diff options
author | cvs2svn <cvs2svn@FreeBSD.org> | 2005-12-30 11:22:12 +0000 |
committer | cvs2svn <cvs2svn@FreeBSD.org> | 2005-12-30 11:22:12 +0000 |
commit | 766cafc335a79e9598869b666fda845948d92196 (patch) | |
tree | 07706050ab87503769c1d8bf48f0513b5d5748a1 | |
parent | fc79eaf127b2927f108bf1971bfb850f7dabea63 (diff) |
-rw-r--r-- | sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/IPFILTER.LICENCE | 28 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/QNX_OCL.txt | 275 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_fil.c | 2293 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_h323_pxy.c | 296 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_rules.c | 229 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_rules.h | 16 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/y | 12 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/y.pub | 1 |
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 3150 deletions
diff --git a/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/IPFILTER.LICENCE b/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/IPFILTER.LICENCE deleted file mode 100644 index 2b4b67e86fd9..000000000000 --- a/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/IPFILTER.LICENCE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -Copyright (C) 1993-2002 by Darren Reed. - -The author accepts no responsibility for the use of this software and -provides it on an ``as is'' basis without express or implied warranty. - -Redistribution and use, with or without modification, in source and binary -forms, are permitted provided that this notice is preserved in its entirety -and due credit is given to the original author and the contributors. - -The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or -derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be -copied, in part or in whole, and put under another distribution licence -[including the GNU Public Licence.] - -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND -ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE -ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE -FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS -OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) -HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT -LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY -OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF -SUCH DAMAGE. - -I hate legalese, don't you ? - diff --git a/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/QNX_OCL.txt b/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/QNX_OCL.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 6aa33eaf6b06..000000000000 --- a/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/QNX_OCL.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - End User License Certificate (EULA) End User License Certificate - (EULA) - Support Support - QNX Source Licenses QNX Source Licenses - License of the month - Confidential Source License - Version 1.0 - -QNX Open Community License Version 1.0 - - THIS QNX OPEN COMMUNITY LICENSE ( "THE OCL", OR "THIS AGREEMENT") - APPLIES TO PROGRAMS THAT QNX SOFTWARE SYSTEMS LTD. ("QSS") EXPRESSLY - ELECTS TO LICENSE UNDER THE OCL TERMS. IT ALSO APPLIES TO DERIVATIVE - WORKS CREATED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT THAT CREATORS ELECT TO LICENSE TO - OTHERS IN SOURCE CODE FORM. ANY USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION OR - DISTRIBUTION OF SUCH PROGRAMS CONSTITUTES RECIPIENT'S ACCEPTANCE OF - THE OCL. THE LICENSE RIGHTS GRANTED BELOW ARE CONDITIONAL UPON - RECIPIENT'S ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT AND THE FORMATION OF A - BINDING CONTRACT. NOTHING ELSE GRANTS PERMISSION TO USE, REPRODUCE, - MODIFY OR DISTRIBUTE SUCH PROGRAMS OR THEIR DERIVATIVE WORKS. THESE - ACTIONS ARE OTHERWISE PROHIBITED. CONTACT QSS IF OTHER STEPS ARE - REQUIRED LOCALLY TO CREATE A BINDING CONTRACT. - - The OCL is intended to promote the development, use and distribution - of derivative works created from QSS source code. This includes - commercial distribution of object code versions under the terms of - Recipient's own license agreement and, at Recipient's option, sharing - of source code modifications within the QNX developer's community. The - license granted under the OCL is royalty free. Recipient is entitled - to charge royalties for object code versions of derivative works that - originate with Recipient. If Recipient elects to license source code - for its derivative works to others, then it must be licensed under the - OCL. The terms of the OCL are as follows: - -1. DEFINITIONS - - "Contribution" means: - - a. in the case of QSS: (i) the Original Program, where the Original - Program originates from QSS, (ii) changes and/or additions to - Unrestricted Open Source, where the Original Program originates - from Unrestricted Open Source and where such changes and/or - additions originate from QSS, and (iii) changes and/or additions - to the Program where such changes and/or additions originate from - QSS. - b. in the case of each Contributor, changes and/or additions to the - Program, where such changes and/or additions originate from and - are distributed by that particular Contributor. - - A Contribution 'originates' from a Contributor if it was added to the - Program by such Contributor itself or anyone acting on such - Contributor's behalf. Contributions do not include additions to the - Program which: (i) are separate modules of software distributed in - conjunction with the Program under their own license agreement, and - (ii) are not derivative works of the Program. - - "Contributor" means QSS and any other entity that distributes the - Program. - - "Licensed Patents " mean patent claims licensable by Contributor to - others, which are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its - Contribution alone or when combined with the Program. - - "Unrestricted Open Source" means published source code that is - licensed for free use and distribution under an unrestricted licensing - and distribution model, such as the Berkley Software Design ("BSD") - and "BSD-like" licenses. It specifically excludes any source code - licensed under any version of the GNU General Public License (GPL) or - the GNU Lesser/Library GPL. All "Unrestricted Open Source" license - terms appear or are clearly identified in the header of any affected - source code for the Original Program. - - "Original Program" means the original version of the software - accompanying this Agreement as released by QSS, including source code, - object code and documentation, if any. - - "Program" means the Original Program and Contributions. - - "Recipient" means anyone who receives the Program under this - Agreement, including all Contributors. - -2. GRANT OF RIGHTS - - a. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby - grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free - copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, - publicly display, publicly perform, and directly and indirectly - sublicense and distribute the Contribution of such Contributor, if - any, and such derivative works, in source code and object code - form. - b. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby - grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free patent - license under Licensed Patents to make, use, sell, offer to sell, - import and otherwise transfer the Contribution of such - Contributor, if any, in source code and object code form. This - patent license shall apply to the combination of the Contribution - and the Program if, at the time the Contribution is added by the - Contributor, such addition of the Contribution causes such - combination to be covered by the Licensed Patents. The patent - license shall not apply to any other combinations which include - the Contribution. - c. Recipient understands that although each Contributor grants the - licenses to its Contributions set forth herein, no assurances are - provided by any Contributor that the Program does not infringe the - patent or other intellectual property rights of any other entity. - Each Contributor disclaims any liability to Recipient for claims - brought by any other entity based on infringement of intellectual - property rights or otherwise. As a condition to exercising the - rights and licenses granted hereunder, each Recipient hereby - assumes sole responsibility to secure any other intellectual - property rights needed, if any. For example, if a third party - patent license is required to allow Recipient to distribute the - Program, it is Recipient's responsibility to acquire that license - before distributing the Program. - d. Each Contributor represents that to its knowledge it has - sufficient copyright rights in its Contribution, if any, to grant - the copyright license set forth in this Agreement. - - 3. REQUIREMENTS - - A Contributor may choose to distribute the Program in object code form - under its own license agreement, provided that: - - a. it complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and - b. its license agreement: - i. effectively disclaims on behalf of all Contributors all - warranties and conditions, express and implied, including - warranties or conditions of title and non-infringement, and - implied warranties or conditions of merchantability and - fitness for a particular purpose; - ii. effectively excludes on behalf of all Contributors all - liability for damages, including direct, indirect, special, - incidental and consequential damages, such as lost profits; - and - iii. states that any provisions which differ from this Agreement - are offered by that Contributor alone and not by any other - party. - - If the Program is made available in source code form: - - a. it must be made available under this Agreement; and - b. a copy of this Agreement must be included with each copy of the - Program. Each Contributor must include the following in a - conspicuous location in the Program along with any other copyright - or attribution statements required by the terms of any applicable - Unrestricted Open Source license: - Copyright {date here}, QNX Software Systems Ltd. and others. All - Rights Reserved. - - In addition, each Contributor must identify itself as the originator - of its Contribution, if any, in a manner that reasonably allows - subsequent Recipients to identify the originator of the Contribution. - - 4. COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTION - - Commercial distributors of software may accept certain - responsibilities with respect to end users, business partners and the - like. While this license is intended to facilitate the commercial use - of the Program, the Contributor who includes the Program in a - commercial product offering should do so in a manner which does not - create potential liability for other Contributors. Therefore, if a - Contributor includes the Program in a commercial product offering, - such Contributor ("Commercial Contributor") hereby agrees to defend - and indemnify every other Contributor ("Indemnified Contributor") - against any losses, damages and costs (collectively "Losses") arising - from claims, lawsuits and other legal actions brought by a third party - against the Indemnified Contributor to the extent caused by the acts - or omissions of such Commercial Contributor in connection with its - distribution of the Program in a commercial product offering. The - obligations in this section do not apply to any claims or Losses - relating to any actual or alleged intellectual property infringement. - In order to qualify, an Indemnified Contributor must: a) promptly - notify the Commercial Contributor in writing of such claim, and b) - allow the Commercial Contributor to control, and cooperate with the - Commercial Contributor in, the defense and any related settlement - negotiations. The Indemnified Contributor may participate in any such - claim at its own expense. - - For example, a Contributor might include the Program in a commercial - product offering, Product X. That Contributor is then a Commercial - Contributor. If that Commercial Contributor then makes performance - claims, or offers warranties related to Product X, those performance - claims and warranties are such Commercial Contributor's responsibility - alone. Under this section, the Commercial Contributor would have to - defend claims against the other Contributors related to those - performance claims and warranties, and if a court requires any other - Contributor to pay any damages as a result, the Commercial Contributor - must pay those damages. - - 5. NO WARRANTY - - Recipient acknowledges that there may be errors or bugs in the Program - and that it is imperative that Recipient conduct thorough testing to - identify and correct any problems prior to the productive use or - commercial release of any products that use the Program, and prior to - the release of any modifications, updates or enhancements thereto. - - EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS - PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY - KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON- INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY - OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Each Recipient is solely - responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and - distributing the Program and assumes all risks associated with its - exercise of rights under this Agreement, including but not limited to - the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable - laws, damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and - unavailability or interruption of operations. - - 6. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY - - EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, NEITHER RECIPIENT NOR - ANY CONTRIBUTORS SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, - INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING - WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS), HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF - LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING - NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OR - DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM OR THE EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED - HEREUNDER, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. - - 7. GENERAL - - If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under - applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of - the remainder of the terms of this Agreement, and without further - action by the parties hereto, such provision shall be reformed to the - minimum extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable. - - If Recipient institutes patent litigation against a Contributor with - respect to a patent applicable to software (including a cross-claim or - counterclaim in a lawsuit), then any patent licenses granted by that - Contributor to such recipient under this Agreement shall terminate as - of the date such litigation is filed. In addition, If Recipient - institutes patent litigation against any entity (including a - cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Program - itself (excluding combinations of the Program with other software or - hardware) infringes such Recipient's patent(s), then such Recipient's - rights granted under Section 2(b) shall terminate as of the date such - litigation is filed. - - All Recipient's rights under this Agreement shall terminate if it - fails to comply with any of the material terms or conditions of this - Agreement and does not cure such failure in a reasonable period of - time after becoming aware of such noncompliance. If all Recipient's - rights under this Agreement terminate, Recipient agrees to cease use - and distribution of the Program as soon as reasonably practicable. - However, Recipient's obligations under this Agreement and any licenses - granted by Recipient relating to the Program shall continue and - survive. - - QSS may publish new versions (including revisions) of this Agreement - from time to time. Each new version of the Agreement will be given a - distinguishing version number. The Program (including Contributions) - may always be distributed subject to the version of the Agreement - under which it was received. In addition, after a new version of the - Agreement is published, Contributor may elect to distribute the - Program (including its Contributions) under the new version. No one - other than QSS has the right to modify this Agreement. Except as - expressly stated in Sections 2(a) and 2(b) above, Recipient receives - no rights or licenses to the intellectual property of any Contributor - under this Agreement, whether expressly, by implication, estoppel or - otherwise. All rights in the Program not expressly granted under this - Agreement are reserved. - - This Agreement is governed by the laws in force in the Province of - Ontario, Canada without regard to the conflict of law provisions - therein. The parties expressly disclaim the provisions of the United - Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. - No party to this Agreement will bring a legal action under this - Agreement more than one year after the cause of action arose. Each - party waives its rights to a jury trial in any resulting litigation. - - * QNX is a registered trademark of QNX Software Systems Ltd. - - Document Version: ocl1_00 diff --git a/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_fil.c b/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_fil.c deleted file mode 100644 index 00e8565ec246..000000000000 --- a/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_fil.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2293 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (C) 1993-2001 by Darren Reed. - * - * See the IPFILTER.LICENCE file for details on licencing. - */ -#ifndef SOLARIS -#define SOLARIS (defined(sun) && (defined(__svr4__) || defined(__SVR4))) -#endif - -#if defined(KERNEL) && !defined(_KERNEL) -# define _KERNEL -#endif -#if defined(_KERNEL) && defined(__FreeBSD_version) && \ - (__FreeBSD_version >= 400000) && !defined(KLD_MODULE) -#include "opt_inet6.h" -#endif -#include <sys/param.h> -#if defined(__NetBSD__) && (NetBSD >= 199905) && !defined(IPFILTER_LKM) && \ - defined(_KERNEL) && !defined(_LKM) -# include "opt_ipfilter_log.h" -#endif -#if defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__FreeBSD_version) -# if !defined(_KERNEL) || defined(IPFILTER_LKM) -# include <osreldate.h> -# endif -#endif -#if defined(__sgi) && (IRIX > 602) -# define _KMEMUSER -# include <sys/ptimers.h> -#endif -#ifndef _KERNEL -# include <stdio.h> -# include <string.h> -# include <stdlib.h> -# include <ctype.h> -# include <fcntl.h> -#endif -#include <sys/errno.h> -#include <sys/types.h> -#include <sys/file.h> -#if __FreeBSD_version >= 220000 && defined(_KERNEL) -# include <sys/fcntl.h> -# include <sys/filio.h> -#else -# include <sys/ioctl.h> -#endif -#include <sys/time.h> -#ifdef _KERNEL -# include <sys/systm.h> -#endif -#if !SOLARIS -# if (NetBSD > 199609) || (OpenBSD > 199603) || (__FreeBSD_version >= 300000) -# include <sys/dirent.h> -# else -# include <sys/dir.h> -# endif -# include <sys/mbuf.h> -#else -# include <sys/filio.h> -#endif -#include <sys/protosw.h> -#include <sys/socket.h> - -#include <net/if.h> -#ifdef sun -# include <net/af.h> -#endif -#if __FreeBSD_version >= 300000 -# include <net/if_var.h> -# if defined(_KERNEL) && !defined(IPFILTER_LKM) -# include "opt_ipfilter.h" -# endif -#endif -#ifdef __sgi -#include <sys/debug.h> -# ifdef IFF_DRVRLOCK /* IRIX6 */ -#include <sys/hashing.h> -# endif -#endif -#include <net/route.h> -#include <netinet/in.h> -#if !(defined(__sgi) && !defined(IFF_DRVRLOCK)) /* IRIX < 6 */ -# include <netinet/in_var.h> -#endif -#include <netinet/in_systm.h> -#include <netinet/ip.h> -#include <netinet/ip_var.h> -#include <netinet/tcp.h> -#include <netinet/udp.h> -#include <netinet/tcpip.h> -#include <netinet/ip_icmp.h> -#ifndef _KERNEL -# include <unistd.h> -# include <syslog.h> -#endif -#include "netinet/ip_compat.h" -#ifdef USE_INET6 -# include <netinet/icmp6.h> -# if !SOLARIS -# include <netinet6/ip6protosw.h> -# include <netinet6/nd6.h> -# endif -#endif -#include "netinet/ip_fil.h" -#include "netinet/ip_nat.h" -#include "netinet/ip_frag.h" -#include "netinet/ip_state.h" -#include "netinet/ip_proxy.h" -#include "netinet/ip_auth.h" -#if defined(__FreeBSD_version) && (__FreeBSD_version >= 300000) -# include <sys/malloc.h> -#endif -#ifndef MIN -# define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b)) -#endif -#if !SOLARIS && defined(_KERNEL) && !defined(__sgi) -# include <sys/kernel.h> -extern int ip_optcopy __P((struct ip *, struct ip *)); -#endif -#if defined(OpenBSD) && (OpenBSD >= 200211) && defined(_KERNEL) -extern int ip6_getpmtu(struct route_in6 *, struct route_in6 *, - struct ifnet *, struct in6_addr *, u_long *); -#endif - -#if !defined(lint) -static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)ip_fil.c 2.41 6/5/96 (C) 1993-2000 Darren Reed"; -static const char rcsid[] = "@(#)$Id: ip_fil.c,v 2004/05/12 23:21:03 darrenr Exp $"; -#endif - - -extern struct protosw inetsw[]; - -#ifndef _KERNEL -# include "ipt.h" -static struct ifnet **ifneta = NULL; -static int nifs = 0; -#else -# if (BSD < 199306) || defined(__sgi) -extern int tcp_ttl; -# endif -#endif - -#ifdef ICMP_UNREACH_FILTER_PROHIB -int ipl_unreach = ICMP_UNREACH_FILTER_PROHIB; -#else -int ipl_unreach = ICMP_UNREACH_FILTER; -#endif -u_long ipl_frouteok[2] = {0, 0}; - -static int frzerostats __P((caddr_t)); -#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || (__FreeBSD_version >= 300003) -static int frrequest __P((int, u_long, caddr_t, int)); -#else -static int frrequest __P((int, int, caddr_t, int)); -#endif -#ifdef _KERNEL -static int (*fr_savep) __P((ip_t *, int, void *, int, struct mbuf **)); -static int send_ip __P((ip_t *, fr_info_t *, struct mbuf **)); -# ifdef USE_INET6 -static int ipfr_fastroute6 __P((struct mbuf *, struct mbuf **, - fr_info_t *, frdest_t *)); -# endif -# ifdef __sgi -extern int tcp_mtudisc; -extern kmutex_t ipf_rw; -extern KRWLOCK_T ipf_mutex; -# endif -#else -void init_ifp __P((void)); -# if defined(__sgi) && (IRIX < 605) -static int no_output __P((struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *, - struct sockaddr *)); -static int write_output __P((struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *, - struct sockaddr *)); -# else -static int no_output __P((struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *, - struct sockaddr *, struct rtentry *)); -static int write_output __P((struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *, - struct sockaddr *, struct rtentry *)); -# endif -#endif -int fr_running = 0; - -#if (__FreeBSD_version >= 300000) && defined(_KERNEL) -struct callout_handle ipfr_slowtimer_ch; -#endif -#if defined(__NetBSD__) && (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 104230000) -# include <sys/callout.h> -struct callout ipfr_slowtimer_ch; -#endif -#if defined(__OpenBSD__) -# include <sys/timeout.h> -struct timeout ipfr_slowtimer_ch; -#endif -#if defined(__sgi) && defined(_KERNEL) -toid_t ipfr_slowtimer_ch; -#endif - -#if defined(__NetBSD__) && (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 106080000) && \ - defined(_KERNEL) -# include <sys/conf.h> -const struct cdevsw ipl_cdevsw = { - iplopen, iplclose, iplread, nowrite, iplioctl, - nostop, notty, nopoll, nommap, -}; -#endif - -#if (_BSDI_VERSION >= 199510) && defined(_KERNEL) -# include <sys/device.h> -# include <sys/conf.h> - -struct cfdriver iplcd = { - NULL, "ipl", NULL, NULL, DV_DULL, 0 -}; - -struct devsw iplsw = { - &iplcd, - iplopen, iplclose, iplread, nowrite, iplioctl, noselect, nommap, - nostrat, nodump, nopsize, 0, - nostop -}; -#endif /* _BSDI_VERSION >= 199510 && _KERNEL */ - -#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || (_BSDI_VERSION >= 199701) -# include <sys/conf.h> -# if defined(NETBSD_PF) -# include <net/pfil.h> -/* - * We provide the fr_checkp name just to minimize changes later. - */ -int (*fr_checkp) __P((ip_t *ip, int hlen, void *ifp, int out, mb_t **mp)); -# endif /* NETBSD_PF */ -#endif /* __NetBSD__ */ - - -#if defined(__NetBSD_Version__) && (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 105110000) && \ - defined(_KERNEL) -# include <net/pfil.h> - -static int fr_check_wrapper(void *, struct mbuf **, struct ifnet *, int ); - -static int fr_check_wrapper(arg, mp, ifp, dir) -void *arg; -struct mbuf **mp; -struct ifnet *ifp; -int dir; -{ - struct ip *ip = mtod(*mp, struct ip *); - int rv, hlen = ip->ip_hl << 2; - -#if defined(M_CSUM_TCPv4) - /* - * If the packet is out-bound, we can't delay checksums - * here. For in-bound, the checksum has already been - * validated. - */ - if (dir == PFIL_OUT) { - if ((*mp)->m_pkthdr.csum_flags & (M_CSUM_TCPv4|M_CSUM_UDPv4)) { - in_delayed_cksum(*mp); - (*mp)->m_pkthdr.csum_flags &= - ~(M_CSUM_TCPv4|M_CSUM_UDPv4); - } - } -#endif /* M_CSUM_TCPv4 */ - - /* - * We get the packet with all fields in network byte - * order. We expect ip_len and ip_off to be in host - * order. We frob them, call the filter, then frob - * them back. - * - * Note, we don't need to update the checksum, because - * it has already been verified. - */ - NTOHS(ip->ip_len); - NTOHS(ip->ip_off); - - rv = fr_check(ip, hlen, ifp, (dir == PFIL_OUT), mp); - - if (rv == 0 && *mp != NULL) { - ip = mtod(*mp, struct ip *); - HTONS(ip->ip_len); - HTONS(ip->ip_off); - } - - return (rv); -} - -# ifdef USE_INET6 -# include <netinet/ip6.h> - -static int fr_check_wrapper6(void *, struct mbuf **, struct ifnet *, int ); - -static int fr_check_wrapper6(arg, mp, ifp, dir) -void *arg; -struct mbuf **mp; -struct ifnet *ifp; -int dir; -{ - - return (fr_check(mtod(*mp, struct ip *), sizeof(struct ip6_hdr), - ifp, (dir == PFIL_OUT), mp)); -} -# endif -#endif /* __NetBSD_Version >= 105110000 && _KERNEL */ -#ifdef _KERNEL -# if defined(IPFILTER_LKM) && !defined(__sgi) -int iplidentify(s) -char *s; -{ - if (strcmp(s, "ipl") == 0) - return 1; - return 0; -} -# endif /* IPFILTER_LKM */ - - -/* - * Try to detect the case when compiling for NetBSD with pseudo-device - */ -# if defined(__NetBSD__) && defined(PFIL_HOOKS) -void -ipfilterattach(count) -int count; -{ - - /* - * Do nothing here, really. The filter will be enabled - * by the SIOCFRENB ioctl. - */ -} -# endif - - -# if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) -int ipl_enable() -# else -int iplattach() -# endif -{ - char *defpass; - int s; -# if defined(__sgi) || (defined(NETBSD_PF) && (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 104200000)) - int error = 0; -# endif -#if defined(__NetBSD_Version__) && (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 105110000) - struct pfil_head *ph_inet; -# ifdef USE_INET6 - struct pfil_head *ph_inet6; -# endif -#endif - - SPL_NET(s); - if (fr_running || (fr_checkp == fr_check)) { - printf("IP Filter: already initialized\n"); - SPL_X(s); - return EBUSY; - } - -# ifdef IPFILTER_LOG - ipflog_init(); -# endif - if (nat_init() == -1) { - SPL_X(s); - return EIO; - } - if (fr_stateinit() == -1) { - SPL_X(s); - return EIO; - } - if (appr_init() == -1) { - SPL_X(s); - return EIO; - } - -# ifdef NETBSD_PF -# if (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 104200000) || (__FreeBSD_version >= 500011) -# if __NetBSD_Version__ >= 105110000 - ph_inet = pfil_head_get(PFIL_TYPE_AF, AF_INET); -# ifdef USE_INET6 - ph_inet6 = pfil_head_get(PFIL_TYPE_AF, AF_INET6); -# endif - if (ph_inet == NULL -# ifdef USE_INET6 - && ph_inet6 == NULL -# endif - ) - return ENODEV; - - if (ph_inet != NULL) - error = pfil_add_hook((void *)fr_check_wrapper, NULL, - PFIL_IN|PFIL_OUT, ph_inet); - else - error = 0; -# else - error = pfil_add_hook((void *)fr_check, PFIL_IN|PFIL_OUT, - &inetsw[ip_protox[IPPROTO_IP]].pr_pfh); -# endif - if (error) { -# ifdef USE_INET6 - goto pfil_error; -# else - SPL_X(s); - appr_unload(); - ip_natunload(); - fr_stateunload(); - return error; -# endif - } -# else - pfil_add_hook((void *)fr_check, PFIL_IN|PFIL_OUT); -# endif -# ifdef USE_INET6 -# if __NetBSD_Version__ >= 105110000 - if (ph_inet6 != NULL) - error = pfil_add_hook((void *)fr_check_wrapper6, NULL, - PFIL_IN|PFIL_OUT, ph_inet6); - else - error = 0; - if (error) { - pfil_remove_hook((void *)fr_check_wrapper6, NULL, - PFIL_IN|PFIL_OUT, ph_inet6); -# else - error = pfil_add_hook((void *)fr_check, PFIL_IN|PFIL_OUT, - &inet6sw[ip6_protox[IPPROTO_IPV6]].pr_pfh); - if (error) { - pfil_remove_hook((void *)fr_check, PFIL_IN|PFIL_OUT, - &inetsw[ip_protox[IPPROTO_IP]].pr_pfh); -# endif -pfil_error: - SPL_X(s); - appr_unload(); - ip_natunload(); - fr_stateunload(); - return error; - } -# endif -# endif - -# ifdef __sgi - error = ipfilter_sgi_attach(); - if (error) { - SPL_X(s); - appr_unload(); - ip_natunload(); - fr_stateunload(); - return error; - } -# endif - - bzero((char *)frcache, sizeof(frcache)); - fr_savep = fr_checkp; - fr_checkp = fr_check; - fr_running = 1; - - SPL_X(s); - if (fr_pass & FR_PASS) - defpass = "pass"; - else if (fr_pass & FR_BLOCK) - defpass = "block"; - else - defpass = "no-match -> block"; - - printf("%s initialized. Default = %s all, Logging = %s\n", - ipfilter_version, defpass, -# ifdef IPFILTER_LOG - "enabled"); -# else - "disabled"); -# endif -#ifdef _KERNEL -# if defined(__NetBSD__) && (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 104230000) - callout_init(&ipfr_slowtimer_ch); - callout_reset(&ipfr_slowtimer_ch, hz / 2, ipfr_slowtimer, NULL); -# else -# if defined(__OpenBSD__) - timeout_set(&ipfr_slowtimer_ch, ipfr_slowtimer, NULL); - timeout_add(&ipfr_slowtimer_ch, hz/2); -# else -# if (__FreeBSD_version >= 300000) || defined(__sgi) - ipfr_slowtimer_ch = timeout(ipfr_slowtimer, NULL, hz/2); -# else - timeout(ipfr_slowtimer, NULL, hz/2); -# endif -# endif -# endif -#endif - return 0; -} - - -/* - * Disable the filter by removing the hooks from the IP input/output - * stream. - */ -# if defined(__NetBSD__) -int ipl_disable() -# else -int ipldetach() -# endif -{ - int s, i; -#if defined(NETBSD_PF) && \ - ((__NetBSD_Version__ >= 104200000) || (__FreeBSD_version >= 500011)) - int error = 0; -# if __NetBSD_Version__ >= 105150000 - struct pfil_head *ph_inet = pfil_head_get(PFIL_TYPE_AF, AF_INET); -# ifdef USE_INET6 - struct pfil_head *ph_inet6 = pfil_head_get(PFIL_TYPE_AF, AF_INET6); -# endif -# endif -#endif - -#ifdef _KERNEL -# if defined(__NetBSD__) && (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 104230000) - callout_stop(&ipfr_slowtimer_ch); -# else -# if (__FreeBSD_version >= 300000) - untimeout(ipfr_slowtimer, NULL, ipfr_slowtimer_ch); -# else -# ifdef __sgi - untimeout(ipfr_slowtimer_ch); -# else -# if defined(__OpenBSD__) - timeout_del(&ipfr_slowtimer_ch); -# else - untimeout(ipfr_slowtimer, NULL); -# endif /* OpenBSD */ -# endif /* __sgi */ -# endif /* FreeBSD */ -# endif /* NetBSD */ -#endif - SPL_NET(s); - if (!fr_running) - { - printf("IP Filter: not initialized\n"); - SPL_X(s); - return 0; - } - - printf("%s unloaded\n", ipfilter_version); - - fr_checkp = fr_savep; - i = frflush(IPL_LOGIPF, 0, FR_INQUE|FR_OUTQUE|FR_INACTIVE); - i += frflush(IPL_LOGIPF, 0, FR_INQUE|FR_OUTQUE); - fr_running = 0; - -# ifdef NETBSD_PF -# if ((__NetBSD_Version__ >= 104200000) || (__FreeBSD_version >= 500011)) -# if __NetBSD_Version__ >= 105110000 - if (ph_inet != NULL) - error = pfil_remove_hook((void *)fr_check_wrapper, NULL, - PFIL_IN|PFIL_OUT, ph_inet); - else - error = 0; -# else - error = pfil_remove_hook((void *)fr_check, PFIL_IN|PFIL_OUT, - &inetsw[ip_protox[IPPROTO_IP]].pr_pfh); -# endif - if (error) { - SPL_X(s); - return error; - } -# else - pfil_remove_hook((void *)fr_check, PFIL_IN|PFIL_OUT); -# endif -# ifdef USE_INET6 -# if __NetBSD_Version__ >= 105110000 - if (ph_inet6 != NULL) - error = pfil_remove_hook((void *)fr_check_wrapper6, NULL, - PFIL_IN|PFIL_OUT, ph_inet6); - else - error = 0; -# else - error = pfil_remove_hook((void *)fr_check, PFIL_IN|PFIL_OUT, - &inet6sw[ip6_protox[IPPROTO_IPV6]].pr_pfh); -# endif - if (error) { - SPL_X(s); - return error; - } -# endif -# endif - -# ifdef __sgi - ipfilter_sgi_detach(); -# endif - - appr_unload(); - ipfr_unload(); - ip_natunload(); - fr_stateunload(); - fr_authunload(); - - SPL_X(s); - return 0; -} -#endif /* _KERNEL */ - - -static int frzerostats(data) -caddr_t data; -{ - friostat_t fio; - int error; - - fr_getstat(&fio); - error = IWCOPYPTR((caddr_t)&fio, data, sizeof(fio)); - if (error) - return EFAULT; - - bzero((char *)frstats, sizeof(*frstats) * 2); - - return 0; -} - - -/* - * Filter ioctl interface. - */ -#ifdef __sgi -int IPL_EXTERN(ioctl)(dev_t dev, int cmd, caddr_t data, int mode -# ifdef _KERNEL - , cred_t *cp, int *rp -# endif -) -#else -int IPL_EXTERN(ioctl)(dev, cmd, data, mode -# if (defined(_KERNEL) && ((_BSDI_VERSION >= 199510) || (BSD >= 199506) || \ - (NetBSD >= 199511) || (__FreeBSD_version >= 220000) || \ - defined(__OpenBSD__))) -, p) -struct proc *p; -# else -) -# endif -dev_t dev; -# if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || \ - (_BSDI_VERSION >= 199701) || (__FreeBSD_version >= 300000) -u_long cmd; -# else -int cmd; -# endif -caddr_t data; -int mode; -#endif /* __sgi */ -{ -#if defined(_KERNEL) && !SOLARIS - int s; -#endif - int error = 0, unit = 0, tmp; - -#if (BSD >= 199306) && defined(_KERNEL) - if ((securelevel >= 3) && (mode & FWRITE)) - return EPERM; -#endif -#ifdef _KERNEL - unit = GET_MINOR(dev); - if ((IPL_LOGMAX < unit) || (unit < 0)) - return ENXIO; -#else - unit = dev; -#endif - - if (fr_running == 0 && (cmd != SIOCFRENB || unit != IPL_LOGIPF)) - return ENODEV; - - SPL_NET(s); - - if (unit == IPL_LOGNAT) { - if (fr_running) - error = nat_ioctl(data, cmd, mode); - else - error = EIO; - SPL_X(s); - return error; - } - if (unit == IPL_LOGSTATE) { - if (fr_running) - error = fr_state_ioctl(data, cmd, mode); - else - error = EIO; - SPL_X(s); - return error; - } - if (unit == IPL_LOGAUTH) { - if (!fr_running) - error = EIO; - else - if ((cmd == SIOCADAFR) || (cmd == SIOCRMAFR)) { - if (!(mode & FWRITE)) { - error = EPERM; - } else { - error = frrequest(unit, cmd, data, - fr_active); - } - } else { - error = fr_auth_ioctl(data, mode, cmd); - } - SPL_X(s); - return error; - } - - switch (cmd) { - case FIONREAD : -#ifdef IPFILTER_LOG - error = IWCOPY((caddr_t)&iplused[IPL_LOGIPF], (caddr_t)data, - sizeof(iplused[IPL_LOGIPF])); -#endif - break; -#if (!defined(IPFILTER_LKM) || defined(__NetBSD__)) && defined(_KERNEL) - case SIOCFRENB : - { - u_int enable; - - if (!(mode & FWRITE)) - error = EPERM; - else { - error = IRCOPY(data, (caddr_t)&enable, sizeof(enable)); - if (error) - break; - if (enable) -# if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) - error = ipl_enable(); -# else - error = iplattach(); -# endif - else -# if defined(__NetBSD__) - error = ipl_disable(); -# else - error = ipldetach(); -# endif - } - break; - } -#endif - case SIOCSETFF : - if (!(mode & FWRITE)) - error = EPERM; - else - error = IRCOPY(data, (caddr_t)&fr_flags, - sizeof(fr_flags)); - break; - case SIOCGETFF : - error = IWCOPY((caddr_t)&fr_flags, data, sizeof(fr_flags)); - break; - case SIOCINAFR : - case SIOCRMAFR : - case SIOCADAFR : - case SIOCZRLST : - if (!(mode & FWRITE)) - error = EPERM; - else - error = frrequest(unit, cmd, data, fr_active); - break; - case SIOCINIFR : - case SIOCRMIFR : - case SIOCADIFR : - if (!(mode & FWRITE)) - error = EPERM; - else - error = frrequest(unit, cmd, data, 1 - fr_active); - break; - case SIOCSWAPA : - if (!(mode & FWRITE)) - error = EPERM; - else { - bzero((char *)frcache, sizeof(frcache[0]) * 2); - *(u_int *)data = fr_active; - fr_active = 1 - fr_active; - } - break; - case SIOCGETFS : - { - friostat_t fio; - - fr_getstat(&fio); - error = IWCOPYPTR((caddr_t)&fio, data, sizeof(fio)); - if (error) - error = EFAULT; - break; - } - case SIOCFRZST : - if (!(mode & FWRITE)) - error = EPERM; - else - error = frzerostats(data); - break; - case SIOCIPFFL : - if (!(mode & FWRITE)) - error = EPERM; - else { - error = IRCOPY(data, (caddr_t)&tmp, sizeof(tmp)); - if (!error) { - tmp = frflush(unit, 4, tmp); - error = IWCOPY((caddr_t)&tmp, data, - sizeof(tmp)); - } - } - break; -#ifdef USE_INET6 - case SIOCIPFL6 : - if (!(mode & FWRITE)) - error = EPERM; - else { - error = IRCOPY(data, (caddr_t)&tmp, sizeof(tmp)); - if (!error) { - tmp = frflush(unit, 6, tmp); - error = IWCOPY((caddr_t)&tmp, data, - sizeof(tmp)); - } - } - break; -#endif - case SIOCSTLCK : - error = IRCOPY(data, (caddr_t)&tmp, sizeof(tmp)); - if (!error) { - fr_state_lock = tmp; - fr_nat_lock = tmp; - fr_frag_lock = tmp; - fr_auth_lock = tmp; - } else - error = EFAULT; - break; -#ifdef IPFILTER_LOG - case SIOCIPFFB : - if (!(mode & FWRITE)) - error = EPERM; - else - *(int *)data = ipflog_clear(unit); - break; -#endif /* IPFILTER_LOG */ - case SIOCGFRST : - error = IWCOPYPTR((caddr_t)ipfr_fragstats(), data, - sizeof(ipfrstat_t)); - if (error) - error = EFAULT; - break; - case SIOCFRSYN : - if (!(mode & FWRITE)) - error = EPERM; - else { -#if defined(_KERNEL) && defined(__sgi) - ipfsync(); -#endif - frsync(); - } - break; - default : - error = EINVAL; - break; - } - SPL_X(s); - return error; -} - - -void fr_forgetifp(ifp) -void *ifp; -{ - register frentry_t *f; - - WRITE_ENTER(&ipf_mutex); - for (f = ipacct[0][fr_active]; (f != NULL); f = f->fr_next) - if (f->fr_ifa == ifp) - f->fr_ifa = (void *)-1; - for (f = ipacct[1][fr_active]; (f != NULL); f = f->fr_next) - if (f->fr_ifa == ifp) - f->fr_ifa = (void *)-1; - for (f = ipfilter[0][fr_active]; (f != NULL); f = f->fr_next) - if (f->fr_ifa == ifp) - f->fr_ifa = (void *)-1; - for (f = ipfilter[1][fr_active]; (f != NULL); f = f->fr_next) - if (f->fr_ifa == ifp) - f->fr_ifa = (void *)-1; -#ifdef USE_INET6 - for (f = ipacct6[0][fr_active]; (f != NULL); f = f->fr_next) - if (f->fr_ifa == ifp) - f->fr_ifa = (void *)-1; - for (f = ipacct6[1][fr_active]; (f != NULL); f = f->fr_next) - if (f->fr_ifa == ifp) - f->fr_ifa = (void *)-1; - for (f = ipfilter6[0][fr_active]; (f != NULL); f = f->fr_next) - if (f->fr_ifa == ifp) - f->fr_ifa = (void *)-1; - for (f = ipfilter6[1][fr_active]; (f != NULL); f = f->fr_next) - if (f->fr_ifa == ifp) - f->fr_ifa = (void *)-1; -#endif - RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_mutex); - ip_natsync(ifp); -} - - -static int frrequest(unit, req, data, set) -int unit; -#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || (__FreeBSD_version >= 300003) -u_long req; -#else -int req; -#endif -int set; -caddr_t data; -{ - register frentry_t *fp, *f, **fprev; - register frentry_t **ftail; - frgroup_t *fg = NULL; - int error = 0, in, i; - u_int *p, *pp; - frentry_t frd; - frdest_t *fdp; - u_int group; - - fp = &frd; - error = IRCOPYPTR(data, (caddr_t)fp, sizeof(*fp)); - if (error) - return EFAULT; - fp->fr_ref = 0; -#if (BSD >= 199306) && defined(_KERNEL) - if ((securelevel > 0) && (fp->fr_func != NULL)) - return EPERM; -#endif - - /* - * Check that the group number does exist and that if a head group - * has been specified, doesn't exist. - */ - if ((req != SIOCZRLST) && ((req == SIOCINAFR) || (req == SIOCINIFR) || - (req == SIOCADAFR) || (req == SIOCADIFR)) && fp->fr_grhead && - fr_findgroup((u_int)fp->fr_grhead, fp->fr_flags, unit, set, NULL)) - return EEXIST; - if ((req != SIOCZRLST) && fp->fr_group && - !fr_findgroup((u_int)fp->fr_group, fp->fr_flags, unit, set, NULL)) - return ESRCH; - - in = (fp->fr_flags & FR_INQUE) ? 0 : 1; - - if (unit == IPL_LOGAUTH) - ftail = fprev = &ipauth; - else if ((fp->fr_flags & FR_ACCOUNT) && (fp->fr_v == 4)) - ftail = fprev = &ipacct[in][set]; - else if ((fp->fr_flags & (FR_OUTQUE|FR_INQUE)) && (fp->fr_v == 4)) - ftail = fprev = &ipfilter[in][set]; -#ifdef USE_INET6 - else if ((fp->fr_flags & FR_ACCOUNT) && (fp->fr_v == 6)) - ftail = fprev = &ipacct6[in][set]; - else if ((fp->fr_flags & (FR_OUTQUE|FR_INQUE)) && (fp->fr_v == 6)) - ftail = fprev = &ipfilter6[in][set]; -#endif - else - return ESRCH; - - if ((group = fp->fr_group)) { - if (!(fg = fr_findgroup(group, fp->fr_flags, unit, set, NULL))) - return ESRCH; - ftail = fprev = fg->fg_start; - } - - bzero((char *)frcache, sizeof(frcache[0]) * 2); - - for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - if ((fp->fr_ifnames[i][1] == '\0') && - ((fp->fr_ifnames[i][0] == '-') || - (fp->fr_ifnames[i][0] == '*'))) { - fp->fr_ifas[i] = NULL; - } else if (*fp->fr_ifnames[i]) { - fp->fr_ifas[i] = GETUNIT(fp->fr_ifnames[i], fp->fr_v); - if (!fp->fr_ifas[i]) - fp->fr_ifas[i] = (void *)-1; - } - } - - fdp = &fp->fr_dif; - fp->fr_flags &= ~FR_DUP; - if (*fdp->fd_ifname) { - fdp->fd_ifp = GETUNIT(fdp->fd_ifname, fp->fr_v); - if (!fdp->fd_ifp) - fdp->fd_ifp = (struct ifnet *)-1; - else - fp->fr_flags |= FR_DUP; - } - - fdp = &fp->fr_tif; - if (*fdp->fd_ifname) { - fdp->fd_ifp = GETUNIT(fdp->fd_ifname, fp->fr_v); - if (!fdp->fd_ifp) - fdp->fd_ifp = (struct ifnet *)-1; - } - - /* - * Look for a matching filter rule, but don't include the next or - * interface pointer in the comparison (fr_next, fr_ifa). - */ - for (fp->fr_cksum = 0, p = (u_int *)&fp->fr_ip, pp = &fp->fr_cksum; - p < pp; p++) - fp->fr_cksum += *p; - - for (; (f = *ftail); ftail = &f->fr_next) - if ((fp->fr_cksum == f->fr_cksum) && - !bcmp((char *)&f->fr_ip, (char *)&fp->fr_ip, FR_CMPSIZ)) - break; - - /* - * If zero'ing statistics, copy current to caller and zero. - */ - if (req == SIOCZRLST) { - if (!f) - return ESRCH; - error = IWCOPYPTR((caddr_t)f, data, sizeof(*f)); - if (error) - return EFAULT; - f->fr_hits = 0; - f->fr_bytes = 0; - return 0; - } - - if (!f) { - if (req != SIOCINAFR && req != SIOCINIFR) - while ((f = *ftail)) - ftail = &f->fr_next; - else { - ftail = fprev; - if (fp->fr_hits) { - while (--fp->fr_hits && (f = *ftail)) - ftail = &f->fr_next; - } - f = NULL; - } - } - - if (req == SIOCRMAFR || req == SIOCRMIFR) { - if (!f) - error = ESRCH; - else { - /* - * Only return EBUSY if there is a group list, else - * it's probably just state information referencing - * the rule. - */ - if ((f->fr_ref > 1) && f->fr_grp) - return EBUSY; - if (fg && fg->fg_head) - fg->fg_head->fr_ref--; - if (unit == IPL_LOGAUTH) { - return fr_preauthcmd(req, f, ftail); - } - if (f->fr_grhead) - fr_delgroup((u_int)f->fr_grhead, fp->fr_flags, - unit, set); - fixskip(fprev, f, -1); - *ftail = f->fr_next; - f->fr_next = NULL; - f->fr_ref--; - if (f->fr_ref == 0) - KFREE(f); - } - } else { - if (f) - error = EEXIST; - else { - if (unit == IPL_LOGAUTH) { - return fr_preauthcmd(req, fp, ftail); - } - KMALLOC(f, frentry_t *); - if (f != NULL) { - if (fg && fg->fg_head) - fg->fg_head->fr_ref++; - bcopy((char *)fp, (char *)f, sizeof(*f)); - f->fr_ref = 1; - f->fr_hits = 0; - f->fr_next = *ftail; - *ftail = f; - if (req == SIOCINIFR || req == SIOCINAFR) - fixskip(fprev, f, 1); - f->fr_grp = NULL; - if ((group = f->fr_grhead)) - fg = fr_addgroup(group, f, unit, set); - } else - error = ENOMEM; - } - } - return (error); -} - - -#ifdef _KERNEL -/* - * routines below for saving IP headers to buffer - */ -# ifdef __sgi -# ifdef _KERNEL -int IPL_EXTERN(open)(dev_t *pdev, int flags, int devtype, cred_t *cp) -# else -int IPL_EXTERN(open)(dev_t dev, int flags) -# endif -# else -int IPL_EXTERN(open)(dev, flags -# if ((_BSDI_VERSION >= 199510) || (BSD >= 199506) || (NetBSD >= 199511) || \ - (__FreeBSD_version >= 220000) || defined(__OpenBSD__)) && defined(_KERNEL) -, devtype, p) -int devtype; -struct proc *p; -# else -) -# endif -dev_t dev; -int flags; -# endif /* __sgi */ -{ -# if defined(__sgi) && defined(_KERNEL) - u_int min = geteminor(*pdev); -# else - u_int min = GET_MINOR(dev); -# endif - - if (IPL_LOGMAX < min) - min = ENXIO; - else - min = 0; - return min; -} - - -# ifdef __sgi -int IPL_EXTERN(close)(dev_t dev, int flags, int devtype, cred_t *cp) -#else -int IPL_EXTERN(close)(dev, flags -# if ((_BSDI_VERSION >= 199510) || (BSD >= 199506) || (NetBSD >= 199511) || \ - (__FreeBSD_version >= 220000) || defined(__OpenBSD__)) && defined(_KERNEL) -, devtype, p) -int devtype; -struct proc *p; -# else -) -# endif -dev_t dev; -int flags; -# endif /* __sgi */ -{ - u_int min = GET_MINOR(dev); - - if (IPL_LOGMAX < min) - min = ENXIO; - else - min = 0; - return min; -} - -/* - * iplread/ipllog - * both of these must operate with at least splnet() lest they be - * called during packet processing and cause an inconsistancy to appear in - * the filter lists. - */ -# ifdef __sgi -int IPL_EXTERN(read)(dev_t dev, uio_t *uio, cred_t *crp) -# else -# if BSD >= 199306 -int IPL_EXTERN(read)(dev, uio, ioflag) -int ioflag; -# else -int IPL_EXTERN(read)(dev, uio) -# endif -dev_t dev; -register struct uio *uio; -# endif /* __sgi */ -{ -# ifdef IPFILTER_LOG - return ipflog_read(GET_MINOR(dev), uio); -# else - return ENXIO; -# endif -} - - -/* - * send_reset - this could conceivably be a call to tcp_respond(), but that - * requires a large amount of setting up and isn't any more efficient. - */ -int send_reset(oip, fin) -struct ip *oip; -fr_info_t *fin; -{ - struct tcphdr *tcp, *tcp2; - int tlen = 0, hlen; - struct mbuf *m; -#ifdef USE_INET6 - ip6_t *ip6, *oip6 = (ip6_t *)oip; -#endif - ip_t *ip; - - tcp = (struct tcphdr *)fin->fin_dp; - if (tcp->th_flags & TH_RST) - return -1; /* feedback loop */ -# if (BSD < 199306) || defined(__sgi) - m = m_get(M_DONTWAIT, MT_HEADER); -# else - m = m_gethdr(M_DONTWAIT, MT_HEADER); -# endif - if (m == NULL) - return ENOBUFS; - if (m == NULL) - return -1; - - tlen = fin->fin_dlen - (tcp->th_off << 2) + - ((tcp->th_flags & TH_SYN) ? 1 : 0) + - ((tcp->th_flags & TH_FIN) ? 1 : 0); - -#ifdef USE_INET6 - hlen = (fin->fin_v == 6) ? sizeof(ip6_t) : sizeof(ip_t); -#else - hlen = sizeof(ip_t); -#endif - m->m_len = sizeof(*tcp2) + hlen; -# if BSD >= 199306 - m->m_data += max_linkhdr; - m->m_pkthdr.len = m->m_len; - m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = (struct ifnet *)0; -# endif - ip = mtod(m, struct ip *); -# ifdef USE_INET6 - ip6 = (ip6_t *)ip; -# endif - bzero((char *)ip, sizeof(*tcp2) + hlen); - tcp2 = (struct tcphdr *)((char *)ip + hlen); - - tcp2->th_sport = tcp->th_dport; - tcp2->th_dport = tcp->th_sport; - if (tcp->th_flags & TH_ACK) { - tcp2->th_seq = tcp->th_ack; - tcp2->th_flags = TH_RST; - } else { - tcp2->th_ack = ntohl(tcp->th_seq); - tcp2->th_ack += tlen; - tcp2->th_ack = htonl(tcp2->th_ack); - tcp2->th_flags = TH_RST|TH_ACK; - } - tcp2->th_off = sizeof(*tcp2) >> 2; -# ifdef USE_INET6 - if (fin->fin_v == 6) { - ip6->ip6_plen = htons(sizeof(struct tcphdr)); - ip6->ip6_nxt = IPPROTO_TCP; - ip6->ip6_src = oip6->ip6_dst; - ip6->ip6_dst = oip6->ip6_src; - tcp2->th_sum = in6_cksum(m, IPPROTO_TCP, - sizeof(*ip6), sizeof(*tcp2)); - return send_ip(oip, fin, &m); - } -# endif - ip->ip_p = IPPROTO_TCP; - ip->ip_len = htons(sizeof(struct tcphdr)); - ip->ip_src.s_addr = oip->ip_dst.s_addr; - ip->ip_dst.s_addr = oip->ip_src.s_addr; - tcp2->th_sum = in_cksum(m, hlen + sizeof(*tcp2)); - ip->ip_len = hlen + sizeof(*tcp2); - return send_ip(oip, fin, &m); -} - - -/* - * Send an IP(v4/v6) datagram out into the network - */ -static int send_ip(oip, fin, mp) -ip_t *oip; -fr_info_t *fin; -struct mbuf **mp; -{ - struct mbuf *m = *mp; - int error, hlen; - fr_info_t frn; - ip_t *ip; - - bzero((char *)&frn, sizeof(frn)); - frn.fin_ifp = fin->fin_ifp; - frn.fin_v = fin->fin_v; - frn.fin_out = fin->fin_out; - frn.fin_mp = mp; - - ip = mtod(m, ip_t *); - hlen = sizeof(*ip); - - ip->ip_v = fin->fin_v; - if (ip->ip_v == 4) { - ip->ip_hl = (sizeof(*oip) >> 2); - ip->ip_v = IPVERSION; - ip->ip_tos = oip->ip_tos; - ip->ip_id = oip->ip_id; - -# if defined(__NetBSD__) || \ - (defined(__OpenBSD__) && (OpenBSD >= 200012)) - if (ip_mtudisc != 0) - ip->ip_off = IP_DF; -# else -# if defined(__sgi) - if (ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_TCP && tcp_mtudisc != 0) - ip->ip_off = IP_DF; -# endif -# endif - -# if (BSD < 199306) || defined(__sgi) - ip->ip_ttl = tcp_ttl; -# else - ip->ip_ttl = ip_defttl; -# endif - ip->ip_sum = 0; - frn.fin_dp = (char *)(ip + 1); - } -# ifdef USE_INET6 - else if (ip->ip_v == 6) { - ip6_t *ip6 = (ip6_t *)ip; - - hlen = sizeof(*ip6); - ip6->ip6_hlim = 127; - frn.fin_dp = (char *)(ip6 + 1); - } -# endif -# ifdef IPSEC - m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = NULL; -# endif - - if (fr_makefrip(hlen, ip, &frn) == 0) - error = ipfr_fastroute(m, mp, &frn, NULL); - else - error = EINVAL; - return error; -} - - -int send_icmp_err(oip, type, fin, dst) -ip_t *oip; -int type; -fr_info_t *fin; -int dst; -{ - int err, hlen = 0, xtra = 0, iclen, ohlen = 0, avail, code; - u_short shlen, slen = 0, soff = 0; - struct in_addr dst4; - struct icmp *icmp; - struct mbuf *m; - void *ifp; -#ifdef USE_INET6 - ip6_t *ip6, *oip6 = (ip6_t *)oip; - struct in6_addr dst6; -#endif - ip_t *ip; - - if ((type < 0) || (type > ICMP_MAXTYPE)) - return -1; - - code = fin->fin_icode; -#ifdef USE_INET6 - if ((code < 0) || (code > sizeof(icmptoicmp6unreach)/sizeof(int))) - return -1; -#endif - - avail = 0; - m = NULL; - ifp = fin->fin_ifp; - if (fin->fin_v == 4) { - if ((oip->ip_p == IPPROTO_ICMP) && - !(fin->fin_fi.fi_fl & FI_SHORT)) - switch (ntohs(fin->fin_data[0]) >> 8) - { - case ICMP_ECHO : - case ICMP_TSTAMP : - case ICMP_IREQ : - case ICMP_MASKREQ : - break; - default : - return 0; - } - -# if (BSD < 199306) || defined(__sgi) - avail = MLEN; - m = m_get(M_DONTWAIT, MT_HEADER); -# else - avail = MHLEN; - m = m_gethdr(M_DONTWAIT, MT_HEADER); -# endif - if (m == NULL) - return ENOBUFS; - - if (dst == 0) { - if (fr_ifpaddr(4, ifp, &dst4) == -1) - return -1; - } else - dst4.s_addr = oip->ip_dst.s_addr; - - hlen = sizeof(ip_t); - ohlen = oip->ip_hl << 2; - xtra = 8; - } - -#ifdef USE_INET6 - else if (fin->fin_v == 6) { - hlen = sizeof(ip6_t); - ohlen = sizeof(ip6_t); - type = icmptoicmp6types[type]; - if (type == ICMP6_DST_UNREACH) - code = icmptoicmp6unreach[code]; - - MGETHDR(m, M_DONTWAIT, MT_HEADER); - if (!m) - return ENOBUFS; - - MCLGET(m, M_DONTWAIT); - if ((m->m_flags & M_EXT) == 0) { - m_freem(m); - return ENOBUFS; - } -# ifdef M_TRAILINGSPACE - m->m_len = 0; - avail = M_TRAILINGSPACE(m); -# else - avail = (m->m_flags & M_EXT) ? MCLBYTES : MHLEN; -# endif - xtra = MIN(ntohs(oip6->ip6_plen) + sizeof(ip6_t), - avail - hlen - sizeof(*icmp) - max_linkhdr); - if (dst == 0) { - if (fr_ifpaddr(6, ifp, (struct in_addr *)&dst6) == -1) - return -1; - } else - dst6 = oip6->ip6_dst; - } -#endif - - iclen = hlen + sizeof(*icmp); -# if BSD >= 199306 - avail -= (max_linkhdr + iclen); - m->m_data += max_linkhdr; - m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = (struct ifnet *)0; - if (xtra > avail) - xtra = avail; - iclen += xtra; - m->m_pkthdr.len = iclen; -#else - avail -= (m->m_off + iclen); - if (xtra > avail) - xtra = avail; - iclen += xtra; -#endif - m->m_len = iclen; - ip = mtod(m, ip_t *); - icmp = (struct icmp *)((char *)ip + hlen); - bzero((char *)ip, iclen); - - icmp->icmp_type = type; - icmp->icmp_code = fin->fin_icode; - icmp->icmp_cksum = 0; -#ifdef icmp_nextmtu - if (type == ICMP_UNREACH && - fin->fin_icode == ICMP_UNREACH_NEEDFRAG && ifp) - icmp->icmp_nextmtu = htons(((struct ifnet *) ifp)->if_mtu); -#endif - - if (avail) { - slen = oip->ip_len; - oip->ip_len = htons(oip->ip_len); - soff = oip->ip_off; - oip->ip_off = htons(oip->ip_off); - bcopy((char *)oip, (char *)&icmp->icmp_ip, MIN(ohlen, avail)); - oip->ip_len = slen; - oip->ip_off = soff; - avail -= MIN(ohlen, avail); - } - -#ifdef USE_INET6 - ip6 = (ip6_t *)ip; - if (fin->fin_v == 6) { - ip6->ip6_flow = 0; - ip6->ip6_plen = htons(iclen - hlen); - ip6->ip6_nxt = IPPROTO_ICMPV6; - ip6->ip6_hlim = 0; - ip6->ip6_src = dst6; - ip6->ip6_dst = oip6->ip6_src; - if (avail) - bcopy((char *)oip + ohlen, - (char *)&icmp->icmp_ip + ohlen, avail); - icmp->icmp_cksum = in6_cksum(m, IPPROTO_ICMPV6, - sizeof(*ip6), iclen - hlen); - } else -#endif - { - - ip->ip_src.s_addr = dst4.s_addr; - ip->ip_dst.s_addr = oip->ip_src.s_addr; - - if (avail > 8) - avail = 8; - if (avail) - bcopy((char *)oip + ohlen, - (char *)&icmp->icmp_ip + ohlen, avail); - icmp->icmp_cksum = ipf_cksum((u_short *)icmp, - sizeof(*icmp) + 8); - ip->ip_len = iclen; - ip->ip_p = IPPROTO_ICMP; - } - - shlen = fin->fin_hlen; - fin->fin_hlen = hlen; - err = send_ip(oip, fin, &m); - fin->fin_hlen = shlen; - - return err; -} - - -# if !defined(IPFILTER_LKM) && !defined(__sgi) && \ - (!defined(__FreeBSD_version) || (__FreeBSD_version < 300000)) -# if (BSD < 199306) -int iplinit __P((void)); - -int -# else -void iplinit __P((void)); - -void -# endif -iplinit() -{ - -# if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) - if (ipl_enable() != 0) -# else - if (iplattach() != 0) -# endif - { - printf("IP Filter failed to attach\n"); - } - ip_init(); -} -# endif /* ! __NetBSD__ */ - - -/* - * Return the length of the entire mbuf. - */ -size_t mbufchainlen(m0) -register struct mbuf *m0; -{ -#if BSD >= 199306 - return m0->m_pkthdr.len; -#else - register size_t len = 0; - - for (; m0; m0 = m0->m_next) - len += m0->m_len; - return len; -#endif -} - - -int ipfr_fastroute(m0, mpp, fin, fdp) -struct mbuf *m0, **mpp; -fr_info_t *fin; -frdest_t *fdp; -{ - register struct ip *ip, *mhip; - register struct mbuf *m = m0; - register struct route *ro; - int len, off, error = 0, hlen, code, sout; - struct ifnet *ifp, *sifp; - struct sockaddr_in *dst; - struct route iproute; - frentry_t *fr; - - ip = NULL; - ro = NULL; - ifp = NULL; - ro = &iproute; - ro->ro_rt = NULL; - -#ifdef USE_INET6 - if (fin->fin_v == 6) { - error = ipfr_fastroute6(m0, mpp, fin, fdp); - if (error != 0) - goto bad; - goto done; - } -#else - if (fin->fin_v == 6) - goto bad; -#endif - -#ifdef M_WRITABLE - /* - * HOT FIX/KLUDGE: - * - * If the mbuf we're about to send is not writable (because of - * a cluster reference, for example) we'll need to make a copy - * of it since this routine modifies the contents. - * - * If you have non-crappy network hardware that can transmit data - * from the mbuf, rather than making a copy, this is gonna be a - * problem. - */ - if (M_WRITABLE(m) == 0) { - if ((m0 = m_dup(m, M_DONTWAIT)) != NULL) { - m_freem(*mpp); - *mpp = m0; - m = m0; - } else { - error = ENOBUFS; - m_freem(*mpp); - goto done; - } - } -#endif - - hlen = fin->fin_hlen; - ip = mtod(m0, struct ip *); - -#if defined(__NetBSD__) && defined(M_CSUM_IPv4) - /* - * Clear any in-bound checksum flags for this packet. - */ -# if (__NetBSD_Version__ > 105009999) - m0->m_pkthdr.csum_flags = 0; -# else - m0->m_pkthdr.csuminfo = 0; -# endif -#endif /* __NetBSD__ && M_CSUM_IPv4 */ - - /* - * Route packet. - */ -#if (defined(IRIX) && (IRIX >= 605)) - ROUTE_RDLOCK(); -#endif - bzero((caddr_t)ro, sizeof (*ro)); - dst = (struct sockaddr_in *)&ro->ro_dst; - dst->sin_family = AF_INET; - dst->sin_addr = ip->ip_dst; - - fr = fin->fin_fr; - if (fdp != NULL) - ifp = fdp->fd_ifp; - else - ifp = fin->fin_ifp; - - /* - * In case we're here due to "to <if>" being used with "keep state", - * check that we're going in the correct direction. - */ - if ((fr != NULL) && (fin->fin_rev != 0)) { - if ((ifp != NULL) && (fdp == &fr->fr_tif)) { -# if (defined(IRIX) && (IRIX >= 605)) - ROUTE_UNLOCK(); -# endif - return 0; - } - } else if (fdp != NULL) { - if (fdp->fd_ip.s_addr != 0) - dst->sin_addr = fdp->fd_ip; - } - -# if BSD >= 199306 - dst->sin_len = sizeof(*dst); -# endif -# if (BSD >= 199306) && !defined(__NetBSD__) && !defined(__bsdi__) && \ - !defined(__OpenBSD__) -# ifdef RTF_CLONING - rtalloc_ign(ro, RTF_CLONING); -# else - rtalloc_ign(ro, RTF_PRCLONING); -# endif -# else - rtalloc(ro); -# endif - - if (!ifp) { - if (!fr || !(fr->fr_flags & FR_FASTROUTE)) { - error = -2; -# if (defined(IRIX) && (IRIX >= 605)) - ROUTE_UNLOCK(); -# endif - goto bad; - } - } - - if ((ifp == NULL) && (ro->ro_rt != NULL)) - ifp = ro->ro_rt->rt_ifp; - - if ((ro->ro_rt == NULL) || (ifp == NULL)) { - if (in_localaddr(ip->ip_dst)) - error = EHOSTUNREACH; - else - error = ENETUNREACH; -# if (defined(IRIX) && (IRIX >= 605)) - ROUTE_UNLOCK(); -# endif - goto bad; - } - - if (ro->ro_rt->rt_flags & RTF_GATEWAY) { -#if (BSD >= 199306) || (defined(IRIX) && (IRIX >= 605)) - dst = (struct sockaddr_in *)ro->ro_rt->rt_gateway; -#else - dst = (struct sockaddr_in *)&ro->ro_rt->rt_gateway; -#endif - } - ro->ro_rt->rt_use++; - -#if (defined(IRIX) && (IRIX > 602)) - ROUTE_UNLOCK(); -#endif - - /* - * For input packets which are being "fastrouted", they won't - * go back through output filtering and miss their chance to get - * NAT'd and counted. - */ - if (fin->fin_out == 0) { - sifp = fin->fin_ifp; - sout = fin->fin_out; - fin->fin_ifp = ifp; - fin->fin_out = 1; - if ((fin->fin_fr = ipacct[1][fr_active]) && - (fr_scanlist(FR_NOMATCH, ip, fin, m) & FR_ACCOUNT)) { - ATOMIC_INCL(frstats[1].fr_acct); - } - fin->fin_fr = NULL; - if (!fr || !(fr->fr_flags & FR_RETMASK)) - (void) fr_checkstate(ip, fin); - - switch (ip_natout(ip, fin)) - { - case 0 : - break; - case 1 : - ip->ip_sum = 0; - break; - case -1 : - error = EINVAL; - goto done; - break; - } - - fin->fin_ifp = sifp; - fin->fin_out = sout; - } else - ip->ip_sum = 0; - - /* - * If small enough for interface, can just send directly. - */ - if (ip->ip_len <= ifp->if_mtu) { -# ifndef sparc -# if (!defined(__FreeBSD__) && !(_BSDI_VERSION >= 199510)) && \ - !(__NetBSD_Version__ >= 105110000) - ip->ip_id = htons(ip->ip_id); -# endif - ip->ip_len = htons(ip->ip_len); - ip->ip_off = htons(ip->ip_off); -# endif -# if defined(__NetBSD__) && defined(M_CSUM_IPv4) -# if (__NetBSD_Version__ > 105009999) - if (ifp->if_csum_flags_tx & IFCAP_CSUM_IPv4) - m->m_pkthdr.csum_flags |= M_CSUM_IPv4; - else if (ip->ip_sum == 0) - ip->ip_sum = in_cksum(m, hlen); -# else - if (ifp->if_capabilities & IFCAP_CSUM_IPv4) - m->m_pkthdr.csuminfo |= M_CSUM_IPv4; - else if (ip->ip_sum == 0) - ip->ip_sum = in_cksum(m, hlen); -# endif -# else - if (!ip->ip_sum) - ip->ip_sum = in_cksum(m, hlen); -# endif /* __NetBSD__ && M_CSUM_IPv4 */ -# if (BSD >= 199306) || (defined(IRIX) && (IRIX >= 605)) -# ifdef IRIX - IFNET_UPPERLOCK(ifp); -# endif - error = (*ifp->if_output)(ifp, m, (struct sockaddr *)dst, - ro->ro_rt); -# ifdef IRIX - IFNET_UPPERUNLOCK(ifp); -# endif -# else - error = (*ifp->if_output)(ifp, m, (struct sockaddr *)dst); -# endif - goto done; - } - - /* - * Too large for interface; fragment if possible. - * Must be able to put at least 8 bytes per fragment. - */ - if (ip->ip_off & IP_DF) { - error = EMSGSIZE; - goto bad; - } - len = (ifp->if_mtu - hlen) &~ 7; - if (len < 8) { - error = EMSGSIZE; - goto bad; - } - - { - int mhlen, firstlen = len; - struct mbuf **mnext = &m->m_act; - - /* - * Loop through length of segment after first fragment, - * make new header and copy data of each part and link onto chain. - */ - m0 = m; - mhlen = sizeof (struct ip); - for (off = hlen + len; off < ip->ip_len; off += len) { -# ifdef MGETHDR - MGETHDR(m, M_DONTWAIT, MT_HEADER); -# else - MGET(m, M_DONTWAIT, MT_HEADER); -# endif - if (m == 0) { - error = ENOBUFS; - goto bad; - } -# if BSD >= 199306 - m->m_data += max_linkhdr; -# else - m->m_off = MMAXOFF - hlen; -# endif - mhip = mtod(m, struct ip *); - bcopy((char *)ip, (char *)mhip, sizeof(*ip)); - if (hlen > sizeof (struct ip)) { - mhlen = ip_optcopy(ip, mhip) + sizeof (struct ip); - mhip->ip_hl = mhlen >> 2; - } - m->m_len = mhlen; - mhip->ip_off = ((off - hlen) >> 3) + (ip->ip_off & ~IP_MF); - if (ip->ip_off & IP_MF) - mhip->ip_off |= IP_MF; - if (off + len >= ip->ip_len) - len = ip->ip_len - off; - else - mhip->ip_off |= IP_MF; - mhip->ip_len = htons((u_short)(len + mhlen)); - m->m_next = m_copy(m0, off, len); - if (m->m_next == 0) { - error = ENOBUFS; /* ??? */ - goto sendorfree; - } -# if BSD >= 199306 - m->m_pkthdr.len = mhlen + len; - m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = NULL; -# endif - mhip->ip_off = htons((u_short)mhip->ip_off); - mhip->ip_sum = 0; - mhip->ip_sum = in_cksum(m, mhlen); - *mnext = m; - mnext = &m->m_act; - } - /* - * Update first fragment by trimming what's been copied out - * and updating header, then send each fragment (in order). - */ - m_adj(m0, hlen + firstlen - ip->ip_len); - ip->ip_len = htons((u_short)(hlen + firstlen)); - ip->ip_off = htons((u_short)(ip->ip_off | IP_MF)); - ip->ip_sum = 0; - ip->ip_sum = in_cksum(m0, hlen); -sendorfree: - for (m = m0; m; m = m0) { - m0 = m->m_act; - m->m_act = 0; - if (error == 0) -# if (BSD >= 199306) || (defined(IRIX) && (IRIX >= 605)) - error = (*ifp->if_output)(ifp, m, - (struct sockaddr *)dst, ro->ro_rt); -# else - error = (*ifp->if_output)(ifp, m, - (struct sockaddr *)dst); -# endif - else - m_freem(m); - } - } -done: - if (!error) - ipl_frouteok[0]++; - else - ipl_frouteok[1]++; - - if (ro->ro_rt != NULL) { - RTFREE(ro->ro_rt); - } - *mpp = NULL; - return error; -bad: - if ((error == EMSGSIZE) && (fin->fin_v == 4)) { - sifp = fin->fin_ifp; - code = fin->fin_icode; - fin->fin_icode = ICMP_UNREACH_NEEDFRAG; - fin->fin_ifp = ifp; - (void) send_icmp_err(ip, ICMP_UNREACH, fin, 1); - fin->fin_ifp = sifp; - fin->fin_icode = code; - } - m_freem(m); - goto done; -} - - -/* - * Return true or false depending on whether the route to the - * given IP address uses the same interface as the one passed. - */ -int fr_verifysrc(ipa, ifp) -struct in_addr ipa; -void *ifp; -{ - struct sockaddr_in *dst; - struct route iproute; - - bzero((char *)&iproute, sizeof(iproute)); - dst = (struct sockaddr_in *)&iproute.ro_dst; -# if (BSD >= 199306) - dst->sin_len = sizeof(*dst); -# endif - dst->sin_family = AF_INET; - dst->sin_addr = ipa; -# if (BSD >= 199306) && !defined(__NetBSD__) && !defined(__bsdi__) && \ - !defined(__OpenBSD__) -# ifdef RTF_CLONING - rtalloc_ign(&iproute, RTF_CLONING); -# else - rtalloc_ign(&iproute, RTF_PRCLONING); -# endif -# else - rtalloc(&iproute); -# endif - if (iproute.ro_rt == NULL) - return 0; - return (ifp == iproute.ro_rt->rt_ifp); -} - - -# ifdef USE_GETIFNAME -char * -get_ifname(ifp) -struct ifnet *ifp; -{ - static char workbuf[64]; - - sprintf(workbuf, "%s%d", ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit); - return workbuf; -} -# endif - - -# if defined(USE_INET6) -/* - * This is the IPv6 specific fastroute code. It doesn't clean up the mbuf's - * or ensure that it is an IPv6 packet that is being forwarded, those are - * expected to be done by the called (ipfr_fastroute). - */ -static int ipfr_fastroute6(m0, mpp, fin, fdp) -struct mbuf *m0, **mpp; -fr_info_t *fin; -frdest_t *fdp; -{ - struct route_in6 ip6route; - struct sockaddr_in6 *dst6; - struct route_in6 *ro; - struct ifnet *ifp; - frentry_t *fr; -#if defined(OpenBSD) && (OpenBSD >= 200211) - struct route_in6 *ro_pmtu = NULL; - struct in6_addr finaldst; - ip6_t *ip6; -#endif - u_long mtu; - int error; - - ro = &ip6route; - fr = fin->fin_fr; - bzero((caddr_t)ro, sizeof(*ro)); - dst6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&ro->ro_dst; - dst6->sin6_family = AF_INET6; - dst6->sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); - dst6->sin6_addr = fin->fin_fi.fi_dst.in6; - - if (fdp != NULL) - ifp = fdp->fd_ifp; - else - ifp = fin->fin_ifp; - - if ((fr != NULL) && (fin->fin_rev != 0)) { - if ((ifp != NULL) && (fdp == &fr->fr_tif)) - return 0; - } else if (fdp != NULL) { - if (IP6_NOTZERO(&fdp->fd_ip6)) - dst6->sin6_addr = fdp->fd_ip6.in6; - } - if (ifp == NULL) - return -2; - -#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) - /* KAME */ - if (IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(&dst6->sin6_addr)) - dst6->sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1] = htons(ifp->if_index); -#endif - rtalloc((struct route *)ro); - - if ((ifp == NULL) && (ro->ro_rt != NULL)) - ifp = ro->ro_rt->rt_ifp; - - if ((ro->ro_rt == NULL) || (ifp == NULL) || - (ifp != ro->ro_rt->rt_ifp)) { - error = EHOSTUNREACH; - } else { - if (ro->ro_rt->rt_flags & RTF_GATEWAY) - dst6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)ro->ro_rt->rt_gateway; - ro->ro_rt->rt_use++; - -#if defined(OpenBSD) && (OpenBSD >= 200211) - ip6 = mtod(m0, ip6_t *); - ro_pmtu = ro; - finaldst = ip6->ip6_dst; - error = ip6_getpmtu(ro_pmtu, ro, ifp, &finaldst, &mtu); - if (error == 0) { -#else -# ifdef IN6_LINKMTU - mtu = IN6_LINKMTU(ifp); -# else -# ifdef ND_IFINFO - mtu = ND_IFINFO(ifp)->linkmtu; -# else - mtu = nd_ifinfo[ifp->if_index].linkmtu; -# endif -# endif -#endif - if (m0->m_pkthdr.len <= mtu) - error = nd6_output(ifp, fin->fin_ifp, m0, - dst6, ro->ro_rt); - else - error = EMSGSIZE; -#if defined(OpenBSD) && (OpenBSD >= 200211) - } -#endif - } - - if (ro->ro_rt != NULL) { - RTFREE(ro->ro_rt); - } - return error; -} -# endif -#else /* #ifdef _KERNEL */ - - -# if defined(__sgi) && (IRIX < 605) -static int no_output __P((struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m, - struct sockaddr *s)) -# else -static int no_output __P((struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m, - struct sockaddr *s, struct rtentry *rt)) -# endif -{ - return 0; -} - - -# ifdef __STDC__ -# if defined(__sgi) && (IRIX < 605) -static int write_output __P((struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m, - struct sockaddr *s)) -# else -static int write_output __P((struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m, - struct sockaddr *s, struct rtentry *rt)) -# endif -{ - ip_t *ip = (ip_t *)m; -# else -static int write_output(ifp, ip) -struct ifnet *ifp; -ip_t *ip; -{ -# endif - char fname[32]; - int fd; - -# if (defined(NetBSD) && (NetBSD <= 1991011) && (NetBSD >= 199606)) || \ - (defined(OpenBSD) && (OpenBSD >= 199603)) - sprintf(fname, "%s", ifp->if_xname); -# else - sprintf(fname, "%s%d", ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit); -# endif - fd = open(fname, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND); - if (fd == -1) { - perror("open"); - return -1; - } - write(fd, (char *)ip, ntohs(ip->ip_len)); - close(fd); - return 0; -} - - -char *get_ifname(ifp) -struct ifnet *ifp; -{ -# if (defined(NetBSD) && (NetBSD <= 1991011) && (NetBSD >= 199606)) || \ - (defined(OpenBSD) && (OpenBSD >= 199603)) - return ifp->if_xname; -# else - static char fullifname[LIFNAMSIZ]; - - sprintf(fullifname, "%s%d", ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit); - return fullifname; -# endif -} - - -struct ifnet *get_unit(ifname, v) -char *ifname; -int v; -{ - struct ifnet *ifp, **ifa, **old_ifneta; - - for (ifa = ifneta; ifa && (ifp = *ifa); ifa++) { -# if (defined(NetBSD) && (NetBSD <= 1991011) && (NetBSD >= 199606)) || \ - (defined(OpenBSD) && (OpenBSD >= 199603)) - if (!strncmp(ifname, ifp->if_xname, sizeof(ifp->if_xname))) -# else - char fullname[LIFNAMSIZ]; - - sprintf(fullname, "%s%d", ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit); - if (!strcmp(ifname, fullname)) -# endif - return ifp; - } - - if (!ifneta) { - ifneta = (struct ifnet **)malloc(sizeof(ifp) * 2); - if (!ifneta) - return NULL; - ifneta[1] = NULL; - ifneta[0] = (struct ifnet *)calloc(1, sizeof(*ifp)); - if (!ifneta[0]) { - free(ifneta); - return NULL; - } - nifs = 1; - } else { - old_ifneta = ifneta; - nifs++; - ifneta = (struct ifnet **)realloc(ifneta, - (nifs + 1) * sizeof(*ifa)); - if (!ifneta) { - free(old_ifneta); - nifs = 0; - return NULL; - } - ifneta[nifs] = NULL; - ifneta[nifs - 1] = (struct ifnet *)malloc(sizeof(*ifp)); - if (!ifneta[nifs - 1]) { - nifs--; - return NULL; - } - } - ifp = ifneta[nifs - 1]; - -# if (defined(NetBSD) && (NetBSD <= 1991011) && (NetBSD >= 199606)) || \ - (defined(OpenBSD) && (OpenBSD >= 199603)) - strncpy(ifp->if_xname, ifname, sizeof(ifp->if_xname)); -# else - ifp->if_name = strdup(ifname); - - ifname = ifp->if_name; - while (*ifname && !isdigit(*ifname)) - ifname++; - if (*ifname && isdigit(*ifname)) { - ifp->if_unit = atoi(ifname); - *ifname = '\0'; - } else - ifp->if_unit = -1; -# endif - ifp->if_output = no_output; - return ifp; -} - - - -void init_ifp() -{ - struct ifnet *ifp, **ifa; - char fname[32]; - int fd; - -# if (defined(NetBSD) && (NetBSD <= 1991011) && (NetBSD >= 199606)) || \ - (defined(OpenBSD) && (OpenBSD >= 199603)) - for (ifa = ifneta; ifa && (ifp = *ifa); ifa++) { - ifp->if_output = write_output; - sprintf(fname, "/tmp/%s", ifp->if_xname); - fd = open(fname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_TRUNC, 0600); - if (fd == -1) - perror("open"); - else - close(fd); - } -# else - - for (ifa = ifneta; ifa && (ifp = *ifa); ifa++) { - ifp->if_output = write_output; - sprintf(fname, "/tmp/%s%d", ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit); - fd = open(fname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_TRUNC, 0600); - if (fd == -1) - perror("open"); - else - close(fd); - } -# endif -} - - -int send_reset(ip, fin) -ip_t *ip; -fr_info_t *fin; -{ - verbose("- TCP RST sent\n"); - return 0; -} - - -int send_icmp_err(ip, code, fin, dst) -ip_t *ip; -int code; -fr_info_t *fin; -int dst; -{ - verbose("- ICMP UNREACHABLE sent\n"); - return 0; -} - - -void frsync() -{ - return; -} - -void m_copydata(m, off, len, cp) -mb_t *m; -int off, len; -caddr_t cp; -{ - bcopy((char *)m + off, cp, len); -} - - -int ipfuiomove(buf, len, rwflag, uio) -caddr_t buf; -int len, rwflag; -struct uio *uio; -{ - int left, ioc, num, offset; - struct iovec *io; - char *start; - - if (rwflag == UIO_READ) { - left = len; - ioc = 0; - - offset = uio->uio_offset; - - while ((left > 0) && (ioc < uio->uio_iovcnt)) { - io = uio->uio_iov + ioc; - num = io->iov_len; - if (num > left) - num = left; - start = (char *)io->iov_base + offset; - if (start > (char *)io->iov_base + io->iov_len) { - offset -= io->iov_len; - ioc++; - continue; - } - bcopy(buf, start, num); - uio->uio_resid -= num; - uio->uio_offset += num; - left -= num; - if (left > 0) - ioc++; - } - if (left > 0) - return EFAULT; - } - return 0; -} -#endif /* _KERNEL */ diff --git a/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_h323_pxy.c b/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_h323_pxy.c deleted file mode 100644 index 1933203e05cd..000000000000 --- a/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_h323_pxy.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,296 +0,0 @@ -/* $FreeBSD$ */ - -/* - * Copyright 2001, QNX Software Systems Ltd. All Rights Reserved - * - * This source code has been published by QNX Software Systems Ltd. (QSSL). - * However, any use, reproduction, modification, distribution or transfer of - * this software, or any software which includes or is based upon any of this - * code, is only permitted under the terms of the QNX Open Community License - * version 1.0 (see licensing.qnx.com for details) or as otherwise expressly - * authorized by a written license agreement from QSSL. For more information, - * please email licensing@qnx.com. - * - * For more details, see QNX_OCL.txt provided with this distribution. - */ - -/* - * Simple H.323 proxy - * - * by xtang@canada.com - * ported to ipfilter 3.4.20 by Michael Grant mg-ipf@grant.org - */ - -#if __FreeBSD_version >= 220000 && defined(_KERNEL) -# include <sys/fcntl.h> -# include <sys/filio.h> -#else -# ifndef linux -# include <sys/ioctl.h> -# endif -#endif - -#define IPF_H323_PROXY - -int ippr_h323_init __P((void)); -void ippr_h323_fini __P((void)); -int ippr_h323_new __P((fr_info_t *, ap_session_t *, nat_t *)); -void ippr_h323_del __P((ap_session_t *)); -int ippr_h323_out __P((fr_info_t *, ap_session_t *, nat_t *)); -int ippr_h323_in __P((fr_info_t *, ap_session_t *, nat_t *)); - -int ippr_h245_new __P((fr_info_t *, ap_session_t *, nat_t *)); -int ippr_h245_out __P((fr_info_t *, ap_session_t *, nat_t *)); -int ippr_h245_in __P((fr_info_t *, ap_session_t *, nat_t *)); - -static frentry_t h323_fr; - -int h323_proxy_init = 0; - -static int find_port __P((int, caddr_t, int datlen, int *, u_short *)); - - -static int find_port(ipaddr, data, datlen, off, port) -int ipaddr; -caddr_t data; -int datlen, *off; -unsigned short *port; -{ - u_32_t addr, netaddr; - u_char *dp; - int offset; - - if (datlen < 6) - return -1; - - *port = 0; - offset = *off; - dp = (u_char *)data; - netaddr = ntohl(ipaddr); - - for (offset = 0; offset <= datlen - 6; offset++, dp++) { - addr = (dp[0] << 24) | (dp[1] << 16) | (dp[2] << 8) | dp[3]; - if (netaddr == addr) - { - *port = (*(dp + 4) << 8) | *(dp + 5); - break; - } - } - *off = offset; - return (offset > datlen - 6) ? -1 : 0; -} - -/* - * Initialize local structures. - */ -int ippr_h323_init() -{ - bzero((char *)&h323_fr, sizeof(h323_fr)); - h323_fr.fr_ref = 1; - h323_fr.fr_flags = FR_INQUE|FR_PASS|FR_QUICK|FR_KEEPSTATE; - MUTEX_INIT(&h323_fr.fr_lock, "H323 proxy rule lock"); - h323_proxy_init = 1; - - return 0; -} - - -void ippr_h323_fini() -{ - if (h323_proxy_init == 1) { - MUTEX_DESTROY(&h323_fr.fr_lock); - h323_proxy_init = 0; - } -} - - -int ippr_h323_new(fin, aps, nat) -fr_info_t *fin; -ap_session_t *aps; -nat_t *nat; -{ - fin = fin; /* LINT */ - nat = nat; /* LINT */ - - aps->aps_data = NULL; - aps->aps_psiz = 0; - - return 0; -} - - -void ippr_h323_del(aps) -ap_session_t *aps; -{ - int i; - ipnat_t *ipn; - - if (aps->aps_data) { - for (i = 0, ipn = aps->aps_data; - i < (aps->aps_psiz / sizeof(ipnat_t)); - i++, ipn = (ipnat_t *)((char *)ipn + sizeof(*ipn))) - { - /* - * Check the comment in ippr_h323_in() function, - * just above fr_nat_ioctl() call. - * We are lucky here because this function is not - * called with ipf_nat locked. - */ - if (fr_nat_ioctl((caddr_t)ipn, SIOCRMNAT, NAT_SYSSPACE| - NAT_LOCKHELD|FWRITE) == -1) { - /*EMPTY*/; - /* log the error */ - } - } - KFREES(aps->aps_data, aps->aps_psiz); - /* avoid double free */ - aps->aps_data = NULL; - aps->aps_psiz = 0; - } - return; -} - - -int ippr_h323_in(fin, aps, nat) -fr_info_t *fin; -ap_session_t *aps; -nat_t *nat; -{ - int ipaddr, off, datlen; - unsigned short port; - caddr_t data; - tcphdr_t *tcp; - ip_t *ip; - - ip = fin->fin_ip; - tcp = (tcphdr_t *)fin->fin_dp; - ipaddr = ip->ip_src.s_addr; - - data = (caddr_t)tcp + (TCP_OFF(tcp) << 2); - datlen = fin->fin_dlen - (TCP_OFF(tcp) << 2); - if (find_port(ipaddr, data, datlen, &off, &port) == 0) { - ipnat_t *ipn; - char *newarray; - - /* setup a nat rule to set a h245 proxy on tcp-port "port" - * it's like: - * map <if> <inter_ip>/<mask> -> <gate_ip>/<mask> proxy port <port> <port>/tcp - */ - KMALLOCS(newarray, char *, aps->aps_psiz + sizeof(*ipn)); - if (newarray == NULL) { - return -1; - } - ipn = (ipnat_t *)&newarray[aps->aps_psiz]; - bcopy((caddr_t)nat->nat_ptr, (caddr_t)ipn, sizeof(ipnat_t)); - (void) strncpy(ipn->in_plabel, "h245", APR_LABELLEN); - - ipn->in_inip = nat->nat_inip.s_addr; - ipn->in_inmsk = 0xffffffff; - ipn->in_dport = htons(port); - /* - * we got a problem here. we need to call fr_nat_ioctl() to add - * the h245 proxy rule, but since we already hold (READ locked) - * the nat table rwlock (ipf_nat), if we go into fr_nat_ioctl(), - * it will try to WRITE lock it. This will causing dead lock - * on RTP. - * - * The quick & dirty solution here is release the read lock, - * call fr_nat_ioctl() and re-lock it. - * A (maybe better) solution is do a UPGRADE(), and instead - * of calling fr_nat_ioctl(), we add the nat rule ourself. - */ - RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_nat); - if (fr_nat_ioctl((caddr_t)ipn, SIOCADNAT, - NAT_SYSSPACE|FWRITE) == -1) { - READ_ENTER(&ipf_nat); - return -1; - } - READ_ENTER(&ipf_nat); - if (aps->aps_data != NULL && aps->aps_psiz > 0) { - bcopy(aps->aps_data, newarray, aps->aps_psiz); - KFREES(aps->aps_data, aps->aps_psiz); - } - aps->aps_data = newarray; - aps->aps_psiz += sizeof(*ipn); - } - return 0; -} - - -int ippr_h245_new(fin, aps, nat) -fr_info_t *fin; -ap_session_t *aps; -nat_t *nat; -{ - fin = fin; /* LINT */ - nat = nat; /* LINT */ - - aps->aps_data = NULL; - aps->aps_psiz = 0; - return 0; -} - - -int ippr_h245_out(fin, aps, nat) -fr_info_t *fin; -ap_session_t *aps; -nat_t *nat; -{ - int ipaddr, off, datlen; - tcphdr_t *tcp; - caddr_t data; - u_short port; - ip_t *ip; - - aps = aps; /* LINT */ - - ip = fin->fin_ip; - tcp = (tcphdr_t *)fin->fin_dp; - ipaddr = nat->nat_inip.s_addr; - data = (caddr_t)tcp + (TCP_OFF(tcp) << 2); - datlen = ip->ip_len - fin->fin_hlen - (TCP_OFF(tcp) << 2); - if (find_port(ipaddr, data, datlen, &off, &port) == 0) { - fr_info_t fi; - nat_t *nat2; - -/* port = htons(port); */ - nat2 = nat_outlookup(fin->fin_ifp, IPN_UDP, IPPROTO_UDP, - ip->ip_src, ip->ip_dst); - if (nat2 == NULL) { - struct ip newip; - struct udphdr udp; - - bcopy((caddr_t)ip, (caddr_t)&newip, sizeof(newip)); - newip.ip_len = fin->fin_hlen + sizeof(udp); - newip.ip_p = IPPROTO_UDP; - newip.ip_src = nat->nat_inip; - - bzero((char *)&udp, sizeof(udp)); - udp.uh_sport = port; - - bcopy((caddr_t)fin, (caddr_t)&fi, sizeof(fi)); - fi.fin_fi.fi_p = IPPROTO_UDP; - fi.fin_data[0] = port; - fi.fin_data[1] = 0; - fi.fin_dp = (char *)&udp; - - nat2 = nat_new(&fi, nat->nat_ptr, NULL, - NAT_SLAVE|IPN_UDP|SI_W_DPORT, - NAT_OUTBOUND); - if (nat2 != NULL) { - (void) nat_proto(&fi, nat2, IPN_UDP); - nat_update(&fi, nat2, nat2->nat_ptr); - - nat2->nat_ptr->in_hits++; -#ifdef IPFILTER_LOG - nat_log(nat2, (u_int)(nat->nat_ptr->in_redir)); -#endif - bcopy((caddr_t)&ip->ip_src.s_addr, - data + off, 4); - bcopy((caddr_t)&nat2->nat_outport, - data + off + 4, 2); - } - } - } - return 0; -} diff --git a/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_rules.c b/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_rules.c deleted file mode 100644 index f080ec5b8324..000000000000 --- a/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_rules.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,229 +0,0 @@ -/* $FreeBSD$ */ - -/* -* Copyright (C) 1993-2000 by Darren Reed. -* -* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted -* provided that this notice is preserved and due credit is given -* to the original author and the contributors. -*/ - -#include <sys/types.h> -#include <sys/time.h> -#include <sys/socket.h> -#if !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__) && !defined(__sgi) -# include <sys/systm.h> -#endif -#include <sys/errno.h> -#include <sys/param.h> -#if !defined(__SVR4) && !defined(__svr4__) && !defined(__hpux) -# include <sys/mbuf.h> -#endif -#if defined(__FreeBSD__) && (__FreeBSD_version > 220000) -# include <sys/sockio.h> -#else -# include <sys/ioctl.h> -#endif /* FreeBSD */ -#include <net/if.h> -#include <netinet/in.h> -#include <netinet/in_systm.h> -#include <netinet/ip.h> -#include <netinet/tcp.h> -#include "netinet/ip_compat.h" -#include "netinet/ip_fil.h" - -#include "netinet/ip_rules.h" - -#ifndef _KERNEL -# include <string.h> -#endif /* _KERNEL */ - -#ifdef IPFILTER_COMPILED - -static u_long in_rule__0[] = { -0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xffffffff, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x80000000, 0x8002, 0, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0, 0x4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 -}; - -static u_long out_rule__0[] = { -0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xffffffff, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x80000000, 0x4002, 0, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0, 0x4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 -}; - -frentry_t *ipf_rules_in_[1] = { - (frentry_t *)&in_rule__0 -}; - -frentry_t *ipfrule_match_in_(fin, passp) -fr_info_t *fin; -u_32_t *passp; -{ - frentry_t *fr = NULL; - - fr = (frentry_t *)&in_rule__0; - return fr; -} - -frentry_t *ipf_rules_out_[1] = { - (frentry_t *)&out_rule__0 -}; - -frentry_t *ipfrule_match_out_(fin, passp) -fr_info_t *fin; -u_32_t *passp; -{ - frentry_t *fr = NULL; - - fr = (frentry_t *)&out_rule__0; - return fr; -} -static frentry_t ipfrule_out_; - -int ipfrule_add_out_() -{ - int i, j, err = 0, max; - frentry_t *fp; - - max = sizeof(ipf_rules_out_)/sizeof(frentry_t *); - for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { - fp = ipf_rules_out_[i]; - fp->fr_next = NULL; - for (j = i + 1; j < max; j++) - if (strncmp(fp->fr_group, - ipf_rules_out_[j]->fr_group, - FR_GROUPLEN) == 0) { - fp->fr_next = ipf_rules_out_[j]; - break; - } - } - - fp = &ipfrule_out_; - bzero((char *)fp, sizeof(*fp)); - fp->fr_type = FR_T_CALLFUNC|FR_T_BUILTIN; - fp->fr_flags = FR_OUTQUE|FR_NOMATCH; - fp->fr_data = (void *)ipf_rules_out_[0]; - fp->fr_dsize = sizeof(ipf_rules_out_[0]); - fp->fr_v = 4; - fp->fr_func = (ipfunc_t)ipfrule_match_out_; - err = frrequest(IPL_LOGIPF, SIOCADDFR, (caddr_t)fp, fr_active, 0); - return err; -} - - -int ipfrule_remove_out_() -{ - int err = 0, i; - frentry_t *fp; - - /* - * Try to remove the outbound rule. - */ - if (ipfrule_out_.fr_ref > 0) { - err = EBUSY; - } else { - i = sizeof(ipf_rules_out_)/sizeof(frentry_t *) - 1; - for (; i >= 0; i--) { - fp = ipf_rules_out_[i]; - if (fp->fr_ref > 1) { - err = EBUSY; - break; - } - } - } - if (err == 0) - err = frrequest(IPL_LOGIPF, SIOCDELFR, - (caddr_t)&ipfrule_out_, fr_active, 0); - if (err) - return err; - - - return err; -} -static frentry_t ipfrule_in_; - -int ipfrule_add_in_() -{ - int i, j, err = 0, max; - frentry_t *fp; - - max = sizeof(ipf_rules_in_)/sizeof(frentry_t *); - for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { - fp = ipf_rules_in_[i]; - fp->fr_next = NULL; - for (j = i + 1; j < max; j++) - if (strncmp(fp->fr_group, - ipf_rules_in_[j]->fr_group, - FR_GROUPLEN) == 0) { - fp->fr_next = ipf_rules_in_[j]; - break; - } - } - - fp = &ipfrule_in_; - bzero((char *)fp, sizeof(*fp)); - fp->fr_type = FR_T_CALLFUNC|FR_T_BUILTIN; - fp->fr_flags = FR_INQUE|FR_NOMATCH; - fp->fr_data = (void *)ipf_rules_in_[0]; - fp->fr_dsize = sizeof(ipf_rules_in_[0]); - fp->fr_v = 4; - fp->fr_func = (ipfunc_t)ipfrule_match_in_; - err = frrequest(IPL_LOGIPF, SIOCADDFR, (caddr_t)fp, fr_active, 0); - return err; -} - - -int ipfrule_remove_in_() -{ - int err = 0, i; - frentry_t *fp; - - /* - * Try to remove the inbound rule. - */ - if (ipfrule_in_.fr_ref > 0) { - err = EBUSY; - } else { - i = sizeof(ipf_rules_in_)/sizeof(frentry_t *) - 1; - for (; i >= 0; i--) { - fp = ipf_rules_in_[i]; - if (fp->fr_ref > 1) { - err = EBUSY; - break; - } - } - } - if (err == 0) - err = frrequest(IPL_LOGIPF, SIOCDELFR, - (caddr_t)&ipfrule_in_, fr_active, 0); - if (err) - return err; - - - return err; -} - -int ipfrule_add() -{ - int err; - - err = ipfrule_add_out_(); - if (err != 0) - return err; - err = ipfrule_add_in_(); - if (err != 0) - return err; - return 0; -} - - -int ipfrule_remove() -{ - int err; - - err = ipfrule_remove_out_(); - if (err != 0) - return err; - err = ipfrule_remove_in_(); - if (err != 0) - return err; - return 0; -} -#endif /* IPFILTER_COMPILED */ diff --git a/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_rules.h b/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_rules.h deleted file mode 100644 index 37e364613d50..000000000000 --- a/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_rules.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -/* $FreeBSD$ */ - -extern int ipfrule_add __P((void)); -extern int ipfrule_remove __P((void)); - -extern frentry_t *ipfrule_match_out_ __P((fr_info_t *, u_32_t *)); -extern frentry_t *ipf_rules_out_[1]; - -extern int ipfrule_add_out_ __P((void)); -extern int ipfrule_remove_out_ __P((void)); - -extern frentry_t *ipfrule_match_in_ __P((fr_info_t *, u_32_t *)); -extern frentry_t *ipf_rules_in_[1]; - -extern int ipfrule_add_in_ __P((void)); -extern int ipfrule_remove_in_ __P((void)); diff --git a/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/y b/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/y deleted file mode 100644 index d9aa6718e895..000000000000 --- a/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/y +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ ------BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY----- -MIIBuwIBAAKBgQCXGsxsgDt2euTDP/IQGY4O4CsKH9NXzI3dQ44L0w3PLYr/JQuY -kB8TLuCFZPIO/nlkubnCQGNnmcyUBlIA654Y7FEPBhLa4BWT6cpF4rfVzCQMq4W9 -ZqXv549OZ0Ejg6ciJ/Udhhjx/TMn6sIojEZmHBdToTtK54119hC6eOxnQwIVAIO3 -p+t6ASypQY8M+h96GZlVmkHRAoGAfK41snqWLcHspLYsIHu2tUwip7GqPPNe7Iej -CX17PiPbt9S5ph8aI6hPVmAUoKpfEb8OMDak3sFAFoDnve/FgOsZS+HKRpJRqUtW -PbBrhvRkQ5N4SWOzK54GXt/aWRTcUoVDz29QiakTfrZtdHeiJTbVNR36JdQ/nIHO -VWTWpcMCgYA4oHMrfK7/LMrjKWOLW8bXanvgL+nMoFVChYqzfBptvd492chAokKa -cr8NJDeT10i98TYooi0AvEthor9PVBDFMA0fj+LdM95HZTr6NIMAtxik8Ici4e7X -S4xWlsjTJQO6Kx7Hfuyt9EH2QkraLXFiFFKudGdvHqHeZ0q3iJ5JXwIVAIGBuoE0 -wrpIyJQuIMYL5HJxQ8wt ------END DSA PRIVATE KEY----- diff --git a/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/y.pub b/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/y.pub deleted file mode 100644 index a225f3922a01..000000000000 --- a/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/y.pub +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -ssh-dss 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 darrenr@freefall.freebsd.org |