path: root/lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging.cpp')
1 files changed, 757 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging.cpp b/lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..16ce483502f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging.cpp
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+//===-- xray_fdr_logging.cpp -----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file is a part of XRay, a dynamic runtime instrumentation system.
+// Here we implement the Flight Data Recorder mode for XRay, where we use
+// compact structures to store records in memory as well as when writing out the
+// data to files.
+#include "xray_fdr_logging.h"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <limits>
+#include <memory>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_allocator_internal.h"
+#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_atomic.h"
+#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_common.h"
+#include "xray/xray_interface.h"
+#include "xray/xray_records.h"
+#include "xray_allocator.h"
+#include "xray_buffer_queue.h"
+#include "xray_defs.h"
+#include "xray_fdr_controller.h"
+#include "xray_fdr_flags.h"
+#include "xray_fdr_log_writer.h"
+#include "xray_flags.h"
+#include "xray_recursion_guard.h"
+#include "xray_tsc.h"
+#include "xray_utils.h"
+namespace __xray {
+static atomic_sint32_t LoggingStatus = {
+namespace {
+// Group together thread-local-data in a struct, then hide it behind a function
+// call so that it can be initialized on first use instead of as a global. We
+// force the alignment to 64-bytes for x86 cache line alignment, as this
+// structure is used in the hot path of implementation.
+struct XRAY_TLS_ALIGNAS(64) ThreadLocalData {
+ BufferQueue::Buffer Buffer{};
+ BufferQueue *BQ = nullptr;
+ using LogWriterStorage =
+ typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(FDRLogWriter),
+ alignof(FDRLogWriter)>::type;
+ LogWriterStorage LWStorage;
+ FDRLogWriter *Writer = nullptr;
+ using ControllerStorage =
+ typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(FDRController<>),
+ alignof(FDRController<>)>::type;
+ ControllerStorage CStorage;
+ FDRController<> *Controller = nullptr;
+} // namespace
+ "ThreadLocalData must be trivially destructible");
+// Use a global pthread key to identify thread-local data for logging.
+static pthread_key_t Key;
+// Global BufferQueue.
+static std::aligned_storage<sizeof(BufferQueue)>::type BufferQueueStorage;
+static BufferQueue *BQ = nullptr;
+// Global thresholds for function durations.
+static atomic_uint64_t ThresholdTicks{0};
+// Global for ticks per second.
+static atomic_uint64_t TicksPerSec{0};
+static atomic_sint32_t LogFlushStatus = {
+// This function will initialize the thread-local data structure used by the FDR
+// logging implementation and return a reference to it. The implementation
+// details require a bit of care to maintain.
+// First, some requirements on the implementation in general:
+// - XRay handlers should not call any memory allocation routines that may
+// delegate to an instrumented implementation. This means functions like
+// malloc() and free() should not be called while instrumenting.
+// - We would like to use some thread-local data initialized on first-use of
+// the XRay instrumentation. These allow us to implement unsynchronized
+// routines that access resources associated with the thread.
+// The implementation here uses a few mechanisms that allow us to provide both
+// the requirements listed above. We do this by:
+// 1. Using a thread-local aligned storage buffer for representing the
+// ThreadLocalData struct. This data will be uninitialized memory by
+// design.
+// 2. Not requiring a thread exit handler/implementation, keeping the
+// thread-local as purely a collection of references/data that do not
+// require cleanup.
+// We're doing this to avoid using a `thread_local` object that has a
+// non-trivial destructor, because the C++ runtime might call std::malloc(...)
+// to register calls to destructors. Deadlocks may arise when, for example, an
+// externally provided malloc implementation is XRay instrumented, and
+// initializing the thread-locals involves calling into malloc. A malloc
+// implementation that does global synchronization might be holding a lock for a
+// critical section, calling a function that might be XRay instrumented (and
+// thus in turn calling into malloc by virtue of registration of the
+// thread_local's destructor).
+static_assert(alignof(ThreadLocalData) >= 64,
+ "ThreadLocalData must be cache line aligned.");
+static ThreadLocalData &getThreadLocalData() {
+ thread_local typename std::aligned_storage<
+ sizeof(ThreadLocalData), alignof(ThreadLocalData)>::type TLDStorage{};
+ if (pthread_getspecific(Key) == NULL) {
+ new (reinterpret_cast<ThreadLocalData *>(&TLDStorage)) ThreadLocalData{};
+ pthread_setspecific(Key, &TLDStorage);
+ }
+ return *reinterpret_cast<ThreadLocalData *>(&TLDStorage);
+static XRayFileHeader &fdrCommonHeaderInfo() {
+ static std::aligned_storage<sizeof(XRayFileHeader)>::type HStorage;
+ static pthread_once_t OnceInit = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
+ static bool TSCSupported = true;
+ static uint64_t CycleFrequency = NanosecondsPerSecond;
+ pthread_once(
+ &OnceInit, +[] {
+ XRayFileHeader &H = reinterpret_cast<XRayFileHeader &>(HStorage);
+ // Version 2 of the log writes the extents of the buffer, instead of
+ // relying on an end-of-buffer record.
+ // Version 3 includes PID metadata record.
+ // Version 4 includes CPU data in the custom event records.
+ // Version 5 uses relative deltas for custom and typed event records,
+ // and removes the CPU data in custom event records (similar to how
+ // function records use deltas instead of full TSCs and rely on other
+ // metadata records for TSC wraparound and CPU migration).
+ H.Version = 5;
+ H.Type = FileTypes::FDR_LOG;
+ // Test for required CPU features and cache the cycle frequency
+ TSCSupported = probeRequiredCPUFeatures();
+ if (TSCSupported)
+ CycleFrequency = getTSCFrequency();
+ H.CycleFrequency = CycleFrequency;
+ // FIXME: Actually check whether we have 'constant_tsc' and
+ // 'nonstop_tsc' before setting the values in the header.
+ H.ConstantTSC = 1;
+ H.NonstopTSC = 1;
+ });
+ return reinterpret_cast<XRayFileHeader &>(HStorage);
+// This is the iterator implementation, which knows how to handle FDR-mode
+// specific buffers. This is used as an implementation of the iterator function
+// needed by __xray_set_buffer_iterator(...). It maintains a global state of the
+// buffer iteration for the currently installed FDR mode buffers. In particular:
+// - If the argument represents the initial state of XRayBuffer ({nullptr, 0})
+// then the iterator returns the header information.
+// - If the argument represents the header information ({address of header
+// info, size of the header info}) then it returns the first FDR buffer's
+// address and extents.
+// - It will keep returning the next buffer and extents as there are more
+// buffers to process. When the input represents the last buffer, it will
+// return the initial state to signal completion ({nullptr, 0}).
+// See xray/xray_log_interface.h for more details on the requirements for the
+// implementations of __xray_set_buffer_iterator(...) and
+// __xray_log_process_buffers(...).
+XRayBuffer fdrIterator(const XRayBuffer B) {
+ DCHECK(internal_strcmp(__xray_log_get_current_mode(), "xray-fdr") == 0);
+ DCHECK(BQ->finalizing());
+ if (BQ == nullptr || !BQ->finalizing()) {
+ if (Verbosity())
+ Report(
+ "XRay FDR: Failed global buffer queue is null or not finalizing!\n");
+ return {nullptr, 0};
+ }
+ // We use a global scratch-pad for the header information, which only gets
+ // initialized the first time this function is called. We'll update one part
+ // of this information with some relevant data (in particular the number of
+ // buffers to expect).
+ static std::aligned_storage<sizeof(XRayFileHeader)>::type HeaderStorage;
+ static pthread_once_t HeaderOnce = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
+ pthread_once(
+ &HeaderOnce, +[] {
+ reinterpret_cast<XRayFileHeader &>(HeaderStorage) =
+ fdrCommonHeaderInfo();
+ });
+ // We use a convenience alias for code referring to Header from here on out.
+ auto &Header = reinterpret_cast<XRayFileHeader &>(HeaderStorage);
+ if (B.Data == nullptr && B.Size == 0) {
+ Header.FdrData = FdrAdditionalHeaderData{BQ->ConfiguredBufferSize()};
+ return XRayBuffer{static_cast<void *>(&Header), sizeof(Header)};
+ }
+ static BufferQueue::const_iterator It{};
+ static BufferQueue::const_iterator End{};
+ static uint8_t *CurrentBuffer{nullptr};
+ static size_t SerializedBufferSize = 0;
+ if (B.Data == static_cast<void *>(&Header) && B.Size == sizeof(Header)) {
+ // From this point on, we provide raw access to the raw buffer we're getting
+ // from the BufferQueue. We're relying on the iterators from the current
+ // Buffer queue.
+ It = BQ->cbegin();
+ End = BQ->cend();
+ }
+ if (CurrentBuffer != nullptr) {
+ deallocateBuffer(CurrentBuffer, SerializedBufferSize);
+ CurrentBuffer = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (It == End)
+ return {nullptr, 0};
+ // Set up the current buffer to contain the extents like we would when writing
+ // out to disk. The difference here would be that we still write "empty"
+ // buffers, or at least go through the iterators faithfully to let the
+ // handlers see the empty buffers in the queue.
+ //
+ // We need this atomic fence here to ensure that writes happening to the
+ // buffer have been committed before we load the extents atomically. Because
+ // the buffer is not explicitly synchronised across threads, we rely on the
+ // fence ordering to ensure that writes we expect to have been completed
+ // before the fence are fully committed before we read the extents.
+ atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_acquire);
+ auto BufferSize = atomic_load(It->Extents, memory_order_acquire);
+ SerializedBufferSize = BufferSize + sizeof(MetadataRecord);
+ CurrentBuffer = allocateBuffer(SerializedBufferSize);
+ if (CurrentBuffer == nullptr)
+ return {nullptr, 0};
+ // Write out the extents as a Metadata Record into the CurrentBuffer.
+ MetadataRecord ExtentsRecord;
+ ExtentsRecord.Type = uint8_t(RecordType::Metadata);
+ ExtentsRecord.RecordKind =
+ uint8_t(MetadataRecord::RecordKinds::BufferExtents);
+ internal_memcpy(ExtentsRecord.Data, &BufferSize, sizeof(BufferSize));
+ auto AfterExtents =
+ static_cast<char *>(internal_memcpy(CurrentBuffer, &ExtentsRecord,
+ sizeof(MetadataRecord))) +
+ sizeof(MetadataRecord);
+ internal_memcpy(AfterExtents, It->Data, BufferSize);
+ XRayBuffer Result;
+ Result.Data = CurrentBuffer;
+ Result.Size = SerializedBufferSize;
+ ++It;
+ return Result;
+// Must finalize before flushing.
+XRayLogFlushStatus fdrLoggingFlush() XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
+ if (atomic_load(&LoggingStatus, memory_order_acquire) !=
+ XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_FINALIZED) {
+ if (Verbosity())
+ Report("Not flushing log, implementation is not finalized.\n");
+ return XRayLogFlushStatus::XRAY_LOG_NOT_FLUSHING;
+ }
+ s32 Result = XRayLogFlushStatus::XRAY_LOG_NOT_FLUSHING;
+ if (!atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&LogFlushStatus, &Result,
+ XRayLogFlushStatus::XRAY_LOG_FLUSHING,
+ memory_order_release)) {
+ if (Verbosity())
+ Report("Not flushing log, implementation is still finalizing.\n");
+ return static_cast<XRayLogFlushStatus>(Result);
+ }
+ if (BQ == nullptr) {
+ if (Verbosity())
+ Report("Cannot flush when global buffer queue is null.\n");
+ return XRayLogFlushStatus::XRAY_LOG_NOT_FLUSHING;
+ }
+ // We wait a number of milliseconds to allow threads to see that we've
+ // finalised before attempting to flush the log.
+ SleepForMillis(fdrFlags()->grace_period_ms);
+ // At this point, we're going to uninstall the iterator implementation, before
+ // we decide to do anything further with the global buffer queue.
+ __xray_log_remove_buffer_iterator();
+ // Once flushed, we should set the global status of the logging implementation
+ // to "uninitialized" to allow for FDR-logging multiple runs.
+ auto ResetToUnitialized = at_scope_exit([] {
+ atomic_store(&LoggingStatus, XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_UNINITIALIZED,
+ memory_order_release);
+ });
+ auto CleanupBuffers = at_scope_exit([] {
+ auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
+ if (TLD.Controller != nullptr)
+ TLD.Controller->flush();
+ });
+ if (fdrFlags()->no_file_flush) {
+ if (Verbosity())
+ Report("XRay FDR: Not flushing to file, 'no_file_flush=true'.\n");
+ atomic_store(&LogFlushStatus, XRayLogFlushStatus::XRAY_LOG_FLUSHED,
+ memory_order_release);
+ return XRayLogFlushStatus::XRAY_LOG_FLUSHED;
+ }
+ // We write out the file in the following format:
+ //
+ // 1) We write down the XRay file header with version 1, type FDR_LOG.
+ // 2) Then we use the 'apply' member of the BufferQueue that's live, to
+ // ensure that at this point in time we write down the buffers that have
+ // been released (and marked "used") -- we dump the full buffer for now
+ // (fixed-sized) and let the tools reading the buffers deal with the data
+ // afterwards.
+ //
+ LogWriter *LW = LogWriter::Open();
+ if (LW == nullptr) {
+ auto Result = XRayLogFlushStatus::XRAY_LOG_NOT_FLUSHING;
+ atomic_store(&LogFlushStatus, Result, memory_order_release);
+ return Result;
+ }
+ XRayFileHeader Header = fdrCommonHeaderInfo();
+ Header.FdrData = FdrAdditionalHeaderData{BQ->ConfiguredBufferSize()};
+ LW->WriteAll(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&Header),
+ reinterpret_cast<char *>(&Header) + sizeof(Header));
+ // Release the current thread's buffer before we attempt to write out all the
+ // buffers. This ensures that in case we had only a single thread going, that
+ // we are able to capture the data nonetheless.
+ auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
+ if (TLD.Controller != nullptr)
+ TLD.Controller->flush();
+ BQ->apply([&](const BufferQueue::Buffer &B) {
+ // Starting at version 2 of the FDR logging implementation, we only write
+ // the records identified by the extents of the buffer. We use the Extents
+ // from the Buffer and write that out as the first record in the buffer. We
+ // still use a Metadata record, but fill in the extents instead for the
+ // data.
+ MetadataRecord ExtentsRecord;
+ auto BufferExtents = atomic_load(B.Extents, memory_order_acquire);
+ DCHECK(BufferExtents <= B.Size);
+ ExtentsRecord.Type = uint8_t(RecordType::Metadata);
+ ExtentsRecord.RecordKind =
+ uint8_t(MetadataRecord::RecordKinds::BufferExtents);
+ internal_memcpy(ExtentsRecord.Data, &BufferExtents, sizeof(BufferExtents));
+ if (BufferExtents > 0) {
+ LW->WriteAll(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&ExtentsRecord),
+ reinterpret_cast<char *>(&ExtentsRecord) +
+ sizeof(MetadataRecord));
+ LW->WriteAll(reinterpret_cast<char *>(B.Data),
+ reinterpret_cast<char *>(B.Data) + BufferExtents);
+ }
+ });
+ atomic_store(&LogFlushStatus, XRayLogFlushStatus::XRAY_LOG_FLUSHED,
+ memory_order_release);
+ return XRayLogFlushStatus::XRAY_LOG_FLUSHED;
+XRayLogInitStatus fdrLoggingFinalize() XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
+ s32 CurrentStatus = XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_INITIALIZED;
+ if (!atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&LoggingStatus, &CurrentStatus,
+ memory_order_release)) {
+ if (Verbosity())
+ Report("Cannot finalize log, implementation not initialized.\n");
+ return static_cast<XRayLogInitStatus>(CurrentStatus);
+ }
+ // Do special things to make the log finalize itself, and not allow any more
+ // operations to be performed until re-initialized.
+ if (BQ == nullptr) {
+ if (Verbosity())
+ Report("Attempting to finalize an uninitialized global buffer!\n");
+ } else {
+ BQ->finalize();
+ }
+ atomic_store(&LoggingStatus, XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_FINALIZED,
+ memory_order_release);
+ return XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_FINALIZED;
+struct TSCAndCPU {
+ uint64_t TSC = 0;
+ unsigned char CPU = 0;
+static TSCAndCPU getTimestamp() XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
+ // We want to get the TSC as early as possible, so that we can check whether
+ // we've seen this CPU before. We also do it before we load anything else,
+ // to allow for forward progress with the scheduling.
+ TSCAndCPU Result;
+ // Test once for required CPU features
+ static pthread_once_t OnceProbe = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
+ static bool TSCSupported = true;
+ pthread_once(
+ &OnceProbe, +[] { TSCSupported = probeRequiredCPUFeatures(); });
+ if (TSCSupported) {
+ Result.TSC = __xray::readTSC(Result.CPU);
+ } else {
+ // FIXME: This code needs refactoring as it appears in multiple locations
+ timespec TS;
+ int result = clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &TS);
+ if (result != 0) {
+ Report("clock_gettime(2) return %d, errno=%d", result, int(errno));
+ TS = {0, 0};
+ }
+ Result.CPU = 0;
+ Result.TSC = TS.tv_sec * __xray::NanosecondsPerSecond + TS.tv_nsec;
+ }
+ return Result;
+thread_local atomic_uint8_t Running{0};
+static bool setupTLD(ThreadLocalData &TLD) XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
+ // Check if we're finalizing, before proceeding.
+ {
+ auto Status = atomic_load(&LoggingStatus, memory_order_acquire);
+ if (Status == XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_FINALIZING ||
+ Status == XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_FINALIZED) {
+ if (TLD.Controller != nullptr) {
+ TLD.Controller->flush();
+ TLD.Controller = nullptr;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (UNLIKELY(TLD.Controller == nullptr)) {
+ // Set up the TLD buffer queue.
+ if (UNLIKELY(BQ == nullptr))
+ return false;
+ TLD.BQ = BQ;
+ // Check that we have a valid buffer.
+ if (TLD.Buffer.Generation != BQ->generation() &&
+ TLD.BQ->releaseBuffer(TLD.Buffer) != BufferQueue::ErrorCode::Ok)
+ return false;
+ // Set up a buffer, before setting up the log writer. Bail out on failure.
+ if (TLD.BQ->getBuffer(TLD.Buffer) != BufferQueue::ErrorCode::Ok)
+ return false;
+ // Set up the Log Writer for this thread.
+ if (UNLIKELY(TLD.Writer == nullptr)) {
+ auto *LWStorage = reinterpret_cast<FDRLogWriter *>(&TLD.LWStorage);
+ new (LWStorage) FDRLogWriter(TLD.Buffer);
+ TLD.Writer = LWStorage;
+ } else {
+ TLD.Writer->resetRecord();
+ }
+ auto *CStorage = reinterpret_cast<FDRController<> *>(&TLD.CStorage);
+ new (CStorage)
+ FDRController<>(TLD.BQ, TLD.Buffer, *TLD.Writer, clock_gettime,
+ atomic_load_relaxed(&ThresholdTicks));
+ TLD.Controller = CStorage;
+ }
+ DCHECK_NE(TLD.Controller, nullptr);
+ return true;
+void fdrLoggingHandleArg0(int32_t FuncId,
+ auto TC = getTimestamp();
+ auto &TSC = TC.TSC;
+ auto &CPU = TC.CPU;
+ RecursionGuard Guard{Running};
+ if (!Guard)
+ return;
+ auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
+ if (!setupTLD(TLD))
+ return;
+ switch (Entry) {
+ case XRayEntryType::ENTRY:
+ case XRayEntryType::LOG_ARGS_ENTRY:
+ TLD.Controller->functionEnter(FuncId, TSC, CPU);
+ return;
+ case XRayEntryType::EXIT:
+ TLD.Controller->functionExit(FuncId, TSC, CPU);
+ return;
+ case XRayEntryType::TAIL:
+ TLD.Controller->functionTailExit(FuncId, TSC, CPU);
+ return;
+ case XRayEntryType::CUSTOM_EVENT:
+ case XRayEntryType::TYPED_EVENT:
+ break;
+ }
+void fdrLoggingHandleArg1(int32_t FuncId, XRayEntryType Entry,
+ auto TC = getTimestamp();
+ auto &TSC = TC.TSC;
+ auto &CPU = TC.CPU;
+ RecursionGuard Guard{Running};
+ if (!Guard)
+ return;
+ auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
+ if (!setupTLD(TLD))
+ return;
+ switch (Entry) {
+ case XRayEntryType::ENTRY:
+ case XRayEntryType::LOG_ARGS_ENTRY:
+ TLD.Controller->functionEnterArg(FuncId, TSC, CPU, Arg);
+ return;
+ case XRayEntryType::EXIT:
+ TLD.Controller->functionExit(FuncId, TSC, CPU);
+ return;
+ case XRayEntryType::TAIL:
+ TLD.Controller->functionTailExit(FuncId, TSC, CPU);
+ return;
+ case XRayEntryType::CUSTOM_EVENT:
+ case XRayEntryType::TYPED_EVENT:
+ break;
+ }
+void fdrLoggingHandleCustomEvent(void *Event,
+ std::size_t EventSize) XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
+ auto TC = getTimestamp();
+ auto &TSC = TC.TSC;
+ auto &CPU = TC.CPU;
+ RecursionGuard Guard{Running};
+ if (!Guard)
+ return;
+ // Complain when we ever get at least one custom event that's larger than what
+ // we can possibly support.
+ if (EventSize >
+ static_cast<std::size_t>(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max())) {
+ static pthread_once_t Once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
+ pthread_once(
+ &Once, +[] {
+ Report("Custom event size too large; truncating to %d.\n",
+ std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
+ });
+ }
+ auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
+ if (!setupTLD(TLD))
+ return;
+ int32_t ReducedEventSize = static_cast<int32_t>(EventSize);
+ TLD.Controller->customEvent(TSC, CPU, Event, ReducedEventSize);
+void fdrLoggingHandleTypedEvent(
+ uint16_t EventType, const void *Event,
+ std::size_t EventSize) noexcept XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
+ auto TC = getTimestamp();
+ auto &TSC = TC.TSC;
+ auto &CPU = TC.CPU;
+ RecursionGuard Guard{Running};
+ if (!Guard)
+ return;
+ // Complain when we ever get at least one typed event that's larger than what
+ // we can possibly support.
+ if (EventSize >
+ static_cast<std::size_t>(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max())) {
+ static pthread_once_t Once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
+ pthread_once(
+ &Once, +[] {
+ Report("Typed event size too large; truncating to %d.\n",
+ std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
+ });
+ }
+ auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
+ if (!setupTLD(TLD))
+ return;
+ int32_t ReducedEventSize = static_cast<int32_t>(EventSize);
+ TLD.Controller->typedEvent(TSC, CPU, EventType, Event, ReducedEventSize);
+XRayLogInitStatus fdrLoggingInit(size_t, size_t, void *Options,
+ size_t OptionsSize) XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
+ if (Options == nullptr)
+ return XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_UNINITIALIZED;
+ s32 CurrentStatus = XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_UNINITIALIZED;
+ if (!atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&LoggingStatus, &CurrentStatus,
+ memory_order_release)) {
+ if (Verbosity())
+ Report("Cannot initialize already initialized implementation.\n");
+ return static_cast<XRayLogInitStatus>(CurrentStatus);
+ }
+ if (Verbosity())
+ Report("Initializing FDR mode with options: %s\n",
+ static_cast<const char *>(Options));
+ // TODO: Factor out the flags specific to the FDR mode implementation. For
+ // now, use the global/single definition of the flags, since the FDR mode
+ // flags are already defined there.
+ FlagParser FDRParser;
+ FDRFlags FDRFlags;
+ registerXRayFDRFlags(&FDRParser, &FDRFlags);
+ FDRFlags.setDefaults();
+ // Override first from the general XRAY_DEFAULT_OPTIONS compiler-provided
+ // options until we migrate everyone to use the XRAY_FDR_OPTIONS
+ // compiler-provided options.
+ FDRParser.ParseString(useCompilerDefinedFlags());
+ FDRParser.ParseString(useCompilerDefinedFDRFlags());
+ auto *EnvOpts = GetEnv("XRAY_FDR_OPTIONS");
+ if (EnvOpts == nullptr)
+ EnvOpts = "";
+ FDRParser.ParseString(EnvOpts);
+ // FIXME: Remove this when we fully remove the deprecated flags.
+ if (internal_strlen(EnvOpts) == 0) {
+ FDRFlags.func_duration_threshold_us =
+ flags()->xray_fdr_log_func_duration_threshold_us;
+ FDRFlags.grace_period_ms = flags()->xray_fdr_log_grace_period_ms;
+ }
+ // The provided options should always override the compiler-provided and
+ // environment-variable defined options.
+ FDRParser.ParseString(static_cast<const char *>(Options));
+ *fdrFlags() = FDRFlags;
+ auto BufferSize = FDRFlags.buffer_size;
+ auto BufferMax = FDRFlags.buffer_max;
+ if (BQ == nullptr) {
+ bool Success = false;
+ BQ = reinterpret_cast<BufferQueue *>(&BufferQueueStorage);
+ new (BQ) BufferQueue(BufferSize, BufferMax, Success);
+ if (!Success) {
+ Report("BufferQueue init failed.\n");
+ return XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_UNINITIALIZED;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (BQ->init(BufferSize, BufferMax) != BufferQueue::ErrorCode::Ok) {
+ if (Verbosity())
+ Report("Failed to re-initialize global buffer queue. Init failed.\n");
+ return XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_UNINITIALIZED;
+ }
+ }
+ static pthread_once_t OnceInit = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
+ pthread_once(
+ &OnceInit, +[] {
+ atomic_store(&TicksPerSec,
+ probeRequiredCPUFeatures() ? getTSCFrequency()
+ : __xray::NanosecondsPerSecond,
+ memory_order_release);
+ pthread_key_create(
+ &Key, +[](void *TLDPtr) {
+ if (TLDPtr == nullptr)
+ return;
+ auto &TLD = *reinterpret_cast<ThreadLocalData *>(TLDPtr);
+ if (TLD.BQ == nullptr)
+ return;
+ if (TLD.Buffer.Data == nullptr)
+ return;
+ auto EC = TLD.BQ->releaseBuffer(TLD.Buffer);
+ if (EC != BufferQueue::ErrorCode::Ok)
+ Report("At thread exit, failed to release buffer at %p; "
+ "error=%s\n",
+ TLD.Buffer.Data, BufferQueue::getErrorString(EC));
+ });
+ });
+ atomic_store(&ThresholdTicks,
+ atomic_load_relaxed(&TicksPerSec) *
+ fdrFlags()->func_duration_threshold_us / 1000000,
+ memory_order_release);
+ // Arg1 handler should go in first to avoid concurrent code accidentally
+ // falling back to arg0 when it should have ran arg1.
+ __xray_set_handler_arg1(fdrLoggingHandleArg1);
+ // Install the actual handleArg0 handler after initialising the buffers.
+ __xray_set_handler(fdrLoggingHandleArg0);
+ __xray_set_customevent_handler(fdrLoggingHandleCustomEvent);
+ __xray_set_typedevent_handler(fdrLoggingHandleTypedEvent);
+ // Install the buffer iterator implementation.
+ __xray_log_set_buffer_iterator(fdrIterator);
+ atomic_store(&LoggingStatus, XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_INITIALIZED,
+ memory_order_release);
+ if (Verbosity())
+ Report("XRay FDR init successful.\n");
+ return XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_INITIALIZED;
+bool fdrLogDynamicInitializer() XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
+ XRayLogImpl Impl{
+ fdrLoggingInit,
+ fdrLoggingFinalize,
+ fdrLoggingHandleArg0,
+ fdrLoggingFlush,
+ };
+ auto RegistrationResult = __xray_log_register_mode("xray-fdr", Impl);
+ if (RegistrationResult != XRayLogRegisterStatus::XRAY_REGISTRATION_OK &&
+ Verbosity()) {
+ Report("Cannot register XRay FDR mode to 'xray-fdr'; error = %d\n",
+ RegistrationResult);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (flags()->xray_fdr_log ||
+ !internal_strcmp(flags()->xray_mode, "xray-fdr")) {
+ auto SelectResult = __xray_log_select_mode("xray-fdr");
+ if (SelectResult != XRayLogRegisterStatus::XRAY_REGISTRATION_OK &&
+ Verbosity()) {
+ Report("Cannot select XRay FDR mode as 'xray-fdr'; error = %d\n",
+ SelectResult);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+} // namespace __xray
+static auto UNUSED Unused = __xray::fdrLogDynamicInitializer();