path: root/zic.8
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1 files changed, 599 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zic.8 b/zic.8
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d105b24002cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zic.8
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+.TH ZIC 8
+zic \- time zone compiler
+.B zic
+.I option
+\&... ] [
+.I filename
+\&... ]
+.SH DESCRIPTION '\(lq'' .ds lq \&"\"
+.el .ds lq \(lq\" '\(rq'' .ds rq \&"\"
+.el .ds rq \(rq\" q
+.. '\(la'' .ds < <
+.el .ds < \(la '\(ra'' .ds > >
+.el .ds > \(ra \n(.g \{\
+. ds : \:
+. ds - \f(CW-\fP
+.el \{\
+. ds :
+. ds - \-
+.I Zic
+reads text from the file(s) named on the command line
+and creates the time conversion information files specified in this input.
+If a
+.I filename
+.q "\*-" ,
+the standard input is read.
+These options are available:
+.BI "\*-\*-version"
+Output version information and exit.
+.BI "\*-d " directory
+Create time conversion information files in the named directory rather than
+in the standard directory named below.
+.BI "\*-l " timezone
+Use the given time zone as local time.
+.I Zic
+will act as if the input contained a link line of the form
+.ti +.5i
+Link \fItimezone\fP localtime
+.BI "\*-p " timezone
+Use the given time zone's rules when handling POSIX-format
+time zone environment variables.
+.I Zic
+will act as if the input contained a link line of the form
+.ti +.5i
+Link \fItimezone\fP posixrules
+.BI "\*-t " file
+When creating local time information, put the configuration link in
+the named file rather than in the standard location.
+.BI "\*-L " leapsecondfilename
+Read leap second information from the file with the given name.
+If this option is not used,
+no leap second information appears in output files.
+.B \*-v
+Be more verbose, and complain about the following situations:
+The input specifies a link to a link.
+A year that appears in a data file is outside the range
+of years representable by
+.IR time (2)
+A time of 24:00 or more appears in the input.
+Pre-1998 versions of
+.I zic
+prohibit 24:00, and pre-2007 versions prohibit times greater than 24:00.
+A rule goes past the start or end of the month.
+Pre-2004 versions of
+.I zic
+prohibit this.
+The output file does not contain all the information about the
+long-term future of a zone, because the future cannot be summarized as
+an extended POSIX TZ string. For example, as of 2013 this problem
+occurs for Iran's daylight-saving rules for the predicted future, as
+these rules are based on the Iranian calendar, which cannot be
+The output contains data that may not be handled properly by client
+code designed for older
+.I zic
+output formats. These compatibility issues affect only time stamps
+before 1970 or after the start of 2038.
+A time zone abbreviation has fewer than 3 characters.
+POSIX requires at least 3.
+An output file name contains a byte that is not an ASCII letter,
+.q "\*-" ,
+.q "/" ,
+.q "_" ;
+or it contains a file name component that contains more than 14 bytes
+or that starts with
+.q "\*-" .
+.B \*-s
+Limit time values stored in output files to values that are the same
+whether they're taken to be signed or unsigned.
+You can use this option to generate SVVS-compatible files.
+Input files should be text files, that is, they should be a series of
+zero or more lines, each ending in a newline byte and containing at
+most 511 bytes, and without any NUL bytes. The input text's encoding
+is typically UTF-8 or ASCII; it should have a unibyte representation
+for the POSIX Portable Character Set (PPCS)
+and the encoding's non-unibyte characters should consist entirely of
+non-PPCS bytes. Non-PPCS characters typically occur only in comments:
+although output file names and time zone abbreviations can contain
+nearly any character, other software will work better if these are
+limited to the restricted syntax described under the
+.B \*-v
+Input lines are made up of fields.
+Fields are separated from one another by one or more white space characters.
+The white space characters are space, form feed, carriage return, newline,
+tab, and vertical tab.
+Leading and trailing white space on input lines is ignored.
+An unquoted sharp character (#) in the input introduces a comment which extends
+to the end of the line the sharp character appears on.
+White space characters and sharp characters may be enclosed in double quotes
+(") if they're to be used as part of a field.
+Any line that is blank (after comment stripping) is ignored.
+Non-blank lines are expected to be of one of three types:
+rule lines, zone lines, and link lines.
+Names must be in English and are case insensitive.
+They appear in several contexts, and include month and weekday names
+and keywords such as
+.BR "maximum" ,
+.BR "only" ,
+.BR "Rolling" ,
+.BR "Zone" .
+A name can be abbreviated by omitting all but an initial prefix; any
+abbreviation must be unambiguous in context.
+A rule line has the form
+.ti +.5i
+.ta \w'Rule\0\0'u +\w'NAME\0\0'u +\w'FROM\0\0'u +\w'1973\0\0'u +\w'TYPE\0\0'u +\w'Apr\0\0'u +\w'lastSun\0\0'u +\w'2:00s\0\0'u +\w'1:00d\0\0'u
+For example:
+.ti +.5i
+Rule US 1967 1973 \*- Apr lastSun 2:00s 1:00d D
+The fields that make up a rule line are:
+.TP "\w'LETTER/S'u"
+Gives the (arbitrary) name of the set of rules this rule is part of.
+Gives the first year in which the rule applies.
+Any signed integer year can be supplied; the proleptic Gregorian calendar
+is assumed, with year 0 preceding year 1.
+The word
+.B minimum
+(or an abbreviation) means the indefinite past.
+The word
+.B maximum
+(or an abbreviation) means the indefinite future.
+Rules can describe times that are not representable as time values,
+with the unrepresentable times ignored; this allows rules to be portable
+among hosts with differing time value types.
+.B TO
+Gives the final year in which the rule applies.
+In addition to
+.B minimum
+.B maximum
+(as above),
+the word
+.B only
+(or an abbreviation)
+may be used to repeat the value of the
+should be
+.q \*-
+and is present for compatibility with older versions of
+.I zic
+in which it could contain year types.
+.B IN
+Names the month in which the rule takes effect.
+Month names may be abbreviated.
+.B ON
+Gives the day on which the rule takes effect.
+Recognized forms include: +.5i
+.ta \w'Sun<=25\0\0'u
+5 the fifth of the month
+lastSun the last Sunday in the month
+lastMon the last Monday in the month
+Sun>=8 first Sunday on or after the eighth
+Sun<=25 last Sunday on or before the 25th -.5i
+A weekday name (e.g.,
+.BR "Sunday" )
+or a weekday name preceded by
+.q "last"
+.BR "lastSunday" )
+may be abbreviated or spelled out in full.
+Note that there must be no spaces within the
+.B ON
+.B AT
+Gives the time of day at which the rule takes effect.
+Recognized forms include: +.5i
+.ta \w'00:19:32.13\0\0'u
+2 time in hours
+2:00 time in hours and minutes
+01:28:14 time in hours, minutes, and seconds
+00:19:32.13 time with fractional seconds
+15:00 24-hour format time (for times after noon)
+260:00 260 hours after 00:00
+\*-2:30 2.5 hours before 00:00
+\*- equivalent to 0 -.5i
+where hour 0 is midnight at the start of the day,
+and hour 24 is midnight at the end of the day.
+.I zic
+rounds times to the nearest integer second
+(breaking ties to the even integer), the fractions may be useful
+to other applications requiring greater precision.
+The source format does not specify any maximum precision.
+Any of these forms may be followed by the letter
+.B w
+if the given time is local
+.q "wall clock"
+.B s
+if the given time is local
+.q "standard"
+time, or
+.B u
+.B g
+.BR z )
+if the given time is universal time;
+in the absence of an indicator,
+wall clock time is assumed.
+The intent is that a rule line describes the instants when a
+clock/calendar set to the type of time specified in the
+.B AT
+field would show the specified date and time of day.
+Gives the amount of time to be added to local standard time when the rule is in
+effect, and whether the resulting time is standard or daylight saving.
+This field has the same format as the
+.B AT
+except with a different set of suffix letters:
+.B s
+for standard time and
+.B d
+for daylight saving time.
+The suffix letter is typically omitted, and defaults to
+.B s
+if the offset is zero and to
+.B d
+Negative offsets are allowed; in Ireland, for example, daylight saving
+time is observed in winter and has a negative offset relative to
+Irish Standard Time.
+The offset is merely added to standard time; for example,
+.I zic
+does not distinguish a 10:30 standard time plus an 0:30
+from a 10:00 standard time plus a 1:00
+Gives the
+.q "variable part"
+(for example, the
+.q "S"
+.q "D"
+.q "EST"
+.q "EDT" )
+of time zone abbreviations to be used when this rule is in effect.
+If this field is
+.q \*- ,
+the variable part is null.
+A zone line has the form
+.ti +.5i
+.ta \w'Zone\0\0'u +\w'Asia/Amman\0\0'u +\w'GMTOFF\0\0'u +\w'Jordan\0\0'u +\w'FORMAT\0\0'u
+For example:
+.ti +.5i
+Zone Asia/Amman 2:00 Jordan EE%sT 2017 Oct 27 01:00
+The fields that make up a zone line are:
+.TP "\w'GMTOFF'u"
+The name of the time zone.
+This is the name used in creating the time conversion information file for the
+It should not contain a file name component
+.q ".\&"
+.q ".." ;
+a file name component is a maximal substring that does not contain
+.q "/" .
+The amount of time to add to UT to get standard time in this zone.
+This field has the same format as the
+.B AT
+fields of rule lines;
+begin the field with a minus sign if time must be subtracted from UT.
+The name of the rules that apply in the time zone or,
+alternatively, a field in the same format as a rule-line SAVE column,
+giving of the amount of time to be added to local standard time
+effect, and whether the resulting time is standard or daylight saving.
+If this field is
+.B \*-
+then standard time always applies in the time zone.
+When an amount of time is given, only the sum of standard time and
+this amount matters.
+The format for time zone abbreviations in this time zone.
+The pair of characters
+.B %s
+is used to show where the
+.q "variable part"
+of the time zone abbreviation goes.
+Alternatively, a format can use the pair of characters
+.B %z
+to stand for the UT offset in the form
+.RI \(+- hh ,
+.RI \(+- hhmm ,
+.RI \(+- hhmmss ,
+using the shortest form that does not lose information, where
+.IR hh ,
+.IR mm ,
+.I ss
+are the hours, minutes, and seconds east (+) or west (\(mi) of UT.
+a slash (/)
+separates standard and daylight abbreviations.
+To conform to POSIX, a time zone abbreviation should contain only
+alphanumeric ASCII characters, "+" and "\*-".
+The time at which the UT offset or the rule(s) change for a location.
+It takes the form of YEAR [MONTH [DAY [TIME]]].
+If this is specified,
+the time zone information is generated from the given UT offset
+and rule change until the time specified, which is interpreted using
+the rules in effect just before the transition.
+The month, day, and time of day have the same format as the IN, ON, and AT
+fields of a rule; trailing fields can be omitted, and default to the
+earliest possible value for the missing fields.
+The next line must be a
+.q "continuation"
+line; this has the same form as a zone line except that the
+.q "Zone"
+and the name are omitted, as the continuation line will
+place information starting at the time specified as the
+.q "until"
+information in the previous line in the file used by the previous line.
+Continuation lines may contain
+.q "until"
+information, just as zone lines do, indicating that the next line is a further
+If a zone changes at the same instant that a rule would otherwise take
+effect in the earlier zone or continuation line, the rule is ignored.
+In a single zone it is an error if two rules take effect at the same
+instant, or if two zone changes take effect at the same instant.
+A link line has the form
+.ti +.5i
+.ta \w'Link\0\0'u +\w'Europe/Istanbul\0\0'u
+For example:
+.ti +.5i
+Link Europe/Istanbul Asia/Istanbul
+field should appear as the
+field in some zone line.
+field is used as an alternative name for that zone;
+it has the same syntax as a zone line's
+Except for continuation lines,
+lines may appear in any order in the input.
+However, the behavior is unspecified if multiple zone or link lines
+define the same name, or if the source of one link line is the target
+of another.
+Lines in the file that describes leap seconds have the following form:
+.ti +.5i
+.ta \w'Leap\0\0'u +\w'YEAR\0\0'u +\w'MONTH\0\0'u +\w'DAY\0\0'u +\w'HH:MM:SS\0\0'u +\w'CORR\0\0'u
+For example:
+.ti +.5i
+Leap 2016 Dec 31 23:59:60 + S
+.BR DAY ,
+fields tell when the leap second happened.
+should be
+.q "+"
+if a second was added
+.q "\*-"
+if a second was skipped.
+.B R/S
+should be (an abbreviation of)
+.q "Stationary"
+if the leap second time given by the other fields should be interpreted as UTC
+(an abbreviation of)
+.q "Rolling"
+if the leap second time given by the other fields should be interpreted as
+local wall clock time.
+Here is an extended example of
+.I zic
+input, intended to illustrate many of its features.
+In this example, the EU rules are for the European Union
+and for its predecessor organization, the European Communities. 22 +2m
+.ta \w'# Rule\0\0'u +\w'NAME\0\0'u +\w'FROM\0\0'u +\w'1973\0\0'u +\w'TYPE\0\0'u +\w'Apr\0\0'u +\w'lastSun\0\0'u +\w'2:00\0\0'u +\w'SAVE\0\0'u
+Rule Swiss 1941 1942 \*- May Mon>=1 1:00 1:00 S
+Rule Swiss 1941 1942 \*- Oct Mon>=1 2:00 0 \*-
+.sp .5
+Rule EU 1977 1980 \*- Apr Sun>=1 1:00u 1:00 S
+Rule EU 1977 only \*- Sep lastSun 1:00u 0 \*-
+Rule EU 1978 only \*- Oct 1 1:00u 0 \*-
+Rule EU 1979 1995 \*- Sep lastSun 1:00u 0 \*-
+Rule EU 1981 max \*- Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
+Rule EU 1996 max \*- Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 \*-
+.ta \w'# Zone\0\0'u +\w'Europe/Zurich\0\0'u +\w'GMTOFF\0\0'u +\w'0:34:08\0\0'u +\w'FORMAT\0\0'u
+Zone Europe/Zurich 0:34:08 \*- LMT 1853 Jul 16
+ 0:29:46 \*- BMT 1894 Jun
+ 1:00 Swiss CE%sT 1981
+ 1:00 EU CE%sT
+Link Europe/Zurich Europe/Vaduz
+In this example, the zone is named Europe/Zurich but it has an alias
+as Europe/Vaduz. This example says that Zurich was 34 minutes and 8
+seconds east of UT until 1853-07-16 at 00:00, when the legal offset
+was changed to 7\(de\|26\(fm\|22.50\(sd; although this works out to
+0:29:45.50, the input format cannot represent fractional seconds so it
+is rounded here. After 1894-06-01 at 00:00 the UT offset became one hour
+and Swiss daylight saving rules (defined with lines beginning with "Rule
+Swiss") apply. From 1981 to the present, EU daylight saving rules have
+applied, and the UTC offset has remained at one hour.
+In 1941 and 1942, daylight saving time applied from the first Monday
+in May at 01:00 to the first Monday in October at 02:00.
+The pre-1981 EU daylight-saving rules have no effect
+here, but are included for completeness. Since 1981, daylight
+saving has begun on the last Sunday in March at 01:00 UTC.
+Until 1995 it ended the last Sunday in September at 01:00 UTC,
+but this changed to the last Sunday in October starting in 1996.
+For purposes of
+display, "LMT" and "BMT" were initially used, respectively. Since
+Swiss rules and later EU rules were applied, the display name for the
+time zone has been CET for standard time and CEST for daylight saving
+For areas with more than two types of local time,
+you may need to use local standard time in the
+.B AT
+field of the earliest transition time's rule to ensure that
+the earliest transition time recorded in the compiled file is correct.
+for a particular zone,
+a clock advance caused by the start of daylight saving
+coincides with and is equal to
+a clock retreat caused by a change in UT offset,
+.IR zic
+produces a single transition to daylight saving at the new UT offset
+(without any change in wall clock time).
+To get separate transitions
+use multiple zone continuation lines
+specifying transition instants using universal time.
+Time stamps well before the Big Bang are silently omitted from the output.
+This works around bugs in software that mishandles large negative time
+stamps. Call it sour grapes, but pre-Big-Bang time stamps are
+physically suspect anyway. The pre-Big-Bang cutoff time is
+approximate and may change in future versions.
+.ta \w'/usr/share/zoneinfo\0\0'u
+/etc/localtime default local time zone file
+/usr/share/zoneinfo default time zone information directory
+newctime(3), tzfile(5), zdump(8)
+.\" This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
+.\" 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.