// -*- C++ -*- /* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * Gaius Mulley (gaius@glam.ac.uk) wrote output.cc * but it owes a huge amount of ideas and raw code from * James Clark (jjc@jclark.com) grops/ps.cc. * * html-chars.h * * provides a diacritical character combination table for html */ struct diacritical_desc { char *mark; char *second_troff_char; char translation; }; static struct diacritical_desc diacritical_table[] = { { "ad" , "aeiouyAEIOU" , ':' , }, /* */ { "ac" , "cC" , ',' , }, /* cedilla */ { "aa" , "aeiouyAEIOU" , '\'' , }, /* acute */ { NULL , NULL , (char)0, }, };