path: root/contrib/bc/manuals/dc/EHN.1.md
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+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
+Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+ list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# Name
+dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+**dc** [**-hiPRvVx**] [**-\-version**] [**-\-help**] [**-\-interactive**] [**-\-no-prompt**] [**-\-no-read-prompt**] [**-\-extended-register**] [**-e** *expr*] [**-\-expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-\-file**=*file*...] [*file*...]
+dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It uses a stack (reverse Polish
+notation) to store numbers and results of computations. Arithmetic operations
+pop arguments off of the stack and push the results.
+If no files are given on the command-line, then dc(1) reads from **stdin** (see
+the **STDIN** section). Otherwise, those files are processed, and dc(1) will
+then exit.
+If a user wants to set up a standard environment, they can use **DC_ENV_ARGS**
+(see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). For example, if a user wants the
+**scale** always set to **10**, they can set **DC_ENV_ARGS** to **-e 10k**, and
+this dc(1) will always start with a **scale** of **10**.
+The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
+**-h**, **-\-help**
+: Prints a usage message and quits.
+**-v**, **-V**, **-\-version**
+: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
+**-i**, **-\-interactive**
+: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+**-L**, **-\-no-line-length**
+: Disables line length checking and prints numbers without backslashes and
+ newlines. In other words, this option sets **BC_LINE_LENGTH** to **0** (see
+ the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section).
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+**-P**, **-\-no-prompt**
+: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
+ See the **TTY MODE** section.) This is mostly for those users that do not
+ want a prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1). Most of those users
+ would want to put this option in **DC_ENV_ARGS**.
+ These options override the **DC_PROMPT** and **DC_TTY_MODE** environment
+ variables (see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section).
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+**-R**, **-\-no-read-prompt**
+: Disables the read prompt in TTY mode. (The read prompt is only enabled in
+ TTY mode. See the **TTY MODE** section.) This is mostly for those users that
+ do not want a read prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1). Most of
+ those users would want to put this option in **BC_ENV_ARGS** (see the
+ **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). This option is also useful in hash bang
+ lines of dc(1) scripts that prompt for user input.
+ This option does not disable the regular prompt because the read prompt is
+ only used when the **?** command is used.
+ These options *do* override the **DC_PROMPT** and **DC_TTY_MODE**
+ environment variables (see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section), but only
+ for the read prompt.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+**-x** **-\-extended-register**
+: Enables extended register mode. See the *Extended Register Mode* subsection
+ of the **REGISTERS** section for more information.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+**-z**, **-\-leading-zeroes**
+: Makes bc(1) print all numbers greater than **-1** and less than **1**, and
+ not equal to **0**, with a leading zero.
+ This can be set for individual numbers with the **plz(x)**, plznl(x)**,
+ **pnlz(x)**, and **pnlznl(x)** functions in the extended math library (see
+ the **LIBRARY** section).
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+**-e** *expr*, **-\-expression**=*expr*
+: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
+ order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
+ evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
+ expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
+ If this option is given on the command-line (i.e., not in **DC_ENV_ARGS**,
+ see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section), then after processing all
+ expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-** (**stdin**) was given
+ as an argument at least once to **-f** or **-\-file**, whether on the
+ command-line or in **DC_ENV_ARGS**. However, if any other **-e**,
+ **-\-expression**, **-f**, or **-\-file** arguments are given after **-f-**
+ or equivalent is given, dc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+**-f** *file*, **-\-file**=*file*
+: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
+ through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
+ expressions are evaluated in the order given.
+ If this option is given on the command-line (i.e., not in **DC_ENV_ARGS**,
+ see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section), then after processing all
+ expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-** (**stdin**) was given
+ as an argument at least once to **-f** or **-\-file**. However, if any other
+ **-e**, **-\-expression**, **-f**, or **-\-file** arguments are given after
+ **-f-** or equivalent is given, dc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
+If no files are given on the command-line and no files or expressions are given
+by the **-f**, **-\-file**, **-e**, or **-\-expression** options, then dc(1)
+read from **stdin**.
+However, there is a caveat to this.
+First, **stdin** is evaluated a line at a time. The only exception to this is if
+a string has been finished, but not ended. This means that, except for escaped
+brackets, all brackets must be balanced before dc(1) parses and executes.
+Any non-error output is written to **stdout**. In addition, if history (see the
+**HISTORY** section) and the prompt (see the **TTY MODE** section) are enabled,
+both are output to **stdout**.
+**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
+error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
+**stdout** is closed, as in **dc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
+is done so that dc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
+If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
+it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
+Any error output is written to **stderr**.
+**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
+error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
+**stderr** is closed, as in **dc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
+is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
+to a file.
+If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
+it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
+Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the **NUMBERS**
+section) or a command (see the **COMMANDS** section), is processed and executed,
+in order. Input is processed immediately when entered.
+**ibase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
+interpret constant numbers. It is the "input" base, or the number base used for
+interpreting input numbers. **ibase** is initially **10**. The max allowable
+value for **ibase** is **16**. The min allowable value for **ibase** is **2**.
+The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the
+**T** command.
+**obase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
+output results. It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting
+numbers. **obase** is initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is
+**DC_BASE_MAX** and can be queried with the **U** command. The min allowable
+value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified base.
+The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
+expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a register (see the
+**REGISTERS** section) that sets the precision of any operations (with
+exceptions). **scale** is initially **0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max
+allowable value for **scale** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the **V**
+## Comments
+Comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This is a
+**non-portable extension**.
+Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to **F**, and at
+most **1** period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **DC_NUM_MAX** digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e.,
+**A** equals **10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the
+current value of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit
+in **ibase**.
+Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
+if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
+**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **F** alone always equals decimal
+The valid commands are listed below.
+## Printing
+These commands are used for printing.
+: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and prints a
+ newline after.
+ This does not alter the stack.
+: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops it
+ off of the stack.
+: Pops a value off the stack.
+ If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
+ result is printed as though **obase** is **256** and each digit is
+ interpreted as an 8-bit ASCII character, making it a byte stream.
+ If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
+ without altering anything.
+ Users should use this command when they get lost.
+## Arithmetic
+These are the commands used for arithmetic.
+: The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is pushed
+ onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max *scale* of
+ both operands.
+: The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result is
+ pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max
+ *scale* of both operands.
+: The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result is
+ pushed onto the stack. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
+ **b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result
+ is equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
+ the obvious values.
+: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
+ pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
+ The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+: The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result is
+ pushed onto the stack.
+ Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale**, and
+ 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
+ **max(scale+scale(b),scale(a))**.
+ The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered, and
+ the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the stack.
+ This is equivalent to **x y / x y %** except that **x** and **y** are only
+ evaluated once.
+ The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
+ power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of
+ the result is equal to **scale**.
+ The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
+ value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
+ non-zero.
+: The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and the
+ result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to
+ **scale**.
+ The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
+: If this command *immediately* precedes a number (i.e., no spaces or other
+ commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
+ Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy is
+ negated and pushed onto the stack. This behavior without a number is a
+ **non-portable extension**.
+: The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed back
+ onto the stack. Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation is
+ computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
+ The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
+ integer and non-zero. The second value popped is used as the exponent and
+ must be an integer and non-negative. The third value popped is the base and
+ must be an integer.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
+ **1** is pushed if they are equal, or **0** otherwise.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a **0**, a **1** is
+ pushed; otherwise, a **0** is pushed.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
+ **1** is pushed if the first is less than the second, or **0** otherwise.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
+ **1** is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second, or **0**
+ otherwise.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
+ **1** is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or **0** otherwise.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
+ **1** is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or
+ **0** otherwise.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If they are both non-zero, a
+ **1** is pushed onto the stack. If either of them is zero, or both of them
+ are, then a **0** is pushed onto the stack.
+ This is like the **&&** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
+ operator.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If at least one of them is
+ non-zero, a **1** is pushed onto the stack. If both of them are zero, then a
+ **0** is pushed onto the stack.
+ This is like the **||** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
+ operator.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+## Stack Control
+These commands control the stack.
+: Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
+: Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy onto
+ the stack.
+: Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
+: Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
+## Register Control
+These commands control registers (see the **REGISTERS** section).
+: Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register *r*.
+: Copies the value in register *r* and pushes it onto the stack. This does not
+ alter the contents of *r*.
+: Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the stack
+ of register *r*. The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
+: Pops the value off the top of the stack for register *r* and push it onto
+ the main stack. The previous value in the stack for register *r*, if any, is
+ now accessible via the **l**_r_ command.
+## Parameters
+These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale**. Also
+see the **SYNTAX** section.
+: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **ibase**,
+ which must be between **2** and **16**, inclusive.
+ If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
+: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **obase**,
+ which must be between **2** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
+ **LIMITS** section).
+ If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
+: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **scale**,
+ which must be non-negative.
+ If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
+: Pushes the current value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
+: Pushes the current value of **obase** onto the main stack.
+: Pushes the current value of **scale** onto the main stack.
+: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **obase** onto the main stack.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **scale** onto the main stack.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+## Strings
+The following commands control strings.
+dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
+**REGISTERS** section) can hold both strings and numbers. dc(1) always knows
+whether the contents of a register are a string or a number.
+While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an error if
+given a string, other commands accept strings.
+Strings can also be executed as macros. For example, if the string **[1pR]** is
+executed as a macro, then the code **1pR** is executed, meaning that the **1**
+will be printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
+: Makes a string containing *characters* and pushes it onto the stack.
+ If there are brackets (**\[** and **\]**) in the string, then they must be
+ balanced. Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (**\\**)
+ character.
+ If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
+ (even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the (first)
+ backslash is not.
+: The value on top of the stack is popped.
+ If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken. The
+ result mod **256** is calculated. If that result is **0**, push an empty
+ string; otherwise, push a one-character string where the character is the
+ result of the mod interpreted as an ASCII character.
+ If it is a string, then a new string is made. If the original string is
+ empty, the new string is empty. If it is not, then the first character of
+ the original string is used to create the new string as a one-character
+ string. The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
+ If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
+ If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
+ This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
+ command or by the conditional execution commands below.
+: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
+ the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of register
+ *r* are executed.
+ For example, **0 1>a** will execute the contents of register **a**, and
+ **1 0>a** will not.
+ If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
+ and reset (see the **RESET** section).
+: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
+ If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
+ and reset (see the **RESET** section).
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
+ the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal to), then
+ the contents of register *r* are executed.
+ If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
+ and reset (see the **RESET** section).
+: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
+ If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
+ and reset (see the **RESET** section).
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
+ the first value is less than the second, then the contents of register *r*
+ are executed.
+ If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
+ and reset (see the **RESET** section).
+: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
+ If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
+ and reset (see the **RESET** section).
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
+ the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal to), then
+ the contents of register *r* are executed.
+ If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
+ and reset (see the **RESET** section).
+: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
+ If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
+ and reset (see the **RESET** section).
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
+ the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register *r*
+ are executed.
+ If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
+ and reset (see the **RESET** section).
+: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
+ If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
+ and reset (see the **RESET** section).
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
+ the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of register
+ *r* are executed.
+ If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
+ and reset (see the **RESET** section).
+: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
+ If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
+ and reset (see the **RESET** section).
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+: Reads a line from the **stdin** and executes it. This is to allow macros to
+ request input from users.
+: During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and the
+ execution of the macro that executed it. If there are no macros, or only one
+ macro executing, dc(1) exits.
+: Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
+ number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack. If the number
+ of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing macros, dc(1)
+ exits.
+: Pushes the depth of the execution stack onto the stack. The execution stack
+ is the stack of string executions. The number that is pushed onto the stack
+ is exactly as many as is needed to make dc(1) exit with the **Q** command,
+ so the sequence **,Q** will make dc(1) exit.
+## Status
+These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
+: Pops a value off of the stack.
+ If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits it
+ has and pushes the result. It will push **1** if the argument is **0** with
+ no decimal places.
+ If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
+: Pops a value off of the stack.
+ If it is a number, pushes the *scale* of the value onto the stack.
+ If it is a string, pushes **0**.
+: Pushes the current depth of the stack (before execution of this command)
+ onto the stack.
+: Pushes the current stack depth of the register *r* onto the main stack.
+ Because each register has a depth of **1** (with the value **0** in the top
+ item) when dc(1) starts, dc(1) requires that each register's stack must
+ always have at least one item; dc(1) will give an error and reset otherwise
+ (see the **RESET** section). This means that this command will never push
+ **0**.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+## Arrays
+These commands manipulate arrays.
+: Pops the top two values off of the stack. The second value will be stored in
+ the array *r* (see the **REGISTERS** section), indexed by the first value.
+: Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the array
+ *r*. The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
+: Pushes the length of the array *r* onto the stack.
+ This is a **non-portable extension**.
+## Global Settings
+These commands retrieve global settings. These are the only commands that
+require multiple specific characters, and all of them begin with the letter
+**g**. Only the characters below are allowed after the character **g**; any
+other character produces a parse error (see the **ERRORS** section).
+: Pushes the line length set by **DC_LINE_LENGTH** (see the **ENVIRONMENT
+ VARIABLES** section) onto the stack.
+: Pushes **0** onto the stack if the leading zero setting has not been enabled
+ with the **-z** or **-\-leading-zeroes** options (see the **OPTIONS**
+ section), non-zero otherwise.
+Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays. (Number/string
+registers do not interfere with array registers.)
+Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is the top of
+the stack for the register. All registers, when first referenced, have one value
+(**0**) in their stack, and it is a runtime error to attempt to pop that item
+off of the register stack.
+In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single character that
+follows any command that needs a register name. The only exceptions are: a
+newline (**'\\n'**) and a left bracket (**'['**); it is a parse error for a
+newline or a left bracket to be used as a register name.
+## Extended Register Mode
+Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly unlimited
+amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
+If extended register mode is enabled (**-x** or **-\-extended-register**
+command-line arguments are given), then normal single character registers are
+used *unless* the character immediately following a command that needs a
+register name is a space (according to **isspace()**) and not a newline
+In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
+**\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\*** (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse error if
+the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
+When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
+for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
+First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
+The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
+the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
+macros returned) is skipped.
+Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
+Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
+**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
+appropriate return code.
+Most dc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
+decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This dc(1) does something
+It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
+built in a environment where **DC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
+**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
+where **DC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
+value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
+In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
+integer type depends on the value of **DC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
+twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
+The following are the limits on dc(1):
+: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where dc(1) was
+ built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
+ large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
+: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
+ section). Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
+: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
+ **DC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **DC_BASE_DIGS**.
+: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
+ hold. Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
+: The maximum output base. Set at **DC_BASE_POW**.
+: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
+: The maximum **scale**. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
+: The maximum length of strings. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
+: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
+: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
+ after the decimal point. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
+: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
+Number of vars
+: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
+(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
+become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
+be hit.
+dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
+: This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1). They should be
+ in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
+ processed first, so any files given in **DC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
+ before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
+ the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
+ invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
+ functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs. Another use would
+ be to use the **-e** option to set **scale** to a value other than **0**.
+ The code that parses **DC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
+ but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
+ **"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
+ **"/home/gavin/some \"dc\" file.dc"** will include the backslashes.
+ The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
+ if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
+ double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'dc' file.dc"**, and vice
+ versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
+ both kinds of quotes in **DC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
+ complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
+ command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
+: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
+ than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), dc(1) will output
+ lines to that length, including the backslash newline combo. The default
+ line length is **70**.
+ The special value of **0** will disable line length checking and print
+ numbers without regard to line length and without backslashes and newlines.
+: If dc(1) is not in interactive mode (see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section),
+ then this environment variable has no effect because dc(1) exits on
+ **SIGINT** when not in interactive mode.
+ However, when dc(1) is in interactive mode, then if this environment
+ variable exists and contains an integer, a non-zero value makes dc(1) reset
+ on **SIGINT**, rather than exit, and zero makes dc(1) exit. If this
+ environment variable exists and is *not* an integer, then dc(1) will exit on
+ **SIGINT**.
+ This environment variable overrides the default, which can be queried with
+ the **-h** or **-\-help** options.
+: If TTY mode is *not* available (see the **TTY MODE** section), then this
+ environment variable has no effect.
+ However, when TTY mode is available, then if this environment variable
+ exists and contains an integer, then a non-zero value makes dc(1) use TTY
+ mode, and zero makes dc(1) not use TTY mode.
+ This environment variable overrides the default, which can be queried with
+ the **-h** or **-\-help** options.
+: If TTY mode is *not* available (see the **TTY MODE** section), then this
+ environment variable has no effect.
+ However, when TTY mode is available, then if this environment variable
+ exists and contains an integer, a non-zero value makes dc(1) use a prompt,
+ and zero or a non-integer makes dc(1) not use a prompt. If this environment
+ variable does not exist and **DC_TTY_MODE** does, then the value of the
+ **DC_TTY_MODE** environment variable is used.
+ This environment variable and the **DC_TTY_MODE** environment variable
+ override the default, which can be queried with the **-h** or **-\-help**
+ options.
+dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+: No error.
+: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
+ expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
+ execution.
+ Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
+ number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
+ overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, overflow when
+ calculating the size of a number, and attempting to use a non-integer where
+ an integer is required.
+ Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
+ (**\^**) operator.
+: A parse error occurred.
+ Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
+ to find the end of a string or comment, and using a token where it is
+ invalid.
+: A runtime error occurred.
+ Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to any global (**ibase**,
+ **obase**, or **scale**), giving a bad expression to a **read()** call,
+ calling **read()** inside of a **read()** call, type errors (including
+ attempting to execute a number), and attempting an operation when the stack
+ has too few elements.
+: A fatal error occurred.
+ Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
+ files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (dc(1)
+ only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
+ and giving invalid command-line options.
+The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1) always exits
+and returns **4**, no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
+The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in interactive mode
+(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since dc(1) resets its state (see the
+**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
+interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
+**-i** flag or **-\-interactive** option.
+These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
+checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
+**-\-interactive** option.
+Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
+are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **-\-interactive** option can
+turn it on in other situations.
+In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
+section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
+done for the current input. dc(1) may also reset on **SIGINT** instead of exit,
+depending on the contents of, or default for, the **DC_SIGINT_RESET**
+environment variable (see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section).
+If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, then "TTY
+mode" is considered to be available, and thus, dc(1) can turn on TTY mode,
+subject to some settings.
+If there is the environment variable **DC_TTY_MODE** in the environment (see the
+**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section), then if that environment variable contains a
+non-zero integer, dc(1) will turn on TTY mode when **stdin**, **stdout**, and
+**stderr** are all connected to a TTY. If the **DC_TTY_MODE** environment
+variable exists but is *not* a non-zero integer, then dc(1) will not turn TTY
+mode on.
+If the environment variable **DC_TTY_MODE** does *not* exist, the default
+setting is used. The default setting can be queried with the **-h** or
+**-\-help** options.
+TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
+in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
+and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
+## Prompt
+If TTY mode is available, then a prompt can be enabled. Like TTY mode itself, it
+can be turned on or off with an environment variable: **DC_PROMPT** (see the
+If the environment variable **DC_PROMPT** exists and is a non-zero integer, then
+the prompt is turned on when **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are connected
+to a TTY and the **-P** and **-\-no-prompt** options were not used. The read
+prompt will be turned on under the same conditions, except that the **-R** and
+**-\-no-read-prompt** options must also not be used.
+However, if **DC_PROMPT** does not exist, the prompt can be enabled or disabled
+with the **DC_TTY_MODE** environment variable, the **-P** and **-\-no-prompt**
+options, and the **-R** and **-\-no-read-prompt** options. See the **ENVIRONMENT
+VARIABLES** and **OPTIONS** sections for more details.
+Sending a **SIGINT** will cause dc(1) to do one of two things.
+If dc(1) is not in interactive mode (see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), or
+the **DC_SIGINT_RESET** environment variable (see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES**
+section), or its default, is either not an integer or it is zero, dc(1) will
+However, if dc(1) is in interactive mode, and the **DC_SIGINT_RESET** or its
+default is an integer and non-zero, then dc(1) will stop executing the current
+input and reset (see the **RESET** section) upon receiving a **SIGINT**.
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If dc(1) is processing
+input from **stdin** in interactive mode, it will ask for more input. If dc(1)
+is processing input from a file in interactive mode, it will stop processing the
+file and start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from
+**stdin** if no other file exists.
+This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to dc(1) as it is executing a file, it
+can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
+start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
+when interacting with dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
+If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
+rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
+**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause dc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
+default handler for all other signals.
+The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the bc(1)
+[IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1] specification.
+None are known. Report bugs at https://git.yzena.com/gavin/bc.
+Gavin D. Howard <gavin@yzena.com> and contributors.
+[1]: https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/bc.html