path: root/lang
diff options
authorDave Cottlehuber <dch@FreeBSD.org>2021-03-29 09:00:23 +0000
committerDave Cottlehuber <dch@FreeBSD.org>2021-03-29 09:00:23 +0000
commit2437a550af9b15c3ffaa0177ee1fdf553d7ddd66 (patch)
treedd6210c9fffcb67ffea10961199f3008af875096 /lang
parentf32991dbf0db4678eb1de5954b512f01b4dddfdb (diff)
lang/gleam: add Makefile.deps required in r569439
Sponsored by: SkunkWerks, GmbH
Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=569443
Diffstat (limited to 'lang')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lang/gleam/Makefile.deps b/lang/gleam/Makefile.deps
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7f4cceeb5c33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lang/gleam/Makefile.deps
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+# Generated with `make cargo-crates`
+CARGO_CRATES= adler-1.0.2 \
+ aho-corasick-0.7.15 \
+ ansi_term-0.11.0 \
+ ansi_term-0.12.1 \
+ arrayvec-0.5.2 \
+ askama-0.10.5 \
+ askama_derive-0.10.5 \
+ askama_escape-0.10.1 \
+ askama_shared-0.11.1 \
+ async-trait-0.1.48 \
+ atty-0.2.14 \
+ autocfg-1.0.1 \
+ base64-0.13.0 \
+ bitflags-1.2.1 \
+ bitmaps-2.1.0 \
+ bitvec-0.19.5 \
+ bstr-0.2.15 \
+ bumpalo-3.6.1 \
+ byteorder-1.4.3 \
+ bytes-1.0.1 \
+ capnp-0.14.0 \
+ capnpc-0.14.2 \
+ cc-1.0.67 \
+ cfg-if-1.0.0 \
+ chrono-0.4.19 \
+ clap-2.33.3 \
+ codespan-0.11.1 \
+ codespan-reporting-0.11.1 \
+ core-foundation-0.9.1 \
+ core-foundation-sys-0.8.2 \
+ crc32fast-1.2.1 \
+ crossbeam-utils-0.8.3 \
+ ctor-0.1.20 \
+ ctrlc-3.1.8 \
+ data-encoding-2.3.2 \
+ der-oid-macro-0.4.0 \
+ der-parser-5.1.0 \
+ diff-0.1.12 \
+ either-1.6.1 \
+ encoding_rs-0.8.28 \
+ filetime-0.2.14 \
+ fixedbitset-0.2.0 \
+ flate2-1.0.20 \
+ fnv-1.0.7 \
+ foreign-types-0.3.2 \
+ foreign-types-shared-0.1.1 \
+ form_urlencoded-1.0.1 \
+ fs_extra-1.2.0 \
+ funty-1.1.0 \
+ futures-channel-0.3.13 \
+ futures-core-0.3.13 \
+ futures-sink-0.3.13 \
+ futures-task-0.3.13 \
+ futures-util-0.3.13 \
+ getopts-0.2.21 \
+ getrandom-0.2.2 \
+ globset-0.4.6 \
+ h2-0.3.2 \
+ hashbrown-0.9.1 \
+ heck-0.3.2 \
+ hermit-abi-0.1.18 \
+ hexpm-1.2.0 \
+ http-0.2.3 \
+ http-body-0.4.1 \
+ httparse-1.3.5 \
+ httpdate-0.3.2 \
+ humansize-1.1.0 \
+ hyper-0.14.5 \
+ hyper-tls-0.5.0 \
+ idna-0.2.2 \
+ ignore-0.4.17 \
+ im-15.0.0 \
+ indexmap-1.6.2 \
+ ipnet-2.3.0 \
+ itertools-0.10.0 \
+ itoa-0.4.7 \
+ js-sys-0.3.49 \
+ lazy_static-1.4.0 \
+ lexical-core-0.7.5 \
+ libc-0.2.91 \
+ log-0.4.14 \
+ matchers-0.0.1 \
+ matches-0.1.8 \
+ memchr-2.3.4 \
+ mime-0.3.16 \
+ miniz_oxide-0.4.4 \
+ mio-0.7.11 \
+ miow-0.3.7 \
+ native-tls-0.2.7 \
+ nix-0.20.0 \
+ nom-6.1.2 \
+ ntapi-0.3.6 \
+ num-bigint-0.4.0 \
+ num-integer-0.1.44 \
+ num-traits-0.2.14 \
+ num_cpus-1.13.0 \
+ oid-registry-0.1.1 \
+ once_cell-1.7.2 \
+ openssl-0.10.33 \
+ openssl-probe-0.1.2 \
+ openssl-sys-0.9.61 \
+ output_vt100-0.1.2 \
+ percent-encoding-2.1.0 \
+ petgraph-0.5.1 \
+ pin-project-1.0.6 \
+ pin-project-internal-1.0.6 \
+ pin-project-lite-0.2.6 \
+ pin-utils-0.1.0 \
+ pkg-config-0.3.19 \
+ ppv-lite86-0.2.10 \
+ pretty_assertions-0.7.1 \
+ proc-macro-error-1.0.4 \
+ proc-macro-error-attr-1.0.4 \
+ proc-macro2-1.0.24 \
+ protobuf-2.22.1 \
+ protobuf-codegen-2.22.1 \
+ protobuf-codegen-pure-2.22.1 \
+ pulldown-cmark-0.8.0 \
+ quote-1.0.9 \
+ radium-0.5.3 \
+ rand-0.8.3 \
+ rand_chacha-0.3.0 \
+ rand_core-0.5.1 \
+ rand_core-0.6.2 \
+ rand_hc-0.3.0 \
+ rand_xoshiro-0.4.0 \
+ redox_syscall-0.2.5 \
+ regex-1.4.5 \
+ regex-automata-0.1.9 \
+ regex-syntax-0.6.23 \
+ remove_dir_all-0.5.3 \
+ reqwest-0.11.2 \
+ ring-0.16.20 \
+ rpassword-5.0.1 \
+ rusticata-macros-3.0.1 \
+ rustversion-1.0.4 \
+ ryu-1.0.5 \
+ same-file-1.0.6 \
+ schannel-0.1.19 \
+ security-framework-2.2.0 \
+ security-framework-sys-2.2.0 \
+ serde-1.0.125 \
+ serde_derive-1.0.125 \
+ serde_json-1.0.64 \
+ serde_urlencoded-0.7.0 \
+ sharded-slab-0.1.1 \
+ sized-chunks-0.6.4 \
+ slab-0.4.2 \
+ smallvec-1.6.1 \
+ socket2-0.4.0 \
+ spin-0.5.2 \
+ static_assertions-1.1.0 \
+ strsim-0.8.0 \
+ strsim-0.10.0 \
+ structopt-0.3.21 \
+ structopt-derive-0.4.14 \
+ strum-0.20.0 \
+ strum_macros-0.20.1 \
+ syn-1.0.65 \
+ tap-1.0.1 \
+ tar-0.4.33 \
+ tempfile-3.2.0 \
+ termcolor-1.1.2 \
+ textwrap-0.11.0 \
+ thiserror-1.0.24 \
+ thiserror-impl-1.0.24 \
+ thread_local-1.1.3 \
+ tinyvec-1.1.1 \
+ tinyvec_macros-0.1.0 \
+ tokio-1.4.0 \
+ tokio-native-tls-0.3.0 \
+ tokio-util-0.6.5 \
+ toml-0.5.8 \
+ tower-service-0.3.1 \
+ tracing-0.1.25 \
+ tracing-attributes-0.1.15 \
+ tracing-core-0.1.17 \
+ tracing-log-0.1.2 \
+ tracing-serde-0.1.2 \
+ tracing-subscriber-0.2.17 \
+ try-lock-0.2.3 \
+ typenum-1.13.0 \
+ unicase-2.6.0 \
+ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \
+ unicode-normalization-0.1.17 \
+ unicode-segmentation-1.7.1 \
+ unicode-width-0.1.8 \
+ unicode-xid-0.2.1 \
+ untrusted-0.7.1 \
+ url-2.2.1 \
+ vcpkg-0.2.11 \
+ vec_map-0.8.2 \
+ version_check-0.9.3 \
+ walkdir-2.3.2 \
+ want-0.3.0 \
+ wasi-0.10.2+wasi-snapshot-preview1 \
+ wasm-bindgen-0.2.72 \
+ wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.72 \
+ wasm-bindgen-futures-0.4.22 \
+ wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.72 \
+ wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.72 \
+ wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.72 \
+ web-sys-0.3.49 \
+ winapi-0.3.9 \
+ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \
+ winapi-util-0.1.5 \
+ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \
+ winreg-0.7.0 \
+ wyz-0.2.0 \
+ x509-parser-0.9.2 \
+ xattr-0.2.2