krb5_mk_req - Create a KRB_AP_REQ message. ============================================ .. .. c:function:: krb5_error_code krb5_mk_req(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context * auth_context, krb5_flags ap_req_options, const char * service, const char * hostname, krb5_data * in_data, krb5_ccache ccache, krb5_data * outbuf) .. :param: **[in]** **context** - Library context **[inout]** **auth_context** - Pre-existing or newly created auth context **[in]** **ap_req_options** - :data:`AP_OPTS` options **[in]** **service** - Service name, or NULL to use **"host"** **[in]** **hostname** - Host name, or NULL to use local hostname **[in]** **in_data** - Application data to be checksummed in the authenticator, or NULL **[in]** **ccache** - Credential cache used to obtain credentials for the desired service. **[out]** **outbuf** - **AP-REQ** message .. :retval: - 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes .. This function is similar to :c:func:`krb5_mk_req_extended()` except that it uses a given *hostname* , *service* , and *ccache* to construct a service principal name and obtain credentials. Use :c:func:`krb5_free_data_contents()` to free *outbuf* when it is no longer needed. ..