path: root/www/webalizer/files/patch-webalizer_lang.japanese
blob: 16749bb2ace7c35a62f3870dceb8df31fc95c5f6 (plain) (tree)

--- lang/webalizer_lang.japanese.orig	2008-07-01 22:24:12 UTC
+++ lang/webalizer_lang.japanese
@@ -186,16 +186,16 @@ char *h_msg[]= {
 /* header strings */
 /* char *msg_hhdr_sp = "Summary Period";*/
-char *msg_hhdr_sp = "״";
-char *msg_hhdr_gt = "";
+char *msg_hhdr_sp = "統計期間";
+char *msg_hhdr_gt = "作成日時";
 /* main index strings */
 char *msg_main_us = "Usage summary for";
-/* char *msg_main_per= "12"; */
-char *msg_main_per= "";
-char *msg_main_sum= "";
-char *msg_main_da = "ʿ";
-char *msg_main_mt = "";
+/* char *msg_main_per= "過去12ヶ月"; */
+char *msg_main_per= "月の統計";
+char *msg_main_sum= "月の統計";
+char *msg_main_da = "一日あたりの平均";
+char *msg_main_mt = "月合計";
 /* month HTML page strings */
 char *msg_hmth_du = "Daily usage for";
@@ -203,77 +203,77 @@ char *msg_hmth_hu = "Hourly usage for";
 /* table header strings */
 char *msg_h_by    = "By";
-char *msg_h_avg   = "ʿ";
-char *msg_h_max   = "";
-char *msg_h_total = "";
-char *msg_h_totals= "";
-char *msg_h_day   = "";
-char *msg_h_mth   = "";
-char *msg_h_hour  = "";
+char *msg_h_avg   = "平均";
+char *msg_h_max   = "最大";
+char *msg_h_total = "合計";
+char *msg_h_totals= "総合計";
+char *msg_h_day   = "日";
+char *msg_h_mth   = "月";
+char *msg_h_hour  = "時";
 char *msg_h_hits  = "Hits";
 char *msg_h_pages = "Pages";
 char *msg_h_visits= "Visits";
 char *msg_h_files = "Files";
 char *msg_h_sites = "Sites";
 char *msg_h_xfer  = "KBytes";
-char *msg_h_hname = "ۥ̾";
+char *msg_h_hname = "ホスト名";
 char *msg_h_url   = "URL";
-char *msg_h_agent = "桼";
-char *msg_h_ref   = "ե顼";
-char *msg_h_ctry  = "";
-char *msg_h_search= "ʸ";
-char *msg_h_uname = "桼̾";
+char *msg_h_agent = "ユーザエージェント";
+char *msg_h_ref   = "リファラー";
+char *msg_h_ctry  = "国";
+char *msg_h_search= "検索文字列";
+char *msg_h_uname = "ユーザ名";
 /* links along top of page */
-char *msg_hlnk_ds = "Ȥ";
-char *msg_hlnk_hs = "֤Ȥ";
+char *msg_hlnk_ds = "日ごとの統計";
+char *msg_hlnk_hs = "時間ごとの統計";
 char *msg_hlnk_u  = "URL";
-char *msg_hlnk_s  = "";
-char *msg_hlnk_a  = "";
-char *msg_hlnk_c  = "";
-char *msg_hlnk_r  = "ե顼";
-char *msg_hlnk_en = "ȥ꡼";
+char *msg_hlnk_s  = "サイト";
+char *msg_hlnk_a  = "エージェント";
+char *msg_hlnk_c  = "国";
+char *msg_hlnk_r  = "リファラー";
+char *msg_hlnk_en = "エントリー";
 char *msg_hlnk_ex = "Exit";
-char *msg_hlnk_sr = "ʸ";
-char *msg_hlnk_i  = "桼";
+char *msg_hlnk_sr = "検索文字列";
+char *msg_hlnk_i  = "ユーザ数";
 /* monthly total table */
-char *msg_mtot_ms = "";
-char *msg_mtot_th = "ҥåȿ";
-char *msg_mtot_tf = "ե";
-char *msg_mtot_tx = " KBytes";
-char *msg_mtot_us = "̥ȿ";
-char *msg_mtot_ur = "̥ե顼";
-char *msg_mtot_ua = "̥桼ȿ";
-char *msg_mtot_uu = "URL";
-char *msg_mtot_ui = "̥桼";
-char *msg_mtot_mhd= "Υҥåȿ";
-char *msg_mtot_mhh= "֤Υҥåȿ";
-char *msg_mtot_mfd= "Υե";
-char *msg_mtot_mpd= "Υڡ";
+char *msg_mtot_ms = "月の統計";
+char *msg_mtot_th = "全ヒット数";
+char *msg_mtot_tf = "全ファイル数";
+char *msg_mtot_tx = "全 KBytes数";
+char *msg_mtot_us = "個別サイト数";
+char *msg_mtot_ur = "個別リファラー数";
+char *msg_mtot_ua = "個別ユーザエージェント数";
+char *msg_mtot_uu = "個別URL数";
+char *msg_mtot_ui = "個別ユーザ数";
+char *msg_mtot_mhd= "一日あたりのヒット数";
+char *msg_mtot_mhh= "一時間あたりのヒット数";
+char *msg_mtot_mfd= "一日あたりのファイル数";
+char *msg_mtot_mpd= "一日あたりのページ数";
 char *msg_mtot_msd= "Sites per Day";
-char *msg_mtot_mvd= "ˬԿ";
-char *msg_mtot_mkd= "KBytes";
-char *msg_mtot_rc = "쥹ݥ󥹥ɤȤΥҥåȿ";
+char *msg_mtot_mvd= "一日あたりの訪問者数";
+char *msg_mtot_mkd= "一日あたりのKBytes数";
+char *msg_mtot_rc = "レスポンスコードごとのヒット数";
 /* daily total table */
-char *msg_dtot_ds = "Ȥ";
+char *msg_dtot_ds = "日ごとの統計";
 /* hourly total table */
-char *msg_htot_hs = "֤Ȥ";
+char *msg_htot_hs = "時間ごとの統計";
 /* country pie chart */
 char *msg_ctry_use= "Usage by Country for";
 /* top tables */
 /* Formatted as "Top xxx of xxx Total something" */
-char *msg_top_top = "ȥå";
+char *msg_top_top = "トップ";
 char *msg_top_of  = "of";
-char *msg_top_s   = "";
-char *msg_top_u   = "URL";
-char *msg_top_r   = "ե顼";
-char *msg_top_a   = "桼";
-char *msg_top_c   = "";
+char *msg_top_s   = "サイト";
+char *msg_top_u   = "全URL";
+char *msg_top_r   = "リファラー";
+char *msg_top_a   = "ユーザエージェント";
+char *msg_top_c   = "国";
 char *msg_top_en  = "Total Entry Pages";
 char *msg_top_ex  = "Total Exit Pages";
 char *msg_top_sr  = "Total Search Strings";
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ struct response_code response[] =
          { "Code 504 - Gateway Timeout",                 0 },
          { "Code 505 - HTTP Version Not Supported",      0 } };
-char *msg_title   = "";
+char *msg_title   = "利用統計";
 char *msg_h_other = "Other";
 /* Country codes (previously in ctry.h header file) */