path: root/graphics/vid
diff options
authorVasil Dimov <vd@FreeBSD.org>2006-03-15 07:28:59 +0000
committerVasil Dimov <vd@FreeBSD.org>2006-03-15 07:28:59 +0000
commit77997466fcb9e4a0fecef5846c9490a731e5f565 (patch)
treeff1269de946b8e26eb832448387f11713aa6ceed /graphics/vid
parent02dd6f1e33a32f2c45c67c69198ac9caeb2a2a40 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/vid')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 356 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/vid/Makefile b/graphics/vid/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index e61a6a6a5786..000000000000
--- a/graphics/vid/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for: vid
-# Date created: Tue Dec 5 13:32:13 GMT 2000
-# Whom: Roger Hardiman <roger@freebsd.org>
-# $FreeBSD$
-CATEGORIES= graphics
-MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT= Grab images from USB Cameras using the OV511 and OV511+ chipset
-LIB_DEPENDS= netpbm:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/netpbm
-DEPRECATED= mastersite disappeared, no longer maintained by author
-PLIST_FILES= bin/vid
-# The port does not understand 'make all' or 'make install'
-# so change the 'all_target' to be empty and use our own do-install handler.
-.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/graphics/vid/distinfo b/graphics/vid/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ee7b6fa0348..000000000000
--- a/graphics/vid/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 (vid-1.0.1.tar.gz) = b23adc85c03cc5a21e3574559e6ee88b
-SHA256 (vid-1.0.1.tar.gz) = af1eec3a543129cace972d9060207a03221674a31d1ceea1b75b97fdb8060919
-SIZE (vid-1.0.1.tar.gz) = 13986
diff --git a/graphics/vid/files/patch-Makefile b/graphics/vid/files/patch-Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a4eade17bf8..000000000000
--- a/graphics/vid/files/patch-Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- Makefile.old Sun Jul 7 21:56:30 2002
-+++ Makefile Sun Jul 7 21:56:38 2002
-@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- CPPFLAGS = -I/usr/local/include
--LIBS = -L/usr/local/lib -lpnm
-+LIBS = -L/usr/local/lib -lnetpbm
- default: vid
diff --git a/graphics/vid/files/patch-aa b/graphics/vid/files/patch-aa
deleted file mode 100644
index 14c46c4e0c88..000000000000
--- a/graphics/vid/files/patch-aa
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
---- ../vid-1.0.1-old/vid.c Mon May 8 05:59:03 2000
-+++ vid.c Sun Apr 21 17:02:53 2002
-@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
- struct usb_ctl_request ur;
- unsigned char data[1024];
-+#if (__FreeBSD_version > 500000 && __FreeBSD_version < 500031) || (__FreeBSD_version < 450001)
- ur.request.bmRequestType = UT_READ_VENDOR_INTERFACE;
- ur.request.bRequest = 2;
-@@ -57,6 +58,17 @@
- ur.data = data;
- ur.flags = 0;
- ur.actlen = 0;
-+ ur.ucr_request.bmRequestType = UT_READ_VENDOR_INTERFACE;
-+ ur.ucr_request.bRequest = 2;
-+ USETW(ur.ucr_request.wValue, 0); /* unused */
-+ USETW(ur.ucr_request.wIndex, reg); /* index */
-+ USETW(ur.ucr_request.wLength, 1); /* payload len in bytes */
-+ ur.ucr_data = data;
-+ ur.ucr_flags = 0;
-+ ur.ucr_actlen = 0;
- if(ioctl(fd, USB_DO_REQUEST, &ur) < 0) {
- return -1;
-@@ -72,6 +84,7 @@
- data[0] = val;
-+#if (__FreeBSD_version > 500000 && __FreeBSD_version < 500031) || (__FreeBSD_version < 450001)
- ur.request.bmRequestType = UT_WRITE_VENDOR_INTERFACE;
- ur.request.bRequest = 2;
-@@ -81,6 +94,17 @@
- ur.data = data;
- ur.flags = 0;
- ur.actlen = 0;
-+ ur.ucr_request.bmRequestType = UT_WRITE_VENDOR_INTERFACE;
-+ ur.ucr_request.bRequest = 2;
-+ USETW(ur.ucr_request.wValue, 0); /* unused */
-+ USETW(ur.ucr_request.wIndex, reg); /* index */
-+ USETW(ur.ucr_request.wLength, 1); /* payload len in bytes */
-+ ur.ucr_data = data;
-+ ur.ucr_flags = 0;
-+ ur.ucr_actlen = 0;
- if(ioctl(fd, USB_DO_REQUEST, &ur) < 0) {
- return -1;
-@@ -217,12 +241,15 @@
- struct vidstate vs; /* current read state */
- int small = 0; /* use 320x240 */
- int frmnm = 0; /* cyclic frame number key */
-+ int isplus; /* bridge is OV511+ if true, else OV511 */
-+ int is20; /* sensor is OV7620 if true, else OV7610 */
-+ int bufsize; /* size of packet buffer */
- /* pnm_init(&argc, argv); */ /* required for PNM programs? */
- while(++argv, --argc) {
- if(strcmp(*argv, "--version") == 0) {
-- fprintf(stderr, "OV511 capture program version " VERSION
-+ fprintf(stderr, "OV511/OV511+ capture program version " VERSION
- "\nCopyright 2000 Peter S. Housel"
- "\nThis program is free software; "
- "you may redistribute it under the terms of"
-@@ -235,7 +262,7 @@
- exit(0);
- } else if(strcmp(*argv, "--help") == 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "usage: vid [options]\n"
-- "Capture an image frame from an OV511-based USB video camera\n"
-+ "Capture an image frame from an OV511/OV511+ based USB video camera\n"
- "and write image data to standard output in PNM format\n\n"
- "--version print program version information\n"
- "--usage summarize command line options\n"
-@@ -287,8 +314,14 @@
- exit(1);
- }
-- if(udi.vendorNo != 0x05A9 || udi.productNo != 0x0511) {
-- fprintf(stderr, "device %s is not an OmniVision OV511\n", devname);
-+#if (__FreeBSD_version > 500000 && __FreeBSD_version < 500031) || (__FreeBSD_version < 450001)
-+ if(udi.vendorNo != 0x05A9 || (udi.productNo != 0x0511 &&
-+ udi.productNo != 0xa511)) {
-+ if(udi.udi_vendorNo != 0x05A9 || (udi.udi_productNo != 0x0511 &&
-+ udi.udi_productNo != 0xa511)) {
-+ fprintf(stderr, "device %s is not an OmniVision OV511 or OV511+\n", devname);
- exit(1);
- }
- } else {
-@@ -297,8 +330,15 @@
- sprintf(dev, "/dev/ugen%d", i);
- if((fd = open(dev, O_RDWR)) < 0)
- continue;
-+#if (__FreeBSD_version > 500000 && __FreeBSD_version < 500031) || (__FreeBSD_version < 450001)
-+ if(ioctl(fd, USB_GET_DEVICEINFO, &udi) < 0
-+ || udi.vendorNo != 0x05A9 || (udi.productNo != 0x0511 &&
-+ udi.productNo != 0xa511)) {
- if(ioctl(fd, USB_GET_DEVICEINFO, &udi) < 0
-- || udi.vendorNo != 0x05A9 || udi.productNo != 0x0511) {
-+ || udi.udi_vendorNo != 0x05A9 || (udi.udi_productNo != 0x0511 &&
-+ udi.udi_productNo != 0xa511)) {
- close(fd);
- fd = -1;
- continue;
-@@ -308,12 +348,19 @@
- }
- if(fd < 0) {
-- fprintf(stderr, "vid: couldn't locate an OV511 device\n");
-+ fprintf(stderr, "vid: couldn't locate an OV511 or OV511+ device\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- devname = dev;
- }
-+#if (__FreeBSD_version > 500000 && __FreeBSD_version < 500031) || (__FreeBSD_version < 450001)
-+ isplus = udi.productNo == 0xa511;
-+ isplus = udi.udi_productNo == 0xa511;
-+ bufsize = (isplus ? 961 : 993);
- /* reset the OV511 */
- if(ov511_reg_write(fd, OV511_REG_RST, 0x7f) < 0)
-@@ -398,23 +445,55 @@
- if(ov511_reg_write(fd, OV511_REG_CE_EN, 0x0) < 0)
- exit(1);
-- ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_RWB, 0x5);
-- ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_EC, 0xFF);
-- ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_COMB, 0x01);
-- ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_FD, 0x06);
-- ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_COME, 0x1c);
-- ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_COMF, 0x90);
-- ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_ECW, 0x2e);
-- ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_ECB, 0x7C);
-- ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_COMH, 0x24);
-- ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_EHSH, 0x04);
-- ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_EHSL, 0xAC);
-- ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_EXBK, 0xFE);
-- ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_COMJ, 0x93);
-- ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_BADJ, 0x48);
-- ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_COMK, 0x81);
-+ /* This returns 0 if we have an OV7620 sensor */
-+ if((is20 = ov511_i2c_read(fd, OV7610_REG_COMI)) < 0)
-+ exit(1);
-+ is20 = !is20;
-- ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_GAM, 0x04);
-+ /* set up the OV7610/OV7620 */
-+ if(is20) {
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_EC, 0xff);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_FD, 0x06);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_COMH, 0x24);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_EHSL, 0xac);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_COMA, 0x00);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_COMH, 0x24);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_RWB, 0x85);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_COMD, 0x01);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, 0x23, 0x00);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_ECW, 0x10);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_ECB, 0x8a);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_COMG, 0xe2);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_EHSH, 0x00);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_EXBK, 0xfe);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, 0x30, 0x71);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, 0x31, 0x60);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, 0x32, 0x26);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_YGAM, 0x20);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_BADJ, 0x48);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_COMA, 0x24);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_SYN_CLK, 0x01);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_BBS, 0x24);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_RBS, 0x24);
-+ } else {
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_RWB, 0x5);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_EC, 0xFF);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_COMB, 0x01);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_FD, 0x06);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_COME, 0x1c);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_COMF, 0x90);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_ECW, 0x2e);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_ECB, 0x7C);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_COMH, 0x24);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_EHSH, 0x04);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_EHSL, 0xAC);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_EXBK, 0xFE);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_COMJ, 0x93);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_BADJ, 0x48);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_COMK, 0x81);
-+ ov511_i2c_write(fd, OV7610_REG_GAM, 0x04);
-+ }
- if(small) {
- vs.width = 320;
-@@ -442,14 +521,19 @@
- ov511_reg_write(fd, OV511_REG_LNDV, 0x00);
- /* set FIFO format (993-byte packets) */
-- if(ov511_reg_write(fd, OV511_REG_PKSZ, 0x1F) < 0)
-+ if(ov511_reg_write(fd, OV511_REG_PKSZ, bufsize/32) < 0)
- exit(1);
- if(ov511_reg_write(fd, OV511_REG_PKFMT, 0x03) < 0)
- exit(1);
- /* select the 993-byte alternative */
-+#if (__FreeBSD_version > 500000 && __FreeBSD_version < 500031) || (__FreeBSD_version < 450001)
- alt.interface_index = 0;
-- alt.alt_no = 1;
-+ alt.alt_no = (isplus ? 7 : 1);
-+ alt.uai_interface_index = 0;
-+ alt.uai_alt_no = (isplus ? 7 : 1);
- if(ioctl(fd, USB_SET_ALTINTERFACE, &alt) < 0) {
- exit(1);
-@@ -475,36 +559,38 @@
- }
- /* read, looking for start and end frames */
-- while(vs.state != DONE && (len = read(isoc, &buf, 993)) >= 0) {
-+ while(vs.state != DONE && (len = read(isoc, &buf, bufsize)) >= 0) {
- if(buf[0] == 0 && buf[1] == 0 && buf[2] == 0 && buf[3] == 0
- && buf[4] == 0 && buf[5] == 0 && buf[6] == 0 && buf[7] == 0
-- && (buf[8] & 0x80) == 0 && buf[992] == 0 && vs.state == SKIPPING) {
-+ && (buf[8] & 0x80) == 0 && buf[bufsize-1] == 0 && vs.state == SKIPPING) {
- vs.state = READING;
- vs.iY = vs.jY = vs.iUV = vs.jUV = 0;
- vs.residue = 0;
-- procdata(&vs, buf + 9, 993 - 10);
-+ procdata(&vs, buf + 9, bufsize - 10);
- } else if(buf[0] == 0 && buf[1] == 0 && buf[2] == 0 && buf[3] == 0
- && buf[4] == 0 && buf[5] == 0 && buf[6] == 0 && buf[7] == 0
-- && (buf[8] & 0x80) == 0x80 && buf[992] == 0
-+ && (buf[8] & 0x80) == 0x80 && buf[bufsize-1] == 0
- && vs.state == READING) {
- vs.state = DONE;
- } else if(vs.state == READING) {
-- procdata(&vs, buf, 993 - 1);
-+ procdata(&vs, buf, bufsize - 1);
- /* abort the capture and start over if packets come in out-of-order */
-- if(buf[992] != frmnm && buf[992] != 1) {
-+ if(buf[bufsize-1] != frmnm && buf[bufsize-1] != 1) {
- vs.state = SKIPPING;
- }
-- frmnm = buf[992] + 1;
-+ frmnm = buf[bufsize-1] + 1;
- if(frmnm == 256)
- frmnm = 1;
-- } else if(buf[992] != 0) {
-- frmnm = buf[992] + 1;
-+ } else if(buf[bufsize-1] != 0) {
-+ frmnm = buf[bufsize-1] + 1;
- if(frmnm == 256)
- frmnm = 1;
- }
- }
-+ /* reset and close the OV511 */
-+ ov511_reg_write(fd, OV511_REG_RST, 0x7f);
- close(isoc);
- close(fd);
diff --git a/graphics/vid/files/patch-ab b/graphics/vid/files/patch-ab
deleted file mode 100644
index f3c2bc6c803b..000000000000
--- a/graphics/vid/files/patch-ab
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- vid.h.old Mon May 8 00:59:03 2000
-+++ vid.h Wed Jan 31 14:21:52 2001
-@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
- #define OV511_REG_CLKDIV 0x51
- #define OV511_REG_SNAP 0x52
- #define OV511_REG_EN_SYS 0x53
-+#define OV511_REG_PRW_CLK 0x54
-+#define OV511_REG_LED_CTL 0x55
- #define OV511_REG_USR 0x5E
- #define OV511_REG_CID 0x5F
- #define OV511_REG_PRH_Y 0x70
diff --git a/graphics/vid/pkg-descr b/graphics/vid/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index e1c3ecfab068..000000000000
--- a/graphics/vid/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-vid is a Image Capture program for USB cameras using the
-Omnivision OV511 and OV511+ chipset.
-These include the
- Creative Labs WebCam 3 (*** see note about the OV511+ below ***)
- D-Link DSB-C300
- Puretek PT-6007
- Alpha Vision Koala-Cam
- Lifeview RoboCam
- AverMedia InterCam Elite
- MediaForte MV300
- Trust SpaceCam 300 (*** see note about the OV511+ below ***)
-The program was written by Peter Housel <housel@acm.org) and
-is heavily based on the Linux OV511 driver from http://alpha.dyndns.org/ov511/
-Notes On The OV511+
-Josh Elsasser <jre@vineyard.net> has added support for OV511+ cameras.
-Older Creative WebCam 3's use the OV511 but newer ones use the OV511+
-On my OV511+ Trust SpaceCam 300 the image appears orange. I'm investigating.