# REQUIRES: x86 # RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-unknown-linux %s -o %t ## Default case: abc and abx included in text. # RUN: echo "SECTIONS { \ # RUN: .text : { *(.abc .abx) } }" > %t.script # RUN: ld.lld -o %t.out --script %t.script %t # RUN: llvm-objdump -section-headers %t.out | \ # RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=SEC-DEFAULT %s # SEC-DEFAULT: Sections: # SEC-DEFAULT-NEXT: Idx Name Size Address Type # SEC-DEFAULT-NEXT: 0 00000000 0000000000000000 # SEC-DEFAULT-NEXT: 1 .text 00000008 0000000000000120 TEXT DATA # SEC-DEFAULT-NEXT: 2 .abcd 00000004 0000000000000128 TEXT DATA # SEC-DEFAULT-NEXT: 3 .ad 00000004 000000000000012c TEXT DATA # SEC-DEFAULT-NEXT: 4 .ag 00000004 0000000000000130 TEXT DATA # SEC-DEFAULT-NEXT: 5 .symtab 00000030 0000000000000000 # SEC-DEFAULT-NEXT: 6 .shstrtab 0000002f 0000000000000000 # SEC-DEFAULT-NEXT: 7 .strtab 00000008 0000000000000000 ## Now replace the symbol with '?' and check that results are the same. # RUN: echo "SECTIONS { \ # RUN: .text : { *(.abc .ab?) } }" > %t.script # RUN: ld.lld -o %t.out --script %t.script %t # RUN: llvm-objdump -section-headers %t.out | \ # RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=SEC-DEFAULT %s ## Now see how replacing '?' with '*' will consume whole abcd. # RUN: echo "SECTIONS { \ # RUN: .text : { *(.abc .ab*) } }" > %t.script # RUN: ld.lld -o %t.out --script %t.script %t # RUN: llvm-objdump -section-headers %t.out | \ # RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=SEC-ALL %s # SEC-ALL: Sections: # SEC-ALL-NEXT: Idx Name Size Address Type # SEC-ALL-NEXT: 0 00000000 0000000000000000 # SEC-ALL-NEXT: 1 .text 0000000c 0000000000000120 TEXT DATA # SEC-ALL-NEXT: 2 .ad 00000004 000000000000012c TEXT DATA # SEC-ALL-NEXT: 3 .ag 00000004 0000000000000130 TEXT DATA # SEC-ALL-NEXT: 4 .symtab 00000030 0000000000000000 # SEC-ALL-NEXT: 5 .shstrtab 00000029 0000000000000000 # SEC-ALL-NEXT: 6 .strtab 00000008 0000000000000000 ## All sections started with .a are merged. # RUN: echo "SECTIONS { \ # RUN: .text : { *(.a*) } }" > %t.script # RUN: ld.lld -o %t.out --script %t.script %t # RUN: llvm-objdump -section-headers %t.out | \ # RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=SEC-NO %s # SEC-NO: Sections: # SEC-NO-NEXT: Idx Name Size Address Type # SEC-NO-NEXT: 0 00000000 0000000000000000 # SEC-NO-NEXT: 1 .text 00000014 0000000000000120 TEXT DATA # SEC-NO-NEXT: 2 .symtab 00000030 0000000000000000 # SEC-NO-NEXT: 3 .shstrtab 00000021 0000000000000000 # SEC-NO-NEXT: 4 .strtab 00000008 0000000000000000 .text .section .abc,"ax",@progbits .long 0 .text .section .abx,"ax",@progbits .long 0 .text .section .abcd,"ax",@progbits .long 0 .text .section .ad,"ax",@progbits .long 0 .text .section .ag,"ax",@progbits .long 0 .globl _start _start: