path: root/crypto/openssh/servconf.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'crypto/openssh/servconf.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 688 deletions
diff --git a/crypto/openssh/servconf.c b/crypto/openssh/servconf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 81551081432a..000000000000
--- a/crypto/openssh/servconf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,688 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1995 Tatu Ylonen <ylo@cs.hut.fi>, Espoo, Finland
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * As far as I am concerned, the code I have written for this software
- * can be used freely for any purpose. Any derived versions of this
- * software must be clearly marked as such, and if the derived work is
- * incompatible with the protocol description in the RFC file, it must be
- * called by a name other than "ssh" or "Secure Shell".
- */
-#include "includes.h"
-RCSID("$OpenBSD: servconf.c,v 1.51 2000/09/07 20:27:53 deraadt Exp $");
-#include "ssh.h"
-#include "servconf.h"
-#include "xmalloc.h"
-#include "compat.h"
-/* add listen address */
-void add_listen_addr(ServerOptions *options, char *addr);
-/* Initializes the server options to their default values. */
-initialize_server_options(ServerOptions *options)
- memset(options, 0, sizeof(*options));
- options->num_ports = 0;
- options->ports_from_cmdline = 0;
- options->listen_addrs = NULL;
- options->host_key_file = NULL;
- options->host_dsa_key_file = NULL;
- options->pid_file = NULL;
- options->server_key_bits = -1;
- options->login_grace_time = -1;
- options->key_regeneration_time = -1;
- options->permit_root_login = -1;
- options->ignore_rhosts = -1;
- options->ignore_user_known_hosts = -1;
- options->print_motd = -1;
- options->check_mail = -1;
- options->x11_forwarding = -1;
- options->x11_display_offset = -1;
- options->xauth_location = NULL;
- options->strict_modes = -1;
- options->keepalives = -1;
- options->log_facility = (SyslogFacility) - 1;
- options->log_level = (LogLevel) - 1;
- options->rhosts_authentication = -1;
- options->rhosts_rsa_authentication = -1;
- options->rsa_authentication = -1;
- options->dsa_authentication = -1;
-#ifdef KRB4
- options->kerberos_authentication = -1;
- options->kerberos_or_local_passwd = -1;
- options->kerberos_ticket_cleanup = -1;
-#ifdef AFS
- options->kerberos_tgt_passing = -1;
- options->afs_token_passing = -1;
- options->password_authentication = -1;
-#ifdef SKEY
- options->skey_authentication = -1;
- options->permit_empty_passwd = -1;
- options->use_login = -1;
- options->num_allow_users = 0;
- options->num_deny_users = 0;
- options->num_allow_groups = 0;
- options->num_deny_groups = 0;
- options->ciphers = NULL;
- options->protocol = SSH_PROTO_UNKNOWN;
- options->gateway_ports = -1;
- options->num_subsystems = 0;
- options->max_startups_begin = -1;
- options->max_startups_rate = -1;
- options->max_startups = -1;
-fill_default_server_options(ServerOptions *options)
- if (options->num_ports == 0)
- options->ports[options->num_ports++] = SSH_DEFAULT_PORT;
- if (options->listen_addrs == NULL)
- add_listen_addr(options, NULL);
- if (options->host_key_file == NULL)
- options->host_key_file = HOST_KEY_FILE;
- if (options->host_dsa_key_file == NULL)
- options->host_dsa_key_file = HOST_DSA_KEY_FILE;
- if (options->pid_file == NULL)
- options->pid_file = SSH_DAEMON_PID_FILE;
- if (options->server_key_bits == -1)
- options->server_key_bits = 768;
- if (options->login_grace_time == -1)
- options->login_grace_time = 600;
- if (options->key_regeneration_time == -1)
- options->key_regeneration_time = 3600;
- if (options->permit_root_login == -1)
- options->permit_root_login = 1; /* yes */
- if (options->ignore_rhosts == -1)
- options->ignore_rhosts = 1;
- if (options->ignore_user_known_hosts == -1)
- options->ignore_user_known_hosts = 0;
- if (options->check_mail == -1)
- options->check_mail = 0;
- if (options->print_motd == -1)
- options->print_motd = 1;
- if (options->x11_forwarding == -1)
- options->x11_forwarding = 0;
- if (options->x11_display_offset == -1)
- options->x11_display_offset = 10;
-#ifdef XAUTH_PATH
- if (options->xauth_location == NULL)
- options->xauth_location = XAUTH_PATH;
-#endif /* XAUTH_PATH */
- if (options->strict_modes == -1)
- options->strict_modes = 1;
- if (options->keepalives == -1)
- options->keepalives = 1;
- if (options->log_facility == (SyslogFacility) (-1))
- options->log_facility = SYSLOG_FACILITY_AUTH;
- if (options->log_level == (LogLevel) (-1))
- options->log_level = SYSLOG_LEVEL_INFO;
- if (options->rhosts_authentication == -1)
- options->rhosts_authentication = 0;
- if (options->rhosts_rsa_authentication == -1)
- options->rhosts_rsa_authentication = 0;
- if (options->rsa_authentication == -1)
- options->rsa_authentication = 1;
- if (options->dsa_authentication == -1)
- options->dsa_authentication = 1;
-#ifdef KRB4
- if (options->kerberos_authentication == -1)
- options->kerberos_authentication = (access(KEYFILE, R_OK) == 0);
- if (options->kerberos_or_local_passwd == -1)
- options->kerberos_or_local_passwd = 1;
- if (options->kerberos_ticket_cleanup == -1)
- options->kerberos_ticket_cleanup = 1;
-#endif /* KRB4 */
-#ifdef AFS
- if (options->kerberos_tgt_passing == -1)
- options->kerberos_tgt_passing = 0;
- if (options->afs_token_passing == -1)
- options->afs_token_passing = k_hasafs();
-#endif /* AFS */
- if (options->password_authentication == -1)
- options->password_authentication = 1;
-#ifdef SKEY
- if (options->skey_authentication == -1)
- options->skey_authentication = 1;
- if (options->permit_empty_passwd == -1)
- options->permit_empty_passwd = 0;
- if (options->use_login == -1)
- options->use_login = 0;
- if (options->protocol == SSH_PROTO_UNKNOWN)
- options->protocol = SSH_PROTO_1|SSH_PROTO_2;
- if (options->gateway_ports == -1)
- options->gateway_ports = 0;
- if (options->max_startups == -1)
- options->max_startups = 10;
- if (options->max_startups_rate == -1)
- options->max_startups_rate = 100; /* 100% */
- if (options->max_startups_begin == -1)
- options->max_startups_begin = options->max_startups;
-/* Keyword tokens. */
-typedef enum {
- sBadOption, /* == unknown option */
- sPort, sHostKeyFile, sServerKeyBits, sLoginGraceTime, sKeyRegenerationTime,
- sPermitRootLogin, sLogFacility, sLogLevel,
- sRhostsAuthentication, sRhostsRSAAuthentication, sRSAAuthentication,
-#ifdef KRB4
- sKerberosAuthentication, sKerberosOrLocalPasswd, sKerberosTicketCleanup,
-#ifdef AFS
- sKerberosTgtPassing, sAFSTokenPassing,
-#ifdef SKEY
- sSkeyAuthentication,
- sPasswordAuthentication, sListenAddress,
- sPrintMotd, sIgnoreRhosts, sX11Forwarding, sX11DisplayOffset,
- sStrictModes, sEmptyPasswd, sRandomSeedFile, sKeepAlives, sCheckMail,
- sUseLogin, sAllowUsers, sDenyUsers, sAllowGroups, sDenyGroups,
- sIgnoreUserKnownHosts, sHostDSAKeyFile, sCiphers, sProtocol, sPidFile,
- sGatewayPorts, sDSAAuthentication, sXAuthLocation, sSubsystem, sMaxStartups
-} ServerOpCodes;
-/* Textual representation of the tokens. */
-static struct {
- const char *name;
- ServerOpCodes opcode;
-} keywords[] = {
- { "port", sPort },
- { "hostkey", sHostKeyFile },
- { "hostdsakey", sHostDSAKeyFile },
- { "pidfile", sPidFile },
- { "serverkeybits", sServerKeyBits },
- { "logingracetime", sLoginGraceTime },
- { "keyregenerationinterval", sKeyRegenerationTime },
- { "permitrootlogin", sPermitRootLogin },
- { "syslogfacility", sLogFacility },
- { "loglevel", sLogLevel },
- { "rhostsauthentication", sRhostsAuthentication },
- { "rhostsrsaauthentication", sRhostsRSAAuthentication },
- { "rsaauthentication", sRSAAuthentication },
- { "dsaauthentication", sDSAAuthentication },
-#ifdef KRB4
- { "kerberosauthentication", sKerberosAuthentication },
- { "kerberosorlocalpasswd", sKerberosOrLocalPasswd },
- { "kerberosticketcleanup", sKerberosTicketCleanup },
-#ifdef AFS
- { "kerberostgtpassing", sKerberosTgtPassing },
- { "afstokenpassing", sAFSTokenPassing },
- { "passwordauthentication", sPasswordAuthentication },
-#ifdef SKEY
- { "skeyauthentication", sSkeyAuthentication },
- { "checkmail", sCheckMail },
- { "listenaddress", sListenAddress },
- { "printmotd", sPrintMotd },
- { "ignorerhosts", sIgnoreRhosts },
- { "ignoreuserknownhosts", sIgnoreUserKnownHosts },
- { "x11forwarding", sX11Forwarding },
- { "x11displayoffset", sX11DisplayOffset },
- { "xauthlocation", sXAuthLocation },
- { "strictmodes", sStrictModes },
- { "permitemptypasswords", sEmptyPasswd },
- { "uselogin", sUseLogin },
- { "randomseed", sRandomSeedFile },
- { "keepalive", sKeepAlives },
- { "allowusers", sAllowUsers },
- { "denyusers", sDenyUsers },
- { "allowgroups", sAllowGroups },
- { "denygroups", sDenyGroups },
- { "ciphers", sCiphers },
- { "protocol", sProtocol },
- { "gatewayports", sGatewayPorts },
- { "subsystem", sSubsystem },
- { "maxstartups", sMaxStartups },
- { NULL, 0 }
- * Returns the number of the token pointed to by cp of length len. Never
- * returns if the token is not known.
- */
-static ServerOpCodes
-parse_token(const char *cp, const char *filename,
- int linenum)
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; keywords[i].name; i++)
- if (strcasecmp(cp, keywords[i].name) == 0)
- return keywords[i].opcode;
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %d: Bad configuration option: %s\n",
- filename, linenum, cp);
- return sBadOption;
- * add listen address
- */
-add_listen_addr(ServerOptions *options, char *addr)
- extern int IPv4or6;
- struct addrinfo hints, *ai, *aitop;
- char strport[NI_MAXSERV];
- int gaierr;
- int i;
- if (options->num_ports == 0)
- options->ports[options->num_ports++] = SSH_DEFAULT_PORT;
- for (i = 0; i < options->num_ports; i++) {
- memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
- hints.ai_family = IPv4or6;
- hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
- hints.ai_flags = (addr == NULL) ? AI_PASSIVE : 0;
- snprintf(strport, sizeof strport, "%d", options->ports[i]);
- if ((gaierr = getaddrinfo(addr, strport, &hints, &aitop)) != 0)
- fatal("bad addr or host: %s (%s)\n",
- addr ? addr : "<NULL>",
- gai_strerror(gaierr));
- for (ai = aitop; ai->ai_next; ai = ai->ai_next)
- ;
- ai->ai_next = options->listen_addrs;
- options->listen_addrs = aitop;
- }
-/* Reads the server configuration file. */
-read_server_config(ServerOptions *options, const char *filename)
- FILE *f;
- char line[1024];
- char *cp, **charptr, *arg;
- int linenum, *intptr, value;
- int bad_options = 0;
- ServerOpCodes opcode;
- int i;
- f = fopen(filename, "r");
- if (!f) {
- perror(filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- linenum = 0;
- while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) {
- linenum++;
- cp = line;
- arg = strdelim(&cp);
- /* Ignore leading whitespace */
- if (*arg == '\0')
- arg = strdelim(&cp);
- if (!*arg || *arg == '#')
- continue;
- opcode = parse_token(arg, filename, linenum);
- switch (opcode) {
- case sBadOption:
- bad_options++;
- continue;
- case sPort:
- /* ignore ports from configfile if cmdline specifies ports */
- if (options->ports_from_cmdline)
- continue;
- if (options->listen_addrs != NULL)
- fatal("%s line %d: ports must be specified before "
- "ListenAdress.\n", filename, linenum);
- if (options->num_ports >= MAX_PORTS)
- fatal("%s line %d: too many ports.\n",
- filename, linenum);
- arg = strdelim(&cp);
- if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
- fatal("%s line %d: missing port number.\n",
- filename, linenum);
- options->ports[options->num_ports++] = atoi(arg);
- break;
- case sServerKeyBits:
- intptr = &options->server_key_bits;
- arg = strdelim(&cp);
- if (!arg || *arg == '\0') {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d: missing integer value.\n",
- filename, linenum);
- exit(1);
- }
- value = atoi(arg);
- if (*intptr == -1)
- *intptr = value;
- break;
- case sLoginGraceTime:
- intptr = &options->login_grace_time;
- goto parse_int;
- case sKeyRegenerationTime:
- intptr = &options->key_regeneration_time;
- goto parse_int;
- case sListenAddress:
- arg = strdelim(&cp);
- if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
- fatal("%s line %d: missing inet addr.\n",
- filename, linenum);
- add_listen_addr(options, arg);
- break;
- case sHostKeyFile:
- case sHostDSAKeyFile:
- charptr = (opcode == sHostKeyFile ) ?
- &options->host_key_file : &options->host_dsa_key_file;
- arg = strdelim(&cp);
- if (!arg || *arg == '\0') {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d: missing file name.\n",
- filename, linenum);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (*charptr == NULL)
- *charptr = tilde_expand_filename(arg, getuid());
- break;
- case sPidFile:
- charptr = &options->pid_file;
- goto parse_filename;
- case sRandomSeedFile:
- fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d: \"randomseed\" option is obsolete.\n",
- filename, linenum);
- arg = strdelim(&cp);
- break;
- case sPermitRootLogin:
- intptr = &options->permit_root_login;
- arg = strdelim(&cp);
- if (!arg || *arg == '\0') {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d: missing yes/without-password/no argument.\n",
- filename, linenum);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "without-password") == 0)
- value = 2;
- else if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0)
- value = 1;
- else if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0)
- value = 0;
- else {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d: Bad yes/without-password/no argument: %s\n",
- filename, linenum, arg);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (*intptr == -1)
- *intptr = value;
- break;
- case sIgnoreRhosts:
- intptr = &options->ignore_rhosts;
- arg = strdelim(&cp);
- if (!arg || *arg == '\0') {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d: missing yes/no argument.\n",
- filename, linenum);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0)
- value = 1;
- else if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0)
- value = 0;
- else {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d: Bad yes/no argument: %s\n",
- filename, linenum, arg);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (*intptr == -1)
- *intptr = value;
- break;
- case sIgnoreUserKnownHosts:
- intptr = &options->ignore_user_known_hosts;
- goto parse_flag;
- case sRhostsAuthentication:
- intptr = &options->rhosts_authentication;
- goto parse_flag;
- case sRhostsRSAAuthentication:
- intptr = &options->rhosts_rsa_authentication;
- goto parse_flag;
- case sRSAAuthentication:
- intptr = &options->rsa_authentication;
- goto parse_flag;
- case sDSAAuthentication:
- intptr = &options->dsa_authentication;
- goto parse_flag;
-#ifdef KRB4
- case sKerberosAuthentication:
- intptr = &options->kerberos_authentication;
- goto parse_flag;
- case sKerberosOrLocalPasswd:
- intptr = &options->kerberos_or_local_passwd;
- goto parse_flag;
- case sKerberosTicketCleanup:
- intptr = &options->kerberos_ticket_cleanup;
- goto parse_flag;
-#ifdef AFS
- case sKerberosTgtPassing:
- intptr = &options->kerberos_tgt_passing;
- goto parse_flag;
- case sAFSTokenPassing:
- intptr = &options->afs_token_passing;
- goto parse_flag;
- case sPasswordAuthentication:
- intptr = &options->password_authentication;
- goto parse_flag;
- case sCheckMail:
- intptr = &options->check_mail;
- goto parse_flag;
-#ifdef SKEY
- case sSkeyAuthentication:
- intptr = &options->skey_authentication;
- goto parse_flag;
- case sPrintMotd:
- intptr = &options->print_motd;
- goto parse_flag;
- case sX11Forwarding:
- intptr = &options->x11_forwarding;
- goto parse_flag;
- case sX11DisplayOffset:
- intptr = &options->x11_display_offset;
- goto parse_int;
- case sXAuthLocation:
- charptr = &options->xauth_location;
- goto parse_filename;
- case sStrictModes:
- intptr = &options->strict_modes;
- goto parse_flag;
- case sKeepAlives:
- intptr = &options->keepalives;
- goto parse_flag;
- case sEmptyPasswd:
- intptr = &options->permit_empty_passwd;
- goto parse_flag;
- case sUseLogin:
- intptr = &options->use_login;
- goto parse_flag;
- case sGatewayPorts:
- intptr = &options->gateway_ports;
- goto parse_flag;
- case sLogFacility:
- intptr = (int *) &options->log_facility;
- arg = strdelim(&cp);
- value = log_facility_number(arg);
- if (value == (SyslogFacility) - 1)
- fatal("%.200s line %d: unsupported log facility '%s'\n",
- filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
- if (*intptr == -1)
- *intptr = (SyslogFacility) value;
- break;
- case sLogLevel:
- intptr = (int *) &options->log_level;
- arg = strdelim(&cp);
- value = log_level_number(arg);
- if (value == (LogLevel) - 1)
- fatal("%.200s line %d: unsupported log level '%s'\n",
- filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
- if (*intptr == -1)
- *intptr = (LogLevel) value;
- break;
- case sAllowUsers:
- while ((arg = strdelim(&cp)) && *arg != '\0') {
- if (options->num_allow_users >= MAX_ALLOW_USERS)
- fatal("%s line %d: too many allow users.\n",
- filename, linenum);
- options->allow_users[options->num_allow_users++] = xstrdup(arg);
- }
- break;
- case sDenyUsers:
- while ((arg = strdelim(&cp)) && *arg != '\0') {
- if (options->num_deny_users >= MAX_DENY_USERS)
- fatal( "%s line %d: too many deny users.\n",
- filename, linenum);
- options->deny_users[options->num_deny_users++] = xstrdup(arg);
- }
- break;
- case sAllowGroups:
- while ((arg = strdelim(&cp)) && *arg != '\0') {
- if (options->num_allow_groups >= MAX_ALLOW_GROUPS)
- fatal("%s line %d: too many allow groups.\n",
- filename, linenum);
- options->allow_groups[options->num_allow_groups++] = xstrdup(arg);
- }
- break;
- case sDenyGroups:
- while ((arg = strdelim(&cp)) && *arg != '\0') {
- if (options->num_deny_groups >= MAX_DENY_GROUPS)
- fatal("%s line %d: too many deny groups.\n",
- filename, linenum);
- options->deny_groups[options->num_deny_groups++] = xstrdup(arg);
- }
- break;
- case sCiphers:
- arg = strdelim(&cp);
- if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
- fatal("%s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
- if (!ciphers_valid(arg))
- fatal("%s line %d: Bad SSH2 cipher spec '%s'.",
- filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
- if (options->ciphers == NULL)
- options->ciphers = xstrdup(arg);
- break;
- case sProtocol:
- intptr = &options->protocol;
- arg = strdelim(&cp);
- if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
- fatal("%s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
- value = proto_spec(arg);
- if (value == SSH_PROTO_UNKNOWN)
- fatal("%s line %d: Bad protocol spec '%s'.",
- filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
- if (*intptr == SSH_PROTO_UNKNOWN)
- *intptr = value;
- break;
- case sSubsystem:
- if(options->num_subsystems >= MAX_SUBSYSTEMS) {
- fatal("%s line %d: too many subsystems defined.",
- filename, linenum);
- }
- arg = strdelim(&cp);
- if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
- fatal("%s line %d: Missing subsystem name.",
- filename, linenum);
- for (i = 0; i < options->num_subsystems; i++)
- if(strcmp(arg, options->subsystem_name[i]) == 0)
- fatal("%s line %d: Subsystem '%s' already defined.",
- filename, linenum, arg);
- options->subsystem_name[options->num_subsystems] = xstrdup(arg);
- arg = strdelim(&cp);
- if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
- fatal("%s line %d: Missing subsystem command.",
- filename, linenum);
- options->subsystem_command[options->num_subsystems] = xstrdup(arg);
- options->num_subsystems++;
- break;
- case sMaxStartups:
- arg = strdelim(&cp);
- if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
- fatal("%s line %d: Missing MaxStartups spec.",
- filename, linenum);
- if (sscanf(arg, "%d:%d:%d",
- &options->max_startups_begin,
- &options->max_startups_rate,
- &options->max_startups) == 3) {
- if (options->max_startups_begin >
- options->max_startups ||
- options->max_startups_rate > 100 ||
- options->max_startups_rate < 1)
- fatal("%s line %d: Illegal MaxStartups spec.",
- filename, linenum);
- break;
- }
- intptr = &options->max_startups;
- goto parse_int;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d: Missing handler for opcode %s (%d)\n",
- filename, linenum, arg, opcode);
- exit(1);
- }
- if ((arg = strdelim(&cp)) != NULL && *arg != '\0') {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s line %d: garbage at end of line; \"%.200s\".\n",
- filename, linenum, arg);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- fclose(f);
- if (bad_options > 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: terminating, %d bad configuration options\n",
- filename, bad_options);
- exit(1);
- }