path: root/misc
diff options
authorTobias C. Berner <tcberner@FreeBSD.org>2022-11-11 20:35:48 +0000
committerTobias C. Berner <tcberner@FreeBSD.org>2022-11-11 20:36:25 +0000
commit4d04b78b331fb8a5f96ca2123b8ad0fcb04daabb (patch)
treecee6773d6a5e752ad574cca8f52321090f18cc92 /misc
parent37cf0da23dbd0c1d91602d25e831a7dc0dde1224 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'misc')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 778 deletions
diff --git a/misc/vote/0001-misc-vote-cleanup-port.patch b/misc/vote/0001-misc-vote-cleanup-port.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a42eea651b1..000000000000
--- a/misc/vote/0001-misc-vote-cleanup-port.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-From 33a1a9ccf0df2fc73cd8d85ab4bcdbf585dce94b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "Tobias C. Berner" <tcberner@FreeBSD.org>
-Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2022 21:10:34 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] misc/vote: cleanup port
-Reported by: diizzy
- misc/vote/Makefile | 12 +++++++++---
- misc/vote/distinfo | 6 +++---
- 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/misc/vote/Makefile b/misc/vote/Makefile
-index 9f9a4b897479..e851900e94c7 100644
---- a/misc/vote/Makefile
-+++ b/misc/vote/Makefile
-@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
- PORTNAME= vote
--MASTER_SITES= https://codeberg.org/tcberner/${PORTNAME}/archive/
-+MASTER_SITES= https://codeberg.org/tcberner/${PORTNAME}/raw/v${DISTVERSION}/
- MAINTAINER= tcberner@FreeBSD.org
- COMMENT= Transparent git based voting system
-+NO_ARCH= yes
- NO_BUILD= yes
- PLIST_FILES= bin/vote
- do-install:
- .include <bsd.port.mk>
-diff --git a/misc/vote/distinfo b/misc/vote/distinfo
-index d9414c8ce104..05be2b48d93c 100644
---- a/misc/vote/distinfo
-+++ b/misc/vote/distinfo
-@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
--TIMESTAMP = 1668195518
--SHA256 (vote-1.1.tar.gz) = de2ad0d28cf777239fdb7e6c7c44a5dda528283bef6b807ade5ca02246497705
--SIZE (vote-1.1.tar.gz) = 5196
-+TIMESTAMP = 1668197328
-+SHA256 (vote-1.2/vote) = 4c0769cd4ea4578f4d72377afd1404ae0cc08cd8008486557aa4f17eadbeca0e
-+SIZE (vote-1.2/vote) = 16615
diff --git a/misc/vote/fetch.out b/misc/vote/fetch.out
deleted file mode 100644
index 925be6ae4b9c..000000000000
--- a/misc/vote/fetch.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,723 +0,0 @@
-# Simple git based voting system
-# if $VOTE_DIR is no defined the checkout happens in the shell-script directory
-# To setup a new shared VOTE_DIR, use:
-# freefall> git init --bare /path/to/votes.git
-# local> git clone freefall:/path/to/votes.git votes
-# local> cd votes
-# local> git checkout -b main
-# Create the voters file (username:Name <email>)
-# local> git add voters
-# local> git commit -m "Initialize votes directory"
-# local> git push -u origin main:main
-# The mark_* and color_* values can be overriden in ~/.voterc
-# Color used to to show the output of shelled-out git calls.
-# Color for highlights within the script
-base_dir="$(dirname $(realpath $0))"
-if [ -f ~/.voterc ] ; then
- . ~/.voterc ;
-__message () {
- echo -e "$@"
-__error () {
- echo -e "$@" >&2
- exit 1
-__usage() {
- __error "No command given. Available commands are:\n\n" \
- "- help\t\tShow this message:\n" \
- "\t\t${col_highlight}% vote help${col_reset}\n\n" \
- "- init\t\tInitialize a repository:\n" \
- "\t\t${col_highlight}% vote init <url>${col_reset}\n" \
- "- update\tUpdate the repository:\n" \
- "\t\t${col_highlight}% vote update${col_reset}\n\n" \
- "- list\t\tList current ongoing votes:\n" \
- "\t\t${col_highlight}% vote list${col_reset}\n" \
- "- all\t\tList all votes:\n" \
- "\t\t${col_highlight}% vote all${col_reset}\n" \
- "- info\t\tShow information on a vote:\n" \
- "\t\t${col_highlight}% vote info <vid>${col_reset}\n\n" \
- "- create\tCreate a new vote:\n" \
- "\t\t${col_highlight}% vote create <subject> <duedate> <further description>${col_reset}\n" \
- "- close\tMark a vote as closed:\n" \
- "\t\t${col_highlight}% vote close <vid>${col_reset}\n" \
- "- reopen\tReopen a vote:\n" \
- "\t\t${col_highlight}% vote reopen <vid>${col_reset}\n\n" \
- "- changedate\tChange the Due Date to something new\n" \
- "\t\t${col_highlight}% vote changedate <vid> <date>${col_reset}\n" \
- "- changesubject\tChange the Subject to something new\n" \
- "\t\t${col_highlight}% vote changesubject <vid> <subject>${col_reset}\n\n" \
- "- vote\t\tPlace a vote:\n" \
- "\t\t${col_highlight}% vote vote <vid> <yes/no/abstain>${col_reset}\n" \
- "- votefor\tPlace a vote for another person:\n" \
- "\t\t${col_highlight}% vote votefor <vid> <yes/no/abstain> <voter>${col_reset}\n\n" \
- "The checkout directory can be overridden using then ${col_highlight}VOTE_DIR${col_reset}\n" \
- "\n" \
- "Vote version ${VERSION}."
-__want_args() {
- local count=$1
- shift
- if [ $# -ne ${count} ] ; then
- __error "Expected ${count} arguments, but got $#."
- fi
-__username () {
- __want_args 1 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- username=$(git -C ${vote_dir} config user.email | awk -F '@' '{print $1}')
- if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
- echo "${username}"
- return 0
- fi
- __error "Could not evaluate git user name"
-__setup_voters() {
- __want_args 2 "$@"
- local votes_dir="$1"
- local voters="$2"
- if [ -d ${votes_dir} ] ; then
- if [ -f ${voters} ] ; then
- for voter in $(awk -F ':' '{print $1}' ${voters}) ; do
- ln -s zzz ${votes_dir}/${voter}
- done
- fi
- fi
-# Managing votes
-create_vote () {
- __want_args 4 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- update_votes "${vote_dir}"
- local subject="$2"
- local duedate="$3"
- local description="$4"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
- __error "Could not update votes prior to creation"
- fi
- local vid=$(__next_vid "${vote_dir}")
- local voters=$(awk -F ':' 'BEGIN{OFS=":"}{print " ",$0}' ${vote_dir}/voters | column -t -s ':')
- local commit_message=$(printf "<${vid}> [CREATE] ${subject} (${duedate})\n\n${description}\n\nVoters:\n${voters}\n")
- echo -e "${col_git}"
- cd ${vote_dir} && \
- mkdir -p ${vid} && \
- cd ${vid} && \
- echo "${subject}" > subject && \
- echo "${duedate}" > duedate && \
- echo "${description} " > description && \
- mkdir votes && \
- __setup_voters $(realpath votes) $(realpath ${vote_dir}/voters) && \
- git add subject duedate description votes && \
- git commit -m "${commit_message}" && \
- git push
- echo -e "${col_reset}"
- __message ""
- __pretty_print ${vote_dir} ${vid}
-change_date () {
- __want_args 3 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- update_votes "${vote_dir}"
- local vid=$(__make_vid "$2")
- local newdate="$3"
- open=$(__is_open_vote ${vote_dir} ${vid})
- if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
- __error "Cannot modify a closed vote. ${vote_dir} ${vid}"
- fi
- local olddate=$(cat ${vote_dir}/${vid}/duedate)
- local commit_message=$(printf "<${vid}> [CHANGE DATE] ${subject} (${olddate}->${newdate})\n")
- echo -e "${col_git}"
- cd ${vote_dir} && \
- cd ${vid} && \
- echo "${newdate}" > duedate && \
- git add duedate && \
- git commit -m "${commit_message}" && \
- git push
- echo -e "${col_reset}"
- list_votes ${vote_dir}
-change_subject () {
- __want_args 3 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- update_votes "${vote_dir}"
- local vid=$(__make_vid "$2")
- local newsubject="$3"
- open=$(__is_open_vote ${vote_dir} ${vid})
- if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
- __error "Cannot modify a closed vote. ${vote_dir} ${vid}"
- fi
- local oldsubject=$(cat ${vote_dir}/${vid}/subject)
- local commit_message=$(printf "<${vid}> [CHANGE DATE] ${oldsubject} -> ${newsubject}\n")
- echo -e "${col_git}"
- cd ${vote_dir} && \
- cd ${vid} && \
- echo "${newsubject}" > subject && \
- git add subject && \
- git commit -m "${commit_message}" && \
- git push
- echo -e "${col_reset}"
- list_votes ${vote_dir}
-info_vote () {
- __want_args 2 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- local vid=$(__make_vid "$2")
- __pretty_print ${vote_dir} ${vid}
-__is_open_vote () {
- __want_args 2 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- local vid=$(__make_vid "$2")
- if [ -f ${vote_dir}/${vid}/closeddate ] ; then
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-__set_vote() {
- __want_args 4 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- local vid=$(__make_vid "$2")
- local username="$3"
- local value="$4"
- open=$(__is_open_vote ${vote_dir} ${vid})
- if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
- __error "Cannot vote on a closed vote. ${vote_dir} ${vid}"
- fi
- if [ ! -L ${vote_dir}/${vid}/votes/${username} ] ; then
- __error "Invalid voter ${username}"
- fi
- local target=""
- case "${value}" in
- "yes") target="yes" ;;
- "no") target="no" ;;
- "abstain") target="abstain" ;;
- *) __error "Invalid vote '${value}' (valid: yes, no, abstain)" ;;
- esac
- result=$(cd ${vote_dir}/${vid}/votes && ln -sf ${value} ${username})
- return $?
-__short_result () {
- __want_args 2 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- local vid=$(__make_vid "$2")
- echo $(__tally_vote ${vote_dir} ${vid})
- return 0
-__pretty_print () {
- __want_args 2 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- local vid=$(__make_vid "$2")
- local subject=$(cat ${vote_dir}/${vid}/subject)
- local y_voters=""
- local n_voters=""
- local a_voters=""
- local d_voters=""
- for vote in $(find -s ${vote_dir}/${vid}/votes -type l) ; do
- value=$(readlink ${vote})
- voter=$(basename ${vote})
- case "${value}" in
- "yes")
- y_voters="${y_voters}${y_voters:+, }${voter}"
- ;;
- "no")
- n_voters="${n_voters}${n_voters:+, }${voter}"
- ;;
- "abstain")
- a_voters="${a_voters}${a_voters:+, }${voter}"
- ;;
- "zzz")
- d_voters="${d_voters}${d_voters:+, }${voter}"
- ;;
- *) __error "Invalid vote value ${value} in ${vote} (${vid})"
- esac
- done
- result=$(printf "Vote on ${subject}.\n\nYes:\t\t${y_voters}\nNo:\t\t${n_voters}\nAbstained:\t${a_voters}\n\nDid not vote:\t${d_voters}")
- echo "${result}"
- return 0
-reopen_vote () {
- __want_args 2 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- local vid=$(__make_vid "$2")
- open=$(__is_open_vote ${vote_dir} ${vid})
- if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
- __error "Vote already open"
- fi
- local closeddate=$(cat ${vote_dir}/${vid}/closeddate)
- rm ${vote_dir}/${vid}/closeddate
- local tally=$(__short_result ${vote_dir} ${vid})
- local pretty=$(__pretty_print ${vote_dir} ${vid})
- local commit_message=$(printf "<${vid}> [REOPEN] ${tally}\n\n${pretty}\nOld Closed Date:\t${closeddate}")
- echo -e "${col_git}"
- cd ${vote_dir} && \
- git add ${vote_dir}/${vid}/closeddate && \
- git commit -m "${commit_message}" && \
- git push
- echo -e "${col_reset}"
- __pretty_print ${vote_dir} ${vid}
- return 0
-close_vote () {
- __want_args 2 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- local vid=$(__make_vid "$2")
- open=$(__is_open_vote ${vote_dir} ${vid})
- if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
- __error "Vote already closed"
- fi
- echo $(date -u '+%Y%m%d') > ${vote_dir}/${vid}/closeddate
- local tally=$(__short_result ${vote_dir} ${vid})
- local pretty=$(__pretty_print ${vote_dir} ${vid})
- local commit_message=$(printf "<${vid}> [CLOSE] ${tally}\n\n${pretty}")
- echo -e "${col_git}"
- cd ${vote_dir} && \
- git add ${vote_dir}/${vid}/closeddate && \
- git commit -m "${commit_message}" && \
- git push
- echo -e "${col_reset}"
- __pretty_print ${vote_dir} ${vid}
- return 0
-# Interacting with votes
-init_votes () {
- __want_args 2 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- local url="$2"
- if [ -d "${vote_dir}" ] ; then
- __error "Directory '${vote_dir}' already exists."
- fi
- echo -e "${col_git}"
- git clone ${url} ${vote_dir}
- if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
- echo -e "${col_reset}"
- __error "Could not clone ${url} to ${vote_dir}"
- fi
- echo -e "${col_reset}"
- list_all_votes ${vote_dir}
- return 0
-update_votes () {
- __want_args 1 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- __check_git ${vote_dir}
- if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
- __error "Directory '${vote_dir}' is not a repository."
- fi
- echo -e "${col_git}"
- cd "${vote_dir}" && git pull --rebase --autostash
- if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
- echo -e "${col_reset}"
- __error "Failed to update '${vote_dir}' -- please try manual merge."
- fi
- echo -e "${col_reset}"
- list_votes ${vote_dir}
- return 0
-__list_vids () {
- local vote_dir="$1"
- vids=$(find -E "${vote_dir}" -type d -regex ".*/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$" | sort | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}')
- if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
- __error "Failed to enumerate vids"
- fi
- echo "${vids}"
- return 0
-__last_vid () {
- local vote_dir="$1"
- result=$(__list_vids "${vote_dir}" | tail -n1)
- echo ${result}
-__make_vid () {
- __want_args 1 "$@"
- echo $(printf "%04d" $(expr $1 + 0))
- return 0
-__next_vid () {
- __want_args 1 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- last=$(__last_vid "${vote_dir}")
- if [ -z ${last} ] ; then
- last=0
- fi
- echo $(__make_vid $(expr ${last} + 1))
- return 0
-__list_vote_entry () {
- __want_args 3 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- local vid=$(__make_vid "$2")
- local include_closed="$3"
- if [ ! -d ${vote_dir}/${vid} ] ; then
- __error "Failed to read info on ${vid} from ${vote_dir}"
- fi
- local state=${mark_cl}
- __is_open_vote ${vote_dir} ${vid}
- if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
- state=${mark_op}
- fi
- local duedate=$(cat ${vote_dir}/${vid}/duedate)
- local subject=$(cut -c 1-50 ${vote_dir}/${vid}/subject)
- local votes=$(__tally_vote ${vote_dir} ${vid})
- local own_vote=$(__own_vote ${vote_dir} ${vid})
- local closed_info=""
- if [ "${include_closed}" = "yes" ] ; then
- if [ -f ${vote_dir}/${vid}/closeddate ] ; then
- closed_info="|$(cat ${vote_dir}/${vid}/closeddate)"
- else
- closed_info="|"
- fi
- fi
- echo "${state}|${duedate}|${vid}|${subject}|${votes}|${own_vote}${closed_info}"
-__vote_mark () {
- __want_args 1 "$@"
- local result=${mark_dn}
- case "$1" in
- "yes") result=${mark_ys} ;;
- "no") result=${mark_no} ;;
- "abstain") result=${mark_ab} ;;
- esac
- echo "${result}"
-__vote_text() {
- __want_args 1 "$@"
- local result=${text_dn}
- case "$1" in
- "yes") result=${text_ys} ;;
- "no") result=${text_no} ;;
- "abstain") result=${text_ab} ;;
- esac
- echo "${result}"
-__get_vote () {
- __want_args 3 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- local vid=$(__make_vid "$2")
- local username="$3"
- if [ ! -d ${vote_dir}/${vid} ] ; then
- __error "Failed to read info on ${vid} from ${vote_dir}"
- fi
- local uservote=""
- local vote=${vote_dir}/${vid}/votes/${username}
- voted=1
- local result=${mark_dn}
- if [ -L ${vote} ] ; then
- vote_value=$(readlink ${vote})
- if [ "${vote_value}" != "zzz" ] ; then
- voted=0
- fi
- result=$(__vote_mark ${vote_value})
- fi
- echo "${result}"
- return ${voted}
-__own_vote () {
- __want_args 2 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- local vid=$(__make_vid "$2")
- local username=$(__username ${vote_dir})
- local result=$(__get_vote ${vote_dir} ${vid} ${username})
- echo "${result}"
- return 0
-__tally_vote () {
- __want_args 2 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- local vid=$(__make_vid "$2")
- if [ ! -d ${vote_dir}/${vid} ] ; then
- __error "Failed to read info on ${vid} from ${vote_dir}"
- fi
- local count_yes=0
- local count_no=0
- local count_abstain=0
- local count_dnv=0
- for vote in $(find ${vote_dir}/${vid}/votes -type l) ; do
- value=$(readlink ${vote})
- voter=$(basename ${vote})
- case "${value}" in
- "yes") count_yes=$(expr ${count_yes} + 1) ;;
- "no") count_no=$(expr ${count_no} + 1) ;;
- "abstain") count_abstain=$(expr ${count_abstain} + 1) ;;
- "zzz") count_dnv=$(expr ${count_dnv} + 1) ;;
- *) __error "Invalid vote value ${value} in ${vote} (${vid})"
- esac
- done
- result=$(printf "${mark_ys}%2d, ${mark_no}%2d, ${mark_ab}%2d, ${mark_dn}%2d" ${count_yes} ${count_no} ${count_abstain} ${count_dnv})
- echo "${result}"
- return 0
-list_votes () {
- __want_args 1 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- result=""
- for vid in $(__list_vids "$@") ; do
- __is_open_vote ${vote_dir} ${vid}
- if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
- result="${result}\n$(__list_vote_entry ${vote_dir} ${vid} no)"
- fi
- done
- result=$(echo -e "${result}" | sort -r)
- result=$(printf "State|Due Date|VID|Subject|Tally|Own Vote\n${result}")
- echo "${result}" | column -t -s '|'
-list_all_votes () {
- __want_args 1 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- result=""
- for vid in $(__list_vids "$@") ; do
- result="${result}\n$(__list_vote_entry ${vote_dir} ${vid} yes)"
- done
- result=$(echo -e "${result}" | sort -r)
- result=$(printf "State|Due Date|VID|Subject|Tally|Own Vote|Closed On\n${result}")
- echo "${result}" | column -t -s '|'
-place_vote () {
- __vote "$@"
-place_vote_for () {
- __vote_for "$@"
-__vote_for () {
- __want_args 4 "$@"
- local vote_dir="$1"
- update_votes "${vote_dir}"
- local vid=$(__make_vid "$2")
- local value="$3"
- local username="$4"
- if [ ! -L ${vote_dir}/${vid}/votes/${username} ] ; then
- __error "Invalid voter ${username}"
- fi
- local author=$(awk -F : "/${username}/{print \$NF}" ${vote_dir}/voters)
- if [ -z "${author}" ] ; then
- __error "Could not read author for ${username}"
- fi
- local action=""
- local msg=""
- oldvote=$(__get_vote ${vote_dir} ${vid} ${username})
- if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
- action="[CHANGE VOTE]"
- message="${oldvote} -> $(__vote_text ${value})"
- else
- action="[SET VOTE]"
- message="$(__vote_text ${value})"
- fi
- local foreignvote=""
- gituser=$(__username ${vote_dir})
- if [ ${username} != ${gituser} ] ; then
- foreignvote=" (vote placed by ${gituser})"
- fi
- __set_vote "${vote_dir}" "${vid}" "${username}" "${value}"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
- __error "Could not place vote ${value} on ${vid}"
- fi
- local subject=$(cut -c 1-50 ${vote_dir}/${vid}/subject)
- local commit_message=$(printf "<${vid}> ${action} ${subject} :: ${username} ${message}${foreignvote}\n\n$(__pretty_print ${vote_dir} ${vid})")
- echo -e "${col_git}"
- cd ${vote_dir} && \
- git add ${vid}/votes/${username} && \
- git commit -m "${commit_message}" --author="${author}" && \
- git push
- echo -e "${col_reset}"
- __message ""
- __pretty_print ${vote_dir} ${vid}
-__vote () {
- __want_args 3 "$@"
- local username=$(__username ${vote_dir})
- if [ -z "${username}" ] ; then
- __error "Could not read your git username"
- fi
- __vote_for "$@" ${username}
-# utils
-__check_git () {
- local git_dir=$(realpath "$1")
- if [ ! -d "${git_dir}" ] ; then
- return 1
- fi
- (
- cd "${git_dir}"
- git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
- return 1
- fi
- )
- return 0
-if [ -z $1 ] ; then
- __usage
-case "${command}" in
- "help") __usage ;;
- "init") init_votes ${vote_dir} "$@" ;;
- "update") update_votes ${vote_dir} ;;
- "list") list_votes ${vote_dir} ;;
- "all") list_all_votes ${vote_dir} ;;
- "create") create_vote ${vote_dir} "$@" ;;
- "info") info_vote ${vote_dir} "$@" ;;
- "close") close_vote ${vote_dir} "$@" ;;
- "reopen") reopen_vote ${vote_dir} "$@" ;;
- "changedate") change_date ${vote_dir} "$@" ;;
- "changesubject") change_subject ${vote_dir} "$@" ;;
- "vote") place_vote ${vote_dir} "$@" ;;
- "votefor") place_vote_for ${vote_dir} "$@" ;;
- *) __usage ;;