path: root/x11-toolkits/libgdiplus/files
diff options
authorAntoine Brodin <antoine@FreeBSD.org>2014-12-26 14:28:39 +0000
committerAntoine Brodin <antoine@FreeBSD.org>2014-12-26 14:28:39 +0000
commitff10cb7cc3cba96ed1006868daeb392fa79f7419 (patch)
tree37276be4e8debc7d7df678f393db8d894e921d8f /x11-toolkits/libgdiplus/files
parent1fa076ebfbb44d5f8bbee41a05305e1e1451acb5 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'x11-toolkits/libgdiplus/files')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/x11-toolkits/libgdiplus/files/patch-src_gifcodec.c b/x11-toolkits/libgdiplus/files/patch-src_gifcodec.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..87f3a9b51789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-toolkits/libgdiplus/files/patch-src_gifcodec.c
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+$OpenBSD: patch-src_gifcodec_c,v 1.2 2014/07/18 16:00:28 ajacoutot Exp $
+giflib 5.0+
+--- src/gifcodec.c.orig Fri Dec 2 18:23:12 2011
++++ src/gifcodec.c Fri Jul 18 15:30:15 2014
+@@ -39,8 +39,12 @@ GUID gdip_gif_image_format_guid = {0xb96b3cb0U, 0x0728
+ #include "gifcodec.h"
+-/* giflib declares this incorrectly as EgifOpen */
++/* giflib declares this incorrectly as EgifOpen up to 4.1.2
++ GIF_LIB_VERSION is defined up to 4.1.6, and prototype is changed in 5.0,
++ so it is safe to use it as check condition */
+ extern GifFileType *EGifOpen(void *userData, OutputFunc writeFunc);
+ /* Data structure used for callback */
+ typedef struct
+@@ -129,7 +133,11 @@ AddExtensionBlockMono(SavedImage *New, int Len, BYTE E
+ if (ExtData) {
+ memcpy(ep->Bytes, ExtData, Len);
++#if GIFLIB_MAJOR >= 5
++ ep->Function = New->ExtensionBlocks[New->ExtensionBlockCount++].Function;
+ ep->Function = New->Function;
+ }
+ return (GIF_OK);
+@@ -232,7 +240,11 @@ DGifSlurpMono(GifFileType * GifFile, SavedImage *Trail
+ }
++#if GIFLIB_MAJOR >= 5
++ if (DGifGetExtension(GifFile, &temp_save.ExtensionBlocks[temp_save.ExtensionBlockCount].Function, &ExtData) == GIF_ERROR) {
+ if (DGifGetExtension(GifFile, &temp_save.Function, &ExtData) == GIF_ERROR) {
+ return (GIF_ERROR);
+ }
+@@ -245,7 +257,9 @@ DGifSlurpMono(GifFileType * GifFile, SavedImage *Trail
+ if (DGifGetExtensionNext(GifFile, &ExtData) == GIF_ERROR) {
+ return (GIF_ERROR);
+ }
++#if GIFLIB_MAJOR < 5
+ temp_save.Function = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+@@ -304,9 +318,17 @@ gdip_load_gif_image (void *stream, GpImage **image, BO
+ loop_counter = FALSE;
+ if (from_file) {
++#if GIFLIB_MAJOR >= 5
++ gif = DGifOpen(stream, &gdip_gif_fileinputfunc, NULL);
+ gif = DGifOpen(stream, &gdip_gif_fileinputfunc);
+ } else {
++#if GIFLIB_MAJOR >= 5
++ gif = DGifOpen (stream, &gdip_gif_inputfunc, NULL);
+ gif = DGifOpen (stream, &gdip_gif_inputfunc);
+ }
+ if (gif == NULL) {
+@@ -661,9 +683,17 @@ gdip_save_gif_image (void *stream, GpImage *image, BOO
+ }
+ if (from_file) {
++#if GIFLIB_MAJOR >= 5
++ fp = EGifOpenFileName (stream, 0, NULL);
+ fp = EGifOpenFileName (stream, 0);
+ } else {
++#if GIFLIB_MAJOR >= 5
++ fp = EGifOpen (stream, gdip_gif_outputfunc, NULL);
+ fp = EGifOpen (stream, gdip_gif_outputfunc);
+ }
+ if (!fp) {
+@@ -702,7 +732,11 @@ gdip_save_gif_image (void *stream, GpImage *image, BOO
+ goto error;
+ }
++#if GIFLIB_MAJOR >= 5
++ cmap = GifMakeMapObject(cmap_size, 0);
+ cmap = MakeMapObject(cmap_size, 0);
+ pixbuf = GdipAlloc(pixbuf_size);
+ if (pixbuf == NULL) {
+@@ -793,7 +827,11 @@ gdip_save_gif_image (void *stream, GpImage *image, BOO
+ pixbuf = pixbuf_org;
+ } else {
+ cmap_size = 256;
++#if GIFLIB_MAJOR >= 5
++ cmap = GifMakeMapObject (cmap_size, 0);
+ cmap = MakeMapObject (cmap_size, 0);
+ red = GdipAlloc(pixbuf_size);
+ green = GdipAlloc(pixbuf_size);
+@@ -824,13 +862,21 @@ gdip_save_gif_image (void *stream, GpImage *image, BOO
+ v += 4;
+ }
+ }
++#if GIFLIB_MAJOR >= 5
++ if (GifQuantizeBuffer(bitmap_data->width, bitmap_data->height, &cmap_size,
+ if (QuantizeBuffer(bitmap_data->width, bitmap_data->height, &cmap_size,
+ red, green, blue, pixbuf, cmap->Colors) == GIF_ERROR) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ }
++#if GIFLIB_MAJOR >= 5
++ cmap->BitsPerPixel = GifBitSize (cmap_size);
+ cmap->BitsPerPixel = BitSize (cmap_size);
+ cmap->ColorCount = 1 << cmap->BitsPerPixel;
+ if ((frame == 0) && (k == 0)) {
+@@ -848,8 +894,15 @@ gdip_save_gif_image (void *stream, GpImage *image, BOO
+ Buffer[0] = 1;
+ Buffer[1] = ptr[0];
+ Buffer[2] = ptr[1];
++#if GIFLIB_MAJOR >= 5
++ EGifPutExtensionLeader(fp, APPLICATION_EXT_FUNC_CODE);
++ EGifPutExtensionBlock(fp, 11, "NETSCAPE2.0");
++ EGifPutExtensionBlock(fp, 3, Buffer);
++ EGifPutExtensionTrailer(fp);
+ EGifPutExtensionFirst(fp, APPLICATION_EXT_FUNC_CODE, 11, "NETSCAPE2.0");
+ EGifPutExtensionLast(fp, APPLICATION_EXT_FUNC_CODE, 3, Buffer);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -901,7 +954,11 @@ gdip_save_gif_image (void *stream, GpImage *image, BOO
+ pixbuf += bitmap_data->width;
+ }
++#if GIFLIB_MAJOR >= 5
++ GifFreeMapObject (cmap);
+ FreeMapObject (cmap);
+ if (red != NULL) {
+ GdipFree (red);
+ }
+@@ -929,7 +986,11 @@ gdip_save_gif_image (void *stream, GpImage *image, BOO
+ error:
+ if (cmap != NULL) {
++#if GIFLIB_MAJOR >= 5
++ GifFreeMapObject (cmap);
+ FreeMapObject (cmap);
+ }
+ if (red != NULL) {