path: root/crypto/kerberosIV/lib/krb/getrealm.c
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/crypto/kerberosIV/lib/krb/getrealm.c b/crypto/kerberosIV/lib/krb/getrealm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 05dfdabb5740..000000000000
--- a/crypto/kerberosIV/lib/krb/getrealm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Export of this software from the United States of America is assumed
- to require a specific license from the United States Government.
- It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating
- export to obtain such a license before exporting.
-WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and
-distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and
-without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
-notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
-this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that
-the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
-to distribution of the software without specific, written prior
-permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
-this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
-or implied warranty.
- */
-#include "krb_locl.h"
-RCSID("$Id: getrealm.c,v 1.25 1997/05/02 14:29:14 assar Exp $");
- * krb_realmofhost.
- * Given a fully-qualified domain-style primary host name,
- * return the name of the Kerberos realm for the host.
- * If the hostname contains no discernable domain, or an error occurs,
- * return the local realm name, as supplied by get_krbrlm().
- * If the hostname contains a domain, but no translation is found,
- * the hostname's domain is converted to upper-case and returned.
- *
- * The format of each line of the translation file is:
- * domain_name kerberos_realm
- * -or-
- * host_name kerberos_realm
- *
- * domain_name should be of the form .XXX.YYY (e.g. .LCS.MIT.EDU)
- * host names should be in the usual form (e.g. FOO.BAR.BAZ)
- */
-/* To automagically find the correct realm of a host (without
- * krb.realms) add a text record for your domain with the name of your
- * realm, like this:
- *
- * krb4-realm IN TXT FOO.SE
- *
- * The search is recursive, so you can also add entries for specific
- * hosts. To find the realm of host a.b.c, it first tries
- * krb4-realm.a.b.c, then krb4-realm.b.c and so on.
- */
-static int
-dns_find_realm(char *hostname, char *realm)
- char domain[MaxHostNameLen + sizeof("krb4-realm..")];
- char *p;
- int level = 0;
- struct dns_reply *r;
- p = hostname;
- while(1){
- snprintf(domain, sizeof(domain), "krb4-realm.%s.", p);
- r = dns_lookup(domain, "TXT");
- if(r){
- struct resource_record *rr = r->head;
- while(rr){
- if(rr->type == T_TXT){
- strncpy(realm, rr->u.txt, REALM_SZ);
- realm[REALM_SZ - 1] = 0;
- dns_free_data(r);
- return level;
- }
- rr = rr->next;
- }
- dns_free_data(r);
- }
- level++;
- p = strchr(p, '.');
- if(p == NULL)
- break;
- p++;
- }
- return -1;
-static FILE *
- static const char *const files[] = KRB_RLM_FILES;
- FILE *res;
- int i;
- const char *dir = getenv("KRBCONFDIR");
- /* First try user specified file */
- if (dir != 0) {
- char fname[MaxPathLen];
- if(k_concat(fname, sizeof(fname), dir, "/krb.realms", NULL) == 0)
- if ((res = fopen(fname, "r")) != NULL)
- return res;
- }
- for (i = 0; files[i] != 0; i++)
- if ((res = fopen(files[i], "r")) != NULL)
- return res;
- return NULL;
-char *
-krb_realmofhost(const char *host)
- static char ret_realm[REALM_SZ];
- char *domain;
- FILE *trans_file;
- char trans_host[MaxHostNameLen];
- char trans_realm[REALM_SZ];
- char buf[1024];
- char phost[MaxHostNameLen];
- krb_name_to_name(host, phost, sizeof(phost));
- domain = strchr(phost, '.');
- /* prepare default */
- if(dns_find_realm(phost, ret_realm) < 0){
- if (domain) {
- char *cp;
- strncpy(ret_realm, &domain[1], REALM_SZ);
- ret_realm[REALM_SZ - 1] = 0;
- /* Upper-case realm */
- for (cp = ret_realm; *cp; cp++)
- *cp = toupper(*cp);
- } else {
- krb_get_lrealm(ret_realm, 1);
- }
- }
- if ((trans_file = open_krb_realms()) == NULL)
- return(ret_realm); /* krb_errno = KRB_NO_TRANS */
- while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), trans_file)) {
- char *save = NULL;
- char *tok = strtok_r(buf, " \t\r\n", &save);
- if(tok == NULL)
- continue;
- strncpy(trans_host, tok, MaxHostNameLen);
- trans_host[MaxHostNameLen - 1] = 0;
- tok = strtok_r(NULL, " \t\r\n", &save);
- if(tok == NULL)
- continue;
- strcpy(trans_realm, tok);
- trans_realm[REALM_SZ - 1] = 0;
- if (!strcasecmp(trans_host, phost)) {
- /* exact match of hostname, so return the realm */
- strcpy(ret_realm, trans_realm);
- fclose(trans_file);
- return(ret_realm);
- }
- if ((trans_host[0] == '.') && domain) {
- char *cp = domain;
- do {
- if(strcasecmp(trans_host, domain) == 0){
- /* domain match, save for later */
- strcpy(ret_realm, trans_realm);
- break;
- }
- cp = strchr(cp + 1, '.');
- } while(MATCH_SUBDOMAINS && cp);
- }
- }
- fclose(trans_file);
- return ret_realm;