diff options
authorLarry Rosenman <ler@FreeBSD.org>2017-10-13 00:37:31 +0000
committerLarry Rosenman <ler@FreeBSD.org>2017-10-13 00:37:31 +0000
commitf38c70f1790cd3256aca816f3187012e7690f7a5 (patch)
parent8c3fc7921b226f864a944691c36041358b6c8d1e (diff)
10 files changed, 407 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/math/rexx-regmath/Makefile b/math/rexx-regmath/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..114a481d2524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math/rexx-regmath/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Created by: Bob Eager <bob@eager.cx>
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTNAME= regmath
+MASTER_SITES= http://home.interlog.com/~ptjm/ \
+ http://www.ancientgeek.org.uk/distfiles/
+MAINTAINER= bob@eager.cx
+COMMENT= Two mathematics libraries for Rexx
+BUILD_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/include/rexxsaa.h:lang/rexx-regina
+USES= zip
+CFLAGS+= -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types
+MAKEFILE= Makefile.bsd
+PLIST_FILES= lib/librexxmath.so lib/librxmath.so man/man1/regmath.1.gz
+SUB_FILES= regmath.1 README testrxmath testrexxmath
+PORTDOCS= regmath.pdf
+PORTEXAMPLES= README testrxmath testrexxmath
+ ${INSTALL_LIB} ${WRKSRC}/librexxmath.so ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/
+ ${INSTALL_LIB} ${WRKSRC}/librxmath.so ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/
+ ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKDIR}/regmath.1 ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/man/man1/
+.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/math/rexx-regmath/distinfo b/math/rexx-regmath/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dff8a9002541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math/rexx-regmath/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+TIMESTAMP = 1502836277
+SHA256 (regmath100.zip) = 2de0c43f4c0979bd237c6085406eb817347b6e3534f5f51daff5d83aef0afe8d
+SIZE (regmath100.zip) = 90463
diff --git a/math/rexx-regmath/files/README.in b/math/rexx-regmath/files/README.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e0e6c4e92e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math/rexx-regmath/files/README.in
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+These are really test program rather than examples, but they do show how the two packages are used.
+Bob Eager
+August 2017
diff --git a/math/rexx-regmath/files/patch-Makefile.bsd b/math/rexx-regmath/files/patch-Makefile.bsd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..05e32dbde8ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math/rexx-regmath/files/patch-Makefile.bsd
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+--- Makefile.bsd.orig 2001-11-04 18:09:04 UTC
++++ Makefile.bsd
+@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
+ POPT=-O -fomit-frame-pointer
+ PLFL=-s
+ DEBUG=-g
+-CFLAGS=$(OPT) $(DEBUG) -pipe -fpic -I $$HOME/regina -pipe
++CFLAGS+=$(OPT) $(DEBUG) -pipe -fpic -I $$HOME/regina -pipe -I/usr/local/include
+ LDFLAGS=-Bdynamic -Bshareable $(LFL)
+ LIBS=-lm
+ so=so
diff --git a/math/rexx-regmath/files/patch-rexxmath.c b/math/rexx-regmath/files/patch-rexxmath.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ed92e4c57bb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math/rexx-regmath/files/patch-rexxmath.c
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+--- rexxmath.c.orig 2001-11-04 21:51:10 UTC
++++ rexxmath.c
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
+ static double cotan(const double arg);
+ static double csc(const double arg);
+ static double sec(const double arg);
+-static double round(const double arg);
++static double xround(const double arg);
+ #if defined(__EMX__) || defined(_WIN32)
+ static double acosh(double arg);
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ static struct funclist {
+ "ln", log, /* Log base e ln(x) log x > 0.0 */
+ "log", log, /* Log base e ln(x) log x > 0.0 */
+ "log10", log10, /* Log base 10 log10(x) x > 0.0 */
+- "nint", round, /* nearest integer */
++ "nint", xround, /* nearest integer */
+ "sec", sec, /* secant */
+ "sin", sin, /* sine */
+ "sinh", sinh, /* hyperbolic sine */
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ rxfunc(mathfunc1)
+ checkparam(1,1);
+- afunc.name = fname;
++ afunc.name = (char *) fname;
+ theFunc = (struct funclist *)bsearch(&afunc, mathfuncs,DIM(mathfuncs)
+ , sizeof(*theFunc), findmathfunc);
+@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ rxfunc(mathfact)
+ }
+ /* Nearest integer to x nint(x) */
+-static double round(const double arg)
++static double xround(const double arg)
+ {
+ return floor(arg+.5);
+ }
diff --git a/math/rexx-regmath/files/patch-rxmath.c b/math/rexx-regmath/files/patch-rxmath.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fc70ad9c4fcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math/rexx-regmath/files/patch-rxmath.c
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+--- rxmath.c.orig 2001-11-04 22:23:42 UTC
++++ rxmath.c
+@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ static rxfunc(trigfunc1)
+ rxstrdup(arg, argv[0]);
+ /* argument might be in degrees or grades */
+- if (argc > 2) {
+- switch (argv[2].strptr[0]) {
++ if (argc > 1 && argv[1].strptr != NULL) {
++ switch (argv[1].strptr[0]) {
+ /* degrees -- convert to radians */
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ static rxfunc(trigfunc1)
+ argval = atof(arg) * PI/180.;
+ }
+- result->strlength = setresult(result->strptr, theFunc->fnptr(argval), argc - 1, argv+1);
++ result->strlength = setresult(result->strptr, theFunc->fnptr(argval), argc - 2, argv+2);
+ return 0;
+@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ static rxfunc(trigfunc2)
+ res = theFunc->fnptr(atof(arg));
+ /* result could be needed in degrees or grades */
+- if (argc > 2) {
+- switch (argv[2].strptr[0]) {
++ if (argc > 1 && argv[1].strptr != NULL) {
++ switch (argv[1].strptr[0]) {
+ /* degrees -- convert radians to degrees */
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ static rxfunc(trigfunc2)
+ res *= 180./PI;
+ }
+- result->strlength = setresult(result->strptr, res, argc - 1, argv+1);
++ result->strlength = setresult(result->strptr, res, argc - 2, argv+2);
+ return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/math/rexx-regmath/files/regmath.1.in b/math/rexx-regmath/files/regmath.1.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c366afa3c0a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math/rexx-regmath/files/regmath.1.in
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+.Dd August 16, 2017
+.Nm regmath
+.Nd "Mathematics libraries for Regina REXX interpreter"
+consists of two separate collections of utility functions for use with the Regina REXX interpreter.
+These closely mirror the functions contained in the
+.Em RxMath
+library provided on IBM systems, and the
+.Em RexxMath
+library provided for use with Amiga Rexx.
+As it stands, the
+collections will not work with another REXX interpreter.
+Details of usage are in the full manual, which is normally found at:
+.Pa %%DOCSDIR%%/regmath.pdf
+(if installed).
+The original author's web site at
+.Em http://pages.interlog.com/~pjtm/
+.An "Patrick T J McPhee" (original author)
+.An "Bob Eager" Aq bob@eager.cx
diff --git a/math/rexx-regmath/files/testrexxmath.in b/math/rexx-regmath/files/testrexxmath.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..24a13c2c595d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math/rexx-regmath/files/testrexxmath.in
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * Tests and examples for RexxMath (AMath)
+ *
+ * Bob Eager August 2017
+ *
+ */
+/* Load the library */
+rc = RxFuncAdd('MathLoadFuncs','rexxmath','MathLoadFuncs')
+say 'MathLoadFuncs =>' rc
+call MathLoadFuncs
+say ''
+say '+++ Trig functions (all in radians) +++'
+pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327
+rad30 = 30*(pi/180)
+rad45 = 45*(pi/180)
+rc = Sin(rad30)
+say "Sin(rad30) =>" rc '(should be about 0.5)'
+rc = ASin(0.5)
+say "ASin(0.5) =>" rc '(should be about' format(rad30,1,6)')'
+rc = Cos(rad30)
+say "Cos(rad30) =>" rc '(should be about 0.866025)'
+rc = ACos(0.866025)
+say "ACos(0.866025) =>" rc '(should be about' format(rad30,1,6)')'
+rc = Tan(rad45)
+say "Tan(rad45) =>" rc '(should be about 1)'
+rc = ATan(1)
+say "ATan(1) =>" rc '(should be about' format(rad45,1,6)')'
+rc = ATan(1,1)
+say "ATan(1,1) =>" rc '(should be about' format(rad45,1,6)')'
+rc = CoT(rad30)
+say "CoT(rad30) =>" rc '(should be about 1.73205)'
+rc = CoTan(rad30)
+say "CoTan(rad30) =>" rc '(should be about 1.73205)'
+rc = CSc(rad30)
+say "CSc(rad30) =>" rc '(should be about 2)'
+rc = Sec(rad30)
+say "Secc(rad30) =>" rc '(should be about 1.15470)'
+say ''
+say '+++ Exponential functions +++'
+rc = Exp(0)
+say 'Exp(0) =>' rc '(should be about 1)'
+rc = Exp(1)
+say 'Exp(1) =>' rc '(should be about 2.71828)'
+rc = Log(1)
+say 'Log(1) =>' rc '(should be about 0)'
+rc = Log10(2)
+say 'Log10(2) =>' rc '(should be about 0.30103)'
+rc = Sqrt(2)
+say 'Sqrt(2) =>' rc '(should be about 1.41421)'
+rc = Pow(3,3)
+say 'Pow(3,3) =>' rc '(should be about 27)'
+say ''
+say '+++ Hyperbolic functions +++'
+rc = SinH(2)
+say 'SinH(2) =>' rc '(should be about 3.6268604)'
+rc = ASinH(3.62686)
+say 'ASinH(2) =>' rc '(should be about 2)'
+rc = CosH(2)
+say 'CosH(2) =>' rc '(should be about 3.7621956)'
+rc = ACosH(3.76219)
+say 'ACosH(2) =>' rc '(should be about 2)'
+rc = TanH(2)
+say 'TanH(2) =>' rc '(should be about 0.9640275)'
+rc = ATanH(0.96402)
+say 'ATanH(2) =>' rc '(should be about 2)'
+say ''
+say '+++ Numerical functions +++'
+rc = Ceil(2.4)
+say 'Ceil(2.4) =>' rc '(should be 3)'
+rc = Floor(2.4)
+say 'Floor(2.4) =>' rc '(should be 2)'
+rc = Int(2.4)
+say 'Int(2.4) =>' rc '(should be 2)'
+rc = NInt(2.4)
+say 'NInt(2.4) =>' rc '(should be 2)'
+rc = NInt(2.9)
+say 'NInt(2.9) =>' rc '(should be 3)'
+rc = Fact(3)
+say 'Fact(3) =>' rc '(should be 6)'
+/* end */
diff --git a/math/rexx-regmath/files/testrxmath.in b/math/rexx-regmath/files/testrxmath.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fa72b244280c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math/rexx-regmath/files/testrxmath.in
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ * Tests and examples for RxMath
+ *
+ * Bob Eager August 2017
+ *
+ */
+/* Load the library */
+rc = RxFuncAdd('MathLoadFuncs','rxmath','MathLoadFuncs')
+say 'MathLoadFuncs =>' rc
+call MathLoadFuncs
+say ''
+say '+++ Pi +++'
+rc = RxCalcPi()
+say 'RxCalcPi =>' rc
+say ''
+say '+++ Trig functions using degrees +++'
+rc = RxCalcSin(30)
+say "RxCalcSin(30) =>" rc '(should be about 0.5)'
+rc = RxCalcSin(30,'d')
+say "RxCalcSin(30,'d' =>" rc '(should be about 0.5)'
+rc = RxCalcSin(30,,6)
+say "RxCalcSin(30,,6) =>" rc '(should be about 0.5)'
+rc = RxCalcSin(30,'d',6)
+say "RxCalcSin(30,'d',6) =>" rc '(should be about 0.5)'
+rc = RxCalcArcSin(0.5,'d',6)
+say "RxCalcArcSin(0.5,'d',6) =>" rc '(should be about 30)'
+rc = RxCalcCos(30,'d',6)
+say "RxCalcCos(30,'d',6) =>" rc '(should be about 0.866025)'
+rc = RxCalcArcCos(0.866025,'d',6)
+say "RxCalcArcCos(0.866025,'d',6) =>" rc '(should be about 30)'
+rc = RxCalcTan(45,'d',6)
+say "RxCalcTan(45,'d',6) =>" rc '(should be about 1)'
+rc = RxCalcArcTan(1,'d',6)
+say "RxCalcArcTan(1,'d',6) =>" rc '(should be about 45)'
+rc = RxCalcCotan(30,'d',6)
+say "RxCalcCoTan(30,'d',6) =>" rc '(should be about 1.73205)'
+say ''
+say '+++ Trig functions using radians +++'
+pi = RxCalcPi()
+rad30 = 30*(pi/180)
+rad45 = 45*(pi/180)
+rc = RxCalcSin(rad30,'r',6)
+say "RxCalcSin(rad30,'r',6) =>" rc '(should be about 0.5)'
+rc = RxCalcArcSin(0.5,'r',6)
+say "RxCalcArcSin(0.5,'r',6) =>" rc '(should be about' format(rad30,1,6)')'
+rc = RxCalcCos(rad30,'r',6)
+say "RxCalcCos(rad30,'r',6) =>" rc '(should be about 0.866025)'
+rc = RxCalcArcCos(0.866025,'r',6)
+say "RxCalcArcCos(0.866025,'r',6) =>" rc '(should be about' format(rad30,1,6)')'
+rc = RxCalcTan(rad45,'r',6)
+say "RxCalcTan(rad45,'r',6) =>" rc '(should be about 1)'
+rc = RxCalcArcTan(1,'r',6)
+say "RxCalcArcTan(1,'r',6) =>" rc '(should be about' format(rad45,1,6)')'
+rc = RxCalcCoTan(rad30,'r',6)
+say "RxCalcCoTan(rad30,'r',6) =>" rc '(should be about 1.73205)'
+say ''
+say '+++ Trig functions using gradians +++'
+pi = RxCalcPi()
+grad30 = 30*(400/360)
+grad45 = 45*(400/360)
+rc = RxCalcSin(grad30,'g',6)
+say "RxCalcSin(grad30,'g',6) =>" rc '(should be about 0.5)'
+rc = RxCalcArcSin(0.5,'g',6)
+say "RxCalcArcSin(0.5,'g',6) =>" rc '(should be about' format(grad30,2,6)')'
+rc = RxCalcCos(grad30,'g',6)
+say "RxCalcCos(grad30,'g',6) =>" rc '(should be about 0.866025)'
+rc = RxCalcArcCos(0.866025,'g',6)
+say "RxCalcArcCos(0.866025,'g',6) =>" rc '(should be about' format(grad30,2,6)')'
+rc = RxCalcTan(grad45,'g',6)
+say "RxCalcTan(grad45,'g',6) =>" rc '(should be about 1)'
+rc = RxCalcArcTan(1,'g',6)
+say "RxCalcArcTan(1,'g',6) =>" rc '(should be about' format(grad45,2,6)')'
+rc = RxCalcCotan(grad30,'g',6)
+say "RxCalcCoTan(grad30,'g',6) =>" rc '(should be about 1.73205)'
+say ''
+say '+++ Exponential functions +++'
+rc = RxCalcExp(0)
+say 'RxCalcExp(0) =>' rc '(should be about 1)'
+rc = RxCalcExp(0,6)
+say 'RxCalcExp(0,6) =>' rc '(should be about 1)'
+rc = RxCalcExp(1,6)
+say 'RxCalcExp(1,6) =>' rc '(should be about 2.71828)'
+rc = RxCalcLog(1,6)
+say 'RxCalcLog(1,6) =>' rc '(should be about 0)'
+rc = RxCalcLog10(2,6)
+say 'RxCalcLog10(2,6) =>' rc '(should be about 0.30103)'
+rc = RxCalcSqrt(2,6)
+say 'RxCalcSqrt(2,6) =>' rc '(should be about 1.41421)'
+rc = RxCalcPower(3,3)
+say 'RxCalcPower(3,3) =>' rc '(should be about 27)'
+rc = RxCalcPower(3,3,6)
+say 'RxCalcPower(3,3,6) =>' rc '(should be about 27)'
+say ''
+say '+++ Hyperbolic functions +++'
+rc = RxCalcSinH(2)
+say 'RxCalcSinH(2) =>' rc '(should be about 3.6268604)'
+rc = RxCalcSinH(2,6)
+say 'RxCalcSinH(2,6) =>' rc '(should be about 3.6268604)'
+rc = RxCalcCosH(2,6)
+say 'RxCalcCosH(2,6) =>' rc '(should be about 3.7621956)'
+rc = RxCalcTanH(2,6)
+say 'RxCalcTanH(2,6) =>' rc '(should be about 0.9640275)'
+/* end */
diff --git a/math/rexx-regmath/pkg-descr b/math/rexx-regmath/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..85d51292e2e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math/rexx-regmath/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+RxMath duplicates the interface of IBM's RxMath library, as well as the
+library that comes with ARexx (known here as RexxMath).
+Note that any scripts which load RxMath or RexxMath must be run with the
+'regina' command, rather than 'rexx'; the latter does not support the use
+of external function packages.
+WWW: http://pages.interlog.com/~pjtm/