| Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Age | Files | Lines |
| |
Homepage link is permanent redirected to its HTTPS counterpart
| |
Bump all consumers of ImageMagick ports after flavorizing them.
Approved by: tcberner (mentor, implicit)
| |
Commit b7f05445c00f has added WWW entries to port Makefiles based on
WWW: lines in pkg-descr files.
This commit removes the WWW: lines of moved-over URLs from these
pkg-descr files.
Approved by: portmgr (tcberner)
| |
It has been common practice to have one or more URLs at the end of the
ports' pkg-descr files, one per line and prefixed with "WWW:". These
URLs should point at a project website or other relevant resources.
Access to these URLs required processing of the pkg-descr files, and
they have often become stale over time. If more than one such URL was
present in a pkg-descr file, only the first one was tarnsfered into
the port INDEX, but for many ports only the last line did contain the
port specific URL to further information.
There have been several proposals to make a project URL available as
a macro in the ports' Makefiles, over time.
This commit implements such a proposal and moves one of the WWW: entries
of each pkg-descr file into the respective port's Makefile. A heuristic
attempts to identify the most relevant URL in case there is more than
one WWW: entry in some pkg-descr file. URLs that are not moved into the
Makefile are prefixed with "See also:" instead of "WWW:" in the pkg-descr
files in order to preserve them.
There are 1256 ports that had no WWW: entries in pkg-descr files. These
ports will not be touched in this commit.
The portlint port has been adjusted to expect a WWW entry in each port
Makefile, and to flag any remaining "WWW:" lines in pkg-descr files as
Approved by: portmgr (tcberner)
| |
A big Thank You to the original contributors of these ports:
* Aaron Dalton <aaron@FreeBSD.org>
* Adam Weinberger <adam@vectors.cx>
* Adam Weinberger <adamw@FreeBSD.org>
* Akinori MUSHA aka knu <knu@idaemons.org>
* Alan E <alane@FreeBSD.org>
* Alex Semenyaka <alex@rinet.ru>
* Alex Stangl <alex@stangl.us>
* Alexander Logvinov <avl@FreeBSD.org>
* Alexander Logvinov <ports@logvinov.com>
* Alexander Nusov <alexander.nusov@nfvexpress.com>
* Alexander Timoshenko <gonzo@univ.kiev.ua>
* Alexander Vereeken <Alexander88207@protonmail.com>
* Alexey Dokuchaev <danfe@FreeBSD.org>
* Alexey Dokuchaev <danfe@regency.nsu.ru>
* Alexey Zelkin <phantom@FreeBSD.org>
* Andreas Kohout <shanee@rabbit.augusta.de>
* Andrew Pantyukhin <infofarmer@FreeBSD.org>
* Andrew Stuart <elitetek@tekrealm.net>
* Andrey Simonenko
* Andrey Zakhvatov
* Andy Kosela <akosela@andykosela.com>
* Andy Pavlo <amp0928@rit.edu>
* Anton Berezin <tobez@FreeBSD.org>
* Antonio Carlos Venancio Junior (<antonio@inf.ufsc.br>)
* Attila Nagy <bra@fsn.hu>
* Bjorn Lindstrom <bkhl@elektrubadur.se>
* Brendan Molloy <brendan+freebsd@bbqsrc.net>
* Brent J. Nordquist <bjn@visi.com>
* Cheng-Lung Sung <clsung@FreeBSD.org>
* Chris Costello <chris@FreeBSD.org>
* Chris D. Faulhaber <jedgar@fxp.org>
* Chris Piazza <cpiazza@FreeBSD.org>
* Chris Stuart <firewolf@lightningfire.net>
* Conrad Sabatier <conrads@home.com>
* Dan Moschuk <dan@FreeBSD.org>
* Daniel B. Hemmerich <dan@spot.org>
* David Johnson <david@usermode.org>
* David O'Brien (obrien@cs.ucdavis.edu)
* Dean Hollister <dean@odyssey.apana.org.au>
* Denis Shaposhnikov <dsh@vlink.ru>
* Dereckson <dereckson@gmail.com>
* Dima Dorfman <dima@unixfreak.org>
* Dima Sivachenko
* Dima Sivachenko <dima@chg.ru>
* Dmitry Morozovsky <marck@FreeBSD.org>
* Dmitry Sivachenko <dima@Chg.RU>
* Edwin Groothuis <edwin@mavetju.org>
* Emanuel Haupt <ehaupt@FreeBSD.org>
* Emanuel Haupt <ehaupt@critical.ch>
* Eric Turgeon <ericbsd@FreeBSD.org>
* Evaldas Auryla <ea@zaib.as>
* Filippo Natali <filippo@widestore.net>
* Frank Steinborn <steinex@nognu.de>
* Frederic Culot <culot@FreeBSD.org>
* G. Adam Stanislav <adam@whizkidtech.net>
* Garrett Wollman <wollman@FreeBSD.org>
* Gea-Suan Lin <gslin@gslin.org>
* Greg Lehey <grog@FreeBSD.org>
* Guangyuan Yang <ygy@FreeBSD.org>
* Gustau Perez i Querol <gustau.perez@gmail.com>
* Harald Schmalzbauer <freebsd@omnilan.de>
* Harald Wille <harald.wille@students.jku.at>
* Hye-Shik Chang <perky@python.or.kr>
* Igor Pokrovsky <ip@unixway.org>
* J Han <hjh@best.com>
* James Earl <jdearl@telus.net>
* James FitzGibbon <jfitz@FreeBSD.org>
* James Howard <howardj@wam.umd.edu>
* Jeremy Shaffner <jeremy@external.org>
* Jim Mock <jim@FreeBSD.org>
* Joao Carlos Mendes Luis <jonny@jonny.eng.br>
* Joe Marcus Clarke <marcus@FreeBSD.org>
* Johann Visagie <wjv@FreeBSD.org>
* John Marino <marino@FreeBSD.org>
* Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez <acardenas@bsd.org.pe>
* Jose Rodriguez <king@v2project.com>
* Julian Stacey <jhs@FreeBSD.org>
* KIRIYAMA Kazuhiko <kiri@kiri.toba-cmt.ac.jp>
* Kelly Yancey <kbyanc@posi.net>
* Kim Scarborough <user@unknown.nu>
* Kimura Fuyuki <fuyuki@nigredo.org>
* Kirill Ponomarew <ponomarew@oberon.net>
* Koop Mast <kwm@FreeBSD.org>
* Kubilay Kocak <koobs@FreeBSD.org>
* Lars Engels <lars.engels@0x20.net>
* Leland Wang <llwang@infor.org>
* Machiel Mastenbroek <machiel_mastenbroek@hotmail.com>
* Maksym Sobolyev <sobomax@pbxpress.it>
* Marc Fonvieille <blackend@FreeBSD.org>
* Marcus Alves Grando <mnag@FreeBSD.org>
* Marie Loise Nolden <loise@kde.org>
* Mario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira <lioux@FreeBSD.org>
* Martin Blapp <mb@imp.ch>
* Martin Neubauer <m.ne@gmx.net>
* Martin Wilke <miwi@FreeBSD.org>
* Mathieu Arnold <m@absolight.net>
* Matt Emmerton <matt@gsicomp.on.ca>
* Matt Mills <matt_mills@btopenworld.com>
* Matthew Seaman
* Matthias Andree <matthias.andree@gmx.de>
* Max Khon <fjoe@FreeBSD.org>
* Maxim Khon <fjoe@FreeBSD.org>
* Maxim Sobolev <sobomax@FreeBSD.org>
* Michael A. Kohn <mike@mikekohn.net>
* Michael Elbel (me)
* Michael Haro <mharo@FreeBSD.org>
* Michael Johnson <ahze@FreeBSD.org>
* Michael L. Hostbaek (mich@freebsdcluster.org)
* Michael L. Hostbaek <mich@freebsdcluster.org>
* Mikael Urankar <mikael.urankar@gmail.com>
* Mike Smith <msmith@FreeBSD.org>
* Miklos Niedermayer <mico@bsd.hu>
* NECDET COKYAZICI <cokyazici@yahoo.co.uk>
* Naito Yuichiro <naito.yuichiro@gmail.com>
* Neil Blakey-Milner <nbm@rucus.ru.ac.za>
* Niek Bergboer <niek@bergboer.net>
* Oleh Hushchenkov <gor@clogic.com.ua>
* Oliver Lehmann <oliver@FreeBSD.org>
* Patrick Li <pat@databits.net>
* Patrick Seal <patseal@hyperhost.net>
* Pav Lucistnik <pav@oook.cz>
* Pete Fritchman <petef@databits.net>
* Peter Pentchev <roam@FreeBSD.org>
* Philip Paeps <philip@FreeBSD.org>
* Po-Chuan Hsieh <sunpoet@FreeBSD.org>
* Rainer Hurling <rhurlin@gwdg.de>
* Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
* Robert Withrow <witr@rwwa.com>
* Roman Bogorodskiy <novel@FreeBSD.org>
* Rong-En Fan <rafan@FreeBSD.org>
* Ryan Steinmetz <zi@FreeBSD.org>
* Sander Vesik <sander@haldjas.folklore.ee>
* Scot W. Hetzel
* Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
* Sebastien gioria <gioria@FreeBSD.org>
* Serge Gagnon <gagnon__s@videotron.ca>
* Sergei Kolobov <sergei@kolobov.com>
* Sergey Skvortsov <skv@protey.ru>
* SimaMoto,RyoTa <liangtai.s4@gmail.com>
* Simon 'corecode' Schubert <corecode@corecode.ath.cx>
* Slaven Rezic <slaven@rezic.de>
* Stefan Walter <swalter@lettermax.de>
* Stephen Farrell <steve@farrell.org>
* Stephen Hurd <shurd@FreeBSD.org>
* Steve Wills <swills@FreeBSD.org>
* Steven Enderle <enderle@mdn.de>
* Sunpoet Po-Chuan Hsieh <sunpoet@FreeBSD.org>
* TAKATSU Tomonari <tota@FreeBSD.org>
* Thierry Thomas (<thierry@FreeBSD.org>)
* Thomas Gellekum <tg@FreeBSD.org>
* Timothy Bourke <timbob@bigpond.com>
* Ting-Wei Lan <lantw44@gmail.com>
* Tobias Roth <ports@fsck.ch>
* Tom Rhodes <trhodes@FreeBSD.org>
* Tomoyuki Sakurai <cherry@trombik.org>
* Torsten Blum <torstenb@FreeBSD.org>
* Vladimir Kondratyev <wulf@FreeBSD.org>
* Wei-chun Chao
* Wen Heping <wen@FreeBSD.org>
* Willem van Engen <wvengen@stack.nl>
* Wojciech A. Koszek <wkoszek@FreeBSD.org>
* Xavier Beaudouin <kiwi@oav.net>
* Yen-Ming Lee <leeym@FreeBSD.org>
* Yen-Ming Lee <leeym@cae.ce.ntu.edu.tw>
* Ying-Chieh Liao <ijliao@FreeBSD.org>
* Yoichi NAKAYAMA <yoichi@FreeBSD.org>
* Yonatan@Xpert.com
* Yukihiro Nakai <nakai@mlab.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
* Yuri Victorovich <yuri@rawbw.com>
* Zach Thompson <hideo@lastamericanempire.com>
* Zeus Panchenko <zeus@gnu.org.ua>
* alfred@FreeBSD.org
* bmc@WillsCreek.COM
* chinsan
* cracauer@cons.org "Martin Cracauer"
* dbaker
* dd
* dikshie <dikshie@lapi.itb.ac.id>
* djp
* globalpanic@gmx.net
* gmarco@giovannelli.it
* gpalmer
* hrs, lesi
* igor@zynaps.ru
* ijliao
* itojun@itojun.org
* jmacd
* joerg
* jsellens
* kaz
* king@v2project.com
* marcus
* marcus@FreeBSD.org
* markm
* milki <milki@rescomp.berkeley.edu>
* mnag
* moeding
* mp39590@gmail.com
* mstowe@chicago.us.mensa.org
* olgeni@FreeBSD.org
* osa
* pfg
* ports@c0decafe.net <ports@c0decafe.net>
* roam@FreeBSD.org
* roam@orbitel.bg
* sahne
* sanpei@FreeBSD.org
* sec@42.org
* sf
* shanee@augusta.de
* shipley@dis.org
* stolz@i2.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
* sumikawa@FreeBSD.org
* vanilla
* wosch
With hat: portmgr
| |
A new USES has been added to depend on ImageMagick.
adds a LIB_DEPENDS on graphics/ImageMagick${IMAGEMAGICK_DEFAULT}.
If a specific version is required, use for example
USES=magick:6 resp. USES=magick:7
If only a build, run or test is required, use for example
USES=magick:build resp. USES=magick:6,build,test
If a dependency on the nox11 flavor is required, use for example
USES=magick:nox11 resp. USES=magick:7,nox11,run,test
See magick.mk for more details on the available flags.
The tree has been completely converted to make use of this.
Approved by: bapt
Differential Revision: https://reviews.freebsd.org/D32754
| |
| |
* Add PKGNAMESUFFIX and rename the directory. This was done to show
that IM6 is not the "main" version. But still fully supported by upstream.
* Convert a number of options to optionhelpers.
* Add option for ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF suport
* Add comment to pkg-descr explaining IM6's "legacy" tag.
* Add comment to the patch-config_policy.xml file why it still needed.
Please note that IM7 is not a drop in replacement due to library API and
command arguments changes. And as a result ports need to decide for themself
which version to use.
Chase these changes in all the ports that using IM6.
PR: 225102 (based on, only the version update) [1]
Submitted by: Pascal Christen <pascal.christen@hostpoint.ch>
svn path=/head/; revision=484640
| |
prevent massive PORTREVISION bumps. Bump dependent ports that have not
been bumped since.
svn path=/head/; revision=428152
| |
With hat: portmgr
Sponsored by: Absolight
svn path=/head/; revision=412348
| |
- Respect CFLAGS
svn path=/head/; revision=357638
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=348280
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=327745
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=326991
| |
Approved by: portmgr (bapt)
svn path=/head/; revision=326934
| |
- Single space for WWW in pkg-descr
- Ordering if of items in Makefile
- Trim headers
- Comment should not begin with leading article
- Pet portlint
svn path=/head/; revision=315240
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=297915
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=271305
| |
Reviewed by: exp8 run on pointyhat
Supported by: miwi
svn path=/head/; revision=251605
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=249285
| |
starting with M
svn path=/head/; revision=240072
| |
bumped or updated
Requested by: edwin
svn path=/head/; revision=238701
| |
The affected ports are the ones with gettext as a run-dependency
according to ports/INDEX-7 (5007 of them) and the ones with USE_GETTEXT
in Makefile (29 of them).
PR: ports/124340
Submitted by: edwin@
Approved by: portmgr (pav)
svn path=/head/; revision=214430
| |
Approved by: portmgr (xorg cleanup)
svn path=/head/; revision=209811
| |
- Set X11BASE to ${LOCALBASE} for recent ${OSVERSION}.
- Bump PORTREVISION for ports intalling files in ${X11BASE}.
svn path=/head/; revision=191544
| |
PR: ports/107633
Submitted by: KATO Tsuguru <tkato432@yahoo.com>
svn path=/head/; revision=181908
| |
PR: ports/91270
svn path=/head/; revision=152778
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=149438
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=147269
| |
I do not have the time, nor the ability to update this port at this
time (or any time soon.. regrettably..) Can you drop me as maintainer
svn path=/head/; revision=146887
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=130974
| |
big upgrade.
svn path=/head/; revision=121070
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=106175
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=105747
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=100139
| |
(Part 1)
svn path=/head/; revision=99918
| |
PR: 60434
Submitted by: "Alexandr A.Babaylov" <babolo@cicuta.babolo.ru>
svn path=/head/; revision=96282
New port: gkrellshoot2, a screen lock and capture plugin
for gkrellm 2
PR: ports/47622
Submitted by: Andrew Stuart <elitetek@tekrealm.net>
svn path=/head/; revision=90732