path: root/contrib/gcc/f/data.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/gcc/f/data.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1816 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/gcc/f/data.c b/contrib/gcc/f/data.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 51eb2b7661b6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gcc/f/data.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1816 +0,0 @@
-/* data.c -- Implementation File (module.c template V1.0)
- Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by James Craig Burley.
-This file is part of GNU Fortran.
-GNU Fortran is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GNU Fortran is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GNU Fortran; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-02111-1307, USA.
- Related Modules:
- Description:
- Do the tough things for DATA statement (and INTEGER FOO/.../-style
- initializations), like implied-DO and suchlike.
- Modifications:
-/* Include files. */
-#include "proj.h"
-#include "data.h"
-#include "bit.h"
-#include "bld.h"
-#include "com.h"
-#include "expr.h"
-#include "global.h"
-#include "malloc.h"
-#include "st.h"
-#include "storag.h"
-#include "top.h"
-/* Externals defined here. */
-/* Simple definitions and enumerations. */
-/* I picked this value as one that, when plugged into a couple of small
- but nearly identical test cases I have called BIG-0.f and BIG-1.f,
- causes BIG-1.f to take about 10 times as long (elapsed) to compile
- (in f771 only) as BIG-0.f. These test cases differ in that BIG-0.f
- doesn't put the one initialized variable in a common area that has
- a large uninitialized array in it, while BIG-1.f does. The size of
- the array is this many elements, as long as they all are INTEGER
- type. Note that, as of 0.5.18, sparse cases are better handled,
- so BIG-2.f now is used; it provides nonzero initial
- values for all elements of the same array BIG-0 has. */
-#ifndef FFEDATA_sizeTOO_BIG_INIT_
-#define FFEDATA_sizeTOO_BIG_INIT_ 75*1024
-/* Internal typedefs. */
-typedef struct _ffedata_convert_cache_ *ffedataConvertCache_;
-typedef struct _ffedata_impdo_ *ffedataImpdo_;
-/* Private include files. */
-/* Internal structure definitions. */
-struct _ffedata_convert_cache_
- {
- ffebld converted; /* Results of converting expr to following
- type. */
- ffeinfoBasictype basic_type;
- ffeinfoKindtype kind_type;
- ffetargetCharacterSize size;
- ffeinfoRank rank;
- };
-struct _ffedata_impdo_
- {
- ffedataImpdo_ outer; /* Enclosing IMPDO construct. */
- ffebld outer_list; /* Item after my IMPDO on the outer list. */
- ffebld my_list; /* Beginning of list in my IMPDO. */
- ffesymbol itervar; /* Iteration variable. */
- ffetargetIntegerDefault increment;
- ffetargetIntegerDefault final;
- };
-/* Static objects accessed by functions in this module. */
-static ffedataImpdo_ ffedata_stack_ = NULL;
-static ffebld ffedata_list_ = NULL;
-static bool ffedata_reinit_; /* value_ should report REINIT error. */
-static bool ffedata_reported_error_; /* Error has been reported. */
-static ffesymbol ffedata_symbol_ = NULL; /* Symbol being initialized. */
-static ffeinfoBasictype ffedata_basictype_; /* Info on symbol. */
-static ffeinfoKindtype ffedata_kindtype_;
-static ffestorag ffedata_storage_; /* If non-NULL, inits go into this parent. */
-static ffeinfoBasictype ffedata_storage_bt_; /* Info on storage. */
-static ffeinfoKindtype ffedata_storage_kt_;
-static ffetargetOffset ffedata_storage_size_; /* Size of entire storage. */
-static ffetargetAlign ffedata_storage_units_; /* #units per storage unit. */
-static ffetargetOffset ffedata_arraysize_; /* Size of array being
- inited. */
-static ffetargetOffset ffedata_expected_; /* Number of elements to
- init. */
-static ffetargetOffset ffedata_number_; /* #elements inited so far. */
-static ffetargetOffset ffedata_offset_; /* Offset of next element. */
-static ffetargetOffset ffedata_symbolsize_; /* Size of entire sym. */
-static ffetargetCharacterSize ffedata_size_; /* Size of an element. */
-static ffetargetCharacterSize ffedata_charexpected_; /* #char to init. */
-static ffetargetCharacterSize ffedata_charnumber_; /* #chars inited. */
-static ffetargetCharacterSize ffedata_charoffset_; /* Offset of next char. */
-static ffedataConvertCache_ ffedata_convert_cache_; /* Fewer conversions. */
-static int ffedata_convert_cache_max_ = 0; /* #entries available. */
-static int ffedata_convert_cache_use_ = 0; /* #entries in use. */
-/* Static functions (internal). */
-static bool ffedata_advance_ (void);
-static ffebld ffedata_convert_ (ffebld source, ffelexToken source_token,
- ffelexToken dest_token, ffeinfoBasictype bt, ffeinfoKindtype kt,
- ffeinfoRank rk, ffetargetCharacterSize sz);
-static ffetargetInteger1 ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld expr);
-static ffetargetOffset ffedata_eval_offset_ (ffebld subscripts,
- ffebld dims);
-static ffetargetCharacterSize ffedata_eval_substr_begin_ (ffebld expr);
-static ffetargetCharacterSize ffedata_eval_substr_end_ (ffebld expr,
- ffetargetCharacterSize min, ffetargetCharacterSize max);
-static void ffedata_gather_ (ffestorag mst, ffestorag st);
-static void ffedata_pop_ (void);
-static void ffedata_push_ (void);
-static bool ffedata_value_ (ffebld value, ffelexToken token);
-/* Internal macros. */
-/* ffedata_begin -- Initialize with list of targets
- ffebld list;
- ffedata_begin(list); // ITEM... list of SYMTERs, ARRAYs, SUBSTRs, ...
- Remember the list. After this call, 0...n calls to ffedata_value must
- follow, and then a single call to ffedata_end. */
-ffedata_begin (ffebld list)
- assert (ffedata_list_ == NULL);
- ffedata_list_ = list;
- ffedata_symbol_ = NULL;
- ffedata_reported_error_ = FALSE;
- ffedata_reinit_ = FALSE;
- ffedata_advance_ ();
-/* ffedata_end -- End of initialization sequence
- if (ffedata_end(FALSE))
- // everything's ok
- Make sure the end of the list is valid here. */
-ffedata_end (bool reported_error, ffelexToken t)
- reported_error |= ffedata_reported_error_;
- /* If still targets to initialize, too few initializers, so complain. */
- if ((ffedata_symbol_ != NULL) && !reported_error)
- {
- reported_error = TRUE;
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_TOOFEW);
- ffebad_here (0, ffelex_token_where_line (t), ffelex_token_where_column (t));
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (ffedata_symbol_));
- ffebad_finish ();
- }
- /* Pop off any impdo stacks (present only if ffedata_symbol_ != NULL). */
- while (ffedata_stack_ != NULL)
- ffedata_pop_ ();
- if (ffedata_list_ != NULL)
- {
- assert (reported_error);
- ffedata_list_ = NULL;
- }
- return TRUE;
-/* ffedata_gather -- Gather previously disparate initializations into one place
- ffestorag st; // A typeCBLOCK or typeLOCAL aggregate.
- ffedata_gather(st);
- Prior to this call, st has no init or accretion info, but (presumably
- at least one of) its subordinate storage areas has init or accretion
- info. After this call, none of the subordinate storage areas has inits,
- because they've all been moved into the newly created init/accretion
- info for st. During this call, conflicting inits produce only one
- error message. */
-ffedata_gather (ffestorag st)
- ffesymbol s;
- ffebld b;
- /* Prepare info on the storage area we're putting init info into. */
- ffetarget_aggregate_info (&ffedata_storage_bt_, &ffedata_storage_kt_,
- &ffedata_storage_units_, ffestorag_basictype (st),
- ffestorag_kindtype (st));
- ffedata_storage_size_ = ffestorag_size (st) / ffedata_storage_units_;
- assert (ffestorag_size (st) % ffedata_storage_units_ == 0);
- /* If a CBLOCK, gather all the init info for its explicit members. */
- if ((ffestorag_type (st) == FFESTORAG_typeCBLOCK)
- && (ffestorag_symbol (st) != NULL))
- {
- s = ffestorag_symbol (st);
- for (b = ffesymbol_commonlist (s); b != NULL; b = ffebld_trail (b))
- ffedata_gather_ (st,
- ffesymbol_storage (ffebld_symter (ffebld_head (b))));
- }
- /* For CBLOCK or LOCAL, gather all the init info for equivalenced members. */
- ffestorag_drive (ffestorag_list_equivs (st), ffedata_gather_, st);
-/* ffedata_value -- Provide some number of initial values
- ffebld value;
- ffelexToken t; // Points to the value.
- if (ffedata_value(1,value,t))
- // Everything's ok
- Makes sure the value is ok, then remembers it according to the list
- provided to ffedata_begin. As many instances of the value may be
- supplied as desired, as indicated by the first argument. */
-ffedata_value (ffetargetIntegerDefault rpt, ffebld value, ffelexToken token)
- ffetargetIntegerDefault i;
- /* Maybe ignore zero values, to speed up compiling, even though we lose
- checking for multiple initializations for now. */
- if (!ffe_is_zeros ()
- && (value != NULL)
- && (ffebld_op (value) == FFEBLD_opCONTER)
- && ffebld_constant_is_zero (ffebld_conter (value)))
- value = NULL;
- else if ((value != NULL)
- && (ffebld_op (value) == FFEBLD_opANY))
- value = NULL;
- else
- {
- /* Must be a constant. */
- assert (value != NULL);
- assert (ffebld_op (value) == FFEBLD_opCONTER);
- }
- /* Later we can optimize certain cases by seeing that the target array can
- take some number of values, and provide this number to _value_. */
- if (rpt == 1)
- ffedata_convert_cache_use_ = -1; /* Don't bother caching. */
- else
- ffedata_convert_cache_use_ = 0; /* Maybe use the cache. */
- for (i = 0; i < rpt; ++i)
- {
- if ((ffedata_symbol_ != NULL)
- && !ffesymbol_is_init (ffedata_symbol_))
- {
- ffesymbol_signal_change (ffedata_symbol_);
- ffesymbol_update_init (ffedata_symbol_);
- if (1 || ffe_is_90 ())
- ffesymbol_update_save (ffedata_symbol_);
- if (ffesymbol_common (ffedata_symbol_) != NULL)
- ffeglobal_init_common (ffesymbol_common (ffedata_symbol_),
- token);
- ffesymbol_signal_unreported (ffedata_symbol_);
- }
- if (!ffedata_value_ (value, token))
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
-/* ffedata_advance_ -- Advance initialization target to next item in list
- if (ffedata_advance_())
- // everything's ok
- Sets common info to characterize the next item in the list. Handles
- IMPDO constructs accordingly. Does not handle advances within a single
- item, as in the common extension "DATA CHARTYPE/33,34,35/", where
- CHARTYPE is CHARACTER*3, for example. */
-static bool
-ffedata_advance_ ()
- ffebld next;
- /* Come here after handling an IMPDO. */
-tail_recurse: /* :::::::::::::::::::: */
- /* Assume we're not going to find a new target for now. */
- ffedata_symbol_ = NULL;
- /* If at the end of the list, we're done. */
- if (ffedata_list_ == NULL)
- {
- ffetargetIntegerDefault newval;
- if (ffedata_stack_ == NULL)
- return TRUE; /* No IMPDO in progress, we is done! */
- /* Iterate the IMPDO. */
- newval = ffesymbol_value (ffedata_stack_->itervar)
- + ffedata_stack_->increment;
- /* See if we're still in the loop. */
- if (((ffedata_stack_->increment > 0)
- ? newval > ffedata_stack_->final
- : newval < ffedata_stack_->final)
- || (((ffesymbol_value (ffedata_stack_->itervar) < 0)
- == (ffedata_stack_->increment < 0))
- && ((ffesymbol_value (ffedata_stack_->itervar) < 0)
- != (newval < 0)))) /* Overflow/underflow? */
- { /* Done with the loop. */
- ffedata_list_ = ffedata_stack_->outer_list; /* Restore list. */
- ffedata_pop_ (); /* Pop me off the impdo stack. */
- }
- else
- { /* Still in the loop, reset the list and
- update the iter var. */
- ffedata_list_ = ffedata_stack_->my_list; /* Reset list. */
- ffesymbol_set_value (ffedata_stack_->itervar, newval);
- }
- goto tail_recurse; /* :::::::::::::::::::: */
- }
- /* Move to the next item in the list. */
- next = ffebld_head (ffedata_list_);
- ffedata_list_ = ffebld_trail (ffedata_list_);
- /* Really shouldn't happen. */
- if (next == NULL)
- return TRUE;
- /* See what kind of target this is. */
- switch (ffebld_op (next))
- {
- case FFEBLD_opSYMTER: /* Simple reference to scalar or array. */
- ffedata_symbol_ = ffebld_symter (next);
- ffedata_storage_ = (ffesymbol_storage (ffedata_symbol_) == NULL) ? NULL
- : ffestorag_parent (ffesymbol_storage (ffedata_symbol_));
- if (ffedata_storage_ != NULL)
- {
- ffetarget_aggregate_info (&ffedata_storage_bt_, &ffedata_storage_kt_,
- &ffedata_storage_units_,
- ffestorag_basictype (ffedata_storage_),
- ffestorag_kindtype (ffedata_storage_));
- ffedata_storage_size_ = ffestorag_size (ffedata_storage_)
- / ffedata_storage_units_;
- assert (ffestorag_size (ffedata_storage_) % ffedata_storage_units_ == 0);
- }
- if ((ffesymbol_init (ffedata_symbol_) != NULL)
- || (ffesymbol_accretion (ffedata_symbol_) != NULL)
- || ((ffedata_storage_ != NULL)
- && (ffestorag_init (ffedata_storage_) != NULL)))
- {
-#if 0
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_REINIT);
- ffest_ffebad_here_current_stmt (0);
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (ffedata_symbol_));
- ffebad_finish ();
- ffedata_reported_error_ = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- ffedata_reinit_ = TRUE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- ffedata_basictype_ = ffesymbol_basictype (ffedata_symbol_);
- ffedata_kindtype_ = ffesymbol_kindtype (ffedata_symbol_);
- if (ffesymbol_rank (ffedata_symbol_) == 0)
- ffedata_arraysize_ = 1;
- else
- {
- ffebld size = ffesymbol_arraysize (ffedata_symbol_);
- assert (size != NULL);
- assert (ffebld_op (size) == FFEBLD_opCONTER);
- assert (ffeinfo_basictype (ffebld_info (size))
- == FFEINFO_basictypeINTEGER);
- assert (ffeinfo_kindtype (ffebld_info (size))
- ffedata_arraysize_ = ffebld_constant_integerdefault (ffebld_conter
- (size));
- }
- ffedata_expected_ = ffedata_arraysize_;
- ffedata_number_ = 0;
- ffedata_offset_ = 0;
- ffedata_size_ = (ffedata_basictype_ == FFEINFO_basictypeCHARACTER)
- ? ffesymbol_size (ffedata_symbol_) : 1;
- ffedata_symbolsize_ = ffedata_size_ * ffedata_arraysize_;
- ffedata_charexpected_ = ffedata_size_;
- ffedata_charnumber_ = 0;
- ffedata_charoffset_ = 0;
- break;
- case FFEBLD_opARRAYREF: /* Reference to element of array. */
- ffedata_symbol_ = ffebld_symter (ffebld_left (next));
- ffedata_storage_ = (ffesymbol_storage (ffedata_symbol_) == NULL) ? NULL
- : ffestorag_parent (ffesymbol_storage (ffedata_symbol_));
- if (ffedata_storage_ != NULL)
- {
- ffetarget_aggregate_info (&ffedata_storage_bt_, &ffedata_storage_kt_,
- &ffedata_storage_units_,
- ffestorag_basictype (ffedata_storage_),
- ffestorag_kindtype (ffedata_storage_));
- ffedata_storage_size_ = ffestorag_size (ffedata_storage_)
- / ffedata_storage_units_;
- assert (ffestorag_size (ffedata_storage_) % ffedata_storage_units_ == 0);
- }
- if ((ffesymbol_init (ffedata_symbol_) != NULL)
- || ((ffedata_storage_ != NULL)
- && (ffestorag_init (ffedata_storage_) != NULL)))
- {
-#if 0
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_REINIT);
- ffest_ffebad_here_current_stmt (0);
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (ffedata_symbol_));
- ffebad_finish ();
- ffedata_reported_error_ = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- ffedata_reinit_ = TRUE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- ffedata_basictype_ = ffesymbol_basictype (ffedata_symbol_);
- ffedata_kindtype_ = ffesymbol_kindtype (ffedata_symbol_);
- if (ffesymbol_rank (ffedata_symbol_) == 0)
- ffedata_arraysize_ = 1; /* Shouldn't happen in this case... */
- else
- {
- ffebld size = ffesymbol_arraysize (ffedata_symbol_);
- assert (size != NULL);
- assert (ffebld_op (size) == FFEBLD_opCONTER);
- assert (ffeinfo_basictype (ffebld_info (size))
- == FFEINFO_basictypeINTEGER);
- assert (ffeinfo_kindtype (ffebld_info (size))
- ffedata_arraysize_ = ffebld_constant_integerdefault (ffebld_conter
- (size));
- }
- ffedata_expected_ = 1;
- ffedata_number_ = 0;
- ffedata_offset_ = ffedata_eval_offset_ (ffebld_right (next),
- ffesymbol_dims (ffedata_symbol_));
- ffedata_size_ = (ffedata_basictype_ == FFEINFO_basictypeCHARACTER)
- ? ffesymbol_size (ffedata_symbol_) : 1;
- ffedata_symbolsize_ = ffedata_size_ * ffedata_arraysize_;
- ffedata_charexpected_ = ffedata_size_;
- ffedata_charnumber_ = 0;
- ffedata_charoffset_ = 0;
- break;
- case FFEBLD_opSUBSTR: /* Substring reference to scalar or array
- element. */
- {
- bool arrayref = ffebld_op (ffebld_left (next)) == FFEBLD_opARRAYREF;
- ffebld colon = ffebld_right (next);
- assert (colon != NULL);
- ffedata_symbol_ = ffebld_symter (ffebld_left (arrayref
- ? ffebld_left (next) : next));
- ffedata_storage_ = (ffesymbol_storage (ffedata_symbol_) == NULL) ? NULL
- : ffestorag_parent (ffesymbol_storage (ffedata_symbol_));
- if (ffedata_storage_ != NULL)
- {
- ffetarget_aggregate_info (&ffedata_storage_bt_, &ffedata_storage_kt_,
- &ffedata_storage_units_,
- ffestorag_basictype (ffedata_storage_),
- ffestorag_kindtype (ffedata_storage_));
- ffedata_storage_size_ = ffestorag_size (ffedata_storage_)
- / ffedata_storage_units_;
- assert (ffestorag_size (ffedata_storage_) % ffedata_storage_units_ == 0);
- }
- if ((ffesymbol_init (ffedata_symbol_) != NULL)
- || ((ffedata_storage_ != NULL)
- && (ffestorag_init (ffedata_storage_) != NULL)))
- {
-#if 0
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_REINIT);
- ffest_ffebad_here_current_stmt (0);
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (ffedata_symbol_));
- ffebad_finish ();
- ffedata_reported_error_ = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- ffedata_reinit_ = TRUE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- ffedata_basictype_ = ffesymbol_basictype (ffedata_symbol_);
- ffedata_kindtype_ = ffesymbol_kindtype (ffedata_symbol_);
- if (ffesymbol_rank (ffedata_symbol_) == 0)
- ffedata_arraysize_ = 1;
- else
- {
- ffebld size = ffesymbol_arraysize (ffedata_symbol_);
- assert (size != NULL);
- assert (ffebld_op (size) == FFEBLD_opCONTER);
- assert (ffeinfo_basictype (ffebld_info (size))
- == FFEINFO_basictypeINTEGER);
- assert (ffeinfo_kindtype (ffebld_info (size))
- ffedata_arraysize_ = ffebld_constant_integerdefault (ffebld_conter
- (size));
- }
- ffedata_expected_ = arrayref ? 1 : ffedata_arraysize_;
- ffedata_number_ = 0;
- ffedata_offset_ = arrayref ? ffedata_eval_offset_ (ffebld_right
- (ffebld_left (next)), ffesymbol_dims (ffedata_symbol_)) : 0;
- ffedata_size_ = ffesymbol_size (ffedata_symbol_);
- ffedata_symbolsize_ = ffedata_size_ * ffedata_arraysize_;
- ffedata_charnumber_ = 0;
- ffedata_charoffset_ = ffedata_eval_substr_begin_ (ffebld_head (colon));
- ffedata_charexpected_ = ffedata_eval_substr_end_ (ffebld_head
- (ffebld_trail (colon)), ffedata_charoffset_,
- ffedata_size_) - ffedata_charoffset_ + 1;
- }
- break;
- case FFEBLD_opIMPDO: /* Implied-DO construct. */
- {
- ffebld itervar;
- ffebld start;
- ffebld end;
- ffebld incr;
- ffebld item = ffebld_right (next);
- itervar = ffebld_head (item);
- item = ffebld_trail (item);
- start = ffebld_head (item);
- item = ffebld_trail (item);
- end = ffebld_head (item);
- item = ffebld_trail (item);
- incr = ffebld_head (item);
- ffedata_push_ ();
- ffedata_stack_->outer_list = ffedata_list_;
- ffedata_stack_->my_list = ffedata_list_ = ffebld_left (next);
- assert (ffeinfo_basictype (ffebld_info (itervar))
- == FFEINFO_basictypeINTEGER);
- assert (ffeinfo_kindtype (ffebld_info (itervar))
- ffedata_stack_->itervar = ffebld_symter (itervar);
- assert (ffeinfo_basictype (ffebld_info (start))
- == FFEINFO_basictypeINTEGER);
- assert (ffeinfo_kindtype (ffebld_info (start))
- ffesymbol_set_value (ffedata_stack_->itervar, ffedata_eval_integer1_ (start));
- assert (ffeinfo_basictype (ffebld_info (end))
- == FFEINFO_basictypeINTEGER);
- assert (ffeinfo_kindtype (ffebld_info (end))
- ffedata_stack_->final = ffedata_eval_integer1_ (end);
- if (incr == NULL)
- ffedata_stack_->increment = 1;
- else
- {
- assert (ffeinfo_basictype (ffebld_info (incr))
- == FFEINFO_basictypeINTEGER);
- assert (ffeinfo_kindtype (ffebld_info (incr))
- ffedata_stack_->increment = ffedata_eval_integer1_ (incr);
- if (ffedata_stack_->increment == 0)
- {
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_ZERO);
- ffest_ffebad_here_current_stmt (0);
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (ffedata_stack_->itervar));
- ffebad_finish ();
- ffedata_pop_ ();
- ffedata_reported_error_ = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- if ((ffedata_stack_->increment > 0)
- ? ffesymbol_value (ffedata_stack_->itervar)
- > ffedata_stack_->final
- : ffesymbol_value (ffedata_stack_->itervar)
- < ffedata_stack_->final)
- {
- ffedata_reported_error_ = TRUE;
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_EMPTY);
- ffest_ffebad_here_current_stmt (0);
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (ffedata_stack_->itervar));
- ffebad_finish ();
- ffedata_pop_ ();
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- goto tail_recurse; /* :::::::::::::::::::: */
- case FFEBLD_opANY:
- ffedata_reported_error_ = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- default:
- assert ("bad op" == NULL);
- break;
- }
- return TRUE;
-/* ffedata_convert_ -- Convert source expression to given type using cache
- ffebld source;
- ffelexToken source_token;
- ffelexToken dest_token; // Any appropriate token for "destination".
- ffeinfoBasictype bt;
- ffeinfoKindtype kt;
- ffetargetCharactersize sz;
- source = ffedata_convert_(source,source_token,dest_token,bt,kt,sz);
- Like ffeexpr_convert, but calls it only if necessary (if the converted
- expression doesn't already exist in the cache) and then puts the result
- in the cache. */
-static ffebld
-ffedata_convert_ (ffebld source, ffelexToken source_token,
- ffelexToken dest_token, ffeinfoBasictype bt,
- ffeinfoKindtype kt, ffeinfoRank rk,
- ffetargetCharacterSize sz)
- ffebld converted;
- int i;
- int max;
- ffedataConvertCache_ cache;
- for (i = 0; i < ffedata_convert_cache_use_; ++i)
- if ((bt == ffedata_convert_cache_[i].basic_type)
- && (kt == ffedata_convert_cache_[i].kind_type)
- && (sz == ffedata_convert_cache_[i].size)
- && (rk == ffedata_convert_cache_[i].rank))
- return ffedata_convert_cache_[i].converted;
- converted = ffeexpr_convert (source, source_token, dest_token, bt, kt, rk,
- sz, FFEEXPR_contextDATA);
- if (ffedata_convert_cache_use_ >= ffedata_convert_cache_max_)
- {
- if (ffedata_convert_cache_max_ == 0)
- max = 4;
- else
- max = ffedata_convert_cache_max_ << 1;
- if (max > ffedata_convert_cache_max_)
- {
- cache = (ffedataConvertCache_) malloc_new_ks (malloc_pool_image (),
- "FFEDATA cache", max * sizeof (*cache));
- if (ffedata_convert_cache_max_ != 0)
- {
- memcpy (cache, ffedata_convert_cache_,
- ffedata_convert_cache_max_ * sizeof (*cache));
- malloc_kill_ks (malloc_pool_image (), ffedata_convert_cache_,
- ffedata_convert_cache_max_ * sizeof (*cache));
- }
- ffedata_convert_cache_ = cache;
- ffedata_convert_cache_max_ = max;
- }
- else
- return converted; /* In case int overflows! */
- }
- i = ffedata_convert_cache_use_++;
- ffedata_convert_cache_[i].converted = converted;
- ffedata_convert_cache_[i].basic_type = bt;
- ffedata_convert_cache_[i].kind_type = kt;
- ffedata_convert_cache_[i].size = sz;
- ffedata_convert_cache_[i].rank = rk;
- return converted;
-/* ffedata_eval_integer1_ -- Evaluate expression
- ffetargetIntegerDefault result;
- ffebld expr; // must be kindtypeINTEGER1.
- result = ffedata_eval_integer1_(expr);
- Evalues the expression (which yields a kindtypeINTEGER1 result) and
- returns the result. */
-static ffetargetIntegerDefault
-ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld expr)
- ffetargetInteger1 result;
- ffebad error;
- assert (expr != NULL);
- switch (ffebld_op (expr))
- {
- return ffebld_constant_integer1 (ffebld_conter (expr));
- return ffesymbol_value (ffebld_symter (expr));
- case FFEBLD_opUPLUS:
- return ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_left (expr));
- error = ffetarget_uminus_integer1 (&result,
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_left (expr)));
- break;
- case FFEBLD_opADD:
- error = ffetarget_add_integer1 (&result,
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_left (expr)),
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_right (expr)));
- break;
- error = ffetarget_subtract_integer1 (&result,
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_left (expr)),
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_right (expr)));
- break;
- error = ffetarget_multiply_integer1 (&result,
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_left (expr)),
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_right (expr)));
- break;
- error = ffetarget_divide_integer1 (&result,
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_left (expr)),
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_right (expr)));
- break;
- case FFEBLD_opPOWER:
- {
- ffebld r = ffebld_right (expr);
- if ((ffeinfo_basictype (ffebld_info (r)) != FFEINFO_basictypeINTEGER)
- || (ffeinfo_kindtype (ffebld_info (r)) != FFEINFO_kindtypeINTEGERDEFAULT))
- else
- error = ffetarget_power_integerdefault_integerdefault (&result,
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_left (expr)),
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (r));
- }
- break;
-#if 0 /* Only for character basictype. */
- error =;
- break;
- case FFEBLD_opNOT:
- error = ffetarget_not_integer1 (&result,
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_left (expr)));
- break;
-#if 0 /* Only for logical basictype. */
- case FFEBLD_opLT:
- error =;
- break;
- case FFEBLD_opLE:
- error =;
- break;
- case FFEBLD_opEQ:
- error =;
- break;
- case FFEBLD_opNE:
- error =;
- break;
- case FFEBLD_opGT:
- error =;
- break;
- case FFEBLD_opGE:
- error =;
- break;
- case FFEBLD_opAND:
- error = ffetarget_and_integer1 (&result,
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_left (expr)),
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_right (expr)));
- break;
- case FFEBLD_opOR:
- error = ffetarget_or_integer1 (&result,
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_left (expr)),
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_right (expr)));
- break;
- case FFEBLD_opXOR:
- error = ffetarget_xor_integer1 (&result,
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_left (expr)),
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_right (expr)));
- break;
- case FFEBLD_opEQV:
- error = ffetarget_eqv_integer1 (&result,
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_left (expr)),
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_right (expr)));
- break;
- case FFEBLD_opNEQV:
- error = ffetarget_neqv_integer1 (&result,
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_left (expr)),
- ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_right (expr)));
- break;
- case FFEBLD_opPAREN:
- return ffedata_eval_integer1_ (ffebld_left (expr));
-#if 0 /* ~~ no idea how to do this */
- error =;
- break;
-#if 0 /* not allowed by ANSI, but perhaps as an
- extension someday? */
- switch (ffeinfo_basictype (ffebld_info (ffebld_left (expr))))
- {
- case FFEINFO_basictypeINTEGER:
- switch (ffeinfo_kindtype (ffebld_info (ffebld_left (expr))))
- {
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- case FFEINFO_basictypeREAL:
- switch (ffeinfo_kindtype (ffebld_info (ffebld_left (expr))))
- {
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
-#if 0 /* not valid ops */
- error =;
- break;
- error =;
- break;
-#if 0 /* not allowed by ANSI, but perhaps as an
- extension someday? */
- error =;
- break;
-#if 0 /* not valid ops */
- error =;
- break;
- error =;
- break;
-#if 0 /* not valid for integer1 */
- error =;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (error != FFEBAD)
- {
- ffebad_start (error);
- ffest_ffebad_here_current_stmt (0);
- ffebad_finish ();
- result = 0;
- }
- return result;
-/* ffedata_eval_offset_ -- Evaluate offset info array
- ffetargetOffset offset; // 0...max-1.
- ffebld subscripts; // an opITEM list of subscript exprs.
- ffebld dims; // an opITEM list of opBOUNDS exprs.
- result = ffedata_eval_offset_(expr);
- Evalues the expression (which yields a kindtypeINTEGER1 result) and
- returns the result. */
-static ffetargetOffset
-ffedata_eval_offset_ (ffebld subscripts, ffebld dims)
- ffetargetIntegerDefault offset = 0;
- ffetargetIntegerDefault width = 1;
- ffetargetIntegerDefault value;
- ffetargetIntegerDefault lowbound;
- ffetargetIntegerDefault highbound;
- ffetargetOffset final;
- ffebld subscript;
- ffebld dim;
- ffebld low;
- ffebld high;
- int rank = 0;
- bool ok;
- while (subscripts != NULL)
- {
- ++rank;
- assert (dims != NULL);
- subscript = ffebld_head (subscripts);
- dim = ffebld_head (dims);
- assert (ffeinfo_basictype (ffebld_info (subscript)) == FFEINFO_basictypeINTEGER);
- assert (ffeinfo_kindtype (ffebld_info (subscript)) == FFEINFO_kindtypeINTEGER1);
- value = ffedata_eval_integer1_ (subscript);
- assert (ffebld_op (dim) == FFEBLD_opBOUNDS);
- low = ffebld_left (dim);
- high = ffebld_right (dim);
- if (low == NULL)
- lowbound = 1;
- else
- {
- assert (ffeinfo_basictype (ffebld_info (low)) == FFEINFO_basictypeINTEGER);
- assert (ffeinfo_kindtype (ffebld_info (low)) == FFEINFO_kindtypeINTEGERDEFAULT);
- lowbound = ffedata_eval_integer1_ (low);
- }
- assert (ffeinfo_basictype (ffebld_info (high)) == FFEINFO_basictypeINTEGER);
- assert (ffeinfo_kindtype (ffebld_info (high)) == FFEINFO_kindtypeINTEGERDEFAULT);
- highbound = ffedata_eval_integer1_ (high);
- if ((value < lowbound) || (value > highbound))
- {
- char rankstr[10];
- sprintf (rankstr, "%d", rank);
- value = lowbound;
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_SUBSCRIPT);
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (ffedata_symbol_));
- ffebad_string (rankstr);
- ffebad_finish ();
- }
- subscripts = ffebld_trail (subscripts);
- dims = ffebld_trail (dims);
- offset += width * (value - lowbound);
- if (subscripts != NULL)
- width *= highbound - lowbound + 1;
- }
- assert (dims == NULL);
- ok = ffetarget_offset (&final, offset);
- assert (ok);
- return final;
-/* ffedata_eval_substr_begin_ -- Evaluate begin-point of substr reference
- ffetargetCharacterSize beginpoint;
- ffebld endval; // head(colon).
- beginpoint = ffedata_eval_substr_end_(endval);
- If beginval is NULL, returns 0. Otherwise makes sure beginval is
- kindtypeINTEGERDEFAULT, makes sure its value is > 0,
- and returns its value minus one, or issues an error message. */
-static ffetargetCharacterSize
-ffedata_eval_substr_begin_ (ffebld expr)
- ffetargetIntegerDefault val;
- if (expr == NULL)
- return 0;
- assert (ffeinfo_basictype (ffebld_info (expr)) == FFEINFO_basictypeINTEGER);
- assert (ffeinfo_kindtype (ffebld_info (expr)) == FFEINFO_kindtypeINTEGERDEFAULT);
- val = ffedata_eval_integer1_ (expr);
- if (val < 1)
- {
- val = 1;
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_RANGE);
- ffest_ffebad_here_current_stmt (0);
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (ffedata_symbol_));
- ffebad_finish ();
- ffedata_reported_error_ = TRUE;
- }
- return val - 1;
-/* ffedata_eval_substr_end_ -- Evaluate end-point of substr reference
- ffetargetCharacterSize endpoint;
- ffebld endval; // head(trail(colon)).
- ffetargetCharacterSize min; // beginpoint of substr reference.
- ffetargetCharacterSize max; // size of entity.
- endpoint = ffedata_eval_substr_end_(endval,dflt);
- If endval is NULL, returns max. Otherwise makes sure endval is
- kindtypeINTEGERDEFAULT, makes sure its value is > min and <= max,
- and returns its value minus one, or issues an error message. */
-static ffetargetCharacterSize
-ffedata_eval_substr_end_ (ffebld expr, ffetargetCharacterSize min,
- ffetargetCharacterSize max)
- ffetargetIntegerDefault val;
- if (expr == NULL)
- return max - 1;
- assert (ffeinfo_basictype (ffebld_info (expr)) == FFEINFO_basictypeINTEGER);
- assert (ffeinfo_kindtype (ffebld_info (expr)) == FFEINFO_kindtypeINTEGER1);
- val = ffedata_eval_integer1_ (expr);
- if ((val < (ffetargetIntegerDefault) min)
- || (val > (ffetargetIntegerDefault) max))
- {
- val = 1;
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_RANGE);
- ffest_ffebad_here_current_stmt (0);
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (ffedata_symbol_));
- ffebad_finish ();
- ffedata_reported_error_ = TRUE;
- }
- return val - 1;
-/* ffedata_gather_ -- Gather initial values for sym into master sym inits
- ffestorag mst; // A typeCBLOCK or typeLOCAL aggregate.
- ffestorag st; // A typeCOMMON or typeEQUIV member.
- ffedata_gather_(mst,st);
- If st has any initialization info, transfer that info into mst and
- clear st's info. */
-static void
-ffedata_gather_ (ffestorag mst, ffestorag st)
- ffesymbol s;
- ffesymbol s_whine; /* Symbol to complain about in diagnostics. */
- ffebld b;
- ffetargetOffset offset;
- ffetargetOffset units_expected;
- ffebitCount actual;
- ffebldConstantArray array;
- ffebld accter;
- ffetargetCopyfunc fn;
- void *ptr1;
- void *ptr2;
- size_t size;
- ffeinfoBasictype bt;
- ffeinfoKindtype kt;
- ffeinfoBasictype ign_bt;
- ffeinfoKindtype ign_kt;
- ffetargetAlign units;
- ffebit bits;
- ffetargetOffset source_offset;
- bool whine = FALSE;
- if (st == NULL)
- return; /* Nothing to do. */
- s = ffestorag_symbol (st);
- assert (s != NULL); /* Must have a corresponding symbol (else how
- inited?). */
- assert (ffestorag_init (st) == NULL); /* No init info on storage itself. */
- assert (ffestorag_accretion (st) == NULL);
- if ((((b = ffesymbol_init (s)) == NULL)
- && ((b = ffesymbol_accretion (s)) == NULL))
- || (ffebld_op (b) == FFEBLD_opANY)
- || ((ffebld_op (b) == FFEBLD_opCONVERT)
- && (ffebld_op (ffebld_left (b)) == FFEBLD_opANY)))
- return; /* Nothing to do. */
- /* b now holds the init/accretion expr. */
- ffesymbol_set_init (s, NULL);
- ffesymbol_set_accretion (s, NULL);
- ffesymbol_set_accretes (s, 0);
- s_whine = ffestorag_symbol (mst);
- if (s_whine == NULL)
- s_whine = s;
- /* Make sure we haven't fully accreted during an array init. */
- if (ffestorag_init (mst) != NULL)
- {
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_MULTIPLE);
- ffebad_here (0, ffewhere_line_unknown (), ffewhere_column_unknown ());
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (s_whine));
- ffebad_finish ();
- return;
- }
- bt = ffeinfo_basictype (ffebld_info (b));
- kt = ffeinfo_kindtype (ffebld_info (b));
- /* Calculate offset for aggregate area. */
- ffedata_charexpected_ = (bt == FFEINFO_basictypeCHARACTER)
- ? ffebld_size (b) : 1;
- ffetarget_aggregate_info (&ign_bt, &ign_kt, &units, bt,
- kt);/* Find out unit size of source datum. */
- assert (units % ffedata_storage_units_ == 0);
- units_expected = ffedata_charexpected_ * units / ffedata_storage_units_;
- offset = (ffestorag_offset (st) - ffestorag_offset (mst))
- / ffedata_storage_units_;
- /* Does an accretion array exist? If not, create it. */
- if (ffestorag_accretion (mst) == NULL)
- {
-#if FFEDATA_sizeTOO_BIG_INIT_ != 0
- if (ffedata_storage_size_ >= FFEDATA_sizeTOO_BIG_INIT_)
- {
- char bignum[40];
- sprintf (&bignum[0], "%ld", (long) ffedata_storage_size_);
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_TOO_BIG_INIT);
- ffebad_here (0, ffesymbol_where_line (s_whine),
- ffesymbol_where_column (s_whine));
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (s_whine));
- ffebad_string (bignum);
- ffebad_finish ();
- }
- array = ffebld_constantarray_new (ffedata_storage_bt_,
- ffedata_storage_kt_, ffedata_storage_size_);
- accter = ffebld_new_accter (array, ffebit_new (ffe_pool_program_unit (),
- ffedata_storage_size_));
- ffebld_set_info (accter, ffeinfo_new
- (ffedata_storage_bt_,
- ffedata_storage_kt_,
- 1,
- (ffedata_basictype_ == FFEINFO_basictypeCHARACTER)
- ? 1 : FFETARGET_charactersizeNONE));
- ffestorag_set_accretion (mst, accter);
- ffestorag_set_accretes (mst, ffedata_storage_size_);
- }
- else
- {
- accter = ffestorag_accretion (mst);
- assert (ffedata_storage_size_ == (ffetargetOffset) ffebld_accter_size (accter));
- array = ffebld_accter (accter);
- }
- /* Put value in accretion array at desired offset. */
- fn = ffetarget_aggregate_ptr_memcpy (ffedata_storage_bt_, ffedata_storage_kt_,
- bt, kt);
- switch (ffebld_op (b))
- {
- ffebld_constantarray_prepare (&ptr1, &ptr2, &size, array, ffedata_storage_bt_,
- ffedata_storage_kt_, offset,
- ffebld_constant_ptr_to_union (ffebld_conter (b)),
- bt, kt);
- (*fn) (ptr1, ptr2, size); /* Does the appropriate memcpy-like
- operation. */
- ffebit_count (ffebld_accter_bits (accter),
- offset, FALSE, units_expected, &actual); /* How many FALSE? */
- if (units_expected != (ffetargetOffset) actual)
- {
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_MULTIPLE);
- ffebad_here (0, ffewhere_line_unknown (), ffewhere_column_unknown ());
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (s));
- ffebad_finish ();
- }
- ffestorag_set_accretes (mst,
- ffestorag_accretes (mst)
- - actual); /* Decrement # of values
- actually accreted. */
- ffebit_set (ffebld_accter_bits (accter), offset, 1, units_expected);
- /* If done accreting for this storage area, establish as initialized. */
- if (ffestorag_accretes (mst) == 0)
- {
- ffestorag_set_init (mst, accter);
- ffestorag_set_accretion (mst, NULL);
- ffebit_kill (ffebld_accter_bits (ffestorag_init (mst)));
- ffebld_set_op (ffestorag_init (mst), FFEBLD_opARRTER);
- ffebld_set_arrter (ffestorag_init (mst),
- ffebld_accter (ffestorag_init (mst)));
- ffebld_arrter_set_size (ffestorag_init (mst),
- ffedata_storage_size_);
- ffebld_arrter_set_pad (ffestorag_init (mst), 0);
- ffecom_notify_init_storage (mst);
- }
- return;
- ffebld_constantarray_preparray (&ptr1, &ptr2, &size, array, ffedata_storage_bt_,
- ffedata_storage_kt_, offset, ffebld_arrter (b),
- bt, kt);
- size *= ffebld_arrter_size (b);
- units_expected *= ffebld_arrter_size (b);
- (*fn) (ptr1, ptr2, size); /* Does the appropriate memcpy-like
- operation. */
- ffebit_count (ffebld_accter_bits (accter),
- offset, FALSE, units_expected, &actual); /* How many FALSE? */
- if (units_expected != (ffetargetOffset) actual)
- {
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_MULTIPLE);
- ffebad_here (0, ffewhere_line_unknown (), ffewhere_column_unknown ());
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (s));
- ffebad_finish ();
- }
- ffestorag_set_accretes (mst,
- ffestorag_accretes (mst)
- - actual); /* Decrement # of values
- actually accreted. */
- ffebit_set (ffebld_accter_bits (accter), offset, 1, units_expected);
- /* If done accreting for this storage area, establish as initialized. */
- if (ffestorag_accretes (mst) == 0)
- {
- ffestorag_set_init (mst, accter);
- ffestorag_set_accretion (mst, NULL);
- ffebit_kill (ffebld_accter_bits (ffestorag_init (mst)));
- ffebld_set_op (ffestorag_init (mst), FFEBLD_opARRTER);
- ffebld_set_arrter (ffestorag_init (mst),
- ffebld_accter (ffestorag_init (mst)));
- ffebld_arrter_set_size (ffestorag_init (mst),
- ffedata_storage_size_);
- ffebld_arrter_set_pad (ffestorag_init (mst), 0);
- ffecom_notify_init_storage (mst);
- }
- return;
- ffebld_constantarray_preparray (&ptr1, &ptr2, &size, array, ffedata_storage_bt_,
- ffedata_storage_kt_, offset, ffebld_accter (b),
- bt, kt);
- bits = ffebld_accter_bits (b);
- source_offset = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- ffetargetOffset unexp;
- ffetargetOffset siz;
- ffebitCount length;
- bool value;
- ffebit_test (bits, source_offset, &value, &length);
- if (length == 0)
- break; /* Exit the loop early. */
- siz = size * length;
- unexp = units_expected * length;
- if (value)
- {
- (*fn) (ptr1, ptr2, siz); /* Does memcpy-like operation. */
- ffebit_count (ffebld_accter_bits (accter), /* How many FALSE? */
- offset, FALSE, unexp, &actual);
- if (!whine && (unexp != (ffetargetOffset) actual))
- {
- whine = TRUE; /* Don't whine more than once for one gather. */
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_MULTIPLE);
- ffebad_here (0, ffewhere_line_unknown (), ffewhere_column_unknown ());
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (s));
- ffebad_finish ();
- }
- ffestorag_set_accretes (mst,
- ffestorag_accretes (mst)
- - actual); /* Decrement # of values
- actually accreted. */
- ffebit_set (ffebld_accter_bits (accter), offset, 1, unexp);
- }
- source_offset += length;
- offset += unexp;
- ptr1 = ((char *) ptr1) + siz;
- ptr2 = ((char *) ptr2) + siz;
- }
- /* If done accreting for this storage area, establish as initialized. */
- if (ffestorag_accretes (mst) == 0)
- {
- ffestorag_set_init (mst, accter);
- ffestorag_set_accretion (mst, NULL);
- ffebit_kill (ffebld_accter_bits (ffestorag_init (mst)));
- ffebld_set_op (ffestorag_init (mst), FFEBLD_opARRTER);
- ffebld_set_arrter (ffestorag_init (mst),
- ffebld_accter (ffestorag_init (mst)));
- ffebld_arrter_set_size (ffestorag_init (mst),
- ffedata_storage_size_);
- ffebld_arrter_set_pad (ffestorag_init (mst), 0);
- ffecom_notify_init_storage (mst);
- }
- return;
- default:
- assert ("bad init op in gather_" == NULL);
- return;
- }
-/* ffedata_pop_ -- Pop an impdo stack entry
- ffedata_pop_(); */
-static void
-ffedata_pop_ ()
- ffedataImpdo_ victim = ffedata_stack_;
- assert (victim != NULL);
- ffedata_stack_ = ffedata_stack_->outer;
- malloc_kill_ks (ffe_pool_program_unit (), victim, sizeof (*victim));
-/* ffedata_push_ -- Push an impdo stack entry
- ffedata_push_(); */
-static void
-ffedata_push_ ()
- ffedataImpdo_ baby;
- baby = malloc_new_ks (ffe_pool_program_unit (), "ffedataImpdo_", sizeof (*baby));
- baby->outer = ffedata_stack_;
- ffedata_stack_ = baby;
-/* ffedata_value_ -- Provide an initial value
- ffebld value;
- ffelexToken t; // Points to the value.
- if (ffedata_value(value,t))
- // Everything's ok
- Makes sure the value is ok, then remembers it according to the list
- provided to ffedata_begin. */
-static bool
-ffedata_value_ (ffebld value, ffelexToken token)
- /* If already reported an error, don't do anything. */
- if (ffedata_reported_error_)
- return FALSE;
- /* If the value is an error marker, remember we've seen one and do nothing
- else. */
- if ((value != NULL)
- && (ffebld_op (value) == FFEBLD_opANY))
- {
- ffedata_reported_error_ = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* If too many values (no more targets), complain. */
- if (ffedata_symbol_ == NULL)
- {
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_TOOMANY);
- ffebad_here (0, ffelex_token_where_line (token),
- ffelex_token_where_column (token));
- ffebad_finish ();
- ffedata_reported_error_ = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* If ffedata_advance_ wanted to register a complaint, do it now
- that we have the token to point at instead of just the start
- of the whole statement. */
- if (ffedata_reinit_)
- {
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_REINIT);
- ffebad_here (0, ffelex_token_where_line (token),
- ffelex_token_where_column (token));
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (ffedata_symbol_));
- ffebad_finish ();
- ffedata_reported_error_ = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (ffesymbol_common (ffedata_symbol_) != NULL)
- ffeglobal_init_common (ffesymbol_common (ffedata_symbol_), token);
- /* Convert value to desired type. */
- if (value != NULL)
- {
- if (ffedata_convert_cache_use_ == -1)
- value = ffeexpr_convert
- (value, token, NULL, ffedata_basictype_,
- ffedata_kindtype_, 0,
- (ffedata_basictype_ == FFEINFO_basictypeCHARACTER)
- ? ffedata_charexpected_ : FFETARGET_charactersizeNONE,
- FFEEXPR_contextDATA);
- else /* Use the cache. */
- value = ffedata_convert_
- (value, token, NULL, ffedata_basictype_,
- ffedata_kindtype_, 0,
- (ffedata_basictype_ == FFEINFO_basictypeCHARACTER)
- ? ffedata_charexpected_ : FFETARGET_charactersizeNONE);
- }
- /* If we couldn't, bug out. */
- if ((value != NULL) && (ffebld_op (value) == FFEBLD_opANY))
- {
- ffedata_reported_error_ = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* Handle the case where initializes go to a parent's storage area. */
- if (ffedata_storage_ != NULL)
- {
- ffetargetOffset offset;
- ffetargetOffset units_expected;
- ffebitCount actual;
- ffebldConstantArray array;
- ffebld accter;
- ffetargetCopyfunc fn;
- void *ptr1;
- void *ptr2;
- size_t size;
- ffeinfoBasictype ign_bt;
- ffeinfoKindtype ign_kt;
- ffetargetAlign units;
- /* Make sure we haven't fully accreted during an array init. */
- if (ffestorag_init (ffedata_storage_) != NULL)
- {
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_MULTIPLE);
- ffebad_here (0, ffelex_token_where_line (token),
- ffelex_token_where_column (token));
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (ffedata_symbol_));
- ffebad_finish ();
- ffedata_reported_error_ = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* Calculate offset. */
- offset = ffedata_offset_ * ffedata_size_ + ffedata_charoffset_;
- /* Is offset within range? If not, whine, but don't do anything else. */
- if (offset + ffedata_charexpected_ - 1 > ffedata_symbolsize_)
- {
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_RANGE);
- ffest_ffebad_here_current_stmt (0);
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (ffedata_symbol_));
- ffebad_finish ();
- ffedata_reported_error_ = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* Now calculate offset for aggregate area. */
- ffetarget_aggregate_info (&ign_bt, &ign_kt, &units, ffedata_basictype_,
- ffedata_kindtype_); /* Find out unit size of
- source datum. */
- assert (units % ffedata_storage_units_ == 0);
- units_expected = ffedata_charexpected_ * units / ffedata_storage_units_;
- offset *= units / ffedata_storage_units_;
- offset += (ffestorag_offset (ffesymbol_storage (ffedata_symbol_))
- - ffestorag_offset (ffedata_storage_))
- / ffedata_storage_units_;
- assert (offset + units_expected - 1 <= ffedata_storage_size_);
- /* Does an accretion array exist? If not, create it. */
- if (value != NULL)
- {
- if (ffestorag_accretion (ffedata_storage_) == NULL)
- {
-#if FFEDATA_sizeTOO_BIG_INIT_ != 0
- if (ffedata_storage_size_ >= FFEDATA_sizeTOO_BIG_INIT_)
- {
- char bignum[40];
- sprintf (&bignum[0], "%ld", (long) ffedata_storage_size_);
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_TOO_BIG_INIT);
- ffebad_here (0, ffelex_token_where_line (token),
- ffelex_token_where_column (token));
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (ffedata_symbol_));
- ffebad_string (bignum);
- ffebad_finish ();
- }
- array = ffebld_constantarray_new
- (ffedata_storage_bt_, ffedata_storage_kt_,
- ffedata_storage_size_);
- accter = ffebld_new_accter (array,
- ffebit_new (ffe_pool_program_unit (),
- ffedata_storage_size_));
- ffebld_set_info (accter, ffeinfo_new
- (ffedata_storage_bt_,
- ffedata_storage_kt_,
- 1,
- (ffedata_basictype_
- == FFEINFO_basictypeCHARACTER)
- ? 1 : FFETARGET_charactersizeNONE));
- ffestorag_set_accretion (ffedata_storage_, accter);
- ffestorag_set_accretes (ffedata_storage_, ffedata_storage_size_);
- }
- else
- {
- accter = ffestorag_accretion (ffedata_storage_);
- assert (ffedata_storage_size_ == (ffetargetOffset) ffebld_accter_size (accter));
- array = ffebld_accter (accter);
- }
- /* Put value in accretion array at desired offset. */
- fn = ffetarget_aggregate_ptr_memcpy
- (ffedata_storage_bt_, ffedata_storage_kt_,
- ffedata_basictype_, ffedata_kindtype_);
- ffebld_constantarray_prepare
- (&ptr1, &ptr2, &size, array, ffedata_storage_bt_,
- ffedata_storage_kt_, offset,
- ffebld_constant_ptr_to_union (ffebld_conter (value)),
- ffedata_basictype_, ffedata_kindtype_);
- (*fn) (ptr1, ptr2, size); /* Does the appropriate memcpy-like
- operation. */
- ffebit_count (ffebld_accter_bits (accter),
- offset, FALSE, units_expected,
- &actual); /* How many FALSE? */
- if (units_expected != (ffetargetOffset) actual)
- {
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_MULTIPLE);
- ffebad_here (0, ffelex_token_where_line (token),
- ffelex_token_where_column (token));
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (ffedata_symbol_));
- ffebad_finish ();
- }
- ffestorag_set_accretes (ffedata_storage_,
- ffestorag_accretes (ffedata_storage_)
- - actual); /* Decrement # of values
- actually accreted. */
- ffebit_set (ffebld_accter_bits (accter), offset,
- 1, units_expected);
- /* If done accreting for this storage area, establish as
- initialized. */
- if (ffestorag_accretes (ffedata_storage_) == 0)
- {
- ffestorag_set_init (ffedata_storage_, accter);
- ffestorag_set_accretion (ffedata_storage_, NULL);
- ffebit_kill (ffebld_accter_bits
- (ffestorag_init (ffedata_storage_)));
- ffebld_set_op (ffestorag_init (ffedata_storage_),
- ffebld_set_arrter
- (ffestorag_init (ffedata_storage_),
- ffebld_accter (ffestorag_init (ffedata_storage_)));
- ffebld_arrter_set_size (ffestorag_init (ffedata_storage_),
- ffedata_storage_size_);
- ffebld_arrter_set_pad (ffestorag_init (ffedata_storage_),
- 0);
- ffecom_notify_init_storage (ffedata_storage_);
- }
- }
- /* If still accreting, adjust specs accordingly and return. */
- if (++ffedata_number_ < ffedata_expected_)
- {
- ++ffedata_offset_;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return ffedata_advance_ ();
- }
- /* Figure out where the value goes -- in an accretion array or directly
- into the final initial-value slot for the symbol. */
- if ((ffedata_number_ != 0)
- || (ffedata_arraysize_ > 1)
- || (ffedata_charnumber_ != 0)
- || (ffedata_size_ > ffedata_charexpected_))
- { /* Accrete this value. */
- ffetargetOffset offset;
- ffebitCount actual;
- ffebldConstantArray array;
- ffebld accter = NULL;
- /* Calculate offset. */
- offset = ffedata_offset_ * ffedata_size_ + ffedata_charoffset_;
- /* Is offset within range? If not, whine, but don't do anything else. */
- if (offset + ffedata_charexpected_ - 1 > ffedata_symbolsize_)
- {
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_RANGE);
- ffest_ffebad_here_current_stmt (0);
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (ffedata_symbol_));
- ffebad_finish ();
- ffedata_reported_error_ = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* Does an accretion array exist? If not, create it. */
- if (value != NULL)
- {
- if (ffesymbol_accretion (ffedata_symbol_) == NULL)
- {
-#if FFEDATA_sizeTOO_BIG_INIT_ != 0
- if (ffedata_symbolsize_ >= FFEDATA_sizeTOO_BIG_INIT_ )
- {
- char bignum[40];
- sprintf (&bignum[0], "%ld", (long) ffedata_symbolsize_);
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_TOO_BIG_INIT);
- ffebad_here (0, ffelex_token_where_line (token),
- ffelex_token_where_column (token));
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (ffedata_symbol_));
- ffebad_string (bignum);
- ffebad_finish ();
- }
- array = ffebld_constantarray_new
- (ffedata_basictype_, ffedata_kindtype_,
- ffedata_symbolsize_);
- accter = ffebld_new_accter (array,
- ffebit_new (ffe_pool_program_unit (),
- ffedata_symbolsize_));
- ffebld_set_info (accter, ffeinfo_new
- (ffedata_basictype_,
- ffedata_kindtype_,
- 1,
- (ffedata_basictype_
- == FFEINFO_basictypeCHARACTER)
- ? 1 : FFETARGET_charactersizeNONE));
- ffesymbol_set_accretion (ffedata_symbol_, accter);
- ffesymbol_set_accretes (ffedata_symbol_, ffedata_symbolsize_);
- }
- else
- {
- accter = ffesymbol_accretion (ffedata_symbol_);
- assert (ffedata_symbolsize_
- == (ffetargetOffset) ffebld_accter_size (accter));
- array = ffebld_accter (accter);
- }
- /* Put value in accretion array at desired offset. */
- ffebld_constantarray_put
- (array, ffedata_basictype_, ffedata_kindtype_,
- offset, ffebld_constant_union (ffebld_conter (value)));
- ffebit_count (ffebld_accter_bits (accter), offset, FALSE,
- ffedata_charexpected_,
- &actual); /* How many FALSE? */
- if (actual != (unsigned long int) ffedata_charexpected_)
- {
- ffebad_start (FFEBAD_DATA_MULTIPLE);
- ffebad_here (0, ffelex_token_where_line (token),
- ffelex_token_where_column (token));
- ffebad_string (ffesymbol_text (ffedata_symbol_));
- ffebad_finish ();
- }
- ffesymbol_set_accretes (ffedata_symbol_,
- ffesymbol_accretes (ffedata_symbol_)
- - actual); /* Decrement # of values
- actually accreted. */
- ffebit_set (ffebld_accter_bits (accter), offset,
- 1, ffedata_charexpected_);
- ffesymbol_signal_unreported (ffedata_symbol_);
- }
- /* If still accreting, adjust specs accordingly and return. */
- if (++ffedata_number_ < ffedata_expected_)
- {
- ++ffedata_offset_;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* Else, if done accreting for this symbol, establish as initialized. */
- if ((value != NULL)
- && (ffesymbol_accretes (ffedata_symbol_) == 0))
- {
- ffesymbol_set_init (ffedata_symbol_, accter);
- ffesymbol_set_accretion (ffedata_symbol_, NULL);
- ffebit_kill (ffebld_accter_bits (ffesymbol_init (ffedata_symbol_)));
- ffebld_set_op (ffesymbol_init (ffedata_symbol_), FFEBLD_opARRTER);
- ffebld_set_arrter (ffesymbol_init (ffedata_symbol_),
- ffebld_accter (ffesymbol_init (ffedata_symbol_)));
- ffebld_arrter_set_size (ffesymbol_init (ffedata_symbol_),
- ffedata_symbolsize_);
- ffebld_arrter_set_pad (ffestorag_init (ffedata_symbol_), 0);
- ffecom_notify_init_symbol (ffedata_symbol_);
- }
- }
- else if (value != NULL)
- {
- /* Simple, direct, one-shot assignment. */
- ffesymbol_set_init (ffedata_symbol_, value);
- ffecom_notify_init_symbol (ffedata_symbol_);
- }
- /* Call on advance function to get next target in list. */
- return ffedata_advance_ ();