path: root/util/config_file.h
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1 files changed, 651 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/util/config_file.h b/util/config_file.h
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index 000000000000..69595cb50f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/config_file.h
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+ * util/config_file.h - reads and stores the config file for unbound.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, NLnet Labs. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This software is open source.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * Neither the name of the NLNET LABS nor the names of its contributors may
+ * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+ * specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+ * \file
+ *
+ * This file contains functions for the config file.
+ */
+struct config_stub;
+struct config_strlist;
+struct config_str2list;
+struct module_qstate;
+struct sock_list;
+struct ub_packed_rrset_key;
+ * The configuration options.
+ * Strings are malloced.
+ */
+struct config_file {
+ /** verbosity level as specified in the config file */
+ int verbosity;
+ /** statistics interval (in seconds) */
+ int stat_interval;
+ /** if false, statistics values are reset after printing them */
+ int stat_cumulative;
+ /** if true, the statistics are kept in greater detail */
+ int stat_extended;
+ /** number of threads to create */
+ int num_threads;
+ /** port on which queries are answered. */
+ int port;
+ /** do ip4 query support. */
+ int do_ip4;
+ /** do ip6 query support. */
+ int do_ip6;
+ /** do udp query support. */
+ int do_udp;
+ /** do tcp query support. */
+ int do_tcp;
+ /** tcp upstream queries (no UDP upstream queries) */
+ int tcp_upstream;
+ /** private key file for dnstcp-ssl service (enabled if not NULL) */
+ char* ssl_service_key;
+ /** public key file for dnstcp-ssl service */
+ char* ssl_service_pem;
+ /** port on which to provide ssl service */
+ int ssl_port;
+ /** if outgoing tcp connections use SSL */
+ int ssl_upstream;
+ /** outgoing port range number of ports (per thread) */
+ int outgoing_num_ports;
+ /** number of outgoing tcp buffers per (per thread) */
+ size_t outgoing_num_tcp;
+ /** number of incoming tcp buffers per (per thread) */
+ size_t incoming_num_tcp;
+ /** allowed udp port numbers, array with 0 if not allowed */
+ int* outgoing_avail_ports;
+ /** EDNS buffer size to use */
+ size_t edns_buffer_size;
+ /** number of bytes buffer size for DNS messages */
+ size_t msg_buffer_size;
+ /** size of the message cache */
+ size_t msg_cache_size;
+ /** slabs in the message cache. */
+ size_t msg_cache_slabs;
+ /** number of queries every thread can service */
+ size_t num_queries_per_thread;
+ /** number of msec to wait before items can be jostled out */
+ size_t jostle_time;
+ /** size of the rrset cache */
+ size_t rrset_cache_size;
+ /** slabs in the rrset cache */
+ size_t rrset_cache_slabs;
+ /** host cache ttl in seconds */
+ int host_ttl;
+ /** number of slabs in the infra host cache */
+ size_t infra_cache_slabs;
+ /** max number of hosts in the infra cache */
+ size_t infra_cache_numhosts;
+ /** the target fetch policy for the iterator */
+ char* target_fetch_policy;
+ /** automatic interface for incoming messages. Uses ipv6 remapping,
+ * and recvmsg/sendmsg ancillary data to detect interfaces, boolean */
+ int if_automatic;
+ /** SO_RCVBUF size to set on port 53 UDP socket */
+ size_t so_rcvbuf;
+ /** SO_SNDBUF size to set on port 53 UDP socket */
+ size_t so_sndbuf;
+ /** number of interfaces to open. If 0 default all interfaces. */
+ int num_ifs;
+ /** interface description strings (IP addresses) */
+ char **ifs;
+ /** number of outgoing interfaces to open.
+ * If 0 default all interfaces. */
+ int num_out_ifs;
+ /** outgoing interface description strings (IP addresses) */
+ char **out_ifs;
+ /** the root hints */
+ struct config_strlist* root_hints;
+ /** the stub definitions, linked list */
+ struct config_stub* stubs;
+ /** the forward zone definitions, linked list */
+ struct config_stub* forwards;
+ /** list of donotquery addresses, linked list */
+ struct config_strlist* donotqueryaddrs;
+ /** list of access control entries, linked list */
+ struct config_str2list* acls;
+ /** use default localhost donotqueryaddr entries */
+ int donotquery_localhost;
+ /** harden against very small edns buffer sizes */
+ int harden_short_bufsize;
+ /** harden against very large query sizes */
+ int harden_large_queries;
+ /** harden against spoofed glue (out of zone data) */
+ int harden_glue;
+ /** harden against receiving no DNSSEC data for trust anchor */
+ int harden_dnssec_stripped;
+ /** harden against queries that fall under known nxdomain names */
+ int harden_below_nxdomain;
+ /** harden the referral path, query for NS,A,AAAA and validate */
+ int harden_referral_path;
+ /** use 0x20 bits in query as random ID bits */
+ int use_caps_bits_for_id;
+ /** strip away these private addrs from answers, no DNS Rebinding */
+ struct config_strlist* private_address;
+ /** allow domain (and subdomains) to use private address space */
+ struct config_strlist* private_domain;
+ /** what threshold for unwanted action. */
+ size_t unwanted_threshold;
+ /** the number of seconds maximal TTL used for RRsets and messages */
+ int max_ttl;
+ /** the number of seconds minimum TTL used for RRsets and messages */
+ int min_ttl;
+ /** if prefetching of messages should be performed. */
+ int prefetch;
+ /** if prefetching of DNSKEYs should be performed. */
+ int prefetch_key;
+ /** chrootdir, if not "" or chroot will be done */
+ char* chrootdir;
+ /** username to change to, if not "". */
+ char* username;
+ /** working directory */
+ char* directory;
+ /** filename to log to. */
+ char* logfile;
+ /** pidfile to write pid to. */
+ char* pidfile;
+ /** should log messages be sent to syslogd */
+ int use_syslog;
+ /** log timestamp in ascii UTC */
+ int log_time_ascii;
+ /** log queries with one line per query */
+ int log_queries;
+ /** do not report identity (id.server, hostname.bind) */
+ int hide_identity;
+ /** do not report version (version.server, version.bind) */
+ int hide_version;
+ /** identity, hostname is returned if "". */
+ char* identity;
+ /** version, package version returned if "". */
+ char* version;
+ /** the module configuration string */
+ char* module_conf;
+ /** files with trusted DS and DNSKEYs in zonefile format, list */
+ struct config_strlist* trust_anchor_file_list;
+ /** list of trustanchor keys, linked list */
+ struct config_strlist* trust_anchor_list;
+ /** files with 5011 autotrust tracked keys */
+ struct config_strlist* auto_trust_anchor_file_list;
+ /** files with trusted DNSKEYs in named.conf format, list */
+ struct config_strlist* trusted_keys_file_list;
+ /** DLV anchor file */
+ char* dlv_anchor_file;
+ /** DLV anchor inline */
+ struct config_strlist* dlv_anchor_list;
+ /** insecure domain list */
+ struct config_strlist* domain_insecure;
+ /** if not 0, this value is the validation date for RRSIGs */
+ int32_t val_date_override;
+ /** the minimum for signature clock skew */
+ int32_t val_sig_skew_min;
+ /** the maximum for signature clock skew */
+ int32_t val_sig_skew_max;
+ /** this value sets the number of seconds before revalidating bogus */
+ int bogus_ttl;
+ /** should validator clean additional section for secure msgs */
+ int val_clean_additional;
+ /** log bogus messages by the validator */
+ int val_log_level;
+ /** squelch val_log_level to log - this is library goes to callback */
+ int val_log_squelch;
+ /** should validator allow bogus messages to go through */
+ int val_permissive_mode;
+ /** ignore the CD flag in incoming queries and refuse them bogus data */
+ int ignore_cd;
+ /** nsec3 maximum iterations per key size, string */
+ char* val_nsec3_key_iterations;
+ /** autotrust add holddown time, in seconds */
+ unsigned int add_holddown;
+ /** autotrust del holddown time, in seconds */
+ unsigned int del_holddown;
+ /** autotrust keep_missing time, in seconds. 0 is forever. */
+ unsigned int keep_missing;
+ /** size of the key cache */
+ size_t key_cache_size;
+ /** slabs in the key cache. */
+ size_t key_cache_slabs;
+ /** size of the neg cache */
+ size_t neg_cache_size;
+ /** local zones config */
+ struct config_str2list* local_zones;
+ /** local zones nodefault list */
+ struct config_strlist* local_zones_nodefault;
+ /** local data RRs configged */
+ struct config_strlist* local_data;
+ /** remote control section. enable toggle. */
+ int remote_control_enable;
+ /** the interfaces the remote control should listen on */
+ struct config_strlist* control_ifs;
+ /** port number for the control port */
+ int control_port;
+ /** private key file for server */
+ char* server_key_file;
+ /** certificate file for server */
+ char* server_cert_file;
+ /** private key file for unbound-control */
+ char* control_key_file;
+ /** certificate file for unbound-control */
+ char* control_cert_file;
+ /** Python script file */
+ char* python_script;
+ /** daemonize, i.e. fork into the background. */
+ int do_daemonize;
+ /* minimal response when positive answer */
+ int minimal_responses;
+ /* RRSet roundrobin */
+ int rrset_roundrobin;
+ * Stub config options
+ */
+struct config_stub {
+ /** next in list */
+ struct config_stub* next;
+ /** domain name (in text) of the stub apex domain */
+ char* name;
+ /** list of stub nameserver hosts (domain name) */
+ struct config_strlist* hosts;
+ /** list of stub nameserver addresses (IP address) */
+ struct config_strlist* addrs;
+ /** if stub-prime is set */
+ int isprime;
+ /** if forward-first is set (failover to without if fails) */
+ int isfirst;
+ * List of strings for config options
+ */
+struct config_strlist {
+ /** next item in list */
+ struct config_strlist* next;
+ /** config option string */
+ char* str;
+ * List of two strings for config options
+ */
+struct config_str2list {
+ /** next item in list */
+ struct config_str2list* next;
+ /** first string */
+ char* str;
+ /** second string */
+ char* str2;
+/** List head for strlist processing, used for append operation. */
+struct config_strlist_head {
+ /** first in list of text items */
+ struct config_strlist* first;
+ /** last in list of text items */
+ struct config_strlist* last;
+ * Create config file structure. Filled with default values.
+ * @return: the new structure or NULL on memory error.
+ */
+struct config_file* config_create(void);
+ * Create config file structure for library use. Filled with default values.
+ * @return: the new structure or NULL on memory error.
+ */
+struct config_file* config_create_forlib(void);
+ * Read the config file from the specified filename.
+ * @param config: where options are stored into, must be freshly created.
+ * @param filename: name of configfile. If NULL nothing is done.
+ * @param chroot: if not NULL, the chroot dir currently in use (for include).
+ * @return: false on error. In that case errno is set, ENOENT means
+ * file not found.
+ */
+int config_read(struct config_file* config, const char* filename,
+ const char* chroot);
+ * Destroy the config file structure.
+ * @param config: to delete.
+ */
+void config_delete(struct config_file* config);
+ * Apply config to global constants; this routine is called in single thread.
+ * @param config: to apply. Side effect: global constants change.
+ */
+void config_apply(struct config_file* config);
+ * Set the given keyword to the given value.
+ * @param config: where to store config
+ * @param option: option name, including the ':' character.
+ * @param value: value, this string is copied if needed, or parsed.
+ * The caller owns the value string.
+ * @return 0 on error (malloc or syntax error).
+ */
+int config_set_option(struct config_file* config, const char* option,
+ const char* value);
+ * Call print routine for the given option.
+ * @param cfg: config.
+ * @param opt: option name without trailing :.
+ * This is different from config_set_option.
+ * @param func: print func, called as (str, arg) for every data element.
+ * @param arg: user argument for print func.
+ * @return false if the option name is not supported (syntax error).
+ */
+int config_get_option(struct config_file* cfg, const char* opt,
+ void (*func)(char*,void*), void* arg);
+ * Get an option and return strlist
+ * @param cfg: config file
+ * @param opt: option name.
+ * @param list: list is returned here. malloced, caller must free it.
+ * @return 0=OK, 1=syntax error, 2=malloc failed.
+ */
+int config_get_option_list(struct config_file* cfg, const char* opt,
+ struct config_strlist** list);
+ * Get an option and collate results into string
+ * @param cfg: config file
+ * @param opt: option name.
+ * @param str: string. malloced, caller must free it.
+ * @return 0=OK, 1=syntax error, 2=malloc failed.
+ */
+int config_get_option_collate(struct config_file* cfg, const char* opt,
+ char** str);
+ * function to print to a file, use as func with config_get_option.
+ * @param line: text to print. \n appended.
+ * @param arg: pass a FILE*, like stdout.
+ */
+void config_print_func(char* line, void* arg);
+ * function to collate the text strings into a strlist_head.
+ * @param line: text to append.
+ * @param arg: pass a strlist_head structure. zeroed on start.
+ */
+void config_collate_func(char* line, void* arg);
+ * take a strlist_head list and return a malloc string. separated with newline.
+ * @param list: strlist first to collate. zeroes return "".
+ * @return NULL on malloc failure. Or if malloc failure happened in strlist.
+ */
+char* config_collate_cat(struct config_strlist* list);
+ * Append text at end of list.
+ * @param list: list head. zeroed at start.
+ * @param item: new item. malloced by caller. if NULL the insertion fails.
+ * @return true on success.
+ */
+int cfg_strlist_append(struct config_strlist_head* list, char* item);
+ * Insert string into strlist.
+ * @param head: pointer to strlist head variable.
+ * @param item: new item. malloced by caller. If NULL the insertion fails.
+ * @return: true on success.
+ */
+int cfg_strlist_insert(struct config_strlist** head, char* item);
+ * Insert string into str2list.
+ * @param head: pointer to str2list head variable.
+ * @param item: new item. malloced by caller. If NULL the insertion fails.
+ * @param i2: 2nd string, malloced by caller. If NULL the insertion fails.
+ * @return: true on success.
+ */
+int cfg_str2list_insert(struct config_str2list** head, char* item, char* i2);
+ * Delete items in config string list.
+ * @param list: list.
+ */
+void config_delstrlist(struct config_strlist* list);
+ * Delete items in config double string list.
+ * @param list: list.
+ */
+void config_deldblstrlist(struct config_str2list* list);
+ * Delete items in config stub list.
+ * @param list: list.
+ */
+void config_delstubs(struct config_stub* list);
+ * Convert 14digit to time value
+ * @param str: string of 14 digits
+ * @return time value or 0 for error.
+ */
+uint32_t cfg_convert_timeval(const char* str);
+ * Count number of values in the string.
+ * format ::= (sp num)+ sp
+ * num ::= [-](0-9)+
+ * sp ::= (space|tab)*
+ *
+ * @param str: string
+ * @return: 0 on parse error, or empty string, else
+ * number of integer values in the string.
+ */
+int cfg_count_numbers(const char* str);
+ * Convert a 'nice' memory or file size into a bytecount
+ * From '100k' to 102400. and so on. Understands kKmMgG.
+ * k=1024, m=1024*1024, g=1024*1024*1024.
+ * @param str: string
+ * @param res: result is stored here, size in bytes.
+ * @return: true if parsed correctly, or 0 on a parse error (and an error
+ * is logged).
+ */
+int cfg_parse_memsize(const char* str, size_t* res);
+ * Parse local-zone directive into two strings and register it in the config.
+ * @param cfg: to put it in.
+ * @param val: argument strings to local-zone, " nodefault".
+ * @return: false on failure
+ */
+int cfg_parse_local_zone(struct config_file* cfg, const char* val);
+ * Mark "number" or "low-high" as available or not in ports array.
+ * @param str: string in input
+ * @param allow: give true if this range is permitted.
+ * @param avail: the array from cfg.
+ * @param num: size of the array (65536).
+ * @return: true if parsed correctly, or 0 on a parse error (and an error
+ * is logged).
+ */
+int cfg_mark_ports(const char* str, int allow, int* avail, int num);
+ * Get a condensed list of ports returned. allocated.
+ * @param cfg: config file.
+ * @param avail: the available ports array is returned here.
+ * @return: number of ports in array or 0 on error.
+ */
+int cfg_condense_ports(struct config_file* cfg, int** avail);
+ * Scan ports available
+ * @param avail: the array from cfg.
+ * @param num: size of the array (65536).
+ * @return the number of ports available for use.
+ */
+int cfg_scan_ports(int* avail, int num);
+ * Convert a filename to full pathname in original filesys
+ * @param fname: the path name to convert.
+ * Must not be null or empty.
+ * @param cfg: config struct for chroot and chdir (if set).
+ * @param use_chdir: if false, only chroot is applied.
+ * @return pointer to malloced buffer which is: [chroot][chdir]fname
+ * or NULL on malloc failure.
+ */
+char* fname_after_chroot(const char* fname, struct config_file* cfg,
+ int use_chdir);
+ * Convert a ptr shorthand into a full reverse-notation PTR record.
+ * @param str: input string, "IP name"
+ * @return: malloced string "reversed-ip-name PTR name"
+ */
+char* cfg_ptr_reverse(char* str);
+ * Append text to the error info for validation.
+ * @param qstate: query state.
+ * @param str: copied into query region and appended.
+ * Failures to allocate are logged.
+ */
+void errinf(struct module_qstate* qstate, const char* str);
+ * Append text to error info: from
+ * @param qstate: query state.
+ * @param origin: sock list with origin of trouble.
+ * Every element added.
+ * If NULL: nothing is added.
+ * if 0len element: 'from cache' is added.
+ */
+void errinf_origin(struct module_qstate* qstate, struct sock_list *origin);
+ * Append text to error info: for RRset name type class
+ * @param qstate: query state.
+ * @param rr: rrset_key.
+ */
+void errinf_rrset(struct module_qstate* qstate, struct ub_packed_rrset_key *rr);
+ * Append text to error info: str dname
+ * @param qstate: query state.
+ * @param str: explanation string
+ * @param dname: the dname.
+ */
+void errinf_dname(struct module_qstate* qstate, const char* str,
+ uint8_t* dname);
+ * Create error info in string
+ * @param qstate: query state.
+ * @return string or NULL on malloc failure (already logged).
+ * This string is malloced and has to be freed by caller.
+ */
+char* errinf_to_str(struct module_qstate* qstate);
+ * Used during options parsing
+ */
+struct config_parser_state {
+ /** name of file being parser */
+ char* filename;
+ /** line number in the file, starts at 1 */
+ int line;
+ /** number of errors encountered */
+ int errors;
+ /** the result of parsing is stored here. */
+ struct config_file* cfg;
+ /** the current chroot dir (or NULL if none) */
+ const char* chroot;
+/** global config parser object used during config parsing */
+extern struct config_parser_state* cfg_parser;
+/** parsing helpers: print error with file and line numbers */
+void ub_c_error(const char* msg);
+/** parsing helpers: print error with file and line numbers */
+void ub_c_error_msg(const char* fmt, ...) ATTR_FORMAT(printf, 1, 2);
+ * Obtain registry string (if it exists).
+ * @param key: key string
+ * @param name: name of value to fetch.
+ * @return malloced string with the result or NULL if it did not
+ * exist on an error (logged with log_err) was encountered.
+ */
+char* w_lookup_reg_str(const char* key, const char* name);
+#endif /* UB_ON_WINDOWS */
+#endif /* UTIL_CONFIG_FILE_H */