path: root/date.1.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'date.1.txt')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/date.1.txt b/date.1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..de500a347081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/date.1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+DATE(1) General Commands Manual DATE(1)
+ date - show and set date and time
+ date [ -u ] [ -c ] [ -r seconds ] [ +format ] [ [yyyy]mmddhhmm[yy][.ss]
+ ]
+ Date without arguments writes the date and time to the standard output
+ in the form
+ Wed Mar 8 14:54:40 EST 1989
+ with EST replaced by the local time zone's abbreviation (or by the
+ abbreviation for the time zone specified in the TZ environment variable
+ if set). The exact output format depends on the locale.
+ If a command-line argument starts with a plus sign ("+"), the rest of
+ the argument is used as a format that controls what appears in the
+ output. In the format, when a percent sign ("%" appears, it and the
+ character after it are not output, but rather identify part of the date
+ or time to be output in a particular way (or identify a special
+ character to output):
+ Sample output Explanation
+ %a Wed Abbreviated weekday name*
+ %A Wednesday Full weekday name*
+ %b Mar Abbreviated month name*
+ %B March Full month name*
+ %c Wed Mar 08 14:54:40 1989 Date and time*
+ %C 19 Century
+ %d 08 Day of month (always two digits)
+ %D 03/08/89 Month/day/year (eight characters)
+ %e 8 Day of month (leading zero blanked)
+ %h Mar Abbreviated month name*
+ %H 14 24-hour-clock hour (two digits)
+ %I 02 12-hour-clock hour (two digits)
+ %j 067 Julian day number (three digits)
+ %k 2 12-hour-clock hour (leading zero blanked)
+ %l 14 24-hour-clock hour (leading zero blanked)
+ %m 03 Month number (two digits)
+ %M 54 Minute (two digits)
+ %n \n newline character
+ %p PM AM/PM designation
+ %r 02:54:40 PM Hour:minute:second AM/PM designation
+ %R 14:54 Hour:minute
+ %S 40 Second (two digits)
+ %t \t tab character
+ %T 14:54:40 Hour:minute:second
+ %U 10 Sunday-based week number (two digits)
+ %w 3 Day number (one digit, Sunday is 0)
+ %W 10 Monday-based week number (two digits)
+ %x 03/08/89 Date*
+ %X 14:54:40 Time*
+ %y 89 Last two digits of year
+ %Y 1989 Year in full
+ %z -0500 Numeric time zone
+ %Z EST Time zone abbreviation
+ %+ Wed Mar 8 14:54:40 EST 1989 Default output format*
+ * The exact output depends on the locale.
+ If a character other than one of those shown above appears after a
+ percent sign in the format, that following character is output. All
+ other characters in the format are copied unchanged to the output; a
+ newline character is always added at the end of the output.
+ In Sunday-based week numbering, the first Sunday of the year begins
+ week 1; days preceding it are part of "week 0". In Monday-based week
+ numbering, the first Monday of the year begins week 1.
+ To set the date, use a command line argument with one of the following
+ forms:
+ 1454 24-hour-clock hours (first two digits) and minutes
+ 081454 Month day (first two digits), hours, and minutes
+ 03081454 Month (two digits, January is 01), month day, hours, minutes
+ 8903081454 Year, month, month day, hours, minutes
+ 0308145489 Month, month day, hours, minutes, year
+ (on System V-compatible systems)
+ 030814541989 Month, month day, hours, minutes, four-digit year
+ 198903081454 Four-digit year, month, month day, hours, minutes
+ If the century, year, month, or month day is not given, the current
+ value is used. Any of the above forms may be followed by a period and
+ two digits that give the seconds part of the new time; if no seconds
+ are given, zero is assumed.
+ These options are available:
+ -u or -c
+ Use Universal Time when setting and showing the date and time.
+ -r seconds
+ Output the date that corresponds to seconds past the epoch of
+ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, where seconds should be an integer,
+ either decimal, octal (leading 0), or hexadecimal (leading 0x),
+ preceded by an optional sign.
+ /etc/localtime local time zone file
+ /usr/lib/locale/L/LC_TIME description of time locale L
+ /usr/share/zoneinfo time zone information directory
+ /usr/share/zoneinfo/posixrules used with POSIX-style TZ's
+ /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT for UTC leap seconds
+ If /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT is absent, UTC leap seconds are loaded from
+ /usr/share/zoneinfo/posixrules.
+ DATE(1)