path: root/doc/man3/SSL_CTX_dane_enable.pod
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+=head1 NAME
+SSL_CTX_dane_enable, SSL_CTX_dane_mtype_set, SSL_dane_enable,
+SSL_dane_tlsa_add, SSL_get0_dane_authority, SSL_get0_dane_tlsa,
+SSL_CTX_dane_set_flags, SSL_CTX_dane_clear_flags,
+SSL_dane_set_flags, SSL_dane_clear_flags
+- enable DANE TLS authentication of the remote TLS server in the local
+TLS client
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ #include <openssl/ssl.h>
+ int SSL_CTX_dane_enable(SSL_CTX *ctx);
+ int SSL_CTX_dane_mtype_set(SSL_CTX *ctx, const EVP_MD *md,
+ uint8_t mtype, uint8_t ord);
+ int SSL_dane_enable(SSL *s, const char *basedomain);
+ int SSL_dane_tlsa_add(SSL *s, uint8_t usage, uint8_t selector,
+ uint8_t mtype, unsigned const char *data, size_t dlen);
+ int SSL_get0_dane_authority(SSL *s, X509 **mcert, EVP_PKEY **mspki);
+ int SSL_get0_dane_tlsa(SSL *s, uint8_t *usage, uint8_t *selector,
+ uint8_t *mtype, unsigned const char **data,
+ size_t *dlen);
+ unsigned long SSL_CTX_dane_set_flags(SSL_CTX *ctx, unsigned long flags);
+ unsigned long SSL_CTX_dane_clear_flags(SSL_CTX *ctx, unsigned long flags);
+ unsigned long SSL_dane_set_flags(SSL *ssl, unsigned long flags);
+ unsigned long SSL_dane_clear_flags(SSL *ssl, unsigned long flags);
+These functions implement support for DANE TLSA (RFC6698 and RFC7671)
+peer authentication.
+SSL_CTX_dane_enable() must be called first to initialize the shared state
+required for DANE support.
+Individual connections associated with the context can then enable
+per-connection DANE support as appropriate.
+DANE authentication is implemented in the L<X509_verify_cert(3)> function, and
+applications that override L<X509_verify_cert(3)> via
+L<SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback(3)> are responsible to authenticate the peer
+chain in whatever manner they see fit.
+SSL_CTX_dane_mtype_set() may then be called zero or more times to adjust the
+supported digest algorithms.
+This must be done before any SSL handles are created for the context.
+The B<mtype> argument specifies a DANE TLSA matching type and the B<md>
+argument specifies the associated digest algorithm handle.
+The B<ord> argument specifies a strength ordinal.
+Algorithms with a larger strength ordinal are considered more secure.
+Strength ordinals are used to implement RFC7671 digest algorithm agility.
+Specifying a B<NULL> digest algorithm for a matching type disables
+support for that matching type.
+Matching type Full(0) cannot be modified or disabled.
+By default, matching type C<SHA2-256(1)> (see RFC7218 for definitions
+of the DANE TLSA parameter acronyms) is mapped to C<EVP_sha256()>
+with a strength ordinal of C<1> and matching type C<SHA2-512(2)>
+is mapped to C<EVP_sha512()> with a strength ordinal of C<2>.
+SSL_dane_enable() must be called before the SSL handshake is initiated with
+L<SSL_connect(3)> if (and only if) you want to enable DANE for that connection.
+(The connection must be associated with a DANE-enabled SSL context).
+The B<basedomain> argument specifies the RFC7671 TLSA base domain,
+which will be the primary peer reference identifier for certificate
+name checks.
+Additional server names can be specified via L<SSL_add1_host(3)>.
+The B<basedomain> is used as the default SNI hint if none has yet been
+specified via L<SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(3)>.
+SSL_dane_tlsa_add() may then be called one or more times, to load each of the
+TLSA records that apply to the remote TLS peer.
+(This too must be done prior to the beginning of the SSL handshake).
+The arguments specify the fields of the TLSA record.
+The B<data> field is provided in binary (wire RDATA) form, not the hexadecimal
+ASCII presentation form, with an explicit length passed via B<dlen>.
+The library takes a copy of the B<data> buffer contents and the caller may
+free the original B<data> buffer when convenient.
+A return value of 0 indicates that "unusable" TLSA records (with invalid or
+unsupported parameters) were provided.
+A negative return value indicates an internal error in processing the record.
+The caller is expected to check the return value of each SSL_dane_tlsa_add()
+call and take appropriate action if none are usable or an internal error
+is encountered in processing some records.
+If no TLSA records are added successfully, DANE authentication is not enabled,
+and authentication will be based on any configured traditional trust-anchors;
+authentication success in this case does not mean that the peer was
+SSL_get0_dane_authority() can be used to get more detailed information about
+the matched DANE trust-anchor after successful connection completion.
+The return value is negative if DANE verification failed (or was not enabled),
+0 if an EE TLSA record directly matched the leaf certificate, or a positive
+number indicating the depth at which a TA record matched an issuer certificate.
+The complete verified chain can be retrieved via L<SSL_get0_verified_chain(3)>.
+The return value is an index into this verified chain, rather than the list of
+certificates sent by the peer as returned by L<SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(3)>.
+If the B<mcert> argument is not B<NULL> and a TLSA record matched a chain
+certificate, a pointer to the matching certificate is returned via B<mcert>.
+The returned address is a short-term internal reference to the certificate and
+must not be freed by the application.
+Applications that want to retain access to the certificate can call
+L<X509_up_ref(3)> to obtain a long-term reference which must then be freed via
+L<X509_free(3)> once no longer needed.
+If no TLSA records directly matched any elements of the certificate chain, but
+a DANE-TA(2) SPKI(1) Full(0) record provided the public key that signed an
+element of the chain, then that key is returned via B<mspki> argument (if not
+In this case the return value is the depth of the top-most element of the
+validated certificate chain.
+As with B<mcert> this is a short-term internal reference, and
+L<EVP_PKEY_up_ref(3)> and L<EVP_PKEY_free(3)> can be used to acquire and
+release long-term references respectively.
+SSL_get0_dane_tlsa() can be used to retrieve the fields of the TLSA record that
+matched the peer certificate chain.
+The return value indicates the match depth or failure to match just as with
+When the return value is non-negative, the storage pointed to by the B<usage>,
+B<selector>, B<mtype> and B<data> parameters is updated to the corresponding
+TLSA record fields.
+The B<data> field is in binary wire form, and is therefore not NUL-terminated,
+its length is returned via the B<dlen> parameter.
+If any of these parameters is NULL, the corresponding field is not returned.
+The B<data> parameter is set to a short-term internal-copy of the associated
+data field and must not be freed by the application.
+Applications that need long-term access to this field need to copy the content.
+SSL_CTX_dane_set_flags() and SSL_dane_set_flags() can be used to enable
+optional DANE verification features.
+SSL_CTX_dane_clear_flags() and SSL_dane_clear_flags() can be used to disable
+the same features.
+The B<flags> argument is a bitmask of the features to enable or disable.
+The B<flags> set for an B<SSL_CTX> context are copied to each B<SSL> handle
+associated with that context at the time the handle is created.
+Subsequent changes in the context's B<flags> have no effect on the B<flags> set
+for the handle.
+At present, the only available option is B<DANE_FLAG_NO_DANE_EE_NAMECHECKS>
+which can be used to disable server name checks when authenticating via
+DANE-EE(3) TLSA records.
+For some applications, primarily web browsers, it is not safe to disable name
+checks due to "unknown key share" attacks, in which a malicious server can
+convince a client that a connection to a victim server is instead a secure
+connection to the malicious server.
+The malicious server may then be able to violate cross-origin scripting
+Thus, despite the text of RFC7671, name checks are by default enabled for
+DANE-EE(3) TLSA records, and can be disabled in applications where it is safe
+to do so.
+In particular, SMTP and XMPP clients should set this option as SRV and MX
+records already make it possible for a remote domain to redirect client
+connections to any server of its choice, and in any case SMTP and XMPP clients
+do not execute scripts downloaded from remote servers.
+The functions SSL_CTX_dane_enable(), SSL_CTX_dane_mtype_set(),
+SSL_dane_enable() and SSL_dane_tlsa_add() return a positive value on success.
+Negative return values indicate resource problems (out of memory, etc.) in the
+SSL library, while a return value of B<0> indicates incorrect usage or invalid
+input, such as an unsupported TLSA record certificate usage, selector or
+matching type.
+Invalid input also includes malformed data, either a digest length that does
+not match the digest algorithm, or a C<Full(0)> (binary ASN.1 DER form)
+certificate or a public key that fails to parse.
+The functions SSL_get0_dane_authority() and SSL_get0_dane_tlsa() return a
+negative value when DANE authentication failed or was not enabled, a
+non-negative value indicates the chain depth at which the TLSA record matched a
+chain certificate, or the depth of the top-most certificate, when the TLSA
+record is a full public key that is its signer.
+The functions SSL_CTX_dane_set_flags(), SSL_CTX_dane_clear_flags(),
+SSL_dane_set_flags() and SSL_dane_clear_flags() return the B<flags> in effect
+before they were called.
+=head1 EXAMPLE
+Suppose "" is the MX host of the domain "", and has
+DNSSEC-validated TLSA records.
+The calls below will perform DANE authentication and arrange to match either
+the MX hostname or the destination domain name in the SMTP server certificate.
+Wildcards are supported, but must match the entire label.
+The actual name matched in the certificate (which might be a wildcard) is
+retrieved, and must be copied by the application if it is to be retained beyond
+the lifetime of the SSL connection.
+ SSL_CTX *ctx;
+ SSL *ssl;
+ int (*verify_cb)(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *sctx) = NULL;
+ int num_usable = 0;
+ const char *nexthop_domain = "";
+ const char *dane_tlsa_domain = "";
+ uint8_t usage, selector, mtype;
+ if ((ctx = SSL_CTX_new(TLS_client_method())) == NULL)
+ /* error */
+ if (SSL_CTX_dane_enable(ctx) <= 0)
+ /* error */
+ if ((ssl = SSL_new(ctx)) == NULL)
+ /* error */
+ if (SSL_dane_enable(ssl, dane_tlsa_domain) <= 0)
+ /* error */
+ /*
+ * For many applications it is safe to skip DANE-EE(3) namechecks. Do not
+ * disable the checks unless "unknown key share" attacks pose no risk for
+ * your application.
+ */
+ SSL_dane_set_flags(ssl, DANE_FLAG_NO_DANE_EE_NAMECHECKS);
+ if (!SSL_add1_host(ssl, nexthop_domain))
+ /* error */
+ SSL_set_hostflags(ssl, X509_CHECK_FLAG_NO_PARTIAL_WILDCARDS);
+ for (... each TLSA record ...) {
+ unsigned char *data;
+ size_t len;
+ int ret;
+ /* set usage, selector, mtype, data, len */
+ /*
+ * Opportunistic DANE TLS clients support only DANE-TA(2) or DANE-EE(3).
+ * They treat all other certificate usages, and in particular PKIX-TA(0)
+ * and PKIX-EE(1), as unusable.
+ */
+ switch (usage) {
+ default:
+ case 0: /* PKIX-TA(0) */
+ case 1: /* PKIX-EE(1) */
+ continue;
+ case 2: /* DANE-TA(2) */
+ case 3: /* DANE-EE(3) */
+ break;
+ }
+ ret = SSL_dane_tlsa_add(ssl, usage, selector, mtype, data, len);
+ /* free data as appropriate */
+ if (ret < 0)
+ /* handle SSL library internal error */
+ else if (ret == 0)
+ /* handle unusable TLSA record */
+ else
+ ++num_usable;
+ }
+ /*
+ * At this point, the verification mode is still the default SSL_VERIFY_NONE.
+ * Opportunistic DANE clients use unauthenticated TLS when all TLSA records
+ * are unusable, so continue the handshake even if authentication fails.
+ */
+ if (num_usable == 0) {
+ /* Log all records unusable? */
+ /* Optionally set verify_cb to a suitable non-NULL callback. */
+ SSL_set_verify(ssl, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, verify_cb);
+ } else {
+ /* At least one usable record. We expect to verify the peer */
+ /* Optionally set verify_cb to a suitable non-NULL callback. */
+ /*
+ * Below we elect to fail the handshake when peer verification fails.
+ * Alternatively, use the permissive SSL_VERIFY_NONE verification mode,
+ * complete the handshake, check the verification status, and if not
+ * verified disconnect gracefully at the application layer, especially if
+ * application protocol supports informing the server that authentication
+ * failed.
+ */
+ SSL_set_verify(ssl, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, verify_cb);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Load any saved session for resumption, making sure that the previous
+ * session applied the same security and authentication requirements that
+ * would be expected of a fresh connection.
+ */
+ /* Perform SSL_connect() handshake and handle errors here */
+ if (SSL_session_reused(ssl)) {
+ if (SSL_get_verify_result(ssl) == X509_V_OK) {
+ /*
+ * Resumed session was originally verified, this connection is
+ * authenticated.
+ */
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Resumed session was not originally verified, this connection is not
+ * authenticated.
+ */
+ }
+ } else if (SSL_get_verify_result(ssl) == X509_V_OK) {
+ const char *peername = SSL_get0_peername(ssl);
+ EVP_PKEY *mspki = NULL;
+ int depth = SSL_get0_dane_authority(ssl, NULL, &mspki);
+ if (depth >= 0) {
+ (void) SSL_get0_dane_tlsa(ssl, &usage, &selector, &mtype, NULL, NULL);
+ printf("DANE TLSA %d %d %d %s at depth %d\n", usage, selector, mtype,
+ (mspki != NULL) ? "TA public key verified certificate" :
+ depth ? "matched TA certificate" : "matched EE certificate",
+ depth);
+ }
+ if (peername != NULL) {
+ /* Name checks were in scope and matched the peername */
+ printf("Verified peername: %s\n", peername);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Not authenticated, presumably all TLSA rrs unusable, but possibly a
+ * callback suppressed connection termination despite the presence of
+ * usable TLSA RRs none of which matched. Do whatever is appropriate for
+ * fresh unauthenticated connections.
+ */
+ }
+=head1 NOTES
+It is expected that the majority of clients employing DANE TLS will be doing
+"opportunistic DANE TLS" in the sense of RFC7672 and RFC7435.
+That is, they will use DANE authentication when DNSSEC-validated TLSA records
+are published for a given peer, and otherwise will use unauthenticated TLS or
+even cleartext.
+Such applications should generally treat any TLSA records published by the peer
+with usages PKIX-TA(0) and PKIX-EE(1) as "unusable", and should not include
+them among the TLSA records used to authenticate peer connections.
+In addition, some TLSA records with supported usages may be "unusable" as a
+result of invalid or unsupported parameters.
+When a peer has TLSA records, but none are "usable", an opportunistic
+application must avoid cleartext, but cannot authenticate the peer,
+and so should generally proceed with an unauthenticated connection.
+Opportunistic applications need to note the return value of each
+call to SSL_dane_tlsa_add(), and if all return 0 (due to invalid
+or unsupported parameters) disable peer authentication by calling
+L<SSL_set_verify(3)> with B<mode> equal to B<SSL_VERIFY_NONE>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 HISTORY
+These functions were first added to OpenSSL 1.1.0.
+Copyright 2016-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at