path: root/audio/amarok-kde4/files
diff options
authorDima Panov <fluffy@FreeBSD.org>2010-05-11 14:52:58 +0000
committerDima Panov <fluffy@FreeBSD.org>2010-05-11 14:52:58 +0000
commited77a113ccba8fb9b4ae5a128726b279a8aa5066 (patch)
tree709ebec97e346a21e3ab772f86234d2aec3a343a /audio/amarok-kde4/files
parent9927cc1520b90b4db144c588c6990782cfe76388 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'audio/amarok-kde4/files')
4 files changed, 80 insertions, 375 deletions
diff --git a/audio/amarok-kde4/files/patch-src__EngineController.cpp b/audio/amarok-kde4/files/patch-src__EngineController.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a1e023bac072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/amarok-kde4/files/patch-src__EngineController.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+diff --git a/src/EngineController.cpp b/src/EngineController.cpp
+index 521e570..3d57dad 100644
+--- ./src/EngineController.cpp
++++ ./src/EngineController.cpp
+@@ -172,10 +172,14 @@
+ connect( m_controller, SIGNAL( titleChanged( int ) ), SLOT( slotTitleChanged( int ) ) );
++ // Gapless Playback is temporarily disabled. Reason: Trying to find a bug in this code that makes
++ // the EngineController stop after each track, with all Phonon backends except the xine backend.
++#if 0
+ if( AmarokConfig::trackDelayLength() > -1 )
+ m_media->setTransitionTime( AmarokConfig::trackDelayLength() ); // Also Handles gapless.
+ else if( AmarokConfig::crossfadeLength() > 0 ) // TODO: Handle the possible options on when to crossfade.. the values are not documented anywhere however
+ m_media->setTransitionTime( -AmarokConfig::crossfadeLength() );
+ }
diff --git a/audio/amarok-kde4/files/patch-src__context__applets__info__InfoApplet.cpp b/audio/amarok-kde4/files/patch-src__context__applets__info__InfoApplet.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8bf95687b0a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/amarok-kde4/files/patch-src__context__applets__info__InfoApplet.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+diff --git a/src/context/applets/info/InfoApplet.cpp b/src/context/applets/info/InfoApplet.cpp
+index 166da4c..e415e98 100644
+--- ./src/context/applets/info/InfoApplet.cpp
++++ ./src/context/applets/info/InfoApplet.cpp
+@@ -40,18 +40,30 @@ QString InfoApplet::s_defaultHtml = "<html>"
+ InfoApplet::InfoApplet( QObject* parent, const QVariantList& args )
+ : Context::Applet( parent, args )
++ , m_webView( 0 )
+ , m_initialized( false )
+ , m_currentPlaylist( 0 )
+ {
+ setHasConfigurationInterface( false );
+ setBackgroundHints( Plasma::Applet::NoBackground );
++ delete m_webView;
++void InfoApplet::init()
+ dataEngine( "amarok-info" )->connectSource( "info", this );
+ m_webView = new AmarokWebView( this );
+ resize( 500, -1 );
+ QPalette p = m_webView->palette();
+ p.setColor( QPalette::Dark, QColor( 255, 255, 255, 0) );
+ p.setColor( QPalette::Window, QColor( 255, 255, 255, 0) );
+@@ -62,11 +74,6 @@ InfoApplet::InfoApplet( QObject* parent, const QVariantList& args )
+ constraintsEvent();
+ }
+- delete m_webView;
+ void InfoApplet::constraintsEvent( Plasma::Constraints constraints )
+ {
+ Q_UNUSED( constraints )
diff --git a/audio/amarok-kde4/files/patch-src__context__applets__info__InfoApplet.h b/audio/amarok-kde4/files/patch-src__context__applets__info__InfoApplet.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5ad4ce71e324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/amarok-kde4/files/patch-src__context__applets__info__InfoApplet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+diff --git a/src/context/applets/info/InfoApplet.h b/src/context/applets/info/InfoApplet.h
+index 4be28fc..775ea7c 100644
+--- ./src/context/applets/info/InfoApplet.h
++++ ./src/context/applets/info/InfoApplet.h
+@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ public:
+ InfoApplet( QObject* parent, const QVariantList& args );
+ virtual ~InfoApplet();
++ void init();
+ void paintInterface( QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, const QRect &contentsRect );
+ void constraintsEvent( Plasma::Constraints constraints = Plasma::AllConstraints );
diff --git a/audio/amarok-kde4/files/patch-src_collection_sqlcollection_ScanResultProcessor.cpp b/audio/amarok-kde4/files/patch-src_collection_sqlcollection_ScanResultProcessor.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c9e59c9055c5..000000000000
--- a/audio/amarok-kde4/files/patch-src_collection_sqlcollection_ScanResultProcessor.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
---- src/collection/sqlcollection/ScanResultProcessor.cpp.orig
-+++ src/collection/sqlcollection/ScanResultProcessor.cpp
-@@ -42,19 +42,59 @@ ScanResultProcessor::ScanResultProcessor( SqlCollection *collection )
- ScanResultProcessor::~ScanResultProcessor()
- {
- //everything has a URL, so enough to just delete from here
-+ QSet<QStringList*> currSet; //prevent double deletes
- foreach( QStringList *list, m_urlsHashByUid )
-- delete list;
-+ {
-+ if( list )
-+ {
-+ if( !currSet.contains( list ) )
-+ {
-+ delete list;
-+ currSet.insert( list );
-+ }
-+ }
-+ else
-+ debug() << "GAAH! Tried to double-delete a value in m_urlsHashByUid";
-+ }
- foreach( QLinkedList<QStringList*> *list, m_albumsHashByName )
- {
-- foreach( QStringList *slist, *list )
-- delete slist;
-- delete list;
-+ if( list )
-+ {
-+ foreach( QStringList *slist, *list )
-+ {
-+ if( slist )
-+ {
-+ if( !currSet.contains( slist ) )
-+ {
-+ delete slist;
-+ currSet.insert( slist );
-+ }
-+ else
-+ debug() << "GAAH! Tried to double-delete a value in m_albumsHashByName";
-+ }
-+ }
-+ delete list;
-+ }
- }
- foreach( QLinkedList<QStringList*> *list, m_tracksHashByAlbum )
- {
-- foreach( QStringList *slist, *list )
-- delete slist;
-- delete list;
-+ if( list )
-+ {
-+ foreach( QStringList *slist, *list )
-+ {
-+ if( slist )
-+ {
-+ if( !currSet.contains( slist ) )
-+ {
-+ delete slist;
-+ currSet.insert( slist );
-+ }
-+ else
-+ debug() << "GAAH! Tried to double-delete a value in m_tracksHashByAlbum";
-+ }
-+ }
-+ delete list;
-+ }
- }
- }
-@@ -67,11 +107,11 @@ ScanResultProcessor::setScanType( ScanType type )
- void
- ScanResultProcessor::addDirectory( const QString &dir, uint mtime )
- {
-- debug() << "SRP::addDirectory on " << dir << " with mtime " << mtime;
-+ //debug() << "SRP::addDirectory on " << dir << " with mtime " << mtime;
- if( dir.isEmpty() )
- {
-- debug() << "got directory with no path from the scanner, not adding";
-+ //debug() << "got directory with no path from the scanner, not adding";
- return;
- }
- setupDatabase();
-@@ -254,7 +294,7 @@ ScanResultProcessor::rollback()
- void
- ScanResultProcessor::processDirectory( const QList<QVariantMap > &data )
- {
- setupDatabase();
- //using the following heuristics:
- //if more than one album is in the dir, use the artist of each track as albumartist
-@@ -274,24 +314,54 @@ ScanResultProcessor::processDirectory( const QList<QVariantMap > &data )
- if( row.value( Field::ALBUM ).toString() != album )
- multipleAlbums = true;
- }
- if( multipleAlbums || album.isEmpty() || artists.size() == 1 )
- {
- foreach( const QVariantMap &row, data )
- {
-- int artist = genericId( &m_artists, row.value( Field::ARTIST ).toString(), &m_nextArtistNum );
-- addTrack( row, artist );
-+ QString uid = row.value( Field::UNIQUEID ).toString();
-+ if( m_uidsSeenThisScan.contains( uid ) )
-+ {
-+ QString originalLocation = ( ( m_urlsHashByUid.contains( uid ) &&
-+ m_urlsHashByUid[uid] != 0 ) ?
-+ MountPointManager::instance()->getAbsolutePath( m_urlsHashByUid[uid]->at( 1 ).toInt(), m_urlsHashByUid[uid]->at( 2 ) ) : "(unknown)" );
-+ debug() << "Skipping file with uniqueid " << uid << " as it was already seen this scan," <<
-+ "file is at " << row.value( Field::URL ).toString() << ", original file is at " << originalLocation;
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ int artist = genericId( &m_artists, row.value( Field::ARTIST ).toString(), &m_nextArtistNum );
-+ //debug() << "artist found = " << artist;
-+ addTrack( row, artist );
-+ m_uidsSeenThisScan.insert( uid );
-+ }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- QString albumArtist = findAlbumArtist( artists, data.count() );
-+ //debug() << "albumArtist found = " << albumArtist;
- //an empty string means that no albumartist was found
- int artist = albumArtist.isEmpty() ? 0 : genericId( &m_artists, albumArtist, &m_nextArtistNum );
-+ //debug() << "artist found = " << artist;
- //debug() << "albumartist " << albumArtist << "for artists" << artists;
- foreach( const QVariantMap &row, data )
- {
-- addTrack( row, artist );
-+ QString uid = row.value( Field::UNIQUEID ).toString();
-+ if( m_uidsSeenThisScan.contains( uid ) )
-+ {
-+ QString originalLocation = ( ( m_urlsHashByUid.contains( uid ) &&
-+ m_urlsHashByUid[uid] != 0 ) ?
-+ MountPointManager::instance()->getAbsolutePath( m_urlsHashByUid[uid]->at( 1 ).toInt(), m_urlsHashByUid[uid]->at( 2 ) ) : "(unknown)" );
-+ debug() << "Skipping file with uniqueid " << uid << " as it was already seen this scan," <<
-+ "file is at " << row.value( Field::URL ).toString() << ", original file is at " << originalLocation;
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ addTrack( row, artist );
-+ m_uidsSeenThisScan.insert( uid );
-+ }
- }
- }
- }
-@@ -299,6 +369,7 @@ ScanResultProcessor::processDirectory( const QList<QVariantMap > &data )
- QString
- ScanResultProcessor::findAlbumArtist( const QSet<QString> &artists, int trackCount ) const
- {
- QMap<QString, int> artistCount;
- bool featuring;
- QStringList trackArtists;
-@@ -371,6 +442,7 @@ void
- ScanResultProcessor::addTrack( const QVariantMap &trackData, int albumArtistId )
- {
-+ //debug() << "albumArtistId = " << albumArtistId;
- //amarok 1 stored all tracks of a compilation in different directories.
- //when using its "Organize Collection" feature
- //try to detect these cases
-@@ -419,7 +491,15 @@ ScanResultProcessor::addTrack( const QVariantMap &trackData, int albumArtistId )
- //urlId will take care of the urls table part of AFT
- int url = urlId( path, uid );
-+ foreach( QString key, m_urlsHashByUid.keys() )
-+ debug() << "Key: " << key << ", list: " << *m_urlsHashByUid[key];
-+ foreach( int key, m_urlsHashById.keys() )
-+ debug() << "Key: " << key << ", list: " << *m_urlsHashById[key];
-+ typedef QPair<int, QString> blahType; //QFOREACH is stupid when it comes to QPairs
-+ foreach( blahType key, m_urlsHashByLocation.keys() )
-+ debug() << "Key: " << key << ", list: " << *m_urlsHashByLocation[key];
- QStringList *trackList = new QStringList();
- int id = m_nextTrackNum;
- //debug() << "Appending new track number with tracknum: " << id;
-@@ -470,7 +550,7 @@ ScanResultProcessor::addTrack( const QVariantMap &trackData, int albumArtistId )
- //insert into hashes
- if( m_tracksHashByUrl.contains( url ) && m_tracksHashByUrl[url] != 0 )
- {
-- //debug() << "m_tracksHashByUrl contains the url!";
-+ //debug() << "m_tracksHashByUrl already contains url " << url;
- //need to replace, not overwrite/add a new one
- QStringList *oldValues = m_tracksHashByUrl[url];
- QString oldId = oldValues->at( 0 );
-@@ -490,8 +570,24 @@ ScanResultProcessor::addTrack( const QVariantMap &trackData, int albumArtistId )
- m_tracksHashById.insert( id, trackList );
- }
-+ //debug() << "album = " << album;
- if( m_tracksHashByAlbum.contains( album ) && m_tracksHashByAlbum[album] != 0 )
-- m_tracksHashByAlbum[album]->append( trackList );
-+ {
-+ //contains isn't the fastest on linked lists, but in reality this is on the order of maybe
-+ //ten quick pointer comparisons per track on average...probably lower
-+ //debug() << "trackList is " << trackList;
-+ if( !m_tracksHashByAlbum[album]->contains( trackList ) )
-+ {
-+ //debug() << "appending trackList to m_tracksHashByAlbum";
-+ m_tracksHashByAlbum[album]->append( trackList );
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ //debug() << "not appending trackList to m_tracksHashByAlbum";
-+ }
-+ }
- else
- {
- QLinkedList<QStringList*> *list = new QLinkedList<QStringList*>();
-@@ -595,6 +691,8 @@ ScanResultProcessor::albumId( const QString &album, int albumArtistId )
- QLinkedList<QStringList*> *list = m_albumsHashByName[album];
- foreach( QStringList *slist, *list )
- {
-+ //debug() << "albumArtistId = " << albumArtistId;
-+ //debug() << "Checking list: " << *slist;
- if( slist->at( 2 ).isEmpty() && albumArtistId == 0 )
- {
- //debug() << "artist is empty and albumArtistId = 0, returning " << slist->at( 0 );
-@@ -631,7 +729,10 @@ ScanResultProcessor::albumInsert( const QString &album, int albumArtistId )
- albumList->append( QString() );
- m_albumsHashById[returnedNum] = albumList;
- if( m_albumsHashByName.contains( album ) && m_albumsHashByName[album] != 0 )
-- m_albumsHashByName[album]->append( albumList );
-+ {
-+ if( !m_albumsHashByName[album]->contains( albumList ) )
-+ m_albumsHashByName[album]->append( albumList );
-+ }
- else
- {
- QLinkedList<QStringList*> *list = new QLinkedList<QStringList*>();
-@@ -645,7 +746,7 @@ ScanResultProcessor::albumInsert( const QString &album, int albumArtistId )
- int
- ScanResultProcessor::urlId( const QString &url, const QString &uid )
- {
-- /*
- foreach( QString key, m_urlsHashByUid.keys() )
- debug() << "Key: " << key << ", list: " << *m_urlsHashByUid[key];
-@@ -654,8 +755,7 @@ ScanResultProcessor::urlId( const QString &url, const QString &uid )
- typedef QPair<int, QString> blahType; //QFOREACH is stupid when it comes to QPairs
- foreach( blahType key, m_urlsHashByLocation.keys() )
- debug() << "Key: " << key << ", list: " << *m_urlsHashByLocation[key];
-- */
- QFileInfo fileInfo( url );
- const QString dir = fileInfo.absoluteDir().absolutePath();
- int dirId = directoryId( dir );
-@@ -665,6 +765,7 @@ ScanResultProcessor::urlId( const QString &url, const QString &uid )
- QPair<int, QString> locationPair( deviceId, rpath );
- //debug() << "in urlId with url = " << url << " and uid = " << uid;
- //debug() << "checking locationPair " << locationPair;
- if( m_urlsHashByLocation.contains( locationPair ) )
- {
- QStringList values;
-@@ -674,6 +775,7 @@ ScanResultProcessor::urlId( const QString &url, const QString &uid )
- values << "zero";
- //debug() << "m_urlsHashByLocation contains it! It is " << values;
- }
- QStringList currUrlIdValues;
- if( m_urlsHashByUid.contains( uid ) && m_urlsHashByUid[uid] != 0 )
- currUrlIdValues = *m_urlsHashByUid[uid];
-@@ -717,6 +819,7 @@ ScanResultProcessor::urlId( const QString &url, const QString &uid )
- //debug() << "m_urlsHashByUid contains this UID, updating deviceId and path";
- QStringList *list = m_urlsHashByUid[uid];
- //debug() << "list from UID hash is " << list << " with values " << *list;
-+ QPair<int, QString> oldLocationPair( list->at( 1 ).toInt(), list->at( 2 ) );
- list->replace( 1, QString::number( deviceId ) );
- list->replace( 2, rpath );
- list->replace( 3, QString::number( dirId ) );
-@@ -737,6 +840,7 @@ ScanResultProcessor::urlId( const QString &url, const QString &uid )
- delete oldList;
- }
- m_urlsHashByLocation[locationPair] = list;
-+ m_urlsHashByLocation.remove( oldLocationPair );
- }
- m_permanentTablesUrlUpdates.insert( uid, url );
- m_changedUrls.insert( uid, QPair<QString, QString>( MountPointManager::instance()->getAbsolutePath( currUrlIdValues[1].toInt(), currUrlIdValues[2] ), url ) );
-@@ -751,6 +855,7 @@ ScanResultProcessor::urlId( const QString &url, const QString &uid )
- {
- QStringList *list = m_urlsHashByLocation[locationPair];
- //debug() << "Replacing hash " << list->at( 4 ) << " with " << uid;
-+ QString oldId = list->at( 4 );
- list->replace( 4, uid );
- if( m_urlsHashByUid.contains( uid )
- && m_urlsHashByUid[uid] != 0
-@@ -762,6 +867,7 @@ ScanResultProcessor::urlId( const QString &url, const QString &uid )
- delete oldList;
- }
- m_urlsHashByUid[uid] = list;
-+ m_urlsHashByUid.remove( oldId );
- }
- m_permanentTablesUidUpdates.insert( url, uid );
- m_changedUids.insert( currUrlIdValues[4], uid );
-@@ -855,7 +961,8 @@ ScanResultProcessor::directoryId( const QString &dir )
- int
- ScanResultProcessor::checkExistingAlbums( const QString &album )
- {
-+ //debug() << "looking for album " << album;
- // "Unknown" albums shouldn't be handled as compilations
- if( album.isEmpty() )
- return 0;
-@@ -865,7 +972,10 @@ ScanResultProcessor::checkExistingAlbums( const QString &album )
- //it's probably a compilation.
- //this handles A1 compilations that were automatically organized by Amarok
- if( !m_albumsHashByName.contains( album ) || m_albumsHashByName[album] == 0 )
-+ {
-+ //debug() << "hashByName doesn't contain album, or it's zero";
- return 0;
-+ }
- QStringList trackIds;
- QLinkedList<QStringList*> *llist = m_albumsHashByName[album];
-@@ -915,8 +1025,10 @@ ScanResultProcessor::checkExistingAlbums( const QString &album )
- }
- }
-+ //debug() << "trackIds = " << trackIds;
- if( trackIds.isEmpty() )
- {
-+ //debug() << "trackIds empty, returning zero";
- return 0;
- }
- else
-@@ -933,6 +1045,7 @@ ScanResultProcessor::checkExistingAlbums( const QString &album )
- list->replace( 3, compilationString );
- }
- }
-+ //debug() << "returning " << compilationId;
- return compilationId;
- }
- }
-@@ -1167,6 +1280,17 @@ ScanResultProcessor::copyHashesToTempTables()
- foreach( blahType key, m_urlsHashByLocation.keys() )
- debug() << "Key: " << key << ", list: " << *m_urlsHashByLocation[key];
- debug() << "Next album num: " << m_nextAlbumNum;
-+ foreach( int key, m_tracksHashById.keys() )
-+ debug() << "Key: " << key << ", list: " << *m_tracksHashById[key];
-+ foreach( int key, m_tracksHashByUrl.keys() )
-+ debug() << "Key: " << key << ", list: " << *m_tracksHashByUrl[key];
-+ foreach( int key, m_tracksHashByAlbum.keys() )
-+ {
-+ debug() << "Key: " << key;
-+ foreach( QStringList* item, *m_tracksHashByAlbum[key] )
-+ debug() << "list: " << item << " is " << *item;
-+ }
- */
---- src/collection/sqlcollection/ScanResultProcessor.h.orig
-+++ src/collection/sqlcollection/ScanResultProcessor.h
-@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ class ScanResultProcessor : public QObject
- QMap<QString, int> m_directories;
- QMap<QString, QList< QPair< QString, QString > > > m_imageMap;
-+ QSet<QString> m_uidsSeenThisScan;
- QHash<QString, uint> m_filesInDirs;
- TrackUrls m_changedUids; //not really track urls