsigned */
- case 'V': /* volatile */
- case 'F': /* function */
- case 'M': /* member function */
- case 'O': /* ??? */
- old_p++;
- continue;
- case 'Q': /* qualified name */
- done = is_integral = 1;
- break;
- case 'T': /* remembered type */
- abort ();
- break;
- case 'v': /* void */
- abort ();
- break;
- case 'x': /* long long */
- case 'l': /* long */
- case 'i': /* int */
- case 's': /* short */
- case 'w': /* wchar_t */
- done = is_integral = 1;
- break;
- case 'b': /* bool */
- done = is_bool = 1;
- break;
- case 'c': /* char */
- done = is_char = 1;
- break;
- case 'r': /* long double */
- case 'd': /* double */
- case 'f': /* float */
- done = is_real = 1;
- break;
- default:
- /* it's probably user defined type, let's assume
- it's integral, it seems hard to figure out
- what it really is */
- done = is_integral = 1;
- }
- }
- if (is_integral)
- {
- if (**mangled == 'm')
- {
- string_appendn (tname, "-", 1);
- (*mangled)++;
- }
- while (isdigit (**mangled))
- {
- string_appendn (tname, *mangled, 1);
- (*mangled)++;
- }
- }
- else if (is_char)
- {
- char tmp[2];
- int val;
- if (**mangled == 'm')
- {
- string_appendn (tname, "-", 1);
- (*mangled)++;
- }
- string_appendn (tname, "'", 1);
- val = consume_count(mangled);
- if (val == 0)
- {
- success = 0;
- break;
- }
- tmp[0] = (char)val;
- tmp[1] = '\0';
- string_appendn (tname, &tmp[0], 1);
- string_appendn (tname, "'", 1);
- }
- else if (is_bool)
- {
- int val = consume_count (mangled);
- if (val == 0)
- string_appendn (tname, "false", 5);
- else if (val == 1)
- string_appendn (tname, "true", 4);
- else
- success = 0;
- }
- else if (is_real)
- {
- if (**mangled == 'm')
- {
- string_appendn (tname, "-", 1);
- (*mangled)++;
- }
- while (isdigit (**mangled))
- {
- string_appendn (tname, *mangled, 1);
- (*mangled)++;
- }
- if (**mangled == '.') /* fraction */
- {
- string_appendn (tname, ".", 1);
- (*mangled)++;
- while (isdigit (**mangled))
- {
- string_appendn (tname, *mangled, 1);
- (*mangled)++;
- }
- }
- if (**mangled == 'e') /* exponent */
- {
- string_appendn (tname, "e", 1);
- (*mangled)++;
- while (isdigit (**mangled))
- {
- string_appendn (tname, *mangled, 1);
- (*mangled)++;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (is_pointer)
- {
- if (!get_count (mangled, &symbol_len))
- {
- success = 0;
- break;
- }
- if (symbol_len == 0)
- string_appendn (tname, "0", 1);
- else
- {
- char *p = xmalloc (symbol_len + 1), *q;
- strncpy (p, *mangled, symbol_len);
- p [symbol_len] = '\0';
- q = cplus_demangle (p, work->options);
- string_appendn (tname, "&", 1);
- if (q)
- {
- string_append (tname, q);
- free (q);
- }
- else
- string_append (tname, p);
- free (p);
- }
- *mangled += symbol_len;
- }
- }
- need_comma = 1;
- }
- if (tname->p[-1] == '>')
- string_append (tname, " ");
- string_append (tname, ">");
- if (work -> static_type)
- {
- string_append (declp, *mangled + 1);
- *mangled += strlen (*mangled);
- success = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- success = demangle_args (work, mangled, declp);
- }
- }
- return (success);
-static int
-arm_pt (work, mangled, n, anchor, args)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- const char *mangled;
- int n;
- const char **anchor, **args;
- /* ARM template? */
- if (ARM_DEMANGLING && (*anchor = mystrstr (mangled, "__pt__")))
- {
- int len;
- *args = *anchor + 6;
- len = consume_count (args);
- if (*args + len == mangled + n && **args == '_')
- {
- ++*args;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static void
-demangle_arm_pt (work, mangled, n, declp)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- const char **mangled;
- int n;
- string *declp;
- const char *p;
- const char *args;
- const char *e = *mangled + n;
- /* ARM template? */
- if (arm_pt (work, *mangled, n, &p, &args))
- {
- string arg;
- string_init (&arg);
- string_appendn (declp, *mangled, p - *mangled);
- string_append (declp, "<");
- /* should do error checking here */
- while (args < e) {
- string_clear (&arg);
- do_type (work, &args, &arg);
- string_appends (declp, &arg);
- string_append (declp, ",");
- }
- string_delete (&arg);
- --declp->p;
- string_append (declp, ">");
- }
- else
- {
- string_appendn (declp, *mangled, n);
- }
- *mangled += n;
-static int
-demangle_class_name (work, mangled, declp)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- const char **mangled;
- string *declp;
- int n;
- int success = 0;
- n = consume_count (mangled);
- if (strlen (*mangled) >= n)
- {
- demangle_arm_pt (work, mangled, n, declp);
- success = 1;
- }
- return (success);
- demangle_class -- demangle a mangled class sequence
- static int
- demangle_class (struct work_stuff *work, const char **mangled,
- strint *declp)
- DECLP points to the buffer into which demangling is being done.
- *MANGLED points to the current token to be demangled. On input,
- it points to a mangled class (I.E. "3foo", "13verylongclass", etc.)
- On exit, it points to the next token after the mangled class on
- success, or the first unconsumed token on failure.
- If the CONSTRUCTOR or DESTRUCTOR flags are set in WORK, then
- we are demangling a constructor or destructor. In this case
- we prepend "class::class" or "class::~class" to DECLP.
- Otherwise, we prepend "class::" to the current DECLP.
- Reset the constructor/destructor flags once they have been
- "consumed". This allows demangle_class to be called later during
- the same demangling, to do normal class demangling.
- Returns 1 if demangling is successful, 0 otherwise.
-static int
-demangle_class (work, mangled, declp)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- const char **mangled;
- string *declp;
- int success = 0;
- string class_name;
- string_init (&class_name);
- if (demangle_class_name (work, mangled, &class_name))
- {
- if ((work->constructor & 1) || (work->destructor & 1))
- {
- string_prepends (declp, &class_name);
- if (work -> destructor & 1)
- {
- string_prepend (declp, "~");
- work -> destructor -= 1;
- }
- else
- {
- work -> constructor -= 1;
- }
- }
- string_prepend (declp, "::");
- string_prepends (declp, &class_name);
- success = 1;
- }
- string_delete (&class_name);
- return (success);
- demangle_prefix -- consume the mangled name prefix and find signature
- static int
- demangle_prefix (struct work_stuff *work, const char **mangled,
- string *declp);
- Consume and demangle the prefix of the mangled name.
- DECLP points to the string buffer into which demangled output is
- placed. On entry, the buffer is empty. On exit it contains
- the root function name, the demangled operator name, or in some
- special cases either nothing or the completely demangled result.
- MANGLED points to the current pointer into the mangled name. As each
- token of the mangled name is consumed, it is updated. Upon entry
- the current mangled name pointer points to the first character of
- the mangled name. Upon exit, it should point to the first character
- of the signature if demangling was successful, or to the first
- unconsumed character if demangling of the prefix was unsuccessful.
- Returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.
- */
-static int
-demangle_prefix (work, mangled, declp)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- const char **mangled;
- string *declp;
- int success = 1;
- const char *scan;
- int i;
- if (strlen(*mangled) >= 11 && strncmp(*mangled, "_GLOBAL_", 8) == 0)
- {
- char *marker = strchr (cplus_markers, (*mangled)[8]);
- if (marker != NULL && *marker == (*mangled)[10])
- {
- if ((*mangled)[9] == 'D')
- {
- /* it's a GNU global destructor to be executed at program exit */
- (*mangled) += 11;
- work->destructor = 2;
- if (gnu_special (work, mangled, declp))
- return success;
- }
- else if ((*mangled)[9] == 'I')
- {
- /* it's a GNU global constructor to be executed at program init */
- (*mangled) += 11;
- work->constructor = 2;
- if (gnu_special (work, mangled, declp))
- return success;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (ARM_DEMANGLING && strncmp(*mangled, "__std__", 7) == 0)
- {
- /* it's a ARM global destructor to be executed at program exit */
- (*mangled) += 7;
- work->destructor = 2;
- }
- else if (ARM_DEMANGLING && strncmp(*mangled, "__sti__", 7) == 0)
- {
- /* it's a ARM global constructor to be executed at program initial */
- (*mangled) += 7;
- work->constructor = 2;
- }
-/* This block of code is a reduction in strength time optimization
- of:
- scan = mystrstr (*mangled, "__"); */
- {
- scan = *mangled;
- do {
- scan = strchr (scan, '_');
- } while (scan != NULL && *++scan != '_');
- if (scan != NULL) --scan;
- }
- if (scan != NULL)
- {
- /* We found a sequence of two or more '_', ensure that we start at
- the last pair in the sequence. */
- i = strspn (scan, "_");
- if (i > 2)
- {
- scan += (i - 2);
- }
- }
- if (scan == NULL)
- {
- success = 0;
- }
- else if (work -> static_type)
- {
- if (!isdigit (scan[0]) && (scan[0] != 't'))
- {
- success = 0;
- }
- }
- else if ((scan == *mangled) &&
- (isdigit (scan[2]) || (scan[2] == 'Q') || (scan[2] == 't')))
- {
- /* The ARM says nothing about the mangling of local variables.
- But cfront mangles local variables by prepending __<nesting_level>
- to them. As an extension to ARM demangling we handle this case. */
- if ((LUCID_DEMANGLING || ARM_DEMANGLING) && isdigit (scan[2]))
- {
- *mangled = scan + 2;
- consume_count (mangled);
- string_append (declp, *mangled);
- *mangled += strlen (*mangled);
- success = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* A GNU style constructor starts with __[0-9Qt]. But cfront uses
- names like __Q2_3foo3bar for nested type names. So don't accept
- this style of constructor for cfront demangling. */
- work -> constructor += 1;
- *mangled = scan + 2;
- }
- }
- else if ((scan == *mangled) && !isdigit (scan[2]) && (scan[2] != 't'))
- {
- /* Mangled name starts with "__". Skip over any leading '_' characters,
- then find the next "__" that separates the prefix from the signature.
- */
- || (arm_special (work, mangled, declp) == 0))
- {
- while (*scan == '_')
- {
- scan++;
- }
- if ((scan = mystrstr (scan, "__")) == NULL || (*(scan + 2) == '\0'))
- {
- /* No separator (I.E. "__not_mangled"), or empty signature
- (I.E. "__not_mangled_either__") */
- success = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- demangle_function_name (work, mangled, declp, scan);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (ARM_DEMANGLING && scan[2] == 'p' && scan[3] == 't')
- {
- /* Cfront-style parameterized type. Handled later as a signature. */
- success = 1;
- /* ARM template? */
- demangle_arm_pt (work, mangled, strlen (*mangled), declp);
- }
- else if (*(scan + 2) != '\0')
- {
- /* Mangled name does not start with "__" but does have one somewhere
- in there with non empty stuff after it. Looks like a global
- function name. */
- demangle_function_name (work, mangled, declp, scan);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Doesn't look like a mangled name */
- success = 0;
- }
- if (!success && (work->constructor == 2 || work->destructor == 2))
- {
- string_append (declp, *mangled);
- *mangled += strlen (*mangled);
- success = 1;
- }
- return (success);
- gnu_special -- special handling of gnu mangled strings
- static int
- gnu_special (struct work_stuff *work, const char **mangled,
- string *declp);
- Process some special GNU style mangling forms that don't fit
- the normal pattern. For example:
- _$_3foo (destructor for class foo)
- _vt$foo (foo virtual table)
- _vt$foo$bar (foo::bar virtual table)
- __vt_foo (foo virtual table, new style with thunks)
- _3foo$varname (static data member)
- _Q22rs2tu$vw (static data member)
- __t6vector1Zii (constructor with template)
- __thunk_4__$_7ostream (virtual function thunk)
- */
-static int
-gnu_special (work, mangled, declp)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- const char **mangled;
- string *declp;
- int n;
- int success = 1;
- const char *p;
- if ((*mangled)[0] == '_'
- && strchr (cplus_markers, (*mangled)[1]) != NULL
- && (*mangled)[2] == '_')
- {
- /* Found a GNU style destructor, get past "_<CPLUS_MARKER>_" */
- (*mangled) += 3;
- work -> destructor += 1;
- }
- else if ((*mangled)[0] == '_'
- && (((*mangled)[1] == '_'
- && (*mangled)[2] == 'v'
- && (*mangled)[3] == 't'
- && (*mangled)[4] == '_')
- || ((*mangled)[1] == 'v'
- && (*mangled)[2] == 't'
- && strchr (cplus_markers, (*mangled)[3]) != NULL)))
- {
- /* Found a GNU style virtual table, get past "_vt<CPLUS_MARKER>"
- and create the decl. Note that we consume the entire mangled
- input string, which means that demangle_signature has no work
- to do. */
- if ((*mangled)[2] == 'v')
- (*mangled) += 5; /* New style, with thunks: "__vt_" */
- else
- (*mangled) += 4; /* Old style, no thunks: "_vt<CPLUS_MARKER>" */
- while (**mangled != '\0')
- {
- p = strpbrk (*mangled, cplus_markers);
- switch (**mangled)
- {
- case 'Q':
- success = demangle_qualified (work, mangled, declp, 0, 1);
- break;
- case 't':
- success = demangle_template (work, mangled, declp, 0);
- break;
- default:
- if (isdigit(*mangled[0]))
- {
- n = consume_count(mangled);
- }
- else
- {
- n = strcspn (*mangled, cplus_markers);
- }
- string_appendn (declp, *mangled, n);
- (*mangled) += n;
- }
- if (success && ((p == NULL) || (p == *mangled)))
- {
- if (p != NULL)
- {
- string_append (declp, "::");
- (*mangled)++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- success = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (success)
- string_append (declp, " virtual table");
- }
- else if ((*mangled)[0] == '_'
- && (strchr("0123456789Qt", (*mangled)[1]) != NULL)
- && (p = strpbrk (*mangled, cplus_markers)) != NULL)
- {
- /* static data member, "_3foo$varname" for example */
- (*mangled)++;
- switch (**mangled)
- {
- case 'Q':
- success = demangle_qualified (work, mangled, declp, 0, 1);
- break;
- case 't':
- success = demangle_template (work, mangled, declp, 0);
- break;
- default:
- n = consume_count (mangled);
- string_appendn (declp, *mangled, n);
- (*mangled) += n;
- }
- if (success && (p == *mangled))
- {
- /* Consumed everything up to the cplus_marker, append the
- variable name. */
- (*mangled)++;
- string_append (declp, "::");
- n = strlen (*mangled);
- string_appendn (declp, *mangled, n);
- (*mangled) += n;
- }
- else
- {
- success = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (strncmp (*mangled, "__thunk_", 8) == 0)
- {
- int delta = ((*mangled) += 8, consume_count (mangled));
- char *method = cplus_demangle (++*mangled, work->options);
- if (method)
- {
- char buf[50];
- sprintf (buf, "virtual function thunk (delta:%d) for ", -delta);
- string_append (declp, buf);
- string_append (declp, method);
- free (method);
- n = strlen (*mangled);
- (*mangled) += n;
- }
- else
- {
- success = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- success = 0;
- }
- return (success);
- arm_special -- special handling of ARM/lucid mangled strings
- static int
- arm_special (struct work_stuff *work, const char **mangled,
- string *declp);
- Process some special ARM style mangling forms that don't fit
- the normal pattern. For example:
- __vtbl__3foo (foo virtual table)
- __vtbl__3foo__3bar (bar::foo virtual table)
- */
-static int
-arm_special (work, mangled, declp)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- const char **mangled;
- string *declp;
- int n;
- int success = 1;
- const char *scan;
- if (strncmp (*mangled, ARM_VTABLE_STRING, ARM_VTABLE_STRLEN) == 0)
- {
- /* Found a ARM style virtual table, get past ARM_VTABLE_STRING
- and create the decl. Note that we consume the entire mangled
- input string, which means that demangle_signature has no work
- to do. */
- scan = *mangled + ARM_VTABLE_STRLEN;
- while (*scan != '\0') /* first check it can be demangled */
- {
- n = consume_count (&scan);
- if (n==0)
- {
- return (0); /* no good */
- }
- scan += n;
- if (scan[0] == '_' && scan[1] == '_')
- {
- scan += 2;
- }
- }
- (*mangled) += ARM_VTABLE_STRLEN;
- while (**mangled != '\0')
- {
- n = consume_count (mangled);
- string_prependn (declp, *mangled, n);
- (*mangled) += n;
- if ((*mangled)[0] == '_' && (*mangled)[1] == '_')
- {
- string_prepend (declp, "::");
- (*mangled) += 2;
- }
- }
- string_append (declp, " virtual table");
- }
- else
- {
- success = 0;
- }
- return (success);
- demangle_qualified -- demangle 'Q' qualified name strings
- static int
- demangle_qualified (struct work_stuff *, const char *mangled,
- string *result, int isfuncname, int append);
- Demangle a qualified name, such as "Q25Outer5Inner" which is
- the mangled form of "Outer::Inner". The demangled output is
- prepended or appended to the result string according to the
- state of the append flag.
- If isfuncname is nonzero, then the qualified name we are building
- is going to be used as a member function name, so if it is a
- constructor or destructor function, append an appropriate
- constructor or destructor name. I.E. for the above example,
- the result for use as a constructor is "Outer::Inner::Inner"
- and the result for use as a destructor is "Outer::Inner::~Inner".
- Numeric conversion is ASCII dependent (FIXME).
- */
-static int
-demangle_qualified (work, mangled, result, isfuncname, append)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- const char **mangled;
- string *result;
- int isfuncname;
- int append;
- int qualifiers;
- int namelength;
- int success = 1;
- const char *p;
- char num[2];
- string temp;
- string_init (&temp);
- switch ((*mangled)[1])
- {
- case '_':
- /* GNU mangled name with more than 9 classes. The count is preceded
- by an underscore (to distinguish it from the <= 9 case) and followed
- by an underscore. */
- p = *mangled + 2;
- qualifiers = atoi (p);
- if (!isdigit (*p) || *p == '0')
- success = 0;
- /* Skip the digits. */
- while (isdigit (*p))
- ++p;
- if (*p != '_')
- success = 0;
- *mangled = p + 1;
- break;
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- /* The count is in a single digit. */
- num[0] = (*mangled)[1];
- num[1] = '\0';
- qualifiers = atoi (num);
- /* If there is an underscore after the digit, skip it. This is
- said to be for ARM-qualified names, but the ARM makes no
- mention of such an underscore. Perhaps cfront uses one. */
- if ((*mangled)[2] == '_')
- {
- (*mangled)++;
- }
- (*mangled) += 2;
- break;
- case '0':
- default:
- success = 0;
- }
- if (!success)
- return success;
- /* Pick off the names and collect them in the temp buffer in the order
- in which they are found, separated by '::'. */
- while (qualifiers-- > 0)
- {
- if (*mangled[0] == '_')
- *mangled = *mangled + 1;
- if (*mangled[0] == 't')
- {
- success = demangle_template(work, mangled, &temp, 0);
- if (!success) break;
- }
- else
- {
- namelength = consume_count (mangled);
- if (strlen (*mangled) < namelength)
- {
- /* Simple sanity check failed */
- success = 0;
- break;
- }
- string_appendn (&temp, *mangled, namelength);
- *mangled += namelength;
- }
- if (qualifiers > 0)
- {
- string_appendn (&temp, "::", 2);
- }
- }
- /* If we are using the result as a function name, we need to append
- the appropriate '::' separated constructor or destructor name.
- We do this here because this is the most convenient place, where
- we already have a pointer to the name and the length of the name. */
- if (isfuncname && (work->constructor & 1 || work->destructor & 1))
- {
- string_appendn (&temp, "::", 2);
- if (work -> destructor & 1)
- {
- string_append (&temp, "~");
- }
- string_appendn (&temp, (*mangled) - namelength, namelength);
- }
- /* Now either prepend the temp buffer to the result, or append it,
- depending upon the state of the append flag. */
- if (append)
- {
- string_appends (result, &temp);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!STRING_EMPTY (result))
- {
- string_appendn (&temp, "::", 2);
- }
- string_prepends (result, &temp);
- }
- string_delete (&temp);
- return (success);
- get_count -- convert an ascii count to integer, consuming tokens
- static int
- get_count (const char **type, int *count)
- Return 0 if no conversion is performed, 1 if a string is converted.
-static int
-get_count (type, count)
- const char **type;
- int *count;
- const char *p;
- int n;
- if (!isdigit (**type))
- {
- return (0);
- }
- else
- {
- *count = **type - '0';
- (*type)++;
- if (isdigit (**type))
- {
- p = *type;
- n = *count;
- do
- {
- n *= 10;
- n += *p - '0';
- p++;
- }
- while (isdigit (*p));
- if (*p == '_')
- {
- *type = p + 1;
- *count = n;
- }
- }
- }
- return (1);
-/* result will be initialised here; it will be freed on failure */
-static int
-do_type (work, mangled, result)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- const char **mangled;
- string *result;
- int n;
- int done;
- int success;
- string decl;
- const char *remembered_type;
- int constp;
- int volatilep;
- string_init (&decl);
- string_init (result);
- done = 0;
- success = 1;
- while (success && !done)
- {
- int member;
- switch (**mangled)
- {
- /* A pointer type */
- case 'P':
- case 'p':
- (*mangled)++;
- string_prepend (&decl, "*");
- break;
- /* A reference type */
- case 'R':
- (*mangled)++;
- string_prepend (&decl, "&");
- break;
- /* An array */
- case 'A':
- {
- const char *p = ++(*mangled);
- string_prepend (&decl, "(");
- string_append (&decl, ")[");
- /* Copy anything up until the next underscore (the size of the
- array). */
- while (**mangled && **mangled != '_')
- ++(*mangled);
- if (**mangled == '_')
- {
- string_appendn (&decl, p, *mangled - p);
- string_append (&decl, "]");
- *mangled += 1;
- }
- else
- success = 0;
- break;
- }
- /* A back reference to a previously seen type */
- case 'T':
- (*mangled)++;
- if (!get_count (mangled, &n) || n >= work -> ntypes)
- {
- success = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- remembered_type = work -> typevec[n];
- mangled = &remembered_type;
- }
- break;
- /* A function */
- case 'F':
- (*mangled)++;
- if (!STRING_EMPTY (&decl) && decl.b[0] == '*')
- {
- string_prepend (&decl, "(");
- string_append (&decl, ")");
- }
- /* After picking off the function args, we expect to either find the
- function return type (preceded by an '_') or the end of the
- string. */
- if (!demangle_args (work, mangled, &decl)
- || (**mangled != '_' && **mangled != '\0'))
- {
- success = 0;
- }
- if (success && (**mangled == '_'))
- {
- (*mangled)++;
- }
- break;
- case 'M':
- case 'O':
- {
- constp = 0;
- volatilep = 0;
- member = **mangled == 'M';
- (*mangled)++;
- if (!isdigit (**mangled))
- {
- success = 0;
- break;
- }
- n = consume_count (mangled);
- if (strlen (*mangled) < n)
- {
- success = 0;
- break;
- }
- string_append (&decl, ")");
- string_prepend (&decl, "::");
- string_prependn (&decl, *mangled, n);
- string_prepend (&decl, "(");
- *mangled += n;
- if (member)
- {
- if (**mangled == 'C')
- {
- (*mangled)++;
- constp = 1;
- }
- if (**mangled == 'V')
- {
- (*mangled)++;
- volatilep = 1;
- }
- if (*(*mangled)++ != 'F')
- {
- success = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ((member && !demangle_args (work, mangled, &decl))
- || **mangled != '_')
- {
- success = 0;
- break;
- }
- (*mangled)++;
- {
- break;
- }
- if (constp)
- {
- APPEND_BLANK (&decl);
- string_append (&decl, "const");
- }
- if (volatilep)
- {
- APPEND_BLANK (&decl);
- string_append (&decl, "volatile");
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'G':
- (*mangled)++;
- break;
- case 'C':
- (*mangled)++;
- if ((*mangled)[1] == 'P')
- {
- {
- if (!STRING_EMPTY (&decl))
- {
- string_prepend (&decl, " ");
- }
- string_prepend (&decl, "const");
- }
- break;
- }
- /* fall through */
- default:
- done = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- switch (**mangled)
- {
- /* A qualified name, such as "Outer::Inner". */
- case 'Q':
- success = demangle_qualified (work, mangled, result, 0, 1);
- break;
- default:
- success = demangle_fund_type (work, mangled, result);
- break;
- }
- if (success)
- {
- if (!STRING_EMPTY (&decl))
- {
- string_append (result, " ");
- string_appends (result, &decl);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- string_delete (result);
- }
- string_delete (&decl);
- return (success);
-/* Given a pointer to a type string that represents a fundamental type
- argument (int, long, unsigned int, etc) in TYPE, a pointer to the
- string in which the demangled output is being built in RESULT, and
- the WORK structure, decode the types and add them to the result.
- For example:
- "Ci" => "const int"
- "Sl" => "signed long"
- "CUs" => "const unsigned short"
- */
-static int
-demangle_fund_type (work, mangled, result)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- const char **mangled;
- string *result;
- int done = 0;
- int success = 1;
- /* First pick off any type qualifiers. There can be more than one. */
- while (!done)
- {
- switch (**mangled)
- {
- case 'C':
- (*mangled)++;
- {
- APPEND_BLANK (result);
- string_append (result, "const");
- }
- break;
- case 'U':
- (*mangled)++;
- APPEND_BLANK (result);
- string_append (result, "unsigned");
- break;
- case 'S': /* signed char only */
- (*mangled)++;
- APPEND_BLANK (result);
- string_append (result, "signed");
- break;
- case 'V':
- (*mangled)++;
- {
- APPEND_BLANK (result);
- string_append (result, "volatile");
- }
- break;
- default:
- done = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Now pick off the fundamental type. There can be only one. */
- switch (**mangled)
- {
- case '\0':
- case '_':
- break;
- case 'v':
- (*mangled)++;
- APPEND_BLANK (result);
- string_append (result, "void");
- break;
- case 'x':
- (*mangled)++;
- APPEND_BLANK (result);
- string_append (result, "long long");
- break;
- case 'l':
- (*mangled)++;
- APPEND_BLANK (result);
- string_append (result, "long");
- break;
- case 'i':
- (*mangled)++;
- APPEND_BLANK (result);
- string_append (result, "int");
- break;
- case 's':
- (*mangled)++;
- APPEND_BLANK (result);
- string_append (result, "short");
- break;
- case 'b':
- (*mangled)++;
- APPEND_BLANK (result);
- string_append (result, "bool");
- break;
- case 'c':
- (*mangled)++;
- APPEND_BLANK (result);
- string_append (result, "char");
- break;
- case 'w':
- (*mangled)++;
- APPEND_BLANK (result);
- string_append (result, "wchar_t");
- break;
- case 'r':
- (*mangled)++;
- APPEND_BLANK (result);
- string_append (result, "long double");
- break;
- case 'd':
- (*mangled)++;
- APPEND_BLANK (result);
- string_append (result, "double");
- break;
- case 'f':
- (*mangled)++;
- APPEND_BLANK (result);
- string_append (result, "float");
- break;
- case 'G':
- (*mangled)++;
- if (!isdigit (**mangled))
- {
- success = 0;
- break;
- }
- /* fall through */
- /* An explicit type, such as "6mytype" or "7integer" */
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- APPEND_BLANK (result);
- if (!demangle_class_name (work, mangled, result)) {
- --result->p;
- success = 0;
- }
- break;
- case 't':
- success = demangle_template(work,mangled, result, 0);
- break;
- default:
- success = 0;
- break;
- }
- return (success);
-/* `result' will be initialized in do_type; it will be freed on failure */
-static int
-do_arg (work, mangled, result)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- const char **mangled;
- string *result;
- const char *start = *mangled;
- if (!do_type (work, mangled, result))
- {
- return (0);
- }
- else
- {
- remember_type (work, start, *mangled - start);
- return (1);
- }
-static void
-remember_type (work, start, len)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- const char *start;
- int len;
- char *tem;
- if (work -> ntypes >= work -> typevec_size)
- {
- if (work -> typevec_size == 0)
- {
- work -> typevec_size = 3;
- work -> typevec =
- (char **) xmalloc (sizeof (char *) * work -> typevec_size);
- }
- else
- {
- work -> typevec_size *= 2;
- work -> typevec =
- (char **) xrealloc ((char *)work -> typevec,
- sizeof (char *) * work -> typevec_size);
- }
- }
- tem = xmalloc (len + 1);
- memcpy (tem, start, len);
- tem[len] = '\0';
- work -> typevec[work -> ntypes++] = tem;
-/* Forget the remembered types, but not the type vector itself. */
-static void
-forget_types (work)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- int i;
- while (work -> ntypes > 0)
- {
- i = --(work -> ntypes);
- if (work -> typevec[i] != NULL)
- {
- free (work -> typevec[i]);
- work -> typevec[i] = NULL;
- }
- }
-/* Process the argument list part of the signature, after any class spec
- has been consumed, as well as the first 'F' character (if any). For
- example:
- "__als__3fooRT0" => process "RT0"
- "complexfunc5__FPFPc_PFl_i" => process "PFPc_PFl_i"
- DECLP must be already initialised, usually non-empty. It won't be freed
- on failure.
- Note that g++ differs significantly from ARM and lucid style mangling
- with regards to references to previously seen types. For example, given
- the source fragment:
- class foo {
- public:
- foo::foo (int, foo &ia, int, foo &ib, int, foo &ic);
- };
- foo::foo (int, foo &ia, int, foo &ib, int, foo &ic) { ia = ib = ic; }
- void foo (int, foo &ia, int, foo &ib, int, foo &ic) { ia = ib = ic; }
- g++ produces the names:
- __3fooiRT0iT2iT2
- foo__FiR3fooiT1iT1
- while lcc (and presumably other ARM style compilers as well) produces:
- foo__FiR3fooT1T2T1T2
- __ct__3fooFiR3fooT1T2T1T2
- Note that g++ bases it's type numbers starting at zero and counts all
- previously seen types, while lucid/ARM bases it's type numbers starting
- at one and only considers types after it has seen the 'F' character
- indicating the start of the function args. For lucid/ARM style, we
- account for this difference by discarding any previously seen types when
- we see the 'F' character, and subtracting one from the type number
- reference.
- */
-static int
-demangle_args (work, mangled, declp)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- const char **mangled;
- string *declp;
- string arg;
- int need_comma = 0;
- int r;
- int t;
- const char *tem;
- char temptype;
- {
- string_append (declp, "(");
- if (**mangled == '\0')
- {
- string_append (declp, "void");
- }
- }
- while (**mangled != '_' && **mangled != '\0' && **mangled != 'e')
- {
- if ((**mangled == 'N') || (**mangled == 'T'))
- {
- temptype = *(*mangled)++;
- if (temptype == 'N')
- {
- if (!get_count (mangled, &r))
- {
- return (0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- r = 1;
- }
- if (ARM_DEMANGLING && work -> ntypes >= 10)
- {
- /* If we have 10 or more types we might have more than a 1 digit
- index so we'll have to consume the whole count here. This
- will lose if the next thing is a type name preceded by a
- count but it's impossible to demangle that case properly
- anyway. Eg if we already have 12 types is T12Pc "(..., type1,
- Pc, ...)" or "(..., type12, char *, ...)" */
- if ((t = consume_count(mangled)) == 0)
- {
- return (0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!get_count (mangled, &t))
- {
- return (0);
- }
- }
- {
- t--;
- }
- /* Validate the type index. Protect against illegal indices from
- malformed type strings. */
- if ((t < 0) || (t >= work -> ntypes))
- {
- return (0);
- }
- while (--r >= 0)
- {
- tem = work -> typevec[t];
- if (need_comma && PRINT_ARG_TYPES)
- {
- string_append (declp, ", ");
- }
- if (!do_arg (work, &tem, &arg))
- {
- return (0);
- }
- {
- string_appends (declp, &arg);
- }
- string_delete (&arg);
- need_comma = 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (need_comma & PRINT_ARG_TYPES)
- {
- string_append (declp, ", ");
- }
- if (!do_arg (work, mangled, &arg))
- {
- return (0);
- }
- {
- string_appends (declp, &arg);
- }
- string_delete (&arg);
- need_comma = 1;
- }
- }
- if (**mangled == 'e')
- {
- (*mangled)++;
- {
- if (need_comma)
- {
- string_append (declp, ",");
- }
- string_append (declp, "...");
- }
- }
- {
- string_append (declp, ")");
- }
- return (1);
-static void
-demangle_function_name (work, mangled, declp, scan)
- struct work_stuff *work;
- const char **mangled;
- string *declp;
- const char *scan;
- int i;
- int len;
- string type;
- const char *tem;
- string_appendn (declp, (*mangled), scan - (*mangled));
- string_need (declp, 1);
- *(declp -> p) = '\0';
- /* Consume the function name, including the "__" separating the name
- from the signature. We are guaranteed that SCAN points to the
- separator. */
- (*mangled) = scan + 2;
- {
- /* See if we have an ARM style constructor or destructor operator.
- If so, then just record it, clear the decl, and return.
- We can't build the actual constructor/destructor decl until later,
- when we recover the class name from the signature. */
- if (strcmp (declp -> b, "__ct") == 0)
- {
- work -> constructor += 1;
- string_clear (declp);
- return;
- }
- else if (strcmp (declp -> b, "__dt") == 0)
- {
- work -> destructor += 1;
- string_clear (declp);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (declp->p - declp->b >= 3
- && declp->b[0] == 'o'
- && declp->b[1] == 'p'
- && strchr (cplus_markers, declp->b[2]) != NULL)
- {
- /* see if it's an assignment expression */
- if (declp->p - declp->b >= 10 /* op$assign_ */
- && memcmp (declp->b + 3, "assign_", 7) == 0)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (optable) / sizeof (optable[0]); i++)
- {
- len = declp->p - declp->b - 10;
- if (strlen (optable[i].in) == len
- && memcmp (optable[i].in, declp->b + 10, len) == 0)
- {
- string_clear (declp);
- string_append (declp, "operator");
- string_append (declp, optable[i].out);
- string_append (declp, "=");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (optable) / sizeof (optable[0]); i++)
- {
- int len = declp->p - declp->b - 3;
- if (strlen (optable[i].in) == len
- && memcmp (optable[i].in, declp->b + 3, len) == 0)
- {
- string_clear (declp);
- string_append (declp, "operator");
- string_append (declp, optable[i].out);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (declp->p - declp->b >= 5 && memcmp (declp->b, "type", 4) == 0
- && strchr (cplus_markers, declp->b[4]) != NULL)
- {
- /* type conversion operator */
- tem = declp->b + 5;
- if (do_type (work, &tem, &type))
- {
- string_clear (declp);
- string_append (declp, "operator ");
- string_appends (declp, &type);
- string_delete (&type);
- }
- }
- else if (declp->b[0] == '_' && declp->b[1] == '_'
- && declp->b[2] == 'o' && declp->b[3] == 'p')
- {
- /* ANSI. */
- /* type conversion operator. */
- tem = declp->b + 4;
- if (do_type (work, &tem, &type))
- {
- string_clear (declp);
- string_append (declp, "operator ");
- string_appends (declp, &type);
- string_delete (&type);
- }
- }
- else if (declp->b[0] == '_' && declp->b[1] == '_'
- && declp->b[2] >= 'a' && declp->b[2] <= 'z'
- && declp->b[3] >= 'a' && declp->b[3] <= 'z')
- {
- if (declp->b[4] == '\0')
- {
- /* Operator. */
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (optable) / sizeof (optable[0]); i++)
- {
- if (strlen (optable[i].in) == 2
- && memcmp (optable[i].in, declp->b + 2, 2) == 0)
- {
- string_clear (declp);
- string_append (declp, "operator");
- string_append (declp, optable[i].out);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (declp->b[2] == 'a' && declp->b[5] == '\0')
- {
- /* Assignment. */
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof (optable) / sizeof (optable[0]); i++)
- {
- if (strlen (optable[i].in) == 3
- && memcmp (optable[i].in, declp->b + 2, 3) == 0)
- {
- string_clear (declp);
- string_append (declp, "operator");
- string_append (declp, optable[i].out);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-/* a mini string-handling package */
-static void
-string_need (s, n)
- string *s;
- int n;
- int tem;
- if (s->b == NULL)
- {
- if (n < 32)
- {
- n = 32;
- }
- s->p = s->b = xmalloc (n);
- s->e = s->b + n;
- }
- else if (s->e - s->p < n)
- {
- tem = s->p - s->b;
- n += tem;
- n *= 2;
- s->b = xrealloc (s->b, n);
- s->p = s->b + tem;
- s->e = s->b + n;
- }
-static void
-string_delete (s)
- string *s;
- if (s->b != NULL)
- {
- free (s->b);
- s->b = s->e = s->p = NULL;
- }
-static void
-string_init (s)
- string *s;
- s->b = s->p = s->e = NULL;
-static void
-string_clear (s)
- string *s;
- s->p = s->b;
-#if 0
-static int
-string_empty (s)
- string *s;
- return (s->b == s->p);
-static void
-string_append (p, s)
- string *p;
- const char *s;
- int n;
- if (s == NULL || *s == '\0')
- return;
- n = strlen (s);
- string_need (p, n);
- memcpy (p->p, s, n);
- p->p += n;
-static void
-string_appends (p, s)
- string *p, *s;
- int n;
- if (s->b != s->p)
- {
- n = s->p - s->b;
- string_need (p, n);
- memcpy (p->p, s->b, n);
- p->p += n;
- }
-static void
-string_appendn (p, s, n)
- string *p;
- const char *s;
- int n;
- if (n != 0)
- {
- string_need (p, n);
- memcpy (p->p, s, n);
- p->p += n;
- }
-static void
-string_prepend (p, s)
- string *p;
- const char *s;
- if (s != NULL && *s != '\0')
- {
- string_prependn (p, s, strlen (s));
- }
-static void
-string_prepends (p, s)
- string *p, *s;
- if (s->b != s->p)
- {
- string_prependn (p, s->b, s->p - s->b);
- }
-static void
-string_prependn (p, s, n)
- string *p;
- const char *s;
- int n;
- char *q;
- if (n != 0)
- {
- string_need (p, n);
- for (q = p->p - 1; q >= p->b; q--)
- {
- q[n] = q[0];
- }
- memcpy (p->b, s, n);
- p->p += n;
- }
-/* To generate a standalone demangler program for testing purposes,
- just compile and link this file with -DMAIN and libiberty.a. When
- run, it demangles each command line arg, or each stdin string, and
- prints the result on stdout. */
-#ifdef MAIN
-static void
-demangle_it (mangled_name)
- char *mangled_name;
- char *result;
- result = cplus_demangle (mangled_name, DMGL_PARAMS | DMGL_ANSI);
- if (result == NULL)
- {
- printf ("%s\n", mangled_name);
- }
- else
- {
- printf ("%s\n", result);
- free (result);
- }
-#include "getopt.h"
-static char *program_name;
-static char *program_version = VERSION;
-static void
-usage (stream, status)
- FILE *stream;
- int status;
- fprintf (stream, "\
-Usage: %s [-_] [-n] [-s {gnu,lucid,arm}] [--strip-underscores]\n\
- [--no-strip-underscores] [--format={gnu,lucid,arm}]\n\
- [--help] [--version] [arg...]\n",
- program_name);
- exit (status);
-#define MBUF_SIZE 512
-char mbuffer[MBUF_SIZE];
-/* Defined in the automatically-generated underscore.c. */
-extern int prepends_underscore;
-int strip_underscore = 0;
-static struct option long_options[] = {
- {"strip-underscores", no_argument, 0, '_'},
- {"format", required_argument, 0, 's'},
- {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
- {"no-strip-underscores", no_argument, 0, 'n'},
- {"version", no_argument, 0, 'v'},
- {0, no_argument, 0, 0}
-main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- char *result;
- int c;
- program_name = argv[0];
- strip_underscore = prepends_underscore;
- while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "_ns:", long_options, (int *) 0)) != EOF)
- {
- switch (c)
- {
- case '?':
- usage (stderr, 1);
- break;
- case 'h':
- usage (stdout, 0);
- case 'n':
- strip_underscore = 0;
- break;
- case 'v':
- printf ("GNU %s version %s\n", program_name, program_version);
- exit (0);
- case '_':
- strip_underscore = 1;
- break;
- case 's':
- if (strcmp (optarg, "gnu") == 0)
- {
- current_demangling_style = gnu_demangling;
- }
- else if (strcmp (optarg, "lucid") == 0)
- {
- current_demangling_style = lucid_demangling;
- }
- else if (strcmp (optarg, "arm") == 0)
- {
- current_demangling_style = arm_demangling;
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: unknown demangling style `%s'\n",
- program_name, optarg);
- exit (1);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (optind < argc)
- {
- for ( ; optind < argc; optind++)
- {
- demangle_it (argv[optind]);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (;;)
- {
- int i = 0;
- c = getchar ();
- /* Try to read a label. */
- while (c != EOF && (isalnum(c) || c == '_' || c == '$' || c == '.'))
- {
- if (i >= MBUF_SIZE-1)
- break;
- mbuffer[i++] = c;
- c = getchar ();
- }
- if (i > 0)
- {
- int skip_first = 0;
- if (mbuffer[0] == '.')
- ++skip_first;
- if (strip_underscore && mbuffer[skip_first] == '_')
- ++skip_first;
- if (skip_first > i)
- skip_first = i;
- mbuffer[i] = 0;
- result = cplus_demangle (mbuffer + skip_first,
- if (result)
- {
- if (mbuffer[0] == '.')
- putc ('.', stdout);
- fputs (result, stdout);
- free (result);
- }
- else
- fputs (mbuffer, stdout);
- fflush (stdout);
- }
- if (c == EOF)
- break;
- putchar (c);
- }
- }
- exit (0);
-static void
-fatal (str)
- char *str;
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s\n", program_name, str);
- exit (1);
-char * malloc ();
-char * realloc ();
-char *
-xmalloc (size)
- unsigned size;
- register char *value = (char *) malloc (size);
- if (value == 0)
- fatal ("virtual memory exhausted");
- return value;
-char *
-xrealloc (ptr, size)
- char *ptr;
- unsigned size;
- register char *value = (char *) realloc (ptr, size);
- if (value == 0)
- fatal ("virtual memory exhausted");
- return value;
-#endif /* main */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/dummy.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/dummy.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 08da647e30eb..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/dummy.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stddef.h>
-#define clock_t unsigned long
-#define void int
-#define size_t unsigned long
-#define clock_t unsigned long
-#define DEFVAR(NAME,DECL,USE) extern DECL;
-#define NOTHING /*nothing*/
-#include "alloca-conf.h"
-#include "functions.def"
-/* Always use our: getopt.o getopt1.o obstack.o spaces.o */
-main (argc, argv)
- int argc; char **argv;
-/* Create a dummy function call for each DEF-defined function. */
-#undef DEF
-#undef DEFVAR
-#undef DEFFUNC
-#undef AND
-#define AND = 0;
-/* ARGS expands into a set of declaration. NAME ARG_LIST expands
- info a function call that uses those variables as actual parameters.
- If the function has been DEF'ed correctly, we can pass the right
- number and types of parameters, which is nice. (E.g. gcc may
- otherwise complain about the wrong number of parameters to certain
- builtins.) */
-#define DEFVAR(NAME, DECL, USE) { USE; }
-#include "functions.def"
- return (0);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/fdmatch.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/fdmatch.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7af039f5a2b8..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/fdmatch.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-/* Compare two open file descriptors to see if they refer to the same file.
- Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of the libiberty library.
-Libiberty is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-Libiberty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with libiberty; see the file COPYING.LIB. If
-not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- fdmatch -- see if two file descriptors refer to same file
- int fdmatch (int fd1, int fd2)
- Check to see if two open file descriptors refer to the same file.
- This is useful, for example, when we have an open file descriptor
- for an unnamed file, and the name of a file that we believe to
- correspond to that fd. This can happen when we are exec'd with
- an already open file (stdout for example) or from the SVR4 /proc
- calls that return open file descriptors for mapped address spaces.
- All we have to do is open the file by name and check the two file
- descriptors for a match, which is done by comparing major&minor
- device numbers and inode numbers.
- (FIXME: does this work for networks?)
- It works for NFS, which assigns a device number to each mount.
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "libiberty.h"
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-int fdmatch (fd1, fd2)
- int fd1;
- int fd2;
- struct stat sbuf1;
- struct stat sbuf2;
- if ((fstat (fd1, &sbuf1) == 0) &&
- (fstat (fd2, &sbuf2) == 0) &&
- (sbuf1.st_dev == sbuf2.st_dev) &&
- (sbuf1.st_ino == sbuf2.st_ino))
- {
- return (1);
- }
- else
- {
- return (0);
- }
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/floatformat.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/floatformat.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 655f4ea9264b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/floatformat.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
-/* IEEE floating point support routines, for GDB, the GNU Debugger.
- Copyright (C) 1991, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "floatformat.h"
-#include <math.h> /* ldexp */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stddef.h>
-extern void *memcpy (void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n);
-extern void *memset (void *s, int c, size_t n);
-extern char *memcpy ();
-extern char *memset ();
-/* The odds that CHAR_BIT will be anything but 8 are low enough that I'm not
- going to bother with trying to muck around with whether it is defined in
- a system header, what we do if not, etc. */
-/* floatformats for IEEE single and double, big and little endian. */
-const struct floatformat floatformat_ieee_single_big =
- floatformat_big, 32, 0, 1, 8, 127, 255, 9, 23, floatformat_intbit_no
-const struct floatformat floatformat_ieee_single_little =
- floatformat_little, 32, 0, 1, 8, 127, 255, 9, 23, floatformat_intbit_no
-const struct floatformat floatformat_ieee_double_big =
- floatformat_big, 64, 0, 1, 11, 1023, 2047, 12, 52, floatformat_intbit_no
-const struct floatformat floatformat_ieee_double_little =
- floatformat_little, 64, 0, 1, 11, 1023, 2047, 12, 52, floatformat_intbit_no
-const struct floatformat floatformat_i387_ext =
- floatformat_little, 80, 0, 1, 15, 0x3fff, 0x7fff, 16, 64,
- floatformat_intbit_yes
-const struct floatformat floatformat_m68881_ext =
- /* Note that the bits from 16 to 31 are unused. */
- floatformat_big, 96, 0, 1, 15, 0x3fff, 0x7fff, 32, 64, floatformat_intbit_yes
-const struct floatformat floatformat_i960_ext =
- /* Note that the bits from 0 to 15 are unused. */
- floatformat_little, 96, 16, 17, 15, 0x3fff, 0x7fff, 32, 64,
- floatformat_intbit_yes
-const struct floatformat floatformat_m88110_ext =
- /* Harris uses raw format 128 bytes long, but the number is just an ieee
- double, and the last 64 bits are wasted. */
- floatformat_big,128, 0, 1, 11, 0x3ff, 0x7ff, 12, 52,
- floatformat_intbit_no
- floatformat_big, 80, 0, 1, 15, 0x3fff, 0x7fff, 16, 64,
- floatformat_intbit_yes
-const struct floatformat floatformat_arm_ext =
- /* Bits 1 to 16 are unused. */
- floatformat_big, 96, 0, 17, 15, 0x3fff, 0x7fff, 32, 64,
- floatformat_intbit_yes
-static unsigned long get_field PARAMS ((unsigned char *,
- enum floatformat_byteorders,
- unsigned int,
- unsigned int,
- unsigned int));
-/* Extract a field which starts at START and is LEN bytes long. DATA and
- TOTAL_LEN are the thing we are extracting it from, in byteorder ORDER. */
-static unsigned long
-get_field (data, order, total_len, start, len)
- unsigned char *data;
- enum floatformat_byteorders order;
- unsigned int total_len;
- unsigned int start;
- unsigned int len;
- unsigned long result;
- unsigned int cur_byte;
- int cur_bitshift;
- /* Start at the least significant part of the field. */
- cur_byte = (start + len) / FLOATFORMAT_CHAR_BIT;
- if (order == floatformat_little)
- cur_byte = (total_len / FLOATFORMAT_CHAR_BIT) - cur_byte - 1;
- cur_bitshift =
- result = *(data + cur_byte) >> (-cur_bitshift);
- cur_bitshift += FLOATFORMAT_CHAR_BIT;
- if (order == floatformat_little)
- ++cur_byte;
- else
- --cur_byte;
- /* Move towards the most significant part of the field. */
- while (cur_bitshift < len)
- {
- if (len - cur_bitshift < FLOATFORMAT_CHAR_BIT)
- /* This is the last byte; zero out the bits which are not part of
- this field. */
- result |=
- (*(data + cur_byte) & ((1 << (len - cur_bitshift)) - 1))
- << cur_bitshift;
- else
- result |= *(data + cur_byte) << cur_bitshift;
- cur_bitshift += FLOATFORMAT_CHAR_BIT;
- if (order == floatformat_little)
- ++cur_byte;
- else
- --cur_byte;
- }
- return result;
-/* Convert from FMT to a double.
- FROM is the address of the extended float.
- Store the double in *TO. */
-floatformat_to_double (fmt, from, to)
- const struct floatformat *fmt;
- char *from;
- double *to;
- unsigned char *ufrom = (unsigned char *)from;
- double dto;
- long exponent;
- unsigned long mant;
- unsigned int mant_bits, mant_off;
- int mant_bits_left;
- exponent = get_field (ufrom, fmt->byteorder, fmt->totalsize,
- fmt->exp_start, fmt->exp_len);
- /* Note that if exponent indicates a NaN, we can't really do anything useful
- (not knowing if the host has NaN's, or how to build one). So it will
- end up as an infinity or something close; that is OK. */
- mant_bits_left = fmt->man_len;
- mant_off = fmt->man_start;
- dto = 0.0;
- exponent -= fmt->exp_bias;
- /* Build the result algebraically. Might go infinite, underflow, etc;
- who cares. */
- while (mant_bits_left > 0)
- {
- int exp_bits;
- exp_bits = mant_bits_left < 32 ? mant_bits_left : 32;
- if (mant_bits_left == fmt->man_len
- && exp_bits == 32
- && fmt->intbit == floatformat_intbit_no)
- {
- /* If there is no integer bit, we need to get only 31 bits
- so we have room for an integer bit that we create. */
- mant_bits = 31;
- }
- else
- mant_bits = exp_bits;
- mant = get_field (ufrom, fmt->byteorder, fmt->totalsize,
- mant_off, mant_bits);
- if (mant_bits_left == fmt->man_len)
- mant |= 0x80000000;
- dto += ldexp ((double)mant, exponent - (exp_bits - 1));
- exponent -= exp_bits;
- mant_off += mant_bits;
- mant_bits_left -= mant_bits;
- }
- /* Negate it if negative. */
- if (get_field (ufrom, fmt->byteorder, fmt->totalsize, fmt->sign_start, 1))
- dto = -dto;
- memcpy (to, &dto, sizeof (dto));
-static void put_field PARAMS ((unsigned char *, enum floatformat_byteorders,
- unsigned int,
- unsigned int,
- unsigned int,
- unsigned long));
-/* Set a field which starts at START and is LEN bytes long. DATA and
- TOTAL_LEN are the thing we are extracting it from, in byteorder ORDER. */
-static void
-put_field (data, order, total_len, start, len, stuff_to_put)
- unsigned char *data;
- enum floatformat_byteorders order;
- unsigned int total_len;
- unsigned int start;
- unsigned int len;
- unsigned long stuff_to_put;
- unsigned int cur_byte;
- int cur_bitshift;
- /* Start at the least significant part of the field. */
- cur_byte = (start + len) / FLOATFORMAT_CHAR_BIT;
- if (order == floatformat_little)
- cur_byte = (total_len / FLOATFORMAT_CHAR_BIT) - cur_byte - 1;
- cur_bitshift =
- *(data + cur_byte) &=
- ~(((1 << ((start + len) % FLOATFORMAT_CHAR_BIT)) - 1) << (-cur_bitshift));
- *(data + cur_byte) |=
- (stuff_to_put & ((1 << FLOATFORMAT_CHAR_BIT) - 1)) << (-cur_bitshift);
- cur_bitshift += FLOATFORMAT_CHAR_BIT;
- if (order == floatformat_little)
- ++cur_byte;
- else
- --cur_byte;
- /* Move towards the most significant part of the field. */
- while (cur_bitshift < len)
- {
- if (len - cur_bitshift < FLOATFORMAT_CHAR_BIT)
- {
- /* This is the last byte. */
- *(data + cur_byte) &=
- ~((1 << (len - cur_bitshift)) - 1);
- *(data + cur_byte) |= (stuff_to_put >> cur_bitshift);
- }
- else
- *(data + cur_byte) = ((stuff_to_put >> cur_bitshift)
- & ((1 << FLOATFORMAT_CHAR_BIT) - 1));
- cur_bitshift += FLOATFORMAT_CHAR_BIT;
- if (order == floatformat_little)
- ++cur_byte;
- else
- --cur_byte;
- }
-/* The converse: convert the double *FROM to an extended float
- and store where TO points. Neither FROM nor TO have any alignment
- restrictions. */
-floatformat_from_double (fmt, from, to)
- CONST struct floatformat *fmt;
- double *from;
- char *to;
- double dfrom;
- int exponent;
- double mant;
- unsigned int mant_bits, mant_off;
- int mant_bits_left;
- unsigned char *uto = (unsigned char *)to;
- memcpy (&dfrom, from, sizeof (dfrom));
- memset (uto, 0, fmt->totalsize / FLOATFORMAT_CHAR_BIT);
- if (dfrom == 0)
- return; /* Result is zero */
- if (dfrom != dfrom)
- {
- /* From is NaN */
- put_field (uto, fmt->byteorder, fmt->totalsize, fmt->exp_start,
- fmt->exp_len, fmt->exp_nan);
- /* Be sure it's not infinity, but NaN value is irrel */
- put_field (uto, fmt->byteorder, fmt->totalsize, fmt->man_start,
- 32, 1);
- return;
- }
- /* If negative, set the sign bit. */
- if (dfrom < 0)
- {
- put_field (uto, fmt->byteorder, fmt->totalsize, fmt->sign_start, 1, 1);
- dfrom = -dfrom;
- }
- /* How to tell an infinity from an ordinary number? FIXME-someday */
- mant = frexp (dfrom, &exponent);
- put_field (uto, fmt->byteorder, fmt->totalsize, fmt->exp_start, fmt->exp_len,
- exponent + fmt->exp_bias - 1);
- mant_bits_left = fmt->man_len;
- mant_off = fmt->man_start;
- while (mant_bits_left > 0)
- {
- unsigned long mant_long;
- mant_bits = mant_bits_left < 32 ? mant_bits_left : 32;
- mant *= 4294967296.0;
- mant_long = (unsigned long)mant;
- mant -= mant_long;
- /* If the integer bit is implicit, then we need to discard it.
- If we are discarding a zero, we should be (but are not) creating
- a denormalized number which means adjusting the exponent
- (I think). */
- if (mant_bits_left == fmt->man_len
- && fmt->intbit == floatformat_intbit_no)
- {
- mant_long &= 0x7fffffff;
- mant_bits -= 1;
- }
- else if (mant_bits < 32)
- {
- /* The bits we want are in the most significant MANT_BITS bits of
- mant_long. Move them to the least significant. */
- mant_long >>= 32 - mant_bits;
- }
- put_field (uto, fmt->byteorder, fmt->totalsize,
- mant_off, mant_bits, mant_long);
- mant_off += mant_bits;
- mant_bits_left -= mant_bits;
- }
-#ifdef IEEE_DEBUG
-/* This is to be run on a host which uses IEEE floating point. */
-ieee_test (n)
- double n;
- double result;
- char exten[16];
- floatformat_to_double (&floatformat_ieee_double_big, &n, &result);
- if (n != result)
- printf ("Differ(to): %.20g -> %.20g\n", n, result);
- floatformat_from_double (&floatformat_ieee_double_big, &n, &result);
- if (n != result)
- printf ("Differ(from): %.20g -> %.20g\n", n, result);
- floatformat_from_double (&floatformat_m68881_ext, &n, exten);
- floatformat_to_double (&floatformat_m68881_ext, exten, &result);
- if (n != result)
- printf ("Differ(to+from): %.20g -> %.20g\n", n, result);
-#if IEEE_DEBUG > 1
- /* This is to be run on a host which uses 68881 format. */
- {
- long double ex = *(long double *)exten;
- if (ex != n)
- printf ("Differ(from vs. extended): %.20g\n", n);
- }
-main ()
- ieee_test (0.5);
- ieee_test (256.0);
- ieee_test (0.12345);
- ieee_test (234235.78907234);
- ieee_test (-512.0);
- ieee_test (-0.004321);
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/functions.def b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/functions.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 8becc89fc64b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/functions.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- * List of function definitions that may *optionally* be included
- * in libiberty.a. The function names must match the filenames,
- * e.g. bzero() is defined in bzero.c. (While each file can contain
- * extra functions, do not list them.)
- *
- * In the default libiberty configuration, these object files
- * (e.g bzero.o) are included if and only if cc fails to find
- * the corresponding function in libc.
- */
-DEF(atexit, int, (f), void (*f)())
-DEF(bcmp, int, (s1, s2, length), char *s1 AND char *s2 AND int length )
-DEF(bcopy, void, (s1, s2, length), char *s1 AND char *s2 AND int length )
-DEF(bzero, void, (s, length), char *s AND int length)
-DEF(clock, clock_t, (), NOTHING)
-DEF(getopt, int, (argc, argv, optstring),
- int argc AND char **argv AND CONST char *optstring)
-DEF(getpagesize, int , (), NOTHING)
-DEF(getcwd, char*, (buf, len), char *buf AND int len)
-DEF(index, char*, (s, c), char *s AND int c)
-DEF(insque, void, (), NOTHING)
-DEF(memchr, PTR, (s, c, length), CONST PTR s AND int c AND size_t length)
-DEF(memcmp, int, (s1, s2, length),
- CONST PTR s1 AND CONST PTR s2 AND size_t length)
-DEF(memcpy, PTR, (s1, s2, length), PTR s1 AND CONST PTR s2 AND size_t length)
-DEF(memmove, PTR, (s1, s2, length), PTR s1 AND CONST PTR s2 AND size_t length)
-DEF(memset, PTR, (s, val, length), PTR s AND int val AND size_t length )
-DEF(random, long int, (), NOTHING)
-DEF(rename, int, (f, t), char *f AND char *t)
-DEF(rindex, char*, (s, c), char *s AND int c)
-DEF(strcasecmp, int, (s1, s2), char *s1 AND char *s2)
-DEF(strncasecmp, int, (s1, s2, n), char *s1 AND char *s2 AND int n)
-DEF(strchr, char*, (s, c), CONST char *s AND int c)
-DEF(strdup, char*, (s1), char * s1)
-DEF(strrchr, char*, (s, c), CONST char *s AND int c)
-DEF(strstr, char*, (), NOTHING)
-DEF(strtod, double, (), NOTHING)
-DEF(strtol, long, (), NOTHING)
-DEF(strtoul, unsigned long, (), NOTHING)
-DEF(tmpnam, char *, (s), char * s)
-DEF(vfork, int, (), NOTHING)
-DEF(vfprintf, int, (), NOTHING)
-DEF(vprintf, int, (), NOTHING)
-DEF(vsprintf, int, (), NOTHING)
-DEF(sigsetmask, int, (), NOTHING)
-DEF(alloca, PTR, (size), size_t size)
-DEF(waitpid, int, (pid, statp, opts), int pid AND int* statp AND int opts )
-/* List of global variables that we want to look for in the host
- environment, and to generate an entry NEED_<variable> in config.h
- if they are not found. The first arg is the variable name, the
- second arg is how to declare the variable, and the third is how to
- use it. */
-DEFVAR(sys_nerr, int sys_nerr, sys_nerr = 0)
-DEFVAR(sys_errlist, char *sys_errlist[], sys_errlist[0] = 0)
-DEFVAR(sys_siglist, char *sys_siglist[], sys_siglist[0] = 0)
-/* List of global functions that we want to look for in the host
- environment, and to generate an entry NEED_<funcname> in config.h
- if they are not found. */
-DEFFUNC(strerror, char*, (), NOTHING)
-DEFFUNC(psignal, void, (signo, message), unsigned signo AND char *message)
-DEFFUNC(basename, char *, (name), CONST char *name)
-DEFFUNC(on_exit, void, (f, arg), void (*f)() AND char *arg)
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/getcwd.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/getcwd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 60c1dd84eed9..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/getcwd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* Emulate getcwd using getwd.
- This function is in the public domain. */
- getcwd -- get absolute pathname for current working directory
- char *getcwd (char pathname[len], len)
- Copy the absolute pathname for the current working directory into
- the supplied buffer and return a pointer to the buffer. If the
- current directory's path doesn't fit in LEN characters, the result
- is NULL and errno is set.
- Emulated via the getwd() call, which is reasonable for most
- systems that do not have getcwd().
-#ifndef NO_SYS_PARAM_H
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-extern char *getwd ();
-extern int errno;
-#define MAXPATHLEN 1024
-char *
-getcwd (buf, len)
- char *buf;
- int len;
- char ourbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
- char *result;
- result = getwd (ourbuf);
- if (result) {
- if (strlen (ourbuf) >= len) {
- errno = ERANGE;
- return 0;
- }
- strcpy (buf, ourbuf);
- }
- return buf;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/getopt.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/getopt.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 458dca22b448..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/getopt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,757 +0,0 @@
-/* Getopt for GNU.
- NOTE: getopt is now part of the C library, so if you don't know what
- "Keep this file name-space clean" means, talk to
- before changing it!
- Copyright (C) 1987, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95
- Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of the libiberty library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* This tells Alpha OSF/1 not to define a getopt prototype in <stdio.h>.
- Ditto for AIX 3.2 and <stdlib.h>. */
-#ifndef _NO_PROTO
-#define _NO_PROTO
-#if defined (emacs) || defined (CONFIG_BROKETS)
-/* We use <config.h> instead of "config.h" so that a compilation
- using -I. -I$srcdir will use ./config.h rather than $srcdir/config.h
- (which it would do because it found this file in $srcdir). */
-#include <config.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#ifndef __STDC__
-/* This is a separate conditional since some stdc systems
- reject `defined (const)'. */
-#ifndef const
-#define const
-#include <stdio.h>
-/* Comment out all this code if we are using the GNU C Library, and are not
- actually compiling the library itself. This code is part of the GNU C
- Library, but also included in many other GNU distributions. Compiling
- and linking in this code is a waste when using the GNU C library
- (especially if it is a shared library). Rather than having every GNU
- program understand `configure --with-gnu-libc' and omit the object files,
- it is simpler to just do this in the source for each such file. */
-/* Many versions of the Linux C library include older, broken versions
- of these routines, which will break the linker's command-line
- parsing. */
-#if defined (_LIBC) || !defined (__GNU_LIBRARY__) || defined (__linux__)
-/* This needs to come after some library #include
- to get __GNU_LIBRARY__ defined. */
-#ifdef __GNU_LIBRARY__
-/* Don't include stdlib.h for non-GNU C libraries because some of them
- contain conflicting prototypes for getopt. */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#endif /* GNU C library. */
-/* This version of `getopt' appears to the caller like standard Unix `getopt'
- but it behaves differently for the user, since it allows the user
- to intersperse the options with the other arguments.
- As `getopt' works, it permutes the elements of ARGV so that,
- when it is done, all the options precede everything else. Thus
- all application programs are extended to handle flexible argument order.
- Setting the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT disables permutation.
- Then the behavior is completely standard.
- GNU application programs can use a third alternative mode in which
- they can distinguish the relative order of options and other arguments. */
-#include "getopt.h"
-/* For communication from `getopt' to the caller.
- When `getopt' finds an option that takes an argument,
- the argument value is returned here.
- Also, when `ordering' is RETURN_IN_ORDER,
- each non-option ARGV-element is returned here. */
-char *optarg = NULL;
-/* Index in ARGV of the next element to be scanned.
- This is used for communication to and from the caller
- and for communication between successive calls to `getopt'.
- On entry to `getopt', zero means this is the first call; initialize.
- When `getopt' returns EOF, this is the index of the first of the
- non-option elements that the caller should itself scan.
- Otherwise, `optind' communicates from one call to the next
- how much of ARGV has been scanned so far. */
-/* XXX 1003.2 says this must be 1 before any call. */
-int optind = 0;
-/* The next char to be scanned in the option-element
- in which the last option character we returned was found.
- This allows us to pick up the scan where we left off.
- If this is zero, or a null string, it means resume the scan
- by advancing to the next ARGV-element. */
-static char *nextchar;
-/* Callers store zero here to inhibit the error message
- for unrecognized options. */
-int opterr = 1;
-/* Set to an option character which was unrecognized.
- This must be initialized on some systems to avoid linking in the
- system's own getopt implementation. */
-int optopt = '?';
-/* Describe how to deal with options that follow non-option ARGV-elements.
- If the caller did not specify anything,
- the default is REQUIRE_ORDER if the environment variable
- POSIXLY_CORRECT is defined, PERMUTE otherwise.
- REQUIRE_ORDER means don't recognize them as options;
- stop option processing when the first non-option is seen.
- This is what Unix does.
- This mode of operation is selected by either setting the environment
- variable POSIXLY_CORRECT, or using `+' as the first character
- of the list of option characters.
- PERMUTE is the default. We permute the contents of ARGV as we scan,
- so that eventually all the non-options are at the end. This allows options
- to be given in any order, even with programs that were not written to
- expect this.
- RETURN_IN_ORDER is an option available to programs that were written
- to expect options and other ARGV-elements in any order and that care about
- the ordering of the two. We describe each non-option ARGV-element
- as if it were the argument of an option with character code 1.
- Using `-' as the first character of the list of option characters
- selects this mode of operation.
- The special argument `--' forces an end of option-scanning regardless
- of the value of `ordering'. In the case of RETURN_IN_ORDER, only
- `--' can cause `getopt' to return EOF with `optind' != ARGC. */
-static enum
-} ordering;
-#ifdef __GNU_LIBRARY__
-/* We want to avoid inclusion of string.h with non-GNU libraries
- because there are many ways it can cause trouble.
- On some systems, it contains special magic macros that don't work
- in GCC. */
-#include <string.h>
-#define my_index strchr
-/* Avoid depending on library functions or files
- whose names are inconsistent. */
-char *getenv ();
-static char *
-my_index (str, chr)
- const char *str;
- int chr;
- while (*str)
- {
- if (*str == chr)
- return (char *) str;
- str++;
- }
- return 0;
-/* If using GCC, we can safely declare strlen this way.
- If not using GCC, it is ok not to declare it. */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-/* Note that Motorola Delta 68k R3V7 comes with GCC but not stddef.h.
- That was relevant to code that was here before. */
-#ifndef __STDC__
-/* gcc with -traditional declares the built-in strlen to return int,
- and has done so at least since version 2.4.5. -- rms. */
-extern int strlen (const char *);
-#endif /* not __STDC__ */
-#endif /* __GNUC__ */
-#endif /* not __GNU_LIBRARY__ */
-/* Handle permutation of arguments. */
-/* Describe the part of ARGV that contains non-options that have
- been skipped. `first_nonopt' is the index in ARGV of the first of them;
- `last_nonopt' is the index after the last of them. */
-static int first_nonopt;
-static int last_nonopt;
-/* Exchange two adjacent subsequences of ARGV.
- One subsequence is elements [first_nonopt,last_nonopt)
- which contains all the non-options that have been skipped so far.
- The other is elements [last_nonopt,optind), which contains all
- the options processed since those non-options were skipped.
- `first_nonopt' and `last_nonopt' are relocated so that they describe
- the new indices of the non-options in ARGV after they are moved. */
-static void
-exchange (argv)
- char **argv;
- int bottom = first_nonopt;
- int middle = last_nonopt;
- int top = optind;
- char *tem;
- /* Exchange the shorter segment with the far end of the longer segment.
- That puts the shorter segment into the right place.
- It leaves the longer segment in the right place overall,
- but it consists of two parts that need to be swapped next. */
- while (top > middle && middle > bottom)
- {
- if (top - middle > middle - bottom)
- {
- /* Bottom segment is the short one. */
- int len = middle - bottom;
- register int i;
- /* Swap it with the top part of the top segment. */
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- tem = argv[bottom + i];
- argv[bottom + i] = argv[top - (middle - bottom) + i];
- argv[top - (middle - bottom) + i] = tem;
- }
- /* Exclude the moved bottom segment from further swapping. */
- top -= len;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Top segment is the short one. */
- int len = top - middle;
- register int i;
- /* Swap it with the bottom part of the bottom segment. */
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- tem = argv[bottom + i];
- argv[bottom + i] = argv[middle + i];
- argv[middle + i] = tem;
- }
- /* Exclude the moved top segment from further swapping. */
- bottom += len;
- }
- }
- /* Update records for the slots the non-options now occupy. */
- first_nonopt += (optind - last_nonopt);
- last_nonopt = optind;
-/* Initialize the internal data when the first call is made. */
-static const char *
-_getopt_initialize (optstring)
- const char *optstring;
- /* Start processing options with ARGV-element 1 (since ARGV-element 0
- is the program name); the sequence of previously skipped
- non-option ARGV-elements is empty. */
- first_nonopt = last_nonopt = optind = 1;
- nextchar = NULL;
- /* Determine how to handle the ordering of options and nonoptions. */
- if (optstring[0] == '-')
- {
- ordering = RETURN_IN_ORDER;
- ++optstring;
- }
- else if (optstring[0] == '+')
- {
- ordering = REQUIRE_ORDER;
- ++optstring;
- }
- else if (getenv ("POSIXLY_CORRECT") != NULL)
- ordering = REQUIRE_ORDER;
- else
- ordering = PERMUTE;
- return optstring;
-/* Scan elements of ARGV (whose length is ARGC) for option characters
- given in OPTSTRING.
- If an element of ARGV starts with '-', and is not exactly "-" or "--",
- then it is an option element. The characters of this element
- (aside from the initial '-') are option characters. If `getopt'
- is called repeatedly, it returns successively each of the option characters
- from each of the option elements.
- If `getopt' finds another option character, it returns that character,
- updating `optind' and `nextchar' so that the next call to `getopt' can
- resume the scan with the following option character or ARGV-element.
- If there are no more option characters, `getopt' returns `EOF'.
- Then `optind' is the index in ARGV of the first ARGV-element
- that is not an option. (The ARGV-elements have been permuted
- so that those that are not options now come last.)
- OPTSTRING is a string containing the legitimate option characters.
- If an option character is seen that is not listed in OPTSTRING,
- return '?' after printing an error message. If you set `opterr' to
- zero, the error message is suppressed but we still return '?'.
- If a char in OPTSTRING is followed by a colon, that means it wants an arg,
- so the following text in the same ARGV-element, or the text of the following
- ARGV-element, is returned in `optarg'. Two colons mean an option that
- wants an optional arg; if there is text in the current ARGV-element,
- it is returned in `optarg', otherwise `optarg' is set to zero.
- If OPTSTRING starts with `-' or `+', it requests different methods of
- handling the non-option ARGV-elements.
- See the comments about RETURN_IN_ORDER and REQUIRE_ORDER, above.
- Long-named options begin with `--' instead of `-'.
- Their names may be abbreviated as long as the abbreviation is unique
- or is an exact match for some defined option. If they have an
- argument, it follows the option name in the same ARGV-element, separated
- from the option name by a `=', or else the in next ARGV-element.
- When `getopt' finds a long-named option, it returns 0 if that option's
- `flag' field is nonzero, the value of the option's `val' field
- if the `flag' field is zero.
- The elements of ARGV aren't really const, because we permute them.
- But we pretend they're const in the prototype to be compatible
- with other systems.
- LONGOPTS is a vector of `struct option' terminated by an
- element containing a name which is zero.
- LONGIND returns the index in LONGOPT of the long-named option found.
- It is only valid when a long-named option has been found by the most
- recent call.
- If LONG_ONLY is nonzero, '-' as well as '--' can introduce
- long-named options. */
-_getopt_internal (argc, argv, optstring, longopts, longind, long_only)
- int argc;
- char *const *argv;
- const char *optstring;
- const struct option *longopts;
- int *longind;
- int long_only;
- optarg = NULL;
- if (optind == 0)
- optstring = _getopt_initialize (optstring);
- if (nextchar == NULL || *nextchar == '\0')
- {
- /* Advance to the next ARGV-element. */
- if (ordering == PERMUTE)
- {
- /* If we have just processed some options following some non-options,
- exchange them so that the options come first. */
- if (first_nonopt != last_nonopt && last_nonopt != optind)
- exchange ((char **) argv);
- else if (last_nonopt != optind)
- first_nonopt = optind;
- /* Skip any additional non-options
- and extend the range of non-options previously skipped. */
- while (optind < argc
- && (argv[optind][0] != '-' || argv[optind][1] == '\0'))
- optind++;
- last_nonopt = optind;
- }
- /* The special ARGV-element `--' means premature end of options.
- Skip it like a null option,
- then exchange with previous non-options as if it were an option,
- then skip everything else like a non-option. */
- if (optind != argc && !strcmp (argv[optind], "--"))
- {
- optind++;
- if (first_nonopt != last_nonopt && last_nonopt != optind)
- exchange ((char **) argv);
- else if (first_nonopt == last_nonopt)
- first_nonopt = optind;
- last_nonopt = argc;
- optind = argc;
- }
- /* If we have done all the ARGV-elements, stop the scan
- and back over any non-options that we skipped and permuted. */
- if (optind == argc)
- {
- /* Set the next-arg-index to point at the non-options
- that we previously skipped, so the caller will digest them. */
- if (first_nonopt != last_nonopt)
- optind = first_nonopt;
- return EOF;
- }
- /* If we have come to a non-option and did not permute it,
- either stop the scan or describe it to the caller and pass it by. */
- if ((argv[optind][0] != '-' || argv[optind][1] == '\0'))
- {
- if (ordering == REQUIRE_ORDER)
- return EOF;
- optarg = argv[optind++];
- return 1;
- }
- /* We have found another option-ARGV-element.
- Skip the initial punctuation. */
- nextchar = (argv[optind] + 1
- + (longopts != NULL && argv[optind][1] == '-'));
- }
- /* Decode the current option-ARGV-element. */
- /* Check whether the ARGV-element is a long option.
- If long_only and the ARGV-element has the form "-f", where f is
- a valid short option, don't consider it an abbreviated form of
- a long option that starts with f. Otherwise there would be no
- way to give the -f short option.
- On the other hand, if there's a long option "fubar" and
- the ARGV-element is "-fu", do consider that an abbreviation of
- the long option, just like "--fu", and not "-f" with arg "u".
- This distinction seems to be the most useful approach. */
- if (longopts != NULL
- && (argv[optind][1] == '-'
- || (long_only && (argv[optind][2] || !my_index (optstring, argv[optind][1])))))
- {
- char *nameend;
- const struct option *p;
- const struct option *pfound = NULL;
- int exact = 0;
- int ambig = 0;
- int indfound;
- int option_index;
- for (nameend = nextchar; *nameend && *nameend != '='; nameend++)
- /* Do nothing. */ ;
- /* Test all long options for either exact match
- or abbreviated matches. */
- for (p = longopts, option_index = 0; p->name; p++, option_index++)
- if (!strncmp (p->name, nextchar, nameend - nextchar))
- {
- if (nameend - nextchar == strlen (p->name))
- {
- /* Exact match found. */
- pfound = p;
- indfound = option_index;
- exact = 1;
- break;
- }
- else if (pfound == NULL)
- {
- /* First nonexact match found. */
- pfound = p;
- indfound = option_index;
- }
- else
- /* Second or later nonexact match found. */
- ambig = 1;
- }
- if (ambig && !exact)
- {
- if (opterr)
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: option `%s' is ambiguous\n",
- argv[0], argv[optind]);
- nextchar += strlen (nextchar);
- optind++;
- return '?';
- }
- if (pfound != NULL)
- {
- option_index = indfound;
- optind++;
- if (*nameend)
- {
- /* Don't test has_arg with >, because some C compilers don't
- allow it to be used on enums. */
- if (pfound->has_arg)
- optarg = nameend + 1;
- else
- {
- if (opterr)
- {
- if (argv[optind - 1][1] == '-')
- /* --option */
- fprintf (stderr,
- "%s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument\n",
- argv[0], pfound->name);
- else
- /* +option or -option */
- fprintf (stderr,
- "%s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument\n",
- argv[0], argv[optind - 1][0], pfound->name);
- }
- nextchar += strlen (nextchar);
- return '?';
- }
- }
- else if (pfound->has_arg == 1)
- {
- if (optind < argc)
- optarg = argv[optind++];
- else
- {
- if (opterr)
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: option `%s' requires an argument\n",
- argv[0], argv[optind - 1]);
- nextchar += strlen (nextchar);
- return optstring[0] == ':' ? ':' : '?';
- }
- }
- nextchar += strlen (nextchar);
- if (longind != NULL)
- *longind = option_index;
- if (pfound->flag)
- {
- *(pfound->flag) = pfound->val;
- return 0;
- }
- return pfound->val;
- }
- /* Can't find it as a long option. If this is not getopt_long_only,
- or the option starts with '--' or is not a valid short
- option, then it's an error.
- Otherwise interpret it as a short option. */
- if (!long_only || argv[optind][1] == '-'
- || my_index (optstring, *nextchar) == NULL)
- {
- if (opterr)
- {
- if (argv[optind][1] == '-')
- /* --option */
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: unrecognized option `--%s'\n",
- argv[0], nextchar);
- else
- /* +option or -option */
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: unrecognized option `%c%s'\n",
- argv[0], argv[optind][0], nextchar);
- }
- nextchar = (char *) "";
- optind++;
- return '?';
- }
- }
- /* Look at and handle the next short option-character. */
- {
- char c = *nextchar++;
- char *temp = my_index (optstring, c);
- /* Increment `optind' when we start to process its last character. */
- if (*nextchar == '\0')
- ++optind;
- if (temp == NULL || c == ':')
- {
- if (opterr)
- {
- /* 1003.2 specifies the format of this message. */
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: illegal option -- %c\n", argv[0], c);
- }
- optopt = c;
- return '?';
- }
- if (temp[1] == ':')
- {
- if (temp[2] == ':')
- {
- /* This is an option that accepts an argument optionally. */
- if (*nextchar != '\0')
- {
- optarg = nextchar;
- optind++;
- }
- else
- optarg = NULL;
- nextchar = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is an option that requires an argument. */
- if (*nextchar != '\0')
- {
- optarg = nextchar;
- /* If we end this ARGV-element by taking the rest as an arg,
- we must advance to the next element now. */
- optind++;
- }
- else if (optind == argc)
- {
- if (opterr)
- {
- /* 1003.2 specifies the format of this message. */
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: option requires an argument -- %c\n",
- argv[0], c);
- }
- optopt = c;
- if (optstring[0] == ':')
- c = ':';
- else
- c = '?';
- }
- else
- /* We already incremented `optind' once;
- increment it again when taking next ARGV-elt as argument. */
- optarg = argv[optind++];
- nextchar = NULL;
- }
- }
- return c;
- }
-getopt (argc, argv, optstring)
- int argc;
- char *const *argv;
- const char *optstring;
- return _getopt_internal (argc, argv, optstring,
- (const struct option *) 0,
- (int *) 0,
- 0);
-#endif /* _LIBC or not __GNU_LIBRARY__. */
-#ifdef TEST
-/* Compile with -DTEST to make an executable for use in testing
- the above definition of `getopt'. */
-main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- int c;
- int digit_optind = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- int this_option_optind = optind ? optind : 1;
- c = getopt (argc, argv, "abc:d:0123456789");
- if (c == EOF)
- break;
- switch (c)
- {
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- if (digit_optind != 0 && digit_optind != this_option_optind)
- printf ("digits occur in two different argv-elements.\n");
- digit_optind = this_option_optind;
- printf ("option %c\n", c);
- break;
- case 'a':
- printf ("option a\n");
- break;
- case 'b':
- printf ("option b\n");
- break;
- case 'c':
- printf ("option c with value `%s'\n", optarg);
- break;
- case '?':
- break;
- default:
- printf ("?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n", c);
- }
- }
- if (optind < argc)
- {
- printf ("non-option ARGV-elements: ");
- while (optind < argc)
- printf ("%s ", argv[optind++]);
- printf ("\n");
- }
- exit (0);
-#endif /* TEST */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/getopt1.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/getopt1.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c3400e5b6436..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/getopt1.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-/* getopt_long and getopt_long_only entry points for GNU getopt.
- Copyright (C) 1987, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 1993
- Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#if defined (emacs) || defined (CONFIG_BROKETS)
-/* We use <config.h> instead of "config.h" so that a compilation
- using -I. -I$srcdir will use ./config.h rather than $srcdir/config.h
- (which it would do because it found this file in $srcdir). */
-#include <config.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#include "getopt.h"
-#ifndef __STDC__
-/* This is a separate conditional since some stdc systems
- reject `defined (const)'. */
-#ifndef const
-#define const
-#include <stdio.h>
-/* Comment out all this code if we are using the GNU C Library, and are not
- actually compiling the library itself. This code is part of the GNU C
- Library, but also included in many other GNU distributions. Compiling
- and linking in this code is a waste when using the GNU C library
- (especially if it is a shared library). Rather than having every GNU
- program understand `configure --with-gnu-libc' and omit the object files,
- it is simpler to just do this in the source for each such file. */
-/* Many versions of the Linux C library include older, broken versions
- of these routines, which will break the linker's command-line
- parsing. */
-#if defined (_LIBC) || !defined (__GNU_LIBRARY__) || defined (__linux__)
-/* This needs to come after some library #include
- to get __GNU_LIBRARY__ defined. */
-#ifdef __GNU_LIBRARY__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-char *getenv ();
-#ifndef NULL
-#define NULL 0
-getopt_long (argc, argv, options, long_options, opt_index)
- int argc;
- char *const *argv;
- const char *options;
- const struct option *long_options;
- int *opt_index;
- return _getopt_internal (argc, argv, options, long_options, opt_index, 0);
-/* Like getopt_long, but '-' as well as '--' can indicate a long option.
- If an option that starts with '-' (not '--') doesn't match a long option,
- but does match a short option, it is parsed as a short option
- instead. */
-getopt_long_only (argc, argv, options, long_options, opt_index)
- int argc;
- char *const *argv;
- const char *options;
- const struct option *long_options;
- int *opt_index;
- return _getopt_internal (argc, argv, options, long_options, opt_index, 1);
-#endif /* _LIBC or not __GNU_LIBRARY__. */
-#ifdef TEST
-#include <stdio.h>
-main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- int c;
- int digit_optind = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- int this_option_optind = optind ? optind : 1;
- int option_index = 0;
- static struct option long_options[] =
- {
- {"add", 1, 0, 0},
- {"append", 0, 0, 0},
- {"delete", 1, 0, 0},
- {"verbose", 0, 0, 0},
- {"create", 0, 0, 0},
- {"file", 1, 0, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0}
- };
- c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "abc:d:0123456789",
- long_options, &option_index);
- if (c == EOF)
- break;
- switch (c)
- {
- case 0:
- printf ("option %s", long_options[option_index].name);
- if (optarg)
- printf (" with arg %s", optarg);
- printf ("\n");
- break;
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- if (digit_optind != 0 && digit_optind != this_option_optind)
- printf ("digits occur in two different argv-elements.\n");
- digit_optind = this_option_optind;
- printf ("option %c\n", c);
- break;
- case 'a':
- printf ("option a\n");
- break;
- case 'b':
- printf ("option b\n");
- break;
- case 'c':
- printf ("option c with value `%s'\n", optarg);
- break;
- case 'd':
- printf ("option d with value `%s'\n", optarg);
- break;
- case '?':
- break;
- default:
- printf ("?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n", c);
- }
- }
- if (optind < argc)
- {
- printf ("non-option ARGV-elements: ");
- while (optind < argc)
- printf ("%s ", argv[optind++]);
- printf ("\n");
- }
- exit (0);
-#endif /* TEST */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/getpagesize.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/getpagesize.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e9784b8520b8..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/getpagesize.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-/* Emulation of getpagesize() for systems that need it. */
- getpagesize -- return the number of bytes in page of memory
- int getpagesize (void)
- Returns the number of bytes in a page of memory. This is the
- granularity of many of the system memory management routines.
- No guarantee is made as to whether or not it is the same as the
- basic memory management hardware page size.
- Is intended as a reasonable replacement for systems where this
- is not provided as a system call. The value of 4096 may or may
- not be correct for the systems where it is returned as the default
- value.
-#ifndef VMS
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#ifndef NO_SYS_PARAM_H
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#ifdef PAGESIZE
-#else /* no PAGESIZE */
-#else /* no EXEC_PAGESIZE */
-#ifdef NBPG
-#ifndef CLSIZE
-#define CLSIZE 1
-#endif /* CLSIZE */
-#else /* no NBPG */
-#ifdef NBPC
-#else /* no NBPC */
-#define GNU_OUR_PAGESIZE 4096 /* Just punt and use reasonable value */
-#endif /* NBPC */
-#endif /* NBPG */
-#endif /* EXEC_PAGESIZE */
-#endif /* PAGESIZE */
-#endif /* HAVE_SYSCONF */
-getpagesize ()
- return (GNU_OUR_PAGESIZE);
-#else /* VMS */
-#if 0 /* older distributions of gcc-vms are missing <syidef.h> */
-#include <syidef.h>
-#ifndef SYI$_PAGE_SIZE /* VMS V5.4 and earlier didn't have this yet */
-#define SYI$_PAGE_SIZE 4452
-extern unsigned long lib$getsyi(const unsigned short *,...);
-int getpagesize ()
- long pagsiz = 0L;
- unsigned short itmcod = SYI$_PAGE_SIZE;
- (void) lib$getsyi (&itmcod, (void *) &pagsiz);
- if (pagsiz == 0L)
- pagsiz = 512L; /* VAX default */
- return (int) pagsiz;
-#endif /* VMS */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/getruntime.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/getruntime.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1be3b4c4a2a0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/getruntime.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-/* Return time used so far, in microseconds.
- Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of the libiberty library.
-Libiberty is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-Libiberty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with libiberty; see the file COPYING.LIB. If
-not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "libiberty.h"
-/* There are several ways to get elapsed execution time; unfortunately no
- single way is available for all host systems, nor are there reliable
- ways to find out which way is correct for a given host. */
-#include <time.h>
-/* These should go away when libiberty uses autoconf. */
-#if defined(__sun__) && !defined(__svr4__)
-#define HAVE_TIMES
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#ifdef HAVE_TIMES
-#ifndef NO_SYS_PARAM_H
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/times.h>
-/* This is a fallback; if wrong, it will likely make obviously wrong
- results. */
-#define CLOCKS_PER_SEC 1
-get_run_time ()
- struct rusage rusage;
- getrusage (0, &rusage);
- return (rusage.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000 + rusage.ru_utime.tv_usec
- + rusage.ru_stime.tv_sec * 1000000 + rusage.ru_stime.tv_usec);
-#else /* ! HAVE_GETRUSAGE */
-#ifdef HAVE_TIMES
- struct tms tms;
- times (&tms);
- return (tms.tms_utime + tms.tms_stime) * (1000000 / HZ);
-#else /* ! HAVE_TIMES */
- /* Fall back on clock and hope it's correctly implemented. */
- const long clocks_per_sec = CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
- if (clocks_per_sec <= 1000000)
- return clock () * (1000000 / clocks_per_sec);
- else
- return clock () / clocks_per_sec;
-#endif /* HAVE_TIMES */
-#endif /* HAVE_GETRUSAGE */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/hex.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/hex.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a2eef03d4c0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/hex.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* Hex character manipulation support.
- Copyright (C) 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of the libiberty library.
-Libiberty is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-Libiberty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with libiberty; see the file COPYING.LIB. If
-not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "libiberty.h"
-char _hex_value[_hex_array_size];
-void hex_init ()
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < _hex_array_size; i++)
- _hex_value[i] = _hex_bad;
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
- _hex_value['0' + i] = i;
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- _hex_value['a' + i] = _hex_value['A' + i] = 10 + i;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/index.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/index.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e5a00f54d946..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/index.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-/* Stub implementation of (obsolete) index(). */
-extern char * strchr();
-char *
-index (s, c)
- char *s;
- int c;
- return strchr (s, c);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/insque.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/insque.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 775019f8fffc..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/insque.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/* insque(3C) routines
- This file is in the public domain. */
- insque, remque -- insert, remove an element from a queue
- struct qelem {
- struct qelem *q_forw;
- struct qelem *q_back;
- char q_data[];
- };
- void insque (struct qelem *elem, struct qelem *pred)
- void remque (struct qelem *elem)
- Routines to manipulate queues built from doubly linked lists.
- The insque routine inserts ELEM in the queue immediately after
- PRED. The remque routine removes ELEM from its containing queue.
-struct qelem {
- struct qelem *q_forw;
- struct qelem *q_back;
-insque (elem, pred)
- struct qelem *elem;
- struct qelem *pred;
- elem -> q_forw = pred -> q_forw;
- pred -> q_forw -> q_back = elem;
- elem -> q_back = pred;
- pred -> q_forw = elem;
-remque (elem)
- struct qelem *elem;
- elem -> q_forw -> q_back = elem -> q_back;
- elem -> q_back -> q_forw = elem -> q_forw;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/makefile.dos b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/makefile.dos
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eba62c33953..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/makefile.dos
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-OBJS = \
- argv.o \
- basename.o \
- concat.o \
- cplus-dem.o \
- fdmatch.o \
- floatformat.o \
- getopt.o \
- getopt1.o \
- getruntime.o \
- hex.o \
- msdos.o \
- obstack.o \
- spaces.o \
- strerror.o \
- strsignal.o \
- xatexit.o \
- xexit.o \
- xmalloc.o \
- $E
- gcc -I../include $(CFLAGS) -c $<
-libiberty.a : $(OBJS)
- -rm libiberty.a
- ar rvs libiberty.a $(OBJS)
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/memchr.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/memchr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 93ef43d3f88d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/memchr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- <<memchr>>---find character in memory
- memchr
- #include <string.h>
- void *memchr(const void *<[src]>, int <[c]>, size_t <[length]>);
- #include <string.h>
- void *memchr(<[src]>, <[c]>, <[length]>)
- void *<[src]>;
- void *<[c]>;
- size_t <[length]>;
- This function searches memory starting at <<*<[src]>>> for the
- character <[c]>. The search only ends with the first
- occurrence of <[c]>, or after <[length]> characters; in
- particular, <<NULL>> does not terminate the search.
- If the character <[c]> is found within <[length]> characters
- of <<*<[src]>>>, a pointer to the character is returned. If
- <[c]> is not found, then <<NULL>> is returned.
-<<memchr>> requires no supporting OS subroutines.
- memchr ansi pure
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stddef.h>
-#define size_t unsigned long
-memchr (src_void, c, length)
- register CONST PTR src_void;
- int c;
- size_t length;
- CONST unsigned char *src = (CONST unsigned char *)src_void;
- while (--length >= 0)
- {
- if (*src == c)
- return (PTR)src;
- src++;
- }
- return NULL;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/memcmp.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/memcmp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 127ae0c8019d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/memcmp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* memcmp -- compare two memory regions.
- This function is in the public domain. */
- memcmp -- compare two memory regions
- int memcmp (const void *from, const void *to, size_t count)
- Compare two memory regions and return less than,
- equal to, or greater than zero, according to lexicographical
- ordering of the compared regions.
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stddef.h>
-#define size_t unsigned long
-DEFUN(memcmp, (str1, str2, count),
- const PTR str1 AND const PTR str2 AND size_t count)
- register unsigned char *s1 = (unsigned char*)str1;
- register unsigned char *s2 = (unsigned char*)str2;
- while (count-- > 0)
- {
- if (*s1++ != *s2++)
- return s1[-1] < s2[-1] ? -1 : 1;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/memcpy.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/memcpy.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c28208a0f7e8..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/memcpy.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-/* memcpy (the standard C function)
- This function is in the public domain. */
- memcpy -- copy memory regions of arbitary length
- void* memcpy (void *out, const void *in, size_t n);
- Copy LENGTH bytes from memory region pointed to by IN to memory
- region pointed to by OUT.
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stddef.h>
-#define size_t unsigned long
-DEFUN(memcpy, (out, in, length), PTR out AND CONST PTR in AND size_t length)
- bcopy(in, out, length);
- return out;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/memmove.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/memmove.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 818fc2496622..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/memmove.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-/* Wrapper to implement ANSI C's memmove using BSD's bcopy. */
-/* This function is in the public domain. --Per Bothner. */
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stddef.h>
-#define size_t unsigned long
-memmove (s1, s2, n)
- PTR s1;
- size_t n;
- bcopy (s2, s1, n);
- return s1;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/memset.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/memset.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f54831e83c4..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/memset.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-/* memset
- This implementation is in the public domain. */
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stddef.h>
-#define size_t unsigned long
-DEFUN(memset, (dest, val, len),
- PTR dest AND register int val AND register size_t len)
- register unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char*)dest;
- while (len-- > 0)
- *ptr++ = val;
- return dest;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/ b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/
deleted file mode 100644
index 829d8e730d46..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# MPW configuration fragment for libiberty.
-forward-include "{srcdir}"alloca-norm.h alloca-conf.h
-Echo '/* config.h. Generated by mpw-configure. */' > "{o}"
-MoveIfChange "{o}" "{o}"config.h
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/mpw-make.sed b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/mpw-make.sed
deleted file mode 100644
index f99eb1a44074..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/mpw-make.sed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# Sed commands to finish translating libiberty's Unix makefile to MPW syntax.
-# Comment out a useless thing.
-# Replace the auto-generated list with the list of what we know we need.
-s/`cat needed-list`/"{o}"alloca.c.o "{o}"bcopy.c.o "{o}"getpagesize.c.o "{o}"insque.c.o "{o}"mpw.c.o "{o}"strcasecmp.c.o "{o}"strdup.c.o "{o}"strncasecmp.c.o/
-# Paste in some desirable definitions.
-HDEFINES = -d NEED_sys_siglist -d NEED_sys_errlist -d NEED_basename -d NEED_strcasecmp -d NEED_strncasecmp\
-INCLUDES = -i : -i {INCDIR}: -i {INCDIR}:mpw: -i ::extra-include: -i "{s}"\
-.c.o \\Option-f .c\
- {CC} {DepDir}{Default}.c {LIBCFLAGS} {INCLUDES} {HDEFINES} @SEGMENT_FLAG@ -o {TargDir}{Default}.c.o\
-# Remove dependency on needed-list, which we don't use.
-/DO_ALSO =/s/needed-list//
-# Whack out the COMPILE.c trickiness.
-/^COMPILE.c /,/^$/d
-# Remove the multido trickiness from the "all" target.
-/^all \\Option-f/,/^$/c\
-all \\Option-f {TARGETLIB}\
-# Remove the RULE1/RULE2 crud.
-/if \[/,/fi/d
-/^RULE1 =/,/RULE2 =/d
-# Don't want fdmatch ever.
-s/ "{o}"fdmatch.c.o//
-# Fix paths to generated files.
-# Whack out config rebuild rules.
-/^"{o}"config.h \\Option-f/,/^$/d
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/mpw.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/mpw.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b93e1008697b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/mpw.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1010 +0,0 @@
-/* MPW-Unix compatibility library.
- Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of the libiberty library.
-Libiberty is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-Libiberty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with libiberty; see the file COPYING.LIB. If
-not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This should only be compiled and linked under MPW. */
-#include "mpw.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#include <Types.h>
-#include <Files.h>
-#include <Timer.h>
-/* Initialize to 0 at first, then set to errno_max() later. */
-int sys_nerr = 0;
-/* Debug flag for pathname hacking. Set this to one and rebuild. */
-int DebugPI = 0;
-mpwify_filename(char *unixname, char *macname)
- int i, j, in_middle, terminate = 0;
- /* (should truncate 255 chars from end of name, not beginning) */
- if (strlen (unixname) > 255)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Pathname \"%s\" is too long for Macs, truncating\n",
- unixname);
- terminate = 1;
- }
- /* Abs Unix path to abs Mac path. */
- if (*unixname == '/')
- {
- if (strncmp (unixname, "/tmp/", 5) == 0)
- {
- /* A temporary name, make a more Mac-flavored tmpname. */
- /* A better choice would be {Boot}Trash:foo, but that would
- require being able to identify the boot disk's and trashcan's
- name. Another option would be to have an env var, so user
- can point it at a ramdisk. */
- strncpy (macname, unixname, 255);
- if (terminate)
- macname[255] = '\0';
- macname[0] = ':';
- macname[4] = '_';
- }
- else
- {
- /* Assume that the leading component is a valid disk name. */
- strncpy (macname, unixname + 1, 255);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* If this is a "Unix-only" pathname, assume relative. */
- if (strchr (unixname, '/') && ! strchr (unixname, ':'))
- {
- macname[0] = ':';
- strncpy (macname + 1, unixname, 255);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Otherwise copy it verbatim. */
- /* ... but if of the form ":/foo", lose the extra colon;
- the slash will be made into a colon shortly. */
- if (unixname[0] == ':' && unixname[1] == '/')
- ++unixname;
- strncpy (macname, unixname, 255);
- }
- }
- if (terminate)
- macname[255] = '\0';
- for (i = 0; macname[i] != '\0'; ++i)
- {
- if (macname[i] == '/')
- macname[i] = ':';
- }
- in_middle = 0;
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0; macname[i] != '\0'; ++i)
- {
- /* We're in the middle of the name when a char is not a colon. */
- if (macname[i] != ':')
- in_middle = 1;
- /* Copy chars verbatim, *unless* the char is the first of a pair
- of colons in the middle of a pathname. */
- if (!(in_middle && macname[i] == ':' && macname[i+1] == ':'))
- macname[j++] = macname[i];
- }
- macname[j] = '\0';
- /* If we have a trailing ":.", make it into a ":". */
- if (j >= 2 && macname[j-2] == ':' && macname[j-1] == '.')
- macname[j-1] = '\0';
- if (DebugPI)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "# Made \"%s\"\n", unixname);
- fprintf (stderr, "# into \"%s\"\n", macname);
- }
-/* MPW-flavored basename finder. */
-char *
-mpw_basename (name)
- char *name;
- char *base = name;
- while (*name)
- {
- if (*name++ == ':')
- {
- base = name;
- }
- }
- return base;
-/* Mixed MPW/Unix basename finder. This can be led astray by
- filenames with slashes in them and come up with a basename that
- either corresponds to no file or (worse) to some other file, so
- should only be tried if other methods of finding a file via a
- basename have failed. */
-char *
-mpw_mixed_basename (name)
- char *name;
- char *base = name;
- while (*name)
- {
- if (*name == '/' || *name == ':')
- {
- base = name + 1;
- }
- ++name;
- }
- return base;
-/* This function is fopen() modified to create files that are type TEXT
- or 'BIN ', and always of type 'MPS '. */
-mpw_fopen (char *name, char *mode)
-#undef fopen
- int errnum;
- FILE *fp;
- char tmpname[256];
- mpwify_filename (name, tmpname);
- fp = fopen (tmpname, mode);
- errnum = errno;
- /* If writing, need to set type and creator usefully. */
- if (strchr (mode, 'w'))
- {
- char *pname = (char *) malloc (strlen (tmpname) + 2);
- OSErr e;
- struct FInfo fi;
- pname[0] = strlen (tmpname);
- strcpy (pname+1, tmpname);
- e = GetFInfo ((ConstStr255Param) pname, 0, &fi);
- /* should do spiffier error handling */
- if (e != 0)
- fprintf(stderr, "GetFInfo returns %d\n", e);
- if (strchr (mode, 'b'))
- {
- fi.fdType = (OSType) 'BIN ';
- }
- else
- {
- fi.fdType = (OSType) 'TEXT';
- }
- fi.fdCreator = (OSType) 'MPS ';
- e = SetFInfo ((ConstStr255Param) pname, 0, &fi);
- if (e != 0)
- fprintf(stderr, "SetFInfo returns %d\n", e);
- free (pname);
- }
- if (fp == NULL)
- errno = errnum;
- return fp;
-/* This is a version of fseek() modified to fill the file with zeros
- if seeking past the end of it. */
-#define ZEROBLKSIZE 4096
-char zeros[ZEROBLKSIZE];
-mpw_fseek (FILE *fp, int offset, int whence)
-#undef fseek
- int cursize, numleft;
- if (whence == SEEK_SET)
- {
- fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_END);
- cursize = ftell (fp);
- if (offset > cursize)
- {
- numleft = offset - cursize;
- while (numleft > ZEROBLKSIZE)
- {
- /* This might fail, should check for that. */
- fwrite (zeros, 1, ZEROBLKSIZE, fp);
- numleft -= ZEROBLKSIZE;
- }
- fwrite (zeros, 1, numleft, fp);
- fflush (fp);
- }
- }
- return fseek (fp, offset, whence);
-mpw_fread (char *ptr, int size, int nitems, FILE *stream)
-#undef fread
- int rslt;
- rslt = fread (ptr, size, nitems, stream);
- return rslt;
-mpw_fwrite (char *ptr, int size, int nitems, FILE *stream)
-#undef fwrite
- int rslt;
- rslt = fwrite (ptr, size, nitems, stream);
- return rslt;
-link ()
- fprintf (stderr, "link not available!\n");
- mpw_abort ();
-fork ()
- fprintf (stderr, "fork not available!\n");
- mpw_abort ();
-vfork ()
- fprintf (stderr, "vfork not available!\n");
- mpw_abort ();
- return (-1);
-pipe (int *fd)
- fprintf (stderr, "pipe not available!\n");
- mpw_abort ();
- return (-1);
-execvp (char *file, char **argv)
- fprintf (stderr, "execvp not available!\n");
- mpw_abort ();
- return (-1);
-execv (char *path, char **argv)
- fprintf (stderr, "execv not available!\n");
- mpw_abort ();
- return (-1);
-kill (int pid, int sig)
- fprintf (stderr, "kill not available!\n");
- mpw_abort ();
- return (-1);
-wait (int *status)
- *status = 0;
- return 0;
-sleep (int seconds)
- unsigned long start_time, now;
- time (&start_time);
- while (1)
- {
- time (&now);
- if (now > start_time + seconds)
- return 0;
- }
-putenv (char *str)
- /* The GCC driver calls this to do things for collect2, but we
- don't care about collect2. */
-chmod (char *path, int mode)
- /* Pretend it was all OK. */
- return 0;
-getuid ()
- /* One value is as good as another... */
- return 0;
-getgid ()
- /* One value is as good as another... */
- return 0;
-/* Instead of coredumping, which is not a normal Mac facility, we
- drop into Macsbug. If we then "g" from Macsbug, the program will
- exit cleanly. */
-mpw_abort ()
- /* Make sure no output still buffered up, then zap into MacsBug. */
- fflush(stdout);
- fflush(stderr);
- printf("## Abort! ##\n");
-#ifdef MPW_SADE
- SysError(8005);
- Debugger();
- /* "g" in MacsBug will then cause a regular error exit. */
- exit (1);
-/* Imitation getrusage based on the ANSI clock() function. */
-getrusage (int who, struct rusage *rusage)
- int clk = clock ();
-#if 0
- rusage->ru_utime.tv_sec = clk / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
- rusage->ru_utime.tv_usec = ((clk * 1000) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) * 1000;
- rusage->ru_stime.tv_sec = 0;
- rusage->ru_stime.tv_usec = 0;
-sbrk ()
- return 0;
-isatty (int fd)
- return 0;
-/* This is inherited from Timothy Murray's Posix library. */
-#include "utime.h"
-utime (char *filename, struct utimbuf *times)
- CInfoPBRec cipbr;
- HFileInfo *fpb = (HFileInfo *) &cipbr;
- DirInfo *dpb = (DirInfo *) &cipbr;
- unsigned char pname[256];
- short err;
- strcpy ((char *) pname, filename);
- c2pstr (pname);
- dpb->ioDrDirID = 0L;
- fpb->ioNamePtr = pname;
- fpb->ioVRefNum = 0;
- fpb->ioFDirIndex = 0;
- fpb->ioFVersNum = 0;
- err = PBGetCatInfo (&cipbr, 0);
- if (err != noErr) {
- errno = ENOENT;
- return -1;
- }
- dpb->ioDrDirID = 0L;
- fpb->ioFlMdDat = times->modtime;
- fpb->ioFlCrDat = times->actime;
- err = PBSetCatInfo (&cipbr, 0);
- if (err != noErr) {
- errno = EACCES;
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-mkdir (char *path, int mode)
- errno = ENOSYS;
- return -1;
-rmdir ()
- errno = ENOSYS;
- return -1;
-chown ()
- errno = ENOSYS;
- return -1;
-char *myenviron[] = {NULL};
-char **environ = myenviron;
-/* Minimal 'stat' emulation: tells directories from files and
- gives length and mtime.
- Derived from code written by Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam
- and placed by him in the public domain. */
-extern int __uid, __gid;
-int __uid = 0;
-int __gid = 0;
-/* Bits in ioFlAttrib: */
-#define LOCKBIT (1<<0) /* File locked */
-#define DIRBIT (1<<4) /* It's a directory */
-/* Macified "stat" in which filename is given relative to a directory,
- specified by long DirID. */
-static int
-_stat (char *name, long dirid, struct stat *buf)
- CInfoPBRec cipbr;
- HFileInfo *fpb = (HFileInfo*) &cipbr;
- DirInfo *dpb = (DirInfo*) &cipbr;
- Str255 pname;
- short err;
- /* Make a temp copy of the name and pascalize. */
- strcpy ((char *) pname, name);
- c2pstr (pname);
- cipbr.dirInfo.ioDrDirID = dirid;
- cipbr.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = pname;
- cipbr.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum = 0;
- cipbr.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0;
- cipbr.hFileInfo.ioFVersNum = 0;
- err = PBGetCatInfo (&cipbr, 0);
- if (err != noErr)
- {
- errno = ENOENT;
- return -1;
- }
- /* Mac files are readable if they can be accessed at all. */
- buf->st_mode = 0444;
- /* Mark unlocked files as writeable. */
- if (!(fpb->ioFlAttrib & LOCKBIT))
- buf->st_mode |= 0222;
- if (fpb->ioFlAttrib & DIRBIT)
- {
- /* Mark directories as "executable". */
- buf->st_mode |= 0111 | S_IFDIR;
- buf->st_size = dpb->ioDrNmFls;
- buf->st_rsize = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- buf->st_mode |= S_IFREG;
- /* Mark apps as "executable". */
- if (fpb->ioFlFndrInfo.fdType == 'APPL')
- buf->st_mode |= 0111;
- /* Fill in the sizes of data and resource forks. */
- buf->st_size = fpb->ioFlLgLen;
- buf->st_rsize = fpb->ioFlRLgLen;
- }
- /* Fill in various times. */
- buf->st_atime = fpb->ioFlCrDat;
- buf->st_mtime = fpb->ioFlMdDat;
- buf->st_ctime = fpb->ioFlCrDat;
- /* Set up an imitation inode number. */
- buf->st_ino = (unsigned short) fpb->ioDirID;
- /* Set up an imitation device. */
- GetVRefNum (buf->st_ino, &buf->st_dev);
- buf->st_uid = __uid;
- buf->st_gid = __gid;
-/* buf->st_FlFndrInfo = fpb->ioFlFndrInfo; */
- return 0;
-/* stat() sets up an empty dirid. */
-stat (char *path, struct stat *buf)
- long rslt, errnum;
- char tmpname[256];
- mpwify_filename (path, tmpname);
- if (DebugPI)
- fprintf (stderr, "# stat (%s, %x)", tmpname, buf);
- rslt = _stat (tmpname, 0L, buf);
- errnum = errno;
- if (DebugPI)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, " -> %d", rslt);
- if (rslt != 0)
- fprintf (stderr, " (errno is %d)", errnum);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- fflush (stderr);
- }
- if (rslt != 0)
- errno = errnum;
- return rslt;
-fstat (int fd, struct stat *buf)
- FCBPBRec fcb;
- FILE *fp;
- Str255 pathname;
- long dirid = 0L, temp;
- long rslt, errnum;
- short err;
- if (DebugPI)
- fprintf (stderr, "# fstat (%d, %x)", fd, buf);
- pathname[0] = 0;
-#ifdef FIOFNAME
- /* Use an MPW-specific ioctl to get the pathname associated with
- the file descriptor. */
- ioctl (fd, FIOFNAME, (long *) pathname);
- you lose
- if (DebugPI)
- fprintf (stderr, " (name is %s)", pathname);
- dirid = 0L /* fcb.ioFCBParID */ ;
- rslt = _stat ((char *) pathname, dirid, buf);
- errnum = errno;
- if (DebugPI)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, " -> %d", rslt);
- if (rslt != 0)
- fprintf (stderr, " (errno is %d)", errnum);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- fflush (stderr);
- }
- if (rslt != 0)
- errno = errnum;
- return rslt;
-#endif /* n USE_MW_HEADERS */
-chdir ()
- errno = ENOSYS;
- return (-1);
-char *
-getcwd (char *buf, int size)
- if (buf == NULL)
- buf = (char *) malloc (size);
- strcpy(buf, ":");
- return buf;
-/* This should probably be more elaborate for MPW. */
-char *
-getpwd ()
- return ":";
-mpw_open (char *filename, int arg2, int arg3)
-#undef open
- int fd, errnum = 0;
- char tmpname[256];
- mpwify_filename (filename, tmpname);
- fd = open (tmpname, arg2);
- errnum = errno;
- if (DebugPI)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "# open (%s, %d, %d)", tmpname, arg2, arg3);
- fprintf (stderr, " -> %d", fd);
- if (fd == -1)
- fprintf (stderr, " (errno is %d)", errnum);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- }
- if (fd == -1)
- errno = errnum;
- return fd;
-mpw_access (char *filename, unsigned int cmd)
-#undef access
- int rslt, errnum = 0;
- struct stat st;
- char tmpname[256];
- mpwify_filename (filename, tmpname);
- if (cmd & R_OK || cmd & X_OK)
- {
- rslt = stat (tmpname, &st);
- errnum = errno;
- if (rslt >= 0)
- {
- if (((st.st_mode & 004 == 0) && (cmd & R_OK))
- || ((st.st_mode & 002 == 0) && (cmd & W_OK))
- || ((st.st_mode & 001 == 0) && (cmd & X_OK)))
- {
- rslt = -1;
- errnum = EACCES;
- }
- }
- }
- if (DebugPI)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "# mpw_access (%s, %d)", tmpname, cmd);
- fprintf (stderr, " -> %d", rslt);
- if (rslt != 0)
- fprintf (stderr, " (errno is %d)", errnum);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- }
- if (rslt != 0)
- errno = errnum;
- return rslt;
-/* The MPW library creat() has no mode argument. */
-mpw_creat (char *path, /* mode_t */ int mode)
-#undef creat
- return creat (path, mode);
- return creat (path);
-/* This is a hack to get control in an MPW tool before it crashes the
- machine. */
-mpw_special_init (name)
- char *name;
- if (strstr (name, "DEBUG"))
- DebugStr("\pat beginning of program");
-static int current_umask;
-umask(int mask)
- int oldmask = current_umask;
- current_umask = mask;
- return oldmask;
-/* Cursor-spinning stuff that includes metering of spin rate and delays. */
-/* Nonzero when cursor spinning has been set up properly. */
-int cursor_inited;
-/* Nonzero if spin should be measured and excessive delays reported. */
-int measure_spin;
-/* Nonzero if spin histogram and rate data should be written out. */
-int dump_spin_data;
-long warning_threshold = 400000;
-long bucket_size = 1024;
-long bucket_power = 10;
-long numbuckets = 300;
-int *delay_counts;
-int overflow_count;
-char *current_progress;
-static UnsignedWide last_microseconds;
-static char *last_spin_file = "";
-static int last_spin_line;
-warn_if_spin_delay (char *file, int line)
- long diff, ix;
- UnsignedWide now;
- Microseconds(&now);
- diff = now.lo - last_microseconds.lo;
- if (diff > warning_threshold)
- fprintf (stderr, "# %s: %ld.%06ld sec delay getting from %s:%d to %s:%d\n",
- (current_progress ? current_progress : ""),
- diff / 1000000, diff % 1000000,
- last_spin_file, last_spin_line, file, line);
- if (dump_spin_data)
- {
- if (diff >= 0)
- {
- ix = diff >> bucket_power;
- if (ix >= 0 && ix < numbuckets && delay_counts != NULL)
- ++delay_counts[ix];
- else
- ++overflow_count;
- }
- else
- fprintf (stderr, "raw diff is %ld (?)\n", diff);
- }
-record_for_spin_delay (char *file, int line)
- Microseconds (&last_microseconds);
- last_spin_file = file;
- last_spin_line = line;
-mpw_start_progress (char *str, int n, char *file, int line)
- int i;
- char *measure, *threshold;
- if (!cursor_inited)
- {
- InitCursorCtl (nil);
- cursor_inited = 1;
- record_for_spin_delay (file, line);
- measure = getenv ("MEASURE_SPIN");
- if (measure != NULL && measure[0] != '\0')
- {
- measure_spin = 1;
- if (strcmp (measure, "all") == 0)
- dump_spin_data = 1;
- }
- threshold = getenv ((const char *) "SPIN_WARN_THRESHOLD");
- if (threshold != NULL && threshold[0] != '\0')
- warning_threshold = atol (threshold);
- if (dump_spin_data)
- {
- if (delay_counts == NULL)
- delay_counts = (int *) malloc (numbuckets * sizeof (int));
- for (i = 0; i < numbuckets; ++i)
- delay_counts[i] = 0;
- overflow_count = 0;
- }
- }
- current_progress = str;
- sys_nerr = errno_max ();
- mpw_special_init (str);
-mpw_progress (int n)
- SpinCursor (32);
-mpw_progress_measured (int n, char *file, int line)
- if (measure_spin)
- warn_if_spin_delay (file, line);
- SpinCursor (32);
- if (measure_spin)
- record_for_spin_delay (file, line);
-mpw_end_progress (char *str, char *file, int line)
- long i, delay, count = 0, sum = 0, avgdelay, spinrate;
- long curpower = 0, curgroup = 0;
- /* Warn if it's been a while since the last spin. */
- if (measure_spin)
- warn_if_spin_delay (file, line);
- /* Dump all the nonzero delay counts and an approximation of the delay. */
- if (dump_spin_data && delay_counts != NULL)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < numbuckets; ++i)
- {
- delay = (i + 1) * bucket_size;
- sum += delay_counts[i] * (i + 1);
- count += delay_counts[i];
- if (delay <= (1 << curpower))
- {
- curgroup += delay_counts[i];
- }
- else
- {
- if (curgroup > 0)
- fprintf (stderr,
- "# %s: %d delays between %ld.%06ld and %ld.%06ld sec\n",
- (str ? str : ""),
- curgroup,
- (1 << curpower) / 1000000,
- (1 << curpower) % 1000000,
- (1 << (curpower + 1)) / 1000000,
- (1 << (curpower + 1)) % 1000000);
- ++curpower;
- curgroup = 0;
- }
- }
- if (count > 0)
- {
- avgdelay = (sum * bucket_size) / count;
- spinrate = 1000000 / avgdelay;
- fprintf (stderr, "# %s: Average spin rate is %d times/sec\n",
- (str ? str : ""), spinrate);
- }
- }
-/* Test program. */
-main ()
- int i, j;
- double x = 1.0, y = 2.4;
- long start = Microseconds (), tm; FIXME
- START_PROGRESS ("hi", 0);
- for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < (i * 100); ++j)
- {
- x += (x * y) / j;
- }
- }
- END_PROGRESS ("hi");
- tm = Microseconds () - start;
- printf ("Total time is %d.%d secs\n", tm / 1000000, tm % 1000000);
-/* Empty definitions for Metrowerks' SIOUX console library. */
-#ifndef __CONSOLE__
-#include <console.h>
-InstallConsole(short fd)
-#pragma unused (fd)
- return 0;
-WriteCharsToConsole(char *buf, long n)
-#pragma unused (buf, n)
- return 0;
-long ReadCharsFromConsole(char *buf, long n)
-#pragma unused (buf, n)
- return 0;
-extern char *
-__ttyname(long fd)
- static char *__devicename = "null device";
- if (fd >= 0 && fd <= 2)
- return (__devicename);
- return NULL;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/msdos.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/msdos.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 923e64d4ede6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/msdos.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-char msg[] = "No vfork available - aborting\n";
- write(1, msg, sizeof(msg));
- /* no signals support in go32 (yet) */
- return -1;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/obstack.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/obstack.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d380940efce..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/obstack.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
-/* obstack.c - subroutines used implicitly by object stack macros
- Copyright (C) 1988, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
-later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "obstack.h"
-/* This is just to get __GNU_LIBRARY__ defined. */
-#include <stdio.h>
-/* Comment out all this code if we are using the GNU C Library, and are not
- actually compiling the library itself. This code is part of the GNU C
- Library, but also included in many other GNU distributions. Compiling
- and linking in this code is a waste when using the GNU C library
- (especially if it is a shared library). Rather than having every GNU
- program understand `configure --with-gnu-libc' and omit the object files,
- it is simpler to just do this in the source for each such file. */
-/* CYGNUS LOCAL. No, don't comment the code out. We will be using
- ../include/obstack.h, which was changed relatively recently in a
- way that is not binary compatible. Until we feel confident that
- nobody is using the old obstack.c code, force the use of this code.
- This issue will arise anytime a change is made which is not binary
- compatible.
-#if defined (_LIBC) || !defined (__GNU_LIBRARY__)
-#if 1
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#define POINTER void *
-#define POINTER char *
-/* Determine default alignment. */
-struct fooalign {char x; double d;};
- ((PTR_INT_TYPE) ((char *)&((struct fooalign *) 0)->d - (char *)0))
-/* If malloc were really smart, it would round addresses to DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT.
- But in fact it might be less smart and round addresses to as much as
- DEFAULT_ROUNDING. So we prepare for it to do that. */
-union fooround {long x; double d;};
-#define DEFAULT_ROUNDING (sizeof (union fooround))
-/* When we copy a long block of data, this is the unit to do it with.
- On some machines, copying successive ints does not work;
- in such a case, redefine COPYING_UNIT to `long' (if that works)
- or `char' as a last resort. */
-#define COPYING_UNIT int
-/* The non-GNU-C macros copy the obstack into this global variable
- to avoid multiple evaluation. */
-struct obstack *_obstack;
-/* Define a macro that either calls functions with the traditional malloc/free
- calling interface, or calls functions with the mmalloc/mfree interface
- (that adds an extra first argument), based on the state of use_extra_arg.
- For free, do not use ?:, since some compilers, like the MIPS compilers,
- do not allow (expr) ? void : void. */
-#define CALL_CHUNKFUN(h, size) \
- (((h) -> use_extra_arg) \
- ? (*(h)->chunkfun) ((h)->extra_arg, (size)) \
- : (*(h)->chunkfun) ((size)))
-#define CALL_FREEFUN(h, old_chunk) \
- do { \
- if ((h) -> use_extra_arg) \
- (*(h)->freefun) ((h)->extra_arg, (old_chunk)); \
- else \
- (*(h)->freefun) ((old_chunk)); \
- } while (0)
-/* Initialize an obstack H for use. Specify chunk size SIZE (0 means default).
- Objects start on multiples of ALIGNMENT (0 means use default).
- CHUNKFUN is the function to use to allocate chunks,
- and FREEFUN the function to free them.
- Return nonzero if successful, zero if out of memory.
- To recover from an out of memory error,
- free up some memory, then call this again. */
-_obstack_begin (h, size, alignment, chunkfun, freefun)
- struct obstack *h;
- int size;
- int alignment;
- POINTER (*chunkfun) ();
- void (*freefun) ();
- register struct _obstack_chunk* chunk; /* points to new chunk */
- if (alignment == 0)
- alignment = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT;
- if (size == 0)
- /* Default size is what GNU malloc can fit in a 4096-byte block. */
- {
- /* 12 is sizeof (mhead) and 4 is EXTRA from GNU malloc.
- Use the values for range checking, because if range checking is off,
- the extra bytes won't be missed terribly, but if range checking is on
- and we used a larger request, a whole extra 4096 bytes would be
- allocated.
- These number are irrelevant to the new GNU malloc. I suspect it is
- less sensitive to the size of the request. */
- int extra = ((((12 + DEFAULT_ROUNDING - 1) & ~(DEFAULT_ROUNDING - 1))
- size = 4096 - extra;
- }
- h->chunkfun = (struct _obstack_chunk * (*)()) chunkfun;
- h->freefun = freefun;
- h->chunk_size = size;
- h->alignment_mask = alignment - 1;
- h->use_extra_arg = 0;
- chunk = h->chunk = CALL_CHUNKFUN (h, h -> chunk_size);
- if (!chunk)
- {
- h->alloc_failed = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- h->alloc_failed = 0;
- h->next_free = h->object_base = chunk->contents;
- h->chunk_limit = chunk->limit
- = (char *) chunk + h->chunk_size;
- chunk->prev = 0;
- /* The initial chunk now contains no empty object. */
- h->maybe_empty_object = 0;
- return 1;
-_obstack_begin_1 (h, size, alignment, chunkfun, freefun, arg)
- struct obstack *h;
- int size;
- int alignment;
- POINTER (*chunkfun) ();
- void (*freefun) ();
- POINTER arg;
- register struct _obstack_chunk* chunk; /* points to new chunk */
- if (alignment == 0)
- alignment = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT;
- if (size == 0)
- /* Default size is what GNU malloc can fit in a 4096-byte block. */
- {
- /* 12 is sizeof (mhead) and 4 is EXTRA from GNU malloc.
- Use the values for range checking, because if range checking is off,
- the extra bytes won't be missed terribly, but if range checking is on
- and we used a larger request, a whole extra 4096 bytes would be
- allocated.
- These number are irrelevant to the new GNU malloc. I suspect it is
- less sensitive to the size of the request. */
- int extra = ((((12 + DEFAULT_ROUNDING - 1) & ~(DEFAULT_ROUNDING - 1))
- size = 4096 - extra;
- }
- h->chunkfun = (struct _obstack_chunk * (*)()) chunkfun;
- h->freefun = freefun;
- h->chunk_size = size;
- h->alignment_mask = alignment - 1;
- h->extra_arg = arg;
- h->use_extra_arg = 1;
- chunk = h->chunk = CALL_CHUNKFUN (h, h -> chunk_size);
- if (!chunk)
- {
- h->alloc_failed = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- h->alloc_failed = 0;
- h->next_free = h->object_base = chunk->contents;
- h->chunk_limit = chunk->limit
- = (char *) chunk + h->chunk_size;
- chunk->prev = 0;
- /* The initial chunk now contains no empty object. */
- h->maybe_empty_object = 0;
- return 1;
-/* Allocate a new current chunk for the obstack *H
- on the assumption that LENGTH bytes need to be added
- to the current object, or a new object of length LENGTH allocated.
- Copies any partial object from the end of the old chunk
- to the beginning of the new one. */
-_obstack_newchunk (h, length)
- struct obstack *h;
- int length;
- register struct _obstack_chunk* old_chunk = h->chunk;
- register struct _obstack_chunk* new_chunk;
- register long new_size;
- register int obj_size = h->next_free - h->object_base;
- register int i;
- int already;
- /* Compute size for new chunk. */
- new_size = (obj_size + length) + (obj_size >> 3) + 100;
- if (new_size < h->chunk_size)
- new_size = h->chunk_size;
- /* Allocate and initialize the new chunk. */
- new_chunk = CALL_CHUNKFUN (h, new_size);
- if (!new_chunk)
- {
- h->alloc_failed = 1;
- return;
- }
- h->alloc_failed = 0;
- h->chunk = new_chunk;
- new_chunk->prev = old_chunk;
- new_chunk->limit = h->chunk_limit = (char *) new_chunk + new_size;
- /* Move the existing object to the new chunk.
- Word at a time is fast and is safe if the object
- is sufficiently aligned. */
- if (h->alignment_mask + 1 >= DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT)
- {
- for (i = obj_size / sizeof (COPYING_UNIT) - 1;
- i >= 0; i--)
- ((COPYING_UNIT *)new_chunk->contents)[i]
- = ((COPYING_UNIT *)h->object_base)[i];
- /* We used to copy the odd few remaining bytes as one extra COPYING_UNIT,
- but that can cross a page boundary on a machine
- which does not do strict alignment for COPYING_UNITS. */
- already = obj_size / sizeof (COPYING_UNIT) * sizeof (COPYING_UNIT);
- }
- else
- already = 0;
- /* Copy remaining bytes one by one. */
- for (i = already; i < obj_size; i++)
- new_chunk->contents[i] = h->object_base[i];
- /* If the object just copied was the only data in OLD_CHUNK,
- free that chunk and remove it from the chain.
- But not if that chunk might contain an empty object. */
- if (h->object_base == old_chunk->contents && ! h->maybe_empty_object)
- {
- new_chunk->prev = old_chunk->prev;
- CALL_FREEFUN (h, old_chunk);
- }
- h->object_base = new_chunk->contents;
- h->next_free = h->object_base + obj_size;
- /* The new chunk certainly contains no empty object yet. */
- h->maybe_empty_object = 0;
-/* Return nonzero if object OBJ has been allocated from obstack H.
- This is here for debugging.
- If you use it in a program, you are probably losing. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-/* Suppress -Wmissing-prototypes warning. We don't want to declare this in
- obstack.h because it is just for debugging. */
-int _obstack_allocated_p (struct obstack *h, POINTER obj);
-_obstack_allocated_p (h, obj)
- struct obstack *h;
- POINTER obj;
- register struct _obstack_chunk* lp; /* below addr of any objects in this chunk */
- register struct _obstack_chunk* plp; /* point to previous chunk if any */
- lp = (h)->chunk;
- /* We use >= rather than > since the object cannot be exactly at
- the beginning of the chunk but might be an empty object exactly
- at the end of an adjacent chunk. */
- while (lp != 0 && ((POINTER)lp >= obj || (POINTER)(lp)->limit < obj))
- {
- plp = lp->prev;
- lp = plp;
- }
- return lp != 0;
-/* Free objects in obstack H, including OBJ and everything allocate
- more recently than OBJ. If OBJ is zero, free everything in H. */
-#undef obstack_free
-/* This function has two names with identical definitions.
- This is the first one, called from non-ANSI code. */
-_obstack_free (h, obj)
- struct obstack *h;
- POINTER obj;
- register struct _obstack_chunk* lp; /* below addr of any objects in this chunk */
- register struct _obstack_chunk* plp; /* point to previous chunk if any */
- lp = h->chunk;
- /* We use >= because there cannot be an object at the beginning of a chunk.
- But there can be an empty object at that address
- at the end of another chunk. */
- while (lp != 0 && ((POINTER)lp >= obj || (POINTER)(lp)->limit < obj))
- {
- plp = lp->prev;
- CALL_FREEFUN (h, lp);
- lp = plp;
- /* If we switch chunks, we can't tell whether the new current
- chunk contains an empty object, so assume that it may. */
- h->maybe_empty_object = 1;
- }
- if (lp)
- {
- h->object_base = h->next_free = (char *)(obj);
- h->chunk_limit = lp->limit;
- h->chunk = lp;
- }
- else if (obj != 0)
- /* obj is not in any of the chunks! */
- abort ();
-/* This function is used from ANSI code. */
-obstack_free (h, obj)
- struct obstack *h;
- POINTER obj;
- register struct _obstack_chunk* lp; /* below addr of any objects in this chunk */
- register struct _obstack_chunk* plp; /* point to previous chunk if any */
- lp = h->chunk;
- /* We use >= because there cannot be an object at the beginning of a chunk.
- But there can be an empty object at that address
- at the end of another chunk. */
- while (lp != 0 && ((POINTER)lp >= obj || (POINTER)(lp)->limit < obj))
- {
- plp = lp->prev;
- CALL_FREEFUN (h, lp);
- lp = plp;
- /* If we switch chunks, we can't tell whether the new current
- chunk contains an empty object, so assume that it may. */
- h->maybe_empty_object = 1;
- }
- if (lp)
- {
- h->object_base = h->next_free = (char *)(obj);
- h->chunk_limit = lp->limit;
- h->chunk = lp;
- }
- else if (obj != 0)
- /* obj is not in any of the chunks! */
- abort ();
-_obstack_memory_used (h)
- struct obstack *h;
- register struct _obstack_chunk* lp;
- register int nbytes = 0;
- for (lp = h->chunk; lp != 0; lp = lp->prev)
- {
- nbytes += lp->limit - (char *) lp;
- }
- return nbytes;
-#if 0
-/* These are now turned off because the applications do not use it
- and it uses bcopy via obstack_grow, which causes trouble on sysV. */
-/* Now define the functional versions of the obstack macros.
- Define them to simply use the corresponding macros to do the job. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-/* These function definitions do not work with non-ANSI preprocessors;
- they won't pass through the macro names in parentheses. */
-/* The function names appear in parentheses in order to prevent
- the macro-definitions of the names from being expanded there. */
-POINTER (obstack_base) (obstack)
- struct obstack *obstack;
- return obstack_base (obstack);
-POINTER (obstack_next_free) (obstack)
- struct obstack *obstack;
- return obstack_next_free (obstack);
-int (obstack_object_size) (obstack)
- struct obstack *obstack;
- return obstack_object_size (obstack);
-int (obstack_room) (obstack)
- struct obstack *obstack;
- return obstack_room (obstack);
-void (obstack_grow) (obstack, pointer, length)
- struct obstack *obstack;
- POINTER pointer;
- int length;
- obstack_grow (obstack, pointer, length);
-void (obstack_grow0) (obstack, pointer, length)
- struct obstack *obstack;
- POINTER pointer;
- int length;
- obstack_grow0 (obstack, pointer, length);
-void (obstack_1grow) (obstack, character)
- struct obstack *obstack;
- int character;
- obstack_1grow (obstack, character);
-void (obstack_blank) (obstack, length)
- struct obstack *obstack;
- int length;
- obstack_blank (obstack, length);
-void (obstack_1grow_fast) (obstack, character)
- struct obstack *obstack;
- int character;
- obstack_1grow_fast (obstack, character);
-void (obstack_blank_fast) (obstack, length)
- struct obstack *obstack;
- int length;
- obstack_blank_fast (obstack, length);
-POINTER (obstack_finish) (obstack)
- struct obstack *obstack;
- return obstack_finish (obstack);
-POINTER (obstack_alloc) (obstack, length)
- struct obstack *obstack;
- int length;
- return obstack_alloc (obstack, length);
-POINTER (obstack_copy) (obstack, pointer, length)
- struct obstack *obstack;
- POINTER pointer;
- int length;
- return obstack_copy (obstack, pointer, length);
-POINTER (obstack_copy0) (obstack, pointer, length)
- struct obstack *obstack;
- POINTER pointer;
- int length;
- return obstack_copy0 (obstack, pointer, length);
-#endif /* __STDC__ */
-#endif /* 0 */
-#endif /* _LIBC or not __GNU_LIBRARY__. */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/random.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/random.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e205719832b9..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/random.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
- * advertising materials, and other materials related to such
- * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
- * by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the
- * University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
- * from this software without specific prior written permission.
- */
- * This is derived from the Berkeley source:
- * @(#)random.c 5.5 (Berkeley) 7/6/88
- * It was reworked for the GNU C Library by Roland McGrath.
- */
-#include <errno.h>
-#if 0
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#define ULONG_MAX ((unsigned long)(~0L)) /* 0xFFFFFFFF for 32-bits */
-#define LONG_MAX ((long)(ULONG_MAX >> 1)) /* 0x7FFFFFFF for 32-bits*/
-#ifdef __STDC__
-# define PTR void *
-# define NULL (void *) 0
-# define PTR char *
-# define NULL 0
-long int random ();
-/* An improved random number generation package. In addition to the standard
- rand()/srand() like interface, this package also has a special state info
- interface. The initstate() routine is called with a seed, an array of
- bytes, and a count of how many bytes are being passed in; this array is
- then initialized to contain information for random number generation with
- that much state information. Good sizes for the amount of state
- information are 32, 64, 128, and 256 bytes. The state can be switched by
- calling the setstate() function with the same array as was initiallized
- with initstate(). By default, the package runs with 128 bytes of state
- information and generates far better random numbers than a linear
- congruential generator. If the amount of state information is less than
- 32 bytes, a simple linear congruential R.N.G. is used. Internally, the
- state information is treated as an array of longs; the zeroeth element of
- the array is the type of R.N.G. being used (small integer); the remainder
- of the array is the state information for the R.N.G. Thus, 32 bytes of
- state information will give 7 longs worth of state information, which will
- allow a degree seven polynomial. (Note: The zeroeth word of state
- information also has some other information stored in it; see setstate
- for details). The random number generation technique is a linear feedback
- shift register approach, employing trinomials (since there are fewer terms
- to sum up that way). In this approach, the least significant bit of all
- the numbers in the state table will act as a linear feedback shift register,
- and will have period 2^deg - 1 (where deg is the degree of the polynomial
- being used, assuming that the polynomial is irreducible and primitive).
- The higher order bits will have longer periods, since their values are
- also influenced by pseudo-random carries out of the lower bits. The
- total period of the generator is approximately deg*(2**deg - 1); thus
- doubling the amount of state information has a vast influence on the
- period of the generator. Note: The deg*(2**deg - 1) is an approximation
- only good for large deg, when the period of the shift register is the
- dominant factor. With deg equal to seven, the period is actually much
- longer than the 7*(2**7 - 1) predicted by this formula. */
-/* For each of the currently supported random number generators, we have a
- break value on the amount of state information (you need at least thi
- bytes of state info to support this random number generator), a degree for
- the polynomial (actually a trinomial) that the R.N.G. is based on, and
- separation between the two lower order coefficients of the trinomial. */
-/* Linear congruential. */
-#define TYPE_0 0
-#define BREAK_0 8
-#define DEG_0 0
-#define SEP_0 0
-/* x**7 + x**3 + 1. */
-#define TYPE_1 1
-#define BREAK_1 32
-#define DEG_1 7
-#define SEP_1 3
-/* x**15 + x + 1. */
-#define TYPE_2 2
-#define BREAK_2 64
-#define DEG_2 15
-#define SEP_2 1
-/* x**31 + x**3 + 1. */
-#define TYPE_3 3
-#define BREAK_3 128
-#define DEG_3 31
-#define SEP_3 3
-/* x**63 + x + 1. */
-#define TYPE_4 4
-#define BREAK_4 256
-#define DEG_4 63
-#define SEP_4 1
-/* Array versions of the above information to make code run faster.
- Relies on fact that TYPE_i == i. */
-#define MAX_TYPES 5 /* Max number of types above. */
-static int degrees[MAX_TYPES] = { DEG_0, DEG_1, DEG_2, DEG_3, DEG_4 };
-static int seps[MAX_TYPES] = { SEP_0, SEP_1, SEP_2, SEP_3, SEP_4 };
-/* Initially, everything is set up as if from:
- initstate(1, randtbl, 128);
- Note that this initialization takes advantage of the fact that srandom
- advances the front and rear pointers 10*rand_deg times, and hence the
- rear pointer which starts at 0 will also end up at zero; thus the zeroeth
- element of the state information, which contains info about the current
- position of the rear pointer is just
- (MAX_TYPES * (rptr - state)) + TYPE_3 == TYPE_3. */
-static long int randtbl[DEG_3 + 1] =
- { TYPE_3,
- 0x9a319039, 0x32d9c024, 0x9b663182, 0x5da1f342,
- 0xde3b81e0, 0xdf0a6fb5, 0xf103bc02, 0x48f340fb,
- 0x7449e56b, 0xbeb1dbb0, 0xab5c5918, 0x946554fd,
- 0x8c2e680f, 0xeb3d799f, 0xb11ee0b7, 0x2d436b86,
- 0xda672e2a, 0x1588ca88, 0xe369735d, 0x904f35f7,
- 0xd7158fd6, 0x6fa6f051, 0x616e6b96, 0xac94efdc,
- 0x36413f93, 0xc622c298, 0xf5a42ab8, 0x8a88d77b,
- 0xf5ad9d0e, 0x8999220b, 0x27fb47b9
- };
-/* FPTR and RPTR are two pointers into the state info, a front and a rear
- pointer. These two pointers are always rand_sep places aparts, as they
- cycle through the state information. (Yes, this does mean we could get
- away with just one pointer, but the code for random is more efficient
- this way). The pointers are left positioned as they would be from the call:
- initstate(1, randtbl, 128);
- (The position of the rear pointer, rptr, is really 0 (as explained above
- in the initialization of randtbl) because the state table pointer is set
- to point to randtbl[1] (as explained below).) */
-static long int *fptr = &randtbl[SEP_3 + 1];
-static long int *rptr = &randtbl[1];
-/* The following things are the pointer to the state information table,
- the type of the current generator, the degree of the current polynomial
- being used, and the separation between the two pointers.
- Note that for efficiency of random, we remember the first location of
- the state information, not the zeroeth. Hence it is valid to access
- state[-1], which is used to store the type of the R.N.G.
- Also, we remember the last location, since this is more efficient than
- indexing every time to find the address of the last element to see if
- the front and rear pointers have wrapped. */
-static long int *state = &randtbl[1];
-static int rand_type = TYPE_3;
-static int rand_deg = DEG_3;
-static int rand_sep = SEP_3;
-static long int *end_ptr = &randtbl[sizeof(randtbl) / sizeof(randtbl[0])];
-/* Initialize the random number generator based on the given seed. If the
- type is the trivial no-state-information type, just remember the seed.
- Otherwise, initializes state[] based on the given "seed" via a linear
- congruential generator. Then, the pointers are set to known locations
- that are exactly rand_sep places apart. Lastly, it cycles the state
- information a given number of times to get rid of any initial dependencies
- introduced by the L.C.R.N.G. Note that the initialization of randtbl[]
- for default usage relies on values produced by this routine. */
-srandom (x)
- unsigned int x;
- state[0] = x;
- if (rand_type != TYPE_0)
- {
- register long int i;
- for (i = 1; i < rand_deg; ++i)
- state[i] = (1103515145 * state[i - 1]) + 12345;
- fptr = &state[rand_sep];
- rptr = &state[0];
- for (i = 0; i < 10 * rand_deg; ++i)
- random();
- }
-/* Initialize the state information in the given array of N bytes for
- future random number generation. Based on the number of bytes we
- are given, and the break values for the different R.N.G.'s, we choose
- the best (largest) one we can and set things up for it. srandom is
- then called to initialize the state information. Note that on return
- from srandom, we set state[-1] to be the type multiplexed with the current
- value of the rear pointer; this is so successive calls to initstate won't
- lose this information and will be able to restart with setstate.
- Note: The first thing we do is save the current state, if any, just like
- setstate so that it doesn't matter when initstate is called.
- Returns a pointer to the old state. */
-initstate (seed, arg_state, n)
- unsigned int seed;
- PTR arg_state;
- unsigned long n;
- PTR ostate = (PTR) &state[-1];
- if (rand_type == TYPE_0)
- state[-1] = rand_type;
- else
- state[-1] = (MAX_TYPES * (rptr - state)) + rand_type;
- if (n < BREAK_1)
- {
- if (n < BREAK_0)
- {
- errno = EINVAL;
- return NULL;
- }
- rand_type = TYPE_0;
- rand_deg = DEG_0;
- rand_sep = SEP_0;
- }
- else if (n < BREAK_2)
- {
- rand_type = TYPE_1;
- rand_deg = DEG_1;
- rand_sep = SEP_1;
- }
- else if (n < BREAK_3)
- {
- rand_type = TYPE_2;
- rand_deg = DEG_2;
- rand_sep = SEP_2;
- }
- else if (n < BREAK_4)
- {
- rand_type = TYPE_3;
- rand_deg = DEG_3;
- rand_sep = SEP_3;
- }
- else
- {
- rand_type = TYPE_4;
- rand_deg = DEG_4;
- rand_sep = SEP_4;
- }
- state = &((long int *) arg_state)[1]; /* First location. */
- /* Must set END_PTR before srandom. */
- end_ptr = &state[rand_deg];
- srandom(seed);
- if (rand_type == TYPE_0)
- state[-1] = rand_type;
- else
- state[-1] = (MAX_TYPES * (rptr - state)) + rand_type;
- return ostate;
-/* Restore the state from the given state array.
- Note: It is important that we also remember the locations of the pointers
- in the current state information, and restore the locations of the pointers
- from the old state information. This is done by multiplexing the pointer
- location into the zeroeth word of the state information. Note that due
- to the order in which things are done, it is OK to call setstate with the
- same state as the current state
- Returns a pointer to the old state information. */
-setstate (arg_state)
- PTR arg_state;
- register long int *new_state = (long int *) arg_state;
- register int type = new_state[0] % MAX_TYPES;
- register int rear = new_state[0] / MAX_TYPES;
- PTR ostate = (PTR) &state[-1];
- if (rand_type == TYPE_0)
- state[-1] = rand_type;
- else
- state[-1] = (MAX_TYPES * (rptr - state)) + rand_type;
- switch (type)
- {
- case TYPE_0:
- case TYPE_1:
- case TYPE_2:
- case TYPE_3:
- case TYPE_4:
- rand_type = type;
- rand_deg = degrees[type];
- rand_sep = seps[type];
- break;
- default:
- /* State info munged. */
- errno = EINVAL;
- return NULL;
- }
- state = &new_state[1];
- if (rand_type != TYPE_0)
- {
- rptr = &state[rear];
- fptr = &state[(rear + rand_sep) % rand_deg];
- }
- /* Set end_ptr too. */
- end_ptr = &state[rand_deg];
- return ostate;
-/* If we are using the trivial TYPE_0 R.N.G., just do the old linear
- congruential bit. Otherwise, we do our fancy trinomial stuff, which is the
- same in all ther other cases due to all the global variables that have been
- set up. The basic operation is to add the number at the rear pointer into
- the one at the front pointer. Then both pointers are advanced to the next
- location cyclically in the table. The value returned is the sum generated,
- reduced to 31 bits by throwing away the "least random" low bit.
- Note: The code takes advantage of the fact that both the front and
- rear pointers can't wrap on the same call by not testing the rear
- pointer if the front one has wrapped. Returns a 31-bit random number. */
-long int
-random ()
- if (rand_type == TYPE_0)
- {
- state[0] = ((state[0] * 1103515245) + 12345) & LONG_MAX;
- return state[0];
- }
- else
- {
- long int i;
- *fptr += *rptr;
- /* Chucking least random bit. */
- i = (*fptr >> 1) & LONG_MAX;
- ++fptr;
- if (fptr >= end_ptr)
- {
- fptr = state;
- ++rptr;
- }
- else
- {
- ++rptr;
- if (rptr >= end_ptr)
- rptr = state;
- }
- return i;
- }
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/rename.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/rename.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ae26e2d00407..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/rename.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* rename -- rename a file
- This function is in the public domain. */
-/* Rename a file. */
-#include <errno.h>
-rename (zfrom, zto)
- char *zfrom;
- char *zto;
- if (link (zfrom, zto) < 0)
- {
- if (errno != EEXIST)
- return -1;
- if (unlink (zto) < 0
- || link (zfrom, zto) < 0)
- return -1;
- }
- return unlink (zfrom);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/rindex.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/rindex.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 061d1269f178..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/rindex.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-/* Stub implementation of (obsolete) rindex(). */
-extern char *strrchr ();
-char *
-rindex (s, c)
- char *s;
- int c;
- return strrchr (s, c);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/sigsetmask.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/sigsetmask.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a09e6a6c5ac..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/sigsetmask.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-/* Version of sigsetmask.c
- Written by Steve Chamberlain (
- Contributed by Cygnus Support.
- This file is in the public doamin. */
-/* Set the current signal mask to the set provided, and return the
- previous value */
-#define _POSIX_SOURCE
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-/* Including <sys/types.h> seems to be needed by ISC. */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <signal.h>
- int set)
- sigset_t new;
- sigset_t old;
- sigemptyset (&new);
- if (set != 0) {
- abort(); /* FIXME, we don't know how to translate old mask to new */
- }
- sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &new, &old);
- return 1; /* FIXME, we always return 1 as old value. */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/spaces.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/spaces.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ea8532d7f6f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/spaces.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-/* Allocate memory region filled with spaces.
- Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of the libiberty library.
-Libiberty is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-Libiberty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with libiberty; see the file COPYING.LIB. If
-not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- spaces -- return a pointer to a buffer full of spaces
- char *spaces (int count)
- Returns a pointer to a memory region filled with the specified
- number of spaces and null terminated. The returned pointer is
- valid until at least the next call.
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "libiberty.h"
-const char *
-spaces (count)
- int count;
- register char *t;
- static char *buf;
- static int maxsize;
- extern char *malloc ();
- extern void free ();
- if (count > maxsize)
- {
- if (buf)
- {
- free (buf);
- }
- buf = malloc (count + 1);
- if (buf == (char *) 0)
- return 0;
- for (t = buf + count ; t != buf ; )
- {
- *--t = ' ';
- }
- maxsize = count;
- buf[count] = '\0';
- }
- return (const char *) (buf + maxsize - count);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strcasecmp.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strcasecmp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 53387ca1b3ee..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strcasecmp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1987 Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
- * to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
- * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
- * software without specific written prior permission. This software
- * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
- */
-#if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
-static char sccsid[] = "@(#)strcasecmp.c 5.5 (Berkeley) 11/24/87";
-#endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stddef.h>
-#define size_t unsigned long
- * This array is designed for mapping upper and lower case letter
- * together for a case independent comparison. The mappings are
- * based upon ascii character sequences.
- */
-static unsigned char charmap[] = {
- '\000', '\001', '\002', '\003', '\004', '\005', '\006', '\007',
- '\010', '\011', '\012', '\013', '\014', '\015', '\016', '\017',
- '\020', '\021', '\022', '\023', '\024', '\025', '\026', '\027',
- '\030', '\031', '\032', '\033', '\034', '\035', '\036', '\037',
- '\040', '\041', '\042', '\043', '\044', '\045', '\046', '\047',
- '\050', '\051', '\052', '\053', '\054', '\055', '\056', '\057',
- '\060', '\061', '\062', '\063', '\064', '\065', '\066', '\067',
- '\070', '\071', '\072', '\073', '\074', '\075', '\076', '\077',
- '\100', '\141', '\142', '\143', '\144', '\145', '\146', '\147',
- '\150', '\151', '\152', '\153', '\154', '\155', '\156', '\157',
- '\160', '\161', '\162', '\163', '\164', '\165', '\166', '\167',
- '\170', '\171', '\172', '\133', '\134', '\135', '\136', '\137',
- '\140', '\141', '\142', '\143', '\144', '\145', '\146', '\147',
- '\150', '\151', '\152', '\153', '\154', '\155', '\156', '\157',
- '\160', '\161', '\162', '\163', '\164', '\165', '\166', '\167',
- '\170', '\171', '\172', '\173', '\174', '\175', '\176', '\177',
- '\200', '\201', '\202', '\203', '\204', '\205', '\206', '\207',
- '\210', '\211', '\212', '\213', '\214', '\215', '\216', '\217',
- '\220', '\221', '\222', '\223', '\224', '\225', '\226', '\227',
- '\230', '\231', '\232', '\233', '\234', '\235', '\236', '\237',
- '\240', '\241', '\242', '\243', '\244', '\245', '\246', '\247',
- '\250', '\251', '\252', '\253', '\254', '\255', '\256', '\257',
- '\260', '\261', '\262', '\263', '\264', '\265', '\266', '\267',
- '\270', '\271', '\272', '\273', '\274', '\275', '\276', '\277',
- '\300', '\341', '\342', '\343', '\344', '\345', '\346', '\347',
- '\350', '\351', '\352', '\353', '\354', '\355', '\356', '\357',
- '\360', '\361', '\362', '\363', '\364', '\365', '\366', '\367',
- '\370', '\371', '\372', '\333', '\334', '\335', '\336', '\337',
- '\340', '\341', '\342', '\343', '\344', '\345', '\346', '\347',
- '\350', '\351', '\352', '\353', '\354', '\355', '\356', '\357',
- '\360', '\361', '\362', '\363', '\364', '\365', '\366', '\367',
- '\370', '\371', '\372', '\373', '\374', '\375', '\376', '\377',
-strcasecmp(s1, s2)
- const char *s1, *s2;
- register unsigned char u1, u2;
- for (;;) {
- u1 = (unsigned char) *s1++;
- u2 = (unsigned char) *s2++;
- if (charmap[u1] != charmap[u2]) {
- return charmap[u1] - charmap[u2];
- }
- if (u1 == '\0') {
- return 0;
- }
- }
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strchr.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strchr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 22976ce248af..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strchr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-/* Portable version of strchr()
- This function is in the public domain. */
- strchr -- return pointer to first occurance of a character
- char *strchr (const char *s, int c)
- Returns a pointer to the first occurance of character C in
- string S, or a NULL pointer if no occurance is found.
- Behavior when character is the null character is implementation
- dependent.
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-char *
-strchr (s, c)
- register CONST char *s;
- int c;
- do {
- if (*s == c)
- {
- return (char*)s;
- }
- } while (*s++);
- return (0);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strdup.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strdup.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1785b34f2745..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strdup.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-char *
- char *s;
- char *result = (char*)malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
- if (result == (char*)0)
- return (char*)0;
- strcpy(result, s);
- return result;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strerror.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strerror.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f3f92b3d1a7..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strerror.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,829 +0,0 @@
-/* Extended support for using errno values.
- Written by Fred Fish.
- This file is in the public domain. --Per Bothner. */
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "libiberty.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#ifndef NEED_sys_errlist
-/* Note that errno.h (not sure what OS) or stdio.h (BSD 4.4, at least)
- might declare sys_errlist in a way that the compiler might consider
- incompatible with our later declaration, perhaps by using const
- attributes. So we hide the declaration in errno.h (if any) using a
- macro. */
-#define sys_errlist sys_errlist__
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#ifndef NEED_sys_errlist
-#undef sys_errlist
-/* Routines imported from standard C runtime libraries. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stddef.h>
-extern void *malloc (size_t size); /* */
-extern void *memset (void *s, int c, size_t n); /* */
-#else /* !__STDC__ */
-extern char *malloc (); /* Standard memory allocater */
-extern char *memset ();
-#endif /* __STDC__ */
-#ifndef MAX
-# define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
-/* Translation table for errno values. See intro(2) in most UNIX systems
- Programmers Reference Manuals.
- Note that this table is generally only accessed when it is used at runtime
- to initialize errno name and message tables that are indexed by errno
- value.
- Not all of these errnos will exist on all systems. This table is the only
- thing that should have to be updated as new error numbers are introduced.
- It's sort of ugly, but at least its portable. */
-struct error_info
- int value; /* The numeric value from <errno.h> */
- const char *name; /* The equivalent symbolic value */
-#ifdef NEED_sys_errlist
- const char *msg; /* Short message about this value */
-#ifdef NEED_sys_errlist
-# define ENTRY(value, name, msg) {value, name, msg}
-# define ENTRY(value, name, msg) {value, name}
-static const struct error_info error_table[] =
-#if defined (EPERM)
- ENTRY(EPERM, "EPERM", "Not owner"),
-#if defined (ENOENT)
- ENTRY(ENOENT, "ENOENT", "No such file or directory"),
-#if defined (ESRCH)
- ENTRY(ESRCH, "ESRCH", "No such process"),
-#if defined (EINTR)
- ENTRY(EINTR, "EINTR", "Interrupted system call"),
-#if defined (EIO)
- ENTRY(EIO, "EIO", "I/O error"),
-#if defined (ENXIO)
- ENTRY(ENXIO, "ENXIO", "No such device or address"),
-#if defined (E2BIG)
- ENTRY(E2BIG, "E2BIG", "Arg list too long"),
-#if defined (ENOEXEC)
- ENTRY(ENOEXEC, "ENOEXEC", "Exec format error"),
-#if defined (EBADF)
- ENTRY(EBADF, "EBADF", "Bad file number"),
-#if defined (ECHILD)
- ENTRY(ECHILD, "ECHILD", "No child processes"),
-#if defined (EWOULDBLOCK) /* Put before EAGAIN, sometimes aliased */
- ENTRY(EWOULDBLOCK, "EWOULDBLOCK", "Operation would block"),
-#if defined (EAGAIN)
- ENTRY(EAGAIN, "EAGAIN", "No more processes"),
-#if defined (ENOMEM)
- ENTRY(ENOMEM, "ENOMEM", "Not enough space"),
-#if defined (EACCES)
- ENTRY(EACCES, "EACCES", "Permission denied"),
-#if defined (EFAULT)
- ENTRY(EFAULT, "EFAULT", "Bad address"),
-#if defined (ENOTBLK)
- ENTRY(ENOTBLK, "ENOTBLK", "Block device required"),
-#if defined (EBUSY)
- ENTRY(EBUSY, "EBUSY", "Device busy"),
-#if defined (EEXIST)
- ENTRY(EEXIST, "EEXIST", "File exists"),
-#if defined (EXDEV)
- ENTRY(EXDEV, "EXDEV", "Cross-device link"),
-#if defined (ENODEV)
- ENTRY(ENODEV, "ENODEV", "No such device"),
-#if defined (ENOTDIR)
- ENTRY(ENOTDIR, "ENOTDIR", "Not a directory"),
-#if defined (EISDIR)
- ENTRY(EISDIR, "EISDIR", "Is a directory"),
-#if defined (EINVAL)
- ENTRY(EINVAL, "EINVAL", "Invalid argument"),
-#if defined (ENFILE)
- ENTRY(ENFILE, "ENFILE", "File table overflow"),
-#if defined (EMFILE)
- ENTRY(EMFILE, "EMFILE", "Too many open files"),
-#if defined (ENOTTY)
- ENTRY(ENOTTY, "ENOTTY", "Not a typewriter"),
-#if defined (ETXTBSY)
- ENTRY(ETXTBSY, "ETXTBSY", "Text file busy"),
-#if defined (EFBIG)
- ENTRY(EFBIG, "EFBIG", "File too large"),
-#if defined (ENOSPC)
- ENTRY(ENOSPC, "ENOSPC", "No space left on device"),
-#if defined (ESPIPE)
- ENTRY(ESPIPE, "ESPIPE", "Illegal seek"),
-#if defined (EROFS)
- ENTRY(EROFS, "EROFS", "Read-only file system"),
-#if defined (EMLINK)
- ENTRY(EMLINK, "EMLINK", "Too many links"),
-#if defined (EPIPE)
- ENTRY(EPIPE, "EPIPE", "Broken pipe"),
-#if defined (EDOM)
- ENTRY(EDOM, "EDOM", "Math argument out of domain of func"),
-#if defined (ERANGE)
- ENTRY(ERANGE, "ERANGE", "Math result not representable"),
-#if defined (ENOMSG)
- ENTRY(ENOMSG, "ENOMSG", "No message of desired type"),
-#if defined (EIDRM)
- ENTRY(EIDRM, "EIDRM", "Identifier removed"),
-#if defined (ECHRNG)
- ENTRY(ECHRNG, "ECHRNG", "Channel number out of range"),
-#if defined (EL2NSYNC)
- ENTRY(EL2NSYNC, "EL2NSYNC", "Level 2 not synchronized"),
-#if defined (EL3HLT)
- ENTRY(EL3HLT, "EL3HLT", "Level 3 halted"),
-#if defined (EL3RST)
- ENTRY(EL3RST, "EL3RST", "Level 3 reset"),
-#if defined (ELNRNG)
- ENTRY(ELNRNG, "ELNRNG", "Link number out of range"),
-#if defined (EUNATCH)
- ENTRY(EUNATCH, "EUNATCH", "Protocol driver not attached"),
-#if defined (ENOCSI)
- ENTRY(ENOCSI, "ENOCSI", "No CSI structure available"),
-#if defined (EL2HLT)
- ENTRY(EL2HLT, "EL2HLT", "Level 2 halted"),
-#if defined (EDEADLK)
- ENTRY(EDEADLK, "EDEADLK", "Deadlock condition"),
-#if defined (ENOLCK)
- ENTRY(ENOLCK, "ENOLCK", "No record locks available"),
-#if defined (EBADE)
- ENTRY(EBADE, "EBADE", "Invalid exchange"),
-#if defined (EBADR)
- ENTRY(EBADR, "EBADR", "Invalid request descriptor"),
-#if defined (EXFULL)
- ENTRY(EXFULL, "EXFULL", "Exchange full"),
-#if defined (ENOANO)
- ENTRY(ENOANO, "ENOANO", "No anode"),
-#if defined (EBADRQC)
- ENTRY(EBADRQC, "EBADRQC", "Invalid request code"),
-#if defined (EBADSLT)
- ENTRY(EBADSLT, "EBADSLT", "Invalid slot"),
-#if defined (EDEADLOCK)
- ENTRY(EDEADLOCK, "EDEADLOCK", "File locking deadlock error"),
-#if defined (EBFONT)
- ENTRY(EBFONT, "EBFONT", "Bad font file format"),
-#if defined (ENOSTR)
- ENTRY(ENOSTR, "ENOSTR", "Device not a stream"),
-#if defined (ENODATA)
- ENTRY(ENODATA, "ENODATA", "No data available"),
-#if defined (ETIME)
- ENTRY(ETIME, "ETIME", "Timer expired"),
-#if defined (ENOSR)
- ENTRY(ENOSR, "ENOSR", "Out of streams resources"),
-#if defined (ENONET)
- ENTRY(ENONET, "ENONET", "Machine is not on the network"),
-#if defined (ENOPKG)
- ENTRY(ENOPKG, "ENOPKG", "Package not installed"),
-#if defined (EREMOTE)
- ENTRY(EREMOTE, "EREMOTE", "Object is remote"),
-#if defined (ENOLINK)
- ENTRY(ENOLINK, "ENOLINK", "Link has been severed"),
-#if defined (EADV)
- ENTRY(EADV, "EADV", "Advertise error"),
-#if defined (ESRMNT)
- ENTRY(ESRMNT, "ESRMNT", "Srmount error"),
-#if defined (ECOMM)
- ENTRY(ECOMM, "ECOMM", "Communication error on send"),
-#if defined (EPROTO)
- ENTRY(EPROTO, "EPROTO", "Protocol error"),
-#if defined (EMULTIHOP)
- ENTRY(EMULTIHOP, "EMULTIHOP", "Multihop attempted"),
-#if defined (EDOTDOT)
- ENTRY(EDOTDOT, "EDOTDOT", "RFS specific error"),
-#if defined (EBADMSG)
- ENTRY(EBADMSG, "EBADMSG", "Not a data message"),
-#if defined (ENAMETOOLONG)
- ENTRY(ENAMETOOLONG, "ENAMETOOLONG", "File name too long"),
-#if defined (EOVERFLOW)
- ENTRY(EOVERFLOW, "EOVERFLOW", "Value too large for defined data type"),
-#if defined (ENOTUNIQ)
- ENTRY(ENOTUNIQ, "ENOTUNIQ", "Name not unique on network"),
-#if defined (EBADFD)
- ENTRY(EBADFD, "EBADFD", "File descriptor in bad state"),
-#if defined (EREMCHG)
- ENTRY(EREMCHG, "EREMCHG", "Remote address changed"),
-#if defined (ELIBACC)
- ENTRY(ELIBACC, "ELIBACC", "Can not access a needed shared library"),
-#if defined (ELIBBAD)
- ENTRY(ELIBBAD, "ELIBBAD", "Accessing a corrupted shared library"),
-#if defined (ELIBSCN)
- ENTRY(ELIBSCN, "ELIBSCN", ".lib section in a.out corrupted"),
-#if defined (ELIBMAX)
- ENTRY(ELIBMAX, "ELIBMAX", "Attempting to link in too many shared libraries"),
-#if defined (ELIBEXEC)
- ENTRY(ELIBEXEC, "ELIBEXEC", "Cannot exec a shared library directly"),
-#if defined (EILSEQ)
- ENTRY(EILSEQ, "EILSEQ", "Illegal byte sequence"),
-#if defined (ENOSYS)
- ENTRY(ENOSYS, "ENOSYS", "Operation not applicable"),
-#if defined (ELOOP)
- ENTRY(ELOOP, "ELOOP", "Too many symbolic links encountered"),
-#if defined (ERESTART)
- ENTRY(ERESTART, "ERESTART", "Interrupted system call should be restarted"),
-#if defined (ESTRPIPE)
- ENTRY(ESTRPIPE, "ESTRPIPE", "Streams pipe error"),
-#if defined (ENOTEMPTY)
- ENTRY(ENOTEMPTY, "ENOTEMPTY", "Directory not empty"),
-#if defined (EUSERS)
- ENTRY(EUSERS, "EUSERS", "Too many users"),
-#if defined (ENOTSOCK)
- ENTRY(ENOTSOCK, "ENOTSOCK", "Socket operation on non-socket"),
-#if defined (EDESTADDRREQ)
- ENTRY(EDESTADDRREQ, "EDESTADDRREQ", "Destination address required"),
-#if defined (EMSGSIZE)
- ENTRY(EMSGSIZE, "EMSGSIZE", "Message too long"),
-#if defined (EPROTOTYPE)
- ENTRY(EPROTOTYPE, "EPROTOTYPE", "Protocol wrong type for socket"),
-#if defined (ENOPROTOOPT)
- ENTRY(ENOPROTOOPT, "ENOPROTOOPT", "Protocol not available"),
-#if defined (EPROTONOSUPPORT)
-#if defined (ESOCKTNOSUPPORT)
- ENTRY(ESOCKTNOSUPPORT, "ESOCKTNOSUPPORT", "Socket type not supported"),
-#if defined (EOPNOTSUPP)
- ENTRY(EOPNOTSUPP, "EOPNOTSUPP", "Operation not supported on transport endpoint"),
-#if defined (EPFNOSUPPORT)
- ENTRY(EPFNOSUPPORT, "EPFNOSUPPORT", "Protocol family not supported"),
-#if defined (EAFNOSUPPORT)
- ENTRY(EAFNOSUPPORT, "EAFNOSUPPORT", "Address family not supported by protocol"),
-#if defined (EADDRINUSE)
- ENTRY(EADDRINUSE, "EADDRINUSE", "Address already in use"),
-#if defined (EADDRNOTAVAIL)
- ENTRY(EADDRNOTAVAIL, "EADDRNOTAVAIL","Cannot assign requested address"),
-#if defined (ENETDOWN)
- ENTRY(ENETDOWN, "ENETDOWN", "Network is down"),
-#if defined (ENETUNREACH)
- ENTRY(ENETUNREACH, "ENETUNREACH", "Network is unreachable"),
-#if defined (ENETRESET)
- ENTRY(ENETRESET, "ENETRESET", "Network dropped connection because of reset"),
-#if defined (ECONNABORTED)
- ENTRY(ECONNABORTED, "ECONNABORTED", "Software caused connection abort"),
-#if defined (ECONNRESET)
- ENTRY(ECONNRESET, "ECONNRESET", "Connection reset by peer"),
-#if defined (ENOBUFS)
- ENTRY(ENOBUFS, "ENOBUFS", "No buffer space available"),
-#if defined (EISCONN)
- ENTRY(EISCONN, "EISCONN", "Transport endpoint is already connected"),
-#if defined (ENOTCONN)
- ENTRY(ENOTCONN, "ENOTCONN", "Transport endpoint is not connected"),
-#if defined (ESHUTDOWN)
- ENTRY(ESHUTDOWN, "ESHUTDOWN", "Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown"),
-#if defined (ETOOMANYREFS)
- ENTRY(ETOOMANYREFS, "ETOOMANYREFS", "Too many references: cannot splice"),
-#if defined (ETIMEDOUT)
- ENTRY(ETIMEDOUT, "ETIMEDOUT", "Connection timed out"),
-#if defined (ECONNREFUSED)
- ENTRY(ECONNREFUSED, "ECONNREFUSED", "Connection refused"),
-#if defined (EHOSTDOWN)
- ENTRY(EHOSTDOWN, "EHOSTDOWN", "Host is down"),
-#if defined (EHOSTUNREACH)
-#if defined (EALREADY)
- ENTRY(EALREADY, "EALREADY", "Operation already in progress"),
-#if defined (EINPROGRESS)
- ENTRY(EINPROGRESS, "EINPROGRESS", "Operation now in progress"),
-#if defined (ESTALE)
- ENTRY(ESTALE, "ESTALE", "Stale NFS file handle"),
-#if defined (EUCLEAN)
- ENTRY(EUCLEAN, "EUCLEAN", "Structure needs cleaning"),
-#if defined (ENOTNAM)
- ENTRY(ENOTNAM, "ENOTNAM", "Not a XENIX named type file"),
-#if defined (ENAVAIL)
- ENTRY(ENAVAIL, "ENAVAIL", "No XENIX semaphores available"),
-#if defined (EISNAM)
- ENTRY(EISNAM, "EISNAM", "Is a named type file"),
-#if defined (EREMOTEIO)
- ENTRY(EREMOTEIO, "EREMOTEIO", "Remote I/O error"),
-#ifdef EVMSERR
-/* This is not in the table, because the numeric value of EVMSERR (32767)
- lies outside the range of sys_errlist[]. */
-static struct { int value; const char *name, *msg; }
- evmserr = { EVMSERR, "EVMSERR", "VMS-specific error" };
-/* Translation table allocated and initialized at runtime. Indexed by the
- errno value to find the equivalent symbolic value. */
-static const char **error_names;
-static int num_error_names = 0;
-/* Translation table allocated and initialized at runtime, if it does not
- already exist in the host environment. Indexed by the errno value to find
- the descriptive string.
- We don't export it for use in other modules because even though it has the
- same name, it differs from other implementations in that it is dynamically
- initialized rather than statically initialized. */
-#ifdef NEED_sys_errlist
-static int sys_nerr;
-static const char **sys_errlist;
-extern int sys_nerr;
-extern char *sys_errlist[];
- init_error_tables -- initialize the name and message tables
- static void init_error_tables ();
- Using the error_table, which is initialized at compile time, generate
- the error_names and the sys_errlist (if needed) tables, which are
- indexed at runtime by a specific errno value.
- The initialization of the tables may fail under low memory conditions,
- in which case we don't do anything particularly useful, but we don't
- bomb either. Who knows, it might succeed at a later point if we free
- some memory in the meantime. In any case, the other routines know
- how to deal with lack of a table after trying to initialize it. This
- may or may not be considered to be a bug, that we don't specifically
- warn about this particular failure mode.
-static void
-init_error_tables ()
- const struct error_info *eip;
- int nbytes;
- /* If we haven't already scanned the error_table once to find the maximum
- errno value, then go find it now. */
- if (num_error_names == 0)
- {
- for (eip = error_table; eip -> name != NULL; eip++)
- {
- if (eip -> value >= num_error_names)
- {
- num_error_names = eip -> value + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Now attempt to allocate the error_names table, zero it out, and then
- initialize it from the statically initialized error_table. */
- if (error_names == NULL)
- {
- nbytes = num_error_names * sizeof (char *);
- if ((error_names = (const char **) malloc (nbytes)) != NULL)
- {
- memset (error_names, 0, nbytes);
- for (eip = error_table; eip -> name != NULL; eip++)
- {
- error_names[eip -> value] = eip -> name;
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef NEED_sys_errlist
- /* Now attempt to allocate the sys_errlist table, zero it out, and then
- initialize it from the statically initialized error_table. */
- if (sys_errlist == NULL)
- {
- nbytes = num_error_names * sizeof (char *);
- if ((sys_errlist = (const char **) malloc (nbytes)) != NULL)
- {
- memset (sys_errlist, 0, nbytes);
- sys_nerr = num_error_names;
- for (eip = error_table; eip -> name != NULL; eip++)
- {
- sys_errlist[eip -> value] = eip -> msg;
- }
- }
- }
- errno_max -- return the max errno value
- int errno_max ();
- Returns the maximum errno value for which a corresponding symbolic
- name or message is available. Note that in the case where
- we use the sys_errlist supplied by the system, it is possible for
- there to be more symbolic names than messages, or vice versa.
- In fact, the manual page for perror(3C) explicitly warns that one
- should check the size of the table (sys_nerr) before indexing it,
- since new error codes may be added to the system before they are
- added to the table. Thus sys_nerr might be smaller than value
- implied by the largest errno value defined in <errno.h>.
- We return the maximum value that can be used to obtain a meaningful
- symbolic name or message.
-errno_max ()
- int maxsize;
- if (error_names == NULL)
- {
- init_error_tables ();
- }
- maxsize = MAX (sys_nerr, num_error_names);
- return (maxsize - 1);
-#ifdef NEED_strerror
- strerror -- map an error number to an error message string
- char *strerror (int errnoval)
- Maps an errno number to an error message string, the contents of
- which are implementation defined. On systems which have the external
- variables sys_nerr and sys_errlist, these strings will be the same
- as the ones used by perror().
- If the supplied error number is within the valid range of indices
- for the sys_errlist, but no message is available for the particular
- error number, then returns the string "Error NUM", where NUM is the
- error number.
- If the supplied error number is not a valid index into sys_errlist,
- returns NULL.
- The returned string is only guaranteed to be valid only until the
- next call to strerror.
-char *
-strerror (errnoval)
- int errnoval;
- char *msg;
- static char buf[32];
-#ifdef NEED_sys_errlist
- if (error_names == NULL)
- {
- init_error_tables ();
- }
- if ((errnoval < 0) || (errnoval >= sys_nerr))
- {
-#ifdef EVMSERR
- if (errnoval == evmserr.value)
- msg = evmserr.msg;
- else
- /* Out of range, just return NULL */
- msg = NULL;
- }
- else if ((sys_errlist == NULL) || (sys_errlist[errnoval] == NULL))
- {
- /* In range, but no sys_errlist or no entry at this index. */
- sprintf (buf, "Error %d", errnoval);
- msg = buf;
- }
- else
- {
- /* In range, and a valid message. Just return the message. */
- msg = (char *) sys_errlist[errnoval];
- }
- return (msg);
-#endif /* NEED_strerror */
- strerrno -- map an error number to a symbolic name string
- const char *strerrno (int errnoval)
- Given an error number returned from a system call (typically
- returned in errno), returns a pointer to a string containing the
- symbolic name of that error number, as found in <errno.h>.
- If the supplied error number is within the valid range of indices
- for symbolic names, but no name is available for the particular
- error number, then returns the string "Error NUM", where NUM is
- the error number.
- If the supplied error number is not within the range of valid
- indices, then returns NULL.
- The contents of the location pointed to are only guaranteed to be
- valid until the next call to strerrno.
-const char *
-strerrno (errnoval)
- int errnoval;
- const char *name;
- static char buf[32];
- if (error_names == NULL)
- {
- init_error_tables ();
- }
- if ((errnoval < 0) || (errnoval >= num_error_names))
- {
-#ifdef EVMSERR
- if (errnoval == evmserr.value)
- name =;
- else
- /* Out of range, just return NULL */
- name = NULL;
- }
- else if ((error_names == NULL) || (error_names[errnoval] == NULL))
- {
- /* In range, but no error_names or no entry at this index. */
- sprintf (buf, "Error %d", errnoval);
- name = (const char *) buf;
- }
- else
- {
- /* In range, and a valid name. Just return the name. */
- name = error_names[errnoval];
- }
- return (name);
- strtoerrno -- map a symbolic errno name to a numeric value
- int strtoerrno (char *name)
- Given the symbolic name of a error number, map it to an errno value.
- If no translation is found, returns 0.
-strtoerrno (name)
- const char *name;
- int errnoval = 0;
- if (name != NULL)
- {
- if (error_names == NULL)
- {
- init_error_tables ();
- }
- for (errnoval = 0; errnoval < num_error_names; errnoval++)
- {
- if ((error_names[errnoval] != NULL) &&
- (strcmp (name, error_names[errnoval]) == 0))
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (errnoval == num_error_names)
- {
-#ifdef EVMSERR
- if (strcmp (name, == 0)
- errnoval = evmserr.value;
- else
- errnoval = 0;
- }
- }
- return (errnoval);
-/* A simple little main that does nothing but print all the errno translations
- if MAIN is defined and this file is compiled and linked. */
-#ifdef MAIN
-#include <stdio.h>
-main ()
- int errn;
- int errnmax;
- const char *name;
- char *msg;
- char *strerror ();
- errnmax = errno_max ();
- printf ("%d entries in names table.\n", num_error_names);
- printf ("%d entries in messages table.\n", sys_nerr);
- printf ("%d is max useful index.\n", errnmax);
- /* Keep printing values until we get to the end of *both* tables, not
- *either* table. Note that knowing the maximum useful index does *not*
- relieve us of the responsibility of testing the return pointer for
- NULL. */
- for (errn = 0; errn <= errnmax; errn++)
- {
- name = strerrno (errn);
- name = (name == NULL) ? "<NULL>" : name;
- msg = strerror (errn);
- msg = (msg == NULL) ? "<NULL>" : msg;
- printf ("%-4d%-18s%s\n", errn, name, msg);
- }
- return 0;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4485cac7a6a2..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strncasecmp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1987 Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
- * to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
- * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
- * software without specific written prior permission. This software
- * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
- */
-#if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
-static char sccsid[] = "@(#)strcasecmp.c 5.5 (Berkeley) 11/24/87";
-#endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stddef.h>
-#define size_t unsigned long
- * This array is designed for mapping upper and lower case letter
- * together for a case independent comparison. The mappings are
- * based upon ascii character sequences.
- */
-static unsigned char charmap[] = {
- '\000', '\001', '\002', '\003', '\004', '\005', '\006', '\007',
- '\010', '\011', '\012', '\013', '\014', '\015', '\016', '\017',
- '\020', '\021', '\022', '\023', '\024', '\025', '\026', '\027',
- '\030', '\031', '\032', '\033', '\034', '\035', '\036', '\037',
- '\040', '\041', '\042', '\043', '\044', '\045', '\046', '\047',
- '\050', '\051', '\052', '\053', '\054', '\055', '\056', '\057',
- '\060', '\061', '\062', '\063', '\064', '\065', '\066', '\067',
- '\070', '\071', '\072', '\073', '\074', '\075', '\076', '\077',
- '\100', '\141', '\142', '\143', '\144', '\145', '\146', '\147',
- '\150', '\151', '\152', '\153', '\154', '\155', '\156', '\157',
- '\160', '\161', '\162', '\163', '\164', '\165', '\166', '\167',
- '\170', '\171', '\172', '\133', '\134', '\135', '\136', '\137',
- '\140', '\141', '\142', '\143', '\144', '\145', '\146', '\147',
- '\150', '\151', '\152', '\153', '\154', '\155', '\156', '\157',
- '\160', '\161', '\162', '\163', '\164', '\165', '\166', '\167',
- '\170', '\171', '\172', '\173', '\174', '\175', '\176', '\177',
- '\200', '\201', '\202', '\203', '\204', '\205', '\206', '\207',
- '\210', '\211', '\212', '\213', '\214', '\215', '\216', '\217',
- '\220', '\221', '\222', '\223', '\224', '\225', '\226', '\227',
- '\230', '\231', '\232', '\233', '\234', '\235', '\236', '\237',
- '\240', '\241', '\242', '\243', '\244', '\245', '\246', '\247',
- '\250', '\251', '\252', '\253', '\254', '\255', '\256', '\257',
- '\260', '\261', '\262', '\263', '\264', '\265', '\266', '\267',
- '\270', '\271', '\272', '\273', '\274', '\275', '\276', '\277',
- '\300', '\341', '\342', '\343', '\344', '\345', '\346', '\347',
- '\350', '\351', '\352', '\353', '\354', '\355', '\356', '\357',
- '\360', '\361', '\362', '\363', '\364', '\365', '\366', '\367',
- '\370', '\371', '\372', '\333', '\334', '\335', '\336', '\337',
- '\340', '\341', '\342', '\343', '\344', '\345', '\346', '\347',
- '\350', '\351', '\352', '\353', '\354', '\355', '\356', '\357',
- '\360', '\361', '\362', '\363', '\364', '\365', '\366', '\367',
- '\370', '\371', '\372', '\373', '\374', '\375', '\376', '\377',
-strncasecmp(s1, s2, n)
- const char *s1, *s2;
- register size_t n;
- register unsigned char u1, u2;
- for (; n != 0; --n) {
- u1 = (unsigned char) *s1++;
- u2 = (unsigned char) *s2++;
- if (charmap[u1] != charmap[u2]) {
- return charmap[u1] - charmap[u2];
- }
- if (u1 == '\0') {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strrchr.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strrchr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 30f9e8a3658a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strrchr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-/* Portable version of strrchr().
- This function is in the public domain. */
- strrchr -- return pointer to last occurance of a character
- char *strrchr (const char *s, int c)
- Returns a pointer to the last occurance of character C in
- string S, or a NULL pointer if no occurance is found.
- Behavior when character is the null character is implementation
- dependent.
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-char *
-strrchr (s, c)
- register CONST char *s;
- int c;
- char *rtnval = 0;
- do {
- if (*s == c)
- rtnval = (char*) s;
- } while (*s++);
- return (rtnval);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strsignal.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strsignal.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c4dd63c80981..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strsignal.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,627 +0,0 @@
-/* Extended support for using signal values.
- Written by Fred Fish.
- This file is in the public domain. */
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "libiberty.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#define sys_siglist no_such_symbol
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-/* Routines imported from standard C runtime libraries. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stddef.h>
-extern void *malloc (size_t size); /* */
-extern void *memset (void *s, int c, size_t n); /* */
-#else /* !__STDC__ */
-extern char *malloc (); /* Standard memory allocater */
-extern char *memset ();
-#endif /* __STDC__ */
-#undef sys_siglist
-#ifndef NULL
-# ifdef __STDC__
-# define NULL (void *) 0
-# else
-# define NULL 0
-# endif
-#ifndef MAX
-# define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
-/* Translation table for signal values.
- Note that this table is generally only accessed when it is used at runtime
- to initialize signal name and message tables that are indexed by signal
- value.
- Not all of these signals will exist on all systems. This table is the only
- thing that should have to be updated as new signal numbers are introduced.
- It's sort of ugly, but at least its portable. */
-struct signal_info
- int value; /* The numeric value from <signal.h> */
- const char *name; /* The equivalent symbolic value */
-#ifdef NEED_sys_siglist
- const char *msg; /* Short message about this value */
-#ifdef NEED_sys_siglist
-# define ENTRY(value, name, msg) {value, name, msg}
-# define ENTRY(value, name, msg) {value, name}
-static const struct signal_info signal_table[] =
-#if defined (SIGHUP)
- ENTRY(SIGHUP, "SIGHUP", "Hangup"),
-#if defined (SIGINT)
- ENTRY(SIGINT, "SIGINT", "Interrupt"),
-#if defined (SIGQUIT)
-#if defined (SIGILL)
- ENTRY(SIGILL, "SIGILL", "Illegal instruction"),
-#if defined (SIGTRAP)
- ENTRY(SIGTRAP, "SIGTRAP", "Trace/breakpoint trap"),
-/* Put SIGIOT before SIGABRT, so that if SIGIOT==SIGABRT then SIGABRT
- overrides SIGIOT. SIGABRT is in ANSI and POSIX.1, and SIGIOT isn't. */
-#if defined (SIGIOT)
-#if defined (SIGABRT)
-#if defined (SIGEMT)
- ENTRY(SIGEMT, "SIGEMT", "Emulation trap"),
-#if defined (SIGFPE)
- ENTRY(SIGFPE, "SIGFPE", "Arithmetic exception"),
-#if defined (SIGKILL)
-#if defined (SIGBUS)
- ENTRY(SIGBUS, "SIGBUS", "Bus error"),
-#if defined (SIGSEGV)
- ENTRY(SIGSEGV, "SIGSEGV", "Segmentation fault"),
-#if defined (SIGSYS)
- ENTRY(SIGSYS, "SIGSYS", "Bad system call"),
-#if defined (SIGPIPE)
- ENTRY(SIGPIPE, "SIGPIPE", "Broken pipe"),
-#if defined (SIGALRM)
- ENTRY(SIGALRM, "SIGALRM", "Alarm clock"),
-#if defined (SIGTERM)
- ENTRY(SIGTERM, "SIGTERM", "Terminated"),
-#if defined (SIGUSR1)
- ENTRY(SIGUSR1, "SIGUSR1", "User defined signal 1"),
-#if defined (SIGUSR2)
- ENTRY(SIGUSR2, "SIGUSR2", "User defined signal 2"),
-/* Put SIGCLD before SIGCHLD, so that if SIGCLD==SIGCHLD then SIGCHLD
- overrides SIGCLD. SIGCHLD is in POXIX.1 */
-#if defined (SIGCLD)
- ENTRY(SIGCLD, "SIGCLD", "Child status changed"),
-#if defined (SIGCHLD)
- ENTRY(SIGCHLD, "SIGCHLD", "Child status changed"),
-#if defined (SIGPWR)
- ENTRY(SIGPWR, "SIGPWR", "Power fail/restart"),
-#if defined (SIGWINCH)
- ENTRY(SIGWINCH, "SIGWINCH", "Window size changed"),
-#if defined (SIGURG)
- ENTRY(SIGURG, "SIGURG", "Urgent I/O condition"),
-#if defined (SIGIO)
- /* "I/O pending" has also been suggested, but is misleading since the
- signal only happens when the process has asked for it, not everytime
- I/O is pending. */
- ENTRY(SIGIO, "SIGIO", "I/O possible"),
-#if defined (SIGPOLL)
- ENTRY(SIGPOLL, "SIGPOLL", "Pollable event occurred"),
-#if defined (SIGSTOP)
- ENTRY(SIGSTOP, "SIGSTOP", "Stopped (signal)"),
-#if defined (SIGTSTP)
- ENTRY(SIGTSTP, "SIGTSTP", "Stopped (user)"),
-#if defined (SIGCONT)
- ENTRY(SIGCONT, "SIGCONT", "Continued"),
-#if defined (SIGTTIN)
- ENTRY(SIGTTIN, "SIGTTIN", "Stopped (tty input)"),
-#if defined (SIGTTOU)
- ENTRY(SIGTTOU, "SIGTTOU", "Stopped (tty output)"),
-#if defined (SIGVTALRM)
- ENTRY(SIGVTALRM, "SIGVTALRM", "Virtual timer expired"),
-#if defined (SIGPROF)
- ENTRY(SIGPROF, "SIGPROF", "Profiling timer expired"),
-#if defined (SIGXCPU)
- ENTRY(SIGXCPU, "SIGXCPU", "CPU time limit exceeded"),
-#if defined (SIGXFSZ)
- ENTRY(SIGXFSZ, "SIGXFSZ", "File size limit exceeded"),
-#if defined (SIGWIND)
-#if defined (SIGPHONE)
-#if defined (SIGLOST)
- ENTRY(SIGLOST, "SIGLOST", "Resource lost"),
-#if defined (SIGWAITING)
- ENTRY(SIGWAITING, "SIGWAITING", "Process's LWPs are blocked"),
-#if defined (SIGLWP)
-#if defined (SIGDANGER)
- ENTRY(SIGDANGER, "SIGDANGER", "Swap space dangerously low"),
-#if defined (SIGGRANT)
- ENTRY(SIGGRANT, "SIGGRANT", "Monitor mode granted"),
-#if defined (SIGRETRACT)
- ENTRY(SIGRETRACT, "SIGRETRACT", "Need to relinguish monitor mode"),
-#if defined (SIGMSG)
- ENTRY(SIGMSG, "SIGMSG", "Monitor mode data available"),
-#if defined (SIGSOUND)
- ENTRY(SIGSOUND, "SIGSOUND", "Sound completed"),
-#if defined (SIGSAK)
- ENTRY(SIGSAK, "SIGSAK", "Secure attention"),
-/* Translation table allocated and initialized at runtime. Indexed by the
- signal value to find the equivalent symbolic value. */
-static const char **signal_names;
-static int num_signal_names = 0;
-/* Translation table allocated and initialized at runtime, if it does not
- already exist in the host environment. Indexed by the signal value to find
- the descriptive string.
- We don't export it for use in other modules because even though it has the
- same name, it differs from other implementations in that it is dynamically
- initialized rather than statically initialized. */
-#ifdef NEED_sys_siglist
-static int sys_nsig;
-static const char **sys_siglist;
-static int sys_nsig = NSIG;
-extern const char * const sys_siglist[];
- init_signal_tables -- initialize the name and message tables
- static void init_signal_tables ();
- Using the signal_table, which is initialized at compile time, generate
- the signal_names and the sys_siglist (if needed) tables, which are
- indexed at runtime by a specific signal value.
- The initialization of the tables may fail under low memory conditions,
- in which case we don't do anything particularly useful, but we don't
- bomb either. Who knows, it might succeed at a later point if we free
- some memory in the meantime. In any case, the other routines know
- how to deal with lack of a table after trying to initialize it. This
- may or may not be considered to be a bug, that we don't specifically
- warn about this particular failure mode.
-static void
-init_signal_tables ()
- const struct signal_info *eip;
- int nbytes;
- /* If we haven't already scanned the signal_table once to find the maximum
- signal value, then go find it now. */
- if (num_signal_names == 0)
- {
- for (eip = signal_table; eip -> name != NULL; eip++)
- {
- if (eip -> value >= num_signal_names)
- {
- num_signal_names = eip -> value + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Now attempt to allocate the signal_names table, zero it out, and then
- initialize it from the statically initialized signal_table. */
- if (signal_names == NULL)
- {
- nbytes = num_signal_names * sizeof (char *);
- if ((signal_names = (const char **) malloc (nbytes)) != NULL)
- {
- memset (signal_names, 0, nbytes);
- for (eip = signal_table; eip -> name != NULL; eip++)
- {
- signal_names[eip -> value] = eip -> name;
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef NEED_sys_siglist
- /* Now attempt to allocate the sys_siglist table, zero it out, and then
- initialize it from the statically initialized signal_table. */
- if (sys_siglist == NULL)
- {
- nbytes = num_signal_names * sizeof (char *);
- if ((sys_siglist = (const char **) malloc (nbytes)) != NULL)
- {
- memset (sys_siglist, 0, nbytes);
- sys_nsig = num_signal_names;
- for (eip = signal_table; eip -> name != NULL; eip++)
- {
- sys_siglist[eip -> value] = eip -> msg;
- }
- }
- }
- signo_max -- return the max signo value
- int signo_max ();
- Returns the maximum signo value for which a corresponding symbolic
- name or message is available. Note that in the case where
- we use the sys_siglist supplied by the system, it is possible for
- there to be more symbolic names than messages, or vice versa.
- In fact, the manual page for psignal(3b) explicitly warns that one
- should check the size of the table (NSIG) before indexing it,
- since new signal codes may be added to the system before they are
- added to the table. Thus NSIG might be smaller than value
- implied by the largest signo value defined in <signal.h>.
- We return the maximum value that can be used to obtain a meaningful
- symbolic name or message.
-signo_max ()
- int maxsize;
- if (signal_names == NULL)
- {
- init_signal_tables ();
- }
- maxsize = MAX (sys_nsig, num_signal_names);
- return (maxsize - 1);
- strsignal -- map a signal number to a signal message string
- const char *strsignal (int signo)
- Maps an signal number to an signal message string, the contents of
- which are implementation defined. On systems which have the external
- variable sys_siglist, these strings will be the same as the ones used
- by psignal().
- If the supplied signal number is within the valid range of indices
- for the sys_siglist, but no message is available for the particular
- signal number, then returns the string "Signal NUM", where NUM is the
- signal number.
- If the supplied signal number is not a valid index into sys_siglist,
- returns NULL.
- The returned string is only guaranteed to be valid only until the
- next call to strsignal.
-const char *
-strsignal (signo)
- int signo;
- const char *msg;
- static char buf[32];
-#ifdef NEED_sys_siglist
- if (signal_names == NULL)
- {
- init_signal_tables ();
- }
- if ((signo < 0) || (signo >= sys_nsig))
- {
- /* Out of range, just return NULL */
- msg = NULL;
- }
- else if ((sys_siglist == NULL) || (sys_siglist[signo] == NULL))
- {
- /* In range, but no sys_siglist or no entry at this index. */
- sprintf (buf, "Signal %d", signo);
- msg = (const char *) buf;
- }
- else
- {
- /* In range, and a valid message. Just return the message. */
- msg = (const char *) sys_siglist[signo];
- }
- return (msg);
- strsigno -- map an signal number to a symbolic name string
- const char *strsigno (int signo)
- Given an signal number, returns a pointer to a string containing
- the symbolic name of that signal number, as found in <signal.h>.
- If the supplied signal number is within the valid range of indices
- for symbolic names, but no name is available for the particular
- signal number, then returns the string "Signal NUM", where NUM is
- the signal number.
- If the supplied signal number is not within the range of valid
- indices, then returns NULL.
- The contents of the location pointed to are only guaranteed to be
- valid until the next call to strsigno.
-const char *
-strsigno (signo)
- int signo;
- const char *name;
- static char buf[32];
- if (signal_names == NULL)
- {
- init_signal_tables ();
- }
- if ((signo < 0) || (signo >= num_signal_names))
- {
- /* Out of range, just return NULL */
- name = NULL;
- }
- else if ((signal_names == NULL) || (signal_names[signo] == NULL))
- {
- /* In range, but no signal_names or no entry at this index. */
- sprintf (buf, "Signal %d", signo);
- name = (const char *) buf;
- }
- else
- {
- /* In range, and a valid name. Just return the name. */
- name = signal_names[signo];
- }
- return (name);
- strtosigno -- map a symbolic signal name to a numeric value
- int strtosigno (char *name)
- Given the symbolic name of a signal, map it to a signal number.
- If no translation is found, returns 0.
-strtosigno (name)
- const char *name;
- int signo = 0;
- if (name != NULL)
- {
- if (signal_names == NULL)
- {
- init_signal_tables ();
- }
- for (signo = 0; signo < num_signal_names; signo++)
- {
- if ((signal_names[signo] != NULL) &&
- (strcmp (name, signal_names[signo]) == 0))
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (signo == num_signal_names)
- {
- signo = 0;
- }
- }
- return (signo);
- psignal -- print message about signal to stderr
- void psignal (unsigned signo, char *message);
- Print to the standard error the message, followed by a colon,
- followed by the description of the signal specified by signo,
- followed by a newline.
-#ifdef NEED_psignal
-psignal (signo, message)
- unsigned signo;
- char *message;
- if (signal_names == NULL)
- {
- init_signal_tables ();
- }
- if ((signo <= 0) || (signo >= sys_nsig))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: unknown signal\n", message);
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s\n", message, sys_siglist[signo]);
- }
-#endif /* NEED_psignal */
-/* A simple little main that does nothing but print all the signal translations
- if MAIN is defined and this file is compiled and linked. */
-#ifdef MAIN
-#include <stdio.h>
-main ()
- int signo;
- int maxsigno;
- const char *name;
- const char *msg;
- maxsigno = signo_max ();
- printf ("%d entries in names table.\n", num_signal_names);
- printf ("%d entries in messages table.\n", sys_nsig);
- printf ("%d is max useful index.\n", maxsigno);
- /* Keep printing values until we get to the end of *both* tables, not
- *either* table. Note that knowing the maximum useful index does *not*
- relieve us of the responsibility of testing the return pointer for
- NULL. */
- for (signo = 0; signo <= maxsigno; signo++)
- {
- name = strsigno (signo);
- name = (name == NULL) ? "<NULL>" : name;
- msg = strsignal (signo);
- msg = (msg == NULL) ? "<NULL>" : msg;
- printf ("%-4d%-18s%s\n", signo, name, msg);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strstr.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strstr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fab36e3fb3d4..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strstr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/* Simple implementation of strstr for systems without it.
- This function is in the public domain. */
- strstr -- locate first occurance of a substring
- #include <string.h>
- char *strstr (char *s1, char *s2)
- Locates the first occurance in the string pointed to by S1 of
- the string pointed to by S2. Returns a pointer to the substring
- found, or a NULL pointer if not found. If S2 points to a string
- with zero length, the function returns S1.
-/* FIXME: The above description is ANSI compiliant. This routine has not
- been validated to comply with it. -fnf */
-char *
-strstr (s1, s2)
- char *s1, *s2;
- register char *p = s1;
- extern char *strchr ();
- extern int strncmp ();
-#if __GNUC__==2
- extern __SIZE_TYPE__ strlen ();
- register int len = strlen (s2);
- for (; (p = strchr (p, *s2)) != 0; p++)
- {
- if (strncmp (p, s2, len) == 0)
- {
- return (p);
- }
- }
- return (0);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strtod.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strtod.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c86c73de9b38..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strtod.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-/* Implementation of strtod for systems with atof.
- Copyright (C) 1991, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of the libiberty library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include <ctype.h>
-extern double atof ();
-/* Disclaimer: this is currently just used by CHILL in GDB and therefore
- has not been tested well. It may have been tested for nothing except
- that it compiles. */
-strtod (str, ptr)
- char *str;
- char **ptr;
- char *p;
- if (ptr == (char **)0)
- return atof (str);
- p = str;
- while (isspace (*p))
- ++p;
- if (*p == '+' || *p == '-')
- ++p;
- /* INF or INFINITY. */
- if ((p[0] == 'i' || p[0] == 'I')
- && (p[1] == 'n' || p[1] == 'N')
- && (p[2] == 'f' || p[2] == 'F'))
- {
- if ((p[3] == 'i' || p[3] == 'I')
- && (p[4] == 'n' || p[4] == 'N')
- && (p[5] == 'i' || p[5] == 'I')
- && (p[6] == 't' || p[6] == 'T')
- && (p[7] == 'y' || p[7] == 'Y'))
- {
- *ptr = p + 7;
- return atof (str);
- }
- else
- {
- *ptr = p + 3;
- return atof (str);
- }
- }
- /* NAN or NAN(foo). */
- if ((p[0] == 'n' || p[0] == 'N')
- && (p[1] == 'a' || p[1] == 'A')
- && (p[2] == 'n' || p[2] == 'N'))
- {
- p += 3;
- if (*p == '(')
- {
- ++p;
- while (*p != '\0' && *p != ')')
- ++p;
- if (*p == ')')
- ++p;
- }
- *ptr = p;
- return atof (str);
- }
- /* digits, with 0 or 1 periods in it. */
- if (isdigit (*p) || *p == '.')
- {
- int got_dot = 0;
- while (isdigit (*p) || (!got_dot && *p == '.'))
- {
- if (*p == '.')
- got_dot = 1;
- ++p;
- }
- /* Exponent. */
- if (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E')
- {
- int i;
- i = 1;
- if (p[i] == '+' || p[i] == '-')
- ++i;
- if (isdigit (p[i]))
- {
- while (isdigit (p[i]))
- ++i;
- *ptr = p + i;
- return atof (str);
- }
- }
- *ptr = p;
- return atof (str);
- }
- /* Didn't find any digits. Doesn't look like a number. */
- *ptr = str;
- return 0.0;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strtol.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strtol.c
deleted file mode 100644
index db27ee0a8759..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strtol.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- * must display the following acknowledgement:
- * This product includes software developed by the University of
- * California, Berkeley and its contributors.
- * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
- * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- * without specific prior written permission.
- *
- */
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#if 0
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-/* FIXME: It'd be nice to configure around these, but the include files are too
- painful. These macros should at least be more portable than hardwired hex
- constants. */
-#ifndef ULONG_MAX
-#define ULONG_MAX ((unsigned long)(~0L)) /* 0xFFFFFFFF */
-#ifndef LONG_MAX
-#define LONG_MAX ((long)(ULONG_MAX >> 1)) /* 0x7FFFFFFF */
-#ifndef LONG_MIN
-#define LONG_MIN ((long)(~LONG_MAX)) /* 0x80000000 */
- * Convert a string to a long integer.
- *
- * Ignores `locale' stuff. Assumes that the upper and lower case
- * alphabets and digits are each contiguous.
- */
-strtol(nptr, endptr, base)
- CONST char *nptr;
- char **endptr;
- register int base;
- register CONST char *s = nptr;
- register unsigned long acc;
- register int c;
- register unsigned long cutoff;
- register int neg = 0, any, cutlim;
- /*
- * Skip white space and pick up leading +/- sign if any.
- * If base is 0, allow 0x for hex and 0 for octal, else
- * assume decimal; if base is already 16, allow 0x.
- */
- do {
- c = *s++;
- } while (isspace(c));
- if (c == '-') {
- neg = 1;
- c = *s++;
- } else if (c == '+')
- c = *s++;
- if ((base == 0 || base == 16) &&
- c == '0' && (*s == 'x' || *s == 'X')) {
- c = s[1];
- s += 2;
- base = 16;
- }
- if (base == 0)
- base = c == '0' ? 8 : 10;
- /*
- * Compute the cutoff value between legal numbers and illegal
- * numbers. That is the largest legal value, divided by the
- * base. An input number that is greater than this value, if
- * followed by a legal input character, is too big. One that
- * is equal to this value may be valid or not; the limit
- * between valid and invalid numbers is then based on the last
- * digit. For instance, if the range for longs is
- * [-2147483648..2147483647] and the input base is 10,
- * cutoff will be set to 214748364 and cutlim to either
- * 7 (neg==0) or 8 (neg==1), meaning that if we have accumulated
- * a value > 214748364, or equal but the next digit is > 7 (or 8),
- * the number is too big, and we will return a range error.
- *
- * Set any if any `digits' consumed; make it negative to indicate
- * overflow.
- */
- cutoff = neg ? -(unsigned long)LONG_MIN : LONG_MAX;
- cutlim = cutoff % (unsigned long)base;
- cutoff /= (unsigned long)base;
- for (acc = 0, any = 0;; c = *s++) {
- if (isdigit(c))
- c -= '0';
- else if (isalpha(c))
- c -= isupper(c) ? 'A' - 10 : 'a' - 10;
- else
- break;
- if (c >= base)
- break;
- if (any < 0 || acc > cutoff || acc == cutoff && c > cutlim)
- any = -1;
- else {
- any = 1;
- acc *= base;
- acc += c;
- }
- }
- if (any < 0) {
- acc = neg ? LONG_MIN : LONG_MAX;
- errno = ERANGE;
- } else if (neg)
- acc = -acc;
- if (endptr != 0)
- *endptr = (char *) (any ? s - 1 : nptr);
- return (acc);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strtoul.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strtoul.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 40902452fed3..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/strtoul.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- * must display the following acknowledgement:
- * This product includes software developed by the University of
- * California, Berkeley and its contributors.
- * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
- * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- * without specific prior written permission.
- *
- */
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#if 0
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#ifndef ULONG_MAX
-#define ULONG_MAX ((unsigned long)(~0L)) /* 0xFFFFFFFF */
- * Convert a string to an unsigned long integer.
- *
- * Ignores `locale' stuff. Assumes that the upper and lower case
- * alphabets and digits are each contiguous.
- */
-unsigned long
-strtoul(nptr, endptr, base)
- CONST char *nptr;
- char **endptr;
- register int base;
- register CONST char *s = nptr;
- register unsigned long acc;
- register int c;
- register unsigned long cutoff;
- register int neg = 0, any, cutlim;
- /*
- * See strtol for comments as to the logic used.
- */
- do {
- c = *s++;
- } while (isspace(c));
- if (c == '-') {
- neg = 1;
- c = *s++;
- } else if (c == '+')
- c = *s++;
- if ((base == 0 || base == 16) &&
- c == '0' && (*s == 'x' || *s == 'X')) {
- c = s[1];
- s += 2;
- base = 16;
- }
- if (base == 0)
- base = c == '0' ? 8 : 10;
- cutoff = (unsigned long)ULONG_MAX / (unsigned long)base;
- cutlim = (unsigned long)ULONG_MAX % (unsigned long)base;
- for (acc = 0, any = 0;; c = *s++) {
- if (isdigit(c))
- c -= '0';
- else if (isalpha(c))
- c -= isupper(c) ? 'A' - 10 : 'a' - 10;
- else
- break;
- if (c >= base)
- break;
- if (any < 0 || acc > cutoff || acc == cutoff && c > cutlim)
- any = -1;
- else {
- any = 1;
- acc *= base;
- acc += c;
- }
- }
- if (any < 0) {
- acc = ULONG_MAX;
- errno = ERANGE;
- } else if (neg)
- acc = -acc;
- if (endptr != 0)
- *endptr = (char *) (any ? s - 1 : nptr);
- return (acc);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/tmpnam.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/tmpnam.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c06146774252..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/tmpnam.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifndef L_tmpnam
-#define L_tmpname 100
-#ifndef P_tmpdir
-#define P_tmpdir "/usr/tmp"
-static char tmpnam_buffer[L_tmpnam];
-static int tmpnam_counter;
-extern int getpid ();
-char *
-tmpnam (s)
- char *s;
- int pid = getpid ();
- if (s == NULL)
- s = tmpnam_buffer;
- /* Generate the filename and make sure that there isn't one called
- it already. */
- while (1)
- {
- FILE *f;
- sprintf (s, "%s/%s%x.%x", P_tmpdir, "t", pid, tmpnam_counter);
- f = fopen (s, "r");
- if (f == NULL)
- break;
- tmpnam_counter++;
- fclose (f);
- }
- return s;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/vasprintf.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/vasprintf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3794cbd2c4fb..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/vasprintf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-/* Like vsprintf but provides a pointer to malloc'd storage, which must
- be freed by the caller.
- Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of the libiberty library.
-Libiberty is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-Libiberty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with libiberty; see the file COPYING.LIB. If
-not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-#ifdef TEST
-int global_total_width;
-unsigned long strtoul ();
-char *malloc ();
-static int
-int_vasprintf (result, format, args)
- char **result;
- const char *format;
- va_list *args;
- const char *p = format;
- /* Add one to make sure that it is never zero, which might cause malloc
- to return NULL. */
- int total_width = strlen (format) + 1;
- va_list ap;
- memcpy ((PTR) &ap, (PTR) args, sizeof (va_list));
- while (*p != '\0')
- {
- if (*p++ == '%')
- {
- while (strchr ("-+ #0", *p))
- ++p;
- if (*p == '*')
- {
- ++p;
- total_width += abs (va_arg (ap, int));
- }
- else
- total_width += strtoul (p, &p, 10);
- if (*p == '.')
- {
- ++p;
- if (*p == '*')
- {
- ++p;
- total_width += abs (va_arg (ap, int));
- }
- else
- total_width += strtoul (p, &p, 10);
- }
- while (strchr ("hlL", *p))
- ++p;
- /* Should be big enough for any format specifier except %s. */
- total_width += 30;
- switch (*p)
- {
- case 'd':
- case 'i':
- case 'o':
- case 'u':
- case 'x':
- case 'X':
- case 'c':
- (void) va_arg (ap, int);
- break;
- case 'f':
- case 'e':
- case 'E':
- case 'g':
- case 'G':
- (void) va_arg (ap, double);
- break;
- case 's':
- total_width += strlen (va_arg (ap, char *));
- break;
- case 'p':
- case 'n':
- (void) va_arg (ap, char *);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef TEST
- global_total_width = total_width;
- *result = malloc (total_width);
- if (*result != NULL)
- return vsprintf (*result, format, *args);
- else
- return 0;
-vasprintf (result, format, args)
- char **result;
- const char *format;
- va_list args;
- return int_vasprintf (result, format, &args);
-#ifdef TEST
-#ifdef __STDC__
- (const char* format, ...)
- (va_alist)
- va_dcl
- va_list args;
- char *result;
-#ifdef __STDC__
- va_start (args, format);
- char *format;
- va_start (args);
- format = va_arg (args, char *);
- vasprintf (&result, format, args);
- if (strlen (result) < global_total_width)
- printf ("PASS: ");
- else
- printf ("FAIL: ");
- printf ("%d %s\n", global_total_width, result);
-main ()
- checkit ("%d", 0x12345678);
- checkit ("%200d", 5);
- checkit ("%.300d", 6);
- checkit ("%100.150d", 7);
- checkit ("%s", "jjjjjjjjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioooooooooooooooooppppppppppppaa\n\
- checkit ("%f%s%d%s", 1.0, "foo", 77, "asdjffffffffffffffiiiiiiiiiiixxxxx");
-#endif /* TEST */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/vfork.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/vfork.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 86c45919f660..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/vfork.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-/* Emulate vfork using just plain fork, for systems without a real vfork.
- This function is in the public domain. */
-vfork ()
- return (fork ());
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/vfprintf.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/vfprintf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ce3fdf9c4745..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/vfprintf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-#undef vfprintf
-vfprintf (file, format, ap)
- FILE *file;
- const char *format;
- va_list ap;
- return _doprnt (format, ap, file);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/ b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/
deleted file mode 100644
index e1c203f9f472..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-$! libiberty/ -- build liberty.olb for VMS host, VMS target
-$ CC = "gcc /noVerbose/Debug/Incl=([],[-.include])"
-$ LIBR = "library /Obj"
-$ LINK = "link"
-$ DELETE= "delete /noConfirm"
-$ SEARCH= "search /Exact"
-$ ECHO = "write sys$output"
-$ ABORT = "exit %x002C"
-$ LIB_NAME = "liberty.olb" !this is what we're going to construct
-$ WORK_LIB = "new-lib.olb" !used to guard against an incomplete build
-$! manually copied from
-$ REQUIRED_OFILES = "argv.o basename.o concat.o cplus-dem.o fdmatch.o "-
- + "getopt.o getopt1.o getruntime.o hex.o "-
- + "floatformat.o obstack.o spaces.o strerror.o strsignal.o "-
- + "vasprintf.o xatexit.o xexit.o xmalloc.o xstrerror.o"
-$! anything not caught by link+search of dummy.* should be added here
-$! move to the directory which contains this command procedure
-$ old_dir = f$environ("DEFAULT")
-$ new_dir = f$parse("_._;",f$environ("PROCEDURE")) - "_._;"
-$ set default 'new_dir'
-$ ECHO "Starting libiberty build..."
-$ create config.h
-/* libiberty config.h for VMS */
-#define NEED_sys_siglist
-#define NEED_psignal
-#define NEED_basename
-$ if f$search("alloca-conf.h").eqs."" then -
- copy alloca-norm.h alloca-conf.h
-$ LIBR 'WORK_LIB' /Create
-$! first pass: compile "required" modules
-$ gosub do_ofiles
-$! second pass: process dummy.c, using the first pass' results
-$ ECHO " now checking run-time library for missing functionality"
-$ if f$search("dummy.obj").nes."" then DELETE dummy.obj;*
-$ define/noLog sys$error _NL: !can't use /User_Mode here due to gcc
-$ define/noLog sys$output _NL: ! driver's use of multiple image activation
-$ on error then continue
-$ 'CC' dummy.c
-$ deassign sys$error !restore, more or less
-$ deassign sys$output
-$ if f$search("dummy.obj").eqs."" then goto pass2_failure1
-$! link dummy.obj, capturing full linker feedback in
-$ oldmsg = f$environ("MESSAGE")
-$ set message /Facility/Severity/Identification/Text
-$ define/User sys$output _NL:
-$ define/User sys$error _NL:
-$ LINK/ dummy.obj,'WORK_LIB'/Libr,-
- gnu_cc:[000000]gcclib.olb/Libr,sys$library:vaxcrtl.olb/Libr
-$ set message 'oldmsg'
-$ if f$search("").eqs."" then goto pass2_failure2
-$ DELETE dummy.obj;*
-$ SEARCH "%LINK-I-UDFSYM" /Output=dummy.list
-$ ECHO " check completed"
-$! we now have a file with one entry per line of unresolvable symbols
-$ ofiles = ""
-$ if f$trnlnm("IFILE$").nes."" then close/noLog ifile$
-$ open/Read ifile$ dummy.list
-$iloop: read/End=idone ifile$ iline
-$ iline = f$edit(iline,"COMPRESS,TRIM,LOWERCASE")
-$ ofiles = ofiles + " " + f$element(1," ",iline) + ".o"
-$ goto iloop
-$idone: close ifile$
-$ DELETE dummy.list;*
-$! third pass: compile "missing" modules collected in pass 2
-$ gosub do_ofiles
-$! finish up
-$ LIBR 'WORK_LIB' /Compress /Output='LIB_NAME' !new-lib.olb -> liberty.olb
-$! all done
-$ ECHO "Completed libiberty build."
-$ type sys$input:
- You many wish to do
- so that this run-time library resides in the same location as gcc's
- support library. When building gas, be sure to leave the original
- copy of liberty.olb here so that gas's build procedure can find it.
-$ set default 'old_dir'
-$ exit
-$! compile each element of the space-delimited list 'ofiles'
-$ ofiles = f$edit(ofiles,"COMPRESS,TRIM")
-$ i = 0
-$ f = f$element(i," ",ofiles)
-$ if f.eqs." " then goto odone
-$ f = f - ".o" !strip dummy suffix
-$ ECHO " ''f'"
-$ 'CC' 'f'.c
-$ LIBR 'WORK_LIB' 'f'.obj /Insert
-$ DELETE 'f'.obj;*
-$ i = i + 1
-$ goto oloop
-$ return
-$! if we reach here, dummy.c failed to compile and we're really stuck
-$ type sys$input:
- Cannot compile the library contents checker (dummy.c + functions.def),
- so cannot continue!
-$! attempt the compile again, without suppressing diagnostic messages this time
-$ on error then ABORT +0*f$verify(v)
-$ v = f$verify(1)
-$ 'CC' dummy.c
-$ ABORT +0*f$verify(v) !'f$verify(0)'
-$! should never reach here..
-$ type sys$input:
- Cannot link the library contents checker (dummy.obj), so cannot continue!
-$! attempt the link again, without suppressing diagnostic messages this time
-$ on error then ABORT +0*f$verify(v)
-$ v = f$verify(1)
-$ LINK/ dummy.obj,'WORK_LIB'/Libr,-
- gnu_cc:[000000]gcclib.olb/Libr,sys$library:vaxcrtl.olb/Libr
-$ ABORT +0*f$verify(v) !'f$verify(0)'
-$! not reached
-$ exit
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/vprintf.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/vprintf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 63ac53c965ad..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/vprintf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-#undef vprintf
-vprintf (format, ap)
- const char *format;
- va_list ap;
- return vfprintf (stdout, format, ap);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/vsprintf.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/vsprintf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bf0760cf6d38..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/vsprintf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-/* Simple implementation of vsprintf for systems without it.
- Highly system-dependent, but should work on most "traditional"
- implementations of stdio; newer ones should already have vsprintf.
- Written by Per Bothner of Cygnus Support.
- Based on libg++'s "form" (written by Doug Lea;
- Copyright (C) 1991, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of the libiberty library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include <varargs.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-#undef vsprintf
-vsprintf (buf, format, ap)
- char *buf;
- const char *format;
- va_list ap;
- FILE b;
- int ret;
-#ifdef VMS
- b->_flag = _IOWRT|_IOSTRG;
- b->_ptr = buf;
- b->_cnt = 12000;
- b._flag = _IOWRT|_IOSTRG;
- b._ptr = buf;
- b._cnt = 12000;
- ret = _doprnt(format, ap, &b);
- putc('\0', &b);
- return ret;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/waitpid.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/waitpid.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 23db0b932d2e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/waitpid.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-waitpid (pid, stat_loc, options)
- int pid, *stat_loc, options;
- for (;;)
- {
- int wpid = wait(stat_loc);
- if (wpid == pid || wpid == -1)
- return wpid;
- }
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/xatexit.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/xatexit.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dd27e143f81..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/xatexit.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * %sccs.include.redist.c%
- */
-/* Adapted from newlib/libc/stdlib/{,at}exit.[ch].
- If you use xatexit, you must call xexit instead of exit. */
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "libiberty.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stddef.h>
-#define size_t unsigned long
-/* For systems with larger pointers than ints, this must be declared. */
-PTR malloc PARAMS ((size_t));
-static void xatexit_cleanup PARAMS ((void));
-/* Pointer to function run by xexit. */
-extern void (*_xexit_cleanup) ();
-#define XATEXIT_SIZE 32
-struct xatexit {
- struct xatexit *next; /* next in list */
- int ind; /* next index in this table */
- void (*fns[XATEXIT_SIZE]) PARAMS ((void)); /* the table itself */
-/* Allocate one struct statically to guarantee that we can register
- at least a few handlers. */
-static struct xatexit xatexit_first;
-/* Points to head of LIFO stack. */
-static struct xatexit *xatexit_head = &xatexit_first;
-/* Register function FN to be run by xexit.
- Return 0 if successful, -1 if not. */
-xatexit (fn)
- void (*fn) PARAMS ((void));
- register struct xatexit *p;
- /* Tell xexit to call xatexit_cleanup. */
- if (!_xexit_cleanup)
- _xexit_cleanup = xatexit_cleanup;
- p = xatexit_head;
- if (p->ind >= XATEXIT_SIZE)
- {
- if ((p = (struct xatexit *) malloc (sizeof *p)) == NULL)
- return -1;
- p->ind = 0;
- p->next = xatexit_head;
- xatexit_head = p;
- }
- p->fns[p->ind++] = fn;
- return 0;
-/* Call any cleanup functions. */
-static void
-xatexit_cleanup ()
- register struct xatexit *p;
- register int n;
- for (p = xatexit_head; p; p = p->next)
- for (n = p->ind; --n >= 0;)
- (*p->fns[n]) ();
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/xexit.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/xexit.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 98baeca475d9..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/xexit.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* xexit.c -- Run any exit handlers, then exit.
- Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of the libiberty library.
-Libiberty is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-Libiberty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with libiberty; see the file COPYING.LIB. If
-not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "libiberty.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-/* This variable is set by xatexit if it is called. This way, xmalloc
- doesn't drag xatexit into the link. */
-void (*_xexit_cleanup) ();
-xexit (code)
- int code;
- if (_xexit_cleanup != NULL)
- (*_xexit_cleanup) ();
- exit (code);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/xmalloc.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/xmalloc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 95967abe3004..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/xmalloc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-/* memory allocation routines with error checking.
- Copyright 1989, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of the libiberty library.
-Libiberty is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-Libiberty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with libiberty; see the file COPYING.LIB. If
-not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "libiberty.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stddef.h>
-#define size_t unsigned long
-/* For systems with larger pointers than ints, these must be declared. */
-PTR malloc PARAMS ((size_t));
-PTR realloc PARAMS ((PTR, size_t));
-/* The program name if set. */
-static const char *name = "";
-/* The initial sbrk, set when the program name is set. */
-static char *first_break = NULL;
-xmalloc_set_program_name (s)
- const char *s;
- name = s;
- if (first_break == NULL)
- first_break = (char *) sbrk (0);
-xmalloc (size)
- size_t size;
- PTR newmem;
- if (size == 0)
- size = 1;
- newmem = malloc (size);
- if (!newmem)
- {
- extern char **environ;
- size_t allocated;
- if (first_break != NULL)
- allocated = (char *) sbrk (0) - first_break;
- else
- allocated = (char *) sbrk (0) - (char *) &environ;
- fprintf (stderr,
- "\n%s%sCan not allocate %lu bytes after allocating %lu bytes\n",
- name, *name ? ": " : "",
- (unsigned long) size, (unsigned long) allocated);
- xexit (1);
- }
- return (newmem);
-xrealloc (oldmem, size)
- PTR oldmem;
- size_t size;
- PTR newmem;
- if (size == 0)
- size = 1;
- if (!oldmem)
- newmem = malloc (size);
- else
- newmem = realloc (oldmem, size);
- if (!newmem)
- {
- extern char **environ;
- size_t allocated;
- if (first_break != NULL)
- allocated = (char *) sbrk (0) - first_break;
- else
- allocated = (char *) sbrk (0) - (char *) &environ;
- fprintf (stderr,
- "\n%s%sCan not reallocate %lu bytes after allocating %lu bytes\n",
- name, *name ? ": " : "",
- (unsigned long) size, (unsigned long) allocated);
- xexit (1);
- }
- return (newmem);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/xstrdup.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/xstrdup.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d08bc704055..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/xstrdup.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-/* xstrdup.c -- Duplicate a string in memory, using xmalloc.
- This trivial function is in the public domain.
- Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support, December 1995. */
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "libiberty.h"
-char *
-xstrdup (s)
- const char *s;
- char *ret;
- ret = xmalloc (strlen (s) + 1);
- strcpy (ret, s);
- return ret;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/xstrerror.c b/contrib/gdb/libiberty/xstrerror.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d05369ac9725..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/libiberty/xstrerror.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-/* xstrerror.c -- jacket routine for more robust strerror() usage.
- Fri Jun 16 18:30:00 1995 Pat Rankin <>
- This code is in the public domain. */
-#include "libiberty.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#ifdef VMS
-#include <errno.h>
-#if !defined (__STRICT_ANSI__) && !defined (__HIDE_FORBIDDEN_NAMES)
-extern char *strerror PARAMS ((int,...));
-#endif /* VMS */
-extern char *strerror PARAMS ((int));
-/* If strerror returns NULL, we'll format the number into a static buffer. */
-#define ERRSTR_FMT "undocumented error #%d"
-static char xstrerror_buf[sizeof ERRSTR_FMT + 20];
-/* Like strerror, but result is never a null pointer. */
-char *
-xstrerror (errnum)
- int errnum;
- char *errstr;
-#ifdef VMS
- char *(*vmslib_strerror) PARAMS ((int,...));
- /* Override any possibly-conflicting declaration from system header. */
- vmslib_strerror = (char *(*) PARAMS ((int,...))) strerror;
- /* Second argument matters iff first is EVMSERR, but it's simpler to
- pass it unconditionally. `vaxc$errno' is declared in <errno.h>
- and maintained by the run-time library in parallel to `errno'.
- We assume that `errnum' corresponds to the last value assigned to
- errno by the run-time library, hence vaxc$errno will be relevant. */
- errstr = (*vmslib_strerror) (errnum, vaxc$errno);
- errstr = strerror (errnum);
- /* If `errnum' is out of range, result might be NULL. We'll fix that. */
- if (!errstr)
- {
- sprintf (xstrerror_buf, ERRSTR_FMT, errnum);
- errstr = xstrerror_buf;
- }
- return errstr;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/ChangeLog b/contrib/gdb/opcodes/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 589c1a234ac7..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1772 +0,0 @@
-Sun Apr 7 15:06:17 1996 Fred Fish <>
- From: Miles Bader <>
- * Use AC_CHECK_TOOL to find AR & RANLIB.
- * configure: Regenerate with autoconf.
-Sat Mar 16 13:04:07 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * z8kgen.c (internal, gas): Call xmalloc rather than unchecked
- malloc.
-Tue Mar 12 12:14:10 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * configure: Rebuild with autoconf 2.8.
-Thu Mar 7 15:11:10 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc-dis.c (print_insn_sparc): Handle 'O' operand char like 'r'.
- * sparc-opc.c (sparc_opcodes): Use 'O' operand char for `neg reg'.
-Tue Mar 5 15:51:57 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Don't set SHLIB or SHLINK to an empty string,
- since they appear as targets in
- * configure: Rebuild.
-Mon Feb 26 13:03:40 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw-make.sed: Edit out shared library support bits.
-Tue Feb 20 20:48:28 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc-opc.c (v8,v6notv9): Add MASK_SPARCLET.
- (sparc_opcode_archs): Add MASK_V8 to sparclet entry.
- (sparc_opcodes): Add sparclet insns.
- (sparclet_cpreg_table): New static local.
- (sparc_{encode,decode}_sparclet_cpreg): New functions.
- * sparc-dis.c (print_insn_sparc): Handle sparclet cpregs.
-Tue Feb 20 11:02:44 1996 Alan Modra <alan@mullet.Levels.UniSA.Edu.Au>
- * i386-dis.c (index16): New static variable.
- (putop): Print jecxz for 32 bit case, jcxz for 16 bit, not the
- other way around.
- (OP_indirE): Return result of OP_E.
- (OP_E): Check for 16 bit addressing mode, and disassemble
- correctly. Optimised 32 bit case a little. Don't print
- "(base,index,scale)" when sib specifies only an offset.
-Mon Feb 19 12:32:17 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Set and substitute SHLIB_DEP.
- * configure: Rebuild.
- * (SHLIB_DEP): New variable.
- (LIBIBERTY_LISTS, BFD_LIST): New variables.
- (stamp-piclist): Depend upon LIBIBERTY_LISTS and BFD_LIST. If
- COMMON_SHLIB, add them to piclist with appropriate modifications.
- ($(SHLIB)): Depend upon $(SHLIB_DEP). Don't check COMMON_SHLIB
- here: just use piclist.
-Mon Feb 19 02:03:50 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc-dis.c (MASK_V9,V9_ONLY_P,V9_P): Define.
- (print_insn_sparc): Rewrite v9/not-v9 tests.
- (compare_opcodes): Likewise.
- * sparc-opc.c (MASK_<ARCH>): Define.
- (v6,v7,v8,sparclite,v9,v9a): Redefine.
- (sparclet,v6notv9): Define.
- (sparc_opcode_archs): Delete member `conflicts'. Add `supported'.
- (sparc_opcodes): Delete F_NOTV9, use v6notv9 instead.
-Thu Feb 15 14:45:05 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Call AC_PROG_CC before
- * configure: Rebuild.
- * (SONAME): Remove leading ../bfd/ from $(SHLIB).
-Wed Feb 14 19:01:27 1996 Alan Modra <>
- * i386-dis.c (onebyte_has_modrm): New static array.
- (twobyte_has_modrm): New static array.
- (print_insn_i386): Only fetch the mod/reg/rm byte if it is needed.
-Tue Feb 13 15:15:01 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * ($(SHLINK)): Check ts against $(SHLIB), not
- $(SHLINK).
-Mon Feb 12 16:26:06 1996 Michael Meissner <>
- * ppc-opc.c (PPC): Undef, so default defination on Windows NT
- doesn't conflict.
-Wed Feb 7 13:59:54 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * m68k-opc.c (m68k_opcodes): The bkpt instruction is supported on
- m68010up, not just m68020up | cpu32.
- * (SONAME): New variable.
- ($(SHLINK)): Make a link to the transformed name, as well.
- (stamp-tshlink): New target.
- (install): Skip stamp-tshlink during install.
-Tue Feb 6 12:28:54 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * configure: Rebuild.
- * (program_transform_name): New variable.
- (install): Transform library name before installing it.
-Mon Feb 5 16:14:42 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * i960-dis.c (mem): Add HX dcinva instruction.
- Support for building as a shared library, based on patches from
- Alan Modra <>:
- * Add AC_ARG_ENABLE for shared and commonbfdlib.
- New substitutions: ALLLIBS, PICFLAG, SHLIB, SHLIB_CC,
- * configure: Rebuild.
- * (ALLLIBS): New variable.
- (COMMON_SHLIB, SHLINK): New variables.
- (.c.o): If PICFLAG is set, compile twice, once PIC, once normal.
- (STAGESTUFF): Remove variable.
- (all): Depend upon $(ALLLIBS) rather than $(TARGETLIB).
- (stamp-piclist, piclist): New targets.
- ($(SHLIB), $(SHLINK)): New targets.
- ($(OFILES)): Depend upon stamp-picdir.
- (disassemble.o): Build twice if PICFLAG is set.
- (MOSTLYCLEAN): Add pic/*.o.
- (clean): Remove $(SHLIB), $(SHLINK), piclist, and stamp-piclist.
- (distclean): Remove pic and stamp-picdir.
- (install): Install shared libraries.
- (stamp-picdir): New target.
-Fri Feb 2 17:15:25 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc-dis.c (print_insn_sparc): Delete DISASM_RAW_INSN support.
- Print unknown instruction as "unknown", rather than in hex.
-Tue Jan 30 14:06:08 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * dis-buf.c: Include "sysdep.h" before "dis-asm.h".
-Thu Jan 25 20:24:07 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc-opc.c (sparc_opcode_archs): Mark v8/sparclite as conflicting.
-Thu Jan 25 11:56:49 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * i386-dis.c (print_insn_i386): Only fetch the mod/reg/rm byte
- when necessary. From Ulrich Drepper
- <>.
-Thu Jan 25 03:39:10 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc-dis.c (print_insn_sparc): NUMOPCODES replaced with
- sparc_num_opcodes. Update architecture enum values.
- * sparc-opc.c (sparc_opcode_archs): Replaces architecture_pname.
- (sparc_opcode_lookup_arch): New function.
- (sparc_num_opcodes): Renamed from bfd_sparc_num_opcodes.
- (sparc_opcodes): Add v9a shutdown insn.
-Mon Jan 22 08:29:59 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc-dis.c (print_insn_sparc): Renamed from print_insn.
- If DISASM_RAW_INSN, print insn in hex. Handle v9a as opcode
- architecture.
- (print_insn_sparc64): Deleted.
- * disassemble.c (disassembler, case bfd_arch_sparc): Always use
- print_insn_sparc.
- * sparc-opc.c (architecture_pname): Add v9a.
-Fri Jan 12 14:35:58 1996 David Mosberger-Tang <>
- * alpha-opc.h (alpha_insn_set): VAX floating point opcode was
- incorrectly defined as 0x16 when it should be 0x15.
- (FLOAT_FORMAT_MASK): function code is 11 bits, not just 7 bits!
- (alpha_insn_set): added cvtst and cvttq float ops. Also added
- excb (exception barrier) which is defined in the Alpha
- Architecture Handbook version 2.
- * alpha-dis.c (print_insn_alpha): Fixed special-case decoding for
- OPERATE_FORMAT_CODE type instructions. The bug caused mulq to be
- disassembled as or, for example.
-Wed Jan 10 12:37:22 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * mips-dis.c (print_insn_arg): Print cases 'i' and 'u' in hex.
- (_print_insn_mips): Change i from int to unsigned int.
-Thu Jan 4 17:21:10 1996 David Edelsohn <>
- * ppc-opc.c (powerpc_opcodes): tlbi POWER opcode form different
- from tlbie PowerPC opcode. Add PPC603 tlbld and tlbli.
-Thu Dec 28 13:29:19 1995 John Hassey <>
- * i386-dis.c: Added Pentium Pro instructions.
-Tue Dec 19 22:56:35 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * ppc-opc.c (fsqrt{,.}): Duplicate for PowerPC in addition to
- being for Power2.
-Fri Dec 15 14:14:15 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * sh-opc.h (sh_nibble_type): Added REG_B.
- (sh_arg_type): Added A_REG_B.
- (sh_table): Added pref and bank reg versions of ldc, ldc.l, stc
- and stc.l opcodes.
- * sh-dis.c (print_insn_shx): Added cases for REG_B and A_REG_B.
-Fri Dec 15 16:44:31 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * disassemble.c (disassembler): Use new bfd_big_endian macro.
-Tue Dec 12 12:22:24 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * (distclean): Remove stamp-h. From Ronald
- F. Guilmette <>.
-Tue Dec 5 13:42:44 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- From David Mosberger-Tang <>:
- * alpha-dis.c (print_insn_alpha): fixed decoding of cpys
- instruction.
-Mon Dec 4 12:29:05 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * sh-opc.h (sh_arg_type): Added A_SSR and A_SPC.
- (sh_table): Added many SH3 opcodes.
- * sh-dis.c (print_insn_shx): Added cases for A_SSR and A_SPC.
-Fri Dec 1 07:42:18 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * ppc-opc.c (subfc., subfco): Mark this PPCCOM, not PPC.
- (subco,subco.): Mark this PPC, not PPCCOM.
-Mon Nov 27 13:09:52 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * configure: Rebuild with autoconf 2.7.
-Tue Nov 21 18:28:06 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * configure: Rebuild with autoconf 2.6.
-Wed Nov 15 19:02:53 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * Sort list of architectures. Accept but do nothing
- for alliant, convex, pyramid, romp, and tahoe.
-Wed Nov 8 20:18:59 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * a29k-dis.c (print_special): Change num to unsigned int.
-Wed Nov 8 20:10:35 1995 Eric Freudenthal <>
- * a29k-dis.c (print_insn): Cast insn24 to unsigned long when
- shifting it.
-Tue Nov 7 15:21:06 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Call AC_CHECK_PROG to find and cache AR.
- * configure: Rebuilt.
-Mon Nov 6 17:39:47 1995 Harry Dolan <>
- * Add case for bfd_i860_arch.
- * configure: Rebuild.
-Fri Nov 3 12:45:31 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * m68k-opc.c (m68k_opcodes): Correct fmoveml operands.
- * m68k-dis.c (NEXTSINGLE): Change i to unsigned int.
- (NEXTDOUBLE): Likewise.
- (print_insn_m68k): Don't match fmoveml if there is more than one
- register in the list.
- (print_insn_arg): Handle a place of '8' for a type of 'L'.
-Thu Nov 2 23:06:33 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * m68k-opc.c: Use #W rather than #w.
- * m68k-dis.c (print_insn_arg): Handle new 'W' place.
-Wed Nov 1 13:30:24 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * m68k-opc.c (m68k_opcode_aliases): Add dbfw as an alias for dbf,
- and likewise for all the dbxx opcodes.
-Mon Oct 30 20:50:40 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * arc-dis.c: Include elf-bfd.h rather than libelf.h.
-Mon Oct 23 11:11:34 1995 James G. Smith <>
- * mips-opc.c: Added shorthand (V1) for INSN_4100 manifest. Added
- the VR4100 specific instructions to the mips_opcodes structure.
-Thu Oct 19 11:05:23 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- *, mpw-make.sed: Remove ugly workaround for
- ugly Metrowerks bug in CW6, is fixed in CW7.
-Mon Oct 16 12:59:01 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * ppc-opc.c (whole file): Add flags for common/any support.
-Tue Oct 10 11:06:07 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * (BISON): Remove macro.
-Fri Oct 6 16:26:45 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- Mon Sep 25 22:49:32 1995 Andreas Schwab <>
- * m68k-dis.c (print_insn_m68k): Recognize all two-word
- instructions that take no args by looking at the match mask.
- (print_insn_arg): Always print "%" before register names.
- [case 'c']: Use "nc" for the no-cache case, as recognized by gas.
- [case '_']: Don't print "@#" before address.
- [case 'J']: Use "%s" as format string, not register name.
- [case 'B']: Treat place == 'C' like 'l' and 'L'.
-Thu Oct 5 22:16:20 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * i386-dis.c: Describe cmpxchg8b operand, and spell the opcode
- name correctly.
-Tue Oct 3 08:30:20 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- From David Mosberger-Tang <>
- * alpha-opc.h (MEMORY_FUNCTION_FORMAT_MASK): added.
- (alpha_insn_set): added definitions for VAX floating point
- instructions (Unix compilers don't generate these, but handcoded
- assembly might still use them).
- * alpha-dis.c (print_insn_alpha): added support for disassembling
- the miscellaneous instructions in the Alpha instruction set.
-Tue Sep 26 18:47:20 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * Add m68k-opc.c.o to BFD_MACHINES for m68k,
- no longer create sysdep.h, sed ppc-opc.c to work around a
- serious Metrowerks C bug.
- * Remove.
- * mpw-make.sed: New file, used by mpw-configure to edit
- into an MPW makefile.
-Wed Sep 20 12:55:28 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * (maintainer-clean): New synonym for realclean.
-Tue Sep 19 15:28:36 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * m68k-opc.c: Split pmove patterns which use 'P' into patterns
- which use '0', '1', and '2' instead. Specify the proper size for
- a pmove immediate operand. Correct the pmovefd patterns to be
- moves to a register, not from a register.
- * m68k-dis.c (print_insn_arg): Replace 'P' with '0', '1', '2'.
-Thu Sep 14 11:58:22 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc-opc.c (sparc_opcodes): Mark all insns that reference
- %psr, %wim, %tbr as F_NOTV9.
-Fri Sep 8 01:07:38 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * (Makefile): Just rebuild Makefile when running
- config.status.
- (config.h, stamp-h): New targets.
- earlier. Don't bother to call AC_ARG_PROGRAM. Touch stamp-h when
- rebuilding config.h.
- * configure: Rebuild.
- * mips-opc.c: Change unaligned loads and stores with "t,A"
- operands to use "t,A(b)".
-Thu Sep 7 19:02:46 1995 Jim Wilson <>
- * sh-dis.c (print_insn_shx): Add F_FR0 support.
-Thu Sep 7 19:02:46 1995 Jim Wilson <>
- * sh-dis.c (print_insn_shx): Change loop over op->arg[n] to iterate
- until 3 instead of until 2.
-Wed Sep 6 21:21:33 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * (ALL_CFLAGS): Define.
- (.c.o, disassemble.o): Use $(ALL_CFLAGS).
- (MOSTLYCLEAN): Add config.log.
- (distclean): Don't remove config.log.
- * Substitute HDEFINES.
- * configure: Rebuild.
-Wed Sep 6 15:08:09 1995 Jim Wilson <>
- * sh-opc.h (sh_arg_type): Add F_FR0.
- (sh_table, case fmac): Add F_FR0 as first argument.
-Wed Sep 6 15:08:09 1995 Jim Wilson <>
- * sh-opc.h (sh_opcode_info): Increase arg array size to 4.
-Tue Sep 5 18:28:10 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc-dis.c: Remove all references to NO_V9.
-Tue Sep 5 20:03:26 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * aclocal.m4: Just include ../bfd/aclocal.m4.
- * configure: Rebuild.
-Tue Sep 5 16:09:59 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc-dis.c (X_DISP19): Define.
- (print_insn, case 'G'): Use it.
- (print_insn, case 'L'): Sign extend displacement.
-Mon Sep 4 14:28:46 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Run ../bfd/ before AC_PROG_CC.
- Subsitute CFLAGS and AR. Call AC_PROG_INSTALL. Don't substitute
- host_makefile_frag or frags.
- * aclocal.m4: New file.
- * configure: Rebuild.
- * (INSTALL): Set to @INSTALL@.
- (AR): Set to @AR@.
- (AR_FLAGS): Set to rc rather than qc.
- (CC): Define as @CC@.
- (CFLAGS): Set to @CFLAGS@.
- (@host_makefile_frag@): Remove.
- (config.status): Remove dependency upon @frags@.
- * ../bfd/config.bfd now just sets shell variables.
- Use them rather than looking through target Makefile fragments.
- * configure: Rebuild.
-Thu Aug 31 12:35:32 1995 Jim Wilson <>
- * sh-opc.h (ftrc): Change FPUL_N to FPUL_M.
-Wed Aug 30 13:52:28 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc-opc.c (sparc_opcodes): Delete duplicate wr %y insn.
- Add clrx, iprefetch, signx, clruw, cas, casl, casx, casxl synthetic
- sparc64 insns.
- * sparc-opc.c (sparc_opcodes): Fix prefetcha insn.
- (lookup_{name,value}): New functions.
- (prefetch_table): New static local.
- (sparc_{encode,decode}_prefetch): New functions.
- * sparc-dis.c (print_insn): Handle '*' arg (prefetch function).
-Wed Aug 30 11:11:58 1995 Jim Wilson <>
- * sh-opc.h: Add blank lines to improve readabililty of sh3e
- instructions.
-Wed Aug 30 11:09:38 1995 Jim Wilson <>
- * sh-dis.c: Correct comment on first line of file.
-Tue Aug 29 15:37:18 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * disassemble.c (disassembler): Handle bfd_mach_sparc64.
- * sparc-opc.c (asi, membar): New static locals.
- (sparc_{encode,decode}_{asi,membar}): New functions.
- (sparc_opcodes, membar insn): Fix.
- * sparc-dis.c (print_insn): Call sparc_decode_asi.
- Support decoding of membar masks.
- (X_MEMBAR): Define.
-Sat Aug 26 21:22:48 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * m68k-opc.c (m68k_opcode_aliases): Add br, brs, brb, brw, brl.
-Mon Aug 21 17:33:36 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * m68k-opc.c (m68k_opcode_aliases): Add bhib as an alias for bhis,
- and likewise for the other branches. Add bhs as an alias for bcc,
- and likewise for the size variants. Add dbhs as an alias for
- dbcc.
-Fri Aug 11 13:40:24 1995 Jeff Law (
- * sh-opc.h (FP sts instructions): Update to match reality.
-Mon Aug 7 16:12:58 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * m68k-dis.c: (fpcr_names): Add % before all register names.
- (reg_names): Likewise.
- (print_insn_arg): Don't explicitly print % before register names.
- Add % before register names in static array names. In case 'r',
- print data registers as `@(Dn)', not `Dn@'. When printing a
- memory address, don't print @# before it.
- (print_indexed): Change base_disp and outer_disp from int to
- bfd_vma. Print using MIT syntax, not mutant invalid Motorola
- syntax. Sign extend 8 byte displacement correctly.
- (print_base): Print using MIT syntax. Print zpc when appropriate.
- Change parameter disp from int to bfd_vma.
- * m68k-opc.c (m68k_opcode_aliases): Add jsrl and jsrs as aliases
- for jsr.
-Mon Aug 7 02:21:40 1995 Jeff Law (
- * sh-dis.c (print_insn_shx): Handle new operand types F_REG_N,
- * sh-opc.h (sh_arg_type): Add new operand types.
- (sh_table): Add new opcodes from SH3E Floating Point ISA.
-Sat Aug 5 16:50:14 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * (distclean): Remove generated file config.h.
-Sat Aug 5 16:50:14 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * (distclean): Remove generated file config.h.
-Wed Aug 2 18:33:40 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * m68k-opc.c: New file, holding tables from include/opcode/m68k.h.
- Clean up tables.
- * m68k-dis.c: Remove BREAK_UP_BIG_DECL stuff.
- (opcode): Remove.
- (print_insn_m68k): Change d to be const. Use m68k_numopcodes
- rather than numopcodes. Use m68k_opcodes rather than removed
- opcode function. Don't check F_ALIAS.
- (print_insn_arg): Change first parameter to be const char *.
- * (ALL_MACHINES): Add m68k-opc.o.
- (m68k-opc.o): New target.
- * Build m68k-opc.o for bfd_m68k_arch.
- * configure: Rebuild.
-Wed Aug 2 08:23:38 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc-dis.c (HASH_SIZE, HASH_INSN): Define.
- (opcode_bits, opcode_hash_table): New variables.
- (opcodes_initialized): Renamed from opcodes_sorted.
- (build_hash_table): New function.
- (is_delayed_branch): Use hash table.
- (print_insn): Renamed from print_insn_sparc, made static.
- Build and use hash table. If !sparc64, ignore sparc64 insns,
- and vice-versa if sparc64.
- (print_insn_sparc, print_insn_sparc64): New functions.
- (compare_opcodes): Move sparc64 opcodes to end.
- Print commutative insns with constant second.
- * sparc-opc.c (all non-v9 insns): Use flag F_NOTV9 instead of F_ALIAS.
-Tue Aug 1 00:12:49 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * sh-dis.c (print_insn_shx): Remove unused local dslot. Use
- print_address_func for A_BDISP12 and A_BDISP8. Correct test which
- avoids printing a delay slot in a delay slot.
- * sh-opc.h (sh_table): Fully bracket last entry.
-Mon Jul 31 12:04:47 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * sparc-opc.c (sllx, srax, srlx): Fix disassembly.
-Wed Jul 12 00:59:34 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * Get host_makefile_frag from ${srcdir}.
- * Autoconfiscated. Check for string[s].h. Create
- config.h from Don't set up sysdep.h link.
- * sysdep.h: New file.
- * configure, New files, generated from
- * Updated to be processed autoconf-style.
- (distclean): Keep sysdep.h. Remove config.log and config.cache.
- (Makefile): Depend on config.status.
- (config.status): New rule.
- * configure.bat: Update Makefile substitutions.
-Tue Jul 11 14:23:37 1995 Jeff Spiegel <>
- * mips-opc.c (L1): Define.
- (mips_opcodes): Add R4010 instructions: flushi, flushd, flushid,
- addciu, madd, maddu, ffc, ffs, msub, msubu, selsi, selsr, waiti,
- and wb.
-Tue Jul 11 11:49:49 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * mips-opc.c (mips_opcodes): For the move pseudo-op, prefer daddu
- if ISA 3 and addu otherwise, replacing or, since some MIPS chips
- have multiple add units but only a single logical unit.
- * ppc-opc.c (powerpc_operands): Change CR to use a bitsize of 3,
- shifted by 18, without any insertion or extraction function.
- (insert_cr, extract_cr): Remove.
-Wed Jun 21 20:05:39 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * m68k-dis.c (print_insn_arg, print_indexed): Print "%" before
- register names.
-Thu Jun 15 17:23:31 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * Add sh and i386 configs, remove sparc config.
- * sh-opc.h: Add copyright.
-Mon Jun 5 03:30:43 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * (crunch-m68k): Delete extra target accidentally
- checked in a while ago.
-Wed May 24 16:22:13 1995 Jim Wilson <>
- * sh-opc.h (sh_table): Add SH3 support.
-Wed May 24 14:16:08 1995 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * sh-opc.h: Added bsrf and braf.
-Wed May 10 14:28:16 1995 Richard Earnshaw (
- * arm-opc.h (arm_opcodes): Add 64-bit multiply patterns. Delete
- bogus [ls]fm{ea,fd} patterns.
- * arm-opc.h (arm_opcodes): Correct typos in stm, ldm, std, and ldc.
- * arm-dis.c (print_insn_arm): Make GIVEN a parameter, don't try and
- initialize it from memory. Make function static.
- (print_insn_{big,little}_arm): New functions.
- * disassemble.c (disassembler, case bfd_arch_arm): Disassemble for
- the correct endianness.
-Mon Apr 24 14:18:05 1995 Jason Molenda (>
- * sh-opc.h (sh_nibble_type, sh_arg_type): remove trailing , from
- enum list.
-Wed Apr 19 14:07:03 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * m68k-dis.c (opcode): Finish change made by Kung Hsu on April
- 17th, so that it builds again using GCC as the compiler.
-Tue Apr 18 12:14:51 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * mips-dis.c (print_insn_little_mips): Cast return value from
- bfd_getl32 from bfd_vma to unsigned long, because _print_insn_mips
- expects an unsigned long, and that might be fewer words of
- argument storage (e.g., if bfd_vma is long long on a 32-bit
- machine).
- (print_insn_big_mips): Likewise with bfd_getb32 value.
- (_print_insn_mips): Now static.
-Mon Apr 17 12:23:28 1995 Kung Hsu <>
- * m68k-dis.c: Take out #define BREAK_UP_BIG_DECL kludge, because
- gcc memory hog problem with initializer is fixed.
-Mon Apr 10 15:55:01 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- Merge in support for Mac MPW as a host.
- (Old change descriptions retained for informational value.)
- * (archname): Compute from the config.
- (BFD_MACHINES, ARCHDEFS): Put into mk.tmp.
- * (target_arch): Compute from canonical target.
- (m68k, mips, powerpc, sparc): Add architectures.
- * (disassemble.c.o): Add.
- (ALL_CFLAGS): Remove special flags (-mc68020 -mc68881 -model far).
- * (BFD_MACHINES): Set to a default value.
- * (BFD_MACHINES): Remove wired-in value.
- * (CSEARCH): Add extra-include to search path.
- * (varargs.h): Don't create.
- (sysdep.h): Create using forward-include.
- * (CSEARCH): Add include/mpw to search path.
- * New file, MPW version of
- * New file, MPW version of
-Fri Mar 31 14:23:38 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * alpha-dis.c (print_insn_alpha): Put empty statement after
- default label.
-Tue Mar 21 10:51:40 1995 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-dis.c (sign_extend): Delete, redundant with libhppa.h version.
- (low_sign_extend): Likewise.
- (get_field): Delete unused function.
- (set_field, deposit_14, deposit_21): Likewise.
-Fri Mar 17 15:55:53 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * i386-dis.c: Support for more pentium opcodes. From Guy Harris
- (
-Tue Mar 14 00:52:57 1995 Ken Raeburn (
- Sat Feb 11 17:22:41 1995 Klaus Kaempf (
- * alpha-opc.h (OSF_ASMCODE): define
- print pal-code names as defined in App C of the
- Alpha Architecture Reference Manual
- * alpha-dis.c: cleaned up output
- print stylized code forms as defined in App A.4.3 of the
- Alpha Architecture Reference Manual
-Wed Mar 8 15:21:14 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * mips-opc.c: Add new mips4 instructions. Don't set INSN_RFE for
- `rfe'.
- * mips-dis.c (print_insn_arg): Handle new argument types 'h', 'R',
- 'N', and 'M'.
-Wed Mar 8 02:54:05 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * m68k-dis.c (opcode): New function. Returns address of opcode
- table entry given index, even if the opcode table was split to
- work around gcc bugs.
- (print_insn_m68k): Call opcode instead of referencing m68k_opcodes
- directly.
- (BREAK_UP_BIG_DECL): Make secondary array static and const.
- (reg_names): Now const.
- (print_insn_arg): Arrays cacheFieldName and names now const.
- (print_indexed): Array scales now const.
-Tue Mar 7 16:41:21 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * ppc-opc.c: Sort recently added instructions by minor opcode
- number within major opcode number.
-Mon Mar 6 10:04:36 1995 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-dis.c: Include libhppa.h.
-Fri Feb 24 19:15:36 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * mips-opc.c: Change dli to use M_DLI, and add dla.
-Mon Feb 20 23:54:38 1995 Peter Schauer (
- * (ALL_MACHINES): Add w65-dis.o.
-Thu Feb 16 17:34:41 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * mips-opc.c: Add r4650 mul instruction.
-Wed Feb 15 15:45:20 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * mips-opc.c: Add uld and usd macros for unaligned double load and
- store.
-Tue Feb 14 13:17:37 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * ppc-opc.c (powerpc_opcodes): Add 403GA opcodes rfci, dccci,
- mfdcr, mtdcr, icbt, iccci.
-Thu Feb 9 12:28:13 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * i960-dis.c (struct tabent, struct sparse_tabent): Change the
- signed char fields to shorts, more portable.
-Wed Feb 8 17:29:29 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * i960-dis.c (struct tabent, struct sparse_tabent): Declare the
- char fields as signed chars, since they may have negative values.
-Mon Feb 6 10:52:06 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * i386-dis.c (dis386_twobyte): Add cpuid, From Charles Hannum
- (
-Mon Jan 30 12:38:00 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- From "Logg, Ed" <>:
- * ppc-opc.c (extract_bdm): Correct parenthezisation.
- * ppc-dis.c (print_insn_powerpc): Print .long before unrecognized
- value.
-Thu Jan 26 18:32:08 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * ppc-opc.c: Changes based on patch from David Edelsohn
- <>.
- (powerpc_operands): Add operands SPRBAT and SPRG. Split TBR out of
- SPR.
- (FXM_MASK): Define.
- (insert_tbr): New static function.
- (extract_tbr): New static function.
- (XFXFXM_MASK, XFXM): Define.
- (powerpc_opcodes): Add instructions to access special registers by
- name. Add mtcr and mftbu.
-Tue Jan 17 10:56:43 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * mips-opc.c (P3): Define.
- (mips_opcodes): Add mad and madu.
-Sun Jan 15 16:32:59 1995 Steve Chamberlain <sac@splat>
- * Add W65 support.
- * disassemble.c: Likewise.
- * w65-opc.h, w65-dis.c: New files.
-Wed Dec 28 22:15:33 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * h8300-dis.c (bfd_h8_disassemble): Add support for 2 bit
- immediates.
-Tue Dec 20 11:25:12 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * mips-opc.c: Add dli as a synonym for li.
-Thu Dec 8 18:23:31 1994 Ken Raeburn <>
- * alpha-dis.c (print_insn_alpha): Handle call_pal instruction, and
- print something for reserved opcode values, even if it won't
- assemble again.
- * mips-dis.c (_print_insn_mips): When initializing, shift right
- and mask, to avoid sign extension problems on the Alpha.
- * m68k-dis.c (print_insn_arg, case 'J'): Handle buscr and pcr
- control registers.
-Wed Nov 23 22:34:51 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * sh-opc.h (mov.l gbr): Get direction right.
- * sh-dis.c (print_insn_shx): New function.
- (print_insn_shl, print_insn_sh): Call print_insn_shx to
- print opcodes with right byte order.
-Thu Nov 3 19:32:22 1994 Ken Raeburn <>
- * ns32k-dis.c (struct ns32k_option): Renamed from struct option,
- to avoid conflicts with getopt.
-Mon Oct 31 18:48:10 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * hppa-dis.c (print_insn_hppa): Read the instruction using
- bfd_getb32, so that it works on a little endian or 64 bit host.
- Remove unused local variable op.
-Tue Oct 25 17:07:57 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * mips-opc.c: Use or instead of addu for pseudo-op move, since
- addu does not work correctly if -mips3.
-Wed Oct 19 13:40:16 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * a29k-dis.c (print_special): Add special register names defined
- on 29030, 29040 and 29050.
- (print_insn): Handle new operand type 'I'.
-Wed Oct 12 11:59:55 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * (INSTALL): Use top level script.
-Wed Oct 5 19:16:29 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * sparc-dis.c: Rewrite to use bitfields, rather than a union, so
- that it works on a little endian host.
-Tue Oct 4 12:14:21 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Use ${config_shell} when running config.bfd.
-Wed Sep 21 18:49:12 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c (mips_opcodes): "dabs" is only available with -mips3.
-Thu Sep 15 16:30:22 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * a29k-dis.c (print_insn): Print the opcode.
-Wed Sep 14 17:52:14 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c (mips_opcodes): Set WR_t for sc and scd.
-Sun Sep 11 22:32:17 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hppa-dis.c (reg_names): Use r26-r23 for arg0-arg3.
-Tue Sep 6 11:37:12 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c: Set INSN_STORE_MEMORY flag for all instructions
- which store a value into memory.
-Sun Sep 04 17:58:10 1994 Richard Earnshaw (
- *,, disassemble.c: Add support for the ARM.
- * arm-dis.c, arm-opc.h: New files.
-Fri Aug 5 14:00:05 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * (ns32k-dis.o): Add dependency.
- * ns32k-dis.c (print_insn_arg): Declare initialized local as
- string, not as array of chars.
-Thu Jul 28 18:14:16 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * sparc-dis.c (print_insn_sparc): Handle new operand type 'x'.
- * sparc-opc.c: Added sparclite extended FP operations, and
- versions of v9 impdep* instructions permitting specification of
- the OPF field.
-Tue Jul 26 16:36:03 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * i960-dis.c (reg_names): Now const.
- (struct sparse_tabent): New type, copied from array type in mem
- function.
- (ctrl): Local static array ctrl_tab now const.
- (cobr): Local static array cobr_tab now const.
- (mem): Local variables reg1, reg2, reg3 now point to const. Local
- static variable mem_tab no longer explicitly initialized. Changed
- mem_init to const array of struct sparse_tabent.
- (reg): Local static variable reg_tab no longer explicitly
- initialized. Changed reg_init to const array of struct
- sparse_tabent.
- (ea): Local static array scale_tab now const.
- * i960-dis.c (reg): Added i960JX instructions to reg_init table.
- (REG_MAX): Updated.
-Tue Jul 19 21:00:00 1994 DJ Delorie (
- * configure.bat: the disassember needs to be enabled for
- "objdump -d" to work in djgpp.
-Wed Jul 13 18:01:58 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * ns32k-dis.c: Deleted all code in "#ifdef GDB".
- (invalid_float): Enabled general version, doesn't require running
- on ns32k host. Changed to take char* argument, and test for
- explicitly specified sizes, instead of using sizeof() on host CPU
- types.
- (INVALID_FLOAT): Cast first argument.
- (opt_u, opt_U, opt_O, opt_C, opt_S, list_P532, list_M532,
- list_P032, list_M032): Now const.
- (optlist, list_search): Made appropriate arguments now point to
- const.
- (print_insn_arg): Changed static array of one-character-string
- pointers into a static const array of characters; fixed sprintf
- statement accordingly.
-Sun Jul 10 00:27:47 1994 Ian Dall (
- * opcodes/ns32k-dis.c: Semi-new file. Had apparently been dropped
- from distribution. A ns32k-dis.c from a previous distribution has
- been brought up to date and supports the new interface.
- * disassemble.c: define ARCH_ns32k and add case bfd_arch_ns32k.
- * add bfd_ns32k_arch target support.
- * add ns32k-dis.o to ALL_MACHINES.
- Add ns32k-dis.c to CFILES. Add dependencies for ns32k-dis.o.
-Wed Jun 29 22:10:37 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * h8300-dis.c (bfd_h8_disassemble): Get 16bit branch
- disassembly right.
-Tue Jun 28 13:22:06 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * h8300-dis.c, mips-dis.c: Don't use true and false.
-Thu Jun 23 12:53:19 1994 David J. Mackenzie (
- * Change --with-targets to --enable-targets.
-Wed Jun 22 13:38:32 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-dis.c (_print_insn_mips): Build a static hash table mapping
- opcodes to the first instruction with that opcode, to speed
- disassembly of large files. From (Ralph
- Campbell).
-Tue Jun 7 12:49:44 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (mostlyclean): Fix typo (was mostyclean).
-Wed May 11 22:32:00 1994 DJ Delorie (
- * configure.bat: update to latest
-Sat May 7 17:13:21 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * a29k-dis.c (print_insn): Print 'x' type operand in hex.
- * h8300-dis.c (bfd_h8_disassemble): Print 16bit rels correctly.
- * sh-dis.c (print_insn_sh): Don't recur endlessly if delay
- slot insn is in a delay slot.
- * z8k-opc.h: (resflg): Fix patterns.
- * h8500-opc.h Fix CR insn patterns.
-Fri May 6 14:34:46 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ppc-opc.c (powerpc_opcodes): Put PowerPC versions of "cmp" and
- "cmpl" before POWER versions, so that gas -many uses them.
-Thu Apr 28 18:32:36 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * disassemble.c: New file.
- * (OFILES): Add disassemble.o.
- (disassemble.o): Provide dependencies; compile with $(ARCHDEFS).
- * Define ARCHDEFS in Makefile. Code taken from
- binutils/
- * m68k-dis.c (print_insn_m68k): If F_ALIAS flag is set, skip the
- opcode being examined.
-Thu Apr 21 17:08:40 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ppc-opc.c (powerpc_operands): Added RAL, RAM and RAS.
- (insert_ral, insert_ram, insert_ras): New functions.
- (powerpc_opcodes): Use RAL for load with update, RAM for lmw, and
- RAS for store with update.
-Sat Apr 16 23:41:44 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ppc-opc.c (powerpc_opcodes): Correct fcir. From David Edelsohn
- (
-Wed Apr 6 17:11:45 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c (mips_opcodes): Correct operands of "nor" with an
- immediate argument.
-Mon Apr 4 16:30:46 1994 Doug Evans (
- * sparc-opc.c (sparc_opcodes): Fix "rd %fprs,%l0".
-Mon Apr 4 13:22:00 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ppc-opc.c (powerpc_operands): The signedp field has been
- removed, so don't initialize it. Set the PPC_OPERAND_SIGNED flag
- instead. Add new operand SISIGNOPT.
- (powerpc_opcodes): For lis, liu, addis, and cau use SISIGNOPT.
- Based on patch from David Edelsohn (
- * ppc-dis.c (print_insn_powerpc): Check PPC_OPERAND_SIGNED rather
- than signedp field.
-Wed Mar 30 00:31:49 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * i386-dis.c (struct private): Renamed to dis_private. `private'
- is a reserved word for dynix cc.
-Mon Mar 28 13:00:15 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * Change error message to refer to bfd/config.bfd
- rather than bfd/
-Mon Mar 28 12:28:30 1994 David Edelsohn (
- * ppc-opc.c: Define POWER2 as short alias flag.
- (powerpc_opcodes): Add POWER/2 opcodes lfq*, stfq*, fcir[z], and
- fsqrt.
-Wed Mar 23 12:23:05 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * i960-dis.c (print_insn_i960): Don't read a second word for
- opcodes 0, 1, 2 and 3.
-Wed Mar 16 15:37:58 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * Don't build m68881-ext.o for bfd_m68k_arch.
-Mon Mar 14 14:53:50 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * m68881-ext.c: Removed; no longer used.
- * Changed accordingly.
- * m68k-dis.c (ext_format_68881): Don't declare.
- (print_insn_m68k): If an instruction uses place 'i', it uses at
- least four fixed bytes.
- (print_insn_arg): Don't bump p by 2 for case 'I', place 'i'. For
- extended float, convert to double using floatformat_to_double, not
- ieee_extended_to_double, and fetch the data before converting it.
-Tue Mar 8 18:12:25 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c: It's sqrt.s, not sqrt.w. From
- davidj@ICSI.Berkeley.EDU (David Johnson).
-Tue Feb 8 16:55:27 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ppc-opc.c (powerpc_opcodes): The POWER uses bdn[l][a] where the
- PowerPC uses bdnz[l][a].
-Tue Feb 8 00:32:28 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * dis-buf.c, i386-dis.c: Include sysdep.h.
-Mon Feb 7 19:22:23 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (bfd_powerpc_arch): Use ppc-dis.o and ppc-opc.o.
- * ppc-opc.c (powerpc_opcodes): Mark POWER instructions supported
- by Motorola PowerPC 601 with PPC_OPCODE_601.
- * ppc-dis.c (print_insn_big_powerpc, print_insn_little_powerpc):
- Disassemble Motorola PowerPC 601 instructions as well as normal
- PowerPC instructions.
-Sun Feb 6 07:45:17 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * i960-dis.c (reg, mem): Just use a static array instead of
- calling xmalloc.
-Sat Feb 5 00:04:02 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * hppa-dis.c (print_insn_hppa): For '?' and '@' only adjust the
- condition name index if this is for a negated condition.
- * hppa-dis.c (print_insn_hppa): No space before 'H' operand.
- Floating point format for 'H' operand is backwards from normal
- case (0 == double, 1 == single). For '4', '6', '7', '9', and '8'
- operands (fmpyadd and fmpysub), handle bizarre register
- translation correctly for single precision format.
- * hppa-dis.c (print_insn_hppa): Do not emit a space after 'F'
- or 'I' operands if the next format specifier is 'M' (fcmp
- condition completer).
-Feb 4 23:38:03 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ppc-opc.c (powerpc_operands): New operand type MBE to handle a
- single number giving a bitmask for the MB and ME fields of an M
- form instruction. Change NB to accept 32, and turn it into 0;
- also turn 0 into 32 when disassembling. Seperated SH from NB.
- (insert_mbe, extract_mbe): New functions.
- (insert_nb, extract_nb): New functions.
- (SC_MASK): Mask out SA and LK bits.
- (powerpc_opcodes): Change "cal" to use RT, D, RA rather than RT,
- RA, SI. Change "liu" and "cau" to use UI rather than SI. Mark
- "bctr" and "bctrl" as accepted by POWER. Change "rlwimi",
- "rlimi", "rlwimi.", "rlimi.", "rlwinm", "rlinm", "rlwinm.",
- "rlinm.", "rlmi", "rlmi.", "rlwnm", "rlnm", "rlwnm.", "rlnm." to
- use MBE rather than MB. Add "mfmq" and "mtmq" POWER instructions.
- (powerpc_macros): Define table of macro definitions.
- (powerpc_num_macros): Define.
- * ppc-dis.c (print_insn_powerpc): Don't skip optional operands
- if PPC_OPERAND_NEXT is set.
-Sat Jan 22 23:10:07 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * i960-dis.c (print_insn_i960): Make buffer bfd_byte instead of
- char. Retrieve contents using bfd_getl32 instead of shifting.
-Fri Jan 21 19:01:39 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ppc-opc.c: New file. Opcode table for PowerPC, including
- opcodes for POWER (RS/6000).
- * ppc-dis.c: New file. PowerPC and Power (RS/6000) disassembler.
- * (ALL_MACHINES): Add ppc-dis.o and ppc-opc.o.
- (CFILES): Add ppc-dis.c.
- (ppc-dis.o, ppc-opc.o): New targets.
- * Build ppc-dis.o and ppc-opc.o for bfd_rs6000_arch.
-Mon Jan 17 20:05:49 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * hppa-dis.c (print_insn_hppa): Handle 'N' in assembler template.
- No space before 'u', 'f', or 'N'.
-Sun Jan 16 14:20:16 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * i386-dis.c (print_insn_i386): Add FIXME comment regarding reading
- farther than we should.
- * i386-dis.c (dis386): Use Yb and Yv for scasb and scasS.
-Thu Jan 6 12:38:05 1994 David J. Mackenzie (
- * sparc-dis.c m68k-dis.c alpha-dis.c a29k-dis.c: Fix comments.
-Wed Jan 5 11:56:21 1994 David J. Mackenzie (
- * i960-dis.c (print_insn_i960): Only read word2 if the instruction
- needs it, to prevent reading past the end of a section.
-Wed Nov 17 17:20:12 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.h: Use macro for j instruction, to support SVR4 PIC.
- Removed t,A case for la; always use t,A(b) case.
-Mon Nov 8 12:37:36 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- From Ted Lemen <>
- * mips-dis.c (print_insn_arg): Handle 'k'.
- * mips-opc.c: Make cache use k, not t.
-Sun Nov 7 23:52:34 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * alpha-opc.h, alpha-dis.c (print_insn_alpha): Add
- FLOAT_FORMAT_CODE to put out floating point register names.
-Mon Nov 1 18:17:51 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c: Use macros for jal variants, to support SVR4 PIC.
-Thu Oct 28 17:42:23 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * a29k-dis.c (print_insn): Use 0x%08x, not 0x%8x.
-Wed Oct 27 11:48:01 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c (dsll, dsra, dsrl): Added '>' cases for shift counts
- larger than 32. Moved dsxx32 variants first for disassembler.
-Mon Oct 25 11:33:14 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * z8kgen.c, z8k-opc.h: Add full lda information.
-Tue Oct 19 12:39:25 1993 Jeffrey A Law (
- * hppa-dis.c (print_insn_hppa): Do not emit a space after
- movb instructions. Any necessary space will be emitted by
- the code to handle nullification completers.
-Wed Oct 13 16:19:07 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c: Moved l.d down so that it disassembles as ldc1.
-Fri Oct 8 02:34:21 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * alpha-opc.h: Add ldl_l, fix typo for ldq_u.
- * alpha-dis.c (print_insn_alpha): Add code for PAL_FORMAT_CODE.
-Tue Oct 5 17:47:53 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c: Correct lwu opcode value (book had it wrong).
-Thu Sep 30 11:26:18 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * z8k-dis.c (FETCH_DATA): get just the right amount of data.
- (unpack_instr): Cope with ARG_IMM4M1 type instructions.
-Wed Sep 29 16:24:49 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * m88k-dis.c (m88kdis): comment change. Remove space after
- printing mnemonic.
- (printop): handle new arg types DEC and XREG for m88110.
-Tue Sep 28 19:20:16 1993 Jeffrey A Law (
- * hppa-dis.c (print_insn_hppa): Handle 'z' operand
- type for absolute branch addresses. Delete special
- "ble" and "be" code in 'W' operand code.
-Fri Sep 24 14:08:33 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c: Set hazard information correctly for branch
- likely instructions.
-Fri Sep 17 04:41:17 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * alpha-dis.c (print_insn_alpha), alpha-opc.h: Fix bugs, use
- info->fprintf_func for printing and info->print_address_func for
- address output.
-Wed Sep 15 12:12:07 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c: Set INSN_TRAP for tXX instructions.
-Thu Sep 9 10:11:27 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c: From davidj@ICSI.Berkeley.EDU (David Johnson):
- Corrected second case of "b" for disassembler.
-Tue Sep 7 14:25:15 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-dis.c, m88k-dis.c: Don't include libbfd.h. Changed calls
- to BFD swapping routines to correspond to BFD name changes.
-Thu Sep 2 10:35:25 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c: Change div machine instruction to be z,s,t rather
- than s,t. Change div macro to be d,v,t rather than d,s,t.
- Likewise for divu, ddiv, ddivu. Added z,s,t case for drem, dremu,
- rem and remu which generates only the corresponding div
- instruction. This is for compatibility with the MIPS assembler,
- which only generates the simple machine instruction when an
- explicit destination of $0 is used.
- * mips-dis.c (print_insn_arg): Handle 'z' (always register zero).
-Thu Aug 26 17:41:44 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c: From davidj@ICSI.Berkeley.EDU (David Johnson): Set
- WR_31 hazard for bal, bgezal, bltzal.
-Thu Aug 26 17:20:02 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * hppa-dis.c (print_insn_hppa): Use print function
- from within the disassemble_info, not fprintf_filtered.
-Wed Aug 25 13:51:40 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * hppa-dis.c (print_insn_hppa): Handle '|' like '>'. (From Jeff
- Law,
-Mon Aug 23 12:44:05 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c ("absu"): Removed.
- ("dabs"): Added.
-Fri Aug 20 10:52:52 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c: Added r6000 and r4000 instructions and macros.
- Changed hazard information to distinguish between memory load
- delays and coprocessor load delays.
-Wed Aug 18 15:39:23 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c: li.d uses "T,L", not "S,F". Added li.s.
-Tue Aug 17 09:44:42 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
- * Don't pass cpu to config.bfd.
-Tue Aug 17 12:23:52 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * m88k-dis.c (m88kdis): Make class unsigned.
-Thu Aug 12 15:08:18 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * alpha-dis.c (print_insn_alpha): One branch format case was
- missing the instruction name.
-Wed Aug 11 19:29:39 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
- * (ALL_MACHINES): Renamed from DIS_LIBS.
- Add the arch-specific auxiliary files.
- (OFILES): Remove the arch-specific auxiliary files
- and use BFD_MACHINES instead of DIS_LIBS.
- * Set BFD_MACHINES based on --with-targets option.
-Thu Aug 12 12:04:53 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c: Added lwc1 E,A(b) to go with lwc1 T,A(b). Similarly
- for swc1.
-Sun Aug 8 15:09:30 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * sparc-opc.c: Change CONST to const to deal with gcc
- -Dconst=__const -traditional.
-Fri Aug 6 10:58:55 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-opc.c: From davidj@ICSI.Berkeley.EDU (David Johnson): Took
- coprocessor instructions out of #if 0, and made them use new
- argument type "C".
-Thu Aug 5 17:11:06 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * sparc-dis.c: Include ansidecl.h before opcodes/sparc.h.
-Fri Jul 30 18:48:15 1993 John Gilmore (
- * sparc-opc.c: Add F_JSR, F_UNBR, or F_CONDBR flags to each branch
- instruction, for use by the disassembler.
- * sparc-dis.c (SEX): Add sign extension macro. Replace many
- hand-coded sign extensions that depended on 32-bit host ints.
- FIXME, we still depend on big-endian host bitfield ordering.
- (sparc_print_insn): Set the insn_info_valid field, and the
- other fields that describe the instruction being printed.
-Tue Jul 27 17:04:58 1993 Jim Wilson (
- * sparc-opc.c (call): Accept all 6 addressing modes valid for
- `jmp' instead of just one of them.
-Wed Jul 21 11:43:32 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * hppa-dis.c: Move floating registers from reg_names to fp_reg_names.
- (fput_fp_reg_r): Renamed from fput_reg_r.
- (fput_fp_reg): New function.
- (print_insn_hppa): Use fput_fp_reg{,_r} where appropriate.
- * hppa-dis.c (print_insn_hppa, cases 'a', 'd'): Print space afterwards.
- * hppa-dis.c (print_insn_hppa, case 'd'): Use GET_COND not GET_FIELD.
-Mon Jul 19 13:52:21 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * hppa-dis.c (print_insn_hppa): Use extract_5r_store for 'r'.
- * hppa-dis.c (print_insn_hppa, case '>'): If next character is 'n',
- don't output a space.
- * hppa-dis.c (float_format_names): 10 is undefined, and 11 is quad.
-Sun Jul 18 16:30:02 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * mips-opc.c: New file, containing opcode table from
- ../include/opcode/mips.h.
- * Add it.
-Thu Jul 15 12:37:05 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * m88k-dis.c: New file, moved in from gdb and changed to use the
- new dis-asm.h disassembler interface.
- * (DIS_LIBS): Added m88k-dis.o.
- (m88k-dis.o): New target.
-Tue Jul 13 10:04:16 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-dis.c (print_insn_arg, _print_insn_mips): Made pointer to
- argument string const char * to correspond to opcode/mips.h.
-Tue Jul 6 15:18:37 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-dis.c: Updated to account for name changes in new version
- of opcode/mips.h.
- * Added header file dependencies.
-Sat Jul 3 23:47:56 1993 Doug Evans (
- * h8300-dis.c (bfd_h8_disassemble): Correct fetching of instruction.
-Thu Jul 1 12:23:38 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * m68k-dis.c (NEXTWORD, NEXTLONG): Use ((x) ^ 0x8000) - 0x8000 to sign
- extend, rather than shifts.
-Sun Jun 20 20:56:56 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * Undo 15 June change.
-Fri Jun 18 14:15:15 1993 Per Bothner (
- * m68k-dis.c (print_insn_arg): Change return value to byte count
- or error code.
- * m68k-dis.c: Re-write to detect invalid operands before
- printing anything, so we can handle this the same way we
- handle invalid opcodes.
-Thu Jun 17 15:01:36 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * sh-dis.c, sh-opc.h: Understand some more opcodes.
-Wed Jun 16 13:48:05 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * hppa-dis.c: Include <ansidecl.h> and sysdep.h before other
- header files.
-Tue Jun 15 21:45:26 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * sparc-dis.c: Don't declare qsort, since sysdep.h might.
- * Do make sysdep.h link.
- * Search ../include. Don't search ../bfd.
-Tue Jun 15 13:36:10 1993 Stu Grossman (
- Changes from Jeff Law,
- * hppa-dis.c: Fix typo. 'a' and 'd' were reversed.
- Do not print a space before the completers specified by
- 'a' and 'd'.
-Fri Jun 11 18:40:21 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * mips-dis.c: No longer need to bomb out if HOST_64_BIT is
- defined, since gdb has been fixed.
- Changes from Jeff Law,
- * hppa-dis.c (print_insn_hppa): Last argument to fput_reg,
- fput_reg_r, fput_creg, fput_const, and fputs_filtered should
- be a *disassemble_info, not a *FILE.
- * hppa-dis.c: Support 'd', '!', and 'a'.
- * hppa-dis.c: Support 's' to extract a 2 bit space register.
- * hppa-dis.c: Delete cases which are no longer needed.
-Fri Jun 11 07:53:48 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * m68k-dis.c (print_insn_{m68k,arg}): Add MMU codes.
-Tue Jun 8 12:25:01 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * h8300-dis.c: New file, removed from bfd/cpu-h8300.c, with
- H8/300-H opcodes.
-Mon Jun 7 12:58:49 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (CSEARCH): Add -I../bfd for sysdep.h and bfd.h.
- * No longer need to configure to get sysdep.h.
-Thu Jun 3 15:56:49 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * Patches from Jeffrey Law <>.
- * hppa-dis.c: Support 'I', 'J', and 'K' in output
- templates for 1.1 FP computational instructions.
-Tue May 25 13:05:48 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * h8500-dis.c (print_insn_h8500): Address argument is type
- bfd_vma.
- * z8k-dis.c (print_insn_z8k, print_insn_z8001, print_insn_z8002):
- Ditto.
- * h8500-opc.h (addr_class_type): No comma at end of enumerator.
- * sh-opc.h (sh_nibble_type, sh_arg_type): Ditto.
- * sparc-dis.c (compare_opcodes): Move static declaration to
- top-level.
-Fri May 21 14:17:37 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * sparc-dis.c (print_insn_sparc): Implement 'n' argument for unimp
- instruction, remove unimp hack from 'l' argument.
-Wed May 19 15:35:54 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * z8k-dis.c (fetch_data): Use unsigned char to make ancient gcc's
- happy.
-Fri May 14 15:22:46 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * Based on patches from davidj@ICSI.Berkeley.EDU (David Johnson):
- * mips-dis.c (print_insn_arg): Handle 'C' for general coprocessor
- instructions.
-Fri May 14 00:09:14 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * hppa-dis.c: Include dis-asm.h before sysdep.h. Changed some
- arrays of string pointers to 2-d arrays of chars, to save
- space.
-Thu May 6 20:51:17 1993 Fred Fish (
- * a29k-dis.c, alpha-dis.c, i960-dis.c, sparc-dis.c, z8k-dis.c:
- Cast second arg to read_memory_func to "bfd_byte *", as necessary.
-Tue May 4 20:31:10 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * hppa-dis.c: New file from Utah, adapted to new disassembler
- calling interface.
- * Include it.
-Mon Apr 26 18:17:42 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * sh-dis.c, sh-opc.h: New files.
-Fri Apr 23 18:51:22 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * alpha-dis.c, alpha-opc.h: New files.
-Tue Apr 6 12:54:08 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * mips-dis.c: Sign extend 'j' and 'b' arguments, delta is a signed
- value.
-Mon Apr 5 17:37:37 1993 John Gilmore (
- * sparc-dis.c: Make "ta" the default trap instruction, "t" the alias.
-Fri Apr 2 07:24:27 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * a29k-dis.c, sparc-dis.c, sparc-opc.c: Use CONST rather than
- const.
-Thu Apr 1 11:20:43 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * sparc-dis.c: Use fprintf_func a few places where I forgot,
- and double percent signs a few places.
- * a29k-dis.c, i960-dis.c: New, merged from gdb and binutils.
- * i386-dis.c, m68k-dis.c, mips-dis.c, sparc-dis.c:
- Use info->print_address_func not print_address.
- * dis-buf.c (generic_print_address): New function.
-Wed Mar 31 10:07:04 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Add sparc-dis.c.
- sparc-dis.c: New file, merges binutils and gdb versions as follows:
- From GDB:
- Add `add' instruction to the set that get checked
- for a preceding `sethi' in order to print an absolute address.
- * (print_insn): Disassembly prefers real instructions.
- (is_delayed_branch): Speed up.
- * sparc-opcode.h: Add ALIAS bit to aliases. Fix up opcode tables.
- Still missing some float ops, and needs testing.
- * sparc-pinsn.c (print_insn): Eliminate 'set' test, subsumed by
- F_ALIAS. Use printf, not fprintf, when not passing a file
- pointer...
- (compare_opcodes): Check that identical instructions have
- identical opcodes, complain otherwise.
- From binutils:
- * New 'm' arg.
- * Include reg_names.
- From neither:
- Use dis-asm.h/read_memory_func interface.
-Wed Mar 31 20:49:06 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * h8500-dis.c, i386-dis.c, m68k-dis.c, z8k-dis.c (fetch_data):
- deliberately return non-zero to setjmp from longjmp. Otherwise
- this code fails to compile.
-Wed Mar 31 17:04:31 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * m68k-dis.c: Fix prototype for fetch_arg().
-Wed Mar 31 10:07:04 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * dis-buf.c: New file, for new read_memory_func interface.
- (OFILES): Include it.
- m68k-dis.c, i386-dis.c, h8500-dis.c, mips-dis.c, z8k-dis.c:
- Use new read_memory_func interface.
-Mon Mar 29 14:02:17 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * h8500-dis.c (print_insn_h8500): Get sign of fp offsets right.
- * h8500-opc.h: Fix couple of opcodes.
-Wed Mar 24 02:03:36 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * add dvi & installcheck targets
-Mon Mar 22 18:55:04 1993 John Gilmore (
- * Update for h8500-dis.c.
-Fri Mar 19 14:27:17 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * h8500-dis.c, h8500-opc.h: New files
-Thu Mar 18 14:12:37 1993 Per Bothner (
- * mips-dis.c, z8k-dis.c: Converted to use interface defined in
- ../include/dis-asm.h.
- * m68k-dis.c: New file (merge of ../binutils/m68k-pinsn.c
- and ../gdb/m68k-pinsn.c).
- * i386-dis.c: New file (merge of ../binutils/i386-pinsn.c
- and ../gdb/i386-pinsn.c).
- * m68881-ext.c: New file. Moved definition of
- ext_format ext_format_68881 from ../gdb/m68k-tdep.c.
- * Adjust for new files.
- * i386-dis.c: Patches from John Hassey (
- * m68k-dis.c: Recognize '9' placement code, so (say) pflush
- can be dis-assembled.
-Wed Feb 17 09:19:47 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * mips-dis.c (print_insn_arg): Now returns void.
-Mon Jan 11 16:09:16 1993 Fred Fish (
- * mips-dis.c (ansidecl.h): Include for benefit of sysdep.h
- files that use the macros.
-Thu Jan 7 13:15:17 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * mips-dis.c: New file, from gdb/mips-pinsn.c.
- * (DIS_LIBS): Added mips-dis.o.
- (CFILES): Added mips-dis.c.
-Thu Jan 7 07:36:33 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * z8k-dis.c (print_insn_z8001, print_insn_z8002): new routines
- * z8kgen.c, z8k-opc.h: fix sizes of some shifts.
-Tue Dec 22 15:42:44 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Improve *clean rules.
- * Allow a default host.
-Tue Nov 17 19:53:54 1992 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * also use -I$(srcdir)/../bfd, since some sysdep
- files include other sysdep files
-Thu Nov 12 16:10:37 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * z8k-dis.c z8k-opc.h z8kgen.c: checkpoint
-Fri Oct 9 04:56:05 1992 John Gilmore (
- * For host support, use ../bfd/
- so it stays in sync with the ../bfd/hosts database.
-Thu Oct 1 23:38:54 1992 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * use cpu-vendor-os triple instead of nested cases
-Wed Sep 30 16:09:20 1992 Michael Werner (
- * z8k-dis.c (unparse_instr): fix bug where opcode returned was
- *always* the wrong one.
-Wed Sep 30 07:42:17 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * z8kgen.c: added copyright info
-Tue Sep 29 12:20:21 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * z8k-dis.c (unparse_instr): prettier tabs
- * z8kgen.c -> z8k-opc.h: bug fixes in tables
-Fri Sep 25 12:50:32 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * Add ncr* configuration.
- * z8k-dis.c (struct instr_data_s): Make instr_asmsrc char to make
- picayune ANSI compilers happy.
-Sep 20 08:50:55 1992 Fred Fish (
- * (i386): Make i386 and i486 synonymous for now.
- * (i[34]86-*-sysv4): Add my_host definition.
-Fri Sep 18 17:01:23 1992 Ken Raeburn (
- * (install): Fix typo.
-Fri Sep 18 02:04:24 1992 John Gilmore (
- * (make): Remove obsolete crud.
- (sparc-opc.o): Avoid Sun Make VPATH bug.
-Tue Sep 8 17:29:27 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * since there are no SUBDIRS, remove rule and
- references of subdir_do.
-Tue Sep 8 17:02:58 1992 Ken Raeburn (
- * (install): Get the library name right here too.
- Don't install bfd.h, since it's unrelated to this library. No
- subdirs to recurse into, either.
- (CFILES): The source file has a .c suffix, not .o.
- * sparc-opc.c: New file, moved from BFD.
- * (OFILES): Build it.
-Thu Sep 3 16:59:20 1992 Michael Werner (
- * z8k-dis.c: fixed forward refferences of some declarations.
-Mon Aug 31 16:09:45 1992 Michael Werner (
- * get the name of the library right
-Mon Aug 31 13:47:35 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * z8k-dis.c: knows how to disassemble z8k stuff
- * z8k-opc.h: new file full of z8000 opcodes
-Local Variables:
-version-control: never
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/ b/contrib/gdb/opcodes/
deleted file mode 100644
index c274cb173a46..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile template for Configure for the opcodes library.
-# Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# Written by Cygnus Support.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-VPATH = @srcdir@
-srcdir = @srcdir@
-prefix = @prefix@
-program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
-exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
-bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
-libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
-datadir = $(prefix)/lib
-mandir = $(prefix)/man
-man1dir = $(mandir)/man1
-man2dir = $(mandir)/man2
-man3dir = $(mandir)/man3
-man4dir = $(mandir)/man4
-man5dir = $(mandir)/man5
-man6dir = $(mandir)/man6
-man7dir = $(mandir)/man7
-man8dir = $(mandir)/man8
-man9dir = $(mandir)/man9
-infodir = $(prefix)/info
-includedir = $(prefix)/include
-oldincludedir =
-docdir = $(srcdir)/doc
-SHELL = /bin/sh
-AR = @AR@
-AR_FLAGS = rc
-CC = @CC@
-MAKEINFO = makeinfo
-SONAME = lib`echo $(SHLIB) | sed -e 's,^\.\./bfd/,,' -e 's/^lib//' | sed '$(program_transform_name)'`
-INCDIR = $(srcdir)/../include
-BFDDIR = $(srcdir)/../bfd
-CSEARCH = -I. -I$(srcdir) -I../bfd -I$(INCDIR) -I$(BFDDIR)
-DEP = mkdep
-TARGETLIB = libopcodes.a
-# To circumvent a Sun make VPATH bug, each file listed here
-# should also have a foo.o: foo.c line further along in this file.
-ALL_MACHINES = a29k-dis.o alpha-dis.o h8300-dis.o h8500-dis.o \
- hppa-dis.o i386-dis.o i960-dis.o m68k-dis.o m68k-opc.o \
- m88k-dis.o mips-dis.o mips-opc.o sh-dis.o sparc-dis.o \
- sparc-opc.o z8k-dis.o ns32k-dis.o ppc-dis.o ppc-opc.o \
- arm-dis.o w65-dis.o
-OFILES = @BFD_MACHINES@ dis-buf.o disassemble.o
- "against=$(against)" \
- "AR=$(AR)" \
- "CC=$(CC)" \
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $(CC) -c $(PICFLAG) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< -o pic/$@; \
- else true; fi
- $(CC) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $<
-# C source files that correspond to .o's.
-CFILES = i386-dis.c z8k-dis.c m68k-dis.c mips-dis.c ns32k-dis.c ppc-dis.c
-all: $(ALLLIBS)
-installcheck check:
-# HDEPFILES comes from the host config; TDEPFILES from the target config.
- rm -f $(TARGETLIB)
-LIBIBERTY_LISTS = ../libiberty/required-list ../libiberty/needed-list
-BFD_LIST = ../bfd/piclist
-stamp-piclist: Makefile $(LIBIBERTY_LISTS) $(BFD_LIST)
- rm -f tpiclist
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- echo $(OFILES) | sed -e 's,\([^ ][^ ]*\),pic/\1,g' > tpiclist; \
- else \
- echo $(OFILES) > tpiclist; \
- fi
- if [ "$(COMMON_SHLIB)" = "yes" ]; then \
- lobjs=`cat $(LIBIBERTY_LISTS)`; \
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- lobjs=`echo $$lobjs | sed -e 's,\([^ ][^ ]*\),pic/\1,g'`; \
- fi; \
- lobjs=`echo $$lobjs | sed -e 's,\([^ ][^ ]*\),../libiberty/\1,g'`; \
- echo $$lobjs >> tpiclist; \
- sed -e 's,\([^ ][^ ]*\),../bfd/\1,g' $(BFD_LIST) >> tpiclist; \
- else true; fi
- $(srcdir)/../move-if-change tpiclist piclist
- touch stamp-piclist
-piclist: stamp-piclist ; @true
-$(SHLIB): stamp-picdir $(OFILES) piclist $(SHLIB_DEP)
- rm -f $(SHLIB)
- $(SHLIB_CC) $(SHLIB_CFLAGS) -o $(SHLIB) `cat piclist`
- ts=lib`echo $(SHLIB) | sed -e 's,^\.\./bfd/,,' -e 's/^lib//' | sed -e '$(program_transform_name)'`; \
- if [ "$(COMMON_SHLIB)" = "yes" ]; then \
- ts=../bfd/$$ts; \
- fi; \
- if [ "$$ts" != "$(SHLIB)" ]; then \
- rm -f $$ts; \
- ln -sf `echo $(SHLIB) | sed -e 's,^\.\./bfd/,,'` $$ts; \
- else true; fi
- rm -f $(SHLINK)
- ln -sf `echo $(SHLIB) | sed -e 's,^\.\./bfd/,,'` $(SHLINK)
-# This target creates as a symlink to
-# It is used on SunOS, which does not have SONAME.
-stamp-tshlink: $(SHLIB)
- tf=lib`echo $(SHLIB) | sed -e 's,\.\./bfd/,,' -e 's/^lib//' | sed '$(program_transform_name)'`; \
- if [ "$(COMMON_SHLIB)" = "yes" ]; then \
- tf=../bfd/$$tf; \
- fi; \
- if [ "$$tf" != "$(SHLIB)" ]; then \
- rm -f $$tf; \
- ln -sf $(SHLIB) $$tf; \
- else true; fi
- if [ "$(COMMON_SHLIB)" = "yes" ]; then \
- tf=lib`echo $(TARGETLIB) | sed -e 's/^lib//' | sed '$(program_transform_name)'`; \
- if [ "$$tf" != "$(TARGETLIB)" ]; then \
- rm -f $$tf; \
- ln -sf $(TARGETLIB) $$tf; \
- else true; fi; \
- else true; fi
- touch stamp-tshlink
-$(OFILES): stamp-picdir
-disassemble.o: disassemble.c $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $(CC) -c @archdefs@ $(PICFLAG) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(srcdir)/disassemble.c -o pic/disassemble.o; \
- else true; fi
- $(CC) -c @archdefs@ $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(srcdir)/disassemble.c
-a29k-dis.o: a29k-dis.c $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h $(INCDIR)/opcode/a29k.h
-dis-buf.o: dis-buf.c $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h
-h8500-dis.o: h8500-dis.c h8500-opc.h $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h
-h8300-dis.o: h8300-dis.c $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h $(INCDIR)/opcode/h8300.h
-i386-dis.o: i386-dis.c $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h
-i960-dis.o: i960-dis.c $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h
-w65-dis.o: w65-dis.c
-m68k-dis.o: m68k-dis.c $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h $(INCDIR)/floatformat.h \
- $(INCDIR)/opcode/m68k.h
-m68k-opc.o: m68k-opc.c $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h $(INCDIR)/opcode/m68k.h
-mips-dis.o: mips-dis.c $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h $(INCDIR)/opcode/mips.h
-mips-opc.o: mips-opc.c $(INCDIR)/opcode/mips.h
-ppc-dis.o: ppc-dis.c $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h $(INCDIR)/opcode/ppc.h
-ppc-opc.o: ppc-opc.c $(INCDIR)/opcode/ppc.h
-sparc-dis.o: sparc-dis.c $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h $(INCDIR)/opcode/sparc.h
-sparc-opc.o: sparc-opc.c $(INCDIR)/opcode/sparc.h
-z8k-dis.o: z8k-dis.c z8k-opc.h $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h
-ns32k-dis.o: ns32k-dis.c $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h $(INCDIR)/opcode/ns32k.h
-sh-dis.o: sh-dis.c sh-opc.h $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h
-alpha-dis.o: alpha-dis.c alpha-opc.h $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h
-hppa-dis.o: hppa-dis.c $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h $(INCDIR)/opcode/hppa.h
-m88k-dis.o: m88k-dis.c $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h $(INCDIR)/opcode/m88k.h
-arm-dis.o: arm-dis.c arm-opc.h $(INCDIR)/dis-asm.h
-tags etags: TAGS
-TAGS: force
- etags $(INCDIR)/*.h $(srcdir)/*.h $(srcdir)/*.c
-MOSTLYCLEAN = *.o core *.E *.p *.ip config.log pic/*.o
- rm -rf $(MOSTLYCLEAN)
- rm -f *.a $(MOSTLYCLEAN) $(SHLIB) $(SHLINK) piclist stamp-piclist
-distclean: clean
- rm -rf Makefile config.status TAGS config.cache config.h stamp-h \
- pic stamp-picdir
-clobber realclean maintainer-clean: distclean
-# Mark everything as depending on config.status, since the timestamp on
-# sysdep.h might actually move backwards if we reconfig and relink it
-# to a different hosts/h-xxx.h file. This will force a recompile anyway.
-RECONFIG = config.status
-# This target should be invoked before building a new release.
-# 'VERSION' file must be present and contain a string of the form "x.y"
- @V=`cat VERSION` ; \
- MAJ=`sed 's/\..*//' VERSION` ; \
- MIN=`sed 's/.*\.//' VERSION` ; \
- V=$$MAJ.`expr $$MIN + 1` ; \
- rm -f VERSION ; \
- echo $$V >VERSION ; \
- echo Version $$V
-# Dummy target to force execution of dependent targets.
-install: $(ALLLIBS)
- for f in $(ALLLIBS); do \
- if [ "$$f" = "stamp-tshlink" ]; then \
- continue; \
- fi; \
- tf=lib`echo $$f | sed -e 's,^\.\./bfd/,,' -e 's/^lib//' | sed '$(program_transform_name)'`; \
- rm -f $(libdir)/$$tf; \
- if [ "$$f" = "$(SHLINK)" ]; then \
- ts=lib`echo $(SHLIB) | sed -e 's,^\.\./bfd/,,' -e 's/^lib//' | sed '$(program_transform_name)'`; \
- ln -sf $$ts $(libdir)/$$tf; \
- elif [ "$$f" = "$(SHLIB)" ]; then \
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$f $(libdir)/$$tf; \
- else \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(libdir)/$$tf; \
- $(RANLIB) $(libdir)/$$tf; \
- chmod a-x $(libdir)/$$tf; \
- fi; \
- done
-Makefile: config.status
- CONFIG_FILES=Makefile CONFIG_HEADERS= $(SHELL) ./config.status
-config.h: stamp-h ; @true
-stamp-h: config.status
- CONFIG_FILES= $(SHELL) ./config.status
-config.status : configure $(srcdir)/../bfd/ $(srcdir)/../bfd/config.bfd
- $(SHELL) config.status --recheck
-dep: $(CFILES)
- mkdep $(CFLAGS) $?
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ] && [ ! -d pic ]; then \
- mkdir pic; \
- else true; fi
- touch stamp-picdir
-# What appears below is generated by a hacked mkdep using gcc -MM.
-# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- mkdep uses it.
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/ b/contrib/gdb/opcodes/
deleted file mode 100644
index ea534ec66ce2..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-/* Generated automatically from by autoheader. */
-/* Define if you have the <string.h> header file. */
-/* Define if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/configure b/contrib/gdb/opcodes/configure
deleted file mode 100755
index 5f19335a3af0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/configure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1538 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
-# Generated automatically using autoconf version 2.8
-# Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This configure script is free software; the Free Software Foundation
-# gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
-# Defaults:
-# Any additions from
- --enable-targets alternative target configurations"
- --enable-shared build shared opcodes library"
- --enable-commonbfdlib build shared BFD/opcodes/libiberty library"
-# Initialize some variables set by options.
-# The variables have the same names as the options, with
-# dashes changed to underlines.
-# Initialize some other variables.
-for ac_option
- # If the previous option needs an argument, assign it.
- if test -n "$ac_prev"; then
- eval "$ac_prev=\$ac_option"
- ac_prev=
- continue
- fi
- case "$ac_option" in
- -*=*) ac_optarg=`echo "$ac_option" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'` ;;
- *) ac_optarg= ;;
- esac
- # Accept the important Cygnus configure options, so we can diagnose typos.
- case "$ac_option" in
- -bindir | --bindir | --bindi | --bind | --bin | --bi)
- ac_prev=bindir ;;
- -bindir=* | --bindir=* | --bindi=* | --bind=* | --bin=* | --bi=*)
- bindir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -build | --build | --buil | --bui | --bu)
- ac_prev=build ;;
- -build=* | --build=* | --buil=* | --bui=* | --bu=*)
- build="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -cache-file | --cache-file | --cache-fil | --cache-fi \
- | --cache-f | --cache- | --cache | --cach | --cac | --ca | --c)
- ac_prev=cache_file ;;
- -cache-file=* | --cache-file=* | --cache-fil=* | --cache-fi=* \
- | --cache-f=* | --cache-=* | --cache=* | --cach=* | --cac=* | --ca=* | --c=*)
- cache_file="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -datadir | --datadir | --datadi | --datad | --data | --dat | --da)
- ac_prev=datadir ;;
- -datadir=* | --datadir=* | --datadi=* | --datad=* | --data=* | --dat=* \
- | --da=*)
- datadir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -disable-* | --disable-*)
- ac_feature=`echo $ac_option|sed -e 's/-*disable-//'`
- # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
- if test -n "`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/[-a-zA-Z0-9_]//g'`"; then
- { echo "configure: error: $ac_feature: invalid feature name" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- ac_feature=`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/-/_/g'`
- eval "enable_${ac_feature}=no" ;;
- -enable-* | --enable-*)
- ac_feature=`echo $ac_option|sed -e 's/-*enable-//' -e 's/=.*//'`
- # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
- if test -n "`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]//g'`"; then
- { echo "configure: error: $ac_feature: invalid feature name" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- ac_feature=`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/-/_/g'`
- case "$ac_option" in
- *=*) ;;
- *) ac_optarg=yes ;;
- esac
- eval "enable_${ac_feature}='$ac_optarg'" ;;
- -exec-prefix | --exec_prefix | --exec-prefix | --exec-prefi \
- | --exec-pref | --exec-pre | --exec-pr | --exec-p | --exec- \
- | --exec | --exe | --ex)
- ac_prev=exec_prefix ;;
- -exec-prefix=* | --exec_prefix=* | --exec-prefix=* | --exec-prefi=* \
- | --exec-pref=* | --exec-pre=* | --exec-pr=* | --exec-p=* | --exec-=* \
- | --exec=* | --exe=* | --ex=*)
- exec_prefix="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -gas | --gas | --ga | --g)
- # Obsolete; use --with-gas.
- with_gas=yes ;;
- -help | --help | --hel | --he)
- # Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing.
- # This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh.
- cat << EOF
-Usage: configure [options] [host]
-Options: [defaults in brackets after descriptions]
- --cache-file=FILE cache test results in FILE
- --help print this message
- --no-create do not create output files
- --quiet, --silent do not print \`checking...' messages
- --version print the version of autoconf that created configure
-Directory and file names:
- --prefix=PREFIX install architecture-independent files in PREFIX
- [$ac_default_prefix]
- --exec-prefix=EPREFIX install architecture-dependent files in EPREFIX
- [same as prefix]
- --bindir=DIR user executables in DIR [EPREFIX/bin]
- --sbindir=DIR system admin executables in DIR [EPREFIX/sbin]
- --libexecdir=DIR program executables in DIR [EPREFIX/libexec]
- --datadir=DIR read-only architecture-independent data in DIR
- [PREFIX/share]
- --sysconfdir=DIR read-only single-machine data in DIR [PREFIX/etc]
- --sharedstatedir=DIR modifiable architecture-independent data in DIR
- [PREFIX/com]
- --localstatedir=DIR modifiable single-machine data in DIR [PREFIX/var]
- --libdir=DIR object code libraries in DIR [EPREFIX/lib]
- --includedir=DIR C header files in DIR [PREFIX/include]
- --oldincludedir=DIR C header files for non-gcc in DIR [/usr/include]
- --infodir=DIR info documentation in DIR [PREFIX/info]
- --mandir=DIR man documentation in DIR [PREFIX/man]
- --srcdir=DIR find the sources in DIR [configure dir or ..]
- --program-prefix=PREFIX prepend PREFIX to installed program names
- --program-suffix=SUFFIX append SUFFIX to installed program names
- --program-transform-name=PROGRAM
- run sed PROGRAM on installed program names
- cat << EOF
-Host type:
- --build=BUILD configure for building on BUILD [BUILD=HOST]
- --host=HOST configure for HOST [guessed]
- --target=TARGET configure for TARGET [TARGET=HOST]
-Features and packages:
- --disable-FEATURE do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no)
- --enable-FEATURE[=ARG] include FEATURE [ARG=yes]
- --with-PACKAGE[=ARG] use PACKAGE [ARG=yes]
- --without-PACKAGE do not use PACKAGE (same as --with-PACKAGE=no)
- --x-includes=DIR X include files are in DIR
- --x-libraries=DIR X library files are in DIR
- if test -n "$ac_help"; then
- echo "--enable and --with options recognized:$ac_help"
- fi
- exit 0 ;;
- -host | --host | --hos | --ho)
- ac_prev=host ;;
- -host=* | --host=* | --hos=* | --ho=*)
- host="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -includedir | --includedir | --includedi | --included | --include \
- | --includ | --inclu | --incl | --inc)
- ac_prev=includedir ;;
- -includedir=* | --includedir=* | --includedi=* | --included=* | --include=* \
- | --includ=* | --inclu=* | --incl=* | --inc=*)
- includedir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -infodir | --infodir | --infodi | --infod | --info | --inf)
- ac_prev=infodir ;;
- -infodir=* | --infodir=* | --infodi=* | --infod=* | --info=* | --inf=*)
- infodir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -libdir | --libdir | --libdi | --libd)
- ac_prev=libdir ;;
- -libdir=* | --libdir=* | --libdi=* | --libd=*)
- libdir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -libexecdir | --libexecdir | --libexecdi | --libexecd | --libexec \
- | --libexe | --libex | --libe)
- ac_prev=libexecdir ;;
- -libexecdir=* | --libexecdir=* | --libexecdi=* | --libexecd=* | --libexec=* \
- | --libexe=* | --libex=* | --libe=*)
- libexecdir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -localstatedir | --localstatedir | --localstatedi | --localstated \
- | --localstate | --localstat | --localsta | --localst \
- | --locals | --local | --loca | --loc | --lo)
- ac_prev=localstatedir ;;
- -localstatedir=* | --localstatedir=* | --localstatedi=* | --localstated=* \
- | --localstate=* | --localstat=* | --localsta=* | --localst=* \
- | --locals=* | --local=* | --loca=* | --loc=* | --lo=*)
- localstatedir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -mandir | --mandir | --mandi | --mand | --man | --ma | --m)
- ac_prev=mandir ;;
- -mandir=* | --mandir=* | --mandi=* | --mand=* | --man=* | --ma=* | --m=*)
- mandir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -nfp | --nfp | --nf)
- # Obsolete; use --without-fp.
- with_fp=no ;;
- -no-create | --no-create | --no-creat | --no-crea | --no-cre \
- | --no-cr | --no-c)
- no_create=yes ;;
- -no-recursion | --no-recursion | --no-recursio | --no-recursi \
- | --no-recurs | --no-recur | --no-recu | --no-rec | --no-re | --no-r)
- no_recursion=yes ;;
- -oldincludedir | --oldincludedir | --oldincludedi | --oldincluded \
- | --oldinclude | --oldinclud | --oldinclu | --oldincl | --oldinc \
- | --oldin | --oldi | --old | --ol | --o)
- ac_prev=oldincludedir ;;
- -oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedi=* | --oldincluded=* \
- | --oldinclude=* | --oldinclud=* | --oldinclu=* | --oldincl=* | --oldinc=* \
- | --oldin=* | --oldi=* | --old=* | --ol=* | --o=*)
- oldincludedir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -prefix | --prefix | --prefi | --pref | --pre | --pr | --p)
- ac_prev=prefix ;;
- -prefix=* | --prefix=* | --prefi=* | --pref=* | --pre=* | --pr=* | --p=*)
- prefix="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -program-prefix | --program-prefix | --program-prefi | --program-pref \
- | --program-pre | --program-pr | --program-p)
- ac_prev=program_prefix ;;
- -program-prefix=* | --program-prefix=* | --program-prefi=* \
- | --program-pref=* | --program-pre=* | --program-pr=* | --program-p=*)
- program_prefix="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -program-suffix | --program-suffix | --program-suffi | --program-suff \
- | --program-suf | --program-su | --program-s)
- ac_prev=program_suffix ;;
- -program-suffix=* | --program-suffix=* | --program-suffi=* \
- | --program-suff=* | --program-suf=* | --program-su=* | --program-s=*)
- program_suffix="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -program-transform-name | --program-transform-name \
- | --program-transform-nam | --program-transform-na \
- | --program-transform-n | --program-transform- \
- | --program-transform | --program-transfor \
- | --program-transfo | --program-transf \
- | --program-trans | --program-tran \
- | --progr-tra | --program-tr | --program-t)
- ac_prev=program_transform_name ;;
- -program-transform-name=* | --program-transform-name=* \
- | --program-transform-nam=* | --program-transform-na=* \
- | --program-transform-n=* | --program-transform-=* \
- | --program-transform=* | --program-transfor=* \
- | --program-transfo=* | --program-transf=* \
- | --program-trans=* | --program-tran=* \
- | --progr-tra=* | --program-tr=* | --program-t=*)
- program_transform_name="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \
- | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil)
- silent=yes ;;
- -sbindir | --sbindir | --sbindi | --sbind | --sbin | --sbi | --sb)
- ac_prev=sbindir ;;
- -sbindir=* | --sbindir=* | --sbindi=* | --sbind=* | --sbin=* \
- | --sbi=* | --sb=*)
- sbindir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedi \
- | --sharedstated | --sharedstate | --sharedstat | --sharedsta \
- | --sharedst | --shareds | --shared | --share | --shar \
- | --sha | --sh)
- ac_prev=sharedstatedir ;;
- -sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedi=* \
- | --sharedstated=* | --sharedstate=* | --sharedstat=* | --sharedsta=* \
- | --sharedst=* | --shareds=* | --shared=* | --share=* | --shar=* \
- | --sha=* | --sh=*)
- sharedstatedir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -site | --site | --sit)
- ac_prev=site ;;
- -site=* | --site=* | --sit=*)
- site="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -srcdir | --srcdir | --srcdi | --srcd | --src | --sr)
- ac_prev=srcdir ;;
- -srcdir=* | --srcdir=* | --srcdi=* | --srcd=* | --src=* | --sr=*)
- srcdir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -sysconfdir | --sysconfdir | --sysconfdi | --sysconfd | --sysconf \
- | --syscon | --sysco | --sysc | --sys | --sy)
- ac_prev=sysconfdir ;;
- -sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdi=* | --sysconfd=* | --sysconf=* \
- | --syscon=* | --sysco=* | --sysc=* | --sys=* | --sy=*)
- sysconfdir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -target | --target | --targe | --targ | --tar | --ta | --t)
- ac_prev=target ;;
- -target=* | --target=* | --targe=* | --targ=* | --tar=* | --ta=* | --t=*)
- target="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -v | -verbose | --verbose | --verbos | --verbo | --verb)
- verbose=yes ;;
- -version | --version | --versio | --versi | --vers)
- echo "configure generated by autoconf version 2.8"
- exit 0 ;;
- -with-* | --with-*)
- ac_package=`echo $ac_option|sed -e 's/-*with-//' -e 's/=.*//'`
- # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
- if test -n "`echo $ac_package| sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]//g'`"; then
- { echo "configure: error: $ac_package: invalid package name" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- ac_package=`echo $ac_package| sed 's/-/_/g'`
- case "$ac_option" in
- *=*) ;;
- *) ac_optarg=yes ;;
- esac
- eval "with_${ac_package}='$ac_optarg'" ;;
- -without-* | --without-*)
- ac_package=`echo $ac_option|sed -e 's/-*without-//'`
- # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
- if test -n "`echo $ac_package| sed 's/[-a-zA-Z0-9_]//g'`"; then
- { echo "configure: error: $ac_package: invalid package name" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- ac_package=`echo $ac_package| sed 's/-/_/g'`
- eval "with_${ac_package}=no" ;;
- --x)
- # Obsolete; use --with-x.
- with_x=yes ;;
- -x-includes | --x-includes | --x-include | --x-includ | --x-inclu \
- | --x-incl | --x-inc | --x-in | --x-i)
- ac_prev=x_includes ;;
- -x-includes=* | --x-includes=* | --x-include=* | --x-includ=* | --x-inclu=* \
- | --x-incl=* | --x-inc=* | --x-in=* | --x-i=*)
- x_includes="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -x-libraries | --x-libraries | --x-librarie | --x-librari \
- | --x-librar | --x-libra | --x-libr | --x-lib | --x-li | --x-l)
- ac_prev=x_libraries ;;
- -x-libraries=* | --x-libraries=* | --x-librarie=* | --x-librari=* \
- | --x-librar=* | --x-libra=* | --x-libr=* | --x-lib=* | --x-li=* | --x-l=*)
- x_libraries="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -*) { echo "configure: error: $ac_option: invalid option; use --help to show usage" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- ;;
- *)
- if test -n "`echo $ac_option| sed 's/[-a-z0-9.]//g'`"; then
- echo "configure: warning: $ac_option: invalid host type" 1>&2
- fi
- if test "x$nonopt" != xNONE; then
- { echo "configure: error: can only configure for one host and one target at a time" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- nonopt="$ac_option"
- ;;
- esac
-if test -n "$ac_prev"; then
- { echo "configure: error: missing argument to --`echo $ac_prev | sed 's/_/-/g'`" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-trap 'rm -fr conftest* confdefs* core core.* *.core $ac_clean_files; exit 1' 1 2 15
-# File descriptor usage:
-# 0 standard input
-# 1 file creation
-# 2 errors and warnings
-# 3 some systems may open it to /dev/tty
-# 4 used on the Kubota Titan
-# 6 checking for... messages and results
-# 5 compiler messages saved in config.log
-if test "$silent" = yes; then
- exec 6>/dev/null
- exec 6>&1
-exec 5>./config.log
-echo "\
-This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
-running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
-" 1>&5
-# Strip out --no-create and --no-recursion so they do not pile up.
-# Also quote any args containing shell metacharacters.
-for ac_arg
- case "$ac_arg" in
- -no-create | --no-create | --no-creat | --no-crea | --no-cre \
- | --no-cr | --no-c) ;;
- -no-recursion | --no-recursion | --no-recursio | --no-recursi \
- | --no-recurs | --no-recur | --no-recu | --no-rec | --no-re | --no-r) ;;
- *" "*|*" "*|*[\[\]\~\#\$\^\&\*\(\)\{\}\\\|\;\<\>\?]*)
- ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args '$ac_arg'" ;;
- *) ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args $ac_arg" ;;
- esac
-# NLS nuisances.
-# Only set LANG and LC_ALL to C if already set.
-# These must not be set unconditionally because not all systems understand
-# e.g. LANG=C (notably SCO).
-if test "${LC_ALL+set}" = set; then LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL; fi
-if test "${LANG+set}" = set; then LANG=C; export LANG; fi
-# confdefs.h avoids OS command line length limits that DEFS can exceed.
-rm -rf conftest* confdefs.h
-# AIX cpp loses on an empty file, so make sure it contains at least a newline.
-echo > confdefs.h
-# A filename unique to this package, relative to the directory that
-# configure is in, which we can look for to find out if srcdir is correct.
-# Find the source files, if location was not specified.
-if test -z "$srcdir"; then
- ac_srcdir_defaulted=yes
- # Try the directory containing this script, then its parent.
- ac_prog=$0
- ac_confdir=`echo $ac_prog|sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'`
- test "x$ac_confdir" = "x$ac_prog" && ac_confdir=.
- srcdir=$ac_confdir
- if test ! -r $srcdir/$ac_unique_file; then
- srcdir=..
- fi
- ac_srcdir_defaulted=no
-if test ! -r $srcdir/$ac_unique_file; then
- if test "$ac_srcdir_defaulted" = yes; then
- { echo "configure: error: can not find sources in $ac_confdir or .." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- else
- { echo "configure: error: can not find sources in $srcdir" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
-srcdir=`echo "${srcdir}" | sed 's%\([^/]\)/*$%\1%'`
-# Prefer explicitly selected file to automatically selected ones.
-if test -z "$CONFIG_SITE"; then
- if test "x$prefix" != xNONE; then
- CONFIG_SITE="$prefix/share/ $prefix/etc/"
- else
- CONFIG_SITE="$ac_default_prefix/share/ $ac_default_prefix/etc/"
- fi
-for ac_site_file in $CONFIG_SITE; do
- if test -r "$ac_site_file"; then
- echo "loading site script $ac_site_file"
- . "$ac_site_file"
- fi
-if test -r "$cache_file"; then
- echo "loading cache $cache_file"
- . $cache_file
- echo "creating cache $cache_file"
- > $cache_file
-# CFLAGS is not in ac_cpp because -g, -O, etc. are not valid cpp options.
-ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
-ac_compile='${CC-cc} -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext 1>&5'
-ac_link='${CC-cc} -o conftest $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS 1>&5'
-if (echo "testing\c"; echo 1,2,3) | grep c >/dev/null; then
- # Stardent Vistra SVR4 grep lacks -e, says
- if (echo -n testing; echo 1,2,3) | sed s/-n/xn/ | grep xn >/dev/null; then
- ac_n= ac_c='
-' ac_t=' '
- else
- ac_n=-n ac_c= ac_t=
- fi
- ac_n= ac_c='\c' ac_t=
-# script for the opcodes library.
-# Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# Written by Cygnus Support.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Check whether --enable-targets or --disable-targets was given.
-if test "${enable_targets+set}" = set; then
- enableval="$enable_targets"
- case "${enableval}" in
- yes | "") { echo "configure: error: enable-targets option must specify target names or 'all'" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- ;;
- no) enable_targets= ;;
- *) enable_targets=$enableval ;;
-# Check whether --enable-shared or --disable-shared was given.
-if test "${enable_shared+set}" = set; then
- enableval="$enable_shared"
- case "${enableval}" in
- yes) shared=true ;;
- no) shared=false ;;
- *) { echo "configure: error: bad value ${enableval} for opcodes shared option" 1>&2; exit 1; } ;;
-# Check whether --enable-commonbfdlib or --disable-commonbfdlib was given.
-if test "${enable_commonbfdlib+set}" = set; then
- enableval="$enable_commonbfdlib"
- case "${enableval}" in
- yes) commonbfdlib=true ;;
- no) commonbfdlib=false ;;
- *) { echo "configure: error: bad value ${enableval} for opcodes commonbfdlib option" 1>&2; exit 1; } ;;
-for ac_dir in `cd $srcdir/..;pwd` $srcdir/`cd $srcdir/..;pwd`; do
- if test -f $ac_dir/install-sh; then
- ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir
- ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/install-sh -c"
- break
- elif test -f $ac_dir/; then
- ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir
- ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/ -c"
- break
- fi
-if test -z "$ac_aux_dir"; then
- { echo "configure: error: can not find install-sh or in `cd $srcdir/..;pwd` $srcdir/`cd $srcdir/..;pwd`" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-ac_configure=$ac_aux_dir/configure # This should be Cygnus configure.
-# Do some error checking and defaulting for the host and target type.
-# The inputs are:
-# configure --host=HOST --target=TARGET --build=BUILD NONOPT
-# The rules are:
-# 1. You are not allowed to specify --host, --target, and nonopt at the
-# same time.
-# 2. Host defaults to nonopt.
-# 3. If nonopt is not specified, then host defaults to the current host,
-# as determined by config.guess.
-# 4. Target and build default to nonopt.
-# 5. If nonopt is not specified, then target and build default to host.
-# The aliases save the names the user supplied, while $host etc.
-# will get canonicalized.
-case $host---$target---$nonopt in
-NONE---*---* | *---NONE---* | *---*---NONE) ;;
-*) { echo "configure: error: can only configure for one host and one target at a time" 1>&2; exit 1; } ;;
-# Make sure we can run config.sub.
-if $ac_config_sub sun4 >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
-else { echo "configure: error: can not run $ac_config_sub" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-echo $ac_n "checking host system type""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-case "$host_alias" in
- case $nonopt in
- if host_alias=`$ac_config_guess`; then :
- else { echo "configure: error: can not guess host type; you must specify one" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi ;;
- *) host_alias=$nonopt ;;
- esac ;;
-host=`$ac_config_sub $host_alias`
-host_cpu=`echo $host | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\1/'`
-host_vendor=`echo $host | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\2/'`
-host_os=`echo $host | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\3/'`
-echo "$ac_t""$host" 1>&6
-echo $ac_n "checking target system type""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-case "$target_alias" in
- case $nonopt in
- NONE) target_alias=$host_alias ;;
- *) target_alias=$nonopt ;;
- esac ;;
-target=`$ac_config_sub $target_alias`
-target_cpu=`echo $target | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\1/'`
-target_vendor=`echo $target | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\2/'`
-target_os=`echo $target | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\3/'`
-echo "$ac_t""$target" 1>&6
-echo $ac_n "checking build system type""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-case "$build_alias" in
- case $nonopt in
- NONE) build_alias=$host_alias ;;
- *) build_alias=$nonopt ;;
- esac ;;
-build=`$ac_config_sub $build_alias`
-build_cpu=`echo $build | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\1/'`
-build_vendor=`echo $build | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\2/'`
-build_os=`echo $build | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\3/'`
-echo "$ac_t""$build" 1>&6
-test "$host_alias" != "$target_alias" &&
- test "$program_prefix$program_suffix$program_transform_name" = \
- NONENONEs,x,x, &&
- program_prefix=${target_alias}-
-if test -z "$target" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Unrecognized target system type; please check config.sub." 1>&2; exit 1; }
-if test "$program_transform_name" = s,x,x,; then
- program_transform_name=
- # Double any \ or $. echo might interpret backslashes.
- cat <<\EOF_SED > conftestsed
-s,\\,\\\\,g; s,\$,$$,g
- program_transform_name="`echo $program_transform_name|sed -f conftestsed`"
- rm -f conftestsed
-test "$program_prefix" != NONE &&
- program_transform_name="s,^,${program_prefix},; $program_transform_name"
-# Use a double $ so make ignores it.
-test "$program_suffix" != NONE &&
- program_transform_name="s,\$\$,${program_suffix},; $program_transform_name"
-# sed with no file args requires a program.
-test "$program_transform_name" = "" && program_transform_name="s,x,x,"
-# host-specific stuff:
-if test "${shared}" = "true"; then
- PICFLAG=-fpic
- if test "${commonbfdlib}" = "true"; then
- SHLIB=../bfd/`sed -e 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\).*/\1/' ${srcdir}/../bfd/VERSION`
- SHLINK=../bfd/
- else
-`sed -e 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\).*/\1/' ${srcdir}/../bfd/VERSION`
- fi
-# Extract the first word of "gcc", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy gcc; ac_word=$2
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CC'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test -n "$CC"; then
- ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:"
- for ac_dir in $PATH; do
- test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
- ac_cv_prog_CC="gcc"
- break
- fi
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
-if test -n "$CC"; then
- echo "$ac_t""$CC" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
-if test -z "$CC"; then
- # Extract the first word of "cc", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy cc; ac_word=$2
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CC'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test -n "$CC"; then
- ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:"
- ac_prog_rejected=no
- for ac_dir in $PATH; do
- test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
- if test "$ac_dir/$ac_word" = "/usr/ucb/cc"; then
- ac_prog_rejected=yes
- continue
- fi
- ac_cv_prog_CC="cc"
- break
- fi
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
-if test $ac_prog_rejected = yes; then
- # We found a bogon in the path, so make sure we never use it.
- set dummy $ac_cv_prog_CC
- shift
- if test $# -gt 0; then
- # We chose a different compiler from the bogus one.
- # However, it has the same basename, so the bogon will be chosen
- # first if we set CC to just the basename; use the full file name.
- shift
- set dummy "$ac_dir/$ac_word" "$@"
- shift
- ac_cv_prog_CC="$@"
- fi
-if test -n "$CC"; then
- echo "$ac_t""$CC" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- test -z "$CC" && { echo "configure: error: no acceptable cc found in \$PATH" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-echo $ac_n "checking whether we are using GNU C""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_gcc'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.c <<EOF
-#ifdef __GNUC__
- yes;
-if { ac_try='${CC-cc} -E conftest.c'; { (eval echo configure:803: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } | egrep yes >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- ac_cv_prog_gcc=yes
- ac_cv_prog_gcc=no
-echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_prog_gcc" 1>&6
-if test $ac_cv_prog_gcc = yes; then
- GCC=yes
- if test "${CFLAGS+set}" != set; then
- echo $ac_n "checking whether ${CC-cc} accepts -g""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_gcc_g'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- echo 'void f(){}' > conftest.c
-if test -z "`${CC-cc} -g -c conftest.c 2>&1`"; then
- ac_cv_prog_gcc_g=yes
- ac_cv_prog_gcc_g=no
-rm -f conftest*
-echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_prog_gcc_g" 1>&6
- if test $ac_cv_prog_gcc_g = yes; then
- CFLAGS="-g -O"
- else
- fi
- fi
- GCC=
- test "${CFLAGS+set}" = set || CFLAGS="-g"
-. ${srcdir}/../bfd/
-if test $host != $build; then
- ac_tool_prefix=${host_alias}-
- ac_tool_prefix=
-# Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}ar", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}ar; ac_word=$2
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_AR'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test -n "$AR"; then
- ac_cv_prog_AR="$AR" # Let the user override the test.
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:"
- for ac_dir in $PATH; do
- test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
- ac_cv_prog_AR="${ac_tool_prefix}ar"
- break
- fi
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
- test -z "$ac_cv_prog_AR" && ac_cv_prog_AR="ar"
-if test -n "$AR"; then
- echo "$ac_t""$AR" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
-# Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}ranlib", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}ranlib; ac_word=$2
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_RANLIB'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test -n "$RANLIB"; then
- ac_cv_prog_RANLIB="$RANLIB" # Let the user override the test.
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:"
- for ac_dir in $PATH; do
- test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
- ac_cv_prog_RANLIB="${ac_tool_prefix}ranlib"
- break
- fi
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
-if test -n "$RANLIB"; then
- echo "$ac_t""$RANLIB" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
-if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_RANLIB"; then
-if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
- # Extract the first word of "ranlib", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy ranlib; ac_word=$2
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_RANLIB'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test -n "$RANLIB"; then
- ac_cv_prog_RANLIB="$RANLIB" # Let the user override the test.
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:"
- for ac_dir in $PATH; do
- test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
- ac_cv_prog_RANLIB="ranlib"
- break
- fi
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
- test -z "$ac_cv_prog_RANLIB" && ac_cv_prog_RANLIB=":"
-if test -n "$RANLIB"; then
- echo "$ac_t""$RANLIB" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- RANLIB=":"
-# Find a good install program. We prefer a C program (faster),
-# so one script is as good as another. But avoid the broken or
-# incompatible versions:
-# SysV /etc/install, /usr/sbin/install
-# SunOS /usr/etc/install
-# IRIX /sbin/install
-# AIX /bin/install
-# AFS /usr/afsws/bin/install, which mishandles nonexistent args
-# SVR4 /usr/ucb/install, which tries to use the nonexistent group "staff"
-# ./install, which can be erroneously created by make from ./
-echo $ac_n "checking for a BSD compatible install""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if test -z "$INSTALL"; then
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_install'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:"
- for ac_dir in $PATH; do
- # Account for people who put trailing slashes in PATH elements.
- case "$ac_dir/" in
- /|./|.//|/etc/*|/usr/sbin/*|/usr/etc/*|/sbin/*|/usr/afsws/bin/*|/usr/ucb/*) ;;
- *)
- # OSF1 and SCO ODT 3.0 have their own names for install.
- for ac_prog in ginstall installbsd scoinst install; do
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_prog; then
- if test $ac_prog = install &&
- grep dspmsg $ac_dir/$ac_prog >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- # AIX install. It has an incompatible calling convention.
- # OSF/1 installbsd also uses dspmsg, but is usable.
- :
- else
- ac_cv_path_install="$ac_dir/$ac_prog -c"
- break 2
- fi
- fi
- done
- ;;
- esac
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
- if test "${ac_cv_path_install+set}" = set; then
- INSTALL="$ac_cv_path_install"
- else
- # As a last resort, use the slow shell script. We don't cache a
- # path for INSTALL within a source directory, because that will
- # break other packages using the cache if that directory is
- # removed, or if the path is relative.
- INSTALL="$ac_install_sh"
- fi
-echo "$ac_t""$INSTALL" 1>&6
-# Use test -z because SunOS4 sh mishandles braces in ${var-val}.
-# It thinks the first close brace ends the variable substitution.
-test -z "$INSTALL_DATA" && INSTALL_DATA='${INSTALL} -m 644'
-if test "${shared}" = "true"; then
- if test "${GCC}" != "yes" && test "${shared_non_gcc}" != "yes"; then
- echo "configure: warning: opcodes --enable-shared only supported when using gcc" 1>&2
- shared=false
- SHLIB=unused-shlib
- fi
-if test "${commonbfdlib}" = "true"; then
- # Rebuild the shared library if libiberty or libbfd changes.
- SHLIB_DEP="../libiberty/libiberty.a ../bfd/libbfd.a"
-echo $ac_n "checking how to run the C preprocessor""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-# On Suns, sometimes $CPP names a directory.
-if test -n "$CPP" && test -d "$CPP"; then
- CPP=
-if test -z "$CPP"; then
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CPP'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- # This must be in double quotes, not single quotes, because CPP may get
- # substituted into the Makefile and "${CC-cc}" will confuse make.
- CPP="${CC-cc} -E"
- # On the NeXT, cc -E runs the code through the compiler's parser,
- # not just through cpp.
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1045 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-Syntax Error
-ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
-{ (eval echo configure:1051: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
-ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out`
-if test -z "$ac_err"; then
- :
- echo "$ac_err" >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- CPP="${CC-cc} -E -traditional-cpp"
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1060 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-Syntax Error
-ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
-{ (eval echo configure:1066: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
-ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out`
-if test -z "$ac_err"; then
- :
- echo "$ac_err" >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- CPP=/lib/cpp
-rm -f conftest*
-rm -f conftest*
- ac_cv_prog_CPP="$CPP"
- CPP="$ac_cv_prog_CPP"
- ac_cv_prog_CPP="$CPP"
-echo "$ac_t""$CPP" 1>&6
-for ac_hdr in string.h strings.h
-ac_safe=`echo "$ac_hdr" | tr './\055' '___'`
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_hdr""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1094 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <$ac_hdr>
-ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
-{ (eval echo configure:1099: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
-ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out`
-if test -z "$ac_err"; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
- echo "$ac_err" >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_header_'$ac_safe`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- ac_tr_hdr=HAVE_`echo $ac_hdr | tr 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./\055' 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___'`
- cat >> confdefs.h <<EOF
-#define $ac_tr_hdr 1
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
-# target-specific stuff:
-# Canonicalize the secondary target names.
-if test -n "$enable_targets" ; then
- for targ in `echo $enable_targets | sed 's/,/ /g'`
- do
- result=`$ac_config_sub $targ 2>/dev/null`
- if test -n "$result" ; then
- canon_targets="$canon_targets $result"
- else
- # Allow targets that config.sub doesn't recognize, like "all".
- canon_targets="$canon_targets $targ"
- fi
- done
-for targ in $target $canon_targets
- if test "x$targ" = "xall" ; then
- all_targets=true
- else
- . $srcdir/../bfd/config.bfd
- selarchs="$selarchs $targ_archs"
- fi
-# We don't do any links based on the target system, just makefile config.
-if test x${all_targets} = xfalse ; then
- # Target architecture .o files.
- ta=
- for arch in $selarchs
- do
- ad=`echo $arch | sed -e s/bfd_//g -e s/_arch//g`
- archdefs="$archdefs -DARCH_$ad"
- case "$arch" in
- bfd_a29k_arch) ta="$ta a29k-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_alliant_arch) ;;
- bfd_alpha_arch) ta="$ta alpha-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_arm_arch) ta="$ta arm-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_convex_arch) ;;
- bfd_h8300_arch) ta="$ta h8300-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_h8500_arch) ta="$ta h8500-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_hppa_arch) ta="$ta hppa-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_i386_arch) ta="$ta i386-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_i860_arch) ;;
- bfd_i960_arch) ta="$ta i960-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_m68k_arch) ta="$ta m68k-dis.o m68k-opc.o" ;;
- bfd_m88k_arch) ta="$ta m88k-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_mips_arch) ta="$ta mips-dis.o mips-opc.o" ;;
- bfd_ns32k_arch) ta="$ta ns32k-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_powerpc_arch) ta="$ta ppc-dis.o ppc-opc.o" ;;
- bfd_pyramid_arch) ;;
- bfd_romp_arch) ;;
- bfd_rs6000_arch) ta="$ta ppc-dis.o ppc-opc.o" ;;
- bfd_sh_arch) ta="$ta sh-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_sparc_arch) ta="$ta sparc-dis.o sparc-opc.o" ;;
- bfd_tahoe_arch) ;;
- bfd_vax_arch) ;;
- bfd_w65_arch) ta="$ta w65-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_we32k_arch) ;;
- bfd_z8k_arch) ta="$ta z8k-dis.o" ;;
- "") ;;
- *) { echo "configure: error: *** unknown target architecture $arch" 1>&2; exit 1; } ;;
- esac
- done
- # Weed out duplicate .o files.
- f=""
- for i in $ta ; do
- case " $f " in
- *" $i "*) ;;
- *) f="$f $i" ;;
- esac
- done
- ta="$f"
- # And duplicate -D flags.
- f=""
- for i in $archdefs ; do
- case " $f " in
- *" $i "*) ;;
- *) f="$f $i" ;;
- esac
- done
- archdefs="$f"
-else # all_targets is true
- archdefs=-DARCH_all
-trap '' 1 2 15
-cat > confcache <<\EOF
-# This file is a shell script that caches the results of configure
-# tests run on this system so they can be shared between configure
-# scripts and configure runs. It is not useful on other systems.
-# If it contains results you don't want to keep, you may remove or edit it.
-# By default, configure uses ./config.cache as the cache file,
-# creating it if it does not exist already. You can give configure
-# the --cache-file=FILE option to use a different cache file; that is
-# what configure does when it calls configure scripts in
-# subdirectories, so they share the cache.
-# Giving --cache-file=/dev/null disables caching, for debugging configure.
-# config.status only pays attention to the cache file if you give it the
-# --recheck option to rerun configure.
-# Ultrix sh set writes to stderr and can't be redirected directly,
-# and sets the high bit in the cache file unless we assign to the vars.
-(set) 2>&1 |
- sed -n "s/^\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*_cv_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=\(.*\)/\1=\${\1='\2'}/p" \
- >> confcache
-if cmp -s $cache_file confcache; then
- :
- if test -w $cache_file; then
- echo "updating cache $cache_file"
- cat confcache > $cache_file
- else
- echo "not updating unwritable cache $cache_file"
- fi
-rm -f confcache
-trap 'rm -fr conftest* confdefs* core core.* *.core $ac_clean_files; exit 1' 1 2 15
-test "x$prefix" = xNONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix
-# Let make expand exec_prefix.
-test "x$exec_prefix" = xNONE && exec_prefix='${prefix}'
-# Any assignment to VPATH causes Sun make to only execute
-# the first set of double-colon rules, so remove it if not needed.
-# If there is a colon in the path, we need to keep it.
-if test "x$srcdir" = x.; then
- ac_vpsub='/^[ ]*VPATH[ ]*=[^:]*$/d'
-trap 'rm -f $CONFIG_STATUS conftest*; exit 1' 1 2 15
-# Without the "./", some shells look in PATH for config.status.
-: ${CONFIG_STATUS=./config.status}
-echo creating $CONFIG_STATUS
-#! /bin/sh
-# Generated automatically by configure.
-# Run this file to recreate the current configuration.
-# This directory was configured as follows,
-# on host `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`:
-# $0 $ac_configure_args
-# Compiler output produced by configure, useful for debugging
-# configure, is in ./config.log if it exists.
-ac_cs_usage="Usage: $CONFIG_STATUS [--recheck] [--version] [--help]"
-for ac_option
- case "\$ac_option" in
- -recheck | --recheck | --rechec | --reche | --rech | --rec | --re | --r)
- echo "running \${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} $0 $ac_configure_args --no-create --no-recursion"
- exec \${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} $0 $ac_configure_args --no-create --no-recursion ;;
- -version | --version | --versio | --versi | --vers | --ver | --ve | --v)
- echo "$CONFIG_STATUS generated by autoconf version 2.8"
- exit 0 ;;
- -help | --help | --hel | --he | --h)
- echo "\$ac_cs_usage"; exit 0 ;;
- *) echo "\$ac_cs_usage"; exit 1 ;;
- esac
-trap 'rm -fr `echo "Makefile" | sed "s/:[^ ]*//g"` conftest*; exit 1' 1 2 15
-# Protect against being on the right side of a sed subst in config.status.
-sed 's/%@/@@/; s/@%/@@/; s/%g\$/@g/; /@g\$/s/[\\\\&%]/\\\\&/g;
- s/@@/%@/; s/@@/@%/; s/@g\$/%g/' > conftest.subs <<\\CEOF
-for ac_file in .. $CONFIG_FILES; do if test "x$ac_file" != x..; then
- # Support "outfile[:infile]", defaulting infile="".
- case "$ac_file" in
- *:*) ac_file_in=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%.*:%%'`
- ac_file=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%:.*%%'` ;;
- *) ac_file_in="${ac_file}.in" ;;
- esac
- # Adjust relative srcdir, etc. for subdirectories.
- # Remove last slash and all that follows it. Not all systems have dirname.
- ac_dir=`echo $ac_file|sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'`
- if test "$ac_dir" != "$ac_file" && test "$ac_dir" != .; then
- # The file is in a subdirectory.
- test ! -d "$ac_dir" && mkdir "$ac_dir"
- ac_dir_suffix="/`echo $ac_dir|sed 's%^\./%%'`"
- # A "../" for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix.
- ac_dots=`echo $ac_dir_suffix|sed 's%/[^/]*%../%g'`
- else
- ac_dir_suffix= ac_dots=
- fi
- case "$ac_given_srcdir" in
- .) srcdir=.
- if test -z "$ac_dots"; then top_srcdir=.
- else top_srcdir=`echo $ac_dots|sed 's%/$%%'`; fi ;;
- /*) srcdir="$ac_given_srcdir$ac_dir_suffix"; top_srcdir="$ac_given_srcdir" ;;
- *) # Relative path.
- srcdir="$ac_dots$ac_given_srcdir$ac_dir_suffix"
- top_srcdir="$ac_dots$ac_given_srcdir" ;;
- esac
- case "$ac_given_INSTALL" in
- [/$]*) INSTALL="$ac_given_INSTALL" ;;
- *) INSTALL="$ac_dots$ac_given_INSTALL" ;;
- esac
- echo creating "$ac_file"
- rm -f "$ac_file"
- configure_input="Generated automatically from `echo $ac_file_in|sed 's%.*/%%'` by configure."
- case "$ac_file" in
- *Makefile*) ac_comsub="1i\\
-# $configure_input" ;;
- *) ac_comsub= ;;
- esac
- sed -e "$ac_comsub
-" -f conftest.subs $ac_given_srcdir/$ac_file_in > $ac_file
-fi; done
-rm -f conftest.subs
-# These sed commands are passed to sed as "A NAME B NAME C VALUE D", where
-# NAME is the cpp macro being defined and VALUE is the value it is being given.
-# ac_d sets the value in "#define NAME VALUE" lines.
-ac_dA='s%^\([ ]*\)#\([ ]*define[ ][ ]*\)'
-ac_dB='\([ ][ ]*\)[^ ]*%\1#\2'
-# ac_u turns "#undef NAME" with trailing blanks into "#define NAME VALUE".
-ac_uA='s%^\([ ]*\)#\([ ]*\)undef\([ ][ ]*\)'
-ac_uB='\([ ]\)%\1#\2define\3'
-ac_uC=' '
-# ac_e turns "#undef NAME" without trailing blanks into "#define NAME VALUE".
-ac_eA='s%^\([ ]*\)#\([ ]*\)undef\([ ][ ]*\)'
-ac_eC=' '
-for ac_file in .. $CONFIG_HEADERS; do if test "x$ac_file" != x..; then
- # Support "outfile[:infile]", defaulting infile="".
- case "$ac_file" in
- *:*) ac_file_in=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%.*:%%'`
- ac_file=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%:.*%%'` ;;
- *) ac_file_in="${ac_file}.in" ;;
- esac
- echo creating $ac_file
- rm -f conftest.frag conftest.out
- cp $ac_given_srcdir/$ac_file_in
-# Transform confdefs.h into a sed script conftest.vals that substitutes
-# the proper values into to produce config.h. And first:
-# Protect against being on the right side of a sed subst in config.status.
-# Protect against being in an unquoted here document in config.status.
-rm -f conftest.vals
-cat > conftest.hdr <<\EOF
-s%#define \([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*\) \(.*\)%${ac_dA}\1${ac_dB}\1${ac_dC}\2${ac_dD}%gp
-sed -n -f conftest.hdr confdefs.h > conftest.vals
-rm -f conftest.hdr
-# This sed command replaces #undef with comments. This is necessary, for
-# example, in the case of _POSIX_SOURCE, which is predefined and required
-# on some systems where configure will not decide to define it.
-cat >> conftest.vals <<\EOF
-s%^[ ]*#[ ]*undef[ ][ ]*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*%/* & */%
-# Break up conftest.vals because some shells have a limit on
-# the size of here documents, and old seds have small limits too.
-# Maximum number of lines to put in a single here document.
-rm -f conftest.tail
-while :
- ac_lines=`grep -c . conftest.vals`
- # grep -c gives empty output for an empty file on some AIX systems.
- if test -z "$ac_lines" || test "$ac_lines" -eq 0; then break; fi
- # Write a limited-size here document to conftest.frag.
- echo ' cat > conftest.frag <<CEOF' >> $CONFIG_STATUS
- sed ${ac_max_here_lines}q conftest.vals >> $CONFIG_STATUS
- echo 'CEOF
- sed -f conftest.frag > conftest.out
- rm -f
- mv conftest.out
- sed 1,${ac_max_here_lines}d conftest.vals > conftest.tail
- rm -f conftest.vals
- mv conftest.tail conftest.vals
-rm -f conftest.vals
- rm -f conftest.frag conftest.h
- echo "/* $ac_file. Generated automatically by configure. */" > conftest.h
- cat >> conftest.h
- rm -f
- if cmp -s $ac_file conftest.h 2>/dev/null; then
- echo "$ac_file is unchanged"
- rm -f conftest.h
- else
- rm -f $ac_file
- mv conftest.h $ac_file
- fi
-fi; done
-case x$CONFIG_HEADERS in echo > stamp-h ;; esac
-exit 0
-chmod +x $CONFIG_STATUS
-rm -fr confdefs* $ac_clean_files
-test "$no_create" = yes || ${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} $CONFIG_STATUS || exit 1
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/ b/contrib/gdb/opcodes/
deleted file mode 100644
index e0c4f58e7c29..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-# script for the opcodes library.
-# Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# Written by Cygnus Support.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-[ --enable-targets alternative target configurations],
-[case "${enableval}" in
- yes | "") AC_ERROR(enable-targets option must specify target names or 'all')
- ;;
- no) enable_targets= ;;
- *) enable_targets=$enableval ;;
-[ --enable-shared build shared opcodes library],
-[case "${enableval}" in
- yes) shared=true ;;
- no) shared=false ;;
- *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value ${enableval} for opcodes shared option]) ;;
-[ --enable-commonbfdlib build shared BFD/opcodes/libiberty library],
-[case "${enableval}" in
- yes) commonbfdlib=true ;;
- no) commonbfdlib=false ;;
- *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value ${enableval} for opcodes commonbfdlib option]) ;;
-AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(`cd $srcdir/..;pwd`)
-if test -z "$target" ; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR(Unrecognized target system type; please check config.sub.)
-# host-specific stuff:
-if test "${shared}" = "true"; then
- PICFLAG=-fpic
- if test "${commonbfdlib}" = "true"; then
- SHLIB=../bfd/`sed -e 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\).*/\1/' ${srcdir}/../bfd/VERSION`
- SHLINK=../bfd/
- else
-`sed -e 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\).*/\1/' ${srcdir}/../bfd/VERSION`
- fi
-. ${srcdir}/../bfd/
-if test "${shared}" = "true"; then
- if test "${GCC}" != "yes" && test "${shared_non_gcc}" != "yes"; then
- AC_MSG_WARN([opcodes --enable-shared only supported when using gcc])
- shared=false
- SHLIB=unused-shlib
- fi
-if test "${commonbfdlib}" = "true"; then
- # Rebuild the shared library if libiberty or libbfd changes.
- SHLIB_DEP="../libiberty/libiberty.a ../bfd/libbfd.a"
-AC_CHECK_HEADERS(string.h strings.h)
-# target-specific stuff:
-# Canonicalize the secondary target names.
-if test -n "$enable_targets" ; then
- for targ in `echo $enable_targets | sed 's/,/ /g'`
- do
- result=`$ac_config_sub $targ 2>/dev/null`
- if test -n "$result" ; then
- canon_targets="$canon_targets $result"
- else
- # Allow targets that config.sub doesn't recognize, like "all".
- canon_targets="$canon_targets $targ"
- fi
- done
-for targ in $target $canon_targets
- if test "x$targ" = "xall" ; then
- all_targets=true
- else
- . $srcdir/../bfd/config.bfd
- selarchs="$selarchs $targ_archs"
- fi
-# We don't do any links based on the target system, just makefile config.
-if test x${all_targets} = xfalse ; then
- # Target architecture .o files.
- ta=
- for arch in $selarchs
- do
- ad=`echo $arch | sed -e s/bfd_//g -e s/_arch//g`
- archdefs="$archdefs -DARCH_$ad"
- case "$arch" in
- bfd_a29k_arch) ta="$ta a29k-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_alliant_arch) ;;
- bfd_alpha_arch) ta="$ta alpha-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_arm_arch) ta="$ta arm-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_convex_arch) ;;
- bfd_h8300_arch) ta="$ta h8300-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_h8500_arch) ta="$ta h8500-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_hppa_arch) ta="$ta hppa-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_i386_arch) ta="$ta i386-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_i860_arch) ;;
- bfd_i960_arch) ta="$ta i960-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_m68k_arch) ta="$ta m68k-dis.o m68k-opc.o" ;;
- bfd_m88k_arch) ta="$ta m88k-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_mips_arch) ta="$ta mips-dis.o mips-opc.o" ;;
- bfd_ns32k_arch) ta="$ta ns32k-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_powerpc_arch) ta="$ta ppc-dis.o ppc-opc.o" ;;
- bfd_pyramid_arch) ;;
- bfd_romp_arch) ;;
- bfd_rs6000_arch) ta="$ta ppc-dis.o ppc-opc.o" ;;
- bfd_sh_arch) ta="$ta sh-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_sparc_arch) ta="$ta sparc-dis.o sparc-opc.o" ;;
- bfd_tahoe_arch) ;;
- bfd_vax_arch) ;;
- bfd_w65_arch) ta="$ta w65-dis.o" ;;
- bfd_we32k_arch) ;;
- bfd_z8k_arch) ta="$ta z8k-dis.o" ;;
- "") ;;
- *) AC_MSG_ERROR(*** unknown target architecture $arch) ;;
- esac
- done
- # Weed out duplicate .o files.
- f=""
- for i in $ta ; do
- case " $f " in
- *" $i "*) ;;
- *) f="$f $i" ;;
- esac
- done
- ta="$f"
- # And duplicate -D flags.
- f=""
- for i in $archdefs ; do
- case " $f " in
- *" $i "*) ;;
- *) f="$f $i" ;;
- esac
- done
- archdefs="$f"
-else # all_targets is true
- archdefs=-DARCH_all
-[case x$CONFIG_HEADERS in echo > stamp-h ;; esac])
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/dis-buf.c b/contrib/gdb/opcodes/dis-buf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 47a2e33ef44a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/dis-buf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-/* Disassemble from a buffer, for GNU.
- Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "dis-asm.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-/* Get LENGTH bytes from info's buffer, at target address memaddr.
- Transfer them to myaddr. */
-buffer_read_memory (memaddr, myaddr, length, info)
- bfd_vma memaddr;
- bfd_byte *myaddr;
- int length;
- struct disassemble_info *info;
- if (memaddr < info->buffer_vma
- || memaddr + length > info->buffer_vma + info->buffer_length)
- /* Out of bounds. Use EIO because GDB uses it. */
- return EIO;
- memcpy (myaddr, info->buffer + (memaddr - info->buffer_vma), length);
- return 0;
-/* Print an error message. We can assume that this is in response to
- an error return from buffer_read_memory. */
-perror_memory (status, memaddr, info)
- int status;
- bfd_vma memaddr;
- struct disassemble_info *info;
- if (status != EIO)
- /* Can't happen. */
- (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "Unknown error %d\n", status);
- else
- /* Actually, address between memaddr and memaddr + len was
- out of bounds. */
- (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream,
- "Address 0x%x is out of bounds.\n", memaddr);
-/* This could be in a separate file, to save miniscule amounts of space
- in statically linked executables. */
-/* Just print the address is hex. This is included for completeness even
- though both GDB and objdump provide their own (to print symbolic
- addresses). */
-generic_print_address (addr, info)
- bfd_vma addr;
- struct disassemble_info *info;
- (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "0x%x", addr);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/disassemble.c b/contrib/gdb/opcodes/disassemble.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b5d37aed476e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/disassemble.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-/* Select disassembly routine for specified architecture.
- Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "dis-asm.h"
-#ifdef ARCH_all
-#define ARCH_a29k
-#define ARCH_alpha
-#define ARCH_arm
-#define ARCH_h8300
-#define ARCH_h8500
-#define ARCH_hppa
-#define ARCH_i386
-#define ARCH_i960
-#define ARCH_m68k
-#define ARCH_m88k
-#define ARCH_mips
-#define ARCH_ns32k
-#define ARCH_powerpc
-#define ARCH_rs6000
-#define ARCH_sh
-#define ARCH_sparc
-#define ARCH_w65
-#define ARCH_z8k
-disassembler (abfd)
- bfd *abfd;
- enum bfd_architecture a = bfd_get_arch (abfd);
- disassembler_ftype disassemble;
- switch (a)
- {
- /* If you add a case to this table, also add it to the
- ARCH_all definition right above this function. */
-#ifdef ARCH_a29k
- case bfd_arch_a29k:
- /* As far as I know we only handle big-endian 29k objects. */
- disassemble = print_insn_big_a29k;
- break;
-#ifdef ARCH_alpha
- case bfd_arch_alpha:
- disassemble = print_insn_alpha;
- break;
-#ifdef ARCH_arm
- case bfd_arch_arm:
- if (bfd_big_endian (abfd))
- disassemble = print_insn_big_arm;
- else
- disassemble = print_insn_little_arm;
- break;
-#ifdef ARCH_h8300
- case bfd_arch_h8300:
- if (bfd_get_mach(abfd) == bfd_mach_h8300h)
- disassemble = print_insn_h8300h;
- else
- disassemble = print_insn_h8300;
- break;
-#ifdef ARCH_h8500
- case bfd_arch_h8500:
- disassemble = print_insn_h8500;
- break;
-#ifdef ARCH_hppa
- case bfd_arch_hppa:
- disassemble = print_insn_hppa;
- break;
-#ifdef ARCH_i386
- case bfd_arch_i386:
- disassemble = print_insn_i386;
- break;
-#ifdef ARCH_i960
- case bfd_arch_i960:
- disassemble = print_insn_i960;
- break;
-#ifdef ARCH_m68k
- case bfd_arch_m68k:
- disassemble = print_insn_m68k;
- break;
-#ifdef ARCH_m88k
- case bfd_arch_m88k:
- disassemble = print_insn_m88k;
- break;
-#ifdef ARCH_ns32k
- case bfd_arch_ns32k:
- disassemble = print_insn_ns32k;
- break;
-#ifdef ARCH_mips
- case bfd_arch_mips:
- if (bfd_big_endian (abfd))
- disassemble = print_insn_big_mips;
- else
- disassemble = print_insn_little_mips;
- break;
-#ifdef ARCH_powerpc
- case bfd_arch_powerpc:
- if (bfd_big_endian (abfd))
- disassemble = print_insn_big_powerpc;
- else
- disassemble = print_insn_little_powerpc;
- break;
-#ifdef ARCH_rs6000
- case bfd_arch_rs6000:
- disassemble = print_insn_rs6000;
- break;
-#ifdef ARCH_sh
- case bfd_arch_sh:
- if (bfd_big_endian (abfd))
- disassemble = print_insn_sh;
- else
- disassemble = print_insn_shl;
- break;
-#ifdef ARCH_sparc
- case bfd_arch_sparc:
- disassemble = print_insn_sparc;
- break;
-#ifdef ARCH_w65
- case bfd_arch_w65:
- disassemble = print_insn_w65;
- break;
-#ifdef ARCH_z8k
- case bfd_arch_z8k:
- if (bfd_get_mach(abfd) == bfd_mach_z8001)
- disassemble = print_insn_z8001;
- else
- disassemble = print_insn_z8002;
- break;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- return disassemble;
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/i386-dis.c b/contrib/gdb/opcodes/i386-dis.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b781edc32079..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/i386-dis.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2031 +0,0 @@
-/* Print i386 instructions for GDB, the GNU debugger.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 89, 91, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- * 80386 instruction printer by Pace Willisson (
- * July 1988
- * modified by John Hassey (
- */
- * The main tables describing the instructions is essentially a copy
- * of the "Opcode Map" chapter (Appendix A) of the Intel 80386
- * Programmers Manual. Usually, there is a capital letter, followed
- * by a small letter. The capital letter tell the addressing mode,
- * and the small letter tells about the operand size. Refer to
- * the Intel manual for details.
- */
-#include "dis-asm.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#define MAXLEN 20
-#include <setjmp.h>
-struct dis_private
- /* Points to first byte not fetched. */
- bfd_byte *max_fetched;
- bfd_byte the_buffer[MAXLEN];
- bfd_vma insn_start;
- jmp_buf bailout;
-/* Make sure that bytes from INFO->PRIVATE_DATA->BUFFER (inclusive)
- to ADDR (exclusive) are valid. Returns 1 for success, longjmps
- on error. */
-#define FETCH_DATA(info, addr) \
- ((addr) <= ((struct dis_private *)(info->private_data))->max_fetched \
- ? 1 : fetch_data ((info), (addr)))
-static int
-fetch_data (info, addr)
- struct disassemble_info *info;
- bfd_byte *addr;
- int status;
- struct dis_private *priv = (struct dis_private *)info->private_data;
- bfd_vma start = priv->insn_start + (priv->max_fetched - priv->the_buffer);
- status = (*info->read_memory_func) (start,
- priv->max_fetched,
- addr - priv->max_fetched,
- info);
- if (status != 0)
- {
- (*info->memory_error_func) (status, start, info);
- longjmp (priv->bailout, 1);
- }
- else
- priv->max_fetched = addr;
- return 1;
-#define Eb OP_E, b_mode
-#define indirEb OP_indirE, b_mode
-#define Gb OP_G, b_mode
-#define Ev OP_E, v_mode
-#define indirEv OP_indirE, v_mode
-#define Ew OP_E, w_mode
-#define Ma OP_E, v_mode
-#define M OP_E, 0
-#define Mp OP_E, 0 /* ? */
-#define Gv OP_G, v_mode
-#define Gw OP_G, w_mode
-#define Rw OP_rm, w_mode
-#define Rd OP_rm, d_mode
-#define Ib OP_I, b_mode
-#define sIb OP_sI, b_mode /* sign extened byte */
-#define Iv OP_I, v_mode
-#define Iw OP_I, w_mode
-#define Jb OP_J, b_mode
-#define Jv OP_J, v_mode
-#define ONE OP_ONE, 0
-#define Cd OP_C, d_mode
-#define Dd OP_D, d_mode
-#define Td OP_T, d_mode
-#define eAX OP_REG, eAX_reg
-#define eBX OP_REG, eBX_reg
-#define eCX OP_REG, eCX_reg
-#define eDX OP_REG, eDX_reg
-#define eSP OP_REG, eSP_reg
-#define eBP OP_REG, eBP_reg
-#define eSI OP_REG, eSI_reg
-#define eDI OP_REG, eDI_reg
-#define AL OP_REG, al_reg
-#define CL OP_REG, cl_reg
-#define DL OP_REG, dl_reg
-#define BL OP_REG, bl_reg
-#define AH OP_REG, ah_reg
-#define CH OP_REG, ch_reg
-#define DH OP_REG, dh_reg
-#define BH OP_REG, bh_reg
-#define AX OP_REG, ax_reg
-#define DX OP_REG, dx_reg
-#define indirDX OP_REG, indir_dx_reg
-#define Sw OP_SEG, w_mode
-#define Ap OP_DIR, lptr
-#define Av OP_DIR, v_mode
-#define Ob OP_OFF, b_mode
-#define Ov OP_OFF, v_mode
-#define Xb OP_DSSI, b_mode
-#define Xv OP_DSSI, v_mode
-#define Yb OP_ESDI, b_mode
-#define Yv OP_ESDI, v_mode
-#define es OP_REG, es_reg
-#define ss OP_REG, ss_reg
-#define cs OP_REG, cs_reg
-#define ds OP_REG, ds_reg
-#define fs OP_REG, fs_reg
-#define gs OP_REG, gs_reg
-int OP_E(), OP_indirE(), OP_G(), OP_I(), OP_sI(), OP_REG();
-int OP_J(), OP_SEG();
-int OP_DIR(), OP_OFF(), OP_DSSI(), OP_ESDI(), OP_ONE(), OP_C();
-int OP_D(), OP_T(), OP_rm();
-static void dofloat (), putop (), append_prefix (), set_op ();
-static int get16 (), get32 ();
-#define b_mode 1
-#define v_mode 2
-#define w_mode 3
-#define d_mode 4
-#define es_reg 100
-#define cs_reg 101
-#define ss_reg 102
-#define ds_reg 103
-#define fs_reg 104
-#define gs_reg 105
-#define eAX_reg 107
-#define eCX_reg 108
-#define eDX_reg 109
-#define eBX_reg 110
-#define eSP_reg 111
-#define eBP_reg 112
-#define eSI_reg 113
-#define eDI_reg 114
-#define lptr 115
-#define al_reg 116
-#define cl_reg 117
-#define dl_reg 118
-#define bl_reg 119
-#define ah_reg 120
-#define ch_reg 121
-#define dh_reg 122
-#define bh_reg 123
-#define ax_reg 124
-#define cx_reg 125
-#define dx_reg 126
-#define bx_reg 127
-#define sp_reg 128
-#define bp_reg 129
-#define si_reg 130
-#define di_reg 131
-#define indir_dx_reg 150
-#define GRP1b NULL, NULL, 0
-#define GRP1S NULL, NULL, 1
-#define GRP1Ss NULL, NULL, 2
-#define GRP2b NULL, NULL, 3
-#define GRP2S NULL, NULL, 4
-#define GRP2b_one NULL, NULL, 5
-#define GRP2S_one NULL, NULL, 6
-#define GRP2b_cl NULL, NULL, 7
-#define GRP2S_cl NULL, NULL, 8
-#define GRP3b NULL, NULL, 9
-#define GRP3S NULL, NULL, 10
-#define GRP4 NULL, NULL, 11
-#define GRP5 NULL, NULL, 12
-#define GRP6 NULL, NULL, 13
-#define GRP7 NULL, NULL, 14
-#define GRP8 NULL, NULL, 15
-#define GRP9 NULL, NULL, 16
-#define FLOATCODE 50
-struct dis386 {
- char *name;
- int (*op1)();
- int bytemode1;
- int (*op2)();
- int bytemode2;
- int (*op3)();
- int bytemode3;
-struct dis386 dis386[] = {
- /* 00 */
- { "addb", Eb, Gb },
- { "addS", Ev, Gv },
- { "addb", Gb, Eb },
- { "addS", Gv, Ev },
- { "addb", AL, Ib },
- { "addS", eAX, Iv },
- { "pushl", es },
- { "popl", es },
- /* 08 */
- { "orb", Eb, Gb },
- { "orS", Ev, Gv },
- { "orb", Gb, Eb },
- { "orS", Gv, Ev },
- { "orb", AL, Ib },
- { "orS", eAX, Iv },
- { "pushl", cs },
- { "(bad)" }, /* 0x0f extended opcode escape */
- /* 10 */
- { "adcb", Eb, Gb },
- { "adcS", Ev, Gv },
- { "adcb", Gb, Eb },
- { "adcS", Gv, Ev },
- { "adcb", AL, Ib },
- { "adcS", eAX, Iv },
- { "pushl", ss },
- { "popl", ss },
- /* 18 */
- { "sbbb", Eb, Gb },
- { "sbbS", Ev, Gv },
- { "sbbb", Gb, Eb },
- { "sbbS", Gv, Ev },
- { "sbbb", AL, Ib },
- { "sbbS", eAX, Iv },
- { "pushl", ds },
- { "popl", ds },
- /* 20 */
- { "andb", Eb, Gb },
- { "andS", Ev, Gv },
- { "andb", Gb, Eb },
- { "andS", Gv, Ev },
- { "andb", AL, Ib },
- { "andS", eAX, Iv },
- { "(bad)" }, /* SEG ES prefix */
- { "daa" },
- /* 28 */
- { "subb", Eb, Gb },
- { "subS", Ev, Gv },
- { "subb", Gb, Eb },
- { "subS", Gv, Ev },
- { "subb", AL, Ib },
- { "subS", eAX, Iv },
- { "(bad)" }, /* SEG CS prefix */
- { "das" },
- /* 30 */
- { "xorb", Eb, Gb },
- { "xorS", Ev, Gv },
- { "xorb", Gb, Eb },
- { "xorS", Gv, Ev },
- { "xorb", AL, Ib },
- { "xorS", eAX, Iv },
- { "(bad)" }, /* SEG SS prefix */
- { "aaa" },
- /* 38 */
- { "cmpb", Eb, Gb },
- { "cmpS", Ev, Gv },
- { "cmpb", Gb, Eb },
- { "cmpS", Gv, Ev },
- { "cmpb", AL, Ib },
- { "cmpS", eAX, Iv },
- { "(bad)" }, /* SEG DS prefix */
- { "aas" },
- /* 40 */
- { "incS", eAX },
- { "incS", eCX },
- { "incS", eDX },
- { "incS", eBX },
- { "incS", eSP },
- { "incS", eBP },
- { "incS", eSI },
- { "incS", eDI },
- /* 48 */
- { "decS", eAX },
- { "decS", eCX },
- { "decS", eDX },
- { "decS", eBX },
- { "decS", eSP },
- { "decS", eBP },
- { "decS", eSI },
- { "decS", eDI },
- /* 50 */
- { "pushS", eAX },
- { "pushS", eCX },
- { "pushS", eDX },
- { "pushS", eBX },
- { "pushS", eSP },
- { "pushS", eBP },
- { "pushS", eSI },
- { "pushS", eDI },
- /* 58 */
- { "popS", eAX },
- { "popS", eCX },
- { "popS", eDX },
- { "popS", eBX },
- { "popS", eSP },
- { "popS", eBP },
- { "popS", eSI },
- { "popS", eDI },
- /* 60 */
- { "pusha" },
- { "popa" },
- { "boundS", Gv, Ma },
- { "arpl", Ew, Gw },
- { "(bad)" }, /* seg fs */
- { "(bad)" }, /* seg gs */
- { "(bad)" }, /* op size prefix */
- { "(bad)" }, /* adr size prefix */
- /* 68 */
- { "pushS", Iv }, /* 386 book wrong */
- { "imulS", Gv, Ev, Iv },
- { "pushl", sIb }, /* push of byte really pushes 4 bytes */
- { "imulS", Gv, Ev, Ib },
- { "insb", Yb, indirDX },
- { "insS", Yv, indirDX },
- { "outsb", indirDX, Xb },
- { "outsS", indirDX, Xv },
- /* 70 */
- { "jo", Jb },
- { "jno", Jb },
- { "jb", Jb },
- { "jae", Jb },
- { "je", Jb },
- { "jne", Jb },
- { "jbe", Jb },
- { "ja", Jb },
- /* 78 */
- { "js", Jb },
- { "jns", Jb },
- { "jp", Jb },
- { "jnp", Jb },
- { "jl", Jb },
- { "jnl", Jb },
- { "jle", Jb },
- { "jg", Jb },
- /* 80 */
- { GRP1b },
- { GRP1S },
- { "(bad)" },
- { GRP1Ss },
- { "testb", Eb, Gb },
- { "testS", Ev, Gv },
- { "xchgb", Eb, Gb },
- { "xchgS", Ev, Gv },
- /* 88 */
- { "movb", Eb, Gb },
- { "movS", Ev, Gv },
- { "movb", Gb, Eb },
- { "movS", Gv, Ev },
- { "movw", Ew, Sw },
- { "leaS", Gv, M },
- { "movw", Sw, Ew },
- { "popS", Ev },
- /* 90 */
- { "nop" },
- { "xchgS", eCX, eAX },
- { "xchgS", eDX, eAX },
- { "xchgS", eBX, eAX },
- { "xchgS", eSP, eAX },
- { "xchgS", eBP, eAX },
- { "xchgS", eSI, eAX },
- { "xchgS", eDI, eAX },
- /* 98 */
- { "cwtl" },
- { "cltd" },
- { "lcall", Ap },
- { "(bad)" }, /* fwait */
- { "pushf" },
- { "popf" },
- { "sahf" },
- { "lahf" },
- /* a0 */
- { "movb", AL, Ob },
- { "movS", eAX, Ov },
- { "movb", Ob, AL },
- { "movS", Ov, eAX },
- { "movsb", Yb, Xb },
- { "movsS", Yv, Xv },
- { "cmpsb", Yb, Xb },
- { "cmpsS", Yv, Xv },
- /* a8 */
- { "testb", AL, Ib },
- { "testS", eAX, Iv },
- { "stosb", Yb, AL },
- { "stosS", Yv, eAX },
- { "lodsb", AL, Xb },
- { "lodsS", eAX, Xv },
- { "scasb", AL, Yb },
- { "scasS", eAX, Yv },
- /* b0 */
- { "movb", AL, Ib },
- { "movb", CL, Ib },
- { "movb", DL, Ib },
- { "movb", BL, Ib },
- { "movb", AH, Ib },
- { "movb", CH, Ib },
- { "movb", DH, Ib },
- { "movb", BH, Ib },
- /* b8 */
- { "movS", eAX, Iv },
- { "movS", eCX, Iv },
- { "movS", eDX, Iv },
- { "movS", eBX, Iv },
- { "movS", eSP, Iv },
- { "movS", eBP, Iv },
- { "movS", eSI, Iv },
- { "movS", eDI, Iv },
- /* c0 */
- { GRP2b },
- { GRP2S },
- { "ret", Iw },
- { "ret" },
- { "lesS", Gv, Mp },
- { "ldsS", Gv, Mp },
- { "movb", Eb, Ib },
- { "movS", Ev, Iv },
- /* c8 */
- { "enter", Iw, Ib },
- { "leave" },
- { "lret", Iw },
- { "lret" },
- { "int3" },
- { "int", Ib },
- { "into" },
- { "iret" },
- /* d0 */
- { GRP2b_one },
- { GRP2S_one },
- { GRP2b_cl },
- { GRP2S_cl },
- { "aam", Ib },
- { "aad", Ib },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "xlat" },
- /* d8 */
- { FLOAT },
- { FLOAT },
- { FLOAT },
- { FLOAT },
- { FLOAT },
- { FLOAT },
- { FLOAT },
- { FLOAT },
- /* e0 */
- { "loopne", Jb },
- { "loope", Jb },
- { "loop", Jb },
- { "jCcxz", Jb },
- { "inb", AL, Ib },
- { "inS", eAX, Ib },
- { "outb", Ib, AL },
- { "outS", Ib, eAX },
- /* e8 */
- { "call", Av },
- { "jmp", Jv },
- { "ljmp", Ap },
- { "jmp", Jb },
- { "inb", AL, indirDX },
- { "inS", eAX, indirDX },
- { "outb", indirDX, AL },
- { "outS", indirDX, eAX },
- /* f0 */
- { "(bad)" }, /* lock prefix */
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" }, /* repne */
- { "(bad)" }, /* repz */
- { "hlt" },
- { "cmc" },
- { GRP3b },
- { GRP3S },
- /* f8 */
- { "clc" },
- { "stc" },
- { "cli" },
- { "sti" },
- { "cld" },
- { "std" },
- { GRP4 },
- { GRP5 },
-struct dis386 dis386_twobyte[] = {
- /* 00 */
- { GRP6 },
- { GRP7 },
- { "larS", Gv, Ew },
- { "lslS", Gv, Ew },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "clts" },
- { "(bad)" },
- /* 08 */
- { "invd" },
- { "wbinvd" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "ud2a" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- /* 10 */
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- /* 18 */
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- /* 20 */
- /* these are all backward in appendix A of the intel book */
- { "movl", Rd, Cd },
- { "movl", Rd, Dd },
- { "movl", Cd, Rd },
- { "movl", Dd, Rd },
- { "movl", Rd, Td },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "movl", Td, Rd },
- { "(bad)" },
- /* 28 */
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- /* 30 */
- { "wrmsr" }, { "rdtsc" }, { "rdmsr" }, { "rdpmc" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- /* 38 */
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- /* 40 */
- { "cmovo", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovno", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovb", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovae", Gv,Ev },
- { "cmove", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovne", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovbe", Gv,Ev }, { "cmova", Gv,Ev },
- /* 48 */
- { "cmovs", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovns", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovp", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovnp", Gv,Ev },
- { "cmovl", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovge", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovle", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovg", Gv,Ev },
- /* 50 */
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- /* 58 */
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- /* 60 */
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- /* 68 */
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- /* 70 */
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- /* 78 */
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- /* 80 */
- { "jo", Jv },
- { "jno", Jv },
- { "jb", Jv },
- { "jae", Jv },
- { "je", Jv },
- { "jne", Jv },
- { "jbe", Jv },
- { "ja", Jv },
- /* 88 */
- { "js", Jv },
- { "jns", Jv },
- { "jp", Jv },
- { "jnp", Jv },
- { "jl", Jv },
- { "jge", Jv },
- { "jle", Jv },
- { "jg", Jv },
- /* 90 */
- { "seto", Eb },
- { "setno", Eb },
- { "setb", Eb },
- { "setae", Eb },
- { "sete", Eb },
- { "setne", Eb },
- { "setbe", Eb },
- { "seta", Eb },
- /* 98 */
- { "sets", Eb },
- { "setns", Eb },
- { "setp", Eb },
- { "setnp", Eb },
- { "setl", Eb },
- { "setge", Eb },
- { "setle", Eb },
- { "setg", Eb },
- /* a0 */
- { "pushl", fs },
- { "popl", fs },
- { "cpuid" },
- { "btS", Ev, Gv },
- { "shldS", Ev, Gv, Ib },
- { "shldS", Ev, Gv, CL },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- /* a8 */
- { "pushl", gs },
- { "popl", gs },
- { "rsm" },
- { "btsS", Ev, Gv },
- { "shrdS", Ev, Gv, Ib },
- { "shrdS", Ev, Gv, CL },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "imulS", Gv, Ev },
- /* b0 */
- { "cmpxchgb", Eb, Gb },
- { "cmpxchgS", Ev, Gv },
- { "lssS", Gv, Mp }, /* 386 lists only Mp */
- { "btrS", Ev, Gv },
- { "lfsS", Gv, Mp }, /* 386 lists only Mp */
- { "lgsS", Gv, Mp }, /* 386 lists only Mp */
- { "movzbS", Gv, Eb },
- { "movzwS", Gv, Ew },
- /* b8 */
- { "ud2b" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { GRP8 },
- { "btcS", Ev, Gv },
- { "bsfS", Gv, Ev },
- { "bsrS", Gv, Ev },
- { "movsbS", Gv, Eb },
- { "movswS", Gv, Ew },
- /* c0 */
- { "xaddb", Eb, Gb },
- { "xaddS", Ev, Gv },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { GRP9 },
- /* c8 */
- { "bswap", eAX },
- { "bswap", eCX },
- { "bswap", eDX },
- { "bswap", eBX },
- { "bswap", eSP },
- { "bswap", eBP },
- { "bswap", eSI },
- { "bswap", eDI },
- /* d0 */
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- /* d8 */
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- /* e0 */
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- /* e8 */
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- /* f0 */
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- /* f8 */
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" }, { "(bad)" },
-static const unsigned char onebyte_has_modrm[256] = {
- 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,
- 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,
- 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,
- 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1
-static const unsigned char twobyte_has_modrm[256] = {
- 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
- 0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,
- 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,
- 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
-static char obuf[100];
-static char *obufp;
-static char scratchbuf[100];
-static unsigned char *start_codep;
-static unsigned char *codep;
-static disassemble_info *the_info;
-static int mod;
-static int rm;
-static int reg;
-static void oappend ();
-static char *names32[]={
- "%eax","%ecx","%edx","%ebx", "%esp","%ebp","%esi","%edi",
-static char *names16[] = {
- "%ax","%cx","%dx","%bx","%sp","%bp","%si","%di",
-static char *names8[] = {
- "%al","%cl","%dl","%bl","%ah","%ch","%dh","%bh",
-static char *names_seg[] = {
- "%es","%cs","%ss","%ds","%fs","%gs","%?","%?",
-static char *index16[] = {
- "bx+si","bx+di","bp+si","bp+di","si","di","bp","bx"
-struct dis386 grps[][8] = {
- /* GRP1b */
- {
- { "addb", Eb, Ib },
- { "orb", Eb, Ib },
- { "adcb", Eb, Ib },
- { "sbbb", Eb, Ib },
- { "andb", Eb, Ib },
- { "subb", Eb, Ib },
- { "xorb", Eb, Ib },
- { "cmpb", Eb, Ib }
- },
- /* GRP1S */
- {
- { "addS", Ev, Iv },
- { "orS", Ev, Iv },
- { "adcS", Ev, Iv },
- { "sbbS", Ev, Iv },
- { "andS", Ev, Iv },
- { "subS", Ev, Iv },
- { "xorS", Ev, Iv },
- { "cmpS", Ev, Iv }
- },
- /* GRP1Ss */
- {
- { "addS", Ev, sIb },
- { "orS", Ev, sIb },
- { "adcS", Ev, sIb },
- { "sbbS", Ev, sIb },
- { "andS", Ev, sIb },
- { "subS", Ev, sIb },
- { "xorS", Ev, sIb },
- { "cmpS", Ev, sIb }
- },
- /* GRP2b */
- {
- { "rolb", Eb, Ib },
- { "rorb", Eb, Ib },
- { "rclb", Eb, Ib },
- { "rcrb", Eb, Ib },
- { "shlb", Eb, Ib },
- { "shrb", Eb, Ib },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "sarb", Eb, Ib },
- },
- /* GRP2S */
- {
- { "rolS", Ev, Ib },
- { "rorS", Ev, Ib },
- { "rclS", Ev, Ib },
- { "rcrS", Ev, Ib },
- { "shlS", Ev, Ib },
- { "shrS", Ev, Ib },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "sarS", Ev, Ib },
- },
- /* GRP2b_one */
- {
- { "rolb", Eb },
- { "rorb", Eb },
- { "rclb", Eb },
- { "rcrb", Eb },
- { "shlb", Eb },
- { "shrb", Eb },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "sarb", Eb },
- },
- /* GRP2S_one */
- {
- { "rolS", Ev },
- { "rorS", Ev },
- { "rclS", Ev },
- { "rcrS", Ev },
- { "shlS", Ev },
- { "shrS", Ev },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "sarS", Ev },
- },
- /* GRP2b_cl */
- {
- { "rolb", Eb, CL },
- { "rorb", Eb, CL },
- { "rclb", Eb, CL },
- { "rcrb", Eb, CL },
- { "shlb", Eb, CL },
- { "shrb", Eb, CL },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "sarb", Eb, CL },
- },
- /* GRP2S_cl */
- {
- { "rolS", Ev, CL },
- { "rorS", Ev, CL },
- { "rclS", Ev, CL },
- { "rcrS", Ev, CL },
- { "shlS", Ev, CL },
- { "shrS", Ev, CL },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "sarS", Ev, CL }
- },
- /* GRP3b */
- {
- { "testb", Eb, Ib },
- { "(bad)", Eb },
- { "notb", Eb },
- { "negb", Eb },
- { "mulb", AL, Eb },
- { "imulb", AL, Eb },
- { "divb", AL, Eb },
- { "idivb", AL, Eb }
- },
- /* GRP3S */
- {
- { "testS", Ev, Iv },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "notS", Ev },
- { "negS", Ev },
- { "mulS", eAX, Ev },
- { "imulS", eAX, Ev },
- { "divS", eAX, Ev },
- { "idivS", eAX, Ev },
- },
- /* GRP4 */
- {
- { "incb", Eb },
- { "decb", Eb },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- },
- /* GRP5 */
- {
- { "incS", Ev },
- { "decS", Ev },
- { "call", indirEv },
- { "lcall", indirEv },
- { "jmp", indirEv },
- { "ljmp", indirEv },
- { "pushS", Ev },
- { "(bad)" },
- },
- /* GRP6 */
- {
- { "sldt", Ew },
- { "str", Ew },
- { "lldt", Ew },
- { "ltr", Ew },
- { "verr", Ew },
- { "verw", Ew },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" }
- },
- /* GRP7 */
- {
- { "sgdt", Ew },
- { "sidt", Ew },
- { "lgdt", Ew },
- { "lidt", Ew },
- { "smsw", Ew },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "lmsw", Ew },
- { "invlpg", Ew },
- },
- /* GRP8 */
- {
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "btS", Ev, Ib },
- { "btsS", Ev, Ib },
- { "btrS", Ev, Ib },
- { "btcS", Ev, Ib },
- },
- /* GRP9 */
- {
- { "(bad)" },
- { "cmpxchg8b", Ev },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- }
-#define PREFIX_REPZ 1
-#define PREFIX_REPNZ 2
-#define PREFIX_LOCK 4
-#define PREFIX_CS 8
-#define PREFIX_SS 0x10
-#define PREFIX_DS 0x20
-#define PREFIX_ES 0x40
-#define PREFIX_FS 0x80
-#define PREFIX_GS 0x100
-#define PREFIX_DATA 0x200
-#define PREFIX_ADR 0x400
-#define PREFIX_FWAIT 0x800
-static int prefixes;
-static void
-ckprefix ()
- prefixes = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
- switch (*codep)
- {
- case 0xf3:
- prefixes |= PREFIX_REPZ;
- break;
- case 0xf2:
- prefixes |= PREFIX_REPNZ;
- break;
- case 0xf0:
- prefixes |= PREFIX_LOCK;
- break;
- case 0x2e:
- prefixes |= PREFIX_CS;
- break;
- case 0x36:
- prefixes |= PREFIX_SS;
- break;
- case 0x3e:
- prefixes |= PREFIX_DS;
- break;
- case 0x26:
- prefixes |= PREFIX_ES;
- break;
- case 0x64:
- prefixes |= PREFIX_FS;
- break;
- case 0x65:
- prefixes |= PREFIX_GS;
- break;
- case 0x66:
- prefixes |= PREFIX_DATA;
- break;
- case 0x67:
- prefixes |= PREFIX_ADR;
- break;
- case 0x9b:
- prefixes |= PREFIX_FWAIT;
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- codep++;
- }
-static int dflag;
-static int aflag;
-static char op1out[100], op2out[100], op3out[100];
-static int op_address[3], op_ad, op_index[3];
-static int start_pc;
- * On the 386's of 1988, the maximum length of an instruction is 15 bytes.
- * (see topic "Redundant prefixes" in the "Differences from 8086"
- * section of the "Virtual 8086 Mode" chapter.)
- * 'pc' should be the address of this instruction, it will
- * be used to print the target address if this is a relative jump or call
- * The function returns the length of this instruction in bytes.
- */
-print_insn_i386 (pc, info)
- bfd_vma pc;
- disassemble_info *info;
- struct dis386 *dp;
- int i;
- int enter_instruction;
- char *first, *second, *third;
- int needcomma;
- unsigned char need_modrm;
- struct dis_private priv;
- bfd_byte *inbuf = priv.the_buffer;
- info->private_data = (PTR) &priv;
- priv.max_fetched = priv.the_buffer;
- priv.insn_start = pc;
- if (setjmp (priv.bailout) != 0)
- /* Error return. */
- return -1;
- obuf[0] = 0;
- op1out[0] = 0;
- op2out[0] = 0;
- op3out[0] = 0;
- op_index[0] = op_index[1] = op_index[2] = -1;
- the_info = info;
- start_pc = pc;
- start_codep = inbuf;
- codep = inbuf;
- ckprefix ();
- FETCH_DATA (info, codep + 1);
- if (*codep == 0xc8)
- enter_instruction = 1;
- else
- enter_instruction = 0;
- obufp = obuf;
- if (prefixes & PREFIX_REPZ)
- oappend ("repz ");
- if (prefixes & PREFIX_REPNZ)
- oappend ("repnz ");
- if (prefixes & PREFIX_LOCK)
- oappend ("lock ");
- if ((prefixes & PREFIX_FWAIT)
- && ((*codep < 0xd8) || (*codep > 0xdf)))
- {
- /* fwait not followed by floating point instruction */
- (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "fwait");
- return (1);
- }
- /* these would be initialized to 0 if disassembling for 8086 or 286 */
- dflag = 1;
- aflag = 1;
- if (prefixes & PREFIX_DATA)
- dflag ^= 1;
- if (prefixes & PREFIX_ADR)
- {
- aflag ^= 1;
- oappend ("addr16 ");
- }
- if (*codep == 0x0f)
- {
- FETCH_DATA (info, codep + 2);
- dp = &dis386_twobyte[*++codep];
- need_modrm = twobyte_has_modrm[*codep];
- }
- else
- {
- dp = &dis386[*codep];
- need_modrm = onebyte_has_modrm[*codep];
- }
- codep++;
- if (need_modrm)
- {
- FETCH_DATA (info, codep + 1);
- mod = (*codep >> 6) & 3;
- reg = (*codep >> 3) & 7;
- rm = *codep & 7;
- }
- if (dp->name == NULL && dp->bytemode1 == FLOATCODE)
- {
- dofloat ();
- }
- else
- {
- if (dp->name == NULL)
- dp = &grps[dp->bytemode1][reg];
- putop (dp->name);
- obufp = op1out;
- op_ad = 2;
- if (dp->op1)
- (*dp->op1)(dp->bytemode1);
- obufp = op2out;
- op_ad = 1;
- if (dp->op2)
- (*dp->op2)(dp->bytemode2);
- obufp = op3out;
- op_ad = 0;
- if (dp->op3)
- (*dp->op3)(dp->bytemode3);
- }
- obufp = obuf + strlen (obuf);
- for (i = strlen (obuf); i < 6; i++)
- oappend (" ");
- oappend (" ");
- (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", obuf);
- /* enter instruction is printed with operands in the
- * same order as the intel book; everything else
- * is printed in reverse order
- */
- if (enter_instruction)
- {
- first = op1out;
- second = op2out;
- third = op3out;
- op_ad = op_index[0];
- op_index[0] = op_index[2];
- op_index[2] = op_ad;
- }
- else
- {
- first = op3out;
- second = op2out;
- third = op1out;
- }
- needcomma = 0;
- if (*first)
- {
- if (op_index[0] != -1)
- (*info->print_address_func) (op_address[op_index[0]], info);
- else
- (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", first);
- needcomma = 1;
- }
- if (*second)
- {
- if (needcomma)
- (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, ",");
- if (op_index[1] != -1)
- (*info->print_address_func) (op_address[op_index[1]], info);
- else
- (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", second);
- needcomma = 1;
- }
- if (*third)
- {
- if (needcomma)
- (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, ",");
- if (op_index[2] != -1)
- (*info->print_address_func) (op_address[op_index[2]], info);
- else
- (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", third);
- }
- return (codep - inbuf);
-char *float_mem[] = {
- /* d8 */
- "fadds",
- "fmuls",
- "fcoms",
- "fcomps",
- "fsubs",
- "fsubrs",
- "fdivs",
- "fdivrs",
- /* d9 */
- "flds",
- "(bad)",
- "fsts",
- "fstps",
- "fldenv",
- "fldcw",
- "fNstenv",
- "fNstcw",
- /* da */
- "fiaddl",
- "fimull",
- "ficoml",
- "ficompl",
- "fisubl",
- "fisubrl",
- "fidivl",
- "fidivrl",
- /* db */
- "fildl",
- "(bad)",
- "fistl",
- "fistpl",
- "(bad)",
- "fldt",
- "(bad)",
- "fstpt",
- /* dc */
- "faddl",
- "fmull",
- "fcoml",
- "fcompl",
- "fsubl",
- "fsubrl",
- "fdivl",
- "fdivrl",
- /* dd */
- "fldl",
- "(bad)",
- "fstl",
- "fstpl",
- "frstor",
- "(bad)",
- "fNsave",
- "fNstsw",
- /* de */
- "fiadd",
- "fimul",
- "ficom",
- "ficomp",
- "fisub",
- "fisubr",
- "fidiv",
- "fidivr",
- /* df */
- "fild",
- "(bad)",
- "fist",
- "fistp",
- "fbld",
- "fildll",
- "fbstp",
- "fistpll",
-#define ST OP_ST, 0
-#define STi OP_STi, 0
-int OP_ST(), OP_STi();
-#define FGRPd9_2 NULL, NULL, 0
-#define FGRPd9_4 NULL, NULL, 1
-#define FGRPd9_5 NULL, NULL, 2
-#define FGRPd9_6 NULL, NULL, 3
-#define FGRPd9_7 NULL, NULL, 4
-#define FGRPda_5 NULL, NULL, 5
-#define FGRPdb_4 NULL, NULL, 6
-#define FGRPde_3 NULL, NULL, 7
-#define FGRPdf_4 NULL, NULL, 8
-struct dis386 float_reg[][8] = {
- /* d8 */
- {
- { "fadd", ST, STi },
- { "fmul", ST, STi },
- { "fcom", STi },
- { "fcomp", STi },
- { "fsub", ST, STi },
- { "fsubr", ST, STi },
- { "fdiv", ST, STi },
- { "fdivr", ST, STi },
- },
- /* d9 */
- {
- { "fld", STi },
- { "fxch", STi },
- { FGRPd9_2 },
- { "(bad)" },
- { FGRPd9_4 },
- { FGRPd9_5 },
- { FGRPd9_6 },
- { FGRPd9_7 },
- },
- /* da */
- {
- { "fcmovb", ST, STi },
- { "fcmove", ST, STi },
- { "fcmovbe",ST, STi },
- { "fcmovu", ST, STi },
- { "(bad)" },
- { FGRPda_5 },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- },
- /* db */
- {
- { "fcmovnb",ST, STi },
- { "fcmovne",ST, STi },
- { "fcmovnbe",ST, STi },
- { "fcmovnu",ST, STi },
- { FGRPdb_4 },
- { "fucomi", ST, STi },
- { "fcomi", ST, STi },
- { "(bad)" },
- },
- /* dc */
- {
- { "fadd", STi, ST },
- { "fmul", STi, ST },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "fsub", STi, ST },
- { "fsubr", STi, ST },
- { "fdiv", STi, ST },
- { "fdivr", STi, ST },
- },
- /* dd */
- {
- { "ffree", STi },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "fst", STi },
- { "fstp", STi },
- { "fucom", STi },
- { "fucomp", STi },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- },
- /* de */
- {
- { "faddp", STi, ST },
- { "fmulp", STi, ST },
- { "(bad)" },
- { FGRPde_3 },
- { "fsubp", STi, ST },
- { "fsubrp", STi, ST },
- { "fdivp", STi, ST },
- { "fdivrp", STi, ST },
- },
- /* df */
- {
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { "(bad)" },
- { FGRPdf_4 },
- { "fucomip",ST, STi },
- { "fcomip", ST, STi },
- { "(bad)" },
- },
-char *fgrps[][8] = {
- /* d9_2 0 */
- {
- "fnop","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
- },
- /* d9_4 1 */
- {
- "fchs","fabs","(bad)","(bad)","ftst","fxam","(bad)","(bad)",
- },
- /* d9_5 2 */
- {
- "fld1","fldl2t","fldl2e","fldpi","fldlg2","fldln2","fldz","(bad)",
- },
- /* d9_6 3 */
- {
- "f2xm1","fyl2x","fptan","fpatan","fxtract","fprem1","fdecstp","fincstp",
- },
- /* d9_7 4 */
- {
- "fprem","fyl2xp1","fsqrt","fsincos","frndint","fscale","fsin","fcos",
- },
- /* da_5 5 */
- {
- "(bad)","fucompp","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
- },
- /* db_4 6 */
- {
- "feni(287 only)","fdisi(287 only)","fNclex","fNinit",
- "fNsetpm(287 only)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
- },
- /* de_3 7 */
- {
- "(bad)","fcompp","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
- },
- /* df_4 8 */
- {
- "fNstsw","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
- },
-static void
-dofloat ()
- struct dis386 *dp;
- unsigned char floatop;
- floatop = codep[-1];
- if (mod != 3)
- {
- putop (float_mem[(floatop - 0xd8) * 8 + reg]);
- obufp = op1out;
- OP_E (v_mode);
- return;
- }
- codep++;
- dp = &float_reg[floatop - 0xd8][reg];
- if (dp->name == NULL)
- {
- putop (fgrps[dp->bytemode1][rm]);
- /* instruction fnstsw is only one with strange arg */
- if (floatop == 0xdf
- && FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1)
- && *codep == 0xe0)
- strcpy (op1out, "%eax");
- }
- else
- {
- putop (dp->name);
- obufp = op1out;
- if (dp->op1)
- (*dp->op1)(dp->bytemode1);
- obufp = op2out;
- if (dp->op2)
- (*dp->op2)(dp->bytemode2);
- }
-OP_ST (ignore)
- int ignore;
- oappend ("%st");
- return (0);
-OP_STi (ignore)
- int ignore;
- sprintf (scratchbuf, "%%st(%d)", rm);
- oappend (scratchbuf);
- return (0);
-/* capital letters in template are macros */
-static void
-putop (template)
- char *template;
- char *p;
- for (p = template; *p; p++)
- {
- switch (*p)
- {
- default:
- *obufp++ = *p;
- break;
- case 'C': /* For jcxz/jecxz */
- if (aflag)
- *obufp++ = 'e';
- break;
- case 'N':
- if ((prefixes & PREFIX_FWAIT) == 0)
- *obufp++ = 'n';
- break;
- case 'S':
- /* operand size flag */
- if (dflag)
- *obufp++ = 'l';
- else
- *obufp++ = 'w';
- break;
- }
- }
- *obufp = 0;
-static void
-oappend (s)
- char *s;
- strcpy (obufp, s);
- obufp += strlen (s);
- *obufp = 0;
-static void
-append_prefix ()
- if (prefixes & PREFIX_CS)
- oappend ("%cs:");
- if (prefixes & PREFIX_DS)
- oappend ("%ds:");
- if (prefixes & PREFIX_SS)
- oappend ("%ss:");
- if (prefixes & PREFIX_ES)
- oappend ("%es:");
- if (prefixes & PREFIX_FS)
- oappend ("%fs:");
- if (prefixes & PREFIX_GS)
- oappend ("%gs:");
-OP_indirE (bytemode)
- int bytemode;
- oappend ("*");
- return OP_E (bytemode);
-OP_E (bytemode)
- int bytemode;
- int disp;
- /* skip mod/rm byte */
- codep++;
- if (mod == 3)
- {
- switch (bytemode)
- {
- case b_mode:
- oappend (names8[rm]);
- break;
- case w_mode:
- oappend (names16[rm]);
- break;
- case v_mode:
- if (dflag)
- oappend (names32[rm]);
- else
- oappend (names16[rm]);
- break;
- default:
- oappend ("<bad dis table>");
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- disp = 0;
- append_prefix ();
- if (aflag) /* 32 bit address mode */
- {
- int havesib;
- int havebase;
- int base;
- int index;
- int scale;
- havesib = 0;
- havebase = 1;
- base = rm;
- if (base == 4)
- {
- havesib = 1;
- FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
- scale = (*codep >> 6) & 3;
- index = (*codep >> 3) & 7;
- base = *codep & 7;
- codep++;
- }
- switch (mod)
- {
- case 0:
- if (base == 5)
- {
- havebase = 0;
- disp = get32 ();
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
- disp = *(char *)codep++;
- break;
- case 2:
- disp = get32 ();
- break;
- }
- if (mod != 0 || base == 5)
- {
- sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", disp);
- oappend (scratchbuf);
- }
- if (havebase || (havesib && (index != 4 || scale != 0)))
- {
- oappend ("(");
- if (havebase)
- oappend (names32[base]);
- if (havesib)
- {
- if (index != 4)
- {
- sprintf (scratchbuf, ",%s", names32[index]);
- oappend (scratchbuf);
- }
- sprintf (scratchbuf, ",%d", 1 << scale);
- oappend (scratchbuf);
- }
- oappend (")");
- }
- }
- else
- { /* 16 bit address mode */
- switch (mod)
- {
- case 0:
- if (rm == 6)
- disp = (short) get16 ();
- break;
- case 1:
- FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
- disp = *(char *)codep++;
- break;
- case 2:
- disp = (short) get16 ();
- break;
- }
- if (mod != 0 || rm == 6)
- {
- sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", disp);
- oappend (scratchbuf);
- }
- if (mod != 0 || rm != 6)
- {
- oappend ("(");
- oappend (index16[rm]);
- oappend (")");
- }
- }
- return 0;
-OP_G (bytemode)
- int bytemode;
- switch (bytemode)
- {
- case b_mode:
- oappend (names8[reg]);
- break;
- case w_mode:
- oappend (names16[reg]);
- break;
- case d_mode:
- oappend (names32[reg]);
- break;
- case v_mode:
- if (dflag)
- oappend (names32[reg]);
- else
- oappend (names16[reg]);
- break;
- default:
- oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
- break;
- }
- return (0);
-static int
-get32 ()
- int x = 0;
- FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 4);
- x = *codep++ & 0xff;
- x |= (*codep++ & 0xff) << 8;
- x |= (*codep++ & 0xff) << 16;
- x |= (*codep++ & 0xff) << 24;
- return (x);
-static int
-get16 ()
- int x = 0;
- FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 2);
- x = *codep++ & 0xff;
- x |= (*codep++ & 0xff) << 8;
- return (x);
-static void
-set_op (op)
- int op;
- op_index[op_ad] = op_ad;
- op_address[op_ad] = op;
-OP_REG (code)
- int code;
- char *s;
- switch (code)
- {
- case indir_dx_reg: s = "(%dx)"; break;
- case ax_reg: case cx_reg: case dx_reg: case bx_reg:
- case sp_reg: case bp_reg: case si_reg: case di_reg:
- s = names16[code - ax_reg];
- break;
- case es_reg: case ss_reg: case cs_reg:
- case ds_reg: case fs_reg: case gs_reg:
- s = names_seg[code - es_reg];
- break;
- case al_reg: case ah_reg: case cl_reg: case ch_reg:
- case dl_reg: case dh_reg: case bl_reg: case bh_reg:
- s = names8[code - al_reg];
- break;
- case eAX_reg: case eCX_reg: case eDX_reg: case eBX_reg:
- case eSP_reg: case eBP_reg: case eSI_reg: case eDI_reg:
- if (dflag)
- s = names32[code - eAX_reg];
- else
- s = names16[code - eAX_reg];
- break;
- default:
- s = "<internal disassembler error>";
- break;
- }
- oappend (s);
- return (0);
-OP_I (bytemode)
- int bytemode;
- int op;
- switch (bytemode)
- {
- case b_mode:
- FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
- op = *codep++ & 0xff;
- break;
- case v_mode:
- if (dflag)
- op = get32 ();
- else
- op = get16 ();
- break;
- case w_mode:
- op = get16 ();
- break;
- default:
- oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
- return (0);
- }
- sprintf (scratchbuf, "$0x%x", op);
- oappend (scratchbuf);
- return (0);
-OP_sI (bytemode)
- int bytemode;
- int op;
- switch (bytemode)
- {
- case b_mode:
- FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
- op = *(char *)codep++;
- break;
- case v_mode:
- if (dflag)
- op = get32 ();
- else
- op = (short)get16();
- break;
- case w_mode:
- op = (short)get16 ();
- break;
- default:
- oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
- return (0);
- }
- sprintf (scratchbuf, "$0x%x", op);
- oappend (scratchbuf);
- return (0);
-OP_J (bytemode)
- int bytemode;
- int disp;
- int mask = -1;
- switch (bytemode)
- {
- case b_mode:
- FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
- disp = *(char *)codep++;
- break;
- case v_mode:
- if (dflag)
- disp = get32 ();
- else
- {
- disp = (short)get16 ();
- /* for some reason, a data16 prefix on a jump instruction
- means that the pc is masked to 16 bits after the
- displacement is added! */
- mask = 0xffff;
- }
- break;
- default:
- oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
- return (0);
- }
- disp = (start_pc + codep - start_codep + disp) & mask;
- set_op (disp);
- sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", disp);
- oappend (scratchbuf);
- return (0);
-OP_SEG (dummy)
- int dummy;
- static char *sreg[] = {
- "%es","%cs","%ss","%ds","%fs","%gs","%?","%?",
- };
- oappend (sreg[reg]);
- return (0);
-OP_DIR (size)
- int size;
- int seg, offset;
- switch (size)
- {
- case lptr:
- if (aflag)
- {
- offset = get32 ();
- seg = get16 ();
- }
- else
- {
- offset = get16 ();
- seg = get16 ();
- }
- sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x,0x%x", seg, offset);
- oappend (scratchbuf);
- break;
- case v_mode:
- if (aflag)
- offset = get32 ();
- else
- offset = (short)get16 ();
- offset = start_pc + codep - start_codep + offset;
- set_op (offset);
- sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", offset);
- oappend (scratchbuf);
- break;
- default:
- oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
- break;
- }
- return (0);
-OP_OFF (bytemode)
- int bytemode;
- int off;
- if (aflag)
- off = get32 ();
- else
- off = get16 ();
- sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", off);
- oappend (scratchbuf);
- return (0);
-OP_ESDI (dummy)
- int dummy;
- oappend ("%es:(");
- oappend (aflag ? "%edi" : "%di");
- oappend (")");
- return (0);
-OP_DSSI (dummy)
- int dummy;
- oappend ("%ds:(");
- oappend (aflag ? "%esi" : "%si");
- oappend (")");
- return (0);
-OP_ONE (dummy)
- int dummy;
- oappend ("1");
- return (0);
-OP_C (dummy)
- int dummy;
- codep++; /* skip mod/rm */
- sprintf (scratchbuf, "%%cr%d", reg);
- oappend (scratchbuf);
- return (0);
-OP_D (dummy)
- int dummy;
- codep++; /* skip mod/rm */
- sprintf (scratchbuf, "%%db%d", reg);
- oappend (scratchbuf);
- return (0);
-OP_T (dummy)
- int dummy;
- codep++; /* skip mod/rm */
- sprintf (scratchbuf, "%%tr%d", reg);
- oappend (scratchbuf);
- return (0);
-OP_rm (bytemode)
- int bytemode;
- switch (bytemode)
- {
- case d_mode:
- oappend (names32[rm]);
- break;
- case w_mode:
- oappend (names16[rm]);
- break;
- }
- return (0);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/sysdep.h b/contrib/gdb/opcodes/sysdep.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f1556da1f2ea..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/sysdep.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* Random host-dependent support code.
- Copyright (C) 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Ken Raeburn.
-This file is part of libopcodes, the opcodes library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Do system-dependent stuff, mainly driven by autoconf-detected info.
- Well, some generic common stuff is done here too, like including
- ansidecl.h. That's because the .h files in bfd/hosts files I'm
- trying to replace often did that. If it can be dropped from this
- file (check in a non-ANSI environment!), it should be. */
-#include "config.h"
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <strings.h>
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/z8k-dis.c b/contrib/gdb/opcodes/z8k-dis.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8890e123120c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/opcodes/z8k-dis.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,571 +0,0 @@
-This file is part of GNU Binutils.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "dis-asm.h"
-#include "z8k-opc.h"
-#include <setjmp.h>
-typedef struct
- /* These are all indexed by nibble number (i.e only every other entry
- of bytes is used, and every 4th entry of words). */
- unsigned char nibbles[24];
- unsigned char bytes[24];
- unsigned short words[24];
- /* Nibble number of first word not yet fetched. */
- int max_fetched;
- bfd_vma insn_start;
- jmp_buf bailout;
- long tabl_index;
- char instr_asmsrc[80];
- unsigned long arg_reg[0x0f];
- unsigned long immediate;
- unsigned long displacement;
- unsigned long address;
- unsigned long cond_code;
- unsigned long ctrl_code;
- unsigned long flags;
- unsigned long interrupts;
-/* Make sure that bytes from INFO->PRIVATE_DATA->BUFFER (inclusive)
- to ADDR (exclusive) are valid. Returns 1 for success, longjmps
- on error. */
-#define FETCH_DATA(info, nibble) \
- ((nibble) < ((instr_data_s *)(info->private_data))->max_fetched \
- ? 1 : fetch_data ((info), (nibble)))
-static int
-fetch_data (info, nibble)
- struct disassemble_info *info;
- int nibble;
- unsigned char mybuf[20];
- int status;
- instr_data_s *priv = (instr_data_s *)info->private_data;
- bfd_vma start;
- if ((nibble % 4) != 0)
- abort ();
- status = (*info->read_memory_func) (priv->insn_start,
- (bfd_byte *) mybuf,
- nibble / 2,
- info);
- if (status != 0)
- {
- (*info->memory_error_func) (status, priv->insn_start, info);
- longjmp (priv->bailout, 1);
- }
- {
- int i;
- unsigned char *p = mybuf ;
- for (i = 0; i < nibble;)
- {
- priv->words[i] = (p[0] << 8) | p[1];
- priv->bytes[i] = *p;
- priv->nibbles[i++] = *p >> 4;
- priv->nibbles[i++] = *p &0xf;
- ++p;
- priv->bytes[i] = *p;
- priv->nibbles[i++] = *p >> 4;
- priv->nibbles[i++] = *p & 0xf;
- ++p;
- }
- }
- priv->max_fetched = nibble;
- return 1;
-static char *codes[16] =
- "f",
- "lt",
- "le",
- "ule",
- "ov/pe",
- "mi",
- "eq",
- "c/ult",
- "t",
- "ge",
- "gt",
- "ugt",
- "nov/po",
- "pl",
- "ne",
- "nc/uge"
-int z8k_lookup_instr PARAMS ((unsigned char*, disassemble_info *));
-static void output_instr
- PARAMS ((instr_data_s *, unsigned long, disassemble_info *));
-static void unpack_instr PARAMS ((instr_data_s *, int, disassemble_info *));
-static void unparse_instr PARAMS ((instr_data_s *));
-static int
-print_insn_z8k (addr, info, is_segmented)
- bfd_vma addr;
- disassemble_info *info;
- int is_segmented;
- instr_data_s instr_data;
- info->private_data = (PTR) &instr_data;
- instr_data.max_fetched = 0;
- instr_data.insn_start = addr;
- if (setjmp (instr_data.bailout) != 0)
- /* Error return. */
- return -1;
- instr_data.tabl_index = z8k_lookup_instr (instr_data.nibbles, info);
- if (instr_data.tabl_index > 0)
- {
- unpack_instr (&instr_data, is_segmented, info);
- unparse_instr (&instr_data);
- output_instr (&instr_data, addr, info);
- return z8k_table[instr_data.tabl_index].length;
- }
- else
- {
- FETCH_DATA (info, 4);
- (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, ".word %02x%02x",
- instr_data.bytes[0], instr_data.bytes[2]);
- return 2;
- }
-print_insn_z8001 (addr, info)
- bfd_vma addr;
- disassemble_info *info;
- return print_insn_z8k (addr, info, 1);
-print_insn_z8002 (addr, info)
- bfd_vma addr;
- disassemble_info *info;
- return print_insn_z8k (addr, info, 0);
-z8k_lookup_instr (nibbles, info)
- unsigned char *nibbles;
- disassemble_info *info;
- int nibl_index, tabl_index;
- int nibl_matched;
- unsigned short instr_nibl;
- unsigned short tabl_datum, datum_class, datum_value;
- nibl_matched = 0;
- tabl_index = 0;
- while (!nibl_matched && z8k_table[tabl_index].name)
- {
- nibl_matched = 1;
- for (nibl_index = 0; nibl_index < z8k_table[tabl_index].length * 2 && nibl_matched; nibl_index++)
- {
- if ((nibl_index % 4) == 0)
- /* Fetch one word at a time. */
- FETCH_DATA (info, nibl_index + 4);
- instr_nibl = nibbles[nibl_index];
- tabl_datum = z8k_table[tabl_index].byte_info[nibl_index];
- datum_class = tabl_datum & CLASS_MASK;
- datum_value = ~CLASS_MASK & tabl_datum;
- switch (datum_class)
- {
- case CLASS_BIT:
- if (datum_value != instr_nibl)
- nibl_matched = 0;
- break;
- case CLASS_00II:
- if (!((~instr_nibl) & 0x4))
- nibl_matched = 0;
- break;
- case CLASS_01II:
- if (!(instr_nibl & 0x4))
- nibl_matched = 0;
- break;
- case CLASS_0CCC:
- if (!((~instr_nibl) & 0x8))
- nibl_matched = 0;
- break;
- case CLASS_1CCC:
- if (!(instr_nibl & 0x8))
- nibl_matched = 0;
- break;
- case CLASS_0DISP7:
- if (!((~instr_nibl) & 0x8))
- nibl_matched = 0;
- nibl_index += 1;
- break;
- case CLASS_1DISP7:
- if (!(instr_nibl & 0x8))
- nibl_matched = 0;
- nibl_index += 1;
- break;
- case CLASS_REGN0:
- if (instr_nibl == 0)
- nibl_matched = 0;
- break;
- case CLASS_BIT_1OR2:
- if ((instr_nibl | 0x2) != (datum_value | 0x2))
- nibl_matched = 0;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- if (nibl_matched)
- {
- return tabl_index;
- }
- tabl_index++;
- }
- return -1;
-static void
-output_instr (instr_data, addr, info)
- instr_data_s *instr_data;
- unsigned long addr;
- disassemble_info *info;
- int loop, loop_limit;
- char tmp_str[20];
- char out_str[100];
- strcpy (out_str, "\t");
- loop_limit = z8k_table[instr_data->tabl_index].length * 2;
- FETCH_DATA (info, loop_limit);
- for (loop = 0; loop < loop_limit; loop++)
- {
- sprintf (tmp_str, "%x", instr_data->nibbles[loop]);
- strcat (out_str, tmp_str);
- }
- while (loop++ < 8)
- {
- strcat (out_str, " ");
- }
- strcat (out_str, instr_data->instr_asmsrc);
- (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", out_str);
-static void
-unpack_instr (instr_data, is_segmented, info)
- instr_data_s *instr_data;
- int is_segmented;
- disassemble_info *info;
- int nibl_count, loop;
- unsigned short instr_nibl, instr_byte, instr_word;
- long instr_long;
- unsigned short tabl_datum, datum_class, datum_value;
- nibl_count = 0;
- loop = 0;
- while (z8k_table[instr_data->tabl_index].byte_info[loop] != 0)
- {
- FETCH_DATA (info, nibl_count + 4 - (nibl_count % 4));
- instr_nibl = instr_data->nibbles[nibl_count];
- instr_byte = instr_data->bytes[nibl_count];
- instr_word = instr_data->words[nibl_count];
- tabl_datum = z8k_table[instr_data->tabl_index].byte_info[loop];
- datum_class = tabl_datum & CLASS_MASK;
- datum_value = tabl_datum & ~CLASS_MASK;
- switch (datum_class)
- {
- case CLASS_X:
- instr_data->address = instr_nibl;
- break;
- case CLASS_BA:
- instr_data->displacement = instr_nibl;
- break;
- case CLASS_BX:
- instr_data->arg_reg[datum_value] = instr_nibl;
- break;
- case CLASS_DISP:
- switch (datum_value)
- {
- case ARG_DISP16:
- instr_data->displacement = instr_word;
- nibl_count += 3;
- break;
- case ARG_DISP12:
- instr_data->displacement = instr_word & 0x0fff;
- nibl_count += 2;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- case CLASS_IMM:
- switch (datum_value)
- {
- case ARG_IMM4:
- instr_data->immediate = instr_nibl;
- break;
- case ARG_NIM8:
- instr_data->immediate = (-instr_byte);
- nibl_count += 1;
- break;
- case ARG_IMM8:
- instr_data->immediate = instr_byte;
- nibl_count += 1;
- break;
- case ARG_IMM16:
- instr_data->immediate = instr_word;
- nibl_count += 3;
- break;
- case ARG_IMM32:
- FETCH_DATA (info, nibl_count + 8);
- instr_long = (instr_data->words[nibl_count] << 16)
- | (instr_data->words[nibl_count + 4]);
- instr_data->immediate = instr_long;
- nibl_count += 7;
- break;
- case ARG_IMMN:
- instr_data->immediate = instr_nibl - 1;
- break;
- case ARG_IMM4M1:
- instr_data->immediate = instr_nibl + 1;
- break;
- case ARG_IMM_1:
- instr_data->immediate = 1;
- break;
- case ARG_IMM_2:
- instr_data->immediate = 2;
- break;
- case ARG_IMM2:
- instr_data->immediate = instr_nibl & 0x3;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- case CLASS_CC:
- instr_data->cond_code = instr_nibl;
- break;
- case CLASS_CTRL:
- instr_data->ctrl_code = instr_nibl;
- break;
- case CLASS_DA:
- if (is_segmented)
- {
- if (instr_nibl & 0x8)
- {
- FETCH_DATA (info, nibl_count + 8);
- instr_long = (instr_data->words[nibl_count] << 16)
- | (instr_data->words[nibl_count + 4]);
- instr_data->address = ((instr_word & 0x7f00) << 8) +
- (instr_long & 0xffff);
- nibl_count += 7;
- }
- else
- {
- instr_data->address = ((instr_word & 0x7f00) << 8) +
- (instr_word & 0x00ff);
- nibl_count += 3;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- instr_data->address = instr_word;
- nibl_count += 3;
- }
- break;
- case CLASS_0CCC:
- instr_data->cond_code = instr_nibl & 0x7;
- break;
- case CLASS_1CCC:
- instr_data->cond_code = instr_nibl & 0x7;
- break;
- case CLASS_0DISP7:
- instr_data->displacement = instr_byte & 0x7f;
- nibl_count += 1;
- break;
- case CLASS_1DISP7:
- instr_data->displacement = instr_byte & 0x7f;
- nibl_count += 1;
- break;
- case CLASS_01II:
- instr_data->interrupts = instr_nibl & 0x3;
- break;
- case CLASS_00II:
- instr_data->interrupts = instr_nibl & 0x3;
- break;
- case CLASS_BIT:
- /* do nothing */
- break;
- case CLASS_IR:
- instr_data->arg_reg[datum_value] = instr_nibl;
- break;
- instr_data->flags = instr_nibl;
- break;
- case CLASS_REG:
- instr_data->arg_reg[datum_value] = instr_nibl;
- break;
- instr_data->arg_reg[datum_value] = instr_nibl;
- break;
- instr_data->arg_reg[datum_value] = instr_nibl;
- break;
- instr_data->arg_reg[datum_value] = instr_nibl;
- break;
- instr_data->arg_reg[datum_value] = instr_nibl;
- break;
- case CLASS_REGN0:
- instr_data->arg_reg[datum_value] = instr_nibl;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- loop += 1;
- nibl_count += 1;
- }
-static void
-unparse_instr (instr_data)
- instr_data_s *instr_data;
- unsigned short tabl_datum, datum_class, datum_value;
- int loop, loop_limit;
- char out_str[80], tmp_str[25];
- sprintf (out_str, "\t%s\t", z8k_table[instr_data->tabl_index].name);
- loop_limit = z8k_table[instr_data->tabl_index].noperands;
- for (loop = 0; loop < loop_limit; loop++)
- {
- if (loop)
- strcat (out_str, ",");
- tabl_datum = z8k_table[instr_data->tabl_index].arg_info[loop];
- datum_class = tabl_datum & CLASS_MASK;
- datum_value = tabl_datum & ~CLASS_MASK;
- switch (datum_class)
- {
- case CLASS_X:
- sprintf (tmp_str, "0x%0x(R%d)", instr_data->address,
- instr_data->arg_reg[datum_value]);
- strcat (out_str, tmp_str);
- break;
- case CLASS_BA:
- sprintf (tmp_str, "r%d(#%x)", instr_data->arg_reg[datum_value],
- instr_data->immediate);
- strcat (out_str, tmp_str);
- break;
- case CLASS_BX:
- sprintf (tmp_str, "r%d(R%d)", instr_data->arg_reg[datum_value],
- instr_data->arg_reg[ARG_RX]);
- strcat (out_str, tmp_str);
- break;
- case CLASS_DISP:
- sprintf (tmp_str, "#0x%0x", instr_data->displacement);
- strcat (out_str, tmp_str);
- break;
- case CLASS_IMM:
- sprintf (tmp_str, "#0x%0x", instr_data->immediate);
- strcat (out_str, tmp_str);
- break;
- case CLASS_CC:
- sprintf (tmp_str, "%s", codes[instr_data->cond_code]);
- strcat (out_str, tmp_str);
- break;
- case CLASS_CTRL:
- sprintf (tmp_str, "0x%0x", instr_data->ctrl_code);
- strcat (out_str, tmp_str);
- break;
- case CLASS_DA:
- sprintf (tmp_str, "#0x%0x", instr_data->address);
- strcat (out_str, tmp_str);
- break;
- case CLASS_IR:
- sprintf (tmp_str, "@R%d", instr_data->arg_reg[datum_value]);
- strcat (out_str, tmp_str);
- break;
- sprintf (tmp_str, "0x%0x", instr_data->flags);
- strcat (out_str, tmp_str);
- break;
- if (instr_data->arg_reg[datum_value] >= 0x8)
- {
- sprintf (tmp_str, "rl%d",
- instr_data->arg_reg[datum_value] - 0x8);
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf (tmp_str, "rh%d", instr_data->arg_reg[datum_value]);
- }
- strcat (out_str, tmp_str);
- break;
- sprintf (tmp_str, "r%d", instr_data->arg_reg[datum_value]);
- strcat (out_str, tmp_str);
- break;
- sprintf (tmp_str, "rq%d", instr_data->arg_reg[datum_value]);
- strcat (out_str, tmp_str);
- break;
- sprintf (tmp_str, "rr%d", instr_data->arg_reg[datum_value]);
- strcat (out_str, tmp_str);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- strcpy (instr_data->instr_asmsrc, out_str);
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/ChangeLog b/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 2520a8522cd1..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Wed Sep 20 12:57:29 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * (maintainer-clean): New synonym for realclean.
-Tue Feb 2 11:40:04 1993 Roland H. Pesch (
- * configurable (and useable) Makefile template
- * Makefile: removed, replaced with configurable
- * texindex.c texinfo.tex: remove, replacing w/refs to tools
- elsewhere in distribution tree
- * pro forma configure stub
- * ChangeLog: new file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 451b9fec336f..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-## Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# Makefile for Readline documentation.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-srcdir = .
-prefix = /usr/local
-infodir = $(prefix)/info
-SHELL = /bin/sh
-INSTALL = install -c
-# where to find texinfo
-# where to find makeinfo, preferably one designed for texinfo-2
-# auxiliary program for sorting Texinfo indices
-# Don Knuth's TeX formatter
-#### Host, target, and site specific Makefile fragments come in here.
-all: info dvi
-install: install-info
-dvi: history.dvi readline.dvi
-install-info: info
- -parent=`echo $(infodir)|sed -e 's@/[^/]*$$@@'`; \
- if [ -d $$parent ] ; then true ; else mkdir $$parent ; fi
- -if [ -d $(infodir) ] ; then true ; else mkdir $(infodir) ; fi
- for i in *.info* ; do \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(infodir)/$$i ; \
- done
- hist.texinfo hsuser.texinfo hstech.texinfo
- $(MAKEINFO) -I $(srcdir) -o ./ $(srcdir)/hist.texinfo
-history.dvi: hist.texinfo hsuser.texinfo hstech.texinfo $(TEXIDIR)/texinfo.tex
- TEXINPUTS=${TEXIDIR}:$(srcdir):$$TEXINPUTS $(TEX) hist.texinfo
- $(TEXINDEX) hist.??
- TEXINPUTS=${TEXIDIR}:$(srcdir):$$TEXINPUTS $(TEX) hist.texinfo
- rlman.texinfo rluser.texinfo rltech.texinfo
- $(MAKEINFO) -I $(srcdir) -o ./ $(srcdir)/rlman.texinfo
-readline.dvi: rlman.texinfo rluser.texinfo rltech.texinfo
- TEXINPUTS=${TEXIDIR}:$(srcdir):$$TEXINPUTS $(TEX) rlman.texinfo
- $(TEXINDEX) rlman.??
- TEXINPUTS=${TEXIDIR}:$(srcdir):$$TEXINPUTS $(TEX) rlman.texinfo
-distclean: clean
- rm -f Makefile config.status
-mostlyclean: clean
-realclean maintainer-clean: distclean
-clean: clean-info clean-dvi
- rm -f**
- rm -f hist.?? hist.???
- rm -f rlman.?? rlman.???
-Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(host_makefile_frag) $(target_makefile_frag)
- $(SHELL) ./config.status
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/ b/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/
deleted file mode 100644
index c082c568c65c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-srcname="READLINE doc"
-# per-host:
-# per-target:
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/hist.texinfo b/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/hist.texinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 629273810445..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/hist.texinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
-@comment %**start of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.)
-@settitle GNU Readline Library
-@comment %**end of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.)
-@synindex vr fn
-@setchapternewpage odd
-This document describes the GNU History library, a programming tool that
-provides a consistent user interface for recalling lines of previously
-typed input.
-Copyright (C) 1988, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
-this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
-pare preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the
-results, provided the printed document carries copying permission
-notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph
-(this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual).
-@end ignore
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire
-resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission
-notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions,
-except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved
-by the Foundation.
-@end ifinfo
-@sp 10
-@center @titlefont{GNU History Library}
-@center Brian Fox
-@center Free Software Foundation
-@center Version 1.1
-@center April 1991
-@c Include the Distribution inside the titlepage environment so
-@c that headings are turned off.
-This document describes the GNU History library, a programming tool that
-provides a consistent user interface for recalling lines of previously
-typed input.
-Published by the Free Software Foundation @*
-675 Massachusetts Avenue, @*
-Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
-this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
-are preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire
-resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission
-notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions,
-except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved
-by the Foundation.
-@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
-Copyright @copyright{} 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-@end titlepage
-@node Top
-@top GNU History Library
-This document describes the GNU History library, a programming tool that
-provides a consistent user interface for recalling lines of previously
-typed input.
-* Using History Interactively:: GNU History User's Manual.
-* Programming with GNU History:: GNU History Programmer's Manual.
-* Concept Index:: Index of concepts described in this manual.
-* Function and Variable Index:: Index of externally visible functions
- and variables.
-@end menu
-@end ifinfo
-@include hsuser.texinfo
-@include hstech.texinfo
-@node Concept Index
-@appendix Concept Index
-@printindex cp
-@node Function and Variable Index
-@appendix Function and Variable Index
-@printindex vr
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/hstech.texinfo b/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/hstech.texinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index c3fe3f6a11fc..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/hstech.texinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-This file documents the user interface to the GNU History library.
-Copyright (C) 1988, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Authored by Brian Fox.
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual
-provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on
-all copies.
-Permission is granted to process this file through Tex and print the
-results, provided the printed document carries copying permission notice
-identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph (this
-paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual).
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the
-GNU Copyright statement is available to the distributee, and provided that
-the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
-permission notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.
-@end ignore
-@node Programming with GNU History
-@chapter Programming with GNU History
-This chapter describes how to interface the GNU History Library with
-programs that you write. It should be considered a technical guide.
-For information on the interactive use of GNU History, @pxref{Using
-History Interactively}.
-* Introduction to History:: What is the GNU History library for?
-* History Storage:: How information is stored.
-* History Functions:: Functions that you can use.
-* History Variables:: Variables that control behaviour.
-* History Programming Example:: Example of using the GNU History Library.
-@end menu
-@node Introduction to History
-@section Introduction to History
-Many programs read input from the user a line at a time. The GNU history
-library is able to keep track of those lines, associate arbitrary data with
-each line, and utilize information from previous lines in making up new
-The programmer using the History library has available to him functions
-for remembering lines on a history stack, associating arbitrary data
-with a line, removing lines from the stack, searching through the stack
-for a line containing an arbitrary text string, and referencing any line
-on the stack directly. In addition, a history @dfn{expansion} function
-is available which provides for a consistent user interface across many
-different programs.
-The end-user using programs written with the History library has the
-benifit of a consistent user interface, with a set of well-known
-commands for manipulating the text of previous lines and using that text
-in new commands. The basic history manipulation commands are similar to
-the history substitution used by @code{Csh}.
-If the programmer desires, he can use the Readline library, which
-includes some history manipulation by default, and has the added
-advantage of Emacs style command line editing.
-@node History Storage
-@section History Storage
-typedef struct _hist_entry @{
- char *line;
- char *data;
-@end example
-@node History Functions
-@section History Functions
-This section describes the calling sequence for the various functions
-present in GNU History.
-@defun {void using_history} ()
-Begin a session in which the history functions might be used. This
-just initializes the interactive variables.
-@end defun
-@defun {void add_history} (char *string)
-Place @var{string} at the end of the history list. The associated data
-field (if any) is set to @code{NULL}.
-@end defun
-@defun {int where_history} ()
-Returns the number which says what history element we are now looking
-@end defun
-@defun {int history_set_pos} (int pos)
-Set the position in the history list to @var{pos}.
-@end defun
-@defun {int history_search_pos} (char *string, int direction, int pos)
-Search for @var{string} in the history list, starting at @var{pos}, an
-absolute index into the list. @var{direction}, if negative, says to search
-backwards from @var{pos}, else forwards. Returns the absolute index of
-the history element where @var{string} was found, or -1 otherwise.
-@end defun
-@defun {HIST_ENTRY *remove_history} ();
-Remove history element @var{which} from the history. The removed
-element is returned to you so you can free the line, data,
-and containing structure.
-@end defun
-@defun {void stifle_history} (int max)
-Stifle the history list, remembering only @var{max} number of entries.
-@end defun
-@defun {int unstifle_history} ();
-Stop stifling the history. This returns the previous amount the
-history was stifled by. The value is positive if the history was
-stifled, negative if it wasn't.
-@end defun
-@defun {int read_history} (char *filename)
-Add the contents of @var{filename} to the history list, a line at a
-time. If @var{filename} is @code{NULL}, then read from
-@file{~/.history}. Returns 0 if successful, or errno if not.
-@end defun
-@defun {int read_history_range} (char *filename, int from, int to)
-Read a range of lines from @var{filename}, adding them to the history list.
-Start reading at the @var{from}'th line and end at the @var{to}'th. If
-@var{from} is zero, start at the beginning. If @var{to} is less than
-@var{from}, then read until the end of the file. If @var{filename} is
-@code{NULL}, then read from @file{~/.history}. Returns 0 if successful,
-or @code{errno} if not.
-@end defun
-@defun {int write_history} (char *filename)
-Append the current history to @var{filename}. If @var{filename} is
-@code{NULL}, then append the history list to @file{~/.history}. Values
-returned are as in @code{read_history ()}.
-@end defun
-@defun {int append_history} (int nelements, char *filename)
-Append @var{nelement} entries to @var{filename}. The entries appended
-are from the end of the list minus @var{nelements} up to the end of the
-@end defun
-@defun {HIST_ENTRY *replace_history_entry} ()
-Make the history entry at @var{which} have @var{line} and @var{data}.
-This returns the old entry so you can dispose of the data. In the case
-of an invalid @var{which}, a @code{NULL} pointer is returned.
-@end defun
-@defun {HIST_ENTRY *current_history} ()
-Return the history entry at the current position, as determined by
-@code{history_offset}. If there is no entry there, return a @code{NULL}
-@end defun
-@defun {HIST_ENTRY *previous_history} ()
-Back up @var{history_offset} to the previous history entry, and return a
-pointer to that entry. If there is no previous entry, return a
-@code{NULL} pointer.
-@end defun
-@defun {HIST_ENTRY *next_history} ()
-Move @code{history_offset} forward to the next history entry, and return
-the a pointer to that entry. If there is no next entry, return a
-@code{NULL} pointer.
-@end defun
-@defun {HIST_ENTRY **history_list} ()
-Return a @code{NULL} terminated array of @code{HIST_ENTRY} which is the
-current input history. Element 0 of this list is the beginning of time.
-If there is no history, return @code{NULL}.
-@end defun
-@defun {int history_search} (char *string, int direction)
-Search the history for @var{string}, starting at @code{history_offset}.
-If @var{direction} < 0, then the search is through previous entries,
-else through subsequent. If @var{string} is found, then
-@code{current_history ()} is the history entry, and the value of this
-function is the offset in the line of that history entry that the
-@var{string} was found in. Otherwise, nothing is changed, and a -1 is
-@end defun
-@defun {int history_expand} (char *string, char **output)
-Expand @var{string}, placing the result into @var{output}, a pointer
-to a string. Returns:
-@table @code
-@item 0
-If no expansions took place (or, if the only change in
-the text was the de-slashifying of the history expansion
-@item 1
-if expansions did take place, or
-@item -1
-if there was an error in expansion.
-@end table
-If an error ocurred in expansion, then @var{output} contains a descriptive
-error message.
-@end defun
-@defun {char *history_arg_extract} (int first, int last, char *string)
-Extract a string segment consisting of the @var{first} through @var{last}
-arguments present in @var{string}. Arguments are broken up as in
-the GNU Bash shell.
-@end defun
-@defun {int history_total_bytes} ();
-Return the number of bytes that the primary history entries are using.
-This just adds up the lengths of @code{the_history->lines}.
-@end defun
-@node History Variables
-@section History Variables
-This section describes the variables in GNU History that are externally
-@defvar {int history_base}
-For convenience only. You set this when interpreting history commands.
-It is the logical offset of the first history element.
-@end defvar
-@node History Programming Example
-@section History Programming Example
-The following snippet of code demonstrates simple use of the GNU History
-main ()
- char line[1024], *t;
- int done = 0;
- line[0] = 0;
- while (!done)
- @{
- fprintf (stdout, "history%% ");
- t = gets (line);
- if (!t)
- strcpy (line, "quit");
- if (line[0])
- @{
- char *expansion;
- int result;
- using_history ();
- result = history_expand (line, &expansion);
- strcpy (line, expansion);
- free (expansion);
- if (result)
- fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", line);
- if (result < 0)
- continue;
- add_history (line);
- @}
- if (strcmp (line, "quit") == 0) done = 1;
- if (strcmp (line, "save") == 0) write_history (0);
- if (strcmp (line, "read") == 0) read_history (0);
- if (strcmp (line, "list") == 0)
- @{
- register HIST_ENTRY **the_list = history_list ();
- register int i;
- if (the_list)
- for (i = 0; the_list[i]; i++)
- fprintf (stdout, "%d: %s\n",
- i + history_base, the_list[i]->line);
- @}
- if (strncmp (line, "delete", strlen ("delete")) == 0)
- @{
- int which;
- if ((sscanf (line + strlen ("delete"), "%d", &which)) == 1)
- @{
- HIST_ENTRY *entry = remove_history (which);
- if (!entry)
- fprintf (stderr, "No such entry %d\n", which);
- else
- @{
- free (entry->line);
- free (entry);
- @}
- @}
- else
- @{
- fprintf (stderr, "non-numeric arg given to `delete'\n");
- @}
- @}
- @}
-@end smallexample
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deleted file mode 100644
index cda0a688c74a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/hsuser.texinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-This file documents the user interface to the GNU History library.
-Copyright (C) 1988, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Authored by Brian Fox.
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual
-provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on
-all copies.
-Permission is granted to process this file through Tex and print the
-results, provided the printed document carries copying permission notice
-identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph (this
-paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual).
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the
-GNU Copyright statement is available to the distributee, and provided that
-the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
-permission notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.
-@end ignore
-@node Using History Interactively
-@chapter Using History Interactively
-This chapter describes how to use the GNU History Library interactively,
-from a user's standpoint. It should be considered a user's guide. For
-information on using the GNU History Library in your own programs,
-@pxref{Programming with GNU History}.
-* History Interaction:: What it feels like using History as a user.
-@end menu
-@node History Interaction
-@section History Interaction
-@cindex expansion
-The History library provides a history expansion feature that is similar
-to the history expansion in Csh. The following text describes the sytax
-that you use to manipulate the history information.
-History expansion takes place in two parts. The first is to determine
-which line from the previous history should be used during substitution.
-The second is to select portions of that line for inclusion into the
-current one. The line selected from the previous history is called the
-@dfn{event}, and the portions of that line that are acted upon are
-called @dfn{words}. The line is broken into words in the same fashion
-that the Bash shell does, so that several English (or Unix) words
-surrounded by quotes are considered as one word.
-* Event Designators:: How to specify which history line to use.
-* Word Designators:: Specifying which words are of interest.
-* Modifiers:: Modifying the results of susbstitution.
-@end menu
-@node Event Designators
-@subsection Event Designators
-@cindex event designators
-An event designator is a reference to a command line entry in the
-history list.
-@table @asis
-@item @code{!}
-Start a history subsititution, except when followed by a space, tab, or
-the end of the line... @key{=} or @key{(}.
-@item @code{!!}
-Refer to the previous command. This is a synonym for @code{!-1}.
-@item @code{!n}
-Refer to command line @var{n}.
-@item @code{!-n}
-Refer to the command line @var{n} lines back.
-@item @code{!string}
-Refer to the most recent command starting with @var{string}.
-@item @code{!?string}[@code{?}]
-Refer to the most recent command containing @var{string}.
-@end table
-@node Word Designators
-@subsection Word Designators
-A @key{:} separates the event specification from the word designator. It
-can be omitted if the word designator begins with a @key{^}, @key{$},
-@key{*} or @key{%}. Words are numbered from the beginning of the line,
-with the first word being denoted by a 0 (zero).
-@table @code
-@item 0 (zero)
-The zero'th word. For many applications, this is the command word.
-@item n
-The @var{n}'th word.
-@item ^
-The first argument. that is, word 1.
-@item $
-The last argument.
-@item %
-The word matched by the most recent @code{?string?} search.
-@item x-y
-A range of words; @code{-@var{y}} Abbreviates @code{0-@var{y}}.
-@item *
-All of the words, excepting the zero'th. This is a synonym for @code{1-$}.
-It is not an error to use @key{*} if there is just one word in the event.
-The empty string is returned in that case.
-@end table
-@node Modifiers
-@subsection Modifiers
-After the optional word designator, you can add a sequence of one or more
-of the following modifiers, each preceded by a @key{:}.
-@table @code
-@item #
-The entire command line typed so far. This means the current command,
-not the previous command, so it really isn't a word designator, and doesn't
-belong in this section.
-@item h
-Remove a trailing pathname component, leaving only the head.
-@item r
-Remove a trailing suffix of the form @samp{.}@var{suffix}, leaving the basename.
-@item e
-Remove all but the suffix.
-@item t
-Remove all leading pathname components, leaving the tail.
-@item p
-Print the new command but do not execute it.
-@end table
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9cdde401cd2b..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/inc-hist.texi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-This file is completely identical to hsuser.texinfo, except that it has the
-reference to the programming manual removed. There are definately better ways
-to do this!
-This file documents the user interface to the GNU History library.
-Copyright (C) 1988, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Authored by Brian Fox.
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual
-provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on
-all copies.
-Permission is granted to process this file through Tex and print the
-results, provided the printed document carries copying permission notice
-identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph (this
-paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual).
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the
-GNU Copyright statement is available to the distributee, and provided that
-the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
-permission notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.
-@end ignore
-@node Using History Interactively
-@appendix Using History Interactively
-This chapter describes how to use the GNU History Library interactively,
-from a user's standpoint.
-* History Interaction:: What it feels like using History as a user.
-@end menu
-@node History Interaction
-@section History Interaction
-@cindex expansion
-The History library provides a history expansion feature similar
-to the history expansion in @code{csh}. The following text describes the
-syntax you use to manipulate history information.
-History expansion takes two parts. In the first part, determine
-which line from the previous history will be used for substitution.
-This line is called the @dfn{event}.
-In the second part, select portions of that line for inclusion into the
-current line. These portions are called @dfn{words}.
-@value{GDBN} breaks the line into words in the same
-way that the Bash shell does, so that several English (or Unix) words
-surrounded by quotes are considered one word.
-* Event Designators:: How to specify which history line to use.
-* Word Designators:: Specifying which words are of interest.
-* Modifiers:: Modifying the results of susbstitution.
-@end menu
-@node Event Designators
-@subsection Event Designators
-@cindex event designators
-An @dfn{event designator} is a reference to a command line entry in the
-history list.
-@table @asis
-@item @code{!}
-Start a history subsititution, except when followed by a space, tab, or
-the end of the line... @key{=} or @key{(}.
-@item @code{!!}
-Refer to the previous command. This is a synonym for @code{!-1}.
-@item @code{!n}
-Refer to command line @var{n}.
-@item @code{!-n}
-Refer to the command line @var{n} lines back.
-@item @code{!string}
-Refer to the most recent command starting with @var{string}.
-@item @code{!?string}[@code{?}]
-Refer to the most recent command containing @var{string}.
-@end table
-@node Word Designators
-@subsection Word Designators
-A @key{:} separates the event designator from the @dfn{word designator}.
-It can be omitted if the word designator begins with a @key{^}, @key{$},
-@key{*} or @key{%}. Words are numbered from the beginning of the line,
-with the first word being denoted by a 0 (zero).
-@table @code
-@item 0 (zero)
-The zero'th word. For many applications, this is the command word.
-@item n
-The @var{n}'th word.
-@item ^
-The first argument. that is, word 1.
-@item $
-The last argument.
-@item %
-The word matched by the most recent @code{?string?} search.
-@item x-y
-A range of words; @code{-@var{y}} Abbreviates @code{0-@var{y}}.
-@item *
-All of the words, excepting the zero'th. This is a synonym for @code{1-$}.
-It is not an error to use @key{*} if there is just one word in the event.
-The empty string is returned in that case.
-@end table
-@node Modifiers
-@subsection Modifiers
-After the optional word designator, you can add a sequence of one or more
-of the following @dfn{modifiers}, each preceded by a @key{:}.
-@table @code
-@item #
-The entire command line typed so far. This means the current command,
-not the previous command.
-@c FIXME: If it doesn't belong here, let's put it where it does.
-@c so it technically isn't a word designator and doesn't belong in
-@c this section.
-@item h
-Remove a trailing pathname component, leaving only the head.
-@item r
-Remove a trailing suffix of the form @samp{.}@var{suffix}, leaving the basename.
-@item e
-Remove all but the suffix.
-@item t
-Remove all leading pathname components, leaving the tail.
-@item p
-Print the new command but do not execute it.
-@end table
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/rlman.texinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
-@comment %**start of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.)
-@settitle GNU Readline Library
-@comment %**end of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.)
-@synindex vr fn
-@setchapternewpage odd
-This document describes the GNU Readline Library, a utility which aids
-in the consistency of user interface across discrete programs that need
-to provide a command line interface.
-Copyright (C) 1988, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
-this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
-pare preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the
-results, provided the printed document carries copying permission
-notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph
-(this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual).
-@end ignore
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire
-resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission
-notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions,
-except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved
-by the Foundation.
-@end ifinfo
-@sp 10
-@center @titlefont{GNU Readline Library}
-@center Brian Fox
-@center Free Software Foundation
-@center Version 1.1
-@center April 1991
-This document describes the GNU Readline Library, a utility which aids
-in the consistency of user interface across discrete programs that need
-to provide a command line interface.
-Published by the Free Software Foundation @*
-675 Massachusetts Avenue, @*
-Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
-this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
-are preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire
-resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission
-notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions,
-except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved
-by the Foundation.
-@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
-Copyright @copyright{} 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-@end titlepage
-@node Top
-@top GNU Readline Library
-This document describes the GNU Readline Library, a utility which aids
-in the consistency of user interface across discrete programs that need
-to provide a command line interface.
-* Command Line Editing:: GNU Readline User's Manual.
-* Programming with GNU Readline:: GNU Readline Programmer's Manual.
-* Concept Index:: Index of concepts described in this manual.
-* Function and Variable Index:: Index of externally visible functions
- and variables.
-@end menu
-@end ifinfo
-@include rluser.texinfo
-@include rltech.texinfo
-@node Concept Index
-@unnumbered Concept Index
-@printindex cp
-@node Function and Variable Index
-@unnumbered Function and Variable Index
-@printindex fn
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2048b7c29dfb..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/rltech.texinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1012 +0,0 @@
-@comment %**start of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.)
-@comment %**end of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.)
-@setchapternewpage odd
-This document describes the GNU Readline Library, a utility for aiding
-in the consitency of user interface across discrete programs that need
-to provide a command line interface.
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
-this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
-pare preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the
-results, provided the printed document carries copying permission
-notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph
-(this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual).
-@end ignore
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire
-resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission
-notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions,
-except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved
-by the Foundation.
-@end ifinfo
-@node Programming with GNU Readline
-@chapter Programming with GNU Readline
-This manual describes the interface between the GNU Readline Library and
-user programs. If you are a programmer, and you wish to include the
-features found in GNU Readline in your own programs, such as completion,
-line editing, and interactive history manipulation, this documentation
-is for you.
-* Default Behaviour:: Using the default behaviour of Readline.
-* Custom Functions:: Adding your own functions to Readline.
-* Custom Completers:: Supplanting or supplementing Readline's
- completion functions.
-@end menu
-@node Default Behaviour
-@section Default Behaviour
-Many programs provide a command line interface, such as @code{mail},
-@code{ftp}, and @code{sh}. For such programs, the default behaviour of
-Readline is sufficient. This section describes how to use Readline in
-the simplest way possible, perhaps to replace calls in your code to
-@code{gets ()}.
-@findex readline ()
-@cindex readline, function
-The function @code{readline} prints a prompt and then reads and returns
-a single line of text from the user. The line which @code{readline ()}
-returns is allocated with @code{malloc ()}; you should @code{free ()}
-the line when you are done with it. The declaration for @code{readline}
-in ANSI C is
-@code{char *readline (char *@var{prompt});}
-@end example
-So, one might say
-@code{char *line = readline ("Enter a line: ");}
-@end example
-in order to read a line of text from the user.
-The line which is returned has the final newline removed, so only the
-text of the line remains.
-If readline encounters an @code{EOF} while reading the line, and the
-line is empty at that point, then @code{(char *)NULL} is returned.
-Otherwise, the line is ended just as if a newline was typed.
-If you want the user to be able to get at the line later, (with
-@key{C-p} for example), you must call @code{add_history ()} to save the
-line away in a @dfn{history} list of such lines.
-@code{add_history (line)};
-@end example
-For full details on the GNU History Library, see the associated manual.
-It is polite to avoid saving empty lines on the history list, since it
-is rare than someone has a burning need to reuse a blank line. Here is
-a function which usefully replaces the standard @code{gets ()} library
-/* A static variable for holding the line. */
-static char *line_read = (char *)NULL;
-/* Read a string, and return a pointer to it. Returns NULL on EOF. */
-char *
-do_gets ()
- /* If the buffer has already been allocated, return the memory
- to the free pool. */
- if (line_read != (char *)NULL)
- @{
- free (line_read);
- line_read = (char *)NULL;
- @}
- /* Get a line from the user. */
- line_read = readline ("");
- /* If the line has any text in it, save it on the history. */
- if (line_read && *line_read)
- add_history (line_read);
- return (line_read);
-@end example
-The above code gives the user the default behaviour of @key{TAB}
-completion: completion on file names. If you do not want readline to
-complete on filenames, you can change the binding of the @key{TAB} key
-with @code{rl_bind_key ()}.
-@findex rl_bind_key ()
-@code{int rl_bind_key (int @var{key}, int (*@var{function})());}
-@end example
-@code{rl_bind_key ()} takes 2 arguments; @var{key} is the character that
-you want to bind, and @var{function} is the address of the function to
-run when @var{key} is pressed. Binding @key{TAB} to @code{rl_insert ()}
-makes @key{TAB} just insert itself.
-@code{rl_bind_key ()} returns non-zero if @var{key} is not a valid
-ASCII character code (between 0 and 255).
-@code{rl_bind_key ('\t', rl_insert);}
-@end example
-This code should be executed once at the start of your program; you
-might write a function called @code{initialize_readline ()} which
-performs this and other desired initializations, such as installing
-custom completers, etc.
-@node Custom Functions
-@section Custom Functions
-Readline provides a great many functions for manipulating the text of
-the line. But it isn't possible to anticipate the needs of all
-programs. This section describes the various functions and variables
-defined in within the Readline library which allow a user program to add
-customized functionality to Readline.
-* The Function Type:: C declarations to make code readable.
-* Function Naming:: How to give a function you write a name.
-* Keymaps:: Making keymaps.
-* Binding Keys:: Changing Keymaps.
-* Function Writing:: Variables and calling conventions.
-* Allowing Undoing:: How to make your functions undoable.
-@end menu
-@node The Function Type
-@subsection The Function Type
-For the sake of readabilty, we declare a new type of object, called
-@dfn{Function}. A @code{Function} is a C language function which
-returns an @code{int}. The type declaration for @code{Function} is:
-@code{typedef int Function ();}
-The reason for declaring this new type is to make it easier to write
-code describing pointers to C functions. Let us say we had a variable
-called @var{func} which was a pointer to a function. Instead of the
-classic C declaration
-@code{int (*)()func;}
-we have
-@code{Function *func;}
-@node Function Naming
-@subsection Naming a Function
-The user can dynamically change the bindings of keys while using
-Readline. This is done by representing the function with a descriptive
-name. The user is able to type the descriptive name when referring to
-the function. Thus, in an init file, one might find
-Meta-Rubout: backward-kill-word
-@end example
-This binds the keystroke @key{Meta-Rubout} to the function
-@emph{descriptively} named @code{backward-kill-word}. You, as the
-programmer, should bind the functions you write to descriptive names as
-well. Readline provides a function for doing that:
-@defun rl_add_defun (char *name, Function *function, int key)
-Add @var{name} to the list of named functions. Make @var{function} be
-the function that gets called. If @var{key} is not -1, then bind it to
-@var{function} using @code{rl_bind_key ()}.
-@end defun
-Using this function alone is sufficient for most applications. It is
-the recommended way to add a few functions to the default functions that
-Readline has built in already. If you need to do more or different
-things than adding a function to Readline, you may need to use the
-underlying functions described below.
-@node Keymaps
-@subsection Selecting a Keymap
-Key bindings take place on a @dfn{keymap}. The keymap is the
-association between the keys that the user types and the functions that
-get run. You can make your own keymaps, copy existing keymaps, and tell
-Readline which keymap to use.
-@defun {Keymap rl_make_bare_keymap} ()
-Returns a new, empty keymap. The space for the keymap is allocated with
-@code{malloc ()}; you should @code{free ()} it when you are done.
-@end defun
-@defun {Keymap rl_copy_keymap} (Keymap map)
-Return a new keymap which is a copy of @var{map}.
-@end defun
-@defun {Keymap rl_make_keymap} ()
-Return a new keymap with the printing characters bound to rl_insert,
-the lowercase Meta characters bound to run their equivalents, and
-the Meta digits bound to produce numeric arguments.
-@end defun
-@node Binding Keys
-@subsection Binding Keys
-You associate keys with functions through the keymap. Here are
-functions for doing that.
-@defun {int rl_bind_key} (int key, Function *function)
-Binds @var{key} to @var{function} in the currently selected keymap.
-Returns non-zero in the case of an invalid @var{key}.
-@end defun
-@defun {int rl_bind_key_in_map} (int key, Function *function, Keymap map)
-Bind @var{key} to @var{function} in @var{map}. Returns non-zero in the case
-of an invalid @var{key}.
-@end defun
-@defun {int rl_unbind_key} (int key)
-Make @var{key} do nothing in the currently selected keymap.
-Returns non-zero in case of error.
-@end defun
-@defun {int rl_unbind_key_in_map} (int key, Keymap map)
-Make @var{key} be bound to the null function in @var{map}.
-Returns non-zero in case of error.
-@end defun
-@defun rl_generic_bind (int type, char *keyseq, char *data, Keymap map)
-Bind the key sequence represented by the string @var{keyseq} to the arbitrary
-pointer @var{data}. @var{type} says what kind of data is pointed to by
-@var{data}; right now this can be a function (@code{ISFUNC}), a macro
-(@code{ISMACR}), or a keymap (@code{ISKMAP}). This makes new keymaps as
-necessary. The initial place to do bindings is in @var{map}.
-@end defun
-@node Function Writing
-@subsection Writing a New Function
-In order to write new functions for Readline, you need to know the
-calling conventions for keyboard invoked functions, and the names of the
-variables that describe the current state of the line gathered so far.
-@defvar {char *rl_line_buffer}
-This is the line gathered so far. You are welcome to modify the
-contents of this, but see Undoing, below.
-@end defvar
-@defvar {int rl_point}
-The offset of the current cursor position in @var{rl_line_buffer}.
-@end defvar
-@defvar {int rl_end}
-The number of characters present in @code{rl_line_buffer}. When
-@code{rl_point} is at the end of the line, then @code{rl_point} and
-@code{rl_end} are equal.
-@end defvar
-The calling sequence for a command @code{foo} looks like
-@code{foo (int count, int key)}
-@end example
-where @var{count} is the numeric argument (or 1 if defaulted) and
-@var{key} is the key that invoked this function.
-It is completely up to the function as to what should be done with the
-numeric argument; some functions use it as a repeat count, other
-functions as a flag, and some choose to ignore it. In general, if a
-function uses the numeric argument as a repeat count, it should be able
-to do something useful with a negative argument as well as a positive
-argument. At the very least, it should be aware that it can be passed a
-negative argument.
-@node Allowing Undoing
-@subsection Allowing Undoing
-Supporting the undo command is a painless thing to do, and makes your
-functions much more useful to the end user. It is certainly easy to try
-something if you know you can undo it. I could use an undo function for
-the stock market.
-If your function simply inserts text once, or deletes text once, and it
-calls @code{rl_insert_text ()} or @code{rl_delete_text ()} to do it, then
-undoing is already done for you automatically, and you can safely skip
-this section.
-If you do multiple insertions or multiple deletions, or any combination
-of these operations, you should group them together into one operation.
-This can be done with @code{rl_begin_undo_group ()} and
-@code{rl_end_undo_group ()}.
-@defun rl_begin_undo_group ()
-Begins saving undo information in a group construct. The undo
-information usually comes from calls to @code{rl_insert_text ()} and
-@code{rl_delete_text ()}, but they could be direct calls to
-@code{rl_add_undo ()}.
-@end defun
-@defun rl_end_undo_group ()
-Closes the current undo group started with @code{rl_begin_undo_group
-()}. There should be exactly one call to @code{rl_end_undo_group ()}
-for every call to @code{rl_begin_undo_group ()}.
-@end defun
-Finally, if you neither insert nor delete text, but directly modify the
-existing text (e.g. change its case), you call @code{rl_modifying ()}
-once, just before you modify the text. You must supply the indices of
-the text range that you are going to modify.
-@defun rl_modifying (int start, int end)
-Tell Readline to save the text between @var{start} and @var{end} as a
-single undo unit. It is assumed that subsequent to this call you will
-modify that range of text in some way.
-@end defun
-@subsection An Example
-Here is a function which changes lowercase characters to the uppercase
-equivalents, and uppercase characters to the lowercase equivalents. If
-this function was bound to @samp{M-c}, then typing @samp{M-c} would
-change the case of the character under point. Typing @samp{10 M-c}
-would change the case of the following 10 characters, leaving the cursor on
-the last character changed.
-/* Invert the case of the COUNT following characters. */
-invert_case_line (count, key)
- int count, key;
- register int start, end;
- start = rl_point;
- if (count < 0)
- @{
- direction = -1;
- count = -count;
- @}
- else
- direction = 1;
- /* Find the end of the range to modify. */
- end = start + (count * direction);
- /* Force it to be within range. */
- if (end > rl_end)
- end = rl_end;
- else if (end < 0)
- end = -1;
- if (start > end)
- @{
- int temp = start;
- start = end;
- end = temp;
- @}
- if (start == end)
- return;
- /* Tell readline that we are modifying the line, so save the undo
- information. */
- rl_modifying (start, end);
- for (; start != end; start += direction)
- @{
- if (uppercase_p (rl_line_buffer[start]))
- rl_line_buffer[start] = to_lower (rl_line_buffer[start]);
- else if (lowercase_p (rl_line_buffer[start]))
- rl_line_buffer[start] = to_upper (rl_line_buffer[start]);
- @}
- /* Move point to on top of the last character changed. */
- rl_point = end - direction;
-@end example
-@node Custom Completers
-@section Custom Completers
-Typically, a program that reads commands from the user has a way of
-disambiguating commands and data. If your program is one of these, then
-it can provide completion for either commands, or data, or both commands
-and data. The following sections describe how your program and Readline
-cooperate to provide this service to end users.
-* How Completing Works:: The logic used to do completion.
-* Completion Functions:: Functions provided by Readline.
-* Completion Variables:: Variables which control completion.
-* A Short Completion Example:: An example of writing completer subroutines.
-@end menu
-@node How Completing Works
-@subsection How Completing Works
-In order to complete some text, the full list of possible completions
-must be available. That is to say, it is not possible to accurately
-expand a partial word without knowing what all of the possible words
-that make sense in that context are. The GNU Readline library provides
-the user interface to completion, and additionally, two of the most common
-completion functions; filename and username. For completing other types
-of text, you must write your own completion function. This section
-describes exactly what those functions must do, and provides an example
-There are three major functions used to perform completion:
-The user-interface function @code{rl_complete ()}. This function is
-called interactively with the same calling conventions as other
-functions in readline intended for interactive use; i.e. @var{count},
-and @var{invoking-key}. It isolates the word to be completed and calls
-@code{completion_matches ()} to generate a list of possible completions.
-It then either lists the possible completions or actually performs the
-completion, depending on which behaviour is desired.
-The internal function @code{completion_matches ()} uses your
-@dfn{generator} function to generate the list of possible matches, and
-then returns the array of these matches. You should place the address
-of your generator function in @code{rl_completion_entry_function}.
-The generator function is called repeatedly from
-@code{completion_matches ()}, returning a string each time. The
-arguments to the generator function are @var{text} and @var{state}.
-@var{text} is the partial word to be completed. @var{state} is zero the
-first time the function is called, and a positive non-zero integer for
-each subsequent call. When the generator function returns @code{(char
-*)NULL} this signals @code{completion_matches ()} that there are no more
-possibilities left.
-@end enumerate
-@defun rl_complete (int ignore, int invoking_key)
-Complete the word at or before point. You have supplied the function
-that does the initial simple matching selection algorithm (see
-@code{completion_matches ()}). The default is to do filename completion.
-@end defun
-Note that @code{rl_complete ()} has the identical calling conventions as
-any other key-invokable function; this is because by default it is bound
-to the @samp{TAB} key.
-@defvar {Function *rl_completion_entry_function}
-This is a pointer to the generator function for @code{completion_matches
-()}. If the value of @code{rl_completion_entry_function} is
-@code{(Function *)NULL} then the default filename generator function is
-used, namely @code{filename_entry_function ()}.
-@end defvar
-@node Completion Functions
-@subsection Completion Functions
-Here is the complete list of callable completion functions present in
-@defun rl_complete_internal (int what_to_do)
-Complete the word at or before point. @var{what_to_do} says what to do
-with the completion. A value of @samp{?} means list the possible
-completions. @samp{TAB} means do standard completion. @samp{*} means
-insert all of the possible completions.
-@end defun
-@defun rl_complete (int ignore, int invoking_key)
-Complete the word at or before point. You have supplied the function
-that does the initial simple matching selection algorithm (see
-@code{completion_matches ()}). The default is to do filename
-completion. This just calls @code{rl_complete_internal ()} with an
-argument of @samp{TAB}.
-@end defun
-@defun rl_possible_completions ()
-List the possible completions. See description of @code{rl_complete
-()}. This just calls @code{rl_complete_internal ()} with an argument of
-@end defun
-@defun {char **completion_matches} (char *text, char *(*entry_function) ())
-Returns an array of @code{(char *)} which is a list of completions for
-@var{text}. If there are no completions, returns @code{(char **)NULL}.
-The first entry in the returned array is the substitution for @var{text}.
-The remaining entries are the possible completions. The array is
-terminated with a @code{NULL} pointer.
-@var{entry_function} is a function of two args, and returns a
-@code{(char *)}. The first argument is @var{text}. The second is a
-state argument; it is zero on the first call, and non-zero on subsequent
-calls. It returns a @code{NULL} pointer to the caller when there are
-no more matches.
-@end defun
-@defun {char *filename_completion_function} (char *text, int state)
-A generator function for filename completion in the general case. Note
-that completion in the Bash shell is a little different because of all
-the pathnames that must be followed when looking up the completion for a
-@end defun
-@defun {char *username_completion_function} (char *text, int state)
-A completion generator for usernames. @var{text} contains a partial
-username preceded by a random character (usually @samp{~}).
-@end defun
-@node Completion Variables
-@subsection Completion Variables
-@defvar {Function *rl_completion_entry_function}
-A pointer to the generator function for @code{completion_matches ()}.
-@code{NULL} means to use @code{filename_entry_function ()}, the default
-filename completer.
-@end defvar
-@defvar {Function *rl_attempted_completion_function}
-A pointer to an alternative function to create matches.
-The function is called with @var{text}, @var{start}, and @var{end}.
-@var{start} and @var{end} are indices in @code{rl_line_buffer} saying
-what the boundaries of @var{text} are. If this function exists and
-returns @code{NULL} then @code{rl_complete ()} will call the value of
-@code{rl_completion_entry_function} to generate matches, otherwise the
-array of strings returned will be used.
-@end defvar
-@defvar {int rl_completion_query_items}
-Up to this many items will be displayed in response to a
-possible-completions call. After that, we ask the user if she is sure
-she wants to see them all. The default value is 100.
-@end defvar
-@defvar {char *rl_basic_word_break_characters}
-The basic list of characters that signal a break between words for the
-completer routine. The contents of this variable is what breaks words
-in the Bash shell, i.e. " \t\n\"\\'`@@$><=;|&@{(".
-@end defvar
-@defvar {char *rl_completer_word_break_characters}
-The list of characters that signal a break between words for
-@code{rl_complete_internal ()}. The default list is the contents of
-@end defvar
-@defvar {char *rl_special_prefixes}
-The list of characters that are word break characters, but should be
-left in @var{text} when it is passed to the completion function.
-Programs can use this to help determine what kind of completing to do.
-@end defvar
-@defvar {int rl_ignore_completion_duplicates}
-If non-zero, then disallow duplicates in the matches. Default is 1.
-@end defvar
-@defvar {int rl_filename_completion_desired}
-Non-zero means that the results of the matches are to be treated as
-filenames. This is @emph{always} zero on entry, and can only be changed
-within a completion entry generator function.
-@end defvar
-@defvar {Function *rl_ignore_some_completions_function}
-This function, if defined, is called by the completer when real filename
-completion is done, after all the matching names have been generated.
-It is passed a @code{NULL} terminated array of @code{(char *)} known as
-@var{matches} in the code. The 1st element (@code{matches[0]}) is the
-maximal substring that is common to all matches. This function can
-re-arrange the list of matches as required, but each deleted element of
-the array must be @code{free()}'d.
-@end defvar
-@node A Short Completion Example
-@subsection A Short Completion Example
-Here is a small application demonstrating the use of the GNU Readline
-library. It is called @code{fileman}, and the source code resides in
-@file{readline/examples/fileman.c}. This sample application provides
-completion of command names, line editing features, and access to the
-history list.
-/* fileman.c -- A tiny application which demonstrates how to use the
- GNU Readline library. This application interactively allows users
- to manipulate files and their modes. */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <readline/readline.h>
-#include <readline/history.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/errno.h>
-/* The names of functions that actually do the manipulation. */
-int com_list (), com_view (), com_rename (), com_stat (), com_pwd ();
-int com_delete (), com_help (), com_cd (), com_quit ();
-/* A structure which contains information on the commands this program
- can understand. */
-typedef struct @{
- char *name; /* User printable name of the function. */
- Function *func; /* Function to call to do the job. */
- char *doc; /* Documentation for this function. */
-COMMAND commands[] = @{
- @{ "cd", com_cd, "Change to directory DIR" @},
- @{ "delete", com_delete, "Delete FILE" @},
- @{ "help", com_help, "Display this text" @},
- @{ "?", com_help, "Synonym for `help'" @},
- @{ "list", com_list, "List files in DIR" @},
- @{ "ls", com_list, "Synonym for `list'" @},
- @{ "pwd", com_pwd, "Print the current working directory" @},
- @{ "quit", com_quit, "Quit using Fileman" @},
- @{ "rename", com_rename, "Rename FILE to NEWNAME" @},
- @{ "stat", com_stat, "Print out statistics on FILE" @},
- @{ "view", com_view, "View the contents of FILE" @},
- @{ (char *)NULL, (Function *)NULL, (char *)NULL @}
-/* The name of this program, as taken from argv[0]. */
-char *progname;
-/* When non-zero, this global means the user is done using this program. */
-int done = 0;
-main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- progname = argv[0];
- initialize_readline (); /* Bind our completer. */
- /* Loop reading and executing lines until the user quits. */
- while (!done)
- @{
- char *line;
- line = readline ("FileMan: ");
- if (!line)
- @{
- done = 1; /* Encountered EOF at top level. */
- @}
- else
- @{
- /* Remove leading and trailing whitespace from the line.
- Then, if there is anything left, add it to the history list
- and execute it. */
- stripwhite (line);
- if (*line)
- @{
- add_history (line);
- execute_line (line);
- @}
- @}
- if (line)
- free (line);
- @}
- exit (0);
-/* Execute a command line. */
-execute_line (line)
- char *line;
- register int i;
- COMMAND *find_command (), *command;
- char *word;
- /* Isolate the command word. */
- i = 0;
- while (line[i] && !whitespace (line[i]))
- i++;
- word = line;
- if (line[i])
- line[i++] = '\0';
- command = find_command (word);
- if (!command)
- @{
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: No such command for FileMan.\n", word);
- return;
- @}
- /* Get argument to command, if any. */
- while (whitespace (line[i]))
- i++;
- word = line + i;
- /* Call the function. */
- (*(command->func)) (word);
-/* Look up NAME as the name of a command, and return a pointer to that
- command. Return a NULL pointer if NAME isn't a command name. */
-find_command (name)
- char *name;
- register int i;
- for (i = 0; commands[i].name; i++)
- if (strcmp (name, commands[i].name) == 0)
- return (&commands[i]);
- return ((COMMAND *)NULL);
-/* Strip whitespace from the start and end of STRING. */
-stripwhite (string)
- char *string;
- register int i = 0;
- while (whitespace (string[i]))
- i++;
- if (i)
- strcpy (string, string + i);
- i = strlen (string) - 1;
- while (i > 0 && whitespace (string[i]))
- i--;
- string[++i] = '\0';
-/* **************************************************************** */
-/* */
-/* Interface to Readline Completion */
-/* */
-/* **************************************************************** */
-/* Tell the GNU Readline library how to complete. We want to try to complete
- on command names if this is the first word in the line, or on filenames
- if not. */
-initialize_readline ()
- char **fileman_completion ();
- /* Allow conditional parsing of the ~/.inputrc file. */
- rl_readline_name = "FileMan";
- /* Tell the completer that we want a crack first. */
- rl_attempted_completion_function = (Function *)fileman_completion;
-/* Attempt to complete on the contents of TEXT. START and END show the
- region of TEXT that contains the word to complete. We can use the
- entire line in case we want to do some simple parsing. Return the
- array of matches, or NULL if there aren't any. */
-char **
-fileman_completion (text, start, end)
- char *text;
- int start, end;
- char **matches;
- char *command_generator ();
- matches = (char **)NULL;
- /* If this word is at the start of the line, then it is a command
- to complete. Otherwise it is the name of a file in the current
- directory. */
- if (start == 0)
- matches = completion_matches (text, command_generator);
- return (matches);
-/* Generator function for command completion. STATE lets us know whether
- to start from scratch; without any state (i.e. STATE == 0), then we
- start at the top of the list. */
-char *
-command_generator (text, state)
- char *text;
- int state;
- static int list_index, len;
- char *name;
- /* If this is a new word to complete, initialize now. This includes
- saving the length of TEXT for efficiency, and initializing the index
- variable to 0. */
- if (!state)
- @{
- list_index = 0;
- len = strlen (text);
- @}
- /* Return the next name which partially matches from the command list. */
- while (name = commands[list_index].name)
- @{
- list_index++;
- if (strncmp (name, text, len) == 0)
- return (name);
- @}
- /* If no names matched, then return NULL. */
- return ((char *)NULL);
-/* **************************************************************** */
-/* */
-/* FileMan Commands */
-/* */
-/* **************************************************************** */
-/* String to pass to system (). This is for the LIST, VIEW and RENAME
- commands. */
-static char syscom[1024];
-/* List the file(s) named in arg. */
-com_list (arg)
- char *arg;
- if (!arg)
- arg = "*";
- sprintf (syscom, "ls -FClg %s", arg);
- system (syscom);
-com_view (arg)
- char *arg;
- if (!valid_argument ("view", arg))
- return;
- sprintf (syscom, "cat %s | more", arg);
- system (syscom);
-com_rename (arg)
- char *arg;
- too_dangerous ("rename");
-com_stat (arg)
- char *arg;
- struct stat finfo;
- if (!valid_argument ("stat", arg))
- return;
- if (stat (arg, &finfo) == -1)
- @{
- perror (arg);
- return;
- @}
- printf ("Statistics for `%s':\n", arg);
- printf ("%s has %d link%s, and is %d bytes in length.\n", arg,
- finfo.st_nlink, (finfo.st_nlink == 1) ? "" : "s", finfo.st_size);
- printf (" Created on: %s", ctime (&finfo.st_ctime));
- printf (" Last access at: %s", ctime (&finfo.st_atime));
- printf ("Last modified at: %s", ctime (&finfo.st_mtime));
-com_delete (arg)
- char *arg;
- too_dangerous ("delete");
-/* Print out help for ARG, or for all of the commands if ARG is
- not present. */
-com_help (arg)
- char *arg;
- register int i;
- int printed = 0;
- for (i = 0; commands[i].name; i++)
- @{
- if (!*arg || (strcmp (arg, commands[i].name) == 0))
- @{
- printf ("%s\t\t%s.\n", commands[i].name, commands[i].doc);
- printed++;
- @}
- @}
- if (!printed)
- @{
- printf ("No commands match `%s'. Possibilties are:\n", arg);
- for (i = 0; commands[i].name; i++)
- @{
- /* Print in six columns. */
- if (printed == 6)
- @{
- printed = 0;
- printf ("\n");
- @}
- printf ("%s\t", commands[i].name);
- printed++;
- @}
- if (printed)
- printf ("\n");
- @}
-/* Change to the directory ARG. */
-com_cd (arg)
- char *arg;
- if (chdir (arg) == -1)
- perror (arg);
- com_pwd ("");
-/* Print out the current working directory. */
-com_pwd (ignore)
- char *ignore;
- char dir[1024];
- (void) getwd (dir);
- printf ("Current directory is %s\n", dir);
-/* The user wishes to quit using this program. Just set DONE non-zero. */
-com_quit (arg)
- char *arg;
- done = 1;
-/* Function which tells you that you can't do this. */
-too_dangerous (caller)
- char *caller;
- fprintf (stderr,
- "%s: Too dangerous for me to distribute. Write it yourself.\n",
- caller);
-/* Return non-zero if ARG is a valid argument for CALLER, else print
- an error message and return zero. */
-valid_argument (caller, arg)
- char *caller, *arg;
- if (!arg || !*arg)
- @{
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: Argument required.\n", caller);
- return (0);
- @}
- return (1);
-@end smallexample
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/rluser.texinfo b/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/rluser.texinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index da1111148bf9..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gdb/readline/doc/rluser.texinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,566 +0,0 @@
-This file documents the end user interface to the GNU command line
-editing feautres. It is to be an appendix to manuals for programs which
-use these features. There is a document entitled "readline.texinfo"
-which contains both end-user and programmer documentation for the GNU
-Readline Library.
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Authored by Brian Fox.
-Permission is granted to process this file through Tex and print the
-results, provided the printed document carries copying permission notice
-identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph (this
-paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual).
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual
-provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on
-all copies.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the
-GNU Copyright statement is available to the distributee, and provided that
-the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
-permission notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.
-@end ignore
-@node Command Line Editing
-@appendix Command Line Editing
-This text describes GNU's command line editing interface.
-* Introduction and Notation:: Notation used in this text.
-* Readline Interaction:: The minimum set of commands for editing a line.
-* Readline Init File:: Customizing Readline from a user's view.
-@end menu
-@node Introduction and Notation
-@section Introduction to Line Editing
-The following paragraphs describe the notation we use to represent
-The text @key{C-k} is read as `Control-K' and describes the character
-produced when the Control key is depressed and the @key{k} key is struck.
-The text @key{M-k} is read as `Meta-K' and describes the character
-produced when the meta key (if you have one) is depressed, and the @key{k}
-key is struck. If you do not have a meta key, the identical keystroke
-can be generated by typing @key{ESC} @i{first}, and then typing @key{k}.
-Either process is known as @dfn{metafying} the @key{k} key.
-The text @key{M-C-k} is read as `Meta-Control-k' and describes the
-character produced by @dfn{metafying} @key{C-k}.
-In addition, several keys have their own names. Specifically,
-@key{DEL}, @key{ESC}, @key{LFD}, @key{SPC}, @key{RET}, and @key{TAB} all
-stand for themselves when seen in this text, or in an init file
-(@pxref{Readline Init File}, for more info).
-@node Readline Interaction
-@section Readline Interaction
-@cindex interaction, readline
-Often during an interactive session you type in a long line of text,
-only to notice that the first word on the line is misspelled. The
-Readline library gives you a set of commands for manipulating the text
-as you type it in, allowing you to just fix your typo, and not forcing
-you to retype the majority of the line. Using these editing commands,
-you move the cursor to the place that needs correction, and delete or
-insert the text of the corrections. Then, when you are satisfied with
-the line, you simply press @key{RET}. You do not have to be at the
-end of the line to press @key{RET}; the entire line is accepted
-regardless of the location of the cursor within the line.
-* Readline Bare Essentials:: The least you need to know about Readline.
-* Readline Movement Commands:: Moving about the input line.
-* Readline Killing Commands:: How to delete text, and how to get it back!
-* Readline Arguments:: Giving numeric arguments to commands.
-@end menu
-@node Readline Bare Essentials
-@subsection Readline Bare Essentials
-In order to enter characters into the line, simply type them. The typed
-character appears where the cursor was, and then the cursor moves one
-space to the right. If you mistype a character, you can use @key{DEL} to
-back up, and delete the mistyped character.
-Sometimes you may miss typing a character that you wanted to type, and
-not notice your error until you have typed several other characters. In
-that case, you can type @key{C-b} to move the cursor to the left, and then
-correct your mistake. Aftwerwards, you can move the cursor to the right
-with @key{C-f}.
-When you add text in the middle of a line, you will notice that characters
-to the right of the cursor get `pushed over' to make room for the text
-that you have inserted. Likewise, when you delete text behind the cursor,
-characters to the right of the cursor get `pulled back' to fill in the
-blank space created by the removal of the text. A list of the basic bare
-essentials for editing the text of an input line follows.
-@table @asis
-@item @key{C-b}
-Move back one character.
-@item @key{C-f}
-Move forward one character.
-@item @key{DEL}
-Delete the character to the left of the cursor.
-@item @key{C-d}
-Delete the character underneath the cursor.
-@item @w{Printing characters}
-Insert itself into the line at the cursor.
-@item @key{C-_}
-Undo the last thing that you did. You can undo all the way back to an
-empty line.
-@end table
-@node Readline Movement Commands
-@subsection Readline Movement Commands
-The above table describes the most basic possible keystrokes that you need
-in order to do editing of the input line. For your convenience, many
-other commands have been added in addition to @key{C-b}, @key{C-f},
-@key{C-d}, and @key{DEL}. Here are some commands for moving more rapidly
-about the line.
-@table @key
-@item C-a
-Move to the start of the line.
-@item C-e
-Move to the end of the line.
-@item M-f
-Move forward a word.
-@item M-b
-Move backward a word.
-@item C-l
-Clear the screen, reprinting the current line at the top.
-@end table
-Notice how @key{C-f} moves forward a character, while @key{M-f} moves
-forward a word. It is a loose convention that control keystrokes
-operate on characters while meta keystrokes operate on words.
-@node Readline Killing Commands
-@subsection Readline Killing Commands
-@dfn{Killing} text means to delete the text from the line, but to save
-it away for later use, usually by @dfn{yanking} it back into the line.
-If the description for a command says that it `kills' text, then you can
-be sure that you can get the text back in a different (or the same)
-place later.
-Here is the list of commands for killing text.
-@table @key
-@item C-k
-Kill the text from the current cursor position to the end of the line.
-@item M-d
-Kill from the cursor to the end of the current word, or if between
-words, to the end of the next word.
-@item M-DEL
-Kill from the cursor to the start of the previous word, or if between
-words, to the start of the previous word.
-@item C-w
-Kill from the cursor to the previous whitespace. This is different than
-@key{M-DEL} because the word boundaries differ.
-@end table
-And, here is how to @dfn{yank} the text back into the line.
-@table @key
-@item C-y
-Yank the most recently killed text back into the buffer at the cursor.
-@item M-y
-Rotate the kill-ring, and yank the new top. You can only do this if
-the prior command is @key{C-y} or @key{M-y}.
-@end table
-When you use a kill command, the text is saved in a @dfn{kill-ring}.
-Any number of consecutive kills save all of the killed text together, so
-that when you yank it back, you get it in one clean sweep. The kill
-ring is not line specific; the text that you killed on a previously
-typed line is available to be yanked back later, when you are typing
-another line.
-@node Readline Arguments
-@subsection Readline Arguments
-You can pass numeric arguments to Readline commands. Sometimes the
-argument acts as a repeat count, other times it is the @i{sign} of the
-argument that is significant. If you pass a negative argument to a
-command which normally acts in a forward direction, that command will
-act in a backward direction. For example, to kill text back to the
-start of the line, you might type @key{M--} @key{C-k}.
-The general way to pass numeric arguments to a command is to type meta
-digits before the command. If the first `digit' you type is a minus
-sign (@key{-}), then the sign of the argument will be negative. Once
-you have typed one meta digit to get the argument started, you can type
-the remainder of the digits, and then the command. For example, to give
-the @key{C-d} command an argument of 10, you could type @key{M-1 0 C-d}.
-@node Readline Init File
-@section Readline Init File
-Although the Readline library comes with a set of @sc{gnu} Emacs-like
-keybindings, it is possible that you would like to use a different set
-of keybindings. You can customize programs that use Readline by putting
-commands in an @dfn{init} file in your home directory. The name of this
-file is @file{~/.inputrc}.
-When a program which uses the Readline library starts up, the
-@file{~/.inputrc} file is read, and the keybindings are set.
-In addition, the @key{C-x C-r} command re-reads this init file, thus
-incorporating any changes that you might have made to it.
-* Readline Init Syntax:: Syntax for the commands in @file{~/.inputrc}.
-* Readline vi Mode:: Switching to @code{vi} mode in Readline.
-@end menu
-@node Readline Init Syntax
-@subsection Readline Init Syntax
-There are only four constructs allowed in the @file{~/.inputrc}
-@table @asis
-@item Variable Settings
-You can change the state of a few variables in Readline. You do this by
-using the @code{set} command within the init file. Here is how you
-would specify that you wish to use @code{vi} line editing commands:
-set editing-mode vi
-@end example
-Right now, there are only a few variables which can be set; so few in
-fact, that we just iterate them here:
-@table @code
-@item editing-mode
-@vindex editing-mode
-The @code{editing-mode} variable controls which editing mode you are
-using. By default, @sc{gnu} Readline starts up in Emacs editing mode, where
-the keystrokes are most similar to Emacs. This variable can either be
-set to @code{emacs} or @code{vi}.
-@item horizontal-scroll-mode
-@vindex horizontal-scroll-mode
-This variable can either be set to @code{On} or @code{Off}. Setting it
-to @code{On} means that the text of the lines that you edit will scroll
-horizontally on a single screen line when they are larger than the width
-of the screen, instead of wrapping onto a new screen line. By default,
-this variable is set to @code{Off}.
-@item mark-modified-lines
-@vindex mark-modified-lines
-This variable when set to @code{On}, says to display an asterisk
-(@samp{*}) at the starts of history lines which have been modified.
-This variable is off by default.
-@item prefer-visible-bell
-@vindex prefer-visible-bell
-If this variable is set to @code{On} it means to use a visible bell if
-one is available, rather than simply ringing the terminal bell. By
-default, the value is @code{Off}.
-@end table
-@item Key Bindings
-The syntax for controlling keybindings in the @file{~/.inputrc} file is
-simple. First you have to know the @i{name} of the command that you
-want to change. The following pages contain tables of the command name,
-the default keybinding, and a short description of what the command
-Once you know the name of the command, simply place the name of the key
-you wish to bind the command to, a colon, and then the name of the
-command on a line in the @file{~/.inputrc} file. The name of the key
-can be expressed in different ways, depending on which is most
-comfortable for you.
-@table @asis
-@item @w{@var{keyname}: @var{function-name} or @var{macro}}
-@var{keyname} is the name of a key spelled out in English. For example:
-Control-u: universal-argument
-Meta-Rubout: backward-kill-word
-Control-o: ">&output"
-@end example
-In the above example, @key{C-u} is bound to the function
-@code{universal-argument}, and @key{C-o} is bound to run the macro
-expressed on the right hand side (that is, to insert the text
-@samp{>&output} into the line).
-@item @w{"@var{keyseq}": @var{function-name} or @var{macro}}
-@var{keyseq} differs from @var{keyname} above in that strings denoting
-an entire key sequence can be specified. Simply place the key sequence
-in double quotes. @sc{gnu} Emacs style key escapes can be used, as in the
-following example:
-"\C-u": universal-argument
-"\C-x\C-r": re-read-init-file
-"\e[11~": "Function Key 1"
-@end example
-In the above example, @key{C-u} is bound to the function
-@code{universal-argument} (just as it was in the first example),
-@key{C-x C-r} is bound to the function @code{re-read-init-file}, and
-@key{ESC [ 1 1 ~} is bound to insert the text @samp{Function Key 1}.
-@end table
-@end table
-* Commands For Moving:: Moving about the line.
-* Commands For History:: Getting at previous lines.
-* Commands For Text:: Commands for changing text.
-* Commands For Killing:: Commands for killing and yanking.
-* Numeric Arguments:: Specifying numeric arguments, repeat counts.
-* Commands For Completion:: Getting Readline to do the typing for you.
-* Miscellaneous Commands:: Other miscillaneous commands.
-@end menu
-@need 2000
-@node Commands For Moving
-@subsubsection Commands For Moving
-@ftable @code
-@item beginning-of-line (@key{C-a})
-Move to the start of the current line.
-@item end-of-line (@key{C-e})
-Move to the end of the line.
-@item forward-char (@key{C-f})
-Move forward a character.
-@item backward-char (@key{C-b})
-Move back a character.
-@item forward-word (@key{M-f})
-Move forward to the end of the next word.
-@item backward-word (@key{M-b})
-Move back to the start of this, or the previous, word.
-@item clear-screen (@key{C-l})
-Clear the screen leaving the current line at the top of the screen.
-@end ftable
-@need 2000
-@node Commands For History
-@subsubsection Commands For Manipulating The History
-@ftable @code
-@item accept-line (Newline, Return)
-Accept the line regardless of where the cursor is. If this line is
-non-empty, add it to the history list. If this line was a history
-line, then restore the history line to its original state.
-@item previous-history (@key{C-p})
-Move `up' through the history list.
-@item next-history (@key{C-n})
-Move `down' through the history list.
-@item beginning-of-history (@key{M-<})
-Move to the first line in the history.
-@item end-of-history (@key{M->})
-Move to the end of the input history, i.e., the line you are entering.
-@item reverse-search-history (@key{C-r})
-Search backward starting at the current line and moving `up' through
-the history as necessary. This is an incremental search.
-@item forward-search-history (@key{C-s})
-Search forward starting at the current line and moving `down' through
-the the history as necessary.
-@end ftable
-@need 2000
-@node Commands For Text
-@subsubsection Commands For Changing Text
-@ftable @code
-@item delete-char (@key{C-d})
-Delete the character under the cursor. If the cursor is at the
-beginning of the line, and there are no characters in the line, and
-the last character typed was not @key{C-d}, then return EOF.
-@item backward-delete-char (Rubout)
-Delete the character behind the cursor. A numeric argument says to kill
-the characters instead of deleting them.
-@item quoted-insert (@key{C-q}, @key{C-v})
-Add the next character that you type to the line verbatim. This is
-how to insert things like @key{C-q} for example.
-@item tab-insert (@key{M-TAB})
-Insert a tab character.
-@item self-insert (a, b, A, 1, !, ...)
-Insert yourself.
-@item transpose-chars (@key{C-t})
-Drag the character before point forward over the character at point.
-Point moves forward as well. If point is at the end of the line, then
-transpose the two characters before point. Negative arguments don't work.
-@item transpose-words (@key{M-t})
-Drag the word behind the cursor past the word in front of the cursor
-moving the cursor over that word as well.
-@item upcase-word (@key{M-u})
-Uppercase all letters in the current (or following) word. With a
-negative argument, do the previous word, but do not move point.
-@item downcase-word (@key{M-l})
-Lowercase all letters in the current (or following) word. With a
-negative argument, do the previous word, but do not move point.
-@item capitalize-word (@key{M-c})
-Uppercase the first letter in the current (or following) word. With a
-negative argument, do the previous word, but do not move point.
-@end ftable
-@need 2000
-@node Commands For Killing
-@subsubsection Killing And Yanking
-@ftable @code
-@item kill-line (@key{C-k})
-Kill the text from the current cursor position to the end of the line.
-@item backward-kill-line ()
-Kill backward to the beginning of the line. This is normally unbound.
-@item kill-word (@key{M-d})
-Kill from the cursor to the end of the current word, or if between
-words, to the end of the next word.
-@item backward-kill-word (@key{M-DEL})
-Kill the word behind the cursor.
-@item unix-line-discard (@key{C-u})
-Kill the whole line the way @key{C-u} used to in Unix line input.
-The killed text is saved on the kill-ring.
-@item unix-word-rubout (@key{C-w})
-Kill the word the way @key{C-w} used to in Unix line input.
-The killed text is saved on the kill-ring. This is different than
-backward-kill-word because the word boundaries differ.
-@item yank (@key{C-y})
-Yank the top of the kill ring into the buffer at point.
-@item yank-pop (@key{M-y})
-Rotate the kill-ring, and yank the new top. You can only do this if
-the prior command is yank or yank-pop.
-@end ftable
-@need 2000
-@node Numeric Arguments
-@subsubsection Specifying Numeric Arguments
-@ftable @code
-@item digit-argument (@key{M-0}, @key{M-1}, ... @key{M--})
-Add this digit to the argument already accumulating, or start a new
-argument. @key{M--} starts a negative argument.
-@item universal-argument ()
-Do what @key{C-u} does in @sc{gnu} Emacs. By default, this is not bound.
-@end ftable
-@need 2000
-@node Commands For Completion
-@subsubsection Letting Readline Type For You
-@ftable @code
-@item complete (TAB)
-Attempt to do completion on the text before point. This is
-implementation defined. Generally, if you are typing a filename
-argument, you can do filename completion; if you are typing a command,
-you can do command completion, if you are typing in a symbol to GDB, you
-can do symbol name completion, if you are typing in a variable to Bash,
-you can do variable name completion.
-@item possible-completions (M-?)
-List the possible completions of the text before point.
-@end ftable
-@need 2000
-@node Miscellaneous Commands
-@subsubsection Some Miscellaneous Commands
-@ftable @code
-@item re-read-init-file (@key{C-x} @key{C-r})
-Read in the contents of your @file{~/.inputrc} file, and incorporate
-any bindings found there.
-@item abort (@key{C-g})
-Stop running the current editing command.
-@c I have no idea what this means, and can't figure it out by
-@c experiment, and can't find it in the readline source.
-@c, 20may1993.
-@item do-uppercase-version (@key{M-a}, @key{M-b}, ...)
-Run the command that is bound to your uppercase brother.
-@end ignore
-@item prefix-meta (ESC)
-Make the next character that you type be metafied. This is for people
-without a meta key. Typing @key{ESC f} is equivalent to typing
-@item undo (@key{C-_})
-Incremental undo, separately remembered for each line.
-@item revert-line (@key{M-r})
-Undo all changes made to this line. This is like typing the `undo'
-command enough times to get back to the beginning.
-@end ftable
-@need 2000
-@node Readline vi Mode
-@subsection Readline @code{vi} Mode
-@cindex @code{vi} style command editing
-@kindex toggle-editing-mode
-While the Readline library does not have a full set of @code{vi} editing
-functions, it does contain enough to allow simple editing of the line.
-In order to switch interactively between @sc{gnu} Emacs and @code{vi}
-editing modes, use the command @key{M-C-j} (toggle-editing-mode).
-When you enter a line in @code{vi} mode, you are already placed in `insertion'
-mode, as if you had typed an `i'. Pressing @key{ESC} switches you into
-`edit' mode, where you can edit the text of the line with the standard
-@code{vi} movement keys, move to previous history lines with `k', and following
-lines with `j', and so forth.