path: root/x11-fonts/webfonts
diff options
authorJim Mock <jim@FreeBSD.org>2002-01-20 22:31:03 +0000
committerJim Mock <jim@FreeBSD.org>2002-01-20 22:31:03 +0000
commit699b590e7cc5e8e0815ab810209ef3f32e6b391c (patch)
treeb82dc737e995b60693c6298bdf5d55898795b50a /x11-fonts/webfonts
parentc4d1d674d587789328099b6209db690bc26bb593 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'x11-fonts/webfonts')
5 files changed, 252 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/x11-fonts/webfonts/Makefile b/x11-fonts/webfonts/Makefile
index ed138cc10fec..3ee3fa798eee 100644
--- a/x11-fonts/webfonts/Makefile
+++ b/x11-fonts/webfonts/Makefile
@@ -6,89 +6,195 @@
PORTNAME= webfonts
CATEGORIES= x11-fonts
-MASTER_SITES= http://www.microsoft.com/typography/downloads/
+MASTER_SITES= http://www.microsoft.com/typography/downloads/ \
+ http://www.eu.microsoft.com/typography/downloads/ \
+ http://www.asia.microsoft.com/typography/downloads/
+.if defined(WITH_ARIAL_UNICODE)
+MASTER_SITES+= http://download.microsoft.com/download/publisher2000/Aruniup/2000/WIN98/EN-US/
DISTFILES= andale32.exe trebuc32.exe georgi32.exe verdan32.exe \
comic32.exe arialb32.exe impact32.exe arial32.exe \
times32.exe courie32.exe webdin32.exe
-DIST_SUBDIR= webfonts
+.if defined(WITH_ARIAL_UNICODE)
+DISTFILES+= Aruniupd.exe
MAINTAINER= kkonstan@daemon.gr
BUILD_DEPENDS= ttmkfdir:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/ttmkfdir \
+.if ${XFREE86_VERSION} == 3
+RUN_DEPENDS= xfstt:${PORTSDIR}/x11-servers/Xfstt
+RESTRICTED= "Restrictive license - cannot place on server for distribution"
+NO_CDROM= "Restrictive license - cannot sell for profit"
+NO_PACKAGE= "Restrictive license - cannot distribute in modified form"
-RESTRICTED= "Restrictive license \(can\'t place on server for distribution\)"
-NO_CDROM= "Restrictive license \(can\'t sell for profit\)"
-NO_PACKAGE= "Restrictive license \(can\'t distribute in forms other than the original\)"
+EXTRACT_CMD= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/cabextract
+EXTRACT_BEFORE_ARGS= --lowercase --quiet
+MSG_FILE= ${PKGDIR}/pkg-message
+PKGMESSAGE= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message
+.if ${XFREE86_VERSION} == 3
+OLDXF86= "@comment "
+PKG_NSALIAS= "@comment "
+.if defined(WITH_ARIAL_UNICODE)
+PKG_UNICODE= "@comment "
+# Local variables
+FONTSDIR?= ${PREFIX}/lib/X11/fonts/${FONTNAME}
+TTFONTSDIR?= ${X11BASE}/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType
+TTMKFDIR_CMD?= ${X11BASE}/bin/ttmkfdir
+SORT?= sort
+# The following are for the NS aliases, feel free to tweak them!
+FONTSIZES= 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 24
+# Display options
+ ${ECHO_MSG} "If you want font aliases that work around Netscape's tiny font bug (4.x ONLY),"
+ ${ECHO_MSG} "hit Ctrl-C right now and use \"make WITH_NETSCAPE_ALIASES=yes\""
+.if !defined(WITH_ARIAL_UNICODE)
+ ${ECHO_MSG} "If you want \"Arial Unicode MS\", a complete Unicode 2.1 font (13.7MB download),"
+ ${ECHO_MSG} "hit Ctrl-C right now and use \"make WITH_ARIAL_UNICODE=yes\""
+# Post-extract
-EXTRACT_CMD= cabextract
- @${MKDIR} ${WRKDIR}/webfonts
- @${MV} ${WRKDIR}/*.* ${WRKDIR}/webfonts
- @${RM} ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/*.[Dd][Ll][Ll]
- @${RM} ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/*.[Ee][Xx][Ee]
- @${RM} ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/*.[Ii][Nn][Ff]
- @for file in `cd ${WRKDIR}/webfonts; ${ECHO} *` ; do \
- ${MV} `${ECHO} ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/$${file}` \
- `${ECHO} ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/``${ECHO} $${file} | ${AWK} 'BEGIN { FS=" " } { print tolower($$1) }'` ;\
- done
- @${MV} ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/licen.txt ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/LICENSE
- @${CHMOD} 644 ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/*
- @${X11BASE}/bin/ttmkfdir -d ${WRKDIR}/webfonts | \
- ${SED} -e "s,monotype,truetype,g;s,microsoft,truetype,g" > ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.scale
- @head -1 ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.scale > ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.dir
- @tail +2 ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.scale | ${CAT} -n | sort -r | cut -c8- >>${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.dir
- @cp ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.dir ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.scale
- @cp /dev/null ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.alias
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_NETSCAPE)
- @${ECHO} ""
- @${ECHO} "Building aliases for Netscape. You can skip this by defining WITHOUT_NETSCAPE."
- @${ECHO} -n "This might take a few minutes, please be patient..."
- @tail +2 ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.scale | cut -f2- -d" " | while read LINE; do \
- for NSIZE in 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 ; do \
- if [ $${NSIZE} -lt 11 ] ; then \
- TSIZE=11 ;\
- else \
- TSIZE=$${NSIZE} ;\
- fi ;\
- TFONT=`${ECHO} $${LINE} | ${SED} -e "s,--0-0-0-0-,--$${TSIZE}-$${TSIZE}0-75-75-,g"` ;\
- NFONT=`${ECHO} $${LINE} | ${SED} -e "s,--0-0-0-0-,--$${NSIZE}-$${NSIZE}0-0-0-,g; s,truetype,netscape,g"` ;\
- ${ECHO} "\"$${NFONT}\" \"$${TFONT}\"" >>${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.alias ;\
- done ;\
- ${ECHO} -n "." ;\
- done
- @cp ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.alias ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.tmp
- @grep -- "-netscape-Arial-" ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.tmp | \
- ${SED} -e "s,-netscape-Arial-,-netscape-MS Sans Serif-,g" >>${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.alias
- @grep -- "-netscape-Arial-" ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.tmp | \
- ${SED} -e "s,-netscape-Arial-,-netscape-helvetica-,g" >>${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.alias
- @grep -- "-netscape-Times New Roman-" ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.tmp | \
- ${SED} -e "s,-netscape-Times New Roman-,-netscape-times-,g" >>${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.alias
- @grep -- "-netscape-Courier New-" ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.tmp | \
- ${SED} -e "s,-netscape-Courier New-,-netscape-courier-,g" >>${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.alias
- @${RM} -f ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/fonts.tmp
- @${ECHO} ""
+post-extract: move-fonts rename-license remove-extras
+ ${MV} ${WRKDIR}/*.ttf ${WRKSRC}
+ ${MV} ${WRKDIR}/licen.txt ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE
+ ${RM} -f ${WRKDIR}/*.dll ${WRKDIR}/*.exe ${WRKDIR}/*.inf
+# Post-patch
+post-patch: patch-message
+# Build
+do-build: make-fonts.scale make-fonts.dir make-fonts.alias
+ ${TTMKFDIR_CMD} -c -d ${WRKSRC} | ${CAT} -n | ${SED} -e ' \
+ s,^ 1,100000,; \
+ s,monotype,${FONTNAME},; \
+ s,microsoft,${FONTNAME},; \
+ ' | ${SORT} -r | ${CUT} -c 8- > ${WRKSRC}/fonts.scale
+ ${CP} ${WRKSRC}/fonts.scale ${WRKSRC}/fonts.dir
+ ${ECHO_MSG} -n "Building aliases for Netscape..."
+ [ -t 0 ] && tty=/dev/tty || tty=/dev/null; \
+ ${TAIL} +2 ${WRKSRC}/fonts.scale | ${CUT} -f 2- -d" " | \
+ while read font; do \
+ ${ECHO} \"$${font}\" \"$${font}\"; \
+ for nsize in ${FONTSIZES}; do \
+ tsize=$${nsize}; \
+ [ $${tsize} -lt ${FONTLIMIT} ] && tsize=${FONTLIMIT}; \
+ ${ECHO} \"$${font}\" \"$${font}\" | \
+ ${SED} -e "s,--0-0-0-0-,--$${nsize}-$${nsize}0-0-0-," \
+ -e "s,--0-0-0-0-,--$${tsize}-$${tsize}0-75-75-," \
+ -e "s,^\"-${FONTNAME},\"-netscape,"; \
+ done; \
+ ${ECHO_MSG} -n "." > $${tty}; \
+ done | \
+ ${SED} -n -e p -e "\
+ s,-Arial-,-Helvetica-,p; \
+ s,-Helvetica-,-MS Sans Serif-,p; \
+ s,-Times New Roman-,-Times-,p; \
+ s,-Courier New-,-Courier-,p; \
+ " | \
+ ${SED} -e '/"\([^"]*\)" "\1"/d' > ${WRKSRC}/fonts.alias
- @${CHMOD} 644 ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/*
- @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/lib/X11/fonts/webfonts
- @${CP} ${WRKDIR}/webfonts/* ${PREFIX}/lib/X11/fonts/webfonts
- @${CHMOD} 755 ${PREFIX}/lib/X11/fonts/webfonts
- @${CHMOD} 644 ${PREFIX}/lib/X11/fonts/webfonts/*
- @${ECHO} ""
- @${ECHO} ""
+# Install
+do-install: install-fonts
+# Post-install
+post-install: truetype-link display-message
+.if ${XFREE86_VERSION} == 3
.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/x11-fonts/webfonts/distinfo b/x11-fonts/webfonts/distinfo
index 6d12c1aff00f..1f853afc1fe9 100644
--- a/x11-fonts/webfonts/distinfo
+++ b/x11-fonts/webfonts/distinfo
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
MD5 (webfonts/andale32.exe) = cbdc2fdd7d2ed0832795e86a8b9ee19a
-MD5 (webfonts/arial32.exe) = 9637df0e91703179f0723ec095a36cb5
-MD5 (webfonts/arialb32.exe) = c9089ae0c3b3d0d8c4b0a95979bb9ff0
-MD5 (webfonts/comic32.exe) = 2b30de40bb5e803a0452c7715fc835d1
-MD5 (webfonts/courie32.exe) = 4e412c772294403ab62fb2d247d85c60
+MD5 (webfonts/trebuc32.exe) = 0d7ea16cac6261f8513a061fbfcdb2b5
MD5 (webfonts/georgi32.exe) = 4d90016026e2da447593b41a8d8fa8bd
+MD5 (webfonts/verdan32.exe) = 12d2a75f8156e10607be1eaa8e8ef120
+MD5 (webfonts/comic32.exe) = 2b30de40bb5e803a0452c7715fc835d1
+MD5 (webfonts/arialb32.exe) = c9089ae0c3b3d0d8c4b0a95979bb9ff0
MD5 (webfonts/impact32.exe) = 7907c7dd6684e9bade91cff82683d9d7
+MD5 (webfonts/arial32.exe) = 9637df0e91703179f0723ec095a36cb5
MD5 (webfonts/times32.exe) = ed39c8ef91b9fb80f76f702568291bd5
-MD5 (webfonts/trebuc32.exe) = 0d7ea16cac6261f8513a061fbfcdb2b5
-MD5 (webfonts/verdan32.exe) = 12d2a75f8156e10607be1eaa8e8ef120
+MD5 (webfonts/courie32.exe) = 4e412c772294403ab62fb2d247d85c60
MD5 (webfonts/webdin32.exe) = 230a1d13a365b22815f502eb24d9149b
+MD5 (webfonts/Aruniupd.exe) = 1bef548eb449a0b24ad1c0b8e9d5f2ba
diff --git a/x11-fonts/webfonts/pkg-descr b/x11-fonts/webfonts/pkg-descr
index 59705a43fe2e..abeb47aee61a 100644
--- a/x11-fonts/webfonts/pkg-descr
+++ b/x11-fonts/webfonts/pkg-descr
@@ -1,8 +1,18 @@
This is a collection of high quality and free to use TrueType fonts created by
-Monotype and Microsoft Typography. It consists of the following families:
+Monotype and Microsoft Typography. It consists of the following families:
-Times New Roman, Courier New, Arial, Arial Black, Impact, Trebuchet MS, Andale
-Mono, Verdana, Georgia and Comic Sans.
+ Times New Roman, Courier New, Georgia, Trebuchet MS, Comic Sans MS
+ Arial, Arial Black, Arial Unicode MS, Verdana, Andale Mono, Impact
+They contain all 652 glyphs defined in WGL4 and are available in the following
+ ISO 8859-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 15
+ JIS X 0201-1976 (Arial Unicode MS only)
+ KOI8-R and -RU
+The Arial Unicode MS family contains all the glyphs defined in the Unicode 2.1
+standard and is optional because of its considerable size - 13.7MB compressed!
WWW: http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fontpack/
diff --git a/x11-fonts/webfonts/pkg-message b/x11-fonts/webfonts/pkg-message
index cac2f3144b94..6c57021f1cd5 100644
--- a/x11-fonts/webfonts/pkg-message
+++ b/x11-fonts/webfonts/pkg-message
@@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY: You may not use these fonts if you do not agree to
-the terms of the Microsoft End-User License Agreement ("EULA"). You will find
-the EULA at ${X11BASE}/lib/X11/fonts/webfonts/LICENSE.
+the terms of the Microsoft End-User License Agreement ("EULA"). You will find
+the EULA at %%FONTSDIR%%/LICENSE. If you read and agreed
+to the EULA, you can start using the fonts by following these insructions:
-If you read and agreed to the EULA, you can start using the fonts. To be able
-to use them, you must add ${X11BASE}/lib/X11/fonts/webfonts to the X font path
-by either:
+--- XFree86 4.x.x (using the freetype module)
-xset +fp ${X11BASE}/lib/X11/fonts/webfonts
-xset fp rehash
+Make sure that the freetype module is loaded. If it is not, add the following
+line to the "Modules" section of XF86Config:
-or by adding it to your X server configuration file. If you're using XFree86,
-check XF86Config(5) for detailed instructions.
+ Load "freetype"
+Add the following line to the "Files" section of XF86Config:
+ FontPath "%%FONTSDIR%%/"
+--- XFree86 3.x.x (using Xfstt)
+Add the following line to the "Files" section of XF86Config:
+ FontPath "unix/:7101"
diff --git a/x11-fonts/webfonts/pkg-plist b/x11-fonts/webfonts/pkg-plist
index d973381c77be..3823698b0f4e 100644
--- a/x11-fonts/webfonts/pkg-plist
+++ b/x11-fonts/webfonts/pkg-plist
@@ -1,35 +1,39 @@
-@dirrm lib/X11/fonts/webfonts
+@comment $FreeBSD$
+@dirrm %%FONTSDIR%%
+%%PKG_OLDXF86%%@exec ln -fs %D/%%FONTSDIR%% %D/%%TTFONTSDIR%%/%%FONTNAME%%
+%%PKG_OLDXF86%%@unexec rm -f %D/%%TTFONTSDIR%%/%%FONTNAME%%