path: root/test/MC
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/MC')
38 files changed, 693 insertions, 428 deletions
diff --git a/test/MC/Disassembler/Mips/mips4/valid-xfail-mips4.txt b/test/MC/Disassembler/Mips/mips4/valid-xfail-mips4.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b669389e7b4..000000000000
--- a/test/MC/Disassembler/Mips/mips4/valid-xfail-mips4.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# RUN: llvm-mc %s -triple=mips64-unknown-linux -disassemble -mcpu=mips4 | FileCheck %s
-# XFAIL: *
-0x46 0x2f 0x79 0x32 # CHECK: c.eq.d $fcc1, $f15, $f15
-0x46 0x11 0xc5 0x32 # CHECK: c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17
-0x46 0x35 0x5c 0x30 # CHECK: c.f.d $fcc4, $f11, $f21
-0x46 0x07 0xf4 0x30 # CHECK: c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7
-0x46 0x21 0x94 0x3e # CHECK: c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f1
-0x46 0x04 0xc6 0x3e # CHECK: c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4
-0x46 0x23 0x4b 0x3c # CHECK: $fcc3, $f9, $f3
-0x46 0x0e 0x8a 0x3c # CHECK: $fcc2, $f17, $f14
-0x46 0x30 0xad 0x3d # CHECK: c.nge.d $fcc5, $f21, $f16
-0x46 0x08 0x5b 0x3d # CHECK: c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8
-0x46 0x17 0xfa 0x3b # CHECK: c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23
-0x46 0x17 0x92 0x39 # CHECK: c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23
-0x46 0x27 0xc4 0x3f # CHECK: c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f7
-0x46 0x0d 0x45 0x3f # CHECK: c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13
-0x46 0x3f 0x82 0x36 # CHECK: c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f31
-0x46 0x14 0x3b 0x36 # CHECK: c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20
-0x46 0x3c 0x9c 0x34 # CHECK: c.olt.d $fcc4, $f19, $f28
-0x46 0x07 0xa6 0x34 # CHECK: c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7
-0x46 0x27 0xfc 0x3a # CHECK: c.seq.d $fcc4, $f31, $f7
-0x46 0x19 0x0f 0x3a # CHECK: c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25
-0x46 0x39 0x6c 0x33 # CHECK: c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f13, $f25
-0x46 0x1e 0x1e 0x33 # CHECK: c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30
-0x46 0x32 0xcf 0x37 # CHECK: c.ule.d $fcc7, $f25, $f18
-0x46 0x1e 0xaf 0x37 # CHECK: c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30
-0x46 0x31 0x36 0x35 # CHECK: c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f17
-0x46 0x0a 0xc7 0x35 # CHECK: c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10
-0x46 0x38 0xbe 0x31 # CHECK: c.un.d $fcc6, $f23, $f24
-0x46 0x04 0xf1 0x31 # CHECK: c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4
-0x4e 0x74 0xd4 0xa1 # CHECK: madd.d $f18, $f19, $f26, $f20
-0x4f 0xf9 0x98 0x60 # CHECK: madd.s $f1, $f31, $f19, $f25
-0x4c 0x32 0xfa 0xa9 # CHECK: msub.d $f10, $f1, $f31, $f18
-0x4e 0x70 0x53 0x28 # CHECK: msub.s $f12, $f19, $f10, $f16
-0x4d 0x33 0x74 0xb1 # CHECK: nmadd.d $f18, $f9, $f14, $f19
-0x4c 0xac 0xc8 0x30 # CHECK: nmadd.s $f0, $f5, $f25, $f12
-0x4d 0x1e 0x87 0xb9 # CHECK: nmsub.d $f30, $f8, $f16, $f30
-0x4f 0x04 0x98 0x78 # CHECK: nmsub.s $f1, $f24, $f19, $f4
diff --git a/test/MC/Disassembler/PowerPC/ppc64-encoding-bookIII.txt b/test/MC/Disassembler/PowerPC/ppc64-encoding-bookIII.txt
index 8602a3daeaa3..ae8efcf211fc 100644
--- a/test/MC/Disassembler/PowerPC/ppc64-encoding-bookIII.txt
+++ b/test/MC/Disassembler/PowerPC/ppc64-encoding-bookIII.txt
@@ -134,3 +134,12 @@
0x7c 0x0b 0x66 0x24
# CHECK: tlbsx 11, 12
0x7c 0x0b 0x67 0x24
+# CHECK: mfpmr 5, 400
+0x7c 0xb0 0x62 0x9c
+# CHECK: mtpmr 400, 6
+0x7c 0xd0 0x63 0x9c
+# CHECK: icblc 0, 0, 8
+0x7c 0x00 0x41 0xcc
+# CHECK: icbtls 0, 0, 9
+0x7c 0x00 0x4b 0xcc
diff --git a/test/MC/MachO/ARM/no-tls-assert.ll b/test/MC/MachO/ARM/no-tls-assert.ll
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3466d4a5a5ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/MC/MachO/ARM/no-tls-assert.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+; RUN: llc -filetype=obj -o - %s | llvm-objdump -section-headers - | FileCheck %s
+; This should not trigger the "Creating regular section after DWARF" assert.
+; CHECK: __text
+; CHECK: __thread_ptr 00000004
+target triple = "thumbv7-apple-ios9.0.0"
+@b = external thread_local global i32
+define i32* @func(i32 %a) !dbg !9 {
+ ret i32* @b
+! = !{!0}
+!llvm.module.flags = !{!3, !4, !5, !6, !7}
+!0 = distinct !DICompileUnit(language: DW_LANG_C99, file: !1, isOptimized: false, runtimeVersion: 0, emissionKind: FullDebug)
+!1 = !DIFile(filename: "r.ii", directory: "/")
+!2 = !{}
+!3 = !{i32 2, !"Dwarf Version", i32 4}
+!4 = !{i32 2, !"Debug Info Version", i32 3}
+!5 = !{i32 1, !"wchar_size", i32 4}
+!6 = !{i32 1, !"min_enum_size", i32 4}
+!7 = !{i32 1, !"PIC Level", i32 2}
+!9 = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "func", scope: !1, file: !1, line: 4, type: !10, isLocal: false, isDefinition: true, scopeLine: 4, flags: DIFlagPrototyped, isOptimized: false, unit: !0, variables: !2)
+!10 = !DISubroutineType(types: !11)
+!11 = !{null, !12}
+!12 = !DIBasicType(name: "int", size: 32, encoding: DW_ATE_signed)
+!13 = !DILocalVariable(name: "a", arg: 1, scope: !9, file: !1, line: 4, type: !12)
+!14 = !DIExpression()
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/micromips/valid.s b/test/MC/Mips/micromips/valid.s
index c1efc4d09045..cf19a9596832 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/micromips/valid.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/micromips/valid.s
@@ -210,6 +210,42 @@ recip.s $f2, $f4 # CHECK: recip.s $f2, $f4 # encoding: [0x54,0x
recip.d $f2, $f4 # CHECK: recip.d $f2, $f4 # encoding: [0x54,0x44,0x52,0x3b]
rsqrt.s $f3, $f5 # CHECK: rsqrt.s $f3, $f5 # encoding: [0x54,0x65,0x02,0x3b]
rsqrt.d $f2, $f4 # CHECK: rsqrt.d $f2, $f4 # encoding: [0x54,0x44,0x42,0x3b]
+c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # CHECK: c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # encoding: [0x55,0xce,0x24,0xbc]
+c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # CHECK: c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # encoding: [0x56,0x38,0xa0,0xbc]
+c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # CHECK: c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # encoding: [0x56,0x8a,0x84,0x3c]
+c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # CHECK: c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # encoding: [0x54,0xfe,0x80,0x3c]
+c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # CHECK: c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # encoding: [0x54,0x12,0x87,0xbc]
+c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # CHECK: c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # encoding: [0x54,0x98,0xc3,0xbc] $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # encoding: [0x54,0x48,0x67,0x3c] $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # CHECK: $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # encoding: [0x55,0xd1,0x43,0x3c]
+c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # CHECK: c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # encoding: [0x56,0x14,0xa7,0x7c]
+c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # CHECK: c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # encoding: [0x55,0x0b,0x63,0x7c]
+c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # encoding: [0x56,0xff,0x42,0xfc]
+c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # encoding: [0x56,0xf2,0x42,0x7c]
+c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # CHECK: c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # encoding: [0x57,0x9c,0x06,0xfc]
+c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # CHECK: c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # encoding: [0x56,0x00,0x06,0x7c]
+c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # CHECK: c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # encoding: [0x54,0xd8,0x87,0xfc]
+c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # CHECK: c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # encoding: [0x55,0xa8,0xa3,0xfc]
+c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # CHECK: c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # encoding: [0x57,0xd0,0x45,0xbc]
+c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # CHECK: c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # encoding: [0x56,0x87,0x61,0xbc]
+c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # CHECK: c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # encoding: [0x57,0x92,0x85,0x3c]
+c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # CHECK: c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # encoding: [0x54,0xf4,0xc1,0x3c]
+c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # CHECK: c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # encoding: [0x54,0xde,0x86,0xbc]
+c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # CHECK: c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # encoding: [0x57,0x21,0xe2,0xbc]
+c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # CHECK: c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # encoding: [0x54,0x1e,0x06,0x3c]
+c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # CHECK: c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # encoding: [0x56,0xce,0x02,0x3c]
+c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # CHECK: c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # encoding: [0x57,0x0c,0x84,0xfc]
+c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # CHECK: c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # encoding: [0x57,0xc3,0xc0,0xfc]
+c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # CHECK: c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # encoding: [0x56,0x58,0xe5,0xfc]
+c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # CHECK: c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # encoding: [0x57,0xd5,0xe1,0xfc]
+c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # CHECK: c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # encoding: [0x56,0x06,0xc5,0x7c]
+c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # CHECK: c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # encoding: [0x55,0x58,0xe1,0x7c]
+c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # CHECK: c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # encoding: [0x57,0x16,0xc4,0x7c]
+c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # CHECK: c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # encoding: [0x54,0x9e,0x20,0x7c]
+bc1t 8 # CHECK: bc1t 8 # encoding: [0x43,0xa0,0x00,0x04]
+bc1f 16 # CHECK: bc1f 16 # encoding: [0x43,0x80,0x00,0x08]
+bc1t $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: bc1t $fcc1, 4 # encoding: [0x43,0xa0,0x00,0x02]
+bc1f $fcc2, -20 # CHECK: bc1f $fcc2, -20 # encoding: [0x43,0x80,0xff,0xf6]
sync # CHECK: sync # encoding: [0x00,0x00,0x6b,0x7c]
sync 0 # CHECK: sync 0 # encoding: [0x00,0x00,0x6b,0x7c]
sync 1 # CHECK: sync 1 # encoding: [0x00,0x01,0x6b,0x7c]
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips1/invalid-mips4-wrong-error.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips1/invalid-mips4-wrong-error.s
index cc4f56b75957..98f34d857a52 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips1/invalid-mips4-wrong-error.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips1/invalid-mips4-wrong-error.s
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
# RUN: FileCheck %s < %t1
.set noat
- bc1fl $fcc7,27 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
- bc1tl $fcc7,27 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ bc1fl $fcc7,27 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
+ bc1tl $fcc7,27 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
ldc2 $8,-21181($at) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: expected memory with 16-bit signed offset
ldc2 $20,-1024($s2) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: expected memory with 16-bit signed offset
ldl $24,-4167($24) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips1/invalid-mips4.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips1/invalid-mips4.s
index 4d5a173b157c..e99fb6628e6c 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips1/invalid-mips4.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips1/invalid-mips4.s
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
# RUN: FileCheck %s < %t1
.set noat
- bc1f $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
- bc1t $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ bc1f $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ bc1t $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
ceil.l.d $f1,$f3 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
ceil.l.s $f18,$f13 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
ceil.w.d $f11,$f25 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
@@ -53,19 +53,19 @@
ldxc1 $f8,$s7($15) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
lwxc1 $f12,$s1($s8) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf $gp,$8,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf $gp,$8,$fcc7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf $gp,$8,$fcc7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf.d $f6,$f10,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf.d $f6,$f10,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf.d $f6,$f10,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn $v1,$s1,$s0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn.d $f26,$f20,$k0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn.s $f12,$f0,$s7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt $zero,$s4,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movt $zero,$s4,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movt $zero,$s4,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt.d $f0,$f2,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz $a1,$s6,$9 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz.d $f12,$f29,$9 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz.s $f25,$f7,$v1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips1/invalid-mips5-wrong-error.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips1/invalid-mips5-wrong-error.s
index 18c0b61ff55f..0564c1a250ca 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips1/invalid-mips5-wrong-error.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips1/invalid-mips5-wrong-error.s
@@ -44,3 +44,35 @@ $f9,$f30,$f26 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: unknown instruction $f24,$f9,$f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: unknown instruction $f5,$f14,$f26 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: unknown instruction
+ c.eq.s $fcc1, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.f.s $fcc4, $f2, $f7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.le.s $fcc6, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.nge.s $fcc3, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.olt.s $fcc6, $f2, $f7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.sf.s $fcc4, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ule.s $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ult.s $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.un.s $fcc1, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.eq.d $fcc1, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.f.d $fcc4, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.le.d $fcc6, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.nge.d $fcc3, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngl.d $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngle.d $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngt.d $fcc5, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ole.d $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.olt.d $fcc6, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.seq.d $fcc7, $f1, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.sf.d $fcc4, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ueq.d $fcc6, $f3, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ule.d $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ult.d $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.un.d $fcc1, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips1/invalid-mips5.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips1/invalid-mips5.s
index 6096c3e87b26..f909c07f15f1 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips1/invalid-mips5.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips1/invalid-mips5.s
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
# RUN: FileCheck %s < %t1
.set noat
- bc1f $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
- bc1t $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ bc1f $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ bc1t $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
ceil.l.d $f1,$f3 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
ceil.l.s $f18,$f13 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
ceil.w.d $f11,$f25 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
@@ -52,19 +52,19 @@
luxc1 $f19,$s6($s5) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
lwxc1 $f12,$s1($s8) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf $gp,$8,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf $gp,$8,$fcc7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf $gp,$8,$fcc7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf.d $f6,$f10,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf.d $f6,$f10,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf.d $f6,$f10,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn $v1,$s1,$s0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn.d $f27,$f21,$k0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn.s $f12,$f0,$s7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt $zero,$s4,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movt $zero,$s4,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movt $zero,$s4,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt.d $f0,$f2,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz $a1,$s6,$a3 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz.d $f12,$f29,$a3 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz.s $f25,$f7,$v1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips32.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips32.s
index 1e451fd24668..bd02882de395 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips32.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips32.s
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
# RUN: FileCheck %s < %t1
.set noat
- bc1f $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
- bc1t $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ bc1f $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ bc1t $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
clo $11,$a1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
clz $sp,$gp # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
deret # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
@@ -20,19 +20,19 @@
maddu $24,$s2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
mfc0 $a2,$14,1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf $gp,$8,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf $gp,$8,$fcc7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf $gp,$8,$fcc7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf.d $f6,$f11,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf.d $f6,$f11,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf.d $f6,$f11,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn $v1,$s1,$s0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn.d $f27,$f21,$k0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn.s $f12,$f0,$s7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt $zero,$s4,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movt $zero,$s4,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movt $zero,$s4,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt.d $f0,$f2,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz $a1,$s6,$9 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz.d $f12,$f29,$9 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz.s $f25,$f7,$v1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
@@ -41,3 +41,35 @@
mtc0 $9,$29,3 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
mul $s0,$s4,$at # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
sync 1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: s-type must be zero or unspecified for pre-MIPS32 ISAs
+ c.eq.s $fcc1, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.f.s $fcc4, $f2, $f7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.le.s $fcc6, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.nge.s $fcc3, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.olt.s $fcc6, $f2, $f7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.sf.s $fcc4, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ule.s $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ult.s $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.un.s $fcc1, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.eq.d $fcc1, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.f.d $fcc4, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.le.d $fcc6, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.nge.d $fcc3, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngl.d $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngle.d $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngt.d $fcc5, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ole.d $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.olt.d $fcc6, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.seq.d $fcc7, $f1, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.sf.d $fcc4, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ueq.d $fcc6, $f3, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ule.d $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ult.d $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.un.d $fcc1, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips32r2.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips32r2.s
index 6dc8159a9acc..383430d3aa09 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips32r2.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips32r2.s
@@ -5,12 +5,44 @@
# RUN: FileCheck %s < %t1
.set noat
- bc1f $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
- bc1t $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ bc1f $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ bc1t $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
clo $t3,$a1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
clz $sp,$gp # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
cvt.l.d $f24,$f15 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
cvt.l.s $f11,$f29 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
+ c.eq.s $fcc1, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.f.s $fcc4, $f2, $f7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.le.s $fcc6, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.nge.s $fcc3, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.olt.s $fcc6, $f2, $f7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.sf.s $fcc4, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ule.s $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ult.s $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.un.s $fcc1, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.eq.d $fcc1, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.f.d $fcc4, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.le.d $fcc6, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.nge.d $fcc3, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngl.d $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngle.d $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngt.d $fcc5, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ole.d $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.olt.d $fcc6, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.seq.d $fcc7, $f1, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.sf.d $fcc4, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ueq.d $fcc6, $f3, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ule.d $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ult.d $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.un.d $fcc1, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
deret # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
di $s8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
di # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
@@ -29,19 +61,19 @@
mfc0 $a2,$14,1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
mfhc1 $s8,$f24 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf $gp,$8,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf $gp,$8,$fcc7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf $gp,$8,$fcc7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf.d $f6,$f11,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf.d $f6,$f11,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf.d $f6,$f11,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn $v1,$s1,$s0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn.d $f27,$f21,$k0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn.s $f12,$f0,$s7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt $zero,$s4,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movt $zero,$s4,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movt $zero,$s4,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt.d $f0,$f2,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz $a1,$s6,$t1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz.d $f12,$f29,$t1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz.s $f25,$f7,$v1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips4-wrong-error.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips4-wrong-error.s
index ef5657833ca5..5ced993c2e11 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips4-wrong-error.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips4-wrong-error.s
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
# RUN: FileCheck %s < %t1
.set noat
- bc1fl $fcc7,27 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
- bc1tl $fcc7,27 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ bc1fl $fcc7,27 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ bc1tl $fcc7,27 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
scd $15,-8243($sp) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: expected memory with 9-bit signed offset
sdl $a3,-20961($s8) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
sdr $11,-20423($12) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips4.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips4.s
index f14ae8c30654..123235eb00b2 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips4.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips4.s
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
# RUN: FileCheck %s < %t1
.set noat
- bc1f $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
- bc1t $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ bc1f $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ bc1t $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
ceil.l.d $f1,$f3 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
ceil.l.s $f18,$f13 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
cvt.d.l $f4,$f16 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
@@ -50,19 +50,19 @@
lwxc1 $f12,$s1($s8) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
lwu $s3,-24086($v1) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:23: error: expected memory with 12-bit signed offset
movf $gp,$8,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf $gp,$8,$fcc7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf $gp,$8,$fcc7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf.d $f6,$f11,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf.d $f6,$f11,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf.d $f6,$f11,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn $v1,$s1,$s0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn.d $f27,$f21,$k0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn.s $f12,$f0,$s7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt $zero,$s4,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movt $zero,$s4,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movt $zero,$s4,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt.d $f0,$f2,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz $a1,$s6,$9 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz.d $f12,$f29,$9 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz.s $f25,$f7,$v1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips5.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips5.s
index 8f460c7b2732..ea563372fc15 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips5.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips2/invalid-mips5.s
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
# RUN: FileCheck %s < %t1
.set noat
- bc1f $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
- bc1t $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ bc1f $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ bc1t $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
ceil.l.d $f1,$f3 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
ceil.l.s $f18,$f13 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
cvt.d.l $f4,$f16 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@
luxc1 $f19,$s6($s5) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
lwxc1 $f12,$s1($s8) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf $gp,$a0,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf $gp,$a0,$fcc7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf $gp,$a0,$fcc7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf.d $f6,$f11,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf.d $f6,$f11,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf.d $f6,$f11,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn $v1,$s1,$s0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn.d $f27,$f21,$k0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn.s $f12,$f0,$s7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt $zero,$s4,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movt $zero,$s4,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movt $zero,$s4,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt.d $f0,$f2,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz $a1,$s6,$a1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz.d $f12,$f29,$a1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz.s $f25,$f7,$v1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
@@ -71,3 +71,36 @@
sdxc1 $f11,$a2($t2) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
suxc1 $f12,$k1($t1) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
swxc1 $f19,$t0($k0) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
+ c.eq.s $fcc1, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.f.s $fcc4, $f2, $f7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.le.s $fcc6, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.nge.s $fcc3, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.olt.s $fcc6, $f2, $f7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.sf.s $fcc4, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ule.s $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ult.s $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.un.s $fcc1, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.eq.d $fcc1, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.f.d $fcc4, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.le.d $fcc6, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.nge.d $fcc3, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngl.d $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngle.d $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngt.d $fcc5, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ole.d $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.olt.d $fcc6, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.seq.d $fcc7, $f1, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.sf.d $fcc4, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ueq.d $fcc6, $f3, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ule.d $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ult.d $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.un.d $fcc1, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips3/invalid-mips4-wrong-error.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips3/invalid-mips4-wrong-error.s
deleted file mode 100644
index c9af39a46fef..000000000000
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips3/invalid-mips4-wrong-error.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Instructions that are invalid and are correctly rejected but use the wrong
-# error message at the moment.
-# RUN: not llvm-mc %s -triple=mips-unknown-linux -show-encoding -mcpu=mips3 \
-# RUN: 2>%t1
-# RUN: FileCheck %s < %t1
- .set noat
- bc1fl $fcc7,27 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
- bc1tl $fcc7,27 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips3/invalid-mips4.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips3/invalid-mips4.s
index 9cd92d39e315..e95ca00d8031 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips3/invalid-mips4.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips3/invalid-mips4.s
@@ -5,26 +5,58 @@
# RUN: FileCheck %s < %t1
.set noat
- bc1f $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
- bc1t $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ bc1f $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ bc1t $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
ldxc1 $f8,$s7($15) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
lwxc1 $f12,$s1($s8) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf $gp,$8,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf $gp,$8,$fcc7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf $gp,$8,$fcc7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf.d $f6,$f11,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf.d $f6,$f11,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf.d $f6,$f11,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn $v1,$s1,$s0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn.d $f27,$f21,$k0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn.s $f12,$f0,$s7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt $zero,$s4,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movt $zero,$s4,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movt $zero,$s4,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt.d $f0,$f2,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz $a1,$s6,$9 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz.d $f12,$f29,$9 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz.s $f25,$f7,$v1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
sdxc1 $f11,$10($14) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
swxc1 $f19,$12($k0) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
+ c.eq.s $fcc1, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.f.s $fcc4, $f2, $f7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.le.s $fcc6, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.nge.s $fcc3, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.olt.s $fcc6, $f2, $f7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.sf.s $fcc4, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ule.s $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ult.s $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.un.s $fcc1, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.eq.d $fcc1, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.f.d $fcc4, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.le.d $fcc6, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.nge.d $fcc3, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngl.d $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngle.d $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngt.d $fcc5, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ole.d $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.olt.d $fcc6, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.seq.d $fcc7, $f1, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.sf.d $fcc4, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ueq.d $fcc6, $f3, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ule.d $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ult.d $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.un.d $fcc1, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips3/invalid-mips5-wrong-error.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips3/invalid-mips5-wrong-error.s
index cf809d3af2d6..6cfd1625d12d 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips3/invalid-mips5-wrong-error.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips3/invalid-mips5-wrong-error.s
@@ -44,3 +44,4 @@ $f9,$f30,$f26 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: unknown instruction $f24,$f9,$f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: unknown instruction $f5,$f14,$f26 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: unknown instruction
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips3/invalid-mips5.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips3/invalid-mips5.s
index 307eee82075c..f851e1304bae 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips3/invalid-mips5.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips3/invalid-mips5.s
@@ -5,28 +5,61 @@
# RUN: FileCheck %s < %t1
.set noat
- bc1f $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
- bc1t $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ bc1f $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ bc1t $fcc1, 4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
ldxc1 $f8,$s7($t3) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
luxc1 $f19,$s6($s5) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
lwxc1 $f12,$s1($s8) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf $gp,$8,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf $gp,$8,$fcc7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf $gp,$8,$fcc7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf.d $f6,$f11,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf.d $f6,$f11,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf.d $f6,$f11,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movf.s $f23,$f5,$fcc6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn $v1,$s1,$s0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn.d $f27,$f21,$k0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movn.s $f12,$f0,$s7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt $zero,$s4,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movt $zero,$s4,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movt $zero,$s4,$fcc5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt.d $f0,$f2,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc0 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
- movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand for instruction
+ movt.s $f30,$f2,$fcc1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz $a1,$s6,$a5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz.d $f12,$f29,$a5 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
movz.s $f25,$f7,$v1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
sdxc1 $f11,$a6($t2) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
suxc1 $f12,$k1($t1) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
swxc1 $f19,$t0($k0) # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
+ c.eq.s $fcc1, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.f.s $fcc4, $f2, $f7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.le.s $fcc6, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.nge.s $fcc3, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.olt.s $fcc6, $f2, $f7 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.sf.s $fcc4, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ule.s $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ult.s $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.un.s $fcc1, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.eq.d $fcc1, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.f.d $fcc4, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.le.d $fcc6, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.nge.d $fcc3, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngl.d $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngle.d $fcc2, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ngt.d $fcc5, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ole.d $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.olt.d $fcc6, $f2, $f8 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.seq.d $fcc7, $f1, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.sf.d $fcc4, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ueq.d $fcc6, $f3, $f2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ule.d $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.ult.d $fcc7, $f2, $f6 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
+ c.un.d $fcc1, $f2, $f4 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: non-zero fcc register doesn't exist in current ISA level
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips32/valid-xfail.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips32/valid-xfail.s
index d680740babf8..5b48896cc00e 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips32/valid-xfail.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips32/valid-xfail.s
@@ -7,32 +7,20 @@
# XFAIL: *
.set noat
- c.eq.d $fcc1,$f15,$f15
- c.eq.s $fcc5,$f24,$f17
- c.f.d $fcc4,$f11,$f21
- c.f.s $fcc4,$f30,$f7
- c.le.d $fcc4,$f18,$f1
- c.le.s $fcc6,$f24,$f4
- $fcc3,$f9,$f3
- $fcc2,$f17,$f14
- c.nge.d $fcc5,$f21,$f16
- c.nge.s $fcc3,$f11,$f8
- c.ngl.s $fcc2,$f31,$f23
- c.ngle.s $fcc2,$f18,$f23
- c.ngt.d $fcc4,$f24,$f7
- c.ngt.s $fcc5,$f8,$f13
- c.ole.d $fcc2,$f16,$f31
- c.ole.s $fcc3,$f7,$f20
- c.olt.d $fcc4,$f19,$f28
- c.olt.s $fcc6,$f20,$f7
- c.seq.d $fcc4,$f31,$f7
- c.seq.s $fcc7,$f1,$f25
- c.ueq.d $fcc4,$f13,$f25
- c.ueq.s $fcc6,$f3,$f30
- c.ule.d $fcc7,$f25,$f18
- c.ule.s $fcc7,$f21,$f30
- c.ult.d $fcc6,$f6,$f17
- c.ult.s $fcc7,$f24,$f10
- c.un.d $fcc6,$f23,$f24
- c.un.s $fcc1,$f30,$f4
+ $fcc5,$f0,$f9
+ $fcc6,$f11,$f11
+ $fcc1,$f7,$f20
+ $f19,$f5
+ $f1,$f26
+ $f21,$f30
+ $fcc7,$f12,$f20
+ $fcc5,$f30,$f6
+ $fcc7,$f21,$f8
+ $fcc3,$f7,$f16
+ $fcc6,$f31,$f14
+ $fcc6,$f4,$f6
+ $fcc1,$f5,$f29
+ $fcc6,$f17,$f3
+ $fcc7,$f14,$f0
+ $fcc4,$f2,$f26
rorv $13,$a3,$s5
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips32/valid.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips32/valid.s
index c24abe31fbd0..4685a1f3696b 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips32/valid.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips32/valid.s
@@ -41,10 +41,38 @@ a:
bltzl $s1,-9964 # CHECK: bltzl $17, -9964 # encoding: [0x06,0x22,0xf6,0x45]
bnel $gp,$s4,5107 # CHECK: bnel $gp, $20, 5107 # encoding: [0x57,0x94,0x04,0xfc]
cache 1, 8($5) # CHECK: cache 1, 8($5) # encoding: [0xbc,0xa1,0x00,0x08]
- c.ngl.d $f29,$f29
- c.ngle.d $f0,$f16
- c.sf.d $f30,$f0
- c.sf.s $f14,$f22
+ c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # CHECK: c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x2e,0x71,0x32]
+ c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # CHECK: c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # encoding: [0x46,0x11,0xc5,0x32]
+ c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # CHECK: c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x34,0x54,0x30]
+ c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # CHECK: c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xf4,0x30]
+ c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # CHECK: c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0x94,0x3e]
+ c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # CHECK: c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xc6,0x3e]
+ $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # encoding: [0x46,0x22,0x43,0x3c]
+ $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # CHECK: $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x0e,0x8a,0x3c]
+ c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # CHECK: c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0xa5,0x3d]
+ c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # CHECK: c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # encoding: [0x46,0x08,0x5b,0x3d]
+ c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0xfa,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0x92,0x39]
+ c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # CHECK: c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0xe0,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # CHECK: c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x00,0x39]
+ c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # CHECK: c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xc4,0x3f]
+ c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # CHECK: c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # encoding: [0x46,0x0d,0x45,0x3f]
+ c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # CHECK: c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x3e,0x82,0x36]
+ c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # CHECK: c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x14,0x3b,0x36]
+ c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # CHECK: c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0x94,0x34]
+ c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # CHECK: c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xa6,0x34]
+ c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # CHECK: c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xf4,0x3a]
+ c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # CHECK: c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # encoding: [0x46,0x19,0x0f,0x3a]
+ c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # CHECK: c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0xf0,0x38]
+ c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # CHECK: c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # encoding: [0x46,0x16,0x70,0x38]
+ c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # CHECK: c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0x64,0x33]
+ c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # CHECK: c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0x1e,0x33]
+ c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # CHECK: c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # encoding: [0x46,0x32,0xc7,0x37]
+ c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # CHECK: c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0xaf,0x37]
+ c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # CHECK: c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x36,0x35]
+ c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # CHECK: c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # encoding: [0x46,0x0a,0xc7,0x35]
+ c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # CHECK: c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0xb6,0x31]
+ c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # CHECK: c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xf1,0x31]
ceil.w.d $f11,$f25
ceil.w.s $f6,$f20
cfc1 $s1,$21
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips32r2/valid-xfail.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips32r2/valid-xfail.s
index 6fab97f7a62a..acd7802628dd 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips32r2/valid-xfail.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips32r2/valid-xfail.s
@@ -12,50 +12,22 @@
addqh.w $s7,$s7,$k1
addqh_r.w $8,$v1,$zero $f12,$f18,$f30,$12
- c.eq.d $fcc1,$f15,$f15 $fcc5,$f0,$f9
- c.eq.s $fcc5,$f24,$f17
- c.f.d $fcc4,$f11,$f21 $fcc6,$f11,$f11
- c.f.s $fcc4,$f30,$f7
- c.le.d $fcc4,$f18,$f1 $fcc1,$f7,$f20
- c.le.s $fcc6,$f24,$f4
- $fcc3,$f9,$f3 $f19,$f5
- $fcc2,$f17,$f14
- c.nge.d $fcc5,$f21,$f16 $f1,$f26
- c.nge.s $fcc3,$f11,$f8 $f21,$f30
- c.ngl.s $fcc2,$f31,$f23 $fcc7,$f12,$f20
- c.ngle.s $fcc2,$f18,$f23
- c.ngt.d $fcc4,$f24,$f7 $fcc5,$f30,$f6
- c.ngt.s $fcc5,$f8,$f13
- c.ole.d $fcc2,$f16,$f31 $fcc7,$f21,$f8
- c.ole.s $fcc3,$f7,$f20
- c.olt.d $fcc4,$f19,$f28 $fcc3,$f7,$f16
- c.olt.s $fcc6,$f20,$f7
- c.seq.d $fcc4,$f31,$f7 $fcc6,$f31,$f14
- c.seq.s $fcc7,$f1,$f25 $fcc6,$f4,$f6
- c.ueq.d $fcc4,$f13,$f25 $fcc1,$f5,$f29
- c.ueq.s $fcc6,$f3,$f30
- c.ule.d $fcc7,$f25,$f18 $fcc6,$f17,$f3
- c.ule.s $fcc7,$f21,$f30
- c.ult.d $fcc6,$f6,$f17 $fcc7,$f14,$f0
- c.ult.s $fcc7,$f24,$f10
- c.un.d $fcc6,$f23,$f24 $fcc4,$f2,$f26
- c.un.s $fcc1,$f30,$f4
ceil.l.d $f1,$f3
ceil.l.s $f18,$f13
cfcmsa $s6,$19
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips32r2/valid.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips32r2/valid.s
index 8cde9dc5c80a..3cd6a09fdd8c 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips32r2/valid.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips32r2/valid.s
@@ -41,10 +41,38 @@ a:
bltzl $s1,-9964 # CHECK: bltzl $17, -9964 # encoding: [0x06,0x22,0xf6,0x45]
bnel $gp,$s4,5107 # CHECK: bnel $gp, $20, 5107 # encoding: [0x57,0x94,0x04,0xfc]
cache 1, 8($5) # CHECK: cache 1, 8($5) # encoding: [0xbc,0xa1,0x00,0x08]
- c.ngl.d $f29,$f29
- c.ngle.d $f0,$f16
- c.sf.d $f30,$f0
- c.sf.s $f14,$f22
+ c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # CHECK: c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x2e,0x71,0x32]
+ c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # CHECK: c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # encoding: [0x46,0x11,0xc5,0x32]
+ c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # CHECK: c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x34,0x54,0x30]
+ c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # CHECK: c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xf4,0x30]
+ c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # CHECK: c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0x94,0x3e]
+ c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # CHECK: c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xc6,0x3e]
+ $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # encoding: [0x46,0x22,0x43,0x3c]
+ $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # CHECK: $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x0e,0x8a,0x3c]
+ c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # CHECK: c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0xa5,0x3d]
+ c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # CHECK: c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # encoding: [0x46,0x08,0x5b,0x3d]
+ c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0xfa,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0x92,0x39]
+ c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # CHECK: c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0xe0,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # CHECK: c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x00,0x39]
+ c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # CHECK: c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xc4,0x3f]
+ c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # CHECK: c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # encoding: [0x46,0x0d,0x45,0x3f]
+ c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # CHECK: c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x3e,0x82,0x36]
+ c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # CHECK: c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x14,0x3b,0x36]
+ c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # CHECK: c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0x94,0x34]
+ c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # CHECK: c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xa6,0x34]
+ c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # CHECK: c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xf4,0x3a]
+ c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # CHECK: c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # encoding: [0x46,0x19,0x0f,0x3a]
+ c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # CHECK: c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0xf0,0x38]
+ c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # CHECK: c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # encoding: [0x46,0x16,0x70,0x38]
+ c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # CHECK: c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0x64,0x33]
+ c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # CHECK: c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0x1e,0x33]
+ c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # CHECK: c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # encoding: [0x46,0x32,0xc7,0x37]
+ c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # CHECK: c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0xaf,0x37]
+ c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # CHECK: c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x36,0x35]
+ c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # CHECK: c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # encoding: [0x46,0x0a,0xc7,0x35]
+ c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # CHECK: c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0xb6,0x31]
+ c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # CHECK: c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xf1,0x31]
ceil.w.d $f11,$f25
ceil.w.s $f6,$f20
cfc1 $s1,$21
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips32r3/valid-xfail.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips32r3/valid-xfail.s
index a442beb6198a..d8e760fb8078 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips32r3/valid-xfail.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips32r3/valid-xfail.s
@@ -12,50 +12,22 @@
addqh.w $s7,$s7,$k1
addqh_r.w $8,$v1,$zero $f12,$f18,$f30,$12
- c.eq.d $fcc1,$f15,$f15 $fcc5,$f0,$f9
- c.eq.s $fcc5,$f24,$f17
- c.f.d $fcc4,$f11,$f21 $fcc6,$f11,$f11
- c.f.s $fcc4,$f30,$f7
- c.le.d $fcc4,$f18,$f1 $fcc1,$f7,$f20
- c.le.s $fcc6,$f24,$f4
- $fcc3,$f9,$f3 $f19,$f5
- $fcc2,$f17,$f14
- c.nge.d $fcc5,$f21,$f16 $f1,$f26
- c.nge.s $fcc3,$f11,$f8 $f21,$f30
- c.ngl.s $fcc2,$f31,$f23 $fcc7,$f12,$f20
- c.ngle.s $fcc2,$f18,$f23
- c.ngt.d $fcc4,$f24,$f7 $fcc5,$f30,$f6
- c.ngt.s $fcc5,$f8,$f13
- c.ole.d $fcc2,$f16,$f31 $fcc7,$f21,$f8
- c.ole.s $fcc3,$f7,$f20
- c.olt.d $fcc4,$f19,$f28 $fcc3,$f7,$f16
- c.olt.s $fcc6,$f20,$f7
- c.seq.d $fcc4,$f31,$f7 $fcc6,$f31,$f14
- c.seq.s $fcc7,$f1,$f25 $fcc6,$f4,$f6
- c.ueq.d $fcc4,$f13,$f25 $fcc1,$f5,$f29
- c.ueq.s $fcc6,$f3,$f30
- c.ule.d $fcc7,$f25,$f18 $fcc6,$f17,$f3
- c.ule.s $fcc7,$f21,$f30
- c.ult.d $fcc6,$f6,$f17 $fcc7,$f14,$f0
- c.ult.s $fcc7,$f24,$f10
- c.un.d $fcc6,$f23,$f24 $fcc4,$f2,$f26
- c.un.s $fcc1,$f30,$f4
ceil.l.d $f1,$f3
ceil.l.s $f18,$f13
cfcmsa $s6,$19
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips32r3/valid.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips32r3/valid.s
index 67820bdde99a..b69a78776a45 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips32r3/valid.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips32r3/valid.s
@@ -41,10 +41,38 @@ a:
bltzl $s1,-9964 # CHECK: bltzl $17, -9964 # encoding: [0x06,0x22,0xf6,0x45]
bnel $gp,$s4,5107 # CHECK: bnel $gp, $20, 5107 # encoding: [0x57,0x94,0x04,0xfc]
cache 1, 8($5) # CHECK: cache 1, 8($5) # encoding: [0xbc,0xa1,0x00,0x08]
- c.ngl.d $f29,$f29
- c.ngle.d $f0,$f16
- c.sf.d $f30,$f0
- c.sf.s $f14,$f22
+ c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # CHECK: c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x2e,0x71,0x32]
+ c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # CHECK: c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # encoding: [0x46,0x11,0xc5,0x32]
+ c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # CHECK: c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x34,0x54,0x30]
+ c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # CHECK: c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xf4,0x30]
+ c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # CHECK: c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0x94,0x3e]
+ c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # CHECK: c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xc6,0x3e]
+ $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # encoding: [0x46,0x22,0x43,0x3c]
+ $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # CHECK: $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x0e,0x8a,0x3c]
+ c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # CHECK: c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0xa5,0x3d]
+ c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # CHECK: c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # encoding: [0x46,0x08,0x5b,0x3d]
+ c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0xfa,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0x92,0x39]
+ c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # CHECK: c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0xe0,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # CHECK: c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x00,0x39]
+ c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # CHECK: c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xc4,0x3f]
+ c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # CHECK: c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # encoding: [0x46,0x0d,0x45,0x3f]
+ c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # CHECK: c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x3e,0x82,0x36]
+ c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # CHECK: c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x14,0x3b,0x36]
+ c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # CHECK: c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0x94,0x34]
+ c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # CHECK: c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xa6,0x34]
+ c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # CHECK: c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xf4,0x3a]
+ c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # CHECK: c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # encoding: [0x46,0x19,0x0f,0x3a]
+ c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # CHECK: c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0xf0,0x38]
+ c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # CHECK: c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # encoding: [0x46,0x16,0x70,0x38]
+ c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # CHECK: c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0x64,0x33]
+ c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # CHECK: c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0x1e,0x33]
+ c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # CHECK: c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # encoding: [0x46,0x32,0xc7,0x37]
+ c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # CHECK: c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0xaf,0x37]
+ c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # CHECK: c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x36,0x35]
+ c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # CHECK: c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # encoding: [0x46,0x0a,0xc7,0x35]
+ c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # CHECK: c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0xb6,0x31]
+ c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # CHECK: c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xf1,0x31]
ceil.w.d $f11,$f25
ceil.w.s $f6,$f20
cfc1 $s1,$21
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips32r5/valid-xfail.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips32r5/valid-xfail.s
index 33ea7c46358f..b0c0861465b5 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips32r5/valid-xfail.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips32r5/valid-xfail.s
@@ -12,50 +12,22 @@
addqh.w $s7,$s7,$k1
addqh_r.w $8,$v1,$zero $f12,$f18,$f30,$12
- c.eq.d $fcc1,$f15,$f15 $fcc5,$f0,$f9
- c.eq.s $fcc5,$f24,$f17
- c.f.d $fcc4,$f11,$f21 $fcc6,$f11,$f11
- c.f.s $fcc4,$f30,$f7
- c.le.d $fcc4,$f18,$f1 $fcc1,$f7,$f20
- c.le.s $fcc6,$f24,$f4
- $fcc3,$f9,$f3 $f19,$f5
- $fcc2,$f17,$f14
- c.nge.d $fcc5,$f21,$f16 $f1,$f26
- c.nge.s $fcc3,$f11,$f8 $f21,$f30
- c.ngl.s $fcc2,$f31,$f23 $fcc7,$f12,$f20
- c.ngle.s $fcc2,$f18,$f23
- c.ngt.d $fcc4,$f24,$f7 $fcc5,$f30,$f6
- c.ngt.s $fcc5,$f8,$f13
- c.ole.d $fcc2,$f16,$f31 $fcc7,$f21,$f8
- c.ole.s $fcc3,$f7,$f20
- c.olt.d $fcc4,$f19,$f28 $fcc3,$f7,$f16
- c.olt.s $fcc6,$f20,$f7
- c.seq.d $fcc4,$f31,$f7 $fcc6,$f31,$f14
- c.seq.s $fcc7,$f1,$f25 $fcc6,$f4,$f6
- c.ueq.d $fcc4,$f13,$f25 $fcc1,$f5,$f29
- c.ueq.s $fcc6,$f3,$f30
- c.ule.d $fcc7,$f25,$f18 $fcc6,$f17,$f3
- c.ule.s $fcc7,$f21,$f30
- c.ult.d $fcc6,$f6,$f17 $fcc7,$f14,$f0
- c.ult.s $fcc7,$f24,$f10
- c.un.d $fcc6,$f23,$f24 $fcc4,$f2,$f26
- c.un.s $fcc1,$f30,$f4
ceil.l.d $f1,$f3
ceil.l.s $f18,$f13
cfcmsa $s6,$19
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips32r5/valid.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips32r5/valid.s
index e53b7f3177c1..5ac82e7fe985 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips32r5/valid.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips32r5/valid.s
@@ -41,10 +41,38 @@ a:
bltzl $s1,-9964 # CHECK: bltzl $17, -9964 # encoding: [0x06,0x22,0xf6,0x45]
bnel $gp,$s4,5107 # CHECK: bnel $gp, $20, 5107 # encoding: [0x57,0x94,0x04,0xfc]
cache 1, 8($5) # CHECK: cache 1, 8($5) # encoding: [0xbc,0xa1,0x00,0x08]
- c.ngl.d $f29,$f29
- c.ngle.d $f0,$f16
- c.sf.d $f30,$f0
- c.sf.s $f14,$f22
+ c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # CHECK: c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x2e,0x71,0x32]
+ c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # CHECK: c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # encoding: [0x46,0x11,0xc5,0x32]
+ c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # CHECK: c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x34,0x54,0x30]
+ c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # CHECK: c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xf4,0x30]
+ c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # CHECK: c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0x94,0x3e]
+ c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # CHECK: c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xc6,0x3e]
+ $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # encoding: [0x46,0x22,0x43,0x3c]
+ $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # CHECK: $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x0e,0x8a,0x3c]
+ c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # CHECK: c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0xa5,0x3d]
+ c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # CHECK: c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # encoding: [0x46,0x08,0x5b,0x3d]
+ c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0xfa,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0x92,0x39]
+ c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # CHECK: c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0xe0,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # CHECK: c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x00,0x39]
+ c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # CHECK: c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xc4,0x3f]
+ c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # CHECK: c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # encoding: [0x46,0x0d,0x45,0x3f]
+ c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # CHECK: c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x3e,0x82,0x36]
+ c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # CHECK: c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x14,0x3b,0x36]
+ c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # CHECK: c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0x94,0x34]
+ c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # CHECK: c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xa6,0x34]
+ c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # CHECK: c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xf4,0x3a]
+ c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # CHECK: c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # encoding: [0x46,0x19,0x0f,0x3a]
+ c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # CHECK: c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0xf0,0x38]
+ c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # CHECK: c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # encoding: [0x46,0x16,0x70,0x38]
+ c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # CHECK: c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0x64,0x33]
+ c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # CHECK: c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0x1e,0x33]
+ c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # CHECK: c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # encoding: [0x46,0x32,0xc7,0x37]
+ c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # CHECK: c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0xaf,0x37]
+ c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # CHECK: c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x36,0x35]
+ c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # CHECK: c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # encoding: [0x46,0x0a,0xc7,0x35]
+ c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # CHECK: c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0xb6,0x31]
+ c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # CHECK: c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xf1,0x31]
ceil.w.d $f11,$f25
ceil.w.s $f6,$f20
cfc1 $s1,$21
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips4/valid-xfail.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips4/valid-xfail.s
index 21129bb9dbc4..b55e21083b01 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips4/valid-xfail.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips4/valid-xfail.s
@@ -7,31 +7,19 @@
# XFAIL: *
.set noat
- c.eq.d $fcc1,$f15,$f15
- c.eq.s $fcc5,$f24,$f17
- c.f.d $fcc4,$f11,$f21
- c.f.s $fcc4,$f30,$f7
- c.le.d $fcc4,$f18,$f1
- c.le.s $fcc6,$f24,$f4
- $fcc3,$f9,$f3
- $fcc2,$f17,$f14
- c.nge.d $fcc5,$f21,$f16
- c.nge.s $fcc3,$f11,$f8
- c.ngl.s $fcc2,$f31,$f23
- c.ngle.s $fcc2,$f18,$f23
- c.ngt.d $fcc4,$f24,$f7
- c.ngt.s $fcc5,$f8,$f13
- c.ole.d $fcc2,$f16,$f31
- c.ole.s $fcc3,$f7,$f20
- c.olt.d $fcc4,$f19,$f28
- c.olt.s $fcc6,$f20,$f7
- c.seq.d $fcc4,$f31,$f7
- c.seq.s $fcc7,$f1,$f25
- c.ueq.d $fcc4,$f13,$f25
- c.ueq.s $fcc6,$f3,$f30
- c.ule.d $fcc7,$f25,$f18
- c.ule.s $fcc7,$f21,$f30
- c.ult.d $fcc6,$f6,$f17
- c.ult.s $fcc7,$f24,$f10
- c.un.d $fcc6,$f23,$f24
- c.un.s $fcc1,$f30,$f4
+ $fcc5,$f0,$f9
+ $fcc6,$f11,$f11
+ $fcc1,$f7,$f20
+ $f19,$f5
+ $f1,$f26
+ $f21,$f30
+ $fcc7,$f12,$f20
+ $fcc5,$f30,$f6
+ $fcc7,$f21,$f8
+ $fcc3,$f7,$f16
+ $fcc6,$f31,$f14
+ $fcc6,$f4,$f6
+ $fcc1,$f5,$f29
+ $fcc6,$f17,$f3
+ $fcc7,$f14,$f0
+ $fcc4,$f2,$f26
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips4/valid.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips4/valid.s
index 62cd3905d4ef..69cea599e748 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips4/valid.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips4/valid.s
@@ -41,10 +41,38 @@ a:
bltzl $s1,-9964 # CHECK: bltzl $17, -9964 # encoding: [0x06,0x22,0xf6,0x45]
bnel $gp,$s4,5107 # CHECK: bnel $gp, $20, 5107 # encoding: [0x57,0x94,0x04,0xfc]
cache 1, 8($5) # CHECK: cache 1, 8($5) # encoding: [0xbc,0xa1,0x00,0x08]
- c.ngl.d $f29,$f29
- c.ngle.d $f0,$f16
- c.sf.d $f30,$f0
- c.sf.s $f14,$f22
+ c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # CHECK: c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x2e,0x71,0x32]
+ c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # CHECK: c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # encoding: [0x46,0x11,0xc5,0x32]
+ c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # CHECK: c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x34,0x54,0x30]
+ c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # CHECK: c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xf4,0x30]
+ c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # CHECK: c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0x94,0x3e]
+ c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # CHECK: c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xc6,0x3e]
+ $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # encoding: [0x46,0x22,0x43,0x3c]
+ $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # CHECK: $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x0e,0x8a,0x3c]
+ c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # CHECK: c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0xa5,0x3d]
+ c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # CHECK: c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # encoding: [0x46,0x08,0x5b,0x3d]
+ c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0xfa,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0x92,0x39]
+ c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # CHECK: c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0xe0,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # CHECK: c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x00,0x39]
+ c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # CHECK: c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xc4,0x3f]
+ c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # CHECK: c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # encoding: [0x46,0x0d,0x45,0x3f]
+ c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # CHECK: c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x3e,0x82,0x36]
+ c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # CHECK: c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x14,0x3b,0x36]
+ c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # CHECK: c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0x94,0x34]
+ c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # CHECK: c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xa6,0x34]
+ c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # CHECK: c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xf4,0x3a]
+ c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # CHECK: c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # encoding: [0x46,0x19,0x0f,0x3a]
+ c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # CHECK: c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0xf0,0x38]
+ c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # CHECK: c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # encoding: [0x46,0x16,0x70,0x38]
+ c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # CHECK: c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0x64,0x33]
+ c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # CHECK: c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0x1e,0x33]
+ c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # CHECK: c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # encoding: [0x46,0x32,0xc7,0x37]
+ c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # CHECK: c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0xaf,0x37]
+ c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # CHECK: c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x36,0x35]
+ c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # CHECK: c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # encoding: [0x46,0x0a,0xc7,0x35]
+ c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # CHECK: c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0xb6,0x31]
+ c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # CHECK: c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xf1,0x31]
ceil.l.d $f1,$f3
ceil.l.s $f18,$f13
ceil.w.d $f11,$f25
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips5/valid-xfail.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips5/valid-xfail.s
index 8517315780e0..2c6711b47d38 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips5/valid-xfail.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips5/valid-xfail.s
@@ -10,50 +10,22 @@ $f22,$f8 $f25,$f27,$f13 $f12,$f18,$f30,$12
- c.eq.d $fcc1,$f15,$f15 $fcc5,$f0,$f9
- c.eq.s $fcc5,$f24,$f17
- c.f.d $fcc4,$f11,$f21 $fcc6,$f11,$f11
- c.f.s $fcc4,$f30,$f7
- c.le.d $fcc4,$f18,$f1 $fcc1,$f7,$f20
- c.le.s $fcc6,$f24,$f4
- $fcc3,$f9,$f3 $f19,$f5
- $fcc2,$f17,$f14
- c.nge.d $fcc5,$f21,$f16 $f1,$f26
- c.nge.s $fcc3,$f11,$f8 $f21,$f30
- c.ngl.s $fcc2,$f31,$f23 $fcc7,$f12,$f20
- c.ngle.s $fcc2,$f18,$f23
- c.ngt.d $fcc4,$f24,$f7 $fcc5,$f30,$f6
- c.ngt.s $fcc5,$f8,$f13
- c.ole.d $fcc2,$f16,$f31 $fcc7,$f21,$f8
- c.ole.s $fcc3,$f7,$f20
- c.olt.d $fcc4,$f19,$f28 $fcc3,$f7,$f16
- c.olt.s $fcc6,$f20,$f7
- c.seq.d $fcc4,$f31,$f7 $fcc6,$f31,$f14
- c.seq.s $fcc7,$f1,$f25 $fcc6,$f4,$f6
- c.ueq.d $fcc4,$f13,$f25 $fcc1,$f5,$f29
- c.ueq.s $fcc6,$f3,$f30
- c.ule.d $fcc7,$f25,$f18 $fcc6,$f17,$f3
- c.ule.s $fcc7,$f21,$f30
- c.ult.d $fcc6,$f6,$f17 $fcc7,$f14,$f0
- c.ult.s $fcc7,$f24,$f10
- c.un.d $fcc6,$f23,$f24 $fcc4,$f2,$f26
- c.un.s $fcc1,$f30,$f4 $f3,$f18,$f19 $f30,$f1
cvt.s.pu $f14,$f25
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips5/valid.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips5/valid.s
index 77204f996086..85fdfb507aad 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips5/valid.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips5/valid.s
@@ -41,10 +41,38 @@ a:
bltzl $s1,-9964 # CHECK: bltzl $17, -9964 # encoding: [0x06,0x22,0xf6,0x45]
bnel $gp,$s4,5107 # CHECK: bnel $gp, $20, 5107 # encoding: [0x57,0x94,0x04,0xfc]
cache 1, 8($5) # CHECK: cache 1, 8($5) # encoding: [0xbc,0xa1,0x00,0x08]
- c.ngl.d $f29,$f29
- c.ngle.d $f0,$f16
- c.sf.d $f30,$f0
- c.sf.s $f14,$f22
+ c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # CHECK: c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x2e,0x71,0x32]
+ c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # CHECK: c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # encoding: [0x46,0x11,0xc5,0x32]
+ c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # CHECK: c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x34,0x54,0x30]
+ c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # CHECK: c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xf4,0x30]
+ c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # CHECK: c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0x94,0x3e]
+ c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # CHECK: c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xc6,0x3e]
+ $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # encoding: [0x46,0x22,0x43,0x3c]
+ $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # CHECK: $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x0e,0x8a,0x3c]
+ c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # CHECK: c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0xa5,0x3d]
+ c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # CHECK: c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # encoding: [0x46,0x08,0x5b,0x3d]
+ c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0xfa,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0x92,0x39]
+ c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # CHECK: c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0xe0,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # CHECK: c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x00,0x39]
+ c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # CHECK: c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xc4,0x3f]
+ c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # CHECK: c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # encoding: [0x46,0x0d,0x45,0x3f]
+ c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # CHECK: c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x3e,0x82,0x36]
+ c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # CHECK: c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x14,0x3b,0x36]
+ c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # CHECK: c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0x94,0x34]
+ c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # CHECK: c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xa6,0x34]
+ c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # CHECK: c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xf4,0x3a]
+ c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # CHECK: c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # encoding: [0x46,0x19,0x0f,0x3a]
+ c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # CHECK: c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0xf0,0x38]
+ c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # CHECK: c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # encoding: [0x46,0x16,0x70,0x38]
+ c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # CHECK: c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0x64,0x33]
+ c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # CHECK: c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0x1e,0x33]
+ c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # CHECK: c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # encoding: [0x46,0x32,0xc7,0x37]
+ c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # CHECK: c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0xaf,0x37]
+ c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # CHECK: c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x36,0x35]
+ c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # CHECK: c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # encoding: [0x46,0x0a,0xc7,0x35]
+ c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # CHECK: c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0xb6,0x31]
+ c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # CHECK: c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xf1,0x31]
ceil.l.d $f1,$f3
ceil.l.s $f18,$f13
ceil.w.d $f11,$f25
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips64/valid-xfail.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips64/valid-xfail.s
index c7513bf5d7e1..9bf899c22703 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips64/valid-xfail.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips64/valid-xfail.s
@@ -13,50 +13,22 @@
alnv.ob $v31,$v23,$v30,$at
alnv.ob $v8,$v17,$v30,$a1 $f12,$f18,$f30,$12
- c.eq.d $fcc1,$f15,$f15 $fcc5,$f0,$f9
- c.eq.s $fcc5,$f24,$f17
- c.f.d $fcc4,$f11,$f21 $fcc6,$f11,$f11
- c.f.s $fcc4,$f30,$f7
- c.le.d $fcc4,$f18,$f1 $fcc1,$f7,$f20
- c.le.s $fcc6,$f24,$f4
- $fcc3,$f9,$f3 $f19,$f5
- $fcc2,$f17,$f14
- c.nge.d $fcc5,$f21,$f16 $f1,$f26
- c.nge.s $fcc3,$f11,$f8 $f21,$f30
- c.ngl.s $fcc2,$f31,$f23 $fcc7,$f12,$f20
- c.ngle.s $fcc2,$f18,$f23
- c.ngt.d $fcc4,$f24,$f7 $fcc5,$f30,$f6
- c.ngt.s $fcc5,$f8,$f13
- c.ole.d $fcc2,$f16,$f31 $fcc7,$f21,$f8
- c.ole.s $fcc3,$f7,$f20
- c.olt.d $fcc4,$f19,$f28 $fcc3,$f7,$f16
- c.olt.s $fcc6,$f20,$f7
- c.seq.d $fcc4,$f31,$f7 $fcc6,$f31,$f14
- c.seq.s $fcc7,$f1,$f25 $fcc6,$f4,$f6
- c.ueq.d $fcc4,$f13,$f25 $fcc1,$f5,$f29
- c.ueq.s $fcc6,$f3,$f30
- c.ule.d $fcc7,$f25,$f18 $fcc6,$f17,$f3
- c.ule.s $fcc7,$f21,$f30
- c.ult.d $fcc6,$f6,$f17 $fcc7,$f14,$f0
- c.ult.s $fcc7,$f24,$f10
- c.un.d $fcc6,$f23,$f24 $fcc4,$f2,$f26
- c.un.s $fcc1,$f30,$f4 $f3,$f18,$f19 $f30,$f1
cvt.s.pu $f14,$f25
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips64/valid.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips64/valid.s
index f34bfafa8fc2..716488df7b50 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips64/valid.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips64/valid.s
@@ -41,10 +41,38 @@ a:
bltzl $s1,-9964 # CHECK: bltzl $17, -9964 # encoding: [0x06,0x22,0xf6,0x45]
bnel $gp,$s4,5107 # CHECK: bnel $gp, $20, 5107 # encoding: [0x57,0x94,0x04,0xfc]
cache 1, 8($5) # CHECK: cache 1, 8($5) # encoding: [0xbc,0xa1,0x00,0x08]
- c.ngl.d $f29,$f29
- c.ngle.d $f0,$f16
- c.sf.d $f30,$f0
- c.sf.s $f14,$f22
+ c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # CHECK: c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x2e,0x71,0x32]
+ c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # CHECK: c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # encoding: [0x46,0x11,0xc5,0x32]
+ c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # CHECK: c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x34,0x54,0x30]
+ c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # CHECK: c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xf4,0x30]
+ c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # CHECK: c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0x94,0x3e]
+ c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # CHECK: c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xc6,0x3e]
+ $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # encoding: [0x46,0x22,0x43,0x3c]
+ $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # CHECK: $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x0e,0x8a,0x3c]
+ c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # CHECK: c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0xa5,0x3d]
+ c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # CHECK: c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # encoding: [0x46,0x08,0x5b,0x3d]
+ c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0xfa,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0x92,0x39]
+ c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # CHECK: c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0xe0,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # CHECK: c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x00,0x39]
+ c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # CHECK: c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xc4,0x3f]
+ c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # CHECK: c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # encoding: [0x46,0x0d,0x45,0x3f]
+ c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # CHECK: c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x3e,0x82,0x36]
+ c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # CHECK: c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x14,0x3b,0x36]
+ c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # CHECK: c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0x94,0x34]
+ c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # CHECK: c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xa6,0x34]
+ c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # CHECK: c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xf4,0x3a]
+ c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # CHECK: c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # encoding: [0x46,0x19,0x0f,0x3a]
+ c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # CHECK: c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0xf0,0x38]
+ c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # CHECK: c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # encoding: [0x46,0x16,0x70,0x38]
+ c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # CHECK: c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0x64,0x33]
+ c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # CHECK: c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0x1e,0x33]
+ c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # CHECK: c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # encoding: [0x46,0x32,0xc7,0x37]
+ c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # CHECK: c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0xaf,0x37]
+ c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # CHECK: c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x36,0x35]
+ c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # CHECK: c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # encoding: [0x46,0x0a,0xc7,0x35]
+ c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # CHECK: c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0xb6,0x31]
+ c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # CHECK: c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xf1,0x31]
ceil.l.d $f1,$f3
ceil.l.s $f18,$f13
ceil.w.d $f11,$f25
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips64r2/valid-xfail.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips64r2/valid-xfail.s
index d55d1fb9a196..90cd760712c2 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips64r2/valid-xfail.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips64r2/valid-xfail.s
@@ -12,50 +12,22 @@
addqh.w $s7,$s7,$k1
addqh_r.w $8,$v1,$zero $f12,$f18,$f30,$12
- c.eq.d $fcc1,$f15,$f15 $fcc5,$f0,$f9
- c.eq.s $fcc5,$f24,$f17
- c.f.d $fcc4,$f11,$f21 $fcc6,$f11,$f11
- c.f.s $fcc4,$f30,$f7
- c.le.d $fcc4,$f18,$f1 $fcc1,$f7,$f20
- c.le.s $fcc6,$f24,$f4
- $fcc3,$f9,$f3 $f19,$f5
- $fcc2,$f17,$f14
- c.nge.d $fcc5,$f21,$f16 $f1,$f26
- c.nge.s $fcc3,$f11,$f8 $f21,$f30
- c.ngl.s $fcc2,$f31,$f23 $fcc7,$f12,$f20
- c.ngle.s $fcc2,$f18,$f23
- c.ngt.d $fcc4,$f24,$f7 $fcc5,$f30,$f6
- c.ngt.s $fcc5,$f8,$f13
- c.ole.d $fcc2,$f16,$f31 $fcc7,$f21,$f8
- c.ole.s $fcc3,$f7,$f20
- c.olt.d $fcc4,$f19,$f28 $fcc3,$f7,$f16
- c.olt.s $fcc6,$f20,$f7
- c.seq.d $fcc4,$f31,$f7 $fcc6,$f31,$f14
- c.seq.s $fcc7,$f1,$f25 $fcc6,$f4,$f6
- c.ueq.d $fcc4,$f13,$f25 $fcc1,$f5,$f29
- c.ueq.s $fcc6,$f3,$f30
- c.ule.d $fcc7,$f25,$f18 $fcc6,$f17,$f3
- c.ule.s $fcc7,$f21,$f30
- c.ult.d $fcc6,$f6,$f17 $fcc7,$f14,$f0
- c.ult.s $fcc7,$f24,$f10
- c.un.d $fcc6,$f23,$f24 $fcc4,$f2,$f26
- c.un.s $fcc1,$f30,$f4 $f3,$f18,$f19 $f30,$f1
cvt.s.pu $f14,$f25
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips64r2/valid.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips64r2/valid.s
index 500a75771798..656b76c758eb 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips64r2/valid.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips64r2/valid.s
@@ -41,10 +41,38 @@ a:
bltzl $s1,-9964 # CHECK: bltzl $17, -9964 # encoding: [0x06,0x22,0xf6,0x45]
bnel $gp,$s4,5107 # CHECK: bnel $gp, $20, 5107 # encoding: [0x57,0x94,0x04,0xfc]
cache 1, 8($5) # CHECK: cache 1, 8($5) # encoding: [0xbc,0xa1,0x00,0x08]
- c.ngl.d $f29,$f29
- c.ngle.d $f0,$f16
- c.sf.d $f30,$f0
- c.sf.s $f14,$f22
+ c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # CHECK: c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x2e,0x71,0x32]
+ c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # CHECK: c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # encoding: [0x46,0x11,0xc5,0x32]
+ c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # CHECK: c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x34,0x54,0x30]
+ c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # CHECK: c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xf4,0x30]
+ c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # CHECK: c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0x94,0x3e]
+ c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # CHECK: c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xc6,0x3e]
+ $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # encoding: [0x46,0x22,0x43,0x3c]
+ $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # CHECK: $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x0e,0x8a,0x3c]
+ c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # CHECK: c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0xa5,0x3d]
+ c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # CHECK: c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # encoding: [0x46,0x08,0x5b,0x3d]
+ c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0xfa,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0x92,0x39]
+ c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # CHECK: c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0xe0,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # CHECK: c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x00,0x39]
+ c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # CHECK: c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xc4,0x3f]
+ c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # CHECK: c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # encoding: [0x46,0x0d,0x45,0x3f]
+ c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # CHECK: c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x3e,0x82,0x36]
+ c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # CHECK: c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x14,0x3b,0x36]
+ c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # CHECK: c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0x94,0x34]
+ c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # CHECK: c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xa6,0x34]
+ c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # CHECK: c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xf4,0x3a]
+ c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # CHECK: c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # encoding: [0x46,0x19,0x0f,0x3a]
+ c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # CHECK: c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0xf0,0x38]
+ c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # CHECK: c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # encoding: [0x46,0x16,0x70,0x38]
+ c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # CHECK: c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0x64,0x33]
+ c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # CHECK: c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0x1e,0x33]
+ c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # CHECK: c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # encoding: [0x46,0x32,0xc7,0x37]
+ c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # CHECK: c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0xaf,0x37]
+ c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # CHECK: c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x36,0x35]
+ c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # CHECK: c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # encoding: [0x46,0x0a,0xc7,0x35]
+ c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # CHECK: c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0xb6,0x31]
+ c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # CHECK: c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xf1,0x31]
ceil.l.d $f1,$f3
ceil.l.s $f18,$f13
ceil.w.d $f11,$f25
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips64r3/valid-xfail.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips64r3/valid-xfail.s
index 2f38e73e442b..15c59f3f896a 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips64r3/valid-xfail.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips64r3/valid-xfail.s
@@ -15,50 +15,22 @@
alnv.ob $v31,$v23,$v30,$at
alnv.ob $v8,$v17,$v30,$a1 $f12,$f18,$f30,$12
- c.eq.d $fcc1,$f15,$f15 $fcc5,$f0,$f9
- c.eq.s $fcc5,$f24,$f17
- c.f.d $fcc4,$f11,$f21 $fcc6,$f11,$f11
- c.f.s $fcc4,$f30,$f7
- c.le.d $fcc4,$f18,$f1 $fcc1,$f7,$f20
- c.le.s $fcc6,$f24,$f4
- $fcc3,$f9,$f3 $f19,$f5
- $fcc2,$f17,$f14
- c.nge.d $fcc5,$f21,$f16 $f1,$f26
- c.nge.s $fcc3,$f11,$f8 $f21,$f30
- c.ngl.s $fcc2,$f31,$f23 $fcc7,$f12,$f20
- c.ngle.s $fcc2,$f18,$f23
- c.ngt.d $fcc4,$f24,$f7 $fcc5,$f30,$f6
- c.ngt.s $fcc5,$f8,$f13
- c.ole.d $fcc2,$f16,$f31 $fcc7,$f21,$f8
- c.ole.s $fcc3,$f7,$f20
- c.olt.d $fcc4,$f19,$f28 $fcc3,$f7,$f16
- c.olt.s $fcc6,$f20,$f7
- c.seq.d $fcc4,$f31,$f7 $fcc6,$f31,$f14
- c.seq.s $fcc7,$f1,$f25 $fcc6,$f4,$f6
- c.ueq.d $fcc4,$f13,$f25 $fcc1,$f5,$f29
- c.ueq.s $fcc6,$f3,$f30
- c.ule.d $fcc7,$f25,$f18 $fcc6,$f17,$f3
- c.ule.s $fcc7,$f21,$f30
- c.ult.d $fcc6,$f6,$f17 $fcc7,$f14,$f0
- c.ult.s $fcc7,$f24,$f10
- c.un.d $fcc6,$f23,$f24 $fcc4,$f2,$f26
- c.un.s $fcc1,$f30,$f4 $f3,$f18,$f19 $f30,$f1
cvt.s.pu $f14,$f25
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips64r3/valid.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips64r3/valid.s
index 8e2343b0ad16..52d44da8f56f 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips64r3/valid.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips64r3/valid.s
@@ -41,10 +41,38 @@ a:
bltzl $s1,-9964 # CHECK: bltzl $17, -9964 # encoding: [0x06,0x22,0xf6,0x45]
bnel $gp,$s4,5107 # CHECK: bnel $gp, $20, 5107 # encoding: [0x57,0x94,0x04,0xfc]
cache 1, 8($5) # CHECK: cache 1, 8($5) # encoding: [0xbc,0xa1,0x00,0x08]
- c.ngl.d $f29,$f29
- c.ngle.d $f0,$f16
- c.sf.d $f30,$f0
- c.sf.s $f14,$f22
+ c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # CHECK: c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x2e,0x71,0x32]
+ c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # CHECK: c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # encoding: [0x46,0x11,0xc5,0x32]
+ c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # CHECK: c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x34,0x54,0x30]
+ c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # CHECK: c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xf4,0x30]
+ c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # CHECK: c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0x94,0x3e]
+ c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # CHECK: c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xc6,0x3e]
+ $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # encoding: [0x46,0x22,0x43,0x3c]
+ $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # CHECK: $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x0e,0x8a,0x3c]
+ c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # CHECK: c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0xa5,0x3d]
+ c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # CHECK: c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # encoding: [0x46,0x08,0x5b,0x3d]
+ c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0xfa,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0x92,0x39]
+ c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # CHECK: c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0xe0,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # CHECK: c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x00,0x39]
+ c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # CHECK: c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xc4,0x3f]
+ c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # CHECK: c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # encoding: [0x46,0x0d,0x45,0x3f]
+ c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # CHECK: c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x3e,0x82,0x36]
+ c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # CHECK: c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x14,0x3b,0x36]
+ c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # CHECK: c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0x94,0x34]
+ c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # CHECK: c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xa6,0x34]
+ c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # CHECK: c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xf4,0x3a]
+ c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # CHECK: c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # encoding: [0x46,0x19,0x0f,0x3a]
+ c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # CHECK: c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0xf0,0x38]
+ c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # CHECK: c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # encoding: [0x46,0x16,0x70,0x38]
+ c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # CHECK: c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0x64,0x33]
+ c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # CHECK: c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0x1e,0x33]
+ c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # CHECK: c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # encoding: [0x46,0x32,0xc7,0x37]
+ c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # CHECK: c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0xaf,0x37]
+ c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # CHECK: c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x36,0x35]
+ c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # CHECK: c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # encoding: [0x46,0x0a,0xc7,0x35]
+ c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # CHECK: c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0xb6,0x31]
+ c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # CHECK: c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xf1,0x31]
ceil.l.d $f1,$f3
ceil.l.s $f18,$f13
ceil.w.d $f11,$f25
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips64r5/valid-xfail.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips64r5/valid-xfail.s
index 44ff4ee9fc0b..1ba984bdf905 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips64r5/valid-xfail.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips64r5/valid-xfail.s
@@ -15,50 +15,22 @@
alnv.ob $v31,$v23,$v30,$at
alnv.ob $v8,$v17,$v30,$a1 $f12,$f18,$f30,$12
- c.eq.d $fcc1,$f15,$f15 $fcc5,$f0,$f9
- c.eq.s $fcc5,$f24,$f17
- c.f.d $fcc4,$f11,$f21 $fcc6,$f11,$f11
- c.f.s $fcc4,$f30,$f7
- c.le.d $fcc4,$f18,$f1 $fcc1,$f7,$f20
- c.le.s $fcc6,$f24,$f4
- $fcc3,$f9,$f3 $f19,$f5
- $fcc2,$f17,$f14
- c.nge.d $fcc5,$f21,$f16 $f1,$f26
- c.nge.s $fcc3,$f11,$f8 $f21,$f30
- c.ngl.s $fcc2,$f31,$f23 $fcc7,$f12,$f20
- c.ngle.s $fcc2,$f18,$f23
- c.ngt.d $fcc4,$f24,$f7 $fcc5,$f30,$f6
- c.ngt.s $fcc5,$f8,$f13
- c.ole.d $fcc2,$f16,$f31 $fcc7,$f21,$f8
- c.ole.s $fcc3,$f7,$f20
- c.olt.d $fcc4,$f19,$f28 $fcc3,$f7,$f16
- c.olt.s $fcc6,$f20,$f7
- c.seq.d $fcc4,$f31,$f7 $fcc6,$f31,$f14
- c.seq.s $fcc7,$f1,$f25 $fcc6,$f4,$f6
- c.ueq.d $fcc4,$f13,$f25 $fcc1,$f5,$f29
- c.ueq.s $fcc6,$f3,$f30
- c.ule.d $fcc7,$f25,$f18 $fcc6,$f17,$f3
- c.ule.s $fcc7,$f21,$f30
- c.ult.d $fcc6,$f6,$f17 $fcc7,$f14,$f0
- c.ult.s $fcc7,$f24,$f10
- c.un.d $fcc6,$f23,$f24 $fcc4,$f2,$f26
- c.un.s $fcc1,$f30,$f4 $f3,$f18,$f19 $f30,$f1
cvt.s.pu $f14,$f25
diff --git a/test/MC/Mips/mips64r5/valid.s b/test/MC/Mips/mips64r5/valid.s
index f31374f9fce5..f400436b696f 100644
--- a/test/MC/Mips/mips64r5/valid.s
+++ b/test/MC/Mips/mips64r5/valid.s
@@ -41,10 +41,38 @@ a:
bltzl $s1,-9964 # CHECK: bltzl $17, -9964 # encoding: [0x06,0x22,0xf6,0x45]
bnel $gp,$s4,5107 # CHECK: bnel $gp, $20, 5107 # encoding: [0x57,0x94,0x04,0xfc]
cache 1, 8($5) # CHECK: cache 1, 8($5) # encoding: [0xbc,0xa1,0x00,0x08]
- c.ngl.d $f29,$f29
- c.ngle.d $f0,$f16
- c.sf.d $f30,$f0
- c.sf.s $f14,$f22
+ c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # CHECK: c.eq.d $fcc1, $f14, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x2e,0x71,0x32]
+ c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # CHECK: c.eq.s $fcc5, $f24, $f17 # encoding: [0x46,0x11,0xc5,0x32]
+ c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # CHECK: c.f.d $fcc4, $f10, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x34,0x54,0x30]
+ c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # CHECK: c.f.s $fcc4, $f30, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xf4,0x30]
+ c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # CHECK: c.le.d $fcc4, $f18, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0x94,0x3e]
+ c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # CHECK: c.le.s $fcc6, $f24, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xc6,0x3e]
+ $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # CHECK: $fcc3, $f8, $f2 # encoding: [0x46,0x22,0x43,0x3c]
+ $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # CHECK: $fcc2, $f17, $f14 # encoding: [0x46,0x0e,0x8a,0x3c]
+ c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # CHECK: c.nge.d $fcc5, $f20, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0xa5,0x3d]
+ c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # CHECK: c.nge.s $fcc3, $f11, $f8 # encoding: [0x46,0x08,0x5b,0x3d]
+ c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngl.s $fcc2, $f31, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0xfa,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # CHECK: c.ngle.s $fcc2, $f18, $f23 # encoding: [0x46,0x17,0x92,0x39]
+ c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # CHECK: c.ngl.d $f28, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0xe0,0x3b]
+ c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # CHECK: c.ngle.d $f0, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x00,0x39]
+ c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # CHECK: c.ngt.d $fcc4, $f24, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xc4,0x3f]
+ c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # CHECK: c.ngt.s $fcc5, $f8, $f13 # encoding: [0x46,0x0d,0x45,0x3f]
+ c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # CHECK: c.ole.d $fcc2, $f16, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x3e,0x82,0x36]
+ c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # CHECK: c.ole.s $fcc3, $f7, $f20 # encoding: [0x46,0x14,0x3b,0x36]
+ c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # CHECK: c.olt.d $fcc4, $f18, $f28 # encoding: [0x46,0x3c,0x94,0x34]
+ c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # CHECK: c.olt.s $fcc6, $f20, $f7 # encoding: [0x46,0x07,0xa6,0x34]
+ c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # CHECK: c.seq.d $fcc4, $f30, $f6 # encoding: [0x46,0x26,0xf4,0x3a]
+ c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # CHECK: c.seq.s $fcc7, $f1, $f25 # encoding: [0x46,0x19,0x0f,0x3a]
+ c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # CHECK: c.sf.d $f30, $f0 # encoding: [0x46,0x20,0xf0,0x38]
+ c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # CHECK: c.sf.s $f14, $f22 # encoding: [0x46,0x16,0x70,0x38]
+ c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # CHECK: c.ueq.d $fcc4, $f12, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0x64,0x33]
+ c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # CHECK: c.ueq.s $fcc6, $f3, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0x1e,0x33]
+ c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # CHECK: c.ule.d $fcc7, $f24, $f18 # encoding: [0x46,0x32,0xc7,0x37]
+ c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # CHECK: c.ule.s $fcc7, $f21, $f30 # encoding: [0x46,0x1e,0xaf,0x37]
+ c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # CHECK: c.ult.d $fcc6, $f6, $f16 # encoding: [0x46,0x30,0x36,0x35]
+ c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # CHECK: c.ult.s $fcc7, $f24, $f10 # encoding: [0x46,0x0a,0xc7,0x35]
+ c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # CHECK: c.un.d $fcc6, $f22, $f24 # encoding: [0x46,0x38,0xb6,0x31]
+ c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # CHECK: c.un.s $fcc1, $f30, $f4 # encoding: [0x46,0x04,0xf1,0x31]
ceil.l.d $f1,$f3
ceil.l.s $f18,$f13
ceil.w.d $f11,$f25
diff --git a/test/MC/PowerPC/ppc64-encoding-bookIII.s b/test/MC/PowerPC/ppc64-encoding-bookIII.s
index d157ea0feba6..a9d21b299f52 100644
--- a/test/MC/PowerPC/ppc64-encoding-bookIII.s
+++ b/test/MC/PowerPC/ppc64-encoding-bookIII.s
@@ -197,3 +197,16 @@
# CHECK-BE: tlbsx 11, 12 # encoding: [0x7c,0x0b,0x67,0x24]
# CHECK-LE: tlbsx 11, 12 # encoding: [0x24,0x67,0x0b,0x7c]
tlbsx %r11, %r12
+# CHECK-BE: mfpmr 5, 400 # encoding: [0x7c,0xb0,0x62,0x9c]
+# CHECK-LE: mfpmr 5, 400 # encoding: [0x9c,0x62,0xb0,0x7c]
+ mfpmr 5, 400
+# CHECK-BE: mtpmr 400, 6 # encoding: [0x7c,0xd0,0x63,0x9c]
+# CHECK-LE: mtpmr 400, 6 # encoding: [0x9c,0x63,0xd0,0x7c]
+ mtpmr 400, 6
+# CHECK-BE: icblc 0, 0, 8 # encoding: [0x7c,0x00,0x41,0xcc]
+# CHECK-LE: icblc 0, 0, 8 # encoding: [0xcc,0x41,0x00,0x7c]
+ icblc 0, 0, 8
+# CHECK-BE: icbtls 0, 0, 9 # encoding: [0x7c,0x00,0x4b,0xcc]
+# CHECK-LE: icbtls 0, 0, 9 # encoding: [0xcc,0x4b,0x00,0x7c]
+ icbtls 0, 0, 9