//===- InputFile.cpp ------------------------------------------ *- C++ --*-===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "InputFile.h" #include "FormatUtil.h" #include "LinePrinter.h" #include "llvm/BinaryFormat/Magic.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/CodeView.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/LazyRandomTypeCollection.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/StringsAndChecksums.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/DbiStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/NativeSession.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/PDBFile.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/PDBStringTable.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/RawError.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/TpiStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDB.h" #include "llvm/Object/COFF.h" #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h" #include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::codeview; using namespace llvm::object; using namespace llvm::pdb; InputFile::InputFile() {} InputFile::~InputFile() {} static Expected getModuleDebugStream(PDBFile &File, StringRef &ModuleName, uint32_t Index) { ExitOnError Err("Unexpected error: "); auto &Dbi = Err(File.getPDBDbiStream()); const auto &Modules = Dbi.modules(); if (Index >= Modules.getModuleCount()) return make_error(raw_error_code::index_out_of_bounds, "Invalid module index"); auto Modi = Modules.getModuleDescriptor(Index); ModuleName = Modi.getModuleName(); uint16_t ModiStream = Modi.getModuleStreamIndex(); if (ModiStream == kInvalidStreamIndex) return make_error(raw_error_code::no_stream, "Module stream not present"); auto ModStreamData = File.createIndexedStream(ModiStream); ModuleDebugStreamRef ModS(Modi, std::move(ModStreamData)); if (auto EC = ModS.reload()) return make_error(raw_error_code::corrupt_file, "Invalid module stream"); return std::move(ModS); } static inline bool isCodeViewDebugSubsection(object::SectionRef Section, StringRef Name, BinaryStreamReader &Reader) { if (Expected NameOrErr = Section.getName()) { if (*NameOrErr != Name) return false; } else { consumeError(NameOrErr.takeError()); return false; } Expected ContentsOrErr = Section.getContents(); if (!ContentsOrErr) { consumeError(ContentsOrErr.takeError()); return false; } Reader = BinaryStreamReader(*ContentsOrErr, support::little); uint32_t Magic; if (Reader.bytesRemaining() < sizeof(uint32_t)) return false; cantFail(Reader.readInteger(Magic)); if (Magic != COFF::DEBUG_SECTION_MAGIC) return false; return true; } static inline bool isDebugSSection(object::SectionRef Section, DebugSubsectionArray &Subsections) { BinaryStreamReader Reader; if (!isCodeViewDebugSubsection(Section, ".debug$S", Reader)) return false; cantFail(Reader.readArray(Subsections, Reader.bytesRemaining())); return true; } static bool isDebugTSection(SectionRef Section, CVTypeArray &Types) { BinaryStreamReader Reader; if (!isCodeViewDebugSubsection(Section, ".debug$T", Reader) && !isCodeViewDebugSubsection(Section, ".debug$P", Reader)) return false; cantFail(Reader.readArray(Types, Reader.bytesRemaining())); return true; } static std::string formatChecksumKind(FileChecksumKind Kind) { switch (Kind) { RETURN_CASE(FileChecksumKind, None, "None"); RETURN_CASE(FileChecksumKind, MD5, "MD5"); RETURN_CASE(FileChecksumKind, SHA1, "SHA-1"); RETURN_CASE(FileChecksumKind, SHA256, "SHA-256"); } return formatUnknownEnum(Kind); } template static void formatInternal(LinePrinter &Printer, bool Append, Args &&... args) { if (Append) Printer.format(std::forward(args)...); else Printer.formatLine(std::forward(args)...); } SymbolGroup::SymbolGroup(InputFile *File, uint32_t GroupIndex) : File(File) { if (!File) return; if (File->isPdb()) initializeForPdb(GroupIndex); else { Name = ".debug$S"; uint32_t I = 0; for (const auto &S : File->obj().sections()) { DebugSubsectionArray SS; if (!isDebugSSection(S, SS)) continue; if (!SC.hasChecksums() || !SC.hasStrings()) SC.initialize(SS); if (I == GroupIndex) Subsections = SS; if (SC.hasChecksums() && SC.hasStrings()) break; } rebuildChecksumMap(); } } StringRef SymbolGroup::name() const { return Name; } void SymbolGroup::updateDebugS(const codeview::DebugSubsectionArray &SS) { Subsections = SS; } void SymbolGroup::updatePdbModi(uint32_t Modi) { initializeForPdb(Modi); } void SymbolGroup::initializeForPdb(uint32_t Modi) { assert(File && File->isPdb()); // PDB always uses the same string table, but each module has its own // checksums. So we only set the strings if they're not already set. if (!SC.hasStrings()) { auto StringTable = File->pdb().getStringTable(); if (StringTable) SC.setStrings(StringTable->getStringTable()); else consumeError(StringTable.takeError()); } SC.resetChecksums(); auto MDS = getModuleDebugStream(File->pdb(), Name, Modi); if (!MDS) { consumeError(MDS.takeError()); return; } DebugStream = std::make_shared(std::move(*MDS)); Subsections = DebugStream->getSubsectionsArray(); SC.initialize(Subsections); rebuildChecksumMap(); } void SymbolGroup::rebuildChecksumMap() { if (!SC.hasChecksums()) return; for (const auto &Entry : SC.checksums()) { auto S = SC.strings().getString(Entry.FileNameOffset); if (!S) continue; ChecksumsByFile[*S] = Entry; } } const ModuleDebugStreamRef &SymbolGroup::getPdbModuleStream() const { assert(File && File->isPdb() && DebugStream); return *DebugStream; } Expected SymbolGroup::getNameFromStringTable(uint32_t Offset) const { return SC.strings().getString(Offset); } void SymbolGroup::formatFromFileName(LinePrinter &Printer, StringRef File, bool Append) const { auto FC = ChecksumsByFile.find(File); if (FC == ChecksumsByFile.end()) { formatInternal(Printer, Append, "- (no checksum) {0}", File); return; } formatInternal(Printer, Append, "- ({0}: {1}) {2}", formatChecksumKind(FC->getValue().Kind), toHex(FC->getValue().Checksum), File); } void SymbolGroup::formatFromChecksumsOffset(LinePrinter &Printer, uint32_t Offset, bool Append) const { if (!SC.hasChecksums()) { formatInternal(Printer, Append, "(unknown file name offset {0})", Offset); return; } auto Iter = SC.checksums().getArray().at(Offset); if (Iter == SC.checksums().getArray().end()) { formatInternal(Printer, Append, "(unknown file name offset {0})", Offset); return; } uint32_t FO = Iter->FileNameOffset; auto ExpectedFile = getNameFromStringTable(FO); if (!ExpectedFile) { formatInternal(Printer, Append, "(unknown file name offset {0})", Offset); consumeError(ExpectedFile.takeError()); return; } if (Iter->Kind == FileChecksumKind::None) { formatInternal(Printer, Append, "{0} (no checksum)", *ExpectedFile); } else { formatInternal(Printer, Append, "{0} ({1}: {2})", *ExpectedFile, formatChecksumKind(Iter->Kind), toHex(Iter->Checksum)); } } Expected InputFile::open(StringRef Path, bool AllowUnknownFile) { InputFile IF; if (!llvm::sys::fs::exists(Path)) return make_error(formatv("File {0} not found", Path), inconvertibleErrorCode()); file_magic Magic; if (auto EC = identify_magic(Path, Magic)) return make_error( formatv("Unable to identify file type for file {0}", Path), EC); if (Magic == file_magic::coff_object) { Expected> BinaryOrErr = createBinary(Path); if (!BinaryOrErr) return BinaryOrErr.takeError(); IF.CoffObject = std::move(*BinaryOrErr); IF.PdbOrObj = llvm::cast(IF.CoffObject.getBinary()); return std::move(IF); } if (Magic == file_magic::pdb) { std::unique_ptr Session; if (auto Err = loadDataForPDB(PDB_ReaderType::Native, Path, Session)) return std::move(Err); IF.PdbSession.reset(static_cast(Session.release())); IF.PdbOrObj = &IF.PdbSession->getPDBFile(); return std::move(IF); } if (!AllowUnknownFile) return make_error( formatv("File {0} is not a supported file type", Path), inconvertibleErrorCode()); auto Result = MemoryBuffer::getFile(Path, /*IsText=*/false, /*RequiresNullTerminator=*/false); if (!Result) return make_error( formatv("File {0} could not be opened", Path), Result.getError()); IF.UnknownFile = std::move(*Result); IF.PdbOrObj = IF.UnknownFile.get(); return std::move(IF); } PDBFile &InputFile::pdb() { assert(isPdb()); return *PdbOrObj.get(); } const PDBFile &InputFile::pdb() const { assert(isPdb()); return *PdbOrObj.get(); } object::COFFObjectFile &InputFile::obj() { assert(isObj()); return *PdbOrObj.get(); } const object::COFFObjectFile &InputFile::obj() const { assert(isObj()); return *PdbOrObj.get(); } MemoryBuffer &InputFile::unknown() { assert(isUnknown()); return *PdbOrObj.get(); } const MemoryBuffer &InputFile::unknown() const { assert(isUnknown()); return *PdbOrObj.get(); } StringRef InputFile::getFilePath() const { if (isPdb()) return pdb().getFilePath(); if (isObj()) return obj().getFileName(); assert(isUnknown()); return unknown().getBufferIdentifier(); } bool InputFile::hasTypes() const { if (isPdb()) return pdb().hasPDBTpiStream(); for (const auto &Section : obj().sections()) { CVTypeArray Types; if (isDebugTSection(Section, Types)) return true; } return false; } bool InputFile::hasIds() const { if (isObj()) return false; return pdb().hasPDBIpiStream(); } bool InputFile::isPdb() const { return PdbOrObj.is(); } bool InputFile::isObj() const { return PdbOrObj.is(); } bool InputFile::isUnknown() const { return PdbOrObj.is(); } codeview::LazyRandomTypeCollection & InputFile::getOrCreateTypeCollection(TypeCollectionKind Kind) { if (Types && Kind == kTypes) return *Types; if (Ids && Kind == kIds) return *Ids; if (Kind == kIds) { assert(isPdb() && pdb().hasPDBIpiStream()); } // If the collection was already initialized, we should have just returned it // in step 1. if (isPdb()) { TypeCollectionPtr &Collection = (Kind == kIds) ? Ids : Types; auto &Stream = cantFail((Kind == kIds) ? pdb().getPDBIpiStream() : pdb().getPDBTpiStream()); auto &Array = Stream.typeArray(); uint32_t Count = Stream.getNumTypeRecords(); auto Offsets = Stream.getTypeIndexOffsets(); Collection = std::make_unique(Array, Count, Offsets); return *Collection; } assert(isObj()); assert(Kind == kTypes); assert(!Types); for (const auto &Section : obj().sections()) { CVTypeArray Records; if (!isDebugTSection(Section, Records)) continue; Types = std::make_unique(Records, 100); return *Types; } Types = std::make_unique(100); return *Types; } codeview::LazyRandomTypeCollection &InputFile::types() { return getOrCreateTypeCollection(kTypes); } codeview::LazyRandomTypeCollection &InputFile::ids() { // Object files have only one type stream that contains both types and ids. // Similarly, some PDBs don't contain an IPI stream, and for those both types // and IDs are in the same stream. if (isObj() || !pdb().hasPDBIpiStream()) return types(); return getOrCreateTypeCollection(kIds); } iterator_range InputFile::symbol_groups() { return make_range(symbol_groups_begin(), symbol_groups_end()); } SymbolGroupIterator InputFile::symbol_groups_begin() { return SymbolGroupIterator(*this); } SymbolGroupIterator InputFile::symbol_groups_end() { return SymbolGroupIterator(); } SymbolGroupIterator::SymbolGroupIterator() : Value(nullptr) {} SymbolGroupIterator::SymbolGroupIterator(InputFile &File) : Value(&File) { if (File.isObj()) { SectionIter = File.obj().section_begin(); scanToNextDebugS(); } } bool SymbolGroupIterator::operator==(const SymbolGroupIterator &R) const { bool E = isEnd(); bool RE = R.isEnd(); if (E || RE) return E == RE; if (Value.File != R.Value.File) return false; return Index == R.Index; } const SymbolGroup &SymbolGroupIterator::operator*() const { assert(!isEnd()); return Value; } SymbolGroup &SymbolGroupIterator::operator*() { assert(!isEnd()); return Value; } SymbolGroupIterator &SymbolGroupIterator::operator++() { assert(Value.File && !isEnd()); ++Index; if (isEnd()) return *this; if (Value.File->isPdb()) { Value.updatePdbModi(Index); return *this; } scanToNextDebugS(); return *this; } void SymbolGroupIterator::scanToNextDebugS() { assert(SectionIter.hasValue()); auto End = Value.File->obj().section_end(); auto &Iter = *SectionIter; assert(!isEnd()); while (++Iter != End) { DebugSubsectionArray SS; SectionRef SR = *Iter; if (!isDebugSSection(SR, SS)) continue; Value.updateDebugS(SS); return; } } bool SymbolGroupIterator::isEnd() const { if (!Value.File) return true; if (Value.File->isPdb()) { auto &Dbi = cantFail(Value.File->pdb().getPDBDbiStream()); uint32_t Count = Dbi.modules().getModuleCount(); assert(Index <= Count); return Index == Count; } assert(SectionIter.hasValue()); return *SectionIter == Value.File->obj().section_end(); }