path: root/contrib/tcsh/FAQ
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diff --git a/contrib/tcsh/FAQ b/contrib/tcsh/FAQ
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index 86fea4a3e5d6..000000000000
--- a/contrib/tcsh/FAQ
+++ /dev/null
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-Last Updated:
-Fri Mar 12 12:53:43 EST 1999
-This is for people who do not read the manual!
-So far people who don't read manuals don't read this either... I may
-call it README.*PLEASE* in the future, but then the same people won't
-be able to get ftp it... :-)
-1. Why is the meta key broken in tcsh-5.20 and up?
- On some machines the tty is not set up to pass 8 bit characters by default.
- Tcsh 5.19 used to try to determine if pass8 should be set by looking at
- the terminal's meta key. Unfortunately there is no good way of determining
- if the terminal can really pass 8 characters or not. Consider if you are
- logged in through a modem line with 7 bits and parity and your terminal
- has a meta key. Then tcsh 5.19 would set wrongly set pass8.
- If you did like the previous behavior you can add in /etc/csh.login, or
- in .login:
- if ( $?tcsh && $?prompt ) then
- if ( "`echotc meta`" == "yes" ) then
- stty pass8
- endif
- endif
- If you don't have pass8, maybe something like
- stty -parity -evenp -oddp cs8 -istrip (rs6000)
- or
- stty -parenb -istrip cs8
- would work..
-2. I ran 'dbxtool &' and 'shelltool &' from tcsh, and they end up in cbreak
- and no echo mode?
- These programs are broken. Background jobs should not try to look at the
- tty. What happens is that dbxtool looks in stderr to inherit the tty
- setups, but tcsh sets up the tty in cbreak and -echo modes, so that it
- can do line editing. This cannot be fixed because tcsh cannot give away
- the tty. A work-around is:
- dbxtool < /dev/null >& /dev/null &
- or
- /usr/etc/setsid dbxtool &
- If that does not work, for dbxtool at least you can add "sh stty sane"
- in your .dbxinit
-3. I tried to compile tcsh and it cannot find <locale.h>?
- Your system does not support NLS. Undefine NLS in config_f.h and it
- should work fine.
-4. Where can I get csh sources?
- Csh sources are now available with the 4.4BSD networking distributions.
- You don't need csh sources to compile tcsh-6.0x.
-5. I just made tcsh my login shell, and I cannot ftp any more?
- Newer versions of the ftp daemon check for the validity of the
- user's shell before they allow logins. The list of valid login
- shells is either hardcoded or it is usually in a file called
- /etc/shells. If it is hard-coded, then you are out of luck and
- your best bet is to get a newer version of ftpd. Otherwise add
- tcsh to the list of shells. [For AIX this file is called
- /etc/security/login.cfg]. Remember that the full path is required.
- If there is no /etc/shells, and you are creating one, remember to
- add /bin/csh, /bin/sh, and any other valid shells for your system,
- so that other people can ftp too :-)
-6. I am using SunView/OpenWindows and editing is screwed up. In
- particular my arrow keys and backspace don't work right. What
- am I doing wrong?
- Well, cmdtool tries to do its own command line editing and the
- effect you get is one of using an editor inside an editor. Both
- try to interpret the arrow key sequences and cmdtool wins since
- it gets them first. The solutions are in my order of preference:
- 1 Don't use suntools
- 2 Use shelltool instead of cmdtool.
- 3 Unset edit in tcsh.
-6b. On a SPARCstation running Solaris 2.x and OpenWindows 3.1,
- inside a cmdtool, the short-cut key sequence to clear log
- (i.e. Meta-e or Diamond-e) doesn't work: it just echos 'e'
-6c. On a SPARCstation running Solaris 2.x and OpenWindows 3.1,
- maketool (within SPARCworks) doesn't work: it just does
- a `cd' to the working directory then stops.
- The workaround for 6b and 6c is doing "unset edit."
- Using shelltool instead of cmdtool doesn't fix 6c.
-7. I rlogin to another machine, and then no matter what I tell 'stty'
- I cannot get it to pass 8 bit characters?
- Maybe you need to use 'rlogin -8' to tell rlogin to pass 8
- bit characters.
-8. Where do I get the public domain directory library?
- Anonymous ftp to
-9. I compiled tcsh using gcc, and when I start up it says:
- tcsh: Warning no access to tty (Invalid Argument).
- Thus no job control in this shell
- Your <sys/ioctl.h> file is not ansi compliant. You have one of 3 choices:
- a. Run fixincludes from the gcc distribution.
- b. Add -traditional to the gcc flags.
- c. Compile with cc.
-10. I compiled tcsh with the SunOS unbundled compiler and now things
- get echo'ed twice.
- It is a bug in the unbundled optimizer. Lower the optimization level.
-11. How can I use the arrow keys with hpterm?
- Hp terminals use the arrow keys internally. You can tell hpterm not
- to do that, by sending it the termcap sequence smkx. Since this
- has to be done all the time, the easiest thing is to put it as an
- alias for precmd, or inside the prompt:
- if ($term == "hp") then
- set prompt="%{`echotc smkx`%}$prompt"
- endif
- Note that by doing that you cannot use pgup and pgdn to scroll...
- Also if you are using termcap, replace "smkx" with "ks"...
-12. On POSIX machines ^C and ^Z will do not work when tcsh is a login
- shell?
- Make sure that the interrupt character is set to ^C and suspend
- is set to ^Z; 'stty -a' will show you the current stty settings;
- 'stty intr ^C susp ^Z' will set them to ^C and ^Z respectively.
-13. I am trying to compile tcsh and I am getting compile errors that
- look like:
- >sh.c:???: `STR???' undeclared, outside of functions [gcc]
- or
- >"sh.c", line ???: STR??? undefined [cc]
- You interrupted make, while it was making the automatically
- generated headers. Type 'make clean; make'
-14. On the cray, sometimes the CR/LF mapping gets screwed up.
- You are probably logged in to the cray via telnet. Cray's
- telnetd implements line mode selection the telnet client
- you are using does not implement telnet line mode.
- This cause the Cray's telnetd to try to use KLUDGELINEMODE.
- You can turn off telnet line mode from the cray side by
- doing a "stty -extproc", or you can get the Cray AIC to build
- a telnetd without KLUDGELINEMODE, or you can compile
- a new telnet client (from the BSD net2 tape), or at least
- on the suns use: 'mode character'.
-15. On AU/X, I made tcsh my startup shell, but the mac desktop is not
- starting up (no X11 or Finder), and I only get console emulation.
- This is another manifestation of item 5. Just add the pathname
- to tcsh in /etc/shells and everything should work fine.
-16. On machines that use YP (NIS) tilde expansion might end up in /dev/null
- If this happens complain to your vendor, to get a new version of NIS.
- You can fix that in tcsh by defining YPBUGS in config.h
-17. Script on SGI 4.0.5 does not give us a tty, so we cannot have job
- control. Their csh does not have job control either. Try:
- % script
- % cat > /dev/tty
-18. I start tcsh and it takes a couple of minutes to get the prompt.
- You have defined REMOTEHOST and your DNS is not responding. Either
- undefine REMOTEHOST and recompile or fix your DNS.
-19. If you need help generating your .cshrc file, check out:
-20. On POSIX systems the kernel will send hup signals to all the processes
- in the foreground process group if 'stty hupcl' is set. For example
- ./tcsh
- echo $$
- 591
- ./tcsh
- kill -6 591
- Will kill everything, since hup will be sent to all tcsh processes.
- To avoid that you can set stty -hupcl, but it is not recommended.
-21. When I rsh the meta key stops working on the remote machine.
- Try using rsh -8; this option is undocumented on some systems,
- but it works. If that does not work, get and use ssh/sshd. You'll
- be better off from a security point of view anyway.
-22. Tcsh compiled under hp/ux-10.x does not pass resource limits correctly
- when ran on hp/ux-11.x systems. This is a problem with lack of ABI
- compatibility between the two systems. The only solution is to recompile.
-Everything else is a bug :-(